Was Joseph a Virgin?


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Jun 4, 2023
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Can you tell me if the Church teaches that Joseph was a virgin, or was he a widower with children who was quite older than Mary?

At the time of his betrothal to Mary, Joseph is presented as a man of old age. Where does this information come from? Was Joseph married before? Did he have other children?
Sijakuelewa hata, sijui ni hii lugha
Baba mlezi wa Yesu. Je alikuwa bikra?
Is this neccesary to you?

Josefu aliitunza familia kufuata maagizo ya Mungu kama mwanume wengine kupitia kazi ya useremala.

Alimtahiri mwanawe, akampeleka Yerusalemu Hekaluni katika siku takatifu, yote hayo yakipatana na sheria ya Kiyahudi. Josefu pia alimlinda Yesu dhidi ya Herode, Mfalme wa Yudea aliyetaka kumwua mtoto, kwa kuwapeleka Mariamu na Yesu hadi Misri na kumrudisha Nazareti...
Hiyo ya kuwa bikra na mzee sijaipata labda nifanye kutafta, japo kwa upande wangu aiwezi kuathiri chochote
In fact the Church holds onto this information for whatever reasons they choose. Why? Are they scared they will lose credibility if the truth comes out? Or is it just the fact that they would rather hold onto the real mysteries of the Bible? That is one question that I doubt will be answered anytime soon.

What I am about to reveal is actually not a very well hidden
secret. If you know where to look you will see that others have
already discussed and discovered the background story, and
its a pretty amazing one at that.

The Pantera Bloodline.
Around 177 AD Celsus a Greek Philosopher wrote a book called The True Word . In it he describes the belief of many Jewish scholars, and in fact the thoughts and memories of many people back then who came from the Holy Land.

The truth, as was told back then, is that Jesus' parents were
Mary, and a Roman Soldier named Pantera. In other words, Jesus' father was in fact human. The name Pantera was quite common back then, but we do have his first name too. He was known as Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera.

This was recorded not only in the Jewish Talmud but also in other Jewish writings and Roman records. In it Jesus was referred to as Jesus (Yeshu) ben Pantera, Son of Pantera. Jesus is a fairly modern take on his real name. He was
mainly known as Yeshu or Yeshua, which makes sense as there was no letter J in the Hebrew or Greek alphabet around the time of the Jesus story.

Who Was Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera? 'Panthera' And was he the alleged father of Jesus, or Yeshua?
Tiberius was an Archer in the Roman army around the time of Jesus birth. He was born in Sidon Phoenicia, which today is in Lebanon, approximately 25 miles south of Beirut.

The first Cohorts of Archers left Palestine and went to Dalmatia in 6 AD and then onto the Rhine in 9 AD.
Pantera was enlisted locally, and served in the army for approx. 40 years. Which was by this time, in the reign of Tiberius. When he was discharged he would then have been granted citizenship by the Emperor and thus added the
Emperor's name to his own, which was common back then.

There is speculation at that time from Jewish Scholars and Roman soldiers that Tiberius could very well have raped Mary, but of course it could have been a romantic liaison between Mary and Pantera.
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In fact the Church holds onto this information for whatever reasons they choose. Why? Are they scared they will lose credibility if the truth comes out? Or is it just the fact that they would rather hold onto the real mysteries of the Bible? That is one question that I doubt will be answered anytime soon.

What I am about to reveal is actually not a very well hidden
secret. If you know where to look you will see that others have
already discussed and discovered the background story, and
its a pretty amazing one at that.

The Pantera Bloodline.
Around 177 AD Celsus a Greek Philosopher wrote a book called The True Word . In it he describes the belief of many Jewish scholars, and in fact the thoughts and memories of many people back then who came from the Holy Land.

The truth, as was told back then, is that Jesus' parents were
Mary, and a Roman Soldier named Pantera. In other words, Jesus' father was in fact human. The name Pantera was quite common back then, but we do have his first name too. He was known as Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera.

This was recorded not only in the Jewish Talmud but also in other Jewish writings and Roman records. In it Jesus was referred to as Jesus (Yeshu) ben Pantera, Son of Pantera. Jesus is a fairly modern take on his real name. He was
mainly known as Yeshu or Yeshua, which makes sense as there was no letter J in the Hebrew or Greek alphabet around the time of the Jesus story.

Who Was Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera? 'Panthera' And was he the alleged father of Jesus, or Yeshua?
Tiberius was an Archer in the Roman army around the time of Jesus birth. He was born in Sidon Phoenicia, which today is in Lebanon, approximately 25 miles south of Beirut.

The first Cohorts of Archers left Palestine and went to Dalmatia in 6 AD and then onto the Rhine in 9 AD.
Pantera was enlisted locally, and served in the army for approx. 40 years. Which was by this time, in the reign of Tiberius. When he was discharged he would then have been granted citizenship by the Emperor and thus added the
Emperor's name to his own, which was common back then.

There is speculation at that time from Jewish Scholars and Roman soldiers that Tiberius could very well have raped Mary, but of course it could have been a romantic liaison between Mary and Pantera.
Where is the proof of all these? It seems to me more of speculations