The Mortal's Path to Immortality: Immortal Realm

Having overcome numerous challenges and trials, John Brown has successfully reached the Immortal Realm. However, his journey takes an unexpected turn as he finds himself in the Spirit Domain Realm instead, devoid of his powers, treasures, and memories from the past three centuries. Cut off from his allies and resources, John Brown must unravel the events of the last 300 years in order to find a way back to the Immortal Realm. Will he be able to overcome the odds stacked against him, or will he be condemned to remain in this lower realm forever? With the deck seemingly stacked against him, John Brown 's fate hangs in the balance in A Record of a Mortal's Journey to Immortality: Immortal Realm, a popular novel by Wang Yu that delves into themes of action, adventure, fantasy, harem, martial arts, and immortal heroes.
This simple demonstration of John means he doesn't have a match in the spirit domain realm. Even tho he has lost some of spiritual energy. He still possesses an immortal body so I believe nothing should be able to harm him
We shall see. His only advantage is having a strong body and being a master of setting arcane array.
What do you hope to be jbs next heist
Master Gily looks busy or annoyed
People aren't following this story, I need more feedback if you guys dig it. I don't wanna waste time translating a story with no followers. .
People aren't following this story, I need more feedback if you guys dig it. I don't wanna waste time translating a story with no followers. .
Don't be like that
Mr Demonic Cultivators, it takes so much to translate. If I give you a story to translate you wouldn't go hundred chapters. These stories have Chinese names and many Chinese words hardly translated to English.
Don't be like that
Mr Demonic Cultivators, it takes so much to translate. If I give you a story to translate you wouldn't go hundred chapters. These stories have Chinese names and many Chinese words hardly translated to English.
I exactly know that
I'm trying to learn Thai language but I have a problem with just repeating not mentioning about reading or writing
People aren't following this story, I need more feedback if you guys dig it. I don't wanna waste time translating a story with no followers. .
🤲Already here to check for updates,
Don't lose energy there are those like us who can't express the love of something we have just admiring from the side
Thanks Gily for all the hard work.. we will wait patiently as we understand how difficult it is., 🙏
Passing by to check if there is some updates
Chapter 40: Inconclusive

That afternoon.

A streak of white light shot through the distant sky before landing on a white jade plaza on the Holy Fire Peak.

The light faded to reveal a clean-shaven middle-aged man.

The man was wearing a scholarly robe, which was flapping around him as he slowly descended, and as soon as he landed on the plaza, he was immediately greeted by a male voice that rang out behind him.

"Brother Eastwood."

The middle-aged man turned to discover a man with a black beard wearing a set of daoist robes approaching him from several thousand feet away.

The man didn't appear to be moving very quickly, but there was a trail of afterimages in his wake, and he was able to cover a distance of several hundred feet with each step, arriving in front of the scholarly-robed man in the blink of an eye.

"Let's go together, Brother Haynes," the scholarly-robed man greeted with a smile.

The monk nodded in response, then cast his gaze toward several streaks of light that were flying through the distant sky, and he remarked, "If I recall correctly, it's been over a decade since such a big fuss has been kicked up about anything in the sect."

These two were none other than Clint Eastwood and Ralph Haynes, the masters of the Cloudrise Peak and the Sunset Peak, respectively.

"This most likely has something to do with the recent scripture library incident. I'm afraid we won't be able to escape accountability," Clint Eastwood sighed with a shake of his head.

"I was busy refining some pills at the time, but I did hear mention of the incident, and the circumstances seem rather strange to me... Not only was the perpetrator able to bypass all of the restrictions to enter the inner library, even Elder Stewart was unable to stop him from escaping," Haynes Ralph mused with a grim expression.

"It was indeed a rather peculiar incident. I'm sure the supreme elder will elaborate on the matter when we meet him," Clint Eastwood replied with a nod.

As the two were conversing with one another, they had already passed through the plaza and arrived in front of a grand and majestic red palace. Both of them fell silent here, then quickly scaled the staircase before stepping into the palace together.

At the center of the palace was an elevated section that was around three feet above the ground, upon which was an intricately engraved chair. Below this chair were two more rows of chairs that were facing one another, one on the left, and one on the right.

The pillars behind the chairs were all constructed from precious materials with all types of exotic birds and beasts engraved onto their surfaces.

On the chair in the left row situated closest to the main seat sat a red-haired man in a crimson robe. There was a dark look on his face, and he was built like a steel tower, with a muscle bound body that gave off an astonishing aura.

Clint Eastwood and Ralph Haynes exchanged a glance with one another, then picked a pair of neighboring chairs before sitting down and closing their eyes to meditate.

More and more people continued to enter the palace, and soon, all of the chairs in the hall were occupied.

All of the people present were at the Spatial Tempering Stage, and there wasn't even a single cultivator at or below the Deity Transformation Stage.

However, all of them were wearing rather grim expressions, and they only exchanged the most concise of greetings, seemingly not interested in chatting.

The entire palace was filled with a rather oppressive and solemn atmosphere.

A few minutes after all of the chairs in the palace were occupied, two more figures strode into the palace from the inner hall.

Everyone in the palace immediately rose to their feet, including the red-haired man, and they all extended a collective respectful bow as they greeted in a unified voice, "We pay our respects to the supreme elder and the sect master!"

The one walking at the front was a purple-robed man with hair as white as snow, and he was the Cold Flame Sect's sole supreme elder, Jason Statham. Accompanying him was an authoritative middle-aged man wearing a tall hat, and he was the master of the Cold Flame Sect, Tom Holland.

Statham made his way over to the main seat, but instead of sitting down, his gaze slowly swept over everyone present.

His aura was completely subdued, but even though he was only casually standing there, he still gave off an astonishing sense of pressure. Everyone lowered their heads, not daring to look at one another or even breathe too loudly for fear of retribution.

A short while later, Statham finally began to speak.

"Recently, two incidents of theft have taken place in quick succession at the Heavenly Talisman Hall and the scripture library, and it is for this reason that all of you have been invited here."

His voice wasn't very loud, but it was filled with an indescribable sense of authority.

Everyone involuntarily tensed up slightly upon hearing this, and they were all waiting in silence for the tirade that was surely to come.

However, what Statham declared next instantly had everyone looking up with stunned expressions.

"I hereby declare that this will be the end of the matter. Cease all investigations with immediate effect."

Everyone was astonished to hear this, and they couldn't help but exchange bewildered glances, wondering if they had misheard the message.

However, no one dared to ask any questions, either.

In the end, it was the red-haired man who broke the silence, and he stepped forward as he cupped his fist in a salute. "Senior Brother Statham, the theft that took place at the scripture library is a major incident. I..."

Before he had a chance to finish, he was cut off by Statham, who interjected in a cold voice, "Do I need to repeat myself, Junior Brother Stewart?"

With that, he turned and departed from the palace, offering no further explanation, leaving everyone completely perplexed.

At the same time, Sect Master Tom Holland declared, "That concludes the meeting. You can all go now."

After that, he also departed.

A short while later, on the white jade plaza outside the palace.

Haynes was still reeling from the announcement, and he turned to Eastwood as he asked, "We're supposed to just cease all investigations? Are we simply accepting the loss of so many precious scriptures from the scripture library?"

"The loss of the scriptures isn't a big deal. I'm sure our sect will have replicas that can replace them. However, it's going to be a problem if these secret scriptures are leaked to the outside world. The supreme elder must have his reasons for making such a decision, so let's not speculate aimlessly about this," Eastwood replied with a smile.

Despite what he was saying, he was no less perplexed than Haynes.

Not long after that meeting, all of the disciples of the Cold Flame Sect noticed something extremely puzzling, which was that the sect had suddenly ceased all investigations and searches at the Heavenly Talisman Hall and the scripture library.

This naturally created quite a stir among all of the disciples, but all of the peak masters seemed to be very reluctant to speak on the matter.

Thus, what should've been a pair of incidents with far-reaching consequences and implications blew over under inexplicable circumstances with no concrete conclusions reached.

As the perpetrator, John was completely oblivious to everything that had taken place in the sect. He was holed up in his cave abode, studying the Big Dipper Origin Arts.

Prior to this, he had only quickly read through the cultivation art, but the more he studied it, the more he came to realize how profound and ingenious it was, and the more excited he became.

Ever since he began his cultivation journey, he had come into contact with many body refinement cultivation arts. Some of those cultivation arts primarily refined the muscles and tendons, some focused on refining the bones, and there were also some that refined the internal organs, such as the Organ Refinement Origin Arts.

However, the Big Dipper Origin Arts was unique in that it focused on the cultivation of profound apertures.

What were profound apertures supposed to be?

John had no clue, and there were no further elaborations offered in the cultivation art, either. However, judging from the scripture, the cultivation process was extremely profound, and even for him, it had taken a long time to make sense of the process being described.

To put it in simple terms, if one could attain full mastery of this cultivation art, then they would attain physical power comparable with that of the average immortal.

However, at the same time, there were also many caveats.

Firstly, the cultivation process was extremely painful, and for those with insufficient mental fortitude, there was no way that they would be able to last till the very end.

Secondly, it was extremely difficult to draw in the power of starlight. After all, the stars were an unfathomable distance away. As a result, practicing this cultivation art was extremely time-consuming.

John paid no heed to these caveats, and he planned to begin pursuing the cultivation art right away.

First, he made a trip somewhere, only returning the next day, upon which he immediately activated all of the restrictions within the cave abode.

After that, he chose a suitable secret chamber before opening up a large hole in the ceiling, which allowed him to see the sky.

After doing all of that, he sat down with his legs crossed and began to meditate.

Before practicing a cultivation art that had been passed down from the Immortal Realm, he had to prime himself into the optimal condition so that he was best equipped to deal with any circumstances that could arise during the cultivation process.
Chapter 41: Heaven Controlling Vial

One night, several days later.

The entire sky was completely clear with not a single cloud in sight. The moon was hanging up in the heavens amid the stars, and there were occasionally shooting stars flashing past.

Inside the secret chamber of his cave abode, John was seated at the center with his legs crossed and his eyes closed. Rays of starlight spilled down through the large hole in the ceiling, basking his entire body in faint silver radiance.

Beneath him, a complex array had been carved into the ground.

The array consisted of seven large star diagrams, each of which was around the size of a cushion. The diagrams were all glowing brightly, and they connected together to form the shape of the Big Dipper.

The array was known as the Big Dipper Energy Gathering Array, and it wasn't actually recorded in the Big Dipper Origin Arts. Instead, it was something that John had adapted from another star array based on his observation of the stars.

All of the stars in the sky appeared to be quite similar, but the powers that they bestowed were completely different. Some leaned more toward the positive side of the spectrum, while others were more negative inclined, and there were even some that fluctuated between the two. The Big Dipper Origin Arts drew upon the power of the Big Dipper's seven stars, which were constantly changing to provide a profound and irreplicable source of star power.

This array had been created by John in accordance with the special properties of the seven stars, and it was able to assist him in harnessing the starpower of the Big Dipper.

At this moment, he was seated on the first star of the Big Dipper constellation in the array.

All of a sudden, his eyes sprang open, and he swept a hand through the air to release an incantation seal.

The star array beneath him immediately began to revolve, and the seven stars began to glow brightly, with the first one glowing particularly bright. Specks of white light emerged out of thin air, filling the surrounding space to form countless constellation diagrams.

Situated within this sea of stars, John's figure was made to appear rather blurry and indistinct.

He chanted an incantation while making a series of hand seals in accordance with the stipulations of the Big Dipper Origin Arts.

Few minutes later, a burst of astonishingly powerful spiritual sense swept out of his forehead, circling around before forming an invisible vortex above his head.

He then switched to a different hand seal, and the spiritual sense vortex above him spread open, gradually taking on a form that resembled a nebula.

The Big Dipper Origin Arts also appeared in the nebula, and it was resonating with the star array down below.

John raised his head, casting his gaze through the large hole in the ceiling, looking up at the seven stars that were glowing the brightest in the night sky. His gaze then fell upon the Dubhe star, the first star of the Big Dipper, and he began to chant a complex incantation.

The dazzling Dubhe star seemed to flash momentarily, following which boundless star power came cascading down from it like a silver waterfall, passing through the large hole in the ceiling to encompass John's entire body, enveloping him in surging starpower.

A serious look appeared on John's face.

One's ability to draw upon the power of starlight was dependent on the power of their spiritual sense. His current spiritual sense was comparable to that of an immortal, thereby establishing a strong foundation for practicing this cultivation art, but he still couldn't afford to grow complacent.

He continued to make a series of hand seals to operate the cultivation art, and the starpower around him instantly began to ripple before converging to form countless threads of light that resembled thin needles.

The threads of light were enveloped by his spiritual sense, and they revolved around him momentarily before falling like rain and plunging into his body.

John shuddered violently as he drew a sharp breath, and his brows furrowed ever so slightly.

These threads of light all had substantial form, and they had pierced into his body like countless swords.

As a result, his entire body was riddled with holes that were bleeding profusely, quickly staining his robes red.

What was even more alarming was that these threads of light were racing erratically throughout his body, slicing at him from the inside like countless tiny blades.

If it weren't for his incredibly powerful physical constitution, he would've already been rolling on the ground in agony.

However, moments later, his brows gradually began to unfurrow. He could sense that the threads of starlight were slowly breaking down into the purest starpower that was seeping into all parts of his body, and that was naturally an extremely encouraging observation.

He took a deep breath, quickly suppressing the pain and elation that he was feeling so he could focus his attention entirely on operating the cultivation art.

More and more starpower fell from the heavens before piercing into his body, then began to work its way through his body in accordance with the cultivation art.

He was still carrying severe injuries that he was unable to recover from due to his inability to absorb the world's origin energy, but with this influx of pure starpower, his body immediately began to eagerly devour the starpower, and his injuries quickly began to heal.

The holes that had been pierced into his body by the threads of starlight also instantly healed, unable to cause any substantial damage to his body.

As the process continued, the agony of constantly being impaled by the threads of starlight was gradually forgotten, and he found himself completely immersed in his cultivation.

Seven days passed by in the blink of an eye.

At the center of the cave abode, John was still seated on the diagram of the first star, and every single fiber of his muscles and tendons was giving off a radiance that resembled starlight, while the same starlight was also beginning to glow from his bones.

What was particularly worthy of note was that there was an extremely eye-catching speck of blue light situated at his lower abdomen.

The speck of blue light was constantly expanding and contracting as if it were breathing, and it was devouring most of the starpower that was drawn into John's body.

At this point, John's expression was completely calm and placid without any signs of pain.

All of a sudden, the starpower around him rippled, and the speck of blue light at his lower abdomen began to radiate dazzling light while churning incessantly.

Immediately thereafter, a profound starlight rune appeared within the blue light.

The rune only appeared for an instant before vanishing into his body in a flash.

John opened his eyes, and an elated smile appeared on his face.

With his incredibly powerful physical body and spiritual sense, he was able to attain complete mastery of the first level of the Big Dipper Origin Arts in just a few days, thereby successfully manifesting his first profound aperture.

However, he still had no plans of coming out of seclusion, and he closed his eyes once again to consolidate his progress.

Several days later, on a clear and picturesque night, John's eyes suddenly sprang open, and he raised a hand to cease the operation of the Big Dipper Energy Gathering Array. The starpower and the specks of white light around him instantly receded like the tide.

He hurriedly rose to his feet, then made his way over to a dark green vial that was sitting on the ground in front of him, then raised it up to his own eyes for closer inspection.

At this moment, the small vial was completely enshrouded in a layer of green light, and several strange golden runes had appeared on its surface, giving it a rustic appearance.

However, in the next instant, the burst of green light abruptly vanished into the dark green patterns on the vial, but the golden runes remained, bulging slightly out of the surface of the vial.

John gently swayed the vial from side to side, and he could feel a drop of liquid swirling around within the vial.

A faint smile appeared on his face upon seeing this.

Over these past few days, he would always set the vial on the ground in front of him during his cultivation.

At a certain time, a layer of faint white light would always appear on the surface of the vial.

Upon closer inspection, one would discover that the layer of white light consisted of countless tiny specks of white light that were rapidly entering the vial as if they were living creatures until they were completely absorbed.

However, this phenomenon never lasted very long, and it would immediately vanish after a certain hour of the night.

Once every two days, after the vial had absorbed all of the white light, a layer of green light would appear, following which a drop of green liquid would appear in the vial.

John withdrew his gaze as he gently stroked the leaf patterns on the small vial with his fingers. He was doing so with the utmost care and delicacy, as if he were stroking the cheek of a loved one.

As he felt the contours of the vial, he couldn't help but think back to a distant past.

He felt as if he had returned to the Seven Mysteries Sect and that small medicinal farm in the God Hand Valley, where he experimented with the green liquid in the small vial for the very first time. With that memory came the same sense of anxiety and anticipation that he had felt at the time.

He knew that if he hadn't unintentionally discovered that the green liquid in the vial was able to accelerate the maturation of spirit medicines at the time, perhaps he would've never been able to set foot on the path of cultivation at all, and there was certainly no way that he could've risen up to become the number one cultivator of the human race that was revered by the entire Spirit Realm.

If there were one thing that had accompanied him throughout his entire cultivation journey, then it was undoubtedly this Heaven Controlling Vial.

During the 300 years in which he had been unconscious following his ascension to the Immortal Realm, he had lost Vin Diesel, the Gold Devouring Beetle Monarch, and many of his past allies and assets, but he had always been unconsciously protecting this vial, not allowing himself to part with it.

When it came to this vial, he felt a special type of attachment to it.

All of a sudden, John raised an eyebrow, and he stopped stroking the vial as a peculiar look appeared on his face.

His brows furrowed slightly as he pulled out the stopper before looking into the vial, and a hint of surprise and elation surfaced in his eyes.

He then immediately replaced the stopper on the vial before rushing out of the secret chamber.
Chapter 42: Recovering Something That was Lost

In the pill refinement chamber of the cave abode, John removed the stopper of the Heaven Controlling Vial once again, then set it down onto the ground next to the pill furnace. After that, he took a few steps backward, then raised a hand to release an incantation seal to activate the array beneath the furnace, embroiling the furnace in scorching flames.

Moments later, he took a deep breath, then extended a finger before beckoning toward the pill furnace.

A ball of crimson fire flew out from beneath the furnace, circling around in the air before forming a thin line of fire that resembled a small snake, which flew into the Heaven Controlling Vial at John's behest.

Red light flashed within the vial, and immediately thereafter, it became illuminated with dazzling radiance. The leaf patterns on its surface began to glow with a dark red hue, and they were flashing as if they had sprung to life.

John's eyes narrowed slightly as he stood still on the spot in a contemplative silence.

A short while later, the red light within the vial suddenly faded, and the vial returned to normal as if nothing had happened.

However, John's gaze remained fixed on the vial, as if he were waiting for something.

Time slowly passed by, and few minutes later, he raised a hand once again, drawing a slightly larger ball of fire out of the pill furnace before sending it flying into the small vial.

Once again, red light flashed momentarily within the vial before fading away.

However, this time, the red light seemed to have lingered for a slightly longer duration than last time.

A thoughtful look appeared on John's face upon seeing this.

He continued to guide fire into the vial, and the intervals between each injection of fire were getting shorter and shorter.

Just as expected, the duration of the red light lingering in the vial was also growing longer and longer.

After an indeterminate period of time, John injected another burst of fire into the vial, and this time, the red light within the vial flashed for a while without displaying any signs of fading.

John's eyes lit up slightly upon seeing this.

Right at this moment, a clear cry rang out from within the vial, and traces of silver light appeared, devouring the red light at a rapid rate that was discernible even to the naked eye.

In the next instant, a burst of piercing silver light erupted out of the opening of the vial, flying all the way up to the top of the pill refinement chamber, where it crashed into the ceiling with a dull thump.

The burst of silver light tumbled down slightly as a result of the impact, and the silver radiance that it was releasing illuminated the entire pill refinement chamber.

Blue light flashed through John's eyes as he looked up at the burst of silver light, and an elated look appeared on his face, but his brows then immediately furrowed slightly.

The burst of white light circled through the air a few times, then transformed into a small silver bird with a body that was entirely comprised of flames, which spread its wings and flew down directly toward John.

John raised a hand, and the silver fire raven drew to an elegant halt around half a foot above his palm, then began to fly around his index finger while chirping joyfully, seemingly elated to be reunited with its master.

This fiery bird was none other than the Essence Fire Raven, which had been born after John's Flame of Essence had developed a hint of spiritual nature.

Back when he was in the Human Realm, he had attained the Purple Apex Flame using the Celestial Blue Flame with the glacial energy released by the Six-winged Frost Centipede, then fused the Purple Apex Flame into the Greatyin True Flame. After arriving in the Spirit Realm, he had then used the Greatyin True Flame to devour a large number of other flames, finally giving rise to this Flame of Essence.

Not only was this flame naturally capable of devouring all types of spirit flames, it was extremely effective when it came to taming fire-attribute spirit beasts, and it was one of the most important assets that had allowed him to reign supreme in the Spirit Realm.

John heaved a faint sigh as he cast aside that train of thought, then raised his hand slightly, and the fire raven instantly folded its wings, landing obediently on his palm.

For some reason, he was unable to sense this flame since his awakening, and he had thought that the reason for this was that it had been lost to him, but as it turned out, the flame had been in a state of slumber in his Heaven Controlling Vial this entire time.

Back in the secret chamber, his spiritual sense had suddenly developed a faint connection with this flame, and that was why he had immediately rushed to the pill refinement chamber to try and use the flame of the furnace to awaken the fire raven. To his surprise, he was able to succeed on the first try.

However, there was a rather grim look in his eyes as he inspected the silver fire raven dancing over his palm.

In its current form, the fire raven wasn't even three inches tall, and its aura was significantly diminished compared with when it was at its peak.

This only served to further exacerbate the frustration that John had been feeling.

It was clear that the current state of the fire raven had something to do with the circumstances that had led to his memory loss and the debilitation of his powers.

John vowed to himself there and then that no matter who it was that had reduced him to this state, he was going to repay the favor with interest.

Moments later, he cast aside that train of thought, then released a burst of spiritual light out of his sleeve to draw the silver fire raven into his body.

The fire raven was most likely going to have to be nurtured in his body for quite some time before it could recover to any semblance of its former glory.

Few minutes later, John departed from his cave abode again, arriving at the northwestern corner of his spirit farm.

He swept his spiritual sense through the area to ensure that nothing was amiss, then raised his hand and released a series of small triangular flags with a flick of his wrist, marking out a circular area.

He then began to chant an incantation while making a hand seal, and the small flags instantly flashed with purple light, forming an indistinct light barrier that encompassed the entire area.

After that, he stepped into the area, and the purple radiance glowing from the light barrier vanished as it completely faded into the darkness of the night.

If anyone were to pass by near John's cave abode at this time, they wouldn't be able to sense anything unless they were at least at the Deity Transformation Stage, but a cultivator of that caliber would immediately be detected by John and dealt with accordingly.

Inside the light barrier, John swept a hand through the air, and around two dozen beautiful wooden boxes appeared, hovering in front of him.

He raised his hand, and the lids of all of the wooden boxes flew up at his behest, allowing a medicinal aroma to waft through the air.

The wooden boxes contained several dozen white spirit medicines with complete root systems, and they flew out of their boxes before descending onto the ground and taking root in the soil.

These spirit medicines were a little similar in appearance to regular ginseng, but in reality, they were all Cloud Crane Herbs that were roughly around hundred years old.

During the daytime in these past few days, John had made several visits to the Trade Valley, purchasing all of the Cloud Crane Herbs that he could find.

In order to avoid attracting attention, he made sure to conceal his cultivation base and don a different disguise for each visit.

After taking a glance at the Cloud Crane Herbs that had been planted into the ground, John pulled out the Heaven Controlling Vial again.

He took a deep breath before removing the stopper of the vial, then tipped the vial over, aiming its opening at the Cloud Crane Herb directly below him.

The green liquid slowly flowed out of the mouth of the vial before dripping down onto the Cloud Crane Herb.

The liquid then slowly seeped into the roots of the Cloud Crane Herb, and a faint smile appeared on John's face upon seeing this, following which he departed from under the light barrier.
Chapter 42: Recovering Something That was Lost

In the pill refinement chamber of the cave abode, John removed the stopper of the Heaven Controlling Vial once again, then set it down onto the ground next to the pill furnace. After that, he took a few steps backward, then raised a hand to release an incantation seal to activate the array beneath the furnace, embroiling the furnace in scorching flames.

Moments later, he took a deep breath, then extended a finger before beckoning toward the pill furnace.

A ball of crimson fire flew out from beneath the furnace, circling around in the air before forming a thin line of fire that resembled a small snake, which flew into the Heaven Controlling Vial at John's behest.

Red light flashed within the vial, and immediately thereafter, it became illuminated with dazzling radiance. The leaf patterns on its surface began to glow with a dark red hue, and they were flashing as if they had sprung to life.

John's eyes narrowed slightly as he stood still on the spot in a contemplative silence.

A short while later, the red light within the vial suddenly faded, and the vial returned to normal as if nothing had happened.

However, John's gaze remained fixed on the vial, as if he were waiting for something.

Time slowly passed by, and few minutes later, he raised a hand once again, drawing a slightly larger ball of fire out of the pill furnace before sending it flying into the small vial.

Once again, red light flashed momentarily within the vial before fading away.

However, this time, the red light seemed to have lingered for a slightly longer duration than last time.

A thoughtful look appeared on John's face upon seeing this.

He continued to guide fire into the vial, and the intervals between each injection of fire were getting shorter and shorter.

Just as expected, the duration of the red light lingering in the vial was also growing longer and longer.

After an indeterminate period of time, John injected another burst of fire into the vial, and this time, the red light within the vial flashed for a while without displaying any signs of fading.

John's eyes lit up slightly upon seeing this.

Right at this moment, a clear cry rang out from within the vial, and traces of silver light appeared, devouring the red light at a rapid rate that was discernible even to the naked eye.

In the next instant, a burst of piercing silver light erupted out of the opening of the vial, flying all the way up to the top of the pill refinement chamber, where it crashed into the ceiling with a dull thump.

The burst of silver light tumbled down slightly as a result of the impact, and the silver radiance that it was releasing illuminated the entire pill refinement chamber.

Blue light flashed through John's eyes as he looked up at the burst of silver light, and an elated look appeared on his face, but his brows then immediately furrowed slightly.

The burst of white light circled through the air a few times, then transformed into a small silver bird with a body that was entirely comprised of flames, which spread its wings and flew down directly toward John.

John raised a hand, and the silver fire raven drew to an elegant halt around half a foot above his palm, then began to fly around his index finger while chirping joyfully, seemingly elated to be reunited with its master.

This fiery bird was none other than the Essence Fire Raven, which had been born after John's Flame of Essence had developed a hint of spiritual nature.

Back when he was in the Human Realm, he had attained the Purple Apex Flame using the Celestial Blue Flame with the glacial energy released by the Six-winged Frost Centipede, then fused the Purple Apex Flame into the Greatyin True Flame. After arriving in the Spirit Realm, he had then used the Greatyin True Flame to devour a large number of other flames, finally giving rise to this Flame of Essence.

Not only was this flame naturally capable of devouring all types of spirit flames, it was extremely effective when it came to taming fire-attribute spirit beasts, and it was one of the most important assets that had allowed him to reign supreme in the Spirit Realm.

John heaved a faint sigh as he cast aside that train of thought, then raised his hand slightly, and the fire raven instantly folded its wings, landing obediently on his palm.

For some reason, he was unable to sense this flame since his awakening, and he had thought that the reason for this was that it had been lost to him, but as it turned out, the flame had been in a state of slumber in his Heaven Controlling Vial this entire time.

Back in the secret chamber, his spiritual sense had suddenly developed a faint connection with this flame, and that was why he had immediately rushed to the pill refinement chamber to try and use the flame of the furnace to awaken the fire raven. To his surprise, he was able to succeed on the first try.

However, there was a rather grim look in his eyes as he inspected the silver fire raven dancing over his palm.

In its current form, the fire raven wasn't even three inches tall, and its aura was significantly diminished compared with when it was at its peak.

This only served to further exacerbate the frustration that John had been feeling.

It was clear that the current state of the fire raven had something to do with the circumstances that had led to his memory loss and the debilitation of his powers.

John vowed to himself there and then that no matter who it was that had reduced him to this state, he was going to repay the favor with interest.

Moments later, he cast aside that train of thought, then released a burst of spiritual light out of his sleeve to draw the silver fire raven into his body.

The fire raven was most likely going to have to be nurtured in his body for quite some time before it could recover to any semblance of its former glory.

Few minutes later, John departed from his cave abode again, arriving at the northwestern corner of his spirit farm.

He swept his spiritual sense through the area to ensure that nothing was amiss, then raised his hand and released a series of small triangular flags with a flick of his wrist, marking out a circular area.

He then began to chant an incantation while making a hand seal, and the small flags instantly flashed with purple light, forming an indistinct light barrier that encompassed the entire area.

After that, he stepped into the area, and the purple radiance glowing from the light barrier vanished as it completely faded into the darkness of the night.

If anyone were to pass by near John's cave abode at this time, they wouldn't be able to sense anything unless they were at least at the Deity Transformation Stage, but a cultivator of that caliber would immediately be detected by John and dealt with accordingly.

Inside the light barrier, John swept a hand through the air, and around two dozen beautiful wooden boxes appeared, hovering in front of him.

He raised his hand, and the lids of all of the wooden boxes flew up at his behest, allowing a medicinal aroma to waft through the air.

The wooden boxes contained several dozen white spirit medicines with complete root systems, and they flew out of their boxes before descending onto the ground and taking root in the soil.

These spirit medicines were a little similar in appearance to regular ginseng, but in reality, they were all Cloud Crane Herbs that were roughly around hundred years old.

During the daytime in these past few days, John had made several visits to the Trade Valley, purchasing all of the Cloud Crane Herbs that he could find.

In order to avoid attracting attention, he made sure to conceal his cultivation base and don a different disguise for each visit.

After taking a glance at the Cloud Crane Herbs that had been planted into the ground, John pulled out the Heaven Controlling Vial again.

He took a deep breath before removing the stopper of the vial, then tipped the vial over, aiming its opening at the Cloud Crane Herb directly below him.

The green liquid slowly flowed out of the mouth of the vial before dripping down onto the Cloud Crane Herb.

The liquid then slowly seeped into the roots of the Cloud Crane Herb, and a faint smile appeared on John's face upon seeing this, following which he departed from under the light barrier.
I wish I have that kind of skills
I would richest man
Chapter 42: Recovering Something That was Lost

In the pill refinement chamber of the cave abode, John removed the stopper of the Heaven Controlling Vial once again, then set it down onto the ground next to the pill furnace. After that, he took a few steps backward, then raised a hand to release an incantation seal to activate the array beneath the furnace, embroiling the furnace in scorching flames.

Moments later, he took a deep breath, then extended a finger before beckoning toward the pill furnace.

A ball of crimson fire flew out from beneath the furnace, circling around in the air before forming a thin line of fire that resembled a small snake, which flew into the Heaven Controlling Vial at John's behest.

Red light flashed within the vial, and immediately thereafter, it became illuminated with dazzling radiance. The leaf patterns on its surface began to glow with a dark red hue, and they were flashing as if they had sprung to life.

John's eyes narrowed slightly as he stood still on the spot in a contemplative silence.

A short while later, the red light within the vial suddenly faded, and the vial returned to normal as if nothing had happened.

However, John's gaze remained fixed on the vial, as if he were waiting for something.

Time slowly passed by, and few minutes later, he raised a hand once again, drawing a slightly larger ball of fire out of the pill furnace before sending it flying into the small vial.

Once again, red light flashed momentarily within the vial before fading away.

However, this time, the red light seemed to have lingered for a slightly longer duration than last time.

A thoughtful look appeared on John's face upon seeing this.

He continued to guide fire into the vial, and the intervals between each injection of fire were getting shorter and shorter.

Just as expected, the duration of the red light lingering in the vial was also growing longer and longer.

After an indeterminate period of time, John injected another burst of fire into the vial, and this time, the red light within the vial flashed for a full ten minutes without displaying any signs of fading.

John's eyes lit up slightly upon seeing this.

Right at this moment, a clear cry rang out from within the vial, and traces of silver light appeared, devouring the red light at a rapid rate that was discernible even to the naked eye.

In the next instant, a burst of piercing silver light erupted out of the opening of the vial, flying all the way up to the top of the pill refinement chamber, where it crashed into the ceiling with a dull thump.

The burst of silver light tumbled down slightly as a result of the impact, and the silver radiance that it was releasing illuminated the entire pill refinement chamber.

Blue light flashed through John's eyes as he looked up at the burst of silver light, and an elated look appeared on his face, but his brows then immediately furrowed slightly.

The burst of white light circled through the air a few times, then transformed into a small silver bird with a body that was entirely comprised of flames, which spread its wings and flew down directly toward John

John raised a hand, and the silver fire raven drew to an elegant halt around half a foot above his palm, then began to fly around his index finger while chirping joyfully, seemingly elated to be reunited with its master.

This fiery bird was none other than the Essence Fire Raven, which had been born after John's Flame of Essence had developed a hint of spiritual nature.

Back when he was in the Human Realm, he had attained the Purple Apex Flame using the Celestial Blue Flame with the glacial qi released by the Six-winged Frost Centipede, then fused the Purple Apex Flame into the Greatyin True Flame. After arriving in the Spirit Realm, he had then used the Greatyin True Flame to devour a large number of other flames, finally giving rise to this Flame of Essence.

Not only was this flame naturally capable of devouring all types of spirit flames, it was extremely effective when it came to taming fire-attribute spirit beasts, and it was one of the most important assets that had allowed him to reign supreme in the Spirit Realm.

John heaved a faint sigh as he cast aside that train of thought, then raised his hand slightly, and the fire raven instantly folded its wings, landing obediently on his palm.

For some reason, he was unable to sense this flame since his awakening, and he had thought that the reason for this was that it had been lost to him, but as it turned out, the flame had been in a state of slumber in his Heaven Controlling Vial this entire time.

Back in the secret chamber, his spiritual sense had suddenly developed a faint connection with this flame, and that was why he had immediately rushed to the pill refinement chamber to try and use the flame of the furnace to awaken the fire raven. To his surprise, he was able to succeed on the first try.

However, there was a rather grim look in his eyes as he inspected the silver fire raven dancing over his palm.

In its current form, the fire raven wasn't even three inches tall, and its aura was significantly diminished compared with when it was at its peak.

This only served to further exacerbate the frustration that John had been feeling.

It was clear that the current state of the fire raven had something to do with the circumstances that had led to his memory loss and the debilitation of his powers.

John vowed to himself there and then that no matter who it was that had reduced him to this state, he was going to repay the favor with interest.

Moments later, he cast aside that train of thought, then released a burst of azure light out of his sleeve to draw the silver fire raven into his body.

The fire raven was most likely going to have to be nurtured in his body for quite some time before it could recover to any semblance of its former glory.

Few minutes later, John departed from his cave abode again, arriving at the northwestern corner of his spirit farm.

He swept his spiritual sense through the area to ensure that nothing was amiss, then raised his hand and released a series of small triangular flags with a flick of his wrist, marking out a circular area.

He then began to chant an incantation while making a hand seal, and the small flags instantly flashed with purple light, forming an indistinct light barrier that encompassed the entire area.

After that, he stepped into the area, and the purple radiance glowing from the light barrier vanished as it completely faded into the darkness of the night.

If anyone were to pass by near John's cave abode at this time, they wouldn't be able to sense anything unless they were at least at the Deity Transformation Stage, but a cultivator of that caliber would immediately be detected by John and dealt with accordingly.

Inside the light barrier, John swept a hand through the air, and around two dozen beautiful wooden boxes appeared, hovering in front of him.

He raised his hand, and the lids of all of the wooden boxes flew up at his behest, allowing a medicinal aroma to waft through the air.

The wooden boxes contained several dozen white spirit medicines with complete root systems, and they flew out of their boxes before descending onto the ground and taking root in the soil.

These spirit medicines were a little similar in appearance to regular ginseng, but in reality, they were all Cloud Crane Herbs that were roughly around hundred years old.

During the daytime in these past few days, John had made several visits to the Trade Valley, purchasing all of the Cloud Crane Herbs that he could find.

In order to avoid attracting attention, he made sure to conceal his cultivation base and don a different disguise for each visit.

After taking a glance at the Cloud Crane Herbs that had been planted into the ground, John pulled out the Heaven Controlling Vial again.

He took a deep breath before removing the stopper of the vial, then tipped the vial over, aiming its opening at the Cloud Crane Herb directly below him.

The green liquid slowly flowed out of the mouth of the vial before dripping down onto the Cloud Crane Herb.

The liquid then slowly seeped into the roots of the Cloud Crane Herb, and a faint smile appeared on John's face upon seeing this, following which he departed from under the light barrier.
Chapter 43: Vengeance Exacted

The seasons quickly passed by, and two years flew by in the blink of an eye.

To the northwest of the Prosperous Nation was the Bloodlight Mountain Range, which stretched for thousands of kilometers. The spiritual energy here wasn't very abundant, and the mountain range was filled with barren mountains, as well as deep, misty valleys.

Inside a certain massive dark red valley in the mountain range was a dense cluster of buildings, and some red-robed cultivators were occasionally flying through the air at low altitudes, while others were making their way in and out of the buildings with urgent expressions.

Inside a large hall deep in the valley, a blue-robed middle-aged man was pacing back and forth in an agitated manner, raising his head from time to time to cast his gaze toward a massive stone gate deep in the hall.

The stone gate was tightly shut, and crimson light was surging incessantly over its surface.

"Has Boss still not come out of seclusion?" A male voice rang out from outside the hall, following which a burly man with a heavily scarred face strode in.

"He should be coming out soon. How are things going on your end?" the blue-robed man asked in an urgent voice.

"Reinforcements from nine branches have already arrived, and the reinforcements from the other four branches should be on their way as well. Most of the inner court disciples who were carrying out duties outside of the sect have also been summoned back. Aren't we making too much of a big deal out of this?" the burly man asked with a hesitant expression.

"In the span of just ten days, six branches have been razed to the ground, and even the branch masters have disappeared without a trace as if they've evaporated off the face of this realm! Do you think either of us would be able to replicate such a feat?" the blue-robed man sighed.

"How is that possible? I didn't realize that the situation was so severe. The problem is that with everyone gathered in one place, we've had to cease trade in all of our branches, resulting in heavy losses of profit. I'm worried that Boss will blame you for making decisions on your own and……..." The burly man's voice suddenly trailed off here, and he shuddered as if a terrifying thought had occurred to him.

A fearful look also appeared on the blue-robed man's face, but he then shook his head as he replied, "I'm well aware of all of that, but if I had delayed any further, there was a good chance that our sect would've suffered losses too severe to recover from.

“Everyone always treats us with fear and respect, but in reality, all of them are praying for our Blood Sword Sect to fall. If we display any signs of weakness, even those demons wouldn't hesitate to swoop in and land the killing blow on us."

A vicious light flashed through the burly man's eyes as he said in an enraged voice, "They wouldn't dare! Everyone knows what Boss is capable of. Don't you remember what happened to the Anderson Family?

“They used to be the most powerful family in the state, yet the head of their family made the mistake of standing up against our sect, and the entire family of over thousand people was slain by Boss in a single night! Not even the mortals among them were spared! Now that Boss has made a breakthrough to the mid-Deity Transformation Stage, he'll be sure to crush the perpetrator with ease!"

"I'm afraid things may not be so simple. Over a month ago, that group of Shadow Cat women that was being transported by Branch Master Fields was intercepted, and over twenty people, including Branch Master Fields, vanished during the incident. To this day, they still haven't been found, and it seems that there's a very good chance that their disappearance has something to do with what's been happening recently.

“Branch Master Fields was a mid-Nascent Soul cultivator, yet even his nascent soul wasn't able to escape. That should be a clear indication of what we're dealing with here," the blue-robed man said with a grim expression.

"I hadn't heard about that at all! In that case, it sounds like the perpetrator is no less powerful than Boss. Perhaps we'll have to turn to the Heavenly Ghost Sect for help," the burly man said with an alarmed expression.

Right at this moment, the crimson light on the surface of the stone gate faded, and it swung open to reveal a white-robed man.

The man appeared to be in his early thirties and was clean-shaven with a handsome appearance, giving him an air of gentle elegance.

The blue-robed man and the burly man hurriedly fell to their knees upon seeing this.

The white-robed man made his way over to the two men with a faint smile, then said, "No need for such formalities. Get up and tell me what you have to say."

The two men hurriedly offered their gratitude before rising to their feet.

"Boss, I..." The blue-robed man stepped forward to say something, but he was cut off by the white-robed man.

"I already received the message you sent to me a few days ago. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come out of seclusion early. I don't have much time, Andrew Ford, just tell me if there's been any progress on the situation."

"Three days ago, the Silver State branch was attacked as well, and there were almost no survivors. In light of this incident and what happened with Branch Master Fields, we have strong reason to believe that the perpetrator is at least at the Deity Transformation Stage.

“On top of that, judging from the observations made at the sites of the incidents, it appears that they're particularly adept in using fire-attribute cultivation arts or treasures," Andrew Ford replied as he dabbed at the cold sweat that had appeared on his forehead.

"Almost no survivors? So that means that there were survivors, right? I told you I don't have much time, Mr. Ford. I suggest you don't test my patience with these word games," the white-robed man said with a hint of a smile on his face.

Andrew's heart jolted slightly upon hearing this, and he hurriedly said, "Please forgive me, Sect Master! There was one survivor from the Silver Stage branch, and he's waiting outside. I'll get him to come in right away."

The white-robed man offered no objections to this, so Andrew Ford immediately turned around before calling out to someone outside the hall. At this point, the clothes on his back were already completely drenched in cold sweat.

A young man with a thin build quickly made his way into the hall at Andrew Ford's behest, then fell to his knees before extending a respectful salute.

"No need for formalities. Stand up and tell about what happened at the time of the attack," the white-robed man prompted with a gentle smile.

The young man didn't dare to stand up, and he replied in a nervous, stuttering voice, "Th...Three days ago, our branch was attacked late at night. I...I was unable to see the perpetrator clearly. All I know is that they unleashed some type of fire-attribute ability that incinerated the entire branch to the ground, and... and there were no survivors. Not even Branch Master Malcolm Fields managed to survive the attack."

"If there were no survivors, then how are you still alive?" the white-robed man asked.

"I was away carrying out some duties for the branch, and at the time of the incident, I still hadn't returned to the branch yet, so I was only able to witness the attack from afar, and that's how I survived," the young man replied with a hint of lingering fear in his eyes.

"Is there anything you're not telling me?" the white-robed man asked as his brows furrowed slightly.

The young man became rather anxious upon seeing this. "N... No, Sect Master..."

A faint smile appeared on the white-robed man's face, and he suddenly reached out with one hand before making a grabbing motion. The young man's body instantly stiffened as several streaks of black light appeared above him before burrowing their way into his head like a nest of vicious snakes.

The young man let loose an agonized howl as blood gushed out of all of his orifices, but he then quickly fell silent before collapsing to the ground.

"Looks like he was telling the truth," the white-robed man remarked as he lowered his hand, and a contemplative look appeared on his face.

Ever since the young man entered the hall, Ford and the burly man had been standing with their heads lowered the entire time, not daring to utter a single word.


Right at this moment, a resounding voice suddenly rang out, followed by a flurry of alarmed cries as the entire hall trembled violently.

A displeased look appeared on the white-robed man's face as he flew toward the entrance of the hall at an incredible speed, and Ford and the burly man hurriedly followed along.

At this moment, the entire sky above the dark red valley was enshrouded under a red light barrier. Above the light barrier were three giant black mountains, with black light revolving incessantly around them.

The massive mountains and the red light barrier seemed to have been caught in an impasse, with neither side able to get the better of the other.

Countless figures flew out of the buildings in the valley before looking up at the sky with alarmed expressions.

All of a sudden, yet another giant black mountain came crashing down from the sky, causing the red light barrier to ripple violently, and finally, it was unable to withstand the pressure, shattering with a resounding boom.

The four enormous black mountains descended from the heavens, encompassing close to half of the entire valley beneath their massive shadows.

Everyone immediately erupted into a panicked frenzy, fleeing in all directions, but the mountains were crashing down far too quickly to be evaded, and looks of despair appeared on the face of everyone standing beneath the mountains.

Right at this moment, the white-robed man appeared in the sky above the hall, then raised a hand to summon a large crimson flag.

The flag swelled drastically in size, releasing a vast expanse of crimson light as it positioned itself beneath the bases of the four mountains.

The mountains and the flag clashed with devastating force, and the crimson flag shuddered violently, but it was able to keep the four mountains at bay.

"Long live our sect master!"

The disciples of the Blood Sword Sect were ecstatic to see that they had been saved.

However, before they had a chance to celebrate, a dark shadow appeared in the sky, following which another giant mountain came crashing down.

Under the combined might of the five massive mountains, the giant crimson flag was torn apart. With nothing else standing in their way, the five mountains came crashing down at an astonishing speed.

The five enormous mountains encompassed virtually the entire valley, plunging the area into darkness.

The white-robed man's expression changed drastically upon seeing this, and he immediately flew out of the way without any hesitation, escaping right before the five mountains crashed down onto the ground.

Huge clouds of dust rose up from the impact of the five falling mountains, and the earth quaked violently while agonized howls rang out incessantly, only to be immediately drowned out by bursts of loud rumbling.

At this point, the white-robed man had already appeared above the valley, and he was looking directly up ahead with a furious expression.

There, a jade flying ark was hovering in mid-air, upon which stood an elderly priest and a beautiful young woman.

They were none other than Master White Stone and Megan Fox.

"Who are you?" the white-robed man asked as his eyes narrowed slightly.

"I'm the one who's going to put an end to your life!" Megan declared in a cold voice.

A thought seemed to have occurred to the white-robed man, and he mused, "Oh? You're a member of the Cloud Fox Race. Ah, I see, you must be that little demonic fox that managed to escape a few years ago.

“It's quite impressive that you've already reached the Core Formation Stage in just a few years. The pelts of the Cloud Fox Race are an extremely sought-after material for refining defensive treasures. I made an absolute killing selling the hides of your brethren."

"Ben Rapper, I'm going to kill you!"

Tears began to well up in Megan Fox's eyes as she made a rapid series of hand seals, and a burst of silver light flashed from her left arm, following which a silver fireball emerged. The fireball quickly transformed into a palm-sized silver fire raven, which flew directly toward the white-robed man.

While Ben was speaking, he had already released his spiritual sense to sweep through the surrounding area in a radius of several hundred kilometers, but he didn't discover any cultivators at or above the Deity Transformation Stage.

He initially faltered slightly at the sight of the completely mundane-looking silver fire raven, following which a derisive sneer appeared on his face.

"To think that two measly Core Formation cultivators would dare to challenge me. What a joke!"

He opened his mouth to release a black ring, which instantly transformed into a fiery black monster.

The creature's form resembled that of a lion, and it was giving off an extremely violent aura as it pounced toward the silver fire raven.

The disparity in the statures of the two creatures was so vast that it was almost comical.

However, as soon as the two clashed, the silver fire raven instantly vanished into the body of the fiery black monster before shooting out the other end.

The fiery black monster's body instantly stiffened, then exploded with a resounding boom.

Ben's eyes widened with incredulity upon seeing this, but he immediately reacted, turning around to flee from the silver fire raven. At the same time, light flashed all over his body, and he was instantly encased in a suit of glowing crimson armor.

However, the silver fire raven was incredibly fast, catching up to him in an instant before piercing through his body, completely bypassing the suit of crimson armor.

Ben didn't even get a chance to cry out before he erupted into flames, and even the treasures and magic tools that he was carrying were quickly incinerated into ashes along with his body.

The silver fire raven circled around in the sky, then opened its mouth to blast a wave of silver flames down onto the valley below.

As the wave of silver flames descended, it expanded rapidly, and by the time it descended upon the valley, it had already swelled to become a raging sea of silver fire.

With the five giant mountains in place, none of the people in the valley were able to escape in a short time.

Megan looked down at the sea of scorching flames, and her vision was already blurry with tears.

"Father, Mother, Big Brother, Big Sister... I've finally avenged you all and erased the Blood Sword Sect off the face of this realm," she murmured to herself.

"Congratulations, Miss Fox," Master Stone said as he cupped his fist in a salute.

"It's all thanks to the help that you've given me these past years, Master Stone. Brother Rock told me that he'll remember everything that you've done," Megan replied as she wiped her tears away before extending a curtsey toward Daoist Master White Stone.

"I wouldn't dare to expect anything from Master John. I'm merely doing what I've been told to do," Master Stone hurriedly replied.
Chapter 43: Vengeance Exacted

The seasons quickly passed by, and two years flew by in the blink of an eye.

To the northwest of the Prosperous Nation was the Bloodlight Mountain Range, which stretched for thousands of kilometers. The spiritual energy here wasn't very abundant, and the mountain range was filled with barren mountains, as well as deep, misty valleys.

Inside a certain massive dark red valley in the mountain range was a dense cluster of buildings, and some red-robed cultivators were occasionally flying through the air at low altitudes, while others were making their way in and out of the buildings with urgent expressions.

Inside a large hall deep in the valley, a blue-robed middle-aged man was pacing back and forth in an agitated manner, raising his head from time to time to cast his gaze toward a massive stone gate deep in the hall.

The stone gate was tightly shut, and crimson light was surging incessantly over its surface.

"Has Boss still not come out of seclusion?" A male voice rang out from outside the hall, following which a burly man with a heavily scarred face strode in.

"He should be coming out soon. How are things going on your end?" the blue-robed man asked in an urgent voice.

"Reinforcements from nine branches have already arrived, and the reinforcements from the other four branches should be on their way as well. Most of the inner court disciples who were carrying out duties outside of the sect have also been summoned back. Aren't we making too much of a big deal out of this?" the burly man asked with a hesitant expression.

"In the span of just ten days, six branches have been razed to the ground, and even the branch masters have disappeared without a trace as if they've evaporated off the face of this realm! Do you think either of us would be able to replicate such a feat?" the blue-robed man sighed.

"How is that possible? I didn't realize that the situation was so severe. The problem is that with everyone gathered in one place, we've had to cease trade in all of our branches, resulting in heavy losses of profit. I'm worried that Boss will blame you for making decisions on your own and……..." The burly man's voice suddenly trailed off here, and he shuddered as if a terrifying thought had occurred to him.

A fearful look also appeared on the blue-robed man's face, but he then shook his head as he replied, "I'm well aware of all of that, but if I had delayed any further, there was a good chance that our sect would've suffered losses too severe to recover from.

“Everyone always treats us with fear and respect, but in reality, all of them are praying for our Blood Sword Sect to fall. If we display any signs of weakness, even those demons wouldn't hesitate to swoop in and land the killing blow on us."

A vicious light flashed through the burly man's eyes as he said in an enraged voice, "They wouldn't dare! Everyone knows what Boss is capable of. Don't you remember what happened to the Anderson Family?

“They used to be the most powerful family in the state, yet the head of their family made the mistake of standing up against our sect, and the entire family of over thousand people was slain by Boss in a single night! Not even the mortals among them were spared! Now that Boss has made a breakthrough to the mid-Deity Transformation Stage, he'll be sure to crush the perpetrator with ease!"

"I'm afraid things may not be so simple. Over a month ago, that group of Shadow Cat women that was being transported by Branch Master Fields was intercepted, and over twenty people, including Branch Master Fields, vanished during the incident. To this day, they still haven't been found, and it seems that there's a very good chance that their disappearance has something to do with what's been happening recently.

“Branch Master Fields was a mid-Nascent Soul cultivator, yet even his nascent soul wasn't able to escape. That should be a clear indication of what we're dealing with here," the blue-robed man said with a grim expression.

"I hadn't heard about that at all! In that case, it sounds like the perpetrator is no less powerful than Boss. Perhaps we'll have to turn to the Heavenly Ghost Sect for help," the burly man said with an alarmed expression.

Right at this moment, the crimson light on the surface of the stone gate faded, and it swung open to reveal a white-robed man.

The man appeared to be in his early thirties and was clean-shaven with a handsome appearance, giving him an air of gentle elegance.

The blue-robed man and the burly man hurriedly fell to their knees upon seeing this.

The white-robed man made his way over to the two men with a faint smile, then said, "No need for such formalities. Get up and tell me what you have to say."

The two men hurriedly offered their gratitude before rising to their feet.

"Boss, I..." The blue-robed man stepped forward to say something, but he was cut off by the white-robed man.

"I already received the message you sent to me a few days ago. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come out of seclusion early. I don't have much time, Andrew Ford, just tell me if there's been any progress on the situation."

"Three days ago, the Silver State branch was attacked as well, and there were almost no survivors. In light of this incident and what happened with Branch Master Fields, we have strong reason to believe that the perpetrator is at least at the Deity Transformation Stage.

“On top of that, judging from the observations made at the sites of the incidents, it appears that they're particularly adept in using fire-attribute cultivation arts or treasures," Andrew Ford replied as he dabbed at the cold sweat that had appeared on his forehead.

"Almost no survivors? So that means that there were survivors, right? I told you I don't have much time, Mr. Ford. I suggest you don't test my patience with these word games," the white-robed man said with a hint of a smile on his face.

Andrew's heart jolted slightly upon hearing this, and he hurriedly said, "Please forgive me, Sect Master! There was one survivor from the Silver Stage branch, and he's waiting outside. I'll get him to come in right away."

The white-robed man offered no objections to this, so Andrew Ford immediately turned around before calling out to someone outside the hall. At this point, the clothes on his back were already completely drenched in cold sweat.

A young man with a thin build quickly made his way into the hall at Andrew Ford's behest, then fell to his knees before extending a respectful salute.

"No need for formalities. Stand up and tell about what happened at the time of the attack," the white-robed man prompted with a gentle smile.

The young man didn't dare to stand up, and he replied in a nervous, stuttering voice, "Th...Three days ago, our branch was attacked late at night. I...I was unable to see the perpetrator clearly. All I know is that they unleashed some type of fire-attribute ability that incinerated the entire branch to the ground, and... and there were no survivors. Not even Branch Master Malcolm Fields managed to survive the attack."

"If there were no survivors, then how are you still alive?" the white-robed man asked.

"I was away carrying out some duties for the branch, and at the time of the incident, I still hadn't returned to the branch yet, so I was only able to witness the attack from afar, and that's how I survived," the young man replied with a hint of lingering fear in his eyes.

"Is there anything you're not telling me?" the white-robed man asked as his brows furrowed slightly.

The young man became rather anxious upon seeing this. "N... No, Sect Master..."

A faint smile appeared on the white-robed man's face, and he suddenly reached out with one hand before making a grabbing motion. The young man's body instantly stiffened as several streaks of black light appeared above him before burrowing their way into his head like a nest of vicious snakes.

The young man let loose an agonized howl as blood gushed out of all of his orifices, but he then quickly fell silent before collapsing to the ground.

"Looks like he was telling the truth," the white-robed man remarked as he lowered his hand, and a contemplative look appeared on his face.

Ever since the young man entered the hall, Ford and the burly man had been standing with their heads lowered the entire time, not daring to utter a single word.


Right at this moment, a resounding voice suddenly rang out, followed by a flurry of alarmed cries as the entire hall trembled violently.

A displeased look appeared on the white-robed man's face as he flew toward the entrance of the hall at an incredible speed, and Ford and the burly man hurriedly followed along.

At this moment, the entire sky above the dark red valley was enshrouded under a red light barrier. Above the light barrier were three giant black mountains, with black light revolving incessantly around them.

The massive mountains and the red light barrier seemed to have been caught in an impasse, with neither side able to get the better of the other.

Countless figures flew out of the buildings in the valley before looking up at the sky with alarmed expressions.

All of a sudden, yet another giant black mountain came crashing down from the sky, causing the red light barrier to ripple violently, and finally, it was unable to withstand the pressure, shattering with a resounding boom.

The four enormous black mountains descended from the heavens, encompassing close to half of the entire valley beneath their massive shadows.

Everyone immediately erupted into a panicked frenzy, fleeing in all directions, but the mountains were crashing down far too quickly to be evaded, and looks of despair appeared on the face of everyone standing beneath the mountains.

Right at this moment, the white-robed man appeared in the sky above the hall, then raised a hand to summon a large crimson flag.

The flag swelled drastically in size, releasing a vast expanse of crimson light as it positioned itself beneath the bases of the four mountains.

The mountains and the flag clashed with devastating force, and the crimson flag shuddered violently, but it was able to keep the four mountains at bay.

"Long live our sect master!"

The disciples of the Blood Sword Sect were ecstatic to see that they had been saved.

However, before they had a chance to celebrate, a dark shadow appeared in the sky, following which another giant mountain came crashing down.

Under the combined might of the five massive mountains, the giant crimson flag was torn apart. With nothing else standing in their way, the five mountains came crashing down at an astonishing speed.

The five enormous mountains encompassed virtually the entire valley, plunging the area into darkness.

The white-robed man's expression changed drastically upon seeing this, and he immediately flew out of the way without any hesitation, escaping right before the five mountains crashed down onto the ground.

Huge clouds of dust rose up from the impact of the five falling mountains, and the earth quaked violently while agonized howls rang out incessantly, only to be immediately drowned out by bursts of loud rumbling.

At this point, the white-robed man had already appeared above the valley, and he was looking directly up ahead with a furious expression.

There, a jade flying ark was hovering in mid-air, upon which stood an elderly priest and a beautiful young woman.

They were none other than Master White Stone and Megan Fox.

"Who are you?" the white-robed man asked as his eyes narrowed slightly.

"I'm the one who's going to put an end to your life!" Megan declared in a cold voice.

A thought seemed to have occurred to the white-robed man, and he mused, "Oh? You're a member of the Cloud Fox Race. Ah, I see, you must be that little demonic fox that managed to escape a few years ago.

“It's quite impressive that you've already reached the Core Formation Stage in just a few years. The pelts of the Cloud Fox Race are an extremely sought-after material for refining defensive treasures. I made an absolute killing selling the hides of your brethren."

"Ben Rapper, I'm going to kill you!"

Tears began to well up in Megan Fox's eyes as she made a rapid series of hand seals, and a burst of silver light flashed from her left arm, following which a silver fireball emerged. The fireball quickly transformed into a palm-sized silver fire raven, which flew directly toward the white-robed man.

While Ben was speaking, he had already released his spiritual sense to sweep through the surrounding area in a radius of several hundred kilometers, but he didn't discover any cultivators at or above the Deity Transformation Stage.

He initially faltered slightly at the sight of the completely mundane-looking silver fire raven, following which a derisive sneer appeared on his face.

"To think that two measly Core Formation cultivators would dare to challenge me. What a joke!"

He opened his mouth to release a black ring, which instantly transformed into a fiery black monster.

The creature's form resembled that of a lion, and it was giving off an extremely violent aura as it pounced toward the silver fire raven.

The disparity in the statures of the two creatures was so vast that it was almost comical.

However, as soon as the two clashed, the silver fire raven instantly vanished into the body of the fiery black monster before shooting out the other end.

The fiery black monster's body instantly stiffened, then exploded with a resounding boom.

Ben's eyes widened with incredulity upon seeing this, but he immediately reacted, turning around to flee from the silver fire raven. At the same time, light flashed all over his body, and he was instantly encased in a suit of glowing crimson armor.

However, the silver fire raven was incredibly fast, catching up to him in an instant before piercing through his body, completely bypassing the suit of crimson armor.

Ben didn't even get a chance to cry out before he erupted into flames, and even the treasures and magic tools that he was carrying were quickly incinerated into ashes along with his body.

The silver fire raven circled around in the sky, then opened its mouth to blast a wave of silver flames down onto the valley below.

As the wave of silver flames descended, it expanded rapidly, and by the time it descended upon the valley, it had already swelled to become a raging sea of silver fire.

With the five giant mountains in place, none of the people in the valley were able to escape in a short time.

Megan looked down at the sea of scorching flames, and her vision was already blurry with tears.

"Father, Mother, Big Brother, Big Sister... I've finally avenged you all and erased the Blood Sword Sect off the face of this realm," she murmured to herself.

"Congratulations, Miss Fox," Master Stone said as he cupped his fist in a salute.

"It's all thanks to the help that you've given me these past years, Master Stone. Brother Rock told me that he'll remember everything that you've done," Megan replied as she wiped her tears away before extending a curtsey toward Daoist Master White Stone.

"I wouldn't dare to expect anything from Master John. I'm merely doing what I've been told to do," Master Stone hurriedly replied.
Chapter 44: Origin Separation Law Chains

Meanwhile, on the Cloudrise Peak of the Spirit Flame Mountain Range.

The interior of a certain secret chamber in a secluded cave abode was completely illuminated by dazzling white radiance.

A huge human-shaped white cocoon was situated at the center of the secret chamber, and its surface was riddled with thin threads of white light, forming countless layers that were stacked up on top of one another.

All of a sudden, the array on the ground began to glow brightly, particularly the nebula diagram beneath the white cocoon, filling the entire secret chamber with even brighter radiance.

The threads of light on the surface of the white cocoon instantly began to squirm incessantly as if they had sprung to life, and immediately thereafter, countless white runes appeared on the cocoon before expanding at an incredible speed.

Moments later, the cocoon exploded with an earth-shattering boom, revealing a young man who was seated with his legs crossed and his eyes closed.

The young man's upper body was completely bare, but there was a cloud of energy all around him, and it was none other than John.

All of a sudden, he opened his eyes, which were flashing with blue light, and an astonishingly powerful aura erupted out of his body to dispel the white qi around him.

Five dazzling specks of blue light could be seen on his chest and abdomen, each of which contained a starlight rune that was revolving and shimmering incessantly.

The flesh, tendons, and bones under his skin were also glowing faintly, making it appear as if his body were holding countless stars.

A short while later, as the starlight runes gradually faded, the radiance emanating from his body also slowly disappeared.

John exhaled deeply, and a hint of irrepressible excitement welled up in his heart.

After two years of grueling cultivation, he had finally successfully manifested a fifth profound aperture, mastering the fifth level of the Big Dipper Origin Arts.

The progress that he was making was hundreds of times faster than what the average cultivator could expect, but what excited him the most was that his physical injuries had finally been completely healed, and his spiritual sense had also been restored to around a third of what it had been at his peak.

As he assessed these changes in his body, he flipped a hand over to produce a light blue spirit herb that resembled a piece of ginseng, then placed it into his mouth and began chewing.

Even though his elixir field was slowly being replenished with spiritual energy, a wry smile appeared on his face.

With the help of the Heaven Controlling Vial, he had already accumulated quite a large collection of Cloud Crane Herbs that were five to six hundred years old during two years.

In his current state, this was already enough, and anything beyond that would simply go to waste.

Not long ago, he had conducted an experiment, maturing a Cloud Crane Herb all the way to ten thousand years old before consuming it. However, as soon as the spiritual energy yielded by the herb went beyond the Nascent Soul Stage threshold, the superfluous spiritual energy simply dissipated without providing any benefit to the recovery of his cultivation base.

John shook his head to rid himself of that train of thought, then closed his eyes to inspect his own internal condition. As a result, he discovered that the mist within his elixir field had clearly become far thinner and more sparse.

This was a very encouraging sight, and he quickly tracked down his nascent soul using the golden light that it was giving off, then projected his spiritual sense toward it. The nascent soul was still in its original posture and remained in a state of slumber.

John hesitated momentarily upon seeing this, then manifested a series of thin threads of spiritual sense in his elixir field, which slowly approached the nascent soul at his behest.

As soon as the spiritual sense threads drew close to the nascent soul, they instantly accelerated, piercing directly toward it like a storm of steel needles.

Right at this moment, a resounding boom rang out as an arc of black light swept out of the nascent soul's body, keeping all of the spiritual sense threads at bay.

John's body shuddered, and he gave a muffled groan as his elixir field churned violently.

After some more hesitation, he gritted his teeth before turning to his Spirit Refinement Technique.

His spiritual sense instantly filled the entirety of his elixir field, and the number of spiritual sense threads increased dramatically, forming a formidable wave that struck the arc of black light with devastating force.

The arc of black light only managed to withstand the assault momentarily before dissipating into a plume of black smoke.

The wave of spiritual sense threads instantly inundated the miniature golden figure, and John's spiritual sense was finally able to enter his nascent soul.

However, the sight that he was greeted by was far from a pleasant one.

There were eight inky-black chains that were glowing faintly spreading throughout the inside of his nascent soul's body.

These chains ran through the entirety of the nascent soul, with some of them connected to the nascent soul's limbs, while others were linked directly to its head. All of the black chains had faint black mist permeating around them, giving them an extremely peculiar appearance.

What was even more astonishing to John was that these black chains seemed to be imbued with some type of unknown power of laws.

John's brows furrowed slightly, and he manipulated his spiritual sense to form a small ax, which was swung down upon one of the black chains.

A loud clang rang out as the sharp edge of the ax struck the chain, and it shuddered violently before being repelled and sent flying back by some type of inexplicable force. As it was sent flying back through the air, it disintegrated into specks of light that quickly vanished.

John was struck by a slight rush of dizziness as a result, but after a brief rest, he decided to try again.

Under the manipulation of his spiritual sense, a large amount of his spiritual power was transformed into a cloud of smoke that drifted toward the black chain before adhering to it in an attempt to melt away the chain.

However, in the instant that the smoke came into contact with the chain, the latter immediately began to rustle rapidly, releasing wisps of black mist that quickly enveloped the smoke before devouring it.

John was still unwilling to give up and continued with his experimentation.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Immortal Realm.

On a vast desert with a dark and overcast sky, fierce wind was howling incessantly like the wailing of countless ghosts, sweeping up clouds of sand and dust that filled the entire air.

In the distance, several dozen sand tornadoes were positioned next to one another to form a yellow wall that stretched all the way up into the heavens. The wall of tornadoes was moving forward, and as it did so, it was becoming wider and wider.

However, once the wall of tornadoes reached a point that was roughly five kilometers away from the center of the desert, it abruptly disintegrated, sending sand flying in all directions as if it had crashed into an immovable mountain, even though it clearly hadn't encountered any obstacles.

At the center of the palace stood a majestic hall. The entire hall was of an earthy yellow color, and there were no embellishments at all on the outside. It was as if it had risen up from the sand of the desert, and it was giving off a barren and archaic aura.

The interior of the hall was quite large, with several dozen thick square pillars distributed throughout. There were around a dozen braziers hanging on the walls, and they were giving off a faint green glow that gave the entire hall a dark and sinister appearance. With the dim light provided by these braziers, one could just barely make out a large black chair at the center of the hall.

What was rather strange was that despite the howling wind outside, no sound could be heard at all inside the hall.

On the large black chair sat a thin middle-aged man, who was in the process of raising one of his shriveled hands, causing the black chains around his arm to clank and rustle.

The man had a set of sunken cheeks and a dry and withered face. His mouth was slightly agape, revealing rows of white teeth. He was wearing a white cloak that left large sections of his purplish-green skin exposed, giving him the appearance of a discolored zombie.

Upon closer inspection, it could be seen that there was a series of thick black chains wrapped around his body beneath the cloak, and the chains extended in all directions, filling virtually the entire hall.

All of a sudden, the zombie-like man's tightly shut eyes abruptly sprang open, and a hint of surprise appeared on his wizened and discolored face.

"Come to me!" the zombie-like man commanded in an extremely hoarse voice, almost as if his throat were also filled with wind and sand.

The chains on the ground not far in front of him rustled momentarily, and an earthy yellow bulge slowly rose up from the ground, then transformed into an imposing man wearing a suit of archaic copper armor.

The man's face was dark green in color, almost as if there were a layer of copper rust growing over his skin, and he immediately fell to one knee. "How may I be of service, Patriarch?"

"In the past thousand years, have any of my disciples used the Origin Separation Law Chains that I've bestowed on them?" the zombie-like man asked.

"Three hundred years ago, Master Simon Pegg once used his chains to kill an enemy while serving on duty for the Immortal Palace. Aside from that, no one else has used their chains," the armored man immediately replied.

"I see," the zombie-like man mused, and after a brief pause, he instructed, "Send a message to Pegg. Tell him that the enemy that he killed with those chains three hundred years ago is still alive, and they've reactivated the power of laws imbued within those chains."

"Yes, Patriarch," the armored man replied.

"Also, tell him to eradicate this enemy as soon as possible. Otherwise, I'm going to intervene in hundred years and recover the power of laws in those chains," the zombie-like man added in an expressionless manner as he slowly closed his eyes.