Pope Francis authorizes blessings for same-sex couples

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Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
Vatican News

CNN — Pope Francis formally permitted Roman Catholic priests to bless same-sex couples on Monday, December 17, in a significant shift in the church’s approach to LGBTQ+ people.



New member
Jun 4, 2023
This goes against church laws and teaching. All these years the Catholic Church denied this with bible verses and strict determination

What changed?

Has the Bible changed?
You're absolutely right.

But doesn't God oversee everything? And if he allows something to happen, he usually has mysterious reasons... Aren't these your beliefs?

So why blame the pope, isn't this God's plan? Does God let the pope do whatever he wants with disregard?


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
You're absolutely right.

But doesn't God oversee everything? And if he allows something to happen, he usually has mysterious reasons... Aren't these your beliefs?

So why blame the pope, isn't this God's plan? Does God let the pope do whatever he wants with disregard?
I can not defend pope belief. Pope has his own thoughts. Stop putting words in my mouth 😊

I can only defend what I believe in. For that I am saying what has changed? Does God need to satisfy our wants?

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon
Staff member
Sep 4, 2023
God gave us free will and He is not going to take it any time. He allowed this things to happen not because he liked it. But he is simply fulfilling His own words to grant us free will. But it doesn't mean he is happy with our choices..

Bladeheart Ronin

Shogun - Samurai
Sep 18, 2023
This goes against church laws and teaching. All these years the Catholic Church denied this with bible verses and strict determination

What changed?

Has the Bible changed?
Times Change.
Most Governments are legalising it. Could it be that the Catholic Church is influenced by popular demand?🤔


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
VATICAN CITY, Jan 26 (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Friday defended a Vatican document on blessings for same-sex couples but said they were not an approval of a lifestyle the Church sees as potentially sinful but of individuals seeking to get closer to God.

It was the second time in as many weeks that Francis sought to clarify the Dec. 18 declaration, which caused widespread debate in the Church, with bishops in some countries refusing to let their priests implement it. He first did so in an Italian television interview on Jan. 14

His latest comments were in an address to members of the Vatican's doctrinal department. Its head, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, has given a spate of interviews to clarify the intent of the document, known by its Latin title Fiducia Supplicans (Supplicating Trust).

The intentions of the blessings, Francis said were "to concretely show the closeness of the Lord and the Church to all those who, finding themselves in different situations, ask for help to continue - sometimes to begin - a journey of faith."

The Church teaches that gay sex is sinful and disordered and that people with same-sex attractions, which are not considered sinful, should try to be chaste.

The pope said that while "moral perfection" was not required of people seeking such blessings, they were not intended to justify a relationship the Church considers irregular.

"When a couple comes forward spontaneously to ask for them, one does not bless the union, but simply the people who together

have requested it. Not the union, but the persons," Francis said. Francis stressed that such blessings should not be given in a liturgical context. The document says they should be delivered discreetly and never with any of the pomp or ceremonial accoutrements found at weddings.

Since his election in 2013, Francis has tried to make the Church, with its 1.35 billion members, more welcoming to LGBT people, without changing moral doctrine.

In his Friday address, Francis appeared to acknowledge the pushback the document unleashed, particularly in Africa, where bishops have effectively rejected it and where in some countries same-sex activity can lead to prison or even the death penalty.

Francis said that when the blessings are given, priests should "naturally take into account the context, the sensitivities, the places where one lives and the most appropriate ways to do it".

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