An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2422 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL

English Version Translated by NAZMUL

An Understated Dominance is a Urban novel for men, telling a story of Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. "An Understated Dominance" delves into themes of ambition, power and the price of success. The novel explores the complexities of relationships and so on.
Chapter 2298: Prepare for the worst

But in the end, none of it worked.

What was thought to be a minor illness had been tossed back and forth all day, only to become more serious.

Now, he was at a loss.

"Doctor Dillon! What are you standing there for? Save her!" Lily raised her voice.

"Ah...! The patient's illness is too strange. I've been practicing medicine for many years, and I've never encountered anything like this. I'm afraid I'm powerless now," Dillon sighed heavily, his face showing some embarrassment and helplessness.

"What did you say? Powerless?!"

Lily immediately got agitated, "You were so confident before treating the illness, guaranteeing you could cure my sister, and now you're telling me you're powerless? What kind of doctor are you?!"


Dillon was rendered speechless by the retort.

"Doctor Dillon, do you have any other miraculous medicines? Bring them all out. As long as they can save Violet, no matter how much it costs, we're willing to pay," Gavin reminded.

"It's useless."

Dillon shook his head, his face grim, "I've already tried everything. I've used everything I could, even the Revival Pill. But the patient's condition hasn't improved. Now, it seems her time has come, and I'm helpless. You... you'd better prepare for the worst!"

"To hell with your 'prepare for the worst'!"

Lily got angry, grabbing Dillon's collar, "You quack! You've turned my sister into this, and now you want to absolve yourself of responsibility with a few words? I'm telling you, if my sister dies today, all of you will accompany her in death!"

"Miss Lily, you... you're being unreasonable," Dillon looked bitter and flustered.

"I don't care about that. Today, you must cure my sister!" Lily roared.

"Lily, calm down. Let's think of another way. We'll definitely save your sister," Gavin comforted beside her.

"Save? This quack pulled out the silver needles and made my sister's condition worse. How are we going to save her now?!"

As she yelled, Lily seemed to think of something, suddenly stunned, "Wait! That Doctor Dustin seemed to stabilize my sister's condition before. If we bring him back, maybe there's still a chance."

"Even Doctor Dillon couldn't do it, can that kid?" Gavin responded.

"We have to give it a try no matter what."

Lily said with a serious expression, "Nova! Quickly! Contact Autumn (Margaret) and ask her to bring back that Doctor Dustin to save her!"

Now she was at her wits' end, only able to grasp at straws, bringing back Dustin to see if he could help.

Although the hope was slim, there was still a glimmer.

What if a miracle did happen?
Chapter 2299: Just a few more minutes

At dusk, in the kitchen behind the restaurant.

Dustin stood in front of the alchemy furnace, carefully controlling the temperature of the fire using profound Qi.

Margaret's efficiency was remarkable. In just one hour, she gathered all the precious medicinal herbs and had someone deliver a top-quality alchemy furnace.

Following ancient methods, Dustin began refining the antidote to break the witchcraft for Violet.

Witchcraft, like poison, was mysterious and elusive.

Fortunately, Dustin was quite accomplished in witchcraft and poisons. With extensive reading, he knew many esoteric techniques.

Making the antidote was not difficult.

Just as Dustin was engrossed in alchemy, Margaret suddenly walked in.

"Dustin, something's wrong. We just received news that Violet's condition has suddenly worsened. She's barely holding on; we need to go there immediately!" Margaret said with a serious expression.

"Worsened? How could this happen?"

Dustin frowned, "My Nine Revolutions Resurrection Needle had already suppressed the witchcraft in Violet's body. As long as the needle isn't removed, she should be fine for another two or three days. How could she deteriorate in just two or three hours?"

"Someone took matters into their own hands. They invited the renowned doctor Dillon from the martial world to come and treat her. Dillon, unaware of the situation, directly removed your silver needle. This led to Violet's condition deteriorating rapidly. Despite Dillon's efforts, he couldn't save her. That's why Lily just called me, asking us to rush over immediately to save her." Margaret quickly explained what happened.

"I told them not to remove the needle. Why wouldn't they listen? They just made trouble for themselves!" Dustin felt a headache coming.

Originally, once the medicine was made, he could slowly expel the witchcraft with profound Qi, and everything would be fine.

Now, this situation only made things much more difficult.

"It's not the time for that. Come with me now. We must try to save Violet as much as possible." Margaret's brows furrowed deeply.

"Just a few more minutes. I have to finish refining this batch of medicine." Dustin didn't get up.

The witchcraft was very difficult to dispel. Without the corresponding medicine, he couldn't save anyone even if he went there.

Although Margaret was anxious, she could only wait beside him.

Right now, she just hoped Dillon could be somewhat effective and extend Violet's life.


To save time, Dustin directly activated his profound Qi with all his strength.

The flames under the alchemy furnace instantly became intense, and the temperature around soared rapidly.

Even Margaret standing beside him felt parched and her cheeks reddened from the heat.


At this moment, because the flames were too fierce, the alchemy furnace began to vibrate slightly and emit rumbling sounds.
Chapter 2300: Let's go save her

Usually, in such situations, alchemists would immediately switch to low heat to reduce the temperature, or else there's a risk of the furnace exploding.

But at this moment, Dustin couldn't care about that anymore.

Saving a life was urgent, and even if it risked the furnace exploding, he had to increase the temperature to accelerate the formation of the medicine.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

Five minutes later, fine cracks started appearing on the surface of the furnace, clearly reaching its limit.

The flames, fueled by profound Qi, were extremely high in temperature. Even a high-quality furnace was struggling to hold up.

"Dustin! The furnace is about to explode!" Margaret's face changed slightly as she hurriedly reminded him.

Dustin didn't say a word, continuing to activate his profound Qi, his expression unusually serious.

The flames under the furnace remained fierce, showing no signs of weakening.

Ten breaths later, the trembling furnace finally couldn't bear it any longer and directly exploded with a loud "bang".

For a moment, fragments flew, and smoke billowed.

Dustin, at the center of the explosion, shook, his protective Qi bursting out to keep all the fragments away.

Then, a scene that shocked Margaret happened.

Although the furnace exploded, Dustin showed no intention of stopping. Instead, he used his own profound Qi to create a furnace out of thin air.

This furnace was semi-transparent, entirely made of Qi, both real and ethereal.

When it was heated by flames, it even showed slight color changes.

Margaret focused and saw a irregular purple pill floating inside the furnace.

The remaining liquid in the furnace quickly gathered together, continuously filling the purple pill.

After three more breaths, the purple pill finally took shape.

"It's done!"

Dustin's eyes lit up. He reached out suddenly, pierced the Qi furnace, and grabbed the purple pill.

As he grasped the pill, the Qi furnace dissipated into a clear breeze, and the flames under the furnace disappeared instantly.


Dustin took a deep breath. Unconsciously, he was drenched in sweat.

Using Qi to ignite flames was already quite exhausting. At the critical moment just now, to prevent the furnace from damaging the medicine, he used his entire body's Qi to create a furnace out of thin air.

This consumed a tremendous amount of energy.

If it weren't for his strong foundation, he couldn't have sustained it.

Fortunately, the medicine was successfully refined in the end, making his hard work worthwhile.

"Quick! Let's go save her!"

Without time to rest, after putting away the medicine, Dustin and Margaret rushed straight to the lakeside villa of the Heavenly Alliance.
Chapter 2301: I'm doing my best

At this moment, they were inside the villa with a view of the lake.

Violet was still lying there unconscious, her breath growing weaker.

Lily and Gavin were anxiously pacing beside her.

As for Dillon, he was sweating profusely, looking extremely flustered.

He continued to use his technique of passing through the realm of the dead with a needle, trying to prolong Violet's life, but the effect was not obvious.

This technique could only delay Violet's death, but it couldn't improve her condition.

Once Violet truly died, then his life would be over.

"How is she, Doctor Dillon? What's the situation with Violet now?" Gavin couldn't help but ask, watching Dillon sweating profusely.

"I'm still doing my best to save her... still doing my best..." Dillon wiped his sweat, feeling a bit flustered from the tension.

If it were an ordinary family, just saying "I'm doing my best" would have sufficed.

But just now Lily gave him a deadly order. If he couldn't save Violet, he would be buried along with her.

Under this pressure, it was false to say he wasn't afraid.

But now, he had no other options, he could only try his best to make Violet die a little slower.

"Aunt Nova, it's been so long, why hasn't Autumn (Margaret) and Dr. Dustin arrived yet?" Lily glanced at the time, looking extremely impatient.

"They should be here soon, let me call and urge them." Aunt Nova didn't dare to hesitate, she took out her phone again and dialed Margaret's number.

But before the call could connect, two people had already walked into the villa.

"No need to call, we're here." Margaret and Dustin rushed into the room.

Since they finished refining the antidote pill, the two of them rushed over non-stop. Fortunately, they weren't too late.

"Dr. Dustin, you've finally come! Quickly check on my sister, she's probably in critical condition!" Lily didn't bother with formalities, she grabbed Dustin's hand and quickly pulled him to the bedside, pushing Dillon aside.

This made Dillon feel both angry and speechless.

Dustin took a closer look, immediately furrowing his brows. "Didn't I warn you not to remove the needles? Why didn't you listen?"

"Blame this incompetent doctor!" Lily pointed at Dillon without any politeness. "He said your silver needle sealed my sister's poison and would only worsen her condition, so he removed the needle. But as soon as he did, things went wrong. This incompetent doctor couldn't help, he's just a waste!"

"You..." Dillon's face turned alternately green and white from being scolded.

But due to Lily's status, he dared not retort, only enduring the humiliation.
Chapter 2302: If you can do it, then do it

"Dr. Dustin, you said earlier that you could cure my sister's illness. Now it's all up to you!" Lily looked at Dustin with a pleading expression.

"If you hadn't removed the needles, I could indeed cure your sister's illness, but now, the witchcraft in her body has spread throughout her body. I don't have much confidence in bringing her back from the brink of death." Dustin's expression was serious.

At this moment, Violet was showing signs of dying out, even with his superb medical skills, he didn't dare to say he could save her.

"Dr. Dustin, please think of a way. Money is not a problem at all. As long as you save my sister, I'll give you as much money as you want!" Lily hastily said.

"It's not about money."

Dustin shook his head. "I can only say that I will do my best to save your sister. As for the result, it depends on her destiny."

Hearing this, although Lily looked worried, she didn't know what else to say.

Different from Dillon's full confidence, Dustin's words made her feel more real, more reliable.

"Excuse us, please."

Dustin gestured for the people beside the bed to step back. Just as he was about to start treatment, Gavin spoke up to stop him. "Wait! Are you really capable? Let me warn you, Violet is a precious girl. If you mess up her body, I won't let you off lightly!"

"If you don't believe me, then I won't treat her. You can do it yourself." Dustin decisively stepped back two steps, as if saying, "If you can do it, then do it."

"You...!" Gavin was choked up, his face somewhat ugly.

"Gavin! Stop talking nonsense!" Lily glared, too preoccupied to be polite, and directly pushed Gavin aside, saying, "Dr. Dustin is here to save my sister. What do you mean by threatening him?!"

"Lily, I'm just worried. If this kid's medical skills are not up to par and he causes something to go wrong with Violet, it'll be troublesome." Gavin tried to explain.

He didn't have much confidence in Dustin's medical skills.

After all, even the famous Doctor Dillon couldn't do anything about Violet's illness, let alone a little-known young man.

"My sister is on the verge of death. What situation could be worse than now?!" Lily snapped.

"I..." Gavin was momentarily speechless.

"I don't care what you think, but if anyone dares to obstruct Dr. Dustin from treating the illness today, don't blame me for turning hostile!" Lily was furious.

Gavin frowned, although his face didn't look good, he ultimately didn't say much, obediently stepping aside.

Even if he looked down on Dustin, given the current situation, he could only let the other try.

Of course, if anything went wrong, he wouldn't let it go easily.
Chapter 2303: I have my own measure

After Gavin withdrew, Dustin stepped forward to begin treating Violet.

Because Dillon didn't understand the cause of the illness and treated it indiscriminately, the witchcraft inside Violet had spread throughout her body.

Just relying on the newly refined medicine was not enough to completely eliminate the witchcraft. Before that, it was necessary to use silver needles to draw out the poison.

However, witchcraft is intelligent and knows how to seek advantage and avoid harm. Drawing it out with needles is not an easy task.

The best method is to use oneself as bait.

Dustin needed to use his own body as a container to absorb the witchcraft inside Violet.

Although the process was somewhat risky, there was no other choice.

To save someone, one must try.

"Autumn (Margaret), I will use silver needles to stimulate acupoints later, forcing all the witchcraft in Violet's body to gather in one place."

"Then I will use my hands to absorb most of the witchcraft into my body. The whole process must be flawless. I need you to protect me and ensure no one interferes."

Dustin glanced back at Margaret and earnestly instructed.

Among all present, he only trusted Margaret.

After all, the process of drawing out poison was extremely dangerous. He had a good foundation and wasn't under much pressure, but Violet was different.

If it failed and caused the witchcraft to backlash, Violet would surely die!

"You just used quite a bit of energy refining the medicine. Can you handle this now?" Margaret was somewhat worried.

Others might not know, but she knew very well that in order to speed up the refining of the medicine, Dustin had already used up most of his profound qi.

Now he had to spend more energy to draw out the poison with his body. It was definitely not an easy task.

"It's fine, I have my own measure. Just watch over me." Dustin said calmly.

"Okay." Margaret nodded seriously.

Anyone who dared to disturb Dustin while he was treating and saving someone would incur her wrath.

"Miss Lily, please help your sister up."

Dustin signaled to Lily with his eyes, and she quickly understood, immediately helping the unconscious Violet to sit up.

Dustin took a deep breath, then raised his hand and a row of silver needles shot out from his sleeve in an instant.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Five silver needles accurately hit Violet's left leg, perfectly aligned.

Then, Dustin waved his hand again, and another five silver needles shot out, hitting Violet's right leg.

Next were the left arm, right arm, and chest.

Every time Dustin waved his hand, five silver needles were thrown.

In just a few breaths, Violet's body was already covered in silver needles.

Because the witchcraft inside Violet had spread completely, Dustin needed to seal the acupoints with the silver needles to force the witchcraft into a limited area, then absorb it.
Chapter 2304: Black mist

After the silver needles were inserted, Dustin sat cross-legged behind Violet, then slowly placed his palms on her back.


Accompanied by a slight humming sound, Violet's body began to tremble slightly.

Threads of black mist slowly emanated from her body.

Dustin closed his eyes tightly, breathing steadily.

He was gradually absorbing the witchcraft inside Violet's body with his own profound qi.

Dustin's vitality was much stronger than Violet's, and now that he had let down his guard, he was like a delicious meal to the witchcraft.

To avoid alerting the enemy, Dustin's process of drawing out the poison was very slow, mainly using his blood and energy as bait, taking it slowly, not being too hasty.

Time passed slowly.

The black mist emanating from Violet's body became more and more abundant and dense.

Her face turned as pale as paper, her whole body sweating profusely, and her previously expressionless face gradually contorted with pain.

Before, Violet was unconscious, but now, she showed some signs of reaction.

Compared to Violet, Dustin's condition was also not optimistic.

He furrowed his brows slightly, sweat beads dripping down his cheeks and wetting his clothes.

Dustin had to draw out the poison while also protecting Violet's heart pulse with his qi.

With his divided attention, whether it was mental focus, physical strength, or qi, he was struggling to keep up.

But now, he could only grit his teeth and persevere.

"Divine doctor Dillon, is this kid really capable? He seems quite mysterious." Gavin, who was watching, asked Dillon in a low voice.

He had indeed doubted Dustin's medical skills, but seeing the black poison gas emanating from Violet's body, he wasn't so sure anymore.

The way the other party was treating her injury did seem quite genuine.

"The situation doesn't look good." Dillon shook his head, sighing quietly. "Miss Violet's time is up. Previously, it was just a brief return of light. Even if I used all my efforts to save her, it would be futile, let alone this nameless young man in front of us?"

"Could it be that this kid is just playing tricks?" Gavin scratched his chin, looking skeptical.

"I've seen many fraudsters in my time in the martial world. Their usual trick is to deceive as much as they can. When they can't deceive anymore, they just say they did their best, trying to swindle some hard-earned money. Don't be fooled by his performance now; he'll reveal his true colors soon enough." Dillon's tone carried a hint of disdain.

A disease even he couldn't cure, and now a young man in his twenties was supposed to be able to?

In simple terms, this guy just wanted to scam some money.

Of course, after this turmoil, it would turn out quite well for him.

Once Violet died, he could shift all the blame onto Dustin, thus avoiding any consequences. When he thought about it like that, it didn't seem so bad.
Chapter 2305: You can try

Compared to the whispers between Gavin and Dillon, Lily paced anxiously nearby, several times wanting to speak up but ultimately holding back.

Though deeply worried, she was also afraid that if she spoke, it might distract Dustin and affect her sister's treatment.

As for Margaret, she silently stood guard by Dustin's side, protecting him.

As time passed, Violet's expression became increasingly agonized, sweat poured off her like rain, and a black mist surrounded her, enveloping even Dustin.

Like this, who knows how much time passed.

Dustin suddenly opened his eyes wide and took a deep breath.


A whirlpool of true energy formed in his mouth out of nowhere, and at the same time, the surrounding black mist was all absorbed into his body.

Immediately after, Dustin's complexion alternated between green and white, his brows furrowed even deeper.

He forcibly absorbed most of the witchcraft from Violet's body; even with his strong physique and remarkable foundation, he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable at this moment.

After absorbing the witchcraft, Dustin slapped Violet's back hard.


Violet's head jerked up, and she spat out a large amount of black blood, then collapsed weakly onto the bed.


Seeing Violet spitting blood, Gavin's face changed, and he hurried forward to check her condition, but was stopped by Margaret's outstretched hand.

"Doctor Dustin is treating her, no one is allowed to disturb!" Margaret coldly said.

"Treating? He already made her spit blood! Get out of the way!" Gavin yelled.

"The blood she spat out is toxic, spitting it out will actually help her recover faster." Margaret tried to explain.

"Nonsense!" Gavin was furious. "I warn you, Violet's status is noble. If anything happens to her, you won't be able to compensate even with ten lives!"

"If you want Violet to be okay, stay back and don't interfere with Doctor Dustin's treatment." Margaret's face was stern.

"Of course I want Violet to be okay, but I don't trust this guy's medical skills. Who knows if he'll use some dirty tricks to muddy the waters?" Gavin persisted.

"I'll say it one last time, step back, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!" Margaret warned.

"Hmph! Who do you think you are? You dare threaten me? I could take your life in minutes!" Gavin glared, full of killing intent.

"You can try." Margaret remained expressionless.

"Ignorant fool!"

Gavin was furious, about to make a move when Lily suddenly flashed forward, standing between the two, angrily saying, "What are you two doing? My sister is hanging by a thread right now, and you want to fight here?!"
Chapter 2306: Two different poisons fight each other

"Lily! That guy's medical skills are totally useless. He made your sister spit blood. If he keeps messing around, your sister will surely die!" Gavin started to sow discord.

Lily glanced back at Dustin, a hint of hesitation crossing her face, but she quickly regained her resolve. "Doctor Dustin was invited by me, and I trust his medical skills. If there really is a problem, I'll take responsibility."

Once the arrow is released from the bow, she brought Dustin here with her last hope.

Regardless of success or failure, she had no reason to blame him.


Gavin frowned, about to say something else, but Lily raised her hand to stop him. "Enough! She's my sister, and I have the final say on everything!"

"You're really clueless!"

Gavin sighed, looking frustrated.

Seeing Lily's firm attitude, he could only choose to step back.

On the sickbed, Dustin didn't pay attention to the disruptive Gavin. Instead, he focused all his energy on quickly suppressing the restless witchcraft inside Violet.

Then, he lifted Violet's head with one hand and fed her the pill he had prepared earlier.

The pill Dustin concocted wasn't a traditional antidote but a poison.

Because time was running out, the only way to quickly neutralize the witchcraft was to use this poison-to-poison approach.

Letting two different poisons fight each other inside Violet's body, consuming each other rapidly.

Of course, using poison to fight poison carried significant risks compared to normal treatment methods.

One misstep, and the patient could die on the spot.

And this depended on Dustin's strength.

He had to use his profound true energy to protect Violet's heart meridians at all times, preventing her from being seriously injured.

Until the two poisons consumed each other almost equally, then he could finish the job.

If it were an ordinary doctor, they naturally couldn't do this, only a grandmaster like Dustin had the ability to attempt such a risky treatment.

As Dustin expected, when the poison of the pill met the witchcraft inside Violet's body, a fierce collision occurred quickly.

The two poisons began devouring each other, fighting, causing blood vessels and meridians to rupture.

The visible result was Violet continuously bleeding from her nose.

Although Dustin's true energy was strong, he couldn't guarantee Violet would remain unscathed. He could only protect her major meridians as much as possible to prevent severe injuries.

As for the final result, it all depended on Violet's own fortune.
Chapter 2306: Two different poisons fight each other

"Lily! That guy's medical skills are totally useless. He made your sister spit blood. If he keeps messing around, your sister will surely die!" Gavin started to sow discord.

Lily glanced back at Dustin, a hint of hesitation crossing her face, but she quickly regained her resolve. "Doctor Dustin was invited by me, and I trust his medical skills. If there really is a problem, I'll take responsibility."

Once the arrow is released from the bow, she brought Dustin here with her last hope.

Regardless of success or failure, she had no reason to blame him.


Gavin frowned, about to say something else, but Lily raised her hand to stop him. "Enough! She's my sister, and I have the final say on everything!"

"You're really clueless!"

Gavin sighed, looking frustrated.

Seeing Lily's firm attitude, he could only choose to step back.

On the sickbed, Dustin didn't pay attention to the disruptive Gavin. Instead, he focused all his energy on quickly suppressing the restless witchcraft inside Violet.

Then, he lifted Violet's head with one hand and fed her the pill he had prepared earlier.

The pill Dustin concocted wasn't a traditional antidote but a poison.

Because time was running out, the only way to quickly neutralize the witchcraft was to use this poison-to-poison approach.

Letting two different poisons fight each other inside Violet's body, consuming each other rapidly.

Of course, using poison to fight poison carried significant risks compared to normal treatment methods.

One misstep, and the patient could die on the spot.

And this depended on Dustin's strength.

He had to use his profound true energy to protect Violet's heart meridians at all times, preventing her from being seriously injured.

Until the two poisons consumed each other almost equally, then he could finish the job.

If it were an ordinary doctor, they naturally couldn't do this, only a grandmaster like Dustin had the ability to attempt such a risky treatment.

As Dustin expected, when the poison of the pill met the witchcraft inside Violet's body, a fierce collision occurred quickly.

The two poisons began devouring each other, fighting, causing blood vessels and meridians to rupture.

The visible result was Violet continuously bleeding from her nose.

Although Dustin's true energy was strong, he couldn't guarantee Violet would remain unscathed. He could only protect her major meridians as much as possible to prevent severe injuries.

As for the final result, it all depended on Violet's own fortune.
Thanks imortal grand master for the cultivation resources I mean for new chapters
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Chapter 2307: Saving a life is worth more than building a seven-tier pagoda

As the two toxins battled more intensely, Violet's nosebleeds became more frequent, and her body started to spasm slightly.

Dustin sat motionless, his palm pressed against Violet's back, continuously infusing her with profound and clear true qi.

Violet's meridians were broken through time and time again, and time and time again, Dustin repaired them.

This cycle repeated, lasting for about the time it takes for an incense stick to burn.

After the incense stick burned out, the two toxins in Violet's body had been completely depleted. She became calm, her expression no longer pained, and her nose no longer bled.

Although her face remained pale, her pulse was steady, her breath long, clearly having passed the danger period.

It was only at this moment that Dustin slowly released his hand and stopped the treatment.

"Violet's witch poison has been cleared, there shouldn't be any major problems for now, but she will need proper rest and must not engage in combat." Dustin stood up and advised.

At this moment, he was covered in sweat, his face pale, obviously exhausted.

"Is my sister really okay?"

Lily's beautiful eyes widened with a mixture of nervousness and anxiety.

"Whether she's okay or not, you'll know once you go and see for yourself."

Dustin didn't explain much, slumping into a chair and starting to gulp down tea.

Using a large amount of profound and clear true qi in succession, even with a good foundation, was a bit taxing.

Fortunately, he successfully saved Violet in the end, not in vain for his efforts.

Lily took a deep breath, cautiously approaching the sickbed to check Violet's condition. She finally smiled when she found her sister's breathing to be even and strong, her pulse normal.

"It's great, it's great! My sister is finally safe!" Lily burst into tears of joy instantly.

Before, she had cleaned Dustin purely out of desperation, without much hope, but she didn't expect him to actually cure her sister.

People really can't be judged by appearances!

"Dustin, thank you for your hard work."

Margaret let out a long sigh of relief, finally showing a smile on her face.

Others might not know, but she was well aware of the price Dustin paid to save Violet.

Not exaggerating, Dustin was risking his life for this.

And the reason he went to such lengths was largely because of her reputation.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel moved.

"Saving a life is worth more than building a seven-tier pagoda. It's not much trouble." Dustin smiled faintly.

"Really cured?"

Gavin was full of astonishment, finding it hard to believe.
Chapter 2308: An annoying greenhorn

He immediately stepped forward, reaching out to feel Violet's pulse, and soon showed an incredulous expression.

Because he was amazed to find that Violet's weak pulse had become strong and vigorous, no different from a normal person's.

How could this be?

Could it be that Dustin, that kid, is really some kind of miracle doctor?

"Dr. Dustin... no! Miracle Doctor Dustin!"

Lily, confirming her sister's safety, quickly walked up to Dustin and bowed deeply, saying, "Thank you for saving my sister. Your great kindness, we, the World Martial Arts Society, will always remember. Whatever you need, we will try our best to fulfill!"

"I was invited by Miss Autumn (Margaret) to come and treat the illness. If you want to thank someone, thank her." Dustin shifted the credit to Margaret.

"Thank you, Sister Autumn (Margaret)!" Lily clasped her hands together towards Margaret.

If she had some bias against the person in front of her before, now it was replaced by deep gratitude.

"No need to be polite. Violet is my best friend. When something happens to her, how could I stand idly by?" Margaret smiled faintly.

"Anyway, both of you are great benefactors of our World Martial Arts Society. If you need any help in the future, we will definitely assist you with all our strength!" Lily promised earnestly.


At this moment, Gavin suddenly questioned, "Although Violet's vital signs have returned to normal, why hasn't she woken up? What's the reason?"

Although it seemed on the surface that Dustin had saved Violet, he still had doubts in his heart.

Maybe the other party used some strange method to briefly revive Violet, thereby achieving a deceptive effect.

"The patient's body is too weak. Although the witch poison has been cleared, she still needs good rest." Dustin explained lightly.

"Hmph! This is just your one-sided words. How do I know you're not lying? What if Violet never wakes up? What then?" Gavin narrowed his eyes, looking skeptical.

"What do you mean? Are you deliberately finding fault?" Dustin furrowed his brows slightly.

This guy really was an annoying greenhorn.

From the moment he started treating the illness, he had been chirping on the sidelines without a break.

Now that Violet had been saved, he was still causing trouble. He was really asking for a beating.

"I'm just being cautious to prevent certain scammers from taking advantage." Gavin put on a righteous look. "You said you cured Violet, fine, as long as you make her wake up today, I'll admit your medical skills, and I'll reward you heavily!"

At this point, Gavin suddenly changed his tone. "Of course! If Violet doesn't wake up, it'll only prove that you're a fraud. By then, don't blame me for being impolite!"
Chapter 2308: An annoying greenhorn

He immediately stepped forward, reaching out to feel Violet's pulse, and soon showed an incredulous expression.

Because he was amazed to find that Violet's weak pulse had become strong and vigorous, no different from a normal person's.

How could this be?

Could it be that Dustin, that kid, is really some kind of miracle doctor?

"Dr. Dustin... no! Miracle Doctor Dustin!"

Lily, confirming her sister's safety, quickly walked up to Dustin and bowed deeply, saying, "Thank you for saving my sister. Your great kindness, we, the World Martial Arts Society, will always remember. Whatever you need, we will try our best to fulfill!"

"I was invited by Miss Autumn (Margaret) to come and treat the illness. If you want to thank someone, thank her." Dustin shifted the credit to Margaret.

"Thank you, Sister Autumn (Margaret)!" Lily clasped her hands together towards Margaret.

If she had some bias against the person in front of her before, now it was replaced by deep gratitude.

"No need to be polite. Violet is my best friend. When something happens to her, how could I stand idly by?" Margaret smiled faintly.

"Anyway, both of you are great benefactors of our World Martial Arts Society. If you need any help in the future, we will definitely assist you with all our strength!" Lily promised earnestly.


At this moment, Gavin suddenly questioned, "Although Violet's vital signs have returned to normal, why hasn't she woken up? What's the reason?"

Although it seemed on the surface that Dustin had saved Violet, he still had doubts in his heart.

Maybe the other party used some strange method to briefly revive Violet, thereby achieving a deceptive effect.

"The patient's body is too weak. Although the witch poison has been cleared, she still needs good rest." Dustin explained lightly.

"Hmph! This is just your one-sided words. How do I know you're not lying? What if Violet never wakes up? What then?" Gavin narrowed his eyes, looking skeptical.

"What do you mean? Are you deliberately finding fault?" Dustin furrowed his brows slightly.

This guy really was an annoying greenhorn.

From the moment he started treating the illness, he had been chirping on the sidelines without a break.

Now that Violet had been saved, he was still causing trouble. He was really asking for a beating.

"I'm just being cautious to prevent certain scammers from taking advantage." Gavin put on a righteous look. "You said you cured Violet, fine, as long as you make her wake up today, I'll admit your medical skills, and I'll reward you heavily!"

At this point, Gavin suddenly changed his tone. "Of course! If Violet doesn't wake up, it'll only prove that you're a fraud. By then, don't blame me for being impolite!"
It's better if he can chop off that noisey mouth
does any1 know if my beautiful ceo is continued after chapter 3144, mind you ,this isn't my wife is a beautiful ceo with yang chen , this is my beautiful ceo with qin hai
Chapter 2309: Iron Sand Palm

"First of all, let me correct one thing. I don't need your acknowledgment, and I certainly don't need your gratitude."

Dustin said calmly, "Furthermore, when I'm saving lives, it's none of your business. If you're not convinced, feel free to try your luck. I'd like to see how capable really you are!"

As he finished speaking, a cold light flashed in Dustin's eyes.

He wasn't someone who usually nitpicked, but Gavin's repeated provocations had pushed him to his limit.

Even if his true energy was almost depleted, he could still handle the situation.

"What, hit a sore spot and now you're furious? I knew you were a fraud!"

Gavin said with a hostile expression, "Kid, you've come to deceive us, members of World Martial Arts. You're really audacious. If we don't teach you a lesson today, you won't know the power of World Martial Arts Sect!"

With those words, Gavin suddenly attacked, aiming for Dustin's throat.


Lily's face changed color, but it was too late to intervene.

Gavin was much stronger than her, and with the sudden attack, she couldn't react in time.

"You ignorant fool!"

Dustin's expression turned cold, just as he was about to retaliate.

A beautiful figure suddenly stood in front, accurately piercing Gavin's palm acupoint with a silver hairpin.

Gavin grunted in pain and immediately withdrew his hand.

When he looked down, he found a bloody hole in his palm.


Gavin frowned, looking at Margaret with some astonishment.

His Iron Sand Palm was invulnerable to weapons, so when Margaret attacked, he didn't dodge.

However, he hadn't expected that with just a silver hairpin, Margaret would break through his protective true energy and penetrate his Iron Sand Palm.

Although weapons had their advantages, the opponent's strength couldn't be underestimated.

"We came here with good intentions to help people, and this is how World Martial Arts Sect treats its guests?"

Margaret's face was cold, her tone icy, and the silver hairpin in her hand still dripping with blood.

"Sorry for the disturbance, it was my senior brother's impulsiveness. Please don't take offense!"

Lily first apologized to Dustin and then walked in front of Gavin, pushing him forcefully, "Gavin! Have you gone mad? Doctor Dustin just saved your sister from death, and instead of being grateful, you're planning to hurt someone. You've tarnished the reputation of World Martial Arts Sect!"

"Lily! This guy is a fraud. He didn't really cure Violet's illness. Don't be fooled!" Gavin hurriedly tried to explain.

"Shut up!"
Chapter 2310: I'm not blind

"Lily scolded angrily, 'If we're talking about frauds, it should be you who invited Dr. Dillon here. After all the fuss, not only did you not cure my sister's illness, you almost cost her life. If it weren't for Dr. Dustin arriving in time, my sister might not be alive now!'"

As these words came out, Dillon beside them froze for a moment, appearing somewhat embarrassed and uneasy.

"Lily! You can't just judge the situation by its surface. Violet hasn't woken up yet; it doesn't count as cured. What if it's just a temporary relief? We have to be cautious!" Gavin looked serious.

"What temporary relief? That's nonsense! I might not know medicine, but I'm not blind!" Lily retorted.

Since she had vomited the poisonous blood, her sister's complexion and other symptoms had all returned to normal, and she seemed stable.

Compared to Dillon's treatment before, which was quite erratic, there was a stark contrast.

Moreover, anyone with clear eyes could see that Dustin had just used up a lot of his true energy. There was no deception involved.

"Saying all this is useless. Unless this kid can make Violet wake up, I won't believe in his medical skills!" Gavin asserted aggressively.

"You... you're just being unreasonable!" Lily's face showed anger.

"In fact, I think what Young Master Gavin said makes sense. Saving a life is crucial; there can't be any carelessness. If this Dr. Dustin is truly skilled, then waking up the patient shouldn't be difficult, right?" Dillon suddenly spoke up.

"You quack! Who gave you the right to speak here?!" Lily glared at him.

"Lily! Show some respect! Dr. Dillon is a leading figure in the medical field. Although he made a small mistake this time, it doesn't diminish his extensive knowledge. Besides, he's also considering your sister's safety. We can't take any risks!" Gavin stated with righteousness.

"This..." Lily furrowed her brow, feeling a bit hesitant.

Although Gavin's attitude was a bit extreme, ultimately, everyone was concerned about her sister's safety.

There was indeed some controversy until her sister fully woke up.

"Dr. Dustin, may I ask, roughly how long will it take for my sister to wake up?" Lily asked.

"Your sister is very weak right now. It's normal for her to sleep for three to five days. As for when she'll wake up specifically, it depends on her own physical condition," Dustin said lightly.

"She needs to sleep for three to five days? Isn't that a bit too long?" Lily frowned slightly.

"Lily! Did you hear that? This kid is just stalling for time. If we really wait for three to five days, he'll be long gone!" Gavin incited from the side.

"If you insist on waking your sister up now, there is a way, but her recovery afterward will be slower, and there might be some hidden issues. Of course, how to proceed is up to you to choose," Dustin tossed the question back.

Violet's body was extremely weak, forcibly waking her up would do more harm than good.

If Lily, as a family member, insisted on doing so, he wouldn't stop her too much.

After all, he had done what he should, with a clear conscience.

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