An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2422 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL

English Version Translated by NAZMUL

An Understated Dominance is a Urban novel for men, telling a story of Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. "An Understated Dominance" delves into themes of ambition, power and the price of success. The novel explores the complexities of relationships and so on.
is this drunk man Dustin's uncle whom Dustin cured i don't remember the name but he was called Drunkard something like this . I am really confused where he is and the author didn't reveal who was that lady(she was in some sort of debt of Dustin's mother) who was giving info about templar regiment to Dustin
I actually have the same thught, but waiting for the author's intro.
I just want to know what happens next on the main storyline. So when any filler characters fight I just skip the fight. Cz I just know what's going to happen. First some mere characters gonna bark. Then fight starts. Some round of surpassing. Blah blah. So annoying
I've taken a break from the story since chapter 2121. Has Natasha come back into the storyline since then? Or has everything prior to going back home been completely forgotten?
Updates are coming too slowly. Yes, Nazmul is doing hard work. Thank to him. But don't know why I'm loosing patience of waiting 😥
I think we've been reading nonsense since the beginning of this story... I just decided that I'd read again from chapter 1 and found other scenes included which were not in the first published part of the novel. Surprisingly this new scenes are much more interesting and contradictory to what we've read before. Seems the author is reviewing it and making some editing while adding spice to the fun of the scenes to make it worth while
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I just want to know what happens next on the main storyline. So when any filler characters fight I just skip the fight. Cz I just know what's going to happen. First some mere characters gonna bark. Then fight starts. Some round of surpassing. Blah blah. So annoying
Very annoying and losing the essence to gibberish.
Chapter 2273: Wine Immortal

"Who are you exactly? State your name!"

Dawson frowned, his expression unusually serious.

Faced with his attack, the beggar in front of him stood firm, calm and composed.

Especially with his counterattack, not only did it neutralize Dawson's attack, but it also pushed him back several steps.

From this, it could be seen that the opponent's cultivation should be above his.

A beggar who kept silent unexpectedly had such strong strength, which made it somewhat difficult for him to accept.

"Good wine... Good wine!"

Facing Dawson's questioning, the drunken man remained indifferent, drinking his wine as if nothing happened.

Seeing Dawson about to erupt again, Noel finally spoke.

"Everyone, don't get angry."

Noel took a few steps forward, standing between the two, smiling and saying, "It's said that you don't know someone until you fight them. After the just now exchange, I believe we all have a certain understanding of each other. Come, let me introduce you."

With that, Noel gestured towards the drunken man, "This, is Senior Briggs, also known as the Wine Immortal! I believe everyone here has heard of him."

"What? He's actually the Wine Immortal Briggs?!"

With this statement, the martial artists present all showed astonishment.

Briggs, the Wine Immortal, was a well-known figure in the martial world.

It was rumored that he was addicted to alcohol, indifferent to fame, fortune, and power, yet his cultivation was unfathomable.

He was among the top martial masters.

However, the Wine Immortal Briggs was elusive, with a wandering and unpredictable whereabouts. Many attempted to visit him, but couldn't find him.

They didn't expect to encounter the renowned Wine Immortal here today.

However, contrary to the image of an otherworldly figure in their minds, the Wine Immortal before them looked no different from a beggar.

If he hadn't just pushed back Dawson, they wouldn't have dared to believe that the ragged, stinky beggar before them was the legendary figure.

"Master Noel, are you sure he's the Wine Immortal?"

Dawson frowned, looking him up and down, his expression somewhat strange.

He had naturally heard of the Wine Immortal Briggs. On the list of grandmasters, the title "Wine Immortal" even surpassed the "Heaven and Earth Twin Demons."

Such a strong figure, why would he look as shabby and destitute as a beggar?

"Senior Dawson, you just had a sparring match with Senior Briggs, you should have some understanding."

Noel smiled and said, "Identity can be impersonated, but strength cannot be hidden. If it weren't for the legendary Wine Immortal, who else could stand on par with Senior Dawson?"

This statement was very tactful, explaining while subtly complimenting Dawson, thus resolving the unpleasantness between the two.

Sure enough, with Noel's praise, Dawson's expression softened, then he asked, "Master Noel, could it be that Briggs is the one we're waiting for?"

"That's right."
Chapter 2274: The forbidden area

"Noel nodded, "The Wine Immortal has always been addicted to alcohol. The reason for his delay is probably that he passed out drunk halfway. Please forgive Senior Dawson."

"Well, Senior Briggs's name is renowned. We've waited a moment; it's not a big deal," Dawson said casually.

Although he was somewhat annoyed by Briggs's behavior, considering the latter's strength, he didn't want to act out at this moment. After the recent test, he already had an idea in his mind; in a one-on-one fight, he definitely wasn't Briggs's match. Only if both Twin Demons were present could they confidently suppress him.

However, his wife, the Earth Demon, was still on her way and couldn't arrive for a while, so he had to endure a bit.

"Master Noel, now that everyone is here, should we discuss business?" Finally, Dustin, who had been watching quietly, spoke up.

He wasn't interested in the martial world grudges of these people; what concerned him most was what schemes the Temple of the Priests had.

"Of course," Noel smiled, pushed his glasses, and said, "Everyone present here is a master in the martial world, each possessing extraordinary skills. We at the Temple of the Priests value you greatly. The reason we invited you here is mainly to cooperate. As long as you are willing to work for the Temple of the Priests, we will definitely reward you generously!"

"Oh? What exactly does Master Noel mean by cooperation?" Dawson raised an eyebrow slightly.

"I've heard that there's a rare treasure recently appearing in the forbidden area of Infernal Mountain, and we at the Temple of the Priests are very interested. So, we want to ask for the help of you masters to find the treasure together!" Noel said directly.

Upon hearing this, the martial artists all frowned, showing difficulty. None dared to speak.

It was one thing if it was elsewhere, but the forbidden area of Infernal Mountain was extremely dangerous. They might lose their lives going in but not come out alive.

"Master Noel, you should know how formidable Infernal Mountain is. For us to intrude into the forbidden area is no different from entering the dragon's den. One misstep could mean death," Dawson said seriously.

"Yes, Master Noel! Infernal Mountain is not something we can meddle with. We might not be able to handle this business," another said.

"Master Noel, we can help gather information for the Temple of the Priests, but as for intruding into the forbidden area of Infernal Mountain, we're sorry, but we can't help," someone else added.

Seeing Dawson speak up, the martial artists shook their heads one after another.

They weren't afraid of death, but it didn't mean they'd willingly throw themselves into it.

For usual dangers, as long as the price was right, they could bear it.

But this time was different. They were venturing into the forbidden area of Infernal Mountain, a place no martial artist dared to tread.

Whether you were a master or a grandmaster, you were nothing before the old immortal in Infernal Mountain.

After all, that figure was a terrifying existence that suppressed the entire martial world!

To sneak around under the nose of such a big shot, wasn't it courting death?
Chapter 2275: Sound East, Strike West

Facing everyone's fear, Noel remained calm, as if he had expected this.

Although he was from the Temple of the Priests, he grew up in the Dragonmarsh and naturally understood the significance of Infernal Mountain.

Even the world's top-tier experts wouldn't dare to openly challenge Infernal Mountain.

"Heroes, I understand your concerns," Noel raised his hand to silence the discussions. "We at the Temple of the Priests won't let you go to your deaths in vain. Even if we intrude into the forbidden area of Infernal Mountain, we will make adequate preparations to minimize the risks."

"Master Noel, what plans does the Temple of the Priests have? It's better to be frank with us, so we know where we stand," Dawson spoke up again.

"Yes, Master Noel, let's be straightforward. What exactly is the situation? We can judge for ourselves," many agreed.

They didn't want to be cannon fodder, venturing into the forbidden area of Infernal Mountain risking their lives.

Unless there was a foolproof plan to guarantee their safety, they wouldn't consider it carefully.

"Alright, since you're all so straightforward, I won't hide anything," Noel continued after a slight pause. "You should be aware that in recent days, Infernal Mountain has been hosting a martial arts competition, and all their attention and manpower have been focused on maintaining order. Especially in the forbidden area behind the mountain, there's an unprecedented lack of guards. As long as we seize the opportunity, sneak in at midnight, I believe we won't be noticed."

"Master Noel, is this your plan? It seems too hasty," Dawson frowned slightly.

Although the martial arts competition attracted Infernal Mountain's attention, there were definitely experts guarding the forbidden area behind the mountain.

Sneaking in rashly might easily alert them, leading to a dead end.

"Senior Dawson, don't worry. What I've mentioned is just the first step," Noel smiled and continued, "Once we approach the forbidden area of Infernal Mountain, there will be other groups to distract the attention. As soon as we signal, those groups will start fires around Infernal Mountain, trying to attract all the experts over there. Then, we seize the opportunity to sneak into the forbidden area and explore. In the Dragonmarsh, this tactic is called 'Sound East, Strike West'!"

"Sound East, Strike West?"

Upon hearing this, many martial artists showed thoughtful expressions.

It sounded reasonable.

Using other groups to start fires while the experts of Infernal Mountain rushed to put them out, they could sneak into the forbidden area.

This way, they could minimize the risk.

"Master Noel, the 'Sound East, Strike West' plan seems feasible. However, I've heard that the forbidden area of Infernal Mountain is extremely dangerous, and there's also a mysterious strongman who's always in seclusion there. With just us..."
Chapter 2276: People die for wealth, birds die for food

Dealing with that mysterious strongman is already difficult enough. If we have to search for rare treasures as well, it might be too much for us to handle." Dawson raised another concern.

Although Noel's plan could draw away most of the experts from Infernal Mountain, the strongman in the forbidden area wouldn't easily leave.

By then, they would have to fight and search for treasures, which indeed increased the difficulty.

"Senior Dawson, you can rest assured that we at the Temple of the Priests won't let any of you venture alone into danger," Noel explained with a slight smile. "Actually, besides everyone present, we have invited other heroes to help, but for confidentiality reasons, we can't reveal them yet. But I can guarantee that if you encounter any trouble, there will be experts to assist you!"

Upon hearing this, the solemn expressions of the crowd finally eased.

It seemed that the Temple of the Priests had made preparations in advance and hadn't put all their hopes on them alone, but had prepared several treasure-hunting teams.

For them, the pressure would be much lighter.

Since the Temple of the Priests was well-prepared, joining the treasure-hunting team wouldn't be a bad idea.

The current problem was how much the Temple of the Priests was offering.

After all, intruding into the forbidden area of Infernal Mountain would involve life-threatening risks. If the benefits didn't outweigh the risks, they would have to think carefully.

"Master Noel, it's not that I'm unwilling to help, but..." Dawson hesitated, stroking his beard with a troubled expression.

Seeing this, Noel quickly understood and clapped his hands.

Soon, a group of servants entered, carrying large and small chests.

Noel gave a signal, and the servants began to open the chests one by one.

In an instant, the entire hall was filled with dazzling lights, shining brightly.

The martial artists fixed their gaze and instantly their eyes gleamed, their breath quickening, their faces filled with greed.

In these chests were various rare treasures!

And each item taken out was worth a fortune.

They had never seen such a display before, and they were momentarily stunned.

"We at the Temple of the Priests won't let you work for nothing. As long as you agree, all these rare treasures will be given to you," Noel smiled and said.

As the saying goes, with great rewards comes great bravery.

Few could resist the temptation of such wealth.

"The Temple of the Priests is indeed generous!"

"This is great... really great!"

"It's our honor to serve the Temple of the Priests. We're in for this business!"

After a brief moment of bewilderment, the martial artists didn't hesitate at all and readily agreed.

People die for wealth, birds die for food.

With so many rare treasures, intruding into the forbidden area of Infernal Mountain would be a piece of cake, let alone raiding their ancestral graves.
Chapter 2277: The treasure hunt

"Senior Dawson, what do you say?"

After the atmosphere had been warmed up enough, Noel shifted his gaze to Dawson.

"If the Temple of the Priests is so sincere, it would be disrespectful for us to refuse," Dawson smiled.

With so many rare treasures being offered, there was no reason to refuse.

As long as they completed this task, it would be enough to retire comfortably.

Sure, there was some risk involved, but it was definitely worth it.

Besides, they, as the Twin Stars, had always been unstoppable when they joined forces.

Even if it was a dangerous place like Infernal Mountain, they would dare to venture into it.

"Senior Dawson is indeed straightforward," Noel smiled slightly, then looked at Briggs. "Senior Briggs, what do you think?"

"As long as I get good wine, I have no problem selling my life to you guys," Briggs, drunk, said.

"Good! That's settled then!" Noel's spirits lifted, and he smiled broadly.

"Wait, I have a question."

At this moment, Dustin, who had been observing silently, spoke up again.

"Oh? I wonder what Brother Dustin has to say?" Noel raised an eyebrow, somewhat curious.

He had recruited Dustin because the latter had a clean background and considerable strength.

To defeat Princeton, the person before them should have reached the level of a grandmaster.

A martial arts grandmaster at such a young age was indeed worth focusing on.

"Master Noel, you only mentioned that we were going on a treasure hunt, but you didn't tell us what exactly we are looking for? Can you reveal some details? That way, we'll have an idea," Dustin said lightly.

Hearing this, everyone secretly nodded in agreement.

They had been momentarily excited and had overlooked the main point of this mission.

The Temple of the Priests had planned so meticulously. Why were they risking intruding into the forbidden area of Infernal Mountain?

"To be honest, I feel a bit ashamed, but even I don't know what treasure we are looking for this time," Noel shook his head.

"What? Even you, Master Noel, don't know?" Dawson was astonished.

Gathering them together for a treasure hunt without knowing what they were looking for? Wasn't this just fooling around?

"To be honest with everyone, this treasure hunt was organized by the King of the Priests of our Temple of the Priests. I'm just following orders, and I don't know the specifics very well," Noel said helplessly.

"What? Even the King of the Priests is involved?"

"Oh my god! Do we really need such a big scene?"

"It seems that the Temple of the Priests is determined to succeed!"

The martial artists whispered in astonishment.

The Temple of the Priests was jointly ruled by four Priest Kings, each with supreme authority and terrifying power.

Their significance was not inferior to the leaders of the major factions.

Unless absolutely necessary, big shots like the Priest Kings would not personally take action.
Chapter 2278: The plan will proceed smoothly

From this, it can be seen how important the treasure they are looking for is to the Temple of the Priests.

"Master Noel, this task shouldn't be that easy, right?" Dawson frowned again, starting to hesitate.

The fact that the Priest King of the Temple of the Priests personally took action was enough to prove the seriousness of the matter.

People like them were not even worth mentioning in front of a Priest King.

So he was very suspicious; would he be treated as cannon fodder?

"Senior Dawson, you don't need to worry too much," Noel seemed to see through something, smiled, and reassured, "Although the Priest King has formulated the plan, he won't personally take action. The presence of the Priest King is just a precautionary measure."

"Besides, with the Priest King behind the scenes planning, I believe the plan will proceed smoothly. As for why the Priest King didn't reveal everything, I guess it's for better confidentiality to prevent the plan from leaking, so you don't need to worry too much. Also, I'll be acting with you all, and if there's anything wrong, I'll take the lead, and you won't be in danger."

With this statement, Dawson and the others, led by Dawson, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Noel had shown enough sincerity, it seemed that they had been overly worried.

"Master Noel has spoken so sincerely, we will naturally not shrink back. If there's anything needed, just give us the order directly," Dawson said, patting his chest.

"That's right! When you take someone's money, you take on their troubles. We've taken the Temple of the Priests' money, so naturally, we'll do our best to handle things!"

The martial artists spoke one after another, showing a generous and determined appearance.

"You are all heroes of righteousness, and I naturally trust you," Noel smiled slightly, then turned his gaze to Dustin. "Brother Dustin, do you have any doubts? I will answer them one by one."

"Actually, I do have a question," Dustin followed up smoothly.

"Huh?" Noel's face stiffened.

He had only been polite, but he didn't expect the other party to take the bait.

"Hey! Kid! Where do you get off with all these questions?!" Dawson slammed the table, looking very displeased.

"Hmph! The job hasn't even been done yet, but you're full of questions, really don't know your place!"

The martial artists sneered, showing disdain on their faces.

"No worries, if you have any questions, just ask. I have nothing to hide," Noel smiled lightly, trying to maintain a gentlemanly demeanor.

"Master Noel, you just said that even the Priest King of the Temple of the Priests came. I'm a bit curious, which Priest King is it this time?" Dustin asked meaningfully.

Before, the Temple of the Priests had already lost one Priest King. Now, who was coming to Infernal Mountain to die?
Chapter 2279: No problem

"Sorry, I can't answer your question because I don't know either," Noel shook his head.

He told these people that even if the Priest-King himself came, it would break the rules.

As for revealing the Priest-King's identity or whereabouts, that was even more impossible.

After all, this was the Dragonmarsh. Even the mighty Priest-King had to be cautious.

If his whereabouts were leaked and he was surrounded and killed by the great masters, it would not be worth it.

"It's okay, I was just curious and asked casually," Dustin smiled faintly, not paying much attention.

"If Brother Dustin doesn't have any other questions, shall we go eat first? I've already had a sumptuous lunch prepared. We can chat while eating," Noel extended his hand invitingly, unchanged in expression.

"No problem," Dustin nodded.


Noel shouted, then led the group to the restaurant.

After waiting all morning, everyone was indeed hungry.

Seeing the table full of good wine and food, they didn't hesitate to start eating ravenously.

After eating and drinking to their fill, Noel specially arranged various entertainment programs to make everyone comfortable.

As for the time for the mission, Noel didn't specify, but told everyone to be ready at any time.

Dustin understood in his heart that the Temple of the Priests had chosen to conceal it temporarily to prevent the plan from leaking.

After lunch, Dustin made an excuse and left.

This visit was quite fruitful.

Not only did he unexpectedly learn about the Temple of the Priests' plan to invade the forbidden area of Infernal Mountain, but he also acted as a spy and infiltrated their midst.

If anything unexpected happened, he could adapt accordingly.

Of course, with his strength alone, he couldn't confront the entire team of the Temple of the Priests.

However, he could alert Infernal Mountain at a critical moment.

In this way, the Temple of the Priests' treasure hunting plan wouldn't be so easy to carry out.

Back at the restaurant, as soon as Dustin pushed open the door, he saw someone inside.

A woman with a clear and unfamiliar face.

"You finally came?"

Dustin was slightly stunned. After a quick glance, he recognized the woman's identity.

It was Margaret after disguise.

Compared to before, Margaret had changed her face again. If it weren't for his keen insight, he might not have been able to recognize her.

"Oh? You recognized me so quickly? I was planning to tease you," Margaret smiled faintly, pouring two cups of tea.

"Looks can change, but the aura on you cannot. Unless it can be hidden, otherwise you can't hide from my eyes."
Chapter 2280: No one will find him

Dustin took his seat and took a sip of tea, "How is it? Is everything done? Did it go smoothly?"

"It was a bit troublesome, but it's all sorted out now. The timing is just right, we won't miss the martial arts tournament," Margaret smiled.

"Oh, by the way, what's the situation with the assassin I sent to you? Is his beast transformation ability innate or artificially enhanced by drugs?" Dustin asked curiously.

The ability of lion transformation was too terrifying, directly breaking through three realms from Martial Grandmaster to reach the level of Grandmaster. Even though he was well-traveled, he had never encountered such a freakish thing.

"It's still under study. I'm not entirely sure about the specific reasons, but don't worry, I'll notify you as soon as I have any information," Margaret assured.

She had already received detailed reports about the fight that night and immediately convened an expert team for in-depth research.

If the lion's beast transformation ability could be cultivated artificially, it would be a huge storm for the entire world!

Just imagine, if every soldier on the battlefield could transform with drugs, it would be a completely one-sided massacre.

"This person is of great value, you have to keep an eye on him. It would be a great loss if he were rescued," Dustin reminded.

"Don't worry, I've found a safe place. No one will find him," Margaret smiled.

"There's one more thing I need to discuss with you."

Dustin changed the subject, "This morning, I saw people from the Temple of the Priests. They're planning to break into the forbidden area of Infernal Mountain to find treasures."

"The Temple of the Priests?"

Margaret raised her eyebrows, "These guys are always up to no good. I've anticipated that they would cause trouble at the martial arts tournament, but I didn't expect their target to be the treasures in the forbidden area."

"The news of the treasures in the forbidden area has already spread, so it's normal for the Temple of the Priests to take action. Although I'm not sure when they will act, I estimate it will be in the next few days. What do you plan to do?" Dustin asked.

The Temple of the Priests would only act during the martial arts tournament because it's the busiest time on Infernal Mountain and the easiest time to exploit loopholes.

"Let's wait and see."

Margaret looked serious, "The people of the Temple of the Priests are lurking everywhere. If we try to clear them all out at once, it'll easily alert them. So, we have to wait for the right moment. I'll prepare in advance for this. For the next few days, I need you to keep an eye on the people of the Temple of the Priests. Once the time comes, we'll catch them all at once!"
Chapter 2281: The fifth-ranked beauty on the Rouge List

"No problem, I'll do as you said," Dustin nodded.

The treasures in the forbidden area of Infernal Mountain were likely related to the dragon's source energy. Such a thing concerning the fate of the country could not be allowed to fall into the hands of the Temple of the Priests. Otherwise, who knows what trouble might arise.

Previously, he was alone and at a disadvantage, but now with Margaret's involvement, dealing with the Temple of the Priests would be much more certain.

After all, Margaret represented the royal family of the Dragonmarsh and had the authority to call on various forces for assistance.

"Setting aside the Temple of the Priests, you also need to strive for this martial arts tournament. Infernal Mountain doesn't do meaningless things. The top three in the competition will receive special treatment and generous rewards," Margaret reminded.

"I've already registered and will definitely compete seriously. You can rest assured about that," Dustin smiled.

To be honest, he was looking forward to meeting some formidable opponents on the arena.

"Oh, by the way, besides all this, there's another very important matter I need your help with," Margaret suddenly changed the subject.

"Oh? What is it?" Dustin raised an eyebrow.

"I have a good friend who came specifically to participate in the martial arts tournament. However, she suddenly fell ill yesterday and several famous doctors couldn't cure her. Now, I can only ask for your help," Margaret said.

She knew very well that Dustin's medical skills were extraordinary. Unless it was someone who was already at death's door, ordinary difficult illnesses couldn't trouble him.

"A good friend? What's her background?" Dustin was curious.

As a princess of the Dragonmarsh, Margaret's friends couldn't be ordinary people.

"You've probably heard of Jeffrey, the head of the World Martial Arts Society, right? My friend is Jeffrey's daughter, Violet!" Margaret replied truthfully.

"So it's her," Dustin nodded in realization.

"How? Do you know Violet?" Margaret raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know her, but I've heard of her name. As the fifth-ranked beauty on the Rouge List, Violet is highly praised in the martial world," Dustin said.

Every young talent of the World Martial Arts Society was proud to pursue Violet.

On one hand, it was because of Violet's identity, and on the other hand, it was because Violet was indeed very beautiful.

She was said to be as alluring as a submerged fish and a shy flower.

Even Aaron, the most outstanding genius of the World Martial Arts Society, bowed down to Violet's charm, which was enough to prove her immense allure.

"Yeah, Violet's beauty even makes me a little tempted," Margaret smiled ambiguously. "Of course, if you're interested, I can play matchmaker and introduce you two."

After saying that, she winked mischievously.

"No!" Dustin immediately declined, "I appreciate your kindness, but please don't play matchmaker for me. I already have enough troubles, I don't want to invite more trouble."
Chapter 2282: Let's go

Violet wasn't just a beauty on the Rouge List; she was also the daughter of Jeffrey, the head of the World Martial Arts Society, with countless suitors.

If Dustin were to have any abnormal relationship with Violet, he didn't know how many people's envy and jealousy it would attract.

To him, people like Violet were typical troublemakers, better to have less contact.

"Look at how scared you are... is it necessary?" Margaret chuckled.

Usually, men would try every means to get close to a beautiful woman. How come it was completely the opposite for Dustin?

"As a healer, I can treat illnesses and save lives, but anything else is off the table," Dustin said seriously.

"Okay, okay, I won't play matchmaker for you," Margaret shrugged. "As long as you can cure Violet, the World Martial Arts Society will owe you a favor. If you need any help from the World Martial Arts Society in the future, they will definitely assist you wholeheartedly."

"Let's go, let's go see the patient's condition first," Dustin said no more.

He agreed to treat the illness and save lives, not because of any favors from the World Martial Arts Society, but purely to give face to Margaret. Otherwise, it wouldn't be so easy to ask for his help.

Half an hour later.

Dustin and Margaret arrived at a villa by the lake.

This villa was not far from Infernal Mountain, backed by green hills and facing the lake, with beautiful scenery, making it an excellent residence.

The villa was surrounded by walls and heavily guarded, making it difficult for ordinary people to approach.

As Dustin and Margaret got off the car and arrived at the villa's gate, they were intercepted by several bodyguards.

"This is a private residence. Without an invitation, you may not enter!" The bodyguards were alert, their hands already on their weapons as they spoke.

As long as Dustin and Margaret made any suspicious moves, they would not hesitate to take action.

"Don't be nervous, we're here to treat Violet's illness," Margaret smiled politely and then took out a golden token.

This token was a gift from Violet to her. With this token, she could enter various places of the World Martial Arts Society freely.

"Oh, you're Miss Violet's distinguished guest. We were a bit rude just now. Please come in," the bodyguards immediately bowed and opened the gate, inviting the two in.

The token in Margaret's hand was the highest level of guest token in the World Martial Arts Society. Only those with extremely prestigious status or those who made great contributions to the World Martial Arts Society could possess it.

Facing such figures, they naturally dared not be neglectful.

After entering the gate and passing through the garden, as Margaret and Dustin approached the villa, they saw a middle-aged woman running out anxiously.

"Miss Margaret, you're finally here! My young lady's condition is very bad right now. Please come and see!"

Seeing Margaret, the middle-aged woman seemed to see a savior and immediately dragged them inside.
Chapter 2283: Each had their own unique charms

Under the guidance of the middle-aged woman, Margaret and Dustin quickly entered the villa.

At this moment, inside the bedroom of the villa, a stunningly beautiful and noble-looking woman lay unconscious on the bed.

In her early twenties, with skin as smooth as jade, delicate hands, and features like a painting, she looked exceptionally captivating.

Even though her complexion was a bit pale, it couldn't hide her extraordinary charm, which instead made people feel even more sympathetic.

The woman lying unconscious on the bed was none other than Violet, ranked fifth on the Rouge List.

The top ten beauties on the Rouge List each had their own unique charms.

Violet's beauty was like that of a pure snow lotus on the Tianshan Mountains, captivating even without makeup.

In addition to the unconscious Violet, there were also a man and a woman in the room.

The man was around thirty years old, wearing a suit, with a tall figure, handsome face, and exceptionally sharp eyes.

The girl was about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a slight resemblance to Violet in appearance, very beautiful, but compared to Violet, she seemed a bit immature.

She was Violet's sister, Lily.

"Brother Gavin, my sister's pulse is getting weaker and weaker. When will the divine doctor you invited arrive? It might be too late if he comes any later!"

Looking at Violet lying on the bed with her breath barely there, Lily's face was full of anxiety.

This time, the two sisters had secretly run away from their father to participate in the martial arts tournament, intending to join in the fun and see the talents from various factions.

However, just a few days ago, Violet suddenly fell ill, unconscious all the time, and her breath was getting weaker and weaker, like a candle about to burn out.

During this time, she had invited several well-known doctors from the martial world, but after all the trouble, none of them had any effect.

Her sister remained unconscious, and her condition worsened, leaving her at a loss.

If anything happened to her sister, how would she explain to their father?

"Master Lily, the divine doctor, is already on his way. I believe he will arrive soon," Gavin frowned, looking very serious.

He was Jeffrey's chief disciple, not as talented as Aaron, but still held a high position in the World Martial Arts Society.

Moreover, he had long admired Violet, so now seeing her in critical condition, he was naturally very worried.

"Second Miss! He's here, he's here! The divine doctor has arrived!"

At this moment, the middle-aged woman, Nova, hurriedly ran in with Dustin and Margaret.

"The divine doctor has arrived?"

Lily's face brightened, looking around anxiously, "Where, where? Where is the divine doctor?"

"Here, this is the divine doctor," Nova gestured towards Dustin.


Lily was slightly stunned, looking him up and down with some doubt, "Nova, are you sure you didn't make a mistake?"
Chapter 2284: Try it and you'll know

In Lily's impression, divine doctors were either ethereal and aloof or had an imposing demeanor. But the current Dustin, only a few years older than her, looked quite ordinary. Where was the demeanor of a divine doctor?

"This is the divine doctor Miss Autumn invited," Nova hurriedly explained.

"Autumn?" Lily's gaze shifted to Margaret, and after a moment of contemplation, she quickly recognized the name.

"Sister Lily, long time no see," Margaret smiled faintly.

Autumn was her alias. When she first met Violet, she used the name Autumn.

"No need for pleasantries. I only have one question for you: Is this person you invited capable or not?" Lily asked seriously.

She didn't have any good feelings towards Margaret; she always felt that this woman had ulterior motives. But since her sister had a close relationship with her, she could only turn a blind eye.

"Of course, no problem." Margaret said earnestly, "This Dr. Dustin is skilled in reviving the dead and healing the wounded. I believe he can cure Violet."

Hearing this, Dustin glanced at Margaret. Being praised like this made him feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Reviving the dead and healing the wounded? Hmph! Is it really that miraculous?"

Gavin, standing beside them, had a deeply skeptical expression.

How could a young man in his twenties have such profound medical skills?

Even a genuine divine doctor wouldn't dare claim to be able to revive the dead and heal the wounded. These two people in front of him dared to speak so arrogantly; it was inevitable to arouse suspicion.

"Try it and you'll know," Margaret didn't explain much.

Actions speak louder than words.

"Hmph! Violet is a precious daughter of the Jeffrey family. How can you casually experiment on her? If anything goes wrong, can you afford the responsibility?" Gavin said coldly.

"I'm Violet's friend, so naturally I won't harm her," Margaret said seriously.

"Violet has many friends. Who knows what your identity is? As Violet's senior brother, I have the right to take responsibility for her safety!" Gavin blocked the way.

In his eyes, Margaret and the other person were obviously opportunists.

Knowing that Violet was ill, they came over to try their luck. If they couldn't cure her, there was no loss. If they did, they could take advantage of the opportunity to rise to prominence.

"Violet's condition is very bad now. If she isn't treated in time, her life may be in danger. If you really care about her, then don't hinder us!" Margaret frowned slightly.

"I've already invited a divine doctor. Violet's illness doesn't need you to worry about. Please leave immediately!" Gavin said sternly, giving them an eviction order.
Chapter 2280: No one will find him

Dustin took his seat and took a sip of tea, "How is it? Is everything done? Did it go smoothly?"

"It was a bit troublesome, but it's all sorted out now. The timing is just right, we won't miss the martial arts tournament," Margaret smiled.

"Oh, by the way, what's the situation with the assassin I sent to you? Is his beast transformation ability innate or artificially enhanced by drugs?" Dustin asked curiously.

The ability of lion transformation was too terrifying, directly breaking through three realms from Martial Grandmaster to reach the level of Grandmaster. Even though he was well-traveled, he had never encountered such a freakish thing.

"It's still under study. I'm not entirely sure about the specific reasons, but don't worry, I'll notify you as soon as I have any information," Margaret assured.

She had already received detailed reports about the fight that night and immediately convened an expert team for in-depth research.

If the lion's beast transformation ability could be cultivated artificially, it would be a huge storm for the entire world!

Just imagine, if every soldier on the battlefield could transform with drugs, it would be a completely one-sided massacre.

"This person is of great value, you have to keep an eye on him. It would be a great loss if he were rescued," Dustin reminded.

"Don't worry, I've found a safe place. No one will find him," Margaret smiled.

"There's one more thing I need to discuss with you."

Dustin changed the subject, "This morning, I saw people from the Temple of the Priests. They're planning to break into the forbidden area of Infernal Mountain to find treasures."

"The Temple of the Priests?"

Margaret raised her eyebrows, "These guys are always up to no good. I've anticipated that they would cause trouble at the martial arts tournament, but I didn't expect their target to be the treasures in the forbidden area."

"The news of the treasures in the forbidden area has already spread, so it's normal for the Temple of the Priests to take action. Although I'm not sure when they will act, I estimate it will be in the next few days. What do you plan to do?" Dustin asked.

The Temple of the Priests would only act during the martial arts tournament because it's the busiest time on Infernal Mountain and the easiest time to exploit loopholes.

"Let's wait and see."

Margaret looked serious, "The people of the Temple of the Priests are lurking everywhere. If we try to clear them all out at once, it'll easily alert them. So, we have to wait for the right moment. I'll prepare in advance for this. For the next few days, I need you to keep an eye on the people of the Temple of the Priests. Once the time comes, we'll catch them all at once!"

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