Martial Peak Text Edition

The journey to the Martial Artist is a lonely, solitary and long one. In the face of adversity, you must survive and remain unyielding. Only then can you break through and continue on your journey to becoming the strongest. Sky Tower tests its disciples in the harshest ways to prepare them for this journey. One day the lowly sweeper Yang Kai managed to obtain a black book, setting him on the road to the peak of the martial world.
Martial Peak – Chapter 54, The Thousand Techniques of Charm

He hadn’t been walking for long before a clear, crisp voice of surprise rang out from beside him. “Senior Brother Yang!”
Raising his eyebrows, Yang Kai glanced over to see Li Yun Tian waving his hand at him. His face was brimming with enthusiasm and in front of him was a booth with various different items; some were herbs, there were also a couple of bottles and it looked they contained pills.
“Why are you here with a booth?” Yang Kai asked while walking over. He remembered that last time ** had told him Su Mu had ordered everybody to go and train with all their might.
“I just broke through, so Su Mu said I could come out for a walk to relax my heart and stabilize my foundations. At the same time, my Fellow Brothers needed some things for their cultivation so I came here to try my luck.” He explained.
“So that is why you’re here.”
Looking carefully at Li Yun Tian, Yang Kai saw that he really did look stronger than a few days prior. He should have broken through into the Tempered Body Eighth Stage.
“Senior Brother, what did you come here for?” Li Yun Tian asked curiously.
“I wanted to buy some things.”
“What do you want? Come, look at my things and see if I have what you need. If you see anything, feel free to take it.” Li Yun Tian said generously while pointing at his wares.
“Do you have any Yang attributed Spirit Herb seeds?”
Li Yun Tian shook his head, “I don’t have any I’m afraid. To my knowledge, very few people actually sell seeds in this market.”
In other words, the market value of seeds wasn’t high but they were still a rarity.
“I also came to test my luck.” Yang Kai laughed out.
“How about this, in the place of Senior Brother, I’ll help you put up a notice to see if anyone has them. Since I’ll be here for the next two days, and if your luck is good, someone might come to sell them.” Li Yun Tian suggested.
“That’s also good. Then I shall have to trouble you, Junior Brother Li.”
On the spot, Li Yun Tian put up a notice, writing one line he put the sign up next to him.
Talking to Li Yun Tian a bit longer, Yang Kai learned that the impact from last time was very big on Su Mu. Coupled with Su Yan’s fierce lecturing, this playful young master had finally learned to control himself. These days, he spent most of his time cultivating and had already broken through to the Initial Element Stage.
Saying goodbye to Li Yun Tian, Yang Kai walked straight to the place where he had brought that Bright Yang Stone.
After seeing that familiar booth owner, Yang Kai let out a big sigh of relief. He had feared that he wouldn’t be able to find him again.
“Hey, little brother, you came again?” This Blood Battle Gang Disciple had watched Yang Kai and Hu Mei Er walk over last time, so his impression of Yang Kai was quite deep. He used honorifics to address him.
“What do you want to buy this time?” The booth owner asked.
“Last time you gave me that Three Sun’s fruit seed for free. I’d like to ask if you still have any?” Not wasting any words, Yang Kai got straight to the point.
The booth owner shook his head and explained. “There are none left. I only had that one seed and, as you know, I used it as a gift and gave it to you little brother.”
“So, I guess that’s it then…” Yang Kai couldn’t help but be disappointed, “Thanks. I won’t be bothering you any further.”
There were a large amount of booths in Black Wind Trade, all with their own varieties of goods if his luck was good, then he might be able to find his desired items.
The Blood Battle Gang Disciple looked over Yang Kai’s back, his face revealing his internal struggle before he suddenly called out. “Little Brother, please wait a moment.”
Yang Kai turned around: “What’s the matter?”
“Back then, there wasn’t just one seed of the Three Sun’s fruit. There were a small number of them, but I only received one.”
Hearing this new information, Yang Kai looked overjoyed, “Where are the other seeds?”
“They were taken by other Disciples. Little brother, if you really want them, then you could go ask those Disciples.”
“Where are they currently?” Yang Kai hastily asked.
The owner’s face was a bit hesitant, he seemed to be deliberating for a good while before saying: “They are in our group’s mining area, extracting Bright Yang Stones and other things. Even if it’s one of our Disciples, it’s not a place one can tread easily. Let alone an outsider like you little brother.”
“When will they leave?” Yang Kai pressed, unwilling to give in.
“In the short term, I’m afraid they will not leave so soon. You may have to wait one or two months.”
Yang Kai’s eyebrows wrinkled, such a long time. By that time, even the cauliflower dish would have long since turned cold.
“You don’t have any methods to allow them to leave earlier? Don’t worry, I only want to go find them to buy their Three Sun’s Fruit seed.”
“I don’t, I am just an Ordinary Disciple in the Blood Battle Gang.” The booth owner forced out a bitter smile before his eyes swiveled around a bit. “But another person can.”
Yang Kai’s face shook: “I would like to hear who.”
Glancing around, the booth owner’s expression was a bit ambiguous: “You can go ask my Young Lady for help. With her assistance, the miners wouldn’t obstruct you.”
Hearing this, Yang Kai’s expression became quite strange. Stammering out, he tried to clarify. “My relationship with your young lady is quite ordinary.”
*En, en.* The booth owner repeatedly nodded his head, it was quite obvious that he didn’t believe Yang Kai. Pointing at a far wooden house he explained. “It is quite a coincidence, today the Young Lady has also come to the trade area and is resting in that wooden house. If you urgently need those seeds, there’s no harm in asking my young lady.”
Yang Kai was slightly hesitant, with the current situation between them and all, it wasn’t the best idea. He had completely offended that woman, and now he needed to go ask her for help. Where would he put his face?
But if he didn’t go find her, he didn’t have any other good ideas.
Unwillingly, Yang Kai continued to search around Black Wind Trade. Although he found some seeds, they were not Yang attributed and were completely worthless to him.
Helpless, Yang Kai clenched his teeth and thought, [fine, if I lose face, I’ll lose it. It’s not like I have done something unforgivable to her, why would I be afraid of her?]
Silavin: Let’s see. Touching a pure hearted maiden’s tits, threatening to kill her, forcing her to be an accomplice in your crime. Yeap.
These wooden houses were all residences of each respective factions top Disciples. Since Hu Mei Er was the Blood Battle Gang Sect Master’s daughter, although her strength wasn’t high, her status was, so resting in there was not unusual.
In a thirty foot radius, there weren’t any people to be seen. All of the martial practitioners held great respect for the residents of these wooden houses. That is why they would not set up their booths near these wooden huts.
Arriving at the wooden house the booth owner pointed out, Yang Kai stood at its door. Just as he stood wondering how to ask, from within the house, a cute voice sounded out. “Who’s outside?”
It sounded like Hu Mei Er’s voice, but it was also a bit strange.
Since he had already arrived here, Yang Kai naturally wouldn’t retreat. He tried to greet her as calmly as possible. “Lady Mei Er, It’s me, Yang Kai. I’m here to see you.”
Inside was different from what Yang Kai expected. Sitting inside were two girls who looked practically the same, even their figures were the same. At a glance, you would think that it was a mirror reflecting the same appearance; one was the real figure and other the reflection.
Hearing Yang Kai’s voice, astonishment, and shock flashed through one of the girl’s eyes. Turning around, she went to speak to the other girl, “Little Sister, that person is the one you were talking about, Yang Kai?”
The one being questioned was Hu Mei Er. She nodded her head. “*En.* But why would he come and find me?”
She thought that ever since he had split from her that day, they would never cross paths again.
The other person coldly laughed, “Looks like he isn’t one of those people who isn’t swayed by beauty. Some men will pretend to be noble and virtuous but are experts in baiting women like you. Then they will capture your body and mind, confining you to eternal damnation.”
Hu Mei Er’s face reddened. Angrily she reprimanded, “Older sister, he isn’t like you think he is.”
Hu Jiao Er chuckled, “If he isn’t, why would he come and find you after such a long time? He definitely knows that you think about him day and night, and has come to attack.”
Hu Mei Er displeased, spoke out. “Older Sister, Only you would think of someone you don’t know in such a negative light.”
If he really was one of those people, then that day at the lakeside, she would have lost her chastity. No male could resist that type of enticement.

Martial Peak – Chapter 55, A Good Person Will Always Be Better Than Any Form of Tea

[But why did he come over to find me?] Although Hu Mei Er didn’t believe her older sister’s words, she still had some doubts in her heart.
Seeing her expression, Hu Jiao Er sighed. “To obstinately persist and go about things in the wrong way, will sooner or later lead to your own demise.”
Annoyed, Hu Mei Er snapped. “I won’t talk to you about it anymore. Since he came to find me, it must be something urgent. Let me go and ask.”
Just as she was about to rise, she was pulled back by her Older Sister. Hu Jiao Er’s adorable eyes spun around, cutely she chuckled, “Little sis, how about I make a bet with you?”
“What type of bet?” Hu Mei Er asked in doubt.
“We are betting whether or not he is a hypocrite! If he is really, as you say he is, then he should be able to keep a calm mind. If he isn’t, then don’t blame your sister for being vicious and merciless!” As Hu Jiao Er spoke, a cold light slowly appeared in her eyes.
These past several years, with Hu Mei Er’s various stirrings outside, the only reason why she was able to retain her purity was mainly because of her older sister. Those who wanted to force themselves onto Hu Mei Er had all died in the most unusual ways.
In regards to her sister’s methods, Hu Mei Er knew more about them than anyone. So when she saw her attitude, she knew for certain that she was hatching a nasty plan.
“Older Sister, what are you planning to do?” Hu Mei Er cried out in alarm.
“You just need to sit and watch carefully, *humph!*” With a wave of her white hand, a glossy smoke covered her younger sister. Then Hu Mei Er’s figure slowly darkened and disappeared from sight.
“Older Sister, don’t act recklessly!” Hu Mei Er exerted all her strength, banging at the smoke yet no sounded escaped. In fact, she couldn’t even walk more than ten feet from where she had been standing when her sister executed her technique. She could only watch, her anticipation rising.
Outside, Yang Kai had been waiting for quite a long time and he still saw no signs of Hu Mei Er coming to open the door. He could only helplessly sigh.
It looks like he offended her really badly that day, though her anger would be justified if that is the case. If it was any other female that was spoken to like that, they would not take it lying down.
Never mind, Yang Kai never really held any hope that she would help, the only reason he came was to give it a shot. Now that he saw that she didn’t want to talk to him, he naturally wouldn’t force her to.
Just as he was about turn around and leave, from within the house sounded Hu Mei Er’s voice, “Why don’t you come in?”
Yang Kai was startled, muttering to himself for a while before pushing the door open and walking in.
Walking in and closing the door behind him, all the noise from outside suddenly vanished, replaced instead by a tranquil silence.
Yang Kai looked around and took in his surroundings, the size of the house was about the same as the one Su Yan was staying in. Of course, its interior was superior to Su Yan’s. Su Yan’s room was empty and cold, just like her own frostiness.
Whereas here, there was a table, two chairs, and a sweet smelling bed. On that sweet smelling bed hung some pink curtains as thin as cicada wings and a petite pillow. The smell filled the entire room with a permeated scent of a female.
When one was to compare Su Yan’s place to here, it was two completely different worlds.
Hu Jiao Er sat next to the table, her face filled with smiles, as she faced the door. Her pair of charming eyes, tender and beautiful, glistened with moisture. With a weird gaze and a smile hiding her intentions, she looked at him; a red blush was blooming across her face, causing her to appear very enchanting.
Her two jade arms were uncovered, revealing her snow-white, infant like skin and her wooden clogs displayed her delicate toes. He wasn’t sure what she had put on her toenails, but it had turned them a purple colour making her seem like a wild beauty.
Seeing this, Yang Kai’s heart jumped, he didn’t know why, but today Hu Mei Er seemed extra enchanting. She was far more beautiful than when he had last met her a few days ago.
But her smile caused Yang Kai to feel awkward; he felt as that she was mocking him.
At that moment, Hu Mei Er was holding a spread out fan and fanning herself. With vigorous movements, the winds blew up in wisps, giving her the appearance of a grand noble.
Embroidered on that fan was a picture of a court lady, and that court lady’s figure and full and developed, posing in an alluring position. If there were fewer clothes embroidered on her, then it would be naked.
Giving it a glance, Yang Kai thought that lady was really outrageous. If any other female saw this, they would hide their faces in shame, yet this woman was able to use this fan, clearly displaying that she wasn’t ordinary.
[What? … after not meeting for a good half a month, how could Hu Mei Er undergo such a big change?]
Although she kept her eyes on him, Yang Kai did not shy away in the slightest as he walked over to her. Her behavior that day, Yang Kai had seen it all; it was like he was holding her pigtails, so how could he be afraid of her?
Being looked at like this Hu Jiao Er, who was pretending to be Hu Mei Er, was unable to endure. [This person was really audacious, how could be there be anybody who would face a beauty like this? He didn’t even know to let up a bit, isn’t this a bit too unromantic.

Martial Peak – Chapter 56, Probing

Seeing this scene, the hidden Hu Mei Er immediately shouted out. “Older sister, how can you be so shameless!”
But, how could her voice possibly transmit outside the smoke barrier? Even a fragrance pressing to escape, still could not. It was simply despicable for someone of her Older Sister’s level, to play around with a Tempered Body Martial Practitioner; it was akin to taking a breath, completely effortless.
If this was a normal interaction, Hu Mei Er felt that Yang Kai definitely wouldn’t reveal any abnormal reactions. But if her Older Sister had done anything behind the scenes, then she could not say for certain that this would remain the case.
Inside the house, Hu Jiao Er abruptly stood up again and step by step, she started to walk over to that sweet smelling bed. Looking back, she laughed. “Wait a moment. I need to retrieve something to give to you.”
“Okay.” Yang Kai’s brow was wrinkled, as he faintly felt that something was wrong, but he couldn’t exactly put his finger on it.
Arriving at the side of the sweet smelling bed, Hu Jiao Er knelt over. Half-kneeling on the bed, she started to search around and the thin clothes she wore were unable to completely cover her thousand charms. The clothes stuck perfectly to her body, highlighting her perfectly round buttocks, demonstrating an unparalleled allure.
Yang Kai’s heart rate increased by leaps and bounds, while his throat started to burn.
For a good while, Hu Jiao Er remained in this alluring position. Then suddenly, in a cute voice, she cried out.
“What happened?” Yang Kai’s expression changed and he hurried over.
At that moment, Hu Jiao Er retreated from the bed. Her steps unsteady, she fell directly into Yang Kai’s arms and he firmly caught her.
Both of their legs touched, and for some unknown reason, both of them fell onto the bed.
Hu Jiao Er was on top, Yang Kai was on the bottom and the fiery human body heat on his chest caused his throat to become dry. Looking down at that beautiful face with two tender lips, Yang Kai forcibly suppressed his bottom reaction and asked in the calmest manner he could muster out. “What is the matter?”
“There is a bug!” Hu Jiao Er put on a show; her acting skills were really good. Her two small hands clutched onto Yang Kai’s clothes not letting go as she displayed an easily frightened appearance.
Yang Kai laughed out involuntarily. “Where is it?”
“Over there…”
Looking in the direction Hu Jiao Er was pointing, Yang Kai actually saw a bug slowly crawling around. He thought that this woman was really peculiar; she was already a martial practitioner, yet such a small and insignificant bug could scare her to such a degree. Reaching out, he squashed it before patting her on the shoulder. “It’s alright now. It has already been dealt with by me.”
“There are definitely more…” Hu Jiao Er persisted. As she said this, she looked around in all directions; her gaze wasn’t limited to the bed as it swept over Yang Kai’s cheeks and lips, causing Yang Kai’s recently calmed emotions to flare back up.
“There are none left.” Yang Kai felt it wasn’t suitable for this to continue, because if someone were to burst into the room at any moment and were to see himself and Hu Mei Er like this, then they would unable to wash clean their reputations with three rivers and five lakes.
“There really aren’t anymore?” A flash of astonishment flashed across Hu Jiao Er’s eyes, she would never have imagined that Yang Kai really could control himself in this position. He didn’t try to take advantage of her at all.
Just then, if Yang Kai really had done anything, then he would definitely have lost an arm or two.
Although her heart was still unsettled, Hu Jiao Er meekly crawled off Yang Kai’s body.
Yang Kai sat up, embarrassed, he lifted his head to look at Hu Mei Er, and her face was also bright red, as she shuffled over to sit next to him.
“What’s wrong with your foot?” Yang Kai asked.
Even Hu Jiao Er was worried, so how could the confined Hu Mei Er not be worried? She had ceased all useless shouts and was closely looking at Yang Kai, unsure what response he would give in the end.
Yang Kai looked straight at Hu Jiao Er, intentionally moving, while she had her heart in her throat afraid that Yang Kai would say the word “Okay”.
Suddenly, Yang Kai softly chuckled. Slowly, without any rush, he put away the bottle of Blood Clotting Cream seriously.
“Lady!” Yang Kai muttered.
*En?* Hu Jiao Er nervous, disregarded Yang Kai’s addressing of herself.
“Just then, the bottle of Blood Clotting Cream was my most precious possession. Although its value isn’t that high, it is the proof of human kindness.”
“What’s your meaning?” Hu Jiao Er looked distracted. She had asked if he wanted to or not, so why was he talking about this? What was his meaning?
Standing up, Yang Kai looked down at Hu Jiao Er, “What I want to tell you is that I used this precious bottle of cream to treat your injury; so, I ask that you no longer hold any grudges with me. Let us end this farce here and now please.”

Martial Peak – Chapter 57, One Big, One Small

“What are you talking about?” Hu Jiao Er’s face changed as she forced out a smile, “I don’t understand.”
[He couldn’t have found out that I was impersonating my younger sister, right? It’s not possible. He is only at the Tempered Body Ninth Stage, how could he possibly have seen through my Scheme? Mei Er and I look almost the same; regardless of if it was our voices or figures, we are indiscernible to the eye! Even the Elders in the Sect often mistook us for each other, how could he possibly have such an ability?]
Yang Kai looked at her indifferently, lightly laughing. “Lady, then are you unwilling to admit it?”
“Admit what? I really don’t know what you are talking about.” Hu Jiao Er insisted for the last time.
Yang Kai massaged his temples and helplessly explained. “Then I shall say it clearly. Lady, you are not Hu Mei Er. I think…….you are her older twin sister.”
Hu Jiao Er looked on blankly, before recovering with a chuckle. “What makes you think I’m not Mei Er?”
This time, she didn’t force it anymore, but looked at Yang Kai full of interest; she also wanted to know in what aspect she had exposed herself. If Yang Kai couldn’t give any concrete reasons why then it would be clear that he was using words to swindle her.
[could It be that he currently held suspicions, but was ultimately unsure] This is was what Hu Jiao Er guessed was going on.
“Lady, you are now testing my observation skills.” Yang Kai didn’t get angry and he laughed. Standing up, he walked over to the table and picked up the teacup from which he had drunk from earlier and pursed his lips. “Actually, I still wasn’t sure that you really were not Hu Mei Er. Though now, I am certain that you are not her!”
Hu Jiao Er stared blankly and became really angry, to the point that she wanted to grind her teeth; it turns out that his words just then really were probing her! This infuriated her! She, a True Element Practitioner, with a moment’s carelessness was played by this Tempered Body youngster. This was such a defeat, she had lost so much face.
She held no interest in denying it further. Hu Jiao Er laughed softly, and repositioned herself on the bed, displaying her alluring body fully, while her bewitching eyes sized Yang Kai up, she asked in a gentle tone. “At what moment did you start having your doubts?”
“From the time I drank the tea.” Yang Kai lightly hit the teacup within his hands, “Although the tea was very pleasant, it couldn’t fully cover the female scent. Also, on this cup, there is a faint marking of lips, and I concluded that it hadn’t been too long since someone last used it right? And that person should be Lady Hu Mei Er.”
“Just from that, you don’t believe I am Mei Er?” Hu Jiao Er was amazed.
“Of course it wasn’t just from that.” Yang Kai slowly shook his head, “The second point that arose my suspicion was your temperament! I do not believe that in ten days or so, a woman’s temperament can undergo such a large change. Putting it nicely, Lady Mei Er’s charm is more young and tender, where as your charm is more mature and developed.”
“I like the sound of that.” Hu Jiao Er started to laugh while covering her mouth, “Please continue, do you have any more reasons?”
“Thirdly, your scent and Lady Mei Er’s are very similar, but if you are to smell carefully, they are still different. Her’s is sweeter while yours possesses a more subtle elegance.”
“Stinking brat!” Hu Jiao Er’s face was a nice pink hue because Yang Kai’s somewhat straightforward answers had caused her to be unable to maintain her calm. Thinking back at how she had wanted to probe him and the self-sacrifices she had made, Hu Jiao Er couldn’t help but want to slap this confident male in front of her into a meat patty.
“Fourthly…” Yang Kai ignored Hu Jiao Er’s oppressive glare and continued to speak.
“There is more…” This startled Hu Jiao Er. She would have never guessed that this Tempered Body youngster would be able to see this many holes, in her seemingly flawless plan.
“*He he*, the fourth point is the injury on this lady’s foot. That injury looks like it is a sprain, but it is really a self-inflicted injury, caused internally and this was the greatest clue. Although Lady Mei Er is a young lady, she is still a martial practitioner. How could it be so easy for her to sprain her ankle?”
“This was actually my own negligence.” Hu Jiao Er lightly nodded her head. Back then, she was only concerned with revealing Yang Kai’s true colours, thus she had not thought too deeply.
As she lifted up her head, she saw that Yang Kai was still deep in thought, so Hu Jiao Er questioned, “Don’t tell me you there were more flaws that you saw through.”
Hu Jiao Er was quite unconvinced. How could her plan, that she thought was flawless and perfect, actually be full of holes and flaws in his eyes? Not to mention all of his analysis was clear and logical, leaving no room for argument.
Looking at this stinking brat filled her with loathing.
[If he dared to point out any more flaws, this Lady would definitely show you some attitude! You completely forgot to leave others some face!]
“Then I’ll say no more.” Yang Kai replied as he wrinkled his brows.
Hearing this, Hu Jiao Er became unhappy and her charming eyes turned frosty. Laughing captivatingly, biting down with her ivory teeth she spat out a single word, “Speak!”
“I better not say anymore!” He said shaking his head.
Hu Jiao Er’s anger rose. “If I want you to speak then speak. How could there be someone like you who likes leaving a person hanging.”
Yang Kai bitterly laughed. “I’m afraid that if I say it, I could cause this lady to become angry.”
Her almond eyes narrowing, she replied, “Make me angry? What is this flaw, is it an upsetting thing?”
“Then all the more I want to hear it!”
“But you must promise me that you do not become angry.”
“If you don’t say it, then how will I know whether or not I will be angry or not?”
“Nevermind then.”
“Y-You…don’t you know that when you are arguing with a woman, you should back down a step?” Hu Jiao Er was gloomy inside. This youngster seemed shrewd, but he was actually a stubborn and cold headed youth, without a shred of sensitivity.
“If I back down a step, I would become injured. I think… I would be unable to match you.” Yang Kai’s face was serious.
“I see that you still have some sensitivity!” Laughing proudly, Hu Jiao Er sprang up from the bed, carrying with her a sweet aroma, both from the bed and herself over to the table. Her clothes dancing around, she sat down and gracefully looked towards Yang Kai. Muttering for a while, she responded. “Okay then, I promise that I will not become angry with you.”
“And you also promise not to hit me.”
“Fine!” Biting her ivory teeth, Hu Jiao Er continued, “Tell me, what is this final flaw?”
His face stern Yang Kai answered: “Actually, it can’t really be counted as a flaw. It’s just that between you and Lady Mei Er there is a slight difference between you.”
“Where is this difference?” Hu Jiao Er looked at him oddly because she and her younger sister were both practically carved from the same mould. So where would this difference be?
Yang Kai opened and closed his mouth and hesitated for a good while before mumbling out. “It’s your buttocks, one side is smaller than the other! It is incomparable to Lady Mei Er’s well proportioned ones!”
As soon as he said this, Hu Jiao Er’s face suddenly became bright red and all of her True Element Stage Yuan Qi burst out, engulfing the house in a powerful gale.
“Please remember the words you just said!” Remaining calm, his heart steady, Yang Kai reminded her faintly.
Hu Jiao Er’s imposing air unexpectedly receded. She was so furious her entire body was shaking yet she could not vent her anger, she nearly shattered her ivory teeth from biting down too hard. It wasn’t till after a long time had passed that she banged the table and spoke out in her sweet but enraged voice, “Utter rubbish!”
For a proper girl to utter these coarse words, one could only imagine Hu Jiao Er’s current rage.
[This brat should be made into mincemeat, he dares to evaluate my buttocks as one small and one big. Is this something a man should say? How is one smaller than the other? Aren’t they clearly well proportioned? This stinking brat, I’m afraid that you don’t know how to write the word death right?]

Martial Peak – Chapter 58, Attracting Trouble

As Hu Jiao Er flew into a rage due to her humiliation, Yang Kai immediately went to comfort her. “Lady, you do not need to worry about it. If you don’t look carefully, you won’t see any difference.”
Her face turned cold as she murderously looked at Yang Kai. “In other words, you had a pretty good look right?”
Not only did Yang Kai cough a few times, he also looked embarrassed. “I did… have a few glances…”
[You can’t blame me! You stuck out your own bottom towards me. How is it possible for me to act like I didn’t see anything?] Yang Kai felt that he had been wronged.
“With these points, if I still couldn’t see that you and Lady Hu Mei Er are two different people, then my eyes would have grown in vain.” Yang Kai faintly laughed.
After her anger had subsided, thinking it over, Hu Jiao Er couldn’t help but feel a little shock.
Seeing this man called Yang Kai, he had incomparable insight. Just from entering this room, looking around and drinking some tea, he had seen through it all. This type of ability is not possessed by just anyone. Let alone the fact that she had personally tried to entice him and ultimately failed to do so, this person’s perseverance and personality are considerably good; so much so as to not be charmed by good looks. He was a man of determination.
[Genius! Although he is young, no one could deny the fact that he is a genius!]
Arriving at such a point, Hu Jiao Er’s eyes rolled and she gave Yang Kai a charming look. “Yang Kai right? Seeing that you have just offended me, this lady will give you two choices.”
“What choices?” Yang Kai asked.
“The first choice, the hand that touched me shall be the one to be decapitated and the eye that saw me, shall be dug out and only then would I forgive your previous actions.” As Hu Jiao Er said those words, she maintained her smile, along with a gentle voice. It was like a wife talking to her husband, but within her words, there was an unreasonable amount of cruelty and bloodthirst.
Yang Kai shook his head, “Let me hear the second choice.”
“Clever.” Hu Jiao Er smiled. “The second choice, that is to leave High Heaven Pavilion and enter our Blood Battle Gang. I will ask Father to bestow upon you the position of Small Captain. From what I know, in High Heaven Pavilion Pavilion, you are the lowest rank Trial Disciple; you are bullied, with no access to good cultivation resources. But if you join my Blood Battle Gang, your treatment would be at least a hundredfold better than it is currently. How about it, aren’t my offers generous?”
“Are there any other choices?”
“Then I shall choose neither of them.” As he said this, Yang Kai secretly started to operate his True Yang Secret Art and stayed vigilant towards Hu Jiao Er.
“You want to force my hand?” Hu Jiao Er repeatedly laughed coldly.
“I do not think that you would really attack because this isn’t the Blood Battle Gang’s territory. As soon as there is a hint of battle, High Heaven Pavilion and its guardian disciples would all come to investigate. At that moment, problems and inconveniences would occur for you.”
“You’re just an insignificant Trial Disciple, if I want to kill you I can, so what can High Heaven Pavilion do? At most, all I need to do is compensate them with a couple of items. In all likelihood, they wouldn’t even really care about your death that much!”
“Lady, if you really want to kill me, you wouldn’t talk rubbish with me.” Although Yang Kai appeared calm and composed, he was actually nervous on the inside, because a woman’s heart was like a needle at the bottom of the ocean, who knew what they were really thinking.
He was already regretting speaking the truth. As expected, you cannot trust a woman’s words, especially a beautiful woman’s words. He still lacks experience.
“Furthermore, as I have already said, I used my most precious Blood Clotting Cream to help your injury so you should no longer press on about me offending you.” Yang Kai attempted to disperse her ideas of wanting to hurt him.
“Is one bottle of Blood Clotting Cream able to compensate my losses? You have…” Hu Jiao Er’s words couldn’t come out. Previously she wanted to say that he had already hugged her, already touched her, but as the words were about to come out, some invisible force prevented them. Her losses were so great, how could one bottle of cream for external injuries possibly be able to make up for it?
“I can’t help you, no matter what you say. As a matter of fact, you should already know that those things only happened because you initiated them.”
Those words only served to pour oil onto the fire, causing Hu Jiao Er to become both shy and angry. Just as she was about to attack, she turned around to look over at the place where Hu Mei Er was hidden. Seeing her energetic attempts to shout something, her heart softened and her anger gradually melted away. Taking in a deep breath, she spoke. “Never mind, this time I won’t trouble you about it anymore.”
Yang Kai couldn’t help but exhale one long breath. “Lady, thank you for your pardon.”
Hu Jiao Er lightly laughed. “Actually your words were correct, but there was one mistake.”
“Which part?” Yang Kai asked.
Hu Jiao Er didn’t swiftly reply but instead waved her hand making the hidden Hu Mei Er re-appear. Yang Kai was greatly shocked because although he knew this woman’s strength was high, he didn’t think that her strength was at such a level. To wave your hands and have a person appear, clearly, demonstrates that one is at least in the True Element Boundary.
Obtaining her freedom, Hu Mei Er looked at Yang Kai with her charming eyes. Her face relaxed, just then she was nervous to death, afraid that her sister in a moment’s fury would go and kill Yang Kai.
When she looked over at her elder sister again, she couldn’t help but laugh as she remembered Yang Kai’s words.
[My god, there is a man who dared to say those words to older sister and suffered no loss.]
“Older sister!” As soon as Hu Mei Er came out, she jumped onto her older sister and threw a tantrum. “Don’t be angry. This affair cannot be blamed on him.”
“I didn’t say I would blame him.” Hu Jiao Er’s gloominess disappeared, and she turned her head around to face Yang Kai. “The point that you were wrong about is, Mei Er and I are not twins.”
“You are not twins?” Surprised Yang Kai was.
Looking carefully, the two ladies in front of him looked exactly the same, with no distinguishable difference. If they were to meet again and asked him who was who, he definitely would not be able to say.
“No, I am older than Mei Er by a few years.” Hu Jiao Er faintly smiled. When she saw Yang Kai’s shock, her heart became somewhat more balanced and at peace.
“It really is a vast world, full of extraordinary things.” Yang Kai sighed out sorrowfully, they really were two sisters. They were born a few years apart, yet they looked so similar. Under the wide sky, perhaps this was the only case.
“You don’t know me?” Hu Jiao Er was slightly puzzled; she was, after all, a powerful younger generation disciple of Blood Battle Gang. Her reputation was widely celebrated, so how could this person not know of her?
“I don’t.” Yang Kai shook his head, appearing ignorant and inexperienced.
Seeing that he wasn’t lying, Hu Jiao Er could only believe him. She didn’t know his daily experiences these past few years, he was practically living separately from the outside world, never socializing with others.
“You have something you wish to trouble me with today?” Hu Mei Er turned her head around to look at Yang Kai.
Yang Kai then proceeded to tell them his goal. Hu Mei Er looked over to her older sister, asking for a consultation. Her sister waved her hand. “Go then, but don’t cause a fuss at the mines.”
“Thank you.” Yang Kai let out a sigh of relief.
“Let’s go. The mining area isn’t that far from here.” Hu Mei Er’s mood appeared quite good, there was a rosy luster on her cheeks while she led the way.
After Yang Kai and Hu Mei Er left, Hu Jiao Er stood up and used her jade hands to slowly rub her soft, round and well-proportioned buttocks. As she massaged them, she muttered to herself, “How is one bigger than the other? They are clearly the same! That stinking brat was clearly speaking nonsense. How hateful!”

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Martial Peak – Chapter 59, The Mining Site

After leaving the bustling Black Wind Trade area, under Hu Mei Er’s guidance, the two people walked towards the north side of the Black Wind Forest. Hu Mei Er appeared joyous and within her pair of charming eye’s you could catch glimpses of delight, which made her more attractive when contrasted with her slightly flushed cheeks.
“That day’s affair, I am sorry!” Yang Kai suddenly apologized. His actions that day was really over the top and now that he had come to ask her for help, he felt a bit two faced.
Hu Mei Er pursed her lips before smiling. “It’s okay. Also, you didn’t curse me or anything. These few years, I have heard even worse words and I’m still living well aren’t I?”
“You don’t hate me?” Yang Kai asked astonished.
“What’s the use in hating you?” Hu Mei Er smiled. “Actually, I hated you quite a bit but… one of your actions made me unable to hate you.”
“What action?”
“*He he,* that day when Cheng Shao Feng and Niu Tao appeared, you went and stood in front of me. Perhaps that was a subconscious action, but these past few years, that was the first time someone sincerely and with all their heart wanted to protect me.”
“I don’t remember it, but you must have suffered quite a lot.” Yang Kai sighed. A perfectly good female intentionally sullied their own reputation in order to find some talented Disciples for the Blood Battle Gang. Although the methods were good, it still contained filial piety within.
*Ge ge…* Hu Mei Er chuckled. “It wasn’t too hard. Don’t you know that putting on a show or act is a women’s specialty? ”
“*He he,* I have never interacted with women.”
“Really?” Hu Mei Er’s eyes brightened.
“*En.* So these past few days I have been exhausted and toyed around with thoroughly by you two sisters.” Yang Kai said seriously.
A streak of anger flashed in Hu MeI Er’s eyes as she spoke. “What you said is too bad! Fortunately my older sister’s not here, otherwise, you would be guaranteed a beating from her!”
“Your older sister…..”
“is a True Element First Boundary Cultivator!” Hu Mei Er said with some pride.
“Strong!” He praised.
Su Yan was at the True Element Third Boundary, Hu Mei Er’s sister was slightly weaker than Su Yan, but nonetheless, it wasn’t a big difference.
As soon as Hu Mei Er mentioned her sister, she thought about what Yang Kai had said again, causing her to throw her head back in laughter. During this flurry of actions, she didn’t stop laughing.
Yang Kai remained silent and stood in place waiting for her to recover her breath.
After laughing for a good while, Hu Mei Er finally recovered her breath and turned to him with a big smile. “I see that you have great courage. There has never been a man who dared to speak to my older sister like that. Her that place……is it true that one is bigger than the other?”
“It could be because of the clothes she was wearing, so you can tell her later not to worry about it?” Yang Kai gently laughed.
“Then how about mine? Is it really well portioned?” Her face bashful, Hu Mei Er asked boldly.
“Not only are they well portioned, they stick out smoothly and are well rounded.” Yang Kai nodded his head, “Your body figure excellent, so don’t sell yourself short.”
For a moment, Hu Mei Er thought it was a bit hard to bear. These frank and motiveless praises were the best words she had heard in a long time.
At that moment, she was secretly jumping with joy.
“How much longer will it take until we arrive?” Yang Kai didn’t want to continue discussing this topic, so he asked this question.
“There is still one hour’s worth of walking and although that place can be considered a part of Black Wind Forest, it is closer to the heart of the forest.” Hu Mei Er explained. “Over there, there is a vein that our Blood Battle Gang discovered a few years back. We sent over people to protect it and extract ores. The ore’s that are extracted from there are quite peculiar.”
“How are they peculiar?” Yang Kai asked.
“Over there, there are only stones of two attributes. One of them is the stone you had bought, the Bright Yang Stone while the other is the Bright Yin Stone. If you say it is peculiar, it is not but these two stones mutually suppress each other. So to find them appearing together is quite a mystery.”
“That is really strange.” Yang Kai’s interest was slightly piqued.
The Bright Yang Stone contained Yang attributed energy while the Bright Yin Stone contained Yin attributed energy, they were opposing attributes. Under normal circumstances, they definitely would not form together.
“Even the Elders in the Sect feel that something isn’t quite right with the mining vein, but even after years of investigation, they have yet to find anything out of the ordinary. Though, from this mine, we have earned no small amount of money.” Hu Mei Er didn’t seem to treat Yang Kai like an outsider and whatever she thought, she would say.
“This is your Blood Battle Gang’s good fortune!” Yang Kai chuckled.
Hu Mei Er replied with an *en* and then suddenly lapsed into a reign of silence before speaking again. “Actually, it is such a coincidence that you were looking for me today. If it was at a later date, then you probably wouldn’t be able to find me. So it should be your good fortune.”
“Where are you going?” Yang Kai understood the underlying hint in her words.
“I’m not going anywhere.” Hu Mei Er shook her head and as she explained, she secretly observed Yang Kai’s expression: “After your words last time, I suddenly thought that my actions these past years weren’t correct. When utilizing those underhanded methods, the roped in talents don’t care about the Blood Battle Gang, but rather only me! And since I cannot provide them with what they really want, naturally they won’t try their best for the Sect. That’s why I have decided to go into seclusion to train and become stronger so I can shoulder some of the burdens with my father, just like my sister!”
“The fact that you can think of this, is a good thing.” Yang Kai nodded his head in approval.
Not only was Hu Mei Er disappointed by his response she also saw that from the beginning till the end, Yang Kai’s face didn’t change much at all. Her words caused no fluctuations in his mood.
Feeling a bit of pain stinging her heart, Hu Mei Er didn’t have the mood to continue talking and only led the way at the front.
Since she didn’t speak, Yang Kai naturally wouldn’t go find something to talk to her about. After walking for another hour, the two people arrived at the mining site of the Blood Battle Gang.
It was positioned at the center of Black Wind Forest. An area of roughly ten square kilometers was the size of the Blood Battle Gang’s mining area. In the surrounding area, a few houses had been erected to allow the Disciples to rest.
Because the ore vein was underground, when Yang Kai and Hu Mei Er arrived, they didn’t see many people and instead saw several large holes in the ground that lead underground.
Apart from the surrounding hundred meters or so, Yang Kai felt a weak reaction from his Origin of Yang in the center of his stomach area; a reaction to the underground Bright Yang Stones. Along with the growth of his strength, the area in which he could sense Yang energy also grew larger, but it didn’t increase by much.
Seeing the two people entering the mining area, a Blood Battle Gang Disciple took notice of them. Then an old man suddenly dropped down from the sky and landed in front of Yang Kai and Hu Mei Er. Cupping his hands he said greeted, “Young lady!”
“Grandpa Long.” Hu Mei Er called out familiarly and pulled on Yang Kai to introduce him. “This is our Sect’s vice head, Grandfather Long, Long Zai Tian.”
Yang Kai hurriedly paid his respects. “Greetings, Senior Long.”
Long Zai Tian looked at Yang Kai in contempt and didn’t pay any regard to him. With his Immortal Ascension Boundary Level in Cultivation, and position as Vice Head of the Blood Battle Gang, was there any need to pay regard to Yang Kai’s little face?
Not to mention a youngster who relied on a woman! Long Zai Tian especially despised people like Yang Kai, and if it wasn’t for Hu Mei Er’s face, he would have long since slapped Yang Kai to death.
“Young lady, why did you come to the mining site?” Stroking his long white beard, Long Zai Tian kindly asked her, “It is both dirty and hot here so how is this someplace you can come to. Hurry and return, otherwise when your father learns of it, he will scold me.”
“It wouldn’t happen. Daddy wouldn’t have the guts to scold you because you are the third most powerful Elder in the Sect, in fact, he only respects you.” Hu Mei Er used her spoilt child act, causing Long Zai Tian to become quite joyful.
“Grandpa Long, my friend here wants to purchase some things from some of the Disciples here. Would you allow us to trouble you and enter to find them?” Hu Mei Er asked in a straight forward manner.

Martial Peak – Chapter 60, No need for Senior to see me out

“Enter the mine?” Long Zai Tian’s face immediately fell and he went to vigilantly size up Yang Kai before asking: “He isn’t a Disciple of the Sect right?”
Yang Kai took a step forwards and said respectfully. “I am a Disciple of High Heaven Pavilion.”
“Disciples not of the Sect are not allowed to enter!” Long Zai Tian said whilst glaring at Yang Kai before blowing out a mouthful of air, clearly displeased. From his tone, you tell he despised Yang Kai as he spoke. “Even Disciples of the Sect aren’t able to freely enter as they wish, let alone you, an outsider.”
After he finished saying this, his face became full of pain as he turned around to Hu Mei Er to speak. “Young lady, how could you bring an outsider to this place? Since you are young, you don’t know the ways of people’s hearts, you may know a person for a long time but not their true nature. These past years, because of this mine, we have earned quite a lot of money, with many eyes secretly watching us making inquiries, all wanting to exploit any weakness. If this old man did not guard the mine all year round, one couldn’t possibly imagine the chaos that might ensue.”
Yang Kai was deep in thought; this old timer was indirectly accusing him of spying. When you heard this spoken about yourself, how could a person still feel dignified?
Hu Mei Er sensed Yang Kai wasn’t happy and hurriedly explained. “Grandpa Long, you misunderstand. He doesn’t inquire about anything, but only wants to purchase some things.”
Long Zai Tian mockingly laughed. “Purchase some things? Did you need to come all the way here to buy things? This excuse is really interesting. Brat, I don’t know what your goal is, but get lost from my sight. If you dare to come here again, let’s see if this Elder dares to kill you or not.”
A belly full of angry rose, Yang Kai felt this course Senior was far too arrogant. But although he was resentful, he knew that the difference in strength was far too great and if moves were exchanged, Yang Kai was afraid he wouldn’t even last one breath’s time.
Forcibly suppressing his anger, Yang Kai didn’t say a word. If he was to start something, he would only disadvantage himself.
“Coward!” As Long Zai Tian saw Yang Kai’s reactions, he despised him even more.
Uncontrollably the Yang Yuan Qi within Yang Kai’s Dantian started to swell up, as he glowered at Long Zai Tian.
Sensing the change in Yang Kai’s Yuan Qi, Long Zai Tian angrily roared, “Impudent! You want to attack me?”
Once he finished, without any reason or regard to power Seniority, a palm was sent out towards Yang Kai. Seeing this palm being sent towards him, Yang Kai stood there unable to move. It wasn’t because he was scared stiff, but rather that the opponent had used some sort of skill to immobilize him.
Yang Kai’s face changed greatly because he would never have imagined that this old timer would be so shameless. He could feel Long Zai Tian’s attitude towards him, but couldn’t figure out the reason why and faced with this intent to kill, Yang Kai didn’t know how to react.
With death charging towards him, the immense pressure that accompanied an Immortal Ascension Boundary practitioner’s attack caused even Yang Kai’s heart to freeze. His breathing also became shallow; meanwhile, an instinctual desire for survival arose from within his body.
Suddenly from within his bones, boiling hot warmth seeped out and rapidly spread throughout his body. The next moment, Yang Kai felt the restricting forces on his body disappear.
Hastily, Yang Kai used all of his strength to dodge to the side.
Long Zai Tian causally smashed down his palm; he thought that he would definitely have hit that High Heaven Pavilion Disciple with his palm. Contrary to his predictions, the opposite party had actually dodged!
[How could that be?] Long Zai Tian’s eyebrows creased.
[How could his Immortal Ascension Boundary restricting techniques be broken by this youngster?] Because he didn’t predict this, Long Zai Tian had just casually slammed his palm down.
Although Long Zai Tian’s attack did not hit Yang Kai, it put him in a difficult position. His face became pale and he was left sweating all over while he stabilized his position, he looked at Long Zai Tian for a while. Within Yang Kai’s eyes, there was an extra streak of coldness.
If one said that Yang Kai had been annoyed over Long Zai Tian’s attitude towards him, you could now say that he was furious. The opponent tried to take his life without even trying to hide his intent like he was toying with an ant.
Although Long Zai Tian also knew this point, he still didn’t know how Yang Kai had escaped his binding. But since he had shown that he wanted to kill Yang Kai, how could he be light with his strikes? One step to strike, one step to rest, as he prepared to send another strike over.
Only now did Hu Mei Er regain her senses, she quickly rushed in front of Yang Kai while she glaring at Long Zai Tian, hissing out. “Grandpa Long, he is my friend! What are you trying to do?”
“For people trying to make inquiries about the mine, all must die, as decreed by the law! This the command of the Sect Master!” Long Zai Tian looked at Hu Mei Er deeply, while a flash of astonishment appeared in his eyes.
Before, Hu Mei Er would often have dealings with young males, but he had never seen her disregard her life for anyone. With regards to the lives and deaths of those young males, Hu Mei Er never cared about them. In other words, eight out of ten of those youngsters, none had good endings.
But this time, she was undaunted by the dangers and still stood in front of this High Heaven Disciple, while using quite a fierce tone to question him.
[This had never happened before!] Long Zai Tian’s eyes narrowed, thinking it over, his killing intent became stronger.
Hu Mei Er protected Yang Kai behind her, clenching her teeth she glowered at Long Zai Tian and snapped “I’ve already said that he only wants to purchase some things and doesn’t want to inquire about the mine! Grandpa Long, do you not understand my words?”
Seeing how Hu Mei Er wanted to protect Yang Kai, Long Zai Tian could no longer continue to be a troublemaker and could only drawback. “Of course I don’t dare. Young Mistress’s words, this Elder will absolutely believe them.”
“Since it is so, why do you still act that way?”
“This Elder admits his mistakes, and asks for the forgiveness of the young lady.”
The Blood Battle Gang, Strom House, and High Heaven Pavilions were all different; the Blood Battle Gang was a family group, with the Hu family acting as its masters, so although Long Zai Tian was the Vice-Head, he must still give Hu Mei Er face.
“But this Elder still asks for the young lady’s forgiveness because the mine is no small matter and outsiders cannot enter!” After speaking, Long Zai Tian didn’t look to Hu Mei Er but turned towards Yang Kai’s direction and snorted out coldly before turning around to leave.
Yang Kai took in a deep breath, calming the boiling blood within him to speak. “No need for Senior to see me out!”
Long Zai Tian impatiently turned his head and narrowed his eyes at Yang Kai, hiding away traces of killing intent in his eyes.
“Senior, the present me is not your opponent!” Yang Kai slowly walked in front of Hu Mu Er and without any fear he faced Long Zai Tian, “So today’s affairs, I will remember them. But after five years, ten years, I will come and return this debt. I hope that Senior will be able to live till that day!”
Yang Kai spoke with great serenity, and with sincerity.
Long Zai Tian’s face became cold before he started to laugh out loud. “Whether or not this Senior would be able to live to that day, you don’t need to worry about. But I think you definitely won’t be able to live till that day! you unbridled youngster, you’d best be careful in the future!”
“I will!”
After Long Zai Tian departed, Hu Mei Er apologised profusely to Yang Kai. “I am so sorry, I am so-so sorry. I don’t know why Grandpa Long would act this way. If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have brought you over.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Yang Kai breathed in deeply, recalling the immensely terrifying scene, he still felt some lingering fear. If it wasn’t for the Golden Skeleton acting up at that moment, he was afraid that he would be long dead. It was thanks to that boiling hot warmth that allowed him to break free of Long Zai Tian’s bindings and escape mortal danger.

Martial Peak – Chapter 61, I Owe You a Favour

[Why would Long Zai Tian go against her?] Yang Kai took a glance at the forlorn and ashamed Hu Mei Er, the reason became clear.
[I guess some things were better left unsaid…]
Hu Mei Er was also a bright and intelligent girl, and although Yang Kai only glanced at her, she still understood the reason for his gaze.
“Grandpa forbade you from entering the mine, and I am unable to not give him face. How about this, I will go and buy those seeds in your place. So, could you wait for me here?” Hu Mei Er suggested.
“Okay.” Yang Kai knew this was the only way, and immediately went to give all of his valuable possessions to her before telling her the names of the Disciple who possessed the seeds. That time in the Black Wind Trade area, he had gotten all the relevant information from the booth owner.
Hu Mei Er entered the underground mine, while Yang Kai’s eyes swept over the holes in the ground. When Long Zai Tian had left, he had entered one of the houses, and Yang Kai could sense that within that house a pair of eyes was staring at him intently, on Yang Kai’s position.
The stare had watched when Long Zai Tian had struck out at Yang Kai earlier; the source of that stare was a boy about the same age as Yang Kai, Long Zai Tian’s grandson, Long Hui!
Long Hui was currently looking at Yang Kai coldly and was discontent. “Grandpa, why didn’t you kill him back then?”
Long Zai Tian coldly laughed. “With Mei Er’s protection, how do you expect me to kill him?”
“All the more reason to kill him! I have never seen little sister, Hu Mei Er spend so much effort for any man and that youngster’s relationship with Mei Er isn’t shallow. To allow him to live, will only cause problems!”
“*En,* we have never seen Hu Mei Er protect someone like that. And for him, she actually dared to go against me, which is very unusual.” Long Zai Tian’s eyebrows creased.
Long Hui was extremely jealous. “Now that Mei Er has entered the mine, how about grandpa attacks again?”
Long Zai Tian looked at Long Hui resentfully, he wanted to comply but knew of the consequences. “Killing him is no hard task. But, if he died, it will cause Mei Er to harbor resentment towards you. Do you think that it’s worth it?”
Long Hui looked on blankly before shaking his head. “It’s not worth it, but are we really going to allow him to continue his relationship with Hu Mei Er? I can’t bear it.”
“You!” Long Zai Tian couldn’t help but let out a breath, “Learn more from your older brother and watch how he treats the women that he likes. If you want Mei Er, you must use more of your mind. Grandpa can help you kill people, but I can’t possibly help you acquire a female’s heart right? Hu Man does not have any sons, only his two daughters, Jiao Er and Mei Er, so if you and your older brother able to obtain these two, then in the future, the Blood Battle Gang would belong to my Long family! In all three generations of my Long family, we have put decades of work into helping Blood Battle Gang so we deserve the taste of being the Sect Master!”
Hearing this caused Long Hui to become hot-blooded as he nodded his head. “It should be time for my Long family to become the Master Family! Relax grandpa, Mei Er won’t be able to escape and over on big brother’s side, Hu Jiao Er will definitely be captured.”
*En* “It’s good to see that you have Some, resolve” Long Zai Tian smiled at him.
Long Hui was full of venom; he blamed things on the distant Yang Kai. With a bit of restlessness, he tried to speak his worries. “Grandpa, that person…….”
“You go find the opportunity yourself. His strength isn’t high, so you should be able to cope.”
“Yes!” Long Hui laughed sinisterly.
Although he couldn’t do anything now since Hu Mei Er would return shortly, Yang Kai was still a High Heaven Pavilion Disciple, so he wouldn’t be able to run far.
Yang Kai waited outside for a short while before Hu Mei Er came out, sweating all over. Her face filled with smiles as she stuffed four seeds into Yang Kai’s hands. “Fortunately, it wasn’t life threatening.”
The young lady of the Blood Battle Gang wanted to purchase some things, so which Disciple dared to not sell?
“Many thanks!” Yang Kai very carefully placed the four seeds within his chest area pocket.
After standing in his original position for a while, Yang Kai struggled before speaking. “You have helped me this time, so I owe you a favour.”
Hu Mei Er held a strange look as she stared at Yang Kai. “What do you mean?”
Waving his hand, Yang Kai explained. “Why don’t you follow me!?”
Although Hu Mei Er didn’t know what he wanted to do, she obediently followed him over.
After walking about thirty feet, Yang Kai unexpectedly stopped and stomped his foot. “I want you to remember this place. About 35 meters below here, there should be some unusual objects.”
Hu Mei Er eyes widened in doubt. “How do you know?”
Yang Kai muttered a bit indistinctly. “The martial skill that I am practicing, within a certain distance, I can sense all Yang attributed things. Underneath here there should be a Yang attributed treasure and its Yang energy fluctuations are many times purer than the Bright Yang Stones.”
Before coming here, Yang Kai had already sensed that in this area was a bit unusual and after considering it, he decided to tell Hu Mei Er. One reason was, due to this area belonging to the Blood Battle Gang, even if Yang Kai wanted these treasures, he couldn’t obtain them. Secondly, he still owed Hu Mei Er a favour and Yang Kai saw everything she did as she helped him today.
“Ah?” Hearing Yang Kai’s words, Hu Mei Er became frightened.
“Do you believe me?”
“I believe!” Hu Mei Er replied very frankly, making Yang Kai feel a bit moved.
“That’s good then.” Yang Kai lightly smiled. “Even though I do not know what is below, its value definitely isn’t low. Also, apart from that, there seems to be something else too, for the specifics, I can’t sense it. But from my guesses, the secret hidden below should be the peculiar mystery that your Blood Battle Gang has been trying solve regarding the mine. It’s extremely possible, that because of its existence, this ore vein exists.”
Hu Mei Er couldn’t help but be moved. If what Yang Kai said was true, then the secret hidden underneath was extremely important.
“You are an intelligent girl, so you should know what to do.” Yang Kai solemnly urged her.
“I understand.” Hu Mei Er kept on nodding her head.
“Okay then, let’s go.” He smiled began moving off.
*En.* Walking through the forest, Hu Mei Er and Yang Kai didn’t speak but instead enjoyed the warmth of the forest together.
Hu Mei Er was extremely joyful because Yang Kai had told her such important information. It was evident that his impression of her had changed greatly, unlike last time when he had simply disregarded her and ordered her around.
This time was different, he was much gentler and softer with her.
“We shall part here.” Abruptly, Yang Kai stopped his steps, while Hu Mei Er looked distracted, showing her unwillingness. In the blink of an eye, the two people had arrived at the four-way intersection; [time passed by so quickly!] Hu Mei Er was slightly grieving.
“Goodbye.” Yang Kai hurriedly said this and rushed back to High Heaven Pavilion.
[He really isn’t an easily swayed man!] Hu Mei Er laughed out bitterly, trying to cope.

Martial Peak – Chapter 62, Xia Ning Chang’s Decision

Next to the Coiling Dragon Stream, was Yang Kai concentrating on his training.
Not too far from him, there were the three Three Sun’s Fruit trees growing healthily, the biggest of the three already had three fruits growing, all on the verge of ripening. While the smallest of the three had only just emerged from the ground was still a tiny sapling.
Ever since the day he had left the Battle Blood Gang mine, he had been cultivating non-stop day and night at the Coiling Dragon Stream; even forgetting to eat. Long Zai Tian’s capricious attacks had motivated him to become stronger. With regards to that event, he wanted to extract revenge with his own two hands.
After ten days of training, he had reached the peak of the Tempered Body Ninth Stage and was on the brink of breaking through. But he seemed to be unable to grasp certain key points, causing to feel hopeless.
He knew that a realm breakthrough required an opportunity, and wasn’t easy like breaking through the various sub-stages. Even if he has enough Yuan Qi, he must have a chance encounter and understand what needs to be understood.
But if you thought about it, these days of training went by quite smoothly. He no longer needed to go and sweep, so he had more hours to train, the Three Leaved Chaos Spirit Flower and the Dead Jedi Tree Grass herbs had long since been finished. Without the incense’s pressure, the results from activating the True Yang Secret Art were clearly faster, allowing him to absorb the Yang Yuan Qi, more easily from the earth.
But all of the Yang Liquid drops that had been condensed were used as catalysts to transform the Three Sun’s Fruit seeds. Within his Dantian, there was not a single drop that remained.
The world’s essence congregated around, who was about to break into the Initial Element Stage and filled his body with new energy but unfortunately it did not succeed.
Even after a day and night of contemplation, he was still stuck at this bottleneck. Although he didn’t feel worried, or impatient, he was unable to free himself of the shackles that bound him; it was so very strange.
Another night under the starry sky next to Coiling Dragon Stream, Yang Kai’s emotions had sunken into an anxious state. All of his Yuan Qi seemed to become chaotic, and on his face was an extremely painful expression.
Not too far away, Xia Ning Chang who was watching couldn’t help but cry out. Though they were quite a distance apart, she could still sense the unusual Yuan Qi fluctuations; within those Yuan Qi fluctuations, there was a cold and evil Qi.
[How could it be? This was a clear sign of walking into the dark arts. He was only breaking into the Initial Element Stage from the Tempered Body Ninth Stage, so how could there be a chance of accidentally walking into the dark arts?]
[Although it might be rude to say this, a martial practitioner with such a low level of cultivation doesn’t have the qualifications to cultivate the dark arts. Only when he was at a higher stage, would he have a chance to start to cultivate in that direction.]
[But that doesn’t explain this situation right now.]
Xia Ning Chang’s pretty eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.
The reason why she was there, was because she had watched over Yang Kai for more than two years, so… it had become a habit. Over these past few days, the sudden disappearance of Yang Kai had left her a bit lonely. With everything, she did she could not muster even a single bit of interest. Searching for him, she had found him next to Coiling Dragon Stream and the big stone in her heart had been lifted.
After arriving, Xia Ning Chang knew that he was about to breakthrough. After waiting for a day, he had unexpectedly not managed to breakthrough, and now this strange thing had arisen, so how could she not be in doubt.
Just as Xia Ning Chang was feeling anxious inside, a pure and blistering hot energy burst from within. With that blistering hot energies appearance, the demonic traces of energy were gradually being burnt away and the Yuan Qi fluctuations immediately became steady.
“True Yang Energy!” Xia Ning Chang’s small mouth gaped open and her charming face displayed her amazement. Nearly crying out, “How could it be so pure!”
That pure and blistering hot energy was clearly Yang type energy. Many High Heaven Pavilion Disciples cultivate fire or Yang type martial skills and possessed this type of fiery Yuan Qi. But no matter which Disciples Yuan Qi was compared, it wouldn’t be as pure as his.
This blistering hot energy wasn’t very dense, because ’s strength wasn’t very high. But it was abnormally clean, without the tiniest bit of impurity; like a water source that hadn’t been contaminated by the outside world.
Before she could recover herself, Xia Ning Chang saw that the demonic energy which was being suppressed by that blistering energy was also being replaced by it while it scattered inside.
After a short while, another burst true Yang Yuan Qi came out and suppressed the remaining dark energy. This repeated a few times, leaving Xia Ning Chang dumbstruck! She had never seen or heard of such a bizarre occurrence when a martial practitioner broke through into the Initial Element Stage.
In other words, although breaking through to the Initial Element Stage one would suffer some restrictions because the stage was still fairly low. As long as one used some effort they could break through, but this was not the case for him. She could clearly see that the restrictions he suffered were far greater than anyone else’s, and were, in fact, comparable to those she suffered when she was breaking into the higher stages.
[He must have suffered bitterly, but just then he had managed to pry into the next stage. He already had a foot into the Initial Element Stage, but at that moment from within his bones came out an evil energy causing him to lose his concentration. Fortunately, his Yang Yuan Qi allowed him to clear his mind.]
Currently, inside his body, the two energies were fighting a ferocious battle with one being the Yang energy that he cultivated and other one being the evil energy that came from his bones. Each side struggled endlessly, treating his body like their battlefield. The evil energy occupied the upper part of his body, making his mind a bit muddled and elicited bloodthirsty emotions from within his mind. He wanted to go find a person to kill.
This was similar to when he was injured by others during a battle, while also being different. Although when he was injured he felt bloodthirsty during battle, his mind was still clear.
While his Yang Yuan Qi occupied the lower part of his body, leaving his body extremely clear and free.
Circling around without end, leaving one unable to determine a clear winner and loser; felt most uncomfortable.
Xia Ning Chang dashed around High Heaven Pavilion wearing her tight, black clothes which displaying her wonderful figure. A slender waist, with long slim legs that made people lose themselves in their fantasies. With an uneasy feeling and a black veil covering her face, she rushed back to her place.
She had watched from her position for quite a long time and felt really concerned for Yang Kai. Thinking it over numerous times, she still decided to go over and help him. Usually, when someone was breaking through, they could not be disturbed, but Xia Ning Chang could clearly feel the chaotic battle occurring inside. It was like a bloodthirst for a battle type of baptism.
[Only a battle could help relieve him. Only that could help him escape from that endless cycle]
That’s why Xia Ning Chang returned to her residence to change her clothes before going back to him. Otherwise, he might be able to recognize her. After all, they had met face to face before.
Returning back hurriedly, she saw that the boy was still suffering and his movements seemed to be bigger than before.
Without the slightest bit of hesitation, Xia Ning Chang directly pounced in, as murderous intent shone in her charming eyes. Raising her hand, she struck down to initiate the attacked.

Martial Peak – Chapter 63, You Look Like My Senior Sister

Since she had already decided to help him, Xia Ning Chang didn’t want to expose herself and show any flaws. Only once she helped, by fighting Yang Kai, would he be finally able to breakthrough.
That’s why her first strike was infused with killing intent.
Yang Kai’s strength was only at the Tempered Body Ninth Stage, so Xia Ning Chang only used the strength that was around the Initial Element Second-Third Realm.
Yang Kai who was at a critical juncture sensed something was amiss and felt a cold pressure around him. Without ample time to react, he felt that he was in a life or death situation.
Just as he was in doubt about this sense, the sound of a palm came from the side of his body.
[Someone is launching a sneak attack against me!] Yang Kai immediately woke up, he wasn’t scared, but rather he was happy as he lept to the side. Creasing his eyebrows, he swiftly threw out a fist.
His fighting spirit had been woken when he was trying to break through, and just as he was pondering how to discharge the energy in his body, who would have imagined that somebody would come and present themselves like that! As to who had come to mount this sneak attack on him, Yang Kai no longer cared because he only wanted to fight, to fight a fulfilling battle!
Hearing the enemy’s sounds and the beating of their Yuan Qi, Yang Kai hastily retreated a few steps. Xia Ning Chang’s attack hit empty space so she calmly slowed her pace, while a flash of surprise went through her eyes.
Even though she had only used strength at about the Initial Element Third Stage, it wasn’t enough to match him.
Retreating back a bit, Yang Kai used the moonlight to view his opponent’s build. It was a female, but her face was covered with a black veil so he was unable to see her face.
“How could it be a girl!” Yang Kai eyebrows wrinkled as he mumbled discontentedly.
As soon as Xia Ning Chang heard those words, she was trembling with rage! Clenching her teeth, her body lightly flew over while Yuan Qi gathered in the palm of her hand and covered with sky with images of her palm directed towards Yang Kai’s head.
Those words had angered her too much!
Yang Kai howled out and released all of his strength along with his boiling hot Yuan Qi, matching up against Xia Ning Chang. Although the opponent was a female, Yang Kai wasn’t lenient. Their strength was clearly higher than his by a level, whilst also containing killing intent, so he didn’t dare to be careless.
Lightning and fire intercrossed, both Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang were tightly locked in battle, but it was clear that it was unfavourable for Yang Kai. His style of combat was bursts of heavy strength, and although his killing power was ferocious, it couldn’t match up with Xia Ning Chang’s nimbleness. If he attacked twice, Xia Ning Chang would attack trice, coupled with Xia Ning Chang’s agile movements that allowed her to move in all directions it was like a monkey was playing tricks on Yang Kai.
Yang Kai was beaten all over, making him furious! He could sense that this opponent’s strength was higher than his by quite a bit, but he would have never guessed that his opponent was hiding her true power while fighting him. Fighting these types of opponents, to manage to land a hit on them would actually be a miracle.
Face blackened, Xia Ning Chang who was seething with rage was suddenly smiling. She thought. [Who told you to spout nonsense. You deserve to be beaten black and blue!]
It was just in a few moments, the aches and sores that Yang Kai had received, awoke his blood’s excitement. Energy surging like a gushing river, he listened carefully; he could even hear the waves crashing down, as the familiar warmth spread throughout his body while his strength gradually returned.
Xia Ning Chang repeatedly showed signs of shock, because she sensed that this Junior Brother’s Yuan Qi undulations were getting bigger and bigger as his strength gradually started to breakthrough from the Tempered Body Stage to arrive at the Initial Element Stage. Not mention that it had yet to stop and was slowly but steadily still increasing.
The fist carried with it a hot Yuan Qi became bigger and stronger, bigger and heavier. Xia Ning Chang started to feel that she could not hold on, so she increased her strength a bit more and clenched her teeth whilst enduring.
“Who made you come and try to kill me?” In the middle of this fierce battle, Yang Kai suddenly asked her with a gloomy face, his voice was deep and tinged with dispiritedness.
Xia Ning Chang didn’t answer and instead used all her focus to repel Yang Kai’s moves.
Up until now, Yang Kai’s strength would just match up with hers without either side having the slightest bit of an advantage. As long as she was targeted by his fist, she had to use some effort to repel the pure Yang Qi that invaded her body.
Xia Ning Chang was quite fearful and was afraid she had underestimated this pure Yang Yuan Qi’s might. This level of pureness was not something an ordinary martial practitioner could reach.
Just as Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang’s hands crossed again neither of them retreated.
Narrowing his eyes at the opposing female, Yang Kai’s gaze was pulled to her forehead and on it, there was a faint imprint. Slightly startled, Yang Kai asked, “Your appearance……you appear to look just like my Senior Sister!”
Xia Ning Chang was currently defending against the invasion of Yang Kai’s Yang Yuan Qi, so when she heard those words, it startled her. She thought, [When was it exposed] She would never have imagined it was the faint imprint on her forehead that aroused Yang Kai’s suspicions.
Yang Kai remembered Xia Ning Chang’s forehead had a blue gemstone in the area of that imprint.
Xia Ning Chang’s eyes nervously blinked her eyelashes quivered nonstop. Meanwhile, Yang Kai grinned widely.
It suddenly hindered her attacks, so he firmly pulled her into his embrace and tore off her veil.
Up until that moment, Xia Ning Chang had only just recovered and wasn’t willing to reveal who she was. Firstly, she wanted to increase the pressure on Yang Kai, and secondly, she was a bit embarrassed. After all, last time’s meeting was far too awkward, so how could she possibly take off her veil?
In a moment of desperation, she failed to suppress her strength so a ferocious burst of Yuan Qi lashed out. Yang Kai cried out strangely and flew backward quite a distance. When he landed, he continued to roll some more.
When he managed to crawl up, how could that female still be there? She had long since escaped to god knows where.
“Could it really be?” Just then, he had casually asked the question, but who would have thought she would react so badly. That final Yuan Qi infused attack allowed Yang Kai to know of the great disparity in their strengths. If she truly wanted to kill him, it would be as simple as raising her hand. Was it really necessary for her to initiate a battle with him?
Whether it was the case or not was no longer important, because under that battles stimulation, the shackles that bound him were broken. He immediately sat down and carefully started to cultivate again.
In the next hour, the Yuan Qi around him started to flow violently towards Yang Kai’s direction.
Breathing in deeply, all of Yang Kai’s pores opened and gladly absorbed the world energy into his body. The pulled in Yuan Qi started to roam around Yang Kai’s body and cleansed his entire body.
This was an opportunity given to every martial practitioner that broke through to a higher Realm. As for the results of the cleansing, it depended on how much effort a practitioner put into it.
A hundred feet away, Xia Ning Chang panicked, while she hugged her chest. She didn’t think that Yang Kai would recognise her. Though she had finally helped him breakthrough, so she hadn’t wasted her efforts.
Just as she was panicking, a person’s figure appeared. A simply dressed old man suddenly appeared. This old man was completely white with a friendly appearance.
After she saw his face, Xia Ning Chang respectfully greeted him, “Greetings to the Sect Master.”
The old man kindly smiled back. “You are not one of my High Heaven Pavilion Disciples, no need for the formalities.”
Xia Ning Chang softly explained, “But you are a close friend of my master, so naturally you are my senior.”

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Martial Peak – Chapter 64, Initial Element Stage

When the Sect Master saw Xia Ning Chang’s clever and sensible behaviour, he couldn’t help but smile, “Meng Wu Ya really is fortunate to have accepted such a well-behaved Disciple.”
Recalling his own two disciples, the Sect Master secretly sighed.
Xia Ning Chang was very clear about his past, and seeing his dim expression, she didn’t know how to comfort him. She could only sink into silence.
Without speaking, the Head raised his hand to the sky and then pushed in the direction of Yang Kai. In that moment, Xia Ning Chang felt that the heaven and earth in that area had been sliced in half; like an enormous invisible palm was shielding that area from all prying eyes.
“This youngster’s breakthrough should have caused quite the ruckus, so it would be best to hide this first. So as to avoid investigation by others.” The Sect Master started to explain.
Xia Ning Chang was at a loss. Why was this Sect Master, someone who often did not show himself to others all year round, treating Yang Kai with such interest? But although she was puzzled, she didn’t dare to ask.
One old, one young, the pair remained at this one hundred meter distance as they watched over Yang Kai’s situation.
The Yuan Qi that entered the Tempered Body Staged Body of Yang Kai and spread through every inch of it. Even though one could not sense the Initial Element fluctuations, they could see that in a ten-meter radius, a large gale of wind was circulating with Yang Kai as the origin, the commotion around Yang Kai really wasn’t small.
[This was only a breakthrough into the Initial Element Stage. How could it be like this?] Xia Ning Chang really didn’t understand it.
With the passing of time, a drumming sound slowly began in Yang Kai’s body. He felt his body was like a balloon expanding because there was quite a large amount of Yuan Qi around him was pouring in.
Just as Xia Ning Chang was secretly worrying for him, his body reverted to how it was previously. Even under the Sect Master’s barrier, she could still feel the sinister Yuan Qi fluctuations.
What was even more shocking was that the immense amount of Yuan Qi had all been completely absorbed by Yang Kai. And unexpectedly, a blazing hot, red stream of energy came gushing out from Coiling Dragon Stream.
These strips of energy were like red ribbons, rising from the bottom of Coiling Dragon Stream, they entered Yang Kai through his pores.
[Yang Qi!] Xia Ning Chang realized, the energy Yang Kai had previously absorbed was Yuan Qi, and this time it was Yang Yuan Qi. Although it could still be considered Yuan Qi, it was energy with a single attribute.
Only after this Yang Yuan Qi had been completely absorbed by Yang Kai, did the commotion cease.
“Not bad.” The Sect Master lightly smiled and snapped his fingers to remove the barrier he had erected. In a split second his figure had disappeared leaving only his voice near Xia Ning Chang’s ear, “Please ask if your master is well in my place.”
“Understood!” Xia Ning Chang respectfully replied, before going to investigate the results of Yang Kai’s breakthrough.
With only one look, Xia Ning Chang was stunned.
[Initial Element Second Stage!]
She actually thought she had sensed incorrectly, so she checked again and confirmed that Yang Kai really had reached that stage.
His breakthrough this time had not only involved him breaking into a higher realm but also breaking through one of the sub-stages. Was she dreaming?
Xia Ning Chang’s own physique was special and even with her meticulous cultivating and training, when she broke through she didn’t directly break through two stages. So today when she saw Yang Kai in front of her achieve this feat, how could she not be stunned?
Just as she was staring at him flabbergasted, Yang Kai who was sitting down cross-legged suddenly muttered to himself: “So it was like this!”
That being said, the World Qi fluctuations from his body became denser, he broke through to the Initial Element Third Stage!
“Monster!” Xia Ning Chang didn’t know how to react, as she once again felt a blow to her confidence.
After holding her position for a while, and confirming that Yang Kai wouldn’t increase in strength again, Xia Ning Chang finally let loose a sigh of relief, then left sorrowfully.
Yang Kai sat next to Coiling Dragon Stream for the entire night but didn’t cultivate his True Yang Secret Art at all, rather he set about understanding the insights he had gained during his breakthrough.
During his breakthrough, two different types of energy had entered Yang Kai. One was the Yuan Qi, this had not been absorbed into his Dantian. This had been absorbed by his bones, apart from a portion of Yuan Qi used to temper his body.
The second type was the Yang Yuan Qi from within the Coiling Dragon Stream which had fully become his. This energy had condensed into five drops of Yang Liquid and was calmly residing within his Dantian. After thinking for the entire night, Yang Kai had finally achieved a vague understanding.
The Golden Skeleton was able to sense when he sustained injuries or pain and restore his stamina, but this boost required energy to work and energy by nature can’t come from nothingness, so absorbing Yuan Qi was not something hard to comprehend.
The Yuan Qi absorbed by it this time would be given back to him later when he needed the stamina boosts. This was also one of the Golden Skeleton’s profound uses and the reason why it could supplement his stamina when needed during battle.
Yang Kai had also thought that he could only take in Yang type Qi because he was cultivating the True Yang Secret Art. But it looked like now, this theory ought to tested to determine its merit.
If he really could absorb energy that wasn’t Yang attributed, then his training speed would be even faster than before.
That made Yang Kai a bit joyful. Even though the True Yang Secret Art was powerful, it still had limitations. However, if his theory was correct, then he would no longer need to worry about finding adequate training environments.
Breathing out deeply, Yang Kai stood up. Using all of his concentration to sense that he truly had broken through and that he was at the Initial Element Third Stage.
Thinking back to the size of the two energies that had entered his body last night, Yang Kai felt at ease.
With his internal Yuan Qi stabilized, arriving at the Initial Element Stage, even if his Yuan Qi amount was small, this breakthrough was clearly out of the ordinary.
The Yuan Qi in his body had succeeded in increasing his heaven cycle, connecting his heaven and earth bridge and thereby increasing the speed at which his True Yang Secret Art worked.
Not to mention that after reaching this stage, to a certain extent, training was easier. But of course, the prerequisites were that you had a suitable cultivating environment.
Walking back from Coiling Dragon Stream, Yang Kai only felt happiness. With a new realm increase, his view on the world had changed a bit, resulting in his eyes becoming a bit clearer.
In a fifty-foot radius, he could even sense a person’s breathing.
Just as he was walking to his wooden hut, Yang Kai suddenly heard a familiar cry of agony. Stopping in his tracks, Yang Kai went to listen but couldn’t resist the urge to laugh.
How could Su Mu be beaten by someone again?
But this was inside the Main Gate’s territory. So if he was being beaten by someone, it was probably because of a duel. If he couldn’t match up with others, then he couldn’t blame anyone but himself.
No matter what, Yang Kai decided to go over and see what was going on.
Inside High Heaven Pavilion, as soon as people started to duel, any place could become a battlefield. The distance from where Su Mu was getting beaten up and where Yang Kai was actually wasn’t that far, and you only needed to walk a short distance before arriving.
Over there, quite a number of people were spectating and as Yang Kai swept his eyes over the scene, he clearly saw two main groups of people. About ten feet away from where he was standing were the familiar Li Yun Tian and Zhao Hu and assorted other underlings. But their expressions were full of wrath as they confronted the people opposite them.
[This doesn’t seem quite right…] As Yang Kai watched his eyebrows furrowed. The comparing of notes between the Sect Disciples, no matter who lost or won, it wouldn’t escalate to such a degree. Li Yun Tian and the others clearly looked like they were feeling indignant at some injustice and like they wanted to start a gang war.

Martial Peak – Chapter 65, Wei Zhuan

Apart from these two groups of people, there were quite a few High Heaven Pavilion Disciples encircling the fighters to view the theatrics. The number of these unrelated bystanders was not little, as they pointed with their fingers at the ongoing duel.
Bringing with him a few doubts, Yang Kai broke through the crowd to slowly walk over to Li Yun Tian.
He saw that Su Mu had a bloody nose and swollen face; he was cutting quite the sorry figure as he was facing a youngster who couldn’t be much older than him. The youngster was very calm and composed, without a single sign of injury on his body as he smiled at Su Mu with a contemptuous look. He effortlessly blocked Su Mu’s attacks; while also provoking him. Su Mu yelled loudly as he jumped forward but his attack was easily countered.
After watching for a while, Yang Kai’s eyebrows creased because he saw that it wasn’t because Su Mu’s attacks didn’t hit that youngster, but rather Su Mu’s attack had no effect even when they hit. When Su Mu’s fist landed, that youngster didn’t even bat an eyelid, while Su Mu, on the other hand, received some light injuries.
Between the two, the difference in Yuan Qi fluctuations was quite small, in other words, their strengths were about equal. How could there be such a large disparity when they battled?
“What’s going on?” Yang Kai patted Li Yun Tian’s shoulder as he asked.
Turning around, Li Yun Tian’s face turned joyous as he replied, “Senior Brother Yang!”
Hearing this shout, Zhou Hu and the others saw Yang Kai and went to greet him before turning around to re-face the people facing them.
“How come Su Mu is not his opponent?” Yang Kai voiced his puzzlement, “Their strengths should be about the same?”
Li Yun Tian immediately nodded his head, however his expression fell. “*En,* Young Master Su is currently at the Initial Element Second Stage while that person is at Initial Element Third Stage. If you really wanted this to be fair, then you would have to say Young Master Su is not exactly his opponent, so he would not have an easy time. But this person is despicable to the extreme. As fellow Disciples when we are exchanging notes and during our duels, we do not use any treasures or artefacts, however, he actually dared to wear a Defensive Artefact. How can Su Mu’s attacks show their might?”
When he heard this, Yang Kai expression showed his contemplation. “A Defensive Artefact?”
“Right.” Li Yun Tian clenched his teeth. “He is the Grand Elder’s flesh and blood grandson, he is called Wei Zhuan. His Defensive Artefact was given to him personally by the Grand Elder.”
“Another second generation master?” Slowly things became clear. Behind Su Mu, there was an Elder and this Wei Zhuan was the grandson of the Grand Elder. Both had powerful backings, their positions were about the same, so if others didn’t dare to fight Su Mu, that did not mean that Wei Zhuan didn’t dare. But wearing a Defensive Artefact was a bit unfair.
“The Grand Elder and the Second Elder were never on good terms, so much so that even Su Mu and this Wei Zhuan held unfavourable impressions of each other. Now that he has this opportunity, he definitely plans on teaching Su Mu a ruthless lesson.” Li Yun Tian was secretly worried.
“So, it was just some boring and senseless internal strife.”
“Senior Brother Yang, please think of a way to save Young Master Su. You know his character! If he continues like this, then he will receive heavy injuries. ”
Yang Kai remained calm. “This is an exchange of notes between Disciples, so what if you are not up to par with them, and end up being beaten up? Are you saying that High Heaven Pavilion Disciples are afraid of this?”
“But this duel wasn’t fair from the start, and Wei Zhuan is hiding behind the might of his Defensive Artefact.”
Yang Kai coolly laughed, “This world was never fair! The strong prey on the weak, the strong are respected. You guys should already know all of this.”
Li Yun Tian became speechless, left at a loss for words.
In the exchange of notes between High Heaven Pavilion Disciples, they weren’t able to intervene. Although Yang Kai’s actions were fierce in the past, even he couldn’t disobey school rules, so how could they expect him to go and save Su Mu like last time?
On the battleground, Su Mu was already on the verge of collapse and his attacks no longer had much strength behind them. Meanwhile, Wei Zhuan was laughing out loud, exceptionally pleased with this outcome. Hitting his chest proudly while he spoke, “Su Mu don’t be polite, please come over. This young master is feeling very generous today, for I will not move from this spot at all. And if you are able to hurt me, then it will be my loss.”
Su Mu’s eye’s blurred; both his fists had smears of red blood over them. The Defensive Artefact that Wei Zhuan wore not only had defensive properties, it could also deflect Yuan Qi imbued attacks, causing Su Mu’s every attack to rebound back on him with at least half the original strength. The injuries on his fists were caused from this.
Hearing Wei Zhuan’s arrogant words, Su Mu spat out some blood as he retorted full of contempt. “If you have the guts then take off that turtle shell you’re wearing. If this young master doesn’t beat you until you can only crawl, then you aren’t my grandson!”
Bluerazbeary: hahaha(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Wei Zhuan’s expression became frosty and sinister. Laughing evilly, he continued to mock his opponent. “That’s no small amount of courage! You actually dared to take advantage of me! You will pay for your words!”
Wei Zhuan was clearly enraged, three steps, two steps, he rushed towards Su Mu. Throwing out a punch at Su Mu’s cheek, Su Mu could only attempt to block with his hands. But his strength was already incomparable to his opponent, so he couldn’t defend against it. As the punch landed, it immediately caused his cheek to swell up, and his head to turn one hundred and eighty degrees.
Wei Zhuan was imposing like a tiger, walking forward he kicked out and kicked Su Mu to the ground before throwing both his fists down.
Su Mu used all his strength to resists but to no avail. The Defensive Artefact that Wei Zhuan wore clearly held many uses and wasn’t something Su Mu could contend against with his current strength.
“Call me grandfather and this Young Master will spare you!” After hitting him for a while, Wei Zhuan paused to say this.
Su Mu coolly looked up, smiling with disgust evident in his eyes.
Last time, Su Mu narrowly avoided Cheng Shao Feng smashing a stone into his head, but he still hadn’t yielded. How could he surrender this time?
“You make me laugh!” Wei Zhuan didn’t hesitate and resumed hitting Su Mu, Su Mu’s teeth went flying and his nose started to overflow with blood causing his appearance to be quite pitiful.
This Wei Zhuan’s hands were very fierce, even more so than Cheng Shao Feng’s had been.
“Young master Su!” Li Yun Tian and the others could no longer bear it, but as they took a step forward they realised they couldn’t do anything more because the Main Gate rules could not be violated.
Wei Zhuan didn’t continue but instead turned to sneer at Li Yun Tian and the rest, *Hee… Hee*, “You want to save him?”
Li Yun Tian and the others didn’t reply but took in deep breaths, full of resentment.
“I asked, do you want to save him?” He slapped his hand across Su Mu’s face as he asked again evilly.
Seeing Su Mu being attacked again, they nodded their heads but were afraid that he was scheming something.
“Then kneel down! Obediently kowtow a few times and if this Lord is feeling good, then I shall spare him today!” Since Wei Zhuan couldn’t deal with Su Mu completely, he turned towards Li Yun Tian and the others. Since they were Su Mu’s underlings, if they were humiliated, then it was equal to humiliating Su Mu.
Hearing this, the people there went into an uproar while Li Yun Tian and the rest became ashen faced, humiliated to the extreme.
Su Mu struggled to look towards them, and with his broken teeth he roared, “Do not listen to him!”
*Pa* it rang out as Su Mu received another slap.
Li Yun Tian and the others turned pale in fright because they knew that if they hesitated any further, Su Mu would only suffer more. Faces full of despair, they slowly knelt to the ground.
Yang Kai looked at them in astonishment, because he would never have imagined that they would go to such an extent for Su Mu. Was there gold underneath their knees, if their relationship wasn’t close, who would do this for someone?
Originally Yang Kai thought that Li Yun Tian and the others followed behind the second generation Su Mu to earn some benefits, but that was clearly not the case.
Wei Zhuan’s eyes narrowed and he suddenly laughed loudly. Towering over them, he looked down at Su Mu, “You couldn’t tell that these dogs you trained were so obedient.”
From the corners of Su Mu’s eyes, leaked out two strands of tears, tears of humiliation! Even when he was beaten by Wei Zhuan to such an extent, he had yet to shed any tears, but now when he saw Li Yun Tian and the others kneeling on the ground, he couldn’t restrain those tears.

Martial Peak – Chapter 66, Please Teach Me

Seeing Li Yun Tian and the others kneeling on the ground, Wei Zhuan’s look of arrogance became even more pronounced. Laughing out heartily he further taunted them, “But kneeling alone doesn’t show your sincerity!”
Li Yun Tian and others became ashen faced as they clenched their teeth together before saying, their voices full of grief. “We ask that Senior Wei please be lenient.”
Wei Zhuan narrowed his eyes and his smile gradually disappeared. Li Yun Tian and the others had shown great courage, making him slightly moved.
“Wei Zhuan!” Su Mu called out as a belly full of blood rose up, “Between you and I, we cannot exist together!”
“You really are resolute!” Wei Zhuan clasped his two hands together and smashed down towards Su Mu’s abdomen.
With a loud bang, Su Mu spat out a mouthful of blood before fainting from the pain.
“Young master Su!” His followers bellowed out because they hadn’t predicted that Wei Zhuan would break his promise in front of such an audience.
“Don’t spare a single one!” Wei Zhuan cruelly commanded his men. Then he stood up beside Su Mu and kicked him like he was kicking a dead dog to the side.
The High Heaven Pavilion Disciples that were previously facing Li Yun Tian and the others, sneered out and rushed over to them issuing challenges!
Just as they were going into a rage, not knowing how to vent their anger, their enemy came knocking. Was there any reason to reject the challenges?
This was an open and wild group fight, but each person had a set opponent. Wei Zhuan stood to the side as he watched and mocked, “Whoever refuses to comply, beat him to death. You might as well kill him to avoid a fuss!”
He clearly wanted to teach a good lesson to the people following Su Mu, to show them what lay in store for them when they followed the wrong person.
Because Yang Kai had been standing close to Li Yun Tian, he was also targeted by a Disciple under Wei Zhuan. This person scuttled in front of Yang Kai, stated his name and, without waiting for Yang Kai to respond, he attacked.
Yang Kai sent out a kick accompanied by a thunderous sound into that person’s stomach causing them to immediately crouch down.
Ben: I thought YK was done with sweeping trash, appears not.
It was only because of his bad luck, with his cultivation at only the Tempered Body Eight-Ninth stage, and according to rules, he didn’t have the necessary qualifications to even challenge Yang Kai. But since he had asked for a beating, he could only blame himself.
Dodging through the battlefield, Yang Kai walked step by step to Su Mu.
*En?* Squinting his eyes towards Yang Kai, Wei Zhuan sized him up and a flash of suspicion passed through his eyes.
How many people were under Su Mu, what were their names, Wei Zhuan naturally knew all this. But Yang Kai he had never met, so he temporarily didn’t know Yang Kai’s identity.
Yang Kai silently approached Su Mu with a stoic face. Moving his hand, he went to feel for Su Mu’s breathing and found out that Su Mu had only fainted; leaving him at ease.
“Who are you?” Wei Zhuan wasn’t happy. With the differences between Su Mu and himself, when this person appeared to check Su Mu’s condition, it clearly showed that they didn’t put him in their eyes.
Standing up, Yang Kai calmly looked at Wei Zhuan.
“This master asked who you are.” Wei Zhuan lifted up his chin and stated in a stern voice.
“Trial Disciple Yang Kai, please teach me!” Yang Kai cupped his hands at Wei Zhuan because this was the battle etiquette between High Heaven Pavilion Disciples.
“Yang Kai?” Wei Zhuan looked blankly before quickly recovering himself, “You are the Yang Kai that won against Storm House?”
“I don’t dare to claim such credit, but if there are no other Disciples called Yang Kai in this entire Sect, then guess that must be me.”
“What a joke! An insignificant Trial Disciple dares to come and challenge this master! Do you have the right?” Wei Zhuan sneered.
“The Main Gate rules state that as long as the difference in cultivation between Disciples doesn’t surpass three stages, then they are able to duel!”
“This master is at the Initial Element Third Stage, what can you be considered as?” Wei Zhuan looked at him with contempt. A Trial Disciple, he was only a Disciple that had yet to breakthrough into the Initial Element Stage. Since he had yet to breakthrough, then their stage difference would naturally have surpassed three stages already.
“I am also at the Initial Element Third Stage!” Yang Kai replied indifferently.
A sound of bewilderment echoed.
“That can’t be possible. Yang Kai has already reached the Initial Element Third Stage?”
“Didn’t they say it took him three years to reach the Tempered Body Third Stage? Was it because he had said the wrong thing? Or did I just remember incorrectly?”
“That’s strange, Yang Kai only just recently challenged me. When he did so he was still at the Tempered Body Eighth Stage, so how could he reach this stage in less than a month?”
All types of questions, by no, means few in number arose.
Wei Zhuan was also full of suspicions regarding Yang Kai, constantly wondering if he was lying or not. If he had reached the Initial Element Stage, then why was he still a Trial Disciple?
What he didn’t know was that it was only last night that Yang Kai broke through. Furthermore, he had gone from the Tempered Body Ninth Stage directly to the Initial Element Third Stage.
“Don’t I have the right to challenge you now?” Yang Kai narrowed his eyes as he asked; there was an ominous glint in them.
“If you really have this level of cultivation, then you have the necessary right to challenge me.” Wei Zhuan nodded his head and laughed maliciously, “Only if you are not afraid of death!”
Yang Kai laughed indifferently. “I hope that you are also not afraid of death!”
“Your words are quite big!” Wei Zhuan was angry as he thought about the fact that he was still wearing his Defensive Artefact. So even if he was an Initial Element Staged martial practitioner, he still wouldn’t be able to break through his defences; this made him practically invincible. While only being at the Initial Element Third Stage, how could he possibly win against me?
“Come. I’ll allow you to punch me as a test!” Wei Zhuan waved his hand towards Yang Kai, full of arrogance and anger.
Would Yang Kai be courteous? Rushing forward, he directly sent a fist straight into Wei Zhuan’s chest.
Boiling hot Yang Yuan Qi erupted. Not only was Wei Zhuan unharmed, Yang Kai’s body instead shook as he retreated quite a few steps. Lowering his head, he saw that his hand was red; it was clear that he had been injured by his own Yuan Qi.
“Hehe! You overestimated yourself!” Wei Zhuan was very proud of this outcome, but his face soon fell because he discovered that this Yang Kai’s eyes had become red in colour. He started to emit a violent boiling hot fluctuations of Yuan Qi from his body.
In his eyes, there wasn’t the slightest hint of a desire to retreat or fear, rather only excitement beyond compare. His eyes were like those of a terrible beast, looking at its prey; the slightest bit of movement would make him pounce.
Without warning, Wei Zhuan started to move but Yang Kai had already pounced on him. Within his Dantian, a drop of Yang Liquid disappeared and appeared in his fingers. With a simple thought, it became a blade as thin as a cicada’s wing and as red as blood.
A blood red ray of light flashed by, accompanied by slicing and cutting sounds as Yang Kai and Wei Zhuan exchanged blows.
Wei Zhuan only felt his stomach turn cold. As he looked down, his heart dropped and he shrieked out, “My Embroidered Cloud Locking Mail!”
This Embroidered Cloud Locking Mail was a Mid-Ordinary Grade Artefact. Although it’s rank wasn’t high, it was very suitable for someone at his level. He didn’t know where the Grand Elder obtained it from, but he had given it to him. Back then, the Grand Elder had said very clearly that normally, an Initial Element martial practitioner would be unable to break through this Defensive Artefact’s Defences, unless they used a great killing weapon.
But now, this treasure that he had such faith in, had been cut by a fellow Disciple in a duel; one who was only at the Initial Element Third Stage.
[What martial weapon did he just use! Was that red blade also a secret weapon? And its grade should also be higher than the Embroidered Cloud Locking Mail? Impossible! Impossible! But if that was not the case, could something like this happen?]

Martial Peak – Chapter 67, You Can’t Compare to Him

At that moment, you could even say that Wei Zhuan was in deep regret.
He was shocked that his Embroidered Cloud Locking Mail was unable to block even a single blow from his opponent, and was crying over the destruction of his Defensive Artefact.
He was extremely angry. Turning his body around, Wei Zhuan jumped towards Yang Kai and bellowed, “You dared to break my Defensive Artefact! I want you to die!”
Wei Zhuan was also at the Initial Element Third Stage, so when his strength burst out, it didn’t lose to Yang Kai’s. But, unfortunately for him, when Yang Kai was still at the Tempered Body Stage, he could already kill someone at the Initial Element Fifth Stage. How could an insignificant person at the Initial Element Third Stage gain any advantage?
When Wei Zhuan reached Yang Kai, the blood red blade crisscrossed through the air, slashing Wei Zhuan multiple times, leaving various wounds.
Wei Zhuan’s body immediately froze, his fist stopping three inches away from Yang Kai. No matter how much he struggled, he couldn’t move a step further because he felt a scalding hot feeling.
Shuddering, his eyes turned to face the ground. Only to see the blood red blade in Yang Kai’s hand, like a quick snake attacking incessantly.
“A Defensive Artefact isn’t all it’s made out to be.” Yang Kai sneered as his eyes swept over the Embroidered Cloud Locking Mail on Wei Zhuan’s body; it was full of holes and tears.
Yang Kai was also shocked because he also hadn’t predicted that his Yang Liquid blade would be this powerful and this sharp.
Speaking of which, Yang Kai really wanted to fight Wei Zhuan. Originally he thought he would have to use some power, but currently he had only used one drop of the Yang Liquid, to dominate him.
Since the opponent used the Embroidered Cloud Locking Mail, why couldn’t he use Yang Liquid?
“Come and try to injure me!” Wei Zhuan’s cheeks trembled, looking at Yang Kai with a bit of resentment. Even though his life was in the hands of Yang Kai, he wasn’t the least bit afraid because he was the grandson of the Grand Elder! With a person holding such an honourable position backing him, no one in High Heaven Pavilion would dare injure him.
“Brat, you probably don’t know but my grandfather is the Grand Elder so if you dare injure me, you are looking for death!” Full of confidence, Wei Zhuan looked over at Yang Kai threateningly.
Yang Kai did have a reaction when he heard this, the blood red blade between his fingers becoming more menacing and the red glint in his eyes appeared more ferocious than before.
“I don’t know whether it’s you who dies first or me?” Yang Kai said to Wei Zhuan, his voice full of interest. On his face was a strange smile, and he slowly exerted strength with his fingers.
Slowly, a trickle of dark red blood dripped down from Wei Zhuan’s chest and he couldn’t help but let out a groan. In the moment that he got injured, Wei Zhuan felt a rush of boiling hot Yang Yuan Qi enter him, burning his skin and flesh painfully.
“You actually dared………” Wei Zhuan looked at Yang Kai in disbelief. He couldn’t believe that there were still people in High Heaven Pavilion who dared to injure him.
“Whether I dared or not, I have already done it. Do you say I don’t dare?” Yang Kai continued to exert strength and pushed the blade half an inch deeper, causing the blood to continuously flow out. Showing his cowardly inside Wei Zhuan cried out, “Aren’t you afraid that my grandfather will kill you!”
“In the comparing of notes between Disciples, one is responsible for their own life and death!” Yang Kai sneered out coldly, “If you can’t compare to others, you can’t blame others for killing you. What can the Grand Elder do? High Heaven Pavilion does not belong to him.”
Wei Zhuan, was frantic by the craziness of this Disciple, he felt shivers and cold all over.
Just as he was about to speak, Yang Kai suddenly interrupted him, “If you say I concede, these two words, I will kill you. So don’t even think about it.”
Wei Zhuan became deathly white because he had just thought of conceding. In a battle between Disciples, if one felt that they were unable to match up against their opponent, they were able to concede. Then their opponent could not pursue them or attack them any further.
But now he didn’t dare to say these two words because he couldn’t see any hint that Yang Kai was joking in his crazy but serious eyes.
“What do you really want to do?” Wei Zhuan clenched his teeth as he asked this.
“I don’t want to do anything. I’m just thinking how you can’t compare to Su Mu because you relied on your Defensive Artefact to win against him!” Yang Kai said as he slowly shook his head.
“I can’t compare to him?” Wei Zhuan was like a cat that had its tail stepped on. Lowly shouting, “How can I not compare to him? My strength is higher than his, my status is also higher, so how am I not comparable to him?”
Yang Kai shifted his head to the side, “You don’t believe me? I’ll show you.”
Stopping his words, Yang Kai exerted some strength with his fingers causing Wei Zhuan face to contort and shiver uncontrollably.
Yang Kai turned around to size up Wei Zhuan’s underlings. Previously they were fighting against Li Yun Tian and the others with all their might. But as soon as they saw Wei Zhaun fall, they stopped fighting and didn’t dare to do anything other than stare stupidly.
“Do you want to save your Young Master Wei Zhuan?” Yang Kai asked them.
No one dared to reply because they were all terrified at Yang Kai’s craziness. After his display of ferociousness, how could any of the ten or so young men dare to confront him?
“If you want to save him, then obediently kneel down and admit you were wrong! If I feel merciful, I will spare him!” Yang Kai coldly laughed out.
Their faces paled, this……didn’t Wei Zhuan just say this to Su Mu’s underlings?
After Su Mu’s underlings heard this, they had kneeled without hesitation and kowtowed to Wei Zhuan. Did that mean they had to do the same?
These people just stared, because if they kneeled, then they would lose a great amount of face. Without face, how could they continue to stay in High Heaven Pavilion? But if they didn’t kneel and Wei Zhuan blamed them, what would they do?
Each person’s face was different, each contemplative and unsure as to which decision to make.
“It looks like you want him to die.” Yang Kai sighed out softly, and pushed the blade a bit further into Wei Zhuan’s body.
Wei Zhuan cried out in fright, because he could feel that if the blade in Yang Kai’s hands were to penetrate even deeper, then it would stab his heart.
That was a fatal attack!
Wei Zhuan didn’t want to die and shouted out in desperation with a hoarse voice at his underlings, “Why are you still dawdling? Hurry up and kneel down! If I am to die, then none of you shall be spared!”
Only then did the underlings under Wei Zhuan shake their bodies and kneel down.
Watching this scene, Li Yun Tian and the others were overwhelmed with emotions, because the previous injustices they had suffered were being washed away by their actions. They were much more carefree.
Yang Kai turned back to Wei Zhuan, enthusiastically saying, “Now do you know the difference between you and Su Mu?”
Wei Zhuan looked on blankly before his face suddenly changed and he looked at his underlings with a gaze full of malice.
In order to save Su Mu’s life, Li Yun Tian and the others threw away their pride. But how about his underlings? Only when he had bellowed out and threatened their lives, did they grudgingly obey Yang Kai’s request.
When comparing the two, the difference between Wei Zhuan and Su Mu became clear. In personal charisma, Wei Zhuan couldn’t compare to Su Mu.
“Are you satisfied now?” Wei Zhuan asked, looking at Yang Kai coldly.
Yang Kai narrowed his eyes, his expression unreadable.
Wei Zhuan turned pale with fright and said in a shrill voice, “You can’t possibly…..”
But before Yang Kai could reply, from afar, a voice bellowed out in rage: “Detain them all!”

Martial Peak – Chapter 68, A Sinful Desire

Immediately after this order, a row of people appeared in front of Yang Kai and without waiting giving an explanation, one of them attacked Yang Kai. Groaning out, he flew backwards.
“Senior Brother Yang!” Li Yun Tian and the others turned in pale in fright and quickly rushed forward to help him up.
Yang Kai struggled to stand up, and while sighing out exasperatedly, he looked at the new youth. He stood beside Wei Zhuan, supporting Wei Zhuan with one hand and directing a look filled with maliciousness at Yang Kai, he spoke out, “Young master Zhuan, are you alright?”
Wei Zhuan looked over at Yang Kai, his gaze full of poison. His body appeared a bit unstable and he shook his head. “I’m fine.”
“It’s good that you are fine. I have come late.” The youth spoke again. Although his strength was above Wei Zhuan’s, he was still a person under the Grand Elder so his position was naturally below Wei Zhuan’s.
“You are quite late you know?” Wei Zhuan laughed out, and peculiarly asked, “Senior Brother Cao, ever since you became a Disciplinary Disciple, you should understand school rules better than any of us. So I ask u, if one was to murder another in the Sect, what would their punishment be?”
Cao Zheng Wen sneered, booming out. “This is very serious. We would first break their arms and legs, then expel them from the Sect and then kill them. This also acts as a warning for others!”
Wei Zhuan hehe laughed and pointed his finger at Yang Kai, “Just now, this person threatened to kill me! Senior Brother Cao, punish him as you see fit!”
With someone backing him now, how could Wei Zhuan possibly continue to act as submissively as before?
Cao Zheng Wen sternly asked, “You are serious?”
Wei Zhuan coldly nodded non-stop. “Senior Brother Cao, when you arrived, didn’t you see everything that happened with your own two eyes?”
Cao Zheng Wen nodded his head, “That’s right, when I arrived, I truly saw this person, with a lethal weapon, pointing it at your chest. If I had not hurriedly blocked his attack, then you would have long since fallen under his poisonous hands. This person actually dared to act so brazenly during the day while breaking school regulations!”
These two sang the same tune well, in sync with each other, and managed to put Yang Kai under suspicion of attempted murder.
“Nonsense!” Li Yun Tian hissed out, “Just then, Senior Brother Yang and Wei Zhuan were only duelling and exchanging notes. How could it be as serious as the way you guys are presenting it?”
Cao Zheng Wen coldly snorted, “It was as simple as exchanging notes?”
Zhao Hu quickly answered, “If you don’t believe it, then you can ask any of the Disciples here who came to watch the fun. They were all witnesses to this. Furthermore, this entire thing was first started by Wei Zhuan. Senior Brother Yang was dragged into this.”
“There are witnesses, who are the witnesses?” Wei Zhuan tilted his head, chuckling as he looked around.
The High Heaven Pavilion Disciples that were watching immediately scattered like birds and disappeared. They had naturally heard how it involved the Grand Elder and didn’t have the courage to involve themselves. No matter which side they offended or sided with, their future days in High Heaven Pavilion would be painful.
Li Yun Tian saw this and became speechless and wanted to cry out, but he steadied himself enough to speak. “This entire event has been witnessed by us. Each and every detail was seen clearly. We are the witnesses!”
Cao Zheng Wen shooked his head, “You guys were gathered together and brawled, so you were preoccupied. How are you able to testify?”
“Gathered together to brawl?” Zhou Hu jumped up and bellowed, “It was clearly Wei Zhuan commanding his underlings to challenge us! How could it be described as a group brawl? Cao Zheng Wen, don’t think that just because you are a Disciplinary Disciple you can do whatever you want. It hasn’t reached the point where you can freely make decisions in High Heaven Pavilion.”
“Impudence!” Cao Zheng Wen reprimanded, “The Disciplinary Hall represents the school’s rule and upholds the regulations, so they are always just and impartial. You! actually, dare to question the Disciplinary Hall’s authority? Your crimes are increased by one!”
“If you want to condemn me, then no need to worry about the pretext right?” Yang Kai waved his hand to silence Li Yun Tian and sneered at Cao Zheng Wen, “Just and fair? Today, I truly experienced what is just and fair.”
*Humph!* Grinning coldly, Cao Zheng Wen walked forward and ordered, full of grandeur, “Arrest them all! After discussions with the Grand Elder, the punishments will commence!”
*Sou sou!* The sound of clothes swishing and rapid movement rang out, and out of nowhere appeared more than a dozen Disciplinary Disciples from all directions. The weakest of them were at the Initial Element Fifth Stage, so how could Li Yun Tian and the rest be their opponents? In three steps, two moves, they pressed them down to the ground in a kneeling posture. Yang Kai didn’t resist because he knew nothing would happen even if he resisted.
“Let’s see in the future!” With the cowardly Wei Zhuan accomplishing his goal, he walked in front of Yang Kai grinning smugly.
“Take them away!” Cao Zheng Wen ordered, and the Disciplinary Disciples took them away.
Looking over at Su Mu who was lying unconscious, Cao Zheng Wen wrinkled his eyebrows because apprehending Yang Kai, Li Yun Tian and the rest was a simple matter but apprehending Su Mu wasn’t. He didn’t dare act and thought for a while before speaking, “Take junior brother Su to the Second Elder’s place.”
“Yes!” Someone replied, and went to pick up Su Mu from the ground before carrying him away.
“Young master Zhuan, you have suffered much…” Cao Zheng Wen softly said.
Wei Zhuan narrowed his eyes and gnashed his teeth, “That person called Yang Kai, you definitely must not let him off easy! He has humiliated me today and made me suffer endlessly! You should know what to do!”
Cao Zheng Wen looked a bit hesitant. “Young master Zhuan, today’s event was somewhat big and Grand Elder Hui will definitely be notified. If we were to act now, it would be somewhat inappropriate. Why don’t we act after the Grand Elder has made his decision.”
“But I can’t swallow this rage!” Wei Zhuan’s face revealed his evil intentions.
“Don’t worry, I will help Young Master Zhuan relieve a bit of your anger and teach him properly. I shall teach him what the consequences are for offending young master Zhuan.”
“Don’t kill him, I want to personally deal with him!”
“It shall be as you say!”
Yang Kai and the rest were currently being imprisoned in the High Heaven Pavilion Forest Prison. It was very dark and damp, with dense cold air; they were accompanied by many rats and mosquitos. From all directions a hideous stench wafted towards them, making one want to puke. Overall, it was an uninhabitable environment.
The Forest Prison was the place where High Heaven Pavilion imprisoned Disciples who committed mistakes. Li Yun Tian and the rest never thought that they would one day be imprisoned here, it left a bitter aftertaste.
“Senior Brother Yang, we have dragged you into this.” Li Yun Tian sat next to Yang Kai and softly apologised.
Yang Kai smiled and comforted him, “This isn’t related to you, I just couldn’t hold back and jumped into the situation. I couldn’t bear to see our people bite each other like dogs.”
“Bite each other like dogs…….” Li Yun Tian felt like choking, wasn’t he including them when he was cursing Wei Zhuan’s people?
“Putting it in a better light, it would be a family quarrel, but if you put it bluntly, isn’t it dogs biting one another?” Yang Kai asked as he chuckled.
“I guess you’re right. But Senior Brother Yang, don’t worry! Young Master Su definitely won’t abandon us. We only need to wait a few hours here, and young master Su will come and rescue us.” The way Li Yun Tian thought was relatively simple.
Yang Kai turned his body and repositioned himself so he was in a more comfortable position. “I need to ask you, why are the Grand Elder and the Second Elder so against each other?”
Li Yun Tian sighed out as if he expected this question: “This is related to the Sect Master…”
“What? Let me hear the details.”
Li Yun Tian began, “Last time Young Master Su told you about the Sect Master’s Disciples’ affairs right? Ever since the Sect Master left to capture his second Disciple and trap him in Coiling Dragon Stream, he has rarely appeared in public. He doesn’t even pay much attention to the internal affairs of the Sect. So, for these past few
So, for these past few years, they have been all managed by the Grand Elder. Maybe it’s because of ambition, but regardless, the Grand Elder now acts like he is the Sect Master. Seeing this, the Second Elder has become displeased and thinks that the Grand Elder has thoughts of usurping the Sect Master’s position, and because of these things, there is naturally friction and disputes between them.”

Martial Peak – Chapter 69, The Difference between a Disciple and an Ancestor

“Currently in High Heaven Pavilion the Grand Elder, Fourth Elder, and Fifth Elder have all banded together, with the Grand Elder leading them. Meanwhile, the Second Elder and Third Elder are opposing them, representing and supporting the current Head. In these past few years, the Second Elder and Third Elder have suffered much in this bitter battle.”
Listening to Li Yun Tian, Yang Kai immediately understood the situation much more clearly then he had previously.
Since the elders did not get along, then the younger generations naturally wouldn’t get along. Su Mu and Wei Zhuan’s disputes were probably a result of this.
Zhao Hu sneered. “It’s only because the tiger doesn’t leave its cave, so the monkey is acting like the king. If the Head decided to reappear, what importance would the Grand Elder and others hold?”
Li Yun Tian glared at Zhao Hu. “Don’t gossip behind other’s backs. Us younger generation can’t disrespect our elders, even if we disapprove of their ways.”
Zhao Hu poked out his tongue and muttered: “Don’t you also have the same thoughts?”
Li Yun Tian rebuked. “But I won’t say it out loud.”
At the Contribution Hall, Xia Ning Chang hurriedly, panting with exhaustion ran over. Seeing her like that, Old Meng laughed at her, “My Disciple, you have come to visit your master again? En, such a filial Disciple, I am happy.”
Xia Ning Chang impatiently said: “Master, big news, bad news.”
“What happened?” Meng Wu Ya was a bit puzzled because he had never seen his Disciple this flustered before.
Xia Ning Chang immediately started to narrate the things that happened between Yang Kai and the others, along with Wei Zhuan.
Meng Wu Ya became quite gloomy when he finished listening. “You’re saying that brat Yang Kai has already reached the Initial Element Third Stage? He also defeated Wei Zhuan?”
“That’s right!” Xia Ning Chang kept on nodding her head, whilst thinking that she had also assisted him in breaking through.
“Looks like that lucky encounter he had in the Black Wind Mountains last time wasn’t small. Such an astonishing rate of growth.” Meng Wu Ya said, slightly shocked.
“Master don’t sigh away your sorrows, please hurry up and think of a method to save him.” Xia Ning Chang impatiently said.
Meng Wu Ya looked at her blankly and said in a strange voice to his Disciple. “My dear Disciple, why are you this nervous?”
At a loss, Xia Ning Chang stammered out, “am I?”
“En, you are currently very nervous.” Meng Wu Ya nodded his head. In all these years, although she was as clear as ice and as pure as jade, he still understood her best, but he had never seen her like this before. In all the years he had known her, there had been countless male Disciples who chased after her, but she didn’t pay much attention to them at all. She maintained a respectful distance from them all. Yet, just today, she had asked him for help for saving a mere person at the Initial Element Third Stage; how very queer.
Xia Ning Chang continued. “I just don’t want his fruitful cultivation journey to suffer such a major setback.”
“You are very close with him?” Meng Wu Ya immediately became alert.
“We are not close, but I have watched over him for two years already. Master, you know that I am a Dark Hall Disciple and have been assigned to watch over his area.” Xia Ning Chang honestly said and after this, she continued to plead. “Master please think of a way to save him. This time he has offended the Grand Elder and if there isn’t someone powerful there to save him, then I’m afraid he will meet a calamity. Not to mention, that the Second Elder may not necessarily care about his life or death! But master, you more than powerful enough to save him!”
Meng Wu Ya’s face was full of pleasure, because no matter if there were a thousand flatteries or even ten thousand flatteries, they would not affect him. But this time, it was his beloved Disciple who was flattering him.
After his wave of excitement passed, Meng Wu Ya frowned. “My Disciple, this matter isn’t easily intervened in. No matter how you look at it, it is an internal situation within High Heaven Pavilion involving the Elders, whereas I am only a caretaker, what would it mean if I intervened.”
This was the truth. Although his impression of Yang Kai wasn’t bad, how could he, an outsider dare to interfere in the internal affairs of the Sect?
Xia Ning Chang didn’t reply, but only lifted her head and directed her watery eyes at Meng Wu Ya. Although there was a veil covering her face, Meng Wu Ya could still see her fiery cheeks.
This was the type of face he could not resist, bitterly, Meng Wu Ya said. “Ai~yo wei! My dear young lady, please don’t be stubborn. I will mention it now, the Second Elder will definitely go and save him. Yang Kai was only involved because he went to save Su Mu, so if he doesn’t help him, then how would he be able to recruit more people in the future and gain their respect and trust?”
“If it isn’t so?” Xia Ning Chang asked angrily.
“There shouldn’t be any situation in which he doesn’t.” But Meng Wu Ya wasn’t certain because in a high-level battle, to sacrifice one or two unimportant, low leveled Disciples wasn’t uncommon.
“Humph!” Xia Ning Chang turned her body and walked up to the seat next to him, sulkily responded. “Master, if you don’t go to save him, I will stay here forever. I’m afraid that your Disciple’s cultivation will stop here.”
Hearing these words, Meng Wu Ya turned pale in fright and submissively rushed out from behind the counter. Bending his waist, he waited on Xia Ning Chang like he was waiting for his master. “Why did you say this?”
Xia Ning Chang turned her head to the side, not speaking a word.
Meng Wu Ya changed his position again so he was once again facing Xia Ning Chang. “Please tell me. If I don’t help him, you won’t leave with me?”
“Since you already don’t care about his life or death, you won’t care about my life or death either. Master, it appears you are this type of untrustworthy person regarding justice!”
These words were like a sharp arrow, they pierced straight through Meng Wu Ya. Then it was like he was struck by lightning, shaking all over before shattering into a thousand pieces.
“My lady, my dear lady, if we need to discuss things, let’s discuss them in a peaceful manner? My old bones can’t bear the burden of your tricks.” Meng Wu Ya repeatedly bowed to her with his hand in front of him in a petty and low manner.
How was this treatment fitting towards a Disciple? It was clearly treatment saved for an ancestor.
Only then did Xia Ning Chang turn her head back and softly say to Meng Wu Ya. “He trains in a Yang attributed Martial Skill, and his Yang Yuan Qi is highly pure and dense!”
“Yang attributed Yuan Qi?” Meng Wu Ya’s expression changed greatly, “Highly pure and dense?”
“It is at least five times better than that last person you found!” Xia Ning Chang answered.
“You have tested this?” Meng Wu Ya impatiently asked for confirmation regarding this.
“If it’s like this, then he definitely can’t meet any accidents!” Meng Wu Ya suddenly straightened up. After thinking for a while, he started to walk outside.
Walking to the entrance he stopped, and to turned to ask Xia Ning Chang. “My Disciple, do you reject him?”
“I don’t reject him!” Xia Ning Chang slowly replied.
“Then you like him?”
“It’s not like either, I just don’t hate him.” This line of questioning made Xia Ning Chang turn quite red.
“Okay, okay, okay. You should also know what you need to do if you go there. But you must promise your master that you won’t develop feelings for him, only then will I go and save him!”
“Master what are you talking about!” Xia Ning Chang was full of shyness, “I still haven’t even spoken to him.”
These words caused Xia Ning Chang to become less confident and she couldn’t help but think about the events that night.
“The reason why I am stopping your affections is because……..this small place isn’t where you truly belong. There also aren’t any people here who are qualified for your love, and sooner or later you will reach a place no one can imagine. By then, you will be able to live for hundreds of years, even thousands of years, meanwhile the people you love will slowly age and die in front of you and your master doesn’t want you to suffer that pain. My Disciple, you must remember, the martial peak is a lonely and solitary journey, an extremely high peak full of coldness!”

Martial Peak – Chapter 70, 1 vs. 5

As Meng Wu Ya said these words, he also sighed like he was a in a constant state of sadness. Listening to him explain himself, Xia Ning Chang could hear the sadness and grief in his words.
Could it be that her master had experienced this before? Just as she wanted to asked him further, Meng Wu Ya had disappeared from her sight.
Right at that moment in the Black Wind Trade in front of one of the High Heaven Pavilion wooden houses, a youngster dripping with sweat was standing. Knocking lightly on the door, he calmed his breathing and called out: “Senior Sister Su!”
“What’s the matter?” A pleasant but cold voice rang out. This voice was nice to hear, but it was permeated with a frostiness that didn’t allow anyone to come close.
That youngster’s sweat had condensed into droplets and quivered as he spoke. “Young master Su Mu has been beaten unconscious, meanwhile the people under him have been detained by the Disciplinary Hall and locked in the Forest Prison.”
Just as these words left his mouth, the wooden door abruptly opened and the white clothed Su Yan appeared.
That person quickly retreated two steps and lowered his face because he didn’t dare to look into her unblemished and flawless gaze.
“Say it clearly, what’s the matter?” Su Yan coldly asked, spreading a frosty air around her and the wooden house. ‘Ka ka’ sounds could be heard as ice appeared on the floor around her.
The youngster immediately began narrating the story from beginning to end in the most concise way possible. After finishing his report, he waited for quite a while, but after hearing no response, he mustered the courage to ask. “Senior Sister Su?”
After calling out with no response, this person courageously lifted up his head to look at her, but there wasn’t even a hint of her figure; she had left before he could react.
“My lord!” That High Heaven Pavilion Disciple collapsed on the spot and fell butt first onto the ground.
This Senior Sister Su is too cold! In the future, the person who takes her as their wife, will need a quilt in the hot summer, in order to not freeze to death. But for someone cold and mighty like Senior Sister Su, there shouldn’t be any man that can match her?
No one could have imagined that the friction between the younger High Heaven Pavilion Disciples would cause such huge waves.
Inside the High Heaven Pavilion Forest Prison, Yang Kai, Li Yun Tian and the others were still trapped. They had been locked inside for an entire hour already, without the slightest hint of motion outside.
Li Yun Tian and the rest had started to become anxious, wondering why Su Mu had yet to come and rescue them. But after thinking for a while, they remembered that Su Mu had been knocked unconscious. So if he wasn’t conscious, how could he come and save them.
Just as they were feeling anxious, the prison doors were suddenly opened and they heard the echo of footsteps. A Disciplinary Disciple came up to the cell where Yang Kai and the others were locked up and yelled, “Who is Yang Kai?”
Yang Kai called out in reply. “I am!”
“Follow me!” That disciplinary Disciple very impolitely ordered him so, “Someone wants to see you.”
Yang Kai’s expression shifted and he laughed out coldly. Without any fear, he stepped out and followed.
“Senior Brother Yang, don’t go. Wait for young master Su to come and save us.” Li Yun Tian cried out in great alarm, pulling on Yang Kai.
“Let go!” That Disciplinary Disciple bellowed in anger, “Anyone who dares to block even a step would be making a direct challenge to the Disciplinary Hall. You should be clear regarding the consequences.”
Yang Kai said to Li Yun Tian, “I’m just going to have a look, no need to be alarmed.”
Li Yun Tian helplessly let go and said in a sunken tone, “Senior Brother Yang, please be careful!”
“Humph!” That Disciplinary Disciple sarcastically laughed, “You overestimate yourself.”
Walking out of the cell, the Disciplinary Disciple locked up the doors once again and then took Yang Kai outside.
Not long after, they had arrived at a wooden room and a strange laugh came, “Please come in.”
Yang Kai turned to look at him and also laughed out as he walked in.
The Disciplinary Disciple followed closely behind and then closed the door behind him.
In the instant the door was closed, Yang Kai swivelled around and sent a palm directly into the stomach of the Disciplinary Disciple behind him. Boiling hot Yang Yuan Qi rushed into him, causing him to let out a bloodcurdling scream as he slammed into the wall.
He didn’t think that Yang Kai would actually strike him, causing him to receive the attack in its entirety and leaving him momentarily paralysed.
“Such courage from a dog!” A voice full of anger sounded and immediately three-four human images appeared, pouncing on Yang Kai.
Yang Kai could reaction only allowed him to block one attack as the others landed, pushing him to the ground. Them he began to receive a thorough beating.
In the midst of that chaos, Yang Kai snarled as he spat out a mouthful of blood. The fishy yet sweet smell of blood, only caused to excite him and heat up his blood, the True Yang Secret Art started to work at an unimaginable speed within his meridians. The scalding feeling from his bones travelled throughout his whole body, causing Yang Kai’s skin to become fiery.
This energy seemed to be many times stronger than it had been previously.
Roar!!! The Yang Kai that was being kicked was suddenly disturbed, then his frenzied actions became several times more ferocious. Jumping into the air, he kicked out and hit two Disciplinary Disciples on the head, this was followed by two cries of pain as they stumbled back.
But before he could continue, another person, emitting killing intent, had managed to grab onto his leg. Then, tossing him like a rag bag, they threw Yang Kai, slamming him into the wall. Groaning in pain, he felt his 5 viscera turn over.
Struggling up, Yang Kai wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and sized up the situation in the dimly lit room.
This was a closed private room with five Disciplinary Disciple in it. From their exchange just now and their Yuan Qi fluctuations, Yang Kai could tell that their strengths were about Initial Element Stage. But the one that had thrown him into the wall, his Yuan Qi aura clearly showed that he had entered the Qi Transformation Stage.
One vs. five! Not to mention the differences in their cultivation levels was also immense, that this battle was doomed to end in failure.
But Yang Kai only smiled. In this hopeless situation, his heart only became more ferocious, raging with emotion.
“You actually dared to injure someone on your own accord!” The Qi Transformation Stage Disciplinary Disciple sneered out, “You have no lack in courage!”
The other four people were standing behind him, looking at Yang Kai mockingly.
They had received orders to properly teach Yang Kai a lesson, as long as they didn’t kill him. Unexpectedly Yang Kai had attacked first and injured one of them by catching him unaware, making them lose a great deal of face.
“He he.” With his back facing the wall, Yang Kai’s blood red eyes swept across the five of them as he said in an icy cold voice, “You guys are allowed to attack, so why can’t I retaliate?”
That Qi Transformation Stage Disciplinary Disciple couldn’t stop his evil laughter. “You are actually quite smart, since you already know what we are thinking about. Why don’t you obediently allow us to beat you up, so we can help young master Wei Zhuan vent his unhealthy anger? If you dare to resist, you might lose an arm or leg!”
“You can come and try!” Yang Kai looked at them coldly.
“Stubborn headed pig! Go beat him!”
Under that command, the five of them went out again! Their hands pierced through the wind without the slightest bit of hesitation. With their cultivations, they would have more than enough energy, with some to spare as they took care of Yang Kai. So as the five leaped forward to teach Yang Kai a lesson, it was naturally an easy thing to do!

Martial Peak – Chapter 71, Freak

Inside the room was total chaos, with angry shouts thundering and punches echoing. Occasionally, there would be the sound of someone grunting and specks of blood could be seen flying out.
As the saying goes, fours hands are hard to defend against with only two. There was already a large difference between their levels and Yang Kai’s, not to mention it was one against five. How could he possibly hold against them on his own?
Attacking out once at someone, he would have to endure four or five hits himself.
Not to mention the power of these Disciplinary Disciple’s strikes. Each strike was strong and landed on flesh. Although they weren’t life-threatening to Yang Kai, after taking so many strikes, anybody would need to lay in bed for one or two months to recuperate.
“Stop!” After a good half an hour, the Qi Transformation Staged Disciplinary Disciple called out angrily and quickly leapt away from the battle scene, “Don’t hit him anymore. If you hit him further, he will die.”
The remaining four quickly leapt back and looked at Yang Kai who lay on the floor, with a bit of fear and worry.
“My Lord!” Amongst them, one of them held their cheeks and said, “Being hit by him once, nearly caused me to lose my tooth.”
Another clutched at his crotch, a face full of fear. “Do you think that is considered serious?! You goddam daddy here nearly lost his future generations. If I had not dodged in time, then the one lying on the floor would be me.”
Dodging at the crucial moment, the blow had landed on his thigh, causing him to feel scalding pain. A hit that was from Yang Kai struggling with all his might was extremely powerful. Even thinking about it now, left him with shivers.
They looked at each other, staring blankly, because in that situation with such a disparity in their strengths, each one of them had a visible injury from Yang Kai; this was after weakening him and knocked him to the ground!
This caused the five people to be stupefied! Their five faces then became embarrassed, isn’t this too embarrassing?
How could a trial Disciple, who was only at the Initial Element Third Stage, be this savage? Just then while they were beating him up, they didn’t think too much about it. But thinking it over now, it was all quite inconceivable.
“Pu……..” A sound was heard. Looking for the origin of the sound, five gazes fell on Yang Kai who should have been paralysed, who was struggling to stand up as he spat out the blood in his mouth.
His body looked dark and unclear, with great changes occurring, his skin started to shine with a red light. An extremely hot feeling could be felt emanating from him like a ten million-year-old volcano was erupting.
“This Yuan Qi aura…….” The Qi Transformation Staged Disciple’s face showed a trace of fear, “Something’s not quite right.”
How was it possible for Yuan Qi to be emitted from an Initial Element Third Stage? This was clearly the aura of someone at the peak of the Initial Element Stage, and with another step, they would be in the Qi Transformation Stage.
“You are still able to stand?” A person said with their eyes wide open, nearly biting their tongue in the process. Even if it was him who had been beaten like that, he wouldn’t even have enough strength to lift a finger. How could he stand up?
“He’s coming!” Someone else suddenly cried out in alarm. Just as the words were spoken, the previously tottering Yang Kai produced a large gale and sprinted to the five in front of him.
Halfway there, Yang Kai’s fist became blazing, like a piece of metal that had just been taken out of a furnace.
The person who had cried out immediately activated his Yuan Qi and clashed with Yang Kai’s fist.
‘Bang’ it rang out, then the Disciplinary Disciple flew backwards and smashed into the wall. His throat gurgling, he spat out a mouthful of blood, meanwhile, Yang Kai’s body only lightly shook as he went to the next person already.
“Impudent!” The Qi Transformation Stage Disciplinary Disciple was agitated and angered. His five fellow Disciples were not only unable to knock down a single opponent; instead, their enemy was given the chance to retaliate. If this was spread out, wouldn’t it be a scandal? Where in the world could he show his face?
In a fit of anger, the Qi Transformation Staged Disciple sent out his palm. Condensing his Qi from his dantian, he shouted out, “Strengthened Revolving Cyclone!”
Inside the room, a splitting wind howl sounded and from his hand, a small cyclone appeared. It directly went to confront Yang Kai’s fist.
Snap, snap, snap………echoed out, while the clothes on Yang Kai’s arm looked like they were being repeatedly cut by razor blades, turning into shreds in just moments. His entire arm was covered in bloody cuts.
Both of Yang Kai’s blood red eyes contained astonishment. Gathering up his Yang Yuan Qi, it exited his body via the cuts on his arm to block his opponent’s Martial Skill.
‘Ah’ rang out, as a blazing energy exploded within the room.
Yang Kai’s Yuan Qi stopped that Qi Transformation Staged Disciple’s Strengthened Revolving Cyclone and set it on fire.
Within the blazing cyclone, Yang Kai punched out towards that Qi Transformation Stage Disciple’s palm. Upon impact, both sides retreated a few steps.
“Why are you guys standing around distracted? Go attack!” The Qi Transformation Stage Disciple’s palm was very red. He never thought that his opponent’s Yuan Qi was this unusual. Although he hadn’t suffered any injuries, no matter what, he still had suffered some deficit. In a rage, he immediately howled out.
The other three Disciplinary Disciples who were in a stupor now awoke and rushed up to surround Yang Kai once again. Facing Yang Kai, they were in for more painful attacks.
The person who had been sent flying by Yang Kai first also charged back in a fit of anger.
In a short while, the four people stopped their attacks. Now being semi-breathless, they held treacherous expressions as they retreated ten feet.
Their strengths were currently being suppressed by his younger Disciple’s savage might.
The second time they gathered to beat him up, the results were drastically smaller!
The injuries that Yang Kai sustained this time were far greater, but……these four people had paid a certain price to achieve this.
“He wouldn’t stand up again, would he?” One of them covered their mouth coughing while asking this question. Finishing his coughing, there was a small pool of blood in his palm.
“He shouldn’t, after all, he has been injured to this state.” Another one was massaging his eye. There, a bruise had already formed, while a nasty blister was present like it had been constantly burned by boiling water.
Within their five hearts, they all felt extremely bitter. They thought the reason why they had suffered so much this time was because of his strange strength.
Within this small and narrow room, although it was five against one and it looked easy to beat him up, they couldn’t exert all their might, whereas Yang Kai was surrounded. This allowed him to use his full power, but if it was an open environment, they would be able to use their full power. Then it wouldn’t be such a bad result, right?
But…..this junior Disciple called Yang Kai, his strength was really something else. An ordinary Initial Element Stage cultivator could not possibly be his opponent. It was no wonder Wei Zhuan lost under his hand.
Just as the five of them thought they had beaten Yang Kai down, he unexpectedly started to move again. Weakened beyond compare, like a wolf without fangs, bit by bit, cun by cun he stood up. Not only had his Yuan Qi aura not diminished, it had strengthened.
“Curses!” That Qi Transformation Stage Disciple clicked his tongue, what sort of freak was this junior Disciple? No matter how they attacked him, why didn’t he fall unconscious?
“Don’t come over. If you come over, we will really beat you to death!” The Disciple with a bruised eye shouted out, making a lot of noise, but there was no real strength behind it.
This was an extremely funny sight to behold because the ones who were attacking were gathered in a bunch telling the one who was getting beaten to not come over. While the one who was getting beaten was quite confused, covered in blood he slowly made his way over. Step by step, he walked over to the group of five.
Each step was heavy, tottering and unsteady, as though he would collapse in the next moment. But he still paced forward, step by step.
If not for the wall behind them, the five people would keep on retreating.

Martial Peak – Chapter 72, Such a Big Fuss

The sound of several people gulping down mouthfuls of water rang out. “Senior Brother, what should we do?” Someone asked nervously from amongst the bunch because he feared that if they continued to beat Yang Kai, he would die.
“My lord, he is a freak!” The Qi Transformation Staged Disciple swore as his eyelids flickered and he clenched his teeth before replying, “We can’t care about that anymore. If he comes over, we shall attack! This time, we must knock him unconscious!”
“Okay!” The remaining four replied a bit begrudgingly.
Just as these five were being extremely alert, a great sense of foreboding arose in their hearts, the temperature within the room dropped by several degrees. Cracking sounds echoed throughout the room, loud enough for all of them to hear. When the five people turned their heads to look, they saw that on all four walls was a thin layer of ice.
“What is happening?” One person asked questioningly, before starting to shiver.
“Boom” rang out as the room’s door was kicked open by someone.
“Who is it!” The Qi Transformation Staged Disciplinary Disciple called. Turning around his mouth became as large as a duck’s egg, and no matter what, he couldn’t muster the strength to close it.
Although the temperature within the room was rapidly decreasing, a thin layer of cold sweat still appeared on that person’s forehead as he gazed at the female at the door. Stammering, he muttered, “Sen-Senior Sister Su Yan!”
“Senior Sister Su Yan?” The four other’s expressions changed greatly.
Looking over, there was a stunning beauty with a cold and indifferent expression, wearing white robes standing there.
She was like a never dying, never aging, eternally blooming snow lotus on the mountain-top, carrying with her a biting cold as she descended to the mortal realm; she was that noble, that cold. As her beautiful eyes swept across the room, the five Disciples felt greatly inferior to her and unconsciously lowered their heads.
Su Yan had hurriedly rushed all the way from Black Wind Market over to the Forest Prison. Thinking that Su Mu was entrapped here, she charged in but felt traces of a battle occurring here, so she had rushed here instead.
Opening the door, the sight she beheld her made her heart slightly shiver.
Ben: Violent women, what’s new in this story?
Inside the room were six people, five were Disciplinary Hall Disciples, with one at the Qi Transformation Second Stage and the rest at the Initial Element Stages. The other person covered in blood and dirty rags, shaking and stumbling yet within his eyes, was a strong gaze of refusal to yield.
This person…….she had met before!
Yang Kai! Su Mu had brought him over to Black Wind Trade once, he was the Trial Disciple that had defeated Cheng Shao Feng!
Sending out her Divine Sense to examine the scene, Su Yan was stunned. Examining Yang Kai, she discovered that he was full of injuries; although those injuries weren’t enough to take his life, with his strength, it should be impossible to remain standing and conscious.
How strong was his willpower in order to remain standing and not fall?
In this short while, Su Yan had understood what had more or less occurred in this room. Rarely did emotions ripple in her heart, but this time she was slightly angered.
With a flash, Su Yan appeared at the side of Yang Kai to support him. Sending out her ice-cold True Yuan Qi, she controlled it heal his injuries inside and outside of his body.
If you thought about it, it was slightly strange. That was because as soon as the ice cold energy entered his body, the fiery energy in his body receded and his fuzzy mind became much clearer.
A pure and crisp aroma lingered at the edge of his nose, Yang Kai turned his head to look at Su Yan, his fierce expression gradually disappeared.
It was like he was sitting on a snowy mountain, all he felt was a cool and crisp breeze, eliminating all noises and shapes from the outside world. With her at his side, Yang Kai couldn’t help but think of taking her hand and living in seclusion with her.
“Who attacked him?” Su Yan calmly asked them in her cold voice.
The five Disciplinary Disciples trembled as they looked at each other. Heads lowered as they spoke, “We all had.”
In front of Su Yan, to lie to her was sullying and pouring dirt on her. That nobility and grandeur caused all of them to speak the truth in front of her.
Su Yan nodded her head “Very good!”
After she said her piece, she supported Yang Kai and step by step she walked out of the room.
It wasn’t until Su Yan’s figure could no longer be seen, that the five gasped for breath. By then, they felt as if they had escaped a great calamity.
But before the five of them could rejoice, they suddenly felt great fear. Looking at the doorway, they saw a small patch of ice that had expanded quickly to the size of a palm. This palm-sized piece of ice was in the shape of a snowflake.
“Pa” rang out as five snowflakes disintegrated. Following this, the five Disciples dropped to the ground in pain as they felt their Yuan Qi disappear along with the destruction of the snowflakes. Along with their Yuan Qi’s disappearance, they all suffered numerous wounds.
“So powerful! She’s truly worthy of the title as number one!” The Qi Transformation Staged Disciplinary Disciple’s face paled with fear as he trembled from the cold.
He was completely unable to see how Su Yan was able to attack. Without any notice, she had planted her attack.
If it wasn’t because the Senior Sister was so calm, it wouldn’t be as easy as receiving a few light wounds. With her strength, if she really wanted to take their lives, it would be as simple as pinching and breaking snail shells.
Outside the room, Yang Kai was still walking with staggering steps. Hearing the sounds behind him, he turned his head in amazement towards Su Yan, “You actually attacked them?”
Su Yan’s long eyelashes slowly close before asking, “En. You’re fine right?”
“I’m fine.” Yang Kai nodded his head, “Oh right, go and free Li Yun Tian and the others.”
“What about Su Mu?” Su Yan asked.
“I don’t know.” Yang Kai slowly nodded his head, “He hadn’t been locked up. He has probably been sent back, as those people didn’t dare to make a move on Su Mu.”
Hearing this, Su Yan finally let out a breath of relief.
The two people swiftly walked deep into the Forest Prison. Not long after, they arrived at the cell in which Li Yun Tian and the rest were imprisoned. Seeing Yang Kai and Su Yan arm in arm, and with such intimacy shocked them to no end. On the spot, their eyes dropped to the ground and they all forgot how to breathe.
[Oh heavens! If you could just allow me to be so close to Senior Sister Su, even in death, I would be satisfied!] Li Yun Tian and the others were jealous to death.
“All of you come out.” Su Yan raised her hand and broke the door’s lock.
“Ah…” This group of people involuntarily let out gasps and stupidly walked out. Ten pairs of eyes all were fixed on Yang Kai and Su Yan’s figures.
No matter how collected Su Yan’s expression was, being watched by them like this, she couldn’t help but become a bit frigid.
“Come, I’ll take you guys out.” Su Yan continued with her cold but beautiful face. Supporting Yang Kai, she walked at the front while Li Yun Tian and the rest followed behind them.
Not long after, this group of people walked out of the Forest Prison. As they walked out, the sun’s bright rays assaulted their eyes, causing them to narrow their eyes. As they did, around one hundred Disciplinary Hall Disciples greeted and surrounded them.
“Such a big fuss!” Yang Kai coldly called out, “Senior Sister, this is probably catered to counter you right?”
Su Yan didn’t answer. She only swept her eyes across the group of people, she continued to support Yang Kai and advance forward.
No one dared to block their way. All of the Disciplinary Hall Disciples in their way scattered with fear in their eyes, in their eyes, automatically moving to the side and making way.

Martial Peak – Chapter 73, Junior Sister’s Sincerity Towards Me

All eyes gradually converged to Su Yan and Yang Kai, whom she was supporting. Their gazes, which held traces of envy and jealous, were accompanied by a sour atmosphere.
Before now, they had never seen Su Yan be intimate with a male. Even those outstanding Core Disciples had never received such attention.
What Su Yan cultivated was the Ice Heart Secrets. With her heart frozen these many years, even usually when she talked to males who were close to her, she was still quite cold.
Every High Heaven Pavilion Disciple, no matter how powerful they were, no matter how high their status, every one of them had to be extremely careful around her so as to make sure as to not offend this beauty in any way. But now, she actually took the initiative to support a youth only at the Initial Element Third Stage. Her white as jade hands rested on his waist, while her icy face was tinted a light shade of red, accentuating her beauty.
The originally hard to reach person seemed far more approachable now!
All of these male High Heaven Pavilion Disciples’ hearts all shattered. This was because their untouchable goddess seemed as if she was being sullied by her contact with mere mortals.
The person who had sullied their goddess was standing right in front of them. He was being supported by their goddess, smelling their goddess’ scent, feeling the softness of the goddess’ hands and enjoying treatment that none of them would dream of enjoying!
“There is murderous intent!” The corners of Yang Kai’s mouth turned up forming an unusual smile. And as Su Yan strode forwards, he followed like a fox exploiting the tiger’s might, grinning.
Walking confidently in front of these people, a petite looking male was standing in Su Yan and Yang Kai’s way. Within that person’s gaze was sweetness and tenderness with subtle hints of jealousy and unhappiness.
Su Yan suddenly stopped, lifting up her head to look at him.
“Move aside!” Her cold voice rang out. It was dull and unfeeling, leaving one unable to sense any of the speaker’s emotions.
The male bitterly smiled, shaking his head. “Junior Sister, please don’t make things difficult for this Senior Brother. This Senior Brother is only doing his duty!”
This was High Heaven Pavilion’s second strongest Disciple, Xie Hong Chen.
“Move aside!” Su Yan repeated these words, unwilling to say another word to that person.
Xie Hong Chen helplessly repeated. “Junior Sister, these people cannot leave right now! They have offended Zong Gui, and the Grand Elder has said previously that no one can take them away from here. ”
“Zong Gui?” Yang Kai took a step forward with a sneer, “I dare ask who this is this Senior Brother? Which Zong Gui have I offended?”
Xie Hong Chen looked at him with a gaze full of disgust and snorted out, “Gathering for a gang fight, murder of a person and disrespecting Disciplinary Disciples. Any one of these would be enough to expel you from High Heaven Pavilion.”
“Gathering to fight?” Su Yan spoke out, “Fight with who? Since it was a gang fight, there should be an opponent right? So why did your Disciplinary Hall only restrain one side? Where are the other culprits?”
Xie Hong Chen’s expression was priceless as he was left speechless. The other side was naturally Wei Zhuan’s underlings, so how could they dare to restrain them.
“Murder? Then where is that person’s corpse?”
Xie Hong Chen forced out a smile and immediately went to explain “Attempted, attempted to kill someone, but luckily he was stopped in time by our Disciplinary Hall. We avoided a bad outcome.”
“The life and death of Disciples in the Main Gate, while they are comparing notes, is a matter for the Disciples themselves to manage! If it was to be managed according to your words, then every Disciple that compares notes would be attempting to commit murder? Then all of the Disciplinary Disciples would be running all across High Heaven Pavilion to imprison every Disciple right?” Su Yan’s expression was unsympathetic, her tone ice-cold, “What else was there, disrespecting Disciplinary Disciples, if you Disciplinary Disciples can really be just and fair, then who would disrespect you? This person who is supposed to represent Zong Gui has long since fallen and become a mere tool in a power struggle, extinguishing his own dignity. No wonder he is stepped on!”
“Junior Sister…” Xie Hong Chen’s smile was extremely dry and tart, he was looking helpless beyond compare, and “Do you really need to speak so frankly?”
“True or false, you know which is which in your heart.”
Xie Hong Chen’s expression dimmed and he said in a low voice: “Junior Sister, I have accepted your sincerity to me, so why are you still making things difficult for me?”
Su Yan indifferently responded. “If Senior Brother’s words were heard by Zhao Fei Xue, Junior Sister Zhao, how do you think she will feel?”
Zhao Fei Xue, like Xie Hong Chen and Su Yan, was a Core Disciple of High Heaven Pavilion. But this female’s relationship with Xie Hong Chen was unclear.
Xie Hong Chen’s entire body shook, looking at Su Yan his gaze was filled with grief as he lamented his current situation, but he was left with no way out. Moving his gaze, he glared at Yang Kai, directing all of his complaints to him.
Yang Kai was still calm, showing no fear towards him.
“You are called Yang Kai?” Xie Hong Chen forcibly suppressed his inner grievances and asked. Any male who saw the girl he liked supporting and being intimate with another male, who wouldn’t feel anguish.
“How will Senior Brother enlighten me?”
“I know that these events were caused by you. If not for you, then there wouldn’t be all these inconveniences. If you don’t want to pull Junior Sister Su into any trouble you have caused, then obediently return to your cell and save me the trouble of doing it myself.” Xie Hong Chen indifferently said. He couldn’t convince Su Yan and was unable to raise his hand against Su Yan, so he could only turn towards Yang Kai.
Yang Kai only smiled.
“What are you smiling about?” Xie Hong Chen asked with a frown on his face.
Yang Kai’s entire body was covered in blood, causing his appearance to be quite appalling. As he smiled, he slowly took Su Yan’s jade-like hand that was on his waist. Taking it into the palm of his hand, he slowly patted her hand and turned his head towards Su Yan and said in a very sweet tone. “I also don’t want to implicate Senior Sister, but with the sincerity I have received from her, I really can’t fail to live up to that. So, I can only allow her to do whatever she wants.”
Xie Hong Chen’s expression paled meanwhile Su Yan remained stationary as if she was rooted to the spot, her face perplexed.
The jaws of Li Yun Tian and the rest fell to the ground and from within their throats, emerged a strange creaking sound. But no matter what, they couldn’t say a single word.
While the surrounding hundred or so Disciplinary Disciples only felt that each of their hearts had been split open. Each and every one of them was left dumbstruck!
“Senior Sister, am I right?” Yang Kai didn’t seem to take in the critical state of things and still poured salt into the wound.
Xie Hong Chen looked towards Su Yan with extreme nervousness, unwilling to hear an answer that he didn’t like.
Su Yan suddenly turned her body around.
Despite growing this old, she had never been treated this way by a male before, her hand was actually held within his and being wantonly felt. That coarse hand with callouses rubbing against her skin continuously felt painful yet warm.
Su Yan was extremely angry! Turning around, she wanted to send Yang Kai flying, but looking at him, she understood what he wanted to do. Suppressing her urge to hit him, Su Yan faintly nodded her head and honestly replied. “Yes!
While she responded, she formed a stream of energy and sent it into Yang Kai’s meridians.
Yang Kai suddenly groaned and from his nostrils came two streams of blood.
“Why did you start to bleed?” While she said this, Su Yan also went to take out a silk cloth before tenderly wiping away the blood for Yang Kai.
“I can do it, I can do it!” A cold shiver came out from Yang Kai’s heart. Although this Senior Sister looked indifferent, he knew that if he touched her bottom line, then he would die ruthlessly under her hand.
“You guys…” Xie Hong Chen called out madly in jealousy. If previously he didn’t want to believe Su Yan’s words, now seeing that scene, he couldn’t help but question her feelings.
Had he ever seen Su Yan treat a male this tenderly and gently before? Had he ever seen Su Yan’s hand in another male’s hand without any resistance or reluctance?
It looked like she was really happy and willing. But with Su Yan’s strength, how could Yang Kai win her over?
“Junior Sister, you were born with privilege, how could you possibly take fancy to such trash?”
“Who are you calling trash?” Both Yang Kai and Su Yan simultaneously turned their heads; their expressions like raging tempests.

Martial Peak – Chapter 74, The Head Enters Into the Discussion

Like they had planned this beforehand like they shared the same mind, Yang Kai and Su Yan yelled out the same words. Even the tone and attitude with which they yelled at Xie Hong Chen was the same.
Xie Hong Chen became wholly stunned by their shout! Looking at Su Yan, his gaze full of pain, he miserably repeated his question. “How is he not trash? His status is merely that of a Trial Disciple and his cultivation is only at the Initial Element Third Stage. These type of people are clearly trash. Junior Sister, what could you possibly see in him?”
“You need not worry about our affairs!” Su Yan was such a great actress, taking full advantage of this opportunity to rid herself of Xie Hong Chen’s nagging, which she had suffered from all these years. She even used such intimate sounding words.
“Senior Brother, what’s wrong? You don’t seem too well.” Yang Kai said to Xie Hong Chen with a bit of ridicule.
“You shut up!” His expression darkened, Xie Hong Chen shouted at Yang Kai, “I am talking with my Junior Sister, so how are you qualified to interrupt?”
Yang Kai’s eyes narrowed and he laughed out loud.
“Trashes are Trash!” Xie Hong Chen had long since cast him away to god knows where. His handsome face contorted, unsightly as it could be, “When I was your age, I was already at the Qi Transformation Stage, while you are still only at the Initial Element Third Stage. Whereas now, I am at the peak of the Separation and Reunion Boundary. We have an entire two realm gap, with this how can you compare to me?”
“Senior Brother please wait and see!” Yang Kai didn’t waste words because some things couldn’t be explained, you could only do them to make others understand.
“Xie Hong Chen, I don’t want to tangle with you any further. Move aside, under the care of your Disciplinary Hall, he has suffered no small amount. I need to take him back to tend to his injuries!” Su Yan’s cold voice rang out.
“Today, no one shall be able to leave here!” Xie Hong Chen’s voice bellowed out. Looking at Su Yan with pain in his eyes, his entire body shook as he sent out the command. “Listen up Disciplinary Hall Disciples! no matter who tries to dash out, attack to kill! This is even more prevalent with regard to Senior Sister Su, you mustn’t be lenient with her.”
Love, hate, no matter which emotion, at that very hour, Xie Hong Chen expressed his intentions as clear as day.
*Hua hua hua…* after hesitating for a while, the hundred or so Disciplinary Disciples rushed forwards to engage. Once again, these Disciples surrounded Su Yan’s group.
“You are determined to do this?” From within Su Yan’s pair of crystal clear eyes, flashed a dangerous streak of light.
Xie Hong Chen forced out a bitter smile. “Junior Sister, I know that I am not your opponent. But if you really want to pass me forcibly today, then you will need to pass over my dead body!”
Since he was pushed to this point, he tried to use his courage and helplessness to move Su Yan.
Su Yan was so angered, her chest heaved up and down non-stop!
She didn’t fear the Disciplinary Hall Disciples, after all, her strength was at the True Element Third Stage. She was higher than Xie Hong Chen by three small stages and as soon as she used her Ice Heart Secrets, no one would be able to block her path.
But that could not be said the same for Yang Kai and Li Yun Tian’s group, which was destined to not have such an easy time.
After all, she was only one person and couldn’t possibly protect everyone under her wing.
Currently, they were in a deadlock because Su Yan didn’t dare to forcibly try to bring her group of people out, while the Disciplinary Disciples didn’t dare to initiate any attacks. Thus they remained stationary in their current positions.
Just as this group of the younger generation was causing such a large fuss, the High Heaven Pavilion Elders were having an earth-shaking argument in another part of the Sect.
In the Elders Hall, High Heaven Pavilion’s Grand Elder Wei Xi Tong, the Second Elder Su Xuan Wu, the Third Elder He Bei Shui, the Fourth Elder Zhou Fei and the Fifth Elder You Zi Zai had all gathered.
The five major elders sat in two opposing groups, one group was led by the Grand Elder Wei Xi along with the Fourth Elder Zhou Fei and the Fifth Elder You Zi Zai sitting behind him.
Similarly on the other side, sat the Second Elder Su Xuan Wu and the Third Elder He Bei Shui.
This represented the current Elder factions within High Heaven Pavilion.
The previously clashing Wei Zhuan and Su Mu were kneeling on the ground on their respective sides and narrated the things that had occurred earlier in the day.
Su Mu was the first one to speak and he spoke the truth, how he was first blocked and how he was first provoked. Also how he was humiliated when they were comparing notes, though regardless of the importance, he didn’t add any personal opinions.
After he finished the five Elders sat and didn’t say a word, only waiting for Wei Zhuan to narrate.
But when it came from his mouth, things didn’t quite match up with what Su Mu had said. Although it was about the same with regards to the beginning, Once he got to the moment Yang Kai appeared, he started to veer off. His tongue like silver, accompanied by mucus and tears, he tearfully cried out about how overboard Yang Kai acted and how he had a Treasure Weapon which he used to attack and destroy his Embroidered Cloud Locking Mail and how he had attempted to kill him.
With such a miserable tone, his heart-wrenching narration would be enough to bring his listeners to tears; just like a TV drama with its dramatic body language, he exaggerated the events by a hundredfold.
“You are lying!” Listening to this, Su Mu was indignant and couldn’t help by cry out.
“The truth is exactly so!” Wei Zhuan took the opportunity to embellish because Su Mu had been unconscious while the situation had played out, insisting on his truth.
“The truth my ass! You make a fuss out of nothing, you rumor starting and deceiving piece of trash! You don’t even need a script to lie.”
“Silence, all of you!” The Grand Elder repeatedly slapped his chair. Su Mu actually dared to curse his grandson like this in front of him, so how could he remain calm? But anger can only be anger, for it wasn’t appropriate for him to intervene in the disputes between the younger generation.
*Humph!* The Second Elder coldly snorted out.
The Grand Elder asked, “Both sides have said their parts, my fellow Elders, how do you view this?”
Although he had worded it like so, his eyes never left the Second Elder Su Xuan Wu as he wanted to know his opinion.
Su Xuan Wu responded. “What how do we view it? Isn’t it already extremely clear? The disputes between the younger generation and their duels should be settled amongst themselves. Why should we Elders be involved?”
The Grand Elder chuckled slightly, while the Fourth Elder Zhou Fei went to back up the Grand Elder. “Second Brother, what you said isn’t correct. Originally the situation should have been settled amongst the younger generation in their duels, but since that Yang Kai came, he caused a disturbance and complicated things.”
“How so? Under the eyes of everyone, he openly challenged Wei Zhuan to a duel and didn’t break any Main Gate rules. Wei Zhuan’s personal strength wasn’t sufficient, so if he was defeated, who is he to blame?” Su Xuan Wu was furious that his own grandson had been humiliated, so his tone naturally wouldn’t be courteous.
The Fourth Elder opened his mouth to speak. “If he really just challenged Wei Zhuan to compare notes then defeated him, then there wouldn’t be any problems! But during the battle, he had taken out a weapon and used that weapon to break Wei Zhuan’s Embroidered Cloud Locking Mail. The head has said, that in battles between fellow Disciples, one is unable to use weapons! That Yang Kai has clearly broken this rule, and should naturally receive the appropriate punishment!”
Su Xuan Wu laughed sarcastically “Old Four, the Head didn’t set any rules like that right? With the Head in seclusion these many years, someone has actually dared to change his rules?”
Thus clearly pointing fingers and hearing this, the Grand Elder was greatly moved. Wei Xi Tong said. “Oh? Then Second Brother, please tell us what the Head had said exactly?”
Su Xuan Wu sneered. “The Head said, that in the duels between Disciples, Disciples are not to use weapons, nor to use strength enhancing neither immortality pills nor Secret Artifacts! For duels, Disciples are only able to use their own Martial Skills and fists! Big brother, this, I haven’t said incorrectly right?”
The Grand Elder’s face turned grim, nodding his head he replied. “That is correct!”

Martial Peak – Chapter 75, The Heated Debate Amongst The Elders

“That’s right then!” Su Xuan Wu laughed nonstop, “In the duel between Wei Zhuan and Su Mu, why was he wearing a Defensive Artefact? Is this not breaking the Main Gate rules? How should we handle this?”
He didn’t ask about Yang Kai first, but went to rope in Wei Zhuan first, causing the Grand Elder to stare blankly at him, unable to respond.
“If Wei Zhuan really used his own skill to win against Su Mu, then it’s no wonder for Su Mu’s loss. But since Wei Zhuan was under the protection of his Defensive Artefact and used that protection to humiliate my grandson, First Brother how can this be endured?” Su Xuan Wu bellowed out in fury as he slammed his palm down on the arm of his chair, turning it into smithereens.
Wei Xi Tong couldn’t help but lower himself. “Second Brother, please quell your anger. Wei Zhuan’s Defensive Artefact was given to him by me, but that was only because I wanted to make sure he would be safe. But he was like a child and actually used the Artefact’s power to duel with others. This was Wei Zhuan’s fault.”
Right after this, an angry voice immediately sounded out “Wei Zhuan, why haven’t you apologised and admitted your wrongdoings to your Senior Brother Su yet?”
Wei Zhuan was extremely clever and immediately cupped his hands towards Su Mu, apologising, “Senior Su, this time it was this Junior Brother’s fault and he says his apologies to you. Senior Brother, you are a great person with great forgiveness, so please don’t care about my wrongdoings!”
*Humph!* Su Mu over exaggerated his disregard.
But since things had reached this point, how could Su Xuan Wu say anything else?
The Grand Elder explained, “Wei Zhuan was wrong, but Yang Kai committed a bigger violation of the rules. With a Divine Weapon in hand, he threatened to kill Wei Zhuan. If not for the Disciplinary Hall Disciples timely intervention, then I’m afraid that Wei Zhuan would have lost his life already. This was done with extremely evil intentions, so Yang Kai must be punished accordingly and used as an example to others.”
The Fourth Elder Zhou Fei and the Fifth Elder You Zi Zai both nodded their heads in agreement.
However the Second Elder laughed out coldly “Wei Zhuan broke the rules and only needed to apologise to be forgiven, meanwhile, Yang Kai needs to suffer the punishment? Could it be because Wei Zhuan is your grandson First Brother, so he can have special privileges? If this is the case, then how would our great Elder Council have any reputation and prestige in High Heaven Pavilion?”
Wei Xi Tong’s face turned grim: “Second Brother, your words are piercing. Yang Kai’s wrongdoings and Wei Zhuan’s wrongdoings cannot be put on the same level. Wei Zhuan only wore a Defensive Artefact to protect himself, not to hurt others. While Yang Kai’s weapon was used for attempted murder and could be used at any time in the future, so Second Brother, you should be able to see the differences!”
Su Xuan Wu replied. “I dare to ask First Brother, who has seen Yang Kai with this so-called treasure? If this weapon really existed, then why couldn’t the Disciplinary Hall Disciples confiscate it or find it on Yang Kai’s body? Old Four, did your Disciplinary Hall report of anything similar to that being found?”
The Disciplinary Hall came under the jurisdiction of the Fourth Elder Zhou Fei. When he was addressed, he merely shook his head and said: “Although it wasn’t found, under the eyes of the many Disciples present, they all saw Yang Kai holding a blood red blade, this is the undeniable truth.”
Su Xuan Wu laughed coldly, and then using his Yuan Qi, he formed a long and slender blade comprised completely of Yuan Qi. Although its form flickered, you could still feel its power and majesty.
“If this was the case, then am I not also in possession of a weapon?” Su Xuan Wu laughed mockingly, looking at the three opposing people facing him.
“This is only the fine use of Yuan Qi, how could it be considered as a weapon?” The Fifth Elder You Zi Zai shook his head faintly.
“Second Brother means that Yang Kai who is only at the Initial Element Third Stage can already use his Yuan Qi to this extent?” The Fourth Elder Zhou Fei looked at Su Xuan Wu with a smile, which was not a smile.
These words were such a joke. Because only when a martial practitioner reached the True Element Stage and their Yuan Qi became True Qi, were they able to form their Qi into a solid substance. While Yang Kai was only at the Initial Element Third Stage and the distance between it and the True Element stage was like a Heavens and Earths, How could he possibly have this ability?

Martial Peak – Chapter 76, The Domineering Treasurer Meng

“I didn’t say that his control over his True Yuan Qi had reached such a state, but have my fellow brothers, have you forgotten that Martial Skills can also make this possible?” Su Xuan Wu snorted out.

“Impossible. Even if he used such a peculiar Martial Skills, a mere Initial Element Third Stage martial practitioner cannot possibly destroy the Embroidered Cloud Locking Mail.” Wei Xi Tong replied while repeatedly shaking his head.

“There is nothing impossible in this world. It can only be that my fellow brothers have been far too busy snatching power these past years that you simply cannot keep up with the times!”

These words were slightly unpleasant to hear, and Wei Xi Tong’s face immediately turned cold. “Second, are you really insisting on protecting that Yang Kai?”

“So what if I am!” Su Xuan Wu suddenly stood up. “These affairs this time, in simple terms, it is only a duel between the younger generations, but you insisted on causing such a fuss. Since you insist, then I shall humour your endless pestering. You either punish both Yang Kai and Wei Zhuan, because they have both broken the Main Gate rules, sparing neither. Or this matter will be considered settled and no one shall pursue this matter any further.”

“That cannot do!” Wei Xi Tong rebuked this proposal in one go, “If it is as you say, then Yang Kai really used a weapon to break the Embroidered Cloud Locking Mail. But at such a young age, he is already this ruthless, so in the future, he will definitely stray off onto the wrong path. My High Heaven Pavilion cannot have such people!”

“He is only at the Initial Element Stage, how are you to know whether or not he will fall into depravity in the future? Could it be that First Brother can foresee the future?”

“Second Brother…….” Just as the Fourth Elder Zhou Fei was about to say something, he was cut short by a rage-filled shout from Su Xuan Wu. Pointing his finger at Zhou Fei’s nose, he cursed him. “Old Four, before the Sect Master went into seclusion, he left you in charge of the Disciplinary Hall. And in these past years, let’s see and what the Disciplinary Hall has done? Fair and just, when have they been so? If the Disciplinary Hall can only suppress disciples and enter a power struggle, then what use is it to you? Tomorrow I shall go to the Sect Master and ask him to strip you of your Disciplinary Hall duties! What a show!”

The Fourth Elder cursed till his eyes started to twitch in fury, but he couldn’t refute anything he had said and could only feel oppressed inside.

“Second brother, what if I am adamant about expelling Yang Kai from High Heaven Pavilion?” Wei Xi Tong asked with a face devoid of warmth.

“You dare!” Su Xuan Wu didn’t back down.

“Fine, then we shall follow those rules that the Sect Master had set, and decide by vote. If the Grand Elder’s opinion wins, then Second Brother should have no objections right?”

“He he, raising your hand and voting?” Su Xuan Wu laughed loudly, “First brother, you don’t really think that I, Su Xuan Wu, am an idiot right? To vote by raising your hand, is there any need for it?”

“This isn’t good, that isn’t good. Then what will satisfy you? Are you not even putting the Sect Master’s rules in your eyes?” Through this quarrelling, Wei Xi Tong had also been angered.

From within the Elder Hall, smoke was rising, so much so that it was about burst out.

“Calm yourselves. All of you calm yourselves and come and drink a cup of tea. Everyone, cool your heads.” The Third Elder who had yet to say anything finally intervened and advised them all to not act rashly.

The Third Elder was gentle in nature, and though he stood on the side of the Second Elder, he didn’t intervene in any of the disputes. Not to mention that his name is the exact same as his catchphrase, He Bei Shui, drink a cup of tea!

As soon as there was any friction between the Elders, he always mediated between them like this. It was just that the results weren’t very big.

“I won’t drink!” Both the First Elder and Second Elder bellowed out at the same time, looking at each other with distaste, refusing to comply with each other.

The Third Elder was left helpless and could only continue to enjoy it himself.

Just as the Elders were arguing and causing a ruckus, a person’s voice sounded out from outside the door. “This Disciple has some important information he needs to inform the Elders about!”

The Fourth Elder’s eyebrows immediately crinkled together and he promptly said. “Come in!”

While the Elders were discussing things, Disciples didn’t dare disturb them. Since someone came to disturb them, it must be something important regarding High Heaven Pavilion.

When the Elders were informed of this, they momentarily stopped their quarrels.

When that disciple walked in, the Fourth Elder Zhou Fei asked, “What is the matter?”

“Reporting to the Elders, someone has forcibly charged into the High Heaven Pavilion’s Forest Prison and saved the ruckus-causing Yang Kai, Li Yun Tian and the

“What?” The Fourth Elder immediately stood up on the spot, while the other Elders were also equally startled.

“Who is the one who is so daring, that they dared to charge into the Forest Prison to save them?”

That High Heaven Pavilion Disciple didn’t dare to reply and could only lift up his head and stare timidly.

Su Xuan Wu’s heart thumped and he suddenly had a bad premonition.

From all of this, the Grand Elder could work out what had happened and he immediately calmed down before instructing the disciple, “You, speak.”

“It’s… It’s Su Yan, Senior Sister Su!”

Once those words were spoken, the Grand Elder’s smile expanded greatly. More importantly, even the Fourth Elder and Fifth Elder looked at Su Xuan Wu weirdly, while the Third Elder continued to drink his tea.

Su Xuan Wu’s expression changed non-stop, angered to point he couldn’t stop grinding his teeth together, he shouted. “Did you see clearly? That person who had charged into the Forest Prison really was Su Yan?”

That Disciplinary Disciple was so scared that he trembled, and replied at once. “This Disciple saw it as clear as day. I clearly know of Senior Sister Su Yan’s name and fame and if the Second Elder doesn’t believe me, then you may make a trip to see for yourself!”

“No need.” Su Xuan Wu waved his hand and went on a spiritual journey. A short while later he had arrived at the Forest Prison and felt an ice cold chill. This type of chill, apart from Su Yan, no one else in the entire High Heaven possessed it.

This girl really didn’t know the severity of the situation, too reckless!

“Second brother, how would you view this situation?” The Grand Elder asked with an extremely large smile, holding his cup of tea as he waited for him to come back to his body. He was calm and unruffled as he asked.

At that moment, the Grand Elder was quite calm.

If both sides were refusing to allow each other to win, then this event would be the key allowing a side to win.

What type of place is the Forest Prison! That was the place where Disciples who had committed wrongdoings were placed in High Heaven! No matter if Yang Kai hadn’t committed any wrongdoing, if he was locked in there until a proper resolution had been made, he could not leave.

But now it was great, Su Yan had stormed the place and forcibly tried to take him away. A spur of the moment decision, the result was that she had gone and broken a major rule in High Heaven Pavilion!

If this wasn’t properly taken care of, even Su Yan would have to be punished!

Wei Xi Tong knew that Su Xuan Wu definitely wouldn’t allow Su Yan to be roped in. Since this was the case, he must take a step back and give him face, but of course, that would be on the premise that he was allowed to deal with Yang Kai!

Now that you think about it, none of these five elders was related to Yang Kai in any other way. Up until today, the big fuss they had caused was only for their own personal gain, fighting over the leadership of High Heaven Pavilion.

Now the Grand Elder felt that he would win this battle.

If this affair were to be spread out, then all of the disciples would think that his faction would be the true decision-making faction in High Heaven Pavilion. And then their goal would be achieved.

Su Xuan Wu’s face became ashen, and his expression struggled for quite a while, before saying in a resentful tone. “However First Brother wants to deal with it, then you shall deal with it!”

Since Su Xuan Wu was forced to concede, how could he have the mind to quarrel with them further? In order for Su Yan not to be punished, then Yang Kai must be sacrificed.

Where the hills are green, there will be wood to burn. In the future, there will always be a chance to get revenge!

“Old Ghost!” As soon as Su Mu heard those words, his eyes opened wide and looked at Su Xuan Wu in disbelief.

“What did you call me?” Su Xuan Wu flared up in anger like he was talking with his siblings.

“Father! You can’t be like this!” Su Mu immediately corrected himself.

“You have no right to say anything regarding this matter!” Su Xuan Wu glared at him fiercely.

“Senior Brother Yang has saved my life; you cannot ignore him! If you do not care about him, then that is being highly ungrateful!”

“You shut up!” All this speaking had caused Su Xuan Wu’s face to turn bright red, and although he was unwilling in a hundred different ways, he was under the knife and was fed this, what could he do?

With Su Mu chattering like an insect besides him, Su Xuan Wu’s hand lashed out in the air, immediately afterwards Su Mu froze like a statue, unable to move or speak only able to hear.

“Wait until we get home for me to deal with you!” Su Xuan Wu’s nostrils flared with heat and anger.

“He he!” The Grand Elder laughed with satisfaction, “Since Second Brother has no objections; then this shall be settled like this.”

Finishing, he looked at the disciple still standing there. “Send down this command, the Trial Disciple Yang Kai has repeatedly broken Main Gate rules, his actions ruthless thus the Disciplinary Hall will capture and imprison him in the Forest Prison until the Sect Master returns to decide his punishment. As for Su Yan… Since she is young and ignorant, and this was also her first offence, we shall not take it too seriously. What do my fellow Brothers think about it?”

How could the other Elders have any objections?

“Go then!” With a wave of his hand, an order tablet flew into the Disciplinary Hall Disciple’s hands.

The Elder Command, seeing this tablet was equivalent to seeing the person himself! With this order tablet, Su Yan would no longer dare to act recklessly.

“Yes!” That Disciplinary Hall Disciple received the order and swiftly walked out.

A short while later, from the direction of the door front came a blood-curdling scream, and the sound of someone falling to the ground could be heard. The Elder’s faces changed significantly, and just as they were standing up to find out what happened, a person’s voice was heard.

“Fellow Elders have such power to abuse.” The voice rang out, while a fat, old man with wispy white hair walked inside. When he walked inside, he was also carrying the Disciple who had just left, but he had been knocked unconscious, even the elders had been suppressed by this old man.

That man walked to the kneeling Wei Zhuan and Su Mu and casually lifted up one of his legs and kicked Wei Zhuan to the side “move! Don’t block my way!”

Wei Zhuan’s body flew out, as he wailed miserably.

In the Elder Hall, all five Elder’s faces were changing non-stop and Wei Xi Tong narrowed his eyes and said to the person. “Treasurer Meng?”

The person, who had just arrived, really was the Contribution Hall’s Meng Wu Ya!

Speaking of this person, all five Elders were confused.

Ten or so years back, this person had suddenly appeared in High Heaven Pavilion. They didn’t know what relationship he had with the Sect Master, but with this, he had started to reside in High Heaven and was in charge of the Contribution Hall. Many times, they had tried to inquire about him from the Sect Master, but each time they were left confused and without an answer.

But all five Elders knew that this person was an expert! They also knew that he was below their Sect Master.

Fortunately, this person had no goal and only spent his days inside the Contribution Hall, knowing his place. Because of this, they didn’t pay much attention to him.

But today he had come uninvited to this place.

Wei Xi Tong had a faint feeling, that when he was facing this Treasurer Meng, the pressure he felt was stronger than what it was like when he was facing their Sect Master.

In the midst of his smile, Wei Xi Tong began to speak. “May I ask as to why Treasurer Meng has come to my Elder Hall?”

Meng Wu Ya didn’t respond, he only smiled and looked at Su Xuan Wu. Su Xuan Wu, on the other hand, remained confused, thinking was it because his face had started to grow flowers, and otherwise why would he be looking at him?

“You think that your decision is correct?” Meng Wu Ya suddenly questioned?

“What?” Su Xuan Wu stared blankly.

Martial Peak – Chapter 77, Release Them

“Sacrificing Yang Kai in order to save Su Yan, do you think your choice is correct?” Treasurer Meng asked before lightly chuckling.
Su Xuan Wu became greatly embarrassed and thought he had come to criticise him.
Meng Wu Ya continued. “If so, and you do this, managing to save Su Yan from her predicament, what would she think when she realises the reason for her safety?”
Su Xuan Wu stared ahead blankly before beads of perspiration fell from his forehead as he realised the severity of the situation.
“If you go through with this, then you will only create inner demons/guilt in her heart! She trains in the Ice Heart Secrets, so if this demons/guilt really appeared; you, more than anyone else, should know of the consequences.” Meng Wu Ya whispered into Su Xuan Wu’s ears, while he felt like he had been struck by lightning, a feeling of great remorse arose within him.
He had only thought about the short term benefits, and failed to see the disastrous long term effects it would have brought about for Su Yan. True, that by sacrificing Yang Kai he would save Su Yan, but as long as she lived every day she would think about how she was saved and how it was all from Yang Kai’s hard work. After thinking about it for a long time, she would become tormented by guilt, so how would her cultivation rise?
“Many thanks to Treasurer Meng for his pointers!” Su Xuan Wu respectfully responded.
*Ha ha.* Meng Wu Ya chuckled lightly, “Even if I didn’t say it, you would still have realised it. It’s only by then, it would have already been too late!”
The Grand Elder stood to the side, with an unreadable expression; after all this time, with great difficulty he had finally managed to find an advantage over his Second Brother, but just as things were about to come his way, Treasurer Meng appeared. With just a few words from him, how could his Second Brother willingly continue to raise his white flag? For Su Yan’s future prospects, he definitely wouldn’t concede this time.
Realising this, Wei Xi Tong’s face fell. “Treasurer Meng, this the Elder Hall of High Heaven Pavilion, no one, even elders, without a permit cannot enter here. I suggest you return from whence you came. ”
Meng Wu Ya merely glanced at him, backing away quietly, and then his figure suddenly flashed and reappeared on the highest place in the Elder Hall.
“Audacious!” Wei Xi Tong shouted out vigorously while the other couple of elder’s faces were all sharp with anger, they were all looking at Meng Wu Ya with rage.
Their issue wasn’t with him personally, but was due to the fact that seat belonged to the Head of High Heaven Pavilion and apart from the Head, no one else held the qualifications to be there. Even though these fellow elders had been struggling with each other over the years, not even the Grand Elder dared to occupy that position.
But now, a mere treasurer of the Contribution Hall of unknown origins dared to go to that place. How could these fellow elders not be angry? This was a complete insult to the entire sect!
“He he, everyone, please don’t get angry.” Meng Wu Ya laughed indifferently, and while stroking his beard he spoke, “I am here representing your Head and am only here to pass on a message!”
“Representing the Head?” The five elders shouted at the same time.
In recent years, even if it were the five elders who wanted to meet him, it was equivalent to reaching for the skies; they wouldn’t have thought that Treasurer Meng would have been able to meet him. And by his tone, it seemed that because of today’s events, he had some things he wanted to say.
[What is this all about? On an ordinary day, even if things flipped upside down, the Head wouldn’t intervene. So why did he intervene when it was just a small dispute been the younger generations?]
“What is this, you should all recognise this right?” Within Meng Wu Ya’s hand, was a purple coloured jade pendant.
“The pendant of the Head!”
This jade pendant was the symbol of High Heaven Pavilion and was absolutely impossible to be counterfeited.
“Since you know, that’s good.” Meng Wu Ya smiled softly.
Wei Xi Tong asked in a pondering tone. “I’d like to ask, just what instructions did the Head want you to pass on?”
Even though it had been ten years since the Head had managed any of the affairs relating to High Heaven Pavilion, the prestige and power of his position hadn’t weakened a bit.
Meng Wu Ya replied. “Your Head said, you have made big things become small and small things become big, all these things are because of the name of the people involved! As the older generation, are you not ashamed to intervene in the problems of the younger generations? Aren’t you being a bit too shameless?”
Wei Xi Tong was shocked and finally spoke after a long period of time “The Head… The Head really said that?”
“Oh, that last part was my words. Your Head only said the first half!” Meng Wu Ya replied indifferently.
The five elders were angered to the point that they wanted to spit blood! This scolding was simply too over bearing!
“Also, Yang Kai has already entered the Initial Element Stage, so he should be promoted to being an Ordinary Disciple. After all, continuing to have his Trial Disciple status isn’t a good thing.”
“This, these are your words, or the head’s?” Wei Xi Tong asked with quite a lot of doubt.
“This was said by your Head.” Meng Wu Ya laughed a good amount, “Since I have transmitted these words already, then I shall leave you all now.”
With these words, he began walking down from the position.
The five elders all looked at each other and signalled each other with their eyes. Since the Head had already given his words, what else is left to discuss because it wasn’t really a big issue? They all caused such a fuss because of their own motives, so not pursuing, wouldn’t it be a simple task?
Su Xuan Wu laughed coldly and waved his hands before walking out. With the Head’s commands, he no longer needed to quarrel any further and when he reached the bottom of the hall; he carried Su Mu and quickly walked away.
Soon after the Second Elder had left, the Third Elder He Bei Shui also excused himself leaving only the Grand Elder’s faction in the Elder Hall.
The Fifth Elder You Zi Zai spoke. “First Brother, something’s not right. Today’s events were not that big, yet they moved the Head. Could there be some sort of conspiracy in it?”
The Fourth Elder also nodded his head in agreement. “Could it be that the Head wanted to send us a warning that he was still watching over High Heaven Pavilion?”
This was also the hidden guess that the Grand Elder had made, but he just wasn’t willing to admit it. Now that someone else had voiced it his heart gave a loud thump.
“Not matter what, we must retreat a step and in the future, no matter what, we must be careful, more careful.” The Grand Elder said, muttering to himself, “But you could try and probe around for the Head’s intention and see what the Head is really thinking about. See if he has any ideas about leaving seclusion and taking over High Heaven Pavilion, then I would have to become an assistant, but if he only acted on the spur of the moment… then this shouldn’t continue further in High Heaven Pavilion. There should be someone who can really take charge.”
“That’s right! But, how should we probe about?” The Fourth Elder asked softly.
“Didn’t the Head say to promote that Yang Kai to an Ordinary Disciple? Maybe we could gain something from that.”
“So it seems!” Both the Fourth Elder and Fifth Elder suddenly realised.
The Forest Prison, Su Yan, Xie Hong Chen and the rest were still facing off, no one daring to move.
This situation had already persisted for an entire thirty minutes; the cold air around Su Yan had gotten much stronger. If not for the fact that the Martial Skills that Yang Kai cultivated happened to suppress her Ice Heart Secrets, he might have long since been frozen to become an ice sculpture.
Just as they continued to be in a deadlock, a Disciplinary Hall Disciple came rushing over and loudly yelled out. “The Grand Elder has sent out a command, release them!”
“What?” Xie Hong Chen was dumbfounded.
That Disciplinary Hall Disciple continued with a bitter look on his face. “Senior Brother Xie, the Elders have said already that today’s matters end here and no one is to investigate any further or you’ll be punished according to the Sect Rules!”
Xie Hong Chen looked at Yang Kai with a venomous gaze. That was because if Su Yan had started to attack, then he could have found an excuse to take out Yang Kai! But Su Yan never gave him that opportunity, and hearing the order from the Elders, he knew that there was no longer any chance for him to take Yang Kai out.
Clenching his teeth in grief, Xie Hong Chen bellowed out in rage. “Release them!”
Su Yan continued to support Yang Kai while slowly leading Li Yun Tian and the others outside. Under the complex gaze of Xie Hong Chen, they slowly walked away.

Martial Peak – Chapter 78, Sentiment

The curtains just weirdly closed on this large-scale battle between the younger Disciples. A lot of people thought it was unusual especially since it happened without an explanation.
The battle this time involved many people, with the Disciplinary Hall sending over a hundred Disciples to surround and stop Su Yan, which only confirmed her power.
Whilst the other person involved, Yang Kai became known to many Disciples, those of whom were involved and those who were envious of his relationship with Su Yan. In all, there were numerous different rumours regarding him.
However, right now, the subject of these rumours, Yang Kai, was fast asleep.
Right after leaving the Forest Prison, Yang Kai immediately went to sleep. When he was ganged up on and beaten by those five Disciplinary Hall Disciples, although they weren’t serious, they were still quite harsh. If not for the dire situation at hand, Yang Kai would have long since fallen.
With the situation resolved and no worries in his heart, one would naturally be unable to continue to support themselves.
When he woke up, Yang Kai found himself in an unknown bed. With his body aching all over, he looked around the room and found himself in an extremely elegant yet simple room without much furniture and in quite a secluded place.
It was just like Su Yan’s house in Black Wind Trade.
Struggling to get up, the noise that he made alerted the people outside. So not long after, Su Mu pushed open the door with a face full of emotion.
Li Yun Tian and the others were also present and as Su Mu walked in, they all looked at Yang Kai in relief.
“Senior Brother Yang, how do you feel?” Su Mu asked as he walked over to support him.
“I’m fine now.” Yang Kai started to work his Yuan Qi and found that there were no real problems, he just needed to rest for a few days.
“This time Senior Brother saved me, I, Su Mu, thank you.” Su Mu replied somewhat awkwardly.
“No need to apologise.” Yang Kai replied, lifting up his hand to stop him.
“Oh right, my family’s old ghost gave me this pill to give to you to help you heal and cultivate.” Su Mu took out ten bottles and placed them side by side on the bedside table.
“The Second Elder?” Yang Kai was amazed, “Isn’t this a bit too much?”
“It’s not much, not much. This time you received heavy injuries, so you should properly rest and heal.”
“Then Junior Brother, please help me thank the Second Elder.”
“No need for thanks.” Su Mu waved his hand before a wave of fury appeared on his face.
This time, Su Xuan Wu thought he had really treated Yang Kai badly, so that was the reason why he had bestowed him with so many Immortal Pills. If not for Treasurer Meng’s timely arrival announcement of the Head’s command, then he would have had to sacrifice Yang Kai. Su Mu was angry at the way things were handled and particularly wanted to give Yang Kai that many pills.
“What about Senior Sister Su Yan?” Yang Kai turned his head around as he queried.
Su Mu’s expression became strange, he had already heard from Li Yun Tian and the others about Yang Kai’s feats. He felt both afraid and respectful, because from when he was young till now, Su Yan had never felt like an older sister, but more like his own mother. In front of Su Yan, he never dared to take even a single deep breath.
But looking at this Senior Brother Yang, his courage was beyond large! He actually dared to hold his older sister’s hand in front of so many people and say such daring words.
And afterwards, this sister of his did nothing! Not only did she do nothing, she actually arranged for him to rest in her house. This course of action was simply unbelievable!
These past two days during which Yang Kai had been unconscious, Su Mu had racked his brains. But he still couldn’t come up with any viable theories.
[Why? Why would she do this?]
“Ah! Senior Brother Yang!” Su Mu took in a deep breath and clapped Yang Kai on the back. After a while, carefully considering his wording he finally spoke. “Good Grief! Since ancient times, beautiful flowers would often leak water and do ruthless things. Senior Brother Yang, you must open your eyes and be careful.”
Yang Kai was startled and it wasn’t until a short while later that he managed to let out a dry laugh. He knew that Su Mu had misunderstood him, but he didn’t know how to explain it and could only ask in a more direct form. “Where is she?”
This time, it was all thanks to her arriving at the crucial time and rescuing him that he was okay, otherwise, he would have needed to use his Yang Liquid to kill those Disciplinary Hall Disciples in the wooden hut. But facing those Disciples, he wasn’t confident that he would truly be able to execute the killing blows required. But no matter what, if he walked down that path, then there was no room for leeway.
“After she settled you down here, she left Black Wind Trade.” Su Mu answered.
“When Senior Sister left, did she say anything?” Yang Kai was a bit suspicious. Originally, he thought that Su Yan would want to speak with him because the actions that he took were a bit over the top.
“Nothing. Nothing at all….” Su Mu slowly shook his head in reply.
Yang Kai secretly admired her inside.
[This Senior Sister really wasn’t affected by all of that! When it concerned her reputation and integrity, she actually didn’t even bother to explain anything, about the complications, about the truth!]
After saying his piece, Su Mu left.
Lying on the bed, Yang Kai didn’t ponder it further, because things had already reached this point, thinking about it anymore wouldn’t make a difference. Just as well Su Mu brought those Immortal Pills, now he could really go and test whether or not his theory was correct.
Within these pills, half of them were for healing while the other half were for cultivation. Adding them together, their value wasn’t small at all.
Yang Kai first took some healing pills, and then he started to work his True Yang Secret Art. This helped to dissolve the pills and allowed him to feel changes occurring within his body.
It didn’t need to be said, but these healing pills’ effects were quite good. He felt the pills working within his meridians and a short while later, he could feel a comfortable feeling flow to the position of his injuries, and meanwhile, the aching feeling became dull.
But Yang Kai could feel that apart from healing his wounds and entering his meridians, a portion of the energy had also entered his bones.
Feeling this, Yang Kai’s eyebrows lifted as he confirmed his suspicions.
Once confirming his guess, Yang Kai spent the entire day eating all kinds of pills.
The end result was clear, his Golden Skeleton truly could absorb other types of energy, and wouldn’t just absorb Yang type energy!
Long before he had broken into the Initial Element Stage, he had already made this hypothesis; it was just that he didn’t have any way to prove it.
The True Yang Secret Art was no doubt a special and powerful skill, allowing him to absorb Yang energy endlessly and when used in battle, its killing power was great. But this skill had a great flaw, which was its cultivating conditions were far too strict.
One must be in a Yang type environment to cultivate.
Originally he was worried that he would be affected by the environment, but now with his Golden Skeleton’s domineering power he no longer needed to worry about this.
When there was Yang energy, he would cultivate with the True Yang Secret Art, and if there wasn’t any it didn’t matter because his Golden Skeleton wasn’t picky and would accept all types of energy.
With both options available, he would no longer need to worry about his cultivation being hindered when Yang energy wasn’t present.
This energy was being absorbed by the Golden Skeleton, and later when he battles, the skeleton would just give the energy back to him allowing him to power up.
Yang Kai faintly felt that there was some indescribable relationship between his Golden Skeleton and the True Yang Secret Art. But as for what that relationship was, he wasn’t too clear.
By the time Yang Kai recovered and became conscious again, he was given quite a scare.
Without his notice, he had actually used up five bottles of the pills, each bottle contained ten pills; in other words, he had consumed fifty pills. They weren’t that high quality, but if a normal person were to consume that many pills, their body would be unable to support it.
However, he was still perfectly fine and his injuries had healed by quite a fair amount.
Within the darkness, a sluggish light could be seen within his eyes. Looking at the remaining seven to eight different kinds of pills left, he thought of a crazy idea.
Once this idea formed, he was unable to suppress it.
After thinking it over, Yang Kai finally decided to take the gamble!
Picking up a bottle, he opened it up; no matter if it was healing pills or cultivation ones, he poured the entire contents of the bottle into his mouth. Then he took another bottle and poured it into his mouth.
Once all of the bottles had been emptied, Yang Kai nonchalantly licked the inside of his mouth.
If a normal person were to see this scene, they would pee their pants! Although these pills weren’t poisonous, you still couldn’t eat them like you were eating beans. One must know that all medicine contains poison and no matter what kind of pill, there was always a bottom line. If you surpass this limit, then it would prove detrimental to your health, cultivation and even your foundation.
But in that short time, Yang Kai actually swallowed seven or eight different kinds of Immortal Pills.
Smacking his lips, Yang Kai felt that his stomach was bulging and bursting with the various types of weak medicinal energy clashing. After a short while, the various energies converged together into a terrifying energy.
Yang Kai had been prepared for this and immediately started to activate the True Yang Secret Art.
The energy was akin to a flood dragon that had broken free from a trap, turning around in his stomach. This caused Yang Kai to groan softly, as he felt that his abdominal area was being ripped apart.
The revolving speed of the True Yang Secret Art hadn’t accelerated by that much, it was more like an attraction force was present. The converted energy from the seven-eight different pills contained a type of attraction force allowing them to be slowly assimilated into his meridians.
Yang Kai didn’t dare to relax in the slightest and diligently monitored his condition.
This flood dragon-like energy raged about in his meridians and was incompatible with his Yuan Qi. Although the two energies mixed with each other, no matter what, they wouldn’t fuse together.
Not only this, the flowing paths of the two energies within his meridians were completely different.
While the True Yuan Secret Art flowed in a clockwise direction, the immense Immortal Pill energy flowed counter-clockwise.
Yang Kai’s body suddenly became bright, suddenly became dark, and in an instant, it became bright red. After his skin changed colour, in every meridian, it felt like thousands of insects were crawling around. And a drumming noise rang out non-stop, if anyone were to see this, they would be horrified.
As time passed, the impurities within that vast amount of energy slowly disappeared and drop by drop, little by little the energy was absorbed into his bones. The Golden Skeleton turned into some kind of ravenous beast, hungrily swallowing the overflowing energy by the mouthful.
Under this extreme pain, Yang Kai’s senses were at their peak. It was like he had grown a pair of eyes within his body. This allowed him to see the mixing of the True Yuan Secret Art and see how each and every strand of the tumultuous pill energy melded.
Faintly, he realised something!
Yang Kai thought about the battles he had previously, how blood flew everywhere, how painful he felt and about his bloodthirsty mood. Each and every time, after his pain, along with his unshakable willpower, his own power would rapidly increase to a level that allows him to defeat his opponent.
This was especially so in that battle two days ago in the wooden hut outside the Forest Prison against the five Disciplinary Hall Disciples, their cultivation had clearly been much higher than his, and that battle was clearly imprinted in his mind.
With his blood boiling once again, a warm and familiar feeling came out from his bones, the energy that was absorbed by the Golden Skeleton was given back to him and momentarily allowed him to increase his strength.
This wasn’t enough! Yang Kai felt that he was still missing something and without that part, he would never be able to fully understand the mysteries of the Golden Skeleton.
He still needed one more true battle!
Realising this point, Yang Kai jumped off the bed. Breathing rapidly with coarse breaths, he pushed open the door and looked around, and walked directly to the house opposite him and kicked it open.
Yang Kai guessed that Su Mu was residing in that room because not long ago he heard movement. He wanted to find someone to have a good fight with, and Su Mu was that person.
As he opened the door, Yang Kai’s eyes fell upon a clean and clear back. Just as he was about to issue his challenge, he was forced to swallow his words.
Under the moonlight, beside the windowsill, was an extremely beautiful and heartstring-pulling scene.
A woman with creamy white skin, icy firm muscles perfectly proportioned around the various curves on her back. Her movements entrapped Yang Kai’s eyes as it could not budge a single inch away from this beautiful sight.
This scene really shook one to the core; Yang Kai’s three carnal desires nearly flew out.
This room really had someone in it, it just wasn’t Su Mu as Yang Kai had imagined, but Su Yan!

Martial Peak – Chapter 79, The Price for Looking

Currently, Su Yan was only wearing her underwear; revealing her curvaceous back with snow white skin along. Her perfectly rounded bottom and long slender legs were completely free for Yang Kai to admire.
Even though it was at night, Yang Kai still saw everything quite clearly.
That back was so perfectly curved, while her glossy shoulders emitted a scent of seduction. That exquisitely balanced waistline rested on a pair of perfectly round buttocks, not too big and not too small, the overall picture caused ones blood vessels to expand and one’s heart rate to skyrocket. The underwear that clung to her bottom a bit obscenely, only served to make his heart pound even more fiercely.
Because her skin was so fair and white, and because her undergarments were both white in colour, it seemed as if her entire body was on display.
Maybe it was because she heard the movements behind her; she immediately used her hand to cover her chest and turned her body halfway towards the door. In her other hand was a white nightgown; it seemed that she was just in the middle of changing.
The two people’s gazes met in mid-air, Yang Kai looked startled but couldn’t help that his gaze travelled downwards to her white and full chest. Su Yan, on the other hand, was quivering with anger and a flash of killing intent could be seen in her eyes
That was because she saw a pair of blood red eyes! These blood red eyes were like those of a hungry wolf, with hints of gluttony, unbridled as it swept its gaze across her irreproachably. Not only this, the male was breathing coarsely, as something in his pants was rising.
*Ka cha cha…* With Su Yan as the centre, a sheet of ice quickly spread across the room in all four directions. Her dark red lips pursed with coldness within her eyes.
Yang Kai finally realised something wasn’t right so he quickly turned his body around and sprinted away from the room with his top speed.
His speed was so fast that within three breaths time, he had already run out of the room. But before he could choose a clear direction to head in, from behind him he heard a loud cracking sound. A large hole had appeared in the middle of the house and a white figure flew out from within the hole, quickly making her way towards Yang Kai.
He could see traces of fury on that cold face.
Yang Kai immediately retreated a few steps and took up a defensive stance as he thought of a way to explain everything. But thinking it over, no matter what he said, it would make no difference.
Any girl who had her back seen like that, wouldn’t let the culprit off easily!
Su Yan had already dressed herself, while she stood there looking at Yang Kai frostily. Although she knew that Yang Kai probably didn’t do it on purpose, because he wouldn’t have known he would wake in Black Wind Trade and stayed in the house opposite to her, she still could not forgive him.
You could only say it was a big misunderstanding! But even though it was just a misunderstanding, Su Yan could not just let the matter slide like this!
She was waiting for an explanation, an explanation that would calm her fury.
Unfortunately, that male who was standing directly opposite to her didn’t say a single word. His eyes were still that blood red colour and he let out a heavy aura of bloodthirstiness, without the slightest bit of cowardice or shame.
[Good, then I don’t want your explanation; rather I only want to beat you up to relieve this lump in my throat!]
An ice crystal slowly formed on Su Yan’s fingertips. Then she flung her fingertips forward and that ice crystal flew out towards Yang Kai.
As it flew out, It rapidly grew in size whilst also rotating at high speeds. By the time it reached Yang Kai, it was the size of a washbasin.
Yang Kai didn’t dare to be negligent in the slightest. Activating his True Yuan Secret Art, his fist collided with the ice crystal.
His fist aching, the Yin attributed ice crystal and Yang attributed True Yuan Secret Art collided, cancelling each other out. When the punch connected with the wash basin sized ice crystal, it quickly shattered into pieces.
*Sou, sou, sou…* the shattered ice crystal became sharp ice shards that bombard Yang Kai.
Unfortunately, Yang Kai couldn’t react in time, so more than ten wounds appeared on his body, causing blood to flow freely. His already battered body became even more battered and seemed on the verge of collapse.
Yang Kai yelled in a low voice and the Golden Skeleton once again showed its might. As the warm feeling spread, he felt his body’s strength slowly increase bit by bit.
The shock could be seen in Su Yan’s eyes. She thought that her move would be more than enough to knock Yang Kai unconscious; she would never have thought that her move would be countered.
Her body swaying, like an immortal fairy that descended amongst mortals, she flew towards Yang Kai. In an instant, she was at Yang Kai’s shoulder.
An ice-cold feeling immediately spread from his shoulder and he hurriedly retreated a few more steps. Turning to see it, Yang Kai narrowed his eyes as he saw a layer of ice on his shoulder, which was quickly forming ice crystals.
Without any hesitation, Yang Kai tore off the clothing around his shoulder and called out a drop of Yang Liquid to smear on his shoulder.
*Hiss hiss…* the ice hissed, Yang Kai’s shoulder burned like a burning piece of iron, momentarily becoming bright red. The coldness that had been spreading, was burned away by that Yang Liquid drop, disappearing in the blink of an eye.
Su Yan became even more stunned, she had never imagined that Yang Kai would be about to use such freakish methods to melt her Ice Qi. Frost appearing in her eyes, Su Yan called upon the Thousand Layered Snow Waves which swarmed around her, hiding her body within the layers of snow, as they rotated towards Yang Kai.
The Thousand Layered Snow Waves were not only majestic like a snowstorm but also extremely powerful, in an instant, Yang Kai was swallowed up by the waves of snow.
The bone-piercing cold froze his heart. Even though he cultivated the True Yang Secret Art, Yang Kai felt that he would soon freeze and become an ice sculpture.
He knew that this Senior Sister Su Yan was outraged. Although there was no killing intent in her attacks, it was clear that she wanted to severely teach him a lesson.
However, this situation gave Yang Kai an idea. Although his opponent was much higher levelled than him, and he couldn’t resist in the slightest, he could still use it to test his findings.
This opponent was a thousand times better than Su Mu.
Within the snowstorm, Su Yan continuously attacked and Yang Kai was completely unable to defend himself, groaning with each blow. A trail of blood leaked out from the corner of his mouth, while his body was shivering from the cold, bitterly fighting the invasion of the cold air.
In the midst of this predicament, Yang Kai’s thoughts became clearer and clearer and he actually gave up all forms of resistance and began to openly receive the entirety of Su Yan’s attacks.
“What’s the matter, what’s the matter?” The ruckus had woken several others, with the Second Elder Su Xuan Wu being the first to arrive at the scene, followed by Su Mu leading Li Yun Tian and the rest over.
Seeing the scene before them, the arriving people couldn’t help but unconsciously take a deep breath.
Snow was flying wildly all over the place, Yang Kai’s whole upper body was visible as he stood still with his eyes closed, and he was currently enduring all of Su Yan’s attacks. His body looked like a very shredded rag sack, repeatedly being hit by Su Yan. As he was being hit, his body flew all over the place from the impacts but never seemed to touch the ground.
*Hhuu…* Su Mu exhaled a breath of air, “How did Senior Brother Yang provoke Elder Sister?”
“It could be that Senior Sister is extracting revenge for the things that happened a few days ago.” Li Yun Tian suggested with great fear.
“It must be so, otherwise with Senior Sister’s temper, why would she beat Senior Brother Yang for no reason?”
“Our pitiful Senior Brother Yang. His injuries have yet to fully heal, yet he has already invited such a great calamity. Senior Sister’s attack is simply too ruthless.”
All of the whisperings from the group of people were heard by Su Yan, they only served to anger her more. Today, it was Yang Kai who had seen her body, causing her to act out. But from their mouths, it seemed like she was the villain with a narrow mind, extracting her revenge. Therefore, Su Yan’s became even more ruthless.

Martial Peak – Chapter 80, Immovable Will

Su Xuan Wu was squinting his eyes as he looked at Yang Kai, who was currently being beaten up, and remarked. “He looks like he is trying to understand something.”
“What do you mean?” Su Mu didn’t understand.
Su Xuan Wu only shook his head slowly and didn’t bother to explain further.
In his eyes, although Yang Kai was very pitiful, he could tell that he was currently trying to understand something; that something could be a mental understanding or it could be a Martial Skills. Wrapped within that cold hurricane of air, shivering due to the cold piercing him to the core of his body, he could see a flaming hot energy within his core spreading its warmth. When this fiery energy burst outwards, perhaps he would be able to step into a new level.
[If he were to succeed, then his future accomplishments definitely would not be ordinary!] Su Xuan Wu had truly never seen a martial practitioner who while in such a sorry state, would actually be able to enter such a deep state of enlightenment. This was nothing short of a miracle.
“Grandpa, I’m afraid that if Elder Sister continues like this, then Senior Brother Yang Kai will die.” Su Mu cried out urgently.
Su Xuan Wu replied with a shake of his head. “Yan-er knows how to control the strength of her attacks properly, and within her attacks, there are no killing attacks; after all, she doesn’t want Yang Kai’s life.”
Finishing this statement, he then whispered to himself. “But, it’s still strange… why would Yan-er punish him like this?”
If not because Su Xuan Wu was mature and sophisticated, then he definitely wouldn’t be able to guess as to what had just happened between Su Yan and Yang Kai.
When the ice storm died down, Su Yan continued to float in the air, while Yang Kai fell towards the ground. His entire body was battered all over; his clothes torn and where you could see his skin there were signs of frostbite.
Just as he was about to hit the ground, Yang Kai suddenly did a flip and landed firmly on the ground and opened his eyes to look around.
Under the starlight, Su Yan’s white clothes fluttered about with the night breeze, she was like a fairy descending with the full moon hanging behind her.
Her grand and clean aura made people become more modest for no apparent reason.
*Ka cha cha…* could be heard from all directions as ice started to form all over Yang Kai’s body. Soon, he had become an immense ice block.
The smoothness of the ice block was obvious, it was also as clear as glass. It was so clear that every single strand of Yang Kai’s hair could be seen; even his attitude and feelings could be clearly seen on his face.
Su Yan didn’t say a word, only turning to look at Yang Kai mysteriously before turning around and returning to her room.
The scene of her leaving was clearly seen by Yang Kai.
“Look after him, once he breaks free from the ice it will be the start of his success!” Su Xuan Wu solemnly told Su Mu.
Su Mu was nervous to the point that he started perspiring. “Grandpa, Senior Brother Yang won’t be frozen to death, will he?”
Su Xuan Wu gently laughed. “He won’t, this is his good fortune!”
After reassuring Su Mu he turned and left.
Only then did Su Mu’s group walk up quietly and softly to the ice block containing Yang Kai. Each and every one of them surrounded that enormous ice block, tapping away at it. But with Su Yan’s comprehension of the ice arts, would they be able to break it?
“This is bad, this is bad! Senior Brother is already injured, and now that he is frozen, I’m afraid that his little brother may also become frozen and fall off. How is this good?” A fellow member didn’t have any sort of filter, so as soon as he thought of it he said it and was glared down at by Su Mu. “Didn’t you hear my grandfather say, this is Senior Brother Yang’s good fortune, huh? Everybody don’t move, if this ice breaks and hurts Senior Brother Yang, it won’t be good. We’ll just stand guard here.”
“Yes.” The group of people chorused.
Guarding until the fifth bell toll of the night (3-5 am in current time), there had still been no movement from the ice block and Yang Kai continued to stay in it like the living dead. His breath shallow, he could only continue to look at the place where Su Yan disappeared to.
Su Mu’s group considered the situation for a while before deciding to leave two people behind to guard Yang Kai while the rest returned to do whatever they needed to do.
This continued for an entire three days. Within a small attic was a large ice block, and inside that was a living person. Looking at it, it was as strange as strange could get.
During these past three days, they had rotated their shifts countless times and yet the ice still showed no signs of breaking. This caused the group to become so anxious that their lips were blistered.
During these three days, Yang Kai was unable to feel the flow of time. Even with his eyes were open, he couldn’t see anything.
All of his focus was on comprehending the changes occurring within his body.
Sensing the energy within his bones, sensing that unyielding warmth the energy brought along with it and sensing how that warmth would boost his strength each and every time.
The ice that Su Yan left behind for him provided him with the perfect place to comprehend what was happening accurately. The energy contained within the ice block left behind constantly released cold air that permeated him to his core.
This cold was something that the current Yang Kai could not resist, but he managed to resists every time. Each time, he relied on the mystical properties of the Golden Skeleton.
Resisting hundreds of times, thousands of times, allowed Yang Kai to understand the mysteries of the Golden Skeleton and why it could amplify his abilities.
Within his body, a small flame had started to burn hotter and hotter, and it would do so until the day he finally comprehended what was occurring. This flame continued to burn peacefully until it finally started to send heat waves out of Yang Kai’s body.
Su Mu and Li Yun Tian who were currently on the guarding shift were startled but they quickly turned their heads around.
They only saw small numerous cracks appearing all over the ice block, with the cracks resembling the strands of a spider web.
“Senior Brother Yang is about to come out!” Su Mu cried with enthusiasm and certainty.
Sure enough, as soon as he said those words, the ice block exploded and the shards melted in the light before disappearing.
Yang Kai remained standing in his previous position, his bloodstained upper body did look a bit weak, but his eyebrows were creased showing he was still deep in thought.
Su Mu and Li Yun Tian didn’t dare to disturb him, so they quietly waited off to the side.
After a good half an hour, Yang Kai’s worried looked disappeared and he stated in a cheerful tone. “Since it’s so, I will call you Immovable Will.”
Immovable Will was the thing that Yang Kai had gained an understanding of during these three days. This skill was not one you could use to attack, but rather one that helped to strengthen one’s body.
This was the skill that he had learned from the Golden Skeleton, so this skill was closely related to the skeleton.
Only when one has an unyielding spirit, is unwilling to surrender to any adversary, will they be able to unlock this type of skill. As soon as he activates it, the Golden Skeleton will give him energy to temporarily increase his strength and fighting ability.
Although previously he was unknowingly activating this Immovable Will skill he didn’t have any understanding of it, with this type of skill, there is a big difference in the power it displayed once it was understood.
In other words, he could now say that he had completely grasped this secret skill with his own hands. It could be also said it was a skill exclusive to him.
It was no longer the same as before, when he was in a battle and/or receives injuries, he no longer needs to rely on his stubbornness to activate the skill.
Although his harvest this time was great, Yang Kai was still a bit unsatisfied, because he could sense that there were still secrets hidden within the Golden Skeleton. Yet since he couldn’t see through them he couldn’t claim them, thus he couldn’t help but feel regret.
The days are long, and one shouldn’t care over one lost hour, Yang Kai consoled himself.
Only when Yang Kai started to move, did Su Mu and Li Yun Tian walk up to him, asking worriedly. “Senior Brother Yang, are you alright?”
“Me? I feel excellent!” Yang Kai moved his limbs around and found that all these past injuries had all healed.
“I shall help you put your clothes on; otherwise if Elder Sister were to see you again, I’m afraid she might beat you again.” Su Mu said with a voice filled with worry.

Martial Peak – Chapter 81, You are Still a Boy Right?

Inside the Second Elder of High Heaven Pavilions residence, Yang Kai could be seen wolfing down food, while Su Mu’s group were seated on the side talking to him.
Naturally, they tried to probe Yang Kai and asked why Su Yan had beaten him like so that night, but Yang Kai didn’t dare reply.
“That’s right, Wei Zhuan didn’t come and cause any more trouble for you guys right?” Guiding them away from the previous topic, Yang Kai enquired. Speaking of this, ever since he had left the Forest Prison, he had either been unconscious or unable to enquire due to other reasons, such as being frozen in an ice block, so he really didn’t know how the Main Gate had dealt with the problem.
“That affair has already been brought to a close. The Elders have ordered us Juniors to not pursue this matter any further.” Su Mu answered before suddenly looking at Yang Kai with great suspicion. “Truth be told, the reason why we are safe and will suffer no further punishment, is not because of my Grandfather.”
“Eh?” Yang Kai lifted up his head, “It wasn’t because of the Second Elder?”
“It wasn’t.” Su Mu slowly shook his head, and then a bit awkwardly he retold the events that had occurred in the Elder Hall that day. Then he followed up with, “just as I was being restrained by my grandfather, guess who appeared?”
“This person is someone you would never have thought of. It was the Contribution Hall’s, Treasurer Meng. He brought the Head’s jade pendant and issued his direct command. Only after this did this affair die down and turn into something small that could be resolved.”
“Old Man Meng?” Yang Kai asked incredulously.
“If not for him, then Senior Brother Yang, I’m afraid that you would have already been severely punished by the Grand Elder.” Su Mu spoke as his face slowly filled with guilt.
Meanwhile, Yang Kai smiled, unaffected. “Junior Su, you don’t need to take this so seriously.”
Su Mu clasped both his hands in front of him saying. “I know that Senior is a generous and benevolent person, and I apologise to you in place of my father. The Old Ghost truly didn’t settle things well this time.”
Yang Kai really didn’t mind such a thing, because, in higher level battles, they would naturally use the Disciples under them as chess pieces. This was only human nature.
Su Mu spoke again. “Treasurer Meng’s background is quite a mystery; the old ghost said that his cultivation is quite high and profound. It is quite a puzzle as to why he interfered in this matter; also it appears his friendship with the Head runs deep.”
This caused Yang Kai to contemplate a bit. “Old Man Meng is someone who grabs feathers from a flying goose, and wouldn’t act if there wasn’t any profit in sight. This type of brain-wracking idea is most likely for a reason regarding the bigger picture. But no matter what it is, he did help us, so we should pay a trip to him to thank him at least and take this opportunity to see what he actually wants to do.”
“Senior speaks the truth; we were waiting for Senior so we could go together.” Su Mu replied.
“Let’s go now.”
Some things should not be delayed, so this group walked majestically off towards the Contribution Hall like they were charging off to battle.
In the Contribution Hall, Treasurer Meng was actually not sleeping, but sitting straight behind the counter smiling. As he smiled, he looked at Yang Kai and others who had just walked in; it was like he was expecting them.
Su Mu followed Yang Kai in with a smile, hiding his true thoughts. “Good day to Grandpa Meng!”
[This is how they addressed me now? It used to be “Damn old man”. But now, *Ha.* I guess even the little brat Su Mu will not dare to call me that anymore.]
Treasurer Meng lightly chuckled. “This child is quite polite.”
*Hee hee* Su Mu said with a bit of embarrassment.
“You have come to say your thanks?”
*En.* They all nodded their heads.
“Then that’s fine, only little Yang Kai needs to stay, the rest of you can all scram!”
“Yes!” Su Mu and the rest replied without hesitation and before the places they stood in could heat up, they had all quickly retreated from the Contribution Hall. By then, they had all realised the reason why Treasurer Meng had aided them was because of Yang Kai. Otherwise, why would he have only asked Yang Kai to stay behind?
[It must have been the reason as to why did he help Senior Brother Yang.] They concluded.
Inside the Contribution Hall, Yang Kai was also a bit suspicious. “Treasurer Meng, what are you scheming?”
He didn’t talk in circles and directly voiced the suspicions in his heart.
Meng Wu Ya only laughed and then walked out from behind the counter. Clasping both hands he started to walk in circles around Yang Kai, and only after a few revolutions did he lift up his head and ask “What do you think I am scheming?”
“I don’t know.” Yang Kai rolled his eyes while thinking if he knew the answer, would he ask needs to ask.
Meng Wu Ya replied. “Since you are this honest and do not talk in circles. You should be someone who knows how to pay his debts. So, since I helped you this time, I want to you help me with one little favour.”
Yang Kai knitted his eyebrows together “A favour I can help you with?”
Treasurer Meng’s cultivation was high and profound, so if he couldn’t do it, how could Yang Kai possibly do it?
Like he could see through Yang Kai’s worries, Treasurer Meng smiled. “Don’t worry because there isn’t much danger at all. If you do as I say, not only will there be no danger, you will actually gain many rewards.”
Yang Kai was able to see that when Treasurer Meng said those last words, his face showed a bit of sadness.
“Helping you complete this favour, there are also conditions?” Yang Kai was a bit puzzled. When he was asking for a favour, he still put so many conditions up.
Treasurer Meng slowly explained. “Not only do you have to comply with my conditions, you also have to make the opposite party completely satisfied.”
“So troublesome, I won’t do it.” Spinning on his heels, Yang Kai started to leave.
“Don’t!” Treasurer Meng cried out in worry. He had finally found someone who fit his requirements, how could he let him leave like that?
“Little Yang Kai, you can’t be like this ah. If you let water drip, then it will repay you by giving you a spring pond. No matter what, this Senior is your benefactor! So, how could you just disappoint me like this?”
“Then don’t walk around in circles. Speak out the truth and if I can help you I will help you. If I cannot, I will find someone else to help you.”
“Stretch out your hand, I want to test out your Yuan Qi.” Treasurer Meng didn’t dare to drag it out any further and directly stated what he needed.
Yang Kai looked at him suspiciously as he stretched out his hand. He was convinced that Treasurer Meng was going to do something harmful to him
Meng Wu Ya used two fingers and placed them on Yang Kai’s wrist, then with a solemn face he started probe about. His face was a flurry of expressions, the first one was indifference, the next one was stern, while the one after that was amazement, and finally, he looked flabbergasted.
“Good, good, good! Such strong and pure Yang Yuan Qi!” Retracting his hand, Meng Wu Ya was overjoyed at this unexpected discovery.
“This favour is related to me training my Yuan Qi?” Yang Kai guessed.
“Naturally they are related.” Meng Wu Ya vigorously nodded his head, “Otherwise, why would I come and ask you. Little Yang Kai, I will ask you another question and you must answer honestly.”
“What question?”
Meng Wu Ya suddenly became really embarrassed as his eyes flitted to and fro. After thinking for quite some time about his word choice, he asked in a nervous but anticipating tone. “You are still a boy right?”
Because he was too nervous, Meng Wu Ya’s neck was stretched out quite far as he pushed his face in front of Yang Kai’s; both his eyes fixed on him.
Yang Kai immediately retreated two steps, then three more. Following that, goosebumps rose all over his body and his body shivered as he asked with extreme vigilance. “What are you doing?”
[This old thing, could it be that he had some special disposition? This question was far too nonsensical!]
“Why have you retreated so far? It isn’t like this senior is going to eat you!” Meng Wu Ya chased Yang Kai, once he backed him into a corner he asked in a mysteriously low voice again. “Are really still a boy or not?”
“What do you really want to do?” Yang Kai adopted a ‘if you dare do anything I will take you down with me’ type of pose.
“What do you think this Senior is?” When Meng Wu Ya saw Yang Kai’s position, he finally realised what Yang Kai was thinking or thought he had meant when he had asked him. Not only did his face turn red, he also retreated a few steps, “It isn’t like this at all, you little brat. You are so dirty minded!”

Martial Peak – Chapter 82, The Person That Night Really Was You

“Who’s the dirty minded one, staring at the asses and legs of girls all day long?” Yang Kai showed no quarter as he refused.
“Don’t speak about this matter again.” Meng Wu Ya was so frightened that he looked in all directions, scared about who might have overheard this. Cupping his hands and begging, he quickly pleaded. “Lord Yang Kai, Lord Yang Kai, could you not speak about this matter anymore? This Senior only wanted to see how well they developed. It’s not like I wanted to do anything to them.”
Seeing that he had surrendered, Yang Kai didn’t press him further and sternly replied. “The favour that you want me to help you with, is it related to these cases in any way?”
“That’s right!” When they started to speak about the true matter at hand, Meng Wu Ya’s face turned solemn again, “So little Yang Kai, you must truthfully answer me; are you still a boy… cough cough… *en*? It is of great importance to the matter.”
Yang Kai became very embarrassed as he took in a few breaths through his nose. “I’m not!”
“Good!” The weight within Meng Wu Ya’s heart had finally been lifted, “This is too good! Little Yang Kai, you are good.”
In this age, many boys at fourteen-fifteen years old had already had intimate dealings with females. This is not to say anything bad about the children of poor families since they married at a young age to help them in the long run. As for the children of rich families, you don’t even need to ask. Every one of those second generation young masters had several maids that they shared a room with.
That left only martial practitioners. Since their hearts were always focused on cultivating, they often lost their virginity quite late, whilst some practitioners did not even have any intimate relationships with the opposite sex.
Bluerazbeary: Hahaha ^^^(~ ̄▽ ̄)~(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻.
Even the male Disciples in High Heaven Pavilion, many of the fifteen-sixteen-year-olds often busied themselves with carnal pleasures. Nonetheless, Meng Wu Ya believed that Yang Kai wasn’t like those people, but he had to be careful, so he had to ask.
“In other words, I am able to help you?” Yang Kai looked at Meng Wu Ya with a weird grin on his face.
“If you can’t, then no one else under the sky can. You have passed this round!” Since Meng Wu Ya’s mood was fantastic, he laughed out loudly.
“Didn’t you just say that you wanted the other person to be completely satisfied?” Yang Kai asked suspiciously.
Meng Wu Ya’s laughter suddenly halted. Retracting it, he stiffly nodded his head and replied. “You do have to make her satisfied, if she isn’t satisfied, then the job cannot be completed. Not to hide anything from you, but a few months earlier I had found someone who fit the criteria, but she wasn’t willingly, so I could only drop the matter. Forget about it, I will take you to her if you can do it, do it, but if you can’t…then you can’t…”
After talking for all this time, Meng Wu Ya still didn’t know how to continue explaining. Only after letting out a small sigh, he grabbed Yang Kai by the collar and led him outside.
Hastily, Yang Kai spoke out. “First finish what you need to say. I am helping you because I want to thank you for your benevolence, but if what that person is asking is too excessive, I will not agree.”
“Stinking brat!” Meng Wu Ya was highly depressed. When he heard Yang Kai making all types of excuses, he burst into a fit of anger while thinking if you knew what I really wanted you to do, then you wouldn’t be able to wait and would instantly jump and attempt to complete it. He actually dared to act cold front in front of him.
As he followed Meng Wu Ya, Yang Kai realized that they were walking towards Coiling Dragon Stream.
Furthermore, he discovered that it was near the place that he often cultivated.
[Why are we walking over there? When I was training over there, I hadn’t seen any traces of housing near there at all. Afterall, Coiling Dragon Stream is a dangerous place, so ordinarily, no one would go there.]
When they were about hundred feet away from his training place, Meng Wu Ya, suddenly stopped, and pointed his finger in front of him “Look, it’s over there.”
Looking over, Yang Kai couldn’t help but stare blankly over.
Standing where he usually trained, was a female. She stood in front of the Three Sun Fruit tree, wearing a light green dress. You couldn’t see what she was thinking about; it seemed that she was deep in thought. Her body didn’t move at all, she stood there unmoving, while her dress billowed in the wind.
She wore a veil, not allowing anyone to see her appearance.
On her forehead hung a sparkling blue gemstone, highlighting her elegant and refined nature.
Her figure looked weak and fragile like it couldn’t even endure a gust of wind, but it was a graceful figure.
Within her pair of crystal clear eyes was naivety, like she was a child that had yet to grow up.
Looking at her, Yang Kai thought about that night, the sleeping beauty on his worn out bed.
“It’s her!” Yang Kai’s gaze suddenly softened.
“You recognize her?” Meng Wu Ya immediately became alert, because his beloved Disciple had told him from her own mouth that she hadn’t even talked to Yang Kai before. But why, when Yang Kai arrived, had they actually recognized each other?
“You wanted me to help her?” Yang Kai asked, looking at Meng Wu Ya.
“Yes!” Meng Wu Ya nodded his head.
“I’ll help!” Outside of Treasurer Meng’s expectations, Yang Kai agreed to his request without the slightest hesitation. It seemed as though his persuasive words and appeals to him through reason, emotion, violence, and bribery were not completely useless after all.
Within Meng Wu Ya’s heart, for no reason, a wonderful feeling burst out and he suddenly regretted asking Yang Kai for help.
“Why did you agree so readily?” Old man Meng vigilantly asked. “Didn’t you ask for my assistance?” His brows creased, Yang Kai looked at Meng Wu Ya. This old man changed attitudes far too quickly.
“I did want you to help me, but you agreed far too quickly for my liking.” Meng Wu Ya kept on shaking his head, “You must give me an explanation.”
“Then do you want my help or not?” Yang Kai impatiently asked.
“Of course, of course, I do.”
“Then what are you asking for. Me agreeing, isn’t it a good thing?”
[That’s right, him agreeing that readily, isn’t it a good thing? Why do I feel that something wasn’t right?] Meng Wu Ya looked distracted.
Step by step, Yang Kai walked forward.
The sound of his footsteps startled Xia Ning Chang who was currently deep in thought, and by the time she regained consciousness, Yang Kai had already arrived at her side.
Xia Ning Chang was clearly at a loss and looked at Yang Kai not knowing what to do.
She couldn’t help but be frightened because the previous two times they met were both at night and embarrassing things had occurred. How could Xia Ning Chang stay calm?
“Junior Sister Xia.” Yang Kai looked at her, “Why are you here?”
“I… I came here to check up on the fruits for you. Since you haven’t come these past few days, I was afraid that others might have taken them.” She promptly replied.
Looking over, Yang Kai saw that all of his Three Sun Fruits had disappeared. The only ones remaining were the ones on the last tree that was about to ripen.
“These are your fruits, I have refined them into immortality pills.” As Xia Ning Chang spoke, she took out a small bottle and handed it to Yang Kai.
Taking it, Yang Kai discovered nine pills were rolling about inside and they dispersed a rich Yang energy.
It was extremely pure; they didn’t have any impurities in them at all. It was just… how did she refine them into pills?
“Junior Sister Xia, you know that I train over here?” Yang Kai asked and raised his eyebrows. If this was not the case, how could she have come here to guard his Three Sun’s Fruit?
Xia Ning Chang evaded his gaze: “I accidentally stumbled upon it.”
“The person that night really was you.” Yang Kai lightly smiled, a warm feeling spreading from his heart throughout his body.

Martial Peak – Chapter 83, What is Special About Xia Ning Chang

The night that Yang Kai broke through to the Initial Element Stage, there was a female wearing a veil that attacked him during his breakthrough. Originally, he thought that she was going to kill him; it wasn’t until that final moment that he found out that this really wasn’t the case. She had just wanted to assist him with breaking through. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to block any of the strikes from that veiled female.
At that time, Yang Kai already had his suspicions about the identity of the lady, and now he had finally been able to confirm the identity of that veiled female.
Once he did so his heart filled with appreciation for his Junior Sister Xia.
Unfortunately, old man Meng jumped into between Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang, interrupting their sweet moment. And, like a mother hen protecting her little chicks, he protected his treasured Disciple.
Suspiciously, Yang Kai looked towards him, asking. “You know each other?”
Snorting, Meng Wu Ya showed a face full of pride and righteousness: “This is my Disciple!”
“Your Disciple?” Yang Kai’s jaw nearly fell to the ground as his eyes continuously flitted between Xia Ning Chang and Meng Wu Ya in complete disbelief.
He would never have thought, he truly never would have thought it. That such an irresponsible man like Treasurer Meng would actually accept a Disciple. [This couldn’t be an accidental child… no… that can’t be… he shouldn’t be able to *ahem…* Then, could it be that he is acting as though she is his Disciple?”
“You two……..know each other?” Glancing to the side, Meng Wu Ya asked Yang Kai.
“We don’t know each other!” Xia Ning Chang’s response was extremely clear and firm, leaving no room for argument. As she replied, she also moved to hide behind Meng Wu Ya, positioning her hands in a defensive manner.
Yang Kai took the hint and chuckled “It can’t be counted as knowing each other. It’s just that on that night, Junior Sister helped me with a small matter.”
Meng Wu Ya nodded his head. Xia Ning Chang had already informed him regarding this matter, and if it wasn’t for that night’s matter, then she wouldn’t have found out that Yang Kai had such pure Yang type Yuan Qi.
“Treasurer Meng, what type of task does Junior Sister need my help for? Could you please tell me?” He asked with an inquisitive look. Since it was related to Xia Ning Chang he wouldn’t reject the request no matter the task.
Instead of replying, Meng Wu Ya turned to his beloved Disciple and inquired. “Are you sure he is okay?”
Xia Ning Chang’s delicate earlobes suddenly reddened, lowering her eyes one could see her long eyelashes were trembling. Only after a good while did she tentatively nod her head.
Seeing her act like this, Meng Wu Ya couldn’t help but let out a small sigh of exasperation. “Stop, stop, stop. Since time is limited, it will be him.”
Standing to the side, Yang Kai observed the proceedings without saying a word.
A few minutes later, Meng Wu Ya suddenly started to speak in a serious tone. “Yang Kai, you should know that on this earth, there are certain types of people that are different from ordinary people. These people possess skills and abilities that normal people can’t possibly fathom.”
Yang Kai could only stare blankly before softly responding. “Treasurer Meng, you are talking about those people who have a special physique?”
“That’s right.” He answered while nodding his head, “These people are protected by the heavens, and are the children of the heavens. Some are gifted in cultivating; others can heal quicker than others, while other physiques are more suited to battle. There are various types of physiques, coming in all shapes and forms, but no matter who it is, as long as they possess a special physique they are subjected to the envy of others. It’s just, those who possess special physiques are extremely rare; you might not even find one in a million people. Little Yang Kai, you are very lucky because today you are blessed enough to see someone with a special physique.”
In shock, Yang Kai glanced at Xia Ning Chang who was currently hiding behind Meng Wu Ya. “Don’t tell me…. This Junior Sister is…”
*He he…* With a face full of arrogance, Meng Wu Ya grinned from his heart, nodding his head he replied. “That’s right. Ning Chang is different from ordinary people.”
Yang Kai’s heart was going up and down. Never in a thousand instances would he have thought this little and easily shy Senior Sister was actually someone who possessed a special physique.
“What is special about Senior Sister?” Yang Kai couldn’t help but curiously ask.
Meng Wu Ya didn’t reply but instead sank into contemplation while muttering to himself, finally saying. “These fruits on the tree have just matured, so my dear Disciple, turn them into pills.”
“En.” Xia Ning Chang walked up to the Three Sun’s Fruit Tree and lightly plucked the ripe fruits from its branches.
Yang Kai didn’t ask anything, he felt that all his questions would soon be answered.
“My Disciple, let him see some of your might.” Meng Wu Ya chuckled.
Xia Ning Chang nodded her head then walked up to Yang Kai. Taking one of her white jade hands she placed the fruits on the palm of her hand.
“Please watch Junior Brother.” Xia Ning Chang quietly instructed him, before activating her Yuan Qi.
Yang Kai was extremely shocked. This was because as she activated her Yuan Qi, he saw that from within the fruits, out surged a glowing red energy.
The Yang energy within the fruits burst out. Since Yang Kai cultivated the True Yang Secret Art, he was extremely sensitive to Yang energy. Currently, he could clearly feel the energy within the Three Sun’s Fruits, violently bursting outwards.
The energy that came from within the fruits converged in front of Xia Ning Chang. Once all the energy had been extracted from the fruits, Yang Kai watched as they deflated without an ounce of Yang Qi to be sensed within them before disintegrating into the wind. This process all happened in the span of ten breaths.
Xia Ning Chang moved again; one hand held the extracted energy, while the other hand performed some unknown movements in the air.
Then the Yang Qi from within Coiling Dragon Stream rushed towards her in one solid stream. With a motion of her hand, Xia Ning Chang grabbed the Qi and added to the already condensed red coloured energy from the fruits.
As time went on, her grabbing speed became faster and faster as each handful of Yang Qi assimilated with the red energy from the fruits in her palm.
Though as more energy was poured in, not only did the accumulated energy not expand, it actually decreased in size.
But the energy within the energy ball was becoming stronger and stronger.
A few minutes later, Xia Ning Chang finally stopped seizing Yang Qi from Coiling Dragon Stream, she then used her two hands to squeeze the energy ball.
Her two hands quickly clasped together and when she reopened her hands again, there were three bright red pills within her palm. The pills were smooth and round, emitting an alluring luster, not to mention the pill marks were all clearly visible.
Watching this had long since caused Yang Kai to stare blankly ahead with no reaction!
The scene that had played out, apart from using peak level skills, there was no possible way to explain it.
It was only at that moment, did Yang Kai realize how his Senior Sister had obtained that bottle of pills. They were refined by her in such a manner!
But, wasn’t that too easy and simple? Alchemist masters were originally rare, and along with the successful refinement of pills, there would always be many failures. Not to mention when Alchemist masters refined pills, they required the usage of special tools, examples of which would be furnaces, fire, etc.
But Senior Sister Xia had only used her hands, and apart from the Three Sun’s Fruit, she didn’t use any other materials, yet she so easily crafted those three pills.
“This is for you!” Putting her hand in front of Yang Kai, she offered the pills to him.
Taking a deep breath, Yang Kai calmed his flustered heart before taking the pills from her. Then he carefully inspected each pill and discovered that each and every one of them held Yang Qi that was far richer and denser than the original fruit. After all, when Xia Ning Chang was refining the pills, she had also added Yang Qi from Coiling Dragon Stream.
“Senior Sister, if you were to start refining pills, then the current sellers would have no customers left.” Yang Kai said as he forced out a bitter smile. Never had he seen someone simplify pill refinement to such a degree.

Martial Peak – Chapter 84, Holy Spirit Pill Body

I’m afraid that even those renowned pill masters wouldn’t even come close to possessing ability like Xia Ning Chang’s.
“What special body do you have Senior Sister?” Yang Kai asked.
”Meng Wu Ya replied: “Holy Spirit Pill Body!”
“Used for pill making?”
“Not bad.” Meng Wu Ya nodded his head, “These physiques are extremely unique. For those people who possess a Holy Spirit Pill Body, they can make pills without any sort of side-effects or backlashes. You should know that all medicines contain one-third poisons, and although they can increase a practitioner’s strength, the benefit they can provide is limited. But for pills made utilizing the Holy Spirit Pill Body, the body is able to refine the poison away. Up until now, your Senior Sister has only cultivated for five years, today she is at the Separation and Reunion Boundary and if I hadn’t deliberately suppressed her ability, I’m certain that she would have reached the True Element Boundary already.”
Yang Kai was astonished, in a period of five years, she had already cultivated to the Separation and Reunion Boundary. Xie Hong Chen was also only that this stage, but how many years had it taken him? It should have been around ten years. Not to mention Senior Sister had done this under suppression, so if she wasn’t suppressed, then wouldn’t she be more powerful than Su Yan?
Yang Kai was embarrassed to death, for his aptitude paled in comparison to the person in front of him. I was simply something on the ground, gazing up at something in the sky.
This person was the number one genius in the entire High Heaven Pavilion!
But for Xia Ning Chang to have such rapid growth, you couldn’t forget about the large amount of assistance she had received from cultivation pills.
Meng Wu Ya continued to speak: “Not only are there advantages to the Holy Spirit Pill Body, if you cultivate it with a suitable skill, then, as long as they had energy, one would be able to refine anything under the sky. Take the Qi in the air for example, as long as my Disciple is willing, she would also be able to refine it into pills.”
As long as it had energy, anything under the sky was refinable into pills! Since the energy in the earth and heavens were refinable, then you didn’t need to talk about the Three Sun’s Fruit.
Yang Kai could see that in the future, this Senior Sister Xia will be the best alchemist master in the entire world. Born with this type of body, nobody would be able to match her prowess.
“This time, in order for her to breakthrough into the next boundary, she needs to refine and form something within her body. As for this thing, she is unable to do it herself.”
“So that’s why you need my help?” Yang Kai asked.
Meng Wu Ya nodded his head.
“What type of thing?”
“Nine Yin Dew Crystals. These things are extremely helpful to those in the True Element boundary. So if she were able to refine and form this thing, then it would help to prevent anything from hindering her cultivation.”
To go from the Separation and Reunion Boundary into the True Element boundary, one must change their Yuan Qi into True Qi, which is far more pure and powerful. This was also a process that all practitioners needed to undertake, and if this process was accompanied by some precious treasure, then the transformed True Qi would more powerful than normal.
This Nine Yin Dew Crystals were clearly such a precious treasure and were definitely one of the best treasures.
“The Nine Yin Dew Crystals are naturally a spirit essence, and obtaining them is extremely hard. And if it were used by people who were not suitable, then it would immediately melt and disappear. Only those who cultivated Yang Qi would be able to control them. Not to mention, the purity of their Yang Yuan Qi must reach a certain degree. That is also the reason why we need your help.”
“What the exact things do I need to do?” Yang Kai questioned.
Suddenly Meng Wu Ya became really impatient. “Why are you asking so much, you will know when the time comes!”
Yang Kai pinched the bridge of his nose and wondered why old man Meng would be this angry.
“Where is this thing? When are we leaving to retrieve it?”
“It’s in Black Wind Mountain. Over there, some Nine Yins have gathered. And only on the 7th of July, will the Nine Yin Qi truly gather, and only then would you be able to retrieve its Yin Qi.”
“Then there isn’t much time left.” Yang Kai pondered as he calculated; there were only ten days until 7th of July. If you needed to enter Black Wind Mountains, then journeying in would also take some time.
“So if you don’t have anything to do, then I would like to hurry over now. Otherwise, we would have to wait another year for it.” Meng Wu Ya spoke solemnly.
“I can depart anytime.” Yang Kai smiled.
“Then come to the Contribution Hall to find me in two days, because I still need to prepare some things.” Meng Wu Ya warmly replied.
“Okay, then we’ll meet in two days’ time.”
With the date set, both parties met two days later in the Contribution Hall and departed.
Looking at his receding back, Meng Wu Ya let out a small sigh, his expression oddly queer. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking, and only after a good while did he speak. “My Disciple, are you certain that you want to do this?”
Xia Ning Chang’s clothes fluttered as she nodded her head *En.*
Meng Wu Ya continued: “If you truly aren’t able to refine the Nine Yin Dew Crystals, you are still able to breakthrough, it’s just that your future power would be slightly weaker.”
Xia Ning Chang lightly laughed. “But, if I want to help master, then wouldn’t it be better with purer True Yuan Qi? Master, you saved me and raised me so this Disciple wants to help you.”
“But… Hai… why don’t you think over it again?”
The reason for the two days of the delay was because Meng Wu Ya wanted Xia Ning Chang to think it over again.
Blushing, Xia Ning Chang replied. “It’s nothing, I really don’t hate him.”
Meng Wu Ya sighed out knowingly. “That brat is really going to take advantage of this….”
Thinking about Yang Kai’s indifferent manner, Meng Wu Ya became so hateful that his tooth started to itch. You only know that you are here to help with a favour, but you don’t know how much you will be taken advantage of.
By all means, sparks must not be created or fly! In the end, this little place isn’t something where his Disciple will settle, Meng Wu Ya worried anxiously, he intestines tied in a knot.
Yang Kai didn’t return to Su Yan’s wooden house but instead returned to his secluded wooden hut, which he hadn’t visited in many days. Although it had been quite some while since he had last been here, it was still as clean and tidy as before. Not even a speck of dust could be seen. He wondered who it could have been, that had been tidying his hut.
Although Treasurer Meng had been very vague, Yang Kai still knew the brief details on where he was going and what he needed to do.
Since it was the place that the Nine Yin gathered, then the Yin Qi would be extremely dense. And his Yang Qi is the perfect bane of the Yin Qi, so there wasn’t much to worry about. It was just that his current cultivation was far too low, so he needed to stockpile some Yang Liquid, so he wouldn’t suffer too much in a drawn-out battle.
It was just by chance that his Senior Sister Xia had refined all of his Three Sun’s Fruits into pills, which was a good replenishment for his Yang Liquid Drops.
Four Three Sun’s Fruit Trees, each tree grew three fruits, totaling twelve bright red pills. And each pill allowed him to form three drops of Yang Liquid, so he had condensed a total of thirty-six Yang Drops.
These drops, whether or not they were used in battle or used to defend against the Yin Qi, they would be extremely helpful. These were the things he would rely on to survive.
By taking an entire day, Yang Kai finally managed to refine all twelve pills and condense out the Yang Liquid Drops.
When he had condensed them, not only had he condensed thirty-six drops but an extra 4 drops as well for a total of forty drops. If you added the drops he already possessed within his Diantian, then he had quite a haul.
This time around, he finally had some advantage.
When he had condensed and refined all the Yang Liquid Drops and pills, Yang Kai found out he had broken through into the Initial Element Fourth Stage.
This breakthrough was truly too sudden and lacked any forewarning, but the breakthrough had been extremely fluid, like water; without him feeling anything in particular.
Thinking it over, Yang Kai came to the conclusion that it was probably due to the large amounts of cultivation pills he had eaten these past few days, followed by twelve Yang pills. The convergence of this large amount of energy, enabling him to breakthrough isn’t something inconceivable.

Martial Peak – Chapter 85, Undercurrent

Early in the morning of the second day, standing before the contribution hall gate, Yang Kai knocked gently on the door.
After some time, the front door opened, and Xia Ning Chang came out from within. From her shoulder hung string of about an arm’s length, connected to a package.
“Junior Brother you came.” Xia Ning Chang greeted him in a soft voice.
*En.* Yang Kai nodded, “Where is Treasurer Meng?”
“Yesterday he had a sudden resurgence of an old illness and has left to heal, so he cannot come with us.” Xia Ning Chang explained as her pair of eyes blinking incessantly. Her two rows of eyelashes trembled like miniature fans.
Yang Kai looked at her suspiciously, and Xia Ning Chang’s eyes flashed with a trace of panic.
“Do we need to wait for him?” Although Yang Kai had guessed what had happened already, he didn’t expose anything.
“No need, I know the location of that place and time is running out. Master said that we do not need to wait for him.” Seeing Yang Kai didn’t inquire further, Xia Ning Chang relaxed her heart.
“Okay then.” Yang Kai hesitated slightly before complying.
“This time I will be troubling Junior Brother.” Xia Ning Chang said in one breath.
“Senior Sister is too polite.” Yang Kai exhibited a faint smile.
Swiftly, the two people left the Contribution Hall.
In the Contribution Hall’s inner chamber, Treasurer Meng was currently asleep. On the table lay plates of various exquisite dishes, as well as few pots of wine; it looked like treasurer Meng had fallen asleep after drinking some good wine.
The dishes on the table were made by Xia Ning Chang but each had a special seasoning. This seasoning was refined using her Holy Spirit Pill Body. This grade of medicine couldn’t even be resisted by someone at Meng Wu Ya’s level.
As for the duration of his sleep, it should last for a few days!
Meng Wu Ya throughout his entire life had always been shrewd and would have never expected that someday he would fall at the hands of his own beloved Disciple.
It was estimated that by the time Meng Wu Ya woke up, everything would already have occurred.
Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang arrived at the Black Plum Village, where they bought two horses and some daily necessities they would require for the long journey ahead.
According to Xia Ning Chang, their destination was about nine-ten days away from Black Plum Village. They would have to cross into Black Wind Mountain. Although the journey would be long, they had plenty of time.
Shortly after the two left the village, news of them was passed to Xie Hong Chen’s ears.
Since the day he saw Su Yan and Yang Kai being intimate in the Forest Prison, Xie Hong Chen had drunk large quantities of wine for several days in frustration. He had finally returned to his normal life yesterday. After thinking it over clearly, he thought that it should not have been exactly as he saw it.
Su Yan’s temperament was one which Xie Hong Chen was very clear of. With her arrogance and strength, how could she be intimate with trash like Yang Kai? Furthermore, they absolutely don’t have anything in common and probably hadn’t met prior to the incident at the Forest Prison, so they were basically strangers.
After thinking it over Xie Hong Chen came to the conclusion that Su Yan and Yang Kai were acting that day. At the time, due to envy and hate making his blood boil and cloud his mind, he had been unable to think clearly.
But after thinking it over, Xie Hong Chen’s spirit was greatly restored. Yesterday when saw Su Yan display the same beauty and elegance as always, he was no longer crazy and didn’t lose his self-control like he had that day.
Although that had been explosive news from Su Yan, after this revelation, the knot in Xie Hong Chen’s heart disappeared.
So long as Su Yan had not been obtained by other men, then sooner or later she would be his. Xie Hong Chen was very self-confident about it. After all, he was High Heaven Pavilion’s most outstanding male Disciple and Su Yan was the most outstanding female Disciple. The union of the two of them was naturally one all the elders were willing to see.
Early in the morning, Xie Hong Chen carefully prepared, as he wanted to go and see Su Yan later in Black Wind Trade.
But when he was just about to go out, a disciplinary Disciple suddenly ran up to him in a hurry, with a flushed face, he informed, ”Brother Xie, I just saw Yang Kai leave the High Heaven Pavilion a moment ago”.
Xie Hong Chen listened to this and smartly asked, “Did he leave alone?”
“No, he departed with a Dark Hall Disciple called Xie Ning Chang”. The disciplinary Disciple replied.
“Xia Ning Chang!” Xie Hong Chen narrowed his eyes, “I know her. Her strength is equal to mine, but she is not a core Disciple, this woman is quite strange.”
“Where did they go?” Xie Hong Chen, at that moment, had a crazy look in his eyes. God have mercy, that waste actually left the tower at such time, it was as if he was asking to be killed off. This was just the solution to solve the hate in my heart!
“I don’t know their destination but evidently it must be far because they purchased two horses in Black Plum Village.”
“That far?” Xie Hong Chen raised his brows. “Good, good…”
Xie Hong Chen suddenly turned, and with a twisted face, ordered. “Look for several Disciples whose strength is at least at the Separation and Reunion Boundary to accompany me on a trip.”
“Brother, what do you want to do?”
“He he, what I want to do, I am not clear enough? Do you want to ask again?” Xie Hong Chen’s facial features distorted. He wanted to chase down the rival, to get rid of Yang Kai, all the while keeping Xia Ning Chang in the dark. After all, if news of this was leaked, the consequences would not be a joke.
“Brother, this is improper.” That disciplinary Disciple’s face turned pale because Yang Kai was only an Initial Element Stage trial Disciple, so even if he did die outside the Sect, nobody would care. But that Dark Hall Disciple, Xia Ning Chang, was different. Her background was unclear, but since she had reached the Separation and Reunion Boundary in strength, she definitely was not an insignificant person. If she died and High Heaven Pavilion started to investigate, then the brothers who participated would be chased and have no other choice but to leave High Heaven Pavilion.
“I told you to go find some people, so what are you still standing here for?” Xie Hong Chen said impatiently, “Do you want me to go and personally find them?”
Because of jealousy Xie Hong Chen had become possessed; he couldn’t maintain his original calm state of mind. Right now, he could only process ideas about killing Yang Kai.
“Brother, after the previous matter, the Grand Elder strictly ordered that nobody is allowed to fight Yang Kai. Did you forget Elder’s warning?”
Hearing this reminder caused Xie Hong Chen to regain control of himself. That’s right, last time; the Grand Elder had suddenly announced that nobody was allowed to make trouble for Yang Kai for a short period of time. This instruction had made everybody bewildered. However, Xie Hong Chen didn’t care about it; how could he let such an excellent opportunity pass in vain?
It was such a good opportunity; did he really have to watch it pass by? If he didn’t kill Yang Kai this time, then he must wait till god knows when. What would he do later if he chose to stay within High Heaven Pavilion and refused to leave?
He was not willing to let go of this chance, the disciplinary Disciple thought of something and said with a sly smile. ”Brother Xie, we cannot get involved, but others may like to get involved. I think that plenty of people would be willing to take this opportunity if they knew of it.”
“What do you mean?” Xie Hong Chen narrowed his eyes and asked.
“It is said that the Blood Battle Gang’s Vice-head Long Zai Tian, has been enquiring about news regarding Yang Kai this past month.”
Long Zai Tian, Xie Hong Chen naturally knew him as he was a popular person in the Blood Battle Gang and his strength was also at the Immortal Ascension Boundary. But his grandson wasn’t quite as outstanding; this year he was probably only at the Qi Transformation Stage.
Xie Hong Chen was confused. “Why would Long Zai Tian be enquiring about Yang Kai?”
That person couldn’t help but sigh exasperatedly. “Long Zai Tian has been pursuing Hu Mei Er, that seductive girl, for his grandson and has been regarding her as his own already. But the relationship between Yang Kai and Hu Mei Er is unclear, so Long Zai Tian said that Yang Kai must die. Teaching him the consequences of having any ideas about touching someone else’s woman.”
“Hu Mei Er!” In Xie Hong Chen’s mind, a large breasted female appeared, with a curling upward buttock, and a charming young girl’s figure. His breath suddenly became very heavy.
That seductive girl excels in stimulating people and almost every Disciple from the three Sects had heard about her. Xie Hong Chen had also seen her once.
“That waste truly isn’t somebody good. He unexpectedly has a relationship with that seductive girl!” Although righteous words were coming from Xie Hong Chen mouth, in his heart he was actually cursing angrily.
After thinking for some time, he doubtfully stated. “Something’s not right. Such detailed news, where did you obtain it from?”
[Even if Long Zai Tian wanted to take Yang Kai’s life, he wouldn’t announce it far and wide; if it was widely known, would it not alert his enemy? If Yang Kai knew about this, would he still have the courage to leave High Heaven Pavilion?]
The disciplinary Disciple’s complexion changed slightly as he knew the details but didn’t know how to answer the question.
“Tell me!” Xie Hong Chen commanded him sternly.
“Yes!” The disciplinary Disciple desperately spluttered out. “A few days ago when I was in the Spring Wind Rain House in Black Plum Village. . . . . drinking, Long Zai Tian happened to be in the next room. So I listened into his discussion with the female in next room.”
“Spring Wind Rain House!” Xie Hong Chen looked at that fellow ill-humoredly with one eye. He couldn’t have been there just for drinking.
That person hurriedly continued, trying to avoid further questioning. “Brother Xie, if Long Zai Tian was to know about this news, he will not let Yang Kai off so easily. This way, we won’t need to get our hands dirty. Long Zai Tian is lustful by nature. If we further provoke him by informing him that Yang Kai has a beautiful woman by his side, how do you think he will react?”
Xie Hong Chen’s face lit up and he coldly smiled before praising the Disciple, “Ingenious plan!”
This move of murdering with a borrowed knife was a good plan. Hesitating slightly, he then said spoke again. “Since Long Zai Tian wants to look for him, pass the news to him, but this matter should be kept secret. Do not reveal anything that exposes you. For Long Zai Tian absolutely mustn’t know that this news was passed by us. Also, tell him that the female with Yang Kai has cultivation at the Separation and Reunion Boundary, so he doesn’t try to capture the chicken but lose the rice he lured it with.”
“Yes!” that person said before quickly going away.
[Yang Kai, this time let’s see how you escape death. It’s just a pity that Xia Ning Chang wears a veil all day. Although I have had the chance to see her full appearance, I am almost certain that she was an outstandingly beautiful female.]
[If such a female fell into Long Zai Tian hands, her fate was more than certain…] At that moment, Xie Hong Chen somewhat envied the luck of Long Zai Tian.
The High Heaven Pavilion, the Disciplinary Hall began they all began to make trouble; someone in Black Plum Village was also making trouble.
After Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang departed on horseback, a group of people came out from hiding. The leader’s face was cold, and after staring at Yang Kai’s back, he asked. ” Did you see clearly, was that person Yang Kai?”
“Absolutely! I saw clearly brother Nu Lang, he was Yang Kai without a doubt. Previously we were beaten up by him after this Cheng Shao Feng went to look for Brother Nu Tao. He said he would find an opportunity to teach him a lesson. So they went to Black Wind Trade one day and never came back.”
Nu Lang’s complexion became hazy, he waved his hand. “Buy some horses, we must follow them. I must know the whereabouts of my younger brother, and whether he is alive or dead.”
Nu Tao and Cheng Shao Feng had been missing for more than one month now. Nu Lang had looked everywhere for them but had been unable to find them, and during his inquiries, the name Yang Kai arose multiple times.
He didn’t know the real situation, but he must pursue Yang Kai to ask about it. If his younger brother died by his hand, as an elder brother he must take revenge for the younger brother.

Martial Peak – Chapter 86, Stalking

Nu Lang’s group of people, with him as the leader, prepared to set out. Since he had recently broken through into the Qi Transformation Stage, his Yuan Qi had yet to stabilize. For martial practitioners at this level, they were the most easily agitated by this type of flurry of emotions tumbling through them, Nu Lang was no exception. The remaining seven to eight people were only at the Tempered Body Stage, with a few at the Initial Element Stage, but overall they weren’t too highly leveled in their cultivation. It was just their numbers that were great.
As for Yang Kai’s cultivation, Nu Lang naturally knew, of course, so he didn’t really put it in his eyes. It was only the female next to Yang Kai that didn’t seem to be easily provoked.
But after thinking about it carefully, this female didn’t seem too strong as well. Looking at her, her age didn’t seem to be very old and she didn’t seem to be any of the famous High Heaven Pavilion Disciples he had heard of or knew about.
Also, if her strength was truly high, why would she need to buy horses to travel? Once you reached a certain cultivation stage, just by relying on your feet, you would be many times faster than a horse.
Analysing it so, Nu Lang’s worries dissipated.
Unbeknownst to him, the reason why Xia Ning Chang purchased the horses, was due to her concern for Yang Kai. After all, Yang Kai was only at the Initial Element Fourth Stage, so how fast could his feet possibly be?
This group of Disciples from Storm House started to follow their hoof prints, whilst hiding in the bushes and shadows.
As Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang were urging their horses, they didn’t know that two groups had followed and trapped them in a pincer formation. Not only that, both groups harboured malicious intent.
Even though Xia Ning Chang’s cultivation wasn’t bad, she still had yet to reach the stage where she could use her Divine Sense. This caused her to be unable to sense all the things that were occurring in the surrounding area.
Since the two were rushing on their journey, they didn’t really say anything to each other. With Xia Ning Chang leading the way at the front, and Yang Kai following closely behind, the two rode their horses in a straight line.
It wasn’t until nightfall, that the two people found a water source to settle down at for the night.
Sitting near the bonfire in a circle, they ate the food they had bought from Black Plum Village.
From just one day together, Yang Kai had become quite familiar with this Senior Sister’s nature. She is timid, shy and she when talked her ears turn red. She also always speaks softly, as soft as the wind, as if it was natural for her.
Because of her nature, Yang Kai didn’t take the initiative to talk to her, so as to avoid frightening the opposite party.
Ever since he understood the character of the mysterious Golden Skeleton and gained an understanding of the mystical Skill, he discovered that his True Yang Secret Art had changed.
At present, Yang Kai’s True Yang Secret Art could absorb Yang Qi and then condense it into Yang Liquid.
But now, not having a Yang environment, he can practice the True Yang Secret Art to absorb the energy in the air, which can then be refined to form Yang Qi which then could be absorbed into the Golden Skeleton.
Environmental constraints for practicing this skill had suddenly disappeared. For Yang Kai, this was great news which brought him a great deal of happiness.
After riding for three days on the road, they finally arrived at a small town thousands of miles from High Heaven Pavilion.
With Xia Ning Chang words, they no longer needed horses for the rest of the journey, only the mountains were ahead.
In town, they stabled their horses and found an inn to stay at for the time being.
According to Xia Ning Chang, they couldn’t use horses for the journey ahead, because of the hilly nature of the terrain.
Xia Ning Chang was very irritated, after all, she had asked him for help & had been neglecting him unexpectedly, and it really cannot be justified. Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang lived in adjoining rooms, in a brightly lit room, Yang Kai was meditating and practicing. Meanwhile, Xia Ning Chang was indulging in a flight of fancy.
But each time she tried to talk to him, at the last moment she can’t help but get discouraged. She has been used to observing him secretly, but now suddenly has contact with him face to face & does not know what to do.
Moreover, this fellow is also an uncommunicative person; if she talked to him can that make him dislike her?
While Xia Ning Chang is worrying about this, in the inn there are another two groups quietly watching these two people’s movements.
In another candlelit room, Long Hui sits with the members of the Blood Battle Gang.
On Long Hui’s face is a frown. After the Blood Battle Gang obtained the news, they started the pursuit, although a little late they were finally able to catch up.
Breaking the silence, Long Hui suddenly spoke out, “Lord Wen, when do we begin? Yang Kai, that boy is in this inn. Given Lord Wen’s skill, it is a simple matter to seize him, is it not?”
Wen Fei Chen is a middle-aged man, his strength has reached the True Element Boundary Fifth Layer. He is a leader of a fraction of the Blood Battle Gang. Because the news obtained by Long Hui is accurate, he asked the Lord to accompany them for the purpose of capturing Xia Ning Chang alive.
Besides this group of people of Wen Fei Chen, outside there is also many Separation and Reunion Boundary’s masters, they number around six or seven. It looks like, Long Hui took steps to ensure that the plan is foolproof; it can even be described as a fanfare.
Wen Fei Chen smiled, “Young master Long, if you want me to begin, we can begin at any time, although this is a small town, with my strength, wanting to deal with them is an easy matter, people on the side will not be alarmed and no clues will be left behind.”
“Then what are we waiting for? “Long Hui looks inspired, “Yang Kai must die and that female must be captured alive, it is said she is very beautiful. Since he dares to have ideas on my women, then this road goes another way too, I will have a taste of his women.”
Wen Fei Chen knows well of Long Hui’s nature and has anticipated this response, he then said, “But Master Long. One must think as to why have they rushed to this place from afar?”
“Why?” Long Hui asked.
Wei Fei Chen hesitated for a moment, and then said, “I believe that their trip has a goal for sure. Perhaps… they must enter Black Wind Mountain, seeking some treasure!”
Long Hui’s brows wrinkled, “This does not have anything to do with us. In Black Wind Mountain many people go looking for treasure, but are lost to never come back again.”
Wei Fei Chen shakes his head saying, “Master Long this is incorrect, they can enter Black Wind Mountain from High Heaven Pavilion, but they have actually ridden horses for thousands of miles before finally stopping here. If I have not guessed wrongly, tomorrow they will enter the mountain from here. Their goals are quite explicit, and then it is simple to confirm this matter. They know what they are looking for and where to find it. If we follow in behind quietly, when they have found it…”
He has to say the observation of Wei Fei Chen is very exquisite, the analysis is also quite accurate, worthy is a man of wisdom.
Long Hui’s expression at turned brighter, “When they find it we can go and rob!”
Wei Fei Chen smiles, “It is as Master Long said. However if Master Long cannot wait for the beautiful woman, I can get her tonight, I will not let you down.”
Long Hui hesitated slightly and looked a bit confused.
Wen Fei Chen is good at tunneling into his thoughts, “But if Master Long waits for several days, not only may he have the beautiful woman, treasure young master may also have. Think if they spend untold hardship to seek the treasure and it was snatched by us. That Yang Kai, will he not be spitting blood madly?”
Listening to him Long Hui appearance was stern, “Good, if they run, in any case, the Buddhist priest cannot escape the temple, then let Yang Kai live for several more days, while we obtain the advantage without labor like elderly fishermen!”
Then Wei Fei Chen said with a slight smile, “Endurance is uncommon; Master Long is destined to do great things.”
“Ha, the Lord Wen over praises.” Long Hui was swallowing his flattery comfortably.

Martial Peak – Chapter 87, Rage and Sorrow

Given Wen Fei Chen was attempting to curry favour with Long Hui, he naturally wouldn’t oppose his idea.
Although Blood Battle Gang’s Master Hu Man was very fierce and ambitious, it didn’t matter since he didn’t have a successor; only two daughters beautiful as jade.
As far as Wen Fei Chen was concerned, sooner or later the Blood Battle Gang would fall into the hands of the Long family. Now that he is with young master Long, he must try to curry favour with him, for future benefits.
The discussions in the room had finally ended so everyone got ready to get some rest. Suddenly from opposite side of the door came a gentle knock.
“Come in!” Wen Fei Chen said lightly.
The door opened and a Blood Battle Gang Disciple walked in from outside. Giving a salute to Long Hui he then whispered something into Wei Fei Chen’s ear softly.
Wei Fei Chan’s face changed immediately, “So that’s how it is.”
He then signalled several Disciples in the room and ordered them, “Go and seize those people. Do not let them escape, as it would be bad for master Long’s plan.”
“Yes!” several people in room complied and hastily moved out.
“What happened?” Long Hui urgently asked.
Wei Fei Chen ha- ha smiles, “Master Long this matter is very interesting. Remember when we were travelling here, along with the way there were many horse hoof prints on the road. According to news which I just received, we are not the only ones pursuing Yang Kai to kill him. It looks like we have company.
“Oh?” Long Hui sounded surprised “Who is it?”
“Several Disciples from Storm House. At this very moment, they are preparing to attack Yang Kai, it looks like they can’t deal with Yang Kai when he is together with that female.”
“They will be bringing their own destruction.” Long Hui sneered and continued, “What does Lord Wen want to do with them?”
“Naturally I cannot let master Long’s important plan be ruined.” Wen Fei Chen said while bowing slightly.
The sound of people talking on the opposite side of door can be heard before many people burst into the room through the door. These are the Disciples from the Blood Battle Gang who went out a moment ago and it looks like they all came back uninjured accompanied by startled face Nu Lang.
Nu Lang’s group was very frightened, they had managed to pursue Yang Kai with great difficulty and just when they were planning to bust into the room and capture Yang Kai to enquire about the missing Nu Tao and Cheng Shao Feng they were captured.
Who would have thought that before they could execute their plan, they would be surrounded by a group of devils, whose strength surpassed even their leader?
Nu Lang was scared shitless after being released, he hastily kowtowed to beg for mercy, “Seniors, we didn’t offend you, right? This one pleads for you to spare us.”
“Shut up!” A Blood Battle Gang Disciple waved his arm and hit him hard with his palm, Nu Lang’s mouth became bloody due to the hit, and he felt very indignant but didn’t dare to say anything; only being able to shut up and listen obediently.
Nu Lang nervously looked around; the other Storm House Disciples were all shivering with fright. Their strength was not very high so they couldn’t even try to escape. Any one of these people was enough to kill them; on top of that, there were six-seven people who were encircling them on all sides.
[Had we crossed anyone recently?] The Storm House Disciples were all confused, this time they did not annoy anyone on the way, they just came here to catch Yang Kai, but had not even gotten their hands on him before they were captured, how did it become such a big fuss?
Nu Lang looked around and suddenly discovered a youth in the opposing group who looked a little familiar, he stared at them with a smile.
Thinking carefully, Nu Lang’s facial colour changed, probing he asked. “Are you Blood Battle Gang’s Long Hui?”
Long Hui chuckled, “Do you know me?”
Nu Lang smiled awkwardly. “Naturally I can recognize you, for I have heard so about Long Senior’s descendants.”
“Since you are able to recognize me, this matter has become very easy to solve.” Long Hui said lightly.
Nu Lang became filled with suspicion, no matter what, he wouldn’t have thought he would meet with people from Blood Battle Gang; such a great distance away from home. Meeting old friends far from home, although it is good indeed, in their present situation, the weak needed to lower their heads.
“I want to ask you, why are you pursuing Yang Kai?” Long Hui asked with squinted eyes.
This question caused Nu Lang’s heart to be startled, he looked at Long Hui and did not dare to conceal anything, after telling him the whole story, he spoke with a long face. “Master Long, I suspect that the matter of my missing younger brother and Yang Kai are related, if you have a problem, I will immediately bring my people back to Storm House and absolutely will never have any ideas about hurting Yang Kai.”
Long Hui smiled. “Do you think that Yang Kai and I are friends?”
“Is it not so?” Nu Lang asked timidly.
“What a joke!” Long Hui sneered. “What is this Lord’s status, and what is his status, how can we be friends? You have got a pair of blind dog eyes!”

Martial Peak – Chapter 88, The Fragrance from a Woman

Hearing the disdain in Long Hui’s voice, Wen Fei Chen smiled. “Killing Yang Kai and capturing that female, naturally we wouldn’t want those people to interfere. But Young Master Long, since Yang Kai and that girl have decided to enter Black Wind Mountain, then they should have already made preparations for the dangers ahead. But we are different; even our strengths aren’t low, even if we don’t mention those high levelled Demonic Beasts, there are still various dangers. Just those natural traps and poisons alone, are enough to whittle away at our manpower, but if someone were to walk ahead of us and clear the way, then we wouldn’t need to worry about a thing.”
After hearing this, Long Hui understood where Wen Fei Chen was going; he wanted to use the Storm House people to scout ahead and avoid any hidden dangers ahead.
“En, Lord Wen truly thinks ahead. I have indeed neglected this point.” Long Hui nodded his head faintly.
“Young Master is naturally gifted, it’s just that you haven’t experienced much of the world yet, so you are still honest and naturally you wouldn’t think of this tactic.” Wen Fei Chen chuckled.
As to how they would deal with the Storm House Disciples later, the two came a mutual understanding without saying another word. The female called Xia Ning Chang, at such a young age had already reached the Separation and Reunion Boundary, so she definitely had a powerful supporter teaching her from the shadows. With these types of people, you could either avoid offending them or pluck them out from the roots. So, none of the Storm House Disciples could be left breathing.
Only after arranging the appropriate things, did the Blood Battle Gang begin their preparations to enter Black Wind Mountain.
The next day, Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang truly moved according to Wen Fei Chen’s prediction and left the small village, directly entering Black Wind Mountain.
Only after half a day had passed did the Blood Battle Gang and Storm House people dare to follow after them. Since Xia Ning Chang’s cultivation wasn’t low, if they followed too closely behind them, then she would discover them and if the distance was too great, then they would lose track of them. So half a day’s worth of waiting was more than enough, furthermore, Wen Fei Chen had many years of experience in the forest and seas, so he was adept at tracking. He was confident that he wouldn’t be unable to follow the tracks of these two youngsters in the mountains.
Entering Black Wind Mountain, Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang’s speed naturally slowed down.
Without the sound of the horses and the distance between them, the two naturally started to converse with each other. In just one day’s worth of time, the two felt their relationship had become closer than ever before.
When night fell, Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang found a tall tree and climbed up its trunk to rest in it for the night.
Although the branch was very wide, when the two of them rested upon the branch, there was only a small gap between them, close enough for Yang Kai to smell whiffs of Xia Ning Chang’s scent.
“Little Senior Sister.” After interacting for a while, there was no longer that feeling of estrangement between them, even the way they addressed each other had changed. This was also due to the fact that Yang Kai felt that Xia Ning Chang was like a child, especially those big round eyes of hers, naive and without any trace of impurity. Even the way she talked was full of simplicity and cuteness.
“Senior Sister is just Senior Sister, why do you need to add an extra little?” Xia Ning Chang asked with a tinge of unhappiness.
“In that bundle of yours, what did you put inside?” Yang Kai didn’t reply to her answer and instead pointed to the bundle placed next to her.
That question had already tormented him for the past four-five days, and Yang Kai couldn’t hold it in anymore so he asked her.
“This… um…” Just like that, Xia Ning Chang was easily diverted from the previous subject. Lifting up the package, she hugged it like it was a treasure and replied, “These are the materials prepared by master these past years, because if you successfully receive those Nine Yin Dew Crystals, then I must refine them on the spot. The Nine Yin Dew Crystals are a very special, because if you don’t refine them within two hours of obtaining them, they would slowly start to dissipate.”
“So it was like this.” Yang Kai nodded his head in understanding.
“Junior Brother…” Xia Ning Chang suddenly called out intimately.
“What’s the matter?”
“I have a question I want to ask you.”
“Good timing, I also have a question I want to ask you.” Yang Kai grinned.
“Then we must both honestly answer, alright?”
“Then I’ll start.” Xia Ning Chang said, impatiently.
“Go and ahead and ask.” He chuckled. “I promise I won’t lie to you.”
Pursing her lips, Xia Ning Chang swivelled her body around and hesitated for a moment before asking. “I heard from master, that when he asked you to help him, you made all sorts of excuses to reject him. But when you heard it was me that needed assistance, you swiftly agreed. Why is that?”
“What do you think?” Yang Kai also turned his head around and asked.
Staring at each other’s eyes, Xia Ning Chang’s face became red, and she hurriedly diverted her head and shyly replied. “I don’t know why, but master said that you don’t carry good intentions and told me to stay vigilant around you.”
“Old man Meng said this?” Yang Kai said angrily.
*En.* Xia Ning Chang trusted her master greatly and replied without any guilt.
“That old man!” This caused Yang Kai to be indignant beyond belief, [what did that old man think I was?]
“Then why did you agree without any hesitation?”
Glancing at her, Yang Kai hehe laughed out. “What your master said was correct, I truly don’t hold any good intentions towards you. That’s why I agreed so readily!”
As he laughed sardonically, he also slowly inched closer towards Xia Ning Chang.
Startled, Xia Ning Chang instinctively retreated backwards, before she suddenly remembered something. “Junior Brother, you are unable to defeat me.”
This was actually the truth and Yang Kai considered that if he continued to act brazenly, then he would soon find himself flying out of the tree. Although Xia Ning Chang was innocent and cute, that didn’t mean that she was easily dealt with.
Withdrawing his grin, Yang Kai’s expression became serious again and he slowly took out a bottle from within his clothes. Stroking it carefully he said. “Because of this!”
Xia Ning Chang was extremely confused as she lowered head to look closer at the object and she saw that it was a small bottle of High Heaven Pavilion’s external injury balm, Blood Clotting Cream.
The events that had occurred two months earlier flashed through her mind, causing her to cover her mouth in surprise. Foolishly, she stared at Yang Kai, because she never thought that he would keep this little bottle of Blood Clotting Cream.
Chuckling lightly, Yang Kai spoke. “Those who treat me well, I, Yang Kai can tell. It has been three years since I entered, and this bottle of Blood Clotting Cream was the first token of warmth I have experienced this whole time.”
“How did you know…” Xia Ning Chang looked at him in disbelief. This bottle of cream was left for Yang Kai by her, but wasn’t he unconscious at the time?
Yang Kai’s eyebrows lifted up a bit. “There is a saying, smelling the scent of a woman tells all.”
This caused her face to be painted red, for the words were slightly lecherous sounding.
But her heart and mind loosened, it seemed that just from a small bottle of Blood Clotting Cream that cost only ten contribution points, was the reason why he had agreed unconditionally. It seemed that master was wrong.
“It’s your turn to ask now.” Since she had cleared the doubts in her heart, Xia Ning Chang would feel embarrassed if she continued to ask further thus she hurriedly went to change the subject.
Yang Kai then carefully put the bottle back in his clothes and then asked. “The reason why Treasurer Meng didn’t come wasn’t really because of an old illness right?”
Xia Ning Chang momentarily became embarrassed and replied after some time: “I used medicine to knock him unconscious.”
Stunned, Yang Kai suddenly erupted into a fit of laughter, and no matter what, he couldn’t stop.
“What are you laughing about.” She was both angry and ashamed, “That night he suddenly said I no longer needed to come, and in desperation I knocked him unconscious.”
Yang Kai continued to laughed, so Xia Ning Chang hit him a few times. It was only afterwards, she realised how intimate her actions were, and was left at a loss on what to do.
“I’m going to rest now. You continue to laugh to yourself.” Xia Ning Chang couldn’t bear to continue to stay there. Wrapping herself up, she jumped to the nearby branch and no longer paid any attention to Yang Kai.

Martial Peak – Chapter 89, Mysterious Crimson Yang Flower

After walking through the Black Wind forest for several days, Yang Kai realized, to his surprise that, they hadn’t encountered any dangerous beasts.
This caused him to be filled with anxiety, because Black Wind Mountain was filled with formidable Demonic Beasts. Furthermore, if they happened to bump into any, due to his current cultivation, he would only be a burden for Xia Ning Chang.
But Xia Ning Chang had come prepared. Yang Kai didn’t know what method she used to avoid the Demonic Beasts in this forest, but it worked.
Their route often changed from east to west, sometimes they would circle around a place, or they would circle around a bigger place. But it was thanks to this circling that they had remained so safe. Occasionally they would bump into a beast of the second or third realm; however, they would be quickly dealt with by Ning Chang with minimal effort.
After carefully observing her for some time, Yang Kai discovered that Xia Ning Chang was able to discover the existence of formidable Demonic Beasts thanks to the deep coloured bracelet on her wrist.
Whenever this Little Senior Sister felt a high-level Demonic Beast obstructing their path, she activated her bracelet which then sent out a deep green ray.
This was a bracelet she hadn’t been wearing previously. From top to bottom her only accessory was the sapphire on her forehead. So this bracelet should have been prepared specially for their current expedition.
[This must be a rare treasure!] Yang Kai’s eye fell on the bracelet and from what he could see it looked like it was given to her by Treasurer Meng.
[Ultimately what was the background of Old Man Meng?] Yang Kai was truly puzzled, he was merely a Contribution Hall treasurer, yet he was able to get Xia Ning Chang, with her special physique, as a Disciple. Moreover, he has a rare treasure he can afford to give to her. This bracelet, if in a normal place, would be placed under the highest security and would not be carelessly given to anyone. Although he didn’t know its grade, he estimated that it should at least be an Earth Grade rare treasure. A treasure of this rank was rarely seen in High Heaven Pavilion.
While Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang were able to pass through easily, the people tagging behind suffered many bloody battles to the death.
During the past several days, small and large battles occurred several times. If it was not for the overall level of the Blood Battle Gang being so high, they probably would have become Demonic Beast food by now.
Although Wen Fei Chen was a True Element Fifth Boundary powerhouse, his luck wasn’t very good. Just that moment their group bumped into a peak Fifth Realm Demonic Beast, equivalent to a peak True Element boundary powerhouse; several levels above his present strength.
An incomparably difficult fight ensued. Through taking advantage of their numbers, they were able to deal with it. However, due to this battle, the Blood Battle Gang lost a master of the Separation and Reunion Boundary. This caused Wen Fei Chen to become extremely angry because a total of eight people had come, but he was the only True Element Boundary Cultivator. The Separation and Reunion Boundary group only had four people remaining, and rest were only at the Qi Transformation Mid Stage. Long Hui’s strength was the weakest of all, at the lower levels of the Qi Transformation Stage.
Originally they thought that as long as they followed Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang’s trail, they wouldn’t encounter any big dangers. But god only knows how those two were able to avoid these Demonic Beasts, while they, their followers, encountered battle after battle.
And now, they had lost a Separation and Reunion Boundary master. Why wouldn’t Wen Fei Chen get angry?
But it wasn’t the time to back down; not after losing so many people, how could they give up halfway? After taking a short break, Wen Fei Chen said to Nu Lang. “Go in front, we must get going!”
Nu Lang looked on the ground at an abandoned limb absentmindedly. Earlier, the Blood Battle Gang had lost some people, so how could their lowly Storm House Disciples stay safe?
Two Disciples from Storm House were swallowed into the belly of the Fifth Realm Demonic Beast, leaving only half an arm left on the ground.
He finally understood why he had felt something was not right that night, where were the good intentions of the Blood Battle Gang to help them look for Yang Kai? It just was to make the people from Storm House the pathfinders along the way!
But even if he understood in his heart, he wouldn’t dare to complain, not to mention revolt. Forging the way at the front, perhaps they could also have a chance to live. But if they revolted at this time, then there is only death awaiting them.
With a pale complexion, Nu Lang made a Disciple from Storm House walk in front. Behind him, Wen Fei Chen gave instructions; heading from the east towards the west, from time to time they also lost Yang Kai’s trail.
At this moment, Yang Kai, who was hurrying along with Xia Ning Chang, suddenly stopped in his step. Turning his head to look towards a direction, his eyes glittered with a joyful look.
“What is the matter?” Xia Ning Chang turned her head to ask while stopping.
“Is there any danger over there?” Yang Kai asked pointing to one side.
“Doesn’t have any danger, I haven’t felt any trace of a Demonic Beast. Xia Ning Chang lowered her head to look at own bracelet.
“Then let’s go.” Yang Kai moved rashly. Although Xia Ning Chang doesn’t know why he was so happy, so can only follow.
Although Xia Ning Chang was at a loss as to why Yang Kai was so happy, she still followed him.
Walking for a short distance of only a few meters, Xia Ning Chang suddenly felt steam on her skin. This caused her face to become red. Looking around the ground was Yang Type Qi and the ground was unexpectedly covered with a variety of palm sized, big, red flowers.
The quantity of flowers was not small; there were at least a dozen of them.
Yang Kai was unceremoniously quickly picking up these flowers, in total he managed to obtain eleven of these flowers.
After a short time, Yang Kai had reaped a great harvest and was walking happily, he asked, “What do you think these are?”
“Mysterious Crimson Yang Flower, Earth Low-Grade material. So you came here for these things.” Xia Ning Chang was suddenly enlightened.
“Earth Low-Grade material!” Yang Kai’s brows creased together, “Not bad.”
He could feel the Yang energy contained in each Mysterious Crimson Yang Flower was not inferior to the Three Sun Fruit. A moment ago the Yang Energy contained in his chest had reacted; he arrived at this place to look at what had caused it and in turn reaped a bountiful harvest.
Since they were in the Black Wind Mountain’s inner region, the valuables around should be few in number. But this time the goal was to help Xia Ning Chang, even if he had thoughts of searching all directions he couldn’t do it.
Delaying time like this would be taking a major risk.
But since it was in the vicinity of his senses, naturally it can’t be left alone.
“Want me to help you refine them?” Xia Ning Chang asked.
“You don’t have to right now. Let’s wait until evening, at that time we can refine them.”
The refining method for a pill of immortality from Little Senior Sister is superb, but refining will always consume Yuan Qi. Walking in this dense forest Yang Kai is still thinking to be careful every step of the way, if consumption of Yuan Qi can be avoided then it should be avoided.
“That is fine as well.” Xia Ning Chang nodded, “We are not far from that place, after walking for two-three more days we can reach our destination, we have got enough time.”
Yang Kai did not know whether it was luck or something else, walking for one day he was able to find several Yang energy treasures at a distance of only one day walk from the Mysterious Crimson Yang Flowers.
But this time his luck was not so good, these Yang energy herbal medicines, had a level three Demonic Beast protecting them.
Xia Ning Chang was able to deal with that Demonic Beast by exhausting some of her Yuan Qi so that Yang Kai could harvest them. After passing through the forest, they arrived at a giant mountain valley. Xia Ning Chang said in one long breath. “Junior Brother, we have arrived.”

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Martial Peak – Chapter 90, Destination

The mountain in front of them was huge. The valley around it was at least a several tens of kilometers. Furthermore, the valley was perfectly circular.
From where Yang Kai was standing, when he lowered his head to look down he discovered that the depth of valley from their current position was about a kilometer deep. The valley below was green and lush, there was nothing to distinguish it from the outside jungle, and the scenery in the valley was very beautiful.
Verdant hills and limpid waters, the landscape wasn’t bad.
Xia Ning Chang looked down at her bracelet carefully. After some time, she jumped joyfully. “Our luck is very good. There aren’t any formidable Demonic Beasts down there.”
While she spoke, she couldn’t help but start to relax, because on the way here she was able to avoid high leveled Demonic Beasts blocking their path. But if there were dangerous Demonic Beasts in the valley, they could only fight them. After all, their destination was precisely this place.
“It looks very ordinary.” Yang Kai said frowning.
“Don’t worry. It’s just not time yet.” Xia Ning Chang showed a faint smile. “If not for passing through this place accidentally with her master, then perhaps we wouldn’t be able to discover this mysterious place. It was also at that time, that master conceived the idea of refining the Nine Yin Dew Crystals.”
“But why did he go back at such a critical time? Also, you haven’t told me how I am going to help you obtain them.”
For the past few days they had been rushing the journey, and Yang Kai was not eager to know the reason why. Now that they had arrived at the destination, he could not help but ask, what if when the time comes, when the Nine Yin Dew Crystals actually appear, he didn’t know how to capture them, wouldn’t he being ruining important plans.
Therefore some preparation needed to be made beforehand.
“When the time comes I will tell you.” Xia Ning Chang still didn’t explain.
Yang Kai was still doubtful but did not continue to ask. After all, this matter was quite mysterious. Treasurer Meng’s temper before was still causing Yang Kai some confusion. But since he had promised to help them, he would have to help them with everything he’s got when the time comes.
“Come.” Xia Ning Chang beckoned to Yang Kai.
Yang Kai looked at her curiously, “Where?”
“I’m going to carry you down.” Xia Ning Chang replied while blinking her big eyes, “We are at quite a high altitude.”
“I can go myself,” said Yang Kai while refusing her offer. In a joking manner, he said, “I am a man how can I let a woman carry me down? What would it make me look like?”
After saying that he proceeded to jump down, Xia Ning Chang screamed, as Yang Kai was falling like a meteorite towards the ground, scattering leaves and plants everywhere.
Xia Ning Chang was quite frightened, Yang Kai’s strength was not that high after all, but after jumping from such a height would he be able to live to see tomorrow? At that moment she followed him down, preparing to help him at the critical moment.
The speed of their fall was increasing steadily, and when they were seven feet from ground Yang Kai’s legs struck the mountain wall and rebounded him off the wall, Yang Kai did several somersaults, gradually breaking the speed of his fall before finally landing with a big bang. Yang Kai’s legs formed a curved pit in the ground with dust flying upwards.
Xia Ning Chang then fells gently at his side. Between the two of them, one was like a fairy returning to earth and the other was like a human rock falling to the ground, there were no similarities between them. No matter what, they still kept calm and steady after the jump.
Yang Kai’s skin had some scratches and there were some twigs on his clothes, and both of his legs were slightly trembling.
Xia Ning Chang pursed her lips while suppressing a smile. With her ability to judge, she could just see it. But her good Junior Brother had already suffered some losses.
A hundred meters… With his Initial Element Third Stage strength, jumping down with just his strength, even with an extra jump, it would be considered a miracle if he landed on the ground safely.
Xia Ning Chang pretended to look around and then said, “Today is the fifth day and after two days it will be the seventh, I’m going to need to arrange something in this mountain valley. Junior Brother wait for me here, since there is no danger in this area anyway.”
Yang Kai’s expression was solemn as he silently nodded in response.
Xia Ning Chang started walking, but after taking a few steps she turned around again to reassure him and said, “The arrangement will take quite some time so do not run all over the place, otherwise I may not be able to find you.”
Yang Kai nodded his head once again slightly, looking grim; as his handsome face was slowly turning sour.
Waiting for Xia Ning Chang’s shadow to disappear from his line of sight, Yang Kai finally sat on the ground, rubbing his painful and sore legs with his two hands.
Although he was able to reduce the speed of his fall while he was falling, the fall was still quite painful.
After quite a while, the numbness in his legs faded away, Yang Kai didn’t stay still for long, and he started searching around. Although Xia Ning Chang had told him this place was safe it was always good to be careful.
After checking the mountain valley, he wasn’t able to discover any dangers nearby.
Yang Kai had to wait until the afternoon of the following day before Xia Ning Chang finally returned back to the mountain valley.
Even though he didn’t know what she had arranged around the valley, he was able to tell that this arrangement had consumed quite a bit of her Yuan Qi, judging by her pale complexion.
“I am going to go rest first, tonight between 11 pm and 1 am the Nine Yin Dew Crystals will gather together and open, they will remain open until sunrise. We must find the Nine Yin Dew Crystals, and then obtain them, if we are unable to succeed within that time, they will go into hiding once more.” Xia Ning Chang said anxiously, before putting several grains of compounding drugs in her mouth and forcing herself to close her mouth.
She then sat down to meditate.
Yang Kai stood next to her, protecting her while following the Buddhist law, motionless like a sculpture.
Somewhere nearby the mountain valley, several miles away, those members of the Blood Battle Gang and Storm House were distressed.
Following Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang, they penetrated the interior of Black Wind Mountain, but they suffered a great loss doing so.
There were originally 17 people, and now only 13 people remained, the others had lost their lives due to the constant Demonic Beast attacks.
In the Blood Battle Gang, they still had seven people left, but they had once again lost a Separation and Reunion Boundary master. Now there were only three Separation and Reunion Boundary masters remaining. Many of them had wounds on their bodies, Wei Fei Chen’s chest had bloodstains, and the two remaining Qi Transformation Stage Disciples were utterly exhausted.
In the Storm House group, there were only six people remaining, apart for Nu Lang who was in the Qi Transformation First Stage, there were four Disciples at the Initial Element Stage. The final member, his luck was too good; the only blow he had received was to his head, leaving him mentally disabled.
Out of the all the people present the only one still in perfect condition was Long Hui.
His status was special, even during the most difficult fights he was protected and kept on the inside, thus naturally he was impossible to kill or injure.
After pursuing Yang Kai for several days, Long Hui had finally lost his patience, “Lord Wen, do we still need to pursue? Pursuing further will only lead to more losses, and when the time comes for Grandfather to investigate, who will take responsibility for this?”
Wen Fei Chen was thoroughly angered, that Long Hui wanted him to carry this burden.
[If not because I wanted to please you, I wouldn’t have made such a decision and if I had known earlier that this trip was going to be this dangerous would I have had the guts to follow? If so, I would have already killed Yang Kai in that small village.]
Although in his heart he was thinking this, Wen Fei Chen only said, “There is no need to pursue any further, evidently they have already arrived at their destination, and it seems that the mountain valley ahead was their goal.”

Martial Peak – Chapter 91, Almost Frantic to the Extreme

As soon as he heard those words, Long Hui’s expression shook. “What did you just say? The thing that they’re looking for is just up ahead?”
“That’s right. They should have arrived there yesterday. But even after such a long time, they still haven’t moved, so I it’s likely that they reached their destination.” Wen Fei Chen smirked.
“Then what are we still waiting for? Didn’t we chase them all the way here, for this moment?” Long Hui’s heart pounded with excitement. Obtaining treasures, all these were secondary. All he wanted right now was to see Xia Ning Chang’s true appearance. He had held it in for so many days already, how could he still possibly bare it any further?
Wen Fei Chen only smiled. “Although they have arrived at their destination, it seems that they have yet to find what they are looking for. Young Master Long, please bear it for a bit longer. This Wen promises that the female won’t fly away.”
Long Hui was somewhat impatient because previously Wen Fei Chen had said those same words in the small village. And during their journey here, they had suffered great losses, so naturally, he was unwilling to keep waiting.
But he couldn’t express his emotion plainly, so after thinking about it for a while, he could only say. “Then we shall wait two more days. Two days later, if they haven’t made a move, then we shall!”
Wen Fei Chen nodded his head helplessly and sighed internally. Someone useless like Long Hui, who only had women in his mind, in the future, he would only be a useless person.
It was late in the night before Xia Ning Chang finally opened her eyes, the previous battered look was gone from her eyes; it was clear that she was fully recovered.
Saying quick thanks, she and Yang Kai took out some provisions to eat.
“Soon it will be the Zi hour (11pm-1am) and this mountain valley will be filled with Yin energy. Junior Brother, your cultivation is far from mine, and the amount of Yuan Qi you possess is limited and should not be squandered.” Xia Ning Chang warmly, but seriously reminded him.
*En.* Yang Kai nodded his head in understanding. Although he possessed plenty of drops of Yang Liquid in his Dantian, and so he needn’t worry about the energy problems, but he wouldn’t say that out loud.
Just as the two were talking, something suddenly changed within the mountain valley.
According to logic, in this type of mountain valley with high cliffs on all four sides, there shouldn’t be any wind. But currently, the howling wind had begun to blow within the valley, like a woman weeping at night, chilling the heart.
Following the chilling wind, cold air rose up from the ground, forcing Yang Kai to activate True Yang Secret Art.
This cold air wasn’t like the winter’s chill, rather it was more like the chill brought by a ghost or malicious creature, freezing one all the way to their core.
The speed, at which the True Yang Secret Art worked, had to increase yet again before Yang Kai could disperse the chill within his heart.
“Junior Brother!” Xia Ning Chang called out and pulled Yang Kai to her side, quickly taking out a purple jade pendant.
As soon as Yang Kai came closer to Xia Ning Chang, he felt the coldness disappear and become replaced by a warmth that filled his entire body.
“Stay close to me and don’t stray too far. This jade pendant can counter the cold from the Yin energy. ”
His eyes widening in astonishment, Yang Kai looked over at the purple coloured jade pendant in Xia Ning Chang’s hand. Looking at it, he saw that it was a secret artefact, and due to her injection of Yuan Qi, it emitted a glow, dispersing the surrounding Yin energy.
Yang Kai was shocked. [This Senior Sister’s wrist held a secret artefact, and now the jade pendant she took out was another secret artefact. Just how many of these does she have?]
“Why are you staring at me?” Xia Ning Chang’s face turned red and her voice as soft as a mozzie.
Staring blankly, Yang Kai took a moment to realise that what he was doing was a bit inappropriate.
Because the area of protection from this jade pendant wasn’t too large, when the two people stood together, their bodies were basically sticking together. His own shoulder and arm could clearly feel her body temperature, her body’s softness and he could smell her unique scent.
This situation was definitely the same for Xia Ning Chang.
This intimate situation was somewhat difficult for her to bear; even her eyes showed signs of her shyness and had gathered a layer of liquid. And her neck was just as red as her face.
“Your Yuan Qi is very precious, so you mustn’t use it here. You can only use it to subdue the Nine Yin Dew Crystals later.” With nothing to say, Xia Ning Chang forced out something to say, to keep her attention away from their current situation and from Yang Kai’s body temperature. But the more she tried to avoid thinking about it, the more she thought about.
“This is only the beginning of this period. Later on, this entire mountain valley will be completely covered in dense Yin energy. Junior Brother, you definitely mustn’t leave my side, or the results will be unimaginable.”
“Okay!” Yang Kai nodded his head lightly.
The two people no longer said anything. In such a position, with their bodies sticking together at such close proximity, they quietly waited.
[A beating heart…]
[So frantic, it tingled…]
Xia Ning Chang’s body began to heat up more and more. This was the first time in her life that she felt as if thorns were stinging her heart, and her entire body itched. Even if she wanted to move, she couldn’t. It was at the point, where she had started to tremble.
Yang Kai also felt her embarrassment. Seeing her blood red skin, he knitted his eyebrows together and said: “How about, I go outside?”
He still held some confidence that he would be able to block the surrounding Yin energy himself because his True Yang Secret Art was the nemesis of Yin energy. Even if it did expend energy, it wouldn’t use a lot of energy. For this little Senior Sister was too innocent. Seeing her so uncomfortable made Yang Kai feel bad.
“Don’t!” Xia Ning Chang quickly shook her head, “Just… stand by my side and don’t leave.”
Because she was this adamant, Yang Kai was left at a loss.
On the other side, the Blood Battle Gang’s group had already sensed the changes occurring in the valley and all rushed over.
Looking down at the Yin energy below, Wen Fei Chen probed about and pondered.
Meanwhile, Long Hui’s spirits were rising. “Lord Wen, have they started to act already?”
As long at Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang moved, then his group would be able to charge down without any hesitation.
He didn’t reply immediately and instead continued to look around. There definitely was something strange happening down below, but even with all of Wen Fei Chen’s experience and knowledge, he still wasn’t sure what it was. Seeing Long Hui’s impatience, he grudgingly replied. “Whether they moved or not, it is still unclear. But certainly, there should be some mysterious object down there. How about we…”
Before Wen Fei Chen could finish his words, he was impatiently cut off by Long Hui. “Don’t wait anymore. Since the object has decided to show itself, whether or not they make a move is no longer important. Lord Wen, how about we go deal with them now? Afterwards, it still wouldn’t be too late to retrieve that treasure.”
Sighing, Wen Fei Chen could only nod his head. “Okay then. You all go!”
In the night’s darkness, a sinister light flashed through Long Hui’s eyes. He greatly anticipated the capture of that masked female and ripping her cover away to reveal her full glory, then pin her beneath himself to enjoy her bliss, Long Hui couldn’t suppress the excitement he felt just thinking of it.
[Yang Kai, Yang Kai. Since you dare to have ideas about my woman, then you shall suffer the consequences that await you.]
[Later, I won’t kill you. I’ll personally let you witness how I will sully that woman. Making her scream out miserably, I will then relish your anger and powerlessness.]
Thirteen people, no longer concealing their tracks, under Wen Fei Chen’s directions, sprinted and jumped down into the mountain valley.
That Tempered Body Staged Storm House Disciple was the most pitiful. With such a large height, he didn’t dare to jump down. But he waited only to be mercilessly kicked down by Long Hui and directly fell to his death.
An angry wave doesn’t wait for people as the rest followed suit. Those that survived felt extremely humiliated.

Martial Peak – Chapter 92, Confrontation

People from the Blood Battle Gang and Storm House were making too much of a ruckus. And even before landing, the Tempered Body Disciple had died with a pitiful yell. Due to the outburst of Yin energy, his yell traveled far and wide.
Listening to this Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang’s faces both changed colours. They turned their heads to look in the direction from where the yell had originated from.
They hadn’t known that they were being tracked by enemies. Wen Fei Chen’s tracking method was quite good, and the distance at which he tracked them from was also far, so the danger of being discovered was also close to none. Although Xia Ning Chang was at the peak of the Separation and Reunion Boundary, she still wasn’t able to sense things happening too far away from herself. By doing some mental arithmetic regarding the tracking distance, Wen Fei Chen was able to successfully tail them.
“How come there are other people here?” Xia Ning Chang furrowed her delicate eyebrows, something wasn’t right.
Yang Kai’s expression also turned cold. According to his little Senior Sister, this place was ordinary throughout the year and only on the seventh of July, did this change take place. This couldn’t have come to attention of anyone.
In other words, those people who were not that far away, came for exact same thing as them, either they knew about this change or they were here for them.
The possibility of latter was enormous, and it looked like they had quite a large number of people on their side. But thankfully, some of them died while jumping down the cliff.
If these people came to Black Wind Mountain to seek medicine or to hunt Demonic Beasts, they wouldn’t bring people with such low levels of cultivation and they wouldn’t move in such large groups. “Looks like we have got trouble.” With many thoughts racing through his mind Yang Kai, suggested. “Let’s flee first.”
“Okay!” Xia Ning Chang nodded in agreement.
“Where do you think you’re going?” A cold voice transmitted from behind them. Then, suddenly a silhouette appeared a few feet in front of the two people, impeding their path.
Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang were startled by the sudden appearance of the powerhouse. Simultaneously, they dodged the palm, while vigilantly revolving their Yuan Qi.
Before the person revealed their real intentions, Yang Kai didn’t plan to confront them head on.
Wen Fei Chen arrived there to block Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang. Seeing them knowing their place, he didn’t launch another attack, but instead calmly stood in same place.
Yang Kai didn’t enter his eyes, but when he saw Xia Ning Chang wearing the veil, Wen Fei Chang admired the beautiful pure girl in his heart. Although he couldn’t see her facial features, with those eyes clear like stars her looks couldn’t be common. More so, the figure of this girl was also outstanding.
Looking at the eyes of this sexually attractive girl, Wen Fei Chen thoughts filled with a feeling of palpitating eagerness. But if it was Long Hui standing here instead of him, he was afraid of what shameful things he would do.
All three were looking at each other vigilantly. Yang Kai looked for an escape route, but discovered that all means of escape were blocked by the Qi of the middle aged man; just by standing there, he blocked all of their escape routes.
“This person is a True Element Boundary powerhouse, so Junior Brother doesn’t act rashly.” Xia Ning Chang warned him in a soft voice.
[True Element Boundary!] Yang Kai’s breath’s slowed, his heart became more alert.
After some time, the other people from Blood Battle Gang and Storm House caught up, and they were all looking at Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang with bad intentions.
“Who are you?” Yang Kai furrowed his brows sizing them up, but discovered that he didn’t know anyone in this group; causing his heart to be filled with suspicious.
He actually didn’t know that originally in this group there were many people with whom he was quite familiar with. But because their strengths were low, they were eaten by Demonic Beasts on road and the last remaining one had plunged to his death while jumping down the cliff earlier.
“I am a person who wants to send you to your death.” Long Hui came from behind Wen Fei Chen, smiling coldly. When saw Xia Ning Chang his eyes immediately emitted green light, looking at her with lewd eyes, he said, “Wonderful, wonderful! What a beautiful pure girl, this time really was worth it!”
Xia Ning Chang furrowed her delicate eyebrows, her face revealing her loathing of him; she hid quietly behind Yang Kai. Although her strength was higher than Yang Kai’s by many times, she was very innocent, so hiding behind Yang Kai didn’t have any meaning but rather it was the instinct of a woman.
Since she was so close to Yang Kai, he could feel two soft delicate bumps on his back, and couldn’t help but swallow while straightening his back.
Under this crisis, Yang Kai’s state of mind was steady, without any ripples, hesitating he asked, “Gentlemen do we have grudges between us?”
Now Yang Kai knew that the opposite party hadn’t come here by chance, this was absolutely a deliberate trap. Otherwise when meeting for first time how could they be this hostile?
[Are these enemies of Treasurer Meng and his Disciple?] All kinds of scenarios were playing out in Yang Kai’s mind; even though he can only die at least he will know the reason why.
“Naturally there are grudges.” Long Hui knew victory was in his hands, so he didn’t want to hide his status, “Boy, let me tell you, I am Blood Battle Gang Vice Guild Master Long Zai Tian’s Grandson, you dare to have ideas about Hui Mei Er, and did you ever think that because of it you would be in such a pinch today?”
Yang Kai was stunned, he hadn’t thought this time people were looking for trouble with him about this kind of thing. He had only met Hui Mei Er three times and their friendship was not too close yet it led to the jealousy of someone considering him as a love rival. Such an occurrence left Yang Kai speechless, with the only response he could bring up is that of an unfortunate sigh.
However, Yang Kai hadn’t forgotten the Long Zai Tian who was mentioned; previously he had run into that old man in mining area of the Blood Battle Gang. The humiliation left behind during that encounter was something he could never forget.
Hearing Long Hui, Nu Lang also gloomily said. “Nu Tao is my younger brother. He and Chen Shao Feng together have disappeared without a trace, boy I wanted to ask you if their disappearance have any relation to you.”
Turns out these two groups were looking for him. Yang Kai then immediately figured out everything that was going on.
Sighing darkly, the first time he left the sect, he was actually followed by two groups of enemies, and they also brought along such a powerhouse.
This time he had also involved Xia Ning Chang.
Taking a deep breath Yang Kai revealed a fearless face, he also lightly looked at Xia Ning Chang, his hands gently squashed Xia Ning Chang’s hand, and then he said in a low voice, “It is my mess, you don’t need to get involved, find an opportunity to run away.”
Since this is his mess, he can’t let Xia Ning Chang endure hardship; her running away would also reduce the burden in his heart.
Although Yang Kai’s voice is very light it was still heard by the opposite party.
Long Hui laughed, “Running away? Do you think it will be easy? This Young Master has following you in the mountain forest for many days, how can he let you leave without paying you back? Yang Kai, you will die today without a doubt, as for her, after your death, this little bitch, will become my toy. Relax I will not kill her immediately, but will play with her until she dies.”
Yang Kai’s face turned cold, he shouted angrily, “Run.”
Simultaneously his hands goes around and grasped Xia Ning Chang’s arm, under her astonished gaze he exhausted all of his strength to send her flying to safety.
“Wishful thinking.” Wen Fei Chen smiled coldly before disappearing. Suddenly a palm attacked Xia Ning Chang’s back.

Martial Peak – Chapter 93, July Seventh, Time Yin Qi Gathers

This strike of Wen Fei Chen’s was not intended to kill but rather to stop Xia Ning Chang from escaping.
Fortunately, Xia Ning Chang was quite quick to respond. Although Yang Kai had caught her off guard and she had been swept away by his powerful strike, she swiftly turned around to borrow the momentum from Wen Fei Chen’s strike. By borrowing its power, she lightly fell beside Yang Kai.
“Hey!” Watching this occur, Yang Kai sighed inwardly. Having a True Element boundary powerhouse assume command was equal to having well-trained soldiers and sturdy horses. Even if there had been hoping they might make it out of this situation earlier, it looked like they were really doomed now.
“Lord Wen, bring this female to me. If she dares to revolt again….” Long Hui smiled sinisterly, before continuing coldly, “Break both her arms and legs; just don’t damage her face too badly. I must have a look at what kind of peerless beauty is hiding under that veil!”
Wen Fei Chen gently smiled. “Master Long please be at ease, I will not let her flee.”
He was also a little worried that if during the course of the fight he accidentally harmed Xia Ning Chang, Long Hui would blame him. But since he had said that he can break her arms and legs, what did Wen Fei Chen have to worry about?
The Young Master Long has very high ambitions, but he also knew his limits. He knew that he couldn’t match this female, but if he could disable her arms and legs, then she wouldn’t be able to rebel; this act may also cause her to act in a self-serving manner in an attempt to preserve her life.
When their dialogue was heard by Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang, their eyes revealed loathing.
Wen Fei Chen said in a clear voice. “Little girl, you also heard Master Long’s words, if you are sensible, then obediently lie down and I promise not to hurt you. But if you insist on resisting, I will not stay my hand.”
Xia Ning Chang spat out. “No way!”
“Ok then!” Wen Fei Chen smiled coldly, “You brought this upon yourself.”
His voice fading, his body soared like a swallow and both of his palms erupted with the strength of a True Element Boundary powerhouse. Just listening to the sound, it was like hearing an echoing tiger’s roar. Suddenly the attack split into many smaller attacks and flew towards Xia Ning Chang.
Although the power contained in the attacks originating from her sapphire was not small, they couldn’t prevent much of the incoming attack.
In the next instance, the attack arrived in front of Xia Ning Chang.
This all happened so fast, there was no time for Yang Kai to react.
The several attacks flew towards her, one after another. Those attacks severely wounded her, before suddenly the sapphire on her forehead emitted a mysterious and profound ripple, which was followed by a semi-circular light, completely covering her and Yang Kai.
When Wen Fei Chen’s strike came in contact with the light curtain, it just dissolved away.
Xia Ning Chang stood there motionlessly with a frosty expression.
Wen Fei Chen dropped to the ground, his eyes staring at the light curtain with a shocked expression. His voice cracking he shouted “Heaven Grade Treasure!”
Hearing these words, everyone’s eyes became red, including the eyes of Long Hui; containing nothing but lust.
“What did you say?” Long Hui finally diverted his attention from Xia Ning Chang and looked at Wen Fei Chen. His voice slightly shaking, he asked, “Lord Wen, what did you say a moment ago?”
Wen Fei Chen’s cheeks trembled; his eyes contained a faint trace of greed. Swallowing a mouthful of saliva he said, “Heaven Grade Treasure! to be able to resist my attack so easily, this is a Heaven Grade Treasure without a doubt.”
“Are you serious?” Long Hui was excited beyond belief. He hadn’t thought that this time while eradicating this pipsqueak Yang Kai; who was nothing more than a bug; not only would he obtain a beautiful woman, but he would also gain a Heaven Grade Treasure.
Heaven Grade Treasures are priceless items, in the Blood Battle Gang, only Hu Man was in possession of one of these.
If this Heaven Grade Treasure were to land in his grandfather’s lap, it could increase his strength by another level; perhaps even Hu Man would no longer be his match.
“Seize! We must seize it!” Long Hui screeched in excitement. “Lord Wen if you can snatch this, in the future the Vice Guild Master’s position will belong to you.”
Hearing this Wen Fei Chen looked inspired. “Many thanks for Young Master Long’s care.”
Although he said that, he knew that breaking the defence of that Heaven Grade Treasure was not an easy feat. Given how his earlier strike had no effect, he knew that this bone would be very hard to gnaw. However, luck was on their side, with this small girl’s strength she would be unable to protect both herself and Yang Kai for an extended period of time. So if he attacked unceasingly, there was a chance of breaking this light curtain.
“Begin!” With this thought, Wen Fei Chen started to hit the light curtain. At the same time, other masters from the Blood Battle Gang also stepped forward to fiercely display their skills.
Under these numerous strikes, many ripples were created on the light curtain. But, by the light curtain’s protection Xia Ning Chang and Yang Kai remained unharmed, meanwhile, all the attacks were completely dissipated.
This situation allowed Yang Kai a little hope for escape; both his eyes glittered with this hope. His thoughts were flying rapidly in his head, trying to find a way out before the light curtain disappeared.
“Junior Brother, are you afraid?” Xia Ning Chang asked suddenly.
“Eh?” Yang Kai turned his head to look at her.
“We could die, are you afraid?”
“Afraid of what, you do not need to be afraid.” Yang Kai said, and then he looked to the side where Long Hui was. Thinking coldly that if he could seize that person, then everything would be solved.
But wanting to break through the blockade of these powerhouses from the Blood Battle Gang who were protecting Long Hui wouldn’t be easy. Perhaps even Xia Ning Chang, with her strength, would be unable to achieve it.
“I’m not afraid!” Xia Ning Chang smiled gently. “They do not know the consequences of their actions.”
Yang Kai was startled. Attempting to decipher her words, he suddenly felt that the mountain valley had become discoloured.
On July seventh, Yin Qi would gather! The place where these Nine Yin Dew Crystals gather suddenly emitted a cold and gloomy Yin Qi one after another from within the ground. This Yin Qi formed a strange, big hand on the surface of the earth. It kept on growing bigger; whoever looked at it would be frightened.
In the blink of an eye, the temperature in the mountain valley fell drastically, the bone seeping cold made everyone tremble.
The powerhouses from the Blood Battle Gang suddenly realised that their Yuan Qi was being sucked away by the Yin Qi in the atmosphere.
Although this Yin Qi was making these people uncomfortable, it was not life-threatening; as long as they could still circulate their Yuan Qi it didn’t pose a big problem. However, the Disciples from Storm House, whose cultivations were low, wouldn’t be able to resist this Yin Qi for a long time. If they stayed here for a long time their Yuan Qi would be exhausted and they would freeze to death.
In an instant, the entire mountain valley was buried in Yin Qi. Xia Ning Chang suddenly moved, her appearance was graceful like she was dancing. With unknown hand signs, her Yuan Qi was divided into many parts and dispersed.

Martial Peak – Chapter 94, Seal

Following Xia Ning Chang’s strange movements, the entire valley’s dense Yin Qi began to react. If one were to look down at the valley, the scene would be quite similar to that of a pot of boiling water; it was like the Yin Qi was alive, repeatedly rolling around and around, an intimidating force to be reckoned with.
“Not good!” Wen Fei Chen shouted. Although he wasn’t too sure what Xia Ning Chang was doing, as a powerhouse of the True Element Fifth Boundary, he could more or less understand that it wouldn’t be good for them.
[This female probably set up some sort of formation within this valley earlier and was rushing to activate it now.]
[If she truly activated this formation, then this situation might be turned around.]
“Put some effort in! Quickly help me break this light screen!” Wen Fei Chen bellowed out. He wanted to capture Xia Ning Chang before she successfully activated that mysterious formation or there would be no end to this matter.
“You guys come over too; otherwise I will kill you right now!” Wen Fei Chen threatened those Storm House Disciples who were just standing off to the side.
Nu Lang and others, how could they dare hesitate? After all, for a battle such as this, they knew their limits and were completely unable to contribute. This had caused them to watch from the sidelines. But once Wen Fei Chen’s order came, they quickly jumped in to assist him.
Although their skills were weak, if combined, it could still whittle away at the light screen’s defences.
The twelve people present all squeezed out all of their power, attacking the barrier with all their might.
Although waves rippled across its surface making it appear like it was about to break, it still held firm.
Inside the barrier, Yang Kai’s heart palpitated rapidly. He wanted to help, but his cultivation was far too low to do anything. He could only stand next to Xia Ning Chang so that if the barrier fell, he could use what little strength he possessed to protect her.
Xia Ning Chang’s hand movements gradually became faster and faster, until after images were formed. This caused the Yin Qi to blow more fiercely and shrilly, it sounded like the howls of wolves and the wailing of ghosts, causing hearts to shudder.
While Wen Fei Chen’s face revealed his greed; he had underestimated the grade of the Defensive Artefact. [To think it is a Heaven High-Grade Defensive Artefact! There is no way it would be able to hold up for such a long period of time without breaking if this wasn’t the case!]
Heaven High Grade. This thing was able to block attacks from cultivators at the upper boundaries of the Immortal Ascension Boundary. So if he possessed this treasure, it would be equivalent to gaining an extra life.
After the time it took to burn a stick of incense, a tiny crack appeared on the light barrier.
With the appearance of the crack, Xia Ning Chang’s face also turned white! In order to use this Defensive Artefact, Xia Ning Chang had used up a good portion of her Yuan Qi. Furthermore, in order to complete this formation that she was doing, she needs to utilize waves of her Yuan Qi further depleting her Yuan Qi.
Seeing this ray of hope, Wen Fei Chen urged the others to attack more furiously, while increasing his killing intent. Although it looked ordinary and harmless, he urged his Yuan Qi to rise up from his body and push forwards.
Throwing a powerful palm strike on the surface, the entire barrier shook, along with Xia Ning Chang’s petite body. With this strike, her face became even paler.
*Crack, crack, crack* finally, cracks had started to streak across the barrier like spider webs.
*Ha ha ha!* roaring out a laughter, Wen Fei Chen had faith that as long as he let out another full powered strike, he would be able to fully break through.
But before he could release this final palm strike, the Yin Qi within the valley suddenly settled down. The howling and wailing that he could hear also disappeared.
Xia Ning Chang’s clear and pure as star eyes glittered and she called out in her lovable voice. “Seal!”
At that moment, Xia Ning Chang’s preparations were complete!
Crash, crash… from the sky, chains suddenly appeared along with the sound of locks locking.
Looking up in confusion, they could see ten foot long chains that were coarse and black, floating in the sky. These black chains excluded a dense Yin Qi and a chill that froze the heart.
These black Yin Qi chains floated around the heads of the Blood Battle Gang and Storm House. In the next instant, as if they had a mind of their own, they flew towards the people.
His face contorting, Wen Fei Chen knew that he was a step too late. Hurrying, he hastily sent another palm strike towards the barrier.
At the same time, Xia Ning Chang’s body flashed as she once again activated her Defensive Artefact.
But that palm strike pushed on unobstructed towards Xia Ning Chang.
At that instant, the vigilant Yang Kai finally found an opportunity to move. Just as the palm was about to arrive, he quickly pulled Xia Ning Chang to the side, but he was still a bit too slow, as the palm grazed her body. When that strike grazed her, Xia Ning Chang’s adorable face shivered. Without any hesitation, Yang Kai pushed her head into his chest and rapidly dashed away with her.
The enemy had far too many people and their cultivation were far too high. He wasn’t so stupid as to face them head-on.
As Yang Kai carried Xia Ning Chang away to escape, those Yin Qi chains finally trapped the experts from the Blood Battle Gang.
There were eight of these chains in total. With Wen Fei Chen’s special attention to Xia Ning Chang, three of these chains sped straight towards him. The remaining five chains made their way towards the Separation and Reunion Boundary and Qi Transformation Staged experts of the Blood Battle Gang.
Those who were being captured by these chains thought their lives were going to end. But just as they thought this, the eight chains seemed to disappear into their bodies and out of sight.
Wen Fei Chen immediately felt that his True Element boundary cultivation had been suppressed. Releasing a groan, he then spat out a mouthful of blood.
Those three experts at the Separation and Reunion Boundary, as well as the Qi Transformation Staged Disciple, were in the same predicament. Their faces had all turned quite pale and they all vomited out blood.
Meanwhile the remaining Qi Transformation Disciple directly stopped breathing and fell to the ground dead!
“What is happening?” Long Hui shouted out vigorously, for he had watched all that had happened. Just as he realised the opponent possessed a Heaven Grade Defensive Artefact, he was still daydreaming about defiling Xia Ning Chang’s body. During this time, he was caught unaware that the situation had changed. In an instant, someone from his side had died, while five were seriously injured; even Wen Fei Chen was in a sorry state!
How could Long Hui not be angry? The duck that was at his lips suddenly flew away!
“Please calm down Young Master Long.” Gritting his teeth against the pain, Wen Fei Chen managed to call out and began to use his Yuan Qi to forcibly suppress and expel the chill in his body. His voice extremely weak, he began to explain. “I’m afraid that, that female had set up some things here before hand. Borrowing the environment, she was able to activate some mysterious skills and gain the upper hand. Due to a moment of negligence, I allowed her to succeed.”
“Trash, a group of trashes!” Long Hui stamped his foot in fury, before continuing to lash out. “So many people to deal with just two people and you still lost.”
A hint of anger appeared on Wen Fei Chen’s face, but he suppressed it and explained. “Although we suffered a loss, that female definitely isn’t in a much better condition. I’m afraid that she doesn’t have any more Yuan Qi left. So if we are able to find them now, they would be pigs on the chopping board!”
Itching to get this plan underway, Long Hui ordered. “Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and chase after them!”
Turning his gaze towards the Storm House Disciples, he commanded. “I’ll give you a chance to save yourselves. If you are able to capture that female and bring her back to me, then I, Wen Fei Chen promise to bring you out of here safely!”
Just then, Xia Ning Chang’s eight chains had all targeted powerhouses from the Blood Battle Gang, so it was the Storm House’s people that had suffered no major injuries. Of the five that had entered the valley, none had died and their conditions were much better than the Blood Battle Gang’s.

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Martial Peak – Chapter 95, On the Other Side

Does Nu Lang have the guts to go against the order of Wen Fei Chen? Despite how miserable the opposite party looked they truly don’t have enough power to cope with them. At this moment Nu Lang asked, “May I confirm with Senior Wen, if that female really doesn’t have the power to hit back?”
“Absolutely!” Wen Fei Chen answered patiently, “Now go and pursue, even you can catch her with your hands, bring her back to Young Master Long, doing so can also bring you many advantages.”
“Ok, then we can chase.” Nu Lang’s eyes flashed with wisps of madness and hatred. To reach this day, he had suffered through many bloody battles, along with the Disciples of Storm House, many people had died along the way and they had lost all the Disciples at the Tempered Body Stage.
His anger couldn’t be relieved on Wen Fei Chen, so naturally, he can only shift it onto Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang.
Xia Ning Chang doesn’t have any strength remaining and how can that trivial Yang Kai be placed in their eyes.
When the people from Storm House disappeared into that mountain valley filled with dense Yin Qi, Wen Fei Chen looked at the remaining people from the Blood Battle Gang, “You also go, you absolutely can’t let that female run away, behind her there is definitely a powerhouse supporting her, if news of today is revealed we will have huge trouble.”
“Yes!” Although these people were also frail, when their lives are at stake, they can only give chase.
Suddenly the only remaining people were Long Hui and Wen Fei Chen.
Long Hui’s expression became a little gentler; he opened his mouth to ask, “Lord Wen, What happened?”
Wen Fei Chen smiled wryly, “I don’t know what method that female used, but my strength has been sealed by three layers of Qi, that form a chain in my body locking my strength and Yuan Qi.
“She has such method unexpectedly?” Long Hui looked aghast.
Wen Fei Chen nodded, “It is so, those Disciples also can’t withstand this seal, and right now, they can only display about thirty percent of their original strength.”
“Then what should we do?” Long Hui asked restlessly.
“No need to worry.” Wen Fei Chen shook his head. “I haven’t deceived the Storm House Disciples, that female has used such a strong method and also had maintained that defensive treasure for such a long time, because of that there isn’t a drop of Yuan Qi remaining in her Dantian and she has also been hit by me, she doesn’t have the slightest fight remaining in her. As long as she is found by them she should be yours.
Hearing this Long Hui breathed a sigh of relief, Long Hui has got a good impression of Wen Fei Chen since he been with him, he personally wanted Lord Wen in his group so he said, “I will definitely tell grandfather about all the pains of Lord Wen this time.”
“Master Long doesn’t need to worry, after all we are family.” Wen Fei Chen smiled satisfied, “Now I want to ask Master Long to protect the Buddhist law for me, I want to see if I can break this chain of Yin Qi.”
“No problem!”
In their talk, they didn’t mention Yang Kai. In their eyes, Xia Ning Chang is a thorny existence and Yang Kai was a nobody, Xia Ning Chang was a severely debilitated, as long as she was captured it was their win.
At this moment Yang Kai had brought Xia Ning Chang to the edge of the mountain valley and had found a crack in the mountain which was only a few feet high and a few feet deep, which the two of them can easily fit into.
Placing Xia Ning Chang inside it, Yang Kai went out and covered the entrance with loose bush to block it from plain sight.
Then Yang Kai had to hold her so tightly that it felt like they had melted into one person.
“Do not speak, some people are pursuing.” Yang Kai said softly as he hugged Xia Ning Cheng.
Xia Ning Chang looked pale, she concentrated on holding her breath and making no sound.
After a little while Nu Lang and his people flashed passed the entrance, the sound of footsteps gradually went further and further away. Both sides had been separated by a distance of only a few feet, but on this night this valley was filled with dense Yin Qi letting Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang hide perfectly without being detected.
After Nu Lang and his group went far away, Xia Ning Chang was finally unable to bear it any longer and spurted out blood, the silk on her mask immediately turned a dark red colour. Wen Fei Chen’s attack a moment ago had injured her.
“Are you alright?” Yang Kai asked anxiously.
“Help me take the compounding drug.” Xia Ning Chang’s voice sounded weak, her body collapsed softly onto the ground, she didn’t even have enough strength to move her finger.
“Where is the drug?”
“In my bosom.”
Yang Kai hastily put his hand in her bosom to search, in the next moment he is struck by lightning and looks at his Little Senior Sister.
Xia Ning Chang is also looking at him, on her pale complexion appears a hint of a blush, her body shivers slightly, just when Yang Kai was searching around her jade like front, she felt like lighting was passing through her body paralysing her, she nearly fainted on the scene.
“Please hold on.” Yang Kai knew that this was not the moment to be sentimental, he whispered this to Xia Ning Chang and his hand once again began to search in her clothes to try and find the compounding drug.
Xia Ning Chang was only wearing outer women’s clothing inside of which is only her skin. Yang Kai’s hands tracing this felt like they had entered her immortal place, one which makes humans forget to return.
One pair of full, soft bulges which have an astonishing elasticity, they are neither small nor big, his palm can encompass them perfectly, his five fingers move over her bulges for a while. Every time there is a movement the energy from the movement makes her body tremble, feeling each other’s body, just after a few moments, both Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang’s breathing becomes rapid and the blood starts to flow faster.
Amazingly, Yang Kai was still able to retain his sanity. Although this matter is somewhat awkward, he is a man with a thick skin and doesn’t consider this a serious matter.
On the contrary, Xia Ning Chang’s limp eyes contained a trace of youthful love, although her eyes also have traces of shame and anger, the fragrance of her breath has the power to even attract the spirit of a person, with an unspeakable innocence.
“Don’t think anything.” On the other hand Yang Kai’s hands are comfortably fumbling inside her clothes.
Xia Ning Chang finally couldn’t bear it and said in a weak voice, “On the other side.”
“Oh!” Yang Kai finally recovered, searching in her secret passage for such a long time and could not find it because originally it was not there.
This thing is troublesome…
His other hand searches the other side and goes deeper inside, eventually, he found several bottles, in the meantime he had been shaken several times by Xia Ning Chang.
“Which one is needed?” Yang Kai asked.
“The middle bottle.” Xia Ning Chang replied weakly, secretly looking at him.
Yang Kai hurriedly took out the middle bottle, pouring some compounding drugs from this bottle he lifted her face then forcefully placed the drug in her mouth.
His little Senior Sister has a special physique; she has a medicine spirit body, which is the best in this world best body for the consumption of medicine. They can eat as many medicines as they like without any side effects.
Several compounding drugs enter her abdomen while she sits in a meditative position; meanwhile, Yang Kai turned around and remained alert for any traces of sound outside.
After about half an hour, Xia Ning Chang gradually recovered, opening her eyes her face is covered by a shy blush, she was looking towards Yang Kai with mixed feelings.
After thinking about what happened a moment ago, her cheeks became hot, although she knows that at that time there were no alternatives, Xia Ning Chang still felt like digging a hole a crawling into it.
As if feeling the gaze of Xia Ning Chang, Yang Kai who was on lookout turned his head, seeing Xia Ning Chang had finished her restoration, he couldn’t help but ask, “Are you alright?”
Xia Ning Chang’s eyes flash with panic, she quickly turned her head before replying, “Although there is no danger to my life, I will not be able to fight at least for now.”
“That’s alright.” The knot in Yang Kai’s heart finally loosened.

Martial Peak – Chapter 96, Initiative

She didn’t dare to think too deeply about that disgraceful matter, so she turned her head around and asked instead. “How did you find this hiding place?”
You could say that this place was simply an ideal position; so how had this Junior Brother found this place in the dark?
Yang Kai replied while grinning. “When you previously left me alone, I searched the nearby area and accidentally found this place. Back then, I hadn’t thought this place would turn out to be a lifesaver.”
“This is truly too lucky.” Xia Ning Chang said while sighing.
“You should have a good rest. As soon as things calm down, I will take you out of here.”
Xia Ning Chang looked gloomy as he said this. She shook her head and slowly, said, “We can’t leave this place.”
“Doesn’t everything depend on one’s skills and effort, so how are we unable to leave here?” Yang Kai chuckled.
“Since I unsealed the Nine Cloud Eight Locks, this entire mountain valley has been sealed off. Before dawn, no one will be able to escape from here.”
Yang Kai froze, realising the meaning of her words. “When you left me, it was to prepare this formation?”
Xia Ning Chang nodded slightly: “I wanted to use this formation to deal with the Nine Yin Dew Crystals, but I was forced to activate it before the scheduled time.”
“Where those black chains the result of the formation?” Yang Kai asked as he recalled the scene that had occurred moments ago.
“They wouldn’t have been killed by it already, would they?” Yang Kai questioned hopefully. If all of those powerhouses died, then they could certainly escape this time.
Xia Ning Chang shook her head, “No, this formation is unable to kill them; those people aren’t that weak. This formation will only be able to eliminate one or two of them; those with the lowest strength among them, at most.”
“That’s not too bad either.” Yang Kai secretly thought to himself that it was a pity.
“It’s just………although it is unable to kill them, with all the Yin Qi from the chains invading their body, most of their strength will be sealed. And before dawn they will be unable to unseal themselves and restore their strength. I also think that before dawn, I will be able to recover some of my Qi, and then we will be able to escape together.”
Suddenly Yang Kai’s eyes were filled with aggressiveness; he looked at Xia Ning Chang and asked in an excited voice. “You said their cultivations were sealed, how much of their power was sealed?”
Xia Ning Chang thought for a moment: “At least 60-70%. For that powerhouse at the True Elemental boundary, it should be around 80%.”
“So that means they won’t be able to display their destructive might.” Yang Kai looked excited and was filled with an urge to test himself and his limits.
Xia Ning Chang looked at him nervously. “What are you thinking about? Even if their strength has been sealed, you won’t be able to deal with them, so Junior Brother please do not act rashly.”
She had seen through what Yang Kai was thinking.
Yang Kai chuckled, his eyes hiding a hint of mischief, he replied. “How will we know if we don’t try? Don’t forget, this is the place where the Nine Yin Dew Crystals gather. Not only are their cultivations sealed, but in order to resist the invasion of Yin Qi, they will need to use Yuan Qi. So as time passes they will gradually become weaker and weaker.”
“But there are so many of them!” Xia Ning Chang grabbed Yang Kai’s hand and shook her head repeatedly. “Don’t be hasty!”
Yang Kai patted her hands gently. “Relax, I have confidence. If we continue to hide here, sooner or later we will be discovered. At that time, we will become turtles that have been flipped onto their backs, which can only wait for death. If we take the initiative and attack, then perhaps we will have a small chance.”
“No! Stop!” Xia Ning Chang shook her head like a
: “I am your Senior Sister, so you must listen to me. If you go out now, you won’t have any way to resist; the Yin Qi in the Valley will be enough to consume your Yuan Qi.”
“Little Senior Sister, if you want to live, then please don’t stop me. You also saw that Long Hui’s mentality and you should know what fate lies in store for you if you fall into his hands.”
Xia Ning Chang’s body trembled fiercely.
“Since this is the case, do not block me.” Yang Kai shook off Xia Ning Chang’s hand.
“If you are this insistent on going out, then at least take this treasure with you.” Xia Ning Chang said helplessly. If Yang Kai wanted to leave, she wouldn’t be able to stop him with her present strength. She could only hand over the jade pendent.
“You need this more than me.” Yang Kai said rejecting her flatly. “You shouldn’t be worried about me. Although I am only at the Initial Element Fourth Stage, I still possess a method to restore my Yuan Qi, and the Yin Qi in this mountain valley cannot affect me. On the contrary, if someone was able to find this place, would you be able to fend them off?”
“I have already restored some of my Yuan Qi, so I will be able to activate the Defensive Artefact again. Furthermore, with their true strength already suppressed, they won’t able to threaten me.” Xia Ning Chang said.
“That’s a relief!” Yang Kai slowly walked towards the exit.
Restraining himself for so long, he was finally going to be able to get some action going. Yang Kai looked quite ferocious.
After walking a few steps Yang Kai suddenly stopped, then whispered. “Little Senior Sister, if by dawn I don’t come back, then return to High Heaven Pavilion as soon as possible.”
Xia Ning Chang’s heart clenched, an indescribable pain spread throughout her heart.
Yang Kai smiled at her and reassured her. “If I come back, will you promise me one thing?”
“Promise you what?” Xia Ning Chang asked, enduring the pain in her heart.
“When I come back, I will tell you it.” Yang Kai said chuckling. Exiting the cave sideways, he descended towards the bottom of mountain. Coming out, he covered the crevice behind him. After checking that everything had been covered properly, he disappeared into darkness.
Leaving behind Xia Ning Chang alone in that desolate cave.
There were still three or four hours remaining until dawn would arrive, while there were a lot of enemies for him to take care of in this time. This sure would be a difficult fight.
In the forest, some people were moving about at high speeds. Listening to the sound of the footsteps, it sounded like there were two people. Yang Kai hid behind a big tree, calmly waiting for them to draw closer.
He had no idea which group that pair belonged to nor their cultivation levels. So for the time being, he could only observe them and then plan accordingly.
If the two of them were strong, he could only avoid them and wait for the first sign of weakness.
As the sound of the footsteps got closer, someone spoke up. “Senior Brother Xiong, where did they go? We have looked for them for so long yet are still unable to find them.”
Another voiced replied. “Junior Brother, you should not be worried. Senior Brother Nu and those brutes from the Blood Battle Gang are also searching, so Yang Kai will not be able to hide for long. We are only putting on a front, and perhaps right as we speak, they have already found Yang Kai and that female.
The Disciple nodded. “It’s just a pity, that girl really is a beauty. Falling into the hands of Long Hui; I don’t want to imagine how she will be played with.”
Brother Xiong sneered: “Long Hui is a sex maniac and doomed to not have any great achievements. In the future when we become stronger, we will have our good times.”
While he was speaking, a figure had suddenly appeared a few feet in front of the Storm House Disciples. Stopping suddenly, Senior Brother Xiong shouted. “Who’s there?”
A light chuckle could be heard from the side: “Aren’t you looking for me?”
“Yang Kai!” Brother Xiong became overjoyed; for in such a hopeless situation, bumping into Yang Kai without even setting a trap sure was lucky. Now they wouldn’t have to waste any effort attempting to draw him out.
Brother Xiong became excited, Yang Kai was also happy.
From their conversation earlier Yang Kai knew of their statuses; the Storm House group consisted of five people. Except for Nu Lang, who was at the Qi Transformation First Stage, the remaining four Disciples were all at the Initial Element Stages.
Cultivators of this level were something Yang Kai didn’t fear at all.

Martial Peak – Chapter 97, Two Kills

These two Disciples from Storm House had no enmity or grudges with Yang Kai. However, during their pursuit of him many of their brothers had died, they did not have enough power to turn against Wen Fei Chen for revenge, so they could only hold Yang Kai responsible for deaths of their brothers.
At that moment, personally meeting the enemy, naturally they would be infuriated.
Brother Xiong smiled while sizing up Yang Kai before coldly saying, “Courageous, he unexpectedly dares to challenge us, where is the female Disciple you saved?”
“If you can defeat me I will tell you.” Yang Kai’s knuckles made cracking noises as he formed them into fists, shaking his head he slowly walked towards the two.
Brother Xiong laughed, “Acting recklessly, Junior Brother, Help me to pick up the goods after I have taught him a lesson.”
While speaking he drew out the long sword hanging from his waist from its sheath, and then took a stance before attacking Yang Kai.
Brother Xiong was an Initial Element Sixth Stage practitioner; with Yang Kai’s Initial Element Fourth Stage cultivation they had a difference of two levels. In his hand was also a sharp weapon which further increased his advantage.
The move he executed was only for probing, Brother Xiong did not believe he would be able to get rid of Yang Kai with this move.
In the darkness the sword flashed before Yang Kai, Yang Kai quickly moved sideways to dodge, following this Brother Xiong raised his sword again and attacked Yang Kai several times in succession, Yang Kai dodged all of his attacks, after this exchange they both stepped back from each other.
Brother Xiong laughed, “A rice grain dares to dream of glory, Yang Kai your life is mine to take. Come!”
The previous attacks had given him get a clear understanding of Yang Kai’s strength, now that he had a basic idea about how Yang Kai fought he could easily kill him, activating his Yuan Qi, wind and lightning sounds came from Senior Brother Xiong’s blade.
“Thunder Wind Cry!” Brother Xiong swung his sword heavily, on his long sword there was lighting visible, which in turn produced an arc of lightning as he swung his sword, this arc was incomparably sharp and was moving towards Yang Kai’s chest at great speed, Yang Kai was left unable to dodge this attack.
Yang Kai really was unable to dodge this attack, but on his face there was no trace of panic, instead he simply raised his palm towards the blade.
Brother Xiong sneered, in his heart he was thinking the body of this sword is covered in lightning and you are merely an Initial Element Fourth Stage, if it touches you then you will be paralyzed and will be at my mercy.
Thinking this Brother Xiong increased the speed at which the blade was approaching Yang Kai.
Yang Kai made a low sound, his palm became incomparably red, just like a burning flame, Brother Xiong felt a heat wave coming towards him which not only removed the cold from the surrounding area but also made him feel like he was crashing into a sea of fire, this made him feel like he was actually on fire.
*Clang!* A metallic sound could be heard, Yang Kai’s palm was on top of the sword, whenever his palm came into contact with lightning, the lightning would just suddenly vanish, due to this sudden collision, the long sword was also diverted from its original path, instead it ended up merely scratching Yang Kai’s shoulder without injuring him.
Brother Xiong became startled; in this confrontation he had found that his Yuan Qi was simply not a match for his opponent’s. Could it be that he was not an Initial Element Fourth Stage practitioner after all? Could his Yuan Qi actually be more concentrated than his own?
Moreover the Yuan Qi contained in Yang Kai’s palm a moment ago was truly too pure, otherwise it would be impossible for it to extinguish the lightning on his sword.
Brother Xiong became uneasy as he thought of these things, retrieving his sword he hurriedly retreated away from Yang Kai, he was preparing to stabilize his Qi before trying again, but was Yang Kai going to give him this chance? While retreating brother Xiong became unbalanced, in his gaze there was now a trace of fear, he felt a fist impact against his stomach, then blood spurted out from his mouth.
Yang Kai knew that he needed to deal with a lot of enemies, so he was in a hurry to deal with these two, he didn’t even hesitate to consume a drop of Yang liquid, using it in his strike to kill his opponent as soon as possible.
Brother Xiong’s body stopped moving and became motionless; the only remaining sound was the howling of the Yin Qi throughout the mountain valley which also created an eerie atmosphere.
The younger Disciple from Storm House didn’t understand what had occurred and after a short while he called out in a soft voice, “Xiong… Elder…. Elder Brother Xiong!”
Before his voice had fallen, Brother Xiong’s body fell to the ground, Yang Kai grinned suddenly, straightening his body he said, “Your Elder Brother Xiong just set foot on the road to the Yellow Springs and will be waiting for you.”
The younger Disciple stared dumbfounded at Yang Kai before making a strange cry and attempting to run for it.
His strength was inferior to Brother Xiong, he was only at the Initial Element Fifth Stage. Since Yang Kai had killed his Elder Brother Xiong in one move, how could he have enough strength to cope with him?
“Running away?” Yang Kai sneered, in his hand he was holding Xiong’s long sword while he pursued.
It could be said that the Yin Qi in the mountain valley was helping Yang Kai, everyone was suffering under the corrosive effect of the Yin Qi and their strength was reduced; only Yang Kai who had practiced the True Yang Secret Art, which was a natural counter to Yin Qi, simply didn’t need to worry about it affecting him.
He just needed to consume a little of his Yang Qi to scatter the chill in his surroundings.
Although the young Disciple from Storm House was an Initial Element Fifth Stage practitioner, in this mountain valley the strength he could wield was comparatively lower.
After pursuing him for a short while, the distance between Yang Kai and him was reduced greatly, now he was merely 3 meters away, a distance that was close enough.
Yang Kai threw the long sword while he was running, the sound of the wind being cut could be heard, and the young Disciple initiated a movement martial art with the intent of dodging.
But without enough time to complete his skill, the distance of 3 meters had become zero.
Seeing no way to escape the Storm House Disciple became decisive, turning around quickly, he took out his own weapon, but he only saw a streak of bright red light coming his way, almost by instinct he crossed his long sword over his body to block the attack.
*Bang… bang*, the bright red weapon cut through his sword like a knife cutting through tofu, his weapon was instantly cut in half, in the next moment he felt his neck becoming hot, however was no longer able to distinguish between the different directions and fell down.
Yang Kai stopped; in his fingers he was holding a bright red long sword, which was dripping blood.
The Disciple from Storm House rolled over, he was staring up at Yang Kai, he was not even able to make a single sound, after a moment his head suddenly burst open and it looked like bloody rain was falling from the sky.
[Two down]
He had won this battle easily, he didn’t even need to use the Golden Skeleton and was still able to deal with them, in previous fights Yang Kai always needed to rely on that mysterious skill every time he fought with an enemy, but this time he discovered that even without using that mysterious skill he was able to fight with people at higher levels of cultivation than him.
Yang Kai thought that it was necessary to re-examine his strength.
Yang Kai was about to leave the scene, however from both sides of his current location he could hear the sound of clothes flapping due to the wind.
From left it sounded like two people were coming, while from right it only sounded like there was one person. It should be the strange sounding cry made by the young Disciple which had attracted them.
Yang Kai wanted to hide, but after thinking carefully for a moment he rapidly closed in on the sound coming from his left side instead.
It was as he had thought, these were the remaining three Disciples from Storm House.
They had thought that looking separately would be more effective, so they had separated from each other but still didn’t go too far from each other.
Now the remaining three were all coming and it was naturally what he had wished for. The strength of the Storm House Disciples was much lower than the strength of those from the Blood Battle Gang.

Martial Peak – Chapter 98, Killing Two More

Between these three people, only Nu Lang was at the Qi Transformation First Stage. So if he wanted to take them down, it would a bit more troublesome.
Therefore, Yang Kai needed to first deal with the other two Storm House Disciples that were only at the Initial Element Stage, before he could put all his heart into fighting Nu Lang.
Looking around him, Yang Kai wondered if he could fight against a Qi Transformation Practitioner! Thinking about this, Yang Kai’s blood began to boil in anticipation.
What Yang Kai had predicted was on point; the two Disciples that had come from the left truly were Storm House Disciples. Their cultivation was also around the same level as the other two whom he had killed; even if they could be considered strong, they weren’t especially strong.
Hearing the cries of their Junior Brothers they rushed in the direction, from which they had heard them, however before the two could even arrive at the location of the sound someone had already been sent flying away.
“Who!” Stopping in their tracks, the two Storm House Disciples were alerted.
Not replying, Yang Kai instead quickened his pace and threw himself onto them. Sensing Yang Kai’s killing intent and hostility, how could those two be unable to react? They immediately cried out, “It’s Yang Kai!”
Just as they finished speaking, their weapons appeared in their hands. One from the right, one from the left, they jumped towards Yang Kai.
With Yang Kai’s battle spirit stimulated, he met their attacks without the slightest bit of fear. Fast as lightning, the blood red blade once again appeared within his hands and he targeted one of the attackers.
Fast as lightning, the blood red blade once again appeared within his hands and he targeted one of the attackers.
The Disciple who was being attacked, raised their blade to block the incoming strike. But how could his ordinary grade weapon possibly compare to a drop of Yang Qi? As the two blades met, the Storm House Disciple’s blade broke in two. But thankfully, his reactions were fast enough for him to hurriedly dodge that life-threatening strike; only skimming the side of his rib.
*Shing*, the sound of the blade skimming his rib rang out…
The Disciple in question cried out in agony, feeling as if a flaming piece of metal was branding him. Immediately the smell of burnt flesh was propelled through the air.
“Senior Brother!” The other person’s complexion changed greatly as he quickly withdrew his previous attack.
In this life or death situation, he re-evaluated himself and realised he had put himself right under Yang Kai’s blade.
How could Yang Kai be merciful with regards to them? Right after the breaking of the blade, Yang Kai sent a palm strike towards the Storm House Disciple’s solar plexus, causing fiery hot Yuan Qi to enter his body.
Once the Yuan Qi entered his body, that person’s eyes bulged out as he flew backwards. Landing on the ground, he jerked a few times before ceasing all movement.
In an instant, he had killed another Storm House Disciple, and that death was far faster than the one suffered by his preceding Senior Brother. Before Yang Kai could initiate another strike, the other Storm House Disciple who was still alive, swung his blade.
Unable to dodge, Yang Kai tensed all his muscles in preparation for receiving the strike.
*Shua!* As the blade glinted with light, it cut open his abdomen area.
Immediately pain flared throughout his body originating from that wound, and blood spewed out. But Yang Kai still remained unmoved. He only became more vicious and bloodthirsty as he turned his head towards that Disciple.
That person had personally seen his Junior Brother killed right in front of his eyes. So how could he think about anything else? He had only harboured thoughts about killing Yang Kai right that instant, in order to avenge his Junior Brother’s death. Right after his first slice, he raised his sword again and this time he aimed straight for Yang Kai’s throat.
Yang Kai only raised his arm to block the incoming strike. The blade caused an inch long wound to appear on his arm, only to be stopped by his bone, unable to penetrate further down.
*Hehe!* As the blood dripped down, Yang Kai only sardonically laughed.
Within the darkness, a set of ivory white teeth appeared; they were like the teeth of a night predator.
The current Yang Kai, from head to toe, emitted a demonic aura! His smile alone would make anyone who saw it tremble with fear!
“You…” How could that still living Storm House Disciple have ever had the opportunity to see someone like him before? After receiving two wounds, he could still smile. Was this person a madman?
His mind a mess, he only wanted to retreat. In this death match, to be intimidated by the opponent’s aura alone, how could he possibly hope to survive?
Yang Kai’s leg immediately flew out, aiming for his crotch.
The sound of something breaking rang out. That person immediately arched his back and fell to his knees; his face deathly pale.
Swiftly, Yang Kai extracted the sword embedded within his arm and swung it down to finish the job.
He had killed two more!
It wasn’t until then, that the person hurrying over from the right side finally arrived at the scene. It was Nu Lang! The five Disciple from Storm House had split into three groups and had been searching in the vicinity for Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang’s footprints. Unexpectedly, they were finished off one by one by Yang Kai.
His gaze sweeping the scene, Nu Lang saw his two Junior Brothers lying dead on the ground. In an instant, he turned around and said in a furious tone. “Was it you who killed them?”
Yang Kai turned his head; within that insane gaze of his, was calm and collected coldness.
“It looks like everyone had underestimated you. You actually possessed such abilities.” His expression hazy, Nu Lang forcibly suppressed his inner rage. Taking a deep breath, he continued solemnly. “I have something to ask you.”
“No need to ask. Nu Tao and Cheng Shao Feng were killed by me. You guessed correctly!”
“It really was you!” Nu Lang’s body suddenly began to shake; he had always held the hope that his younger brother had lost himself while playing around. Although the chances of that actually happening were very low, it was still a hope he had clung onto.
But now, that sliver of hope had been shattered by Yang Kai! He had personally admitted that his younger brother’s disappearance was related to him and that he had actually killed him!
“They wanted to kill me, so naturally I also had the right to kill them!” Yang Kai seemed a bit impatient, “Let’s not talk any more nonsense. Let’s battle!”
“Good, good, good.” Nu Lang’s killing intent was seething as he told Yang Kai in a voice dripping with venom. “Since you dared to act and dared to admit it, then I shan’t say anything more. Today, I shall use your life as a sacrifice for those who died!”
Between words, Nu Land readied himself and rushed forward. His body flickering, he arrived in front of Yang Kai in an instant. His hand curled like an eagle’s claw, he slashed horizontally at Yang Kai’s throat.
Yang Kai’s expression hardened; a Qi Transformation Stage practitioner’s power was truly incomparable to one at the Initial Element Stage. Their power really couldn’t be compared.
Hurriedly, Yang Kai leaned backwards and used his hands to cover his throat; the vital area.
Nu Lang only smiled out coldly, and his five fingers actually changed directions midway; directly aiming downwards.
Yang Kai took a few steps backwards. Looking down, he saw his clothes ripped and five, bloody, claw-like marks across his stomach. Accompanying the marks, he felt a strange energy enter him.
Activating his True Yang Secret Art, he immediately dissolved that strange energy.
“A mere Initial Element Fourth Stage practitioner actually dares to act so presumptuously in front of me! I won’t kill you quickly, but instead, torment you to the point that you wish you could die but can’t!” With his successful strike, Nu Lang’s expression became more and more sinister.
“A flowery strike and fancy footwork, you fight like a girl. Aren’t you ashamed?” Yang Kai immediately tore off his ragged clothing, revealing his skinny and shrivelled body, coldly mocking him.
Nu Lang’s face reddened, but he couldn’t retort; who told him to train in the claw arts? This truly wasn’t an elegant art.
“A tongue as sharp as ivory, I hope that later you won’t beg for mercy!” Nu Lang didn’t want to battle with words. Moving both his hands, they took on the shape of a hawk’s claws, and once again he began to attack Yang Kai.
“How about you taste the might of my fists too?” Laughing loudly, Yang Kai rushed forward to meet those two claws head on.
“You overestimate yourself!” Nu Lang laughed coldly. With his cultivation at the Qi Transformation Stage, even if it was a boulder, he could still claw through it. So how could he not do the same to someone at Initial Element Fourth Stage?

Martial Peak – Chapter 99, Battles With Nu Lang

In the space between them, their hands became locked together. Yang Kai’s fist had violently attacked Nu Lang’s hands, but they had both caught each other’s attack and interlocked fingers to prevent the other from retreating.
At this moment, Yuan Qi from both of them simultaneously burst out, fiercely colliding within their palms.
“What?” Nu Lang was astonished. He discovered that Yang Kai’s Yuan Qi was more overbearing than his own and he wasn’t able to resist it for a long time.
[How is this possible?] The difference between their strength was so large, it was impossible for Yang Kai to be a threat to him. But looking at the facts in front of him it looked like he couldn’t afford to be careless.
If he refused to back down now, perhaps his fingers would be burnt to a crisp.
Thinking about this Nu Lang hurriedly withdrew, jumping back several meters. While he was withdrawing he hastily dissolved the Yang Kai’s burning hot Yuan Qi which was invading his body.
Looking at Yang Kai, Nu Lang became even more surprised because his move had failed to break even one of Yang Kai’s fingers.
Although Yang Kai’s fingers had holes in them, it hadn’t gone as planned, with the grasp a moment ago he should have been able to crumble Yang Kai’s fist.
[This boy… really have some methods. No wonder my brothers were all killed by him. Looks like it wasn’t just luck after all!] Nu Lang noticed that he was overly underestimating his opponent and was forced to become serious.
Nu Lang noticed that he was overly underestimating his opponent and was forced to become serious.
Yang Kai shook his fist, after looking down at his hands, when he lifted his head his eyes contained, even more, excitement and anticipation.
The uncertainty as to the outcome of this battle had made his blood boil with excitement. The feeling the pain from his wound, feeling the pressure from the enemy, all of this had made Yang Kai’s Unyielding Will to awaken.
The Unyielding Will to win and determination to rise, only this would lead to the awakening of his mysterious martial arts.
Finally, the moment had come!
Yang Kai didn’t need to suppress his strength anymore.
From deep within his bones, a boiling hot strength flowed into Yang Kai. With this power, Yang Kai felt like a whole new person.
Previously he had always accidentally triggered his Unyielding Will. During those times he would become a little perplexed because even though he would win he didn’t understand the reason for his win, it would also leave any nearby people bewildered.
But this time it was different, he could feel a huge quantity of energy pouring out from his bones into his meridians, nourishing his flesh and blood, promoting his strength crazily.
“Come again!” Yang Kai was like an apex predator in the jungle. His eyes were staring at Nu Lang stubbornly, Yang Kai shot forward like a bullet while punching out.
It was a basic punch just like the one moments ago.
“You Are Courting Death!” Nu Lang sneered, although he was surprised by Yang Kai’s Yuan Qi, based on Yang Kai’s strength he wouldn’t be able to hurt him. As long as he is able to receive his fist and dissolve his Yuan Qi it would be impossible for him to get injured.
[Yang Kai will once again be injured by me, just like a moment ago! Only this time, his whole fist will be crushed!] It could be said that Yang Kai had chosen quite the rash method, which made Nu Lang looked confident in his ability to win this exchange.
Sneering, Nu Lang caught Yang Kai’s fist just like the previous time.
In the second confrontation, Nu Lang felt that something was not quite right because the might of Yang Kai’s fist had become greater than the punch a moment ago; the Yuan Qi it contained had also become fiercer than before.
Yang Kai’s strength suddenly reached the Initial Element Fifth Stage.
But how was this possible? Be it practitioners at the Initial Element Fourth Stage or Fifth Stage, in his eyes they were like commoners, they couldn’t threaten him, rather they can simply be killed with little effort.
In this confrontation, the injury on Yang Kai’s hand was becoming more serious. Blood dripped and Yang Kai moved back. Nu Lang was in hot pursuit, his fingers were cutting through the air with a howling sound, and in the darkness, Nu Lang was attacking Yang Kai repeatedly.
Yang Kai was silently dodging Nu Lang’s attacks. While Nu Lang was attacking Yang Kai was countering with his fists, left fist then right fist in a rhythmic manner. Although the injuries on his hands were not light, he was still able to block all of Nu Lang’s attacks. He couldn’t let Nu Lang have a chance to take his life.
Dull thumping sounds rang out in the dark night one after another, with each sound Yang Kai’s body would fall back several meters. The injury on his hand was becoming more and more serious.
But his eyes didn’t show the slightest hint of panic, but rather carried a determination; a will to win this fight had been born in his heart, he was simply waiting for the right moment to attack.
“How is this even possible?” Nu Lang had become completely shocked, however, at present it seemed like Nu Lang had the upper hand. After all, he was an entire boundary higher when compared to Yang Kai, if he was still unable to gain the upper hand then he had practiced these many years in vain.
Nu Lang swallowed his spit; his ten fingers had been burnt by Yang Kai’s hot Yuan Qi. Each of his fingers had been covered in blisters. His fingers felt like they were constantly on fire. Since one’s fingers are connected to one’s heart, moving his fingers made his heart become cold due to the pain.
If it was only this much then Nu Lang wouldn’t be shocked. What truly shocked him was the strength of Yang Kai.
In their first confrontation, Yang Kai was merely a trivial Initial Element Fourth Stage practitioner, such a level wasn’t sufficient to make him fear.
But during their second confrontation, he had achieved Initial Element Fifth Stage.
In the fourth clash, his strength had increased yet again, he had reached the Initial Element Sixth Stage.
The seventh clash, he reached the Initial Element Seventh Stage.
In the twelfth clash, he reached the Initial Element Eight Stage.
As he continues to fight, his strength continues to increase, which is a very sly, unique and unimaginable thing.
Moreover, this rise in strength was showing no signs of stopping.
Nu Lang had become dismayed; he didn’t know that Yang Kai could increase his strength nor to what degree he could. If he continued and reached the Qi Transformation Stage, he couldn’t hope to win, because the Yuan Qi of Yang Kai was too overbearing.
After a joss stick time had passed, Nu Lang had realized he was unable to directly confront Yang Kai. Nu Lang was not a dull-witted person, with each confrontation, Yang Kai’s body was becoming steadier, he was now, as steady as a rock, standing in the same place – motionless. On the contrary, after each strike, Nu Lang was suffering greater and greater amounts of backlash.
Nu Lang could only use his agility and his flexible style to look for a weakness in Yang Kai, attempting to strike Yang Kai a fatal blow.
But Yang Kai’s defences were simply overbearing, so much so that no weakness could be found.
Initial Element Ninth Stage! Nu Lang’s eyes trembled. He discovered that along with each confrontation, Yang Kai’s strength really did climb to another level; it had climbed directly to the peak of the Initial Element Boundary.
But with this his Yuan Qi finally calmed down, it no longer continued to increase. With this Nu Lang could finally let out a sigh of relief.
Although he was only at the Qi Transformation Stage First Level, which was just one level higher compared to the Initial Element Peak, this small gap of just one level represented a large gap in terms of strength.
Therefore Nu Lang had confidence in being able to strike a fatal blow against Yang Kai.
He increased his strength by eating a compounding drug, which one he didn’t know. But no matter which compounding drug he ate, there certainly would be consequences. Yang Kai was originally at the Initial Element Fourth Stage and thus, his current storage capacity of Yuan Qi was still limited to this, he was unable to store the same quantity of Yuan Qi as someone truly of the Initial Element Peak Stage. Nu Lang just needed to wait for Yang Kai’s strength to be used up and then he would be able to strike a fatal blow.

Martial Peak – Chapter 100, A Demonic Aura All Over

Just as Nu Lang formed up his plan, Yang Kai suddenly stopped in his tracks and he furrowed his brows, appearing as though he was deep in thought.
The next moment, a roar rang out. And from within the darkness, a fiery hot brilliance burst out. This scared Nu Lang and he became confused.
Looking at Yang Kai he saw that his upper body was cloaked in raging light in the form of flames.
They weren’t true flames, but rather what Yang Qi looked like when it had reached a certain degree of concentration. Flaming hot Yuan Qi burned around Yang Kai, sending waves of heat out into the mountain valley. The Yin Qi reacted like it had met its’ worst nightmare, as it could no longer condense around the area affected by the Yang Qi.
Due to the light of the flaming Yuan Qi, Yang Kai’s whole upper body became unclear. It was purifying and binding his muscles, appearing unrestrained as it spread all over.
Both his fists were bloody and mutilated; he had a thirty-centimeter long gash on his abdomen, which was still bleeding. His battered body was terrorizing to look at; both his eyes had also turned scarlet. He appeared akin to a beast emitting an aura with an endless amount of bloodthirst and insanity.
A truly demonic aura!
Nu Lang’s face dropped as he hurriedly took a few steps backward and shouted out, “Berserk Magic?”
He thought that during the battle, Yang Kai had lost control of his Yuan Qi and had allowed his Yuan Qi to control his mind.
But, shouldn’t this situation only occur when a practitioner reached the Qi Transformation Stage? He was merely an Initial Element Staged practitioner, so how could this possibly occur to him?
“Berserk magic?” Tilting his head, Yang Kai looked over questioningly. Although his eyes showed traces of rage, he still kept a cold and indifferent expression, like he hadn’t been poisoned by some berserk magic at all. “Your Imagination is quite small isn’t it.”
Finishing his statement, the Yuan Qi all over his body receded. There was no longer the overpowering brilliance being emitted by the flames, they shrunk back until they only covered his two fists, coating them with a layer of flaming Yang Yuan Qi.
From the appearance, it looked as if those two fists were clasping onto two small flaming fires; although the flames were wavering, they persisted to burn with an unmatched intensity.
“You are still conscious?” Bewildered, Nu Lang looked towards Yang Kai as he searched for a sliver of humanity within his eyes. But he was disappointed because, within those two scarlet eyes, he couldn’t find any trace of humanity nor human emotions. Only a crazy bloodthirst and a burning battle hunger lay within.
[This shouldn’t be. After all, those were the symptoms of berserk magic; within his eyes, no trace of humanity was left. So why was it that he could still think?]
Taking another step forwards, Yang Kai shortened the distance between them. This step caused the distance between them to close extremely fast. This caused Nu Lang to turn pale with fright because Yang Kai’s speed had already reached a frightening degree.
Hastily he stepped back while lashing out with his claw-shaped hands in a desperate attempt to stop Yang Kai’s advance.
Yang Kai’s burning fists rushed out to meet that claw attack head on. Amidst the whistling sound of his strike, he smashed into Nu Lang’s five fingers.
*Ka cha…* A crisp breaking sounded could be heard followed by a bloodcurdling scream emanating from Nu Lang. Following that, his entire body flew backward and, when he landed on the ground, five throbs of pain could be felt from his hand. As far as Nu Lang could tell, his five fingers were badly twisted and no longer usable.
There were burns all over his hand and all of his bones were broken!
Not only that, there was also a very violent, overbearing and searing hot Yuan Qi invading his body, burning through his meridians and bloodstream.
Nu Lang didn’t dare to dally and quickly used his other hand to stop the invasion of that Yuan Qi in his disabled arm.
Just as he finished doing this, a glimmer of light flashed past his eyes. Looking up he saw that Yang Kai had once again arrived at his side and that those fists of his were burning brighter.
How could Nu Lang dare to continue fighting? It was only now that Nu Lang realized, that even with his newly acquired cultivation at the Qi Transformation first stage he was actually unable to defeat Yang Kai who was at the Initial Element Third Stage.
Using all of his power, Nu Lang hurriedly retreated backward and simultaneously whistled. Within that whistle, his fear and horror could be heard as his whistle echoed throughout the valley.
A brilliant glow appeared at Yang Kai’s feet, propelling him at an even greater speed than ever before, it was so quick that he shocked even himself. Easily, he caught up to Nu Lang and threw a viciously punched towards his retreating back.
*Peng, peng, peng…*
Taking the blows, there was no way Nu Lang could resist as he entire being was beaten until he was muddle-headed.
After fifty paces or so, Nu Lang realized that he couldn’t shake off Yang Kai and in an instant, his blood boiled. Stopping suddenly, his expression became fierce as he shouted out, “Yang Kai don’t you dare go to bully others! Eagle Soars in the Sky! Kill for me!”
This was Nu Lang’s most powerful class skill. As all of his Yuan Qi condensed on his hands, his two hands crisscrossed in front of his body protecting his chest. Then as Yang Kai drew near, they simultaneously shot out, tearing out at him from both sides.
All of his Qi Transformation first stage strength shot out, this was an attack that even Yang Kai did not dare to overlook. Yang Kai’s face changed, as he could feel the great amount of killing power that lay in those hands.
If he was captured by those claws, Yang Kai was afraid this chest would be ripped to shreds.
In the midst of this Yang Kai instinctively leaned to the side and bravely lashed out with his flaming fists at Nu Lang’s face.
Both people were putting their lives on the line, and it was certain that this would be their final exchange. On the battlefield, there was only life or death, one would fight desperately to survive. It was either I die or I win!
Yang Kai’s fist collided with Nu Lang’s face, and his five sense organs immediately distorted. Due to the sheer force of Yang Kai’s fists, Nu Lang’s entire being flew backward, flipping in the air a few times before landing on the ground with a loud thud.
*Shua!* Nu Lang’s claw attack had also landed on Yang Kai’s body. But contrary to what he had expected, it merely left ten bloody traces; five were shallow, while five were deep.
At the crucial moment, Yang Kai’s decision to lean to the side had saved him. One of Nu Lang’s hands had already been smashed and broken earlier, so his Eagle Soars in the Sky couldn’t exhibit his true might and the power in both hands wasn’t the same. With the differences in power, Yang Kai’s lean caused both the claws to be unable to land at the same time; this was equivalent to breaking through Nu Lang’s attack.
This type of battle choice was fully dependant on one’s quick-wittedness and instinct. In the heat of battle, Yang Kai didn’t think too much, needless to say, this type of skill breaking method really was flawless.
While the surroundings quickly settled down the outcome of this duel had finally become clear. Panting lightly, Yang Kai’s body was still surrounded by an evil aura, meanwhile, Nu Lang was like a dead dog, sprawled on the ground. Blood covered his face, and he directed a poisonous stare at Yang Kai who was advancing step by step towards him.
“Even if I become a ghost, I won’t let you off!” Nu Lang said hatefully as he swallowed a mouthful of blood.
Looking down at him, Yang Kai lifted up a foot and suddenly stomped down.
“Ha ha…the Blood Battle Gang’s people will hear my call…they will come to kill…” Before Nu Lang could complete his sentence, his neck was crushed by Yang Kai and his life snuffed out.
Storm House’s five people, the result: total defeat!
Calmly standing still, Yang Kai sensed the state of his boiling blood and his battle urge. His face, icy cold, as he pondered, thinking of a very insane plan.

Martial Peak – Chapter 101, A Flagrant Provocation

A long and loud cry rang out from Yang Kai, matching his body’s bloodthirsty beast-like appearance. Yang Kai’s cry easily reached the clouds; echoing continuously throughout the mountain valley.
[Bastards of the Blood Battle Gang come and fight with me.] This was a call to battle, a flagrant provocation. [I am here and I am waiting for you.]
He didn’t care if those words would bring him trouble. After all, before Nu Lang died he had also given away his position with his dying howl. Although the mountain valley only covered an area of several dozen miles in radius, in this dead quiet night, you were easily able to hear the slightest of sounds. So those people were most likely already rushing towards them.
At this moment the safest choice would be to leave the area. After fighting three battles, one after another and killing five people, Yang Kai’s Yuan Qi was greatly depleted. Whilst his body had also received many wounds; light and serious in nature. How could he confront people from the Blood Battle Gang in this state?
Leaving that place and recovering his strength before finding an opportunity to get rid of them, was without a doubt the best option.
But Yang Kai couldn’t leave, rather he would not leave. The reason being his strength had reached its peak, and if he left, his heart would become reluctant towards the idea of battling stronger opponents. He had decided he would live his life with an immovable will; if it weren’t for his persistence, he would just be a simple person at the Initial Element Fourth Stage.
With the enemies moving towards Yang Kai at full speed they arrived at his location quickly, however, upon doing so they were highly surprised.
All his efforts were for the simple goal of leaving Xia Ning Chang time to meditate and recover without any disturbances.
The strength of this group from the Blood Battle Gang was much higher than those who were from Storm House. Most of them were cultivators of the Separation and Reunion Boundaries. Cultivators at this level could easily kill Yang Kai, akin to killing an ant. But their strength was currently being sealed by the Nine Cloud Eight Locks seal, so their present strength couldn’t be estimated.
Hearing Yang Kai’s howl, Xia Ning Chang opened her eyes suddenly; her heart which was filled with regret was finally able to relax.
[He has not died! He has not died!]
Xia Ning Chang almost wanted to cry.
She had been worrying about Yang Kai’s safety and feared that he would never return and that she would lose him forever. His strength was far too low and opposing party had a lot of people; how could he possibly be able to resist them all?
After Yang Kai departed, Xia Ning Chang had been constantly regretting letting him leave and scolding herself; lamenting over the fact that he was risking his life for her, yet she couldn’t help him at all. But looking at her own condition, which had yet to even stabilize, she could do nothing. When Yang Kai walked out she wasn’t able to stop him.
Since she was the one who had brought him to this place, involving him in such a life-threatening situation, Xia Ning Chang felt guilty. She was such a pure lady and placed all fault on her shoulders; she didn’t even consider the possibility that the people from the Blood Battle Gang and Storm House were here to pursue Yang Kai.
In other words, the main cause of this entire debacle was Yang Kai.
However, at that moment Xia Ning Chang finally felt relieved, because Yang Kai was safe and his voice contained traces of his excitement along with a fearless will to engage in battle.
Although she didn’t know what he was facing at present, Xia Ning Chang thought that she could only try to recover her strength as soon as possible and then go and help him… save him.
On the other side of a mountain valley, both Wen Fei Chen, who was hurrying to dissolve the Yin Qi from the Nine Cloud Eight Lock and Long Hui heard Yang Kai’s howl.
When he heard that sound, Wen Fei Chen’s brows wrinkled, his concentration broke and he spat out a mouthful of blood.
“That animal!” Wen Fei Chen angrily cursed, because he had been at a crucial moment when he had become agitated by the howl; as a result, he even received internal injury.
“Lord Wen, how was the process of undoing the sealing?” Long Hui asked like he was concerned.
Wen Fei Chen shook his head slowly. “It doesn’t look too good. This seal has surpassed my expectations and experience. I don’t know whose Disciple she is, or how was she able to arrange such a powerful seal.”
The three Yin Qi chains didn’t just lock his Qi flow in his meridians but also locked his Dantian. This caused his strength to only reach as high as the Qi Transformation Third Stage. And because of his consumption a few moments ago, it fell again by a few levels.
Wen Fei Chen was fuming and he wished he could kill Yang Kai and that female over and over again. A True Element Fifth boundary master had unexpectedly been tricked by those two juniors. When had he ever been subjected to such shame?
“Lord Wen you don’t need to worry. Just now he has dared to expose himself, so he will surely die.” Long Hui looked quite self-assured; the corner of his mouth even carried a sneer.
Wen Fei Chen was silent because he knew the meaning of Yang Kai’s howl. That howl was not the desperate howl of a person meeting his end but rather it was a howl that contained an overwhelming urge to fight.
[He is just a trivial Initial Element Fourth Stage Disciple, why would he behave so wildly?]
Due to this, Wen Fei Chen thought something wasn’t quite right, but he didn’t take the matter to heart, thinking that Yang Kai was in an animalistic state, so it didn’t matter anyway; he was going to die either way.
In the mountain valley, everyone had different thoughts regarding this situation, while outside the mountain valley there was an old man flying rapidly through the air.
The old man was breathing heavily with Yuan Qi fluctuations that could be felt from him; hiding his true strength but still maintaining his high speed
Within the blink of an eye, he was able to cover a distance of over 300 meters.
The old man seemed very worried and anxious. Looking up at the sky, he felt deep remorse.
“Went wrong, something has gone wrong. My child, you opened the seal ahead of time.” The old man was muttering while dashing forwards.
This old man was the Contribution Hall’s Treasurer, Meng Wu Ya.
While muttering this, Meng Wu Ya felt really ashamed. He had completely lost the face of his entire family. That night he was earnestly trying to convince his Disciple not to come to this place where Nine Yin Dew Crystals gathered. The promotion to the True Element Boundary had nothing to do with the gathering of the Nine Yin Dew Crystals. At the time Xia Ning Chang had also agreed like a clever and understanding child.
That had caused Meng Wu Ya to become elated; Xia Ning Chang had also prepared many dishes and also several pots of good wine at that moment. On one hand, Meng Wu Ya was eating and drinking while discrediting Yang Kai on the other hand. He was telling her to stay as far away as possible from him.
Meng Wu Ya had seen with his own eyes that his Disciple cared deeply about Yang Kai. Although it wasn’t to the degree of love between a man and a woman, it was a type of loving care. This wasn’t a good sign and made Meng Wu Ya want to cut this love down at this budding stage.
For so many years his beloved Disciple had always been intelligent and obedient. Meng Wu Ya felt she was like his treasure and didn’t want anyone to come near her. He was always fearful for her because her thoughts were extremely pure and she didn’t even understand that there were people that were evil.
Meng Wu Ya worried that if Yang Kai had evil intentions, what would he do if his beloved apprentice was enticed by him? Youth, it’s then when love was always ignorant. Once his apprentice was enticed it would become a difficult matter to manage.
So, Meng Wu Ya harboured evil intentions towards them, his skin was thick and he was always a shameless fellow. Although in his heart he was ashamed, in his mouth, he always had bad words for Yang Kai; that he was lustful in nature, he was a heartless fellow, his head was always filled with immoral thoughts, he was an evil person, etc.
Meng Wu Ya had also spoken words of warning towards Xia Ning Chang, he seriously told her that “This kind of person should not be respected and should be kept as far away as possible.”

Martial Peak – Chapter 102, Meng Wu Ya’s Miscalculation

Meng Wu Ya didn’t realize that while he was speaking, his eyes were starting to blur because of dishes in front of him. And when he woke up, the time had passed; a long long time had passed.
The dishes were full of a certain compounding drug made by Xia Ning Chang. Being plotted against by his own beloved Disciple, Meng Wu Ya wanted to cry but didn’t have any tears. Being drugged so easily, he realized that something was not right. Meng Wu Ya was so worried about his Disciple that he didn’t even think about washing his face. He directly rushed from High Heaven Pavilion to the valley at full speed.
He had felt deep remorse when he woke up. Knowing full well that the image of Yang Kai was already good in the mind of his Disciple, he was simply asking for trouble when he tried to schemer dirt on her impression.
Although his Disciple had a lot of treasures on her, and could easily avoid many dangers, here in Black Wind Mountain, there are a lot of formidable Demonic Beasts. If she wasn’t careful, there was a chance of her being eaten.
If he would have been with her, there wouldn’t be any need to worry about these things. [Bad mouth, Bad mouth!] Meng Wu Ya wished he could slap himself on the face several times.
From a place ten miles away from where Nine Yin Dew Crystal gathered, Meng Wu Ya was able to feel the coldness transmitting from that side. He stopped in mid-air and looked around anxiously.
He noticed that in the mountain Valley Yin Qi was trapped by an invisible inescapable energy field. After seeing, this Meng Wu Ya’s heart finally relaxed. The Nine Clouds Eight Lock seal has been activated, that means my Disciple arrived here safely.
Loudly exhaling, [it doesn’t look like there is any trouble.] Meng Wu Ya gasped heavily, god only knows that for the past few days while hurrying along how anxious he felt as if something had gone horribly wrong.
After a little while, Meng Wu Ya arrived outside the mountain valley but he didn’t go in. With rapt attention, he was looking towards the mountain valley. Unfortunately, the density of Yin Qi inside was too much for him to be able to see or hear anything; even his Divine Senses were unable to search inside.
Since the Nine Cloud Eight Lock seal had been activated, this means that his Disciple must have started the process, he should just calmly wait for the good news, for her success.
Because of the law’s binding, people on the inside were unable to come out and people on the outside were unable to go inside. Although Meng Wu Ya was able to break this seal if he broke it all the efforts of his apprentice would be for nothing. Meng Wu Ya comforted himself while waiting on the outside.
He didn’t know this time he was making a big mistake. The reason that Xia Ning Chang activated the seal ahead of time was not to cope with Nine Yin Dew crystals but rather to deal with people from the Blood Battle Gang who wanted to kill them. Meng Wu Ya had no idea that at present his beloved Disciple now in a weakened condition and that Yang Kai was bathed in blood and fighting off a huge crisis.
If he knew this he would definitely not hesitate to break open this seal and slaughter Wen Fei Chen a hundred times over.
In the mountain valley, Yang Kai was standing still with a straight back just like a javelin calmly waiting for the enemies to come. *Whiz whiz whiz…* all of a sudden, the sound of clothes fluttering in the wind could be heard from all around.
“They finally came.” Yang Kai’s face turned solemn. Turning his head to look in the direction of Xia Ning Chang’s hiding place, he didn’t know if after this battle he could still survive.
But after making this decision, he had no regrets.
*Brush brush brush…* three figures almost simultaneously appeared around Yang Kai.
These three were the Blood Battle Gang’s Separation and Reunion Boundary masters. The last one to arrive was a Qi Transformation Ninth Stage practitioner. So compared with others his speed was slow.
After arriving these four people were quietly staring at Yang Kai with shocked expressions. Because they had seen Yang Kai just an hour ago and at that time he was at the Initial Element Fourth Stage yet in such a short time he had reached the Initial Element Stage peak.
[What’s going on?]
Nu Lang’s corpse was lying under his foot with a broken neck and his body in a pitiful state. They hadn’t thought that he would die in a place like this. They felt slightly sorry for him. On this cold night, the wind blowing in this mountain valley made people feel unnerved, it was creepy.
“Was this person killed by you?” A Blood Battle Gang Separation and Reunion Boundary master asked.
“Where is your leader and that dog, Master Long?” Yang Kai asked without bothering to answer his question. Turning his head around to scan the area but discovered that no one else was coming.
The Blood Battle Gang had seven people remaining. When they arrived at the valley, including Wen Fei Chen and Long Hui, one was killed by Xia Ning Chang so there was only four remaining.
“*Hmph* to cope with you, why must Lord Wen and Young Master Long personally take action?” The person who spoke, his age was not large; from his appearance, he should be around 25-26 years old.
“Ohhhh…help me, the Blood Battle Gang are here, I am so scared.” Yang Kai said in a sarcastic voice.
The youth’s face became ruthless, “To cope with you I alone am enough.”
Although most of his strength was sealed by the Yin Qi Chains, he still was a master in the Separation and Reunion Boundary and if he fought he would be stronger than a Qi Transformation Stage Master, how would he be unable to cope with Yang Kai.
“Lips are useless, why not use your fist to find out the answer?” Yang Kai said looking at him scornfully.
Yang Kai also felt that the strength of these people had been reduced greatly. Their strength was nothing compared to before. Moreover, the Yuan Qi in their bodies was quite unstable, the strength of the first three was comparable to Nu Lang, even if they were strong before, at present they were not, and the person who came last was even weaker than Nu Lang had been.
In a one on one with them Yang Kai was confident he could win, even in this situation as long as he kills one first, then everything would be easy to manage.
“Boy, you are quite arrogant; let this grandfather give you a lesson!” The youth who had spoken before walked forward while saying this.
Seeing that his plan was a success, as long as this youth came within ten feet of Yang Kai, then even if Yang Kai was injured, he was confident in being able to kill him. But at this time, another Separation and Reunion Boundary master said, “Long division younger brother, don’t get tricked by him.”
At this moment that youth suddenly stopped his steps and looked coldly at Yang Kai and said, “Yes Senior Brother Cai.”
“At this place, he is standing alone, and we don’t know the location of that female’s hiding place. That female has got many tricks up her sleeves. Do not be too impulsive, moreover, this boy has already shown he has enough strength to kill Nu Lang, it looks like he was playing the role of a pig to eat the tiger. Let’s take him down fast and get the location of that female.” Senior Cai said looking vigilant and waving his hands he said, “Let’s get him!”
Four vs one, moreover his strength was at the Initial Element Boundary, even if he had the strength to overturn the heavens, if he was able to use his power, he could only be caught.
Four people almost simultaneously moved like shadows from the east, west, north, and south surrounding Yang Kai and sending killing intent towards him.
Faced with this impending crisis, Yang Kai felt no fear, laughing he said, “Well looks like your Blood Battle Gang is only talk, and it looks like you are not too confident in your strength.”
Hearing this that youth’s complexion became red, releasing his killing intent he said, “Smelly brat, just wait and this grandfather will help you break your mouth.”

Martial Peak – Chapter 103, Twinkling Battle

“You are not qualified.” Yang Kai roared. Burning one drop of his Yang liquid, he made his body turn into a fireball, radiating burning hot waves of Yang Qi.
While speaking Yang Kai moved towards Yuan Lang. Sending out a fist attack, a dull thumping sound was heard before Yang Kai staggered due to backlash. But Yuan Lang on the other hand, with a startled cry, was sent flying.
Retreating three steps, Yang Kai fell into the attack range of the surrounding three people. These three attacked Yang Kai one after another; Yang Kai dodged the attack from a master of Separation and Reunion Boundary while exposing his back to only the weakest Disciple in the Blood Battle Gang.
Yang Kai’s double palm attack, which contained a huge strength, was directed towards the chest of the person who was the most vigilant, Senior Brother Cai.
He was also the person who reminded Yuan Lang a moment ago not to be rash and saved him from Yang Kai’s trap.
Of the four people who were led by him, his strength was naturally the highest. Even if his strength was sealed he was still at the Qi Transformation Second Stage. Therefore, Yang Kai decided to strike to kill him first. As long as he was killed, the other three weren’t that big of a threat to him.
In a single breath, Yang Kai was able to deal with four different people simultaneously.
Senior Brother Cai saw that Yang Kai had abandoned all pretence of defence and was instead targeting him, this made his brows wrinkle. Although he didn’t know what Yang Kai was thinking, in his heart he had a bad premonition.
In his palm attack, Yang Kai had surely hid some sort of profound technique.
Drawing back, he also made his decision quickly. Although he didn’t believe that Yang Kai could injure him, it was always better to play it safe. While drawing back he simultaneously raised both of his hands in a defensive position in front of Yang Kai, wanting to probe his strength.
Their palms had not even come in contact with each other yet he discovered that the corner of Yang Kai’s mouth was carrying a cold, ruthless and sinister smile.
[Something’s wrong. Dammit! I fell into a trap!]
In the next instant, he saw Yang Kai’s palms increasing in speed and moving forward while avoiding his own palms with a fearless determination, targeting his chest.
These two palms would without a doubt hit him, but at the same time, his own attack would also hit Yang Kai in return. Is it that you want both of us to be injured simultaneously?
This thought had not even properly formed when Yang Kai’s palms also changed; his hands suddenly began to burn and became blood red, looking like a palm covered in burning fluid with a very hot temperature.
He could not dodge. The eyes of Senior Cai contained ruthlessness. This attack of Yang Kai’s contained a drop of Yang liquid, after this attack either of them would die.
Senior Brother Cai was, after all, a master of the Separation and Reunion Boundary, although his strength was sealed and his current strength gave Senior Brother Cai a feeling like playing with bamboo fencing, the quality of his Yuan Qi is higher than Yang Kai’s wasn’t it?
Two bumping sound were transmitted simultaneously.
Senior Brother Cai’s palm hit Yang Kai at the same time that Yang Kai’s double palm hit his own chest.
In a moment, Yuan Qi was transmitted to Senior Brother Cai’s chest and it felt like his skin is melting.
[How can this boy’s Yuan Qi be so pure?] Senior Brother Cai was shocked; if not for his cultivation being higher he could have died by the might of his palm alone.
Before this shock had even subsided, he once again felt Yang Kai’s palms transmitting a boiling hot Yuan Qi.
Along with this hot Yuan Qi which was being transmitted into his chest, he felt a severe pain; there was a slight feeling of his body being penetrated. This Yuan Qi was even causing his internal organs to be burnt.
“Get away from me.” Senior Cai was enraged; Yang Kai was no longer able to keep his attack going and was thrown flying backward like a rag doll upside down.
Without enough time to react Yang Kai could only lower his body but was unable to dodge the attacks of other members of the Blood Battle Gang. A sword pierced his shoulder directly and his shoulder started to bleed, creating a hole that was visible on his shoulder.
The attack hadn’t even ended. Taking advantage of his injury, another master of the Separation and Reunion Boundary who was finally able to find an opportunity, kicked Yang Kai in his lower ribs ruthlessly.
Yang Kai had dodged his attack a moment ago which made him feel a little shame. So after finding such an opportunity, he was obviously going to be ruthless.
At this moment a small bottle suddenly fell from Yang Kai’s chest pocket to the ground.
In mid-air, Yang Kai spurted out a mouthful of blood and his legs staggered when he fell to the ground. His eyes contained some anxiety when looking towards the bottle that had fallen from his pocket. But he didn’t dare to go forward and pick it up. Concentrating his energy on his feet, with lightning speed he submerged himself into the jungle for the first time.
Yuan Lang, seeing his expression hurried to pick up that small bottle.
Yang Kai’s laughter was transmitted from a distance, “Ha, Blood Battle Gang Separation and Reunion Boundary masters are just mediocre.”
[He managed to escape…] The Blood Battle Gang people looked at each other in blank dismay. They came to this place because of Yang Kai’s howl. While he called them to come to find him, after that moment required to howl he could have simply run away, but he didn’t and instead he waited for them to arrive while speaking to them his tone had even been quite arrogant. At that moment they thought that Yang Kai had an ace hidden up his sleeve but at this moment he unexpectedly ran away.
[Didn’t this mean he is just a dog knew how to bark but can’t bite?] After hearing his talk they had thought he surely had an ace, but now looking at the direction he escaped toward they can only snort contemptuously.
“Let’s go after him, he was seriously injured just now and he wouldn’t be able to run for long.” Yuan Lang said while bitterly shaking his hands. He was only able to exchange one blow with him; he had not thought that Yang Kai’s fist could contain such power. After recovering from his last attack when he returned to join the fight, unexpectedly the fight had ended.
After three breaths of time, they staggered forward with a dumb expression.
After saying this, Yuan Lang then immediately started pursuing Yang Kai, the others also hurried to follow.
Before they could even run a few steps, from behind them they heard the sound of something heavy falling to the ground. It surprised them, turning back when they looked down they were surprised to see that their Senior Brother Cai was unexpectedly on the ground, his back facing upward, motionless.
“Senior Brother are you alright?” Yuan Lang asked alarmed, but he didn’t get any response.
“What happened?” the lowest strength Disciple asked uncertainly.
[A moment ago Senior Brother Cai exchanged a blow with Yang Kai, getting wounded silently. It wasn’t possible that he had been seriously injured in that exchange, right?]
“Something is wrong.” The third person’s brows wrinkled, he hurriedly moved forward towards the body of Senior Brother Cai and suddenly called out in alarm.
He suddenly gasped *ah* in astonishment.
“How is he?” Yuan Lang asked while also moving forward, looking at the body of their Senior Brother he became dumbfounded.
Because looking at the body he noticed his Senior Brother’s flesh at that moment was red, the blood under his skin was boiling, both his eyes had burst, he was dead in the same pathetic way Nu Lang had died.
At this moment Senior Brother Cai was not breathing, his chest contained finger sized holes, from which red blood was flowing out.
“It’s so hot!” exclaimed the Disciple who was holding the body of his Senior Brother as he hurried to put his corpse down.
When the body came into contact with the ground, it burst open and hot blood burst out, scattering over the ground and forming a transparent blood fog.
The remaining three people were fully drenched in blood, that blood also contained a burning hot Yuan Qi.
The three of them became horrified. They were unable to imagine how the strongest amongst them, their Elder Brother Cai, could die such a horrible death.
[When did this happen? Did it happen when Yang Kai punched him?]
The three people were standing in the same place dumbfounded. They were looking at the ground where the body of their Senior Brother was lying with a horrified expression.
Four masters from the Blood Battle Gang were trying to cope with Yang Kai together, but unexpectedly instead of him, it was one of them who was killed. But he was also injured by a sword and a foot kick and his arms were also severely injured, but even with all these injuries, he was unexpectedly able to run away from them.

Martial Peak – Chapter 104, Yuan Lang’s Speculation

Within their three hearts, none of them wanted to accept facts.
The person laying on the floor was actually a master of the Separation and Reunion Boundary, that motherfucker was a master of the Separation and Reunion Boundary! How could he be defeated by a practitioner at the Initial Element Stage?
There were an entire two realms of difference between the two. This gap was as big as the gap between Heaven and Earth.
Even if more than half of that Senior Brother’s strength had been sealed away, even if you included the fact that he needed to use Yuan Qi to resist the Yin Qi in the valley, his power would still be equivalent to someone at the Qi Transformation Stage. Wasn’t it? How could he just be killed like that?
Their faces with either pale or flushed and filled with fear!
They were all thinking, what if the target that Yang Kai had aimed for hadn’t been that Senior Brother, but them instead? What would the result have been then? Without a doubt, they would be dead.
Realizing this point, Yuan Lang discerned that Senior Brother Cai’s vigilance and foresight had been well founded. If it wasn’t for Senior Brother’s reminders, he would have probably been the first one to die under Yang Kai’s hand.
“How did Senior Brother actually die?” The weakest practitioner among them finally spoke out, breaking the awkward and embarrassing silence.
As soon as this question was asked, they immediately looked at each other in dismay. After replaying the previous scene in their minds, they finally found traces of Yang Kai’s move.
It was just that one exchange of injuries! It was the only attack that Yang Kai made during the entire battle!
“His strength is that high?” One of them asked in horror.
“This isn’t his skill! He probably possesses an extremely powerful weapon-type artifact. Otherwise, there would be no way he would be able to break through Senior Brother’s defenses and be able to kill him!” Yuan Lang looked towards him and analyzed the situation as his mind gradually calmed down.
The other person also agreed with his conjuncture.
[If it weren’t for the aid from that weapon-type artifact, how could Yang Kai possibly be able to achieve such results?] For this type of thing, even if Yang Kai were to admit the truth himself, they wouldn’t believe him.
“In order to activate this, he must require an immense amount of Yuan Qi, so that’s probably the reason why he can only use it once. After that shot, regardless of the result, he would flee!” Yuan Lang’s expression was unreadable. The more he thought, the more these thoughts became clear and shrewder, infused with a bit more intelligence. His analysis was very suitable for explaining Yang Kai’s unusual actions afterward.
In a confident tone, Yuan Lang continued to explain. “So, even if the current him possessed some remaining strength, he would be akin to an arrow at the end of its flight. As for the secret artifact, he definitely shouldn’t be able to reactivate it again, adding on the various wounds he received, he doesn’t pose much of a threat!”
The other two also felt that his conclusions were correct, placing the stone within their hearts down.
[In the end he only relied on a secret artifact in order to do battle, that really scared them for a moment! If his strength was really that monstrous, to the point that he could easily kill Senior Brother Cai, then they might as well wash their necks clean and send them out. Why would they struggle on death’s door?]
The lowest ranked Blood Battle Gang Disciple spoke out. “With Senior Brother Dead, should we go back and report this matter?”
Yuan Lang swiveled his head to look at him, lightly reprimanding, “Why should we return?”
“If we don’t go back to report, I don’t think it would be the correct choice.” He hesitatingly replied.
That other person looked at the youth before suddenly laughing, saying to the weakest among them. “Junior Brother Wu, you didn’t understand Senior Brother Yuan’s intention.”
Perplexed, that Junior Brother Wu turned back to Yuan Lang questioningly.
Yuan Lang chuckled. “It’s Junior Brother Xie who understands. I can’t hide anything from you.”
Junior Brother Xie also laughed lightly. “After all, great minds think alike.”
Junior Brother Wu looked at the two of them in puzzlement. No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn’t grasp the crucial point and could only helplessly ask. “My fellow two Senior Brothers, could you please explain the situation in clearer terms?”
Glancing over at him, Yuan Lang finally explained: “Junior Brother Wu, what grade do think Yang Kai’s secret artifact is?”
Thinking about the question for a while, Junior Brother Wu slowly answered. “Between the four of us, in order to directly kill Senior Brother Cai in one move, the grade of the artifact definitely wouldn’t be low. At the very least, it would be at the Earth Grade Mid Stage! It could even possibly be at the Earth Grade High Stage.”
They had all personally witnessed Xia Ning Chang use a Heaven Grade artifact, so even if an Earth Grade artifact appeared within Yang Kai’s hands, why would it surprise them? To say it was at the Earth Grade was the lowest evaluation Junior Brother Wu could give, but also a fair evaluation.
Yuan Lang nodded his head slightly. “If we were to really go back and report this matter, what would you say the result would be?”
Junior Brother Wu instinctively replied. “Yang Kai would die and the secret artifact is taken, by Lord Wen…”
Stopping mid-sentence, that person realized what was happening.
If they were to let Lord Wen know that Yang Kai possessed an Earth Grade artifact, then would they receive anything? Long Hui already had his eyes set on that female’s Heaven Grade artifact. If Lord Wen couldn’t eat the meat, then why couldn’t he drink the soup? And among the Disciples, they wouldn’t be able to even lick the sugar bits.
At most, when they returned, Lord Wen would bestow upon them a few gold and silver pieces. This time, experiencing the various dangers, with many of their fellow brothers dying, where they really only able to obtain these few rewards?
By putting their lives on the line, they should at least reap some harvest. Just a moment ago, they were on death’s door, even now their hearts were still beating with loud *pu tong, pu tong* sounds. How could a few gold and silver pieces be able to compensate them?
Furthermore, Lord Wen was well-known for being stingy. So even if he did give them some money, it wouldn’t be a lot.
“My two Senior Brother’s meaning is…” Junior Brother Wu asked out probingly.
Yuan Lang and that Senior Brother Xie looked at each other simultaneously, and Senior Brother Xie nodded his head. “Whatever Senior Brother says, we will execute it accordingly.”
Yuan Lang smiled. “Good. Since my fellow two Junior Brothers have no objections, then we shall not go back and report it!”
“Okay!” The two people nodded their heads.
“As for that secret artifact on Yang Kai,” Yuan Lang hid a smile and turned his head towards his two Junior Brothers, “The one who can kill him and get revenge for Senior Brother Cai’s death will be able to obtain ownership for that artifact. How does that sound?”
Junior Brother Xie nodded his head. “Then we shall follow what you have said!”
“Shall we split up?” Between the three of them, Junior Brother Wu’s strength was the lowest. In the battle before watching, Senior Brother Cai die right there in front of him had scared him. He was worried that if he met with Yang Kai alone he would be unable to defeat him.
That Junior Brother Xie replied. “What are you scared of? Yang Kai has activated that secret artifact once already, how much Yuan Qi would he have remaining? Not to mention, that he has fought hard against the people from Storm House, and received even more fatal wounds from fighting us. The current him, anyone could easily take his life.”
Junior Brother Wu also thought the same thing. Before they had arrived, Yang Kai had battled viciously against Nu Lang and probably used up a large amount of energy. The wounds he had received were also seen by him, the environment was also very cruel, so he needed to exhaust Yuan Qi and mental energy just to resist the cold and the Yin Qi. He most likely only had a sliver of power remaining, so if they really were to meet, he would easily be able to kill Yang Kai.
The current circumstances were perfect for killing Yang Kai and gaining revenge for Senior Brother Cai. Therefore, if they wanted to obtain the secret artifact within his grasp, it would be given to the one who found him first. How could they possibly work together?
With this thought, Junior Brother Wu, took a few deep breaths to calm his boiling blood.

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Martial Peak – Chapter 105, The Mystery Hidden Within the Pill

Settling on their course of action, Senior Brother Xie suddenly turned towards Yuan Lang. “Senior Brother Yuan, just as Yang Kai was leaving, he seemed to have taken out something. Do you know what that thing may be?”
Surprised, Yuan Lang smiled. “Junior Brother Xie really observes things down to the smallest detail.”
As he said this, he also opened up his hand to reveal a small bottle within the palm of his hand. “It should have been a bottle of pills.”
“May I take a look?” Junior Brother Xie asked as he smiled slightly. Yang Kai and that female both possessed high leveled artifacts, so their statuses weren’t ordinary. When that bottle had accidentally fallen out, Yang Kai clearly showed his reluctance to part with it. Any reluctance on Yang Kai’s part hinted that these pills would be worth quite a decent amount.
Due to this, Junior Brother Xie didn’t want Yuan Lang to hog all the benefits. Since all of them had participated in the battle, naturally they should all receive their share.
“You can!” Yuan Lang knew what his Junior Brother Xie was thinking, so he wouldn’t try to monopolize this spoil of war. Replying, he opened the bottle up to look inside. Upon looking inside, he let out a cry of bewilderment.
“I think they’re Yang attributed pills!” Traces of happiness could be seen on Yuan Lang’s face.
Junior Brother Xie and Junior Brother Wu became excited. “Are you serious?”
“Once you see, you’ll understand.” Saying this, he tipped out some of the pills and gave them to the other two Disciples.
“They are Yang attributed pills!” That Junior Brother Wu became really ecstatic. As he held the pill within his hand, he immediately felt the chilling cold disperse around him by a lot. It even reached the point that he no longer needed to waste Yuan Qi to restrict the invasion of the Yin Qi into his body. This pill was the ultimate nemesis of the Yin Qi within the valley.
[No wonder Yang Kai wasn’t willing to part with them! In this type of evil environment, the most important thing was the Yang attributed pills. Once he lost this advantage of his, he would definitely regret it.]
Shaking the bottle a bit, Yuan Lang announced. “Since we have shared the pills with us already, my Junior Brothers, there may even be some profound mysterious hidden within them. So you shouldn’t just eat them to defend against the cold. On that note, I shall take my leave.”
After all, this was something that Yang Kai had left behind. What if there was poison inside? Although they weren’t as calculating as their Senior Brother Cai, they still weren’t stupid enough to eat something their enemy left behind.
Finishing his warning, Yuan Lang flourished his arms and disappeared.
Shortly afterward, both people stashed the pills within their bosoms and each went their respective ways to search for Yang Kai.
Yang Kai was licking his wounds, stealthily hiding in the dense foliage at the top of a tree. Suppressing his presence as much as he could, he surveyed the surrounding area.
His current situation wasn’t very good. After the large battle with the five Disciples from Storm House, his body had suffered some wounds. Coupled with the ferocious attack from the four Blood Battle Gang Disciples, his injuries had become even more severe.
The most serious one was probably the sword cut on his shoulder; it should have reached his bones. This caused Yang Kai’s left arm to feel weak and it numbed his sense of touch.
In order to avoid being followed by those remaining Disciples from the Blood Battle Gang, Yang Kai had used his Yang Liquid to burn his injuries, cauterizing the wounds and preventing further bleeding.
Even though willpower and special methods allowed him to stay in peak condition, at the end of the day, he was still only an Initial Element Fourth Stage practitioner. Under the stress of numerous large battles, his stamina and mental energy had been greatly sapped. If it weren’t for his immense willpower, he would have long since collapsed.
Recalling the savage battle that had occurred, Yang Kai couldn’t help but let out a grim chuckle.
That Senior Brother Cai was worthy of being a powerhouse at the Separation and Reunion Boundary. Even if more than half of his strength had been sealed away, Yang Kai still had to expend ten drops of Yang Liquid in order to break his defenses and deliver a fatal blow.
[But this was all worth it!] Although using ten drops of Yang Liquid was challenging, it was still worth it! It had allowed him to take the life of a Separation and Reunion Boundary master.
In this tense environment, Yang Kai’s mind was as clear as ever. He knew that if he lost even one fight, not only would he lose his life, but Xia Ning Chang would also lose her life.
With such great stakes, how could Yang Kai dare to relax for even a moment?
In the Blood Battle Gang, apart from Long Hui and that extremely high leveled person, there were only three people left. But their cultivations weren’t as high as Senior Cai’s had been. If it were one on one, Yang Kai had nothing to fear, but if they teamed up, then things would take a turn for the worse.
Know yourself, know thy enemy, only then will you emerge victorious in every battle! Yang Kai must know the three’s plan of attack and their location. Only then would he have a chance of winning.
That’s why before he left; he purposely left one of his pill bottles behind. You could say that one of the more important goals of that battle was to leave behind that pill bottle, the other being to kill the Disciple called Cai. Both goals were completed without a single hitch.
The discarded bottle contained, Black Yang Blood Pills. Just a few days prior, he had found some Black Yang Bloodflowers, they had then been refined by Xia Ning Chang.
At the time, his Dantian still had plenty of Yang Liquid, and they were hurrying on their way to the valley so Yang Kai didn’t take any. Unexpectedly, they had come in handy at such a time.
Sometimes, even if one didn’t eat the pills, they would be unable to evade trouble. This time, Yang Kai was going to teach them that even if they had placed the pills within their clothes, trouble could still appear.
He believed that his plan would succeed. After all, this was the gathering place of the Nine Yin Dew Crystals, a place Yin Qi was naturally attracted to. So if Yang attributed pills were to suddenly appear, it wouldn’t be hard to imagine what one would do with them.
So long as they kept the Black Yang Blood Pills on them, he could use the Origin of Yang to probe his surroundings and sense for their whereabouts. Because of this, all of their movements were within the palm of his hand.
After waiting for a while, the Origin of Yang within his chest area started to have a reaction. Yang Kai’s expression became cold; he immediately took a few deep breaths and tried to calm his rising heart rate.
Before long, someone had appeared below a nearby tree. Looking down, Yang Kai’s brow wrinkled.
How come there was only one person?
Waiting a bit longer, in a nearby place, someone else hurriedly rushed over.
Following that, a third person arrived at the place that Yang Kai was hiding. Looking down, Yang Kai found out that it was actually the Blood Battle Gang Disciple with the lowest cultivation.
This person looked around in all directions before scurrying off again.
[Strange, why did these three people separate?] His brows wrinkling, Yang Kai couldn’t think of a reason for them doing so.
Unbeknownst to him, those three were treating him like an arrow at the end of its flight. Moreover, since they believed he possessed a high leveled weapon-type artifact, they wanted to test out their like luck and see who would obtain it.
It was no wonder those three would think like that. If it were any other Initial Element Staged practitioner, the amount of Yuan Qi within their bodies wouldn’t be a lot. So after that battle, with the exhaustion of large amounts of Yuan Qi, one shouldn’t have much left. But Yang Kai wasn’t the same. The amount of Yuan Qi he possessed was far more than ordinary practitioners.
Not to mention the amount of Yang Liquid he had stored within his Dantian! Before he had left, he had stored forty complete drops of Yang Liquid. So, even if he used up the Qi within his meridians, it didn’t matter because one drop was enough to replenish all of his Yuan Qi; allowing him to once again return as a ferocious tiger.
In other words, as long as he had Yang Liquid in reserve and his mental and physical strength could keep up, Yang Kai would be an untiring battle robot.
If that Senior Brother Cai was still alive, given his cautious nature, he wouldn’t allow his group to separate and give Yang Kai a chance to retaliate. But previously, with his serious wounds, Yang Kai had killed him, leaving Yuan Lang in command. Naturally, Yuan Lang wouldn’t think that deeply.
Although Yang Kai couldn’t figure the reason why they had split up, the current situation was far better than the one he had imagined. So how would he grasp this opportunity?

Martial Peak – Chapter 106, Enough Strikes to Break Thought

After confirming that the other two people were no longer in the vicinity, Yang Kai proceeded to jump down from the tree and followed the weakest Disciple.
Originally Disciple Wu was at the Qi Transformation Ninth Stage, which wasn’t too bad. But after his strength had been sealed, he could only exert power equivalent to the Qi Transformation Fourth Stage. Currently, he was tracking the blood vestiges Yang Kai had left behind throughout the forest as he fled. Unfortunately, in the time it took for a cup of tea to cool, the trail ended.
This mountain valley was densely populated with trees, so finding someone would prove difficult.
Disciple Wu didn’t leave any suspicious place unsearched, even lifting his head to check for someone hiding in the trees every once in a while. But the light in this area was far too dim, increasing the difficulty of his search many folds.
[I mustn’t allow those two Senior Brothers to be quick-footed and instead I should climb up first! If Yang Kai was caught by them first, then that earth grade artifact would be theirs, and I wouldn’t have any claim.]
[An Earth Grade Artefact!] Just thinking about it made Disciple Wu’s blood boil. If he could obtain that artifact, then Disciple Wu’s power would rise significantly within the Blood Battle Gang. By relying on this artifact, he would even be able to defeat practitioners at the Separation and Reunion Boundary.
As he was busy searching around, he heard a crashing and crackling sound from behind him.
Startled, he quickly turned out and shouted. “Who!”
Following this, he looked around in all directions. Clutching his sword tightly, he remained on high alert but didn’t see or find anything unusual. From time to time, he heard crashing sounds. Looking around, he noticed the wind was blowing around loudly; he was able to discern the reason for the various sounds.
He had treated every bush and tree as an enemy! Disciple Wu inwardly mocked himself. In this mountain valley, apart from his own people from the Blood Battle Gang, only Yang Kai Xia Ning Chang, these two people remained. Furthermore, they were focused on preserving their lives. So why would they readily walk down the road to death?
Chuckling lightly, Disciple Wu turned around and prepared to continue his search.
Unbeknownst to him, danger lurked above, just as he relaxed his heart; a searing hot feeling suddenly appeared above his head. Simultaneously, his skin tightened as the smell of death closed in.
Flabbergasted he lifted up his head. Both eyes popping out of their sockets, Disciple Wu cried out in fright “Yang Kai…”
Just as those words escaped his mouth, Yang Kai arrived at his side. His movement like that of a swooping eagle, he flew towards Disciple Wu. This move was accompanied by a blistering hot palm, as Yang Kai slapped towards Disciple Wu’s head.
Because these events happened so fast, by the time Disciple Wu could react and swing down with his sword, Yang Kai had already sent out his palm attack.
In the midst of the exchange, Disciple Wu hurriedly moved his head to the side and dodged the lethal attack.
*Hong* it flew past his sword and landed on his shoulder. After it landed, a cracking sound immediately followed. Disciple Wu’s entire arm had been lowered by a level, the bones broken.
“Ah!” As the boiling hot Qi invaded his body, Disciple Wu let out a blood-curdling cry. With the sword shaking due to his trembling arm, he went for Yang Kai’s neck.
Yang Kai immediately jumped backward through the air and landed on the sword, narrowly avoiding the strike. Dropping to the ground once more, like a pouncing snake, he used his feet to quickly push him into Disciple Wu’s wake. His hands like the wings of a butterfly; he spread out and disturbed Disciple Wu’s balance. Making full use of the opportunity, he threw him to the ground.
These movements were executed very quickly and smoothly. To anyone watching, it would have been a somewhat blurred sight, it was truly executed like the moving clouds and flowing water.
Crashing to the ground, Disciple Wu spat out a mouthful of blood while Yang Kai pinned his knee on Disciple Wu’s shoulder and exerted more force through his hands.
*Ka-cha…* Disciple Wu’s right arm was now broken.
Letting out a miserable scream, he was turned around. With both his arms disabled, he was ruthlessly stepped on by Yang Kai.
Yang Kai only looked at him coldly without the slightest bit of emotion in his eyes. Lifting up the discarded sword, Yang Kai raised it up before lowering it straight down into Disciple Wu’s chest.
“You… how can you actually…” With blood foaming at his mouth, he looked incredulously at Yang Kai.
[How can you actually have the strength to still battle? You are only at the Initial Element Stage, and as such should be weary and exhausted!]
“Senior Brother Yuan, I curse your mother! Your junior Disciple’s death was caused by you!” Thinking his final thought, Disciple Wu’s eyes started to dim.
After killing Disciple Wu, Yang Kai’s breathing was slightly ragged. The wounds on his body also showed indications of splitting opening again, with fresh blood starting to trickle out again.
Not daring to tarry, Yang Kai started to search Disciple Wu’s body. Not long after, he found his Yang pills on his dead body.
Not only this, Disciple Wu also had some fairly precious things. There was about half a bottle of Returning Qi Pills and a few dollars; all of which were taken by Yang Kai.
Carrying Disciple Wu’s corpse, he jumped into a nearby tree and proceeded to hide his body among the branches. After doing so, he jumped back down and began to search in another direction.
Time was pressing, there were only about four hours left until the sun rose again. Meanwhile, he still needed to kill four more enemies, one of them was even a powerhouse at the True Element boundary; a tough road was waiting for him.
With the promotion of his cultivation, the area of effect of his Origin of Yang also increased. A rough estimation of his range was about 60 meters; Yang Kai was able to sense any Yang Qi presences within this range.
60 meters can be considered as a large area. Ordinarily, only those at the Separation and Reunion Boundary would be easily able to sense any movements within this distance. But now, Yang Kai was the true master of this 60 meters radius.
In less than the time it took a stick of incense to burn, Yang Kai suddenly stopped in his tracks because he sensed the presence of another person.
It was just that this person had been stationary in that position for a quite a while, so he didn’t know what their intentions were. Even after waiting for a while, that person still didn’t move.
Not to mention, Yang Kai felt that the place where that person was stationed at was quite strange. It was like the Yin Qi within the valley was converging in that position.
Creasing his brows, Yang Kai stealthily crept over.
Shortly, Yang Kai arrived about 10 meters from the mysterious person. Hiding behind a large tree, he peered over.
With just 10 meters apart, a hazy figure could be seen. Not only that, a group of shimmering, snow white objects could be seen blossoming over there.
Those things were like small suns, lighting up everything in the area. They weren’t big in size, about the size of a dove’s egg, but from within they emanated a bone-chilling coldness; cold enough to freeze one’s soul.
Currently, those things were constantly revolving around and around. As it turned, an invisible force was pulling the Yin Qi in the valley towards them, hurrying over.
The Nine Yin Dew Crystals had appeared!
It was practically in an instant that Yang Kai realized what those things were.
Although he had never seen what they looked like, Yang Kai was still able to recognize them. The reason why Xia Ning Chang had brought him over to the convergence place of this object was to allow her to refine it.
[It turns out that the Nine Yin Dew Crystals looked like this!] Originally, Yang Kai thought that it would have the appearance of a dewdrop, but now that he saw them he could see that this object was full of spirit energy. It was truly absorbing the Yin Qi from the Heavens and the Earth.
Just as Yang Kai was observing it, the person 10 meters away finally started to make their move.
This person was Junior Disciple Xie. As his chase of Yang Kai was fruitless, he had unexpectedly found the place where the Nine Yin Dew Crystals appeared. With his experience and knowledge, although he didn’t know what this thing was, he still knew that it was something highly precious.
After secretly observing from the sidelines, he couldn’t wait anymore and want to take action.

Martial Peak – Chapter 107, Sneak Attack

At this moment, Yang Kai also started to make his move. Currently, all of Disciple Xie’s attention was occupied by the Nine Yin Dew Crystals, so it was the perfect opportunity for him to mount a sneak attack.
Even in his dreams, Disciple Xie would never have thought that Yang Kai would be able to find his position and dare to mount a sneak attack on him.
On Disciple Xie’s face was an extremely greedy expression, his body was nimble and his movement silent like a cat. Slowly, he crept up closer to the Nine Yin Dew Crystals.
With the distance slowly becoming smaller and smaller, 10 meters, 5 meters, 2 meters…
The Nine Yin Dew Crystals continued to stay in their position, continuously absorbing the Qi in the valley and raising gusts of strong wind.
When the distance between Disciple Xie and the Nine Yin Dew Crystals was only 5 meters, his Yuan Qi exploded and surrounded him. Then leaping out like a cheetah, with his eyes ablaze, he reached out to grab at the Nine Yin Dew Crystals.
At that time, Yang Kai also made his move. With his eyes fixed on Disciple Xie, Yang Kai’s feet carried him swiftly out like the wind. Clutching the newly acquired blade in his hand, he prepared to strike a killing blow when his opponent’s defences were at their lowest.
Just when Disciple Xie thought he had obtained it, the Nine Yin Dew Crystals suddenly stopped absorbing Qi. Then from within its core, it burst out waves of cold Yin energy that started to attack Disciple Xie.
All of this happened far too quickly. So quickly that he couldn’t even stop.
Great astonishment showed on Disciple Xie’s face. Previously, he could tell that this was a Heavenly treasure, but he could never have predicted this thing had spirit awareness and could counterattack at the most critical of times.
Disciple Xie’s mind forced into a mess. When facing this sudden cold attack, his mind and body were scared beyond belief as he spurred his Yuan Qi to protect him from the incoming attack.
Just as he finished his preparations to take that strike, the Nine Yin Dew Crystals flashed and the attack vanished without a trace.
In the moment it flashed, the brightness in the surrounding area also vanished and dimmed.
With the sudden loss of light, Disciple Xie’s eyesight was greatly impacted and he was unable to see any changes in the surrounding area. And it was in that split moment that Yang Kai acted.
Even though Yang Kai’s sight had also been affected, he could make could out the approximate position of his enemy. Even if that blade couldn’t take a life, it was guaranteed to make his life uncomfortable.
All of Disciple Xie’s attention was focused on the cold, so how could he spare any attention on the incoming death blade?
In the next instant, Disciple Xie’s entire body flashed. Attacked by the cold, his entire body was like an ice block as he furiously revolved his Yuan Qi; he unconsciously shivered. Before he could even take a breath, he felt a piercing pain from his waist; it was like something had stabbed him.
Disciple Xie’s battle experience was plentiful; after all, he was a Separation and Reunion Boundary cultivator. Although his view was partially blocked, he still instinctively kicked towards Yang Kai’s location.
With a muffled grunt, Yang Kai was hit and flew backward.
Both people started to pant really hard. Now, there was no longer a need for Yang Kai to hide anymore.
With his eyesight gradually returning, Disciple Xie looked poisonously at Yang Kai, meanwhile his body shook unconsciously and his hand clasped the wound he had received.
The blade had penetrated quite deeply into his side. Just then, Yang Kai used all of his strength to make the stab. And because Disciple Xie had to use a fair amount of Yuan Qi to defend against the cold, how could he spare any defences to block that stab?
“It’s you!” After confirming Yang Kai’s identity, Disciple Xie’s face momentarily lit up. Just then, various possibilities had run through his mind. One possibility was that either Yuan Lang or Junior Brother Wu had mounted a sneak attack. Eliminating him when they had the chance; fellow Disciples killing each other was quite normal after all. Another possibility was that that female had attacked him with the intention to kill. Or another unlikely possibility was that within this mountain valley, there was another group of people.
But no matter what, he would have never thought that the attacker was actually someone they had determined to be a sheep on the cutting board; Yang Kai.
*He he!* Slowly rising, Yang Kai smiled maliciously and stretched arm which had taken the kick. After confirming that nothing big had happened, he began to walk fearlessly, step by step, over. At present, Disciple Xie was a crossbow at the end of its rope.
“How could it be…” Disciple Xie’s face quickly paled.
“Although I don’t know what you are flabbergasted about, I presume that this situation differs greatly from what you anticipated.” Yang Kai replied, laughing coldly.
“We…” Lowering his head to look down, Disciple Xie’s face revealed his surprise. “That is Junior Brother Wu’s sword.”
“That’s right. He is already dead. Now it’s your turn!”
“Turns out we had all been fooled by you!” With this realization, an intense sense of humiliation and unwillingness burst out from Disciple Xie’s heart.
When Senior Brother Cai death under Yang Kai’s hands, they could still say it was due to the secret artifact’s might. But now, he himself would die under Yang Kai’s hand.
Your father is a Separation and Reunion Boundary practitioner! Now, he would actually be killed by a practitioner at the Initial Element Stage. What logic is this? Stifling, this was extremely stifling.
Crying out *Wa*, an arrow of blood streamed out from Disciple Xie’s mouth, he was depressed to the limit. The wound on his body, the mental humiliation, combined they had made him haggard and he was left with no chance to redeem himself.
“I don’t have any grudges or enmities with you, but since you came knocking, then don’t blame me for being ruthless!” His face cold, Yang Kai walked up and struck out.
Disciple Xie was like the final radiance from a dying sun, his eyes glittering many times brighter. Forcibly extracting the blade from his side, he used it to slice towards Yang Kai.
Crouching down, Yang Kai sent out a hook punch to Disciple Xie’s chin, crushing it to pieces. Flying backward from the momentum, he then proceeded to smash heavily into the Earth.
Not allowing him any more chances to resist, Yang Kai followed up with two more punches containing his Yuan Qi, leaving Disciple Xie completely at his mercy.
Standing back, he sneered. “You want to play with crafty plots and machinations; well I am your grandfather!”
His eyes clear, Disciple Xie wanted to appear weak and helpless before dealing the killing blow to Yang Kai.
But Yang Kai had long been prepared for it. Even rabbits will lash out when cornered, let alone a martial practitioner. Before the enemy was completely dead, any mistakes and the lowering of one’s guard would result in death.
After killing him, Yang Kai searched around for anything useful. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much, only two more bottles of pills and some money.
These people were still on an outing, so they wouldn’t bring too many things.
Those pills were useful for him and the money too. Without any shame or guilt, he shoved them into his pockets.
In the same manner, as before, he hid the corpse in a large nearby tree before looking around. To his surprise, the Nine Yin Dew Crystals had long since vanished without any trace.
Previously, when the Nine Yin Dew Crystals burst out in its brilliance, Yang Kai could feel the energy quite clearly; that energy was extremely domineering. It is no wonder they needed him to come and help subdue it. That object’s spiritual awareness was quite high, and when danger arose it would immediately flee. Apart from Yang attributed energy, there wouldn’t be anything else that would be useful in countering it.
[There was still about two hours left until the sun rose! I must hurry up, but before that, I must return and ask Xia Ning Chang on how to subdue the Nine Yin Dew Crystals.]

Martial Peak – Chapter 108, Xia Ning Chang Hindered

The Nine Yin Dew Crystals drifted from place to place, without any specific route. This mountain valley was also quite large, so if one’s luck was good, then they would be able to meet up with it. So if they do, then they might as well obtain it and draw things to a close.
But no matter how much Yang Kai asked how to do so, whether it was Xia Ning Chang or Old Man Meng, both of them refused to answer. They both said that things will be revealed in due time; this had caused him to be quite suspicious.
It’s about time everything was made clear.
The place in which Xia Ning Chang was hiding, Yang Kai still remembered quite clearly. While he was sprinting over, he paid close attention to all of his surroundings while focusing on his Origin of Yang to see if he could meet up with Yuan Lang.
But throughout the entire journey, the Origin of Yang had no reaction whatsoever; who knows where Yuan Lang had run off to. This left Yang Kai at a loss, but in the end, his area of search was only the area within 60 meters of himself. If Yuan Lang was out of this range, then naturally he wouldn’t be able to feel a thing.
When he smelled a sweet fragrance and was about to arrive at the area where Xia Ning Chang was hiding, the Origin of Yang started to react.
Yang Kai was both startled and happy.
Startled over the fact the Yuan Lang was very, very close to Xia Ning Chang’s position and happy because he had finally found that final Blood Battle Gang Disciple.
Could it be that he had already discovered Xia Ning Chang’s location? Thinking of this, Yang Kai hastened his pace and sprinted with all his might over, while focusing his attention carefully looking for any movements in the area ahead.
The next instant, Yang Kai let out a breath of relief because the area was very quiet and lacked movement. Yuan Lang most definitely hadn’t found Xia Ning Chang’s hideout. Otherwise, he would have long since started to commence his attacks.
He wasn’t too concerned over Xia Ning Chang’s safety, due to the fact that she could still activate that Heaven Grade Defensive Artefact of hers. But the position of the cave was too awkward. It only had one entrance and exit. So if Yuan Lang blocked that entryway and signaled for Long Hui and that master to come over, then things would get very bad indeed.
With this thought, Yang Kai became more alert and cautious.
Xia Ning Chang was currently very worried. Right after Yang Kai left, she started to recover her Yuan Qi. After taking one of Wen Fei Chen’s blows, then activating that Heaven Grade Defensive Artefact and then activating the Nine Cloud Eight Locks, the amount of Yuan Qi she had exhausted was far greater than any other person there.
During the time she was recovering, she used up all the pills she had brought with her yet only recovered a small portion of her strength; about equal to the Yuan Qi of someone at the Initial Element Seventh-Eighth stage.
Just then, she sensed movement outside of the cave, she was very startled; she didn’t dare to move a single muscle as she hid in the cave. Squinting her big and bright pair of eyes, she peered outside to see who dared to come here.
She hoped that it was Yang Kai. But if it was Yang Kai, then he would have no reason not to come inside directly.
That person wandered outside for quite a while, clearly demonstrating that it was not the person she was hoping it to be.
[It’s an enemy!] She just didn’t know what cultivation level they had reached!
That person stayed outside and searched for about the time it took to burn a stick of incense. They searched each nook and cranny very seriously but were without any result. Hearing their footsteps receding, Xia Ning Chang couldn’t help but release a sigh of relief.
Unfortunately at that moment, at the front of the cave, a slight shuffling of bushes could be heard. And Xia Ning Chang’s heart which had just calmed down started to beat quickly again.
Then the next instant, a small black shadow ran out from the shrubs towards Xia Ning Chang.
She was so scared that she nearly screamed. Looking closely, she didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
That little creature was a squirrel that lived in the valley. It was probably frozen by the Yin Qi, so it had come to find a cave in which to hide from the cold.
Xia Ning Chang cautiously stretched out her hand towards the creature. But that squirrel was very alert and upon discovering that someone else had occupied the cave it immediately ran back out.
A large hand suddenly appeared in the air and caught the squirrel. Squeezing hard, it burst into blood and guts.
*He he he he!* A series of laughs rang out in the silence as Yuan Lang’s silhouette blocked the only entrance of the cave. A look of delight could be seen on his face while he looked at the sitting Xia Ning Chang. He said, “So you were hiding here!”
Xia Ning Chang gave him a very frosty glare, her clear eyes displaying her fury. Women contained a natural love towards small animals, especially towards very cute looking animals. Although that squirrel had revealed her position, Yuan Lang’s method of killing it had truly enraged her.
“You really made me look hard for you!” Standing at the entrance, Yuan Lang sized up Xia Ning Chang, “To lose at the sunset but gain at the sunrise. Even if I didn’t find Yang Kai, finding you is equally good!”
Hearing that, her heart let out a sigh of relief. It seemed that her Junior Brother was still safe and sound.
“If you dare come closer, I will make you die a miserable death!” Xia Ning Chang frostily threatened. But due to her pure and innocent character, that threat came out a bit weak. If it were any other person, that threat would contain at least a little bit of power. As for Yuan Lang, he could hear the lack of confidence in her words and mockingly smirked. “You still have the energy to battle? Taking one of Wen Fei Chen’s hits and not fainting is considered quite good. I guess this could be considered your final struggle before death’s door.”
Although Yuan Lang’s true strength had been sealed away, Xia Ning Chang wasn’t in much better shape. Yuan Lang wasn’t the least bit scared of her because they were both practitioners at the Separation and Reunion Boundary. It was just one’s level was higher while the other one was lower.
Furthermore, the only entrance had been blocked by Yuan Lang. So his position was extremely advantageous; he held all the power.
“Be an obedient child and listen to what I say. If you do, I promise to not treat you badly, but if you don’t, then don’t blame me for being heartless.” Yuan Lang viciously threatened her.
Xia Ning Chang remained silent as she started to prepare her Yuan Qi. She was waiting for the chance when he started to come closer to give him a fierce strike. Of course, Yuan Lang could see what she wanted to do. So he just stood at the entrance, making her bitterly complain.
“I know that you possess a heaven grade Defensive Artefact, so I cannot do anything to you. But what if I were to call the others over? Would you still have any hope of escaping?” Yuan Lang wasn’t impatient, fully in the mood for a bit of cat and mouse. Using his eloquence to break Xia Ning Chang’s will down.
“What do you want to do?” Xia Ning Chang asked coldly.
“What do I want to do? He he, I think I should be asking you this question. I just want you to obediently satisfy a few of my requests, if you don’t, then I’ll call the others over!” Aware that his chance had come, Yuan Lang revealed his fox tail.
“What requests?” Xia Ning Chang had also decided to play along with his game. The more time she bought, the more time she had to recover her Yuan Qi.
“One, I want you to seal away your Yuan Qi and obediently allow yourself to be captured. Two, hand over your Defensive Artefact! Three…” Yuan Lang let out an excessive smile, “I want you to take off your veil and show me your true features. Relax, even if you are a true beauty, I won’t do anything to you. I will let you go and definitely not make things hard for you!”
Those words, even a little child wouldn’t believe them. If Xia Ning Chang really sealed away her cultivation, then wouldn’t she be at the mercy of Yuan Lan? In such situation where there was only an unmarried young male and female, which man could resist the temptations of a beautiful woman?
Even if Xia Ning Chang was innocent, she wasn’t that easily tricked. Immediately she rebuked him. “In your dreams!”

Martial Peak – Chapter 109, You Really are an Idiot

“Then, you are forcing my hand!” Yuan Lang’s expression turned frosty.
“It’s you who is bullying wantonly!” Xia Ning Chang didn’t back down in the slightest.
His expression frosty, Yuan Lang’s heart hissed but still he forced himself to endure and instead he said, “Then we must see if this young lady’s Defensive Artefact can endure my attacks!”
He really couldn’t bear having such a stubborn mouthed beauty slip through his fingers so easily. If he could use his own power to subdue Xia Ning Chang, then it would be equivalent to obtaining a Heaven Grade artefact! With that treasure, where underneath the sky would he dare not to go? No longer needing to stay in the Blood Battle Gang and put his life on the line right? Not to mention that this female’s background was unknown, so there shouldn’t be only just that one secret artefact in her possession.
That’s why he wanted to test his luck! If he really couldn’t break through her defence, then it wouldn’t be too late to send for backup. Since he was already here, she definitely wouldn’t be able to escape him.
The entire time he was thinking over this matter, he was grinning suspiciously while looking at Xia Ning Chang.
Xia Ning Chang secretly lamented in her heart. Although she had recovered more than twenty percent of her strength and had enough to activate that Defensive Artefact, it still used up a great deal of Yuan Qi. As soon as she did so, she would revert back to her powerless self. Not to mention that she had planned on using her recovered Yuan Qi to search for Yang Kai. How could she afford to use it all in one go?
But if she did not do this, she didn’t have any confidence in overpowering Yuan Lang. Furthermore, her position wasn’t too good, so she wasn’t able to exert much of her true power.
It seemed like her only option was to hinder him for a while and remain alert for any opportunity to finish him in one go.
Xia Ning Chang had no hesitation whatsoever. The opponent had already bullied her this far, so how could she let him go just like that?
As the distance between the two gradually shrunk, Xia Ning Chang slowly stood up. Revolving her Yuan Qi, she stared attentively towards the approaching Yuan Lang.
It was truly the moment where bitter rivals faced each other! In the cave where there was only one entrance/exit, neither party could easily evade their opponent’s attacks.
When the distance had shrunk to three feet, Yuan Lang’s smile vanished and was replaced with a serious expression.
Xia Ning Chang’s sudden strike was completely out of Yuan Lang’s expectations. Her jade hands performing a seal, an arrow of cold wind flew towards Yuan Lang.
Yuan Lang frowned. He never thought that any strength would still reside in this female, let alone enough for her to put up any form of resistance. How much time had passed since she had received that injury? Even if she used Qi restoration pills, the speed of recovery wouldn’t be that fast, right?
What he didn’t know was that Xia Ning Chang possessed a special physique. Once she ate a pill, she would be able to absorb and refine the pill completely. If this wasn’t the case, then with small amount of pills she had, how would she be able to recover twenty percent of her energy?
That blade of cold wind, penetrated deep into his body reaching his bones, it was shaped like a crystal blade. It was created from the Yin Qi within the mountain valley, coupled with her special physique; its killing power was decent. Moreover, it didn’t use a lot of Yuan Qi to make and its speed was very fast.
A muffled whimper could be heard as Yuan Lang gathered his Yuan Qi in his palm. Charging forward he shouted. “Flying Cloud Palm!”
The Flying Cloud Palm wasn’t a palm skill; rather it was more of a sword skill. It was an Earth Low-Grade Martial Skills. Its power wasn’t that strong, but due to the fact that Yuan Lang didn’t have any swords on his body, he could only use it with his palm. Naturally, this would result in a decrease in its power.
Nonetheless, Xia Ning Chang’s strike had been cut off and rendered useless.
When he felt that the strike contained no killing power, Yuan Lang smirked. But unexpectedly, he heard some swishing sounds. Looking up, he saw Xia Ning Chang had sent out another.
This caused Yuan Lang to be angered. His hands moving in a flurry of movements, he shouted, “Azure Dragon’s Cry!”
Following that, a dragon’s roar could be heard, the might contained in this attack was far greater than his previous Flying Cloud Palm.
Without allowing him any time to breathe, more swishing sounds could be heard as Xia Ning Chang sent out more streams of cold air over.
Yuan Lang didn’t stop his steps and used his strength to resist.
Thousand Zhu Steps, Flying Phoenix Death Strikes, Heavenly Life Lightning, Transforming Iron Palms, Beheading Steel Hands, Spirit Dragon Fists…
He was worthy to be called an expert at the Separation and Reunion Boundary; possessing a large variety of Martial Skills. With a hundred methods, he contended against Xia Ning Chang’s onslaught. Causing the cave to become a place of deep water and scorching fire.
While Xia Niang did not change her attacks whatsoever. [Who cares if you have a multitude of skills, I will only use these ice beams of mine.] The two people were three feet apart and neck to neck, evenly matched.
Along the cave walls, seams had started to form due to the aftershocks of their clashes.
With the wind whistling, Yuan Lang finally realized something wasn’t right. His own cultivation had been sealed away, so while he needed to expend Yuan Qi to block in the invasion of the cold, he had also successively used so many Qi consuming skills. So right now, he was feeling quite tired, meanwhile, the female opposite still looked the same as she did when she started to fight. She wasn’t red-faced nor did it look like her heart was very heavy, like the skill she was using didn’t require any money; like she hadn’t used an ounce of Yuan Qi.
Little did he know that the cold beams that Xia Ning Chang had been executing were formed with the cold Yin Qi within the valley. She only needed the smallest amount of Yuan Qi to condense them and give them such killing power.
It was only at that moment, Yuan Lang realized that in his current sealed state, and he was unable to eat Xia Ning Chang.
Flying into a rage of humiliation, he viciously scolded. “Stinking bitch, if you don’t surrender now, I will call over Young Master Long. Once he comes, he will definitely ruthlessly violate you, making you wish you were dead but you won’t be!”
“Despicable!” Xia Ning Chang responded.
“He he. Any female that falls into Long Hui’s hands will not have a good future. You might as well be clever and follow me. I promise you that I will treat you well!”
“Shameless!” Xia Ning Chang rebuked furiously.
“I will count to three. If you don’t surrender in that period, then don’t blame me for not giving you a chance!” His expression sinister, Yuan Lang pulled out his final bargaining chip, before slowly and deliberately calling out: “One…..”
Hacking and striking, as the two were exchanging their words, they continued to exchange strikes.
“Two……” Yuan Lang very deliberately extended the time he took to say the word.
Xia Ning Chang’s eyes suddenly became crescent shaped. Although the duration of that movement wasn’t long, Yuan Lang was certain that she had smiled.
[When she smiled, she was really pretty!] All of a sudden, Yuan Lang didn’t want to call out three.
“Have you thought it over?” He thought she had changed her mind.
Xia Ning Chang eyes remained shaped like a crescent moon as she cutely said. “You thought you were the only one who was able to call for reinforcements?”
“What?” Yuan Lang didn’t comprehend what she meant.
“I also called for reinforcements.” Looking at the person behind Yuan Lang, Xia Ning Chang said in a sobbing tone while stamping her foot: “Junior Brother, it’s about time you came!”
Yuan Lang couldn’t help but sneer as he said. “You want to use these kinds of lowly methods to trick me? Miss, you really take me for an idiot?”
“You really are an idiot.” An extremely cold voice, devoid of emotion sounded from behind Yuan Lang. As Yuan Lang attempted to turn around hurriedly, Xia Ning Chang struck out causing him to become uncoordinated. This was also further influenced by the narrow passage and the fact that he could neither advance nor retreat, put him a very awkward position indeed.
*Pu chi…* Yuan Lang could only feel a dull pain and was vaguely aware that a sharp object had penetrated his body. Looking down, he saw that a sword was piercing his stomach.

Martial Peak – Chapter 110, A Young Madden’s Heart

The sword which had penetrated his chest caused a life threatening wound.
Yuan Lang could feel his heart constricting and the blood madly gushing out. Feeling his life draining away, he hurriedly turned his head around to look at Yang Kai behind him.
“Animal!” Yuan Lang shouted out, his expression highly grotesque, as he was so unwilling to meet his end here.
Yang Kai stayed silent and only moved to pull out the sword; bringing with it a warm stream of red blood, only to re-pierce his body.
After taking four direct blows, Yuan Lang couldn’t endure any longer and directly fell onto the ground.
With his vision gradually fading away, Yuan Lang let out a bitter smile on death’s door.
Fate is really is unfavorable and luck and toys with you, ah! Originally he had thought that by standing at the entrance and blocking the female’s path, he would be able to assert dominance over her. Contrary to that, however, he was the one who was trapped in the end.
If it wasn’t for the location’s special topography, how would he fall this easily?
Even if he couldn’t beat them in a 1 vs. 2 fight, he would still be able to run But now, everything had been in vain.
[Hunters will eventually become the prey one day…]
“You’re okay right?” Yang Kai looked at Xia Ning Chang.
In reality, before Yuan Lang had even discovered this Little Senior Sister of his, Yang Kai had already been in the vicinity. He had just waited until Yuan Lang entered the cave to battle with Xia Ning Chang, thus exhausting himself, before mounting that ambush of his.
Although this method was somewhat despicable and Xia Ning Chang had been completely unaware of the situation, in the end, it was the most energy efficient method.
“I’m fine, but you…” Before Xia Ning Chang could finish her sentence, she saw the large gash on the side of his stomach and the bloody wound on his shoulder.
At this moment, the blood covered Yang Kai’s expression was one of calmness and concern. He gave off a steady and reliable air that was exclusive to men. Completely different from his usual “too weak to even stand against the wind” look.
His body blocked the entrance of the cave, but his body was unwavering and appeared as sturdy as a mountain. Blocking all wind and tribulations, turning this isolated mountain cave into a peaceful, warm and safe harbor.
Walking a few steps forward, her small hands shook as she reached out towards the stomach wound, yet she didn’t dare to touch it. Xia Ning Chang was afraid that the slighted touch would be painful, which lead to her eyes turning red.
[In these short four hours, what type of harsh battles did he have to endure in order gain such horrendous wounds? How much did he have to bleed in order for this much blood to cover him?]
In this isolated cave, after confronting the ten or so beast like people, Xia Ning Chang and Yang Kai felt that they were mutually dependant on each other for their survival. So when she saw his miserable condition, how could her heart not be in pain?
There was no female that didn’t have the dream of the hero saving the damsel.
Although the person saving her wasn’t some great hero and was only an ordinary Initial Element Stage Junior Brother – when compared to her own cultivation, a young maiden’s heart couldn’t help but have a few ripples.
“These are just small injuries!” Yang Kai replied in an uncaring tone. “That’s right, I discovered the Nine Yin Dew Crystals.”
“Oh…” Wiping her eyes, Xia Ning Chang didn’t register the excitement within his voice.
“How do we actually capture those things? I think it’s about time you told me.” He asked, “Otherwise when we find them again, I’m afraid we can only let them escape again.”
“We don’t need them anymore.” Pulling on Yang Kai’s hand gently, Xia Ning Chang motioned for Yang Kai to sit down.
“Why don’t you need them?” This caused Yang Kai to furrow his brow. Suffering all those hardships and trials, wasn’t it all for the Nine Yin Dew Crystals?
Ignoring his question, Xia Ning Chang began. “Sit down before we talk.”
Looking at her suspiciously, Yang Kai then began to slowly sit down.
Bowing down her head, half kneeling in front of Yang Kai, she bit her lip. Then reaching into her dress, she began to fiercely rip her clothing to shreds. After tearing a long strip of cloth, she took out a bottle of medicine and smeared some onto the cloth. Then tentatively, she started to bandage the wound on Yang Kai’s abdomen.
Yang Kai allowed her to fiddle with the bandage.
“We shall wait for sunrise here.” As she said this, she was also bandaging Yang Kai’s injury. “Once the sunrises, the Eight Locks Nine Clouds seal will come undone. When that time arrives, we shall leave this place!”
“But the reason why we came here…”
“We don’t need it anymore!” Cutting off Yang Kai, Xia Ning Chang’s words held a resolute tone, “It’s not worth it!”
Looking at her in a pondering way, Yang Kai spoke out. “I know what you are thinking about. But I have already killed nine of them. There are only those two remaining.”
“What?” Raising her head, Xia Ning Chang’s pair of eyes contained her disbelief.
“They have two people, we also have two people. Are you afraid that they will do anything?” A flash of madness could be seen in Yang Kai’s eyes, “Since they won’t be merciful, then naturally we shall not be polite either! The Nine Yin Dew Crystals will not be spared either. We cannot do things halfway.”
“You’re joking right?” Xia Ning Chang delicately asked.
“Are you that easily tricked?” Yang Kai chuckled, but in doing so accidentally tore his wound open a bit and couldn’t help but let out a hiss of pain.
“They really only have two people remaining?”
“En. Only Long Hui and that person who injured you are left.” He said nodding his head in response.
Xia Ning Chang stared blankly ahead. Previously Xia Ning Chang thought that when Yang Kai had left, he was chased madly by those wanting to kill them; thus receiving those wounds. She thought he was quite lucky to have escaped with his life. But in actuality, he had gone and killed nine people in four short hours!
There were quite a few at the Separation and Reunion Boundary as well.
[How did he achieve this?]
“If they really only have two people remaining, then we really don’t need to fear them.” She said, knitting her eyebrows together. “My only worry is that True Element Boundary practitioner. Once his true cultivation is restored and he is adamant about chasing us, then we will definitely be unable to escape.”
Raising his eyebrows Yang Kai asked, “Once the seal breaks, his cultivation can return?”
“Then we have no choice!” Yang Kai’s expression gradually turned cold and decisive.
[If they don’t kill that True Element boundary master before the sun rises, then they would be the ones to be killed.]
“But I have only recovered twenty percent of my strength. If we really encounter that powerhouse, then I’m afraid we would be in great danger.” Xia Ning Chang sighed out.
“I have salvaged quite a lot of medicinal pills. Go look around for any that you can use.” Taking out the pills he had looted from the corpses, he then went to search Yuan Lang’s body.
Immediately he found a few bottles of pills. From the looks of it, Yuan Lang was quite wealthy more than the other Disciples at least; from a number of bills and money alone, he had a few folds more.
“With these Qi Returning Pills, I should be able to recover forty percent of my power.” A small smile could be seen on Xia Ning Chang’s petite face.
“Go restore your Yuan Qi then. I shall stand guard for you.” Yang Kai also needed a bit of time to recover. Although he hadn’t used up all of his Yuan Qi, he still needed to restore his physical and mental energy.

Martial Peak – Chapter 111, Their Respective Battles

There were only two hours left until the sun rose.
Walking out of the hidden cave, Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang started to follow the flow of Yin Qi within the valley.
It was extremely easy to identify the direction the Yin Qi was flowing in. This was because the Nine Yin Dew Crystals were absorbing the Qi at a monstrous pace.
Basically speaking, as long as you were within the valley, you would be able to sense this change.
From Yang Kai’s speculations, the two remaining people from the Blood Battle Gang would also go to investigate this movement of the Yin Qi. When that time came, they would naturally meetup.
Even after killing several Qi Transformation and Separation and Reunion Boundary practitioners, Yang Kai’s battle thirst had yet to subside. This was because there was still a master at the True Element realm; as long as pressure existed the Golden Skeleton would automatically be active causing both his mind and body to be unable to relax.
The only unknown factor was how much power that True Element practitioner had remaining after being sealed.
After the time it took to burn a stick of incense, they gradually drew closer to the location of the Nine Yin Dew Crystals. In that area, there was a bright light, the Nine Yin Dew Crystal floated at the center of this light. At that point, Yin Qi was gobbled up, disappearing at a rapid pace.
This truly was the Nine Yin Dew Crystals that Yang Kai had seen earlier.
But its current appearance, when compared to before, was vastly different.
The previous Nine Yin Dew Crystals were very plain, with no distinct shape. Presently it looked like a young flower bud that was beginning to bloom. The young and tender flower petals could all be distinctly distinguished.
They hid, their distance to the Nine Yin Dew Crystals was about 20 meters away.
Xia Ning Chang softly whispered. “The Nine Yin Dew Crystals are situated within that flower bud. Once the bud fully blooms, they will reveal themselves. Only when that moment comes, would we be able to capture them. Originally, I had planned to use the sealing formation to obtain the Nine Yin Dew Crystals, but I was forced to activate it early to deal with those people. And only when all those people who have been sealed have died, will the Nine Yin Eight Cloud locks return. I can only count on Junior Brother’s ability now; for it perfectly counters its Yin attribute. I’m afraid I have no skills that can assist you this time.”
“Doesn’t it know how to flee?” Yang Kai asked, wrinkling his brows.
“That’s right, so… there isn’t much hope.” Once again, Xia Ning Chang started to have thoughts of retreating.
“Say, if we were to kill the remaining people, then would you be able to use the sealing formation again?” Squinting his eyes, Yang Kai asked.
“Even if you speak like that, what if they don’t come here?”
“They have already arrived.” His gaze expressionless, Yang Kai suddenly pivoted his head, looking to the side.
Wen Fei Chen’s hearty laugh could be heard. “Hehe, you are quite the sharp-eyed boy!”
Xia Ning Chang’s beautiful face became icy as she swiveled her head towards the direction of his voice. Looking over, she saw Wen Fei Chen and Long Hui walking together, like a married couple; their gazes contained a fiery passion as they looked at the slightly poor conditioned Xia Ning Chang.
It was just one of them coveted the Heaven Grade Defensive Artefact on her, while the other coveted her body.
Yang Kai’s expression was calm, as he stood shoulder to shoulder with Xia Ning Chang; facing the approaching pair.
Calm and composed, Wen Fei Chen stopped 7 meters away from them. Keeping his smile he said, “You guys are surprisingly still alive. It seems like those trash really can’t become anything big.”
Without rest, Wen Fei Chen had been diligently attempting to unseal the Yin Qi seals within his body. But no matter what he did, he couldn’t make it happen; meanwhile, none of those Disciples had come back to report. This had caused him and Long Hui to be very anxious. Afterwards, they both felt the change in the Yin Qi within the valley. Investigating the cause had led them to this location.
As soon as they arrived, they were greeted by Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang. Due to this, Wen Fei Chen and Long Hui had become overjoyed at this fortuitous encounter. No longer bothering to hide their presence, they grandly walked over.
Since things had escalated to this degree, Wen Fei Chen wouldn’t be polite and talk things out. He then called out on the spot, wanting to recall the Disciples.
After calling out, he realized that the youngster standing opposite him didn’t have an ounce of fear; in fact, his gaze held contempt.
This caused Wen Fei Chen to be puzzled, why was he so certain and confident.
Taking a step forward, Yang Kai sneered, calling out. “Even if your throat gets hurt from the shouting, no one will come to aid you!”
Wen Fei Chen’s expression faltered. “What happened to them?”
“They have all, already died! Dead people have no method to return to help you!” Yang Kai chuckled as he replied.
Momentarily, Wen Fei Chen’s expression became dark, looking at Xia Ning Chang in astonishment.
From his conjunctures, in order to kill all those Separation and Reunion Boundary Disciples, only Xia Ning Chang would be able to do it. A measly practitioner at Yang Kai’s level would not be able to complete this feat.
A miscalculation, a true miscalculation. Never in his wildest dreams would he have predicted that, that this female would still have the energy to do something like that. A couple of hours earlier, when he had landed that blow on her body, he could feel that she didn’t have much power remaining. How could she recover this fast?
“Even if all of them are dead, don’t you guys even dream of escaping my hands!” Arrogantly *humph-ing*, it was clear that he didn’t really care about those Disciples’ deaths.
Taking another step forward, Yang Kai activated his True Yang Secret Art, with his blood boiling and his killing intent soaring. Just as he prepared to land a blow on Wen Fei Chen, a beautiful figure flew out from behind him towards Wen Fei Chen.
Xia Ning Chang had taken the initiative to attack first. Furthermore, it was a direct provocation to Wen Fei Chen and Long Hui.
She clearly wanted to lookout for the injured Yang Kai; initiating a 2 vs. 1 battle.
Her figure swaying, ten Yin Qi arrows attacked flew out; seven towards Wen Fei Chen, and three towards Long Hui. Their speed was as fast as lightning and their presence, domineering.
Wen Fei Chen laughed out coldly. “Little girl, your killing intent is quite strong. This isn’t very good!”
As he spoke, he used his two hands to easily dissolve the incoming attacks and said, “Young Master Long, I shall leave that boy to you. I shall take of this girl!”
“Okay!” Nodding his head slightly, Long Hui didn’t forget to casually add. “Just don’t injure her face.”
“This Wen will be careful!” Smiling knowingly, he immediately dashed towards Xia Ning Chang to begin their battle.
Even though Xia Ning Chang had recovered around forty percent of her strength, she still had injuries that needed to be considered. All in all, her current power was equivalent to a martial practitioner at the Qi Transformation Sixth-Seventh stage.
But Wen Fei Chen’s situation was even more tragic, he could only use strength equal to that of a practitioner at around the Qi Transformation Third stage.
But in actuality, their true cultivations were vastly different. Xia Ning Chang was at the peak of the Separation and Reunion Boundary, her body containing Yuan Qi. While Wen Fei Chen was at the True Element boundary, his body containing True Qi!
True Qi versus Yuan Qi, they were completely different in nature. The killing power that the former could emit was greater than the latter by many folds.
Furthermore, Wen Fei Chen’s battle experience far surpassed that of Xia Ning Chang. So when they exchanged blows, it was Xia Ning Chang who felt strained. Although she wouldn’t lose immediately, it was just with her strength alone, she would be unable to defeat him. At most, they would be able to fight to a draw.
Since both were experts, the battle was very intricate; their figures soaring through the air and landing hundreds of meters away.
Yang Kai didn’t pay too much attention to Xia Ning Chang’s battle, because he had his own opponent to worry about.
Glancing over at Long Hui, who about 5 meters away; Yang Kai suddenly grinned. “Young master Long right?”
Long Hui sneered. “Want to beg for forgiveness? It’s too late!”
“I have a couple of questions I want to ask you.”
Displaying an idiotic expression towards Yang Kai, he indifferently said “If they are your final wishes before death, then I can actually fulfill them for you!”

Martial Peak – Chapter 112, Defeated Everywhere

“Just treat it like so.” Smiling, without giving a definite answer, Yang Kai continued. “You really just came for Hu Mei Er, that’s why you came to kill me right?”
Long Hui’s expression faltered a bit, but he quickly recovered and disdainfully replied. “If not, why would this young master come so far and stir up a fuss with you? You think I’m full and have nothing to do?”
Wrinkling his brows Yang Kai stated. “But my relationship with Hu Mei Er isn’t even that close. At most, we have only met a few times.”
“Humph, perhaps you have nothing towards her. But, that cheap woman feels differently about you!” Anger started to on Long Hui’s face, “For you, she even dared to disobey my grandfather! She has never done that type of action before! Nor has she ever dared to help another male to this extent! Who are you to actually have ideas on my woman?!”
“Your grandfather…” A streak of maliciousness flashed through Yang Kai’s eyes; remembering Long Zai Tian’s capricious strike. That day, if it wasn’t for the Golden Skeleton’s ability, assisting him in breaking his limits, then he would have died.
“I still have another question!” Yang Kai sneered, “How is it that you knew I had left High Heaven Pavilion?”
Since they held the ability to track them all the way here, then they must have started to follow shortly after his departure. If not, then they would have long since lost his trail. In other words, before he even left High Heaven Pavilion, he had already been targeted by someone with ill intent.
Laughing in a mocking manner Long Hui replied, “Naturally someone came to inform me.”
[As expected!]
“As for who came to inform me, this master isn’t willing to tell you. But I think you know clearly, who it was that you offended!” Long Hui looked at Yang Kai in contempt, still gazing at him like he was looking at a dead man. Due to this, there was no hint of him wanting to lie, so he explained everything clearly. “As for that Nu Lang, he was out of my expectations. I met him in a small village at the foot of the mountains.”
Yang Kai merely nodded his head, since Long Hui had no real reason to lie to him. And because of this, the information must be real and Nu Lan merely joined them midway. There was no need to think further, after all, he was dead.
“This young master has already satisfied your wishes, now die for me!” Laughing out, Long Hui’s figure flickered and he immediately closed the distance between them. Excitement could be seen in his eyes, while the Yuan Qi from the Qi Transformation First Stage revolved around his fists, striking out.
With every punch, a feathery shape of Qi burst out from his fist to attack.
Flying Exploding Feathers! Earth Mid Grade Martial Skills!
Since Long Hui was the grandson of Long Zai Tian, then the Martial Skillss that he cultivated naturally wouldn’t be ordinary goods. You could say that even though he was at the Qi Transformation First Stage, his true power enabled him to battle opponents at a much higher cultivation stage than himself.
Long Hui wasn’t just a white silk young master. To the current Yang Kai, he still posed a threat as an opponent.
With the feathers onslaught, Yang Kai hurriedly side stepped, causing Long Hui’s skill to go to waste. This caused Long Hui to have a slight look of shock at the unexpectedness of his ability.
In his thoughts, he didn’t think that the Initial Element Fourth Staged Yang Kai would be able to dodge his killing strike.
Swiftly after, strong and bloodthirsty Yuan Qi fluctuations started to disperse from Yang Kai body. Feeling the density of the Yuan Qi fluctuations, Long Hui’s expression shifted greatly.
[How is this aura that of a Initial Element Fourth Stage?] It was clearly the aura at the peak of the Initial Element Stage, even the purity and strength could match up to his.
This flabbergasting surprise lasted only a moment. Afterwards, Long Hui had already appeared next to Yang Kai with Yuan Qi coating his fists. Mercilessly, he smashed downwards towards Yang Kai.
Yang Kai dodged to side once again, forced the fist to hit the ground. Upon contact, dust and rock bits flew into the air. When the dust cleared, a decent sized hole had formed in the ground.
Before Long Hui could rise up, Yang Kai took the opportunity to rush forward. His knee raised high; he aimed a powerful blow at Long Hui’s chin.
Long Hui’s reaction wasn’t slow. In one fluid movement, he raised his hand to block the chin strike, and pushed down.
With his knee locked in, both of their Yuan Qi’s burst out. While Yang Kai was left staggering, Long Hui flew backwards and then used his energy to disperse Yang Kai’s attack.
After their exchange, both people rushed to stabilize themselves.
Looking up and down at Yang Kai, Long Hui narrowed his eyes. “It turns out that you have always hid your true cultivation! But no matter, even if this is your cultivation, it isn’t sufficient to defeat me!”
As soon as those words were said, a golden brilliance erupted from Long Hui’s feet. His body blurry, he arrived behind Yang Kai in an instant.
Golden Rainbow Steps! Another Earth Mid Grade Martial Skills.
Drawing support from this wonderful movement skill, Long Hui finally arrived at the hole in Yang Kai’s defence. The Yuan Qi gathered at his fingertips flew out towards the back of his neck. It was clear that he wanted to kill Yang Kai in one shot.
One the verge of death, Yang Kai felt a light breeze on the back of his neck. Reacting swiftly, he tilted his head to the side, just in time to feel a cold rush of Yuan Qi draw a line of blood across his cheek.
Twisting his body around, the drop of Yang Liquid within Yang Kai’s hands had already morphed into a cicada thin blood-red blade; aiming directly to the nearby Long Hui.
This is a powerful enemy! Yang Kai didn’t dare to be clumsy. Any small mishap and he could easily lose his life!
As the blade cut towards Long Hui, Yang Kai could see it slicing him in half. But Yang Kai didn’t allow himself to rejoice because he could feel that the blade did not truly cut through Long Hui. It was only an afterimage that he had attacked.
The opponent’s footwork was extremely profound!
“Your reaction’s not bad!” Long Hui’s voice echoed from about three meters away. Calm and unruffled, he gazed at Yang Kai in amusement.
Shaking a bit, Yang Kai suddenly threw the thin blade out.
Long Hui didn’t dare to stop moving, activating the Golden Rainbow Steps, he dodged once again. Like a cat chasing a mouse, he looked at Yang Kai with a look of contempt and disdain.
Keeping silent, but filled with undying and unwavering battle spirit, Yang Kai’s steps were like the wind. In an instant, he arrived at Long Hui’s side punching at him.
Returning without any achievement! Long Hui’s figure had already appeared in another location.
“Humph. Just with your snail pace, you actually want to prevail over me? You overestimate yourself!” Not sparing his mouth a break, Long Hui immediately started to mock him.
He felt that since he was using the Golden Rainbow Steps, his victory was assured. If the opponent couldn’t hit him, then how could he win? With his fierce barrage of attacks, he was blatantly wasting his Yuan Qi away. Waiting until Yang Kai used all of his Yuan Qi, he shall then finish it in one strike.
With that thought in mind, he decided on his method to take down Yang Kai; he wanted to use the least amount of energy to do so.
“Slow, too slow…”
“If you can’t kill me, then this young master shall go and take that female for himself.”
“What does she really look like? I have quite great expectations, and what amazing sounds she will make when she is being ravaged!“
“Hehehe, this young master just loves to hear the unwilling cries of females being raped. Just thinking about that scene, you can’t help but love it!”

Martial Peak – Chapter 113, Long Hui’s Death

One couldn’t help but say, although Long Hui was a white silk young master, he still knew how to words his sentences so as to create a path to mistake.
Able to dodge all of Yang Kai’s strike, he spoke out probingly.
If it were anybody else, then they would have already long since become thoroughly enraged.
Yang Kai seemed to show all the signs of being enraged; his eyes were red and his Yuan Qi flared about rebelliously, clearly displaying his fury. But upon closer inspection, you could see the unwavering confidence within his eyes and his heart’s thoughts were just as stable as before.
After the time it took to burn a stick of incense, Yang Kai had already struck out numerous times, yet none of these strikes could touch even a single thread of Long Hui’s clothes.
Meanwhile Long Hui, who had become parched from all his remarks, and was secretly shocked.
[Reason dictated, after fighting for this long, this kid’s Yuan Qi reserves should have been long since exhausted. Yet why did none of his strikes weaken in the least? This brat’s Yuan Qi levels shouldn’t be able to support this amount of activity.]
What Long Hui thought wasn’t incorrect, ordinary Initial Element Stage practitioners would have long since become exhausted from the fighting. But Yang Kai wasn’t an ordinary Initial Element practitioner, so after fighting an extended bout with him, Long Hui started to have second thoughts about his strategy.
But Yang Kai wasn’t an ordinary Initial Element practitioner, so after fighting an extended bout with him, Long Hui started to have second thoughts about his strategy.
While he was reflecting on it, Yang Kai struck again, every time Long Hui’s image would immediately flicker and he would reappear somewhere else. But when he dodged, he immediately he felt a fiery hot energy fly at his waist.
Looking down, he saw that a hole had been burnt in his clothes. That strike just then had very nearly wounded him.
“What a pity!” Taking a deep breath, the look within Yang Kai’s eyes became more excited, mixed with an opposing look of steadiness. This was an extremely contradictory look, yet they merged together perfectly.
“How could this be?” Long Hui’s expression changed greatly.
[That strike was clearly a strike that his opponent had carefully calculated and initiated before he landed. If it weren’t for his good luck, then he would have already been injured.]
[But how did he predict where he was going to land? Could it be that in the time it took to burn a stick of and incense, Yang Kai had already comprehended my Golden Rainbow Steps?]
[Impossible! He is only at the Initial Element Stage. How could his eyesight be that good?]
“Next time, even if you don’t die, you will suffer severe injuries!” Yang Kai coldly stated, looking at Long Hui, his tone conveying his confidence.
“Your mother’s fart!” Long Hui bellowed, “You want to scare this lord! You’re still too inexperienced!”
Not bothering to reply, Yang Kai continued his crazy attacks.
Long Hui was thoroughly enraged. This time he didn’t use the Gold Rainbow Steps, but instead directly went to greet Yang Kai’s strike head-on.
*Peng* their collision sounded. Yang Kai was as steady as a rock, not moving an inch. Meanwhile, Long Hui felt the invasion of Yuan Qi into his body and stumbled back a few steps.
Crying out strangely, Long Hui didn’t dare to meet Yang Kai head on anymore. Revolving his Yuan Qi, he activated his Golden Rainbow Steps and hastily tried to widen the distance between them.
*Sou* another sound rang out. A crimson red droplet shaped object flew out. When Long Hui had just regained his footing, it directly entered his body via the right side of his chest.
Screaming out miserably, Long Hui’s face paled, clutching his chest. Gasping for breath, bloody foam began to form at his mouth. “It can’t be. It can’t be. It is definitely impossible!”
His Golden Rainbow Steps had actually been seen through. With Yang Kai’s attack already shooting out towards his landing position, Long Hui had no method of avoiding it.
Not to mention that the attack was so domineering, that it caused one’s heart to shiver. Not only had it penetrated his Ordinary Low-Grade Defensive Artefact, it had also entered into his body. If it wasn’t for his protective layer of Yuan Qi, it would have penetrated through to his core.
“There is nothing impossible!” Yang Kai’s expression remained cool as he strode forward with quick steps. How could Long Hui dare to stay and fight? Hastening his own steps, Long Hui started to escape towards Wen Fei Chen’s position. “Lord Wen, save me!”
The current Long Hui was like a frightened stray dog; how could his previous arrogance and steadiness remain?
Just as he stabilized his body again, a piercing pain spread out from his back. Long Hui directly fell face first onto the ground.
As he was struggling to get up, a large foot landed on the back of his neck; the foot was heavy, like a mountain. Long Hui floundered about on the ground, but no matter what, he could not turn over.
“I am the grandson of the Blood Battle Gang’s Long Zai Tian. If you spare me, I will give you money; give you women, whatever you want I will give to you. If you kill me, not only will it bring you nothing, it will also cause my Long family come and kill you.” Not stopping his struggles, Long Hui also repeatedly begged for mercy. Facing the incomparably steady Yang Kai, Long Hui’s gaze was one of poisonous compliance.
“Young Master Long!” Yang Kai began, “Your blood-curdling screams aren’t the least bit pleasant to hear!”
“Yes, yes, yes! Brother Yang speaks the truth. If you don’t like it, then I won’t shout!” When at the edge of the cliff, how could Long Hui dare to not bow his head?
“Then stay silent forever!” Upon finishing, Yang Kai stomped Long Hui’s entire face into the ground and used his fist to snap his neck.
*Ka cha*. Long Hui’s neck snapped, his eyes popping out with alarm and remorse.
Using one hand, Yang Kai lifted up Long Hui’s corpse and hurried to the location of the other battle.
A short while later, the figures of Wen Fei Chen and Xia Ning Chang entered the sights of Yang Kai.
Presently, both were evenly matched; neither was inferior to the other!
Of the two people, one had his cultivation sealed, while the other was injured and yet to fully recover her Yuan Qi. So she didn’t have the ability to display her true power, as such her attacks also suffered a large decrease in power.
Even so, this high leveled battle between experts was far more intense than any other battle Yang Kai had experienced.
Figures flickering, they were basically appearing here and there with their Yuan Qi bursting out. A battle situation that was extremely dire.
Yang Kai stood to the side watching for a while. He knew that if it were one on one, then he would have absolutely no hope, but with Xia Ning Chang it was different. Two on one, this was much easier.
Looking around, Yang Kai heart knew what he needed to do. Closing in on Wen Fei Chen, he carried Long Hui’s body while shouting out. “Lord Wen, come look at who this is!”
Wen Fei Chen had long sensed Yang Kai’s presence, but he didn’t dare to probe around, naturally, he wouldn’t know the answer to that question. But upon hearing Yang Kai’s question, he turned his head around to look and immediately cried out. “Young master Long!”
The current Long Hui had a large hole in his chest with blood flowing out. His neck was soft and flabby; the bones in his neck had been shattered while his head hung limply, without the slightest bit of life!
[Long Hui had been murdered!] Wen Fei Chen didn’t dare to believe his eyes. No matter what, this playful young master was still a Qi Transformation First Stage practitioner. He also cultivated many Martial Skills that made even Wen Fei Chen himself drool, so his battle power wasn’t small.
It was only because Wen Fei Chen had trusted in his battle power that he could calmly allow him to do battle with Yang Kai. But how is he now dead.
[Shoot! Shoot!] Wen Fei Chen whined within his heart. It was okay if the others from the Blood Battle Gang had died, but Long Hui could not die! If he died, didn’t it mean that Long Zai Tian would become incredibly furious? If this Immortal Ascension Boundary expert blamed him, he wouldn’t be able to bear the consequences.

Martial Peak – Chapter 114, Wen Fei Chen’s Defeat

In a battle between experts, victory is usually decided within an instant.
Long Hui’s death clearly caused a ripple within Wen Fei Chen’s heart, creating an opening for Xia Ning Chang.
How could Xia Ning Chang miss this opportunity? Her eyes glinting, hands flashing, her killing strike was launched.
Feeling a bad premonition, Wen Fei Chen hurriedly put up some defences. Unfortunately he didn’t react in time, so he suffered some injuries to his chest.
Before Wen Fei Chen could even send out his own counter attack against Xia Ning Chang, Yang Kai had made his move. Carrying Long Hui’s corpse in front of him, he executed a sneak attack from under Long Hui’s armpit with a blazing fist.
In a timely manner, Xia Ning Chang further pressured Wen Fei Chen.
Stuck in a pincer formation, Wen Fei Chen’s posture was very flustered and messy. He was in a very sticky situation.
With his current power, he had no way to deal with Xia Ning Chang, but dealing with Yang Kai was a different matter. Unfortunately, he had despicably used Long Hui’s corpse as a shield. No matter how many hundreds of methods Wen Fei Chen possessed, he could not use a single one because of this.
In order to injure Yang Kai, he must first destroy Long Hui’s corpse, which he definitely wasn’t willing to do!
“You shameless child!” Wen Fei Chen roared out in extreme rage. While deterring the two’s attacks, he also continuously raged. “The dead should be respected! By treating Young Master Long’s corpse this way, aren’t you afraid you will suffer the wrath of the Heavens?”
Yang Kai merely scoffed. “The one who should suffer Heaven’s wrath should be you! If you guys didn’t force it this far, would things have escalated to such a degree?”
His rebuttal left Wen Fei Chen speechless. What he said was right. The only reason why these people had come to this mountain valley was to search for some heavenly treasures, provoking no one. While his group had chased them from far away to kill them, a true act of the strong bullying the weak. What right did he have to criticize them?
In the midst of the confusion, Yang Kai took the opportunity to finally land a blow. While Wen Fei Chen busied himself defending against Xia Ning Chang, Yang Kai managed to land a hit on his waist.
The Yang Liquid activating, entire ten drops were used at once, plunging straight out.
Wen Fei Chen let out a groan, hastily retreating. Great shock and alarm could be seen on his face, as he stared at Yang Kai.
He had discovered that this youngster’s attacks were far more vicious than that female’s, and by many folds too! Boiling hot Yang Qi immediately surged into his body, while a bloody hole had appeared on his body. Although the wound was not too serious, it still wasn’t shallow.
Frowning, Yang Kai realised that he was still lacking when facing this expert at the True Element boundary. Ten drops of Yang Liquid had been used, yet it still hadn’t been sufficient to pierce through him!
The True Qi within the body of a True Element boundary master truly possessed better defensive capabilities than Yuan Qi.
“Careful Junior Brother!” Xia Ning Chang suddenly cried out.
At the same instance, Yang Kai saw that a wild killing intent had appeared within Wen Fei Chen’s eyes as he threw himself over.
Finally he had reached his limit, he was thoroughly enraged. Or did he actually enjoy being abused? Slowly, the corners of Yang Kai’s mouth upturned in an extremely sinister smile.
He knew that once he used the Yang Liquid, Wen Fei Chen would then go all out to target him; even if his cultivation was below Xia Ning Chang’s, the power he could use was many folds stronger than her.
If he was Wen Fei Chen, he would do the same thing.
[Everything was within his calculations!]
Facing Wen Fei Chen’s attack, Yang Kai did not retreat. Instead, he quickly closed the distance.
“Don’t!” Xia Ning CHang cried out. But both were advancing towards each other at high speeds, so it was completely out of her hands.
“Stinking brat!” Wen Fei Chen’s tone was severe, not bothering to conceal his intentions. Raising his hand, he directly slapped towards Yang Kai.
Taking a deep breath, Yang Kai immediately tensed all of his muscles, revolving his Yuan Qi to its limit. His bones creaked; a rapid rising in his energy levels turned his skin a crazy red colour.
“Hong!” Wen Fei Chen’s palm had landed directly on the corpse of Long Hui.
Like a watermelon, it burst, turning Long Hui into mincemeat. This revealed Yang Kai who was previously hiding behind it.
Following straight after, another palm was sent out targeting the defenceless Yang Kai!
Currently displayed on the faces of both men were extremely profound smiles.
Under the horrified gaze of Xia Ning Chang, a simple strike landed on Yang Kai’s chest.
It was quite obvious that Yang Kai’s chest had caved in, evidenced by the sound of bones cracking. Yang Kai spurted out a mouthful of blood, which rapidly turned into a bloody mist that landed on the nearby Wen Fei Chen.
How could Wen Fei Chen tolerate a mouthful of blood on his face? His figure flickering, he immediately evaded.
But before he could retract his hand from Yang Kai’s chest, he saw that despite the pain evident on Yang Kai’s face he was giving him a sneering smile.
*Pa…* it rang out. His hands clutching tightly onto Wen Fei Chen’s wrist, he breathed in coarsely with his bloodshot eyes boring into him. “You’re doomed!”
Wen Fei Chen’s face instantly changed! He never would have guessed that this brat’s vitality would be this strong. Or that his Yuan Qi’s defensive capabilities would be this high. Although his strike had caused Yang Kai to receive grave injuries, it hadn’t been able to kill him.
But even so, if an average person was able to endure his strike, they wouldn’t be able to rebel, so how was Yang Kai still able to use so much power? He actually grabbed onto him and didn’t let go? How much strength did he need to have in order for this to happen?
“Release me!” Raising his hand, Wen Fei Chen prepared to hit Yang Kai.
How could Xia Ning Chang give him this opportunity? In her anger, her beautiful hair billowed around her as she gathered all the Yin Qi within a ten foot radius. Suddenly a glistening ice cone appeared in front of her before charging straight towards Wen Fei Chen.
Before Wen Fei Chen’s hand could fall, it was run through by the ice cone, which made him howl out in pain as blood began flowing out.
“Roar!!!!” Suddenly Yang Kai let out an extremely loud and animalistic howl as a berserk-like Yuan Qi energy erupted from his body, becoming more and more violent.
The always steady peak Initial Element Stage Qi fluctuations, had suddenly, under the constant pressure and berserk energy, allowed him to breakthrough to the next stage.
Qi Transformation Stage!
This wasn’t truly the Qi Transformation Stage. It was only the Qi fluctuations of the Qi Transformation Stage.
But the current Yang Kai, in terms of strength, wasn’t comparable to others!
Sensing Yang Kai’s change, Wen Fei Chen was like a block of ice. Exerting all of his strength, he attempted to retract his hand but was ultimately unable to do so. His other arm had a fresh hole courtesy of Xia Ning Chang. With these factors and the pain, it caused him to feel more and more unstable.
*Ka cha.* It was precisely from this boost in power that Yang Kai managed to snap Wen Fei Chen’s wrist.
Since all ten fingers were connected to his heart, how could one possibly stand this type of pain? In any case, Wen Fei Chen could not bear the pain any longer and the sound of his screams echoed throughout the valley.
Another *ka cha* sounded out. Wen Fei Chen’s screams became even more tragic.
Yang Kai sadistically smiled, as he broke five of his fingers before pulling him down to kneeling position to break his arm.
During this time, Xia Ning Chang didn’t waste any time. Deeply concerned about Yang Kai’s wounds, she mercilessly attacked Wen Fei Chen’s body.

Martial Peak – Chapter 115, Obtaining the Nine Yin Dew Crystals

The moment that Wen Fei Chen had landed his blow on Yang Kai, his defeat had already been decided.
Yang Kai distinctly understood that in order to kill this type of expert, he must first restrict their freedom. Otherwise, just by relying on Xia Ning Chang and his own strength, they would be unable to win.
Since Long Hui had such exquisite footwork, how could an expert at the True Element boundary, Wen Fei Chen for instance, not have something similar? If they allowed him to realise that something was up, then as soon as the sun rose, Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang would be in big trouble.
But in order to restrict an expert, how hard would that be? Even if more than half of his current cultivation had been sealed, he still wasn’t someone they could easily go against.
That’s why Yang Kai needed to put his own body in danger! By using his own body as bait, he allowed Wen Fei Chen to strike him, thus giving him the chance to grab onto his wrist; essentially binding him!
This was an incredibly bold move. But since Yang Kai had risked himself as part of the strategy, how could Wen Fei Chen not fall into the trap?
With both his hands destroyed, Wen Fei Chen was like a hedgehog that had lost its spikes without power to use.
Swiftly following his defeat was the rhythmic sound of bones breaking and bloodcurdling cries, under of Yang Kai’s hands Wen Fei Chen suffered the cruellest torture.
In a ten short breaths time, Wen Fei Chen’s cries had gradually stopped; even his breathing had become shallow. His entire body was like soft mud, lying limply on the ground.
Standing to the side, Xia Ning Chang’s heart palpitated, like it was her first time truly seeing this Junior Brother of hers.
Even after observing him for more than two years, how could Xia Ning Chang have possibly seen this ruthless, cold and cruel side of him?
Suddenly, three Smokey black Yin chains flew out from Wen Fei Chen’s body. At the same time, five other smokey black chains appeared within the valley before disappearing into thin air.
“Junior Brother, he is already dead!” Pulling on Yang Kai gently, Xia Ning Chang called out to him.
The appearance of the Yin chains signified the end of Wen Fei Chen!
“Is he dead?” Breathing rapidly, it was only then that Yang Kai slowly straightened up his waist.
“Junior Brother, you are fine right?” Xia Ning Chang’s tone was full of worry. Currently, she could sense an evil aura being emitted from all over her Junior Brother’s body, like he was about to step into the demonic path.
Yang Kai knew what she was worrying over, grinning somewhat painfully he reassured her. “Don’t panic. This is one of my Martials Skills, it only looks a bit scary that’s all.”
Looking closely, Xia Ning Chang studied him through her red eyes, although his eyes looked wild, they still continued traces of a cool calmness, symbolising that he was still himself.
“Since all of them are dead, let’s go and find the Nine Yin Dew Crystals!” Yang Kai had yet to forget about that matter.
“Can you still go on? You suffered such heavy injuries though!”
“I’m still okay, but if we wait any longer, then I’m afraid that I won’t be able to go on.” Yang Kai said this as he tugged on Xia Ning Chang’s hand, dragging her to where the Yin Qi was gathering.
As time passed, the amount of Yin Qi within the valley was gradually becoming thinner and thinner. This indicated the location of the Nine Yin Dew Crystals.
Arriving at their destination, that treasure was still there. It had been scared away by the two battles that took place a couple of meters away.
At that very moment, the flower bud was in its last stages, just about ready to bloom. Within the flower bud, were drops of translucent crystal like liquid drops, emitting a serene glow.
“How do we collect them?” Yang Kai asked.
Xia Ning Chang whispered softly. “Use your Yang attributed Yuan Qi to subdue due it. Then… contain them within your mouth. I will go do the rest. Remember, you can’t use any other part of your body to touch them.”
[Contain them with my mouth?] When Yang Kai heard this, he became bewildered. Just as he was about to inquire further, Xia Ning Chang’s expression became more serious. “They have appeared!”
As those words left her mouth, the flower bud truly began to bloom. Originally it was the darkest hour of the night, but due to the blooming of the flower, the entire valley area lit up.
A single drop of liquid appeared, clear like the fresh morning dew. Floating up slowing from the flower, it was rapidly spinning in circles.
As for the flower, it came from, it contained rich amounts of Yin Qi that all began to coalesce into the drop.
It was like a precious stone! Splendid and magnificent! But it was still emitting an extremely cold aura of Yin Qi that could cause anyone’s heart to beat rapidly.
[The Nine Yin Dew Crystal had appeared!]
Her hands swiftly forming the appropriate seals, Xia Ning Chang began to unleash the Nine Yin Eight Cloud Locks once again. In the instant, the Nine Yin Dew crystals revealed themselves, *ka-cha, ka-cha* sounds were heard in the air.
And then, a domineering Yin Qi energy began to form. Under the direction of Xia Ning Chang, it surged towards the Nine Yin Dew Crystal and tied it down from all directions. Locking that small area down, it had completely trapped that Nine Yin Dew Crystal.
Dashing to the left, dashing to the right, no matter where the Nine Yin Dew Crystal dashed, in a five feet radius, it could not escape.
“Junior Brother, it’s your turn.” Xia Ning Chang said this, as she looked attentively at Yang Kai. Even though she didn’t care too much about this anymore, considering what they had gone through. But since the treasure was right in front of their eyes, if she could collect it, then she would collect it.
Yang Kai nodded his head as he walked over steadily.
Although the eight domineering Yin Qi locks had blocked off the area, they posed no difficulty for Yang Kai, because the True Yuan Secret Art within Yang Kai’s body had always been the nemesis of Yin Qi.
Walking into that little-secluded place, the Nine Yin Dew Crystal seemed to have sensed Yang Kai’s intentions. Due to this, it stayed the furthest possible distance from him, floating in mid-air.
Observing it up close, Yang Kai discovered that it really resembled a precious gemstone. It was shaped like a teardrop and was about the same size as a human thumbnail.
[Use True Yuan Secret Art to capture it! How do you do it?] Knitting his eyebrows together, Yang Kai thought for a while, before directly using a drop of Yang Liquid.
Using the Yang Liquid, with a simple thought he turned the drop into a blood-red blade. Casually swinging, he rushed towards the Nine Yin Dew Crystals.
The Nine Yin Dew Crystal still wanted to play around mischievously. Darting left and right, it dodged Yang Kai’s strike.
“How interesting!” Chuckling lightly, Yang Kai suddenly realized that the many treasures that geniuses possessed, all had their own spiritual awareness. But this was the first time he had met one.
Secret artifacts that possessed their own spiritual awareness were all treasures without equal.
Not wanting to waste time, another drop of Yang Liquid had appeared within Yang Kai’s hands. Once it appeared, he flourished it in an exaggerated manner.
[Let’s see how you escape this time!] Attacking from both sides would naturally show results. The red blades were like a fish net, entrapping the prey within.
With a flick of his finger, the second drop morphed into a large net. The net was cast out, it wrapped around the Nine Yin Dew Crystal completely and wholly capturing it.
Yang Kai didn’t dare to touch it with his hands and directly brought the net and crystal both into his mouth.
Once it entered his mouth, the freezing cold air began to envelop his mouth. Even if Yang Kai cultivated the True Yang Secret Art, he couldn’t help but let out a shiver.
But in the next moment, another wave of energy that couldn’t be seen, or felt started to immediately suppress the cold energy. This energy was even more effective his True Yuan Secret Art
At the same time, a mysterious attraction force started to come from within his bones, forcibly activating his True Yang Secret Art. With the activation of the True Yang Secret Art, he started to absorb the Nine Yin Dew Crystal’s energy into his bones.
Sensing this, Yang Kai hurriedly went to stop his True Yang Secret Art. But his reaction speed was still too slow, as he could feel that the Nine Yin Dew Crystal within his mouth had shrunk to about half of its previous size. Meanwhile, a unique chilly air could be felt from within his bones before disappearing without a trace.

Martial Peak – Chapter 116, Kiss

Yang Kai panicked.
This occurrence was completely out of his predictions. Even though he knew, from his various experimentations, that he was able to absorb other types of energy apart from Yang Qi and store it within his bones he hadn’t thought it would occur without him actively trying to do so. But now, he had absorbed half of the Nine Yin Dew Crystal? Not to mention that the speed at which he had done so was quite fast.
This object was something that Xia Ning Chang needed, so what should he do?
Turning his head around, Yang Kai looked over awkwardly. Not knowing how to explain what had just happened, Xia Ning Chang had already arrived at his side, bringing with her, her natural fragrance.
Currently, the cheeks of his little Senior Sister were bright red, coupled with equally red earlobes. Breathing rapidly, bashful shyness could clearly be seen within those crystal clear eyes of hers.
“Junior Brother… please bear with it for a while.” Speaking suddenly, Xia Ning Chang reached out with her hand and wrapped it around Yang Kai’s head. Then she pulled his head down towards her.
Her hands were somewhat cool, but felt supple, as if there were no bones within them. They were like a fresh winter snowflake which had descended, giving Yang Kai a chill.
Standing on her tippy-toes, Xia Ning Chang closed her eyes while her long lashes fluttered. Lifting up her veil, her red precious gemstone lips sealed themselves over Yang Kai’s mouth.
With two soft lips pressing onto his own a sweet and alluring scent wafted at the tip of Yang Kai’s nose.
Yang Kai was stunned.
At that time, Yang Kai finally realised the reason why whenever he asked questions regarding the Nine Yin Dew Crystal, both Treasurer Meng and Xia Ning Chang dodged the questions and were so unwilling to respond.
Originally Yang Kai didn’t know the root of this dilemma, but everything had suddenly become clear.
Between the heavens and the earth, there were thousands of methods to collect things. Each object with spiritual awareness had its own method. While the collection method of the Nine Yin Dew Crystal was actually this alluring and this sweet!
Two pairs of lips interlocked, causing Yang Kai’s breathing to become more ragged. From his throat, a burning sensation started to arise; so hot it was that even the Nine Yin Dew Crystal couldn’t suppress it as his blood boiled.
Xia Ning Chang was in a far worse state. After kissing, she stood there like a Buddha statue, not moving an inch, while her skin was blood-red. Not to mention the beating of her heart sounded like the drums of war, as she stood there completely at a loss on what to do.
Although Yang Kai did not know the theory and specifics on how to capture the Nine Yin Dew Crystal, at the very least, he knew that it wouldn’t be achieved if their current actions continued as they were.
Not daring to tarry, Yang Kai wrapped his arm around Xia Ning Chang’s slender waist and pulled her into his embrace. Securing her, he wrapped his tongue around the crystal before prying open her mouth, he then delivered it into her mouth.
Stimulated by the cold from the Nine Yin Dew Crystal, Xia Ning Chang managed to regain a few her senses back. Knowing what she needed to do, she accepted the crystal and directly swallowed it.
Tasting some sweetness at the tip of their tongues, their two bodies clung closely together. More so with Yang Kai’s upper body, became more and more sensitive. Being the young hot-blooded youngster he was, how could he possibly bear this type of stimulation?
Basically, by instinct, one hand wrapped tightly around Xia Ning Chang, while his other hand had gone to her round buttocks, gently kneading it.
Feeling the two soft mounds on his chest, her warmth, Yang Kai’s breathing couldn’t help by quicken. Carefully and attentively, he maneuvered his hands to wantonly rub those two startling elastic jade mounds.
Moans filled with pleasure came from Xia Ning Chang’s mouth. Yang Kai could clearly see her closed eyes open slightly, as her eyelashes fluttered. When he realized he was staring at her, he hurriedly continued.
Coarse breathing, the bodily interaction, the touching of their tongues and the lack of mindfulness, caused the young male and female to forget their surroundings completely. Each closely hugged the other, wishing that they could merge with each other.
Suddenly, Yang Kai’s tongue started to hurt, making him scream out in pain.
Taking the opportunity, Xia Ning Chang pushed on Yang Kai’s chest. Nibbling lightly, she escaped from Yang Kai’s embrace.
“Why did you bite me?” Yang Kai could feel that his tongue had been cut open by the bite, as a bit of blood pooled in his mouth.
Clasping her hands on together, Xia Ning Chang’s chest heaved up and down. Breathing in deep breaths, she strived to calm her racing heartbeat, before responding after a while. “I’m sorry. In order to refine the Nine Yin Dew Crystal, I need a bit of your pure inborn Yang attributed Qi and a bit of your tongue’s blood!”
To subdue the Nine Yin Dew Crystal one actually need some pure Yang attributed Qi! The purer the better, and because Yang Kai cultivated the True Yang Secret Art, he was the best candidate.
And in order to refine it, you needed natural inborn Yang attributed Qi and the tongue’s blood.
Natural inborn Yang Qi was something that couldn’t be cultivated. It was something that all males were born with. At birth, males are born with a mysterious energy, and until they had intimate relationships with a female it would remain. Even if it did disappear, it wouldn’t have any influence on them.
But this energy was needed at certain times; an example was a situation like this.
The previous heat that Yang Kai had felt, the energy that had enveloped the Nine Yin Dew Crystal’s cold, was precisely his natural inborn Yang Qi.
That was also the reason why Treasurer Meng was adamant in knowing whether or not Yang Kai was a virgin. It was only virgin boys that still possessed their natural inborn Yang Qi, and it was only the tongue blood of virgin boys that was usable in refining the Nine Yin Dew Crystals.
Hearing Xia Ning Chang say it, Yang Kai touched his mouth and seriously replied. “So it was like this. Is it enough? If it’s not enough, I still have more.”
[Isn’t it just a few drops of blood from the tongue?]
Shy beyond belief, Xia Ning Chang couldn’t help but want to hide in some hole. Nodding her head vigorously she said. “Enough! One drop is already enough!”
“Oh.” Yang Kai couldn’t help but reply with some disappointment. Recalling the touch of her tongue and feeling of her body, he couldn’t help but sigh. It was the first time that he had such a close relationship with a female.
“Little Senior Sister…” Yang Kai called out hesitantly, his eyes full of burning passion.
Xia Ning Chang immediately became frantic, how could she not be able to hear the underlying wish of Yang Kai’s?
Replying promptly, “You still have various wounds, so you should go and focus on healing. I also need to refine the Nine Yin Dew Crystal.”
“Oh!” Yang Kai remembered the words she had once said. Once they had obtained the Nine Yin Dew Crystal, if they didn’t refine it within two hours, it would disappear.
“That’s right, this thing…” Just as Yang Kai was about to inform her that he had absorbed half of the energy, the world around him started to dim. Losing strength, Yang Kai collapsed onto the ground, his consciousness quickly faded.
“Junior Brother!” Crying out loudly, Xia Ning Chang went to support him. Worrying, she checked his pulse, her expression quickly paled.
She had discovered that his pulse was extremely weak; his vitality was at an all-time low. Not to mention that his Yuan Qi was incredibly depleted. He was like an extremely dried up oil lamp.
This was no small matter, Xia Ning Chang’s small heart nearly shrivelled up.
[How could it be like this? He was just fine a minute ago, and just then he was doing… how could he faint without any sign?]
But due to this check up, Xia Ning Chang was able to understand the full extent of the injuries Yang Kai had suffered.
The wounds on his stomach and shoulder didn’t need to be mentioned, as they were already treated and wrapped earlier. But due to the battle, his wounds had opened once more, with blood flowing out profusely. The most serious was the one to his chest. Five of his ribs had been broken, while a portion of his chest had caved in, clearly it had injured his lung. That strike of Wen Fei Chen’s, had contained his fury, so how could it be light?

Martial Peak – Chapter 117, Subduing and Breaking Through

The entire night, it was unknown how many much blood Yang Kai had lost. It wasn’t until this moment that Xia Ning Chang fully understood the monstrous amount of willpower her Junior Brother had relied on during the night.
With these types of wounds, if his position was switched with a normal person, who knew how many times that person would die. While he bit down and held out against the pain and accompanied her to kill that final enemy, and then assisted her to capture the Nine Yin Dew Crystal.
After completing all of that, once he relaxed his mind, it was of no surprise that he would faint.
Placating the anxiety within her heart, Xia Ning Chang went to take out the remaining pills from within Yang Kai’s clothes. Then bracing herself, she forced herself to search Wen Fei Chen’s body and found more pills which she then fed to Yang Kai.
But Yang Kai was currently in a coma, so how could he possibly swallow those pills?
Thinking for a while, Xia Ning Chang began to break the pills into pieces before feeding them to Yang Kai.
Just as she was busying herself with various things, the Nine Yin Eight Locks suddenly burst out and disappeared.
The sun was up! With the sun brimming with vitality, the Nine Yin Eight Locks sealing formation had dissolved.
Unbeknownst to Xia Ning Chang, she did not sense the passage of time within the mountain valley as she was preoccupied tending to Yang Kai.
A wave of tyrannical but soft energy passed over Xia Ning Chang’s body. Shivering from the sensation, she suddenly looked up, as a figure appeared within her view.
“Master!” As soon as Xia Ning Chang saw him, it was like a crack had formed in a dam wall. With her master’s appearance, her reliance on him appeared as tears flowed unceasingly down her beautiful face.
His face serious, Meng Wu Ya was about to reprimand Xia Ning Chang when he saw that something was not quite right. Looking around his face became concerned as he asked: “What happened?”
Old Man Meng had stood guard outside of the Nine Yin Eight Locks formations for a good portion of the night. He did not dare to enter, as he assumed that the capturing of the dew drop had gone successfully. After all, he had prepared these things for many years, and all they needed was the corporation of Yang Kai. After that, everything was easy.
It was just that his beloved and treasured Disciple had to sacrifice herself a bit.
After staying outside all night, Meng Wu Ya was also feeling a bit stuffy himself. Which master would be drugged by his own Disciple; under the heavens, he guessed only he would be. Though that wasn’t the reason why Meng Wu Ya was feeling this way. Being drugged was a small matter, but this time he had lost a lot of face. Not to mention that this trip had brought Xia Ning Chang deep into Black Wind Mountains, what if something bad had happened to her?
So that’s why Meng Wu Ya was determined to go reprimand Xia Ning Chang for her actions; but of course he wouldn’t be too harsh on her. After all, this Disciple of Treasurer Meng’s was treated like his most beloved treasure.
But what he was about to say had suddenly disappeared as he gazed down at the ground. On the ground, he saw her panicked and pale face, as she looked at Yang Kai lying unconscious in a terrible condition. “What happened here?”
“Master I asked you to save him!” Bawling anxiously, Xia Ning Chang miserably cried out.
Meng Wu Ya did not hesitate; he immediately descended and used two fingers to jab at Yang Kai’s wrists. His Divine Sense sweeping across his body, Meng Wu Ya couldn’t help but make a startled face “How did he get so serious wounded?”
In the eyes of Meng Wu Ya, Yang Kai’s injuries were equivalent to having one foot in the grave. His internal chest and external injuries were all secondary. What was most worrying was the extreme depletion of his Yuan Qi, as well as the chaotic state of his meridians.
In regards to these types of conditions, he must take a special kind of spirit pill. Not only did he have to take a spirit pill, a doctor proficient in medicine was also needed.
Meng Wu Ya had neither of those.
“Master, will he die?” Xia Ning Chang mournfully asked, filled with worry.
Seeing his Disciple, without any hesitation or restraint, treating a male in this manner caused Meng Wu Ya to feel upset. It was like having a daughter whom you spent much effort raising, only to have her leave you.
Once Yang Kai took the pill, his color became somewhat better, but the results were not like the expected results.
Taking the opportunity, Meng Wu Ya observed their surroundings. The original hazy gaze, suddenly became cold as he saw the corpses of Wen Fei Chen and Long Hui.
All of his suspicions disappeared!
The reason why Yang Kai had suffered such serious wounds, the reason why his beloved Disciple cut such a sorry figure, just like they had engaged in a harsh battle; all had suddenly become clear.
A surge of fury burst out from Meng Wu Ya’s chest, as a frosty expression began to form on Old Man Meng’s face.
He didn’t decide to ask now, for currently, it wasn’t the appropriate time. The coming days were long, and there would be plenty of time to investigate and make things clear in the future.
Meng Wu Ya was extremely regretful. Regretful that when he had arrived last night, he didn’t break into the sealing formation of the Nine Yin Eight Locks. Otherwise, how could his Disciple and Yang Kai fall into such dire straits?
Vexation and remorse filled his heart, before gradually turning into fury!
Inviting the wrath of the heavens!
Taking in deep breaths, Meng Wu Ya suppressed the fury within his heart and gently asked, “Disciple, did you get the Nine Yin Dew Crystal?”
*En.* Xia Ning Chang continued to look stupidly at the unconscious Yang Kai, nodding her head.
“Then go refine it. You don’t need to worry for Yang Kai, for this old man is here, so he can’t die.” Meng Wu Ya consoled.
Hesitating, Xia Ning Chang finally agreed, repeating, “Master, you must take care to not let anything happen to him. The reason why your Disciple is still alive is because he put his life on the line to protect me. If it wasn’t for him, then your Disciple would have…” Mentioning the last part, Xia Ning Chang began to cry like a bird again.
“Relax!” Squeezing out a smile, Meng Wu Ya nodded his head lightly.
Only then did Xia Ning Chang gather herself again. Drying her tears, she sat down and took out the bag she kept at her side. While she refined the Nine Yin Dew Crystal, she also kept an eye on Yang Kai’s status.
In half an hour’s time, the Nine Yin Dew Crystal had been fully refined. Though Xia Ning Chang did not absorb the pill yet and rather kept it in her Dantian. This was because it took a long time to absorb the pill. Once she completely absorbed it, she would be able to breakthrough into the True Element Stage; but this would take at least a few days.
Without Yang Kai awake, Xia Ning Chang was in no mood to do so.
“Let’s go. Let’s first leave this place. With Yang Kai in this condition, he needs serious medical attention.” Bending down, Meng Wu Ya picked up Yang Kai and along with Xia Ning Chang, sprinted swiftly towards the edge of Black Wind Mountain.
The two people didn’t rush straight towards High Heaven Pavilion because the distance between the two places wasn’t small. Rather, they had come to the small town that Yang Kai and Xia Ning had rested at previously.
Searching for a tavern in the town, the three people settled down temporarily. Sparing no effort, Xia Ning Chang labored at Yang Kai’s side every day with all her heart.
While Meng Wu Ya gave Yang Kai True Qi every day, in hopes of improving Yang Kai’s condition.
Falling unconscious, Yang Kai discovered that his consciousness had come to the world with nothing. Inside this world, there was nothing; only the Golden Skeleton from the black book could be found.
The Golden Skeleton sat cross-legged, its golden brilliance shining brightly. Yang Kai also sat opposite it, cross-legged, not moving an inch.
Without a sound, without light, Yang Kai sat there observing the Golden Skeleton. Although the Golden Skeleton had no eyes, Yang Kai felt that it was also observing him.
Time flowed on, without any indication, Yang Kai and the Golden Skeleton maintained this kind of silent situation.
Yang Kai comprehended the mysteries of the Golden Skeleton. Last time he did so, Yang Kai felt that there were even deeper mysteries regarding it. But despite trying, he was far too powerless at the time.
But this time, after experiencing so many life and death battles, Yang Kai felt that the distance between him and Golden Skeleton had been shortened.
If one was to say there had previously been a barrier between Yang Kai and the Golden Skeleton, then currently, that barrier had been removed.
His unyielding willpower had conquered the Golden Skeleton’s haughtiness, while the Golden Skeleton was excited that he had found a suitable master.
Suddenly, Yang Kai smiled!
The Golden Skeleton also transformed. Turning into golden streaks of light, he entered Yang Kai; just like the first time, they had met.
But Yang Kai knew, he knew that this time, he had fully gained the support of the arrogant Golden Skeleton. Previously when this had happened, he only gained a portion of its strength. All this time it had been observing, examining, until finally, Yang Kai had gained its approval. This meant that the Golden Skeleton is now to willingly integrate itself into Yang Kai’s body.
The world of nothingness suddenly collapsed, causing Yang Kai’s consciousness to return to his body.
In no rush to open his eyes, Yang Kai probed around to learn about his body’s condition.
The injuries on his body were of no hindrance. It was only the area of his chest which had caved in that still hurt. Apart from that, the sword wounds on his abdomen and shoulder had healed up nicely.
Inside his Dantian, of the original forty drops of Yang Liquid, only a few remained; there was only about seven or eight left. The cost of that night’s battles was far too high.
Just the amount of Yang Liquid used on Disciple Cai and Wen Fei Chen alone numbered around twenty drops. Not to mention, the drops used in resisting the cold and the various other battles.
But this cost wasn’t without rewards. Through these battles, his original Initial Element Fourth Stage cultivation had shot up to the Seventh Stage!
To breakthrough three sub stages consecutively, Yang Kai couldn’t help but be startled.
Thinking back, while he was battling Wen Fei Chen, he had felt that the energy he emitted was at the Qi Transformation Stage. It should have been around that time, he had broken through.
To break through at that moment had caused Yang Kai to fail to notice. If it weren’t for his inspection of his body, such a breakthrough would have stayed unnoticed.

Martial Peak – Chapter 118, Master, You are Just a Quack

This was not the only benefit.
He had also accidentally absorbed half of the Nine Yin Dew Crystal. At the time, Yang Kai did not why it had happened, but now all had become clear. That half of the Nine Yin Dew Crystal’s energy had been stored away in the innermost location within the Golden Skeleton.
When the time came for him to step into the True Element boundary, he could then use the Nine Yin Dew Crystal to help him refine True Qi. This would allow his True Qi to reach a higher quality.
This benefit couldn’t be seen currently, but in the future, it would reveal its true value.
Additionally, any questions that he originally had in regards to the Golden Skeleton, had now been answered very clearly and thoroughly.
This Golden Skeleton of his, was able to absorb Yang attributed Qi and any attributed energy. This excess energy would then be stored within his body, which he was then able to access at a later date when he needed it.
The stronger his willpower the more energy he could absorb. Through this, the Golden Skeleton would be able to bring him even better benefits.
It was just that the energy that was given to him by the Golden Skeleton was of demonic Yin origin. In other words, as long as he used this energy, his eyes would turn blood-red and his body would give off an evil aura.
But, due to him cultivating the True Yuan Secret Art; the nemesis of this demonic Yin energy; he was able to suppress it, allowing him to retain his sense of self.
Thinking up to this point, Yang Kai understood the reason why the black book would give him the True Yang Secret Art to cultivate. It was to help him defend against that powerful Yin force, preventing him from losing himself to the demonic path.
Everything was clear now! Opening his eyes, Yang Kai heard a series of soft sighs.
Shortly after that, the dialogue between Xia Ning Chang and Meng Wu Ya reached his ears.
“My dear Disciple…….your master has expended his utmost effort!” Meng Wu Ya’s tone was full of guilt and a bit of unwillingness and regret.
These past few days, Meng Wu Ya would use his True Qi to help Yang Kai heal his wounds. But unfortunately, this aid did little to help him in his recovery.
Not to mention, the golden pill Yang Kai had taken. Meng Wu Ya surmised that even if it were not enough to heal his wounds, it should have been enough to allow him to wake up right?
But not only did Yang Kai not wake up, not even a bit of his conscious could be seen.
He didn’t know what peculiarities were hidden within Yang Kai’s body that t the golden pill couldn’t reveal its raising the dead type abilities. It had only assisted in repairing some of his external injuries, before losing all effect.
Even the True Qi that he had injected into Yang Kai, showed little results. It was like a black hole existed within Yang Kai’s body; as soon as the True Qi entered, it was absorbed.
How could Meng Wu Ya know about the miraculous effects of the Golden Skeleton? Apart from Yang attributed energy, it could also absorb any other kind of energy. Both the golden pill and True Qi, it had absorbed around ninety-nine percent of their energy, so how could they display their effects?
“Master…” These days, tears could constantly be seen on Xia Ning Chang’s face, her eyes were always red. Before she still held hope, but when she heard Meng Wu Ya speak like that, her face paled.
“You don’t have any other methods?” Full of hope, Xia Ning Chang looked at her master; after all, Meng Wu Ya’s background wasn’t ordinary. Those who possessed such strength, if they said there was no hope, then there really wouldn’t be any other method in this world.
“His soul, should have been broken and scattered.” His expression heavy, Meng Wu Ya replied, “These days, there hasn’t been a moment where I could sense his soul or consciousness.”
Her expression blank, Xia Ning Chang’s face became whiter and whiter. “But don’t you worry, he won’t die.” Hurriedly, Meng Wu Ya opened his mouth to add, “He will just remain in a state of suspended animation. It’s just from this day forward, he can’t speak, cannot hear, and his body cannot feel anything. If only…..”
“If only what?”
“If only we could find some Spirit Restoration Liquid and recover his lost soul.” Meng Wu Ya sighed out this last part. “But the Spirit Restoration Liquid… This small place does not have it!”
“Where can you find it?” Xia Ning Chang’s voice suddenly became tranquil, and within that tranquillity, there was a note of resolute determination. Seeing her eyes, Meng Wu Ya point his finger up and down her body.
Cleverly, she stayed silent, but her gaze remained firm. “No matter what, I must obtain the Spirit Restoration Liquid and help Junior Brother restore his decapitated soul.
“What are you guys talking about?” Just as the two’s atmosphere was mournful, a hoarse and weak voice sounded out from behind them. It was basically by instinct that Meng Wu Ya responded: “Talking about your injuries….”
Saying these words, old man Meng’s expression changed greatly. Stiffly, like a machine, he turned his head around and his eyes shrunk back into their sockets as he saw Yang Kai, who was lying on the bed looking back at him with his eyes wide open.
“Junior Brother!” Unable to contain her joy, Xia Ning Chang immediately rushed up. Her long lashes fluttering uncontrollably, an unmistakable sense of joy, and a look full of worry was directed at Yang Kai.
Seeing her red, beyond compare, eyes, Yang Kai couldn’t help but feel touched. This made him understand that his days of unconsciousness weren’t short and that within those days, his situation had caused her a great deal of worry.
“I’m fine.” Yang Kai responded in an unconcerned manner, “I just feel a bit empty.”
“Hurry and come look Master.” As she wiped her eyes, she went to pull Meng Wu Ya over. It was practically, ‘I’ll drag you over even if you die’ type of manner, as she pulled her master to Yang Kai’s side.
Being pulled that hard, Old Man Meng only narrowly avoided tripping.
[Full of a woman’s duty, a woman’s duty! If it weren’t because this old man was tough and could take this tormenting, then I would have long since been pulled apart by you.]
But it was then that Meng Wu Ya finally regained his sense of self as he sat down on Yang Kai’s bed side. His face serious, he carefully checked his condition.
After a good period of time, Meng Wu Ya’s brows continued to be knitted together as he muttered to himself: “It’s impossible. There’s no reason. How could it be like this?”
With every sentence, Xia Ning Chang’s expression went through great turbulence, thinking that Yang Kai’s injuries had only worsened in some way. “Master, Junior Brother he……..” Biting on her lip tightly, she quietly asked, her heart in her throat.
“Oh. Since he is already awake, then there is nothing big to worry about.” Left at a bit of a loss, Meng Wu Ya looked at Yang Kai full of puzzlement. “Nothing big to worry about?” At this statement, Xia Ning Chang’s face couldn’t help but reveal a weird look. Recalling her master’s previous mannerisms, it seemed as if her Junior Brother’s injuries were very serious. So how could they suddenly become nothing big to worry about?
“But this really can’t be.” Meng Wu Ya couldn’t help but ask, “Yang Kai, is this the final radiance before a setting sun?”
Forcing out a bitter smile Yang Kai replied, “Treasurer Meng, are there people who curse like you?”
A expression of slander: “But earlier, your soul had already dissipated. How could it return?”
Yang Kai’s heart shook, and he recalled his unconscious state. It was probably related to when his consciousness was residing within the Golden Skeleton.
“Master, you’re just a big, big quack!” Her voice full of annoyance, Xia Ning Chang angrily stomped her foot.
Meng Wu Ya was embarrassed to death.
He had just said that Yang Kai was in a state of suspended animation, and needed some Spirit Restoration Liquid in order to recover his soul. But he never imagined that the very next moment, he would recover his consciousness. Isn’t this that case of slapping one’s own mouth? Losing face is a small matter. Losing his dignity in front of his Disciple was a big matter. Meng Wu Ya felt that he had lost every bit of his reputation already.
But not regarding anything else, Yang Kai waking up was a good thing. Although Meng Wu Ya was afraid of him seducing his Disciple, no matter what, if it weren’t for him fighting with his life on the line, his Disciple would not have survived. Nor would she have been able to obtain the Nine Yin Dew Crystal. No matter what, he must remember this act of kindness.
[Sighing nonstop, the ancient times really didn’t allow people to live long! Disasters last for millenniums!] Yang Kai had just survived a disaster and now his beloved Disciple. So how could he die off this easily? While Meng Wu Ya had worried needlessly.
But, what should he do in these coming days? Weighed down with worry, Meng Wu Ya wanted to be decisive in this situation, but was afraid that his Disciple would be angry at him, so he hesitated.
Yang Kai’s awakening allowed Xia Ning Chang’s tense heart to finally loosen and relax. These days, she hadn’t had much rest, as she worried that with this rest, he would never wake up. But now, seeing that he was fine, she no longer held any worries.
For the next two days Yang Kai was busy healing his wounds, while Xia Ning Chang was waiting upon the ever sighing Old Man Meng.
On the third day, under the order of Meng Wu Ya, Xia Ning Chang finally began the absorption of the Nine Yin Dew Crystal; to change her Yuan Qi to True Qi and assault the True Element Boundary. He said that even though it had been refined, it wasn’t viable to continue to keep it within her Dantian.
Xia Ning Chang didn’t disagree. Obediently she refined it. Even after everything, she was still an obedient and clever female. The incident of drugging her master was only a small mishap.
Although the three people stayed within the tavern, Meng Wu Ya was a person of high cultivation. Because of this, he wasn’t too worried about any suspicious people bothering Xia Ning Chang, so he allowed her to enter closed door cultivation.
On Yang Kai’s side, there weren’t any big obstructions left anymore. Of course his external injuries and his chest bones still needed a few more days to completely heal. Everyday he was meditating and cultivating, waiting for Xia Ning Chang’s breakthrough before setting off to return to High Heaven Pavilion.
During this time as Yang Kai was cultivating, Meng Wu Ya came over carrying a bowling of steaming hot water.
Breathing through his nose, Yang Kai smelt an aroma and immediately opened his eyes.
Carrying the bowl over, Meng Wu Ya held it out to Yang Kai. A face full of pain, he said while biting his teeth: “Drink it.”
Yang Kai also didn’t hesitate. Taking the bowl from his hands, he immediately raised his head up and drank it. Smacking his lips, he hiccuped and asked excitedly, “What is this? Its medicinal effects are so great!”
He could feel, as the liquid went down his throat it began to heat up his body. Not to mention that it contained a great amount of energy. A portion went into his body and meridians, helping to heal his wounds, while another portion was being absorbed by the Golden Skeleton.
The corners of his mouth twitching, Meng Wu Ya replied mournfully, “This old man used the Thousand Year Blood Spirit as well as many other heavenly treasures. Would you say the effects are great? My lord! These were priceless and you drank it in one gulp. You really have good taste.”
“The taste isn’t bad!” Solemnly Yang Kai nodded his head.
Taking in a deep breath, Meng Wu Ya calmed the boiling blood within while he thought, [If it weren’t for my beloved Disciple instructing me to give it to you help your body, how would I bear to give you any? In a key moment, they could be used to save a life. In the entire Han Dynasty, there aren’t many. A home wrecker, ah, home wrecker! Too big of a home wrecker.]
“Do you still have more?” Licking the corners of his mouth, Yang Kai wished for more.
Short of breath, Meng Wu Ya responded snappily: “None. Even if I had more, I wouldn’t give it to you. Eat anymore, and you might die from overeating.”
*He he.* Laughing, Yang Kai couldn’t help but think, [With so many heavenly treasures, I couldn’t really benefit from their energy. But with the Golden Skeleton, I really wouldn’t die from overeating as well so more please.]
“Tell me about the events that happened that night.” Asking this suddenly, a long suppressed flash of anger and killing intent flashed through Meng Wu Ya’s eyes.
”Turning his head around, Yang Kai looked him in the eye, “Little Senior Sister didn’t tell you?”
“Those days, she was only focused on your injuries, so I didn’t ask.” Meng Wu Ya monotonously replied, while his burning gaze was focused on Yang Kai. “Who were the people killed within the mountain valley? Who is it… that attacked you guys?”

Martial Peak – Chapter 119, Returning to the Main Gate

“They were from the Blood Battle Gang and Storm House.” His expression serious, Yang Kai narrated that night’s events, more or less accurately. As for the information regarding his victory over the nine people, he would naturally avoid the important factors and dwell on the trivial aspects to gloss over what occurred. This feat was far too incredulous, and if he said it out loud, Old Man Meng might not even believe him; might was well not say it at all.
Listening to Yang Kai, Meng Wu Ya became furious.
It took a while for Yang Kai finish narrating the events that had occurred.
Nodding his head, Meng Wu Ya asked, “In other words, the main offender was you. But the schemer was that Long Hui fellow right?”
“En. It really was me who involved little Senior Sister.” Nodding his head, Yang Kai admitted.
“Although you were the main culprit, you are not at fault. Furthermore, Xia Ning Chang is unhurt, so you need not guilty.” First consoling him before erupting in a burst of cold chuckles, “Blood Battle Gang, Long Zai Tian! This old man has a grudge to settle with you!”
When he saw the dangerous glimmer within Meng Wu Ya’s eyes, Yang Kai knew that an extremely troublesome matter was waiting for Long Zai Tian.
As for matters pertaining to Old Man Meng’s background and cultivation, Yang Kai couldn’t see through him or understand them in the slightest. But, he knew that he was not of ordinary descent. Though, if he really went to stir trouble with Long Zai Tian, Yang Kai would be truly be delighted to see it, but not excessively so.
Yang Kai had always believed that one must personally obtain their revenge. If Long Zai Tian fell under Meng Wu Ya’s hand, then he would be unable to obtain his revenge.
But if that really happened, Yang Kai wouldn’t chase after it. He could feel that Meng Wu Ya had been thoroughly angered this time round. The fire within his heart, without fanning, it wouldn’t burn.
Staying in the tavern for another two days, Xia Ning Chang eventually came out of closed door cultivation. As anticipated, her cultivation had already reached the True Element Boundary. Asking her in a roundabout manner, Yang Kai found out that you didn’t need to fully refine the Nine Yin Dew Crystal in order for it to display the desired results.
In theory, one drop of the Nine Yin Dew Crystal was enough to assist three people to breakthrough. In all, it was only a catalyst to help with the transformation of Yuan Qi into True Qi.
But there was a peculiar thing. After obtaining it, you must refine it within two hours, or it would disappear. So if anyone were to obtain it, it would usually be used by one person only.
Learning of this point, Yang Kai couldn’t help but put down the rock in his heart. Looks like the energy he had taken from the Nine Yin Dew Crystal wasn’t going to hinder Xia Ning Chang’s breakthrough.
Not to mention, that half portion of the Nine Yin Dew Crystal, hidden within his Golden Skeleton had yet to disappear like she had said it would.
With Yang Kai’s wounds healed, Xia Ning Chang promoted in strength, the three people no longer needed to stay at the tavern. So they packed their belongings and quickly returned to High Heaven Pavilion.
Treasurer Meng carried Yang Kai, as they flew back.
Returning to High Heaven Pavilion, Yang Kai said his goodbyes to the pair of Master and Disciple before returning to his own wooden hut.
Despite leaving for around twenty days or so, his wooden hut was still clean and tidy as always. It looked like Li Yun Tian and the others had continued to keep things tidy.
In the following few days, life for Yang Kai continued in its peaceful normality. Cultivating every day, he focused on stabilizing his cultivation.
It was just from time to time, the adorable figure of that Little Senior Sister could be seen, as she dashed past. After all, she was the first girl that Yang Kai had ever kissed. That sweet and soft feeling could still be clearly recalled.
But ever since they returned, Xia Ning Chang had yet to make an appearance.
It was like she had forgotten the things that had happened between the two of them.
That night in the mountain valley, before Yang Kai left her to recover, he had made her promise him that if he returned alive, she would grant one wish of his.
At the time, Yang Kai was only finding a source of motivation for himself, there wasn’t anything deep about it.
Although he felt a bit disappointed, Yang Kai wasn’t too hung up over the matter.
[I stealthily float by, waving my clothes doesn’t mean a cloud passed by—-a kiss strayed by.] But because he subdued and caught the Nine Yin Dew Crystal, even if both of them were a bit excited at the time, one couldn’t clearly say anything about the matter. Both of them were young people, their energy at its peaks, naturally it would be unavoidable.
Yang Kai wasn’t the type of person to feel inferior due to the gap in their cultivation. Cultivation, cultivation was a thing that as long as you put in effort, you would naturally become strong. He believed that one day, one day he would surpass this Little Senior Sister of his, surpass every one of the same generation.
Because of the unyielding Golden Skeleton, his possibilities were limitless.
Feelings were something that Yang Kai didn’t need to think about. What will be his would naturally be his. What wouldn’t be his, no matter how much he forced it, it wouldn’t become his. Let things take their natural cause.
If Xia Ning Chang had feelings towards him, even if his cultivation base was weak, what would it matter? If she really drifted away from him because his cultivation was low, Yang Kai would have nothing else to say. When someone wouldn’t feel attracted him, he couldn’t possibly blame them that their standards were too high could he?
But, with her lovably simple minded personality, she shouldn’t be that snobbish.
Yang Kai was correct on this point. When Xia Ning Chang had returned to High Heaven Pavilion, she was too embarrassed to go and meet with Yang Kai. Whenever she recalled that night’s passionate kiss, she couldn’t help but become embarrassed and was unable to show her face. The veil was constantly worn, but no matter what, she couldn’t summon the courage to appear in front of Yang Kai.
Furthermore, when they had returned, Meng Wu Ya had instructed her to go into closed door cultivation. This was to stabilize her new breakthrough and cultivation level. In actuality, he was afraid that Xia Ning Chang and Yang Kai would continue to see each other, and enforce their relationship; though his actions simply made them longed for each other.
Otherwise, with her personality, she would definitely have come over to ask how Yang Kai’s health was faring.
After cultivating for two days, Yang Kai couldn’t help but feel unsatisfied with his results.
Absorbing Yang Qi next to Coiling Dragon Stream, the formation speed of the Yang Liquid was far too slow. It really paled to when he directly absorbed spirits fruits and the Bright Yang Stones.
The Yang Drops within his Dantian were extremely sparse, so he needed to quickly replenish his stocks. Otherwise, if he were to meet another great battle like that one that had occurred in the valley that night, then he would experience the same embarrassment as a clever wife that forgets the rice.
Thinking over it, Yang Kai decided to pay Black Wind Market another visit. The first reason was to buy some Yang attributed things to absorb. While the second reason was to buy some Three Leaved Chaos Spirit Flower and Dead Jedi Tree Grass; it had been some time since he last used the incense burner.
As for money, Yang Kai had quite a large amount. He was no longer the poor beggar he was before.
The money had all been collected from the bodies of the dead Blood Battle Gang Disciples. At the time it was too dark, so Yang Kai didn’t bother to count how much he had taken. When he had checked the amount after he returned, he had found out that, that bunch of people were truly rich.
He had only plundered a couple of people but actually raked in around twenty-two thousand dollars.
With this much money, he would be able to buy forty Bright Yang Stones. It was enough for him to make up for that night’s losses, and also increase the amount of Yang Qi drops by several folds.
It the period when Yang Kai was setting out to Black Wind Trade Market, Meng Wu Ya appeared with a murderous look.
His target, the Blood Battle Gang!
Though the Blood Battle Gang was one the three big powers in the area, how could Meng Wu Ya be afraid of them? His own Disciple had narrowly escaped becoming a dead person, narrowly avoided losing her purity. This tab had to be calculated.
Long Hui dead? It didn’t matter! Didn’t he still have a grandfather? If the upper beam is crooked, the lower beams would be too. If it were not for having a powerful backing, how could a small figure such as Long Hui possibly act that domineering and rampant?
So in Meng Wu Ya’s eyes, Long Zai Tian was even more hateful! Even more deserving of death!
The distance between High Heaven Pavilion and the Blood Battle Gang wasn’t that far. Furthermore, with Meng Wu Ya’s speed, he had arrived in the time it takes to drink a cup tea.
At that very moment, the higher ups of the Blood Battle Gang were discussing some affairs.
This meeting was being held in the Grand Hall. The Group Head, Hu Man was currently sitting straight with his tough and stocky build. His face full of harsh features; with a single glance one could tell he wasn’t some benevolent person.
The subordinates under Hu Man, the fellow Lords of the Blood Battle Gang, were all sitting straight, respectfully. These people were currently reporting the small and big matters of the group that had occurred in the past month; the profits, the expenditures, etc.
Listening to this made Hu Man extremely impatient. Waving his arms he spoke. “Don’t speak about these trivial matters. How are the results for breaking that mining area’s seals going?”
A young person of around twenty seven-eight years of age stood up at that moment. Respectfully he replied to Hu Man, “Reporting to the Group Head, grandfather already has some rough sketches. It’s just the number of experts within the group are far too little. Although the seals are old, they aren’t easily dispelled. The other day, grandfather had asked Long Jun to pass on the message that he is already making the utmost effort and will try to break the seals in the shortest possible time.”
The young person, was Long Zai Tian’s eldest grandchild, Long Hui’s elder brother Long Jun. He was already at the True Element Second Boundary, although he couldn’t be compared to those geniuses beloved by the heavens, his aptitude wasn’t too bad.
Due to the fact that the Long Family’s position within the group wasn’t low, even though Long Jun was only at the True Element Second Boundary, he was still given important tasks and held the position of Lord.
Hu Man merely nodded his head. “En. This is good. Long Jun, if you have the time, please go to the mining site to bring your grandfather my thanks for his troubles!”
“It’s unknown what profound mysteries are hidden within those seals, to be actually hidden tens of feet underground.” A random Lord spoke out.
“But this is all thanks to our Lady Mei Er and her clear sight. If it wasn’t for her saying that something unusual was hidden beneath the mine, then we would have never known about the matter.”
“That’s right, that’s right. Even though Lady Mei Er’s age is young, her eyes truly are special. It is really unknown as to how she saw this.”
Hearing the people in the room praising Hu Mei Er, although their words contained traces of flattery, it still made Hu Man comfortable listening to it. But when he thought of Hu Mei Er’s female body, he would still have to marry her out. At this point, Hu Man couldn’t help but sigh.
[From your grandmother, I, your father am wise and strong. Within the family are various concubines, working away every night diligently, yet how do I only have two daughters?] This was one of Hu Man’s sore points. As the family’s sole male, how would he continue the family?
That group of people were still praising Hu Mei Er’s peculiar eyes, and also roped in Hu Jiao Er to the skies.
Hu Man was only depressed.
When speaking of this point, it was quite odd. The mining site had already been discovered for quite a few years already, while the group had been mining the Bright Yang Stones and the Bright Yin Stones during these years; earning quite a large sum. In these years it had expanded quite rapidly, while a large portion came from that mining site.
Yet no one knew that a few more meters down, there was such a mysterious thing hidden.
Yet two months earlier, the Hu Man’s daughter had come one day to tell him this news. At the time he had only laughed at the news.
It was only under the constant nagging of Hu Mei Er that Hu Man had very begrudgingly sent people to investigate that area.
Hu Mei Er had clearly stated that this affair couldn’t be leaked to the Long Family. But Hu Man didn’t really care about the news; he felt that it was his daughter’s mischievousness to attract his care for her. Coupled with the fact that the mine site was under the management of Long Zai Tian, he naturally couldn’t hide it from him.
The evacuation site that Hu Mei Er said wasn’t that far from the mine. Ten or so Blood Battle Gang Disciples painstakingly spent several days before discovering that something was truly unordinary in the place they were digging.

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Martial Peak – Chapter 120, Meng Wu Ya Rage

It was actually full of seals, so the Disciples hurriedly ran to report this to the various elders.
After Hu Man received the news, he immediately went to personally investigate. Unfortunately due to those seals, he couldn’t see or hear anything.
In the Blood Battle Gang, Long Zai Tian was the eldest, and the one with the most experience. Not to mention he already knew about the matter, so Hu Man put him in charge; to see what was actually hidden within those restrictions.
Hu Man had a feeling, that the thing hidden within was some type of unspeakable secret. If the Blood Battle Gang was able to obtain it, then their power would rise by another level. Not only would their power rise, they would also be able to surpass the Eight Great Families; at the very least, they would be able to stand on equal footing with them.
Hu Man was also a bit vexed. At the time, Hu Mei Er had constantly reminded him to not let the Long family know of this news, but he hadn’t taken her seriously. Now not only did they know, all the upper echelons of the group knew.
After returning from the mining area that day, Hu Man had hurried to Hu Mei Er to ask her how she knew there was something hidden below the ground.
What he didn’t expect was that due to this affair, Hu Mei Er had a large argument with him. Through the bustle, Hu Man found out that Hu Mei Er found this through the guidance of an expert. It was this expert that discovered the secret in the mine.
Because of his mindlessness, he had failed the task the expert had entrusted his daughter. And that expert didn’t want the Long Family to know of this news.
“My daughter, what is this expert like?” Hu Man held a deep respect for those hidden experts. To be able to see the hidden secrets meters below the ground symbolised that they possessed high cultivations.
In Hu Man’s mind, that expert definitely possessed Heaven and Earth shocking power.
“What kind of expert?” At the time, the image of Yang Kai appeared within Hu Mei Er’s mind, causing her face to turn red. Glancing at her father she replied, “Not telling you!”
Seeing her reaction, Hu Man became rooted to the spot. This made him wonder if his daughter held feelings for that expert.
After a series of roundabout inquires, Hu Man became astonished.
This expert was actually a young person. This type of person, how could their birth be ordinary?
“My daughter, Could it be you like the opposite party?” Full of spirit, Hu Man made his inquires. In his eyes, his daughter would definitely be married, but the most important question was who she would be married to. If she could marry into one of the Eight Great Families, then it couldn’t be any better. Then the Blood Battle Gang would be able to soar up like a phoenix.
But this keen eyed, superior young person wouldn’t be so bad either.
“If I do like him, what can you do?” Hu Mei Er hidden sighed out.
“If you like them, then try to get closer to them. My daughter is this beautiful, could it be that he doesn’t put you in his eyes?” Hu Man egged her on, “Wait, could it be that he already has a wife? What could this be counted as? A man having three, four wives is very ordinary.”
Pivoting her body around, Hu Mei Er widened her eyes and retorted. “It’s because of you, that I have failed the task he had given me. How could I have any more face to meet him again? Humph!”
Hearing those words, Hu Man could only laugh mockingly. How could he have known that the words his daughter said were actually true? If he knew the truth, he wouldn’t have spread out news of this secret.
One couldn’t help but point out that Hu Man completely misunderstood Yang Kai. If he knew the young expert in his heart was merely a Trial Disciple of High Heaven Pavilion, he wouldn’t have enough time to keep Hu Mei Er away from him. How would he have the time to let her get closer to him?
Gathering his thoughts, Hu Man let out another long sigh. The problems this affair caused really gripped the heart. His little daughter was constantly in closed door cultivation these past few days. It was the complete opposite of what she liked to do before; going out to play around. There was quite a significant increase in her cultivation, but given her refusal to go out and interact with that youngster, how would she have any chance to marry him?
While the various Lords below were still boot-licking away. In Hu Man’s ear it was nothing but empty words, without any substance.
Just as he was standing up to leave, Hu Man stopped in his tracks and lifted up his head. Looking outside, his face couldn’t help but turn heavy looking.
In the next moment, all of the Lords and Elders shut their mouths and turned their heads.
A formless aura, like the heavens were falling on their shoulders, pressed down on the shoulders of those present; shaking them to their very core.
An expert had graced the Blood Battle Gang! The discussing group within the hall could all feel his presence.
Following that, an aged voiced sounded next to everyone’s ears, “Where is Long Zai Tian?”
This voice was very flat, you couldn’t hear any emotion within it. But everyone on site couldn’t help but tremble, and they could feel that the expert that had suddenly descended came with some ill intent.
Searching for the Vice Master of the Sect, Everyone looked at each other simultaneously and couldn’t help but hold some doubt within their hearts.
“Follow me outside to look.” Standing up, Hu Man walked in large strides outside, so the various Lords and Elders had to follow.
Coming outside the room, people saw someone standing in mid-air. That person was an old man who was standing strongly in the air. This person was all white from head to toe; he gave a sinking feeling to everyone. His sharp eyes had swept over everyone, just like a hawk viewing the earth from the sky, his eyes viewed everything with disdain, arrogance and wildly abandon.
When the eyes swept over everyone, everyone couldn’t help but have a tingling feeling.
“Peak of the Immortal Ascension Boundary!” Hu Man shouted in a low voice, his rough facial skin twitched slightly.
“Peak of the Immortal Ascension Boundary?” some people were also shocked, “Is he the leader of High Heaven Pavilion?”
In this surrounding area for a great distance, there are many masters of the Immortal Ascension Boundary but speaking of those at the true peak of boundary there is only the leader of High Heaven Pavilion who is a mystery. It can be said that it is possible to see a divine dragon but it is impossible to see the leader of High Heaven Pavilion.
This old man comes from High Heaven Pavilion, and has a similar age to that of the leader. It is not a mistake that some people will mistakenly say that he is the leader.
“He is not the leader. “Hu Man shook his head slowly. When he was young he had once seen one side of High Heaven Pavilion’s leader and he naturally remembered that appearance. It was a completely different appearance to this old man.
Moreover, although this person is an Immortal Ascension Boundary powerhouse, the pressure that was felt by Hu Man was actually stronger than that of someone at the Immortal Ascension Boundary peak.
Hu Man himself was Immortal Ascension Seventh Stage powerhouse. So even if the leader of High Heaven Pavilion arrived the pressure will not give him too many restrictions.
But this old man was different. When Hu Man looks at him, he feels like he is staring at a mountain which he will never be able to surpass, a river that can’t be crossed. Even if he consumed all of his life energy he will only be able to look up to him.
This is a very strange feeling, but Hu Man always believed in his own intuition.
[This Old Man can’t be crossed!]
[Where did this powerhouse come from?] Hu Man very seriously took one step forward, holding his fist in his other hand and bowing he asked, “May I know the honoured seniors name?”
The person who was standing there was naturally Meng Wu Ya. Meng Wu Ya had suppressed his anger for a long time. As soon as he returned to High Heaven Pavilion he came looking for Long Zai Tian. Fearing that his Disciple will again look for Yang Kai therefore he has defended against this for two days, when he was finally convinced that she had closed up, then he leisurely came looking for trouble.
“Are you Long Zai Tian?” Meng Wu Ya asked while narrowing his eyes, his eyes were like those of a hawk which was looking at his prey.
Hu Man couldn’t help but revolve his Yuan Qi. It looked like his life was on a thread in this critical moment but he was able to maintain his composure, after all he was a Master of a group, he had already mentally strengthened himself. If he was frightened by the opposite party’s few words wouldn’t it look highly improper?
“I am Blood Battle Gang Sect Master, Hu Man.”
Hu Man after a few words was interrupted by Meng Wu Ya, with an impatient expression he asked, “If you are not Long Zai Tian why are you opening your mouth then?”
Hu Man was startled by this but is wise enough to not get angry suddenly. When Hu Man was again about to open his mouth to explain something. Meng Wu Ya became crazy.
“Fuck You Long Zai Tian, you old dog roll out in front of this old Man!”
This roar was an indescribably real world tragedy; it rang out past the clouds, penetrated deep into the earth. Not only was heard by Blood Battle Gang but was also heard by people from the Storm House and High Heaven Pavilion.
With this single roar, everyone became quiet.
A crowd of Immortal Ascension Boundary, True Element Boundary powerhouse were looking at Meng Wu Ya with silly expressions. They were staring at him with wooden expressions with dumbfounded stares
They would have never thought that a powerhouse can curse a person with his full power; moreover his cursing was done in such an evil and vulgar way.
Your demeanour? Your Status? As long as he is an expert with a little strength and prestige, will he do such a thing in public?
If he is doing such a thing he should have a very big enmity with the other party. Letting his training and demeanour be thrown beyond the highest heavens? What did that Long Zai Tian do for calling this much anger towards himself.
But with the shout of Meng Wu Ya, various people from the Blood Battle Gang clearly felt that a grim future lay ahead of them.
Hu Man asked with a calm face, “Senior please calm down. If you have words to speak I will listen to them?”
Although the strength of this person was very high, Hu Man doesn’t want him as an enemy. However, Long Zai Tian is after all the Vice Sect Master of the Blood Battle Gang. Meng Wu Ya’s palm came halfway towards Hu Man.
“You stand still. Long Zai Tian roll out to me, if he doesn’t come out and cut his own head off and marry it to a chamber pot, this old man will slaughter the whole of your Blood Battle Gang!” Meng Wu Ya stated threateningly. He was unable to see the culprit so he was very annoyed in his heart.
The Blood Battle Gang, it is nothing in his eyes.
The look on Hu Man’s face was like that of a red chilli. Even the clay dolls have much less hot colour on their face, much less compared to the current hot tempered Hu Man. If not for the fact Meng Wu Ya’s strength was so strong, why would he speak so politely with him?
But Meng Wu Ya is simply not giving him face. Hu Man loses his temper.
“Hey, is that Long Zai Tian a turtle, doesn’t he dare to come out and meet the old man?” Meng Wu Ya said while sweeping his eyes towards the people standing under him.
This time, it is actually a youth who responded with a cold face, “This mister, watch what you are saying? My grandfather and you have what enmity, why are you insulting him like that?”
The person who spoke is Long Jun.
Meng Wu Ya came and scolded Long Zai Tian with such coarse and vulgar language. Long Jun is descendant of Long Zai Tian, so how could he endure? Taking advantage of the fact that this place is Blood Battle Gang’s headquarters, numerous masters are standing beside him, he took the opportunity to refute Meng Wu Ya immediately.
So what if he is a peak Immortal Ascension Boundary cultivator? The Blood Battle Gang also has masters of the Immortal Ascension Boundary. If he dared to start a fight here, it will be decided that you will never return from here.
“Your Grandfather?” Meng Wu Ya narrowed both his eyes and stared at Long Jun.
“The person who this Mister is trying to find is my Grandfather!” Long Jun gave a sound reply.
“That’s very good!” Meng Wu Ya smiled, “A dragon will live like a dragon, the phoenix will live like a phoenix, and at birth, and the mouse will be digging holes. That Long Hui was not a good thing, so you as his elder brother, wouldn’t be that high quality either.”
How did Long Hui come into this conversation? The surrounding people thought that this old man said something unconsciously. Such a random word what does he want to say?
Long Jun became angry, “Old man you are acting too wild. This is Blood Battle Gang so it’s not a place where you can act wild!”

Martial Peak – Chapter 121, A fellow Senior Sister

“Is this old man acting wild?” Meng Wu Ya asked as if he had heard the world’s funniest joke, a grin appeared on his face from ear to ear, but suddenly his complexion turned cold, then he scolding said, “What can you do, even if this old man is acting wildly?”
While speaking, he just randomly threw out a slap.
*Shunt!* with this sound Hu Man’s face became pale, he was about to protect Long Jun, but Meng Wu Ya was lightning fast. Hu Man just saw him lifting one hand and in the next moment a resounding sound rang out from Long Jun’s face unexpectedly.
Two teeth flew out and Long Jun flew with them for a few meters, then with a *dum* sound, he dropped to the ground.
The people from Blood Battle Gang became frightened instantaneously; Hu Man also felt an icy coldness from his body.
They were simply unable to believe how the old man did it. When he was standing at a distance of 50 meters from Long Jun. The palm strike which hit did not even give them enough time to even react.
Can this be achieved by an Immortal Ascension Boundary powerhouse? Even if the person is at the peak of the Immortal Ascension Boundary, it would still be impossible for them to leave all the people at the scene to be at a loss.
Hu Man thought that if the leader of High Heaven Pavilion would have thrown this punch he was about 90% sure he would be able to keep it off Long Jun.
Is this someone at Immortal Ascension Boundary peak, if it is why does it have such a big disparity?
Long Jun had also been dumbstruck by the flick of that palm, after falling to the ground, he staggered and crawled, after several moments when he was able to find the correct direction, he again looked at Meng Wu Ya. Now he was dreading his previous action with his whole face becoming panic-stricken.
His right cheek swelled up greatly, although he does not have any internal injuries, that slap which was given to him by Meng Wu Ya, for a person who always covers up his shortcoming in presence of everyone being slapped caused him to feel humiliated, something which he hasn’t felt up till now in the presence of bystanders.
“Old Man has acted wildly again, so now what are you going to do?” Meng Wu Ya asked, calmly standing at the same place boldly. He again waved the palm of his hand.
*Pa…* Just like earlier, Long Jun took off again. Blood Battle Gangs many experts did not even have time to react.
“Fuck. You claim that this old man is acting wildly, but do you really know what is wild?” Meng Wu Ya declared boldly with his foul mouth. He waved his hands hitting Long Jun till he was black and blue.
Finally, Hu Man was unable to bear it any longer, he angrily said, “Senior, you are a person of high skill, why are you bullying a junior, doesn’t senior fear becoming a joke in other people’s eyes?”
“Ha! If I began, does he even have any life remaining? This was only a slight lesson.” Ming Wu Ya said sneering, and then he quietly said, “Come here, boy!”
One hand moved forward, and then a huge suction was created towards Long Jun, who was on the ground and had not even started crawling yet. In mid-air, Long Jun tried to make threatening gestures, but his facial color displayed his terror, then he shouted loudly, “Master save me!”
“Senior!” Hu Man moved forward a step forward and shouted fiercely.
Meng Wu Ya paid no attention to him and raising Long Jun by his neck. With a black look, he replied to Hu Man, “This old man has a debt to settle due to injustice, this old man is only looking for Long Zai Tian today! Boy, you are the grandson of Long Zai Tian, obediently tell me where is he?”
After Long Jun suffered the two attacks from Meng Wu Ya’s hands he had become cleverer than a rabbit. There were no signs of haughtiness remaining. Suffering from pain in his two cheeks, with a trembling voice he replied,” Grandfather is with the group at present.”
“Where is he then?”
“In the mining area!”
“Show me the direction.”
“That way!” under the threat of death. Did Long Jun dare to hesitate? Meng Wu Ya asks a question and he replies with an answer. Even if his cheeks were burning with pain, his words were coming out quite agilely.
Meng Wu Ya’s appearance shook a little, then ropes made of twisted bamboo strips became visible which covered Long Jun directly then he soared in the direction of the Blood Battle Gang mining area.
“Sect Master!” The group of people looked at Hu Man with urgencies in their gazes, awaiting his decision.
“Let’s follow them!” ordered Hu Man. He really did not know how Long Zai Tian provoked this person of such high skill. The opposite party had still not clarified that point.
In Hu Man’s heart firstly he is mad at Meng Wu Ya who has been acting persistently unreasonable and bullying them too much. Second, he is mad at Long Zai Tian who has eyes but failed to see and offended such an expert, but this situation has also helped him in controlling a fire directly.
The Long family had for many years been acting petty and Hu Man had to bear it. Because the Long Family is the right hand of the Blood Battle Gang, even if Hu Man wanted to take action against this malignant tumour, he actually didn’t dare to start this matter himself, once he started to take action against the Long Family perhaps at that time the Blood Battle Gang would immediately disintegrate and their overall strength would decrease even further.
If not for the fact Hu Man did not have a son, would the group have such a poor prospective future? As long as there is a son, Hu Man can vigorously train him, making him resist the Long family, would the Long family have guts to become so noisy?
The Long family provoking such a Master this time has provided Hu Man with a turning point. If he can borrow this master’s shadow the Long family’s power and influence can be disintegrated and shattered within the Blood Battle Gang, creating a good deed from this bad situation.
Therefore no matter what, Hu Man needs to see how things will turn out in the end.
Meanwhile, in the Black Wind trade center, it was still extremely busy.
Yang Kai had a total of 22,000 dollars, while walking in the trade centre, he first spent 10,000 to buy Yang stones, he left some money in reserve, then he sought an open area, sat cross-legged at that spot, picked up the advertisement which had been dropped by someone on the ground, wiping off the things written on it, he conveniently wrote several characters.
“Purchasing the seeds of Yang attribute grass and spirit fruit!”
He placed the advertisement in front of himself. He then no longer paid attention to anything else and started revolving his True Yang Secret Art, secretly absorbing the energy from Yang stones near his chest.
Some time ago Li Yun Tian also tried to help Yang Kai to search for seeds, but they were unable to harvest anything, thus the scarcity of these seeds can be seen.
Here Yang Kai was also trying his luck, extracting the energy from Yang stones also required a lot of time. However here martial artists sell and purchase without disturbing others.
After half a day had passed, finally, the energy from the twenty Yang stones which he bought had been exhausted.
Each Yang stone could make two drops of Yang liquid, so the twenty stones were equal to forty drops of Yang liquid. His Dantian was full once again, checking his Dantian’s situation slightly, Yang Kai as very satisfied.
If he was once again placed into a situation like that night, he could display his full potential again.
But after half a day of time, nobody was selling him seeds.
Standing up, Yang Kai looked towards the guard log cabin of High Heaven Pavilion, Su Yan must be inside.
Yang Kai wanted to greet her, tell her that he had come back. Thinking again they were neither old friend nor had a deep friendship between them. Moreover, given her noble ice-cold temperament, she was an unattainable goal. Yang Kai too didn’t have a great urge to contact her.
Looking at her cold personality, if he contacted her there really will not be any meaning to it.
When he was about to go home, suddenly someone walked in front of him. Squatting down their body to read Yang Kai’s advertisement, which had caught their eye, they asked, “Are you buying seeds?”
Lowering his head to look, he discovered that standing in front of him was a young female. She was about his age, seventeen-eighteen and was quite attractive. Her facial features were quite delicate, pupils like water, tender skin with a good figure, particularly that abundant chest which didn’t have an equal, really can’t imagine what she ate to grow them to that level. She has got quite the sum with her. In her squatting position, Yang Kai had a commanding position. Her chest (which was tender, snow white and slippery) was directly in his view.
*En.* Yang Kai said putting that entrancing view aside and nodded his head.
The female straightened her body, and then asked again, “I have some seeds with me. But I don’t know if you can pay for them?”
“Really?” Yang Kai became interested immediately, “Let’s see what kind of seeds you have with you?”
This female was wearing a High Heaven Pavilion uniform. Thus she must be a High Heaven Pavilion Disciple. Given both of them were from the same side Yang Kai naturally had a kind feeling towards her.
“I will take them out for you to have a look.” With both hands, the female loosened the pouch from her waist and gave it to Yang Kai.
Yang Kai received it and opened her pouch, from inside of the purse, out came two seeds.
These two seeds truly contained the Yang attribute energy. Moreover, these two seeds when compared to the previously bought Three Sun’s fruit seeds, were of a higher quality.
Three Sun Fruit is an Earth Low-Grade herb, then these should be either Middle or a High-quality seed.
“These two grains of seed I want to buy. How much will you sell them for?” Yang Kai is very satisfied with the seeds.
The girl gave a sweet smile and then said. “1200!”
Yang Kai’s brow wrinkled. Although he couldn’t say it out loud, her smile truly was very attractive. That smile increased her beauty, applying an extra layer of glow to her. But unfortunately, this price couldn’t get Yang Kai’s agreement.
If he wanted to, Yang Kai could buy those seeds for 1200 without haggling over the price. But since Yang Kai possessed the Yang Drops, which could reduce the amount of time needed for the plant to bear fruits, spending 1200 to buy these seeds would definitely result in a loss for him.
This female sure had an appetite as big as a lion. This made Yang Kai’s fresh and warm feelings he had for her to disperse into thin air.
“Senior Sister isn’t your price a little too high?” Although Yang Kai had 12,000 dollars to spare, he still wanted to use the money to purchase Three Leaved Chaos Spirit Flower and Dead Jedi Tree Grass as well. This being the case, he couldn’t spend them freely.
“High?” female gave a slight smile, “It’s not high at all. This is a seed of an Earth Mid Grade herb, a Pure Heartseed. After they mature, they will have many uses. In eyes of an expert, they may cost even more than 1200.”
Yang Kai forced smile. “You still need to wait for it to mature. How many years will it take?”
Female purses her lips: “Since you want to buy these seeds, then you must have the patience to wait for it to mature. Could it be that you want to plant this seed and reap the rewards immediately? In this world how can there be such good and easy deed? Furthermore, these seeds are rarely seen, making its cost at 1200 to be reasonable. I also had to suffer many hardships to get these seeds.”
Yang Kai was helpless. Pondering for a moment, he then carefully nodded his head saying. “Fine, then we’ll settle on this price.”
If he bought it for 1200, it was still profitable. Moreover listening to her explanation, she must have suffered a lot of hardships to get these two seeds, so she must get some benefit out of it.
Besides, she is a fellow Disciple, so Yang Kai will definitely not bargain back and forth, also saving himself some trouble and breath. Letting her take some advantage will not affect him too much.
He gave 1200 dollars for the purchase; on the girl’s face was a large grin. She held the money cautiously, and then looked at Yang Kai. “Junior Brother you are quite good, so I will give that pouch to you. That pouch was personally embroidered by me.”
Once over, she walked away in a joyful mood.
Yang Kai was stunned. Turns out this female Senior Sister also knew that he was from the same Sect. She had this big lion big while knowing this fact; if he was someone else this would definitely be a big loss.
Although he was butchered by her, Yang Kai was not angry. In any case, business is business. If there ever was a next time and he would just have to be on his guard while trading with her.
He stood waiting at the same spot for some time more, in hopes of finding anyone else who was selling seeds. Tiding up, Yang Kai prepared to go buy some Three Leave Chaos Spirit Flower and some Dead Jedi Tree Grass.
Before he even had the chance to walk a few steps, the ground suddenly began to quack fiercely. After shaking several times, the three Sects’ Disciple in Black Wind Trade fell into chaos.
Before anyone knew what was going on, the earth suddenly began to split. At that moment, everyone began to panic and run in all directions.

Martial Peak – Chapter 122, The Intense fight with 10 cultivators

After that moment, it seemed that loud shouts could be heard from a distant place. Unfortunately, those voices were not clear.
Those enraged shouts naturally came from Long Zai Tian and his fellow clansmen. After hearing the enemy’s intense rage, Yang Kai’s face gleamed with joy.
When he heard the word “Kill,” Yang Kai Immediately knew that Meng Wu Ya was about to take his revenge.
The intense fight that was ongoing at the Bloody Battle Gang’s mining area could be heard dozens of kilometers away! Even from such a distance, Yang Kai could feel the Yuan Qi fluctuations from those experts in battle!
So powerful!
Yang Kai could not help to stare in awe. His eye’s glimmered as he anticipated the day he would be able to reach such an altitude in cultivation.
Suddenly, Yang Kai could hear several doors being opened from the Black Wind Trade City.
A few known figures came out. High Heaven Pavilion’s Su Yan, Bloody Battle Gang’s Hu Jiao Er, Storm House’s Fang Ziji. All three of them held dignified auras as they looked towards the position of the battle grounds. All three simultaneously flew, changing into afterimages, together heading to the battle grounds.
Su Yan was the fastest, next was Hu Jiao Er and finally, Fang Ziji.
After those three flew off, a few people emerged from their dwellings. Some were in fear while others were startled due to the chaos. However, one young boy was interested in the chaos and shouted out, “something is happening over there! I’m going to have a look!”
After that boy ran forward, followers began to emerge and ran forward as well. Shops in the district closed as the people in Black Wind Trade City got over their fear, which turned into interest, and ran towards the battle ground to see what was happening.
“This must be an Immortal Ascension Boundary Expert level battle! It has to be! Quick! We must take a look! Who knows how many years it would take before we could see such a rare battle again?” A Storm House Disciple said to his fellow apprentice with an excited look.
“Wait! We should not go. If we were to be caught up in the cross fire, wouldn’t we die a miserable death?”
“Come on! We are only going to look from a distance! They are experts. Certainly, they have the ability to stop their attacks when it is going to accidentally hit an innocent bystander”
Without saying any further, the excited Storm House Disciple ran forward.
Yang Kai’s facial expression slowly changed. He realized that Old Man Meng had gone too far. This fight was so devastating that it was going to attract the attention of the three influences.
Yang Kai stood at the same spot for a while, considering his next plan, before dashing into the crowd carefully. Even he was curious of the final outcome of this battle.
~ Back to the Mining Area
After Meng Wu Ya raised Long Jun and dashed here, he directly looked for Long Zai Tian. The latter, had not fully understood the entire matter at hand before a killing strike was directed towards him. Meng Wu Ya’s actions were unjustifiable. Long Zai Tian had never met this old man but was attacked. Even if he wished not to fight, as the vice-master of the Bloody Battle Gang, he had no choice but to uphold the clan’s reputation and fight. Only a coward would turn tail and flee.
However, it took less than ten moves before Long Zai Tian was knocked down from the air by Meng Wu Ya.
Unfortunately, Hu Man and his other clansmen could not allow their vice-master to die in the hands of Meng Wu Ya. They had no choice but to get involved in their fight.
Although Hu Man was glad to see Long Zai Tian suppressed, he could not simply allow the vice-master of the Blood Battle Gang to get one-sidedly beaten up and killed. That man held the reputation of the Blood Battle Gang. If he were to fall, he would drag down the clan with him.
Even if Hu Man did not act, his fellow clansmen would.
Ten Immortal Ascension Boundary Experts charged at Meng Wu Ya. However, like an unbeatable god, he remained unscathed. He had shown that he had the strength to back up his arrogance.
However, the attacks he dealt were not only physical; they were also verbal. Like a viper, he managed to provoke and shame Long Zai Tian.
Long Zai Tian’s face turned purple from shame as he spat out a mouthful of blood. He cursed Meng Wu Ya. With only twelve moves, Meng Wu Ya had managed to completely suppress him. His dignity and pride as the vice master of Bloody Battle Gang was completely destroyed. How was he ever going to recover his reputation?
At this time, Meng Wu Ya retreated upwards. Meanwhile, the Bloody Battle Gang’s experts were all standing on the ground. Both sides halted, waiting for the next confrontation.
Long Zai Tian clenched his jaws, while his mouth was full of fresh blood. His body trembled as he endured the humiliation, not daring to be so dissolute in front of such power. “May I ask this excellency, where have I offended you such that you need to humiliate me to such a degree?”
Long Zai Tian was not willing to further annoy Meng Wu Ya. The old man had sufficient strength to kill him. How would he possibly be foolish enough to enrage this man?
However, even if Meng Wu Ya was attacking him, Long Zai Tian needed to know; why was Meng Wu Ya attacking him? What injustice did he do to this old man? Even in death, he had to know the reason he died for.
Meng Wuya gave an arrogant snort and said with disdain, “you have neither wronged me nor annoyed me!”
Hearing his nonsensical words made Long Zai Tian tremble with indignation. He lifted his trembling hand and pointed it to Meng Wu Ya, cursing, “you…,” Long Zai Tian’s voice was hard to hear due to the blood clogged in his throat. Nonetheless, the rage in his voice and facial expression was obvious.
Long Zai Tian did not do any wrong to Meng Wu Ya. Why would the old man hit and scold him? This was completely unjust.
Meng Wu Ya sneered, “are you feeling aggrieved now? No matter. If I wanted you to die, do you think you could resist?”
Long Zai Tian kept silent and breathed out slowly. He no longer dared to make any sudden movements in fear that Meng Wu Ya would be further provoked.
Meng Wu Ya scorned at Long Zai Tian’s cowardly response and angrily cursed, “I will destroy your eighteen generation of heritage! Even if you feel aggrieved, you are incapable of revolting! However, I must let you and all else know. Your treatment today is for the bitter experience my precious disciple endured!”
Long Zai Tian’s eyes widened as he asked, “Your disciple?”
Murderous intent could be seen from Meng Wu Ya’s eyes as he voice sunk lower, “It’s all because of your descendants! They dared to make a move on my precious disciple! Fine! I will also make a move on your entire family!”
“Can your excellency be clearer?” Long Zai Tian asked slowly. He had finally realized that this old man truly had a just grudge against him. How would he further dare to provoke Meng Wu Ya?
“Any clearer? He He He!” Meng Wu Ya’s complexion turned cold and severe. Shouting loud and clearly, “why don’t you hear the reason from your grandson in hell? Ask him what that little bastard did a few days ago!”
Long Zai Tian’s complexion turned for the worst as he asked, “what happened to Long Hui?”
“Does it matter anymore?” Meng Wu Ya sneered.
Suddenly, Long Jun opened his mouth “Grandfather, I had not seen younger brother for nearly a month now. The last time I saw him, he brought Master Wen out to handle matters. Till this day, he had not returned.”
After hearing the depressing news, Long Zai Tian had the expression of a dead man. From Long Jun’s explanation, Long Zai Tian could deduce that Long Yuan must have been killed. Since it was his own grandson, Long Zai Tian had also guessed the cause of his grandson’s downfall. It must have been due to a beautiful female apprentice.
(I don’t know WTF kind of grandfather you are to be able to guess that…)
When Long Zai Tian connected all the pieces and understood the whole story, his heart ached with pain and anger. What pained him was his grandson’s death and what angered him was the boy’s inability to judge the background of others. Unexpectedly, the boy managed to provoke someone of such high martial ability.
“Good that you realize that this was all caused by that grandson you raised!” Meng Wu Ya’s anger peaked as he shouted, “today, I have come for only your head. To remind you that there are some people in this world that you cannot offend!”
Meng Wu Ya took a deep breath and slowly raised his hand. As his hand rose up, the entire world seemed to change colour.
The Bloody Battle Gang and various people had a panic stricken look and simultaneous fled to Long Zai Tian’s side. Gazing at Meng Wu Ya’s movements, preparing for his strike.
Once Meng Wu Ya shouted “Death!”, his hand rapidly fell and waved maliciously towards Long Zai Tian’s position. A giant palm suddenly appeared from the empty space. It was made up of the prestige of the world, with unstoppable force, capable of shaking the heaven and earth!
At that moment, The Bloody Battle Gang’s experts also displayed all their most powerful killing strikes, to counter Meng Wu Ya.
Yuan Qi from the two sides collided, blowing away the sand and stones on the ground. However, even against ten experts, Meng Wu Ya’s giant palm did not slow down. At this moment, Meng Wu Ya seemed much more reliable than his usual self.
A big bang echoed as the giant palm landed on top of all the Bloody Battle Gang’s clansmen. In a flash, the ten experts were forced to squat on the ground, their eyes almost bursting out of their sockets due to the force, as they circulated their Yuan Qi with all their might to resist the attack.
The ground cracked. One slit, followed by another.
Underneath them was the Bloody Battle Gang’s mining area. Due to the many tunnels underneath them, the force of the collision caused the underground tunnels to collapse.
The crashing sound of the tunnel’s collapse reverberated for kilometers. Those experts, resisting Meng Wu Ya’s strike took the opportunity of the falling speed to escape from his strike.
The giant palm finally landed on the ground, leaving a deep imprint on the ground.
Due to the protection of the ten experts, Long Zai Tian had not died. Unfortunately, that did not mean that he escaped Meng Wu Ya’s attack unscathed. Long Zai Tian continued to spit out mouth full of blood as his complexion continued to grow worse; becoming even paler. The other Bloody Battle Gang experts also had ugly complexions. They had not anticipated that Meng Wu Ya’s strength to be so profound. How was it possible that Meng Wu Ya was in the Immortal Ascension Boundary? How was possible for him to be this strong? Moreover, those martial skills that he had used were all extraordinary. They were definitely a rank above the martial skills they practiced.
In spite of their impressed reaction, Meng Wu Ya’s face remained indifferent as he snorted. Although he wanted to pursue them and continue to strike them down, there was a sudden burst of Yuan Qi from underground that made his own Yuan Qi fluctuate.
Meng Wu Ya’s attention turned to the source of this disturbance and was shocked beyond words.
The next moment, a fiery ray of light burst out from the ground. This ray of light soon turned into a fire dragon. Following closely to the dragon was a blue light, which turned into a majestic ice phoenix, flapping her wings.

Martial Peak – Chapter 123, The Heaven’s Cave Inheritance

“Beast Souls?, Meng Wu Ya’s eyes stared fiercely at these two huge forms.
Extraordinarily strong Monster Beasts, even if their mortal bodies had withered away, their souls could still exist in this world. Their souls could even wait until an opportunity for resurrection. Since the dragon and the phoenix were considered the king of Monster Beasts, naturally, they both had the ability to maintain their souls.
Even with Meng Wu Ya’s experience, the first time he saw the Monster Beasts, he had thought that these were their souls. However, upon closer inspection, he frowned. He could not feel any soul from these two forms. They were both soulless.
These two huge beings were unexpectedly, purely made from the world’s gathering of energy to form a dragon and phoenix shaped seal.
“This place…” The strange phenomenon made Meng Wu Ya vigilant, as he scanned the area to find a cave within the ground, about 70 meters deep. He could feel remnant traces of a broken restriction.
The restriction (something like a seal to the place) must have been broken by the battle earlier. This caused the dragon and phoenix energy to escape from the cave.
It was unbelievable that such a discovery was made by accident! Meng Wu Ya looked towards the Bloody Battle Gang’s clansmen, to discover that they were all rooted to the ground. They all stared at the dragon and phoenix, with confused expressions on their faces.
Didn’t they know about the existence of this place? Meng Wu Ya’s brow wrinkled. Since there was a restriction here, he wanted to know if they had explored the cave before or not. Since none of them knew of the existence of the cave, he could not demand an explanation.
As Meng Wu Ya further pondered, the two giant forms turned into one. The fiery red and the ice blue both blend mutually together, producing a beautiful sight. However, the form emitted out a kind of unapproachable burning hot and cold energy attack; so strong that no one felt confident enough to resist.
“Retreat!” Hu Man shouted angrily, forcing his clansmen to fall back.
Even with his profound strength, Meng Wu Ya also fell back. He too had felt that he was unable to resist the energy attacks.
Suddenly, the dragon roared. The sound was so powerful that people could feel their ears splitting. Following the dragon, the phoenix made a resounding cry.
As they both continued to circle about in the sky, the people who were more superstitious considered this as a good omen.
After a long time, the dragon and phoenix both simultaneously flew back into the cave.
As the two forms reentered the cave, a loud bang could be heard. The earth started to tremble as a much larger burst of Yuan Qi fluctuation spread out from the cave. The energy this time was much more powerful than the time the dragon and phoenix appeared. The whole mining area became bright, as though a ray of sun light continued to engulf this area.
After a while, the ray of light dissipated gradually as the Yuan Qi fluctuations also calmed down. It was slowly returning to the previously tranquil environment.
Meng Wu Ya, who was floating in midair, looked down upon the cave quietly. His eyes and cheeks shivered as he muttered out, “Heaven’s Cave Inheritance?”
His excitement overwhelmed as he could not help but move forward to check his suspicions.
This must be a Heaven’s Cave Inheritance! There is no doubt!
Now, above the cave, there was a thin light barrier, about 33 meters from the surface, preventing anyone from looking inside of the cave. Mysterious writings could be found on this light barrier.
How could this be? This small place has a Heaven’s Cave Inheritance? Meng Wu Ya thought that he must be in a dream; after all, such matters were truly out of his expectations.
A Heaven’s Cave Inheritance was formed from a profound cultivator at the time of his death. The place holds the opportunity to grasp all the valuable secrets and knowledge that the cultivator had experienced in his lifetime. Such an opportunity to study the cultivator’s knowledge is indispensable. Moreover, the cave must have held some treasures that this cultivator had held onto at the time of his death. For example, Medicine Pills or Secret Treasures.
For someone to be able to form a Heaven’s Cave Inheritance. How strong must the cultivator be? He must have surpassed the existence of the Transcendent Stage, living as a god.
What were Immortal Ascension Boundary martial artists to this cultivator? They were an existence comparable to ants!
It can be said that the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance is simply buried treasure waiting to be taken. Whoever obtained the inheritance would one day have the opportunity to reach the same realm of cultivation as the cultivator who created this cave.
Moreover, there was a chance that there were multiple cultivators of the same level that died together with the one who made the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, meaning, there might be more than one inheritance!
Meng Wu Ya’s excitement was simply unspeakable. However, the Blood Battle Gang clansmen were even more excited than him.
Buried underground was such an unimaginable treasure. How could it not be good news for the Blood Battle Gang? Moreover, Hu Man and the others managed to identify this cave as the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance in legend! Knowing very well the treasure that could be found inside the cave.
However, at the same time, they were aware of the gravity of this issue. Due to the battle earlier on, the other two schools must have been alerted. They must also be aware of this cave. Thus, the Bloody Battle Gang would not be able to monopolize the cave.
If the Bloody Battle Gang were to try to monopolize the cave, the two other schools, Storm House and High Heaven Pavilion would definitely join up to eradicate the Bloody Battle Gang and split the treasure amongst themselves.
Knowing this, Hu Man pointed the cave and shouted. “Go!” He feared that with the arrival of the two other schools, they would take away a lot of benefits from within the cave. Hence, he wanted to swiftly take as much as he could before they arrive. Allowing the other schools to only receive leftover treasures.
After he issued the order, Bloody Battle Gang’s ten experts rushed forwards towards the cave, while vigilantly looking at Meng Wu Ya, in fear that he might stop to get rid of them.
Who would have thought that Meng Wu Ya would not do anything but sneer at them?
Hu Man and the others were naturally overjoyed.
The ten experts arrived at the underground cave entrance and moved forwarded.
Meng Wu Ya, continued to sneer as his facial expression was that of taunting them to continue.
As the 10 experts attacked the light barrier, the barrier, like rubber, rebound their attacks and sent each one of them flying away. After recovering from the sudden force backwards, the experts all looked at each other with blank dismay.
“What’s the matter?” Hu Man muttered after seeing the strange sight. He went forward and personally tried to enter the cave but was thrown back much like his other clansmen.
When Hu Man realized that something was wrong, he turned vision to Meng Wu Ya. He noticed that this old man had known that something like this would happen, or else, why would he sneer and taunt them? Hu Man cupped his hands and lowered his stance, “Senior, may I ask what is wrong with this Heaven’s Cave Inheritance?”
Meng Wuya snorted, showing not the least bit of care to Hu Man’s request. With the appearance of the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, it made him no longer interested in looking for Long Zai Tian. Either way, that man had already received a lot of damage. If he wanted to finish Long Zai Tian off, Meng Wu Ya was confident he could do it anytime.
Hu Man knitted his brows as he tried to think. Suddenly, he could hear multiple flap flap sounds of clothing from afar.
The Blood Battle Gang experts’ complexions turned bitter and astringent and some muttered, “that was too fast…”
In a short while, five Great Elders from High Heaven Pavilion appeared under the leadership of Wei Xitong above the mining area. After a while, the Storm House Immortal Ascension Boundary experts also arrived, under the leadership of House Master Xiao Ruohan
Both schools were shocked after noticing the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance. Their vision was now filled with greed and surprise.
Hu Man was fuming with rage, shouting, “this is the Bloody Battle Gang’s mining area! How could you trespass here?”
However, Xiao Ruohan remained calm and gently replied with a smile “Master Hu, our schools have lived as neighbors for hundreds of years. We are all considered as old neighbors. Naturally, after hearing such a big commotion happening we were naturally worried and came to investigate. If your school needs any help from us, as neighbors, we must try our best not to decline. Won’t you say Elder Wei?”
Xiao Ruohan’s words were naturally meant to pressure the Blood Battle Gang, along with showing their temporary alliance with High Heaven Pavilion. At that moment, Hu Man’s complexion turned ugly as he coldly snorted.
Wei Xitong nodded in agreement. “Master Xiao, speaks with utmost reason. Master Hu, this place should be the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance of legends. Although the buried treasures inside are innumerable, it holds many dangers as well. Your Bloody Battle Gang member alone may not be able to tackle such a place. Come; let’s discuss how we are able to help you explore this cave.”
Hu Man angrily retorted “This is my Bloody Battle Gang’s mining area. The restrictions here are naturally ours. However we are unable to explain it and likewise, you think that you could? With your abilities, do you think that you have the qualifications to enter?”
Meng Wu Ya coldly snorted “I will explain the restriction!”
Hu Man awkwardly and bitterly looked towards Meng Wu Ya, not daring to refute this old man.
Xiao Ruohan smiled “Master Hu you should calm down a little. This is a matter that we have to discuss!”
From a distance, crowds of experts were still gathering to see the ruckus. No matter how far away they were, be it in the Black Wind Trade city or in their schools, they were all able to see the dragon and phoenix blend together in the sky. Although many did not know the situation at the mines, if there were going to be more magnificent scenes, how could they not want to watch? Therefore, after the dragon and phoenix flew back down, the people heading there sped up.
Yang Kai, who was hidden in the stream of people heading to the cave, was also excited but was still vigilant.
The dragon and phoenix were well known as good omens. If those beings were an indication of treasure, he expected that there would be a large fight over it. With his current level of cultivation and skills, he would sadly not have any qualifications to participate in such a battle.
When he arrived, he could see the gathering of thousands of people. Everyone’s head was swaying and the noise was like a bustling market!

Martial Peak – Chapter 124, The Decision of the Three Schools

The crowd was moving forward noisily but was stopped by the experts of the three schools. They encircled the 3-kilometer radius of the Bloody Battle Gang’s mining area, preventing the crowd from going further.
When Yang Kai looked to the middle of the encirclement, he could see the five Great Elders from High Heaven Pavilion. They were discussing intensely with one group of people, quarreling, with faces flushed with anger.
A tall man could be seen with an excited look. Meanwhile, a scholarly-like man was trying to keep everything peaceful.
From the crowd, Yang Kai could here soft discussions. “That tall man is Hu Man from Bloody Battle Gang and the scholarly like man is the Master of Storm House, Master Xiao Ruohan.”
“What has happened here for so many experts to gather?”
“This morning, I heard that the experts have found a Heaven’s Cave Inheritance!”
“What’s a Heaven’s Cave Inheritance?” a curious voice rose.
Yang Kai, who did not know anything, kept his ears peeled. However, he was not the only one. Many from the crowd were also listening attentively.
The one who knew about the place smiled. He excitedly told everything he knew about the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance and all of its advantages. When the groups of people heard the news, warm-blood rushed to their heads as they wished to run into the cave to get the inheritance.
So that’s how it is! Yang Kai had recalled the moment two months ago. He felt that the place had buried some Yang attribute treasure, and gave this information to Hu Mei Er as a gesture of gratitude. However, he had not thought that this place hid a Heaven’s Cave Inheritance!
At that time, the Yang Attribute that Yang Kai had felt must have been the restriction of the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance.
This place’s incidental exposure would benefit Yang Kai the most, seeing how it was connected to the Yang Attribute, the main attribute of his cultivation technique.
The group of people continued to talk but at this point, Yang Kai was not listening. He was now focused on what the three schools would do after finding this cave. It was impossible for one school to monopolize the cave at this point. Although they would wish they could.
However, since this was the Bloody Battle Gang’s mining area, they must be the ones to receive the benefits of the cave first.
As Yang Kai pondered, the three schools enlisted the most profound disciples to enter the cave and search for the situation of the cave first.
Three people, Su Yan from High Heaven Pavilion, Long Jun from Bloody Battle Gang and Fang Ziji from Storm House entered the cave simultaneously.
After a long wait……
Su Yan came back after half a day, followed by Long Jun and Fang Ziji. The three people reported back to their respective schools their findings and then dispersed in three different directions. Meanwhile, the experts of the schools continued their discussion.
It was not till a long time later, that the message was passed on to the lower disciples to inform them to gather. Yang Kai and one crowd of High Heaven Pavilion disciples walked towards the five Great Elders.
“Apprentice Brother Yang!” As Yang Kai was waiting for Wei Xi Tong’s speech, Su Mu and Li Yuntian greeted him from the side.
Yang Kai smiled. “Oh. You came as well!”
Su Mu smiled back, “Such a huge matter. It is only natural that we come to watch the fun!”
Li Yuntian asked, “Fellow Apprentice, you have been missing for twenty days now, where have you been?”
Yang Kai Explained “I had to exit the school to handle certain matters. But, I must thank you for helping clean up my log cabin while I was away.”
Li Yuntian and the others were stunned. “We did sweep the floor outside the log cabin for you but we never cleaned the inside of the log cabin!”
Su Mu let out a chuckle “These lazy groups of people don’t even fold their beds once they get up. How is it possible for them to clean up your log cabin for you?”
“Really?” Yang Kai was stunned. If no one cleaned his log cabin, how was it possible for it to be so clean?
“Silence!” Wei Xi Tong declared with a serious face. With just one word, the two thousand High Heaven Pavilion Disciples immediately looked up at him with their eyes burning.
Everyone knew that the news they were about to receive was about the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance.
Wei Xi Tong coughed lightly and continued, “You all should already know what has happened and what opportunities you may receive inside the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance. Even after living for such a long time, this old man and many others have never seen a Heaven’s Cave Inheritance. Let alone the entire Great Han Dynasty has never seen this cave for a thousand years! We do not know for certain how high one’s cultivation level must be to create a Heaven’s Cave Inheritance but, we certainly do know there must be countless treasures inside. Spirit Pills, rare Cultivation Techniques, armor and weapons, and finally, the most important treasure of them all, the inheritance of the cultivator who died!”
The audience’s breath turned fiery as they listened to Wei Xi Tong’s words.
Wei Xi Tong continued, “Such treasure will undoubtedly be accompanied by danger! Do remember that inside, the slightest mistake could get you killed!” With those words, those hot heads that were ready to rush in suddenly had their heads cooled down with a slap from reality as their spirits gradually grew more solemn.
Seeing some dispirited faced cause Wei Xi Tong to coldly snorted. “These advantages are there and should be taken! If you don’t take it, another person will! If you were to risk your life to enter in search of an opportunity, would you still be willing to go in?”
Silence descended after Wei Xi Tong’s speech. His threatening vision swept across the disciples to fall on Yang Kai. Suddenly, his pupils cannot help but shrink as he quickly looked past the boy.
After that moment, another voice sounds out. “Great Elder! This is a huge chance! If I were to miss it, wouldn’t it be a pity? Even if there is any risk involved, we must take it on for the opportunities inside!”
“Certainly. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. How could one possibly choose to miss it?”
“We must go in!”
High Heaven Pavilion disciples slowly got excited again. With so many people’s encouragement, and under the enticement of the inheritance, the dangers and risks were well worth it! Birds die for food, while humans die for wealth.
“Good!” Wei Xi Tong nods with a satisfied expression. “My High Heaven Pavilion disciples should be unafraid of danger. They should have courage and uprightness! Your decision has made this old man gratified. All disciples listen to my command! All those over 30, move to one corner!”
Immediately, troops of High Heaven disciples separated. The population of the those at the middle had just reduced to 40%.
Wei Xi Tong looked at the group of disciples that were over 30 pitifully and said “You are unable to enter the cave. There is a limit for those of age 30 and above. Those that are in the realm of Immortal Ascension and above are also unable to enter.”
“How can this be!” The crowd of rejected disciples cried out.
“This is not a rule that we made. The senior who made the cave had set up a few restrictions, which we must abide to. Naturally, he must have his reasons for doing so.” The second elder, Su Xuan Wu shouted.
Wei Xi Tong shouted, “those disciples under the Initial Element Stage move to this side!”
Another group of people had also made another group.
“You are currently able to go in but we can’t permit your entry!” Wei Xi Tong stared at them. “The dangers inside are too much for you. Your strength is currently too weak and going inside would be equal to signing a death sentence!”
This group of people was self-aware and dare not bring forward any complaints.
With those two conditions, the remaining participants only added up to 300-400!
Wei Xi Tong looked at the remaining crowd, “If you do not wish to enter the cave, you can leave now. The school will not force you to enter. Also, those that enter cannot complain if they are reported dead!” However, even with the warning, the enticement of the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance was too much for anyone to choose to leave.
Wei Xi Tong waited for a long time before smiling. “Since you have chosen to enter, I will tell you, all I know about the place so that you all can be mentally prepared to enter.”
All he would know was from the report by Su Yan. Although what she understood was not much, it was better than nothing.
Yang Kai listened to find out that once they entered the cave, their starting points would be different. The Heaven’s Cave Inheritance also had an abundance of world energy, which made it very suitable for cultivation. Moreover, the cave had special exits that had to be used in order to return. Else, the disciples would be unable to exit.
Since all this information was from Su Yan, what Wei Xi Tong knew was not much.
After explaining, Wei Xi Tong said “Because this place was first discovered by the Bloody Battle Gang, they will be sending in 50 people first. After waiting for half a day (6 hours) My High Heaven Pavilion and Storm House disciples will go in. I must warn you, that you must not only be careful of the restriction traps inside. You must also be wary of the disciples from the other two schools. Do not allow yourselves to be able to find a treasure but unable to enjoy it!”
Hearing this, the disciple’s heart turned cold as they imagined the scene where they were back stabbed due to finding treasure.
“Disciples of High Heaven Pavilion. If you bump into each other inside, you must help each other mutually and survive! Am I loud and clear?”
“Yes!” the disciples shouted.
“First, we will dismiss you. Find a place to rest and prepare. When the time comes for us to enter, we will inform you.” Hence, the disciples dispersed and sought for an appropriate place to meditate.
Li Yun Tian pulled a long face as he jealously looked at Su Mu and Yang Kai, “Young Su, Senior Brother Yang, I am unable to go in…” Li Yun Tian was currently at the Tempered Body’s ninth boundary.
Su Mu smiled. “Who Asked you to be so lazy with cultivation? You get what you deserve! Look at Yang Fellow apprentice! He worked so hard and is now in his in the Initial Elementary Stage. By the way, what level of cultivation are you?”
Yang Kai calmly responded, “Seven.”
Su Mu stared dumbfounded with Li Yun Tian. They seemed to be staring at a monster! It took a long time before they were able to get over their shock.
“I must hurry and cultivate as well…” Su Mu said dejectedly. Meanwhile, Li Yun Tian tactfully left. “Senior Brother Yang, I should not disturb you any further. You need time to restore…”
Yang Kai nodded and found a peaceful place to meditate. He sat cross-legged and closed his eyes, waiting for the moment to arrive!

Martial Peak – Chapter 125, Entry

Yang Kai was secretly rejoicing in his heart. Never had he expected that his purchase of Yang Stones to be so important. This was especially necessary when he needed to enter somewhere as dangerous as the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance.
After meditation, his dantian had now stored about fifty drops of Yang liquid. This should be sufficient for any danger he would face in the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance.
While sitting in meditation, Yang Kai felt the presence of someone’s gaze. When he looked over, he found Su Yan. Immediately, when their gaze nearly connected, she withdrew away. Su Mu, who noticed this, bowed to Su Yan with a dignified face and glimmering eyes. Yang Kai looked away, not caring.
Suddenly, a sound could be heard from Bloody Battle Gang. It was time for the 50 people from the Bloody Battle Gang to enter Heaven’s Cave Mansion.
Naturally, these conditions were made while the three schools had their discussions. Bloody Battle Gang wished to monopolize the whole Heaven’s Cave Inheritance. However, with the two schools present, that is impossible. Similarly, although High Heaven Pavilion and Storm House both desire the treasures inside the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, Hu Man and the experts from the Bloody Battle Gang could not simply allow these intruders to take advantage of them. As a result, the schools agreed to pay 1 million in cash and allow the Bloody Battle Gang to send 50 of their disciples to enter the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance half a day earlier as compensation.
When Yang Kai looked through the 50 disciples from Bloody Battle Gang, he knew that these were elites of the schools. Likewise, allowing them leeway for half a day first would definitely result in them discovering and stashing most of the treasures.
Strangely, the Hu sisters (Hu Mei’er and Hu Jiao’er), were in the center of an encirclement formed by the 50 expert disciples.
Both sisters look exactly alike. Similar to twins. They were both gorgeous individuals, who would attract any kind of male. Their beauty certainly reached the level whereby males would gratefully throw their lives away in order to gain the sister’s affection. Naturally, if one were to win either one of their hearts, the man would certainly die without regrets.
In a short span of time, the half of the 50 people entered the cave and disappeared without a trace. When the Bloody Battle Gang’s disciples entered the cave, the disciples from High Heaven Pavilion felt low-spirited.
Suddenly, a form appeared, flying at high speed towards the sky above the cave.
Hu Man and many other experts instinctively shouted, “Who dares?!”
“Naturally, it’s me!” Meng Wu Ya shouted in an angry tone as his raging pupils fiercely stared at the Bloody Battle Gang’s experts. Meng Wu Ya waved his hand and gently shouted. “Come here!”
Hu Man and the other experts from Bloody Battle Gang stared at this approaching figure. As Hu Man had expected, she was a beautiful girl! Although her face was covered by a veil and most of her features were hidden, her limpid clear eyes and gracefully enchanting stature is not something as an ordinary girl could possess. However, her beauty was not the only thing that shocked Hu Man. The girl’s strength was astounding! Unexpectedly, she was at True Element Boundary Stage!
Hu Man looked towards Long Zai Tian with discontented eyes. The man curse, “What has great did your grandson has done!”
Long Zai Tian did not reply. Instead, he stared with a gaze filled with hatred towards the pair of master and disciple. However, he was unable to unleash his rage. Meng Wuya’s strength far exceeded his. If he were to enact his revenge for his grandson right now, he would certainly die without a corpse. It was hopeless!
Naturally, that girl was Xia Ning Chang. She had been closed up (Something akin to meditation training in a secluded place) in High Heaven Pavilion. After receiving Meng Wuya’s instructions, she hurriedly flew to meet him. However, even the mighty True Elementary Boundary Stage practitioner hid behind her master’s back after noticing the gaze of serval thousands of people, all focused on her.
“My precious disciple,” Meng Wuya said with a gentle tone. He pointed towards the cave, “There are great opportunities there. So go!”
Xia Ning Chang nodded aggressively. She took a glance at the light barrier. Quickly, her gaze scanned around her surrounding as though she was looking for someone. Unfortunately, it was currently nightfall and she was unable to find the person she was looking for.
Noticing her actions, Meng Wuya once again urged Xia Ning Chang to quickly enter the cave. Not daring to oppose her Master, Xia Ning Chang bit her lips with a painful expression and flew into the cave.
From the beginning to the end, none of the Bloody Battle Gang took action against those two. Nobody dared to oppose Meng Wuya.
Likewise, Wei Xitong and the other 4 Elders looked at this scene and was speechless! They had never known that the man acting as the Contribution Hall’s Store Keeper would be unexpectedly so aggressive! Even in the face of the entire Bloody Battle Gang, he had a calm composure. With just a few words, he had completely overridden the agreement between the three schools! Allowing his own disciple to enter the cave without any repercussions from Hu Man and the others!
Just what kind of situation was this?
Xiao Ruohan brow wrinkled as he was left without an answer for this situation. “Hu Master, What is this about? Isn’t this against the agreement that we have agreed upon? Why can a High Heaven Pavilion’s disciple be allowed to enter at this time?”
After hearing Xiao Ruohan’s words, Hu Man wished he could take a sewing needle and permanently shut that mouth of his. Meng Wu Ya is such an arbitrary person. If he were to be provoked any further, Hu Man feared that his fate would be more unfortunate than fortunate. Therefore, he would rather Meng Wuya get away with this incident, just to hopefully clear their past enmity.
However, who would have thought that Xiao Ruohan dares to stirrup trouble!
Thankfully, Meng Wu Ya simply sneered and ignores them.
To appease both sides, Hu Man had no choice but to present a valid reason to Xiao Ruohan. “Actually, we were only able to manage to find this place due to this Senior’s skills. Naturally, we can’t complain if he were to send in his disciples. After all, without him, we would not have this opportunity in the first place.”
Xiao Ruohan Sneered. “Then why didn’t Hu Master mention this matter earlier when we were discussing?”
Hu Man was at a loss for words. Although he had tried to explain the situation, he too truly had no good reason to present. Even he himself was truly unable to resist the will of Meng Wu Ya.
Xiao Ruohan continued to press the matter. “Hu Master, isn’t this considered to be bullying my Storm House? For High Heaven Pavilion’s disciple to be allowed to enter, shouldn’t we be treated the same as well?”
“Nonsense!” Hu Man cursed angrily.
He turned his head in all directions to see that the last Bloody Battle Gang’s Disciple was about to enter the cave and quickly shouted. “Whoever you are, you are not allowed in! You shall give your position to this Senior’s disciple!”
Who would have expected that this youth, that was denied entry, was Long Zai Tian’s older grandson, Long Jun!
Long Jun was extremely excited for this once in a lifetime opportunity to enter the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance. He had hoped to inherit the skills and knowledge left by the cultivator who made this cave. However, just when he was about to enter the cave and get a head start, Hu Man’s order resonated inside his ears. The boy quickly looked towards his grandfather with pleading eyes. Unfortunately, Long Zai Tian took a deep breath, closed one’s eyes, and spoke without any strength “As Hu Master had said, Long Jun, you shall wait for half a day.”
Long Jun clenched his teeth and muttered “Yes!”
Hu Man, who was filled with rage, stared at Xiao Ruohan. “Xiao Master, certainly you can’t have any complaints now right? That Senior’s disciple’s slot had been accounted for by my own Bloody Battle Gang’s quota!”
Xiao Ruohan’s brow wrinkled as he snorted and walked away. He could no longer pester Hu Man for a leeway for his Storm House.
Wei Xitong looked at Hu Man with glimmering eyes. “It seems that Hu Man truly fears out Treasurer Meng.”
Su Xuan Wu Chucked. “We have all underestimated our Storekeeper’s abilities.”
Hu Man looked up at Meng Wuya with a smile plastered on his face. “Senior, is this arrangement satisfactory?”
Meng Wu Ya responded with a strange smile. “Of course I’m satisfied. However, once my disciple returns and complains to me about anyone who offended her, I hope that you will not take my actions as hostility towards you.”
Hu Man’s complexion drastically changed. Although he had a smile plastered on his face, he was secretly hiding the hostility within his heart. He gave a hollowed laugh “Of course!”
Hu Man thought to himself. My god, now we have to tell everyone that no matter what if they were to bump into that girl inside, we must treat her with the utmost respect. We definitely cannot allow her to encounter any form of danger!
Thus, without any further delay, Hu Man quickly spread this warning to the rest of the Bloody Battle Gang’s disciples.
To see Meng Wuya as such a strong figure; made all High Heaven Pavilion disciples surprised. Who would have thought that the lewd Storekeeper was so powerful and tyrannical? Even the Great Elder Wei Xitong does not have the ability to make Hu Man so obedient.
After a while, the place became tranquil again. All of them continued to focus on meditation, waiting for the time to arrive. They all wish to be in their best condition to get the greatest chance of receiving the inheritance.
Suddenly, Su Xuan Wu sighed. “We can’t say for certain that the loss of our disciples will account for our gain in treasures.”
On the other hand, Wei Xitong was more hopeful. “Inside, if one can obtain the inheritance, he would certainly become a person of tremendous potential and ability. Far surpassing us!”
“Let’s just hope so…”
The dim light from the night sky and the rustling of the forest wind continued as the time slowly passe3d. Suddenly, experts from three of the schools shouted out, alerting everyone that it was time. Simultaneously, all the disciples woke up.
The Bloody Battle Gang’s elite disciples have already been inside for half a day. It was time for the whole group to enter the cave!
From High Heaven Pavilion, Su Yan and Xia Hong Chen took the lead. Behind them were two lines of disciples that formed in an orderly manner. They all took their turn to walk into the cave and vanish from sight.
Yang Kai and Su Mu were walking side by side. When Yang Kai looked over, he could see Su Mu anxiously rubbing his hands.
“If only we are able to arrive at the same location together…” Su Mu said in a low voice.
“We can hope, but that is not what the Great Elder said would happen once we enter. It would also be unlikely that we are going to land at the same spot.”
“Yang Fellow Apprentice, do you know what inheritance this is?”
“How would I know?”
“Do you know of the dangers inside?”
“Ah, I’m so anxious right now!”
Originally, Yang Kai was not anxious at all. However, while he was whispering to Su Mu, he could not help but feel his heart tightening.
When it was their turn to enter, Yang Kai’s vision narrowed. He wanted to know what exactly happened to him after he passed through the light barrier. When he entered, he could see a flower underneath his feet. Inside a void; he was all alone. The flower rotated for a while and suddenly vanished. Yang Kai immediately fell.
The whole scenery quickly changed as he gently landed on a field. The looked up the sky to find it to still be blue but without any clouds, moon, sun or stars. On top of him was a black portal.

Martial Peak – Chapter 126, The Beginning of the Adventure

When Yang Kai shifted his gaze from the sky to the environment around him, he saw that he was surrounded by numerous stone pillars of various heights] and dimensions. Some were 4 meters high while others could even be a simple sand pile.
When Yang Kai felt the environment around him, he could easily tell that the world energy here was much denser than the outside world. If he were to sit in meditation and cultivate, he could estimate that his efficiency would increase 3-4 times
that of when he cultivated outside. Sadly, he had no time to cultivate. He and his competitors were all here for the inheritance. Taking time to purely cultivate was akin to giving up the search for the inheritance.
When he looked around for people around him, he discovered that he was separated from Su Mu even though they both entered at the same time.
Suddenly, Yang Kai could see a shadow on the floor. The shadow grew bigger as a figure quickly dropped down from the portal. This person was surprisingly Lan Chudie!
The girl quickly got up and stood firm. She looked around her and quickly noticed Yang Kai.
To think of all the disciples he could get the chance to pair up with, it had to be her! Yang Kai quickly exclaimed, “It’s you!”
Lan Chudie seemed happy to meet the boy and walked towards him. “Well, aren’t you skillful?!”
“Did you just reach here?” Lan Chudie asked.
“Yeah, that’s right.” Yang Kai nodded in response.
“There are many people that entered this cave together. Since we do not know where each person will be placed, should we wait for a moment, to see if anyone managed to also get placed here?” Lan Chudie proposed.
“Sure, why not.” Yang Kai did not have any objections. After all, this place was unpredictable and dangerous. It would be wise to move together in a group. In case they met with any difficulty, the group could work together to fight it off. Of course, that would mean the treasure would be split. However, considering the risk of losing one’s life, being in a group was a much safer method to get treasures. Naturally, once he got to know the place a little better, he could assess the situation and see if it was safe for him to leave the group to self-explore.
Thus, the pair stood there waiting.
After a while, three more people fell nearby.
Out of these three people, one was a High Heaven Pavilion Disciple, and the remaining two were from the Bloody Battle Gang and Storm House; respectively.
As the five people gathered, in this special place, they did not care much about their background. Surprisingly, they were all harmonious.
After waiting again, no one appeared. Thus, Lan Chudie spoke. “Since no one else is appearing, shall we head off?”
With her beauty and self-confidence, her manner and speech, she immediately became the center of attention within the group.
Everyone nodded in agreement.
“Before we start, we should be familiar with each other first. It’s good to know each person’s cultivation level, so as to know who can deal with the more dangerous tasks. I shall start first. My name is Lan Chudie and I am from High Heaven Pavilion. Qi Transformation Stage, level 7. How about you?” the girl asked and looked to another High Heaven Pavilion disciple.
The disciple quickly flatters the girl. “Senior Apprentice Sister, I have heard of your famous name! To think I would be in such luck to meet someone as beautiful as you today.”
The disciple’s flattery was beyond obvious, causing Yang Kai and the other two to despise this boy.
Lan Chudie was an exceptionally attractive person. Her whole figure was not only enchanting; her pair of magnificent mountains was enough to make anyone’s eyes glued. If a man could have her, to only be able to hold those pair of magnificent mountains, he living in heaven!
Lan Chudie gave a smile, “and you are?” she asked, showing little care for the boy’s words.
The boy proudly puffed out his chest and received his abdomen, lowered his voice and said. “I am Fellow Apprentice Nie Yong. I am a Lower Base Disciple at Qi Transformation Stage Level 4!” The boy smiled mischievously, “Senior Sister, you can feel relieved. If there is any danger, I will be there to help you!”
Lan Chudie’s eyes scanned the boy as she showed a faint and sweet smile. “Junior Apprentice Brother, I will keep your words in mind.”
She then turned her vision to another person. This man was tall and bulky. He had a broad and sturdy build, taller than Yang Kai by an entire head. Although he looked rough, he also seemed to be simple and honorable. “I am called Zuo An. A Bloody Battle Gang Disciple at Qi Transformation Stage level 5.” After he spoke, he stood there silent. It seems that this Disciple does not enjoy talking very much.
Afterwards, Lan Chudie bowed and her vision turned to another person. This time, the disciple was a female. Her stature was quite slender. She was not tall but looked delicate. Moreover, ever since she first arrived, she had a shivering smile on her face. It was obvious that this girl was extremely shy as she avoided eye contact.
“I’m called Du Yishuang. I am from Storm House. Please call me Little Sister Du. I am a Qi Transformation Stage level 6. Nice to meet you.” Du Yishuang lowered her head respectfully.
Everyone’s eyes were immediately glued to this girl. No one had ever imagined that this girl, who looked to be 14 to 15 years old, to be at Qi Transformation Stage level 6! This delicate girl was the second strongest person within the group!
Lan Chudie smiled. “Well, this is certainly interesting.” She looked up the portal and asked. “Maybe the portal sorted us according to strength?”
The group of people looked at each other and seemed to agree with Lan Chudie’s inference. So far, all of them were in Qi Transformation Stage and were all in ascending order, from level 4 to 7.
“Oh that right! What are you? What Qi Transformation Stage level are you currently in?” Lan Chudie looked towards Yang Kai and asked.
Due to the pattern, Lan Chudie naturally thought of Yang Kai as a person in the Qi Transformation Stage. Although he was not at that stage, if he were to use his full strength, it would certainly be comparable to someone in those stages.
Yang Kai embarrassingly starched his cheek and said. “I’m only in the Initial Elementary Stage, level 7. I’m from the High Heaven Pavilion, called Yang Kai…”
Zuo An’s gaze immediately turned to that of despising as he mutters out “Unlucky!”
“You are the infamous Yang Kai?” Lan Chudie’s facial expression turned to that of surprise as she continued to inspect him. With Yang Kai’s reputation, Nie Yong was also doing the same and Lan Chudie.
“En.” Yang Kai nodded. He knew that his name was infamous throughout the whole entire school. This reaction was almost bound to happen after people knew of his current cultivation level now.
Quickly, Yang Kai realized that Nie Yong’s gaze turned hostile as Lan Chudie was one that was still full of interest.
It was not surprising that Nie Yong would be hostile to Yang Kai. After all, Nie Yong was a Lower Based Disciple and should be friends if not in a click with Wei Zhuang and Xie Hongchen. The previous time, he had humiliated both Wei Zhuang and Xie Hongchen. It was no surprise that a grudge would be borne by Nie Yong as well.
However, since this was the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, Yang Kai knew that Nie Yong would not do anything rash. Thus, it was safe to assume that he would not dare attack Yang Kai.
Lan Chudie withdrew her gaze and looked towards all 4 people. “Alright. Since everyone knows each other, and none of us knows the location of any treasure, if we were to discover any, we will collect and respectively assign each one their piece fairly. If there are insufficient treasures collected to be equally distributed, we will settle this with money. How does that sound?”
Nie Yong hastily nodded. “Senior Apprentice Sister Lan is right. I hope that you will maintain fairness for all of us.”
The rest did not object to Lan Chudie’s proposal and just like that, Lan Chudie had already established her position as leader of this group.
When Yang Kai traded with her, he noticed that she was not a person that was willing to be taken advantage of. Likewise, Lan Chudie was certainly a person of ambition, and will never agree to be oppressed by another person.
“Since this matter has already been decided, let’s go. I will lead the way first. After 2 hours, the person leading the way will be changed.” Lan Chudie stopped talking and quickly walked. Those that were behind quickly caught up as they obediently followed her. Nie Yong, quickly ran to Lan Chudie’s side and walked shoulder to shoulder with her. The boy continued to flatter the beauty. However, none of his words were taken seriously by Lan Chudie.
Lan Chudie’s face would often appear to be smiling, as she continued to chat with the boy, further encouraging him to compliment her.
Zuo An, the robust man, who was directly behind the two was listening to their conversation and showed little care for what they said.
Yang Kai, who was behind them heard Little Sister Du quickly walk up to him. This shy girl quickly walked to his side and whispered to him in a soft voice. “Don’t worry. You can certainly reach Qi Transformation Stage in the future.”
Yang Kai turned to look at the girl and smile. “Don’t worry, I don’t really care all that much.”
“…” Du Yishuang’s whole face turned red after Yang Kai turned his head. She thought that the boy did not dare speak due to Zuo An’s remarks earlier and merely wanted to comfort him.
“Ha Ha” Watching her reaction was quite cute as Yang Kai chuckled. “Little Sister Du, you seem to be younger than me but how is it that your cultivation level is so high?”
Since this girl took the effort to comfort him, she had left Yang Kai with a good impression of her. The boy wished to further get to know this girl. After all, it was better to have friends than enemies.
“I am 19 years old. How am I younger than you?” Du Yishuang explained in a soft voice.
“Oh…” Yang Kai exclaimed in awkwardness.
As they walked, the two pair of people continued to talk. All except Zuo An, who was a loner.
Suddenly, after walking, Yang Kai could feel the Yang Origin Seal in his chest act up. It was pointing him in front.
Yang Kai could feel it. About 300 meters in front, there is definitely some kind of Yang Attribute material. As the five advanced, they finally saw the thing Yang Kai felt.
Lan Chudie suddenly shouted in surprise and Nie Yong hastily looked in front. “Yang Stones and Yin Stones?”
What they saw was a huge pile of crushed stones. Moreover, these stones were not ordinary Yin Stones and Yang Stones. These stones were the equivalent quality of those found in the Black Wind Trade City, sold by Bloody Battle Gang! At least medium or even high quality stones!
Each stone was worth $520 and this pile here definitely contains more than 1000 stones. In other words, if they were to collect and sell all of the stones, it would be worth at least $502,000!
Since all five disciples were ordinary members within their respective schools, they were not that wealthy. Never had they seen so much wealth before!

Martial Peak – Chapter 127, Distress

At that very instant, everyone’s breath was heavy. However, Lan Chudie still remained alert and quickly everyone. “Wait! Check if there are any dangers around first!” It was strange for such wealth to be displayed without traps.
The five people quickly spread out and scouted the area. Fortunately, they did not discover any traps.
Even after scouting around, Lan Chudie did not feel relieved. She picked up a stone and inspected it. When there was absolutely no reaction that occurred, she took a breath of relief and nodded. “Alright, it’s safe.”
The five members looked at each other first before they all hastily collected the stones. The other member would quickly bag all the stone but Yang Kai was more selective. Since he only needed one type of stone, he only collected Yang Stones.
After picking for a while, Lan Chudie’s smile suddenly stiffens up. She took another look at the stone in her hand and let out a sigh. Letting it drop to the ground.
Her actions immediately brought doubt to Nie Yong. “Lan Female Apprentice. What’s wrong?”
“Stop collecting the stones.” Lan Chudie said. “ If we were to bring such a heavy bag of good with up as we explore, it would only consume our strength. Likewise, if we encounter any danger later it will only slow us down when we try to escape. If such a scenario occurred, we would probably lose it in the end.”
After hearing listening to reason, everyone responded with disappointment. They had forgotten their safety due to their own greed.
Lan Chudie continued. “Furthermore, we have just entered this place. There are bound to be more treasures here. Think about it. There are no traps here. Certainly, if this was that valuable, there would be traps set up here right? So, it is only reasonable that to think that these stone are not worth much as compared to the other treasures this place has to offer. The real treasures are waiting for us to be found!”
Nie Yong nodded in approval. “Yes. It is as Lan Female apprentice said.”
Zuo An also nodded in agreement.
Du Yishuang gave a reluctant look to the stones in her hands and tossed it back to the ground.
Only Yang Kai continued collecting nonchalantly. He continued as though Lan Chudie had not said anything. His actions made Lan Chudie’s brow wrinkled.
Yang Kai explained while he was sorting the stones he collected. “If we truly encounter danger, it will not be too late to abandon the stones.”
Lan Chudie did not further make any remarks. “Do as you please.” She turned around and began to walk. “However, we will not wait for you to sort the stone. Just make sure you don’t take too much.”
Yang Kai nodded in agreement. “Sure, you guys should go on first.”
Thus, Lan Chudie no longer wasted a single second as carried on. Meanwhile, Zuo An looked at Yang Kai with a demeaning gaze. On the other hand, Nie Yong was more vocal of his opinion. “Apparently, you do not realize the dangers this world contains! You will lose these stones sooner or later. Why even bother collecting them!”
Du Yishuang, was unlike the others. She held a good opinion of Yang Kai and supported him. “It’s okay. I’ll stay here with you.”
Yang Kai quickly replied, “No. It’s alright. It’s best you join the group. Don’t worry I will catch up later,” as he continued to sort the stones nonchalantly.
Since Yang Kai had insisted, Du Yishuang no longer pursues the matter. She gave a nod of acceptance and ran to join the group.
After the four of them left, Yang Kai quickly started to cultivate True Yang Secret Arts. The Yang Stones that were close to him began to lose their color as the boy continued to absorb the Yang energy from the stones. Later, Yang Kai managed to absorb enough Yang Energy to form 20 drops of Yang Drops within his Dantian.
This is enough, Yang Kai decided. Although there were many Yang Stones here, Yang Kai is not able to absorb all of them in such a short period of time. It was as Lan Chudie had said, this pile of stones were probably one of the most useless treasures in the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance. Hence, Yang Kai decided not to waste too much time here, so as to have time to pursue the other treasures.
After 30 minutes, Yang Kai had managed to catch up with the group. The moment he joined, he could tell that the other 3 members, except for Du Yishuang, were looking at him with displeased eyes.
In terms of strength of cultivation, Yang Kai was the lowest in the group. He was an obvious burden and it was not surprising that the others would think of him as worthless. If they were not from the same school, it is estimated that Lan Chudie and Nie Yong would not allow Yang Kai to join them.
“This place is unexpectedly huge. It’s best to rest up before we proceed anymore.” Lan Chudie’s delicate eyebrows wrinkled. “Let’s look around for a place to rest first, before deciding anything else.”
Everyone in the group nodded.
After resting,
“It has already been 2 hours. Now, who should be chosen to lead the way?” Lan Chudie asked as her gaze swept the four members.
Since the dangers here is unknown, the person leading the way would definitely be the most likely person to stumble onto a trap. Therefore, it was best to alternate between members, so as to reduce her own chance of getting caught in a trap.
“Since the first one to lead is from High Heaven Pavilion, the next person should be from either Bloody Battle Gang or Storm House.” Nie Yong proposed, while looked as both Zuo An and Du Yishuang.
Zuo An’s brow wrinkled but did not speak. Du Yishuang said in soft voice “Ok, I’ll lead.”
Yang Kai sighed in his heart. Within this group, although it was a small team of five, everyone had their own plans. This was except for Du Yishuang, who was kind at heart and did not scheme. In short, this group not united at all. If they were to encounter great danger, it could be expected that the group would disband to escape.
After for walking for an hour, the group found themselves in an open area, surrounded by numerous stone pillars. Finally, they were outside of the region they were in and were excited.
Under the leadership of Du Yishuang, the group managed to rapidly get deeper into the area.
After a while, the group entered another area. Instead of stone pillars, there were stone figures of life-like humans. There were more than a hundred different stone figures carved with different people with different height, wearing and weapons.
Seeing these conspicuous statues, the group became more cautious. Instead of simply exploring the area, Lan Chudie and Nie Yong probed the area first. When the two discovered that this area was safe, Du Yishuang then leads the group deeper in.
Although Yang Kai knew that it was safe, he had a bad feeling about this place. His heart palpitated even faster as the group went deeper into the area.
While walking, the group members would look around. Naturally, most of their gaze would land on the statues around them, not being able to help but to highly appraise these statues to be life-like.
As Yang Kai looked around, he noticed that one of the statues had a faint dark red colour on it. When he moved closer, he could smell a tinge of blood scent from the statue. Immediately, Yang Kai’s instincts kicked in as he retreated hastily shouting. “Watch out!”
Suddenly, the surrounding statues all simultaneously moved!
Hastily, the four group members tried to retreat. Unfortunately, Du Yishuang, who was at the front, did not react with enough time as her window of opportunity to retreat closed.
The two statues beside Du Yishuang raised their fist and quickly pounded her. Their strength was enough to crumble rocks. With a fist size of a cooking pot, even with Du Yishuang’s cultivation level, she would still be seriously injured.
When Du Yishuang realized the impending danger, she quickly released her Yuan Qi. Immediately, the peaceful and good-natured girl had a change in an aura.
Being able to release Yuan Qi was one of the symbols of being in the Qi Transforming Stage. In this boundary, the Yuan Qi in the body will be calm and steady. However, once a person releases their Yuan Qi, their whole body releases a powerful and oppressing aura. If one’s control is not good, they might end up letting the power control them instead. Becoming like a wild beast that acts based on instinct and emotions.
However, Du Yishuang showed amazing proficiency in controlling her strength as not once did her face showed fear, panic or anger. Instead, she remained calm and composed.
She turns around, placing her palm to redirect the attack of one of the stone figures. Meanwhile, she also moved her body backward, to avoid the other stone figure’s attack. However, she underestimated the speed of the second stone statue’s attack as its palm was about to land on her slender shoulder.
Du Yishuang panicked. She quickly took some of the Yang Stones in her bag and threw it towards the fist. The Yang Stone flew like meteors as it collides with the statues fist but under the fist’s tremendous strength, hardly managed to slow it down. Fortunately, the small force managed to redirect the fist, such that it only managed to scratch Du Yishuang’s clothing.
Suddenly, Du Yishuang heard a voice behind her. “Move!” her body became light as someone pulled on the collar of her clothing. In front of her, a palm stretched out and hit the first stone statue’s fist.
Once the first stone statue’s fist was going to land a clear distance away, Yang Kai quickly jumped as he pulled Du Yishuang back. Hastily, the two took the opportunity to retreat.
*Bang*, the sound of the first stone Statue’s fist finally landed on the ground. The five retreating figures all had cold sweat run down their spine. Suddenly, they hear the sound of galloping as the earth slightly trembled. When they looked back, they found that the hundreds of stone statues were managing to chase up to them. No one would expect that these stone statues were capable of moving at such high speeds!
“Don’t look back, Run around the stone pillars to lose them!” Lan Chudie shouted.
Everyone’s thoughts seemed to alight as they started to shuttle between the stone pillars.
After a while, they managed to escape from the stone statues.
It was only those two stone statues that attacked Du Yishuang, who was close enough to constantly keep up with Yang Kai and Du Yishuang.
“Yang Kai you bitch! Don’t bring them to me!” Nie Yong runs away while he roared at Yang Kai.
On the other hand, Yang Kai completely ignored Nie Yong as his complexion sank.
Lan Chudie, who was hiding behind a stone pillar, peeked out to look at Yang Kai and Du Yishuang. There were no stone statues chasing after her but, she hesitated to get involved with Yang Kai and Du Yishuang.
However, after a few seconds, she made the resolve and shouted. “Stop running! If it’s only against these two stone statues, we can win!”
Once they heard her, the group member’s heart trembled.
“Earlier, Yang Kai and Du Yishuang managed to ward off their attack. This shows their low prowess in martial combat!” Land Chudie’s expression becomes confident. “Zuo An, you divert one of them while the four of us will attack the other stone statue.”
Zuo An’s brow wrinkled but did not rebuke. He turned around and smashed his fist against the gigantic fist of the stone statue.
The stone statue, unexpectedly has its fist chipped from Zuo An’s attack and staggered!

Martial Peak – Chapter 128, What is Inside the Stone Statues.

It was truly weak in martial arts. Zuo An calmed down as he realized that it was possible to defeat these stone statues.
Yang Kai and Du Yishuang both ran 300 meters away before turning around. They had to make sure that there was sufficient space between the two stone statues.
When Du Yishuang attacked with her martial skill, her whole palm produced a golden light. When her palm crashed onto the stone statue, it immediately staggered as some crack linings could be seen at the place of impact.
Apparently, these stone statues did not experience pain. Even after it was hit, the stone statue continued to counter-attack.
Du Yishuang quickly retreated from the counter-attack as Lan Chudie and Nie Yong joined to encircle the stone statue. Nie Yong, as though holding a grudge, stared bitterly at Yang Kai, blaming him for the stone statue chasing him earlier.
It was only thanks to Lan Chudie’s powerful observation skills that the group managed to uncover the stone statue’s weakness. Else, Nie Yong could expect himself to be forced to run for a longer period of time.
Although these stone statues’ attacks were powerful, it meant nothing if they didn’t connect with the target. Likewise, the stone statues’ response timing was slow. Thus, they were not significant threats to anyone who was proficient in battle, so they could easily avoid the attacks.
Over time, the stone statue that was besieged by the four showed obvious signs of falling apart as the cracks on its body became more pronounced after each strike. With victory in sight, the four’s attacks became more ferocious.
In the end, the stone statue was completely turned to rubble. Although the four managed to beat the thing uninjured, they exhausted a lot of their Yuan Qi.
Lan Chudie went closer to the rubble. Her eyebrows wrinkled as she muttered, “strange…”
By logic, these stone statues should be moving based on a kind of power source. However, upon closer inspection, she did not manage to find anything of that sort.
Without any more delay, Lan Chudie shouted. “Let’s go and help Zuo An!” before walking off.
With much haste, the group once again circled the other stone statue. The group maintained silence as everyone all concentrated on dodging and attacking the stone statue. After 10 minutes, they managed to turn the second statue to rubble.
After the battle, all five were breathing heavily. Although this fight was not extremely dangerous, it consumed way too much Yuan Qi.
With time to breathe, Nie Yong turned to Yan Kai and shouted. “Yang Kai you bastard! Do not think that I will not harm you because we are from the same school!”
Yang Kai rolled his eyes. “What?”
“Why did you lead those two stone statues to me earlier on!?”
“Did I?” Yang Kai’s eyes looked somewhere else while maintaining his calm composure. He only cared about running away just now. Why would he care about others?
Lan Chudie puffed out her gigantic chest and shouted “Stop quarreling!” as she searched the rubble.
Nie Yong coldly looked at Yang Kai and said, “If this happens again, do not blame me for being impolite!”
“Oh?” Lan Chudie exclaimed after she found something from the rubble. There was a fist-sized, small stone baby hidden within the rubble. Her surprise brought the attention of the other group members as they gathered to take a look at the small stone baby in her hands. The small stone baby seemed to be made out of jade while, cleanly curved out, translucent and glittering. Amazingly beautiful.
Inside of the stone baby was red vein linings. If one were to count the veins, there would be 30 strands of veins.
“This is…?” Zuo An stared with a curious expression. Meanwhile, Du Yishuang and Yang Kai were walking toward Lan Chudie to see what was going on.
“What is this stone baby made out of?” Nie Yong asked, as though there were mineral experts around him.
“I’m not sure…” Lan Chudie shook her head. She was unable to tell what this stone baby was made up of while not being able to feel any energies from the stone baby. However, those veins within the baby were extremely peculiar.
“What do you think?” Lan Chudie looked up as she asked the others.
“Is it possible that we are able to control those statues if we can control this baby?” Zuo An thought of the possibility.
Lan Chudie shook her head. “That’s very unlikely. Not everyone of these stone statues contained this stone baby. Also, how would we be able to control these stone babies?”
Yang Kai suddenly opened his mouth. “Do the red linings remind you of anything?”
“Like what? Do not interrupt unnecessarily when you’re only a trivial Initial Element Stage!” Nie Yong refuted as he stared at Yang Kai with despicable eyes.
Yang Kai no longer spoke as the corners of his mouth turned into a sneer. Although he has a good temper, it is not a great idea to continuously provoke him.
Lan Chudie realized Yang Kai’s implied words and hastily asked. “We are both from the same school. Can we not quarrel? Yang Kai, what do you think this looks like?’
Yang Kai’s eyes glimmered as he spoke. “Don’t you think these red lines look a lot like the Meridians in our bodies?”
Nie Yong taunted, “Like we don’t know that!”
Lan Chudie ignored Nie Yong and asked. “What do you mean?”
Yang Kai confidently replied. “These red linings should teach us some kind of Martial Skill Cultivation Technique!”
“What a joke!” Nie Yong snorted. Du Yishuang went beside the boy and screamed at him with a cold and gloomy voice. “Shut Up!”
Nie Yong immediately looked at Du Yushuang, startled as he no longer dared to speak. Although he did not fear Yang Kai, Du Yishuang was two small layers above him. If they were to fight, it would most likely end with his defeat.
Zuo An also looked at Nie Yong with a despising glare, “You’re bothersome.” This was his own opinion and not because he supported Yang Kai.
Nie Yong’s complexion becomes red as he was unexpectedly humiliated by these two people. Due to his weak strength, he dares not rebuke. Instead, he sulkily stared at Yang Kai with even more hatred.
Lan Chudie seemed inspired as she spoke, “Let’s test if Yang Kai’s theory is true.”
Immediately, the group members understood what she meant and nodded.
Lan Chudie smiled, “Then. Please, protect me while I test this out.” She closes her eyes and revolved the Yuan Qi within her body, imitating the path on the stone baby.
A while later, Lan Chudie opened her eyes with a surprised look, quickly turning her gaze to Yang Kai. “It is as you said. These stone babies are actually containers of a Martial Skill.”
The others immediately had a change in expression.
“Although I did not fully study its contents, I know that is it at least an Earth middle-grade Martial Skill! However, I don’t know what type of martial skill it is…”
Since the Stone baby had 30 line veins, it meant that the cultivator must make use of all 30 veins of the meridians within their bodies in order to activate it. It was as Lan Chudie had said, Earth middle-grade Martial Skills would need 30 or more veins of meridians to activate.
Hearing her words, not only were the three people feeling breathless, Yang Kai also felt a sense of great excitement.
After that night at Nine Yin Mountain Valley, Yang Kai realized why he was unable to beat others easily. That was due to the fact that he lacked a Martial Skill to use. Without an attack Martial Skill, Yang Kai was only able to fight with the Yang Drops. This made his battles inefficient. If he had a Martial Skill when he fought at the Nine Yin Mountains, it would not be so taxing on him.
It was unfortunate that Martial Skills required a lot of contribution points to receive from the school.
Unexpectedly, Yang Kai could receive a Martial Skill here! Moreover, there were more and a hundred stone statues! That meant, he could at least receive one Martial Skill!
It was not only Yang Kai but the others as well. Everyone knew the great value of a Martial Skill!
Lan Chudie secretly rejoiced in her heart. If she had not decided to destroy both the stone statues, they would never have discovered this treasure trove!
“What do you think?” Lan Chudie looks at everyone while the corners of her mouth wipe into a radiant smile.
“Yeah…” Zuo An said in a hoarse voice.
“Since these stone babies contain Martial Skills, naturally, we can’t let this opportunity slide!” Nie Yong was dancing with joy within his heart. “This place is truly a treasure trove. Only after entering for such a short time, we already discovered such a treasure!”
Yang Kai and Du Yishuang nodded.
“Good! Since everyone agrees, then we will be staying here for a while.” Lan Chudie smiled, “I’ll take this stone baby first. After we collected all the Martial Skills, we can redistribute later. Don’t worry, I won’t secretly pry for the Martial Skill inside of it.”
“Don’t worry Senior apprentice sister Lan, I believe you”. Nie Yong said, showing his loyalty to Lan Chudie. He turned his head to the others, “Senior apprentice sister Lan is very well known for her trustworthiness in High Heaven Pavilion. She will surely not betray you.”
After Nie Yong spoke, Zuo An and Du Yishuang did not object. After all, they had no other methods of processing the Martial Skills.
After the discussion of treasure, distribution was settled, they discussed the methods to subdue and destroy those stone statues. Naturally, everyone knew that these stones statues were fast and strong. They would have to be in a team to strike one of them down. Thus, they decided to run around the stone pillars to draw one away from the crowd and gang up to destroy it.

Martial Peak – Chapter 129, Spoils of the Battle

When fighting a stone statue, one person would draw out the attack with the others would take that opportunity to attack. This was the quickest and more efficient way to destroy the stone statue.
However, there was an issue none of them brought up till the last minute. Who was the one that was going to be the bait to lure these things away from their group? This was by far the most dangerous role as that person would have more than a hundred stone statues chasing after him. If that person was not careful, he would easily lose his life.
Everyone knew that this was a risky job as they mutually looked at each other. Finally, Nie Yong looked at Yang Kai with despising eyes. “Since you are not strong when it comes to attacking, shouldn’t you be the one that lured these statues? If you select the route carefully, you wouldn’t be taking any real risk. Also, a moment ago, I saw that you were actually quite fast. So shouldn’t you be the one that lured that?”
Yang Kai grinned, “Ok”
Filled with worry, Du Yishuang pulled Yang Kai’s cloth, closer to her. “Yang Kai!” She remembered moments ago, where she was in utter fear from the two stone statue’s pursuit. After surviving the ordeal, she did not wish for Yang Kai to experience the same thing again.
“It’s alright” Yang Kai smiled, trying to console her.
Lan Chudie looked at Yang Kai, surprised. “How can you be so confident? If we cannot determine how safe it will be, why don’t we take turns to draw them out?”
“It’s fine. I have 80% assurance that I will survive. Yang Kai answered.
Although it looked to be risky, the speed Yang Kai had shown was not his full speed. That night at Nine Yin Mountain Valley, Yang Kai manage to find out that True Yang Yuan Qi, although is not a genuine Martial Skill, it is capable of promoting his speed.
Compared to fighting the stone statues, he would rather act as a lure for those Stone Statues. It was hard for Yang Kai to do any real damage unless he used his Yang drops. However, such ability was best kept a secret as a trump card.
“Since you continue to insist, then we will try once more. If something goes horribly wrong, we are going to switch around.” Lan Chudie said in a persistent tone.
The discussion continued as the group continued along the path, back to the area with all the stone statues.
Upon reaching close to the area, Lan Chudie scouted around for a spot that was best used for ambush.
“Yang Kai, Thank you!” Du Yishuang expressed her gratitude to Yang Kai for coming to her rescue earlier.
Yang Kai chuckled. “Don’t worry about it.”
Du Yishuang shook her head. “No, I have to thank you.”
The group slowly arrived at the same place they were earlier. As they walked, they noticed that the stone statues were all back at their original positions.
When Yang Kai looked around the same bloodstained place he was at previously, he found two corpses lying on the ground. Although he did not know which school these disciples were from, it was a pity for them to die here.
“Are you prepared?” Lan Chudie asked anxiously.
Yang Kai nodded. “En.”
“Once you are pursued by them, run over here. Nie Yong and I will lure two stone statues away from the group. Meanwhile, Little Sister Du and Zuo An will look for any opportunity to attack one of them and split the two up again. If one is defeated, go and help attack the other stone statue. Be aware that our utmost priority is safety. Yang Kai, do not go back to bait more here before we finish this one off. Only once we are ready to battle again, then you can go back to lure another one here. “
With Lan Chudie’s clear explanation, they all understood and nodded.
“Ok, Yang Kai you can go now. Do be careful.” Lan Chudie looked at Yang Kai, doing an encouraging pose.
Yang Kai placed his Yang Stone back on the floor and walked towards the crowd of stone statues.
The group gazed at him intensely, under the enticement of Martial Skills, even Nie Yong was worried that Yang Kai would fail and die; leading to him being the next bait for the team to use. After all, it was by his logic that Yang Kai was proposed to do this in the first place.
“Don’t be useless!” Nie Yong said in a soft voice.
Yang Kai walked close to the stone statues but maintained a safe distance from them. He would avoid their attack range if possible, so as to make sure that he would not get hit by a surprise attack.
He proceeds cautiously towards the stone statue, placing his hand out, trying to trigger them. However, Yang Kai soon discovered that once he stepped a within reach, the stone statues would begin moving. The initial movements were slow but quickly accelerated.
Without wasting another second, Yang Kai turned around and ran back to the position that the group agreed upon.
Pursing behind Yang Kai was more than a hundred stone statues.
When the stone statues dashed close to the spot, the four people that lie in ambush quickly lured two stone statues out of the crowd. Lan Chudie and Nie Yong in one group, while Zuo An and Du Yishuang in another. They moved the two stone statues away from each other and began attacking.
So far so good. With two people in one group, they will be able to sooner or later defeat the stone statue.
Meanwhile, Yang Kai had the most relaxed role. He only needed to run and hide around the stone pillars and very easily make the stone statues lose sight of him. Although there were many stone statues initially, after a few times of repeating this strategy, the group chasing him got smaller and smaller.
After 15 minutes, there were only 3 stone statues chasing after him.
Yang Kai looked around and decided not to make them lose sight of him. Instead of following the plan and losing them entirely, he led the three back to the ambush spot. After all, after such a long time, the fight there should have ended and they should have gotten enough rest.
As Yang Kai expected, as he was running towards the ambush spot, he saw all four of them sitting in meditation, waiting for him to return.
While they were waiting, the earth suddenly tremored as the three statues ran towards them.
The four people quickly opened their eyes and Nie Yong shouted in rage. “That useless waste! To think he would direct the stone statues here! Should we retreat first?”
To him, he thought that Yang Kai did not manage to shake off these stone statues. Thus, without any other option, he directed them back here.
Lan Chudie hesitated for a moment but shook her head. “Yang Kai should not be such a person. What’s more, if you listen carefully, you can tell that there are at most 2 or 3 stone statues chasing after him.”
“There are three!” Zuo An explained. “My hearing is better than the average person!”
“He did this intentionally!” Lan Chudie smiled. “Everyone, prepare to attack!”
During their little chat, Yang Kai’s figure could. From a distance, he made certain hand signs, directing towards them.
Finally, the form of the three stone statues showed itself.
He directed them to follow the plan as before. However, this time, Yang Kai would divert one away while they focused on the other two. When the fight ends, Yang Kai would return with the remaining one for them to destroy.
“I see. That’s a good plan…” Lan Chudie smiled to Yang Kai. In her plan, they were to be in groups of two when confronting the stone statues. Since there were three, she had initially thought Yang Kai wanted them to fight all of the stone statues as the same time.
After the battle,
Yang Kai excitedly thought of how he would have a look at the spoils of the battle earlier. Unfortunately, the battle ended up with no treasures as the other four looked around but found nothing.
However, this time, they were lucky. Out of the three stone statues Yang Kai lured in, one of them contained a stone baby!
This stone baby had the same number of red veins inside as the previous one but they were all in different locations. This was a different type of Martial Skill.
Du Yishuang passed the stone baby to Lan Chudie.
Lan Chudie accepted it with a bow. “The first time, we got one out of two stone statues. Now, we got one out of 5 stone statues. It seems that it is entire up to luck that we will be able to receive this…”
Nie Yong grinned, “If there are about a hundred stone statues, if we managed to destroy all of them; that would mean that we can at least obtain 20 stone babies!”
If one were to split 20 stone babies in a group of 5; that would mean that each person would obtain 4 Martial Skill each!
The vision of everyone burnt with greed.
However, Lan Chudie controlled herself, as her composure still retained some semblance of elegance. “Let us restore first. When we are well rested, we can do this again!”
Everyone nodded as each member took out a Medicine Pill from their bags and sit in meditation. That is all except for Yang Kai, since he cannot afford a Medicine Pill. However, he does not need one since he had only been running around.
Nie Yong, wanted to flirt with Lan Chudie. When they were about to sit in meditation, he also wished to sit next to Lan Chudie. However, this time, Lan Chudie had a cold expression on her face as she cast the boy away.
Yang Kai sneered secretly. Lan Chudie was a female with ambition. For such a woman, who has self-confidence and a man like Nie Yong would never be able to tame her. At most, he would just serve as her pawn.
To obtain Lan Chudie’s heart, one must surpass her in strength, confidence, and influence. Only when she adores you, then you would be able to win her heart.
Although it is unpleasing to hear, Lan Chudie is a realist! Although she seems to be quite elegant and gentle, Yang Kai knows that this is just a front. She is arrogant and narcissistic. Knowing her own beauty, she will only bring herself close to men who have potential or strength. In other words, Nie Yong is nothing to her.
While the four were meditating, Yang Kai moved to the area, where he had discarded the Yang Stones. Due to the thing only adding to his weight, being a burden, he had no choice to place leave it on the ground. However, right now, since the group was all resting, Yang Kai could take this opportunity to absorb more Yang energy into his Dantian.
He carried the bag of Yang Stones to a secluded location and began absorbing. He needed to make sure that no one was aware of his abilities.
After half a day, everyone was fully rested and ready to go. Meanwhile, Yang Kai had managed to absorb half of the Yang Stones that he had carried with him. So he walked back to the group prepared for their second assault!

Martial Peak – Chapter 130, One’s Own Plans

The four people were done resting for a while now. They were all waiting for Yang Kai to get back. Meanwhile, Nie Yong was whispering to himself, cursing Yang Kai.
After Yang Kai arrived, Lan Chudie took a deep breath. Her gigantic chest expanded, till the clothes around them stretched to its extreme limits. She looked at all the member and asked: “Is everyone done?”
“Yeah!” Nie Yong said excitedly.
“Then we will do it again.” Lan Chudie turned her vision to Yang Kai. “Do you want to change roles?”
Yang Kai shook his head, “There’s no need. After the first attempt, I have already experienced the dangers and I’m confident in surviving now.”
He was not willing to battle with those stone statues. After all, hitting them with his fist would also injure him.
“Alright then. Looks like we will be depending on you again.” Lan Chudie smiled while she schemes.
Whenever she smiled, Yang Kai had a vague feeling that it was a gift for someone venturing into danger.
If she was smiling to Nie Yong, it was for encouragement. However, this was not the case for Yang Kai.
Without delving too much into it, Yang Kai ran back to the area to lure the stone statues.
This time, although Yang Kai did his task perfectly, the group messed up. When it was time to lure two away, they were blocked by another stone statue. Dealing with three stone statues confused their positions and nearly cause some casualties.
After those three were dealt with, Yang Kai came back with two more and they were also quickly destroyed.
Even after the incident, the group’s moral was high. They had managed to receive two stone babies!
Now, the group has managed to collect four stone babies. With just one more, the group can finally distribute amongst themselves.
Yang Kai was filled with excitement. After all, the thing he most lacks in combat was finally going to land in his hands. Naturally, he wished for them to be already able to divide the Martial Skill Technique.
Over the next few days, the group repeated the same process. They would lure, then battle, and then rest for half a day before starting again.
Unfortunately, after destroying their 30
stone statue, they were unable to receive any stone babies. Each time they looked forward to searching the rubble remains, they were all excited, to only end up with a disappointed expression.
What’s worse, each time Yang Kai lured them, it became increasingly harder to isolate two from the group. Likewise, the stone statue’s strength also strangely increased.
There was one time where Lan Chudie and the rest tried to isolate two of the stone statues, to only be chase by numerous stone statues. They ended up being only capable of fleeing before regrouping again.
As they continued their attempts, the situation gets harder. The whole thing quickly becomes increasingly dangerous. However, the fifth stone baby did not appear. Finally, the group had a discussion.
“If we continue on like this, we would definitely have some kind of incident.” Nie Yong spoke with worry in his voice.
Zuo An spoke in a low voice. “Now, we only have four sets of Martial Skill but five people. If we don’t continue, how do we divide?”
Everyone was silent. Nobody would be willing to let go of a Martial Skill. After all, they had worked so hard for these past few days just thinking about obtaining one Martial Skill themselves.
Nie Yong thought of an idea and smiled at Yang Kai lightly, “ Lan Female Apprentice had said it before. We will allocate the treasures based on contributions. Since Yang fellow apprentice is the weakest out of us four, then, shouldn’t you resign your rights to the Martial Skill Techniques?”
Yang Kai sneers at Nie Yong.
Nie Yong continued, “Naturally, Yang Fellow apprentice also worked hard and we must compensate you with some money?”
Zuo An’s brow wrinkled but did not speak. After all, he also supports this proposition.
Naturally, Du Yishuang supported Yang Kai, “How is that fair! Like any of us have enough money to compensate for a Martial Skill Technique!”
Yang Kai continued to sneer. Although he was looking at Nie Yong, at the corner of his eyes, he was secretly looking at Lan Chudie, waiting for her response.
Lan Chudie’s decision will decide Yang Kai’s following actions from this point on.
As expected, Lan Chudie kept silent, causing Yang Kai to sneer even more.
After a moment of silence, Lan Chudie said, “We will try one more time to see if we can obtain another one of those stone babies. It is not good that one of us is left with nothing. But, I will guarantee that if we cannot obtain another stone baby, I will go back to school and do everything in my might to compensate!”
Her words seemed to be addressed toward the group but Yang Kai knew that it was meant for herself.
“This is our last chance. Yang Fellow Apprentice, note that our intentions are good.” Lan Chudie stood up as she looked towards Yang Kai. “Yang Fellow Apprentice, you must be exhausted.”
Yang Kai did not look back at her and nodded, setting out to walk towards the stone statues.
Realizing his desolateness, Lan Chudie’s pupils flashes through a light apology but quickly vanishes.
After repeatedly doing the same thing, Yang Kai was already familiar with the task and could carry it out with ease. However, this time, he had other plans.
As usual, he lured all the hundreds of stone statues back to the ambush point. Lan Chudie and the others would then take the opportunity to lure two out of the group but this time, it was different.
Lan Chudie’s complexion changed “Nie Yong, lure two of them out!”
“Why me?” Nie Yong shouted, startled.
Du Yishuang coldly ridiculed. “Did you not say that baiting them was an easy task? Since Yang Kai could lure a hundred, what are two stone statues?”
“Who said that it was easy?” Nie Yong cursed. However, he did not have the means to oppose the will of these two females. Without a choice, he went out to attack two stone statues and lured them out of the group. Once they were lured out, he ran back hastily.
Although they had planned on luring out only two, Nie Yong accidentally lured out three. This made matters difficult but after experiencing combat for a while, they would now be able to beat three stone statues.
While the four people were fighting, Yang Kai routed back, close to the combat zone. He climbed on top of a stone pillar to look behind him to find that there were still some stone statues chasing after him.
So far so good. Yang Kai exclaimed in his heart as half of his plan was already made successful.
Yang Kai had the idea of luring all the stone statues back to trap Lan Chudie and others while they were fighting. However, Yang Kai changed his plans as he did not wish to be too evil.
With three stone statues, it would take the group a longer time to defeat them. That was good enough already. All Yang Kai needed to do was to delay them. Else, the group may figure out his plans.
Either way, Yang Kai would not do this if he could trust the others. Since Lan Chudie is too realistic and cares for herself, more than the group’s well-being, Yang Kai could not place faith in her to make matters fair for himself.
If they did not obtain a stone baby, Yang Kai would definitely not get anything in return. She would definitely lead the group out of this area and give the excuse; we tried.
Hence, he only had himself to depend on.
For the past few days, Yang Kai had been wondering, why are these stone statues chasing after them? Perhaps, deeper within the area, they were protecting something!
This thing should be more valuable than any kind of Martial Skill that the stone statues contain.
This may only be a guess but it is worth it to try.
Yang Kai directed the horde chasing after him, further from the center. After having a distance away from the area, he revolves his True Yang Yuan Qi within his body and produced flames at the bottom of his foot. Hastily, he ran back to the area where the stone statues rest.
This time, his speed was incomparable to his normal running speed. Unfortunately, these methods of usage of True Yang Yuan Qi cannot be considered to be a Martial Skill. They can only be considered as a skill.
However, there was a downside to using True Yang Yuan Qi. It was too consuming. In just a short 7 minutes, Yang Kai’s meridians dried up.
Fortunately, using 1 Yang Drop manages to completely restore his meridians.
After consuming four Yang drops, Yang Kai finally returned to the stone statue’s area.
When he went deeper, the flat grassy floor turned into concrete. Without much time till the stone statues all return, Yang Kai did not take much time to check every area for safety.
Hastily, he ran deeper to check if his theory was right. Finally, he saw it. At the center of the area, there was a gigantic pit. Around this pit and inside were guarded by stone statues that seemed to be more aggressive than the ones he normally baits around.
That’s it!
Yang Kai knew that this place was extremely dangerous and became more cautious. He quietly and slowly walked closer to the pit. In his experience, once he approaches too close to these stone statues, they would start moving. However, he could not fight them right now. The group of weaker looking stone statues could come back and surround him while he fought.
As Yang Kai slowly walked closer to one of the stone statues as he moved towards the pit. However, he was shocked to find that they were not moving.
Yang Kai continued to probe the stone statue, to make sure it was safe. However, no matter how close he got to it, the thing did not respond. Thus, Yang Kai grew more courageous and tried to weed out trouble. Without allowing these things to start moving, Yang Kai revolved his True Yang Yuan Qi and fiercely pounds onto the stone carvings; Aiming to destroy it in the shortest span of time.

Martial Peak – Chapter 131, The Golden Stone Baby

Yang Kai punched landed, causing some stone chip to fly from uber stone statue (called it this just for reference). However, there was no response from the uber stone statue.
Yang Kai tried again and noticed that his True Yang Yuan Qi that he used to punch the uber stone statue was absorbed!
After a few more punches, Yang Kai could see a hint of red light coming out from the uber stone statue, as some of his stolen Yang Yuan Qi fluctuates inside it. Suddenly, the uber stone statue’s hand started to slowly move, causing Yang Kai to be startled.
It was absorbing his Yang Yuan Qi as a power source! Thankfully, it only had a little bit of Yuan Qi from Yang Kai, otherwise, Yang Kai expected it to be moving as quick or even quicker than the normal stone statues.
When Yang Kai finally uncovered this fact, instead of stopping his attacks, his attacks became more ferocious.
Let’s see if I will destroy you before you get the chance to move! Yang Kai’s eyes glimmered with stubbornness. Even with his fist covered with blood, Yang Kai was relentless.
As the Yuan Qi the uber stone statue absorbed becomes more and more, it’s movements also became faster. It managed to lift it’s hand up, stone eyes’ locked onto Yang Kai, preparing to strike down.
However, the uber stone statue’s chest was full of cracks; due to Yang Kai’s relentless attacks.
The uber stone statue’s hand slammed down as quickly as it could but Yang Kai managed to dodge the attack without a problem. Once the stone palm landed on the ground, a dust cloud formed as the strong wind currents produced by the collision made Yang Kai’s hair and clothing rustle.
Quickly, Yang Kai’s two fists were coated in flames as the speed and power of his movements heightened.
Yang Kai’s fist collided into the uber stone statue’s chest, causing the deep cracks to finally break down into bits of rubble. The uber stone statue took a fatal strike as its body quickly developed cracks all over, turning rubble.
Inside the rubble, Yang Kai managed to find a stone baby.
He had wasted enough time here. Yang Kai could hear the stone statues that he lured away were about to come back.
Yang Kai complexion sank as he quickly placed the stone baby into his clothing, in the chest area, and ran away.
Yang Kai took a circular route to avoid all the stone statues and returned back to the group.
When he arrived, Du Yishuang was extremely happy to see Yang Kai. “Yang Kai! We manage to find one stone baby!”
“Hehe, it seems that my luck is quite good.” Yang Kai chuckled as he avoided looking at Lan Chudie. However, when the girl saw Yang Kai’s fist full of blood, she quickly grabbed his hands and asked with knitted brows. “How did you get this injury?”
Her appearance looked kind and gentle, as though she truly cared for the well-being of her Fellow Apprentice.
Yang Kai quickly withdrew his hands. “There were several stone statues that managed to catch up to me. In the end, I had to fend them off to escape.”
Lan Chudie was stunned for a moment but her composure quickly changed as she smiled. “As long as you’re safe, it’s alright.”
“Let’s not waste any more time. Let’s first distribute the stone babies and strengthen ourselves before doing anything.” Zuo An proposed.
Lan Chudie nods, “Yeah,” as she took out all five stone statues and placed them in front of the group.
The numbers of red veins within these five stone babies were the same. Thus, all of them were of the same grade of Martial Skill. Without obtaining the Martial Skills themselves, all group members would not know what type of Martial Skill the stone baby contained. Thus, their decision was entirely based up to luck.
After these few days of hard work, everyone’s eyes were glued onto the five stone babies. Their benefits, in the end, were based on luck. Nonetheless, even if they were to obtain something lesser than the others, they still obtained a Earth Grade Martial Skill!
“So, who should select first?” Nie Yong eagerly asked. Although he wants to be the first to choose, it was not good to self-proclaim it out loud.
“I think Yang Fellow Apprentice should get to choose first. After all, he was the one that took the most risk and also received some injuries. To be fair, he should be the first one to choose.” Lan Chudie smiled towards Yang Kai.
The priority to select was actually of unimportance. After all, the first one to select would not necessarily mean that the person would receive the best Martial Skill. This was the same for the last person to select. Hence, it did not matter who selected first. However, Lan Chudie proposed this just to seem as though she was fair and just. Planning for others to have a good impression of her.
How would Yang Kai not know her own thoughts? The boy impolitely nodded and said, “Since Female apprentice had said so, then I will be the first to choose.”
Yang Kai conveniently took up one stone baby and retreated back.
Lan Chudie and the others also went up and chose based on their individual’s strength.
“Since we have all chosen our Martial Skill, we will each find a place to cultivate the Martial Skill first. After one day’s time, we will gather here again.” Lan Chudie told everyone.
Everyone nods and was about to leave to their respective places.
Du Yishuang, who was a little worried for Yang Kai tapped on his shoulder and said “Yang Kai, let me help0 to wrap up those wounds.”
Yang Kai did not decline, “Thank you”.
Lan Chudie departs after hearing the two’s conversation. Her delicate eyebrows slightly wrinkled as she walked off.
Since Du Yishuang needed to bandage up Yang Kai’s wounds, there was only Du Yishuang and Yang Kai left at the meeting location. “I’ll wait a while for you to check the stone baby for the Martial Skills. If you don’t find it useful, I don’t mind exchanging mine with yours. I don’t really need an Earth Grade Martial Skill.”
Yang Kai smiled, “there’s no need. Since this is an Earth Grade Martial Skill, anything that came out will definitely be good.”
“Well, aren’t you aloof?” Du Yishuang no longer pressed the issue. Once she bandaged up Yang Kai’s hands, she stood up, “I will go and cultivate my Martial Skills then. We will meet again tomorrow!”
Looking at her back, Yang Kai spoke, “If there are any problems that occur in the future, you know that I will probably leave the group.”
Du Yishuang did not reply but secretly in her heart, she said, I know…
This group was not united. All members only participated in this group due to the unknown dangers inside a Heaven Cave Inheritance. What’s more, Lan Chudie is not a great leader. She is able to maintain the group in face value but for someone who only considers success and failure, the welfare of the group would not really matter to her. Hence, more than a group, we are mere tools for her to use. Even if this group were to continue, once they were to face a great danger, Yang Kai expects Lan Chudie and most of the rest to abandon him.
After everyone left, Yang Kai moved to a secluded location and took out the two stone babies from his clothe.
Yang Kai looked at both stone babies in his hands and smiled. The stone baby he found was extremely different from the one he chose from the group. The veins in the special stone baby were not only a lot more than the one he received from the group, it was also golden in colour!
What rank is this Martial Skill? Yang Kai wondered.
According to Lan Chudie, 30 veins would mean that the Martial Skill was at least an Earth Middle-Grade Martial Skill. Thus, the Martial Skill within this special stone baby could be either an Earth High-Grade Martial Skill or a much higher grade! A higher grade would mean a Heaven Grade Martial Skill!
When Yang Kai had thought of the possibility; his breathing became heavy and ragged. He was right to take that risk early on. The risk was truly worth its rewards!
However, which one to cultivate first? Yang Kai wondered.
The higher grade Martial Skill that he got with him will require more time than the other Martial Skill. That would also mean that it would take more time for Yang Kai to cultivate, learn and practice the higher grade Martial Skill. With the time limit of one day, he may not have enough time…
Yang Kai’s vision turned to the lower grade Martial Skill. Currently, the most important thing is to increase one’s strength in the shortest time possible to increase a person’s survival chances while having more opportunities to find more treasures.
Yang Kai started to concentrate on the lower grade Martial Skill. He poured his Yuan Qi into the stone baby as he memorized the flow of the Yuan Qi of the Martial Skill. After 2 hours, Yang Kai completely memories the flow of Yuan Qi to activate the Martial Skill but when he opened his eyes, he saw that the stone baby had completely turned to dust.
Yand Kai was not too bothered about the destruction of the stone baby. He had already gotten what he wanted. However, now he knew that the stone babies will only allow one person to learn its Martial Skill before turning to dust.
Yang Kai stood up and revolved his Qi around his body; similar to what he learned from the stone baby. As expected, since this was only the first time practicing a Martial Skill, he was unable to utilize the Martial Skill that he had learned. However, he was not discouraged as he immediately tried again after his first failed attempt.
After a few more tries, Yang Kai gradually got used to the flow of his Yuan Qi, within his 30 Meridians. He could feel his fist gradually becoming more powerful.
Finally, Yang Kai felt confident and focused all his might on an attack with this Martial Skill. He clenched his fist and it vibrated vigorously. Yang Kai continued to focus, trying to reach the most powerful state the fist can be. Suddenly, he slams his fist onto the ground!
*Bang!* a sound of a huge explosion occurred as the ground seemed the experience a miniature explosion. Yang Kai’s vision shivers as he could not believe the power of this Martial Skill!
What kind of Martial Skill is this? Isn’t this too powerful?
*Hey guys, check out the
Major Announcement
to know what’s up. An important message there!

Martial Peak – Chapter 132, The Bath

This was the first Martial Skill that Yang Kai had obtained. So far, throughout all his battles, he had relied on the Yang Drops within his Dantian. However, such a method of battle was inefficient as it quickly depletes his Yang Drop deposit. Likewise, this method was incomparable to the effectiveness in a battle of a Martial Skill, which relied on Yuan Qi, instead of Yang Yuan Qi.
Although the Martial Skill was shown to be extremely powerful already, Yang Kai knew that this Martial Skill could be much stronger and more practical in the future. Naturally, after he had more practice with it. The first major thing he needed to improve on was the speed of the attack. It was not practical for Yang Kai to stand there and condense his energy to his fist.
However, this all takes time and experience to improve. There was no use rushing.
Yang Kai took a deep breath as he thought about the scene earlier and was choked with emotions.
Yang Kai looked at the dust on the ground and sighed. The stone statue did not provide him a name for this amazing Martial Skill. Hence, Yang Kai knitted his brows to think of one. [Burning Sun’s Blast] sounds nice…
When the 30 Meridians’ Yuan Qi gather and release in an explosive fashion, anyone who was hit by this strike will definitely suffer some serious injuries. However, Yang Kai estimated that he could only perform this move 3 times before his whole Yuan Qi is depleted.
Previously, Yang Kai would not dare show his skills to others when threatened. However, now, with so much spare Yang Drop within him, he was no longer worried. If he was against a group, he had enough Yuan Qi to deal with all of them.
With the use of Yang Drops, Yang Kai could use Burning Sun’s Blast consecutively, without stop! Thus it was extremely beneficial for him to have this.
It was truly fortunate that Yang Kai had gotten Burning Sun’s Blast. If he had gotten a Martial Skill Technique that was based on swords, it would be utterly useless to him!
Yang Kai focused on continuing his training to quickly increase his mastery over Burning Sun’s Blast. He spent the rest of the day arduously practicing to strengthen his battle capabilities.
After one day, Yang Kai managed to practice Burning Sun’s Blast, till he reaches a small level of mastery. However, he needed to stop and gather back to the meeting spot.
When he went back, he could see the satisfactory look on everyone’s faces; all except for Nie Yong.
It seems that nearly everyone’s harvest this time is not small.
Only Nie Yong was cursing with discontent. According to him, the Martial Skill that he had obtained was a whip law Martial Skill. A Martial Skill that was utterly useless to him.
Du Yishuang looked and smiled towards Yang Kai, “That evil boy has gotten retribution for all his evil doings. He only has himself to blame.”
Yang Kai smiled and nodded.
With a few comforting words from Lan Chudie, Nie Yong’s depression was greatly elevated.
The five members then started to walk again. However, while they were walking Lan Chudie noticed that Yang Kai no longer carried a big bag with him. “What happened to the Yang Stones that you’ve picked up?”
Yang Kai nonchalantly replied. “I’ve discarded them.”
Nie Yong saw Yang Kai’s aloof expression and felt sour. Nie Yong snorted. “It’s too late to regret later.”
Yang Kai did not bother responding to Nie Yong. After all, all the Yang stone’s energy had already been absorbed by him.
Since this place did not have a Sun nor Moon, Stars nor Clouds, Yang Kai was unable to tell how much time has passed. However, he could estimate that they had spent two days walking to exit the stone pillar area.
Along the way, the group had run into the corpses of disciples from the three schools. Although the group did not know what these dead disciples encountered during their exploration here, these corpses became a strong reminder to stay alert and vigilant.
One the group entered a jungle area, they breathed out a sigh of relief. The number of corpses and possible hidden dangers of the previous area gave the group a sense of constant danger. Seeing this new location, and made them feel a short-lived sense of safety. Furthermore, in a jungle, the existence of Spirit Herbs is definitely not going to be a few.
The team quickly regained their vigilance as they walked through the jungle.
After walking for a while with Zuo An lead the path, Zuo An’s brow wrinkled as he concentrated on the floor. There were numerous footprints.
After a short moment, Zuo An exclaimed, “ There were definitely a group of people that passed by recently. What’s more, this group is big.”
Nie Yong Happily sounded off. “Then there should be guys from our schools!”
Zuo An’s brow wrinkled. “Let’s not decide so haphazardly. We can’t be sure that only disciples from the three schools are inside the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance.”
After hearing Zuo An’s words, the group became terrified. What kind of figure could possibly live here when the place has been sealed for more than a thousand years?
Zuo An quickly tried to calm everyone down, “I did not really think of what I just said. These footprints should belong to people from our schools.”
“Oh, then let’s chase up to them! If we meet that Su Female Apprentice or Xie Fellow Apprentice, they can protect us.”
Lan Chudie’s brow wrinkled as she nods in agreement. In this group, everyone’s cultivation level is not exactly the highest out of all the disciples in their respective schools. Although she has to give up her leadership role, it was much safer if she were to follow the stronger disciples from High Heaven Pavilion.
“Then let’s go.”
As the group followed the trail, they saw more and more footprint on the ground. After half a day, the group saw a small lake. Around the lake were numerous footprints that covered the place. Apparently, this had become a rest spot for many disciples. With so many disciples being willing to rest here and without corpses, this place must be a safe spot.
After a short discussion within the group, they decide to rest up first before proceeding with anything else.
All five dispersed around and sat in meditation to rest. After a while, Lan Chudie stood up from her meditation and sat beside Du Yishuang. She whispered to the frail-looking girl in a soft voice. Initially, Du Yishuang shook her head slowly but after contemplating for a while more she clenched her teeth and nodded while blushing.
Afterwards, Lan Chudie arrives in front of Yang Kai and pat on his shoulder.
“What’s the matter?” Yang Kai asked as he looks at Lan Chudie.
“Come with me”, Lan Chudie said while checking up on Nie Yong and Zuo An secretly.
Yang Kai’s brows wrinkled. Although he did not know what she was about to request, he followed her.
After walking for a while, Yang Kai saw Du Yishuang sitting down on a rock, waiting.
“What’s the matter?” Yang Kai was unaware of what they were planning and asked.
Lan Chudie blushes with a smile, “Little sister Du and I want to take a bath here…”
Yang Kai’s face immediately becomes strange and he sizes up both girls. Du Yishuang blushing became even heavier but Lan Chudie charmingly stomps her feet. “What are you thinking? We only want you to protect us and not let anyone close!”
Yang Kai cannot help but chuckle. “Lan Female Apprentice, why do you ask me of all people? For this matter, you should have asked Nie Yong. That boy will certainly agree to your request!”
Lan Chudie knew that Yang Kai was discontent with her due to the decisions she made over the past few days. However, she could not help but get angry, “Of course it’s because I trust you more than him.”
“Lan Female Apprentice, you trust me?” Yang Kai smiled. “If you shower, I will definitely peep”
Lan Chudie smiled back at Yang Kai. “If you did so, I don’t mind. However, what would Little Sister Du say?”
Yang Kai coughed, he was unable to decline her. Let alone, for Du Yishuang to bathe, he was indeed the best choice.
“Alright then. Just bath quickly.” Yang Kai nodded.
Seeing him comply, Lan Chudie smiled. “Thanks. Please stay here while we bathe.”
Du Yishuang pulled on Yang Kai’s arm and urged the boy. “You absolutely cannot peek!”
“Yeah. Don’t worry.” Yang Kai answered while looking at the lake. There was a small water body nearby, which has a giant stone by the side that acts as a natural wall. So long as the two girls hid behind the stone, it would be hard for anyone to peek at them.
*Splash* those two girls entered the water body as Yang Kai went to the place that could see them. Naturally, as they entered, both girls secretly checked if Yang Kai turned his head around to peek. Of course, Yang Kai did not pay attention to them. He sat down and meditated. As long as someone wants to peek, he would need to pass Yang Kai’s position.
Although Yang Kai does not like Lan Chudie, they currently do not have any enmity. Moreover, they are currently in the same group and those choices that would lead to disadvantaging him did not end up doing so. Yang Kai also wants to quickly leave this group and join us with Su Mu. Thus, he does not want any further trouble with Lan Chudie.
While meditating, Yang Kai could hear a faint sound of footsteps coming closer. When Yang Kai opened his eyes and looked around, he saw Nie Yong creeping up softly. He was breathing heavily as his slowly slid his head to peek behind the huge rock.
Noticing Yang Kai’s gaze, Nie Yong turned his head and returned a despising smile, threatening him. “You have seen nothing. If you dare say anything, I will personally make sure that you will no longer be able to walk!”
Yang Kai rolled his eyes and scoffed. Nie Yong actually thought that he was afraid. Without wasting much time, Yang Kai quickly ran forward.
The laughter of the two girls and the splashing of the water acted like demons whispering to Nie Yong’s ear. As he thought about Lan Chudie’s smooth skin and plentiful breast, his heart boiled; making it impossible for him to resist the temptation.
The boy then quickly walked, following the sound to see this huge rock blocking his view of paradise.
Yang Kai sneers as he breathed in as much air as possible and shouted “Nie Fellow Apprentice. What are you doing over there?!!!”
Yo, so I’ve received some feedback about my comments and it was kinda a distraction to some. So I think I will change the color of the words to make it hard to read. (Feedback on this please.)
Also, I’m glad that there are so many supporters for this novel.
MP2O – 16 votes!!
MP2E – 11 Votes!!
Alright. Many probably haven’t read the comments yet so I’ll take the opportunity to announce that I will be posting out both versions. Because MP2O is top, I will be posting that out a day earlier. However, you guys won’t get to see it too soon. Around Jan or Feb next year!
( Spoiler: You can see the page
! – this chapter is hidden from the index since it is a fanfic.)
Okay next thing, so I’ve received some valuable feedback to addressing the Fellow Apprentices as Elder Sister or Junior Brother… etc
So, another voting shall commence for a week. Please only comment on this page. It’s tedious to flip through all the pages I will upload.
Just want it to stick with Fellow Apprentice, type FA.
Wish for it to be Elder Sister or Junior Brother, type SB
Finally, wish it to be Elder sister apprentice or Junior brother apprentice, type SSBB.

Martial Peak – Chapter 133, Gathering Together

Abruptly, the sound of water splashing and laughter from the two girls paused.
With their silence and the blaring sounds of moving water, anyone could tell that the two girls were scuttling to get their clothing.
Nie Yong quickly reacted. The boy got startled and jumped. He hastily ran off, only leaving Yang Kai with a gaze filled with hatred. Never would he have imagined that Yang Kai would dare to offend him.
Yang Kai smiled and shouted out, “Coward!”
Soon after, Lan Chudie and Du Yishuang appeared from behind the rock. They were drenched but clothed. Du Yishuang was blushing while her eyes avoided his. Meanwhile, Lan Chudie looked at Yang Kai indifferently and muttered, “Thank You.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Yang Kai replied.
When the three were on their way to return back to the group, they could feel a large, sudden fluctuation of Yuan Qi.
They looked up, in the direction of the fluctuation and saw rays of light piercing through, above them. They could hear echoes of people shouting “kill!” alongside an enraged roar emerging from a powerful and furious beast.
The three’s faces paled as they started to realise what the source of the roar was. There are Monster Beasts here!?
What’s more, it sounded like there were hordes of people battling this one Monster Beast!
Nie Yong and Zuo An ran out from the bushes and joined the three. Their complexion was no better than Lan Chudie and Du Yishuang’s.
Du Yishuang stared at Nie Yong with disgust. Meanwhile, Lan Chudie kept calm and asked Zuo An. “What can you recognise from the sounds?”
Zuo An’s voice sank as he spoke. “There are more than a hundred people there. What’s more, from the power of its roar, the Monster Beast they are fighting is horrifically in the Sixth Realm!”
Everyone froze as their skin turned a shade paler. A Sixth Realm Monster Beast was equivalent to a cultivator in the Immortal Ascension Boundary.
Those that entered the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance were disciples that were at most in True Element Boundary. How could they possibly face this Monster Beast? Even with a hundred people, this battle is nothing more than suicide for all of them.
“This Monster’s roar seems weaker than a usual Sixth Realm Monster Beast,” Zuo An brows furrowed. “It is likely that it was sealed previously and had just regained consciousness.”
The seal of the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance broke a few days ago. Although they do not know what the Monster Beast was doing here, it was definitely sealed for a very long time. Hence, it went into dormancy, waiting for a chance, for someone to break the seal. Being dormant for such a long time would certainly weaken it, rendering it unable to display its full strength.
Everyone felt a little bit relieved since the theory made sense. Otherwise, why would just over a hundred disciples be willing to battle this Monster Beast?
Suddenly, Zuo An’s brows jumped. “The Monster Beast is hurt!”
An odd change in its grumbling bellows could be heard. The Monster Beast gave another angry and unwilling roar and the people became silent.
“What happened?” Lan Chudie asked anxiously.
“I don’t know,” Zuo An said while he shook his head. “Should we go and have a look?
Lan Chudie’s eyebrows wrinkled as she contemplated for a long time before looking back at all four members. “Let’s go and have a look. There are bound to be disciples there who are in True Element Boundary, as well as Separation and Reunion Boundary. Since we are all from the same school, we are obliged to help. However, this is highly dangerous, so it is up to you to decide.”
“Naturally, we must go!” Nie Yong nodded. After the awkward moment, he wanted to quickly leave the group and join up with his other Fellow Brothers.
“I will go as well.” Zuo An added.
Lan Chudie peered over at both Du Yishuang and Yang Kai as they both nodded.
“Then we go!”
The five quickly sped through the jungle as they headed for the battle zone.
After a long time, they came across a large group of disciples gathered together.
The large group was split into two as a line separated them. Each side had equal numbers, but Yang Kai and the group could not identify anyone in the darkness.
Then, a familiar voice vocalised, “Fang Ziji! Do you and your Storm House believe that we are so weak to be taken advantaged by you? Do you believe that you have the skills to force us to do as you please?”
“Xie Fellow Appentice!” Nie Yong called out in delight.
Lan Chudie smiled while Yang Kai’s complexion darkened.
To think that of all people, Yang Kai had to encounter Xie Hongchen!
Du Yishuang expressed a similar countenance like Yang Kai. The group of five quickly split up as rejoined their respective schools. Although Du Yishuang had spent but a few days with Yang Kai, they developed a close relationship. Unfortunately, if the schools were to clash she would have no choice but to side with her own school and reluctantly battle Yang Kai.
Facing Xia Hongchen’s taunt, Fang Ziji scoffs, “Xie Hongchen, I do not wish to fight a fight that already has a clear winner. You were only just promoted to True Element Boundary and are not my match. Do not humiliate yourself.”
“What did you say?” Xie Hongchen said coldly.
Meanwhile, many of the High Heaven Pavilion Disciples were clamouring and shouting, telling Xie Hongchen to teach Fang Ziji a lesson.
Fang Ziji snorted. “Only Su Yan from High Heaven Pavilion can be considered my match!” he chuckled.
“Then how about you try me out?”
“If you persist, I do not mind. However, I do not wish for someone like you to be humiliated in front of all your Fellow Apprentices.”
Although Xie Hongchen knew that he was currently not a match to Fang Ziji, with the disciples watching him, he could not back down. Just when Xie Hongchen was about to attack, Nie Yong ran out from the jungle bushes and shouted. “Xie Fellow Apprentice!”
When Xie Hongchen heard his familiar voice, he immediately turned his head, frown transitioning into a smile. “Nie Fellow Apprentice! We finally meet again!”
Nie Yong quickly rushed to join the group of High Heaven Pavilion Disciples.
The other four took their time to follow. Since Du Yishuang and Zuo An were not High Heaven Pavilion disciples, it will be hard to join them. As for Yang Kai, he had some grudges with Xie Hongchen and could not easily join the High Heavens Pavilion group.
Knowing Yang Kai and Xie Hongchen’s relationship, Lan Chudie looked at Yang Kai with a weary smile and left the boy.
Du Yishuang whispered to Yang Kai. “I thank you for you kindness and support for these past few days. It’s regrettable that we must part…”
Yang Kai smiles and nods, “It’s alright. I understand. Go.”
Du Yishuang turned her head to Zuo An and asked. “So, Zuo An, do you want to join me or Sister Lan’s group?” Since Zuo An is from Bloody Battle Gang, he would be left alone. Hence, it was best for him to temporarily join one of the big groups here.
Zuo An quickly replied. “I believe it’s better to join you.”
Zuo An knows that Du Yishuang was a kind hearted and good natured girl. Although he does not know the characters of the other disciples within Storm House, Du Yishuang would protect him since she was the one to offer him to join. Compared to Lan Chudie, Zuo An trusts that Du Yishuang would take better care of him. At the very least, Du Yishuang would not scheme against him.
Du Yishuang nodded and brought Zuo An to the Storm House group.
Lan Chudie opened her mouth and said. “Let’s go.”
Yang Kai took a little while, his eyes scanning to see if Su Mu, Su Yan or Xia Ning Chang were within the High Heaven Pavilion Disciples here. Seeing that none of them was present, Yang Kai knew that he was bound to be ridiculed and bullied in rejoining his group with Xie Hongchen leading. “You go.”
Lan Chudie knew Yang Kai’s worries and quickly told him, “Fellow Apprentice. It’s best to just endure. It’s better to be in a group in this unknown place filled with danger.”
Yang Kai shook his head as he still stood resolutely.
When Nie Yong joined the group, he quickly conversed with many of the disciples there. They were all happily exchanging greetings and laughing. Obviously, most of these disciples were on friendly terms with Nie Yong. After greeting them, Nie Yong quickly went to Xie Hongchen’s side and began a conversation in whispers. The boy turned his head as he stared at Yang Kai with hostility.
60 metres away, Xie Hongchen looked at Yang Kai with disdain and disgust.
Fang Ziji, unbeknownst of the situation, spoke out. “Xie Hongchen, since you no longer wish to fight, let us both collaborate and kill that Monster Beast! We can split the treasure it yields amongst ourselves.”
Xie Hongchen turned his head, look at Fang Ziji and smiled. “This matter, we will discuss later. I have some other more important matters to deal with first.”
Xie Hongchen smiled at Lan Chudie and greeted. “Sister Lan Apprentice, it must have been very difficult for you. You have found us, so do not worry anymore. You are safe with our numbers now.”
Lan Chudie nodded gently and pulled at Yang Kai’s clothes. However, Yang Kai refuses to move.
Xie Hongchen smiled brilliantly, “Yang Fellow Apprentice! Since everyone is from the same school, it is my duty to protect you. Come and join us!”
At that very instant, Nie Yong shouted angrily, “Xie Fellow Apprentice! Have you forgotten what he has done? He humiliated you! Why must we allow him to join us?”
Xie Hongchen’s complexion turned cold. How could he possibly forget what had happened? While he was trying to enforce the rules within the school, Su Yan came to Yang Kai’s rescue and held his hands! Thinking about it, Xie Hongchen’s blood boils with rage.
Xie Hongchen took a deep breath and maintained his forced smile. “That time, Yang Fellow Apprentice was naïve and did not know any better. I believe he most certainly has changed. Right?”
When he spoke, Xie Hongchen’s lips twitched while he stared at Yang Kai’s cold face.
After hearing Xie Hongchen’s words, the High Heaven Pavilion Disciples all felt moved. To think that Xie Hongchen forgave Yang Kai despite the injustice! Xie Hongchen is magnanimous!

Martial Peak – Chapter 134, Pursuit

“Yang Kai! Quickly kowtow and apologise!” roared the disciples.
“Yang Kai! Xie Fellow Apprentice is kind enough to not pursue the matter any further. However, his forgiveness does not represent ours. If you don’t apologise, I will consider you an enemy!” one of the Fellow Apprentice screamed, with little concern for his own name.
“Yes! Yang Fellow Apprentice does not have any pride. He dares to woo Su Female Apprentice with one as weak as himself. He is simply a toad looking to eat goose meat! It’s best he looks into a mirror and gives up!” many Female Disciples clamoured together against Yang Kai. Similar to vixens, they nagged.
Yang Kai’s facial expression shows no change. He remained aloof.
Lan Chudie pulled Yang Kai aside and whispered to him, “Fellow Apprentice, if you are a real man, you must adapt to the situation. Just throw down your pride for a moment. What’s the worst that could happen?”
Yang Kai rolled his eyes.
“What?” Lan Chudie questioned as a frown stretched across her cheeks.
“You don’t have to explain to me. You don’t know Xie Hongchen’s true intentions. You don’t know what he’s done and will do to me later on.” Yang Kai snorted as he looked at Lan Chudie with a hint of resentment.
Lan Chudie claimed frustratedly, “How would I know what he did to you?”
“We may be Fellow Apprentices and, for the past few days, have been helping each other survive, but we are in no way friends. You don’t have to think that you have abandoned me and feel guilty about it. My matters do not require your care.” Yang Kai said coldly.
Lan Chudie clenched her teeth as her face turned slightly pale. “Why don’t you know what’s good for you?”
Lan Chudie stomped away. She no longer wanted to pay attention to him. Lan Chudie quickly paced to Xie Hongchen’s group and turned her head. “You are right. I don’t owe you anything. Seeing as how you are so carefree, I’ll let you deal with your own affairs.”
Xie Hongchen, within his group of High Heaven Pavilion Disciples was grinning slyly. He was enjoying the scene of Yang Kai suffering isolation and bullying from his very own supporters. As he smirked, he stood there pridefully and arrogantly, mocking Yang Kai.
Xie Hongchen thought to himself: To join my team to survive? Fine! You little boy first have to admit your mistakes and kowtow. If you are not willing, you can wander alone around this dangerous place. Let’s see if you can survive!
Xie Hongchen’s eyes glimmer as he awaits Yang Kai’s decision.
After a while, Yang Kai spoke. “This big group of disciples can only group up and act mighty against me. Urging me to apologise just to gain favour from those that are stronger. Why would I join you?”
While cutting deeper into the sea of disciples, Lan Chudie heard what Yang Kai said. Noticing how his words were also a response to her, her chest wells up with humiliation and discomfort.
However, Lan Chudie’s discomfort soon turned to self-convinced fury. If I do not earn the favour of the powerful, in this dangerous place, how am I going to survive? Naturally, I must earn the support of someone likes Xie Fellow Apprentice. How could I possibly choose to side with someone who is weaker than me? You still dare to complain about me after taking care of you for these past few days. If you were stronger, people, including me would naturally want to be your ally.
I have already urged you but you paid little to no heed to my words. This is the path you have chosen and yet you blame me? Thinking about this, Lan Chudie no longer felt remorse for leaving Yang Kai.
After speaking, Yang Kai wasted not a second longer and strode back into the bushes and away from these two groups.
Seeing how Yang Kai was walking away safely, Nie Yong wanted to quickly stir up more trouble. “Yang Kai is simply too much. He dares to speak like that to our Fellow Apprentices and we’re letting him walk away?”
From the darkness, a ball of flame were quickly conjured and launched towards Yang Kai’s direction.
Yang Kai remained solemn and calmly dodged the attack. The boy pays no heed to the direction it came from and proudly vocalised, “Xie Hongchen, what is the meaning of this? I will make sure Su Female Apprentice hears about this and see to it that you will receive retribution for all that you have done!”
Xie Hongchen’s complexion sank. He knew that Yang Kai was referring to Long Hui’s matter. He had thought that Long Hui would be able to kill Yang Kai with absolute certainty. Unexpectedly, Yang Kai managed to survive and learned of his implications in the matter.
A few days ago after Yang Kai’s return to the High Heaven Pavilion, Xie Hongchen slept on pins and needles. His fear was not of Yang Kai, but of retribution from Meng Wu Ya after seeing them return to the school in each other’s company.
However, since Meng Wu Ya did not act against Xie Hongchen, he thought that he was safe. That both Yang Kai and Meng Wuya had no knowledge his involvement in the matter. In hearing Yang Kai’s words, he knew that the said matter would be exposed sooner or later. Rapidly, his murderous intentions transformed to reality as he signalled to Nie Yong hastily.
Nie Yong grinned with delight. Because of Yang Kai’s exposure of his plans to peep at Lan Chudie and Yishuang earlier, he hated Yang Kai! To earn the consent of Xie Hongchen to go after Yang Kai was a delightful discovery.
Nie Yong shouted angrily. “Yang Kai! Your bold impudence against Xie Fellow Apprentice requires more than punishment. I will teach you a lesson personally!” He raised his arm and started inciting. “Which Fellow Apprentice wants to join me in disciplining this arrogant boy?”
Immediately, a group of disciples rushed to Nie Yong’s side and started chasing after Yang Kai.
Lan Chudie half raised her hand, wanting to speak out. She could find not a single word leaving her throat as she helplessly observed the group pursue Yang Kai with the intention to draw blood.
Du Yishuang reacted without delay to try and aid Yang Kai, but was intercepted and impeded by Fang Ziji.
“Fang Fellow Apprentice, let me go! I need to help him, he saved my life not too long ago!” Du Yishuang urged.
“This is not a matter for you to interfere in!”
Fang Ziji looked at Du Yishuang intensely and shifted his attention to two Female Apprentices and demanded, “Look after her and make sure she does not leave the group.”
“Yes,” the two Female Apprentices responded in compliance as they briskly secured Du Yishuang’s arms.
Fang Ziji looked at the vanishing figure of Yang Kai and leered happily. “To think that High Heaven Pavilion has such disgraceful internal problems. This is nothing short of laughable.”
Du Yishuang continued to struggle in vain. Meanwhile, Zuo An tried to console her, “You don’t have to be too worried. Although that boy is a mere Initial Elementary Stage 7, he had always made me feel threatened… It is entirely possible for him to come out of this unscathed.”
“Are you sure?” Du Yishuang stopped struggling and asked in a soft voice.
“My intuition implies as such.” Zuo An answered confidently. His intuition has also been the reason for his absence in provocations against Yang Kai.
Running deeper into the jungle, the numerous shadows trailing Yang Kai failed to disappear.
“Yang Kai, in these few days we’ve spent together, our friendship has deepened considerably. I’m willing to minimise your suffering, as long as you let me catch you!” Nie Yong gleefully taunted.
“Friendship?” Yang Kai sneered. “With someone like you? Don’t make me nauseous!”
“Good! Good! I love what you have said!” Nie Yong lividly howled in response, tilting his head back just a little. “Fellow Apprentice! This boy has received an Earth High Grade Martial Skill! If we can hold him down and get it out of him, all of us will be able to learn it!”
“An Earth High Grade Martial Skill?!” The group of pursuers called out in alarm. Quickly, their motivation turned into greed as they sped up. Being in such a large group over the course of the past few days made it necessary for them to split almost everything they had. In the end, the disciples did not obtain anything worthwhile. However, in light of hearing such a palatable opportunity, why would they ever give up?
“Yang Kai, why do you insist on resisting and being stubborn?” An apprentice swung his sword at Yang Kai.
Yang Kai instinctively felt danger behind him and quickly sidestepped, avoiding the blow and losing no speed.
In the same position, Yang Kai felt another sword strike approach his front, forcing him to stop abruptly. The hunting group took the chance and surrounded him.
Yang Kai looked around and counted five. Every single one of them was in the Qi Transformation Stage and worse, their cultivation level was greater than Nie Yong’s.
The five people who encircled Yang Kai scoff at him. “Yang Fellow Apprentice! You have done a crime and I am here to punish you in the name of justice,” jeers Nie Yong.
Yang Kai undauntedly snorted. “Is peeping on women bathe not counted as a crime?”
Nie Yong’s face flushed. The other four disciples looked at the embarrassed boy in confusion, which only made things worse.
A disciple from the left spoke out, “Yang Kai, if you consider yourself our Fellow Apprentice, we will not take your life. If you tell us the Earth High Grade Martial Skill Technique, not only will we leave you unharmed, we will also persuade Xie Fellow Apprentice to forgive you.”
“Fellow Apprentices, It’s not that I wish to decline, but I decline.” Feeling pressure, Yang Kai did not whimper. Instead, he held his head high and puffed out his chest. “If you would like to try and take it from me, then it will depend on your skills.”
A Disciple from the opposite side shouted angrily. “We proposed a toast and you did not eat. Instead, you choose to forfeit. Do you think that we won’t kill you, just because we are apprentices from the same sect? Since you have already offended Xie Fellow Apprentice, you can consider yourself dead. If we kill you here, no one would know and we will never be punished!”
Out of the five Disciples, Nie Yong was the one who hated Yang Kai the most. Unwilling to wait any further, he beckoned, “The time for idle chat is over! We just need to torture him for the Martial Skill Technique!”
When they were dividing the stone babies, Nie Yong was extremely envious of Yang Kai’s choice. Although he did not know what Yang Kai received, he was certain it must be useful from the boy’s smug face.
With a warcry, Nie Yong’s fist rushed ahead and a familiar cool breeze followed. A dangerous aura threatens Yang Kai!
Nie Yong had decided to use his strongest Martial Skill to incapacitate Yang Kai.
Meanwhile, the other four disciples stood there and watched. After all, the difference in the cultivation level between the two left them with credence of an imminent victory.
One of the Disciples casually commented, “Nie Fellow Apprentice’s cool breeze palm has reached such a high level of proficiency. He must have been training hard to perfect it.”
All the three other disciples gave an approving nod. The cold breeze palm is one of High Heaven Pavilion’s Earth Low Grade Martial Skill can only be obtained with 500 contribution points. It goes without question, that Nie Yong invested countless amount of hours and effort for it. Thus, it is also expected of him, and anyone else in that case, to train arduously with it. For the group, using such a Martial Skill with such a high levelled cultivator was enough to deal with Yang Kai. There was no suspense as the group simply waited for the inevitable.
Yang Kai, on the other hand, decided that he would welcome the palm attack with his very own!

Martial Peak – Chapter 135, Escape

As the palm approaches Yang Kai, he could feel the Yun Qi within his Meridians in his left arm become weaker and colder.
Nie Yong grins. “Yang Kai, I will make sure you lose an arm today and carve it into your head as a lesson taught by me!”
Yang Kai’s face darkened as he forcibly stimulates the Yuan Qi within his body to counter Nie Yong. Nie Yong realized instantly that his Martial Skill was not working out as planned.
“You think you can oppose me?” Nie Yong clenched his teeth. He cannot humiliate himself now. “Your Yuan Qi may be fierce, but you are still too weak to resist me!”
The cool breeze palm was inching closer to Yang Kai by the second. With no choice, he stimulated his 30 Meridians and demonstrated his proficiency in Burning Sun’s Blast.
“I said that you are too weak!” Nie Yong sneered after feeling a weak Qi condense into Yang Kai’s fist. With such weak Qi, Yang Kai will lose his arm!
As their palms collided, the Qi within Yang Kai’s fist erupted with a thunderous bang as a red, vibrant fiery ray of light was produced. It was so strong it was like staring at the sun, temporarily blinding all that were nearby.
“What?!” Nie Yong cried out. He did not expect Yang Kai’s Martial Skill to hide such lethality under the guise of weakness. Unexpectedly, their powers were evenly matched as the explosion pushed the two boys to retreat a few steps.
Nie Yong was forced back into a tree, as he vomited and spat fresh blood. He had retained severe injuries that he could not predict.
Likewise, Yang Kai did not feel any better than Nie Yong. With such a large difference in cultivation level, it was impossible to escape unharmed even with his higher level Martial Skill.
Using the blinding flash as cover, Yang Kai wasted no time in continuing his elude. He stimulated his Yang Yuan Qi and continued to run. Since the other four were of higher cultivation level than Nie Yong, Yang Kai stood no chance should he have stayed. The only option was to flee.
Meanwhile, the four were paralyzed by shock. To think Nie Yong was unable to defeat Yang Kai! When they regained their composure, Yang Kai was long gone.
From far away, Yang Kai shouted, “Nie Yong, we shall say goodbye for now. The next time we meet, I will take your life.”
Yang Kai’s voice echoes, leaving the group in disarray.
“Nie Fellow Apprentice!” One of the Disciples rushed to Nie Yong’s aid. He had blood flowing from the corner of his mouth as his eyes were dull with unwillingness and dread. His entire complexion pale as a ghost after the costly exchange.
“Are you alright?”
“I’m alright!” Nie Yong supported his own body to stand. “Yang Kai has been injured as well. We must quickly pursue him! We can’t let him escape!”
“We are still to pursue?” Some members challenged as they looked at each other with hesitation. They did not have any enmity with Yang Kai. They only planned to cheer for Nie Yong and look good in front of Xie Hongchen. Now that Yang Kai has run off in an unknown direction, it would prove to be dangerous to resume the chase, with potential for traps and the Monster Beast.
Nie Yong understood their thoughts and hurriedly stressed. “Did you not see the power of his Martial Skill? He had only got the chance to practice it for a few days and its power is immense! Don’t you want such a Martial Skill for yourself?”
The other disciples nodded in unassertive agreement.
However, the group found the need to add, “Even if we are to pursue him, we are only here for his Martial Skill. If you want to deal with him, do not count on us. This is your own grudge and we will not involve ourselves in it. If you are to kill him, you must be the only one to suffer the consequences.”
“That is only natural!” Nie Yong fiercely scowled at them. “He dares to threaten me! What is he to have the gall to take my life? When I get my hands on him, we’ll see who will the last one laughing!”
The four disciples thought Yang Kai worthy only of punishment, not death. However, now that he had completely enraged Nie Yong, they all knew that his capture would mean his death.
Meanwhile, over by the small lake where Lan Chudie and Du Yishuang bathed, Yang Kai expulsed blood from his mouth. Now that he knows his current level of strength, he knew extending the fight would only result in him dying.
The highest in the group is probably a Qi Transformation Stage Level 7 or 8! If he was only able to barely manage to hold Nie Yong off, he would have no chance against the rest.
This fight cannot be compared to the one at Nine Yin Mountain Valley. After all, all the cultivators who were present there were of almost the same level as himself.
If not for Burning Sun’s Blast, Yang Kai would most likely be dead.
The cold effects from Nie Yong’s Cold Breeze Palm are now lingering and setting in within his body. Yang Kai had to remove the effects posthaste to prevent further and more severe injuries.
Sensing that someone was closing the distance between them, Yang Kai bent his waist and held his breath and dove into the pond to hide.
Yang Kai does not have the means to cope with any kind of dangers right now. Thus, he could only follow the safest and most familiar route to escape. To end up at the small lake; which provided a good hiding spot. If the group were to dive into the lake to check, Yang Kai could deliver a surprise attack to send the attackers into confusion once more. Were they willing to risk taking on such an attack after watching Nie Yong suffer his blow?
Yang Kai continued diving deeper into the shroud of darkness.
Though the lake was not that big, Yang Kai was surprised at its deepness. After diving for some time, he had not reached the lake bottom. What’s more, the lake was so cold at the deeper levels it pierced his skin to the bone.
Yang Kai stopped and swum towards the surface instead. He listened to sounds around him, trying to locate the others.
As he had suspected, Nie Yong and the others caught up to him. Although he tried to hide his tracks, Nie Yong, who spent a few days following Yang Kai before, could get a vague sense as to where he would choose to go.
After hearing their faint voices, Yang Kai heard a large splash from above him. Panic started plaguing his mind as he thought he had completely underestimated Nie Yong’s contempt. He had never thought that Nie Yong would track him down so vigorously, going so far as to search deep in the lake.
Without any other choice, Yang Kai could only choose to continue diving, in hopes of not getting caught.
Fortunately, Yang Kai thinks and cultivates True Yang Secret Art. With True Yang Yuan Qi circulating, the icy cold water would not be as much a hindrance to him. Thus, he could dive even deeper than Nie Yong and the others.
After a while, the person who jumped in arose and left the water.
Unable to find a lead on Yang Kai, the group did not tarry and walked to search in other places.
Being in the water for so long holding his breath, caused Yang kai to feel dizzy. Even if he had cultivated to Initial Element Stage 7 and was stronger than a mortal man, he still has limits.
Thankfully, Yang Kai was able to get a breather without the group of Disciples around. Suddenly, he heard a whistling sound as he continued to surface. He looked around and scanned his surroundings, but strangely he could not find the source of the sound.
As Yang Kai continued to search, the sound became louder. From a soft whistle, it turned to a breeze.
Is it coming from the bottom?
Since there was nowhere else the sound could come from, Yang Kai refocused his attention to the darkness below him. He swam down. As he carefully looked around the area, the sound grew even louder. When he focused harder, a faint glimmer could be seen. He drew closer to the source and found a shiny but black cave entrance.
Yang Kai’s eyes glimmered with joy. To be able to produce such a sound meant that the cave would have to contain air. Seeing it as a chance to find a safe haven away from Nie Yong to recuperate, Yang Kai swam in.
Nie Yong would definitely still be searching for Yang Kai outside. Even if the group had gone somewhere else, resurfacing was still a risk.
The cave was considerably deep, probably more than a hundred meters. Initially, the cave tunneled downwards, then horizontally and later, vertically. When Yang Kai was nearly out of breath, he managed to arrive at a pocket of air.
Yang Kai used his hands to wipe droplets off his face. He looked around to find that the pocket of air was not just a pocket, but a large, empty space.
This should still be part of the cave, Yang Kai thought. The small lake was on top of a mountain peak, allowing it to have sufficient space for a connection. Since Yang Kai could hear a breeze from the cave entrance, he knew that there must have been a hollowed out area that contained air.
The cave was surprisingly dry. Yang Kai quickly got out of the water and inspected the dark area for signs of life. He realized that there was him and only him, and he sighed loudly with relief.
Sitting cross-legged, Yang Kai quickly revolved True Yang Secret Arts to dry his clothes and started to drive out the cold effect that was still in him.
Since Nie Yong was a few cultivation levels higher than himself, Yang Kai was not confident he could drive out the coldness completely within his body. Thankfully, Yang Kai noticed that his Yuan Qi was vigorous enough. If it was other Cultivators at his level, they could only helplessly wait for the coldness to spread and corrode their Meridians.
In such situations, a Cultivator’s strength is essential, determining life and death!
A hefty amount of time passed and Yang Kai vomited a puddle of black blood, which indicated that he has successfully dispelled the coldness from his body.
Although his face was pale, he was smiling. He no longer had to worry about his Meridians.
Cool Breeze Palm! Yang Kai noted. This Martial Skill’s might is strong. Especially with the effects of the injecting coldness into the opponent’s body, similarly to the Burning Sun’s Blast, with the only difference being heat instead of cold. It was only fortunate that this Martial Skill was not as strong as Burning Sun’s Blast.

Martial Peak – Chapter 136, The Howling Darkness

God of link repairs

Having meditated for half a day, Yang Kai set out to look around the cave.
Previously, he was in an emergency state and needed to remove the coldness that plagued his body. He could not fully explore the cave he resided in due to his injuries. Now that his movement is no longer impaired, he naturally decided to delve deeper into the abode that may have very well saved his life in the first place.
Yang Kai assumes that he was still in the middle of the cave tunnel. With only rumours and hearsay to guide him, Yang Kai reached out both his arms in opposite directions. His left palm just barely senses a draft coming from the direction it faced. As the rumours have it, the hand that feels the wind will lead to the exit.
Yang Kai thought for a moment and walked in the direction of the palm of his right hand. It was better to go deeper into the cave than outside, since the hunters may still be lurking around the pond above.
After a long and tiresome walk, Yang Kai detects the scent of a herb. In such a dimly lit environment, who would have thought that herbs would grow?
Yang Kai approached the herb but could not tell if this thing was uncommon or not, but since this cave has dense Yin Qi and this was within the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, he thought it must have some value to it!
However, Yang Kai held off of picking the herbs now. Since he does not have a suitable container for them, he decided that it would not be a problem for him to come back to them later.
Yang Kai continued exploring and discovered that there were actually countless herbs growing around the cave. This could only mean that this place has been out of contact with humans for a very long time. People would have picked this place clean in the blink of an eye.
After walking for two hours, Yang Kai could see a glimmer of light shining from deeper within. Suddenly, he could hear a faint sound calling out, as though to summon him towards the light.
Yang Kai turned vigilant and sauntered quietly towards it.
As he slowly but surely caught up to the little gleam which grew not brighter but bigger, Yang Kai found that the light was no exit nor sunbeam. Instead, the light was emitting softly from a circular bead the size of a fist like an oval lantern, and provided a reasonable amount of visibility.
When Yang Kai inspected the bead and its surroundings, he noticed an old, weathered skeleton. The skeleton sat cross-legged and wore an expensive and magnificent purple gown for males. His two empty eye sockets stared deeply at Yang Kai like a teacher dumbfounded by his student’s stupidity, giving him the impression that this skeleton was more than it seemed.
Who knows how many years has passed since the owner of the skeleton died.
The Yin Qi was denser here and it could very well be because of the skeleton’s presence. Yang Kai felt that it was once an evil person. The skeleton produced a sort of Evil Qi, striking fear in the arrogant boy.
Was he the one who made Heaven’s Cave Inheritance? Yang Kai suddenly realized that a cultivator must have created this place.
If that was the case, wouldn’t this cave hold the inheritance?
Suddenly, Yang Kai hears a resounding crash that snaps him out of deep thought.
Yang Kai’s expression immediately changed as he turned around to discover a gargantuan boulder blocking the path from which he came. He looked back at the bead and noticed that it was flickering as the space around him now resonates with a wild howl and loud shriek.
A cold wind struck Yang Kai’s body as the warmth he felt now chilled him down to his toes and fingers.
To counter this unwelcome change, Yang Kai quickly revolved his True Yang Yuan Qi once again. He paid full attention to his surroundings for dangers and enemies while he tried to evict the cold.
The shrieking and howling continued for a long time. Those sounds were meant to confuse and disturb the minds, but this trickery had little to no effect on the unyielding mind that Yang Kai’s head housed.
As time passed, the shrieking and howling started to irritate Yang Kai. Although it was subtle, Yang Kai discerned that the sounds were now different.
Yang Kai kept himself calm as he continued to stay on high alert. He could not risk making a mistake. He knew he had to stay calm and in control of himself, so he sat down cross-legged in a familiar meditation posture.
The sound and the bead’s flickering continued, making the environment look and feel gloomy. However, Yang Kai was unaffected. His aura and facial expression persisted.
After a few hours, the shrieks and howls dissipated. The bead’s flickering also reverted back to normal. Since he could no longer turn back, Yang Kai moved not one bit and yelled, “Why don’t you show yourself?”
Yang Kai’s lips confidently simpered as he yelled once more, “Whoever it is that dares to play these cheap tricks, show yourself!”
Yang Kai’s shout echoed through the cave when suddenly a strange cackle could be heard. When Yang Kai first heard this laughter, the hairs on his body stood. It was so petrifying and coarse that even Yang Kai’s five main internal organs shivered.
It was not just his body that felt uncomfortable. Even the bead trembled from the laughter.
Immortal Soul Attack? Yang Kai’s colour switched. He initially had thought that someone was trying to drive him away from this cave to monopolize the treasures here, but at this very instant, he knew that that was not the case.
An Immortal Soul attack was something that only a cultivator at Immortal Ascension Stage could perform. No disciples that entered could have done this!
“Young boy, your willpower is impressive. Your courage also surprises me. To think that you would dare to speak in such a manner in front of this old man!” the same coarse voice trailed and moved about, disclosing no information for Yang Kai for where it may be coming from. It was almost as though the walls spoke.
“Who are you?” Yang Kai maintained his solemn look and asked.
“Who am I? I don’t remember. I’m probably the master of this place,” the coarse voice chuckled almost comically.
“You are the master of the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance?” Yang Kai raised his voice to ask.
The three school’s disciples totaling over a thousand people gathered together in search of this mystical inheritance. It was said that whoever could obtain it and survive would one day be able to reach the prestigious altitude of its very master.
Yang Kai never thought that he would manage to obtain the inheritance. He only entered this place to explore and gather treasures and advantages. However, with the inheritance right up in his face, how could he not be interested?
Yang Kai felt excitement rush through his limbs, even though he wished to stay calm.
The coarse voice waited for the perfect opportunity to speak again. “That’s right. I was the one who created this place! Boy, do you want to obtain my inheritance?”
Yang Kai did not respond. Instead, he took some time to consider the proposition.
“I have been watching you and noticed that you are injured. Do you seek revenge? Do you wish to make sure that the person who injured you will be afraid of you? To know that you are no common pushover?” The coarse voice speculated. It sounded like a demon’s soothing melody playing it Yang Kai’s ears. He furrowed his brows and interrupted, “Hold on for a moment, I’m thinking!”
“You heart holds a deep hatred buried inside. A hatred others cannot see or imagine. You want to get stronger. You want to make sure that everyone who has ever looked down on you will regret their actions. Isn’t it?”
Yang Kai was trying to keep calm, but anger soon replaced it, driven and encouraged only by excitement from the thought of the sheer power he could receive. His forehead wrinkled and he looked as though he was struggling. Though what the voice said was somewhat wrong in terms of morality, it spoke correctly. Yang Kai truly felt as such deep down inside.
Yang Kai spoke in a soft but strong quivering voice, “That’s right…”
“If you wish so, just nod and this old man will give you my inheritance! Isn’t this a great opportunity for you to get back at them?” The voice continued. “Are you willing to decline such an opportunity? Just a simple nod.”
“If you let go of this chance, make sure that you will not regret it.”
The voice messages Yang Kai in consecutive pulses, causing him to feel confused as he was slowly being misled.
You could see the confusion in his eyes; as his head swayed slightly. His lips were opening and closing as though he wishes to accept this opportunity. Then, Yang Kai’s confusion turned to determination. His face now changed to that of a person who felt fear and on his forehead were droplets of cold sweat.
The opposing person with no knowledge of what Yang Kai has just done asked once again, “Well? What do you choose?”
Noticing that Yang Kai has no reaction now, the coarse voice sounded surprised, “To think you are willing to bite your own tongue to awaken yourself! What impressive willpower!”
“Who are you?! And what technique did you use to manipulate my mind just now?” Snorted Yang Kai.
“You are certainly an impressive young boy, to have been able to stay in reality. As for who I am? Who am I?”
“Even if you do not say, I know!” Yang Kai’s resolute gaze fell on the skeleton. “I have heard that cultivators of the Immortal Ascension Boundary and any above it, so long as they have developed their Divine Sense and keep it secure, they can stay alive even if their mortal bodies were to disintegrate and die. They can even seek another body to host them. You should be one of the many cultivators who died here years ago! And right now, you wish to take my body! Trying to mislead me into accepting you!” Yang Kai exclaimed with eyes full of dread.
After a moment of silence, the coarse voice laughed hysterically. “Fierce! To think some trivial young cultivator with only the strength of Initial Element Stage 7 is capable of figuring all this out! You truly are a talent worthy of praise. Even this old man admires you!”
The voice descended into one with gloom, “Do you not fear me despite this realization?”
Yang Kai gave a smile filled with ridicule. “Why should I fear you? If you had a method to control my mind with force, you would have no need for this conversation. You may have been a cultivator who exceeded my imagination, but that was before you died. Right now, you are only capable of tricks!”
“So remind me, why should I fear you?” Yang Kai derided. “On the contrary, aren’t you afraid? If I find and destroy the object that houses your Immortal Soul right now, won’t you die?”
“Young boy, aren’t you unruly?” The voice replied. “You think that I was speaking to you just to mislead you? HA HA! This old man just needs three seconds to completely erase your mind and take over your body. You won’t have a single chance to retaliate!”
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that is made today!

Martial Peak – Chapter 137, What Advantage Will I Receive If I Keep You Alive?

Hearing the voice’s words, Yang Kai darkened. Without any hesitation, Yang Kai raised his fist and accelerated it towards the skeleton and shrieked, “Wishful thinking!”
How many years have passed since this man had died? When the blow Yang Kai’s fist impacted the skeleton, it effortlessly passed through its bones and shattered them into dust. Yang Kai did not waver from the seeming simplicity of the fight. Instead, he turned to be more vigilant.
“Enough. You may have been right, but you chose the wrong skeleton to attack!” The voice complacently gibed as the bead suddenly dimmed and an illusionary face emerged from the bead, brimming with Black Qi. The face looked terrifying; as though it was an evil spirit with little to no concern for life, as though it killed anything it wanted without blinking an eye.
The Immortal Soul was not inside the skeleton. It was inside the bead that created light!
Yang Kai was about to strike the menacing bead, but the new face opened its mouth as a piercing howl deafened Yang Kai. It made his mind feel like it was pierced with a million needles!
Yang Kai knew then that the skeleton did not lie. The result of the attack by the skeleton is only one piece of evidence of possibly countless more that proves his ability to forcefully take his body from him.
While the Immortal Soul continued to seep into Yang Kai’s body, he heard a maniacal laughter from his own chest.
Yang Kai’s body grew stiff and trembled with the struggle as he speedily lost control over it.
“Ha! Ignorant young boy, it was delusional to think that you can resist me. Watch as I wipe away your consciousness and occupy your body!” Chortled the invasive voice that now came from Yang Kai’s guts.
Yang Kai was startled, but he had no intention of yielding.
“Yes… Your body is, unfortunately, quite weak. I will use it to seek a better and stronger body later. Do not worry, when I have taken it from you, any hatred you may feel towards others will be settled by me. Just be obedient and stop resisting. It will save you the pain and save me the time!”
“Dream on!” Yang Kai thought.
“Why do you still revolt? It is good fortune to be liked by this old man. Why are you not content?” The face heard Yang Kai’s voice from within his heart and smiled. “Since you are not willing to concede, this old man has no choice but to erase your consciousness. You will realize how painful it is to have your consciousness wiped away. No average man can handle such pain and remain normal.”
Yang Kai’s head suddenly felt like it was hit by a sledgehammer. The pain was a million times as before. It was excruciating, so much that Yang Kai let out a shrill and ear-splitting screech! His clothes quickly turned damp from his sweat and his body convulsed like a seizure.
“Since you were who chose to suffer, you have no right to complain,” The old man snorted.
Yang Kai could feel his consciousness fade away like a waterfall flowing. His vision would flicker as he endured the pain. His eyes turned bloodshot as the boy held on, unwilling to give up.
“What?” The old man sounded off in surprise. “You are still able to resist me. How strange…”
While the old man spoke, Yang Kai could feel his own bones transmitting a warm sensation as his own Immortal Soul slowly stabilized. The pain was also greatly reduced.
Suddenly, a huge suction occurred in his mind.
“What is this?” The old man was struck by panic and squealed with confusion. “What is this?! This is not what I wanted! Nooo!”
The old man’s pitiful yell slowly fades as Yang Kai regained the senses in his mind. He could feel that something was imbued into his golden bones.
When the pain vanished and Yang Kai could feel his body again, he took a deep, long breath.
The Immortal Soul attack lasted only for ten seconds, but to Yang Kai it felt like a century. Putting up such resistance against the Immortal Soul attack only emboldened Yang Kai’s willpower.
A sad and miserable voice could be heard, and like a mouse meeting a cat, the shivering and frightened voice profusely begged for mercy.
When Yang Kai noticed the golden bones within his body, he found a face now within them, filled with nothing but fear.
“Young hero. Great young hero, this old man made a mistake. Please forgive me and let me leave and I will never do this again.” The old man sounded desperate as he pleaded. The old man did not know what happened to him, but could feel eyes filled with evil staring at him, waiting to devour him; just like how a ravenous neanderthal would stare at a delicious meal.
Yang Kai’s looked strange.
The last time he was in the Nine Yin Mountain, the golden bones absorbed half of the Nine Yin Congealing Yuan Nectar and stored it within himself, waiting to be used for when Yang Kai breaks through the True Element Boundary.
Today, the golden bones managed to absorb the old man!
Although Yang Kai knew that the golden bones were capable of absorbing energies besides Yang Attribute, he had not imagined that it was even remotely capable of absorbing others’ Immortal Soul!
The Immortal Souls of cultivators is also considered to be energy. In fact, they made almost entirely of energy. With regards to the golden bones, it should come as no surprise that such energy could be easily absorbed.
While the voice continued to beg and wail, Yang Kai revolves True Yang Secret Arts slowly. During the process, the old man began to feel his whole Immortal Soul burn with scorching, pure energy.
The old man pitifully exclaimed, “What are you doing? Stop. Please!”
Hearing a slight response from his voice, the old man knew then that Yang Kai was experimenting.
“Young Hero, please don’t do this. You will only be extinguishing my Immortal Soul…”
Yang Kai was dauntless. He continued to revolve True Yang Secret Art. As time passed, the pleading voice dwindled and became softer and weaker. The old man implored Yang Kai for the entirety of the revolving. He dared not stop, in hopes that Yang Kai would change his mind.
As he estimated, Yang Kai soon stopped revolving and returned his focus to the golden body.
“Many thanks, gracious Young Hero, for showing mercy!” The old man waited for some time to restore his Yuan Qi and shuddered with fear while expressing his gratitude.
It seems that he had become the opposite of what he was; from a robust, strong-willed man to a delicate flower; weak and fragile.
“What benefits would sparing you reap for me?” Yang Kai sniggered.
Since Yang Kai almost crossed the doorway to death, it was only fair that this Old Man experienced a taste of his own medicine.
Yang Kai did not wish to keep this old man with him. In the short amount of time they have met, Yang Kai could tell that he was as evil as the foulest demon. Yang Kai was fortunate that the old man’s strength was low; otherwise, he would have likely been dead.
The thought of absorbing and essentially devouring such an abhorrent character disgusted Yang Kai to his very core.
“Benefits? There are of course benefits!” The old man rapidly replied, knowing that his explanation was crucial.
“Speak, then,” Yang Kai calmly queried.
“I do not know what benefit this Young Hero wishes for. What do you want?” The old man poked.
“En?” Yang Kai responded, having expected a better reply.
“Young Hero, do not misunderstand! I have been dead for numerous years. Sealed in this place to only be awakened for a few days. With my extensive experience, I can certainly deliver benefits. Please, just give me a moment to recollect,” the old man corrected himself as he twitched with pangs of fear.
Yang Kai waited silently and patiently, knowing full that the old man spoke truthfully.
Moments after, the old man cried out in pleasant surprise. “Young Hero, I just remembered that at your present strength, you will need some high-level defensive Martial Skills. Please wait a moment and I’ll deliver one to you.”
“Oh?” Yang Kai straightened his body and enthusiastically promised, “I will spare your life if you bring me a satisfying Martial Skill.”
Hearing his words, the old man relaxes and quickly follows, “I will certainly make you satisfied. All the Martial Skills I know are at least of Mystery Rank.”
Yang Kai’s breathing spurred. Martial Skills were divided into ranks. From the lowest grade to the best grade: Earth Grade, Heaven Grade, Mystery Grade, Spirit Grade and finally Saint Grade. Naturally, as the grade scales so does the rarity of the Martial Skill. Even in the Great Han Dynasty, there were only a handful of Mystery Ranked Martial Skills!
A few days ago, Yang Kai had risked his life with Lan Chudie, taking much time and effort to obtain an Earth Grade Martial Skill. To think they were all satisfied with the grade of their hard work. But how could an Earth Grade compare to a Mystery Grade Martial Skill?
The Old Man could see the hope and delight plastering Yang Kai’s face, and slackened. He knew that in order to live, he had to please the boy. As a few minutes passed, the Old Man spoke slowly, “The Martial Skill is called Devouring Hearts.”
Yang Kai’s raised a brow in interest.
“It is simple to cultivate this Martial Skill. Every day for a hundred days, you must eat the hearts of three children and build up the blood. You will then achieve the Small Accomplishment Stage of Devouring Hearts, but this stage is more than enough to kill enemies by bursting their blood vessels!” The old man confidently promoted.
To the old man’s dismay, however, Yang Kai’s face turned black and sour. “This skill is unacceptable!” Yang Kai cut rudely into the Old Man’s explanation, disallowing him to continue.
“Okay, there’s another Martial Skill called Fallen Red.”
Yang Kai nodded. The name of this Martial Skill was nice and poetic. It must certainly be something graceful and majestic.
The Old Man smiled. “It’s even easier to cultivate this Martial Skill. All you need to do is to mate with a virgin maiden and collect her first drop of virgin blood. As long as you can collect female blood, you can cultivate this Martial Skill in almost any setting. Furthermore, the higher the maiden’s cultivation level, the faster your cultivation. If you just accumulate the virgin blood of a hundred females, you will undoubtedly achieve the Big Accomplishment Stage! Young Hero, you are both formidable and majestic. Spending a night with 10 virgin maidens a day should be a simple task for you. In just a mere 10 days, you can reach the Big Accomplishment Stage!”
Yang Kai looked uncertain and questioned, “Isn’t this just simply gathering Yin energy to supplement the growth of Yang Energy?”
“Yes! Young Hero is clever and knowledgeable! This is gathering Yin to supplement Yang.”
“Another one!”
The old man sank but continued at the thought of his life hanging in the balance. “The next Martial Skill is called Love Fist.”
“Another one!”
“No, another!!”
The Old Man’s was perplexed. If he had hands and skin, he would be nervously wiping sweat off his forehead right now. All these Martial Skills were, astonishingly, not to the tastes of Yang Kai.
To cultivate such evil was the same as waiting to be struck by lightning!
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that is made today!

Martial Peak – Chapter 138, Benefits of The Short-Term.

Yang Kai felt greedy at the thought of the power of these Martial Skills, but he refused to let it drive him.
After going through so many Martial Skills, the old man felt terrified that Yang Kai was not pleased.
“Young Hero, there is one Martial Skill that I cannot remember. I’m not lying!”
“If you are only able to give me such evil Martial Skill techniques, what’s the use of keeping you alive?” Yang Kai spoke in a foreboding voice. Whatever the old man has to offer would be evil since he himself is an evil cultivator.
“Young Hero, please repress your anger. I will try my best to remember! Having just woken up caused my memory to be chaotic. I need time to recall. Just give me a little bit of time. Just a little bit more and I will be able to remember something that is satisfactory.”
“I’ll only give you one more chance, so you best make good use of it!”
“Yes. I will certainly not disappoint.”
Yang Kai did not bother to respond to the old man again. The Martial Skills would require time to practice and he was in no rush to gain another. Likewise, the Old Man was too weak to escape Yang Kai now. Thus, he had no worries and could afford to wait.
Yang Kai took out the Golden Stone Baby from his bosom and revolved his Yuan Qi to feel the golden veins within; spying on its mysteries.
To know only the Burning Sun’s Blast places Yang Kai at a disadvantage. He needed to learn more Martial Skills for a variety of attacks. While Yang Kai was recuperating, he planned on cultivating his Second Martial Skill.
He needs to strengthen himself to fend off the bullies once he leaves the cave.
Within this Golden Stone Baby were 70-80 golden veins. This is very likely to be a Heaven Grade Martial Skill, maybe even a Mystery Grade Martial Skill!
Yang Kai took the daylight to memorize all the revolutions within the Golden Stone Baby. Similar to the previous Stone Baby, the Golden Stone Baby soon turned to ash once yang Kai took back his Yuan Qi.
For the rest of the day, the Old Man racked his brain to remember. Although he had thought of some other advantages he could provide, the Old Man did not dare interrupt as Yang Kai was in deep concentration. The Old Man could only panic in silence and wait within the Golden Skeleton.
Yang Kai did not bother with the Old Man as he was too busy concentrating on the Martial Skill technique he had received from the Golden Stone Baby. He sat cross-legged and revolved his True Yang Yuan Qi within his body, in accordance with the routes laid out by the Golden Stone Baby. Yet, after one revolution around his Meridians, Yang Kai had discovered that he did not experience the same sensation of discovery, unlike when he had first tried out Burning Sun’s Blast. Instead, he felt a faint backlash grazing the back of his hands, causing him to jerk in surprise.
Was the flow wrong? Yang Kai doubted.
That’s impossible. I clearly followed everything laid out by the Golden Stone baby without the slightest deviation.
Yang Kai revolves again and felt the same backlash.
What’s wrong? Isn’t this a Martial Skill? Why am I not feeling the same sensation as I did when I learned Burning Sun’s Blast?
Why does this Martial Skill seem so different from the rest?
Yang Kai thought as he inspected the mysteries surrounding this Martial Skill. He could not come up with an explanation, instead, only slowly practicing and feeling.
Yang Kai relaxed and revolved his Yuan Qi again. With each revolution, he felt the same exact backlash over and over, as though someone was beating it. However, he knew that it was harmless.
As more time was burned, Yang Kai had revolved his Yuan Qi 1000 times. On the 800th, he could felt soreness take over, but he could no longer detect the backlash.
When Yang Kai opened his eyes to look at the back of his hands, there was, shockingly, a myriad of designs. They were strange, and Yang Kai could only describe it as a starry night sky. When Yang Kai revolved his Yuan Qi, the little stars gloriously sparkled.
What’s more, Yang Kai could clearly feel an invisible space opening up below his hands.
With a Yuan Qi revolution, space opens up while the little stars on the back of his hands shine gloriously. It felt like space was for storage.
After practicing for a little while longer, Yang Kai could not imagine a useful function this Martial Skill would provide. He could not even use it to kill an ant, let alone another cultivator.
Yang Kai continued rotating his Yuan Qi. Unanticipatedly the Star Chart burst out from his hands, and his fingertips had a faint glowing light, though incomparable to the constellation on the back of his hand, which irradiated the entire cave as though it was bathing in sunlight. Yang Kai then submerged his hand into the ground, and poured his Yuan Qi into the space, causing a ferocious tremor.
Realising what he had done, Yang Kai brightened up.
Although this Martial Skill was exceptionally consuming, the eruption of power that this Martial Skill caused was definitely much more powerful than that of which is caused by an ordinary bomb explosion. It was at least twice the lethality!
Yang Kai estimated that if he did not invest as much Yuan Qi as he did, the explosion would have been much tinier.
This Martial Skill is too strange! Yang Kai’s brows creased as he tried to determine the uses of this Martial Skill.
Suddenly, from inside his body, Yang Kai could hear a cautious and flattering voice call out. “Young Hero… Young Hero…”
Yang Kai’s squinted further as he ignored the voice and focused on the Martial Skill.
“Young Hero, I think I know what that Martial Skill is capable of. Do you care to listen?”
Without an immediate response, the Old Man was forced to wait anxiously. He impatiently wished to show his value to Yang Kai to convince the boy not to eviscerate his existence.
The Old Man could tell that Yang Kai had a firm and resolute disposition that most cannot hope to compare with. Besides, Yang Kai has a tendency to hide his true intentions with a façade, which caused the Old Man to shiver in anxiousness.
Even more, time passed, then Yang Kai opened his mouth, “What do you know? Speak.”
The Old Man did not complain, as he had an opportunity presented to him. Instead, he sounded extremely grateful and promptly clarified, “I am not sure what this Martial Skill is called. However, I recall watching someone use it. When you activate it, it will open up space which you and you alone can access. I believe that the might of this Martial Skill highly depends on how much Yuan Qi is deposited into this space.”
“Young Hero, you should be able to store Yuan Qi into this space over time and use it in an appropriate situation. This Martial Skill has powerful destructive capabilities but is difficult utilise. If no Yuan Qi is stored within this space, it will be harmless. When the space is used, all Yuan Qi you have garnered in it will fuel a powerful explosion, then you will need time to refill the space to use it again.”
The old man pressed on as he noticed Yang Kai’s attentiveness. “Though this Martial Skill can, practically, be used only once every battle, it is unnecessary to continuously practice to bolster it. All you need to do is regularly store Yuan Qi and, maybe if you get caught in a desperate situation, use it. Its might and power will certainly aid you in those times.”
Once he finished, the Old Man went dead silent, so as to avoid annoying Yang Kai.
Yang Kai’s lips slowly curved into a wide smile. The old man’s explanation was similar to his own conclusion. However, it was more comprehensive and in-depth, allowing the boy to gain a deeper understanding of this Martial Skill.
Instead of the usual cultivation, this Martial Skill simply required him to store Yuan Qi and use it for an explosion!
How fortunate must he be to obtain such a Martial Skill perfect for one like himself!
Yang Kai could not help but chuckle in delight. Others would need to restore their Yuan Qi through normal means. Meanwhile, Yang Kai can do it through Yang Stones and store them as Yang Liquids inside his Dantian.
“I need to investigate this Martial Skill further, so do not disturb me.” Yang Kai warned the Old Man.
“Yes… I understand…”
“What you said was not enough for me to let you live. So, continue to think of what you can offer me!”
The Old Man felt bitterness. The way Yang Kai conducts himself was no different from an old cunning fox.
How he regretted his decision for trying to steal Yang Kai. But right now, the Old Man could only sigh as Yang Kai continued to concentrate on pouring Yuan Qi into the special space.
The speed in which he poured was absurd and unscrupulous as he did not have to worry about running out of Yuan Qi.
The Old Man initially wanted to remind the boy not to consume his Yuan Qi too quickly, as it will burden his mortal body. However, after Yang Kai’s words rung in his head, the Old Man decided to not say anything.
Humph! It was you who ordered me not to disturb you. So, I will not bother to remind you!
It’s much better if your Yuan Qi depletes! Then, I will look for an opportunity to leave your damn body. Boy, you can only blame your own ignorance for what is going to happen.
If Yang Kai wishes to cultivate back every bit of Yuan Qi he spends here, it would take at least 35 days!
Right now, he has spent nearly all the Qi he had by storing it in the space.
The Old Man realized that Yang Kai was weakening and continued to wait excitedly for a golden opportunity to escape this body, but before he could even begin to plan, Yang Kai instantly recovered his Qi and vitality again!
Who would have thought Yang Kai would completely regain his Yuan Qi and vitality once it was depleted?
What happened? The Old Man nearly went insane from this strange situation. In all his years, he had never seen something like this. He felt his heart pulsate as he could not believe what he was witnessing. Was he being delusional? No, it couldn’t be. Everything was too real to be an illusion. But he clearly felt the boy exhausting his Yuan Qi! How is it possible for him to restore it in a flash? He must have misread his amount of Qi. The Old Man consoled himself while he attentively observed Yang Kai with full attention.
As even more time elapsed, the Yuan Qi within Yang Kai’s body was completely gone as the Start Chart at the back of his hand flickered.
The Old Man now pledged his own Immortal Soul that he had truly seen the boy completely deplete his own Yuan Qi. He waited for a few seconds to continue observing Yang Kai and convinced himself that he in no way mistaken. Before he could think of his next move, however, the Old Man was struck like a wooden chicken and would only stare at the scene. Yang Kai’s Yuan Qi must have been utterly exhausted, but it had restored itself again, and the old man thought he had an infinite supply of Yuan Qi!
The Old Man felt an indescribable shock. He thought that he had seen everything. It was general knowledge that the Yuan Qi within a person, regardless of their cultivation level, would at least require time to fully restore!
If everyone could restore themselves as Yang Kai did, what would happen to the world?
Just what kind of Martial Technique did this boy cultivate to go against heaven’s will?
The old man could only helplessly look at Yang Kai with dread and despair. With the ability to fully restore his Yang Qi whenever he likes, what kind of terrorist would this boy grow to be in the future? Coupled especially with the perfect Martial Skill, he could easily unleash explosion after explosion with no concern for his Yuan Qi! His battle efficiency would perhaps be greater than, if not equal to that of a hundred cultivators!
Do check out the
that is made today!

Martial Peak – Chapter 139, Subduing The Evil Spirit

The Old Man could not help but look up to Yang Kai.
The truth is, Yang Kai seemed to have endless Yuan Qi only because he has the ability to accumulate them.
The True Yang Secret Arts that Yang Kai cultivates and the Martial Skill that Yang Kai had just received both share similar abilities. Both are able to store an accumulated amount of Yuan Qi. True Yang Secret Art allows Yang Kai to absorb Yang Yuan Qi and turn it into Yang Liquid, storing it in his Dantian. Meanwhile, this Martial Skill allows Yang Kai to inject his Yuan Qi into a pocket of space, which can be used in the form of an explosion.
However, there are some differences between the two. In his Dantian, Yang Kai is able to store limitless amounts of Yang Liquid. Meanwhile, the space from the Star Chart on his hand was different. It had a limit.
Yang Kai spent two days converting 10 drops of Yang Liquid into Yuan Qi and injected it into the space. He could feel the saturation in it.
Once Yang Kai felt that it was enough, he began to revolve True Yang Secret Arts to restore his Yuan Qi once again. Whenever he felt the Star Chart on the back of his hand crave for more Yuan Qi, he would inject more into the space and rinse and repeat the process. It was an easy Martial Skill that took little time to master. It was the perfect Martial Skill for Yang Kai.
Two more days passed, and Yang Kai opened his eyes to find that the Star Chart now looked more lifelike. The constellations seemed as though it was real, and grew on his hand. It was now comparable to the stars of the night sky!
By simply concentrating, Yang Kai managed to make the Star Chart invisible, as it hides under his skin.
Yang Kai took a deep breath and exhaled. The Star Chart was an outstanding attention magnet. It would no doubt raise suspicions, causing potential problems. Thankfully, it is easy to conceal..
Yang Kai recalled something and asked the old man, “You said that you have seen this Martial skill before. Do you know its name?”
“I apologise for my incompetence, Young Hero, but I cannot recall”. The old man’s voice sounded as horrific as before but had a tad bit more obedience in it after two days.
Yang Kai’s eyes sparkled. Although he does not know what caused it, he could tell that the Old Man has gained a newfound respect for the boy.
“Alright. I’ll give you an opportunity. Help me give it a name.” Yang Kai remembered himself previously taking a while to decide on a name for the Burning Sun’s Blast. With the old man’s presence, why not make use of him to choose a name that may strike fear in enemies’ hearts? What’s more, the old man is seasoned. Surely, a simple task as thinking of a name is easy for him.
“Yes!” The voice that had been silent for a long time changed its tone. “Since there is a Star Chart on the back of your hand, why don’t we call it the Star Mark?”
“Star Mark… The mark of stars…” Yang Kai muttered before nodding, “Yes. Star Mark sounds good!”
The old man zealously congratulated Yang Kai. “Congratulations in mastering the Star Mark, Young Hero! With such unparalleled talents and matchless vigour, there will come a day when everyone will only look up to your figure in awe!”
Yang Kai coldly snorted, “Humph!”
The Old Man shut up after realising that his flattery produced an undesirable effect.
“Have you thought of a means to save your life?” Yang Kai provocated.
The old man remembered how fragile his life is and petitioned, “Young Hero! If you spare me, I will certainly deliver you a sacred treasure!”
Yang Kai looked around the cave and spoke, “If you actually had a sacred treasure on you, its home would be this cave. All I have to do is to look around, meaning I don’t need you. So remind me, what is the point of keeping you alive with this information in hand? If you ask me, you living is against my personal interest. I’d rather build you up and absorb your strength.”
The old man wasted no time in begging once again for mercy, “Young Hero. Please have mercy! I will recognise you as my sole master for life! As long as you keep my Immortal Soul Brandmark on you, you can decide my death in an instant! Please! I beg of you! Show mercy, Young Hero!”
“Oh? Yang Kai’s opinion seemed to sway as he opened his mouth to answer, “How do I know if what you are saying is true?”
The Old Man made a forced smile. “I am currently trapped within your body and I have no idea how to escape. You can kill me with a snap of your fingers. Young Hero, how would I possibly dare to deceive you?”
Yang Kai didn’t say anything. Although the thought of keeping such evil around was revolting to him, he thought it’d be a waste to kill him, given his vast knowledge and extended experience.
Only because Yang Kai wished to obtain as much knowledge as he could this Old Man has, he hesitantly spared him.
Yang Kai’s silence only worsened the old man’s anxiety. He nervously spoke, “Young Hero. If you spare my life, I will show you how to use the Sacred Treasure I kept here. However, if you kill me, you will not be able to use this Sacred Treasure…”
“Why?” Yang Kai asked.
“Because my Sacred Treasure is an evil weapon! It pulls the Immortal Souls of victims when it makes contact! Young Hero, your Yuan Qi’s attribute is Yang. It is impossible for you to use it without me.”
Yang Kai took a deep breath as he responded naught once again, and a frown slowly formed over his cheeks.
The Old Man knew that the decision Yang Kai makes now would determine his life and death. Naturally, he dared not interrupt. His chances of dying were already fairly high, and he did not want to escalate it any further.
Only after a long time did Yang Kai speak again. “How do I get recognized as your master? What do I need to do?”
Instantly, the old man’s heart sank and he spoke like he was shivering in the cold, “Young Master, please relax. This old servant will enter your mind and pass to you my Immortal Soul Brandmark.”
The corner of Yang Kai’s lips curled.
The old man then elaborated, “Young Master, please understand. Even if you were in the Immortal Ascension Boundary, you do not have the means to use your own Divine Senses. I plead that Young Master believes in this Old Servant’s sincere intentions.”
“Then, hurry!” Yang Kai demanded and relaxes himself.
The Old Man stuttered in shock. As Yang Kai’s decision made him express more admiration towards the boy. If it was others, they would fear to take upon themselves such a risky endeavour. Yang Kai, however, was able to catch the bull by its horns and tame it like it was a timid little dog.
In actuality, Yang Kai did not need to feel worried at all. The last time the old man invaded his mind, he was able to prevent it by absorbing his Immortal Soul into his golden bones. If Yang Kai feels such an attack begin to occur again, he could quickly force the old man to stop by building up the Immortal Soul.
Sure enough, the old man had no evil intention in fear of Yang Kai. He submerges into the boy’s mind with a wisp of his Divine Sense, carefully and neutrally passing the boy his Immortal Soul Brandmark.
The old man then finally spoke, “Young Master, it’s done. From now on, this old servant’s life and death is all in your hands.”
Yang Kai opened his eyes and could feel a strong bond between himself and the Old Man. However, it was not a mutual relationship.Yang Kai had complete dominance over the old man.
“Do you need time to restore your Immortal Soul’s Spirit Essence?” Yang Kai asked in a gentle tone.
The Old Man replied. “After passing you my Immortal Soul Brandmark, I think I really do need to rest and replenish myself, but Young Master, you don’t have to be too worried. I will not make you lose anything. So, can you please take away your intention…?”
Yang Kai confidently grunted and spread out his intention.
In the next moment, a pitiful yell emerged. It was almost as though someone was being cooked in boiling oil.
“Young Master please forgive this Old Servant for his impudence! What I said was true!”
The Old Man kept begging for solace before Yang Kai let him off, “If you dare have any disloyal thoughts, I will torture you until you wished for death!”
“Old servant does not dare!” He sounded like he was shaking with fear. With what has happened, he has discovered that Yang Kai was a ruthless person.
After being able to completely subdue the Old Man, Yang Kai breathed a sigh of relief.
“What would I call you?” Yang Kai asked.
The Old Man hesitated, “… You can call this Old Servant anything you wish. However, I do vaguely remember others calling me the Old Demon! But, I cannot say for certain if that was my given name or not…”
Yang Kai’s forehead pressed against his brows, “Old Demon? You seriously are a devil incarnate!”
The Old Demon smiled awkwardly, “That is a thing of the past… a thing from a very long time ago. From this point onwards, this Old Servant will obey no one but your commands.”
“What about the Sacred Treasure that you’ve said?”
“Young Master, please redirect your attention to the Old Servant’s bleached bones…”
Following the Old Demon’s guidance, Yang Kai went back to the spot littered with the dust of his bones to find a piece that looked like a rib. However, this bone was entirely different from the other bones that crumbled like a cookie. This bone was jet black in colour! When Yang Kai listened closely to that very bone, he was shocked to detect a faint sound of shrieks and howls emanating from it!
“What strong Evil Qi!” Yang Kai commented.
The Old Demon explained, “This thing is called the Soul Breaker Awl. It was built up and chiselled into the Old Servant’s own bone. It has taken many lives before… so the Evil Qi is slightly overwhelming.”
“When you refined this, did you built up many Immortal Souls?” Yang Kai inquired further.
The Old Demon gave a hallowed laugh, “Young Master is wise. But because of that reason, it is not suitable for you to wield. If you were to build it up and exude your control over it, I fear that the weapons will greatly diminish in power. However, with the Old Servant’s Immortal Soul to act as a bridge for you, you do not have to worry. Unfortunately, this thing consumes much Yuan Qi and with my current strength, I will not be able to display its full might.”
The news did not perturb Yang Kai. He could tell that one day, he will be able to fully utilise this weapon with all its potential. Currently, its power was equal to that of an Earth Low Grade Attack Treasure.
“How do I use it?”
The Old Demon taught Yang Kai the methods of control and within another few days’ time, Yang Kai managed to learn how to use the Awl. Black Qi spawned out from Yang Kai’s fingertips, linking to the Soul Breaker Awl, causing it to encircle him. Yang Kai could also feel that he had a light relationship with this weapon, with the Old Demon’s Immortal Soul acting as a middleman between the both.
With a few experiments, Yang Kai felt satisfied. Although it consumed a lot of Yuan Qi due the need for it to pass through the Old Demon as a proxy, Yang Kai still managed to receive an Attack Sacred Treasure.
The Old Demon mentioned, “Young Master, if you wish to build it up thoroughly, it will require a lot more time.”
While saying his piece, the Old Demon felt extremely uneasy. He still fears annoying Yang Kai.
“I do not intend to fully build it up. It will be controlled by you.”
“Many thanks, Young Master!” The Old Demon gratefully replied.
Yang Kai did not wish to waste time to build up the Soul Breaker Awl. After all, he could already use the Old Demon to control it. Why would he need to waste any more time to build it up? The Old Demon’s life is his, anyway.
Strings of black gas oozed from Yang Kai’s fingertips and moved towards the Soul Breaker Awl. It was none other than the Old Demon, placing his Immortal Soul within the Soul Breaker Awl.
Yang Kai then took a look around the place again and expressed some disappointment, “You only have this one Sacred Treasure?”
The boy knew that the Old Demon was a high-level cultivator in his life before death. For such cultivators, there was almost no chance for them to have only one Sacred Treasure.
The Old Demon forced a smile, “Young Master, you know that this place previously had a war that changed everything. When I was involved in the fight, all my other items were completely destroyed. The only thing that I could salvage was this Soul Breaker Awl…”
Do check out the

that is made today!

Martial Peak – Chapter 140, The Yin Yang Monster Ginseng

“A War?” Yang Kai’s heart skipped a beat. “Tell me more.”
The Old Demon narrated as Yang Kai listened, working the cogs in his brain to link together different chunks of information and history like a crossword puzzle.
Although the Old Demon could not recount much as all his memories were still fragmented, the data he did contribute into the pool of remembrance was proof enough of his involvement in the war. What’s even more interesting was the fact that it was a war dictating an army against just two people, a man and a woman! Although the couple died in battle, they still decimated the majority of ranks of the opposing cultivators.
“…Old Servant flees with a fatal wound from the battle. Unfortunately, I was unable to recuperate and I died here…” The Old Demon’s voice seemed to be both hesitant and terrified.
“Do you remember anything else?”
“There was a dragon and a phoenix! When they both combine and complement each other, their might surpasses all imagination. It was because of their attack, that the Old Servant fell…”
Yang Kai’s eyes lit up. He recalled that a few days ago, above the entrance of the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, there was a dragon and phoenix encircling the sky.
The Old Demon silenced himself and seemed frightened.
“So, according to you, this place wasn’t made to contain your inheritance.” Yang Kai wanted to reaffirm.
“Young Master, please calm down. Earlier on, I was thoughtlessly speaking. However, I truly possess an Inheritance. If the Young Master wishes, I will be glad to pass it to you.”
Yang Kai shook his head, “I have no interest in it.”
The Old Demon was disconcerted with Yang Kai’s reply. Although his status in life was still a blur to himself, he knew that he was at least a ludicrously high levelled cultivator. It was, in fact, normal to him for cultivators to wish to be taken under his wing, but in the eyes of Yang Kai, he was nothing.
[Yeah… it’s true that once a phoenix loses its fire, it turns into a chicken…] The Old Demon sobbed.
The bead that accompanied the Old Demon’s now crumbled skeleton had also turned useless. It would disintegrate easier than the bones did should anything even graze its surface.
Having looked around the cave again, Yang Kai did not discover anything else. With a sigh, the boy decided to leave the place.
Since this place had been his home for some time, he could not assess what was happening within the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance. How much treasure was left for him would now depend on luck.
Before arriving at the sealed stone gate, the Old Man had taught Yang Kai the technique unseal it. As the gate was removed, a sudden ray of light, alternating between red and white launches at him.
Yang Kai’s demeanour changes as his instinct makes him launch his fist against the bolt. [Who is attacking me?!]
Instead of blindly following its given path, the bolt seemed to have some form of awareness and dodged the boy’s futile attack. It quickly flew around his arc of attack in an attempt to close distance.
Immediately, Yang Kai retreated. He anxiously readied his other hand to grasp the flare.
Yang Kai, readier than ever then manages to grab the unknown matter, but his face showed not victory but confusion.
The thing that flew towards him was not an attack. At this point in time, it was struggling to escape his palm like a worm.
When the boy first felt the thing on his hand, he had doubts. Bashfully, he opened his palm slightly to get a closer look. This thing turned out, oddly enough, to be a ginseng that had the shape of a human! The ginseng was strange to look at, with red and white each occupying half of it, like it was celebrating a wedding and mourning at a funeral at the same time. When Yang Kai inspected the energy within it, he could sense two different types of energy. The red energy was burning hot while the white was cold. Both energies are of two different worlds, but they seemed to perfectly coexist within the ginseng. It seemed nothing short of magical.
It continued to wiggle and strain to escape Yang Kai’s hand, but to no avail.
“Yin Yang Monster Ginseng!” the Old Demon screamed in shock.
“You recognise this thing?” Yang Kai asked.
“It is a wonderful treasure! This is a Mystery High-Grade Sacred Treasure!” The Old Demon shouted in enthusiasm for the first time, startling Yang Kai.
Before Yang Kai could inquire further, he heard footsteps ahead of him.
“There are some people here!” Yang Kai looked intensely in the direction of the footsteps and tightened his grip on the Yin Yang Monster Ginseng.
When Yang Kai pocketed the Yin Yang Monster Ginseng, it stopped struggling and grew docile.
As Yang Kai prepared for the worst, he could hear a familiar voice, “Elder sister, did it really run into this cave?”
A female voice replied, “Em, it definitely snuck inside. If it hadn’t I wouldn’t have bothered entering this place.”
The two voices hardly sounded different but one was gentler and charming, giving a person a sense of comfort.
Yang Kai’s squinted his eyes. He did not anticipate meeting those two here.
“Wow! There are many different types of herbs here!”
“Yeah… but let’s not harvest them first. We should look if there’s any danger inside.”
The sisters moved closer and closer to Yang Kai. He did not avoid them but instead started walking forward to greet them.
“Who’s there?”
Yang Kai coughed, “we meet again…”
After hearing Yang Kai, the gentler voiced person took a step back in surprise. “Yang Kai?!”
“Lady Mei’er!” Yang Kai gave a slight bow and turned his attention to the other girl, “Lady Jiao’er, long time no see.”
The two girls were none other than Blood Battle Gang’s top beauties, Hu Jiao Er and Hu Mei Er!
Hu Jiao Er frowned at meeting Yang Kai. “Brat! To think that I would meet you here!”
The previous time, Yang Kai had felt up both sisters’ buttocks to compare their sizes, to which Hu Jiao Er took to heart.
Hu Mei Er was more surprised than anything jumping to question, “Why are you here?”
“I actually found this place accidentally.” Yang Kai did not wish to inform them of the events that transpired.
During the chat, the two sisters walked closer to the boy, as Hu Jiao Er stared at Yang Kai indifferently, throwing out her chest and raising her hind legs.
The Old Demon quickly spoke to Yang Kai, “To think that in this world, there would be two girls who look so similar but aren’t twins! Young Master, if you cultivate the Fallen Red with these two, it’d be half the work for twice the results!”
“You! Shut up!” Yang Kai shut out the thought.
The Old Demon was put in his place, daring to utter nothing but a quiet sigh.
“Did you anything enter just moments ago?” Hu Mei Er opened her mouth to ask.
Having eavesdropped on their conversation, Yang Kai knew Hu Mei Er was referring to the Yin Yang Monster Ginseng. The boy did not try to conceal the fact and nodded, “Yeah I’ve seen it.”
“Where is it?” Hu Jiao Er hastily asked.
Yang Kai points to his chest as the two sisters widened their eyes in surprise. “Did you actually manage to collect it?” Hu Jiao Er probed.
“Yeah, although I’m not sure why. Once it was placed on my chest, it became incredibly docile.”
Hu Jiao Er’s chest puffed and puffed as she took deep breaths trying to calm herself down.
The two sisters had actually been pursuing that thing for days, scaling several mountains braving the wilderness to finally end up in this cave, just to have Yang Kai receive it without putting in a lick of effort!
How unlucky it was for the sisters! Hu Jiao Er nipped on her lips. She considered taking the Ginseng by force but decided otherwise due to her sister’s presence. For some reason, her sister felt guilt towards Yang Kai, so she would interject should she start a fight.
“Make sure you keep it safe.” Hu Mei Er felt like a heavy weight was lifted off her chest.
“What’s so good about this brat?” Hu Jiao Er sized up Yang Kai and suddenly asked with disbelief. “You are already in Initial Element Stage 7?”
Hu Jiao Er’s face was riddled with shock. The last time they met, Yang Kai was still in the Tempered Body Boundary. How is it possible to break through to Initial Element Stage 7 within such a short span of time? Even if he had some fortuitous encounter here, isn’t this too huge a jump of cultivation level?
Hu Mei Er is only in Initial Element Stage 2!
“Compared to Lady Jiao Er, what is a mere Initial Element Stage 7?” Yang Kai was amazed by the magnanimity of the two girls. It was strange that they did not ask for the Ginseng from him.
Hu Jiao Er snorted to show her displeasure towards Yang Kai.
“Since there are so many different types of herbs here, don’t hesitate to collect them.” Yang Kai did not wish to owe them any favours. The value of the Yin Yang Monster Ginseng was definitely much higher than any herb found within the cave. It was only fair for them that Yang Kai to let them have all the herbs they want, since he had accidentally taken the Ginseng from them.
“Like I need you to tell me that!” Hu Jiao Er stared knife and daggers towards Yang Kai.
“Elder Sister!” Hu Mei Er knew her elder sister’s irritation towards Yang Kai and shook her arm.
“Fine… I understand…” Hu Jiao Er helplessly replied as she surveyed the area. She reached the dead end of the cave entered shortly and decided to mention, “For the past few days, both of us have climbed countless mountains in chase of that thing. Right now, we must rest and recuperate. So you, help guard the place.”
“ I understand.” Yang Kai nodded his head.
The two sisters then walked hand in hand, towards the end of the cave. While they were walking, Hu Mei Er looked back with a smile, trying to apologize for her sister’s behavior.
When they arrived saw the Old Demon’s bleached bones, their face was filled with surprise. Simultaneously, the two sisters looked towards their left. They looked at each other and winked.
Yang Kai noticed the wink and was puzzled at what they had discovered. He could not see what they saw.
“What are you two looking at?” Yang Kai could not help but ask. He wondered what had caught their attention.
The two girls did not respond as their minds were immersed in something.
Yang Kai’s felt frustrated by the lack of knowledge.
After half a day, the two sisters sat down cross-legged and began their meditation. They closed their eyes and began meditating.
When Yang Kai looked, he thought that he was starting to see things. He saw one person, then two people.
The boy shook his head in surprise, rubbing his eyes and clearing his vision. Meanwhile, the Old Demon gave his observation, “Perhaps, this is their opportunity…”
“Will they succeed?”
“It depends on them… I cannot tell…”
“That isn’t the inheritance you left behind, is it?” Yang Kai held his breath.
“Of course not.”
The whole situation was strange, but since they have discovered something, Yang Kai could not leave them alone while they meditated. Since they were somewhat considered friends of his, he could only stand by the entrance and calmly wait for them to finish.

Martial Peak – Chapter 141, The Hu Sisters’ Great Opportunity

Edited by
theunfetteredsalmon (a fan of no caps)
After guarding the two sisters for three days, the cave end where they sat suddenly had an eruption of bright lights. Two golden lights on top of the sisters’ heads vanished from sight. Meanwhile, the Yuan Qi from their body started to revolve in unison, causing the cave walls to hum.
Yang Kai looked at the two. Their Yuan Qi seemed as one. A line of light connected between Hu Jiao Er and Hu Mei Er. Gradually, their Yuan Qi balanced out.
Over time, the Yuan Qi subsided, returning the cave back to its tranquil state.
The two sisters simultaneously took deep breaths and opened their eyes at the same time. Their two pupils looked towards each other, unable to hide their surprise.
“Congratulations.” Yang Kai spoke out. He had defended the two girls for three days now and still could not figure out how they obtained the inheritance left here. The only thing he knew was that this inheritance did not belong to Old Demon.
According to the Old Demon, the war had caused countless high cultivation levelled experts to fall. Hence, the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance should have more than one type of inheritance. It was The Hu sisters’ luck that they were able to obtain one of them.
After hearing Yang Kai’s voice, the two girls turned their heads at the same time to look at him and said with almost exactly the same voice, “Thanks!”
After both of them spoke, they each looked at each other and pursed their lips into a smile.
Yang Kai seemed confused as he looked at the two beauties before him. He couldn’t tell which sister was which. It was as though the two turned into duplicates, without a single sliver of difference.
“Can you guess who I am?” the woman on the left spoke with a smile as her eyes twinkled with complacency and cunningness.
Yang Kai chuckled, “Lady Jiao Er.”
The woman’s playful smile fell apart almost instantly. “Did you blindly guess?”
“Lady Mei Er would never ask me this sort of question.” Yang Kai replied.
Hu Jiao Er pouted, “It seems as though you understand my little sister very well.”
On hearing what he said, Hu Mei Er’s cheeks flushed with red as she avoided eye contact with Yang Kai.
Hu Jiao Er’s smile reappeared and she resumed to speak, “I really have to thank you for allowing us this opportunity.”
Yang Kai had defended the sisters for the entire time their minds were completely indisposed. If Yang Kai wished to do anything to them, he would have been able to get away with it. Instead, Yang Kai had dutifully stood guard for three whole days, making sure not to disturb them. His actions only made Hu Jiao Er admire rather than spite him.
Hu Jiao Er thought that maybe Yang Kai isn’t as bad as she thought.
“Don’t worry about it. We should leave.” Yang Kai had been wanting to exit since three days ago, but was delayed by the two sisters. Protecting them only made him more impatient to leave.
The two sisters simultaneously nodded and stood up.
As the three ambered slowly to the exit, the sisters would pick as many herbs as they could. Yang Kai kept to his word and did not take a single one. Having the Yin Yang Monster Ginseng was more than sufficient for him.
During the three days, Yang Kai had inquired about the Yin Yang Monster Ginseng. He found out that the Ginseng was extremely helpful for his cultivation. Due to its speciality in containing both Yin and Yang Qi, the Ginseng could actually be used for Alchemy. However, it was most efficient to use it to promote one’s cultivation. Unfortunately, Yang Kai would need to find a female cultivator who cultivates Yin and marry her to share and fully utilise the Ginseng’s drug efficacy.
When Yang Kai is in love and cultivates with this female, the Yin Yang Monster Ginseng would separate its two energies and enter their bodies. As their hearts become one, they would both simultaneously rise in cultivation together.
The unfortunate part is having to search for such a girl to cultivate with.
The only reason why the Yin Yang Monster Ginseng is labeled as a Mystery Rank is the difficulty in finding an opportunity to cultivate with another partner who fits the requirements. If the two cultivators manage to meet these conditions, the real value of this herb cannot even be calculated.
Since the Yin Yang Monster Ginseng contains Yin and Yang energy, it was naturally attracted to sources of said energy. As such, it was attracted to Yang Kai, who practices the True Yang Secret Art.
In those three days, Yang Kai had fed 1 drop of his Yang Liquid to the Ginseng. Tasting the Yang Drop gave the Ginseng a look of enjoyment. It was then attracted to him more than ever, like a magnet to steel.
After picking the herbs, the Hu sisters discussed a little and presented half of their harvest to Yang Kai.
Yang Kai immediately rejected, “I took your stuff. It is only fair that you take all of this in penance.”
Hu Jiao Er smiled at him. “Silly boy. Knock it off. Who said it was yours?”
Yang Kai smiled back. “Can you two ladies tell me how it is like outside?”
Yang Kai had been stuck here for quite some time knew nothing of the situation outside. Out of curiosity and precaution, he had to ask.
“Do not call me lady. You sound so strange.” Hu Jiao Er knitted her brows, “We both have names. Call us Jiao Er and Mei Er. If you feel a little sorry for your actions, you can address me as sister Jiao Er.”
Yang Kai nods, “I think calling you by your name will be better.”
Hu Jiao Er puffed a little in fickle anger in her eyes and changed the topic, “Let’s start moving. We can chat while we walk.”
The three conversed while they strolled, giving Yang Kai an idea of the atmosphere outside.
Although all three disciples began in different positions, in the time that has passed, they have managed to travel to the center.
Some people have obtained benefits, but many others have died.
The three school disciples all united their strengths under the top disciples to fight a few powerful Monster Beasts around. There were 9 Monster Beasts in total and each has achieved the cultivation level of 6th step/realm. It was fortunate that these Monster Beasts had only just awoken from their slumber and were weakened. Otherwise, the price to take them down would have been much higher, leading to more deaths.
The Yin Yang Monster Ginseng was actually one of the treasures that the Monster Beasts protected. It was capable of sensing trouble and escaped, only to be pursued by the Hu sisters and finally settling its home in Yang Kai.
“Before we left, we managed to kill 8 of the 9 Monster Beasts. The last one is the strongest. It is probably in 6th step/realm peak. Temporarily, nobody has dared to engage it.” Hu Jiao Er smiled. “Just for the treasures that were protected by these Monster Beast, many disciples have gone practically insane.”
Hu Mei Er fiercely nodded in agreement, “Yes. I never knew of such people, who were able to steal things so easily…”
The three continued to chat as they slowly paced out of the cave.
When they exited, a ferocious roar could be heard from far, causing a small, insignificant quake. The three were stolen from their conversation and seriousness overtook their faces.
“Which brave idiot provoked it?” Hu Jiao Er sighed.
According to her, this Monster Beast was in the 6th step/realm peak. That is equivalent to an Immortal Ascension Boundary Peak cultivator! Even if it had been sealed for thousands of years, it was a far cry from what the school disciples could handle.
When the three school disciples united to eliminate the other 8 Monster Beasts, it cost them heavy numbers. Now, provoking such a powerhouse was going to be a much bigger massacre!
“I’m going to take a look!” Yang Kai’s vision quickly moves to the direction of the roar and ran with his quickest speed.
Hu Jiao Er and Hu Mei Er were a little slower to react but they launched forward right behind Yang Kai.
The two sisters were unable to keep up with Yang Kai!
When Yang Kai turned around to check on the two sisters, he was surprised. He discovered that both of them were breathing in at the same time. Moreover, Hu Mei Er had no problems keeping up with Hu Jiao Er, who had problems running though she had asthma.
Yang Kai questioned, [Just what kind of inheritance did they obtain to cause such an effect?]
Yang Kai stared at the woman on the left for a long amount of time, turning her red, “What are you staring at me for?”
“Are you Jiao Er or Mei Er?” Yang Kai asked as he could not distinguish between the two sisters at all.
The beauty chuckled, “I’m Mei Er.”
The other beauty quickly interrupted, “No, I am Mei Er. Elder sister, please do not lie right now. We don’t need any more trouble.”
“Who are you calling elder sister? You are the elder sister!” the woman on the left anxiously asked.
“Please elder sister, he cannot recognize us.”
“I’m not the one misleading anyone, elder sister!”
Yang Kai felt dizzy from the confusion.
The two sisters look at Yang Kai and laughed together, which made him realize that he was being taken for a fool.
“We were just joking. You aren’t angry right?” Yang Kai could not tell which sister was speaking.
Yang Kai shook his head, “I’m not.”
“Then why the long face? Give us a smile.”
Yang Kai coughed and looked away, ignoring the two sisters.
After a few kilometers of running, the three had finally arrived close to the source of the roar. They looked at the Monster Beast and were dumbfounded, freezing on the spot as if a blizzard swept through them.
At a viewable proximity, it was a Giant Tortoise Monster Beast, about a hundred meters in length. Its body was comparable to that of a hill. As it walked, each step was nothing less than a stomped and caused the ground to shiver. Its carapace had deep outlines, highlighting its thick, impenetrable figure. Its tail was long and widened towards the tip, looking like a gigantic hammer. Although it was not very fast, each step it took covered a lot of ground. With its sheer size and incomparable power, a swing of its tail was enough to produce a strong gale of wind.
Whoosh! The sound of movement was constant as more than a hundred disciples were in mid-air, attacking the Monster Beast, but even with the endless barrage, it remained indomitable. With its unrestrainable power, each attack and roar made the disciples terror-stricken.

Martial Peak – Chapter 142, Su Yan’s Wrath

Edited by
theunfetteredsalmon (a fan of no caps)
When Yang Kai looked up into the sky, he recognised many of the disciples.
Su Yan, Xie Hongchen, Lan Chudie and many other familiar faces were all grouped together, flying up in the sky. These people were all High Heaven Pavilion disciples!
Meanwhile, Blood Battle Gang and Storm House disciples were all watching the battle unfold by the side, eyes filled with pleasure.
Although Su Yan was the strongest in High Heaven Pavilion, she was unable to afflict any damage on the Monster Beast. As each movement she made was followed by wind and snow, she could only slow down the Monster Beast with her Cold Yin Yuan Qi, so as to prevent more casualties in the High Heaven Pavilion.
Unfortunately, the defence of this Monster Beast was too strong. Covered by an almost impenetrable hard tortoise shell and thick, resistant skin, it was similar to a walking Defensive Sacred Treasure. Although it was sluggish, anyone under Immortal Ascension had no chance against it.
On the field, there were numerous corpses. It could easily be deduced that they were High Heaven Pavilion disciples.
“To think that the High Heaven Pavilion would actually dare to provoke it.” Hu Jiao Er’s brows wrinkled. “However, it can’t be Su Yan who did it. She is not that stupid.”
Meanwhile, a youth was running towards the two girls, his eyes filled with affection. However, his brows immediately wrinkled once he spotted Yang Kai mixed with them.
“Jiao Er?” the youth came to a halt as he looked for Jiao Er amongst the party of three.
“Long Jun. What happened here?” the real Jiao Er opened her mouth to ask.
Long Jun did not hide his glee in watching other’s misfortune. “That idiot actually dared to gather a group of people to steal the treasure that Monster Beast was guarding while it was still asleep. They did not seem to care or think that they would come back with many dead.”
Yang Kai immediately asked, “What did Xie Hong Chen obtain?”
If that Xie Hong Chen did not obtain anything, why would that Monster Beast bother chasing him down?
Long Jun looked towards Yang Kai and couldn’t bear but to speak to assert his authority, “And who are you?”
Hu Jiao Er immediately rolled her eyes. “Just answer him. I would like to know too.”
Long Jun restrained himself. “I am not exactly sure what he took. According to the man himself, he does not have anything on him.”
Hu Jiao Er responded in disbelief, “It is impossible that he did not steal anything! It only looks to draw his blood, how is it possible that he does not possess anything the Monster Beast seeks?”
Long Jun bowed slightly. “I agree. However, since Xie Hong Chen refuses to hand it over, High Heaven Pavilion can only face the Monster Beast’s anger. It is only because Su Yan intervened and is slowing down the Monster Beast right now, otherwise I estimate that many of them would be dead by now.”
Mei Er snorted, showing her despise for Xie Hong Chen. “To think that he would be able to hide behind a woman and use her as a shelter. Despicable!”
“I concur wholeheartedly.” Long Jun nods continuously. “Storm House’s Fang Zi Ji and I actually wish to help High Heaven Pavilion, but we cannot support Xie Hong Chen knowing his deeds.”
In reality, the two sects do not wish to be involved in the fight. Even Su Yan could do nothing but slow the Monster Beast down. The others would contribute very little if they jumped in the fray.
Not to mention, why should they aid Xie Hong Cheng to protect what he had obtained? It was he who provoked the Monster Beast, so this is his responsibility.
They can surely help when all’s said and done, but only on the condition that Xie Hong Chen delivers to them what he obtained!
Another reason as to why the two sects have not made any moves was to make sure that High Heaven Pavilion was in a direr situation. Once they are desperate, giving up what Xie Hong Chen is hoarding would be such a small price to pay to save what little they have left.
Yang Kai’s gaze was fixed onto Su Yan. She was pale and looked exhausted as she had consumed a lot of her Yuan Qi, but with several High Heaven Pavilion disciples fighting alongside her, how could she possibly retreat and abandon them? It would only mean the doubtless deaths of dozens of High Heaven Pavilion disciples.
The only reason that some of them are still alive is because of her slow.
Ice seemed to conjure out of thin air as Su Yan danced around gracefully like a butterfly. In a flash, flowers made of ice shot towards the Monster Beast and grew on its flesh. Those attacks lowered the surrounding temperature, causing a layer of ice to form on the Monster Beast, further slowing it down.
Meanwhile, countless fireball attacks were pelting the giant tortoise’s shell, but to no avail.
“Xie Hong Chen! I ask you one last time! What did you take?” Su Yan’s beautiful eyes stared at the tortoise, unwilling to let her concentration wander.
Hearing her ice-cold words made Xie Hong Chen tremble in fright. He had enraged Su Yan.
Su Yan never loses her temper, but this time was vastly different. In front of her were numerous High Heaven Pavilion disciples, killed for absolutely nothing. As the most senior apprentice of the sect, how could she remain uncaring?
Xie Hong Chen hesitated. His face was filled with fear and panic. He quickly snapped out of it and said, “Su Yan. Why do you also suspect me? If I did take anything, how is it possible for me to keep it from you?”
Su Yan burned with hatred and loathing. With her sharp voice, she yelled, “High Heaven Pavilion Disciples fall back!”
There was no point sieging the tortoise. They could only escape. None of them could tell if the Monster Beast would pursue them, but their of surviving would drastically increase by retreating.
With Su Yan’s command, many High Heaven Pavilion Disciples scattered for their lives, fleeing from the Monster Beast.
The bolts and attacks that shot around the sky started to fade along with the number of people. A few remained to hold the tortoise off.
Su Yan aggressively repeated herself, “Go! Now!”
As she yelled, the layer of ice that covered the Monster Beast exploded. With the shackle now taken off, the Monster Beast restored its agility once more, regardless of how little it may be.
Its giant tail swept across the sky towards the High Heaven Pavilion Disciples who persisted in battle. A few were hit square in the body, resulting in bursts of viscera and red. The lucky ones the tail missed were swept with the wind current it caused, causing them to lose their balance and fall.
The Tortoise gave out a ferocious roar, as its eyes turned to Su Yan and charged forward.
Su Yan did not falter and kept slowing it down. Naturally, it would be irritated by her and prioritised killing her first.
Su Yan moved both of her hands and drew peculiar hand signs, chilling everything that surrounded her. It was as if the entire world entered an ice age. An icy blue hue replaced the heat as the ground was laminated with frost and snow started falling from the clouds.
Everyone was now watching Su Yan. At this moment, her pale cheek turned ruddy again, as she now looked like a floating fairy maiden. It was as though she was a being that descended from the heavens, untouchable and unattainable by the mortal world.
The Tortoise gave another loud, intimidating roar and dashed forward. The distance between the two rapidly closed up but Su Yan remained unfettered.
The coldness that spread the landscape was now gathering on Su Yan, as a huge pure form appeared behind her. The form was like a much bigger version of Su Yan; in fact, several times larger than her.
This almost ethereal form wore white, which highlighted its exquisite and graceful body. It was womanly, seemingly capable of causing the downfalls of nations. Each of its features was enlarged by the same ratio, without the slightest defect. It was so beautiful that it could suck the souls out of people.
The huge frozen body shot its eyes open, encasing the area in frost once again. This time, it was much colder. Those who watched could feel their body freeze up as shivers took control of their senses.
With a wave of her hand, Su Yan made the menacing frozen form fly forward towards the Monster Beast. When the two beings collided, the frozen body entered the Monster Beast. Almost immediately, another layer of ice started to form on the Monster Beast’s skin. This time, it was much thicker. Its limbs quickly froze as it slowly came to a stop.
Blood started to appear around Su Yan’s lips. She had consumed a precariously excessive amount of Yuan Qi. Her slender body started to sway in midair as she tried to resist falling, but her efforts to stay were in vain.
Although the Monster Beast could no longer move, its inertia caused it to continue moving towards Su Yan. Its sheer size made it impossible to stop their collision.
Su Yan watched helpless as the Monster Beast approach her. As she fell, her initial emotions faded. She could only feel a lingering regret.
Suddenly, people started to scream.
The cultivators who observed the magical altercation had only just reawoken from being stunned by awe in seeing a goddess, but Su Yan was now going to fall to her death and perish.
While the cultivators screamed, a small figure was darting towards to Su Yan. As the person ran, a small trail of fire emerged in his footsteps
The figure burst into a ball of flame as he turned into a red flash of light with his ever more increasing speed.
The youth ran directly under Su Yan, to where she would land. He jumped up, and with his two arms, caught the falling goddess. When the youth landed back on the ground, he bent his back and his knees to make it as soft a landing as possible. With haste he brought the goddess to safety, leaving the Monster Beast behind him.
Chapter 143 – Is it Certain Death?

In that moment, time didn’t seem to move.

Several hundred people were still vacant and shocked. There were still screams echoing in the battle’s wake.

For now, a shadowy figure engulfed in red can be seen dashing at high speed. The figure left a trail so obvious that his start point and path of travel could be deduced, from where he stood to where Su Yan was falling.

The huge Monster Beast was still sliding fast from inertia. A few feet from it, a man and a woman could be seen in each other’s arms, as though they planned to stay together through life and death.

In that instant, Yang Kai and Su Yan’s eyes met.

Su Yan looked with terror, but in eyes of Yang Kai there was sadness, as if he took pity on her.

That kind of look gave Su Yan an undescribable, unfamiliar feeling. No one has ever looked at her like that. It was always an elder who looked with respect, her colleagues and friends with admiration, her juniors and disciple with respect and worship and perhaps, a few others who stared with envy.

But this pitying and sad look, it was actually the first ever for Su Yan.

She is so beautiful and talented that no one has ever found the need to look at her the way Yang Kai does right now.

Why is he taking pity on me? Why does he look so sad? Those eyes were like a needle, piercing Su Yan’s heart and mind, still feeble from the aftermath of her move. She felt unbearable pain.

And yet, she could feel why he would look that way.

Her focused changed, and she noticed how warm and comfortable she felt. The body of the one who held her is very warm. It has been a very long time since she last felt like this. She cultivated Ice Heart Secret Art which froze her heart and mind to all emotions. In her world, everything is frozen. There was nothing else there but the cold for any of the damned who would find himself there.

Warmth and cold are opposite elements, they repel each other. She should loathe this feeling but why does she feel the most comfortable in a long time? She wanted to forget everything in the warmth. She laid in his arms and thought that even if seas were to dry and mountains were to crumble, or even if the sky fell, she would never want to leave the mysterious person’s embrace.

Su Yan couldn’t help but hug him tightly again.

As people came back to reality, time moved once again.

“It’s Yang Kai!” Hu Jiao Er called out snappily. She didn’t notice that it was Yang Kai who moved to catch Su Yan. She was too shocked by the method he used. When she came out of her trance, Yang Kai was no longer by her side.

Hu Mei Er covered her mouth in shock. With shivering eyes as she looked upon the turtle Monster Beast, she could not see straight from fright.

“He is seeking death!” Long Jun commented loudly.

Yang Kai’s back was hit by the frozen turtle Monster Beast. Yang Kai tried to dodge as he was far from being able to follow up with Su Yan and continue attacking the beast, but he could not evade it even if he wanted to. His strength was still not up to par.

When the turtle Monster Beast and Yang Kai were about to collide with each other, Yang Kai bent his back like a bow and took advantage of this opportunity to face forward to draw support to reduce as much damage as he could like a cushion.

Inevitably, Yang Kai and Su Yan crashed with the turtle’s chest and were sent flying dozens of feet. As they rolled from the impact of the landing, they still held each other tumbling and bumping until they came to a stop.

Yang Kai was in a bad position. His face was pale white, but Su Yan, who remained in his arms was unharmed. Only her clothes and hair were dishevelled.

Yang Kai lost all of his strength and spat blood onto Su Yan’s chest.

Su Yan’s eyes quivered. There were mighty waves filling her inner emotions and this movement was something she could not calm. She slowly and gently placed her left hand on Yang Kai’s forehead, to stroke and to comfort him as they both laid motionless.

Yang Kai protected her with his own body when they tumbled. Almost all of the impact was absorbed by him. She remained unscathed and untouched.

The frozen Monster Beast slid along the ground, making a screech like scratching glass with a sharp object, leaving a deep mark. It then gradually came to a stop, not too far from Yang Kai and Su Yan.

The world became deadly quiet. Everyone muttered nothing. They looked at where Yang Kai and Su Yan were, witnessing a tired and

hurt couple embracing.

If it was somewhere else it would have caused public criticism and jealousy.

Who dares to be intimate with Su Yan? Every inch of her flesh is sacred and noble. A common person can only look but never touch.

But right now, not only is a man is hugging her, he is also burying his head in her chest, smelling and touching her soft and fragrant body.

Even with all of that going on, nobody thought of it as improper. Could you be angry at a dead person?

Is there any use in being mad at the deceased? He sacrificed his life to protect Su Yan. He could have enjoyed paradise instead of dying.

Everyone had little doubt that Yang Kai had died under the direct impact of such force.

Only Xie Hongchen’s eyes turned after seeing this.

The last time he saw Yang Kai holding hands with Su Yan he almost went mad with jealousy. That is a scene that he cannot forget, like a nightmare. Remembering it is akin to a hot knife cutting through his skin. But now, this person has crossed the line in making a move on her in front of so many people. How could he be expected to endure this?

The sight of them made his emotional floodgate open and reveal all his resentfulness and anger as he huffed like an angry bull, losing all sense of reason. He glared lividly at Yang Kai, full of murderous intent from the bottom of his heart.

Su Yan who is lied under Yang Kai, both a thousand feet away from Xie Hongchen, lifts her eyes slowly and looks at him with an ice-cold look.

Xie Hongchen twitched at her stare and pulled himself together. He turned his gaze to the floor as he was filled with chagrin and remorse.

If he had been bold instead and rescued Su Yan, he would have been the one enjoying all of this, wouldn’t he? He was much stronger than Yang Kai, meaning he would have likely avoided death should the turtle Monster Beast collide with him.

If all he had to do was to get severely injured to receive Su Yan’s favour, he would have looked like a winner as Yang Kai does right now.

So, why? Why is it that at that moment he was unable to react? Why was he so immersed in Su Yan’s illusionary shadow, neglecting her crises? Why was Yang Kai not immersed himself?

He missed such a great but unexpected opportunity… He missed it!

A strong wind blew and the world stayed silent.

Su Yan’s beautiful hair swayed in the win. Yang Kai’s clothes fluttered, too.

None dared to go forward. Everyone stood in their places like statues.

Su Yan looked up towards the chaotic sky. A gentle sound came from her mouth, a singing that could not be heard by anyone but Yang Kai.

The singing voice had a trace of longing for a person she yearned for. Her hands continued to pat Yang Kai’s head like a loving mother, like she was fulfilling her duty to coax her child to sleep in peace.

Nearby, the giant turtle Monster Beast raised a forelimb, a ferocious expression frozen and framed in ice as if he was getting ready to turn Yang Kai and Su Yan into little more than a bloody pulp.

The song was like a picturesque story of a tragedy suffered by a beautiful but bleak woman.

As the song ended, Su Yan stopped and exhaled. The wind blows apart Yang Kai’s fringe as Su Yan says in a soft voice, ”Let’s get up.”

“What song is that?” Yang Kai asked in a soft and a weak voice still staying motionless in the same spot.

Su Yan remained silent for a long time, then slowly replied, “I don’t know, it is a song from my memories.”

“It’s a good song.” Yang Kai sat up slowly. The corner of his mouth was still dripping with blood, face still pale and body still shivering as he supports himself with a little strength.

Su Yan looked at him lightly as a variety emotions which welled up in her settled down and vanished, leaving behind only coldness.

Yang Kai sighed. He knows that Elder Sister forcefully suppresses emotions in her heart, making her tranquil like a frozen lake.

He puts out a hand to ask for her support. Su Yan helps Yang Kai with her strength and both of them got on their feet.

Su Yan was covered in dust, her hair ruffled. But she still gave out a sacred aura and hasn’t lost her imposing manner.

“How is this possible?” People called out in alarm. Everyone looked at the pale young boy with disbelief.

The person who they thought had just died, is now standing like it was nothing, though he was clearly injured. Though he seemed frail and miserable, his life was no longer in danger.

Is his body made of iron or something similar? He bore that enormous hit and still lived. How is that possible? On the side of the Bloody Battle Gang, Long Jun’s jaw was wide open. The shock robbed his speech away from him.

Even Hu Jiao Er and Hu Mei Er could not calm down; they were taking deep heavy breaths. Hu Mei Er was hanging a wide, light smile like a heavy load was been lifted off her chest. The corner of her eyes glittered with her tears while she muttered to herself quietly, “Good, good.” In saying this, she covered her mouth and sobbed.

Hu Jiao Er who was also staring at the pair hurriedly lifted her hand to her own tears.

What is going on with her? Hu Jiao Er was startled. Yang Kai was no longer repugnant to him, but for a moment there was a sharp pain in her heart. But Hu Jiao Er also knows that no attention would be paid to her in the climax of such a moment.

It is possible for her to weep for a person who she doesn’t even know well? Besides, though she no longer hated him, she still did not harbour positive feelings about him.

Looking at her own younger sister, the sisters felt relief in their mind after such great tension. This relief from anxiety and weight was filled with ecstasy, and it came from the bottom of Hu Jiao Er’s heart.

Hu Jiao Er’s eyes were traced with respite and confusion.

Storm House’s Fang Ziji’s eyes gleamed with comfort and said slowly,” Elder sister Du, he is alive!”

Du Yishuang felt a rush of excitement as her cheeks flushed beet red. Patting her chest, she says,” He frightened me a moment ago. It would have been a great pity should he have died. He is a good person.”

On the High Heaven Pavilion side, Xie Hongchen looked defeated and lifeless.

If only he had seized that opportunity. Now that Yang Kai had basically become a loved one to Su Yan, he became green with envy to the point of dread. He had never suffered such a painful and costly defeat. He couldn’t think properly..

Martial Peak – Chapter 144, The Prestige of the Star Mark

Lan Chudie’s eyes shone at Yang Kai’s face as if she was lost in a dream.

When she fought with the Tortoise Monster Beast some time ago she received some wounds. Her clean clothes were stained with her own blood. She was breathing heavily and shortly, almost like she was hyperventilating. Looking at the man and woman standing under the foreboding shadow of the Tortoise Monster Beast, she felt a surge of emotion.

The man who rescued Su Yan did so in disregard of his-starlight-life, leaving a deep impression in the hearts of all women present. Lan Chudie was no exception.

If a man is willing to pay for a woman’s life with his own, even if he’s weaker than her, then why can’t she be with him? Women’s requests are sometimes tall, and sometimes small, and sometimes a few words or a little action can open up their heart and leave a beautiful image of him behind.

Now that the woman who is standing under that Monster Beast has found her ideal man, won’t she be happy?

But on remembering that incident, Lan Chudie felt dejected. She forced herself to smile.

“Do you still have the strength to fight?” Yang Kai asked Su Yan, pointing towards the Monster Beast.

“I do not have any strength left.” Su Yan shook her head slowly. “We need to hurry; this monster is too strong. I can only freeze it for half a minute. If we don’t leave now, we will never even dream of escaping alive.”

“Even if we were to leave, where will we go?” Yang Kai chuckled. “It was pursuing Xie Hongchen, but now it will pursue you without a doubt. We can only escape if you alone leave.

“In that case, I will leave. I can’t allow High Heaven Pavilion to suffer anymore for me than it already has.”

“What can you do?” Yang Kai said ominously. ” Senior Sister, you think too highly of yourself.”

Su Yan looked at Yang Kai with surprise.

[Is he reproving me? He actually dares to reprove me?]

Even the elders in the sect have never done so, but Su Yan was not angry as she did not disagree with him.

“Take a look at the High Heaven Pavilion disciples.” Yang Kai said, directing at the disciples; some breathing heavily in the atmosphere, others sitting cross-legged on the ground, all seizing the valued time-out to recover and regenerate. “Even if you were to leave, can you guarantee that this Monster Beast will not kill them? Without you, they will only die a quick death!”

“Then what do you think we should do?” Su Yan questioned.

“It’s simple. We just need to kill it.” Yang Kai cracked into a smile as his forehead emitted droplets of cold sweat.

“Kill it?” Su Yan was startled by Yang Kai’s brazen and voracious appetite for feats that few others would try. To be able to flee with their lives from the face of this Monster Beast is a bargain few would contest, but to kill it?

As Yang Kai and Su Yan spoke, a flicking movement could realize from the Monster Beast from under the thick layer of ice. “How has it already passed?”

“Looks like we don’t have time for more discussion!” Yang Kai said to Su Yan while waving his hand. ”You need to draw back now! We will try and kill it, but if we fail we will hopefully still have time to run.”

The sound of ice disintegrating and cracking grew louder and louder. the still frozen Tortoise Monster Beast slowly rotated his body and turned its scarlet eyes toward Su Yan and Yang Kai. To it, the two were as small and insignificant as ants.

“Retreat!” Yang Kai roared at Su Yan, who showed no signs of movement from her spot.

Su Yan’s body jerked and she quickly moved a distance away from the Monster Beast. The remaining injured disciples of High Heaven Pavilion did the same.

Yang Kai kept his foot stationary in front of the Tortoise Monster Beast. The thin figure of Yang Kai standing in the shadow of the giant made it look nothing short of mighty.

Yang Kai stood looking like a confident wall blocking the Monster Beast. He was like a shield that could shelter the onlookers from wind and rain.

He started raising his hand up slowly. Those who watched did not see anything unusual, but they could feel the power of one thousand, ten thousand hands emerging and combining to contain the force of a five thousand kilogramme sledgehammer.

*Crack*. The sound of a bone dislocating could be heard.

Starlight began to sparkle and a frightening momentum erupted from Yang Kai. His clothes flapped and his hair danced as a strong wind began to orbit around him.

“Everyone!” Yang Kai screamed with his inexhaustible strength, detonating from his body.

Finally, his right hand came to a stop and with a roaring sound, he turned his palm into a fist.

Yang Kai’s place brightened up as if it has become a beautiful starry night sky. His right fist was also covered in the dazzling light. Slowly, his hand began to move inch by inch, back from its position and ballooned with strength with each passing moment.

“If you are willing…”Yang Kai muttered unhurriedly as his eyes became red. He controlled the energy contained in his fist with all his might.

“What kind of Martial Skill is this!?” Fang Ziji’s face changed greatly. Even though they were thousands of feet from Yang Kai, they could still easily feel its fearsome vigour, all concentrated in this one, solitary, minute fist.

What’s more, the fist was still poised in building strength. It did not show any signs of stopping. It was already scary, what would happen once it discharges? What kind of terror would it cause?

“So beautiful…”Hu Mei Er and Hu Jiao Er uttered in unison. There were stars littered and twinkling everywhere like a night sky. The people watching the scene felt engrossed in its beauty, almost forgetting the imminent danger they may face.

The earth underneath Yang Kai’s foot began to quake, unable to withstand such colossal strength. Cracks in the dirt formed around him and slowly, his body began to sink in the ground and his legs started to bend.

As the Monster Beast continued to thaw rapidly from his icy prison, his scarlet eyes no longer saw resentment and hatred, but instead filled with panic and fear with an overwhelming urge to flee. It just wanted to run. It feared Yang Kai’s fist more than anything else. The tortoise was sealed for many years. It was weak. It was not easy for it to regain its consciousness, but it cannot even enjoy its short amount of time out from its slumber. It did not want to be hurt and fall into boundless, deep sleep again.

But the ice that bounded it hindered its movement.

“Then give me a hand…”Yang Kai opened his mouth a third time. He was only able to say a few words at a time and needed to concentrate on accumulating energy. Those few short sentences made people know of its meaning and the concentration required to control his accumulated power.

With those words, Yang Kai jumped into the air with an accelerated speed, bringing the starry sky with him.

The Starlight sparkled with boundless radiance and power to overcome everything.

Within a few seconds Yang Kai was a hundred feet high in the air and as he came to hover, he immediately moved towards the direction of the Monster Beast’s head.

Suddenly, the layer of ice cracked apart and a loud roar pierced the eardrums of everyone around. “Roooooaaaaarrrrr….” Although ear deafening, its roar did not contain the subjugating power it once had. It was now filled with dread; a roar of panic.

“Help me!” Yang Kai roared. Even with his voice was going against the roar of the Tortoise Monster Beast, it was no weaker. With utmost clarity, his voice managed to reach everyone’s ears.

His fist was quickly wrapped in a thick coat of star light. As the starlight gyrated around his hand, it was fluctuating in speed. For a second, it was fast and bright, in another, it was slow and dull. This was an erratic light show presented to everyone present.

*Bang!* Yang Kai’s fist made contact with the head of the Tortoise Monster Beast.

It blared out like a burst of loud thunder. Such a tiny fist going against something the size of the Tortoise Monster Beast seemed laughable. However, a single pound from his fist sent tremor in everyone’s heart, as if this fist disintegrated their mind and soul.

A halo erupted, engulfing the entire head of gigantic Tortoise Monster Beast. The force of the meteor-like fist made the Monster Beast stagger back; wind and dust were brought forth from its wake. [A miracle!], the thought ran through the minds of spectators in awe.

The force was so strong that Yang Kai flew back, rotating in air, to only staggered and fall down. His right hand was soaked in blood, shivering uncontrollably. It took him some time to steady himself. With a look of disdain towards the Tortoise Monster Beast, a few meters away from him, his weak body emitted a bloodthirsty aura.

Meanwhile, the audience could not help but gasp in awe. Everyone’s eyes were shivering with disbelief. No one could have imagined such a sight; a Monster Beast that even Su Yan could only slow down had been forced back by a boy. Not to mention, the Martial Skill that made it possible. When they recalled their first impressions of this Martial Skill, no one would have thought that such a majestic starry sky would wield such terrifying power.

Looking his frail back facing against the Monster Beast, Su Yan’s heart cannot help but violently palpitate. She was well aware that this scene would be burnt into her mind, unforgettable. The back of a boy younger than her, that managed to accomplish what she could not.

Hu Mei Er face turned flush red. she looked at Yang Kai of panic struck expression. Meanwhile, Hu Jiao Er’s heart began to accelerate.

[What is this?] Hu Jiao Er became restless. The feelings she had right now were not her own. They were produced by her younger sister and transmitted to her. The thought of her own will being twisted like this made her heart drop in fear.

Lan Chudie’s heart also palpitated in excitement but unlike the Hu sisters, she showed a despondent look. The instant she felt a burst of emotions, she recalled her own relations with Yang Kai to only end up in disappointment.

A back to rely on was something every woman seeks. Watching Yang Kai exhibit such traits made all the women’s hearts set aflutter. It could even be said that such a reliable back melted into their hearts as a brandmark.

“Amazing!” Fang Ziji spoke from his heart. However, many were not as optimistic as him. They realized their meager strength and muttered in a low-spirited voice, “To think that there is this kind of Martial Skill in this world and there is someone who can also display it…”

“Why, why, why?”Xie Hongchen muttered with a lifeless voice, ”Why wasn’t it me to obtain the Martial Skill? Why was it not me? If I had that Martial Skill, everyone’s focus would be on me and I would be bathing in their admiration! Why does it have to be him? He is merely lucky.”

“Why aren’t you helping? If this thing doesn’t die now, the only chance you have to survive is to run!” Yang Kai spoke in a loud voice, reverberating within the ears of everyone around. When they could finally digest his words, everyone realised the gravity of the situation they were in.

Su Yan immediately shouts, ”Help us!!”

Martial Peak – Chapter 145, The Joint Effort of the Three Sects

This made all High Heaven Pavilion disciples ready to fight.
“Elder sister!”Hu Mei Er turned her face eagerly towards Hu Jiao Er for her approval.
“Jiao Er, let’s not mix in this turbid water. Who knows if that monster beast still has the strength to counterattack. It will be better for us to watch the disciples of High Heaven Pavilion from the side,” Long Jun suggested.
“You shut up! Coward!” Hu Mei Er wickedly stared at Long Jun.
Long Jun became speechless.
Hu Jiao Er forced a smile on her face. Looking at her younger sister and
then at
Yang Kai, a tender feeling beat in her heart. She then shouted, “Disciples of Bloody Battle Gang, go forth and aid them!”
Then, she dashed forward to be first in line to assist.
On the other side at Storm House, Du Yishuang looked at Fang Ziji and said anxiously in a soft voice, “He rescued my life.”
Fang Ziji pinched her nose then said, “Then what will you do if I said we should sit at the foot of the mountain?”
“I will despise you and look down on you for the rest of my life!” Du Yishuang protested boldly to her elder fellow apprentice.
“Hey…” Fang Ziji uttered with helplessness. “Since you put it that way, what else can I do?”
He smiled widely. “Today I have experienced the boldness of a hero, so how can I, Fang Ziji fall behind? Storm House men obey and follow the order, so now come and kill along with me. Let’s let everyone see how masculine Storm House males are!”
Rosy: (This guy is so full of BS)
“Yeah!” Storm House disciple roared.
“Senior brother, what about us, the female disciples? What are we supposed to do?” Du Yishuang asked without forgetting.
“Sit on the sideline, and obediently observe. So long as you females help your husbands bear strong children, you do not need to think of anything else.” Then, he musters a group of disciples and herds it towards the Tortoise Monster Beast.
“Hmph!” Du Yishuang puffed. ”I know that you think of men to be superior to women, but when it comes to strength I am not any less powerful than you.” With saying this, she tagged along.
After these many past days, only seven hundred to eight hundred people were remaining from three sects. Some were killed by the turtle monster beast, but eighty percent of the ones remaining still had the strength to fight.
As for the remaining 20%, some were either injured and would not be able to contribute anything or their strength was too low, so even if they came forward to help it wouldn’t matter.
The enthusiasm was shocking. Three main disciples of three sects, three forces, three directions but the target was only one crawling on the ground: the Tortoise Monster Beast.
Yang Kai’s Star Mark injured it acutely, which is significant enough to incapacitate it even if it did not lose its life.
The first to rush in happened to be the High Heaven Pavilion disciples. They displayed their most powerful Martial Skills and attacked relentlessly. The scene looked like they were matches throwing fire at it.
The next to follow through was the Bloody Battle Gang and the last was Storm House.
Of all those people, only a few have achieved True Elementary Boundary. Su Yan did not have any strength to continue fighting, and Xie Hongchen hadn’t gotten back his composure. So the only ones remaining were Fang Ziji, Long Jun and Hu Jiao Er.
However, they were in the first or second boundary of the True Element Boundary. It was very difficult to inflict any effective damage to the almost impregnable Tortoise Monster Beast.
Their attacks were small and trifling, causing an inconsequential effect.
This was such the for disciples still circling the Monster Beast. Though they saw that their attacks did not bear any results, the disciples of the three sects did not retreat in discouragement. They continued to release barrages of killing strikes that tickled the Tortoise. From its position, there were still sounds of dings and dongs from the inconsiderable impacts pelting its shell.
Yang Kai stood in the same spot grinning.
He thought that it was the perfect time to use Star Mark. Inspiring everyone to unite and resume their siege was more than worth it.
Su Yan looked upon the majestic scene as if it was a miracle.
All the disciples from the different sects always used to battle against each other, particularly and especially in the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, constantly struggling with each other. She was always unhappy with the internal conflicts, so she took to traveling alone, separate from the noisy fighting, but with her status and prestige she would only need to say a word and all disciples of the High Heaven Pavilion will gather to be by her side.
With the imminent slaughter of High Heaven Pavilion Disciples, Su Yan had no choice but to fight back. Even if it was Xie Hongchen who brought forth this catastrophe, she simply could not allow her sect’s Disciples to be massacred. Never would she have expected such a turnabout, a reversal that was only possible due to the man in front of her.
No one could make the disciples of the three schools cooperate with each other to this degree. Everyone present didn’t battle with each other, they didn’t mistrust each other, but they all are holding a single thought and that is to kill this Turtle Monster Beast.
This event in itself is a miracle!
Looking at his right arm dripping with blood, Su Yan’s heart ached a little without even realizing it.
She wanted to help him treat his injury, but she held herself back.
What this man represented at that moment were strength and determination. If she went forward to help, there would be emotions and feelings involved and he didn’t need those feelings, not at this time.
But at this moment from the corner of her eye, Su Yan saw the girl Hu Mei Er from the Bloody Battle Gang approaching Yang Kai with an anxious expression and enquiring about his injuries, then taking out few bottles of medicine and applying it on his injuries. She then tore her sleeve and wrapped his arm with the cloth.
On seeing this, Su Yan’s eyes dimmed a little and she turned her face in the other direction.
Perhaps because of the joint attack of three sects, the Turtle Monster Beast showed signs of awakening. Slowly but surely, its eyes were beginning to refocus and its huge body began to move. This only instilled haste and a tinge of fear in the attackers, who then ramp up their attacks to try and quicken the process.
Suddenly a female voice sounded, “Hit its head, it has wounds there!” This was the voice of Du Yishuang from Storm House.
Fang Ziji and Hu Jiao Er listened and hastily moved to above the head of the Turtle Monster Beast and sucked their tongues in.
They discovered that on its head, there were large cracks and fresh red blood can be seen flowing from it. Since his head was hidden in the shell, one would have to look carefully to discover the wounds.
“Damn it!” Fang Ziji could not bear it and cursed. He had been fighting for a long time but to no avail, and here is a ready-made foot long wound.
This was the effect of Yang Kai’s attack. How mighty was his fist to cause such a serious wound?
Although his mind was in shock he still cooperated with Hu Jiao Er and started redirecting their attacks against the wound. It made the Monster Beast violent with its movement.
“Women, get out of the way.” Fang Ziji shouts to Hu Jiao Er who was attacking with him.
“Only in eyes of idiot males is a girl is inferior to a boy, so I will not lower myself to your level.” Hu Jiao Er snapped coldly.
In all of the three sects’ disciples, Fang Ziji has a male superiority complex, thinking that only males can be decision makers when it comes to important matters, not caring to even consider women. In his eyes, only Su Yan is a female who he sometimes looks up to.
According to rumours, once when he was with his teacher, the sect Master of Storm House, Xiao Ruohan, he advised him to not recruit female disciples in the future, and naturally Xiao Ruohan ignored Fang Ziji, but the matter is that they discussed it together in Black Plum Village’s Spring Breeze Drizzle Building and this talk became an extremely embarrassing thing for the pair when they finally got the news of it.
After that, Fang Ziji never mentioned this matter further, but his mentality has not changed.
It’s not that he disliked females, but in his opinion men and women were two different species, where the former was nobler than the latter.
I am a man and I am proud of it, I am a man and I am proud! Those type of thoughts.
Those were his moral ideals. Fang Ziji thought that females should not do what they were not meant to do.
He was quite young and dashing, still. He was tyrannical and always serious about everything. Therefore, he never had a lack of female admirers.
Unfortunately, he was frequently contradictory.
Hu Jiao Er’s reply made Fang Ziji furrow his eyebrows, then he sent a fierce attack towards the head of the Turtle Monster Beast while shooting back angrily,
“who are you calling an idiot?”
Hu Jiao Er follows with another killing strike against the same spot without faltering and replied, “Stinking brat! If you so dislike females, why don’t you go to your fellow male apprentices to make happy love with them?”
Her remarks turned Fang Ziji pale and gave him a strong urge to vomit.
To do it with his Fellow Male Apprentice……
Just imagining such a scene gave Fang Ziji a bout of dizziness.
Hu Jiao Er laughed lightly, as she took pleasure in his misfortune.
“A lady who is not concerned about her words and impressions on others.” Fang Ziji said with a unendurable feeling, ”Anyone who marries you would have terrible luck.”
“Nobody needs your concession!” Hu Jiao Er blushed slightly and rolled her eyes.
“I don’t want to bicker with you. Let’s see who can strike this Monster Beast fatally.” Fang Ziji said.
“Hmph, you are not my match!” Hu Jiao Er sneered.
Without waiting for them, a pure white form suddenly appeared in front of the Monster Beast. The form was surrounded by an ice cold mist, and she pointed her jade finger towards the Monster Beast’s wound an ice cold white energy was presented.
The ice cold energy was absorbed by the gashing wound and suddenly, a bright burst of scarlet red blood spouted out of it, looking beautiful.
The scarlet blood changed into shards of icicles and drilled into the skull of Monster Beast.
“Roar….” the Turtle Monster Beast suddenly got on his feet and facing upward, it gave a loud roar. Its huge body became unsteady and began to sway. Its red eyes began to weaken as its eyes were filled with unwillingness.
Fang Ziji and Hu Jiao Er turned their heads to see a pale-faced Su Yan, who had exhausted what little strength she had been able to accumulate to provide the killing blow.
After exhausting her last scrap of strength, Su Yan tried to turn her head but fell. She didn’t have any more strength to fight again.
Fang Ziji and Hu Jiao Er felt the chilling aura that Su Yan was sending out, noticing its difference from her usual aura.
In the past, that coldness was pure through and through with no attribute attached to it.
But now, this chill seemed to be much different, making it hard to endure.
“ Who annoyed her?” Fang Ziji asks doubtfully.
“How would I know?” Hu Jiao Er replied impatiently. She was from the Bloody Battle Gang and she thought that the disciples of other two schools were no good.
With Fang Ziji himself being a perfect specimen, she didn’t need to look any further for reference.
Looking at the other side on High Heaven Pavilion’s Su Yan was now emotionless like an ice baby. She always remained indifferent and unapproachable. She didn’t even look at Xie Hongchen, a person who was willing do anything for fame and power.
Her Bloody Battle Gang, though not the strongest were at the very least normal. Only when both sisters grew up could they then give a helping hand to their father in managing the Bloody Battle Gang.
“If nobody annoyed her, why would she attack with the just restored Yuan Qi?” Fang Ziji couldn’t understand her motive, shaking his head looking at Hu Jiao Er, who was still attacking the Turtle Monster Beast while he was distracted. He shouts angrily, ”You… you…woman, even if you won like this it wouldn’t be counted as a victory!”
Announcement coming up soon!

Martial Peak – Chapter 146, The Sinister Soul Breaker Awl

Hu Jiao Er laughed slyly, “Since you said that you want to have a bet with me a victory is a victory no matter how I obtain it. Also, let me remind you that I am a female and since you believe men are above us, what is the point of competing with me in the first place?”
After hearing this Fang Ziji became speechless, and when he came to his senses he said, “No man can ever win against a woman in a debate.”
Of the fate of the Tortoise Monster Beast, half of it was decided when the three sects came together to defeat it, and the other half was decided when Su Yan used her remaining strength to destroy its crippled life. The Tortoise no longer had the strength to fight back, its death was only a matter of time.
All of this was made possible by the overpowering punch from Yang Kai. It motivated the disciples of the three sects, igniting their will to fight and giving them the courage to overcome this colossal difficulty.
However, the punch ruptured the blood vessels in his right hand. Hu Mei Er was helping him wrap it with a bandage.
Yang Kai never imagined that the Star Mark was this powerful. He was on the verge of losing control when using it, and the recoil of that punch left him paralysed, leaving him temporarily disabled.
If it was not so, why would he have remained unmovable like a pole at this time? The adrenaline that was running through his body settled down and only now was he was able to feel the pain from the damage his body had sustained.
Looking at the several hundred disciples that were attacking, Yang Kai did not see Xie Hongchen among them. Instead, he was somewhere else staring at the sky with a blank face. After Yang Kai attacked the Tortoise Monster Beast, Xie Hongchen was stupefied and he was only able to compose himself after a little while.
He knew that Yang Kai had obtained a top-grade inheritance, otherwise his strength would never let him wield such power.
That punch gave a Peak Sixth Realm Monster Beast such heavy injuries.
Yang Kai cannot be given the opportunity to grow further. If he does, not only will Xie Hongchen be unable to woo Su Yan, he himself would be in very big trouble.
So, as his crisis needed solving, a ruthless gleam flashed across Xie Hongchen’s eyes. He looked at the person who was standing quite a distance from him.
That person was Nie Yong.
He was also injured in the fight alongside Lan Chudie, and right now he was rejuvenating not far from Yang Kai.
Nie Yong was in a confused state. He was unable to judge what his heart was going through at this moment. He and Yang Kai had clashed many times when they entered the cave. He had even caused many obstacles and made people chase him down.
But they were unable to locate his hiding place, so that matter came to an end at that time. However, the existence of Yang Kai was like a fish bone stuck in his throat, neither able to stomach it nor cough it out.
He still remembers the words that Yang Kai spoke when he escaped from him.
After such a short time, Yang Kai had already become strong and formidable. This almost made Nie Yong piss in his pants. If that punch were to land on him he would have certainly met a short and cruel death.
Now, what should I do? What the hell should I do? Everyone’s attention was focused on that Monster Beast and nothing else, but when that Monster Beast dies how would I be able to bear his anger?
The nervous and anxious Nie Yong saw Xie Hongchen give him a signal with his eyes.
He clearly understood the meaning of the signal his brother was giving him, but he was startled by it.
On seeing this, he turned serious. He understood that if he wanted to live, the only way was to kill Yang Kai. Otherwise, he would surely exact his revenge. Moreover, his brother also wanted Yang Kai dead. Once he has killed him, with his brother shielding him everything would turn out just fine.
After seeing Yang Kai’s punch, Nie Yong had lost his ability to assess the situation calmly and had pinned all his hopes on Xie Hongchen.
Standing up, Nie Yong slowly walked toward Yang Kai step by step.
Yang Kai acted as if he was unaware of the impending doom. He simply stood at the same spot without moving a finger.
Nie Yong was increasing his pace step by step. The only person near Yang Kai right now was Hu Mei Er of the Bloody Battle Gang. As long as he moved fast enough he can surely make a killing strike.
As for the matter of killing at a more suitable time, it was already out of consideration.
Everyone was focused on the Tortoise Monster Beast and no one had noted the movements of Nie Yong, except for one person.
That person was Lan Chudie.
Yang Kai crossing the sky to rescue Su Yan followed by his punch to severely injure the Monster Beast.. those scenes were replaying in her mind over and over, causing a feeling of loss in her heart.
She had not thought that the person who had followed her for days and did as he was told would show such fearsome strength. If she had known earlier…
This feeling was like discarding a hunk of jade because she thought it was a normal stone. This mistake made Lan Chudie extremely regretful.
Everyone was still watching the battle unfold, but she was looking at the back of Yang Kai, a dazzling back that was taken from her. Comparing Xie Hongchen’s character and his was like comparing excrement to diamond.
This disaster was brought about by Xie Hongchen to be solved by this person standing in front of her, so such a standard was understandable.
The movement of Nie Yong quickly brought the attention of Lan Chudie. At first, she thought that Nie Yong had restored his injuries and was going to enter the battle but observing for a few more moments, that didn’t seem to be the case. The target of Nie Yong was unexpectedly Yang Kai. Moreover, Nie Yong was also using his World Qi while walking, and she was able to feel its slight fluctuation.
Lan Chudie is an intelligent woman. She immediately understood what Nie Yong wanted to do. When she was about to shout to warn Yang Kai, she saw him turn his head to look at Nie Yong mockingly.
He smiled like a sly devil.
Nie Yong came to a halt. He fearfully looked at Yang Kai. He didn’t know that Yang Kai realized his motive but, being his stare terrified him.
His look was like looking at a dead person.
“Brother Nie.” Yang Kai turned around slowly and maintained his smile.
“Brother Yang.” Nie Yong gulped, unable to move even though he clearly wanted to.
“Do you want to kill me?”
Those words made Nie Yong so frightened he took a few steps back and waving his hand own hands quickly, he said with a smile, ”Brother Yang, why would I do such a thing? We are from the same sect and we are brothers, how can I commit such a deed?”
Nie Yong felt the skin on his face twitch because of the nonsense pouring out of his mouth, but he couldn’t help it as he was panic-stricken.
That one fist can cause such heavy damage to a Peak Sixth Realm Monster Beast, how could he not panic? And to make things worse, they had such recent burning enmity.
While speaking, Nie Yong slowly moved back step by step while laughing awkwardly. Presenting himself as harmless as possible, he moved almost like a pendulum.
“Nie Yong!” Yang Kai screamed angrily, his face twisted with such anger he looked like a maddened evil spirit.
Nie Yong was afraid, so afraid he could not bring the guts to utter any sound. He turned around and ran for his life. He had not even taken ten steps before he heard howling and sobbing voices following him.
When he turned around to look, he felt his soul leave him. He noticed a dark awl, coming from Yang Kai, flying towards him with eerie laughter.
This laughter was so strange and evil it reduced Nie Yong’s courage to nothing.
Even after taking some distance from Yang Kai, Nie Yong refused to sit and wait for his death. When he turned around to fight, Nie Yong discovered that it wasn’t as bad and as terrifying as he had expected. With his current strength, although it was difficult to resist, it was insufficient to kill him.
Nie Yong felt relief as he knew that at present Yang Kai’s situation was not as good as he was letting on. However, he would still need to expend some strength to escape.
With this surprising discovery, Nie Yong began to fight back while still retreating. He was somehow able to deflect the attacks but was still unable to escape from the evil awl that was chasing him. It made laughing sounds that no one would ever forget, especially him.
What is this ghost? Even if it is a secret treasure, it can follow a target? Yang Kai is standing motionless in the same place. Why won’t he attack me?
He heard footsteps emerge from nowhere behind him and was once again shocked. Nie Yong turned to see Lan Chudie supporting her injured body, coming towards him with a calm expression.
Nie Yong suddenly became happy as he shouted, ”Sister Lan, please save me!”
Lan Chudie looked at him lightly which gave Nie Yong a very bad premonition. Looking uncertain, he suddenly felt a palm hit him violently on his chest.
“Aaahhhh!” Nie Yong howled pitifully and suddenly came to a stop. Suddenly a wild laughter transmitted from the black fog. Was it an accident? Nie Yong was unable to understand what was going on.
“Why did sister Lan…….” Nie Yong’s body shivered fiercely and before completing his sentence, both his eyes slowly lost their light as his body fell over softly.
Lan Chudie took heavy breaths in big gulps. She stared at Nie Yong and discovered that his chest did not have the slightest signs of injury. I couldn’t even penetrate his flesh? That’s awful…
Seeing this, she became flustered.
Vaguely, Lan Chudie heard Nie Yong’s whining voice, making her go numb. Her face lost all colour.
She looked at Yang Kai on the side and saw him looking at her coldly.
As Lan Chudie’s heart suddenly became chaotic, she replied, whilst clenching her teeth, “He wanted to kill you.”
Yang Kai remained silent. He lifted his hand and the black awl that he released suddenly became a beam of light and entwined on his finger, then vanishing without a trace.
They looked at each other for a long time, then he slowly shifted his vision, not saying a word. Looking at this Lan Chudie smiled mockingly herself. She felt that she had become as fragile as a vase and if she fell she would break into pieces.
“Hahahahaha!” Within Yang Kai, the Old Demon laughed wildly like a madman while he chewed on something.
Yang Kai knew that what he was chewing was Nie Yong’s immortal soul. But for Yang Kai, this was unexpected as he did not know that Soul Breaker Awl had such a strange function.
“I want to kill more. I want to kill!” The Old Demon was shouting while chewing on Nie Yong’s immortal soul. “It has been a long time since I have heard such a sweet sound, since I have tasted such a freshness and softness. Little Master, if you want to kill some more you can send this old servant without any hesitation.”
Yang Kai’s thoughts moved and the laughter of Old Demon turned into shouts of misery and begged for mercy.
After some time when Old Demon recovered slightly but, was still out of breath as he asked cautiously, “Little Master, why did you punish me?”
“Why did you not tell me about the real function of the Soul Breaker Awl?”
“You never asked me about it, Young Master.” Old Demon said accusingly, then flatly continued, “Moreover, this thing is too evil and I thought if Young Master knew, he would be discontent about it.”
“I, at this moment, am very discontented.” Yang Kai adds. ”I am extremely unhappy about it.”
After hearing this Old Demon started to shiver.
After waiting for a good long while, Yang Kai said, “This will be the first and last time. Remember, it’s the last time. If you dare to conceal anything ever again, you know the consequences.”
Official Chapter Title: The Death of Nie Yong

Martial Peak – Chapter 147, The Place of True Inheritance

“This old servant would never dare to do so!” The Old Demon said submissively and promptly. “Young Master, that little girl who helped you a moment ago, has got quite a decisive personality, she gave a good blow.”
“What are you implying?”
“This old servant has taken a liking to her. If Young Master gives his permission, this old servant can train her for a few years and she will be a big boost to Young Master for sure!”
“I do not like her!” Yang Kai said coldly.
“Everything will be as Young Master decides.” Old Demon didn’t dare say anything else and just sighed, thinking how it was a pity.
The death of Nie Yong took Hu Mei Er by surprise, and the disciples of the High Heaven Pavilion recovering on the side were also surprised. They only heard the angry howl of Yang Kai and saw the desperate run of Nie Yong, who was being followed by a black fog, and while Nie Yong retaliated, Lan Chudie gave him a sneak attack which stopped Nie Yong from escaping.
It was almost as if everyone had a question mark hanging over their heads, unable to react to such a bizarre situation.
At this moment, the huge Turtle Monster Beast gave out its last cry of misery and dropped to the ground. All the disciples surrounding its lifeless body gave a loud cheer.
Hu Jiao Er chuckled with satisfaction, then said, “Fang Ziji, looks like the final strike was dealt by me.”
Fang Ziji replied in a depressed voice, “You were so shameless, so what was the point of that bet?”
Hu Jiao Er smirked and taunted, “Looks like someone can’t accept his loss.”
Fang Ziji flared up. “Who can’t accept a loss?! If you did not attack it when I was in shock, you wouldn’t have won this easily. You’re a woman, I will not lower myself to your level!”
“Well, it seems to me like you just don’t want to accept your loss.” Hu Jiao Er commented.
On hearing this, Fang Ziji’s face turned red from shame. He replied and changed the topic, “I don’t want to argue with you, the main priority is acquiring the Monster Core.”
While speaking, Fang Ziji inserted his hand into the forehead of the Monster Beast, searching for its core. In just a few moments, he fished out a brown coloured Monster Core dripping with blood.
Staring at the Monster Core in his hand, Fang Ziji felt thrilled and exclaimed, “The Core of a Peak Sixth Realm Monster Beast, how much would it sell for?”
Long Jun looked at him lightly then said in a soft voice, “Elder Brother Fang was not thinking of having sole possession of it, was he?”
The Core was the most precious object in the body of a Monster Beast. For this one, its shell also had a very high value because it could be used as a refining material, but the shell was huge, so at present who would be capable of carrying it out of here?
At this moment everyone was focused on Fang Ziji. “I was just thinking of doing so.” Fang Ziji said lightly and calmly.
Long Jun took a fighting stance in response. On the contrary, Hu Jiao Er looked at him with a face full of smiles.
“But I do not dare to do so!” Fang Ziji said curling his lips, “If I took it all for myself would you let me leave?”
Hearing this Long Jun contemptuously smiled, “Elder Brother Fang is a sensible person after all.”
“Does anyone have any idea how we will split this Monster Core amongst ourselves?” Fang Ziji turned his head to look at everyone who helped fight this Turtle Monster Beast. All the other Monster Beasts were hunted separately by everyone, so it wasn’t a problem, but everyone had collaborated to kill this Monster Beast, so everyone having a share was natural.
Everyone became silent and started to ponder on how they would divide the Monster Core.
Perhaps the only way was to turn it into cash, then dividing it equally between all three Sects.
Long Jun thought about it and wanted to present his idea when Fang Ziji suggest, “This victory was all thanks to the help of junior brother Yang, how about we let him decide about it?”
Yang Kai was pleasantly surprised to hear that from Fang Ziji, so he himself, standing a few feet away, started to ponder it himself.
Long Jun said in dissatisfaction, “He may have been the one to damage the beast heavily, but in this fight the Bloody Battle Gang also helped, and a lot of disciples were injured by it, so it is only given that we will need some type of compensation, don’t we?”
Fang Ziji said pointing at the body of the Tortoise Monster Beast, “If you want, you can take the shell. My Storm House will not stop you.”
Hearing such words Long Jun became speechless and was exasperated. That tortoise shell was almost pristine despite all the attacks that pelted it, so it was no doubt that it would be an excellent raw material, but at present who would be able to cut it to carry it out away?
During the debate, Fang Ziji’s complexion changed suddenly and he threw the Monster Core. Instead of falling to the ground, the Core started spinning in mid-air.
With the spin, a strange suction was activated and it started attracting things from all directions. From Fang Ziji’s inner upper pockets, two more Cores flew out.
It was same for Hu Mei Er and Long Jun.
The Monster Core that was hidden in Xie Hongchen’s chest pocket also flew out.
These Cores were collected when the three sects killed the other eight Monster Beasts. They had obtained them with great difficulty and with the help of many people. They were not even able to look at them properly since their efforts were now being taken away.
The eight Monster Cores formed a strange pattern and were all spinning around the newest one, which belonged to the Turtle Monster Beast. With its revolution, a dark strength was pulled from the entire Heaven’s Cave Inheritance. This pull caused everything to shake violently. Within all the chaos, a giant dark vortex appeared in the sky. It’s sudden arrival made everyone present tremble with fear.
Nobody knew what was happening, except for the Old Demon, who was exploding in excitement. His cheery voice was heard in Yang Kai’s mind, “The Grave of Beast Souls!”
Yang Kai suddenly realized that the Old Demon knew about this place, so he hurriedly asked, “Tell me about it.”
Old Demon said, “Young Master, I finally understand. Originally, this place was sealed with nine Monster Beasts. They were all only a test. If all of them were not killed, then this phenomenon would not be triggered. Now that all the Monster Beasts have died, the requirement has been met for the phenomenon to occur. This formation will absorb the cores of these nine Monster Beasts and will give you a reward.
“A reward?”
“It’s the thing that is hidden in the clouds above!” The Old Demon said slowly. “Yes, it looks like that, and according to this old servant’s estimate, that is the genuine inheritance hidden here!”
“The inheritance!” Yang Kai’s heart skipped a beat. He turned his head to see that the vortex that appeared in the sky was getting bigger and bigger. That place looked like it was in chaos, and whoever dared to enter it would be swallowed whole.
The disciples of the three sects ran away like mice, and none dared to stand underneath it.
“Yes, that should be the case.” The Old Demon continued, “After all, this place was the host of a humongous war, and many experts died here and left behind many inheritances. But it looks like there might have been a supreme expert, and he has probably hidden his inheritance in the sky.”
Yang Kai became enlivened.
“Young Master, you need to hurry away from this formation. It can affect you.” The Old Demon warned.
Yang Kai did not heed the Old Demon, but instead looked at Hu Mei Er who was still standing beside him and said, “Tell your elder sister to make everyone move as far as they can away from the vortex.”
Hu Mei Er nodded her head and dashed towards Hu Jiao Er.
Then Yang Kai shouted at the disciples of High Heaven Pavilion, “If you don’t want to die, then move at least five kilometers away from here!”
Many people ignored him despite his loud warning.
Yang Kai didn’t care about them. He had already warned them, it is now up to them to decide whether they want to listen or not. Without worrying any further, Yang Kai himself started to retreat quickly.
Su Yan glanced at him, then turned around to order without hesitation, “Disciples of High Heaven Pavilion, withdraw to a five-kilometer distance from here!” Her words had a heavier weight. Everyone hurried to retire in the same direction as Yang Kai.
At the other side, Hu Jiao Er had received her little sister’s message and also issued the order of retreat.
Fang Ziji looked at Yang Kai like he was measuring him, then said while laughing, “We will also move back!”
The disciples of the three sects ran with lightning speed and stopped at a distance of five kilometers.
They turned around to see that the nine Monster Beast cores were exuding a dazzling light. It looked like there was a mysterious relationship between all of them. With the continuous revolution of the Monster Cores, the vortex in the sky did not stop expanding.
A huge suction was still spreading from the vortex, such that the corpse of the Turtle Monster Beast had started floating in the air, the vortex rapidly pulling it. When the corpse flew into the vortex, it left behind no trace.
This caused everyone to be struck with fear.
If they had not withdrawn to the suggested distance, they would have suffered a similar fate to the Tortoise Monster Beast’s corpse.
Rejoicing, many people turned to look at Yang Kai, their faces filled with admiration.
A strong wind blew, flapping everyone’s clothing violently. Many people were still frightened. A lot of the group who had entered for the inheritance were from the younger generations and did not have much experience. There were many people who hadn’t even left their sects for a long period of time, so how could they see such a scene without flinching?
“Do we need to draw back more?” Su Yan came beside Yang Kai and queried.
Yang Kai looked at her then shook his head. Su Yan sighed with relief on Yang Kai’s confirmation.
“About Nie Yong, you don’t need to worry. I will report it personally to the Elder Assembly.”
“Thanks,” Yang Kai nodded his head.
Yang Kai had only killed Nie Yong just a few moments ago. It happened very quickly, but how could Su Yan miss such a scene? There was nothing more on the matter to investigate.
“There’s something in the sky!” Suddenly, shocked voices were heard from everyone.
Yang Kai turned his gaze quickly to the sky alongside everyone else, only to find a golden light glittering from within the vortex. That golden light was dazzling, illuminating everything around it. It was like a hand that tore the sky open, showing the treasure hidden within.
Amongst the sea of people and widespread confusion, someone could be loudly heard yelling, “What is that?!”
Yang Kai narrowed his eyes and looked closer at the light in the sky.
At the top of where the light originated, he thought he saw the shadow of an angel standing at the corner of a house. From within, something was gradually descending.
A little more time passed, and Yang Kai discovered that it was not the corner of a house, but stairs; golden stairs that shimmered with the brightest hint of value.
These stairs were very long, with landings in between them. These stairs gradually came into everyone’s view.
The descent of the golden stairs was sluggish. Along with it, the vortex also began to fluctuate.
After waiting for a few minutes, more steps appeared in the vortex, but after some time they were unable to discern the difference between them.
“Old Demon, is this the inheritance which you mentioned?” Yang Kai asked in his mind.
“Young Master, I do not know what inheritance is hidden in there. It can only be obtained if you are able to pass its test. Looking at those steps, if it is what this old servant thinks it is, then they are at least ten thousand in number, which means that climbing them would be the final test. Since ten thousand is only this old servant’s estimate, it is possible that there would fewer or more than expected.”
Yang Kai started to mull over it. Although the inheritance had revealed itself, they would need to start climbing to know how long it will take to get to the top. He stopped thinking about it after a while as there was a more pressing matter.
Currently, Yang Kai’s strength would be in the lower range among these 700-800 disciples, so would he even have a chance at claiming the inheritance?
Announcement Alert!

Martial Peak – Chapter 148, A Man is All About Boldness

Almost as if he knew Yang Kai’s doubts, the Old Demon said slowly, “Young Master does not need to be extremely worried about it. If you are destined to claim the inheritance, your strength will matter very little, but if the method to acquire it is otherworldly difficult, strength would contribute nothing. Young Master, did you forget the chance that the two little girls stumbled upon?”
A happy feeling emerged in Yang Kai’s heart.
He saw with his own eyes the chance the Hu sisters received. He had discovered that cave first and had even been inside it for several days, but they were the ones that were able to obtain the inheritance because they were destined for it.
“Yes, that seems to be the case.” Yang Kai let go of his worries. He glanced back at the sky another time, then turned around. Since he knew that it would take some time for the stairs to completely descend, he simply looked for a secluded corner, and then sat cross-legged in that spot.
Since he needed to snatch this inheritance, he decided that the first step was to restore his strength.
According to Yang Kai’s estimate, the process of the stairs setting up would take at least two to three days, so he would have that much time to recuperate.
Su Yan looked at him in slight surprise, thought about it, then she also left the crowd and found herself a place to sit down not too far away from Yang Kai.
The younger generation looked at the calm disposition of Yang Kai and Su Yan helplessly. Since they were nowhere close to being experts, they were unable to detach themselves from their worldly desires and display the kind of composure Yang Kai and Su Yan showed. Therefore, they looked quite immature compared to the two.
When someone coughed lightly, they began to gather their thoughts with a tinge of embarrassment, then scattered to find a place to meditate. Some ordinary disciples also formed a group, and started to talk and made noise. Amidst the noise, there was still a lingering overtone of shock and awe.
The two Hu sisters ran to and sat on either side of Yang Kai. No one knew what they were thinking.
Yang Kai opened his eyes slightly to peek at their faces. The sisters were both smiling at him sweetly, making him unable to distinguish who was who.
Yang Kai’s eyes turned a little hesitant to open any further.
“What?” looking at Yang Kai’s disposition, Hu Jiao Er asked immediately. “Us sitting beside you is your good luck. Why are you giving us such a dirty look?”
Yang Kai didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry, so he smiled and commented, “It’s an honour to have such beautiful flowers by my side. How could I give you two a dirty look?”
After all, they had cooperated several times and had come to know each other quite well. They were no longer strangers like before. With their bond, jokes accompanied their regular conversations.
Hearing Yang Kai’s words, Hu Jiao Er replied with a sweet anger, “You have quite a sweet mouth on you!”
Hu Mei Er also added, “I thought you were a simple person, I hadn’t thought that you could also say such cheesy lines.”
Yang Kai says with a serious face, “Those words came from my heart. It was not simple flattery.”
The two sisters smiled pleasantly. It was like the blooming of two very beautiful flowers bringing colour and joy to the world.
After thinking a little, Yang Kai pointed out, “It looks like the people on your side don’t like me very much.”
Both of the sisters looked at each other and then said in one voice, “Do you fear them?”
Yang Kai grinned and said, “I am actually quite fearful of them, but they don’t have the qualifications to become my enemy, so you don’t need to be bothered about it.”
Hu Jiao Er then replied, “You have already offended the male disciples of High Heaven Pavilion, so what can the disciples of my Bloody Battle Gang count for?”
She was talking about the incident where he saved Su Yan and was able to occupy some advantage.
Immediately, Yang Kai grimaced as if in great pain.
Hu Jiao Er laughed in a playful manner then gave him a coquettish look, “Do you want me to give you a kiss so that others can envy you?”
Yang Kai peeked at her again, leaned then extended his face near her, “I wish for it with all my heart.”
Hu Jiao Er blushed immediately then exclaims angrily, “You want a beauty like me to kiss you?”
“Elder sister, you need to stop your teasing! Let him rest first. He has quite a few heavy wounds.” Hu Mei Er shook her elder sister’s arm. She was having a hard time enduring the flirting.
Hu Jiao Er then adjusted her position beside Yang Kai and closed her eyes obediently.
Yang Kai and Hu Mei Er looked at each other and smiled. Then they also adjusted their position and started meditating one after the other.
Along with the passage of time, the disciples of the three sects also lost their initial curiosity, and begin to restore their Yuan Qi, occasionally opening their eyes to check for changes in the sky above.
Two days of meditation, silence, the occasional noise and complaints passed.
Yang Kai felt someone stand in front of him. He opened his eyes, only to meet Storm House’s Du Yishuang and another handsome man.
This man was Fang Ziji who had proposed to give Yang Kai the Core of Tortoise Monster Beast.
“Yang Kai, how are your wounds?” Younger Sister Du asked with serious concern.
“Well, it doesn’t look that bad.” Yang Kai’s lips beamed, then he looked at Fang Ziji who cupped his fists and asked, “Who might this brother be?”
Yang Kai didn’t recognize Fang Ziji, but during the negotiations two days before he had shown goodwill toward Yang Kai, therefore, he didn’t have too large a sense of revulsion towards him.
“I am Fang Ziji.” He said returning the courtesy, then he gives a light laugh then continued, “Brother Yang’s punch from two days ago was forceful, and made me feel heartfelt admiration towards you. I’m also jealous of the public attention you’ve been getting.”
“Brother Fang is overpraising.” Yang Kai chuckled.
Fang Ziji continued, “Brother Yang has an indomitable spirit and I, Fang Ziji, have always admired that kind of people. If we weren’t from different sects, I would want to become actual brothers with you, sharing hardship as well as weal and woe together.”
Hu Jiao Er twisted her face and mumbled just loud enough for him to hear, “Disgusting.”
Fang Ziji looked at her in contempt.
Du Yishuang pulled the arm of Fang Ziji, then said with a forced smile, “Sister, you are not helping.”
Then she looked at Yang Kai and said, “Please don’t mind him, my fellow brother has issues.”
“What… Sister, what did you just say?” Fang Ziji immediately turned to stare at Du Yishuang.
“Let it be, Brother Fang, you have a big heart, so why bother with such small matters?” Yang Kai’s lips curled upwards. He did not imagine the number one from Storm House to have such an interesting personality.
“Brother Yang, only you understand me.” Fang Ziji said emotionally.
Hu Jiao Er interrupted with a casual sentence, “Yang Kai, you should be careful. This person doesn’t like females and thinks of them as akin to mud, and they are never able to get his approval. If you become too friendly with him, perhaps he will develop a special fondness for you.”
She covered her mouth and giggled wryly. Her words could very easily be misunderstood.
Yang Kai’s complexion immediately turned blue and he tried to edge away.
Fang Ziji said in a panic, “Hey, don’t slander me as you like. Brother Yang, don’t listen to her nonsense. I am not that kind of person.”
Yang Kai gave a slight cough and gave a complicated look.
Fang Ziji became anxious, then, with a spark of inspiration, he pulled the hand of Du Yishuang close to his chest, gave her a hug, and then kissed her on the lips.
Yang Kai looked thunderstruck.
Hu Jiao Er and Hu Mei Er looked at this scene with their mouths wide open.
Struggling, Du Yishuang gave a light moan; both sisters’ faces became crimson.
After an awkward amount of time in silence, Fang Ziji let go of Du Yishuang, wiped the corner of his mouth and then grinned, “So, Brother Yang, you should believe me now.”
Yang Kai looked at him full of surprise, then gave him a thumbs up saying, “Brother Fang showed the boldness of a real man. Really admirable.”
Hearing this praise, Fang Ziji gave an exaggerated laugh. While he was laughing, junior sister Du was blushing, then she suddenly slapped Fang Ziji in the face.
“You bastard!” Du Yishuang stomped her feet, then covered her face with both hands and ran away.
“Run slowly or you might slip!” Fang Ziji shouted while rubbing his burning cheek.
“Brother Fang, will… will you not pursue her?” Yang Kai said while staring at Du Yishuang’s back.
“You don’t need to worry, she is just throwing a noisy tantrum. She will come back when she has settled down.” Fang Ziji said without a care.
And accurately, after only a few moments, Du Yishuang walked back, her face still blushing. Her head was lowered and her hands kept twisting the hem of her clothes. She had a delicate, embarrassed look.
“Hey.” Fang Ziji gives Yang Kai a wink with a self-satisfied look.
“Fellow Brother…” Du Yishuang pulled Fang Ziji’s arm without shame.
“What are you doing?” Fang Ziji raised his eyebrows and gave a smug look, still looking satisfied.
Du Yishuang lifted her hand and with an incomparable speed, flung her palm against his other cheek, then clenched her teeth and lashed out, “You are a very big bastard.”
Firing her second palm, junior sister Du looked like she had removed a foul taste from her mouth. She then turned around and stomped away arrogantly.
Fang Ziji rubbed his cheeks and looked at her with eyes wide open.
*giggles*… Hu Jiao Er and Hu Mei Er giggled uncontrollably. They didn’t expect circumstance to develop in that direction. They were now filled with admiration for Du Yishuang.
“Fellow sister, this… this…” Fang Ziji was stuttering. No one could tell how he felt, then he turned to look at Yang Kai and clumsily smiled and said, “When I meet her again I will straighten her out. She has acted against the heavens.”
Hu Jiao Er clapped her hands and said, “That was a really good play. Very comfortable to watch. Ohhhh Fang Ziji you, are now heaven..”
Fang Ziji twitched, then heaved a great sigh and recited, “A rose is not a rose without its thorns.”
Yang Kai coughed lightly interrupting Hu Jiao Er’s retort, then asked Fang Ziji, “Brother Fang, did you come to me for something?”
Fang Ziji turned stern and turned to look at the spot ten li away from them, then asked earnestly, “I came here only to ask brother Yang if he knows something about what is happening.”
His question also piqued the interest of Hu Jiao Er and Hu Mei Er. The both of them looked at Yang Kai with full attention
Yang Kai’s vision glittered, he didn’t reply immediately. Fang Ziji then continued, “Brother Yang doesn’t need to hide, everyone can see you know something. But if Brother Yang is not comfortable with publicising his knowledge, I can understand.”
Yang Kai considered as he looked at him. He understood where this was coming from. Before when he had notified everyone about being ten li away from that place, he made everyone aware of the potential disaster. If he didn’t know, how was he able to notify everyone?
However, it didn’t matter if he told them what he knew. Either way, they would discover what it is when the cloud layers have finally descended. Someone would nose around it and eventually understand.
He looked at Hu Jiao Er and Hu Mei Er, who still looked at him attentively.
A few seconds passed and Yang Kai lets loose his thoughts, “I don’t know too much about it. After the steps in the sky come down, I will inspect it.”
Fang Ziji continued to ask, “Will it be dangerous?”
Yang Kai smiled yet again. “Brother Fang, even I am not too clear about it.”
Fang Ziji nodded obediently, cupping his fists as he soberly replied, “Many thanks, brother Yang. If someday when you have the time, I invite you to visit Storm House as a guest. Us brothers will have a good chat over a cup of wine.”
“Thank you!”
After Fang Ziji left, Yang Kai looked at the Hu sisters then said with a smile, “I know that you also want to know about it, otherwise you wouldn’t be sitting beside me just to make the disciples of the Bloody Battle Gang jealous.”
“Do you think we are here to gather information?” Hu Jiao Er disputed.
Hu Mei Er said hurriedly, “We are not here because of that! we’re just…”

Martial Peak – Chapter 149, The Trial

Hu Jiao Er abruptly interrupted without letting her finish her sentence, “Did you think we approached you to squeeze secrets out of you??”
She did not like how Yang Kai thought of them. [Does he actually think that we approached him with an ulterior motive? I thought he had a better impression of us.]
Realising he enraged her, he decided to keep silent.
Hu Jiao Er continues, “Since we will climb those steps together once they reach the ground, I will take it upon myself to be responsible for your protection should any problem occur. At the same time, you need to tell us everything you know. How does this deal sound?”
“Protection?” Yang Kai looked at the girl with one eyebrow raised.
“In your current condition, don’t you think you need protection?” Hu Jiao Er chuckled. “Well, I guess you could always find Su Yan to protect you. Although after you saved her, she seems to have been ignoring you these past few days”.
Yang Kai did not argue. He was well aware that when the time came, they would have to move together, which means they might as well help each other.
Hu Jiao Er snorted and pulled her own sister away from Yang Kai.
After waiting for a whole day, the thing hidden in the sky was finally exposed and showed a complete picture of what was behind it. All the people that were waiting stood up and looked at the thing five kilometers away.
Cultivators who were standing below watched a huge palatial construction emerge from the sea of clouds down directly in front of everyone. In front of it was a huge number of steps, which were so numerous that everyone thought that they would not be able to climb them.
[Is the inheritance located there?] Yang Kai thought as his breathing became heavy.
All the disciples of the three sects became anxious and excited at the same time. Although they did not have as much information as Yang Kai, they could all easily tell that this colossus building must hold great treasures. Now, everyone was just waiting for the flight of stairs to reach the ground so they can start climbing.
Finally, under the attentive gaze of countless of people, the flight of stairs made contact with the ground. A loud pounding could be heard as the ground trembled. The clouds and objects in the sky then vanished into obscurity.
The pounding and trembling continued for quite some time before settling down. The flight of stairs also stably landed on the ground.
Suddenly, one scream after another sounded out and several hundred people rushed to the flight of stairs.
Yang Kai also started to walk to its side. He was not as anxious as the rest because he knew from the Old Demon that obtaining the inheritance was based on chance and not speed.
In front of him was a pure white figure. When he carefully looked at it, he noticed that it was Su Yan. The sleeves of her clothes were fluttering about as she moved. She was neither running like the rest nor taking a stroll like Yang Kai. Instead, she was traveling at a walking pace, emitting a noble aura.
When she turned her head back to look at Yang Kai realizing that his vision was locked onto her, her long eyelashes slightly vibrated as she opened her mouth to speak. However, no words came out.
In the next moment, their vision was blocked out by the running crowd of disciples. Yang Kai’s flirtatious smile turned to that of sadness.
Meanwhile, the two beautiful Hu sisters came beside him once again with one on the left and the other on the right. They displayed winning, coy smiles that could even charm a ghost.
Hu Jiao Er then spoke out, “Since I said that I will protect you, I will keep my word. You don’t have to worry. The both of us have already received an inheritance, so we will not compete with you on this one.”
Yang Kai regained his composure when he could no longer see Su Yan.
“Hey, you brat! I’m talking to you!” Hu Jiao Er angrily scolded Yang Kai because he completely ignored her.
“Yes. I heard.” Yang Kai responded.
Hu Jiao Er snorted and muttered to herself in a soft voice, “Like you actually paid any attention to what I said…”
After walking for 5 kilometers, the three arrived in front of a lavish, green and golden jade step.
In front of the gigantic flight of stairs was a dim screen of light. It faintly resembled multiple gates placed next to each other.
The disciples from the three sects tried to find a way through the screen of light. Over time, the number of people that were present was reduced. The disciples were either going in groups or one by one into the gate of light, reducing the population at the bottom of the steps.
The entire scene was extremely bizarre. Although there was a screen of light in front of them, they were able to see the flight of stairs behind it. How was it that when people managed to find a way past the screen of light, they were completely invisible? Did the screen of light consume them?
Watching this scene, the Hu sisters could not help but back off with trepidation.
“Yang Kai, where did they go?” Hu Jiao Er anxiously asked.
Yang Kai shook his head, “I do not know…”
Then Yang Kai arrived in front of the screen of light and placed his hand on it. As his hand passed through, ripples on the screen could be seen, but his hand completely disappeared on the other side.
“Are we going in?” Hu Mei Er, who was less courageous than her sister voiced with fear.
Yang Kai looked up into the sea of clouds and entered without scruple.
Watching him enter, Hu Jiao Er ground her teeth. Holding her sister’s hand, she shouted, “Let’s go in as well!”
Once they stepped through, Yang Kai was surprised to find that the place looked exactly the same from the other side. Numerous flights of stairs led up towards the sky.
After looking around, he did not see anyone else’s trail. Yang Kai thought to himself and concluded, [each gate must have led to an independent space. It seems that the people who go through the same gate will stay together.]
When Yang Kai turned back, the ripples on the screen of light completely disappeared. When he blinked his eyes, the screen of light also vanished.
Without feeling too much concern about it, Yang Kai placed his foot on the first step of the flight of stairs and clenched. His brow wrinkled as he felt his body suddenly suppressed.
“What happened?” Hu Jiao Er asked after seeing Yang Kai’s expression.
“Come here and try for yourself.” Yang Kai spoke gently.
The two sisters did not hesitate and went forward. Both of them walked around to the sides, finally lifting their feet and placing them on the first step.
“How do you feel?” Yang Kai asked.
“There is energy invading my foot.” Hu Jiao Er replied.
“It is hot energy!” Hu Mei Er continued to elaborate.
“This is probably a test.” Yang Kai showed a faint smile which was completely different from the two Hu sisters’ expression. He had discovered that this energy was Yang attribute energy!
By revolving True Yang Secret Art, Yang Kai could absorb the energy from the platform. Thus, instead of damaging him, the platform was actually fuelling him!
This was entirely different for the two Hu sisters. For them, they would need to direct Qi to resist the Yang Energy from burning their feet.
“If this is a test, then it is too easy. This level of energy is too weak to do much.” Hu Mei Er could resist the energy penetrating her foot with ease.
“Don’t underestimate this test.” Hu Jiao Er looked at her sister. “The steps here may not contain a lot of energy but could we say that for certain about the steps on top? It is likely that the higher we go, the more energy we will have to resist. This will probably last until we can resist no longer…”
“Let’s not be hasty and jump to conclusions. Let’s test it out.” Yang Kai took another step, and another step, till he reached the fourth step.
Meanwhile, the two sisters followed behind.
After walking without rest for more than a hundred steps, they had discovered that Hu Jiao Er’s prediction was right. The higher they went, the more Yang Energy drilled into their foot, and the more Yuan Qi they had to use to resist it.
After a whole day of endless climbing, the two sisters could not help but bottle up their complaints about the hardships they had to face.
On the other hand, Yang Kai was enjoying his time climbing the steps. By climbing his first hundred steps, he had managed to acquire one drop of Yang Liquid and stored it within his Dantian.
After their three-hundredth step, Yang Kai and the Hu sisters could tell that they were starting to slow down. Since they had to resist the Yang Energy, the Hu sisters felt their whole body slowly turn stiff. However, it was still not strong enough to stop them.
It was surprising that Hu Mei Er managed to pass through their three-hundredth step with relative ease. This was despite her cultivation level being only Initial Element Stage 2.
Once they passed the four hundredth step, the toll on the sisters was becoming obvious. The two of them would need to about three breaths to climb another step. Not to mention, they were already starting to perspire.
On the other hand, Yang Kai was still extremely relaxed. However, instead of chatting with the girls, he was more concerned about this test. It was unlikely that the test only consisted of climbing stairs. That would be way too easy. He suspected that unknown dangers lurked somewhere and was trying to remain alert.
At their four hundred and ninetieth step, the two sisters looked towards Yang Kai, who had a face full of satisfaction. They were convinced that the boy was simply putting on a strong front. How was it possible for him to pass through these steps and still be so joyful? These steps were extremely tiring to climb. To think that they even swore that they would protect him. The irony…
Yang Kai looked at them and proposed, “Let’s take a break first.”
“No!” Hu Jiao Er clenched her teeth and took a step in front of Yang Kai.
Once Hu Jiao Er climbed up ten more steps to the five hundredth step, she suddenly fell. Fortunately, Yang Kai was quick enough to pull her back to a lower step.
They looked at each other and Hu Jiao Er said in surprise, “It changed!”
Yang Kai’s brows wrinkled but he did not bother to question her. He took a step up to the five hundredth step and could feel that the energy penetrating his foot was no longer that of Yang Energy, but ice cold.
The sudden change must have startled Hu Jiao Er, causing her to fall.
“Is this also part of the test?” Yang Kai had a weary smile. He had hoped that the steps were all going to deliver Yang Energy. In this case, being a Yang attribute cultivator makes it easy for him to arrive at the top of the stairs. However, now with the energy changing to that of cold. it was drastic enough to be an opposite of the Yang Energy.
When the cold energy drilled into Yang Kai’s body, the boy had two choices. He could either revolve True Yang Yuan Qi and resist the energy or he could revolve True Yang Secret Art to build up this cold energy into his bones. Regardless of the technique he chose, he would need to use up his Yuan Qi. However, the latter was definitely going to take a bigger toll on him.
If Yang Kai did not have so much Yang Liquid within his Dantian, he would have chosen the first option. With a reserve of more than 100 drops of Yang Liquid, he would be able to use True Yang Secret Art without much worry.
When the boy started revolving True Yang Secret Art, he allowed the cold energy to penetrate directly into his Golden Bones. With the circulation of his Yang Yuan Qi, he resisted the cold energy from spreading throughout his body.
“Let’s go.” Yang Kai turned around and smiled at the two sisters, showing the way forward.
Hu Jiao Er was irritated by Yang Kai and whispered to her sister, “Why is he being so smug?”
Hu Mei Er bitterly smiled back, “He isn’t…”

Martial Peak – Chapter 150, Discipline

Disclaimer: we are note responsible for any smashed phones!
“He’s definitely being smug! He dares to show such attitude to me!” Hu Jiao Er clenched her jaw and revolved her cultivation technique alongside her sister to resist the cold energy slipping into their bodies. Step by step, they pursued Yang Kai.
After the first day, all three of them had finally reached the thousandth step. When they arrived, Yang Kai took another step upwards and was delighted and surprised. The energy that emitted from the steps had now completely changed to Yang Energy.
With the change of energy types every five hundred steps, more than 90% of disciples had given up by the time they reached the thousandth. The sudden changes of energy made it unbearable for those disciples, forcing them to stop.
Those that had surpassed the thousandth step were all the elites of their respective sects. They all managed to surpass the milestone only due to their cultivation levels.
In actuality, Hu Mei Er should not have been able to climb so high due to her limited cultivation level. However, she managed to do so without much hint of exhaustion. On the other hand, her sister Hu Jiao Er was pale with exhaustion.
The three rested for half a day before continuing.
At that point in time, past the three-thousandth step stood a figure clad in pure white. She was taking her time climbing each step. Even at that level, she continued to climb almost effortlessly. From the start, her demeanour remained calm as she scaled the stairs, similar to taking a leisurely stroll.
Even as the sleeves of her clothes fluttered about, she remained indifferent. Occasionally, she would use her hand to gracefully comb the hairs on her face back behind her ears.
The energy from the ground invaded the soles of her feet, but before it could even hurt her, the energies seemed to vanish.
Her entire face was flawless still, with skin as delicate as a baby’s. Obviously, this was Su Yan.
Su Yan cultivated Ice Heart Secret Arts. Similar to Yang Kai, she had a superior advantage within this test. She could easily climb without much effort.
Of course, out of the three sects, Su Yan and Yang Kai were not the only ones that cultivated Yin and Yang-based cultivation techniques. There were approximately 700-800 disciples who cultivated Yin and Yang, but even when they realized the advantages they had in this test, they simply could not hope to compare with Su Yan. The cultivation techniques that each person held had different ranks. Naturally, Su Yan no doubt had the highest ranks of cultivation techniques.
There were only a handful of people that made it above two thousand steps.
Xie Hongchen was sitting cross-legged, gasping for breath with a sinister and vicious look on his face. He was trying to restore his Yuan Qi with Pills.
“With me here, the inheritance is mine! So long as I have obtained the inheritance, who cares about the disciples from the three sects? I will make High Heaven Pavilion strong enough to dominate the other two sects, and make them bow down to us! Those that question or defy me will die! And Yang Kai, you are going to be the first! This day will mark me, Xie Hongchen, as the overlord!”
Skoll: (You’re talkative today. What high ambitions this fellow has for a side character though.)
Xie Hongchen seemed crazy. The Yuan Qi within his body was chaotic and not flowing normally. With such erratic fluctuations in his Yuan Qi, Xie Hongchen’s strength seemed to be comparable to those in the Qi Transforming Stage.
The incident pertaining to the fight against the Tortoise Monster Beast was still flashing through his mind constantly. What was circulating within his thoughts were not the scenes where the three sects colluded to bring down the beast, but instead were of the people’s spiteful gazes towards him. It was mainly due to him that the Monster Beast became enraged. However, it was not him who took it down. It was Yang Kai’s attack that gave the opportunity for the three sects to strike, finally killing the Monster Beast.
Although no one had spoken directly to him about this incident, Xie Hongchen could detect their spite and hatred from their gazes. Even his Junior Sisters looked at him with apprehension.
This made Xie Hongchen burn with rage.
[No one is allowed to look at me like that! No one!] Xie Hongchen thought to himself.
In front of Xie Hongchen by several hundreds of steps was Fang Ziji. He was gasping for breath while each of his steps seemed to cause his body to shiver.
Skoll: (Chill Sil, lmfao.)
“… It’s time to rest.” Fang Ziji was patient. He knew that the inheritance depended on an opportunity, and the flight of stairs was merely a front. Climbing up should not be the determining factor for the successor. Thus, even if he had a strong desire to obtain the Inheritance, he was not as crazed as Xie Hongchen.
“It seems that this test is specifically meant for cultivators that cultivate Yin and Yang.” Fang Ziji took out a Medicine Pill from beneath his clothes on his chest and ingested it. “ What’s the point of me actually continuing? Could this all be a simple waste of time? I might as well explore more of the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance with a few Senior and Junior Sisters. There is a much greater chance of getting something.”
The more he thought about it, the more Fang Ziji felt what he was doing was pointless. Before long, he stood up, but only to descend.
Once he reached the ground level, he saw Du Yishuang low-spiritedly sitting crossed-legged as well.
“Junior Sister Du, why did you come out?” Fang Ziji accidentally asked.
Du Yishuang coldly moved her gaze away from him as she recalls his frivolous attitude. Her cheeks flushed a little as she turned her head and snorted.
“Junior Sister, I was just looking for a person to be with, only to find you here.” Fang Ziji walked up to Junior Sister Du and hugged her without a second thought.
“What are you doing!?” Du Yishuang struggled, but in vain because of Fang Ziji’s strength. With his burning hot, iron-like hands wrapped around her waist, Du Yishuang felt her heartbeat speed up.
Rosy: (This guy a obviously a rapist. Poor Yishuang, he justs keeps picking on her)
“If you don’t release me, I will bite you!” Du Yishuang seemed like a small tigress and opened her mouth ready to bite.
“When a man is doing something, a woman just needs to shut up and wait!” Fang Ziji aggressively forced his actions on.
Rosy: (As I said …… a rapist)
Skoll: (…I know it doesn’t happen in Chinese novels… but where’s a truck when ya need one?)
Du Yishuang felt even worse as she failed to break free of his invasive grasp.
Close to the two-thousandth step was Long Jun from the Bloody Battle Gang. He was also sitting cross-legged restoring his energy. Since the three sects’ strongest disciples did not differ too much in terms of strength, it was only normal that the height they were able to reach was about the same.
Unlike Xie Hongchen and Fang Ziji, Long Jun was extremely anxious. He was not confident in his ability to obtain the inheritance. Even when his strength was considered to best out of all the three sect disciples, if one were to take into consideration his age, he would not seem to be as impressive as the others.
Besides the few disciples who’ve managed to climb close to the two-thousandth step, the remaining few elite disciples were mostly above and around the one-thousandth step.
At this point, many people were already struggling to progress any further. After the one-thousandth step, they needed to rest for a long period of time before being able to climb up again. Some people actually considered those as opportunities. With the difficulty of climbing, it would add another set of criteria that would allow them a chance at the Inheritance. As long as they persisted a little bit longer and further and were more determined than the rest, they would have a chance to reach the top and obtain the Inheritance.
Lan Chudie, on the other hand, was struggling to climb anymore after her first few hundred steps. Normally, she would stand tall and proud but all of her hair was covered in frost. Her whole body was shaking with her uncontrollably jittering teeth, but she still pushed on and refused to give up.
On occasion, she thought of Yang Kai’s indifferent gaze towards her and could not help but feel upset.
With both her fists clenched, her breathing ragged, she took another step up.
She was an ambitious girl. She was willing to attach herself to any powerhouse, but was that a mistake? She was merely a girl without much talent. She has been laboriously cultivating the whole time in High Heaven Pavilion to only reach Qi Transforming Stage 7. Compared to the genuinely powerful cultivators, what significance could she possibly be in their eyes? Thus, she had to follow another powerful cultivator, to be protected under their wing. That was her only choice for survival.
She was not Su Yan. She was not strong. The only thing she had were her wits. Maybe one could include her body which made men drool, but Lan Chudie never regarded that as a strength. If she would classify her beauty, it was more of a burden. Only capable of flaring up men’s desires, while provoking the dangerous envy of women.
Several days before at Yang Kai’s moment of crisis, she just stood there silent. She did not wish to get drawn into the conflict. Maybe if she had added a few words of assistance, he would not have held such a gaze of unfeeling towards her.
Lan Chudie thought to herself, [ Why can’t you forgive me? If anyone was in such a situation, would they have chosen to support you? If only you were stronger…]
Skoll: (To answer, yes, others would have supported him if they were friends/friendly)
After climbing up a few steps, her whole body seemed to change. When she turned her head to check herself, her pale cheeks suddenly had dimples on it.
While she was indulging in her own thoughts, she had suddenly broken through to the next stage. Qi Transforming Stage 8!
When she closed her eyes to feel her newfound power circulating through her body, her eyes glimmered in delight. She continued upwards, to discover that the path was now much easier to climb. Her mood had rapidly changed to that of joy as she pressed on.
After half a day of rest, Yang Kai and the two Hu sisters finally continued their journey.
After the one-thousandth step, they could feel that the difference in energy produced by each step was increasing over the last. At first, the Hu sisters could climb without the need to rest, but the more they climbed, the more rest they required.
Yang Kai was also the same. Although he had an extremely strong cultivation technique, True Yang Secret Art, his cultivation level was still too low. It was impossible for him to climb the stairs with ease like Su Yan.
Therefore, the three had to take their time to move. Finally reaching the two-thousandth step with their vision blurred from exhaustion, they sat down to rest once more.
The climb that changed energies every five hundred steps forced the trial challengers to adapt. This not only made them have to consume more Yuan Qi, this was also a test of their mental endurance.
While the two Hu sisters huffed as their bosoms swayed up and down, Yang Kai was still relaxed. Although he had also used large amounts of Yuan Qi, the Yang Liquid in his Dantian made it much easier for him to cope.
“Aren’t you tired?” Hu Jiao Er could not bear but ask Yang Kai, whom after so long, did not seem to be the slightest bit tired. If Hu Mei Er did not obtain the inheritance with her, Hu Jiao Er highly doubted that her sister could continue past the thousandth step. Right now, Yang Kai who was also in the Initial Element Stage was able to surpass the two thousand step mark. Furthermore, she had not seen him take any Medicine Pills along the way. How was it possible for him to have so much Yuan Qi?
“Fortunately…” Yang Kai sat on the steps and waited for the two Hu sisters.
“You monster!” Hu Jiao Er exclaimed while smiling bitterly.

Martial Peak – Chapter 151, The Hu Sisters’ Decision

Within half a day, the three started walking again. They didn’t know how many more steps it would take to reach the top as they stared at the endless path.
Time slowly passed, and with three days of constant changes, the disciples of the three sects were no longer able to support themselves. They gave up one after the other.
Although most of them couldn’t reach the peak, they weren’t entirely upset. On the contrary, they were excited and joyful, because everyone more or less obtained some advantage in this test, many people even experienced a breakthrough.
This at least gave them something to celebrate about.
On the fourth day, the ones who stayed for the climb either felt heat which burned their hearts or chills which pierced the bones.
These people kept restoring their power, as they also wanted to break through the light barrier.
But this time, regardless of anything else, they solely wanted a martial technique.
The decision of the two beautiful sisters didn’t have anything to do with the obstruction of the light barrier, as they kept climbing the endless steps.
At this point of time, the people started to realise that this was a huge opportunity. If they were to miss this once in a lifetime chance, they would regret it for the rest of their lives. Everyone who stuck around thought that if they can hold on and persist, perhaps they will gain a bigger advantage.
In life, there were much more things to achieved, but at that moment all their attention was on the seemingly infinite steps.
On the fifth day, a total of around half the disciples of the three sects had withdrawn from the test. People gathered by the light barrier, envying those who found the energy to push on while they clenched their fists in disappointment in themselves.
There were many conversations, most of which were discussions about who would be the first to reach the peak.
Without a doubt, Su Yan’s name was heard the most often!
The disciples who gave up knew that the inside was filled with hot and cold turns and without a doubt, Su Yan’s cultivation technique was a huge advantage. Moreover, out of all the young disciples of the three sects, Su Yan’s strength was also the strongest. It wouldn’t be strange if she completed the trial first.
This fact alone left many High Heaven Pavilion disciples proud as their faces glowed with pride. Su Yan was a figure many High Heaven Pavilion disciples looked up to; male or female.
The Hu sisters were of the same opinion.
The great strength and nobleness of Su Yan that surpassed them caused them to envy her from the bottom of their hearts as they looked up to and almost worshipped her.
Yang Kai and the Hu sisters were five thousand steps in now, but with progress also came immense difficulty. It was like climbing and crossing countless mountains and rivers. Yang Kai, however, showed no symptoms of struggle or pain, his face just as bright as when they first started climbing. This was not the case for the Hu sisters, who were both drenched in sweat.
As they got more exhausted, their appearances became arguably more attractive.
The more steps they took, the more heated they became, making their whole bodies fragrant, their complexions flushed, their coquettish looks turning limpid, just like two thoroughly ripe honey peaches. If one were to take a bite, the fragrance and juices would be an explosion of flavour.
“It’s quite warm!” Hu Jiao Er continued stepping up while raising her shirt collar with one hand and fanning the wind with the other. Her voluptuous and shapely chest could be partially seen by Yang Kai.
She had never been this sweaty before. Her clothes pasted directly against her damp skin, outlining her perfect, graceful curves.
This also applied to Hu Mei Er. Sweat was continuously flowing. Her typically ruby lips turned dry from exhaustion, which prompted her to lick them with her tongue, moistening them.
“We shall rest again.” Hu Jiao Er said bitterly as she walked in front of Yang Kai. He was unexpectedly tough, so tough that he hadn’t produced a single drop of sweat. She almost raged with envy and admiration for him.
Yang Kai walked to the front as he turned his head to look at her with one eye saying: “We will continue when the temperature drops.”
As he now stood on a higher step, he happened to see Hu Jiao Er’s chest. It was like two mountains with a straight, flawless valley with sweat in between, causing his blood to stir with excitement.
Yang Kai became somewhat out of sorts.
Hu Jiao Er realised her own misdemeanour and instantly hurried to pull up her collar. She covered her chest with her hand as anger welled up in her eyes and she exclaimed, “What are you looking at?!”
Yang Kai’s smile only stretched wider as he did not look away. Her realisation only made his gaze linger unscrupulously on the sisters’ graceful bodies for longer.
Getting stared at like that was intensely uncomfortable for the Hu sisters.
They were standing behind him because their entire bodies were soaking wet, with every enticing crevice exposed. How could they be comfortable walking side by side with him?
They didn’t expect him to be such a shamelessly bold person.
“Stop looking at us!!” Hu Jiao Er drew her younger sister behind her vigilantly, as she shielded her with her own body. Her cheeks and sweaty forehead flushed red as she stared at Yang Kai angrily.
“Ha ha!” Yang Kai was overjoyed. He turned his head facing forward as he said, “This walk has been quite boring. There was some scenery to break up the monotony. Not stopping to admire it would a waste of criminal proportions!”
“I misread you.” Hu Jiao Er stated bitterly, “I thought that you were an honourable gentleman, I hadn’t thought that you were this dirty! I wish I could dig your eyes out!”
Yang Kai asserted lightly without turning, “A man looking at a woman is a natural thing, what does it have to do with gentlemanly nature? Besides, for you to dig my eyes out, I would have to be looking at you. Jiao Er, do you wish for me to turn around?”
Hu Jiao Er was infuriated, causing her milk-white bosom to shake uncontrollably. She ground her teeth and scolded, “You must want me to be hit before you shut up!”
“That doesn’t sound right, have you forgotten you were supposed to be protecting me?” Yang Kai suddenly turned his head, his eyebrows raised. He looked like he was ridiculing her.
This made Hu Jiao Er red, as her rage disappeared, coyly saying in an instant: “Don’t mention this matter, it’s embarrassing.”
After all, they did promise to protect him beforehand, but now it seems like the tables are turned. He’s the one protecting them since he never needed protection himself. The sisters couldn’t even keep up with him anyway.
Recalling this, Hu Jiao Er smiled awkwardly.
“We should keep the energy for climbing instead of arguing.” Hu Mei Er mediated.
“Humph, don’t even think about looking at us again!” Hu Jiao Er reprimanded Yang Kai.
Yang Kai faintly smiled and said nothing else.
Following behind him, Hu Jiao Er whispered to her younger sister, “I don’t think he’s an appropriate person. Be careful, and do not let him have his way.”
“Elder sister.” Hu Mei Er smiled charmingly.
After two full hours, Yang Kai came to a halt. He did nothing but calmly stood on the spot.
The two sisters followed him as they came to his position. They couldn’t help but shiver a little in fright.
“It’s too cold!” Hu Jiao Er rubbed her hands together, her skin pimpled with goosebumps. Their perspiration was now frost.
After five hundred steps, the atmosphere had abruptly turned from hot to cold.
The Hu sisters quickly and silently huddled themselves closer into Yang Kai’s arms. They shook uncontrollably as if they were in a snow storm.
Before the three thousandth step, the sisters were comfortable climbing behind Yang Kai. The Yang attributes from before allowed them to do just that. Now there was coldness almost unbearable, they could only walk arm in arm with Yang Kai for more warmth. Such behaviour only reflected on their shared feelings of camaraderie, akin to when people face hardships together.
As time passed, the three stopped to rest again. The Hu sisters looked at each other, nodding as if they had decided on something.
“Yang Kai!” Hu Jiao Er suddenly said.
“What’s wrong?”
“We think it’ll be better if we stop following you.”
Yang Kai was shocked, but kept quiet, as he calmly listened.
Hu Jiao Er resumed, “Judging from your legs, you’re faster than us. Think about it, we would only slow you down.”
Hu Mei Er also nodded, as she picked up the conversation, “Elder sister wants to protect you, but this place seems to have no danger whatsoever. We would be contributing very little.”
Yang Kai was still calmly silent.
Hu Jiao Er said with a smile, “Do you think that we are giving up? We will follow through, it’s just that you’re faster than us.”
“You’re certain?” Yang Kai asked.
Standing up slowly, Yang Kai decided, “Since you have made your mind, I won’t try to change it.”
The two girls were filled with good intentions. If they were to stop him they wouldn’t be themselves.
Yang Kai peered at the peak and found the need to utter his gratitude, “Thank you. Your company was nothing short of pleasant.”
Hu Mei Er turned joyful. Her playful, cheery look was charming. The hostility and vigilance in Hu Jiao Er’s heart were torn to pieces by his words.
“I will reach the peak and look at what’s up there!” Yang Kai turned around as he proceeded onwards, this time much faster than before.
“Don’t forget to tell us all about it!” Hu Jiao Er shouted with a typical smile.
Yang Kai turned into a black stream of light as he continued to run, the talented sisters now walking side by side to resist the frost as they kept moving.
Before they could take their second step, they were suddenly thrown airborne into a gentle breeze. They were startled by this unannounced gust of wind.
In a few moments, their bodies started to lightly float as they landed softly.
Before gathering their composure, their bodies fell beside the light barrier.
They looked around and shaken to discover that many people were the same as them. They were obviously just delivered, panic clearly wrote on all their faces. Furthermore, the batch that just landed was filled with only women. Men were non-existent in this place.
“Yang Kai?” Hu Mei Er looked around and Yang Kai was nowhere to be seen.
“He is still inside!” Hu Jiao Er said in a low voice. Despite the confusion, she believed that Yang Kai was still sprinting.
But why were there only females here?
The girls who were transported still had some of the great energy of Yin and Yang stuck on them, attracting the attention of the disciples of the three sects who were outside.
They didn’t hurry to encircle them. Instead, they slowly inquired about their health then asked about the situation inside.
After talking to each other, they realised that everyone had gone through the same bitter experience of being swept by the gentle breeze to land outside the light barrier.

Martial Peak – Chapter 152, Crest

Lan Chudie, who held unyielding will in her eyes, was amongst the crowd. The look in her eyes seemed to resemble Yang Kai’s. Lan Chudie came to a realisation as her complexion turned purple, the frost which was stuck to her body started to fall off one bit at a time.
“It’s over?” Lan Chudie felt bitter and astringent at heart, she as an 8th level Qi Transformation Stage was able to climb up to 3000 steps. This was a result far better than any other disciple at her stage.
This result came solely from the persistence she had in her heart, as she never gave up.
However, she was also taken out by the gentle breeze, so how could she tolerate this? [As long as I had enough time, I would have certainly reached the peak. Why did it deliver me here instead?] Lan Chudie thought as she clenched her fists so hard her nails bit into her palms.
All that was left for her was the pain in her heart.
As she was calming down, a soft female voice sounded.
“Are you alright, fellow female apprentice?” Hu Jiao Er discovered the unusualness in Lan Chudie as she inquired kindly.
Lan Chudie shook her lowly hung head as teardrops slowly rolled down her cheek.
Yan Kai kept going forward as he focused on getting to the peak. He hadn’t noticed that the Hu sisters had silently disappeared.
Yang Kai didn’t need to worry about them anymore as he kept rushing forward.
The atmosphere which was already filled with Yin Qi kept increasing step by step. Yang Kai was not worried as his True Yang Secret Art kept his body warm, and the rest of the Yin Qi was absorbed by the Unyielding Golden Body.
After another five hundred steps, the energy changed from Yin to Yang. Yang Kai climbed at an even greater speed.
There was still some Yin energy stuck to his body in the process of melting. However, the Yang energy that synchronized well with his Secret art was much easier to absorb.
Step by step, the distance between him and the peak got smaller and smaller.
As he progressed further, the pressure which was weighing on him started to get heavier.
If it wasn’t for Yang Kai’s True Yang Secret Art allowing him to stockpile Yang Liquid in his dantian, Yang Kai wouldn’t be able to be as collected as he is.
As he got closer, Yang Kai faintly thought something was not right.
This Peak’s test was indeed getting more and more difficult, but it was not impossible for a human to pass it. If it was really a test of inheritance, it shouldn’t be this simple.
Sensing Yang Kai’s intention, Old Demon thought of saying something. However, as he thought back to when he presented an evil cultivation method which included the usage of both the Hu sisters’ virgin bodies, he shut his old mouth so as to not anger Yang Kai and receive his merciless torture.
Yang Kai would be enraged if he were to say anything related to his evil arts, so he didn’t dare to speak, even though he did not know why Yang Kai was so against them.
To avoid ruining Yang Kai’s mood, he kept silent.
Even though Yang Kai had some concerns in his mind, he thought it would all be sorted out once he reached the peak. This thought was only a small comfort. Yang Kai loosened his heart a bit, as well as relaxing his body. It was as the test became simpler along with the transformation of his mood.
Day after day passed, and Yang Kai had rested three times in total. He was really close to the peak.
There was a majestic mist that covered the peak. Looking at it felt like looking at a fairyland. Yang Kai had slowly crept into the fog, as seen by some covering the way he came from. The scene felt like the sweetest dream.
Where he was, there were only ten steps remaining… the last ten to finally end his arduous climbing journey.
He slowly walked up the steps, one at a time.
Nine, eight, seven.
As he kept moving forward with determination, old memories rushed into his head one by one.
Six, five, four.
The memories proceeded to trace far back into the past to when Yang Kai obtained the blank Black Book, changing his entire life and destiny.
Three, two.
Memories about three years ago also reappeared, causing Yang Kai’s steady disposition to have some mighty waves.
Yang Kai lifted his foot towards the last step and paused there without moving.
If he missed the last step, he could fall.
But there was no way Yang Kai would make such a mistake.
Although it was hard to tell, he projected that falling would likely only deal severe wounds to him. This was his intuition.
Deeply affected, he revolved the True Yang Secret Art silently. Yang Kai remained motionless for a long time. Once he felt that his state of mind, which had been buffeted by mighty waves, slowly return to normal, the memories which seemed to paralyze him gradually faded.
After a long time, Yang Kai opened with eyes with pure determination. There was no hint of hesitation or fear.
His foot landed.
An otherworldly buzz-like cry rang out, and an invisible pressure suddenly descended on Yang Kai. It was a pressure that only an overlord could possess.
Yang Kai’s body started to bend, including both his legs, which nearly made him kneel down. However, he stopped bending when he was half a foot from the step. He was not going to give up now.
At that moment, his body was dripping wet with sweat and his muscles were fiercely convulsing. His body shivered uncontrollably. This pressure unexpectedly wasn’t a cultivation Tempered Body world pressure. It felt different.
If he were to compare this immense pressure with cultivation pressure, there would only be one that would fit; a pressure coming from a powerhouse. It was like a huge eye looking down at him.
His body slowly straightened up, blue veins becoming visible across his forehead. His complexion had gone completely red. With his resistance, the pressure seemed to be getting stronger. His breath came out in laboured puffs as he tasted a tang of fresh blood on his tongue. The overwhelming pressure was already crushing and injuring him.
“I can withstand the prestige of the world, let alone you! You are not the world!” Yang Kai clenched his teeth so hard a clanking sound was produced. He slowly lifted his other foot little by little as he moved towards the final step.
His movement that ended in a flash gave the sensation that it took a year to complete, upon which Yang Kai finally stood straight. He had overcome the hardships of the overwhelming pressure.
As if he broke an invisible barrier, his body turned featherweight as all the pressure vanished.
A huge wave of energy fiercely swept past him, stirring up the Yuan Qi in his body. After a moment, the corner of his mouth cracked into a smile.
Initial Element Stage eight!
He unexpectedly passed through these endless steps with his low cultivation. This could be considered a great harvest.
Getting his composure back, Yang Kai could see the Palace nearby.
Unfortunately, there was still a layer of stairs between them.
Compared to what he had just endured, these steps were not intimidating to him. He estimated that there were only a hundred steps left to go.
“A two-layer test?” Yang Kai muttered to himself.
Without further delay, he faced forward and took a step upwards.
When he placed his foot on the first step, a burning hot Yang Attribute energy emerged out of thin air towards Yang Kai. This energy looked like a red silk thread, intriguingly visible to the naked eye.
Yang Kai looked surprised and reached out to grasp it.
Revolving his True Yang Secret Art, he unexpectedly directly absorbed it.
“Strange!” Yang Kai couldn’t think clearly. If this was a two layered test, then shouldn’t it be harder for the people to move in the second layer?
A few days ago when he was still in the first layer, the energy attacked and only attacked his body, but it seems like the second layer only filled his surroundings. There was an immense difference between them.
Yang Kai did not rush up the steps, as he wanted to gather more information.
With every step, more Yang energy would fill his surroundings. He would absorb them and convert them with his cultivation technique before he advanced.
From the hundred steps, he was able to gather two drops of Yang Liquid.
Having advanced to the ninety-ninth step, Yang Kai felt that something was not right. In front of the one-hundredth step, a Yin Qi barrier was blocking his path.
He put out his hand to test the waters. The Yin Qi instantly permeated through his body, such that even his True Yang Secret Art wouldn’t be able to melt this energy so easily.
What was strange was that the Yang Qi that he had previously absorbed slowly started to well up from his Dantian and dissolved into thin air.
He moved back a few steps from the Yin Qi to retain his composure.
He frowned deeply. [This should be the last step to the peak,] he thought.
How can he break the Yin Qi barrier? Is this supposed to be the last trial?
If so, he must break through this barrier to get through.
He considered his Yang Qi, which was burning hot and was the complete opposite of the Yin Qi barrier.
After a little more thinking, Yang Kai proceeded to the 100th step once again.
Gathering his Yang Qi, he slowly mustered it in front of the Yin Qi barrier.
Yang Kai took a deep breath and grabbed hold of his fist while revolving his Yuan Qi as the Burning Sun’s Blast was directly shot to the Yin Qi barrier.
Bang! The fierce Yuan Qi poured into the Yin Qi barrier. But just like a pebble splashing into a sea, there was barely any reaction.
Yang Kai delivered the same attack over and over, but it seemed to just dissipate into nothing.
If the Burning Sun’s Blast had no effect, perhaps even using Star Mark would be a waste of time and energy. What is the key to surpassing the barrier, then?
Yang Kai narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment. His heart seemed to understand something clearly.
Probing for the third time, Yang Kai went down the steps and stood at where the red silk thread was most visible. This time, instead of absorbing it, he garnered its length within his hands.
He didn’t absorb it this time around, but after watching the red silk gather he couldn’t help but grab at it.
The size of the red silk thread increased as he kept pulling in more. On top of that, the red silk thread also became more and more wild and powerful, such that even his hand started to burn a little.
If this energy was used to cultivate True Yang Secret Art, it would have inconceivable results, but in truth, this Yang Qi was so strange that if he did not absorb them, they would rebel restlessly. They might also frequently attack Yang Kai.
Yang Kai did not utter a word despite the pain increasing in his palms.
As time passed, the rebellious Yang Qi threads in his hand unexpectedly calmed down and stayed steady as if they had found their home. They no longer struggled or revolted, or even attacked him.
Yang Kai’s mouth curls into a smile as he thought that he had found the right technique.
With the increase in the thickness of the red thread, the Yang Qi that Yang Kai gathered formed the shape of a fireball. Even with its size, Yang Kai remained unharmed.
Standing in front of the ninety-ninth step once again, Yang Kai gently pushed the fireball in his hands towards the Yin Qi barrier.
This time around, he was not disappointed.
After absorbing these Yang Qi threads, the Yin Qi barrier broke like a fragile mirror. With the sounds of crashing and banging, the Yin Qi barrier dispersed, revealing the magnificent Palace which presented itself right in front of Yang Kai.
He had completed the path!!

Martial Peak – Chapter 153, The Successor to the Inheritance

When the Yin Qi barrier was shattered, Xie Hong Chen roared with anger. He had persisted with all his energy to climb to so high. He was only a few steps away from the peak, victory already in sight when he suddenly felt a gentle breeze swoop under his feet. This gentle breeze was much like what the Hu sisters had experienced; the same that had sent them down.
“No!” Xie Hong Chen shouted in refusal. He tried to extend his hand to grab onto the stairs but it proved to be just out of reach. Very quickly, the flight of stairs grew more distant as he flew away.
“No. No. No!” Xie Hong Chen looked at the flight of stairs, desperate to return to continue climbing but the flight of stairs quickly disappeared from his sight.
For so many days, he climbed relentlessly but only to fall short at the last moment. This was not his own mistake but was due to someone else clearing the trials first. With another person’s success, the other contestants behind would be delivered back by a gentle breeze.
ICE: Hong Chen does not deserve gentleness
[Who was it!?] Xie Hong Chen questioned, his eyes red with rage only to finally think of Su Yan, who had the biggest chance of succeeding.
[Can it be her?] The thought was a small comfort to him, but he still palpitated with vexation.
Once he had recovered his composure, Xie Hong Chen discovered that he had landed in a strange place. When he looked up at the sky, he deduced that he was still within the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, but weirdly enough, there was no one around.
Xie Hong Chen stood on the spot for a while, before his mouth rose into a sneer. “If Su Yan was the one that obtained the inheritance, I will certainly make you mine!”
Soon, more people started to appear out of thin air and landed around him. They were all male disciples from all three sects. Similar to the female disciples that were blown away by the breeze, these disciples had endured the trial only to end with much disappointment. At the same time, the males were dispersed throughout the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, unlike the females.
On landing, many male disciples started to explore the area in low spirits. They had failed to obtain the Inheritance, but there was still a possibility for treasure.
Above the clouds in front of a magnificent palace, Yang Kai stood there watching the gigantic doors open as if they expected his arrival. He did not immediately enter; instead, the boy closed his eyes and recounted the events of the trials.
The first part of the test questioned a person’s will. The second verified a person’s capabilities in controlling Yang Energy. Only with sufficient control and capability could one climb the 99 steps and destroy the Yin Qi barrier on the 100th step in one attack.
After a long time, Yang Kai smiled and stepped forward. As he moved, he could feel the True Yang Qi within his body change.
Once he passed through the door, he could feel the Origin of Yang suddenly react. So far, the Origin of Yang would only respond to nearby Yang Energy. Its response would vary depending on the strength of the energy. This time, it was extremely intense, so intense that Yang Kai could feel his chest boil. Nonetheless, the boy continued forth with a dignified look, following the Origin of Yang’s direction.
Yang Kai walked for a while before he saw a huge ball of red and white energy circulate each other in mid-air several meters off the ground. He instantly recognized that this ball of energy was the source his Origin of Yang was reacting to.
Strangely enough, this ball of energy did not contain just Yang energy. It also contained a piercing cold energy. When the two energies had come together, they did not oppose each other. Instead, they harmoniously coexisted alongside each other. When Yang Kai took a closer look, he could see the energy-producing two different forms from time to time.
When the boy realized the forms were actually two creatures, he shivered a little. Those two creatures were none other than the dragon and phoenix that flew outside the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance.
[Is this the inheritance?] Yang Kai’s eyelids narrowed as he carefully analyzed the sphere of energy.
In the next moment, his gaze caught sight of a human figure clad in white, startling him. His whole face seemed to change, averting his attention from the creatures.
“Su Yan?” Yang Kai called out. He had not expected someone else to be here alongside him. What’s more, the other person was Su Yan.
When he called out, the woman sitting crossed-legged under the ball of energy opened her eyes.
“It’s you?” Su Yan’s beautiful pupils shook in surprise as she relaxed.
Yang Kai smiled. He felt joy in finding his Senior Sister here. Moving closer to her, he stood tall and firm. He refocused on the ball of energy that now sat above both of them and asked, “How long have you been here?”
“This is probably the 45th day.” Su Yan spoke with an ice cold voice, highlighting her aloof nature.
[45 days?!] Yang Kai was flabbergasted by that number. He never doubted that she was worthy of the title of the strongest female in High Heaven Pavilion. Exactly 45 days ago, he was separated from the Hu sisters so he could continue quickly on his own.
The rest of his journey from their departure lasted 45 days. To think that she would accomplish it in such a short span of time was simply shocking beyond words.
What Yang Kai was not aware of was that the gentle breeze that Su Yan had caused upon her success, which blew all other females away from the flight of stairs. Likewise, he was also unaware of the gentle breeze that he himself had caused upon his own completion. Thus, in this test, they were the only two remaining.
“Sit down and speak to me,” Su Yan invited.
Yang Kai nodded and sat cross-legged facing her.
When Yang Kai chose to sit close, Su Yan’s face changed slightly but quickly returned back to normal.
They looked at each other in silence. Suddenly, Yang Kai smiled and opened his mouth, “After over ten thousand steps, I also had to complete the final hundred. During my journey, every five hundred steps changed the energy emitting from the stairs. At the end of it, I had absorbed the Yang Qi from the final 99 right before the Yin Qi barrier. I used that energy to break it.”
Su Yan smiled back, “Me too. I also suffered the same exact trials as you for the first ten thousand, but for the final hundred steps I had to absorb the Yin Qi to freeze the sea of fire that engulfed the hundredth.”
When Su Yan smiled, it felt like a refreshing breeze had blown across a wasteland, like a snow white world had finally seen the sight of greenery as though spring had arrived. Such a beautiful woman would effortlessly cause the downfall of nations and capture the hearts of everyone. Even Yang Kai was no exception; he simply stared at the beautiful woman sitting in front of him. He was filled with an abundance of joy.
Su Yan noticed his gaze and quickly avoided looking at him.
“I don’t know why, but I find your smile extremely enchanting.” Yang Kai did not hide his thoughts.
“We are not that familiar with each other.” Su Yan cheeks turned a little red, but her expression did not change.
“In the future, we will grow more familiar with each other.” Even though he was in front of such a goddess worshipped by the disciples of the three sects, he still managed to find the humour and guts to tease her a little.
Su Yan did not wish for him to continue and quickly changed the subject, “I will tell you what I think about this place. If you find that my conclusion is inaccurate, do tell me.”
“Mm,” Yang Kai nods in agreement. Su Yan had been here for 45 days. Naturally, anything that she had to say should be taken into serious consideration.
Su Yan calmed herself down before opening her red lips, “I believe that we were all mistaken. This Inheritance was not meant for one, but for two people. The 10,000 steps of alternating cold and hot energies which seemed to come together in union is the best proof of this.”
Yang Kai nodded in agreement. The possibility had crossed his mind, but he could not confirm it.
“The test that both of us experienced is the same, except for the last part. It was a test to check our abilities in controlling one of the two energies. If one is unable to control the energy, they would not be able to reach here.” Su Yan lowered her head, displaying her slender neck and whispered in a softer voice. “Before you arrived, I wasn’t too sure of something, but your arrival only makes my thought true. Do you see the thing above us?”
Yang Kai nodded.
“During these 45 days, I have been trying to absorb its energy but have not made any progress. It seems to repel my will. If I’m not wrong, it requires the both of us to work together, to bring it down and obtain the Inheritance of this place!”
Su Yan spoke in a straight and direct tone.
“So, what do you intend to do?” Yang Kai asked.
Since the Inheritance required two people, neither of them had the final say. They would need to verify their actions with one another. No one knew what kind of relationship they would foster once they obtained the Inheritance, but if it requires them to share, there will definitely be some form of change between the both of them.
To Yang Kai, he was glad that his partner was Su Yan. Although she seemed nonchalant and cold on the outside, he knew that she was a gracious and kind person regardless. However, the same feeling could not be said for her. If Su Yan was not willing to participate in this with him, Yang Kai could only reluctantly give up.
Su Yan was obviously hesitating. She could not come to a conclusion on the type of relationship she would have with Yang Kai once they obtained the Inheritance. She recalled the day the boy saved her from death by risking his life to catch her. That moment wiped the hesitation off her face as her disposition towards the boy became warmer.
After a long time of silence, Su Yan closely stared at Yang Kai’s face. She wanted to pick up any slight change in expression he might make. “If I were to decline due to the reason of not wanting some external force binding me to a person I was not familiar with, would you be disappointed?”
Yang Kai hesitated for a moment and then nodded, “I would.”
Su Yan turned gloomy.
“Nevertheless, I will respect your choice. You have your personal freedom to choose and likewise for me. If you do not wish to do this, then we won’t,” Yang Kai seemed confident when he spoke and he turned around to walk. “If you don’t wish to carry on, then let us go.”
“Where are we headed?” Su Yan asked as she slightly tilted her head forward in curiosity.
”To leave, of course,” Yang Kai chuckled. “Since we are no longer going to inherit this thing, what’s the point of staying here?”
“Who said that I didn’t want to inherit it? Since we have climbed all the way up here, how could we possibly return empty-handed?” Su Yan gave a slight, cunning smile.
“Are you trying to trick me?” Yang Kai’s complexion turned a tone darker, “To think that I would trust you so much to have you deceive me like this.”
“I was only probing your thoughts. You don’t have to get so angry. Don’t men always brag about having a broad mind? Why can’t you take a joke from a girl like me?” Su Yan slightly pursed her lips and looked at Yang Kai.

I've corrected some chapters that are incomplete
New update coming soon
Martial Peak – Chapter 154, Evil Cultivation Technique?

Translator –
Editor –
Finalized Editor –
Yang Kai only sighed. He sat down in front of Su Yan and sighed again, “Su Yan, you are not acting like a Senior Sister right now.”
“You are already addressing me directly by my name, what’s the point of behaving like a Senior Sister?”
Yang Kai was dumbfounded. Who would have thought that a woman who put up such a cold front would have the gift of the gab?
[Are all women like this?] Yang Kai wondered.
Such small talk gave the both of them an opportunity to connect with one another.
Yang Kai bitterly smiled and raised his hands as though he had surrendered and continued, “Alright, alright, consider me mistaken.”
When Su Yan noticed his glibness, she decided to be serious and changed topics and said, “Since we have both decided to do this, let’s start.”
Yang Kai noticed that she was more anxious than before, but he stayed silent.
“What am I supposed to do?” Yang Kai asked.
“Start revolving your Yang Cultivation Technique,” Su Yan instructed before she closed her eyes and began to revolve her Ice Heart Secret Art. Soon, a cold, chilling air was emitting from her.
Watching Su Yan revolve her Cultivation Technique made Yang Kai follow suit quickly with his own. With the True Yang Secret Art revolving, Yang Kai could feel the burning hot Yang Yuan Qi flood through his Meridians.
When both of them started revolving their cultivation technique, the hall they sat in seemed to respond. A loud bang could then be heard, which lingered faintly while they continued. Noticing the response, Su Yan’s face was replaced with delight. She had understood that her conclusion was right, that she needed Yang Kai to obtain this Inheritance.
Over time, the ball of energy that suspended over their heads started to descend as if a hand was lightly and slowly pressing down on it.
Both figures of the Dragon and Phoenix within the ball of energy started to transform non-stop. They would appear for a second before disappearing again. This whole process repeated itself blindingly and rapidly as it slowly made their forms clearer over time.
Within half an hour of their revolution, the ball of energy had fallen between both Yang Kai and Su Yan. As the Dragon and the Phoenix started to vibrate more, their forms also became more apparent. They were flashing more and more intensely as the red and white portions of the ball continued to interact with each other, producing a bright ray of light.
Suddenly, the Dragon roared and the Phoenix then cried, and the ball burst into two separate forms. They quickly turned into a Fire Dragon and an Ice Phoenix respectively, then crashed into Yang Kai and Su Yan’s bodies. Both of them shuddered in pain as the figures entered.
When the Fire Dragon entered Yang Kai’s body, he discovered that his Meridians were now filled with boundless Yang Energy. It also seemed like new information was delivered to his mind, too.
Afraid to neglect the energy in his body, Yang Kai forced his own True Yang Secret Art to revolve faster. He wanted to quickly turn the excess Yang energy into Yang Liquid but was surprised to find that he was unable to do so.
Soon, he could feel his five senses become sharper. Yang Kai could smell the obvious fragrance that surrounded Su Yan. It was like honey to a bee, causing Yang Kai to find Su Yan irresistible, his heartstrings pulled every time he took another breath of her smell. His heartbeat accelerated as he continued to sniff. Within a few seconds, his dragon welled up due to his primitive urges.
ICE:Time to put Sisqo unleash the dragon on
[What is this?] Yang Kai could not help but question. His whole mind seemed to be stuck in confusion after he examined the information he received from the Fire Dragon moments ago. With it, Yang Kai opened his eyes to look at Su Yan, baffled.
When he opened his eyes, he saw that the beautiful Su Yan was pale. Her gentle and graceful body seemed to be freezing as she shivered uncontrollably.
Although cultivating the Ice Heart Secret Art required a cold environment to cultivate, the chill she was experiencing right now far exceeded what she could handle. Yang Kai could also obviously feel the heat within his body quickly exceeding the limits that he could handle too.
Shortly after, Su Yan also opened her eyes. Her dazzling pupils seemed to radiate a certain charm to Yang Kai, as her pale cheeks blushed lightly. Her breathing had become somewhat ragged as her gaze seemed to turn into that of a lover.
Right now, Yang Kai understood the feelings they had for each other. It was as though they eternally longed for the power within the other person.
Yang Kai wished to soothe the heat and dryness within himself with the coldness that Su Yan had. Similarly, Su Yan wished to soothe her ice-cold body with the heat from Yang Kai. Their desires were not only from their own body but also from the Dragon and the Phoenix. However, it seemed that the desire allowed both of them to maintain their own consciousness, enabling them to resist their urges.
“This is the Inheritance that we wished for, Su Yan.” Yang Kai opened his mouth to speak and to lick his lips. His throat was dry as he looked at Su Yan with eyes red with desire. He wanted so very much to quench his thirst.
“I know…” Su Yan clenched her teeth as her face seemed unwilling to accept the fact of the Inheritance. She was still well aware that this Inheritance can be obtained only with two people. It would force the two of them to have some special connection with each other, but never would she have thought that the Inheritance would turn out to be something like this. Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art, it was a Cultivation Technique that entered their minds.
Although Su Yan could not verify the rank of this Cultivation Technique, she could tell that it was obviously greater than her Ice Heart Secret Art. The Ice Heart Secret Art was considered a Mystery Rank Cultivation Technique, but it could not handle the cold that the Ice Phoenix instilled in her body. However, the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art could.
“Isn’t this a Dual Cultivation Technique?” Yang Kai could not help but ask as his heart seemed to stop for a moment.
“Erm…” Su Yan replied but her answer felt dreamy. The noise that she made, down to the tone she produced all seemed to be perfect, which only made Yang Kai desire her even more.
“Isn’t this considered an Evil Cultivation Technique?” Yang Kai seemed depressed as he spoke. Although his desires to cultivate with Su Yan was not merely caused by the Yang energy, if this was an Evil Cultivation Technique, there might be some detrimental effects.
ICE: Sex is not evil…it is the cause of such an act that could be
Su Yan could not help but smile in comfort when the boy looked depressed. Unconsciously, she swayed her body from side to side amorously, showing off her curves while trembling. “A Dual Cultivation Technique does not necessarily mean it is an Evil Cultivation Technique. Gathering Yin to supplement Yang and gathering Yang to supplement Yin is an Evil Cultivation Technique!”
Usually, Su Yan would be embarrassed to discuss this topic with a man. However, her abilities to judge right now was at best impaired, and she had no qualms with sharing her thoughts. Nonetheless, she was still embarrassed as her face still blushed past the paleness.
Currently, she was not the arrogant, strong and beautiful woman that the three sects worshipped as a goddess. She was now merely a woman who desired hot Yuan Qi to flow inside her body.
Silavin: Awww Yeah!
“Su Yan…” Yang Kai could not help but call out in desperation.
“…” Su Yan whole face seemed to be in pain as she silently shook her head.
ICE: Sorry SIL…it’s too soon
Silavin: D:
Yang Kai could not help but sigh, “We can try to transfer some energy within our bodies to each other.”
When Su Yan heard his words, she bowed down in gratitude. If Yang Kai had wished to pursue the matter any further, she doubted that she would be able to resist the temptation. Even with his suffering, he was still patient and kind enough to respect her will. In return, Su Yan could only show her gratitude.
The two simultaneously closed their eyes and started to revolve their respective Cultivation Techniques again in an attempt to build up the cold and hot energy within their bodies.
Unfortunately, Yang Kai discovered that the more he tried to build up the hot energy within his body, the more dreadful and powerful it became. The emotions and desires within him were only getting harder to resist. The fragrance from Su Yan became so strong that thoughts of filth invaded his mind as he savoured them helplessly.
Soon, Yang Kai’s skin turned entirely red. It was as if his whole body was a heated piece of iron. His body was even producing steam as he squinted his eyes in pain. However, the youth had decided not to make any moves as long as Su Yan did not wish for it.
ICE: A gentleman
Silavin: Or a wolf in sheep’s clothing? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The Fire Dragon within his body seemed to be getting angry with Yang Kai’s adamant resistance. It gave out a roar, causing Yang Kai to almost lose consciousness as his eyes turned even redder and his heartbeat raced like he had just run a marathon. Each beat seemed like a powerful drum, strong and clear, sending out heat waves each time. He could feel the blood throbbing beneath his skin.
The only thing that was on his mind right now was being in Su Yan’s embrace, cooling the heat within his body. Su Yan also felt the same. Although it was not her wish, she wanted to soothe the freezing coldness with the heat from Yang Kai. This was the strongest aphrodisiac that could possibly exist; torturing them and fabricating a strong desire to be together. No matter how strong and iron-willed they were, their adamance will lose to their desires.
When Yang Kai’s consciousness vanished entirely, his desire quickly suppressed itself.
It was his Golden Skeleton. Yang Kai’s own resolve and pride had activated it. Soon, a comfortable feeling flowed through his body and his own consciousness slowly restored, but as he awoke, he heard an amorous moan that caused his heart flutter.
When he snapped his eyes open, Yang Kai was greeted with the sight of Su Yan. Her complexion was ghost pale from the coldness but her face was still flushed with bright red. Her pearl white teeth were nipping on her salacious lips. Her long eyelashes quivered as her whole body shook involuntarily.
“Su Yan! Su Yan!” Yang Kai could not help but shout her name in anxiousness.
Even when her whole body was trembling, Su Yan clenched her teeth, “I can continue to resist. So, don’t give up.”
“Em!” Yang Kai nodded and continued to furiously build up the burning hot Yang Energy within his body.
It was only thanks to the Golden Skeleton that Yang Kai could manage to maintain his sobriety. Else, he would have acted on instinct!
Silavin: Well, see all of you guys two days later!
ICE: looks like Su Yan will succumb to her desires first

Martial Peak – Chapter 155, Blasphemy

Translator –
Editor –
Finalized Editor –
Advice From Silavin:
Dear readers, make sure you have a few tissues with you and your parents are not at home. BTW, just a reminder, I will be making the story more erotic with another chapter, separate from this one (fan made) but can be linked.
Even with help from the Golden Skeleton, Yang Kai’s struggle did not wane. He could not tell how much longer he could withstand the pain. Even with the Golden Skeleton, the boiling hot Energy was still getting worse. If things were to carry on like this, his whole body was going to burn.
Yang Kai found the situation ironic. Who would think that a Yang Energy cultivator would die from Yang Energy? If one were to explain this situation to him, Yang Kai was sure they would find it hard to believe. Compared to Yang Kai, Su Yan was in a more exacerbating situation. If Yang Kai had not called out to her early on, she would have lost herself to the desires.
ICE: It has been a long time coming *cough*
Even with utmost resistance, Su Yan’s willpower was faltering.
Though no words were spoken, Su Yan had got on her knees and started crawling towards Yang Kai. Her chest heaved as she panted heavily. Her vision blurred as she lifted her left hand to caress Yang Kai’s cheeks.
All her movements were not done consciously. She was still struggling to resist the temptations as the urge grew stronger. Even her ice cold fingers were covered with frost.
For short periods of time, Su Yan would let out groans of pain as she winced.
“Su Yan!” Yang Kai called out to her again. This time, his voice was much softer than before. He did not wish to seem perverted, afraid of being repulsed by Su Yan.
Yang Kai’s words seemed to reverberate in her ears as Su Yan’s eyes seemed to restore lightly with consciousness. She noticed her own body posture and the tenderness in Yang Kai’s eyes.
“I don’t think I can resist it any further…” Su Yan finally conceded.
Yang Kai smiled and grabbed her hand. When their bodies made contact, the Dragon roared and the Phoenix cried again. They had also regained their control and consciousness.
This time, the two did not separate from one another. They knew that losing physical contact would only return them to the torturous pain. Their 5 interlocking fingers soon turned to 10 as they shuffled closer to each other. Their eyes were locked together as they felt their hearts palpitate in unison. Another strange sensation welled up, compelling them to advance past holding hands.
“You won’t regret this?” Yang Kai chuckled as he caressed Su Yan’s hands. They were icy cold but smooth and pleasant to the touch. Holding her hands sent a feeling of comfort throughout his body.
Su Yan face flushed as she hung her head down and said softly, “We’ve tried our best…”
Yang Kai used his strength to gently lift Su Yan up, sitting her on his lap while embracing her waist. Soon, the two energies with their bodies seem to come together. It was as though they were perfect for each other, giving both a delightful sensation. Even with their self-control fully restored, their bodies still sought for comfort in each other. They could no longer resist their impulses any longer.
“Su Yan,” Yang Kai once again called out in a soft, shivering voice. This was the first time he was doing something like this, and he did not know what to do.
Su Yan did not speak but only hid her face, placing her head on Yang Kai’s shoulders.
Yang Kai slowly stretched out his hand to caress her neck, pulling her away from his shoulder.
Su Yan’s eyelashes shivered as she kept her eyes tightly shut. She leant back, placing her hands on her stomach, tightly hugging herself to calm her anxiousness.
Yang Kai noticed and lightly teased, “There’s no need to be so anxious.” He had never thought that such a cold, beautiful Senior Sister would be more anxious than him.
He took a deep breath, trying to stabilise his intense and heavy breathing. He brought his lips forward and connected with Su Yan’s succulent lips.
At first, Su Yan’s whole body froze solid due to the sudden kiss. She slowly relaxed after Yang Kai stroked her arms. Once she was ready to accept him, Yang Kai moved in his tongue, splitting apart her cold lips and opening her pearl white teeth, provoking her.
As sounds of periodic sucking resounded throughout the main hall, both of Su Yan’s hands finally wrapped around Yang Kai’s neck, wishing for more. She had lost all resistance. The urge for the heat within Yang Kai had peaked; preventing her from maintaining her own disposition.
Soon, pieces of clothing start to loosen. One by one, they were conveniently removed by Yang Kai, tossed aside with haste. When he put aside her undergarments, that she started to blush even heavier. Out of pure embarrassment, she quickly moved her hands to cover her chest.
Yang Kai took the opportunity to look at the beauty in front of him. Her figure was perfect. Every inch of her skin was smooth, glimmering with health. Her breasts were perfect, not too big and not too small, the perfect size to fill his two eager hands. Her belly seemed to be made of the finest silk, smooth without excrescence and perfectly defined. Without a doubt, even the saints of the world would have their lust invoked in the presence of such a sight. Naturally, Yang Kai could no longer keep his dark desires sealed up.
Su Yan’s body returned to her usual colour. Love surged out from the innermost sanctum of her heart.
Yang Kai stretched out his hands to pull Su Yan’s arms away. At first, she resisted but she soon let go as well.
Yang Kai was secretly delighted that he was able to be together with Su Yan. Such an icy and noble beauty, it would be hard for anyone to approach her, let alone be intimate with her. It was only with the inheritance of the Dual Cultivation Technique, that he was able to claim her purity.
Such an honour only reinforced Yang Kai’s lustful desires. No longer able to hold himself back, he gave out a low groan, clutching Su Yan’s body like a beast with its prey. Even when the girl yipped in surprise, he did not stop. He lifted her up and spread her shimmering thighs apart.
Silvain: Beast!
“I’ve heard that it is a little painful at first, so you’ll need to bear with it,” Yang Kai lustfully informed her.
Su Yan still had her eyes shut. As her whole body froze with nervousness, she could only give a slight nod.
Yang Kai slowly lowered her body. Inch by inch, Su Yan could feel a spear enter her. The piercing sensation numbed her whole body, from her abdomen to her head. She felt like her whole body was unresponsive. She had a great urge to squeal in pain, but she gritted her teeth and braved Yang Kai’s entry. Her two arms quickly wrapped around Yang Kai’s neck in hope of support as her body convulsed as droplets of tears emerged from the corners of her eyes. It was at this moment that she wished to beat Yang Kai into a pulp. She screamed in her head, [You call this a little pain? A little?!]
It was only after a good amount of time did the pain subside. In its place was a strange sensation, as though something in a void was being filled up. The unprecedented sensation gave Su Yan the embarrassing urge to sway her body from side to side, trying to feel Yang Kai even more.
“Start revolving the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art!” Yang Kai sounded off in a low voice. Su Yan cracked opened her eyes to see a beast-like man with red, lusty eyes. However, those eyes still emitted ripples of calmness and tender love towards the person within its gaze. Looking at them made Su Yan’s heart skip a beat as she made a slight bow and quickly followed Yang Kai’s lead; she began revolving Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art together with Yang Kai.
When the Cultivation Technique began its revolution, Yang Kai and Su Yan moaned together. The Ice Phoenix and Fire Dragon within their bodies both followed. Suddenly, the two mystical beasts calmed down as a gush of pleasant sensations flooded both their minds and bodies. Vigorous Yuan Qi shuttled between the two of them, passing through their conjoined sacred parts and spreading throughout their bodies, merging and blending within.
Even in such an intimate position, the two of them were solemn and silent. They were too occupied with circulating their Yuan Qi into each other. Yang Kai could feel a great amount of power rushing into his body from Su Yan. The Yin Yuan Qi within her body was over a hundred times more potent than the Yang Yuan Qi he had in his Meridians. It was like comparing a toddler to an adult.
The difference in strength was so obvious that Su Yan slowed down her revolution of the Cultivation Technique. She had to do so. Yang Kai could no longer keep up.
Being connected and simultaneously revolving the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art Cultivation Technique allowed them to have a unique connection with each other. They were both able to feel their bodies touching while their spirits mixed. All of a sudden, they felt as though they had known each other for years. In their life, no one could be more important than the person in front of them right now.
With each revolution, the Fire Dragon within Yang Kai and the Ice Phoenix within Su Yan seemed to gradually dissipate. They had completed their function; to force the two lovers to copulate and cultivate the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art. Since their duty was completed, there was no longer any need to stay. The beasts did not enter their Meridians nor their Dantian. One would typically think that they had completely disappeared, although Yang Kai felt that they were still hiding somewhere within their bodies.
Silavin: Bye my friends. I hope to see you again soon!
ICE: A bit disappointed that they are not enjoying the moment, just cultivating
As the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art continued to revolve, the energy in their meridians from the Ice Phoenix and the Fire Dragon were slowly substituted with their respective Yin and Yang Yuan Qi. Unfortunately, their difference in strength was too vast for Su Yan to feel much difference; to her, it felt like a pebble splashing into the ocean.
Discovering their difference in Yuan Qi vigour only left Yang Kai feeling awkward.
“There is no need to worry. Just take your time.” Su Yan gently comforted Yang Kai through her mind. She was well aware of Yang Kai’s current complex feelings and wished to console him. Yang Kai kept silent only to suddenly explode ten drops of Yang Liquid within his Dantian. In that instant, True Yang Yuan Qi flooded through Yang Kai’s veins and burst into Su Yan’s body.
Su Yan was taken by surprise. She had no idea how Yang Kai was able to suddenly produce so much Yuan Qi. An Initial Element 8 Stage cultivator would never be able to have so much Yuan Qi within their body. Her surprise was quickly suppressed as she felt the need to concentrate on revolving the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art. With a flood of energy that was equal to hers, she needed to quickly build it up to continue the steady flow between the both of them.
Another eruption of Yang Liquid occurred. This time, it was 30 drops. With all of that, Yang Kai could feel his Meridians on the edge of rupturing. Without Su Yan as his partner for the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art, Yang Kai knew that he would have died from blowing all 30 drops. A single drop was sufficient to flood his whole Meridians with True Yang Yuan Qi, and even three drops would likely end in the destruction of his Meridians. With Su Yan’s cultivation level, they were able to achieve something he would have never been able to alone.
Silavin: Due to CNY, we will be taking a break for awhile. So, see you guys in the future XD!

Martial Peak – Chapter 156, Qi Transformation Stage

Translator –
Editor –
Finalized Editor –
When she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Yang Kai’s pleased smiled. Su Yan’s eyes glimmered with mischief as she lowered her head to his shoulder and nipped it.
Silavin: Oh! XD
“Ouch…” Yang Kai shook his shoulder.
Su Yan released her lips and gracefully smiled back at Yang Kai, “I have learned that your body harbours some kind of secret!”
Yang Kai did not seem capable of replying properly as he was still completely infatuated with Su Yan, and instead proceeded to flirt, “Has anyone ever told you that your smile makes the world brighter?”
Silavin: Thanks. Shall use that quote on a girl in the future XD
Su Yan’s face turned completely red as her hand moved to her hair, twirling it around her fingers. She whispered, “Then… I won’t smile at anyone except for you.”
Silavin: Awww… only capable of saying this in novels… sorry girls
Yang Kai felt bliss and euphoria flood through his body. He quickly restrained his thoughts and with a hint of loneliness in his voice, he reminded, “Let’s cultivate first.”
Su Yan agreed with a slight nod.
Yang Kai used 30 drops of Yang Liquid, which was quickly devoured by Su Yan, and he received an equivalent amount of Yin Yuan Qi, all of which was absorbed by his Golden Skeleton. This discovery left Yang Kai thrilled. Although the Yang Liquid within him was important, the Golden Skeleton was more important. To be able to convert the Yin Yuan Qi into an energy that he can store within his Golden Skeleton was a celebratory discovery.
Currently, Yang Kai did not feel any discomfort. There was almost definitely supposed to be some form of backlash in expending 30 drops of Yang Liquid in one go, but his body was perfectly fine. Knitting his brows, Yang Kai wondered. He exploded 5 drops of Yang Liquid before feeling a familiar ache within his meridians. How was it possible for him to now explode 5 Yang Liquid drops and then feel the ache? Previously, he could have hardly have tolerated 2 explosions of Yang Liquid. He deduced that from the cultivation, his meridians expanded.
[Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art is simply too amazing!] Yang Kai thought to himself.
When all the Yang Yuan Qi energy from another 30 drops of Yang Liquid was devoured by Su Yan; and in return, the equivalent amount of Yin Yuan Qi from Su Yan was absorbed into Yang Kai’s Golden Skeleton, Yang Kai’s body ferociously trembled. The air around him formed a whirlwind as their scattered clothing was swept further away from the two nude lovers. An invisible field of air that seemed to surround Yang Kai finally erupted. A burst of energy spread out, gradually subsiding. He had suddenly broken through to Initial Element Stage 9!
When Su Yan realised what had just happened, she was also brimming with joy. Similar to Yang Kai, she rejoiced in his achievement, although Yang Kai was more calm than excited. He now had a faint sense of anticipation for the benefits of the Dual Cultivation Technique. Who would have thought that he would break through so quickly?
When Yang Kai analysed his state, he learned that after he had spent 65 drops of Yang Liquid to pierce a small boundary using the Dual Cultivation Technique with Su Yan, the Yang Liquid within his Dantian had become purer. Although the amount seemed to be insufficient for another breakthrough, his achievement in a purer Yang Liquid was much more valuable.
Clenching his teeth, Yang Kai once again exploded another 50 drops of Yang Liquid and started to revolve the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art. His Yang Yuan Qi flooded into Su Yan’s body, robbing the girl of speech. The first explosion had already taken her by surprise. The second flood only terrified her a little. With the third eruption of Yang Yuan Qi even greater than before, she could no longer contain herself.
[Just where is all his Yuan Qi coming from?] Su Yan wondered. She didn’t say a word, being simply grateful of the situation.
Yang Kai was a man with whom she had become intimate. If he could survive such reckless cultivation and live without accidents, it was probable that she will spend her whole life together with him. Discovering that her lover was more formidable made her jubilant.
Fan-Made Erotic Chapter Here!!
After three days, Yang Kai and Su Yan ended their first Dual Cultivation Session. They both decided that three days was long enough. Strangely, when their mind, body and spirit was connected and blended together, it felt like their experience had only lasted a short instant.
ICE: Damn!! Three days
When they both woke up, Su Yan could also feel the Yin Yuan Qi within herself become purer as well. This made her lose any sense of regret in giving up her chastity.
Silavin: XD glad you also got stronger from bang bang experience!
When she looked towards Yang Kai’s tender gaze and his smiling face, her heart raced. It did not feel abnormal when they were immersed in cultivation, but when she thought about how she behaved, she felt embarrassed. She was riding him, sitting on his lap; hands hugging his neck, lips continuously moist, connected as one. Within her abdomen was a burning hot rod that filled up her body and mind, transmitting Yang Kai’s fierce heat pulse. Each pulse caused her whole body to turn soft, her mind muddled as she could not find the least bit of strength to extract herself from his pole. She would never have thought that she would maintain such a posture with a man, let alone intimacy. Cultivating the Ice Heart Secret Art froze not only her mind but her heart as well. How would it be possible to even dream of a man stealing her heart?
Su Yan anticipated living a long, lonely life. The Inheritance of the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art changed that. Now, she had an unbreakable bond with a man she hardly knew. She was not filled with repulse or regret, however, and instead was over the moon.
Silavin: That not the only thing filling her XD
Ice: Calm down it’s not only about their union here
After a short amount of time, Su Yan found the courage to look at Yang Kai. Her gaze was extremely gentle and tender. Noticing her gaze, Yang Kai called out, “Su Yan…” He was still full of lust as his fiery gaze concentrated on Su Yan’s perfect face. Even after the disappearance of the Fire Dragon and Ice Phoenix, Yang Kai still had the desire to continue and extend beyond what they had already done. It seemed to have completely destroyed his consciousness as he felt the wetness.
Su Yan bit her own luscious red lips and used both her hands to caress Yang Kai’s cheeks, placing her forehead against his. She struggled for a moment but then spoke with a little reluctance, “Let’s not do it first. It’s more important for me to help you break through.” She found it hard to refuse her lover as her heart still desired for him. However, for his own benefit, she found the determination to refuse his request.
When Su Yan stopped talking, a burst of Yin Yuan Qi rushed into Yang Kai’s body, forcing him to quickly concentrate on revolving the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art. He held his breath and stabilised his breathing as he slowly closed his fiery, crazed eyes while accepting all of Su Yan’s energy.
Yang Kai was well aware that Su Yan’s actions were detrimental to herself, but even at the cost of her diminishing strength, he could not refuse her selfless sacrifice. His Meridians were full of Yuan Qi from Su Yan’s flood of energy. They bulged thickly to the extent of almost bursting with pain, but he did not ask her to stop. When Su Yan noticed Yang Kai was reaching his limit, the Yuan Qi fluctuation around them simmered down. She stopped in case of injuring Yang Kai.
“Continue!” Yang Kai spoke with his eyes closed and remained silent.
“Just continue!”
Su Yan obeyed Yang Kai’s wish and resumed pouring her Yuan Qi into him.
When the two were cultivating the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art, the Yuan Qi within their bodies did not drain. In fact, the total amount remained constant as it travelled between the two lovers’ bodies. This advantage is something that other Cultivation Techniques could never hope to compare to.
After a long time, the Yuan Qi flooding within Yang Kai became more unbearable. The excruciation within his Meridians made his body quiver as beads of cold sweat rolled off his forehead, but he did not complain or cry out as he kept silent.
“Don’t stop!” Yang Kai gave a pained roar.
Su Yan’s beautiful eyes shook as she hesitated. She did not dare to invest more of her Yuan Qi into his body out of fear of injuring him, but she could feel Yang Kai’s unyielding will. It was a will to get stronger. It was a will to be strong enough to protect his own woman.
Yang Kai would not be in such a rush if he had never gotten together with her. However, their relationship has blossomed after experiencing such connection. With their strength disparity right now, Yang Kai could not remain as calm as he used to be. He needed to be able to protect her as her man; he wished to be able to protect her because he loved her. It goes without saying that that means he would have to be stronger.
Su Yan understood what was in Yang Kai’s mind; it was a touching sentiment. After hesitating for a long time, she continued to pour Yuan Qi into Yang Kai.
The Yuan Qi gradually got fiercer. It was like a wild animal trapped in a cage, ramming against the door hoping to escape. When Su Yan noticed what was happening to Yang Kai, she paused the transferral yet again. She knew that Yang Kai was about to break through. When the Yuan Qi within a Cultivator acts like this, it indicates that the Cultivator was about to progress to the Qi Transformation Stage. At that moment, Yang Kai no longer had a pained expression. The pain had vanished. The Yuan Qi swishing within his body did not cause any damage to his Meridians. Instead, his Meridians were now more tenacious, improving his ability to bear all the Yuan Qi.
One layer of invisible shackles seemed to attach to Yang Kai, preventing him from breaking through. This was the same feeling he had when he broke through the Initial Element Stage. Breaking these invisible shackles was his key to advancing to the Qi Transformation Stage.
When Yang Kai noticed this resistance, he immersed himself into his own body and noticed that the Yuan Qi inside was getting more aggressive by the minute.
The bones within his body began to seep out energy. This caused Yang Kai’s body to be wrapped in an evil aura, startling Su Yan, but she refused to disturb Yang Kai at such a critical juncture. After a moment, the evil aura vanished leaving behind no trace; the Yuan Qi fluctuations within Yang Kai’s body became acutely wild. He slowly opened his eyes, smiling. He had reached the Qi Transformation Stage! Thanks to Su Yan’s help, he had achieved this breakthrough smoothly.
*Bang Bang..* Sounds similar to thunderclaps resonated throughout the entire Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, swaying the place slightly. Meanwhile, the energy that filled the space within the main hall of the palace turned to whirlwinds, rushing into Yang Kai. This was an entirely natural phenomenon after a Big Boundary breakthrough. The World’s Prestige would enter the body, tampering with the body’s blood and physique, strengthening the Cultivator in question. When Yang Kai broke through the Initial Element Stage, he had also experienced the World’s Prestige, but it was nothing compared to the size he is absorbing now.
Opening his eyes, he saw Su Yan’s worried face. Yang Kai gave a smile, “I’ll give you something.”
While he spoke, he fished into his Golden Skeleton and sent half of the Nine Yin Dew Crystal to Su Yan.
Feeling something icy cold enter her, Su Yan seemed happy and asked, “What is this?”
“It’s called the Nine Yin Dew Crystal. It’s said that this is extremely useful for Cultivators in the True Element Stage.” Yang Kai spoke while he stroked Su Yan’s clean, lustrous back intentionally, “Build it up while I temper my body.”
Silavin: XD Sly dog
“Good!” Su Yan docilely nodded.
Even if Su Yan built up the Nine Yin Dew Crystal, the effects would be inferior to that displayed by Xia Ning Cheng by 10 percent. However, only 20 percent of its effects would be sufficient in making up for Su Yan’s cost in aiding Yang Kai. Nonetheless, the effects of the Nine Yin Dew Crystal would improve Su Yan’s strength.
Silavin: I promised an erotic version of this so readers, think of it as a fan made story! I will upload it in a few days time and link it from this chapter

Martial Peak – Chapter 154, Evil Cultivation Technique?

Yang Kai only sighed. He sat down in front of Su Yan and sighed again, “Su Yan, you are not acting like a Senior Sister right now.”
“You are already addressing me directly by my name, what’s the point of behaving like a Senior Sister?”
Yang Kai was dumbfounded. Who would have thought that a woman who put up such a cold front would have the gift of the gab?
[Are all women like this?] Yang Kai wondered.
Such small talk gave the both of them an opportunity to connect with one another.
Yang Kai bitterly smiled and raised his hands as though he had surrendered and continued, “Alright, alright, consider me mistaken.”
When Su Yan noticed his glibness, she decided to be serious and changed topics and said, “Since we have both decided to do this, let’s start.”
Yang Kai noticed that she was more anxious than before, but he stayed silent.
“What am I supposed to do?” Yang Kai asked.
“Start revolving your Yang Cultivation Technique,” Su Yan instructed before she closed her eyes and began to revolve her Ice Heart Secret Art. Soon, a cold, chilling air was emitting from her.
Watching Su Yan revolve her Cultivation Technique made Yang Kai follow suit quickly with his own. With the True Yang Secret Art revolving, Yang Kai could feel the burning hot Yang Yuan Qi flood through his Meridians.
When both of them started revolving their cultivation technique, the hall they sat in seemed to respond. A loud bang could then be heard, which lingered faintly while they continued. Noticing the response, Su Yan’s face was replaced with delight. She had understood that her conclusion was right, that she needed Yang Kai to obtain this Inheritance.
Over time, the ball of energy that suspended over their heads started to descend as if a hand was lightly and slowly pressing down on it.
Both figures of the Dragon and Phoenix within the ball of energy started to transform non-stop. They would appear for a second before disappearing again. This whole process repeated itself blindingly and rapidly as it slowly made their forms clearer over time.
Within half an hour of their revolution, the ball of energy had fallen between both Yang Kai and Su Yan. As the Dragon and the Phoenix started to vibrate more, their forms also became more apparent. They were flashing more and more intensely as the red and white portions of the ball continued to interact with each other, producing a bright ray of light.
Suddenly, the Dragon roared and the Phoenix then cried, and the ball burst into two separate forms. They quickly turned into a Fire Dragon and an Ice Phoenix respectively, then crashed into Yang Kai and Su Yan’s bodies. Both of them shuddered in pain as the figures entered.
When the Fire Dragon entered Yang Kai’s body, he discovered that his Meridians were now filled with boundless Yang Energy. It also seemed like new information was delivered to his mind, too.
Afraid to neglect the energy in his body, Yang Kai forced his own True Yang Secret Art to revolve faster. He wanted to quickly turn the excess Yang energy into Yang Liquid but was surprised to find that he was unable to do so.
Soon, he could feel his five senses become sharper. Yang Kai could smell the obvious fragrance that surrounded Su Yan. It was like honey to a bee, causing Yang Kai to find Su Yan irresistible, his heartstrings pulled every time he took another breath of her smell. His heartbeat accelerated as he continued to sniff. Within a few seconds, his dragon welled up due to his primitive urges.
ICE:Time to put Sisqo unleash the dragon on
[What is this?] Yang Kai could not help but question. His whole mind seemed to be stuck in confusion after he examined the information he received from the Fire Dragon moments ago. With it, Yang Kai opened his eyes to look at Su Yan, baffled.
When he opened his eyes, he saw that the beautiful Su Yan was pale. Her gentle and graceful body seemed to be freezing as she shivered uncontrollably.
Although cultivating the Ice Heart Secret Art required a cold environment to cultivate, the chill she was experiencing right now far exceeded what she could handle. Yang Kai could also obviously feel the heat within his body quickly exceeding the limits that he could handle too.
Shortly after, Su Yan also opened her eyes. Her dazzling pupils seemed to radiate a certain charm to Yang Kai, as her pale cheeks blushed lightly. Her breathing had become somewhat ragged as her gaze seemed to turn into that of a lover.
Right now, Yang Kai understood the feelings they had for each other. It was as though they eternally longed for the power within the other person.
Yang Kai wished to soothe the heat and dryness within himself with the coldness that Su Yan had. Similarly, Su Yan wished to soothe her ice-cold body with the heat from Yang Kai. Their desires were not only from their own body but also from the Dragon and the Phoenix. However, it seemed that the desire allowed both of them to maintain their own consciousness, enabling them to resist their urges.
“This is the Inheritance that we wished for, Su Yan.” Yang Kai opened his mouth to speak and to lick his lips. His throat was dry as he looked at Su Yan with eyes red with desire. He wanted so very much to quench his thirst.
“I know…” Su Yan clenched her teeth as her face seemed unwilling to accept the fact of the Inheritance. She was still well aware that this Inheritance can be obtained only with two people. It would force the two of them to have some special connection with each other, but never would she have thought that the Inheritance would turn out to be something like this. Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art, it was a Cultivation Technique that entered their minds.
Although Su Yan could not verify the rank of this Cultivation Technique, she could tell that it was obviously greater than her Ice Heart Secret Art. The Ice Heart Secret Art was considered a Mystery Rank Cultivation Technique, but it could not handle the cold that the Ice Phoenix instilled in her body. However, the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art could.
“Isn’t this a Dual Cultivation Technique?” Yang Kai could not help but ask as his heart seemed to stop for a moment.
“Erm…” Su Yan replied but her answer felt dreamy. The noise that she made, down to the tone she produced all seemed to be perfect, which only made Yang Kai desire her even more.
“Isn’t this considered an Evil Cultivation Technique?” Yang Kai seemed depressed as he spoke. Although his desires to cultivate with Su Yan was not merely caused by the Yang energy, if this was an Evil Cultivation Technique, there might be some detrimental effects.
ICE: Sex is not evil…it is the cause of such an act that could be
Su Yan could not help but smile in comfort when the boy looked depressed. Unconsciously, she swayed her body from side to side amorously, showing off her curves while trembling. “A Dual Cultivation Technique does not necessarily mean it is an Evil Cultivation Technique. Gathering Yin to supplement Yang and gathering Yang to supplement Yin is an Evil Cultivation Technique!”
Usually, Su Yan would be embarrassed to discuss this topic with a man. However, her abilities to judge right now was at best impaired, and she had no qualms with sharing her thoughts. Nonetheless, she was still embarrassed as her face still blushed past the paleness.
Currently, she was not the arrogant, strong and beautiful woman that the three sects worshipped as a goddess. She was now merely a woman who desired hot Yuan Qi to flow inside her body.
“Su Yan…” Yang Kai could not help but call out in desperation.
“…” Su Yan whole face seemed to be in pain as she silently shook her head.
ICE: Sorry SIL…it’s too soon
Yang Kai could not help but sigh, “We can try to transfer some energy within our bodies to each other.”
When Su Yan heard his words, she bowed down in gratitude. If Yang Kai had wished to pursue the matter any further, she doubted that she would be able to resist the temptation. Even with his suffering, he was still patient and kind enough to respect her will. In return, Su Yan could only show her gratitude.
The two simultaneously closed their eyes and started to revolve their respective Cultivation Techniques again in an attempt to build up the cold and hot energy within their bodies.
Unfortunately, Yang Kai discovered that the more he tried to build up the hot energy within his body, the more dreadful and powerful it became. The emotions and desires within him were only getting harder to resist. The fragrance from Su Yan became so strong that thoughts of filth invaded his mind as he savoured them helplessly.
Soon, Yang Kai’s skin turned entirely red. It was as if his whole body was a heated piece of iron. His body was even producing steam as he squinted his eyes in pain. However, the youth had decided not to make any moves as long as Su Yan did not wish for it.
ICE: A gentleman
The Fire Dragon within his body seemed to be getting angry with Yang Kai’s adamant resistance. It gave out a roar, causing Yang Kai to almost lose consciousness as his eyes turned even redder and his heartbeat raced like he had just run a marathon. Each beat seemed like a powerful drum, strong and clear, sending out heat waves each time. He could feel the blood throbbing beneath his skin.
The only thing that was on his mind right now was being in Su Yan’s embrace, cooling the heat within his body. Su Yan also felt the same. Although it was not her wish, she wanted to soothe the freezing coldness with the heat from Yang Kai. This was the strongest aphrodisiac that could possibly exist; torturing them and fabricating a strong desire to be together. No matter how strong and iron-willed they were, their adamance will lose to their desires.
When Yang Kai’s consciousness vanished entirely, his desire quickly suppressed itself.
It was his Golden Skeleton. Yang Kai’s own resolve and pride had activated it. Soon, a comfortable feeling flowed through his body and his own consciousness slowly restored, but as he awoke, he heard an amorous moan that caused his heart flutter.
When he snapped his eyes open, Yang Kai was greeted with the sight of Su Yan. Her complexion was ghost pale from the coldness but her face was still flushed with bright red. Her pearl white teeth were nipping on her salacious lips. Her long eyelashes quivered as her whole body shook involuntarily.
“Su Yan! Su Yan!” Yang Kai could not help but shout her name in anxiousness.
Even when her whole body was trembling, Su Yan clenched her teeth, “I can continue to resist. So, don’t give up.”
“Em!” Yang Kai nodded and continued to furiously build up the burning hot Yang Energy within his body.
It was only thanks to the Golden Skeleton that Yang Kai could manage to maintain his sobriety. Else, he would have acted on instinct!
ICE: looks like Su Yan will succumb to her desires first

Martial Peak – Chapter 155, Blasphemy

Dear readers, make sure you have a few tissues with you and your parents are not at home. BTW, just a reminder, I will be making the story more erotic with another chapter, separate from this one (fan made) but can be linked.
Even with help from the Golden Skeleton, Yang Kai’s struggle did not wane. He could not tell how much longer he could withstand the pain. Even with the Golden Skeleton, the boiling hot Energy was still getting worse. If things were to carry on like this, his whole body was going to burn.
Yang Kai found the situation ironic. Who would think that a Yang Energy cultivator would die from Yang Energy? If one were to explain this situation to him, Yang Kai was sure they would find it hard to believe. Compared to Yang Kai, Su Yan was in a more exacerbating situation. If Yang Kai had not called out to her early on, she would have lost herself to the desires.
ICE: It has been a long time coming *cough*
Even with utmost resistance, Su Yan’s willpower was faltering.
Though no words were spoken, Su Yan had got on her knees and started crawling towards Yang Kai. Her chest heaved as she panted heavily. Her vision blurred as she lifted her left hand to caress Yang Kai’s cheeks.
All her movements were not done consciously. She was still struggling to resist the temptations as the urge grew stronger. Even her ice cold fingers were covered with frost.
For short periods of time, Su Yan would let out groans of pain as she winced.
“Su Yan!” Yang Kai called out to her again. This time, his voice was much softer than before. He did not wish to seem perverted, afraid of being repulsed by Su Yan.
Yang Kai’s words seemed to reverberate in her ears as Su Yan’s eyes seemed to restore lightly with consciousness. She noticed her own body posture and the tenderness in Yang Kai’s eyes.
“I don’t think I can resist it any further…” Su Yan finally conceded.
Yang Kai smiled and grabbed her hand. When their bodies made contact, the Dragon roared and the Phoenix cried again. They had also regained their control and consciousness.
This time, the two did not separate from one another. They knew that losing physical contact would only return them to the torturous pain. Their 5 interlocking fingers soon turned to 10 as they shuffled closer to each other. Their eyes were locked together as they felt their hearts palpitate in unison. Another strange sensation welled up, compelling them to advance past holding hands.
“You won’t regret this?” Yang Kai chuckled as he caressed Su Yan’s hands. They were icy cold but smooth and pleasant to the touch. Holding her hands sent a feeling of comfort throughout his body.
Su Yan face flushed as she hung her head down and said softly, “We’ve tried our best…”
Yang Kai used his strength to gently lift Su Yan up, sitting her on his lap while embracing her waist. Soon, the two energies with their bodies seem to come together. It was as though they were perfect for each other, giving both a delightful sensation. Even with their self-control fully restored, their bodies still sought for comfort in each other. They could no longer resist their impulses any longer.
“Su Yan,” Yang Kai once again called out in a soft, shivering voice. This was the first time he was doing something like this, and he did not know what to do.
Su Yan did not speak but only hid her face, placing her head on Yang Kai’s shoulders.
Yang Kai slowly stretched out his hand to caress her neck, pulling her away from his shoulder.
Su Yan’s eyelashes shivered as she kept her eyes tightly shut. She leant back, placing her hands on her stomach, tightly hugging herself to calm her anxiousness.
Yang Kai noticed and lightly teased, “There’s no need to be so anxious.” He had never thought that such a cold, beautiful Senior Sister would be more anxious than him.
He took a deep breath, trying to stabilise his intense and heavy breathing. He brought his lips forward and connected with Su Yan’s succulent lips.
At first, Su Yan’s whole body froze solid due to the sudden kiss. She slowly relaxed after Yang Kai stroked her arms. Once she was ready to accept him, Yang Kai moved in his tongue, splitting apart her cold lips and opening her pearl white teeth, provoking her.
As sounds of periodic sucking resounded throughout the main hall, both of Su Yan’s hands finally wrapped around Yang Kai’s neck, wishing for more. She had lost all resistance. The urge for the heat within Yang Kai had peaked; preventing her from maintaining her own disposition.
Soon, pieces of clothing start to loosen. One by one, they were conveniently removed by Yang Kai, tossed aside with haste. When he put aside her undergarments, that she started to blush even heavier. Out of pure embarrassment, she quickly moved her hands to cover her chest.
Yang Kai took the opportunity to look at the beauty in front of him. Her figure was perfect. Every inch of her skin was smooth, glimmering with health. Her breasts were perfect, not too big and not too small, the perfect size to fill his two eager hands. Her belly seemed to be made of the finest silk, smooth without excrescence and perfectly defined. Without a doubt, even the saints of the world would have their lust invoked in the presence of such a sight. Naturally, Yang Kai could no longer keep his dark desires sealed up.
Su Yan’s body returned to her usual colour. Love surged out from the innermost sanctum of her heart.
Yang Kai stretched out his hands to pull Su Yan’s arms away. At first, she resisted but she soon let go as well.
Yang Kai was secretly delighted that he was able to be together with Su Yan. Such an icy and noble beauty, it would be hard for anyone to approach her, let alone be intimate with her. It was only with the inheritance of the Dual Cultivation Technique, that he was able to claim her purity.
Such an honour only reinforced Yang Kai’s lustful desires. No longer able to hold himself back, he gave out a low groan, clutching Su Yan’s body like a beast with its prey. Even when the girl yipped in surprise, he did not stop. He lifted her up and spread her shimmering thighs apart.
Silvain: Beast!
“I’ve heard that it is a little painful at first, so you’ll need to bear with it,” Yang Kai lustfully informed her.
Su Yan still had her eyes shut. As her whole body froze with nervousness, she could only give a slight nod.
Yang Kai slowly lowered her body. Inch by inch, Su Yan could feel a spear enter her. The piercing sensation numbed her whole body, from her abdomen to her head. She felt like her whole body was unresponsive. She had a great urge to squeal in pain, but she gritted her teeth and braved Yang Kai’s entry. Her two arms quickly wrapped around Yang Kai’s neck in hope of support as her body convulsed as droplets of tears emerged from the corners of her eyes. It was at this moment that she wished to beat Yang Kai into a pulp. She screamed in her head, [You call this a little pain? A little?!]
It was only after a good amount of time did the pain subside. In its place was a strange sensation, as though something in a void was being filled up. The unprecedented sensation gave Su Yan the embarrassing urge to sway her body from side to side, trying to feel Yang Kai even more.
“Start revolving the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art!” Yang Kai sounded off in a low voice. Su Yan cracked opened her eyes to see a beast-like man with red, lusty eyes. However, those eyes still emitted ripples of calmness and tender love towards the person within its gaze. Looking at them made Su Yan’s heart skip a beat as she made a slight bow and quickly followed Yang Kai’s lead; she began revolving Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art together with Yang Kai.
When the Cultivation Technique began its revolution, Yang Kai and Su Yan moaned together. The Ice Phoenix and Fire Dragon within their bodies both followed. Suddenly, the two mystical beasts calmed down as a gush of pleasant sensations flooded both their minds and bodies. Vigorous Yuan Qi shuttled between the two of them, passing through their conjoined sacred parts and spreading throughout their bodies, merging and blending within.
Even in such an intimate position, the two of them were solemn and silent. They were too occupied with circulating their Yuan Qi into each other. Yang Kai could feel a great amount of power rushing into his body from Su Yan. The Yin Yuan Qi within her body was over a hundred times more potent than the Yang Yuan Qi he had in his Meridians. It was like comparing a toddler to an adult.
The difference in strength was so obvious that Su Yan slowed down her revolution of the Cultivation Technique. She had to do so. Yang Kai could no longer keep up.
Being connected and simultaneously revolving the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art Cultivation Technique allowed them to have a unique connection with each other. They were both able to feel their bodies touching while their spirits mixed. All of a sudden, they felt as though they had known each other for years. In their life, no one could be more important than the person in front of them right now.
With each revolution, the Fire Dragon within Yang Kai and the Ice Phoenix within Su Yan seemed to gradually dissipate. They had completed their function; to force the two lovers to copulate and cultivate the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art. Since their duty was completed, there was no longer any need to stay. The beasts did not enter their Meridians nor their Dantian. One would typically think that they had completely disappeared, although Yang Kai felt that they were still hiding somewhere within their bodies.
ICE: A bit disappointed that they are not enjoying the moment, just cultivating
As the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art continued to revolve, the energy in their meridians from the Ice Phoenix and the Fire Dragon were slowly substituted with their respective Yin and Yang Yuan Qi. Unfortunately, their difference in strength was too vast for Su Yan to feel much difference; to her, it felt like a pebble splashing into the ocean.
Discovering their difference in Yuan Qi vigour only left Yang Kai feeling awkward.
“There is no need to worry. Just take your time.” Su Yan gently comforted Yang Kai through her mind. She was well aware of Yang Kai’s current complex feelings and wished to console him. Yang Kai kept silent only to suddenly explode ten drops of Yang Liquid within his Dantian. In that instant, True Yang Yuan Qi flooded through Yang Kai’s veins and burst into Su Yan’s body.
Su Yan was taken by surprise. She had no idea how Yang Kai was able to suddenly produce so much Yuan Qi. An Initial Element 8 Stage cultivator would never be able to have so much Yuan Qi within their body. Her surprise was quickly suppressed as she felt the need to concentrate on revolving the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art. With a flood of energy that was equal to hers, she needed to quickly build it up to continue the steady flow between the both of them.
Another eruption of Yang Liquid occurred. This time, it was 30 drops. With all of that, Yang Kai could feel his Meridians on the edge of rupturing. Without Su Yan as his partner for the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art, Yang Kai knew that he would have died from blowing all 30 drops. A single drop was sufficient to flood his whole Meridians with True Yang Yuan Qi, and even three drops would likely end in the destruction of his Meridians. With Su Yan’s cultivation level, they were able to achieve something he would have never been able to alone.

Martial Peak – Chapter 156, Qi Transformation Stage

When she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Yang Kai’s pleased smiled. Su Yan’s eyes glimmered with mischief as she lowered her head to his shoulder and nipped it.
“Ouch…” Yang Kai shook his shoulder.
Su Yan released her lips and gracefully smiled back at Yang Kai, “I have learned that your body harbours some kind of secret!”
Yang Kai did not seem capable of replying properly as he was still completely infatuated with Su Yan, and instead proceeded to flirt, “Has anyone ever told you that your smile makes the world brighter?”
Su Yan’s face turned completely red as her hand moved to her hair, twirling it around her fingers. She whispered, “Then… I won’t smile at anyone except for you.”
Yang Kai felt bliss and euphoria flood through his body. He quickly restrained his thoughts and with a hint of loneliness in his voice, he reminded, “Let’s cultivate first.”
Su Yan agreed with a slight nod.
Yang Kai used 30 drops of Yang Liquid, which was quickly devoured by Su Yan, and he received an equivalent amount of Yin Yuan Qi, all of which was absorbed by his Golden Skeleton. This discovery left Yang Kai thrilled. Although the Yang Liquid within him was important, the Golden Skeleton was more important. To be able to convert the Yin Yuan Qi into an energy that he can store within his Golden Skeleton was a celebratory discovery.
Currently, Yang Kai did not feel any discomfort. There was almost definitely supposed to be some form of backlash in expending 30 drops of Yang Liquid in one go, but his body was perfectly fine. Knitting his brows, Yang Kai wondered. He exploded 5 drops of Yang Liquid before feeling a familiar ache within his meridians. How was it possible for him to now explode 5 Yang Liquid drops and then feel the ache? Previously, he could have hardly have tolerated 2 explosions of Yang Liquid. He deduced that from the cultivation, his meridians expanded.
[Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art is simply too amazing!] Yang Kai thought to himself.
When all the Yang Yuan Qi energy from another 30 drops of Yang Liquid was devoured by Su Yan; and in return, the equivalent amount of Yin Yuan Qi from Su Yan was absorbed into Yang Kai’s Golden Skeleton, Yang Kai’s body ferociously trembled. The air around him formed a whirlwind as their scattered clothing was swept further away from the two nude lovers. An invisible field of air that seemed to surround Yang Kai finally erupted. A burst of energy spread out, gradually subsiding. He had suddenly broken through to Initial Element Stage 9!
When Su Yan realised what had just happened, she was also brimming with joy. Similar to Yang Kai, she rejoiced in his achievement, although Yang Kai was more calm than excited. He now had a faint sense of anticipation for the benefits of the Dual Cultivation Technique. Who would have thought that he would break through so quickly?
When Yang Kai analysed his state, he learned that after he had spent 65 drops of Yang Liquid to pierce a small boundary using the Dual Cultivation Technique with Su Yan, the Yang Liquid within his Dantian had become purer. Although the amount seemed to be insufficient for another breakthrough, his achievement in a purer Yang Liquid was much more valuable.
Clenching his teeth, Yang Kai once again exploded another 50 drops of Yang Liquid and started to revolve the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art. His Yang Yuan Qi flooded into Su Yan’s body, robbing the girl of speech. The first explosion had already taken her by surprise. The second flood only terrified her a little. With the third eruption of Yang Yuan Qi even greater than before, she could no longer contain herself.
[Just where is all his Yuan Qi coming from?] Su Yan wondered. She didn’t say a word, being simply grateful of the situation.
Yang Kai was a man with whom she had become intimate. If he could survive such reckless cultivation and live without accidents, it was probable that she will spend her whole life together with him. Discovering that her lover was more formidable made her jubilant.
Fan-Made Erotic Chapter Here!!
After three days, Yang Kai and Su Yan ended their first Dual Cultivation Session. They both decided that three days was long enough. Strangely, when their mind, body and spirit was connected and blended together, it felt like their experience had only lasted a short instant.
ICE: Damn!! Three days
When they both woke up, Su Yan could also feel the Yin Yuan Qi within herself become purer as well. This made her lose any sense of regret in giving up her chastity.
When she looked towards Yang Kai’s tender gaze and his smiling face, her heart raced. It did not feel abnormal when they were immersed in cultivation, but when she thought about how she behaved, she felt embarrassed. She was riding him, sitting on his lap; hands hugging his neck, lips continuously moist, connected as one. Within her abdomen was a burning hot rod that filled up her body and mind, transmitting Yang Kai’s fierce heat pulse. Each pulse caused her whole body to turn soft, her mind muddled as she could not find the least bit of strength to extract herself from his pole. She would never have thought that she would maintain such a posture with a man, let alone intimacy. Cultivating the Ice Heart Secret Art froze not only her mind but her heart as well. How would it be possible to even dream of a man stealing her heart?
Su Yan anticipated living a long, lonely life. The Inheritance of the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art changed that. Now, she had an unbreakable bond with a man she hardly knew. She was not filled with repulse or regret, however, and instead was over the moon.
Ice: Calm down it’s not only about their union here
After a short amount of time, Su Yan found the courage to look at Yang Kai. Her gaze was extremely gentle and tender. Noticing her gaze, Yang Kai called out, “Su Yan…” He was still full of lust as his fiery gaze concentrated on Su Yan’s perfect face. Even after the disappearance of the Fire Dragon and Ice Phoenix, Yang Kai still had the desire to continue and extend beyond what they had already done. It seemed to have completely destroyed his consciousness as he felt the wetness.
Su Yan bit her own luscious red lips and used both her hands to caress Yang Kai’s cheeks, placing her forehead against his. She struggled for a moment but then spoke with a little reluctance, “Let’s not do it first. It’s more important for me to help you break through.” She found it hard to refuse her lover as her heart still desired for him. However, for his own benefit, she found the determination to refuse his request.
When Su Yan stopped talking, a burst of Yin Yuan Qi rushed into Yang Kai’s body, forcing him to quickly concentrate on revolving the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art. He held his breath and stabilised his breathing as he slowly closed his fiery, crazed eyes while accepting all of Su Yan’s energy.
Yang Kai was well aware that Su Yan’s actions were detrimental to herself, but even at the cost of her diminishing strength, he could not refuse her selfless sacrifice. His Meridians were full of Yuan Qi from Su Yan’s flood of energy. They bulged thickly to the extent of almost bursting with pain, but he did not ask her to stop. When Su Yan noticed Yang Kai was reaching his limit, the Yuan Qi fluctuation around them simmered down. She stopped in case of injuring Yang Kai.
“Continue!” Yang Kai spoke with his eyes closed and remained silent.
“Just continue!”
Su Yan obeyed Yang Kai’s wish and resumed pouring her Yuan Qi into him.
When the two were cultivating the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art, the Yuan Qi within their bodies did not drain. In fact, the total amount remained constant as it travelled between the two lovers’ bodies. This advantage is something that other Cultivation Techniques could never hope to compare to.
After a long time, the Yuan Qi flooding within Yang Kai became more unbearable. The excruciation within his Meridians made his body quiver as beads of cold sweat rolled off his forehead, but he did not complain or cry out as he kept silent.
“Don’t stop!” Yang Kai gave a pained roar.
Su Yan’s beautiful eyes shook as she hesitated. She did not dare to invest more of her Yuan Qi into his body out of fear of injuring him, but she could feel Yang Kai’s unyielding will. It was a will to get stronger. It was a will to be strong enough to protect his own woman.
Yang Kai would not be in such a rush if he had never gotten together with her. However, their relationship has blossomed after experiencing such connection. With their strength disparity right now, Yang Kai could not remain as calm as he used to be. He needed to be able to protect her as her man; he wished to be able to protect her because he loved her. It goes without saying that that means he would have to be stronger.
Su Yan understood what was in Yang Kai’s mind; it was a touching sentiment. After hesitating for a long time, she continued to pour Yuan Qi into Yang Kai.
The Yuan Qi gradually got fiercer. It was like a wild animal trapped in a cage, ramming against the door hoping to escape. When Su Yan noticed what was happening to Yang Kai, she paused the transferral yet again. She knew that Yang Kai was about to break through. When the Yuan Qi within a Cultivator acts like this, it indicates that the Cultivator was about to progress to the Qi Transformation Stage. At that moment, Yang Kai no longer had a pained expression. The pain had vanished. The Yuan Qi swishing within his body did not cause any damage to his Meridians. Instead, his Meridians were now more tenacious, improving his ability to bear all the Yuan Qi.
One layer of invisible shackles seemed to attach to Yang Kai, preventing him from breaking through. This was the same feeling he had when he broke through the Initial Element Stage. Breaking these invisible shackles was his key to advancing to the Qi Transformation Stage.
When Yang Kai noticed this resistance, he immersed himself into his own body and noticed that the Yuan Qi inside was getting more aggressive by the minute.
The bones within his body began to seep out energy. This caused Yang Kai’s body to be wrapped in an evil aura, startling Su Yan, but she refused to disturb Yang Kai at such a critical juncture. After a moment, the evil aura vanished leaving behind no trace; the Yuan Qi fluctuations within Yang Kai’s body became acutely wild. He slowly opened his eyes, smiling. He had reached the Qi Transformation Stage! Thanks to Su Yan’s help, he had achieved this breakthrough smoothly.
*Bang Bang..* Sounds similar to thunderclaps resonated throughout the entire Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, swaying the place slightly. Meanwhile, the energy that filled the space within the main hall of the palace turned to whirlwinds, rushing into Yang Kai. This was an entirely natural phenomenon after a Big Boundary breakthrough. The World’s Prestige would enter the body, tampering with the body’s blood and physique, strengthening the Cultivator in question. When Yang Kai broke through the Initial Element Stage, he had also experienced the World’s Prestige, but it was nothing compared to the size he is absorbing now.
Opening his eyes, he saw Su Yan’s worried face. Yang Kai gave a smile, “I’ll give you something.”
While he spoke, he fished into his Golden Skeleton and sent half of the Nine Yin Dew Crystal to Su Yan.
Feeling something icy cold enter her, Su Yan seemed happy and asked, “What is this?”
“It’s called the Nine Yin Dew Crystal. It’s said that this is extremely useful for Cultivators in the True Element Stage.” Yang Kai spoke while he stroked Su Yan’s clean, lustrous back intentionally, “Build it up while I temper my body.”
“Good!” Su Yan docilely nodded.
Even if Su Yan built up the Nine Yin Dew Crystal, the effects would be inferior to that displayed by Xia Ning Cheng by 10 percent. However, only 20 percent of its effects would be sufficient in making up for Su Yan’s cost in aiding Yang Kai. Nonetheless, the effects of the Nine Yin Dew Crystal would improve Su Yan’s strength.

Martial Peak – Chapter 157, I Will Listen To You When The Matter is Trivial, but for Important Matters, You’ll Listen to Me.

In two days, Yang Kai was done tempering his body. With the assistance of the World’s Prestige, his flesh, blood and physique had been forged to become more formidable. Meanwhile, half of the Yuan Qi that remained from the breakthrough had been absorbed by the Golden Skeleton, similar to the time when he broke through the Initial Element Boundary. However, to avoid disturbing Su Yan while she was still building up the Nine Yin Dew Crystals, Yang Kai dared not move after he was done. He could only remain motionless and suppress his desires.
After a day, Su Yan’s eyelids fluttered and she slowly opened them up. Her eyes glimmered with joy and excitement. When Yang Kai first saw her gaze, his spirit shook and his breathing became heavier. He had suppressed himself for a long time, waiting for her to awaken.
Staring at each other, Su Yan spoke, “Thank you!”
When Su Yan opened her eyes, she could feel that her body had changed tremendously. Building up the Nine Yin Dew Crystals did not only make up for her loss of Yuan Qi when she aided Yang Kai’s breakthrough; her True Yuan Qi had become much purer than before. Cultivating with Yang Kai and building up the Nine Yin Dew Crystal had made her at least 30% stronger. True Yuan Qi revolved within her body around her limbs and bones, restlessly distributing to every living cell in her a Life Force. She was understandably joyous at this discovery, as it made her seem like an immortal that descended from the heavens.
After cultivating the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art and building up the Nine Yin Dew Crystals, it was as though her skin had returned to what it was in the past. Every inch of it had returned to that of a newborn; snow white, clear and incomparably beautiful.
“As long as it’s between us, why is it necessary to thank me?” Yang Kai replied somewhat absent-mindedly. In the past, Su Yan gave him an ice-cold, noble feeling of desolateness. Even now with their intimacy, he could not help but feel inferior when compared to her.
Su Yan gave a warm and comforting, tender smile. She could understand Yang Kai clearly, even if he did not speak. “That’s right! You’ve just broken through to the Qi Transformation Stage! Such a boundary is very special!” Su Yan added joyfully.
Yang Kai quickly interrupted her, “Does it not seem wrong to be talking about the Qi Transformation Stage in our current position?”
Su Yan stared at Yang Kai as she immediately turned red. Yang Kai displayed a faint but coy smile. His waist had been feeling quite stiff. Instinct told him to move, but out of consideration for Su Yan, he refused to. This resistance left his mind to groan in despair constantly.
At this moment, Su Yan felt as though she was thrown up into the clouds, only to fall down into an abyss. The up and down movement gave her so much pleasure and joy that she lost all control. As a young man and woman, their bodies were much more sensitive; causing each gentle movement to be highly stimulating and pleasurable.
As Su Yan moaned in pleasure, Yang Kai became more unrestrained. He shuffled his hands around the pair of breasts in front of him, fondling, rubbing and pinching every inch of them, burying his head in between, enjoying every moment of the sensation. He would kiss them with loud, heavy and uncontrollable breathing.
Su Yan’s luscious hair moved in waves as she wrapped her hands around Yang Kai’s head, wishing to bury it further into her chest. Her slender and beautiful legs could not help but coil around Yang Kai’s waist. While her body was moving up and down, she swayed her body from side to side and moaned with lustful happiness.
Suddenly while in the midst of everything, Su Yan tugged Yang Kai’s hair and asked, “Wait!”
“What?” Yang Kai looked at her with confusion as their movements gradually come to a stop.
Su Yan was like a mute as she gasped for breath. It took some time for her breathing to calm. While her skin was still red and her eyes filled with surging love, she lightly bit her lips and asked, “Did you call for me a moment ago?”
“No…” Yang Kai sternly shook his head.
“Really?” Yang Kai’s confirmation only made her more anxious. She became confused as she thought she had clearly heard someone call out to her.
“I did not say your name!” Yang Kai spoke as he looked in her eyes.
“You’re lying!” Su Yan cried out but she saw Yang Kai’s truthful gaze and knew that she was wrong. Without wasting another second, Yang Kai began to move on Su Yan again as they continued to indulge in pleasure.
Yang Kai used both his hands to grapple onto Su Yan and turned her body around. With her back facing him, Yang Kai took in the sight and felt his body stir in ardour as his eyes only went madder with love.
In the past, Yang Kai caught an unclear glimpse of this very sight at night in a small garret, though she was still wearing her underwear and the darkness made it hard for him to capture her magnificent figure wholly. This time, she was unable to escape. Every inch of her was out in the open and laid down for Yang Kai to appreciate. Her soft graceful curves, slender shoulder, thin, smooth waist and plentifully filled peach-colored buttocks were all features capable of igniting any man’s libido. Yang Kai could only thank the heavens for this great opportunity.
All of a sudden, a life-like Ice Phoenix moved about on Su Yan’s clean, white and smooth back. From time to time, it would perch on Su Yan’s shoulder and at other times, fall to her buttocks. Its movements were unpredictable as it slid throughout Su Yan’s body.
[So this is where the Ice Phoenix went!] Yang Kai thought to himself as he could feel something hot moving on his back. [They are still inside our bodies! It’s just that they have turned into tattoos!]
Yang Kai began moving again in their new position.
The whole place turned into the two lovers’ utopia as they continued to embrace each other. The moist atmosphere filled the entire hall as intermittent sounds of heavy breathing and moaning reflected off the walls. They were like fishes in a pond, perfect for each other as they continued to give and take, presenting everything to one another and displaying their love.
Skoll: This reminds me of two koi fish in a pond, representing Yin and Yang. )
Within the main hall, the chaotic aura still lingered, although Yang Kai and Su Yan were already neatly dressed. Su Yan sat in front of an ice mirror that she had made out of her True Yuan Qi. Although she could see her ruddy cheeks in the reflection, she still remained calm. Meanwhile, Yang Kai stood behind her, reorganizing her beautiful but disorderly hair for her. A warm aura of quietness shrouded the two as they continued.
Being re-transformed into a woman, Su Yan seemed even more beautiful than before. Her gaze was still cold, maybe colder than before, but the sight of Yang Kai turns it tender and gentle. She watched him arrange and fix her hair and passed an ornamental hairpin to him and the boy inserted it into her hair. The hairstyle Su Yan usually kept had changed, now it revealed her bright, clean and well-proportioned neck. Yang Kai commented, “Gorgeous.”
“Do you like it?”
“Mhm,” Yang Kai nodded and brought his two hands to Su Yan’s shoulders. Although they had just done the deed, the tension did not die off. In such a short amount of time, these tensions would not be resolved.
Even when their skin connected and Yang Kai slowly slid his hand down, Su Yan did not move. She only smiled softly, showing disapproval. When Yang Kai’s hands arrived at her chest, she grabbed them.
“Su Yan,” Yang Kai bends down as he moved his lips towards Su Yan’s earlobes. While they were exploring each other earlier on, Yang Kai had found out that Su Yan was extremely sensitive in areas that she did not wish for Yang Kai to touch. The back of her earlobes was one of those.
“Stop!” Su Yan shouted out as she knew that once Yang Kai kisses that spot, she would be incapable of resisting his desires.“We need to discuss some important matters clearly first,” she quickly changed the subject.
“What important matters?” Yang Kai restrained himself and moved to her front and sat down.
Su Yan stroke his face. With blurry eyes, she stared at Yang Kai for a short while before asking, “Just how old are you?”
Yang Kai took a light sniff and confidently answered, “20!” Yang Kai’s facial features looked a little unnatural as his gaze drifted from place to place. “I’m not lying!”
Su Yan gave him a light smirk and did not respond.
ICE: The eye that reveals all truths
Yang Kai felt like he was sitting on pins and needles. Discomfort and uncertainty filled his mind as he reluctantly whispered, “I’m 15, but I’m going to reach 16 soon!”
“I’m 20 right now. I’m older than you, so you have to listen to me from now on.”
Yang Kai grinned, “I will listen to you when the matter is trivial, but for important matters, you’ll listen to me.”
Su Yan sighed but her gaze still remained filled with love and gentleness. With her delicate hand still resting on Yang Kai’s face, she spoke, “You are still young. Indulging in such lustful matters isn’t good for you.”
“Age isn’t an issue,” Yang Kai looked at Su Yan. As they looked at each other, Yang Kai’s brows slightly knitted together as he looked at her with profound meaning, “Besides, you’re doing the same thing.”
Su Yan’s face flushed again as she stared at him and quickly rebuked, “You’re not allowed to tease me!”
“I’m not… I’m telling the truth…”
“From now on, you are not permitted to think of such things!” Su Yan demanded.
ICE: It’s for his sake….he needs to learn moderation
Yang Kai felt like his soul left his body. His change in expression only made Su Yan’s ice cold heart turn softer and she quickly tried to comfort him. “If you promise to concentrate on cultivating and not this, I will look for you in a month’s time.”
Yang Kai was quick to jump to bargain, “How about five times a month?”
Su Yan intentionally remained cold and silent.
“Four times? How about three? Isn’t two times too little?”
“Fine… once a month…” Yang Kai finally complied, but he knew that as long as he kisses the back of Su Yan’s earlobes, she would become a helpless lamb, free for him to devour.
“It’s not my wish to limit you. I know that Dual Cultivation is very beneficial for us, but your body is too weak. When you grow more in a few more years, I will certainly increase the frequency.” Su Yan spoke with an extremely soft, coercing voice, “So, please endure and get stronger for the next few years.”
Her earnest words struck a chord within Yang Kai as he nodded.
“So, you’ve just broken through to the Qi Transformation Stage…”
“Yeah, I know…” Yang Kai thought aloud.
Su Yan gave a nod and removed a jade-like necklace from her neck and moved on to explain, “You should know by now that this boundary is special for every cultivator. So, you must be careful and take care of yourself.” She wrapped the necklace around Yang Kai’s neck.

Martial Peak – Chapter 158, Return

Yang Kai looked down, only to discover a square jade pendant hanging on his neck, calming his agitated nerves.
“This is the Ice Jade Marrow. I have worn it since I was a child. Since it has always been on my body it also absorbed a lot of my True Yuan. You must always wear it on your body; at a critical moment, it can help you calm your nerves.
“Is this a gift to your lover or something like that?” Yang Kai looked at Su Yan with a smile.
Su Yan was embarrassed, but she nodded gently.
Yang Kai patted down his own body to look for something to give her in return, but he had nothing appropriate for her.
The most precious things on his body were the Soul Breaking Awl and the Yin Yang Monster Ginseng.
There was no chance for him to give The Soul Breaking Awl to her since it’s an immensely evil item and the Old Demon’s immortal soul was in it as well. It would only harm Su Yan. The Yin Yang Monster Ginseng could be given, but it was only a Heavenly Spiritual Herb and did not have the same value as a token.
Scratching his nose awkwardly, he decided to promise, “I will give you a token in the near future.”
“You have already given me a lot of Nine Yin Dew Crystals,” Su Yan said with a smile.
“You really are a good person,” Yang Kai said from the bottom of his heart.
“Don’t praise me, it’s making my heart race,” Su Yan panted for breath and covering her chest with her hand. After cultivating Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art, her original Ice Heart Secret Art was basically useless facing Yang Kai. He became the most difficult adversary for her as his every word, every deed, every action and every movement pulled her mind towards him.
“Hehehe!” Yang Kai gave an incomparable happy smile and giggled like a baby. In the whole world, who could make such a proud women melt? Only he could do it.
Generally, if a husband could make his wife feel this way, what more could he want from life?
It could be said that if not for this good fortune in the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, Yang Kai knew that he and Su Yan would never be together. There is no one who could be appropriate for her in this entire world. Even Yang Kai thought that he wasn’t suited to be joined to her. He wasn’t belittling himself, but Su Yan had such a noble aura it was hard to imagine tainting her.
“After returning, what do you plan to do?” Su Yan asked.
“What will I do?”

“I meant to say what path will you choose to tread on?” Su Yan looked like a guardian fulfilling her duty and considered for Yang Kai’s future. “There is also our relationship to think about.”
“I don’t know,” Yang Kai said knitting his brows, “Explain clearly.”
Su Yan gave a faint sweet smile, “Well at present I have I think you have two paths before you that you can take.”
“The first choice is to publicise our relationship. By my current status in the school, as long as our relationship is public, you will be vigorously trained. You won’t need to worry about contribution points ever again, in the future martial skills, medicinal pills, secret treasures will be available for you anytime.”
“Are you testing me?” Yang Kai asked Su Yan with a smile.
She shook her head and replied seriously, “No I am asking you earnestly.”
Yang Kai turned his head. He could clearly imagine what turbulence his relationship with Su Yan, if publicised, would bring.
He and Su Yan were like the earth and sky, impossible to be conjoined. At present, in the common people’s eyes, Yang Kai would be envied and it would also affect Su Yan’s image heavily. Without even considering all the Elders, his apprentice brothers would nose around Su Yan to choose them as they are many times better than him.
Yang Kai did not think that Su Yan could face the rumours and slandering of common people with such confidence.
“You do not need to bear such a psychological burden. I am a man who can look after himself.”
Then Yang Kai said with a serious look, “This proposition is very tempting, but it is not meant for me.”
Su Yan, as if she expected that answer, didn’t feel any surprise. She only smiled.
Yang Kai clenched his fists, looked down and said, “For my cultivation, I will depend on myself. I don’t want to depend on you.”
Su Yan said replied, “Although I am a little sad hearing you say this, I am also really happy. In that case, we can only take the second road.”
Yang Kai says with a smile, “Yes, I will mature as soon as possible.”
The second road was for Yang Kai to only depend on himself for cultivation.
“I will wait for you to become strong enough to protect me,” Su Yan said in a soft voice.
“It won’t take long,” Yang Kai took Su Yan’s hand, raised it to his lips to kiss, then suddenly remembering the incident, he said, “Su Yan, when we leave, you might experience some trouble.”
“Hmm?” Su Yan looked at him full of doubts.
Yang Kai reorganized his thoughts then said seriously, “Disciples of our three sects came for the inheritance of this place. We struck and killed the nine monster beasts and activated the formation, making the place of inheritance show itself. The disciples who had climbed the endless steps numbered around 700-800, and they all experienced the alternate cold and hot steps. Your strength in the three schools is the strongest and you also cultivate a cold attribute cultivation technique. Now can you understand what everyone is thinking?”
Su Yan gawked, she was only considering Yang Kai and had not thought about herself. But now, listening to Yang Kai, she was suddenly enlightened, “They will think that inheritance of this place was obtained by me.”
“Absolutely, I think many people are thinking the same thing now.” Yang Kai gave his analysis.
Su Yan gave a confident smile, “I will just say that I had not obtained the inheritance; even if have obtained it I wouldn’t need to give them any explanation.”
“It would be better if you don’t acknowledge it! Do not acknowledge it to anyone. I have a feeling that the appearance of this Heaven’s Cave Inheritance will not only involve our three schools.”
Hearing his words, Su Yan concurred. She didn’t care about the experts of the three schools but she couldn’t disregard the experts from the others. Once she confirmed that she acquired the inheritance, she would be in for a lot of unnecessary attention, potentially trouble.
Su Yan nodded her head again and again and said, “I know.”
She was also gratified at heart. Making the three sects’ disciples focus on her would leave a clear road for Yang Kai. Everyone would think that the inheritance could only be obtained by one person and no one would know that it had to be shared between two people.
She looked at Yang Kai and complimented, “You can think really far ahead.”
Yang Kai smiled bitterly and stated, “The big powers cannot let go of a rare item. They have the belief that every rare thing can only belong to them, and they would do everything to get it.”
Su Yan stared at him. She felt that his words held a lot of truth and was said from experience. She thought that her junior apprentice brother had a lot of secrets.
“I will tell you everything when the time comes.” Yang Kai said while patting her hand.
“Alright. Even if you do not, it’ll be ok,” Su Yan said with a nod.
“We should leave, there is nothing left for us here, Yang Kai stood up. The main hall was very spacious and aside from the huge energy ball that still hovered, there wasn’t anything else.
After they obtained the inheritance, a light barrier appeared; it was probably a portal.
Holding Su Yan’s hand, Yang Kai walked into the light barrier.
Their forms disappeared from the main hall simultaneously. Right then, a loud sound similar to glass breaking echoed around the entire Heaven’s Cave Inheritance.
Then, at the same time, cracks spread across the Inheritance site. The disciples who were still present felt their immortal souls experience some stimulation and were unable to identify the cause of it.
An unknown energy wrapped around them and took them slowly up towards the sky. They were helpless.
At the mining area of the Bloody Battle Gang, after the opening of Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, the powerhouses of three sects guarded that place, waiting for their disciples to come out.
It had already been a month since it opened. During that period, many disciples had already left the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance. They were people who were either injured or were unable to persevere any further.
From them, the experts of three sects also roughly guessed the situation inside.
The experts of the three sects were irritated because they found that the inheritance had finally appeared, but didn’t know in whose hand it fell.
Each sect had a lot of expectations for their promising youths.
High Heaven Pavilion’s Su Yan and Xie Hongchen, Bloody Battle Gang’s Hu Jiao Er and Long Jun, Storm House’s Fang Ziji, they were the youths with a lot of potential in the younger generation.
That insane old man’s female apprentice, High Heaven Pavilion’s Xia Ning Chang might have obtained the inheritance.
But that old man was very relaxed as he sat at the site when the Inheritance opened, then noticing that his apprentice had not appeared. Soon after, he departed alone and hadn’t come back since.
[What an irresponsible master!] The experts of three sects saw him as such and threw distasteful criticisms at Meng Wu Ya.
The existence of the inheritance made the three sects hostile towards each other, and an intensely competitive atmosphere spread among them, particularly among Bloody Battle Gang troops.
They viewed the acts of High Heaven Pavilion and Storm House as nothing less than robbery while they cursed at Meng Wu Ya with no sign of stopping. If not for him fighting with the expert of Bloody Battle Gang at the mining site, it would be impossible to expose the existence of the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance to others.
This was the wealth of the Bloody Battle Gang that was now being snatched by the other two schools. Although they were compensated for it, nothing could be compared to such a glorious inheritance
“*****!” Hu Man cursed his subordinates for several days, but he didn’t dare to scold Meng Wu Ya. He was angry at Long Zai Tian and Long Hui.
That ***** little animal provoked Meng Wu Ya and made such a mess. If he hadn’t done that, things would not have turned out the way they did. It’s good that he died. Even if you hadn’t ***** died earlier, I, your Father would have torn you to shreds by now. Long Family…. The Long Family wouldn’t be able to save you.
It wasn’t only Hu Man who disliked the Long Family now. There was a great dissatisfaction among other experts of the Bloody Battle Gang. Long Zai Tian knew that he had done wrong this time, and he was beaten badly by Meng Wu Ya one month ago. It made him scared to appear in the area. Right now, he focused only on recuperating at the Bloody Battle Gang headquarters.
But considering the news of the death of his grandson, could this hatred be so easily absolved?
[Sooner or later, I will make you pay in blood,] Long Zai Tian swore secretly within his heart.
While the experts of three sects waited anxiously, a light barrier suddenly appeared on the site. It was akin to ripples appearing on the surface when a pebble drops into a tranquil lake.
In the next instance, the light barrier suddenly collapsed, leaving behind a big hole in the mineral lode.
“Is someone there?” Hu Man asked nervously. The Heaven’s Cave Inheritance vanished but the disciples of the three sects hadn’t appeared. Both his daughters were inside. What happened to them?
Hu Man was not alone in being worried; other experts felt the same. Elite Disciples of their sects entered the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, and they still have not shown up.
As they watched the scene unfold, they heard someone call miserably not from far away.
A Storm House’s elder’s complexion changed, and he hurried to move forward.

Martial Peak – Chapter 157, I Will Listen To You When The Matter is Trivial, but for Important Matters, You’ll Listen to Me.

Silavin: Seriously, WTH is wrong with this title =.=
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In two days, Yang Kai was done tempering his body. With the assistance of the World’s Prestige, his flesh, blood and physique had been forged to become more formidable. Meanwhile, half of the Yuan Qi that remained from the breakthrough had been absorbed by the Golden Skeleton, similar to the time when he broke through the Initial Element Boundary. However, to avoid disturbing Su Yan while she was still building up the Nine Yin Dew Crystals, Yang Kai dared not move after he was done. He could only remain motionless and suppress his desires.
Silavin: Talk about cock block…
After a day, Su Yan’s eyelids fluttered and she slowly opened them up. Her eyes glimmered with joy and excitement. When Yang Kai first saw her gaze, his spirit shook and his breathing became heavier. He had suppressed himself for a long time, waiting for her to awaken.
Staring at each other, Su Yan spoke, “Thank you!”
When Su Yan opened her eyes, she could feel that her body had changed tremendously. Building up the Nine Yin Dew Crystals did not only make up for her loss of Yuan Qi when she aided Yang Kai’s breakthrough; her True Yuan Qi had become much purer than before. Cultivating with Yang Kai and building up the Nine Yin Dew Crystal had made her at least 30% stronger. True Yuan Qi revolved within her body around her limbs and bones, restlessly distributing to every living cell in her a Life Force. She was understandably joyous at this discovery, as it made her seem like an immortal that descended from the heavens.
After cultivating the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art and building up the Nine Yin Dew Crystals, it was as though her skin had returned to what it was in the past. Every inch of it had returned to that of a newborn; snow white, clear and incomparably beautiful.
“As long as it’s between us, why is it necessary to thank me?” Yang Kai replied somewhat absent-mindedly. In the past, Su Yan gave him an ice-cold, noble feeling of desolateness. Even now with their intimacy, he could not help but feel inferior when compared to her.
Su Yan gave a warm and comforting, tender smile. She could understand Yang Kai clearly, even if he did not speak. “That’s right! You’ve just broken through to the Qi Transformation Stage! Such a boundary is very special!” Su Yan added joyfully.
Yang Kai quickly interrupted her, “Does it not seem wrong to be talking about the Qi Transformation Stage in our current position?”
Su Yan stared at Yang Kai as she immediately turned red. Yang Kai displayed a faint but coy smile. His waist had been feeling quite stiff. Instinct told him to move, but out of consideration for Su Yan, he refused to. This resistance left his mind to groan in despair constantly.
At this moment, Su Yan felt as though she was thrown up into the clouds, only to fall down into an abyss. The up and down movement gave her so much pleasure and joy that she lost all control. As a young man and woman, their bodies were much more sensitive; causing each gentle movement to be highly stimulating and pleasurable.
As Su Yan moaned in pleasure, Yang Kai became more unrestrained. He shuffled his hands around the pair of breasts in front of him, fondling, rubbing and pinching every inch of them, burying his head in between, enjoying every moment of the sensation. He would kiss them with loud, heavy and uncontrollable breathing.
Su Yan’s luscious hair moved in waves as she wrapped her hands around Yang Kai’s head, wishing to bury it further into her chest. Her slender and beautiful legs could not help but coil around Yang Kai’s waist. While her body was moving up and down, she swayed her body from side to side and moaned with lustful happiness.
Suddenly while in the midst of everything, Su Yan tugged Yang Kai’s hair and asked, “Wait!”
Silavin: ☹
“What?” Yang Kai looked at her with confusion as their movements gradually come to a stop.
Su Yan was like a mute as she gasped for breath. It took some time for her breathing to calm. While her skin was still red and her eyes filled with surging love, she lightly bit her lips and asked, “Did you call for me a moment ago?”
“No…” Yang Kai sternly shook his head.
“Really?” Yang Kai’s confirmation only made her more anxious. She became confused as she thought she had clearly heard someone call out to her.
Silavin: Old Demon! Was it you?!
“I did not say your name!” Yang Kai spoke as he looked in her eyes.
“You’re lying!” Su Yan cried out but she saw Yang Kai’s truthful gaze and knew that she was wrong. Without wasting another second, Yang Kai began to move on Su Yan again as they continued to indulge in pleasure.
Yang Kai used both his hands to grapple onto Su Yan and turned her body around. With her back facing him, Yang Kai took in the sight and felt his body stir in ardour as his eyes only went madder with love.
In the past, Yang Kai caught an unclear glimpse of this very sight at night in a small garret, though she was still wearing her underwear and the darkness made it hard for him to capture her magnificent figure wholly. This time, she was unable to escape. Every inch of her was out in the open and laid down for Yang Kai to appreciate. Her soft graceful curves, slender shoulder, thin, smooth waist and plentifully filled peach-colored buttocks were all features capable of igniting any man’s libido. Yang Kai could only thank the heavens for this great opportunity.
Silavin: Damn! Thank the heavens XD
All of a sudden, a life-like Ice Phoenix moved about on Su Yan’s clean, white and smooth back. From time to time, it would perch on Su Yan’s shoulder and at other times, fall to her buttocks. Its movements were unpredictable as it slid throughout Su Yan’s body.
[So this is where the Ice Phoenix went!] Yang Kai thought to himself as he could feel something hot moving on his back. [They are still inside our bodies! It’s just that they have turned into tattoos!]
Yang Kai began moving again in their new position.
The whole place turned into the two lovers’ utopia as they continued to embrace each other. The moist atmosphere filled the entire hall as intermittent sounds of heavy breathing and moaning reflected off the walls. They were like fishes in a pond, perfect for each other as they continued to give and take, presenting everything to one another and displaying their love.
Silavin: Give and take haha! Never thought of that phrase to be sexual
Within the main hall, the chaotic aura still lingered, although Yang Kai and Su Yan were already neatly dressed. Su Yan sat in front of an ice mirror that she had made out of her True Yuan Qi. Although she could see her ruddy cheeks in the reflection, she still remained calm. Meanwhile, Yang Kai stood behind her, reorganizing her beautiful but disorderly hair for her. A warm aura of quietness shrouded the two as they continued.
Being re-transformed into a woman, Su Yan seemed even more beautiful than before. Her gaze was still cold, maybe colder than before, but the sight of Yang Kai turns it tender and gentle. She watched him arrange and fix her hair and passed an ornamental hairpin to him and the boy inserted it into her hair. The hairstyle Su Yan usually kept had changed, now it revealed her bright, clean and well-proportioned neck. Yang Kai commented, “Gorgeous.”
“Do you like it?”
“Mhm,” Yang Kai nodded and brought his two hands to Su Yan’s shoulders. Although they had just done the deed, the tension did not die off. In such a short amount of time, these tensions would not be resolved.
Even when their skin connected and Yang Kai slowly slid his hand down, Su Yan did not move. She only smiled softly, showing disapproval. When Yang Kai’s hands arrived at her chest, she grabbed them.
“Su Yan,” Yang Kai bends down as he moved his lips towards Su Yan’s earlobes. While they were exploring each other earlier on, Yang Kai had found out that Su Yan was extremely sensitive in areas that she did not wish for Yang Kai to touch. The back of her earlobes was one of those.
“Stop!” Su Yan shouted out as she knew that once Yang Kai kisses that spot, she would be incapable of resisting his desires.“We need to discuss some important matters clearly first,” she quickly changed the subject.
“What important matters?” Yang Kai restrained himself and moved to her front and sat down.
Su Yan stroke his face. With blurry eyes, she stared at Yang Kai for a short while before asking, “Just how old are you?”
Yang Kai took a light sniff and confidently answered, “20!” Yang Kai’s facial features looked a little unnatural as his gaze drifted from place to place. “I’m not lying!”
Su Yan gave him a light smirk and did not respond.
ICE: The eye that reveals all truths
Yang Kai felt like he was sitting on pins and needles. Discomfort and uncertainty filled his mind as he reluctantly whispered, “I’m 15, but I’m going to reach 16 soon!”
“I’m 20 right now. I’m older than you, so you have to listen to me from now on.”
Yang Kai grinned, “I will listen to you when the matter is trivial, but for important matters, you’ll listen to me.”
Silavin: cheeky boy
Su Yan sighed but her gaze still remained filled with love and gentleness. With her delicate hand still resting on Yang Kai’s face, she spoke, “You are still young. Indulging in such lustful matters isn’t good for you.”
“Age isn’t an issue,” Yang Kai looked at Su Yan. As they looked at each other, Yang Kai’s brows slightly knitted together as he looked at her with profound meaning, “Besides, you’re doing the same thing.”
Su Yan’s face flushed again as she stared at him and quickly rebuked, “You’re not allowed to tease me!”
“I’m not… I’m telling the truth…”
“From now on, you are not permitted to think of such things!” Su Yan demanded.
Silavin: Damn Su Yan, why you gotta be so harsh D:
ICE: It’s for his sake….he needs to learn moderation
Yang Kai felt like his soul left his body. His change in expression only made Su Yan’s ice cold heart turn softer and she quickly tried to comfort him. “If you promise to concentrate on cultivating and not this, I will look for you in a month’s time.”
Silavin: Oh no! once a month?
Yang Kai was quick to jump to bargain, “How about five times a month?”
Su Yan intentionally remained cold and silent.
“Four times? How about three? Isn’t two times too little?”
“Fine… once a month…” Yang Kai finally complied, but he knew that as long as he kisses the back of Su Yan’s earlobes, she would become a helpless lamb, free for him to devour.
“It’s not my wish to limit you. I know that Dual Cultivation is very beneficial for us, but your body is too weak. When you grow more in a few more years, I will certainly increase the frequency.” Su Yan spoke with an extremely soft, coercing voice, “So, please endure and get stronger for the next few years.”
Her earnest words struck a chord within Yang Kai as he nodded.
“So, you’ve just broken through to the Qi Transformation Stage…”
“Yeah, I know…” Yang Kai thought aloud.
Su Yan gave a nod and removed a jade-like necklace from her neck and moved on to explain, “You should know by now that this boundary is special for every cultivator. So, you must be careful and take care of yourself.” She wrapped the necklace around Yang Kai’s neck.
Silavin: She is referring to the instability of Yuan Qi in Qi Transformation Stage – just point it out cause I know many forgot
salmon: for anyone more savvy with the English language, we tend not to edit Silavin’s comments to keep its original feel

Martial Peak – Chapter 158, Return

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Yang Kai looked down, only to discover a square jade pendant hanging on his neck, calming his agitated nerves.
“This is the Ice Jade Marrow. I have worn it since I was a child. Since it has always been on my body it also absorbed a lot of my True Yuan. You must always wear it on your body; at a critical moment, it can help you calm your nerves.
“Is this a gift to your lover or something like that?” Yang Kai looked at Su Yan with a smile.
Su Yan was embarrassed, but she nodded gently.
Yang Kai patted down his own body to look for something to give her in return, but he had nothing appropriate for her.
The most precious things on his body were the Soul Breaking Awl and the Yin Yang Monster Ginseng.
There was no chance for him to give The Soul Breaking Awl to her since it’s an immensely evil item and the Old Demon’s immortal soul was in it as well. It would only harm Su Yan. The Yin Yang Monster Ginseng could be given, but it was only a Heavenly Spiritual Herb and did not have the same value as a token.
Scratching his nose awkwardly, he decided to promise, “I will give you a token in the near future.”
“You have already given me a lot of Nine Yin Dew Crystals,” Su Yan said with a smile.
“You really are a good person,” Yang Kai said from the bottom of his heart.
“Don’t praise me, it’s making my heart race,” Su Yan panted for breath and covering her chest with her hand. After cultivating Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art, her original Ice Heart Secret Art was basically useless facing Yang Kai. He became the most difficult adversary for her as his every word, every deed, every action and every movement pulled her mind towards him.
“Hehehe!” Yang Kai gave an incomparable happy smile and giggled like a baby. In the whole world, who could make such a proud women melt? Only he could do it.
Generally, if a husband could make his wife feel this way, what more could he want from life?
It could be said that if not for this good fortune in the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, Yang Kai knew that he and Su Yan would never be together. There is no one who could be appropriate for her in this entire world. Even Yang Kai thought that he wasn’t suited to be joined to her. He wasn’t belittling himself, but Su Yan had such a noble aura it was hard to imagine tainting her.
“After returning, what do you plan to do?” Su Yan asked.
“What will I do?”

“I meant to say what path will you choose to tread on?” Su Yan looked like a guardian fulfilling her duty and considered for Yang Kai’s future. “There is also our relationship to think about.”
“I don’t know,” Yang Kai said knitting his brows, “Explain clearly.”
Su Yan gave a faint sweet smile, “Well at present I have I think you have two paths before you that you can take.”
“The first choice is to publicise our relationship. By my current status in the school, as long as our relationship is public, you will be vigorously trained. You won’t need to worry about contribution points ever again, in the future martial skills, medicinal pills, secret treasures will be available for you anytime.”
“Are you testing me?” Yang Kai asked Su Yan with a smile.
She shook her head and replied seriously, “No I am asking you earnestly.”
Yang Kai turned his head. He could clearly imagine what turbulence his relationship with Su Yan, if publicised, would bring.
He and Su Yan were like the earth and sky, impossible to be conjoined. At present, in the common people’s eyes, Yang Kai would be envied and it would also affect Su Yan’s image heavily. Without even considering all the Elders, his apprentice brothers would nose around Su Yan to choose them as they are many times better than him.
Yang Kai did not think that Su Yan could face the rumours and slandering of common people with such confidence.
“You do not need to bear such a psychological burden. I am a man who can look after himself.”
Then Yang Kai said with a serious look, “This proposition is very tempting, but it is not meant for me.”
Su Yan, as if she expected that answer, didn’t feel any surprise. She only smiled.
Yang Kai clenched his fists, looked down and said, “For my cultivation, I will depend on myself. I don’t want to depend on you.”
Su Yan said replied, “Although I am a little sad hearing you say this, I am also really happy. In that case, we can only take the second road.”
Yang Kai says with a smile, “Yes, I will mature as soon as possible.”
The second road was for Yang Kai to only depend on himself for cultivation.
“I will wait for you to become strong enough to protect me,” Su Yan said in a soft voice.
“It won’t take long,” Yang Kai took Su Yan’s hand, raised it to his lips to kiss, then suddenly remembering the incident, he said, “Su Yan, when we leave, you might experience some trouble.”
“Hmm?” Su Yan looked at him full of doubts.
Yang Kai reorganized his thoughts then said seriously, “Disciples of our three sects came for the inheritance of this place. We struck and killed the nine monster beasts and activated the formation, making the place of inheritance show itself. The disciples who had climbed the endless steps numbered around 700-800, and they all experienced the alternate cold and hot steps. Your strength in the three schools is the strongest and you also cultivate a cold attribute cultivation technique. Now can you understand what everyone is thinking?”
Su Yan gawked, she was only considering Yang Kai and had not thought about herself. But now, listening to Yang Kai, she was suddenly enlightened, “They will think that inheritance of this place was obtained by me.”
“Absolutely, I think many people are thinking the same thing now.” Yang Kai gave his analysis.
Su Yan gave a confident smile, “I will just say that I had not obtained the inheritance; even if have obtained it I wouldn’t need to give them any explanation.”
“It would be better if you don’t acknowledge it! Do not acknowledge it to anyone. I have a feeling that the appearance of this Heaven’s Cave Inheritance will not only involve our three schools.”
Hearing his words, Su Yan concurred. She didn’t care about the experts of the three schools but she couldn’t disregard the experts from the others. Once she confirmed that she acquired the inheritance, she would be in for a lot of unnecessary attention, potentially trouble.
Su Yan nodded her head again and again and said, “I know.”
She was also gratified at heart. Making the three sects’ disciples focus on her would leave a clear road for Yang Kai. Everyone would think that the inheritance could only be obtained by one person and no one would know that it had to be shared between two people.
She looked at Yang Kai and complimented, “You can think really far ahead.”
Yang Kai smiled bitterly and stated, “The big powers cannot let go of a rare item. They have the belief that every rare thing can only belong to them, and they would do everything to get it.”
Su Yan stared at him. She felt that his words held a lot of truth and was said from experience. She thought that her junior apprentice brother had a lot of secrets.
“I will tell you everything when the time comes.” Yang Kai said while patting her hand.
“Alright. Even if you do not, it’ll be ok,” Su Yan said with a nod.
“We should leave, there is nothing left for us here, Yang Kai stood up. The main hall was very spacious and aside from the huge energy ball that still hovered, there wasn’t anything else.
After they obtained the inheritance, a light barrier appeared; it was probably a portal.
Holding Su Yan’s hand, Yang Kai walked into the light barrier.
Their forms disappeared from the main hall simultaneously. Right then, a loud sound similar to glass breaking echoed around the entire Heaven’s Cave Inheritance.
Then, at the same time, cracks spread across the Inheritance site. The disciples who were still present felt their immortal souls experience some stimulation and were unable to identify the cause of it.
An unknown energy wrapped around them and took them slowly up towards the sky. They were helpless.
At the mining area of the Bloody Battle Gang, after the opening of Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, the powerhouses of three sects guarded that place, waiting for their disciples to come out.
It had already been a month since it opened. During that period, many disciples had already left the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance. They were people who were either injured or were unable to persevere any further.
From them, the experts of three sects also roughly guessed the situation inside.
The experts of the three sects were irritated because they found that the inheritance had finally appeared, but didn’t know in whose hand it fell.
Each sect had a lot of expectations for their promising youths.
High Heaven Pavilion’s Su Yan and Xie Hongchen, Bloody Battle Gang’s Hu Jiao Er and Long Jun, Storm House’s Fang Ziji, they were the youths with a lot of potential in the younger generation.
That insane old man’s female apprentice, High Heaven Pavilion’s Xia Ning Chang might have obtained the inheritance.
But that old man was very relaxed as he sat at the site when the Inheritance opened, then noticing that his apprentice had not appeared. Soon after, he departed alone and hadn’t come back since.
[What an irresponsible master!] The experts of three sects saw him as such and threw distasteful criticisms at Meng Wu Ya.
The existence of the inheritance made the three sects hostile towards each other, and an intensely competitive atmosphere spread among them, particularly among Bloody Battle Gang troops.
They viewed the acts of High Heaven Pavilion and Storm House as nothing less than robbery while they cursed at Meng Wu Ya with no sign of stopping. If not for him fighting with the expert of Bloody Battle Gang at the mining site, it would be impossible to expose the existence of the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance to others.
This was the wealth of the Bloody Battle Gang that was now being snatched by the other two schools. Although they were compensated for it, nothing could be compared to such a glorious inheritance
“*****!” Hu Man cursed his subordinates for several days, but he didn’t dare to scold Meng Wu Ya. He was angry at Long Zai Tian and Long Hui.
That ***** little animal provoked Meng Wu Ya and made such a mess. If he hadn’t done that, things would not have turned out the way they did. It’s good that he died. Even if you hadn’t ***** died earlier, I, your Father would have torn you to shreds by now. Long Family…. The Long Family wouldn’t be able to save you.
It wasn’t only Hu Man who disliked the Long Family now. There was a great dissatisfaction among other experts of the Bloody Battle Gang. Long Zai Tian knew that he had done wrong this time, and he was beaten badly by Meng Wu Ya one month ago. It made him scared to appear in the area. Right now, he focused only on recuperating at the Bloody Battle Gang headquarters.
But considering the news of the death of his grandson, could this hatred be so easily absolved?
[Sooner or later, I will make you pay in blood,] Long Zai Tian swore secretly within his heart.
While the experts of three sects waited anxiously, a light barrier suddenly appeared on the site. It was akin to ripples appearing on the surface when a pebble drops into a tranquil lake.
In the next instance, the light barrier suddenly collapsed, leaving behind a big hole in the mineral lode.
“Is someone there?” Hu Man asked nervously. The Heaven’s Cave Inheritance vanished but the disciples of the three sects hadn’t appeared. Both his daughters were inside. What happened to them?
Hu Man was not alone in being worried; other experts felt the same. Elite Disciples of their sects entered the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, and they still have not shown up.
As they watched the scene unfold, they heard someone call miserably not from far away.
A Storm House’s elder’s complexion changed, and he hurried to move forward.

Martial Peak – Chapter 159, Returning to the Sect

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When the Elder returned from the site, he was followed by the wounded disciples of Storm House. Under the inquiry of the Storm House experts, the disciples narrated the occurrences in the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance.
After a few moments, the Bloody Battle Gang and High Heaven Pavilion experts also found their respective disciples in the surroundings. The experts breathed a sigh of relief.
They discovered that the disciples that came out were dispersed to each corner of Black Wind Forest.
Although the experts were puzzled by this strange scene, they knew it must have been done to protect the inheritor of the cave master’s inheritance.
The experts of the three sects were bustling about in the Black Wind Forest, searching for their respective disciples. They were extremely cautious towards them. They were more sincere and cautious when compared to their past behaviour because they didn’t know who could grow to what height in the future.
Their attitudes changed because they didn’t know which person among these disciples now possessed a limitless future, and therefore could grow to stand high and look down on the masses.
Even the irascible leader of the Bloody Battle Gang, Hu Man, was welcoming the disciples with a respectful and conciliatory attitude, which bewildered many of them. They were, in essence, building bridges for the future.
The attitude of the leader of the Bloody Battle Gang made many disciples very emotional. They were so moved, they tearfully pledged their loyalty as well as their willingness to fight the death for the Sect Master.
Hu Man gave a frank smile.
For him, those disciples should have obtained great fortune in the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, even if they didn’t obtain the ultimate inheritance. They were worth grooming with all of the Sect’s efforts.
The Storm House and High Heaven Pavilion experts were also clear on this point. They secretly despised Hu Man who got a leg up on them, so they also enquired about their disciples’ experiences and well-being.
It took about half a day’s time to gather everyone. After that, many of them returned to their sects and had reported to their founders or Elders. This also made Yang Kai and Su Yan’s situation more optimistic.
Su Yan was bound to be suspected and no one could change that.
At this moment, Yang Kai and Su Yan were standing on Black Wind Mountain. After they stepped into the light gate, they were transferred there. Su Yan was not quite familiar with the place, but Yang Kai had run around the Black Wind Mountain many times, so he knew a lot about the place.
After a long time, they were finally able to find the correct path.
“About 25 km in that direction, we will find Black Plum Village,” Yang Kai informed Su Yan whilst he stood upon a hilltop pointing in a particular direction.
“We can’t go back together, or there will be suspicions,” Su Yan said hesitantly. Since she was bound to be suspected, she couldn’t expose Yang Kai by returning with him.
“Mhm,” Yang Kai nodded, “You need to go first since many people would be looking for you. If you delay any further, it will only raise unnecessary suspicion. Remember, no matter who asks you, you cannot acknowledge that you obtained the inheritance.”
“I know. You will also need to be careful, and come back as soon as possible,” Su Yan urged as she turned to leave but was pulled back by Yang Kai.
“What’s wrong?” Su Yan asked, but she was interrupted by a burning hot aura closely hugging her, locking onto her mouth.
Su Yan softly moaned.
Eventually, Yang Kai released her with a smile.
“Remember your promise. Once a month.” Yang Kai reminded gently.
Su Yan gave a gentle nod.
They reluctantly said goodbye, though they knew that they would still meet in the sect.
They stared at each other for a long time, but Su Yan strengthened her resolve and said, “I am going.”
She walked rapidly, leaving behind a pure white shadow.
Yang Kai looked at her back until she was out of sight, then shook his head with a smile and started to walk in the direction of High Heaven Pavilion.
Heaven’s Cave Inheritance…… Yang Kai thought that his biggest gain was not the inheritance, but Su Yan.
After several hours of a leisurely walk, Yang Kai returned to High Heaven Pavilion. All the disciples and experts had already arrived, but there were still some scattered around more remote locations and were only returning now. Thus, Yang Kai’s return did not attract any undue attention.
As Yang Kai walked, he noticed something strange. He was receiving greetings and politeness he had never received before from his fellow apprentices. Many may not have approached him, but they were smiling and greeting by gesturing with cupped fists anyway.
Even the High Heaven Pavilion’s Deacon greeted him.
Yang Kai felt relieved. He was able to leave alive from the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, so perhaps in the future, he may have boundless prospects. Naturally, nobody was going to disregard him like before. They were greeting him now, and maybe later they would become friends, at least, that’s their train of thoughts.
Yang Kai arrived at his small log cabin. Without the chance to even reorganize his shack, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching his door.
He wondered who would be visiting at this time. He opened the door to be greeted by an eager Su Mu.
Seeing Yang Kai, Su Mu put down the worry in his heart and said warmly, “Brother Yang, I’m glad you also returned safely.”
Yang Kai was happy to see him, and directly invited him in, “Brother Su, come in and have a seat!”
“You don’t need to be polite, I just came to check if you are alright!” Su Mu said while revealing a smug smile, “I need to go back and cultivate.”
After giving a long smile, Su Mu vanished from his doorstep.
Yang Kai was shocked for a moment remembering that he has not seen Su Mu on the endless steps. Where was he at the time? The Beast Soul made such a huge ruckus it was impossible for him to miss that.
The only reason could be that he had more important things to do at that time.
Seeing Su Mu care for him made Yang Kai smile as well.
There was only a single inheritance in the cave, so there was no chance that Su Mu would have obtained it. It looked like his fate was pretty good.
Su Mu just departed, and Yang Kai wasn’t even able to sit back down when he suddenly heard the sound of more footsteps, though this time they were much lighter like a female’s footsteps.
Yang Kai’s heart jumped. A green shadow hesitantly entered his shack.
“Little senior sister?” On seeing the appearance clearly, Yang Kai maintained his smile.
Today, his small cabin is quite lively. Su Mu visit, Xia Ning Cheng as well and what’s more, he had not seen her in the Inheritance Cave.
Since returning from the Nine Yin Mountain Valley, they had not seen each other.
“Brother!” Xia Ning Cheng was relieved on seeing Yang Kai, just like Su Mu. She walked inside and asked, “Did you just return?”
“Mhm, I just got back,” Yang Kai nodded and replied.
“I heard that you also entered the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, but I was not able to find you inside,” Yang Kai continued. Xia Ning Cheng was as charming as always; those two sentences made her ears go bright red.
“I noticed on that day you had not come, but Treasurer Meng is really powerful,” Yang Kai recalled as he remembered Meng Wu Ya’s actions from back then, domineering and rampant, but the feeling it gave was somewhat strange.
Xia Ning Cheng answered, “Yes, the master did make me ago. Oh right, I also found some Yang Flame Stone inside, and made some Medicine Pills for you,” Then Xia Ning Cheng reached out with a bottle in her hand, “You need this for your cultivation, don’t you?”
Yang Kai took it from her hand with a smile and said, “Thanks!”
Xia Ning Cheng shook her head lightly and said, “You don’t need to be so polite!”
“Don’t you want to sit and chat with me?”
“No, I just wanted to check on you,” Xia Ning Cheng hurriedly waved. She was quite a shy girl and didn’t dare to stay at his cabin alone, “I am going, you should have a good rest.”
“Alright,” Yang Kai did not detain her, “You too. I am quite tired at the moment.”
Xia Ning Cheng smiled. She was satisfied with his response.
After arriving at the door, she turned around as if she wanted to ask something, but after hesitating, she couldn’t summon the courage and finally left.
Then, she suddenly remembered the matter of Nine Yin Mountain Valley.
The sentiments they shared had reached quite a deep level. Xia Ning Cheng frequently dreamt about the confused kiss they shared in the dead of night. That scene would make her heart jump with joy. She would feel restless for a long time, tossing and turning on her bed, and it would be hard for her to settle down afterwards.
The kiss they shared had left a mark in her heart, and the form of Yang Kai bathed in blood made an irreplaceable picture. Her heart was flooded with an indescribable soft feeling, making it even harder for her face Yang Kai, but she couldn’t share her feelings.
When Xia Ning Chen disappeared, his gaze moved to the bottle in his hand. He felt gratitude for the concern his friends showed.
A night passed silently afterward. He didn’t do anything else but sleep quietly and calmly.
The next day, he traveled to the Black Wind Trade City to purchase some Three Leaves Chaos Spirit Flowers and Dead Jedi Tree Grass. The last time he came, he wanted to buy them but the appearance of Heaven’s Cave Inheritance disrupted his plans.
In the wake of the incident with Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, the Black Wind Trade City became quite lively. The various disciples of the three sects were discussing their fortuitous encounters in the cave, the nine formidable Monster Beasts and of course, the endless steps.
The people who were unable to enter the cave listened with great interest.
Su Yan was not guarding the Black Wind Trade City. At present, it was not safe for her to leave the High Heaven Pavilion. Everyone from the three sects was staring at her. They wanted to know if she had obtained the genuine inheritance.
Yang Kai purchased the herbs and tools he needed and left the Black Wind Trade City.
Returning to High Heaven Pavilion, Yang Kai arrived by the Coiling Dragon Stream.
On his ordinary days, he used to meditate in that place. His three Sun Fruit trees were still fluttering in the breeze. Perhaps after a few years, they would bear flowers again, but it was too far away to consider.
Yang Kai rubbed his hands together. He wanted to attempt something before, but he was too weak then. Now that he is at the Qi Transformation Stage he can finally do it.
He found a small boulder and tied a rope around it, then with the help of the rope, Yang Kai moved down the cliff face above the Coiling Dragon Stream.
He didn’t know what rare treasure was hidden inside it causing an abundance of Yang Qi near the cliff, giving Yang Kai the chance to practice his cultivation. Regardless of where the treasure was located, there would undoubtedly be more Yang Qi inside.
Yang Kai’s appetite was not big. He didn’t want to penetrate the Coiling Dragon Stream to find the treasure. After all, the eleventh elder had urged him many times that he should not rashly destroy the stream because it also hid quite a big danger within.
The mystical Eleventh Elder was at least an Immortal Ascension Boundary Expert. If he can feel that it’s dangerous, then it would be beyond dangerous for Yang Kai. It would simply be suicide.
Silavin: Hey guys, sorry for the late chapter. Our group since to have been cursed after I released the erotic chapter… I’ve have an eye infection (still have it) since Wednesday, theunfetteredsalmon was practically bed ridden with pain on Saturday, luffy injured his fingers 2 weeks prior, Rosy and Skoll both got really busy this week. Maximum actually quit like a month ago – Not really in line with the erotic chapter but it’s on the topic of bad luck?
WTF! was a erotic chapter really that bad for us to receive some tribulation?
… I tried to make it good… *Sad face*
Anyways, we hope that regular chapters can now be pumped out again. I also just got permission from Erza (still too busy to return) that I can re-host all the old chapters. I will be changing all the terms and making small edits for the chapter 1-121; finally posting them once the new site is out. Already bought the domain but the website isn’t set yet. So, see you in the next update! 😀

Last edited:
Martial Peak – Chapter 159, Returning to the Sect

When the Elder returned from the site, he was followed by the wounded disciples of Storm House. Under the inquiry of the Storm House experts, the disciples narrated the occurrences in the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance.
After a few moments, the Bloody Battle Gang and High Heaven Pavilion experts also found their respective disciples in the surroundings. The experts breathed a sigh of relief.
They discovered that the disciples that came out were dispersed to each corner of Black Wind Forest.
Although the experts were puzzled by this strange scene, they knew it must have been done to protect the inheritor of the cave master’s inheritance.
The experts of the three sects were bustling about in the Black Wind Forest, searching for their respective disciples. They were extremely cautious towards them. They were more sincere and cautious when compared to their past behaviour because they didn’t know who could grow to what height in the future.
Their attitudes changed because they didn’t know which person among these disciples now possessed a limitless future, and therefore could grow to stand high and look down on the masses.
Even the irascible leader of the Bloody Battle Gang, Hu Man, was welcoming the disciples with a respectful and conciliatory attitude, which bewildered many of them. They were, in essence, building bridges for the future.
The attitude of the leader of the Bloody Battle Gang made many disciples very emotional. They were so moved, they tearfully pledged their loyalty as well as their willingness to fight the death for the Sect Master.
Hu Man gave a frank smile.
For him, those disciples should have obtained great fortune in the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, even if they didn’t obtain the ultimate inheritance. They were worth grooming with all of the Sect’s efforts.
The Storm House and High Heaven Pavilion experts were also clear on this point. They secretly despised Hu Man who got a leg up on them, so they also enquired about their disciples’ experiences and well-being.
It took about half a day’s time to gather everyone. After that, many of them returned to their sects and had reported to their founders or Elders. This also made Yang Kai and Su Yan’s situation more optimistic.
Su Yan was bound to be suspected and no one could change that.
At this moment, Yang Kai and Su Yan were standing on Black Wind Mountain. After they stepped into the light gate, they were transferred there. Su Yan was not quite familiar with the place, but Yang Kai had run around the Black Wind Mountain many times, so he knew a lot about the place.
After a long time, they were finally able to find the correct path.
“About 25 km in that direction, we will find Black Plum Village,” Yang Kai informed Su Yan whilst he stood upon a hilltop pointing in a particular direction.
“We can’t go back together, or there will be suspicions,” Su Yan said hesitantly. Since she was bound to be suspected, she couldn’t expose Yang Kai by returning with him.
“Mhm,” Yang Kai nodded, “You need to go first since many people would be looking for you. If you delay any further, it will only raise unnecessary suspicion. Remember, no matter who asks you, you cannot acknowledge that you obtained the inheritance.”
“I know. You will also need to be careful, and come back as soon as possible,” Su Yan urged as she turned to leave but was pulled back by Yang Kai.
“What’s wrong?” Su Yan asked, but she was interrupted by a burning hot aura closely hugging her, locking onto her mouth.
Su Yan softly moaned.
Eventually, Yang Kai released her with a smile.
“Remember your promise. Once a month.” Yang Kai reminded gently.
Su Yan gave a gentle nod.
They reluctantly said goodbye, though they knew that they would still meet in the sect.
They stared at each other for a long time, but Su Yan strengthened her resolve and said, “I am going.”
She walked rapidly, leaving behind a pure white shadow.
Yang Kai looked at her back until she was out of sight, then shook his head with a smile and started to walk in the direction of High Heaven Pavilion.
Heaven’s Cave Inheritance…… Yang Kai thought that his biggest gain was not the inheritance, but Su Yan.
After several hours of a leisurely walk, Yang Kai returned to High Heaven Pavilion. All the disciples and experts had already arrived, but there were still some scattered around more remote locations and were only returning now. Thus, Yang Kai’s return did not attract any undue attention.
As Yang Kai walked, he noticed something strange. He was receiving greetings and politeness he had never received before from his fellow apprentices. Many may not have approached him, but they were smiling and greeting by gesturing with cupped fists anyway.
Even the High Heaven Pavilion’s Deacon greeted him.
Yang Kai felt relieved. He was able to leave alive from the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, so perhaps in the future, he may have boundless prospects. Naturally, nobody was going to disregard him like before. They were greeting him now, and maybe later they would become friends, at least, that’s their train of thoughts.
Yang Kai arrived at his small log cabin. Without the chance to even reorganize his shack, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching his door.
He wondered who would be visiting at this time. He opened the door to be greeted by an eager Su Mu.
Seeing Yang Kai, Su Mu put down the worry in his heart and said warmly, “Brother Yang, I’m glad you also returned safely.”
Yang Kai was happy to see him, and directly invited him in, “Brother Su, come in and have a seat!”
“You don’t need to be polite, I just came to check if you are alright!” Su Mu said while revealing a smug smile, “I need to go back and cultivate.”
After giving a long smile, Su Mu vanished from his doorstep.
Yang Kai was shocked for a moment remembering that he has not seen Su Mu on the endless steps. Where was he at the time? The Beast Soul made such a huge ruckus it was impossible for him to miss that.
The only reason could be that he had more important things to do at that time.
Seeing Su Mu care for him made Yang Kai smile as well.
There was only a single inheritance in the cave, so there was no chance that Su Mu would have obtained it. It looked like his fate was pretty good.
Su Mu just departed, and Yang Kai wasn’t even able to sit back down when he suddenly heard the sound of more footsteps, though this time they were much lighter like a female’s footsteps.
Yang Kai’s heart jumped. A green shadow hesitantly entered his shack.
“Little senior sister?” On seeing the appearance clearly, Yang Kai maintained his smile.
Today, his small cabin is quite lively. Su Mu visit, Xia Ning Cheng as well and what’s more, he had not seen her in the Inheritance Cave.
Since returning from the Nine Yin Mountain Valley, they had not seen each other.
“Brother!” Xia Ning Cheng was relieved on seeing Yang Kai, just like Su Mu. She walked inside and asked, “Did you just return?”
“Mhm, I just got back,” Yang Kai nodded and replied.
“I heard that you also entered the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, but I was not able to find you inside,” Yang Kai continued. Xia Ning Cheng was as charming as always; those two sentences made her ears go bright red.
“I noticed on that day you had not come, but Treasurer Meng is really powerful,” Yang Kai recalled as he remembered Meng Wu Ya’s actions from back then, domineering and rampant, but the feeling it gave was somewhat strange.
Xia Ning Cheng answered, “Yes, the master did make me ago. Oh right, I also found some Yang Flame Stone inside, and made some Medicine Pills for you,” Then Xia Ning Cheng reached out with a bottle in her hand, “You need this for your cultivation, don’t you?”
Yang Kai took it from her hand with a smile and said, “Thanks!”
Xia Ning Cheng shook her head lightly and said, “You don’t need to be so polite!”
“Don’t you want to sit and chat with me?”
“No, I just wanted to check on you,” Xia Ning Cheng hurriedly waved. She was quite a shy girl and didn’t dare to stay at his cabin alone, “I am going, you should have a good rest.”
“Alright,” Yang Kai did not detain her, “You too. I am quite tired at the moment.”
Xia Ning Cheng smiled. She was satisfied with his response.
After arriving at the door, she turned around as if she wanted to ask something, but after hesitating, she couldn’t summon the courage and finally left.
Then, she suddenly remembered the matter of Nine Yin Mountain Valley.
The sentiments they shared had reached quite a deep level. Xia Ning Cheng frequently dreamt about the confused kiss they shared in the dead of night. That scene would make her heart jump with joy. She would feel restless for a long time, tossing and turning on her bed, and it would be hard for her to settle down afterwards.
The kiss they shared had left a mark in her heart, and the form of Yang Kai bathed in blood made an irreplaceable picture. Her heart was flooded with an indescribable soft feeling, making it even harder for her face Yang Kai, but she couldn’t share her feelings.
When Xia Ning Chen disappeared, his gaze moved to the bottle in his hand. He felt gratitude for the concern his friends showed.
A night passed silently afterward. He didn’t do anything else but sleep quietly and calmly.
The next day, he traveled to the Black Wind Trade City to purchase some Three Leaves Chaos Spirit Flowers and Dead Jedi Tree Grass. The last time he came, he wanted to buy them but the appearance of Heaven’s Cave Inheritance disrupted his plans.
In the wake of the incident with Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, the Black Wind Trade City became quite lively. The various disciples of the three sects were discussing their fortuitous encounters in the cave, the nine formidable Monster Beasts and of course, the endless steps.
The people who were unable to enter the cave listened with great interest.
Su Yan was not guarding the Black Wind Trade City. At present, it was not safe for her to leave the High Heaven Pavilion. Everyone from the three sects was staring at her. They wanted to know if she had obtained the genuine inheritance.
Yang Kai purchased the herbs and tools he needed and left the Black Wind Trade City.
Returning to High Heaven Pavilion, Yang Kai arrived by the Coiling Dragon Stream.
On his ordinary days, he used to meditate in that place. His three Sun Fruit trees were still fluttering in the breeze. Perhaps after a few years, they would bear flowers again, but it was too far away to consider.
Yang Kai rubbed his hands together. He wanted to attempt something before, but he was too weak then. Now that he is at the Qi Transformation Stage he can finally do it.
He found a small boulder and tied a rope around it, then with the help of the rope, Yang Kai moved down the cliff face above the Coiling Dragon Stream.
He didn’t know what rare treasure was hidden inside it causing an abundance of Yang Qi near the cliff, giving Yang Kai the chance to practice his cultivation. Regardless of where the treasure was located, there would undoubtedly be more Yang Qi inside.
Yang Kai’s appetite was not big. He didn’t want to penetrate the Coiling Dragon Stream to find the treasure. After all, the eleventh elder had urged him many times that he should not rashly destroy the stream because it also hid quite a big danger within.
The mystical Eleventh Elder was at least an Immortal Ascension Boundary Expert. If he can feel that it’s dangerous, then it would be beyond dangerous for Yang Kai. It would simply be suicide.
WTF! was a erotic chapter really that bad for us to receive some tribulation?
… I tried to make it good… *Sad face*

Martial Peak – Chapter 160, Creating the Cave Mansion

As Yang Kai moved down the stream, the density of Yang Qi continued to increase and he was able to absorb a large amount of it.
The wind howled and showed no sign of stopping. This howling made it hard for cultivators to practice because cultivation required peace. Any disturbance would interrupt the cultivators.
[If I could open a hole on the leeward side, I should be able to avoid the noise from the wind. I would also be protected from too much sunlight.]
He pieced together the cords he had brought with him to make one long rope and with its support, he was able to rappel down a thousand feet towards the stream.
When he used up all of the rope’s length, Yang Kai looked down and realised the Coiling Dragon Stream was too deep. He was unable to see the bottom. There was no way for him to judge its depth.
He felt fear strikes his heart at the thought of the potential consequences should the rope’s integrity fail at this point.
However, the Yang Qi of the atmosphere was truly denser than above.
At this moment, Yang Kai was very satisfied with his decision. He carefully looked around the area and settled on a good position for his cave.
There were numerous ancient pine trees living on the slope of the cliff. They were grouped together and formed what was basically a giant umbrella. If he opened a space under the giant pines, the trees could form a natural barrier, helping him keep out wind and rain. It would become his shelter.
After choosing a spot, Yang Kai condensed a drop of Yang liquid from his dantian onto his fingertip, then used it to cut into the slope.
It sliced easily into the rock. The sharpness of the Yang liquid was not affected. Yang Kai then directly cut into the next rock.
When Yang Kai was in the Initial Element Stage third layer, his Yang liquid could easily ruin an ordinary mid-grade defensive treasure. Now that his strength has increased, cutting a rock was as easy as eating pie.
The Yang liquid in his dantian was limited. The majority of it which he obtained in the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance was already used during the double cultivation with Su Yan. Now he had less than four or five drops present in his dantian.
After consuming three drops of Yang liquid, Yang Kai was able to cut open an entrance in the cliff face in which he could fit. Yang Kai continued to enlarge the cave, and the rocks were discarded into the jaws of the Coiling Dragon Stream.
Yang Kai sat and waited. After some time, the sound of the impact of the rock on the bottom of the stream reached his ears. By calculating the time it took for the rock to reach the bottom, he was able to gather a rough estimate of the actual deepness of the Coiling Dragon Stream.
The result was flabbergasting. His initial calculations told him that the depth of the stream was more than ten thousand feet.
Half a day passes and the cave has significantly expanded, but he had consumed all Yang liquid.
With nothing else but his physical strength, Yang Kai couldn’t excavate the cave any further.
He whipped out the bottle Xia Ning Cheng gifted him yesterday. He remembered the incident he had with his senior sister and felt guilt pricking him.
Fortunately, they did not go far past that, otherwise he could never face her again.
After ingesting several medicine pills and condensing some Yang liquid, he continued his little excavation
Yang Kai was very excited about his cave. It couldn’t exhaust him, and looking at the steady expansion of the cave, Yang Kai felt like a powerhouse who was building his secret mansion.
Yang Kai struggled for several days. For condensing Yang Liquid, he had the medicine pills provided by Xia Ning Cheng. For thirst, he had dew accumulated on the pine tree leaves in the morning. He barely felt hungry. Hunger rarely affects anyone in the Qi transformation stage detrimentally and strongly. Eventually, though, in a month’s time, they would need to supplement their strength with some form of nutrition.
Seven days later, the cave was, for the most part, completed.
Yang Kai stood at the entrance and admired his masterpiece. A feeling of satisfaction took over him as he giggled foolishly.
The cave was twice as big as Yang Kai’s log cabin. One would prove to be hard to spot if they sat at the entrance. The noise was also filtered out, although a soft whistling sound would resume nonetheless. His new humble abode was comparable to any good place of cultivation. The environment here was much better than many places.
On the left side of the cave entrance, there was a small stone chamber in which Yang Kai stored and preserved his dried food. He placed his Three Leaves Chaos Spirit Flower and Dead Jedi Tree Grass in that room.
On the right was a slightly bigger room. This was his break room. In there, Yang Kai had a stone bed cut carefully and intricately, its surface smooth and even. Yang Kai also took the time to polish it carefully and spent a lot of time doing so. One wouldn’t feel the slightest bit of discomfort resting on it, aside from maybe its toughness.
It was unknown what was going through Yang Kai’s mind when making this bed, but it was huge and could easily accommodate two to three people.
Rosy: Really…. we don’t know what he was thinking?
[Hehehe…. Nicely done!] Yang Kai thought in his mind.
The middle of the stone chamber had a large open space. It was unclear why it was open.
This was Yang Kai’s personal Cave Mansion. Although it was carved roughly, it was quite warm and cosy. It was much better than that small log cabin.
Common people generally don’t steer near the Coiling Dragon Stream. If in the future he is able to obtain something he cannot carry around normally, he could easily keep it here without worrying about its discovery or theft.
As Yang Kai’s train of thoughts continued, he climbed upwards with the help of the rope. He cut out some footholds in the rock wall so that he wouldn’t need the aid of a rope to descend next time, lessening the chance of its exposure.
Finally untying the rope tied to the big rock, Yang Kai returned to his Cave Mansion.
After so many days of hard work, he finally had a proper place for his own peaceful, quiet cultivation. Perhaps this cultivation environment is better than the areas the rest of the disciples in the High Heaven Pavillion use.
Yang Kai didn’t start cultivating immediately, but sat cross-legged near the entrance of his hideout and enjoyed the warmth of this place.
He suddenly remembered something and put his hand on his chest and took it out.
It was the Ying Yang Monster Ginseng. It was a Heavenly Spiritual Herb, a sentient artefact. After being captured by Yang Kai, it was placed on his chest, where it didn’t try to escape or struggle.
The Herb seemed to smile at Yang Kai.
The Old Demon said that this type of thing will only grow in places where both Yin and Yang energy coexist. Yang Kai didn’t know why there was a Yin Yang Monster Ginseng in the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, but on obtaining the inheritance he understood the mystery.
That was the inheritance of the Yin Yang Joyous Unification Art so it was normal that it could give birth to the Heavenly Spiritual Herb.
He forced out a drop of Yang liquid to feed the Yin Yang Monster Ginseng and unexpectedly, it absorbed the Yang liquid in a flash and put on an even more joyful expression, much like a living child.
Afterwards, an aura encircled the Yin Yang Monster Ginseng and it hopped out of his hand. It pranced all around the cave curiously and after a little while, it found an appropriate place to root and so it did on the spot it stood, still seemingly smiling.
As the aura of light that surrounded the Yin Yang Monster Ginseng became denser, Yang Kai could clearly feel the Yang Qi being absorbed by it. The density of the Yang Qi increased in the cave.
Yang Kai was speechless at such a useful function; something he would have never foreseen.
He became curious, untied the restriction on the Soul Breaking Awl and the Old Demon’s respectful voice transmitted from it immediately, “Old Servant sees the young master.”
“Have a look at this Yin Yang Monster Ginseng, and tell me what’s going on with it,” Yang Kai requested.
The Old Demon eagerly replied, “This thing can absorb both Yin and Yang Qi to live, and in this place there is an abundance of Yang Qi which suits it for growth. However….”
“Do not swallow words you planned to spit in an effort to mystify matters unnecessarily,” Yang Kai warned coldly.
The Old Demon had forgotten how intimidating Yang Kai could be. This was their first time talking in quite some time and he is already shivering from fear. His Immortal Soul was imprisoned in the Soul Breaker Awl, and from his punishments, he was very clear about Yang Kai’s decisiveness and ruthlessness, so he then continued hastily, “It must absorb both Yin and Yang Qi for it to grow steadily. This place has an abundance of Yang Qi, so for a short while it won’t be a problem, but in the long run, it will not only stop growing, but there also is a possibility of it withering. It will be like a flower without petals, or like a lone cloud drifting endlessly in the atmosphere. After all, it needs both Yin and Yang Qi as it is a Yin Yang Monster Ginseng.”
“So it lacks Yin Qi, right?” Yang Kai probed.
“Indeed, it’s as the young master says.”
[Well, that should be easy to solve, someday when Su Yan visits she can give some of her Yin Qi to it.]
Hesitating for a moment, Yang Kai asked awkwardly, “You have said before, if a man and a woman have a mutual affinity, and when they like each other, it will change into two independent energies and will integrate within their bodies, right?”

“Yes!” Old Demon said with an amazed expression, “Em? Young master, did you…?”
Well, it was not prohibited, Yang Kai, after all, is a young boy. Since the last time they spoke, the Old Demon discovered that Yang Kai has lost his innate Pure Yang Qi. This was the result of Yang Kai having had intimate contact with a female.
“Who are you to ask such a question?” Yang Kai snapped.
“Young master, forgive me, this old servant was just curious. I will refrain from asking in the future.”
“There had better be no next time!” Yang Kai sternly scoffed.
Wrinkling his brows, Yang Kai thought.
Although the Old Demon’s origin was a mystery, his experience is very profound and he knew a lot about the Yin Yang Monster Ginseng, so he should be speaking the truth.
When they were in the main hall, where he and Su Yan were exchanging sentiments, it was right beside them.
But it did not change into energy and integrate with him and Su Yan. It didn’t become a part of them. So, the only explanation is that his and Su Yan’s sentiments were not to the degree of having mutual affinity with each other.
Although they may become husband and wife, it would be under the influence of the inheritance and was not originally their wish. If there was no Yin Yang Joyous Unification Art, he could only feel that Su Yan would bear a grudge against him for seizing her virginity. Even if she didn’t bear a grudge, she wouldn’t have a favourable impression of him, so how could there be mutual affinity between them?
Su Yan had not opened her heart, and the same went for Yang Kai.
Even if they felt attraction towards each other and would go through thick and thin to remain in their position even in life and death, this all was the effect of the Yin Yang Joyous Unification Art.
Love was not something that could be achieved in one day and night, and it couldn’t be forcefully developed with the aid of a cultivation technique.
Only when they reach the stage where they regard each other as the most important person in their lives without the influence of anything, then can they claim that their sentiments are truly mutual.
The Old Demon decided to console Yang Kai, “Young master doesn’t need to feel discouraged. This old servant knows women well. You have already captured her body, sooner or later, you will also capture her heart. This claim, the old servant can guarantee on his life.”
“But aren’t you already dead?” Yang Kai chuckled.
Old Demon cautiously watched for anger but could detect none. He then continued with a smile, “That is true, young master, but this old servant can guarantee with his Immortal Soul that women forever hold special sentiments to their first man. Young master, you just need to put in a little bit of effort, then she will be dead set on you. Right now, mutual affinity is just around the corner for you, and when that day comes, this Yin Yang Monster Ginseng will display its effect proudly and brightly.”

Martial Peak – Chapter 161: Speciality of the Qi Transformation Stage

After speaking, the Old Demon hesitated for a moment and resumed, “Young master, the thing is, the Yin Yang Monster Ginseng is only useful for a single pair, and there are two female babes young master is in contact with, so when the time comes it might be a little difficult, having to make a choice between them.”
“Two?” Yang Kai asked out of confusion. He thought that the Old Demon had slipped up, but he thought about it and understood.
Perhaps the Old Demon was thinking about the Hu sisters. After all, they were chatting quite a lot of the endless steps.
After prohibiting the Old Demon’s freedom, he could no longer observe Yang Kai’s surroundings. Naturally, this meant that he was unaware of the incident in the main hall at the top of the steps.
Yang Kai didn’t want to explain too much, so he just ordered, “In the future when I am alone with any female, you are not to use your divine sense.”
He feared the awkwardness that would emerge if the Old Demon witnesses him and Su Yan being together.
The Old Demon felt like Yang Kai was being unjust. He decided to protest, “The young master can rest easy. Though this old servant is evil, I would never do the likes of peeping on someone.”
“Regardless, it will be good if you do well to remember it.”

“This old servant will bear it in mind.”

After a short moment of silence, the Old Demon suggested, “Young master, if you don’t mind, this old servant wants to go inside this deep ravine to explore.”

“Is there something that interests you hiding below?” Yang Kai asked with curiosity. After all, the mystery that hid in the Coiling Dragon Stream made him burn with the desire to know, but once again, his strength was too low so he didn’t have any viable means to explore it.

“The old servant is not clear on what is hiding below, but I can feel a type of positive Qi. This type of Qi is a difficult adversary for this old servant’s Immortal Soul. In addition, there is also a very dense Demon Qi. These two Qis generally oppose each other, so I am a little confused as to why they would seem to coexist here. To be honest, young master, I want to strengthen my Immortal Soul by taking advantage of the Demon Qi below. It can also increase the possibility of giving the young master a helping hand in the future.”

Yang Kai was lost in thought.

Yang Kai verified the Old Demon’s claim in the dense Demon Qi. In the history of the Stream, it is said that an immensely evil devil was killed in the depths below. This made the area a natural spawn for Demon Qi.

The Old Demon wanted to restore his Immortal Soul with the aid of that Qi. Yang Kai was hesitant. After all, he was not sure if he would lose control of the Old Demon should he restore his strength. He might shoot himself in the foot.

As he pondered further, he decided that there was little need for him to be so worried. The Old Demon’s divine sense had already fused with his, so deciding his life and death was nothing but an immediate consequential action he could take should the Old Demon betray him.

The Old Demon waited anxiously, watching Yang Kai. Yang Kai then gave a nod and approved, “Alright, you can go.”

He poured some of his Yuan Qi into the Soul Breaker Awl, as this secret treasure acted as a storage for Yuan Qi. Yang Kai then passed it to Old Demon.

“Many thanks, young master!” The Old Demon said gratefully. Binding the Soul Breaking Awl, he transformed into a black fog and flew deep into the Coiling Dragon Stream.
After the Old Demon left, Yang Kai took out a small purse from his chest pocket.
This purse was given to him by Lan Chudie, which contained two seeds of Pure Heart Fruit.
Yang Kai thought about the conversation at that time.
If this senior sister wasn’t so good at deceiving others, she would surely be more likable.
The first time he met her in the Black Wind Trade City, he got hold of these seeds but was deceived about the cost though it didn’t matter at the time. When he met her again in the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance, it could have been fate.
They explored together, fought together. They were not only on the same side, but they also braved hardships together. It was hard to forget about her.
If not for her disappointing chain of choices, Yang Kai would never have disliked her the way he does. Though she sneaked on Nie Yong at the end to show goodwill, she also showed that she can be ruthless.
She always sided with those she could profit from. When Nie Yong was looking for trouble with Yang Kai, she never stopped him because Nie Yong had more use than Yang Kai.
If Lan Chudie had reproved Nie Yong severely in the status of a senior sister, he would never have dared to be so dissolute. But she did not, and only Du Yishuang had stood with Yang Kai; an ally that was useless against against Nie Yong. Being abandoned like a worn out slipper, and even being attacked from the shadows would never leave a good feeling
Yang Kai would never accuse her of anything. Everyone had the right to make their own decisions for their own lives, and others had no right to interfere. Perhaps, in reality, she was indifferent to people she thought were poor and weak, and had a liking for the rich and powerful. If she liked playing up for the powerful, then that’d be entirely her choice.
Yang Kai thought it was best if he didn’t become too close with her, otherwise, he might pay for it sooner or later.
He took out the seeds and tossed the purse into Coiling Dragon Stream.
[Where should I plant these two seeds?] Yang Kai carefully looked around his rocky abode. He couldn’t plant the seeds in here, there was no suitable soil.
Then, Yang Kai suddenly had an idea.
On the side of his cave, there was a large number of Ancient Pine trees, which means there must be soft soil at their roots. If a pine tree could take root here, the Pure Heartseed should as well. Since it is a spirit grass, it had a much stronger vitality.
Moreover, what Spirit Grasses absorbed was World Qi for growth, so they wouldn’t need to contest with the Ancient Pine trees for nutrition.
Yang Kai dropped one drop of Yang liquid on the Pure Heart seeds, but to his surprise, there was no reaction. Only after the second drop did the seed reach its absorption limit.
This was definitely the seed of an Earth Grade high grade spirit grass. He wondered where Lan Chudie obtained these seeds from. Seems like buying it at the price of 1200 silver coins was not a waste after all.
After planting both seeds, Yang Kai sat cross-legged at the entrance of his Cave once again. He closed both eyes and started to revolve the True Yang Secret Art. He cultivated slowly for the first time ever since entering the Qi Transformation Stage.
Without any indication, Yang Kai’s Yuan Qi suddenly began to rebel. Due to the sudden increase in the pressure, his clothes and hair started to dance. He turned pale as a ghost.
With the rebellion of Yuan Qi, Yang Kai’s heart was also filled with rebellious energy. This is a type of energy which he wanted to expend crazily, he wanted to fight someone until he bleeds or draws blood.
In the past, he felt like this only when the indomitable will appeared during fights, but this time, it appeared while practicing his True Yang Secret Art.
This is not because of Yang Kai, or because of the True Yang Secret Art.
It was because of his position in the Qi Transformation Stage!
Just like when Su Yan had mentioned to Yang Kai that the Qi Transformation Stage is a very special boundary for any martial artist.
Martial artists start from Tempered Body, and when they able to use Yuan Qi, they enter the Initial Element Stage. Next, when they break through the Initial Element Stage, they enter the Qi Transformation Stage. By this time, the Yuan Qi accumulated inside the martial artist’s body should already be significantly vast to a degree that many martial artists cannot control completely.
Since they are unable to control it, they are typically met with Yuan Qi rebellion. Usually, martial artists wouldn’t be affected when they are in an ideal condition, or when they aren’t using a large amount of Yuan Qi. However, revolving their respective cultivation techniques would cause the Yuan Qi to behave similarly to what Yang Kai is experiencing now.
It is actually a normal and expected phenomenon.
Because of this phenomenon, the Qi Transformation Stage martial artists tend to have two goals.
First was to continue to accumulate their Yuan Qi, promoting their boundaries and strength; this goal never changed from the norm.
The second goal required the martial artists to control the strength obtained from their promotion, while still accumulating Yuan Qi.
Generally, a martial artist who has just entered the Qi Transformation Stage is unable to control his Yuan Qi completely. When he reaches level seven or eight in the Qi Transformation Stage, he will then be able to exert more control. It was same for Lan Chudie; when she revolved her Yuan Qi, no rebellion in the Qi was produced.
Du Yishuang and Nie Yong were unable to control their Yuan Qi. Although Du Yishuang was level six in the Qi Transformation Stage, her Qi would rebel during battles and produce an unquenchable thirst for blood.
Martial artists in the Qi Transformation Stage are usually hot-tempered and touchy, meaning a higher chance of conflicts arising with others. If two of them are in the Qi Transformation Stage, both of them would likely fight until one or the other is incapacitated or dead.
This boundary had the highest mortality rate.
In this situation, most of the martial artists of the Qi Transformation Stage would try to calm and steady their dispositions as much as possible. They may also take medicinal pills, or even wear secret treasures to calm their nerves and suppress their impulsiveness.
In this stage, the martial artists who cultivate ice type techniques or martial skills generally have superiority over the others. This type of cultivation technique requires the martial artist to have a calm and steady, sometimes even cold personality at its very base, therefore making it easier for them to overcome this hurdle.
Yang Kai figured that when Su Yan was at this stage, she wasn’t as bothered with such issues.
Her heart and mind were already frozen, so how could her Yuan Qi go wild?
The martial artists who are in Qi Transformation Stage promote their Yuan Qi through battle. When they succeed, they are able to control their strength. This stage can affect the natural disposition of a person. Should the said person wins in battle, he will feel satisfaction and a commensurate rise in strength. The loser will likely be doomed to feel depressed and adopt a negative mentality.
The majority of martial artists lose their path in this stage. They become lost in power and enjoy battle and murder, straying from their preset paths.
After the Qi Transformation Stage, martial artists become calm once again. The next stage is called the Separation and Reunion Boundary.
That boundary is quite far for Yang Kai at the moment.
At this moment, after revolving his True Yang Secret Art, Yang Kai felt the strength he obtained in the Qi Transforming Stage, but the Yuan Qi rebellion seemed to not affect him at all.
An ice-cold sensation transmitted from his chest. This effect was due to the pendant gifted to him by Su Yan. This pendant contained Ice Jade Marrow, but he was largely unaffected not because of the Marrow, but because of the golden skeleton inside of him and the Indomitable Will martial arts he had practiced.
After taking his time to become accustomed to this new boundary, he was able to smoothly control his Yuan Qi without any discomfort or difficulty.
The thing that happened in Qi Transformation Stage had exactly the same effects as his martial skill, Indomitable Will, but the feeling was different.
Most people have a difficult time overcoming the hurdle of controlling their Yuan Qi and the new strength they had obtained, but Yang Kai was different; his Yuan Qi settled very quickly after the initial signs of rebellion and was already under control.
Yang Kai thought about it and concluded that it was the Golden Skeleton pulling strings from inside his body. When he uses the Indomitable Will, he may look bloodthirsty but his inner emotions are mostly calm. He never lost his reasoning and was always perfectly aware of what was happening.
This was a major bonus. Of the two things that Qi Transformation Stage martial artists needed time to experience, experiment and control, Yang Kai had already conquered the most important one. The other only required him to accumulate strength over time.

Martial Peak – Chapter 162, The Backlash of the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art

Yang Kai fished out the Incense Burner, lighting it so that it would emit an exotic fragrance to help him begin. Sitting cross-legged at the cave entrance, he began to cultivate the True Yang Secret Art. Even if he could easily obtain Yang Liquid from Yang filled objects like a Spirit Fruit or a Yang Stone, he would still cultivate the True Yang Secret Art. By using the exotic fragrance to suppress the speed of his Yuan Qi revolution, he forces his body to adapt to the resistance. Over time, his Yuan Qi will be more capable of revolving faster, which will come in handy during battles, increasing his overall battle strength. It was his plan to suppress his Yuan Qi revolution to train it, only to display its true might in critical situations.
Yang Kai continued to cultivate for two days without moving, aside from when he needed to refill the Incense Burner with the relevant herbs. Although he knew that there would be little improvement to his Yuan Qi flow for this torture, Yang Kai gladly endured anyway and continued to revolve the True Yang Secret Art.
While he revolved without the intention of thinking of her, he would recall Su Yan. The bond they had inside the main hall of the palace within the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance played out in his mind. He could clearly remember her soft, silky tender skin as they slid around on top of each other.
[Why do I continue to recall those moments? Why can’t I stop these memories from resurfacing?] Yang Kai was puzzled as he could not control his own thoughts. He was highly confident with his own willpower to control himself but right now, he could only stop himself from indulging in debauchery.
After two days and nights, Yang Kai, still sitting in meditation suddenly opened his eyes as he carefully listened to his surroundings; a strange look gleamed across his face. He heard a sound coming from nearby, one that is similar to that of a fight, ending off with a scream from shock. Although the scream sounded familiar, it was not clear enough for Yang Kai to recognize. Thus, he hesitated to move. He could hear the sound of pebbles falling, causing his complexion to turn cold as he became vigilant. The pebbles were an obvious indication that someone was moving about above the Cave Mansion.
[I’ve only completed this Cave Mansion two days ago! How can someone already discover it? Who discovered me? The Mansion?!]
As the sound continued to grow louder, Yang Kai’s vigilance slowly turned into that of joy. Without the need of speech, Yang Kai could tell who that person was. It was none other than Su Yan. As she came closer, the Yuan Qi and blood within his body began to stir up, revolving vigorously.
Maybe it was the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art that made him feel this way. After their Yuan Qi fused together, they could detect one another when nearby.
[Didn’t she say that we would meet only once a month? It’s only been ten days and she is already looking for me.] Yang Kai beamed with joy. He passed a message to the Old Demon in his mind, telling him not to return so soon as he gazed at the entrance of the cave with much anticipation.
In a short moment, a graceful pure white form flew in. Before she could land, Yang Kai quickly ran to hug her. Su Yan’s body was warm. Her breasts pasted to Yang Kai’s chest, her fierce palpitating heartbeat beating through to his heart. Under the dim moonlight, Yang Kai could see her beautiful blushing face. With the bun on her head, she looked even more mature, as Yang Kai’s eyes rippled with love as he stared at her in all her glory.
Yang Kai tried to lower his head for a kiss but was quickly interrupted by Su Yan. “Wait!” Su Yan gently pushed Yang Kai away as she strongly suppressed her desire to seek warmth in her lover in front of her.
“Why?” Yang Kai asked with patience.
“I’m not the only person here…” Su Yan awkwardly stared at Yang Kai.
Yang Kai’s gaze traveled down Su Yan’s arm. She was carrying someone. He did not even notice before. He could tell that the person was unconscious due to the lack of movement and without Su Yan’s prompting, Yang Kai probably would have never noticed.
“What happened?” Yang Kai could not help but ask as he was so shocked that his brain seemed to stop functioning for a moment. [Why would this come here? Su Yan only visited this place for me.]
“Do you know her?” Su Yan nipped on her red lips. Her face displayed a strange look, mixed with awkwardness and guilt.
“Let me take a look.” Yang Kai stretched his hand out to grab the person, hugging her in his arms.
“Be careful. That person is a girl!” Su Yan reminded Yang Kai, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.
Yang Kai’s face immediately turned red as Su Yan spoke. When he hugged the body, he brushed the girl’s chest. He didn’t realize initially that he was holding onto a female.
theunfettedsalmon: to explain if this is confusing, the words ‘Him’ and ‘Her’ have the same exact pronunciation in mandarin/chinese
“Don’t touch the places you shouldn’t touch!” Su Yan stared at the boy with anger in her eyes.
Icicle: Jealousy is a good sign…
Yang Kai awkwardly and nervously held out the unknown girl in his embrace. When he took a look at her face, Yang Kai felt as though he was struck by lightning. Yang Kai gawked at her for a long time before being able to speak. “Young Female Apprentice?” He had never expected that the one Su Yan took down was Xia Ning Chang. He also noticed how her back seemed to be familiar.
At this moment, Xia Ning Chang’s eyes were shut. With her face still covered in a thin veil layer, she gently respired. Watching her relaxed expression, Yang Kai knew that she was not injured; simply knocked out.
“What actually happened?” Yang Kai could not piece together anything; the whole thing was a mess. He could accept the fact that Su Yan came over to look for him, but never would he have thought that she’d arrive carrying an unconscious Xia Ning Chang. Suddenly, his mind jolted as he recalled the sounds of combat earlier on. Terrified, Yang Kai stared at Su Yan questioning, “Did you knock her unconscious?”
Su Yan looked away and lowered her head slightly to nod, “I did not injure her. She has been around here for the past few days, waiting. I actually wanted to come here to talk to you, so… I only knocked her out…”
Skoll: “There was a girl hanging around your front door, so I knocked her out, and brought her to your place.” If Su Yan was a guy, that’d be a lot worse lmfao.
Yang Kai slapped his forehead with his palm, completely robbed of speech. Although Su Yan and Xia Ning Chang are both at the True Element Boundary, Su Yan was a level higher than Xia Ning Chang. If they were to fight, Xia Ning Chang would not be her match. What’s more, Su Yan could knock her out more easily if she did a sneak attack.
Although this was a slightly terrifying matter, it was fortunate that Xia Ning Chang did not have an ill temperament. She would forgive them as long as they explained the whole situation, preventing Meng Wuya from knowing and coming for vengeance. Just the thought of Meng Wuya seeking his blood made Yang Kai drip with sweat.
Icicle: Good luck telling her that Su Yan beat her to the ‘punch’
Su Yan looks at Yang Kai and asked, “She seems to care a lot about you. Did you know?”
“Mhm.” Yang Kai did not try to deny. Holding Xia Ning Chang in his arms, he walked deeper into the cave and placed her on his stone bed. Her sleeping so soundly was a relaxing sight. It was really a blessing that she was not injured, or else they might have to face Meng Wuya’s wrath.
Su Yan silently and calmly looked at her lover.
“It’s already quite late. Do you have any matter that needs my attention?” Yang Kai hugged her in his arms and sat at the side of the stone bed. Su Yan turned her body towards Yang Kai and pursed her lips for a while before answering, “Yes.”
“Were you thinking of me?” Yang Kai could not help but grin.
Su Yan gently nods, causing Yang Kai to make a move. However, she suddenly stuck her hand out to block his mouth and in a stern tone, she recounted, “It’s strange! Normally, whenever I cultivate the Ice Heart Secret Art, my heart turns cold to everything. Nothing in this world is supposed to entangle my heart. But now, whenever I start cultivating, I cannot help but start thinking about you. If I try to suppress it, it would only worsen it!”
“I can’t help thinking about you too!” As the tension grew, Su Yan’s body turned limp as she was no longer capable for revolting against Yang Kai’s advances.
“Let’s just talk about this later…” Yang Kai could not help himself and fell back onto the bed with Su Yan. His hands started to move about dissolutely and gradually, their gasps of breath became heavier. As Yang Kai’s hands continued to explore, the clothes on their body wrinkled, folded and shifted to finally be removed. Yang Kai’s eyes widened as he saw her skin under the moonlight. Her spotless, smooth silky skin, two round and shapely twin peaks emitting a seductive lustre made his eyes glue onto her. As her gentle and fragrant breath followed into his nostril, her beautiful face and trembling eyelids made her even more captivating, as though she was a dream that Yang Kai would never wish to wake up from. Even Su Yan, who seemed to be extremely nervous, was filled with anticipation. This was the goddess that all the disciples of the three sects dreamt of. She was currently underneath Yang Kai, being sampled and tasted by him. Even her face had a kind of attractive glimmer, displaying a completely different demeanour than what she would usually have.
Icicle: We all know you just enjoy the scenes that bit longer Sil
Skoll: It’s not the only thing that’s hard Sil. *Lenny face*
As Yang Kai kissed every inch of Su Yan’s tender skin, her whole body slightly trembled as her hips started to subconsciously move. Her enticing breath got heavier as Yang Kai’s Dantian welled up with heat. After a long time of caressing her skin, Yang Kai could no longer control himself.
Su Yan could finally feel her body being filled. At first, Su Yan felt a little uncomfortable but very quickly; she was engulfed with the pleasant sensation. Trying to control her voice, she placed her hand over her mouth but even then, some of her moans escaped. The cave was soon filled with their soft voices and fragrance.
After the storm, they both snuggled together, too embarrassed to speak.
It was not that they were embarrassed to talk to each other. They were embarrassed by their long indulgence, forgetting that Xia Ning Chang was just lying beside them until they were about to end. All that time, she was only an arm length’s away! It was only fortunate that she was unconscious, allowing both lovers to rejoice but with lingering fear.
Su Yan and Yang Kai did not know why but while they were cultivating, all their attention was focused each other. Their minds did not even concern themselves with Xia Ning Chang. Hugging his beautiful beloved to his chest, Yang Kai spoke, “Su Yan, I think that this problem is only between the both of us…”
“Mhm…” Su Yan nodded slightly, her hair tickling Yang Kai’s chest.
“I believe this is due to the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art. Whenever we try to cultivate, we cannot help but think of each other. Since you have been cultivating, your mind must be filled with thoughts of me!”
Su Yan gently hit Yang Kai’s chest as though blaming him for speaking out so casually.
“I have not been cultivating so much… so my urges are not as strong as yours.” Yang Kai spoke truth. So far, he has been cultivating using the exotic fragrance from the incense. Since the fragrance suppressed his cultivation, the urge from the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art is not as overwhelming on him as it is on Su Yan.
“Evidently, we are doomed to be bound together,” Yang Kai gave a happy smile.
“We cannot leave it like this!” Su Yan spoke out firmly. “As long as we are in close proximity of each other, we can’t help thinking of each other.”
“Well, what do you suggest?”
“We need to suppress it. Entirely. We cannot let the Yin Yang Joyous Unification Art take control of us. We need to be the ones in control of it, not the other way around!” Su Yan spoke with utter determination in her voice. She turned to gently look at Yang Kai, “I know that my decision is cruel to you. My cultivation allows me to suppress my emotions but yours is different. Yang Yuan Qi is simply too vigorous, once you start cultivating it, the urges you will face will be much more intolerable than mine.”

Martial Peak – Chapter 163, The Unconscious Female Apprentice

“I know…” Yang Kai nods with a serious look plastered on his face.
“If you truly cannot suppress the urges, you can look to release it with other women,” Su Yan’s long eyelashes slightly shivered but her face remained serious.
“No, I’m not a pervert!” Yang Kai forced a smile.
Su Yan slowly shook her head, “You don’t understand… when the urges emerge, the unbearable pain that occurs without you beside me… I looked for you two days ago, but I noticed Junior Sister Xia hiding nearby. Unable to bear it any further, I knocked her out… I just hope she won’t be angry at me when she wakes up.”
“Is it that bad?” Yang Kai’s brows wrinkled. He was aware of Su Yan’s temperament and willpower. For a pure and cold woman like her to seek him out, she must have truly reached the limit of her endurance.
“It’s overwhelming, both physically and mentally. I couldn’t stop trembling,” Su Yan’s voice turned even sterner, “I understand this, so I’m not against you looking for another woman to deal with your urges.”
Since Yang Kai had not experienced the full effects of this uncontrollable urge, he could not have full assurance to counter its effects. Thus, he did not rebuke.
Su Yan shrunk closer to Yang Kai’s chest as her eyes landed on the female on the other side. “Junior Sister Xia is a good candidate. I believe that she truly cares for you and although her face is covered with a veil, there is no doubt that she is astonishingly beautiful. Furthermore, she’s not weak, not to mention that she’s kind and gentle. You should get closer to her, let her stay in your embrace to comfort you when I’m not here…”
“Please say no more… I fear that the consequences can be direr than you think,” Meng Wuya came into Yang Kai’s mind.
“How would you know?”
Yang Kai explained the whole situation where he had obtained the Nine Yin Dew Crystals at the valley, but he conveniently left out the details about the kiss he had with Xia Ning Chang. It was not that he wished to keep secrets from Su Yan, but he did not want to tarnish the Junior Sister’s reputation.
“I see… So I should also thank her…” Su Yan listened to the story and developed a favourable impression of Xia Ning Chang. Although Yang Kai gave her the Nine Yin Dew Crystals, she still gave Yang Kai a portion.
“When she wakes up, so long as we explain ourselves, she will not place any blame on you,” Yang Kai consoled Su Yan, once again forcing a smile.
“Mhm, I know.”
They hugged each other into the night, chatting about each other’s experiences and personal matters. They did so for four days, then Su Yan got up to get dressed.
Icicle: Wait….. what about Xian Ning Chang?….I was looking forward to the reactions
theunfetteredsalmon: some of this stuff is actually over the top… nobody can sit in bed and waddle around naked for four days after some hot passionate coffee
“I should leave now,” Su Yan genuinely felt that her departure was always a form of tempering of her mental state as well as a test.
“Wait a moment!” Yang Kai pointed to a corner within the cave, to the roots of the Yin Yang Monster Ginseng, “Before you leave, deposit some of your True Yuan there.”
“What is this thing?” Su Yan squatted down to look closer at the Yin Yang Monster Ginseng. “It can smile at me! Is this a plant that obtained Heaven Spirituality?”
“It is a Heavenly Spiritual Herb that absorbs Yin and Yang Qi to survive. Since this place contains only Yang Qi, it needs to absorb your Yin Qi to balance it out.”
Su Yan did not hesitate. She stretched out her hand to gently touch the Yin Yang Monster Ginseng and inserted her True Yuan Qi into it. When the Heavenly Spiritual Herb felt the Yin Qi flood into its system, its expression turned even more jovial. Afterwards, Su Yan withdrew her hands, stood up and hugged Yang Kai. She enjoyed his embrace for a short while, then turned around to leave.
As Su Yan was vanishing, Yang Kai suddenly recalled an important matter. He quickly asked, “When will Junior Sister Xia wake up?”
“Dawn.” Su Yan was already distant and fleeting.
Icicle: Damn….That was one hell of a knockout, more like induced coma
Su Yan did not take Xia Ning Chang with her because she wished for Yang Kai to make advances on her while she was unconscious. She would be clueless, free of worries that Yang Kai may have done anything untoward. He could more than easily conceive a lie to convince her to forgive him anyway. Besides, they would be able to communicate better and become closer to one another.
As Su Yan left the Cave Mansion, she stood atop the Coiling Dragon Steam and turned to look back at its entrance. When she realised her actions, Su Yan turned red with shame. She felt guilty and restless at the same time. She thought of herself as a terrible person. She felt like she only looked for Yang Kai when she wishes to vent her lust. After she has had her fill, she contentedly left him. She tried to convince herself that this wasn’t the case, torn apart by its grey area of morality. Meanwhile, Yang Kai’s forehead dripped with sweat as he stood rooted to the ground. He just remembered an important matter which he had completely forgotten: Xia Ning Chang’s unique physique!
Su Yan had told him of the anaesthetics she used on Xia Ning Chang. However, Su Yan does not even have the faintest clue of Xia Ning Chang’s unique physique!
Xia Ning Chang had a Spiritual Medicine Holy Body. She was capable of using her own body and cultivation technique to build up any form of energy into a type of pill. How was it possible that a master of pill-making like her would be drugged by some trivial anaesthetic? Even if she had fallen unconscious from it, she would definitely wake up much earlier than the dawn of today!
Yang Kai sweat like a running tap. His body became stiff as he froze at the entrance of the cave for nearly 2 hours, unable to walk back into the room in which Xia Ning Chang rested to face a certain awkward conversation. In fact, Yang Kai wished to drill himself into the core of the earth to remain hidden from any potential repercussions that involved his humiliation. It took a long time for this feeling to lessen, allowing Yang Kai to make small mechanical movements again. Step by step, Yang Kai slowly inched his way back into the stone chamber.
The stone chamber still kept a moist and fragrant sensation. As Yang Kai moved even closer to Xia Ning Chang, he could very clearly feel her breath being a little heavier than before. This was a subtle change people would normally oversee, but it could no longer be hidden from Yang Kai’s focus.
[This is really awkward…]
Yang Kai wipes the sweat off his forehead and braced himself. He slowly walked to Xia Ning Chang’s side and sat down. She had been lying down without moving a muscle, except for a chest that heaved faintly as she took breaths. Her perfectly petite body was taking up one side of the stone bed. With her slender legs fully extended down accompanied by her green dress, she looked like an exquisite spring plant decoration.
Yang Kai stared at her and did not blink. He noticed that Xia Ning Chang’s breathing had gotten heavier. Her heart was beating faster, washing her cheeks with a light tint of red. Her eyelids subtly quivered.
“Hello…?” Yang Kai sighed as he bent down and approached Xia Ning Chang’s ears. In a soft voice, he calls for her, “Junior Sister Xia… Junior Sister Xia…” but the girl remained motionless; eyes still shut like she was still unconscious.
Yang Kai decided to provoke her and warned her, “I’m going to lift your veil…”
Yang Kai had never seen her full face due to the veil. Even during the kiss at Nine Yin Mountain Valley, she only lifted the veil to an angle to kiss him, maintaining her mysterious appearance. If Yang Kai were to claim that he was not interested in how she looks like, it would be a lie. It was impossible not to be curious, but he was not curious enough to ask her to display it.
Yang Kai slowly reached for the veil. He knew that this would be a once in a lifetime opportunity.
This entire time, Yang Kai had been observing every detail of Xia Ning Chang’s body language and whatever little facial expressions she had; looking out for any minute changes. However, even when the veil was about to be removed, Xia Ning Chang did not resist.
[You can still endure this?!] Yang Kai praised her steely fortitude in maintaining the lie.
After trying more methods to only end up with her still pretending to sleep, Yang Kai let go of her veil and gave a strange grin. “Junior Sister, since you aren’t going to wake up, I would like to, ahem…” Yang Kai purposefully made his last word feel heavier in impact; spoken in a special tone, it was obvious what he meant.
Yang Kai opened up his fingers like claws. He slowly traced them over her lower abdomen as the girl suffered a torturous itch. It was extremely difficult for Xia Ning Chang to control herself. Her body started to wiggle in hair-splitting measures, though they were noticeable. The corners of her mouth tightly sealed to form an obvious arc. Even then, she still refused to open her eyes; she continued acting unconscious.
Yang Kai continued his horrendous torture for a long time before pretending to grope her, only to be ignored once again.
“Alright… it seems that you really are unconscious…” Yang Kai admitted defeat after Xia Ning Chang displayed her unyielding will. The boy sighed faintly, “Junior Sister, sleep well. When dawn arrives we both will hopefully remember nothing…”
Yang Kai walked to the entrance of the cave to sit down in meditation.
Further into the night until dawn, there was no word from her. Yang Kai stood up and walked back to the side of the bed again. Since she had been maintaining this specific straight posture of hers for such a long time, Yang Kai was a little worried her body had become sore, so he altered her position by hand. He then left the cave and climbed out of the Coiling Dragon Stream.
For Yang Kai, he felt at ease now, whether Xia Ning Chan was awake or not. With her pure and kind temperament, he was confident that she would not use the information on him and Su Yan against him.
Within High Heaven Pavilion, when walking towards the Contribution Hall, Yang Kai was welcomingly greeted by Meng Wuya, “Little Yang Kai!”
Yang Kai’s quickly turned pallid as he quickly feigned ignorance. He quickened his movement and hastily disappeared from sight as though he had not heard anything.
“Why was he running?” Meng Wuya thought to himself as his brows wrinkled. He could not recall a time when he had offended the boy for him to behave this way. Yang Kai’s mind was still muddled from last night.
“Greetings, Treasurer Meng!” a big crowd of Heaven Pavilion Disciples saluted Meng Wuya with respect. When he had displayed his strength against the whole Blood Battle Gang sect, everyone understood that they had misjudged this lecherous storekeeper. Before the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance appeared, they would never have shown such respect towards this perverted old man. Everyone had the impression that he was a simple, perverted small storekeeper; but now that his power was well known and out in the open, how could these disciples possibly dare act dissolutely in front of him? They could only hold their breaths as they became as obedient as pets in front of Meng Wuya.
Noticing that Meng Wuya did not pursue him, Yang Kai relaxed. He walked into the Martial Skills Pavilion and saw many people gathering. He stood there and listened for a moment, trying to understand the whole situation.
After the Heaven’s Cave Inheritance incident, many disciples managed to obtain a variety of Martial Skills or Cultivation Techniques. High Heaven Pavilion was interested in collecting these Martial Skills and Cultivation Techniques, meaning that Disciples could pass their findings over to the school for Contribution Points in return. Moreover, High Heaven Pavilion was not cheap with their rewards. However, this was not only done by High Heaven Pavilion. Bloody Battle Gang and Storm House both also made similar measure to reel in their Disciples to trade their Martial Skills or Cultivation Techniques.
Although Yang Kai had obtained two different sets of Martial Skills (Burning Sun’s Blast and Star Mark), he did not have the least bit of intention in turning either of them in. This was particularly so for Star Mark, which was his special killing strike!

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