The Protector (The Return of God Of War)

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In Erudia, a private jet landed at North Hampton Airport, where all international flights experienced an eight-hour delay because of it.
At the private passageway were five men in suits and leather shoes, standing as straight as a javelin.

Every now and then, they would raise their wrist to look at the time, for a big shot was coming to town.
The upper-class society of North Hampton had learned about his arrival, but no one had the capability to get an inch closer to the private passageway.
Even the richest man in North Hampton who came to pay homage was chased away.
Finally, there were movements coming from the passageway.

“God of War!!!” the mass cried out, their eyes filled with awe and veneration at the sight of the undefeatable legend of Erudia.
He, who was dubbed the God of War, was the one and only five-star war God in the history of Erudia.
Once, he’d inflicted a crushing defeat on the strongest battalions in eighteen countries. He was an overbearing and formidable man.
He who overwhelmed the world with his unparalleled power had even created the Five Great Wars Regiment, Cavalry Regiment, and many more.

Setting foot on his homeland, Levi Garrison was overcome with emotions.
Once upon a time, he used to be an orphan who was abandoned on the streets of North Hampton and then adopted by the Garrison family.
However, the Garrison family had never been fond of him.
His adoptive parents, who had a tendency to beat and scold him, treated him like an outsider.
As for the outsiders, they treated him as a nobody.
But he didn’t care a stiver. He had always been proud of his surname since he was a child, and he strived to bring glory to this family when he grew older.
At last, Levi had established Levi Group, the largest dark horse in North Hampton’s business community.
With billions of assets, it ranked among the forefront of North Hampton, pushing the declining Garrison family to the top.
However, not only did the Garrison family showed no signs of appreciation, they even harbored dissatisfaction towards him. Jealous of his success, they regarded him as a thorn in their flesh and coveted Levi Group.
No matter his wealth and power, unless they were in control, he was just an outsider in the Garrison family’s eyes.
Eventually, on Levi’s wedding night, the Garrison family plotted a frame-up against him by getting him drunk before tossing him onto his sister-in-law’s bed. They wanted to create the illusion that he was doing something untoward to her and was caught in bed by his brother and adoptive parents.
That night, the Garrison family had brutally broken his limbs and left him on the road like a wild dog.
Not only was he handicapped, but he also had to take the flak for something he didn’t commit.
From an upstart in the business world, he had become the target of disdain overnight.
And the next day, he had been punished for several crimes and sentenced to six years in prison.
He could never forget the ruthless and sinister faces of everyone in the Garrison family and the ridicule of his friends, classmates, and business partners.
More so, he could never forget the disappointment on his newly wedded wife, Zoey’s face.
He had regarded the Garrison family as his home and devoted himself to the family.
Yet, they treated him like trash.
It felt as if a knife was being twisted in his heart every time he thought about this.
How he hated the Garrison family!
But who would have thought that Levi had been secretly transferred away from prison to join the military?
In a few years, he dominated the military world and became the one and only five-star God of War.
Now that he came back, the Garrison family ought to stay on their toes.
“How’s it going, Azure Dragon?” Levi asked.
Azure Dragon, the commander of the Five Great Wars Regiment, took a step forward and said respectfully, “Sir, I’m afraid your wife, Ms. Zoey Lopez will remarry at ten o’clock tonight!”
Ever since Zoey’s husband was sent to prison on their wedding night, she had been living like a widow.
Only God knew how much pressure she was put under.
And right now, the person Levi couldn’t wait to see the most was Zoey.
After a moment of hesitation, Azure Dragon continued, “To add on, Sir, the Garrison family is holding a successful listing celebration banquet at the Crystal Palace Hotel tonight! Many people had invited the God of War just now, including the Garrison family, but I didn’t accept nor refuse directly.”
“What time?” Levi asked tersely.
“Eight o’clock, Sir.”
“Okay. Tell the Garrison family I will attend the banquet!”
Since the time for the two events didn’t clash, Levi gladly accepted the invitation.
The celebration banquet for the public listing of Garrison Group was held at North Hampton’s Crystal Palace Hotel.
With the help of Levi Group, they had become a rich and powerful family in one fell swoop.
The hall was bustling with noise and excitement, and sounds of glasses clinking could be heard ringing in the air every now and then.
“God bless the Garrison family,” said Joseph, the head of the Garrison family. “The younger generations are the stars among men. Garrison Group is now listed and has become an upstart in North Hampton!”
Joseph’s three sons and daughter welcomed their guests with bright smiles on their faces.
The younger generation of the Garrison family was all the smugger and prouder because, after today, the Garrison family would become a powerful family, and they would become one of the top rich kids.
Most of the guests who attended today’s banquet were from the top circle in North Hampton.
“Garrison, do you know what happened today?! Your celebration party is nothing compared to that.” They were gossiping about the major event that had happened today.
“Yeah! I heard that a big shot has arrived in North Hampton!”
“The richest man in North Hampton wanted to meet him but was shooed away. Apparently, he’s not qualified enough!”
“So? Jesse Nielsen had been waiting for five hours in advance at the airport!”
Joseph nodded. “Yes, I know about that too. I even sent someone to invite this big shot to the celebration party!”
“No way! Why would this big shot attend such a party?”
No one believed it.
In fact, as an upstart, Joseph was just trying his luck.
“Dad!” shouted Jaycob, the second eldest son of the Garrison family could be seen running over. “The big shot has accepted our invitation to attend our celebration banquet! He’s on the way!”
“Jesus! God has indeed blessed the Garrison family!”
Everyone in the Garrison family could barely conceal their delight as this was their chance to reach the sky in a single bound.
The grandchildren of the Garrison family gathered together, sunshine flooding their souls.
Levi’s brother, Bryan, and sister-in-law, Victoria, smiled. “Well, it all starts with Levi’s imprisonment that the Garrison family is at where we are today…”
“Right, speaking about Levi, do you guys know today’s the day that kid gets out of prison?!” somebody asked abruptly.
“Really? Isn’t that bad luck? Why did he have to be released on such a big day?!”
“Please, please, please don’t come back! He’s the Garrison family’s biggest disgrace!”
Victoria’s lips tugged into a sneer. “Speaking of which, Levi is the crowning glory of the Garrison family’s status today.”
“That’s what he’s supposed to do!” Bryan said. “He should contribute to the Garrison family for raising him, an orphan! His multi-billion Levi Group means nothing. To put it bluntly, he’s just a dog raised by the Garrison family!”
Someone gave a chortle. “As a matter of fact, I’ve been interested in Levi’s wife for a long time now. She’s still widowed, and I’m so going to marry her!”
The man’s remark caused gales of laughter.
“Everyone, stop what you’re doing. I have an important announcement to make,” Joseph said and went on to announce that the big shot was coming.
A thunderous applause was heard.
But when the applause had died down, there was still someone clapping.
The sound was loud and clear, approaching from afar.
On the red carpet, a man came clapping, looking bold and energetic.
His stride gave off a majestic and imposing aura, which made the mass hold their breaths.
“It’s Levi!” Bryan and Victoria exclaimed.
Suddenly, all eyes were riveted on him.
“I forgot this little brat got out of jail today!” Levi’s adoptive parents spoke in unison.
Ignoring the astonished gazes darted at his way, Levi walked step by step towards Joseph.
“A little bird told me that the company is now listed. How are you feeling, Joseph? Are you happy?”
Levi flashed him a meaningful smile.
“How dare you show up here, you insolent brat! And what did you just call me?” Joseph’s fury sprang to life.
“Who let him in? Didn’t you know he just got out of prison? How inauspicious!”
Bryan rose to his feet. “What the hell are you doing here, Levi?”
Levi sized him up. “Why can’t I be here?”
“Well, for starters, you’re an orphan! The Garrison family has raised you, but you were ambitious and ungrateful. You had inordinate ambitions for your sister-in-law, and you wanted to take possession of the Garrison family! You’d even tried to kill your parents when things go south! Have you no conscience? Do you have any sense of morality left in your heart?”
“You’ve lost your reputation in North Hampton, and everyone knows that. Have you no shame to have the brass neck to come round here?”
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Supreme Grandmaster
Sep 24, 2023

Bruce had no choice but to agree to Levi’s condition.

That meant Ruling Union was going to kill them all in cold blood.
Bruce drew in a deep breath and ordered, “Kill them! Kill them all!”

“Bruce! Please think this through!”
The council members of the Ruling Union begged Bruce desperately.
“No! They must all die for my brother to live! Anyway, their death means nothing! It’ll not weaken our collective strength! I am your commander do as I have ordered!” Bruce explained as he commanded the Ruling Union to kill the entire Medical Elite ancient family.
The council members were relieved to hear Bruce’s explanation.
They were glad to learn that the death of these fifty thousand souls would not affect their strength; they could still storm into Erudia.
“Kill them all!” the council members of the Ruling Union echoed after Bruce.
The Ruling Union’s troops methodically culled all fifty thousand traitors, including the Medical Elite ancient family.
The Medical Elite was shocked at the way things had turned out.
They had no choice but to fight again.
In order to survive, one could only keep cutting down the enemy in front of you, but they were surrounded.
In front of them, Levi stood with his men and behind them, the Ruling Union’s troops were taking them off one by one.
There seemed to be no way out for them.
There were blood-curdling screams from all around. In no time, the traitors fell to the ground one by one, all the life drained out of them.
Everything happened so quickly.
The Ruling Union’s allied army was closing in on them.
There was no escape.
Countless lifeless bodies littered the ground.
There were hundreds of thousands of men against just fifty thousand of the traitors.
It was a bloody genocide.
Bodies kept falling and began to pile up like mountains.
Blood was flowing like a bright red river.
The martial artists’ skills were frightening.
No one could hold their ground against them.
However, the forces of the Medical Elite ancient family were strong and they were successfully resisting the attack.
“Medical Elite, our only choice now is to retreat and escape!”
“We may be able to fight the Erudian raiders!”
They had come up with an alternative plan to stop fighting the futile fight against the Ruling Union.
“Everyone, retreat! This is our only hope!”
All of them ran straight towards Levi.
It was as if a madness had infected all of them.
They were killing anyone who was in their way.
Tobias and his men began to panic.
Although there were less than ten thousand of the traitors left, there were some warriors amongst them.
It was not easy to defeat a warrior even after they have suffered heavy losses.
At that moment, Levi spoke up again. “What is this? Do you want your brother to die?”
When Bruce realized what was happening, he panicked.
He had thought that he did not have to care about the men who had rushed over there.
However, Levi had used his brother as a threat again.
His heart hammered wildly in his chest.
“Kill them all! Rank Six, Rank Six, go forward!”
Bruce was pulling out his trump card.
The warriors all emerged, going directly after the Medical Elite and his men.
Rank Five and Rank Six stopped in front of the Medical Elite.
“Kill them all!”
Rank Five and Rank Six attacked simultaneously.
It was terrifying.
The Medical Elite was unable to withstand the attack. Rank Five and Rank Six together were just too overpowering.
One by one, they fell to the ground.
In the end, the Medical Elite was killed by eighteen men from Rank Six.
He was the last one to fall out of all the fifty thousand traitors.
The killing took the better part of a day.
Finally, all the traitors were lying dead on the ground.
No one could have guessed that it would turn out this way.
They had all surrendered and yet, they had still paid with their lives.
This was all because of Levi.
Bruce turned to Levi. “I have done as you wanted. The traitors are all dead. Let my brother go!”
Levi sneered. “Who said I would free your brother?”



Levi’s words stunned everyone, and that included those who were on his side.
Everyone stared curiously at Levi.

Is he going back on his words? That’s… not right.
“You lied! You…”
Bruce roared because he knew that he was conned.
“What’s wrong with you? When have I ever promised that I’d set your brother free? All I said was that I won’t kill him,” said Levi.
Bruce thought about it and realized that Levi was right. The latter never mentioned anything about setting Byron free.
“You despicable, shameless assh*le!” shouted Bruce angrily.
Levi grinned and added, “Awh, let me tell you something even more despicable and shameless.”
“What do you mean?”
“I am a very reasonable man. I killed those traitors because they betrayed Erudia and planned on murdering their own people. That earned them the death penalty.
“Your brother is an entirely different case. He is just a thief, so the worst punishment he’d get is decade-long imprisonment. Death was never on the table. You may have sent someone to rescue him from jail, but that sin falls onto your shoulders. It has nothing to do with him, so I never planned on killing him.”
Everything Levi shared was true, and he was infuriatingly honest.
Everyone was flabbergasted.
So he had no intention of killing Byron? This is all just a setup to con me?
One con was all it took to kill off all fifty thousand men the Medical Elite had with him. The Ruling Union suffered a sizable loss as well.
The mere thought of it broke many hearts.
That assh*le!
“I have never seen anyone as calculating or as despicable as you!” insulted Bruce furiously.
The martial artists were innocent idiots when compared to a commander with sharp and diligent planning.
Anyone who knew Levi would be aware of how reckless his fighting style was.
He had always been aggressive and assaulted his enemy endlessly.
In fact, he would make it an all-out fight, even if there were only two people on the battlefield.
However, that didn’t mean that he was an idiot.
He was still a commander who would strategize and could see the bigger picture, and he would minimize casualty as much as possible.
All was fair in war.
Levi treated friends and family with sincerity and honesty, but when faced with enemies, he would do anything to eliminate them.
That was the only way to survive, and that was how things were on the battlefield!
What happened earlier was a great example.
He didn’t need to sacrifice a single soldier to kill over ten thousand of his enemy.
To top it off, he got the Ruling Union to reveal almost all of their trump cards.
That was how Levi was.
No one was happy, even though they dealt with the traitors. They knew that they would be facing the Ruling Union’s wrath soon.
Everyone stared at the army spread out in front of them.
Fighting against them is equivalent to dying…
“Fine, well, congratulations,” said Bruce sarcastically before he added, “You have successfully infuriated me and will die now!”
“Listen up, boys. You are to attack and breach the fourth defense layer within the hour and break through the fifth defense layer in three hours,” ordered Bruce.
Over a hundred thousand martial artists marched forward, and their number was so overwhelming that even heaven would bow down to them.
Their combined aura was enough to make the Earth beneath their feet tremble.
Seeing that, Levi put his smile away.
He turned to his men and shouted, “This is it, boys. The battle of our lives is nigh. If we lose, Erudia will most likely fall. Our homes will be demolished, and our family will be separated and homeless. Our lands will also become someone else’s property. So I ask you this. Will you allow them to breakthrough?”
“Hell no!”
All it took was a few words to inspire everybody and get them fired up.
No one was scared anymore.
Instead, they were ready to go all out.
“It’s like they say. Only the brave will win a war!”
That was a battle where the discrepancy in strength and number was too much, but it was also a battle destined to happen.


At the East Warzone.

Floyd and the others had been resisting and fighting for a long time.
“This isn’t right. Why hasn’t Levi shown up?”

Floyd panicked.
He knew that given Levi’s style and speed, the guy should’ve been there ages ago.
Why isn’t he here yet? The most strategic time to attack is long gone. Does he have something else up his sleeves?
“What is taking our reinforcement so long? We can’t hold them off for much longer.”
Pained moans filled the East Warzone.
Their casualty was simply unimaginable.
Just then, a piece of important news spread out and shook everyone to their core.
“I just received some horrible news. We’re really doomed!
“According to the update I received, the raiders had gone to the West Warzone. The Medical Elite ancient family, who had betrayed Erudia and deflected, are all killed!
“It is also said that the raiders didn’t ambush the Ruling Union. Instead, they performed a full-frontal assault. That is truly surprising.
“They are at an impasse, and a battle is imminent. The Ruling Union is a few hundred times stronger in terms of skills and numbers. In other words, the discrepancy between the two sides is obvious, and the result is predictable. The Ruling Union will soon break through the West Warzone and occupy over half of Erudia’s land!
They smelled danger—crazy, immense danger.
At that moment, every Erudia citizen was worried sick.
“Have they gone insane? The raiders abandoned the element of surprise and are fighting head-on?
“Most of the Ruling Union’s forces are stationed in the West Warzone. Their number of Rank Six fighters is a few hundred times more than ours! How will our warriors win that battle? They’re practically being sent to their graves!
“The West Warzone will be breached! Erudia is done for…”
There was hopelessness in the air.
At that moment, all anyone felt was extreme hopelessness.
The Dragonites had already sent out all of their experts, and they really had no one else to turn to.
At that moment, all they could do was watch quietly…
The discrepancy in strength was too much in the West Warzone, and it was destined to fall.
The East Warzone was hanging by a thread as well, and it would be broken soon.
Given the situation at the time, It seemed that Erudia was fated to fall.
Everyone assumed that the Ruling Union would win because it seemed inevitable.
The difference in their power is just that strong, and that is especially true in the West Warzone.
Despite the overwhelming odds, the warriors of Erudia refused to back down.
Their opponents were martial artists, while they themselves were just ordinary soldiers who weren’t a match.
Still, their enemies would have to walk over their dead bodies to enter Erudia.
That was the spirit burning inside the hearts of the Erudia’s warriors.
They stood there like a wall and waited for the enemy to come…
Everyone who abandoned Erudia citizenship almost celebrated with firecrackers upon learning the situation.
Erudia would fall, after all.
We made the right choice when we leave that country.
Everyone thought that Erudia was done for.
Even Floyd and the others, who were in the East Warzone, felt hopeless when they learned that Levi had gone to the West Warzone.
In short, no one thought that Erudia could win that battle.
They weren’t the only ones thinking about it. Tobias and his men didn’t believe they could win that battle, either.
Courage was the brightest and sharpest weapon in a war.
Unfortunately, their enemy was too strong.
It’s an impossible situation.
Still, everyone refuses to back down.
“Kill them all!”
Both sides attacked each other.
“Leave no survivor and rescue my brother at all costs!” roared Bruce angrily.
He pressed his watch, and a metallic armor sprung out.
At that moment, Bruce had practically turned into a superhero, and his power was equivalent to that of a Supreme Class fighter.
Technology could be truly terrifying at times.
With Bruce leading the army, they shot forward like a tsunami.
“Abigail, keep the Erudian banner up. Do not let it fall to the ground!” said Levi as he assigned Abigail her task.
Hence, the Erudian banner flew proudly at the highest spot.
Levi’s eyes glowed with murderous intent as he growled, “Today, I will show you just how strong I am.”


Levi was the last to march forward, but he was the first one to reach the battleground.

“I will overwhelm this army!”
Levi suddenly flung his leg over.

A scary force swept across his enemies.
The invading soldiers exploded and became bloody mist.
It only took a moment for over a thousand martial artists to perish.
One simple move was all it took to get people from both sides to gasp.
They were so stunned that they paused instantly.
This dude is really something else. Does he actually have what it takes to win the battle by fighting head-on?
Erudia’s warriors instantly got inspired, and they forged ahead in the heat of the moment.
Levi was like God of Slaughter, and he stood at the frontline as he crushed his enemies.
His devastating attacks turned every step he took into a mountain of corpses.
Crimson blood tainted the ground beneath their feet and the stench was nauseating.
Levi was like a dragon. He was unstoppable and had his enemy under his feet at all times.
The martial artists were nothing more than ordinary citizens when fighting against him.
Everyone died from a single punch.
So what if you have more people on your side? As far as I am concerned, they are just maggots. One stomp is all it takes to kill a number of them.
Levi’s ferocious attacks stirred and inspired his army greatly.
Everyone shouted and pushed.
Their enemy had more fighters on their side, but with Levi there, Erudia’s soldiers went on their own killing spree.
They managed to knock the Ruling Union off their feet, and as time passed, they become more and more aggressive.
The soldiers from the Ruling Union, on the other hand, were knocked out of their senses even though they had more people and skilled fighters.
“He’s that powerful?”
“He… what?”
The leaders of the Ruling Union were flabbergasted.
“Bruce, what do we do? You’re the commander, so what are your orders?”
Everyone asked and turned to Bruce.
Just then, behind the Ruling Union, in the direction where their base was… Is that an explosion?
Everything was shaking, and it looked like an earthquake was about to descend on them.
Bright fire filled the base, and thick smoke rolled out of it.
The booming sound kept coming, and the base kept exploding.
Seeing that stunned Bruce and the others.
Most of their men were on the battlefield, so the base was basically an empty husk at the time.
However, the Ruling Union’s gadgets and tools were still in the base.
That included a metallic armor similar to the one Bruce was wearing at that moment. They also had a lot of secret weapons stashed there.
Those weapons were not important to martial artists, but they were crucial to ordinary folks like Bruce and those who needed them to fight.
With the base in a sea of fire, it was likely that the Ruling Union’s assets had all been ruined.
“F*ck!” cussed Bruce in a fit of anger.
The secret robots and weapons there were crucial to him, and they were supposed to play an important role in the future.
In fact, the mysterious lab in Zarain would come after him if some of those gadgets were lost.
The culprits behind the explosion at the Ruling Union’s base were the soldiers Levi led earlier.
He commanded them to head back and ambush the West Warzone from the other side.
Fighting head-on would only end up sacrificing their soldiers, but fighting from a distance would be extremely favorable for them.
Levi had his men use modern technology and fight bravely.
As suspected, the result was incredible.
We even blocked the way, so our enemy can’t escape.
“Kill them! Kill them all. Gather all Rank Six fighters and have them gang up on the leader. I’d like to see just how f*cking long he can last!” growled Bruce, who was so angry that he had lost his mind.
It didn’t take long before all Rank Six fighters from the Ruling Union gathered together.
The crowd was bigger than anyone could imagine.


The Ruling Union assigned their Rank Six fighters in the following way.

Eleven were sent to the North, thirty-eight were sent to the South, but the West?
In fact, three hundred were sent to the West!

That was beyond anybody’s imagination, and people from Wildefield were having an especially rough time trying to wrap their minds around it.
They had always found pride in having one Rank Six fighter among them.
Yet, their enemy had three hundred!
And that didn’t even include men like Bruce, who were wearing armor to gain the power of a Rank Six fighter.
If those soldiers were included in the count, there would be over three hundred fifty Rank Six fighters with them!
“You have one mission, and that is to kill Levi Garrison!” roared Bruce with his bloodshot eyes burning with rage.
Levi was the only one who had ever faced a predicament like that after the Gods’ Promise was broken.
Three hundred Rank Six fighters were going after him.
Although… no… it would be more accurate to say that this predicament was rare even before the Gods’ Promise was broken.
Levi had to fight against three hundred Rank Six fighters.
How infuriating and strong would a person have to be to get himself in that much trouble?
“Kill him!”
All three hundred Rank Six fighters dashed over in an instant. Every single one of them was after Levi.
“This is…”
Tobias and the others were stunned when they saw how their enemy had three hundred Rank Six fighters with them.
This is way too much. The total number of our Rank Six fighters is less than twenty! How are we going to fight them?
“Boys, let’s stay strong with the Crown King and go all out!”
Levi smiled and replied, “There is no need for that. Leave them to me.”
After that, he turned to the Rank Six fighters that were going after him and taunted, “Come on then. I’ll show you who’s the boss here.”
Levi didn’t run even though he was facing three hundred Rank Six fighters. Instead, he pushed forward.
It didn’t take long before Levi and the three hundred fighters started exchanging punches.
At the end of the day, Rank Six fighters were still a little different from the other martial artists.
They were extremely strong.
With all three hundred of them working in unison, they were even stronger.
If all three hundred of them were to charge ahead before anyone else, they would’ve already destroyed Erudia’s army in the West Warzone.
However, none of them was willing to be the first one to go in the battlefield.
They were influential and powerful, after all, so why would they want to run at the front like those foot soldiers?
That was the first time the Rank Six fighters joined forces, and they only did that because Levi got them mad.
When the battle started, everyone thought that Levi would die.
“Hang in there, Levi. You have to win this war,” murmured Abigail.
She kept the banner up and prayed silently.
“Go tear that flag apart! Erudians love symbolic things and regarded those items as the source of their strength. That is so freaking hilarious!” ordered Bruce.
Rank Five fighters rushed to the top of the mountain right away.
Erudia was on the verge of falling, and its citizen was watching and waiting.
“According to the news we just received, both parties had begun fighting.”
“Do you know that the enemy had three hundred Rank Six fighters, and about five thousand Rank Five fighters! They are simply too strong.”
“Our soldiers won’t hold it. They simply can’t. The fifth defense barrier in the West will probably fall within the hour, and Erudia will be at our enemy’s mercy.”
A gloomy aura engulfed every inch of Erudia and everyone looked down and depressed.
Even the Dragonites couldn’t speak.
“Hah! Erudia is finally falling. We have long awaited for this glorious day.”
“Erudia of Bayview had been keeping us down for so many years. Finally, someone is going to destroy that country.”
“We should celebrate the fall of that country. Come now. Let’s throw a party!”
Every foreign country was excited and was preparing to party.
The Lopez and the Black families in Zarain were also enjoying their privileged and luxurious lives.
They were delighted to see that Erudia was in hot waters.
“Erudia is done for once the West Warzone falls.”
“When that happens, we will take Grandpa and Grandma over.”
“But… What if Erudia doesn’t fall?”
Logan chuckled and replied, “That’s impossible. Hell, I’ll eat my hat if it doesn’t fall.”


Every other country in the world had zero faith in Erudia because the country was in such a terrible situation.

The difference in strength on both side was too great.
It was virtually impossible for ants to carry elephants away, and there were more elephants than there were ants on that battlefield.

That was why everything was so terrifying.
No one believed that the army in the West could last.
It will definitely be over in one hour.
The battle had begun.
Almost everyone on Earth had their eyes on that battlefield.
Half an hour passed.
The battle was still ongoing.
One hour came and went.
Yet, the battle was still not over.
That was when most were stunned.
Wait, it’s not done?
“That proves just how strong the remaining soldiers in Erudia were. They actually managed to hold their enemy off for an hour!”
“They will definitely fall in two hours!”
Time dripped by.
Two more hours passed, but the battle was still not over.
Everyone was utterly shocked!
Fighting the battle for over two hours… that was beyond what others thought was possible.
Could there be some unpredictable changes? Did things turn around for Erudia?
“No, that is not possible! How can they possibly survive that?”
“They’re just stubborn. Erudians are famous for being tenacious, after all.”
“Let’s wait for a little longer.”
Almost everyone on earth held their breath as they paid attention to the news from the battlefield and waited for the results.
Three hours… four hours…
Ten whole hours passed, but the battle in the West still wasn’t done. If anything, it had spread out and affected its surrounding areas.
That battle was simply too brutal.
“W-what is going on?”
“How can Erudia’s puny squad possibly last that long against the Ruling Union’s army?”
“They had over three hundred Rank Six fighters! Fighting against them has got to be a suicide mission. How did the Erudians hold on?”
“Could it be… they get someone else to help them? Does Erudia have something else up their sleeves?”
The foreigners weren’t the only ones who were surprised.
Even the Dragonites were stunned as well.
As far as they knew, Erudia only had that small portion of soldiers left.
They wanted to send reinforcements, but there simply wasn’t anyone around.
What kind of men are the raiders? How did they manage to fight against an army that is several times stronger than they are? D-do we actually have a shot at winning this?
Almost twelve hours had passed.
The battlefield had turned into purgatory on Earth, and the death toll from both sides was immense.
At first, some Rank Six fighters went after Levi, then the remaining Rank Six fighters and all the five thousand Rank Five fighters ganged up against Levi.
Those fighters were terrifying and powerful.
When gathered together like that, they had the power to move mountains.
Yet, to everybody’s surprise, Levi actually managed to keep up with them.
On top of that, he stood in front of the Erudian banner and made sure that no one could even get close to Abigail.
At first, both sides were fighting as usual, but as time passed, everyone noticed that Levi was fighting the mass all on his own.
He was like a deity sent from heaven.
One hour went by, then the second hour passed…
Time kept dripping by, and the Ruling Union’s Rank Six and Rank Five fighters kept falling.
There was death everywhere.
Levi punched every single one of them, and he killed so much that his eyes were bloodshot.
He came through despite the overwhelming number of Rank Six and Rank Five fighters.
The battle lasted for twelve whole hours and the sun had set by then.
Levi kept going and going.
He never paused or rested for a second.
By then, Levi was already covered in blood, but his enemy’s blood kept spewing all over him, anyway.
It got to the point where even the soil in that area had turned crimson red.
The uneven spots on the ground had become pools of blood that were threatening to combine and form a repulsive river.
The last fighter fell, and Levi had officially killed off every single one of the Ruling Union’s Rank Five and Rank Six fighters.
Naturally, that was exclusive of Bruce and his men, who were commanding the army from behind.
He is like a god and defeated an army all on his own. He actually did something that only happens in myths!
The Erudian banner kept flying in the air, but the Ruling Union had become quiet.


It was done!

The Ruling Union’s martial artists were slowly dissipating.
First, it was the total annihilation of Rank Five and Rank Six fighters, but as time passed, the other martial artists fell as well.

With Levi in command, the raiders of Erudia crushed their enemies easily.
He was way too strong.
Bruce couldn’t even imagine, but a single lad had destroyed the Ruling Union’s allied army.
The battle was still ongoing.
Three hours later, the Ruling Union was completely obliterated.
The army of a few hundred thousand men had fallen.
Unfortunately, Erudia suffered a great loss as well.
About three-quarters of their men had died and most of the survivors were wounded.
Tobias, Bernard, and their comrades were barely hanging on as well.
“Help, come quick!”
Cries for help echoed in the mountain range.
Levi had a cruel expression on as he forged ahead menacingly.
All that was left of the Ruling Union was Bruce and the other high-rank officials.
They fled earlier when they saw that things were progressing unfavorably for them.
Levi chased after them and eventually met up with the army of four hundred thousand men.
Unfortunately, he couldn’t catch up to Bruce and the others, whose armors allowed them to fly and came with camouflage technology.
That allowed them to bypass all the radars and sensors.
“Gah, it’s fine. Who cares if the few of them escaped?”
Levi didn’t really pay much attention to that because they had already won the war in the West Warzone.
What Levi truly wanted to do at that moment was to thank the old man.
If it hadn’t been for the guy, Levi would not be that strong, and Erudia would have fallen.
The battle might have lasted longer than anticipated, and Levi might be covered in blood, but those were not the scariest bit.
The scary part was that Levi wasn’t injured at all.
Who would’ve thought that he would get out of a huge battle like that without a scratch?
He was no longer the same man he used to be.
He would still win the war, but that version of him would be wounded or have died.
The new version of him, however, didn’t even have a scratch.
Levi went to Abigail after he returned to the Warzone.
She had been holding the flag for over ten hours, so she was totally exhausted.
“We won!”
“Erudia won!”
Everyone cheered and cried tears of joy.
They risked their lives to squeeze out that victory, and it was precious.
“By the way, where is Byron?” asked Levi, who noticed that Byron was missing.
“Oh, no! He must’ve slipped away during the battle because we were too busy to keep an eye on him.”
The others had just noticed that.
Byron’s escape was not anybody’s fault, though.
The battle lasted for over ten hours, so it was understandable that no one paid attention to him.
“He escaped? Huh, okay! He should know something, though. I caught him once, and I can do it again. Once this war is over, I will fly over to Zarain in person and drag him back to jail in front of all his countrymen. Byron, you will never be rid of me!” scoffed Levi.
“What do we do now?” asked the others.
“I have to go to the East Warzone now. It’s likely that Floyd and his men can’t last much longer,” replied Levi, who didn’t stay a moment longer.
He rushed to the East Warzone right away.
That was an important spot as well, and it might actually be worse for the country if their enemy broke through.
It was close to Oakland City, after all.
The entire world had their eyes on the battle in the West Warzone.
The battle lasted for fifteen long hours, but everyone saw how the Erudian banner remained dancing in the air…
Smoke seeped out of the sea of fire burning over there, and it threatened to paint the sky into a permanent red.
However, it was finally over.
Erudia managed to hold on for over fifteen hours? That is incredible! How persistent and firm did they have to be to keep fighting for so long?
So what’s the verdict? How did things end? Are the Erudian raiders done for? Will the Ruling Union march into Erudia’s territory and occupy them?


Everyone was waiting for the news from the West Warzone, but nothing came.

No one could approach the Warzone either, so they couldn’t investigate.
Bruce and his men were fleeing at the time.

Everyone looked terrible.
We have failed…
They planned for years, but it was all for naught, and every single one of them was upset about it.
No, we can’t let things end like this!
“No, we will not admit defeat just like that! We still have some forces in the East Warzone, and Jared’s Deicide is still operational. A portion of our power remains, and we still have a shot.”
“Yeah! Plus, we have people supporting us from behind the scenes, so we can’t let this opportunity slip out of our hands.”
Bruce was one of the people who refused to admit defeat.
“What do we do now? We have to get back at them for this!” said Byron.
“We’ll initiate our second plan and attack Oakland City directly. Victory will be ours so long as we destroy the city. Send some men over right away and implement the second plan! Hurry and do it as quickly as possible. Ambush them before they figure anything out,” growled Bruce.
He had gone completely and utterly insane.
He added, “And call Jared! Tell him to bring all his weapons over and let him know that he can ask for anything he wants. All I want is for him to reveal his trump card! Now, hurry over to the lab and retrieve the final and best weapons.”
Bruce had really lost his mind, and so were the others.
They were very close to victory, so they wanted to go all out and use everything they had at their disposal.
“If it comes to it, I will use that weapon too,” said Bruce as he panted.
“C-calm down! Things will be too terrifying if we use that weapon. We can’t deal with the consequences of using that weapon, so no matter what, we won’t use it.”
Bruce’s team opposed fervently as soon as he suggested using that weapon.
It didn’t take long before the East Warzone received Bruce’s message.
Lee Jong-guk, Jared, and the other high-rank officials of the Ruling Union were all flabbergasted.
We lost the battle in the West? Most of our forces were focused there, so how is that possible?
Bruce told them that the East Warzone was the Ruling Union’s last hope. He also ordered Jared to reveal all secret weapons and use everything at his disposal.
In exchange, Bruce would grant Jared anything the latter wanted.
“Okay, write up the contract and sign it. I will show you everything I have after that!”
In the end, Jared laid his terms and signed the contract as well. He even made the others grant most of his wishes on the spot.
Then, as promised, Jared showed them all the weapons and trump cards he had up his sleeves.
“Hurry! Faster!”
Jared’s weapon would be brought to the battlefield as soon as possible.
“Don’t worry. We will win this war. I will be using the upgraded version of my Deicide, so it won’t matter how powerful their fighting expert is. We will kill him, anyway,” claimed Jared confidently.
I wasn’t planning on showing this to everyone just yet, but what the hell?
The scariest bit of all that was the simple fact that the upgraded version of Jared’s Deicide actually existed.
It was rumored to be so strong that it could kill Rank Six fighters, but it had never been officially tested.
That made sense since there was no way any Rank Six fighter would let him experiment on him.
After receiving the news, Jared and his team planned for the most aggressive attack on Floyd’s team.
They needed to break through the East Warzone before Levi reached the place.
On the other hand, Bruce’s experts had departed for Oakland City.
They would destroy the prominent organizations in the city and deal a devastating blow to paralyze Erudia’s spirit.
That was the most dangerous moment of the war.
Levi knew that things would be bad, so he was rushing to the East Warzone as quickly as he could.
He sped ahead.
Unfortunately, a group of people barred his path as he rushed over.
“Your journey stops here!”


An icy tone echoed.

Experts popped up all over the region, and every single one of them was wearing a weird outfit. Most had an ugly face on.
The aura they exuded was as creepy as they were hellhound.

The criminals!
It didn’t take a genius to know that the Ruling Union had contacted the criminals and got them there.
Looking around, it was clear that there were quite a few people there, and they were all strong.
However, Levi scoffed and warned, “Surrender now, and I might spare your life. Know that this is a privilege that foreigners won’t get. You guys might be evil, but you are still a citizen of Erudia, so I will give you a shot at redemption.”
“Seriously? Do you actually think that you can beat us all by yourself?”
The criminals weren’t a part of the previous battle, so they didn’t know how strong Levi was.
On top of that, Bruce was too busy to warn them.
“Levi Garrison, do you even know who we are? We have been waiting for quite some time now.”
A few figures showed up after those words were said.
“Are you members of the Northern Demon?” asked Levi.
He sensed the aura of a Northern Demon member from the guys.
“That’s right! We came here to avenge the Northern Demon.”
“You know, we searched far and wide for you, and finally, we have you here.”
Members of the Northern Demon had been holding their anger in for quite some time, so they were happy to see Levi and his team there.
Levi might have an army with advanced weaponry, but as far as the martial artists were concerned, those men were nothing.
They can’t protect Levi from us!
“Stop wasting my time and come at me together,” grumbled Levi.
He was worried about the situation in the East Warzone, so he was not in the mood to bullsh*t with them.
That was also why he took the initiative to get things started.
No one expected Levi to throw the first punch like that.
“Kill him!”
The criminals attacked simultaneously.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
The criminals’ expression took a sharp turn as soon as the fight began.
I can’t believe he’s that strong!
That same thought flashed past everybody’s mind.
The Ruling Union had over a few hundred thousand soldiers, but Levi took them all out.
Hence, it was understandable that even though the criminals standing before them might be strong, they were nothing compared to Levi.
It didn’t take long before all the criminals lay motionless on the ground.
Among them were about fifty Rank Six fighters.
That was their strongest team!
Everybody’s eyes shone with unrelenting shock.
“Vengeance? Seriously? Are you retarded? You can’t kill me even if I stand in the same spot the entire fight,” taunted Levi as he scanned around.
Every criminal became quiet because they knew that Levi’s words were true.
“You have two choices. Either die right here and now, or surrender and obey my commands from now on,” said Levi to let them choose their own fate.
“We choose the second option. Definitely the second one. We are under your command now,” replied the leader of the Northern Demon.
Everyone else nodded in agreement.
“To be honest, I don’t trust any of you. That is why I will poison you. Know this—I am the only one with the antidote, so anyone who betrays me will die. Boys, give the criminals the poison,” ordered Levi.
At first, Phoenix and the others were stunned to hear what Levi said. They were quick to regain their footing, though.
They got some pills out of a box and had the criminals swallow them.
Every criminal obeyed Levi’s command and swallowed the pills.
“I will now assign you your first mission. Take everything you have and go to Oakland City right away. Do not let our enemy set foot in there. If you fail to do so, you will die,” ordered Levi directly.
“Understood, Master. We will depart right away,” answered the criminals.
The two parties parted ways.
Levi grinned and commented, “I was worried about not having enough men earlier. They inadvertently helped me out!”


Everyone chuckled.

No one expected the criminals to show up in the middle of nowhere.
Dang, they are basically offering their men up for free.

Levi had already guessed that his enemy would try to ambush Oakland City.
As a military commander, he knew that was what most would do under those circumstances. Heck, if Levi was on the enemy’s side, he would send his men to destroy Oakland City as well.
That was why he was worried and was thinking about how to deal with the situation in Oakland City.
He couldn’t exactly split in half and go protect the city.
To his surprise, his enemy served themselves right up and helped him solve the problem.
Phoenix stood beside him and asked, “Do you think they’d believe that those pills are poisons? Those are actually ordinary vitamins and supplements.”
Levi had used that trick a dozen times.
He would use some random pills and tell his enemy that it was poison.
It seemed that the trick would never get old.
Levi chuckled and replied, “The more powerful a person is, the more that person would value his or her own life. They would never risk it. Moreover, I have shaken them to their core, so they definitely bought the lie!”
The crowd laughed aloud as they continued their journey toward the East Warzone.
On the other side.
The criminals gathered.
“Is that really poison? Why do I not feel anything at all? It felt like I just drank some water.”
“It’s not fake, is it? I don’t think it’s poison at all.”
“No, it has to be real,” claimed Ice Lord and Fire Lord of the Icefire Palace, “Those common folks may seem like nothing to us, but their technology and medicine are scary. Besides, did Levi Garrison look like he was kidding?”
Those words stunned everyone.
He’s right!
These martial artists discriminated against common folks and dissed modern technology and medicine, but Jared’s Deicide taught them to think otherwise.
Modern technology has progressed beyond our imagination.
Humans, even powerful martial artists, had always feared the unknown.
That was why the criminals worried, and why they would do anything Levi told them to.
“By the way, did you guys notice the style and technique Mr. Garrison use earlier?” asked the leader of the Northern Demon gang.
“You guys noticed it too, huh?” replied Chester of the Sword Sect grimly.
“Yeah, I caught that, too. At first, I assumed that I made a mistake.”
“Really? I noticed it, too. So it’s true, then.”
The head of the Tiger Palace, Desmond, gasped and said, “So he really is the disciple of the big demon? His style is an exact match to that old man’s!”
Woof… woof…
Everyone panted heavily.
“If that’s true, then it’s only right that we refer to him as our master. We have to obey his every command,” murmured everyone in astonishment.
That was something Levi never anticipated.
The Northern Demon recognized his fighting style, but who would’ve thought that its common members knew even more about that.
Moreover, how scary did a person have to be to inspire that level of fear among the criminals?
It was beyond shocking.
Hence, no one dared to dilly dally or ignore Levi’s commands anymore.
They showed up early in Oakland City and set up a defensive perimeter right away.
They even recruited more criminals to accomplish that mission.
All they said was that it was an order from the big demon’s heir.
That single sentence got everyone to show up immediately.
Even those who had joined forces with the Ruling Union had abandoned their posts and switched stance.
At that moment.
The Ruling Union had sent five hundred martial artists, and they were already in the vicinity of Oakland City.
Those men were the last remaining resource Bruce had with him.
He planned on getting those men to crush Oakland City.
They would obliterate organizations such as the Dragonites…
That was the last wild card the Ruling Union could put down…


At that moment, everyone knew that Erudia’s trump card and experts were fighting the war on the battlefield.

That had to mean that the city was vulnerable, and they assumed that conquering the city was a sure thing.
They were especially confident because they sent five hundred martial artists over.

Hence, Bruce waited patiently after he returned to Zarain.
He didn’t share the news about how he lost the battle in the West because he didn’t want the news to affect the remaining soldiers.
He also wanted to ambush Levi with Jared’s upgraded Deicide.
That was why, other than those in the Warzone, no one else knew about what happened in the West.
“We still have a shot at winning this war. First, we take Oakland City down, then we’ll have Jared kill Levi off in the East Warzone. That way, when we break through, we’d be able to coordinate with our men, who would already be inside the city. Erudia will still fall, and we will still win,” said Bruce before he prayed, “I pray to the heaven above. Please… let there be no more surprises.”
That was their last hope of winning the war.
“Mr. Bruce, the five hundred martial artists we sent are nearing Oakland City. Shall I give the order to attack?”
“Yes!” ordered Bruce.
All five hundred martial artists took off.
They entered Oakland City from different locations.
There were fifty men per team and ten teams in total.
Each one of them had their own mission to accomplish.
After receiving their orders, they ran toward their designated location to carry out their mission.
“We have been waiting for quite some time. Hahaha…”
Unfortunately, someone barred all ten groups as soon as they moved.
The criminals had been waiting for so long that they were about to scream from boredom.
Some even thought that Levi’s guess was wrong.
However, their enemy came, after all.
“Attack! Kill every single one of them!”
Ice Lord, Fire Lord, and the other Rank Six fighters spearheaded the team and started killing.
The five hundred men that the Ruling Union sent were all Rank Five and Rank Six fighters who were extremely strong.
Unfortunately, there were more criminals there.
It didn’t take long before all five hundred of the Ruling Union’s men were wiped out.
Blood spewed everywhere and agonizing screams echoed.
None of the five hundred fighters survived.
The invisible danger that threatened Oakland City had faded.
At the Dragonites’ training base in Oakland City.
“We received some news. It seemed that fighting experts are closing in on Oakland City.”
“Initiate defense protocol right away! The inevitable will soon befall us.”
The Dragonites anticipated the attack as well, but they had no choice.
All they could do was sit there and wait.
Surprisingly, no one showed up, even though the news of their arrival came ages ago.
Everyone was confused.
What the hell is going on?
The Dragonites remained oblivious to what happened.
At the same time, in the East Warzone.
The Triple Group had gone all out and was attacking Floyd and the others mercilessly.
The former group coordinated well with Jared’s Deicide and left dead bodies all over.
Floyd’s side was suffering heavily.
Supreme class fighters were falling one after another, and they kept being pushed back.
They had already fallen back to the fifth defense barrier, and the criminals were attacking them from behind.
They were trapped in all around.
At first, they estimated that they could hold on for a few more days.
The situation at the time made it so that they could, at most, survive a few more hours.
Even Floyd and his team of elite fighters were wounded.
“This won’t do. We’re still moving too slowly! Our comrades in the West Warzone had fallen, so we’re the Ruling Union’s last hope. From now on, we must abandon all selfish desires and unite as one. We can’t let all this be for naught!”
“He’s right. It all comes down to this!”
At that critical moment.
Lee Jong-guk, Jared, and the other were having a meeting.
Truth was, they didn’t get along well in the past because they didn’t have an actual leader to follow.
However, at that final moment, they united as a team.
“Attack! Go all out and vanquish our enemy. We will not give them any room to breathe!”


The Triple Group truly united and was going to deliver the most devastating blow to Floyd and the others.

“Kill them!”
The fighters of every organization were sent out.

In total, there were about two hundred Rank Six fighters and over three thousand Rank Five fighters.
That was everything they had.
Turned out, many had been hiding their aces up their sleeves and had been lying the entire time.
No one wanted to risk everything they had.
Hence, they were reluctant to send their Rank Five and Rank Six fighters to the battlefield.
Heck, even their Rank Four fighters were hidden away.
That was why the East Warzone hadn’t fallen.
Floyd and his men couldn’t last that long if the Triple Group had been honest with each other from the beginning.
At that moment, Jared was using all of his weapons, but he kept the upgraded Deicide aside.
They wanted to make it so that Floyd and the others couldn’t even catch their breath.
We will kill them all in one go.
“Keep fighting. We must defend our country!”
Floyd and his men fought like they were ready to die.
Their comrades from The Calamity were their role models.
Hence, they weren’t afraid of anything.
Both sides were mercilessly killing one another, and it was a bloodbath!
Everything spiraled out of control, and it was as if the world had turned upside down.
Erudia suffered heavy casualties.
Their enemy only sent a small wave over, but Floyd had already lost half of his men.
Floyd was injured by Deicide as well. It was just a brush, but the weapon still wounded Floyd.
Everyone else was wounded too.
Unfortunately, their enemy won’t relent.
The Ruling Union kept attacking like crazy.
Their enemy was too aggressive, and Floyd’s men kept falling one after the other.
They were suffering from relentless strikes and the remaining soldiers were losing faith.
Everyone backed away.
We can’t do it. We just can’t fight anymore.
Floyd immediately shouted, “Hold up! Everybody is to keep fighting. We cannot afford to fall back. We must push forward, and that remains true even if only one of us remains.”
Just then, Floyd suddenly chuckled.
“Don’t worry, boys. Even if every single one of us dies, Master will avenge us.”
“Erudia will not fall, and our flag will always fly!”
That was the strength and determination of the Erudians.
The more resilient Floyd and his men were, the more aggressive the Ruling Union’s assault was.
The latter refused to even give the former a chance to surrender.
As such, the remaining men were forced to back into the fifth defense barrier.
“Attack! Kill everyone.”
There on the field, the Ruling Union’s army marched forward and threatened to bring Floyd and the others to their knees.
Floyd’s men were ready to lay down their lives.
“See you in the afterlife, boys,” said Floyd with a smile.
Everyone accepted their fates as their enemy drew nearer.
Death is just an eternal nap, and laying down my life for Erudia will make it worthy. It’s just… I hate it. I hate the fact that I can’t protect my country. Why won’t heaven let me save my country?
Grumble! Grumble!
At that critical moment, the earth suddenly grumbled.
An invisible wave swept the Ruling Union’s army, which encompassed several hundred thousand men away.
That wave separated Floyd and his men from the enemy.
The Earth shook, and an enormous crack showed up in the middle of that battlefield.
It turned the place into two separate regions and forced the Ruling Union’s army to stop short.
“You really enjoy bullying my disciples, huh?”
A familiar voice filled the air.
Floyd and his men were so relieved that they teared up a little after hearing that voice.
“Master is here!”
Everyone cheered.
The soldiers of the Ruling Union’s army were stunned.
All they saw was a figure dropping from the sky.


It was as if he was a deity from heaven.

The land shook like a bomb had gone off when Levi landed.

An Earthquake ensued, and a terrifying aura spread out.
The allied army stumbled a few hundred meters backward.
Levi fell from the sky, and it was as if he was a gift from heaven.
He stood there and faced the army all on his own.
There was no sign of fear on his face.
Instead, a small grin crept up, and he commanded, “You will not take another step forward with me here. I command every single one of you to surrender right away or I will kill you!”
He was on his own. Yet, he demanded the entire army to surrender.
How powerful did a man have to be to have that confidence?
“Hell yeah! That is so cool, Master,” shouted Floyd.
The others cheered loudly as well.
The allied army of Ruling Union was completely flabbergasted.
What the f*ck? Is he telling us to surrender even though he is alone while we have an army with us? Is that guy crazy or is he just plain stupid?
“What’s going on? What happened up there? Why did everyone stop?”
Lee Jong-guk and Jared, who were behind the army, demanded an answer.
“Oh, no! It’s Levi Garrison. He has reached the East Warzone,” exclaimed a guy who recognized Levi.
Lee Jong-guk’s expression took a sharp change. He commented, “He’s here? Isn’t that guy a little too fast?”
Bruce had already told them just how powerful Levi was.
Even the most prominent force within the Ruling Union could not stop him, so just how powerful was the guy?
No one knew the answer to that question.
All they knew was that he could squash Rank Five and Rank Six fighters like they were bugs.
He was so strong that he got others to tremble in fear.
Jared, however, was smiling in delight.
“Levi Garrison, you’re finally here! I have been waiting so long,” said Jared.
HIs eyes were burning with insanity and eagerness at that moment.
The Ruling Union only had one mission for him, and that was to kill Levi.
If he accomplished that, he could get everything he wanted.
One of the things promised to him was that he would be promoted and become the king of Summerbank!
Jared couldn’t help feeling excited when he thought about how he would be king.
“Come on, boys! Get all the upgraded Deicide over and direct them all at Levi Garrison,” commanded Jared right away.
He had Deicide in position when he informed, “To maximize the chances of killing that guy, I will need all of you to get him exhausted. Our chances of victory will be higher if I were to fire the weapon when he is worn out. Don’t worry, all the Deicide are designed to kill him, so he will not survive this.”
Jared seemed confident.
“Kill them!”
Then, the order was issued.
The allied army went all out and attacked Levi.
“Great! I haven’t had my fill in the West,” claimed Levi before he forged ahead while unarmed.
He battled against the army.
Floyd and the others were a little worried initially, but they later saw how Levi was keeping up with the army.
Everyone was surprised.
“Oh, man! Master really is something else. Hell, yeah!”
Erudia’s army cheered in excitement.
They’ve heard stories about how a single guy could defeat an army of a hundred thousand, but that was the first time they witnessed it.
He is actually fighting over a hundred thousand martial artists all on his own!
That is so cool!
The Erudians weren’t the only ones who were surprised, though.
The Ruling Union was flabbergasted as well.
They wondered how strong Levi truly was.
That freaking dude is fighting more than a hundred thousand martial artists simultaneously, and he’s becoming more ferocious with each punch!
The crack Levi had formed earlier was still there, and no one was able to step past it.
That was how strong Levi was.
On top of that, he was forcing the Ruling Union to back away.
This is shocking!
It is simply too shocking!
What the f*ck? How does human like this even exist?
“This won’t do. If things keep progressing this way, our men will not be able to hold Levi Garrison off.”
“Push forward! Get the weapons closer!” ordered Jared right away.
Every single Deicide aimed at Levi after they were in position.


“Deicide One in position!”

“Deicide Two in position!”
“Deicide Eighty-eight in position!”

It didn’t take long before over a hundred Deicide were in position and aiming at Levi.
“I want everyone to clear the way in ten seconds and leave Levi Garrison completely exposed!” commanded Jared.
“Now!” ordered Jared when the timing was right.
The allied army suddenly parted.
As promised, they were gone within ten seconds, and Levi was completely exposed on the field.
He was the bull’s eye that the Deicide were aiming at.
Levi sensed something at that moment.
He felt like hundreds of pairs of eyes were locked on him, and it got him uncomfortable.
He wanted to leave, but he couldn’t, because there was nowhere to flee.
Floyd and his men knew exactly what was happening.
“Oh, shoot! The Deicide! They’re probably using the Deicide against Master.”
“This is crap. Master, run!”
Floyd and his men quickly shouted to warn Levi.
Unfortunately, they were too late.
Deicide had tracking software and being locked in while standing in the middle of an empty field was equivalent to death.
There was no escape.
Jared was so excited that his entire body was trembling.
Killing Levi meant too much to him.
Jared had dreamt countless times of how he would defeat Levi on the field that Levi was most familiar with.
That dream was about to come true.
And I am doing so much more than just defeating him. I am killing him!
“Zoey Lopez, bet you never thought that this would happen, huh?” murmured Jared before he roared at the sky.
Jared was on the verge of going insane after the weapons locked in on Levi.
“Die, Levi Garrison!” roared Jared.
Every Deicide went off simultaneously.
Their terrifying power gathered at one point and shot right out.
The power it shot out was too strong, and even the recoil was devastating.
It caused the mountain to shift, and an earthquake of incredible magnitude spread out for miles.
That was just the aftereffects of Deicide being fired.
As for the actual power that those devices held… Well, that was something Floyd and the others had witnessed before.
What they never saw, however, was how things would be when all those weapons fired at the same guy.
It was beyond their imagination.
The first energy wave hit Levi, and the Earth grumbled.
However, he didn’t disintegrate or turn into a mist of blood like everyone had anticipated.
That meant that a single shot from the Deicide couldn’t hurt Levi.
The Deicides took turns and fired at Levi continuously within that short period of time.
Even then, Levi didn’t budge.
He wasn’t injured either.
That being said, the ground beneath his feet had cracked.
It looked like a spider web and was spreading outward endlessly.
Ten miles… a hundred miles… a thousand miles…
Boom! Boom! Boom!
The Deicide kept firing continuously, and they never stopped.
One after another…
It seemed Jared was truly going all out to kill Levi.
Bang! Bang!
With power like that, even someone as strong as Levi couldn’t hold on.
He stumbled backward and kept backing away.
It was obvious that he was no longer as strong or as agile as he was earlier.
The Deicide kept firing, and they refused to let Levi catch a breath.
No one knew how many energizers were used, but it was obvious that Jared had spent all of his fortune.
Levi finally vomited blood.
He was hurt so badly that he fell.
The Deicide was simply too terrifying, and that was especially true when they were used simultaneously on a single person.
It was so devastating that it wounded Levi.
“Hurry! Use the upgraded Deicide now!”
Jared saw an opportunity and wanted to kill Levi off in one go.


Levi was still struggling on the field.

The Deicide was ridiculously powerful and almost destroyed the place.
Worse still, it was all just the beginning.

They finally installed the energizer into the upgraded Deicide.
There were only eight upgraded Deicide in total.
Their production was more costly and required more resources.
The danger involved was also higher because the upgraded energizers were less stable.
However, those Deicides were several times more destructive than their predecessors.
It was difficult to control them, and the technology behind it was more advanced.
The Ruling Union was actually worried that they might make a mistake and cause the energizer to self-destruct. That would deliver a devastating blow to their own people.
It was also why Jared was nervous.
Would the upgraded Deicide actually work?
No one really knew, and they were about to find out on that battlefield.
“All eight upgraded Deicide are ready and in position.”
It didn’t take long before all the Deicides locked in on Levi.
“Fire! Exhaust all the energizers. There is no way he can survive this,” roared Jared.
They only had eighty energizers for the upgraded Deicide because its production was too complex.
Eighty was all they could afford.
In theory, the upgraded Deicide could annihilate Rank Six fighters instantaneously.
Firing all eighty energizers at Levi… The destruction was beyond imagination.
“Master, run! Please stop being so stubborn. You won’t survive this.”
“He’s right, Master. We beg you. Please run!”
Floyd and the others were at the back, and they couldn’t bear to see Levi enduring it all on his own.
“I know what Master is thinking. He won’t back down until he exhausted all of the Deicide.”
“Yeah, those weapons’ mere existence threaten Erudia, and he is using his own body to force our enemy to exhaust all their energizers!”
The other men were shocked.
“He is sacrificing himself to exhaust our enemy’s resources?”
“Yeah, that’s how our Master is,” answered Floyd and his men.
Pride and admiration filled their voice, but there was also a hint of sorrow.
All they could do was watch as their master endured everything. They couldn’t help at all.
“Do not step forward without my permission!” warned Levi, who was worried about his comrade despite his own dire situation.
“Hold up. You have to survive this, okay?”
Everyone clenched their fists.
They prayed that Levi could survive it.
At that moment, everyone knew that the upgraded Deicide would be going off next.
“Fire! Kill Levi Garrison right now!” howled Jared.
The upgraded Deicide went off simultaneously.
The people operating the weapons were all wearing protective gears, but even then, they were vanquished by the recoil.
It was horrifying.
Everyone gasped.
The upgraded Deicide are shockingly powerful!
Levi stumbled backward and spewed blood every time the upgraded Deicide was fired.
It was obvious that he couldn’t withstand the power of the upgraded Deicide either.
“Go on, keep firing!” urged Jared.
Jared was going crazy as well.
He used up all the energizers within the shortest time frame.
The weapon was too powerful and terrifying.
Levi was hit again and again.
When the sixty-seventh energizer hit Levi, he suddenly disappeared before everyone’s eyes.
He was gone, and over a hundred thousand men witnessed it.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

However, all eighty energizers were fired simultaneously, so the remaining thirteen shots missed their target after Levi disappeared.
The spot where Levi stood, however, was in shambles.

It was in such a bad shape that it looked like the set of an apocalypse movie.
“He’s gone. Levi Garrison is dead! We did it. We did it!”
The Ruling Union cheered together.
They celebrated as if they had already won the war.
Jared, in particular, howled, “There is no more Levi Garrison, and I am the only king in Erudia. My name, Jared Schmidt, shall be in the history books!”
Everyone stared at Jared in astonishment.
No one could’ve guessed it, but an ordinary guy like Jared turned out to be the most important player in the field. He turned the situation around for them.
Who could’ve imagined it?
Levi was strong. He destroyed most of the Ruling Union’s forces when he defeated them in the West Warzone.
Hell, he even crushed Rank Five and Rank Six fighters like they were ants.
Yet, Jared’s Deicide killed the guy.
Jared’s value raised exponentially after that.
He became the winner that everyone praised, and his dream of being a king was easily realized.
“We won! We won!”
Lee Jong-guk shared the good news with Bruce right away.
“We won! With Levi Garrison gone, there is no obstacle in our path anymore. Our victory will be complete once we take Oakland City down! Erudia is within our grasp now.”
By then, the Ruling Union could already picture their victory.
Bruce was ever so excited.
Unfortunately, some men came for him at that moment.
Every single one of them was wearing a black tuxedo and had the same pin on their chest.
Bruce’s expression took a sharp turn after he saw them.
The men were from a Zarain secret organization known only as Shield.
Shield had been around for quite some time, and all of its agents had special abilities.
It was a highly secretive organization in Zarain, no… it would be more accurate to say that organizations like theirs were rare, even on a global scale. The reason behind it was that they controlled part of the most mysterious secrets and powers on earth.
However, they weren’t like the Dragonites, though.
Shield had real power, and they were responsible for causing terrors that were thought to be supernatural.
Rumor had it that Shield was the one that created the Gods’ Promise by order of the Ruler…
Even Bruce and his men were terrified of Shield.
“Withdraw now. Erudia isn’t as weak as you guys think. Don’t underestimate the sleeping lion there. If you force it to a corner, it will awaken,” warned the Shield agent directly.
Bruce grinned and replied, “Yeah, you’re right. Erudia managed to force us out of its land earlier, but still, they are no match against us. Soon, you will see the glorious sight of us occupying Erudia.”
“Well, I tried. Good luck!” said the Shield agent before he turned around to leave.
They were only there to deliver a message, anyway.
At the East Warzone.
Floyd and the others saw how Levi had disappeared after the energy wave hit him.
A heartbreaking scream burst out of their lips.
Just like that, Levi was gone, and they saw it happening with their own eyes…
Everything was too sudden, and they couldn’t believe it.
On the other side.
“Attack! Breakthrough the East Warzone now!” howled Jared.
His command got the allied army to rush over like a tsunami.
Floyd didn’t have many men left with him, and everyone was still mourning Levi, so it was likely that they wouldn’t last thirty minutes.
“Everybody is to get ready. We will march to Oakland City soon!”
The army behind Jared started preparing to march forward.
Floyd and his men could barely put up a fight, so the army behind Jared assumed that the former would fall by the time they moved forward.
“Erudia is not a place where pests like you can threaten!”
Just then, a voice boomed over like the thunder from the clouds.


The voice came from the sky, and it felt as if the deities from heaven had issued that warning.

The allied army stopped short.
Floyd and his men bulged their eyes as well. They looked at the sky.

Does this mean that Levi is still alive?
That thought ran past everyone there.
“No way? How can he still be alive?”
Jared was so scared that he was sweating bullets, and his lips were pale.
Everyone was still reeling in the fear that Levi instilled into them earlier.
He is too terrifying.
Boom! Boom!
A loud noise echoed from both sides of the battlefield.
“Over there!”
Everyone was gasping in surprise because they saw what was on their left. Several horsemen were sitting on their warhorses when they showed up out of nowhere.
They were wearing white robes and hats while their swords were strapped to their back.
There were only a few thousand of them, but the aura they exuded was so incredible that it could annihilate mountains and dry up the sea.
Warhorses showed up on the right side as well, but their riders wore black outfits with black masks donning their faces.
They were armed with arrows.
The sudden emergence of both groups flabbergasted everyone.
Erudia still had reinforcements to send over?
That thought was on everybody’s mind.
At that moment, the Dragonites’ training base had finally gotten the real-time footage of what was happening on site.
The leaders of the Dragonites turned wild when they saw those horsemen.
“It’s them! They finally showed up. I thought that with Levi gone, Erudia will be done for, but the legend is real. These men really exist, and they are here!”
The leaders of the Dragonites were so excited that they shed tears of joy.
“What’s going on? What’s happening there? Who are those people?”
The other Dragonites were taken aback.
“It was just a fairy tale that shouldn’t be shared, but now that they’re here, and everyone already saw them… Let’s just tell the team everything.”
“Okay, there was a story of how Erudia had protectors hiding in the dark, and those protectors were called Eragon. “They are families of warriors who dedicated themselves to protect Erudia. “We don’t know the specifics of how many members they have or where their headquarters are.
“However, we know that for generations, their core objective was to protect Erudia and ensure that Erudia’s foundation remains intact.
“They will only show up when Erudia is at its weakest and they will turn the tide to rescue the country from mayhem.”
“There’s more to that, though. Every major family of Eragon controls a secret segment of Erudia, and the legend says the segment, as a whole, contained a system that kept Erudia safe.”
“I actually heard another legend about it. They say that every major family held a key. When combined, a great secret will be revealed for all.”
Hearing that got everyone to gasp.
“That being said, Eragon was just a fairy tale, and we’ve only heard of their stories. Even our predecessors had never met any members of Eragon before.
“That was why when this war began, we prayed that the legends were true but never actually counted on them to help us out.
“In fact, when Levi first showed up to solve the problem, we assumed that the Eragon was the one behind it. Naturally, we later learned that it was just Levi alone.”
“So, in short, the legend is real. The Eragon exists, and they have been monitoring Erudia the entire time. Now that Erudia is at its most vulnerable, they showed up to protect the country,” someone concluded.
“Yes, that’s right. They are probably the ones who saved Oakland City as well!”
Hope donned the Dragonites’ faces once more.
We might just win this war.
On the battlefield.
Both the white-caped and the black-clothed horsemen remain quiet after they showed up.
They went after the allied army right away.
In no time, a battle broke out.


The two teams of horsemen totaled to just a little over ten thousand men, but one should not underestimate them.

Every single one of them turned to a killing machine as soon as they fought.
The allied army never had a chance.

All that was left for them to do was die.
The horsemen acted like they were having a competition of which team would kill the most enemies.
Every single one of them killed like they were insane…
It was a merciless and quick battle.
With the energizers depleted, Jared had no choice but to watch as his soldiers fell one after another.
They had nothing left to retaliate with.
The battle was over quickly, and almost every soldier of the allied army died by their hands.
The Eragon’s power was freakishly terrifying.
They disappeared without a trace after they defeated the Ruling Union.
It was as if they were never there in the first place.
“Fall back! Fall back right now.”
Lee Jong-guk, Jared, and the other top members fled Erudia before they were attacked by Eragon.
They lost!
The Ruling Union’s allied army had lost all battles, and the combined number of survivors from all four Warzones was negligible.
Everyone later received news of how the Ruling Union’s plan to destroy Oakland City had failed.
They failed…
The Ruling Union had failed completely.
They were just an organization of martial artists who had formed an alliance, so the entire Ruling Union fell apart as soon as they lost the war.
The organization that had only lasted for six months faded away in a matter of seconds.
In a way, it was truly heartbreaking.
“We lost in every way possible?”
Bruce couldn’t believe what was being reported.
“Yeah. At the last minute, Erudia suddenly sent out two groups of unknown soldiers. They are simply too strong, and every soldier is a killing machine. Also, they are so mysterious that we still don’t know who they really are.”
Bruce became quiet.
He recalled what the Shield agent warned him about.
He said that if I force the lion to a corner, it will be awakened… Has it finally woken up?
Either way, he failed his mission.
The silver lining was that he managed to get Jared and some weapons back.
Naturally, the weapons in question were the eight upgraded Deicide.
They couldn’t get to the other weapons, so they left them in Erudia…
Jared and the key technicians were all taken to Zarain, and that was the best silver lining there was.
The Dragonites shared the good news with the entire world right away.
“We are happy to announce that the martial artist organization, Ruling Union, has been obliterated, and we won the war.”
“Erudia won!”
The news spread all over Erudia and the world like wildfire.
The streets of Erudia were filled with laughter and cheers, and everyone was celebrating.
The events that were being held were grander than Christmas.
Regaining the life that was once thought to be gone… That was truly an amazing feeling.
A moment ago, Erudia was on the brink of death, and everyone was getting ready for the apocalypse they thought was coming.
However, unknown heroes showed up and led the country to victory!
Erudia was still the undefeatable country it had always been.
Its citizens remained united, and their future was bright.
All of Erudia was basking in glee.
The people residing in the foreign country, on the other hand, were stunned.
Erudia actually won? That is ridiculous!
The nightmare they had dreaded actually happened.
Erudia managed to survive.
The forces in the foreign countries were so disappointed that they could die.
The ones who were most disappointed, naturally, were the people who abandoned their Erudian citizenship and joined another nation.
They spent so much effort to flee the country wanting to have a nice, peaceful life.
Those people had been praying for Erudia’s demise.
Who would’ve thought that Erudia would end up winning the war?
They had already relinquished their citizenship, so they couldn’t go home anymore.
Almost everybody regretted making that choice.
They weren’t the only ones who were sad, though. Like them, the Dragonites and the warriors of Erudia weren’t celebrating with the rest of the country.
Those men were searching the Warzone for Levi.
He may be dead, but we should still take him home…


Although those affiliated with Eragon had contributed to the victory of the war, it was undeniable Levi deserved the most credit since he had taken care of most of their foes by the time Eragon showed up.

On top of that, Levi had smashed Deicide into pieces and consumed the energy stored within the energizer, including the upgraded ones, to ensure the safety of the rest.
Otherwise, Deicide could easily turn the table even with the aid of those affiliated with Eragon.

In short, Levi was the one who had led Erudians to success. Therefore, they wished he would make it out alive.
They were determined to get their hands on the remains of the honorable man even if he had passed on during the fight.
As they continued searching high and low for his remains, their effort was to no avail since no one was around.
“Master is no longer around! I saw him being wiped out of existence in front of me!”
“Deicide is such a horrifying weapon! I can’t believe it possesses the capabilities to wipe a man out of existence within seconds!”
As much as Floyd and the rest were unwilling to embrace the truth, there wasn’t much they could do.
“We’ll just have to pray for God to show Erudia some mercy and show him the way back to us!”
As they started praying in silence, the army started firing shots in an attempt to pay tribute to the honorable Levi Garrison.
Meanwhile, Jared was highly regarded as an honorable member of the nation as soon as he made his way to Zarain.
Bruce agreed to the terms Jared had listed, including honoring the agreement to appoint him as the king of the nation.
Zarain reigned over many countries under the concept of colonialism. Bruce managed to persuade others to appoint Jared to be the king of one of the largest nations under their reign.
The coronation ceremony would be held within seven days. Although Jared failed to triumph against his foe, he had made a name for himself.
In other words, he was one of the most sought-after talents. A lot of celebrities had requested an audience with him and volunteered to be his mistress.
On top of that, a lot of conglomerates had offered him a fortune just to acquire the almighty Deicide he possessed.
Jared had risen to fame over the night when he was just a nobody a few days ago.
“At the very least, I deserve these for taking Levi out! I can’t wait to share the news with Zoey!” Jared was all smiles as he was proud of himself.
As compared to Jared, Bruce and his party, who had gone to great lengths to get everything ready beforehand, were upset since their effort was to no avail.
On top of that, his brother almost died as a result of their overly ambitious goals.
Bruce was irked whenever the pathetic Byron showed up in front of him.
Byron mentioned, “I’m just glad Levi is dead! Someone has finally avenged me!”
He was well aware it was a mission impossible for him to get his revenge the moment he found out Levi’s actual power.
They were glad Jared had Deicide with him to turn the tables around.
“He’s right! At the end of the day, it’s still considered a victory on our end since Levi has been killed! He’s no longer a threat!”
Bruce muttered to himself with a confused look, “Where has the reinforcement come from? Who the h*ll are these mysterious figures?”
The moment Byron thought Levi might be pulling the strings behind the scenes, he felt a chill running down his spine.
He was utterly horrified by the things Levi was capable of since he had experienced that firsthand. That was precisely the reason he had always been intimidated by Levi’s presence ever since he was young.
Byron had a feeling Levi wasn’t dead and thought he could hear Levi warning him not to let his guard down as he would return to get his vengeance soon.


Byron felt increasingly unease and thought Levi had his eyes on him. He felt as if Levi would show up at Zarain to bring him away soon.

With that, Byron told his brother about his concerns.

Unamused, Bruce reprimanded, “I’m pretty sure something’s wrong with your brain! I’m going to repeat myself for one last time—Levi has passed on in front of thousands of people!”
In order to get rid of his brother’s trauma, Bruce acquired the aid of countless psychologists and had Byron go through several counseling sessions.
Jared, who had garnered the attention of people from all around the globe, had his fair share of concerns since he had betrayed his country for personal gains.
It was only a matter of time until he was taken into custody to bear the consequences of his crime.
When Jared heard Byron, his mind was all over the place as he had a bad feeling about the things awaiting him.
Similarly, when he shared his concerns with Bruce, Bruce urged him to take it easy since he was already a citizen of Zarain.
To be precise, Jared was merely a few days away from becoming the king of another country. Therefore, Bruce assured Jared no one could lay a finger on him in Zarain.
He’s right! Why am I terrified by these baseless rumors? No one can capture me when I’m in Zarain!
After all, no one dares try anything rash in Zarain! There’s no way others can get their hands on me and Byron!
If there’s somewhere safe from Levi, Zarain is definitely one of the many ones! I need to stop freaking out over something trivial!
As much as Erudians were thrilled they managed to make it out alive, they had to deal with the mess after the war.
Meanwhile, Floyd and the rest of his party hadn’t given up on searching for Levi.
“Although we have defeated our foes, many traitors, including Jared, have fled the country after taking out his fellow countrymen! I can’t believe he’s on the run to Zarain! On top of that, there’s Bruce and Byron! Bruce was one of the masterminds of the Ruling Union! We can’t be certain of their identities, but we’re sure they’re hiding in Zarain as well!”
A few seconds of pause later, he added, “There’s also Triple Group from Keerea! They’re the ones providing financial support to execute the plans! Also, those from Shield and Apocalypse were involved as well!”
Dragonites continued naming the foes of Erudia and said, “Maybe there’s nothing much we can do to take them out as of now, but we’ll let them have a taste of their medicine in the future.”
The people of Erudia knew they couldn’t afford to forget the humiliation their foes had brought upon them.
“The martial artists as well as those criminals, who hadn’t shown up during the war, are the foes of the nation! We need to take them out as soon as the opportunity arises in the future!”
They started gathering the information of the criminals affiliated with the Ruling Union.
“Mmm, as long as those affiliated with Eragon are around, the criminals won’t be a match for them! However, there’s nothing much we can do to get our revenge against Jared and Bruce since they’re hiding at Zarain! What are we supposed to do?”
“We’ll just have to leave them alone for the time being! I’m sure the opportunity to avenge the innocent ones will arise in the near future!”
“Jared will rise to the throne in another seven days! I’m afraid it’s going to become another mission impossible!”
The party engaged themselves in a heated discussion and fell into a vicious cycle of despair.
All of a sudden, a voice in Baykeep announced at the top of his lungs, “I’ll definitely throw Byron behind bars and bring Jared back for a public execution to atone for his sins! here’s no way I’m allowing them to run away from me!”
The man was none other than Levi.



Supreme Grandmaster
Sep 24, 2023

“We need to avenge our comrades of The Calamity as well as those who had sacrificed themselves for a greater cause!”

Levi had shown up with a sword made out of an iron meteorite that was once possessed by North Sky Lord.
It was called the Northern Excalibur, and it wasn’t an ordinary sword. It was the symbol of their comrades’ determination to protect the nation.

Levi was no fool—he had long gotten himself ready to flee the scene since he was well aware of Deicide’s destruction.
Although he was ready to sacrifice himself for a greater cause, he had no intention to sustain a meaningless blow since it was one of his principles to keep himself alive at all costs.
He had always shared his principles with his comrades ever since the day he was appointed the commander.
Otherwise, there wasn’t anyone they could defend if they were no longer around to keep the defenseless civilians safe.
Therefore, Levi had no intention to brace himself through Deicide’s attack since he might end up being injured but not dead since his body was sturdier than an ordinary person’s after going through the training with his mentor.
It turned out he had sustained the seemingly serious blow in an attempt to figure out the sturdiness of his body.
He had achieved his goal and found out Deicide could heavily injure him, but it wasn’t capable of ending his life.
Levi played along with those hiding in the dark as soon as he figured out their presence. He had been playing pretend just to lure those in hiding to join the battle.
He was surprised when he found out Eragon had long gotten themselves ready for the upcoming battle.
Unfortunately, he couldn’t be sure if they were friends or foes. Thus, he had resorted to such an extreme countermeasure to determine the intention of Eragon.
That was precisely the reason Levi caused others to misperceive he was dead halfway through the intense fight.
It might be a mission impossible for others, but it was nothing more than a piece of cake for Levi since his mentor had taught him the skill of Shadow Clone.
He had long picked up the proper method to produce a clone in split seconds. Thus, he could easily deceive others with his clone since it had taken the blow in front of others, including the members of Eragon.
With that being said, Levi was merely a rookie. Therefore, he could merely produce one clone at a time since he thought it wouldn’t be wise to master such a skill meant for deceiving others.
He once thought it would be better to brush up his combat skills instead of something as flashy as Shadow Clone.
However, he changed his mind and thought it was equally important to polish his skills to produce several clones at once in case of emergencies.
His mentor told him the experts could easily produce more than a hundred clones at once. Levi couldn’t help but wonder if his mentor could do the same.
Instead of answering his queries, his mentor showed him his index finger. Levi couldn’t care less about it during his conversation with his mentor.
After much consideration, he felt a chill running down his spine when he thought his mentor might be capable of producing more than a hundred clones.
It was then he thought his mentor might have been a demigod or something since no ordinary man was capable of pulling off such an impossible feat.
Levi finally made his way to Baykeep with the Northern Excalibur. He was merely a short distance away from Zarain and could barely suppress his wrath when he found out Jared would rise to the throne soon.
“There’s no way I’ll let you off the hook, Jared! Also, I get the traitors of Zarain back for the misery they have brought upon us!”
Up until then, none of those from Zarain were aware of the things awaiting them since they had no idea Levi was on his way to the nation.
Levi, who had made his way there without his comrades, was there to assert dominance over those from Zarain and prove everyone wrong when they mentioned Zarain was impregnable.
I’m going to show them there’s nothing great about Zarain and defeat them with this sword of mine and nothing else!


Many people had fled the nation and surrendered their citizenship during the war.

The officials of Zarain, Raysonia, and Keerea had been welcoming Erudia’s talents to migrate to their nation.
According to the latest tabulation, Zarain had welcomed a total of five hundred and seventy thousand people whereas Raysonia and Keerea had accepted a total of four hundred and twenty thousand, and three hundred and thirty thousand people respectively.

The professionals were included in the list, but those who had sneaked into the country weren’t on the records.
In other words, there were much more than they could ever imagine.
Nonetheless, it was a great attempt to flush out the disloyal ones since they valued nothing above their personal gain.
To the traitors’ surprise, the people of Erudia managed to defend themselves from the foes of the country.
Thus, those who had fled ended up in an awkward situation as they couldn’t make up their mind if they should make their way back to Erudia.
Truth be told, the only reason they had fled Erudia was for their safety. It wasn’t because they could live a better life abroad.
As a matter of fact, they might not do well abroad since they had spent most of their lives in Erudia.
Not many of them could get those in charge from Zarain to fulfill the conditions they listed since they weren’t as capable as Jared.
A majority of them found out they had been imagining things as they discovered the fact that it may not be an easy life living abroad.
Those from the foreign countries deemed these migrants inferior to them and showed them mercy merely because of their wealth, talents and resources.
The ones with various talents and resources could still sustain their day-to-day life, but most of them had been having it tough.
They knew it was only a matter of time until those foreigners made up their minds to get rid of them the moment they couldn’t be of much use.
Although none of them had talked about it, they were well aware of the things awaiting them and shared a similar thought, including the successor of the Lopez and Black families, who had long fled to Zarain.
Those from Zarain had been taking advantage of their limited resources in various aspects. Although it had merely been a short while, their wealth had diminished by over thirty percent.
The ones who had fled from the families weren’t particularly talented. They couldn’t even defend themselves, let alone the nation.
Their families were the only reasons they could make a name out of themselves. In short, they were merely nobodies without the support of their families from Wildefield.
They finally found out they were in a nasty situation immediately after the war because it was only a matter of time until the depletion of their limited resources.
They couldn’t possibly acquire help from their families again. Thus, Logan, Shaun, and Henry gathered around to discuss their next best course of action.
Meanwhile, Jennie and Melanie, who had always looked forward to living abroad, made it clear they had no intention of leaving. As a matter of fact, they wouldn’t mind spending the rest of their lives there if it was possible.
Similarly, Shaun and Logan were of the same ideas and thought they had been living a great life in Zarain.
“Within the next four to five years, we won’t encounter any problems since we’re able to sustain our lifestyles. However, what are we going to do five years later?” Fabian, who was the only calm and collected one, asked the rest in the room.
When they heard him, they went dead silent since they were aware they couldn’t rely on others’ support forever.
“Shall we make our way back to Erudia?” Henry asked.
“No! It’s so embarrassing to make our way back when everyone considers us traitors of the nation! I’m afraid our seniors won’t let us return since they have the same thoughts! Also, why are we making our way back to Erudia when we’re having the best time in life in Zarain?”
“I have an idea,” Henry suggested since everyone was against the idea of making their way back.
“What is it? Stop beating around the bush and tell us!”
The rest of his friends looked at him in anticipation of a great plan.


“We’ll just ask our family to support us and enjoy our lives here! I’m pretty sure they won’t leave us alone when we need them!”

“You’re right! I think they’re just reluctant to admit they still care about us!”
“Although we have really gotten on their nerves, I’m pretty sure they won’t ignore us when we reach out to them for help!”

“He’s right! If anything happens to us, I’m certain that they’ll rush to our rescue without a second thought!”
The party felt a sense of relief as it was written all over their faces.
They were glad they could consider themselves superior to those from their home country and continued having the best time of their lives in Zarain.
Most importantly, they weren’t against the idea of taking advantage of their parents at all. They were determined to make full use of their family’s influences for their personal gain.
Nevertheless, they were right because Harry and the rest would never leave them alone if they were aware that their successors were in deep trouble.
Thus, Henry and his friends made up their minds to stay at Zarain for as long as possible.
To their surprise, the moment Shaun wrapped up the conversation with someone over the phone, his expression darkened.
“Dragonites have figured out Forlevia is a prodigy! They’re going to nurture her talent for the nation’s sake soon! In other words, as the hope of Erudia, she’s going to make it in life soon! It’s the same for the Black family and the Lopez family! Maybe our families are going to be deemed the honorable families of the nation or something!” Shaun announced the news.
I think Dragonites are trying their best to compensate Levi’s family members for Levi’s sacrifice since they have yet to locate him.
They might have found out his daughter was a prodigy and made up their mind to nurture her talent for the nation’s sake.
Those in the room had their fair share of concerns since the Lopez and Black families might get to share the honor as well.
Although they might get to live a lavish life at Zarain, those were nothing as compared to the privileges they would get to enjoy in Erudia.
“If that’s the case, what the heck are we doing here? It’s time to make our way back to our home country!”
“You’re right! At the end of the day, the fact that we’re Erudians remains! It’s time for us to return home!”
“Indeed, no matter where we are, it’s undeniable that we’re Erudians!”
The materialistic bunch had changed their minds within a few seconds and reached an agreement to make their way back to Erudia.
Out of nowhere, someone announced, “Ha! I’m afraid that’s impossible!”
Seconds after the mysterious figure made himself clear, a bunch of people showed up in the mansion out of nowhere.
Jared showed up with a bunch of fierce-looking men. It turned out he had been assigned countless bodyguards to keep him safe since the nation was indebted to him.
On top of that, the authorities of Zarain had dispatched a chopper to keep Jared safe just in case of an ambush from afar.
In other words, Jared had been granted the highest level of safety protocol. The level of security bestowed on him was on par with the king of the nation.
“It’s you!”
As soon as Shaun and his peers saw Jared, their eyes widened in disbelief since they were aware of the man’s identity, including the fact Jared used to be Levi’s classmate.
Chuckling, Jared announced, “I want all of you to join me from now onwards! In short, all of you are going to remain the citizen of Zarain!”
Fabian and his peers exchanged glances since they knew the things awaiting them should they join Jared and do his bidding on his behalf.
Others would consider them traitors of Erudia and stop them from returning to the country forever.
“If anyone of you tries to defy me, I’m afraid there’ll no way out for you! Actually, it’s not a bad deal since all of you get to live a lavish life from now onwards! It doesn’t matter if you’re from a different country!”
In the end, the pretentious bunch agreed to join Jared and do his biddings from that day onwards.


They had no choice but to give in since Jared might take them out without a second thought should they try to defy him.

It’s just a piece of cake to figure out Jared’s goals! He’s trying to ruin Zoey and her family from within! In order to achieve his goal, we’re the pawns he needs!
Nonetheless, Jared honored his promises and allowed Fabian and his peers to enjoy the most premium lifestyle they could only long for in Zarain.

Things were no longer the same for them as Jared promised to appoint them honorable knights and nobles as soon as he was appointed the king of a nation.
Henry and his peers thought it wasn’t such a bad idea to join Jared since they wouldn’t get to live such a promising life in Erudia.
They would always be deemed inferior to Zoey and Forlevia due to the contribution of Levi. However, things were different as long as they were a citizen of Zarain.
They wouldn’t have to rely on others apart from Jared. Thrilled by the thoughts, they started celebrating again.
The news of Jared being appointed as the king of a nation made it to the headlines and garnered attention as well as support from former Erudian.
They made themselves clear that they would follow Jared as long as he took them in. As it turned out, Jared had gotten in touch with the elites who had fled from Erudia.
His plan was to gather them for his ambitious plan. It was evident he was up to something.
Although I’m no longer an Erudian, I’ll build a safe haven for my fellow countrymen and myself!
Dragonites couldn’t suppress their wrath anymore the moment they figured out the things Jared had in mind.
They made it clear that they wanted Zarain to hand Byron and Jared back to them for a fair trial.
Needless to say, there was no way those from Zarain would listen to them. In the end, Dragonites’ plan was brought to a halt as they weren’t capable of violating the terms to take Jared into custody.
They knew they weren’t a match for them in terms of combat skills. In fact, they were afraid of challenging those from Zarain.
In the end, Dragonites got in touch with Eragon and requested them to complete the mission on their behalf.
However, Eragon made themselves clear that was the end of the incident since they had their concerns as well.
In short, both parties were afraid of offending the almighty Jared and dared not try anything rash to avoid any possible clash.
Hence, they had no choice but to allow Jared to get full of himself in front of them.
As soon as Henry joined Jared, Harry and Meredith got in touch with the bunch and reprimanded, “All of you are putting the family to shame! I want all of you to quit and make your way back at once! We’ll be anticipating the arrival of you and your friends!”
There was no way they would return to their family since they had tasted success.
“Dad, Mom, listen to me and join us in Zarain! We’re going to live a better life as a family over here! I’m sure you guys are going to love it as well!”
“He’s right! What’s so great about Erudia? It’s time for all of you to venture beyond your comfort zones!”
“You know what? Mr. Schmidt has promised us two islands! In other words, we’ll be owners of islands soon!”
Henry and his peers had no intention to join their families. Instead, they brought up the tempting offers and tried to lure their families to join them.
“You’re such a useless son! We’re going to ignore all of you even if you need our help in the future!”
The youngsters had gotten on the nerves of their elderly.
They couldn’t be bothered by their parents’ threats at all; instead, they asserted, “Alright, just forget about us if that’s the case! We’re merely a step away from making it in life!”
“Stay out of my sight from now onwards! You are no longer my son!”
The Lopez and Black families made up their minds to sever ties with their so-called successors after the troubles the youngsters had caused the families.
“I’m pretty sure they’re going to regret their decisions in the near future! It’s time for them to learn their lesson and the importance of being open to opportunities!”


When the others heard Henry, they exclaimed, “You’re right! They’re way too stubborn for their own good!”

“Actually, we’re not really affiliated with those from Zarain anymore ever since we’re a member of Mr. Schmidt’s personal party.”
“Since he’s going to build another safe haven for fellow Erudians, I don’t think there’s any wrong with it! In fact, the members of his team are Erudians as well!”

“Indeed, we’re just trying to build safe haven for our fellow countrymen! Why does that make us traitors? Our predecessors need to be proud of us since we’re honoring the nation wherever we are!”
The shameless bunch had just justified their betrayal and thought they were the righteous ones instead of others.
On the other hand, Jared continued getting in touch with migrants from Erudia. Things had been going well since most weren’t against the idea of joining him.
However, the people of Erudia and Dragonites got increasingly infuriated the more high profile Jared became.
Unfortunately, they could merely condemn the shameless bunch.
They secretly prayed for someone to show up and shatter their ambitious goal into pieces. It was time for Jared to learn his lesson for betraying his country.
Although they knew those might remain a wish for a long time, they couldn’t help but keep hoping and praying.
“Have you guys not found the Crown King yet?”
The ones in the training base of Dragonites went dead silent since their effort was to no avail after searching for Levi over the past few days.
Hundreds of thousands of people had witnessed Levi being wiped out by Deicide within a few seconds.
Thus, they thought it would be impossible for him to make it out alive just like the time at Mount Drago.
Even Floyd, who knew Levi’s capabilities better than others, thought Levi had been annihilated.
Reversero couldn’t do much if Levi’s physical body was destroyed. Thus, it would be impossible for Levi to return to life again.
“Maybe it’s time to share the news with his family members!”
“Also, we need to sort out the Crown King’s funeral and ensure everything is of premium standards since he has contributed to the nation!”
“It’s such a shame he’s no longer here with us! We need to offer his family everything they need in the future!”
“Speaking of which, Eragon is going to kill the criminals soon!”
“Great! It’s finally time for the martial artists to bear the consequences of betraying Erudia!”
Dragonites weren’t aware Oakland City’s crisis had been caused by the criminals under Levi’s supervision.
Therefore, their names had been included in the list of the members to be taken care of by Eragon.
Since Levi wasn’t there to keep them safe, no one was aware of the things and the contributions of the criminals under his guidance.
Not even Dragonites could change the minds of those affiliated with Eragon since they had made up their mind to serve the criminals with capital punishment.
On the other hand, Levi had made his way to the border of Zarain. Within a short while, he had gathered the whereabouts of Jared and Byron as well as their schedules.
Byron, who was a coward, spent most of his time in the laboratory to upgrade the parts of his body.
In the meantime, Jared, who had just returned from a trip to Baykeep, had acquired the support of countless people with different backgrounds.
Sneering, Levi murmured to himself, “Great! I’m sure there’s a vacant for a king in hell!”
He thought of taking Jared out on the day of his appointment as the king. Thus, he had yet to get in touch with his comrades in Erudia.
Otherwise, things might spiral out of control if others were aware that he was still alive. On top of that, there were many variables associated with his plans.
His higher-ups might stop him from having a showdown with Jared if they were aware of his plan. To make things worse, they might even order him to stay put and make his way back to Erudia.
Levi also thought it was a great opportunity for him to figure out the identity of the members of the Ruling Union.
A week passed by in the blink of an eye. It was finally time for the coronation ceremony of Jared.
Levi was about to carry out his plan to get his hands on the convicted duo and bring them back to Erudia with him.
“Are you guys ready?”


Iron Shield Laboratory was one of the many laboratories affiliated with Zarain. The laboratory was in charge of countless highly confidential researches.

Byron had spent most of his time there to take care of his damaged body parts. On top of that, he thought it was a great idea to stay hidden in a well-secured compound.
He felt a sense of security since Bruce had dispatched a Rank Six combatant to guard him just to ensure his safety.

To be precise, the combatant was merely a step away from being a Rank Seven. Thus, no ordinary Rank Six was a match for him in terms of combat skills.
Although most of the members of the Ruling Union had a bodyguard of Rank Six, none of them were as capable as the one Bruce sent Byron.
Byron still had to rely on the aid of psychologists just to bring himself to sleep due to nightmares.
“Mr. Byron, Mr. Schmidt will be appointed the king of another nation today. Mr. Johnston wants you to join them at the coronation ceremony.”
Byron shook his head and insisted, “Just tell my brother I’ll sit this one out!”
He got up on the wrong side of the bed and wasn’t in the mood for anything.
When he was in the middle of having his meal, Jameson, one of the laboratory’s officials, approached him and announced, “We have just upgraded the defense system of the laboratory!”
“Are you serious?” Byron asked with his eyes gleaming in excitement.
“I have faith in our latest defense system! Not even a Rank Seven combatant can barge into the compound of the laboratory without my consent!”
As soon as Jameson finished his sentence with his chest held high, the laboratory started shaking vigorously.
The laboratory’s foundation had been destroyed. Subsequently, the self-defense system of the laboratory was triggered.
“Intruders alert! Intruders alert!”
“Someone has just intruded the laboratory!”
As all hell broke loose in the laboratory, Byron glared at Jameson in the eyes, indicating he had his doubts against Jameson’s so-called upgraded self-defense system.
Jameson’s frustration was written all over his face. He assured the startled Byron, “I’ll go deal with the intruder at once!”
Out of the blue, the person behind Byron announced in a calm and collected tone, “As long as I’m around, I won’t allow others to lay a finger on you.”
On the other end of the laboratory, the gate made out of alloy steel, that was supposed to be impregnable, was sent flying by a man’s powerful kick.
A man with a mask and a set of black clothes stood at the entrance with a black sword on his back.
It merely took those familiar with the members of The Calamity a few seconds to tell the intruder might be a member of The Calamity.
It turned out Levi had made up his mind to show up in the uniform of a member of The Calamity because he wanted to avenge his comrades and send the traitors to Erudia on their behalf.
Soon, the guards, including martial artists and those equipped with superweapons, had gathered around at the entrance and surrounded the intruder.
The officials of the laboratory were determined to take out the intruder with the latest self-defense system they had in place.
Jameson made his way to the scene shortly after his subordinates gathered around. He yelled at the intruder, “How dare you barge into the laboratory?”
His subordinates had gotten the defense systems of the laboratory ready to take out the intruder. An instruction from Jameson was all it would take to get rid of the intruder.
In an attempt to figure out the identity of the intruder, Jameson asked, “Who are you? Why the hell are you here today?”
“I’m an Erudian! I’m here to take Byron back to Erudia with me!”


The ones around him went dead silent when they heard his seemingly arrogant remark.

Similarly, Byron, who had a great time savoring his breakfast, scrunched up his face in irritation when he heard the intruder.

He dropped his utensils when he found out the intruder was there for him.
Similarly, the ones affiliated with the laboratory looked at the intruder in disbelief and thought they had been hearing things.
Seriously? Has Byron’s premonition come true? Has someone really made his way to Zarain just to take Byron into custody? It turns out he hasn’t been lying all this while!
As those around him lost themselves in a train of thoughts, Levi instructed in a callous tone, “Hand him over to me immediately to avoid a fight!”
They finally snapped out of bewilderment and returned to their senses. Similarly, they had regained their composure and thought it wouldn’t be necessary for them to be intimidated since they were still at Zarain.
There’s nothing much he can do since we’re not at Erudia! His influence is limited!
Byron finally regained his composure when he recalled they were far away from Erudia. If others wished to bring him away, they would have to acquire the consent of his brother.
There’s no way Bruce is ever going to hand me over to this intruder!
The person behind Byron repeated himself, “Just take it easy and have faith in them. I’m sure they can sort him out in no time.”
“Have you lost your mind or something? How dare you show up in front of us when you’re the only Erudian here? Do you have a death wish or something?” Jameson, who had finally returned to his senses, asked at the top of his lungs.
They thought Levi was overly arrogant to the extent he had the guts to show up at the doorstep of the laboratory and make a demand for Byron to be handed over.
The officials of Zarain had just turned down the request of Erudia’s official to hand the traitors over to them.
Not even Dragonites had the guts to pick on them. Thus, there was nothing much a nobody without any support could do.
Out of nowhere, one of the onlookers found out it was a uniform of The Calamity. He announced, “He must be a member of The Calamity! I’m pretty sure he’s here to avenge his comrades since most of them have passed on during the war!”
Jameson queried with a scowl, “Ha! You don’t think you’re able to defy us when not even the officials of Erudia get to force us into submission, do you?”
Levi frowned and repeated himself, “I’ll give you another three seconds to change your mind! Once three seconds is over, I’ll take those getting in my way out!”
Jameson and those around him burst into laughter when they heard Levi’s warning.
Ascertained the self-defense system would keep them safe, Jameson announced with his chest held high, “Come on! I’ll do you a favor and countdown on your behalf! Three! Two! One! Come and get me!”
Instead of yelling at Jameson, Levi pulled out the Northern Excalibur and strode in the direction of the laboratory.
It was then Jameson instructed, “Kill him!”
A team of martial artists catapulted in the direction of Levi in an attempt to kill him.
“To hell you go!”
Immediately after Levi finished his sentence, he launched the sword in their direction and slit the throats of the ones around him before they could grasp the situation.
A few seconds later, they collapsed to the ground and passed out in a matter of seconds.
Jameson and the rest of his subordinates were startled since they thought the intruder was just a nobody.
However, it turned out they were wrong—the intruder was strong enough to break their attack at ease.
“Take him out!” It was then Jameson delivered his second instruction.
As Levi was surrounded once again, he held on to the sword and swiftly launched himself in the direction of his foes.
Something dazzling caught those affiliated with the laboratory by surprise. Seconds after they returned to their senses, they found Levi had gotten rid of those around him again.


In spite of taking out countless men within seconds, not even a single drop of blood could be seen on the blade of the Northern Excalibur.

Jameson gaped at the presence of the insanely strong figure in front of them. He wasn’t aware that that was merely the beginning of a massacre.

Levi continued taking out the ones getting in his way before the startled bunch could grasp what was going on.
It wasn’t much of a challenge for him to take those defenseless men out since his subordinates of Rank and Rank Six could easily take out Supreme class fighters.
Those with advanced machinery and equipment weren’t a match against the almighty Levi as well. All it took was one of Levi’s powerful strikes to shatter their armors into pieces.
Not even the sturdiest material could withstand a strike of the almighty Northern Excalibur. Thus, those with armors were sliced into half as though it wasn’t a big deal.
Shortly, he made his way to the training base.
He thought those in front of him weren’t much of a threat when he could easily take care of those affiliated with the Ruling Union at ease.
Jameson’s mind was all over the place as the brutal intruder continued marching his way in their direction.
He finally instructed, “Hurry up and activate the self-defense system! Quick!”
His subordinates initiated the protocol to defend the laboratory without further ado.
Walls and barricades made out of alloy steel showed up one after another in front of Levi.
It turned out the walls had been equipped with countless electrical conductors, enabling the flow of electric current in multiple directions.
On top of that, countless weapons showed up out of nowhere.
Jameson yelled, “Fire!”
Bam! Bam! Bam!
All of a sudden, countless installed weapons started firing in the direction of Levi in an attempt to wipe him out of existence.
No ordinary man could possibly sustain the series of counterattacks since laser beams had been utilized in an attempt to get rid of the intruders.
As a matter of fact, those from the Supreme class might not make it out unscathed since it was such a high-density laser beam.
This must be the reason Jameson told me not to worry even if a Rank Seven were to show up in front of us!
The defense system is as strong as Jared’s Deicide! There’s no way others can make it out alive!
As a result of the impactful attack, the entire laboratory started shaking vigorously once again.
They thought there was no way Levi could make it out alive after the series of counterattacks against him.
A short while later, the walls were shattered into pieces. The man launched his sword in the direction of those behind the walls.
It merely took a little less than three minutes to destroy the so-called weapons of the advanced defense system.
Iron Shield Laboratory’s esteemed self-defense system was destroyed since none of the weapons could inflict any serious injuries on Levi.
Levi announced, “Stop getting in my way unless you have a death wish!”
He continued marching in the direction of Jameson and took out the man’s subordinates without much hassle.
“I-It’s not going well!”
Jameson returned to Byron’s side seconds after he fled the scene.
The one behind Byron reprimanded Jameson, “What’s wrong? Stop getting worked up over something trivial!”
Jameson gasped out his reply, “T-The intruder is coming our way!”
A thunderous bang reverberated in the hall, and all the glasses shattered into pieces.
Levi showed up out of nowhere and took Byron by surprise.
Why does he resemble Levi so much in terms of his figure?
In spite of having a mask to conceal his identity, Byron thought there was something awfully familiar with the intruder.
“Byron, I won’t allow you to run away from me!”
The moment he heard the familiar voice, he staggered and fell down on his knees.


“I-It’s freaking Levi! H-How are you still alive!”

Byron couldn’t even form a complete sentence when he found out he had been right all along—Levi was alive! Even Deicide couldn’t take him out!
Clenching his teeth with all his might in an attempt to calm himself, Byron continued stammering, “Y-You…”

“I’m afraid it’s impossible for you to take him away with you until you take me out.”
The mysterious figure behind Byron started emanating a menacing aura, intimidating those in the hall.
Since he was merely a step away from Rank Seven, he was no ordinary Rank Six combatant. In short, he was one of the few formidable foes Levi had ever encountered.
He drew his long sword that seemed like one of the Raysonia’s samurai. The sword seemed to have been loaded with a mysterious form of energy, granting him the power to take out his foe without much of a challenge.
Schneider did a great job incorporating the techniques of Raysonia with the advancement of technology. Thus, Byron felt a sense of relief with Schneider around him.
“I won’t allow you to take anyone away with you as long as I’m around here!”
Schneider repeated himself for one last time before catapulting in the direction of the intruder.
He managed to move at the speed of light with his sword and crashed the floor as a result of his brute force.
The seemingly powerful man thought Levi was merely a prey of his. He was certain he could take him out with a powerful blow.
“Are you trying to outmatch me in terms of speed?”
Levi asked with a scowl and dashed in his foe’s direction with the Northern Excalibur.
The duo passed by one another’s side in split seconds and had their back facing one another after a mere two to three seconds.
It seemed as if nothing had occurred, but blood gushed out of Schneider’s arm after another few seconds.
He dropped his sword seconds after his body had split into half.
Levi had taken out someone who was merely a step away from Rank Seven within split seconds and drenched those in the hall with blood.
Startled by the horrifying scene, Jameson was about to pass out. Consequently, he stammered, “S-Stay away from me!”
When Levi approached the startled Byron, he announced with a smirk, “Why don’t you come with me and stop trying anything silly since there’s no way you’re running away from me!”
Bam! Bam! Bam!
A few punches were all it took to destroy Byron’s body parts he had spent days and weeks touching up. Levi dragged the dejected man out of the hall and announced, “Jared, I’m coming after you soon!”
Levi marched his way to the coronation ceremony with his eyes glinting in wrath.
“B-Byron has been taken into custody!”
All hell broke loose in the laboratory as the staff was unsure if they should leave the laboratory.
Meanwhile, there was a battleship docked in the middle of Zarain’s ocean.
The coronation ceremony would be held on the battleship since Jared was highly regarded by the officials of Zarain.
Henry and his peers, who were there for the ceremony, were certain they had made the right decision to join Jared in his future endeavors.
Bruce, who was seated next to the important guests, saw someone rushing to his side, whispering the moment he reached him, “Sir, we have bad news!”
“What’s wrong?” Bruce asked with a frown.
“Your brother has been taken into custody by an Erudian a few minutes ago.”
Bruce gaped at the seemingly unbelievable news and asked, “Come again?”
His frustration was written all over his face.



Those next to him gasped when they heard the news of Byron being taken into custody by an Erudian.
They couldn’t help but wonder if Byron’s speculation had been spot on all this while.

Bruce asked at the top of his lungs, “Where’s Jameson and Schneider? Haven’t I sent them to keep him safe? Are you seriously telling me none of those from the laboratory could stop an Erudian?”
“According to the report, the defense system of the laboratory has been destroyed! Meanwhile, Schneider was killed in split seconds!”
Bruce’s face puckered in despair when he found out Schneider was taken out in split seconds. It was evident they had encountered a nasty foe.
Once he gathered his thoughts, Bruce instructed, “Hurry up and dispatch our men to search for Byron! I want you to get your hands on his precise location as soon as possible!”
He caressed his chin and murmured to himself in an attempt to figure out the identity of the intruder, “Who the hell is the mysterious Erudian? None from Erudia has the guts to pick on us since we have made ourselves clear that we will never surrender!”
The guest next to him said, “Maybe he’s one of Erudia’s martial artists? After all, the nation still has a lot of powerful figures.”
“It doesn’t really matter because I’m going to teach him a lesson for picking on us! It’s time to let them know we’re not easy targets! Since he has the guts to abduct my brother, I’ll kill him to warn others!”
Bruce was extremely worried since the ceremony was about to begin. Otherwise, he’d definitely join the search and rescue team to locate his brother.
The bad news took the officials of Zarain by storm. The authorities dispatched most of their men to pursue the intruder.
In an attempt to locate Byron, the search and rescue operation was conducted in several major cities, involving the armies of Zarain.
On top of that, the most advanced system, Index, had been employed to increase the efficiency of the operation.
It was developed to ensure those who had made it to the nation wouldn’t be able to leave without the authorities’ consent.
The access wasn’t limited to the geographical area of Zarain since it was all over the globe, including the capitals of other countries.
It was one of the most fearsome technologies available at that point in time.
In spite of the effort to locate the missing duo, their effort was to no avail since the duo was nowhere to be found.
Bruce’s disappointment was written all over his face when he heard the bad news.
“Are you seriously telling me you can’t locate them? What kind of joke is this? How hard could it be to locate two adults?”
“Sir, you need to stay calm since we’re still carrying out the search and rescue operation as we speak! We’re certain they’re still in Zarain since there are no signs of them departing!”
Bruce got increasingly frustrated. He asked, “Huh? Are you telling me you can’t even locate them when they’re still in Zarain?”
He couldn’t leave since it was about time for Jared’s coronation ceremony. Similarly, he couldn’t share the bad news with the rest until the end of the ceremony.
Meanwhile, the officials of Zarain got in touch with the officials of Erudia and asked for the reason they had dispatched someone to go after Byron.
The officials of Erudia, including Dragonites, were confused by the question that came out of nowhere because they had never dispatched anyone for a mission of that sort.
Immediately after they found out something of that sort had occurred, they started gathering intel to verify the rumors.
We have never sent anyone to go after Byron! The only ones capable of taking Byron in without alarming others are the members of Eragon!
But that’s impossible since they have made it clear that they won’t resort to anything rash to stir things up at the moment!
Just who could it be? Most importantly, the mysterious figure had achieved such an impossible feat!
Bruce, who had long boarded the battleship, couldn’t stop himself from perspiring since it had been an hour since his brother went missing.
“How’s it going? They can’t just disappear into thin air, can they?”
It was finally time for Jared’s coronation ceremony. The guests applauded the moment he showed up on stage.


It was finally the day for him to rise to the throne and make a name for himself for his outstanding contribution.

Jared stared ahead and thought it was considered an amazing feat since he was merely a nobody just some time ago.
No one will consider me a geek from today onwards! No one is going to make fun of me anymore! I have successfully defeated my peers in terms of achievement!

Jared’s loyal followers, including Henry and Logan, were equally thrilled as they thought they would be deemed honorable members of the nation soon.
It was only a matter of time until they got their hands on unlimited wealth and fame.
“I can’t wait for the bright future ahead of us! We’re no longer good-for-nothing anymore!”
“Ha! There’s no way I’m making my way back to Erudia when the nation has nothing to offer!”
Thrilled by the things awaiting them, Shaun and his peers shared their thoughts with one another.
Bruce finally returned to his senses since it was time for the ceremony. “We’ll just carry on with the ceremony and decide on the next best course of action once everything’s over.”
The ceremony commenced with the officiation of agreements between the officials of Zarain and Jared.
As Jared would soon be the king of another nation, the session had garnered the attention of people from all around the globe.
As much as they might be irked, Erudians couldn’t do anything to stop Jared.
Soon, the news of Byron being abducted made it to the headlines and garnered others’ attention.
Although the source of the news couldn’t be verified, the news had taken the globe by storm.
In short, most people had their attention on the issue and wondered if the officials of Erudia had lost their mind to pick on Zarain.
Meanwhile, the officials of Erudia, including the higher-ups of Dragonites, were equally confused since they weren’t aware of the intruder’s identity.
They had no choice but to wait until the moment of truth in order to figure out the identity of the intruder.
It was the talk of the town since the news of the officials searching high and low for Byron had been reported as well.
It was then Bruce’s subordinate received a text and yelled, “We have found them!”
Similarly, the public had their eyes on Lake City of Zarain while Jared proceeded with his coronation ceremony.
Out of nowhere, Bruce’s subordinate approached him and whispered, “Sir, we have found your brother and the intruder!”
As a result of the news, Bruce almost sprang up from his seat. He asked, “Where are they?”
“They’re within close proximity from our current location! We have searched every city apart from Lake City! It turns out they have been hiding at Lake City!”
Bruce was horrified by a seemingly absurd thought he had in mind and wondered if the intruder would come after them soon.
As he brought himself up and brought the coronation ceremony to an abrupt halt, the guests looked at him with the same confused look on their faces.
Startled, Jared asked, “Mr. Johnston, what are you doing?”
“I’m afraid someone’s coming after us! Hurry up and wrap up the ceremony as soon as possible!” Bruce urged.
Irked by Bruce’s advice, Jared asked, “What do you mean I’m supposed to hurry up? Who are you talking about? I can’t think of anyone capable of threatening Zarain! I’m going to—”
A figure showed up out of nowhere and landed on top of the battleship as if he had launched himself in their direction.
The impactful landing had crushed the battleship’s deck and caused the entire battleship to shake vigorously.
Thus, the ceremony was brought to an abrupt halt before Jared could finish his sarcastic remarks.
Once again, all hell broke loose on the battleship.


The guests were afraid their lives would be at stake and started shrieking in fear of being taken out.

Things were chaotic since everyone, including Bruce and Jared, was startled by the presence of the intruder.
A few seconds after they returned to their senses and caught a glimpse of the intruder, they saw a mysterious figure next to the intruder.

It was none other than Byron, who was drenched in blood, unconscious next to the intruder.
Bruce could no longer suppress his wrath when he saw his brother. He yelled, “Byron!”
Those who were aware of the truth started clenching their fists with their teeth gritted in wrath.
“It’s him! I can’t believe he has the guts to show up in front of us!”
They were rendered speechless since they had just gotten their hands on the so-called intruder’s whereabouts just a few minutes ago.
They couldn’t believe Levi’s ultimate goal was to ruin the ceremony.
As the guests engaged themselves in a heated discussion, they finally figured out the truth and found out Byron had been abducted.
“Are you serious? I don’t think an Erudian possesses the capabilities to abduct someone away from us!”
No one, not even Jared, found the rumors reliable and thought something must have been wrong with the brains of the officials of Erudia.
Otherwise, there was no way they would start another fight after such a massive and serious war.
Truth be told, Jared didn’t bother to keep his plans to himself since he was certain the officials of Erudia would stop picking on him.
To his surprise, someone from Erudia had shown up at the ceremony and brought everything to a halt. It was evident he was the target of the intruder.
Thousands of guests, who had gathered around, couldn’t move their eyes away from Levi and the unconscious Byron next to him.
In order to save his brother, Bruce warned, “You’d better stay away from him! I’ll consider setting you free and showing you some mercy! Otherwise, I won’t allow you to leave unscathed!”
Levi glanced at him for a short while and looked elsewhere since he was there for Jared instead of him.
“It’s your turn to atone for your sins, Jared! You don’t think you get to escape, do you?” Levi broke the silence and asked.
Jared felt a chill running down his spine when he heard the familiar voice.
Overwhelmed by the horrifying thoughts in his mind, he went dead silent.
“Jared, are you aware of your sins? You have joined others and murdered your fellow countrymen without showing them any mercy! Do you really think you can be the ruler of another nation? I will never forgive the traitors of Erudia! It’s time for you to return to Erudia and atone for your sins!”
As Levi was at the top of his lungs, Jared got down on his knees as his legs turned to jelly. Similarly, the traitors of Erudia were afraid of the things awaiting them.
They thought they might end up just like Jared if the intruder were to come after them.
As the guests continued staring at Levi, he marched in the direction of Jared, intimidating those around them, including Henry, Shaun, and Fabian.
When Levi caught a glimpse of the familiar faces, he was startled and confused by their presence.
Wait! Why the heck are they here? Have they turned their backs against the country as well? I have been turning a blind eye over these arrogant youngsters because of Zoey, but I guess they don’t deserve any mercy at all!
Henry and his peers felt chills running down their spines since the mysterious figure had glanced at them for a few seconds.
What does he want from us? Is there anything special about us?
It was then they had a bad feeling about the things in store for them. They thought they might lose everything soon.
As Levi continued marching across the youngsters, he finally reached Jared’s side.
“Why don’t you turn yourself in? That way, I’ll consider doing you a favor instead of beating you to a pulp!”
On the other hand, Jared had finally regained his composure. Staring at Levi in the eyes, he announced with a proud grin, “Aren’t you aware you’re currently at Zarain? We won’t allow you to get things your way!”
“What’s so great about Zarain? I’ll come and go as I please!”


The pertaining issue was the talk of the globe. In other words, Levi’s arrogant statement had just been broadcast to viewers from all around the globe.

Billions of Erudians showed Levi their supports and commented: That’s the way!
Erudians were thrilled when they heard Levi. It was the same for those affiliated with Dragonites.

Although they couldn’t get their hands on the identity of the mysterious figure, they were glad to have him on their side.
On top of that, they were proud of him since he had made himself clear he was there on behalf of his country as a fellow Erudian.
Since we can’t stop him, we’ll just let him run free and take Byron and Jared back with him to prove others wrong!
It’s time to show them Erudia is not a pushover! They need to learn to show us some respect instead of picking on us as if it’s not a big deal!
“You must make it out of Zarain alive! You’re the only hope of the country!”
Billions of Erudians clenched their fists in anticipation of the confrontation’s outcome. They hoped Levi could make it back alive along with the criminals.
Meanwhile, the rest of the viewers of different opinions. A majority of them couldn’t make to gloat over Levi’s misfortune as soon as he was beaten to a pulp.
After all, Zarain was considered a developed country. Levi had just provoked a superior country and waged war against a country on his own.
There was no way the officials of Zarain would forgive him for challenging the country’s authority.
On top of the deck, Levi was merely a few feet away from Jared. Thus, the anxious Jared yelled, “T-Take him out at once!”
The bodyguards next to him launched themselves in Levi’s direction, but they were sent flying by the invisible barricade around Levi.
Jared was drenched in blood as his so-called bodyguards were beaten to pulps in a few seconds.
“It’s time to go!”
Levi grasped Jared’s collar and launched a powerful kick at Jared’s leg.
As a result, a loud crack could be heard. It was safe to assume that Jared’s leg had been broken. He ended up on his knees in pain.
Levi tied Byron and Jared together, holding the Northern Excalibur on his left hand and the vicious duo on his right.
He glared at his fellow countrymen as he continued marching away on the deck. As a result, most of the traitors started shivering in fear and almost burst into tears.
“B-Boohoo… I…”
“T-This has nothing to do with me!”
Shaun and his peers were intimidated by Levi’s presence as well. Without a second thought, they crawled their way away from Levi for the sake of their lives.
Although he was surrounded by a bunch of powerful men, they dared not approach him and continued surrounding him instead of trying anything rash.
It was then Bruce broke the silence and warned, “Hold it right there! You don’t think I’m allowing you to leave with them, do you? Hurry up and set them free! I’ll consider doing you a favor and grant you a pleasurable death!”
Never had he gone through such humiliations throughout his life since he was the person in charge of the country.
Hence, he couldn’t keep his cool any longer since the intruder had just asserted dominance over him in front of others.
No one had ever picked on his brother as well. Thus, there was no way he’d allow Levi, who had just tarnished his image, to get away with it.
On top of that, the officials felt humiliated since Levi had shown up out of nowhere and disregarded the law of the nation, taking their bodyguards out without holding back.
No one has ever picked on us! We’re always the ones picking on others! There’s no way we’re tolerating such humiliations!
“Kill him! Otherwise, others are going to think we’re an easy target and start picking on us in a similar manner!”
“He’s right! We need to take him out for the sake of the country’s image!”
Those from the upper echelon had just made themselves clear they wanted Levi dead.


Shield was the first to receive the request from the higher-ups.

“We need to take him out with extreme countermeasures! It’s necessary to warn others to stay away from Zarain!”
It turned out the officials of Zarain thought it was a great opportunity to prove themselves a strong nation.

In short, Levi had more foes than he could ever imagine in Zarain. He had to tackle assassination attempts from countless parties.
Erudians were well aware of the things awaiting Levi and thought he might not make it out alive since no one was a match for Zarain in terms of combat skills.
To make things worse, Zarain wasn’t on its own since the officials of the country had been keeping in touch with the officials of other countries.
It wasn’t much of an exaggeration to consider it a fight of Levi against half of the globe. If he was able to make it out alive, he might be regarded as the most notable man of the century.
He would die an honorable death even if he could not make it out alive.
With that being said, billions of Erudians hoped he’d make it out alive and return to them safely.
Thousands of combatants had gathered around on the battleship. As soon as they surrounded Levi, Bruce warned, “I’ll give you another chance to set them free!”
Levi held the Northern Excalibur high and announced with an arrogant smirk, “I won’t hold back against the ones trying to get in my way!”
Unable to take it anymore, the infuriated Bruce instructed, “Take him out without hurting my brother and Mr. Schmidt!”
Within a few seconds, Levi was completely surrounded as if he was about to be washed away by a human wave.
“To hell all of you go!”
He stepped forward and twirled the Northern Excalibur without holding back against his foes.
A few seconds later, his menacing aura took his foes by surprise. Once again, the dazzling sword of his rendered his foes incapable of motion and took them out in split seconds.
They collapsed to the ground and passed on one after another with blood gushing out of their wounds.
Meanwhile, Levi continued marching his way through the piles of corpses ahead of him with the two hostages.
None of them could approach him since they were afraid of being taken out by surprise when all it took to take out the rest was a strike from his sword.
The Northern Excalibur could easily take out a hundred people at once. Hence, Levi continued making his way to the other end of the battleship.
Bruce’s men were taken out one after another and no one seemed to have what it took to stand against the almighty Levi.
They couldn’t even withstand a strike from his sword, let alone lay a finger on the powerful man.
The moment Bruce figured out Levi’s actual capabilities, he finally linked the missing pieces of puzzles together.
He must have been the reason Byron was taken into custody in spite of being heavily guarded.
“I want everyone to go after him at once! We must take him out!”
“We need reinforcement on the battleship! Send as many troops as possible to the battleship! We’re on the verge of losing him!”
Bruce immediately requested backup and sent his personal troop to go after Levi.
The armored warriors launched themselves in Levi’s direction, but they were sliced into half within a few seconds as if there was nothing great about their armors.
Bruce was stunned as his well-equipped troop had been taken out without much effort Although those were merely first-generation armor, it was supposed to defend them against brutal attacks.
They had been sliced in half without putting on much of a fight! Just what sort of freak are we dealing with?
The moment he thought the man in front of him was a freak, he thought the mysterious figure might be Levi since Levi was the only one who had massacred an entire battalion of the army during the fight with the West.
A few seconds after he snapped out of bewilderment and returned to his senses, he noticed a few thousand of combatants and his personal troop had been killed.
None of them could stop Levi, let alone possess any sort of threat to the seemingly unstoppable man.
“Have I not mentioned none of you can stop me?”
Seconds after he finished his rhetorical question, Levi dragged the duo behind him and made his way off the battleship.
“No! The show is just about to begin!”


Bruce’s bulging veins could be seen on his forehead. He started shuddering involuntarily, indicating he was on the verge of going berserk.

He’s pushing his luck! There’s no way I’m letting him off the hook!
Although Levi had made his way off the battleship with Jared and Byron, he still needed to brace himself through the upcoming challenges.

The battleship’s defense system had been activated. Levi was the sole target of the advanced weapons installed onboard.
If it weren’t because of the hostages, Levi might have been blown into a speck of dust within a few seconds.
On top of the self-defense system, there were several choppers in the middle of the air. The choppers had been armed with different types of weapons to assassinate Levi as soon as the opportunity arose.
On the other end, countless armored vehicles had gathered around on the land. Several unique models with the latest technologies were involved in the mission to take out the threat of the nation.
The vehicles were carrying secret weapons which could be laser beams weaponry, nuclear weapons, and even biological weapons. Those had always been the trump cards of Zarain.
Initially, those were meant to be kept confidential from civilians, but the officials couldn’t care less since they were determined to kill Levi to defend the country’s dignity.
Amongst the forces alighting from the armored vehicles were samurais from Raysonia, martial artists, and men with superpowers.
They were capable of manipulating the natural elements to their favor at ease. Usually, there were two types of them.
Some of them had been blessed with talents to manipulate elements of nature. They happened to be the superior one amongst the rest.
The second group cultivated their talents through the alteration of genetic models and physical conditions. Usually, they would achieve supernatural strength and speed. Occasionally, they would get their hands on the talents to control the elements of nature as well.
The most common type of superpower was supernatural strength and speed since those could be acquired through simple alterations of genetic models.
Their genetic models would be merged with those from animals with high speed such as cheetah or grizzly bear for strength in order to grant them the talent of the particular species of animals.
In short, those with superpowers could easily outmatch martial artists since not many could be considered foes to those with natural talents.
Truth be told, there were all sorts of rumors regarding those with superpowers, but the officials had gone to great lengths to keep their presence confidential.
Thus, it was a surprise for those with superpowers to show up as if they had always been a part of society.
The armored warriors had gathered around as soon as they received instructions from their higher-ups.
In addition, the officials and those from Shield had gathered the aid of their neighboring countries.
Assassins specializing in taking out those from the Supreme class had shown up as well.
There were reinforcements from all over Zarain since their common goal was to take Levi out at all costs.
Soon, Lake City was filled with combatants. They ensured there was no way Levi could escape.
“We’re so sorry, but you’re not allowed here!”
“Show them the way to the location!”
Things were chaotic since countless parties had gathered around. It was evident the officials of Zarain wished to assert dominance over others through their upcoming counterattack. Most importantly, there were trying to use this incident to warn the rest of the world.
“We won’t allow anyone to leave Zarain without the higher-ups’ consent!”
Smirking, Levi asked, “Are you sure? Well, I’m going to prove you wrong!”


Bruce put on his custom-made armor the laboratory had put together for him. It was several-fold superior to the one Levi had sliced in half a few minutes ago.

It had cost a fortune to produce the one Bruce had put on. To be precise, Bruce’s armor had cost the laboratory more than three hundred million.
“Stop getting full of yourself and making fun of Zarain! We possess the most advanced technologies and weapons in the world! We’re not afraid of anyone, including you, a nobody from Erudia! Your journey stops here and now! Take him out!”

The battle of the century was about to unfold.
Within a few minutes, mercenaries, martial artists, and men with superpowers and weapons with advanced technologies catapulted in the direction of Levi.
The upcoming battle was different from the ones Levi had with the Ruling Union—the forces of the Ruling Union couldn’t be much of a threat when they weren’t on the same page.
On the other hand, Levi’s current foes were well-structured. They could easily complement one another’s presence and shortcomings.
Their seemingly flawless strategy might bring upon Levi’s demise had he failed to exercise caution against his foes.
Once the showdown began, Levi was surrounded within a few seconds. Their initial goal was to rescue the hostages.
In an attempt to distract Levi and keep him occupied to achieve the goal, the snipers in the choppers took aim at Levi with lasers.
That’s so annoying!”
Seconds after Levi responded with a frown, he cast the Northern Excalibur in the direction of the choppers.
“Somersault Strike!”
The Northern Excalibur morphed into a gigantic boomerang and started swirling at an intense speed, crushing the chopper in half within a few seconds.
Consequently, the chopper fell to the ground in heavy smoke.
One after another, Levi took out the irritating choppers as if it wasn’t a big deal. All he had to do was to launch the Northern Excalibur in the choppers’ directions.
As soon as he took out about a hundred choppers, the battleground was set on fire. Although the officials were there to keep the forces aligned and coordinated, their effort was to no avail because Levi could easily counter their attacks.
Instead of taking out the almighty Levi, they were the ones who ended up with hundreds and thousands of casualties.
The intense fight carried on, but none of them could put on much of a fight. Ironically, Levi was on his own and had nothing else apart from a sword with him.
In spite of the life-threatening attacks launched at him, Levi brushed it off and countered it with a stronger attack in return.
Within a short while, he had made his way across the piles of corpses in front of him with the hostages behind him.
It had brought upon great humiliation to Zarain since Levi continued marching forward when the forces of Zarain couldn’t put on much of a fight to stop him.
The people of Zarain were on the verge of losing their cool as they couldn’t tolerate the humiliation a foreigner had brought upon the country.
Zarain’s forces had sustained serious injuries and deaths within an hour of the battle. To be precise, they were the ones losing the ground.
Similarly, the country had sustained serious financial loss since countless choppers were taken out at the beginning of the fight.
Holding the Northern Excalibur in his hand, Levi asked in a sarcastic manner, “Is that all your country has to offer?”
Intimidated by the almighty intruder, the forces of Zarain knew they weren’t a match for him and started moving away from him.
Bruce yelled, “What are you guys doing? Hurry up and take him out!”
Out of nowhere, a man’s thunderous voice could be heard, announcing in a callous tone, “I’ll never allow others to humiliate Zarain! I’ll take him out!”
“It’s a Rank Seven combatant!”


At that moment, all of the skilled fighters of Zarain stopped and shifted their gaze silently.

Besides, Bruce was overjoyed when he saw the Rank Seven warrior.
The Rank Seven warriors only exist in legends in ancient times.

Given the immense difficulty to become a Rank Six warrior, those who attained Rank Six regarded the ones below them as mere pests.
In that case, becoming Rank Seven warriors would be tremendous progress for every Rank Six warrior.
After all, a Rank Seven warrior could resist thousands of Rank Six warriors alone.
In other words, the gap between the two ranks was nearly insurmountable.
At that time, everyone fell silent and was shocked when they saw the Rank Seven warrior.
In order to resist Levi, Zarain was willing to do anything at all costs, including hiring a Rank Seven warrior.
The Rank Seven warrior was wearing medieval plate armor with sparks from thunder surrounding him.
Everyone was terrified once they found out that he was a man with superpowers and could control thunders and lightning since he was born.
Moreover, many ordinary people regarded him as a living god and called him “Zarain’s God of Thunder”.
Being one of Zarain’s trump cards, he was sent here to kill Levi personally.
“Get out of my way!”
Once Zarain’s God of Thunder yelled, everyone made way for him.
Then, the tall and imposing man walked up to Levi.
Bzzt, bzzt, bzzt—
The lightning around his body beamed and let out terrible sounds as though they were furious.
“Die!” Zarain’s God of Thunder yelled.
In no time, the sky turned dark, while the storm clouds collided to create bolts of lightning and thunder.
Everyone was rooted to the ground once they witnessed that Zarain’s God of Thunder could indeed control thunders.
The legend truly exists!
It was something unimaginable in the past, for no one had witnessed such an impressive and destructive superpower before.
Meanwhile, Zarain’s God of Thunder controlled thunders and appeared unstoppable.
Once he raised his hand, a bolt of lightning struck at Levi.
Levi instantly waved the Northern Excalibur in his hand to block the bolt of lightning.
However, everyone realized that a crack formed on the Northern Excalibur as a result.
As such, they gasped in horror.
Zarain’s God of Thunder is exceptionally strong, for he could dent Levi’s razor-sharp Excalibur!
How terrifying!
Zarain’s God of Thunder went berserk and continued to strike Levi with bolts of lightning.
Clank! Clank! Clank!
Levi successfully blocked all of the bolts of lightning with the Northern Excalibur.
However, when Levi blocked it for the twenty-eighth time, the Northern Excalibur was broken.
With that, everyone from Zarain and many others cheered.
Apparently, the Rank Seven warrior is too strong! I don’t think the Erudian can escape this time.
Meanwhile, only the Euradians remained silent.
However, they felt that it was still an honor for Euradia even if Levi died in the battle.
After all, Zarain was forced to mobilize everything it had to deal with Levi alone.
On the other hand, Zarain had proven its strength as a superpower to the world.
Be it martial arts, superpowers, or modern technologies, Zarain was very far ahead of any other country in the world.
Levi stopped defending but held his dagger to dash toward Zarain’s God of Thunder.
As Levi was approaching, Zarain’s God of Thunder gazed at him and smiled.
“You asked for it!”
Boom! Boom! Boom!
A few claps of deafening thunder roared, followed by a heavy downpour.
Levi was standing right in the middle.



Thunder struck across the sky non-stop.

After Zarain’s God of Thunder yelled several times, numerous lightning bolts gathered and struck Levi.
Boom, boom, boom…
Instantly, everything within a hundred miles was burnt to the ground.
The spectators were stunned by the horrifying sight that greeted them.
Deep down, they believed that the immense power could obliterate a great army with hundreds of thousands of troops in no time.
As such, all of them were awed by the immensely destructive power exhibited by the Rank Seven’s warrior.
How much power does the Rank Seven warrior possess? He is just like God! I wonder if Levi even has a slight chance to withstand his attack.
As the bolts of lightning almost hit Levi at the center, he shouted without fear, “Blocked!”
With that, he blocked the bolts of lightning with his bare fists one by one.
First punch!
Second punch!
Third punch!
In merely a few seconds, Levi threw hundreds of thousands of punches to block the bolts of lightning.
Is he using his body to withstand lightning? Heck, I’ve never heard of it before!
At that time, Byron and Jared fainted from fright.
Deafening noise formed following every one of Levi’s punches.
Furthermore, the terrifying power set the ground quaking, sending shock waves to the surroundings.
As the shockwaves spread out toward the other Zarain’s warriors, the number of casualties increased exponentially.
Bam! Bam! Bam!
Meanwhile, Levi continued to block all bolts of lightning with his fists.
Much to their surprise, Levi wasn’t injured at all!
“It’s my turn now!” Instead, Levi roared after he successfully blocked all of the lightning strikes.
With that, Levi swung his right arm to throw a heavy punch with the force of a cannon.
In no time, the punch became supersonic and created massive shockwaves.
Levi’s powerful punch landed on the chest of Zarain’s God of Thunder before he could respond.
At that moment, all Zarain’s God of Thunder could do was to gaze at Levi in disbelief.
How did he escape unscathed from my numerous bolts of lightnings?
The next second, the body of Zarain’s God of Thunder exploded, spewing blood and gore everywhere.
Without doubt, the scene shocked everyone present.
My goodness! Zarain’s God of Thunder exploded before our eyes and turned into a pool of blood! Levi Garrison is invincible!
The people of Zarain and anyone who witnessed it stood and were shocked silent.
Such immense power! He is truly powerful!
The Rank Seven warrior’s powerful move didn’t hurt Levi at all!
On the contrary, Levi fought on and finished him off. Just how powerful is Levi?
Once the battle ended, those from Erudia heaved a sigh of relief and automatically of the same person.
A few seconds later, everyone who witnessed the unbelievable battle held their breath nervously.
After killing Zarain’s God of Thunder, Levi continued to move forward with the two dogs on leashes.
“I’ll kill anyone who gets in my way—”
A murderous aura surrounded Levi after he defeated the powerful opponent.
As such, those who wanted to block Levi’s way dared not take a step forward.
Instead, they merely stared at Levi in horror, thinking that he was invincible.
Given that Levi had defeated Bruce before, they thought facing Levi would be equivalent to committing suicide.
From destroying the Ruling Union to causing havoc in Zarain, no one could put a stop to Levi’s advance.
Soon, Levi crossed Lake City and made his way to the southern border of Zarain.
“Stop him! We must stop him at all costs!”
Everyone in Zarain went berserk because they felt humiliated by Levi in all the battles.
Therefore, they decided to show all of their trump cards.
Soon, several people appeared on a mountain on the outskirts of Lake City.
It turned out that all of them were Rank Seven warriors!
If a Rank Seven warrior can’t kill you, how about a group of Rank Seven warriors fighting you together?


Zarain spent a vast sum of money to hire the old but strong warriors to fight for the country.

The desperate time had arrived, forcing Zarain to use all of their trump cards.
If Zarain couldn’t turn the tide, it would feel humiliated and even lose its international status as a superpower.

As instructed by Zarain, four Rank Seven warriors were waiting for Levi’s arrival patiently.
The first warrior looked like a black mist, and no one could see his figure clearly.
He was Silhouette, the leader of Obliterating God. It was an assassin organization specializing in taking out Supreme class warriors.
Besides being a Rank Seven warrior, he was a great assassin, capable of blending with any environment and object effortlessly.
Furthermore, he had assassinated three Rank Seven warriors before.
The second fighter was two meters tall and looked red all over his body.
His body had mutated, for he had been experimented with various medicines and serums by a secret organization since he was young.
Also, he was seen as an unkillable monster, for he was strong and had impenetrable skin.
Hence, he was titled Demonic Dragon.
Next, the lightly armored third warrior could attack several times faster than the speed of sound, hence the title God of Lightning.
The fourth warrior was a gorgeous blonde dressed in revealing clothes.
She could control her superpower since she was a young girl in her tribe and became a sorceress in the West.
Her superpower was so strong that she could purportedly control everything in the world, hence her title Enchantress.
All of them were considered the most prominent warriors in Zarain.
It was evident that Zarain exhibited its sheer determination to stop Levi by inviting all of them at once.
As Levi continued his journey, he felt that the people who wished to block his way got lesser.
In the end, Levi didn’t encounter any opponent at all.
Meanwhile, Jared looked dejected not long after he woke up.
Has Zarain abandoned me?
Deep down, Jared was aware that Zarain cared about its reputation above everything else, including him.
Suddenly, Levi stopped walking and shouted, “Come out now! I’ve seen all of you!”
The next moment, three figures—Enchantress, Demonic Dragon, and God of Lightning—stepped forward.
However, only Silhouette was nowhere in sight.
Given that Silhouette specialized in assassination, he would never reveal his whereabouts.
Three Rank Seven Warriors in total!
People around the world were shocked upon seeing it.
After all, they never imagined that Zarain was influential enough to be supported by several Rank Seven warriors at the same time.
It was something that no other country could achieve, and even Erudia was envious of it.
Nonetheless, the biggest question that everyone had was—could Levi withstand the attacks of four Rank Seven warriors?
After the Rank Seven warriors exchanged looks, Enchantress yelled, “Let’s begin!”
As Enchantress began to cast her spell, the environment before Levi’s eyes changed all of a sudden.
The mountain and forest turned into a vast and turbulent ocean.
Levi couldn’t steady himself, for he was in the eye of the storm.
The sudden and dramatic change in the environment made it difficult for Levi to adapt.
That was the power of Enchantress to control everything, including the environment.
Meanwhile, God of Lightning began to launch his attack five times faster than the speed of sound.
His task was to rescue Byron and Jared while bringing Demonic Dragon close to Levi.
Expectedly, God of Lightning completed it in the blink of an eye.
As Demonic Dragon was known to be immensely strong, rumor had it that he could shatter a mountain with only a punch.
Demonic Dragon mustered up his strength to punch at Levi once he was in Levi’s vicinity.
At the same time, Silhouette emerged from the dark to assassinate Levi at lightning speed.


The actions of the four warriors were perfectly synchronized.

Besides, their unique strength was utilized to unleash their potential to the max.
It was as if rescuing people and killing the man were about to be completed in one breath.

Anyone who witnessed the battle was rooted to the ground.
It’s terrifying to see four Rank Seven warriors act together!
I’m afraid only Levi deserves such a treatment.
“It’s clear that Zarain is determined to stop him. After all, Zarain has used all of its trump cards at one go!”
“In that case, the mysterious man has arrived at the end of his journey!”
The Dragonites were completely stumped upon receiving the news.
Those from Shield knew that the four Rank Seven warriors were the strongest warriors in Zarain and equivalent to Erudia’s Eragon.
Also, the unknown secrets and masters were all in the Rank Seven warriors’ hands.
Once they intervene, who will be able to stop them?
On the battlefield, the four Rank Seven warriors coordinated their strikes seamlessly.
First, Enchantress changed the environment to distract Levi.
Then, God of Lightning teleported Demonic Dragon to Levi’s side to launch his deadliest attack upon Levi.
The Rank Seven warriors believed that there was no way Levi could withstand their attacks. First, Enchantress spellbound him, so Levi couldn’t stay focused to fight.
Then, God of Lightning launched a surprise attack at lightning speed.
Therefore, Levi could never dodge the attack but had to face it directly.
Under such circumstances, the chance that Levi could withstand Demonic Dragon’s powerful punch was nearly zero.
Even if Levi could survive it, Silhouette was there to assassinate him to finish him off.
Considering that the skills and strength of the Rank Seven warriors were way beyond the levels of ordinary warriors, no one expected that Levi could survive.
The moment Demonic Dragon landed his punch on Levi’s chest, everyone felt that a bomb had just exploded and formed a mushroom cloud of dust.
Moreover, Silhouette, as the master of assassination, emerged above Levi.
He was holding two blades surrounded by bolts of lightning. Also, the blades were made out of meteorite and could penetrate any object in the world.
Demonic Dragon was confident that he had landed his powerful punch on Levi.
Pfft! Pfft!
Silhouette also believed that he had plunged his blades into Levi’s neck.
However, their expressions changed once they realized that Levi had vanished.
Where could he have gone? This is impossible!
Silhouette knew that Levi’s speed was unfathomable if he could dodge their strikes successfully.
They had the illusion that they killed Levi just now because Levi escaped the place faster than God of Lightning!
In other words, all they hit was Levi’s clone that he created when he moved at lightning speed.
“Shadow Clone!”
With that, Levi used the skill once again.
At that time, Silhouette finally figured out what went wrong.
Levi used Shadow Clone to create a clone and left the center of the battlefield.
The next moment, Levi appeared next to God of Lightning, who had just taken Byron and Jared from him.
In other words, Levi’s speed was even faster than God of Lightning, who had a superpower.
With a mere punch by Levi, God of Lightning shattered into pieces.
“Somersault Strike!”
At the same time, Levi pulled out the Northern Excalibur.
Before Enchantress could react, Levi had slit her throat using the Northern Excalibur that was broken earlier.
As soon as Enchantress collapsed, the environment changed and became normal again.
The vast ocean turned back into a mountain and a forest immediately.
However, Levi didn’t intend to stop.
As soon as he appeared behind Demonic Dragon, the Northern Excalibur boomeranged and returned to his hand.
Demonic Dragon was killed with one swift strike in the blink of an eye.
Sensing the danger ahead, Silhouette escaped the place hastily.
However, Levi disappeared again and showed up right behind Silhouette.
With Silhouette’s death, the four Rank Seven warriors were annihilated.
“Who can withstand my blade?”



Supreme Grandmaster
Sep 24, 2023


Zarain went silent… so was the whole world
At that point, Levi had slain a total of five Rank Seven fighters back to back, including Zarain’s God of Thunder, despite the last fight being four of them against him.

It was terrifying!
Too terrifying!
Not even the aces from Shield could stop Levi!
The strength he had was incomprehensible!
He fought Zarain all by himself!
Is there any one that’s still unsatisfied?
It was Bruce’s absolute defeat.
How are we supposed to fight him? He just beat five Rank Seven fighters! Even an army wouldn’t stand a chance!
Zarain’s people were all rendered speechless.
They were all at a loss, not knowing what to do.
It was as though Levi was invincible, and no one could stop him as he marched forward after dispatching the four fighters.
At the moment, there was an army waiting for him on the other side of the mountain.
Despite knowing Levi could not be stopped, they could not just watch him leave.
All they needed to do was buy time so that they could figure out a way to kill or stop Levi.
This time, there were even more strong fighters consisting of martial artists and men with superpowers.
All of them looked like they have lost their mind as they did everything they could to stop Levi in his track.
Levi, however, dragged the two men with him and continued to swing the broken blade he had, opening up a path for himself.
He’s way too strong!
It’s impossible to stop him!
The whole world was in awe at Levi’s overwhelming strength.
The Erudians were all fired up, curious about Levi’s identity.
Is he the rumored Eragon? Or is he part of the unknown forces in Erudia?
That said, the Dragonites already knew the answer, but they chose to keep quiet.
They wanted to keep it a secret since too many were involved.
The Eragons were starting to take notice at that point.
Even some of the ancient factions were getting restless.
After all, five Rank Seven fighters were slain.
With that, half a day passed, and Levi continued to tear through the battlefield.
The death toll for the enemies was staggering.
No one could even slow Levi down while he got closer and closer to the south border of Zarain.
No matter how massive the army was, they were merely marching to their death, all because Levi was their enemy.
We can’t stop him!
How is this possible? We’re doing everything we can!
This is a disgrace!
Zarain was experiencing humiliation like never before.
“What do we do? He’s going to exit Zarain’s border in approximately six hours if this continues!”
“Are we going to let him leave just like that? We’ll become the laughing stock of the whole world!”
“Think of something! Quick! We need to stop him no matter what!”
“Hurry up! We don’t have much time left!”
Zarain was in chaos.
At that moment, they had forgotten all about Byron and Jared. All that mattered was the nation’s pride.
Levi was making a fool out of them, and they needed to do something to deal with it.
Time was ticking, and after two hours, someone finally said something.
“We’ve got it!”

“Alright! We can kill two birds with one stone using this!”
Shield finally came up with a plan.
“Fall back! Everyone fall back!” Shield ordered, ceasing the operation to stop Levi.
While Levi was puzzled by what was going on, a few jeeps with armistice flags appeared in front of him.
He wanted to see what trick they had up their sleeves, so he did not attack.
The whole world was watching.
Everyone wanted to know what Shield’s plan was.


A group of men and women in suits came down of the jeep.

It looked like they were mostly office workers instead of martial artists and men with superpowers
“Who are you people?” Levi’s lips curled as he asked.

“We… We bear no ill-will, our honorable guest. We’re only here to talk,” said a man and a woman in front of the crowd with their hands raised.
“Yes, we’re just here to talk. There’s no point in going on with the fight!”
“Talk? Is there a need for that? Just get out of my way and let me take these two with me!”
“Sir, please listen to us.”
“Let’s make a deal.”
They looked at Levi cautiously.
“What deal?” Levi was curious.
“Sir, we can totally put this incident behind us and turn our hostility against each other around to become friends!”
“That’s true. There’s actually no grudge between us, so why the hassle?”
Levi smirked, “How so?”
“You don’t actually have to serve Erudia. Why don’t you join Zarain instead?”
“We promise you anything! Whatever you want, even becoming a king!”
“As long as you join Zarain, all your wishes can be fulfilled! Whether it be getting stronger, richer, or even obtaining more power! Anything you want!”

The two were professional negotiators and knew how to talk.
Anyone would get swayed by their collective effort if they were not careful.
It was then that Zarain’s plan was finally revealed.
If we can’t stop you, we just have to recruit you.
If Levi agreed, it would be killing two birds with one stone.
“Sure.” Levi snickered. “Anything I want, right?”
“Yes, anything! We’re the representatives of Shield, so we have the authority to fulfill any and all of your conditions!”
Everyone there was confident.
“Alright then.” Levi looked at them. “My request is fairly simple. Make me the Master of Zarain! Do that, and I’ll join you without question!”
Everyone was stunned by his proposal.
He wants to be the master of Zarain?
Oh my… the audacity!
That’s impossible!
“Sir, please don’t joke around. We are sincere about this!” Their tone turned cold.
“Who said anything about a joke? I’m being very honest here. Didn’t you say anything I wanted? I have told you what I want. Are you not going to fulfill it?” Levi questioned them in return.
“You’re stepping way out of line here!” The men from Shield were all infuriated.
“If you are not going to do it, scram!”
Levi swept his hand across the air, sending a shock wave towards the people from Shield and sent them flying, along with the car.
Then, Levi continued his march, signifying the end of the negotiation.
With that, Shield went into chaos.
They initially thought that the offer was one Levi could not reject, but they never expected Levi to put up such a condition.
Levi went on as the army resumed their mission to stop him.
“This won’t do! There’s no time left! He’ll leave Zarain in three hours!”
“Even if Byron and Jared are dead, we cannot let him leave!”
“What do we do? We need ideas! Quick!”

Time flew and there was one hour left before Levi make it to cross the border.
“We’re out of options! Let’s use that!”
“What? That? Are you all out of your mind?”
“It’s our only hope!”


“I cannot agree to this! It’s too much!”

“Yes, I second that. It’s madness!”
“Think of the responsibilities we have to face if we did that! No one has ever used that since its existence!”

“We’ll be going against the whole world if we’re the first one to use it! Do you know how huge the consequence will be?”
Most people there were against the proposition.
It was like a taboo to them.
“What do you guys think we should do then? There’s less than an hour left!”
“We’re going to be the biggest laughing stock in the whole world! Think about it, a super nation that can’t even stop one man from leaving!”
“We will go into history as the nation’s disgrace! We will become the gravest sinners of the nation!” the proposer exclaimed.
Silence ensued right after.
We are already humiliated! Levi’s treating the battlefield like a playground! Zarain has no pride left!
“Hurry up and make a decision! There’s not a lot of time left!” the guy urged.
“Alright! I approve the usage of that!”
“Me too!”
“Same here!”
After considering the pros and cons, all the members came to an agreement.
“Wait. We can’t use it in the name of Shield, nor Zarain!” one man said.
“What should we do then?” someone asked.
“We can let Bruce activate it, make it look like it’s a personal vendetta since that man captured Bruce’s brother! If anything happens, Bruce will be the scapegoat!”
“Sounds good!”
“I agree! Summon Bruce over immediately!”
When Bruce got the news, he was dumbfounded.
“What? Are you all serious about this?”
“Yes. And you have to do it in the lab’s name! It’s time for you to contribute to the betterment of the nation! This is a unanimous decision that you cannot refuse!” the Shield representative said.
“What about my brother?” Bruce realized. “If we used that, he’ll die as well!”
“This is not the time for personal feelings! The nation’s pride is on the line! Don’t worry, the nation will remember your brother’s sacrifice!”
Bruce hesitated for a whole minute but eventually agreed.
“Alright, I’ll contact the lab right now!”
Time was of the essence, so Bruce did not give it any further thought and contacted the lab that was backing him.
Soon enough, the lab accepted the order and agreed that to take full responsibility.
With that, everything would be on Bruce and Bruce alone if anything went wrong.
“We have forty minutes before he exits the border! The weapon will be set up in fifteen minutes!”
The clock was ticking.
And then, there were only twenty-five minutes left before Levi crossed the border.
It was a barren desert at the south, and Levi dragged the two men with him as he marched forward.
There was no one in front of him to stop him.
In the eyes of everyone watching, it looked like Zarain had given up.
That said, some still thought that Zarain had something up their sleeves. They merely did not know what it was.
“Target’s locked on! Everything’s ready to go!” The lab sent out a message.
It was time. They were finally going to use it. The most powerful weapon known to them—God Scepter.


It was the masterpiece created from the collaboration between the mysterious lab behind Bruce and Shield.

A weapon of mass destruction.
No one actually knew what it was.

Whether it was an electromagnetic rail gun, a laser, or even something biological.
No one had any idea.
All they knew was that God Scepter was the embodiment of calamity.
Its activation meant total destruction.
No defenses in the world could stop it.
It was different from Jared’s Deicide as it only targeted small areas focusing on martial artists and superpower users.
God Scepter, on the other hand, covered a much larger area.
It would lay waste to anything within that area.
It was named God Scepter for a simple reason, for it represented divine judgment.
Safe to say, the power it possessed was beyond anything imaginable.
It was definitely the lab as well as Shield’s final trump card, so they were hesitant about using it.
They wanted to hide it from the world to have the element of surprise.
But the current situation with Levi forced their hand, and Shield had no choice but to make the decision.
For the sake of Zarain’s pride, they had to go all out.
At that moment, all eyes of Zarain were on Levi as he got closer to the border.
Twenty minutes had passed.
Levi was still dragging the two men behind him on the desert.
He knew that it was not going to be simple. Despite no one showing up to stop him, Levi knew Zarain was not going to let him go that easily… something dangerous was waiting ahead.
Time seemed to have slowed down for everyone as they all waited anxiously in cold sweat.
“The coordinate for the attack is set! Target will enter the vicinity in T- six minutes and thirty-two seconds!”
“Weapon is check, all clear!”
“Everything is ready!”

Bruce and the lab set up everything… they were ready and waiting.
Almost all of them were soaked in sweat, trembling as they wait for the first activation of God Scepter.
They were both excited and nervous at the same time.
At that moment, both Jared and Byron had come to their senses.
“Levi, I admit that you’re strong!” Jared said as he found out it was Levi.
“I guarantee you’re not walking out of Zarain alive after what you did!” Jared stared at Levi.
“That’s right!” Byron chimed in. “There’s no way you’re getting out of here alive! My brother will never allow that to happen!”
Hearing that, Levi thought about something and could not hold in his smile. “They’re all trying whatever means they have to kill me. But if I die, you two are definitely coming with me.”
It suddenly dawned on Byron and Jared as they broke into a cold sweat and shuddered.
That’s right. At a time like this, our lives are no longer worth anything, especially Jared’s. Their top priority is stopping Levi.
“That aside, I would still be ecstatic if I could see you dead! Nothing else matters! Hahaha.” Jared burst into a manic laugh while looking at Levi.
He was a total maniac!
Byron, on the other hand, was afraid, trembling violently.
There was five minutes more.
Then four, three…
The countdown started, and everyone was very tense.
It looked like they would blow up at a moment’s notice.
Thirty-two seconds left.



The much anticipated moment had arrived.

This would ben God Scepter’s first activation.
The world would finally get to see the wrath of God Scepter!

Bruce was covered in sweat with the launcher in his hand, and all eyes were on him.
“Goodbye, Byron!” Bruce exclaimed and pushed the button, flopping onto the chair behind him immediately after.
At that instance, everyone there was stuck with a huge sense of relief and let out a deep sigh.
It’s finally done!
All the parties in Zarain had their fists clenched while they waited for the arrival of God Scepter.
One second.
Two seconds.
More than ten seconds had passed, but there was no sign of anything happening.
It was like God Scepter completely missed its mark, and everyone was in shock.
More time passed, and there was still nothing.
“What happened? What is this?”
“What the hell is going on right now!”

The people of Zarain were all asking similar questions
The lab in charge of God Scepter was especially dumbfounded at the situation as well.
God Scepter did not launch after Bruce pressed the button.
“What’s happening?”
Everyone there was initially stunned, but eventually started reacting.
They were all astonished by what just happened, or more specifically, what didn’t happen.
“What?” Bruce got up from the floor and roared. “Did it not launch? How could that be? Check it! Check it now!”
The whole lab erupted into chaos. Everyone was scrambling to examine and check for errors.
“Sir! The launch system malfunctioned! That’s why the launch did not go through!”
They quickly find the reason.
“Fix it! Quick!”
“How long does it take to finish the repair!” Bruce exclaimed.
“It’ll take at least twenty minutes. sir!”
“We’ll try our best!”
The technicians started the repair procedures immediately.
No one could have thought that an error like that would occur at such crucial timing.
That critical twenty minutes had resulted in Levi leaving Zarain without further problems.
We can’t just use God Scepter on another nation’s soil, right?
The whole base was in dead silence while Bruce smashed the desk in front of him out of frustration.
That said, when her turned around, there was a smirk on his face.
Truth be told, he was behind the malfunctioning of the launch system.
The reasoning behind his action was simple. He did not want his brother, Byron, to die.
Bruce was a man who placed family above all.
Otherwise, he would not have done all the maniacal things back then.
He would never be able to kill his own brother. To him, Byron was far more important than the pride of Zarain.
The humiliation they received from Erudia could always be repaid, but Byron only had one life.
And so, the malfunction of God Scepter’s launch system signified Zarain’s failure to stop Levi from leaving the country.
Meanwhile, Levi stood at the borderline with the two men with him.
He laughed. “Didn’t you say they’d kill me?”
“You… “
Byron and Jared were both surprised to see that Levi would reach the border that easily.
“Let’s go! It’s time to face the punishments you deserve back in Erudia!” Levi said as he crossed the border with them.
After that, Levi stuck the broken sword he had on Zarain’s borderline.
His intention was clear as day.
That sword was proof that Levi had entered Zarain and left with two of its men.
It was proof of the greatest humiliation Zarain had ever experienced.


Soon, a bunch of fighters arrived at Zarain’s border and saw the broken Northern Excalibur stuck in the ground.

Seeing it stung their eyes as the sword was a symbol of shame for them.
It was the greatest proof of the humiliation they received.

“Ahhh!” A man roared and stood forward to pull the sword out.
“Wait!” The man at the front of the crowd stopped him.
“Leave it there! It needs to stay there forever! It is the symbol of the disgrace our enemies gave us! It will serve as a constant reminder of what we have been through!”
Everyone’s face was red while they stared at the sword with their fists tightly clenched.
Nobody said a word as the whole nation of Zarain went into total silence.
They did almost everything they could to stop Levi but still ended up failing.
Bruce’s tinkering at the end had resulted in God Scepter’s unsuccessful launching and gave Levi a free pass out of the country.
The whole world was puzzled when they saw Levi crossing the border.
Is Zarain really just letting Levi go like that?
That’s impossible! Why would they do that?
But that’s what happening right now! He’s gone!
The people of Zarain were all going crazy at what just happened.
What a disgrace!
How humiliating!
“Erudia! This means war!”
Everyone had their fists clenched and a twisted look on them.
Bruce clenched his fist as well. “Wait for me, Byron! I’ll get you back! You’ll pay for this, Erudia!”
He knew that Byron was not going to die, not even in Erudia.
And that was enough for him.
When Erudia got the news, they were all ecstatic.
First, they unraveled Ruling Union.
Then, a mysterious fighter infiltrated Zarain and left with two of their men.
Both of those incidents demonstrated Erudia’s might.
Erudia is afraid of no one!
The mighty dragon is slowly waking up from its slumber! Who could ever stand a chance fighting against it?
Erudia told the world that it is, without a doubt, a super nation! It fears no one!
Seeing how things went, all the rich and famous who left Erudia were utterly flabbergasted.
Back then, they did everything they could to escape. No one would have thought that the crisis could be averted. And not only that, it turned into a demonstration of how strong Erudia was.
Who could have seen that coming?
Erudia was the best all along!
It will be hard to go back now since everyone gave up their citizenship.
The people who left for Zarain definitely have it worse right now.
When Jared wanted to become a king, nearly all the prominent people got swayed over.
But now that Jared was captured, they lost everything.
It was especially so for Logan and Henry.
They were about to be the cream of the cake, but it all fell apart in an instant.
To top it off, they actually watched as Jared was taken away.
Soon, Henry, Fabian, and the lot arrived at the manor.
They only found out about the latest news after turning on the television.
Jennie’s expression immediately darkened after seeing what was on the news.
Zarain was infuriated because Levi took Byron and Jared, so they declared that all assets of everyone that once owned citizenship in Erudia would be confiscated and that they would be deported.
Soon enough, the name list was announced, and Jennie quickly found her name on it.
“This is bad! Everyone quick! Look at this!” Jennie exclaimed.
Everyone started going through the name list.
All our names are on it!
Zarain’s going to confiscated everything we have and deport us!
In a blink of an eye, they were getting kicked out with only the clothes they were wearing.
This is absurd!
The Lopez and the Black families were both devastated.


Never would they expect that they would experience such highs and lows in one day.

They were once on top of the world, but now they were nobodies.

All their phones notified them at the same time.
When they opened their phones, what await them were more horrifying news.
All their assets overseas had been emptied out, even estates, cars, as well the manor. Everything was gone.
In an instant, they had nothing left besides what they were wearing since even the place they lived in was confiscated.
At the same time, they also got notified that Zarain had officially withdrawn their citizenship.
They were strip of the identity, including their names.
Their personal information no longer existed in the global database. They were now living in exile.
Even beggars were better than them since they still had their identity intact.
“I-I-I… “
Fabian felt lightheaded and immediately blacked out.
“Why is this happening?”
“What did we do wrong to deserves this?”
“I refuse to accept this! I’m going to file an appeal!”
With that announcement, people got upset and protested like crazy.
Horrific things were happening all over the streets as those traitors from Erudia were violently assaulted before being forcefully kicked out of the country.
Things would only get worse once they got out of the country as they no longer had an identity. That meant that no other region would ever accept them into their borders.
They could not go back to Erudia nor anywhere else.
No one would accept them.
The only worth they had left was to do hard labor.
It was said that there were a lot of human trafficking organizations currently looking for people like them.
That said, everyone knew what would happen with they fell into the hands of those organizations.
Soon, footsteps could be heard approaching them at a rapid pace before people came charging into the house.
“You are no longer citizens of Zarain! All your statuses have been revoked!”
“From now on, you are not welcomed in Zarain! Leave at once!”
The first thing they did was give out the command for the two families to leave the country.
“Sir, there must be some misunderstanding! We are the Lopez and the Black family of Erudia! We are very close with Mr. Schimidt!”
“That’s right! Letting us stay in Zarain would definitely be beneficial!”
“There must have been a mistake. We could never be deported!”
Everyone started defending themselves, but the was no mistake.
“It’s you people alright! No misunderstanding here!”
“Now move! Maggots like you should never be allowed to stay in the sacred land like Zarain!”
The men were adamant.
“Let me ask you this. Why did you freeze all our assets? You have no right to do that!” Shaun stood forward.
“Yeah!” Logan chimed in. “You people were the ones who invited us into Zarain! You even sent a jet to pick us up! How could you revoke our status just like that? What’s the reason?”
“That’s right! How could you guys be so unreasonable? I don’t mind leaving the country, but how could you people confiscate all our assets? On what grounds?”
Jennie and Melanie came forward one at a time.
It was like how they used to reason with the people in Erudia.
Nonetheless, they had forgotten one thing.
They were not in Erudia.
Reasoning meant nothing to those men in front of them.
“You want a reason? Here’s your reason! Get them!”


The men immediately started attacking the two families.

Even though the people in the Lopez and the Black families were considered martial artists now, they were still no match for those men.
Zarain had sent elite fighters to deal with them.

In the end, what happened was a one-sided affair as everyone in the two families got beaten to a pulp and dragged into a big truck like they were dead.
Inside the truck were full of people that were getting deported.
After a few hours, all of them were transported to the border and dumped as though they were all garbage, including Henry and the lot.
“If you people ever step into Zarain again, it’ll be the sea next time!” Someone at the border warned them.
At that moment, Henry and the others were at a loss as they stared at the barren desert ahead of them.
They did not know where to go from there.
They had no money nor identity.
They couldn’t go anywhere.
They were in the worst situation imaginable, comparable to that of savages.
We were on top of the world just some moments ago! How did it come to this?
“I truly regret this! I should have never left Erudia in the first place!” People started bursting into tears not far away, regretting the decision they made.
“I’m so stupid! Why did I leave Erudia! Erudia was so good!”
“Yeah! How can this compare to what we had in Erudia? We must have lost our minds!”
More people were swept into the whirlwind of emotions and started crying.
Even the people from the Lopez and the Black families were crying a river.
They deeply regretted the decisions they made.
“We were a bunch of idiots! Why didn’t we listen to the elders!”
“I regret everything I did! If I had another chance, I would never leave Erudia again!”
“Mum, Dad, I miss you! Zarain sucks! Eudia is the best!”
Jennie, Melanie, Henry, Shaun, and Logan, went on their knees, one by one, crying as they lamented their decisions.
It was the darkest and most helpless moment in their lives.
However, what came next would be the most trying time they would ever experience.
“Everyone! Run!”
There was a commotion coming from the crowd.
Turns out, human traffickers had come to capture them.
People with no identity like them were the best targets to be turned into laborers.
“Run! Run!”
Everyone was scattering like preys, officially starting their lives as refugees.
And yet, that was only part of the picture.
That day, the same scene could be seen happening all across the borders of Zarain.
It was the only way Zarain could vent out their frustration because of what Levi did.
But of course, they did not dare lay a finger on Erudians who were in Zarain.
They were still Erudia’s people.
The only people they targeted were the ones that gave up their citizenship in Erudia like Shaun Lopez.
After all, they were considered people of Zarain, and the nation could do anything it wanted to them.
At the East of Erudia, a private helicopter landed. And out came Levi, with Byron and Jared with him.
Floyd and the others were all there to welcome him.
Even with the mask on, everyone knew it was Levi.
“Send Byron back where he needs to be—the prison!” Levi ordered.
“Yes, sir! Take him away!”
Floyd waved his hand, and Byron was immediately taken away.
Byron’s face was ashen grey.
Looks like I’m never leaving Erudia.
Then, Levi looked towards Jared and said, “As for Jared. Just end his life on the spot!”
“You can’t kill him!”
“He’s our guy now! You can’t touch him!”


A few men and women in suits arrived at the scene and stopped Levi.

“From now on. Jared Schmidt is ours! No one lays a finger on him!”
The woman in the front glared at Levi.

Levi was stunned for a brief moment.
He was surprised that those normal people thought they could stop him.
“Who are you people?”
Floyd’s expression changed as he explained, “Master, they are from the Dragon Science and Technology Alliance! They’re in charge of the lab that specializes in advanced technology for Erudia. They’re the strongest in Erudia! They just revealed themselves after what happened.”
He paused. “This is Wynona from the Dragon Science and Technology Alliance. The youngest female scientist in Erudia. She and her team just develop a terrifying superweapon!”
Then, Floyd got closer to Levi and whispered into his ears, “She’s not just an average Jane. She’s actually very capable.”
Hearing that, Levi froze for an instance.
Ever since Jared presented the God of Slaughter, people no longer underestimated the regular people.
Levi included.
These average joes had the potential to catch all of them by surprise, after all.
For example, the person behind the Ruling Union’s gigantic army of martial artists might even be a normal guy.
All he needed to do was to utter one word or make a plan, and tens of thousands of martial artists would die, just like that.
In Wynona’s opinion, most martial artists were reckless and uneducated.
That was why she did not have a good impression of Levi.
“We’re here to inform you that, from now onwards, Jared Schmidt is officially under the Dragon Science and Technology Alliance’s custody!” Wynona declared in a boastful tone.
Floyd and the others kept quiet.
It was clear that they were informed about it.
Jared, who was on the floor, curled his lips and looked at Levi, taunting him.
“Even if you brought me to Erudia, you still can’t kill me!” Jared said mockingly.
“If you have no more questions, we’ll be taking him away then. The paperwork is all done,” Wynona said before the men behind her approached Jared.
“Give me one good reason!” Levi exclaimed as Wynona was about to leave with Jared.
Everyone looked at him.
“I’m the one that brought him back from Zarain! His life is mine! I could have killed him ages ago! But I chose to bring him back here so he may pay for his sins on Erudian soil!” Levi continued.
What he said stunned Wynona for a second. “Indeed, you are the hero of Erudia. I admire you for that! But please have the wisdom to consider the grander scheme of things!”
“What is there to consider?” Levi asked.
“It is true that Jared is guilty beyond imaginable, that he deserves nothing less than the death penalty! But he is the greatest genius of all time! Ending his life would be such a waste! I think it’s much more beneficial if we make use of his intelligence for the betterment of Erudia!”
She paused to take a deep breath. “Besides, I trust that Jared is a man that knows repentance. He’ll understand where he did wrong and serve Erudia dutifully!”
As soon as Wynona finished, Jared immediately chimed in. “That’s right! I deeply regret everything that I did. All I want now is a chance to seek forgiveness. I want to serve the mighty Erudia. I’ll share everything I know with you all… “
To everyone there, it looked like Jared was sincerely admitting to his faults and was looking for a way to repent.
However, Levi knew that bastard all too well.
He’s merely trying to save his skin!
“So, do you have any more questions?” Wynona asked.
Levi shook his head. “No. I’m just going to kill him!”


Levi’s tone was extraordinarily calm.

Everyone there knew that he was going to kill Jared.
Even Jared himself understood that.

“Save me!” he pleaded.
“I know I was wrong! I’ll do everything I can to make up for all the sins I’ve committed!” Jared quickly hid behind Wynona before she stretched out her arms to block Levi’s advance.
“If you want to kill him, kill me first!” Wynona declared and closed her eyes.
Her whole body was trembling as she waited.
“Calm down! Jared Schmidt is too valuable for you to just kill him!”
“Why don’t you let us utilize his worth first? We’ll bring him to you once we are done with him!”
“Please don’t do this.”
Everyone there was panicking. They were scared that Levi might actually do it.
That was how valuable Jared was.
No matter how grave the sins he committed, a lot of people still did not want to see him dead.
They wanted to see him shine and utilize his fullest potential.
At that moment, everyone held their breath, waiting to see if Levi would slap Wynona.
Nevertheless, Levi did not do that.
So, Wynona opened her eyes in fear and looked timidly at Levi.
“Are you sure you want to take him away?” Levi asked in a cold manner.
“I’m sure!”
“Are you really hoping to see him serve Erudia with his talent? This man is a sly fox. It will be dangerous with him around! It will be disastrous once he gets his schemes in motion, do you guys understand?” Levi reminded them.
Floyd and the lot gulped nervously.
Jared Schmidt’s a genius. He’s someone who developed God of Slaughter! How scary is that? He’s like a walking nuclear warhead at this point!
“As long as he joins the Dragon Science and Technology Alliance, we’ll take responsibility for whatever happens! Besides, I already saw that he seeks repentance! He’ll definitely turn over a new leaf! Danger is out of the question!” The others guaranteed.
Wynona on the other hand wanted to say something but decided to swallow her words.
It looked like she agreed with what Levi said.
“Alright, take him and go. Don’t let me see him again, or I’ll kill you! Don’t turn to me if anything happened to you guys!” Levi said.
He did not really care.
I brought him back from Zarain, for god’s sake. I could kill him whenever I want! If these people don’t want to listen, so be it. It’s none of my business.
With that, Jared smiled and shot Levi a smug look before leaving with the Dragon Science and Technology Alliance.
Just you wait and see, Levi.
That said, Wynona was a little worried, so she suggested that they keep an eye on Jared at all times and limit everything he did.
There’s a chance he might tinker with some things in secret and cause trouble.
“You’re overcomplicating things, Miss Wilcox. Mr. Schmidt has definitely changed for the better! I can see it! Besides, we’re his saviors! We’re providing for him, why would he harm us?”
The others disagreed with Wynona.
Hence, Wynona did not bring it up again.
Meanwhile, Jared was wearing a maniacal grin on his face in the car.
“Where do you want to go next, Master?” Floyd asked.
“To Evie and Zoey of course!” Levi smiled.
“They are still in Wildefield! Avery is trying to instruct Evie, even though he’s only a Rank Five!” Floyd said leisurely.
The Levi right now could kill a Rank Seven in a heartbeat! How can Avery even compare with him?
With that, Levi headed straight for his wife and daughter, but something unexpected came up.


The Eragons were going to eliminate everyone that once joined the Ruling Union.

Everything was decided a long time ago but was postponed because of what Levi did at Zarain.
Now that things had settled down, they resumed the plan.

And their targets included those men who bowed down to Levi at Oakland City.
That said, Levi knew nothing about it as he was on his way to Wildefield.
On the way there, Levi could that there were more fighters.
No matter how good they were at hiding it, Levi could still sense their extraordinary presence.
In Levi’s eyes, they were all shining brilliantly, so it was easy to identify.
Soon enough, he arrived at Wildefield.
At Wildefield, they were still training Zoey and Forlevia as though they were the future of Wildefield, not knowing that Levi had already slain several Rank Seven fighters at that point.
When Levi arrived, no one stopped him. They just let him in.
“The Governor said that you’ve not seen Evie in a long while, so you guys stay for a little longer!”
Levi shook his head. “That won’t be necessary. I’m here to take them away!”
“Huh? What do you mean?” The guard looked at him, feeling puzzled.
“Tell Avery that I’m taking them back with me! He’s too weak, so I’m taking Evie back! You guys can only teach her the basics at most!”
As soon as Levi said that, those men’s expressions darkened, and immediately went to report what they heard.
Soon enough, the whole of Wildefield surrounded Levi.
Then, Avery appeared with Zoey and Forlevia.
Both of them were ecstatic to see him since they did not hear from him after he went into battle.
However, Avery stopped them from approaching him.
“Hold your horses! I need to talk to him!”
Avery turned towards Levi and asked, “Are you planning to leave with them?”
“That’s right! Wildefield is still just a small place, after all. You’re too weak to qualify as Evie’s trainer!”
What he said infuriated everyone in Wildefield and some people riled up.
Their faces were all red, wanting to teach Levi a lesson.
Avery and a few of the elders were also agitated by what Levi said.
Wildefield’s a small place? What a joke! Too weak? I’m Avery Fairclough, a Rank Five master fighter!
Meanwhile, Levi ignored his anger and continued, “But of course, I’m a grateful person! You people have poured your heart and soul into taking care of Evie, after all. So, I, Levi Garrison, will owe you one favor! If you’re ever in any trouble, you can look for me to provide assistance once!”
Anyone would go mad if they found out about Levi’s promise to Wildefield since his promise was worth a whole lot.
He had slain more than tens of thousands of Rank Five fighters at that point, so a favor from him could result in something unimaginable.
Nevertheless, Levi’s promise was nothing in the eyes of the people at Wildefield.
“Leave! Why would we ever look for you if we’re in need?”
“Is there something wrong with you?”
The whole Wildefield was mad with rage after hearing what Levi said.
“I’ll be leaving with them now! And this means that we no longer have any affiliation with Wildefield! However, my promise will always be in effect!”
As soon as Levi finished, Avery could no longer hold it in.
“Let’s see how you plan to take them away!”


“That’s right! Don’t even think about taking anyone out of here! You have no place to make decisions here in Wildefield.”

Everyone in Wildefield was both hardheaded and stubborn.
Why would they fear Levi when they had plenty more strong people?

Levi just chuckled.
He had killed off plenty of small fry like the ones in Wildefield.
They were as weak as any regular human being.
They were so weak that Levi could smash them as if they were ants.
“Let’s go, Evie. We’re going home.”
Levi picked Forlevia up and was about to leave with Zoey and Mia.
“Move aside! I want to see if he actually dares to step out of Wildefield,” Avery bellowed.
The crowd parted like the Red Sea at the sound of Avery’s command.
Levi continued walking forward with the three people behind him in tow.
“If any of you dare to step out of this door, then you won’t ever be allowed back in Wildefield!” Avery yelled angrily.
He knew Zoey and the others didn’t actually want to leave.
After all, it was a brilliant opportunity that he believed no one could turn down.
However, Levi didn’t even give the others a chance to look back and walked straight out.
Avery and the rest were stunned at the sight of their retreating backs.
They really left? Just like that?
“What do we do now, Governor?” the others asked.
“If Forlevia leaves Wildefield, we’re done for!”
“If she gets picked up by some other group, we’ll be ruined.”
Avery’s face was twisted as if he had just eaten a lump of garbage. “Go after them! Go after them and bring them back here or else!”
He was finally determined to get Forlevia back.
Just as the Wildefield fighters were about to go after Forlecia, they heard a huge Boom!
A number of shadows suddenly landed on the city walls from above. Clearly enough, Floyd had arrived.
The Wildefield citizens were taken aback at the sight of Floyd and his powerful aura.
Avery said in surprise, “Are you Floyd?”
Who wouldn’t know Floyd? He had truly made a name for himself during the war against the Ruling Union.
“How dare you? Do you know whose daughter you’re trying to take?” Floyd barked coldly.
“What? What’s that supposed to mean?” Avery felt a sense of dread slowly enveloping him.
“Do you know who actually defeated the Ruling Union?”
“Eragon may have fought the last leg of the war, but the raiders truly did the lion’s share of the work,” Avery answered.
“Have you all heard about the fighter from Erudia who went to Zarain to bring Jared back and also killed a bunch of Rank Sevens?”
“Of course! I would never have imagined killing so many Rank Sevens in one go!” Avery inhaled sharply.
Proudly, Floyd declared, “Well, I’ll be the one to tell you that the person who just confronted you was the one who accomplished all of that! That was my master, Levi Garrison!”
The moment Floyd’s shocking statement left his mouth, the whole of Wildefield fell into stark silence.
They were all staring at Floyd in shock.
So the warrior who did all those amazing things was Forlevia’s father all along?
That plain guy?
That’s why he was so comfortable with bashing them as weak and looking down upon them.
In front of someone who had killed so many Rank Sevens, Wildefield must have been weaker than ants.
Levi was right. He had only sent Forlevia here to learn the basics.
Avery instantly fell to his knees.
The others were sweating profusely.
What a close call!
To think that we even thought of killing him…where did we even get that idea from?
As they stepped out of Wildefield, Zoey started to voice her concerns. “They won’t chase after us, will they?”


Levi was about to speak when a crowd suddenly started running toward them.

Avery was at the head of them all.
He was leading the huge crowd of people as they frantically ran toward Levi.

He frowned and started to doubt Floyd’s capabilities. Why couldn’t he deal with even this crowd of people?
Zoey and the others were terrified at the sight of the crowd thundering toward them.
The moment the girls were about to scream, Avery and the others yelled first.
They stared at Levi as if he were a ghost.
Avery immediately ran in the other direction as the people behind him followed tight on his heels.
They weren’t here to chase after Levi after all. They were actually heading to the old Governor’s grave to check something.
They wanted to double check who truly was the one who saved Forlevia from the Shadow Order.
“How strange. Weren’t they chasing after us?” Zoey asked in suspicion.
Avery immediately commanded the others to open up the grave once they arrived.
The moment they saw the dried-up corpse in the grave, everyone came to the same realization.
There was no ‘old Governor’!
He had died a long time ago.
It was Levi who saved Forlevia, and he had also been the one who killed the Shadow Order.
He had already said it in the beginning, but no one believed him.
They had all assumed that the old Governor was the true hero.
“That’s right, didn’t Mr. Garrison say he helped us once before?” Avery asked.
“Ah, that’s right!”
“We truly must appreciate that one chance!”
“So she was his daughter after all. No wonder she was so talented!”
Levi brought the three of them back to North Hampton.
Grandpa and Grandma were overjoyed upon seeing Forlevia.
However, Aaron wasn’t pleased with the fact that Forlevia had cut ties with Wildefield.
“It’s okay. Who cares? We’d much prefer to see Evie every day now rather than leaving her in Wildefield!”
Caitlyn and Emma hugged Forlevia tightly.
To regular people. being together with family was the most important thing.
After everything that had happened earlier, they had gotten used to parting. However, that didn’t stop them from missing each other dearly.
The Lopez and Black families had experienced more loss than anyone else.
The three older people had missed Forlevia terribly.
That’s why they didn’t say anything even though Levi had brought Forlevia back.
“What? They have all left for Zarain?”
Zoey was taken aback by the news.
Levi just smiled helplessly.
He saw them in Zarain with his own eyes.
“By the way, we just got wind of Zarain capturing a lot of refugees from Erudia.”
“Serves them right! They shouldn’t have gone there in the first place!” Aaron spat.
Clearly, the news of them being captured had spread past the whole world.
“Oh dear. Have things gotten that bad?” Zoey asked.
“Of course! It’s all thanks to that mysterious warrior who went into Zarain alone to bring Jared and the two men back! That was what angered Zarain to do such a thing,” Aaron explained.
“I also heard that the mysterious warrior had been sent by Eragon. As expected, Erudia will truly be safe under a force as powerful as Eragon.”

Suddenly, a throng of footsteps came from outside their door.
Harry and the other members of the Lopez family had arrived.
The moment they walked in, they made a beeline for Levi.
“What happened?” Zoey asked.
“It’s all because of those disrespectful twats! They got chased out of Zarain and have zero money to their name. They don’t even have their identification anymore! They’ve been thrown into the middle of nowhere!”
“We only came here to ask Levi to bring them back and give them their identities back.”


The others were surprised at the Lopezs’ request.

So they had come to ask Levi to bring the others back and also return their names as a citizen of Erudia.
No matter how much the older family members scolded them, or how much they had betrayed their ancestors.

After all, how could they bear to let their children suffer out in the unknown?
Despite that, it was still hard to save them.
For one, at such a crucial time, none of them were supposed to leave Erudia.
Apart from that, Henry and Fabian didn’t have any identification. They couldn’t enter Erudia either way.
Not even martial artists were exempted to this rule.
After Eragon had emerged and defeated the Ruling Union, martial artists could no longer do whatever they wanted.
They had to listen to the Dragonites.
So even though they badly wanted to bring Henry and Fabian back, they couldn’t do anything about it.
That was when they heard that Levi had returned and rushed to see him.
To someone like Levi, getting Henry and Fabian back as well as returning their identification was just a matter of putting in some words.
It was as easy as lifting a finger for him.
“Yes, they have betrayed Erudia and their ancestors, and deserve to be punished for that. However, we can’t just watch them die in a godforsaken unfamiliar land.”
“We’ve decided to bring them back. Who cares if we get scolded and ridiculed for it?”
“Levi, we came here to ask you to get them back.”
“That’s right! You only need to put in one word for them to come back and restore their identities.”
It was the first time Cora and the others had ever been even remotely polite to Levi.
“Have they officially estranged themselves from the country?” Levi asked.
“Yes! Those unfilial kids thought Erudia was done for and ran off without even listening to us!” Meredith said through her tears.
Levi chuckled. “They’re all adults now, aren’t they?”
“Yes, they are. What’s wrong?” Harry replied without thinking.
“Since they’re all adults now, they should take responsibility for their actions. I’m sure they didn’t suddenly decide to betray the country in the spur of the moment. After leaving Erudia, everything they do is purely up to them,” Levi said seriously.
“W-what’s that supposed to mean?”
The Lopez family members stared at him, then they realized what he meant.
“What I mean is that I’m not going. Since they decided to leave Erudia, they should never come back. In fact, I’m going to let everybody know that no one who left Erudia is allowed to come back, no matter what.”
Levi was firm in his decision, causing everyone in the room to gape in shock.
“How dare you?” Cora yelled.
“Why wouldn’t I?” Levi said with a cold chuckle.
“They left, didn’t they? They’re no longer Erudians, so there’s no need for me to go bring them back.”

“What are you saying? They are still family! You can’t just get your revenge now because you had spats with Logan in the past,” Meredith said.
“That’s right! We’re still family! How could you bear to see them die in the middle of nowhere?”
“Who do you think you are? No matter how powerful you are now, you still can’t leave your family behind like that.”
All of the Lopez family members were chattering and arguing.
Even Emma and Caitlyn piped up, “Levi, you should just help them out. It’s an easy errand for you after all. Just look at how worried they are.”
Cora suddenly thought of asking Zoey to persuade Levi.
However, Zoey stood firm. “I’m with Levi on whatever he says!”
“I’m not going to care about them. They can die for all I care.”


Levi was determined and unshaken. He wasn’t going to give anyone a chance to persuade him.

He couldn’t care less about their deaths.
On top of that, he even released a statement announcing that every single person who had left Erudia was banned from coming back. Furthermore, they would not even have the chance to regain their status as an Erudian.

Levi announced it personally and emphasized that no one was exempt from this rule.
This announcement was frowned upon by many.
As of today, Erudia had grown and was now one of the strongest countries in the world.
Whatmore, a lot of people who had moved out and were living overseas weren’t having a great time, either.
After all, the important connections they had were in Erudia, not forgetting the job opportunities.
Those who were overseas could only live off of savings, but that would finish one day.
To make things worse, they had also found out that the other countries were just taking advantage of them and didn’t truly welcome them as a citizen.
They would get chased out the moment they lost their worth.
Zarain’s recent procedures had truly wakened up a lot of people.
Erudia was the best place to be, after all.
Thus, they had to return to Erudia as soon as possible.
That was why a lot of people who had once left Erudia were suddenly clamoring to come back.
Some superstars and millionaires had even bought their tickets for the flight back to Erudia.
That explained why so many people were shocked at Levi’s sudden announcement.
The elders could only curse at him for being so cold-blooded, but they couldn’t do anything.
Levi’s new mandate started going into action all across the country.
However, a lot of people were fighting against the mandate.
Some people were using their power and position to force their way in, which caused a lot of conflict.
The next day, Levi got a call from Floyd about something bad happening.
A cruise weighing almost a million tons was about to arrive at South Hampton’s largest port.
All the passengers on the cruise were superstars, influencers and millionaires who had once fled Erudia.
Now that Erudia was already safe, they were fighting to come back.
However, Levi’s announcement had made that impossible for them.
That was why some of the celebrities and millionaires from Keerea and Raysonia had ganged up together to return to Erudia.
They had even booked a cruise and brought thousands of people along with them.
In their eyes, everyone on the cruise was intellectuals and elite.
To them, they would be of worth no matter where they went.
That was why they believed that Erudia wouldn’t turn them down.
Either way, everyone on the cruise had some form of power and a high position in society.
Who would dare stop them?
The worst part was that the celebrities and influencers who were on the cruise had announced the news of their return and even invited their fans to come and greet them.
More than hundreds of influencers and celebrities released the news at the same time, causing unrest among all their fans.
The cruise was scheduled to arrive at 12 noon, but the fans of those celebrities and influencers onboard reached the port at 5 a.m. and started fighting for the best place to see their beloved idols.
The most harrowing problem at hand was that the fans wouldn’t stop coming.
According to Floyd’s report, there were already about fifty thousand fans crowded inside the port and there were more coming.
Floyd had to reach out to Levi for help since he had no other solution.
The moment Levi heard the news, his expression darkened.
I didn’t expect those influencers and celebrities to be so wily… how could they use their fans this way?
There was almost no way to settle them. After all, it wasn’t as if Levi could send people to hit the fans or chase them away by force.
That would be way too extreme.
That was why Floyd couldn’t do anything even though he was a Supreme class.
The fans only became more volatile as their numbers grew.
“Just wait for me to come and settle this myself.”
Levi immediately left for South Hampton.


“What a poor bunch of fans. They have no idea they’re just being used,” Levi muttered to himself as he looked at the crowds of fans below the helicopter.

What a bunch of simpletons.
“They’re so wrong for using their fans against us! They know that if we do anything to get rid of them, it’ll affect us terribly,” Floyd said urgently after seeing Levi.

Floyd was also extremely smart, but he was helpless when it came to things like this.
It wasn’t like he could beat them up.
There were almost a hundred thousand fans filling up the port by the time Levi arrived.
Almost every inch of the port was filled with eager fans.
The moment Levi arrived, so did the cruise carrying the celebrities and influencers.
The passengers on the cruise looked down upon the port as they arrived.
The moment their eyes landed upon the crowds of fans, they smiled knowingly.
Xion and Sadie, who were leading the pack of celebrities, were even more ecstatic.
“See? Our plan worked, right?”
The idea for their fans to come and greet them had been Xion and Sadie’s idea.
The more fans arrived, the less Erudia could penalize them.
That was why they made sure all their fans knew they were returning before they arrived.
They had even invited a bunch of internationally recognized reporters to join them on the cruise.
That way, even if Erudia dared to chase them out, the reporters would instantly make news of it.
Indeed, they really were pretty smart.
They had prepared all of this just so Erudia couldn’t kick them out.
After everything that they had planned, Erudia could only allow them to enter and return their identities as citizens of Erudia.
They could continue to earn money off Erudia and enjoy their high positions in society.
With all this, they could forget about ever having left Erudia.
The cruise finally stopped against the port.
The fans started to cheer like crazy.
How could they not cheer at the sight of all their idols and celebrities in front of them?
The fans all tried to rush forward, but luckily Floyd had the foresight to make sure there were people blocking them from running into the port.
Still, that was all they could do—block them.
If anything happened, these fans might lose control.
There was no way they could be stopped if it came to that.
“Welcome back!”
“Welcome! You’re finally back!”
“Erudia’s doors will always be open for you! Always!”
The fans started yelling and cheering in a frenzy. It began to look as if they would bite the heads off of anyone who tried to stop their idols from entering the country.
It was a rather impressive sight to see all hundred thousand fans cheering at the same time.
Floyd and the others had no way of doing anything apart from blocking the fans from mobbing their idols.
Things were much worse than they had imagined.
If they only began to tell them “no”, these fans could very well gobble them up.
They would also be negatively impacted by the news of this getting out.
After stopping at the port, Xion and the other celebrities allowed the reporters to get off the cruise first.
“This is Bayview’s number one tabloid and media company!”
“We are Adrune’s largest media and news company!”
The reporters started introducing themselves the moment they got off the cruise and started setting up their equipment so they could stream everything live.
Floyd felt his head begin to throb at the ridiculous sight.
It looked like they wouldn’t even have the chance to complete a proper blockade unless they got rid of all those reporters.
But that just wasn’t plausible.
Things had truly gotten out of hand.
Floyd clenched his fists tightly. “This isn’t a good situation for us. We don’t even have a solution for it right now.”
Right then, Xion and the other celebrities started getting off the cruise.
“Who said you could come down here? Screw off back to where you belong!”


The voice that bellowed out was almost as loud as a landmine going off.

Everyone in the port was taken aback by the sheer volume and power of the shout.
The ‘elites’ who had just stepped off the cruise were especially stunned as they stared off into the distance.

Levi slowly walked into view.
It was his yell that had stopped every single person in place.
It had shocked even Floyd and the others.
To Floyd and the rest, they had to take care of things carefully and gently.
If they could use words to fix things, then they wouldn’t have to resort to using force.
After all, the more forceful one was, the more likely things were to escalate.
It could even be said that to them, using force to settle such a situation was the most stupid thing one could do.
However, the moment that thought crossed their minds, Levi had yelled with the force of a thunderstrike.
Floyd and the others were just as surprised.
What is he going to do?
Is he going to get rid of them by force?
About thirty seconds passed by before everyone finally came back to their senses.
“W-what did you just say?” Sadie stammered.
“I told you all to screw off back to where you came from! Don’t even think about landing any of your dirty paws on Erudian land. Leave now!” Levi bellowed clearly.
His voice was loud enough to rival an earthquake. The people stepping off the cruise flinched in fear, lifting their feet off the ground and back on the stairs.
Xion and the others had truly been taken aback by Levi’s sheer intensity.
They no longer dared to make even a peep.
The fans behind Levi, however, were not happy.
They were unhappy after seeing how someone treated their idols that way.
“What did you just say? Did you just ask them to screw off? How dare you?”
“They’re all elites! It will be Erudia’s greatest loss if you refuse to let them in !”
“You all had better watch your move. If you dare put a finger on them, we won’t stop here!”
“That’s right, we won’t let it go that easily!”
“We won’t let you!”
The fans were starting to protest against Levi, and the situation was starting to go out of control again.
The reporters started frantically jotting down and recording everything that was going on.
Naturally, they would be publishing these stories after embellishing them with glorified facts and details that had been blown out of proportion.
Xion and the others smiled widely at the flurry of news reporting.
No matter how powerful Levi and Floyd’s side was, these celebrities had their fans behind them.
He looked at Levi smugly. “That’s right! My precious fans are right. Not letting us in would be a big loss to Erudia! You’d better get your facts straight and let us back in. That’s what you really should be doing!”
Sadie piped up, “Yeah! We’re priceless. I have 17 million fans! Who are you to tell us to screw off?”
“I agree! I have a net worth of three billion. Does that sound worthless to you? Can you imagine the ways that money could be used?”
“Exactly! I own over a hundred factories. My contribution to the economy would be endless!”
All of the so-called ‘elites’ started clamoring to prove themselves.
To be fair, a lot of what they were saying was true.
Despite that, they failed to mention the fact that they not only gave, but they also took.
Without Erudia, how would they have gained their fame, money or factories?
They were clearly coming back to leech off the country now that they couldn’t thrive overseas.
They made themselves sound so noble when they were truly the most selfish ones.
“I agree!”
“I will always support you! They won’t chase you out unless they walk over our dead bodies!”
“Yes! With us protecting you, no one will dare to get rid of you!”
The fans were touched by a simple dedication.
They were getting more pumped up just because of some mushy words from their idols.
The moment Levi stepped out to block them from entering the country, the fans started to form a barricade to stop him.
Everyone onboard the cruise started to smirk triumphantly at the sight of their fans’ efforts.
They looked down upon Levi haughtily.


“Welcome back! Welcome back!” the fans erupted in cheers.

Some fans had even broken free from the pack and had somehow pushed their way to the front to be the first to welcome their idols home.
Xion and the other celebrities started walking off the cruise.

As long as they entered Erudia, then getting their identity back would no longer be a problem.
They had already passed the hardest part!
The elites stepped onto Erudian land proudly as they stared mockingly at Levi.
Floyd and his men were starting to look annoyed.
Things had escalated to a level none of them wanted to see.
Now, there was no way to properly settle the situation.
All they could do was watch on.
The soft approach wasn’t working, and yet they couldn’t even attempt to try the hard way.
“Who said you all can step off?” Levi asked.
Everyone’s eyes landed on Levi.
He walked toward the crowd and stopped right in front of them.
He stepped onto a line and barked coldly, “I dare any of you to try taking another step. If anyone crosses this line, I will be taking extreme measures.”
Floyd and the rest could tell that Levi was angry and were getting nervous.
“Master, won’t things get worse if you do this?” Floyd whispered.
“If anything happens, I’ll take all the blame for it,” Levi said determinedly.
“Who are you? How dare you act so arrogantly?” The fans were starting to make a fuss again.
Xion chuckled. “I would love to see what you would do if I crossed the line.”
He stared at Levi as he took two big steps over the line Levi was stepping on.
“Oh, dear! Looks like I’ve crossed your line. What are you going to do about it?” Xion said with a smug smirk.
Levi frowned as he stared at Xion.
The very next second, Levi had kicked Xion out over the port.
He practically flew before crashing heavily against the deck of the cruise.
Everyone was stunned into silence once again.
No one had expected him to actually get violent!
“Oh, no. This isn’t looking good,” Floyd sighed.
“Have you gone insane? How dare you kick him like that?”
“Who the hell are you to do such a thing?”
Once the crowd finally realized what had happened, they started yelling at Levi.
“My name is Levi, and I am the one who made that rule,” Levi announced.
“That doesn’t give you the right to beat someone up! He has twenty million fans! How dare you?”
“Yeah, how dare you? Apologize immediately!”
Everyone was yelling angrily.
Levi just smiled mildly and shook out his fist. “What did you say? I’ll show you what’s my right.”
With another loud boom, an invisible force pushed the fans away.
Without even realizing what had happened, the fans were already gathered behind Levi.
With another wave of his hand, Levi built an invisible wall of air between the fans and the cruise.
They started getting agitated and tried to bash their way through the wall.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
All of them struck heavily against the wall to no avail.
Amidst their anger, the crowd was also surprised.
No matter what they did, the wall in front of them remained unbroken.
Levi had singlehandedly stopped a hundred thousand fans from causing further trouble.
Sadie and the other ‘elites’ could only watch in shock.
They had pictured many scenarios happening, but they hadn’t expected Levi to be this powerful.
Levi watched them with a cold smirk as he said, “Forget about entering Erudia. Just go back to where your sorry as*es came from. Do you all really think you have contributed that much? If you don’t leave now, I’ll force you all to leave myself.”


“Do you dare to give it a try?”

“So many people are watching and many international media are here, just you lift a finger and see what comes your way?”
There was silence.

The crowd was furious and they glared at Levi.
It went on…
Levi did not bother to waste his breath talking with them; instead, he kicked them one by one onto the cruise ship.
His overbearing method was shocking.
Even the international media were taken aback.
Levi looked at them. “Who gave you permission to set foot on Erudia? This is an unconventional entry, right? According to Erudia law, I have reason to drive you out!”
With one word, Levi silenced the crowd of nearly one thousand.
Indeed, they had not gone through the immigration formalities.
After all, they were not citizens of Erudia and had therefore broken the law as illegal immigrants.
What Levi did was legal.
“Leave, leave immediately!”
Levi roared.
He drove out all the international media.
“Repeat offenders will be executed!”
Levi blasted out with a punch.
Not far away, the sea was split in two, forming a big gap of thousands of meters…
Not only that, the powerful force pushed the cruise ship back.
In fact, it went out of control!
This scene shocked everyone present.
Is he even human?
After he handled those people, Levi turned around and withdrew the invisible barrier keeping away the fans.
The fans erupted into a flurry of questions.
“Who are you? By what authority do you drive them away?”
“They are our idols! How dare you?”
The questioning went on…
Everyone glared at Levi in anger.
Levi laughed. “Let me ask you one question. Prior to this, Erudia was facing danger. Where were your idols, then?”
“They were…”
“They were in…”
There was no answer.
With one question, Levi left 100,000 fans speechless, unable to give a coherent reply.
All too soon, the 100,000 fans were quietened.
They looked at one another without a word. Fear was in the air.
“Let me tell you! When our country was in need of support, your idols rushed overseas to flee from the disaster!”
“When Erudia was going through its worst crisis, with rumors of total destruction, they have decided to give up citizenship and applied to be citizens of foreign countries.
“When you were facing the worst dangers, your idols fled. Do they still deserve your worship?”
The fans had no reply.
Levi’s few questions set the fans thinking hard.
Any normal thinking individual would be able to draw the right conclusions.
“You say repeatedly that your idols inspire you but when you were in danger, but who saved you? Was it your idols?”
“No! Those who saved you were martial artists of Erudia who were not afraid of shedding blood or dying.”
“You have seen it all—when danger arises, they protect you quietly without being known. In contrast, those who take up your time and resources flee away.”
“Of course, there are exceptions. A lot of stars came out to help front-liners in the form of donations and other ways. However, these groups that you like did nothing at all.”
“It’s not wrong to have idols. Please open your eyes, find an idol who is exemplary and worthy of your respect.”
The crowd was silenced.
They listened quietly.
For a long time, they were silent.
All the fans were inspired.
One of them asked tremblingly, “May I ask who you are?”
“Listen carefully. He is the greatest hero who saved Erudia—the Crown King!”


Floyd replied in a loud voice.

The hundreds of thousands were astounded.
They looked at Levi in awed respect.

At that time these warriors were the ones all Erudian citizens praise and worship.
When they heard the name, “Crown King,” everyone was excited.
“Citizens, ladies and gentlemen, people like Crown King and Benny Quinton are the ones that we should idolize!”
“Let us not be fooled by physical beauty! We long for beauty in appearance but the beauty of the spirit is more important.”
The crowd agreed silently.
Seeing the crowd being awakened, Floyd and the others smiled.
The charisma of Levi’s character was increasing in their hearts.
He had, inevitably, solved this problem of using brute force.
This made many realize what they should value.
After this, nobody dared to break this rule.
Those traitors who had fled from Erudia could never come back.
Funnily enough, everyone found out that without these “elites,” everything went on as usual in Erudia.
When they left, someone else would replace them and might even do better.
One day, when Levi was training Forlevia, a few men covered with blood suddenly rushed in.
“Mr. Garrison, save us, please save us…”
They prostrated themselves on the ground and begged him.
“Are you… from the Northern Demon tribe?”
Levi identified them by their breath.
“Yes, Mr. Garrison, please save us!”
The men were very emotional.
“What is the matter?”
Levi treated their wounds and then asked them.
“Mr. Garrison, this morning our clan and other sect forces were suddenly attacked by unknown masters! They were brutal and determined to exterminate our clan!”
“We admit that we made a mistake but we were guarding Oakland City to redeem ourselves. There is no reason to destroy our clan.”
They continued to explain their situation.
Very quickly, they clarified what had happened.
Levi did some investigation. Floyd and the others knew about this.
It turned out that Eragon was behind this. They wanted to get rid of criminals.
Those forces that surrendered to Levi were among them.
Nearly all of the Northern Demon members had been killed.
Those who escaped had come to Levi for help.
Levi immediately instructed Floyd to stop the Dragonites.
“Daddy, someone is coming!”
Forlevia alerted Levi.
From outside, could be heard the sound of movement.
Very quickly, eight figures appeared in the courtyard, all dressed in black, wearing black masks.
Each carried a crossbow on his back and was armed with a long sword.
These were Eragon who had appeared at the war zone in the East.
The moment they appeared, there was a change in the atmosphere.
The air was filled with the terrifying aura of the sword blended with the desire for blood, which swept across the courtyard like a violent wind.
It swept across the faces, causing burning pain like the cut of a blade.
“Mr. Garrison, it’s them!”
The men were terrified when they saw these swordsmen.
Not too long ago, these swordsmen had slaughtered all their families.
There were the only ones remaining.
They felt indescribable fear when facing these killers.
“Give them to us!”
These eight men’s voices were hoarse and demanding.
“Sorry, this is my home. You are not welcome here! Please leave!” Levi spoke.
“These are the cult of criminals that Eragon wants to terminate. I advise you to mind your own business or die together with them.
The killers were thirsty for blood and they paid no heed to Levi.
“I’ll die as well? Hehe!”
“Tell your master these are Levi Garrison’s people and you have to leave them alone!”
Levi laughed.



Supreme Grandmaster
Sep 24, 2023

“Levi Garrison? We don’t care who you are! We will kill them no matter what!”

The Eragon swordsmen were arrogant and believed they were the best in the world.
They had no respect at all for Levi.

“Then there will be a fight!”
Levi did not want to waste time trying to talk to them.
Immediately, he made his move.
These eight swordsmen were strong and mighty, nearly destroying the whole tribe of the Northern Demon.
Nevertheless, they were no match for Levi.
The eight men were swept away like fallen leaves by a gust of strong wind.
At this exact moment, the Dragonites replied, saying that Eragon would not stop killing these criminals until they are totally annihilated.
“Floyd, didn’t you say that these men are mine?” Levi asked.
“I did, but the Dragonites said that the assault on Oakland City was warded off by Eragon and these criminals played no part in protecting it.
Hearing Floyd’s report, Levi’s face turned grim.
“All right then. I’ll go and save them!”
Levi headed off immediately and soon made it to the woods in the North.
The major forces that once surrendered to him were now defeated. They gathered together and lingered on their last breath.
Within a short of time, half of the forces were taken out.
Hundreds of Eragon masters would be coming after them soon.
Upon the first strike, the remaining survivors would be totally destroyed.
At this crucial moment, Levi arrived.
“They saved Oakland City at the time of great danger. Let them be redeemed by this heroic act!”
“Murdering them is to show no respect to me.”
Levi was furious seeing the huge number of dead bodies and the heavily injured casualties.
“They must die. Whoever protects them shall die too!”
The Eragon did not care who it might be.
Their decision could not be changed by anyone.
“That’s him. He’s the one who injured the eight of us!”
Someone was pointing at Levi.
“So, it’s you! Great, there’s no escape for you now!”
With that, a battle for life and death would ensue.
The opponents were ready, so the situation was tense as the battle was on the verge of breaking out.
The Dragonites were worried that the misunderstanding would deepen, so they hurried to the location as well.
“It’s just a misunderstanding!”
“We have found out that they are indeed the ones who relieved the danger at Oakland City! They are now reporting to the Crown King!”
The Dragonites explained the situation.
The leader of Eragon sneered and said, “Then they were forced by Crown King to do this! These people are scourges, and it is best to eradicate them. If you let them live, the harm they do is absolutely endless!”
Levi sneered. “That is my choice. It is none of your business!”
The argument went on.
Finally, with the help of the Dragonites’ persuasive negotiation, Eragon let the remaining criminals live.
The Eragon masters left when the discussion was finished.
“Is this Crown King? It was he who defeated the Ruling Union previously?
“Yes, that was him!”
“I’ve observed his skills and his methods. His techniques seem quite demonic!”
Some people had doubts on him.
“Yes, that’s right! It’s exactly the same as that big demon! The key is that he is involved with these cults and I am beginning to doubt his identity!”
“If such an important position as Crown King is held by a big demon, Erudia was already at risk long ago!”
“We will go back as soon as possible and tell Master what happened. I think we should notify The Cardinal Hall!”
Meanwhile, at another location…
Eragon warriors and the Northern Demon clan came to the same conclusion.
They spoke about a big demon.
Levi never imagined that the meeting with Defense of the Dragon clan today would bring him huge disaster in the future.


“From now on, you can all be my followers!”

Levi wanted to recruit them as his Team Of Secret Warriors.
On the one hand, it improved combat effectiveness, and on the other, it gave the Dragonites the reassurance they needed.

After all, Eragon had mentioned that these criminals were hidden dangers.
If they were set free, the Dragonites would be concerned.
On the other hand, if they were kept close by Levi, there would be no need to worry about them.
The Dragonites were happy with the decision.
By absorbing them into his team of warriors, Levi was also strengthening Erudia’s power in combat.
Levi did not return to North Hampton directly. He was led by the Dragonites and came to the secret training base of Gamma Tech.
The Gamma Tech Alliance represented the most advanced technology in Erudia.
It encompassed aviation, weapons and other fields.
The moment they arrived at the base, Levi felt numerous pairs of eyes on him.
However, those were not human eyes, but robotic…
The Dark Metal Laboratory that Byron had built secretly before was also considered top-notch, but compared with the present one, that was child’s play.
This base was definitely the most advanced technology training base.
It could withstand attacks from any martial artist.
Soon, Wynona arrived at the court.
“Are you here to check out Jared’s situation?”
Wynona did not beat around the bush.
“That is right.”
“He has been very responsible till now and he has shown no unusual behavior so far! He is also the most talented person I have ever seen! It’s only been a short time but he has helped us solve a lot of problems!” Wynona replied.
Levi frowned. “The more he seems normal, the more you should be wary! He is devious and conniving!”
“Firstly, he would do something to endanger Erudia!”
“Secondly, you represent Erudia’s most advanced technology. What if he leaks it?”
Levi went on.
Wynona listened attentively to Levi as he spoke.
However, Wynona was a prideful person.
Since she was young, she had been pampered and now, she was the top scientist in the country.
Even if everything Levi said was true, she would still find fault with it.
She did not like the fact that Levi seemed to control the whole country.
“Don’t we know it?”
She replied with a question.
“I’d advise that he be monitored by more people. Prevention is better than cure!”
Levi reminded her.
Wynona did not retort him this time.
This was because what he said was exactly what she was thinking as well.
She had often proposed that Jared be watched over by specialists but her idea was rejected.
The others did not agree with her.
“Are you trying to cause trouble? What do you mean by getting specialized personnel to guard him? Jared is our countryman, our kin.”
“It’s true that Jared has repented of his wrongs. His contribution to the country is proof!”
“Who are you? You have come to our base to accuse one of our own!”
The arguments went on.
These comrades had been totally deceived by Jared.
At the training base here, Jared was held in high regard.
Within this group of scientists, there was not much rivalry. Real talent was recognized and respected.
Jared was a good scientist, so he was recognized and respected.
Hence, nobody agreed when Levi said anything negative about Jared.
Wynona just laughed helplessly.
It was because of this that no one agreed to her proposal.
Most importantly, Jared’s behavior was excellent and no one could find fault with him.
Therefore, she did not continue to rant.
“Isn’t this my old schoolmate? Did I hear someone say that I should be watched by professionals?”
At this very moment, Jared appeared, all smiles as he approached Levi.


Jared looked remorseful and declared, “We are in this together. I realized my mistake, and I had made a pledge yesterday to donate all my wealth in order to make up for my wrongdoings.”

“Let’s give this man a big hand!”
With that, the crowd gave Jared a big round of applause. The team was impressed by his decision to donate his entire wealth, which was an astronomical amount, and they had more faith and greater respect for him.

Levi and Wynona found it disturbing and abnormal though, as they felt it was an extreme move to give up the entirety of one’s wealth. However, it was not uncommon for geniuses to go to extremes to achieve their goals.
Jared looked toward Levi and said, “I know you had always been suspicious of me. If you are not convinced, you can kill me. With your skills, that would be as easy as pie.”
“We dare him to do that! If he wants to kill you, he has to kill all of us first!”
“Yeah! We will protect you!”
The technical staff went crazy and protested loudly.
See if you can kill me now!Jared looked at Levi triumphantly.
It is only a matter of time that I will do so!
Levi understood his unspoken words and gave him a smirk in return.
“Get out of our training base. You are not welcome here!”
“We have no wish to see you again!”
The crowd starting jeering and shooed Levi away.
“I will be monitoring you, rascal, and rest assured I will come after you should you make a wrong move!” Levi warned, then turned to leave with Wynona.
“Don’t worry. I will keep an eye on him.” Wynona comforted Levi as she walked him out.
“Finally, a brainy one here!” Levi smiled.
“What?” Wynona could not believe her ears!
The training base had the crème de la crème of the best possible talents one could find in the whole of Erudia. Almost all the famous scientists were gathered there and one could safely say that all the highly intelligent people were there in the base.
As such, Levi’s comment sounded more like a sarcastic remark instead.
However, Wynona could not help but smile as she watched Levi leave.
As a scientist, she had always felt that technology and scientific advancements were what they needed to build up a nation.
She used to think fighters and warriors were crude, violent, and unsophisticated people.
However, these martial artists, whom she had previously looked down on, were the ones who saved Erudia from the crisis.
She had a newfound respect for them, although her pride deterred her from admitting that.
From afar, Jared was also watching Levi as he left.
You are right, Levi. This bunch of gullible people had a high IQ but extremely low EQ. Just wait and see. I have a good show coming up!
Although it had been many days since the battle at Zarain, it was still a trending topic around the world.
Zarain was utterly humiliated by the loss, and that battle added on to the already deep grudges they had with Erudia.
However, Zarain was surprisingly quiet and had mysteriously lay low, much to the puzzlement of everyone.
Meanwhile, there was an uproar in Erudia when the public came to know of the existence of Eragon.
Eragon was not a single tribe nor an organization but was made up of nine ancient guardian tribes.
These ancient tribes dated back hundreds of years ago, with a few whose existence dated so far back that some of their information was not captured in the historical records.
The nine ancient guardian tribes were independent entities but together, they were in control of all the top secrets of Erudia and guarded all the things that were of utmost importance to Erudia.
Above them was another organization that coordinated the activities and functions of these nine guardian tribes. This oldest establishment was the most powerful organization in Erudia, and it was named “The Cardinal Hall.” It was the foundation of Erudia.
The Cardinal Hall was also made up of many smaller organizations or ministries, one of which was The Manifest Court.
The Manifest Court was in charge of intelligence and surveillance, and on that particular day, it made a radical announcement.


That announcement created an uproar not only in Erudia but within the international community as well.

The Manifest Court had decided to revive Erudia’s long-forgotten Gem&Stone List.
In the early history of Erudia, way before the Gods’ Promise was effected, the Gem&Stone List was a list that ranked the strongest among Erudian warriors.

The Gem&Stone List had two rankings. The Stone list ranked outstanding warriors under the age of thirty. It was also known as the Raring List or the Potential List.
The Gem List was the ultimate list that ranked the warriors of all age groups.
The Gem&Stone List had been dormant for an extremely long time as no warriors were deemed qualified enough to be on it.
As such, it was long forgotten, and other than being passed down in the records of some ancient tribes, there was no mention of it anywhere else and most people had no knowledge of this list.
However, the situation had changed after the Gods’ Promise was broken. Powerful warriors began to emerge and captured the attention of the public.
After Levi led his troops to victory in the battle with the Ruling Union and especially after he defeated five Rank Seven fighters, there were extremely high interest and awareness of the existence of such impressive warriors.
Finally, there were candidates worthy to be included in the Gem&Stone List.
Nothing escaped the monitoring system of The Manifest Court. It appeared to have records and information on those magnificent warriors, even those who had kept a low profile and were not in the public’s eyes.
The Manifest Court was able to gather intelligence on them and could rank them according to their fighting capabilities.
Only The Manifest Court had the resources and credibility to objectively evaluate these warriors and come up with the Gem&Stone List.
When the Gem&Stone List was revealed, the rankings shocked the whole world.
Most of the warriors mentioned were unknown to the public, and even after the list was published, their identities remained a mystery to most people. That was because their names were withheld and only their titles or nicknames were listed together with their rankings.
The only one the public was familiar with was the mysterious warrior who defeated five Rank Seven fighters in Zarain.
Although many knew it was Levi, the Dragonites did their best to withhold that information from the public in order to protect his family and loved ones. If his identity was revealed, that would bring them many unnecessary troubles.
They had a nice title for him – CalaMaster, short for Master of the Calamity
The shocking news was – CalaMaster, the impressive warrior who defeated five Rank Seven fighters, was only placed at number twenty in the Gem List!
That was astonishing news to everyone!
A spectacular warrior who single-handedly humiliated Zarain was only ranked number twenty. The public could not possibly imagine how formidable those warriors ranked above him would be, especially the top three on the list.
If CalaMaster could create such an impressive defeat for Zarain, they believed the top three warriors would have the ability to bring the world to an end.
The Gem&Stone List was shocking, and it also served as a warning to the world. The message was clear.
Erudia is powerful! We have at least nineteen warriors who were much stronger than CalaMaster! And those Rank Seven fighters were nowhere close to being considered for the list.
It was terrifying revelations for those eyeing Erudia. And unless they had a death wish, they would have to think twice before ever considering any attempt to invade Erudia.
As the ranking on the Gem&Stone List was done by The Manifest Court, no one doubted its credibility, and it was recognized by all the countries.
It was a glorious time for the martial arts world of Erudia, and the martial artists were basking in the limelight.
With the revelation of the Gem&Stone List, Erudia had raced ahead of all the other countries in terms of their defensive abilities, and they left the other countries despondent.
Levi soon heard about the Gem&Stone List. He was not interested in his own ranking, but the list aroused his curiosity, so he made some inquiries toward the Dragonites.
The Dragonites admitted the move by The Cardinal Hall was intended to deter other countries from attempting to invade Erudia. However, it was a matter decided by The Cardinal hall, and the Dragonites had no hand in it.
The Cardinal Hall and the Dragonites were on par in terms of their status in the country. They would cooperate with one another but had no say in the operations of the other party.
Next, Levi checked out the Stone list. It was full of young fighters which he did not know personally.
However, as his eyes fell on the last name on the list, his expression changed.


The reason for his shock was that his daughter Forlevia was the last name on the Stone List!

The last name on the list was too glaring and stunned Levi, leaving him unsettled for a long time.
Who revealed information about Evie’s potential?

He made an effort to hide that from the Lopez and Black families. As for those from Wildefield, they badly wanted to keep Forlevia from the public’s eyes, so there was no chance they would leak out that information.
Who could have possibly leaked that information?
Levi knew Forlevia would never be qualified for the Stone List based on her ability at that point in time. Although he had been working with her on strengthening her foundation, he had not given her any training to improve her fighting skills.
The only possible reason for her to be ranked would be if they assessed her based on her potential.
That meant someone had discovered and acknowledged her hidden potential!
The most shocking fact was the reason The Manifest Court gave for including Forlevia in the list. They said she had the rare potential unrivaled by anyone in the recent one thousand years.
That immediately put Forlevia in the spotlight. If the assessment made by The Manifest Court was correct, that meant she could very well rise to be number one on the Stone List and then subsequently number one on the Gem List in the future.
Levi thought someone had intentionally leaked out information about Forlevia, but she was actually on The Manifest Court’s radar all the while. No one escaped their surveillance.
Levi could only manage a wry smile. Both father and daughter were on the list. One was on the Gem List, and the other on the Stone List. Ironically, both of them ended up at the bottom of their respective lists.
CalaMaster’s ranking shocked the world, whereas Forlevia’s ranking shocked Erudia.
Although the Stone List was for youths below the age of thirty and raring to go, Forlevia’s inclusion still created a stir due to her young age.
To be ranked when one was just a few years old was unheard of, and everyone who saw the list was stunned.
Who is she?
How could one possess such frightening potential?
Forlevia’s sudden fame spread far and wide, and the international community also took notice of her.
The fact that Erudia had many formidable warriors as in the Gem List, plus such a highly acclaimed future super warrior in the making, meant it would remain invincible for a long time to come.
When Levi rushed back to North Hampton, he found that the Gem&Stone List had created a furor at home too.
Zoey and all at home knew about Forlevia’s ranking on the Stone List. In addition to family members from both the Lopez and Black families, some members from the Great Family of Westford also rushed over, worried for Forlevia.
“Have you heard about it, Levi?” Zoey anxiously asked as she saw Levi walk in.
“Yes, I heard. It is my fault for not keeping the secret well hidden,” Levi replied remorsefully.
As a father, it was natural he wanted to protect Forlevia for as long as he could. It was unfortunate the news of her hidden potential could not be kept under wraps.
One could imagine the dangers Forlevia would face in the future.
Many parties, be it righteous ones or cults such as Wildefield or the Shadow Order, would want to take her in under their wings to groom her.
As many countries would fear she, with her future superpowers, would be a threat to them, they would also want to eliminate her while she was still young and defenseless.
Everyone at home knew being on the Stone List was not good news for Forlevia. She was too young and unable to fend for herself, and they did not think they had the ability to protect her as well.
“Don’t worry, I am here. With me around, I doubt anyone would dare mess with Evie,” Levi promised.
“You? Forget it! It is big trouble for Evie now! Many people are eyeing her now, so we may not even get to see her in the future.”
“Oh, my poor Evie… why do you have to be gifted with such a talent?”
The elder folks hugged Forlevia tightly in their arms, pained at the thought of all the dangers she could meet.
“It would be a different story if you were CalaMaster! But I heard CalaMaster is from Eragon,” they sighed.
As the Dragonites had done a great job keeping CalaMaster’s identity a secret, Levi could not rebut the elders, so he merely sneered, “I am Crown King, so I shall see who would dare to lay a finger on my daughter.”


No one took note of what Levi said, as they were engrossed in their own discussion.

“Should we find Evie a strong backer now? Not only will she be protected from dangers, but she would also get good resources to develop her to her maximum potential!” Cora suggested.
“That’s a great idea! I agree!”

“Me too!”
Her suggestion received unanimous support from the rest of the family.
“But we have to make sure the backer is powerful, with sufficient ability to protect her from dangers. Also, we have to be mindful it must be a righteous party. Otherwise, we could have ruined her life.”
“That is true. It would be disastrous if she is in the hands of some cults!”
When Levi heard their opinions, he sneered and commented, “How do you define who is righteous and who is evil? This is a world ruled by the survival of the fittest. The so-called cults are not always evil, and vice versa.”
Levi felt there was no difference between Wildefield, classified as a righteous party by many, and a publicly recognized cult such as Shadow Order. They were both using Forlevia. Evil cults like Shadow Order deserved to be eliminated, but those people from Wilderfield were not any nobler. They were nice to Forlevia only because of her value to them.
“What is that nonsense? Do you want to send Evie into a cult?” the elders chided.
Levi decided to ignore them. He knew Forlevia would be safe as long as she was with him.
He had no interest in the discussion Zoey was having with the family with regards to finding Forlevia a backer. He put his mind to writing training manuals on fighting skills and battle strategies instead.
His plan was not only to train the Team Of Secret Warriors but also to improve the standard of the warriors in Erudia in general.
After analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the existing warriors, he started writing customized training manuals for the different classes of warriors.
For example, he had a basic training manual for the mass recruits. For those with better skills and foundation, such as Five Great Wars Regiment, he wrote some higher-level training manuals for them.
Even within the Five Great Wars Regiment, he customized a specific technique book each for White Tiger, Azure Dragon, Phoenix, Black Tortoise, and Kirin, based on their special strength and needs.
Even though it was prime time for the warriors in Erudia at that moment, Levi wanted to develop an invincible troop.
During that period, both CalaMaster and Forlevia’s fame spread, and as more people heard about them, they wanted to find out more about the two.
On The Dark World’s dark web, information on CalaMaster and Forlevia were going for an astronomical amount of money, yet there were ready buyers for them. That proved the curiosity the public had for the two mysterious figures.
Levi could tell more people were coming their way, as many had already set their sight on Forlevia.
One of them was Jared.
At the training base, on the wall of Jared’s room were three photos, that of Levi, Zoey, and Forlevia. The photos of Levi and Forlevia had multiple stab marks on them.
Do you think I cannot get rid of you because you are strong now? Wait and see. I will do so soon! And as for your lovely precious little girl, I cannot imagine what a beautiful perfect life she will have with that special talent of hers. However, I swear I will end both your happiness with my own hands!
Jared had a manic look in his eyes when he made that vow.
On his table, there was a technical drawing with lots of lines drawn on it and with many different formulae scribbled on it.
Jared was staring hard at that drawing as if that was his weapon to defeat Levi.
Indeed, Jared was preparing for a crazy and ambitious experiment.
Gamma Tech’s training base had everything he needed for his experiment. If he was successful in that experiment, the outcome would stun the world and bring upon a great disaster.


Jared had the freedom and authority to do almost anything at the training base without anyone monitoring his activities.

He had unrestricted access to almost all the most sophisticated laboratories in the base. In the name of researching for groundbreaking technological advances, he could do anything without raising anyone’s suspicion.
After all, he was truly brilliant, and within a few days of joining the team, he had already helped them resolve many thorny issues. As such, the rest of the team idolized him and placed him on a pedestal. Wynona was the only one being wary of him, and she would pay attention to his movements and activities.

After calming down from the private manic outburst in his room, Jared put on his protective gears and headed to the laboratory section of the base.
“I would like to use laboratory number three,” he requested.
Wynona was on duty that day. She did the routine check on him to make sure he did not have spy gadgets or unapproved equipment hidden on him before granting him permission to access the laboratory.
As she watch Jared and his team enter the laboratory, Wynona had an unexplainable sense of unease.
In the short time that he was there, his access authority had increased by leaps and bounds, and he had already gotten the privilege to make use of Lab Number Three.
Somehow, she felt uneasy about it but could not do anything to stop it as the rest of the team had full faith in Jared and trusted him completely.
Please don’t let anything go wrong!
Wynona could only massage her heavy head and silently pray that everything would be all right.
In the meantime, West Sky Lord had returned with the personal items of all the deceased members of The Calamity. Levi had given her the instruction to do so when they first got back.
Those brave warriors had anonymously worked hard to fight for Erudia. They were not appreciated when they were alive and even in death, their bodies were damaged beyond recognition. As such, Levi decided to build a cenotaph in their memory, with all their names etched on it in recognition of their contributions and sacrifices.
The construction of the cenotaph was completed, so Levi was on the way to pay his respect to the deceased and to carve their names on the cenotaph.
Levi led Forlevia, West Sky Lord, and a few others to a cemetery in Fairlake City of Northeast City.
“Bring me a sword!” he quietly demanded.
A sword was thrown at him and he started craving the names of the deceased members onto the individual nameplates mounted on the cenotaph.
Eren Pieck.
Armin Momoa.
Rodrick Artlet.
West Sky Lord and the rest watched solemnly as Levi silently etched the nine hundred and ninety-nine names on the cenotaph.
After finishing the craving of the names, Levi poured half a bottle of wine around the cenotaph and downed the other half of the bottle.
“Rest in peace!” West Sky Lord and the rest shouted.
“Oh, almost a thousand newly built tombs?” A group of people walked by, and the man in the lead smilingly asked as he glanced toward Levi’s direction.
“It looks like a cenotaph. Heard it was for those warriors who perished on the battlefield and whose remains could not be found.” Someone in the group could be heard explaining to the man.
“What a bunch of foolish men! Who would remember them after their death? And to think they fought with their lives and ended up in such a sorry state. How stupid can they be?” the young man mocked.
“Yes, you are right! These are gullible men brainwashed into doing foolish acts. They went into the battle despite knowing they had no chance of survival. Stupid as can be!’
“To defend Erudia means they are defending a group of morons and idiots!”
The followers happily chatted away and continued humoring the young man.
“They even gave an order not to allow those who fled the war to return to Erudia. So, how did you come back?” They looked toward the young man and asked with curiosity.
Levi overheard their conversation and realized the young man had fled the country but managed to return despite his order not to allow defectors to return.
“Stop right there!” he bellowed.


He could never let his brave warriors suffer such insults after gallantly sacrificing for the country.

Moreover, he wanted to know who the young man was and how he managed to return to the country despite his order to ban the escapees from returning.
He couldn’t let the matter rest and allow the young man to get away scot-free

Kieran and his followers were amused by Levi’s reaction. They stopped and turned to face Levi.
“Are you calling out to us, punk?” Kieran taunted Levi with an arrogant smile.
“Mr. Tate, I think you had better lay low and not get into any trouble, since you just came back,” one of his followers urged.
“He started it! Let’s go over and meet this guy!” Kieran walked toward Levi, and his followers hurriedly tagged along.
“What do you want, punk?” Kieran challenged.
“Two things. Number one, kneel and apologize!” Levi coldly demanded.
Kieran and his followers were taken aback by Levi’s command.
“Kneel and apologize? Why should we?” Kieran tried to put on a brave front and countered Levi, but his face had clearly paled with fear.
“You know very well what you said just now! These are brave warriors who sacrificed themselves for Erudia. Not only did you not pay your respect to them, but you also insulted them with demeaning words. For that, you need to apologize.” Levi stared at him intently and demanded.
“Hahaha… and did I say anything untrue? They are a bunch of stupid fools who brought such a sorry fate to themselves for no valid reasons!” Kieran and his men laughed out loud, without a hint of remorse.
“Yeah. Pitiful but foolish, ain’t they? And they even constructed a cenotaph for them! What a joke!” The men continued with their insults.
Levi’s eyes had narrowed in anger, and the atmosphere was tense.
“You have to apologize for those insults. One last chance for you. Kneel and apologize!” he sternly warned.
Levi had turned into a furious monster, and Kieran could clearly sense the menacing aura he emitted. Nevertheless, he pridefully held on to his stand and threatened, “Do you know who I am? Who are you to demand that I kneel and apologize?”
Levi stared at him and said, “That is the second question I wanted to ask.”
Before Kieran could respond, Levi flicked his foot and landed a kick on Kieran’s leg.
Kieran immediately fell to his knees. He had not expected Levi to strike, and what surprised him more was Levi’s strength.
Kieran was not a weakling, and Levi could sense it too. However, in his eyes, that prowess of Kieran was nothing, and he could easily crush Kieran with a finger.
Bang, bang, bang!
Levi swiftly let out a round of kicks, and before anyone realized what happened, all of Kieran’s men were kneeling on the ground, mourning in pain.
“Apologize!” Levi demanded calmly.
“No way! Why should I?” Kieran held his head high and pridefully gave Levi a death stare.
Levi held his face to the ground and rubbed him against the hard ground, bruising his face. Kieran felt a sharp burning pain on his face and started screaming hysterically.
“I’ll apologize! I’ll apologize!” Kieran had to submit to Levi.
He and his men knelt in front of the cenotaph and begrudgingly started apologizing to the brave defenders of Erudia.
“Just my luck to have met you here today! I dare you to stay back for another ten to fifteen minutes!” Kieran issued a challenge to Levi.
When Levi kept his silence, Kieran took that as a sign of fear and started taunting him. “Come on! Are you a man or a coward? Are you too scared to do that?”
“Did you forget I said I wanted two things from you? Now is the time for the second one,” Levi reminded.
That aroused Kieran’s curiosity, and he smirked, “Let’s hear about it. What else do you want?”
“Tell me who you are!”


Levi wanted to know what was so special about Kieran’s family background that enabled him to return to Erudia.

“Who I am? Hahaha… you will find out in a few minutes!” Kieran laughed arrogantly, like a confident predator who had cornered his prey.
“Fine! I will wait!” Levi was glad he did not have to waste time to track down the family that gave this youth his arrogance.

A few minutes later, a convoy of more than a hundred black cars appeared outside the cemetery. By a rough estimate, there would be almost a thousand people there, as there were bodyguards and escorts traveling among the convoy.
The family was obviously rich and influential, and they looked like they were there for a family memorial service.
They were the Tate family, the richest family in Fairlake City.
When Erudia fell into a crisis, they defected and fled to Raysonia when the battle got close to the East.
After Erudia regained peace and prosperity, they quietly returned.
Upon returning, the first thing they did was to organize a memorial service to pay respect to their ancestors. After all, they knew their defection was a betrayal to their forefathers who had their roots in Erudia and were the pioneers who built the country.
As the youngest in the family, Kieran was supposed to arrive for the memorial service before the elders. That was how he met Levi.
Soon, the convoy drove into the cemetery, and Kieran started shouting for help. “Save me, Grandpa!”
His scream startled his family, and the group of almost a thousand people soon came over.
Levi was surprised to see many dressed like samurai from Raysonia, and he could tell that they were all highly skilled.
When the family saw Kieran and his men knelt on the ground, they were furious!
And when the Raysonia samurai saw Forlevia, their expressions changed. It was not surprising that they recognized her, as her fame had spread wide and far. Information and photos of her were widely circulated.
“Who made you kneel?” The patriarch of the family was a silver-haired elderly man with a walking stick. He scowled at Levi when he saw Kieran and his men kneeling in front of the cenotaph.
“I did!” Levi calmly admitted.
“It is him, Grandpa! He wanted to know who I am. Tell him!” With his family backing him, Kieran sounded more arrogant.
“Listen up, you rascal! We are the Tate family, the richest family of Fairlake City! How dare you make my grandson, the grandchild of Solomon Tate, kneel. I will make you pay for this!” Solomon fumed.
“I thought the Tate family had given up their citizenship and defected. Did you not?” Levi asked.
Solomon was not about to cower under that accusation, so he retorted, “Yes, we did. We went to Raysonia. What difference does that make?”
“How dare you sneak back into the country? Don’t you know there is a restraining order prohibiting your return?” Levi’s tone got colder as he spoke.
Everyone laughed, and they replied, “Of course we are aware. That restraining order is for the losers. We, the Tate family, are above that! We can come and go as we please. Who can stop us?”
“Who let you in the country?” Levi probed.
“Who are you to question us? Do you think the Tate family has to answer to you?” The Tates were getting impatient.
“I am the one who issued the restraining order, so you can be sure I will get to the bottom of this matter. You have my attention now, the Tate family!” Levi sneered.
“What? Y-You are Crown King?” Solomon’s face fell when he realized who Levi was.
He never expected they would meet Levi there.
The rest of the family were also stunned, and the Raysonia samurai among them turned solemn and immediately demanded the Tates apologize to Levi.
Levi and his team had not expected this twist of event. They did not expect the Tate family would be so obliging to the samurai, and that those samurai would give in so easily. They sensed something fishy going on, and Levi’s expression darkened.


“Hurry up and apologize. You were clearly in the wrong. Erudia is a respectable country, and these are the brave heroes of Erudia. How could you insult them?” the Raysonia samurai urged.

Solomon also made the same demand, so Kieran had no choice but to apologize again.
“I am sorry…”

After that, the attitude of the Tate family changed completely. Not only did they apologize profusely, but they also offered to leave the country immediately so as not to flout Levi’s restraining order.
Their unusual reaction made Levi even more suspicious. He could tell they were hiding something from him and wanted to leave as soon as possible to avoid further scrutiny from him.
“Forget it. Since you are back, you can stay on so long as you don’t get into any mischief. Since they have already apologized, I consider this case closed.” Levi softened his stance and did not insist on probing further into their mistakes. He wanted to find out what sinister plans they had in mind.
The Tate family did their memorial service hastily and left the cemetery as soon as they could.
“Keep an eye on them, especially the Raysonians! Monitor their movement closely!” Levi instructed West Sky Lord.
Levi had an uneasy feeling after meeting them. He was particularly concerned with the reaction of those Raysonia samurai when they saw Forlevia.
However, it was a blessing in disguise that he met them, as it would have been worse if he was not aware of their existence and did not take precautions against them.
At least with West Sky Lord monitoring them, he would be forewarned should the Tate family be up to any mischief.
Soon after he settled matters in Northeast City, he hurriedly left with Forlevia for North Hampton.
He kept his itinerary a secret and moved very quickly, as he knew too many people were eyeing Forlevia. He wasn’t worried she would get into harm’s way since he was with her, and he was confident he could protect her. However, it would be a hassle for him to have to deal with those irritating nuisances, so he would rather avoid meeting them in the first place.
“Evie, before we head home, Daddy would like to bring you to meet Daddy’s mentor. It was he who saved Daddy twice!” Levi decided to make a trip to the prison to meet his mentor.
“Yeah! Great!” Forlevia nodded profusely in excitement, her big eyes filled with anticipation.
Soon, Levi and Forlevia arrived at North Hampton’s prison.
However, to Levi’s surprise, his mentor was nowhere to be found.
“Where is he? Can someone tell me where he is?” he hurried over to check with the prison’s guard.
“Prisoner Number 49 was released some days back! He had finished serving his sentence! After a long twenty years, he finally got his long-awaited freedom!” The prison chief seemed truly happy for Levi’s mentor.
Levi frowned deeply and blurted out, “Released? It shouldn’t be…”
He had expected his mentor would want to continue to stay in the prison.
“Would you like to take a look at his records, Sire? Or if you prefer, I can read it aloud for you,” the prison chief respectfully offered.
“No, it is not necessary!” Levi waved him off impatiently.
He knew his mentor was totally capable of forging his own prison records. The information on it would be fake, and there was no way of checking on him.
Levi had always suspected his mentor got into the prison to hide from someone or something. Given his abilities, there was no way anyone could have captured him and brought him into prison if he was an unwilling party.
Levi had to admit his mentor made a brilliant move. No one would have expected he would use the prison as a hiding place. There had to be an important reason for him to hide for twenty years. That was why Levi did not expect he would leave the prison!
The fact that he got out of the prison meant he had something important to attend to, or something bad had happened…
Nonetheless, Levi was not worried about his mentor. He knew that with his impressive skills, no one could harm his mentor.
“It is fine. You can go now!” Levi dismissed the prison chief from the room and proceeded to inspect his mentor’s cell.
Forlevia followed him around and curiously looked at the prison environment.
Levi ran his hand across the wall and realized part of it was hollow. After breaking the wall, he found there were items hidden in a hollow compartment.
His expression changed when he saw what was in the hollow compartment.


In the hollow compartment, he found three ancient manuals, a piece of torn sheepskin, and a black token.

He was positive his mentor had left those items for him.
Levi lifted the antique books and the sheepskin with trembling hands.

The torn sheepskin looked like a map, but was incomplete and torn at many places. From the material and the wear and tear of the skin, it was also another piece of antique.
Levi had no clue what that black token was for, but his eyes lit up when he flipped through the three books.
They were very valuable books!
Although his mentor had never acknowledged him as his disciple, he had allowed Levi to inherit his valuable knowledge and possessions.
I hope we will meet again somewhere!
Levi took away his mentor’s possessions and cleared off all evidence of their visit to the prison.
When he arrived home with Forlevia, he received a solid scolding from the family.
“How could you run around with Evie during this dangerous time? Are you asking for trouble?”
“What if Evie gets in harm’s way?”
Levi knew they were concerned for Forlevia, so he kept quiet and bore with their scolding.
While Levi was away, the family had been actively looking for a strong backer to protect Forlevia.
They had shortlisted a few renowned and influential parties and made initial contact with them.
Many impressive warriors had emerged in recent times, so to them, Wildefield was no longer up to standard.
“No, no. This would not do. The fighter is only a Rank Six!’
“That is right! Evie’s master must be at least a Rank Seven. Only a Rank Seven could protect her from harm and guarantee her a good future.”
The family was engaged in heated discussions, as the few they had shortlisted had leaders who were Rank Six in class.
They wanted a Rank Seven fighter as Forlevia’s master, but it wasn’t easy to find a reputable one.
Actually, after the Gem&Stone List came out, even a Rank Seven was nothing impressive.
“If only we could get one of those on the Gem List to take Evie as a disciple… Even CalaMaster, the lowest ranking among them would do! Evie would be guaranteed a bright future if we could do that!”
Levi wasn’t interested in the family discussion and went back into his room to study the books his mentor left for him.
Just then, Floyd sent him a message.
There was news on the dark web that dozens of warriors were heading to Erudia for Forlevia. They were either going to take her away or kill her.
“This matter is of utmost importance, Master! It is an emergency! They could have arrived in Erudia already!” Floyd was very worried.
“Don’t worry. We will get them all at one go once they arrive! Keep an eye on them for me!”
Levi was hoping they would gather and launch their attacks at the same time, as it would be too much of a hassle for him to have to deal with them individually.
In the meantime, over at the training base of Gamma Tech, Jared’s plan was proceeding smoothly.
He had already completed nine of his experiments in that short period of time.
He did them in the name of advancing the technological development of Erudia, and even Wynona, who was watching him closely, did not detect any abnormality.
When Jared returned to his room, he crossed out another item. In his plan chart, there remained just one last experiment to be done.
As soon as that last experiment was completed, he could proceed with his ultimate plan.
His eyes revealed a crazed look as he studied the data from his experiments.
“It won’t take long, Levi! Soon, you will see another side of me! I will crush you with my own hands! Even Zoey and the kid would not be spared!” Jared muttered to himself, a deranged look on his face.
Not only could he develop a superweapon like Deicide, with the aid of technology, he himself could also be turned into a God of Slaughter.
“Tomorrow is the day of the last experiment. That will also be the day I stun the world!” Jared smiled widely as he whispered to himself.
He glanced around the base and looked at his colleagues with pity. To him, they were tools of his and will be nothing but dead bodies soon.
Wynona shuddered when she saw the insane look in his eyes.
“Did you guys notice the scary look in Jared’s eyes?” she asked her colleagues.


Her colleagues shook their heads and were puzzled by Wynona’s question.

“No, I don’t find anything wrong with him. It is common for geniuses to have a more arrogant look in their eyes! After all, Jared had done nine ground-breaking experiments in this short period of time!”
“I agree. Geniuses usually appear to be weird or aloof, so there is nothing wrong with Schmidt. The crazed look in his eyes is due to his devotion to science…”

Her colleagues’ rebuttals made Wynona wonder if she had indeed read too much into it. She massaged her head and said to herself, “Was it really unnecessary worry on my part? No! I have to keep an eye on him!”
She ran through the data from Jared’s recent experiments and got worried.
“What if something goes wrong during tomorrow’s experiment? I have to make sure nothing goes awry! How can I ensure that? Argh…!” A name suddenly popped into her mind as she was contemplating her possible moves.
Back at North Hampton, Levi received a call from Wynona.
“I just have a feeling something is not right with Jared. There might be a problem with the experiment he scheduled for tomorrow. Is it possible for you to make a trip here?” She did not waste time beating around the bush and made her request directly.
“Sure! I will rush over. Keep me posted of any updates!”
Levi readily agreed as he had always felt that Jared was a ticking timebomb. He got worried when Wynona shared her concern, so he immediately made plans to head over to Gamma Tech’s training base.
He was not too concerned about Forlevia’s safety as he had already made suitable arrangements. He knew Forlevia had certain skills to be able to defend herself. Moreover, he had his Team Of Secret Warriors on standby to protect her. In addition, Floyd and his team would also be around to keep her safe.
As such, after giving instructions to his team, he headed off without a worry for Forlevia.
“He had always boasted we can count on him to protect Evie! Look what he has done! He has turned his back on us during this crucial period!”
“He may be someone of high status now, but he is still unreliable. We had better make plans for ourselves.”
“I heard many warriors from overseas are heading to Erudia for Evie. We need to protect her!”
The Lopez and Black families grumbled about Levi, and they were not wrong to do so. It was indeed a critical period, as many skillful warriors had already arrived in Erudia, and they had a common target – Forlevia!
Levi traveled through the night and rushed to the training base.
Wynona secretly brought him in and disguised him as one of the technical staff at the base.
Fully covered with the protective gears, no one recognized him, and he successfully sneaked into the training base.
However, it was difficult for him to get close to Jared, as the place was secured with electronic gates that would only open to those with the approved password and recognized biometric authentication.
Even if Wynona was around, she could not gain access.
Levi could only wait till the following day to monitor Jared’s movement during the scheduled experiment.
Jared had a sleepless night, as he was thrilled.
The next day, he and his team got the approval to use Lab Number Two for their experiment.
They were to conduct an experiment on atomic energy.
If his experiment was successful, the new technology could be used in the development of a new range of superweapons similar to Deicide.
Gamma Tech had high hopes for this experiment and had devoted the best brains and resources in the training base to support Jared in this.
With the help of Wynona, Levi sneaked into the laboratory together with her, ready to intervene in the event Jared had other plans in mind and created trouble for the base.
Lab Number Two was a huge laboratory, almost as big as eight football fields, and it had the most advanced equipment and facilities in it.
Jared and his team got ready and was about to start the tenth experiment
Jared’s gaze swept across the room, then he excitedly began the experiment.
On the other hand, Levi was standing among the crowd, nervously waiting…
Please… let there not be any mishap!
Everything has to go well, please!
Wynona was silently praying hard.
The experiment started, and Jared was fully absorbed and focused on it.
After today, the world will be stunned by me!
Wynona was assisting in the experiment, and she went through her duties with much nervousness.
Levi was closely monitoring the whole process, not taking his eyes off Jared for a second.
One hour…
Two hours…
Seven hours had passed.
Finally, they reached the crucial moment of the experiment!


Jared’s eyes had narrowed in excitement as the experiment entered into its crucial stage. His heart was in his mouth as he watched the atoms fuse together.

With a low thud, the atomic matters fused together perfectly!

Levi and Wynona’s biggest worry was the experiment could blow up the base or create massive destruction. Thankfully, that did not come true, and the experiment was a huge success.
Most importantly, Jared did not exhibit any unusual behavior, and the experiment went smoothly.
Levi and Wynona silently exchanged glances, wondering if they had misread the situation and worried unnecessarily.
The team broke into cheers, celebrating the success of the experiment. This success meant Jared managed to improve on the performance of Deicide, and they would be able to come up with an upgraded version of Deicide.
Levi and Wynona were glad the experiment was a huge success, and that their worries were unfounded. Levi left the base soon after the experiment was over.
As for Jared, he had a triumphant smile on his face after the experiment concluded.
“Do you think I am not aware Levi and you were keeping an eye on me, Wynona? I knew Levi was here the moment he stepped into the base!” Jared softly sneered.
He was aware Wynona had been monitoring him closely, so he did the same and spied on her every move too.
He managed to gain access to confidential information such as her call logs, so he had first-hand information on her movements and plans.
As such, after knowing she had invited Levi to the base, he changed his plans for the day. He did not go ahead with his original crazy experiment but did a normal experiment with his team instead.
He was elated at having deceived Levi and Wynona.
“Actually, I have already succeeded, Levi! All my ten experiments were successful, and they will contribute to the perfect execution of my real experiment. Sit back and watch! I will soon show you my true abilities!” he laughed wildly.
Levi and Wynona were not aware Jared had discovered their plans to keep him in check. Wynona would never have guessed that she, a key personnel in the base, was being monitored.
Her colleagues had sided with Jared and were helping him to spy on her.
While Levi was monitoring Jared at the training base, those foreign warriors had arrived in Erudia. They managed to track down Forlevia and flocked to her house to launch an attack. Their missions were either to capture her or kill her.
When the first batch of overseas warriors descended on the house, they were quickly surrounded by many local warriors.
“With us Foinix around, who dares to harm our Erudia’s prodigy!”
“Yes, with us around, no one is allowed to harm Forlevia!”
“Since you came all the way here, we will let you rest in peace here!”
The Team Of Secret Warriors were on standby under Levi’s instruction to protect Forlevia, but they had no chance to make an appearance. Endless groups of highly skilled warriors voluntarily appeared and lined up to protect her. They were warriors from Erudia who were keen to take her under their wings.
When they heard Forlevia was in trouble, they flocked over to defend her.
The warriors from overseas had not expected that and were taken aback by the strong opposition they faced. Many of them came to kill her, but they were outnumbered by those who were there to protect her.
The battle started, and the united team of protectors won. None of the foreign warriors managed to survive.
In total, seventy-four parties gathered to protect Forlevia. Some were associates of the Lopez and Black families, and they came by after receiving their plea for help. Others were there uninvited, keen to do their part to protect the talented little girl. Among the seventy-four parties, some had Rank Seven or potential Rank Seven fighters.
The incident had clearly shown the world the Erudians valued Forlevia’s talent very highly, and many highly skilled masters desperately wanted to take her under their wings.
“Thank you very much! We are so grateful for your support!” The Lopez and Black families brought Forlevia out to greet and thank her protectors after the danger was over.
“Since everyone is here, let’s discuss who shall take this prodigy in?”


Many of the groups were extremely well-established, and it was a rare occasion to see them all gathered at one place.

Some of those powerful parties thought they could easily win the family over and successfully take Forlevia in as their disciple, given their solid track records and reputations.
No one expected a record-breaking seventy-four parties would vie for a little girl.

The decision on which master to pick would be a difficult one for the family.
“Yes, this merit a proper discussion. A prodigy like her would be wasted if she joins a mediocre party. However, we, The Anseri, would be the perfect choice for her. Why don’t the rest of you give up and let us have her?”
“No! The Iris Palace ain’t inferior when compared to you!”
“Forlevia is a girl, so it would be best for her to join us at Lilac House!”
The different parties started to argue with one another, creating a chaotic scene.
The Lopez and Black families had mixed emotions. They were pleasantly surprised Forlevia’s talent was widely recognized and valued, and she was creating a stir not only in Erudia but internationally. However, with so many choices, it would be tough for them to choose the right master for her.
The situation was getting a little out of hand. The Lopez and Black families were worried a physical fight could break out, as the different parties became more emotional and the arguments turned heated.
“Stop these arguments!” Just then, someone shouted out, and the crowd stopped their arguments and turned toward the speaker. It was one of the warriors from Foinix. They were the first to arrive and had fought off many of the intruders.
“Why don’t we gather here again three days later and every one of us does a presentation to showcase our own strengths? Allow the family to get to know about us, and then they can make an informed decision on which master Forlevia should learn from,” she suggested.
“That is a good idea! We may end up fighting one another if the arguments continue.”
“That’s right! Let them make the decision. May the best man win! This will also show those crude foreigners how we resolve issues with sophistication in Erudia.”
All the leaders nodded and agreed to the suggestion, so it was decided they will hold a discipleship ceremony in North Hampton in three days’ time to present themselves, and at the end of the day, the selected party can officially accept Forlevia as their disciple in a public ceremony.
On that day, the different parties would do a presentation to showcase their strength and reveal their trump card.
After the presentations, Forlevia and her family can make the decision on who she would join.
It would be difficult to decide which is the strongest party, as every party has its own unique strength. A few parties would likely emerge as forerunners based on their prowess and credibility. However, other considerations such as the style of the skills, the environment of the party’s base, and its people would affect the family’s decision.
There were many factors to consider, and the ball was in Zoey’s court. She and her family would have to make the difficult decision for Forlevia.
Despite the foreseeable difficult decision, the Lopez and Black families were excited. They knew that with the strong support behind Forlevia, their own futures would be bright. Even the Great Family of Westford would benefit from their relationship with Forlevia.
Soon, Levi rushed home and what greeted him was more scoldings from the family. His in-laws and Emma were furious, and they had valid reasons to be. Levi, being the father of Forlevia, was not there to protect her in times of danger.
If the invited and volunteer warriors did not turn up to defend the family, Forlevia would have fallen into the hands of the attackers.
“I don’t want to hear your explanation. Forlevia was in grave danger, yet you were not around. Talk is cheap. We are disappointed in you!” Zoey was furious too, and she gave him a piece of her mind.
Levi knew what happened, as his team had updated him on the event unfolded.
He did not expect so many people would turn up to defend his daughter, leaving his team with no chance to fulfill their duty.
“Three days later, there will be a discipleship ceremony. Close to a hundred parties will be here to invite Evie to join them. We will select the most suitable master for Evie.” Despite being angry, Zoey shared the good news with Levi.
“They want to take my daughter as a disciple? Well, we will have to see if they are qualified to be her master. I will be there!” Levi laughed.


Of course, Levi did not agree to attend the discipleship ceremony in order to select a suitable master for his daughter. His main intention was to tell those people off, to show them they were not qualified to be Forlevia’s master. He was not worried about the confrontations, although it would be a hassle for him, as the number of people he had to deal with would be a little overwhelming.

Initially, he was still a little worried about Jared and the situation at the training base. However, Wynona updated him that everything was fine, so it was a burden off his chest. With Wynona watching over Jared, he was assured Jared could not create any trouble.
Time flew by, and soon, it was the big day for Forlevia.

The discipleship ceremony captured the attention of everyone in Erudia, and it was also closely monitored by the international community.
The Erudian warriors had made public announcements that anyone trying to harm Forlevia would be their common enemy.
When news of that declaration got out, many of the foreigners gave up on their plans to kill Forlevia. After all, she had the backing of the whole martial arts community in Erudia!
The discipleship ceremony was held at Paradise Villa in North Hampton.
Many of the established but low-profile parties started making themselves known.
There were seventy-four parties on hand to defend Forlevia three days ago.
By the morning of the day of the discipleship ceremony, more than a hundred parties had gathered in North Hampton, and more were on their way there.
Everyone was dying for the chance to take a rare prodigy like Forlevia as a disciple, as she could bring the party to another level of achievement.
On the day of the discipleship ceremony, many previously unknown parties came.
Three days ago, only three to four parties had a Rank Seven fighter as a leader.
That had increased to more than ten!
Zarain wowed the world when they gathered five Rank Seven for the battle with Levi.
However, Forlevia did better. She attracted more than ten Rank Seven fighters to vie with one another to be her master.
Paradise Villa was huge, but it was bursting at the seam with more than ten thousand guests gathered for the discipleship ceremony. It was a never-seen-before spectacular sight that had attracted international attention.
Even Jared and his colleagues were intrigued and followed the event.
Forlevia had become famous after the Gem&Stone List was published. Although many of those ranked ahead of her on the Stone List was more skillful than her, they had kept a low profile and were unknown to the public. As such, the limelight fell solely on Forlevia, and she single-handedly made the world take note of the martial artists of Erudia.
Soon, Levi arrived at Paradise Villa with Forlevia and family, and the Lopezes and Blacks were taken aback by the scale of the event.
The warriors wasted no time, and after announcing some basic guidelines, they started the presentations.
All of them boasted about the privileges they could offer to the family, the resources they had, etcetera. The carrots each of them dangled were attractive enough to change the fortune of a few common families.
Soon, the discipleship ceremony began. Initially, it was planned for Forlevia only. However, it had expanded to be an event for the masses.
The parties took the opportunity to discover and take in as many talents as possible. Prodigy like Forlevia appeared once in a few centuries, and only one party would get the honor of having her as a disciple.
Instead of going back empty-handed, those weaker parties turned their sight on other talented youths.
Erudia was a huge country and there were many hidden talents all around the country. Many had gathered at that grand ceremony, and the parties actively pursued them.
That was a scene the Dragonites and Eragon were happy to witness. After all, the country would benefit from having more skilled warriors.
Many masters also spotted Zoey and Mia’s potential, but they were hesitant to approach them due to their relationship with Levi.
After an hour or so, most of the spotted talents were taken, and the attention turned to Forlevia. The highlight of the ceremony was about to begin.
“Leader of Foinix, Rank Seven fighter!”
“Leader of The Brillanto, Rank Seven fighter!”
“Leader of Team Ciel, Rank Seven fighter!”
More than a hundred parties started revealing their trump card.


All the weaker parties appeared inferior once those with Rank Seven as leaders made their announcements.

They knew even if Forlevia joined them, they may not have the ability to protect her when someone else launched an attack on them.
As such, once those strong parties showed off their Rank Seven leaders, the rest faded away and gave up wooing Forlevia.

After realizing how popular Forlevia was, they knew they would not stand a chance. They had grossly underestimated Forlevia’s charm previously.
“These would be the most likely candidates, so why don’t you discuss and make a decision?” Levi and his family were given the unenviable task of making that decision. They had to choose one from the handful of parties with Rank Seven leaders to be Forlevia’s master.
It was an indisputable fact that by joining a party with a Rank Seven leader, Forlevia’s safety and future development would be guaranteed. After all, there were not many warriors capable of rising to a Rank Seven fighter.
When Levi killed five Rank Seven fighters, he got onto the Gem List.
Levi stood by nonchalantly while Zoey and the other family members started their heated discussion.
Initially, they were excited, until they realize a problem…
What would happen to the parties they rejected?
Obviously, they would be offended, and they may even bear grudges against the Lopez and Black families!
That would mean trouble ahead for the two families, and they could even lose their lives over that.
With that realization, the family was stumped, and in a dilemma.
The dozen of parties were all equally powerful and influential. By picking one of them as Forlevia’s master, they would have offended the rest.
The family knew the chosen party would definitely do their utmost best to protect Forlevia, but there was no guarantee they will do the same for her family.
After more than half an hour of discussion, the family could not come to a consensus. Quite contrary to the initial excitement they felt, they had broken out in a cold sweat just thinking of the consequences of their decision.
There was simply no perfect solution to their dilemma! All the parties were highly skilled and could easily crush them like ants should they get into a fury from being rejected.
Soon, one of the organizers came over and asked., “Have you come to a decision? Have you decided who the kid will go to?”
“Please give us a little… a little more time. We are still in a discussion,” the family hesitantly replied.
“Please make it quick. They are getting impatient. It would be serious trouble if those people get mad!” The warning added to the pressure on the family.
At that crucial moment, Levi stepped in and offered, “Leave it to me. I will make the decision for Evie!”
“You?” All eyes were on Levi after he made the shocking offer.
Suddenly, one of the relative’s eyes lit up, and he hurriedly agreed. “Yes, Evie’s father would be the best person to make the decision. Outsiders like us shouldn’t interfere in the matter. Let us make a move!”
“Yes, I agree. That is the right of Evie’s father. He should be the one making the decision!”
All the family members readily agreed to Levi’s suggestion. They were relieved to be spared the agony of making that tough decision, and happy to let Levi take all the blame and responsibilities should anyone get offended.
They did not have to take the risk, yet they would still be able to enjoy the privileges and glory from being associated with a powerful leader, regardless of who Levi chose. It was a win-win situation for them, and they were happy with the outcome.
“The kid’s father will take over from here. Excuse us!” Cora announced, then left Paradise Villa, dragging a reluctant Zoey along with them.
They left Forlevia alone with Levi, knowing he would shield her from any harm.
Levi held on to Forlevia’s hand and walked to centerstage, under the intent gaze of the hundreds of leaders.
“Have you decided, Forlevia’s dad?” the leader of Team Ciel coldly asked.
All those present also started clamoring for an answer from Levi.
Levi looked around the stage, then smiled and said, “I am sorry to say this, but none of you are qualified to take my daughter as a disciple!”


The hundreds of parties and thousands of people in the crowd were all shocked into silence upon hearing Levi’s announcement.

Not qualified?
His words echoed in everyone’s mind and triggered an explosive reaction from the hundred parties present, especially the thirteen Rank Seven fighters.

The combined prowess of those present at the discipleship ceremony was more impressive than what the mysterious warrior had to face at that spectacular battle in Zarain. Yet, Levi belittled those present by saying they were not qualified to be a little girl’s master!
Only a truly formidable person had the right to make such an arrogant comment, so the crowd took him as a clown and laughed at him instead.
“Hahaha…” they laughed at Levi.
“Rascal, I don’t care who you are. If I hear those words from you again, I would not spare you, even if you are the father of this kid!” the leader of Team Ciel sternly warned.
All the other leaders shared the same sentiments.
How dare he say we are not qualified? Who would be, if not us?
“My daughter’s talent is out of your league! You are too weak. So we shall make a move, and please do not covet my daughter again in the future!” Levi turned to leave with Forlevia after saying that.
Everyone was dumbstruck by his words and action.
Leaving? Is he crazy? Did he just look down on more than a hundred established parties, including thirteen Rank Seven fighters?
It was a stunning feat that became headline news worldwide when Zarain managed to gather five Rank Seven fighters for their battle.
If not for the irresistible lure of a rare prodigy, there was no chance anyone could witness a gathering of thirteen Rank Seven fighters at a single event.
And Levi had the audacity to belittle all of them!
As they watch Levi leaving the stage, their shock turned into anger.
“How dare he leave? Stop him!” The leader of Team Ciel was the first to recover from the shock, and he immediately shouted an order to his men.
Instantly, a few highly skilled warriors appeared and blocked Levi’s path.
Levi stopped in his track, smiled, and resignedly said, “Forget it. I guess I have to prove to you why you are not qualified.”
He turned around and look toward Team Ciel’s leader, gestured at them with his finger, and said, “I’ll take on all the Rank Seven fighters at a go!”
That was sheer arrogance! Not only did he brush off everyone who was below Rank Seven, he also belittled the Rank Seven fighters as well.
“You are asking for trouble, punk!” A Rank Six fighter could not hold his anger and charge toward Levi.
Levi did not even bother to turn toward the fighter. He merely swung his arm in the man’s direction, and a powerful wave of energy swept toward the man.
That Rank Six fighter was sent flying through the air.
The mood among the crowd changed immediately.
So he indeed is capable and is not an arrogant fellow after all.
“I have bear with you for too long! Let me take you on!’ Team Ciel’s leader took over and launched an attack on Levi.
Rank Seven fighter was indeed a force to be reckoned with. Once he executed his skills, the crowd felt the ground tremble and their head spinning.
“Child’s play!” Levi smirked.
He casually threw a punch and sent his opponent flying across the stage.
Stunned! The audience was in disbelief! No one expected Levi to be so formidable that a Rank Seven fighter could be so easily defeated by him.
“Let me take you on as well!” The Brillanto leader went forward next.
Similarly, he was defeated by a single blow and became the second Rank Seven fighter casualty.
“My turn!” It was the leader from Foinix who stepped in next, and the outcome was the same.
Thud! Thud! Thud!
One after another, the thirteen Rank Seven fighters fell, and it did not take more than one stroke from Levi to defeat any one of them.
After finishing off the last standing Rank Seven fighter, Levi held on to Forlevia’s hand and led her away.
The audience looked at them leave with widened eyes, and no one dared to stop them anymore.
Truly shocking!
One man defeated thirteen Rank Seven fighter?
Who would have that ability?
Gem List warrior!
It had to be someone from the Gem List!
Yes, it is true none of them was worthy to take Forlevia as their disciple!
Zoey and her family were waiting anxiously outside the venue and when they saw Levi and Forlevia walk out, they hurried over to them.


“So who took Forlevia in as a disciple?” The family crowded around with an eager look, clamoring for an answer from Levi.

“No one. No one accepted her as a disciple!” Levi shook his head and replied.

The family looked at the two of them in puzzlement.
“What happened? Why did they not accept her?” they asked, bewildered.
“They felt they were not worthy of being her master, so they did not dare to take up the responsibility.” Levi gave them a big smile and told them so.
Of course, the family would not believe his words, so one of them went back into Paradise Villa to find out the truth.
Soon, he came back and reported to the family.
“It is true! They said Evie is too talented and out of their league. None of the leaders felt they were worthy of taking her in as a disciple!”
The finding stunned the family, and they stared at Forlevia with a shocked look in their eyes!
How talented could this kid be?
It was a situation beyond their wildest imagination.
“Does that mean only a grandmaster could take Evie in as a disciple?” Harry trembled in excitement as he said that.
“Definitely! Thirteen Rank Seven fighters were present, and none of them had the confidence to be her master! That speaks for itself!”
“Oh my gosh! We are going to make it big! This is even crazier than we had imagined!”
Realizing how truly talented Forlevia was, the family started dreaming about the bright future they would enjoy and were extremely thrilled!
They were not wrong to have that expectation. If Forlevia were under the wings of a grandmaster, they too would benefit from the glory and enjoy a bright future.
The only thing they were not aware of was that the grandmaster they were dreaming of was always among them.
Long after Levi and the family left, the crowd in Paradise Villa was still dazed and in shock.
They had yet to recover from Levi’s shocking demonstration of power, and it took them a while to recognize how impressive his prowess was.
They remembered how Levi led Erudia to victory over Ruling Union, and soon, they pieced the puzzle together.
“He is the CalaMaster on the Gem List! Why am I not surprised? That prowess was terrifying!” Team Ciel’s leader gasped upon the realization.
Levi was a ranked warrior on the Gem List, and truly a league above them. Rank Seven had a long way to go before they could dream of being ranked on the Gem&Stone List.
Just as the crowd got ready to disperse and leave, the atmosphere in Paradise Villa suddenly changed, and an eerie feeling overwhelmed those present.
A man in a black robe entered the compound, looking mysterious and terrifying.
He instantly attracted the attention of all the people.
“Who are you? And why are you here?” an alert man cautiously asked.
“Good question! I am Levi Garrison, and I am here to kill all of you!” the man declared with a laugh.
Levi? Didn’t he just leave with his daughter?
The crowd was perplexed.
Why is he back?
To kill us?
Before anyone could comprehend what was going on, the man in black started his slaughter.
The place instantly turned into a killing field.
The man impersonating Levi wasted no time and went about slaughtering everyone in sight. He was too powerful and even Rank Five and Rank Six fighters fell like dominoes, unable to put up any struggle.
The strangest thing was that Paradise Villa seemed to be blocked from the outside world, and no one could hear the screams and commotion from the compound.
No one could get out of the villa, and the mysterious imposter went on a crazy killing spree.
His destructive power was too mind-boggling, and even when the warriors joined forces, they could not withstand his attack.
One by one, those in the compound fell, and the compound was soon filled with dead bodies.
The thirteen Rank Seven fighters may have had a fighting chance, but unfortunately, they were injured after the fight with Levi, so they were at the man’s mercy as well.
Soon, the bodies piled up, and the compound was stained red.
In a short time, all the thousands of skillful warriors perished…


“A-Are you Levi?”

“You have the same techniques as Levi!”
The thirteen Rank Seven fighters’ eyes were filled with terror when they were at death’s door.

Having fought with Levi, they recognized his techniques very well.
That was why they suspected that the man in front of them was Levi.
“Go to hell!”
After annihilating them, the mysterious man who impersonated Levi took out a clean, white handkerchief to wipe his hands.
His eyes gleamed brilliantly as the corner of his lips curled up into a smile.
Soon, he left Paradise Villa.
None had expected that the ceremony would turn out to be a massacre.
Tens of thousands of skilled warriors lost their lives.
Not even one of them stayed alive, including the thirteen Rank Seven fighters.
If the news got about, the entire world would certainly be shaken up.
The extermination of all warriors was a devastating blow to the martial arts world in Erudia.
The warriors themselves had never thought such a calamity would have befallen them.
Even more so, never had Levi expected that someone would impersonate him and finish these warriors off.
The imposter even used the same techniques as his.
In fact, no one could tell any difference between them.
After all, many of them wanted to get Forlevia as their disciples, so they were at odds with Levi.
He definitely had the motive to do so.
Besides, that was indeed his techniques.
Since everyone present had kicked the bucket, there was no witness at all, so all the evidence pointed to Levi as the culprit.
Most importantly, though the discipleship ceremony was a major event, no outsider was there to check out what was happening, as all the participants were powerful warriors, and there was no way anyone could come near.
It was irrefutable that Levi had done this, because someone had it all planned out.
Shortly after the mysterious man left Paradise Villa, a group of men arrived.
They were the renowned Cardinal Hall, who were in charge of coordinating Eragon.
As the most influential martial arts organization in Erudia, they had the responsibility to take care of the martial arts related affairs here.
Now that something unusual had come up at the discipleship ceremony, the warriors from The Cardinal Hall were the first to rush over.
There were four of them, whose codenames were Kaiden, Jabez, Gerald, and Zelda.
As soon as they stepped into Paradise Villa, they were startled by what they saw.
“What happened here?”
Letting out gasps of astonishment, everyone started looking around.
“They’re all dead. None of them survives this.”
“How terrifying! They all were killed in a single move, including the Rank Seven fighters!”
Yet, they became even more astonished after taking a closer look.
“By the way, have you seen Levi’s family? They’re the center of the discipleship ceremony,” the two-meter tall man, Kaiden, asked.
The bald Jabez shook his head. “No, I didn’t see any of them.”
Gerald, who was dressed in white, said impassively with a deadpan face, “Levi and his family aren’t here.”
The only woman among them, Zelda, yelped in shock, “I found something!”
“What is it?”
The three men surrounded her right away.
“All of them died in the same way.”
Zelda’s attractive face turned grim.
“Does that mean that they’re killed by the same person?” Kaiden questioned.
“That’s right!”
“They’re murdered by the same person using a demonic technique. A few days ago, Eragon told us that the technique Levi used is exactly the same as that of Fiery Demon,” the woman sneered.
The other three people continued examining the corpses.
Gerald’s expression remained nonchalant. “Yes, it’s indeed the same as FieryDemon’s technique.”
“Yes, you’re right! It’s him!”
They jumped to conclusion at once.
Exchanging glances, the four shared the same mind.
“According to the news, those criminals regard Levi as their head. He has even rescued them before. This shows that he’s the new demon! Hence, we can be sure that Levi is the one who finished them off.”


Undeniably, all the clues and evidence indicated that Levi was the murderer.

There was no proof that someone else did it.
“It’s not hard to guess his motive for this massacre. These people were keen to have his daughter as their disciple, so he killed them all out of anger. Besides, A demon like him is often emotional and unpredictable. He might even do certain things for no reason.”

“Right! Undoubtedly, Levi’s the one who did it. No one else has such capability to wipe out everyone and thirteen Rank Seven fighters within minutes.
“Right! This is it. It’s surely Levi!”
The four warriors made judgments immediately.
Zelda even collected all the proofs.
“Previously, Eragon reminded The Cardinal Hall to keep an eye on Levi because of his unique identity.”
“Yes, we didn’t care about it at that time. But it turns out that Crown King is a big demon. How scary is that? I can’t imagine the threats it would bring to the martial arts world in Erudia,” Zelda commented.
Horrified, everyone broke out in a cold sweat at her words.
“You’re right. Look, he made a move, and it caused such destruction in Erudia. On top of that, all his subordinates are criminals. Each one of them is a ticking time bomb. It’ll be disastrous if any problem arises,” the others agreed.
“How should we solve this matter?” Jabez asked with concern.
“First, destroy all proofs and keep everything here confidential. Let no one know about this and pretend as if nothing has happened. Secondly, report this to The Cardinal Hall and Eragon. They’ll decide how to deal with this matter, as we don’t have the authority to do so,” Kaiden suggested.
All four of them executed the plan right away.
“By the way, have you forgotten why we came here today?” Zelda reminded.
“Oh, right, we’re here to assess Levi’s daughter, Forlevia’s potential.”
A look of realization crossed their faces.
The Cardinal Hall came all the way here only for Forlevia.
The public might not believe what The Manifest Court said about her potential, but The Cardinal Hall had complete faith in it.
That was why they were sent here to find out how gifted Forlevia was.
In fact, they were supposed to bring her back to The Cardinal Hall.
With her talents, only a handful of people were qualified to take her as their disciple.
Therefore, she would most probably join The Cardinal Hall or Eragon.
“It seems we have to take Forlevia away to The Cardinal Hall. Her father is a big demon. It would be catastrophic if she were brought up to be another demon.”
“How scary! Why does such a big demon like him have such a talented daughter? This is totally unfair!”
Kaiden’s eyes flickered. “Alright, seems like our third mission here today is important – to take Forlevia to The Cardinal Hall.”
In the end, The Cardinal Hall imposed a total information blackout on this incident before the news started spreading.
Even Levi and Floyd were clueless about it.
No one else knew such a tragedy had occurred and brought about a significant loss to the martial arts world in Erudia.
That was exactly what those who set Levi up wanted to achieve.
As a result, this led to bad blood between Levi and Eragon.
Meanwhile, the Lopez and Black families were still entirely absorbed in the joy that Forlevia was born gifted.
Levi had no idea that he was being labeled as a big demon due to the unexpected, dreadful incident.
In the meantime, Kaiden and his team were meeting up with the council members of Dragonites.
The Dragonites were appalled by the news.
How could this happen? We really wanted to defend Levi, but the truth is undeniable.
“Just you wait, he’ll definitely make another move!”
“Who is the master of Levi, the FieryDemon whom you mentioned just now?” the Dragonites asked.



Supreme Grandmaster
Sep 24, 2023

According to The Cardinal Hall, it was said that Levi had taken after the Fiery Demon.

The moment he applied his techniques, the criminals and Eragon recognized them at once, as they saw the resemblance between him and the Fiery Demon.
The previous Northern Demon was nothing compared to the Fiery Demon.

Even The Cardinal Hall and Eragon feared him.
No wonder the Dragonites were curious about who he was.
“He was the ultimate God of Slaughter who topped the Gem list.”
The Cardinal Hall members gasped in horror.
Apparently, Cyrus was indeed petrifying to them.
“Where’s he now?” one of the Dragonites asked.
“No one knows where he is now, including The Manifest Court.”
“It looks like Cyrus is still alive and has taught Levi his techniques. An unprecedented calamity is coming our way,” Zelda snickered.
“Yes, that’s right. The righteous and the evil have always been incompatible. No matter how much Levi has contributed to Erudia, he’s still the heir of Cyrus. Who will be able to stop him if he acts up one day?”
“You’re right. His daughter might be raised to be another demon!”
Yet, the Dragonites had confidence in Levi.
“But I still believe in the Crown King. You should have faith in him!”
“Yes, despite his evil techniques, his heart is always pure!”
“Yes, we trust the Crown King!”
Hearing the Dragonites express their unwavering belief in Levi simultaneously, The Cardinal Hall members were stupefied, as they had not expected everyone to respect Levi so much.
Though there was solid evidence, they remained unshaken.
This infuriated The Cardinal Hall.
“Alright, you guys should stay out of this.”
“Yeah, you don’t have the right to meddle in this matter.”
“Listen up! We must keep this a secret. Even more so, we have to keep Levi in the dark.”
The Cardinal Hall decided to take the matter into their own hands.
Nevertheless, Levi still did not know that he has been targeted by The Cardinal Hall and Eragon.
The latter planned to observe the man’s recent moves to see what his next step was.
Besides, they aimed to take Forlevia in and let The Cardinal Hall bring her up, so she wouldn’t grow up to become a demon.
Soon, a few days passed in a blink.
“What’s going on? Back then, people came looking for Evie one after another. But not even a single one shows up now.”
“Yeah, judging from Evie’s talents, there should be more people approaching us for her sake.”
The Lopez and Black families could not wrap their heads around this sudden change.
After the discipleship ceremony, it was as though Forlevia’s popularity had dropped overnight.
Everyone seemed to have forgotten about her and stopped looking for her.
Only Levi was pleased with such an outcome.
I’m happy with the current situation. It’s best that no one disturbs or tries to take Evie as their disciple. It turns out that the intimidation I created during the discipleship ceremony is effective. After all, I’ve defeated thirteen Rank Seven warriors. Those who knew about this no longer have the nerve to come over for Forlevia.
Nevertheless, little did Levi know that those people had already lost their lives.
No one had the guts to take Forlevia as a disciple because of the oppression from The Cardinal Hall and Eragon.
There were no other reasons involved.
Somewhere at Erudia.
A group of people gather in secret.
“We’ve greatly ruined the martial arts world in Erudia in the battle at Paradise Villa. Let’s launch another bigger attack!” the leader sniggered.
“Are we going to rely on Levi’s help again?” someone questioned.
“Of course, we can only complete the mission with his help.”


“We’re counting on you again.” Everyone looked at the man in the corner. He was the one who impersonated Levi during the massacre at Paradise Villa.

“Fine,” the man answered weakly.
“Right. Let’s finish this ASAP.”

They were coming up with a plan that would shake the entire nation. At the same time, Jared was also going to start with his own plan as well.
Since he had confirmed that Levi wasn’t keeping an eye on him, he could do whatever he wanted. “Soon I’ll have authorization for Lab Number One. It’ll be the perfect place for my perfect experiment.” Jared laughed maniacally.
He wanted to finish his experiment in Lab Number Two, but that was crushed by Levi and Wynona. Thanks to that, Jared had a change of mind. Now, he wanted to complete his crazy plan using Lab Number One.
Lab Number One was the best laboratory in the training base. If Jared could use it to his advantage, it’d raise the chances of his experiment’s success.
Danger was fast approaching, and quietly too. However, that did not escape Levi. He was a sharp man, so he knew the calmer it was, the worse the storm would be.
It’s too quiet. Something big’s gonna happen. Levi even double-checked everywhere to see if he missed anything, but he got nothing.
He didn’t think much about the case with Forlevia though, since he thought everyone wouldn’t do anything to her thanks to his immense strength.
On one fine day, Levi was talking with the West Sky Lord about the recent happenings when someone from The Cardinal Hall came for him.
Their visit surprised Levi, of course. The Cardinal Hall and Eragon were the best defenders of the nation, and they held all the riches and secrets of the country as well. He wondered why they were here for him.
“Do you need anything?” Levi asked.
The four from The Cardinal Hall were glaring at Levi warily. Eventually, Kaiden stepped up. “The Crown King, I assume? We’re here for one simple thing—your child.”
Zelda explained, “We’ve decided to train your child, so we’re here to see if she’s up for it.”
“No need for that. I can train her myself.”
The refusal upset Kaiden and his team, but it worried them as well. If they couldn’t personally train Forlevia, she might be a threat to them eventually.
But before anyone could say anything, someone bellowed, “Why not? That’s the best place Evie could be.”
The Lopez and Black families heard what happened, so they came over angrily, glaring at Levi.
Cora and the others quickly came up to Kaiden and his team. “You’re finally here! At long last.”
The Cardinal Hall and Eragon were no secret as of current. Everyone knew how powerful they were, so they wanted Forlevia to join the organizations.
However, they weren’t privileged enough to get in touch with either organization. That was why they were over the moon to see The Cardinal Hall paying them a visit.
“We’re here for the child. Where is she?” Zelda asked.
“Zoey, get Evie here.”
A short while later, Zoey came back with Forlevia, and the people form The Cardinal Hall started testing Forlevia’s talent.
The Cardinal Hall had a way they could use to test a person’s talent. Most of the time, those who had the talent to cultivate would be split into nine classes.
A fourth or fifth class talent would be a rare find, while a sixth or seventh class would be an epic cultivator. An eighth class talent would be even rarer than that, sometimes only appearing once in a millennium.
Even though they knew Forlevia was a talented cultivator, nothing prepared them for what they were about to see.
To everyone’s shock, Forlevia was a ninth class talent, the highest class of talented cultivator in the world.
In other words, The Manifest Court was right. They didn’t exaggerate Forlevia’s talent. In fact, they might have underestimated her. Forlevia’s talent alone was enough to snag a spot on the Stone List.
Everyone thought she was only a seventh class talent at most, but she blew everyone’s expectations.
“Right, I’m taking this child back with me. She’ll be trained under The Cardinal Hall.”
Kaiden and his team wanted to see more before they made any calls, but after they realized Forlevia’s latent talent, he knew nobody would object his decision.
“I object.”


The Lopez and Black families were excited about the news, but Levi’s objection wiped the smiles off everyone’s faces. Including the ones from The Cardinal Hall.

It was supposed to be a happy event, but Levi ruined it for them.
“You object? Why? Do you have a better place in mind? One that’s better than The Cardinal Hall?” someone from the two families asked.

To that, Levi answered coldly, “I can teach her myself. She’s my daughter, so I’ll be the one to protect her. Not some organization like The Cardinal Hall.”
“But Evie can’t grow if you’re keeping her safe forever. I don’t want her to grow up useless. She has to go through some obstacles on her own. That’s the only way she can grow,” Zoey argued.

Zoey had a point, and it made Levi think. He was willing to protect his family forever if he could, but Forlevia needed to grow up eventually.
She was different from the other kids, so she was destined to go on the cultivator’s path. If he kept her by his side forever, it would stunt her growth.
However, Levi couldn’t give her to The Cardinal Hall just yet. He was still worried. He didn’t have full control over The Cardinal Hall, so if anything were to happen to Forlevia, he wouldn’t be able to get to her in time.
True, he did send Forlevia to Wildefield, but that place was under his full control. However, this situation was different.
“This is our decision, Crown King. And it’s an order. Ask the Dragonites if you don’t believe us.”
They would take Forlevia with them what.
Zelda wasn’t as aggressive, however. She persuaded Levi gently, “You don’t have to worry, Crown King. Your daughter is extremely talented. We promise you she’ll get the best treatment in The Cardinal Hall, and she’ll be on our top priority list. Evie’s going to lead the nation in the future.”
Gerald had stayed silent for the whole time, but he finally piped up, “The Cardinal Hall’s the strongest organization in Erudia. Not a single sect can compare with us. And with how talented your daughter is, no one’s going to hurt her.”
“Levi, your objection is vetoed!”
“Evie must be trained in The Cardinal Hall.”

The Lopez and Black families started scolding Levi, while Zoey gazed at him. She could understand his sentiments, but she knew they had to let their daughter go. “Levi. We can’t protect her forever. She’ll have to grow up and protect herself. That’s for the best.”

Levi didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want to let his daughter go, but The Cardinal Hall and the Dragonites had issued an order. Not to mention his wife and his family were putting pressure on him, and he had to think for Forlevia’s future as well.
God, what should I do? ”Fine. She can go, but only for a while. If I find out she’s getting abused in there, I’ll be taking her home. No questions asked.”
Levi gave in eventually.
“That’s fine with us. She’ll be given time to adapt.”
“We’ll be taking her away now if there’s nothing else.”
Kaiden and his team were in a hurry to take Forlevia away, but since they came all of a sudden, nobody was prepared for this.
“Give us a second. We wanna say goodbye to Evie.”
Everyone started saying goodbye to Forlevia. Zoey was the second to last in line, and she was a mess of tears when she bade goodbye.
Levi was the last one, and he was tearful. Forlevia was a good kid, so she calmed her father down.
Levi knew he couldn’t handle the farewell, so he left early. He didn’t want to see his daughter off, after all.
So he stood outside the residence and started smoking, but a few minutes later, Kaiden, his team, Zoey, and everyone surrounded him.
“Hand over the child, Levi!” they yelled at him.
“Huh?” Levi was flabbergasted. “What the heck? Evie’s in her bedroom. I didn’t take her,” Levi blurted.
“Bullsh*t! She’s gone missing! I know you’re hiding her somewhere!”


Jabez growled at Levi, glaring at him intently.

“Yeah. We know you have her! Don’t play dumb!”
“You’re the last one to see her off! She went missing right after that!”

“Where are you hiding her? You can’t just take her away just because you don’t want her to join The Cardinal Hall.”

Almost everyone was yelling at Levi, but let’s turn back time a bit to see what happened.
After Levi bade goodbye to Forlevia, Kaiden and his team went to the room to fetch Forlevia. However, she was nowhere to be found.
Everyone made a quick sweep around the manor, but they found no trace of her. It was as if she disappeared into thin air.
Everyone immediately thought that Levi had hidden Forlevia. After all, he was the last one to say goodbye, and Forlevia was gone right after he came out of the room. That made him the prime suspect.
Zoey glared at Levi, upset and disappointed. “I know you don’t want her to go. I share the sentiment, but she deserves this. There’s no point keeping her locked up in a cage. You’d better hand her over, or else.”
Everyone else urged Levi, “Hand Evie over! They’re in a hurry back to The Cardinal Hall.”
Kaiden and his team were furious, but they were scared of Levi’s power, so they didn’t do anything just yet.
Everyone was glaring at Levi, asking him to hand Forlevia over. However, the person in question was flummoxed.
He didn’t know what happened, so the sudden interrogation came as a shock. It took him nearly one minute, but he eventually figured out what was happening.
The realization that his daughter was missing made his body tremble with rage, and he clenched his fists. “What did you just say? Evie’s missing?”
“Oh, he’s still playing dumb. Drop the act. We know you have her.”
Zoey raised her voice, “Yes, she’s missing! If you’re hiding her, please just hand her over now!”
Levi almost fainted after hearing the confirmation from Zoey, but he forced himself to stay conscious. Sh*t! Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t! Someone took her away under our noses. I’m not letting that happen.
And then Levi was off like the wind, leaving everyone confused.
“What’s he doing? He’s still not handing her over?”
“Hold it right there, Levi!”

Levi went on a search for Forlevia. After a quick scan of the surrounding area, he noticed the remnants of a special energy deep in a forest. Apparently, Forlevia was abducted.
Levi’s Team Of Secret Warriors quickly congregated around him, but they found nothing as well.
Since Levi was there himself, he positioned his team slightly far away, so if the enemy was a powerful one, they might just get away with it without anyone noticing.
And this case was the best example. Even with Levi and the warriors from The Cardinal Hall in the manor, the enemy still managed to take Forlevia away.
“Dammit. I was careless.” He smacked his forehead. He left Forlevia alone because he couldn’t bear to see her off, but that gave the enemy an opening.
Who took Evie away? Levi roared into the high heavens. He blamed himself for letting Forlevia get abducted even though he was already so cautious with her.
Even though he didn’t know who the culprit was, one thing was for sure: the enemy must be a powerful organization. If they weren’t, they couldn’t have taken Forlevia away under the noses of The Cardinal Hall.
“I see. They’ve been waiting for this opening a long time now.” The Cardinal’s Hall arrival gave them the exact chance they needed.
“Where’s Evie? Hand her over!” everyone started yelling at him, much to his chagrin.
Evie’s f*cking abducted, and you damn imbeciles still think I’m the one who tucked her away?


Forlevia’s disappearance shook Levi to his core, but everyone didn’t care. No, they didn’t know, so they kept yelling and screaming at him. If they weren’t his family, Levi would have offed them right there and then.

He glared at Kaiden and his team. “My daughter’s abducted! I don’t have time to bicker with you idiots!”
“She’s abducted?”

Everyone was shocked, but then Kaiden sneered. “Impossible. You mean they took her right under our noses? You think we’re stupid?”
Jabez glared at Levi arrogantly. “Yeah. We were all in the manor. She was just a hundred meters away from us. You mean to tell us they abducted her even under that condition? Get real.”
“They’re right. You’re underestimating us. The enemy couldn’t have taken her away with us there,” Zelda agreed.
Gerald looked at Levi coldly. “Nobody can take her under our watch. Not to mention we didn’t notice them either. You’re lying.”
“Yes. There’s only one possibility here. You hid the child and blamed someone else for it,” Kaiden accused Levi.
Levi was the last one to see Forlevia, and they knew he was the Crown King. With how powerful he was, it was easy to hide Forlevia away somewhere.
Levi sneered. “You know why they managed to take her away under your noses? Because you’re trash. All of you.”
“You little…” Gerald gritted his teeth, murder swelling up within him.
Everyone was adamant that Levi had hidden Forlevia, since the evidence made it clear, just like the massacre of Paradise Villa.
“I don’t have time for this. I’m going to search for Evie.” Levi ignored everyone and was about to leave.
But Gerald stopped him. “You think you can leave?”
“Get the f*ck out of my way or I’ll off you.” The murder in Levi’s eyes was almost palpable.
“Get away from him, Gerald!” Kaiden told Gerald, and he backed off reluctantly.
“Why did you stop me? I won’t lose to him. And I have you guys backing me up.”
Gerald didn’t think he’d lose to Levi, even though Levi was strong enough to make it into the Gem List. After all, he was the strongest out of the four, and he was much powerful than a Rank Seven fighter.
“We’d better not cross him. If we back him into a corner, who knows what he’ll do?” Kaiden explained.
“What should we do now?”
“Keep a close eye on him. As long as we follow him, he’ll lead us to the girl,” Kaiden ordered.
“Don’t worry. We’ll get him to hand Evie over. Zoey, make sure he hands Evie to you, got it?”
The Lopez and Black families were trying to make the fighters happy, but they refused the offer. “No need for that. We can handle this ourselves.”
And they left.
“Levi’s gonna act soon. There’s only one simple reason he refuses to let the girl leave with us. He doesn’t want her to grow up as a righteous fighter. That’s why he wants to raise her himself,” Kaiden analyzed.
“We need to keep an eye on him and take the girl back. This is important.”
“We need backup. Levi’s a tough nut to crack.”
“Okay. Let’s contact The Cardinal Hall and tell them what happened.”

After Levi took his leave, he quickly contacted his old subordinates and told them to look for Forlevia. He even sent his strongest henchmen out just to locate his missing daughter.
He was panicking, but the silver lining in this was that the enemy abducted Forlevia instead of killing her outright. Obviously, they had a plan of their own.
Maybe their real target is me. That thought assuaged his panic a little.
At the same time, Forlevia was taken to somewhere in Erudia. When she arrived at the spot, they appeared. More importantly, those people were…


Levi had seen this group of men before.

Back then, at the cemetery near Fairlake City, there were some Raysonia samurai among the Tate family.
When they bumped into Levi, a strange look crossed their faces. Immediately, they forced the Tate family to apologize.

It was at that moment Levi realized this group of men might have an ulterior motive, so he instructed West Sky Lord to send his men to keep a close eye on them.
Nevertheless, up till now, they hadn’t shown any unusual behavior, so the West Sky Lord could only keep on observing them.
The truth was that these people were the masterminds, but not the executors.
That was why they did not make any move, and the West Sky Lord hadn’t discovered anything.
In fact, they were the ones who plotted the tragedy at Paradise Villa.
Now they were sending a competent warrior to kidnap Forlevia.
“Thank you, Okano!”
Everyone bowed at a silhouette standing in the dim light.
He was none other than Okano Yuichiro, whose nickname was Shadow Samurai, as the man was indeed like an inconspicuous shadow.
Other than Raysonia’s swordsmanship, he was well versed in Ninjutsu.
No one could spot him when he hid.
Wherever it was, he was able to camouflage himself perfectly, blending into his surroundings.
The man resembled the head of Obliterating God, Silhouette, whom Levi murdered in Zarain.
However, in terms of Ninjutsu, Okano was definitely better at it.
Silhouette was skilled at assassination, while Okano’s strength was invisibility.
Therefore, Kaiden and the other three warriors did not respond at all when he kidnapped Forlevia.
Even Levi, who was further away, did not notice it as well, because he did not sense any fluctuation of energy.
“My mission is complete. The rest is up to you.”
Okano left at once.
Several Raysonia samurai glanced at Forlevia before saying in unison, “Alright, let’s start!”
On the other hand, Levi had long had a hunch that these Raysonians were up to no good, but he never expected them to pull off such an audacious act.
In fact, they were here for him.
Meanwhile, Levi had mobilized all the manpower he had.
The entire Erudia was searching frantically for Forlevia.
Knowing that it was pointless to be anxious, he sat down, trying to calm himself down.
However, his heart was still filled with trepidation. The man could hardly put himself at ease.
A pang of regret washed over him.
I should’ve installed a location tracker on Forlevia. Then I would’ve known her whereabouts by now. I really regret it now. I’m definitely going to implant the chip again after rescuing her.
At the same time, Kaiden and his team were still spying on Levi.
“How can he stay so calm when his daughter is missing?” Jabez grumbled while staring at Levi, who was in quiet meditation.
“That shows his daughter isn’t missing!”
“I can’t stand it anymore!”
Finally, they could no longer hold themselves back and showed up in front of the man.
“Levi, you said that your daughter has been kidnapped, yet you’re sitting here so calmly. Shouldn’t you be searching high and low for her?” Zelda interrogated.
With his eyes shut, Levi answered, “This is none of your business. I’m in a foul mood, so scram!”
His overbearing attitude enraged the four of them.
They had never been treated so harshly before.
As the most influential martial arts organization in Erudia, they were above all rules. Even the Dragonites did not have authority over them.
How dare he talk to us this way and ask us to scram? Does he have a death wish?
“Let me warn you for one last time, Levi! Hand your daughter over to us! Otherwise, I’ll get her by force. I’ve tolerated you for long enough!”
Gerald was about to pounce on the man.
He had always wanted to challenge the CalaMaster.
All of a sudden, Levi’s eyes flipped open. “Cut the nonsense and bring it on!”


Levi had never felt so vexed before, but Gerald and Kaiden babbled incessantly around him.

A murderous intent to take their lives overcame him.
I’m going to knock all four of them away!

Kaiden and the other two of them wanted to stop him, but it was already too late.
The atmosphere was tense, and a battle was about to erupt among them.
Gerald was brimming with excitement as he sniggered, “I’d like to see how powerful a warrior in the top twenty on Gem List.”
“I can finish you off in one punch!”
Clenching his fist, Levi was about to throw a punch.
Boom boom boom…
As the man was lifting his fist, the ground trembled vigorously, and strong gales of wind blew up.
An oppressive and formidable momentum was crashing upon Gerald.
Kaiden and the others’ expressions hardened.
A Gem List warrior is no doubt incredibly powerful.
Even Gerald’s face contorted with astonishment, but he grew even more thrilled.
The stronger Levi was, the more intrigued he became.
Gerald was preparing himself to utilize his strongest technique, determined to compete against Levi.
At that very moment, the West Sky Lord hurried toward them.
“Master, I got some news!” she yelled.
The battle came to a halt right away.
Hearing that, Levi abruptly withdrew his fist and left with the West Sky Lord.
“I won’t let you get away next time,” Levi said to Gerald right before leaving.
The latter was infuriated by his words.
“Did you hear what he said? I suspect that he avoided me out of fear,” Gerald snarled.
The four exchanged glances.
“Is that so? Is he really afraid of us?”
They could not figure out any other reason, as they were convinced that Forlevia was not missing, but Levi hid her away.
“Let’s follow him and see what he’s doing.”
In the meantime, Levi and the West Sky Lord arrived at the training base in North Hampton.
“Master, we’ve just found out that someone took Forlevia to an island in Eastford of Erudia. They’re going to look for a master for her publicly.”
Levi’s brows snapped together. “Who gave them the right to look for a master for my daughter? Have they gotten my approval?”
“That’s right. They announced that anyone who offers the most valuable treasure can take Forlevia in as a disciple.”
The West Sky Lord’s words stunned the man.
His expression changed drastically.
“What? How dare they take my daughter as their disciple in such a humiliating manner? They’re pushing my button!”
An air of hostility exuded from Levi filled the atmosphere.
Everyone around him felt suffocated and out of breath.
His petrifying, murderous aura was so overwhelming that Kaiden and his team were terrified when they came over.
“What a frightening aura! I-Isn’t this demonic?”
That was the first time they experienced Levi’s air of hostility.
Now they were even more certain that he was a big demon.
“If we don’t get rid of this demon, Erudia will surely be in chaos one day!”
Gerald’s eyes gleamed with malice and a murderous glint.
In the training base.
Levi bellowed in rage, “Look into the matter now! Find out where the island is and the time of the event. Get it done now! They’ve really offended me this time. I want them dead, no matter who they are!”
Levi was smothering with fury.
How can I not be mad when my daughter is being treated this way?
“Everyone get moving and look for her!”
Levi then asked Floyd and his Team Of Secret Warriors to look for Forlevia, too.
He even gathered those criminals whom he took in previously and ordered them to do the same.
Perhaps these people had better networks than the others.
The scene of criminals gathered together was witnessed by Kaiden and his team.
“What’s Levi going to do? Why did he gather so many criminals? Is he preparing to commit tyrant!”
The four warriors were startled.
“Inform The Cardinal Hall and Eragon right now! Ask them to send people over as soon as possible! Levi’s up to something huge!”
That was right.
Forlevia was going to be someone’s disciple.
That was exactly their plan.


Judging from Forlevia’s talents and potential, if the news got about, everyone would go berserk and fight against one another to take her in, be it the forces in Erudia or across the globe.

Everyone was keen to have her.
Nevertheless, the Raysonians didn’t spread the news, but kept it strictly confidential, refusing to let the cat out of the bag.

Instead, they sent out exclusive invitations to the forces who were keen on having Forlevia as their disciple.
Those who were invited kept their mouths shut for the sake of their own benefits.
Other than them, no one else knew about the discipleship event.
Still, there were a lot of invited guests attending the event.
The unknown island in the depths of Eastford was a forbidden area where storms and hurricanes occurred frequently.
Even satellites often could not detect its existence.
Planes and ships usually avoided any route involving this area.
Yet, the Raysonians picked this island as the venue.
That was why the West Sky Lord could not track them down quickly, even though she had the most efficient intelligence department.
On the island.
The Raysonian samurai had arrived for a long time.
A helicopter landed, and several warriors brought Forlevia to the venue.
The venue had also been well decorated.
Forlevia was locked up at the backstage.
Blinking her big, round eyes, Forlevia remained silent. She didn’t cry, nor did she make a fuss.
Checking out the place with a solemn expression, the girl seemed to be racking her brain for a solution.
Though she was young, she was a wise child.
Her unique experience since young causes her to be more mature than her peers.
Clenching her fists, she sighed stealthily.
I’m still not strong enough. All I can do is to wait for my dad to come to my rescue.
Yet, she wanted to do whatever she could, trying to remember every face here at this place.
Though they were masked, she still tried to remember their distinctive features.
She even took note of their language and tone of voice, so that Levi would have more clues later on.
With a mask on, the Raysonian head snickered. “Let’s see how much the genius of Erudia can earn for us.”
“Hahaha! I can’t wait to find out.”
Everything was all set.
All they had to do now was to wait for the arrival of those who were interested in the discipleship.
Boom! Boom!
Shortly after, rumbling sounds reverberated in the sky above the island.
A helicopter touched down, and the first guest was here.
The man was Callan, a God of War and the master of Dragon Palace, which was a long-time force in Erudia.
He was inches away from reaching Rank Eight.
As the nineteenth warrior on the Gem List, he was one rank higher than Levi.
After the Gods’ Promise and various crises, many forces of old emerged one by one.
However, the longest-standing and most powerful forces were still hidden from the world and had never appeared.
No one knew how Raysonians had managed to invite them.
That showed how influential they were.
The second guest was Eloy, the master of Thunder Palace and the fifteenth warrior on the Gem list.
The third guest was the governor of the city of Fairlake.
He ranked thirteen on the Gem List.
Afterward, the fourth and fifth guests were there.
Soon, the representative of many forces came.
Almost everyone who ranked eleventh to twentieth had shown up.
“The sixteenth guest has arrived! Let’s welcome Hadeon, the head of Hades Palace and the twelfth warrior on the Gem List in Erudia.”
“The seventeenth guest is here! He’s none other than Einar from Five Dragon Hill. As the eleventh warrior on the Gem List, he’s a master of magical techniques.”
After the two came into sight, the crowd gasped one after another.
Apart from the top ten warriors on the Gem List, all others had turned up.
It was indeed intimidating to have half of the Gem List warriors here.
Other than the forces from Erudia, there were dozens of ancient forces from the neighboring countries.
All the invited guests had arrived as well.


It was truly a parade of champions.

Each force was bigger than the last and each force was more ancient than its predecessor.
Most people had never even heard of them before.

Most importantly, all of the forces were absolutely terrifying, especially because half of Erudia’s Gem List warriors had arrived.
The CalaMaster himself was already so scary, and yet there were people here who ranked above him.
How powerful could they possibly be?
After another half an hour, everyone finally arrived.
The disciple selection ceremony was about to begin.
Forlevia was the only one who was being offered as a disciple, which was clearly part of the Raysonian samurais’ plan.
They hadn’t shown what exactly that plan was, but it was obvious they had one.
After all, Forlevia was extremely skilled.
She was known as a genius, truly one in a million of her kind.
Even the warriors on the Gem List wanted her as their disciple so she could truly lay down the stepping stones for their future.
That’s the sole reason why so many Gem List fighters attended once they saw Forlevia’s name on the invitation.
“I want to take her as my disciple. What are your terms?” Eloy, the Master of Thunder Palace said coldly.
Despite his calm tone, his voice was as loud as thunderstrike.
The crowd felt like their eardrums were about to burst.
“Greetings, Mr. Eloy! Our terms are simple. We just want to know what you’re willing to give in exchange for her. The same goes for everyone here! Think of it like an auction. Whoever gives something of the most value will get the child! We also guarantee that after taking her in as your disciple, you would be able to leave this island unscathed!”
After listening to the organizer’s explanation, everyone came to the same realization.
Most of them also felt relieved.
Some of the fighters who were slightly less skilled were afraid that they would get ambushed even if they had gotten their hands on Forlevia as a disciple.
After Raysonia’s reassurance, though, they felt like they had nothing to worry about.
A safe departure was guaranteed for those who manage to win over Forlevia.
No one knew anything about Raysonia at first. After all, this was the group that managed to kidnap Forlevia.
However, Raysonia knew everything about the attendees.
That’s why everyone was sure that even Einar, who was the strongest among all of them, would tread cautiously around Raysonia.
Thus, they could be assured that they would be safe even if Forlevia was with them.
It also made the whole event much fairer.
After going through the rules, all of the attendees started thinking about what the best thing would be to give in exchange for Forlevia.
Everyone who attended was all big shots, so they were not short of precious stones and money.
It would all depend on who had the most valuable item in exchange.
While the disciple selection event was going on, Levi and the others were still searching for the island.
The West Sky Lord and the others were frantically searching for any traces.
They were all so nervous, their hearts were practically in their throats.
Plenty of people had visited Levi while Forlevia was missing.
Zoey, for example, kept asking him to stop with the shenanigans and bring Forlevia back.
The Dragonites had looked for him too and asked what was going on.
At a time like this, those questions only served to annoy Levi even further.
If someone like Gerald had come to mock him, Levi might really have committed murder.
However, the help that Kaiden had asked for was already on the move.
The best fighters from The Cardinal Hall and Eragon were already on their way.
They still kept an eye on Levi so they could act first and stop Levi before anything happened.
Levi was already drenched in cold sweat.
It was a form of torture to be so close yet so far to finding his daughter.
He was also incredibly guilty.
If he hadn’t allowed Forlevia to go to The Cardinal Hall in the first place, this wouldn’t have happened.
Of course, The Cardinal Hall was also to blame.
“Argh!” Levi yelled in frustration.
If anything happened to Forlevia, he would never forgive himself.
So many people thought he was putting on a huge act when Forlevia was genuinely missing, but Levi really couldn’t be bothered at a time like this.
Following the emotional turmoil, he spat out bright red blood that splattered across the floor.
“We got it! Master, we found the island!”
Right as Levi felt like he was about to break down, the West Sky Lord finally arrived with good news.


“It’s in the Eastford islands! Right about here,” the West Sky Lord said as she marked it on a map.

“Let’s go immediately. Get me the fastest mode of transportation available!” Levi wanted nothing more than to teleport straight to the island.
Sadly, he wasn’t at that level of power yet.

Soon enough, the West Sky Lord arranged for a supersonic jet to send Levi to that Eastford island.
The moment Levi moved, the Four Powermen immediately were on high alert.
“Quick, find where Levi’s gone! We have to follow him! Also, inform The Cardinal Hall and Eragon warriors to follow us!”
The Cardinal Hall’s men instantly chased after Levi.
After all, Levi’s destination wasn’t exactly a secret.
The measures they had taken to get that information weren’t exactly discreet.
Wherever Levi went, they followed.
Levi had one goal in mind: reach the island and save Forlevia.
The discipleship ceremony had finally begun.
All of the forces were bringing out their most valuable items.
“I’ll trade a top-class war technique: the Plutonian War Technique!”
The crowd inhaled in shock at the sound of that.
The Plutonian War Technique was an extremely powerful set of techniques, and it was hard to believe that they were willing to expose their secrets.
This was starting to get out of control.
“Well, I’m willing to give up the Gun of Zeus!”
The crowd was once again taken aback by the sight of an actual Gun of Zeus in front of them.
The Gun of Zeus was crafted from an iron meteorite and was rumored to be able to penetrate through anything.
It would definitely bring a lot of power to whoever wielded it.
“I have a treasure that is worth more than those two combined!”
Everyone started bringing out their treasures in exchange for Forlevia.
Every single piece of treasure was worth more than anyone could ever imagine, and each appearance drew gasps of shock from the onlookers.
Despite everything, Raysonia remained calm.
Clearly, these were not the treasures they had in mind.
The real top warriors hadn’t even lifted a finger, anyway.
All the forces around Erudia started flashing their trump cards and the discipleship ceremony was beginning to get fired up.
The treasures being shown were getting more and more valuable and would have been snatched up at the very first opportunity if they had been anywhere outside this island.
The samurais of Raysonia continued to shake their heads.
They still hadn’t found anything worth their time.
“Let me go next!”
Aloysius, the Lord of Fairlake, stood up.
“In exchange, I have a Blade of Frost! It was crafted from thousand-year-old icebergs and is more than comparable to my own Sword of Thunder!” He drew a brand new sword from its sheath.
The temperature suddenly dropped and everyone shuddered from the sudden chill wracking their bones.
The samurais of Raysonia finally started paying attention at the sight of this sword.
Finally, they were getting somewhere.
“I have a magical medicine I’m willing to exchange that can turn any regular human being into a Rank Seven fighter!”
Hadeon’s offer was what truly took the cake.
How terrifying could that medicine be?
The eyes of the Raysonian samurais lit up.
They were even more interested in this.
After all, it was definitely much more useful and incredibly powerful.
Soon after, though, everyone turned their attention to one person.
The person was Einar, who ranked number eleven on Erudia’s Gem List.
He was different from other martial artists as he worked with magical techniques.
No matter how strong a martial artist was, they would pale in comparison to him.
He wouldn’t have made it to the eleventh place on the Gem List if it weren’t for that.
He was the only one who hadn’t taken anything out.
Einar remained cool and collected as he glanced at a disciple next to him, who immediately took out a wooden box.
“My master’s offer is a much-coveted treasure of Five Dragon Hill: the Thunderous Seal!” the disciple said.
This seal resembled a martial artist’s weapon, which served to increase their powers during battle.
Treasures truly weren’t as complicated as one might think.
In fact, it could be found in anyone’s daily life.
For example, older folks usually liked to ask for blessings and buy little souvenirs that were said to increase good fortune.
It was the same concept, except that the Thunderous Seal was for committing murder.


After looking around at the crowd, the disciple said, “The Thunderous Seal contains a strike of heavenly lightning that could start a chain reaction. Even Rank Seven fighters can’t properly control it.”

The moment he said that, everyone started clamoring about the seal.
That Thunderous Seal was much stronger than Zarain’s God of Thunder.

His lightning had been man-made and was purely artificial.
However, the Thunderous Seal contained Heavenly Thunder, which was on a totally different level.
The crowd felt their hearts skip a beat at the sight of the Thunderous Seal.
The disciple’s words basically meant that the Thunderous Seal was capable of killing most present there.
If it was in the hands of someone capable enough, such as Einar, they could risk getting killed.
Even if it was only in the hands of a Rank Seven fighter, they could easily challenge a Gem List warrior.
They could even challenge Einar himself.
Who wouldn’t want such a gift?
The crowd started staring at the Thunderous Seal with hungry eyes.
How powerful would I be if that were mine?
The eyes of the Raysonia samurai started glowing at the sight of the Thunderous Seal.
That was what they had been throwing the bait for!
Everyone could guess the outcome of the event after Einar took out the Thunderous Seal.
Forlevia would definitely be handed off to Einar without a doubt.
Someone from the Raysonian samurai went forward to receive the Thunderous Seal.
They had to double-check its integrity backstage along with all of the other weapons and gifts that had been offered.
There was another facet of the event that caused everyone to quickly forget about the gifts they had left behind.
Since the results were based on who offered the most valuable gifts, it seemed like a fair enough decision.
Thus, they didn’t even think about the fact that the Raysonian samurai might take all their gifts.
After all, such a big group of warriors wouldn’t do such a humiliating thing, would they?
Sadly, they were all wrong.
The Raysonian samurais’ original plan had been to steal all of the gifts offered.
The treasures that each group had brought had already been moved away.
Only the Thunderous Seal was left.
“Leave now!”
After getting the Thunderous Seal, the Raysonian samurai started to walk out.
“You, leave only after sending this kid off,” their leader commanded.
He swiped some fresh blood onto Forlevia’s face.
Forlevia was finally dragged to the front.
Everyone started to calm down at the sight of Forlevia.
Even Einar himself wasn’t thinking too far into things.
“Please hold on for just a minute. We’ll announce the results shortly and also return everyone’s gifts.”
After getting a surefire answer, the crowd felt reassured.
They hadn’t the slightest clue that their treasures were all being taken away.
There weren’t even any Raysonian samurai in sight in the venue.
Their plans had been perfectly put into action.
First of all, they would invite a bunch of pro fighters here and then get all of their treasured weapons.
After that, they would slowly leak bit by bit of their whereabouts to Levi so he could rush here to save his daughter.
Then, they would leave and Levi would arrive to battle it out with all the fighters present.
Their final goal was to recreate the Paradise Villa incident, which was to kill all of them and then frame Levi for it.
The way things were going, they might not even need to frame Levi. He might actually kill all of them out of his own fury.
Even if Levi was beaten up, both sides would get affected.
Only then would they send their own men to get rid of everyone.
No matter what, it would be a truly big hit on Erudia’s martial arts community.
Erudia would be seriously affected after both incidents, and it would be the perfect situation for the Raysonian Bushido.
Apart from that, they had invited important organizations from everywhere except Raysonia.
Their goal was simple: apart from getting rid of Erudia’s forces, they could also kill two birds with one stone and get rid of all the other countries’ organizations.
That way, Raysonia would finally make a breakthrough.
That was probably the true motive behind this so-called discipleship ceremony.


They went to all this trouble to kidnap Forlevia and congregate all the important organizations of Erudia and its surrounding areas for one reason only: to use Levi’s hand to destroy Erudia and the other countries’ martial arts communities.

Their detailed plan had to be commended.
After all, they did successfully fool everyone there.

For example, Einar, who was sitting and waiting for his disciple patiently on his seat.
The news that the West Sky Lord had ‘found’ had also been craftily leaked by them.
They wanted Levi and the likes of Einar to finally meet so a war would break out.
Then, they could truly guarantee everyone’s downfall!
If Levi died in battle, the Raysonian samurais would get rid of anyone who was still there.
Of course, it would be best if Levi didn’t die.
They could scripture Levi into a demon of their very own design.
After getting Levi to battle against the other fighters from Erudia, they would truly make an impact on Erudia’s martial arts community!
A few minutes passed.
The Raysonian had already scurried off.
Only Einar’s men, the other fighters, and Forlevia, who was drenched in blood, were left.
Levi had just received new information from the West Sky Lord.
It was a series of pictures.
Forlevia was pictured in them, covered in blood with her eyes wide and pitiful.
Levi felt the blood in his veins turn into a fire at the sight of his daughter being treated that way.
The veins in his neck were about to burst and his eyes were glowing with rage.
His aura became muddy with murderous intent and everyone felt it. Numbness shot up into their bodies from their toes in fear.
His eyes started glinting red, as if he were actually turning into a demon.
Everyone in the helicopter was terrified.
They were afraid that if Levi exploded, they’d all suffer his wrath.
They were right to feel scared, as Levi was genuinely more furious than he had ever been.
The rage of a father was something someone should never experience.
Back on the island, ten more minutes had passed.
The organizers of the ceremony had all left.
Only then did Einar start to sense that something was off.
“Go and take a look. It seems like they’ve all left,” Einar commanded.
The crowd finally woke up at the sound of Einar’s command and realized something was wrong.
After checking backstage, everyone came to the same realization.
The Raysonians had all run away, and they had taken everyone’s precious treasures with them!
They didn’t even leave a single hair behind.
The Raysonians had completely disappeared without a trace.
Einar yelled out, “Stop the search! They’ve already left and they’re probably too far away now.”
He had just tried to sense the Thunderous Seal’s energy, but came up with nothing.
That could only mean that the Raysonians were already extremely far off.
However, Einar remained deadly calm.
He wasn’t losing anything.
Even though he no longer had the Thunderous Seal, he had Forlevia.
“Take her with us. We’re leaving,” Einar commanded.
The disciples walked forward and were about to bring Forlevia with them.
“Wait!” someone suddenly shouted.
“Einar, that doesn’t seem right. That bunch of people just cheated us! We lost everything!”
“That’s right. All of us got our treasures taken away, so it’s not right for you to take her for your own, is it?”
The crowd started staring Einar down.
His eyes glinted coldly. “What does that have to do with us?”
“Yeah! What do we have to do with anything? You were the ones who lost your belongings. It’s not like we took them.”
“Besides, we exchanged the Thunderous Seal for the child fair and square.”
The crowd went speechless.
They no longer knew what to say.
To be fair, Einar was not in the wrong since their things getting stolen had nothing to do with him.
However, their current situation was a little awkward.
Everyone had gotten their treasures stolen from them, but Einar was the only one who was about to leave unscathed.
That was impossible!
“You’re not leaving with this child!” The crowd started shouting as they blocked his exit.
“Who dares to leave with my child?”


A voice struck down upon them.

It shook their eardrums and caused their ears to ring.
The weaker individuals among the crowd even started coughing up blood from the sheer intensity.

Everyone stood still in shock, including the top nine fighters on the Gem List.
It was as if everyone had been stunned silent.
A figure shot down from above and landed through the roof of the auction hall.
The earth itself shook with the force of his landing.
The crowd shook on their feet.
After he landed, the first thing that Levi did was to pick up Forlevia.
He started checking on her and only sighed in relief after making sure she wasn’t injured.
Despite feeling relieved, he was trying hard to hold back the tears in his eyes.
Levi’s subordinates arrived in quick pursuit.
“Watch her!”
Levi passed Forlevia over to them before turning to glare at Einar and the rest.
“How dare any of you lay a finger on my kid?” he thundered. “None of you are leaving alive.”
He was more than frustrated at this point. He was furious.
“He’s terrifying!”
“Is that the CalaMaster?”
Some people managed to figure out who Levi was based on his aura alone.
“You don’t need to know who I am. All you need to know is that none of you are leaving alive. Anyone who took part in this must die!”
Levi’s eyes turned red with murderous intent.
The crowd began to feel the overwhelming pressure from him.
Even the Gem List fighters began feeling threatened.
They used to think that the CalaMaster was just some rookie whose capability was probably a far cry from them.
Now that he was right in front of them, they could tell he wasn’t weak in the slightest.
“Wait, CalaMaster. Please hear us out-” someone tried to explain.
However, Levi just arrived and had no idea about what had happened before.
He didn’t have any way of knowing of the real plot behind the ceremony.
To him, the people who organized this auction and kidnapped Forlevia must have been among the crowd.
Either way, he would kill them all.
“Kill everyone here!” Levi immediately lifted a fist.
The Rank Seven fighters in front of him immediately started to block him.
The only problem was that Levi’s punch was way too strong.
One punch from him was enough to send tremors to a wide magnitude.
It was as if he was punching with the force of gravity itself.
The fighters were immediately sent flying after spatting blood. Everything happened so fast that the others hadn’t even realized what was going on.
Levi immediately started countering again.
The small hall was filled with a cacophony of everyone ganging up against Levi at once and yet being crushed by him as if he was a tank.
The walls were already in tatters from people being punted out.
Even though everyone who participated today was at least a Rank Seven fighter, they were no match for Levi.
It was as if he was Satan, breaking out from hell.
It was hard to imagine that anyone could stop him.
Soon enough, only half of the fighters who had rushed forward to stop Levi were left.
Even though they were all professionals, they couldn’t stop a furious Levi Garrison.
“C-Could he be one of Cyrus’ disciples?”
“Of course he is! I knew he wasn’t this powerful for no reason!”
“So he’s actually a disciple of the Fiery Demon!”
After observing Levi fighting with everyone else, Einar eventually figured out his techniques.
Even though all of his moves may have seemed like simple kicks and punches, they were all Cyrus’ killing moves.
Every punch and kick contained the strongest force and moved at extreme speed as well.
There was no force stronger in this world than speed itself.
That was the geist of martial arts.
After simplifying every complicated move there was out there, it all boiled down to speed and strength.
Levi was stronger than everyone else and he was also faster than everybody else.
That’s why he was getting rid of everyone so quickly.
It was also the whole idea behind Cyrus’ unbreakable force.
“We can’t let this man leave alive!”
Einar and the other top nine fighters on the Gem List glanced at each other and saw the murderous glint in each other’s eyes.
Soon enough, Levi had gotten rid of everyone except for the top nine fighters ranked on the Gem List.
A battle between the strongest opponents was about to begin!


Even though Levi had been nearly out of his mind with anger, he still went easy on his opponents.

He had only heavily wounded them, but he hadn’t murdered them in cold blood.
After all, he still had to ask about the true culprit behind Forlevia’s kidnapping.

“Masters, you all have to defeat him! He’s practically unbeatable!” the crowd on the floor started to call out.
Their hopes were all on these Gem List fighters’ shoulders now.
Of course, they were under the impression that as strong as Levi was, he couldn’t beat the top nine fighters on the Gem List.
Despite everything, he was still ranked at the very bottom.
No matter how strong he was, the likes of Hadeon and Eidan would definitely defeat him.
This was The Cardinal Hall’s official ranking and not just any random list!
It was at least ninety-nine percent accurate.
“I can kill him on my own!” Callan stood up.
“I’m ranked in front of him after all. He won’t beat me no matter what!”
“Don’t for-”
Before Einar could finish his sentence, Callan had already rushed forward.
“Dragon’s Rage!”
Callan instantly attacked with his strongest move.
The whole of the auction hall got razed to the ground.
His powers flooded toward Levi.
Callan started twisting and turning into a giant dragon that was ready to charge toward Levi.
That was exactly why he was in the top nine on the Gem List.
Levi suddenly scoffed.
With a single punch, he instantly tore through Callan’s energy field.
The punch landed with a heavy Bang on Callan.
He immediately flew off and collapsed a few kilometers away.
“Don’t underestimate him! He’s a disciple of the Fiery Demon himself after all. He’s practically on the way to becoming an actual demon!”
“We have to attack all at once!”
The other fighters started calling for murder the moment they saw what he could do. All warriors from the Gem List rose suddenly!
Eloy, Lord of Thunder Palace!
Aloysius, Lord of Fairlake!
Hadeon, Lord of Hades Palace!
All of them stood up, ready to face off against Levi.
Apart from Einar, the seven other fighters ran toward Levi at the same time.
“Grand Thunderstrike!”
“Sword of Thunder!”
“Blade of Death!”
The seven fighters on the Gem List started working together and unleashed their deadliest techniques on Levi.
They completely sealed off any space and openings that Levi could have used to escape.
He had to face them head on.
All seven of their killer moves were unleashed at the same time. There was no way Levi could survive them, let alone block any of them.
“I’m going to kill all of you!” Levi bellowed in rage, his eyes practically lighting up in flames.
He swung his fist with the most powerful punch he had packed since the fight started.
One punch to kill them all!
With a deafening Boom that blasted through everyone’s eardrums, Levi broke through the sound barrier.
With that punch, a huge trail of wind followed.
As if a supersonic jet was taking off, Levi’s punch broke through the sound barrier and fired off toward them.
With just one punch, he broke through all seven deadly techniques.
The Sword of Thunder snapped in half with a loud Snap, as did the Blade of Death.
The seven Gem List fighters got punched out of the hall one by one.
Levi had defeated the top seven Gem List fighters with just one punch.
They had all ranked above him, and including Callan, he had now defeated eight of the top nine Gem List fighters.
If this were to get out, the whole world would be shaken to its very core, let alone Erudia itself.
More importantly, they had all attacked at the same time.
They had no idea that Levi was this terrifying.
Aloysius, Hadeon, and the others were all stunned.
They hadn’t imagined that Levi could have beaten one, let alone all seven of them!
How embarrassing!
How humiliating!
Besides, this demon was practically as strong and invincible as the Fiery Demon himself.
All hope was on Einar now.
He wasn’t a martial artist, so everyone was hoping that his magical technique could defeat Levi.


After all, magic was different from martial arts.

It could kill a man invisibly.
Besides, Einar was the strongest out of all of them.

Just one ranking could make a huge difference.
That’s why Einar was the most reliable.
He could practically feel the weight of everyone’s hope on his shoulders.
However, he remained calm as he glanced at Levi.
“If you leave now, I will let you go,” Einar said, deciding to give Levi a chance.
The Raysonian samurais had been secretly observing everything this whole time.
They were disguised so that no one could spot them.
After all, they had to kill everyone later.
“How terrifying!”
“I thought Levi wouldn’t hold a candle to them, but look at what he’s done!”
The samurais were all stunned at the sight of Levi’s powers.
“That’s good! The stronger Levi is, the more our plan will be perfect and the more realistic it all will be!” the head of the organization said with a smirk.
Levi had just created craters all over the island with the force of his punch.
The island itself had begun to sink.
Seawater had begun bubbling around the edges as if a tsunami was about to take place.
Levi had never met a master of magical techniques like Einar before.
However, he had definitely heard of them in the ancient manuals that his mentor had left him.
Masters of magical techniques were truly terrifying.
Just one simple spell was enough to kill off a whole room of people without leaving a trace.
“Screw off! I’m going to defeat you!”
Levi aimed a punch at Einar, completely disregarding his mockery.
With a loud Boom, the island started to sink further.
The punch was about to land on Einar when he muttered a spell under his breath and snapped his fingers.
Swiftly, an invisible shield appeared and blocked Levi’s punch from him.
Everyone in the crowd started to cheer.
As expected of Einar!
He was the only one who had blocked Levi’s punches so far.
With another supersonic Boom, Levi struck once again.
Einar whipped up the same spell and his shield blocked Levi’s fist once again.
However, he was starting to shake and his cool expression was starting to slip.
Obviously, such a large-scale trick was incredibly taxing for him.
“I would love to see just how long you can hold out!”
Another Boom was heard, and Einar turned pale as he shook even more.
The fourth punch landed, and Einar finally started coughing up blood.
The fifth punch struck.
Fresh blood was practically pouring out of Einar’s mouth and he was about to collapse.
With the sixth Boom, Einar’s shield shattered completely.
Einar flew off into the distance.
Every spell took an incredible toll on him, much less when the impact of Levi’s punches was added into the mix.
If it wasn’t for Levi’s curiosity at seeing how the spells worked, he could have settled Einar with one punch.
All Einar could do was defend himself.
He had no way of attacking Levi.
Not one fighter was left standing.
“Who kidnapped my daughter! Come out right now!” Levi started interrogating everyone.
“I-It wasn’t us! We had nothing to do with it. We got cheated too!”
“That’s right! Someone planned everything!”
The crowd started fighting to explain everything.
Forlevia finally woke up and called out, “Daddy! I know who did it! It’s not them, it was someone else!”
Levi quickly picked her up.
“Let’s go!”
Since Forlevia knew who was behind everything, Levi no longer needed to investigate any further.
He was going to let everyone go on behalf of his daughter.
At least he could also preserve some of Erudia’s martial artists along the way.
After Levi left with Forlevia on the jet, someone appeared on the island.
As if he were a Harbinger of Death, he started reaping the lives of those still on the island.


As everyone stared at the gloomy figure that had suddenly appeared, they felt a chill wrack through their bones.

It was like they were all sheep waiting to be slaughtered.
“Levi? I thought you left. What are you doing back here?” Einar couldn’t help but ask.

“That’s not Levi!” Hadeon suddenly shouted.
The crowd quickly sensed that this person’s aura wasn’t the same as Levi’s at all.
“We have to run! Let’s go!” the crowd started yelling as they tried to escape.
After the battle with Levi, however, all of them were heavily injured.
They couldn’t run anywhere.
“I think all of you are going to be staying here forever,” the person said as his eyes glinted evilly.
He started killing everyone on the island indiscriminately.
After just a few minutes, the island floor was littered with corpses.
Not even those on the Gem List survived the attack, and the island sunk even deeper.
It was about to be flooded very soon.
After killing everyone, the killer took out a white handkerchief and habitually started cleaning off the blood on his hands before leaving.
Just one minute after he left, The Cardinal Hall’s fighters finally arrived.
The timing was perfect.
After Kaiden and the others from The Cardinal Hall had arrived, they were shocked by the carnage in front of them.
The island was practically flooded and everyone was dead.
“W-What happened?”
Everyone was stunned silent by the scene in front of them.
“We were too late after all!” Kaiden cursed.
Everyone’s faces were filled with regret and remorse.
They knew that something bad had to have happened if Levi had rushed here so urgently.
They had been chasing after him the whole time, but they hadn’t been fast enough to stop this tragedy.
They were hitting themselves internally. Why couldn’t we have been faster?
If only we stopped him in time.
But they couldn’t just sit around moping about what had already happened.
“This is Einar, ranked eleventh on the Gem List!”
“This person is the twelveth…”
They all skimmed through and identified every single body.
The more they counted through them, the more terrifying the situation became.
Half of Erudia’s Gem List was lying dead on this island.
There were even more ancient forces from outside of Erudia who had been brutally murdered as well.
This would heavily affect Erudia’s power from now on.
It was an even worse situation than the incident at Paradise Villa.
Everyone who joined had been Rank Seven fighters and above.
Now that all of them were dead, Erudia would suffer a huge loss.
Erudia’s martial arts world was going to be heavily affected.
Nothing of this sort had happened before.
“Someone’s still breathing over here!” Zelda quickly called out.
The crowd rushed forward.
Gerald asked coldly, “Did Levi kill everyone here?”
“I-It w-was-”
This person kept coughing up blood and was trying his best to finish his sentence.
It was someone else! He wanted to say.
However, he couldn’t finish his sentence and with a cry of pain, he died.
“Levi, I knew it was you!” Gerald bellowed.
After all, this person had basically confirmed it by saying “It was!”
After Zelda and the others did a thorough check, they found out it was truly the art of the Fiery Demon.
Only Levi had been here. Who else could it have been?
Even if it wasn’t logical, the truth was laid out right in front of them.
They couldn’t bother about details now that the evidence was so clear.
It was definitely Levi.
Jabez barked angrily, “I can’t believe Levi did this! How could he murder everyone in cold blood?”
“As expected of a demon. He kills everyone who crosses him, even the innocent.”
Zelda inhaled sharply. “The problem is that these people didn’t even do anything wrong! They just wanted to take his daughter in as a disciple. What’s wrong with that? He didn’t have to kill them!”
“You’ve gone insane, Levi! If you truly walk the same route that Cyrus did, you’re going to turn Erudia’s martial arts world upside down!” Kaiden roared.
“That’s not all. He wants to go against the whole of Erudia!”


Levi was being falsely accused.

He was extremely dangerous at that moment, so much so that Erudia’s safety was being threatened.
“If we don’t get rid of Levi, he’s going to be the greatest disaster to ever occur in Erudia!”

Gerald glared at them as he said, “You shouldn’t have stopped me in the beginning then. You should have let me kill him.”
“But are you sure that you can kill him?” everyone else asked.
Gerald was full of confidence before this happened.
However, he witnessed such a shocking scene earlier.
Those in the Gem List of Erudia weren’t his match at all.
Besides, countless Rank Seven fighters had died.
How could I fight him?
He’s just too powerful!
To have people call him the demon meant that he’s extremely powerful.
The event planned by Raysonia was perfect.
They managed to collect so many treasures, ravage Erudia’s martial arts world, and even turn Levi into a big demon.
“This is a matter of great importance. It might cause great turmoil soon. We need to re-confirm it,” the reinforcement from The Cardinal Hall and the Eragon negotiated.
Everyone began to gather evidence and sort out the clues.
“It’s been confirmed that the techniques used to kill the warriors are a hundred percent from Cyrus’!”
“Levi has been here earlier, and a great fight broke out. That’s for sure.”

After sorting out their evidence, they confirmed that it was true.
Levi had killed all the great fighters on-site, ravaging Erudia’s martial arts world.
“Alright, we can report this news now.”
Everyone knew what was going to happen once the news got out.
Levi was going to become Erudia’s public enemy.
Not only that, he had also become an enemy of the martial arts world.
It was just too huge of a matter.
Levi had also realized that something was going to happen on his way back.
After hearing what Forlevia described to him, he could guess that someone had set him up.
Someone had set up a trap, and he needed to get caught in it for his daughter’s sake.
In fact, the person had planned all these just to target Levi’s weakness.
The situation was so urgent that he had no time to think about anything else, causing him to fall for the tricks.
However, as long as he was able to save Forlevia, nothing else mattered.
Even if he was set up or framed, he could bear with it.
“Master, are we heading back now?” his subordinate asked.
“It’s too late now. The Cardinal Hall’s men have already arrived.”
Levi took in a deep breath before saying, “If I’m not wrong, everyone on the island is already dead.”
He then thought of something and quickly contacted the West Sky Lord, “West, check on the people in Paradise Villa.”
He realized something extremely serious.
A few minutes later, the West Sky Lord informed, “Master, tens of thousands of martial artists have died at Paradise Villa. No one was spared. But The Cardinal Hall is withholding any news regarding this matter. It seems like they have accused you of this matter.”
Levi didn’t listen to a single word the West Sky Lord said after that.
So this has been planned out all along.
But I had no idea at all.
He finally realized why The Cardinal Hall would target him and treat him so badly now.
He was Crown King!
It’s no wonder why The Cardinal Hall would take Evie away.
Anyone would be afraid in such a situation.
There was no way he could be clear of all the suspicions now.
Not even God could help him.
If it were just the Dragonites, they would have believed his words.
However, The Cardinal Hall and Eragon were handling everything.
With indisputable evidence before them, they wouldn’t have believed a word he said.
The whole situation was giving Levi a headache.


“Master, the person had obviously planned everything out. They’re trying to turn you into a big demon!”

“The Cardinal Hall’s men always arrive right after you leave. They manage to grasp the timing perfectly.”
“This would obviously lead to The Cardinal Hall and Eragon having to deal with you. They even caused a huge rift between you and the martial arts world, weakening the martial arts world in the process.”

A few of his subordinates started to analyze their current situation, and Levi nodded along as he listened.
They’re right.
Wait, no!
Something’s wrong!
A question surfaced Levi’s mind right then.
Being able to kill all the Rank Seven warriors on the island was not an easy feat, even if they were all injured.
Moreover, to kill so many powerful warriors, and leave the place before The Cardinal Hall’s men arrived was not something that could be achieved easily.
Besides, there were no trails left behind at all.
This meant that it wasn’t a group of powerful fighters who had killed the warriors. Instead, it was just a few people, or maybe it was just one person who did it.
On top of that, The Cardinal Hall was the strongest martial arts institution in Erudia. Those in the organization were no ordinary people.
They weren’t fools.
Can’t they tell that something’s off?
The warriors’ deaths were all due to additional damage done to them.
Can’t they tell?
If this was true, it meant that the person had used Levi’s technique to kill the warriors, which wouldn’t leave any trails behind.
Someone who could use the same technique as me?
Levi broke out in a cold sweat at the thought of this.
The best way to blame him for these two massacres was to carry them out using his moves.
But his moves were passed down to him by his mentor.
There’s no way my mentor did this.
Then who could have done such a thing?
Who else knows about the same moves?
From the looks of it, the person must’ve been very capable.
Levi couldn’t really pinpoint who it was anymore.
“What should we do now, Master? It seems like you’ll be the public enemy of Erudia’s martial arts world soon. Many warriors would be coming for you,” his subordinates asked.
“I think you should go into hiding for now. Avoid contact with those from The Cardinal Hall. That way, you can minimize damage and impact,” one of them said.
“That’s right. If you come in contact with them, and if conflicts were to happen, it’ll be harder to explain.”
Levi massaged his temples and said coldly, “Let me think of a way for now. It’d be best if we can catch the person behind this.”
Meanwhile, the Raysonians had retreated.
“Thank you for your hard work!”
Then, everyone started bowing at the attacker.
“I’ve made a mistake earlier, but luckily, no one told the truth.”
Even though the Raysonians had left, Okano was still lingering around.
He noticed someone who wasn’t dead.
“Just be more careful the next time. Fortunately, luck was on our side, and he didn’t expose us.”
“Thank you, Sir. But our plan has just begun.”
“We need to fan the flames and make it so that Levi’s name as the demon is true. We have to make sure that he has no choice but to go against the martial arts world, The Cardinal Hall, and Eragon.”
The Raysonians’ plan had just started.
Kaiden and the others reported everything truthfully to The Cardinal Hall and the Eragon.
Upon hearing their reports, the council members of The Cardinal Hall and the Eragon organized a meeting immediately.
“We can’t let him carry on like this anymore! Firstly, have the Dragonites strip off his title as the Crown King. Secondly, we need to hunt Levi down, full force. No matter what, we’ll only decide once we’ve captured him. And we have to bring his daughter to The Cardinal Hall. We have to make sure that he doesn’t leave Erudia. It’ll be hard for us to capture him if he leaves.”
That was what The Cardinal Hall had decided.
People in Erudia would definitely be shocked once the orders were given out.


The Dragonites were dumbfounded when they received orders from The Cardinal Hall and the Eragon.

They were put in a difficult position, especially when they saw the indisputable evidence.
“I believe in the Crown King no matter what. They’re saying he’s evil just because they saw him practicing the demon’s techniques? Who would believe that?”

“That’s right. It’s true that the Crown King’s techniques are somewhat extreme, but has he done anything harmful to Erudia?”
Having experienced the first few incidents previously, the Dragonites were completely faithful to Levi.
None of them believed it even with undeniable evidence before them.
“There’s no way we’ll strip off the Crown King’s title. Hurry up and send The Cardinal Hall our reply. Tell them that we won’t do it. If we can’t order them, they don’t even have to think about ordering us around.”
They were still unwilling to punish Levi.
Right at that moment, they received a call from him.
“What? You’re telling us to strip you of your title and privilege?”
The person who had answered the call couldn’t believe it.
Levi had taken the initiative and told them to follow the orders.
“I can’t waste any more time. Hurry up and do it. Now, listen carefully…” he said, giving them his instructions.
“I understand. We’ll get to it right now. This will be completely confidential.”
In the end, the Dragonites went through with The Cardinal Hall’s plan.
The three orders were about to be carried out.
However, right before it could be done, a piece of shocking news was released.
The Manifest Court had published a newly updated Erudia Gem&Stone List.
The Stone list, also known as the Raring list, had little to no changes.
But the ranking of only one had changed.
Forlevia, who ranked the twentieth from the bottom was now ranked the sixth.
The Manifest Court had only one explanation for this, she was gifted, unlike others.
It was clear that Forlevia was extremely skilled.
Everyone else on the ranks relied on their own capabilities, while she relied on her talents.
But this wasn’t the most eye-catching thing of all.
Rather, it was the Gem List’s changes.
The warriors ranked eleventh to nineteenth had all been removed from the Gem List, and there were already new warriors who had taken their places.
The news of the death of Einar, and the others who were on the Gem List soon got out.
All of them had died, and it was why they were removed from the list.
Nonetheless, the most important thing to note was the CalaMaster’s change in the ranks.
His rank had increased from the twentieth to the sixth.
The Manifest Court’s reason was that CalaMaster had killed the nine powerful warriors of the Gem List, eighty-seven Rank Seven fighters, and a hundred ninety-three warriors who were close to Rank Seven.
He was undefeatable to those under Rank Eight.
The ranking was clear.
Those in the fifth place and above were Rank Eight warriors already.
They were on a whole other level.
However, CalaMaster was undefeatable below this level.
That was why he was ranked sixth.
However, there was a piece of more impactful news.
The Manifest Court had released CalaMaster’s real identity.
He was the heir of Cyrus, who had topped the Gem List previously.
The man had once defeated all the strong warriors of the Gem List. No one was his match at all.
In short, it was the times of the Fiend.
The rise of The Cardinal Hall and the Eragon was during this time as well.
These ancient factions would break out in cold sweat at the mention of Cyrus.
During that time, they were all in fear of being dominated by the .
They had once thought that he had vanished completely, and those in the martial arts world of Erudia were all going crazy when they received the news.
Even the ancient factions who were still in hiding were on the verge of breaking down.
The heir of Cyrus?
That’s just terrifying.
From the looks of it, it seems like his heir might top the Gem List too.
It would be the end of Erudia if that were to happen.
The martial arts world didn’t want another Fiery Demon to appear.
They needed to get rid of him before he got more powerful.
The CalaMaster must die!



All of Erudia was in shock.
The ancient factions who had hidden away were getting anxious.

The same could be said for the ordinary folks.
It was a disaster for anyone when a demon like this appeared.
That being said, CalaMaster had become Erudia’s enemy.
More than anyone, he deserved to die.
In an instant, the news of CalaMaster killing tens of thousands of martial artists at Eastford, and also warriors of the Gem List spread like wild fire.
News that he was Levi was also about to be revealed soon.
Many of the evidence, along with the incident where criminals were following him around was revealed.
It only served to prove Levi’s identity.
Soon enough, the Dragonites released that they would strip Levi of his title as the Crown King.
Erudia was in shock once again.
Now, everyone who didn’t dare to do anything because of his title could kill him.
The news of it spread like water escaping from a broken dam.
Levi had also gotten news right after it was released by The Manifest Court.
“The heir of Cyrus? Could my mentor be Cyrus who had topped the Gem List?”
It was mind-blowing news to him.
Maybe he left the prison because he knew that his identity would be exposed someday.
But is he really a demon?
It’s not possible, right?
He’s such a kind, old man. How can he be a demon?
That’s right.
Most of the techniques in the technique book that his mentor had given to him were extreme, and it suited those who were eager for success.
It could indeed be classified as something evil.
However, it was still up to the user whether they would use the technique book for good or evil.
Just like how he had passed the technique book to Floyd and the others.
It didn’t mean that they were demons.
On the contrary, they were actively contributing to Erudia.
Besides, Levi had his fair share of experience in life.
His mentor was not a demon, but a kind person.
Nonetheless, he began to be doubtful again when the West Sky Lord gave him top-secret information about Cyrus.
Because within those pieces of information, Cyrus was a cruel and terrifying Fiend.
Killing people was nothing to him, and there was nothing he wouldn’t do to torture others.
Everything he did to people was just cruel and atrocious.
Cyrus was no different than an animal.
That was everyone’s impression of him.
The crimes he had committed were endless.
Cyrus deserved to die more than anyone.
Even Levi wanted to get rid of him.
Is this really my mentor?
It can’t be, right?
Levi couldn’t believe it.
Maybe there’s something I don’t know about.
Unless he told me so, I won’t believe otherwise.
No matter what the others said, he felt that Cyrus and his mentor were two completely different people.
Still, he was the Fiery Demon’s heir.
He was sure of this beyond a doubt.
“There won’t be a place for you in Erudia anymore, Master. The martial arts world and The Cardinal Hall will never let you off the hook. But you can’t kill them if they come for you. What a difficult situation!”
At that, Levi fell deep into thought.
He was planning what he should do next.
Soon after, The Cardinal Hall made a public announcement through the Dragonites again.
They were once curious why Levi wouldn’t let anyone take his daughter in as their disciple.
But everything made sense now.
He was afraid that people would find out that he was Cyrus’ heir.
After all, his daughter had also become a big demon’s heir.
There would definitely be an aura exuding from her, no matter how subtle it was.
His identity would definitely be exposed if someone were to notice it.
That was why he had been hiding his child away.
Now, they had no choice but to come up with a plan. As The Cardinal Hall went after Levi, they would also be sending Forlevia to The Cardinal Hall, purifying her of the Fiend’s influence, and shaping her into a righteous person.



Supreme Grandmaster
Sep 24, 2023

Every news they received was disadvantageous for Levi. It worsened the misunderstanding about him.

This was the result desired by the forces in Raysonia.
They wanted to force Levi into a dead-end such that he had no choice but to fight back.

Then, he would be fighting against The Cardinal Hall and Erudia’s martial arts world.
No matter who came out winning, Raysonian forces would sit in wait to reap the benefits.
However, the public, Raysonian forces, and even The Cardinal Hall did not expect what happened next.
People who once followed the Fiery Demon, meaning all those who strayed into the dark side, suddenly appeared in such a critical moment.
In the era of the Fiend, they followed Cyrus to suppress the righteous. They were mighty and proud then.
However, after the fall of the Fiery Demon, these followers faced persecution from the righteous sects and The Cardinal Hall.
Those that survived were forced to the corners of Erudia and into hiding. They lived in the shadows.
If not for the news about the Fiery Demon’s heir, they would have to live in hiding for the rest of their lives.
After the fall of the Fiery Demon, they did not dare to reveal themselves.
However, their situation had changed.
“The Fiery Demon’s heir? Does that mean we will have a leader? We have been waiting for this day for a long time. While we may never live to see the Fiery Demon again, at least we have his heir! I hope he will lead us to regain Cyrus’ glory!” said one of the Fiery Demon followers.
Once there was news of a new leader, the other Fiery Demon followers appeared one after another, seeking to follow Levi.
It was completely unexpected.
These ancient Fiery Demon forces kept showing up and were immensely stronger than the criminals who followed Levi.
In the past, when Cyrus was their leader, they had the strength to contend with Erudia’s martial arts world.
Now, they had to stay in hiding to escape from The Cardinal Hall and Eragon.
“Announce this immediately! Whoever that dares to harm the Fiery Demon’s heir is our enemy! We will obey the Fiery Demon’s heir wholeheartedly!”
The entire Erudia was in an uproar upon hearing what the Fiery Demon follower declared.
Even Levi was stunned.
What’s going on? Why does a group of heretics want to follow me? Are they asking for trouble? Things are troublesome enough, and now, they brought more.
The declaration from Fiery Demon followers further cemented Levi’s demonic status.
It seemed impossible for him to clear his name.
Meanwhile, the forces in Raysonia were excited about the appearance of the Fiery Demon followers.
It seemed that luck was on their side.
Previously, they thought that Levi would have to fight alone. He seemed helpless against the whole of Erudia.
Unexpectedly, followers of the Fiery Demon suddenly appeared.
They could lend Levi their strength and provide an advantage in the battle against Erudia’s martial arts world.
Everything was going according to what Raysonia’s forces planned.
If two colossal powers battled each other, both sides would suffer heavy losses.
It would then weaken Erudia’s martial arts world and allow Raysonia’s martial arts world to rise again.
“We shall begin the second part of the plan in a few days! Then, we will destroy the future of Erudia’s martial arts world!”
The appearance of Fiery Demon followers caused many people to panic.
The Cardinal Hall and Erudia’s martial arts world used their reappearance as an excuse to take action.
Now, they had something to blame the Dragonites. “Do you see the effect now? Will you still insist that it won’t affect anything?”
The Dragonites were collectively silent.
They knew that Levi did not direct the Fiery Demon followers.
However, they could not decide what to do.
Somehow, the Fiery Demon followers came out from hiding because of Levi and brought more trouble to him.
“Now, Levi is nearly as dangerous as Cyrus were in the past! Cyrus’s danger rating was level 8! Now, Levi’s danger rating is level 7!” said someone from The Cardinal Hall.
These were danger ratings designated by The Cardinal Hall.
It was alarming enough to prompt The Cardinal Hall and Eragon to take action for the sake of national security. “Issue this order. Everyone is to spare no effort to capture Levi before he meets with the followers of the Fiery Demon!”
Thus the warriors in Erudia’s martial arts world began to act promptly.


Warriors tended to think of themselves as above everyone. They were used to their freedom and refused to let anyone control them.

However, that was only because no one could control them yet.
With The Cardinal Hall and Eragon’s firm intervention, many ancient warriors had to obey their command.

Nevertheless, The Cardinal Hall and Eragon rarely exercise their control or intervene.
But once something was wrong, The Cardinal Hall would issue an order, and these warriors would obey without question.
Thus, throughout Erudia, people were making plans to hunt down Levi.
At the same time, ancient forces in Erudia’s neighboring countries also planned to capture Levi.
After all, they would be affected too if a war broke out.
Everyone blamed everything on Levi and there was a great stir everywhere.
Next, Raysonia began to pump up their effort and triggered disputes in various parts of Erudia.
They disguised themselves as criminals who followed Levi and started many fights everywhere.
It led to serious loss on both sides.
Initially, it was the Raysonians who disguised themselves to cause strife.
Later, the real Fiery Demon followers began to fight with various forces in Erudia’s martial arts world.
Soon, there were fights involving the “righteous” and the “criminals” everywhere.
After completing their mission, Raysonian forces retreated quietly, and no one even noticed that they were there.
The matter grew out of hand!
More and more ancient forces appeared.
At the same time, various heretical forces denounced by Erudia’s martial arts world appeared too.
Soon, both sides were battling each other.
Erudia’s martial arts world had fallen into a state of unrest.
It was a complete chaos and an impending disaster!
Meanwhile, the forces in Raysonia sat back to enjoy the show.
Now, the whole of Erudia knew that Levi, once Crown King, was now acting like the Fiery Demon.
He had become a public enemy.
Meanwhile, the Lopez and Black families knew about this too.
“Now I finally understand how an ordinary person like Levi becomes a God of War and even Crown King! He turns out to be the heir of a demon! He’s always eager for quick results in his training and uses extreme methods to increase his power rapidly in a short time!” someone said.
“That’s right! Isn’t this how he becomes so powerful so quickly? He has chosen the wicked way!” someone replied.
The analysis stunned everyone.
Ordinary people all thought that Levi cheated to rise to power so quickly.
They believed that he had strayed from the righteous path.
Meanwhile, the martial artists all saw Levi as the Fiery Demon’s heir. They believed that he would take the Fiery Demon’s place in the future.
“Now, it’s no longer his problem. Even us who has nothing to do with this will be dragged into unwarranted disasters! Damn you, Levi! Thanks to you, we are now Erudia’s public enemies!” complained someone from the Lopez and Black families.
Everyone was so anxious that they were on the verge of tears.
Zoey especially was trembling from fear.
She did not expect things to change so drastically in a single day.
I’ve always suspected that Levi has secrets, but I never expected that he’s the Fiery Demon’s heir!
No wonder he doesn’t want Evie to be someone’s disciple. Levi fears that it will expose his secret.
I now understand why he keeps a low profile.
He never reveals his identity and skills even before his family.
I couldn’t understand it in the past, but now, everything makes sense.
It’s all to hide his identity as the Fiery Demon’s heir.
Zoey and the Lopez and Black families were not overthinking.
They could not help but doubt Levi based on everything they knew so far.
Now, they believed that Forlevia had never gone missing but that Levi had hidden her so that The Cardinal Hall would not discover his secret.
We are now in a dangerous situation.
Now that Levi is the target of everyone’s hatred, anyone associated with him is in danger!
Evie’s future is ruined!
“Levi, I hate you!” Zoey yelled. “I’m worried about Evie. It’s too dangerous for her to be with him!”
Meanwhile, Levi was traveling to North Hampton alone.
“Master, what should we do next?” someone asked him.


“I have to go into hiding. What I’m most concerned about now is my family’s safety! Therefore, you are to send Evie to my mother! After that, wait for my instruction!” Levi instructed.

He decided to part with Forlevia.
She would be in severe danger if she remained with him.

However, he did not wish to come to this.
Meanwhile, at Gamma Tech training base, Jared erupted in laughter when he heard the news about Levi.
“God is on my side!” he declared. “Levi, who knew you would come to be Erudia’s public enemy! Haha, it must be a punishment from God!”
Jared grew even more excited.
He clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes widened in excitement.
He had accumulated a deep grudge with Levi, so he was happy to see Levi in trouble.
Furthermore, Levi was too caught up in his problem to bother Jared, so Wynona too could not do anything to stop him!
“I have obtained the permission to use Lab Number One! Therefore, I’ll carry out my grand plan, and no one can stop me!” Jared said with a crazed expression.
In the past few days, he kept looking for a chance to carry out his plan.
Even though Levi stopped keeping an eye on Jared, Wynona’s presence in Gamma Tech training base was troublesome.
Now that Levi was in serious trouble, Jared finally had his opportunity.
He no longer had to worry about Wynona.
Even if she saw his plan, she could not stop him without Levi’s help.
Furthermore, everyone at the training base trusted him completely, so Wynona could not do anything.
Therefore, Jared quickly decided to begin his plan and arranged everything he needed for the experiment.
Soon, the whole training base was buzzing with excitement.
Lab Number One was the largest lab in the training base. Whenever it was open, it meant that there would be a massive experimental project.
The lab was rarely open because it was costly to operate the equipment there.
Ordinary experiments did not have the budget to use the lab.
Therefore, Lab Number One was used less than once a year.
Thus, when Jared obtained the permit to use Lab Number One, the news shocked the whole training base.
The experiment was set to begin the next day.
Wynona was stunned to hear the news.
She had a bad feeling about this and sensed that something was going to happen!
Therefore, she kept observing Jared.
He made a lot of outstanding contributions with his previous experiments, but his follow-up experiments did not require the use of Lab Number One.
Something is wrong!
He is about to carry out something!
But everyone at the training base trusts him tremendously!
They believe that he will lead Gamma Tech to a greater height!
“No, I must stop him!”
Wynona knew that she could not do much on her own.
She immediately remembered Levi and contacted him, but no one answered the call.
Then, she discovered by browsing on her computer that Levi had become the Fiery Demon’s heir.
She was in the lab all this while and did not know what was happening in the outside world.
When she saw the news, she exclaimed, “Oh no, this is bad!”
I can’t rely on Levi.
He is in a great deal of danger himself.
Now, no one can stop Jared.
“I’ll stop him myself!” Wynona muttered.
Then, she gathered courage and spoke to her direct leader, Keanu Benedict.
However, Keanu scolded her furiously, “Why are you still suspecting your colleague at this point? Jared has turned over a new leaf. He will not do something that will threaten Erudia’s security! I don’t want to hear anything like this in the future!”
“But he-” Wynona wanted to continue to say something.
Keanu scolded her again, “Get out now! Fine, if Jared did something, I’ll bear responsibility for it!”
Then, he shut the door on her.
Wynona was dismayed. “Something terrible is coming!”


“What happened?” a voice sounded.

Wynona turned around and suddenly noticed that Jared was standing beside her. “N-Nothing…”
For some reason, Jared’s smile looked a little creepy.

Wynona was afraid of him.
Meanwhile, Jared kept staring at her and said, “By the way, Miss Wilcox, my grand experiment will start tomorrow. Do you want to watch it?”
“No thank you. I have other urgent matters!” Wynona refused immediately.
She was sure that Jared was planning something big.
“That’s such a pity!” Jared smiled.
Then, he watched Wynona hurrying away and grinned sinisterly. “You’ll be the first to go!”
The next day, everyone in Gamma Tech training base was preparing for Jared’s experiment.
Lab Number One was the strongest lab at the training base.
Jared took into consideration the explosion that would follow if his experiment failed. It would destroy any other labs.
However, Lab Number One could contain the explosion completely.
Thus, it was the ideal lab for his experiment.
He had never used such a strong lab, so it was his dream to use it.
Meanwhile, Forlevia arrived at the Jones residence.
The Joneses knew about Levi, so they were shocked when Forlevia suddenly appeared.
“Evie, where is your father?” Emma asked.
Forlevia shook her head. “Grandma, I don’t know where Daddy is.”
“What should I do now?” Emma knew that people would soon come to the residence.
It would be difficult for the Joneses to protect Forlevia.
Furthermore, many people wanted to capture Levi.
If they could not find him, they would soon come for his family members, such as Forlevia and herself.
They would abduct them to force Levi to appear.
Even though they called Levi a demon, they believed he would show up if they had Emma and Forlevia.
“In that case, Evie and I should hide quickly.” Emma considered the potential threats and immediately wanted to bring Forlevia with her into hiding.
“Aunt Emma, it’s too late! I’ve just received news that everyone knew that Evie has come to Jones residence. Now, a large gang of warriors is heading here!” Mia exclaimed.
“What should we do?” Emma was panicking.
Tap, tap, tap…
At this moment, dark figures appeared at the Jones residence and rushed toward Emma and Forlevia.
Mia, the strongest of the Joneses, tried to stop them. However, she could not even stall them.
“Grab them!” shouted one of the dark figures.
Then, a few mysterious warriors grabbed Emma, Forlevia, and Mia before disappearing without a trace.
The moment they disappeared, group after groups of warriors arrived at Jones residence.
“Where are they?” asked one of the warriors.
“What? Did someone abduct them? Who did it? Let’s chase after them!” said another warrior.
Then, groups of warriors went on a pursuit.
Soon, news about the abduction of Emma, Forlevia, and Mia spread everywhere and reached The Cardinal Hall.
“What? Did someone abduct them? It must be the work of one of the overseas forces. They made use of the present chaos to abduct them,” said someone in The Cardinal Hall.
“That must be it! It was a good opportunity for them! That child is a great talent. Thankfully, they abducted her rather than kill her. Otherwise, her death would be a great loss to Erudia!” another person chimed in. “We must find her and get her back! Get people to search for her now. This matter is of the same importance as catching Levi!”
The news of Forlevia’s abduction soon reached the Lopez and Black families.
Zoey nearly exploded with fury. “Levi, what the heck are you doing? You insisted on sending my child to your mother. Now, they are both abducted. I’ll never forgive you!”
Then, she could not help but weep.
In times of trouble, misfortune kept coming one after another.


Levi became the public enemy!

Jared was about to complete his horrible experiment!
Emma and Forlevia had been abducted!

Misfortunes followed those whose life was going downhill.
The situation was worse than imagined.
Soon, a group of masked men dressed in black appeared outside Zoey’s residence.
Unfortunately for them, The Cardinal Hall had assigned warriors to stand guard since earlier.
“Who are you?” a warrior from The Cardinal Hall demanded upon seeing the masked men.
The masked men escaped immediately.
When the incident came to the knowledge of The Cardinal Hall, they were sure that it was the overseas forces that planned to abduct Levi’s family members.
Since Levi became Erudia’s public enemy, they believed that the overseas forces planned to hold Levi’s family hostage to convince Levi to join them.
If that happened, it would be bad for Erudia.
Levi was now rank the sixth in Erudia’s Gem list.
He was also the Fiery Demon’s heir, making him a serious threat.
Therefore, it would be disastrous if he joined the overseas forces.
Moreover, a large group of Fiery Demon followers gathered because of him.
If they joined him too, that would be horrifying!
“First, we must search for and rescue Levi’s daughter and mother! Second, we have to protect Levi’s other family members! Don’t allow anyone to approach them!” The Cardinal Hall issued orders immediately.
Thus, Zoey was under secure protection. Not only could no one abduct her, even approaching her was impossible.
However, no one knew that it was all part of Levi’s plan.
The ones who captured Emma, Forlevia, and Mia were not bad guys but people sent by Levi.
Levi thought of this plan from the beginning.
Now that the whole of Erudia and a few neighboring countries sought to harm Levi, Levi would always be on the run.
Therefore, he could not bring Emma, Forlevia, and Zoey.
However, he would be worried about their safety if they were not by his side.
After all, he could not ensure their safety if he was not with them.
Furthermore, his enemies were planning to use his loved ones to force him to show himself and submit to their biddings.
Levi did not want that to happen.
Therefore, he thought of a brilliant plan.
He deliberately sent Forlevia to Jones residence and released the news to attract attention.
Then, he arranged for Team Of Secret Warriors to abduct Emma and Forlevia openly.
It was a perfect plan.
Firstly, the whole Erudia would know that Forlevia and Emma had been abducted and were missing without a trace.
Then, The Cardinal Hall would suspect that the overseas forces were behind the abduction, so they would make sure to protect Zoey well.
That way, all thanks to Levi’s plan, his loved ones would be completely safe.
With that, he could focus on what he needed to do.
However, Levi’s plan to protect his loved ones caused a massive chain reaction.
The Fiery Demon’s followers had accepted Levi as their master.
Therefore, they were furious to find out about Emma and Forlevia’s abduction.
Thus, they began to search for Forlevia and Emma all over Erudia.
Meanwhile, The Cardinal Hall and the rest of Erudia’s martial arts world were also busy searching for them.
Furthermore, the forces in Raysonia were shocked too. “They have been abducted? Who abducted them so soon? We didn’t even have the chance to act.”
They were planning to abduct Forlevia.
“Do you think Zarain is behind this?” someone suggested.
Zarain was Levi’s biggest enemy.
Previously, Levi humiliated Zarain, so they had been bearing grudges.
Now that the opportunity presented itself, it was not surprising if they acted on it.
Raysonia’s forces were dumbstruck. “If Zarain’s forces are behind this, then we are in trouble. I don’t want to work with them!”
There were many other chain reactions.
It was as if the whole world had fallen into chaos.
Another disaster was about to happen.


That disaster was Jared’s experiment.

Everyone in Gamma Tech training base was anticipating it.
Meanwhile, Wynona wracked her brain for the whole night but could not figure out how to stop him.

She had no choice but to observe the situation and act accordingly.
What if I am wrong?
What if Jared is not planning anything?
Soon, it was another day.
Lab Number One was activated for the first time this year.
Keanu and others prepared everything that Jared needed, especially the assistants.
The assistants assigned to Jared all worshiped him fanatically.
Before Jared entered Lab Number One, he arranged for someone to watch Wynona.
Wynona had the right to enter Lab Number One but only to the outermost section. There she could see the experiment through a specially made glass.
At the moment, Wynona was feeling anxious.
If she discovered that Jared’s experiment was dangerous, she could only watch and had no power to stop it.
In an hour, Jared and his assistants completed all the preparations for the experiment.
The experiment involved colliding superparticles to create energy.
These superparticles were presently unknown to the world.
Jared discovered them in an experiment.
Once he could control their energy, it would lead to great advancement!
Therefore, everyone in the Gamma Tech training base was full of anticipation and looked up to Jared.
However, the experiment had a possibility of failure!
If the experiment failed, it would release colossal energy that would spread out and destroy the training base.
Lab Number One was the only lab that could contain it.
Although Jared’s experiment had a high chance of success, everyone still wore the highest level protective suit.
Then, the experiment began.
They kept colliding the superparticles with each other and experimenting with the superparticles.
Soon, more than seven hours had passed, and they had repeated the experiment thousands of times.
In actuality, Jared already had a large amount of data from the previous ten experiments.
Still, Jared carried out the experiment in Lab Number One for 8000 times to increase its success rate.
He was absolutely confident.
Now, the experiment’s most vital step had arrived.
For some reason, Wynona’s right eyelid kept twitching, and her heart thumped hard as if threatening to escape from her chest.
Something bad is coming!
Soon, the superparticles were about to collide with each other directly.
If this collision failed, it would create an unimaginable amount of energy.
Everyone was nervous because even the protective suit could not protect them from the energy.
Just as everyone was concerned about whether the protective suit would shield them from the energy, Jared did something crazy.
He took off his protective suit!
Everyone in the lab was shocked and stunned.
“W-What is he doing?” someone shouted. “Schmidt, are you crazy? What are you doing? Put on the protective suit now! It’s dangerous!”
Then, everyone called out at Jared to wear the protective suit.
Although these particles were only releasing a small amount of energy at the moment, it was enough to obliterate a person.
Therefore, they all thought that Jared was crazy.
“Keep quiet. I know what I’m doing!” Jared ignored them and approached the particle collider.
He was grinning madly.
Even before the direct collision of the superparticles, the superparticles had a strong energy field.
In spite of that, Jared walked quickly into the energy field.
Instantly, all his hair stood up, and he looked frightening.
Everyone was scared.
If he could not bear the intense energy in the energy field, he would explode.
However, Jared did not care!
He had gone mad!
“See that, that’s a true genius! A truly mad genius! Do any of you have such courage? Let’s give him a big hand!” Keanu was watching from behind a special glass and began clapping.
Others were clapping too and looked at Jared in complete awe.
Only Wynona had a bad feeling about this.


The superparticles that Jared had discovered were limited in quantity. There were only eight of those.

In previous experiments, only replicas of the superparticles had been used.
The experiment that was about to take place used the real superparticles.

“Start the experiment!”
At the sound of his command, the various machines in the laboratory had been activated.
The loud explosion sounded like the end of the world. Everyone was momentarily deafened.
Nobody could hear anything.
“It’s a success!”
“We did it!”
Suddenly, exclamations of joy rang out in the laboratory.
The collision of the particles was successful. They could now control that energy.
“Carry on!”
Jared gave the second order.
Another two particles started to collide.
The researchers had no time to celebrate, and they continued to operate the machines.
“Start the collision!”
Just as the countdown began, Jared did something unexpectedly.
He opened up the machine.
The outcome of his action would be devastating.
When the two particles collided in the box, the box was able to contain the energy that was being generated.
Now that the box had been opened, the resulting energy would disperse.
That would cause the experiment to fail.
Everyone present had a crazed expression on their face.
They widened their eyes in disbelief!
It was too late to stop him.
Most importantly, Jared’s life was in a precarious situation.
He was right next to the machine.
As a result of the collision, he would be the first person to be ripped apart.
Is he asking for it?
At that moment, the hearts of Wynona and the rest of them were about to stop beating.
Little did they realize that Jared’s body had been embedded with numerous chips.
The particles collided!
This explosion was much louder than the previous one.
It was as if two planets had collided.
Wynona and Keanu, who were in the external area of the laboratory, started to bleed out from their mouths, ears, and noses.
The special glass in front of them could withstand the bombardment of various kinds of weapons.
Yet, it shattered into bits right at that moment.
There was no way the glass could bear the energy of the collision.
The protective suits of all of the researchers in the laboratory started to rip apart.
There was blood everywhere, and the casualties were staggering.
It was unstoppable!
There was simply no way to stop that kind of force!
The power of the collision was so great that it nearly wiped out all of the instruments in Lab Number One.
Thankfully, Lab Number One was the strongest and had yet to collapse.
Otherwise, the entire technology base would have been razed to the ground.
Although Wynona was bleeding at that moment, her gaze had never left Jared.
In Wynona’s opinion, Jared was right at ground zero, and the impact on him would be the worst.
At the moment of impact, Jared’s clothes vanished in an instant, and his body was liquified.
He became so translucent that his veins and bones were visible.
Soon after, his flesh and blood disappeared and even his bones shattered.
Before she could react, the liquified Jared appeared once again.
After which, Jared’s body turned into a translucent shade of red.
One could see the atomic energy flowing rapidly within his body.
Jared was using the consequential energy generated by the collision of the particles to transform the state of his body.
Jared’s body was gone and replaced with one that was made up of atomic energy.
However, he had retained his consciousness.
It turned out that Jared’s true intention of the experiment was to transform his body.
He had preserved his consciousness and allowed his physical body to be reorganized.
That meant that his body was now a being of pure energy.
The energy that flowed within him was terrifying.
The devil had been born!


Even though Wynona had predicted some surprising move from Jared, that was not at all what she had imagined.

She never thought Jared would conduct the experiment on himself!
Who in the world would dare to do such a thing?

Especially when everyone had witnessed the horrifying scene earlier on.
The energy generated by the collision had completely destroyed Jared’s physical body. There were no remnants of him at all!
Only he can be this insane in the whole world.
Nobody would have thought to utilize super energy to alter their own bodies.
Not to mention that the success rate would be extremely low.
Failure would result in absolute death.
Jared had been toying around this crazy experimentation for a very long time.
In the past, he had invented weapons such as the Deicide and was able to control huge amounts of powerful energy.
However, all those required him to rely on external objects and the help of others.
The power never came from within him.
No matter how powerful his weapons were, he was ultimately only a normal man!
That was why he needed a change!
He was willing to be a test subject and turned himself into a powerful being.
In order to attain his goal, the use of genetic modification or drugs had crossed his mind.
He did not mind turning into a cyborg like Byron.
Unfortunately, all of those options could not satisfy Jared’s thirst to be the ultimate warrior!
He wanted to be the best among the best!
As such, this insane experiment had taken hold of his mind.
The first step was to generate energy from the collision of the particles.
Next, he would need to retain his consciousness.
The third step would be to destroy his physical body.
As for the final step, he must be able to reconstruct his body.
Jared had put in much preparation for this experiment.
He had employed the most advanced technologies in the world.
It did not matter how complicated the whole process had been, the point remained that Jared had succeeded.
Basically, he was no longer a human. He was a body of pure energy.
With the exception of his own consciousness, the rest of him was composed of energy.
That was the terrifying aspect of technology!
The most cutting-edge technology could change everything.
Jared was now at the peak of it all!
With a body of pure energy, Jared was surrounded by flashes of light and exuded a frightening aura.
The energy produced by the collision was used to form Jared’s body.
One could only imagine the power Jared possessed within him at that moment.
“I did it!”
Jared howled.
There was unprecedented energy in that roar of his.
All of the indestructible machines in Lab Number One smashed into pieces under the onslaught of sonic energy.
As for those researchers who had survived the initial barrage, all of them blew up into messes of blood on the spot.
None of the hundreds of them survived.
They had all vanished in the blink of an eye.
In the past, they used to be admirers of Jared. Yet, in the end, they were killed by him.
Jared was taken aback.
How did this happen?
It seemed that Jared was unable to control the energy that resided within his body.
That was why a roar like that produced such immense power.
However, the chips that had been implanted in him beforehand allowed him to control that energy using his consciousness.
Thirty seconds later, Jared was able to manage the energy within him.
A push of his right hand, and scary energy gushed out from his hand.
The energy caused a crack on the ground, and a ravine of one hundred meters appeared. It looked as if the ground was about to split into two.
The entire laboratory shook and felt like it was going to collapse.
Everyone was shocked.
Jared has become so frightening.
He is just like the devil!
The group of researchers understood what that meant.
Jared could never be defeated!
Not unless his energy had been thoroughly exhausted.
Nonetheless, everyone knew that the energy generated by the collision was too great, and there was no way it could be exhausted.
It was impossible to be used up!
Judging by the look of things, Jared was invincible!
He would never die!
The energy he possessed could annihilate everything!
No martial artist would be able to withstand his power!


Nothing would hold Jared back once he left the training base.

Since nobody could stop him, he could do what he wanted. He would become Erudia’s disaster!
Should that happen, he might even be the death of Erudia!

Jared roared, “No one can stop me, not even you, Levi! I’m invincible!”
Indeed, the destructive power he possessed would make him undefeatable!
The senior management in Gamma Tech instantly regretted their action of bringing this traitor back.
They should have heeded Levi’s warning and let Levi finish Jared off.
Since they believed Jared had turned over a new leaf, they chose not to monitor him closely.
They even permitted him to wield his power in the training base.
Wynona had also warned them about Jared, but they reprimanded her instead.
Gamma Tech could have avoided this had they listened to Levi in the first place.
But they were too egoistic to admit their mistake.
Wynona turned around to look at Keanu. She then recalled the promise he made. Yesterday, he said he would be responsible if anything went south. Let’s see if he’ll keep his promise!
After putting on a set of lightweight armor that allowed him to control his power, Jared traveled several miles in the blink of an eye and stood in front of Wynona and the rest.
Now that his body had become the carrier of pure energy, he could travel at the speed of light. His body had become so light that he could even take flight.
To him, traveling several miles within seconds was a piece of cake.
Upon seeing a godlike figure standing in front of them, all the staff members outside the laboratory started screaming and running helter-skelter.
“Shut up!”
Jared threw a punch in the air, releasing a wave of transparent energy that passed through the body of an escapee.
He then threw another punch in the direction of the other escapees that had run a hundred feet away, turning them into dust.
The power he demonstrated proved that he could kill anyone from a distance. Everyone who witnessed that immediately believed Jared was the devil himself!
Jared began a massacre and killed anyone who ran away.
“From now on, I’ll kill anyone who tries to escape the training base!” Jared warned.
His voice reverberated all over the training base, sending chills down everyone’s spine.
Everything in Gamma Tech’s training base was under Jared’s control in a snap of the fingers.
The senior management of Gamma Tech was utterly flabbergasted.
They regretted their action of not killing Jared when they could.
Now, every single one of them had become his prisoner. Not only did he have absolute control over the training base, but he could also kill anyone he wished!
Upon returning to Lab Number One, he approached Wynona.
Intimidated by the man’s presence, she staggered backward.
Before this, Jared had already been temperamental all the time and behaved like a lunatic.
Now that his body had turned into an embodiment of energy, he must have lost his humanity.
Wynona was afraid that he might finish her off.
“You like to keep an eye on me, right? But what could you do? Those idiots don’t even listen to you! Levi is right. This place is full of idiots!” Jared sneered.
Even the smart ones here might not have a high EQ!
Jared raised his voice. “From now on, all of you have to obey my command!”
Wynona stood up and defied him. “I’m afraid of death, but if you want me to take your orders, over my dead body!”
“Do you think I wouldn’t kill you?” Jared gradually lifted his right hand.


Wynona kept her eyes shut, waiting for death to claim her. Yet, she could not stop her body from trembling.

Jared let out of a cold snort. “You think I’ll grant you an easy death? Not a chance!”
“Weren’t you in contact with Levi? Why don’t you call him to come and stop me?” he asked.

“Oh, I forgot,” he continued with a sarcastic smirk. “Levi is the arch-enemy of Erudia now. Everyone sees him as the big demon and wants to kill him. He can’t even protect himself anymore!”
Wynona gave him a murderous stare. “You’re more of a demon than he’ll ever be! You’re the big demon!”
She finally understood that evil came from the heart. It had nothing to do with how much of a threat a person was based on the power he or she possessed.
Levi and Jared were the best living proof of the logic!
Jared instantly carried a massacre the moment he obtained such destructive power. It was not the case for Levi.
At least based on Wynona’s investigation, Levi was someone who would go all out to defend Erudia and its citizens!
Keanu, who was standing beside Wynona, immediately stopped her. “What are you talking about? How could you compare Mr. Schmidt with Levi? Mr. Schmidt is smart and invincible, and he’s Erudia’s future! Don’t you dare compare him to that demon!”
Wynona took a sidelong glance at Keanu. What an opportunist. Did he forget the promise he made yesterday?
All of a sudden, Jared burst into laughter.
Keanu could not help but start to tremble.
Jared turned to him and asked, “Do you know what kind of person I hate the most?”
“I-I have no idea!” Keanu’s mind went blank.
“I hate people like Levi, and I hate people like you too!”
Upon saying that, Jared lay his hand on Keanu’s skull.
His palm emitted a wave of energy that penetrated Keanu’s head, causing the latter to bellow in excruciating pain.
Keanu’s body began to disappear, and within seconds, he vanished into thin air, leaving nothing behind.
Those who witnessed were struck dumb. What a vicious man!
“And you.” Jared then turned to Wynona. “I’ll keep you alive so that you can watch how I rise to the top!”
“Levi is a demon, right? Very well, I’ll mark him as my next target. Once I get rid of him, the Erudians will hail me as their hero! From then on, no one can stop me from becoming the number one on the Gem List!” Jared laughed maniacally.
“Master, I’m sure The Cardinal Hall would be pleased to know that you plan to go after Levi!” Suddenly, a few of Jared’s followers emerged from a dark corner.
Wynona trembled in anger. The real demon is now going after the hero in the name of justice? How ironic!
“What’s the situation now?” Jared asked.
“Someone captured Levi’s daughter and mother, and Zoey is with The Cardinal Hall now!” one of his men said.
A corner of Jared’s mouth quirked up upon hearing that. Zoey, Zoey. Why do I feel like I don’t have any feelings for you anymore? But don’t you worry, I’ll still make you mine!
Though his body had undergone alteration, Jared still retained his subconscious mind. Yet, he seemed to have lost all his feelings and emotions.
But it was clear that he already had a plan in mind. “I want you to take control of the entire Gamma Tech. Get them to work for me! Make sure to make full use of Lab Number One. I want them to be ready to work for me as soon as possible.”
With the return of his former troops, Jared had absolute control over the Gamma Tech training base now.
At this point, no one knew the most technically advanced training base had fallen into the hands of a demon.
“Next up, I’m going to hunt Levi and Zoey down!” Jared let out a mirthless laugh.
Despite knowing that another disaster was on its way, there was nothing Wynona could do, as they had locked her up.


Usually engrossed with research, she barely had any friends, and Levi was the only name that came to mind.

It was more horrifying for her to find out that Jared not only had the power to kill, but he could also manipulate people’s thoughts.
When he left, he managed to control the mind of one key personnel in the Gamma Tech training base.

It was a terrifying revelation.
At the same time, Levi was trying to avoid being captured by different forces while tracking the mastermind.
There was no way he could let things be after knowing that someone was behind all the mess.
Those people had taken the opportunity to discredit him and intensify Erudia’s conflict with him.
The method used was easy. On the one hand, those people pretended to be followers of the Fiery Demon and often created trouble with the martial arts world in Erudia.
On the other hand, they also went on a mass killing spree and made it seem like Levi was responsible for it.
Regardless, Levi was confident that they would probably leave behind their traces by accident.
As long as he followed their path, he would likely uncover something.
Given so, it led him to the Tayhaven City in the South.
According to the news, a war occurred there recently, and of the many people who fought in it, Levi was supposedly one of them.
As such, Levi disguised himself when he arrived at the city.
In the ancient manual his mentor left behind for him, there was a record of Erudia’s oldest disguise technique, which did not take him long to master.
If he said nothing about his identity, no one would recognize him.
Tap tap tap…
A flurry of footsteps sounded, and several young men and women appeared.
They were mostly Rank Seven fighters.
From their appearances, they looked around twenty years old and were part of the martial arts world in Erudia.
Not only so, but Levi could also sense strong energy fluctuations, which meant that there was someone else secretly protecting them.
It did not take him more than a second to realize that they came from an ancient martial arts force who were probably here to take him down.
There was a high chance they had activated all their forces this time.
Soon, everyone gathered at the battlefield.
It was a mess, with blood splattered everywhere and piles of corpses lying around.
A few young men complained, “We came too late again!”
One of the men dressed in black scoffed, “What’s the point of killing a few criminals? We should target Levi instead!”
He was Landon, who was ranked sixteenth on the Stone list.
“You want to kill Levi? How is that possible? He is sixth on the Gem List! It is wishful thinking for you to believe that we could kill him.”
A sharp voice from a lady sounded shortly after.
She was in a yellow dress with an arrogant expression on her face.
On the Stone List, she was ranked thirteenth, and her name was Yasmin.
“It’s not possible unless you are one of the top five fighters in the Stone List!” another woman chimed in.
This woman was in a white dress, and she looked like an unbelievably beautiful fairy.
Her name was Josephine, who took seventh place in the Stone List.
Although she was only eighteen years old, she was already more impressive than the majority of the Rank Seven fighters.
They were Erudia’s talents and the future of the martial arts world.
Upon hearing that, everyone turned their attention to another young man.
This man was in a green suit, and with his hands behind his back, he looked calm.
They all looked at him in awe and with envy.
He was Trenton, number five on the Stone List.
Those highly ranked on the Stone List had powers comparable to those on the Gem List.
Therefore, in Trenton’s case, he was almost as skillful as Rank Eight fighters.
“Trenton is only nineteen years old this year, so it goes without a question that he will surpass Levi in ten years’ time.” The crowd was quick to discuss amongst themselves.
“Exactly! When Levi was nineteen years old, he was nowhere as good as Trenton!”
“Trenton is like a warrior on the Gem List.”
In response, Trenton suddenly spoke out. “I dare not compare myself to those on the Gem List.”
Despite saying so, he added a bold statement. “However, I can’t say the same for the top three on that list.”
As soon as those words left his mouth, the other warriors gasped.
Ever since The Manifest Court announced the Gem&Stone List, it had claimed to include warriors that were the strongest in the history of all rankings.
It was especially so with the addition of Forlevia.
The top three on the Stone List were so insanely skilled that they created talk among everyone.


The evaluation conducted by The Manifest Court this time could be labeled as the best Stone List in history, especially with the top three names listed.

In the past, they had never recorded how insanely skillful the four of them were, including Forlevia.
They could not even predict what the future for Erudia would look like with their presence.

In any case, it was bright. The martial arts world in Erudia would surely prosper, and there was a high chance that they could beat hundreds of other countries.
Since Stone List’s number five, Trenton, and number seven, Josephine, were present, many people were eager to surround them.
After all, it was not an everyday occurrence to see warriors listed on the Stone List in public, especially for the highly ranked ones.
Josephine’s nickname was Goddess Foster because her strength and beauty stunned all.
Meanwhile, Trenton was known to be invincible too.
It was natural for them to become the focal point among the crowd.
Even so, Levi could not be bothered with them since he was here on a mission in the first place.
While everyone else was admiring and flattering the two warriors, Levi’s eyes fixated on the battlefield.
Unfortunately, it made him stand out from the rest, such that Josephine and Yasmin began to take notice of him.
“Josephine, that’s odd! That man doesn’t seem to know who we are! I can’t believe he didn’t even spare us a glance,” Yasmin commented.
They had attracted many people’s attention from a young age.
If you treated them with adoration, they tended to ignore you and took you for granted.
However, if you ignored them, they would typically notice it, as it would throw them off.
“Exactly! An average man would rush here to meet us if they found out that a warrior from the Stone List is here. Yet, he is sitting there, unbothered. That is abnormal!” Frowning, Josephine shrugged.
“Well, he doesn’t look like he is highly ranked. I’m guessing he is a nobody and had not heard of us before.”
The few of them assumed Levi was no one important and decided not to care about him.
At that moment, in a small town not far away, a group of people was plotting a plan.
A man reported, “I just received the news that the four warriors ranked on the Stone List have appeared in the area. It is the perfect opportunity!”
“What about it?” another man questioned.
“Coincidentally, some of the Fiery Demon’s followers have also arrived here recently, so perhaps, we could lure those followers over and use them to destroy the four Stone List warriors.”
The plan sounded like music to the other man’s ears. “Hahaha, that is a good plan. If we can get rid of those warriors, it will throw Erudia into more turmoil. It gives us more hope for the future!”
On the other hand, Trenton, Josephine, and the rest were unaware that they were targets of an evil scheme.
Miles away, the group of evil force had appeared.
It was a large army with many highly skilled fighters.
After being lured out, they did not hesitate to rush over where the Stone List warriors were.
Despite scrutinizing the place for an entire day, Levi still could not find any clues.
Sighing, he shook his head in disappointment.
Then, a gleam of light flashed before his eyes in the next second.
There are people coming!
He could feel a strong evil aura growing stronger.
The Fiery Demon’s followers are here.
They were one of the seventeen groups who previously hid deep in the forests.
In the past, they were Cyrus’ loyal followers.
However, the group of them immediately fled to hide in the mountains ever since his disappearance.
“Mr. Little and Goddess Foster, let me follow you to hunt down Levi.”
On the battlefield, warriors were eager to follow Trenton and the rest.
Landon and Yasmin were about to agree when they saw Josephine and Treston’s expressions changing.
“Oh no, a group of people are heading over.”
“Should we leave?” Josephine asked worriedly.
“I’m afraid it’s too late. We need to prepare to fight!”
Instantly, Trenton’s body shook, and he exuded a terrifying aura.
They heard footsteps coming within minutes.
The Fiery Demon’s followers began to surround and trap Trenton and the other warriors.
With no place to escape, the warriors in the middle looked around warily.
“I can’t believe we have caught a big fish here!”
The Fiery Demon followers gleefully bore their fangs and stared at the cornered warriors like their prey.
Looking cautious, Trenton warned the others. “Be careful. They are strong!”
He had picked up on how powerful their opponents were. From the looks of it, he estimated that there were at least a dozen Rank Eight fighters among them, which meant his team would unlikely stand a chance against them in a fight.


Josephine’s expression darkened.

There were many Fiery Demon’s followers, of which many were highly skilled individuals.
It was not hard to tell from the aura they exuded.

Within the group of them, there were also three who belonged on the Gem List.
The majority of the rest were not in any of The Manifest Court’s lists.
Even so, with the few on the Gem List, the group was formidable.
Although the three Gem List warriors were not high up on that list, Trenton, Josephine, and the rest were still no match for them.
Besides, the Fiery Demon’s followers present were almost ten times the size of their team.
Trenton felt they were as good as dead at this point.
“How dare the group of you show yourselves?” Landon was first to speak.
Those who supported the Stone List warriors had disdain and disgust written across their faces.
In their heads, anyone loyal to Fiery Demon had to die without exception, and it would be best if they did in the cruelest way possible.
“Yes, all of you should scram and go back from where you came. Otherwise, you shall face death,” Trenton threatened.
Yet, his threat had little impact on his opponents. One of them scoffed, “All of you keep calling us monsters, but have you witnessed us killing in person? Have you seen us commit a heinous crime with your own eyes?”
The other followers were quick to jump in to agree. “Yes! You pride yourself on being upright, but you should ask yourself, how many people have you killed instead. Haven’t you done evil deeds too?”
Angered, one of the warriors on Treston’s side retorted, “Hmph, all of you are spouting nonsense! All of you have been monsters since birth. You are cruel, unfeeling, and addicted to murder. You are no different from a bunch of worms and more disgusting than rats in the sewers. Fiery Demon’s heir, Levi, is especially horrendous. He is a bastard! We can’t wait to get our hands on him and inflict pain on him.”
Levi had not seen this coming. He did not expect to hear his name during the argument between the two groups.
Glaring at the Fiery Demon’s followers, Yasmin growled. “Did you say that we haven’t seen your people kill? Well, isn’t Levi one of you? He murdered thousands of warriors in the Paradise Villa, and none of the warriors in Eastford survived. Yet, you dare say that you do not kill the innocent?”
“Exactly! Levi is shameless and a piece of trash! Lightning should strike a person as immoral as him. I hope he dies a terrible death or at least experiences a living hell,” Landon added.
However, their opponents only laughed. “Well, do you know who saved Erudia previously? Who was the one who raised Erudia’s prestige? Have you forgotten that it was his work?”
In disbelief, Trenton roared, “No matter what, he is still pure evil. He must be up to something no good whenever he did these things. There is no way I’ll believe that he did them out of goodwill.”
The rest were quick to back him up. “Of course! He is the Fiery Demon’s heir, so there is nothing good about him from the start. Those good deeds must be part of his scheme, and they were lies. Such people don’t deserve to live!”
“Yes! Levi should die, and so should the bunch of you. I’ll be praying for all of you to end up in hell.”
Trenton, Josephine, and the rest were cursing at their opponents.
Clenching his fists, Levi was fuming.
What is good, and what is evil? Both groups talk about killing like it was so easy anyway.
“You can insult us, but you shall not insult the Fiery Demon’s heir. We have faith in him, so if you criticize him, you shall die!”
“Kill without mercy!” The followers of Fiery Demon began chanting.
They were seeing red, and they slowly started to close in.
As such, Trenton and the rest panicked.
They did not expect their honest words to anger their enemies.
Right on the bat, more than a dozen people rushed out.
They were bodyguards hired to protect Trenton, and each one of them was skillful.
They snarled, “How dare monsters like you act so presumptuously? Don’t you know who they are?”
Gesturing to Trenton, one of them proudly stated, “He is Trenton, who ranks fifth on the Stone List and the descendant of the Little family.”
Turning to Landon, he continued, “He is-”
However, one of the Fiery Demon followers interrupted him. “Who cares? Let’s kill!”


The Fiery Demon followers immediately lunged for Trenton and his team.

Skilled members of the evil force especially targeted the four on the Stone List.
The remaining warriors in Trenton’s team were not as capable and had to face members of the evil force who were ten times better than they were.

Both parties did not show mercy during the battle.
It was a dark fight with casualties on both sides.
Levi could have stopped the dispute from the start, but he did not.
He would be out of his mind to try to save the people who wanted him dead.
Although Trenton and his other companions were on the Stone List, it only took minutes for them to be defeated.
Two warriors from the Gem List attacked Trenton, inflicted devastating injuries.
Similarly, Josephine ended up on the ground, spitting a mouthful of blood after another Gem List warrior went after her.
The rest of their team also fell onto the ground like dead flies.
It was clear that they were no match for the Fiery Demon followers.
Those who survived were all gravely injured and on the ground, struggling to stay alive.
This time, the whole Erudia’s martial arts world had marked Levi as their public enemy.
Many ancient forces took the opportunity to send their talents out for the experience.
However, Trenton and his team were unlucky.
After they stepped out, they immediately met a formidable force.
They did not even have the chance to send a signal to their family for help.
Of course, they would not have crossed paths if not for someone pulling the strings in the back, resulting in the meeting between the two groups.
“Aren’t you are known as the righteous warriors? I thought you wanted to kill us, but clearly, you are incapable of it. What a joke!”
Humiliated by their opponents, Trenton and the rest wished they could find a hole to stick their heads into at that moment.
They felt ashamed.
As they helplessly lay on the ground, they looked around to assess the situation.
As expected, it did not look good.
Everyone was hurt and had collapsed to the ground, groaning in pain.
None of them were left standing, except for one.
Suddenly, everyone’s eyes fell on Levi, the last man standing.
Even the Fiery Demon’s followers were looking at him.
A thousand pairs of eyes were staring at him in confusion.
Why didn’t anyone notice him as though he was not even here?
Levi had used his powers to avoid being part of the fight between the two forces.
Unfortunately, he could not hide till the end.
“It’s him!”
Yasmin yelled enthusiastically with a glimmer of hope in her heart.
She prayed that he was a skilled warrior.
“I hope he is good. I already knew that he was out of the ordinary from the start,” Josephine whispered.
That man did not even bat his lids while everyone else was swooning over her when they first saw him.
There were only two possible reasons for that.
Either he did not know them, or his skills were out of the world, such that they were nobodies to him.
Trenton and the rest could only pray it was the second scenario.
“Haha, I can’t believe we missed out on one person! Take him down!”
The head of their enemies ordered coldly.
Instantly, numerous skilled warriors surrounded Levi.
“I have nothing to do with this situation, so it’s best if you don’t touch me with your filthy hands,” Levi warned.
“You asked for it!”
Six of the followers pounced for Levi at the same time.
To their surprise, not only was Levi unscathed, but all six warriors attacking him ended up landing a few feet away. Levi’s clothes were not even crumpled.
It was alarming as the six were Rank Seven fighters.
“Let me do it!”
A young man from the evil force offered.
He was a talented follower of the Fiery Demon, and his strength could be comparable to Trenton’s.
With that, Levi threw out his fist, and the man flew backward, landing hard on the ground.
His opponents did not even have the chance to counterattack.
At this point, everyone’s expression had changed drastically.
Woah, he is strong. That is a powerful punch. The top three warriors on the Gem List might not even be able to do that.
As such, Josephine, Trenton, and the rest felt stupefied, seeing how strong Levi was.
Immediately, they shouted, “Please help us out and get rid of these demons!”


The others began chanting, “Please lead the way and punish them!”

They seemed to have regained their confidence as they pleaded for Levi to help them.
On the other hand, the Fiery Demon’s followers became anxious as they did not expect to meet a warrior as mighty as him.

He seemed to be on the Gem List, and if so, they would be in deep trouble.
Within a short time, the Fiery Demon’s followers became more cautious.
They glared at Levi, who was dangerous and obviously a threat to them.
In the distance away, a secret group huddled together.
“Haha, it seems like everything is going according to our plan. The two groups have met, and the self-proclaimed righteous warriors have suffered grave injuries. I think it is only a matter of time for them to end up as bird food.”
They were rejoicing over the situation. “Haha, I hope such scenes happen in every corner of Erudia.”
“Exactly, we should hurry to get the news out. It is best to let The Cardinal Hall and Eragon know. They are nearby.”
Raysonia’s forces had laid out their plans.
They wanted to attract The Cardinal Hall’s attention at the last second and added more chaos to the situation.
On the battlefield, the Fiery Demon’s followers stood there, shaking.
Levi’s punch was indeed a terrifying sight.
The main issue was how he looked like an ordinary man with no powers. One could not sense any energy fluctuations from him.
It could only mean that he was a formidable warrior.
“Do you think he is within the top ten of the Gem List?”
Some were suspicious.
The top ten of the Gem List were on an entirely different playing field.
While three Fiery Demon followers were sitting on the Gem List, they were at the end of the ranking and would pose no threat to those above them.
With one look, the three of them were terrified.
On the other hand, Josephine and Yasmin began celebrating, given the turn of events.
“We have help! I thought we were going to die for sure.”
If not for their injuries, they would probably be jumping in joy.
The tables had turned.
Who knew that an elite fighter would appear at such a crucial moment?
“You must be a Gem List warrior and one that is high up the list. We hold no grudge against you, and we only want to deal with them. It has nothing to do with you, and you are free to leave!”
Having seen Levi’s powers, Fiery Demon’s followers started egging for Levi to leave.
However, this only made Landon and the rest worried.
Landon began to argue. “Please don’t be fooled by these evil beings! As martial artists, we should take the responsibility of eliminating these criminals!”
His team chimed in too. “Sir, please lend us a hand and eliminate this evil force!”
“Yes! If these monsters reunite with Levi, who knows what might happen?” They brought up Levi’s name again.
“Sir, you cannot let these people live! It’s best to get rid of them once and for all before you kill Levi too.”
The more they spoke, the more agitated they became. “You should severe Levi’s limbs and flush him down the toilet bowl. Then, we can send out a signal to the Fiery Demon’s followers that all of them will meet the same miserable fate as the Fiery Demon’s heir.”
“Exactly! Levi is the Fiery Demon’s heir, so if we punish him, the rest of the evil force would be stunned.”
They were especially harsh when they mentioned Levi.
In response, the Fiery Demon’s followers started to lose their temper.
It was alright to insult them, but they could not stand it when they talked about Levi.
“Whether or not you are on the Gem List, a member of The Cardinal Hall or Eragon, you shall not insult the Fiery Demon’s heir. Otherwise, we shall kill you!”
Even though the Fiery Demon’s followers knew that Levi’s powers were formidable, they would not back down.
The situation became more heated.
Landon and the rest protested, “All of you are courting death!”
“Sir, please do something! Kill these demons and kill the bastard, Levi! Please help us.” Everyone was looking at Levi with anticipation.
“We trust you, so please strike at them!”
Looking at how things were unfolding, a fight seemed inevitable to the Fiery Demon’s followers.
“I’m afraid I can’t fight them,” Levi suddenly uttered.
“What? Why?” Landon and the rest was bewildered.
“Because I’m Levi, the bastard you’ve been cursing at.”


Levi’s shocking remark silenced everyone.

One could hear a pin drop.
It was an unexpected outcome.

Levi, the Fiery Demon’s heir, is here? Who is going to believe that?
The thousands of people present were in shock. No one dared to move an inch, and even their expressions had frozen.
They looked like stone sculptures.
Almost a minute had passed when someone finally regained their senses.
“W-What did you say? You are the Fiery Demon’s heir?”
The man’s lips were trembling fiercely as he asked.
His voice brought everyone back to their senses.
Dumbstruck with terror, they all stared at Levi. Josephine, Landon, and the rest were especially alarmed.
Their eyes looked as though they were about to pop out.
“I am Levi,” Levi reiterated.
Slowly, his disguise faded away to reveal his appearance underneath.
“Y-You are the Fiery Demon’s heir!”
As soon as they saw Levi’s face, everyone went into a state of frenzy.
Regardless of which group they belonged to, they remembered how Levi looked by heart.
Looking at the man standing on his feet, the Fiery Demon’s followers became excited.
They had been searching for him high and low, and finally, they got to meet him.
After so much effort, they did not expect to meet him like that.
“Greetings to you!”
The followers of the Fiery Demon hurriedly got down on their knees and greeted him.
“From now on, we are your followers and shall obey your orders.”
These people came out from hiding to seek out Levi and take his orders.
Looking at those on their knees, Levi suddenly had a new idea in his head.
Previously, he did not want to associate himself with this evil force and tried to get as far from them as possible.
Yet, now it seems like the Fiery Demon followers were scurrying around like headless chickens and looked easy to manipulate. It was easy to use them to create more chaos and fighting among the martial arts world in Erudia.
Therefore, Levi thought of something new.
Instead of allowing these people to run wild on their own, he could control them instead.
If he commanded them, no one could use them, and nothing similar would happen.
Judging from how loyal these people seemed, it was unlikely for them to go against anything he said.
As long as he could gather all the Fiery Demon’s followers together, he could command them all and prevent any conflicts from occurring in the future.
It would be best if he did that as soon as possible before any other problems arose.
Additionally, if he could round them all up, he would have an invincible army, which would work to his advantage.
“Yes, from today onwards, you shall be my followers,” Levi ordered.
“We are willing to die for you!”
The men on their knees started to bow down to him.
After being accepted by Levi, they were ready to take on anything he asked of them.
It was why Cyrus was so powerful then, in the era of the Fiends.
As though they were in a cult, these people looked up to their masters as gods religiously, and they were fiercely loyal.
No one imagined that this would happen.
It was the right choice to make the two groups go head to head, but Levi appeared out of nowhere.
“Levi, I also know some other followers in this area. I will send someone to notify them to join us!” One of his followers was quick to offer.
Levi nodded in approval. “Yes, let’s gather everyone. It would be good to get everyone together!”
“Levi, that might be difficult. We have to consider a long-term plan!”
His followers looked conflicted.
“Don’t worry. I have a plan.” Levi chuckled. “But before I announce it, let’s deal with those people first.”
Then, he turned his head to Trenton and his team.
At that moment, it was as though lightning had struck them.


Instantly, their limbs felt numb, and they turned pale. They shivered as a chill ran down their spine.

It was wildly beyond their imagination that the man was Levi.
They had cursed at him for so long before knowing his identity.

Minutes ago, they humiliated him and even idiotically asked him to kill himself.
There were millions of bizarre incidents in the world, but nothing could compare to this situation.
No one had expected that Levi would appear here.
Besides, they did not expect to meet him.
As Levi glanced at them, they anxiously lowered their heads one by one.
Even Trenton looked at the ground, too afraid to meet Levi’s eyes.
Josephine was no exception too.
No one dared to look up while Levi scrutinized them.
It was especially so for Landon, Yasmin, and those guilty of criticizing Levi earlier.
All they wanted was to disappear from the face of Earth.
Meanwhile, Levi shot them a fiery glare, making them feel like a burning flame scorched their faces.
Nervous, they trembled and broke out in cold sweat.
“Not me, please!” Some murmured prayers under their breaths as they looked away.
“He didn’t see me. I’m not here.”
It was a tense atmosphere, and their hearts felt heavy.
The prolonged silence made it worse for them to bear as they felt like their hearts were about to explode from anxiety.
They could not even breath.
Finally, one of them gave in to the pressure and knelt before Levi.
“Master Levi, I’m sorry. It was my mistake for insulting you. Please let a small fry like me off!”
Another man mirrored his actions and fell onto his knees.
“Me too. Master Levi, please forgive us. I have a big mouth!”
One by one, the warriors got down to their knees, asking Levi for forgiveness.
Trenton and his team could only look at the scene in disbelief.
Even Levi’s followers were astounded to see what had conspired.
Aren’t they the self-righteous warriors? How could they kneel before the Fiery Demon’s heir? What a joke! They are making a fool of themselves.
Levi was amused.
His followers began to laugh.
“Hahaha, shouldn’t you stay true to your values till your death? Why are you kneeling? All of you are possibly the biggest joke I’ve seen!”
In the face of humiliation, Trenton, Josephine, and the other two Stone List warriors felt embarrassed.
Today, they had lost all their pride.
“Since all of you grovel for forgiveness, I shall let you off.”
Levi grinned.
“Thank you, Master Levi!”
They all bowed down to thank him.
“How shameful! All of you are an embarrassment to us! I will never associate myself with you!” Josephine roared.
Trenton and his team could only stare at those people bowing to Levi uncomfortably.
These cowards had ruined their reputation by kneeling before the evil force.
I would rather die than surrender to him! Josephine gritted her teeth in anger.
Immediately, she and Trenton looked approvingly at the others still standing.
The majority of those who had insulted Levi earlier had given in to the pressure.
Only Landon and a few others were still standing on their feet.
“Well done!” Josephine exclaimed and flashed them a thumbs up.
Even if they had to die, at least they stood up against the evil force.
“Hmm, I don’t see those who had the most to say about me on their knees,” Levi mused.
His voice made Landon and Yasmin freeze. They stood as stiff as a wooden block.
Falling to his knees, Landon pleaded, “Master Levi, I’m at fault. Please forgive me!”
It took Trenton and the rest by surprise.
I thought we would rather die than surrender?


Everyone was dumbstruck at Landon’s actions.

Isn’t he going to at least hold it out a little more? He is Landon, a warrior on the Stone List. Shouldn’t he be acting more righteous and have more of a backbone?
Trenton and his team wish they could rush forward to give Landon a tight slap at that instant.

Not only them, but the rest of the people behind him were just as frustrated.
“That’s it?”
Even Levi was taken aback by Landon’s behavior.
The person who scolded and cursed at Levi most turned out to be so easily intimidated.
More often than not, such upright gentlemen who only spoke about benevolence and morality turned out to be a hypocrite.
In the midst of a crisis, he would be the first to fold.
Levi coldly muttered, “How about the rest?”
The other three Stone List warriors were shaking.
They could barely withstand the pressure that Levi was putting on them.
“You must not kneel before him! Do not let yourself commit such shameful crimes!” Josephine hurriedly rallied.
“That’s right! We would rather die upholding our morals. There is no way we can surrender to these criminals!” Trenton jumped in too.
The rest of the people remained headstrong. They glared at Levi, refusing to give in.
Yasmin stubbornly yelled, “If you are capable enough, you can have our heads. We will never kneel before you!”
The rest with her also had the same defiant look in their eyes.
“You are not afraid of death. Very well.”
Within seconds, Levi’s expression changed as he exuded a murderous aura.
One could feel his intent to kill from miles away, and the people felt like an invisible hand was strangling their necks.
Each of them felt suffocated, and they scratched their necks, hoping to get rid of the feeling.
Unfortunately, the invisible force only tightened, and everyone’s breaths started getting faster. Their faces were also turning purple from the lack of oxygen.
Those people could not even make a sound, and they struggled in silence.
Slowly, their mind blacked out as they started to lose consciousness. Those few individuals felt like their souls had left their bodies as though they had just experienced death.
Everyone would be scared in face of death.
Finally, someone could not stand it any longer and fell to his knees.
More followed after.
In the end, only Yasmin was left standing.
Her eyes were almost popping out of her sockets and she looked like she was on the brink of her death.
At that point, she realized Levi would kill her.
Using all the strength left in her body, she scrambled to kneel before Levi.
Everyone had given in to the pressure, with no one left standing.
Levi had broken down their emotional barrier and completely shattered any pride they had.
Trenton and Josephine could no longer stand upright.
They were completely humiliated.
It was a black mark on their lives that they could never remove.
“Master Levi, we are truly sorry. Please accept our apologies.”
The four Stone List warriors were on their knees.
It showed how powerful Levi was.
“Hahaha, this is what is expected of the so-called righteous bodies! I feel we have a stronger backbone.”
Levi’s followers broke out in laugher.
It had been a while since they felt so excited.
“Landon, you have let us down! You are not suited to be on the Stone List, and you are nothing but a disgrace to your family!” Josephine burst out in anger.
Hearing that, Landon crawled closer to Levi.
“Master Levi, from now on, I will serve you. After all, I’m sure you will dominate the martial arts world in Erudia. Who would dare insult you from now on?”
He had completely changed his stance, and everyone was in disbelief.
How shameless!
“Master Levi, you should kill all of these people going against you! Do not leave anyone behind.” Landon gritted his teeth and snarled with hatred.
“Kill them all?”


Levi chuckled.

Nodding his head repeatedly, Landon stammered, “Y-Yes! Do not let any of them live!”
He sent death glares to Trenton and the rest.

Only they would know that he had pledged his allegiance to Levi now. As long as they were gone, he would still have a chance to redeem himself in the future.
However, if they leaked this to his masters and family, he would never be able to show his face again.
As such, he wanted to use Levi to get rid of them.
Of course, his intentions did not go unnoticed by Josephine and the rest.
“If I kill them all, shouldn’t I include you too?” Levi made a surprising remark which sent a chill down Landon’s spine.
Frantic, Landon tried to explain himself. “No, of course not! Master Levi, I am now one of your followers!”
There was no way Levi would give a chance to a bastard like him.
It would only create more problems to let him live.
“Master Levi!”
No matter how much Landon cried, he had no power to change the situation.
At last, Landon collapsed to the ground after being shot by an arrow.
Trenton and the rest were horrified.
It was true that Levi killed without blinking an eye.
“Master Levi, what should we do with the rest? Should we kill them too?” one of his followers asked.
Those who once stood with Landon held their breaths while awaiting the verdict.
Who isn’t scared of death, especially if they had to die so horrendously?
Besides, they were still young.
Everyone’s eyes were back on Levi as they anticipated his decision.
The man looked at Josephine, Yasmin, and the rest, and corners of his lips curled into a smile as he drew up with a plan in his head.
“Take these people away first. I shall give out the orders later!”
The gaze he gave them seemed to have changed from before.
It was as though he had an interest in them.
Parents of these righteous warriors brought them up to think that those from the evil forces were monsters.
It was instilled in them that the criminals were different and had an evil existence.
Since Levi was the Fiery Demon’s heir, it was natural for him to have taken an interest in them.
We have fallen prey to the wolf. What should we do?
“Kill me! I am not scared to die, but I will not let you do anything to me!”
Josephine protested and straightened herself to seem defiant.
Levi was stunned.
What is she thinking? Who does she think I am? This woman does have a lot of confidence. Why did she think I would have any liking towards her?
Levi rolled his eyes and ordered, “Take them away, and let’s get out of here immediately.”
One by one, their opponents were taken away.
Levi could sense that there were people nearby who were part of The Cardinal Hall and Eragon.
Quickly, Levi left with his followers.
Moments later, Kaiden and the rest from The Cardinal Hall arrived at the same scene.
“We are one step behind!”
Kaiden was furious.
All they saw was a sea of dead bodies, and Landon was among them.
“He is Landon, who ranks fifteenth on the Stone List. I will not let those monsters get their way!” Jabez growled.
“The other Stone List warriors and the rest are not found. I’m afraid the Fiery Demon’s followers took them away!” one of the men reported.
“They are probably not far from here. Let’s search! Once the Fiery Demon’s followers met Levi, there will be dire consequences.”
Moments later, the news had spread, and the conflict between the righteous and the evil had only intensified.
Meanwhile, Levi had led his followers to somewhere not far away.
Since they had an outstanding ability to escape and hide, their enemies could not find them easily.
Levi interrogated, “Did you rush over here because you heard of the news?”
“Yes, someone cautioned us.”
Rubbing his chin, Levi murmured, “It seems like someone did this on purpose. They wanted you to meet the other group and fight it out.”
Josephine and the rest heard his words from afar but were confused by what he said.
“Quickly send out the news that I am gathering all of my followers together!”
It took some time before Levi made his decision.


His followers understood what he meant.

He wanted to reunite all his followers.
However, it was hard to believe.

If Levi could gather all of them, they would be invincible and a threat to Erudia.
Although Josephine and the rest wanted to stop him, there was no way they could.
Once Levi sent out this message, all the Fiery Demon followers were bound to rush here.
They would not waste a second nor care about the price to pay if they could serve their master.
The end of the world is approaching…
“Levi, don’t worry. You will never be able to gather all of Fiery Demon’s followers. The Cardinal Hall and the Gem List warriors will not let you off!” Josephine scoffed.
“The Gem List was ranked fairly. Since you are only ranked sixth, there are still five people who could take you down.”
Trenton and the rest also added because there was nothing else they could do but taunt him in this situation.
Chuckling, Levi shrugged. “We shall wait and see then.”
Josephine and the rest were fuming.
Their words had no effect on Levi.
“Make the preparations first while I think about where we should all meet.”
Levi touched his chin and thought about it.
He had to pick a suitable location to gather all the followers.
Once the news was out, The Cardinal Hall would know too.
If they come, they could catch them all in one go.
Therefore, the location was crucial, and there were many angles he had to consider.
During that time, members of The Cardinal Hall, Eragon, and other organizations in Erudia were searching high and low for Levi.
A day had passed, yet they had no clue where he went.
It seemed like he had disappeared without a trace.
Not only were they unable to find him, but it was odd that there were no traces left behind.
“Something is not right. Although Levi is highly skilled and would be hard to find, we have already sent out so many men to look for him. The Cardinal Hall had brought out their best warriors to find him. Yet, they found nothing. Something must be wrong! Perhaps, Levi is not operating alone. He probably has help from elsewhere. After all, he has many subordinates and disciples. I suggest we track down and took them under our control so they can’t do anything else. Then, Levi will not be able to receive any news.”
After The Cardinal Hall sent the order, they allowed the Dragonites to take action jointly.
The latter cooperated with them unconditionally.
Soon, they found Floyd and the rest of Levi’s disciples.
First, they had to stop everything they were doing, and the Dragonites would monitor their actions subsequently.
In addition, they took control of the Five Great Wars Regiment.
This operation sought out almost everything that was related to Levi.
Finally, they locked up the West Sky Lord of The Calamity and dismiss all the intelligence teams.
It was rare for an operation of such scale to take place within a day.
“We shall see how Levi can escape this time.”
To their dismay, it had no impact on Levi since his Team Of Secret Warriors still existed.
If he wanted information, he still had access to them.
Additionally, he was in control of so many of the Fiery Demon’s followers now. Therefore, the intelligence he received, and the strength he possessed, were enhanced in every aspect.
At that time, Jared had arrived at North Hampton.
Although he was free to roam in the Gamma Tech training base, he was limited to that area.
Now, he had the freedom to go wherever he wanted, and no one was there to stand in his way.
“Master, The Cardinal Hall locked up Zoey and her family. What should we do?” his subordinate asked.
Jared sneered, “Of course we are going to head in and take her away!”



Supreme Grandmaster
Sep 24, 2023

With that, Jared walked toward the manor directly.

The Cardinal Hall’s warriors soon realized that something was off about Jared.
A few of them immediately rushed toward Jared to question him.

Jared’s lips curled into a devious smile.
The next moment, the warriors collapsed on the ground one by one.
They had lost their consciousness but were still alive.
With his power, Jared could manipulate people’s minds as he wished, including making people fall asleep.
Nonetheless, his power didn’t work on warriors of higher classes.
After all, the warriors were strong-willed enough to resist Jared’s power with their strength.
While Jared continued walking, everyone had collapsed and fallen asleep.
The ordinary people would think that Jared was a god, for his supernatural power was as mysterious as the god’s power in sci-fi movies.
However, no one knew that he acquired the power through an experiment.
Zoey was shocked to see Jared after he arrived at the manor unimpeded.
By right, no one can barge in because this place is heavily guarded.
How did Jared come in?
Besides, he seems different today, for his gaze is terrifying and overbearing!
“It’s been a long time!” Jared greeted smilingly.
“How… how did you get in here?” Zoey panicked.
“I walked into this place directly. Well, no one can stop me from entering any place that I want!”
Once Jared finished, he used his energy to pull the Lopez family’s maid over without touching her.
The next moment, the maid’s body dissolved and perished.
Zoey and everyone who witnessed it couldn’t believe what they had just seen.
Isn’t Jared an ordinary man? How did he do that?
Yet, the god-like Jared is a lot more terrifying than many martial artists!
Despite her prowess, Zoey still shivered as she was facing Jared.
Jared looks like a god who can never be stopped.
“I hate to say this, but I’m that strong now! Also, I forgot to tell you that I modified myself through an experiment!”
Jared paused for a while and added, “To me, the so-called martial artists are some barbarians with brawn! They are chimpanzees and monkeys in the face of modern technologies!”
He burst into laughter upon hearing it.
However, he does have the ability to ridicule us!
As Jared scanned Zoey, he felt that his feelings for Zoey didn’t exist anymore.
At that time, the only thing on his mind was about how to take revenge on her.
In other words, he wasn’t in love with Zoey anymore.
“You… why are you here?”
Zoey trembled as she gazed at Jared.
“I heard that Levi has become the big demon! In that case, I’ve to eliminate him for the greater good of the people! Besides, you’re destined to be mine and can’t run away from me!”
Zoey declined immediately, “No way! I’ll never leave with you!”
“You don’t have a say in this! On the contrary, you’ll follow me willingly! Hahaha—”
Jared was prepared to conduct an experiment on Zoey to render her as his puppet.
Zoey’s heart was gripped by horror upon hearing it.
At that moment, she truly felt that Jared was like a demon to her.
“Levi, you’ve never expected it to happen to you, right?” Jared laughed gleefully.
Soon, the Four Powermen arrived with more than a hundred warriors from the Cardinal Hall.
“Who are you? What do you want?” Gerald yelled as he glared at Jared.
“Everyone, please don’t get me wrong! I’m here to defeat Levi! They’re not dead but merely sleeping!” Jared explained smilingly.
After Jared waved his hands, the warriors of the Cardinal Hall eventually woke up.
“Rest assured that I just wish to join the team to eliminate Levi!” Jared put on a faint smile.
“Is he the master of magical techniques?” Kaiden and the rest gazed at him fearfully.


The power that Jared demonstrated showed he was the master of magical techniques.

He could control people’s minds by making them sleep or waking them up as he wished.
Rumor had it that masters of magical techniques could assassinate anyone without showing his face.

Besides, they could control the minds of all humans and animals and kill them from thousands of miles away.
Therefore, Kaiden and the rest were completely stunned.
The master of magical techniques is rare and terrifying!
Besides Einar, there were three masters of magical techniques were on the Gem List, one of which was even ranked in the top three.
Although the magical techniques world wasn’t as prosperous as the martial arts world, no one dared to belittle those who came from the former.
Hence, Kaiden and the others were impressed by Jared’s prowess.
“I’m sorry for barging in to show you guys what I have!” Jared laughed heartily as soon as he finished.
“With your participation, we will grow even stronger and can defeat Levi soundly!” Kaiden said smilingly.
Who would decline the master of magical techniques from offering his help? Most importantly, he’s indeed strong!
As Zoey got nervous, she thought about exposing Jared but didn’t know where to start.
I can’t say that Jared has bad intentions because he wants to kill Levi. I mean, everyone here wants to kill Levi!
Upon hearing that Jared wanted to eliminate Levi, everyone accepted Jared without verifying his identity.
To the Cardinal Hall in Erudia, anyone who had the same goal—eliminating Levi—would automatically become its friend.
“Great! Welcome, sir! All of us need your help!” Kaiden said flatteringly.
“No problem. After all, I’m duty-bound to deal with Levi! Please contact me once you have received the news about him. Also, I’ll continue to search him by myself!” Jared promised.
“That’s good news! Our team is growing stronger than ever!”
“With your participation, I believe it’s a matter of time for us to capture Levi!”
Kaiden and the others responded with a grin on their faces.
When Jared asked why they kept an eye on Zoey, Kaiden explained the reason to him straightforwardly.
Then, Jared proposed, “Please leave her to me if you trust me! I promise to always keep an eye on her.”
When Zoey wanted to say something, she realized she couldn’t utter a word.
It turned out that Jared used his power to take away her voice temporarily.
Feeling that some of them hesitated, Jared sneered, “Are you sure you can stop me if I want to harm her?”
Kaiden and the rest came to their senses as though they were enlightened all of a sudden.
If the master wants to harm Zoey, no one can ever stop him anyway.
Besides, if he can keep an eye on Zoey, we can shift our focus and resources to other important things.
“No problem! Thank you, master.”
After weighing the pros and cons, they decided to leave Zoey to Jared.
Once Jared captured Zoey and the rest, he said with a wicked smile, “Don’t worry. I won’t lay my fingers on you before Levi is dead!”
The entire martial arts world of Erudia was searching for Levi.
Meanwhile, other countries also began to act.
First, Zarain finally showed up after it fell silent for quite some time.
It collaborated with many countries and international actors to denounce the big demon, Levi.
Although The Cardinal Hall’s Dragonites never thought Zarain would intervene, they had no reason to decline its help.
The justification given by Zarain and other forces was simple—Levi would become a calamity not only to Erudia but also other countries and regions once he had grown stronger.
In other words, Levi was not a tribulation to Erudia alone but the whole world.
As such, everyone had to unite to obliterate the demon.
Nonetheless, the mastermind behind it was Bruce.
With this perfect and legitimate reason to eliminate Levi, he believed he could finally wash away his shame and enter Erudia.


Ever since Zarain made the proposal, it had been receiving tremendous support from many forces and gained support from many countries

Many people had long regarded Levi as a thorn in the flesh.
His identity as the Crown King of Erudia was a great threat to other nations. His presence made the others feel oppressed and distressed.

A murderous intent kept creeping up on them, urging them to act under duress, but they never had a chance to do so.
Now that an untoward incident had befallen Levi, they knew right away that it was their golden opportunity to act.
It was absurd that The Cardinal Hall thought that the major foreign forces would be fighting to recruit Levi.
It went to show how little did The Cardinal Hall knew about Levi.
On the contrary, Levi’s rivals, Bruce and gang, seemed to be those who understood him the most.
They were resolute that Levi was being framed.
Without a doubt, they firmly believed that he would not do something that would endanger Erudia.
Therefore, Bruce would not give up on such perfect timing to get rid of Levi.
It was almost impossible for the Dragonites to stop them because their justification was impeccable. There was no way for anyone to reject such a tempting offer.
The Cardinal Hall thought that it was a terrific idea that contributed toward their advantage.
First, they would not recruit Levi.
Second, they would besiege Levi with increased manpower.
Upon receiving permission to do so, Bruce strategically gathered as many masters and professionals as he could.
The plan was to lead all those elites into Erudia and encircle Levi in a day’s time.
Due to the seriousness of the matter, all forces joined hands to form a coalition to inundate Levi and his people.
As a result, all of Levi’s former troops fell under their control.
Raysonia was completely baffled when they learned that Bruce was establishing an international encirclement campaign.
Though it was best to stir up trouble and make it as big as possible, something felt off…
Previously, Raysonia suspected Bruce and his gang of abducting Forlevia.
However, it turned out that Bruce was planning on an attack against Levi.
Considering the turn of events, Raysonia had no clue as to who actually captured Forlevia.
Anyhow, their priority right now was to intensify the matter and forego Forlevia’s safety, unfortunately.
Meanwhile, Jared brought Zoey and the rest back to Gamma Tech training base.
“I’m going to conduct the experiment on Zoey soon. Are you looking forward to me possessing great power and having it all to myself?” Jared cackled with laughter.
“You’re a demon! You’re a monster!” Zoey bellowed.
“That’s right. Strictly speaking, I’m not a human.” Jared guffawed at her remarks.
His body had become a carrier of pure energy. Technically, he was no longer human.
“Lock them up together with Wynona! I’m going to deal with Levi.”
Seeing how insolent Jared was, the elites at Gamma Tech started regretting their decisions.
Why didn’t we allow Levi to slash him into pieces? Why did we bring him back? What have the others been telling us?
Despite the prior warnings received, they insisted on bringing Jared back.
Little did they know that to nurture a tiger was to invite calamity upon themselves.
Alas, they could not control him at all!
They had witnessed how strong Jared was.
Who can stop him? No one is capable of ending his life since he’s now the carrier of pure energy!
Wynona whispered to Zoey, “Do you know where’s Levi?”
“No, I don’t.” Zoey shook her head.
“Levi’s our only hope to stop this monster. The threat Jared is posting to all of us is greater than anything else combined.”
Zoey felt so hopeless. “But Levi hasn’t contacted me since the incident.”
Sighing, Wynona sank into deep thoughts with her hands tousling her hair.
Right then, Jared left the base for the coalition which aimed to locate Levi.
At the same time, Levi was finalizing his grand plan with his people.
“We won’t be able to escape, regardless! So, we might as well face them head-on. Announce this immediately, I, Levi Garrison, will be waiting for them at Terragon Hill,” Levi made a bold statement to summon death.
Within a short period of time, Erudia was in an uproar.


Josephine and Trenton’s eyes were filled with dread. They knew exactly what the summon meant. An unprecedented war beckoned.

No matter who won, both sides would end up suffering tremendous losses and adverse consequences, especially within the martial arts world in Erudia.
Yet, they were paralyzed. All they could do was to watch the awful episode unfold before their eyes.

As soon as the Fiery Demon’s heir, Levi, released his summon, the entire Erudia went berserk.
Those followers of Fiery Demon, who had been running around like headless chickens, were thrilled.
They were among the long list of people like The Cardinal Hall and other factions, who were busy searching high and low for Levi, but to no avail.
Now that they had received news from Levi, the followers started appearing from everywhere, heading toward Terragon Hill.
Like a bunch of radical madmen, they risked everything they had to set off their journey.
Even when they encountered any ambush or challenges on the way, they tried their best to avoid engaging in any unnecessary battle as much as they could, for the sake of seeing the Fiery Demon’s heir sooner.
“Converge pronto, at all costs!”
“Whoever dares to obstruct us, show them no mercy.”
The Big Demon followers went hysterical!
Levi’s summon was not a secret. It was declared to the whole world, hence not one soul was not updated about it.
The fractions in Raysonia were dumbstruck
Initially, they wanted to make use of the Fiery Demon’s followers to create chaos in Erudia, in order to weaken the influence of its martial arts world.
With Levi’s sudden proclamation, their plan was ruined.
They were no longer able to manipulate the Big Demon followers to pave way for them.
“This isn’t a good thing for us.”
Ironically, The Cardinal Hall and other factions beamed with joy upon receiving the summon.
Though Levi’s announcement attracted all the Big Demon followers to show up. It also exposed his current location.
Most essentially, it gathered all the Fiery Demon’s followers in one place and made it easy for others to seize them all in one go.
It saves us time and trouble to look for them one by one.
Without further ado, The Cardinal Hall issued an order for the entire martial arts world in Erudia to hold their horses. They were required to release any Fiery Demon’s followers if they had ever seen one.
The Cardinal Hall’s main objective was to encourage as many followers to congregate with Levi as possible.
“Release another mandate to get all those who are besieging Levi to gather at Terragon Hill at once. They are to obey the commands of The Cardinal Hall.”
The instructions continued, “In addition, we need the strongest troop to represent us. It’s not easy to deal with Levi and those surviving criminals.”
It went on and on… “Get Eragon to send their best fighters to join us in capturing Levi. Apart from that, do call upon the warriors from both the Gem List and the Stone List to make their contributions too!”
After discovering Levi’s hiding place, The Cardinal Hall devised a detailed plan, involving all the brilliant warriors they could ever send.
Among names appearing on the invitation list were the infamous Jared and the coalition established by Bruce.
Every single faction set off toward Terragon Hill; an explosive battle that no one had ever experienced was about to begin.
A few hours after Levi’s announcement went viral, many Fiery Demon’s followers had arrived at the most coveted destination.
Although his troop was growing, Levi did not seem very happy.
The stronger your team gets, the bigger your opponent is. The enemy might easily wipe our slate clean.
“It’s estimated that all fellows in the martial arts world would be assembling here given another half a day. Anyhow, we’re ready to fight. What is there to fear? Under your leadership, we’ll definitely destroy all of them!” exclaimed the warriors.
Levi nodded. “You bet.”
“Levi, you’ve done something very silly. By exposing your location, don’t you know that you’ll be subjected to an all-direction siege?” Trenton laughed.


Everyone felt threatened when Levi first summoned them, but then they realized he was clearly delivering himself to them on a silver platter.

They were having a hard time finding him because he had gone into hiding, so he was basically digging his own grave by exposing himself all of a sudden.
Levi shot Trenton a glance, and one of his men stepped forward to slap Trenton hard across the face.

“Say that sh*t again and I’ll have you killed!”
“You people should worry about yourselves before anything else!” Levi said with a chuckle as he shifted his gaze toward Josephine and Yasmin. “Bring them to my room!”
He then turned around and walked away after saying that, leaving both Josephine and Yasmin dumbfounded.
H-He wants us in his room? W-What’s he planning on doing to us? I have a bad feeling about this… Is he going to…
Josephine and Yasmin were trembling in fear and broke out in a cold sweat.
Even Trenton was terrified and shouted in horror, “What are you going to do to them? Let them go!”
He had always had a crush on Josephine, so it was only natural that he freaked out when Levi ordered for them to be brought to his room.
The mere thought of Levi laying his hands on them drove him insane, and his face was red as he screamed and struggled like a madman.
“Be quiet!”
With that, Trenton was knocked unconscious while Josephine and Yasmin were taken to Levi’s room.
Levi was leaning in his armchair while the two of them stared nervously at him.
I want to kill Levi so badly right now, but I know it won’t work. Given how powerful he is, I wouldn’t even stand a chance! Josephine clenched her fists tightly at the thought of that and exchanged glances with Yasmin.
They were both prepared to kill themselves if Levi decided to do anything to them.
“W-Why do you want us in your room?” Josephine asked nervously.
“Come here, both of you!”
Levi’s sudden cold voice rattled them to the core, and they walked up to him obediently under pressure.
Unlike Josephine, Yasmin was a lot more afraid of dying.
I don’t know what Levi is going to do to me, but I’d probably just let him have his way with me. Apart from him being like a demon incarnate, he is the best in every other aspect compared to all the young men I’ve seen. Trenton is nothing compared to him! Maybe this isn’t such a bad thing after all!
With that in mind, Yasmin felt a lot better as they anxiously made their way toward him, unsure of what his intentions were.
“I want one of you to massage my shoulders and the other to massage my legs. Get to it!”
Levi’s words shocked them so much that they were both rendered speechless.
That’s it? A massage? That’s why he brought us both here? And here I was, preparing myself mentally for the horrors he would put me through…
Yasmin thought to herself in disbelief.
“Well? What are you waiting for? Hurry up! These muscles aren’t going to massage themselves!” Levi urged them impatiently.
Just like that, Josephine and Yasmin took their respective positions and began massaging Levi.
Although Levi didn’t do anything horrible to them, they couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed and dissatisfied.
What, are we not charming enough? We’re young, pretty, capable, and have high social status! I thought all men dream of sleeping with us, especially a big demon like Levi! But… he wouldn’t even look at us and simply brought us here to give him a massage!
Meanwhile, the men were grinning in the corridor outside.
“Looks like Levi really is a natural demon! He doesn’t even spare the women after killing the men!”
“With his leadership, we’ll surely be able to bring back the good old days!”


They all had knowing smiles on their faces as they glanced at Levi’s bedroom door.

A man like him having two beautiful women in his bedroom? It’s obvious what Levi is going to do to them!

Levi would probably have a fit if he knew what they were thinking about.
He was simply giving the two women a little punishment while trying to think of a strategy.
Josephine was treated like an angel by pretty much all men in existence, so treating her like a masseuse came as a huge blow to her ego.
Mmm… martial artists sure have decent strength in their arms! This makes them perfect for giving massages!
With that in mind, Levi closed his eyes and rested as he continued to think.
Two hours soon came to pass, and Trenton had finally come to after being locked up.
It’s been two hours, and he hasn’t released Josephine and Yasmin? That means whatever I feared has happened! They’ve fallen victim to Levi’s evil hands!
Trenton cocked his head back and screamed at the top of his lungs.
His fists were tightly clenched as a surge of energy flowed out of them, and he almost broke free of his ropes.
“I’ll get my revenge, Levi! You’d better pray I don’t break out of here or you’ll die a horrible death!”
Trenton couldn’t stand the thought of another man laying his hands on the woman he liked.
Josephine and Yasmin were released shortly after.
Their faces were flushed, and their clothes looked slightly messy after massaging Levi for three hours straight.
However, a massage wasn’t exactly the first thing that came to mind when the others saw how they looked.
“Haha, as expected of Levi!”
“This man sure is the Fiery Demon’s heir! If the world thinks of us as evil and heartless monsters, then we might as well act the part and do as we please!”
The men chuckled as they said that.
Trenton’s eyes were almost bulging out of their sockets when he saw the state they were in.
Damn it, Levi! I’ll kill you, you son of a b*tch!
“Josephine, you… Are you two all right?” Someone asked out of concern.
“W-We’re fine…”
Josephine and Yasmin slowly realized what they were thinking when they saw the strange looks in their eyes.
“Did Levi do anything to you two? I swear, that man is truly a demon!” another person asked.
“No, he just had us…”
Josephine and Yasmin exchanged glances, and neither of them could bring themselves to finish that sentence.
We can’t possibly tell them that we gave Levi a massage, can we? Our reputation would be ruined, and our families would be humiliated as well! We mustn’t speak a word about it!
“W-Well… It was nothing, really…”
The way they were stammering further confirmed their suspicions that Levi had done something nasty to them.
“Damn you, Levi Garrison!”
Trenton fainted from anger while Josephine and Yasmin stared at him in confusion, unsure of what was going on.
It wasn’t long before words got out about what Levi allegedly did to them, much to the delight of Cyrus’ followers who were rushing to their respective destinations.
“Levi deflowered those women himself! Way to go!”
“Hahaha! Keep it up, Levi! Deflower all the fair maidens!”
However, some people weren’t too happy when they heard the news.
“What? Levi laid his hands on Josephine and Yasmin?”
“I knew he was a f*cking demon! He doesn’t hesitate when he kills, and he doesn’t even spare the women!”
“This man is pure evil! He must be stopped!”
Josephine and Yasmin were ranked really high on the Stone List, so hearing about how Levi violated them caused a huge commotion and drove both of their supporters crazy.
“You have finally shown your true colors, Levi? And here I thought you wouldn’t touch any women other than Zoey!”
A sinister smile spread across Jared’s face when he heard the news.
“Someone get this word out to Zoey and show her what her husband has been doing! Hahaha…”


The news hit Zoey like a bolt from the blue, and everyone from the Lopez and Black families was dumbfounded.

Even Wynona was shocked speechless as a result.
What? I don’t think Levi would do such a thing, but the facts are right here, and all of Erudia have heard about it! To make matters worse, this information came from the Fiery Demon’s forces, so it has to be true!

Regardless, Wynona was still a little doubtful of the rumors.
She was as beautiful as a celebrity, and yet Levi had never even looked at her during the time she spent with him.
As such, it was extremely unlikely for a man who used to being around attractive women to do such a heinous thing.
Zoey too, believed that Levi was innocent, but there wasn’t much she could do but cry as the facts were shoved in her face.
There was still no sign of her daughter after being kidnapped, and her husband had committed an act so wicked that it destroyed his reputation.
“I had your fortune told when you two were going to get married. I told you that you two would face a life filled with hardship, but you chose not to believe me. Now, look what has happened! He’s shown his true colors!” Harry shouted in frustration, and Zoey could only sob in response.
Things were going great for our family, so how did it end up like this?
If only we were just normal people… The two of us could manage the company together while our daughter attends school like every other kid of her age, and the elders in the family could enjoy a peaceful life after retirement! Nevertheless, our lives are bound to never be normal thanks to Levi’s high position and his identity as the Fiery Demon’s heir. Now, our family is broken, and we haven’t even found our daughter…
“What the hell are you doing, Levi? How could I possibly forgive you after you’ve done such a horrible thing?”
Soon, everyone in Erudia was calling Levi the Fiery Demon’s heir, cursing at him and wishing they could skin him alive.
Meanwhile, Bruce and his men had made their way into Erudia and were rushing straight for Terragon Hill.
However, his men kept disappearing one after another throughout their journey, and hundreds of them had mysteriously disappeared.
Even so, they were able to march right into Erudia and do as they pleased.
With The Cardinal Hall entirely focused on eliminating Levi, the Dragonites were powerless to make a move even if they knew about Bruce’s invasion.
Just like that, Terragon Hill had become the focal point of the entire world as countless forces gathered there.
The people staying at Terragon Hill had all evacuated the area for fear of getting caught up in the upcoming battle.
It took about half a day for the majority of Fiery Demon’s followers to assemble, and a smile formed on Levi’s lips as he gazed at the sea of men in the distance.
What a formidable force this is! Under normal circumstances, I would’ve wanted to incorporate this army into the Erudian military and bolster its power, but I’m a public enemy of the country right now. Everyone out there wants me dead, so there’s no way anyone would believe me. Oh, well… I suppose that’s good enough for me!
Levi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when he overheard his men talking and found out that they were the ones who spread the words about him deflowering Josephine and Yasmin.
My goodness… There’s definitely no explaining my way out of this now!
“According to our information, the warriors ranked second to nine on the Gem List have all been mobilized!”
“We also have the top three from the Stone List as well as the greatest warriors from The Cardinal Hall and Eragon coming our way!”
“Don’t forget the major foreign forces! It looks like we are going to have a very huge battle soon!”
“I heard they also hired a master of magical techniques! This person isn’t on the Gem List, but he’s said to be on the same level as the Gem List’s top three!”
Levi wasn’t bothered by any of that, but the next sentence shocked him so much that he froze.
“I think that master of magical techniques used to be a civilian! A guy named Jared Schmidt or something!”


“What? Jared?”

The look on Levi’s face changed instantly upon hearing that name.
I can’t believe it! Despite my efforts, that b*stard Jared was actually able to successfully carry out his plans! He had to postpone his plans because he was staying on guard against me back then. He probably decided to make his move now that I’m the public enemy of Erudia! Still, shouldn’t he be manufacturing weapons? Why is he a master of magical techniques? Oh, I get it! He must’ve made a weapon so powerful that people think he’s a master of magical techniques!

Levi assumed that Jared had invented a powerful weapon, completely unaware that Jared had actually modified his own body.
Oh, no! Zoey! Jared would definitely go after her!
Levi then quickly sent people searching for Zoey’s whereabouts, and the Fiery Demon’s forces were fully assembled three hours later.
Even Levi found himself a little intimidated when he saw the sheer size of the army that stood in formation before him.
As expected of the Fiery Demon’s forces… With how powerful Cyrus and his followers are, it’s no wonder people used to call it the era of the Fiery Demon! We’ve got a few dozens of warriors as powerful as Einar from the Gem List, and about six or seven who are even stronger! They could very well be legendary Rank Eight Supreme Class warriors! Now I see why The Cardinal Hall and Eragon are so afraid of us! My strength combined with that of so many powerful warriors would definitely form a huge threat to Erudia!
“Very well! You look just like the Fiery Demon back in his prime!” said a swordsman dressed in white. He looked extremely charming with a sword on his hip, a fan in his hand, and a handsome face that could melt hearts with a smile.
However, despite his good looks, that man was known as Sword Fiend who murdered people like it was the most normal thing to do.
“That’s right! In time, he’ll be as powerful as the Fiery Demon himself!” said a man in a black robe whose voice sounded like fingernails scratching on glass.
That man was known as Shadow Fiend, one of the Seven Fiends led by Cyrus.
The Seven Fiends were all Rank Eight Supreme class warriors and had gone into hiding with their men after Cyrus disappeared back then.
They did that in order to preserve their power as they waited for a day like this so they could all resurface and form a near undefeatable force.
That was the main reason The Cardinal Hall feared the Fiery Demon’s army so much and hired so many of the Gem List warriors.
Standing atop Terragon Hill, Levi looked at the Seven Fiends who had sworn their unconditional loyalty to him and wondered if his mentor was actually Cyrus.
Why do I get this feeling that he isn’t Cyrus? Also, who was that guy pretending to be me? Why do we both have the same technique, Revesero? What is the secret behind all this? I’d better not tell the Seven Fiends about this so I won’t set off any unnecessary alarms before I can even find any information. I should just take my time and slowly investigate this…
“We have completely assembled all of our forces, and our location has also been revealed to them!”
“Yeah, I bet the area around Terragon Hill is heavily surrounded by now!”
“It’s a perfect chance for them to eliminate us all!”
“The Cardinal Hall will launch an attack soon! Are we going to just face them head-on or is there some other strategy?”
The Seven Fiends voiced their opinions and were all looking at Levi as they waited for him to make a decision.
This war was crucial to them, and a single mistake could cost them to all perish as a result.
“Actually, I’ve already planned everything! Listen up…” Levi smiled as he walked up to them and whispered his plan to them.
“What? Are you serious?”
“There’s no way this will work!”
The Seven Fiends were quick to object to his plan.
“What, are you defying my orders now?”
“W-We’re at your command, Levi!”


The Seven Fiends immediately knelt down before him the moment they saw that he was angry.

“We’re sorry for complaining! We should obey your commands unconditionally!”
All seven of them kept their heads down as they knew the consequences of defying the Fiery Demon.

Although they were the infamous Seven Fiends, the man standing before them was the Fiery Demon’s heir and the only one worthy of the title.
“It’s fine. Just do as I say. All right, on your feet! It’s time to go make your final preparations!” Levi ordered, and the Seven Fiends quickly ran off to carry out their tasks.
Standing at the top of the hill, Levi had his hands behind his back as he stared into the distance.
A huge battle was about to take place, and things were abnormally quiet in Terragon Hill.
Not a single animal could be heard, and even the winds had stopped blowing in the area.
The outside of Terragon Hill, however, was the complete opposite as all the warriors from The Cardinal Hall and Eragon had taken their positions.
Even the international forces led by Jared and Bruce were present and had the entire Terragon Hill surrounded, including the sky above.
With such a huge group of powerful warriors watching over the place, it would be impossible for even a fly to get past them, let alone a huge army.
“Gathering all of his forces in one place and exposing their location? Honestly, I don’t even know if Levi is stupid or simply suicidal! He’s basically presenting them to us on a silver platter!”
“Hahaha…” Everyone burst out laughing.
“Do not ever underestimate Levi! He must be prepared to battle us to the death if he’s revealing his location and gathering all of his men! Remember, these guys are no pushovers!”
“Prepare yourselves, men! We launch our attack in one hour!”
“Roger!” everyone shouted in unison with excited looks on their faces.
Meanwhile, Raysonian forces had gathered somewhere near Terragon Hill.
“Hahaha… The day we have been waiting for has finally arrived! Everything is going better than we’ve planned!”
“We were only planning on weakening their forces slightly, but Levi went and gathered everyone here! This battle will crush the Erudian martial arts world tremendously!”
“Yeah! The Cardinal Hall may be incredibly powerful, but the Seven Fiends are pretty strong too! I heard they are all Rank Eight warriors!”
“What are Rank Eight warriors like, I wonder? Instead of mobilizing its Rank Eight warriors, Zarain would rather have Levi leave so they wouldn’t have to reveal their trump card back then!”
“All we have to do is sit back and enjoy the show!”
As they had not bothered to hide their tracks, someone had managed to follow them without them even realizing it.
It was incredibly difficult for Levi to track them by himself, but things were different after he had so much resources at his disposal.
Apart from his Team Of Secret Warriors, he also had the Seven Fiends to lend him a hand.
The tension of the impending war increased, and Levi had been standing atop Terragon Hill for hours by the time he received word about Zoey being all right.
He then let out a sigh of relief knowing that he could fully focus on fighting the upcoming battle.
I’ll have to take care of the enemy troops before I can rescue Zoey! Terragon Hill is now the focus of the entire world, and this battle is so significant that it could affect the path taken by the Erudian martial arts world as well as the rest of the world!
“Three, two, one, attack!”
A signal flare was launched into the sky and exploded above Terragon Hill.
Boom! Boom! Boom!
Powerful flares were launched into the sky one after another, illuminating Terragon Hill and making it bright as day.
“Kill Levi!”
Just like that, tens of thousands of powerful warriors launched an attack on Terragon Hill from all directions.
“Time for you to die, Levi!”
Jared and Bruce had also joined the battle.



Countless warriors began making their way up Terragon Hill, each of them fueled by an intense bloodlust.
They charged forward with a determination to kill all followers of the Fiery Demon, only to pause in their tracks a few minutes later out of confusion.

Why haven’t we encountered any of the Fiery Demon’s forces? Given their numbers, they should be all over the place! There’s no way that many people could hide in a tiny little hill like this! Where the hell are they?
“Be careful, men! We’re up against a very cunning enemy! They’re most probably lying in wait for the perfect moment to ambush us!”
“Keep your eyes peeled, everyone!”
The warriors then went on high alert and slowed down their ascent, but every step they took only made them increasingly anxious.
The entire Terragon Hill was enveloped in an eerie silence, and not a single soul could be seen.
In fact, even the animals in the area seemed to have vanished completely.
“This can’t be right! Where is everybody? They should’ve attacked us by now!”
With no enemy in sight, the warriors could only continue making their way up the mountain.
They soon made it halfway up the mountain, but there were still no enemies in sight.
Everyone had puzzled looks on their faces as they glanced at their surroundings.
What on earth is going on here? We’re already halfway up the mountain for goodness’ sake! Why haven’t we encountered a single enemy? What exactly is Levi playing at?
“This is unbelievably sly and cunning!”
“They’d better pray that I don’t find them or I’ll make them wish they were dead!”
“Let’s keep going, men!”
The warriors then continued climbing up the mountain from all directions.
With the powerful Gem List warriors from The Cardinal Hall to back them up, they felt no fear whatsoever.
However, the sheer strangeness of the situation had them all freaking out as they saw no one even when they were close to the peak of the mountain.
“Just what is Levi playing at?”
That was a question that burned in the back of everyone’s minds.
“I know Levi! He’s an incredibly cunning fellow! It is precisely times like these that we need to be extra careful!” Jared reminded them.
“That’s right! Levi and the Seven Fiends are a force to be reckoned with! We will suffer tremendous losses if we fall victim to their tricks!”
An air of terror surrounded Terragon Hill as everyone had anxious expressions on their faces.
The council members of The Cardinal Hall then held a meeting to discuss their strategy, and they eventually decided to have the warriors from the Gem List and The Cardinal Hall lead the way.
The rest of the troops followed behind as they made their way to the peak of the mountain but still saw no enemies along the way.
Even the strongest of warriors were starting to waver as they knew how cruel and cunning the Fiery Demon’s forces were.
If this really is some kind of trap laid out for us, we might actually not survive it!
They all arrived at the peak of Terragon Hill about half an hour later, but a lone figure was all that awaited them at the top, and it was none other than Levi himself.
Everyone was caught off guard as they were not expecting it in the slightest.
Why is he the only person on Terragon Hill? What happened to the tens of thousands of men that make up the Fiery Demon’s forces? The Cardinal Hall had seen and confirmed that all of the Fiery Demon’s forces were gathered here, so where have they all disappeared to? We’ve practically searched every inch of Terragon Hill on our way up, and we haven’t seen a single enemy! Where the hell is everybody?
“Why is he all by himself?”
They were all confused and unable to wrap their heads around what was going on.
The figure slowly turned around to face them, and they were all certain that it was Levi.
He was the only enemy they had encountered so far in Terragon Hill.
“I’ve been waiting quite some time for you all!” he said with a smile, but everyone only saw him as the devil in the flesh.
“An Empty Fort Strategy?”
Could Levi have pulled off an Empty Fort Strategy? This must be a trick of some sort! If that’s the case, where could his men possibly be hiding to ambush us? Our men are all over the place, so they have nowhere to hide at all! Where the hell are they?


It’s impossible for an army that huge to just vanish into thin air and disappear from under The Cardinal Hall’s nose! The only logical explanation would be that they have hidden themselves in the environment like the Silhouettes of Zarain or the samurais of Raysonia! But, even so, only a few are capable of pulling that off! There’s no way that many of them could do such a thing! Damn it, where are they? What cunning trick does Levi have up his sleeve this time?

“What the hell are you playing at, Levi? Where is everyone?” Jabez asked out of curiosity.
“Yeah! Your puny tricks are useless in the face of true power!”

“That’s right, Levi! You’d better surrender yourself and your men right now, and we’ll consider keeping your corpse in one piece!”
They hurled threats at him while scanning their surroundings cautiously.
No one dared make any sudden moves, not even the powerful Gem List warriors.
Levi was delighted when he saw that they were still afraid of him and said with a chuckle, “Don’t worry! I’m the only one here on Terragon Hill!”
“Bullsh*t! We’ve all seen the Fiery Demon’s forces enter Terragon Hill! There’s no way you’re the only one here!”
“Enough with the lies, Levi! If you have some sort of trick up your sleeve, now is the time for you to reveal it!”
Levi was immediately rebutted the moment he spoke, but he simply flashed them a smile in response.
Looks like the Fiery Demon really has traumatized them greatly in the past, huh?
“They’ve already left, so don’t bother looking for them! I don’t need their help to handle small fry like you!” Levi declared with a smug grin.
“They’ve left? Who are you kidding? Where could they have possibly gone? There’s no way we would’ve missed that many people leaving the area!”
“That’s right! We have control over the skies above Terragon Hill, so they can’t even fly out of here! You really think we’d believe your lies?”
Everyone lashed out angrily at Levi, but he was actually telling the truth.
The Seven Fiends have indeed left the area with their men.
They were expecting him to propose an amazing plan, but he ordered them to retreat instead.
That was precisely why the Seven Fiends objected to his plan earlier, but they didn’t dare disobey him and could only do as told.
They then left Terragon Hill with everyone, including Josephine and those who were with her.
Of course, they didn’t fly out of the area, nor did they actually vanish into thin air.
Levi had already ordered his Team Of Secret Warriors to dig a tunnel through Terragon Hill by the time he came up with that plan of his.
Erudia wasn’t dubbed the king of infrastructure for nothing, and it took only a day for these highly-trained experts to finish digging the secret passage.
That was how the Seven Fiends were able to leave the area without being noticed, and it was something that even The Cardinal Hall didn’t see coming.
They had managed to seal off the sky above the mountain, so Levi had his men dig a passage directly through the mountain instead.
That way, the Seven Fiends were able to sneak out of there without encountering any fight from The Cardinal Hall’s forces.
On top of that, his strategy had also ruined the Raysonian forces’ plans as they were hoping for the Erudian army to be weakened by the battle with the Fiery Demon’s army.
“This is bad! We’ve just discovered a secret passageway that goes straight through the mountain and ends elsewhere!”
“That’s probably how the Seven Fiends have left the area with their men!” experts from The Cardinal Hall exclaimed upon discovering the tunnels.
“What on earth are you playing at, Levi?”


That was when everyone from The Cardinal Hall realized how the troops had vanished without a trace.

Wait… What? Levi actually dug a freaking tunnel through the mountain? That’s how everyone disappeared? Unbelievable! How could any of us see this coming? If the higher-ups decide to pursue this matter, we would all be guilty of severe negligence and held responsible for it! Good thing Levi is still here, or we’d be in big trouble! Still, the fact that he’s here leads us to a few more questions…
Why would he have the Seven Fiends leave like that? Why would he stay behind all by himself? Isn’t this practically suicide? Why wouldn’t he escape when he had the chance?

If he’s not planning on running, he should at least have kept his entire army with him! The Fiends are formidable warriors, so why would he have them leave?
This doesn’t make any sense no matter how you look at it! In fact, his act of summoning all of the Fiery Demon’s forces and having them gather here was illogical, to begin with! He’s basically presenting us with an opportunity to wipe them all out in one fell swoop!
Everyone racked their brains, but no one was able to comprehend the logic behind Levi’s actions.
Little did they know, everything Levi did was to minimize Erudia’s losses so its enemies wouldn’t benefit from the infighting.
He had never truly abandoned his duties as the God of War and Crown King, so trusting him fully and unconditionally would have been the best option.
The Cardinal Hall had not expected things to turn out like that, let alone the Raysonian forces who just realized Levi was the only one remaining in Terragon Hill.
Not only were they unable to witness a bloodbath between Levi’s men and the Erudian forces, but it was also impossible for them to make it look like Levi had killed everyone.
After all, the entire world was watching, and those present at the scene were the strongest warriors in existence.
“Something feels off!”
Frowns could be seen on the faces of the Raysonian troops hiding near Terragon Hill.
They were all dumbfounded when their spies within The Cardinal Hall informed them of the situation.
“Have someone investigate this and find out what’s going on!”
They decided to send some of their warriors to check on things at Terragon Hill.
In doing so, they had exposed themselves to Levi’s men who had been keeping an eye on them the whole time.
The Seven Fiends too began making their move by having some of them rescue Zoey while the others were tasked with investigating the clues they had.
Kaiden shot Levi a deadly glare as he asked, “What the hell are you trying to do, Levi?”
Levi simply flashed him a smile in response and said, “Nothing at all! You guys wanted to kill me, didn’t you? Well? Bring it on, then! I can take you all alone!”
“Y-You…You insolent fool! You’re only ranked sixth on the Gem List! There are tons of people much stronger than you!”
“Today is the day you die, Levi!”
Levi’s words had angered a lot of people at the scene, but they were all wondering Levi’s purpose behind his actions.
Jared had a strange look on his face as he stood in the crowd.
He was so well-hidden that even Levi didn’t see him when he scanned the crowd several times.
“Oh, no! We’ve been baited!” he shouted all of a sudden.
While Jared didn’t fully understand Levi’s reasons for having the Seven Fiends retreat so suddenly, he figured Levi must’ve sent someone to rescue Zoey.
“There’s something else I need to take care of, so I’ll let you guys deal with Levi! Bye now!”
Just like that, Jared had left Terragon Hill and rushed straight for Gamma Tech training base.


That was something Levi did not expect as he had been searching for Jared ever since The Cardinal Hall’s forces had arrived, only to have Jared leave the moment he saw through his plans.

Kaiden and the others soon received word of Jared leaving the battle.
“It’s fine. We can handle Levi by ourselves! Also, inform The Cardinal Hall that we’re having half of our men searching for the Fiends! This is an insanely rare opportunity, so we mustn’t let them escape!”

With that, half of The Cardinal Hall and Eragon’s warriors left the scene in search of the Fiends and their troops.
Despite having their forces reduced by half, a majority of the major forces in the martial arts world as well as Bruce and his team of international forces were still there.
All Bruce’s men wanted was to kill Levi, and they couldn’t care less about the lives of the other Erudian forces.
With the top ten warriors on the Gem List present, they saw Levi as nothing more than a trapped beast making a desperate struggle before death.
Three of the Seven Fiends sighed as they glanced at Terragon Hill from afar.
“Do you think Levi can handle that many people on his own?”
“This is probably a good thing for him, though. It will be the strongest form of training he has ever had! He’d be ranked third on the Gem List if he succeeds!”
“Surely, you know you’re not getting out of here alive, right? Have you picked a spot to have your corpse buried, Levi? Don’t worry, Erudia will take good care of your family once you’re dead! Forlevia has such a rare talent, after all! Let me go first, guys!” Gerald shouted as he stepped forward.
He had been wanting to fight Levi for a very long time, and that opportunity had finally fallen into his hands.
“You should all just come at once! Let’s not waste each other’s time!” Levi said.
Gerald was furious when he heard that.
“Don’t you get all cocky now, Levi! I can take you on all by myself!”
With a loud roar, Gerald’s muscles expanded in size, causing his shirt to rip and tear in the process.
There was a symbol of a black wolf on his torso, and a faint light seemed to be emanating from it.
It looked like the wolf was about to jump out of his body, and Gerald’s aura underwent a huge transformation as the wolf symbol provided him with immense strength and lightning speed.
Gerald roared as he appeared before Levi in the blink of an eye and clawed at him with enough force to crush anything beneath his palm.
Even if his strength wasn’t greater than Levi’s, Gerald was confident that he would at least be able to trade hundreds of blows with him and end the fight with a draw at worst.
“F*ck off!”
The next thing he knew, Levi had responded to his attack with a slap that was much stronger and faster.
Unable to withstand the impact, Gerald was sent flying by that slap, and his blood spilled all over the floor.
“Next!” Levi shouted coldly.
Gerald was the strongest member of the Four Powermen, so everyone was shocked when they saw him go down with just one slap.
Levi then glanced at the looks on their faces and shouted, “All of you, come at once!”
“All right, then! Let’s see what the Fiery Demon’s heir is capable of!”
Several men stepped forward, and Levi recognized them as the Thunder Lord, the Blade King, the Spear King, and the Swordmaster.
The four of them were ranked ten to seven on the Gem List respectively, and they were going to test if Levi was truly worthy of his sixth rank on the Gem List.
Those men were of a much higher level than Einar, and the combined strength of all four of them would shake even the heavens above.
Ganging up on me, I see… So much for being on the side of the morally righteous!
Levi let out a helpless chuckle at the thought of that.
While the four of them doubted Levi’s strength and were brave enough to fight him one-on-one, they also believed in The Manifest Court’s authority.
After all, the fact that Levi was ranked sixth on the Gem List meant he was stronger than them.
“Get him!”


Everyone had assumed the four of them would end the fight in an instant, especially since the Swordmaster was not only a martial artist but also a master of magical techniques.

Martial arts combined with magical techniques was terrifying on its own, and he was joined by three other powerful warriors.
The Thunder Lord was the one leading the attack, and he didn’t gain his title because he could control thunder or lightning.

Instead, he was called the Thunder Lord because he was so strong that he survived being struck by lightning, which was a clear indicator of his strength.
The Blade King launched his scimitar at lightning speed, and the swift rotation of the blade itself was enough to stir up a storm around it.
His swordsmanship was the fastest in the world, and few were capable of blocking his attacks.
The Spear King hurled his spear toward Levi, and it tore through the night sky like a lightning bolt.
The Swordmaster too launched the two swords he carried on his back out of their sheaths.
All four of their attacks came raining down on Levi from above, and everyone quickly moved out of the vicinity when they felt the terrifying energy spread through the air.
It wasn’t often that four Gem List warriors would launch a combined assault like that, and nobody in their right mind would want to get caught in the crossfire.
Since it was the Fiery Demon’s heir that they were up against, no one was bothered by them ganging up on Levi.
All they cared about was killing Levi and anyone affiliated with the Fiery Demon’s forces.
“Just the way I like it!” Levi yelled.
Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!
Just like that, Levi launched four punches at speeds beyond anyone’s imagination.
The four Gem List warriors went all out in their attacks and left Levi no room for counter-attacks, but Levi was somehow able to deliver four rapid punches within that instant.
Despite being able to withstand lightning strikes, Levi’s punch caused the Thunder Lord’s shirt to rip apart and left a bloody wound on his torso.
With the second punch, Levi sent the spinning scimitar flying back toward the Blade King.
The Blade King puked up a mouthful of blood upon catching the scimitar.
A similar fate befell the Spear King, and it felt like he had been hit by a mountain when he caught his spear.
The ground beneath him cracked open when he landed, and he had to take dozens of steps backward just to steady himself.
Although Levi’s punch didn’t send the Swordmaster’s twin swords flying, his eyes were filled with shock nonetheless.
What the hell? Isn’t this guy a little too powerful? He knocked three of us back, and my blades didn’t even scratch him at all!
“Now, it’s my turn!”
Levi vanished right after saying that, only to appear before the Thunder Lord as he landed three punches on him.
Boom! Boom! Boom!
The Thunder Lord was unable to dodge them at all, and the punches cracked his body open before sending him flying into the distance.
Before the others could respond, Levi immediately charged at the Blade King and Spear King.
As the two of them were a little stronger, it took Levi five punches and eight punches respectively to stop them.
The Swordmaster was the only one left standing, and Levi wasn’t about to give him a chance to use his magical techniques.
He had barely raised his finger when Levi’s fist reached him, and he had to use everything he had just to block them.
Levi’s punches rained down on him like the sustained rapid fire of a machine gun, and the Swordmaster had to combine his martial arts skills with his magical techniques just to fend them off.
However, the Swordmaster was unable to keep up for long and was sent flying the moment one of those punches hit him.
“Next!” Levi shouted.
At this rate, I should be facing the one ranked five on the Gem List…


Levi had crushed the four warriors who ranked lower than he did on the Gem List and proved that The Manifest Court was right about his rank.

“I’ll fight you!” A woman’s voice was heard, and it sounded so cold that everyone shuddered upon hearing it.
The woman ranked five on the Gem List and was known as Madam Ice.

She and her forces had always been residing in the snowy plains in the North, and it was rumored that she could freeze everything within hundreds of miles.
Given her ridiculously powerful ability, it made perfect sense that she was ranked five on the Gem List.
Everyone fell silent the moment she entered the scene as she was the first challenger that was supposedly stronger than Levi, and everyone firmly believed in The Manifest Court’s authority.
Madam Ice then began her attack without saying another word, her every move covering their surroundings with a frosty mist.
“Frost Blast! Frost Blast! Frost Blast!”
All of Terragon Hill was continuously shrouded by a freezing mist which coated the trees and cliffs with a layer of ice and snow.
It looked almost like they were at the icy plains in the North end of Erudia, and everyone around them scrambled out of the area to avoid frostbite.
The freezing mist from a Rank Eight warrior was capable of instantly freezing anything it came into contact with.
Not wanting to give Levi the chance to deliver a single punch, Madam Ice quickly hit him with a blast of freezing mist, and he was completely frozen in the next second.
“It’s over!” Madam Ice said with a chuckle.
“Hahaha…” Everyone at the scene laughed alongside her.
As expected of someone ranked five on the Gem List! She really is stronger than Levi!
Levi had broken out of the ice before they even stopped laughing.
Boom! Boom!
He clapped his hands, sending a scorching heatwave through the air around them.
Crack! Crack! Crack!
The ice that had formed on Terragon Hill began to melt, and it looked like the mountain was engulfed in flames from afar.
Unable to withstand the burning steam, Madam Ice collapsed and looked like she was about to melt from the heat.
Right as she thought she was going to die, Levi held himself back, and the heat was gone as quickly as it came.
But… he’s the Fiery Demon’s heir! Why would he spare my life? Shouldn’t he be killing me on the spot instead?
Madam Ice thought to herself in surprise and disbelief.
With the fifth-ranking warrior on the Gem List defeated, a monk stepped up to face Levi and said, “Please, put down your weapon and take up a life of peace!”
Oh? The Warrior Monk that ranks fourth on the Gem List? I heard he’s from the Golden Temple in the West, and that he has perfected the Golden Armor technique to a point where he can’t be killed!
“Have you ever seen me kill?”
“No, I have not!”
“So you’ve only heard of it, then? Even what you see with your eyes may not be the truth, so why are you so sure that I’m a Fiend simply because you’ve heard rumors of it?”
Levi’s words left the Warrior Monk speechless instantly.
“Do not let his lies deceive you! You have to take him down as soon as possible!”
“That’s right! Please, kill this wicked man now!”
Everyone in the crowd urged the Warrior Monk to make a move.
“Here I come!” the Warrior Monk said as he pressed his palms together.
“Come on, then!”
Levi then engaged the Warrior Monk in a fistfight of epic proportions, leveling the hills around them and shaking the entire mountain to its core.
The Warrior Monk activated his Golden Armor in the end, but Levi broke through it forcefully with seven punches and defeated the Warrior Monk.
Everyone in the area was speechless and in shock.
Oh, my god! Levi has just defeated the warriors ranked fourth and fifth on the Gem List! But the real fight is just about to begin! He’ll have to face the top three on the Gem List next!


Everyone was trembling with fear as they wondered how Levi was so insanely powerful.

How is Levi so powerful? Even though the four warriors of lower ranks had ganged up on him, their defeat was still understandable and acceptable. But… Madam Ice and the Warrior Monk are ranked higher than him, so how did they lose to him? This is unbelievable!
For the first time ever, people were beginning to doubt the authority of The Manifest Court and the Gem&Stone List.

Even they make mistakes in judgment, huh? Given Levi’s display of strength, it’s obvious that he’s perfectly capable of challenging the top three on the Gem List! Outsiders may not be aware of this, but every martial artist knows that’s the maximum level one could possibly achieve in life! Like the top three on the Stone List, the top three on the Gem List are in a completely different league compared to the others. There is a huge gap between the third and fourth rank on the Gem List, and those on the top three are practically a different kind of existence!
Coming in third on the Gem List was a master of magical techniques from an ancient clan. He was given the nickname Xenotoph, and his sorcery was considered the strongest in the world of magic.
It wouldn’t even be an exaggeration to say that countless practitioners of magic revered and worshipped him like a god.
The one ranked second on the Gem List was a man nicknamed Robed Slayer. He dominated the martial arts world in Bayview years ago, and the mere sight of his robe was able to terrorize thousands of people.
According to the rumors, he was the one who dominated the era that came after the Fiery Demon.
The Cardinal Hall had invited him over to grant him the title “The Dragon Of Erudia”, but he rejected the invitation and went into hiding in the city.
Due to his tendency to keep a low profile, one could very well end up shopping for groceries next to him without even recognizing him.
Very little was known of Leonidas who ranked first on the Gem List, but the fact that his rank topped that of Robed Slayer’s showed just how powerful he was.
He was the true pick of the litter on the Gem List, and any fight involving the three of them was sure to result in mass destruction.
Levi had received word that the top second and third on the Gem List had joined the battle, so his next opponent should be Xenotoph.
However, Xenotoph was nowhere to be seen, much to everyone’s confusion.
“Will Xenotoph and Robed Slayer please assist us in killing this wicked man?”
The crowd called out to them.
According to The Cardinal Hall’s plans, Leonidas was the only one of the three who hadn’t arrived.
That was when a few men stepped forward and apologized, “Sorry, everyone! Our master is currently in seclusion, so he cannot make it here!”
“Then why did you guys say Xenotoph is here?” Kaiden asked in confusion.
“We were just trying to intimidate the Fiends through the use of our master’s name, but…”
The disciples weren’t expecting Levi to be so powerful that their master would have to personally join the battle.
“Aww, damn it!”
Everyone was disappointed and could only place their hopes on Robed Slayer.
“Are you here, Robed Slayer?”
As everyone began looking for him, an old man stepped forward with a tattered robe in hand.
That was Robed Slayer’s trademark robe that he wore when he dominated the era in the past, and the mere sight of it could terrorize thousands.
“Honestly, my master has been living a carefree and idle life for a very long time. He is currently in Erudia, but I don’t know his exact location. As such, I could only bring his trademark robe here in his place!”
Kaiden and his men respectfully took the robe over before shouting at Levi, “Seeing this robe is as good as seeing Robed Slayer in person, Levi! According to the rules of the martial arts world, those who see this robe must kneel! Now, hurry up and surrender!”
Levi simply sneered at him and said, “Are you guys crazy or what? I’m not even afraid of Robed Slayer, so why would I fear his robe?”
He then fired a burst of energy at the robe, shredding it into pieces and stunning everyone around him.
They knew Levi had gone mad but were helpless to do anything about it.
Levi too had lost the motivation to fight them and simply wanted to know how Zoey was doing.


Meanwhile, Venom Fiend, Blood Fiend, and Ghost Fiend had sneakily made their way to the outside of Gamma Tech training base.

As Levi had entrusted them with the mission of rescuing Zoey, the Seven Fiends treated it with high priority and sent three of its members for the job.
Naturally, Venom Fiend specialized in the use of poison and killed many without even being seen.

Blood Fiend was incredibly powerful thanks to the use of Blood Arts in training.
Ghost Fiend, on the other hand, was incredibly charming and had top-notch illusion magic.
With the three of them on the task, Levi was certain that they would be successful in rescuing Zoey.
“Come on, let’s get her out of here!”
Given how powerful they were, the three of them had no need to sneak around and simply waltzed into the building like they owned the place.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
The alarm in the training base rang loudly the moment they entered through the door.
A wall of light rose behind them, blocking off their escape route instantly.
“Why do I feel like we’ve walked into an ambush?” Ghost Fiend asked cautiously.
“That’s because you’re right! I’ve been expecting you guys!” Jared said as he stepped into view with his men.
The Gamma Tech training base was equipped with the most advanced technology, and an aircraft capable of traveling several times faster than the speed of sound was one of their many inventions.
Jared had used it to rush back to the training base before the three Fiends arrived.
“So, you’re the one who took her?” Blood Fiend asked.
Jared let out a perverted laugh. “Yeah, that’s right! She’s inside the base, so feel free to try and rescue her!”
“You’re dead!” Blood Fiend shouted furiously.
His eyes had turned red, and bloody symbols appeared on his face as he charged forward.
As he hadn’t fought anyone that day, he decided to make Jared his first kill and wanted nothing but to rip him apart.
The sky around them turned crimson red when he began his attack, and the air was filled with the scent of blood.
However, a sinister smile formed on Jared’s lips as Blood Fiend appeared before him and grabbed him by the shoulders.
With his strength as a Rank Eight warrior, he was capable of tearing even the toughest of opponents to shreds.
Suddenly, Jared’s body turned into liquid, catching Blood Fiend completely off guard.
Blood Fiend went pale when he realized something was amiss and attempted to retreat, but Jared wasn’t about to let that happen.
He condensed the energy into his fist and blasted it out of his fist, sending Blood Fiend flying with a single punch.
Blood Fiend’s eyes were filled with fear as he had never seen such power before.
The next thing he knew, Jared had rushed forward and rained down punches on his body.
Blood Fiend’s body had long since been strengthened to the point that it was immune to attacks from modern weaponry, but it was no match for Jared’s fists and began bleeding everywhere.
Unable to retaliate whatsoever, Blood Fiend and was about to be torn apart by Jared when he suddenly vanished in a flash.
Had Ghost Fiend not used his illusion magic to rescue Blood Fiend, he really would’ve died on the spot.
“Just you watch! I’ve applied hundreds of rare and highly toxic poisons on his body! His fate is sealed, and no amount of training will save him from death!” Venom Fiend said with a cold chuckle.
Being a mere Rank Seven warrior, he was the weakest of the Seven Fiends but was able to bridge the gap through the use of poison.
What made Venom Fiend so scary was the fact that he had killed the most Rank Seven and Rank Eight warriors compared to the other Fiends, and he did so through the use of poisons alone.
Venom Fiend had poisoned Jared with hundreds of deadly poisons while he was fighting Blood Fiend earlier, and the three Fiends looked at Jared like he was a dead man walking.
“Is that so? Hundreds of poisons, you say?”


Jared simply grinned at them like a predator eyeing its prey.

Venom Fiend then channeled his poison magic and began counting down silently for the moment that Jared would bleed from all orifices and die a horrible death.
The looks on the faces of all three Fiends changed a moment later when they saw Jared being perfectly fine even after the poison had taken effect.

In fact, he still had that gleeful smile on his face as he stood before them.
“That’s impossible! No one could possibly survive a poisoning of this degree!” Venom Fiend exclaimed in shock.
Even the top three warriors on the Gem List would die or at least suffer from the poisons’ effects, but Jared looked absolutely peachy.
“Poisons don’t work on me!”
Jared said with a smirk as he channeled his energy and excreted the poisons from his body.
Smoke was everywhere as the ground sizzled and turned black when the hundreds of poisons came into contact with it.
“Impossible! How could you have instantly excreted all of my poisons like that?”
Venom Fiend found it absolutely unbelievable.
Even Leonidas who ranks first on the Gem List might not be able to pull off such a feat, so how is this guy able to do so? This doesn’t make any sense!
Ghost Fiend, on the other hand, seemed to have understood something.
“I think it has something to do with his physical state!”
“You mean… He has that legendary physical state that’s immune to poison?” Blood Fiend asked.
The Fiends were right about Jared’s physical state being the issue.
Because his body was made up of pure energy instead of flesh and bone, poisons had no effect on him whatsoever as he could just excrete them instantly.
Jared’s expression turned vicious as he charged at them.
“Retreat! We’re no match for him! We’ll die if we continue this fight!” Ghost Fiend shouted.
Escaping from Jared would’ve been impossible for anyone else, but Ghost Fiend’s illusion magic was top-notch.
With a Secrecy Spell, he was able to have the three of them vanish before Jared’s eyes within a second.
“Damn it!” Jared could only shout in frustration as he watched the three of them disappear.
Those three were obviously members of the Seven Fiends! Imagine the fame and glory I would receive if I were able to slay them…
“Hmph! I won’t let you rescue Zoey, Levi! I’m bringing the experiments ahead of schedule regardless of whether you survive the battle!” Jared muttered under his breath as he returned to the training base.
He even told The Cardinal Hall about the Seven Fiends and urged them to press on with their search.
Despite having escaped with their lives, the three Fiends soon found themselves in a dire situation as Blood Fiend was in critical condition.
“Hurry up and find me some fresh blood! I won’t make it past tonight otherwise!”
According to Blood Fiend, fresh blood was the only thing that could save him from death.
“Where on earth are we going to find that?” Venom Fiend asked anxiously.
“Just kill anyone you see and take their blood!” Ghost Fiend urged him.
“No, don’t! Have you guys forgotten Levi’s last instruction? He forbade me from killing the innocent! We can either use man-made blood or animal blood! Just make sure you guys don’t kill anyone!” Blood Fiend said in a weak voice.
Venom Fiend nodded. “All right, I understand. I’ll go get you some animal blood, then!”
Such was the power of Levi’s name, as the Fiends would no longer kill innocent people even though he was only the Fiery Demon’s heir when he gave them the order.
Eventually, his ways would be imprinted into them, and the Fiends would slowly turn good.
Jared told Zoey with a smile upon returning to the training base, “Levi is currently being attacked by our men and will not survive the battle! He sent some guys over to rescue you earlier, but I fought them all off!”
“What? He sent people to rescue me?” Zoey asked in surprise and disbelief.
“Don’t worry, no one can save you, so you’re staying here with me! I’ll begin the experiments very soon, so you can forget about escaping this place!”
Jared had decided to carry out the experiments as soon as possible to play it safe and avoid any unforeseen circumstances.
“You’re a monster!” Zoey shouted angrily.


Jared laughed heartily as he prepared the experiment at once.

It was going to commence in three hours.
“I will show all of you a miracle!”

Jared’s eyes flashed like a madman.
Meanwhile, on Terragon Hill, tens of thousands of men fell silent.
The powerful warrior who was supposed to fight Levi hadn’t appeared.
It was ridiculous to expect Levi to be afraid of an ordinary warrior.
Looking at the torn-up robe, everyone sensed that Levi had invited big trouble.
At the same time, they realized that they had made a mistake.
Would the Fiery Demon’s heir be afraid of an ordinary fighter?
How ridiculous is it!
The worst part was none of them were Levi’s match.
No one had expected the top three of the Gem List to not appear.
Most of the core fighters of The Cardinal Hall had gone hunting for the Fiery Demon’s followers.
Even the master of magical techniques, Jared, had left.
Meanwhile, the international forces led by Bruce were dumbstruck.
They had assumed they were in for a show, but hadn’t expected Levi to be so strong, to the extent they themselves had to fight personally.
The Raysonian spies that were among them were also stunned.
Is Levi really invincible?
Their plan had failed.
“Who else? Why don’t all of you attack together?”
Feeling impatient, Levi had no time to waste.
“That’s right! Even if the top fighters of the Gem List aren’t here yet, there are still many formidable warriors among us. I’m sure all of us will be able to kill him together,” Kaiden yelled.
“Yes! With so many of us, we can definitely kill him. After all, we are the backbone of Erudia’s martial arts world!”
One by one, the warriors riled themselves up.
After all, they were not cannon fodder.
Most of them were Rank Six and Rank Seven warriors. Together, they had the power to scorch the earth.
Tens of thousands of men charged at Levi.
Levi had never fought against so many formidable warriors at the same time before.
They had posed a bigger challenge to him than the top-ranked fighters on the Gem List.
Nevertheless, he decided to battle all of them alone, especially since he had a plan.
“Let’s do this!”
Levi charged straight into them.
It was an earth-shattering battle filled with ferocious roars and agonizing cries.
The warriors of Erudia’s martial arts world and The Cardinal Hall continued to fall.
While they were desperately trying to kill Levi, they had missed out on one crucial detail.
For those who were from Erudia, Levi only wounded them to the extent that they couldn’t fight.
As for the foreign forces gathered by Bruce, he killed all of them without mercy.
Are you trying to weaken Erudia? No way! Instead, I will make you pay a terrible price.
Levi fought more ferociously as the battle went on.
He was surrounded by innumerable fallen bodies. Many of them were wailing in excruciating pain.
The brutal battle had already covered Terragon Hill in blood.
Tens of thousands of men had been defeated by Levi.
It was simply unimaginable to them.
Is he Fiery Demon’s heir?
He is exceptionally strong!
As time went on, the troops from The Cardinal Hall were totally annihilated while the Erudian fighters were only injured.
As for Bruce’s troops, none of them survived.
Fortunately for Bruce, he was somewhere else in Erudia. Or else, he too would have died there.
Everyone was filled with shock and couldn’t believe what they witnessed.
Levi is invincible!
Can anyone defeat him?
He has defeated ten thousand men alone!
He is just unstoppable!
In fact, a terrifying thought crept into everyone’s mind. Are the top three fighters on the Gem List even his match?
With that, Levi left.
Nevertheless, he had brought upon Erudia’s martial arts world their greatest humiliation.
Or at least, that was how they saw it.
However, Levi didn’t actually leave. He had found a place nearby to hide instead.
He was expecting the people who had set the trap for him to appear and massacre everyone there so as to not leave any evidence.
Just as expected, someone appeared after Levi waited for a while.


It wasn’t just one person but ten.

Perhaps, due to the sheer size of the crowd, they figured one man wasn’t enough to do the job. Therefore, ten of them were sent.
“Hey, what are you doing? You can’t pass through here!”

Levi stepped forward and gave the ten men a fright.
They had just seen Levi leave and were surprised to see that he was still around.
All the ten men panicked.
They had wanted to flee.
“No way!”
Levi dashed forward and caught one of them.
At that moment, the man attacked and exchanged a palm strike with Levi.
The earth shattered at once
“It’s you!”
Levi’s eyes flashed with anger as he recognized the man to be the one who framed him.
His martial skill was exactly the same.
In such a short time, Levi couldn’t tell the difference.
“Let me see who you really are!”
Levi reached out to grab the man.
“Stop him! Stop him!”
The man panicked.
The next moment, the other nine warriors charged at Levi while he tried to flee.
Although the warriors could barely hold Levi off, it was enough time for the man to escape.
Do you think you’re enough to stop me?
Filled with murderous intent, a massive torrent of power emitted from his body.
In a blink of an eye, the nine men were sent flying.
The next moment, all nine of them stabbed themselves in the chest with a dagger.
They chose death over giving Levi any information.
Hence, it was too late for Levi to do anything.
However, when he picked up the dagger, he saw that it was Raysonian.
“They’re Raysonians!”
With a glint in his eye, he thought about the few Raysonians he had met in Fairlake City who were staying with the Tate family.
Even though he ordered West Sky Lord to watch them, it was evident that one person wasn’t enough.
It seems the gut feel from my many years of experience is accurate. I can easily sense when something is wrong.
“I should begin my investigations with the Tate family. I must find out how they contacted these men after leaving Erudia for Raysonia.”
With that, Levi finally had a lead.
In fact, the Tate family was an extremely important clue.
With the Team Of Secret Warriors and Seven Fiends roped in for the investigations, he was confident of getting to the bottom of the matter.
Levi’s furrowed eyebrows slowly relaxed at the thought of the positive developments.
So what if the perpetrator has escaped? I will still find him in the end!
“Let’s go and see if Zoey has been rescued.”
With that, Levi left Terragon Hill after achieving a decisive victory.
Kaiden and the others who were with him were filled with disbelief.
“Impossible! Is Levi, the Fiery Demon’s heir, going to let us off just like that?”
“Exactly, isn’t he supposed to kill all of us? Why did he beat us up and spare us?”
None of them understood the reason.
“He must be humiliating us! Mocking us over the fact that we are powerless against him. In fact, he is trampling on our pride!” Gerald yelled suddenly.
“That’s right! Ridiculing us this way, it’s more painful than killing us. I will have my revenge!”
“Does Levi think that no one can stop him? The warriors from The Cardinal Hall and Eragon have yet to show up. And neither has the third-best fighter on the Gem List.
Everyone misunderstood Levi’s intention.
Sparing them had been misconstrued as humiliation.
After Levi left, he met up with Venom Fiend a while later.
“What? Zoey hasn’t been rescued yet?”
Levi began to worry.
No wonder there was no sign of Jared. He must have turned back. I suppose he has seen through my plan.
“Let’s head to the Gamma Tech training base at once!”
Levi hurried over.



Supreme Grandmaster
Sep 24, 2023

However, it was already too late.

After all, by the time Levi left Terragon Hill and met up with Venom Fiend, some time had passed.
It didn’t help that Gamma Tech training base was located in the north while Terragon Hill was in the south.

A few hours earlier, Jared had almost completed the preparations for his experiment.
When he returned to where they were held, Wynona and Zoey had a feeling that something terrible was about to happen.
“Jared, stop this madness! Or else, you will suffer the consequences!” Wynona screamed.
Jared replied with a smile, “Zoey, there is no escape for you. Don’t worry, once the experiment is completed, you will be mine!”
Amidst Wynona’s screams, Jared dragged Zoey away.
Before he left, Jared turned around and glared at Wynona. “By the way, bring her along!”
Meanwhile, at Lab Number One, the experiment was ready.
All that was left was for Zoey to be put in place.
“Don’t worry. It will be done by the time you awake!”
Jared gave Zoey a jab, causing her to lose consciousness.
After she was placed in a sleeping pod, Jared lay down in a separate pod.
The objective of his experiment was to insert his consciousness into Zoey’s brain so that he could control her mind and turn her into his puppet.
From then on, she would only obey him and won’t recognize anyone else.
And that was how diabolical Jared was.
Wynona became hysterical when she understood the true nature of the experiment.
She wanted to stop it but was helpless to do so.
In fact, she even saw Jared wave to her as if to reassure her that she would be next.
Soon, the experiment commenced.
Both of them were connected to thousands of wires where electrical waves could be seen flickering.
It was obvious that the currents were flowing from Jared to Zoey.
In less than half an hour, Jared had inserted his consciousness into Zoey’s brain, taking control over her mind.
Given that Jared was comprised of pure energy, the chances of success for the experiment was a hundred percent.
Seconds passed that turned into ten minutes… twenty minutes… twenty-nine minutes…
Where there was only one minute left before completion, Wynona lost control of herself and made a desperate move.
Let’s all die here together!
She suddenly ran toward the other side of the lab where the particle collider was.
At that moment, there were four superparticles left inside the machine.
When Jared experimented with changing his body composition, he had only used two of them.
At that moment, Wynona’s plan was simple. She wanted to turn on the particle collider and cause the four superparticles to collide with each other.
The energy that resulted would obliterate everything, including Jared himself.
“Stop her! Stop her!”
When Jared’s subordinates became aware of what she was trying to do, it was already too late.
It was all Jared’s mistake for bringing Wynona to the lab unbound.
She was familiar with everything in the lab. The moment she turned on the particle collider, she even opened the energy exhaust to enable its release.

Jared’s experiment was coming to an end.

At the very last second, the four superparticles collided successfully and unleashed a massive outburst of energy.
It was ten times more powerful than the amount used by Jared to modify himself.
After all, the collision of four particles resulted in an exponential increase in energy compared to just two.
In a blink of an eye, Jared’s experiment wasn’t just interrupted, the sleeping pods he and Zoey were in shattered into pieces.
In fact, the entire lab had been destroyed.
Even Lab Number One which had the strongest security systems couldn’t withstand the impact of the energy surge.



Lab Number One began to crumble. Even its high-density armor was being gradually shattered.

As for Jared’s subordinates, all of them were obliterated in that instant.
The moment the explosion spread out, the training base’s defense systems were triggered immediately.
The high-density armor of all the labs and buildings raised up to clad the entire training base on the outside.
Given that Gamma Tech training base was one of Erudia’s most advanced labs, it had top-notch security systems.
Unfortunately, the energy shockwave was so powerful that it smashed both the inner and outer layers of the high-density armor.
A massive of energy exploded at the training base.
Even though the other labs and buildings were located far from Lab Number One, their high-density armors were still obliterated by the explosion.
One by one, the buildings collapsed. In a blink of an eye, the training base, which was the size of a small town, was razed to the ground.
However, given how massive the explosion was, nothing was left in the end.
Luckily, everyone in the labs and buildings followed the automatic evacuation protocol that was triggered.
Beneath the training base was a separate training base buried underground.
In times of danger, the floors would open, causing the occupants to fall into the underground training base.
Therefore, many lives were saved. Or else, they would have all died in the explosion given how fragile humans were.
However, the energy shockwave had destroyed most of the machines in the underground training base and almost caused it to cave in.
Luckily, the defense mechanisms had taken this into account when they were built. Therefore, there were measures in place to protect them from such a disaster.
Or else, the underground training base would have been destroyed alongside Gamma Tech.
At that moment the survivors cried in remorse.
Why didn’t we listen to Levi?
Why did we stop him from killing Jared?
Why did we insist on bringing Jared back?
Why were we such idiots?
Levi had warned us that he was nothing but trouble, but we didn’t believe him! But now, it’s obvious how big of a threat he is. He had caused the entire Gamma Tech training base to destroy and almost got all of us killed.
The Gamma Tech training base, which was built over a period of fifty years, has now been reduced to just a pile of rubble.
The losses were unimaginable.
Is Jared the cause of this? No! We only have ourselves to blame.
The staff at Gamma Tech were aware that they had raised a monster and had even given him the means to kill.
Hence, they were responsible for destroying Gamma Tech and had no one else to blame.
However, it was too late for regrets.
Even though the training base was located deep in the mountains, the energy released from the shockwave had alerted many other testing organizations. All of them quickly locked onto the location of the explosion.
“This is shocking! What are they doing at Gamma Tech? Fortunately, there’s no one within a hundred-mile radius. Or else, it would have been a horrifying disaster.
The news of the blast quickly reached the Dragonites.
They organized a rescue team that headed straight to Gamma Tech training base without any delay.
“My God, what happened here?”
Everyone was stunned when they saw the rubble at the blast site with their binoculars.
They were well aware of how strong the defenses at Gamma Tech were.
Therefore, they couldn’t imagine what sort of explosion could have leveled the entire training base.
It was something that could not have been caused by martial artists.
“Go! Go! Go!”
The rescue team descended swiftly upon the blast site.
However, they were even more astounded when they arrived.


When the rescue team saw the devastation before them, their knees trembled in fright.

They had never seen anything so terrifying before.
The entire training base was decimated with barely any rubble left.

In the face of the enormous surge of energy, everything with a physical presence was melted away.
Furthermore, the residual energy covered the entire training base instead of dissipating.
Although the energy field was weak, an ordinary person couldn’t pass through it still.
Anyone who tried to enter would disintegrate upon contact.
“Oh no! The shockwaves are too strong. It’s not something our bodies can withstand. We can’t take the risk of entering the place!”
“Requesting for reinforcements! Requesting for reinforcements!”
The rescue team pleaded for help.
If the energy field wasn’t cleared, there was no way they could start the rescue.
At that moment, Levi finally arrived.
In fact, he had even felt the blast from afar while he was on his way there.
His expression drastically changed at the terrifying amount of energy that was released.
Even he was astounded by it.
If he had been hit by the blast, he would be grievously hurt if not dead.
I can’t believe how powerful the shockwave is.
Based on the direction it was coming from, Levi surmised that it came from the Gamma Tech training base.
Hence, he quickened his pace and prayed that everything would be all right.
I’ll never forgive myself if something happened.
When Levi arrived at what was left of Gamma Tech, he was dumbstruck.
What in the world happened? Everything has been obliterated.
Levi dashed toward the training base.
However, the energy field began to shred his flesh the moment he came into contact.
“Argh!” Levi roared and forcefully pushed back the energy field and dashed into the rubble in search of Zoey.
The rescue team behind him was shocked at his maniacal action.
Nevertheless, Levi had eradicated the energy field with brute force, allowing them to commence the rescue at once.
Thousands of rescuers surged into the training base and began the rescue operations.
Meanwhile, Levi was digging in the dirt with his bare hands.
Everywhere he dug, he was filled with disappointment.
There was no sign of any life, let alone Zoey.
In the face of such a massive blast, any trace of blood would disintegrate, let alone a human body.
The blast had caused the air to superheat and incinerate everything in sight.
Therefore, Levi still couldn’t find any traces of life despite digging three feet deep.
At the same time, many of the rescuers joined Levi and continued digging through the rubble, hoping to find any survivors.
As time ticked by, they had dug through twenty percent of the ground but found nothing still.
This is shocking! Given that the blast had incinerated the training base’s protective armor to dust, no one would have survived that.”
“Exactly, I have never seen such devastation before. There’s no way anyone could have come out alive!”
A few of the rescuers were discussing the situation.
However, Levi was infuriated when he overheard them.
“That’s impossible! There must be survivors. They can’t be all dead. They just can’t!”
Shaken by how emotional Levi was, the rescuers moved to another side and didn’t dare utter another word.
If another word came out of their mouths, Levi would have their heads.
“Find them! Continue finding them!” Levi bellowed as he searched the rubble together with the rescuers.
Given how big the training base’s footprint was, they had only searched through half of it in one hour.
The result increased the despair everyone felt as there was still no sign of life.
When Levi hadn’t found any clues relating to Zoey, he grew increasingly anxious.
He was shuddering in fear while sweating nervously at the same time.
As his face lost all color, his eyeballs looked as if they were about to pop out.
If something had happened to Zoey, he didn’t even know how to face it.
I have to keep searching!
At that moment, one of the rescuers exclaimed, “I found something!”
Levi dashed over at once.


Finally, they discovered the underground training base.

“Zoey may be hiding inside!”
Levi’s eyes burned with hope.

Even though the defenses of the underground training base weren’t destroyed, it had suffered significant damage still.
Although everyone inside survived, many of them suffered various degrees of injuries.
As the underground training base was opened up, the survivors were rescued one by one.
Levi waited at the entrance with joy.
However, when more and more survivors emerged, Levi began to panic as there was still no sign of Zoey.
“That’s the last one!”
Levi was stunned the moment the last person was rescued as it wasn’t Zoey at all.
“Impossible! Is there anyone inside still?”
Levi’s face was filled with disbelief.
“No, this is the last one.”
The rescuers loaded the man onto the stretcher.
“I don’t believe it!”
Levi entered the training base and started looking everywhere.
After circling the place, he didn’t find a single soul.
Zoey’s not here and neither is Jared! There’s no sign of Wynona too.
When he returned to where the rescuers were, he began asking the survivors about what happened.
“You can stop looking. They’re all gone! No one else survived!” the survivors told him.
Levi’s mind was blown as he couldn’t accept what they said.
“That devil, Jared, had managed to change his body composition through his experiments. After that, he experimented on Zoey too, thinking of controlling her mind forever! In order to stop him, Wynona started the particle collider…”
“We saw everything with our own eyes! Wynona chose to sacrifice in order to stop him!”
The survivors related everything that had happened to Levi, sending a chill down his spine.
“Wynona chose to die together with him?” he asked with a trembling voice.
“Yes. When the superparticles collided, the energy released obliterated the entire training base. No one could have survived that.”
“They must have turned into dust! Nothing would be left of them!” the survivors exclaimed.
“Is she dead?” Levi mumbled to himself just like a madman.
“It’s all your fault! You’re the ones who are responsible, but why are you the ones that have survived instead?”
Suddenly, Levi raged at the survivors like a beast.
They wanted to retort but couldn’t think of a valid reason.
Strictly speaking, they were the cause of it all.
If not for them, none of this would have happened.
Fifty years of work would also not have been wasted while countless other lives would have been saved.
Everyone became fearful when they felt Levi’s murderous intent.
He is the Fiery Demon after all.
Killing someone in anger is to be expected of him.
“Calm down, please! Calm down!” the rescuers beseeched him.
However, Levi continued to glare at the survivors with his blood boiling underneath his skin.
If Zoey was really dead, all these people will have to pay with their lives.
Also, everyone at The Cardinal Hall had to die.
Why did they hand Zoey over?
Just when Levi was about to go on a rampage, one of the rescuers interjected, “Not necessarily! There may still be other survivors. We have only searched through half the rubble. Hence, we should continue looking!”
The words were meant to remind Levi that there was still hope.
Recovering his composure, he continued the search.
“That’s right! Zoey isn’t dead. She won’t die that easily!” Levi mumbled as he joined the rescuers.
As time passed, Levi and everyone else dug through every corner.
Much to their disappointment, they found nothing.
An hour later, only the area around Lab Number One had yet to be uncovered.
“The lab they were in was here. This is where we will most likely find them!”


Levi was drenched in sweat which wasn’t something that usually happened to someone as powerful as him.

However, he was overwhelmed by the anxiousness he felt over Zoey’s fate.
Lab Number One was his last hope.

However, the despair within him grew when he saw the rubble as he knew the chances of finding her alive was slim.
If he couldn’t find her, he didn’t know what would happen to him.
Perhaps, he would go mad.
Given that Lab Number One was ground zero of the blast, there was barely any rubble left.
As the rescuers began their search, Levi was kept in suspense.
Please be alive!
Levi prayed in this heart.
As the rescuers began digging with their machines, Levi rushed forward and dug with his hands.
The more they dug, the more disheartened he became.
He panicked as there was still no signs of life.
At that moment, he felt his body swoon, as if he was about to collapse anytime.
Ten minutes later, the rubble at Lab Number One had all been removed but there was no one to be found.
There was no sign of Jared, Wynona, nor Zoey at all.
Lab Number One looked like hell itself with not a single living soul inside.
“Lab Number One was ground zero. How can there be any survivors?” someone commented subconsciously.
Just as he spoke, he regretted it at once when he noticed a pair of eyes staring at him.
His knees buckled before dropping onto the ground.
“I… I…”
At that moment, he could feel death approaching.
An agonizing scream thundered through the air.
Everyone present spewed blood from their mouths before falling unconscious.
At that moment, Levi raged like a madman.
Zoey is really gone!
Despite refusing to accept the fact, he was cognizant that even he wouldn’t have survived the blast, let alone Zoey.
The shockwave would have obliterated everything in its path.
Hence, it wasn’t a surprise to find the three of them disappeared without a trace.
They’re gone! Zoey’s gone!
Levi wailed toward the sky.
As thunder rumbled, it felt as if the heavens were just as mad.
Levi’s fury could seemingly cause the weather to change.
Levi pounded the ground with his fists.
The earth began to shake as if there was an earthquake, causing everyone to lose their balance.
“Impudence! Levi, this isn’t the place for you to vent!”
A cold voice rang out. Men from the Dragonites and The Cardinal Hall had arrived.
After the rescue team reported the incident, they had sent their own men to investigate.
When they arrived at the training base, they coincidentally saw Levi “venting.”
The warriors of The Cardinal Hall restrained Levi at once.
“Get out of my sight!” Levi bellowed without even looking up.
“How dare you! Are you mad? Is this a joke? Stop at once or don’t blame us for what we’re about to do!”
The warriors of The Cardinal Hall glared at Levi.
Getting up slowly, Levi swept his gaze across like a predator.
The Cardinal Hall warriors had a premonition that something terrible was about to happen.
Levi unleashed a few slaps with earth-shattering force. There was no way anyone could withstand it.
The hundreds of warriors from The Cardinal Hall were sent flying. When they crashed onto the ground, all of them were grievously injured with broken bones and bleeding wounds.
Levi had shown them mercy as he had yet to fully lose his rationality. Or else, every single one of them would have died.
Everyone was shocked.
Is this the power of Fiery Demon’s heir?
This is terrifying!
“Levi has really turned into a demon!”
All the Dragonites were frightened as they could feel the fury in him.


The tension in the air suffocated everyone there.

It felt as if the terror that Levi struck into the depths of their hearts was of a divine nature.
Everyone trembled as they looked at Levi. They then quickly opened up a path for him to walk through.

That was the authority of a demon.
This was the first time the Dragonites began to suspect Levi.
Prior to that, they didn’t believe Levi was Fiery Demon’s heir and would become a demon himself.
But after what happened, they started to think it was true.
Isn’t he acting like one already?
What happened?
What caused him to become like that?
What we saw just now wasn’t a man, but a beast!
A cold ruthless demon!
All of them were shocked.
In truth, Levi still has his senses with him. Or else, they wouldn’t have survived with just injuries alone.
The Cardinal Hall sent out the news that Fiery Demon’s heir was on a rampage.
He had murdered innocents and utterly destroyed the Gamma Tech training base. Thousands were injured because of him.
Furthermore, hundreds of warriors from The Cardinal Hall were beaten by him.
Levi had become Erudia’s biggest threat.
Meanwhile, Levi left the training base dejectedly.
“No, I still believe Zoey is alive. I won’t believe that she’s dead until I see her body!” Levi mumbled to himself.
Leaving Gamma Tech, Levi’s mind drew a blank.
Staggering forward, it was as if he could collapse anytime.
Losing his sense of purpose, he didn’t know where to go.
It felt like his soul had left his being.
Soon, news of the battle of Terragon Hill spread throughout the world, causing shock in Erudia and everywhere else.
Levi had awed the world with his terrifying combat prowess given that the top warriors of the Gem List and tens of thousands of other fighters had failed to stop him.
He had annihilated all his opponents at Terragon Hill, cementing his reputation of invincibility.
The Cardinal Hall’s troops were unable to defeat him even though he was alone.
No one dared to stand in his path anymore.
He was no longer Fiery Demon’s heir but had become Fiery Demon himself.
Meanwhile, The Manifest Court updated the rankings of Erudia’s Gem List, shocking everyone.
All this while, the rankings had always been stable where changes were only made in decades.
But now, it was being amended every few days which made for exciting times.
Levi had moved from sixth place to second, putting him in front of Robed Slayer and Xenotoph.
Other than the legendary Leonidas, Levi was the strongest among everyone else.
The Manifest Court had assigned him a level eight danger rating.
He was only one level below Cyrus’s danger rating of nine.
Therefore, Levi was now second-placed on the Gem List, in front of Robed Slayer that had dominated for an entire decade.
Based on The Manifest Court’s analysis, Levi might still be weaker than Robed Slayer. However, the danger he posed together with his potential for growth was significantly higher.
Therefore, he was assigned a higher rank than Robed Slayer.
What was even more frightening was that Levi was still young. Given ten more years, no one could imagine how much power he would have gained.
By then he would likely have eighty to ninety percent of Cyrus’ strength.
It would be a disaster as the nation would be thrown back into the Fiends era.
Therefore, the Fiery Demon’s force cheered when they heard about what happened at Terragon Hill.
They had chosen the right master.
By following Levi, they could restore the Fiends era.
Also, Levi had made arrangements for the four Fiends to keep an eye on the Raysonians.
Even though they fled after their plan had failed, all of them were still being watched.
All the Fiends and their subordinates were waiting for Levi to return and lead them.
From then on, they no longer needed to hide in the shadows and could openly show themselves.
However, Levi was in a daze at that moment. Walking aimlessly around, he didn’t know what to do.
It was as if his soul and consciousness had been taken from him, causing him to be no different from a walking corpse.
All he could think of was Zoey.
But then, it was still a mystery as to whether she or Jared was still alive.


At that moment, no one knew if Jared’s pure energy body could withstand the blast.

Also, Wynona was standing closest to the particle collider.
Hence, it was still a puzzle if she had disintegrated alongside.

The rescue team’s conclusion was that everyone had been obliterated by the energy shockwave.
After all, the magnitude of the explosion was enough to wipe out a city of ten million.
At the same time, The Cardinal Hall blamed Levi for what happened.
By doing so, they significantly increased Levi’s infamy.
As Levi had grown into a powerful Fiend, the calls for his destruction from within The Cardinal Hall and Eragon increased dramatically.
Furthermore, after Bruce and his international forces had suffered defeat, they too condemned Levi and put additional pressure on The Cardinal Hall.
The stronger Levi became, the larger the threat he was to them.
As Levi walked on dejectedly, many who crossed his path were all defeated.
In fact, there were also overseas forces that tried to recruit him.
They threatened him into joining them, by declaring that they were holding Forlevia hostage.
“That’s right, Forlevia!”
Forlevia appeared in Levi’s mind.
Now that Zoey was gone, he had to ensure Forlevia’s safety.
B*llshit! I obviously know where she is.
After killing his attackers, he hurried anxiously to where Forlevia was.
When Levi instructed his subordinates to kidnap Forlevia and Zoey, they were actually taken to Wildefield.
No one would have expected it.
To the warriors of the current era, Wildefield no longer had any significance.
The strongest they had were Rank Five fighters who barely caught anyone’s interest.
Therefore, no one paid any attention to the small town which made it a great place for Forlevia to hide.
When he arrived at Wildefield, Tresta asked, “Mr. Garrison, where’s Zoey? Why don’t I see her?”
After a long silence, Levi explained what happened, “Zoey might not be around anymore…”
“Impossible!” Tresta exclaimed.
“Hmm?” Levi was stunned.
“There’s something you don’t know. For anyone who becomes a member of Wildefield, we will leave a seal on them. Firstly, it’s used for identification purposes. Secondly, it is also used to determine if someone is still alive. If someone is dead, the corresponding seal would also disappear.”
In other words, the seal was similar to the chips that Levi often used.
Once they were inserted into a person’s body, it would send information about the body’s vital signs. From there, one could determine if the bearer was still alive.
If there was no reaction from the chip, it either meant that it was removed or the bearer was dead.
The seal used a similar principle to determine its owner’s condition.
Tresta’s words gave Levi hope. “However, Zoey’s seal hasn’t disappeared yet!”
“Is what you say true?”
Levi grabbed Tresta by the shoulder and shook her.
“I wouldn’t dare lie to you. The seal is really there. Hence, it means that Zoey must still be alive!”
Tresta was given a fright.
Avery and the others added, “That’s right. As long as the seal remains, the bearer must still be alive!”
“It’s just that the Wildefield seal is a simple one. It can only determine the bearer’s condition but not their location.”
“Exactly. Or else, we would have known where Zoey is.”
Levi cried tears of joy when he heard them.
Zoey’s alive? That’s wonderful!
Tears rolled down his manly cheeks due to his jubilation.
He had not expected to find a clue in Wildefield.
If he hadn’t gone there, he would have long assumed Zoey was dead.
Wildefield had found a lead even when the Seven Fiends couldn’t.
“In that case, I’ll leave Forlevia here with you while I look for Zoey!”
With that, Levi left excitedly in search of Zoey.


Zoey had a dream.

In fact, she had two.
In the first dream, she remembered everything that happened ever since she had her memory.

Scenes of how she met Levi and got married to him until Forlevia was given birth flashed through her mind.
The other dream was hazy. It related to the point where Jared’s experiment encountered a problem in the last minute.
At that moment, all she saw was a blazing light in front of her. It shone so brightly that she could barely open her eyes at all.
The moment she did, she could vaguely make out the sight of a disheveled old man.
However, her vision was so blurry that she could only see the outlines of his features.
Levi would be shocked if Zoey had told him about the dream as that unkempt old man was his mentor.
Just as expected, Zoey was alive as she was saved by Levi’s mentor.
Even Levi wouldn’t have survived when the superparticles collided with each other.
Only his mentor was strong enough to withstand the blast and complete the rescue.
By bearing the brunt of the devastating blast, it was obvious how powerful the old man was.
He was indeed unimaginably powerful.
“Wake up! Quick, wake up!”
Still in a daze, Zoey felt someone shaking her violently.
When she opened her eyes, she saw Wynona looking anxiously at her.
Scrutinizing her surroundings, she realized she was in an abandoned factory.
Wynona was wearing a tattered protective coverall that was filled with tiny holes.
“What happened?” Zoey asked.
Wynona told her how she started the particle collider after Zoey had lost consciousness.
“In that case, why are we still alive? Given that we’re ordinary human beings, there’s no way we could have survived the blast.”
Zoey was puzzled.
Wynona nodded. “You’re right. We wouldn’t have survived. However, I had a dream. I dreamt that an old man… he…”
“What? Did you dream of him too? In that case, it isn’t a dream! It must be real,” Zoey exclaimed.
Wynona expression changed. “That would mean that the old man has saved us. We weren’t dreaming after all!”
Both of them were stunned.
Who is he to be able to save both of us under such dire circumstances? This is unbelievable!
“Ms. Wilcox, are you alright? You look terrible!” Zoey asked with concern.
After all, Wynona’s protective clothing was already in tatters.
Wynona scrutinized her outfit and even twirled around.
“I’m fine. In fact, I feel full of energy! Ha!”
Wynona threw a punch to demonstrate her point.
A powerful force split the ground open, leaving a meter-wide gully in the ground. In fact, it kept plowing through the ground for more than a hundred meters before stopping.
The factory in front of them collapsed while a hundred-meter crack in the ground appeared in front of them.
Both of them were utterly dumbfounded.
Wynona in particular gave her fist a baffled look.
They look the same as always, but why do I wield such power?
She tried punching in the air again.
A loud boom thundered while a shockwave could obviously be seen in the air.
It was similar to a sonic boom created by a plane.
Wynona gaped in disbelief.
I’m just an ordinary person. How did this happen? Could the colliding superparticles have bestowed upon me this power, just like Jared?
She was a scientist and knew a lot more than an ordinary person.
She had heard of people gaining superpowers either through awakening a latent talent or through genetic manipulation.
Also, there were those that had gained their powers through scientific accidents.
“Zoey, what about you? What don’t you give it a try?” Wynona suggested.


She had hypothesized that although the old man saved them at the crucial moment, the blast had somehow affected her still and given her superpowers.

Therefore, Zoey might experience the same phenomenon too.

Zoey was surprised.
“Why don’t you try and see if there are any changes?” Wynona asked.
By then, Zoey was already a warrior. Hence, she tried to sense the changes in her body.
However, she didn’t feel anything different.
“Let me try gathering my energy.”
At that moment, she felt an electrical jolt rush through her head.
The pain it caused felt as if her head was about to be blown apart.
In her mind, a hazy image appeared. But, she couldn’t tell what it was.
It felt as if there were a thousand needles tearing her brain apart, causing her to feel a terrifying sensation.
Holding her head, Zoey screamed in agony before collapsing onto the ground and rolling in pain.
Wynona was shocked when she saw it.
What’s wrong with Zoey?
As if she had gone mad, Zoey grimaced on the floor and let out a demonic scream.
It was so terrifying that Wynona’s hair stood on end.
Her eyes were bloodshot while her eyeballs seemed as if they were about to pop out.
She slammed her head onto the ground, letting out a frightening sound.
The shocking part was that the ground began to shatter with cracks appearing everywhere.
To Wynona, Zoey looked as if she was the devil herself.
Hence, she put her arms around Zoey and tried to restrain her.
“Zoey, calm down! You have to calm down!”
One minute later, Zoey finally calmed down and lost consciousness.
By then, she was drenched in sweat.
“What happened to her? Did the particle collision affect the nerves of her brain?”
Wynona did a preliminary analysis.
It seems not every failed experiment will gift everyone superpowers. It depends on one’s physical body and luck. So far, the particle collision seems to bring Zoey more harm than good.
“I should let her rest first. When she’s awake, I’ll take her back and examine what’s wrong with her,” Wynona mumbled to herself.
Zoey finally woke up a few hours later.
“Zoey, what happened to you just now?” Wynona asked.
Zoey massaged her head. “Just when I was gathering my energy, I could feel a burst of energy charging through my head. It felt so painful that I thought my head was about to explode. At that moment, I couldn’t feel myself. As if I no longer exist.”
Rubbing her head still Zoey took a deep breath.
“Don’t worry. Your nerves might have been affected by the blast. I’ll check on them once we get back,” Wynona reassured her.
“Erm, I think it’s no big deal too. After all, there doesn’t seem to be any changes to my body.”
Both Zoey and Wynona didn’t give it much thought.
However, that wasn’t what Wynona felt when she saw Zoey earlier. She was actually shocked by what happened.
When Zoey was unconscious, Wynona examined herself.
Not only did she have super strength, but her speed and intelligence had also broken all barriers.
In fact, she even acquired the ability to heal herself.
When she tried to cut herself, her skin quickly recovered.
The particle collision did a total upgrade of her physical capabilities.
“You are really lucky to have benefited greatly from the close shave,” Zoey commented with a smile.
“I’m sorry Zoey. All I could think of back then was to take Jared down alongside us.”
Wynona looked apologetic.
Zoey shook her head. “Don’t worry. By the way, where’s Jared? Did he survive the blast?” Zoey suddenly asked.


“Good question.”

Slapping her forehead, Wynona suddenly recalled the grave issue at hand.
Jared! He’s the reason for all this! If he isn’t dead, wouldn’t my actions be in vain?

Zoey knitted her eyebrows. “If the old man hadn’t saved us, no one could have survived the blast.”
Wynona nodded.
That’s true.
The reason she had gained new powers was because she had only been exposed to a small amount of radiation.
A larger amount would have obliterated her instead.
“However, it would make sense for him to rescue everyone, including Jared,” Zoey analyzed.
Wynona remarked, “Perhaps, we’re most probably the only two survivors while Jared and his men are dead! Or there’s still another possibility. The old man may have come specifically for us because he is someone related to Levi. Hence, he would definitely not rescue Jared.”
Zoey nodded. “Mmm-hmm, it’s probably one or the other. Regardless of which, it means Jared is likely dead.”
“I agree. But, we’ll have to return to the training base to verify it.”
No one knows for sure if Jared is dead.
Meanwhile, Levi looked for Zoey all over Erudia enthusiastically.
At the same time, The Cardinal Hall kept sending out wanted notices for him.
His danger rating had risen to level eight.
In order to prevent him from reaching level nine, The Cardinal Hall issued The Cardinal Order (TCO) against him.
The edict was only issued under extremely desperate circumstances.
Upon issuance, The Cardinal Hall, Eragon, and any Erudian organizations had to obey it without question.
In fact, all the countries under Erudia’s influence had to comply and participate.
Anyone who went against it would be executed.
In simple terms, The Cardinal Order was an edict that mobilized all resources to kill its target, no matter the cost.
It would not be withdrawn until the target was dead.
Consequently, The Cardinal Hall issued one against Levi.
No one had expected them to take such a drastic move to order Levi to be killed.
Ever since The Cardinal Hall was formed, The Cardinal Order was only issued twice.
The first was when Cyrus emerged.
It was rescinded only after Cyrus’ disappearance.
The second was for Levi.
There was a saying in the martial arts world.
Once The Cardinal Order was issued, it was considered glorious for a martial artist to die executing it.
Hence, both Erudia and the entire world were shocked by The Cardinal Order.
The Dragonites lamented, “Is this the last resort? With TCO, no one will rest until Levi is killed.”
Leonidas, Robed Slayer, and Xenotoph might be able to take on Levi.
However, one had sealed himself away while the other two were nowhere to be found.
However, once TCO was issued, the elite warriors of Eragon prepared for battle, together with the strongest from The Cardinal Hall.
Given that these elites were their respective organization’s trump cards, they were kept secret and not listed on the Gem&Stone List.
Therefore, no one truly knew the extent of The Cardinal Hall and Eragon’s power.
These elites seldom showed themselves. Most of the time, it was warriors like Kaiden who were sent out.
However, given how big a threat Levi was, they had to send their strongest fighters.
The moment TCO was issued, the sky darkened.
However, Levi didn’t seem to care as he continued his search for Zoey.
Meanwhile, Zoey and Wynona had sneaked back to the Gamma Tech training base.
They were shocked to see the entire training base was reduced to rubble.
What a massive power!
By then, the rescue teams had completed their work and there was not a soul left.
“Come, let’s go and take a look.”
Both of them entered the training base.


Suddenly, Zoey let out an agonizing scream, giving Wynona a fright.

“Zoey, are you all right?”
Zoey was holding onto her head and yelling hysterically.

The familiar scenes of Gamma Tech’s exterior and labs before its destruction flashed across her mind.
The more she recalled, the greater the pain she felt in her head.
The commotion alerted the guards nearby. When they rushed over, Wynona quickly led Zoey away.
She suspected that Zoey had sustained damage to her brain.
Soon, Wynona had brought Zoey to a private hospital in Oakland City for an examination.
As Wynona owned the hospital, she was able to not arouse any suspicion.
Right after the check-up, the results revealed that there was nothing wrong with Zoey.
Her brain didn’t sustain any damage, but the nerves in her brain had been thrown into chaos.
Wynona thought about Jared’s experiment at once.
Although it was interrupted in time, it had left a mild side effect on Zoey.
Consequently, the doctor advised Zoey to get more rest.
The result also eased the concerns both of them had.
“By the way, my men have reported back that other than those who hid in the underground training base, everyone else was dead. Hence, there’s no way Jared is alive!” Wynona remarked.
“That’s wonderful! We are finally rid of him!”
Zoey let out a smile.
However, she frowned the next moment. “But the Gamma Tech training base was destroyed. It was a high price to pay, and it all happened because of me!”
Wynona shook her head without much care. “It doesn’t matter. At most, I can compensate the alliance with my own scientific training base. Even though it isn’t as big as theirs, it will be sufficient for the time being.”
Zoey was surprised. “Your training base?”
“Yup. My dad and my grandpa are both the foremost scientists in their respective fields. My family owns a training base of international standards and another three of national standards…”
Wynona began explaining her family background.
She came from a family of scientists where everyone was a genius.
Therefore, she too became one at a very young age and had many accomplishments to her name.
It was all thanks to the environment she was brought up in.
“Ms. Wilcox, I cannot thank you enough. If not for you, I would have turned into Jared’s puppet. If that had happened, I would be better off dead. Even then, I wouldn’t even have the choice to kill myself,” Zoey thanked Wynona profusely.
“That’s the least I can do. Look, I even benefitted from the accident. Actually, both of us should be thanking the old man. If not for him, neither of us would be alive, don’t you agree?”
“You’re right. We are in his debt forever.”
Meanwhile, somewhere in Erudia…
Bruce and a few other men were gathered for a mission in Erudia.
He had come into the country on the pretext of hunting Levi, when in actual fact, he had a different objective.
From their perspective, Levi would undoubtedly be killed. However, no one expected him to still be alive.
They no longer paid any attention to Levi. Instead, they were focused on their mission.
Nevertheless, they had heard about what happened at the Gamma Tech training base and were aware that Jared had fallen.
Prior to that, Bruce had a brief meeting with Jared.
He was delighted to see how powerful Jared had become and thought that Zarain had gained a powerful ally.
However, he didn’t expect to hear of Jared’s demise in less than a day.
“That can’t be! Jared’s consciousness is still around although it’s currently very weak. Nevertheless, he is still alive!” one of Bruce’s subordinates remarked in surprise.
They had still managed to pick up the presence of his consciousness.
Hence, it was evidence that he hadn’t died.
Before Jared changed his own body composition, he had come to Bruce for help. He obtained a set of equipment to store his memory and turned it into an energy form.
Therefore, Bruce was using that same equipment to detect Jared’s consciousness.
He had verified that Jared was still alive.


“What? His consciousness is still there? It means that he is still alive! That’s wonderful!”

Feeling jubilant, Bruce waved his hands in the air.
In fact, he even poured a glass of whiskey to celebrate.

With Jared still around, both his and Zarain’s power would increase significantly.
“Send a group of men to find Mr. Schmidt at once. Determine his condition and provide assistance when necessary,” Bruce instructed.
A moment later, he changed topics immediately, “By the way, are there any updates from all the different teams? Look for him! We have to find him before they realize what we’re up to. Once Levi has been dealt with, The Cardinal Hall will turn their attention to us!”
The smile on Bruce’s face disappeared.
Evidently, their mission in Erudia was more important than Jared.
“Mr. Johnston, do you need us to rescue your brother?” someone asked.
“Not at the moment. You will inadvertently alert them if you do. Once Levi is dead, we will be able to free him anytime.”
Bruce already had a plan in mind.
“All right. We’ll try to locate Mr. Schmidt first.”
Using their equipment, the few technical specialists began scanning for Jared’s presence.
A few minutes later, someone remarked in surprise, “Oh? Why did we lose the signal of his consciousness? Did something happen?”
Even Bruce was jolted.
“What? Did you lose the signal? Continue searching! We need to confirm if Jared is still alive!”
Everyone was shocked by the development.
Jared consciousness was there for a second and disappeared in the next.
Therefore, no one was sure about what was going on.
Meanwhile, inside a private hospital in Oakland City…
Zoey was holding her head and screaming. If not for Wynona restraining her, she would have fallen off her bed.
Wynona was dumbfounded.
Ten minutes earlier, the same thing had happened to Zoey without warning.
Just after she had managed to calm down, another attack followed.
This time, Zoey reacted more hysterically than before.
In the end, she simply fell unconscious from the pain, causing Wynona to call for the doctor.
Despite having examined her brain nerves again, the doctor didn’t find anything wrong and advised her to rest.
Whenever it was necessary, he would inject her with medication that would calm her down.
However, the same phenomenon kept repeating itself.
Both Wynona and Zoey knew something was wrong but couldn’t tell what it was.
They had to find a Miracle doctor to examine Zoey.
Hence, Wynona managed to contact one via her contacts.
Meanwhile, the Raysonians, who were behind everything, were busy plotting still.
They were at the final stages of their scheme.
“We need to accelerate the plan by bringing forward the second stage!”
“Firstly, Levi knows that someone is masquerading him and has even crossed swords with the impostor. Also, he knows of our existence and is closely watching us.
“Secondly, The Cardinal Hall has issued The Cardinal Order. Hence, Levi would soon be killed, and they would turn their attention to us very quickly! Therefore, we have to work faster amidst this chaos.”
“Understood! The plan will be brought forward at once!”
It was true that the moment The Cardinal Order was issued, everyone’s attention was focused on Levi while everything else was being neglected.
Therefore, as long as anyone could ascertain Levi’s location, elite fighters would gather to eradicate him.
Once TCO was sent out, Robed Slayer, who was now relegated to third place from second on the Gem List, emerged.
Back then, Levi had torn up his clothes which was equivalent to spitting in his face.
Obviously, Levi had no respect for him at all.
Hence, Robed Slayer had both personal and professional reasons to meet Levi.
The man who dominated an entire era was on his way.
Meanwhile, Levi returned to the Gamma Tech training base.
“Hmm? Zoey’s scent?”
Levi was delighted as he was certain Zoey had come by the place.
Suddenly, Levi bellowed, “Who is it?”


He noticed that someone was following him in the shadows.

At Levi’s level, his sensitivity to every living thing was heightened.
In fact, he could even sense the minute movements of all the trees and insects through the energy waves they emitted.

His senses were so astute that he could detect an insect flapping his wings.
Hence, Levi had noticed Okano Yuichiro, the Shadow Samurai, following him.
Okano had just caught on to Levi but didn’t expect to be found out so quickly.
Okano withdrew at once.
This was the first time he had been noticed by someone in his entire career.
Evidently, he had underestimated Levi.
“I’m not going to let you escape so easily!”
Although Levi was a kilometer away from him, his voice thundered right beside Okano’s ear, sending a chill down his spine.
Such terrifying power! No wonder he is in second place on the Gem List!
The next moment, he felt as if a plane had crashed into him.
The sensation was no different than having been pinned underneath a mountain.
Okano spewed blood and was sent flying backward in disbelief.
His callsign was the Shadow Samurai.
He was supposed to move like a shadow and an expert in subterfuge.
All this while, no one could ever find a trace of him.
Regardless of whether he was hiding or fleeing, it was impossible to track him down.
Moreover, he moved at frightening speeds.
Unfortunately, by running into Levi, he was not only noticed but also chased down.
Just when Okano wanted to get up and flee, he realized that he couldn’t move at all.
Levi had immobilized him by attacking his vital points.
Left at Levi’s mercy, Okano was filled with regret.
Against a formidable opponent such as Levi, one couldn’t afford to make any mistakes.
Or else, one would have to pay with their lives.
Given the situation he was in, Okano didn’t even have the opportunity to kill himself.
In truth, Levi had immobilized him on purpose to prevent him from doing exactly that.
He had stopped Okano’s escape in advance.
“A Raysonian? Haha, how dare you follow me?”
Levi laughed.
“However, you aren’t him!”
Okano knew who Levi was talking about.
Obviously, it was the impostor.
“By capturing you, I can learn everything I need!”
Levi was cognizant that someone so highly skilled in subterfuge wasn’t just an ordinary footsoldier.
With that, he dragged Okano along with him and left.
Soon, he was noticed by the security guards at the training base.
They set off flares into the sky at once to signal that they had found Levi.
Soon, the elite warriors of The Cardinal Hall and other forces nearby rushed over.
However, Levi didn’t care about them as he needed to find Zoey first.
As for Okano, he didn’t even have the right to die.
Meanwhile, back at Wildefield…
Avery and the elders were standing together discussing something important.
“Something major has happened! The Cardinal Hall has issued The Cardinal Order! All of you don’t understand how serious this is!”
Avery’s face turned pale in fright.
“If The Cardinal Hall finds out that Levi’s wife and daughter are hidden here, we will be accused of being his accomplice. Wildefield will then be wiped out for siding with the Fiends!” Avery explained.
Everyone else nodded in agreement. “That’s right. By giving them refuge, doesn’t it make us his subordinates?”
“Now that The Cardinal Order has been issued, Levi is as good as dead. When the time comes, The Cardinal Hall will accuse us of treason and annihilate all our families.”
“In that case, what should we do? I don’t want to see Wildefield to be destroyed.”
“Wildefield’s survival will have to come first. After all, this matter has nothing to do with us.”
Avery sighed. “Exactly! I don’t want to see Wildefield get destroyed while I’m in charge. I would have let everyone who came before me down! Therefore, I have decided to hand her over to The Cardinal Hall.”


“Any objections from anyone?” Avery asked.

Everyone turned to look at one another and came to a consensus. “We agree to your proposal. That is the only way we can save Wildefield.”
“That’s right! We should not take such a risk for Levi.”

“Moreover, even if we hand over the kid, The Cardinal Hall is not going to hurt her.”
So it was decided that Wildefield would hand over Forlevia and her family.
Once the decision was made, Avery rushed out to inform The Cardinal Hall. And within a few hours, the army from The Cardinal Hall arrived at Wilderfield.
They immediately escorted Forlevia, Emma, and Mia out of Wildefield and headed straight to The Cardinal Hall, not leaving any opportunity for Levi to intercept them.
That was a twist of event that Levi had not thought of.
“Excuse me, Sirs, but would Levi come after us over this matter?”
Avery and his team were worried Levi would seek them out and kill them after he got to know about their decision to send Forlevia away.
“Don’t worry. Levi would not get to live beyond today. We have already identified his hiding place and the elite team from The Cardinal Hall is after him. However, if you are worried, we can provide a hiding place for you.”
“That would be great!”
With that agreement, Avery led his followers into hiding while the warriors from The Cardinal Hall brought Forlevia away from Wildefield.
“I thought the kid was kidnapped by some foreigners. Little did I know Levi had staged that act to deceive us!” Zelda brooded.
“Now we see the true colors of Fiery Demon’s heir! Not only does he practice dark skills in order to achieve unbelievable prowess, but he is also good at cunning deceitful acts as well. What a terror!” Kaiden gasped.
“Well, now that we have his mother and kid in our hands, let’s see how arrogant Levi can be!” Zelda gloated.
“Our men are already after him. It would be perfect if they can kill him off. In the event they failed, we can use his mother and daughter as a bargaining chip to force him into surrender. But we are not unscrupulous people out to kidnap them in order to blackmail him. Our intention is to protect his family from harm,” she added in self-justification, and her fellow teammates slyly smiled, pleased with the plan.
In the meantime, Levi brought Okano to a deserted place. Just as he was about to interrogate Okano, he got news from his men.
“What? Avery handed Forlevia to The Cardinal Hall?” he exclaimed in shock.
He had positioned some men around Wildefield to guard Forlevia. However, The Cardinal Hall sent a formidable army over and they made an effort to embark on their mission stealthily, so by the time his men detected their move, it was too late.
“You are in big trouble, Avery!” Levi roared, startling Okano.
Levi had not foreseen the weak link to be Wildefield, but it was also due to the unexpected issuance of The Cardinal Order, or TCO in short. It was unlikely Avery would have made that drastic decision to let go of Forlevia if not for TCO.
Levi did not feel assured entrusting his family to The Cardinal Hall, so he had to get them out of that place. However, he had no intention of engaging The Cardinal Hall in a head-on clash as that would be exactly what their foes wanted to see.
If he could figure out and expose the plots of Raysonia before meeting The Cardinal Hall, that might help prevent the foreseeable bloodshed.
“Tell me who is the mastermind! Otherwise, you will regret it!” Levi turned toward Okano and howled.
Seeing his desperation, Okano laughed out loud instead.
“That information does not matter anymore. We have already activated our second stage of action! Moreover, now you are in deep trouble yourself, so do you think you have the ability to protect other people?” he hooted.
“What? The second stage of action?” Levi frowned at that revelation as it meant serious trouble ahead.
“That’s right! Because of the issuance of TCO, we brought forward our second stage of action. Hehehe… Levi, how are you going to decide? Do you want to protect your family or your country? What is your choice?” Okano gleefully asked.
“What is that second stage of action? Tell me!” Levi yelled at Okano in desperation.


“Your time is up, Levi!” Suddenly, there was a loud shout and hundreds of highly skilled warriors appeared out of nowhere. They were there to kill Levi because of TCO.

“What a nuisance!” Levi shook his head in resignation, surprised they managed to get to him so quickly.
“Guess I have to settle you guys first.” And he started fighting with the warriors, with Okano in tow.

Although his opponents had arrived in big numbers, they were too weak, and Levi could defeat them easily. However, it still took him a bit of time due to their sheer numbers.
Unfortunately for Okano, Levi was too formidable, and the fight was almost effortless to Levi, so he did not get a chance to escape.
As the fight dragged on, Levi realized there was an endless stream of people joining in the fight. News of his whereabouts had spread, and he believed more warriors would be on their way to take him on. He decided he had to get out of the place. Otherwise, he would have to waste his time dealing with these weak fighters.
“I have to shake these people off!” he mumbled to himself.
He broke through the chaotic scene and escaped toward the north, his opponents in hot pursuit. Shortly after, he reached the border of Oakland City.
“Come what may, I’ll get into the city first!” Thinking it would be easier to find a hiding place there, Levi headed straight into Oakland City.
“What? Hahaha, Levi went into Oakland City? That is our territory! Is he out of his mind?” His pursuers laughed triumphantly when they realized he had made his way to Oakland City, and sent that great news to The Cardinal Hall.
Instantly, everyone knew Levi was in Oakland City, and all the warriors who received TCO rushed into the city.
During that period, Zoey had repeatedly suffered from debilitating migraine, and the frequency and intensity of the migraine attacks had gotten worse by the day.
Even when she was in the postdrome stage, she was dull and apathetic and confined herself to bed. That was causing Wynona great distress.
Wynona was at her wit’s end. She had mobilized all resources and used all her connections to get Zoey the best medical treatments, but none had shown any promising results.
She decided to make a public announcement to invite the international top specialists to come forward with their treatment plans. Her offer was tempting, and she spared no expense in this open invitation.
Meanwhile, the search for Jared was not going well for Bruce. His men had been trying to track Jared down, but they did not have much success.
Initially, they managed to detect his presence occasionally, but as time passed, information got scarcer and despite their efforts to monitor all corners of Erudia, there was simply no news. It was as if Jared had vanished into thin air.
“We have successfully accomplished all our assignments, other than the search for Jared, Mr. Johnston,” Bruce’s men reported proudly, relieved they had managed to complete almost all of their assigned missions.
They had not given up on looking for Jared though, as they added, “We heard the Wilcox family of Oakland City had extended an open invitation to the international medical communities. It is possible Wynona is still alive! And she was in the same laboratory as Jared!”
Bruce’s expression changed upon hearing the news from his men.
“So Jared was not the only survivor in that incident! If we can get Wynona, we may be able to find Jared or at least news on his whereabouts,” he deduced.
“That’s right!”
“We’ll head to Oakland City then.” With that clue, Bruce, together with his men, immediately set out for Oakland City.
Meanwhile, back at the Raysonia camp, they were getting worried for Okano.
“Okano is not back yet, and he had not sent back any news. I think he has gotten into trouble!”
“We just received a report. Okano was captured by Levi! When the warriors from The Cardinal Hall were pursuing Levi, they saw Okano with him!”
The faces of the high-rank officials fell when they heard the news.
“What? Okano was captured? If he reveals our plans to Levi, all our efforts will go to waste!”
“That’s right! Levi has been monitoring us, and he has gotten many leads about us. If Okano spills the beans, all our plans will be exposed!”
“Send someone to Oakland City! Okano has to be eliminated!”
“But how are we going to get to him if he is in Levi’s hands?”
“I guess we only have one suitable candidate for this mission… Ghost Samurai!”
“Oh! Ghost Samurai!”


Everyone let out a gasp when that name was mentioned, as though it was taboo to speak that name.

“Make it quick! Do it this instant!”
“Yes, only he could do it!”

Back at Oakland City, in Wilcox family’s private hospital, Zoey was staring blankly out of a window, having just survived another terrible migraine attack.
Wynona had a strange feeling she was different compared to before. She seemed cold and rather ruthless.
All the specialists in the hospital had taken turns to give her a checkup using the sophisticated equipment they had, but they could not figure out what was wrong with her.
Wynona could only place her hope on the arrival of the international specialists.
“Ms. Wilcox, a medical team from Zarain is here. They wanted to examine Ms. Lopez!” A hospital staff brought her good news.
“Thank goodness! Yes, please let them in!” Wynona cheered up upon hearing that news and immediately went out to welcome them.
Bruce was leading the Zarain team, but he wasn’t lying about it being a medical team. Among them were top medical specialists from Zarain.
Wynona was overjoyed and did not suspect a thing, so she let them into the hospital.
“Ms. Wilcox, we need to know more details about the patient. What happened to her?” Bruce made use of the opportunity to pry some information about what happened in the laboratory on that fateful day.
“Well,…” Wynona hesitated, wondering how she could explain the part where the rescuers had pronounced them dead after the incident.
Bruce gave her a smile and said, “Please do not hide anything from us, Ms. Wilcox. That is not going to help us with the diagnosis. Moreover, we know Ms. Lopez and you were supposed to have perished in the explosion at Gamma Tech training base. Why are the two of you still alive and here with us?”
“Huh!” Wynona was taken aback, as she had not expected him to know that as well.
“All right, I will be honest with you then. This is what happened…” She briefly told him about the particle collision accident but left out most of the details.
Bruce did not get the information he was seeking, so he continued to probe, “Oh, but that doesn’t explain much. Did anything special happen to Ms. Lopez before the particle collision accident?”
“This information is crucial, so please tell us the truth!” The rest chipped in to pressure Wynona.
The main subject of interest to Bruce was Jared. He was hoping Wynona would have useful information on his whereabouts.
Wynona paused in hesitation, then decided to share more with the Zarain team.
“The truth is, Zoey was involved in an experiment before the particle collision accident. It was about the transfer of one’s thoughts and consciousness to another. They came very close to success, but unfortunately, it failed at the last crucial moment.”
She went on to briefly describe what transpired during Zoey’s experiment.
“Oh my! That actually happened?” Bruce couldn’t help but gasp in shock. He was positive the other person involved in that experiment was Jared.
“What about the other person? Is he or she still alive?” One of the Zarain team members asked, unable to hold back his curiosity.
Wynona shook her head and said, “No. Only the two of us survived.”
“Oh?” Bruce and his men were truly shocked to hear that. If Jared was dead, how could they have detected his consciousness?
It did not make sense at all!
Just then, Bruce heard a voice over his earpiece reporting, “Mr. Johnston, we detected Mr. Schmidt’s consciousness, and it is nearby. We suspect he is in the hospital.”
“What?” It was an unexpected piece of news from his team surveying outside the hospital grounds.
Suddenly, a piercing scream could be heard, and it came from one of the wards.
“Oh no, another attack!” Wynona immediately ran toward the ward, and the Zarain team followed her.
Inside the room, they could see Zoey rolling around in pain on the ground, and her screams were haunting and unsettling.
“Arhhh…!” Another agonizing scream and they could see Zoey was in a lot of pain, as her hands had dug into the ground and left deep scratch marks on the hard floor.
Wynona was shocked beyond words as that attack was much more severe than all the previous attacks she had witnessed so far.
“Mr. Johnston, I could pinpoint the location of Mr. Schmidt. He is very near to you. In fact, he is right in front of you!” The surveying men reported to Bruce over his earpiece again.
It was a eureka moment for Bruce!
He looked at Zoey in disbelief and seemed to have pieced the puzzle together.


This is unbelievable!

At that instant, Bruce knew exactly what was causing Zoey’s sufferings, and he also knew what had happened to Jared.
He was extremely shocked, but he suppressed his emotions and put up a calm front.

Suddenly, a light bulb went on in his head, and he loudly declared, “I have seen a case like this! I can stake my reputation on this and guarantee a cure for Ms. Lopez!”
Everyone turned to look at him, stunned.
“You can cure her?” Wynona looked at him in disbelief.
Bruce did not reply to Wynona. Instead, he went forward to examine Zoey and pretended to give her an injection. Meanwhile, he quietly gave instructions to his team outside through the earpiece. He ordered them to stop their work, turn off their equipment and quit searching for Jared’s consciousness.
And the next moment, a miracle happened. Zoey instantly calmed down!
All present were dumbstruck, especially Wynona, who was skeptical of Bruce just a moment ago.
Bruce was the only one who could calm Zoey down in the midst of an attack!
In all her previous migraine attacks, she would end up fainting from her pain.
Even those who came with Bruce were confounded by what they saw.
“Leave her to me. I have seen a similar case before…” Bruce started making up a case study to back himself up.
Given his vast experience and capability, he was able to come up with a credible lie, and no one could find fault with his story.
Moreover, he had just proven he could deliver incredible results instantly, so everyone trusted him.
“Let me bring her back to the best hospital in Zarain, and I will be her doctor in charge!” he offered.
“No! Zoey has to be treated here. I will provide whatever equipment you need. If we don’t have it here in Erudia, I will source it from overseas.” Wynona was quick to veto the idea.
“Sure. That could work as well.” Bruce could not find a reason to object to her counter-proposal, so he had no choice but to accept her condition.
“Also, I hope you understand, but I have to be present during all the treatment sessions,” Wynona added another condition, and that totally ruined Bruce’s plans.
“That is fine.” Bruce could only accept whatever Wynona requested, as Zoey was his last hope.
It would be fantastic if he succeeded in his plan, but failure would not be a big issue as well. After all, Jared was already dead, so he could only place his hope on Zoey.
“Let’s get started and not waste any time. I need to bring in my other team who is waiting outside.”
Bruce called in the team that detected Jared’s consciousness from outside the hospital building. Wynona made a careful and thorough search of all the people and equipment before letting them in.
“My proposed treatment plan is to stimulate her to the highest level that she can tolerate. She needs to develop immunity to the neurostimulation in order to get well.” Knowing Wynona was cautious and meticulous, Bruce made a special effort to explain his plan to her in detail so as to assure her.
“You are able to stimulate her?” Wynona asked, doubt written all over her face.
Her team of doctors had proposed the same treatment plan previously, but they were unable to get any response from Zoey.
“I’ll show you.”
Bruce secured Zoey in a special isolation installation and started his treatment.
“Turn it on!” he instructed.
His men turned on their equipment and started searching for Jared’s consciousness again.
And instantly, Zoey started screaming in agony.
“Oh my! It works!” Wynona and her team of doctors were astounded and became hopeful.
Like a magician, Bruce could control Zoey like a puppet. He could make her scream in pain whenever he wished and calm her down instantly with a snap of his fingers.
“Up the intensity! Up the frequency!” Bruce ordered, and Zoey began to struggle crazily.
From the looks of things, if they had not restrained her in advance, she could have torn down the hospital when in that state of mind she was in.
“Arhhhhh!” Zoey’s screams got louder and more hysterical, and Wynona became extremely worried.
“Is everything going to be okay?” she asked with concern.
“Don’t worry. This isolation installation is strong enough to withstand an attack by a Rank Seven, so it will be all right,” Bruce assured her.
The look in Bruce’s eyes became more deranged as Zoey struggled more vigorously. None of the doctors present had any idea what was going on, and only Bruce knew what he was doing.


Bruce had proven to himself that his guess was right. He knew why Jared had disappeared, yet they could detect his consciousness. He also understood why the doctors could not find any problem with Zoey, but she constantly suffered from agonizing pain.

The two were actually related.
It was true that Jared had died. His physical body was totally destroyed during the experiment, and the body made of pure energy had also disintegrated, so there was no hope of reviving him.

The reason they could detect his consciousness was that part of his consciousness had been embedded in Zoey’s mind.
His consciousness was like data, and some of the data had been transferred into Zoey’s brain.
The experiment Jared did before the particle collision was to embed his own consciousness into Zoey. It was his attempt to control her mind and make her his puppet. Unfortunately, that attempt failed at the final critical moment.
Although it had failed, a big part of his consciousness was already transferred into Zoey, so there were two consciousness overlapping in her mind.
It was a crazy experiment and the cause of Zoey’s debilitating migraine attacks.
That was also the reason why Zoey had impressions of the different laboratories in Gamma Tech training base, even though she had never set foot in them before. They were the remnants of Jared’s memory.
The experiment also led to constant agonizing migraine for Zoey. It was caused by Jared’s consciousness stimulating her brain.
Bruce’s men were able to receive intermittent signals from their search as there was a constant clash between Zoey and Jared’s consciousness, resulting in an unstable emission of his consciousness. And whenever Zoey fainted from the pain, they would totally lose all signals.
Jared’s consciousness would overstimulate the nerve cells in her brain, leading to a migraine attack. The constant clash of the two consciousness and overstimulation caused Zoey to act weird at times, behaving like a totally different person.
Bruce made that discovery by chance, and he was the only one who knew it at that moment.
Jared was dead, and only his consciousness survived in Zoey’s brain. Bruce figured the only way to revive Jared would be to let him take over her brain.
Obviously, that would be a difficult feat to achieve. He would have a better chance of success if he had Zoey with him in Zarain. That way, he would be able to take his time to analyze and experiment on her.
Unfortunately, Wynona refused to let Zoey go with him, so he could only go with the next risky bet.
He planned to stimulate Zoey’s brain as much as he could, in the hope it would help Jared’s consciousness win over Zoey’s. The other possible outcome would be Zoey’s mind became totally messed up, which he couldn’t care less about.
The greater the stimulation, the more pain Zoey was in. She was like a restrained beast that had gone crazy.
Rumble, rumble, rumble…
The ground was shaking, throwing everyone off-balance.
Bruce was beginning to have a bad premonition, and fear prompted him to secretly put on his invisible protective armor.
“Maximum!” he ordered.
The machine was turned to maximum strength, working Zoey’s brain into a frenzy.
Wynona wanted to put a stop to it, as she could see Zoey was being pushed to her limits and suffering immensely.
However, Bruce stopped everyone by yelling out loud, “Don’t give up! We are at the brink of success!”
Everyone could only stand by and watch as the stimulation went into overdrive.
Wynona watched with a sense of foreboding, unable to conclude if that was the right thing to do.
“Now is the moment!” Bruce howled.
Zoey let out an utter shrill as the stimulation went to the maximum level.


Suddenly there was a huge explosion, ripping apart the ward and the supposedly indestructible isolation installation Zoey was in.

Wynona used her power to block off the radiating energy, saving the hospital from being razed to the ground, and at the same time, giving all the people a chance to survive.
Bruce looked on with disbelief. He had not expected Zoey would be able to break apart an installation that even a Rank Seven could not.

Her strength was beyond his imagination.
So what happened?
Was it a success or failure?
“Zoey!” Wynona yelled as she made her way through the thick smoke to check on Zoey.
“Huh?” The next moment, she froze in her track, and her expression changed. She could sense a menacing aura around her, and it gave her the shudders.
It was an extremely horrible atmosphere. One could imagine hell to feel that way.
As the smoke faded, she vaguely saw a pair of bloodshot beast-like eyes.
Wynona was not the only one who sensed the suffocating dread in the air. Bruce and his team also felt that. It felt eerily similar to the highly secretive laboratory where they were experimenting on mutants.
Had she turned into a monster?
Before Wynona could think through it, she intuitively sensed she was being targeted.
Zoey lept across the room, quick as lightning, and was in Wynona’s face in a flash.
A strong wave of energy flooded toward Wynona like a tsunami, and she resisted it with all her might.
Wynona was sent hurtling back, her feet dragging on the ground, leaving two deep trails. She only managed to steady herself after a hundred feet.
That came as a massive shock to Wynona.
She was no longer an ordinary human being but was a superwoman with formidable superpowers.
Yet, she was sent flying off with just one blow.
That showed how terrifying Zoey was.
Wynona was bewildered by Zoey’s transformation.
She had done a rough assessment of her own prowess and she believed she could easily defeat a Rank Eight.
She believed she could stand shoulder to shoulder with the forerunners on the Gem List, and that was a conservative estimation, so she would most likely be more powerful than that.
Alas, even she, could not take Zoey on!
Bruce and his team were alarmed, having witnessed Zoey’s powers.
He was dying to know if it was Jared or Zoey who was in control of that body.
He did not have much time to contemplate, as Zoey had rushed over with a menacing look in her wild eyes.
Rip! Rip!
Zoey was an unstoppable demon, killing anyone in her path, and many of Bruce’s men were ripped apart.
Bruce activated the invisible protective armor he had on and shouted at Zoey, asking, “Who are you? Are you Zoey or Jared?”
“What? Of course, I am Zoey!” she snorted without any hesitation. However, her voice was cold and ruthless, like a blood-thirsty demon. It was definitely not the voice of Zoey!
“What happened? Is that really her?” Wynona and her team cowered in fear.
When Levi ran into Oakland City with Okano, he heard the news that Ms. Wilcox sent out an open invitation to top medical specialists. Upon finding out Ms. Wilcox was Wynona, and that the patient she was seeking help for was a woman, he immediately suspected the patient to be Zoey!
Initially, he had planned to interrogate Okano once they settle in Oakland City. However, when he heard the news about Zoey, he cast everything aside, found out the hospital they were in and rushed over.
Okano’s interrogation was no longer important in comparison and could wait. Zoey was sick, so he had to be there for her.
At the same time, those warriors pursuing him were also closing in on him. They quickly found out the direction he was heading and went after him.


Zoey was on a killing spree at the hospital, and almost all of Bruce’s men were down.

Bruce was almost certain the person they were looking at was neither Zoey nor Jared. She had turned into an unstoppable demon, a monster!
“Retreat! Get out quickly!” he shouted.

With the protection of his invisible protective armor, he managed to escape with two of his key men.
Although the outcome was regretful, Bruce had achieved his mission. Making a monster out of Zoey would mean creating a disaster for Levi and Erudia.
Wynona finally saw the true intention of Bruce, but she could not leave Zoey alone. She had to stop her!
Boom! Boom! Boom!
Zoey was like a crazed beast, destroying everything in her path, and soon, the hospital resembled a war zone.
Wynona did her utmost best to stop Zoey, getting badly injured in the process. Her body was full of bloodied wounds, but thanks to her new superpowers, she had amazing healing abilities, and could speedily recover from her injuries.
That was the only reason why she could keep up her resistance against Zoey.
In the meantime, Levi arrived at the hospital, with Okano in tow, and he was stunned by the scene he saw.
What was more shocking was the two women battling one another.
Ain’t that Wynona and Zoey?
He knew them as commoners and strong fighters, but could not reconcile the powerful skills they executed with the two women he knew.
“What is happening here?” he shouted out to the women.
“Stop her, Levi! She had transformed into a beast!” Wynona shouted back.
“What?” Levi was stunned.
When the crazed Zoey heard the name ‘Levi’, her dulled eyes turned blood-red. She stared intently at Levi, and her body started to tremble in rage.
That name seemed to have a disturbing effect on her, triggering her further.
The already crazed Zoey turned ballistic, and her rage index was up multiple folds.
Wynona’s jaw dropped, startled by the intensity of Zoey’s rage. She believed she stood no chance in fighting against Zoey when she was in that state of mind. She would be torn apart alive, and would not even get a chance to self-heal.
She wondered why Zoey went berserk at the sight of Levi. It was as if she had seen her sworn enemy.
It was baffling Zoey looked like she was about to tear Levi apart and eat him alive. Wasn’t he—her husband?
Little did she know the only thought in Zoey’s mind at that moment was to kill Levi!
It was guided by her subconscious mind, and it appeared to her that killing Levi was the only mission in her life.
As such, when she heard his name being spoken, she had such a dramatic reaction.
Her gaze fell on Levi, and after scrutinizing him for a while, she seemed to have confirmed his identity.
“Die, Levi!” She let out a ruthless scream and charged toward Levi.
“Huh?” Levi was bewildered! Never in his wildest imagination would he expect his wife to want to kill him.
What is happening?
There wasn’t a chance for him to figure out the answer to that question.
In a flash, Zoey was already in front of him and threw a punch at him. He instinctively blocked her punch but was sent flying through the air, landing on a building. The impact collapsed the building as well.
Levi’s eyes widened in astonishment.
That power! What had happened to Zoey? How did she turn into this state? This is mind-blowing!
“Don’t take it likely! She is out to kill you! And she is super powerful! You have to find a way to restrain her!” Wynona shouted a warning to him.
“Levi must die!” Zoey shrieked and charged at Levi again.
Levi could not accept the fact that his most beloved wife was out to kill him.



Supreme Grandmaster
Sep 24, 2023

“Stay calm, Levi!” Wynona rushed over and pushed him aside, away from Zoey’s path.

Where Zoey landed, there was a huge crater the size of a basketball court.

“She is not rational now! All she wanted is to kill you, so you have to come to your senses! We have to try to restrain her first! Don’t worry about hurting her. She is way too strong. We may not be her match so we have to execute our full power to fight with her!” Wynona urged.
“All right!” Levi composed himself just in time, as Zoey had charged toward him again.
And he took her blow head-on.
Two of them staggered backward by almost a hundred feet, and the ground where they passed cracked under the force.
Impressive! So this is how powerful the number two of the Gem List is! He can actually take her on!
Wynona was astounded!
“What is wrong with you, Zoey? Look at me! I am Levi!” Levi shouted out to Zoey, hoping to make her recall who he was.
Sadly, Zoey got more agitated upon hearing his name and after taking a good look at him.
“Die!” Her mood got worse, and she became more antagonistic.
Bang, bang, bang!
Levi and Zoey went straight into combat, and Levi’s heart sank as he fought her.
Zoey is incredibly powerful! What had happened to her? She is like an unstoppable beast!
Although Levi was taking her on, he could not bear to unleash his full force on her. After all, she was his most beloved wife!
On the other hand, Zoey was mercilessly attacking him like a mad monster. Every strike was aimed at his vulnerable areas, intended to inflict fatal injuries.
Levi skilfully avoided all her blows, stalling for time while he contemplated the best approach to restrain her.
“Keep an eye on him for me!” Levi handed Okano over to Wynona and focused on taking Zoey on.
“Shadow Clone!” he shouted, and instantly, multiple images of him appeared in front of Zoey. He planned to use this technique to drain her of her energy.
“Kill!” Zoey howled and started attacking the many clones.
Wynona instantly understood Levi’s intention, and she could only sigh, “When is this going to end?”
Soon, both Levi and Wynona could see his strategy had failed. It was almost impossible to tire Zoey out. The more she fought, the more energized she seemed to get.
“You can’t hold back anymore. You have to go in for an attack!’ Wynona shouted.
“Okay!” Levi agreed, and he unleashed more power to counter Zoey’s blows.
Instead of merely defending himself, he took the initiative to attack and without mercy as well.
Boom, boom!
The fight escalated, and under his relentless attacks, Zoey began to show signs of defeat.
Bang, bang, bang!
Levi capitalized on the momentum and dealt Zoey multiple hard blows, causing her to retreat repeatedly.
She was truly stunned by Levi’s prowess, as there was a look of astonishment on her emotionless face.
Spectacular! Even a beast like Zoey was no match! Levi is more dreadful than a monster!
Wynona’s eyes lit up with admiration.
Levi was determined to bring Zoey down, so he kept up with his attack, not giving her any chance to retaliate.
Soon, he cornered her, and that was the opportunity to inflict that fatal blow.
Suddenly, Zoey let out a magnificent roar, and the tables turned.
There was a burst of energy from her, many times stronger than what she had displayed earlier. It was shocking to know a powerhouse like her had more hidden in reserve!
She landed a heavy punch on Levi, and although Levi managed to block her off, he felt a burning sensation on his chest.
Levi’s face fell as Zoey let out rounds of attack, each blow more vicious than the previous.
Levi could barely defend himself.
“Die, Levi, die!” Zoey mustered all her strength and executed the final strike.
Similarly, Levi gave his all and let out a powerful blow.
It was the clash of the titans!
Blood spurted from Levi’s mouth as he was sent flying across the air.



Levi’s limp body landed heavily on the ground.
Wynona froze in shock!

Levi, who was ranked second on the Gem List, was defeated? How did Zoey come up with that last mighty burst of energy to knock him down?
“You held back and did not use your full force, did you?” she asked.
Levi did not answer her. He was shocked beyond words, as he knew he had not held himself back. He lost, simply because Zoey was too powerful!
The unimaginable had happened. He had lost to Zoey!
He could have managed to escape unhurt by using Shadow Clone and counting on his unmatchable speed. He could also execute a skill he had never used before to maintain his invincible status. However, that was a skill his mentor had taught him but sternly reminded him to try his best not to use ever if possible, as the execution of the Forbidden Technique would create havoc to the world.
For the longest time, Levi had remained invincible. He had always managed to crush his opponents, so he had long forgotten about Forbidden Technique.
During the intense battle with Zoey, he recalled that skill. However, he felt he had not gone down to such a desperate state that justified its execution.
In the end, he did not use the Forbidden Technique and decided to take Zoey on with brute force.
That decision led to his defeat.
Zoey wasn’t satisfied with her victory. She charged forward, ready to finish Levi off with another merciless strike.
Again, Levi could not block off her blow and was sent flying across the field again.
Bang! bang!
Strikes after strikes, Zoey ruthlessly went for him.
Plonk! plonk!
After every strike, Levi would lie limply on the ground with blood oozing out from his mouth.
That was the first time he tasted defeat, and he was beaten by none other than his beloved wife!
What happened to her? How could she not recognize me?
“Hahaha… You are a loser, Levi! You asked for it! Feel how it is like to fall at my feet!” Zoey looked down at Levi and gloated triumphantly.
Levi could clearly see the hatred and menace in Zoey’s eyes. He knew it was time to use the Forbidden Technique. With her prowess, Wynona would not be able to stop her, and there would be more sacrifices at her hand. He had to be the one to stop her.
“Go to he*l!” Zoey shrieked!
At that critical moment, something unexpected happened. She suddenly lost all her strength, slumped like a deflated balloon, and collapsed onto the ground. She had fainted!
She seemed to have reverted back to the old Zoey self in her state of unconsciousness.
“Oh no! People are heading this way! Bring the two away, Wynona!” Levi’s expression changed, and he exhorted.
Wynona obliged without questions and immediately took Zoey and Okano away.
Just after they left, the pursuing fighters flocked in and surrounded the site. They were taken aback by the state of destruction they saw. What stunned them more was the sight of a badly injured Levi.
They could not believe their eyes!
The invincible Levi, who was ranked second on the Gem List, being so badly injured? That was unthinkable!
“Is… is that Levi?”
“Seems like… seems like it… How did he get so badly injured?”
“Incredulous! Levi was defeated? How could that be?”
The crowd was flabbergasted, after realizing Levi had been defeated.
It did not take long for news of Levi’s defeat to spread far and wide. Not only was the news shocking to Erudians, but it was also greeted with disbelief internationally.
Fiery Demon’s heir is defeated!
It was devastating news to Fiery Demon and Levi’s followers. It was the end of the world to them.
To the worshippers, Levi had to be invincible. He represented Fiery Demon, and there was no such thing as defeat in their vocabulary. It was simply unthinkable and unacceptable for him to lose!
Levi, who was lying limply at the battle site, was being mocked by the warriors who encircled him. “I guess you never thought you will see this day. You never thought you could be defeated, right? Who is the one who beat you to a pulp?” they sneered.


Who was that? Who was the one who injured Levi? Who was the one who defeated Fiery Demon’s heir?

The whole world was buzzing with speculations.
Levi was left lying injured on the battleground, and he was alone. That meant the victor had left the place, not wanting to boast about the victory nor be in the limelight. That further piqued everyone’s interest in the victor’s identity.

After much speculations, they narrowed it down to one person, Robed Slayer, the one who was previously ranked second on the Gem List.
Previously, there were rumors abound that Robed Slayer was prepared to duel with Levi, although no one had any further news on Robed Slayer.
The public suspected it was probably Robed Slayer who challenged Levi to a fight, won and left.
After all, he was rumored to be a low-profile person who shunned the limelight. The only reason he would want to defeat Levi would be to crush the ego of Levi and his followers, so they could not go on creating trouble for Erudia’s martial artists.
The public was convinced Robed Slayer was the one who defeated Levi, and he became the new idol.
The youth warriors of The Cardinal Hall who were imprisoned by Fiery Demon’s followers were elated when they heard of Levi’s defeat.
Trenton was especially overjoyed. “You are finally defeated, Levi! This day finally arrived! A terrible fate is awaiting you,” he hooted.
Everyone celebrated, and only Yasmine and Josephine showed signs of sorrow.
News of Levi’s defeat and injury worried them. After their interactions with Levi, they could tell he was not a bad guy. In fact, he was far from bad.
Other than Landon, who deserved death, Levi had not hurt any one of them.
Even at the battle on Terragon Hill, he only injured the Erudian martial artists and did not kill any of those warriors.
During the period they were held captive, Levi and his men had never made life difficult for them.
Most notable was Trenton, who was a trouble-maker. Being such a nuisance, they had plenty of excuses to kill him. However, not only did they not do that, they did not even lift a finger to hurt him.
Levi set a good example, and he also instructed his followers to do the same.
He prohibited Blood Fiend from taking human blood and laid down rules for the Seven Fiends that restricted them from killing and harming people.
He was exceptionally nice to the two girls too.
They could not believe such a man was the Fiery Demon’s heir. If he were really such a wicked person, they would have been violated and likely killed.
News of Levi’s defeat brought them mixed emotions, and they could not help but worry for him. They prayed for his safety, even though they knew he was Fiery Demon’s heir.
“Josephine, did you hear that? Levi was defeated, and he is dying! We will be freed soon! I’ve had enough of being locked up!” Trenton ran to them, happily announcing the good news.
Josephine and Yasmin found him irritating and gave him the cold shoulder, as they felt Levi had never imprisoned them.
“And it had to be Robed Slayer! If given a chance, I want to be his disciple!” Trenton did not notice the cold reaction from the girls and continued chattering away.
The news of Levi’s defeat was also met with disbelief in Raysonia.
Just as they sent Ghost Samurai out on his mission to assassinate Okano, they received the mind-boggling news of Levi’s defeat.
Bruce had just arrived back at Zarain, and he was initially shocked by the news. However, he quickly reconciled that fact, and a smile appeared on his face.
So Levi lost out to Zoey!
His mission was accomplished. He could easily imagine the fate of a badly injured Levi in the hands of the warriors from The Cardinal Hall.
With Levi dead and Zoey in that state of mind, the outcome couldn’t be more ideal for him.
At the ruined hospital grounds, more and more people flocked over to the scene. They all wanted to witness firsthand the fall of the Fiery Demon’s heir.
“Robed Slayer defeated Levi! Long live Robed Slayer!”
“This is the Robe Era!”
Kaiden and his team from The Cardinal Hall rushed over to the scene, and they yelled out to Levi, “Surrender and leave quietly with us, Levi!”
However, Levi taunted them by saying, “Do you really think you can get me?”


The reason Levi lost to Zoey was that he wanted to see how powerful she was.

He could have used his skills and speed to avoid her blows and escaped unharmed. Moreover, if he had executed Forbidden Technique, Zoey would be doomed.
Although Wynona had urged him to unleash his full power, he had held back. After all, Zoey was his wife, so how could he bear to hit her with his full force?

Anyone who truly knew his abilities would know he could not have lost unless he did it on purpose.
Indeed, he was injured, but the reason for the injuries was different.
The crowd gathered was puzzled by his words and attitude. They could not comprehend how someone so gravely injured could be so arrogant as to belittle all of them.
“Drop this arrogant act! You are a loser and had lost to Robed Slayer! You are a nobody now!”
“That’s right! Don’t forget you are injured. Even if you are not injured, Robed Slayer could easily crush you again. You will still have to bow.”
“Let me give you a piece of advice. Come with us to The Cardinal Hall. Don’t make a fuss, and you will be spared from more sufferings.”
Levi struggled to sit up and looked at the crowd with disdain.
“You are not thinking you can escape from so many of us, are you?”
“Stop daydreaming!”
All the top warriors of The Cardinal Hall and Eragon were gathered in Oakland City, so there was no way Levi could successfully flee from them.
“Let’s keep that aside. I have something to tell all of you!” Levi suddenly changed the subject.
“Quit your blabber. Are you trying to stall for time?” Kaiden and his team were getting impatient.
“Hold on. Let him speak!” A voice boomed from the crowd, and Kaiden and his team immediately stepped aside respectfully.
Kaiden and his teammates were from The Inferno, which was in charge of handling emergencies and gathering intelligence. In short, they were in charge of the daily operations of The Cardinal Hall.
The person who spoke was the deputy leader of The Inferno, codenamed The Dark Lord.
Compared to Kaiden and his team, he was much higher up in the hierarchy of The Inferno, and his wish was their command.
“Speak! I would like to hear what you have to say!” The Dark Lord stared at Levi and said.
“What I wanted to say is that this is part of Raysonia’s conspiracy. They had already brought forward their second stage of action! If you waste your attention and time on me, it would bring disaster to Erudia and our martial arts world!”
Levi proceeded to tell them everything he knew about Raysonia’s plot.
“As the most powerful organization in Erudia, The Cardinal Hall should look into this matter!” he urged.
“Continue your tall tale!”
“Yeah! Let’s see what other lies you can come up with. I never expect you would try to wriggle out of this in such a manner. You are such a disappointment!”
Although Levi shared everything he knew and all the facts he gave were logical, not many people were willing to believe him. They felt he was finding excuses to get himself out of trouble.
Even The Dark Lord was hesitant to believe him.
“I have proof to back me up! I captured one of the key members of the Raysonia gang. You can interrogate and find out from him directly. I do not want a confrontation with you now. Let me bring him here, and the truth will be revealed.”
Upon hearing that, everyone laughed.
“Oh Levi, are you taking us as fools? Let you go so you can bring him? Do you think that is possible?”
“That’s right! This rascal is taking us for a ride! Tie him up!”
The crowd was in an uproar, and none of them noticed a man had quietly sneaked away from the scene.
It was Ghost Samurai!
He had sneakily joined in the crowd and when he heard Levi had hidden Okano in another location, he left immediately.
“Forget it! I am wasting my breath!” Levi said as he gradually stood up from the ground. He knew he had to fight his way out after all.
“What? You are still thinking of fighting? Don’t you want to see your child, Levi?”



One question was enough to make a confident Levi feel despondent instantly, his body trembling uncontrollably.
He did not know how Zoey’s condition was. His mother, daughter, and Mia were all in the hands of The Cardinal Hall.

It was a really challenging time for him.
“Don’t worry, Levi. Your family is doing very well at The Cardinal Hall. Although you are Fiery Demon’s heir, that doesn’t mean they will be seen in the same light! Your child and sister are exceptionally talented and have been accepted as our disciples. Forlevia, with her rare talent, will be groomed as a future leader. Nevertheless, I feel you should pay them a visit,” The Dark Lord slyly commented.
All those present were full of respect for The Cardinal Hall, praising them for being magnanimous toward the family of an infamous demon. His family should have been eliminated as well.
However, if one read between the lines, especially his last sentence, one would understand it was quite the opposite.
Urging Levi to visit his child and mother could have a double meaning. If taken literally, he was telling Levi The Cardinal Hall was taking good care of his family. The hidden meaning was that his family was in their hands and he had better do as he was told. It was in fact blackmail in disguise.
Your mother and your child are in our hands. Don’t you dare go against us! That was the real message they were trying to send across.
Levi could only helplessly reply, “Sure! I would like to see my mother and my child.”
He did not have a choice as he understood the veiled threat, and so, he had to submit to them.
Come what may, he could not risk the lives of his mother and child.
It was more important to see for himself that they were safe.
He planned to head to The Cardinal Hall first, hoping he would be able to save Forlevia, Emma, and Mia.
Before leaving with The Dark Lord and the other warriors from The Cardinal Hall, Levi secretly left hints for the Seven Fiends, so they would know his whereabouts.
Levi had many pressing matters to attend to at that moment.
Besides the safety of his family in The Cardinal Hall, Zoey was his other worry, but at least she had Wynona to protect her. Levi had already seen Wynona’s impressive combat abilities and knew other than the top three on the Gem List, no one else was her match.
His other grave concern was the second stage of action that Okano mentioned…
Too many urgent matters needed his attention, so he had to plan his moves carefully.
“Take Levi away! We will announce the findings of our investigations and decision another day,” The Dark Lord ordered, and Kaiden and his teammates stepped forward and took Levi away.
Tens of thousands of people witnessed his capture.
“Hahaha… Finally justice is done!”
“Fiery Demon’s heir is captured! This is the end of the evil powers!”
“Today is one of the proudest moments in Erudia’s history!”
The crowd broke into loud cheers and applause.
News of The Cardinal Hall’s success in apprehending Fiery Demon’s heir, who was ranked second on the Gem List, instantly became headline news in Erudia.
The news also created an uproar internationally.
Those who prided themselves as the righteous camp were especially excited and went into celebratory mode.
At every corner, one could see people celebrating the capture of Levi, the symbol of evil.
“Righteousness will always win! This is the destiny of those who do evil!”
“Turn yourself in! The Cardinal Hall will be coming after every one of you!”
“Haha! Robed Slayer can finish off Levi, so what are the rest of the cult members to him? He can easily crush you like ants! You had better surrender.”
Everyone was taunting the Seven Fiends and their followers.
News of the fall of Levi was also warmly welcomed by Bruce and the top guys of Raysonia.
Bruce secretly brought back his loot from Erudia to Zarain, and Raysonia was getting ready to launch the second stage of their crazy plot.
Wynona knew the situation was deeply worrying, so she brought Zoey and Okano to an extremely secluded hiding place.
“What is wrong with you, Zoey?” she cried worriedly.
And suddenly, Zoey opened her eyes!


“Zoey!” Wynona warily stepped away from Zoey.

She intuitively tensed up and got into a combat-ready mode. Obviously, after witnessing Zoey’s shocking abilities, she had become scared and wary of her. She knew if Zoey were to go into that crazy mode again, she would not be able to stop her.
Okano, who was with them, had fear written all over his face, worried Zoey would freak out and kill him with a single blow.

Wynona’s reaction puzzled Zoey, so she asked, “What… what is wrong, Ms. Wilcox?” There was a look of bewilderment in her eyes.
She seemed to be back to her gentle self, with no hint of the earlier hostile beast in her.
Wynona was genuinely confused and even began to wonder if she was having a hallucination earlier, and that the monster Zoey did not exist at all.
“Are… are you feeling okay, Zoey?” she anxiously asked.
“I feel fine. What’s wrong? I think I had a dream, and I was fighting with someone in the dream.” Zoey was massaging her head, and trying hard to recall. She had a very vague impression but no recollection of what had happened.
Her power also seemed to have diminished drastically compared to earlier, as Wynona could not sense much energy on her. This was the Zoey she knew and was familiar with.
“Do you not remember what happened earlier?” Wynona asked in astonishment.
“No, I can’t. What happened?” Zoey questioned.
“You were engaged in a battle just now. You were fighting with… a few bad guys, and then you fainted.” Wynona came close to mentioning Levi’s name, but she managed to stop herself in time. She remembered it was his name that triggered Zoey and made her go berserk.
She did not dare to say that name again in Zoey’s presence, as no one would be able to stop her if she went into another crazy frenzy.
“Zoey, do you feel any discomfort?” Wynona probed.
Zoey paused to examine her own feeling, then shook her head and said, “I don’t feel weird or different. Previously, I seemed to have some mental block in my mind, but that is gone! I have to thank you for bringing in those doctors to treat me!”
Gone? She has recovered? How did that happen?
Wynona was baffled, as she knew Bruce was no doctor, and he was there with the sinister motive of driving Zoey crazy.
“What can you recall, Zoey? Can you remember anything?” Wynona continued with her probing.
“I do remember things. I was… I have… I have a daughter and her name is Evie. But… I cannot remember who my husband is! How is that possible? Why do I not remember him? I have forgotten my husband! Who is my husband?” She rubbed her head in frustration and shook it vigorously.
There was a void in her memory. It was as if someone had taken away the part of her memory about her husband.
Huh? She cannot remember Levi? What is happening?
Wynona was dumbfounded!
What happened was that Bruce tried to stimulate Zoey’s brain into overdrive, causing the two consciousness in her to clash. He wanted to help Jared’s consciousness win over Zoey’s, so he can take over her mind and thus control her body as well.
However, that did not happen as Jared had only a portion of his consciousness transferred to Zoey. On top of that, Zoey was a strong-minded person, so when the two clashed, Zoey won. Jared’s consciousness was assimilated into Zoey’s and ceased to exist anymore.
However, there was a side effect though. Jared’s remaining consciousness turned into hatred and set roots in Zoey’s mind. The person he hated most was Levi, so the end result was Zoey subconsciously saw Levi as her greatest foe.
It was like order was given to Zoey’s brain—kill Levi!
With that assimilation, Zoey lost all memories of her husband, and Levi became her greatest enemy.
That was the reason why she would go berserk and go into killing mode as soon as his name was mentioned or when she saw him.
“Calm down, Zoey. You will be all right after a good rest.” Wynona was quick to console her.
As for Levi, after being taken away by The Cardinal Hall, he did not get a chance to see Forlevia. They had lied to him.


The Dark Lord did not bring Levi back to The Cardinal Hall. Instead, he was taken to a villa in the outskirt of Oakland City.

The place looked like a vacation house, but in actual fact, it was one of the secret bases of The Cardinal Hall.
Housed in the basement of the villa was their intelligence section, staffed by many highly skilled warriors. There was also a prison in there.

Levi was blindfolded when they transported him, and when the blindfold was removed, he found himself in a prison.
It was a carefully designed, highly secured prison that was almost impossible to get out of.
He could forget about jail breaking.
“I thought you are bringing me to my family. Where are they?” he asked.
“Don’t forget you are now the most wanted prisoner in The Cardinal Hall. Do you think you can make demands and give orders?”
“If you stay good, we will not only let you meet your daughter and mother, but we will also ensure they have a bright future and a comfortable life.”
Levi was not so gullible as to think they would honor their promise. However, he had to play along with them as he did not know where The Cardinal Hall was, so even if he managed to fight his way out, he would not be able to find his family. More likely, he would place them in greater danger.
The only thing he could do was to humor them until he had a chance to meet his family.
“Fine, I will do as you command.” That was the only way forward for him.
“Lock him up!” The Dark Lord ordered.
In a flash, nine chains as thick as one’s arm were brought in, and it took almost a hundred men to carry them in.
Those nine chains were fastened onto Levi, and everyone let out a sigh of relief after that was done.
“He would not have expected that to be the famous Dragon Chain of The Cardinal Hall!”
“Yes, this is the legendary chain that could restrain a dragon! It may be a myth, but it is true that to date, no one had been able to break out of it!”
Yes, it was the legendary Dragon Chain that they used on Levi.
Based on The Manifest Court’s records, to date, the Dragon Chain had been used on seventy-eight occasions.
And of the seventy-eight prisoners it was used on, none of them managed to break free from it. What made it more impressive was that all those prisoners were super strong warriors.
As such, there was a belief within The Cardinal Hall that the Dragon Chain could restrain a real dragon, let alone a mere human.
Once the Dragon Chain was fastened on, no one could dream of breaking free.
That was the sinister plan of The Inferno. They had no intention of killing Levi, even though he was the biggest demon ever to exist.
He was of more value to them alive than dead, so locking him up would serve their interest better.
They planned to find out more about Cyrus and his secrets from Levi, such as where did Cyrus go, what was the secret to his skills, et cetera.
With sufficient information, they could work backward and identify Cyrus’ weaknesses so they could deal with him.
As such, they had absolutely no wish to kill Levi.
The Dragon Chain was created for people like Levi. Once he was restrained by the Dragon Chain, he would no longer pose any threat to The Cardinal Hall.
It did not take long for Levi to sense something was wrong. The nine chains were slowly penetrating into his flesh and went deep in to lock onto his bones!
This is…? Oh no!
Levi knew things weren’t to his advantage, but he had to go through it to achieve his aim.
The special feature about the Dragon Chain was that it locked into one’s flesh and onto one’s bones. On top of that, spells had been cast onto the chains and it was infused with supernatural powers to further strengthen the already strong material. In short, all means had been deployed to make it unbreakable.
“So, can I meet my family now?” Levi asked.
“Don’t worry. You will soon be able to meet them!” Kaiden and his team teased.
Levi was at their mercy, and they could do anything they want to him. However, they did not want to create any animosity between them, as they needed his cooperation in order to get privy information on Cyrus.
In order to calm him, they would let him meet his family.
After Levi was captured by The Cardinal Hall, everyone had written him off as dead.
The Raysonia gang and Bruce were among those most excited by the outcome.
“Start stage two of our plan now!” The Raysonians were finally ready to spring into action.


With Levi out of the picture, it was the best time for them to act. And a largescale mission had started on quietly.

Levi knew The Inferno’s intention was to restrain him, but he played along as his aim was to get to meet Forlevia, Emma, and Mia.
There were many worries on his mind.

First of all, he was very worried about Zoey. She was too formidable, and he knew other than him with his Forbidden Technique, no one else could stop her.
In addition, there was this second stage of action that Okano mentioned.
He knew he had to act fast, and time was running out.
“You said you will let me meet my mother and daughter. The Cardinal Hall would honor its words, right?” he pressed on.
Kaiden and his team walked over and smilingly cajoled him, saying “They are on their way! But before that, you have to answer a few questions!”
“Firstly, do you acknowledge you are the heir to Fiery Demon?” Zelda asked.
“I don’t even know who Fiery Demon is, so what do you want me to acknowledge?” Levi sneered.
“Then how did you become so powerful? Moreover, your skills and fighting styles were exactly like that of Fiery Demon! How do you explain that?” Gerald howled.
“I dreamt about it!” Levi teased.
“You… you better don’t kid around. Do you know you are…” Jabez nearly blurted out about the Dragon Chain, but Kaiden stopped him just in time.
“Answer our questions properly, and you will get to see your family!” Kaiden offered.
“Just go. Leave!” The Dark Lord came into the room and brought Kaiden and his team away.
“Why won’t you let us interrogate and force him to spill the beans?” someone asked.
“You don’t know Levi well. He would never tell us anything before he gets to meet his family. We have to let them meet before we can get him to volunteer the information we want.”
Two of Levi’s worries were unfounded. Forlevia, Emma, and Mia were safe, and Zoey’s condition was stable.
However, his third worry had materialized.
Raysonia had set their second stage of action in motion, and many men in black appeared at all corners of Erudia at about the same time.
They were on assassination missions, and their targets were those youths on the Stone list. They were out to eliminate the future leaders of Erudia.
Other than those on the Stone list, they also had their sight on a few hundred youths with great potential. Those were talents spotted by The Manifest Court.
With the existence of these talents, Erudia martial arts world would have a bright future.
However, Raysonia made use of the chaos Erudia was facing at that moment to launch their assassinations.
All their top warriors were mobilized, and they were out to get rid of those talented youths.
When the Erudians were fighting with the followers of the Fiery Demon, many of these youths were sent by their families to join in the fights so they could gain some experience. As such, they were exposed and could easily be tracked. Moreover, since they were away from home, they did not have many seniors around to protect them, so they became easy prey for the Raysonians.
Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!
The highly skilled warriors from Raysonia started on their missions, and one after another, the talented Erudian youths fell.
They were targeted and had been watched closely by their foes, so there was simply no chance of escape for them.
The most horrible thing was the Raysonians were not out to kill them. They badly injured them so they became disabled and would never be able to train again. That was many times crueler than killing them.
The last on the Stone list went down!
The one ranked fifteen also went down!
Next was the top ranking youth on the Stone list!
One after another, these youths became disabled.
Number nine on Stone list was gone!
Next fell the one ranked eight!
In a single night, hundreds of talented youths in Erudia were targeted, and all of them ended up being disabled.
No one could have predicted that…
The foundation for Erudia’s future collapsed overnight…
It was a catastrophe!
It was a tragic night!


Even though those young talents were strong, they stood no chance at all when they were being targeted.

Apart from Josephine and the others, who were “locked up” by Levi, and Forlevia, who were taken away by The Cardinal Hall, all of Erudia’s young talents had been injured severely.
Even the top three of the Stone List were targets of the assassination.

Nevertheless, they were on completely different levels from the other young talents, so they managed to kill all the assassins and fight their way out.
It was not without a price, though. All three of them were severely injured.
“How could you let the top three escape? Don’t you know they’re much stronger than other talents? Why didn’t you send more assassins? What if they expose us?” The leader of the Raysonian forces was infuriated when he learned about the top three’s escape.
“Sir, we’re sorry for our incompetence, but we can still fix this! The top three were separated and have gone missing. We can still find them before they return to their respective forces.”
Hearing that, the leader ordered, “Send our men to hunt them down and kill them before anyone finds them. Also, I need you to spread the news that this is the Seven Fiends’ deed. They were angry about The Cardinal Hall capturing Levi, so they retaliated by targeting all of Erudia’s young talents.”
“Yes, sir!” his subordinates answered.
“We have destroyed Erudia’s foundation and ruined its future! Its authority is now fighting with Fiery Demon’s followers. This has undermined Erudia’s martial arts world. This is our chance! Rasonian Bushido shall rise and conquer the martial arts world!”
The Rasonians were elated to hear that.
The horrific news of hundreds of young talents being incapacitated stirred up a storm in Erudia.
They were the future of Erudia’s martial arts world, and now the future was ruined.
The ancient factions were fuming in anger.
It was heartbreaking to see their disciples lying on the ground with weak vital signs.
“Who did this? We will definitely make them pay!”
The Dragonites and The Cardinal Hall were also knocked sideways by the news.
As the most powerful organization, The Cardinal Hall was responsible for ensuring the martial arts world’s prosperity.
Its main duty was to protect and train the younger generation.
Hence, the news came as a devastating blow to them.
“All the young talents were incapacitated? This could ruin the future of Erudia’s martial arts world! Go and find out who did this!”
Soon, rumors had it that it was the Seven Fiends’ deed. They were angry that Fiery Demon’s heir was captured, so they retaliated by incapacitating all Erudia’s young talents.
No one doubted the truthfulness of the rumor.
After all, apart from Eragon and The Cardinal Hall, only Fiery Demon’s forces had the power to cause such catastrophe.
Never had they suspected that a foreign force was behind this.
Unbeknownst to them, many foreign forces flocked into Erudia when it opened its border during the chaos.
Many elites from the Raysonian forces had infiltrated many parts of Erudia, which explained why they could catch Erudia off guard.
It was clearly premeditated.
“How dare they ruin the future of Erudia’s martial arts world! We must get rid of Fiery Demon’s followers and kill the Seven Fiends!”
All of them were furious.
“What? The Seven Fiends were the ones behind this? How could this be?” Wynona was shocked when she heard about the news, for the Seven Fiends were with them last night since they received Levi’s order.


Besides, Wynona had asked the Seven Fiends before and was told that Levi’s order was for them to stay put. If that was so, how could they attack Erudia’s young talents?

Before this, she had even made an assurance at Gamma Tech that Levi would never do something that would endanger Erudia. Instantly, she realized someone had framed Levi.
On the other hand, Okano was exhilarated when he heard about the news. “Huh! We have succeeded! Long live Raysonia! “

Enraged, Blood Fiend roared, “I’ll kill you!”
“Calm down!” The others quickly halted him.
Later, Wynona discussed with the Seven Fiends to come up with a solution. “We should prove to them that we’re innocent.”
“The evidence we collected so far is still too little to convince them of our innocence. Now that Master Garrison has been caught, it’s even harder for us to clear our names.”
“That’s right. I’m afraid we will become their target.”
None of them noticed that a Ghost Samurai, who initially received the order to kill Okano, had sneaked in and rescued him.
It was all too late when someone finally noticed that Okano was missing. “Where’s Okano? He’s gone!”
Although Wynona had strong power detection ability, she was still inept in exercising it. Otherwise, she would have sensed the energy fluctuation.
“I suppose someone has rescued him. Our location is exposed. We need to move!” urged Sword Fiend.
“All right. Let’s retreat now!”
All of them beat a hasty retreat.
As expected, some elites arrived just after they left the place.
In prison, Levi was worried about what was happening outside.
However, no one responded to his enquiry.
Suddenly, the door busted open by a kick.
The next moment, Kaiden and the others stormed in.
“Levi Garrison, look what your subordinates have done!” Gerald bellowed.
“What’s wrong?” Levi asked.
“The Seven Fiends incapacitated all Erudia’s young talents to seek revenge on us for capturing you. Those poor young people can never train martial arts for the rest of their lives. The top three of the Stone List were also severely injured and have gone missing. Your subordinates have ruined the future of Erudia’s martial arts world overnight. Damn all of you followers of the Fiery Demon!”
The others were so infuriated that they wished they could kill Levi.
After hearing their words, Levi’s heart sank.
So this is the Raysonian’s second plan… They could carry out their plan without interference by directing people’s anger and attraction toward me. They intended to ruin Erudia’s martial arts world’s future! How despicable!
“I’ve told you guys before. This is Raysonian’s conspiracy! This is their second plan…” Levi looked up and stared at them with his bloodshot eyes.
Feeling disappointed, he lambasted, “I thought that the leaders of The Cardinal Hall are all smart people. Now, it turns out they are nothing but a bunch of fools.”
“Levi Garrison, how dare you humiliate The Cardinal Hall!” All of them took offense at Levi’s insult.
“I’m innocent! Someone is trying to sow discord between us. Why wouldn’t you guys believe in me? You idi*ts!” Levi blew up at them.
“Hmph! Let me remind you that you’re chained up by the Dragon Chain. There’s no way you can break free, so you’ll be stuck here for the rest of your life. You won’t ever get to meet your family again!” With that, they left in a huff.
A malicious smile appeared on Levi’s face. “Finally, you told me of your ultimate intention.”


Actually, Levi had already guessed that they were locking him in prison to elicit information from him.

Still, he was clinging to the hope that they would let him meet his mother and his child.
In hindsight, he was wrong.

I can’t listen to them anymore! I need to fight back! Dragon Chain, huh? Let me try and see if I can break it!
With all his might, he tried to break the Dragon Chain.
Clank! Clank! Clank!
To his surprise, the chain merely vibrated with a clang.
Not even a crack appeared on it.
Instead, the parts of the chain that pierced through his body tightened.
As a result, his bones were suppressed, and his body was a bloody mess as the chains ground his flesh.
Levi’s expression changed. The Dragon Chain sure is strong.
“Oh, Levi, you’re just wasting your energy. No one has ever opened the Dragon Chain. Once it’s locked, it won’t reopen until the day you die. The more you struggle, the tighter it’ll become. In the end, it can even break your bones.”
Kaiden and the others halted their steps and began to hoot with laughter when they saw Levi trying to break the Dragon Chain. They knew he could never break it.
“Take your time. I love to see you struggle in vain,” Gerald taunted.
After a few futile attempts, the Dragon Chain became tighter and tighter.
A puddle of blood rapidly formed on the floor as blood continued gushing out of Levi’s wounds.
Despite that, he did not even let out a cry of pain.
This won’t work. I need to calm down. Soon, he stopped struggling. His brain was running at high speed, trying to figure a way out.
My family and subordinates are still waiting for me. I can’t be stuck in here.
Seeing that Levi had stopped struggling, Kaiden and the others smiled sarcastically. “There’s no use of you struggling. No one has ever escaped this prison before.”
With that, they left the prison.
No one stayed to guard Levi since the latter could not escape anyway.
Even if someone were to rescue him, there was no way they could open the Dragon Chain.
Levi was as good as dead.
Meanwhile, the top three of the Stone List were stuck in the depth of mountains, being hunted down by the Raysonians.
In the face of the Raysonians’ attacks, they were forced to jump off the cliff. No one knew if they were still alive.
The Raysonians conducted a search but failed to find them. Eventually, they left the mountain.
After all, if they could not find the top three, no one could either.
Their chances of survival was slim no doubt.
Even if they survived the fall, they would at least be severely injured. Their deaths were certain if they could not get treatment in time.
Hence, the Raysonians were satisfied with the damage they caused, for they had completely ruined most, if not all of Erudia’s young talents.
The Cardinal Hall, too, had searched in vain for the top three.
It was a devastating blow to Erudia’s martial arts world, especially the younger generations.
The young talents, especially the top three, were the future of the martial arts world. The factions had invested much money and effort in them.
Even though they had more than enough resources to cultivate more talents in the future, it would take them decades to find the potential talents.
They could not afford to wait that long.
“It’s all Levi’s and the Seven Fiends’ fault! If it weren’t because of them, we wouldn’t lose all the young talents.”
“I suggest that The Cardinal Hall sentence Levi to death! This will be a great deterrent to the followers of Fiery Demon.”
“The Seven Fiends shall die as well!”
On the other hand, Wynona and the others had moved to a safe place.
“Zoey, what’s wrong?” asked Wynona when she noticed Zoey’s solemn expression.
“I just heard my enemy’s name.” Zoey’s eyes were full of murderous intent.
“Who’s your enemy?”


“Levi Garrison!” Zoey exclaimed through gritted teeth, with vibes so chilling that they stunned everyone.

Isn’t Levi her husband?
How did he become her enemy instead?

The Seven Fiends were feeling perplexed.
“That’s not it. Ms. Lopez, Levi is your…”
Just when they started to speak, they were interrupted by Wynona.
“Do you still remember Levi?” Wynona tried to probe further, trying her luck.
“I remember that he’s my enemy! I am gonna kill him if I see him!” Zoey said, her eyes burning with fury.
“I heard that he has already been captured and will be executed soon! That’s fantastic!” Zoey was overjoyed when she heard the news.
After observing Zoey for some time and hearing what she said earlier on, Wynona had already figured out what was going on.
Jared’s consciousness must have attacked Zoey’s mind and infiltrated her consciousness, resulting in Zoey’s memory loss.
It had to be Jared’s consciousness at play for her to think that Levi was actually her arch-enemy as Levi was actually that man’s enemy.
Well, this is a tough situation!
Wynona was at a loss as to what to do.
The situation had been made even more challenging due to the fact that Zoey had gained new superpowers.
Meanwhile, at The Cardinal Hall, the council members were fuming and the leader of The Inferno was kneeling on the ground.
Everyone was in disbelief that even with the combined forces of The Cardinal Hall and Eragon, that had still happened.
Obviously, they were upset about it.
“The elites of Erudia have all been incapacitated. Trenton, Josephine and the rest have also landed in the hands of the Fiends, and that’s as good as being incapacitated too. It seems like Evie is our only hope!”
“Relay my orders that from now onward, no one is allowed to make plans on Evie and Mia! The Cardinal Hall will be focusing all our resources on grooming them. The future of Erudia’s martial arts world will depend on the two of them! Without our permission, no one is allowed to do anything to them! Also, we should try to save as many incapacitated elites as we can!”
That decision made by the council members of The Cardinal Hall had shattered The Inferno’s plan.
They were intending to use Forlevia to threaten Levi, in order to get him to divulge Cyrus’ secrets.
Their troubles would be resolved if Levi knew the secret.
Meanwhile, Levi had spent a long time thinking of reasons why the Dragon Chain could not be unlocked.
He concluded that there were two main reasons.
The first reason was related to the Dragon Chain’s structure. The nine chains were complementary to one another with a special mechanism designed. If any movement was detected on one of the chains, the other chains would be able to sense the motion and activate the mechanism, tightening the Dragon Chain.
The second reason was that, the material used to create the Dragon Chain was the extremely rare iron meteorite. Combined with the skills of the master of magical techniques, the Dragon Chain was practically indestructible! It was simply impossible to unlock it!
That was also the reason they were so confident to leave Levi alone, without anyone keeping watch on him.
They were certain that the man would not be able to escape.
Levi took a deep breath and muttered to himself, “Mentor, judging by the current situation, it seems like I’ve no choice but to use the Forbidden Technique!”
However, Levi’s mentor did not actually impart the skill to him.
It was recorded in the ancient manual instead.
Even though Levi was warned not to use the technique, he had no other choice but to use it during such a crucial moment.
Even though Levi was unable to unlock the Dragon Chain just by his powers alone, the Forbidden Technique should help him with that!
As such, the man was determined to try. After all, it was a matter of life and death.
“I don’t believe that nothing can break open this Dragon Chain!”
Meanwhile, a piece of shocking news had erupted outside.
Robed Slayer, who was second on the Gem list, had appeared and released a statement, announcing that it wasn’t him who defeated Levi. In fact, he had never even met the man.
Everyone was shocked by the news.
If it wasn’t the Robed Slayer who had defeated Levi, who could it be then?


Everyone was perplexed and curious to know who it was who managed to defeat Levi.

It wasn’t anyone from The Cardinal Hall or Eragon, Xenotoph was still in seclusion, and Hendrix, the Southern Emperor who was also the first on the Gem List, had already been missing for several years.
If that was the case, there didn’t seem to be anyone else who would be Levi’s match.

Who was it then, who had managed such a feat?
Not only was everyone in Erudia bewildered, the news had also stunned the forces in Raysonia, as they wondered who it could be if it wasn’t the Robed Slayer who had defeated Levi.
They were curious to know if it was someone from within or outside of Erudia, and if that person was a friend or foe to them.
A moment ago, the Raysonian forces were still rejoicing over the damage which they had caused to the Erudia martial arts world.
As such, the sudden news came as a shock.
Just then, Bruce, from Zarain, had also gotten in touch with them.
“Well done, guys! That wasn’t even something we could have achieved!”
The chieftain of the Raysonian forces replied with a smile, “How can we be compared to you, Mr. Johnston! We can only use backhand methods, catching our enemies unaware. However, you launched an open and direct attack on them!”
“Haha! But we failed and you guys succeeded! I think we should cooperate more in the future. We have benefited a lot from your operation, allowing us to complete our mission in Erudia!”
“Cooperation? Sure! We’ll be more than willing to do that!”
“It’s set then, here’s to our cooperation! We’ll let you in on a piece of news as well. It was actually Levi’s wife who defeated him! She…”
Bruce told the Raysonian forces everything.
“Oh, so that’s how it is!”
“I think we can continue making use of his wife! Since she was able to defeat Levi, if we make the right moves, I’m sure she’ll be able to cause further damage to Erudia!”
“Sounds great! I’m looking forward to our next cooperation! Let’s aim to achieve something big!”
The upcoming cooperation between the two unscrupulous organizations would no doubt pose a threat to any country or party!
Everyone was sure that the enemy forces would take further action after causing unrest in Erudia’s martial arts world.
Currently, the whole of Erudia was wondering who Levi had lost to!
Meanwhile, Levi, who was still stuck in prison, finally used the Forbidden Technique.
The man was indeed extremely talented in martial arts.
Besides the fact that Levi had been warned not to use the technique, it was also stated in the manual that it was a skill that was extremely hard to master!
Even those with unmatched talents might not be able to learn it properly.
However, Levi had managed to acquire the skill.
“Forbidden Technique!” Levi uttered in a low voice.
Hiss, Hiss, Hiss…
Suddenly, terrifying energy exuded from the man. Seconds later, the energy transformed into black flames, burning strongly.
The Dragon Chain was shrouded by the flames, and almost ten minutes later, a horrifying scene appeared.
Crack! Crack!
The Dragon Chain had been broken!
The special mechanism which was incorporated into the design of the Dragon Chain did not work at all!
That was because the nine chains were broken at the same time, as such, the mechanism was not activated.
Levi freed himself after the last chain broke.
The man exerted a strong force that sent the remaining parts of the Dragon Chain flying.
“That’s it? When they said no one would be able to unlock the Dragon Chain, it’s because they haven’t met me yet!”
As no one was watching him, Levi left after.
After The Cardinal Hall knew that it wasn’t Robed Slayer who defeated Levi, Kaiden was immediately sent to find out from Levi who it was who managed to beat him.
“Hmm? Something doesn’t seem right!”
After reaching the prison, the people sensed that something was off and dashed inside immediately.
When they saw that the cell was empty, everyone was dumbfounded.
What’s going on?
Why is it empty?
Where’s Levi?
Trenton and the rest ran forward and were stunned when they saw the Dragon Chain, which was broken.
This can’t be!
“How did Levi manage to break open the Dragon Chain? Has he really escaped? Oh my God!”



Kaiden slumped onto the floor as he stared at the empty cell in disbelief, feeling terrified!
In fact, everyone could not believe what was happening and their eyeballs were nearly popping out of their sockets.

How could the Dragon Chain be broken?
How is that even possible!
In the whole of The Cardinal Hall’s history, no one had been able to break free from the Dragon Chain, no matter how formidable they were.
It was simply impossible to do so!
There were no exceptions!
However, Levi had managed to break the Dragon Chain, which was frightening!
After examining the rupture points of the Dragon Chain, Gerald muttered, “The chain was broken by a combination of flames and a tremendous force! This is too crazy! Who on earth would have that kind of force? It’s impossible!”
Zelda shook her head helplessly, saying, “Well, we have no choice but to believe it! The Dragon Chain is indeed broken, and Levi has indeed escaped!”
“Is it really Levi’s own powers? I don’t believe it! Someone must have come to rescue him!”
Trenton and the rest merely stared in disbelief.
“Someone saved him? Who could be so powerful to be able to break the Dragon Chain?”
“We should quickly inform the rest!”
“Levi has escaped!”
“Levi has escaped!”
Chaos ensued after news that Levi had escaped broke out.
When The Cardinal Hall and Eragon heard about it, everyone was shocked.
They could not believe that the Dragon Chain was broken! That was as good as an insult to The Cardinal Hall’s dignity.
No one had ever to pull off such a feat!
Their minds were in complete shambles as they did not expect that the Dragon Chain would one day be broken!
The level of shock that they were dealt with was just like telling them that the Earth was not round, but flat!
Even though it was already a fact, everyone refused to believe that it had indeed happened!
Just how is it possible that the Dragon Chain is broken?
That’s completely absurd!
Meanwhile, in the villa, Kaiden and the rest were in extremely low spirits.
“This is bad! Now that Levi has escaped, and the council members are focusing all their efforts to groom Evie and Mia, we don’t have any bargaining chips to threaten Levi! What should we do now?”
“Our leader has suggested to hold Evie hostage to threaten Levi to return. However, not only did the council members reject his proposal, he was even punished! Everyone has been warned not to lay our hands on the children, and anyone who goes against the order will be executed!”
“Oh, that means we are in deep trouble! It’s a double blow!”
The few of them continued to discuss.
Unbeknownst to them, Levi had not left yet, but was hiding within the compounds of the villa.
After the man heard the conversation between them, he heaved a silent sigh of relief.
Thank God!
Those geniuses with great potential had all been incapacitated by the Raysonian forces.
Besides, Forlevia’s talent was unparalleled. As such, Levi was sure that no one would dare to lay a finger on his daughter. Not only that but she would also be worshiped like a treasure by The Cardinal Hall.
Knowing that, there was nothing else Levi had to worry about.
Since the Raysonian forces had already succeeded in their second plan, there was nothing Levi could do to salvage the situation.
Hence, his priority was to find Zoey and the rest.
As Levi had special means to contact the Seven Fiends, he managed to get hold of them quickly after leaving the villa and headed over to their location straight away.
Suddenly, a piece of shocking news was circulating around.
Levi, the Big Demon’s heir, had escaped from The Cardinal Hall and was nowhere to be found!
Everyone had barely gotten over the shocking statement made by Robed Slayer a while back.
As such, they were stunned beyond words when they heard the second piece of explosive news within such a short time.
“What? Levi has escaped from The Cardinal Hall? Is his power really that terrifying already?”
“If The Cardinal Hall cannot subdue him, there’s probably no one else who can!”
“That’s not true. There was someone who managed to defeat the man previously. Whoever that person is, please get them to help one more time!”
Meanwhile, the Raysonian forces and Bruce were engaged in a joyful discussion regarding their next steps when they received the news.
“What? Levi escaped?” Bruce exclaimed as his eyes widened in shock.


The Raysonian forces were shocked as well.

That did not make sense at all!
They had thought that their greatest enemy had been eliminated, but it turned out that he had escaped.

How is that even possible?
Not only was The Cardinal Hall the most influential martial arts organization in Erudia, they had even used the Dragon Chain to restrain Levi.
How is it possible that he has managed to escape?
That was definitely bad news to them!
It might even be disastrous for them!
“How did that even happen? With Levi’s abilities, there was no way he could have broken free from the Dragon Chain!”
“What’s going on? Could there be someone helping him?”
Bruce and the Raysonian forces fell into deep thought.
After pondering for a while, Bruce said, “The first thing Levi’s gonna do is to find Zoey! We can make use of that to our advantage, but we have to act fast!”
“Sure, understood!”
After the news had gotten out, The Cardinal Hall’s reputation was totally shattered and was slandered by the entire world!
The Cardinal Hall, which was revered, had turned into a laughing stock!
That was even more so for the legendary Dragon Chain, which was supposed to be impossible to unlock or break.
On the other hand, the Fiends were overjoyed that even The Cardinal Hall was not able to restrain Levi.
It seemed like the future was looking good for them.
Trenton and the rest were looking gloomy as they grumbled about The Cardinal Hall.
However, when Josephine and Yasmin heard the news, the two of them heaved a sigh of relief instead, feeling glad that Levi was safe.
Even they themselves had not realized that they were so concerned about the man.
After Levi escaped, The Cardinal Hall was at a loss, not knowing what do to.
They were unable to come up with a plan to deal with it.
It was pure luck that they had managed to capture Levi the previous time.
But what about this time?
They did not even know where the man was.
How were they supposed to capture him when they did not have a single clue on his whereabouts?
The last resort for The Cardinal Hall and Eragon was to use their trump card, but doing that would mean letting the foreign forces get their way.
With the whole world watching them, they did not dare to reveal their trump card.
Most importantly, they did not know who it was who had defeated Levi!
As such, everyone had their hopes placed on Robed Slayer.
Meanwhile, Levi sprinted all the way and finally met up with the Seven Fiends in a villa in the suburbs of Oakland City.
“Master Garrison, you’re injured! How are you feeling?” The Seven Fiends asked worriedly after seeing Levi, who was covered in blood.
Levi dismissed their concerns with a wave and replied, “I’m OK, it’s just a small wound. I hurt myself while trying to break free from the Dragon Chain!”
“Master Garrison, you’re a rare talent indeed! Three of the Old Master’s friends, who have also been trapped by the Dragon Chain, have not been seen since. No one knows if they are alive or dead!”
“Yup, Old Master was the last person who said that the Dragon Chain does not work on him! Master Garrison, you’re his successor indeed!”
The Seven Fiends could not stop lavishing praises on Levi, who was anxious to find Zoey.
“Master Garrison, Ms. Zoey is inside! We’ll show you the way!”
The Seven Fiends quickly led the way.
“Master Garrison, she’s right there!”
Everyone was reunited once again at the villa.
When Levi and Zoey saw each other, both of them were momentarily stunned.
There was nothing Wynona could do to stop the meeting from happening as it was simply too late.
The meeting between the two was unavoidable.
“Zoey, are you alright now?”
Levi was overjoyed when he saw that Zoey appeared to be normal.
However, Zoey was rooted to the spot and had not seemed to recover from her shock.
Right after Levi spoke, Zoey’s murderous instincts were activated.
A terrifying aura that had erupted from the woman shrouded the entire villa instantly.
The Seven Fiends could feel their hearts racing!
Cyrus, their Old Master, was the only person they knew with such a terrifying murderous aura.
Zoey’s eyes had also become bloodshot, looking like she was ready to kill.
“Levi, you must die!” Zoey bellowed.
“Run! She doesn’t recognize you anymore! She sees you as her enemy now!” Wynona yelled immediately.
However, it was too late.
Zoey had already made her move, striking Levi, not allowing him any chance of escape.


As such, Levi had no choice but to defend himself!

Zoey’s punch was so powerful that it caused a deep crack on the ground, splitting the villa into two.

The Seven Fiends were startled by her energy.
Is it necessary to go to this extent?
They could hardly believe that the gentle and virtuous woman could be so violent!
“I haven’t told you guys yet. She was actually the one who defeated your master!” Wynona said, standing at one side.
The crowd gasped in shock when they heard that.
No wonder Robed Slayer had clarified that it wasn’t him who did it.
So it’s actually her!
“It could be that your master had let her win on purpose, but it’s likely that both of them were equally matched!”
The Seven Fiends were shocked after hearing what Wynona said, feeling terrified.
Zoey’s attacks were direct and powerful, with every single move enough to cause massive destruction.
Even Levi noticed that Zoey’s powers had increased from the previous time they fought.
What’s going on?
“Let’s all help to keep Zoey under control first,” Wynona shouted as she joined in the battle.
During that period, Wynona had grown better at exercising her powers and was almost able to realize the full potential of it.
After the Seven Fiends joined in as well, Zoey’s attacks were immediately faced with resistance.
Like a demon who had gone berserk, Zoey bellowed, “He’s my enemy! Why are you guys stopping me? Get out of my way!”
Zoey sent Blood Fiend flying with one punch.
Then, she sent another punch towards Ghost Fiend.
Even though Wynona also suffered from the same fate as the Fiends, she had only staggered a few hundred meters back and had remained standing.
“Guys, please hang on for just a little longer! I’ll figure out a way to subdue her!”
Levi could not bear to use the Forbidden Technique on Zoey.
He was worried that he might injure her by using that, or even worse, kill her.
As such, the man planned to see if there was anything else written in the ancient manual that he could use to keep Zoey under control.
Even though chances were slim, it was still worth a shot.
Levi started flipping through the ancient manual at once.
Meanwhile, the Seven Fiends and Wynona were trying their best to restrain Zoey, but the woman was just too scary.
Her fury seemed fuel her powers, which were getting stronger by the second!
As such, the Seven Fiends and Wynona did not dare to attack Zoey, but were merely trying to stop her attacks.
Soon, most of them were inflicted with injuries.
They were simply no match for Zoey!
Even Wynona had been sent flying again and again.
It seemed like the group was not going to last long against the woman.
As everyone was concentrated on the battle, no one had noticed a figure hiding in a dimly lit corner.
It was none other than Ghost Samurai, who was sent by the Raysonian forces!
He had been searching for Levi and the rest and noticed the sounds of fighting.
As such, he concealed himself in a corner while secretly observing the situation.
As Levi was focused on finding a solution in the ancient manual, he did not discover Ghost Samurai, but could sense energy fluctuations nearby.
“Hmm? It seems like there’s someone else around?”
However, Levi did not have time for anything else as his priority was to subdue Zoey.
Hence, he continued flipping through the ancient manual.
Finally, he found an ancient medical skill, a needling technique, that could be used to control a person by inserting a needle into one’s acupoints.
It was a cruel needling technique used by wicked forces to take control of others, manipulating them just like puppets to achieve unscrupulous goals.
However, as Levi’s priority was to keep Zoey under control, that was exactly what he needed right then.
“Venom, pass me a set of needles!”
Even though Venom Fiend specialized in the use of poison, he could also be considered a healer.
As such, he had always carried needles with him.
After getting the needles from Venom Fiend, Levi moved as quickly as lightning and appeared in front of Zoey, inserting a needle into her acupoint.
He inserted another needle into a second acupoint.
Seconds later, he had already managed to insert seven needles into her various acupoints.
He just needed to insert two more needles to be able to control Zoey.
However, at such a crucial moment, Ghost Samurai, who did not want Zoey to be subdued, suddenly appeared.


The orders given to him from his chieftain was to fire up Zoey as much as possible, in order for her to create more trouble.

If that was the case, how could the man let such a good opportunity slip?
As such, Ghost Samurai had no choice but to make a move before Levi managed to subdue Zoey.

Suddenly, a black figure appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, behind Levi, just like a phantom.
Even Ghost Fiend, who was specialized in the Phantom Skill, was shocked.
“How did he do that?”
Ghost Samurai launched an attack on Levi right away, attempting to ruin his plan.
“I’ve been waiting for you to show yourself!” A voice boomed.
It turned out that Levi had been waiting for whoever was hiding in the shadows to take action.
Although it seemed as if he was focusing on inserting needles into Zoey’s acupoints, he was also keeping a lookout for the person in the shadows at the same time.
Indeed, the man had really shown up!
Levi suddenly swung an extremely powerful punch towards Ghost Samurai at an unbelievable angle. In fact, the punch was so forceful that a whirlpool was formed in mid-air.
Instantly, the black figured shattered into pieces.
“Hmm? Seems like that’s just a clone,” Levi said in surprise.
Ghost Fiend had also realized that something was amiss.
The black figure was merely a clone of Ghost Samurai, and not the man himself.
Just like Levi’s Shadow Clone, the Ghost Samurai’s clone also moved at lightning speed, making it hard to tell that it was a clone.
It was apparent that Ghost Samurai possessed the skill to clone himself as well.
After being discovered, the Ghost Samurai ran away immediately.
He did not expect Levi to be on his guard and knew that he had to leave right away after his attack had failed.
With Levi and the other elite fighters around, he did not stand a chance of winning at all.
“At least you’re smart enough to know when to withdraw!” Levi said coldly while the others helped to deal with Zoey.
After Levi inserted the final two needles into Zoey’s acupoints, the woman quietened down immediately and was entirely under Levi’s control.
If the man wished to, he could manipulate her like a puppet, but obviously, he would never do that.
The only reason Levi had used that needling technique on Zoey was so that he could calm her down.
In her present state, Zoey was simply too powerful, and she was not able to control her own consciousness. As such, the only way to subdue her was to use alternative methods as ordinary ways would not work on her.
They had to leave right away.
After Levi led the rest to a new place and helped Zoey settle in, he headed outside with Wynona.
Finally, he had time to find out what had happened.
After listening attentively to Wynona’s explanation, Levi finally understood the situation.
“So it means that Zoey is still Zoey, but her consciousness has been infiltrated by Jared’s consciousness, and that’s why she’s seeing me as her enemy? It can also be described as having dual personalities, one being Zoey herself, and the other one would be the Zoey who thinks I’m her enemy!” Levi tried to put the situation in his own words.
“That’s right! It’s quite a rare occurrence and no one had expected that to happen! Most importantly, because of this, Zoey’s potential has been unleashed. I’m sure you can tell by seeing how powerful she is now!”
Wynona sighed helplessly.
“Oh right, how did you guys manage to survive? That blast was so powerful that even I was unable to withstand it. It didn’t even seem possible for anyone to remain in one piece from that, not to mention gaining superpowers from it!” Levi expressed his doubts.
“Yup, you’re right! By right, we wouldn’t have been able to survive the blast. We were actually saved by someone!”
“What? Someone saved you? Who’s that person?”
Levi was shocked that under such circumstances, that person was still able to rescue others.
He must be an angel!
Even Levi himself would have a hard time saving himself in that explosion, much less saving others!
How formidable must that person be in order to save others under that kind of circumstances?
“Who was it who saved you guys?”
After Wynona described the old man’s appearance, Levi was shocked.
“Oh my God!”
Levi’s eyes widened in disbelief.
Isn’t that my mentor?
How could I not have thought of that!
After all, who else, other than him, could have managed that feat?
Levi had always wondered how powerful his mentor actually was.
Is he still human even?


In the past, Levi was dismissive of the mysterious old man. However, his thoughts had taken a new turn.

He is very powerful!
“Do you know him?” Wynona couldn’t help but ask curiously.

“He is my master,” Levi replied.
“You master? Is he the famed Cyrus?” The Fiery Demon was the first person to appear in Wynona’s mind.
Yet, Levi shook his head. “I don’t think he is Cyrus. In fact, I suspect that he might be even stronger than Cyrus.”
According to Levi’s observations, along with feedback from The Cardinal Hall and Seven Fiends, Cyrus’ power should be similar to his.
It would be difficult to determine the winner if they engaged in a battle.
Hence, Levi concluded that Cyrus was not his master.
“Still, this is an advantageous situation! Thankfully, Jared has been dealt with. If not, he’d be a huge problem. Additionally, you have gained a superpower!” Wynona replied.
Levi merely smiled in response.
“Zoey’s condition is much more worrisome. Not only did she lose all memories of you, she even views you as her sworn enemy. Once she catches sight of you, she transforms into a killing machine! Despite running several checks with modern equipment, she did not display any odd symptoms. Even with the current technology, doctors cannot cure her.” Wynona sighed helplessly.
“However, not all hope is lost. You can try visiting the famed doctor of Erudia. With their traditional techniques, you might be able to cure Zoey! Besides, you can also attempt to gradually reconnect with Zoey by letting her know that you aren’t her enemy but her beloved husband. This way, she might learn to accept you again. Yet, this idea isn’t very realistic. It would take a long time for her to trust you again. For the time being, you shouldn’t meet Zoey, or problems might arise if you do. Let us brainstorm for an idea to understand Zoey’s condition in further detail before making any moves,” Wynona said showing her support for Levi.
“You are right. Avoiding her is the only thing I can do right now.”
Once the Ghost Samurai returned, he reported the news to the chieftain.
When they first caught wind of the news, Bruce and the chieftain were in the midst of a video conference
“Levi can control such a powerful person like Zoey?” Bruce exclaimed in utter shock. “But based on my deductions, Zoey now sees Levi as her sworn enemy. If only we could capitalize on this situation…”
“Leave it to us. We are particularly skilled when it comes to matters like this.” The chieftain of Raysonia smiled in response.
After the conference ended, Bruce remained in his seat as he stared off into the distance. Repeatedly, he drummed his fingers on the table.
All of a sudden, a subordinate burst into the room, “Mr. Johnston, we have good news!” he cried out excitedly.
“What’s the matter?”
“We’ve managed to restore Mr. Schmidt’s technique to convert the human body into pure energy. Now, we can proceed with the experiments. Once the experiments are successful, we can produce this energy in batches. By then, we can produce pure energy humans like Jared,” the subordinate explained enthusiastically.
The news caused Bruce to grin from ear to ear.
When Bruce returned from Erudia, he had taken all the technical drafts that Jared left behind in an attempt to recreate Jared’s experiment of producing pure energy.
This way, they could continuously produce humans made of pure energy like Jared.
It would also solidify Zarain’s position as the most powerful country at the top of the world.
After all, no one could hope to challenge them anymore.
Jared had reached new heights of power after he converted his body into pure energy. Even the combined forces of the three Big Demons could not stop him.
He was immune to bombs and poison. Furthermore, pure energy humans would never run out of stamina. In short, they were immortal.
This is simply horrifying!
A chill ran down Bruce’s spine at the thought of wielding such immense power.
“Excellent! Proceed with the experiment right away. Let me know if you need anything. Make sure you place this experiment as the number one priority. We will support you no matter what!” Bruce instructed.
A dark look crossed Bruce’s face. With this lab behind my back, I’m one step closer to being the world’s strongest overlord!
Levi, who had just finished his conversation with Wynona, also assigned tasks to the Seven Fiends.
Not long later, the Seven Fiends received bad news.
Their subordinates had been hit by a heavy attack that left countless men with severe injuries.
“Let’s go! I’ll follow you there to check on the situation!” Levi urged immediately.


Levi wanted to avoid the possibility of a tragedy. Furthermore, he wanted to stop his men from fighting. Could it be an attack from Erudia’s soldiers? Whatever it is, I need to put a halt to it right now!

Besides, the Fiend’s forces were concealed in an elaborate hiding place. Until now, they had remained a secret. Of all times, why were the whereabouts leaked now? Something must have gone wrong.
“Master, the situation isn’t looking good. There was a traitor amidst us that leaked our whereabouts! It is all our fault!”

Along the journey, the Seven Fiends had already discovered the truth.
The concept of betrayal wasn’t something that Levi hadn’t experienced before.
One of his past experiences of betrayal occurred in Wildefield.
They were the ones who pushed Forlevia and the rest into the fire pit.
It was a grudge that Levi still harbored to this day.
Deep in the mountains located at the South of Erudia, a bloody battle occurred.
“Mr. Little, we were the ones who rescued you! Don’t forget to testify for us, alright? We will always be on your side instead of following Levi!” A small group had rescued Trenton and his men.
Trenton’s rescuers were the same men who betrayed the Seven Fiends and revealed the hiding place of the Fiend’s forces.
The reasons for their betrayal were simple.
Although the Seven Fiends had yielded to Levi, most of their subordinates were discontent with Levi’s rules. They were especially frustrated with the rules that prohibited them from murdering others and restricted their freedom. The unbearable constraints motivated them to betray the Seven Fiends.
When they followed Cyrus, he never tried to exert control over them.
On the contrary, he gave them their utmost freedom to do whatever they pleased. He even allowed them to go on a rampage in order to intimidate others.
Most importantly, he taught them an important value—only the fittest will survive.
During the Fiery Demon Era, they were not afraid to get their hands dirty and created a bad name for themselves.
Nevertheless, Levi was a stark contrast to Cyrus.
The audacity of Levi to ask us to discard our past selves. Everything about him is contradictory to our beliefs!
Although Levi’s extraordinary strength allowed him to subdue even The Cardinal Hall, countless people were dissatisfied with his leadership.
They yearned to return to their wild pasts and longed for their freedom. Hence, they did not want to follow Levi’s rule anymore.
After a brief discussion amongst themselves, they decided to betray Levi.
They rescued Trenton and his gang before revealing the location to ensure their safety in Erudia.
Finally, they left Erudia to seek shelter with the other followers of Fiery Demon overseas.
After Cyrus vanished, a portion of his group was forced into the harsh territory.
Another part of their group fled overseas. In foreign lands, the Fiends formed connections with several authoritative figures and founded an immense organization.
Their organization was later given the codename—Sacred Organization.
After fleeing overseas, the traitorous group wanted to rely on Sacred Organization.
After all, they wouldn’t have the guts to betray Levi if Sacred Organization didn’t exist.
“Don’t worry. You’ve saved us. It’s an act of gratitude that I will never forget,” Trenton reassured them.
Under Trenton’s protection, the traitors managed to flee successfully without any hitches in their plan.
By the time the others discovered their betrayal, they would have already made it overseas safely.
“Let’s go. We need to leave this place too!” Trenton waved his hand to signal Josephine and Yasmin to follow him. “Once I call for reinforcements, I will enact my revenge on Levi.”
Yet, they did not heed Trenton’s words. Instead, the duo remained rooted to the spot with hesitance.
“What? Are you hesitating? Have the two of you become Levi’s women? Did you forget that he’s a big demon? Why would you want to stay with him?” Trenton yelled in anger when he noticed their reluctance.
“Take them away!” Trenton ordered his men to forcibly capture Josephine and Yasmin.
Not long later, Levi and the Seven Fiends arrived at the scene to halt the battle.
Fortunately, they managed to keep the casualties to a bare minimum.
“Where are the traitors?” Levi demanded.
Immediately, the Seven Fiends exchanged looks between each other as an awkward look painted their faces.
“What’s the matter? Where are they?” Levi asked again.
“They’ve fled overseas to join Sacred Organization.”
“Sacred Organization? What on earth is that?” Levi turned to them with a look of burning curiosity.
“The existence of the organization itself is terrifying,” The Seven Fiends replied solemnly.


“To tell the truth, there were once thirteen Fiends under the Fiery Demon. The other six Fiends vanished along with the rest of the Fiery Demon’s power and joined together to create Sacred Organization. Sacred Organization has been blacklisted by several countries. It’s a powerful organization feared by countless countries,” the Seven Fiends explained.

“Amongst the seven of us, Sword Fiend and Shadow Fiend are the strongest fighters. But amidst the six of them, three individuals are even stronger than Sword Fiend and Shadow Fiend. The strongest Fiend in the Bible is particularly terrifying!”
The moment the feared individual was brought up, a dark look loomed across the Seven Fiends’ faces. After they spoke, the Fiends even shuddered in fear.

Immediately, realization dawned upon Levi. That individual must be incredibly powerful to be able to invoke such fear into them.
“That individual is the person who resembles Cyrus the most. I estimate that he has reached at least eighty percent of Cyrus’ strength! If he faced us in battle, he could crush us without much effort,” Sword Fiend added.
“There’s nothing we can do now. Just let them be.” Levi sighed helplessly with a shake of his head.
“These traitors are the least of our worries. Our biggest concern is Sacred Organization. I’m afraid that it will come seeking trouble!” The Seven Fiends voiced their troubled thoughts.
“Why are you so worried? Besides, this is Erudia. I’ll destroy anyone who dares to step foot here!” Levi did not take the Fiends’ worries to heart.
Right now, all of his attention was focused on Zoey and the issue of Raysonia’s growing influence.
With their existence, they painted him as Erudia’s fearsome demon. It was an image that caused everyone to hate him.
I need to do something about it!
Ever since Levi’s escape, tense silence blanketed The Cardinal Hall.
Everyone was too embarrassed to speak. After all, how could the most powerful organization in Erudia recover from such a humiliation?
They had been humiliated so much that they couldn’t even lift their heads.
“What do we do now? How can we turn a blind eye to Levi’s brazen actions?”
“Yet, Levi is too strong. We don’t even know if he has any subordinates backing him. He is an unshakable force.”
Even the mighty Cardinal Hall was caught between a rock and a hard place.
After Levi escaped the Dragon Chain, his feat turned them into a laughing stock.
Even the strongest fighters of The Cardinal Hall were too embarrassed to harass Levi anymore.
Right now, everyone in Erudia was waiting for an individual strong enough to defeat Levi. They were even more excited to see the individual who had once defeated Levi.
Yet, they couldn’t witness such a scene. It was common knowledge amongst the people of Erudia.
Right at this suspenseful moment, Robed Slayer, who was ranked second on the Gem List, stepped forward and issued Levi a challenge invitation.
Levi was given the freedom to pick the time and location of the challenge. The challenge would be a brutal brawl to the death, with the survivor named the victor.
If Levi lost, he would be disposed of by Robed Slayer.
On the other hand, Robed Slayer would be left at Levi’s mercy if he lost.
Instantly, the whole of Erudia was in an uproar as everyone celebrated.
They admired Robed Slayer’s bravery for challenging Levi and praised his Ultimate class warrior status.
Everyone was hoping that Robed Slayer would beat Levi in battle.
Levi merely smiled when he received the challenge invitation.
“Robed Slayer is a strong fighter. Unfortunately, he was born in the wrong era. If he was in the same era as Master, it might have been possible for him to compete with Master!” Shadow Fiend commented when he learned about the challenge.
With a single sentence, Shadow Fiend had determined Robed Slayer’s strength. Robed Slayer had the potential to compete with Cyrus, indicating that he was a force to be reckoned with.
“I accept this challenge!” Levi replied with a grin.
The news of Levi’s acceptance spread like wildfire.
It was determined that they would fight at the ruins of East Warzone in three days.
That was the location where Erudia’s soldiers once fought against the invaders from the Ruling Union in a huge and bloody battle.
When Levi picked this location, he delivered a warning message to the onlookers.
News of the duo’s challenge spread to all corners of the world.
It quickly became a challenge that had everyone on the edge of their seats.
Countless shops opened to allow patrons to place their bets on the potential winner.
Erudia rejoiced because Robed Slayer seemed to have a higher possibility of winning this challenge and prayed vehemently for his victory.
In the past, Robed Slayer was ranked second on the Gem List. After so many years, his strength must have reached unfathomable heights.
Who knows how powerful he is now?
The battle between Levi and Robed Slayer was unavoidable and represented the struggle between good and evil.



Supreme Grandmaster
Sep 24, 2023

Levi remained his composure and did not take this matter to heart.

He focused his attention on Zoey’s condition instead.
Finally, Zoey was awake.

Yet, Levi was forced to watch from afar as he remained hidden.
Although she was right in front of him, Levi could not greet her. If he did, she would view him as her sworn enemy and attempt to fight him to her last breath.
Unable to greet his wife, Levi felt irked.
“Bruce, I will make sure to kill you in the most agonizing way possible,” Levi swore under his breath with a dark look that gleamed in his eyes.
According to Wynona, Bruce was the one who stimulated Zoey by forcibly merging her consciousness together with Jared’s.
If it wasn’t for his meddling, there could still be a sliver of hope to cure Zoey.
All they had had to do was extract Jared’s consciousness.
Yet, they could not do anything to cure Zoey right now.
After her consciousness merged with Jared, it had become her own.
As of now, Levi managed to rescue the West Sky Lord regiment.
Immediately, they proceeded with the tasks Levi assigned to them.
“Master, Bruce and the others visited Erudia. They visited several locations in secret. For the time being, I am still searching for clues regarding the motive of their visit.
“Before they left, we spotted everyone carrying something along. I wonder, what could it be?
“After all, Bruce works for Zarain’s secret lab. I have a sneaking suspicion that they visited Erudia to steal a rare substance or something related to their experiments. We will investigate this matter right away!” reported West Sky Lord to Levi.
Levi scratched his nose absentmindedly. “Bruce must be trying to take advantage of this chaos. I’m sure that he has his sights set on something in Erudia. I don’t think this is part of Bruce’s hasty plan. It must be an idea that was planned for a long time. Earlier, Bruce and his lab formed the Ruling Union and launched countless attacks in an attempt to conquer Erudia.”
“Are they trying to conquer the entire country in their grasps?” West Sky Lord asked.
With an amused laugh, Levi said, “No matter how strong a lab gets, it would be impossible for them to conquer an entire country. It is nothing but their wishful thinking!”
“Why is it impossible?” Everyone questioned curiously as they turned to Levi.
“Put it this way, Bruce’s lab probably contains the world’s most advanced equipment. Most of their inventions are things beyond our wildest dreams. Hence, the materials that they would require to construct their inventions would be scarce too. If my assumptions are correct, the reason behind their creation of the Ruling Union and their desperate attacks are to obtain Erudia’s resources,” Levi explained.
“I agree! They show no signs of giving up. Now that he was presented with the perfect opportunity, Bruce created the Ruling Union and used it to enter Erudia so he could obtain the resources the lab needs!” West Sky Lord added.
Everyone else nodded their heads in agreement.
In short, the materials that Bruce stole from Erudia were part of a plan he’d plotted for a long time.
The materials he’d taken along with him were the same materials he tried to take when he attempted to conquer Erudia in the past.
Since this operation was done in stealth, he must have only managed to take a small portion of it.
If he launched a large-scale operation to steal huge quantities of the material, Bruce would alert the attention of The Cardinal Hall.
“West, I want you to find out the exact thing that Bruce and his team took as soon as possible!” Levi ordered.
It seemed like there were countless new problems for Levi to handle. Even for a brief moment, he couldn’t afford to catch his breath.
Unfortunately, I met a group of useless fellows and gave my enemies countless opportunities to attack me!
“Do you guys think that Bruce and Raysonia could be working together?” Levi asked to confirm his suspicions.
“It is highly possible. They might already be plotting their next move!” Everyone gathered around Levi agreed vehemently.
“Just dealing with Bruce alone gives me a massive headache. With Raysonia working with him, this is a living nightmare.” Levi shook his head exasperatedly at the thought of the alliance between Bruce and Raysonia. The immense strength of their combined forces is something I can’t even wrap my head around!
Out of the blue, Levi seemed to have thought of something.
“What do you guys think? Is it possible?” Levi asked the Seven Fiends.


“What?” The Seven Fiends turned to Levi in unison.

“Is it possible that the Sacred Organization imitated me? Other than you and your master, they are the only ones who know the same technique,” Levi said.
Previously he had told the Seven Fiends that someone imitated him.

However, he hardly mentioned his master, whom the Seven Fiends believed was “Cyrus.”
The question stunned the Seven Fiends.
They had never considered this before.
Therefore, they began to ponder the question and arrived at the same conclusion.
Death Fiend was the head of Sacred Organization. He was the strongest among the Thirteen Fiends and the closest to Cyrus.
Furthermore, Death Fiend and Cyrus both trained in the same technique.
They only realized it after Levi reminded them, causing them to break out in cold sweat.
Could it really be him?
When the person was framing Levi, not only did he imitate the technique perfectly but killed many warriors, including warriors on the Gem List.
This is no longer an imitation but a perfection of the technique.
Furthermore, apart from Cyrus and Levi, Death Fiend is the only person who knows that technique.
“That seems possible!” said one of the Seven Fiends. “If it is Death Fiend, then it will be problematic! Who knows what he’s up to.”
The Seven Fiends had a troubled expression.
Levi nodded and said, “I understand!”
If the Sacred Organization worked together with Bruce and the forces in Raysonia, it would be terrifying.
However, Levi would deal with the forces in Raysonia carefully.
As he was pondering over these matters, the public buzzed with excitement.
More and more people were betting between Levi and the Robed Slayer in their upcoming battle.
Based on estimation, there were hundreds of billions in the betting prize pool.
It was an unprecedented sum.
Thus, it was not an exaggeration to say that many ordinary people would become billionaires from this battle.
The situation grew increasingly tense.
Many wealthy and famous people had long made their way to the ruins of East Warzone, as they were concerned that they could not get a place if they turned up late.
At the same time, many people were rushing to Erudia from overseas.
The Robed Slayer issued another proposal.
“This battle is between Levi and me, so no matter Levi wins or loses, The Cardinal Hall is not allowed to take any action.”
The Cardinal Hall agreed to his proposal.
The atmosphere was tense before the great battle.
The Seven Fiends kept pacing outside Levi’s room.
They wanted Levi to win, but the Robed Slayer was too powerful.
Furthermore, rumors said that he found a divine tool.
It would raise his combat ability to another level.
Therefore, they wanted to give Levi something such as their unique skills to help him a little.
However, Levi was not nervous at all.
He was hiding in a room, reading the ancient manual, and searching for a way to cure Zoey.
Finding a cure for Zoey was more important than the battle with the Robed Slayer.
Meanwhile, Bruce and Raysonia’s forces were having a video conference.
“As long as Levi is alive, he’s a threat! He’s an even bigger threat than the whole of Erudia’s martial arts world! Therefore, he must die in the battle!” Bruce said.
“Agree! Mr. Johnston, do you have a plan?” asked one of the chieftains of Raysonia.
“Of course! I hope that all of you will cooperate! The plan is…” Bruce said and proceeded to explain the plan.
“What?” Everyone’s expression changed drastically upon hearing Bruce’s plan.
“Calm down, everyone. We must be ready to make sacrifices to get rid of a powerful enemy. Besides, you’re not the only one. I have to make sacrifices too! He’s our common enemy!” Bruce explained.
“All right. We will do it!” all the chieftains of Raysonia agreed in unison.


Levi was a serious threat.

Although he was now fighting against Erudia, he was too powerful.
Especially since he had the Seven Fiends, making him an even greater threat.

Only a few people in Erudia had awakened their powers.
Levi was one and the most important of them all.
He stood in the way of many enemies!
Many regarded him as a thorn in the flesh!
Therefore, Bruce and the forces in Raysonia were willing to risk everything to wipe him out!
There were only two days left before the battle between Levi and the Robed Slayer.
Meanwhile, more than twenty people sat in the small backyard of a quiet house in Oakland City.
Each of them was someone outstanding and a master in their chosen field.
Yet, all of them looked with eagerness and reverence at the man sipping a cup of tea before them.
The man wore a spotless white robe.
He looked so ordinary in appearance and demeanor that no one would expect that he was the famous Robed Slayer.
It was because he was an ordinary person that he could remain unnoticed in the city.
Furthermore, he loved living a modern life.
He preferred his disciple to call him sir instead of master.
The twenty over people seated before him were apprentices he accepted in recent years.
He trained a few of these people in martial arts. At the same time, he also educated a few of them on the ways of life. The rest, he taught them medical skills.
All of them were successful in whichever field the Robed Slayer shaped them in.
Now that their master had come to visit, everyone arrived to meet him.
“Sir, how confident are you in defeating Levi?” someone asked.
It was a question that the whole world wanted to know.
The Robed Slayer considered for a moment and answered, “Previously, I was 50% sure!”
Then, the Robed Slayer took up an ancient sword and continued, “Now, it’s 100%! This is the Divine Sword! If one cannot unlock it, it’ll be useless junk. However, whoever that unlocks it out shall become invincible!”
Robed Slayer immediately pulled out the ancient sword.
In an instant, cold light reflected brightly from the blade in all directions.
It was so glaring that no one could open their eyes.
They could feel the power coming from the sword and could not help but shiver.
That’s scary!
Whoever that wielded the Divine Sword would be undefeatable.
The Divine Sword was an invincible weapon. Rumor said that it was able to kill even the gods.
Previously, numerous people tried to search for it, including forces in Keerea and Raysonia.
Yet, Robed Slayer obtained this sword by accident.
Therefore he was confident about winning the battle!
He believed that he would defeat Levi now that he had the sword!
“Sir, let us congratulate you in advance for winning!” His students rushed to congratulate him. “The legendary Divine Sword is intimidating and invincible! Not everyone can wield the Divine Sword! It is useless unless one can unlock it! Sir, you’re the only one who has unlocked the Divine Sword in the last hundred years! This time, Levi will lose for sure!”
The apprentices were confident that he would defeat Levi.
“Sir, may I have a look at the Divine Sword?” Delano asked. He was an apprentice posted in Raysonia.
However, the Robed Slayer did not know that Delano had switched sides and was now working for the forces in Raysonia.
He asked to see the sword to carry out a mission the chieftain gave him.
“Sure!” The Robed Slayer did not suspect anything and gave the Divine Sword to Delano.
A cold glint flashed across Delano’s eyes as he was about to do something that would not only kill Levi but the Robed Slayer.
However, no one noticed anything unusual.
Meanwhile, the whole world went into an uproar upon hearing news of the Divine Sword leaked out.
Now, Levi’s chance of winning seemed even more improbable, making the Seven Fiends anxious.
Therefore, they wanted to find a divine tool for Levi to give him a chance against the Robed Slayer.
On the other hand, Levi shut himself in a secluded place to study the ancient manual.
He did not care about anything happening in the outside world.
Soon, it was the day before the battle and something bad happened to Levi that night.


Levi sent the Seven Fiends away as he did not want to be disturbed.

He remained alone in the villa to read the ancient manual and search for a way to save Zoey.
At night, Levi suddenly sensed a movement.

More and more warriors kept appearing at the villa.
Levi did not expect this.
Is someone trying to cause trouble now?
Even The Cardinal Hall does not dare to do anything against me!
Numerous warriors rushed in from outside to attack Levi.
Their samurai swords gleamed coldly and exuded terrifying forces as they interlinked to form a web.
These intruders were aiming to kill Levi.
“Raysonian samurai?” Levi muttered to himself.
The intruders, all dressed in black, were Rank Seven warriors. They attack Levi at the same time.
It was a terrifying sight!
“Damn it!” Levi cursed and burst out a wave of tremendous energy from his body.
The swords wielded by Raysonian samurai were sharp enough to cut through steel. However, all of them cracked.
Then, the samurai were all sent flying to the side.
They had never experienced such a power before.
He’s too powerful!
All of them had the same thought in mind.
However, they were not afraid because they knew they had to sacrifice their lives for this mission.
Thus, none of them expected to return alive.
They would not hesitate to injure Levi severely, but if that was not possible, they wanted to hurt him at least.
Even if they could not injure him, they needed to exhaust his energy.
These were what the warriors planned to do.
Levi stepped out of the house and saw a lot of people in the courtyard.
They even crowded the roof and the surrounding walls.
None of them were below Rank Seven.
Some were in Rank Eight, many comparable to warriors on Erudia’s Gem List, and so on.
Apart from Raysonian samurai, there were also men with superpowers and mutated warriors.
Furthermore, there were even mechanical armored warriors and various high-tech weapons.
It was a much greater force than when The Cardinal Hall tried to surround and capture Levi.
It was a lineup no one had ever seen before.
To think that they were all sent to exhaust Levi.
It was planned by Bruce and Raysonia to ensure that Levi die in the coming battle.
They were doing everything to make Levi lose tomorrow.
Thus, the night before the battle, Bruce and Raysonia paid a great price and sent many warriors to wear Levi out.
It would be best if they could kill Levi tonight, but even if they could not, they had to set him back severely at all costs.
They could not allow Levi to fight the Robed Slayer in his best condition.
Since when Bruce and Raysonia sent their trump card and paid such a great price, there was no way that they would let him off easily.
They had to give him at least a moderate amount of injuries so that he would die in the battle with the Robed Slayer tomorrow.
When Bruce first came up with this plan, Raysonia’s forces were shocked and could not agree.
It was because his plan would require them to sacrifice half or more of their trump card.
No one in their right mind would agree to that!
That was why they reacted so strongly to the plan.
Furthermore, the plan would also sacrifice half of Bruce’s forces.
It was too great a price to pay.
However, they decided to risk everything for the sake of getting rid of Levi.
The army that attacked Levi made up half of Raysonia’s forces and half of Bruce’s forces.
It was an impressive lineup.
They sent these highly skilled warriors as sacrifices.
Every one of them cared for nothing except to kill Levi.
Therefore, Levi was about to face an army of fanatics.
Since we have sacrificed so much, Levi would at least be severely injured, right?
That was what they thought.


Raysonia sent out half of its forces while Bruce sent out half of his trump card.

They also made the warriors take a drug to strengthen their resolve to sacrifice themselves, increase their strength, and make them even more fanatic.
However, these elite warriors did not dream of killing Levi or even cause him severe injuries.

All they hoped was to give him a moderate amount of injuries.
It showed how powerful Levi was and how much of a threat he was to them.
At the villa, hundreds to thousands of warriors attacked Levi madly.
It was battle at an intensity never seen before.
The battle was much more intense than the one at Terragon Hill.
Although Levi also fought alone previously, his current enemies were more powerful than before.
They were also crazier.
Those who Levi had killed stood up to continue fighting.
It was the effect of the drug.
That was truly a horrifying sight, and anyone would be scared sh*tless.
Therefore, even Levi could not afford to let down his guard.
Sh*t, I am injured!
Levi was overwhelmed by such a powerful army and suffered many injuries!
At the same time, the army triggered Levi and awakened his bloodlust, giving him an irresistible desire to kill his enemies.
Levi began a mass slaughter!
Soon, bodies piled up, and blood flowed like a river. The pungent stench of blood covered an area of a few thousand meters.
The villa was destroyed and torn down, forming a large crater filled with bodies.
The warriors sent by Raysonia and Bruce were all dead.
Not even one of them managed to escape alive.
On the other hand, Levi sat on the floor, breathing heavily.
He was covered in a mixture of his blood and his enemies’ blood.
As the enemies attacked recklessly, even Levi could not avoid serious injuries.
Although he was far from dying, the damage was severe.
It was Levi’s second time getting injured seriously since his strange encounter with his mentor.
It was not a surprising result as Bruce made a costly sacrifice, sending who knew how many of his skilled warriors after Levi.
Furthermore, the forces in Raysonia sent half of their skilled warriors.
It was not an exaggeration to say that today’s casualty was tens to a hundred times greater than when the Ruling Union attacked Erudia.
That was an attack against a country but today’s attack was only against one person.
It meant that Levi was more powerful than a whole country.
“Hahaha, we did it! We finally did it! I look forward to tomorrow! Levi will die tomorrow unless he doesn’t go to the battle!” Bruce and the others were looking forward to tomorrow’s battle.
“Master Garrison…” The Seven Fiends were shocked to see Levi severely injured when they arrived at the scene.
They wondered who did it to him.
It was hard to imagine who could hurt him this badly.
Then, they saw the pile of corpses in the crater and immediately understood that it was a mass attack.
Levi shook his head and said, “I’m fine…”
“Are they Raysonian samurai? Why did they suddenly attack you all out?” The Seven Fiends could not understand what was going on.
Sword Fiend sighed and said, “They must have planned this to kill Master Garrison!”
The other Fiends came to realization and exclaimed, “Perhaps this is all for tomorrow’s battle with the Robed Slayer.”
“That’s right! They did all these to kill Master Garrison or inflict him with severe injuries! They wanted to make sure that he would lose and die the battle tomorrow!” Sword Fiend had a troubled expression.
He continued after a moment of consideration, “This is unfair! Master Garrison is severely injured. How can he fight the Robed Slayer tomorrow? Furthermore, we are not even sure if Master Garrison can defeat the Robed Slayer even in his best condition! To make things worse, the Robed Slayer has unlocked the Divine Sword! Therefore, it’s difficult for Master Garrison to win, and that’s even more unlikely now that he’s severely injured. Perhaps we shouldn’t proceed with the battle.”
However, a weak voice sounded, “No, we must continue with it!”


The Seven Fiends turned to look at Levi, whose eyes were full of determination.

“No way, Master Garrison! You’ll definitely be doomed if you meet Robed Slayer like this now!”
“Yeah, there’s no way you can beat him. Not only will it ruin your reputation, but you might also die!”

The Seven Fiends was adamant on not letting Levi go.
Sword Fiend sighed. “If the Raysonians can pay such a heavy price to drain you of physical energy, I’m sure they have no intentions in letting you live! Perhaps they already have a backup plan!”
“Exactly! They surely have a backup plan in mind!”
Ghost Fiend even suggested, “Why don’t we negotiate with Robed Slayer to push back this battle?”
“No way! We can’t cave in! They’ll think that we’re delaying it because we’re scared!”
Determination flashed across Sword Fiend’s eyes. “If there’s no other way, how about I go instead?”
Despite knowing that he was incomparable to Robed Slayer, he figured he could still engage in an intense fight by enlisting extreme tactics.
“Seven Fiends!” Levi’s voice sounded.
“Here!” The seven of them stood before him.
“On my command. We’ll act as planned! Head to the ruins of East Warzone tomorrow!”
“Yes!” The Seven Fiends could only follow suit.
Finally, the epic battle approached the following day. It was the day that Erudia, as well as the rest of the world, was anticipating.
Every influential figure in Erudia had shown up, except Xenotoph, who was still in seclusion.
As per Robed Slayer’s request, The Cardinal Hall and Eragon’s warriors were not present at the venue.
They were not allowed to participate in any way other than understanding the situation from live updates.
It was Robed Slayer’s way to show that he was doing it fairly.
About three hours before the battle, a piece of shocking news erupted.
Ranked First On The Gem List, Southern Emperor Is Making His Presence At The Battle.
He would be watching the battle!
Moreover, he had already arrived at the ruins of East Warzone!
However, no one knew who Southern Emperor was since they had not seen him before.
Especially since there were over a few hundred thousand people present at the venue to watch the battle, it was almost impossible to recognize him.
When news broke out amongst the crowd, everyone instantly flew into an uproar.
That’s the top warrior on the Gem List! He’s higher in rank than Robed Slayer and Xenotoph!
According to the list of attendees present at the venue, Southern Emperor was the most formidable warrior.
No one would have expected him to make his appearance this round, adding a lot more excitement factors for this battle.
The crowd gasped in astonishment.
Apart from that, there were also top-tiered fighters from Keerea and Raysonia, and even masters of magical techniques making their presence to watch the battle.
It felt like this battle had almost garnered the attention of famous figures from all around the world.
It was considered a whole new level!
Somewhere in the middle of the ruins, Robed Slayer and his apprentices arrived and waited long ago.
Sitting down, Robed Slayer closed his eyes to rest for a bit.
His apprentices behind him held onto the Divine Sword.
In the crowd, Bruce and Raysonian spies were secretly observing the venue.
The corners of their lips curled up, revealing a confident look.
They knew they had already won.
With how badly injured Levi was, no one knew if he could make his appearance, let alone fight against Robed Slayer.
All they wanted to do was to watch Levi make a fool out of himself.
Levi will meet his doom today without a doubt!
But again, they figured there was a possibility that Robed Slayer would not kill him.
And if that happened, the fighters hidden around the venue would spare all efforts to kill Levi, leaving him no chance to live.
As time passed, it was time the battle should begin.
Yet, Levi did not appear…
“Is Levi not coming?” someone asked.
Just then, Robed Slayer opened his eyes. “No, he’s here!”



A commotion broke out amongst the crowd, and they all turned to look.
Where’s Levi?

Levi with the Seven Fiends behind him, appeared in their line of vision.
The eight of them strolled in slowly.
Upon seeing the appearance of the eight of them, everyone went wild and cast vicious glares at them.
These monsters! What rights do they have to live after committing all those heinous crimes? They shouldn’t even be breathing!
Anger was surging in the eyes of those people even though they had not been harmed by Levi or the Seven Fiends in any way or so.
Their vehement glares showed that they were about to skin them alive.
Yet, no one exactly knew why they hated Levi and his gang so much.
Soon, the Seven Fiends stopped at their pace, leaving Levi walking forward alone.
The Seven Fiends had worry written all over their faces.
With Levi’s injuries, how will he be able to fight?
All seven of them were anxious for him.
At the sight of their expressions, the spies hidden in the crowd became even more relieved.
Levi has come with a body full of injuries!
“You’re here finally?” Robed Slayer asked.
The two appeared as though they were old acquaintances.
“I still have other matters to deal with, so let’s settle this quickly. Let’s begin!” Levi urged.
That seemingly simple sentence had, instead, left Robed Slayer’s apprentices infuriated.
Levi’s attitude obviously shows that he doesn’t give a damn about this battle. He shows no respect for sir! Darn it!
“Why is Levi so haughty? He’ll get a taste of how formidable sir is later!”
“Yeah! Levi has to die!”
Delano glared daggers at Levi.
Suddenly, the ground trembled, throwing everyone off balance.
Robed Slayer leaped up from the ground with a violent kick.
The ground beneath his feet began to crack and crumble.
That was exactly why he was ranked second on the Gem List!
Robed Slayer threw a punch as forceful as a fighter jet, sending massive shockwaves into the air.
A giant whirlpool formed mid-air, and a horrifying power spread across the venue.
The ground trembled even more violently than before, leaving large cracks all around.
His powerful punch was absolutely horrifying.
Everyone at the battlefield was astounded.
No one had expected that Levi and Robed Slayer would immediately get into a fight the moment they met.
Robed Slayer is way too powerful! What a devastating and supersonic punch that is! It’s undoubtedly a forceful one!
“Seems like Robed Slayer wants to kill Levi with one punch!”
Everyone was stunned to find that both Levi and Robed Slayer wanted to end the battle as soon as possible.
Unwilling to show any weakness, Levi threw a punch out.
Both their fists crashed against each other, seemingly reenacting the clash of the titans.
As Levi’s feet hit the ground, an intimidating wave of energy sprawled below him, causing the ground to shake vigorously.
Blood spewed out of his mouth instantly.
His injured body could not withstand the powers of Robed Slayer.
Dreadful to see what was to come, the Seven Fiends shut their eyes tight.
Without a doubt, everyone believed that Levi was sure to lose.
Look at how formidable Robed Slayer is. How can a seriously injured Levi fight against him?
“I guess sir will easily defeat Levi without the need to use the Divine Sword!”
“Seems like Levi is as weak as a piece of paper when faced with the strongest warriors!”
The crowd began chuckling in joy.
Robed Slayer was in a slight trance.
He can’t even withstand a single punch?
Nonetheless, he continued to charge forward for an attack without further hesitation.
It was yet another powerful punch.
Unable to resist Robed Slayer’s advances this time, Levi’s body flew some distance away.
However, he stood up again and wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth. “Come again!”
Boom! Boom!
One punch after another, Levi was sent flying across the air.
And his injuries only became worse.


It turned out that the battle was not as exhilarating as what the crowd had thought it would be.

This was hardly a fight.
Robed Slayer was the only one in action, while Levi faced an overwhelmed defeat where he simply had no strength to fight back.

Critical strikes fell on Levi one after another.
Nevertheless, every time after being flung to the ground, he would still press on and stand back up. The crowd was amazed by that.
What a strong and tough man he is!
Regardless of how powerful Robed Slayer was, Levi stood tall and fought on.
As long as he could get back on his feet, it would mean that he was still undefeated.
“Wow. He’s still standing strong?”
Everyone was astonished by Levi’s strong will to continue with the fight.
Robed Slayer is powerful, so is Levi!
One could even tell that Robed Slayer was stunned by the expression he had when he looked at Levi.
Still hanging on?
“Levi, stop this. You’ll die if you continue any further!” Robed Slayer could not help but remind him.
If he’s still unwilling to give up, he’ll die in my hands! But it seems like he’s way weaker than I’ve expected. I guess I don’t have to use the Divine Sword then!
Meanwhile, the Seven Fiends had their heads held low.
Besides feeling devastated that Levi, despite his injuries, still had to go through Robed Slayer’s ruthless punches, they were also feeling embarrassed.
Given Levi’s badly beaten state, not only was it embarrassing for himself, but it was also embarrassing for the Seven Fiends.
It was to the extent that they wanted to divulge the truth about Levi’s injuries, but they ultimately suppressed the urge to do that.
No one would believe even if the truth was told.
Instead, it would only garner waves of sarcasm and ridicule, thinking that it was an excuse to validate their loss.
The spies of Bruce and Raysonia had weird smiles on their faces.
They were clear about the situation.
Levi is walking into his doom! Given the current state he is in now, how is it possible for him to win the battle? He’s at the end of his run!
The crowd could barely conceal their delight after seeing the badly beaten Levi.
Does he really think that no one can beat him? That’s just because Robed Slayer didn’t make a move earlier! Otherwise, he would’ve been dead long ago!
“Levi is sure to lose! Levi is sure to lose!”
“Kill him! Kill him!”
The screams from thousands of people grew louder like a gathering wave.
We will witness the fall of Fiery Demon’s heir and followers today!
Meanwhile, Bruce and Raysonia’s forces were sipping on their drinks, waiting for the right time to celebrate.
Everyone at The Cardinal Hall heaved a sigh of relief as well.
They were comforted that Robed Slayer had done justice for them.
Robed Slayer threw out his fist toward Levi yet again.
Like before, Levi got on his feet again after falling to the ground.
“Admit defeat! I can plead for The Cardinal Hall not to kill you. All you have to do is to stay by my side till you’ve repented and estranged yourself from the evil!”
Robed Slayer did not wish to see the downfall of Levi; thus, he had persuaded the latter once and again in hopes that he would give up.
“The word defeat doesn’t exist in my vocabulary. But if you can, kill me then!” Levi laughed.
Though he had blood all over him, his breathing was extremely weak and seemingly lifeless, he was exuding a murderous aura that was not present before, as though he was ready to go all out.
“Why doesn’t Levi die after all this? Is he human?”
The chieftains of Raysonia were dumbstruck while watching the battle.
Bruce smiled. “Now you know how much of a threat he poses?”
“How terrifying! Luckily Mr. Johnston has thought of this plan. If not, Robed Slayer might not be able to handle Levi at his peak!”
“Yeah. Defeating Levi might not be a problem, but it’s difficult to kill him!”
Bruce smiled. “I know how terrifying he is after dealing with him a couple of times. There’s no way you can destroy him this way!”
Bam! Bam!
Every forceful blow only sent Levi flying to the ground, again and again.
This time, finally, he was left with the last breath.
He could not get up anymore.
“Give up now. You’ll die with another punch!”
Even Robed Slayer could not bear to go on anymore.


The fate of Levi rested in the hands of Robed Slayer. As long as the former was willing to admit defeat, he would stop and spare him from dying.

“Kill him! Kill him!” all ten thousand people present at the venue yelled rancorously.
Their faces were brimming with joy at the fact that the righteous camp was winning.

The Fiends, on the other hand, were completely defeated.
Seeing that Levi stayed silent, Robed Slayer slowly lifted his fist into the air.
In his eyes, as well as everyone else’s, he had already given the former a chance.
The Cardinal Hall had no intention to force Levi to divulge Cyrus’ secret either since they knew he was on the brink of death.
They were relieved knowing that he would be killed since keeping him alive was equivalent to cultivating a threat.
“I can’t go on anymore! I don’t want to see Master Garrison die this way!” Sword Fiend could no longer contain his anxiousness and wanted to save Levi.
“Me too! I don’t wish to see Master Garrison die! I’ll feel aggrieved if he dies this way!”
“Exactly! This isn’t a fair game to begin with! Master Garrison might be more formidable than Robed Slayer if not for his injuries!”
Both Blood Fiend and Venom Fiend spoke their minds.
“No! I believed Master Garrison will never want us to interfere. If he has to die in this battle, he’ll want to die fair and square! What’s most important is we have a clear conscience regardless of what Robed Slayer does!” Shadow Fiend put forth his explanation to stop the others from doing anything silly.
“What a joke! We’ve always been called the evil, and Master Garrison a big demon. Yet, we’re the ones doing it fair now?” Sword Fiend sighed helplessly.
He knew they would be able to bring Levi out of this venue with them if they joined forces for an attack now.
Yet, they could not do that.
Even if Levi were to die in the battle, they could only watch that happen.
Because they respected the rules of the battle—to never interfere in it.
Sadly, as much as they had to refrain from doing that, they knew very well that there was a shockingly high number of people in the crowd who were all eagerly waiting for the death of Levi.
They would even pile in to kill Levi if Robed Slayer did not.
And those were the actions of people who claimed they were self-righteous.
“What? Levi is dying?” Looking at Zoey, Wynona was aghast after receiving the news.
Even such a powerful person is getting defeated? Is Robed Slayer really that formidable?
“Levi? What’s wrong with him?”
It seemed like Zoey had heard what she just mentioned.
At once, the gentle-looking Zoey turned grim, emanating a sense of deadly intent.
“Where’s Levi? Take me there now!”
Her eyes reddened, looking like a demon reborn from hell.
“All right, I’ll take you there.”
Being worried about Levi’s safety, Wynona decided her only option was to bring Zoey to see him.
As for what would happen when they met, she did not want to think about it.
All she hoped for now was for Levi to stay alive.
At the battlefield, shouts for Levi to die thundered through the air.
They were all looking forward to watching him walking toward the end of his life because that was possibly the most delightful thing to them.
Though Robed Slayer had his fist held high in the air for a long time, he could not bear to bring it toward Levi.
Killing a formidable warrior like him was a significant loss to Erudia!
Even though he is Fiery Demon’s heir, there’s still a chance if he decides to turn over a new leaf!
The next second, Robed Slayer was astounded.
He could not believe his eyes, that Levi was struggling to get up again.
He was milking his last ounce of energy to get up on his feet.
The Seven Fiends were all on the verge of bursting into tears.
“Seems like Master Garrison wants to hold his head up high even if he dies!” Sword Fiend’s voice was shivering.
No one other than him is qualified to be our boss!
Levi smirked. “Come on! Continue!”
Robed Slayer sighed. “You’ll be a great hero had you not deviate from the righteous path. What a pity!”
This time, he was bent on killing Levi. He would never be softhearted again.
“Now’s only the beginning!”
Levi lifted the corners of his lips into a mysterious smile.



Robed Slayer’s heart sank upon seeing Levi’s state.
A bad premonition suddenly welled up in his heart.

Everyone else was equally stunned at Levi’s appearance.
Levi seemed to be radiating a bizarre glow.
Everyone was baffled, and they could not explain what they were feeling at that moment.
And just like what Levi said, things were just getting started.
Robed Slayer cast aside his muddled thoughts and threw a forceful punch.
It was a punch that was even more ruthless than the blows before.
This single, earth-shattering punch was as though a superweapon had fired.
A huge energy whirlpool appeared in the air and formed a mushroom-shaped cloud.
If the previous punches were supersonic punches, then this punch was a triple sonic punch.
Levi had not been able to stop the previous punch, so without a doubt, this punch would blast him into smithereens.
All the bones in his body would be crushed to pieces.
Evidently, this triple sonic punch would be much too powerful for him.
With a single punch, screams and whines filled the air.
It was earth-shaking and outrageously terrifying.
The Seven Fiends closed their eyes because they could not bear to see Levi’s downfall.
They wanted to remember him at his best.
Robed Slayer was confident that Levi would die in his hands with this punch.
Everything would come to an end.
Presumably stupefied, Levi stood motionless in his spot.
It was as though he was waiting for death to befall him.
Yet, to everybody’s surprise, Levi threw out a punch.
Although Levi threw his punch after Robed Slayer’s, the former’s punch landed on target first.
It was unexpected for Levi to even possibly throw out a punch after being dealt with a triple sonic punch.
His punch was definitely much faster than the triple sonic punch.
With that forceful punch, Levi and Robed Slayer’s fists collided.
All of a sudden, the ground cracked, and the earth shattered.
No one had expected such an outcome.
With a single blow by Levi, Robed Slayer was defeated as he flung across the air and spat out blood.
He lay crumpled on the ground, and his eyes were filled with fear and shock. “Triple sonic punch? How is that possible?”
A commotion immediately broke out amongst the crowd.
Everyone was utterly flabbergasted!
Levi’s punch had actually sent Robed Slayer flying.
Is this real?
Could this be a dream?
The spies hiding in the crowd were on the verge of spewing blood.
Bruce and the Raysonia’s chieftains, who were watching, choked on their drinks.
How could Levi explode with such power when he almost died just now?
Everyone was stunned for half a minute.
The Seven Fiends sensed that something was off, and they were completely shell-shocked when they opened their eyes.
What’s going on?
How can this be?
And by the looks of it, Levi seemed to be in a ball of fire.
It was definitely not terminal lucidity, neither did it seem like he used extreme methods to increase his powers.
The Seven Fiends were pleasantly surprised.
Upon seeing this, a particular group of people in the crowd smiled in satisfaction. It was as though they were very pleased with Levi.
“No way! It’s impossible!”
“How could this be happening? I don’t believe it!”
Everyone stared in disbelief at the scene before them.
As for Robed Slayer’s apprentices, they were terrified when they saw that Robed Slayer was wounded.
They couldn’t believe that something like that was happening.
“That can’t be! He was near death!”
“He must have gotten help from the demons, and that’s why his power has increased.”
The crowd presumed that it was with the help of the demons.
Robed Slayer stood up slowly and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth as he looked at Levi.
This piqued his interest.
This won’t be a boring battle after all.
Levi has shown his due strength.
“That’s good. I’m starting to take this seriously.”
Levi said with a smile, “As I said before, this is just the beginning.”


“This will definitely be Levi’s last fight, sir. You have to be careful.”

“That’s right. He won’t last long. You have to win, sir!”
Almost everyone thought that Levi would put up a fight till his last breath. They believed that he was going to fight Robed Slayer to his death.

They also believed that his powerful stance was all an act.
He was actually at the brink of death…
Yet, Robed Slayer was exhilarated.
With a roar, Robed Slayer let out a wave of energy.
One wave after another.
It was more terrifying than the punches he threw earlier.
At the explosion of the energy, the air grew thick and hot. It was as though a thunderstorm was about to happen.
A scorching heat permeated through the air.
The crowd was shocked to witness this energy outburst from Robed Slayer.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
The sound of loud bangs from the energy outburst seemed to be ripping apart the fabric of time and dimension itself.
But instead of dodging the attack, Levi faced the attack head-on.
Levi threw a punch that was a hundred times more powerful than the energy wave.
Wave after wave of the energy kept coming forth, but Levi deflected it with punch after punch.
Every counter-attack caused a deafening boom in the sky.
The thunderous booms that could be heard from the start of the battle were as though a thunderstorm was spawning in the sky.
Thunder roared in an angry sky.
Those who lived around the area, who didn’t know what was happening, began to cower in fear.
The energy wave from Robed Slayer was so powerful.
But Levi’s power was even stronger.
He destroyed everything with just a couple of punches.
Soon, Levi smashed all the energy waves in the sky, then he rushed up to Robed Slayer and blasted out a triple sonic punch.
The earth shook and trembled.
This punch was even more terrifying than the punch from Robed Slayer.
“Celestial Shield!”
Robed Slayer let out a roar.
A stream of energy shot out around them and formed an invisible energy wall.
This wall was possibly more indestructible than the alloy steel walls.
It appeared that none of the modern weapons could penetrate the wall.
Levi pounded fiercely at the invisible wall with his fist.
The earth shook, and the tremor could be felt on the battlefield.
It was simply too terrifying.
Crack… crack… crack…
Although the invisible wall shook violently under attack, it managed to deflect Levi’s punch.
Blood trickled at the corner of Robed Slayer’s mouth; despite that, he was grinning ecstatically.
In his entire life, he had never encountered a powerful opponent such as Levi.
“You think you can break Celestial Shield? Dream on!”
Robed Slayer gave a sinister smile.
The energy wave from him caused the wind around him to bellow like a wild beast.
It was actually substantializing.
Just like a flame…
His energy had reached such a superior stage.
It has substantialized!
This was the Robed Slayer.
The man who dominated an entire era.
The energy wall in front of Robed Slayer turned into a fiery red wall that resembled the color of flame.
It was ten times the intensity than before.
Levi planted one foot on the ground and raised the other foot for a kick.
The kick was a powerful one, and it was terrifying to watch.
The kick split the energy wall apart.
Robed Slayer was flung some distance away from the impact.
Incredulity was apparent in his eyes.
Am I being defeated again?
“Robed Slayer!”
Upon seeing this, everyone gasped and shouted in horror.
“Come on. Give me your best shot.”
When the dust and smoke cleared, Robed Slayer stood up and continued to fight Levi.
From then on out, Robed Slayer used every combination of punches and fighting tricks he had known.
But he was sent flying again and again.
He was no match against Levi.
Time and time again, he was sent flying across the air.
Robed Slayer struggled to get to his feet before he shouted with eyes full of rage, “Sword!”
He was going to use the Divine Sword.


Robed Slayer had said that without the Divine Sword, he only had a fifty-percent chance of winning.

As the battle unfolded, he realized that it was true—there was an equal chance of him winning or losing!
At that moment, he was about to lose.

Hence, there was no choice but to use the Divine Sword.
However, after unleashing the Divine Sword, Robed Slayer’s chance of victory was a hundred percent.
In other words, he would win no matter what!
“Catch the sword, Master!”
A student hurled the Divine Sword into the air, which Robed Slayer caught swiftly.
The tens of thousands of people in the crowd focused intently on the Divine Sword.
Looks of envy crossed the faces of the powerful fighters amongst them.
There were countless people overseas who yearned to get their hands on this sword.
Now, they had finally seen it in real life!
Before the Seven Fiends could cheer for Levi, their expressions changed drastically.
After all, with the Divine Sword, Robed Slayer’s power would increase significantly.
Cyrus had mentioned the sword before. Even someone like him would fear a fighter who wielded this weapon.
It was thus evident how powerful the Divine Sword was.
Most importantly, Robed Slayer was actually capable of unsheathing the sword!
Even if others had it, they might not be able to use it at all.
However, he could.
“Levi, you’re the most powerful opponent I’ve encountered. You’re the only one who has forced me to use the Divine Sword!”
The sharp sound of the Divine Sword being unsheathed rang across the warzone.
The bright light reflected against the blade of the sword, dazzling the crowd and forcing them to squint their eyes.
At the same time, a murderous intent immediately filled the place.
Feeling a chill run down their spine, everyone shuddered uncontrollably.
This was how terrifying the Divine Sword was!
According to legends, the Divine Sword had been forged from the iron meteorite and immersed in fresh blood. This was why the sword exuded such a hostile murderous intent.
At the moment the Divine Sword was created, it had been struck by lightning, enshrouding the blade with bolts of electricity. Only then, the final step was completed.
To unsheathe the Divine Sword, one must endure not only its overwhelming murderous intent but also the power of the lightning embedded within it!
This was the reason why not everyone could use the Divine Sword.
In that case, Robed Slayer was the chosen one!
He raised the Divine Sword high up into the air and exclaimed, “Today, I’ll kill the first big demon using the Divine Sword!”
Now that Robed Slayer was wielding the Divine Sword, it was as if he was a different person.
His power surged rapidly as if he was a killing machine, unparalleled by any other gods.
When Robed Slayer struck with the Divine Sword, even the sky changed its color.
That singular attack was packed with the sword’s overwhelming murderous intent, the power from the lightning, and Robed Slayer’s battle skills.
It was so powerful that nothing could ever defeat it.
In fact, it was like the strike could split a mountain in half!
With bolts of lightning encircling the blade, it was so sharp that it could almost slice through the air itself.
Boom! Boom!
The loud roar of thunder echoed across the sky, as if it was acting in perfect unison with the Divine Sword.
As expected, the Divine Sword was so powerful that it could even change the sky according to its will.
The ground in front of Levi split into two as the force of the strike traveled toward him rapidly.
Levi threw a forceful punch, deflecting the impact.
However, he was forced to stagger backward before he could regain his footing.
Only then did everyone realize how terrifying the Divine Sword was—it was so powerful that it could force Levi to retreat!
As Robed Slayer had the upper hand, he took advantage of the Divine Sword’s strength and unleashed a barrage of attacks on Levi.
Although Levi was not injured and could deflect the impacts of the blows, he kept retreating backward.
It looked like he would falter sooner or later.
After all, the Divine Sword was horrifyingly powerful.
His most foundational technique, which was known to the others as Cyrus’ technique, could not block the advances of the Divine Sword anymore.
The situation was greatly in Robed Slayer’s favor.
He was so engrossed in the battle that he left absolutely no openings for Levi.
The Forbidden Technique!
In the nick of time, Levi suddenly remembered the Forbidden Technique.
I can use the Forbidden Technique to fight the Divine Sword!


I can’t!

Master has warned me against using the Forbidden Technique, especially now that the entire world’s attention is focused on me.
If I use the Forbidden Technique, something bad might happen. The consequences would be much dire then.

I might create more trouble and affect Master.
This is different from being imprisoned in The Cardinal Hall! After all, no one there knew about it.
Perhaps, The Cardinal Hall still can’t figure out how the Dragon Chain has been unlocked.
Although I could use the Forbidden Technique in that situation, I cannot use it now!
At that moment, Levi suddenly burst out laughing, startling everyone.
Even Robed Slayer was taken aback.
What’s wrong with Levi? He’s on the brink of death, but why does he still laugh? Is he crazy? Or has he lost his mind out of fear?
The reason why Levi suddenly laughed was very simple—he suddenly remembered his master.
If everyone thought that he was the Fiery Demon’s heir, it meant that his master was Cyrus.
However, he always believed that it was not true.
This time, he was certain that Cyrus was definitely not his master.
The reason was straightforward—Cyrus’ technique was merely one of the many techniques his master possessed.
That old man was definitely much more powerful than Cyrus.
In fact, he might be leagues above Cyrus.
The Forbidden Technique could not even compare to his master’s actual powers.
Furthermore, his master knew more than one Forbidden Technique—there were multiple others that he had mastered.
The reason why he knew Cyrus’ technique was probably just a coincidence.
Hence, Levi was sure that his master was definitely not Cyrus.
Furthermore, his master taught him this technique with an incomplete scroll, not the entire one.
As such, Levi was sure that they were two different people.
Hence, he burst out laughing.
Cyrus, who are you to become my master? You’ll never be worthy enough!
Meanwhile, someone in the crowd was staring at Levi intently.
“He’s a powerful one! If he survives, we can let him join us.”
The person was extremely satisfied with Levi’s performance.
“Okay. Do we need to intervene?” asked another person.
“There’s no need for that. If he dies, it proves that he’s incapable!” replied the first person coldly.
Meanwhile, everyone in the crowd was shocked by Levi’s weird reaction.
What is he planning to do?
“Is he mocking Master?”
“Master, don’t give him any openings!”
The Robed Slayer’s students started yelling out loud.
Although Robed Slayer was wielding the Divine Sword, Levi still remained undefeated.
Feeling humiliated, he was determined to end the battle as quickly as possible and kill Levi within a single move.
“The Robed Attack!”
Robed Slayer unleashed his most powerful attack.
It was his trump card that had always secured his ultimate victory.
Once he unleashed that attack, no one could defeat him. Even the earth would quake in terror when faced with it.
The impact caused by the sword could be felt from miles away, destroying everything in its path.
It was as if the sword could even split the sky in half!
Thunder rumbled in the distance while everyone cowered in fear.
Robed Attack was powerful enough to make Robed Slayer unparalleled for an entire generation.
This strike was significantly faster and stronger than the previous one.
All of Robed Slayer’s strength and the Divine Sword’s power had been unleashed to their fullest limits.
With one strike, he aimed to kill Levi.
Everyone spectating the crowd has already retreated from the scene.
However, the impact of the attack was so strong that they were thrust a few hundred meters back as if an invisible hand was pushing them away.
The most critical moment had arrived.
Am I really not going to use the Forbidden Technique? If I don’t, I’ll die!
“I see that Master is hesitating! He probably has a way to deflect that attack. Why is he hesitating?”
“He should just use his trump card! If he doesn’t, he’ll die!” exclaimed the Sword Fiend when he noticed Levi’s hesitation.
The Seven Fiends were so worried that they started sweating profusely.
The critical moment deciding the outcome of the battle is here! Why is he hesitating? Use the trump card now! If Levi doesn’t use the Forbidden Technique, he won’t be able to deflect this strike!


What should he do? Is he just waiting for his death?

Crack! Crack!
At that moment, Levi’s bones started to crack loudly as his bones and veins started to undergo some changes.

Energy surged through his body, while steam rose from his head. His face was so red that it was as if he was burning.
A look of unbearable agony crossed his face.
It was like every inch of his muscle, every bone and every vein was exploding and reconstructing themselves…
He was in maximum pain!
What is he doing? T-This…
Everyone was stunned.
“Is he using the Reversal Technique?”
Someone noticed something abnormal.
“Is he crazy? The Reversal Technique is really risky! If something unexpected happens, he would explode and die!”
“This man is definitely crazy!”
Everyone exclaimed in shock.
As they had speculated, Levi was actually using the Reversal Technique.
The thought had been circling in his mind for a long time.
When he was in jail for the second time, the old man taught him this foundational technique. It allowed him to train the fastest after reconstructing his martial vein.
Levi had to admit that the old man was so knowledgeable that he could easily come up with a solution regardless of the situation.
One of those solutions, which he had so easily thought of, was the exact technique that made Cryus famous!
However, Levi always thought that the technique was incomplete—it was limited and tough to upgrade.
As his earlier opponents were quite weak, the technique’s flaws could not be exposed.
Now that he was confronted with a truly powerful opponent, its flaws emerged.
Hence, Levi had been thinking about how to perfect the technique or upgrade it.
Since a long time ago, he already had the desire to try out the Reversal Technique.
Merging it with the Reversero technique, he believed that he would reach a breakthrough.
However, the price he had to pay was significant and success could not be guaranteed so quickly.
As a result, Levi had been starting his plan since last night.
He had deliberately let himself get hurt.
It was part of Levi’s plan to give Robed Slayer the upper hand in the battle!
He could only use the Reversal Technique if he was critically injured.
After much research, he had discovered that being critically injured was the best condition to unleash the Reversal Technique.
At that moment, his martial vein and bones would be teetering on the brink of destruction.
Then, he would unleash the Reversal Technique!
A dangerous aura exploded from his body.
His face twisted with menace while his eyes became completely bloodshot.
It was as if a dragon who had been asleep for thousands of years had suddenly awoken!
Limitless strength surged through his body, exuding an aura so powerful that extended for miles.
It was as if an eclipse had occurred in the sky…
When Robed Slayer’s most powerful attack approached Levi, he actually used his bare hands to grab the sword.
The sword exuded a terrifying aura. Bristling with bolts of electricity, its blade was so sharp that it threatened to slash everything in its path into shreds.
Meanwhile, the aura of the sword was so powerful that it could almost melt Levi’s hands off.
However, it was as if his hands were made of the strongest metal in the world—they could never be destructed. Instead, with fearsome strength, he grabbed the Divine Sword tightly.
Through the corner of his eyes, Robed Slayer could see Levi’s ferocious expression.
At that moment, he actually felt a sudden pang of fear.
A strange feeling of terror seized him.
Crack! Crack! Crack!
The ground beneath their feet crumbled, sending them sinking into it.
A terrifying power spread across the venue.
“Oh my God! He actually blocked the sword! Is he even human?”
“What is Levi doing? Why do I feel that he’s become stronger?”
“How powerful can he be? This is simply impossible!”
When everyone saw Levi deflect that strike, they felt like they had gone mad.
In front of the screen, Bruce and the chieftains of Raysonia were all dumbstruck.
They stared in disbelief as the scene unfolded in front of their eyes.
“Don’t worry! Levi’s already at the end of his wits. Even if he can deflect this strike, can he endure the next one?” scoffed Delano disdainfully.
However, what happened next made him gape in shock.


The moment Delano spoke, a loud crack rang across the entire venue.

Everyone was stunned, while Delano’s expression froze on his expression.
The cracking sound had come from the Divine Sword!

When Levi was grabbing the sword, strength surged through his arms and he broke it into half forcefully.
It was as if the cracking sound had come right from the depths of hell, shocking everyone.
When the Divine Sword cracked, blood splattered out of Robed Slayer’s mouth. He flew backward rapidly like a kite with a torn string.
After collapsing on the ground, he vomited mouthfuls of blood. However, he did not feel any pain—he was still immersed in shock.
The Divine Sword cracked? How can a sword that has been created with those materials be broken?
How terrifyingly strong is he? Is he a demon?
I’ve lost! I’ve actually lost so badly!
Gazing at the broken Divine Sword in his hands, he felt like crying.
Meanwhile, everyone else was stunned.
They stood there motionlessly with a frozen expression, looking like statues.
They were dumbstruck by this unimaginable situation.
The Divine Sword, which had always been undefeatable, was actually shattered by brute force.
This is horrifying!
Robed Slayer’s students collapsed to the floor as if the sky had just fallen. They trembled so much that they could not utter a single word.
Meanwhile, Bruce and the Raysonia’s forces were still paralyzed to the spot.
They were so shocked that their minds went blank.
That scene was too surprising for them.
The audience watching the battle in the Cardinal Hall was also silent.
They had always been troubled by the question of how the Dragon Chain got broken.
Now, they had gotten their answer.
If he could destroy the Divine Sword, he could destroy the Dragon Chain!
This man is unbelievably strong!
No way! T-This…”
No one could accept this fact.
Robed Slayer was about to win, but the outcome was vastly different.
Only a few people smiled.
“Not bad! Since he survived, we can invite him to join us,” said someone with a smile.
Somewhere else, a person commented with a chuckle, “This is interesting!”
He was indeed the Southern Emperor, ranked first in the Gem List.
“W-We won?”
The Seven Fiends shed tears of joy.
We’ve made the right decision by following Master! He’s the Fiery Demon’s heir! He can definitely give rise to an era where the fiends finally dominate!
Levi tossed the broken half of the sword onto the ground, jolting everyone back to their senses.
“Do you want to continue?” he asked as he stared at Robed Slayer.
Robed Slayer struggled to get up but discovered that he had no more strength in him.
It was pointless for him to continue, for he had already unleashed his most powerful attack.
Still, the Divine Sword had been broken.
There was no way he could fight Levi anymore.
What should I do?
“I’ve… I’ve lost!”
With much difficulty, Robed Slayer admitted to his defeat.
“We’ve won! All hail the master!” yelled the Seven Fiends.
Meanwhile, deathly silence reigned in the massive crowd.
Amongst them, Bruce and the Raysonia’s forces were the most speechless.
They had planned so long and sacrificed so much for this moment, yet Levi ended up winning.
How did we even think that we can kill Levi? He’s completely fine now; in fact, he seems much stronger than before.
When they thought of how much effort they had put into this, their hearts ached.
Despite the price they had paid for this, Levi was still unaffected.
He was simply too terrifying.
“I’ll keep my promise. If you want to kill or maim me, do what you want! The Cardinal Hall will not put you in a tight spot anymore,” said Robed Slayer.
He was prepared to die.
After all, the Fiery Demon’s heir would never let him live.
To his surprise, Levi chuckled. “You’re a top fighter in Erudia’s martial arts world. Why should I kill you?”
Robed Slayer was stunned.
Is Levi not going to kill me?
Levi was about to explain when something suddenly changed.



All of a sudden, Robed Slayer’s mouth frothed and he started convulsing. He collapsed onto the ground and rolled around in utter agony.
More terrifyingly, streaks of blood appeared on his body, as if it was about to be torn into pieces.

Levi was stunned by what he saw.
What’s going on?
Although it was true that he injured Robed Slayer, most of his strength had been channeled to destroy the Divine Sword.
Hence, Robed Slayer was only mildly injured.
Why did he end up like this?
“Could it be…”
Levi’s expression changed drastically as a thought surfaced in his mind.
Poison! Robed Slayer has been poisoned! There’s poison on the sword.
He immediately discovered the reason.
Just when he was about to announce it, someone responded first.
“Master’s been poisoned!”
“Levi poisoned Master! Burn in hell, Levi!” yelled Robed Slayer’s students.
“Levi’s so despicable! How can he use such an underhanded method like poisoning?”
“Although you’ve won, it’s not a glorious victory, Levi.”
“No, Levi has actually lost. He only won through such extreme methods!”
“I knew that the Divine Sword can never be broken. Levi must have resorted to some dirty tricks!”
Before Levi could say anything, the judgment against him was sealed—he was the one who poisoned Robed Slayer!
Everyone accused him of doing that.
Hearing the indignant exclamations from the crowd, Delano smirked gloatingly.
He was the one who administered the poison!
The Raysonia’s forces had given him a mission to poison Robed Slayer.
When Robed Slayer unsheathed the Divine Sword yesterday, Delano had asked to admire it.
It was then that he poisoned the sword.
The poison was untraceable, so no one could sense it.
Upon contact with the poison, the effects would not show immediately.
Instead, the poison would only be activated after one exerts force.
The more powerful one was, the more lethal the poison would be.
Hence, when Robed Slayer touched the Divine Sword, he was still completely fine.
Yet, he was now suffering from the effects of the poison.
As long as he did not exert any force, he would be fine.
For example, the student who had been holding the Divine Sword for Robed Slayer was unaffected.
As he did not exert any force, the lethal poison would not be activated.
Hence, he still looked normal.
The Seven Fiends stepped forward and protested, “That’s impossible! Master is so powerful that he won’t have to resort to poison! Someone must have poisoned Robed Slayer beforehand.”
As expected, what they were worried about had come true.
Their expectation was right—the other forces had a backup plan.
Delano quickly rebuked, “Poisoned him beforehand? How ridiculous! He is so powerful that no one can possibly manage to poison him.”
The Sword Fiend scoffed coldly, “Someone must have done something to the sword. I’m sure that the sword has been poisoned!”
“Yeah! Someone must have done something to the sword beforehand!” agreed the others.
“That’s impossible. Only Master and Hudson had touched the sword, and Hudson has been guarding it all along. He is Master’s best apprentice, so he will never poison Master! Furthermore, if someone has poisoned the sword, why is Hudson still fine and why is only Master poisoned? Levi must be the culprit who poisoned him!” asserted Delano firmly.
By leveraging how the poison would only be activated after exerting one’s force, Delano constructed such a strong argument that everyone was silent.
Even the Seven Fiends did not know how to rebuke him.
Earlier, Robed Slayer was completely fine.
However, after battling with Levi, he got poisoned.
This meant that Levi was the one who poisoned him.
“From what I know, Venom Fiend from the Seven Fiends is a master in poison. He must have provided a poison so lethal to poison Master!”
Delano continued throwing out more evidence.
“Yeah! Although the average poison can’t harm Robed Slayer, Venom Fiend’s poison can!”


Everyone hurled accusations at Levi.

All evidence was there and everyone witnessed this incident.
There was no way Levi could defend himself!

“Pfft! Pfft!”
Meanwhile, the poison acting on Robed Slayer became more severe.
More streaks of blood appeared on his body and his flesh was starting to split apart.
If this continued, he would definitely die!
Only then did Bruce and the others realize what was going on.
According to their original plan, Robed Slayer was supposed to kill Levi first before being poisoned. Even if he did not die, he would be crippled.
Their plan was to eliminate these two powerful figures.
Since it was now an irreversible fact that Levi could not be killed, all they could do was to minimize their losses and poison Robed Slayer.
Delano smiled.
Don’t blame me, Master. Actually, I’m from Raysonia, not Erudia. All of you should just go to hell!
He smirked inwardly.
It seemed like Robed Slayer’s death was a certainty now.
Levi quickly used acupuncture to contain Robed Slayer’s poison.
“See, it’s Levi! He can control the poison!” someone yelled upon seeing how the poison’s effects were lessening.
“How can you rebuke this now? Levi can control the poison! If he didn’t poison Robed Slayer, who did?”
The crowd immediately demanded.
“What the heck?”
Levi was stunned.
I’m saving Robed Slayer, but why is everyone accusing me of poisoning him? I’m just being framed at this point.
Levi sneered, “If I can break this sword, how can he ever be my opponent? There’s no reason for me to poison him.”
Everyone was stunned when faced with Levi’s question.
Yeah! Levi is obviously stronger than Robed Slayer. Why would he have to resort to poison? Isn’t that a pointless gesture?
Even Delano could not find a way to rebuke.
“It must be you! Evil people like you are the most unpredictable. It’s normal for you to use poison!”
“Furthermore, you were on the brink of death earlier. Why did your power suddenly increase? You must have used some dark and evil technique!”
As the crowd could not find any other way to rebuke Levi, they forcefully insisted that he was the person who poisoned Robed Slayer.
Even though he was being wrongfully accused, Levi smiled indifferently. “Whatever. I don’t care!”
Levi did not bother to explain, nor did he want to do so.
It was not the first time that he had been framed for a crime he did not commit.
Even if they believed in his innocence this time, such incidents would still happen over and over again in the future.
“Save him now! Otherwise, he’ll really die.”
Levi glanced at Robed Slayer before leaving.
The Robed Slayer’s students rushed over, while Levi sauntered away.
The crowd stared at him with fear and trepidation.
If the Fiery Demon’s heir is already so powerful, who can ever defeat him?
Even The Cardinal Hall had run out of solutions.
They were helpless to do anything.
“How despicable! It’ll be even harder to kill him the next time!”
Bruce and the Raysonia’s chieftains slammed the table angrily.
They sacrificed so much for this plan, yet Levi used this opportunity to achieve a breakthrough.
Everyone was so mad that they almost spat blood out.
“Now that Robed Slayer has lost, I’m afraid that the situation has changed. This is a strong blow to Erudia’s martial arts world. Many talented fighters have been stripped of their strength, while the Fiery Demon’s heir has become so powerful. Things are going to get tougher now!”
Everyone started lamenting, thinking that doomsday had arrived.
Earlier, Levi still had to hide from the righteous warriors who tried to eliminate him.
Now, he could walk everywhere he wanted openly.
No one could do anything to him.
“Is there anyone who can defeat Levi? Just anyone?”
“Yeah! Where’s the person who injured Levi previously?”
In the next second, a furious voice sounded.
“Die, Levi!”


Everyone was taken aback by this angry voice.

A figure that was as fast as lightning charged toward Levi.

The person was none other than Zoey!
When she saw Levi, she immediately went berserk and aimed a fatal blow at him.
After merging with Jared’s consciousness, she was now engulfed with hatred.
That was why she had such an agitated reaction.
Wynona had brought Zoey there. Upon seeing that Levi was fine, she had just heaved a sigh of relief when Zoey suddenly charged out.
It was too late for her to do anything!
Levi deflected Zoey’s punch quickly, causing a deafening boom to echo across the venue.
The impact was no less than his earlier battle with Robed Slayer.
When everyone saw this scene, they became excited.
Is there another strong fighter who can oppose Levi? That’s great! Erudia still has hope!
“It’s her? Levi’s wife, Zoey? How can it be her?”
Everyone was shocked when they recognized Zoey.
Why are Zoey and Levi enemies? Why does she want to kill Levi? This doesn’t seem staged. It looks like her hatred for him is genuine! It’s like she wished for nothing more than to tear Levi apart.
Everyone could sense Zoey’s fury.
Now that she had become Levi’s enemy, they were extremely curious.
Only Bruce burst out laughing after witnessing this. “That’s great! Even the heavens are on my side. The person who can actually kill Levi has arrived!”
Earlier, he was still thinking about how he could make them both meet.
Now, he did not even need to plan it.
Since the entire world now knew about Levi’s relationship with Zoey, the major forces in the world would adjust their plans according to this new information.
Levi was dumbfounded when he saw Zoey.
She’s even more troublesome to deal with than Robed Slayer!
Without regard for anything else, Zoey unleashed all her most lethal attacks.
However, as Zoey’s techniques and skills were quite limited, the attacks were only based on brute strength.
Her blows rained down on Levi one after another, the destructive power of her attacks terrifyingly strong.
Fuelled by hatred, Zoey was now extremely powerful. Although she could harm Levi previously, Levi had now evolved.
Without using the Forbidden Technique, he could still fight Zoey.
Furthermore, she did not possess his advanced techniques and combat skills.
As the battle ensued, Levi was still on par with Zoey.
Unable to land a critical blow on Levi, Zoey’s fury increased.
As she became angrier, her combat skills increased rapidly too.
The situation was now completely different.
Not only that, but the people whom Bruce had planted in the crowd also started cheering, “Levi’s your enemy! Kill him! Kill him!”
“He is a big demon! You must eliminate him for the greater good!”
“We all depend on you! Kill him…”
Initially, only some people were yelling.
However, the entire crowd started cheering in unison.
Their voices merged into a cacophonous roar, traveling into Zoey’s ears and provoking her even further.
As her fury increased, her combat skills became even more formidable. More terrifyingly, her aura spread across the entire venue, as if she was Grim Reaper…
“Hahaha! Looks like the provocation works! Everyone, keep doing it!” urged Bruce with a laugh.
Even Levi was shocked by Zoey’s transformation.
She was more terrifying than Robed Slayer, even when he was wielding the Divine Sword.
What actually happened that turned her into this? Perhaps, only Master can explain that…
For now, the only solution is to continue fighting!
“S-She is even stronger than Robed Slayer! Looks like Levi has met his match!”
“This is a life-or-death battle. How interesting! I bet Levi didn’t expect this to happen to him!”
“I want to see if he can ever kill his wife. Hahaha…”


Everyone was delighted to spectate this battle.

It did not matter who won or lost.
Although they were curious why Zoey had become like that, they still wished for both of them to battle it out.

Zoey’s fury and power were off the charts!
Levi was also mustering all his strength to fight her.
Their battle was so fierce and intense that it was even more interesting than the previous one.
Levi felt anxious too.
Zoey’s power is increasing. If she can’t land any blows and injure me, she becomes even angrier. How can this continue?
Since Zoey was extremely powerful now, it was difficult for him to strike the correct pressure point through acupuncture.
It was impossible to rein her in.
Zoey’s strength increased as the battle continued, forcing Levi to retreat backward.
“What the heck? Zoey is so powerful! Is she the most powerful female warrior in Erudia?”
“How can she possibly be so powerful? She’s stronger than Robed Slayer!”
Zoey’s superb skills convinced everyone of her power.
“What should I do? What should I do now?”
Levi felt so anxious that he broke out into a cold sweat.
Zoey is determined to kill me, but I can’t bear to harm her! Furthermore, she’s like a complete madwoman now, so I might not be able to defeat her.
“Daddy, Mommy, what are you doing?”
At the most critical moment, Zoey and Levi heard a child’s voice.
Both of them froze at the spot, while their intensity and strength during the battle faded instantaneously.
It was as if they were two deflated balloons.
They glanced at the direction of the voice simultaneously.
Evie is here!
Forlevia stood there, gaping at them in horror.
When Zoey saw Forlevia, she turned from a madwoman to a loving mother.
Tears glistened in her eyes as she forgot all about Levi, her ‘enemy’, standing there.
“Evie, I’ll pick you up later!”
Grabbing that opportunity, Levi immediately fled from the battle scene and disappeared in front of everyone.
Zoey reacted quickly and was about to chase after him.
“Don’t go, Mommy…”
Forlevia’s voice caused her to halt in her tracks and glance backward.
Within that short period of time, Levi had already escaped to an unknown destination.
When the Seven Fiends found Levi, he was somewhere near Oakland City.
No one had expected Forlevia’s sudden appearance.
It actually ended the fight of the century!
After Zoey met Forlevia, Wynona invited them to The Cardinal Hall.
Meanwhile, Robed Slayer’s students got him treated.
Only a quarter of Bruce’s plan had succeeded—it was still an overall failure.
Not only have they sustained severe losses, but they had also paid a hefty price for that.
Zoey’s intervention did not change the outcome at all—Levi had still won!
He defeated Robed Slayer, who was even wielding the Divine Sword.
Soon, The Manifest Court published the newly updated Erudia Gem&Stone List.
The Stone List has been temporarily deactivated because of multiple young talented fighters being crippled and the top three warriors disappearing.
However, a drastically significant change had occurred in the Gem List.
Levi had become the top warrior on the Gem List!
As he had defeated Robed Slayer and broken the Divine Sword, he surpassed the Southern Emperor and rose to the top.
Meanwhile, the Southern Emperor became second.
Zoey had just been introduced to the list and was third.
As Robed Slayer had been poisoned, he dropped to fifth place, while Xenotoph took fourth place.
“The Fiery Demon’s heir has topped the Gem List! We’re returning to the Era of Fiends.”
“This is a good thing for us!”
For the tens of thousands of fiends, this was an occasion to call for a celebration.
Levi had done what Cyrus had achieved in the past!
Judging from his current dominance, it would be soon before he conquered the entire world.
However, this was not something good for Levi.
He never cared about these empty titles anyway.
How do I deal with Zoey’s condition now?
“I have to do something first.”
Levi made up his mind.


“What is Master?” The Seven Fiends asked.

Meanwhile, Levi was the first on the Gem List!
Conquering everyone with his strength.

Now, they had changed their address for Levi.
Before that, they only called him Master Garrison because he was the heir of Cyrus. In fact, this had little relation to Levi.
Now that Levi’s abilities were respected by everyone.
He was their real master.
“Heal the Robed Slayer!” Levi said.
Levi had been studying the ancient medical manual that was given by the old man.
His medical skills were definitely at the level of a master!
Hence, he could cure the Robed Slayer’s poison.
Moreover, with Venom Fiend with him, it would be even easier.
Not only that, Levi had a big plan!
“We’re at your command, Master!” everyone said.
Sword Fiend raised a question. “Master, it seems like after Madam saw the child, her mood changes… I think we can start from here…”
Levi was delighted upon hearing Sword Fiend’s reminder.
That’s right! Even though Zoey was furious, but she calmed down after Evie called her “Mommy”. That’s amazing. She can still be saved! There would be a day Zoey and I can reconcile…
“That’s good news!” Levi patted Sword Fiend.
Robed Slayer was brought back to his house.
There were divine doctors among the students, trying their best to treat him.
Delano was panicking and anxious at the side…
He definitely didn’t want Robed Slayer to be alive.
There was already so much damage. If Robed Slayer was saved, he would burst into tears.
“Forget it. Screw it!” Delano’s expression changed and looked toward Robed Slayer with a murderous aura.
He was going to kill Robed Slayer even if it cost his life.
Just when he was about to make his move, a hand was placed on his shoulder.
Delano got a huge shock.
“Is the Robed Slayer here?” Delano turned to the voice. There were two people with a dignified and ethereal demeanor.
They were no other than Levi and Venom Fiend.
Both of them had undergone the disguise technique and had completely changed their demeanor.
“Yes. And you are?” Delano asked.
Levi and Venom Fiend ignored him and entered the house.
“Let Sword Fiend take note on him!” Levi said calmly.
Earlier at the East Warzone, Levi had noticed him.
At the house.
Levi suggested treating Robed Slayer but was rejected by the apprentices.
They didn’t know Levi’s identity after all.
But Levi didn’t care, he used his skill to push away the apprentices and went forward to treat Robed Slayer.
“Oh my gosh! What am I seeing? The long lost Nine Turn Acupuncture method?” The apprentice who had the best medical skills exclaimed suddenly.
He recognized the medical skill performed by Levi!
This is the legendary ancient medical skill!
In a blink of an eye, the poison in Robed Slayer was cleaned with the cooperation of Levi and Venom Fiend.
Robed Slayer had already regained his consciousness, but he had not woken up.
“He’s pretty good at acting!” Levi sneered before leaving.
“What a genius doctor! He’s an ultimate Genius Doctor!” Upon seeing the poison being cleared, the apprentices kneeled on the floor simultaneously and exclaimed.
Genius Doctor, meaning that his medical skill could change fate as if with heaven’s help!
That was more insane than a miracle doctor!
When Delano walked in, he was taken aback when he saw everyone kneeling on the floor.
“What’s happening?”
Upon learning the poison in Robed Slayer had been cleared, he almost fainted.
How is that possible! This poison was impossible to clear! As soon as one exerts any force, one would have his martial vein severely damaged, paralyzed, or even die… It’s impossible to clear! This was a poison developed by an ancient force in Raysonia, targeted specifically for martial art fighters!
But the truth was before him!
Robed Slayer was healed.
Lying on the bed, Robed Slayer opened his eyes suddenly. “It’s him! Huh! Now I owe him a favor!”



Eight Level Body Fusion Realm - Virgin Sect
Sep 17, 2023

Chapter 1133​

It didn’t take long before Zoey and her group arrived at the South City.

They raced toward the Warzone compound.

Although the place was run-down, Zoey knew that this place was Levi’s base camp.

Levi’s secrets were hidden here.

His best friends all lived here before.

However, when Zoey and the group arrived, there was not a single person in the Warzone compound.

Even the dogs that used to run around the place were gone.

Based on the settled dust and cobwebs, the place had been unoccupied for a long time.

Zoey could only stare blankly at the sight before her, feeling lost and helpless.

Levi’s not here…

Zoey could not imagine where would he be.

Just then, Emma received news from South Hampton.

As expected, Levi was not in South Hampton as well.

This proved that Levi had indeed disappeared.

Zoey’s vision went dark and she collapsed onto the floor.

“Zoey!” everyone rushed to her side.

When Zoey woke up, she was already on a hospital bed.

“Zoey, hang in there. Please take care of yourself!” Emma held onto her hands and sobbed.

“Stop faking it! You’re just like your son! Leave my sweetie alone!” Caitlyn raged and tried to separate them.

“Mom, stop it! You can’t blame it on her! She has nothing to do with this.” Zoey tried to mediate the rising tension.

“This is all Levi’s fault! He’s an animal! Not only did he abandoned Zoey, but he also left his own mother!” Meredith fumed.

Levi’s sudden disappearance stirred up intense turmoil between the Lopez and Black families.

His disappearance coincided with the timing when Tyrone made the threat.

All circumstances suggested the irresistible conclusion that Levi was scared away by the Garrison clan.

“He’s a coward! A hypocrite! How could he call himself a man!”

“Does Levi not feel any shame? He abandoned his own mother, wife, and unborn child! What an animal!”

“I’m ashamed to even know him! He’s not worthy to be a man, a husband nor a father!”

Logan and the others condemned Levi relentlessly.

Sylas tried to defend Levi, “He must be away because of some urgent matters, he’ll definitely be back!”

She knew Levi’s actual identity and guessed that he was probably summoned to handle some urgent matters.

At that, Zoey’s eyes showed signs of hope. “She’s right, that must be it! I believe he will not abandon me!”

“Zoey, why are you so stubborn? He even deleted his contact number…”

“He’s never coming back! Back then, he was capable enough to solve his problems. However, it’s different this time. The Garrison clan wants him dead, he can only run away!”

Meredith and the others tried to dash Zoey’s hope.

Nonetheless, Zoey was adamant. “No, I don’t care what all of you are saying. My gut tells me that Levi will return very soon! I believe in him, he will not abandon me!”

“Return? That’s impossible! If he wants to return, he wouldn’t have left quietly nor delete his contact number!”

Zoey smiled. “Mom, Dad, dare to make a bet with me then?”

“What are we betting on?” Aaron asked.

“We’ll bet if Levi will return within one month’s time. If he does return, all of you must apologize to him!” Zoey proposed confidently.

“Alright!” Aaron agreed.

“If he doesn’t return, I will believe that he abandoned me!” Zoey placed the bet based on her trust in Levi.
The amount of irritation I get and I want to smash the heads of Meredith, Robert, Aaron and Caitlyn just like the ballon. They are a big nuisance. If my future in laws happen to be like that, i won't hesitate to send them to some far away harem.


Eight Level Body Fusion Realm - Virgin Sect
Sep 17, 2023
I don't really like Levi hiding so many things from Zoey, especially this kidney issue. It's as if he enjoys having her worry for nothing
Somehow I am also pissed about that. While every tom, dick and harry got to know the truth, he hides from her. Whatever be the logic behind, i fail to see the point. She is the one stands behind him at every juncture and yet he deliberately hides from her. All the more it looks like he enjoys being ridiculed and tormented by the lopez and harry family. Why the hell can't he show to them who he really is. However I like this story and thanks a lot master Indra.


Supreme Grandmaster
Sep 24, 2023
Somehow I am also pissed about that. While every tom, dick and harry got to know the truth, he hides from her. Whatever be the logic behind, i fail to see the point. She is the one stands behind him at every juncture and yet he deliberately hides from her. All the more it looks like he enjoys being ridiculed and tormented by the lopez and harry family. Why the hell can't he show to them who he really is. However I like this story and thanks a lot master Indra.
I have similar experience with another novel like that, while most people know his identity his immediate family doesn't know him just because he's too lazy to explain


Supreme Grandmaster
Sep 24, 2023

Robed Slayer’s sharp gaze suddenly glanced toward Delano who was not far from him!

Giving him a meaningful gaze, Robed Slayer sneered, “From now on, do not spread the message that I have recovered to anyone!”
“Yes, sir!” everyone replied in unison.

After they left, Venom Fiend asked, “Master, where are we going now?”
“We’re going to find the geniuses!” Levi smirked.
This was his plan.
He was going to treat every single genius who had been incapacitated by the Raysonia forces!
A simple loss of abilities was easy to cure!
But if the martial vein was destroyed, even the enormous martial arts world could not help.
Just like what happened to Levi before.
And he could only remain that way for a lifetime…
But this was not a difficult task for Levi.
His mentor had reconstructed his martial vein, so he knew the method.
He had to help these geniuses as soon as possible!
The Raysonia forces had spent so much effort in destroying the geniuses in Erudia. This was only a beginning!
There would be more tricks coming!
The next few days, Levi wandered around Erudia.
Today, this genius started to recover and had his martial art skills slowly improved.
The next day, the other genius had his martial vein reconstructed, and everything went well.
After being rescued by Levi, some even had great improvement in their abilities after receiving guidance from him.
Levi was racing against time to treat the geniuses of Erudia.
At the same time, he even helped with difficult medical cases and the underprivileged patients, and so on.
After some time…
The title of the Genius Doctor got more famous.
He was even known as the top Miracle doctor in Erudia!
Every force was tracking the traces of the Genius Doctor.
Countless people wanted to go to the Genius Doctor for help!
But there were hearsays about this genius doctor for having a weird temper. He only looked for patients but no one could ever find him.
“It’s a blessing for us to have this Genius Doctor in Erudia!”
The Cardinal Hall couldn’t help but express its opinion.
“This shows that there are many hidden experts in Erudia! Levi will never return to the Era of Fiend!”
“That’s right! Levi hasn’t reached the point where the hidden experts are needed! If he goes too far, the hidden experts will definitely deal with him! I think this Genius Doctor is a martial arts expert!”

The Genius Doctor even caught the attention of The Manifest Court.
They were actively investigating his identity.
But after Levi treated these geniuses, he made them go into hiding…
He wanted to drop a grand surprise to shatter the evil plans of the Raysonia forces at once!
Not only that, Levi even arranged for the Sword Fiend to do another important matter.
Zoey had been getting along well with those in The Cardinal Hall.
The Cardinal Hall had accepted Zoey and Wynona into the organization!
There were even specialized mentors to guide both of them on how to use their talents, to maximize their potential.
Evie was pampered by the Cardinal Hall and Eragon!
Rumors had it that Evie’s abilities had reached an unimaginable level!
But the Cardinal Hall had chosen to stay silent!
On the other hand…
Robed Slayer kept the apprentices tight-lipped, but Delano still let everything out.
But Delamo was already targeted by Levi’s people and Robed Slayer.
Levi had even found out about Delano’s true identity.
He was from Raysonia but was sent to Erudia since young as an undercover agent…
In fact, there were plenty of people like him!
Levi had his Team of Secret Warriors find every single one of them.
Besides that, Levi visited some people… and they were willing to follow him.
This would leave a positive influence in the future.
Ever since the last defeat, Bruce and Raysonian forces had another meeting.
“We’re going forward with the plan!” Raysonian forces were about to begin.
Bruce smiled. “Rest assured, the first stage of my experiment was successful. Soon the mass production will begin!”
Everything was peaceful for now, but this was the calm before the storm.
An unprecedented storm was about to arrive.


Recently, someone noticed a phenomenon.

Levi’s loftiest position on the Gem List was a blow to The Cardinal Hall.
He could do as he wished, and no one would be able to stop him.

Wasn’t this the perfect timing for him to bring back the Era of Fiends and unleash calamity in Erudia, turning it into hell on earth?
Strangely, the wheels towards that infernal plan weren’t turning.
Levi’s henchmen, the Seven Fiends, didn’t budge; instead, they behaved like any other lawful citizens.
Rumors had it that Blood Fiend stopped using human blood for his cultivation, and Venom Fiend found an alternative to humans for testing his poison.
Not only that, it was said that some of them had even stopped their killing and turned over a new leaf.
They had practically changed overnight!
With their power, they could turn the world upside down, but they did nothing like that! They didn’t even commit a single evil deed.
What have changed them?
People were scratching their heads and feeling something uncanny about this one hundred-eighty-degree change.
After all, they were Fiends!
Well, most people heard it from the grapevine, and by human nature, they spread it wherever they went.
They believed everything they heard but had they seen the Fiends personally?
Mercifully, there was a handful of clear-minded people who desisted from being flushed into the swirl.
They realized that something was off.
Since Levi became the head of the Fiends, instead of threatening law and order, the things that he did actually made Erudia a better place.
The Seven Fiends and their followers changed completely too.
Soon, news regarding the false accusation on the Seven Fiends incapacitated hundreds of young talents in Erudia came out… It was not them.
The assailants had their identity concealed by wearing masks.
It definitely wasn’t the style of the Seven Fiends.
They’d be more than eager to show off every inch of their features and skin so that the whole world would know that they did it.
Why would they hide behind the curtain?
Of course, that wasn’t the only giveaway. More and more evidence surfaced and cleared their name of all malign undertakings.
“I choose to believe the Crown King. Maybe he’s trying to direct these devilish creatures to become Erudia’s heroes!”
“I think so too! He is trustworthy!”
Levi had been out of the scene for quite some time, and that reinforced the faith in some people.
The Cardinal Hall’s bleak prophecy of a catastrophe remained a prophecy.
The Era of Fiends never came!
While the general public surmised Levi’s intentions, he cured almost all the geniuses of Erudia!
The elite warriors put their noses to the grindstone in regaining their strength and skills the moment their martial vein healed.
On top of that, Levi sent Sword Fiend and his men to look for the missing top three warriors on the Stone list, and they found them!
He then got them back on their feet and helped restore their power.
The majority of Erudia’s elite warriors had fully recovered thus far.
Not only had the warriors recovered, but they’d also successfully upped their strengths under Levi’s guidance. In other words, the warriors were now up a notch! By the time Raysonia could carry out an attack, the Erudia warriors would be all set to lock horns.
No one could’ve foreseen that, especially Raysonia. Their jaws dropped when they saw hundreds of Erudia’s elite warriors marching.
Levi shattered their wretched scheme all alone!
What Levi wanted to do next was related to Delano.
He wanted to know about the strengths and weaknesses of Raysonia and thought surveilling Delano would help. Neither Raysonia nor Delano knew about Levi’s strategy.
One day when Levi and Venom Fiend was on their way home after healing a genius, Levi stopped.
“You’ve been following us all the way, haven’t you? Show yourself.”
Venom Fiend froze in shock, for he failed to notice that they were being followed.
H-How did Levi notice that?
“Hahaha! So this is what the number one on the Gem List is capable of! I’m impressed!”
Five people appeared and stood in front of them.
Who are these people? How did they figure out our real identity?
Venom Fiend was still in shock.


For quite some time, Venom Fiend and Levi had been trotting around Erudia in disguise with the latter as the Genius Doctor, and no one had ever seen through their false identity before!

They were using the disguise technique which Levi acquired from the ancient manual, and for someone to be not get deceived sent shockwaves down their spines.
These people are up to no good!

Venom Fiend kept his eyes affixed to the men across from him.
They were all in black robes and had blood-red masks on.
An upright cross could be seen embroidered on the chest area of their garment.
“The Sacred Organization?” Levi raised his brow and chuckled.
That was the first thing that came into his mind at first glance.
Sword Fiend did mention before that the defectors who managed to escape joined the Sacred Organization and were resolute in seeking revenge.
Their efficiency caught Levi by surprise, though.
“Really?” Venom wanted to make sure.
“Venom, have you forgotten who I am?”
One of the men slowly took off his mask. It was a familiar face.
It was Notos who went abroad with Death Fiend!
“And me, Venom?”
Another man removed his mask.
He is Tempestus! It is the Sacred Organization!
Venom Fiend found it hard to believe that his mates, whom he hadn’t met in ages, were standing right in front of him.
Yet, something was different about them.
They weren’t his swashbuckling comrades under the leadership of Cyrus anymore.
They’d become soulless puppets.
“You… What are you doing here?” asked Venom Fiend, slightly recovered from stupefaction.
Notos perked his lips. “We aren’t here for you. We’re looking for him!”
In a flash, all eyes were on Levi.
“And how may I help you?” Levi nonchalantly responded.
“Congratulations! We’ve been observing you for quite a while and have concluded that you’re qualified to be one of us. We’d like to welcome you to the Sacred Organization!”
Levi and Venom Fiend looked at each other perplexed.
What the heck? Aren’t they here looking for trouble? What do they mean by “welcome to the organization?”
Venom Fiend’s eyes grew wider and wider. He simply couldn’t fathom this outrageous invitation.
He was about to contact the other fiends for help a second ago.
“The Sacred Organization had been watching you very closely long before your battle with Robed Slayer. Now that you’ve topped the Gem List, you’re qualified to join us. You’re going to be a high-rank official. Who knows, you might be the leader of the organization in the future?” The men were genuine.
They were sincerely hoping to rope Levi into joining them.
However, Levi and Venom Fiend managed to read between the lines.
The number one warrior on the Gem List was like an entry-level fighter in the Sacred Organization. Hmm, if Erudia’s cream of the crop had only just hit the passing mark, how strong actually is the Sacred Organization?
Levi and Venom Fiend were both curious.
Wasn’t it Death who founded the Sacred Organization? He is strong but only as strong as Fiery Demon at the most! I don’t think he’s good enough to scoff at Levi yet.
“Hey, Notos, is it Death who’s at the helm of this organization?”
“Absolutely not! You’ve belittled the Sacred Organization! Death is capable but he’s just one of the Eight Dark Spirits, who were posited somewhere midway along the hierarchy. The real devils are on the top of the pyramid, especially our leader! Everyone calls him the Dark Emperor! He’s way scarier than Cyrus!” explained Notos.
Tempestus nodded in agreement. “Gale is right. We’re just gofers there. The Sacred Organization is way stronger than anyone could’ve imagined, and that explains why Levi is qualified to join us.”
What Notos and Tempestus were implying was that Levi was very strong but he barely made the cut.
No way! That’s how egregiously strong that organization is?
Death is just a stooge?
“So, Levi, are you in?”


Venom Fiend was still wallowing in bewilderment.

From what he’d heard from his old pals, the Sacred Organization possessed far more power than they did.
The Dark Emperor, who was mentioned in their conversation, was definitely a notch higher than Cyrus.

It was hard for him to wrap his head around the fact that someone stronger than Old Master existed!
“So, you are inviting me to join this organization?” Levi cocked his head.
Notos bobbed his head. “Exactly. This is what the Sacred Organization wants. It’s also what the Dark Emperor wants!”
“Hold on a sec. How does joining you guys benefit me? Can I be the boss there?”
The men’s arched eyes instantly flattened.
What is he trying to do? He wants to become the boss? Is he out of his mind?
“As you can see, I used to be the Crown King in Erudia. I suppose I needn’t explain further that the Seven Fiends are now under my command. It doesn’t make sense for me to forgo my current status and be a gofer at your place, does it?”
“Levi, you’re clueless about the Sacred Organization. You should count your blessing for being invited!” The five men were seeing red.
“And you’re telling us you wanna be the boss there? Do you have what it takes? You may be on the top of the Gem List but in the Sacred Organization, you’re nothing.”
“However, if you’ve decided to be part of the organization and remained compliant throughout, someone might come along and guide you, and you’ll be able to cultivate your powers by leaps! You can reach the pinnacle!”
After all the magniloquence, what the five men were trying to convey was simple—the Sacred Organization was much more formidable than what everyone had assumed, and Levi was just good enough.
“I see. You know what? Forget about it. I’d rather be the head of the dog than the tail of a lion. Your offer is highly appreciated, but I’ll pass.”
Then, Levi and Venom Fiend wanted to leave.
“Stay right where you are! Who said you’re allowed to leave?” the five men bawled and stopped them from taking another step.
“What’s this? Are you trying to dictate where we can go?” Venom was irked.
The five of them brushed him off and stared at Levi.
“Whether you like it or not, you’re coming with us!” Tempestus insisted.
“Precisely! We didn’t come here to discuss with you. We came here to inform you that you are joining the Sacred Organization!”
The three men, who still had their masks tightly clung onto their faces, spoke funny Erudian.
Again, Levi chuckled, “What if I said no?”
“Then, don’t blame us on the violence that’s about to fall upon you. You will be brought back to our headquarters!”
The five of them had their target locked and were about to pounce.
Their mission was to bring Levi back by hook or by crook. They may forcibly drag him back if needed.
“Hmph! You five won’t be able to do the job.” Levi sneered.
“Are you sure? We don’t give a d*mn about anyone on the Gem List!”
One of them looked at Levi with contempt.
The five men were members of the Eighteen Dark Angels in the Sacred Organization and possessed Herculean talent and battle strength!
To Venom Fiend, Notos and Tempestus would be of the same level as the Seven Fiends.
How strong can they be?
Little did he know that since Death Fiend joined the Sacred Organization, the Dark Emperor bequeathed them undefeatable talents using a special cultivating technique.
They were now twice as strong as they used to be.
In other words, they’d become a level higher than the Seven Fiends, which led to the Sacred Organization’s confidence in their capability to bring Levi back to the headquarters.
The five men unleashed their power.
T-That strong? Notos and Tempestus have already risen to such heights?
Venom Fiend
was dumbfounded.
What he didn’t know was the other three were even more fiendish! He’d go nuts if he knew that his former comrades were now the weakest among the Eighteen Dark Angels.
“Bring it on!” Levi was ready to knock them out.


How dare these people dare come to Erudia and cause trouble with me.

The atmosphere became tense the next instant as Levi turned to face his five opponents.
Venom Fiend grew worried. Initially, he did not see it as a problem as Levi’s position at the top of the Gem List spoke volumes about his abilities.

However, he changed his mind when the power of the Five Dark Angels was demonstrated.
I did not expect them to be this powerful. Our victory is now uncertain.
Furthermore, those five were not even the strongest members of the Sacred Organization.
I think we’ve bitten off more than we could chew this time.
“Levi, you’ve brought this upon yourself!” Notos roared, a frightful tornado appearing with the raising of his arms.
Tempestus raised his arms as well, turning the skies dark as his wrath poured forth.
The other three followed suit. They were the masters of ice, fire, and electricity. Intent on punishing Levi, they summoned the absolute power of their respective domains.
With the combined power of all five, they were capable of bringing the world to its knees.
The tornado, hailstorm, hellfire, lightning, and thunder that was conjured merged to form a single unstoppable force.
Levi leaped forward to engage in combat while Venom Fiend was forced to reconsider his intention of intervening as the combatants could no longer be seen, hidden by a deadly flurry of elemental forces.
Worried that he would be killed before even getting close, as the application of his poison required close proximity to his victims.
The combined forces of all Five Dark Angels is a frightening thing indeed.
Even the skies turned dark and the land grew barren as if to reflect the fierceness of their battle.
The Five Dark Angels were assembled specifically by the Sacred Organization to test the mettle of the man leading the Gem List.
Separately, the Five Dark Angels were powerful individuals. Together, they were greater than the sum of their parts. Their comradery and communication were what allowed them to be such a formidable group.
With their combined force, they felt confident at being able to defeat the top number one on the Gem List. That assurance was made in accordance with the estimation of the Sacred Organization of the skill level of the top number one.
Unfortunately, their estimation was based upon the previous leader of the Gem List.
This time, however, it was Levi who was at the top of the Gem List.
It did not take long for Levi to gauge his opponents’ skills. Even he was forced to acknowledge their strength.
Nonetheless, that might have troubled him before he used the Reversal Technique. After his metamorphosis, their combined strength meant nothing to him.
“My turn!” Levi bellowed. “Leviathan!”
It was a technique he had developed himself. By concentrating all of his power into his fist and letting loose, it was capable of annihilating anything he chose.
In fact, it was the very same technique Levi had employed to break the Divine Sword in half.
Levi had an epiphany later on while developing his technique. It was not enough to funnel all of his power. He had to compress it further to enable the subsequent explosion to be even more impactful.
Confident that he had broken new ground with the discovery, he named this technique after himself.
Silence fell upon them while all of the power in the world was absorbed by Levi. Meanwhile, the power within his body was concentrated in his right fist.
After several minutes of channeling the immense power, he began the process of absolute compression.
It was such a demanding process that Levi felt his body being on the verge of tearing apart from the sheer amount of energy coursing through it.
Soon, his right fist began to change shape.
Feeling that he could compress it no more, Levi slammed his fist into the ground the terrifying force was released in an instant.
A rumble echoed from all sides as the ground trembled, more menacing than the deadliest earthquake.
Levi’s right fist split the earth, the energy compressed within him exploded outward.
The Five Dark Angels were sent flying backward one at a time as they slammed violently into the ground some distance away. The elemental torrent that they had summoned ceased immediately.
Their bodies which had been specially cultivated by the Dark Emperor split wide open, having borne most of the impact of Leviathan.
If not for their extraordinary skill and endurance, the Five Dark Angels would have perished on the spot. Their eyes widened in horror as they gazed at Levi.
How is this possible? We are definitely able to take down the top number one on the Gem List through a combined effort. Is Levi really unbeatable?
Even Venom Fiend was frightened out of his wits. Having sent out a signal for help, the remaining six Fiends rushed to the scene and found that the fight was already over.
“The legendary Genius Doctor is unbeatable!”
Many onlookers who were passing by stood in awe at the aftermath of the battle.


Earlier, it was the sound of the furious battle that had attracted them to watch the fight.

As they did not hear the dialogue between Levi and the Five Dark Angels, they were unaware of Levi’s identity.
Nevertheless, they did witness the battle.

The legendary Genius Doctor of Erudia is an unbeatable warrior? Even Levi who is the top number one on the Gem List is no match for this man. This news will soon spread to all of Erudia like wildfire.
The Five Dark Angels gazed disbelievingly at Levi, unable to comprehend how he was capable of such power.
After being defeated so easily, they feared that their end might be nigh.
To their surprise, Levi merely laughed. “I’ll let you go this time,” he said with amusement. “Tell your master to leave me alone or you wouldn’t be this lucky the next time you face me. I’ll kill you as you come. Do you understand?”
Levi was in a good mood today as the emergence of the Five Dark Angels gave him a good opportunity to test out Leviathan.
A few more practice sessions like this, Leviathan might even reach the power of the Forbidden Technique.
“Just you wait!” With one last threat, the Five Dark Angels slunk away.
It was the greatest humiliation ever suffered by the Sacred Organization. Though it hadn’t been long since their inception, they had never failed a mission before until they sent the Five Dark Angels up against Levi.
Having dishonored the Sacred Organization, the Five Dark Angels were left with no doubt that they would be in for a severe punishment when they returned.
We might even be executed for failing the mission.
“That’s enough,” Levi said, turning to address the Fiends. “Let’s head back!”
The crowd sighed with relief at the departure of Levi with Venom Fiend. There is hope for Erudia! Levi would no longer be dominant at the emergence of this new ungodly talent!
Levi and Venom Fiend returned and told the others everything that had happened.
“What? My God! The Sacred Organization is frightening! I thought that Death Fiend was their leader!” Levi’s disciples were in utter disbelief.
“That’s what they said,” Levi commented coldly. “Death Fiend is the most powerful of the Eighteen Dark Angels, but definitely not the most powerful one in the Sacred Organization! I hope they won’t target Erudia. If they do, I will fight them to the death!”
At the same moment, the news of the Genius Doctor’s martial prowess had already spread throughout Erudia.
“All I’m saying is that Erudia is full of powerful fighters. Levi and the rest have met their match!”
“That’s right! Even though Levi is at the top of the Gem List at the moment, somebody will come in and dethrone him soon enough!”
Emboldened by the emergence of a potential threat to Levi, the ones who were beaten by him felt brazen enough to speak up again. Many of them, still dissatisfied with their defeat, desired for this powerful fighter to put Levi in his place.
The Cardinal Hall and Eragon have remained silent ever since the Dragon Chain was broken by Levi.
They were not too worried when it came to dealing with Levi as they held Levi’s child. Even Zoey who saw Levi as a sworn enemy was at the moment under the care of the Cardinal Hall.
With those precautions in place, they believed that Levi would not act brashly against them.
Sure enough, Levi’s disappearance over that interval confirmed their belief. However, they were unaware that the disappearance was completely unrelated.
No matter what, Levi would not do anything to harm Erudia.
Meanwhile, in the most secret corner of the Cardinal Hall, a sign with “The Manifest Court” written in a bold hand hung high over one of its heavyset doors within which a voice came.
“The Sacred Organization? They’re here in Erudia? What does the Dark Emperor want?”
“I’d heard that they had found the Genius Doctor who has been gaining a reputation in Erudia.”
“Isn’t that Levi? Does the Sacred Organization intend to subdue him?”
“I think so. Should we inform the others in the Cardinal Hall?”
“No! We won’t get ourselves involved in this. There is also no need to divulge Levi’s identity as the Genius Doctor!”
“Of course. The Cardinal Hall and the other organizations would discover it themselves with any luck. Rest assured, the news would not come from us. Send our men to keep an eye on the Sacred Organization’s activities!”
Somehow, the Manifest Court was already well aware of Levi’s identity.


Even the Cardinal Hall did not expect the Manifest Court to have known so much.

As the Manifest Court existed independently of the Cardinal Hall, the former would only provide assistance to the latter and any other organizations should the need arise.
They would not take the initiative to provide the Cardinal Hall with information, and certainly not take their orders.

The Manifest Court was only in charge of recruitment and the gathering of information pertaining to the realm. They would not intervene in other affairs.
In other words, both the organizations were equal but served different functions.
Aside from the news of Levi being the Genius Doctor, there was plenty of other information that the Manifest Court did not feel the need to share with the Cardinal Hall.
Being able to operate in shadow in this manner was a true testament to the frightening extent of the Manifest Court’s power, something that Cyrus had attested to once before.
The goings-on in Erudia that was invisible to most except the Manifest Court was enough to explain many happenings.
Meanwhile, the council meeting within the Manifest Court resumed.
“How did Levi’s wife and Wynona survive the explosion? Did someone rescue them? I still can’t believe it!”
“We’ve combed through all of the available information regarding that incident. Nobody has a definite answer.”
“According to what the two of them described, someone did in fact rescue them. That is the most reliable piece of information we have. Even they themselves had admitted that there was no way that they could have survived the blast if not for their savior.”
“Who could that person be? Even we are unable to find out! How bizarre!”
“That person may be related to Levi. Until now, we have been unable to ascertain how Levi had become even more powerful.”
At the mention of Levi’s power, the group was stunned in awe.
The identity of Levi being the Genius Doctor was easily discovered by the Manifest Court. However, they did not have a clue regarding the disappearance of his master.
At the conclusion of the meeting, all of the council members agreed upon the point that Levi’s master was a man of frightening capabilities.
Meanwhile, news of the Five Dark Angel’s defeat was soon delivered to the ears of the Sacred Organization.
To their shock, the council members of the Sacred Organization laughed in their faces instead of punishing them.
Having returned with the dread of being punished for their failure, they did not expect the outcome to be as different as that.
“Very good! He is much more powerful than we expected! Excellent!”
“This strengthens our resolve to recruit Levi! His addition to our organization has now become a priority! He must join us at all costs.”
“We must bring him in under the threat of death. If that were not possible, we will send out all Eighteen Dark Angels if need be.”
Levi’s demonstration of his power had the opposite effect of what he intended. It had in fact made the Sacred Organization even more determined for him to join their ranks.
Meanwhile, Levi was just finishing the last stage of his treatment. At last, the top three fighters of the Stone list have completely recovered.
Apart from that, the three of them had experienced a substantial increase in skill and soon broke through to the next level.
“Master, you’re amazing!” his disciples exclaimed. “In such a short period of time, you were able to nurse several hundred warriors back to health! It’s a miracle indeed!”
“I’m beginning to suspect that you are not the old man’s apprentice. He does not possess medical skills like yours!”
Always sharp, Sword Fiend sensed that something felt off.
Levi and Cyrus could not be more different than one another. Even their techniques do not share any similarities.
He was not sure if he was overthinking it, but he felt certain that Levi was not Cyrus’s apprentice.
Despite harboring that suspicion, he and the other disciples did not dare voice their opinion.
“Whether or not I am his apprentice is not important,” Levi said with an impatient wave of his arm. “Tell me, how’re you guys feeling now?”
Levi was curious to find out how the Fiends were getting on by abiding by his rules.
“I feel pretty good. I’m used to it by now!” His disciples nodded confidently.
Venom Fiend chuckled. “Yes, my deadly experiments still work even after using animals as a substitute!”
“Ever since I’ve used animal blood and artificial human blood,” Blood Fiend chimed in with a toothy grin, “I’ve found that my powers have increased. It’s also not that easy to harm myself during training.”
Ever since accepting Levi’s rules of not harming humans, the Fiends were feeling better than ever.
To transform a horde of Fiends to become better people was part of what made Levi a charismatic leader.
The Seven Fiends felt that even if Levi was not the Fiery Demon’s heir, they still benefited from abiding by his rules and teachings.
Several days later, Raysonia’s plan was finally put into motion to the shock of Erudia.


The martial artists of Raysonia, Keerea, and the thirty-eight nations within Bayview voiced their intent on reviving the glory of the Elites Conference. Erudia was the only exception.

The Elites Conference was a competition that hosted the sparring between aspiring young martial artists hailing from all over Bayview. Their prowess was to be ranked by the Bayview List.
The glory of topping the Bayview List enticed talents throughout the region to compete to become the best fighter of all.

It was so prestigious that the merits of being on the Bayview List far exceeded Erudia’s Stone List.
The countries with the best fighters took great pride in achieving that feat as the honors and accolades were glorious indeed.
However, Keerea and Raysonia had more ambitious plans.
In accordance with the ancient rules of the Elites Conference, the country from which the most fighters made it on the Bayview List would obtain the rights to mobilize all the fighters of the other countries.
In other words, once Raysonia obtained the right, Erudia’s fighters would be under their jurisdiction and be forced to obey their commands.
In the same vein, Raysonia would be able to suppress the progress of fighters of neighboring nations and advance theirs at the same time.
Though it sounded far-fetched in theory, those were the rules of the Elites Conference since antiquity. Ironically, it had been the overlords of Erudia of the past who had set the rules.
Back then, the martial arts scene in Erudia was at its peak. All of the other neighboring nations of Bayview did not stand a chance against the Erudians as they were the undisputed masters of the martial arts world in the region of Bayview.
Not wishing for the martial artists of the other nations to rise and pose as a threat to them, the ancient Erudians sought to suppress their advancement. The reason for them to create that rule in the first place was to be able to control the development of martial artists in the neighboring nations.
Since the commencement of the Elites Conference, which was held once every thirty years, Erudia had been dominant in every single one. Erudia’s fighters not only held the top three of the Bayview List, but they also took up half of the list.
Erudia’s dominance over the martial arts scene in Bayview had persisted up until the last Elites Conference that the other nations did not even stand a chance.
That was why Raysonia and the other nations desired nothing more than to claim the crown for once.
As soon as they did, they would control the advancement of the martial artists throughout Bayview. In particular, they held a grudge against Erudia for lording over their nation for so many years.
As a result, to be able to control Erudia’s martial artists was their ultimate revenge.
In order to achieve that goal, Raysonia’s strategy was to hinder Levi’s attempt to reconstruct the martial arts scene in Erudia by incapacitating several hundred capable fighters of Erudia.
With their greatest competitor neutralized, no representative of Erudia would be able to make it to the Elites Conference.
The top three of the Stone List had suffered such grievous injuries that they seemed to have completely vanished. With the martial veins of the other fighters crippled, not a single capable fighter remained amongst them.
The only one who was promising was Forlevia, but she was still young and was taken away by the Cardinal Hall.
As a result, Erudia did not have a worthy candidate to fight in their name at the upcoming Elites Conference.
Despite the tradition of being crowned first place at every Elites Conference, Erudia might be the last this time with such bleak prospects ahead of them.
That was the wicked plan that Raysonia put into motion.
When the Cardinal Hall had caught wind of that, it was already too late.
As if to add insult to injury, Raysonia and the other nations planned for Erudia to host the Elites Conference.
Their intention was clear—absolute humiliation on Erudia!
Not only did they deprive Erudia of any worthy candidates, they even attempted to rub it in by having the Elites Conference on their land to humiliate them in front of the thirty-eight nations of Bayview and in front of the world.
Since the beginning of time, Erudia had been a superpower.
If the Elites Conference were to be held in Erudia as planned, Erudia’s dominance and reputation would suffer as they have never before.
By the end of it all, the whole of Erudia would never recover from the shame. On top of that they would have to wait another thirty years to avenge themselves of this injustice.
Raysonia’s scheme was a ruthless one, to say the least.
Though The Cardinal Hall was in disarray at the news, Levi saw it as an opportunity.
“Everybody,” Levi declared as the chatter of his disciples died down. “Our time has come!”


It was the moment Levi had been waiting for.

As there were no obstructions, he would be able to make up as much of it as he wanted.
Since the news of the Elites Conference was made public, Levi and the rest finally understood the motive behind the mass incapacitation of the young martial artists of Erudia.

Even the Erudians who were initially in disbelief of Levi’s innocence and were under the impression that it was the doing of the Seven Fiends were finally starting to see otherwise.
Levi and his men did not have any reason to carry out all of those heinous acts.
The incapacitation of several hundred fighters followed by the disappearance of the top three fighters of the Stone List with their status uncertain suspiciously preceded the commencement of the Elites Conference.
It was obvious that foul play was involved.
Expounding on that trail of logic, they arrived at the conclusion that there was a possibility that Levi had been framed.
There is a mastermind involved.
If that was the case, Levi’s position at the top of the Gem List did not bring any harm to Erudia. In fact, he had even managed to convert the Seven Fiends to lead a more righteous path.
With the announcement of the Elites Conference, the series of events that were hitherto puzzling seemed clear as day all of a sudden.
Levi had been framed all along. He would not do anything to harm Erudia. On the contrary, he has converted the Fiends for the benefit of Erudia.
Clever observers quickly discerned the ultimate benefactors of the scheme having been convinced that Levi had been framed.
With the upcoming Elites Conference, the people of Erudia were unable to think of much else as they began to panic.
What do we do? The Elites Conference is to be held at Erudia with no Erudian candidates to show up!
With the strongest candidates from every other country ready to fight for the glory of their nation, Erudia had only a group of wheelchair-bound fighters.
When the time came, they would only be able to send out mediocre martial artists who would no doubt be soundly beaten and ridiculed by the fighters of the other nations.
The reputation of Erudia and its martial artists would be trampled to the ground.
For thirty years until the next Elites Conference, Erudia would not even be able to look any foreigner in the eye out of shame as they would be the subject of ridicule and insult of the entire world.
In the inevitable event of their failure, the situation they were to face would be even worse than what they had imagined.
The prospect of being humiliated by the world was more unbearable than the loss of Erudian life. They were willing to die fighting like men over being alive to endure being ridiculed.
To the proud Erudians, death would be much more preferable.
Despite being aware of the serious consequences, they were powerless to stop the onslaught as they were not able to send forth any worthy candidates.
Several hundred of the top candidates were incapacitated with fresh representatives nowhere to be found.
Is Erudia destined to watch the demise of its reputation helplessly?
The Cardinal Hall and the other organizations hastily came out with a plan to comb the country for worthy talents and come up with ways to maximize their natural potential in the shortest time possible.
Erudia began spending large amounts of money to explore pharmaceutical or technological means frantically. No cost was too great as it was a matter of maintaining the honor of the entire nation.
Every Erudian was fervent with expectation as their last hope was being explored.
Despite the best efforts of the scientists, the effects remained negligible as the talents of the recruits were far too mediocre to make the best of the augmentations.
It is pointless!
At the grave announcement by the media weeks before the Elites Conference, panic ensued.
“If nothing more could be done, we’ll loan some fighters! I don’t care what cult they belong to, all that matters is that they are Erudians!”
“That is unacceptable! How could we ask the criminals and the Fiends for help?”
“If that did not work, could we use the youth from the Cardinal Hall and Eragon and have them disguised?”
“No, that’s against the rules. Being the martial arts organization of Erudia, we are not supposed to participate. If we were caught, we will endure even greater humiliation. Don’t even think about it!”
The council of the Cardinal Hall could not come to an agreement.
Over the following days, the competitors from the nations of Bayview arrived at Erudia.
As the Erudians watched glumly, the nations of Raysonia and Keerea paraded their most promising young talents. It was said that those talents were comparable to Erudia’s at their peak.
With the expectation of every citizen in Bayview growing to unprecedented heights, the Elites Conference finally began several days later.


The Elites Conference was to be held at Oakland City with the entire world watching the live broadcast.

Out of all of the martial artists of the countries of Bayview gathered within the city, the martial artists of Raysonia and Keerea were the favorites.
The competitors of Raysonia and Keerea who proudly bore their flags seemed to crush the confidence of the other competitors by the swagger in their posture alone.

“Keerea is usually the underdog. How do they have that many fighters this time?”
The crowd was astonished at the sight of Keerea’s imposing group of competitors.
They were not this dominant at the previous Elites Conference!
“I have heard that the Triple Group had funded many genetic enhancements and as a result managed to produce a batch of extraordinarily talented fighters.”
“It was said that the Triple Group had combined the ancient cultivation techniques of various countries with advanced biotechnology to produce an army of fighters. The ambition of the Triple Group to win this year is indeed frightening to behold.”
“They had even gone as far as to study the alteration of the human vein. From birth, these fighters possessed superhuman talent and strength.”
“Raysonia’s line-up is frightening as well. I’d heard that the legendary veterans of Raysonia and their top disciples are all here. They look far more dominant than I have ever imagined.”
“Definitely. The royal family of Raysonia personally begged the veterans to attend the Elites Conference this year. That was why they had agreed to send their strongest fighters over.”
“Look at them, brimming with confidence.”
It was plain that Raysonia and Keerea had come prepared by deploying the best fighters they have to offer.
The Erudian crowd became even more dejected at the news.
We are unable to send any of our own candidates whereas Raysonia and Keerea came fully prepared.
Erudia was not about to just lose their dominant position as the reigning champion of the Elites Conference. Most importantly, they were about to lose their dignity.
Our reputation is going to be completely destroyed.
We would be painfully reminded of our shameful loss whenever the Elite Conference is brought up in the future.
We might even be forced to walk around foreigners out of shame.
Not only that, the incapacitation of Erudia’s martial artists equated to the destruction of the nation’s future. By then, the martial artists of Erudia would be no match for their contemporaries of neighboring nations.
The foreigners would completely flatten us in as short as five years!
All the Erudians at the stadium were downtrodden with premature defeat.
To them, the Elites Conference was just an event for them to await shame and ridicule.
“Eh? Why hasn’t the host nation of the Elite Conference send out any of their fighters this year?”
At that moment, somebody had drawn the topic of conversation to Erudia.
“That’s right,” the other foreigners chimed in. “Erudia has been dominating the Elite Conference ever since its inception. I’d heard that they have managed to produce a rare talent who is only a child. Her potential has already reached the highest danger rating within the Cardinal Hall.”
“Not only that, but the Gem&Stone List of Erudia stated that the top three fighters are the best fighters in all of history.”
“That’s right. I guess Erudia would be number one again this time. Hah! We might as well not even have shown up.”
At the sarcastic comments, the foreigners in the crowd began laughing in disdain.
They were well aware that the best fighters of Erudia had been incapacitated, with the status of the top three on the Stone List unknown.
The Erudians were enraged at the sound of the mockery made at their expense, though they were unable to do anything about it.
The foreigners are trash-talking us to break our hopes before the competition even began.
“Being the hosts, of course, they would unveil their champions at the very end! Let us wait and see!”
To the dread of the Erudians, the Elites Conference eventually began.
The contestants were sorted into groups at random and were told to draw lots to determine their opponents.
All of the contestants were present. Except for the Erudian competitors.
The Erudians in the crowd began perspiring in anxiety.
“Where are they? Why aren’t they out yet? Are they keeping us waiting on purpose?”
The Erudians in the crowd began to call out in their impatience.
“Enough dawdling! Bring them out!”
The Cardinal Hall ordered their recruits to take the stage.
At the sight of the pathetic fighters the Cardinal Hall had managed to wrangle up, the crowd burst into laughter.


Even the contestants from Raysonia and Keerea tried hard to stifle their laughter at the risk of poor sportsmanship.

Erudia really does not have any worthy candidates.
Though their plan had been accomplished, Raysonia was still concerned that the tables might be turned at the very last minute.

One of the possibilities that they dreaded was the sudden emergence of a large group of accomplished Erudian martial artists.
If that were the case, all of their careful scheming and preparation would have been for naught.
Though the chances of that happening was close to zero, it was still a possibility to be wary of.
Another possibility was that the Cardinal Hall and the Eragon would send their own fighters to compete.
Raysonia had foreseen that the Cardinal Hall and the Eragon might declare that those fighters no longer belonged to the Cardinal Hall or any martial arts organization and as a result were free to participate in the Elites Conference.
Though this act of theirs would be dishonorable, to say the least, that possibility did exist.
Of course, honorable Erudia would rather lose than pull such a despicable act.
At the sight of the participants of Erudia, the foreigners heaved a sigh of relief at the elimination of the possibility that they feared.
No, we are overthinking.
“What is this? Do you not respect your competitors?”
“Should they not have sent their strongest candidates? Look at this bunch, they couldn’t even stand straight!”
“That’s right. What the hell is Erudia thinking?”
A ripple of jeering laughter sounded.
Though they knew exactly what was going on, the foreigners posited the questions out loud to humiliate the Erudians even further.
“If Erudia does not take the competition seriously, I’m afraid they are going to end up last this year.”
“These pathetic candidates of theirs are not even worthy of being our opponents!”
“Erudia seems eager to take on the reputation of being the weakest nation in Bayview.”
The foreign competitors did not attempt to conceal their disdainful expressions when they looked at the Erudians, who despite being furious could not voice it out.
Nothing could be done as the foreigners ridiculed them to no end.
It is our own fault for not even having a single capable fighter. We just have to bear the consequences of being left behind.
As the host of the Elites Conference, the Cardinal Hall was greatly embarrassed at that moment.
Oh, please let the Elites Conference come to an end. It is torturous just being here for another second.
After today, the martial arts scene within Erudia would be bleak with no prospect of exciting new talent.
“Every country has selected a hundred of their best fighters to participate in this year’s Elites Conference!”
“Eh? There are only sixty-seven competitors from Erudia!”
The crowd exclaimed in mock surprise at the news.
The representatives of the Cardinal Hall and the Erudians in the crowd felt so embarrassed that they did not know where to look.
How shameful!
After months of recruitment, sixty-seven fighters were all they had to show for it.
Even average fighters who were capable of competing were nowhere to be found.
It was greatly embarrassing for the Erudians.
At that, the laughter sounded again. “Hah! Erudia is being merciful on us this year!”
“That’s right! Erudia has so many talented fighters to the point that they feel that it would be unfair to us. Even this bunch that they had so carelessly put together would crush us.”
“Erudia, we beg you not to go easy on us! Let us have a fair fight!”
The jeering laughter sounded again, this time even louder than before. The entire world was delighted to celebrate Erudia’s downfall.
The Erudians were thoroughly demoralized before the Elites Conference had even begun. They were going to endure even more humiliation than that when their mediocre fighters were thrashed.
All of Erudia clenched their fists in anger as the slight was too much for them to bear silently.
“If there are no objections, the Elites Conference will begin!”
“We have no objections!”
“Neither do we!”
“Does Erudia have any objections?”
The spear was pointed at the side of the Erudian competitors and everybody in the crowd peered over.
“We do not,” muttered the one leading the Erudian competitors reluctantly.
“If there are no objections,” the host declared, “then let the games begin!”
Suddenly, a different voice rang out.
“I object!”
A member of the Raysonia party stood up. He was Nortrom Silencus, one of the top three fighters of Raysonia.
“I feel that these Erudians are too weak. Don’t they have any other candidates other than this pathetic bunch? How about we eliminate them from the Elites Conference completely?”


Nortrom’s demand started a ripple of murmurs as every eye in the stadium was fixated on him.

Before, the crowd was merely jeering and mocking without expecting anybody, least of all Nortrom, to be that outspoken in his disdain toward the Erudians.
Nortrom gazed at the Erudian competitors and gave a laugh of derision. “I can kill all of you without even breaking a sweat. If you can’t send anybody worthy, just do yourselves a favor and withdraw from the competition. Why make things difficult for everybody?”

The others chimed in, emboldened by Nortrom’s remark. “Don’t embarrass yourselves further by sending in subpar competitors like them. They are not fit to compete against us.”
“That’s right. We urge Erudia to withdraw from the Elites Conference! They are not worthy!”
“That’s right! Keerea requests that they withdraw from the competition!”
“He has a point!!”
The competitors of the other nations expressed their unanimous desire one after another to the shock of all of the Erudians at the stadium.
They had initially thought that they would be humiliated by having their representatives thrashed when the competition began, not expecting to endure the greater shame of not even being allowed the chance to compete at all.
These foreigners are adamant about forcing us out of the competition completely.
The Erudians were not expecting that.
“What does the Cardinal Hall of Erudia feel about it? Look at the candidates you’ve offered. They’re all pathetic! If they were allowed to compete, they would just be beaten and mocked!”
“Rather than putting them through the suffering, why not spare them altogether? At least Erudia won’t be remembered as the nation who got beaten soundly.”
“That’s right. Don’t you Erudians have any shame? You might as well not compete!”
The jeering from the crowd began again as laughter erupted from all sides to the fury of the Erudians.
The fury was felt more so by the ones who had been elected to compete at the very last minute. “We are not afraid of anybody!” they shouted, clenching their fists as their faces grew red with indignation. “We will not allow you to insult us!”
“That’s right! Nobody is allowed to insult us!”
Nortrom gazed at them with disgust. “You bunch? Come at me at once. Since the competition has not begun, I’ll use you as a warm-up.”
“You are asking for it!”
Nortrom’s bold claim greatly angered the Erudian competitors. They made a dash toward the arrogant challenger.
One by one, they unleashed everything they knew. Fueled by their rage, their martial abilities were greatly enhanced.
Unfortunately, the gap between their skill and Nortrom’s was vast.
True to his claim, Nortrom was more than a match against all the Erudian competitors combined.
Thump! Thump! Thump!
One by one, the Erudians were sent flying.
In the span of several minutes, the sixty-seven Erudian competitors were left strewn all over the ground writhing in pain.
Though their faces were contorted in pain and anger, they were unable to do anything about it as their skill was indeed vastly inferior to Nortrom’s.
We can’t beat him.
Jeering laughter erupted throughout the crowd, who did not even bother hiding their disdain this time.
The Erudians in the crowd were flabbergasted. The competition had not even begun and the carefully selected Erudian competitors were beaten soundly by Nortrom.
It is all over. There is nobody left to compete for Erudia in the Elites Conference. It is even worse to be wiped out by a single cocky foreigner. What a shameful moment it is for all Erudians.
The Erudians kept their heads down, being aware that what their fighters had suffered was even more disgraceful than to have been beaten in competition.
We will not be able to look a foreigner in the eye ever again.
The Erudians were so furious at the mockery made at their expense that they were about to pass out.
Nortrom stood above them with his arms raised as he swept a glance over the arena. “I was right, wasn’t I?” he shouted. “They are all pathetic. I have single-handedly flattened all of them.”
“How is a bunch of losers worthy to be our competition?” The other contestants chimed in.
“Erudia has nobody left to offer!” Nortrom shouted triumphantly.
“Says who?” answered a voice suddenly.
The crowd spun around and saw Levi appearing at a distance, leading a large group behind him.
Amongst them were the top three of Erudia’s Stone List and the other martial artists, all back to full health and ready to fight.


Levi’s voice echoed throughout the silence of the stunned stadium as tens of thousands of eyes goggled at him.

Levi Garrison?
Nobody had expected their common enemy to appear at that critical moment.

However, Levi was not there to exert himself. Rather, it was the mob behind him who were bristling with indignation and flexing their arms menacingly.
“Oh God, Pragus Yondle of South Erudia is here! He is the eighty-ninth strongest fighter in Erudia!”
“That is Naga Timorus from North Erudia! He is the sixty-seventh strongest fighter in Erudia!”
“Look! There’s the fighter who is ranked twentieth!”
“Forget about him, look over there! It’s the thirteenth strongest fighter!”
“The ninth strongest fighter!”
“The eighth strongest fighter!”
The crowd gasped as one.
Are we dreaming?
When their gaze fell on three of them who stood apart from the rest, the crowd felt their eyes bulging out of their sockets, hardly daring to believe that the top three of the Stone List were not only alive and well, but more than ready to compete for Erudia’s glory.
The third strongest fighter of Erudia, Jessica is here as well! She is the most powerful female fighter on the Stone List!
Erudia’s pride and its strongest female fighters, Josephine and Jessica were known as Goddess Foster and Warrior Princess respectively.
Their monikers were a testament to their abilities.
The top one and two of the Stone List were brothers who were also known as the Twin Meteorites. Nobody knew where they came from; it was said that they hailed from Mount Goshandus.
Their swordsmanship was so masterful that they were nicknamed the descendants of the legendary Donte Panlin.
The Twin Meteorites and the Warrior Princess made up the three most powerful fighters Erudia had ever seen.
If Forlevia were to be included, the consequence for the foreigners would be unfathomable.
This line-up was what frightened Raysonia and the other nations, which had led them to employ every tactic and underhanded method in their arsenal to ensure that they would not have to face Erudia’s strongest.
Just when they thought that they had eliminated their threats, Levi appeared with a huge group of Erudia’s greatest fighters.
Every single person in the stadium was shocked to the core as Levi’s appearance was the last thing anyone expected.
All of them felt certain that they must be dreaming, unwilling to accept the reality of the scene before them.
Even the Cardinal Hall and all of the Erudians present did not believe their eyes as well.
How is that possible? How did the hundred strongest Erudian martial artists suddenly appear? Had they not been incapacitated?
With their martial veins destroyed, they were not only incapable of training but their motor abilities would also have been reduced to less than a common peddler.
How did they get here?
As for the top three of the Stone List, they were before the eyes of the entire stadium in the flesh despite being persecuted and forced into exile mere months ago.
The Cardinal Hall had searched for them far and wide to no avail. Somehow, they had shown up when it was least expected of them.
This is unimaginable!
Every single person in the stadium was frozen in shock, unable to regain their power of speech for a long while.
“Is he the one who said that Erudia has nobody left to offer?” Levi’s voice rang out, yanking the crowd out of their reverie.
The Twin Meteorites brought a chair behind Levi and he took a seat.
The crowd regained their composure, though the stunned expressions on their faces did not fade.
This is real!
They were forced to accept that the hundreds of fighters of Erudia were indeed present at the stadium, ready to fight for Erudia.
With their emergence, Erudia’s future is secure.
The most important thing was that all of them were completely healed, without a trace of their prior incapacitation.
Weren’t the top three seriously injured? They look like they’re at the prime of life. What is going on?
The competitors from Raysonia, Keerea, and the other nations were ashen-faced with dread as their legs trembled.
Nortrom, who stood arrogantly in the middle of the stage mere minutes before had his smug expression wiped off by Levi’s appearance. He trembled slightly as his knees gave way.
Taking big gulps to steady himself, Nortrom found himself dumbstruck despite his arrogant proclamations earlier.
I have really shot myself in the foot this time.


Having gone too far earlier, Nortrom found himself in an embarrassing predicament. With his knees shaking violently, he did not even have the energy to walk off the stage.

Feeling the eyes of all of Erudia’s finest on him from the bottom of the stage, he felt quite ready to give up.
“Who allows you to act this brazenly on Erudian soil?”

“How dare you claim that Erudia has no more champions to offer?”
Several hundred angry Erudian voices erupted. Their dominance was sufficient to overwhelm Nortrom.
Unable to withstand the pressure, his knees buckled and he fell over.
The other competitors were pale with fright. None of them dared utter a word.
The martial artists of Erudia are too powerful.
To the horror of the other competitors, they noticed that the recovered Erudians have gotten even stronger.
Not only have their martial veins healed completely, but their powers had also grown and some in leaps and bounds.
Even the top three on the Stone List had pretty much tripled in power.
What was it that they have experienced to have such astonishing growth?
All of the other nations soon discovered that as well.
It’s going to be disastrous for us. What the he*l happened?
All of the foreign competitors, the Erudians, and even the Cardinal Hall looked to Levi for answers as he was the one to have brought them over.
He must have healed all of their martial veins. The top three must have been found by him and nursed back to health. The increase in power must have been under his guidance.
One by one, their burning questions were answered by Levi’s unflinching gaze, having recalled that Levi was known as the man who could always be trusted.
“Enough dillydallying,” Levi declared.
“Since everybody is here, let the competition begins!”
He gazed over at the young talents. “Don’t embarrass me!”
“Rest assured, Master. We won’t let you down!” The hundreds of Erudian martial artists bowed as one. Every one of them had a look of reverence.
The crowd gasped again.
Before, they were in awe of the martial artists. At the sight of the deep respect the martial artists held for Levi, the crowd in turn directed their admiration toward him.
The representatives of the Cardinal Hall were flabbergasted.
They did not expect Levi to be the one to rescue Erudia.
Though they had viewed him as a demon, they did not expect Erudia’s final hope to be delivered by him.
The Cardinal Hall and the self-righteous individuals lowered their heads, not daring to meet Levi’s gaze as they felt rather foolish.
Bruce and his men who were paying attention to the proceedings of the Elites Conference were mad with rage at Levi’s appearance, as their plan was once again foiled by Levi.
It was the perfect plan to plunge Erudia into despair. Thanks to Levi, that won’t be happening.
Burn in he*l, Levi!
Aside from Bruce, the chieftains of Raysonia who had planned everything were gritting their teeth with rage as well.
The competitors of the neighboring nations were ashen-faced as they made their preparations to begin competing.
After the competitors drew their lots, the competition officially began.
It turned out to be a good show, after all. The furious battles rendered the crowd breathless with awe.
However, the result of the tournament was clear from the start. Once again, the martial artists of Erudia crushed the other competitors.
Seven out of the top ten and sixty-eight out of the top hundred were Erudians.
With such a dominant show of force, the skills of the foreign competitors were rendered weak or non-existent.
They were not even on the same level as the Erudians.
Upon the conclusion of the Elites Conference, Erudia was once again declared the winner.
According to the rules, the martial artists of the other nations were forced to conform to Erudia.
At that moment, the Erudians in the crowd were cheering madly as their dignity was salvaged at the last minute.
Due to Levi’s prior moniker as Fiery Demon’s heir, the Cardinal Hall temporarily held the news of Erudia’s victory and deliberately left out Levi’s name from the achievement report.
“You owe Master Garrison an apology!” the young talents shouted in dismay.


All of those deeds were accomplished by Levi alone.

Not only had he repaired the martial veins of hundreds of elite warriors, but he had also cured the top three warriors of the Stone List.
On top of that, he was responsible for saving Erudia from humiliation.

At the end, when the achievement report was being announced, Levi’s name was not even in it!
Everything had gone to The Cardinal Hall.
In truth, The Cardinal Hall also wanted to release Levi’s name officially, but he still carried the reputation of being the Fiery Demon’s heir.
Furthermore, that accusation came from none other than The Cardinal Hall..
If they announced Levi’s achievement, The Cardinal Hall would look like fools!
No matter what, The Cardinal Hall would have to maintain their pride and dignity.
In actual fact, several of them were feeling guilty beyond measure.
However, in order to maintain the façade, they could not reveal Levi’s contribution.
However, Levi could not care less about the entire incident.
After all, it was normal for the most influential martial arts organization to want to maintain its reputation.
At the same time, Levi wanted to keep a low profile.
He had no wish for more troubles.
It would be hard to pacify the hundreds of young talents.
During recent times, they had come to regard Levi as their Master.
It was Levi who had given them renewed hope.
They were just like Floyd back then.
Everything was over, but Levi had once again become a threat in the eyes of various major forces!
“Now, do all of you finally understand how terrifying Levi can be?” said Bruce in the video conference.
All of the chieftains of Raysonia looked somber.
Their elaborate plans had been utterly shattered.
Not only did they fail to get rid of Levi, but he ended up reaping the support of the Fiends and became even stronger than ever.
“Levi has to die!”
Everyone hated Levi to the core, and that included Bruce as well.
Compared to those men from Raysonia, he had more to lose.
“We need to work closely together and focus only on one thing! And that is to obliterate Levi!”
Once again, Bruce asked for their cooperation.
“All right, we agree! Judging by the look of the current situation, nothing is more important than getting rid of Levi!”
“Yes. This time around, we will have to do it ourselves. We can’t rely on others to kill him!” suggested Bruce.
“Understood! We will follow your instructions! If we do it ourselves, things will be less likely to go wrong!”
The two sides made a pact again.
This time around, both parties were determined to do everything they could to finish Levi off.
When the forces of Raysonia were plotting against Levi, both Levi and The Cardinal Hall were keeping an eye on them.
Although The Cardinal Hall did not say it out loud, they believed that Levi had been framed.
After much analysis and the search for evidence, they soon found out that someone was behind all of these.
Especially during the Elites Conference, it really showcased Raysonia’s power.
Hence, they were filled with nothing but utter regret!
The Cardinal Hall had not expected their enemies to cause such dreadful havoc within a short period of time.
Yet, their focus had been on Levi all the while!
“We owe Levi an apology!”
“But, isn’t Levi too powerful? Luckily, he’s on our side.”
“With Levi around, Erudia will be in safe hands. He managed to resolve all of the issues that The Cardinal Hall could not even fix.”
All those praises meant nothing to Levi.
In fact, he could not be bothered.
He had other things to deal with.
First and foremost, Levi would send his men to spy on Raysonia, particularly Delano.
There was also the case of the West Sky Lord. He wanted to find out what Bruce had taken from Erudia back then.
Next, Levi had to study the ancient manual and find a way to cure Zoey.
Can’t the two of us see each other ever again in this lifetime?
That day, Levi was reading the ancient manual when all of a sudden, he received a distress message!
Someone was about to get into big trouble.


“It’s them?”

Levi was shocked to see that the message was sent by Josephine and Yasmin.
“Master, there is no need for you to be bothered with the two of them,” said the Seven Fiends.

“No. It started because of me. I’d better go and take a look,” said Levi.
Anyway, he felt the need to move around as well.
“It’s urgent, so I will set off right away. There’s no need for any of you to follow me!”
With that, Levi left.
It turned out that once Josephine and Yasmin got back, they started ignoring Trenton. Josephine, in particular, had expressed her wish of not ever seeing him again.
Outraged, Trenton exposed their collaboration with Levi to their backers!
Trenton even added fuel to the fire by saying that the two were Levi’s women.
None of them attended the Elites Conference in Bayview. Hence, they and the forces behind their backers had no idea what had taken place during the Elites Conference.
As far as they were concerned, Levi was still the Fiery Demon’s heir.
Therefore, Josephine and Yasmin’s relationship with Levi was a huge taboo.
As the heiresses to decent martial arts families and holding prestigious titles on the Stone List, no one could accept the news that they had become the women of the Fiery Demon’s heir.
If the news got out, it would bring shame and great humiliation, especially to the elders.
All of them would lose their foothold in the martial arts world of Erudia.
Their reputation would be shot to pieces.
As such, severe punishment had to be imposed on Josephine and Yasmin.
Both of them would have to be executed!
That was the only way to rid themselves of the disgrace!
At the very last moment, Yasmin managed to send out a distress message to Levi asking for help.
Somewhere in a manor in the South, the two girls were kneeling on the ground.
Thousands of people surrounded them.
They were Josephine and Yasmin!
It turned out that they were part of the ancient families.
The more traditional the families were, the more they cared about their reputations.
To make things worse, their elders became more infuriated when they learned that the two talents, who were on the Stone List, had lost their virginities.
After being misled by Trenton, it was decided that the two girls had to be executed.
They were to be burnt to death!
Rows and rows of firewood surrounded them.
Trenton, who was standing at a distance, looked thrilled.
There was no sign of sadness in him even when the girl he loved the most was about to die.
Since I cannot have her, no one else will!
That was the only way he would not suffer from heartache.
“Josephine, Yasmin, I’m going to ask you both. Did you sleep with Levi?” asked a domineering woman who was standing on the platform.
Both girls shook their heads and replied, “No!”
“Bullsh*t! Now that everyone knows about what has happened between you two and Levi, are you still trying to deny it?”
“Furthermore, Trenton saw it with his own eyes that Levi had brought the two of you back into his room! Don’t you dare lie about it!”
Everyone started berating them.
All Josephine and Yasmin could do were to shake their heads and exclaim, “We didn’t! Nothing happened!”
“Fine. We can forget about that. Let’s talk about the other issue then! Josephine, Yasmin, do you plead guilty?” asked the old woman.
“What wrong have we committed?”
Both girls looked bewildered.
“The two of you colluded with Fiery Demon’s heir and become accomplices of the Fiends! I heard that when Levi was in danger, you two actually worried about him!”
Josephine nodded and concurred, “That’s true! We were indeed worried about him!”
When those words came out of Josephine’s mouth, everyone was taken aback.
Even Trenton clenched his fists.
He was furious.
Josephine continued, “But Levi is a good man! He is not Fiery Demon’s heir… H-he…”
Josephine and Yasmin were trying to explain to everyone the Levi they knew.
“This is outrageous! I can’t believe the two of you are still trying to defend him at a time like this! Burn them!”


“Go on then. We didn’t make a mistake, and we will not accept the false accusations. Burn us if you must.”

The harder they fought, the more they infuriated everyone else.
They were top disciples in honorable clans, but they were going all out to defend a despicable being.

How can we possibly not be angry at them?
“We will give you one last chance. Do you admit to being wrong?” roared the angry community.
Josephine had her head up high and shouted at the people, “I’ve never committed any sins!”
“That’s right! All of you have been conned. Levi Garrison can’t have been the Fiery Demon’s heir. We couldn’t have survived if he is,” chimed in Yasmin.
“Such insolence! There is no point in talking to them anymore. Burn them!” ordered the leader.
Someone set the fire ablaze immediately after!
The smoke instantly rolled upwards…
“They have been brainwashed and assimilated with Levi Garrison. Only the flames can cleanse their sins now,” murmured Trenton.
“I am pretty sure you guys are behaving way more like sinners,” said someone from a distance.
As he spoke, a gust of intense wind swept over and actually extinguished the overwhelming flames.
A figure slowly descended from some distance away.
Levi Garrison!
Ecstasy donned Josephine and Yasmin’s faces when they saw Levi there. In fact, they were so excited that they almost screamed aloud.
A hint of admiration burned in their hearts as well.
The hero they looked up to had shown up to rescue them.
“What? It’s Levi Garrison!”
The mere mention of his name was enough to instill fear and got everyone to panic so much that the place turned chaotic.
Even the Cardinal Hall couldn’t handle Levi, so what were the chances that they’d actually win a battle against him?
It only took a moment for thousands of people to stare fearfully at Levi.
Trenton was furious, but more than that, he was frightened because he knew just how strong Levi was.
Levi walked to Josephine and Yasmin before saying, “You can get up. Who was it that demanded the two of you to kneel?”
His words and actions further angered the crowd.
“So that’s it, huh? You two despicable traitors! You’ve turned your backs on your beliefs and become evil.
“Starting today, you are both disowned by the family. You two are our greatest shame!”
To everybody’s surprise, Levi chuckled at that and pointed out, “You guys claim that they are despicable and evil, but your behavior suggests that you are the greatest evil there is.
“You accused your own people before learning the truth! And burning them alive? How cruel can you get? Who gave you the authority or the right to do so?”
A few of them wanted to complain, but they were scared silent when they saw the cruelty in Levi’s eyes.
“This is an internal matter within our family, and as an outsider, you have no right to butt in. How we treat them is none of your business!” growled an elderly woman.
“Awh, I don’t get to butt in?” challenged Levi, “This may be an internal matter within your family, but you are still on Erudia’s land. Every single one of you is an Erudian, and you can’t deny that you must obey the law. Given how cruel you are toward your own family, it’s easy to imagine just how much worse you are to others, you monsters!”
Levi truly touched everybody’s nerve.
“That may be right, but Erudia’s rules have nothing to do with you, and you can’t enforce its laws. You are Erudia’s enemy and a demon! What right do you have to reprimand us?”
“Yeah, and I can’t believe you have the audacity to call us evil or talk to us about obeying Erudia’s rules. Have you taken a look at yourself in the mirror? You’re the Fiery Demon’s heir! You and your men have done countless cruel and despicable sh*ts!”
“That’s right. You have no right to say anything. What? Do you fancy yourself as a hero like the Crown King?”
Trenton and the others were quick to retaliate and shout at Levi.
Their stance suggested that they wanted to skin Levi alive.
“We’ll admit that we can’t beat you, even if we gang up together. Still, you can forget about us ever bowing to you, you f*cking big demon!”
Levi grinned. He looked like he wasn’t angry at all.
Josephine and Yasmin, on the other hand, were nervous. They wanted to defend Levi.
Just then, a loud noise came from right outside…


“Which idi*t called our master a demon?” demanded a feminine voice. An angelic figure descended from above.

It is the Warrior Princess, Jessica Nolan!
Her regal and pure aura flabbergasted everyone.

Josephine and Yasmin were instantly star-struck.
Their reaction was understandable since Jessica was the idol they admired the most.
“Yeah, who insulted our master?”
Two tall figures showed up as well.
They are the renowned Twin Meteorites!
It didn’t take long before the top-ranking members of the Stone List came running in. Sixth, seventh, eighth…
A few hundred warriors barged into the place.
What the hell? The top fighters in Erudia have all gathered here!
“T-that’s the Twin Meteorites who ranked the first and second on the Stone List! And is that Jessica, who is ranked number three on the list? Number five…”
The crowd behind Josephine and Yasmin had incredible social networks, so they recognized the more popular warriors on the Stone List.
Trenton, in particular, recognized and knew all about them.
That was not surprising since the warriors of Erudia were all his competitors.
Hence, he knew them better than anyone else.
“What are they doing here?”
That question was the same one everyone had in their minds.
Why did so many warriors suddenly show up here? Is something wrong?
Trenton was about to voice out his question when all those warriors queued up and stood behind Levi. They bowed simultaneously and greeted respectfully, “Master Garrison!”
Their voices boomed, and their combined aura could frighten even the dragons.
The echoes could be heard in every corner of the mansion…
Trenton and everyone else on site were flabbergasted.
Even Josephine and Yasmin dropped their jaws.
When the f*ck did Levi become their master?
It was pin-drop silence after that.
Several minutes passed before Josephine and the others could react to what had just happened.
They just stared at Levi in disbelief.
Confusion donned their faces.
They wanted to know what was going on as well.
The Twin Meteorites were standing at the front. One of them scanned the entire place. “Which idiot called our master the demon?”
“Your master? You must’ve made a mistake. That is the Fiery Demon’s heir, and he is the most evil person there is. How can he possibly be your master?”
“He’s right. You must’ve made a mistake. Why would you come here to look for your master?”
Jessica scoffed upon hearing that. She challenged, “You insist on calling Master Garrison a demon. What sin has he committed? Give me just one example.”
Hearing those words made the others feel the need to list out all of Levi’s evil deeds.
However, they couldn’t.
For as long as they could remember, they were only ever told that Levi was the Fiery Demon’s heir. They actually never heard anything specific.
They never questioned the source of the information.
Being challenged like that prompted them to think, and they were all surprised.
“I-it seems like there is no example to give.”
“Y-yeah, I don’t think there is.”
A chill ran down everybody’s spine.
The demon never actually committed any sin or crime?
Jessica sneered and replied, “Well, then let me share what Master Garrison has actually done in the past…”
Jessica told everyone the truth.
“W-what? He’s the one who rescued Erudia twice?”
“A-and he is actually the Genius Doctor?”
“He even converted the Fiends and got them to be righteous! He made it so that the Blood Fiend no longer drinks human blood and Venom Fiend has stopped his inhumane experiments!”
The crowd was going insane one by one.
Who would’ve thought that Josephine and Yasmin were actually right the entire time?
Levi actually is a saint!
“Dig deep and ask yourself this. If Master Garrison truly is a murderous demon with a taste for blood, would he have let you live?”
Jessica looked right at Trenton as she asked that question.
Trenton’s expression changed drastically. He mumbled endlessly but still couldn’t form a coherent sentence.
She’s right! If Levi were evil, a powerless guy like me would’ve already died a thousand times. There is no way I could’ve survived and escaped in one piece. Not even in my dreams!
Everyone learned the truth at that moment.
Josephine and Yasmin’s family were especially proud of their daughters.
Being friends with a powerful figure like Levi is a blessing!
Levi planned on leaving after settling the matter but…
“Master Garrison, wait. I need to discuss something urgent with you.”


The Twin Meteorites chased after Levi.

“Huh? What’s up?” asked Levi.
“We heard about what happened to your wife. You must be troubled by it,” replied one guy.

Levi nodded.
“Master, we have some news, and it might be able to help you.”
“What is that?”
“According to our sources, Goldenport Island had always been the place where masters of magical techniques gathered. “The most powerful master of magical techniques on the Gem List, Xenotoph, lives there!
“There are many other masters of magical techniques who could use geomancy to change a person’s luck. “Some are malicious beings who could control others’ minds and kill them from miles away, though.
“Still, we got to know a master, and his skills are incredible! He might be able to help with your wife’s illness!”
Levi’s entire body trembled upon hearing that.
He was desperate and would not let go of any glimmer of hope.
“The only thing is that this master of magical techniques is a weirdo, and it’s difficult to get him to accept a case.
“This is his address and information. Our parents are his acquaintances, so he might help if you hand him this letter upon meeting him… “Err… We can’t be certain if he’d be willing to help, even with the letter, though. “He is really weird, but you should try looking for him, anyway.”
The Twin Meteorites handed the letter and the folder with the master’s information to Levi.
“Okay. Thank you, boys. I will head over to Goldenport Island right away!”
Levi didn’t waste any time. He rushed to Goldenport Island immediately after.
He would try, even if the chances were low.
Levi left, but everyone kept staring in the direction he walked away in.
That was especially true for Josephine and Yasmin.
Josephine sighed and commented, “I envy them so much. They must be his disciples and could hang out with him all the time. He even taught them in person…”
Josephine’s voice brimmed with envy as she spoke.
Yasmin shook her head and pointed out, “That may not be for the best. They are his disciple, and we’re not, but think about this from another perspective. If we were his disciples, we will have to forget about being anyone else to him.”
Josephine blushed as soon as Yasmin finished that last sentence.
We cannot be his wife if we are his disciple. At least, in our current situation, we still have a shot at being with him.
“Hey, do you think we’d have a shot at…?”
Josephine couldn’t bring herself to finish the rest of that sentence.
“How would I know? Well… I pray for that to be possible…”
Levi was already on a ship to Goldenport Island at that moment. He had no idea that he left such a remarkable impression on the two young ladies.
He was in the cabin and was reading up on the master of magical techniques that the Twin Meteorites talked about.
Levi didn’t want to attract any attention, so he put on a disguise before he boarded the ship.
Just then, a series of wild noises came from outside.
A server came to knock on his door to inform apologetically, “We are so sorry, sir, but someone just booked the entire ship. Please take another ship to your destination. Don’t worry as we will refund your ticket in full.”
“Huh? It’s been block booked?” blurted Levi.
“Yes, sir. Please cooperate with us,” replied the server.
“What the f*ck have you been doing? Why are you only informing me of all this after I’ve already boarded the ship?” demanded Levi.
“We have no choice, sir. We have to obey our employer’s order. Besides, the people who have block booked the ship are not ordinary folks. Do you know who they are? They are the God of Gamblers’ granddaughter and her friends, who are some of the richest heirs on Goldenport Island!
“They insist on block booking the ship, so what could we do but obey?” replied the server before sighing.
That ship was the last one to head over to Goldenport Island. Levi would have to wait for another day if he didn’t leave in it. Hence, there was no way he’d give up his seat when he’s in a hurry to save his wife!
“Fine! How much did they offer? I will double the offer and block book this ship!” replied Levi.
“Huh? T-that is not feasible. Please, sir. Listen to me. You should get off the ship quickly to prevent any problems from arising,” advised the server.
Levi sneered and replied, “I’ve already boarded the ship, and there is no way I’d get off it!”
“Is that so? Who’s the idi*t who refused to leave?” growled someone.


After that growl, a few dozen people showed up in the corridor.

A few youngsters stood in the front while a bunch of bodyguards followed closely behind.
Some were Erudians, while others were foreigners.

The thing every bodyguard had in common, however, was that they were all terrifying martial artists and men with superpowers.
The fact that they were willing to be the youngsters’ bodyguards showed just how powerful those youngsters were.
Their leader was a woman who was about six feet tall and had curves that were as sexy as a model’s figure.
She had a beautiful face that could take anyone’s breath away.
A ponytail hung proudly on the back of her head and made her look down-to-earth.
Yet, her aura was undeniably regal and unapproachable.
That was the God of Gamblers’ granddaughter and the heir to the Hilton family. Her name was Sherrie Hilton.
The three other members of her gang were Ronald, whose family was the second richest family on Goldenport Island; Priscilla, who was from the third richest family; and Freddie, who was from the fourth richest family.
Every single one of them exuded an incredible aura, and it was obvious that they were from powerful families.
The company Levi and Zoey founded was growing exponentially, but their wealth was still a short distance away from the Goldenport Island’s families.
Every single one of the youngsters looked fierce.
They had block booked the entire ship and chased almost everyone off of it. Levi was the only one who refused to get off.
As far as those rich brats were concerned, that was a taunt against them.
“Me! I refuse to leave,” said Levi to answer Sherrie’s question before he scoffed.
Sherrie had a cruel expression on her face. She only looked at Levi for a second before she turned to face another direction.
Regular men had always failed to capture her attention.
It never mattered how many handsome guys there were on Goldenport Island. Similarly, it didn’t matter if they were skilled investors, mysterious magicians, talented martial artists, or men with superpowers.
None of them caught her eyes.
Sherrie was extremely picky and had never been attracted to anybody…
Or at least that was the case until she learned about the guy ranked number one on the Gem List… the guy whose name was Levi Garrison.
She even declared that her future husband had to be as incredible as Levi Garrison of the Gem List.
Her words shocked the entire Goldenport Island.
That’s crazy! How many men could achieve that level of success and power? The guy is ranked number one on the Gem List, for heaven’s sake!
What Sherrie didn’t know was that the person she admired, Levi Garrison, was right in front of her.
That was why she lost interest in him immediately after she shot a look at him.
Priscilla, on the other hand, stared a little longer.
She noticed that Levi was strangely calm. He never batted an eye even though we approached him with so many men.
“Oy, you! F*ck out of here,” demanded Freddie rudely and impatiently.
Levi never budged. Instead, he retaliated, “Why should I? You j*rks should be the ones who f*ck out of here!”
One sentence was all it took to attract everybody’s attention. They stared at him.
Even Sherrie couldn’t help turning to him.
What an arrogant prick!
That was the one thought that everyone shared.
“Why? Because we’re the ones who block-booked this entire ship, so you have to get off!” replied Freddie through gritted teeth.
Levi chuckled upon hearing that. He informed, “Sorry, but I just doubled the price and block booked this ship for myself. As of now, it belongs to me, so you guys have to get off now!”
Everyone was stunned when they heard that.
Even the crews and the servers were stunned. When did he double the price and block book the ship?
“No way! Why didn’t anyone tell us that someone else has block booked the ship?”
Freddie and the others glared at the ship’s workers.
“N-no. None of these happened…”
The captain of the ship was quick to try to explain the situation.
“You never informed me that you are going to block book this ship, either. That is why I get to block book it as I please. Besides, I was here first, so I should get to make the offer before you guys do,” interrupted Levi.
“Y-you’re making a fool out of us!” roared Freddie.
“Throw him overboard right away,” instructed Freddie. His men were going to attack after hearing his words.
“Wait! There’s no point in making a fuss. Let’s just ignore him and let him be.”
A melodious voice came, and it seemed that Sherrie was the one who had issued the order.
“Fine, I will do as you say, Sherrie. You got lucky this time, punk!”
Freddie stopped making a fuss.
However, just before he left, he turned to Levi and scoffed, “When we get to Goldenport Island, I will teach you what cruelty truly looks like!”



Supreme Grandmaster
Sep 24, 2023

The heirs looked icily at Levi before they left.

They behaved like they were heavenly deities who were looking down on mere mortals.
For people whose family was almost as wealthy as the God of Gamblers, commoners were nothing more than just maggots.

Levi, however, never gave a sh*t about the spoiled brat’s threats.
Plenty had threatened him over the years, but how many of them actually succeeded in hurting him?
Even Bruce and the entire country of Zarain couldn’t do anything to him.
Hence, what could those punks really do to him?
Sherrie was quick to leave.
She didn’t want to deal with annoying issues, so she allowed Levi to stay on board.
However, she wouldn’t care if Levi died after he got off the ship.
That was why she wouldn’t stop Freddie from doing anything to Levi afterward.
After the slight delay, Levi returned to read about the master of magical techniques that the Twin Meteorites talked about.
He truly is a legend.
He was born a cripple and didn’t have a left hand or a right foot. His right eye is also blind, and his left ear is deaf.
Legend has it that he is the man blessed with heavenly foresight. That is why he is born crippled to compensate for the gift he is blessed with.
Levi continued reading on and learned all the mysterious achievements the guy had accomplished.
The more Levi studied the materials, the more he found the guy to be incredible. It also boosted his confidence.
This is good. It means that Zoey has a good shot at recovering!
Sherrie and the others were gathered in the first-class cabin.
“Your marriage will be arranged once you return, Sherrie. It looks like you won’t be able to get away from it this time,” commented Priscilla.
Sherrie seemed calm when she replied, “That is my destiny, and I have no choice but to accept it.”
Ronald grinned and replied, “Don’t be sad, Sherrie. I’ve met your husband-to-be, and he is the heir to the incredibly wealthy Cryptic Stream Corporation. His powers and the family background are both legit and incredible! Hence, you are definitely marrying one of the best guys there is.
“And you want to know the most important bit?”
Ronald deliberately lowered his voice and tilted his head down to get everyone to gather around.
His gangs stared curiously at him.
“Guess which organization is backing the Cryptic Stream Corporation up?”
“Which one?”
“It’s the legendary Lab of Gods from Zarain! It is the most mysterious and most terrifying lab there is. I’m sure you’ve heard about this organization, right?” replied Ronald.
Everyone nodded simultaneously as fear oozed out of their eyes.
Yep, that was the organization that supported Bruce from behind the scenes.
Hence, the mere mention of that name was able to instill fear.
This laboratory has grown so big that it could regard itself as a divine creature that rules over humanity!
“Of course, I’ve heard of it. We’ve even bought secret weapons from the Lab of God before. I never realize that the Cryptic Stream Corporation is their alliance,” replied Sherrie in astonishment.
“It would be more accurate to say that the Cryptic Stream Corporation belongs to the Lab of Gods! As the most advanced laboratory, it needed an incredible amount of funds and resources. That is why the Cryptic Stream Corporation is the best cash cow for them,” shared Ronald.
Priscilla and the others gasped before she asked, “Is that really the case? Well, I guess it’s good if all that is true. Sherrie, you’re really going to marry really well. My grandpa told me that even the slightest connection to the Lab of Gods would allow us to rank at the top in the world. Being an actual part of it will be even more incredible. If Sherrie marries the guy, there is a good chance that she can join them!”
“Exactly! Sherrie, this is a great opportunity. I’ve heard that the Lab of Gods actually controls every vital part of the world. Hence, they truly are at the top of the food chain.”
Everyone stared at Sherrie enviously.
Even Sherrie couldn’t help feeling better about the arranged marriage.
Her marriage had always been destined to be a loveless arranged marriage that stemmed from mutual benefits. Hence, the brighter the future it offered, the better things were for her.
Sherrie grew up in a family that valued profit above everything else, so it was only natural that she wanted to be at the top.
Under those circumstances, the Lab of Gods was simply too attractive to her.
If Levi actually heard the conversation, he would probably be shocked as well.
Just how terrifying was the Lab of Gods?
The ship sailed all day and night before it reached Goldenport Island.
Just before they got off the ship, Freddie grinned and said, “I almost forgot about that punk. Wait for him here!”


Sherrie and the others left beforehand because they didn’t care about Levi at all.

To them, he was nothing more than an ant on the ground.
Freddie was young, so it was understandable that he was upset after Levi told him off.

That was why he waited for Levi.
“My family has always reminded me not to make a mess in any other regions of Erudia because it would be troublesome to deal with the aftermath. However, we’re on Goldenport Island now, and this is my turf! Just watch as I bring you to your knees,” murmured Freddie before he sneered.
It only took him a second before he came up with tons of ideas to hurt Levi.
Those thoughts were so cruel that Freddie almost laughed aloud.
“Why hasn’t that punk left?” asked one bodyguard, who couldn’t help getting impatient. It had been minutes, but there were still no signs of Levi.
“Let’s wait a little longer. The economic cabin is probably too far away,” replied Freddie.
Five minutes passed…
Ten minutes went…
Time trickled by.
They waited for twenty whole minutes, but Freddie and his men never saw Levi around.
“What is going on? Did that punk get off beforehand?” blurted Freddie, who was starting to get suspicious.
“That is not possible. We have been standing guard by the entrance ever since the ship got near the harbor. No one has left the ship. That punk is just an ordinary guy, so there is no way he could’ve left without us noticing,” informed one guard firmly.
They were all incredible fighters, so there was no way a person could slip away without them noticing.
It is simply impossible!
Freddie didn’t doubt what his men said.
“Is that punk hiding on the ship because he’s afraid I’d go after him?” blurted Freddie, who thought that was the only thing that made sense.
“It’s possible!”
The men’s eyes glowed.
“Then go search the ship now! And leave a few guys here to stand guard.”
Over ten of Freddie’s bodyguards boarded the ship to look for Levi.
Unfortunately, they couldn’t find him anywhere, even after they searched every inch of the place.
“What are you looking for?” asked a worker on the ship.
“Where is that punk?” demanded Freddie.
“Oh, him? He got off the ship ages ago.”
There weren’t many people on the ship, so the servers paid attention to Levi as well.
They saw Levi hopping off the ship with their own eyes.
“What? He left? When did that happen?”
Freddie and his men were downright stunned.
“About twenty minutes ago.”
“That is not possible. We were standing guard over here twenty minutes ago, so he couldn’t have left!” insisted Freddie.
The worker grinned in exasperation and replied, “I checked the watch when I saw him hopping off, so I’m certain I got the time right.”
“It’s true. We all saw the guy leaving twenty minutes ago,” informed the rest of the crew.
Freddie and his men were stunned because they could tell that the workers weren’t lying.
“What the hell?”
How can a person disappear into thin air like that?
We were standing guard the entire time, so how could he have slipped away from right under our noses?
That is not possible… unless that guy is…
The only other explanation they could come up with was that Levi was not an ordinary guy. Instead, he was a great fighter who was more powerful than everyone around.
But that is not likely.
“Do you think maybe he knew that we were standing guard, so he jumped into the sea and swam away?” suggested a guard.
“Yes! That is possible.”
Everyone thought that made perfect sense.
Freddie had his men search the ship one more time and only left after they were certain that no one was there.
Despite that, Freddie thought that something seemed off.
My men should’ve detected him even if he jumped into the sea. They are not ordinary bodyguards after all. These men are either skilled fighters or have superpowers. They should’ve detected someone slipping away as soon as he swam away.
“Something is off. Find him!”
Freddie sent his men to search the entire Goldenport Island for Levi.
At that moment, Levi was already at the center of the busy district.
He wanted to avoid unnecessary troubles, so he deliberately avoided Freddie and his men.


It wasn’t like Levi was afraid of that pretentious punk. The former just thought that it was troublesome.

Moreover, he was too lazy to fight.
Those punks aren’t worthy of me fighting back, anyway.

Levi went straight to look for the master of magical techniques that his disciples told him about.
Freddie joined Sherrie and the others soon after.
“You look terrible, Freddie. Did something happen?” asked Sherrie when she sensed that something was off.
Ronald teased, “Dude, that punk didn’t beat you up, didn’t he?”
“No,” replied Freddie sourly, “He knew that I would go after him, so he actually jumped into the sea to escape!”
“Well, it’s fine so long as you’re not hurt.”
Levi was just an ordinary dude to Sherrie and the others, so they weren’t interested in him.
They certainly weren’t going to keep asking about him.
It didn’t take long before they reached a manor so luxurious that it looked like a palace.
There were thousands of bodyguards, and covert sentries were everywhere.
Every single bodyguard was also armed with advanced weaponry.
That was the Hilton family’s residence—Manor of Ultimate Dragonite.
“Ms. Sherrie, the heir to the Cryptic Stream Corporation will arrive on Goldenport Island tomorrow. Rumor had it that he is a legend in Zarain, and to be frank, no young man in Erudia is a match against him.
“The entire family loves him, and your grandpa especially adores him,” announced the butler, who came to welcome everyone.
As he did that, he praised Sherrie’s fiancé endlessly.
“But he is not a match against Levi Garrison!” refuted Sherrie.
She was willing to accept the arrangement that her family made. However, that didn’t mean that she would accept the guy.
As far as she was concerned, Levi was still her idol.
The four of them left the Goldenport Island earlier to watch the Elites Conference.
They went because their families wanted them to travel, learn more and build a better social network.
In a way, that was the place where all of Erudia… Hell, maybe even all of Bayview went to find a potential suitor.
Sherrie and Priscilla were impressed with the men there… until Levi showed up out of nowhere!
He stole the show away and got hundreds of those impressive young talents to regard him as their master. That left an incredible impression on the ladies.
On top of that, Levi was only a few years older than they were.
His was undeniably attractive and charismatic as well.
After seeing how incredible Levi was, everyone else became plain to Sherrie.
The heir of the Cryptic Stream Corporation is nothing but a person who is profiting off of the Lab of Gods!
“Huh? Levi Garrison? Oh, everyone should hurry inside because the others want to know how things went at the Elites Conference.”
The butler led Sherrie and her gang into the manor after that.
Every inch of the manor was luxurious, and every decoration would cost more than what a commoner could make in a lifetime.
Inside the conference room that was as regal as a palace.
The key members of the Hilton family were all there.
Naturally, the head of the family was none other than the God of Gamblers, Johannes Hilton.
He was a legend on Goldenport Island, and no one knew how rich he was or how many figurative trump cards he actually had up his sleeves.
One thing was for sure, though. No one on Goldenport Island dared to offend him.
Even powerful martial artists and masters of magical techniques would be respectful toward him.
That was how powerful the God of Gamblers was.
He held a walking cane with a dragon’s head on it and looked powerful.
Some of the people sitting beside him were his siblings, but most were his offspring.
Johannes had four legitimate children, but rumor had it that he actually had over ten kids.
A sweet smile only showed up on Johannes’ grim expression after he saw that Sherrie was back.
Among all his grandchildren, Sherrie was his favorite.
Everyone exchanged pleasantries.
Johannes then asked, “Sherrie, did anyone learn anything from the Elites Conference? Or perhaps you can give us an overview of what happened there?”
Sherrie and her gang started sharing everything they saw at the Elites Conference.
That got everyone to gasp in astonishment.
“Grandpa, the person who impressed me the most is Levi Garrison, who is at the top of the Gem List,” informed Sherrie before she described Levi in detail.
A key member of the Hilton family blurted, “How great would it be if Levi Garrison is a part of our family?”
Johannes glared over evilly and scolded, “Not even in your dreams!”


“Who do you think Levi Garrison is? He is the Fiery Demon’s heir and a unique force of evil! That man is ranked number one on the Gem List, and even Bruce from the Lab of Gods couldn’t defeat him. Hell, the guy was so powerful that he turned down the invitation from the Sacred Organization.

“How will the Hilton family, ever be equal to a powerful being like that?
“Never make any comment like this again! It will not do well for us if others overhear you. Even if Levi doesn’t mind or come after us, his subordinates, the Seven Fiends, can still cause a huge problem for us!” roared Johannes angrily.

“Dad, is Levi truly that terrifying?” asked Sherrie’s uncle, Terrell Hilton.
Johannes scoffed and replied, “He is even more dangerous than what you can imagine. Let me put it this way. If he ever comes to Goldenport Island, no one will be a match against him. We certainly cannot afford to offend the guy.”
Terrell sighed and replied, “That’s true. The most powerful being on Goldenport Island is Xenotoph, but he is ranked behind Levi on the Gem List. Hence, there is no way he’d be a match against Levi. If Levi ever comes to Goldenport Island, the place will be turned upside down, and there will be nothing anyone can do about it.”
Freddie blurted and asked, “If Sherrie is engaged to Levi, does that mean she would no longer need to marry the heir of the Cryptic Stream Corporation?”
Johannes was slightly taken aback, but he eventually replied, “That is possible, but I heard that Levi is already married with a kid. Moreover, the heir of the Cryptic Stream Corporation has a better future.”
Sherrie’s gaze slowly became dimmer.
“Sherrie, don’t fantasize about anything else anymore. Remember that the heir of the Cryptic Stream Corporation will be here tomorrow and interact well with him.
“Joining forces with the Cryptic Stream Corporation via a marriage, then getting affiliated with the Lab of Gods. That is what our family should aim for!”
“Understood,” replied everyone else while nodding.
It didn’t take long before Freddie and the others left.
Inside the car.
“We’ve completed a basic investigation, but there is no sign of that punk.”
“Huh… why do I feel like the guy is a little mysterious?”
Freddie sighed and replied, “Gah, never mind. There is no point in wasting so much time on an ordinary guy.”
Levi had already reached the address that the Twin Meteorites gave him by then.
A church was located there, but it had been abandoned for quite a while.
Dust was everywhere, and cobwebs donned every corner.
It didn’t look like anyone was living there, and Levi couldn’t find anyone in his search.
Judging by the state of the place, it has been abandoned for at least five years.
“Did those two make a mistake?” murmured Levi.
But the Twin Meteorites have always been focused and diligent, so it is not likely that they’d make a mistake like this.
The only explanation is that the master of magical techniques has already left the place.
That means that this is a timing issue.
It doesn’t matter, though.
I am already on Goldenport Island, so it shouldn’t be difficult for me to find the guy.
I’m an outsider, so I don’t know much. However, the locals here must know something about the guy!
After Levi left the church, he had West Sky Lord investigate and learn which family was the most powerful family on the island.
I’ll just go over directly and ask them where the master of magical techniques I am looking for is.
“My suggestion is to go ask the Hilton family directly,” reported West Sky Lord with a smile.
“Okay,” replied Levi before he hailed a cab.
“Where are you heading?”
“To the Manor of Ultimate Dragonite.”
The driver was stunned when he heard that answer. He couldn’t help but stare at Levi in disbelief.
Everyone on Goldenport Island knew that the Hilton family was staying in the Manor of Ultimate Dragonite.
That is the forbidden area!
Ordinary folks tended to be too afraid to even get close to that place because it would likely turn into a one-way trip. They might actually lose their lives there.
“Are you sure you want to go to the Manor of Ultimate Dragonite?” asked the cab driver.
“Of course, I’m sure.”
“You do know that the Hilton family lives there, right?” asked the cab driver as he wiped the sweat off his forehead.
“Yes, I know that. Just take me there. Why are you talking endlessly like that?” complained Levi, who was getting impatient.
“Okay, then.”
About an hour later.
The cab driver fled in his car after he dropped Levi off near the Manor of Ultimate Dragonite.


The cab driver had never met anyone who was brave enough to walk right to the Hilton family’s home.

Levi’s outfit also suggested that he was just a regular dude, so it felt like there was no way he’d be connected to the Hilton family.
If he is actually a powerful man, why would he need to get a cab?

All those points made it so that the cab driver was certain that Levi wouldn’t leave the place in one piece.
He will likely die from this trip.
Levi saw the manor some distance away and started making his way toward it.
Unfortunately, he had already caught many people’s eyes by then.
They watched as he slowly approached the manor’s front door.
That was just how strict the security guards stationed there were.
They had to be sure that danger would remain far away from the manor.
Hence, they wouldn’t even let a poisonous spider get through.
Someone like Levi was, therefore, definitely out of the question!
“Hold it right there! What are you doing?”
Someone shouted, and over ten bodyguards zipped over. They had Levi surrounded.
“Who’s the head of this place?” asked Levi, who didn’t bother answering the guy’s question.
Everyone was taken aback for a moment before they laughed aloud.
“You don’t even know where you are, punk?”
“Listen up, dude. This is the Manor of Ultimate Dragonite, and this is where the God of Gamblers lives. Naturally, the head of this place is the God of Gamblers himself!”
Levi nodded upon hearing that. He demanded, “Okay, then have him come meet me now!”
Wow, he’s just going to be that blunt? Levi’s words got everyone stunned in place.
They turned to one another as the same thought ran past all of their minds… Is this guy a retard?
He’s actually demanding that the God of Gamblers, who is like the king of this island, come to him?
He’s either so sick that he’s delusional or he is just a lunatic.
“What are you still standing around for? Go get him over already! The guy’s name is… uh… Johannes Hilton, right? Get him to come to me now! You will have to bear the consequences if there are any delays,” ordered Levi.
Johannes Hilton? Who the hell is that?
The bodyguards were all stunned.
It had been years since anyone regarded the God of Gamblers by his real name.
Even influential figures had to regard the guy as the God of Gamblers instead of calling him by his name.
It got to the point where the others couldn’t recall his name when it was uttered all of a sudden like that.
“T-that is the God of Gambler’s name, right?”
“Oh, my gosh. You are crazy, punk! How dare you call him by his legal name? Are you trying to kill yourself?”
It didn’t take long before everyone else came around.
Anger donned their faces.
“You ignorant punk. Are you here to cause trouble? Demanding that the God of Gamblers come to you like this… You must have a death wish.”
“Geez, I can’t believe you came to make a scene and call the God of Gamblers by his real name. You’d have to be a f*cking lucky a*shole to survive this!”
The security guards started making a fuss.
Levi, however, simply scoffed and warned, “Here’s some genuine advice. Get the God of Gamblers to come to me now, or I will attack! It will be bad for everyone if that occurs.”
Hearing those words further infuriated the guards.
Levi was, in effect, taunting them repeatedly.
They simply couldn’t hold their anger in anymore.
It had been decades, and no one on Goldenport Island ever dared to come and make a scene there in the God of Gamblers’ house.
And to think that this punk is the one doing this all alone now. He is so stupid… brave, but stupid!
“Quit wasting your breath on him. Kill him and feed him to the sharks.”
Levi shook his head in exasperation. He tried to be civil, but it didn’t work, so he had to resort to violence.
Let’s go then. I’ll make this a quick battle so I can get to the God of Gamblers quickly and learn where that master of magical techniques is.
“Attack! Kill that punk!”
They were about to attack when a melodious voice came.
“Hold on, don’t attack just yet!”
Sherrie happened to be in a car and heading back into the house. She had just parted ways with Priscilla and the others.
Even from a distance, she could tell that someone was making a scene at the front gate.
“What’s going on?” demanded Sherrie.
“This punk came to taunt and cause trouble. He even demanded that the God of Gamblers come to see him in person! He went as far as claiming that he would fight his way in, if that is what it takes,” reported the security guard right away.
“What? I can’t believe something like this happened. D*mn the guy. How dare he taunt the Hilton family?”
Sherrie’s expression had taken a sharp turn, and her aura turned as icy as a snowstorm.
Just then, Levi turned around.
The two of them looked into each other’s eyes.
Sherrie blurted in astonishment.


Sherrie definitely didn’t expect to see the guy there at her front gate.

That’s the guy I ignored on the ship!
At that moment, Sherrie couldn’t help but feel intrigued.

It didn’t matter how ordinary the guy was. The fact that he had the guts to make a scene at the God of Gamblers’ place meant that he was different.
This is shocking!
I can’t believe that the guy is coming after the Hilton family! I guess that means he is not like the others?
That was the first time Sherrie got curious about Levi.
If Freddie and the others knew how she felt, they would probably be so surprised that their jaws would drop.
“Huh? Do you know him, Ms. Sherrie?”
A security guard noticed something off, and he couldn’t help asking about it.
“Yeah, we met once,” answered Sherrie before she shifted her gaze to Levi and asked, “What are you doing here?”
Levi didn’t answer her question. Instead, he asked, “Who is the God of Gamblers to you?”
“He is my grandpa.”
“Then everything is much easier now. Get your grandpa over. I have a question for him!”
Levi’s tone got everyone to feel extremely unpleasant, including Sherrie.
Who the f*ck do you think you are? How dare you demand that the God of Gamblers come to you?
“This punk is too arrogant. Let’s just kill him off right away,” suggested the bodyguard, who couldn’t hold his anger in anymore.
“Wait, I have questions for him,” replied Sherrie.
She turned to Levi and asked, “Who are you and where are you from? Why are you looking for my grandpa?”
“You don’t need to know that. Just get him over,” instructed Levi icily.
“Is that so? Okay, then I guess it’s none of my business what happens to you too,” replied Sherrie before she turned around and left to enter the manor.
As the bodyguards for the Hilton family, the men on site had to be more than just skilled fighters. They also had to be smart.
They could tell what Sherrie was really saying. She said that this has nothing to do with her, so that means we get to decide how we deal with this punk!
The bodyguards grinned evilly.
They were just waiting for Sherrie to say those exact words because they had been itching to teach Levi a lesson.
Over ten bodyguards had Levi surrounded and were ready to attack.
Sherrie entered the manor with a nonchalant expression on.
Levi’s actions that day caught her attention, but that only lasted a moment.
She still didn’t care if he died.
Yet, just as Sherrie reached the front door, she heard a loud voice and a heavy metallic item flew over. It landed next to the front door.
She saw, with her own eyes, that the Manor of Ultimate Dragonite’s gate had been kicked down!
That was just a regular guy; yet, he knocked the gate down with one kick!
Sherrie stopped walking instantly. The nonchalance on her face faded and was replaced by astonishment.
At that moment, her mind was a complete blank.
She couldn’t register any information at all, and it was all just the beginning.
The security guards tried to stop Levi, but every single one of them ended up lying on the ground like the broken gate.
Ten loud booms later, the gate was officially crashed.
The security guards lying on the ground were all curled up like cooked prawns, and their pained moans were endless.
That was when Sherrie’s mind slowly came back around.
She turned around and saw how Levi was standing just a short distance away.
He’s that powerful? Our bodyguards are terrifyingly strong and skilled! Yet, they can’t stop that puny thing? He’s definitely something else…
Sherrie’s legs trembled. Her mind finally registered the shocking fact presented in front of her.
At that moment, the loud noise had also attracted the Hilton family’s attention.
The destruction of the gate, in particular, was a huge concern.
This is a grave issue!
People inside the manor, and those in its surrounding area, kept showing up.
Even the council members of the Hilton family were alerted.
Terrell and his gang came over.
“What happened? What’s wrong?”
The crowd kept murmuring.
“Something terrible happened! Someone barged into the Manor of Ultimate Dragonite and wounded over ten of our men. Raise the alarm! Now!”
The bodyguard at the front gate raised the alarm right away.
Unfortunately, that only worsened the issue.
The blaring siren filled up every corner of the Manor of Ultimate Dragonite.
It seemed that even Johannes would be alarmed.


As suspected, Johannes showed up with a number of his bodyguards.

Thousands of skilled fighters under the Hilton family’s paycheck gathered around as well.
That was the first time something like that happened since the Hilton family was founded.

Someone actually went after the Hilton family in their own home!
That was unheard of!
The alarm hadn’t been raised in decades, and the fact that it was going off at that moment had put the entire Hilton family on high alert.
Every modern weapon had been fired up.
Ninety-nine percent of all skilled fighters hired by the Hilton family had gathered right away.
Even the God of Gamblers’ forces, which had been assigned all over Goldenport Island, sent their men over immediately.
The other powerful families on Goldenport Island offered to help as well.
In short, the entire Goldenport Island was in chaos right away.
It seemed that Levi’s punches had turned Goldenport Island upside down.
Thousands of people gathered around the front door of the Manor of Ultimate Dragonite in a blink of an eye.
So many people surrounded the place that there was hardly any space to even move.
Everyone stared at Levi, and they couldn’t help feeling surprised when they saw that he was alone.
At first, they assumed that some powerful forces had assaulted the manor.
Who would’ve thought that it was just one guy?
“The God of Gamblers is here!” announced someone.
It didn’t take long before Johannes showed up with his cane.
“What’s going on?” demanded Johannes in displeasure.
Sherrie witnessed everything in person, so she shared what happened with everyone.
“Grandpa, you guys are too sensitive to danger. It’s just that one dude! Why are we making such a fuss?”
Sherrie had since regained her footing.
She truly was surprised earlier, but that was only because Levi turned out to be unexpectedly strong.
He is just a regular dude, but he somehow caused an explosion. That can be terrifying, and that must be why I lost my footing earlier.
“That’s true, but something like this has never happened before, so it’s best if we proceed carefully,” replied Johannes.
That is precisely why I said that everyone is too jumpy. Everybody’s simply inexperienced and acting overboard.
“What happened? What’s wrong?”
Sherrie’s friends showed up as well.
They were shocked when they saw Levi standing in the middle of the chaos.
Among them, Freddie was the most surprised one.
He had sent countless men to search for Levi. Who would’ve thought that the guy would end up here in the God of Gamblers’ place?
“I-is this commotion all because of him?” asked Priscilla, whose eyes were shining with disbelief.
Sherrie nodded.
“So, you’ve come all the way over to make a scene… you’re so dead, punk! Let me share something with you, Sherrie…”
Freddie told everyone how Levi slipped away from the ship that day.
“I guess it wasn’t an accident that he got away earlier. This punk actually is skilled,” commented Freddie as he glared over at Levi and requested, “Everyone can sit back and leave this to me. I will handle that punk!”
Freddie thought that the timing was perfect because he wanted to get back at Levi.
An authoritative voice halted everyone.
The God of Gamblers had stepped forward.
Freddie and the others moved away instantly.
Johannes’s gaze was sharp. He glared intently at Levi and asked, “Why did you come to my house, kid? I heard that you are here to ask for an audience with me. Is that right?”
“Yeah, that’s right. The reason I came looking for you is simple. I want to know a person’s whereabouts from you.”
Huh! Are you kidding?
Levi’s words got everyone on site shocked.
Everyone initially assumed that Levi was only there to taunt and make a scene, but it turned out that he was there to look for someone.
Sherrie was stunned.
Johannes stood in shock.
Everyone was speechless.
Johannes was quiet for a few seconds before he asked, “Who are you looking for?”
Things had progressed to that extent, so even Johannes was getting curious.
Who is the person he is looking for? Why is he so eager to locate that person who he is willing to risk coming all the way over?
“I am looking for a master of magical techniques, but I don’t know his real name. All I know is that he is known as the Half Phantom. Do you know who he is?” asked Levi.
“What? You’re looking for him?”
The aura in the place froze over and changed drastically as soon as Levi uttered those words.
Johannes, in particular, was looking off.


The younger generation felt nothing when they heard about the name.

However, the elder generation shifted their expression sharply because Levi mentioned the topic that had since been forbidden on Goldenport Island.
There was a reason he was known as the “half” phantom, and it was because he was neither kind nor evil. See, the guy was incredible at geomancy.

Hence, many rich and famous on Goldenport Island used to consult him whenever they planned anything major event, such as starting a business or throwing a wedding.
Anyone who consulted him would end up having a fruitful adventure.
Even powerful figures such as the God of Gamblers had turned to the Half Phantom for a consultation.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that almost everyone on the island went to him, and it was accurate to claim that every powerful figure on the island owed their power to the Half Phantom.
That was why Levi was shocked when he looked through the guy’s folder.
It was incredible! The guy was practically responsible for the glorious growth on Goldenport Island, and his influence lasted decades.
Everything grew from him, and he was the root of all that success.
Unfortunately, his sins were just as terrifying and as long-lasting as his achievements.
At first, everyone called him the Half Phantom because he was born with physical defects and was not aesthetically pleasing.
That had since change.
The Half Phantom suddenly became a forbidden topic, and the mere mention of his title inspired endless fear.
Unfortunately, the higher-ups in Goldenport Island completely sealed off all records of what happened next.
That was why the younger generation of Goldenport Island and the citizens outside the island had no idea who the Half Phantom was.
It was also why the information provided by the Twin Meteorites was off.
Levi knew that he came to the right place when he saw the expression that Johannes and the others were wearing.
Thank the heavens that I came straight to the God of Gamblers. If I had gone to anyone else, I would have wasted my time.
It seems that Sherrie and the other youngsters have no idea who the Half Phantom is because they are staring strangely at Johannes and me.
“Yeah, you guessed it right. I came to look for the Half Phantom!” confirmed Levi.
Anger crept up on Johannes’ face. He shouted, “Leave! There’s no one here who goes by that title, and I have no idea where he is.”
Johannes’ response was unexpected.
The intruder is so rude and is babbling some nonsense about the Half Phantom… Why would the God of Gamblers let the guy live? Why is he simply chasing the guy away? Does it have something to do with the Half Phantom?
“Huh… Are you sure you don’t know where he is?” Levi tried his luck again.
Johannes insisted, “I am sure! You should stop looking for him as well. Leave Goldenport Island now or you will die a horrible death!”
“Does he really not know?” muttered Levi to himself. He was on the verge of giving up and leaving when he received a message from the West Sky Lord.
The message read: The God of Gamblers has imprisoned the Half Phantom.
Levi’s expression changed after he finished reading that message. He slowly tilted his head up, and his gaze locked in on Johannes.
Guilt rose up on Johannes when he saw how Levi was staring. The former threatened, “Leave now! I will make sure you die a horrible death if you don’t!”
Levi scoffed and replied, “Why are you looking so guilty? I bet you have the Half Phantom locked up.”
His words sent a wave of surprise once more. Johannes, his siblings, and his sons looked even worse off. Disbelief donned every single one of their faces.
“H-how did you know that?”
Terrell instantly turned pale, and he panted heavily.
That was what Johannes was about to ask.
It was at that moment that everyone started paying attention to Levi and taking the guy seriously.
So he knows all along that I have the Half Phantom locked up! That is why he came here.
Sherrie and her friends were still confused. They had no idea what was going on.
“W-who are you and how do you know him?” asked Johannes with a hint of fear in his voice.
Levi grinned and replied, “I have never met him before, and I only came to ask for his help. Hand the guy over. I will not partake in the personal vendetta you guys have against each other. I just want his help.”
Hearing Levi’s words got Johannes to calm down by quite a bit.
“So, you don’t know him?”
“That’s right,” replied Levi.


Johannes suddenly laughed aloud.

Terrell and the others were grinning as well.
“I thought that you are his heir or family or something. I can’t believe you’re just a random nobody,” chuckled Terrell.

Naturally, Levi knew what they were truly laughing about.
When Levi first mentioned the Half Phantom, Johannes and the others assumed that Levi was the Half Phantom’s disciple or family.
That was why they were scared.
They worried that he was there to rescue the guy or to seek vengeance.
Knowing that Levi was only there to ask for the guy’s help had extinguished the fear in the Hiltons.
Meh, we’ll just kill him. We cannot let anyone know that we have the Half Phantom locked up, so he must die.
Johannes was about to issue the kill order when Levi beat him to it. The latter warned, “You’d better hand the guy over without making a fuss. Don’t make me fight you.”
Levi was fearless and would destroy any obstruction in his path just to save his wife.
Levi’s words stunned everyone there.
When has the Hilton family ever been threatened before?
“You are gutsy, punk. You actually threatened us.
“Fine, then let me make this clear to you. I will never hand him over, so you can forget about it. You are a rather skilled guy, so I will give you a chance. Kneel and beg for forgiveness now, and I may just let you go!” replied Johannes.
He didn’t make that offer out of kindness, though.
A man like Johannes only had eyes on profits and gains. Hence, a human life meant nothing to him.
Unfortunately, he was going through a cleanse lately.
A spiritual and superstitious friend told him that it was best if he avoided any bloodshed for the time being.
That was why Johannes was letting Levi live.
If that wasn’t the case, he would surely have Levi killed because the latter had learned such a huge secret.
“What the hell are you waiting for? My grandpa is being merciful and letting you live! Get on your knees and apologize already,” urged Sherrie.
Everyone else on site also praised Johannes for being merciful.
Levi, on the other hand, was delighted.
They want to kill me? Hah! Like they have the power to do so?
“How about this? I will give everyone here a chance. Hand the Half Phantom over in twenty-four hours, and I will pretend that none of this has ever happened.
“If I don’t see the guy by then, you will have to bear all the consequences that came with it. I will topple the Manor of Ultimate Dragonite and search for the guy myself!” warned Levi grimly.
Everyone was stunned for over ten seconds after hearing what Levi said.
It had been decades! No one had ever dared to taunt the Hilton family, and certainly never had the guts to threaten them.
That was the first time it had happened.
And he actually gave us the time and date at which he will make good on his threat!
Shame! Complete, utter shame.
Every member of the Hilton family was so angry that their faces reddened upon hearing that insult.
Levi had truly crossed the line that time, so there was no way anyone could suppress their anger!
“Kill him!”
“Kill him!”
The crowd chanted.
Terrell waved his hand and ordered, “Kill him! Anyone who threatened the Hilton family must die!”
The skilled bodyguards were just about to attack when Johannes ordered, “Wait! Let him go today. I’d like to see just what he can do if I don’t hand the Half Phantom over tomorrow.”
Johannes was smiling brightly at the time.
As far as he was concerned, Levi was nothing more than an ant.
He may be a somewhat good fighter, but he is nothing compared to a powerful family like the Hilton family.
Still, things have gotten interesting. No one has ever threatened me like this before, and this is such a new and exciting experience!
Johannes was intrigued and curious. He wanted to know what Levi meant when the latter said that there would be consequences.
That was why he let Levi go.
So what if I don’t set the guy free tomorrow? What can this punk really do? Will he really come back to tear down the Mansion of Ultimate Dragonite? Ah, this is so exciting!
The Hilton family and the entire Goldenport Island had been too quiet over the past few years.
Nothing had happened after Xenotoph went away to train.
Hence, Johannes wanted to stir up some drama.
Terrell and the others immediately knew what Johannes was thinking.
“Alright, we’ll let him go.”
Before Levi left, he warned, “You only have one day, so you better get all your best fighters together to gang up on me.”



No one heeded Levi’s warning. Instead, they laughed mockingly at him.
They didn’t see him as a threat at all. If anything, they thought he was a joke.

“That punk is probably buying some time. I bet he’s thinking about fleeing now. That is why claimed that he would give us a day to prepare.”
“That is possible. He won’t show up tomorrow. He will leave Goldenport Island as soon as he set foot out of the gates!”
Everyone assumed that Levi was going to flee.
“Boys, keep an eye on the guy and don’t let him flee Goldenport Island! I want to see what are the consequences he was talking about,” commanded Johannes.
With that, a few powerful fighters left immediately to spy on Levi.
Terrell stepped forward and grinned before claiming, “Tomorrow is such a good day, Dad.”
“Well, for starters, it’s the day the heir of the Cryptic Stream Corporation comes to visit. It is also the day when Xenotoph will return from his training, and now, it is the day when the punk dies,” replied Terrell.
Johannes laughed boisterously and agreed, “That’s true. Tomorrow is such an auspicious day. Let’s invite Xenotoph over, so we can all watch the show together!”
Everyone laughed.
Sherrie’s father, Manny Hilton, laughed and pointed out, “Even if the punk has incredible powers, he would still die tomorrow!
After all, the Hilton family, Xenotoph, the Cryptic Stream Corporation’s forces, and all other powerful organizations on Goldenport Island would be here. “He is just a punk, so we won’t need anyone to help, though. All that is just hypothetical.”
Johannes was delighted as well. He pointed out, “Well, he told us to gather our best fighters, so I guess he’s getting his wish granted.”
Johannes regarded the ordeal as something entertaining.
What Johannes didn’t realize was that he would actually need all those fighters when Levi came knocking on his door the next day.
By then, Levi had already returned to the place where the West Sky Lord prepared beforehand.
“Master, why didn’t you just break through and rescue the guy right away?” asked West Sky Lord curiously.
“It might be all for naught if I attack that directly.
“You see, not many are aware of the fact that the Half Phantom was locked up. The older generation’s reaction showed that he had since fallen and had become a forbidden topic. That meant that he would be locked up in an obscure place, and I might not be able to find him. “In fact, I might not find him even if I turn the place into rubbles.
“There’s also the issue of them reacting irrationally. They might kill the Half Phantom if I were to force them to a corner,” explained Levi.
Revelation hit West Sky Lord after hearing all that.
“That is why you gave them a day to prepare. You wanted them to lower their guards. Heck, the God of Gamblers might even send someone to go check up on the Half Phantom. That would reveal where they locked the guy up!”
Levi nodded and replied, “That’s right. I’ve already had my people infiltrate the Manor of Ultimate Dragonite. I will learn where the Half Phantom is as soon as the God of Gamblers went to check up on the guy.”
“I am impressed. No wonder you are the boss,” exclaimed West Sky Lord.
It was just as Levi had predicted.
Johannes went to check up on the Half Phantom that same day.
The Manor of Ultimate Dragonite actually had an underground facility, but its entrance was extremely well-hidden and secretive.
Even within the Hilton family, less than three people knew of its location.
It got to the point where neither Terrell nor Manny knew where the entrance was as well.
Johannes, his personal guard, and the butler were the only ones who knew of its location.
All three of them approached the entrance and entered the underground facility.
What they were unaware of was that someone was spying from the dark.
A secret room was located underground.
The door was made of a special alloy and was so strong that even an explosion couldn’t open it.
Hence, the room could only be accessed with Johannes’ biometric scans.
Even the most powerful fighter would not be able to open the door.
That was why Johannes locked the Half Phantom there. He wanted to make sure that no one could rescue the guy.
Johannes’ biometric scan unlocked the door and prompted it to open slowly.
A nasty smell of decomposed meat ambushed everyone.
It was nauseating.
The room was small, and a guy was chained in there.
Dead rats and pests were lying all around.
Johannes scoffed and asked, “So, how have you been? Is the food to your liking?”
Johannes was referring to the dead mouse and pest that he had his people toss into the room every day.
The chain moved, and the guy tilted his head up.


An ugly, scarred face presented itself to everyone. One of the guy’s eyes was blind while his other eye had crimson red iris.

The Half Phantom was born with physical distortion, and being imprisoned for such a long time only made things worse for him.
Despite that, the scary aura he exuded could still get others to tremble.

“You’re here. It’s been eleven years,” commented the Half Phantom in a coarse voice.
Johannes had the guy locked up for eleven years and in all that time, the former never visited the latter.
“I’m here to share an interesting story with you. Someone actually came here looking for you! He even gave me a day to hand you over and said that if I don’t, I will have to bear with the consequences. Hahaha…”
Johannes couldn’t help laughing aloud.
The Half Phantom, however, grinned upon hearing that. He never uttered a word.
“Who would’ve thought that there are still people out there who knew of your existence? Don’t worry, though. You will die of old age right here because no one is powerful enough to rescue you!”
The next day.
It was a memorable day for Goldenport Island because two crucial events would take place.
Firstly, it was the day when Xenotoph would return from his training.
Secondly, it was the day when the heir of the Cryptic Stream Corporation visited.
Goldenport Island was an island in Bayview with the strongest economy, so naturally, there were plenty of rich people there.
The island was just like how its name suggested.
It offered so much wealth that it might as well be gold in color.
Everyone saw the arrival of the Cryptic Stream Corporation as something of utmost importance.
Hence, there were people standing by at the airport to greet their guests.
A number of celebrities on Goldenport Island also went to the Hilton family’s place to entertain the guests.
At around ten o’clock in the morning.
An intriguing news spread all over Goldenport Island.
Xenotoph had returned from his training!
The master of magical techniques, who used to rank as the third on the Gem List, had been demoted to number four at the time. That guy was finally returning from his training.
Thousands of his disciples were on their knees to welcome him, and the ceremony was ever so grand.
Xenotoph looked stiff and grim even after he returned from his training. He showed no sign of joy at all.
“Congratulations, Master, for becoming even more powerful.”
The disciples hurried over to congratulate him.
However, all they got in return was a scoff, “What’s so happy about that? I am still ranked lower on the Gem List.”
“But now that you have returned, you can go challenge Levi Garrison. That will put you right back on the top of the list. You are the only one who is worthy of being on top!”
“That’s right. You are true number one fighter on the Gem List.”
The disciples were quick to butter Xenotoph up.
However, that only upset Xenotoph. His expression took a sharp turn, and he scolded, “Quit bullsh*tting! Things will be troublesome if others overheard what you said.
“I may have been away, but I am still attuned to what happened out there. My training was a success, and I’ve become stronger, but that only put me on the same level as the Robed Slayer who uses the Divine Sword. I am not a match against Levi Garrison, and that is something I must admit.”
Hearing that got everyone to hiss.
“Is he really that strong?”
“Of course he is! Why else would he be ranked number one on the Gem List? If I bump into him, I will have to surrender immediately. That is why you must never make those ridiculous comments again,” ordered Xenotoph firmly.
“God of Gamblers is inviting you over, Master.”
“Okay, let’s go!”
It didn’t take long before Xenotoph showed up in the Manor of Ultimate Dragonite.
Some time later, luxurious cars started gathering, and a helicopter made an appearance as well.
The heir of the Cryptic Stream Corporation, Jefferson, was there.
Following close behind him were the representatives of business conglomerates from neighboring countries.
Triple Group of Keerea and the Matsugami Corporation of Raysonia were just some of them.
Tons of powerful figures followed him to Goldenport Island.
Jefferson’s arrival elevated the aura at the Manor of Ultimate Dragonite.
Johannes, Xenotoph, and Jefferson sat in the most prestigious seats.
All the powerful and rich figures were sitting right beside them.
It seemed that everyone who was anyone had gathered over there.
“Thank you for coming to our small gathering today. Let us begin by congratulating Xenotoph on his successful training. We’d also like to welcome Jefferson here.”
After delivering a short, pleasant speech, Johannes grinned and replied, “I will be honest with you. I made a deal with someone, and he should be here any minute. Please enjoy the show and cheer for me when the time comes.”
Johannes was waiting for Levi.


“What happened?” asked Xenotoph.

Everyone else had the same question.
Johannes gave everyone a cliff’s note version of what happened.

That prompted everyone to laugh aloud.
“God of Gamblers, you are really playful. Why are you paying attention to this? The punk was just lying to you,” said Xenotoph with a smile.
Everyone else shared his thought.
Johannes laughed aloud and joked, “Who knows? Maybe the kid has some secret up his sleeves? Hahaha…”
“Alright then, let’s wait for the guy.”
“I just returned from my training, so I am actually itching to try my new skills out. Here’s to hoping that the kid is strong enough to entertain me. Hahaha…”
Xenotoph laughed, and so did everyone else.
Everyone took that as a joke.
Jefferson, however, sneered and commented, “Cryptic Stream Corporation will always have the Hilton family’s back once the marriage is set. I’d like to see who would dare to come after them then!”
His tone was arrogant, and his words were even more so.
He was basically claiming that the Lab of Gods would be shielding the Hilton family, so no one would have the guts to come after them.
“Dad, I think that punk is just lying. There’s no way he’d be brave or stupid enough to show up. It’s simply impossible!” shared Terrell with a smile.
“The men I sent out have told me that he hasn’t left Goldenport Island. If he’s still here, then he should be dropping by soon,” replied Johannes.
“It would be so great if he came!”
Everyone was eager to watch the show.
“Come here, Sherrie. You should talk to Jefferson,” Johannes called out to Sherrie.
Jefferson had always had a thing for women like Sherrie, so his eyes shone when he saw her.
Sherrie shot a look over, but displeasure remained written all over her face.
Jefferson is nothing compares to Levi.
After witnessing how incredible Levi is, how can a girl still be interested in a mutt like Jefferson?
Sherrie was not interested in Jefferson at all.
However, she was willing to endure it all if it meant being a member of the Lab of Gods, which was running the Cryptic Stream Corporation from behind the scenes.
Sherrie had always regarded the marriage as a business deal, anyway.
“Hmm, not bad. I accept the proposal,” said Jefferson while nodding.
It might’ve been an arranged marriage, but Sherrie was extremely beautiful, so naturally, Jefferson was happy to comply.
“Yeah, that’s right. You two look perfect together!”
Everyone else started cheering.
Even Xenotoph was congratulating Johannes. “Congratulations, God of Gamblers. You will have an incredible grandson-in-law, and the family’s future will be very bright if it joins forces with the Cryptic Stream Corporation.”
Xenotoph was a master of magical techniques, but he was also a great politician and knew what to say.
“Haha, that is for sure.”
“Sherrie, what do you think?”
Johannes turned his attention to Sherrie once more.
Sherrie hesitated. The truth was that she didn’t want to marry the guy.
Unfortunately, being born into a prominent family meant that love was a luxury she couldn’t afford.
I will marry him to be a part of the Lab of Gods.
“Yes, I accept the arrangement as well,” replied Sherrie with a nod.
Jefferson smiled immediately after.
“Then, I will inform my father of our arrangement afterward, God of Gamblers. The engagement party will be held soon, and the wedding date will be set too,” informed Jefferson.
He wanted to get married as soon as possible because he didn’t want a beauty like Sherrie to slip away.
Johannes wanted the wedding to take place quickly as well, so they were in agreement.
Everything was settled quickly.
With the issue at hand settled, Johannes turned his attention to Xenotoph.
“Erudia is in a mess now, with evil forces running wild. The powerful forces within the country are not working in sync, too. It seems that Goldenport Island is the only island that remained unaffected. We will be counting on you to continue guarding over the island, Xenotoph,” said Johannes with a smile.
They had been growing peacefully for quite some time, so it was only natural that they didn’t want outsiders to disrupt their peace.
“Don’t worry. No one will dare to have any funny ideas so long as I am here. Besides, we have you, the God of Gamblers, on our side, so there is nothing to worry about. Well, even the Cryptic Stream Corporation is about to join forces with us and make us even stronger. Goldenport Island will surely be safe,” commented Xenotoph with a confident smile.
“Haha, then we can rest assured,” replied the rich and powerful figures of Goldenport Island.
Sharing their wealth with others… That had always been their worst fear.
“By the way, where is that punk? Is he not here yet?”
Someone suddenly thought about Levi.
“I’m right here.”


“I’m sure as hell that he doesn’t dare to show up…” Before Terrell could finish his words, a voice sounded out of the blue, sending everyone into a tizzy.

All of them turned to look in the direction of the voice.
A figure emerged from a distance away. It turned out to be Levi! In an instant, everyone had their eyes on him.

“Hmph! He still dares to appear before us, huh?” Freddie lambasted.
Everyone was dumbfounded; never had they thought that Levi was such an ordinary young man!
“Who’s this brat? How dare he provokes the Hilton family!”
“I know almost all the elite warriors in Erudia, even the young ones who have just shot to fame. But I don’t think I have seen this lad before,” another person commented.
“Yeah, I can’t remember seeing him at all. Pfft! What a reckless brat! How dare he gets on the Hilton family’s nerves!” the man next to him scoffed.
Voices of everyone gossiping about Levi were reverberating. It seemed none of them knew him at all. They were all sneering that Levi was digging his own grave.
Jefferson gaped at Levi for quite a while before he came to his senses. “So he’s the one who provokes the Hilton family?”
He did not know much about Erudian. Initially, he presumed that the Hilton family was facing a massive strike from an influential gang. It never occurred to him that Levi was the lone ranger provoking them.
Someone replied, “Yeah, he is the one!”
Jefferson’s face turned grim as he snickered. “How dare he provoked the Hilton family all alone. Hmph! He is indeed shooting himself in the foot!”
The bodyguards at the entrance yelled at Levi, “Stop right there!”
“Let him in!” Johannes waved at the bodyguards to give way to Levi.
The next moment, Levi strode into Manor of Ultimate Dragonite nonchalantly.
Looking at those who turned up, Levi’s lips contorted into a smirk. “It seems you take my words seriously. Almost all of them are here!”
“Haha! Of course! I’m curious at how you are going to turn my manor upside down!” Johannes sniggered.
Levi was just a nobody to him. Johannes was convinced that his emergence would turn out to be entertainment for them.
Freddie and the others scoffed at Levi, “Hmph! It will be the end of your life today. I was kind enough to let you off on the ship previously, so you get to live for a few more days.”
They were convinced that Levi would be finished off effortlessly when the most influential family of Goldenport Island and Cryptic Stream Corporation joined forces.
Sherrie looked at Levi and could not resist complimenting, “He has the courage to attend the banquet alone!”
“Yeah, he’s really daring to show up here!” one of the men echoed.
Levi approached Johannes step by step. After scanning the place thoroughly, he finally fixed his gaze on him.
“Johannes Hilton, the time’s up. Are you not going to hand over the Half Phantom?” he asked right away.
“My goodness! It seems he’s no ordinary man who is easily emotionally shaken by anything! He’s not the slightest bit intimidated by the bigwigs of Goldenport Island! Needless to say, he’s a lot mightier than my disciples!” Xenotoph commented admiringly.
Johannes shrugged his shoulders and scoffed, “I’m sure you know the answer too. To be frank, I won’t let go of him. If you insist on that, let’s see if you are able to search for him yourself!”
“Hahaha…” Everyone from the Hilton family burst into laughter.
How ridiculous! How dare he threatens the Hilton family? Has he gone nuts?
“Fine, time’s up. Since I’m not handing him over to you, I will have to bear the consequence. Didn’t you mention that earlier? I’m curious what kind of consequence is that!” Johannes could barely wait to know what Levi meant by the consequence.
The others were curious about that as well. In their eyes, Levi was just like a clown playing tricks. They wondered what kind of tricks he was playing!
Levi’s lips curved into a smirk. “Fine, you are forcing me into a strike! I hope you won’t regret it!” he reminded them.
His words spurred everyone’s excitement in an instant.
“We won’t regret it. Start with your first move! Don’t waste time!” someone yelled at him.
Another man challenged him right away. “Let us see what’s the consequence that you meant!”
“Hurry up! What are you waiting for? Hahaha…” Freddie and the others were urging Levi scornfully, assuming that he did not dare to initiate a strike.
Levi started giving off an intimidating aura with an abrupt change in his countenance.


Boom! As Levi fired out his leg, it resulted in a horrendous wave of energy.

Crash! Crash!
In a split second, the banquet turned into a chaotic scene! Everything shattered into pieces within seconds. The wave of energy even slashed a long burnt mark on the ground!

Not far away, a building collapsed all of a sudden. As a result, there were dust and thick smoke in the air.
Everyone was rooted to the ground. It never crossed their minds that Levi would strike at once. His massive kick was horrifying indeed.
Before that, everyone kept on urging Levi, treating him as their laughing stock. They were stupefied when he struck right away.
“Ah! He is really something!” Someone gasped in admiration.
Everyone was overwhelmed by his sudden strike. Even Xenotoph was dumbfounded and rendered speechless.
He’s too mighty! No doubt, he is one of the best among the younger generation! No wonder he dares to provoke the Hilton family all by himself! He is undoubtedly skillful in a way!
“Get him!” As Terrell waved, a big group of fighters darted toward Levi in an instant.
The Hilton family could not take it any longer as their ego was provoked. They vowed to teach him a lesson by ending his life!
“Just enjoy the show then!” Johannes smiled meaningfully at his guest.
Xenotoph and the others smiled as well. None of them were bothered by Levi’s power.
Boom! Boom! Boom!
Even so, Levi sent the fighters flying one by one with his massive kicks. Their figures were just like human-shaped hand grenades, blasting every corner of the manor here and there.
The smile vanished gradually from Johannes’ face. Meanwhile, the relaxing expression on Xenotoph and the others’ faces froze.
Bang! Bang!
As Levi blasted up with his astonishing power, the fighters of the Hilton family were just like scrap metals.
In a blink of an eye, hundreds of them were sprawling on the ground and writhing in pain. The entire manor was in an utter mess!
“Pfft! So these are your so-called fighters? They are really weak!” Levi smirked.
Right that instant, everyone could barely utter any words. Levi was apparently far more powerful than they thought!
Sherrie and Freddie were the most flabbergasted among all. Not to mention, they knew about Levi a lot earlier than the others!
Only then did it strike Freddie why Levi had the courage to challenge them and got down from the ship secretively.
My goodness! How could an ordinary man be that powerful?
Sherrie had never bothered to spare Levi even a glance all this while; yet, she could hardly take her eyes off him at the moment.
“Useless trash! You’re all useless trash! What’s the matter with all of you! Get him now!” Terrell flipped out and fumed at the other mightier fighters, commanding them to finish Levi off.
Levi’s lips twisted into a disdainful smirk as he started to combat against hundreds of elites.
“Ugh!” Whines of pain were reverberating from the fighters everywhere.
Levi pounded with his mighty fists, sending more fighters collapsing on the ground. Blood spurted out of their mouths as they were wailing in excruciating pain.
At that very moment, Levi was like the god of the warrior, sweeping away the Hilton family!
More and more fighters collapsed as Levi swirled past them, turning the whole manor into a gory mess and living hell.
As everyone from the Hilton family and their guests witnessed the gruesome scene, their faces fell.
The members of the Hilton family shuddered.
What a humiliation! We can’t even do anything to stop him! We have about eight hundred fighters combating him; yet, they are not comparable to him!
Even so, the Hilton family was not intimidated by Levi’s murderous intent. After all, they still had their trump card.
Now that Xenotoph and the heir of Cryptic Stream Corporation are here, can Levi defeat Xenotoph, who is in fourth place on Gem List? It must be impossible!
Nonetheless, the current situation had placed the Hilton family in a tight spot and sort of humiliated them. Undeniably, the upper-scale society minded most about their reputation.
Yet, Levi was provoking their ego and humiliating them in front of everyone. Right that instant, Johannes was really embarrassed, not knowing how he could face Xenotoph and the others.
“Our mighty God of Gamblers, do you need me to give you a hand?” Xenotoph asked jokingly.


“How can I trouble you just to finish off a worthless brat?” Johannes and his sons squeezed a smile to conceal their embarrassment.

If Xenotoph ended up giving them a hand in defeating Levi, the Hilton family would surely become a laughing stock for everyone.
As the overlord of Goldenport Island, everyone would be astounded at their helplessness against an ordinary young man.

What a great shame for us! How can we still be able to keep our heads up on Goldenport Island then?
“Go ahead and finish him off now!” Johannes gestured to the eight men standing behind him.
Other than Erudian, there were even Raysonian and foreigners among them. What was more, they were all elite fighters with mighty combating skills and were known as The Eight Guardians of the Hilton family. In other words, they were the family’s trump card! Johannes had finally made up his mind to assign his mightiest fighters, hoping to finish Levi off right away.
The Eight Guardians nodded respectfully at Johannes and prepared to strike at any time.
Xenotoph mocked, “Imagine the Hilton family has to mobilize The Eight Guardians just to combat the brat! He surely is one of their mightiest foes so far!”
Soon, Levi and The Eight Guardians were having a hand-to-hand fight.
The Eight Guardians consisted of martial artists, men with superpowers, Raysonian samurai, and others. Undoubtedly, they should be undefeatable due to their good understanding of each other.
Even so, they were still nothing to Levi. Even though the eight of them joined forces with each other, they could not even reach the Robed Slayer’s standard. If so, how could they be comparable to Levi’s?
“Not powerful enough! Not quick enough!” Levi commented from time to time.
“Not enough of that! Gear up your speed and power!” Unbelievably, Levi was even giving The Eight Guardians guidance on improving their skills while combating them!
It seemed fighting against the so-called elite fighters was easy as rolling off a log for Levi. He was not paying much attention while combating them.
Subsequently, The Eight Guardians and the Hilton family were boiling with anger because of his carefree demeanor.
“You’re asking for it!” The Eight Guardians who were blinded by fury attacked Levi with full force.
“Ah! Finally, I’m starting to feel your power. Nevertheless, it’s time for me to put everything to an end!” Levi uttered casually.
The next moment, a wave of exceptionally unrivaled energy emanated from his body.
In the twinkling of an eye, The Eight Guardians were sent flying one by one by Levi’s powerful kicks.
Everyone was overwhelmed and went ashen-faced at the sight of The Eight Guardians severely injured.
Xenotoph and the others started to get worked up. They used to look at Levi with utter disdain in their eyes, but things had turned the other way around.
Now that even The Eight Guardians could not defeat him, alarm bells started to ring in their heads.
He could be a threat to us at any time!
“My goodness! Who is he?” one of the bigwigs asked.
“Among the young generation, anyone who can defeat The Eight Guardians of the Hilton family… I bet he is among the top three on the Stone List!” Another man deduced.
“But he’s neither Jessica the Warrior Princess nor one of the Twin Meteorites. Who could he be then?” someone asked doubtfully.
Everyone’s curiosity was piqued, and they were curious about his real identity.
“All of you, attack him with full force! The Hilton family should never be humiliated!” Johannes waved, signaling all the elite fighters to strike simultaneously. With this, all the trump cards were sent to take Levi out.
Even so, all of them shared the same fates as The Eight Guardians. Moments later, they ended up wailing in pain on the ground. None of the elite fighters of the Hilton family was left standing.
Levi wiped off the fighters of the Hilton family all alone! Everyone from the family was glued to the spot.
Their eyes widened in disbelief as the punk turned into an undefeatable warrior who wiped off the bodyguards of the entire Hilton family!
The influential family had used all the trump cards and assigned all their elite fighters; yet, nothing could stop Levi.
“H-He…” Freddie’s voice quivered; he was covered in cold sweat.
See how he had turned the place into a living hell! If I dared to provoke him on the ship earlier, I might have infuriated him and ended up finished off by him as well! It was a blessing that I did not act impulsively at that time!
Sherrie and Priscilla could barely shift their beautiful eyes away from Levi.
I can hardly believe that such an ordinary man can be as powerful as this! Are we seeing things?
At that very moment, Sherrie was thankful that she did not chase Levi down from their ship earlier. If not, she doubted if they would still be alive after enraging the young man.
The atmosphere tensed up as time elapsed.
In the meantime, Jefferson from Cryptic Stream Corporation stood forward.


“I’m Jefferson from Cryptic Stream Corporation. The Hilton family is currently under our shield. If you kneel and beg for mercy, we will still let you off this round,” he said placidly.

Jefferson and his subordinates were convinced that Levi would kneel and beg for his mercy right away after hearing who he was.
All this while, he had been getting conflicts resolved with the same method. Usually, he would mention his name and give the opponents a few slaps to resolve the matters.

Throughout these years, Jefferson had been solving the problems with this method.
And he had never failed!
No doubt, nobody would have the audacity to provoke Cryptic Stream Corporation and Lab of Gods, getting on their nerves. Thus, he thought of applying the same tactic to eliminate the Hilton family’s current crisis.
Jefferson could even imagine how Levi was on his knees begging for his mercy, giving in to him as he slapped on his face. He almost burst into laughter at the thought.
Meanwhile, Levi was stunned and asked in bafflement, “Cryptic Stream Corporation? It’s related to Bruce, isn’t it?”
It never came to his mind that he would bump into anyone related to Bruce there. As a result, Jefferson was considered his foe indirectly!
Levi’s eyes were blazing with simmering fury. You only have yourself to blame for landing in hot soup!
On the other hand, Jefferson and his subordinates smiled complacently at Levi, assuming he must be panic-stricken.
Haha! It’s effective as usual! Pfft! I knew it! See how he is scared stiff after knowing my identity!
In an instant, everyone from the Hilton family was over the moon. Hints of jubilance were written all over Johannes and the others’ faces. They were seemingly happy with the marriage between Jefferson and Sherrie.
Ha! Look at my future grandson-in-law’s imposing aura! He manages to scare him to death with only a sentence!
Johannes was even having a blueprint of a bright future in his mind. It is indeed a wise decision to enter into an intentional marriage with Cryptic Stream Corporation!
Jefferson stood up and advanced toward Levi gradually, followed by his bodyguards.
“Kneel and apologize to me. I will let you off and let this come to an end then!” Jefferson sneered at him.
“You have heard about Cryptic Stream Corporation before, haven’t you?” Jefferson stopped right in front of Levi.
“Yeah!” Levi replied right away.
“How about Lab of Gods?” Jefferson asked again.
“I know that!” Levi replied at once.
Jefferson’s smile widened as he snapped, “Since you know about everything, kneel and beg for mercy then. Don’t ever try to provoke me. You shouldn’t have taken the risk to challenge the Hilton family as well!”
Even so, Levi only looked intently at him without any response.
“What are you waiting for? Kneel down now and apologize!” Jefferson was about to shove Levi.
Slap! Levi shrugged Jefferson’s hand off abruptly and slapped him hard on the face.
The skin on his cheek split open instantaneously; blood flowed out at once. Jefferson screamed at the stabbing pain on his face.
“Damn it! Who are you then? Do I know you? Get out of my way!” Levi snarled at him.
Slap! There was another slap on the other side of Jefferson’s cheek. Blood flowed out at once.
“I’m Jefferson, the heir of Cryptic Stream Corporation. You have to kneel before me!” Jefferson unleashed his wrath at him.
Slap! Levi slapped him on the face again. “Who the f*ck are you? Why should I kneel in front of you, huh?”
Jefferson replied adamantly, “I’m the person whom you should never provoke! I’m Cryptic Stream Corp…”
Before he could finish his words, there was a slap on his face again.
“I’m…” His words were cut off by another slap from Levi.
“Hmm…” Jefferson choked up, yet Levi gave him another slap again.
His face was beaten up to a pulp! It would not be a surprise if he was unrecognizable by his parents at the moment.
“Boo…hoo…” Jefferson cried his heart out; tears flowed down his cheeks like streams.
Slap! Levi gave him another slap again and hissed, “Try to make one more sound again?”
Thump! Jefferson fell on his knees as his legs gave way.
“Please stop that! I surrender! I will stop talking now!” he pleaded with Levi pitifully.
He foresaw that there would be a price to pay for his insolence. He might end up bashed to death by an enraged Levi.
Everyone gaped at them and was at a loss for words. Jefferson was in such a pathetic state at the moment.
“What are you doing? Let go of Mr. Jefferson now!” the fighters of Cryptic Stream Corporation bellowed at Levi.


Slap! Levi slapped on Jefferson’s face again without uttering any words.

Jefferson shrieked in pain once again. The insolence of his subordinates was apparently adding fuel to the already burning fire.
“You dare to inflict any harm on Mr. Jefferson again!” They freaked out and yelled apprehensively.

“Ah! You are the ones who ask for it!” Levi put on a subtle smile.
Slap! In a split second, there was another slap on Jefferson’s face.
“Ouch!” Jefferson yowled in pain.
One of the subordinates fumed, “Damn it! You’re asking for trouble! How dare you…”
Slap! Before he could finish chiding, Levi slapped on Jefferson’s face again.
Jefferson started seeing stars. It seemed that he could barely sustain any more of the slaps.
“You brat…” Jefferson’s subordinates were about to rebuke Levi again.
All of a sudden, Jefferson shrieked hysterically, “Keep your mouths shut! Don’t you know that I will be beaten to death if you dare to make any noise again!”
“Get loss! All of you are useless thrash! I will finish you off later!” Jefferson unleashed his wrath at his subordinates.
How foolish are they! They are all useless! Didn’t they realize that I will be beaten again if they continue to say anything?
The other fighters from Cryptic Stream Corporation could only look at them quietly. They feared adding insult to injury if Levi tended to be further infuriated by their movements.
Jefferson wiped off the blood trickling down from his mouth and glared at Levi. “Fine! You really have the audacity. I hope you won’t regret being on bad terms with Cryptic Stream Corporation! Let’s see how you…”
He was slapped by Levi again before he could finish his words.
Pfft! The impact of the slap was so hard that Jefferson lost all his white teeth in an instant!
“I hate Cryptic Stream Corporation and Lab of Gods the most!” Levi roared.
“Ah! I shouldn’t have mentioned the name!” Jefferson regretted blurting out the words recklessly.
He had warned his subordinates to zip their mouth; but, he forgot to remind himself to do the same!
At the moment, Levi was just like a man who had lost his sanity. If anyone dared to threaten him bluntly, he would surely beat them up without a second thought.
In order to appease him, Jefferson held his tongue at once. His subordinates also exercised restraint and remained silent.
Levi turned to look at Johannes and the others who were rooted to the ground.
Meanwhile, hundreds of influential figures from Goldenport Island saw red and glared at him.
“Young man, just put it to an end. No doubt, we know that you are undefeatable. But are you sure you want to take the risk of burning the bridge with all the influential families in Goldenport Island? Will you gain anything from going against the Hilton family, Cryptic Stream Corporation, and Xenotoph?” said a man.
“He is right. No matter how powerful you are, you will only end up ruining yourself by provoking all of them. Just top it!” someone tried to advise him.
“Stop it right away! You have done something wrong! Wake up and don’t continue with that!” Another man tried to rectify the situation by voicing up his point of view.
Levi chuckled and refuted, “Hmph! They are not qualified to be my enemies yet.”
Talking about that, Bruce and Lab of Gods are truly my enemies. Other than that, I don’t even want to waste time sparing another glance at the others!
My goodness! He is an arrogant and domineering guy who does not spare any glance at anyone.
Everyone mocked inwardly; yet, they did not dare to say much.
After all, he was still the most courageous of all.
Cryptic Stream Corporation was mighty, with Lab of Gods backing them up. Even so, it was the most cowardly of all, defeated without a hand-to-hand fight with Levi.
In the meantime, there was a glint in Sherrie’s eyes. Somehow, she had spotted something unique on Levi.
Ah! There are still elite warriors in Erudia! This young man who is not even on any of the lists is definitely one of them!
Freddie was petrified; his entire body was trembling. He used to think that Levi was just a coward, yet he realized that he was the one!
Levi looked at everyone from the Hilton family and scoffed, “I mentioned that you would have to bear the consequences, didn’t I? Do you still have any doubts on that?”
All of them were ashen-faced. Their reputation gained a few decades ago was tarnished within such a short span because of an ordinary young man!
What a humiliation! Anyway, we won’t just give up like that! For the time being, Xenotoph is our only hope!
“Xenotoph, please give us a hand for the sake of Goldenport Island!”
All the members from the Hilton family turned to look at Xenotoph hopefully.
“Oh, all right,” he replied briefly.


Xenotoph was the last hope to the Hilton family and Goldenport Island.

If he were defeated, Goldenport Island would be subjugated.
When they heard Xenotoph agree, the Hilton family heaved a sigh of relief as they could still maintain the family’s reputation.

Realizing that their master was going to take action, Xenotoph’s disciples burst into cheers.
All of them were anxious to find out how strong Xenotoph had become after he sealed himself off for training.
After watching Levi demonstrate his prowess, Xenotoph shared the desire to do the same.
He had also wanted to showcase his magical techniques.
Back then, he didn’t unleash his true powers as he didn’t think Levi was strong enough for him to do so.
But now, Levi’s strength had whetted his appetite, and he was delighted to have a go.
When they heard that Goldenport Island’s top master of magical techniques was about to fight, all the other masters of magical techniques gathered to watch.
They had wanted to see how powerful he had become.
“At the end of the day, you are just young and naive. You have no idea that there are plenty of people out there who are stronger than you. It’s good to be impulsive when you’re young but overdoing it will cause your own downfall!” Johannes couldn’t help but remark.
Xenotoph added, “Exactly! Young man, you are very talented and have the potential to be within the top five on the Gem List in the future. However, I still have to teach you a lesson for the insolence you have shown today.”
Levi was amused as he was now top of the Gem List.
Thousands had focused on this battle.
Among them, Sherrie’s eyes glistened as she watched. For some reason, she was rooting for Levi to win.
Compared to Jefferson, who had been beaten to a pulp, she considered Levi her Prince Charming.
Prior to that, she had agreed to their marriage. However, when she saw how miserable Jefferson looked, she no longer felt like going through with it.
News of the battle of Goldenport Island spread far and wide.
After all, it involved the fourth-place warrior on the Gem List.
“Enough with words, come at me now! After defeating you, I still have something else to do!”
Levi curled his finger at Xenotoph in a taunting manner.
His words infuriated Xenotoph’s thousands of disciples.
They haven’t even started, and Levi is talking as if our master has lost?
How dare he!
Showing no mercy, Xenotoph launched a magical attack.
His attack formed an airwave that swept forward in Levi’s direction.
The airwave would turn anyone in its path into minced meat.
Everyone was astounded.
That’s what you did expect from the top master of magical techniques. Any random technique of his is filled with devastating power.
Launching a casual punch, Levi caused the airwave to dissipate immediately, shocking Xenotoph at the same time.
Next, he unleashed a barrage of magical attacks.
Every single one of them was the most powerful technique he had learned.
However, they were useless against Levi.
Regardless of your attacks, my punch will be able to block them all.
In the beginning, everyone was smiling smugly.
But slowly, doubt and disbelief crept into their minds.
They were all stunned by what they saw.
Xenotoph was so powerful that he could control the weather and move the earth.
However, his powers were useless in front of Levi.
Levi is a monster!
Even the top three warriors on the Stone List don’t possess such power.
Despite how strong the Twin Meteorites are, they wouldn’t be able to stand toe to toe with Xenotoph.
This is impossible!
Who in the world is he?
“Total Annihilation!”
In his desperation, Xenotoph unleashed his ultimate technique.
It was a decisive technique that was extremely cruel. Hence, Xenotoph rarely used it.
But the current circumstances had necessitated its application.
Crack! Crack!
Streams of lightning struck the ground as if they were going to obliterate everything in sight.
“Is that it?” Levi sneered.
Exuding a powerful energy field with his body, Levi withstood the lightning strikes with brute force.
Bam! Bam!
Recoiling in horror, Xenotoph asked in disbelief, “Who are you?”
Levi didn’t reply. Instead, he removed his mask gradually.


At the scene, thousands had focused their attention on Levi.

When they saw him taking off his mask, their heart pounded furiously as they held their breath in suspense.
That isn’t his true face?

At that moment, Sherrie’s heart skipped a beat while she broke out in cold sweat.
She was desperate to see the face beneath the mask.
More than anyone else there, she was anxious to know Levi’s true identity.
Xenotoph didn’t blink as he stared at Levi.
When the mask was taken off, Levi’s face was revealed.
At that moment, everyone’s gasps could be heard.
Forgetting to breath, the crowd fell silent and froze.
All of them looked as if they had turned into zombies.
Johannes was dumbfounded when he saw that it was Levi.
So were Terrell, Sherrie, and Xenotoph.
Even Jefferson of the Cryptic Stream Corporation was equally dumbstruck.
Their expressions were filled with shock and awe.
It’s him!
It’s actually him!
None of them had expected it.
When they saw Levi’s face, many of their questions were answered.
Why did he dare to challenge the Hilton family alone?
How did he know about the Half Phantom being locked up?
Why had he never taken Goldenport Island seriously?
Why did he almost beat the heir to Cryptic Stream Corporation to death?
Why is Xenotoph powerless against him?
The answers to all their questions were obvious when they saw Levi’s face.
After all, everyone recognized him.
Even though Goldenport Island was located far from Erudia, its residents knew of Levi.
At that moment, the crowd was shocked to the core.
They fell into a terrifying silence where one could hear a pin drop.
One by one, Johannes and the others regained their senses.
Following that, their face turned pale in fear.
In fact, some of them were so frightened that they broke out in cold sweat while their knees trembled furiously.
“Grandpa, who is he? Why is everyone so scared of him?”
A child’s voice rang out.
Not knowing who Levi was, he asked his grandfather curiously.
“He used to be Erudia’s God of War and also the Crown King! But now, he stands atop Erudia’s Gem List. He is none other than Levi Garrison! He is also Cyrus’ heir and the leader of the Seven Fiends!” someone shouted.
Everyone held their breath as no one could have imagined that the top fighter on Erudia’s Gem List was in Goldenport Island.
Two days ago, Johannes had even joked that if Levi came to Goldenport Island, he would turn the place upside down.
He had not expected his prophecy to actually come true now that Levi was here.
Overwhelmed by anger, Freddie spat out blood at the realization that he had almost offended the top warrior on Erudia’s Gem List.
My God! What have I done?
Lucky for him, Levi left before he arrived. Hence, his attempt at causing Levi trouble didn’t succeed.
If he had, the Garette family would likely be wiped out from Goldenport Island.
I’m so thankful it didn’t happen!
Ronald and Priscilla felt the same way too.
Someone whom they viewed with disdain had turned into one whose status was beyond their reach.
Oh my god! It’s him!
Sherrie cried tears of joy.
She had never forgotten how impressed she was when she saw Levi at the Elites Conference.
She had the image of him seared into her mind, which explained why she found him familiar earlier.
Everything became clearer now.
The masked man was Levi, and he had come to Goldenport Island.
Looking at Levi, Sherrie didn’t feel any fear at all. Instead, she was thrilled.
The sound of Levi’s name felt like a cannon blast, stunning everyone who heard it.
The ones who were most afraid were those belonging to the Cryptic Stream Corporation as Levi was their mortal enemy.
Now that they had encountered him, nothing good could come out of it.
“It’s an honor to see you here, Mr. Garrison.”
Xenotoph bowed, causing everyone to fall silent.


“I’m sorry to have offended you. Please forgive me.”

Xenotoph was already more than a hundred years old.
Nevertheless, he bowed cordially at Levi to accord him the respect he deserved.

Without a care, he knew that he had to beg for Levi’s forgiveness. Or else, Levi could kill him at a whim.
Isn’t Robed Slayer a good example of what could happen?
“The Beckette family of Goldenport Island is honored to meet Mr. Garrison!”
“The Fowler family of Goldenport Island is honored to meet Mr. Garrison!”
Many of the elites of Goldenport Island realized the gravity of the situation. One by one, they bowed toward Levi in submission.
Only Johannes and those from Cryptic Stream Corporation remained at a loss.
After all, they were in direct conflict with Levi, unlike the rest who could get away with just an apology.
Blinking anxiously, Johannes was trembling all over.
Realizing that he had underestimated the enemy, he didn’t know what else to say.
If he had bothered to investigate and found out Levi’s identity, he wouldn’t have landed in such a situation.
Not only had the Manor of Ultimate Dragonite been destroyed and all its elites defeated, but he had also offended the top fighter on Erudia’s Gem List.
The consequences were not something he could bear.
Levi looked at Johannes with a smile. “What other trump cards do you have? Please go ahead and show them.”
Levi’s words sent a chill down everyone’s spine.
One by one, they dropped to their knees and prostrated for mercy.
“Mr. Garrison, please have mercy on us. We didn’t know it was you.”
“We were blind and sick in the head…”
At the brink of tears, the crowd began pleading.
They were afraid that Levi would destroy the Hilton family out of displeasure.
Sherrie quickly stepped forward. “Mr. Garrison, we will agree to any of your conditions if you promise to spare the Hilton family.”
Just as she spoke, Sherrie lowered her head coyly.
It was obvious that she was offering herself to him.
“Wouldn’t it have been a lot easier if you handed him over? You wouldn’t have ended up in this position. Forget it, I’ll go see him myself!”
Just when Levi was about to leave, he saw Jefferson and the others standing by the side.
“You’re from Cryptic Stream Corporation, aren’t you? And you’re involved with Bruce and the Lab of Gods. All of you have caused me great trouble. Go back and tell Bruce that if I ever see you again if Erudia, I will kill every single one of you! Now, get lost!”
Almost peeing in their pants, Jefferson and his men quickly fled.
To hell with the marriage alliance and the girl! We’re lucky just to escape!
The men from Cryptic Stream Corporation and Triple Group scurried away in terror.
From then on, they were traumatized by Goldenport Island and never dared to return.
After Jefferson had fled the Manor of Ultimate Dragonite, he contacted Bruce at once.
“Mr. Johnston, Levi is at Goldenport Island! I just met-”
Bruce interrupted coldly, “All right, I understand. This is a crucial piece of intel!”
Back at the Manor of Ultimate Dragonite, Levi headed to where the Half Phantom was held without any hesitation.
Johannes was shocked when Levi didn’t need anyone to guide him at all.
This is really strange. How did he know the Half Phantom was locked up in here?”
Johannes was astounded when he saw Levi punch open the door to the secret pathway.
Nothing can stop the top fighter of the Gem List.
Everyone gaped in response.
They wondered how Levi knew about the door when they themselves didn’t.
He seems to be omniscient.
When Levi arrived at where the Half Phantom was held, he asked Johannes suddenly, “Why did you lock him up?”
The question caused Johannes to shudder in horror.
“Speak!” Levi barked.



Supreme Grandmaster
Sep 24, 2023

Wiping the sweat off his brow, Johannes explained that the Half Phantom’s powers were so extraordinary that they bordered upon the divine.

Unlike Xenotoph’s magical powers, his was based on geomancy.
He would use it to read the fortunes and change their fate.

Hence, he was considered a legend in his field.
Back then, Johannes was just a nobody who ventured to the south and built his business from scratch.
He had relied heavily on the Half Phantom to read his fortune and change his fate.
His skills were especially useful when it came to gambling.
Therefore, the Half Phantom had played a crucial role in Johannes building his financial empire.
In fact, Johannes wasn’t the only one who relied on the Half Phantom’s services. Many of the elites on Goldenport Island did the same.
Their success had elevated the Half Phantom’s reputation to the divine being.
Johannes’ explanation was consistent with a deity-like master of magical techniques Levi had read in his reports.
Consequently, Johannes and the elites treated the Half Phantom like a king.
They had assumed that everything would go smoothly given how well they collaborated.
However, those that relied on the Half Phantom to change their fate would gradually receive their retribution.
Many of the prominent families were beset by sickness, tragedy, and business failure.
As the calamities grew, the Hiltons were the ones who were affected the worst.
Given that they had benefited the most from the Half Phantom, the retribution they received was equally massive.
Johannes’ wife, mistresses, or anyone he had a romantic link with died inexplicably.
The most frightening part was that he didn’t have a male amongst his grandchildren. All of them were granddaughters.
Usually, the sons in a prominent family would be given priority but there were no males at all.
And that was the reason why Sherrie was his favorite.
However, it would also mean that his legacy would end.
Even Johannes’ legs began to weaken, to the extent he had to walk with a cane.
From then on, any woman who slept with him would die.
Johannes was a devoted man. Although he had many women in his life, he loved every one of them deeply.
Unfortunately, something would always happen to them, causing him to be filled with despair.
It was then he realized that there was a price to pay every time they engaged the Half Phantom’s services.
There was just no free lunch in the world.
Whatever one wanted, one needed to give something equivalent in exchange.
Johannes realized that his success was achieved by sacrificing his wife and his family’s ability to have male heirs.
In other words, he was cursed.
Moreover, it was the same for the other elites of Goldenport Island.
Whatever they gained from the Half Phantom, they had lost something of equivalent importance.
The more benefits they gained, the more was taken from them.
When everyone realized what was going on, the Half Phantom’s reputation was shattered.
In a fit of rage, Johannes locked him up so that he would spend the rest of his life in a dark cell and die there.
After that, Johannes and the other elites of Goldenport Island kept the incident a secret.
Actually, Johannes wanted to kill the Half Phantom.
However, he was terrified of the consequences of doing so.
Hence, he could only bring himself to lock him up.
After hearing the story, Levi finally understood what was going on.
Nevertheless, he wasn’t really surprised by the strange events.
After all, there were many equally bizarre events that went on in Erudia.
In a nutshell, he understood that one had to work hard for one’s achievements. There was no such thing as a free lunch.
If one wanted to take a shortcut, one had to pay a price.
Just as they spoke, many of the crowd arrived at where the Half Phantom was held.
“You’re finally here?”
The Half Phantom’s voice rang out with a chuckle.
“Are you waiting for me?”
“That’s right!”
The Half Phantom left out a strange laugh. “I even know why you’re looking for me.”
Levi and the crowd were shocked.
The Half Phantom humbly replied, “I only know some peasant tricks, nothing worth shouting about.”
Levi remained calm. “In that case, can you cure her?”


“I can try.”

Levi smiled at the knowledge that there was hope.
However, the Half Phantom remarked, “Be forewarned that you will have to pay a price. Are you willing to do so?”

Johannes was infuriated when he heard it.
The Half Phantom obviously knew all that.
As long as he used his powers, one would need to suffer the equivalent retribution.
However, he didn’t tell them beforehand, causing all of them to play into his hands.
If Johannes knew that he would have to pay a price for whatever he wanted, he would have chosen differently.
And yet, the Half Phantom was forthright with Levi about the cost of using his powers.
Levi replied calmly, “No problem. As long as she is cured, no price is too big to pay.”
Levi didn’t want Zoey to see him as her enemy their entire lives.
Therefore, he was willing to accept the cost.
Upon Levi’s agreement, a powerful energy blast ignited from within the Half Phantom, breaking the chains that had bound him.
Johannes and the rest were stunned.
He could have escaped if he wanted to?
“Y-y-you…” Johannes stammered in shock.
Only then did he and his men realize that there was no way they could’ve imprisoned the Half Phantom.
He wasn’t just a master in geomancy, but also a powerful warrior.
“Why did you let us capture and imprison you here for so many years?” Johannes probed.
He couldn’t understand why the Half Phantom didn’t resist and allowed them to lock him up for years.
Why? Is he mad? No! There must be a reason.
The Half Phantom didn’t answer his question.
Instead, he left together with Levi.
Before they went on their way, Levi informed Johannes, “Once we’re done, I bring him back. You will have to decide whether you want to keep him imprisoned after that.”
Johannes and the rest reacted with a grim expression.
After all, they didn’t have the capability to do so even if they wanted to.
It was now evident how shockingly powerful the Half Phantom was. In fact, he might even be more powerful than Xenotoph, who was the top master of magical techniques in Goldenport Island.
How are we even going to lock him up?
Meanwhile, Levi was delighted.
The more mysterious the Half Phantom’s power was, the higher chance of success he had in curing Zoey.
He didn’t care what it was going to cost him in return.
Come what may!
“Mr. Garrison, I’ll need to go off for a while. I’ll meet up with you later.”
After that, the Half Phantom went off by himself.
With that, Levi waited for him so that they could head to The Cardinal Hall to see Zoey.
Meanwhile, Bruce was on a video call with the Raysonians.
“My men have informed me that Levi has appeared on Goldenport Island. He doesn’t have the Seven Fiends with him while Goldenport Island doesn’t have anyone from The Cardinal Hall there. This is our best chance at killing him!” Bruce declared.
“Really? It is the perfect opportunity then! Mr. Johnston, both of us need to send out our best men to ensure that we annihilate him once and for all!”
“Don’t worry, I understand. A chance like this is really rare to come by.”
“In that case, let’s move at once. There’s no time to lose as Levi may leave anytime!”
A few hours later, Levi was still waiting for the Half Phantom.
He was puzzled as to where the Half Phantom had gone.
Despite looking calm, a murderous atmosphere descended upon Goldenport Island.
The evening before Levi fought Robed Slayer, Bruce and the Raysonian had sent out their trump cards to wear him down first.
But this time was different. Their objective was to kill Levi.
Therefore, they had sent out their best warriors who could pose a threat to Levi’s life.
Bruce was someone cautious. He wouldn’t reveal his trump card until the crucial moment.
However, killing Levi was one of those moments.
Meanwhile, Levi’s right eyelid began to twitch suddenly.
“I have a feeling something terrible is about to happen!”
Levi’s expression drastically changed at the premonition as he was unsettled by the strange atmosphere.


“I wonder if he is all right.”

It suddenly crossed Levi’s mind that something might have happened to the Half Phantom.
He didn’t expect himself to be the one in danger.

Feeling anxious, he could no longer sit still.
“Hmm? What are you doing here?”
Levi was surprised to see Sherrie approaching him.
Sherrie lowered her head and didn’t know what to say.
“Hmm?” Levi was baffled.
What’s wrong with her?
Looking up, Sherrie uttered, “Thank you!”
“For what?”
Levi pointed at himself, looking surprised.
“If not for you, I would have to marry Jefferson!” Sherrie sighed. “Before this, I only saw the marriage as a transaction. The reason I agreed was so that I could enter the Lab of Gods,” Sherrie confessed.
Levi scratched his nose. “Lab of Gods? Is it that attractive?”
Although West Sky Lord had discovered the place, there was still little information about it.
Hence, Levi wanted to find out more from other sources.
“It is! The Lab of Gods is known to control all the mysteries in this world. They currently stand on top of the entire world. Hence, as long as I can join them, I too will be at the top!
“They possess the most advanced technology and the best training system. Furthermore, they have unlimited resources and storage filled with the most ancient organisms in the world. Also, they are able to clone humans…”
At the mention of the Lab of Gods, Sherrie rambled on endlessly.
Coincidentally, the companies at Goldenport Island were close to those of Zarain. Hence, they had a better understanding of the Lab of Gods.
Levi was astounded as to how powerful the Lab of Gods was.
Bruce was a good example of it.
He definitely held a low position within the organization and was mostly responsible for doing their dirty work outside.
Despite his minor position, he was already a formidable opponent.
Hence, it was difficult to fathom how much stronger the Lab of Gods actually was.
All this while, the warriors from Zarain whom Levi had crossed swords with were produced by the Lab of Gods.
They used the latest technology and DNA techniques to create warriors that were comparable to the martial artists from Erudia.
That itself was an unbelievable achievement.
In fact, Levi believed that the Gods’ Promise instituted to restrict the appearance of Supreme class fighters was initiated by the Lab of Gods.
Just like the divine, they pulled the strings of men from their high and mighty position.
However, no matter how strong and mysterious they were, Levi wasn’t afraid of them.
In fact, he even wanted to overthrow them.
We would never forgive anyone who challenged and offended Erudia.
Since he would encounter them sooner or later, he hoped to get a better understanding of who they were.
Levi asked, “Do you have any more details about the Lab of Gods?”
“Erm, well, they have observation bases everywhere around the world. There’s one in Goldenport Island, and I heard there’s also one in Erudia,” Sherrie replied.
Levi nodded. “It’s really scary how their influence has spread all over the world!”
The thought itself sent a chill down his spine.
One couldn’t know who the real enemy was.
Even if the enemy had a knife to one’s throat, one would not even be aware of it.
“By the way, my grandpa mentioned that the Lab of Gods continues to collect rare and ancient artifacts around the world. Some time ago, they found something in Erudia and retrieved it during a period of chaos. It was said that whatever they recovered, helped their research advanced by leaps and bounds.”
Levi’s expression drastically changed.
Isn’t it related to what I have been investigating?
Levi didn’t expect Sherrie to readily provide the information that West Sky Lord was trying so hard to find.
Evidently, the Hilton family knew a lot due to their business transactions with the Cryptic Stream Corporation.
“What did they take from Erudia?” Levi asked curiously.


“I think it’s-”

Before Sherrie could finish, something suddenly happened.

A beam shot down from the sky.
Levi pulled Sherrie aside at once.
Boom! Boom!
After the earth-shattering rumble was heard, a crater was blown out from the ground.
“We’re under attack!”
Levi led Sherrie, who had turned pale, to take cover.
Even though she was a martial artist, she was cognizant that she would have been killed if Levi hadn’t saved her.
“I’m sorry to have gotten you involved. These men are targeting me.”
Sherrie was apologetic about it.
Levi responded with a grim voice, “No, they’re here for me. You aren’t that important yet!”
By then, Levi could sense the presence of the formidable fighters in the surroundings.
Every one of them was capable of destroying Goldenport Island and was more powerful than Xenotoph.
Hence, there was no reason for such powerful fighters to be looking for Sherrie.
Feeling awkward, Sherrie was dumbfounded.
Whoosh! Whoosh!
Suddenly, they could hear the wind howling as a gale was beginning to form around them.
Levi was stunned.
This is a powerful spell!
They were suddenly surrounded by a wall of wind, sealing them off from the outside world.
The hurricane-like cage had them imprisoned inside.
No one could see what was going on from the outside.
Furthermore, no one was able to interfere.
Suddenly, Levi had an epiphany.
Someone is trying to kill me! Bruce! The Lab of Gods!
Those two suspects flashed in his mind.
Jefferson must have reported my location to Bruce after I released him.
Given that I have foiled Bruce and the Raysonian’s plan multiple times, there’s no way they’re going to allow me to live.
Taking a look at Sherrie, Levi sighed when he realized she was going to be a burden.
“Levi, time to meet your maker!” a voice barked, followed by the appearance of multiple figures.
In their lead, was a burly man with an expressionless face. As if he had walked out of hell itself, he emitted the aura of a beast.
His call sign was The Undead Warrior.
Beside him was a vivacious lady clad in a black leather jacket. There was a strange look in her eyes while she too exuded a frightening aura.
She was a witch sent by the Lab of Gods, similar to Erudia’s master of magical techniques where they wielded magic power.
Crack! Crack!
Behind them was massively built man. He was wearing a mechanical armor suit that covered his entire body.
It was the most advanced battle armor developed by the Lab of Gods and was two generations more advanced than the one worn by Bruce.
He was an armored warrior whose call sign was Armored Titan.
Tack! Tack! Tack!
Along with the sound of footsteps, another figure appeared.
Wearing a black battle suit and a devil’s mask, one couldn’t tell the warrior’s gender. With two swords sheathed on the warrior’s back, he or she too emitted a murderous aura.
It was The Death Swordsman.
The four of them were extremely terrifying and were obviously a threat to Levi.
They were a lot stronger than Robed Slayer.
Furthermore, Levi could sense that someone else was watching him from the shadows, preparing to launch a fatal strike at him.
The five of them were absolutely frightening.
Evidently, Bruce had thrown the kitchen sink at Levi.
Furthermore, this was only the beginning.
An insidious laughter rang out.
On a bridge nearby, there stood a dwarf who was 1.3 meters tall.
He was ugly and had a weird laugh.
However, he had a samurai sword on his back and a few more of varying length by his waist.
Levi squinted his eyes, “A Raysonian samurai?”
Boom! Boom! Boom!
The ground suddenly shook.
Some distance away, a massive figure emerged. He had a giant sword on his back.
“I’m surprised to see a Raysonian that’s this tall,” Levi sneered.
The next moment, tens of Raysonian samurais began to emerge around him.


All of them were terrifyingly powerful.

In fact, the samurais’ skills were on par with Robed Slayer.
Together with the elites from the Lab of Gods, they formed a formidable death squad.

Moreover, Levi could still feel that there were other Raysonians watching him.
He wasn’t just faced with formidable opponents in front of him, he had to also contend with the assassins hiding in the shadows.
It was a terrifying situation.
As a matter of fact, Levi had sensed that one of the two hiding in the shadows was Ghost Samurai who was extremely strong.
The other one was The Dark Archer from the Lab of Gods.
His arrows were known to be able to pierce through anything.
No matter how powerful one was, one would be killed if struck by his arrow.
Both of them were master assassins.
In other words, the warriors who were in front of Levi were just a distraction.
Those two hiding in the shadows were the key to killing him.
Meanwhile, Bruce was on a video meeting with the chieftain of Raysonia.
“Our men are in place. This time, we have deployed all our trump cards. In fact, I have sent the best men within my authority. If we can’t kill him this time, I can’t think of anything else.”
“Exactly. We have even sent out the Ghost Samurai!”
The Raysonian shrugged with his hands spread out.
This was their last chance at killing Levi.
At that moment, one of Bruce’s subordinates came to see him and whispered into his ear.
Bruce’s serious expression turned into one of delight.
“Haha… That’s wonderful!”
His subordinate had successfully replicated Jared’s experiment and was ready to conduct further tests.
They had managed to recreate the superparticle that Jared had discovered.
Furthermore, they even managed to produce substitutes.
That way, they possessed even more superparticles than Jared created the first time. Hence, they were able to conduct more tests and create more forms of pure energy.
Bruce was thrilled by the news.
“Begin at once! Choose two men to start the experiment as I want to the results as soon as possible!”
Bruce couldn’t wait for a second longer.
“Understood! We have chosen a hundred candidates for the experiment and can begin at any time.”
Just when the subordinate was about to leave, Bruce thought of something and called him back to his side.
“Go and capture these men… Bring them back here for the experiment.”
Bruce whispered a list of names to his subordinate.
When he was done, the subordinate flashed him a thumbs-up sign. “Mr. Johnston, you have lived up to your ruthless reputation. This is an incredible idea!”
Meanwhile, the Raysonian chieftain was watching them through the screen. He asked curiously, “Mr. Johnston, do you have any good news?”
Bruce laughed. “All I can say is if we fail to kill Levi this time, I still have another way to do it!”
Bruce was confident that he could create another pure energy being just like Jared. With that, Levi’s death would be inevitable.
Furthermore, Bruce planned to mass-produce them and create an entire army.
Would Levi still be able to survive? Never!
“Is that so? That’s wonderful indeed! In that case, please provide reinforcements when we are in trouble next time.”
There was no way Levi could imagine that the next attempt on his life had been planned even before the current one was over.
That was how ruthless Bruce was, let alone the Lab of Gods themselves.
Sherrie tugged at Levi’s sleeve as she looked at their attackers in fear.
Their terrifying aura had shocked her to the core, causing her to tremble.
All of a sudden, Levi laughed when something occurred to him.
He was wondering whether the Half Phantom had gone into hiding because he had foreseen what was going to happen.
“Levi, so what if you’re top of the Gem List? We will still kill you!”
Given how fearsome his enemies were, Levi looked like a lamb about to be slaughtered.


The warriors that the Lab of Gods had sent glared intently at Levi.

They were filled with animosity for him.
In fact, Levi was the enemy of everyone in Zarain.

Back then, he had humiliated all of them.
Therefore, everyone in Zarain hated him by default and couldn’t resist tearing him apart.
Levi had noticed that The Death Swordsman was holding a broken sword in one hand.
It was the same sword that he had stabbed into the ground at Zarain’s border.
The message Levi wanted to convey then was simple. He wanted to leave his mark to show them that they were powerless to stop him from entering their territory.
Bruce forbade the sword from being pulled out so that it would remind everyone of the humiliation.
But on that day, they brought the sword along to be returned to Levi.
They also wanted to demonstrate that they were there to redeem their pride after being disgraced.
“We’re here to return the favor by taking your life!” The Death Swordsman proclaimed as he hurled the broken sword at Levi.
The sword tore through the air, forming a shockwave behind it.
It was launched with such power that it broke the sound barrier, resulting in a sonic boom.
Even if one was an elite on the Gem List, one’s hand would be obliterated if one tried to grab the sword.
After all, it was travelling at frightening speeds.
Sherrie was stunned to see how fast it flew.
Just that move alone was enough to decimate everything.
To her, The Death Swordsman was frightening indeed.
However, Levi extended his hand and caught the sword without breaking a sweat.
He had caused the devastating power of the flying sword to dissipate at once.
Levi’s ability to catch the sword had shocked his opponents too.
Given that they were from the Lab of Gods, they didn’t take Levi seriously at all.
In fact, they even wondered why so many of them were sent when two would have been sufficient.
After Levi’s demonstration, no one dared to underestimate him anymore.
No wonder Bruce insisted on us killing Levi regardless of the cost.
“Why don’t you dispense with the pleasantries and attack all at once?” Levi sneered with the broken sword in his hand.
Back then, he fought his way out of Zarain with that sword.
Hence, he was going to fight his way out of Goldenport Island too.
Pointing the broken sword outward, he wondered who dared to make the first move.
Meanwhile, Bruce and the Raysonians were watching the scene through a live feed.
“Very good, Levi will be handicapped by that girl’s presence. Luck is on our side!
“Our objective is to kill him regardless of the methods used. Therefore, anything goes!”
“Do you see the girl by his side? You should attack her with full force. Levi will be forced to defend her, making him prone to mistakes which we can exploit to our advantage!
“We have three master assassins hiding in the shadows. Once the opportunity presents itself, they will definitely kill him!”
Bruce was directing the battle from behind the screen while there were three assassins hiding in a corner
At that moment, Levi had only noticed two of them and had missed the last one.
The Undead Warrior charged forward.
However, Levi wasn’t his target.
Instead, it was Sherrie.
“Die! Die! Die!”
Suddenly, his body began to expand, and he turned into a fearsome beast.
He unleashed a barrage of punches that caused the ground to split open.
The punches were so devastating that they broke the sound barrier.
Levi pulled Sherrie behind him before meeting Undead Warrior’s attack head-on.
When both their fists smashed against each other, the ground shook and cracked at the same time.
The sea not far from them turned turbulent while the bridge in a distance shook violently.
Their clash felt as if lightning had struck the ground, causing a rumble to echo throughout.
If not for the fact that they had been sealed off, Goldenport Island would have ended up as collateral damage.
Levi unleashed another punch that sent Undead Warrior flying backward.
After crashing to the ground, Undead Warrior stood up as if it was nothing. Not only was he unhurt, he actually enjoyed it.
Evidently, all his pain receptors had been removed.
Hence, he couldn’t feel any pain at all.
Furthermore, he was only the first opponent and yet, terrifyingly strong.


Smiling at Levi, Undead Warrior stood up and dusted the dirt off his body.

“You’re fine? Interesting!” Levi laughed.
It seems it’s not going to be easy to kill him. He has managed to survive my punch unscathed. He is extraordinary! Even Xenotoph would be grievously injured by it.

Undead Warrior charged at Levi again.
“I think Undead Warrior alone is enough. No matter how badly injured he is, he doesn’t feel a thing. Furthermore, his self-healing ability is really powerful!
“The most terrifying part is that he can still fight even if half his body is dismembered. As his pain receptors have been removed, he doesn’t feel anything at all.
“Until his body is beaten to mush, he can still continue to fight, not to mention he is able to heal himself speedily.”
Bruce let out a smug smile.
That’s Undead Warrior for you!
Even if Undead Warrior couldn’t kill Levi, he was able to wear Levi down significantly.
The Raysonians were filled with delight.
We now stand a chance given how strong the first person is. Will Levi be able to survive this time?
“It’s our turn now!” the witch remarked to Armored Titan.
“All right!”
Armored Titan’s battle suit began to deploy, the particle cannon on his right shoulder began to charge up as it locked onto Sherrie.
At the same time, the witch used her witchcraft to confuse Levi.
The Death Swordsman gradually pulled out the twin swords behind his back.
They were both beam swords. One was blue while the other was red.
Within the dark surroundings, the beam swords shone brightly and emitted a powerful energy wave.
Crossing his beam swords, The Death Swordsman charged at Sherrie.
“Attack altogether!”
The Raysonian samurais took action.
Drawing their swords, the eight of them dashed in Sherrie’s direction.
Even the giant samurai began charging. Lifting his massively heavy sword, he swung it at Sherrie.
The dwarf samurai let out a sinister smile. He was observing where Levi and Undead Warrior were fighting relative to Sherrie’s position.
All of a sudden, he made his move. In a blink of an eye, he disappeared from the bridge a few hundred meters away and reappeared close to Sherrie.
At the same time, he pulled out his samurai sword and thrust it at her.
Other than Undead Warrior who had tied Levi down, everyone else aimed their attacks at Sherrie.
Although she was a member of the Hilton family, there was no way she could defend herself.
Any one of their foes could dominate Goldenport Island easily.
Given that she was being attacked by so many of them, her death was a foregone conclusion.
Suddenly, Sherrie felt her hair stand on end as if she was jolted by electricity.
At the same time, her body was drenched in cold sweat.
She could feel her body lighten as if her soul was leaving it and ascending to the heavens.
This must be what a near-death experience feels like!
Having felt a hand at her throat, she could barely breathe at all. As suffocation overwhelmed her, her consciousness began to drift away.
This is the end…
Sherrie closed her eyes in despair.
Meanwhile, Levi, who was battling Undead Warrior, noticed what was going on and understood what the enemy’s plan was.
They had intended to distract him by forcing him to save Sherrie.
Even though he barely knew her, she was still a citizen of Erudia. Therefore, he was duty bound to save her still.
Levi intensified his attacks.
Bam! Bam! Bam!
Undead Warrior’s body collapsed onto itself after Levi’s attack.
Levi then used the opening he created to save Sherrie.
At the crucial moment, the witch made her move.
By training her witchcraft on him, she had managed to affect his mind.
Levi was momentarily stunned at the moment where Sherrie needed him the most.


A fight among elites was usually decided in a split second.

By disrupting Levi’s mind, the witch caused him to freeze.
Furthermore, Levi had to be mindful of the assassins in the dark as they were the ones who posed a real threat to him.

However, it was too late.
He had missed the window of opportunity to save Sherrie.
The dwarf samurai and The Death Swordsman were the first to strike.
A samurai sword and two beam swords were about to slash Sherrie into pieces.
By then, Sherrie was close to death and had fallen unconscious, as if she was already dead.
“No!” Levi bellowed all of a sudden.
All of a sudden, his body disappeared in a flash and reappeared right beside Sherrie.
Levi had managed to block the dwarf samurai and The Death Swordsman’s three slashes with his own body.
Due to the interference from the witch, his only choice was to shield Sherrie from the attacks.
He hadn’t been disorientated by the witch, he would have managed to save Sherrie while successfully blocking the attacks.
Moreover, Levi still had to be wary of the assassins lurking in the shadows.
If he had blocked all the attacks, he might have exposed an opening to the assassins.
Therefore, it was better for him to use his body to shield her.
That way, he was able to maintain his vigilance against surprise attacks.
The next moment, the other enemies attacked concurrently.
This time, Levi had the opportunity to block.
Pulling Sherrie behind him, he launched a few punches to neutralize the oncoming attacks.
However, the armored warrior’s particle cannon had charged up to full power and fired at Levi.
The blast sent Levi and Sherrie flying backward hundreds of meters.
Everything around them had been obliterated. There wasn’t even any residue left of what was previously there.
Upon landing on the ground, Levi moved back desperately before steadying himself.
However, blood was oozing out of the corner of his mouth.
Also, his clothes were blown apart, revealing the three cuts from the sword slashes earlier.
The shot from the particle cannon had only added to his injuries.
“Oh yeah!”
When they saw that they had managed to wound Levi in their first attack, his enemies cheered jubilantly.
Bruce and the Raysonian chieftain gasped in shock.
This was the first time they saw Levi feeling the pressure.
Their teamwork had allowed them to successfully deal a devastating blow toward Levi.
The result bolstered their confidence significantly.
“Haha, our assassins have yet to make their move. Once they see an opening, Levi would definitely be finished!”
Bruce laughed.
He had never felt so excited before.
Is this the end of the road for Levi?
All Levi’s enemies charged at him at the same time.
In actual fact, they were still maintaining the same strategy of attacking Sherrie and forcing Levi into defending her.
Swish! Swish!
As the group of Raysonian samurais approached, their swords flashed in the air so quickly that they formed a net to imprison Levi within it.
Meanwhile, the rest of the enemy elites charged at Levi in all directions.
Pushing Sherrie aside, Levi suddenly attacked the approaching Raysonian samurais.
His actions caught everyone by surprise.
Is he abandoning Sherrie?
That’s impossible!
He definitely won’t allow her to die.
“Kill her!”
The samurais split into two groups with one aiming for Sherrie.
Regardless of whether Levi cared about her, they were still going to take her life.
Behind them, The Death Swordsman and his team were of the same opinion.
They too split into two groups where one set out to kill Sherrie while the other attacked Levi.
When The Death Swordsman saw the smile on Levi’s face, he suddenly realized his folly.
“Oh no! We have taken the bait!” The Death Swordsman exclaimed.


One by one, his teammates realized the same.

However, it was too late.
Although he looked as if he had abandoned Sherrie, Levi who was just heading in their direction suddenly disappeared.

He had switched directions and turned back.
His plan was to use Sherrie as bait and then attack once the enemy fell for his ruse.
He had managed to put Sherrie, who was relegated to being a burden, to good use as a decoy.
Half of the Raysonian samurais, Undead Warrior, and the giant samurai were launching attacks at Sherrie.
However, Levi who had just turned back appeared right behind them.
Undead Warrior and the giant samurai were sent flying by Levi’s devastating assault.
As for the five Raysonian samurais who were weaker, Levi slit their throats with the broken Northern Excalibur in a single slash, killing them instantly.
At the same time, the giant samurai was grievously injured. Unlike Undead Warrior, he didn’t have self-healing abilities.
Consequently, they suffered heavy losses from the counterattack, and that was just the beginning.
However, Levi didn’t even allow them the time to react. Making a turn, he returned to face the earlier group.
He was targeting the remaining five Raysonian samurais.
Levi’s sudden change in direction had caught them by surprise.
Even though their skills were on par with those on Erudia’s Gem List, it still wasn’t enough against Levi.
Wielding Northern Excalibur again, Levi slashed the throats of the five samurais.
Having seen what happened, the Raysonian chieftain slammed the table in fury.
He had lost half his forces in a very short time.
Levi is a tough nut to crack!
Even Bruce’s smile was wiped off his face.
They had assumed that Levi would be hard-pressed, but reality showed them otherwise.
Instead, Levi had the upper hand which they hadn’t expected at all.
After completing his attack, Levi returned to Sherrie’s side.
He had not planned to take out all his enemies in one go as that was simply unrealistic.
In fact, it was impossible.
Brandishing his double beam swords, The Death Swordsman charged at Levi.
Levi had no choice but to evade them, or else, he would be slashed by the weapons.
Whirr… Whirr…
Just as he was retreating, he could hear a mechanical whirr in the air.
The armored warrior’s battle suit was moving.
The particle cannon on his right shoulder began recharging with a flash.
The technology used for his battle suit and weapons was a class of its own.
The fumes discharged from its exhaust provided an explosive driving force as if it was a rocket being launched.
“Here I come!”
The armored warrior threw a punch as he flew through the air.
At the same time, The Death Swordsman backed away so that he wouldn’t be caught by the immense power of the attack.
Just the launch itself caused the afterburners to fire up, leaving a trail of smoke in the air.
The punch carried with it a terrifying power.
So much that it was traveling at five times the speed of sound.
This was the fastest punch that Levi had ever seen.
Previously, the fastest one he saw was only triple sonic.
Given that this was fivefold, the power behind it was unimaginable.
The technology used was so advanced that it could elevate a normal human being to such heights.
Unable to avoid the attack, Levi braced himself to face the devastating punch.
Levi launched his own punch that broke the sound barrier too.
Both their fists crashed into each other.
The impact shook the earth and darkened the sky.
The ground split open, revealing a rift that was hundreds of meters deep.
Everything around them was swept away by a hurricane-like force generated by the impact.
Boom! Crash!
The sea beside them formed tidal waves that were hundreds of meters tall.
The devastation that was caused was extremely terrifying.
After that punch, Levi was forced to backpedal for some distance.
He could sense that the assassin in the shadows was about to attack.


That was where the real danger lied.

The moment Levi was pushed back by Armored Titan’s punch, the assassins in the shadows took action.

One by one, their figures flashed before Levi’s eyes.
The next instant, Levi was surrounded by five black figures who were all charging toward him at breakneck speed.
Levi knew that they were not mirages conjured by the witch. Instead, they were very real.
In truth, they were clones created by the enemy’s frightening speed.
This was Ghost Samurai’s special ability.
Watching the fight, the Raysonian chieftain clenched his fists. Ghost Samurai was their ultimate trump card.
He wasn’t just the best swordsman in Raysonia, he was also an excellent ninja with special skills. Combining all his knowledge, he was able to elevate his speed and techniques to an extreme level.
In fact, his ultimate skill was generating phantom-like clones.
After biding his time in the shadows, he finally found the perfect opportunity to strike.
Ghost Samurai’s five clones attacked Levi concurrently.
All of them thrust their samurai swords at Levi at the same speed, causing Levi to be unsure which of them was the real one.
If he made the wrong decision, it would either cost him his life or result in grievous injury.
The Ghost Samurai rarely attacked. But whenever he struck, it would definitely be a fatal blow.
All his clones moved at breakneck speeds, to the extent no one was able to tell which of the five was the real one.
In a blink of an eye, the five clones charged at Levi.
At the very last second, they combined into a single figure.
The very instant the clones combined, he pierced his sword into Levi’s throat.
Everyone was stunned.
Ghost Samurai is really amazing!
He has killed Levi in his first attack!
It’s really terrifying how easily he stabbed Levi’s throat.
“We did it! We have succeeded!” The Raysonians exclaimed in triumph and celebrated.
However, Bruce’s expression remained grim as he noticed that something was amiss.
“Something isn’t right. Even if the attack is powerful, it would only wound Levi and not pierce through his throat. It might be a trap so be careful!” Bruce reminded at once.
In fact, Ghost Samurai was the first one to realize something was off as he didn’t feel any resistance from his sword.
Although the sword was plunged through Levi’s throat, he felt as if it went through thin air.
Oh no!
The next second, Levi disappeared in front of him.
It too was a clone and not Levi’s physical being.
His speed was so fast that he could fool his enemies with his residual image.
Hence, the one being pierced by the sword was one of those images.
Levi had long left the position by the time everyone realized what was going on.
Shadow Clone!
It was a powerful technique that Levi had often deployed.
Given that he was growing stronger, the level at which he could execute it was equally elevated.
The moment Ghost Samurai realized he had been tricked, Levi launched a punch that caught Ghost Samurai directly.
The Death Swordsman and the rest charged fiercely at Levi.
At the same time, the armored warrior ignited his jet pack and swooped in to rescue Ghost Samurai.
Everyone was so astounded that no one dared to underestimate Levi anymore.
He was unbelievably powerful to have caused so much damage upon them.
“Ghost Samurai has been exposed. One of our key weapons has been lost!” Bruce couldn’t help but lament.
“No, he hasn’t shown what he is truly capable of,” the Raysonian calmly replied.
Just when Bruce was stunned, Ghost Samurai began to get serious.
“Levi, I have been waiting to fight you for a very long time now.”


Levi too had gotten a clear look at how Ghost Samurai looked like.

He was clad in a special black suit while his face was hidden underneath a biochemical mask.
On his back was a load of samurai swords where Levi had quickly counted sixteen of them.

Standing there, he exuded a fearsome aura.
Every time he exhaled, he would let out a terrifying sound which made him sound like a beast.
Suddenly, there was an explosion and Ghost Samurai vanished in a pile of smoke.
The next moment, Ghost Samurai surrounded Levi again. This time, there were eight clones of his.
Boom! Boom…
All eight of them launched a strike in unison.
This time, it was even harder to tell which was the real one as every single clone attacked with similar intensity.
It felt like all the eight figures were real.
With a consecutive sixteen palm strikes, the attacks piled on relentlessly. Every attack was stronger than before.
The ground beneath them began to shatter.
Levi intercepted the sixteen palm strikes with a punch of his own.
However, as the palm strikes layered upon each other, their power increased with every attack.
Finally, all sixteen of them were headed in Levi’s direction.
Upon the impact of every single strike, Levi would be pushed back a step. At the same time, the hairline cracks in the ground beneath his legs kept expanding outward.
The destructive power was astounding.
After Levi was pushed back sixteen steps, cracks could be seen on a massive swathe of the ground.
With a huge explosion, the entire area began collapsing into a huge crater.
Anyone who saw it would assume that it was caused by a crash from an alien spaceship.
“That’s so powerful!”
The crowd exclaimed in awe when they saw Ghost Samurai’s attack.
All this while, they had assumed he only focused on assassinations.
Hence, they didn’t expect him to be even stronger at melee combat.
“Not bad! Was it you from before?”
Levi recalled that someone was watching him at the Gamma Tech training base.
After giving it more thought, he realized it was none other than Ghost Samurai.
“What are you gawking there for? Attack!” Ghost Samurai bellowed.
The Death Swordsman and his other teammates regained their senses and blitzed Levi together.
Recombining his eight clones, Ghost Samurai joined his teammates in the attack where both sides fought valiantly.
Levi had to protect Sherrie while fighting against a host of elite warriors at the same time.
Moreover, he had to stay vigilant against any surprise attacks.
Ghost Samurai split into his eight clones and attacked Levi again.
He was backed up by The Death Swordsman and the others.
At the same time, the witch used her witchcraft to confuse Levi, causing him to fall into a dangerous predicament.
As he pulled Sherrie along while trying to avoid their attacks, wounds began to appear all over his body.
The attacks on him were simply relentless.
“Continue the assault! Don’t allow Levi the chance to catch his breath!” Bruce ordered.
The Death Swordsman and everyone else unleashed all their ultimate techniques while the witch incessantly disrupted Levi’s thoughts and emotions.
At that moment, Ghost Samurai’s eight clones split into two each, resulting in a total of sixteen clones.
That was his ultimate attack which struck fear into anyone who saw it.
He had also reached the limit of clones he could produce.
It was a total of sixteen.
In other words, he had just doubled his strength.
Given that eight clones were enough to pressure Levi, sixteen of them were capable of doing unpredictable damage.
Under the enemies’ relentless attacks, Levi’s defenses began to crack.
When Ghost Samurai pierce him with his sword, blood splattered out at once.
If not for Sherrie being a burden, Levi wouldn’t be in that situation.
“Press on and kill Levi!”
Everyone was thrilled to see Levi being cornered with no escape.
Hence, they intensified their attacks further.


The Death Swordsman and the other warriors launched a joint attack and tried to crush Levi with overwhelming force.

Meanwhile, Ghost Samurai’s sixteen clones looked for an opportunity to assassinate Levi.
However, Levi hadn’t found a way to defeat Ghost Samurai and his clones yet.

In other words, he might be able to defeat them in a one-to-one battle with time and patience.
However, current circumstances didn’t give him that luxury.
If he were unable to defeat Ghost Samurai, his life would be under constant threat.
Bearing the brunt of further attacks, Levi’s injuries began to accumulate.
Although they weren’t fatal, it was enough to excite Bruce and the others.
“F*ck off!”
Suddenly, Levi roared as he unleashed a burst of explosive force, pushing everyone else back.
“Don’t go too far just because I’m not serious yet!”
Levi glared coldly at his enemies.
He was finally outraged at how persistent they were at attacking Sherrie.
There is a limit to how much they are bullying her.
“Kill him! Don’t let him push you back and get a breather!”
Ghost Samurai as his sixteen clones charged at Levi.
The rest of the attackers followed closely behind so that Levi would not have an opening.
“Isn’t it just cloning? Do you think you’re the only one who knows it?” Levi barked.
Levi executed his Shadow Clone technique at once.
In front of his enemies, Levi began to split into two, and then four… and finally sixteen.
Everyone was utterly dumbfounded to see that Levi could replicate what Ghost Samurai did.
How is this possible?
Ghost Samurai, along with everyone at the scene, was shocked.
As for Bruce and the Raysonian chieftain, they too were astounded.
What’s going on?
Just when they thought sixteen was the limit, Levi’s clones continue multiplying.
There were now thirty two, and then sixty four…
Before they knew it, there were one hundred and twenty eight clones.
This was what Levi was capable of at this maximum speed and technique. Alongside the power of the Shadow Clone, he was able to fool everyone’s eyes and brain, to the extent of seeing one hundred and twenty-eight clones.
In truth, there was only one of him.
At that moment, everyone was stunned.
It was right at that same moment…
With a splatter of blood, the witch was killed instantaneously.
As a matter of fact, she posed the greatest threat to Levi. By messing with his mind, she could cause him to make a fatal mistake.
Therefore, Levi chose to kill her first.
The next victim was the giant Raysonian samurai. He was slashed multiple times by Levi.
However, given his tough constitution, he didn’t die from the attack.
The next one was Ghost Samurai.
Levi didn’t care which of his clones was the real one and went on to slaughter all of them.
From the perspective of everyone else, it looked as if all one hundred and twenty-eight clones were attacking Ghost Samurai’s sixteen clones.
Obviously, it was a one-sided battle.
The first clone was quickly disposed of.
And the second…
Finally, fifteen clones were annihilated while Ghost Samurai’s physical body suffered grievous injuries.
In a blink of an eye, he had been beaten back into his original form.
The last thing Ghost Samurai saw with his eyes was Levi’s one hundred and twenty-eight clones charging at him.
Finally, two hundred and fifty-six palm strikes hit his head, crushing it alongside his neck, body, legs…
All that was left was mush.
And that was how Ghost Samurai was obliterated.
All of Levi’s clones returned to his physical body as he had reached the limits of his speed and skill.
The slaughtering of Ghost Samurai shocked everyone present, causing them to fall into silence.
The moment he defeated Ghost Samurai, a barrage of arrows thundered toward him from the shadows.
They were traveling at seven times the speed of sound.
They pierced through in an instant.


The man that had been hiding all this while finally made a move.

He was The Dark Archer from Lab of Gods.
It was said that his arrow was able to pierce through everything in this world.

Even the aerospace-level material could not hold up against it.
In fact, Lab of Gods had conducted numerous experiments on him.
He was found from a tribe village in Adrune, and his strength was beyond imagination like no ordinary human.
As he shot his arrow, the speed was so fast that one would not even see it coming.
Not to mention, its accuracy was more spot-on than a professional sniper.
No preys which he had his eyes on could ever escape.
Not even someone as strong as Levi.
He would not stand a chance if he got targeted by The Dark Archer.
Moreover, Lab of Gods even used genetic technology and super serum to enhance The Dark Archer’s capability.
He also possessed other techniques, such as the most powerful Invisibility Technique and Assassination Technique.
The scariest part was that the Lab of Gods specially created all his weapons.
All the materials used were top class, especially his arrow.
It was no ordinary arrow, as Lab of Gods had invested an enormous sum of money in creating it.
As it used the hardest existing alloy, it would pierce through aerospace material effortlessly.
Most importantly, it had a secret design within it.
The arrowhead consisted of highly pressurized energy. When it pierced through a human body, it would explode and destroy everything.
That was the most terrifying part of this weapon, and the most expensive part as well.
A single arrow would cost more than a million.
Hence, The Dark Archer was bound to make every shot count.
As The Dark Archer was initially from the tribe village, he also knew how to add Strange Arts onto his bow and arrows.
With the Strange Arts, the arrow would be faster and stronger, with higher accuracy.
Besides, the Strange Arts boosted his physical attributes, making his strength and reflexibility increase exponentially.
His speed was able to reach seven times faster than the speed of sound.
All in all, The Dark Archer’s weapon, accuracy, and power were all at the top of the line.
Hence, he was the perfect choice in order to kill the top-class enemy.
Initially, Bruce did not want to reveal the existence of The Dark Archer this soon.
But it looked like it was his only option in order to eliminate Levi.
And The Dark Archer had been hiding in the dark, waiting for the opportune moment to attack.
The best timing was not when Levi got surrounded by enemies and was severely injured.
Even though he might look like he was struggling for survival, The Dark Archer knew the former’s awareness was at the highest during that time.
He might even be putting up an act to lure The Dark Archer out.
The Dark Archer knew very well that the best timing was when Levi defeated Ghost Samurai.
No matter how cautious Levi was, he would let off his guard by a little due to the satisfaction of killing Ghost Samurai.
And The Dark Archer’s prediction was right.
The battle between the tops was indeed more to the battle of the minds.
At that critical moment, The Dark Archer finally made his move as he shot out five arrows at once.
To put it more precisely, it was not the arrows but the money that he was shooting.
Yet, they were not targeted toward Levi, but Sherrie.
That move put Levi in a rather disadvantageous spot.
In the nick of time, Levi rushed to rescue Sherrie.
Even after five arrows with speed faster than sound, The Dark Archer was still worried as he fired another shot.
In fact, the first five were merely a distraction.
With that, this last arrow pierced directly into Levi’s body as blood spurted out instantly.


As the five arrows were heading swiftly toward the direction of Sherrie, Levi immediately rushed to her rescue.

He used his fastest speed and managed to push Sherrie aside just before the five arrows reached her.
The problem was that the five arrows were not exactly fired simultaneously.

There was a tiny little time difference between each one of them.
Hence, it made Levi’s rescue act more challenging. He had to be extraordinarily focused.
Yet at that critical instance, The Dark Archer fired another arrow.
Even though Levi had noticed that arrow, he had no flexibility to evade it after reacting to the first five arrows.
To put it precisely, he had to choose between letting Sherrie die or blocking the last arrow.
Without a doubt, Levi chose the latter.
With that, the last arrow went directly into Levi’s left shoulder.
A second after the impact, the arrowhead exploded inside his flesh.
Levi’s left shoulder got blown into a big hole, severely injured at that instant.
If the arrow went into any of his organs, he would have lost his life.
As Levi collapsed to the ground, the crowd burst into a round of cheers.
However, The Dark Archer, hiding in the dark, could not rejoice.
He was aiming for Levi’s heart, but it only got his shoulder.
“I missed it by a bit! Just a little bit!”
The Dark Archer was beyond exasperated.
I should have killed him in one shot!
After seeing Ghost Samurai getting killed, the forces in Raysonia sank into deep desperation.
But when they saw Levi getting brought down, their eyes flashed with hope again.
“We’re counting on you!”
“Levi’s truly strong! It took such a big loss to cause him injury!”
As the crowd gasped in astonishment, The Death Swordsman and the rest attacked again.
They did not want to give Levi any chance of a break.
Sherrie almost burst into tears as she saw Levi injured terribly.
Levi became like this because of me! It’s all my fault! I shouldn’t have come to find him!
At that moment, Sherrie fell into extreme regret.
At that moment, the dwarf samurai let out a peculiar laugh and appeared behind Levi.
He swiftly drew two daggers from his body and aimed toward Levi’s neck.
He wanted to cut Levi’s head down with that.
Crisp! Crisp!
Right at the moment, Levi suddenly turned around.
He grabbed both the dwarf samurai’s hands and broke them instantly.
At the same time, he held onto the latter’s daggers and pierced them into the latter’s throat.
The dwarf samurai’s eyes filled with dismay as he dropped to the ground.
Levi threw the dwarf samurai’s body forcefully toward the direction of The Death Swordsman and the others.
The Death Swordsman immediately drew his sword and cut the incoming corpse in half.
Before he could react, Levi had appeared right in front of him, with a blow punched directly into his body.
The Death Swordsman got punched into the air.
“H-How could he possibly still fight?”
Everyone was startled upon seeing that scene.
Levi’s badly injured. How the h*ll can he still fight? And he even killed the dwarf samurai and injured The Death Swordsman!
Little did they know that Levi was struggling on his last breath.
Just then, something cut through the air with a sharp hiss.
It was yet another arrow from The Dark Archer.
And it was targeted toward Sherrie again.
With that, Levi immediately headed back and showed up in front of Sherrie. He wanted to block it once again.
The screeching sound of the arrow sounded horrifyingly powerful.
Surprisingly, Levi managed to catch the arrow with his right hand.
But the arrow’s power was too strong that Levi got driven backward by a lot. At that moment, two deep trails at where his feet were standing formed on the ground.
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
Due to the powerful force on the arrow, Levi’s both hands turned into a mass of bleeding flesh.


The arrow’s force began to spread toward the other parts of his body. By then, his life would be in great danger.

Not to mention, the highly pressurized energy in the arrowhead would explode any second.
If that happened, Levi would at least be paralyzed if not dead.

Gush! Gush! Gush!
At that critical moment, The Dark Archer fired another three arrows.
Levi was left with no choice, as he struggled to catch those three with his left hand.
Instantly, his left hand turned into a mess of blood too.
He shouted in deep agony as his body staggered backward by the force from the four arrows.
There was no way he could stop them.
Not to mention, those arrowheads were about to explode.
He knew he would not stand a chance of survival against all four explosions.
“Kill him!”
The Death Swordsman would not let go of this perfect chance to take Levi’s life.
He charged toward the latter with Double Beam Swords in his hands, determined to end the latter’s life.
Meanwhile, the armored warrior and Undead Warrior grabbed the golden opportunity and joined The Death Swordsman.
In a blink of an eye, The Death Swordsman and the other two appeared in front of Levi.
“Die, Levi!”
The three of them attacked Levi with their ultimate move.
But right at that moment, The Dark Archer realized something wrong.
“Not good!”
But it was too late for them.
Levi’s lips curled into a smirk as he suddenly stopped moving backward.
As he turned around his body, his hands let go of the four arrows.
Gush! Gush! Gush!
Those mighty arrows kept moving forward forcefully, but their directions got diverted by Levi.
One of them went right into The Death Swordsman, who was standing closest to Levi.
Two arrows went toward the armored warrior while the last one went toward Undead Warrior.
All three of them were too close to evade such sudden development.
Once again, they fell right into Levi’s trap.
Levi deliberately caught those arrows barehandedly to lure them into getting close to him.
Then he would be able to use The Dark Archer’s arrows to kill them.
His plan of using the enemy’s weapon to kill the enemy was beyond brilliant.
As his plan dawned on everyone, it was already too late for them to react.
The arrow pierced right through The Death Swordsman’s throat.
With the explosion, his head got blown off completely.
Agonized screams ripped from his throat, and green smoke rose from his body.
His heartbeat stopped in a blink of eye.
Crisp! Crisp!
The armored warrior’s special suit was a proud creation of Lab of Gods, all made by aerospace material.
It was able to hold against Levi’s punches, but it failed to defend against The Death Swordsman’s two arrows.
It got proved now that even the aerospace-level material could not hold up against it.
The armored warrior’s colossal body fell on the ground with a resounding thud.
His special suit was shredded into pieces.
Meanwhile, Undead Warrior also suffered a tremendous internal injury with the arrow’s explosion.
Even though he would not feel pain and his body possessed the fast self-recovery ability, he could not get up for a long while.
Thump! Thump!
As such, Levi laid a few more punches on him, making him almost unrecognizable.
A second later, Levi tied Sherrie onto his body.
“Now you’re all that’s left!”
Levi was determined to cast out The Dark Archer.
With all the other allies eliminated, The Dark Archer lost his only advantage.
“I-Is he even human?”
Levi had received such comments countless times, which was the highest compliment an enemy could ever give.
Bruce, and the other forces of Raysonia could not believe their eyes.
Levi is invincible! How is he still not dead? He’s even killed everyone around him! That’s insane!
The Dark Archer, hiding in the dark, recoiled in fear, as he had never encountered someone like this.


Levi’s hands were in bad shape; his body suffered severe injury.

His whole body was covered in blood, while a big hole formed on his left shoulder.
Not to mention, there were countless minor wounds from his shoulders distributed throughout his back.

Even though he successfully killed all the enemies in his sight, he had paid an enormous price for it.
Looking at Levi, whose body was dripping blood, Sherrie’s heart twitched in pain.
She blamed herself for making Levi become like this.
Nonetheless, it was hardly her fault, as it was just a coincidence that she walked into this terrible place.
And in Levi’s eyes, Sherrie’s existence was still worth some value.
After all, she had told Levi many secrets of Lab of Gods.
Just when Sherrie was about to ask Levi, Levi suddenly spoke, “Shhh! Don’t talk!”
At that moment, he needed to gather all his focus to search for The Dark Archer.
There was no room for any distraction or extra sound.
With that, Sherrie immediately shut her mouth, not daring even to breathe.
“We’re all counting on you now!”
All the chieftains of the Raysonia forces were praying diligently at that moment.
“It’ll be fine. We still have one ace card in hand. He’s the one I plan to use to take Levi’s life.”
Even at this point, Bruce still displayed a composed expression.
He had never expected those men to be able to kill Levi.
He knew that was hardly realistic based on his understanding of Levi’s power.
Since the beginning, he had been betting on his hope for this particular man.
Right now, Bruce was also overwhelmed with anxiousness, as Levi had shocked him again and again.
Even though he knew Levi was top of the line, the latter still managed to shatter his anticipation.
He was way too strong! Does he have any limit? Not only does he have strong power, but he is intelligent and full of schemes!
Bruce would never have thought of using the enemy’s weapon against the enemy.
Levi was able to defeat all enemies singlehandedly with his strength and wisdom.
“He must die!”
Just then, Bruce got all tensed up as his breath shortened.
Cold sweat flowed incessantly from his body.
Without a doubt, he was the most nervous person at this moment.
Meanwhile, Levi was carrying Sherrie while wandering everywhere, scanning for The Dark Archer’s whereabouts.
The atmosphere could not be more tense.
At that moment, Levi’s lips curled into a smile. He had managed to scope down the large area to the size of a football field.
With this pace, he would find The Dark Archer before long.
“We’re doomed. He’s about to be found!”
The chieftains from the Raysonia all froze on the spot, overwhelmed with nervousness.
I’m getting closer and closer to you!
A few seconds later, Levi scoped down the area by half again.
His confident smile gave an invisible pressure to The Dark Archer.
Swish, swish, swish…
Four arrows appeared swiftly in the nick of time, flying toward Levi.
Finally, The Dark Archer revealed himself.
He figured it was better to face head to head with Levi rather than wait to be found.
At such a close distance, the four arrows locked on Levi.
But Levi, who had predicted it evaded them in a blink of an eye.
All four arrows flew past Levi and exploded into four small mushroom clouds.
The Dark Archer escaped to a corner.
He kept switching his position while firing a few more arrows.
All the shots were powerful and swift but lacked a bit of accuracy.
With that, Levi successfully avoided all of them.
At this point, The Dark Archer had lost all his advantage, as his expertise was in the field of assassination.
As his whereabouts got exposed, he was in deep trouble without aid from others.
Especially that his opponent was Levi.
“Are you still thinking of escaping? That’s impossible!”
Right then, Levi moved like lightning and grabbed The Dark Archer instantly.
The Dark Archer was beyond panicked.
But at that moment, Undead Warrior suddenly attacked Levi.
His whole body clung onto Levi tightly.
“Shoot me!”
The undead warrior shouted loudly.
The Dark Archer came to the realization immediately.
Swish, swish, swish…
The Dark Archer fired all his arrows toward Undead Warrior and Levi after another.


The Undead Warrior held onto Levi, determined not to let him loose.

If an arrow goes through me, it will hurt Levi as well! Imagine how much damage it will cause if The Dark Archer fires all of them!
He was determined to kill Levi at all costs, even if it meant perishing together with the latter.

Levi’s invincibility had forced his enemies to make a desperate move as such.
With that, The Dark Archer used up all his remaining arrows, firing at them.
Even though the power was not as much after going through Undead Warrior, they still could cause massive damage toward Levi.
Arrows by arrows were fired.
Lab of Gods had made sixty arrows in total for The Dark Archer.
At normal times, The Dark Archer just needed to fire one to kill one enemy.
Sixty arrows were supposed to be able to last for a lifetime.
After all, he was seldom needed, sometimes only once in a few years.
But today, The Dark Archer seemed to have lost his mind as he finished firing all his arrows.
I need to kill him no matter what! As long as he isn’t dead, everyone won’t have peace of mind!
The Undead Warrior’s body almost shattered into pieces after numerous arrows went through him.
His self-recovery ability could not catch up with the pace of The Dark Archer’s attack.
In the end, even his brain got blown out completely. With that, there was no chance for him to recover from such damage.
With the last arrows shot, Undead Warrior’s life ended while his blood spilled all over Levi.
By then, countless arrows got pierced into Levi’s body, making him look like a porcupine.
Even though those arrows were not as strong, they caused irreparable injury to Levi.
The Undead Warrior had sacrificed his life to achieve this outcome.
Even though it seemed utterly insane, it was their last resort to stop Levi.
Levi let out a shout at that moment while all the arrows on his body got blown away.
Levi spat out a mouthful of blood as his body nearly fell to the ground.
The remaining power of those arrows could not be ignored after all.
“Go to hell!”
Again, Levi moved swiftly like lightning toward The Dark Archer.
The Dark Archer stood still on his spot, without any intention to move.
He had completed his job and he got no arrow left.
His lips curled into a smile as he closed his eyes slowly.
Deep down, he knew Levi would not survive through today, as they still had a secret ace card with them.
Meanwhile, Levi had exhausted all his strength and options.
I’ve done everything. I can rest now…
Levi showed no mercy as he swung his palm at The Dark Archer’s head.
Blood spewed out of The Dark Archer’s head as his life ended right there and then.
They’re all dead! Every single one of those top masters is dead! There’s no one left!
The forces of Raysonia and Bruce were at a loss.
It’s outrageous how formidable he is! He’s the biggest threat to us as long as he’s alive. We must find a way to get rid of him!
Levi sat down on the ground after ending The Dark Archer’s life.
After so many rounds of battle, he had gotten beyond his limit.
After all the enemies got eliminated, he finally could catch a breather.
“Are… Are you okay?”
Sherrie asked nervously.
She could feel Levi’s breath becoming shorter and weaker.
Right at the moment, her heart filled with guilt and regret.
Levi let out a smile. “I’m fine. But if another elite appears now, I’ll be dead!”
Levi was being utterly honest.
“Hold on a second… No way…”
In an instant, a dark expression loomed over his face.
As soon as he finished his sentence, a strong wind started blowing.
Not far away, a figure was standing steadily.
It was the last ace card of Bruce.


Never in a million years did Levi expect to find another man hidden in the dark!

What surprised him further was that there were not just one but three men!
Levi could not help but take a deep breath, as he could sense danger around him.

How on earth did I miss the third man? He’s either invincible or has remarkable camouflaging skills!
It did not matter how the man was at this point, as Levi knew he was now hanging by a thread!
Upon seeing the mysterious man emerge from the dark, a corner of Bruce’s mouth quirked up.
That man was his trump card and his most powerful warrior! Finally, it’s time to get rid of Levi once and for all!
The Raysonian chieftains, too, let out a maniacal laugh. In the past, many of Ghost Samurai and the sorts had sacrificed their lives when they tried to get rid of Levi, and now, it was payback time!
Suddenly, one of them asked, “Who is he, Mr. Johnston?”
Bruce tilted his head and smirked. “He’s the only survivor from the Lab of Gods thirty years ago!”
He continued, “The purpose of the lab project was to produce a godlike figure, but with the technologies back then, it was an impossible mission. A total of five hundred people took part in the lab experiment, but only one survived!”
“This man, The Annihilator, was the only survivor—the crème de la crème! The lab had successfully transformed him into an elite superhuman who had transcended the human capacity in terms of strength, endurance, speed, and intelligence! In other words, he’s a human with supernatural powers that you often see in superhero movies!” he explained.
Upon hearing that, everyone were struck dumb and gasped.
What? The Annihilator? That’s crazy!
Bruce looked at them and said. “Let me give you an example. His brain was so developed that he could control the physiology of his body and subconscious mind. For instance, he could control his metabolism, blood circulation, and even the speed of his heartbeat! That’s why Levi had no clue he was there all the while!”
“The moment he controls his brain to halt all the psychological activities, no one would know he was even there!” he explained further.
Bruce’s detailed explanation had enlightened everyone there.
“Besides his brain, his strength and speed have also been developed to the fullest!” Excitement was written all over Bruce’s face.
The Raysonian chieftains were just as thrilled.
After taking a closer glance at The Annihilator, Levi was stunned by his perfect looks.
It looks like the lab had created a superhuman that is perfect in all ways.
The Annihilator, too, gave Levi a sullen glare. He was as cold and emotionless as a robot.
Sherrie stepped in and raised her voice. “No! You can’t kill him!”
The Annihilator raised his hand, emitted an invisible force, and shoved her away.
In the blink of an eye, The Annihilator zapped past the people around him and appeared before Levi. Levi could feel The Annihilator’s intimidating presence crept over him.
All of a sudden, Levi felt something was restricting his movements. At that point, he could not even clench his fist.
The Annihilator’s aura was so strong that Levi could not retaliate at all.
“Mr. Garrison!” Sherrie froze right there, as there was nothing she could do to help Levi.
Right at that moment, the wall that had separated them from the people outside had vanished.
Apparently, quite a number of people had gathered outside the wall.
God of Gamblers, Xenotoph, and influential figures from Goldenport Island all came over after hearing a commotion from a distance.
They knew something was happening behind the wall but had no clue what it was all about.
The moment the wall disappeared, The Annihilator was already lifting Levi and delivering a fatal punch to his head.


Hundreds and thousands of influential and prominent figures from Goldenport Island witnessed how The Annihilator smashed Levi’s head!

Blood splattered everywhere.
“No!” Sherrie bellowed in pain.

Not only God of Gamblers was dumbfounded, but Xenotoph and all the other influential figures were also just as stunned.
What’s going on?
Is that Levi, the most powerful warrior on Erudia’s Gem List? Did someone actually defeat him? How is that even possible?
Yet, they had to believe what they saw before their eyes.
Without a doubt, Levi’s enemy had vanquished him!
As of now, everything went by Bruce’s plan. He intentionally instructed The Annihilator to remove the wall so that the entire Goldenport Island could witness Levi’s humiliating defeat!
He wanted Erudia and the rest of the world to witness Levi’s death so that the image would haunt them for the rest of their lives!
God of Gamblers and the others did not know what happened before that. They believed The Annihilator had ravaged Levi.
How powerful could he possibly be?
The Annihilator threw another punch at Levi, causing blood to spurt out of his body.
After a few continuous punches, Levi was completely soaked in blood.
Everyone present was shocked beyond comprehension. Tears welled up in Sherrie’s eyes as she could neither speak nor move.
It’s all my fault! Levi wouldn’t have to go through this if it weren’t for me!
All of Goldenport Island’s influential figures’ jaw dropped, and they looked at the two men in disbelief.
While the drama persisted, someone was observing the turn of events nearby. It was the Half Phantom!
He continued to observe in silence without showing any expression on his face.
After dealing with several fatal blows, Levi had lost his breath.
Yet, The Annihilator had no intention of stopping what he was doing.
“Kill him!” Bruce roared.
The Annihilator raised his right hand, accumulated an invincible force, and smashed his palm right through Levi’s heart like a sword!
“Go on!” Bruce needed The Annihilator to make sure Levi was dead.
In the next few seconds, The Annihilator launched the same attack on Levi repeatedly!
Levi crashed heavily on the ground. There was no sign of life in him anymore.
“No! No!” Sherrie shrieked in a hoarse voice. She could not accept this!
Even Goldenport Island’s influential figures were struck dumb. So the man who topped the Gem List is gone? And just like that, someone beat him to death? Unbelievable!
Several unmanned aerial vehicles arrived and did a thorough scan on Levi to confirm his death.
“There’s no sign of life in him anymore. The man is dead.” The vehicles confirmed Levi’s death after analyzing the body.
“Go and check on him once again,” Bruce, who was a meticulous man, ordered The Annihilator.
“He’s dead for sure, Master!” The Annihilator reported.
Bruce, who was sweating buckets, finally heaved a sigh of relief. He could hardly stand still by the time everything ended.
The chieftains from Raysonia all exclaimed in joy.
They were glad that they had eliminated their biggest threat!
“Great! Report to me once you’ve destroyed his body!” Bruce instructed The Annihilator.
“Yes, Sir!” With a powerful beam, The Annihilator completely dissolved Levi’s body. There was no way for Levi to make a comeback anymore!


At this moment, everyone was on edge.

Everyone was breathless, almost suffocating.
God of Gamblers, Xenotoph, Sherrie, and the others were waiting for a miracle to happen!

“How cruel! To kill a person and destroy the body!”
They couldn’t stand to watch Levi’s body torn to bits.
Especially for Sherrie!
For her, it was agonizingly painful to watch!
At that moment, even Bruce was highly strung out for some reason. Both his legs were trembling, and his teeth were chattering.
His instincts told him something wrong would happen when they destroyed Levi’s dead body.
But he had to witness the destruction of Levi’s body to attest his death. Otherwise, he would not believe that he was dead, and he wouldn’t be able to sleep and eat well.
The beam of light condensed on The Annihilator’s hands gradually reached Levi.
The light beam enveloped Levi, disintegrating his body bit by bit.
No miracle was in sight!
Levi didn’t resist, and nobody could save him!
Alas, his body had perished at the hands of The Annihilator.
Bruce collapsed and sat on the floor.
Finally, the weight on his shoulders was lifted, and he felt an unprecedented sense of emptiness. As if the very purpose of his life faded away in a blink of an eye, returning to its original blank slate.
Ever since he was entrusted with the crucial task by the Lab of Gods, he had always deemed Levi as his lifelong nemesis.
No, more accurately, his lifelong goal was to fight Erudia and kill Levi.
Now that Levi was dead, his heart was barren and hollow.
As they watched Levi’s body disintegrate, the Raysonian forces cheered and celebrated happily.
No one was watching the live broadcast anymore.
At the moment, the live broadcast footage started to change, but no one seemed to notice as they were engrossed in joy.
“Withdraw all the drones!”
Bruce withdrew the drones as well, and there were no longer any more visuals.
No one knew the changes that happened.
In the eyes of Bruce and the others, Levi’s body dissolved to the point he couldn’t be resurrected no matter how powerful the technique or how advanced the technology was; nothing could save him.
The Annihilator disintegrated Levi before everyone’s eyes, leaving not even a speck of flesh behind.
Sherrie burned with anger. She fainted immediately after coughing out a mouthful of blood.
The God of Gamblers, Xenotoph, and others were all desperate.
The number one on the Erudia Gem List was defeated. Even the body was disintegrated! How tragic!
It was also the shortest term at the top of the Erudia Gem List in history!
The reign ended after only a few days of being at the top.
Goldenport Island fell into silence.
Everyone was plunged in grief and despair.
After destroying the bodies of the others, The Annihilator quickly left the scene.
From that day on, The Annihilator would be famous worldwide!
He defeated Levi solo!
In reality, it took many masters to kill Levi, but Bruce would not admit it.
He would only tell the world that he killed Levi alone!
Even if Sherrie alone saw it, no one would believe her!
The feat of killing Levi was enough to make The Annihilator become the strongest being in existence.
The Annihilator left the scene.
“Let’s go! Take Sherrie too! It’s over!” The God of Gamblers exclaimed after seeing everything.
“Mr. Garrison didn’t survive in the end! What a pity!” Xenotoph exclaimed and left the scene as well.
Everyone left and the place became silent.
Only a puddle of blood was left.
It was the remains of Levi who was disintegrated into a puddle of blood.
After waiting for everyone to leave, the Half Phantom appeared.
The puddle of blood on the floor suddenly disappeared…
What was more frightening was…



Supreme Grandmaster
Sep 24, 2023

Levi’s corpse unexpectedly reappeared again.

The bloodstains disappeared, and his corpse manifested.
Jaws would be dropped if anyone were to witness this.

How was it possible?
Was everything that happened fake?
It was all fake!
What everyone saw was an illusion conjured by the Half Phantom’s magic to tamper with everyone’s consciousness!
The scene where Levi was disintegrated was indeed an illusion!
Not only the audience was affected by the illusion, even The Annihilator was affected without exception.
He thought he was disintegrating Levi’s corpse, but it was all fake. They were all hallucinations fed into his mind.
However, his mind was too powerful!
To tamper with his consciousness and produce hallucinations, the Half Phantom had to use his most potent spells along with their most significant efforts to deceive him.
The Half Phantom struggled to walk straight and suddenly coughed out a mouthful of blood.
He almost collapsed!
It was easy to fool others with simple spells, but fooling The Annihilator was on a whole new level. It was beyond difficult!
The Half Phantom gave his all to disrupt the consciousness of The Annihilator and caused him to hallucinate.
However, performing the spell took a toll on his vitality and caused him to age at least twenty to thirty years older.
His hair turned white at a rate that was visible to the naked eye…
He paid a miserable price to fool The Annihilator.
“Luckily I managed to deceive him!”
The Half Phantom smiled.
As a matter of fact, the Half Phantom only managed to deceive everyone present, but not the machines.
However, Bruce and the others only watched the first few parts of the broadcast and stopped watching after they were sure that The Annihilator could disintegrate Levi.
If they kept their eyes on the screen, they would have found out that Levi wasn’t disintegrated at all.
The Annihilator was fooled…
The Half Phantom looked at Levi’s corpse and sighed, “I couldn’t save your life, so I could only save your corpse!”
It turned out that even the Half Phantom was under the impression that Levi was utterly dead!
There was no way for him to save his life from The Annihilator, only his corpse.
Because the Half Phantom knew from the beginning that he wouldn’t be able to escape his demise when he saw him.
To not get himself involved, he left with an excuse.
“This is the price to pay for saving people! Rest in peace! I will save Zoey!” said the Half Phantom.
Anyone who asked for the aid of the Half Phantom would eventually pay the price.
So Levi’s price to pay was to sacrifice his life?
“I will bury you well!” the Half Phantom mumbled to himself while looking at Levi’s corpse.
When he was about to collect Levi’s corpse, his face suddenly changed.
“Shit, someone’s coming!”
The Half Phantom threw Levi’s body into the ocean nearby, then vanished himself.
The aged Half Phantom used up too much energy earlier. He really could not afford to escape while dragging Levi’s corpse. If he did, he would be discovered.
After the Half Phantom vanished, several individuals appeared.
They were the dark servants of The Cardinal Hall. They rushed to the scene as quickly as possible after receiving the news of the incident.
As soon as they arrived, they started looking around.
“Levi is verified dead!”
After the confirmation, the dark servants left the scene.
The Half Phantom waited for the dark servants to leave before reappearing again.
Immediately, he rushed toward the ocean next to him and used magical techniques to locate Levi’s position.
However, he was surprised to find that Levi’s corpse was no longer there.
“It can’t be… The waters are calm and motionless! His corpse can’t drift away in such a short time!” The Half Phantom muttered to himself.
He proceeded to dive into the ocean and search.
After hours of searching the surrounding ocean floor, Levi’s body was still nowhere to be found. His corpse had disappeared…
Even the Half Phantom couldn’t believe it.
“No! He can’t be alive! How did his corpse disappear?” The Half Phantom was confused…


Levi couldn’t be alive!

It was confirmed by Bruce, The Annihilator, and the Half Phantom!
Now that Levi’s corpse disappeared, the only plausible explanation was that his body was collected by someone else.

“Just keep the body safe!” The Half Phantom sighed and left.
In the past few hours. The people of Goldenport Island, including the influential individuals, were shocked to the core. It was as if an earthquake had happened.
Levi, the number one on the Erudia Gem List, had fallen on the island!
He was beaten to death and had his corpse disintegrated in front of the eyes of thousands of people.
The incident was appalling, and everyone was overwhelmed by it!
Not only that, but all parts of Erudia quickly learned about the news.
Levi has fallen!
The news was earth-shattering!
It shook every corner of Erudia!
The number one on the Erudia Gem List is dead. The news came like the sky-splitting thunder.
The Cardinal Hall, Eragon, and even the Dragonites were dumbfounded!
After hearing the news, the Seven Fiends and others went unhinged and rushed to Goldenport Island!
Not only them, but many other individuals rushed to Goldenport Island like madmen because they couldn’t believe it!
How could Levi be dead?
Even Levi’s Team Of Secret Warriors and the West Sky Lord almost went insane!
It happened so suddenly, and they didn’t even know it.
Before this, Levi would have told them if he had any plans or conspiracies, but this time, it happened without notice.
Nobody knew what was going on, not even the West Sky Lord who had been collecting information for Levi. She was devastated to hear about Levi’s death.
The Guardian of Erudia, the Crown King had fallen!
Now his identity as the Fiery Demon’s heir was cleared up.
Everyone knew that he was still the God of War of Erudia!
Especially after he became the number one on the Erudia Gem List, countless people were excited!
With him at the top, he could protect Erudia!
Even The Cardinal Hall was impressed by him.
He redeemed the pride of Erudia back when he foiled the enemy’s cruel ploy.
He saved Erudia that was in turmoil.
The hope of the people of Erudia returned once again…
However, Levi was defeated within a few days.
He was beaten to the point where no bones were left…
How brutal! Extremely brutal!
The scene where Levi was killed was witnessed by thousands of people.
It was so real! Levi was really dead!
The news almost mortified Wynona of The Cardinal Hall.
She nearly fainted.
There was even blood seeping out from the corner of her mouth.
“What? Is he dead? How is that possible?” Wynona was in disbelief.
“Levi is dead? That’s great! No. Who killed him? I should be the one who ends his life!” Zoey was excited for a moment before she was overcome with rage. Her hatred skyrocketed the moment Levi’s name was mentioned.
She complained about the person who killed Levi and why wasn’t she the one that killed him.
Wynona held in her tears and told the others, “Don’t tell Evie and her grandma. Mia as well.”
The news of Levi’s death spread all across the world!
Bruce stood out to testify that Levi was confirmed dead by getting his corpse disintegrated with no chance of resurrection!
As they heard the news, the people of Raysonia and Keerea cheered in delight.
The nations that were adversaries of Levi cheered.
They celebrated with fireworks as if it was a festival!
For them, Levi resembled a dagger stabbed through the chest; they couldn’t sleep well without getting rid of him. But everything was over now!
No other nation was more excited about Levi’s death than the Zarain.
Levi once brought them great shame!
Everyone loathed him!
Now that Levi was killed, the entirety of Zarain cheered!
They even made this day a holiday!
Bruce and The Annihilator became the heroes of Zarain!


The Annihilator became Zarain’s superhero after appearing in public for the first time, and the one who benefited the most was Bruce!

He received a generous reward for killing Levi.
Initially, he was just a spokesperson for the Lab of Gods, an individual of a lower hierarchy.

But after killing Levi, he was promoted to be one of the core members of the Lab of Gods.
He obtained the right to access multiple training bases of the Lab of Gods and mobilize ninety percent of the equipment and labor of the Lab of Gods.
Bruce had never experienced such excitement.
Because now he could access more fundamental technologies, mysterious secrets and command more powerful people, not just The Annihilator.
He could now make use of individuals stronger than The Annihilator.
Having been rewarded heavily by the Zarain, Bruce was not intrigued by the power and wealth. His goal was to become a crucial member of the Lab of Gods.
Levi died, and his goal was achieved. He killed two birds with one stone!
“You have my eternal gratitude, Levi! I would never have thought that I would one day become the core member of the Lab of Gods!” Bruce looked up at the sky and smiled.
Bruce immediately began Jared’s experiment on energy transformation. No one could stop him now.
The Raysonian forces were as delighted as Bruce.
If Levi were still alive, he would continue suppressing the Raysonian Bushido and directly affecting them.
Now that Levi perished, their plans could be carried out…
Levi’s death caused various reactions for many people. Some people mourned, some were crazy about it, some were excited, and some were furious.
Some people even got promoted and made a fortune!
Levi’s death caused a devastating impact on Erudia.
During his time, he thwarted numerous enemy schemes and conspiracies.
At this moment, Goldenport Island was about to be flattened by the arrival of countless strong individuals looking for clues.
However, apart from the damages caused by the battle, there was only a pool of blood. Even then, the puddle of blood was a fabrication of the Half Phantom.
They couldn’t find anything.
“Comrades, please remember these two names, Bruce and The Annihilator! I vow I will make them pay!” The Sword Fiend exclaimed.
“We must avenge our Master!”
“Make them pay!”
The Seven Fiends and the followers all shouted.
“Also, remember! Even though our Master is no longer with us, we must never forget everything our Master taught us and abide by it!” the Sword Fiend ordered.
Levi conquered them with strength, but he also won their hearts with his charm.
“What? Levi is dead?”
Coincidentally, the Sacred Organization sent the Eighteen Dark Angels to look for Levi.
Halfway on their journey, the news of Levi’s death broke out.
They were all in shocked.
“So the genius meant to be the leader of the Sacred Organization is gone just like that?”
Everyone was stunned.
“Maybe everyone was fooled by Levi and he is not really dead?” The strongest member of the Thirteen Fiends under Cyrus, Death Fiend, spoke.
“According to the data we have collected, there have been several instances where Levi did not die and deceived everyone!”
“Before this, it is acceptable that Levi faked his death. Levi’s corpse was destroyed this time, and Bruce witnessed his demise! Everyone knows how cautious Bruce is, right?”
Everyone became quiet when another one of the Eighteen Dark Angels came up with this theory.
The Sacred Organization knew Bruce well enough!
If anyone else says he’s dead, it could be fake. But if Bruce is the one to declare it, it must be true!
“Okay. Let’s return!”
The Eighteen Dark Angels turned back halfway through their journey.
After several days of silence, there was no news of Levi, and the Half Phantom never found Levi’s corpse. He gave up as he had no clue where the corpse was.
“I did everything I could!”

But where did Levi’s corpse actually went?


Did a shark eat the corpse? Or did someone save him?

No one knew why Levi’s corpse had disappeared.
Other than the Half Phantom, everyone else thought that Levi’s corpse had been dissolved.

In that case, where did Levi’s corpse go?
Everything had an explanation—it was impossible for his corpse to vanish into thin air.
What Bruce did not realize was that a piece of particular information had been leaked on the global dark web: Levi was not killed by The Annihilator. Instead, he had been killed through the combined forces of multiple skilled fighters and The Annihilator had merely taken advantage of that.
They even published the list of experts who killed Levi.
The details of Levi’s battle with them were also specified clearly.
It was clear that Bruce and Raysonia’s forces were behind everything.
Bruce was utterly shocked.
Who published that on the dark web? They actually know all the details of the fight!
We’ve already sealed all information, so how did the informant find out? It’s impossible that someone from the Raysonia’s forces leaked it. So, who is it?
The person even published a lot of strong evidence, making it irrefutable.
He claimed to be Levi’s admirer.
Even if Levi was dead, the truth must be exposed, so everyone could know how brave he had been.
No matter how powerful Levi might be, he was still outnumbered, thus leading to his defeat.
Regardless, what Bruce said about Levi being killed by The Annihilator was false.
“Oh my God! There are so many fighters involved. Did Levi kill all of them alone?”
“Even though he had a burden with him, he could still kill so many fighters. As expected of someone who topped Erudia’s Gem List!”
“Damn it! The Annihilator played dirty! How despicable!”
“They are just a bunch of shameless jerks. Go to hell!”
While everyone praised Levi’s bravery, they criticized Bruce and The Annihilator.
Despite his death, Levi was still as revered as when he was alive.
The Manifest Court did not even update the Gem List.
For the time being, Levi was still in the first place.
This was an unprecedented situation. Not only was a deceased fighter still on the list, but he was also topping it.
That was Levi’s charisma.
However, everyone interpreted it differently from The Manifest Court.
It seemed like The Manifest Court had discovered something else, but kept their silence about it.
Meanwhile, everyone else was still oblivious.
The Manifest Court was so mysterious that even The Cardinal Hall was clueless about its operations too.
After all, The Manifest Court was capable enough to investigate the Sacred Organization.
Since they did not update the Gem List and continued placing Levi in the first place, they might have another intention.
After realizing the truth, the Seven Fiends were furious.
They were already planning how to take revenge.
Meanwhile, the Eighteen Dark Angels gathered somewhere in Baykeep. The sky was dark, while the stormy winds sent the sand and dust whirling vigorously in the sky.
An enormous black castle towered over them.
It looked as ominous as a mythic beast’s open jaws—mysterious and terrifying.
The Eighteen Dark Angels entered.
In a large hall, all of them kneeled in unison.
They were so devout that they seemed like fervent believers.
An obscured figure sat atop the throne in front of them.
“Your Highness, Levi has already died. We couldn’t bring him here!” said the Death Fiend carefully.
“Yeah. Bruce from the Lab of Gods has devised a plan to kill him. We’ve confirmed that the intel is accurate,” added the rest.
A long silence ensued, causing the Eighteen Dark Angels to feel uneasy as they knelt on the floor.
They did not know what the Dark Emperor was thinking about, nor did they dare to ask.
A minute passed before a stern and strange voice sounded. “He has deceived the entire world!”
The Dark Emperor’s shocking remark caused the Eighteen Angels to be dumbfounded.
A look of disbelief appeared in their eyes.
What? He deceived the entire world? Doesn’t that mean…
“Did Levi trick us? Is he still alive?”
A scary question surfaced in everyone’s mind.


This sudden revelation dropped upon them like a bomb, engulfing them in utter panic.

If news about this got out, the entire world would be in chaos.
A look of disbelief appeared on Death Fiend and the other members of the Eighteen Dark Angels’ faces.

How is that possible? Bruce watched his corpse dissolve!
“Wait! It’s possible that what everyone saw was nothing but an illusion! Isn’t Goldenport Island the hometown of Erudia’s master of magical techniques? Perhaps, an extremely powerful master has intervened. What everyone saw was merely an illusion!”
Death Fiend suddenly realized what was going on.
“Even if that’s the case, how can he conceal it from so many experts? Someone exposed the details of the battle and confirmed that Levi had been defeated.”
The Eighteen Dark Angels started discussing amongst themselves.
They concluded that Levi had definitely died, but a master of magical technique might have rescued his corpse afterward.
The Dark Emperor’s stately voice sounded again. “The person I’ve set my eyes on will never fail. However, what surprised me was…”
He paused mid-sentence.
Everyone was even more confused about what the Dark Emperor was trying to say.
Did Levi do something that went against his expectations? No way! It’d be a miracle if Levi’s still alive.
However, judging from the Dark Emperor’s tone, it sounds like he won’t be surprised if Levi is still alive.
Something else has surprised him…
“I hope that it’s just a coincidence! A coincidence…”
The Dark Emperor’s consecutive sighs echoed across the castle like a thunderous boom.
However, everyone became even more perplexed.
Is there something about Levi that can scare the Dark Emperor?
It was obvious to the Eighteen Dark Angels how powerful the Dark Emperor was.
To them, his highness was like their divinity.
Not even the most extreme subject from the Lab of Gods could compare to him!
Meanwhile, a figure appeared in The Manifest Court of The Cardinal Hall.
He bowed slightly in front of The Manifest Court to show his respect.
“Why are you here?”
A surprised voice sounded from within.
“I’m here to confirm if Levi has died or not,” replied the visitor.
“Indeed, you’re the only one who remains doubtful about this… Haha!”
Laughter rang out.
“What’s the answer?” asked the visitor again.
The only response from The Manifest Court was laughter.
“Alright, I understand.”
The person turned around and left.
Robed Slayer lived in a house in Oakland City.
Aside from his martial abilities, Robed Slayer was also an extremely rich man.
He had six houses within Oakland City alone.
All of them were located in the city center, with any random house costing hundreds of billions.
He had six of those houses, excluding other properties that he also owned.
Furthermore, Robed Slayer never stayed in a single spot. He had properties in other places as well.
At that moment, he was sipping some tea to calm himself.
He could not accept Levi’s downfall.
After all, Levi was not only his most powerful opponent but also his savior.
Even though Levi had appeared, disguised as a doctor, Robed Slayer still recognized him.
He had been wishing to find an opportunity to repay Levi’s favor, but it seemed impossible now.
Robed Slayer heaved a deep sigh.
At that moment, Robed Slayer’s ears detected a noise outside.
“Who’s that?” he exclaimed in shock.
He was the only person in the house after instructing his apprentices and butler to leave.
Not even the sounds of a bug could escape him.
Why did I hear a noise?
Robed Slayer appeared in the courtyard as quickly as a bolt of lightning and hurried toward the source of the noise.
Someone stood in front of him.
“Who’s that?” asked Robed Slayer coldly.
His intense gaze landed on the person’s face.
When he caught a closer glimpse of the person, a look of utter terror crossed his face.
He could barely believe his eyes.
“It’s you?”
Robed Slayer swallowed hard.


Although he was lamenting Levi’s death just moments before, the person was now right in front of him.

It was definitely not a ghost or a figment of his hallucination.
The person was none other than Levi himself!

He’s still alive!
Robed Slayer was so excited that he wanted to let out a roar, but he could not make a single sound.
“I can only come to you.”
Levi smiled.
The reasons why he came to look for Robed Slayer were simple.
Firstly, everyone knew that Robed Slayer had been poisoned. Even if he managed to survive, his power would diminish greatly. In reality, however, Levi had cured him already. Despite so, he had already faded from everyone’s memory. As he was no different from a dead man, no one paid attention to him.
Secondly, Delano, who was associated with the Raysonia’s forces, was Robed Slayer’s apprentice.
Thirdly, Robed Slayer was influential enough to help Levi.
“That’s great!”
Despite the numerous words Robed Slayer wanted to say, everything was condensed into this single sentence.
That’s right! Levi is still alive! He isn’t dead!
The Manifest Court and the Dark Emperor already knew this.
This was why The Manifest Court did not update the Erudia Gem List, and why the Dark Emperor gave the Eighteen Dark Angels such a response.
Why was Levi still alive?
Back then, he had no way out when he was battling the numerous experts. All he could do was to let The Annihilator defeat him.
The reason why his corpse was not destroyed was because of the Half Phantom, a master of magical techniques.
Everyone was confused about how he could still survive.
It was not because someone had saved him.
Everything boiled down to Levi himself.
Even after he killed everyone else, The Annihilator appeared right at that moment.
Although it was true that he was out of ideas, he still had the Forbidden Technique.
When he was fettered by the Dragon Chain, he had used the Forbidden Technique for the first time.
However, as no one was watching him back then, no one knew that he had used the Forbidden Technique.
However, there were so many people watching him at that moment, especially Bruce and the others. That was equivalent to the entire world spectating him.
If he unleashed the Forbidden Technique, he would expose himself.
The impacts on his master would be significant.
Because of how mysterious his master was, Levi was unwilling to expose him.
After all, he was also a man of his word.
He would keep his promises, especially to his master who had saved his life.
Hence, the Forbidden Technique was definitely out of bounds.
Even if he was on the brink of death, he still could not use it.
If he used the Forbidden Technique, he could kill The Annihilator no matter how powerful the latter might be. In that case, he could survive.
However, his trump card, the Forbidden Technique, and his master would be exposed to Bruce.
More terrifyingly, there were multiple people monitoring his every move in secret.
The Lab of Gods and the Sacred Organization still operated in mysterious ways.
Levi was also wary about The Cardinal Hall and Eragon.
Hence, he could never reveal his hidden trump card.
There was only one method left—use the Forbidden Technique, but only half of it.
Levi possessed multiple Forbidden Techniques, with one of them called the Secrecy Spell.
It was a very special Forbidden Technique.
Once someone used it on himself, his aura and signs of vitality would disappear.
Regardless of how powerful one might be, or how advanced a machine might be, nothing could detect his existence.
It was as if he had vanished into thin air.
If one did not personally see the vanishing person, it would be impossible to find him.
No matter how omnipotent one was, no one could detect the person’s existence.
Levi had always suspected that his master used this Forbidden Technique to hide in the prison.
In that case, no one should even bother to try looking for him.
Before he used that spell, Levi was certain that his master was using that Forbidden Technique.
That was why no one looked for him for so many years.
Naturally, this Forbidden Technique could be used to fake one’s death!
However, as there were many people monitoring him, Levi did not dare to unleash the full technique.
Instead of concealing himself, he might expose himself instead.
Hence, he only used half of the Forbidden Technique.
As for the other half…


Levi had used the Forbidden Technique to hide all traces of himself.

That step was used especially to target the masters of magical techniques.
If someone pretended to be dead, everything would have stopped, including his heartbeat.

To any modern machine or person, he would seem dead.
No matter how one checked him, his death was certain.
However, masters of magical techniques, who were more commonly known as fortune tellers, could detect the person’s traces and existence. It was impossible to hide the truth from them.
For example, when Levi could not find Zoey, he thought that she was dead.
However, Wildefield managed to find out that she was still alive because they had left a mark on her.
Zoey was only dead if the mark was destroyed.
However, as the mark was still intact, it meant that she was alive.
The same principle could be applied here.
The masters of magical techniques and the extremely powerful fighters could still detect someone’s existence, and thus, whether the person was dead or not.
For someone as meticulous as Bruce, he would still be worried even after witnessing Levi’s corpse being dissolved.
He gathered shamans from tribe villages, a witch, and even a priest to check if Levi was truly dead.
Their skillsets were quite similar to that of Erudia’s masters of magical techniques.
Yet, they still could not detect any signs of Levi’s existence!
As such, they concluded that he was dead.
Only then did Bruce feel relieved.
Levi had used the Forbidden Technique to trick them into believing that he was truly dead instead of feigning his own death.
He only used half of the technique because he wanted to conceal the fact that it was a Forbidden Technique. That way, he would not bring any trouble to his master.
As for the other half…
Levi managed to succeed because of his recent medical research.
To cure Zoey and the talented fighters of Erudia who had been crippled, Levi had flipped through all the ancient medical scrolls left by his master.
Hence, Levi used his medical knowledge to make himself appear dead.
With his advanced medical skills, no one realize that he was merely feigning his own death.
In addition to the Forbidden Technique, he seemed to everyone else that he was truly dead.
He managed to deceive everyone, except the truly powerful such as the Dark Emperor and The Manifest Court.
More scarily, the Dark Emperor had noticed something abnormal. From his doubts earlier, it was obvious that he had discovered the Forbidden Technique.
However, as Levi had only unleashed half of it, the Dark Emperor was still unsure.
That was why he was still suspicious.
If Levi had unleashed the Forbidden Technique completely, the Dark Emperor would definitely find out.
In that case, his master’s identity would be exposed.
Hence, in the nick of time, Levi used his medical skills to feign his death. Then, he used the Forbidden Technique to conceal all signs of his vitality.
With that, he managed to deceive everyone, including the Half Phantom, Xenotoph, and the rest.
Even though he was pretending to be dead, Levi was still conscious and aware of everything that was happening.
What Levi did not expect was that Bruce wanted The Annihilator to destroy his body.
If he continued to fake his death, his body might actually be dissolved.
At that most critical moment, Levi knew that a master of magical techniques had intervened.
He realized that it was the Half Phantom afterward.
After the Half Phantom threw him into the sea, he left directly.
Robed Slayer listened to Levi narrate everything patiently.
Stroking his chin, he peered at Levi suspiciously and asked, “I have a question… So the Half Phantom cast a spell, created an illusion, and caused everyone to think that your corpse has been dissolved. However, Bruce and the rest spectated everything through the real-time footage from the drones… No matter how powerful the Half Phantom might be, he can’t possibly deceive those people in front of the screens too, right?”
Although Bruce did not really focus on the footage at the start, he had witnessed the scene when The Annihilator started to dissolve Levi’s corpse.
In that case, it was uncertain how Bruce could still be deceived.


When Levi heard Robed Slayer’s question, he remained silent.

He rolled his sleeves up and revealed his bloody wounds.
“Oh my…”

Robed Slayer was shocked, having understood what had happened.
The scene of The Annihilator dissolving Levi’s corpse was real!
Levi had been severely injured by The Annihilator’s beams.
The Half Phantom only deceived the rest at the end.
Because what Bruce witnessed at the start was real, he did not suspect anything.
After all, it was impossible for the surveillance footage to be false.
He had merely not seen what happened afterward.
“Are your wounds alright?” asked Robed Slayer immediately.
“They’re fine. I’m a doctor, anyway. These are just superficial injuries, so they’ll heal soon.”
Levi looked nonchalant.
For some reason, however, Robed Slayer felt pity for him.
With their age difference, he could very well be Levi’s older brother.
To him, Levi was like a child.
Yet, he had to shoulder the burden of protecting Erudia.
Over and over again, he was injured…
Over and over again, he teetered on the brink of death…
“Mr. Garrison, since you’re still alive, you probably have a plan, right?”
Robed Slayer already guessed that Levi wanted to take action.
“That’s why I came looking for you. Now, I can’t seek help from any of my subordinates because I’ll expose that fact that I’m still alive.”
Levi smiled.
“What do you need me to do, Mr. Garrison? Just tell me!” offered Robed Slayer.
No one knew that he still possessed his previous abilities. In fact, he was stronger than before!
He was in a better position to help Levi this way.
“You’ve been keeping an eye on your disciple, Delano, right?” asked Levi.
“Yes. I already have a grasp on his tracks in Raysonia,” replied Robed Slayer.
Smirking coldly, Levi said, “The Raysonian forces, Bruce and the Levi tried to kill me this time. I’ll never let them off the hook! I want to take revenge on every single of them! My first target is the Raysonian forces. Using Delano, I need you to help me investigate all of their operations.”
Levi was filled with a desire for murder—he yearned to take revenge!
He would personally take revenge on the Raysonia forces, Bruce, and the others.
None of them would be shown any mercy, especially The Annihilator!
To fake his death, Levi had suffered The Annihilator’s blows for nothing.
Levi was determined to pay it back to him two-fold.
“Sure, no problem. I’ll definitely help!”
Robed Slayer nodded.
Recently, he had discovered something critical from Delano.
This was also a reason why Levi had looked for him.
If he asked the West Sky Lord to investigate, he might alert the others unnecessarily.
Furthermore, the West Sky Lord and the rest had been drowning in grief for the past few days.
They had probably given up on investigating anything.
“Do it as soon as possible! I’ll be heading to Raysonia tomorrow, which makes it my third trip there. My first two trips have both ended up in chaos. This time, I want to destroy Raysonia, making them live in the shadow of my terror forever! The moment they hear my name, they’ll tremble and faint from fear.”
Levi was so riled up that Robed Slayer fell into a daze looking at him.
If someone else said that, he would think that the person was just spouting nonsense.
However, this was none other than Levi, who was still alive.
At that moment, Robed Slayer was filled with anticipation.
He was not only a witnesser of this momentous event but also a participant of it.
He had lived for so many years, but he could not even compare to Levi, who had only lived for two or three decades.
After all, no one but Levi would dare to create a ruckus at Raysonia.
“Okay, I’ll arrange for it right away. I’ll mobilize all of my manpower and connections to do this!”
However, an awkward look crossed Robed Slayer’s face afterward. “I have a small request, though?”
“What is it?”
“Please let me tag along! I want to make a name for myself again!” said Robed Slayer.
After thinking about it, Levi nodded.


Although he initially planned on going alone, he did not mind bringing Robed Slayer along.

Firstly, Robed Slayer was very powerful.
Secondly, he had already faded from everyone’s attention.

“Right, when we fought earlier, I realized that your technique is slightly wrong…”
Levi had inherited a lot of knowledge from his master, which was all-encompassing and comprehensive.
In fact, it was the most foundational knowledge of any martial arts in the world.
As all techniques were related in some ways, Levi could notice some flaws and mistakes in Robed Slayer’s techniques.
When faced with Levi’s guidance, Robed Slayer did not dare to be arrogant at all. Instead, he listened attentively.
“I see! No wonder… I get it now.”
“What? I can do that?”
“Oh my God? This is possible?”
“I’m going mad!”
Robed Slayer’s exclamations resounded through the house for the entire night.
After receiving Levi’s guidance, Robed Slayer was able to resolve many of the doubts he had regarding martial arts.
His abilities soared rapidly, reaching a new level that surpassed his past self, even when he had the Divine Sword.
If he fought with the experts whom Levi battled a few days ago, he might defeat all of them.
Of course, The Annihilator was an exception.
Not even Levi knew how powerful he was.
In the past, Levi thought that Robed Slayer was not powerful enough. However, he had now found an assistant whose abilities were up to standard.
Both of them were energetic the next day.
For Robed Slayer, it was because he had achieved a breakthrough and reached a higher league.
For Levi, it was because his wounds had healed significantly after a night’s worth of treatment.
He was already two-third healed.
Soon, he would recover completely.
“Why don’t you go to Raysonia after you’ve fully recovered, Mr. Garrison?” asked Robed Slayer.
He was mainly worried about Levi’s injuries.
“No! We have to go now, as soon as possible. I want to catch them off guard and kill them!”
Levi was firm.
Robed Slayer nodded. “Okay, I’ll arrange for it now.”
Soon, he finished all the arrangements.
“I need to disguise myself. You can choose if you want to put on a disguise or not—it doesn’t matter.”
Levi used an ancient disguise technique in front of Robed Slayer and swiftly transformed into another person.
Robed Slayer did not even recognize him.
“I’ll disguise myself too, Mr. Garrison. It’s more convenient that way.”
Robed Slayer laughed.
Just when Levi was about to change Robed Slayer’s appearance, a voice sounded. “Master!”
“Oh no! It’s Delano!”
Robed Slayer’s expression changed drastically when he realized that it was Delano’s voice.
As someone who was wary of everything, Delano was able to conceal his identity and stay by Robed Slayer’s side.
More importantly, he was from Raysonia.
Robed Slayer was worried that he might notice something abnormal after seeing Levi.
The only solution is to kill Delano, but I can’t do that now.
He still serves a purpose alive.
Delano has already finished his mission and ruined me, but why is he still roaming around Erudia?
Firstly, he’s still oblivious to the fact that his identity has been exposed.
Secondly, he probably had a new mission.
While Robed Slayer was thinking about it, Delano and the rest had already entered.
When Delano saw Robed Slayer looking prepared to go out, he immediately asked, “Where are you going, Master?”
Robed Slayer had already regained his composure by then.
“I’m going to Raysonia!” he replied calmly.
Meanwhile, he quickly thought of a way to deal with Delano.
Delano and the rest were shocked.
“Why are you going to Raysonia, Master?” asked Delano.
“I’m going to visit an old friend!”
Before Robed Slayer could explain further, Delano’s gaze landed on Levi.
“Who is this, Master?” asked Delano.
A few of Robed Slayer’s disciples glanced at Levi too.
At that moment, Robed Slayer was at peak of anxiety, afraid that Delano would notice something.
However, Levi’s reaction to the situation gave Robed Slayer a huge shock.


When Levi spoke, he spoke in fluent Raysonian.

Robed Slayer was an experienced man and had fought with a swordmaster in the past. Hence, he understood some Raysonian.
However, he was still stunned when he heard Levi speaking it.

It was as if Levi had grown up in Raysonia.
Even Delano was shocked.
As someone from Raysonia, he knew how fluent Levi was.
Including his tone and accent, Levi was like a native of Raysonia.
On the other hand, this was not actually tough for Levi.
When he was training with the special forces in the past, learning the languages and customs of other countries had already become a foundational skill.
The more knowledgeable one was about it, the lower the chances of dying.
Hence, every one put in a lot of effort in mastering that.
Usually, Levi could not be bothered to learn about foreign cultures, but his missions left him with no choice.
Surprisingly, this skill came in handy now.
What Levi said was very simple.
He came from Ulmrich, an island in Raysonia. Robed Slayer’s old friend, who was also a descendent of one of his disciples, had sent Levi to pick him up.
Delano and his other disciples knew that Robed Slayer had traveled extensively around the world.
It was not surprising that he had a few disciples in Raysonia.
More importantly, Levi’s fluent Raysonian and accent gave no reason for Delano to doubt him.
“I see!”
Delano laughed and said, “Master, you should’ve told me if you’re going to Raysonia. That’s my turf!”
After all, the persona which Delano had created for himself was one who knew Raysonia well.
Upon meeting Levi’s gaze, Robed Slayer immediately agreed. “Okay, go and prepare now.”
“No problem, Master!”
Delano left excitedly.
After everyone left, Robed Slayer asked confusedly, “Mr. Garrison, we’ll no longer have control now. Although I do have disciples in Raysonia, we’ll have to fabricate more lies now. I’m afraid that our true intentions will be exposed.”
However, Levi laughed. “Don’t be scared!”
Robed Slayer was confused.
“Because he wants to kill you!”
Robed Slayer shuddered when he heard that.
His expression changed as a realization dawned upon him.
“Delano doesn’t care what reason you have. The main point is that you’re going to Raysonia! This is an amazing opportunity for him to prove himself to his master. If he manages to kill you, it’ll be a huge blow to Erudia’s martial arts world. Once you leave Erudia and go to Raysonia, it’ll be a great chance for him to kill you. He’s probably sending a message to his master now. Once we enter Raysonia, there’ll be a death trap waiting for us!” explained Levi with a smile.
Although Robed Slayer was unwilling to admit it, that was the truth.
He had been blind enough to accept Delano as his disciple.
“However, he didn’t know that you’ve regained your full powers, and is even stronger than before. Furthermore, I’m with you!” assured Levi again.
“This is a good thing! Through Delano, it’s easier to find out who has been manipulating everything behind the scenes,” he added.
Robed Slayer had a sudden revelation.
Levi is right.
Meanwhile, Delano had already sent a message to the forces in Raysonia, saying that Robed Slayer would be heading there immediately.
The forces in Raysonia were like Delano—they were not interested in why Robed Slayer wanted to go to Raysonia.
Furthermore, as Levi had already convinced Delano, the latter did not suspect anything.
All they cared about was the fact that Robed Slayer was going to go to Raysonia.
“That’s great! The fighter who topped Erudia’s Gem List has just been killed. If Robed Slayer, who used to be in the second place, is killed as well, Erudia will suffer a huge blow!”
“Mobilize the men! Although Robed Slayer has been cured of the poison, he is much weaker now. We can kill him without sending out many fighters.”
A death trap was waiting for Levi and Robed Slayer at that moment.


While Delano and the forces in Raysonia thought that they were a step ahead of Robed Slayer, the reality was that Levi and he were actually miles ahead of them already.

Never would they expect Levi to be alive, and even heading to Raysonia to take revenge.
In fact, Delano was the one who offered to bring them there.

Soon, Levi and the rest made their preparations and followed Delano to Raysonia.
During the journey, the Raysonian forces contacted Delano and said that they had prepared everything.
Upon thinking that Robed Slayer would soon die in his hands, Delano became extremely excited.
His position in the organization would be higher!
Meanwhile, Levi and Robed Slayer had already fabricated a flawless story about his old friend in Raysonia.
Even if Delano were to investigate it, he would not find anything.
Yet, they did not know that news about Robed Slayer going to Raysonia had already spread far and wide there.
Many forces in Raysonia were getting restless, wishing to witness the downfall of the Erudian legend.
After landing at Ulmrich in Raysonia, Delano had prepared some cars to transport them around.
The cars drove out of the bustling city center and toward a more remote area.
Naturally, Levi and Robed Slayer knew what he was up to.
“This isn’t right… The route is wrong!” remarked Levi on purpose.
Delano laughed. “I have a present for Master.”
“Okay, I want to see what you have for me!”
A look of anticipation crossed Robed Slayer’s face, as if he did not suspect anything.
A small smile formed on Delano’s lips.
No matter how powerful his master was, his weakness was that he trusted his disciples too much.
Soon, the car arrived at a remote hill.
The sky darkened as a murderous aura filled the air.
“We’re here, Master. I’ll get the present first!”
Delano gave an excuse to leave the car.
Still sitting in the car, Levi exchanged a glance with Robed Slayer.
“It’s coming!”
Levi chuckled.
Robed Slayer was already monitoring the people Delano contacted in Erudia and Raysonia. In fact, he had also discovered the various spies and relevant addresses in both countries.
Delano’s death trap had exposed too much information.
The forces backing him up were oblivious to the fact that they were being spied on right now.
As a result, Levi had already garnered a lot of information about the forces backing Delano up.
His next step was to take revenge on all of them, not letting a single one of them off the hook.
Both of them got out of the car.
Soon, more than a hundred fighters suddenly surrounded them, sealing any paths of escape.
A huge clock was moved over and smashed heavily on the ground.
Looking at Levi and Robed Slayer, Delano laughed sinisterly. “This is my gift for you, Master! This means that your time is up! I’ll be sending you away on your last journey in this world.”
“A-Are you going to kill me?”
Like a skilled actor, Robed Slayer feigned a look of surprise.
“That’s right, Master. I’m going to kill you! Also, I’m the one who poisoned you… I’m from Raysonia!”
Delano exposed all of his secrets.
In his opinion, it was impossible for Robed Slayer and Levi to survive.
Revealing all of his previous deeds gave him a weird sense of satisfaction.
Robed Slayer pretended to be dumbfounded.
All the forces in Raysonia, especially those in the martial arts world, were paying close attention to this scene.
Delano thought that his status would rise significantly after killing Robed Slayer.
“I’m sorry, Master. Hahaha!”
A twisted look of menace suddenly appeared on Delano’s face. “Attack! Kill them!”
The fighters whom the Raysonian forces had dispatched were all going to target the injured Robed Slayer.
No matter what, his death was certain.
However, after Levi exchanged a glance with Robed Slayer, they revealed a meaningful smile.
More than a hundred fighters charged toward both of them.


Delano then turned around gracefully as he knew it would be a one-sided massacre without even having to look.

Hundreds of warriors came charging forward, but Levi simply stood there with his hands behind his back.
Robed Slayer, on the other hand, struck at his foes without any hesitation.

Putting what he learned last night into use, his punch packed such immense power that the enemy instantly exploded in a bloody mist.
Blood splattered everywhere, and ear-piercing screams could be heard as every single punch he delivered turned the enemy into a bloody pulp.
None of the warriors expected Robed Slayer to come out of their encounter completely unscathed and show no signs of poisoning whatsoever.
Delano was right about the fight being a one-sided massacre, except it was his men that were being killed by Robed Slayer.
The screams of anguish continued in the background.
Delano turned around when he noticed something was amiss, and what he saw next nearly made him faint.
Hundreds of warriors were dropping like flies left and right.
Robed Slayer was so overwhelmingly powerful that he made those warriors look like ordinary, untrained people.
Everyone was dumbfounded as a ton of questions filled their heads.
Is this guy really Robed Slayer? Wasn’t he given a nasty poison? Shouldn’t he be severely weakened by now? Didn’t he drop to fifth place on the Gem List? How is he still so strong? It’s almost as if he got stronger than before he was poisoned!
Delano finally realized that he had messed up big time when he saw Robed Slayer get increasingly aggressive in combat.
With a hard stomp, Robed Slayer shattered a huge bell and sent pieces of it flying everywhere.
The pieces tore right through the warriors’ bodies, and their numbers had gone from hundreds to a mere few in the blink of an eye.
Having finally snapped out of it, Delano quickly fled the scene as he didn’t want to end up dead.
Levi simply chuckled as he watched Delano run away without giving chase.
Awesome, now we don’t even need to search for the headquarters because Delano will lead us straight to it!
Levi figured Delano would return to the headquarters after making his escape, so he left a mark on Delano’s body and would be able to find him no matter where he went.
Robed Slayer then quickly mopped up the rest of the warriors after Delano left.
In the past, it would have taken him quite some time to dispatch that many warriors, but he had improved so much that he got it done in just a few minutes.
The fight with Robed Slayer in Ulmrich had alerted most of the Raysonian forces.
“What? Robed Slayer wasn’t affected by the poison and has gotten stronger?”
“How is that possible? It almost feels like he should be ranked third on the Gem List!”
The Dark Sun was the name of a powerful Raysonian organization that had always been targeting Levi and Erudia as a whole.
It was formed when powerful elders from all fields in Raysonia banded together for the prosperity of the Raysonian martial arts world.
The Dark Sun had made several plans against the Erudian martial arts world shortly after its inception, but Levi had foiled every single one of them.
Working together with Bruce to kill Levi was the first major accomplishment for them, and they were going to kill Robed Slayer next.
However, Robed Slayer surprised them with his overwhelming power which far surpassed their expectations.
Delano ran straight for the headquarters as quickly as he could for fear of being pursued, inadvertently exposing some very valuable information in the process.
Meanwhile, Levi and Robed Slayer had come up with a name list of The Dark Sun’s key forces.
There were ten in total, each of them being big shots from all sorts of fields.
“Are you all prepared to die?”


Levi began going through the names on the list.

Let’s see… We’ve got Raysonia’s first and second largest business conglomerates, the Yamaguchi Corporation and Matsugami Corporation…
A local tyrant in the Raysonian underworld named Shin Yoshikawa…

The Watanabe family which serves as the military strategist of Raysonia (Former family of the military strategist, Tenichi Watanabe)…
The six ancient martial arts clans of Raysonia, namely the Kitajima family, the Hattori family, the Nogawa family, the Kameda family, the Kuno family, and the Yagyuu family…
And lastly, the Taiin Shrine which houses a huge number of priests (similar to Erudia’s master of magical techniques)…
Those are the key forces of The Dark Sun, and they all have very specific responsibilities. Some contribute financially, some provide firepower, and some are in charge of strategizing. However, the organization is highly secretive, and practically no one in Raysonia knows of its existence. The Dark Sun had devised many plans in secret, but Delano’s actions had exposed every single one of them. He’s currently hiding in Edojo, the capital city of Raysonia. So, his loyalty is with the Watanabe clan, I see…
Levi was fully aware of Delano’s whereabouts at all times.
“Which one are we closest to right now?” he asked.
Robed Slayer was able to quickly pinpoint the locations of those key members. “Since we’re in Ulmrich, I’d say the Matsugami Corporation. The Kameda family is also here in Ulmrich, but they’re a bit farther away.”
“In that case, let’s start with the Matsugami Corporation!” Levi said with a cold look in his eyes.
Meanwhile, Delano had just told The Dark Sun all about Robed Slayer’s recovery and him being stronger than before, much to their surprise.
“This won’t do! If he’s here in Raysonia, then we must make sure he stays here permanently!”
Word about Robed Slayer being in Raysonia soon spread like wildfire, and most of Erudia had found out about it.
“What? Robed Slayer is in Raysonia? And he’s already recovered?”
“What’s he planning to do? Is he going to bring glory to Erudia?”
Everyone in Erudia was still mourning the loss of Levi, which came as a huge blow to the Erudian martial arts world.
As such, the news about Robed Slayer sparked some hope in the hearts of the people, and they began to focus their attention on his whereabouts.
The Dark Sun too had sent their warriors to hunt down and kill Robed Slayer.
A huge party was taking place in a fancy mansion in Ulmrich, and most of the guests were sons and daughters of wealthy businessmen or prodigies from Ancient Warrior Families.
They were the most excellent among the youth of Ulmrich, and they had all gathered around to attend the birthday party of Sakurako Matsugami, the heiress to the Matsugami Corporation.
Sakurako was dressed in a white evening gown and was greeting the guests at the door.
“What? The eldest son of the Kameda family, Ichido Kameda is here?”
Ichido was the heir to the Kameda family, one of the six Ancient Warrior Families in Raysonia, and his appearance excited a commotion among the guests immediately.
Unlike the other heirs of wealthy families, heirs of Ancient Warrior Families were extremely powerful and could easily crush them all at will.
That was what made him the most important guest at the party, and even Sakurako herself wasn’t expecting him to show up.
Everyone then flocked toward him and bowed to show their respect.
“By the way, have you guys heard of the latest news? Robed Slayer of Erudia has arrived in Raysonia!”
“After the fall of Levi Garrison who ranks first on the Gem List? Does he have a death wish or something?”
Everyone began discussing about Robed Slayer.
“Do you guys think Robed Slayer will come to cause trouble here?” someone asked all of a sudden.
An arrogant smile formed on Ichido’s face when he heard that. “I’ll let you all in on a little secret. My family took part in the killing of Levi Garrison!”
“What?” Everyone looked at him in shock and admiration.
“Levi will die if he so much as sets foot here in Raysonia, let alone Robed Slayer!” Ichido continued with a smile.


His extreme confidence was backed by the fact that his family was indeed involved in killing Levi by sending the dwarf samurai.

Despite his arrogance, most of the women at the party were looking at him in admiration.
In fact, even Sakurako was starting to change the way she viewed him.

The Matsugami Corporation had also contributed to killing Levi, so she knew how strong martial artists were as well as the importance of power in this world.
“Don’t worry, Ms. Matsugami! With me around, no one will dare cause trouble at your birthday party! Those who do will become my enemy! Besides, we’ve already sent lots of warriors to kill Robed Slayer!” Ichido said with a smile.
“Really? That’s great! Those who dare mess with us in Raysonia shall die!”
“Erudia’s martial arts world sure is done for! First, they lose their number one warrior on the Gem List, and now the second one is going to die as well! Man, the mere thought of it gets me all excited!”
Ichido’s confidence had rubbed off on the people around him, and they all began laughing along with him.
Like the people of Zarain, Raysonians have always hated Erudia, especially individuals like Levi.
As such, the news of his death and the upcoming death of another Erudian warrior called for a celebration.
Levi and Robed Slayer had received word of the birthday party and arrived shortly after it started.
Levi planned on getting to the head of Matsugami Corporation through Sakurako and destroying it from there.
The two of them then quickly took out the guards at the entrance before strolling casually into the mansion.
Sakurako maintained a smile on her face at all times as the guests stepped forward to present her their gifts.
As they were about to proceed to the next segment of the party, a loud and bright voice was heard.
“Wait! I still have another gift for the birthday girl!”
Everyone turned toward the direction of the voice and saw a young man who was accompanied by an old man.
The lighting cast a shadow over Robed Slayer’s face as he stood behind Levi, so no one was able to recognize him at first.
“Who are they? I’ve never seen them before!”
Everyone began discussing among themselves.
One of the guests noticed that Levi was empty-handed and asked curiously, “And what gift would that be?”
“Death to her entire family!” Levi replied with a smile, shocking everyone at the scene.
Nobody had expected for troublemakers to show up at Sakurako’s birthday party, especially with the heir to the Kameda family around.
Has this guy lost his mind? How dare he threaten to kill my entire family at my birthday party? I’ve never seen such insolent behavior!
The look on Sakurako’s face changed instantly, and her assistant who was standing beside her shouted, “We’ve got a troublemaker here! Hurry up and take him down!
However, no one responded to her call for help as Levi and Robed Slayer had taken out all the bodyguards and security guards.
“Where is everyone?”
“Hey, security!” the guests shouted as well, but no one came.
“Save your breath! They’re all dead!” Levi said as he made his way toward Sakurako.
He had such a domineering air about him that everyone was frozen in fear, and they all turned to Ichido for help as he was the only one capable of doing anything.
Ichido and his men had cold, arrogant looks on their faces as they stepped forward.
“Do you have any idea who I am? How dare you stir up trouble here?” he asked while flashing Levi a disdainful glare.
“I don’t give a f*ck who you are!” Levi retorted while slapping him hard across the face.
Everyone in the area fell silent instantly.


They were all frozen in shock, including Ichido and his men who were standing beside him.

Levi’s sudden slap had caught them completely off guard and opened up a bloody wound on Ichido’s cheek.
“Have you lost your mind? He’s the freaking heir to the Kameda family!” one of the guests exclaimed in shock.

Levi simply chuckled in response when he heard that.
I came here for the Matsugami family, and now I’m getting a member of the Kameda family as a bonus!
“Die!” Ichido shouted while charging at Levi after snapping out of his daze.
I’m one of the top ten in Raysonia and used to attend the Elites Conference! No one has ever dared humiliate me like this!
“Guh!” Ichido was then sent flying with another slap from Levi and died on the spot.
Considering the fact that he wasn’t even able to defeat Levi’s disciple in the past, it was only natural that he lost to Levi.
Wait… Did the heir to the Kameda family just die? This is unbelievable!
Everyone was staring wide-eyed at Ichido’s lifeless body in shock.
Smack! Smack!
Levi then went on to slap the men beside Ichido into the next life, and everyone at the party freaked out.
Is he going to kill everyone here?
“Hey, I recognize that guy! He’s Robed Slayer!” someone shouted when they got a clearer look at Robed Slayer who was standing at the back.
“What the… It really is him! He’s actually here!”
“Damn it, I can’t believe I jinxed us all!” said the man who mentioned Robed Slayer earlier as he slapped himself hard across the face in regret.
Both Levi and Robed Slayer were exuding such a terrifying aura that everyone around them was fearing for their lives.
They were afraid that the two would go on a massacre.
Thud! Thud!
Some of the guests succumbed to fear and dropped to their knees as they begged to be spared.
“Anyone not working for Matsugami Corporation is free to go!” Levi shouted.
All of the guests quickly fled the scene upon hearing that, leaving only Sakurako and her subordinates who were petrified and rooted to the spot.
“Take us to where your family lives right now, or I’ll kill you on the spot!”
Sakurako gave in to his threat and did as told because she believed the powerful warriors of Matsugami Corporation could kill both Levi and Robed Slayer with ease.
It wasn’t long before they arrived at the house where the head of Matsugami Corporation resided.
To Sakurako’s surprise, Levi and Robed Slayer began killing the members of The Dark Sun the moment they confirmed their identities.
However, they made sure to spare the innocent women and children as they were only after those who had committed heinous crimes for the organization.
What came as an even bigger surprise was the fact that none of the warriors were able to defend themselves against the duo’s attacks.
In just half an hour, all the higher-ups of Matsugami Corporation had been killed without even knowing why, and the company fell apart as a result.
Levi and Robed Slayer then made their way to the Kameda family and repeated what they had just done.
Despite being one of the six Ancient Warrior Families, none of them were able to stop the duo’s assault.
In fact, Levi didn’t even need to do anything as Robed Slayer was capable of killing everyone by himself.
An hour later, the entire Kameda family had been wiped from existence.
News of those incidents shocked all of Ulmrich, The Dark Sun, and all of Raysonia as a whole.
The men that The Dark Sun had sent after Robed Slayer were all exposed when their two major forces were wiped out in one fell swoop.
Just like that, the Robed Slayer had shocked the world once again with his sudden recovery and unstoppable massacres in Raysonia.
Both him and Levi had become the most wanted criminals of Raysonia, with Levi being branded as Robed Slayer’s disciple.
That was mainly due to Delano’s description of Levi being the descendant of Robed Slayer’s disciple.
Robed Slayer let out a helpless chuckle when he heard the news. “Oh, the irony!”


Levi didn’t mind it one bit, though.

It was a perfect opportunity for him as everyone would be focused on Robed Slayer instead.
The elimination of the Matsugami Corporation and Kameda family had caused a huge uproar within Raysonia.

Although the Kameda family was the weakest of the Ancient Warrior Families, they were still a force to be reckoned with.
That meant Robed Slayer was a lot more threatening than they had thought, and The Dark Sun couldn’t help but feel that something was amiss about everything that had happened.
Why are our members the ones being eliminated? We could easily assume it was a coincidence with the first one, but two in a row? Hmm… Seems kind of odd… Of course, we still can’t rule out the possibility of it being a coincidence unless proven otherwise…
Levi and Robed Slayer were about to leave when they bumped into the warriors sent by The Dark Sun.
Those men were much stronger than the ones Delano hired, and even so, none of them walked out of that encounter alive.
That was when The Dark Sun fully realized the seriousness of the situation.
Robed Slayer is simply too powerful! What on earth happened to him? Why is he so powerful all of a sudden?
The Raysonian forces weren’t the only ones with those questions, though. The Erudian people were also puzzled by how Robed Slayer was stronger than when he possessed the Divine Sword.
“I remember now! Robed Slayer was treated by an Erudian doctor! Looks like the doctor not only cured him of the poison but also helped recover his strength!”
“I heard Levi was that doctor! Judging by what has happened, it’s possible that Robed Slayer is avenging his death!”
Some of the Erudian people were quick to figure out the reason Robed Slayer had regained his strength.
Delano too, arrived at that conclusion and reported it to the Watanabe family.
Due to their nature of being military strategists and advisors, the Watanabe family suspected that Delano’s actions had exposed them, and the elimination of the Matsugami Corporation and Kameda family confirmed their suspicions.
“It seems Robed Slayer has set his sights on you long ago. He knew you were planning on killing him, but pretended to not know so you’d lead him straight to all of The Dark Sun’s members!”
“If my guess is correct, all members of The Dark Sun have already been exposed by now. He’ll be coming for us one by one!”
Delano broke out in a cold sweat when he heard that.
So, Master had been acting the whole time? I can’t believe he played me like a fool!
“What do we do now? Robed Slayer is unstoppable!” Delano asked worriedly.
The elders of the Watanabe family burst into laughter.
“We would truly have to fear if Levi was the one seeking revenge, as he could very well wipe out all of The Dark Sun. But that’s not the case now that he’s already dead! With the biggest threat out of the picture, it’s only a matter of time before Robed Slayer dies here in Raysonia!”
“Even with the weakest of our ten key forces eliminated, any of the other eight stronger ones could still squash Robed Slayer like a bug!”
Delano had no reason to doubt those words at all.
Those that have been eliminated were indeed the weaker ones of the bunch, and the remaining ones were all incredibly terrifying forces to go against.
The Yamaguchi Corporation and the underworld tyrant had tons of powerful warriors on their side. In addition to that, they were also in constant contact with Zarain’s major forces.
As for the Watanabe family, anyone who so much as offended them would find themselves surrounded by men from the other Ancient Warrior Families within minutes.
Because the eight remaining forces were more or less similar in strength, messing with any of them was practically digging one’s own grave.
That was the reason why they weren’t the slightest bit worried about Robed Slayer.
“By the way, where are they headed next?”
“If I’m not mistaken, they should be going after Yamaguchi Corporation!”
“Hahaha… Those fools are dead meat! Inform the Yamaguchi Corporation and tell them to be prepared!”
The Watanabe family’s message soon reached the Yamaguchi Corporation, and they quickly prepared their defenses. Within minutes, all of their strongest warriors had gathered around and were waiting for Levi and Robed Slayer’s arrival.


“We should pick up the pace so they won’t have time to respond, Mr. Garrison!” Robed Slayer urged him anxiously.

“No, it’s too late for that now. They’ve already found out about us coming after them for revenge!” Levi replied with a smile.
The Dark Sun was a complex and highly professional organization, to begin with, so it wasn’t surprising that they could respond to threats quickly.

“What shall we do, then? They’ve probably set up their defenses by now, so we’re at a disadvantage!” Robed Slayer asked with a hint of concern on his face.
“It’s fine! They may know about you regaining your strength, but they still don’t perceive you as a threat and will continue to underestimate you! We have nothing to worry about for now!”
Robed Slayer nodded in agreement with Levi’s words.
“But they will soon realize how dangerous you are and will definitely gather their strongest forces to take us out!” Levi added.
“Of course! They’ll be on their guard once we take out another one or two of their key forces!” Robed Slayer said with a nod.
“Regardless, we have nothing to fear! No one in Raysonia can possibly stop me!”
Levi’s tone was cold as ice, but his words got Robed Slayer all fired up.
Yeah, he’s right! Everyone’s so focused on me that they won’t’ even pay attention to this “disciple” of mine! That’s when he’ll be able to shine and take them all by surprise!
Yamaguchi Corporation was located in Edojo, the capital city of Raysonia.
Being the largest business conglomerate in the country, it was very closely related to Triple Group of Keerea, and the company’s actions would sometimes even have an impact on Raysonia’s political decisions.
The head of the Yamaguchi Corporation was especially terrifying as they were in control of Raysonia’s economy and had a specially assembled team of bodyguards to ensure the safety of its higher-ups.
Throughout the years, they had hired powerful warriors from all over the world to assemble a team called “Kamikaze”, and even the Ancient Warrior Families would think twice about fighting them.
Because Raysonia was a rather small country, they often had to resort to land reclamation, so the price of its land was incredibly high.
As such, the fact that the head of the Yamaguchi Corporation lived in a fancy villa the size of a small town showed just how wealthy they were.
The villa’s design was based on that of a military base, and it was equipped with the most advanced defense systems down to every corner.
On top of that, they had hundreds of Kamikaze members guarding the area, making it practically impenetrable.
A total of ninety-eight squads of assassins have attempted to break in, and that resulted in over six hundred people dead before they even entered the villa.
The villa had been labeled as a forbidden area for outsiders which effectively discouraged intruders ever since.
The higher-ups of the Yamaguchi Corporation were all present in the villa’s largest conference room with the head of the company, Shoichi Yamaguchi, in the first seat.
There were four people seated on each side of the conference table, and the nine of them were the ones in control of Raysonia’s economy.
“I’ve just received word from the Watanabe family! That Robed Slayer guy from Erudia is coming for us next! We’ve confirmed that Robed Slayer is here to avenge Levi!” Shoichi said.
“Activate Grade One defense systems! I want to show Robed Slayer just how strong our defenses are!”
“Yeah! This is the strongest defense system developed by Raysonia’s number one tech company, SolarTech! It’s the best in the world! The technology in Erudia and Zarain are nothing compared to this!”
“No one will be able to enter the villa once it’s activated! They’ll die before they even make it to the front door!”
The higher-ups began bragging about how strong their defense system was.
“On top of that, I’ve called back all the Kamikaze warriors, so Robed Slayer won’t stand a chance in hell at coming in here!” Shoichi said with a chuckle.
“Yeah! Not even a ghost could get in here, let alone those two!”
“Oh, yeah? Then how come I’m in here?”


The Yamaguchi Corporation’s defense system and Kamikaze team were indeed very strong and had kept tons of intruders out over the years.

That was the main reason behind their source of confidence in their defenses.
Even the Watanabe family was certain that Robed Slayer would die at their hands.

However, that one sentence shocked them so much that everyone jumped in their seats.
“What the…”
“W-Who are you?”
They then quickly glanced around the conference room and nearly had a heart attack when they saw two outsiders in the room with them.
Wait… Isn’t that the Robed Slayer and his disciple? Since when did they come in here? How did they enter without raising any alarms? Are they ghosts or what? How is this possible?
Levi and Robed Slayer’s sudden appearance scared them so much that they were nearly going crazy.
“Robed Slayer? What the hell? How did you two get in?” Shoichi asked as he stared at them in confusion.
Levi replied with a smile, “We came in through the front door, of course!”
“That’s impossible!” all nine of them shouted in unison.
We’ve activated our highest level security system, and the five hundred Kamikaze members are on guard outside! How could anyone possibly get in? This is impossible! Absolutely impossible! This must be a dream or something!
“That’s impossible! How could you guys just waltz in here like that? Raysonia’s defense system is the best in the world! There’s no way you could’ve broken in so easily!” Shoichi argued.
Is this so-called Raysonian defense system a joke? And they have the audacity to call it the best in the world? The one at Gamma Tech’s training base was a lot stronger than the one I encountered in the lab when pursuing Byron in Zarain! It took me less than a minute to break through this one, and as for the five hundred Kamikaze members… Well, let’s just say they’re in a worse state! Levi chuckled at the thought of that.
It took Shoichi and his men quite a moment to realize they weren’t dreaming, and that the two had actually broken into the villa.
Their defense system had failed them and was unable to stop the two at all.
“Get all the Kamikaze members to kill them! Hurry!”
They immediately began calling for backup from the Kamikaze, but no one responded to their cries for help.
With a sinister smile on his face, Levi opened the door to the conference room, and a nauseating stench of blood filled their noses.
“Are you looking for these guys?”
The men looked out the door upon hearing that, only to break out in a cold sweat when they saw the piles of bloodied corpses outside the conference room.
All security guards and members of the Kamikaze had been silently killed by both Levi and Robed Slayer.
The defense system that the Yamaguchi Corporation acclaimed to be the strongest had also been easily destroyed.
“You guys are next!” Levi said with a sneer.
“What… No, I don’t believe this! I don’t believe this!”
The higher-ups of the Yamaguchi Corporation refused to believe what had happened, even as they drew their last breath.
With the Yamaguchi Corporation eliminated, Levi and Robed Slayer wasted no time and proceeded to go after the Raysonian underworld.
In just one night, they had taken out the Shin and his men, destroying the largest business conglomerates and the Raysonian underworld completely.
As Erudia got all excited when Robed Slayer’s reputation skyrocketed, Raysonia was plunged into a state of panic.


The destruction of the Yamaguchi Corporation left The Dark Sun completely speechless, and the eradication of Shin was driving them insane.

How is this possible? As powerful as Robed Slayer is, there’s no way he can defeat those two powerhouses!
Regardless of what they wanted to believe, they had no choice but to accept the fact for what it was.

“As of now, Robed Slayer’s full strength remains unknown. In fact, we don’t even know if he has a trump card up his sleeve! Us remaining six forces must work together to prevent him from picking us off one by one! We can’t afford to lose this battle!”
“Yeah! We can lose our lives, but we cannot dishonor The Dark Sun and Raysonia!”
“We cannot let Levi barge into our country and do as he pleases like he did in Zarain!”
“From now on, we have to stop underestimating Robed Slayer! We have to do whatever it takes to kill him!”
The Dark Sun’s remaining forces banded together as per the Watanabe family’s suggestion, and the five Ancient Warrior Families were a terrifying force when united.
Word about Robed Slayer destroying four of Raysonia’s powerful organizations had spread like wildfire all over the world, and his popularity was slowly replacing that of Levi’s.
Meanwhile, The Manifest Court of The Cardinal Hall had updated the Gem List and moved Robed Slayer from the fifth to the second place, overtaking Southern Emperor and Zoey in one go.
What he did was simply too influential, and the people of Erudia found comfort in knowing that he could take Levi’s place as the pillar of support for the country.
Robed Slayer simply let out a wry chuckle when he heard the news.
“Man, who would’ve thought my greatest moment in life is all a fake?”
Levi smiled as well. “Greatest? You can’t call this the greatest! Not until we destroy The Dark Sun completely, at least!”
News about Robed Slayer continued to spread, and even Bruce began to notice and investigate him.
However, his investigations yielded nothing of significance.
“Continue to keep a close eye on him! I’m going to check on the results of the experiment!”
That day marked the start of the experiments for Jared’s restoration, and the first experiment had ended in success.
Although nine out of the ten participants had died from having their bodies explode, one of them survived.
Although the subject was a weak version of Jared’s body, it was still considered a successful experiment as the subject would still be very hard to kill.
Bruce and the scientists in the Lab of Gods cheered excitedly.
All they had to do was improve and continue the tests in order to perfectly recreate Jared’s experiment.
“By the way, have you guys found the people I asked for?” Bruce asked as he suddenly thought of something.
“Yes, Mr. Johnston! We’ve brought them all here!”
Bruce broke into a sinister grin and said, “Good. Continue to strengthen their bodies! I want them all to succeed in this experiment! I’m sure you know what you need to do, right?”
“Yes, Sir! We’ll get it done!”
Bruce couldn’t help but smile as he thought of his plans for the future.
“Oh, Levi… It’s too bad you weren’t able to witness Jared’s body of pure energy, nor the ones I’m about to recreate later on! How I wish you would come back from the dead and have a fight with these pure energy bodies! I want to see how long you’ll last against them!”
Levi was on the way to The Dark Sun’s headquarters with Robed Slayer when he sneezed all of a sudden.
“Is that you, Bruce? Don’t worry, it’ll be your turn soon!” he said with a smile.
The Dark Sun had focused all of its forces, and all the powerful warriors in Raysonia, including those on the Solar Rankings, were headed for Edojo.


The Solar Rankings of Raysonia were similar to the Gem List of Erudia, albeit a little weaker.

Even so, it consisted of the strongest of samurais and priests, and they had all gathered together after being invited by The Dark Sun.
The Dark Sun’s own forces were pretty solid as well, with the Watanabe family, Taiin Shrine, Kitajima family, Hattori family, Nogawa family, and Kuno family in one place.

The Yagyuu family was not in participation, which was perfectly understandable as they were simply too powerful.
In fact, it wouldn’t even be an overstatement to call them the strongest in all of Raysonia.
The Yagyuu family was also called the Blademasters because of their extraordinary skill in swordsmanship.
Their ancestors were all remarkable swordsmen, and they had passed down their skills in swordsmanship to the latest Blademaster, Kenkage Yagyuu.
Despite only being in his thirties, Kenkage was so terrifyingly powerful that he made it to the top of the Solar Rankings and was dubbed the Sword Saint.
Most of the Raysonians often compared him with Levi and wondered who was the stronger one.
Even without Kenkage, the Yagyuu family was still insanely powerful and owned about half of the warriors on the Solar Rankings.
That was why nobody dared order the Yagyuu family to participate in the battle. The Watanabe family could only inform them of the situation and discuss their plans, but the Yagyuu family refused to take action.
They found working with so many forces to be a disgrace and insisted that they could handle Robed Slayer by themselves.
In fact, they were so confident that they believed Kenkage alone was more than enough for the task.
Kenkage had once arrogantly boasted that he could kill Levi all by himself, and the proud Yagyuu family didn’t send a single one of their men to help with the mission to kill Levi on Goldenport Island.
Almost all of the powerful warriors had gathered at The Dark Sun’s headquarters, providing them with the strength of the entire Raysonian martial arts world.
“We’ve just received confirmation that the Yagyuu family will not be joining us for this battle!”
“Yeah, we expected for that to happen!” the members of the Watanabe family said with a chuckle.
“By the way, Mr. Johnston sent us a message asking if we need his help. He also called himself our eternal ally.”
“Tell Mr. Johnston that we are thankful for his kind offer, but we can take care of this little problem by ourselves. We might as well die from dishonor if we can’t even handle something so trivial!”
“We will now wait for the arrival of Robed Slayer! I swear he won’t be walking out of here alive!”
The warriors present at the scene held their breaths in anticipation as they eagerly waited for their chance to fight Robed Slayer.
“According to the information provided by our spies, The Dark Sun’s remaining forces have all banded together and are waiting for us. However, the strongest one called the Yagyuu family has yet to make a move! Our sources say they disdain working together and intend to kill us themselves!” Robed Slayer said as the two of them arrived in Edojo.
“Which side is stronger, I wonder?” Levi asked while stroking his chin.
“As of now, the Yagyuu family is the stronger one! Not only do they have Kenkage on their side, but one of their ancestors is still alive. He’s known as the Raysonian Blademaster, and all of The Dark Sun’s forces combined are no match for those two!” Robed Slayer explained.
Levi gave it some thought and said, “All right, change of plans! We’re going to take out the strongest one first! Take us to the Yagyuu family!”
Robed Slayer was stunned.
Seriously? This guy makes all of this sound like a walk in the park!



Supreme Grandmaster
Sep 24, 2023

Oh, well… I guess it really is no challenge for someone as powerful as he is! Man, I sure envy Levi… I’ve got to get stronger so I can act all bada*s like him and be strong enough to back it up!

“You may not know this, Mr. Garrison, but Kenkage practices a different form of swordsmanship!” Robed Slayer said.
“Hmm?” Levi paused.

“Kenkage has always frequented nightclubs and is an infamous pervert. His form of swordsmanship is also based on decadence. Most people would go on a path of abstinence, but Kenkage is the exact opposite. He constantly indulges himself in booze and sex, but it doesn’t affect him in the slightest. In fact, it only makes him stronger!” Robed Slayer explained.
Levi nodded. “This guy is a different breed, I see!”
“My men have just confirmed that he’s in a nightclub right now! So, where shall we go?” Robed Slayer asked.
“To see Kenkage, of course!”
We’ll take out the strongest one first!
Dozens of young men were standing inside a VIP lounge of Edojo’s most luxurious nightclub.
They were all heirs to the wealthiest families in Raysonia, and yet, all were bowing respectfully with fear and respect on their faces.
On the sofa in front of them sat a man in his thirties with young women on both sides.
“What nonsense is this! Has Raysonia run out of pretty women or what?” he shouted angrily.
That man was the infamous Kenkage Yagyuu, hence the reason the others were all bowing down before him.
They were in charge of finding Kenkage all sorts of pretty women, but he was going through so many of them on a daily basis that they were literally running out of women.
None of them could comprehend how Kenkage’s decadent ways made him increasingly stronger.
Why does he keep getting stronger? This is so unfair! You could train hard for a hundred years, and this guy would still be a lot stronger than you simply by indulging in alcohol and sex for a month! As unfair as it is, we have no choice but to give him what he wants because he’s simply too powerful. Those who refused to have all been killed by him…
“I’ve sent more men to search in Erudia, Master! I’m sure we’ll find you some pretty ones soon!” said one of the young men.
The others chimed in as well, “Yeah! I hear Erudia has the prettiest woman in existence! Just give us two days, and we should be able to capture hundreds of them!”
“Yeah! We’ve also found out that Levi’s wife, Zoey is a real beauty! Oh, and that scientist Wynona too! And let’s not forget Levi’s sister, Mia…”
“Oh? I want all the women associated with Levi! Also, did you just mention a scientist? I’ve never tried that type before! Very well, then! I shall wait for you to bring them to me!”
Kenkage only calmed down after hearing that they were bringing him Erudian women.
However, he made sure to warn them all by saying, “If you don’t deliver them to me, I will have all of you killed!”
“Understood! We’ll make sure of it!”
The men nodded in fear before shooting the guy who mentioned Zoey a fierce glare.
Of all the Erudian women he could’ve mentioned, why Zoey? How the hell are we supposed to get her? This guy is practically dooming us all!
Realizing he had misspoke, the man quickly kept his mouth shut.
Suddenly, a loud commotion was heard outside the VIP lounge, and Levi entered the room while Robed Slayer stood by the door.
Everyone was dumbfounded and stared blankly at Levi in confusion, including Kenkage himself.
“Which one of you here is Kenkage?” Levi asked, stunning everyone around him even further.
“I am!”
Kenkage was curious as to what Levi wanted to do.
Levi slowly walked up to him and patted him on the cheek as he said, “I’m here to kill you. Got a problem with that?”


As if his words weren’t shocking enough, him patting Kenkage on the cheek hit everyone like a ton of bricks.

Kenkage is the number one on the Solar Rankings and would kill anyone who rubs him the wrong way! He’s the freaking Sword Saint! He just takes any woman he likes anytime and anywhere! Even the big shots in Raysonia would avoid him whenever possible for fear of losing their life, and yet this ignorant punk has just boldly patted him on the cheeks? On top of that, he even said he’s here to kill Kenkage! Who the hell does he think he is? Does he have a death wish or something?
Being the strongest in existence, Kenkage had always done as he pleased.

As such, Levi’s actions left him speechless and frozen in shock and disbelief.
D-Did this guy just smack me in the face? I think I also heard him say he wants to kill me… Could I have misheard him or something?
“Hey, are you deaf? I asked you a f*cking question! Do you have a problem with me killing you?”
Seeing as Kenkage was still unresponsive, Levi slapped him a few times across the face.
Smack! Smack! Smack!
The slaps sounded especially loud in the silence of the VIP lounge, and everyone was on the brink of losing their minds from the madness before them.
This guy is crazy! I can’t believe he just taunted Kenkage repeatedly like that! He’s completely lost his mind!
Kenkage was not expecting Levi to slap him at all, and he was about to lash out at him when Levi cut him off with yet another slap.
The tension in the VIP lounge was suffocating, and everyone was looking at Levi like he had just made the biggest mistake of his life.
“Die!” Kenkage roared at the top of his lungs as a tremendous surge of energy erupted from his body.
I’ll kill this motherf*cker! I’ll turn him into a f*cking bloody pulp!
A terrifying burst of energy surged across the room, but it seemed to just dissipate upon coming into contact with Levi, much to Kenkage’s surprise.
So he’s no small fry, huh?
“Hmph! Try this, then!”
Fueled by rage, Kenkage’s energy was surging toward Levi like a tsunami.
Levi simply flashed him a smile in response. “Number one on the Solar Rankings, and this is all you’ve got? Heh, piece of trash!”
He then smacked at the energy wave with his right hand, causing it to disappear into thin air instantly.
The sight of that sent a shiver down everyone’s spines.
What the hell? This guy is scary!
“You’re dead meat!”
Kenkage was going mad with rage after having two of his attacks blocked so easily.
As Kenkage was about to charge at Levi, he felt like his upper body was weighed down by an invisible mountain, and he couldn’t even stand up.
“Arghhh!” Kenkage roared as he mustered every ounce of his strength to stand up.
Crack! Rip!
Everything inside the VIP lounge that wasn’t behind Levi began to crack and burst open, including the young men who turned into bloody mists instantly.
Kenkage was giving it everything he had into his effort to stand up so he could kill Levi.
His energy levels continued to rise as he pressed on.
“Hmph!” Levi snorted coldly before slapping him back down with so much force that it crushed Kenkage like ten mountains.
Coughing up a mouthful of blood, Kenkage glared at Levi in disbelief as he asked, “Just who on earth are you?”
“I’m Levi Garrison!” Levi replied with a smirk.
“What? You’re Levi Garrison?”


What the f*ck?

Kenkage cursed in his head.
He and his men had recognized Robed Slayer when they came in through the door earlier, but he didn’t expect for his disciple to be Levi.

Isn’t he dead? Didn’t his corpse get dissolved? I’ve confirmed his death multiple times, so how is he still alive and well?
The young men in the room nearly fainted from the shock, but Kenkage was quick to regain his composure.
“If you’re still alive, then I’ll be the one to kill you!”
Kenkage had long since wanted to fight Levi, so being presented with the golden opportunity got him all excited.
“You’ll have to get up to do that!” Levi said with a sneer.
Those words angered Kenkage to no end as he had never been humiliated like that before.
I have to get up! I have to defeat Levi! I’ve never lost to anyone, and I can’t afford to lose now! I’ll die if I lose! I have to live on!
Like a dragon that had been awoken from a hundred-year slumber, Kenkage’s energy levels skyrocketed and continued to rise as he desperately struggled to stand up.
The young men were all horrified by the sight before them as they had never seen this side of Kenkage before.
Holy sh*t! He looks like a monster of destruction that’s about to destroy the world!
Kenkage was both furious and excited at the same time as he hadn’t encountered a worthy opponent in ages.
Being unbeatable came with the price of being lonely, and he would feel empty inside whenever he wasn’t indulging in alcohol and sex.
He had always wanted to come across an opponent who could at least survive a hit or two from him, but never had any luck.
That was, until he finally met Levi that day.
Levi was so strong that Kenkage could go all out without worry, so he had always looked forward to battling him.
With his dream finally becoming a reality, it wasn’t hard to imagine why he would get so excited about it.
“I finally get a chance to fight you, Levi! It’s good to have a worthy opponent!” Kenkage shouted.
Levi snorted coldly in response. “Heh… You call yourself worthy of fighting me?”
He then delivered what seemed like an ordinary punch, but it made Kenkage’s face go pale the moment it hit him.
T-This…This is scary beyond words!
Kenkage thought to himself as he puked up a lot of blood. “Pffft!”
Not only was his attempt at getting up unsuccessful, but the sofa beneath him had been broken into pieces.
He then fell on his knees, shattering the floorboard beneath him.
Kenkage was completely dumbstruck at how weak he was against Levi’s attacks.
He tried to get back on his feet once again, only to be knocked back down by another punch.
This time, the punch shattered the bones in his body and rendered him completely disabled.
Kenkage was smashed deep into the ground, and his head was the only part above the surface.
Levi kicked him on the head before saying with a sneer, “Well? Come on, get up!”
All Kenkage could do was scream like a madman, but it did nothing to help him at all.
“Now, die!”
Even if Levi wasn’t already going to kill all members of The Dark Sun, he would still kill Kenkage for setting his sights on Zoey anyway.
He also killed all the other men in the room as they were the ones who brought up Zoey and were going to participate in capturing her.
Levi knew that because he had overheard everything they said clearly.
“Let’s go! We’re taking out the rest of the Yagyuu family members next!”
Levi then dragged Kenkage’s corpse behind him as he headed over to the Yagyuu family’s residence with Robed Slayer.


The Yagyuu family home was located on the empty plains on the outskirts of Edojo.

Due to the family’s nasty reputation, the area around the house was completely uninhabited.
The Yagyuu family’s warriors were present in the main hall as a precaution due to Robed Slayer’s recent activities.

Although they had refused to team up with The Dark Sun’s forces, they still decided to gather their own people.
Tenfu Yagyuu was both Kenkage’s father and the patriarch of the Yagyuu family.
“Do you guys think Robed Slayer will come after us?” he asked as he sat down in front of his men.
Everyone around him burst into laughter upon hearing that.
“Heh, I bet he wouldn’t dare to even challenge us!”
“Unless he’s crazy or has a death wish, that is!”
“Everybody knows we’re much more powerful than all of The Dark Sun’s forces combined! It’s suicidal to mess with us!”
The Yagyuu family were insanely confident in their strength and believed they couldn’t possibly lose with their Raysonian Blademaster still around.
“By the way, has anyone seen Kenkage? I told him we’d be having a meeting. Where is he?” Tenfu asked.
Because Kenkage was strong and loved by the elders, he ended up becoming so spoilt and undisciplined that even Tenfu could only sigh helplessly whenever he misbehaved.
“Mr. Kenkage has yet to come home. I think he went to the nightclub again…” replied the butler.
“Damn it! We have a crisis, and he’s still out partying?” Tenfu shouted angrily.
Despite what he said, he was actually concerned about Kenkage’s safety.
Robed Slayer had struck fear into everyone’s hearts, after all.
“Don’t worry, Sir! I’m sure Mr. Kenkage will be fine!”
“If anything, it’s the ones who run into him that should be worried!”
“In fact, he would save us all the trouble of killing Robed Slayer if he went after Mr. Kenkage!”
Tenfu smiled and stroked his mustache upon hearing that. They’re right. The only people we should worry about are the ones who would be unlucky enough to run into Kenkage whenever he’s out there! Although I am dissatisfied with his attitude and behavior, I have no doubt when it comes to his strength! I mean, he is at the top of the Solar Rankings while I rank second! Who in their right mind would dare pick a fight with him? It’s not even an exaggeration to say he’s as powerful as the entire country! Any other member of The Dark Sun would’ve been a much better target than Kenkage!
Suddenly, a voice was heard coming from outside, “Drew Leeson from Erudia is here to pay the Yagyuu family a visit!”
The voice sounded as loud as thunder and echoed throughout every corner of the mansion.
“What? Drew Leeson? As in, Robed Slayer?”
“He actually came? My goodness, this guy sure is a bold one!”
“I can’t believe he chose us over The Dark Sun’s headquarters!”
Instead of getting agitated, the Yagyuu family members were laughing in amusement.
“Sir, shall I inform the other members of The Dark Sun that Robed Slayer is here?” one of the men asked.
Tenfu shook his head. “That won’t be necessary! We’ll can tell them that after we’ve killed Robed Slayer ourselves. That way, they’ll see just how powerful we are, and that we do not need to team up with them! Come on, let’s go check it out!”
He then led a huge group of warriors toward the front door.
The hundreds of security guards stationed at the door were sent flying all over the place, and the front door of the mansion had also been kicked open.
Robed Slayer was in front and slowly made his way toward the Yagyuu family’s warriors while Levi followed behind with Kenkage’s corpse in tow.


“You’ve got some guts barging in here, Drew! Do you wish to die that badly?”

Tenfu rushed forward with hundreds of his warriors and quickly cut off their exits.
“You could kill everyone else in The Dark Sun for all I care, but you shouldn’t have messed with us!”

“Hahaha! I can’t believe you’d just deliver yourself to us on a silver platter!”
The men said while laughing at Robed Slayer in disdain. Moments later, they shifted their attention toward Levi who was standing behind him.
He seems to be dragging a body with him… Wait, why does that outfit look kind of familiar? Hold on, this is… Could this be…
A bad feeling spread through all of their hearts, and Tenfu had noticed it too.
Isn’t this guy one of ours? Well, I can’t say for sure from just the outfit alone. It’s probably someone Robed Slayer has killed just to provoke us!
“You guys have messed with the wrong people! We can take you two down without any help from The Dark Sun!”
“No, Mr. Kenkage alone is enough to kill you guys!”
The men began taunting them arrogantly.
Levi kicked Kenkage’s body toward them and asked with a smug grin, “By Kenkage, you mean this guy?”
Everyone froze when they got a clearer look at Kenkage’s body, and it struck them like a bolt from the blue, causing them to freak out on the spot.
“T-This is… Mr. Kenkage?” someone shrieked in fear.
A closer look confirmed that it was indeed the Kenkage that they all knew, except for the part that he had become a stiff and lifeless corpse.
“I can’t believe it…”
Everyone went wide-eyed in shock and disbelief, and some of them even fainted on the spot.
“Mr. Kenkage!” the men began screaming his name at the top of their lungs.
“Son… My son!”
Unable to contain his emotions any longer, Tenfu held Kenkage’s corpse in his arms and burst out crying.
It was the first time the Yagyuu family had been dealt such a devastating blow.
They were able to maintain a dominant position in Raysonia because of Kenkage, and they were hoping to keep it that way for a few hundred more years.
I can’t believe Kenkage is dead! This is unacceptable! No, wait… How did he die? He’s the freaking Sword Saint and ranks first on the Solar Rankings! Who could possibly kill him? Is this actually happening?
Everyone was suspicious about what really happened, but it was impossible to not believe it with Kenkage’s corpse laid out before them like that.
All of them then shifted their gaze back toward Robed Slayer.
So, Robed Slayer was the one who killed Kenkage? Holy sh*t, he’s way scarier than we expected!
“Kill him! I want him dead at all costs!” Tenfu shouted at the top of his lungs.
“All right, it’s time to test your strength! I won’t help you out with this fight!” Levi said with a smile as he watched the Yagyuu family’s warriors charged at Robed Slayer.
He then sealed the mansion off from the outside world with a wall of wind, so no one else would know what was going on inside.
Levi had Robed Slayer face them alone so he could increase his strength, and the entire mansion soon descended into chaos. The men attacked Robed Slayer like a pack of rabid dogs, and he only grew increasingly aggressive as the fight went on.
Apart from Kenkage, he found everyone else from the Yagyuu family rather easy to defeat.
Suddenly, one of the warriors noticed Levi standing in a corner all by himself and shouted, “Kill him!”
The men then began charging toward Levi, and he let out a sigh as he muttered, “You guys are making a big mistake coming for me!”




Several fighters rushed towards Levi before bursting into masses of blood from about fifteen feet away.
Yet another bunch of elites turned into a mist of blood in front of Levi.
And with that, everyone’s eyes were on Levi.
He’s not an ordinary man!
They were initially focused on Robed Slayer and paid no heed to Levi.
But now, he was the center of attention.
With that, no one would dare mess with Levi again.
They had a new objective. They wanted to get rid of Robed Slayer first before taking down Levi.
Hence, a fight between the fighters and Robed Slayer was inevitable.
Soon, even Yagyuu Tenfu, ranked number two on the Solar Rankings, joined in.

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of elite fighters gathered at The Dark Sun’s headquarters, with technological equipment installed all over.
There were even traps and ambushed set up all over the place.
The men from the Watanabe family were smirking in satisfaction after seeing how impenetrable the headquarter was.
The only thing left to do was wait for Robed Slayer to come and meet his demise.
“Right, any signs of Robed Slayer? Where are they now? They should be heading straight for us, right?” The Watanabe family was getting curious.
It never crossed their minds that Robed Slayer might have gone to the Yagyuu family instead.
After all, it was never a problem to begin with.
They knew that not even idiots would choose to go for the Yagyuu family, the most powerful family of them all.
Hence, the Watanebe family became the only choice.
“They were spotted around this area two hours ago, heading towards us!”
“But they disappeared! We don’t know where they are right now. We’ve searched everywhere but could not find any traces of them!”

“Huh? Really?”
The Watanabe family strategists immediately sat down and started a discussion.
Eventually, they came to a conclusion.
They concluded that Robed Slayer was wary of the alliance between the remnants of The Dark Sun, so he would not try to face them head-on.
Instead, he would try to blindside them.
“Let everyone know to stay alert and reinforce their defenses! Don’t let Robed Slayer catch us off guard!”

Everyone thought that Robed Slayer was going to sneak up on them.
No one knew that Robed Slayer was engaged in combat with the Yagyuu family at the moment.
That was out of their expectations, so they did no confirmation about it.
At the Yagyuu family, Robed Slayer already went on a rampage.
He was covered in blood, both the enemy’s and his own.
There were quite a few instances where it got dangerous, but Levi did not help him.
It was a test for Robed Slayer. So, no matter what happened, Levi was adamant about not helping him, even if Robed Slayer was on the verge of death.
If he survives this, he’ll achieve even greater heights than he is now.

Amidst the battle, fighters from the Yagyuu family fell, one by one.
However, Robed Slayer was not unscathed.
That said, he got stronger.
Even though he suffered severe injuries all over his body, Robed Slayer’s battle prowess was getting better and better.
“Kill him!”
Tenfu was mad with vengeance for his son as the fight continued.

As time passed, the number of fallen men from the Yagyuu family was piling up, and they were losing hope.
He’s too good!
He’s getting stronger as the fight progresses! How’s that possible?
Every time it seemed like Robed Slayer was about to fall, he would always push through and plant his foot firmly on the ground, sending despair into the eyes of the Yagyuu family.
It was only then that they realized how wrong they were about Robed Slayer’s power level assessment.
They slowly realized why Kenkage died.
Nevertheless, what they did not know, was that Levi was actually the stronger one and that he was the one that killed Kenkage Yagyuu.
Everyone there would go crazy if they found out that the fight was just a lesson Levi prepared for Robed Slayer.
Tenfu was sent flying across the air.
He felt hopeless.
“Send for the elder’s assistance! The Yagyuu family’s in peril!”


“Elder! We need you!”

“Elder! We need you!”

The remaining members of the Yagyuu family all called out.
The family was on its last leg at that point.
If the elder did not come out, it would be all over for the Yagyuu family.
Suddenly, there was a sharp ringing sound.
Hearing that made that the whole Yagyuu family ecstatic.
The elder is coming!
At the same time, a volcano erupted not far from where they were.
The thick smog covered the sky as molten hot lava came gushing out.
Even though it was a small one, the eruption could still strike fear into people’s hearts.
That said, from afar, it looked magnificent.
“The elder’s coming!”
“It was rumored that the elder was suppressing the volcano all on his own. It’s actually real!”
“I wonder how strong is the elder.”
“He’s definitely stronger than Robed Slayer! If Levi was here, maybe they would stand a chance. But without him, no one can stop the elder!”

No one would believe something like a man capable of suppressing a live volcano as it was very much an outrageous statement.
No matter how small the volcano was, it should have been impossible.
On top of that, from what the Yagyuu family members said, the elder had been doing it for decades.
Even thinking about it would send chills down people’s spines.
Nevertheless, Levi knew that the elder of the Yagyuu family was using the volcano to train himself in order to surpass his limits.
Soon enough, a silhouette appeared on the battlefield.
The old man actually looked younger than Tenfu. The impression he gave off at the moment seemed to be that of an average Joe. There was not even a sense of intimidation from him.
Nonetheless, Ikken Yagyuu was merely restraining himself.
And that was the most terrifying about him.
He had a sword that was covered in volcanic ash and magma residue.
The men there instantly understood that it was a sword that Ikken forged within the magma.
The sword shook all of a sudden, and the ashes on it dispersed, revealing a majestic blade.
The sword was shimmering like fire, and it seemed to have a killing intent of its own.
A sword that could shake the very foundations of the earth had appeared.
“Elder Ikken, Kenkage is dead. Please lend the family a hand and avenge him for us!”
“Please take charge for us, Sir!”

Everyone in the Yagyuu family went on their knees and roared in agony.
“What? He’s dead?”
Ikken’s expression changed drastically.
Kenkage was his favorite as well as the family’s future.
Ikken taught him everything he knew and had high expectations for Kenkage to surpass him one day.
Never could he expect Kenkage to die while he was training in seclusion.
Seeing Kenkage’s body, Ikken was immediately infuriated.
“Who was it?” Ikken roared.
“It’s him! Robed Slayer from Erudia, Drew Leeson!”

Everyone turned their heads towards Drew.
“Robed Slayer from Erudia? I understand! Now, I shall use your blood to feed my blade!”
He swept his hand over the sword, immediately giving it an edge.
“This is a sword now edged! And its name shall be Godslayer! You’ll have the privilege of being its first prey, Robed Slayer!”
Robed Slayer was starting to tremble before the enormous pressure Ikken was exuding.
He knew he was no match for Ikken just from his presence alone.
Robed Slayer did not expect to see such an ancient person on Raysonia.
He should be around the same level as Southern Emperor, the number one on the Gem List. Stronger, even. He thought.
Robed Slayer figured he would not even stand a chance against Ikken even if he was not injured at the moment.
“Kill him!”

Everyone in the family shouted.
Kenkage’s death dealt quite a blow to the family, so everyone wanted Robed Slayer dead.
“Come at me! Let me see what you got!”
Even though Robed Slayer was injured, he did not want to lose to them in spirit.
“Step aside! I’ll handle this!”
Levi suddenly appeared in front of Robed Slayer and pushed him away.


Levi knew that Robed Slayer was no match for Ikken. Even more so since Robed Slayer was on the verge of death.

He’ll die if he fought him head on. Heck, he won’t level up even if he didn’t die. It’s better for me to step in.

Everyone was shocked to see Robed Slayer stepping aside obediently after Levi nudged him.
Even though Levi was able to repel the men around him, no one took him seriously as the men he fought were just some goons from the Yagyuu family. They could not even be considered fighters.
They figured he was just one of Robed Slayer’s underlings.
That said, the situation at the moment seemed to be painting a different picture.
Is he really Robed Slayer’s underling?
Seeing Levi stepping forward, Ikken was a little dumbfounded.
“Who are you?” he asked instinctively.
Right then, Tenfu was about to inform the elder about Levi being Robed Slayer’s underling, but Levi interrupted him and announced, “I’m the one who killed Kenkage Yagyuu!”
His statement caught everyone off guard.
Wasn’t Robed Slayer the one that killed Kenkage?
The men eventually realized something was off after taking a closer look.
They just fought with Robed Slayer, so they had to acknowledge his strength.
But despite that, there was no way he was powerful enough to destroy the family’s elites that easily.
He had injuries with him went he first fought the Yagyuu family. That’s not enough for him to be able to match Kenkage.
That’s impossible!
On top of that, based on how he died, it looked like Kenkage did not even stand a chance.
They figured that Robed Slayer was incapable of such a feat.
And even if he could kill Kenkage, he should be heavily injured still after the fight!
But he arrived unscathed! That means Robed Slayer never even fought Kenkage!
If it wasn’t Robed Slayer, it could only be…
Everyone’s eyes turned towards Levi.
It’s him!
He murdered Kenkage! We were wrong all along! The information the Watanabe Family gave us was inaccurate! There’s no way this guy is Robed Slayer’s underling! There’s even a chance that this guy might be the reason why he has been rampaging through Raysonia and destroying everything!
Tenfu finally realized that Robed Slayer was just an assistant, that Levi was the real deal.
“Y-You’re not Drew Leeson’s underling at all, are you! You’re not from Raysonia! You’re an Erudian!” Tenfu exclaimed.
Everyone there came to their senses as well.
With that, Ikken became wary of Levi.
Facing him reminded Ikken of someone.
A man that let him taste defeat.
His only defeat.
Coincidentally, that man was an Erudian as well, and Ikken saw him as his lifelong rival.
Ever since he lost, he secluded himself on top of the volcano behind the family grounds and started his training.
Day by day, year by year, he would hone his body and mind while forging the Godslayer with only one goal in mind. Revenge.
He wanted to defeat the man he once lost to.
Seeing that Levi killed his favorite descendant and exuded a similar presence to that of his lifelong rival, Ikken was getting fired up.
He was ready to go all out as all his senses reached peak condition.
“Today is the day I end my seclusion. The day this sword meets blood for the first time! You should feel proud, dying at the blades of the Godslayer!” Ikken bellowed.
His message was simple: A death by the Godslayer was an honorable one.
“Back then, I really hated when people pointed their guns at me,” Levi said with a blank expression as he looked at Ikken. “Now, I hate swords!”
Hearing that, Robed Slayer lowered his head in shame.
He did the same thing previously and got schooled by Levi.
Ikken was doing the same thing he did.


Hence, things would definitely turn out the same for Ikken, or even worse.

“Ahh!” Ikken roared and swung the Godslayer at Levi.
And along with it came a terrifying wave that engulfed everything in its wake, leaving only death and destruction.

The Godslayer was more of a samurai sword.
It was forged from the simplest of materials. But after going through decades of tempering in molten lava, it became a masterpiece.
It was even more frightening than the Divine Sword.
Seeing that, Robed Slayer’s expression darkened.
Ikken Yagyuu is terrifying. Who would have thought that Raysonia had someone like this?
Robed Slayer could feel the pressure Ikken was exuding as his veins expanded.
He’s reached a whole new level.
It was Robed Slayer’s next target.
No wonder Levi asked me to step back.
A light flashed before Ikken’s eyes as a destructive aura enveloped the space like a volcanic eruption.
At that point in time, it felt like Ikken was destruction incarnate.
“So this is the elder’s true power. How terrifying.”

The whole Yagyuu family was ecstatic, showing expressions that they had never shown before.
They were not getting wiped out. And they were about to accomplish what The Dark Sun could not.
The elder is amazing!
This fight is going to be massive!
Ikken dashed forward, his eyes shimmering like the night sky. His energy was surging like the roaring waves that crashed onto the shoreline.
His attack felt like death itself.
Levi shot out a punch in response.
His fist met Godslayer in a violent clash.
The impact caused a shock wave that shattered everything around them as the background turned monochrome from the blinding flash that ensued.
It felt like the end of the world while the family home of the Yagyuu family collapsed.
Even the volcanic eruption was suppressed because of the clash between Ikken and Levi.
The whole mountain was shaking, falling apart even.
That was the power of the two of the strongest warriors.
Tap tap tap…
Everyone was awestruck to see that Levi did not move an inch after they collided and that Ikken got pushed five steps backward.
At this stage of the fight, every step he took had significant indications.
Ikken was surprised by that outcome.
Did he just use his fist to repel me?
Robed Slayer, who was not far from them, was dumbfounded.
What happened? Is the elder going to lose?
“No way! I merely underestimated you!” Ikken bellowed.
“Kami no Kiri!”
A horrifying shade of light burst forth from the Godslayer, shining brilliantly with the sun’s radiance.
The light was so sharp that it burned the eyes of the people that beheld it.
A horrific murderous intent was quickly spreading, enshrouding the whole area.
Ikken held the Godslayer with both his hands and raised it over his head before quickly slashing downward.
The move he did was the most basic of moves taught in Raysonia. Even kids knew how to do that.
But despite that, Ikken performed it as though every single instance of motion had the essence of the world in it.
He had achieved a whole new level in his training like never before.
Sometimes, the simplest of moves are the deadliest ones.
Similar to how Levi destroyed everything in his path with just his bare fist.
That meant that Ikken Yagyuu was not someone to be trifled with.
Ikken poured all his power into Godslayer as a brief moment of silence ensued.
Whoosh whoosh…
Right then, even though it was the slowest and easiest of moves, it felt like thousands of blades were being swung.
One after another, the blades stacked up, growing more and more powerful, determined to slay a god.
Robed Slayer was in awe at what he was seeing.
So this is what I need to achieve.
Meanwhile, the members of the Yagyuu family were crying tears of joy.
“Let’s just finish this!” Levi looked at Ikken and let out a deep sigh.
“Remember, you died at the hands of Levi Garrison!”


Levi’s voice echoed into the ears of the people of the Yagyuu family.

They were all surprised to hear that name.
Levi Garrison?

Everyone in the Yagyuu family knew that name.
It was the name of their mortal enemy.
It’s him!
Shouldn’t he be dead?
Why is he still alive?
How is he here!
Wait, no! It makes sense. Levi Garrison. Who could possibly have this much power if not him? He’s the only one that could destroy the four families with ease, kill Kenkage, and force the elder to use his strongest move! It’s really him!
They were sure of his identity now but did not have time to ponder on the reason he was still alive.
Naturally, Ikken also knew who Levi was.
Even though he was in seclusion, he still caught wind of the new rank one fighter on the Gem List in Erudia.
After all, the person that defeated him was the previous rank one, Southern Emperor.
That said, he was unfazed because he was sure that, no matter who it was, they were going to be cut down by his blade.
Levi blasted a destructive punch at Ikken.
The force of punch felt like it was going to rip the very fabric of space apart as though it was a punch dealt by the gods.
The sky rumbled and thunder strike from the sheer power behind Levi’s move.
It was as though the heavens were suffering the wrath of that attack.
It was eight times the speed of sound, the absolute maximum punching speed of Levi’s capability.
The power behind it was even more terrifying, as it could even crush an entire mountain as it went.
It was an unstoppable punch as it shredded through the sword’s aura.
Levi’s fist hit the Godslayer, causing a sonic boom that deafened everyone around them before a mushroom cloud formed right after.
It was like someone dropped a nuclear warhead at their location.
Crack crack…
The Godslayer started crackling as if it had just lost its soul.
What was left was just a regular sword that was breaking apart.
The punch completely shattered Ikken’s ultimate technique and the tremor of the attack traveled into Ikken’s body and destroyed his inert.
Remnants of the power from the punch seeped into Ikken’s body and destroy his inerts.
Ikken’s pride was absolutely crushed by Levi’s attack.
He did not immediately die from it, but he was still flat on the ground, unable to move.
The only thing he could do was watch.
It was Ikken’s utter defeat.
On top of that, it was worse than the last time he lost.
This time, he was not going to survive.
Blood came spewing out of his mouth, as he looked at Levi in disbelief.
The Yagyuu members gasped.
How is Levi still alive?
Is he that strong?
Not even the elder is a match for him!
Revenge! He’s here for revenge!
They finally realized why The Dark Sun was targeted.
The reasoning before that about Robed Slayer avenging Levi just did not make sense to them.
But now, everything was clear.
It was Levi who was on his path of vengeance.
“How weak!” Levi exclaimed as he looked at everyone there with a cold gaze.
Eventually, Ikken Yagyuu died.
Then, the whole Yagyuu family followed suit.
Not a living soul was left.
“Next up, The Dark Sun headquarters!” Levi declared.
Both he and Robed Slayer each had a corpse with them.
Those were the corpses of Ikken and Kenkage Yagyuu, the two strongest fighters on record in Raysonia.
Robed Slayer was very much looking forward to the moment they tossed those two bodies at The Dark Sun headquarters.
What will they think?
At The Dark Sun headquarters, the Watanabe family was busy giving out instructions to look for Levi’s whereabouts while continuing to fortify their defense in case Levi and Robed Slayer ambushed them.
“Sir, there seems to be something wrong. We just found out that Robed Slayer’s student never had a disciple. We can’t identify the person that is with him!” the Watanabe family intelligence team reported their findings.


“What? Is his identity fake?” the higher-up of the Watanabe family exclaimed.

“That’s right. He has a fake identity!”
At that moment, everyone turned towards Delano.

He was dumbfounded.
Was there a mistake?
It was because their attention was all focused on Robed Slayer. That’s why they neglected the small fry beside him.
“Who could he be?” one of the Watanabes asked.
“Maybe it’s a fighter related to Levi that wanted revenge. Or it can also be one of Robed Slayer’s disciples. He has a lot of them after all,” Delano proposed.
Hearing that, Muzo from the Watanabe family immediately pulled up more data.
“Based on what was collected from the fight between the four families and Robed Slayer, this person never involved himself in the fights. It was all done by Robed Slayer.”
“That means he’s just a small fry then! There’s no need for concern! Think about it. Are there even fighters left in Erudia that could actually avenge Levi?”

Everyone else gave it some thought and assumed that they were overthinking things.
“How about you just find out who he really is? And find out where they are right now. Quick!”

While The Dark Sun was eagerly trying to find out where Levi and Robed Slayer was, the whole world wanted to know as well.
After all, Robed Slayer had made a name for himself.
Especially so in Erudia.
He was considered the next Levi Garrison.
No one would have thought that Robed Slayer would appear after Levi was gone.
Hence, if Robed Slayer could demolish all the forces in Raysonia, that meant that Erudia could still recover from losing Levi.
That said, Bruce was not happy even though he successfully replicated Jared’s experiment.
The Robed Slayer’s appearance was not good news for him.
If it were not for the fact that the specimen was still under observation, Bruce would have sent it over to Raysonia immediately.
“Go. Deploy the forces we have at Raysonia and assist them! Find some people to offer them some military assistance!”
Bruce had a lot of authority now, so he could mobilize any of the forces under the Lab of Gods from all over the world.
Hence, he secretly arranged for the forces at Raysonia to assist The Dark Sun.

After half an hour, a piece of shocking news caught the whole world by surprise.
Robed Slayer and his associate appeared and were heading towards The Dark Sun’s headquarters.
Even though The Dark Sun did not know where they went, they were relieved that they could locate the two.
It was a good thing to know because they could finally calm down a bit and not have to worry about being ambushed.
“They’re coming, people! Get ready!” All the team leaders started to give out the orders.
“Do we need to inform the Yagyuu family?” someone asked.
“No need for that! That won’t do anything to help since they won’t come. They’ll never work with us!”
“That’s right! The Yagyuu family always thinks of us as trash, that we’re useless! They even thought that Bruce was the one responsible for Levi’s death and brushed us aside!”
“They’re always on their high horses because they have their elder looking over them.”
“It’s fine. Let’s get rid of Robed Slayer and show the Yagyuu family that we are not useless!”

Not long after that, Levi and the Robed Slayer arrived at the Dark Sun’s headquarter.
The security there was extremely tight.
As soon as they showed up, all the men and weapons were ready to go.
On top of that, masterminds of the Dark Sun brought even more men to welcome them.
“We’ve been waiting for you two! You finally arrived!” Muzo smirked.
Delano was hidden within the crowd with a conflicted expression.
“Is that so?” Levi smiled. “I came bearing gifts!”
Boom! Boom!
Two corpses were tossed in front of the members of The Dark Sun.



Everyone from The Dark Sun was stunned by Levi’s action.
What’s this?

Two dead bodies?
Whose bodies were those?
Everyone started paying more attention to the corpses.
This one’s an old man that I doubt anyone knows. He looks a little familiar, though.
Who is he?
I really can’t figure it out!
What about the other one?
Looks familiar.
It looks like…
No way!
Oh my god!
Isn’t that Kenkage Yagyuu? The prodigy of the Yagyuu family? The Sword Saint that’s ranked number one on the Solar Rankings?
Many had to take another look just to be sure.
It really is him! It’s Kenkage Yagyuu’s dead body!
Within an instant, everyone started having mixed feelings.
Their attitudes were going through some very complicated shifts as well.
“It’s Kenkage Yagyuu!” someone exclaimed among all the murmurs.
“H-He… How did he die?”
“That’s impossible!”

Everyone was in disbelief after identifying Kenkage’s corpse.
Who could’ve kill him?
Is this a joke?!
No one would dare cross Kenkage Yagyuu! Let alone kill him?! That can’t be him!
“That’s not him! It’s impossible!” someone shouted.
“Wait! Look! The sword he had on him… it’s his sword!”
“That’s right! That’s Kenkage Yagyuu’s sword! There’s no faking that! Can’t you feel the killing intent coming from that sword? It’s undeniable! That’s definitely Kenkage’s corpse!”

Everyone gasped once again.
At that moment, they all felt shivers running through their spines.
Kenkage Yagyuu is actually dead? How? He’s the strongest person on the Solar Rankings! Dead?
After making sure of the truth, everyone from The Dark Sun was in shock.
Who’s the other guy then?
Right then, an old man amongst The Dark Sun members became astonished.
“T-That’s… “
He was stuttering for a long time before finally saying, “I remember him! He’s the elder of the Yagyuu family! Ikken Yagyuu!”
His statement stunned everyone in place with their eyes widened and chills running down their spines.
Seeing Kenkage’s corpse was enough of shocking news to them, but now there was something even more outrageous.
“Are you serious? How is that possible?” someone questioned.
“I’ve had the honor of meeting the master back then! I recognize him! It’s him! It’s definitely him! Kenkage’s corpse is proof!”

With that, everyone started analyzing the situation more thoroughly.
That’s definitely Kenkage’s body, which could only mean Ikken’s corpse is real too!
Oh my god!
Have the heavens forsaken us? Two of the strongest fighters in Raysonia are dead!
Who did it?
Suddenly, the strategists from the Watanabe family realized why Robed Slayer and Levi disappeared from their radar.
Where were they all this time? We’ve searched everywhere for them!
We’ve searched everywhere except the Yagyuu family!
They all thought that the Yagyuu family was the least possible place, so no one checked.
No one could have expected that that was actually where they went to.
Everything makes sense! They were at the Yagyuu family all along! But how could they be so strong? Both Ikken and Kenkage are dead! That means the whole Yagyuu family’s gone. How is that even possible?
With that in mind, everyone turned towards Robed Slayer, who was not far away. He was covered in blood, and his breathing was weak, obviously severely wounded.
Before they lost sight of him, Robed Slayer did not even have a speck of dust on him.
How he looked at the moment only confirmed The Dark Sun’s assumptions.
He definitely wiped out the Yagyuu family. But even so, he’s wounded. Fighting us now would only mean his demise.


“Sir! We’ve got breaking news! The Yagyuu family has been wiped out, along with their elder and Solar Rankings number one, Kenkage Yagyuu!” a scout reported after returning.

Hearing that, everyone’s heart sank.
It’s confirmed! But Robed Slayer is already wounded to this extend! He must have paid a heavy price to do what he did. He’s at his last leg now! No wonder he brought the bodies with him! He’s trying to intimidate us with it! Ha! What a joke!

After giving it some thought, the men from The Dark Sun came to their senses.
They figured, no matter how strong Robed Slayer was, they could take him down in his current condition.
“Drew Leeson. We didn’t expect you to be strong enough to wipe out the whole Yagyuu family! None of us could stop you if you came to us prior to that! But alas, you’ve made the wrong choice and came here with critical injuries! How can you even fight us now? Men! Take them down!” Muzo ordered.
Soon enough, tens of thousands of fighters came out of the headquarter and surrounded Levi and Robed Slayer.
All their advanced weaponry was activated.
“The only thing we can do is avenge the Yagyuu family then!”
The people smiled as they assumed that Robed Slayer’s death was assured with his current condition.
But then, Robed Slayer smiled all of a sudden.
That smile sent shivers down everyone’s spine.
Something’s off.
“Why are you smiling?” someone asked.
“Hahaha! Are you telling me you people actually believed I’m capable of wiping out the Yagyuu family?” Robed Slayer asked in return.
“W-What do you mean by that?”
“Was it not you?”

Everyone suddenly came to a realization.
Robed Slayer was definitely strong, but people could still gauge the extent of his strength.
Besting Kenkage should be his absolute limit, right? How did he kill Ikken then? It’s impossible!
If it wasn’t him, who was it?
Right then, everyone’s eyes locked onto the person beside him, Levi, the person that everyone ignored.
With prior knowledge that his identity was falsified, they were even certain that he had something to do with Ikken’s death.
Tens of thousands of pairs of eyes were all on him.
“You… Who are you?”
That was the question on everyone’s mind.
Is this the guy that wiped out the Yagyuu family?
Levi snickered. “I’ll let you know once you’re the last one alive!”
“Kill him!” Muzo immediately gave out the order.
Thus, all the fighters charged at Levi.
“The Dark Sun will be no more after today!” Levi let out a long sigh.

With that, a one-sided slaughter fest commenced.
Although The Dark Sun had the numbers advantage, their average fighting power was actually weaker than that of the Yagyuu family.
They were no match for Levi as fighters fell as soon as they approached him, no matter the numbers.

After a brief moment, the whole headquarter was filled with blood and corpses.
The Dark Sun was getting more and more terrified at what was going on.
What is this combat prowess? It’s horrific! He’s wiping the floor with the whole organization.
A thousand.
Five hundred.
Three hundred.

Two hundred.
One hundred.

Now all that was left of The Dark Sun were a few strategists from the Watanabe family and Delano.
They all looked at Levi with fear in their eyes.
They were dumbstruck.
To think we just witnessed a massacre of tens of thousands of elite fighters by one man, no less.
“Y-You… Who are you?” Delano was going crazy.
And so was everyone else.
Levi was about to answer them, but his lips suddenly curled. “Oh? It seems like more people want to die.”


It was none other than the men Bruce sent to assist The Dark Sun.

Someone charged in and was immediately shocked by the horrifying scene.

The second guy bumped into his back, and proceed to freeze up after seeing the horrific scene.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
More and more people came in and clotted the door.
There were hundreds of them, and they were all stunned.
“M-Mr. Watanabe, we are here to offer assistance under the orders of Mr. Johnston!” the men announced.
“Huh? Bruce?”
Isn’t he just signing their death warrants for them?
Levi bent down slowly and picked up a dagger.
He flung it casually, turning it into a bolt of lightning.
The dagger flew like a bullet and went through the man’s head, some thousand feet away.
It went through the second guy and proceeded to go through the third with no signs of decelerating.
The fourth.
The fifth.

The dagger weaved through the crowd as a line of blood traced behind, beautiful yet poignant.
Delano and what was left of the Watanabe family were all going mad after seeing what was going on.
How does he do that?
Levi was controlling the dagger from a thousand feet away and actually killing hundreds of men with it.
What level must one achieve to do what he’s doing? He’s like a god!

All the men Bruce sent were dead; none of them survived.
This is divine!
Even Robed Slayer was in awe.
The things Levi did looked rather simple, but it actually needed immense concentration and control.
Meanwhile, Delano and the load were all numbed from the shock.
He’s too strong.
“Y-You… “
“Now, I can tell you the truth. My name is Levi Garrison!” Levi reverted to his original facial features as he spoke.
“You’re still alive?”
“I’ve seen a ghost!”

Everyone went insane after Levi revealed his true identity.
He’s actually Levi!
He’s not dead!
How is that possible!
We teamed up with Bruce to kill him! We watched his corpse get destroyed! We confirmed his death! How did he come back alive!
They were in disbelief as they even got confirmation of his death from Bruce multiple times after that.
Levi shouldn’t be alive, yet he’s standing right in front of us!
“Are you all confused about how I survived? Well, you guys could never kill me in the first place! I faked my death so that I could get rid of you all!” Levi smiled.
“This… “
They were dumbfounded.
Who could expect him to still be alive?
He’s literally immortal!
How is he not dead?
All of a sudden, Delano dropped to his knees.
He was completely drained of energy from the shock.
“He’s all yours!” Levi said and kicked Delano over to Robed Slayer.
“Master. Please spare me! I beg of you!”
Delano started groveling, pleading for mercy.
Nevertheless, Robed Slayer said nothing and gave Delano a slap on the head.
In that split second, blood splattered everywhere, and Delano ceased to exist.
With that, Levi turned his attention to the Watanabe family.
He randomly killed two of them with a flick of his wrist, and the rest screamed for their lives.
Everyone was afraid of dying.
Even more so when they witnessed so many deaths right in front of them.
“Now, I only have one question. I’ll spare whoever tells me the answer!” Levi announced.
Hearing that there was a chance for survival, the strategist all nodded immediately, suggesting that they could provide him with an answer.
“Alright then. Tell me, who was it from The Dark Sun that mimicked my techniques and framed me?” Levi asked.
Hearing that, all their expressions changed.
“Tell him! If not we’re all going to die!” They looked at each other.
“I’ll say it!” the strategists exclaimed simultaneously and gave Levi a name.
Levi and Robed Slayer’s expression instantly darkened after hearing who it was.


Even though he was involved in it, but no one expected it to be him, Cyrus the Fiery Demon.

“The Fiery Demon himself? That’s impossible!” both Levi and Robed Slayer exclaimed at the same time.
Levi was framed and got mistaken as the demon’s heir, meaning Cyrus’ disciple.

In the end, Levi could not believe that Cyrus was actually the one that framed him in the first place.
And Robed Slayer even more so.
“But it is the Fiery Demon! We’re not lying!” The Watanabes were panicking.
“Why did he do that? What’s the benefit of letting everyone mistake me as his disciple?” Levi asked.
“That, we have no idea. What we know is that he offered to help us on his own accord!” the strategists replied.
What they said confused Levi even more.
If Cyrus wanted to destroy Erudia’s martial arts world or had a grudge with someone, he could’ve just made his move! He was once ranked number one on the Gem List! With the Seven Fiends behind him, he could do anything he wanted! So why did he do this? Why did he incite conflict between me and the martial arts world?
Levi was puzzled.
Disregarding everything else, the Seven Fiends are his most loyal followers. What he did might actually cost them their lives. Then, what was his objective? Does he want to kill his own subordinates?
From what Levi knew, the Seven Fiends respected Cyrus immensely, so it was definitely not out of spite.
There’s definitely something fishy going on here! How could such a prominent figure like him even take orders from The Dark Sun and frame me? It just doesn’t make sense!
“How did you guys establish contact with Cyrus?” Levi asked.
“We didn’t look for him.” Muzo shook his head. “He was the one that contacted us!”
“No, that can’t be. You guys are lying, aren’t you?” Levi sneered at as he looked at the Watanabes.
Seeing that made them panic even more.
“No doubt there is the Fiery Demon! But he’s actually the founder of The Dark Sun, right?” Levi deducted.
The Watanabes were all astonished by his statement and their expression changed.
“H-How did you know that?” They looked at Levi in bewilderment as Muzo asked.
Levi smiled. “Well, for one, the Yagyuu family is a proud family with three super strong fighters holding the fort. They refused to cooperate with you all this time, so why did they join The Dark Sun in the first place? There must have been someone that could overpower them and force them to join. That person would not be someone from Raysonia. So, it could only be Cyrus!”
Levi could basically confirm that Cyrus was the leader of The Dark Sun when he took the framing into account.
“Not bad!” The Watanabes looked at each other and nodded. “You’re right! The Fiery Demon is the real leader of The Dark Sun! Only he has the capability of uniting all the families and convincing those snobs from the Yagyuu family into joining!”
“He was the one that framed you for what happened! The man behind it all!”

Levi suddenly recalled meeting the imposter at Terragon Hill.
He did not look like Cyrus, so it must be one of his new disciples.
“Come to think of it, did the Yagyuu family refuse to cooperate because Cyrus is gone?” Levi asked.
“That’s right!” Everyone nodded.
“Then where is he right now?” Levi continued.


“Later on, he vanished! Ever since Bruce started working with us, Cyrus disappeared. Not Even Bruce himself was cognizant that Cyrus is the leader of The Dark Sun.”

“After that, Cyrus and his men were never seen again,” the Watanabe family explained sincerely.
Levi could tell that they weren’t lying to him.

I can’t believe Cyrus is involved in this!
Anyhow, now that The Dark Sun has disbanded, Cyrus can be dealt with later.
“Levi, we’ve told you everything we know. I believe you’ll keep your word and spare us?”
Flurried, the Watanabe family were sweating bullets.
Levi smiled and responded, “Yeah, of course! I always honor my word. Don’t worry.”
He turned around and left.
The Watanabe family were relieved after hearing Levi’s statement. The vise that had been gripping their chest finally loosened up.
We get to live!
I knew Levi is a man of his word!
When Levi passed by Robed Slayer, he murmured, “All yours.”
Subsequently, Robed Slayer let out a sinister smile.
With a minatory aura surrounding him, he strode toward the Watanabe family.
The Watanabe family felt his bloodlust as he came closer and closer to them.
“Wait, what are you doing?”
“Levi said that he would let us go! He told us that he would honor his word!”
“You dare to disobey him?”
The Watanabe family were getting agitated.
“Mr. Garrison promised that he would let you go, but I didn’t. That means I’m free to do whatever I want with you guys.”
Robed Slayer glanced maniacally at the Watanabe family.
At this moment, the Watanabe family realized that something was off.
Did Levi lie to us?
He did spare our lives.
That being said, he didn’t mention anything about Robed Slayer wanting to kill us.
Oh, I get it now. This is his scheme all along!
He had this all planned out!
Before the Watanabe family could say anything, they were shot down by arrows.
“That’s enough. Go to hell!”
After that, Robed Slayer left with Levi.
Just like that, The Dark Sun was eradicated, except for Cyrus.
That being said, Levi and Robed Slayer were the only ones that knew about Cyrus.
To the others, The Dark Sun was no more.
They also believed that the Lab of Gods in Raysonia was destroyed.
People from all around the world started talking about the downfall of the Yagyuu family, the Watanabe family, as well as The Dark Sun.
News of Robed Slayer’s spectacular battle in Raysonia was also being spread across the globe.
First, we had Levi defeating Zarain with the Northern Excalibur, now we have Robed Slayer dominating all of Raysonia.
The two of them are invincible!
“Their powers are truly petrifying!”
“It seems like Robed Slayer has gotten stronger after his battle with Levi.”
“I feel like he’s even stronger than Levi now.”
“Thank the Gods! Robed Slayer will be able to take Levi’s place. With his strength, Erudia will continue to strive!”
The people of Erudia were overjoyed.
A new god has appeared!
Robed Slayer will bring Erudia to the top!
“Levi, now that Robed Slayer has replaced you, you don’t have to worry anymore.”
“Yeah, you can rest easy now.”


Copious amounts of people in Erudia were praying to Levi, telling him that he could finally rest in peace.

Even the Seven Fiends came to visit Levi’s grave. “Master, you can rest assured that you’ve been avenged. That being said, we know that some of your enemies are still alive. Don’t worry, we’ll help you get rid of them!”
The Dragonites and some of Levi’s acquittances also visited his grave at the Cenotaph.

Since Levi’s corpse was no more, his grave was filled with his belongings.
“Levi, are you seeing this? I told you another hero like you will emerge to save Erudia.”
“Yeah, it’s all turning out like you wished.”
“Also, don’t worry about your wife and kid. We’ll be sure to look out for them. But honestly, I don’t think they even need our help with how powerful they’ve become.”
Meanwhile, Robed Slayer was able to re-establish the position of Erudia in the martial arts world with his determination and strength.
The disciples of Robed Slayer from all around the world were enraptured because of this.
They were very proud of what their master had accomplished.
Thanks to their master’s achievement, they were revered by many people.
As the name of Robed Slayer continued to spread, more and more people became interested in being his disciple.
Some of them were even trying to get associated with Robed Slayer through his disciples.
We’ll gain the admiration and respect of the people if we become his disciples!
In the meantime, Robed Slayer was letting out a sigh. “I know I’ve unequivocally become stronger, but I’m not as strong as they think I am!”
Levi smiled and remained taciturn.
It’s good that I’ve brought Robed Slayer along.
He can serve as a diversion.
With that, I don’t need to worry about my identity getting exposed.
Now that Bruce is starting to impugn the validity of my death, I need to be more prudent.
It’s going to be difficult for me to carry out my plans with him sniffing around.
However, I might be able to pull this off with Robed Slayer around.
All eyes are currently on him. Hence, I’ll be able to carry out my plans in the dark.
Meanwhile, people were curious as to why The Cardinal Hall and The Manifest Court hadn’t updated the Gem List.
Robed Slayer should be placed in the number one spot now that Levi has passed away.
So why haven’t they updated the Gem List?
“I guess they wanted to commemorate Levi and to ward off enemies,” someone explained.
“Yeah, Levi is the chosen one. He should forever be in the first place!”
However, all of the foreign powerhouses were keeping a close eye on Robed Slayer.
They were very wary of his terrifying powers.
Bruce had to reevaluate Robed Slayer’s strength in the Lab of Gods since his power kept on increasing.
“Find out how he’s able to become so powerful!”
Bruce was livid.
The Dark Sun was a powerful ally of mine.
How could they be eliminated so easily?
Even the men that I’ve sent to aid them were annihilated.
This is not looking good.
Not to mention, Robed Slayer is helping Levi to get his revenge.
How should I deal with him?
“If Robed Slayer decides to come after me, then I’ll let him taste the power of our test subjects!”
Bruce smiled menacingly.
Come at me if you want, Robed Slayer.
I’d love to see what my test subjects are capable of.
Bruce’s second experiment was completed.
Out of the ten test subjects, only two of them survived.
Both of them turned out to be stronger than the test subject from the first experiment.
“I’d like to meet the next test subjects. Bring me to them!”
Bruce was brought to a prison-like place.


The people that Bruce kept behind bars were none other than the Lopez and Black families.

Henry, Fabian, Shaun, Logan, Jennie, and the others were all there.
During the crisis in Erudia, they retreated to Zarain.

However, after Zarain successfully defended itself against Erudia, they were stripped of all their assets and were kicked out of the country.
This led them to a conundrum. They couldn’t return to either Zarain or Erudia.
Without a place to call home, they lived like stray dogs.
They had to endure a plethora of hardships just to stay alive.
If it wasn’t for their combat skills, they would’ve been dead already.
Later on, these people came to Bruce’s mind while he was helping Jared with his experiment.
Bruce wanted to make them his test subjects.
So, he ordered his men to capture them and bring them to him.
Once they were in his captivity, Bruce injected super serum and various other chemicals into them, enhancing their physical strengths as well as their mental capabilities.
In order for them to withstand Jared’s experiment, they need to become stronger!
Bruce wanted every one of his test subjects to survive Jared’s experiment.
I need all of them to get revenge for me!
“Do you know who made you all suffer?” Bruce queried.
“Levi!” he added.
Upon hearing the name Levi, Logan was furious.
Because of his restraining order, we weren’t able to return to Erudia. It’s all his fault!
Many people begged for him to remove the order, but he didn’t even bat an eye.
Everything’s gone awry because of him!
“I’ll give you guys a chance to get revenge on him. What do you say?”
The Lopez and black families went pensive and quiet.
Can we really trust him?
“What are you guys worried about? Fine, I’ll give it to you straight! I want to get rid of Levi! And you guys are the pawns to achieve that goal! My experiment will get you prepared to fight him.”
The Lopez and black families pondered for a while.
It’s not like we have a choice here. He’ll kill us anyway if we refuse to comply.
We should just accept his proposal.
Besides, we do still have a score to settle with Levi.
Isolated from the outside world, the Lopez and Black families hadn’t heard of Levi’s death.
Thus, they ended up being deceived by Bruce’s words.
“Okay, we’ll kill Levi for you!”
Bruce was delighted to hear their answer.
I can use their grudge against Levi to control them.
“Our situation is looking great! However, there are still some concerns.
“We still need to be cautious of Levi’s kid. She’ll become an issue to us once she’s grown up.
“Moreover, we also need to keep tabs on Zoey. “If she falls into The Cardinal Hall’s hands, it’ll become a huge problem for us.
“Last but not least, we need to be aware of Wynona. Her abnormal powers pose a threat to us.”
Bruce paused for a while before continuing, “We need to find a way to capture the three of them! If I send a few of my test subjects after them, will they be able to bring them here?”
The others quickly nodded.
“Yes, of course. Mr. Johnston, you can use this chance to observe their strength in combat!”
“I see, okay. I’ll come up with some backup plans just in case. I must restrain the three of them at all costs.”
Out of the blue, a person rushed into the room.
“Mr. Johnston, someone is here to see you!”
“Who?” Bruce had a perplexed look on his face.
“I’m not sure. He calls himself the founder of The Dark Sun.”


“The founder of The Dark Sun? Are you talking crap or what?”

Bruce was dumbstruck and rebutted right away.
The Dark Sun had been uprooted by Robed Slayer, and all their members were dead.

How could he still show up?
“No, something’s not quite right. What did he call himself? The founder of The Dark Sun?”
Bruce realized that something did not add up right then.
“Yes, the founder of The Dark Sun!”
“All right then, let him in right now!”
Soon, a man donning a black robe entered the room.
If Levi was here, he would have recognized that this person was the one who impersonated him and fought him back at Terragon Hill.
“You’re the founder of The Dark Sun?” Bruce asked with a perplexed face.
“No, that’s my master. He requested that I look for you here,” the man answered.
“Who’s your Master? Why are you guys claiming to be the founder of The Dark Sun?”
Bruce did not see the point of beating around the bush and asked bluntly.
“My master is Fiery Demon!”
Others present gasped after listening to the man, including Bruce.
Fiery Demon is the king of all demon!
“This belongs to my master and is the proof of his identity.”
The man handed over a box to Bruce.
Bruce and the others opened the box and tried to make sense of it.
Upon verification, they nodded their heads.
“It’s him!”
Bruce had his hands on Fiery Demon, Cyrus’s information.
Hence, he could verify his identity rapidly without a hitch.
However, Bruce furrowed his brows and looked befuddled. “I have one question though…”
His question was the same as Levi’s.
Why is Cyrus doing this? Why did he establish The Dark Sun? Most importantly, why is he looking for me now?
The mysterious man smiled and said, “Master has foreseen that you might have some questions. He wants me to tell you something.”
“What is it?”
The man stepped forward and whispered into Bruce’s ears.
Bruce’s lips curled into a smile after listening to him. “I see! Your master wants to collaborate with me?”
“Yes, that’s right.”
“Sure, no problem. His sincerity is without question. I look forward to working together with him!”
The Dark Sun was going to collaborate with the Lab of Gods.
Things were about to take a very different turn.
“No wonder Fiery Demon has not appeared before. He didn’t think I was a worthy partner. I’m glad to see that he’s finally willing to work together with me, now that I’m in charge of the Lab of Gods… Haha…”
Bruce let out a self-deprecating laugh. “So Fiery Demon used to think that I belonged to the same class as those goonies from Raysonia who are mere cannon fodders.”
Meanwhile, at the other side, Levi was parting with Robed Slayer.
Now that Robed Slayer had diverted the attention away from Levi, the latter could finally focus on investigating Bruce and the Lab of Gods.
However, unlike The Dark Sun, the Lab of Gods was far too enigmatic.
As of now, nobody truly understood the Lab of Gods.
Bruce alone was outstanding enough, and he was merely the spokesperson for the Lab of Gods.
To put it bluntly, he was only the errand boy for the Lab of Gods.
However, such a person already had a formidable background and exercised great influence.
It was thus evident just how powerful the Lab of Gods was.
The Hiltons from the Goldenport Island, where Johannes Hilton, the God of Gamblers originated, held the Lab of Gods with much veneration and respect.
They had the impression that the Lab of Gods was one of the strongest institutions in the world.
With that being said, it was not a blind infatuation with the Lab of Gods. Rather, the Hiltons were impressed by their capabilities.
Bruce alone was difficult enough to deal with. Hence, there was no doubt that others from the Lab of Gods were not to be taken lightly.
Levi reckoned that they could even rival those from Shield.
It would be wise to contemplate every move against the Lab of Gods carefully, lest they alert the power behind the powerful institution and rippled a domino effect that would bar them from ever getting close to investigating the mysterious institution.
Levi could not help but wonder what exactly was inside the Lab of Gods.
How many fighters do they have? How many advanced weapons do they possess?
There were too many unknowns.
Most importantly, Levi was unsure if he could match up to the people from the Lab of Gods.


One thing was for sure, though. Levi knew that he did not yet possess the ability to stand up to the Lab of Gods.

Dealing with Bruce alone would exhaust his forces, not to mention the Lab of Gods which helmed much greater power.
Hence, there was no way Levi could contend the Lab of Gods head-to-head as he did with The Dark Sun.

One had to know thyself and thy enemies before striking a move.
Levi planned to find out more about Bruce and then wipe out his influences before tackling the Lab of Gods.
“Mr. Garrison, I’ll go back to Erudia then. Where are you heading next?” Robed Slayer asked.
“I will gather some of my old comrades for a discussion first,” Levi said with a smile.
“Good to know. Just let me know if you require any assistance, Mr. Garrison.”
Robed Slayer then headed back to Erudia.
This time, there was no need for him to play hide and seek.
Thousands of people from his home country, Erudia, were welcoming Robed Slayer home with open arms.
He was touted as the hero of the era.
Robed Slayer gladly accepted the honor and veneration from his own people.
Even The Cardinal Hall and Eragon were there to welcome him home.
His honor did not end there as even the Seven Fiends were thanking him for avenging their master.
Zoey, Wynona, and Mia were there as well.
They had been staying at The Cardinal Hall recently and had gotten some guidance from fighters there.
As a result, they were able to control their abilities more than half of the time.
It was already much higher than before.
Mia was especially gifted and had been accepted as a disciple by one of the fighters in The Cardinal Hall. With her teacher’s guidance, she had improved by leaps and bounds.
The Cardinal Hall decided that it was time for them to gain some real-life exposure.
The girls decided to join in the fun after knowing that Robed Slayer was coming back to Erudia.
However, Forlevia was still at The Cardinal Hall.
There were a few more years till she was ready to gain exposure to the real world.
An explicable emotion washed over Robed Slayer as he regarded those standing before him to welcome him home.
At the sight of the Zoey and the others, he almost failed to suppress the urge to tell them that Levi was in fact still alive.
“Robed Slayer! I have a question, and I think this question is one that others are curious about as well,” a reporter said.
Robed Slayer smiled. “All right. Ask away.”
“How did you become so powerful so fast? It’s a well-known fact that you’re badly injured following a battle, and you were even poisoned! How did you become stronger after sustaining such injuries, and to this extent, no less? It’s really quite fascinating.”
It was indeed a question that everyone was curious about, including Bruce.
He would even go as far as to say that it was illogical.
Robed Slayer merely smiled and replied, “It was all thanks to my master!”
“Your Master?”
Everyone gasped after listening to him.
Robed Slayer was no longer a young man. Could his teacher whom he called ‘Master’ still be alive?
Isn’t his Master an old living deity then?
It all makes sense then, how he’s gotten stronger after sustaining such serious injuries.
The way Robed Slayer gained traction back then was quite enigmatic as well. It turned out that he had received guidance to become such a legendary man.
Nonetheless, all of them were oblivious to the fact that Levi was actually Robed Slayer’s Master.
It was thanks to Levi that the man had achieved such great strides.
Even though Levi was much younger than himself, Robed Slayer still honored Levi as his teacher.
Robed Slayer truly felt that he owed his achievements to Levi and did not lie. Instead, his eyes were full of admiration and respect at the mention of his Master.
The public’s curiosity was satiated. However, another question soon popped up.
Who is Robed Slayer’s Master?
Robed Slayer knew they would be curious about it and answered even before they asked. “My master is someone living in the depths of nature. There is no way you guys will be able to meet him. So, just save your questions.”
The message was loud and clear, albeit terrifying.
The public realized that there still existed such an ultimate fighter in Erudia.
Who will be able to stop him then?
Bruce was stumped at the revelation as well.
It seemed like there was more to Erudia than he knew.
Nonetheless, Robed Slayer’s answers had been able to satisfy some of the burning questions the public had.
Meanwhile, Levi was waiting right by the borders of Erudia.
He was waiting for some of his old comrades.



Top Level Body Fusion Realm
Sep 24, 2023

“Hahaha! What a joke! Do you really think we, the Suarez family would be afraid of anyone? Just wait and see. Soon enough, we’ll have our own territory in North Hampton.”

Zachary didn’t give a second thought to what Margaret had said.

Thus, the week-long investment promotion fair ended on a fulfilling note.
Many businesses from overseas had given their all into investing in North Hampton’s developments.

That was exactly the results Levi wanted to achieve.
However, he had heard of a few larger families forcing a few small and medium-sized corporations into handing over their companies. Within just a few days, many of those corporations had already been bought over.
“Mr. Garrison, what should we do? Should we start taking action?” The Rogers family asked.
Levi shook his head. “We’ll just observe for now. It wouldn’t be too late for us to take action only after they’ve succeeded. After all, it’s only fair for them to make contributions to the North Hampton’s economy first.”
When everyone caught sight of the smirk hanging off Levi’s lips, they understood what his true motives were.
Levi was planning to fatten them up slowly and surely. The moment they were ripe and plump enough, only then would he sink his teeth into them.
Back in the Lopez family mansion, Sebastian was looking frazzled.
He’d aged quite a bit under the stress from the recent events.
Staying put without taking revenge wasn’t his style of confrontation at all.
“What happened? Did he agree to it?” Sebastian asked.
“Yes, he did, but he asked for you to go and invite him personally,” Simon said.
“Yes, of course I will!”
“Sebastian, I never would have thought that you’d call on him.” Simon’s eyes trembled in fear.
Sebastian scoffed, “If it weren’t that urgent, would I have gone for this option?”
“It’s not a bad thing. In fact, if he takes action, then the boss behind the Morris Group has nowhere left to run!”
Murderous intent glazed over Sebastian’s gaze. “That’s right. That man is the one and only person I’ve ever feared of. If he didn’t go into hiding, would I even have the chance to be where I am today in South City? He’s the real head of Quebec!”
“That’s right. The Morris Group has been playing games for far too long. It’s high time this man appeared to stop them.”
The Suarez family had been gobbling up businesses left and right in North Hampton. So far, they’ve gotten themselves quite the collection.
“No! I can’t just let the injury my brother suffered go that easily. The Oriental Star Group must be ours.” Zachary’s gaze was chilly.
That very afternoon, Zachary brought a group of his men to the Oriental Star Group.
Zoey had no choice but to meet them.
“It’s Zoey, isn’t it? I’ll keep things short. I’m here to take over the Oriental Star Group,” Zachary said instantly.
Zoey, however, refused just as quickly. “That’s impossible. I’ve just taken over the company, and we’re developing pretty well. Why would I ever sell the company to you?”
“That’s right! Mr. Suarez, did you hear any false rumors? The Oriental Star Group isn’t up for sale. Were you expecting to buy us over?”
The other higher-ups looked at Zachary questioningly.
Zachary just chuckled. “Well, the Suarez family wishes to take over your company, so you have to sell it to us.”
“What kind of twisted reason is that? Aren’t you just forcing us to give it up to you?”
“What kind of society are we living in? I didn’t know such hegemony existed.”
The higher-ups of the Oriental Star Group all disagreed with his outlandish request.
“That’s right. The Suarez family is simply used to such methods. I’ll give you 24 hours to clean up before I come back here to take what’s mine. If you turn me down, trust me, you’ll regret it,” Zachary said coldly.
Three loud bangs resounded as one of Zachary’s men tossed three throwing knives and landed them each on the words, ‘Oriental Star Group’ that was printed on the wall behind them.


That was a threat.

It was a threat; plain and simple as that; laid bare for all of them to see.

That was a warning to everyone in Oriental Star Group that if they dared to go against him, they’d regret that decision for the rest of their lives.
“Remember, none of you have the right to retaliate against the Suarez family, so don’t even try,” Zachary said coldly before leaving.

In the end, the higher-ups were left staring after him in disbelief.
Was the Oriental Star Group about to get bought over right after they’d just begun developing?
“Ms. Lopez, I think it’d be for the best if we let them buy the company.”
“That’s right. The Suarez family has been buying companies left and right. The ones who tried to retaliate ended up defending themselves to death.”
“The Suarez family has way too much power in South City. We don’t have the power to fight back against them. In fact, we might end up dead, too.”
The higher-ups of the Oriental Star Group had given up completely.
Zoey, however, remained silent.
Deep within, her heart was crumbling in hopelessness.
Why did they have to get on the Suarez family’s bad side?
Zoey was ready to give up.
Based on everything that had happened recently, the Suarez family would stop at nothing to get what they wanted.
In order to force the hands of those business owners, they had used all kinds of twisted methods.
Zoey was especially terrified that her parents or her husband would get into trouble because of her.
Recently, Levi had been rather satisfied with how North Hampton was coming along.
There were a couple of obstacles along the way, but overall, everything was going smoothly.
Once he reached home, however, the first thing he saw was Zoey’s unhappy face.
“What happened, honey? Did something happen at work?” Levi asked, concerned.
Zoey shook her head. “I’m just frustrated because of the recent developments with the company.”
The next day, Zoey had just stepped foot into the company when she caught sight of Zachary strolling in with a bunch of his underlings.
Everyone else shivered at the sight of the man from the other day who had used the throwing knives with such ease.
“So, Ms. Lopez, what’s your final decision?” Zachary asked with a smirk on his face.
“You could at least try to be a little more sincere with your request. What’s your price?” Zoey asked.
Zachary was taken aback for a second before replied, “One billion!”
Everyone inhaled sharply at the sound of Zachary’s price.
The Suarez family was truly overbearing!
How dare they try to buy a company with a net worth of six billion for only one billion?
Zoey scoffed coldly, “Mr. Suarez, are you insane? How could I possibly sell it to you for a mere one billion?”
Zachary burst out laughing.
Coldly, he jabbed, “Ms. Lopez, I don’t think you know what’s going on right now. You’re in no position to make any negotiations. I named my price to save you some face. If you piss me off, you’re not going to get even a cent from me.”
How could the Suarez family be this ridiculously overbearing?!
Sadly, they could only seethe in silence.
Two days ago, someone tried to retaliate against the Suarez family. They ended up with four broken limbs and their family got dragged into it too.
Who wouldn’t be afraid of such a force?
“This is the contract. Sign it now, and the money will be transferred to you instantly.” Zachary tossed the contract to Zoey.
“If you refuse to sign this, Aaron Lopez and Caitlyn Black will be joining me for dinner tonight.” Zachary laughed chillingly as he laid his threats down.
His meaning was clear enough. If Zoey refused, he’d find a way to get rid of Aaron and Caitlyn, and it didn’t matter whether they were dead or alive.
“You’re being unreasonable!” Zoey shouted in anger.
Even after so long, she had never met such an overbearing person.
Sadly, she couldn’t do anything about it.
“Ms. Lopez, just sign it!” The other higher-ups started clamoring.
“I don’t think so.”
Right at that moment, a voice called out.
Levi was here.
He had noticed Zoey’s worrisome expression during dinner the other day. He did some investigations of his own to find out what was wrong.
To think that it was caused by the Suarez family!
“Levi Garrison? What are you doing here?”
Zachary had seen Levi in pictures before, and the very moment he laid his eyes on him, he knew he hated his guts.


It’s normal for enemies to want to finish off each other upon meeting. Zachary couldn’t help but want to kill Levi on sight.

With a deep frown on his face, Levi asked, “Who are you? Have we met?”

“I’m Zachary of the Suarez family. Zayn Suarez is my brother.”
Levi nodded. “Oh, that cripple!”

The moment he heard of the way Levi referred his brother, Zachary’s anger flared up.
“You should have stayed in South City. What are you doing here in North Hampton? Are you asking to be killed here?” Levi asked.
Zachary laughed coldly. “Don’t go thinking you’re safe with the Morris Group behind you. I’m warning you, the Suarez family is not going to stop until we’ve conquered a good part of North Hampton! You’d better sign the contract before you regret it.”
“Just screw off already.” Levi shoved Zachary away.
“You asked for it!”
Zachary’s subordinates started moving toward Levi.
Zachary stopped them.
“There’s no need for that.”
Zachary smiled at Zoey and asked, “Ms. Lopez, I hope you’ve thought about this properly. You’ll regret it if you make the wrong move.”
“I told you to leave, didn’t I?” Levi yelled.
“Okay, okay. Just you wait and see.” Zachary smiled menacingly.
“Mr. Shorts, why didn’t you just get rid of that guy?” After they exited the area, Will Brown asked Zachary in confusion. Will was the strongest fighter on Zachary’s team.
Zachary looked pissed. “You think I didn’t want to? That man has the Morris Group backing him up. Even Sebastian Lopez faced a hard time with them.”
“Then, what should we do? Just take it?” Will said in anger.
Zachary, on the other hand, smirked mysteriously. “Of course not! We’ll settle the Oriental Star Group first.”
“What about Levi Garrison?” Will Brown asked.
“I heard about Sebastian Lopez wanting to make a comeback.”
“Huh? Even the Black and White Guards suffered greatly. What could Sebastian do?”
Zachary smirked. “It will be a whole different story when Sebastian managed to call on him.”
“Him? Wait… could it be?”
Will suddenly looked terrified at the thought of someone and inhaled sharply.
“Sebastian Lopez is truly putting in his all. How’d he manage to call upon someone who’s been in hiding for the past thirty years?!”
The others were just as amazed.
“That’s right! That’s the real boss of Quebec and the one Sebastian is scared of the most.”
“The Morris Group is really something. They managed to drag him out of hiding,” Zachary said.
Will figured something out and smiled. “Mr. Shorts, you’re waiting for Sebastian Lopez and that man to get rid of the Morris Group before getting rid of Levi, right?”
“Yes. Without the Morris Group behind his back, how is Levi going to act all high and mighty?”
In South City, there was a small, rundown temple in the corner of Mount Amethyst.
Anyone in the upper class of South City knew that this temple was off-limits. That was because it was the home to the most terrifying figure in South City, and even all of Quebec.
He had once ruled over Quebec.
Thirty years ago, he retreated back here and became a vegetarian. Apart from that, he started reciting Buddhist mantras everyday.
Highly skilled professionals surrounded the temple and no one was allowed to go near it.
However, today, the Lopez family approached the temple.
Sebastian knelt in front of the temple personally, waiting for him to appear.
“Sir, the Lopez family is in trouble. Quentin Lane has been killed; Wesley Lane and James Lane have been crippled, and the Black and White Guards have been spliced into pieces. I, Sebastian Lopez, beg you to get rid of them. In exchange, I will give everything I have.”
Sebastian begged with all his sincerity and kowtowed three times.


Everyone present at the temple instantly held their breaths at that sentence.

They stared at Sebastian in disbelief.

What could possibly have pushed Sebastian to make such a daring exchange?
He was even willing to give up his fortune in order to beat this mysterious person, or force.

Sebastian continued kneeling as he waited for an answer to come from within the temple.
Finally, after about ten minutes, the rundown wooden door of the temple creaked open.
A man dressed in a suit walked out of the temple. Everyone looked on in shock and fear as the godson of the ex-ruler of the underworld walked toward them.
Even Sebastian looked terrified.
The young man said simply, “Sebastian, please return. My godfather will handle this.”
“Thank you, sir!” Sebastian yelled in glee.
He agreed!
That meant the Morris Group was done for.
To Sebastian, this man was practically on the same level as God himself.
There was nothing in Quebec that he couldn’t get his hands on if he were willing to step up.
Right after that, the news of this man finally returning to society started spreading around South City like wildfire.
Once, he had been the ruler of Quebec. He had locked himself away for thirty years, but he was finally emerging once more.
Everyone could tell that North Hampton was about to undergo great changes.
The fact that this man was willing to show himself once more meant that Quebec was about to go through a massive transformation.
All the other forces and families in South City started preparing for this man’s arrival.
Early on the next day, the ten most powerful families of South City gathered along the twisting and turning roads of Mount Amethyst in two lines as they waited for this person’s arrival.
Sebastian stood among them.
There was finally some people coming from the end of the road.
They had come down the mountain on foot.
This group of people surrounded an old man with white hair and a ruddy complexion who looked full of spirit.
Even though he was already 80 years old, his steps were steady and he was clearly of good health.
He was once the ruler of Quebec, Scott Yates.
Everyone in Quebec called him by ‘sir’ and ‘sir’ only.
At first sight, he looked like any other esteemed figure, perhaps a well-read professor or master.
No one would have connected him to the role of an underworld ruler.
Apart from Fernand Yates, Scott’s godson, there were four other people walking next to him. They were also known as the Four Mighty Generals.
The first one was all skin and bones, and resembled a walking skeleton. His skin stretched taut over the angular frame of his skull. He was known simply as Bones.
The second stood at around 2 meters tall and looked like a human mountain. He was named Golem.
The third was as bulked up as a bull and his head was completely bald. There were six scars on the thin skin of his scalp. His name was Titan, and he was a priest.
The last one appeared completely normal, and nothing stood out about him. However, he was the most fearsome among all.
The Black and White Guards were an indestructible force in South City.
But in the face of these four, they were mere ants.
In South City’s extensive underworld, the Black and White Guards would only be the fifth or sixth most powerful forces.
The first four places belonged to these four generals.
These four taking action was just as terrifying as any natural disaster.
They were much too scary.
They were rumored to be able to beat an army of thousands.
“Congratulations Sir, on your return!”
When the families saw Scott Yates and his lineup, they welcomed him enthusiastically.
So what if they had countless riches?
So what if they had enough money to overthrow the country?
All that could disappear at any second with just a word from Scott Yates.
As compared to Liam Macy and Sebastian Lopez, Scott Yates had experienced much more. He had made his breakthrough during the peak of Quebec’s underworld, so he had a much stronger background.
There was nothing he could say that Quebec wouldn’t obey to instantly.
Sebastian stepped up. “Sir, now that you are back, there’s a favor I have to ask from you.”


“Sebastian’s reputation has been completely ruined!”

“The Morris Group? Is that a new corporation?” Scott Yates asked.

Sebastian nodded. “Yes, sir. The Morris Group appeared only recently. They appear to be run by the Rogers family. The collapse of the three main pillars of North Hampton have a lot to do with the Morris Group.”
Scott Yates stayed silent at that.

His godson, Fernand Yates, piped up, “Yes, I’ve taken notice of that as well. The reason that this Morris Group managed to gain so much power in such a short time is due to someone extremely powerful working behind the scenes. Furthermore, it’s next to impossible to find any information about their mysterious boss or Neil Atkinson.”
Fernand also held a lot of power. Despite Scott Yates lived in seclusion away in the mountains for the last thirty years, the family business had continued under Fernand’s management. However, he had chosen to stay subtle about it and only worked in the background.
Anyone in South City knew that Scott Yates was number one when it came to accumulated wealth.
“How dare they act like this in North Hampton? There must be a powerful figure behind the scenes.” Scott Yate’s expression changed abruptly. “Investigate! No matter who that person is, I will chase him out of Quebec regardless.”
“Understood. I’ll begin investigations right away,” Fernand replied.
The citizens of South City let out a sigh of relief.
With Scott Yates helping them out, the Morris Group would definitely be done for.
They could finally gobble up North Hampton with ease.
Every time anyone tried to take over North Hampton’s businesses, they either got held back by the law or got targeted by the Morris Group and the Rogers family.
The people of South City had been holding back their frustrations for a long time. The Suarez family and the Lopez family were especially bothered by that.
Despite that, all of them were more than aware of the fact that the Morris Group would be done for the moment ‘Sir’ left the mountain.
It didn’t matter how strong and powerful the Morris Group was.
It didn’t matter what their reputation was in South City.
In Quebec, Scott Yates’ word was the law.
Even a dragon would find it hard to control a snake in its old haunt.
North Hampton wasn’t as closely updated, so they had no clue of the imminent danger.
Zachary had caught wind of Scott Yates’ return.
He couldn’t be more ecstatic at the news.
“The end of the Morris Group is near! We should quickly wrap up our deal with the Oriental Star Group.”
The Oriental Star Group was an essential component of the Suarez family’s battle plan.
The entertainment department of the Oriental Star Group was something the Suarez family urgently needed.
“Mr. Suarez, the Oriental Star Group has recently been shooting seven blockbuster online-only movies. This was all produced by Zoey Lopez. Around fifty million was invested into each production. They’ll probably increase as time goes by. The final cost has to be around five hundred million at least!” Will Brown reported.
“Hmph! Zoey Lopez, I bet you were trying to make a real profit, weren’t you? Well, not a chance!” Zachary murmured as he chuckled darkly.
Zoey Lopez was definitely eager to make some achievements.
The property arm had already been established.
Naturally, she had to pay more attention to the entertainment segment.
Today, Zoey decided to visit the set personally.
This set belonged to the movie that they had invested the highest amount of money in, which was around seventy million.
They didn’t spend that much money on special effects or the plot. Most of the money had been invested into casting the male and female leads, who were both top-notch actors in the industry.
Casting the both of them would cost around fifty million at the very least.
The actual cost of the production itself was only about twenty million.
However, she believed that the movie would become a hit and generate a sizeable return given the actors’ fame.
The crew was currently preparing for filming while the actors were going through their lines.
Niall, the male lead, spotted Zoey once he lifted his head.
“Who is that?” he asked his assistant.
“This is the new boss of the Oriental Star Group, Zoey Lopez.”
Niall’s eyes lit up as he smiled. “I have to get to know her well then.”


So far, Niall was the most famous actor in the Oriental Star Group. He was extremely popular and had a ton of fans.

However, anyone who knew him personally knew how messy his private life was.

He slept around with fans and other female celebrities alike.
He had even had a fling or two with his assistants and makeup artists.

He had no problems hooking up with female higher-ups of various companies that had their eyes on him.
From just his appearance alone, Niall had risen from a barely-there social media influencer to a highest-paid actor within just three years.
Every time he took on a new job with a new company, he would immediately flirt with the female higher-ups as long as they were decent enough.
Even if the female boss in question was old and ugly, he’d still say yes if she was willing to pay a huge amount of money or benefits.
Niall was entranced the very moment he laid his eyes on Zoey.
How could there be such a beautiful and young boss in the industry?
The appearance and figure of all the other celebrities he had met so far paled in comparison to Zoey.
On top of all that, she was the boss of a multimillion company.
Zoey was watching the crew do their work when a scented breeze suddenly blew past her.
She lifted her head to see a tall and handsome man looking at her.
“Hi, nice to meet you. My name is Niall Xander!” Niall reached out his hand for a handshake.
“Niall Xander?” Of course Zoey knew who he was.
“I’m sorry, my husband doesn’t allow me to have physical contact with other men,” she turned him down.
Niall lowered his hand awkwardly.
He hadn’t considered the fact that Zoey was a married woman.
Despite that, a glint of ecstasy flashed in his eyes.
He loved married woman.
They were on an entirely different level from immature young girls.
He had already set his sights on Zoey as his next target.
“Wow, I can’t believe how young you are, Ms. Lopez. The fact that you managed to pull off filming seven movies at the same time is really impressive,” Niall complimented.
Zoey smiled. “It’s also thanks to your contributions as an actor. Hopefully, it’ll bring us good results.”
“Of course it will! I’ll put my everything into this movie,” Niall promised.
Gerry Wade, who was in charge of the entertainment department, reported, “Ms. Lopez, we’ve officially started advertising on the seven movies to the public. So far, the ones with Niall in the cast are the most well received. Based on our early calculations, we can earn up to four hundred million. In fact, it might end up being even more.”
Zoey smiled in excitement and said, “Mr. Xander, you are truly the hope of Oriental. Please, if you need anything at all, just let us know.”
Zoey understood what was going on.
In order to gain the most out of the movie, they had to treat Niall and their female lead like royalty.
“Of course! In fact, I wanted to ask if you are free tonight. I have something I need to discuss with you. It has to do with the future developments of Oriental Star Group,” Niall said with a smile.
Gerry whispered to Zoey, “Ms. Lopez, Niall’s management team is pretty impressive. They’re the ones we hired for a huge sum last time. In my opinion, you should say yes.”
Zoey agreed. “Alright. Since I’m new to the entertainment industry, it’ll be great to have a light to shine my way.”
Niall exchanged glances with his assistant and he smiled.
The fish had taken the bait, and he would be enjoying it tonight.
“Niall, what are you doing here? We were going through our lines just now,” Yvonne, the female lead, asked unhappily.
She had always liked Niall.
The company was also desperate to sell Yvonne and Niall as a couple, to which she was more than happy to oblige.
All along, Yvonne had seen the girls Niall took interest in as enemies.
When she saw the way Niall looked at Zoey, she was instantly furious.
“Who are you? Why are you interrupting our practice?” Yvonne asked frostily.


Niall yelled, “What are you doing? This is our new boss, Ms. Lopez!”

“So what if she’s our boss? She shouldn’t disrupt our practice!”

Yvonne was the star of Oriental Star Group, so she was haughty and did not care about others.
“Alright then, I shan’t be disturbing you! Mr. Xander, please don’t forget about tonight!” Zoey reminded in good nature.

Niall was excited and nodded immediately, “Don’t worry, I’ll make the necessary arrangements!”
Yvonne was enraged by this. She knew what Niall was up to.
For the entire shoot today, both Niall and Yvonne were distracted.
To begin with, both of their acting skills were mediocre.
The quality of the shoot was especially bad that day, but the directors had to call it a good take.
After all, they could not afford to offend either of them.
Yet, the two of them were involved in five major movies that day.
“Nevermind if the quality is bad. They have a large fanbase. We’ll get our money’s worth from their fanbase alone!” the directors, scriptwriters, and other crew members consoled themselves.
That day, Levi returned to the Morris Group once again.
Iris did not let him slack off and arranged for him to be an interviewer.
Even though she felt that Levi was incapable, he had a good eye for talent.
Hence, Levi spent the entire day conducting interviews.
A few young men came for an interview.
Levi glanced at the contract and was puzzled. He inquired, “You’re from the North Hampton Film Academy? You’re trained as an actor? Why are you applying for a job in sales?”
“To be honest, Sir, the entertainment industry is too stressful and competitive. Without a good background or funding, it’s difficult to make a name for yourself! We’re all from the countryside and have neither of them, so we’re struggling to make ends meet. We wanted to find a job to survive.” The youngsters hung their heads in disappointment.
That was not an uncommon sight. There were only so many successful artistes. Most artistes did not even find success as internet celebrities and had to find another job, even if they were talented actors and actresses.
When he heard about the entertainment industry, Levi immediately thought of his wife’s firm.
He recalled that they were expanding the scale of their entertainment business and were lacking manpower.
“In that case, you guys have a minute to perform something for me. You have a minute each. Feel free to exercise your creativity!” Levi smiled.
The interviewees were confused, but Levi was the interviewer after all. They did as he asked.
“Not bad. You really have talent!” Levi commended sincerely.
These men were all skilled actors, but their talents were not appreciated.
Sadly, there were many talented actors who did not get a chance to act. The movies were all filled with famous stars with poor acting skills, resulting in low-quality films.
“Please show me any other skills you have!”
Some of them showcased their dancing, singing, and other skills.
“All of you are great! Sign this, please!” Levi smiled.
“I beg your pardon?” they were all bewildered. You can get a sales job just by singing and dancing?
They had no idea that Levi was giving them the opportunity of a lifetime, transforming them from people barely making ends meet to superstars.
Meanwhile, at night, after work.
Zoey made a trip to the drama department.
“Hi Ms. Lopez, Mr. Xander is too busy and has returned to his residence. After that, he has to attend a dinner. Time is tight, so if you’re looking for him, please head to his home!” his assistant said.
“Alright, please lead the way,” Zoey replied. She did not dwell too much into it and followed the assistant to the artistes’ lodging.
She did not have any stray thoughts.
For one, the place was crowded.
For another, Niall was a star and would not do anything to harm his reputation.


But Zoey was wrong.

His management team had long known about him and he did not care about his reputation at all.

Zoey headed to Niall’s room. He had just finished taking a bath and walked out in a bathrobe, showing off his muscular body.
Zoey immediately turned to leave.

“Ms. Lopez, why are you leaving? It’s fine!” Niall hurriedly blocked Zoey.
Zoey turned around and smiled embarrassedly, “Sorry for coming all of a sudden. I didn’t expect you to be in the shower.”
“I’m a simple man. Ms. Lopez, please, have a seat!” Niall offered.
Zoey questioned him, “Mr. Xander, you said earlier that you had something important to discuss. What is it?”
“Winnie, help me get something!”
Niall waved her off. Winnie, his manager, left with a knowing look.
Zoey had no idea that Winnie would not be returning.
Before Winnie left, she closed the door behind her.
Zoey became alert the moment the door closed.
After all, she was alone with another man in a room.
Niall smiled and enquired, “Ms. Lopez, how do you feel about me?”
“You’re a great star who has a large fan base!”
“No, I meant about my looks. How’s my figure? Did I get your heart racing?” Niall flirted directly.
“Huh? What do you mean?” Zoey felt something was amiss.
Niall closed in and explained, “Ms. Lopez, I decided to give you a chance – a chance to have me for one night!”
In the past, when Niall said this, those rich lady bosses would have pounced on him.
However, Zoey’s reaction was far from what he had expected.
She was not tempted by the offer and was even filled with an icy rage.
“Mr. Xander, please show some self-respect! I’ll be off!” Zoey spat.
“Wait, hold on. Let’s talk things through!”
How could Niall allow her to escape?
“Let me go! If you try anything funny, I will be sure to persecute you!” Zoey roared.
Niall scoffed, “Woman, I looked for you because I felt you were worth it. Stop being so full of yourself. Do you think you’re the boss here? I’ll tell you honestly. In the Oriental Star Group, I’m the real boss! You have to listen to me!”
“You…” Zoey was fuming.
She did not expect to meet an artiste like that!
Niall sneered, “Zoey Lopez, you’d better obey my every command. I’ll guarantee that all of your movies sell well and Oriental Star Group’s business excels! Otherwise, I’ll cripple your company!”
Zoey bit her lip and glared at Niall.
“Come, as long as you listen to me, we will both benefit from it!”
Niall was about to pounce upon Zoey.
The door slammed opened and Yvonne entered.
Whew! Zoey heaved a sigh of relief.
Meanwhile, Niall was enraged.
This stupid woman is at it again! Why does she have to ruin everything?
“Zoey Lopez, you wench! As the owner of the Company, you’ve overstepped the boundaries and seduced your own artistes! How shameless!” Yvonne accused her.
Zoey was bewildered. Niall was the one who tried to seduce me. Why am I in the wrong now?
“Zoey, you’re so shameless! I’ve heard that you were even married for six years! How could you even do that!”
“You slut!”
Niall fell silent and acknowledged Yvonne’s actions.


He wanted to maintain the stance that he was not in the wrong and that it was all Zoey’s fault.

Zoey flared up, “Niall, you’d better explain what’s going on here!”

At this point, Niall’s manager and a few assistants had arrived.
“I’ll explain alright! Zoey here seduced me and was refused by me, simple as that!” Niall sneered.

When she heard Niall twisting the facts, Zoey was about to burst with rage.
“Bullshit! You were the one who tried to rape me!” Zoey screamed.
Yvonne pushed Zoey and spat, “Stop pretending to be innocent! I saw everything earlier. You were clearly seducing him!”
Yvonne loved Niall, so even if Niall were in the wrong, she would protect him and push the blame to someone else. This was one such example.
“You two…” Zoey nearly fainted from the rage.
Winnie sided with them as well, “Ms. Lopez, you can’t do that! Even though you’re the boss, there are limits! Niall is an actor. If word got out, his career would be destroyed and your company would suffer as well!”
“That’s right! A woman like you can get any man you want. Let Niall off!”
“That’s right, Ms. Lopez, don’t make life difficult for him!”

Niall’s manager and team started to defend him anxiously.
“You… I… It wasn’t me…”
Zoey was livid but she did not know how to explain herself.
She was framed and everyone present were on his side.
She would not be able to defend herself even with concrete evidence.
“Ms. Lopez, please leave. We will pretend this never happened and won’t pursue this matter!” Winnie said as she dragged Zoey off.
Zoey was flabbergasted. I’m the victim here! Why did I suddenly become the villain and even get blackmailed by them?
Zoey’s first reaction was to fire all of them.
She dialed Wade’s number and informed him of this.
“You can’t do that, Ms. Lopez. Oriental Star Group’s entertainment business depends on Niall and Yvonne. We can’t possibly fire them. Calm down and hear me out, Ms. Lopez! This will not benefit the company in any way!”
“I…!” Zoey clenched her teeth angrily.
I am the victim here! Yet, there’s nothing I can do about it!

In Niall’s room, Yvonne scorned, “How could you do something so reckless? This woman isn’t any ordinary person. The moment she gets ahold of your weakness, you’re toast!”
“Hmph! I’ll get this woman someday!” Niall spat. He was still angered by Yvonne for ruining his opportunity. Otherwise, Zoey would not have been able to escape back then.
“Alright, Ms. Wren. Calm down. Niall is still young and reckless. It’s okay,” Winnie persuaded her.
At this point in time, Winnie received a call.
“Huh? What? Mr. Suarez from South City wants to meet Niall?”
Meanwhile, Yvonne’s manager also received a call.
The contents of the call were the same.
“I’m not meeting anyone tonight! I don’t feel like it!” Niall declared angrily.
“But you just have to meet this man! He’s from the Suarez family in South City. No one can afford to offend him!” Winnie explained.
Soon, a car came to pick Niall, Yvonne, and a few other artistes up.
These ten people were all the pillars of Oriental Star Group.


Zoey was fuming with rage but there was nothing she could do about it.

She had to wait for the movies to finish filming.

“Honey, is your company’s entertainment side short on manpower?” Levi queried.
Zoey nodded, “Yep, we’ve always been understaffed and were on the lookout for new talents!”

“Well, it happens that I’ve signed all of them for you during the interview yesterday. I’ve interviewed them all myself. Their acting skills are superb, but they don’t have a chance to showcase their talents!”
Levi told her about what happened during the interview earlier.
“What a pity. They were trained in acting and singing but had to find work elsewhere,” Zoey sighed.
“I’ll get them to look for you tomorrow!”
The following day, shortly after Zoey arrived at her office, the four men hired by Levi appeared.
A man and a woman caught her attention immediately.
The man was Maurice Lorraine while the woman was Helena Engler.
At least, they had the looks.
Normally, they would both have an opportunity to become famous. However, they did not have the background since they were from rural areas, and at the same time, they were unwilling to play by the unspoken rules.
Hence, they ended up in this state.
Zoey got professionals from the entertainment department to interview them and they all passed.
After signing the contract, they officially became artistes under the Oriental Star Group. Even if they had to start from the bottom, the four of them were excited.
They also knew that with Oriental Star Group’s reputation in North Hampton, this would not have been possible without Levi’s help.
Helena immediately sent a message to Levi to treat him to a meal.
At the drama department, Niall, Yvonne, and the other top artistes were usually lazy and treated work lightly.
However, that day, they were slacking even more than usual.
Forgetting or memorizing the wrong lines were common.
At times, Niall’s expression even wandered and did not look at the camera at all.
The stage crew was furious, but there was nothing they could do about it.
After all, they were famous stars that no one could afford to offend.
They could only take scene by scene and hope for the best during editing.
Niall and Yvonne exchanged knowing looks and had an elated expression.
This had happened because of what occurred the previous night.
Both of them were angry at Zoey and wanted to get their revenge. At this point in time, Zachary called them up and strengthened their resolve. They were bent on getting revenge on the Oriental Star Group.
“Let me introduce everyone. These are artistes newly signed by the company. They graduated from North Hampton Film Academy and are very talented. That’ll reduce the burden on the drama department!” Gerry announced as he brought the four over.
Many were disgusted by the four daft-looking individuals. Most people disliked newcomers.
“Can we treat them as we like?” Niall asked.
Gerry responded, “Of course. Niall, you’re their senior. Ordering them around is a privilege to them!”
Helena and the others recognized stars like Niall and Yvonne. They were eager to be of help to them.
If they could establish a good relationship with them, their career would be set!
“Alright then! You, go get me some water!” Niall pointed towards Helena.
“Me? Sure!” Helena felt privileged by this gesture.
She immediately went to pour him a cup of water and carefully brought it in front of Niall.
“Senior, please have some water!” Helena offered him with a smile.
Niall scrutinized Helena carefully. This lass has got the looks. She isn’t inferior to Yvonne in any way.
“Ahem,” Yvonne cleared her throat. Only then did Niall take the glass of water.

When will zoye learn her lesson


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Sep 27, 2023

Oh, well… I guess it really is no challenge for someone as powerful as he is! Man, I sure envy Levi… I’ve got to get stronger so I can act all bada*s like him and be strong enough to back it up!

“You may not know this, Mr. Garrison, but Kenkage practices a different form of swordsmanship!” Robed Slayer said.
“Hmm?” Levi paused.

“Kenkage has always frequented nightclubs and is an infamous pervert. His form of swordsmanship is also based on decadence. Most people would go on a path of abstinence, but Kenkage is the exact opposite. He constantly indulges himself in booze and sex, but it doesn’t affect him in the slightest. In fact, it only makes him stronger!” Robed Slayer explained.
Levi nodded. “This guy is a different breed, I see!”
“My men have just confirmed that he’s in a nightclub right now! So, where shall we go?” Robed Slayer asked.
“To see Kenkage, of course!”
We’ll take out the strongest one first!
Dozens of young men were standing inside a VIP lounge of Edojo’s most luxurious nightclub.
They were all heirs to the wealthiest families in Raysonia, and yet, all were bowing respectfully with fear and respect on their faces.
On the sofa in front of them sat a man in his thirties with young women on both sides.
“What nonsense is this! Has Raysonia run out of pretty women or what?” he shouted angrily.
That man was the infamous Kenkage Yagyuu, hence the reason the others were all bowing down before him.
They were in charge of finding Kenkage all sorts of pretty women, but he was going through so many of them on a daily basis that they were literally running out of women.
None of them could comprehend how Kenkage’s decadent ways made him increasingly stronger.
Why does he keep getting stronger? This is so unfair! You could train hard for a hundred years, and this guy would still be a lot stronger than you simply by indulging in alcohol and sex for a month! As unfair as it is, we have no choice but to give him what he wants because he’s simply too powerful. Those who refused to have all been killed by him…
“I’ve sent more men to search in Erudia, Master! I’m sure we’ll find you some pretty ones soon!” said one of the young men.
The others chimed in as well, “Yeah! I hear Erudia has the prettiest woman in existence! Just give us two days, and we should be able to capture hundreds of them!”
“Yeah! We’ve also found out that Levi’s wife, Zoey is a real beauty! Oh, and that scientist Wynona too! And let’s not forget Levi’s sister, Mia…”
“Oh? I want all the women associated with Levi! Also, did you just mention a scientist? I’ve never tried that type before! Very well, then! I shall wait for you to bring them to me!”
Kenkage only calmed down after hearing that they were bringing him Erudian women.
However, he made sure to warn them all by saying, “If you don’t deliver them to me, I will have all of you killed!”
“Understood! We’ll make sure of it!”
The men nodded in fear before shooting the guy who mentioned Zoey a fierce glare.
Of all the Erudian women he could’ve mentioned, why Zoey? How the hell are we supposed to get her? This guy is practically dooming us all!
Realizing he had misspoke, the man quickly kept his mouth shut.
Suddenly, a loud commotion was heard outside the VIP lounge, and Levi entered the room while Robed Slayer stood by the door.
Everyone was dumbfounded and stared blankly at Levi in confusion, including Kenkage himself.
“Which one of you here is Kenkage?” Levi asked, stunning everyone around him even further.
“I am!”
Kenkage was curious as to what Levi wanted to do.
Levi slowly walked up to him and patted him on the cheek as he said, “I’m here to kill you. Got a problem with that?”


As if his words weren’t shocking enough, him patting Kenkage on the cheek hit everyone like a ton of bricks.

Kenkage is the number one on the Solar Rankings and would kill anyone who rubs him the wrong way! He’s the freaking Sword Saint! He just takes any woman he likes anytime and anywhere! Even the big shots in Raysonia would avoid him whenever possible for fear of losing their life, and yet this ignorant punk has just boldly patted him on the cheeks? On top of that, he even said he’s here to kill Kenkage! Who the hell does he think he is? Does he have a death wish or something?
Being the strongest in existence, Kenkage had always done as he pleased.

As such, Levi’s actions left him speechless and frozen in shock and disbelief.
D-Did this guy just smack me in the face? I think I also heard him say he wants to kill me… Could I have misheard him or something?
“Hey, are you deaf? I asked you a f*cking question! Do you have a problem with me killing you?”
Seeing as Kenkage was still unresponsive, Levi slapped him a few times across the face.
Smack! Smack! Smack!
The slaps sounded especially loud in the silence of the VIP lounge, and everyone was on the brink of losing their minds from the madness before them.
This guy is crazy! I can’t believe he just taunted Kenkage repeatedly like that! He’s completely lost his mind!
Kenkage was not expecting Levi to slap him at all, and he was about to lash out at him when Levi cut him off with yet another slap.
The tension in the VIP lounge was suffocating, and everyone was looking at Levi like he had just made the biggest mistake of his life.
“Die!” Kenkage roared at the top of his lungs as a tremendous surge of energy erupted from his body.
I’ll kill this motherf*cker! I’ll turn him into a f*cking bloody pulp!
A terrifying burst of energy surged across the room, but it seemed to just dissipate upon coming into contact with Levi, much to Kenkage’s surprise.
So he’s no small fry, huh?
“Hmph! Try this, then!”
Fueled by rage, Kenkage’s energy was surging toward Levi like a tsunami.
Levi simply flashed him a smile in response. “Number one on the Solar Rankings, and this is all you’ve got? Heh, piece of trash!”
He then smacked at the energy wave with his right hand, causing it to disappear into thin air instantly.
The sight of that sent a shiver down everyone’s spines.
What the hell? This guy is scary!
“You’re dead meat!”
Kenkage was going mad with rage after having two of his attacks blocked so easily.
As Kenkage was about to charge at Levi, he felt like his upper body was weighed down by an invisible mountain, and he couldn’t even stand up.
“Arghhh!” Kenkage roared as he mustered every ounce of his strength to stand up.
Crack! Rip!
Everything inside the VIP lounge that wasn’t behind Levi began to crack and burst open, including the young men who turned into bloody mists instantly.
Kenkage was giving it everything he had into his effort to stand up so he could kill Levi.
His energy levels continued to rise as he pressed on.
“Hmph!” Levi snorted coldly before slapping him back down with so much force that it crushed Kenkage like ten mountains.
Coughing up a mouthful of blood, Kenkage glared at Levi in disbelief as he asked, “Just who on earth are you?”
“I’m Levi Garrison!” Levi replied with a smirk.
“What? You’re Levi Garrison?”


What the f*ck?

Kenkage cursed in his head.
He and his men had recognized Robed Slayer when they came in through the door earlier, but he didn’t expect for his disciple to be Levi.

Isn’t he dead? Didn’t his corpse get dissolved? I’ve confirmed his death multiple times, so how is he still alive and well?
The young men in the room nearly fainted from the shock, but Kenkage was quick to regain his composure.
“If you’re still alive, then I’ll be the one to kill you!”
Kenkage had long since wanted to fight Levi, so being presented with the golden opportunity got him all excited.
“You’ll have to get up to do that!” Levi said with a sneer.
Those words angered Kenkage to no end as he had never been humiliated like that before.
I have to get up! I have to defeat Levi! I’ve never lost to anyone, and I can’t afford to lose now! I’ll die if I lose! I have to live on!
Like a dragon that had been awoken from a hundred-year slumber, Kenkage’s energy levels skyrocketed and continued to rise as he desperately struggled to stand up.
The young men were all horrified by the sight before them as they had never seen this side of Kenkage before.
Holy sh*t! He looks like a monster of destruction that’s about to destroy the world!
Kenkage was both furious and excited at the same time as he hadn’t encountered a worthy opponent in ages.
Being unbeatable came with the price of being lonely, and he would feel empty inside whenever he wasn’t indulging in alcohol and sex.
He had always wanted to come across an opponent who could at least survive a hit or two from him, but never had any luck.
That was, until he finally met Levi that day.
Levi was so strong that Kenkage could go all out without worry, so he had always looked forward to battling him.
With his dream finally becoming a reality, it wasn’t hard to imagine why he would get so excited about it.
“I finally get a chance to fight you, Levi! It’s good to have a worthy opponent!” Kenkage shouted.
Levi snorted coldly in response. “Heh… You call yourself worthy of fighting me?”
He then delivered what seemed like an ordinary punch, but it made Kenkage’s face go pale the moment it hit him.
T-This…This is scary beyond words!
Kenkage thought to himself as he puked up a lot of blood. “Pffft!”
Not only was his attempt at getting up unsuccessful, but the sofa beneath him had been broken into pieces.
He then fell on his knees, shattering the floorboard beneath him.
Kenkage was completely dumbstruck at how weak he was against Levi’s attacks.
He tried to get back on his feet once again, only to be knocked back down by another punch.
This time, the punch shattered the bones in his body and rendered him completely disabled.
Kenkage was smashed deep into the ground, and his head was the only part above the surface.
Levi kicked him on the head before saying with a sneer, “Well? Come on, get up!”
All Kenkage could do was scream like a madman, but it did nothing to help him at all.
“Now, die!”
Even if Levi wasn’t already going to kill all members of The Dark Sun, he would still kill Kenkage for setting his sights on Zoey anyway.
He also killed all the other men in the room as they were the ones who brought up Zoey and were going to participate in capturing her.
Levi knew that because he had overheard everything they said clearly.
“Let’s go! We’re taking out the rest of the Yagyuu family members next!”
Levi then dragged Kenkage’s corpse behind him as he headed over to the Yagyuu family’s residence with Robed Slayer.


The Yagyuu family home was located on the empty plains on the outskirts of Edojo.

Due to the family’s nasty reputation, the area around the house was completely uninhabited.
The Yagyuu family’s warriors were present in the main hall as a precaution due to Robed Slayer’s recent activities.

Although they had refused to team up with The Dark Sun’s forces, they still decided to gather their own people.
Tenfu Yagyuu was both Kenkage’s father and the patriarch of the Yagyuu family.
“Do you guys think Robed Slayer will come after us?” he asked as he sat down in front of his men.
Everyone around him burst into laughter upon hearing that.
“Heh, I bet he wouldn’t dare to even challenge us!”
“Unless he’s crazy or has a death wish, that is!”
“Everybody knows we’re much more powerful than all of The Dark Sun’s forces combined! It’s suicidal to mess with us!”
The Yagyuu family were insanely confident in their strength and believed they couldn’t possibly lose with their Raysonian Blademaster still around.
“By the way, has anyone seen Kenkage? I told him we’d be having a meeting. Where is he?” Tenfu asked.
Because Kenkage was strong and loved by the elders, he ended up becoming so spoilt and undisciplined that even Tenfu could only sigh helplessly whenever he misbehaved.
“Mr. Kenkage has yet to come home. I think he went to the nightclub again…” replied the butler.
“Damn it! We have a crisis, and he’s still out partying?” Tenfu shouted angrily.
Despite what he said, he was actually concerned about Kenkage’s safety.
Robed Slayer had struck fear into everyone’s hearts, after all.
“Don’t worry, Sir! I’m sure Mr. Kenkage will be fine!”
“If anything, it’s the ones who run into him that should be worried!”
“In fact, he would save us all the trouble of killing Robed Slayer if he went after Mr. Kenkage!”
Tenfu smiled and stroked his mustache upon hearing that. They’re right. The only people we should worry about are the ones who would be unlucky enough to run into Kenkage whenever he’s out there! Although I am dissatisfied with his attitude and behavior, I have no doubt when it comes to his strength! I mean, he is at the top of the Solar Rankings while I rank second! Who in their right mind would dare pick a fight with him? It’s not even an exaggeration to say he’s as powerful as the entire country! Any other member of The Dark Sun would’ve been a much better target than Kenkage!
Suddenly, a voice was heard coming from outside, “Drew Leeson from Erudia is here to pay the Yagyuu family a visit!”
The voice sounded as loud as thunder and echoed throughout every corner of the mansion.
“What? Drew Leeson? As in, Robed Slayer?”
“He actually came? My goodness, this guy sure is a bold one!”
“I can’t believe he chose us over The Dark Sun’s headquarters!”
Instead of getting agitated, the Yagyuu family members were laughing in amusement.
“Sir, shall I inform the other members of The Dark Sun that Robed Slayer is here?” one of the men asked.
Tenfu shook his head. “That won’t be necessary! We’ll can tell them that after we’ve killed Robed Slayer ourselves. That way, they’ll see just how powerful we are, and that we do not need to team up with them! Come on, let’s go check it out!”
He then led a huge group of warriors toward the front door.
The hundreds of security guards stationed at the door were sent flying all over the place, and the front door of the mansion had also been kicked open.
Robed Slayer was in front and slowly made his way toward the Yagyuu family’s warriors while Levi followed behind with Kenkage’s corpse in tow.


“You’ve got some guts barging in here, Drew! Do you wish to die that badly?”

Tenfu rushed forward with hundreds of his warriors and quickly cut off their exits.
“You could kill everyone else in The Dark Sun for all I care, but you shouldn’t have messed with us!”

“Hahaha! I can’t believe you’d just deliver yourself to us on a silver platter!”
The men said while laughing at Robed Slayer in disdain. Moments later, they shifted their attention toward Levi who was standing behind him.
He seems to be dragging a body with him… Wait, why does that outfit look kind of familiar? Hold on, this is… Could this be…
A bad feeling spread through all of their hearts, and Tenfu had noticed it too.
Isn’t this guy one of ours? Well, I can’t say for sure from just the outfit alone. It’s probably someone Robed Slayer has killed just to provoke us!
“You guys have messed with the wrong people! We can take you two down without any help from The Dark Sun!”
“No, Mr. Kenkage alone is enough to kill you guys!”
The men began taunting them arrogantly.
Levi kicked Kenkage’s body toward them and asked with a smug grin, “By Kenkage, you mean this guy?”
Everyone froze when they got a clearer look at Kenkage’s body, and it struck them like a bolt from the blue, causing them to freak out on the spot.
“T-This is… Mr. Kenkage?” someone shrieked in fear.
A closer look confirmed that it was indeed the Kenkage that they all knew, except for the part that he had become a stiff and lifeless corpse.
“I can’t believe it…”
Everyone went wide-eyed in shock and disbelief, and some of them even fainted on the spot.
“Mr. Kenkage!” the men began screaming his name at the top of their lungs.
“Son… My son!”
Unable to contain his emotions any longer, Tenfu held Kenkage’s corpse in his arms and burst out crying.
It was the first time the Yagyuu family had been dealt such a devastating blow.
They were able to maintain a dominant position in Raysonia because of Kenkage, and they were hoping to keep it that way for a few hundred more years.
I can’t believe Kenkage is dead! This is unacceptable! No, wait… How did he die? He’s the freaking Sword Saint and ranks first on the Solar Rankings! Who could possibly kill him? Is this actually happening?
Everyone was suspicious about what really happened, but it was impossible to not believe it with Kenkage’s corpse laid out before them like that.
All of them then shifted their gaze back toward Robed Slayer.
So, Robed Slayer was the one who killed Kenkage? Holy sh*t, he’s way scarier than we expected!
“Kill him! I want him dead at all costs!” Tenfu shouted at the top of his lungs.
“All right, it’s time to test your strength! I won’t help you out with this fight!” Levi said with a smile as he watched the Yagyuu family’s warriors charged at Robed Slayer.
He then sealed the mansion off from the outside world with a wall of wind, so no one else would know what was going on inside.
Levi had Robed Slayer face them alone so he could increase his strength, and the entire mansion soon descended into chaos. The men attacked Robed Slayer like a pack of rabid dogs, and he only grew increasingly aggressive as the fight went on.
Apart from Kenkage, he found everyone else from the Yagyuu family rather easy to defeat.
Suddenly, one of the warriors noticed Levi standing in a corner all by himself and shouted, “Kill him!”
The men then began charging toward Levi, and he let out a sigh as he muttered, “You guys are making a big mistake coming for me!”




Several fighters rushed towards Levi before bursting into masses of blood from about fifteen feet away.
Yet another bunch of elites turned into a mist of blood in front of Levi.
And with that, everyone’s eyes were on Levi.
He’s not an ordinary man!
They were initially focused on Robed Slayer and paid no heed to Levi.
But now, he was the center of attention.
With that, no one would dare mess with Levi again.
They had a new objective. They wanted to get rid of Robed Slayer first before taking down Levi.
Hence, a fight between the fighters and Robed Slayer was inevitable.
Soon, even Yagyuu Tenfu, ranked number two on the Solar Rankings, joined in.

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of elite fighters gathered at The Dark Sun’s headquarters, with technological equipment installed all over.
There were even traps and ambushed set up all over the place.
The men from the Watanabe family were smirking in satisfaction after seeing how impenetrable the headquarter was.
The only thing left to do was wait for Robed Slayer to come and meet his demise.
“Right, any signs of Robed Slayer? Where are they now? They should be heading straight for us, right?” The Watanabe family was getting curious.
It never crossed their minds that Robed Slayer might have gone to the Yagyuu family instead.
After all, it was never a problem to begin with.
They knew that not even idiots would choose to go for the Yagyuu family, the most powerful family of them all.
Hence, the Watanebe family became the only choice.
“They were spotted around this area two hours ago, heading towards us!”
“But they disappeared! We don’t know where they are right now. We’ve searched everywhere but could not find any traces of them!”

“Huh? Really?”
The Watanabe family strategists immediately sat down and started a discussion.
Eventually, they came to a conclusion.
They concluded that Robed Slayer was wary of the alliance between the remnants of The Dark Sun, so he would not try to face them head-on.
Instead, he would try to blindside them.
“Let everyone know to stay alert and reinforce their defenses! Don’t let Robed Slayer catch us off guard!”

Everyone thought that Robed Slayer was going to sneak up on them.
No one knew that Robed Slayer was engaged in combat with the Yagyuu family at the moment.
That was out of their expectations, so they did no confirmation about it.
At the Yagyuu family, Robed Slayer already went on a rampage.
He was covered in blood, both the enemy’s and his own.
There were quite a few instances where it got dangerous, but Levi did not help him.
It was a test for Robed Slayer. So, no matter what happened, Levi was adamant about not helping him, even if Robed Slayer was on the verge of death.
If he survives this, he’ll achieve even greater heights than he is now.

Amidst the battle, fighters from the Yagyuu family fell, one by one.
However, Robed Slayer was not unscathed.
That said, he got stronger.
Even though he suffered severe injuries all over his body, Robed Slayer’s battle prowess was getting better and better.
“Kill him!”
Tenfu was mad with vengeance for his son as the fight continued.

As time passed, the number of fallen men from the Yagyuu family was piling up, and they were losing hope.
He’s too good!
He’s getting stronger as the fight progresses! How’s that possible?
Every time it seemed like Robed Slayer was about to fall, he would always push through and plant his foot firmly on the ground, sending despair into the eyes of the Yagyuu family.
It was only then that they realized how wrong they were about Robed Slayer’s power level assessment.
They slowly realized why Kenkage died.
Nevertheless, what they did not know, was that Levi was actually the stronger one and that he was the one that killed Kenkage Yagyuu.
Everyone there would go crazy if they found out that the fight was just a lesson Levi prepared for Robed Slayer.
Tenfu was sent flying across the air.
He felt hopeless.
“Send for the elder’s assistance! The Yagyuu family’s in peril!”


“Elder! We need you!”

“Elder! We need you!”

The remaining members of the Yagyuu family all called out.
The family was on its last leg at that point.
If the elder did not come out, it would be all over for the Yagyuu family.
Suddenly, there was a sharp ringing sound.
Hearing that made that the whole Yagyuu family ecstatic.
The elder is coming!
At the same time, a volcano erupted not far from where they were.
The thick smog covered the sky as molten hot lava came gushing out.
Even though it was a small one, the eruption could still strike fear into people’s hearts.
That said, from afar, it looked magnificent.
“The elder’s coming!”
“It was rumored that the elder was suppressing the volcano all on his own. It’s actually real!”
“I wonder how strong is the elder.”
“He’s definitely stronger than Robed Slayer! If Levi was here, maybe they would stand a chance. But without him, no one can stop the elder!”

No one would believe something like a man capable of suppressing a live volcano as it was very much an outrageous statement.
No matter how small the volcano was, it should have been impossible.
On top of that, from what the Yagyuu family members said, the elder had been doing it for decades.
Even thinking about it would send chills down people’s spines.
Nevertheless, Levi knew that the elder of the Yagyuu family was using the volcano to train himself in order to surpass his limits.
Soon enough, a silhouette appeared on the battlefield.
The old man actually looked younger than Tenfu. The impression he gave off at the moment seemed to be that of an average Joe. There was not even a sense of intimidation from him.
Nonetheless, Ikken Yagyuu was merely restraining himself.
And that was the most terrifying about him.
He had a sword that was covered in volcanic ash and magma residue.
The men there instantly understood that it was a sword that Ikken forged within the magma.
The sword shook all of a sudden, and the ashes on it dispersed, revealing a majestic blade.
The sword was shimmering like fire, and it seemed to have a killing intent of its own.
A sword that could shake the very foundations of the earth had appeared.
“Elder Ikken, Kenkage is dead. Please lend the family a hand and avenge him for us!”
“Please take charge for us, Sir!”

Everyone in the Yagyuu family went on their knees and roared in agony.
“What? He’s dead?”
Ikken’s expression changed drastically.
Kenkage was his favorite as well as the family’s future.
Ikken taught him everything he knew and had high expectations for Kenkage to surpass him one day.
Never could he expect Kenkage to die while he was training in seclusion.
Seeing Kenkage’s body, Ikken was immediately infuriated.
“Who was it?” Ikken roared.
“It’s him! Robed Slayer from Erudia, Drew Leeson!”

Everyone turned their heads towards Drew.
“Robed Slayer from Erudia? I understand! Now, I shall use your blood to feed my blade!”
He swept his hand over the sword, immediately giving it an edge.
“This is a sword now edged! And its name shall be Godslayer! You’ll have the privilege of being its first prey, Robed Slayer!”
Robed Slayer was starting to tremble before the enormous pressure Ikken was exuding.
He knew he was no match for Ikken just from his presence alone.
Robed Slayer did not expect to see such an ancient person on Raysonia.
He should be around the same level as Southern Emperor, the number one on the Gem List. Stronger, even. He thought.
Robed Slayer figured he would not even stand a chance against Ikken even if he was not injured at the moment.
“Kill him!”

Everyone in the family shouted.
Kenkage’s death dealt quite a blow to the family, so everyone wanted Robed Slayer dead.
“Come at me! Let me see what you got!”
Even though Robed Slayer was injured, he did not want to lose to them in spirit.
“Step aside! I’ll handle this!”
Levi suddenly appeared in front of Robed Slayer and pushed him away.


Levi knew that Robed Slayer was no match for Ikken. Even more so since Robed Slayer was on the verge of death.

He’ll die if he fought him head on. Heck, he won’t level up even if he didn’t die. It’s better for me to step in.

Everyone was shocked to see Robed Slayer stepping aside obediently after Levi nudged him.
Even though Levi was able to repel the men around him, no one took him seriously as the men he fought were just some goons from the Yagyuu family. They could not even be considered fighters.
They figured he was just one of Robed Slayer’s underlings.
That said, the situation at the moment seemed to be painting a different picture.
Is he really Robed Slayer’s underling?
Seeing Levi stepping forward, Ikken was a little dumbfounded.
“Who are you?” he asked instinctively.
Right then, Tenfu was about to inform the elder about Levi being Robed Slayer’s underling, but Levi interrupted him and announced, “I’m the one who killed Kenkage Yagyuu!”
His statement caught everyone off guard.
Wasn’t Robed Slayer the one that killed Kenkage?
The men eventually realized something was off after taking a closer look.
They just fought with Robed Slayer, so they had to acknowledge his strength.
But despite that, there was no way he was powerful enough to destroy the family’s elites that easily.
He had injuries with him went he first fought the Yagyuu family. That’s not enough for him to be able to match Kenkage.
That’s impossible!
On top of that, based on how he died, it looked like Kenkage did not even stand a chance.
They figured that Robed Slayer was incapable of such a feat.
And even if he could kill Kenkage, he should be heavily injured still after the fight!
But he arrived unscathed! That means Robed Slayer never even fought Kenkage!
If it wasn’t Robed Slayer, it could only be…
Everyone’s eyes turned towards Levi.
It’s him!
He murdered Kenkage! We were wrong all along! The information the Watanabe Family gave us was inaccurate! There’s no way this guy is Robed Slayer’s underling! There’s even a chance that this guy might be the reason why he has been rampaging through Raysonia and destroying everything!
Tenfu finally realized that Robed Slayer was just an assistant, that Levi was the real deal.
“Y-You’re not Drew Leeson’s underling at all, are you! You’re not from Raysonia! You’re an Erudian!” Tenfu exclaimed.
Everyone there came to their senses as well.
With that, Ikken became wary of Levi.
Facing him reminded Ikken of someone.
A man that let him taste defeat.
His only defeat.
Coincidentally, that man was an Erudian as well, and Ikken saw him as his lifelong rival.
Ever since he lost, he secluded himself on top of the volcano behind the family grounds and started his training.
Day by day, year by year, he would hone his body and mind while forging the Godslayer with only one goal in mind. Revenge.
He wanted to defeat the man he once lost to.
Seeing that Levi killed his favorite descendant and exuded a similar presence to that of his lifelong rival, Ikken was getting fired up.
He was ready to go all out as all his senses reached peak condition.
“Today is the day I end my seclusion. The day this sword meets blood for the first time! You should feel proud, dying at the blades of the Godslayer!” Ikken bellowed.
His message was simple: A death by the Godslayer was an honorable one.
“Back then, I really hated when people pointed their guns at me,” Levi said with a blank expression as he looked at Ikken. “Now, I hate swords!”
Hearing that, Robed Slayer lowered his head in shame.
He did the same thing previously and got schooled by Levi.
Ikken was doing the same thing he did.


Hence, things would definitely turn out the same for Ikken, or even worse.

“Ahh!” Ikken roared and swung the Godslayer at Levi.
And along with it came a terrifying wave that engulfed everything in its wake, leaving only death and destruction.

The Godslayer was more of a samurai sword.
It was forged from the simplest of materials. But after going through decades of tempering in molten lava, it became a masterpiece.
It was even more frightening than the Divine Sword.
Seeing that, Robed Slayer’s expression darkened.
Ikken Yagyuu is terrifying. Who would have thought that Raysonia had someone like this?
Robed Slayer could feel the pressure Ikken was exuding as his veins expanded.
He’s reached a whole new level.
It was Robed Slayer’s next target.
No wonder Levi asked me to step back.
A light flashed before Ikken’s eyes as a destructive aura enveloped the space like a volcanic eruption.
At that point in time, it felt like Ikken was destruction incarnate.
“So this is the elder’s true power. How terrifying.”

The whole Yagyuu family was ecstatic, showing expressions that they had never shown before.
They were not getting wiped out. And they were about to accomplish what The Dark Sun could not.
The elder is amazing!
This fight is going to be massive!
Ikken dashed forward, his eyes shimmering like the night sky. His energy was surging like the roaring waves that crashed onto the shoreline.
His attack felt like death itself.
Levi shot out a punch in response.
His fist met Godslayer in a violent clash.
The impact caused a shock wave that shattered everything around them as the background turned monochrome from the blinding flash that ensued.
It felt like the end of the world while the family home of the Yagyuu family collapsed.
Even the volcanic eruption was suppressed because of the clash between Ikken and Levi.
The whole mountain was shaking, falling apart even.
That was the power of the two of the strongest warriors.
Tap tap tap…
Everyone was awestruck to see that Levi did not move an inch after they collided and that Ikken got pushed five steps backward.
At this stage of the fight, every step he took had significant indications.
Ikken was surprised by that outcome.
Did he just use his fist to repel me?
Robed Slayer, who was not far from them, was dumbfounded.
What happened? Is the elder going to lose?
“No way! I merely underestimated you!” Ikken bellowed.
“Kami no Kiri!”
A horrifying shade of light burst forth from the Godslayer, shining brilliantly with the sun’s radiance.
The light was so sharp that it burned the eyes of the people that beheld it.
A horrific murderous intent was quickly spreading, enshrouding the whole area.
Ikken held the Godslayer with both his hands and raised it over his head before quickly slashing downward.
The move he did was the most basic of moves taught in Raysonia. Even kids knew how to do that.
But despite that, Ikken performed it as though every single instance of motion had the essence of the world in it.
He had achieved a whole new level in his training like never before.
Sometimes, the simplest of moves are the deadliest ones.
Similar to how Levi destroyed everything in his path with just his bare fist.
That meant that Ikken Yagyuu was not someone to be trifled with.
Ikken poured all his power into Godslayer as a brief moment of silence ensued.
Whoosh whoosh…
Right then, even though it was the slowest and easiest of moves, it felt like thousands of blades were being swung.
One after another, the blades stacked up, growing more and more powerful, determined to slay a god.
Robed Slayer was in awe at what he was seeing.
So this is what I need to achieve.
Meanwhile, the members of the Yagyuu family were crying tears of joy.
“Let’s just finish this!” Levi looked at Ikken and let out a deep sigh.
“Remember, you died at the hands of Levi Garrison!”


Levi’s voice echoed into the ears of the people of the Yagyuu family.

They were all surprised to hear that name.
Levi Garrison?

Everyone in the Yagyuu family knew that name.
It was the name of their mortal enemy.
It’s him!
Shouldn’t he be dead?
Why is he still alive?
How is he here!
Wait, no! It makes sense. Levi Garrison. Who could possibly have this much power if not him? He’s the only one that could destroy the four families with ease, kill Kenkage, and force the elder to use his strongest move! It’s really him!
They were sure of his identity now but did not have time to ponder on the reason he was still alive.
Naturally, Ikken also knew who Levi was.
Even though he was in seclusion, he still caught wind of the new rank one fighter on the Gem List in Erudia.
After all, the person that defeated him was the previous rank one, Southern Emperor.
That said, he was unfazed because he was sure that, no matter who it was, they were going to be cut down by his blade.
Levi blasted a destructive punch at Ikken.
The force of punch felt like it was going to rip the very fabric of space apart as though it was a punch dealt by the gods.
The sky rumbled and thunder strike from the sheer power behind Levi’s move.
It was as though the heavens were suffering the wrath of that attack.
It was eight times the speed of sound, the absolute maximum punching speed of Levi’s capability.
The power behind it was even more terrifying, as it could even crush an entire mountain as it went.
It was an unstoppable punch as it shredded through the sword’s aura.
Levi’s fist hit the Godslayer, causing a sonic boom that deafened everyone around them before a mushroom cloud formed right after.
It was like someone dropped a nuclear warhead at their location.
Crack crack…
The Godslayer started crackling as if it had just lost its soul.
What was left was just a regular sword that was breaking apart.
The punch completely shattered Ikken’s ultimate technique and the tremor of the attack traveled into Ikken’s body and destroyed his inert.
Remnants of the power from the punch seeped into Ikken’s body and destroy his inerts.
Ikken’s pride was absolutely crushed by Levi’s attack.
He did not immediately die from it, but he was still flat on the ground, unable to move.
The only thing he could do was watch.
It was Ikken’s utter defeat.
On top of that, it was worse than the last time he lost.
This time, he was not going to survive.
Blood came spewing out of his mouth, as he looked at Levi in disbelief.
The Yagyuu members gasped.
How is Levi still alive?
Is he that strong?
Not even the elder is a match for him!
Revenge! He’s here for revenge!
They finally realized why The Dark Sun was targeted.
The reasoning before that about Robed Slayer avenging Levi just did not make sense to them.
But now, everything was clear.
It was Levi who was on his path of vengeance.
“How weak!” Levi exclaimed as he looked at everyone there with a cold gaze.
Eventually, Ikken Yagyuu died.
Then, the whole Yagyuu family followed suit.
Not a living soul was left.
“Next up, The Dark Sun headquarters!” Levi declared.
Both he and Robed Slayer each had a corpse with them.
Those were the corpses of Ikken and Kenkage Yagyuu, the two strongest fighters on record in Raysonia.
Robed Slayer was very much looking forward to the moment they tossed those two bodies at The Dark Sun headquarters.
What will they think?
At The Dark Sun headquarters, the Watanabe family was busy giving out instructions to look for Levi’s whereabouts while continuing to fortify their defense in case Levi and Robed Slayer ambushed them.
“Sir, there seems to be something wrong. We just found out that Robed Slayer’s student never had a disciple. We can’t identify the person that is with him!” the Watanabe family intelligence team reported their findings.


“What? Is his identity fake?” the higher-up of the Watanabe family exclaimed.

“That’s right. He has a fake identity!”
At that moment, everyone turned towards Delano.

He was dumbfounded.
Was there a mistake?
It was because their attention was all focused on Robed Slayer. That’s why they neglected the small fry beside him.
“Who could he be?” one of the Watanabes asked.
“Maybe it’s a fighter related to Levi that wanted revenge. Or it can also be one of Robed Slayer’s disciples. He has a lot of them after all,” Delano proposed.
Hearing that, Muzo from the Watanabe family immediately pulled up more data.
“Based on what was collected from the fight between the four families and Robed Slayer, this person never involved himself in the fights. It was all done by Robed Slayer.”
“That means he’s just a small fry then! There’s no need for concern! Think about it. Are there even fighters left in Erudia that could actually avenge Levi?”

Everyone else gave it some thought and assumed that they were overthinking things.
“How about you just find out who he really is? And find out where they are right now. Quick!”

While The Dark Sun was eagerly trying to find out where Levi and Robed Slayer was, the whole world wanted to know as well.
After all, Robed Slayer had made a name for himself.
Especially so in Erudia.
He was considered the next Levi Garrison.
No one would have thought that Robed Slayer would appear after Levi was gone.
Hence, if Robed Slayer could demolish all the forces in Raysonia, that meant that Erudia could still recover from losing Levi.
That said, Bruce was not happy even though he successfully replicated Jared’s experiment.
The Robed Slayer’s appearance was not good news for him.
If it were not for the fact that the specimen was still under observation, Bruce would have sent it over to Raysonia immediately.
“Go. Deploy the forces we have at Raysonia and assist them! Find some people to offer them some military assistance!”
Bruce had a lot of authority now, so he could mobilize any of the forces under the Lab of Gods from all over the world.
Hence, he secretly arranged for the forces at Raysonia to assist The Dark Sun.

After half an hour, a piece of shocking news caught the whole world by surprise.
Robed Slayer and his associate appeared and were heading towards The Dark Sun’s headquarters.
Even though The Dark Sun did not know where they went, they were relieved that they could locate the two.
It was a good thing to know because they could finally calm down a bit and not have to worry about being ambushed.
“They’re coming, people! Get ready!” All the team leaders started to give out the orders.
“Do we need to inform the Yagyuu family?” someone asked.
“No need for that! That won’t do anything to help since they won’t come. They’ll never work with us!”
“That’s right! The Yagyuu family always thinks of us as trash, that we’re useless! They even thought that Bruce was the one responsible for Levi’s death and brushed us aside!”
“They’re always on their high horses because they have their elder looking over them.”
“It’s fine. Let’s get rid of Robed Slayer and show the Yagyuu family that we are not useless!”

Not long after that, Levi and the Robed Slayer arrived at the Dark Sun’s headquarter.
The security there was extremely tight.
As soon as they showed up, all the men and weapons were ready to go.
On top of that, masterminds of the Dark Sun brought even more men to welcome them.
“We’ve been waiting for you two! You finally arrived!” Muzo smirked.
Delano was hidden within the crowd with a conflicted expression.
“Is that so?” Levi smiled. “I came bearing gifts!”
Boom! Boom!
Two corpses were tossed in front of the members of The Dark Sun.



Everyone from The Dark Sun was stunned by Levi’s action.
What’s this?

Two dead bodies?
Whose bodies were those?
Everyone started paying more attention to the corpses.
This one’s an old man that I doubt anyone knows. He looks a little familiar, though.
Who is he?
I really can’t figure it out!
What about the other one?
Looks familiar.
It looks like…
No way!
Oh my god!
Isn’t that Kenkage Yagyuu? The prodigy of the Yagyuu family? The Sword Saint that’s ranked number one on the Solar Rankings?
Many had to take another look just to be sure.
It really is him! It’s Kenkage Yagyuu’s dead body!
Within an instant, everyone started having mixed feelings.
Their attitudes were going through some very complicated shifts as well.
“It’s Kenkage Yagyuu!” someone exclaimed among all the murmurs.
“H-He… How did he die?”
“That’s impossible!”

Everyone was in disbelief after identifying Kenkage’s corpse.
Who could’ve kill him?
Is this a joke?!
No one would dare cross Kenkage Yagyuu! Let alone kill him?! That can’t be him!
“That’s not him! It’s impossible!” someone shouted.
“Wait! Look! The sword he had on him… it’s his sword!”
“That’s right! That’s Kenkage Yagyuu’s sword! There’s no faking that! Can’t you feel the killing intent coming from that sword? It’s undeniable! That’s definitely Kenkage’s corpse!”

Everyone gasped once again.
At that moment, they all felt shivers running through their spines.
Kenkage Yagyuu is actually dead? How? He’s the strongest person on the Solar Rankings! Dead?
After making sure of the truth, everyone from The Dark Sun was in shock.
Who’s the other guy then?
Right then, an old man amongst The Dark Sun members became astonished.
“T-That’s… “
He was stuttering for a long time before finally saying, “I remember him! He’s the elder of the Yagyuu family! Ikken Yagyuu!”
His statement stunned everyone in place with their eyes widened and chills running down their spines.
Seeing Kenkage’s corpse was enough of shocking news to them, but now there was something even more outrageous.
“Are you serious? How is that possible?” someone questioned.
“I’ve had the honor of meeting the master back then! I recognize him! It’s him! It’s definitely him! Kenkage’s corpse is proof!”

With that, everyone started analyzing the situation more thoroughly.
That’s definitely Kenkage’s body, which could only mean Ikken’s corpse is real too!
Oh my god!
Have the heavens forsaken us? Two of the strongest fighters in Raysonia are dead!
Who did it?
Suddenly, the strategists from the Watanabe family realized why Robed Slayer and Levi disappeared from their radar.
Where were they all this time? We’ve searched everywhere for them!
We’ve searched everywhere except the Yagyuu family!
They all thought that the Yagyuu family was the least possible place, so no one checked.
No one could have expected that that was actually where they went to.
Everything makes sense! They were at the Yagyuu family all along! But how could they be so strong? Both Ikken and Kenkage are dead! That means the whole Yagyuu family’s gone. How is that even possible?
With that in mind, everyone turned towards Robed Slayer, who was not far away. He was covered in blood, and his breathing was weak, obviously severely wounded.
Before they lost sight of him, Robed Slayer did not even have a speck of dust on him.
How he looked at the moment only confirmed The Dark Sun’s assumptions.
He definitely wiped out the Yagyuu family. But even so, he’s wounded. Fighting us now would only mean his demise.


“Sir! We’ve got breaking news! The Yagyuu family has been wiped out, along with their elder and Solar Rankings number one, Kenkage Yagyuu!” a scout reported after returning.

Hearing that, everyone’s heart sank.
It’s confirmed! But Robed Slayer is already wounded to this extend! He must have paid a heavy price to do what he did. He’s at his last leg now! No wonder he brought the bodies with him! He’s trying to intimidate us with it! Ha! What a joke!

After giving it some thought, the men from The Dark Sun came to their senses.
They figured, no matter how strong Robed Slayer was, they could take him down in his current condition.
“Drew Leeson. We didn’t expect you to be strong enough to wipe out the whole Yagyuu family! None of us could stop you if you came to us prior to that! But alas, you’ve made the wrong choice and came here with critical injuries! How can you even fight us now? Men! Take them down!” Muzo ordered.
Soon enough, tens of thousands of fighters came out of the headquarter and surrounded Levi and Robed Slayer.
All their advanced weaponry was activated.
“The only thing we can do is avenge the Yagyuu family then!”
The people smiled as they assumed that Robed Slayer’s death was assured with his current condition.
But then, Robed Slayer smiled all of a sudden.
That smile sent shivers down everyone’s spine.
Something’s off.
“Why are you smiling?” someone asked.
“Hahaha! Are you telling me you people actually believed I’m capable of wiping out the Yagyuu family?” Robed Slayer asked in return.
“W-What do you mean by that?”
“Was it not you?”

Everyone suddenly came to a realization.
Robed Slayer was definitely strong, but people could still gauge the extent of his strength.
Besting Kenkage should be his absolute limit, right? How did he kill Ikken then? It’s impossible!
If it wasn’t him, who was it?
Right then, everyone’s eyes locked onto the person beside him, Levi, the person that everyone ignored.
With prior knowledge that his identity was falsified, they were even certain that he had something to do with Ikken’s death.
Tens of thousands of pairs of eyes were all on him.
“You… Who are you?”
That was the question on everyone’s mind.
Is this the guy that wiped out the Yagyuu family?
Levi snickered. “I’ll let you know once you’re the last one alive!”
“Kill him!” Muzo immediately gave out the order.
Thus, all the fighters charged at Levi.
“The Dark Sun will be no more after today!” Levi let out a long sigh.

With that, a one-sided slaughter fest commenced.
Although The Dark Sun had the numbers advantage, their average fighting power was actually weaker than that of the Yagyuu family.
They were no match for Levi as fighters fell as soon as they approached him, no matter the numbers.

After a brief moment, the whole headquarter was filled with blood and corpses.
The Dark Sun was getting more and more terrified at what was going on.
What is this combat prowess? It’s horrific! He’s wiping the floor with the whole organization.
A thousand.
Five hundred.
Three hundred.

Two hundred.
One hundred.

Now all that was left of The Dark Sun were a few strategists from the Watanabe family and Delano.
They all looked at Levi with fear in their eyes.
They were dumbstruck.
To think we just witnessed a massacre of tens of thousands of elite fighters by one man, no less.
“Y-You… Who are you?” Delano was going crazy.
And so was everyone else.
Levi was about to answer them, but his lips suddenly curled. “Oh? It seems like more people want to die.”


It was none other than the men Bruce sent to assist The Dark Sun.

Someone charged in and was immediately shocked by the horrifying scene.

The second guy bumped into his back, and proceed to freeze up after seeing the horrific scene.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
More and more people came in and clotted the door.
There were hundreds of them, and they were all stunned.
“M-Mr. Watanabe, we are here to offer assistance under the orders of Mr. Johnston!” the men announced.
“Huh? Bruce?”
Isn’t he just signing their death warrants for them?
Levi bent down slowly and picked up a dagger.
He flung it casually, turning it into a bolt of lightning.
The dagger flew like a bullet and went through the man’s head, some thousand feet away.
It went through the second guy and proceeded to go through the third with no signs of decelerating.
The fourth.
The fifth.

The dagger weaved through the crowd as a line of blood traced behind, beautiful yet poignant.
Delano and what was left of the Watanabe family were all going mad after seeing what was going on.
How does he do that?
Levi was controlling the dagger from a thousand feet away and actually killing hundreds of men with it.
What level must one achieve to do what he’s doing? He’s like a god!

All the men Bruce sent were dead; none of them survived.
This is divine!
Even Robed Slayer was in awe.
The things Levi did looked rather simple, but it actually needed immense concentration and control.
Meanwhile, Delano and the load were all numbed from the shock.
He’s too strong.
“Y-You… “
“Now, I can tell you the truth. My name is Levi Garrison!” Levi reverted to his original facial features as he spoke.
“You’re still alive?”
“I’ve seen a ghost!”

Everyone went insane after Levi revealed his true identity.
He’s actually Levi!
He’s not dead!
How is that possible!
We teamed up with Bruce to kill him! We watched his corpse get destroyed! We confirmed his death! How did he come back alive!
They were in disbelief as they even got confirmation of his death from Bruce multiple times after that.
Levi shouldn’t be alive, yet he’s standing right in front of us!
“Are you all confused about how I survived? Well, you guys could never kill me in the first place! I faked my death so that I could get rid of you all!” Levi smiled.
“This… “
They were dumbfounded.
Who could expect him to still be alive?
He’s literally immortal!
How is he not dead?
All of a sudden, Delano dropped to his knees.
He was completely drained of energy from the shock.
“He’s all yours!” Levi said and kicked Delano over to Robed Slayer.
“Master. Please spare me! I beg of you!”
Delano started groveling, pleading for mercy.
Nevertheless, Robed Slayer said nothing and gave Delano a slap on the head.
In that split second, blood splattered everywhere, and Delano ceased to exist.
With that, Levi turned his attention to the Watanabe family.
He randomly killed two of them with a flick of his wrist, and the rest screamed for their lives.
Everyone was afraid of dying.
Even more so when they witnessed so many deaths right in front of them.
“Now, I only have one question. I’ll spare whoever tells me the answer!” Levi announced.
Hearing that there was a chance for survival, the strategist all nodded immediately, suggesting that they could provide him with an answer.
“Alright then. Tell me, who was it from The Dark Sun that mimicked my techniques and framed me?” Levi asked.
Hearing that, all their expressions changed.
“Tell him! If not we’re all going to die!” They looked at each other.
“I’ll say it!” the strategists exclaimed simultaneously and gave Levi a name.
Levi and Robed Slayer’s expression instantly darkened after hearing who it was.


Even though he was involved in it, but no one expected it to be him, Cyrus the Fiery Demon.

“The Fiery Demon himself? That’s impossible!” both Levi and Robed Slayer exclaimed at the same time.
Levi was framed and got mistaken as the demon’s heir, meaning Cyrus’ disciple.

In the end, Levi could not believe that Cyrus was actually the one that framed him in the first place.
And Robed Slayer even more so.
“But it is the Fiery Demon! We’re not lying!” The Watanabes were panicking.
“Why did he do that? What’s the benefit of letting everyone mistake me as his disciple?” Levi asked.
“That, we have no idea. What we know is that he offered to help us on his own accord!” the strategists replied.
What they said confused Levi even more.
If Cyrus wanted to destroy Erudia’s martial arts world or had a grudge with someone, he could’ve just made his move! He was once ranked number one on the Gem List! With the Seven Fiends behind him, he could do anything he wanted! So why did he do this? Why did he incite conflict between me and the martial arts world?
Levi was puzzled.
Disregarding everything else, the Seven Fiends are his most loyal followers. What he did might actually cost them their lives. Then, what was his objective? Does he want to kill his own subordinates?
From what Levi knew, the Seven Fiends respected Cyrus immensely, so it was definitely not out of spite.
There’s definitely something fishy going on here! How could such a prominent figure like him even take orders from The Dark Sun and frame me? It just doesn’t make sense!
“How did you guys establish contact with Cyrus?” Levi asked.
“We didn’t look for him.” Muzo shook his head. “He was the one that contacted us!”
“No, that can’t be. You guys are lying, aren’t you?” Levi sneered at as he looked at the Watanabes.
Seeing that made them panic even more.
“No doubt there is the Fiery Demon! But he’s actually the founder of The Dark Sun, right?” Levi deducted.
The Watanabes were all astonished by his statement and their expression changed.
“H-How did you know that?” They looked at Levi in bewilderment as Muzo asked.
Levi smiled. “Well, for one, the Yagyuu family is a proud family with three super strong fighters holding the fort. They refused to cooperate with you all this time, so why did they join The Dark Sun in the first place? There must have been someone that could overpower them and force them to join. That person would not be someone from Raysonia. So, it could only be Cyrus!”
Levi could basically confirm that Cyrus was the leader of The Dark Sun when he took the framing into account.
“Not bad!” The Watanabes looked at each other and nodded. “You’re right! The Fiery Demon is the real leader of The Dark Sun! Only he has the capability of uniting all the families and convincing those snobs from the Yagyuu family into joining!”
“He was the one that framed you for what happened! The man behind it all!”

Levi suddenly recalled meeting the imposter at Terragon Hill.
He did not look like Cyrus, so it must be one of his new disciples.
“Come to think of it, did the Yagyuu family refuse to cooperate because Cyrus is gone?” Levi asked.
“That’s right!” Everyone nodded.
“Then where is he right now?” Levi continued.


“Later on, he vanished! Ever since Bruce started working with us, Cyrus disappeared. Not Even Bruce himself was cognizant that Cyrus is the leader of The Dark Sun.”

“After that, Cyrus and his men were never seen again,” the Watanabe family explained sincerely.
Levi could tell that they weren’t lying to him.

I can’t believe Cyrus is involved in this!
Anyhow, now that The Dark Sun has disbanded, Cyrus can be dealt with later.
“Levi, we’ve told you everything we know. I believe you’ll keep your word and spare us?”
Flurried, the Watanabe family were sweating bullets.
Levi smiled and responded, “Yeah, of course! I always honor my word. Don’t worry.”
He turned around and left.
The Watanabe family were relieved after hearing Levi’s statement. The vise that had been gripping their chest finally loosened up.
We get to live!
I knew Levi is a man of his word!
When Levi passed by Robed Slayer, he murmured, “All yours.”
Subsequently, Robed Slayer let out a sinister smile.
With a minatory aura surrounding him, he strode toward the Watanabe family.
The Watanabe family felt his bloodlust as he came closer and closer to them.
“Wait, what are you doing?”
“Levi said that he would let us go! He told us that he would honor his word!”
“You dare to disobey him?”
The Watanabe family were getting agitated.
“Mr. Garrison promised that he would let you go, but I didn’t. That means I’m free to do whatever I want with you guys.”
Robed Slayer glanced maniacally at the Watanabe family.
At this moment, the Watanabe family realized that something was off.
Did Levi lie to us?
He did spare our lives.
That being said, he didn’t mention anything about Robed Slayer wanting to kill us.
Oh, I get it now. This is his scheme all along!
He had this all planned out!
Before the Watanabe family could say anything, they were shot down by arrows.
“That’s enough. Go to hell!”
After that, Robed Slayer left with Levi.
Just like that, The Dark Sun was eradicated, except for Cyrus.
That being said, Levi and Robed Slayer were the only ones that knew about Cyrus.
To the others, The Dark Sun was no more.
They also believed that the Lab of Gods in Raysonia was destroyed.
People from all around the world started talking about the downfall of the Yagyuu family, the Watanabe family, as well as The Dark Sun.
News of Robed Slayer’s spectacular battle in Raysonia was also being spread across the globe.
First, we had Levi defeating Zarain with the Northern Excalibur, now we have Robed Slayer dominating all of Raysonia.
The two of them are invincible!
“Their powers are truly petrifying!”
“It seems like Robed Slayer has gotten stronger after his battle with Levi.”
“I feel like he’s even stronger than Levi now.”
“Thank the Gods! Robed Slayer will be able to take Levi’s place. With his strength, Erudia will continue to strive!”
The people of Erudia were overjoyed.
A new god has appeared!
Robed Slayer will bring Erudia to the top!
“Levi, now that Robed Slayer has replaced you, you don’t have to worry anymore.”
“Yeah, you can rest easy now.”


Copious amounts of people in Erudia were praying to Levi, telling him that he could finally rest in peace.

Even the Seven Fiends came to visit Levi’s grave. “Master, you can rest assured that you’ve been avenged. That being said, we know that some of your enemies are still alive. Don’t worry, we’ll help you get rid of them!”
The Dragonites and some of Levi’s acquittances also visited his grave at the Cenotaph.

Since Levi’s corpse was no more, his grave was filled with his belongings.
“Levi, are you seeing this? I told you another hero like you will emerge to save Erudia.”
“Yeah, it’s all turning out like you wished.”
“Also, don’t worry about your wife and kid. We’ll be sure to look out for them. But honestly, I don’t think they even need our help with how powerful they’ve become.”
Meanwhile, Robed Slayer was able to re-establish the position of Erudia in the martial arts world with his determination and strength.
The disciples of Robed Slayer from all around the world were enraptured because of this.
They were very proud of what their master had accomplished.
Thanks to their master’s achievement, they were revered by many people.
As the name of Robed Slayer continued to spread, more and more people became interested in being his disciple.
Some of them were even trying to get associated with Robed Slayer through his disciples.
We’ll gain the admiration and respect of the people if we become his disciples!
In the meantime, Robed Slayer was letting out a sigh. “I know I’ve unequivocally become stronger, but I’m not as strong as they think I am!”
Levi smiled and remained taciturn.
It’s good that I’ve brought Robed Slayer along.
He can serve as a diversion.
With that, I don’t need to worry about my identity getting exposed.
Now that Bruce is starting to impugn the validity of my death, I need to be more prudent.
It’s going to be difficult for me to carry out my plans with him sniffing around.
However, I might be able to pull this off with Robed Slayer around.
All eyes are currently on him. Hence, I’ll be able to carry out my plans in the dark.
Meanwhile, people were curious as to why The Cardinal Hall and The Manifest Court hadn’t updated the Gem List.
Robed Slayer should be placed in the number one spot now that Levi has passed away.
So why haven’t they updated the Gem List?
“I guess they wanted to commemorate Levi and to ward off enemies,” someone explained.
“Yeah, Levi is the chosen one. He should forever be in the first place!”
However, all of the foreign powerhouses were keeping a close eye on Robed Slayer.
They were very wary of his terrifying powers.
Bruce had to reevaluate Robed Slayer’s strength in the Lab of Gods since his power kept on increasing.
“Find out how he’s able to become so powerful!”
Bruce was livid.
The Dark Sun was a powerful ally of mine.
How could they be eliminated so easily?
Even the men that I’ve sent to aid them were annihilated.
This is not looking good.
Not to mention, Robed Slayer is helping Levi to get his revenge.
How should I deal with him?
“If Robed Slayer decides to come after me, then I’ll let him taste the power of our test subjects!”
Bruce smiled menacingly.
Come at me if you want, Robed Slayer.
I’d love to see what my test subjects are capable of.
Bruce’s second experiment was completed.
Out of the ten test subjects, only two of them survived.
Both of them turned out to be stronger than the test subject from the first experiment.
“I’d like to meet the next test subjects. Bring me to them!”
Bruce was brought to a prison-like place.


The people that Bruce kept behind bars were none other than the Lopez and Black families.

Henry, Fabian, Shaun, Logan, Jennie, and the others were all there.
During the crisis in Erudia, they retreated to Zarain.

However, after Zarain successfully defended itself against Erudia, they were stripped of all their assets and were kicked out of the country.
This led them to a conundrum. They couldn’t return to either Zarain or Erudia.
Without a place to call home, they lived like stray dogs.
They had to endure a plethora of hardships just to stay alive.
If it wasn’t for their combat skills, they would’ve been dead already.
Later on, these people came to Bruce’s mind while he was helping Jared with his experiment.
Bruce wanted to make them his test subjects.
So, he ordered his men to capture them and bring them to him.
Once they were in his captivity, Bruce injected super serum and various other chemicals into them, enhancing their physical strengths as well as their mental capabilities.
In order for them to withstand Jared’s experiment, they need to become stronger!
Bruce wanted every one of his test subjects to survive Jared’s experiment.
I need all of them to get revenge for me!
“Do you know who made you all suffer?” Bruce queried.
“Levi!” he added.
Upon hearing the name Levi, Logan was furious.
Because of his restraining order, we weren’t able to return to Erudia. It’s all his fault!
Many people begged for him to remove the order, but he didn’t even bat an eye.
Everything’s gone awry because of him!
“I’ll give you guys a chance to get revenge on him. What do you say?”
The Lopez and black families went pensive and quiet.
Can we really trust him?
“What are you guys worried about? Fine, I’ll give it to you straight! I want to get rid of Levi! And you guys are the pawns to achieve that goal! My experiment will get you prepared to fight him.”
The Lopez and black families pondered for a while.
It’s not like we have a choice here. He’ll kill us anyway if we refuse to comply.
We should just accept his proposal.
Besides, we do still have a score to settle with Levi.
Isolated from the outside world, the Lopez and Black families hadn’t heard of Levi’s death.
Thus, they ended up being deceived by Bruce’s words.
“Okay, we’ll kill Levi for you!”
Bruce was delighted to hear their answer.
I can use their grudge against Levi to control them.
“Our situation is looking great! However, there are still some concerns.
“We still need to be cautious of Levi’s kid. She’ll become an issue to us once she’s grown up.
“Moreover, we also need to keep tabs on Zoey. “If she falls into The Cardinal Hall’s hands, it’ll become a huge problem for us.
“Last but not least, we need to be aware of Wynona. Her abnormal powers pose a threat to us.”
Bruce paused for a while before continuing, “We need to find a way to capture the three of them! If I send a few of my test subjects after them, will they be able to bring them here?”
The others quickly nodded.
“Yes, of course. Mr. Johnston, you can use this chance to observe their strength in combat!”
“I see, okay. I’ll come up with some backup plans just in case. I must restrain the three of them at all costs.”
Out of the blue, a person rushed into the room.
“Mr. Johnston, someone is here to see you!”
“Who?” Bruce had a perplexed look on his face.
“I’m not sure. He calls himself the founder of The Dark Sun.”


“The founder of The Dark Sun? Are you talking crap or what?”

Bruce was dumbstruck and rebutted right away.
The Dark Sun had been uprooted by Robed Slayer, and all their members were dead.

How could he still show up?
“No, something’s not quite right. What did he call himself? The founder of The Dark Sun?”
Bruce realized that something did not add up right then.
“Yes, the founder of The Dark Sun!”
“All right then, let him in right now!”
Soon, a man donning a black robe entered the room.
If Levi was here, he would have recognized that this person was the one who impersonated him and fought him back at Terragon Hill.
“You’re the founder of The Dark Sun?” Bruce asked with a perplexed face.
“No, that’s my master. He requested that I look for you here,” the man answered.
“Who’s your Master? Why are you guys claiming to be the founder of The Dark Sun?”
Bruce did not see the point of beating around the bush and asked bluntly.
“My master is Fiery Demon!”
Others present gasped after listening to the man, including Bruce.
Fiery Demon is the king of all demon!
“This belongs to my master and is the proof of his identity.”
The man handed over a box to Bruce.
Bruce and the others opened the box and tried to make sense of it.
Upon verification, they nodded their heads.
“It’s him!”
Bruce had his hands on Fiery Demon, Cyrus’s information.
Hence, he could verify his identity rapidly without a hitch.
However, Bruce furrowed his brows and looked befuddled. “I have one question though…”
His question was the same as Levi’s.
Why is Cyrus doing this? Why did he establish The Dark Sun? Most importantly, why is he looking for me now?
The mysterious man smiled and said, “Master has foreseen that you might have some questions. He wants me to tell you something.”
“What is it?”
The man stepped forward and whispered into Bruce’s ears.
Bruce’s lips curled into a smile after listening to him. “I see! Your master wants to collaborate with me?”
“Yes, that’s right.”
“Sure, no problem. His sincerity is without question. I look forward to working together with him!”
The Dark Sun was going to collaborate with the Lab of Gods.
Things were about to take a very different turn.
“No wonder Fiery Demon has not appeared before. He didn’t think I was a worthy partner. I’m glad to see that he’s finally willing to work together with me, now that I’m in charge of the Lab of Gods… Haha…”
Bruce let out a self-deprecating laugh. “So Fiery Demon used to think that I belonged to the same class as those goonies from Raysonia who are mere cannon fodders.”
Meanwhile, at the other side, Levi was parting with Robed Slayer.
Now that Robed Slayer had diverted the attention away from Levi, the latter could finally focus on investigating Bruce and the Lab of Gods.
However, unlike The Dark Sun, the Lab of Gods was far too enigmatic.
As of now, nobody truly understood the Lab of Gods.
Bruce alone was outstanding enough, and he was merely the spokesperson for the Lab of Gods.
To put it bluntly, he was only the errand boy for the Lab of Gods.
However, such a person already had a formidable background and exercised great influence.
It was thus evident just how powerful the Lab of Gods was.
The Hiltons from the Goldenport Island, where Johannes Hilton, the God of Gamblers originated, held the Lab of Gods with much veneration and respect.
They had the impression that the Lab of Gods was one of the strongest institutions in the world.
With that being said, it was not a blind infatuation with the Lab of Gods. Rather, the Hiltons were impressed by their capabilities.
Bruce alone was difficult enough to deal with. Hence, there was no doubt that others from the Lab of Gods were not to be taken lightly.
Levi reckoned that they could even rival those from Shield.
It would be wise to contemplate every move against the Lab of Gods carefully, lest they alert the power behind the powerful institution and rippled a domino effect that would bar them from ever getting close to investigating the mysterious institution.
Levi could not help but wonder what exactly was inside the Lab of Gods.
How many fighters do they have? How many advanced weapons do they possess?
There were too many unknowns.
Most importantly, Levi was unsure if he could match up to the people from the Lab of Gods.


One thing was for sure, though. Levi knew that he did not yet possess the ability to stand up to the Lab of Gods.

Dealing with Bruce alone would exhaust his forces, not to mention the Lab of Gods which helmed much greater power.
Hence, there was no way Levi could contend the Lab of Gods head-to-head as he did with The Dark Sun.

One had to know thyself and thy enemies before striking a move.
Levi planned to find out more about Bruce and then wipe out his influences before tackling the Lab of Gods.
“Mr. Garrison, I’ll go back to Erudia then. Where are you heading next?” Robed Slayer asked.
“I will gather some of my old comrades for a discussion first,” Levi said with a smile.
“Good to know. Just let me know if you require any assistance, Mr. Garrison.”
Robed Slayer then headed back to Erudia.
This time, there was no need for him to play hide and seek.
Thousands of people from his home country, Erudia, were welcoming Robed Slayer home with open arms.
He was touted as the hero of the era.
Robed Slayer gladly accepted the honor and veneration from his own people.
Even The Cardinal Hall and Eragon were there to welcome him home.
His honor did not end there as even the Seven Fiends were thanking him for avenging their master.
Zoey, Wynona, and Mia were there as well.
They had been staying at The Cardinal Hall recently and had gotten some guidance from fighters there.
As a result, they were able to control their abilities more than half of the time.
It was already much higher than before.
Mia was especially gifted and had been accepted as a disciple by one of the fighters in The Cardinal Hall. With her teacher’s guidance, she had improved by leaps and bounds.
The Cardinal Hall decided that it was time for them to gain some real-life exposure.
The girls decided to join in the fun after knowing that Robed Slayer was coming back to Erudia.
However, Forlevia was still at The Cardinal Hall.
There were a few more years till she was ready to gain exposure to the real world.
An explicable emotion washed over Robed Slayer as he regarded those standing before him to welcome him home.
At the sight of the Zoey and the others, he almost failed to suppress the urge to tell them that Levi was in fact still alive.
“Robed Slayer! I have a question, and I think this question is one that others are curious about as well,” a reporter said.
Robed Slayer smiled. “All right. Ask away.”
“How did you become so powerful so fast? It’s a well-known fact that you’re badly injured following a battle, and you were even poisoned! How did you become stronger after sustaining such injuries, and to this extent, no less? It’s really quite fascinating.”
It was indeed a question that everyone was curious about, including Bruce.
He would even go as far as to say that it was illogical.
Robed Slayer merely smiled and replied, “It was all thanks to my master!”
“Your Master?”
Everyone gasped after listening to him.
Robed Slayer was no longer a young man. Could his teacher whom he called ‘Master’ still be alive?
Isn’t his Master an old living deity then?
It all makes sense then, how he’s gotten stronger after sustaining such serious injuries.
The way Robed Slayer gained traction back then was quite enigmatic as well. It turned out that he had received guidance to become such a legendary man.
Nonetheless, all of them were oblivious to the fact that Levi was actually Robed Slayer’s Master.
It was thanks to Levi that the man had achieved such great strides.
Even though Levi was much younger than himself, Robed Slayer still honored Levi as his teacher.
Robed Slayer truly felt that he owed his achievements to Levi and did not lie. Instead, his eyes were full of admiration and respect at the mention of his Master.
The public’s curiosity was satiated. However, another question soon popped up.
Who is Robed Slayer’s Master?
Robed Slayer knew they would be curious about it and answered even before they asked. “My master is someone living in the depths of nature. There is no way you guys will be able to meet him. So, just save your questions.”
The message was loud and clear, albeit terrifying.
The public realized that there still existed such an ultimate fighter in Erudia.
Who will be able to stop him then?
Bruce was stumped at the revelation as well.
It seemed like there was more to Erudia than he knew.
Nonetheless, Robed Slayer’s answers had been able to satisfy some of the burning questions the public had.
Meanwhile, Levi was waiting right by the borders of Erudia.
He was waiting for some of his old comrades.

Tnx again Grandmaster

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