Literature and writers corner rules

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Before posting, please adhere to the following thread rules

This is a place for the wonderful published and aspiring writers in our group to connect with each other and talk about their craft, find critique partners, as well beta readers, and even offer original writing up for honest reviews.

Plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and strict actions will be taken against members found to be plagiarizing. Kijiji only encourages original work to be produced. Be aware that plagiarism not only puts you at risk of banning

Adult mature contents
Kijiji is a family-friendly forum, as such, we do not allow any explicit/sexual content and/or abusive or offensive slang.

Please do not write in all CAPS.
It is considered shouting/yelling on the forum and is also just not pleasant. There is no need for your post to be in all CAPS. Exceptions may include Titles or one/two words in a post to emphasize something however ensure it is not used in a negative way.

Abusive/Derogatory Language: The use of curse words is prohibited. If story demands use of such words, you may only use the first letter of the word and the rest must be starred out [e.g. f***] Note: when in doubt if a word can or cannot be used, contact moderators to confirm. If any usage of curse words (without them starred out) is found, the moderators will edit out the content and issue a Warning PM to the offender. The second time will result in banning

Racially Discriminatory/Offensive Language: Anything that can be/is deemed offensive or discriminatory is prohibited in Kijiji. You are not permitted to degrade another religion, race, ethnicity, culture, nationality or gender. You may also not throw a negative light on any sexual orientation. The rule is not limited to the mentioned concepts but applies to anything considered offensive at the moderators' discretion.
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