The Protector (The Return of God Of War)

In Erudia, a private jet landed at North Hampton Airport, where all international flights experienced an eight-hour delay because of it.
At the private passageway were five men in suits and leather shoes, standing as straight as a javelin.

Every now and then, they would raise their wrist to look at the time, for a big shot was coming to town.
The upper-class society of North Hampton had learned about his arrival, but no one had the capability to get an inch closer to the private passageway.
Even the richest man in North Hampton who came to pay homage was chased away.
Finally, there were movements coming from the passageway.

“God of War!!!” the mass cried out, their eyes filled with awe and veneration at the sight of the undefeatable legend of Erudia.
He, who was dubbed the God of War, was the one and only five-star war God in the history of Erudia.
Once, he’d inflicted a crushing defeat on the strongest battalions in eighteen countries. He was an overbearing and formidable man.
He who overwhelmed the world with his unparalleled power had even created the Five Great Wars Regiment, Cavalry Regiment, and many more.

Setting foot on his homeland, Levi Garrison was overcome with emotions.
Once upon a time, he used to be an orphan who was abandoned on the streets of North Hampton and then adopted by the Garrison family.
However, the Garrison family had never been fond of him.
His adoptive parents, who had a tendency to beat and scold him, treated him like an outsider.
As for the outsiders, they treated him as a nobody.
But he didn’t care a stiver. He had always been proud of his surname since he was a child, and he strived to bring glory to this family when he grew older.
At last, Levi had established Levi Group, the largest dark horse in North Hampton’s business community.
With billions of assets, it ranked among the forefront of North Hampton, pushing the declining Garrison family to the top.
However, not only did the Garrison family showed no signs of appreciation, they even harbored dissatisfaction towards him. Jealous of his success, they regarded him as a thorn in their flesh and coveted Levi Group.
No matter his wealth and power, unless they were in control, he was just an outsider in the Garrison family’s eyes.
Eventually, on Levi’s wedding night, the Garrison family plotted a frame-up against him by getting him drunk before tossing him onto his sister-in-law’s bed. They wanted to create the illusion that he was doing something untoward to her and was caught in bed by his brother and adoptive parents.
That night, the Garrison family had brutally broken his limbs and left him on the road like a wild dog.
Not only was he handicapped, but he also had to take the flak for something he didn’t commit.
From an upstart in the business world, he had become the target of disdain overnight.
And the next day, he had been punished for several crimes and sentenced to six years in prison.
He could never forget the ruthless and sinister faces of everyone in the Garrison family and the ridicule of his friends, classmates, and business partners.
More so, he could never forget the disappointment on his newly wedded wife, Zoey’s face.
He had regarded the Garrison family as his home and devoted himself to the family.
Yet, they treated him like trash.
It felt as if a knife was being twisted in his heart every time he thought about this.
How he hated the Garrison family!
But who would have thought that Levi had been secretly transferred away from prison to join the military?
In a few years, he dominated the military world and became the one and only five-star God of War.
Now that he came back, the Garrison family ought to stay on their toes.
“How’s it going, Azure Dragon?” Levi asked.
Azure Dragon, the commander of the Five Great Wars Regiment, took a step forward and said respectfully, “Sir, I’m afraid your wife, Ms. Zoey Lopez will remarry at ten o’clock tonight!”
Ever since Zoey’s husband was sent to prison on their wedding night, she had been living like a widow.
Only God knew how much pressure she was put under.
And right now, the person Levi couldn’t wait to see the most was Zoey.
After a moment of hesitation, Azure Dragon continued, “To add on, Sir, the Garrison family is holding a successful listing celebration banquet at the Crystal Palace Hotel tonight! Many people had invited the God of War just now, including the Garrison family, but I didn’t accept nor refuse directly.”
“What time?” Levi asked tersely.
“Eight o’clock, Sir.”
“Okay. Tell the Garrison family I will attend the banquet!”
Since the time for the two events didn’t clash, Levi gladly accepted the invitation.
The celebration banquet for the public listing of Garrison Group was held at North Hampton’s Crystal Palace Hotel.
With the help of Levi Group, they had become a rich and powerful family in one fell swoop.
The hall was bustling with noise and excitement, and sounds of glasses clinking could be heard ringing in the air every now and then.
“God bless the Garrison family,” said Joseph, the head of the Garrison family. “The younger generations are the stars among men. Garrison Group is now listed and has become an upstart in North Hampton!”
Joseph’s three sons and daughter welcomed their guests with bright smiles on their faces.
The younger generation of the Garrison family was all the smugger and prouder because, after today, the Garrison family would become a powerful family, and they would become one of the top rich kids.
Most of the guests who attended today’s banquet were from the top circle in North Hampton.
“Garrison, do you know what happened today?! Your celebration party is nothing compared to that.” They were gossiping about the major event that had happened today.
“Yeah! I heard that a big shot has arrived in North Hampton!”
“The richest man in North Hampton wanted to meet him but was shooed away. Apparently, he’s not qualified enough!”
“So? Jesse Nielsen had been waiting for five hours in advance at the airport!”
Joseph nodded. “Yes, I know about that too. I even sent someone to invite this big shot to the celebration party!”
“No way! Why would this big shot attend such a party?”
No one believed it.
In fact, as an upstart, Joseph was just trying his luck.
“Dad!” shouted Jaycob, the second eldest son of the Garrison family could be seen running over. “The big shot has accepted our invitation to attend our celebration banquet! He’s on the way!”
“Jesus! God has indeed blessed the Garrison family!”
Everyone in the Garrison family could barely conceal their delight as this was their chance to reach the sky in a single bound.
The grandchildren of the Garrison family gathered together, sunshine flooding their souls.
Levi’s brother, Bryan, and sister-in-law, Victoria, smiled. “Well, it all starts with Levi’s imprisonment that the Garrison family is at where we are today…”
“Right, speaking about Levi, do you guys know today’s the day that kid gets out of prison?!” somebody asked abruptly.
“Really? Isn’t that bad luck? Why did he have to be released on such a big day?!”
“Please, please, please don’t come back! He’s the Garrison family’s biggest disgrace!”
Victoria’s lips tugged into a sneer. “Speaking of which, Levi is the crowning glory of the Garrison family’s status today.”
“That’s what he’s supposed to do!” Bryan said. “He should contribute to the Garrison family for raising him, an orphan! His multi-billion Levi Group means nothing. To put it bluntly, he’s just a dog raised by the Garrison family!”
Someone gave a chortle. “As a matter of fact, I’ve been interested in Levi’s wife for a long time now. She’s still widowed, and I’m so going to marry her!”
The man’s remark caused gales of laughter.
“Everyone, stop what you’re doing. I have an important announcement to make,” Joseph said and went on to announce that the big shot was coming.
A thunderous applause was heard.
But when the applause had died down, there was still someone clapping.
The sound was loud and clear, approaching from afar.
On the red carpet, a man came clapping, looking bold and energetic.
His stride gave off a majestic and imposing aura, which made the mass hold their breaths.
“It’s Levi!” Bryan and Victoria exclaimed.
Suddenly, all eyes were riveted on him.
“I forgot this little brat got out of jail today!” Levi’s adoptive parents spoke in unison.
Ignoring the astonished gazes darted at his way, Levi walked step by step towards Joseph.
“A little bird told me that the company is now listed. How are you feeling, Joseph? Are you happy?”
Levi flashed him a meaningful smile.
“How dare you show up here, you insolent brat! And what did you just call me?” Joseph’s fury sprang to life.
“Who let him in? Didn’t you know he just got out of prison? How inauspicious!”
Bryan rose to his feet. “What the hell are you doing here, Levi?”
Levi sized him up. “Why can’t I be here?”
“Well, for starters, you’re an orphan! The Garrison family has raised you, but you were ambitious and ungrateful. You had inordinate ambitions for your sister-in-law, and you wanted to take possession of the Garrison family! You’d even tried to kill your parents when things go south! Have you no conscience? Do you have any sense of morality left in your heart?”
“You’ve lost your reputation in North Hampton, and everyone knows that. Have you no shame to have the brass neck to come round here?”
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While waiting for Grandmaster SKYE to bless us with some powerful resources, let's kill de boredom by reading this fantastic story translated by one of our members.


The entire Erudia was thrown into an uproar when the people found out that the mysterious faction finally launched an attack.

Although they could not protect the sunstone, it did not end up with the Lab of Gods either.
In addition, they also suffered a great loss.

All the other forces were dumbstruck. The mysterious faction acted? Why didn’t we see it when we have been monitoring the situation the whole time? With so many pairs of eyes staring at it, it’s impossible that we didn’t realize their slightest movement!
Little did they know that only Levi took an action. Since the attack did not involve other men, it was only natural that they did not notice anything.
“The Lab of Gods assumed the upper hand in this matter. Never in a million years would they have thought that the real winner behind this is the mysterious faction!”
“I get it now. While the Lab of Gods was openly luring the mysterious faction to go look for them, the latter was doing the same! They were both playing tango with each other, and one party is bound to plunge into an abyss.”
The Lab of Gods was completely devastated.
Bruce fell ill at that instant whereas Peter and gang were all injured at varying degrees. The whole team was dealt a disastrous blow. It was utterly embarrassing!
Meanwhile, Erudia had stopped the mining process.
Had they not been able to transport the resources back after extracting them, the losses suffered would be even greater. In addition, they may reveal their current location.
Levi had singlehandedly terrorized the Lab of Gods and stopped them from mining sunstones in Erudia.
In fact, they halted all extraction projects in various training bases globally as they feared that Levi would cause them trouble.
This time, Levi had successfully defeated the Lab of Gods and put them back in their place.
The lab has the most advanced technology and even possibly possesses the most formidable weapons on the planet. But, what’s the point of that? Others could still beat the living daylights out of them. Most essentially, they can’t even pinpoint their rival. So, what’s the use of being powerful?
The Four Heirs of Erudia were dejected after such an unexpected incident.
They were initially overjoyed to be in the limelight for partnering with Cryptic Stream Corporation.
Yet, luck was not on their side. Now, all of their plans were ruined.
Something was seriously off with Jefferson lately. He had been telling people that Levi was still alive, and it was all Levi’s fault.
However, nobody actually listened to him. Conversely, Ryker even lashed out at him when he brought that up.
As a consequence, Jefferson kept complaining that Levi would come for him. Hence, he wanted to leave the place at once.
“You’re crazy! I’ve told you a million times, it’s impossible that Levi is still alive. Undoubtedly, this isn’t the doing of a single man!” Ryker bellowed.
The others chimed in, “Exactly. Based on your assumption, Levi is alive, but all of these were clearly the acts of a mega faction. All the forces in the world collaborated in this campaign. Can Levi do this alone? I think not.”
“It’s true that Levi has had many subordinates under him, but that’s in the past. Moreover, we’ve been supervising his every move, including those supporting him. Nothing suspicious was found. Mr. Johnston has also repeatedly confirmed that all these factions are located in Erudia, and they all know that Levi’s dead…”
Jefferson fell silent. Whatever the others said was an indisputable fact.
How can Levi do that on his own?
Azure Dragon and his team were too weak to do anything that could attract people’s attention. Times had changed, and they should have been eliminated from society…
Bruce even managed to discover Levi’s Team Of Secret Warriors, and he had been spying on them since.
He did not take Azure Dragon seriously. In his eyes, the latter was just like any Tom, Dick, and Harry, not worth his time stalking.
“Somehow, I have a feeling that Levi is still alive, and he’s in our midst!” Jefferson trusted his instinct very much.
“What a coward! You bring shame to your family. I bet my balls that Levi’s dead. Come look for us if he dares!” Ryker barked angrily.
Hearing that, Jefferson trembled in fear. “Don’t say that! Levi might actually show up.”
“Let him. Am I not able to get rid of one person?”


“I want to go home. I want to go home now!” The more Ryker uttered, the more frightened Jefferson had become. His first and only reaction was to request to leave immediately.

“Trash! You’re a useless piece of trash!” Ryker went ballistic.
Subsequently, he reported the incident to Jefferson’s father, who was the owner of Cryptic Stream Corporation.

As a result, his family was enraged by Jefferson’s behavior, especially his father who was extremely disappointed in Jefferson.
In such a critical moment like this, what Jefferson says about Levi is equivalent to misleading the public with untruth. He’s creating chaos and planting fear in others. I can’t let him come home. It’s best he stays in Erudia.
“I won’t return as there’s only one way to find out if Levi would appear.” Ryker smirked.
After that, there was pin-drop silence at the Lab of Gods. Ryker was patiently waiting for Levi’s arrival.
A few days went by, but nothing happened.
Ryker approached the devastated Jefferson and jeered at him, “Where’s Levi? I’ve been waiting for him for days. Why hasn’t he shown up yet? Is he still appearing in your dreams?”
Jefferson turned ghastly. “Don’t speak nonsense! I have a strong feeling that he will come soon. It was the same with Byron, Bruce’s brother. Levi kept an eye on him all the time.”
“Hahahaha…” Ryker and the rest guffawed at his warning.
“This is too funny! You’re saying that Levi resurrected? It’s either you’ve read too many fictional novels or watched too many movies. Why don’t you claim that Levi’s a legendary deity from Erudia? He will come soon? Great, come and show me some magic.” Ryker laughed boisterously.
The rest chimed in proudly, “If Levi’s alive, ask him to come after us! We’re going to wreak havoc in Erudia. If he has the guts, come get us then.”
“Ah… Oh… Argh!” Right then, a few people, including Jefferson who was sitting opposite Ryker, stared strangely behind the latter and shrieked at the top of their lungs as if they had just seen a ghost.
They started shaking like a leaf as they pointed in the same direction with trepidation. Their faces turned pale. After what seemed like an eternity, they choked out a few words, “Back… back… back…”
Jefferson tried to speak up, but to no avail.
Drenched in cold sweats, he mumbled like a mad man, “Oh… oh…”
“Hahaha…” Ryker and his men continued bursting out in laughter.
Gradually, they realized that something did not add up right. Did Jefferson see something? What’s behind us?
Slowly, Ryker and five others turned their heads to the back, only to jump out of their skins.
There’s someone standing behind us and it’s Levi!
Not one person from the Lab of Gods and Cryptic Stream Corporation could forget that face.
He’s alive? Indeed, that’s him! So, Jefferson was right all along?
“Be careful of what you wish for. Dreams do come true. Get it?” Levi’s voice rang in their ears.
At that instant, everyone’s blood ran cold, and they almost passed out.
“Did I tell you not to linger around Erudia?” Levi’s gaze fell on Jefferson.
“Uh…” Jefferson gasped.
“This is unbelievable! You’re not dead?” Ryker was still overwhelmed with disbelief.
“You’re absolutely correct. Also, I did all that.” Levi smiled smugly.
Within moments, the room was filled with corpses.
Shortly after, the news about the deaths of Ryker, Jefferson, and other high-rank officials from Cryptic Stream Corporation went viral.
A dark cloud was hanging over the Lab of Gods.
They seemed to be living under the supervision of the mysterious force, which was haunting them continuously.
Coincidentally, Zoey had completed her seclusion meditation the same day.
“What? Jefferson is dead? No way, I won’t allow anyone to take revenge on my behalf. I’ll do it personally. The vengeance is mine!” She looked away in a far direction.
Upon finishing her meditation, she was more confident of her own capabilities now. It’s time to avenge Levi.


With the passing of Jefferson, Ryker, and a few other men, Cryptic Stream Corporation was adversely affected to the extent that all of its projects in Erudia were put to a halt.

The Four Heirs as well as their families were completely baffled.
When the owner of Cryptic Stream Corporation received the bad news about the deaths of his son and his good partner, his heart wrenched with sorrow.

“I must get rid of the culprit!” He was furious.
On the other hand, Bruce had to endure a steady bombardment of reprimands from the high-rank officials of the Lab of Gods.
Upon discussion, they had decided to give him one last chance.
Bruce’s eyes welled up as he put on a nasty expression. “I’ll remember this. It’s time for us to reveal to the world what the Lab of Gods is truly capable of!” An unswerving intent flashed across his eyes.
After receiving several blows, the energy supply station was destroyed. As a consequence, the Lab of Gods lost one of its most precious core resources along with its glorious reputation.
With that, the public no longer viewed the lab as a mysterious and powerful force, but a mediocre organization.
The Lab of Gods became the laughing stock in town. They were humiliated because of their lack of ability to detect the ambush, let alone striking back at their enemy.
From the incident, the Hilton family also started doubting the true capability of the Lab of Gods.
The name suggested that it consisted of a group of mighty deities, yet they were toyed by a mere mortal.
Recently, there seemed to be a series of problems occurring one after another, hurting the name and honor of the Lab of Gods.
The sunstone which had been regarded as the most mystifying resource had also been discovered by the general public.
Not only did they lose the chance to extract those in Erudia, they were also barred from mining at their existing training bases. The losses were unimaginable.
Had the crisis continued, no one would ever revere the Lab of Gods.
The very first thing that Bruce wanted to accomplish was to rebuild the Lab of Gods to its previous level of renowned splendor. He vowed to showcase how terrifying and awe-inspiring the lab could be.
In fact, Bruce had already thought about the few significant aspects of the lab that he wanted to exhibit.
“Unfortunately, we lack a golden opportunity to do so. If only we had a rightful opponent, we can display our strengths accordingly,” Bruce mumbled.
Peter suggested, “Mr. Johnston, we can simply select who we want to go against and then inform others that he’s the match for the Lab of Gods. Whatever it is, let’s annihilate them first.”
Bruce nodded. “Sounds good, but who should we pick?”
“I guess our best bet would be Erudia or someone related to Erudia,” Peter thought out loud.
“Those from Erudia would be tough. Let’s pick someone who’s connected to Erudia,” Bruce concluded.
Peter said quickly, “I can provide an option, Mr. Johnston. What about Ether Organization from Xyperia? They are the closest to Erudia in terms of partnership. Also, they have been providing lots of help to them.”
“This is a brilliant idea. Moreover, Ether Organization has long been blacklisted by us. This will be the perfect time to get rid of them once and for all.”
Bruce declared, “Relay my order. We’re to set off immediately for Xyperia and destroy Ether Organization to pieces. I want the whole world to have a taste of the unstoppable Lab of Gods! I’ll also be bringing along a secret weapon and a mysterious fighter. Just wait and see. “
With that, Bruce personally led his professional team into Xyperia to fight Ether Organization.
He released a statement. The Lab of Gods has discovered a connection between the mysterious force and Ether Organization. The latter is an accomplice.
Everyone knew the game the Lab of Gods was playing when it specifically targeted Ether Organization. However, no one dared to say anything about it.
Meanwhile, Zoey who was already on her way, changed her mind and detoured to Xyperia as soon as she heard about Bruce’s plan.
She was determined to finish off Bruce in order to avenge Levi.


Ether Organization which was located in Xyperia received the bad news at the very last minute.

Without warning, the Lab of Gods launched an incredible attack at them and wiped them out completely using only sixty seconds.
This was shocking. The entire world was astounded at how an irresistible force like Ether Organization was exterminated in a flash!

Who exactly is the Lab of Gods? Why are they so frightening? They have the God Scepter!
Everyone was in awe of the name which went viral overnight.
That was also the first time the Lab of Gods had ever showcased God Scepter to the world.
Once the God Scepter was launched, the massive Ether Organization was turned into ruins within a minute.
In actual fact, the destruction only took several seconds. The remaining time was used to tie up loose ends.
The God Scepter was one of the Lab of Gods’ trump cards, its utmost prized possession.
Originally, Levi was supposed to use it during the ruckus raised in Zarain.
Unfortunately, Bruce intentionally ruined his plan at that time, resulting in the delay in introducing God Scepter.
Anyhow, many from the lab were of the opinion that it was not the best time to display the God Scepter back then.
Timing was everything. Now that the Lab of Gods had hit rock bottom, and was being humiliated, it was a good tactic to bring out the God Scepter and wow the world.
As expected, the secret weapon was disastrous. With one critical blow, it uprooted the whole Ether Organization.
All the other nations and factions were shocked to the core at its horrifying impact. Fear started to creep up upon them.
No one had ever seen or heard about the existence of the superb weapon.
It was just the beginning, for it was only one of the trump cards possessed by the Lab of Gods. God knows what other tricks they have up their sleeves!
Though the weapon had been introduced and used to achieve its purpose, nobody knew what it was exactly. That was what made it so scary! No one had the nerve to even imagine what else the weapon could do.
How should we counterattack the Lab of Gods and its secret weapon should we face them head-on one day?
Yet, everyone was still baffled, and they had no clue as to what it was.
Bruce was seen appearing alone in the barren desert at the north of Xyperia.
Upon destroying Ether Organization, he and his team had a smug look on their faces. Each one was proud of their effective fighting capabilities.
Bruce was grinning from ear to ear as he admired his work. “What will the world think if I show them the pure energy beings?”
“Hahaha…” Everyone burst into a raucous laugh upon hearing that.
Then, Bruce commanded, “Get the team to expedite the plan. I want to see Levi’s relatives being converted into pure energy beings soonest possible! I want them to become Erudia’s greatest nightmare!”
Bruce added, “By the way, Ether Organization is rather weak. We must continue to unleash the strengths of the Lab of Gods. Once isn’t enough.”
Curious, Peter questioned, “What should we do next, Mr. Johnston?”
A ferocious look flashed across Bruce’s eyes. “We have a private and confidential collaboration with Triple Group from Keerea. My gut feeling tells me that it’s time to exhibit the results.”
Suddenly, one of Bruce’s subordinates warned, “Oh no, someone is coming for us.”
The security system had detected someone suspicious approaching them.
“Huh? Could it be that it’s the mysterious forces?”
“Oh yes! We made our plans transparent to the world, so everyone is well aware of our whereabouts.”
At that thought, Peter and the others’ expressions changed.
On the contrary, Bruce chuckled. “They’re here? That’s awesome! Besides showcasing the true capabilities of the Lab of Gods, I also intend to lure them here.”
Peter nodded. “Based on our previous fighting saga, the mysterious faction absolutely hates us to the core. With Mr. Johnston’s revealing our exact location, it’s their best chance to show up for a showdown.”
“That’s right. If that’s their intention, why not? This is great news. Get ready to battle on my command, everyone!”
With countless highly skilled fighters around him, Bruce was fully prepared to go to war.
“They are coming!”
Everyone was stunned when their enemy appeared.
It’s a woman!


“It’s her?”

The crowd was shocked when they saw the woman’s face.
“Zoey? Levi’s wife?”

Even Bruce was shocked.
She made her way toward them with a menacing look on her face.
Zoey immediately recognized him upon seeing his face.
She could remember clearly the person who had pretended to be a doctor.
“It’s me! You killed my husband, and I’m here to get revenge!” Zoey bellowed every single word at the top of her lungs.
“Huh? What?”
Bruce and the others thought that they had heard her wrong.
She’s here to avenge Levi?
Everyone was shocked.
The man furrowed his brows, but smiled a moment later.
Zoey’s appearance had dispelled a suspicion he had.
The powerful yet mysterious force, and when Jefferson said that Levi was still alive made Bruce wonder if the latter was actually still alive.
The dreadful feeling he had grew stronger as he analyzed the situation.
However, Zoey was here to get revenge now, and all suspicions he had were dispelled.
That’s right.
There’s no way Levi is still alive.
Bruce’s mood became better in an instant.
Not only did he manage to dispel his suspicions, but Zoey’s appearance was a great opportunity for him to show everyone just how powerful the Lab of Gods was.
It was killing two birds with one stone.
As for Zoey’s combat skills, he had actually assessed them himself and knew that she was extremely powerful.
As someone who was able to kill The Annihilator, she was definitely a threat.
However, it was because Zoey was so powerful that he could prove the capabilities of the Lab of Gods.
She had arrived just in time as Bruce was lacking a lab rat.
Without saying or wasting another word, the woman charged at him.
“Stop her!” he commanded, and the fighters around him started to charge at her.
Zoey clashed with a man with superpowers.
Their fists crashed at each other, causing a loud boom at the impact.
The ground shook in an instant.
Right then, the man’s arm burst open, followed by his body.
Zoey’s punch killed him right then and there.
The crowd watching sucked in a deep breath at the sight of this.
Even though the man wasn’t the strongest, he was still modeled after The Annihilator and had about seventy percent of the latter’s powers.
Yet he was killed by Zoey just like that.
“How exciting! But that makes sense,” Bruce shouted as he stepped back.
He was still underestimating the woman.
She shifted into a flash of lightning and appeared in front of him the next second, passing through the large group of fighters.
Zoey then reached out and tried to tear him apart.
Bruce was dumbfounded.
Click! Click!
Fortunately, the mechanical armor he was wearing sensed the emergency and formed a shield before him instantly.
Nonetheless, he was punched and his body flew backward.
The people around snapped back to their senses immediately and rushed over to Zoey.
“Die! All of you! Not only am I going to get revenge for my husband, but I’ll also complete his mission on his behalf. I’m going to destroy the Lab of Gods!” Zoey stared at the crowd as she spoke.
A battle erupted, and Zoey and the fighters of the Lab of Gods fought against each other.
The woman had always been strong, and all The Annihilator could do back then was to escape from her clutches.
Having been in seclusion for some time, she had mastered at least seventy percent of her own powers.
Needless to say, The Cardinal Hall was extremely terrifying.
A specialized master had taught Zoey the ways to control her powers and unleash them from her body.
Zoey was just too terrifying.
The fighters of the Lab of Gods were killed one after another. None of them had the chance to fight back at all.
The amount of collapsed fighters, fighters who vanished to be exact, was increasing over time.
Every time Zoey made her move, they would disappear altogether.
“That’s not good. She’s too powerful! Much more powerful than I had anticipated. Stop her at once!” Bruce shouted.


Zoey was unstoppable.

None of Bruce’s fighters could stop her at all. Even if they were to join hands to fight her, all it would do was buy time.
They were simply useless against her.

“I want the whole world to know about this battle! It’s the perfect opportunity since we can show just how powerful we are with Zoey here,” the man shouted again.
Meanwhile, at Oakland City.
“Huh? This is bad! Wynona, Zoey’s missing!”
Mia and the rest finally noticed that she was gone.
“Oh no. She must’ve gone to get revenge!” Wynona exclaimed.
The former came to her senses as well. “That’s right. Bruce happened to be at Xyperia too. Zoey must’ve gone to look for him.”
“We gotta hurry to Xyperia, then. Where did she get the guts to fight the Lab of Gods alone?”
“I’ll let The Cardinal Hall know. We can’t let anything happen to Zoey.”
The Cardinal Hall instantly sent their men out the moment they received the news.
For one, Zoey was Levi’s wife.
On the other hand, she was extremely powerful and had great potential. They didn’t want anything to happen to her.
Soon, the news of the battle between Zoey and the Lab of Gods started to spread.
The whole world now knew that she had gone to kill Bruce and destroy the Lab of Gods to get revenge for her husband.
It was also the first time Zoey showed the world her capabilities.
“What? Is Levi’s wife really so powerful?”
“The whole family’s ruthless! Their daughter also possesses unmatched talents.”
“But they’re fighting against the Lab of Gods. If they’re unlucky, they might die in Bruce’s hands.”
The whole world was shocked when they got news of it.
Everyone had their attention on Xyperia’s deserted land to witness the battle.
Someone had even managed to get information on the situation and was updating everyone on the battle.
There was death everywhere.
Fighters who appeared in front of Zoey would drop dead almost instantly.
Almost hundreds of them had already lost their lives.
The number didn’t seem shocking though, since hundreds of thousands of soldiers were involved in the war previously.
However, these fighters were from the Lab of Gods.
Each of them were extremely powerful.
They were incomparable to mere goons.
Each fighter of the Lab of Gods was divided into different grades.
For instance, Bruce was only a C grade fighter. However, with his armor, he would instantly become an S grade.
Bruce had sent out S+ grade fighters to fight Levi previously.
The Annihilator was an example of a Double S grade fighter.
Meanwhile, most of the ones Bruce brought along were at least S- grade fighters, S grade ones taking up one-third of them.
There were ten Double S grade fighters by Bruce’s sides protecting him, and there were a few Triple S grade fighters among them.
That meant that even as a high-rank official, he could only mobilize this many fighters.
Previously, he was only able to mobilize a small number of S and S- grade fighters.
Fighters from each grade were precious treasures.
That was why it was shocking for Zoey to be able to kill so many S- grade fighters.
Before this, no one else besides Levi could accomplish this.
She fought more ferociously as the battle went on, an air of invincibility surrounding her.
More and more fighters started to collapse.
Even those by Bruce’s side couldn’t bear to watch anymore.
“Mr. Johnston, are you going to continue allowing Zoey to kill our fighters? The S grade and even the S+ grade fighters stand no chance against her at all. We’re just sending them to their deaths, aren’t we?” someone asked hurriedly.
“I know this, obviously. The Annihilator, who was a Double S grade couldn’t win against her too. How could these people be her opponents?” Bruce sneered.
The fighters were dumbfounded.
Why wouldn’t he send the strongest fighters if he knew?
Why sacrifice so many fighters?
They were unable to comprehend what Bruce was thinking.
Right then, Peter grinned, “Listen up, what Mr. Johnston meant is simple…”



Everyone turned to look.
“First, let Zoey get rid of everyone. Let her unleash her powers and capabilities. The more power she unleashes, the better. This is like killing two birds with one stone to us. Once she unleashes a great enough power, we kill her. Wouldn’t this show the world how great and powerful the Lab of God is, then?”

Everyone nodded simultaneously. “That’s right. The more powerful she is, the more we can show everyone else how great we are.”
Peter smiled at that. “Actually, we are also analyzing her battle skills when we allow her to unleash her powers. Then, we can get an overall picture of what to do. We’ll be able to find out her weaknesses! That way, we can take her down easier later.”
The fighters were shocked upon hearing this.
They had never expected Bruce to be so meticulous.
However, the sacrifice for this plan was too much.
There would be too many people dying.
Each and every one of the fighters were precious after all.
Yet, there were already so many of them dead.
Knowing what they were thinking, Bruce smiled and said, “Sometimes, we need to make sacrifices if we want to achieve something. I have had too many fighters die in this period of time. However, when we finally manage to make pure energy beings, the higher-ups will definitely compliment me.”
Hearing that, everyone nodded.
They knew that it was worth the sacrifice now if even one pure energy being could be formed.
On the battlefield, Zoey continued to showcase her strength.
The number of people who died in her hands was increasing.
The group with Bruce was using the most advanced equipment, along with some fighters, were analyzing Zoey’s strengths and weaknesses.
“S+ grade fighters! Charge!” he ordered.
Several fighters staggered before falling to their deaths after fighting Zoey.
She had not even unleashed her full powers.
Which meant that her opponents weren’t pressuring her enough.
“Use the upgraded version of Deicide!” Bruce ordered again.
He wanted to use it to continue pressuring Zoey, allowing her to unleash more of her powers.
The Deicide locked on to her time and time again, launching attacks at her each time.
However, Zoey would unleash an invincible amount of power each time and she was able to stop the Deicide’s attacks.
“Do you see that? The Deicide is useless against fighters of this class,” Bruce said.
“We’re still trying to develop the third version of Deicide, Mr. Johnston. It’ll be a success soon!” a subordinate said as he wiped away his sweat.
“Continue using other weapons. Don’t stop pressuring her,” the former commanded calmly.
The fighters continued to attack her under his command.
Nonetheless, Zoey was just too powerful.
Her actions and strengths surprised Bruce each time.
No matter how strong her obstacles were, she was able to resolve the attacks each time.
“She’s just too powerful!”
“There are already thousands who died in her hands. They’re all fighters of the Lab of Gods! And they weren’t even able to stop her with so many powerful weapons.”
“Holy crap! She’s basically the female version of Levi. She’s just too powerful! Both their powers are unbelievable.”
The whole world was left in shock when they witnessed Zoey’s powers.
She was about to surpass the past Levi soon.
After all, she was the first person to ever fight the Lab of Gods head-on.
Who else was capable enough to destroy the Lab of Gods single-handedly?
Zoey had appeared out of thin air and showed the world how powerful an ordinary person could turn out to be.
Her capabilities were basically God-like, and Bruce had finally achieved his goal.
He was finally able to let the whole world know how powerful Zoey was.
Now all that was left to do was kill her, that way the world would know how great the Lab of Gods was.
“It’s time. Zoey must die!”
A cold glint flashed across Bruce’s eyes.


“Send out the Double S grade fighters!”

Under his orders, four fighters instantly came forward.
None of them were weaker than The Annihilator, even if they were to fight alone.

Although The Annihilator was the only success Project Genesis had achieved, thirty years had already passed.
In these thirty years, the Lab of Gods had achieved all sorts of things.
Therefore, The Annihilator wasn’t the strongest of Lab of Gods. He was just one of the pawns in the game.
The four fighters started to attack.
As expected, it wasn’t as easy for Zoey anymore.
Most of the fighters who attacked earlier were killed within seconds.
However, the four fighters had her cornered this time.
Both sides began launching their attacks on each other.
These men with superpowers were very much like Zoey when she became a fighter.
The way they used their powers was uncannily similar too.
It was a race to see who was stronger and faster.
That was why they weren’t as easy to defeat compared to the previous fighters.
Zoey was having quite a hard time getting away from them and killing them.
Besides, she lacked experience in actual combat.
It would be all right if it was a one-on-one battle.
But her weaknesses were exposed with all four of them attacking her at once.
With every second that passed, more and more weaknesses were revealed.
First of all, she lacked experience.
Secondly, she had limited means of attacking and defending.
Thirdly, she was unable to use her powers to its full extent.
Although the enemy found out more and more of her weaknesses, her fighting capabilities were still strong as ever.
While the fighters were able to keep her occupied, each of them was injured in varying degrees.
They would all end up dead if this were to continue on.
In other words, Zoey was still powerful even with her weaknesses.
Unable to land a critical blow on even one of them, and with them hounding on her, she was starting to panic.
“Die! All of you!”
She channeled her fury and energy, and her powers started to get stronger as well.
It got onto a whole new level in just a matter of minutes.
“Wait… It’s true that emotions can affect a person’s fighting capabilities, but with her already so powerful, how did her emotions affect her so much?”
“That’s unbelievable! What is happening? Are her emotions and powers synced?”
One of Bruce’s subordinates was measuring Zoey’s powers with a piece of equipment and noticed that it was increasing with her anger.
It was showing a phenomenon that was supposed to be impossible.
With a punch, Zoey sent one of the men flying backward.
His body exploded upon impact, and blood splattered everywhere.
Another man was sent flying.
The fighters were heavily wounded.
Their eyes were filled with surprise in an instant.
We were able to hold her off earlier. How did this happen?
As though she was the Grim Reaper, Zoey continued to charge at Bruce some distance away.
The four fighters instant tried to stop her.
But the woman was on a whole other level.
She sent them flying once again, and there was no way they could stop her.
“Charge! Stop her at once! Do not let her come near this area!” Bruce ordered.
The remaining Double S grade fighter immediately stepped forward to stop Zoey.
The former’s face darkened.
He had originally planned to use these fighters to kill Zoey.
The man once thought that he wouldn’t have to use his trump card against her.
However, it seemed like even these fighters were unable to stop her.
“Increase Zoey’s strength assessment by a notch and use the God Scepter on her now,” Bruce quickly ordered.
“Understood. Starting the God Scepter’s system now. Firing estimated in one minute!”
Bruce then contacted the lab in charge of God Scepter, about to use it to kill Zoey.
“Release our team of humanoid robots. Have them cover us while we retreat,” he ordered again.
Right then, ten robots with heights of more than two meters appeared.
Each of them turned into a streak of lightning as they appeared before Zoey, surrounding her.
The remaining Double S grade fighters quickly retreated from the place under their cover.
Although they knew that the robots weren’t able to hold Zoey off completely, their aim was to keep her there long enough for the God Scepter to do its job.
Everyone knew just how terrifying the God Scepter was, which was why Bruce took everyone else with him and escaped.


The only ones left behind were Zoey and the ten robots.

Though the robots were powerful, it was nothing worth mentioning for Zoey.
All they could do to Zoey was to delay her time by a minute as pre-programmed in their systems.

But that was more than enough.
Bruce and the rest had successfully escaped to a safe corner.
“Preparations for God Scepter’s launch system have been completed. Get ready for the launch! Three! Two! One!”
Boom! Boom!
Loud explosions thundered through the air… it was so imposing that it seemed like it was about to split the sky apart.
A beam suddenly flashed across the vast night sky.
That beam that came from the Lab of Gods’ satellites was just like God’s punishment, capable of tremendous destruction.
The laser beams from the satellites could aim precisely at their target.
Known to own that most powerful technology in the entire world, the Lab of Gods had long mapped out their arrangements in space.
Things like satellites were a necessity for them.
The superweapon, God Scepter, that they were very proud of was actually the emissions of laser beams from satellites.
The most frightening thing about God Scepter was probably the radius of its attack—it was capable of destroying the whole world.
Perhaps because the launch was from the satellite from a height above, and adding onto its destructibility, God Scepter could thus cover every part of the world and cause a catastrophic blow once activated.
No one would be able to escape when targeted by the weapon.
With how terrifying and futuristic the weapon was, it became the trump card of the Lab of Gods.
At that instant, that beam shot down from the sky, targeting the area where Zoey was.
Though the beam was nowhere near, its high temperature was so intense that not only was the ground scorched, the remaining robots in the area melted at once.
That alone was enough to show its power as those robots, supposedly made of aerospace-level material and resistant to heat, could not even withstand the heat of the beam and melted away instead.
However, credit had to be given to Zoey that she could withstand something that even the robots could not. It only proved how her body was of a different level compared to the others.
As the beam approached the area, rumbling sounds erupted as the ground began showing signs of crumbling.
At last, the beam shot toward Zoey accurately.
Everything had happened in the blink of an eye, leaving Zoey no chance for escape.
Zoey, as the center of target, was struck by the beam.
A pit the size of a small town was formed as a result of the strike. A mushroom cloud rose into the air, casting an ominous shadow over the crowd.
Everything within that area within the radius of a few hundred meters was damaged, as though an asteroid had smashed into the ground.
That sight alone showed how powerful the weapon was.
The world had finally experienced the wrath of God Scepter.
Though the weapon was used during the extermination of Ether Organization, no one had seen that and thus did not know its exact power.
But this time, they saw it clearly.
It was a horrible sight!
God Scepter was so formidable that it could instill fear in everyone.
If it were used in a small country, the whole place would vanish instantly.
God Scepter could even be used as the determining weapon in battles between the powerful forces.
Yet, at that particular moment, the Lab of Gods had used it against one person.
That could only prove two things. First, it showed that the person they were dealing with was extremely formidable. Second, it showed how powerful the Lab of Gods was, and that God Scepter was probably not their only trump card; thus, could use it as they wish.
As the beam shot toward the area where Zoey was, she vanished before everyone’s eyes…


“Yes! We’ve won! Zoey is sure to meet her maker!”

“She’s nothing but a normal being. How will she be able to endure God Scepter? What a joke!”
Bruce’s men were in joy after seeing Zoey disappear within their sight.

They seemed to be confident about God Scepter.
“No one can fight head-on against God Scepter!” Bruce lifted his lips into a wide smirk.
In fact, Levi would surely meet his doom if God Scepter was used back then at the borders of Zarain.
Nonetheless, Bruce did not regret not utilizing it, as Byron would have lost his life since he was captured by Levi.
Well, it’s not too late now. I can still make use of it now to get rid of Zoey.
In the meantime, news about God Scepter had spread like wildfire in Erudia.
“What weapon is that? Have you guys gotten the results? Is it really that powerful?”
Forces from Xyperia and other countries were finding out about God Scepter as many were left shocked by its power.
“What? Zoey has been defeated? How is that possible?”
At the same time, The Cardinal Hall received news.
Zoey is dead?
All the fighters that The Cardinal Hall sent out instantly stopped in their tracks.
If Zoey’s dead, then what’s the point of us going?
“What? She’s dead?”
Receiving such news left both Wynona and Mia frantic.
“I don’t believe it! I won’t believe it unless I see it with my eyes!”
The area was still covered in smoke as a mushroom-shaped smoke rose into the air.
Leading his team, Bruce arrived at the scene with the same philosophy he always had in mind—he wanted to see Zoey’s body to ensure that she was dead.
Otherwise, he would not be able to rest easy.
“Search! Find it for me!” Bruce commanded his men to search for Zoey’s body.
Beep, beep, beep…
Right then, the alarm on the detector sounded.
“What a strong energy wave! Zoey’s not dead. She’s still alive!” someone shouted.
Instantly, everyone stared intently at the pit with their guards up.
Bruce’s men hurriedly dispelled the thick smoke around the area, revealing a pit that was over a hundred meters deep.
They were amazed at how deep the laser beam of God Scepter could penetrate; yet, they were dumbfounded by the fact that Zoey was still alive at the same time.
She was covered in blood and had multiple cuts and wounds all over her body.
Despite holding onto her life, God Scepter’s laser beams had penetrated through her body, causing grave damages all over.
Had she not undergone major modifications back then, there was no way she could withstand that.
Everyone at the scene, including Bruce, was astounded as they did not expect someone who could withstand the powers of God Scepter.
“We’ve underestimated her physique! She’s just like a pure energy being!”
Bruce had a cold smile on his face. “Sadly, she’s seriously injured! She’s at the end of her wits!”
“That’s right! The energy level in her body is quickly decreasing! She’ll die if she loses all of her energy!”
By then, Bruce’s men had already gotten results from the test.
“Great. I shall send her to her grave then!” Bruce uttered snarkily before waving his hand to gather the fighters.
“You guys follow along too!” He also ordered two Triple S-rank fighters to follow along at the last minute.
He did that just so that he could minimize the chances of survival for Zoey.
Seeing her enemies approaching, Zoey furiously forced herself up.
“I want my revenge! I’ll kill Bruce even if it means I have to sacrifice my life! Kill them!” Zoey was unrestrained.
Boom! Bam!
Sadly, Zoey was sent flying across the air again and again as the injuries she had sustained were too serious.
There was simply no way she could get near to Bruce.
It was yet another messy battle.
And Zoey was sent flying before landing on the ground again, unable to get up anymore.
She shut her eyes in despair.
“Levi! I’ll meet you soon!”


All Zoey could feel was the energy in her body draining away quickly. Unfortunately, her body could not heal fast enough to recover from such damages.

At that point, she could not even open her eyes.
She felt powerless.

Her mind was all about Forlevia and her family, and she did not want to die this way.
Unfortunately, there was nothing she could do.
I’ve underestimated Bruce, as well as the Lab of Gods.
She knew she did not have the capability, at least for now, to fight against that mighty weapon and avenge Levi.
“What should we do, Mr. Johnston? Kill her or bring her back alive? If we bring her back, I’m sure we’ll be able to make use of her and even turn her to our side.” Peter had a sinister smile on his face.
However, Bruce shook his head violently. “There’s no need to keep her. Just kill her now! Like Levi, we can’t let her live. Letting her survive is equivalent to keeping a time bomb with us. Instead of helping us, she’ll become a threat to us instead!”
Bruce had experienced too many failures with Levi.
He understood that people like them were not worth giving chances. Instead, killing them as soon as possible was the best solution.
Bruce threw a glance at Zoey and ordered, “Kill her!”
The man beside him charged forward, gathering immense energy on his right shoulder. Knowing how Bruce would only be appeased and happy after seeing a dead body, the man wanted a forceful punch to send Zoey to doom in an instant.
“Go meet Levi in hell!”
The man with superpowers gathered so much power and threw the punch out.
At that most critical moment, a wave of energy pierced through the air at lightning speed.
That energy ripped the right arm of the man with superpowers apart.
“Ahh!” that person screamed in agony as his right arm fell off.
“Shit, there’s someone!” Bruce’s men were alerted.
“Kill her! Hurry up and kill her now!” Afraid that things might take a turn, Bruce immediately shouted.
The fighters acted accordingly and tried to get close to Zoey.
Phish! Phish! Phish!
However, those that made it near Zoey either had their arm or leg blasted off, or even worse, had their head blown off, facing an immediate death.
Needless to say, no one could get close to her at all.
It was as though there was a meter-long forbidden area around her.
Startled at what was happening, Zoey struggled to open her eyes to look around her.
Similarly, Bruce and his men were looking around too.
They found it extremely strange as they saw no one around.
“Could it be the fighters from The Cardinal Hall?” That was the first reaction that came to Bruce’s mind.
But I’ve come up with the necessary strategies against The Cardinal Hall. After all, Xyperia and Erudia are too close to each other. It won’t take The Cardinal Hall or the fighters from Erudia long to arrive if they want to make a move.
After all, the two countries are very near.
Given how cautious he was, it was impossible for Bruce to overlook that.
Besides, he had contacted Cyrus beforehand, and the latter had agreed to watch The Cardinal Hall and Erudia’s fighters and inform him of any movements at once.
Not too long ago, The Dark Sun had also accurately informed him regarding the location of Wynona and The Cardinal Hall’s fighters.
Since they can’t be here in such a short time, who else would it be?
“Kill Zoey first!”
Though Bruce did not know who exactly it was, he knew someone was there to save Zoey. And there was no way he would spare her life.
Boom! Boom!
Several Double S grade fighters charged forward, only to be met with an unprecedented attack, causing them to be badly wounded.
Despite their proximity to Zoey, that meter-long distance made it seem like she was extremely far and unreachable.
Of course, those fighters had successfully attracted that mysterious person to appear.
Not too far away, a tall figure emerged from a large the Lab of Gods’ aircraft, overlooking everyone from above like a demon.
Its presence alone was sufficient to bring an immense threat to the Lab of Gods.
Even Bruce struggled to breathe, almost on the verge of becoming breathless.
Like him, the rest of them were feeling the same way. It was a fear that came from the depth of their souls.
“Who are you?” Bruce roared.
“Levi Garrison!”


Levi was a man with great reputation and influence.

The mention of his name was like a bolt out of the blue, scaring everyone out of their wits and their souls leaving their bodies.
Levi? That familiar yet terrifying name!

Even the Lab of Gods had labeled his existence as the most threatening one.
Everyone was on the verge of breakdown despite being in such a critical instant.
Weirdly, Bruce was so horror-stricken that he soaked in cold sweat and almost lost all form of control over his bowel movement.
He was so affected that his mind went blank.
The others were in similar predicament.
When Zoey heard that name, she suddenly felt like she had gained immense strength despite her pathetic state.
The fear and panic caused to everyone’s mental state at the mention of that name were so devastating it was comparable to that of God Scepter.
No way. That’s impossible. Levi is dead. The entire world saw his body dissolving to the point beyond resurrection. How is it possible that he’s still alive?
Apart from how cautious Bruce was, he was even more sure that Levi was dead since Zoey had come to him to seek revenge.
At the thought of that, Bruce burst out in laughter. “You said you’re Levi?”
What a dumb fool trying to disguise as Levi? Levi Garrison? How is that possible that he’s still alive? I’m sure he’s an imposter making use of Levi’s name just to scare us!
Indeed, it had actually worked for a moment just now.
Everyone was frozen in place when they heard that name, including Bruce.
“Yes, I am!” the person answered while looking down from above.
“Haha! I can’t believe there would be anyone who would pretend to be Levi! He’s left with no remains; he couldn’t be more dead! Look, my friend. Your trick doesn’t work on me! You aren’t Levi!” Bruce laughed boisterously.
That person smiled. “Who told you I’m dead? Can’t you see I’m perfectly fine?”
“Huh?” Bruce was confused upon hearing that, and he instantly sank deep in his thoughts.
Could it be possible that Levi is really still alive?
All sorts of possibilities flashed across his mind within that second.
With his knowledge of the technology the Lab of Gods had, he figured the possibility of Levi being alive was almost zero.
Unless he was more than a normal human being.
But thinking sensibly about it, they reckoned it was unlikely that he was still alive.
“Who exactly are you? You’re not from Erudia. Are you the person who has been going against me recently?” Bruce questioned.
“Just make a guess,” that person sneered.
“I believe you are! Since we’ve met today, I won’t let you leave that easily!” Bruce’s face contorted in anger.
Nonetheless, that man waved goodbye and instantly vanished within the sights of the crowd.
“Huh? He’s gone? Crap. Where is Zoey?” Bruce shouted.
At once, everyone turned to look behind, but Zoey had long disappeared out of sight.
Everyone’s attention was on the appearance of the mysterious man who called himself Levi.
As such, no one was bothered about Zoey.
With how top-notch the skills of the other party were, it was no doubt they had the ability to rescue Zoey.
“I…” Bruce was so livid that he almost cussed.
How tricky of them! I’ve made a fool out of myself this time!
Using Levi’s name was a clever tactic the other party had enlisted as it had successfully diverted their attention.
In the meantime, Zoey was at a deserted land in Xyperia after getting rescued.
As expected, there was more than just one man.
Soon, they met up with that mysterious man from earlier.
Zoey got all excited seeing that person.
“Levi! You’re alive! You’re still alive!”
“I’m not Levi!”


Chapter 2061 The Sacred Organization Made A Move

Stunned, the agitated Zoey looked at the person before her in disbelief.

He’s not Levi?
“Then, why did you say you’re Levi just now? I don’t believe it! I’m sure you’re Levi!”
Zoey’s emotions were stirred.
She was unable to accept as everything about that man resembled Levi, including his built and his voice.
Met with Zoey’s reaction, the man pulled his mask down, revealing an unfamiliar face before her.
Zoey was startled.
Who is this?
“W-Who are you?” she immediately asked as she grew wary.
“We’re here to save you out of respect for Levi. Follow us!”
That man left no chance for Zoey to refuse.
If Levi or the Seven Fiends were there, they would know that the person was actually Death Fiend, one of the Eighteen Dark Angels of Sacred Organization.
It turned out it was Dark Emperor’s order for Sacred Organization to save Zoey.
Amongst Eighteen Dark Angels, six of them came.
No one would have expected that they would intervene.
Not even Levi.
At the news of Zoey in trouble, he immediately rushed to save her.
However, he was intercepted by four powerful fighters along the way.
He had never seen them.
As much as he found them familiar, he could not remember who they were.
The four of them were actually the four Dark Angels.
Their task was to stop Levi while Death Fiend and the other fighters rescued Zoey.
Based on the allocation of manpower, it was obvious that it was tougher to stop Levi than to save Zoey.
Just as Levi was about to break free from the four fighters’ interception, they retreated.
Nevertheless, Levi did not put too much thought into it and sped toward the location.
At the same time, Bruce and his men were frantically searching around.
Zoey has been saved?
Seeing that, Levi was perplexed.
He had thought those were people from the Lab of Gods.
It seems like I was wrong. There’s someone else involved in this. So the four men have stopped me so that the others can rescue Zoey before I can do so. But the most important thing is that they know I’m alive. Who are they and what do they want?
Terrified by the thought, Levi broke out in cold sweat.
He recalled how someone had saved him when he almost exposed himself in front of Zoey when he was at Goldenport Island.
Those people definitely know that I’m still alive.
But he later found out that they meant no harm and instead was trying to keep his identity a secret, so he would be able to continue working on his plan.
That had further proven to be true when he had not met with any obstacles or interferences after that for some time.
These people must know about my identity too, and that’s why they stopped me and saved Zoey themselves instead. And even knowing that I’m alive, they didn’t expose me. I wonder what their motive is?
Though Levi could not tell if the other party was friends or foes, and neither could he figure out their motive; he had determined that there were two groups of people, one of which had saved Zoey.
Meanwhile, Bruce and his men had been looking for Zoey for a long time but to no avail.
Nonetheless, they had more or less attained their motive—proving Lab of God’s powers.
Given that even someone like Zoey would sustain such serious injuries, she would have most likely died had she not been rescued. That further reassured them that no one would dare get close to God Scepter.
Though Bruce could not figure out who had saved Zoey, he was pretty sure that the person was not Levi.
And this time, he was right.
The whole world was in bewilderment about who exactly had intervened on this matter.
Could it be those mysterious forces? Are they finally showing themselves?
Even The Cardinal Hall was puzzled about it.
Likewise, Levi had also learned about how someone had pretended to be him to the rescue.
“Boss, I’m sure they’ll surely get in touch with us! They must have their motive for rescuing Zoey.”


Chapter 2062 The Plan of Dark Emperor

Pheonix’s analysis had made a lot of sense to Levi.
Acting that way even though they knew my existence only shows that they indeed have a motive. It’s highly possible that they’ll come to look for me soon. But who would it be?

He could not figure out who it would be, and neither could he believe that there was more than one group of people who knew that he was alive.
The fact that they did not expose him made him feel strange. He figured it was likely that he was as insignificant as ants to those people. But there was also a possibility that he was still of use to the other party. For instance, using him to tackle the Lab of Gods.
Meanwhile, Zoey slowly opened her eyes.
What shocked her was that the wounds on her body had gotten a lot better, and she had become more energetic.
I’m alive, but who has saved me? Did they do it because of Levi?
After opening her eyes, Zoey found herself in a dimly-lit room.
The atmosphere in the room was unbelievably odd and bone-chilling. There were some random murals on the wall, and accompanying those was indescribable words and symbols.
It looks scary…
“You’re awake?” A cold voice rang out.
“Who are you? Where are you?”
Zoey began to panic as she could not tell where the voice was coming from.
“Fret not. I was the one who sent someone to save you!”
I know your husband well, after all. I’ve once invited him to join my organization while he was alive, but he rejected back then.”
It was none other than the Sacred Organization’s Dark Emperor.
What he did not reveal to her was the fact that Levi was still alive.
At that, the nervousness within Zoey slowly dissolved.
Nevertheless, she still had her guards up. “I’m sure you guys saved me not simply because of my husband. What other motives do you actually have?”
“That’s right! Let me ask you. Have you seen the powers of the Lab of Gods?”
“Yeah.” Zoey nodded.
“But that’s just the tip of the iceberg! You won’t be able to imagine how formidable the Lab of Gods is! You won’t even be able to kill Bruce, let alone destroy the Lab of Gods! It’s impossible…”
Hearing that, Zoey became dejected.
She had thought that the seclusion had brought her enough capabilities to seek revenge.
Who knew she nearly lost her life.
At the mere thought of how mighty her opponent was, Zoey was in despair as she clenched her fists tightly. Will I still be able to take revenge?
Knowing that she had yet to figure out Bruce’s trump card, there was no way she could fight the Lab of Gods.
Despair and desperation filled Zoey at the thought of how she could not take revenge despite knowing the identity of her enemy. And she was going nuts about it.
Just as she was spiraling deeper into depression, a voice sounded beside her. “Let me ask you. Do you still want to avenge your husband?”
“Of course!” Zoey was firm with her answer.
“Are you afraid of the Lab of Gods?”
Zoey was hesitant but immediately had her answer the next second. “Even death is a pleasure if I can avenge Levi!”
“Great. Even though you’re strong, you’re still nothing compared to Bruce or the Lab of Gods. My observations tell me that you’ve only unleashed 70% of your potential. Besides, The Cardinal Hall’s training methods are too old-school. There’s no way you can fully develop your power under their training. Also, your emotions have affected your power. It’s too easy to control you. All it takes is a master of magical techniques, a witch or a wizard to meddle with your feelings, and your capabilities will be vastly affected. It’s as easy as a piece of cake to take your life!”
Zoey was dumbfounded at that.
How did he know so clearly about what I’m thinking? What exactly does he want?
“I know what’s in your mind. Allow me to introduce myself then! This place is Sacred Organization, and I’m the leader here. The others call me Dark Emperor! Congratulations, Zoey! You’ve passed our test, and we’re glad to inform you that you have the qualifications to join the Sacred Organization. By joining us, you’ll be able to unleash your full potential and avenge Levi!”


Chapter 2063 A Member Of The Sacred Organization

Irked by the things the Dark Emperor mentioned, Zoey started trembling in angst and clenched her fists with all her might.
“I’ll turn you into someone capable of challenging Lab of Gods! I’ll allow you to take Bruce and the members of Lab of Gods out to avenge your husband!”

In spite of the malicious man’s tempting offer, Zoey had her doubts and knew the man in front of her was up to something else in mind.
Aware of the things going on in her mind, the Dark Emperor assured her with a vicious smirk, “I need a talented member for the Sacred Organization! I’ll take you in as my apprentice and do you a favor since those from Lab of Gods are foes of mine as well!”
He paused halfway through his speech. A few seconds later, he mentioned, “It’s fine to turn me down! I’ll get someone to send you home, but I’m afraid you won’t get to avenge him until the day you pass on! Anyway, if you change your mind, you’re always welcome to pay me another visit!”
Huh? Is he seriously telling me he is going to set me free? With that being said, there’s no way I can get my hands on the whereabouts of Bruce and the members of Lab of Gods once I leave!
There’s no way I can get my revenge against such formidable foes! If I stay and accept this vicious man’s offer, I’ll get to avenge the man I love at the very least!
After all, they were strong enough to sneak me out when I had been taken into custody! I don’t care if they’re up to something vicious as long as I can avenge Levi!
After much considerations, Zoey announced at the top of her lungs, “Consider it a deal!”
“Great! We need to get you baptized! You’re officially one of us once we’re done!”
With that, Zoey became part of the Sacred Organization.
None of the Fiend was aware of the Dark Emperor’s goal since he had recruited Zoey as an official member of the Sacred Organization.
Initially, they thought he had taken her in to lure Levi out of hiding and join the Sacred Organization, but the Dark Emperor mentioned nothing about Levi.
Instead, he held out the olive branch to Zoey and asked her to join them as his apprentice when he had never guided the rest throughout the years.
Death Fiend couldn’t figure out the reason Zoey was highly regarded by the Dark Emperor when they had long sought his guidance.
Most importantly, they thought Zoey wasn’t just another apprentice—she might be the person in charge of the Sacred Organization in the future.
As horrified as they might be of the seemingly absurd outcome of events, none of them dared to question the Dark Emperor’s decisions since no one was allowed to challenge his authority.
Meanwhile, Levi had dispatched his men to locate Zoey, but his rather limited forces couldn’t do much since it was equally important for them to stay out of the public’s sight.
Phoenix might be right—they might show up and approach me in person since they’ve rushed to Zoey’s rescue after figuring out I’m still alive!
However, what if they don’t? What if Zoey’s the one they’re going after? What on earth is going on?
The frustrated Levi instructed, “I’m sure Bruce is trying to locate Zoey as well! Phoenix, I want you to send someone to keep an eye on him!”
“Actually, I have long dispatched someone to keep him under surveillance ever since quite some time ago. They’ll get in touch with us if they manage to get their hands on something.”
Meanwhile, things were tough for Bruce. He yelled, “Are you telling me none of you can get your hands on their whereabouts when they’ve shown up in front of us? What kind of joke is this?”
It turned out Bruce had dispatched most of his subordinates to locate Zoey once she was taken into custody by others. Unfortunately, his effort was to no avail when they didn’t bother to conceal their escape route.
“Mr. Johnston, Cyrus is on the phone! He says he has something you’re interested in!”


Chapter 2064 Pure Energy Beings

“Hurry up and bring me the phone!” Bruce gasped out his reply the moment he heard his subordinate.
Once he picked up the call, Cyrus remarked, “Has the mysterious figure introduced himself as Levi?”

“Yes! How is that possible when he’s dead?”
“Indeed, he’s dead! Hence, I think the mysterious figure’s techniques are the only things resembling him!”
Cyrus’ statements took Bruce by surprise. Once he figured out the things going on, he started recollecting the incident with the rest of his subordinates.
With the aid of their advanced equipment, they were able to get their hands on Death Fiend’s techniques and his precise whereabouts when he had remained hiding prior to the assault.
“It resembles Levi’s techniques so much!”
They were astonished when they found out the mysterious figure resembled Levi so much, but it turned out he wasn’t Levi.
Without a second thought, Bruce instructed, “Send it to Cyrus at once!”
Shortly after Cyrus got his hands on the visuals, he assured the confused Bruce, “I’m sure Levi isn’t the one you’re looking for! I have a few suspects in mind, but I need to verify a few things!”
Death Fiend was once a close acquaintance of Cyrus. Therefore, he was aware Death Fiend could easily launch similar techniques and mislead others into believing that he was Levi.
Although Cyrus had his doubts, he knew he wasn’t supposed to share his speculations with others until he could confirm his suspicion.
Aware of the things going on in Cyrus’ mind, Bruce asked, “How sure are you?”
“I’m pretty sure he’s the one, but I need to verify it with others! I’ll revert to you in a while!”
Bruce wrapped up the conversation with Cyrus with a bright grin since he was certain Cyrus had figured out the identity of the mysterious figure.
He couldn’t keep his excitement to himself when he thought of taking out the forces affiliated with the mysterious figure soon.
“Hurry up! We need to get ourselves ready to take out the mysterious party as soon as we figure out their actual identity!”
Bruce thought of tapping into the sources of pure energy beings to make himself the most powerful man on earth.
“I’ll be there to ensure the experiment of the Lopez and Black families goes well! I can’t let anything go wrong!”
None of the superparticles generated for pure energy beings by others was a match for the ones Jared made. This was because his was natural while theirs was artificial.
Therefore, the rest of the pure energy beings couldn’t be on par with Jared in multiple aspects.
With that being said, no ordinary militant was a match for the most inferior pure energy beings Bruce owned since he could easily intimidate others with an overwhelming number of them.
At that point in time, he possessed twenty-four pure energy beings. If the experiment of the Lopez and Black families turned out just fine, that would make his forces a total of thirty pure energy beings.
On top of that, he had faith that he could easily produce more of those in the future. However, it was quite a hassle to produce superparticles as it would involve a huge fortune.
On the other hand, Levi wasn’t sure of Zoey’s whereabouts, but he was certain she was still safe because she was of equal importance.
He instructed Phoenix to sort out the working mechanism of God Scepter along with the rest since the presence of the weapon of mass destruction had been made aware to the public by Lab of Gods.
If it’s possible, we need to destroy such an inhumane weapon! If it’s not possible, we need to get ourselves ready to counter it!
Levi remained seated as he tried recalling the techniques of the mysterious figure he encountered in an attempt to get his hands on their actual identities.
“Wait! Could it be…”
When he thought of something, his subordinate barged into the room and yelled, “Something’s wrong, boss!”


Levi was unable to gather his thoughts since he had to tend to another emergency. He asked with a frown, “What is it?”

“Someone has found the hidden sunstones!”
“What?” Levi’s eyes widened in disbelief as the few batches of sunstones he had gotten his hands on weren’t sent elsewhere due to time constraints.

To be precise, he sent those to Keerea, a country on good terms with Zarain and the representatives of Lab of Gods, since it was of close proximity.
The officials of Keerea thought it wouldn’t be necessary to join those from Lab of Gods in an attempt to retrieve the stolen batches of sunstones as they were certain it was hidden elsewhere.
Levi thought it would work wonders for a short while. However, it would expose the stolen batches of sunstones to great risk in the long run.
Thus, he thought of sending those elsewhere, but unforeseen circumstances took them by surprise when he had yet to sort things out.
“The failure of Triple Group’s experiment was the reason the precise location of the stolen goods were exposed! They had sent someone our way! I’m afraid we can’t keep them in the dark anymore!”
Levi sprang up from his seat and instructed, “Hurry up and transfer them elsewhere! If we can’t do that, we’ll just destroy them when worse comes to worst!”
In the meantime, when Bruce dropped by the check on the physical condition of Henry and the rest, Peter rushed in and gasped out the announcement, “Mr. Johnston, I have a pleasant surprise for you! We have finally found the stolen sunstones!”
Unable to contain his excitement, Bruce almost sprang up from his seat. “Come again? Are you serious?”
“We have found them in Keerea! The representatives of the Triple Groups were the ones who accidentally found them!”
As a former member of Triple Group, Peter was able to get his hands on the insider news the moment it spread to the rest of the management team.
“Instruct the representatives of Triple Group and Keerea to secure the sunstones on behalf of us at all costs! Tell them we’ll do them a favor once they return them to us! Also, we need to make a trip to Keerea as soon as possible! Get two pure energy beings to tag along with us!”
Bruce delivered the instruction and made his way to Keerea when the pure energy beings were still in the last experimental phase.
Although the ones he brought along didn’t possess the capability of logical reasoning, he couldn’t care less and thought it wasn’t a big deal.
In Keerea…
The moment the representatives of Triple Group heard of the instructions, the person in charge announced, “Secure the perimeter and stop anyone trying to flee the country at once! We need to secure the sunstones at all costs! It’s finally our turn to get the Lab of Gods to do us a favor! Send as many forces as possible to stop them! If it’s necessary, make use of our trump card as well! It’s time to show them the things we’re capable of!”
Triple Group had always been known as an all-for-profit organization by others. However, that was never the case since they were involved in all sorts of trades, including countless life-changing experiments.
In short, Triple Group was a formidable foe in hiding since they did a great job staying away from others throughout the years.
The members were able to brace themselves through the humiliations Levi brought upon them because they knew it wasn’t time for them to reveal themselves just yet.
It turned out the so-called successors of Triple Group Levi had taken out were merely a cover.
The core members of Triple Group had gone through a series of genetic modification experiments ever since they were born.
Therefore, they were capable of achieving superhuman feats as well. With that being said, those were never made aware to the public.
The officials of Keerea and the representatives of Triple Group rushed to the scene to stop the ones in hiding from fleeing.
Meanwhile, Levi had dispatched a team to retrieve the stolen sunstones as well.


Chapter 2066 Sisyphus

Things were about to spiral out of control as Bruce and the rest of his party were on their way to the country as well.
It would take them a little more than two hours to reach their destination, but Bruce couldn’t care less as he had dispatched most of the forces affiliated with him to keep the sunstones safe.

He was going all out to stop the sunstones from being shipped out!
Aware it was a race against time, Bruce urged, “If worse comes to worst, get the ones from Triple Group to make use of the trump card they have developed with us.”
Bruce thought of deploying the fruit of their labor when they were abroad, but it wasn’t even necessary since someone rushed to Zoey’s rescue way ahead of his plan.
Thus, Bruce thought it was time to deploy the trump card he had hidden up his sleeves.
Unsure if those were sufficient to keep the stolen sunstones safe, Bruce instructed, “On top of that, share the news with the users of the dark web to acquire the aid of those around Keerea! We’ll grant them something in return for doing us a favor!”
He stopped holding back and dispatched the resources at his disposal due to the importance of the upcoming mission.
Similarly, Levi was on the way to Keerea with the rest of his party.
“Boss, the officials of Keerea and representatives of Triple Group have surrounded our comrades! Kirin and the rest of our comrades are in quite a nasty situation, but they’re trying their best to defend themselves!”
Kirin was the first to reach the scene because he was nearby the hideout. Unfortunately, his effort was to no avail since he had been outnumbered.
Levi’s frustration was written all over his face as he tried to think of something to save his comrades.
How lucky could those affiliated with Triple Group get? I can’t believe an experiment was all it would take to expose our hideout! Maybe I’m destined to be doomed!
Out of nowhere, someone remarked with a serious expression, “I’m afraid we can’t save all of our comrades! In fact, it’s impossible for us to destroy the sunstones ahead of our foes!”
The one leading the party remained silent since their foes were the ones with the upper hand in the upcoming showdown.
On the other hand, those affiliated with the representatives of Triple Group, including members of the Dark World and Sisyphus, were on their way.
Sisyphus was the leading organization with members blessed with superpowers from all over the globe and Keerea.
As a result of their presence, things were chaotic at the hideout of the sunstones since most of the representatives of Triple Group had made it to the scene.
They were also there with a cruise, generating tidal waves as if there was a ferocious beast hiding within the cruise. It was safe to assume it was the trump card of Triple Group developed by Lab of Gods.
More than a hundred cars of various types and sizes had pulled over nearby the hideout.
Countless youngsters alighted from the armored vehicles one after another, emanating a menacing aura, intimidating those around them as if they were superior to the rest, including exceptional martial artists and men with superpowers.
Some of the onlookers murmured, “Is it necessary for them to make a fuss out of something trivial? Why have they sent them here?”


Chapter 2067 Genesis Devils

It was obvious the youngsters were the most formidable ones amongst the rest since they could easily intimidate their peers.
The onlookers were afraid their lives would be at stake as well. They couldn’t help but wonder if the youngsters were the fruit of Triple Group and Lab of Gods’ labor.

The successors of Triple Group were the only ones who knew that those youngsters were none other than Genesis Devils.
Out of nowhere, the rest on the shore turned around and had their eyes glued to the cruise on the sea.
The cruise was the ultimate trump card of Triple Group. They couldn’t believe the conglomerate had gone to great lengths to secure mere sunstones.
Suddenly, a few gigantic vehicles that were at least a few feet long closed in from afar. When the onlookers caught a glimpse of the devices installed, some of them muttered, “Why have they brought these out as well?”
“They have dispatched everything within their disposal! I’m pretty sure we’re going to defeat our foes and get our hands on the sunstones soon!”
Soon, the members of the Dark World and Sisyphus made it to the scene as well. Those with superpowers from Sisyphus seemed as if they were undefeatable while the members of the Dark World were there with different outstanding personnel they gathered from all over the world.
The three ultimate forces of Keerea had gathered around to secure the perimeter, stopping those inside the building from fleeing.
In short, there was no way Kirin and his party inside the building could flee with the sunstones without the consent of those outside the warehouse.
Once they secured the perimeter, the person in charge of Triple Group instructed those around the hideout to march towards Kirin and his party in an attempt to take them out.
Meanwhile, Kirin, who was inside the hideout with his comrades-in-arm of Emerald Army and Topaz Army, knew it was already too late when they thought of fleeing with the sunstones.
Those affiliated with Triple Group were extremely swift and rushed to the scene as soon as they received the instructions to corner the enemy.
There was no way Kirin and his men could make it out alive.
The person in charge of Emerald Army asked, “What are we supposed to do, sir? Our foes are closing in from afar! It’s only a matter of time until we lose these stones!”
All of a sudden, the one leading the Topaz Army added, “If they continue marching in our direction, I’m afraid we won’t even last long! There’s no way we can survive with our limited supplies!”
Kirin announced with his face scrunched up, “If worse comes to worst, we’ll destroy all the sunstones!”
“With that being said, we can keep the casualties to a minimum! We’ll pave a path for you and allow you to make it out alive, sir! Once you’re out and about, we’ll destroy the sunstones with us!”
“He’s right, sir! Just leave the rest to us since the boss needs you more than us! We’re willing to stay to destroy sunstones!”
The rest of the party added one after another since they were of the same idea. However, Kirin glared at them and asked, “Are you asking me to leave all of you behind? We’ll see how things go! If we can’t take these away with us, we’ll destroy everything and flee!”
They continued waiting in silence once they decided their next best course of action.
Out of nowhere, a thunderous creak filled the desolate warehouse as if there was a high magnitude earthquake.
They felt something happening to them since they were martial artists with heightened senses. A majority of them had a hard time breathing and felt as if they couldn’t control their energy anymore.
Kirin finally figured out the things awaiting them. He announced, “Not even the sunstones are emitting energy source anymore! I’m afraid they have some sort of barricading device with them to stop us from destroying them!”


Chapter 2068 An Influential Woman

It was merely a piece of cake to destroy the sunstones since an igniting one would cause a chain reaction and blow up the rest. Those were precisely the method Levi used to destroy the previous few batches.
Unfortunately, they couldn’t resort to something similar since the ones outside had some sort of barricading device with them.

The energy stored within the sunstones was sealed. Therefore, they would have to destroy the sunstones one after another.
They wouldn’t even have the time. To make things worse, they might not be able to defend themselves when their foes barged into the warehouse since they had been rendered defenseless.
The rest in the warehouse were startled. One of them remarked, “What sort of device are we talking about? It’s so terrifying!”
It was something capable of altering the frequency to seal the energy of martial artists and men with superpowers.
Those were precisely the function of the mysterious devices mounted to the gigantic vehicles.
The ones in charge of Triple Group had long figured out Kirin might destroy the sunstones in the nick of time. Thus, they brought those along to stop things from spiraling out of control.
Shortly after the devices were activated, the ones from Triple Group instructed, “Our mission is to secure the sunstones! The stones are the only ones that matter!”
With that, everyone at the scene barged into the warehouse.
Apart from the middle-aged representative of Triple Group, Waylon, a young woman was there as well.
She was none other than Sammy, the leader of the security team of Triple Group in spite of her age.
The young woman was highly regarded by the members of Triple Group since she was the one calling the shots for field operations.
Sammy instructed Genesis Devils to join the rest, “Kill no one and take them all into custody!”
The youngsters nodded in unison and marched ahead of the rest without a second thought, taking those around them by surprise since Sammy was the only one capable of controlling the vicious-looking youngsters.
They wouldn’t listen to others apart from Sammy. Thus, they dived into the showdown seconds after Sammy instructed them to join the rest.
Sammy guffawed and instructed, “Tell Mr. Johnston we’ll take them into custody in ten minutes! Soon, we’ll figure out the identity of the mysterious figures!”
On the contrary, Bruce wasn’t thrilled by the seemingly great news. Instead, the cautious man instructed Sammy to be on the lookout as he was certain others would rush to the rescue of those inside the warehouse.
He thought there would be another showdown with the forces of the mysterious figure again.
“Mr. Johnston, are you sure you’re not overthinking things? With all due respect, you’re aware we have dispatched every resource at our disposal, aren’t you?”
Sammy was no arrogant woman. However, she couldn’t think of anyone possessing the capabilities to defend themselves against the armed forces of the nation.
“Just listen to me since it’s a formidable foe capable of turning our lives upside down!”
Sammy’s face turned pale and haggard when she heard the things Bruce brought up. She stammered in return, “A-Alright, I-I’ll get them to get themselves to be on the lookout!”
Shortly after she delivered the instructions to get everyone to be on the lookout, she thought nothing could possibly go wrong.
“Those from Triple Group are here!”
It was then Kirin sprang up from the seat and instructed, “We need to destroy these stones at once! We need to keep our identity confidential even if it comes at the cost of our lives!”
They weren’t allowed to expose their identities. Thus, it was necessary for them to take themselves out in case of the worst possible outcome.
Everyone from Emerald Army and Topaz Army replied in unison, “Yes, sir!”
They started destroying the sunstones with their limited capabilities. However, the forces of Keerea had barged into the warehouse to stop them.
“Turn yourself in instead of trying anything silly!”
Meanwhile, the ones in the plane couldn’t remain calm anymore when they found out Kirin and his people were on the verge of death.


Chapter 2069 The Duty Of A Woman

“Sir, we’re reaching in five minutes! What are we supposed to do next? They might’ve secured the perimeter by all means!”
Levi asked, “When is Bruce reaching?”

His question took his comrades by surprise since Bruce wasn’t even there at that point in time.
In spite of the confusion, Phoenix answered once she figured out Bruce’s whereabouts, “He’s reaching in another half an hour!”
“Stall him if it’s possible! Keep him at bay until I’m done!” Levi got up from his seat once he finished his sentence.
When he was merely a step away from the entrance of the aircraft, someone asked, “Boss, what are you…”
“Just listen to me!” Once he made himself clear, he jumped out of the aircraft and took the rest by surprise again.
He launched himself in the direction of the warehouse when he was a thousand feet away in the middle of the air.
Out of the blue, Sammy’s security personnel announced, “What’s that in the sky?”
The rest turned around and had their eyes glued to the thing accelerating in the direction of the warehouse.
They were intimidated since the thing might wipe them out of existence after accelerating at such a high speed from an insane height.
Soon, one of Sammy’s subordinates announced, “It’s a human!”
“What? Stop him from reaching the warehouse!” Sammy instructed the moment she heard him.
“I’m afraid we’re too late since he’s already out of range!”
It turned out Levi had accelerated himself. Therefore, he was out of the effective range.
A few seconds later, a silhouette showed up in front of everyone along with a thunderous crack as Levi finally reached them.
He had landed himself on top of one of the gigantic vehicles with the barricading devices.
The vehicles and the devices were crashed as a result of the strong landing. On top of that, the ground had shattered, destroying Triple Group’s nearby fleets of vehicles.
On top of that, it had brought upon tidal waves, overturning the cruise of Triple Group and rendering a majority of their forces paralyzed.
All hell broke loose due to the presence of the mysterious figure. The people surrounding the warehouse were on the run for their lives.
Meanwhile, those inside the warehouse weren’t aware of the things going on outside and thought there was an earthquake with a strong magnitude.
They thought they were under the attack of some sort of superweapon again. To their surprise, it was nothing more than the arrival of their comrade-in-arm.
Sammy instructed, “We need to pull ourselves together!”
Similarly, Bruce and his party knew they had to make it to the scene sooner when they figured out the things that were going on.
Halfway through their flight, someone got in their way to interrupt the signals of the flight, alarming the pilot.
Thus, the pilot announced, “Someone is trying to gain access over our system! They must’ve come prepared! We need to shrug them off as soon as possible!”
The scattered bunch surrounded the seemingly defenseless Levi based on Sammy’s instruction once they snapped out of bewilderment.
Unable to keep her excitement to herself anymore, she yelled, “You’re finally here! I’ve been waiting for you!”
If I’m able to take this mysterious figure out before Bruce makes it here, I’ll be highly regarded by the others! It’s only a matter of time until I reign over Triple Group and Lab of Gods!
Levi remarked in a callous tone, “As a woman, you’re not supposed to get yourself involved in such violent activities.”
Glaring at the man in the eyes, Sammy asked, “Stop poking your nose into my business! Speaking of which, aren’t you Levi Garrison who showed up at Xyperia?”
“That’s me, but I wasn’t the one at Xyperia!”


Chapter 2070 Taking Out The Person In Charge

Levi wasn’t afraid to announce his identity since others would consider it a bluff. After all, Death Fiend did something similar when others thought Levi had long passed on.
They thought he wouldn’t show up in front of others if he were in his right mind. Therefore, others would think the ones proclaiming themselves as Levi were just his doppelgangers.

On top of that, others could easily disguise their look to mislead others. Therefore, it wasn’t even much of a challenge for others to imitate the most sought-after man.
It merely took Levi a short while to find out Sammy was the one leading the rest at the scene. Thus, he thought of taking her into custody to keep the rest at bay.
Without a second thought, he dashed in her direction and took the rest by surprise. He was so swift to the extent others weren’t even aware of the things going on until he reached Sammy’s side.
As someone with superpowers, Sammy was never a defenseless woman. She was blessed with the talents of reigning over others.
In short, her talents were the sole reason she had control over Genesis Devils. Otherwise, they wouldn’t even take her instructions seriously since they were superior to her in terms of combat skills.
With that being said, she wasn’t a match against Levi and couldn’t even defend herself from him once he rendered her incapable of motion in a few taps on her meridian points.
Are you serious?
Sammy’s eyes widened in disbelief since she couldn’t figure out the technique the man had just applied.
It turned out those were none other than ancient techniques from Erudia he learned from the scrolls his mentor left him.
It was slightly different from the conventional techniques since the ones he learned were superior to those conventional ones.
Initially, Levi thought those were nothing more than a means to render others defenseless. However, he soon figured out the techniques could even render those with superpowers incapable by tapping into meridian points to control their source of energy.
Since he wasn’t aware of the woman’s actual capabilities, he thought of playing safe and rendered her defenseless without a second thought.
Once Sammy was taken into custody, the ones around them finally returned to their senses and had their eyes glued to Levi.
“Set her free at once!”
Judging by the response of those around them, Levi was certain he had made the right call as they couldn’t stop themselves from getting worked up.
He announced with a contemptuous look, “All of you need to stay away from me unless you wish to bring upon her demise!”
Sammy’s subordinates beckoned the rest to calm down and instructed, “Stop trying anything rash! Also, you need to be mindful of the things you’re doing! Stop hurting her unless you have a death wish!”
Sneering, he asked in return, “Are you challenging me? Shall I go ahead and give it a try?”
He started applying pressure and strangled Sammy with all his might. Subsequently, her face turned pale within a few seconds.
Unable to catch her breath, she started struggling and shrieked in pain in an attempt to break free from the man.
Those around them were afraid the man would snap her neck soon. Thus, they gave in. “Hold it right there and stop hurting her!”
Sammy’s subordinates knew they couldn’t afford to challenge the man anymore. Subsequently, they promised, “We’ll agree to your terms as long as you return her to us!”
Sammy, who was on the verge of death, gasped out her question, “W-What do you want from me?”


Chapter 2071 The Ultimate Trap

Levi guffawed and announced, “It’s nothing much! Just set my men free and allow us to leave with the sunstones!”
Without a second thought, they yelled at him the moment they heard his request, “No!”

“If that’s the case, I’m afraid she’s still taking the express ride to hell!”
Afraid Levi would take her out after he warned them, Sammy urged, “Just listen to him!”
“Are you sure? It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Are we really supposed to set them free?”
“He’s right! I’m afraid we won’t get our hands on them again in the future! Those from Lab of Gods are going to take things out on us once they make it here!”
She questioned her comrades-in-arms with different ideas in return, “Are you trying to sacrifice me for a greater cause?”
“H-Huh? N-No… W-We’re…”
As they couldn’t make up their minds, Levi repeated himself, “Hurry up and make up your mind since I’m in quite a hurry!”
The rest leading the forces instructed, “S-Set them free at once!”
“No! I want to ensure they’re safe!”
He made his way to the hideout of Kirin and the sunstones, instructing Phoenix, “They’re coming out soon! Take note of their location and guide them to safety!”
Once Kirin and the rest made their way out with the sunstones, he yelled, “We’re running out of time! Work something out and don’t embarrass me!”
He could merely keep them at bay for a short time because Bruce would keep the sunstones safe at the cost of Sammy’s life once he got there.
In short, the fleeing party had less than thirty minutes to think of something to get rid of the forces of Triple Group and Bruce.
Nonetheless, Levi had faith that Azure Dragon and Kirin would be able to keep themselves safe for quite a long time.
“Stop those going after them at once! Also, get me the master plan, including the layout of security personnel for this operation!”
In order to keep Kirin and his party safe, Levi got them the master plan of Triple Group’s operation, allowing them to figure out their next best course of action.
Soon, Kirin and his party made their way out with the sunstones and met up with Phoenix and the rest of the party.
As they fled the scene, those from Triple Group queried, “Huh? Have they disappeared into thin air or something? Where are they? Why can’t we get the signal anymore?”
There was no way those from Triple Group would allow Kirin and his party to flee the scene.
As a countermeasure, they had all sorts of tracking devices attached to the boats to locate the fleeing party. However, they couldn’t pick up the signals from the devices anymore.
Meanwhile, Levi was glad when he found out his comrades had finally made it to safety since those around him couldn’t track them anymore.
I’m just glad they’re fine! Otherwise, it’s going to be a waste of my time and effort to do them such a huge favor!
Well, I guess I need to keep the rest here with me! Otherwise, those affiliated with Lab of Gods are going to hunt Kirin and his party down soon!
Azure Dragon and the rest of his party aren’t a match for Bruce! I can’t afford to put their lives at stake!
Sammy’s subordinates asked, “Can you set her free since we have honored our promise?”
“Sure!” In spite of his promise, he continued strangling the woman since he knew Bruce would be there soon.
In spite of the effort to get in the way of Bruce and his party, they made it there five minutes ahead of the initial estimated time of arrival and took Levi by surprise.
On top of that, those in the aircraft had figured out the things going on. Therefore, Bruce had dispatched most of his men to track Kirin and his people.
They had access to the system of Triple Group, but they realized Kirin and his people were nowhere to be found.
“We can’t afford to set them free even if it comes at the cost of Sammy’s life!”
Bruce instructed the forces he brought along to keep an eye on Levi and take him out as soon as the opportunity arose.


Chapter 2072 The Plan Of Levi

Levi couldn’t leave because Bruce would dispatch the forces within his disposal to go after Kirin and his people once he fled the scene.
If that happened, he might end up losing the fight. Thus, he had to stay behind to keep Bruce occupied and distracted for as long as possible.

He continued strangling Sammy and remarked with a vicious smirk, “Bruce, are you a sloth or something? What’s taking you so long?”
Bruce was taken aback since no one had ever addressed him with his first name. On top of that, he thought the mysterious figure sounded like Levi a lot.
Irked, Bruce asked in return, “Who are you? Why are you trying to imitate Levi?”
Levi burst out laughing and queried, “What you do mean I’m imitating when I’m Levi?”
Glaring at Levi in the eyes, Bruce remarked, “Do you really think you can deceive me? I’m about to figure out the forces you’re affiliated with! Just wait until I take you into custody and expose you in front of others! I want everyone to get ready and take him out!”
Sammy’s subordinates were afraid Bruce would resort to everything and anything, including sacrificing Sammy, for his goals.
When Sammy’s subordinates heard him, they gasped out their requests, “Mr. Johnston, no! If we try anything rash, he’s going to take her to hell with him!”
As much as they tried begging Bruce to show Sammy some mercy, the man instructed in a callous tone, “Take him out! I don’t care if she’s the leader of the security team! I’ll make the same call even if the successor of Triple Group were here!”
Truth be told, he couldn’t be bothered by the wellbeing of those affiliated with Triple Group, including the rightful successor of the conglomerate, since he deemed them inferior to him.
She might be highly regarded by those affiliated with Triple Group, but she’s just another nobody for me! I won’t allow him to threaten me when she has nothing to do with me!
Bruce repeated his instruction, “Take her out even if it comes at the cost of her life!”
The ones Triple Group had gathered around knew they couldn’t afford to defy Bruce’s instructions. Thus, they got themselves geared up for the upcoming showdown.
On the other hand, Sammy was shocked when she found out Bruce couldn’t care less about her life.
Guffawing, Levi remarked in a sarcastic manner, “Hahahaha! See? You’re putting your life in danger for him, but he doesn’t even hesitate when your life is truly at stake!”
Sammy’s face scrunched up the moment Levi announced at the top of his lungs, “Thankfully, you have long sworn loyalty to me! Otherwise, you’re going to end up dead for real soon!”
Levi’s statement took everyone, including Sammy, by surprise since he made it sound as if it was the truth.
Indeed, it seems too much to be mere coincidences! Why has she been taken into custody without putting on much of a fight?
We’re all aware she can easily control others if she wishes! There’s no way she can’t control him when it’s just a piece of cake for her to assert dominance over Genesis Devils!
In short, she must have played along with him and allowed those in the hideout to leave with the sunstones since she has long turned her back against us!
She’s also the person in charge of the operation! I can’t think of anything else to prove her innocent since those inside the warehouse had fled when we were the ones with the upper hand!
Bruce has made himself clear that he wanted them to keep the sunstones safe at all costs! In short, she’s supposed to sacrifice herself for a greater cause! However, she did the opposite and allowed them to flee the scene!
Levi knew it was time to deliver the final blow to take Sammy away with him in an attempt to execute the plan he had in mind.
He added with a smile, “Do you really think that I’d leave the sunstones here without the supervision of our people? What do you think I am? A fool?”


Chapter 2073 Trump Card Of Bruce

It was then Bruce dispatched the pure energy beings he brought along to go after Levi. He had control over their minds. Thus, they would never defy his instructions.
He had long conducted all sorts of experiments just to get himself ready for battles with pure energy beings since he knew it would be inevitable in the future.

The demise of Jared had enabled him to get his hands on the things it would take to get rid of pure energy beings.
He spent a long time trying to sort out the potential crisis awaiting him because it was a mission impossible for him to recreate the said experiment due to the lack of superparticles.
The thought of pure energy beings turning their backs against him crossed his mind as well the moment he thought of creating them.
In the end, his superior, one of the high-rank officials of Lab of Gods, instructed him to conduct the experiments since they possessed the techniques to take out pure energy beings.
With that being said, his superior refused to reveal the secrets to take out pure energy beings to them since it was supposed to be confidential information.
Bruce was utterly intimidated when he figured out he wasn’t even considered the core member of Lab of Gods.
On top of that, he had a hard time fathoming the actual capabilities of Lab of Gods since the high-rank officials possessed the capability to take out pure energy beings.
He knew he had to work hard and qualify himself as a high-rank official in order to figure out the secrets and the visions of the organization.
In short, Bruce’s superior was the reason he had conducted a series of seemingly insane experiments.
Things were no longer the same ever since Bruce dispatched pure energy beings to go after Kirin and his party.
Unfortunately, there wasn’t anything else he could do to get his hands on their whereabouts since they had long fled the scene and disappeared into thin air.
In spite of deploying a majority of his forces to locate the fleeing bunch, his effort was to no avail.
Although Levi had been distracting those going after Kirin on their behalf, he knew he had to leave the rest to his comrades.
He continued fleeing with Sammy and made their way to the central business district of Stellar City through Sammy’s guide.
She was aware of the best escape route since she was a local. Out of nowhere, she mentioned, “I’m afraid we’re in quite a huge trouble. One of my aides told me Bruce had dispatched a majority of his men to stop anyone from leaving Keerea without his consent! He has also dispatched beings on par with the power of God Scepter to take you out as well! If I’m not mistaken, they’re the trump cards he has been hiding up his sleeves!”
She was aware Bruce had many trump cards, but she knew nothing about the beings on par with God Scepter.
Levi knew Bruce was serious since he had never revealed his trump card throughout their countless encounters in the past.
He asked, “What sort of beings are we talking about?”
“I’m not sure as well—my aides can’t get their hands on the things he has with him! With that being said, I sincerely hope we won’t run into those!”
Sammy brought Levi to one of her safe houses in Stellar City. Only a few aides of hers were aware of the safe house.
She gasped out her question and continued perspiring, “We can’t stay here for long since they’re going to reach us soon. Have you thought of the way to get us out of here?”
On the contrary, Levi couldn’t be bothered and started touring the safe house of Sammy as if he had no intention to escape with her.
It turned out he had no intention to flee since he couldn’t wait to figure out the sort of trump card Bruce brought along with him.


Chapter 2074 Illusions

Although Bruce had always introduced himself as a high-rank official of Lab of Gods, Levi was well aware that wasn’t the case.
It was the perfect time for him to figure out the actual capabilities of Lab of Gods through his showdown with Bruce.

“What exactly do you have in mind? Aren’t you supposed to be on the run instead of touring my house?” Sammy asked with her eyes widened in disbelief since Levi continued strolling around as if he couldn’t care less.
Levi asked in a sarcastic manner, “Why am I supposed to get worked up when you’re here with me? I mean, aren’t we on the same boat?”
The doubtful Sammy asked when she linked the missing pieces of puzzles together, “Who on earth are you? Where are you from?”
“Me? Have I not told you that I’m Levi?” he introduced himself again and removed his cap, revealing his face.
“Stop lying since you can always disguise…”
Halfway through her sentence, she thought of something and rephrased her question, “Are you seriously telling me you’re the one and only Levi?”
Sammy gaped in disbelief as the man in front of her asserted, “Yes, that’s me!”
He thought it wouldn’t be necessary to keep her in the dark anymore. Similarly, Sammy finally returned to her senses and acknowledged the man in front of her.
She asked, expressing her disbelief, “How have you made it out alive?”
Just who the hell is this man? How has he rendered me defenseless with nothing more than a few taps?
Levi answered with a beam, “Well, we’re not really supposed to rely on our eyes since humans are easily deceived by fabricated truth.”
“Huh? Are you indicating that everything has been staged?”
Sammy thought she was superior to the rest of the world. Thus, she couldn’t figure out the things the man had done to deceive the rest of the world.
“You don’t have to worry because I’m certain we’re going to make it out alive as long as we work together!”
On their way to the safe house, Levi got his hands on Sammy’s information and found out she was really something else.
This is one wicked woman!
On top of that, she was highly regarded by the members of Triple Group. Hence, he thought of taking her away with him once he figured out Bruce’s trump card.
It was merely a piece of cake for him to keep them safe as they made it out of Keerea.
Soon, Bruce had his forces surrounding Stellar City. No one could possibly leave the city without his consent.
“Find them!”
“Sammy might be aware of the things we’re up to! I want everyone to be on the lookout for the cunning duo! Get them to me as soon as possible!”
Bruce dispatched his men to go after the duo in Stellar City, especially Sammy’s safe houses.
On the other hand, Levi slouched against the couch idly while perusing the information of Triple Group.
Occasionally, he would help himself with Sammy’s wine collection.
Meanwhile, Sammy couldn’t even stay calm—she remained in close touch with her aides to figure out the latest situation.
She couldn’t comprehend the reason Levi wasn’t on the run with her. In an attempt to change his mind, she shared the latest information with him.
“Bruce had brought along two pure energy beings with him for the mission! Those were the fruit of his experiments!”
She was not aware that Levi was there to figure out the trump card of Bruce, Sammy shared the details her aides gathered on her behalf with the man.
“Wow, that’s Jared’s creation. I’m impressed!”
Levi was aware that Wynona had conducted countless experiments just to take Jared out. He couldn’t believe Bruce had successfully replicated Wynona’s experiment.
This is tough! I’m afraid it’s quite a challenge to get rid of even the most inferior pure energy beings!
He announced with his face scrunched up in uncertainties, “We need to exercise caution from now onwards! I want you to make use of your connections to enable us to stay ahead of our foes!”
Bruce couldn’t get his hands on the duo’s whereabouts even after searching high and low for a few hours.
As the rest of his party thought they were done for, Bruce announced with a vicious smirk, “I have an idea to lure them out of hiding!”


Chapter 2075 The Showdown

On the other end of the city, Levi remained calm as always while Sammy shared the bad news with him, “They’re still trying to search for us! What are we supposed to do? I don’t think we can last for another day! Aren’t we supposed to be on the run?”
To her surprise, the man remarked with a smile, “It won’t even take Bruce another day to find us! After all, he’s quite a capable man!”

“Hurry up and gather Sammy’s aide at once!”
Shortly after Sammy’s most trusted aides gathered around, Bruce asked, “Where’s she?”
Sammy’s aides started playing dumb. One of them mentioned, “Mr. Johnston, we’re not sure since we’re still trying to reach her!”
“Stop acting in front of me—I’m aware all of you are still keeping in touch with her. As a matter of fact, a few of you have been sharing our plans with her.”
Bruce’s reply took them by surprise. He yelled when one of them tried to say something, “I’ll give all of you another chance to make up your mind! If you tell me the truth, I’ll return the favor and allow you to join the Lab of Gods! Similarly, I won’t spare those arrogant ones any mercy!”
Some of them were intrigued by the offer since it was a lot of people’s dream to be a member of the Lab of Gods.
“No! He’s going to kill us even if we tell him!”
“That’s right! Aren’t you guys aware that he’s a brutal man?”
A few of them were determined to keep Sammy’s secrets safe since they were certain Bruce would take them out at the end of the day.
“Kill them!”
Bruce delivered the instruction and got his subordinates to take out the ones confusing the rest without a second thought, startling those alive.
“You’re next if you don’t change your mind and tell me the truth! There’s no way I’m going to kill the ones doing me a favor since I’m in desperate need of talents!”
Peter added, “Hurry up! Just look at me! I’m doing just fine! Mr. Johnston is going to provide you everything you need as long as you prove yourself a worthy addition!”
Those alive exchanged glances and made up their minds to tell Bruce the truth. Soon, Bruce’s subordinates found Sammy.
“We have found Sammy and the mysterious figure!”
Bruce’s instructed with his eyes gleaming, “Send everyone there to secure the perimeter! We’ll depart at once!”
Sammy’s aides couldn’t keep their curiosity to themselves anymore. One of them asked, “Mr. Johnston, can we really join Lab of Gods?”
Bruce turned around with a vicious smirk as if he was up to something evil.
Aware of the things awaiting them, they tried to flee the scene, but they were no match for Bruce’s subordinates in terms of speed.
A few minutes later, there were another few corpses drenched in a puddle of blood in the middle of nowhere.
Sammy was confused since she couldn’t get in touch with her aides anymore. It was then she heard Levi counting down, “Three! Two! One!”
Once she figured out they were under attack, she asked, “What are we supposed to do? They’re here!”
“We’ll just take them on!” Along with Sammy, Levi rushed out of the safe house and encountered the members of the Dark World, Sisyphus, and Triple Group.
Bruce had sent them there to tire the duo out in an attempt to take out an easy target. However, they couldn’t even put on much of a fight with Levi.
Within a few minutes, most of the forces of Triple Group had been taken out.
When Sammy thought it wasn’t such a bad idea to join Levi, Bruce reached the scene with the rest of his men, warning Levi, “I won’t allow you to run away from me! It’s time to take you out once and for all!”
Shortly after he wrapped up his speech, he sent his forces and the pure energy beings he brought along with him to take Levi out.


Chapter 2076 A Surprise

“They’re coming!”
The two pure energy beings stood out amongst the rest. It was then Levi knew he couldn’t afford to take his foes lightly anymore.

How am I supposed to describe them? Sunstones! They’re beings similar to the sunstones since they’re structured differently from humans!
I’m impressed, Jared! Actually, I’m glad you’re dead! Otherwise, you’re going to bring upon even more horrifying beings to the battlefield!
Levi knew it was time to keep the rest of his concerns to himself since he had to deal with those affiliated with Lab of Gods.
Although pure energy beings were there to take Levi out, Bruce was afraid things might go wrong and sent the rest to help them out since Levi had Sammy with her.
Sammy could easily render most of Bruce’s forces incapable of movement since her capabilities were meant to take charge of them.
She got herself engaged in an intense fight with more than ten of Bruce’s forces, sharing the burden of Levi as he had to deal with the rest on their behalf.
Similarly, Bruce knew he couldn’t afford to let his guard down even though it seemed as if they would triumph at the end of the day.
It was then he received news of Kirin and his party disappearance along with the sunstones. They just couldn’t locate the missing bunch in spite of the equipment they brought along for the mission.
“Have you guys made use of the equipment?” Bruce asked.
“Yes! We just couldn’t figure out their whereabouts! It seemed like they had disappeared into thin air!”
“Just forget about it since there’s no way we’re getting our hands on them! Send a few to try their luck and send the rest to Stellar City! We have another target to deal with!”
A majority of the team sent to locate Kirin and sunstones were on their way back to Keerea to join the battle.
Meanwhile, Levi was engaged in an intense fight with pure energy beings, unaware it would be tough for him to flee with Sammy once the reinforcement joined the battle.
The inferior pure energy beings were on par with Levi in terms of speed. They could easily keep up with him and kept him occupied throughout the fight.
That wasn’t the case for the rest of the fighters since a punch from Levi was all it took to take them out. Soon, the so-called veterans were taken out by Levi.
As a matter of fact, it wasn’t even wise for them to get themselves involved in the fight since they were no match for the insanely strong trio.
Bruce thought of stalling Levi through the aid of the reinforcement he had sent to fight alongside the two pure energy beings.
To his surprise, his effort was to no avail because Levi wasn’t affected the slightest bit. Ironically, those he sent were the ones who had passed on as a result of the fight.
The reinforcement changed their minds and kept Sammy occupied throughout Levi’s fight with the pure energy beings.
Bam! Bam!
The so-called reinforcements were sent flying a few feet away seconds after Levi launched another few powerful punches in their direction.
Soon, the two pure energy beings were the only ones left to keep Levi occupied.
“Sir, we don’t need any reinforcement! We can take him out without the help of the others!”
The two pure energy beings beckoned Bruce to stop sending the others their way as they thought they could easily get rid of Levi.
Bam! Bam!
Not even the Annihilator was a match for the two pure energy beings in terms of speed because they had been equipped with armors.
They dashed in Levi’s direction at the speed of sound and tried launching a few punches at their foe.
Not even a professional device could capture the image of the two pure energy beings, but Levi evaded their punches as if those were nothing.
Aware that he couldn’t afford to waste his time with them, he returned the favor and launched a few punches without holding back to take out the two pure energy beings.


Chapter 2077 Undefeatable Pure Energy Beings


In quick succession, Levi launched two punches against the pure energy beings. Upon the impact, they went flying backward.
After Levi’s blows, their armor began to fall apart.
Even after being sent back for a few hundred meters, the pure energy beings showed no sign of stopping.
Their faces contorted in pain.
It was the first time everyone witnessed the pure energy beings in such a pained state.
The astonishing sight left them stunned.
Their opponent must be immensely powerful!
Everyone assumed that pure energy beings existed solely to wreak havoc and murder their enemies. Hence, they were considered undefeatable. But for the first time, the pure energy beings met an opponent who was strong enough to take them down.
After a hundred meters, the pure energy beings finally regained their balance as they recovered from the blows Levi delivered.
But all of a sudden, a strange look crossed their faces.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
A string of loud bangs echoed from within their bodies.
Levi’s technique—Annihilation Blast was repeatedly activated.
Consecutively, the pure energy beings were attacked with an onslaught of five explosions.
One by one, the explosions went off within the pure energy beings’ bodies as Levi used his technique relentlessly.
Following the explosions, a loud blast echoed in the air. The repeated detonations had reduced their bodies to a pile of flesh and bones. The pure energy beings were a far cry from their initial state.
This was the second time Levi activated Annihilation Blast.
He first employed it to defeat The Annihilator in secret.
This time, his technique was revealed to the whole world.
With a single move, he’d captivated everyone’s attention.
“What sort of technique was that?” In an uproar, everyone began to gossip amongst themselves. After all, they hadn’t seen such a powerful technique before. Furthermore, it proved to be powerful enough to defeat the pure energy beings.
“How terrifying!” The onlookers mumbled as they looked at the pure energy beings.
It looked like their bodies would be blown apart at any moment.
They were speechless.
Would Bruce’s killing machines be destroyed as soon as they were introduced? That would make him the world’s laughing stock!
Sammy couldn’t help but celebrate in joy as she watched the fight. Levi truly is an impressive fighter. He managed to defeat Bruce’s greatest weapons. I might be able to survive this ordeal after all.
It can’t be. Are the pure energy beings defeated?
Peter and the rest glanced at Bruce anxiously.
Their feelings of anxiousness were quickly replaced with fear.
If the pure energy beings face their defeat here, we will be utterly embarrassed.
Yet, Bruce maintained his composure. “Watch,” he uttered coldly.
Earlier, the Annihilation Blast technique caused him to suspect that the fighter was Levi.
When he watched the fight, it gave him an inkling of suspicion.
What if the person is Levi?
Yet, he quickly dispelled the notion.
Annihilation Blast was an explosive technique that was unheard of before this. Therefore, Bruce concluded that Levi couldn’t have been the one who executed it.
After Annihilation Blast ended, the bodies of the pure energy beings were distorted beyond recognition.
Just as Sammy was about to celebrate Levi’s victory, his mood took a drastic turn. “Something bad is about to happen,” he mumbled under his breath.
True to his predictions, the two pure energy beings began to heal themselves as the wounds littered across their skin faded away.
In the blink of an eye, they had returned to their original state.
After the regeneration, they looked as flawless as ever.
This was the true strength wielded by the pure energy beings.
Since their bodies comprised of pure energy, they were invulnerable to any attacks. It would only serve to delay them.
“I can’t believe it!” This time, Levi took the initiative and launched another attack.
Once again, he used Annihilation Blast for a total of six times.
Similarly, the pure energy beings took Levi’s attacks until it looked like their bodies were about to be blown apart.
But Levi’s attacks fell short of destroying them entirely.
After Levi stopped, they regenerated again.
All traces of their injuries vanished into thin air.
Once more, Levi attacked them. In an attempt to defeat them, he used Annihilation Blast seven times.
Each blast was stronger than the first. Levi’s fearsome display of strength caused the onlookers to flinch in fear.
But his efforts were to no avail.
Once more, the pure energy beings regenerated their bodies and emerged without a scratch.
Finally, the true might of the pure energy beings dawned upon Levi.
To destroy them within a short amount of time was an impossible feat. In fact, they were almost immortal.
Perhaps, I can only defeat them with a special method.
Unfortunately, time was not on Levi’s side. He could not think of a way to defeat them within such a short amount of time.
If this conflict continued, the Lab of Gods would send more advanced warriors to help Bruce’s forces.
By then, it would be too late to run.
Having made up his mind, Levi spun on his heel and took off in the opposite direction.
“Don’t even think of getting away!” As soon as Levi bolted, the two pure energy beings gave chase.


Chapter 2078 Surrounded By Death

With the pure energy beings hot on Levi’s heels, things were getting heated.
No matter the method used, they could not be mortally wounded.

Due to their regeneration capabilities, the pure energy beings would gradually wear their opponents out. Once their enemies grew tired, they would attack.
Furthermore, the two pure energy beings chasing after Levi were stronger than most.
They were capable of killing Levi.
The longer this dragged out, the higher the possibility that Bruce’s army would take control of the situation.
Furthermore, the Lab of Gods would use this time to send in their advanced warriors.
Once all of these forces were deployed, it would be a matter of life or death for Levi.
Hence, he could not afford to get caught up by these pure energy beings. Any more setbacks would put him in a precariously dangerous situation.
As soon as Levi tried to run, the two pure energy beings did all they could to pin him down.
At the same time, Bruce sent more of his men to chase after Levi.
“Bring more men here! Make sure you capture Sammy too,” Bruce ordered.
He wanted to see if the man would abandon Sammy.
Quickly, he sent more men to corner Sammy.
There were several witches and wizards amongst the group of men sent to capture Sammy.
Since Sammy had the ability to control others, Bruce prepared his own set of countermeasures.
With the bunch disrupting Sammy’s focus, she found herself fighting an uphill battle.
Surrounded by Bruce’s men, Sammy was attacked from all sides. Promptly, a strong force collided against her body as Sammy was sent hurtling backward.
Levi must have abandoned me. In a dire situation like this, I am nothing but dead weight to him.
One of Bruce’s subordinates stepped forward. “Mr. Johnston, our forces will be arriving in three minutes.”
With the arrival of his army, this was the extent of Bruce’s powers.
Although the pure energy beings were immortal, the brunt of Bruce’s powers was still reliant on his army.
Upon their arrival, Levi would be trapped.
Though Levi could escape by slaughtering everyone, it was an impossible feat.
“Two more minutes!”
Just as Sammy was about to fall into the witches’ control, Levi backtracked and rescued her from their clutches.
She can’t die yet. She is still useful to me!
“Haha.” Bruce laughed coldly as he watched the duo. “With how things turned out, they must have been working together. However, neither of them will be able to escape now!”
Seeing how Levi rescued Sammy, Bruce concluded that they must have been partners.
Yet, this was a perfect opportunity for Bruce. Now that Levi had to carry a deadweight along with him, it would be unfeasible for him to escape.
“Capture him!” With a wave of Bruce’s hand, his forces leaped into action. Immediately, the crowd surged forward to attack Levi and Sammy.
Sammy, who was heavily injured, could do nothing against the incoming forces.
“One more minute! Our main forces are arriving in one minute. Once the army is here, all escape routes will be sealed!”
When Bruce heard his subordinate’s report, he found himself growing excited.
Finally, I can capture him. With him as my prisoner, I can draw the rest of his allies out and crush them all!
Even from afar, Bruce’s approaching army could be heard. The deafening sounds of his marching troops and rumbling tanks echoed in the air.
In fact, his air forces had arrived at the scene.
The battle planes formed a blockade formation and aimed their weapons at Levi.
Levi cursed under his breath. “His forces are here. In a few seconds, we’ll be surrounded. There is no way out unless we obliterate all of his forces.”
Furthermore, Levi faced another dilemma.
I don’t know how strong the advanced warriors from the Lab of Gods are.
He couldn’t guarantee that he would be able to fight his way out if they were surrounded.
Hence, they had to try their best to escape with only a few seconds left on the clock.
Right now, Levi had to confront another problem— the pure energy beings. If he was unable to shake them off his trail, it would be akin to being surrounded by death.
Although they couldn’t harm Levi, they could keep him pinned down.
Furthermore, they were unstoppable. No matter how many punches or techniques Levi unleashed against them, they would merely regenerate and render him immobile again.
As his opponents closed in, Levi felt a rush of irritation.
With only a few seconds left, Levi had to make his decision. The moment time ran out, he would be placed in a detrimental situation.
What on earth should I do?
In the midst of his panic, he glanced at Sammy as they locked gazes.
Time continued to pass by.
Thirty seconds.
Twenty seconds.
Time was almost up.


Chapter 2079 Facing Cyrus

Bruce’s army was only a few seconds shy from arriving on scene.
Levi was yet to shake the pure energy beings off his trail.

“Quick, think of something!” In desperation, Levi roared at Sammy.
His loud yell caused Sammy’s mood to shift.
All of a sudden, a group of teenagers emerged from the crowd.
More specifically, the group was comprised of thirteen to fourteen-year-old girls and boys.
They were the infamous band from the Triple Group who earned the nickname “Genesis Devils” due to their ferocity and ability to strike fear into their victims.
All of a sudden, they lunged toward the advanced warriors from the Lab of Gods.
Before this, the teenagers hadn’t had the chance to demonstrate their strength. They were only subservient to Sammy’s orders.
After Sammy was captured, they bade their time.
No one else from the Triple Group dared to order them around.
They managed to hide in a corner, right under Bruce’s nose, without garnering any attention.
When the Genesis Devils received Sammy’s order, they attacked the advanced warriors from the Lab of Gods without hesitation.
Caught by surprise, the advanced warriors could not fend themselves against the Genesis Devils’ ferocious attacks.
After defeating the advanced warriors, the teenagers rushed toward Levi and Sammy.
At the same time, six members broke off from the group to stall the pure energy beings.
Their emergence created the perfect opportunity for Levi and Sammy to escape.
In the span of seconds, Levi and Sammy managed to break free from Bruce’s forces.
Levi spotted a gap amongst the gathered forces and made his way toward it.
Just as the pure energy beings tried to stop him, the Genesis Devils rendered them immobile.
Though there were only thirteen of them, they cooperated together and managed to stop the advanced warriors from the Lab of Gods. At the same time, they used the element of surprise to overwhelm the pure energy beings.
As everyone’s attention was fixated intensely on Levi, the Genesis Devils caught them off guard.
“What is this?” Bruce gaped at the scene before him.
I didn’t know the Triple Group have such fighters!
“Mr. Johnston, it looks like they are the products of the Devil Genesis Project. It was a collaboration between Triple Group and the Lab of Gods,” Peter explained hastily.
Thirty years ago, the Lab of Gods established a plan in hopes of creating “God.”
At the same time, they worked with Triple Group and formed a plan to create “Devils.”
However, the plans were almost identical.
The technology used to recreate “God” was slightly more advanced, and instead of providing full support to Triple Group, the Lab of Gods only helped in certain areas.
The Lab of Gods assumed that Triple Group’s Devil Genesis Project would create killing machines, who were, at best, slightly better than The Annihilator.
Never in their wildest dreams would they have expected that Triple Group’s technology was much more advanced. Though their technology was yet to triumph the Lab of Gods’, it was getting close.
As such, the Devil Genesis Project had a high success rate in producing thirteen subject successfully. Most importantly, they were much more powerful than The Annihilator.
However, Triple Group hid these teenagers from the public’s eye. Their presence went unnoticed by the Lab of Gods.
Only the higher-ups of Triple Group were aware of the Genesis Devils’ existence.
Yet, the Genesis Devils were too bloodthirsty and powerful. After they were fully developed, everyone found it impossible to restrain them.
The Genesis Devils were so wild that they almost wreaked chaos in Triple Group.
Fortunately, Sammy managed to get them under her control. This earned her the position as the security team’s leader.
When he learned of this news, Bruce was so frustrated that he felt like ripping his hair out.
It’s all Triple Group’s fault!
Because of them, Levi was about to slip from his grasps.
“Go after them! Send everyone now!” Bruce yelled in a frenzy.
Everyone began to chase after Levi and Sammy.
“What should we do with the teenagers?” Peter asked.
“We’ll let Triple Group handle them,” Bruce replied curtly. He beckoned to the pure energy beings. “The two of you, follow me.”
However, the Genesis Devils didn’t know how to differentiate between their allies or enemies. They were entirely obedient to Sammy’s orders.
Even when faced with troops from Triple Group, the Genesis Devils slaughtered them without mercy.
When Bruce noticed their relentless attacks, his heart skipped a beat.
F*ck, it looks like Levi is going to escape!
All of a sudden, Cyrus appeared with good news. “Don’t worry! I will stop him!” he bellowed.


Chapter 2080 The Powerful Cyrus

“Haha! Great! I’ve forgotten about him!” Bruce was surprised and delighted.
He thought he was going to lose Levi and Sammy.

Unexpectedly, Cyrus appeared again.
Cyrus always showed up during the crucial moments. It seemed like he managed to prove himself again this time.
“I’m going to owe him a favor. Quick! Go after them!” Bruce sighed.
Levi tried his best to escape with Sammy upon breaking the defense barrier.
Right then, Sammy finally understood.
It’s not that Levi can’t escape, but he’s dragging the time.
In fact, he could have run away earlier. However, he stayed because he wanted to stop Bruce and the people from Lab of Gods. With that, the rest would have more time to escape.
Now that he had achieved his goals, he retreated immediately.
Sammy instantly realized something.
Levi was calm in my house just now because he was dragging the time. It turned out that he was waiting for Bruce.
Meanwhile, Bruce also understood what Levi was trying to do.
I’ll never let him off! Fortunately, Cyrus is here with me.
Suddenly, Levi asked when he was running away with Sammy, “I didn’t expect you to have such a plan!”
Sammy knew that Levi was talking about what happened when she got captured by him earlier.
Although she could control the Genesis Devils to come and save her, she did not do that until the last moment.
Finally, she decided to pull out her trump card at the end. “I’m curious about what you’re going to do. Besides, I want to know your true identity! Initially, I planned to end everything before Bruce is here, but I’ve underestimated you and your men. Not to mention that I’ve also underestimated my place in Bruce’s heart. I didn’t expect you to be Levi! Hence, it was already too late when I tried to control everything.”
Levi instantly understood upon hearing her explanation.
It seemed like she plans to handle everything on her own. Unfortunately, the situation went out of her control in the end.
However, the thirteen young devils under her control were, indeed, terrifying.
Soon, Levi and Sammy ran out of Stellar City.
They were now close to the port.
As long as Levi could get into the ocean, he would definitely find a way to escape.
He had met a lot of powerful fighters from Lab of Gods and Triple Group along the journey. However, no one could stop him.
Unless they tried to surround Levi at once, or else all of them were going to sacrifice for nothing.
However, Levi sensed a domineering, powerful aura all of a sudden. It seemed like someone was already waiting for him there.
“We’re in deep trouble!” Levi said in a deep voice.
“Trouble?” Sammy looked confused.
“He might be stronger than the pure energy beings!” Levi’s face darkened.
“Can we take an alternative route?” Sammy asked.
“It’s too late. That guy has been targeting us since earlier! If we move somewhere else, we might end up getting surrounded. We have to charge forward from here and win the battle as quickly as possible!” Levi said with a cold expression.
When both of them arrived at the beach, they saw a man sitting on top of a giant rock.
He was wearing a black robe, and his face was covered. Besides, the way he dressed up was a little similar to Levi.
“Your journey stops here!” Suddenly, an elderly yet authoritative voice rang out.
The voice was so powerful that Sammy felt her heart drop.
He’s a very strong fighter!
The person standing right in front of them exuded an intimidating aura that was way stronger than the pure energy beings.
Sammy finally understood why Levi said that they were in big trouble.
“Huh?” That was the first time Levi encountered such a powerful enemy.
He could barely withstand the pressure that the man was putting on him. Moreover, he sensed a familiar breath from the latter.
Suddenly, Levi widened his eyes as if he had realized something. “Y-You’re Cyrus…”
It turned out that he was Cyrus, the Fiery Demon. That was the reason why his demeanor was so similar to the Seven Fiends.
Moreover, Levi could sense that the man practiced the same type of combat skills as him.
It must be him!
“Hmm?” Cyrus was startled upon hearing that.
He did not expect Levi to recognize him.


Chapter 2081 Cyrus Is Injured

There’s only one organization that can recognize me that easily!
As Cyrus thought about it, he was more confident with his assumptions.

Death Fiend was definitely the one who impersonated Levi earlier. Moreover, Sacred Organization is the force that goes against Lab of Gods.
However, Cyrus was unsure whether the man standing in front of him was Death Fiend.
For some reason, he felt that the man in front of him was way stronger than Death Fiend.
But then, he did not know how much Death Fiend’s capability in Sacred Organization had improved over the past few years.
Meanwhile, Levi realized who was helping Lab of Gods.
It turns out that Cyrus is doing something in the back!
Before that, Phoenix had sensed the presence of a mysterious and powerful organization numerous times. He believed that the organization was trying to create obstacles to stop them.
It seemed like they were using The Dark Sun.
“Come!” Levi started the battle without hesitation.
Levi threw a forceful punch.
That was the most basic attack taught by his master. Moreover, it was also a technique used by Cyrus.
In fact, it was not hard to use that technique. The punch was the simplest form derived from all the complicated moves.
However, although they were easy to learn, those techniques required the fastest speed and strongest strength one could possess.
Therefore, the impacts of those attacks were brutal and earth-shattering.
With that, Cyrus also became the strongest fighter over the previous decade. After all, he was good at imitating Levi’s technique.
“T-This…” Cyrus’ expression changed drastically upon seeing Levi’s attack.
Isn’t he using the same technique as me? Could it be that he’s Levi? Wait a minute.
He could be Death Fiend too. Moreover, he might also reveal everything to the rest from Sacred Organization. If that’s the case, everyone else will know how to use that technique.
“Attack!” Cyrus roared as he threw a similar punch.
Sammy was dumbfounded.
She had been researching eastern martial art techniques and western magical techniques. Hence, she was naturally sensitive to such things.
She was utterly shocked upon seeing that Levi was using the same techniques as Cyrus.
Cyrus’ and Levi’s fists collided and created a loud explosion.
All of a sudden, the ground cracked, and the earth shattered.
Then, the seawater began to shake vigorously, creating waves a few hundred meters tall.
Levi was shocked.
Cyrus’ too strong!
Then, both of them backed away in the next second.
A strange look appeared on Cyrus’ face.
It turned out that Levi had incorporated six Annihilation Blast in his punch.
Immediately, Cyrus sensed that something was off.
Although Annihilation Blast was not effective on the pure energy beings, it was a deadly blow toward the others.
A glint of bloodthirst flashed across Cyrus’ eyes.
Then, he used his technique to allocate Levi’s attacks to his left shoulder.
Boom! Boom!
Cyrus’ shoulder exploded after a loud noise. His flesh and blood splattered all around.
However, he managed to take control of Levi’s Annihilation Blast.
Levi was shocked to see that.
He could not believe that Cyrus could shift all of the force of Annihilation Blast to one part of his body.
It turned out that Cyrus had chosen to sacrifice his left shoulder to keep his life.
Levi used to think of the possible ways to cope with Annihilation Blast.
However, he could not find any way to resolve that attack.
Cyrus was the first to demonstrate that.
That decision of his clearly showed that he was a ruthless man. After all, he would rather pay such a great price to protect himself.
Initially, Levi planned to escape with Sammy after Annihilation Blast.
Unexpectedly, Cyrus resolved his attack and stopped him from running away.
He continued to stand still in front of Levi like an unmoved God.
Damn it! Levi and Sammy exchanged a look.
The next second, Bruce and the armies from Lab of Gods arrived and surrounded the beach.
With that, Levi and Sammy could no longer escape. They could only kill to fight their way out.
“Do you think you can get yourself out of here?” Bruce laughed.
Cyrus waved his hand. “Leave him to me!”


Chapter 2082 Absolute Chaos

Bruce refused to throw in the towel after what Levi had done to him.
With great confidence, he said, “Great! I’ll leave Levi to you!”

He believed he could take Levi down since everyone was on his side now.
I’d only concede defeat if Levi is capable of killing every single one of them here!
Cyrus was the first to transform himself into a lightning bolt and struck in Levi’s direction.
Levi retaliated with a punch.
After learning his lesson from his previous encounter with Levi, Cyrus stayed away from him to avoid Levi’s Annihilation Blast from infiltrating his body.
He was ready to keep Levi under his control and prevent him from striking back.
Cyrus threw another invisible punch that gave out flames on its edges at lightning speed.
The punch then splintered into hundreds and thousands of forceful shadows that zapped through the air.
Each punch might be invisible but could have a destructive impact on the target.
Cyrus did everything he could to weaken Levi’s power.
“Cyrus!” Someone seemed to have recognized him.
“He’s here! So he’s with Lab of Gods!” another person echoed.
“What a powerful warrior!” Many were stunned upon witnessing how invincible Cyrus was.
After being attacked for some time, Levi gradually gathered his strength and was ready to fight back.
This round, his retaliation was more swift and intense.
At this point, Levi felt he did not need to conceal his identity anymore.
Even if he had exposed his identity in front of everyone, no one would believe that he was Levi.
Let’s get this over with!
Levi released a powerful Annihilation Blast in Cyrus’ direction, causing the latter to stagger.
Levi believed now was the best time to fight his way out of here, and he no longer worried about exposing his identity.
Since he had no intention of staying, he went all out and struck him as if he was out of his mind.
Upon noticing the turn of events, Sammy immediately pressed several buttons at one go.
The buttons then activated several launchers from Triple Group’s secret base, and the launchers fired shots at the troops in Lab of Gods.
Sammy was the security team leader of Triple Group, and she had control over most of the weapons that belonged to the organization.
She decided to activate those weapons and fire shots at the troops in Lab of Gods.
A few teams of Secret Warriors from Triple Group, too, began to launch an attack on their own men.
They all worked under Sammy and took orders from her.
At this point, everything was absolutely chaotic.
What was even more frightening was the thirteen people from the Devil Genesis Project started intruding into the base.
No one from Triple Group was able to hold them back.
Once they arrived, they surrounded Sammy. One of them exclaimed, “Get her out of here!”
When the thirteen men were about to escort Sammy out to a safe place, Sammy refused to leave. “No! I’ll leave with Levi!”
She then turned around and looked at him.
Though they had only gotten to know each other for a short time, Sammy could not bear to leave him in hot soup.
Yet, the thirteen men paid no attention to her request. These ruthless and bloodthirsty individuals did not care what she said as their duty was to protect her. “Take her away!”
Members who betrayed Triple Group wanted to keep Sammy alive. They could care less about Levi’s life and death.
Bruce, who was observing their interaction from the top, ordered icily, “Do not allow anyone to leave this place! It’s time to get everyone to join the fight!”
Bruce pointed at the two pure energy beings and several other elites from the Lab of Gods and instructed. “Go and assist Cyrus!”
Before this, they were not around as they were busy tracking down the sunstones.
All these elites were also Bruce’s trump cards.
In the blink of an eye, these men surrounded Levi and stopped him from leaving.
Levi could not help but smirk with excitement.
I guess the only way to leave now is to kill everyone here?
It had been a while since he had poured his heart and soul into a fight. “Come on! Fight me!”


Chapter 2083 The Real Cyrus

All hell broke loose. Levi showed no mercy and started taking the people around him down!
Except for the Double S grade fighters from the Lab of Gods, Levi basically vanquished all his enemies with just one punch!

Flesh and blood splattered all around, and some bodies were blown off far away.
In a snap of the finger, Levi had crushed about a hundred enemies.
Of course, dealing with more powerful fighters would not be that easy.
Cyrus and the two pure energy beings were the most powerful Lab of Gods’ fighters, who took orders from Bruce.
In short, Bruce had the authority to mobilize Quadruple S-rank fighters, twenty-three Triple S-rank fighters, and countless Quadruple S-rank fighters, not forgetting weapons like God Scepter!
As a brainchild of the Lab of Gods, Triple Group had many bases all over Keerea and around its neighboring countries.
These bases could easily transmit signals through satellites and activate superweapons as they were all on standby.
With all the fighters and weapons at his command, Bruce was confident he had checkmated Levi.
As for Sammy, he would hand her over to Triple Group and let them decide her fate.
Without a doubt, the thirteen people from the Devil Genesis Project were all powerful fighters.
While escorting Sammy to a safe place, they slaughtered the enemies and left a bloody trail behind.
No matter how hard Sammy shrieked and struggled, they continued walking and were not concerned with Levi’s situation at all.
Despite knowing that Sammy had escaped, Bruce remained chill. He was fixated on getting rid of Levi.
It’s okay. We’ll just have to deal with Sammy later.
He raised his voice and said sarcastically, “Did you see that, Levi? Your partner has escaped without you!”
Upon hearing that, he turned around and realized Sammy had left.
Damn it!
The incessant attacks by all five Quadruple S-rank fighters had taken a toll on his stamina. Levi did not expect them to be as destructive as the two pure energy beings.
The two undying pure energy beings, too, joined in the fray and struck Levi from time to time, not forgetting the hundreds and thousands of fighters around.
Cyrus, who had been wandering around the battlefield, was also waiting for a golden opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to Levi.
A corner of Bruce’s lips quirked up upon seeing how helpless Levi was.
He recalled his last encounter with Levi. At that time, he was still not in a position to deploy fighters, as he was merely a low-ranked member of the Lab of Gods.
If Levi were here today, I would have finished him off easily.
Little did he know, he was actually fighting against Levi.
After a hard-fought battle, all the buildings were razed to the ground, and hundreds and thousands of fighters were seen lying all over the place.
The only person left standing was Levi, who survived the battle unharmed.
Who on earth is this man? How could he be so powerful?
Bruce and his men were utterly stunned by the results.
What they thought would be an easy win ended up in a defeat. They might even pay the heftier price in the future!
By now, Cyrus had ruled out the possibility that the man was Death Fiend.
He had personally trained Death Fiend, and he knew it was impossible for Death Fiend to advance to this level no matter how hard he trained in the Sacred Organization.
We know he’s from the Sacred Organization, but who is he? Could he be the Dark Emperor?
No! It’s impossible! Dark Emperor would have killed everyone if he were here!
“Who are you? I know you’re from the Scared Organization!” Cyrus snapped.
Sacred Organization!
What Cyrus said had jogged his memory.
Scared Organization must be the culprit who took Zoey away!
The four men who got in my way must be members of the Eighteen Dark Angels.
They must have mistaken me for Death Fiend since Cyrus and I used similar combat techniques that came from the same origin.
All of a sudden, Cyrus bellowed and let out a low grunt. It was as if he had turned into a demon.
Apparently, he did not give his all during the battle earlier, as he did not want Bruce and his men to witness his capability.


Chapter 2084 The Strongest

Cyrus was still concealing his true strength and had not used his true abilities in his fight with Levi.
But he was desperate to find out who was the person in front of him.

He wanted to bring him down at any cost.
Hence, Cyrus finally showed his true strength.
Thump! His speed was twice as fast as before, and his strength had also increased significantly.
The pressure given out by Cyrus was enormous.
Levi suddenly felt the pressure on him increase immensely.
This time, he knew that Cyrus was coming for him in his true strength.
Cyrus actually trained with this technique to this extent? I thought I could completely suppress him and prevent him from gaining any advantage. It turns out he’s really keeping his true strength hidden until the end. I’ll have to admit that he’s strong enough to be my opponent.
The pressure that Levi felt was gradually increasing.
In addition, he was oppressed by two pure energy beings and all the other fighters.
Every single one of them was unleashing their true power.
Levi was completely suppressed and could not do anything. He was in a tight spot.
There’s no chance for me to get away. The only way I’ll be able to leave here is to fight them with all my might and destroy anyone who gets in my way.
When Bruce saw this situation, he could not help but feel powerless.
The two pure energy beings are doing everything they can to harm Levi. However, their strength is simply insufficient. The abilities they possess are also limited.
Although Levi could not touch them, their threat to Levi was also limited. They could not do anything else but restrain him.
It had too big of a difference from Jared, the ideal pure energy being.
Jared was like a god.
There was a time when he could use his thoughts, almost like psychic ability, to make all the guards at The Cardinal Hall pass out.
His ability could even rival those of the gods.
Bruce’s pure energy beings were still in their early stages. Their only means of attack were to release energy and attack people.
It could be said that they were utterly useless to threaten a real master, such as Levi.
Bruce wanted a supernatural existence like Jared.
He wanted the existence of someone powerful enough to make the enemy feel hopeless.
Fortunately, the pure energy beings he brought were only the second batch of his products.
There was still room for improvement.
The incremental enhancements made to the pure energy beings would make them even stronger in the future.
However, through this battle, Bruce learned something…
In the future, he would no longer create pure energy beings in batches. Instead, he would devote himself to creating pure energy beings that were as close to Jared’s ability and strength as possible. He only needed one of them to be as powerful as Jared, and it would be equivalent to thousands of low-level pure energy beings.
The battle in the field was heating up as Bruce was still deep in thoughts.
Levi was on a different level than his opponents.
Even when they were sieging Levi together, most of the Lab of Gods’ fighters were still defeated.
But, Cyrus was too strong.
On top of that, Levi was restrained by two pure energy beings.
He was unable to flee or inflict any harm on them.
His disadvantage was gradually getting bigger and bigger.
The joint attack from the five Quadruple S-rank fighters was also powerful enough to suppress Levi.
Levi was holding off their attacks with all his strength.
Ten minutes had passed.
Even though it was becoming more difficult for Levi to defend against their attacks, he was still holding his ground. In fact, he had started to get injured.
The loss of men from the Lab of Gods was also increasing as well.
Fortunately, their main forces were still holding out.
“He’s too powerful.”
Everyone was astounded by what they saw.
Bruce remained silent, but his heart was uneasy and worried.
Last time, Levi was the most difficult to deal with. Given how difficult he is to defeat, he clearly is worthy to be in the Sacred Organization.
Actually, Bruce had no idea what the Sacred Organization was or how it was so strong.
But, his superior had warned him before.
This is not something that you can handle. The Sacred Organization was a worthy opponent for the Lab of Gods.
He had finally realized what his superior had been warning him about.
He’s really powerful!
Levi was showing his dominance on the battlefield.
However, as time passed, his disadvantage increased. He was clearly in a dangerous situation.
“Assist me!” Cyrus yelled.
The two pure energy beings restrained Levi with all their strength.
The five Quadruple S-rank fighters launched ferocious attacks on Levi.
Cyrus vanished from the place he was standing all of a sudden.
When he reappeared, he was on Levi’s right side, attempting a surprise attack.
Pfft! Levi was struck hard by Cyrus.


Chapter 2085 Cyrus and Levi

The power of the punch was dreadful.
Levi’s shirt was shredded into pieces, and the things that were stored in his shirt fell out.

It was some ancient manual and a black seal that his master left for him while in prison.
The black seal was already old and worn out. However, the word “God” could be vaguely seen on it.
“Do you wish to die?” Levi was forced to react.
Do you think I’ll be easily defeated? Do you think I won’t be able to get out of here?
Levi then grabbed his ancient manual and the seal, then dashed toward his enemies with murderous intent.
At that moment, Cyrus happened to glance at the black seal that had fallen to the floor.
Cyrus was stunned and trembled all over when he saw it.
He felt as if he had been struck by lightning and almost knelt on the floor.
Obviously, Cyrus recognized the seal.
The seal must have had a significant meaning to Cyrus for him to feel shocked when he saw it.
After a while, Cyrus made a bold decision.
Levi was taken aback when Cyrus suddenly revealed a chance for him to escape.
But of course, it was not Cyrus who revealed his own weakness for Levi to defeat him. That would look obvious.
Instead, he revealed the weak point of the five Quadruple S-rank fighters to Levi.
Levi then tried punching toward Cyrus to see if he was really revealing a way for him to escape.
Cyrus unexpectedly avoided him, allowing Levi to position himself behind him in the blind spot.
Cyrus successfully blocked the five Quadruple S-rank fighters’ sight who was trying to attack Levi from the other side.
The five fighters were heavily wounded by Levi.
Cyrus made it look like he was not doing it on purpose.
It simply looked like Levi was too frightening, and he wanted to avoid his powerful attack, and Levi ended up injuring the five fighters as he avoided the attack.
Levi was shocked.
Is this guy really revealing a way for me to get away? But I shouldn’t think about it any longer. I should take advantage of this opportunity to flee right now.
Levi took advantage of the opportunity provided by Cyrus and escaped from the scene.
“Go after him!” Cyrus made it look as if he was pursuing him.
He was the one in front, and he appeared to want to chase Levi down, but he was actually protecting Levi so that he could safely escape from those pursuing him.
The situation was critical, and no one would notice Cyrus’ actions.
Even Bruce didn’t notice it.
The point was that he could not think of any reason why Cyrus would assist Levi.
If he wanted to help Levi, he would not have blocked him in the first place.
Cyrus was just crazily ordering people to track down Levi.
As a result, Levi was getting further and further away.
Finally, Levi managed to get away from their pursuit.
Actually, there was still a chance to catch up to Levi along the way, but Cyrus purposefully pointed the wrong way to the pursuers or extended the space for Levi to escape.
“He escaped…” After Levi escaped, Cyrus sat down on the floor.
His whole body was covered in blood.
With that, Bruce and his pursuers would have no reason to suspect him in letting Levi escape.
Everyone knew how powerful Levi was as they witnessed his strength just now.
The battle just now was fierce.
Even the powerful Cyrus was injured.
“Mr. Johnston, I’ve done my best.” Cyrus reluctantly shook his head.
“They should be from the Sacred Organization if I’m not mistaken. Death Fiend is my closest friend, and he’s now a member of the organization. Not surprisingly, the organization has grasped all of my techniques, allowing them to pose as Levi…” Cyrus explained.
Bruce acted surprisingly normal. He said, “We learned a few things from this encounter. At the very least, we now know it was the Sacred Organization.”
In fact, there was something he did not say to Cyrus.
Bruce thought he could not control Cyrus when he showed his true strength.
But now that Cyrus was injured, he thought he could use that to gain control over him.
To him, it was a good thing.
Levi, on the other hand, had already escaped from Keerea.
Someone as powerful as him could get out of any situation even if he was only given the slightest chance.
However, Levi felt puzzled about what happened earlier.
Why did Cyrus let me escape? He even revealed a chance for me to escape. Oh, it must be that seal!
Levi remembered Cyrus assisted him to escape after seeing the seal that had fallen out of his shirt.


Chapter 2086 The Black Seal

Levi hurriedly took out the black seal.
However, after staring at the black seal for half a day, he still did not notice anything unusual about it.

He had already observed the seal several times and found nothing mysterious about it.
Why did Cyrus change his mind to help me after he saw it? The only explanation is that Cyrus recognizes it and is familiar with it. It might symbolize the status of the person. This seal is left to me by my master. Then, that should mean that it symbolizes the status or features of my master. Not to mention that Cyrus is of the same origin as me. Therefore, he should be acquainted with my master. That was why he has helped me to escape as he recognized my master’s seal.
He paused for a while before getting to a conclusion. Everything makes sense now. Cyrus is not my master. He’s probably my master’s student or has some other relationship with my master. He probably knew who my master was. I’m curious about the real identity of my master.
Levi looked at the seal and realized something significant was hidden within the seal.
He thought that it would be revealed bit by bit in the future.
The next time he met Cyrus, he would ask about it.
For the time being, he should consider how to deal with pure energy beings.
On the other side, Bruce went to find Sammy.
It turned out that Sammy did not leave Keerea. Instead, she was staying at the headquarters of Triple Group.
Her status was unique as she was one of the direct lineages of Triple Group.
The descendants of the Triple group would either engage in business or enter politics.
The others were taken to the lab when they were young for gene modifying experiments.
There were even some bold ones who made arrangements while they were still pregnant.
Sammy was in the group that was taken to the lab to be modified when she was still a child.
She was one of the most successful, and Triple Group regarded her as a high-value asset.
Especially this time, she managed to control the thirteen Genesis Devils from the Devil Genesis Project, and everyone in Triple Group witnessed her ability.
That ability was equivalent to the Lab of Gods’ strength.
If Sammy were gone, no one would be able to control the thirteen Genesis Devils.
Thus, nobody in their right mind would want Sammy to vanish.
That was why all of Triple Group’s high-ranking officials pleaded with Bruce.
The truth was that Sammy did not betray the Lab of Gods. Instead, she was only forced to sow discord among them.
Even though the Lab of Gods only considered Triple Group to be one of their subordinates, they did have a strong combat power that could be useful to the Lab of Gods.
The Triple Group was still useful to them.
As such, Bruce could only compromise with them and let Sammy go this time.
Sammy hesitated for half a day, but she did not reveal Levi’s identity in the end.
Inside the dark palace of the Sacred Organization, several people were kneeling on the ground.
“Dark Emperor, I want to report that Levi has escaped from Bruce interception and pursuit.”
From above, a voice could be heard. “Fine, I really thought that he will be captured this time.”
Several people on the ground continued, “However, Levi’s actions have caused us problems. The Lab of Gods now suspects us of stealing their sunstones.”
“That’s right, Levi has clearly set us up.”
The Dark Emperor laughed and said, “That’s fine, let them come to me. I’m not scared of them.”
Then, the Dark Emperor left the place.
Then, he went to a secret room.
From within the room, a person’s scream could be heard.
The person inside the room appeared to have been tortured in unimaginable ways.
It was Zoey.
Ever since the Dark Emperor accepted Zoey as his apprentice, he had promised to stimulate her inner potential and make her even stronger.
At the moment, Zoey was soaking in a pool.
The water in the pool was red, and there was no way of knowing what it was.
Zoey was being tortured inside the pool and was in excruciating pain.
She looked as if she could not take it any longer.
“Endure it! Think about your revenge for your husband. His body was not spared when he died. Your enemy is still free and unfettered out there!” The Dark Emperor was stimulating Zoey with his words.
Zoey then began to scream madly, “I want to get stronger! I want to hang on a little longer!”
The Dark Emperor had a smile on his face after witnessing her reaction.
He was satisfied with Zoey’s current state and eager to witness the moment when she succeeded.


Chapter 2087 The Garrison Industry

Bruce returned to the Lab of Gods with a sour mood.
His superior consoled him, “It’s all right. It’s rather normal that you’re unable to deal with them.”

“Is this the level of the pure energy beings that you have produced?” Bruce could not refute the words of his superior and felt humiliated.
This was the first time the pure energy beings were engaged in a real battle. Unfortunately, they did not show satisfactory results.
“Please don’t worry. The pure energy beings are still in the experimental stage. Following this, I will create a perfect product.”
His superior sneered at him and said, “Suit yourself with your little experiments. Our lab is working on a project that is almost finished. When it’s finished, it’ll be able to subdue all other countries, haha…”
Bruce’s body trembled as he was shocked.
Is my project on pure energy beings just a small experiment in the Lab of Gods? What exactly have they been working on in the lab? Why does he have so much confidence?
His superior looked through Bruce’s thoughts and coldly said, “This is a top-secret project of the lab. Therefore, you are not qualified to participate unless you can solve the current problem with the sunstones.”
Bruce felt inspired by his superior words.
He swore that he would make it to the core of the Lab of Gods.
Originally, he intended to entice Henry and the others to participate in an experiment.
But it had to be stopped now to continue researching ways to improve.
At that moment, Levi had already met up with Kirin.
“Finally, I am not disappointed.” Levi smiled.
I’ve brought men to war in the past, and we have done this many times. So, I can say that we feel normal doing this kind of stuff. But our enemy has changed, and they now have various kinds of methods at their disposal. Everyone, however, has held on and passed through it.
Levi stroked his chin and said, “We can’t go on like this. How long do we want to remain hidden?”
“Then, what should we do?” someone asked.
Kirin and Phoenix said at the same time, “We use the sunstones.”
Levi nodded and said, “That’s right. We can use it since it is an energy material.”
“They have the Lab of Gods. I think I should have a lab of my own.” This was Levi’s plan.
He wanted to collect any resources available to him and make a lab that could go against the Lab of Gods.
His thought was the same as Wynona’s Divine Dragon Experiment at the Gamma Tech training base a long time ago.
Let’s do it!
Even if Levi was hiding in the shadows, he could still easily construct a lab.
He could arrange for everything he needed, such as money, resources, and technical staff.
First, he made arrangements for the energy materials and resources.
As for the technical staff, he needed to find them across the land of Erudia.
Then, he planned to cooperate with other significant technology enterprises such as the Wilcox family and many more.
The most important thing now was to find a spokesman for his lab.
Levi had already thought of the most suitable candidate to do the job, and it was the Robed Slayer.
After that, there was a period of peach and silence.
While Levi was planning to construct the lab, he was also thinking about ways to deal with the pure energy beings.
Soon, the lab’s construction was about to be completed.
He had received help from the Wilcox family and the Hilton family from Goldenport Island.
Aside from that, Robed Slayer helped to get many other parties in Erudia to get involved in the lab’s construction secretly.
They were all committed to the research of modern weapons, science and technology.
Finally, it was named the Garrison Industry.
No one would notice it in the early stages because it was just getting started. Then, it could grow quietly in the shadows.
When the Lab of Gods became aware of it, it was expected that the Garrison Industry had already grown to a significant scale.
The first major project for the Garrison Industry was to figure out how to use sunstones as an energy source.
Under the research of many research and development staffs, the sunstones were successfully converted into energy.
The result of the converted energy was really terrifying.
When compared to other energy materials, the sunstones were far more powerful.
It could significantly improve efficiency and increase the speed of research.
The Garrison Industry had already put the sunstones to use in a month.
While the Garrison Industry was frantically doing research, Bruce worked on his pure energy beings project.
He had already gotten some significant results from it.
Now, Bruce was more concerned with the quality than the quantity.
Today’s experiment subject was Henry, and he succeeded.
When he became a pure energy being, immense pressure started to spread to the whole lab…
It was as if God had appeared.


Chapter 2088 Chain Reaction

Bruce was rather pleased to see how things were going smoothly for Henry.
They had endured so many disappointments, but finally, they had something to be proud of.

Jared’s plan was to turn himself into a godly being that was above all humanity.
He wanted to have the power to take out his opponents with just his mind!
Bruce’s invention, on the other hand, could turn a person into an invincible being with unique qualities. It also gave the person incredible strength, but that was all it could do.
Finally, they had made some progress with Henry.
There was still a long way to go before they were a match against Jared’s invention, but at least they made some progress.
“Do the tests now!”
Bruce had his people run some tests to see how strong Henry was as a fighter.
The former was ever so delighted with the results.
Henry was so strong that he was terrifying.
Bruce reported to his superior immediately after the tests were done.
He was praised for the result.
“Not bad. Keep it up.”
Two short sentences were all it took to get Bruce excited.
That means I can continue my research and have infinite resources to achieve the level of power that Jared has!
Bruce had the Lab of Gods’ support and the superparticle similar to the one Jared discovered.
Hence, he was confident that he could replicate what Jared had done.
Bruce didn’t keep Henry under control after the former had run through all the tests.
All Bruce needed was to control Henry at the crucial moments, so Henry was free most of the time.
“You will return to Erudia now. Your mission is…”
It was strange, but Bruce was actually getting Henry to return to Erudia.
“You family will also return to Erudia once we finish running tests on them.”
The month seemed peaceful and uneventful, but invisible winds of change had actually been howling in every corner of the world.
That was especially for those working for the Ancient Clan.
They were searching for one person like they had gone crazy.
Erudia was the country that was affected the most.
The Cardinal Hall and Eragon had detected that the Ancient Clans they had all feared was starting to stir and wake up.
Even with everything that had happened in the modern world, the Ancient Clans remained unaffected and powerful.
That proved just how scary the forces in play were.
They managed to get even the Cardinal Hall sweating bullets.
The reason behind that fear was simple.
Some of those powerful figures had been around as long as the Cardinal Hall had, and they might even be just as historic as the Eragon.
Hence, even the Cardinal Hall was wary of them.
In a way, these powerful figures had been so idle that many had forgotten about their existence.
Many in the Cardinal Hall assumed that those figures never existed, and their stories were on the brink of fading away completely.
Yet, the signs of their awakening were showing themselves.
It seemed that the Ancient Clan had secretly sent its people out of hiding. Perhaps they were searching for something? Or someone?
The Cardinal Hall was on edge.
They sent their own people out to investigate the matter because the same thing had been happening all around the world.
Signs of the Ancient Clan’s emergence were everywhere.
It feels like they are looking for something…
Those phenomena baffled various organizations in many countries
Even Zarain’s Shield had sensed that something was off, and they were confused as well.
What could it be that got the Ancient Clan on every corner of the world to stir like that?
The seal that Levi dropped the other day!
Cyrus behaved out of norm after he saw that seal.
The photo of the seal and the ancient manual had been shared on the encrypted side of the dark web… No one knew if the two were connected.
The Cardinal Hall was highly secure, so Shield couldn’t gain access to their information.
Only a handful of members of the Ancient Clan could access that.
They wore the same expression Cyrus had on when they saw the image of the seal.
They were utterly shocked!
It was unbelievable!
It was as if they had discovered a new element.
Those expressions showed that they recognized and knew what the seal was.
And that was why the Ancient Clan was stirred and why many were sent out of hiding. They were searching every inch of the world like a maniac, and the person they were looking for was the owner of the seal!
In other words, they were looking for Levi.
Levi, however, was unaware of how he had become the center of everybody’s attention.
He didn’t know that many had gone out of hiding to look for him…
Everything was a massive chain reaction caused by a single seal.


Chapter 2089 The Ones Who Set The Rules

At that moment, Cyrus was the only one who knew who the seal belonged to.
He was also the only person that was aware of the owner’s actual identity.

Naturally, that meant that Cyrus also knew about the Ancient Clan’s manhunt.
“I can’t believe that he is actually alive and has a disciple!”
Cyrus was tearing up a little.
It was as if he could die in peace after learning that truth.
“The world is about to change,” murmured Cyrus before he sighed.
He was the only one who knew what the seal truly entailed.
Now that the seal has resurfaced, the Ancient Clan will reveal itself again.
They are the true rulers of this world and control the ancient powers that can turn the world upside down.
In a way, the Ancient Clan was the source of all their heritage.
The technique book, magical techniques…
They were the true source of it all.
As for the fighters that set up the Gods’ Promise… Well, those were just children playing with foam swords in the eyes of the Ancient Clan.
Those fighters most likely inherited scrapped scrolls and trained in accordance with the teachings there.
They never knew that they barely scratched the surface of what the Ancient Clans knew and had.
It was nothing more than recycled trash.
Cyrus chuckled all of a sudden.
He was looking forward to the Ancient Clan showing up.
Things are about to get really exciting.
At the training base of the Lab of Gods.
There were four people there.
One of them was playing a deck of cards with a joker printed at the back of every piece of card.
He would cackle every once in a while, and his voice was ridiculously creepy.
Of the four people present, one of them was Bruce’s superior.
They were discussing a single matter at the time.
Naturally, the topic of their discussion was how the Ancient Clan had been stirred.
The Lab of Gods was a powerful organization, so it was only natural that they had noticed the change.
“What triggered this change?” asked one of them.
“We don’t know for sure yet, but we heard the rumor about how it was something shared on the dark web. Unfortunately, that section of the dark web was more secure than the other parts, so we can’t gain access to it.”
“We have tons of hackers on our payroll! How are we still locked out?”
“Haven’t you heard? That website is created by a hacker known as the Hacking God, and no one, not even us, can break through his firewall.”
“This is really strange. Why are so many members of the Ancient Clan suddenly showing up?”
“Yeah, that is strange, especially since they didn’t even budge when we set up the Gods’ Promise.”
Turned out, the Lab of Gods was responsible for setting up the Gods’ Promise.
The truth was that the Lab of Gods had been around for quite some time. They were operating even before technology overtook the entire world.
They wanted to increase their own efficiency and effectiveness, so they set up the Gods’ Promise to restrain the fighters.
Those restraints removed a lot of obstacles in the Lab of Gods’ path and allowed them to grow exponentially.
That was why they became that strong. Hence, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the Gods’ Promise played a huge role in their success.
The man playing the poker cards stopped laughing. He scoffed, “Of course, they were idle. The Gods’ Promise never affected them or waned their power! If it had, they would’ve shown up ages ago to destroy us.”
Bruce’s superior nodded and replied, “Yes, you’re right. At the end of the day, the Gods’ Promise wouldn’t threaten them. It wasn’t powerful enough to even scratch them! Still, they are taking action now, so it is likely that something had caught their attention or threatened their wellbeing.”
Everyone sighed. “The only problem is that we don’t know what that thing is! Our power, as much as it is, still isn’t enough. We have to become stronger.”
“That’s true. The information has already been shared on the dark web; yet, we have no idea what is going on!”
Bruce’s expression was grim when he declared, “What we must do next is to pay attention to the Ancient Clans. We will surely find some clues if we keep an eye on them.”
“Why don’t we just cooperate or negotiate a deal with them? That way, they will share their secret with us,” suggested a lady who had been quiet until that moment.
A delighted glow flashed past everybody else’s eyes.
“That is a great idea! I’ll get our people to work on it right away.”


Chapter 2090 Henry Lopez The Demon

The man who the Ancient Clans had been looking for, Levi, was actually in solitary training at that moment. He needed to find a way to deal with the pure energy beings.
They were no longer the Lab of Gods’ core.

It could be said that the pure energy beings were a mountain of obstacles that was sitting right in front of Levi.
Hence, he had to eliminate them.
It was undeniable that Levi loved researching and was gifted in it.
He had already started examining every single Forbidden Technique that his master had entrusted him with.
Since I am not allowed to use Forbidden Technique, I will just have to alter them to create something new but equally powerful.
My new techniques may stem from the Forbidden Technique, but it is still something new.
Master had forbidden me from using the Forbidden Technique, but I can definitely use techniques of my own creation and design.
No one knew where Levi was at that moment.
Even Azure Dragon and the others were kept in the dark about his location.
Their only missions during that period were to further develop Garrison Industry and keep an eye on the Lab of Gods.
On the other side.
Henry had returned to Erudia.
He stood on North Hampton’s ground and spread his arms. As he did so, a terrifying aura seeped out of him.
It was as if a demon had descended.
He walked into the Lopez residence via the front door.
That caused a commotion right away.
The Lopez family had remained connected to the Great Family of Westford and hadn’t changed.
There was a time when the Lopez family was one of the most prominent families, but as time passed, they became weaker. At that moment, they had to bow down to many others.
It was a time when powerful fighters were abundant, so even the Great Family of Westford had turned into nothing more than ants.
The Lopez family had to be careful not to offend anyone or they would risk being annihilated.
Zoey and Forlevia were nowhere to be seen, especially after they were taken into The Cardinal Hall. Their location was beyond secretive.
Hence, the other members of the Lopez family couldn’t contact them or ask for their help.
“Huh? Henry is back?”
Harry and Cora were quick to rush over after learning about that.
Everyone else followed suit.
Even Robert and the others had gone over.
When they heard that Henry was back, they assumed that the rest of his family had returned as well.
Most regarded Henry and his family as deadbeats because they were chased out of Zarain and were no longer a citizen in any country.
They were like barbarians, and it felt like they were no different from being dead.
Hence, it was only natural that everyone was surprised to hear about how he had returned.
When they finally saw Henry, they thought that the guy seemed different.
It was as if he had turned into an emotionless robot, and they could no longer recognize him.
“Henry, you’re back! Where are the others? How are the kids doing?”
Harry and Cora were looking behind Henry because they wanted to see how their other grandchildren were.
“Yeah, and how are the other members of the Black family?” asked Meredith.
Henry scoffed and replied, “Don’t worry. They’ll return soon after.”
He knew what Bruce was planning and was aware that his family would be experimented on.
The experiment will be a success, and they will all be sent over to Erudia.
“Really? Where are they now?” urged the others.
Henry grinned and replied, “They are receiving the best gift they have ever gotten. It will change their life, and once they go through it, the power players within Erudia will shift!”
Henry enjoyed the sensation of being in control of everything.
“Did you return illegally? If I remember correctly, Erudia has a restraining order out against people like you. You are not allowed to set foot within its borders,” scolded Thierry.
“Yeah, the restraining order is still in effect. You are not allowed to enter Erudia and might actually cause trouble for us!” chimed in the other members of the Great Family of Westford.
Their words reminded Cora that Henry was banned from entering.
Henry’s expression slowly changed, and he looked monstrous and evil.
“Oh, the restraining order? Haha…!”
Henry scoffed before he put his hand out and controlled the forces around him. Thierry, who was over ten meters away, lost control instantly and was pulled to Henry.
Henry snapped the guy’s neck immediately after, and Thierry died just like that.
The next victim was George, who was the most powerful fighter in Westford.
That still wasn’t enough. Henry went on a rampage and continued to kill mercilessly.
It didn’t take long before he killed dozens of fighting experts who were with the Great Family of Westford.
Everyone else was flabbergasted as they stood in the yard.
“There was a time when you lot keep ordering me around, and I have long wanted to kill all of you,” shared Henry. His aura was powerful, and it looked as if a demon had descended on everyone. He even challenged, “No one in Erudia will ever be a match against me!”


Chapter 2091 The Master Of North Hampton

Henry’s style was horrifying, and he stunned everyone there.
He was like a vengeful god at that moment.

Everyone stared with their eyes bulging.
When did Henry become so powerful? That strength will likely overwhelm the entire North Hampton! What exactly did he go through? Wasn’t he abandoned? How did he come so scary?
It was a time and age where most had already seen all kinds of fighters.
However, Henry was on another level.
The strength he held could topple all the fighters in every part of North Hampton.
Everyone rushed over.
It seemed that time truly had changed.
Erudia had fighters stationed around their borders so that they could deal with sudden issues that arise.
Those fighters were sent by The Cardinal Hall and the Dragonites.
Their team, as a whole, was regarded as the Protectors.
After learning about the sudden change in North Hampton, the Protectors stationed there hurried over.
“What’s going on? Who’s making a scene here in North Hampton?”
A Protector came to reprimand the criminal.
“What is this? You ignored the restraining order and entered Erudia without permission! You even went on a killing rampage. Boys, we’re taking him in.”
The Protectors attacked immediately after learning what had happened.
A cruel smile crept up on Henry’s lips, and he growled, “You’re dead!”
What happened next was a one-sided massacre.
It didn’t matter how strong the Protectors actually were. They were just helpless bunnies when faced with Henry.
The Protectors just died!
One by one, the hundreds of Protectors stationed in North Hampton fell. No one survived.
Henry had killed off every single one of them.
He was simply too strong, and he took out everyone on his own.
“Anyone else wants to challenge me?”
Henry’s eyes scanned the several thousand men on site.
One after another, everyone knelt down.
“We are willing to take you as our master. You are now the Master of North Hampton!”
They weren’t idiots, and they knew that surviving was the most important thing to do at that moment.
Henry was way too strong, and they would die if they refused to bow down.
Harry, Cora and the others were in shock when they saw how several thousand fighters had all knelt down.
That was the level of power and wealth that they had been dreaming of their entire life.
Despite their old age, they had never experienced shock like that before.
Henry grinned upon seeing that. He commented, “So this is what it feels like to be a fighter?”
He truly wanted to thank Bruce at that moment.
Naturally, Henry knew that he could do so much more than just that. Conquering North Hampton was just the tip of the iceberg.
His true goal was to conquer the whole of Erudia.
Erudia will surely be under our control once the others return after going through the experiments.
Bruce had told Henry that the people in the Lab of Gods were the only ones that could kill him.
The latter didn’t even need to worry if he bumped into any expert in Erudia or if he couldn’t defeat his opponent. Henry would remain unkillable even if he was somehow defeated.
“From now on, the Lopez family will be the head of North Hampton, understand?” growled Henry evilly.
The thousands of people on site nodded simultaneously.
The Lopez family rose to the top of North Hampton within a single day.
Strong fighters from the region and business tycoons all came to visit them.
Several hundred cars gathered around the Lopez residence, and the queue stretched on for miles.
The gifts the visitors brought with them also filled the garages in the Lopez residence.
Henry killed a lot of people that day, and the people he murdered included the Protectors.
However, he was too strong.
Hence, it was likely that The Cardinal Hall wouldn’t hold him responsible for the chaos he created. They might even recruit him.
The fighters and the business tycoons that were visiting the Lopez residence were all too weak to butt in on the matter.
All they could think about was to admit defeat and butter the guy up just so they could survive.
Harry, Cora, and the others were ecstatic.
Their dream had finally been realized, and they were finally at the top of North Hampton.
They didn’t need to rely on anyone else. All they needed was to be a member of the Lopez family, and they owe it all to their son.
Any parent would be proud of that level of achievement.
The Lopez and Black families were eagerly waiting for the others to return.
“That was why I said that they made the right choice when they left Erudia and went to Zarain. None of you believed me. See? Now they’ve proved me right and are returning as skilled fighters.”
“I know right? I can’t believe we went to Levi earlier and begged him to do something about the restraining order. Gah, that was so embarrassing.”
Everyone was discussing the matter excitedly.
“By the way, how are Aaron and his wife?” asked Henry all of a sudden when he thought about them.


Chapter 2092 Forcing The Cardinal Hall

“They’re here. Gah, those two are the most useless of the bunch.”
“Get them over quickly!” instructed Harry unhappily.

It didn’t take long before Aaron and his wife were brought to Henry.
The two of them actually knew all about what had happened, and they were aware of how Henry had become a skilled fighter.
That was why they had been hiding away to avoid any conflict with him.
To their dismay, Henry thought about them despite all that.
“Do you still recognize me, Aaron?” asked Henry with a smile.
“That’s a funny joke. How could we not recognize you when you’re my brother?”
Aaron didn’t even dare to look at Henry when the former replied.
“Hah, your brother? Have you ever seen me as your brother at all? Where were you when we were cast out and when our parents tried to get us back to Erudia?
“And where were you when they begged your son-in-law to lift the restraining order that he imposed on us?”
Henry was so angry that he was roaring.
“That’s not it. Henry, we didn’t mean to…”
Aaron and his wife panicked. They didn’t even know how to explain everything.
Henry laughed boisterously and cut their words short. The former commented, “And look at how things are now. Your son-in-law is dead, your daughter is missing, and your granddaughter is nowhere to be seen. Karma has befallen you!
“Don’t worry, though. I won’t kill you. I want you to watch as I conquer all of Erudia.
“It’s a pity that Levi is dead, though. I would’ve enjoyed killing him… Wait, his mother is still alive, right?”
Henry sneered like a blood-thirsty animal.
The truth was that his emotions no longer existed, and he could no longer love.
He only led the Lopez family to glory because he enjoyed the sensation of being in control.
“Yes, his mother is still alive, but she is well protected. Levi’s Team Of Secret Warriors, which he had put together when he was still alive, is protecting her, so it’s not wise to go after her,” reported someone immediately to butter Henry up.
“Someone is protecting her, eh? Haha! Like they can defend her against me?” scoffed Henry.
His secondary mission from Bruce was that he must go after Emma.
Henry’s primary mission, on the other hand, was to cause as much disruption as possible. The more chaos he created, the better things would be for them.
It would not be a successful implementation until Henry had forced The Cardinal Hall to attack.
Bruce’s plan went way beyond that, though.
He only needed one perfect pure energy being, and that being had to be either similar to or more powerful than Jared.
One… that was all he needed.
That was why the second act of his plan was about to play out.
He gathered all the resources he could in order to create that perfect pure energy being.
The only reason he created imperfect pure energy beings like Henry was that they would play a role in his upcoming plan.
He would send all these imperfect pure energy beings to Erudia and disrupt the peace within the country. He might even get them to cause a disaster.
His true objective, however, wasn’t to cause mayhem. Instead, he wanted to learn the true magnitude of Erudia’s powers.
In other words, he wanted to know what The Cardinal Hall was truly capable of.
Bruce was using pure energy beings like Henry to test The Cardinal Hall’s power.
Once Henry and the others return to Erudia, they would inevitably cause a huge scene, and The Cardinal Hall would have to show up eventually.
Regardless of whether The Cardinal Hall managed to kill Henry and the others off, Bruce would benefit from the ordeal.
It would be best if the Cardinal Hall failed to kill Henry and the others because Bruce could then get Henry and the others to destroy Erudia.
However, if The Cardinal Hall succeeded in killing Henry and the others, then Bruce would learn of the Cardinal Hall’s true power.
It was a win-win because that information would help the Lab of Gods create a plan to overtake Erudia.
Henry was the only one that had returned, and the effects of his arrival were already visible.
Bruce was happy with that result.
All that was left was for Henry to continue making a mess.
Shaun, Fabian, and the others would be returning soon as well, and disaster was imminent with a bunch of pure energy beings gathering in Erudia.
After receiving his mission, Henry went over to South Hampton in person to go after Emma.
The Protectors of South Hampton and the fighters in the surrounding region fled after hearing about it.
They were terrified of accidentally getting in the guy’s way.
By then, The Cardinal Hall and the Dragonites had already learned all about the ruckus that Henry had caused in North Hampton.
“Henry Lopez is stronger than ever before, and our people stationed at the border never even detected his presence!”


Chapter 2093 Unstoppable

“What happened to him? How did an ordinary guy like him suddenly become so strong?”
That was the question in everybody’s mind.

“Investigate the matter now! While you’re at it, figure out where he is heading next.”
“He’s going to South Hampton, and it looks like he is after Levi’s mother.”
“What the hell is he trying to do? This behavior is out of the norm!”
The Dragonites and The Cardinal Hall had started working on the matter.
They even sent their specialists to North Hampton to figure things out.
In all that time, they never knew that Henry was only there to test their capabilities.
The Lab of Gods’ experiments were so dangerous that they were alarming.
However, no one knew just how powerful its trump card was.
It was likely that even Bruce had no idea the extent of that organization’s power.
That was why Levi was slowly but surely investigating the matter.
Similarly, Eragon and The Cardinal Hall, which were protecting Erudia, were equally mysterious. No one knew exactly how powerful they were.
Hence, they were also being testing.
The truth was that The Cardinal Hall had already fallen into their enemy’s trap when they took action.
Henry never hid away. He marched down the street and practically made it a public affair as he went to go after Levi’s mother.
That news spread like wildfire.
The Team Of Secret Warriors, who used to work for Levi, showed up as well. They had to protect Emma.
Similarly, Wynona and Mia rushed back as soon as they learned that the Joneses would be in trouble.
“The Crown King had passed on, and we can’t let his mother get harmed!”
More and more people traveled to South Hampton to protect Emma.
A war was about to take place.
As Henry traveled to South Hampton, he was ambushed by a lot of experts from every field.
Everyone was there to stop him.
Unfortunately, Henry was too strong for them.
He was the pure energy being that was approved by Bruce and the Lab of Gods, so his strength was undeniable.
He killed every single fighting expert that went after him, and it seemed that no one could stop him.
The people who were guarding Emma started to worry.
Henry was undefeatable, and stopping him seemed like an impossible feat.
Will we be able to accomplish our mission?
Some time later.
Henry had reached the Jones residence.
Countless fighters had already gathered around the Jones residence by then.
The Dragonites and The Cardinal Hall sent their men over as well.
Henry scanned the crowd and sneered, “I am only here today to kill Levi Garrison’s mother. However, if anyone else tries to stop me, I will kill them!”
How arrogant and proud…
All that stemmed from the ridiculous strength he possessed at the time.
“You can forget about getting to Mr. Garrison’s mother because we won’t even let you get close to her!”
The fighting experts were ready to lay down their lives for Emma.
“Kill him!”
Henry was like a hellhound from the deepest pit of Hell, and he started killing mercilessly.
The pure energy being was simply too strong.
It was almost impossible to touch him, so killing him was out of the question.
It didn’t take long before a mountain of corpses sit in front of Henry, and their blood dripped down like a crimson river streaming down from a mountain.
It didn’t matter how strong the fighters were. They still weren’t on par with Henry.
“You think you can flee? I won’t let that happen!”
Henry could detect everything that was happening in his surrounding area, so he was quick to learn that someone was trying to help Emma flee the place.
It didn’t take long before he vanished before everybody’s eyes.
When he showed up again, he was standing in the forest behind the Jones residence.
He was standing right in front of Emma and was blocking her way.
“You should all leave. He only wants me dead, so there is no need for the rest of you to sacrifice unnecessarily!”
Emma was trying her best to get those protecting her to leave because she didn’t want anyone else to die for her sake.
“No! Mr. Garrison is dead, so no matter what, we can’t let you perish too!”
The bodyguards were ridiculously firm.
“You boys take her and run. We’ll buy you some time.”
A bunch of fighting experts went after Henry immediately after.
Unfortunately, Henry instantly broke through.
Every single one of them exploded in a matter of seconds.
“Do you really think you can escape from me? Never!”
Henry sneered. He showed up right in front of Emma a second later and reached for her.
Just then, a person suddenly showed up and forced Henry to back away with just one punch.
Wynona had shown up!
“Mia, take Aunt Emma and run. I’ll deal with this guy,” said Wynona.
Mia didn’t waste any time and was quick to leave with Emma.
A cruel grin showed up on Henry’s lips as he commented, “You are good, and your power is abundant. However, you will die at my hands today. None of you can protect her!”


Chapter 2094 Wynona And The Robed Slayer Failed

“Are you sure? Things are not set in stone though,” replied Wynona before she attacked immediately after.
Wynona was ridiculously strong at that moment.

She was able to draw out her strength with extreme ease and precision at the time.
Boom! Bang! Crash!
It seemed that Henry had finally met his match.
He couldn’t kill Wynona easily and within seconds unlike he did with everyone else.
For a moment there, Wynona had him stuck in one place.
She landed punch after punch on Henry, but his distorted and injured body healed itself immediately after.
Hence, he remained unaffected.
The speed at which he healed himself was different from the way everyone else healed themselves.
He was a pure energy being, so he no longer had a physical body to begin with.
In a way, he was just energized atoms.
Wynona’s attacks were as aggressive as the most terrifying tsunami and the scariest tornado.
However, she still couldn’t hurt Henry.
He was unstoppable!
Henry had shown just how terrifying pure energy beings could be.
It didn’t matter how powerful or skilled Wynona was. She simply couldn’t hurt him.
Henry stood there and let Wynona hit him but even then, he remained unscathed.
“My turn now.”
As two previous pure energy beings had limited power, the experiments done on Henry’s body were improved.
That was why Henry’s power was horrifying.
Henry threw a punch mercilessly.
Wynona was hit so hard that she flew backwards.
It seemed that she was no match against Henry, after all.
Still, she got up and continued fighting.
The downside was that Henry was too strong, and Wynona flew backward once more.
That battle shook the entire Erudia to its core.
Even Garrison Industry received the news. Naturally, that meant that Azure Dragon and the others learned about it as well.
“We should report this to our boss, but we don’t even know where he is now! Maybe we should just go rescue everyone on our own.”
Azure Dragon and the others were about to leave when the Robed Slayer showed up to stop them.
“Everyone here has an even more important mission on hand, so you can’t risk exposing yourselves. No one is paying attention to you now, but once you reveal yourselves, Mr. Garrison’s plan will become even more difficult to implement. You guys stay. I’ll go and deal with the matter instead,” suggested the Robed Slayer.
After saying his piece, the Robed Slayer left.
Henry didn’t want to continue wasting his time with Wynona, so he knocked her out and chased after Emma.
By then, Mia had already taken Emma far away, but Henry still managed to catch up to them.
“You can never run away from me!” declared Henry evilly.
The Dragonites and The Cardinal Hall sent their experts over right away to defeat Henry, but they were not a match against him.
Every single one of them fell.
Mia and her people were even less capable, so they definitely couldn’t stop Henry.
Only Wynona was stronger and could at least hold him off for a while.
“Forget about it. Just let him kill me. All I ask, Henry Lopez, is that you let everyone else go.”
Emma didn’t want anyone else to sacrifice their lives for her.
“That will never happen, for I am here!” announced someone in an icy tone.
The Robed Slayer had arrived.
The Cardinal Hall was about to get out the big guns, but they paused when they saw the guy there.
With this dude around, it is likely that Henry Lopez won’t be able to further disrupt the peace.
All of Erudia was paying attention to that fight.
Naturally, Bruce and the others had been monitoring the situation closely as well.
The Robed Slayer was worshipped in Raysonia as a deity, and many looked up to him.
Him showing up made everyone else felt safer.
It seemed that everything could be solved with him around.
Even Emma, Mia, and the others thought so.
The Robed Slayer is here, so Henry will surely fail now.
The moment the Robbed Slayer showed up, Bruce ordered Henry, “Kill him!”
A battle ensued.
The Robbed Slayer didn’t hold back and gave the battle everything he had.
He went all out.
After Levi gave the Robed Slayer some pointers, the latter’s strength grew to a whole new level.
Hence, everyone was looking at the incredibly powerful Robbed Slayer at the time.
Unfortunately, Henry was still stronger.
He was indestructible and unkillable, so it didn’t matter how terrifying the Robbed Slayer was. The latter simply couldn’t kill the former.
In fact, the Robbed Slayer couldn’t even injure Henry.
That was just how scary and how powerful pure energy beings were!
After the initial assessment, Henry started retaliating.
As time passed, the Robbed Slayer began backing away.
The battle ended with the Robbed Slayer’s utter defeat where he couldn’t even get back up anymore.


Chapter 2095 Who Else Would Come To Your Rescue

Erudia was in dead silence the second the Robbed Slayer fell.
“What kind of a monster is that?”

“He defeated the Robbed Slayer? Is there anyone out there who is a match against him?”
Bruce was delighted.
Seeing how Henry had defeated the Robbed Slayer made Bruce feel immensely proud.
The Robbed Slayer was worshipped as a deity after that one battle where he annihilated The Dark Sun.
That made him an extremely important figure in Erudia… maybe even in the entire world.
Hence, defeating the Robbed Slayer was basically equivalent to destroying the holiest part of everybody’s heart.
The council members of the Lab of Gods called right away to praise Bruce.
They also promoted him and gave him more power.
That got Bruce even more excited.
He was tempted to create more pure energy beings and send them over to Erudia.
At that moment, he was already picturing how the Lopez and Black families would all be converted into pure energy beings.
They will wreak havoc in all of Erudia…
“Keep pushing. Threaten Levi Garrison’s mother and force The Cardinal Hall to attack!” instructed Bruce to Henry.
On the field.
Henry had his leg on the Robbed Slayer’s neck as he threatened, “All I need to do is push, and he’ll drop dead! I’d like to see who else would come to rescue Levi Garrison’s mother.”
Thousands of people had heard the news and rushed over. Most of them used to serve under Levi or had received his help in the past.
Hence, everyone was ready to die for Emma.
However, seeing the powerful Robbed Slayer’s defeat…
That got everyone to become quiet.
How are we supposed to fight this creature? We might have more people on our side, but there is no way we can protect her.
Henry was simply too strong.
Various organizations had been observing and analyzing Henry.
In a matter of hours, the guy had already been flagged and ranked as a highly dangerous individual.
The problem was that even at that moment, no one knew how Henry suddenly became that strong.
The council members in Dragonites sent a request to The Cardinal Hall and asked them to help stop Henry.
If Henry continues walking down this path, he will create a disaster.
The Cardinal Hall agreed to help out and was making the necessary arrangements.
Help would be there, but they needed some time.
That was understandable since The Cardinal Hall’s experts were usually in solitary training.
Some would be in solitude for decades or even up to a century before they show themselves. Even members of The Cardinal Hall might not have met any of them.
They were very much like the Eragon and would only reveal themselves when Erudia was in grave danger.
That’s right. Henry might be strong, but things hadn’t progress to the extent where Erudia was in grave danger.
By right, neither Eragon nor the Cardinal Hall would show up just to save one person, but Levi had contributed too much to the country. Hence, they made an exception for his mother.
Sending their men over was the best they could do at that moment.
“The Cardinal Hall is going to send their experts over, but it will take them some time to do that. We must hold Henry back until then.”
“Then we must join forces!”
Wynona had since regained some of her strength, so she was leading everyone.
Emma, on the other hand, was trying to convince them to just sacrifice her.
However, was anyone really there to protect Emma?
Perhaps they were there to protect their family and their country…
Emma had since turned into a symbol of hope and family for the country, so they would let anyone else fall but her.
“Do you really think you can stop me?” scoffed Henry.
Wynona joined forces with the others, and they began circling around Henry.
The Robbed Slayer managed to free himself and joined in the fight as well.
It was undeniable that everyone worked better when a leader was there to guide them.
At the very least, they were able to do the most damage and made it so that it was difficult for Henry to crush them.
The downside was that Henry was simply too strong.
Everyone was united and played to their strengths to maximize the impact on Henry.
The truth was that their combined attack still couldn’t hurt Henry, but they could buy some time for The Cardinal Hall to send their expert over.
Their efforts might seem meager, but it was effective.
They actually managed to hold Henry off for a while.
Unfortunately, Henry’s attack became more aggressive after he figured out what they were trying to do.
At first, they thought that they could buy the Cardinal Hall thirty minutes, but Henry had since sped up and became more aggressive.
Ten minutes…
It only took Henry ten minutes to kick Wynona, the Robbed Slayer, and all other fighting experts out of the way.
There were several thousand fighters there, but none could even stand.
In fact, Wynona and the others didn’t even have the strength to crawl.
Emma was the only one left there.
In a matter of seconds, Henry zipped to Emma and threatened, “Now, let’s see if there is anyone around to rescue you.”


Chapter 2096 Who Is The One That Rescued Emma

Wynona and the others screamed with a broken heart, but there was nothing else they could do.

They watched in agony and despair.
It seemed that only the fighters from The Cardinal Hall could defeat Henry at that point.
“Kill her! We don’t need to threaten her or hold her hostage. Killing her will be sufficient, and The Cardinal hall will be forced to retaliate,” ordered Bruce, whose voice came running into Henry’s ears.
“Kill her!”
Henry threw a punch at Emma.
That single punch could kill her instantly.
Mia, Wynona, and the others teared up. No one wanted to see it happen.
In the end, we can’t keep her safe.
Just before the punch reached Emma, a silhouette zipped over at a speed that even Henry couldn’t detect.
The opponent threw a punch as well, and that forced Henry to back away.
The mysterious man grabbed Emma and left immediately after. He moved like lightning and disappeared without a trace.
Henry chased after the guy right away, but the mysterious man was too fast. No one could even register what had happened.
Despite that, Henry was able to chase after the guy.
As they ran, several fighting experts showed up to stop Henry.
They didn’t care that Henry would kill them instantly and were simply trying to slow him down.
That was why they attacked in four or five batches to disrupt Henry’s flow.
Each batch might only be able to buy the mysterious man several seconds, but they still managed to buy enough time for Emma to escape.
No one was there for Henry to chase after when he finally finished dealing with everyone.
Despite his strength, he was unable to trace the guy or follow him.
The mysterious man had vanished without a trace.
Henry was flabbergasted, and so was everyone else.
It was obvious that their opponent came prepared.
Heck, he even chose the people who would stand in Henry’s way and buy him enough time to escape with Emma!
“W-who was that?”
Everyone was stunned and confused.
Obviously, that wasn’t the fighter from The Cardinal Hall.
If he was, he would not have rescued Emma via an ambush. He would fight head-on instead.
So who is the person who rescued Emma? Everyone who used to be indebted to or in league with Levi is here. Hell, even the Robbed Slayer and the Team Of Secret Warriors are here, so who could that mysterious person be?
And the guy is incredibly powerful. He actually managed to rescue Emma when Henry had his grip on her. That act was so reckless that it was basically equivalent to plucking the tiger’s tooth!
Even the Robbed Slayer had to admit that he wasn’t as strong.
He wasn’t sure if he had the strength to rescue anyone who was being held by Henry.
Moreover, it seems that the guy is well-versed in the kind of power that Henry has. The former didn’t waste a second and left as soon as he rescued Emma. He even set up obstacles to buying himself enough time to flee! This is all planned…
Everyone was stunned and confused.
They didn’t know who it was that rescued Emma.
No matter how they analyzed it, they simply couldn’t figure out who the mysterious person was.
Even the Robbed Slayer was flabbergasted, and he was the only person on site who knew that Levi was still alive!
Was that Levi? It seems unlikely, though. Given the guy’s style, he would not have left after rescuing Emma. He will definitely stay and kill Henry. Moreover, he is in solitary training now, so it’s not possible for him to show up here… Did Azure Dragon and the others stage this rescue?
The Robbed Slayer was quick to dismiss that last thought.
They are skilled fighters, but they are not so strong that they’d have what it takes to rescue someone who is within Henry’s grasp… So who is that mysterious man?
Despite the confusion, the Robbed Slayer still wasn’t the most dumb-founded guy there. That honor belonged to Henry.
He was so angry that he almost lost his mind.
The second he set foot in Erudia, he felt like he was a God who was in control of everything.
Yet, someone rescued his victim at the most crucial moment.
That was such an insult to him.
Henry was furious, but Bruce’s rage burned even wilder.
“What the hell happened, Henry? How could you let someone rescue her when she is right in front of you? Ah, you useless piece of trash! You can’t even manage to kill a weak, helpless woman. You are such a stupid dumba*s!”
Hearing Bruce’s diss got Henry even angrier.
He took off right away and started searching blindly for Emma.
I must kill her or this will leave an insulting mark on my record!
On the other side.
Emma had already been taken to a safe spot by then.
She stared at the stranger standing right in front of her and thanked him. After that, she asked, “Are you connected to Levi?”
“Uhm, we’re acquainted, but I won’t dare to impose or call myself his comrade,” replied the guy.
“Then, will it be alright for me to know who you are?” asked Emma, who was extremely curious.
“Of course. Actually, I am…”


Chapter 2097 You Are His Master

The guy grinned and replied, “Yeah, they call me the Fiery Demon.”
That’s right.

The person who rescued Emma in a nick of time was none other than Cyrus.
He had been eager to serve Levi ever since he saw the seal on him.
First, he let Levi go, and then he went to rescue Levi’s mother.
Cyrus even rescued the woman from his own partner.
If Bruce were to learn about everything Cyrus had done, it was likely that the former would get so angry that he would die of high blood pressure.
After Cyrus shared his reasons with Bruce, the latter trusted the former completely and allowed the former to cooperate with the Lab of Gods for free.
Even after everything that had happened, Bruce still wouldn’t think that Cyrus was the traitor.
Who would’ve thought that the guy would betray everyone after seeing the seal?
Heck, he even went against his words twice in a row.
“You’re the Fiery Demon?”
It was obvious that Emma knew all about who the Fiery Demon was.
The Dark Sun once spread fake news about Levi being the Fiery Demon’s heir to drive a wedge between Levi and his comrade. That made Levi the target of countless assassins, and that was why Emma remembered that name well.
I can’t believe that the Fiery Demon is the one who came to my rescue.
“Are you my son’s master?” asked Emma curiously.
The Fiery Demon sighed.
Me? As Levi Garrison’s master? I am not powerful enough, nor I am worthy of that. Heck, I might not even be worthy of being his servant!
“Please rest here for now. It’d be dangerous if you leave the place,” informed Cyrus as he helped Emma settle down.
The truth was that there was no need to worry about Emma’s safety at all.
Cyrus could just share the news about how Emma was the mother of the person who owned the seal.
That would prompt every member of the Ancient Clans to run over and protect her.
The first thing the Robbed Slayer did after the fight was to go to Azure Dragon and the others.
He asked if they were the one who rescued Emma.
“No, that wasn’t our doing.”
“We aren’t strong enough!”
Everyone was stunned.
“Who do you think the mysterious guy is?”
The Robbed Slayer was basically asking Azure Dragon and the others to analyze the situation.
It’s possible that the mysterious man is someone none of us know.
“I don’t know. I can’t think of anyone except the boss himself, but he is still in solitary training…”
Everyone shook their heads.
“Should we report this matter to the boss? It’s his mother, after all, so it is a grave matter,” said Phoenix.
The Robbed Slayer shook his head and replied, “There’s no need for that. Just let Mr. Garrison train in peace. The mysterious man jumped through so many hoops to rescue Emma, so I am sure she is fine. Besides, I will go look for her.”
“That’s true. If he can rescue Emma, then he probably has what it takes to keep her safe as well.”
Everything Henry did in Erudia was no more than a tv show for the council members of the Lab of Gods.
They would clap and compliment if the show was good, but they wouldn’t care if the show wasn’t good.
At that moment, their main concern was how the Ancient Clan was stirring.
Bruce’s superior, the guy who enjoyed playing with his poker cards, and a few other members gathered around once more.
“We’ve contacted an Ancient Clan in Baykeep, but they rejected our offer when we tried to extend a helping hand.”
“Same here. We got in touch with an Ancient Clan in Adrune, but they shunned us.
“Fortunately, we managed to learn something from that trip. The Ancient Clans are stirring because they saw some sort of totem and are looking for a person! We can’t learn anything else, though. These people are real tight-lipped and refuse to let anyone join them. They even threatened to kill us if we try to do so.”
Bruce’s superior sighed and commented, “Let’s just pray that this will all work out in our favor.”
On the other side, Henry had searched the entire place, but he still couldn’t find Emma.
That infuriated Henry and made him kill every person he came across.
Bruce allowed him to do so.
The former’s objective had always been to get Henry to cause mayhem in Erudia, anyway.
“You insolent fool! How dare you cause so much destruction in Erudia?” growled someone.
The fighters from The Cardinal Hall finally showed up, and they were after Henry.


Chapter 2098 The Cardinal Hall Finally Got Their Fighters Over

There were a total of three people there, and all three were middle-aged individuals.
Two of them were men, whereas one was a woman.

They wore long-sleeved shirts and old-fashioned shoes like they were from Progressive Era.
That wasn’t strange because they actually were from that period.
What was strange was that all three of them looked ordinary, but they were the people that The Cardinal Hall had sent to defeat Henry.
Bruce got the scanned images from Henry and quickly had his team investigate everything there was to know about all three experts.
Only the Cardinal Hall had what it took to send fighters over at a time like that.
Hence, Bruce knew that he had to pay attention.
It was undeniable that the intelligence unit of the Lab of Gods was incredible. Not only had they gathered the information for hundreds of years, they even had access to information from all around the world.
It only took them a few seconds to figure out who all three fighters were.
All three of them went missing… or rather, they were declared dead ages ago during the war.
All three of them barely showed up on the records and there were only a few entries of them.
Moreover, they didn’t appear in any significant events and were only seen in random, unknown places.
Time should’ve erased all traces of their existence, and their names should’ve been lost like the thousands of people who had starved during that period.
The footprints they left were so small that they were no different from the countless ants that no one ever paid attention to.
No one should be able to learn who they were, but the Lab of Gods still managed to get something out of their database.
Those were three strange individuals.
They were either born when a strange phenomenon occurred or have strange things happen around them as they grew up.
As a result, their families disowned them and abandoned them like they were trash.
The truth, however, was that they didn’t die of starvation because of that. They reappeared much later.
Who would’ve thought that the three of them were chosen by The Cardinal Hall?
The Lab of Gods was undeniably powerful because they recorded even footprints as small as that!
However, the Lab of Gods knew nothing about their capabilities and techniques.
But it was a good start, though.
Bruce was going to get the Cardinal Hall to reveal their trump cards one by one.
The most ideal situation was if every single expert The Cardinal Hall had at their disposal was revealed.
That way, Bruce could learn everything about them and create a specific plan to deal with each and every one of them.
He was basically learning all their strengths and weaknesses to develop the best strategy.
“Try fighting them and test their skills,” instructed Bruce.
Henry attacked all three of them right away.
The three elderlies didn’t back away. Instead, they forged ahead.
All three of them pushed their palms forward. It might look like the simplest gesture, but the force they exuded was terrifying.
Together, they sent Henry flying backward.
It was obvious that they were all more powerful than Wynona or the Robbed Slayer.
Mia, Zoey, and Wynona actually knew all three elderlies because they were the ones who guided the ladies when they first joined The Cardinal Hall.
Naturally, Forlevia was being trained by someone even more powerful.
The Cardinal Hall had sent all three of them to deal with Henry, and that showed just how serious they were.
“Take him.”
All three of them attacked and tried to lock Henry down.
An invisible force pushed Henry down right away.
He was unkillable, though, so he remained unscratched despite the heavy force crushing down on him.
Henry tried to retaliate, but they were too powerful and were able to deal with all of his attacks.
Hence, both sides were unable to hurt each other.
Henry was on the same level as all three of them.
Bruce had his men analyze his three opponents’ strengths and weaknesses.
“I guess Henry has reached its limit and is about as strong as the other three. Looks like we will have to upgrade our pure energy beings if we are going to force The Cardinal Hall to reveal all their trump cards. Fortunately, the experiment done on Shaun is a success, and he is even stronger than his old man. Oh, and there’s also Logan, Melanie, and the others. The experiments done on them will be finished soon as well. Send everyone who’s ready over now!”
What Bruce had to do next was to send out even more pure energy beings of greater strength.
Young people are healthier and that is an advantage.
“Henry, you are to leave now. We can’t afford to let you waste your energy there!”
Henry fled immediately after receiving Bruce’s instructions.
All three elderlies were strong, but they still couldn’t stop Henry from fleeing.
They simply couldn’t catch up.
At first, they thought that Henry departing meant that the threat they faced was no longer there.
They never dreamed that an even bigger threat was just around the corner.


Chapter 2099 A Bunch Of Monsters

Henry soon became a hot topic.
He was unkillable, so who could stop him?

The Cardinal Hall could send out its best fighters, but they still couldn’t eradicate Henry.
That was why they were focused on learning how Henry suddenly became that strong.
All of Erudia was troubled.
They worried about Henry and wondered what they could do if he ever came after them.
No one was aware of the fact that Henry’s strength came from the Lab of Gods.
If they knew, they would probably die of worry.
Henry was all irritated about how he couldn’t kill Emma, but Bruce didn’t actually care. Levi was already dead, so Bruce thought that Emma’s survival was of no importance.
However, he was concerned about how someone was able to rescue her from right under Henry’s nose.
Who could it be? It’s certainly not someone from The Cardinal Hall…
Bruce couldn’t think of anyone.
“Our analysis shows that these men knew a lot about pure energy beings. Look at the people they sent over. These men have abilities that are most effective against pure energy beings.”
“Really? I can’t believe it. Huh, but not many people know about the pure energy beings, and even less are aware of the fact that Henry has been turned into a pure energy being. In fact, no one knows anything about our operations…”
Bruce was deeply confused about everything.
Could the Sacred Organization be behind this? But they have no motive. Why would they try to rescue an old, fragile woman? It won’t benefit them in any way!”
It seemed that the old saying was true. Sometimes, a person’s greatest enemy was right in front of them.
Bruce never thought that the traitor would turn out to be Cyrus.
Inside the Sacred Organization’s headquarters.
“The Lab of Gods had officially released its pure energy beings, and no one knows how to deal with them for now. They are indestructible and unkillable, so it won’t matter how strong the opponent is because these pure energy beings won’t die.”
Death Fiend and the others couldn’t help gasping upon hearing that.
Just then, a taunt came to them. A guy said, “That’s because the fighters aren’t strong enough.”
“Does that mean you know how to deal with them, your highness?”
Everyone was surprised.
The Dark Emperor scoffed and ignored everyone before he went to check up on Zoey.
He had just entered the room when he sensed a dreadful aura emanating from her.
It was obvious that Zoey had reached a whole new level.
Henry kept his head down after fleeing, and The Cardinal Hall didn’t make any moves. It was likely that the latter was busy researching ways to destroy pure energy beings.
The peace lasted for a while.
Garrison Industry grew exponentially with the help of many others.
It had long overtaken Gamma Tech and was still growing quickly.
They even invented tons of weapons and modern technologies.
At the same time, more and more geniuses were hired as well.
Those geniuses actually had many ideas, but they had limited resources, so they couldn’t spread their wings and go all out.
Garrison Industry gave them what they needed to explore, and that allowed them to create the gadgets they had in mind.
The Robbed Slayer and the others were pleasantly surprised to see how quickly Garrison Industry was growing.
The company developed so rapidly that it had overtaken its competitors before anyone even realized what was going on.
Bruce’s research on pure energy beings was becoming more and more intensive as well.
Surprisingly, every member of the Lopez and Black families successfully transformed into pure energy beings, and they were all stronger than Henry.
One by one, they snuck past Erudia’s borders, as per Bruce’s instruction. They met up with Henry and were getting ready to make a scene.
The next part of Bruce’s plan was to create the most powerful pure energy being that was similar to or more powerful than Jared.
Levi remained lost.
He was still in solitary training, and the Ancient Clans were getting more and more anxious as they expanded their search.
They had to find the owner of the seal.
Unfortunately, the owner, like the seal itself, was nowhere to be seen.
Even Cyrus couldn’t find a clue despite his extensive search.
It took some time, but members of the Lopez and Black families, which had been turned into pure energy beings, had finally gathered.
That got Harry and the others ever so delighted.
Their children and grandchildren were finally back!
What they didn’t know was that the beings standing in front of them weren’t even humans anymore.
Those were nothing but a bunch of monsters!


Chapter 2100 Negotiation

The way everyone had gathered meant that a disaster was about to happen.
Henry was able to turn Erudia upside down all on his own.

Even the experts that The Cardinal Hall sent over couldn’t do anything about it. Henry fled on his own accord.
At that moment, a bunch of pure energy beings had gathered, and each was stronger than the one before.
No one had any idea what disaster they would bring about when they work in unison.
Shaun and the others were eager to show off their strength after they received their “gifts”.
They were more ambitious than ordinary people and craved control above all else.
“According to Mr. Johnston, we are to spread out across Erudia and become the ruler of all the regions!
“How about this? We will form groups of two and travel to every region to conquer it
“If any of us encounters fighters we cannot defeat, we will send out the signals, and the ones closest to the signal shall rush over to help. “If our opponent is simply too strong, we will all gather to take our opponent down.”
Shaun was the strongest pure energy being there, and he was quick to create a plan.
With that, everyone formed groups of two and traveled to different regions.
It only took a few days for a single phenomenon to show up in every corner of Erudia. Mysterious fighters had shown up and gone on a murder spree. They had killed dozens of skilled fighters.
Those mysterious fighters were too strong and could not be defeated.
Hence, they took over powerful organizations until everything was within their control.
Anyone who refused to bow down to them would be killed.
The protectors that the Dragonites and The Cardinal Hall sent over were all annihilated.
No one survived.
It seemed that those mysterious fighters were deliberately going after the protectors.
Everything happened almost simultaneously.
The phenomenon that occurred earlier in North Hampton had started taking place in the other regions.
According to the reports, the mysterious fighters looked a lot like Henry, and their fighting styles were practically identical.
That suggested that Henry wasn’t the only enhanced fighter there. Instead, there were over a dozen of them, and they had spread out all over Erudia!
Over a dozen fighters who were similar to Henry… Even the thought of it could give everyone a headache.
Having even one of them show up was troubling enough, and it took three of the Cardinal Hall’s top fighters to chase the guy away.
With over a dozen around…
What do we do? Where do these people even come from?
The investigation took place immediately.
The results shook everyone to the core because every mysterious fighter was related to the Lopez and Black families.
Among them were Henry’s brother, son, niece, and other family members.
Those were the same bunch of people who fled Erudia when the country was in trouble and was deported by Zarain afterward.
They were also banned from entering the country after a restraining order was issued.
But what have they gone through? How did they suddenly become so strong? And they even made plans to cause unrest in different regions of Erudia by killing so many fighters.
None of that made sense.
The Dragonites and The Cardinal Hall were all stumped.
Henry alone was enough to give them a headache.
What more, there were more than ten of them running around…
The disaster they cause will be catastrophic!
The Cardinal Hall had been investigating Henry for quite some time, but they couldn’t find anything.
He disappeared after being deported and suddenly showed up out of nowhere.
With over ten of them running around, it became obvious that there was a mastermind behind it all.
“What should we do?”
The Cardinal Hall’s representative was discussing the matter with the Dragonites’ representative.
“They obviously planned this, so if we were to take them out, we will have to get The Cardinal Hall and Eragon to send fighters of better quality in a larger quantity.
“According to the reports we received, Henry is the weakest of them all. Hence, dealing with just a few of them will be ridiculously difficult and dealing with all of them seems to be an impossible task.”
“Then, what should we do?” asked the representative from the Cardinal Hall.
“I think we should negotiate with them. Let’s figure out what they want instead of attacking blindly.”
“Yes, solving the matter peacefully is the best solution. After all, they used to be Erudian; perhaps, we can grant them what they want.”
“It’d be best if they can be of use to us.”
In the end, The Cardinal Hall and Dragonites decided to send someone in to talk to Shaun and the others.
For the time being, they would be civil.


Chapter 2101 What If He Is Still Alive

Shaun and the others laughed aloud when they saw the negotiator there.
They couldn’t believe that there would come a day when the most martial arts organization in Erudia would bow down to them and ask to negotiate.

There was a time when Shaun’s life was miserable.
He kept getting bullied in North Hampton and had to lower his stance wherever he went.
Things only became worse after he got exiled and lost his citizenship—he couldn’t even return to Erudia.
The table had really turned, and even the most powerful organization in Erudia wanted to negotiate.
That sudden and intense change flattered them.
It wouldn’t even be an exaggeration to say that Shaun and his family were controlling a region each.
That was the power that Bruce granted them, and he promised that he could make them even stronger!
“Negotiate? What is there to talk about?” sneered Shaun.
He was firm at that moment.
“Well, let’s lay everything on the table. Every one of you used to be an Erudian. Won’t it be great if you can contribute to your home country now that you have learned all these incredible skills?
“Besides, you don’t have any enemies here in Erudia, right? Why are you killing our citizens for no reason?”
The negotiator was trying to solve the issue peacefully.
“What do you mean we have no enemies? Remember how all of you treated us when we were deported? The country even put a restraining order in place to ban us from coming back! As such, all Erudians are our enemy!” scoffed Shaun and the others.
“Why the f*ck are we negotiating with these assh*les? Do you not know what you did? There’s a reason my master put the restraining order in place, and that was to stop idiots like you lot from entering the country!”
One of Levi’s many disciples scolded.
They were chosen to participate in the negotiation, but they were unhappy about it. If they could, they would chase Shaun and the others out of the country right away.
“Hahaha, the restraining order? You did everything to prevent us from entering, but here we are.
“That proves that the restraining order is only applicable to the weaklings. It is not effective against us, and it can’t do sh*t to us. It won’t matter how many guards you have patrolling the borders because it won’t work! And now that you are defeated, you are crawling to us to negotiate. Hah, this is so ridiculous.”
No one could refute Shaun’s words or do anything about how arrogant he was behaving.
The truth was that Erudia couldn’t stop those monsters.
Even dealing with one of them would exhaust the country’s resources, so managing the entire group was almost impossible.
They had become a tremendous threat.
That was why the Dragonites and The Cardinal Hall were trying to negotiate.
“Oh yeah, Levi Garrison is the one who put the restraining order in place, right? We’ve broken the rule, so where is he now? Get him to chase us out of the country and kill us then!”
Shaun laughed aloud.
His family chimed in and insulted, “Awh, he won’t be able to come anymore because he is dead. His enemy hated him so much that they even melted his body. “
Shaun and the others laughed like maniacs.
Their waves of laughter were cruelly stinging Floyd and the others.
The latter clenched their fists and wanted to go all out to try to kill Shaun and his family.
However, Floyd and his team knew that they weren’t strong enough.
Heck, they couldn’t even defeat Henry when he came alone.
“You lot are his disciples, right? Now that Levi is dead, you should carry out his restraining order. Come on. Come chase us out and kill us!” taunted Shaun deliberately.
Floyd and the others were so angry that they were about to lose it.
They wanted to attack even if it meant their deaths.
The other negotiators, however, were quick to stop them. One negotiator reminded, “No! You must ignore every word he says now. Attacking won’t benefit anyone at all. You’ll just end up dying for no reason, and this might even exacerbate a bad situation.”
Floyd and the others had to hold it in for everybody else’s sake.
The only person they blamed was themselves.
If only I were stronger. If I were strong enough, I can stop these j*rks and chase them away!
“I guess that means that Levi’s disciples are all useless and only serve to embarrass the guy,” said Shaun with a smile before he added, “You guys are here to negotiate, right? Then, let’s start with having Levi’s disciples go on their knees and bow to us. Also, cancel the restraining order that Levi placed!”
Shaun’s family sneered and pointed out, “That’s right. Levi is already dead, so he can no longer enforce his restraining order. What’s the point of keeping it, then?”
“Just you wait! My master might still be alive.”


Chapter 2102 How I Wish He Were Alive

Floyd and the others shouted in displeasure, but they knew that it was impossible.
If Levi were alive, he would’ve shown up ages ago. There would be no need to stay hidden for so long.

Still, Floyd and his men held out for hope and lied to themselves to remain motivated.
They truly wished for Levi to be alive.
These j*rks won’t be this arrogant if Levi is around!
“Levi Garrison? So what if he is alive? Do you really think that I will be afraid of him when I am this strong?” scoffed Shaun.
Everyone became quiet.
He is right!
Levi had rescued Erudia countless times, so everyone subconsciously regarded him as an invincible being.
However, taking a closer look at the matter would reveal that it wouldn’t matter even if he were alive.
Everybody remembered that Levi’s skills were on the same level as the Robed Slayer.
Yet, Henry managed to defeat the Robed Slayer with ease.
So, given how Shaun was even stronger than Henry, there was no way Levi could defeat him!
Shaun sneered and added, “We actually wish for him to be still alive. That way, we can kill him with our own hands, skin him alive, and rip him apart! I will dismember him so that he would have to have a close casket.”
When Bruce first approach the family, he asked if they wanted to get back at Levi and offered to give them the strength to do so. To their dismay, Levi was already dead by the time they gained that power.
Many were really upset about it.
Floyd and the others were so angry that they were about to go crazy.
“We can talk after you’ve complied with these two conditions. If you don’t… well, you know the consequences.”
“Yeah! Geez, I just can’t deal with Levi’s disciples. Get them to kneel down to us, and hurry up or there will be no grounds for negotiation!”
Shaun and his family were as arrogant as they could get.
They wouldn’t be satisfied until they see Floyd and his men on their knees.
The other negotiators turned to Floyd and requested, “P-please kneel just this once? For the sake of peace and for Erudia.”
Floyd and the others were furious. “We will die for Erudia, but we can’t get ourselves to kneel to j*rks like them!
“Besides, don’t you understand what will happen if we give in to their second condition? Once the restraining order is lifted, all the trashy people will rush back to Erudia. Have you ever considered what that would do to our country?”
“Exactly! Moreover, Erudia’s reputation will suffer greatly if we lift the restraining order. We will be known as the nation of cowards which has admitted defeat!”
“Is that what you want?”
Floyd and his men got the other negotiators to shut up.
They wanted to solve the issues peacefully, but they didn’t want to bring any trouble to Erudia.
“If you’re not going to kneel, then you should just f*ck off!”
The negotiators were chased away and had to return to their posts to further discuss the matter.
The way they saw it was that the first condition was easy to fulfill.
All the higher-ups had to do was to command Floyd and the others to kneel when the time came.
The second condition, however, was a little more challenging.
Then, Shaun and the others continued their tyranny.
They conquered city after city and would kill anyone who refused to join them.
Many Erudian fighters, including those on the Gem List, went to challenge them, but everyone failed.
Even the strongest fighters that The Cardinal Hall had, the three masters to Zoey and her gang, went to challenge Shaun.
They did that because they were angry and because the Cardinal Hall wanted them to test the waters and see just how strong the pure energy beings were.
When they fought against Henry the last time, they managed to have him pinned down, even though he got away later.
Unfortunately, they were defeated when they went up against Shaun.
In fact, if they hadn’t fled fast enough, they would’ve all died by Shaun’s hands.
That was a piece of cruel news to Erudia and the rest of the world.
Shaun and his family had become so strong that they were unstoppable.
The fighters on the Gem List were no match against them, and the Cardinal Hall’s top three fighters were defeated as well.
Who else was strong enough to defeat them?
And who could stop them if they were to join forces?
They were causing mayhem everywhere they went and had caused unrest in Erudia.
With all the above, Bruce achieved his goal.
His intention had always been to push Erudia and force them to reveal all of their trump cards.
“Shaun, your next mission is…”
Bruce gave everyone a new mission.


Chapter 2103 Forlevia As The Collateral Damage

“Force the Cardinal Hall to hand Levi’s kid over. Tell them that you will all leave the country if they let you have the kid!”
That was the mission that Bruce gave them.

Everyone knew just how talented Forlevia was, and even the core members of the Lab of Gods paid close attention.
They wanted Forlevia to join them.
One of the high-rank officials of the Lab of Gods even said, “A genius like her can turn the tide for everyone.”
As an added bonus, forcing Erudia to sacrifice Forlevia was equivalent to getting them to admit defeat.
Erudia’s international reputation would fall, and they would be a global laughing stock.
That was what Bruce truly wanted!
At The Manifest Court in The Cardinal Hall.
Several people were standing there.
Those were the divine generals of The Cardinal Hall, and they were responsible for dealing with major issues that the Cardinal Hall faced.
The weight of the responsibility on their shoulders was especially heavy when the council members of The Cardinal Hall were in solitary training.
At that moment, they were at The Manifest Court to ask about how Shaun and the others became that strong.
A loud voice boomed within The Manifest Court and replied, “Shaun and the thirty-seven other individuals got their strengths from the Lab of Gods. Bruce had restarted Jared’s experiments. He had turned Shaun and the others into pure energy beings. In another word, they no longer have a physical body. That is why they are unkillable.”
“I see. That means this is Bruce’s scheme all along! No country would accept these people, and they had no citizenship, so Bruce took advantage of them. He turned them into weapons to test our capabilities and force us to reveal our trump cards!”
The divine generals were quick to put two and two together.
The voice in The Manifest Court replied, “You have been focused on your mission to protect the country over the past centuries, but that is holding you back and keeping you secluded. “On the other hand, secret organizations from other countries had been planning their assaults. Some had been doing so for hundreds of years.
“The Lab of Gods, for example, had been planning this for a while, and their goal is to conquer Erudia. “They had long thought about how to deal with The Cardinal Hall and Eragon, and this is their way of testing your strengths. “In fact, this is not the first time they carried out tests like these. They had done it a dozen times. “You reacted too slowly, and if we are being honest, Levi Garrison is way better than the entire Cardinal Hall!”
The divine generals were furious about being reprimanded, but there was nothing they could do.
These individuals came from prominent backgrounds, and every single one of them was a skilled fighter.
Hence, they refused to admit defeat.
The Cardinal Hall and Eragon were highly respected entities.
On the contrary, Levi did things in unorthodox ways despite his incredible strength and intelligence.
How are we lesser than Levi Garrison? Hah! No way!
The divine generals started discussing the matter as soon as they left. “So these people are sent to test our strength?”
“That means that we will have revealed our secrets even if we send one of our people over.”
“Then, we can’t send our people in.”
Shaun and the others kept causing a racket in Erudia, and no one could stop them.
The Dragonites and the Cardinal Hall were forced to negotiate with Shaun yet again.
However, Shaun was the one who requested for it.
The Dragonites thought that The Cardinal Hall would never agree to it, but things took a surprising turn.
The Cardinal Hall agreed to talk and said that they would comply with the conditions that Shaun listed earlier.
The first condition was nothing to them since it was just a matter of commanding Floyd and the others to kneel before them.
The second condition would not hurt Erudia’s reputation if they share the news about how Levi was the one who put it in place and how the guy had since passed away.
It had been quite some time since the restraining order was put in place anyway, so it truly was nothing more than decorative.
That was why cancelling it would not matter much.
Everyone understood that Shaun and the others had become more arrogant after they defeated the fighters on the Gem List and the three fighters from The Cardinal Hall.
The negotiators met up with Shaun again.
“We are satisfied with the two conditions listed earlier and hand Levi Garrison’s kid over to us. We will leave Erudia right away. Don’t blame us for being cruel if you refuse to do so. No one in Erudia can stop us from wreaking more havoc.” Shaun got straight to the point.


Chapter 2104 The Elder Celia

Floyd and the others were even angrier after they heard the third condition.
What? Do they want to take the kid? No freaking way! We will die before we let that happen.

The other negotiators, however, sent the message to The Cardinal Hall right away.
The divine generals were the first to receive the news, and Forlevia’s masters were the next.
The ones assigned to train Forlevia were extremely powerful and had even more experience than the divine generals.
More than that, Forlevia’s masters didn’t just come from The Cardinal Hall. Every clan and team of Eragon sent their best and brightest to train Forlevia.
Hence, each and every one of her masters was much stronger than Zoey’s masters.
That was understandable since Forlevia was the most talented and might be the one who would lay the foundation for Eragon’s future.
In a way, she was the budding shield that would keep Erudia safe in the future, and she was simply too important.
That was why every single one of her masters was that terrifyingly powerful.
To put it bluntly, The Cardinal Hall and Eragon had always been secretive with their members.
Forlevia was the only outsider within their ranks, yet no one dared to offend her.
All that was because her masters were all too terrifyingly powerful and held important positions.
No one could afford to offend any of them.
In fact, Forlevia was the precious little angel that everyone cared for.
Forlevia’s masters were all infuriated when they heard about how Shaun demanded Forlevia to be handed over.
“What the hell? Oh, if anyone dares to agree to those terms, I will make them suffer!”
The one who spoke up was one of Forlevia’s female masters, and that particular master was from The Cardinal Hall.
Rumor had it that she was as powerful as the people who ran The Manifest Court.
She barged right into The Cardinal Hall and growled at the divine generals, “Which shameless oaf dares to target my disciple?”
The divine generals were shaken to their core.
“The Cardinal Hall has dozens of fighting experts, so just sent a couple in to deal with those losers! Why are we even considering the possibility of sacrificing my disciple? What the hell is on your mind? Why would the Cardinal Hall even need to negotiate with anyone?” roared Forlevia’s master.
It felt as if an earthquake had hit the place.
The divine generals were trembling then.
“We have not agreed to do anything yet. Also, the reason we haven’t done anything is because we are trying to come up with the best solution. The Lab of Gods is using these pure energy beings to test our strengths, and this is all a trick to get us to reveal our trump cards.
“We never actually considered letting them have Forlevia. Instead, we are trying to find a way to settle the issue peacefully and are only holding back so that we can retaliate in the future.”
The divine generals were quick to explain everything.
“The Cardinal Hall and Eragon aren’t just put together to protect Erudia when it is in its gravest situation. We are also tasked with protecting its reputation! Don’t you understand?
“Gah, never mind. You lot don’t need to care about any of this anymore. I’ll settle the matter!”
After saying her piece, Forlevia’s master left and slammed the door.
The divine generals were all stunned.
“Won’t the world turn upside down if she were to tackle the problem on her own?”
“Well, do you want to stop her? We all know that no one can stop her once she set her mind on something.”
The divine generals wanted to chase after Forlevia’s master and stop her, but they didn’t dare to do so. Hence, for a moment there, they were stunned in place and didn’t know what to do.
The negotiation would take place in Oakland City, and Shaun had every pure energy beings gathered over there.
All of them being there would put the most pressure on The Cardinal Hall.
The truth, however, was that they didn’t necessarily need to get Forlevia. Bruce was just trying to get under The Cardinal Hall’s skin and force the organization to retaliate.
“So how did it go? Have they made their decision? We won’t wait forever!” urged Shaun.
The negotiating team was still waiting for a reply.
“Please wait for a little longer. We have already sent the information over, so we will likely receive an update soon.”
Everyone was trembling with fear.
Shaun and the others were tempted to laugh aloud.
Oh, this is amazing. We actually manage to push Erudia to this extent!
Just then, the door burst into pieces and the entire wall crumbled.
“Which one of you assh*les is targeting my precious disciple?” growled a woman, whose aura made it feel like the place was struck by lightning.
Forlevia’s teacher had arrived… and in style!


Chapter 2105 They Experience Pain

Forlevia’s master looked like she was a middle-aged woman and was wearing a plain dress that made her seem negligible.
However, she was regarded as the top member within The Cardinal Hall, and everyone called her Elder Celia.

No one knew her actual age, though.
“What’s this? Has the Cardinal Hall run out of experts? Why are they sending a haggard woman over?”
Shaun and the others laughed aloud when they saw her.
“Oh my gosh, this is so funny. The Cardinal Hall actually sent a woman over? How embarrassing!”
“I bet this is the most embarrassing day for The Cardinal Hall.”
“Oh, or does The Cardinal Hall not have any men among their ranks at all? Is that just an organization of unwanted women?”
Their mission had always been to find ways to get under The Cardinal Hall’s skin. That was why seeing the middle-aged woman there prompted Shaun and the others to mock her mercilessly.
They were going out of their way to insult her.
What was Elder Celia’s temper like?
Well, everyone in the Cardinal Hall knew all too well.
Even the divine generals, who held incredible power and position, were terrified of her, not to mention the others.
Forlevia’s masters were all top members of The Cardinal Hall and Eragon, so she held a whole other level of power.
What was even more terrifying was that every single one of her masters had a horrible temper and was easily agitated.
They were also merciless and were violent when they attacked.
Every single one of them loved Forlevia with their entire being.
It was so ridiculous that they might actually find a way to steal the stars in the sky if she ever asked for it.
Asking them to sacrifice Forlevia was equivalent to getting them to commit suicide.
Hence, there was no way they’d be okay with it.
Elder Celia was the most aggressive of them all and had the worst temper.
Everyone regarded her as the violent queen.
She was already angry when they involved Forlevia in their stupid political move.
Hearing those insults only made her rage burn wilder.
Her icy gaze swept across Shaun and the others before she growled, “Are you the ones who are after my Forlevia?”
“Yes, we are. Hand Levi Garrison’s daughter over now!”
Shaun stared in distaste.
None of them took Elder Celia seriously.
A loud explosion went off and the ground sank all of a sudden.
A mushroom cloud spread out in the air, and the wind swirled around like a tornado beside them. Even the sky seemed to have darkened with lightning clouds.
It was dead silence after that, but Shaun had been sent flying.
His figure was heavily distorted, but the scariest bit was that Shaun was actually in pain and was scared sh*tless.
The fear was normal.
His opponent was too strong, and that level of pressure could crush anyone.
The pain, however…
That was something that could not be explained.
Shaun didn’t even have a body and was just a pure energy being, so how could he possibly feel the pain?
That is not possible. This is even worse than when they removed my nerves to make it impossible for me to feel pain.
I am no longer capable of feeling pain, but the pain I am experiencing is clear as day. What is going on?
Could it be… Is her attack on me so strong that it distorted my subconscious and make me feel the pain?
Everything Shaun experienced proved that the woman in front of him was simply too strong…
Elder Celia’s actions were uncontrollable once she lost her temper.
She kept swinging her palm on Henry, Fabian, and the rest and slapped them hard.
Every slap made ground grumble and made a mushroom cloud in the sky.
The legends and stories spoke of how a deity could blow a mountain away with just one breath.
It seemed that Elder Celia’s slap could do the same.
It didn’t matter how powerful the Lopez and Black families were as pure energy beings. Elder Celia’s slap still sent them flying.
All of their bodies became distorted, and they were having a hard time reverting to their original form.
It seemed that even their energies were slapped away.
That was something that had never happened before.
The scariest bit was that every single one of them felt the pain that came with that slap.
After the Lopez and Black families had left the experiment labs, they tried countless things to see if they could still feel pain but they couldn’t.
Yet, every single one of them felt the slap that Elder Celia had delivered them.
This is scary
Heck, it is downright terrifying!
What the f*ck kind of monster did the Cardinal Hall send over?
Shaun and the others were stunned.
So was Bruce…
And the rest of the world.
Who the heck is this short-tempered woman?


Chapter 2106 Pure Energy Beings Will Die

That day, the mysterious female fighter of The Cardinal Hall, Celia Neve, shocked the world with a slap.
Consequently, the ground shook and caused a chain reaction.

Even Bruce was terrified.
In his expectation, The Cardinal Hall would eventually make a move, but their trump cards should be revealed little by little.
Unexpectedly, a female tyrant with such fiery temper suddenly appeared.
Not to mention that the power of the slap was so terrifying.
Everyone was scared of her.
Instantly, Bruce sent the photos and videos of the woman to the Lab of Gods.
After a few seconds, the results came out, and there was no information on the woman in the huge database of the Lab of Gods.
Not even a single bit.
Previously, they could even find out the information of Zoey’s masters in The Cardinal Hall, but there was no information on that woman.
In an instant, a chill ran down Bruce’s spine.
How horrifying!
The incident shocked even the council members of the Lab of Gods.
Bruce’s superior and Jester King were paying extra attention to it.
At the scene, Celia appeared in front of Shaun with a bang.
“Are you the one who wants to take my disciple?” she asked angrily.
“I…” Shaun was petrified.
However, Celia did not give him a chance to speak at all.
With a slap, Shaun’s face was distorted.
As his body deformed, his consciousness began to fade.
Soon, his mind went completely blank.
“Are you the ones who wanted to capture my disciple?” Celia looked at the other people.
Then, she slapped the faces of those people again and again.
Every slap of hers held the power to turn the world into chaos.
In fact, the seemingly simple slap contained the potential for destruction.
With every slap, they felt like the world was going to be destroyed.
Henry and the others were all sent flying by the slaps.
Their bodies were getting more and more deformed, and their faces were torn apart. In addition, their recovery speed had slowed down a lot.
The pain they felt was excruciating.
Everyone cried out in pain.
They felt like their souls were being burnt.
This is so terrifying!
Soon, all of them began to lose their minds.
This is too scary!
Initially, they thought that they were free to do anything because they were immortal. Even if they encountered a stronger opponent, they would not have to worry about it because no matter how strong the opponent was, they could not be killed.
After they went through various tests in the Lab of Gods, the results also showed that they were immortal and could not be killed.
Even Bruce said that he could not think of a way to deal with pure energy beings.
In a way, they were invincible.
No matter how strong the opponent was, it was impossible to kill them. On the contrary, the pure energy beings would gradually wear their opponents out.
Thus, Shaun and the others were pleasantly surprised. Since they could not be killed, they could do whatever they want because no one could stop them.
However, their perception was completely overturned that day.
Not only were they unable to put up any resistance when facing Celia, but they also felt pain.
Moreover, when their bodies were severely deformed, they were not able to recover within a short time.
At that moment, they felt powerless when facing Celia.
For the first time, they felt like they might really die.
If they were beaten by Celia a few more times, they had a feeling that their energy would dissipate and their bodies would disappear.
If that happened, they would be dead.
We aren’t immortal! We just never met a strong opponent!
When the thought of dying crossed their minds, they were extremely scared.
Moments later, Shaun stood up while enduring the agonizing pain and shouted, “This woman is very strong! We can’t let her take us down one by one. We should work together!”
Under his command, dozens of people gathered and stared intensely at Celia.


Chapter 2107 Overprotective

Pure energy beings could really die.
That was what they felt deep in their hearts.

As a matter of fact, they had never met anyone that strong.
Realizing that they could never win if they fought alone, Shaun gathered everyone together to deal with Celia.
“This is the first time we attack together. We’ll show you how strong we are!”
Shaun’s eyes were full of confidence.
With dozens of them together, they paid no heed to Celia at all.
Together, their attack would be earth-shattering, not to mention that Bruce had created several sets of cooperative tactics for them.
Those tactics could allow them to maximize their power, achieving the greatest effect.
Therefore, they were full of confidence once they gathered together.
If they could defeat the woman in front of them, they would shock the world.
Slowly, everyone began to feel excited.
All of a sudden, their demeanor changed, and silence enveloped the place.
At that moment, Bruce and the scientists in the Lab of Gods were full of expectations and confidence.
They wanted to see the pure energy beings gain victory over Celia.
On the other hand, Celia sneered when she saw Shaun and the others united.
“Get lost!”
When she stepped on the ground with her feet, the ground shook, sending everyone teetering off balance.
A horrifying aura was spreading, and everyone felt something was amiss. It was as if something had happened in that place.
“Huh? W-Why am I restricted? I can’t use my power…”
In an instant, Shaun’s expression changed drastically.
“Me too! I can’t control my power. I feel something pressing against me…”
“I can’t move. My whole body seems to be restricted…”
“What’s going on? What’s wrong with us?”
Immediately, everyone was dumbfounded.
They were restricted and could not even use the most basic power.
The weaker ones could not even move.
Could it be…
The next moment, they looked at Celia in unison.
It seems that she had changed the magnetic field of this place when she stomped her feet just now. Does that limit our energy causing us to lose the use of our power?
Looking at them expressionlessly, Celia slowly raised her right hand and swayed it in the air.
Abruptly, a huge palm swept through the air, and almost the entire Oakland City was shaking.
Even the dark clouds in the sky were dispersed by the energy.
Consequently, Shaun and dozens of people were knocked to the ground.
There was a palm print the size of four football fields on the ground, several feet deep.
It was undeniably a mind-blowing sight.
How can the power of a slap be this terrifying? Is she a god? Why is this middle-aged woman so scary?
All of them had the same thought as they lay flat on the ground.
After being slapped by Celia, half of their energies were blasted away.
The remaining half only allowed them to barely survive.
It turned out that she had shown mercy. Otherwise, all of them would be dead.
The reason for keeping them alive was to take them back to The Cardinal Hall for research.
How to kill pure energy beings?
Elder Celia from The Cardinal Hall had given the answer… one had to be strong enough.
Since they consisted of terrifying energies, all she had to do was blast the energy away.
Then, they would die.
Of course, the energies in their bodies were too terrifying for ordinary people, and ordinary people could not blast them away.
In particular, the energy produced by the collision of superparticles discovered by Jared was even more terrifying.
Hence, to defeat them, the person needed to be strong enough.
Subsequently, Celia shouted in a certain direction, “Did you see it? This is the solution! A bunch of trash! How dare you drag my disciple into the matter because of something as insignificant as this!”
She was reprimanding those from The Cardinal Hall.
Then, she yelled again, “This isn’t the place you should be. Those who are scheming against my disciple better get lost! Don’t you get any ideas! I don’t care who you are for I’ll exterminate you!”
Undeniably, she was the most domineering overprotective woman in history.


Chapter 2108 Creating A New Era

Celia was warning everyone in the world not to get any ideas about Erudia and her disciple.
If it was in the past, even if Levi saved Erudia time and time again, the foreigners would not give a damn about it because it was not intimidating enough.

However, after Celia gave her warning, everyone was afraid.
She had shown tremendous power by slapping so many pure energy beings to the ground. Obviously, everyone was scared of her.
Just when various forces in various countries were studying how to deal with the pure energy beings, she appeared and showed that she could kill them. The shock she brought was beyond words.
In the meantime, Bruce’s face fell as he was frightened.
He finally understood why his superior said that the Lab of Gods could deal with pure energy beings.
It turned out that in the eyes of the really powerful fighters, pure energy beings were weaklings, which could be easily crushed.
Before they could reach the level of Jared, all of them were nothing but weaklings.
With that, Bruce’s plan had failed miserably.
His original plan was to use people like Shaun to force The Cardinal Hall to show their trump cards one by one.
The Cardinal Hall would slowly send out more and more powerful experts.
At least ten batches and above, and he could analyze those experts from The Cardinal Hall.
In his expectation, it was not easy for The Cardinal Hall to deal with dozens of pure energy beings.
Hence, he expected them to send more than ten batches of experts according to his plan and would reveal most of their trump cards.
Little did he know that such a strong female fighter would appear and slap all the pure energy beings to the ground.
Furthermore, everyone could tell that she had shown mercy.
Otherwise, Shaun and the others would have been dead.
How terrifying! She dealt with all of them with just a slap.
Bruce was dumbfounded, but The Cardinal Hall was even more dumbstruck.
The matter that we beat our brains out on is settled so easily?
However, sometimes hiding was not necessarily a good thing.
At certain times, it was better to be decisive and deal with the problem once and for all.
“Do you understand now? The Cardinal Hall and Eragon are very powerful. Just like how you don’t know how powerful the Lab of Gods is!” Bruce’s superior threw cold water on him.
At that moment, Bruce finally realized that he was too arrogant.
It was too naive of me to think that I could use these pure energy beings to measure the strength of The Cardinal Hall’s trump cards.
The result was obvious—he had failed.
Not only that, but he also elicited such a lunatic that shocked the whole world.
Meanwhile, at the Sacred Organization, Death Fiend finally understood what Dark Emperor said earlier and his disdain for the pure energy beings.
In the face of absolute power, the pure energy beings were vulnerable.
If they could not deal with it, it meant they were not strong enough.
“We couldn’t afford to provoke The Cardinal Hall and Eragon. Basically, the heritage of The Cardinal Hall and Eragon was as long as the history of Erudia,” said Dark Emperor.
Back in Oakland City, Celia was using a rope to drag dozens of pure energy beings.
She wanted to give them to The Cardinal Hall for research purposes.
Although they were weak in front of her, they were still useful to Erudia.
Immediately, the people from The Cardinal Hall came out to greet her, and every one of them was wiping the cold sweat on their foreheads.
She’s so hot-tempered and settles the situation so swiftly. As expected, she’s decisive and vigorous!
Before handing the pure energy beings out, she looked at the people in front of her with disdain. “You weaklings. Even if I hand Evie over to you, you won’t be able to take her away.”
All of them were startled, but they quickly understood the meaning of her words.
It was simple.
She meant that Forlevia was so strong that even if she handed her over, they would not be able to take her away.
Hearing that, everyone could not help but gasp.
Can a brat be this strong?
After giving it some thought, it made sense since she was extremely gifted, not to mention that she had the guidance of a few elders.
Meanwhile, various forces paled after witnessing the strength of Celia.
It could be said that she created a new era with her slap.


Chapter 2109 The Sacred Organization Is Terrified

With that, the problem with the pure energy beings was resolved, and they were taken by The Cardinal Hall for research.
After Celia returned, all the divine generals stayed as far away from her as possible.

Despite her breaking so many rules, causing too great a sensation, and might even change the trajectory of an era by doing so, the divine generals did not dare to say anything.
Probably, not even the leader of The Cardinal Hall dared to say a word.
Hence, they tried to stay as far away as possible.
The incident affirmed Forlevia’s status as the child who could not be offended.
However, those at The Cardinal Hall knew that better.
What the world saw in the incident was only one elder, but there were actually more than ten elders supporting her.
An elder already caused that much commotion.
If more than a dozen elders came forward together, the consequences would be unimaginable.
Yet, those who were not from The Cardinal Hall knew nothing about it.
They thought Forlevia only had one master.
It was the people of The Cardinal Hall who suffered.
Not even the divine generals dared to provoke her, let alone other people.
Meanwhile, Robbed Slayer from Garrison Industry breathed a sigh of relief because Levi could finally resume his training in seclusion.
To their surprise, The Cardinal Hall secretly sent two pure energy beings for them to study.
In fact, the members of The Cardinal Hall who did the delivery could not quite put a finger to why they were given to Garrison Industry.
Actually, it was ordered by The Manifest Court so that Garrison Industry could study the source of pure energy beings to orchestrate a plan to fight and defend against them.
Robed Slayer even asked the representative of The Cardinal Hall, “Is Mr. Garrison’s mother doing okay?”
Nonetheless, the representatives of The Cardinal Hall were dumbfounded. “What do you mean by Mr. Garrison’s mother? We don’t know anything about her.”
In an instant, Robed Slayer felt anxious. “Wasn’t she rescued by the people from The Cardinal Hall?”
“Is there such a thing?”
“No! Absolutely not!”
“Moreover, didn’t you see how decisive and resolute The Cardinal Hall solved the problem this time? Do you think we need to save someone in secret?”
Hearing that, Robed Slayer was taken aback for a while.
That’s true. There’s no need to save someone covertly. Elder Celia could just come forward and slap the enemy to death.
If that’s the case, who’s the one who rescued Levi’s mother?
Everyone was puzzled.
Besides, even though Henry and the others were captured alive, the status of the Lopez and Black families had not diminished at all because they were Forlevia’s family.
Since everyone knew how protective Celia was, no one dared to offend them.
Due to that, they became the most prominent family.
“I didn’t expect that. In the end, we had to rely on Levi for our wish to come true.” Those from the Lopez family lamented.
After the incident with Celia happened, the whole world fell silent.
Even the Lab of Gods and Bruce did not make any moves.
In fact, they were fearful after being beaten up by Celia.
Various forces came to a realization that they had to evaluate Erudia from several aspects.
Therefore, they did not make any moves.
Except for the Ancient Clans, no one made a move.
In the meantime, that gave Garrison Industry time to grow bigger.
Supported by various forces, it was developing at a terrifying speed.
They even invented advanced weapons and technologies.
In a blink of an eye, three months had passed.
Various forces had undergone huge changes.
It was really a race against time.
All of them understood that the new era was coming soon. If anyone was slow, they were likely to be eliminated in the future.
The person who changed the most was Zoey.
Within the past three months and the time before that, Dark Emperor used various methods to stimulate her.
Finally, there was a loud noise from the palace of the Sacred Organization.
Consequently, the clouds in the sky were dispersed, and the ground trembled.
“Hahaha! It worked!” From the sky came the laughter of Dark Emperor, and a brand new Zoey appeared.
The Eighteen Dark Angels’ faces were full of disbelief.


Chapter 2110 Levi Has Disappeared

How did she become so strong? What happened during this time? Did Dark Emperor manage to unleash her full potential?
As a matter of fact, the Eighteen Dark Angels and other members of the Sacred Organization were already strong enough, but why would they show such an expression when they saw Zoey?

That was because they felt a sense of oppression similar to Dark Emperor in her.
It showed that even if she was inferior to Dark Emperor, she was infinitely close to him.
That’s just terrifying!
At that moment, they finally understood the reason Dark Emperor chose Zoey as his disciple.
The answer was because she could be that strong.
“From today onwards, you’re the empress of the Sacred Organization! Your status is second only to me!”
Immediately, Dark Emperor inaugurated Zoey as the empress.
Although everyone was shocked, they were convinced of her power.
Meanwhile, Robed Slayer and the Five Great Wars Regiment were worried about Emma’s safety and started to look for Levi.
Finally, Phoenix found Levi’s seclusion location after much effort.
After repeated inquiries with no results, they decided to break into his seclusion location, only to find that he had disappeared.
“Huh? Isn’t Mr. Garrison training in seclusion? Why isn’t he here?”
Instantaneously, Robed Slayer and the others were stunned.
The next moment, Kirin looked around and said in surprise, “He had been away for at least three months!”
“Phoenix, did you get the seclusion location wrong?” queried Azure Dragon.
Immediately, Black Tortoise and White Tiger responded, “That’s impossible! We helped Phoenix find this place. Boss was here before!”
“Yes! It can’t be wrong! Boss was here. All these were left behind by him,” replied Phoenix.
After pondering the situation, Kirin piped up, “It’s certain that boss was here for training and had left about three months ago. Isn’t that the time when Shaun and the other pure energy beings were rampant?”
At that moment, everyone gasped, and a horrifying thought crossed their minds.
At that time, Levi had ended his training? Doesn’t that mean he can deal with the pure energy beings already?
“Perhaps, boss wanted to make a move at that time, but Elder Celia from The Cardinal Hall appeared, so he didn’t do anything,” guessed Kirin.
Suddenly, a smile appeared on everyone’s face. “It turns out that boss had ended his training a long time ago!”
Furrowing his brows, Robed Slayer questioned, “Then, where has he been these three months? Why is there no news at all? Supposedly, he should meet with us after he ended his training.”
“We’re not sure as well. There’s no news about him at all.”
Everyone shook their heads.
On the contrary, Kirin was smiling. “According to boss’ style, he must be doing something massive. He’s probably afraid of being exposed. That’s why he didn’t contact us. After all, Garrison Industry has developed to a certain scale. Thus, we’re not necessarily safe. Someone might be keeping an eye on us.”
Shortly afterward, Azure Dragon also nodded in agreement. “That’s right. If the boss needs us, he’ll definitely contact us. What we’ve to do now is to develop Garrison Industry.”
“Boss has been out for three months. I think there will be some movement soon! It must be massive. I just can’t wait to see that!” exclaimed Kirin with expectation.
At that moment, everyone understood that Levi had to be planning something massive after ending his training three months ago.
Indeed, Levi had ended his training a long time ago.
Three months ago, when Shaun and the others went on a rampage, he had already ended his training.
Initially, he wanted to take them all down at once, but they were too scattered.
Since they divided themselves into two people to a group in a zone, it was impossible to gather them in one place.
Thus, he was waiting for an opportunity for all of them to gather together.
Soon, the opportunity presented itself. It was when they negotiated with The Cardinal Hall.
However, just when he was about to make a move, Celia appeared.
Left with no choice, he could only give up.
After witnessing Celia’s tremendous power and finding out about Forlevia’s situation, he knew that he did not have to worry anymore.
So… Where was Levi?


Chapter 2111 Kill Bruce First

In fact, Levi was in a dangerous place.
He was with Sammy at the Triple Group in Keerea.

This was something totally unexpected.
After his many comings and goings, Levi had come back and was part of their internal organization.
Even though the Triple Group was a running dog of the Lab of Gods, it was not one that submitted quietly to the Lab of Gods.
They had stealthily taken under their control many things of the Lab of Gods.
It took Levi three months to get all the information regarding the Lab of Gods that were in the hands of the Triple Group.
In this period of time, Levi was able to draw many conclusions.
The core level of the Lab of Gods was unreachable. There was no way to get to it and control it.
However, Levi was confident that he could control spokespersons like Bruce and members of the outer circle.
He also had eighty to ninety percent grasp over the Triple Group.
“Okay, I’m leaving!” said Levi, after seeing that everything was in place.
Sammy asked hurriedly, “Where are you going?”
“On a killing spree!” replied Levi calmly.
“Has the time come? Do you need my help?”
Soon, Levi was gone.
He looked at the long list of names.
Who should I kill first?
This was a question but Levi very quickly made up his mind and settled on one name. Bruce!
In that long list of names, this one stood out.
Bruce, you have been my nemesis for a long time even before I know of you. Now, it’s time for you to die!
Levi had no more use of Bruce.
Bruce had played his last trump card.
He reckoned that he could not get any more information on the Lab of Gods out of him.
Hence, Levi had decided to kill him.
Levi left Keerea for Zarain directly.
From the intel he had obtained from the Triple Group, he knew that Bruce was at his own laboratory.
He was carrying out research on pure energy beings that could rival those of Jared’s.
Meanwhile, in a secret training base in Zarain, Bruce was listening to a report from his subordinate.
“At the moment, our biggest challenge is the superparticle. We are unable to produce any that is comparable to those of Jared’s within this short time. The other research teams are also unable to find a natural source for the superparticles. We have no idea how Jared discovered them.”
He continued after a pause, “I am doubtful of our present technology. Even if we discover the superparticles, I am not sure if we can extract them. There may be great danger involved, too.”
Bruce frowned.
Nothing seemed to be going right recently. It is so difficult to create anything unique and unparalleled. Just look at Shaun’s mass-produced inferior version. It was destroyed by Celia of The Cardinal Hall in one slap.
“Please carry on. I’m taking a rest.”
Bruce returned to his house by car.
The house was not far from the training base.
It was a secluded manor.
Bruce was an extremely cautious person.
His house was like an impenetrable fortress.
He had installed the best defense system.
The house was designed with escape routes and various life-saving devices.
The whole place was guarded strictly. All the remaining pure energy beings follow him wherever he went.
Bruce had taken all steps to ensure that nothing untoward could happen to him.
He had even made sure that the manor was within the perimeter of the God Scepter.
All these barriers and precautions were to protect his life at all costs.
All the same, just before he went to bed, he gave reminders to check the whole place, even though he was confident that no one could find him there.
He was too fearful of death.
At about ten o’clock in the evening, Levi came to a desolate region in Zarain.
When he was in the prohibited area of the Lab of Gods, someone immediately barred his way.
“Show your access pass or do a face recognition scan!”
Levi smiled and said, “Do I need an access pass to carry out a killing?”


Chapter 2112 Mission To Kill

“What? Killing?”
Before the guards had time to react, they found themselves on the ground.

In one breath, all the guards at that post were dead.
Once the sickle of the Grim Reaper was raised, there was no stopping it.
Levi started his killing spree.
All the open and covert sentries disappeared without a trace.
The best part was that they could not even send out any alarm or signal.
No one knew that Levi was so near to the training base because everything appeared normal.
That was the advantage of the Triple Group.
They provided some raw materials and test samples to the Lab of Gods.
As a result, they knew something about the situation at the training base.
This made it easy for Levi to enter the place.
After an hour, the perimeter defense of Bruce’s training base was completely eliminated by Levi.
More than ten thousand men had died, but on the surface, all was calm and normal.
Nobody at the training base knew what had happened.
Levi gave a cold smile as he approached the training base.
Bruce, your end is near.
He would first destroy the training base, then kill Bruce.
Levi entered the training base without any problem.
No one detected him.
It was only when he got to the core area that he was discovered because of the way he was dressed.
In the laboratory, everyone was in their protective clothing, but Levi was in normal clothes.
He stood out like a sore thumb.
All eyes were fixed on Levi.
“Who are you? Why are you here?” someone immediately asked.
“Nothing much. I’m here to kill all of you!”
Hardly had he spoke before the slaughter began.
Very soon, there were piles of bodies everywhere.
He killed and destroyed the training base at the same time.
Levi finally came to the main control room. He copied all the data then struck the final blow to the training base.
The training base went up in flames instantly.
Some extremely potent energy material also exploded at the same time.
The force produced was terrifying. The whole training base was blasted into the air.
A mushroom cloud was formed…
The inferno spread for miles around. It was like the apocalypse.
The Lab of Gods did not refer to just one laboratory. It was a code name.
There were many training bases.
This particular training base was granted to Bruce.
Bruce’s status was very high; so, this training base was one of the core training bases.
Its destruction was a heavy blow.
When the training base blew up, Bruce received the information.
Beep, beep, beep…
The piercing sound of the siren resounded through the manor.
Bruce waited until everyone had been roused up.
In fact, the operating systems of the manor and the training base were connected.
When Levi copied the data at the training base, he had also copied that of Bruce’s manor.
Then, he immediately sent the data to Sammy.
Sammy got her top hacker to work on it, and within a moment, the whole system of the manor was paralyzed.
The entire defense systems were all down.
Meanwhile, in the manor, Bruce finally came to his senses. “What’s happening? What’s happening?”
“Bad news! Someone had infiltrated our training base and destroyed it. There is not a single survivor there!”
“The defense team for the training base had also lost control. We do not know how it happened…”
“The system for our manor is paralyzed…”
The bad news came one after another.
Bruce turned pale; the color drained from his face.
“What a disaster! This is for real! He is coming for me! All of you, leave at once,” shouted Bruce.
“Mr. Johnston, our aircraft are all down. They can’t start. Please come with us!”
Bruce’s guards were about to lead him away when there came a familiar voice, “Bruce, are you trying to escape? No way!”
Bruce was horrified!
This voice is so familiar! It used Erudian language too!


Chapter 2113 Instant Death Of Pure Energy Beings

It’s Levi!
Bruce recognized it finally.

This is Levi’s voice! Can it really be Levi? There are too many people masquerading as him recently. The voice may not mean that it is really him. It could be the Sacred Organization coming for me.
Whether it was Levi or not, the training base was exposed, and Bruce’s only thought was to run.
“Run! Quick!”
Bruce ordered everyone to escape with him through the secret passage.
At the same time, he notified the other Lab of Gods about his present condition.
He was ready to hit the ultimate panic button if things went beyond his control, to trigger the emergency rescue from the Lab of Gods.
“Are you trying to run, Bruce?” The voice came again.
The next second, Levi landed.
The earth fissured in all directions. The broken pieces revealed the underground facility.
The ground under the training base had been hollowed out.
A warren of passages had been constructed that led to many places in Zarain.
This was the secret of the training base.
Everything could be transported underground without anyone knowing.
Unfortunately, a mighty stomp from Levi’s foot had collapsed the surface to reveal the underground facility.
It was a rather shocking sight.
One’s mind would boggle at the existence of such a facility under this huge area.
The money and resources spent on creating it must have been incredible.
This was how alarming the Lab of Gods could be.
Levi fixed his eyes on the escaping Bruce and his men.
He went after them at lightning speed and threw out another mighty punch.
He whirled toward Bruce and the hundreds of men.
Crack! Crack!
His last punch completely obliterated and flattened the underground facility.
Bruce and his men stopped in their tracks.
“Who are you?” shouted Bruce.
“Can’t you recognize my voice?” asked Levi with a laugh.
“Stop playing tricks! You are not Levi! Levi died long ago!”
Bruce refused to believe him.
“Capture him!” ordered Bruce. Four pure energy beings immediately pounced toward Levi.
Celia can reduce the pure energy beings to nothing by one stroke of her hand, but how many in the world are on par with Celia?
None! She is the only one! The pure energy beings remain a terrifying force to be reckoned with. No one else knows of a way to deal with them. After all, you do not have the power of Celia!
The four pure energy beings went all out because they knew they could neither be killed nor destroyed.
There was no way their opponent could kill them.
They fought without a need for caution or defense.
They fought without fear in the knowledge that they could not perish.
Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!
Levi flashed out four fingers at super speed at the four of them.
At that instant, they felt as if their consciousness had been wrenched from their bodies.
Oh, the excruciating pain!
They actually felt pain!
They could not pinpoint the pain, but it was everywhere!
They did not have real bodies, only consciousness.
It was a strange experience of feeling pain all over and yet not knowing where the pain was.
They were no better than the condition Shaun and his men were in three months ago.
Whoosh! Whoosh!
The scariest part was that a small black hole was on each of their chests, with flames all around it.
This was the result of Levi’s finger flash.
Every one of them had a small hole.
They suddenly had a premonition of doom when they saw the hole with the ring of fire.
Suddenly, the small hole exploded.
The four pure energy beings disintegrated in the explosion without a trace!
The terrifying energy was dissipated in an instant.
Four pure energy beings were killed in a second!
A deathly stillness came over the place.
Bruce was shocked.
Everyone was shocked!


Chapter 2114 The Forbidden Technique Of Levi

Who could withstand that?

That was too terrifying.
The second Celia of The Cardinal Hall has appeared.
He could kill four pure energy beings in an instant!
Who would have thought of that?
Someone could actually do what Celia of The Cardinal Hall did.
Kill pure energy beings in a second!
Everyone from the Lab of Gods was insanely fearful of what they saw.
This is an imminent catastrophe!
Levi curled his lips.
The way he had killed the pure energy beings was different from Celia’s.
She was too f**king powerful!
So powerful that nothing mattered to her!
She didn’t care who they were, and down came her hand in a stroke!
Levi was able to deliver instant death to the pure energy beings because of his solitary training.
He took various Forbidden Techniques, transformed and re-integrated them into something new and unique.
What Levi had just used was the One Finger Technique which concentrated all his energy and power into a single explosive point.
It created an unimaginable destructive force in an instant which could annihilate everything.
Even the powerful pure energy beings could not overcome it.
The transformed techniques that had become Levi’s very own were comparable in strength to that of the original Forbidden Techniques.
However, he had to pay the price of having his energy greatly drained whenever he used it.
Once he had used his One Finger Technique, it would take at least half a month before he could be fully restored and use it again.
The instantaneous concentration of power into a single explosive point consumed a lot of strength from his body.
Even if he had improved it, he should not use it too frequently.
The power that had been drained from him could not be recovered so soon.
Bruce and his men had never imagined that things would turn out this way.
Levi had made up his mind to kill Bruce today.
He suddenly appeared in front of Bruce.
Everyone jumped in fright.
Bruce put on his armor instantly while the others tried to hold Levi back.
Boom! Boom!
Levi was punching everyone who stood in his path.
They exploded one after another.
If the pure energy beings were in his way, Levi immediately use his version of the transformed Forbidden Technique.
One by one, the pure energy beings were blown up!
There was no stopping Levi!
Bruce was lamenting the fact that he did not acquire the pure energy beings that Jared had.
Instead, he had got the inferior mass-produced version that was now being destroyed in a second.
Nevertheless, Bruce’s men were obstinately obstructing Levi as much as they could.
They were willing to sacrifice their lives for him.
Levi’s strength was just too powerful, and they fell one after another.
Blood splattered and bones flew!
Many vaporized into an explosive fog of blood.
The pure energy beings were disintegrated and dissipated.
A forlorn state came over them.
There were less and less people.
Levi was getting closer to Bruce.
Bruce’s panic grew and was frantically looking for help.
Unfortunately, everyone within 50 miles had been killed by Levi.
The incoming air rescue encountered interference to their aircraft systems and could not do anything.
Sammy had made sure that her hacker kept up with the interference.
Hurry up! Come on, support team, do hurry up!
Bruce was breaking out in a cold sweat.
He could see that his men were greatly diminished.
He no longer wished to know who the assailant was.
All he wanted was survival!
The massacre continued.
The blood bath was relentless.
Men fell one after another.
The last pure energy being was targeted by Levi’s finger and disappeared into thin air.
The remaining dozen or so people by Bruce’s side were dazed and stupefied, including Peter.
“Arghhh! Run!” they howled in dejection.
They abandoned Bruce and his men ran for their lives. They were no fools at this critical moment.
Levi paid no attention to them.
His target was Bruce.
Bruce hit the ultimate panic button…
His life and death depended on that.


Chapter 2115 Bruce Called For Emergency Rescue

“Hehe, are you calling someone? Let’s see who can save you!” Levi sneered.
He had decided that Bruce must die.

No one can stop me from killing him!
As Bruce called for emergency rescue, signals traveled to eight training bases hundreds of kilometers away.
These training bases were deep in the mountains, underground, or under the sea.
The signals activated the launch systems in all eight training bases at the same time. Then, the launch systems burst into smoke and shoot eight rays of light into the sky.
The force of each launch was equivalent to launching a rocket.
However, instead of rockets, they launched eight people into the sky.
Each of them wore spaceflight engines on their backs, and each of these engines was equivalent to four spaceflight engines.
Furthermore, they also wore armors which were many times stronger than materials on a spacecraft.
Therefore, they could withstand the force of the spaceflight engines. Otherwise, the pressure from the launch would disintegrate them.
In addition, they also had incredible physiques, which made them more resistant to the force of the engine.
Without such physique, a minor vibration from the engine could kill them.
These people were the Extreme Rescue Squad from the Lab of Gods.
They could rescue anyone in the shortest time.
After launching into the air, the eight-member team traveled at rocket speed toward their destination.
They reached Bruce almost instantly, even though they had only activated an engine each.
Furthermore, the relatively near distance also contributed to their speedy arrival.
Boom! Boom!
Blue flames burst from the engines behind them, creating strong air currents that caused the surrounding air to rage and roll violently.
They activated their engines and rushed to attack Levi.
The aim of the Extreme Rescue Squad was not to kill but to rescue.
They planned to force Levi back so that Bruce could escape.
However, they did not consider what they would do about Levi after that.
The engines behind their backs were activated fully, giving them maximum power and speed.
It was a power and speed that had never been seen before!
“Go away!” Levi yelled furiously.
He shot a punch, sending a wave of force against them.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
That force sent all eight of them flying!
It was unbelievable and shocked the eight members of the Extreme Rescue Squad.
How can he resist the force of a spaceflight engine?
“Let’s activate another engine!” they discussed quickly among themselves and activated another engine.
Vroom, vroom, vroom…
After activating two engines, thunderous noises filled the air, causing the ground to shake and raising clouds of dust.
Boom! Boom!
The eight-people team moved a few times faster and at a greater force than before.
They expected to pulverize Levi this time.
However, Levi greeted them with another punch.
This time, the force of his punch sent them flying again.
That’s scary! Oh my goodness! Is he even human? How can he withstand the forces of two spaceflight engines?
Then, they activated the third engine!
At this moment, the armors on their bodies were vibrating from intense pressure.
However, the result remained the same, and their attack remained useless.
Levi’s punch produced a frightening force that overcame the power of three engines.
“Let’s activate the fourth engine!” one of them shouted.
All eight of them had gone mad with fury.
In actuality, their armors only allowed them to activate three engines at the most.
Previously, they had always been able to kill anyone with the power of three engines.
Thus, they never needed the fourth one.
However, Levi was too powerful, so they had no choice but to activate the fourth engine.
The fourth engine was still in the experimental stage and was never tested in a battle.
Therefore, the Extreme Rescue Squad did not know whether they could withstand the force.
Nevertheless, they activated the fourth engine, and the power from the four engines instantly caused a large crater on the ground and a thunderous roar in the air.
Their armors were on the verge of shattering at any moment, and they felt immense pressure on their bodies.
They had gone mad and wanted to fight Levi with everything they had.


Chapter 2116 Goodbye Bruce

Four engines were the most they had ever activated.
It was also their most powerful attack.

Tap, tap, tap…
There were a series of cracking noises in the air, and the grounds shook so hard that it was on the verge of splitting.
At the same time, air currents moved violently behind them.
“Charge!” they yelled, and the eight-member team propelled themselves toward Levi with the aid of their engines.
Each of them moved in a different direction.
The force of the propulsion alone was enough to disintegrate anyone.
However, Levi smirked as he stood in the center.
He had achieved tremendous enlightenment from his solitary training.
Furthermore, he did not rest in his three months in Triple Group but kept enhancing his powers.
His master taught him the basic techniques to pursue ultimate power and speed.
Therefore, he continued to grow stronger.
By relying on what his master taught, he could achieve many things.
After Levi secluded himself to find a way to defeat pure energy beings, he also gained a new perspective and advanced his powers.
He had raised his speed and strength to another level.
Moreover, he learned to coordinate the Annihilation Blast and gather his energy to create an explosion.
Boom! Boom!
As the eight members of the Extreme Rescue Squad charged at Levi, he immediately launched thousands of punches on them.
The Extreme Rescue squad was traveling at breakneck speed. Suddenly, they paused in midair.
Boom! Boom! Boom!
There were loud noises, and smoke came out of their spaceflight engines.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Suddenly, the engines exploded.
The destruction of the aerospace engines brought them a devastating blow, putting them on the verge of total defeat.
To their horror, their armors shattered one after another.
None of the armors could withstand the force of the explosion from the engine.
It was the result of Annihilation Blast!
Just now, Levi exerted Annihilation Blast with his fists, causing their engines to explode.
Puff! Puff!
The Lab of Gods selected these eight members of the Extreme Rescue Squad carefully from all over the world for their incredible physiques.
Yet, they were all on the verge of death.
In the end, all eight of them died and splattered blood everywhere.
Their hot blood even sprayed all over Bruce.
It made no difference that he wore an armor.
The armors that the Extreme Rescue Squad wore shattered into pieces.
Compared to their armor, his armor was like paper-made.
Bruce was stunned by what happened.
He had never felt as hopeless as he was now.
All his trump cards were now useless, including the emergency rescue he had called.
Therefore, his death was imminent.
Although the Lab of Gods knew what happened here, there was no way that they could rush over so soon to rescue him.
He was now a sitting duck, and it was too late for him.
Who the heck is he?
Initially, he thought that the person was impersonating Levi. He would even wager that it was someone from the Sacred Organization.
Now, he did not know anymore.
He kept feeling that the person seemed familiar.
Furthermore, he could sense a strong killing intent from him.
“No matter who you are, I’m giving you one more chance. If you leave now, I’ll let you live!” Bruce tried his best to remain calm and buy time.
Levi laughed and said, “Bruce, you’re truly a sly old fox. Are you trying to buy time?”
“Hehe, do you dare to kill me? Are you even sure you can kill me? Can you bear with the consequences afterward? Do you know what will happen to you if you kill a core council member in Lab of Gods? Don’t you realize what are my trump cards?” Bruce forced himself to remain calm.
However, Levi laughed and walked toward him. “Why don’t I kill you and find out for myself?”
Levi’s eyes were bloodshot, and his expression turned even more threatening than before.
He had put up with Bruce for a very long time.
Therefore, he was determined to kill him today!
“Goodbye, Bruce!”


Chapter 2117 Bruce Is Dead

Levi shattered Bruce’s armor with a single punch.

Then, numerous bloody wounds appeared on Bruce’s body.
Bruce could only look on in shock at what was happening to him.
“Bruce, I’ve been wanting to kill you for a long time!” Levi said as he looked at the wounds all over Bruce’s body.
Now, Bruce could finally see Levi’s face.
He had no choice but to believe that the man before him was Levi. “You, it’s you! How are you alive? No way! How is it possible? It’s you. It’s you all along!”
Bruce seemed to have gone mad as he finally understood everything.
Levi is behind all that happened later. But, how did he survive?
Bruce found the fact that Levi was alive more frightening than his impending doom.
“Yeah! I’m still alive! If you want to defeat me, wait for your next life!”
Immediately after that, Bruce exploded into a mist of blood and died!
All that remained was a pool of blood. There was zero chance that he could be alive.
Bruce was the Lab of Gods’ most powerful spokesperson. At a time, he nearly destroyed Erudia, but now, he was dead.
“Phew!” Levi breathed a sigh of relief.
He is finally dead!
After killing Bruce, Levi left the scene immediately.
By the time army from the Lab of Gods arrived, the place was in ruins.
However, Levi had not left Zarain. He headed somewhere else to wipe out the other spokespersons.
In the span of one night, Levi killed a total of thirteen Lab of Gods’ spokesperson and destroyed a dozen of Lab of Gods’ training bases.
The whole of Zarain fell into chaos. The forces from Lab of Gods pursued Levi everywhere but could not find him.
His movements were erratic, and he left immediately after the assassination.
Furthermore, he only killed the spokesperson. None of them were core members of the Lab of Gods.
Therefore, it was hard to track him.
Then, Levi left Zarain, but not before killing a few more Lab of Gods’ spokesperson there.
Next, he proceeded according to a name list and killed more spokesperson one by one.
The slaughter continued.
Levi planned to wipe out all the spokespersons.
Now, the news had spread out that Bruce, the leading figure of the Lab of Gods, had been killed!
Furthermore, someone destroyed Bruce’s training base.
The whole world was stunned!
Everyone knew that Bruce was one of the most powerful people in the world.
He was a nightmare to numerous countries and forces.
Therefore, everyone was shocked to find out that he had fallen.
The news of Bruce’s death soon spread throughout all corners of every country.
His enemies erupted into a celebration.
Bruce brought many disasters in recent years.
Therefore, many people wanted him dead, but they could not do anything against him.
As Bruce grew stronger, Lab of Gods also became more prominent.
It was impossible to get rid of him.
After people discovered the Lab of Gods’ emergency rescue system, they knew it was impossible to kill him.
In the meantime, Bruce kept rising in ranks and was one step away from reaching the core level.
Now that he was dead, it was a tremendous blow to the Lab of Gods.
They suffered a blow when the sunstones destroyed a training base. Now, the Lab of Gods sustained an even more severe blow with Bruce’s death.
All these years, Bruce represented the Lab of Gods in handling external matters.
Now that one of their most trusted men was dead, the Lab of Gods was in grief.
Bruce’s superior thundered with wrath.
We must avenge Bruce and remove the shame of defeat!
Meanwhile, Levi continued to kill more people on his name list.
He had gone through nearly three-quarters of the name list.
Then, Levi appeared near Raysonia. There was a spokesperson in the Lab of Gods in Raysonia.
Suddenly, Levi’s expression changed. He sensed someone near him.
In the next instant, a few shadows appeared from out of nowhere.
“Levi, you’re incredible! You have managed to kill Bruce!” someone said with a smile.


Chapter 2118 Obstruction By Eighteen Dark Angels

Levi did not have to ask who they were because he had met them in Xyperia not long ago.
They were the Dark Angels from the Sacred Organization.

Levi was familiar with their aura.
Initially, four people obstructed him.
Then, there was one more person, their leader. Levi had roughly guessed his identity.
He is Death Fiend!
“Not bad, you have found me! No one from the Lab of Gods can do that!” Levi sneered.
Death Fiend said with a smile, “It’s because they are the ones under attack while we are watching from the side. We have different perspectives!”
He’s right. One does see the situation better as an outsider.
Levi attacked blatantly, so logically, the forces from Lab of Gods should be able to find him with ease.
Unfortunately, the attacks sent them into a state of disarray.
Therefore, Levi led them by their noses and gained the upper hand.
That was why they could never find him.
On the other hand, the Sacred Organization observed from the side. As the attacks did not affect them, they could track Levi down easily.
Levi asked, “Why are you here?”
Death Fiend clapped his hands once, and a few shadows emerged on Levi’s left and right.
Now, the Eighteen Dark Angels were all here.
The Sacred Organization sent all their Dark Angels to bring Levi back to their base.
“What we want is simple! I’ve told you before that you’ve met the requirements to join the Sacred Organization. We’re here to welcome you in!” Death Fiend explained with a smile.
The Eighteen Dark Angels gathered to ensure that they could bring Levi with them.
They were confident of their abilities to succeed.
“We advise you to join the Sacred Organization. If you join us, you stand to gain advantages beyond your imagination,” Death Fiend said with a smirk.
Levi replied with a smile, “I’m used to being alone. Joining your organization will make me feel restricted.”
“Is that why you refuse to join us?” Death Fiend asked.
“That’s not true. I have a condition!” Levi answered.
Death Fiend was surprised and looked at Levi curiously.
“It’s simple. I’m willing to join, but I’ll be the leader of the Sacred Organization. Everyone has to obey my orders!” Levi continued.
Everyone was stunned upon hearing him.
Does he want to be the leader? Does he mean he wants to be Dark Emperor? What a joke!
Everyone began to laugh at Levi.
“Levi, we’re asking you nicely, but if you continue to refuse us, you give us no choice!” Death Fiend roared furiously.
There are many ways I can go about this. One of the ways is for the Eighteen Dark Angels can bring him back by force. Apart from that, I also have Zoey as my trump card.
Levi looked at everyone mockingly. “Really? Are you that confident?”
Death Fiend glared at Levi and said, “All we have to do is to stall you long enough until the fighters from the Lab of Gods arrive! Then, it will be impossible for you to escape.”
The rest agreed fervently. “Yes, we’re giving you a chance! You’d better choose well!”
“Come at me then. Are you sure you can stall me for that long?” Levi sneered.
“Try us! Everyone, attack him at once!” Dark Fiend ordered.
With that, Eighteen Dark Angels attacked Levi in unison.
It was the first time Sacred Organization attacked someone with all eighteen of its members.
The Dark Emperor commanded them to bring Levi back at all costs.
The combined power of the Eighteen Dark Angels could bring the world to its knees.
Meanwhile, at Lab of Gods, Bruce’s superior received news that the person who killed Bruce was somewhere near Raysonia.
He also found out that this person was stopped from leaving.
“Let’s go!” he ordered.
Then, Bruce’s superior boarded a plane. There was also a man playing with poker cards and a big group of Lab of Gods’ top fighters going with him.
Even Bruce did not have the power to mobilize these top fighters.
All of them were determined to get to Levi.
“Strictly speaking, Bruce was not even a true member of our lab! Does this person think that he can provoke us?” Bruce’s superior was furious.
He wanted the world to know what the Lab of Gods was capable of.


Chapter 2119 The Scary Jester King

The Eighteen Dark Angels could shake the world with their combined attacks.
At this moment, they instantly surrounded and trapped Levi.

This time, Levi could not pulverize them with his punch. They were completely unharmed.
Levi was stunned with their unique physique.
There were once a few Fiends among Eighteen Dark Angels.
Although these eighteen people were ranked lower than Fiends, they had incredible strength.
They were also much stronger than any fighters from the Lab of Gods that Levi fought.
His punch did not even leave a scratch on them.
Huh? That’s strange.
Levi was thinking deeply about what was going on.
He found them strange.
However, he knew that now was not the time to think about it.
Instead, he needed to deal with the problem before him quickly and leave.
Otherwise, once the fighters from Lab of Gods arrived, he would have more difficulty escaping.
He might not even be able to escape.
Death Fiend and the others could see that Levi was about to increase the intensity of his attack.
“He’s planning to escape! Don’t let him leave!” Death Fiend shouted.
Then, the Eighteen Dark Angels activated their powers again.
They seemed interconnected as if acting as one body and proceeded to trap Levi, leaving him with no room for escape.
Seeing that Levi was trapped, Death Fiend sneered, “Levi, have you finished considering? Soon, people from the Lab of Gods will reach here. Once they do, you won’t be able to escape! What will you do now? Do you choose to join us or fight us?”
From what they could see, Levi had only two options.
Firstly, he could remain in their trap until the members of the Lab of Gods arrived.
Secondly, he could agree to join Sacred Organization and leave with them.
Levi laughed and said, “You think you can stop me?”
Suddenly, Levi released a big surge of powerful aura all over his body.
The air around Levi vibrated dangerously.
The Eighteen Dark Angels could not help but feel shocked and afraid.
“Scram!” Levi yelled as more energy burst out from his body.
An explosion followed, and the sky darkened suddenly. It seemed like the end of the world.
The explosion formed a mushroom cloud, shaking the mountains and the rivers.
At the same time, waves rose a few hundred meters above the sea.
Meanwhile, a tall mountain split apart nearby.
The colossal force forced the Eighteen Dark Angels to step back.
None of their combination of techniques could work against such pure power.
Death Fiend and the rest of Eighteen Dark Angels could not conceal the shock in their eyes.
It was too powerful.
After forcing back the Eighteen Dark Angels, Levi left immediately.
He had considered whether to wipe out the Eighteen Dark Angels in one go. However, they were too powerful, so he could only choose to escape.
“Don’t let him escape!” Death Fiend shouted.
They were given a mission, so they had to complete it.
Therefore, they could not allow Levi to escape.
The Eighteen Dark Angels chased after Levi recklessly.
Unfortunately for them, Levi acted fast. When he scared them into stepping back, he immediately used the chance to escape.
Thus, they were all one step behind him.
Da*n it!
They chased after him furiously but could not keep up.
In the end, they could only watch him escape and put all their efforts to ruin.
Meanwhile, Levi thought he had escaped.
Suddenly, a terrifying force rushed toward him.
Levi blasted it with a punch, but the sudden force pushed him back a few steps.
The force was incredible and blocked him completely.
Meanwhile, the Eighteen Dark Angels were shocked too.
Someone arrived and stopped Levi. Who is that? It must be someone from Lab of Gods! But how did they reach so soon? It’s much earlier than expected.
Now, not only could Levi not escape. The Eighteen Dark Angels could not escape either.
All of them had to face the people from the Lab of Gods.
“Do you want to leave? No way!” A burst of harsh and manic laughter sounded.
Then, a man dressed as a clown appeared with Jester Card in his hand.
He had a comical appearance, but everyone felt a sense of fear looking at him.
Just now, he forced Levi back with a single move. It showed how powerful he was.


Chapter 2120 Jester King

In Lab of Gods, they called him Jester King.
He was of the same class as Bruce’s superior and was powerful enough to be admitted into the core level of the Lab of Gods.

The Lab of Gods’ aircraft traveled as fast as lightning.
However, Jester King still arrived ahead and stopped Levi.
He was covered in a sinister and threatening aura that brought fear to the Eighteen Dark Angels.
Even Levi’s expression changed.
He is dangerous because I can’t feel his presence at all. I can’t sense any blood circulation or breathing. Finally, a strong opponent. It’s going to be interesting.
Jester King made his move, resulting in tremors over the ground and sky.
Suddenly, he disappeared from before Levi’s eyes.
There was not even a trace of his shadow.
Then, Jester King suddenly reappeared right in front of Levi again with a flaming aura around him as if trying to burn Levi.
A crisp noises sounded, and the sky darkened.
Jester King grabbed Levi by his throat.
Instantly, Levi felt a tremendous force, as if the mountains were pressing down on him, threatening to flatten him.
It was clear that Jester King wanted to squash him flat.
Levi grabbed his arms, struggling to free himself.
However, Jester King kept pushing him back for a few hundred meters.
Levi’s feet sunk a few meters into the ground in his attempt to resist Jester King.
However, he could not stop himself from being pushed back.
Jester King was incredibly strong and overpowered Levi.
It was unbelievable.
Before this, Levi had always been able to crush and slaughter any fighter from the Lab of Gods.
“What should we do now?” The Eighteen Dark Angels exchanged glances with each other.
Death Fiend said sternly, “Dark Emperor ordered us to bring him back, so let’s help him!”
Eighteen Dark Angels immediately charged toward Jester King.
Levi and Jester King both noticed what Eighteen Dark Angels were doing.
“Go away! I don’t need your help!” Levi yelled.
He immediately exerted another burst of energy, strong enough to move mountains.
He activated the technique he had used just now to force back Eighteen Dark Angels.
It was also a technique he crafted by himself using the Forbidden Technique.
He made use of the technique on Jester King this time.
A terrifying energy pushed Jester King away.
Everyone was stunned.
Even Jester King was puzzled and shocked.
He never expected Levi to push him away like that.
In actuality, Levi was surprised by what he did too.
It was his first time meeting such a challenging opponent like Jester King.
“I’ll kill whoever that obstructs me!” Jester King glanced at Eighteen Dark Angels and warned them.
In an instant, he charged at Levi again.
Jester King issued a punch. It may seem like an ordinary punch, but it carried enough force to shake the earth.
Levi punched toward Jester King at the same time.
Their fists collided with so much force that it felt like meteors collided.
At this moment, everyone could feel as if the world had gone out of balance.
It was as if the tectonic plates had moved.
At the same time, the seawater churned as if it was boiling.
The island they were standing on was on the verge of sinking.
This was how terrifying the force of their punches was.
Everyone was stunned.
No one expected them to be this powerful.
Then, both of them continued to battle each other.
“We need to do something now. Otherwise, none of us get to leave here!” Death Fiend said.
Now, an army from the Lab of Gods had arrived.
Aircrafts landed one after another.
Bruce’s superior led a team to the island and surrounded it completely.
It was now the worst-case scenario.
Levi had no chance to escape unless he killed his way out.
However, his opponent this time was at least a class above Bruce.
He could sense a tremendous power from Jester King.


Chapter 2121 Four Jester King Class Opponents

A man with the same class as the Jester King had shown up, leading an army of unknown strength.
With a cold voice, he claimed, “Let’s see how you can escape from us now.”

From the plane hovering a few hundred meters above the ground, he unwaveringly took a step forward and plummeted from the sky, then landed before Levi with ease.
Dazed, everyone stared blankly at the fearsome man, who was the superior of Bruce.
Despite the neat attire and elegant gesture, his mighty and perilous aura was glaring.
Alerted, everyone else could feel their breath slowing.
He was undoubtedly on par with Jester King.
Soon, a lady in flaming red clothes arrived at the scene. Her uncanny impression terrified the Eighteen Dark Angels.
She was also as strong as Jester King.
Once again everyone around felt the pressure and fear as colossal waves surged from afar of the ocean very soon.
Among the waves of a few hundred meters, a vortex emerged.
A black spot could be vaguely seen within it. The crowd attentively stared at the black spot. Only then did they realize it was a man.
The waves gushed into the sky as he leaped and landed before everyone instantly.
Another one! They gasped in shock.
Aside from the four outstanding fighters, numerous fighters from Lab of Gods had also surrounded them outside.
“The Eighteen Dark Angels from Sacred Organization?” Bruce’s superior called as he scanned Death Fiend and the rest.
“Bruce was right! Our opponent is indeed the Sacred Organization!” the malicious lady claimed.
Bruce’s superior shook his head and disagreed, “No, no, no! The Eighteen Dark Angels were fighting with him earlier. I think they intended to seize him.”
Jester King snickered as he added, “True! They’re not on the same side! The Eighteen Dark Angels wanted to seize him!”
Finally, the lady fathomed the situation and concluded, “So, he’s our sole enemy now. However, the Sacred Organization must be related to him!”
“We’ll know after we take him down!” The man who came from the ocean yelled as he lunged toward Levi, throwing a punch in the latter’s direction.
Swiftly, Levi swung his fist to nullify the blow.
As they clashed, tremendous energy poured out and cracked the ground.
Shockingly, the two were unmoved.
Dumbfounded by their power, the Eighteen Dark Angels looked at each other, unsure of what to do.
Suddenly, they received an order.
They promptly hopped onto their horses and galloped toward the direction with the weakest defense.
“What should we do about them?”
Bruce’s superior waved his hand and proposed, “Let them go! Our target is the man.”
Now he had figured that the Eighteen Dark Angels were related to the matter. It would be better to let them off as Lab of Gods should avoid conflict with the Sacred Organization at that time.
The successful escape of the Eighteen Dark Angels left Levi facing the entire Lab of Gods alone.
It would be the unprecedented danger Levi had ever encountered.
Never had he expected those higher class would gather right after he eradicated Bruce.
D*mn those from the Sacred Organization! It’s all because of them hindering me! Now I can only fight them head-on! To win this fight, I need to bring out everything I have, including the Forbidden Technique I’ve learned from my master!
He stared at the four, vigilant as he could not grasp the depth of their power.
“Kill!” Levi cried as he bolted forward, initiating the attack.
With his monstrous speed and strength, the earth split as he pounced forward.
“Child’s play!” Bruce’s superior snickered as he sneered.
Strangely, an eerie tattoo on his arm started beaming blood-red, emanating sinister air.
He effortlessly blocked Levi’s punch and instantly negated the force.
Then, he agilely landed a blow upon Levi, almost knocking the latter out.


Chapter 2122 Familiar Pain

As if his soul was sundered by the blow, Levi could not feel his body for a split second. He nearly collapsed from the tremendous force.
He’s too strong!

Unlike him, who thrived by utilizing cunning plans, Bruce’s superior achieved his status with sole power.
In the Lab of Gods, the latter’s nickname was Lucifer, the name of the fallen angel.
To be endowed with such a mighty nickname, his strength must have been acknowledged unanimously by Lab of Gods.
The lady let out a demonic, eerie scream. It was sharp and maleficent and sounded like the cries from abyssal hell.
The unpleasant scream was extremely unnerving.
Unearthly flames started blazing on both her arms, where spooky howls and whimpers could be heard from them.
Those vicious flames were eager to sever anything.
The lady was known as Hell Witch by Lab of Gods as she could control Hellfire that could burn everything into ashes.
Earlier, Lucifer assured Bruce to create pure energy beings to his heart’s content because they could dispose of uncontrolled pure energy beings easily.
Hell Witch was one of their measures as she could easily eradicate pure energy beings with Hellfire.
Undoubtedly, her power was immeasurable.
Hell Witch condensed the Hellfire within her hand and dashed toward Levi.
He could already feel the scorching flame from afar and ache as it drew closer.
The blow from Lucifer earlier had enfeebled him. He was therefore daunted upon seeing Hell Witch’s abrupt attack.
Immediately, the whole area was devoured by Hellfire.
A few meters, deep holes were left behind by the Hellfire on the ground.
Everything was burnt black as coal.
Nothing could have stopped the Hellfire from devouring everything.
Weakened, Levi was unable to evade her attack. He gritted his teeth as he decided to face the Hellfire head-on.
The Hellfire instantly burned a hole through his Air Shield and encircled him.
He felt as though his body was gradually chipped off, as if the Hellfire melted his flesh, and seared his soul. The indescribable pain nearly knocked him unconscious.
I have experienced this intense pain before. It was when my master reconstructed my martial vein! That pain was unbearable too. He did not merely reconstruct my martial vein, but he reformed my entire body.
After long, Levi went through a similar pain again.
If I did not take Lucifer’s blow, I could have easily dodged Hell Witch’s Hellfire!
Unfortunately, he did and suffered.
As Hell Witch’s Hellfire encompassed Levi, he deliberately gathered his energy and formed a barrier to protect himself.
Sadly, it was only a matter of time as the Hellfire eventually burnt his shield down and finally burn him to ashes.
Hell Witch screeched eerily again, intensifying her Hellfire.
Upon seeing Levi helplessly struggling to break free, the rest grinned menacingly.
“I’ll lend Hell Witch a hand!”
Euphoric, Jester King cackled as he flung his razor-sharp weapon, a Jester Card, rumored to be able to slice through anything, at Levi.
Levi noticed that his Energy Barrier started cracking as it could not withstand the Jester Card.
Soon, the Hellfire seeped through the cracks and finally scorched him.
“Ah!” Pained, Levi cried in agony.


Chapter 2123 Unprecedented Situation At The Manifest Court

Severely injured, Levi coughed out some blood in agony.

With Jester King’s unstoppable card and Hell Witch’s relentless Hellfire striking him jointly, he stood no chance.
Under Hell Witch’s control, the Hellfire penetrated Levi’s body and persistently burned his organs, intending to roast him from inside.
The torment left Levi screaming incessantly.
Undoubtedly, the anguish was no less than that when his master reconstructed his martial vein.
Exhilarated, Jester King and Hell Witch laughed hysterically.
It was only a matter of time to burn Levi to crisps after Hellfire had invaded his body.
The Eighteen Dark Angels who had not gone far watched in pity, thinking that Levi was done for.
Distressed, they made a regretful expression.
If Levi had agreed to our proposal earlier, none of these would have happened. Unfortunately, he can’t escape now.
“Should we rescue him?” one of them asked.
“We can’t. Dark Emperor’s order was to leave him alone. No one should interfere!” Death Fiend explained.
They all understood that Levi had no more value to the Sacred Organization now as he was already captured by Lab of Gods.
There was no need to confront Lab of Gods solely for Levi.
Aside from them, others knew the current situation too.
As Bruce’s death jolted the mass, Levi’s presence at Raysonia Coast had spread like wildfire.
Although they did not know who exactly killed Bruce, they could guess it.
Alerted, everyone directed their attention here, especially Robed Slayer and Azure Dragon from Garrison Industry.
Upon hearing that Bruce was eliminated, Kirin praised excitedly, “Boss has arrived! As expected, he has stunned everyone once again!”
Since then, they had been attentively following Levi’s movement.
Now, Azure Dragon and the rest were anxious as they heard about Levi’s dire situation.
Sadly, without Levi’s order, they had no choice but to sit idly.
Even if they hurried to the scene, they would be incapable of rescuing him but giving him troubles instead.
Hence, they could merely watch from afar in perturbation.
“No! We have to save our boss even if it costs our lives!” Azure Dragon and Kirin insisted despite Robed Slayer’s adamant opposition.
They had devoted wholeheartedly to Levi, thus willing to tackle the perils to save him.
Meanwhile, other forces were also contemplating the matter.
Sammy from Triple Group of Keerea promptly led Genesis Devils to Raysonia Coast.
The Cardinal Hall of Erudia too, intended to lend a hand as they felt indebted to the anonymous man who eliminated Bruce.
“Shall we assist the man?” someone questioned.
“Of course!” an officer insisted.
Although The Manifest Court was a smaller organization within The Cardinal Hall, the two never interfered with each other’s governance. Occasionally, The Cardinal Hall would request assistance from The Manifest Court, but the latter would never trouble the former. Surprisingly, this time, an official from The Manifest Court took the initiative to seek The Cardinal Hall’s help to help Levi. The unprecedented act of The Manifest Court shocked those from The Cardinal Hall.
What’s happening? First, it was Elder Celia personally heading to the battle. Now, The Manifest Court is giving out an order and meddles with our affair? I’ve never seen such a crisis here!
Soon, the Cardinal Hall assigned a few divine generals to head toward Raynosia Coast.
Concurrently, the vicious four were enjoying Levi’s agonizing scream as they heartlessly witnessed the Hellfire torturing him.


Chapter 2124 Why Is He Unscratched

“This is your punishment for offending Lab of Gods. No matter who you are, you’re done for.”
Lucifer made an evil smirk as he spoke.

Jester King and the man from the sea, too, grinned sidelong venomously.
Looking at Levi, unable to free himself from Hell Witch’s Hellfire, they reckoned that he was nothing but a piece of dead meat.
Even God can’t save him now! I know countless people are rushing over to the rescue. Even Cyrus is coming! Unfortunately, it’s too late now. They can never save him. Well… Maybe the Eighteen Dark Angels watching from there might have a shot.
At the same time, Hell Witch cackled maliciously as she listened to Levi’s cries.
However, her grin gradually disappeared over time and finally turned into a dropped open mouth.
Bewildered, she could not believe her eyes.
What? He’s not damaged? Impossible! After my Hellfire has penetrated the body, no one can survive it! They will all burn to ashes, leaving neither their body nor soul! But why is he unscratched? Even his organs are still intact! No way! Even pure energy beings will burn to crumbs under my Hellfire. On the contrary, he’s merely feeling pain and nothing else!
The rest noticed Hell Witch’s expression and slowly fathomed the situation. Soon, their smiles vanished as they stared in puzzlement.
What’s happening? Does it have no effect on him?
As though his body was torn apart, the unbearable anguish caused Levi’s scream to intensify.
Suddenly, immense energy exploded from Levi, sending Hell Witch flying away.
As if he had rebirthed, his energy was more profound and ready to destroy everything.
Shockingly, he had completely absorbed the Hellfire.
They never anticipated him to survive the Hellfire, let alone absorbing it, which caused his aura to grow more and he was even more intimidating.
Even Levi himself thought he was done for.
The burning agony was reminiscent of death as if he had violently melted away.
Never had he expected himself to possess such stupendous power, allowing him to absorb and incorporate the Hellfire into his blood, finally enhancing his physique.
It was all thanks to his master’s reformation and his resolution.
Levi gazed at the four, smirking.
Shocked, Hell Witch stared at him, her jaws agape.
What? My Hellfire that could destroy anything is useless against Levi?
Incredulous, she summoned her Hellfire and shot them at Levi.
Unfortunately, it had not much effect on Levi over time.
It hurt at first when Levi absorbed her Hellfire. Gradually, the pain diminished and the fire was finally absorbed by him. Next, he took in the Hellfire with ease as he approached her effortlessly.
With just a smack, Hell Witch was sent flying away.
Nonetheless, he was cautious. As Lucifer and the rest were still around, the danger had yet to be resolved.
Suddenly, the man who was called Kraken angrily stomped his legs, and numerous vortexes emerged from the gushing waves from afar.
By controlling the sea, he could alter the flow of energy around the area.
As though situated in an aberrant magnetic field, Levi realized that his power was suppressed.
Meanwhile, the eerie tattoo on Lucifer was perfused with blood and started beaming in blood red.
Instantly, tremendous energy blasted out and meandered violently toward Levi.
Upon taking the blow, blood dripped out of the corner of Levi’s mouth as his vision became blurry.
What an incredible strength! Now I understand, when the strange tattoo on Lucifer’s arm is perfused, he will gain immense power.
“It’s my turn now!” Jester King yelled, thirsty to strike.


Chapter 2125 Forbidden Technique

With the help of Kraken’s restrictive ability, Lucifer was able to injure Levi.
Now, Jester King was dying to attack.

Never had those from Lab of Gods imagined the four would attack together.
Typically, they could vanquish their opponent in one-to-one combat.
However, the battle had dragged too long, leaving the three impatient; thus, cooperated to end it quickly.
A thunderous blare rang as Jester King bolted toward Levi.
Levi slightly drew back, but the former was too fast. Instantly, Jester King appeared behind Levi and landed a punch brutally upon him.
Blood spurted out of his mouth as he was sent flying away.
Only now did he realize how powerful those who were one class higher than Bruce.
However, he would never yield to them.
He mustered his strength to stabilize his stance. Before the three could respond, he promptly dashed toward Kraken.
Although his power was suppressed, he could still land a substantial punch with all his might, rendering Kraken to lose control over the sea.
Immediately, he was freed from the restrictions.
Tap, tap!
In a split second, he appeared between Jester King and Lucifer and tapped on them respectively.
It was a skill of the One Finger Technique, which he once used to eradicate the pure energy beings.
Profound energy would gather at a single explosive point.
Frightened, Jester King and Lucifer anxiously tried to nullify Levi’s attack.
Seizing the opportunity, Levi immediately directed his attention to the comparatively less destructive Hell Witch.
Terrified, Hell Witch hastily emitted Hellfire to hinder Levi.
Sadly, it was a futile resistance.
With a strong punch, Hell Witch was tossed away relentlessly.
Even though she survived the attack, she was severely injured.
Startled, the three were petrified as they stared in disbelief.
Impossible! He’s able to hurt God by himself? How?
Of course, “God” was merely a status entitled to the members of the Lab of Gods.
In fact, they were no Gods, but mortals instead.
As they were stronger than the commoners, they arrogantly thought they could dominate the world; thus, pompously claimed themselves as “Lab of Gods.”
Nevertheless, those as strong as Hell Witch was never injured before.
The three thought Levi was inferior to them in power and believed the latter was unworthy to lay a hand on Hell Witch. Hence, they were vexed upon seeing Hell Witch being defeated because it was not merely a shock to them, but also a blow to their confidence and reputation.
Hell! We are not going to take this!
“Kill him!”
Irked and infuriated, the three gazed viperously at Levi, wanting to slaughter him.
Blood immediately gushed toward Lucifer’s tattoo. As the tattoo beamed brightly in red, the air around Lucifer had gotten more malicious.
Jester King relentlessly flung the piercing Jester Cards incessantly at Levi while Kraken amassed the seawater, converting the immeasurable weight into his strength, and tossed it at Levi.
The infinite seawater continuously encircled him, providing him with infinite power.
Facing the three alone, Levi was obviously overwhelmed.
Injured, blood streamed out of his mouth, nose, and eyes as he stumbled backward.
These three must be one class stronger than me! I don’t stand a chance against them at all! If this goes on, I’m definitely going to die.
Unfortunately, he refrained from using the authentic Forbidden Technique, but the innovated version instead, which he had not mastered.
Against pure energy beings, it would be effective. Sadly, even though he had tried every new technique that he invented, it was futile against those one class stronger than him.
I can’t die here!
Despaired, he yelled desperately, “I’m sorry, Master! I have to do this! Forbidden Technique!”


Chapter 2126 Turn Into A Killing Machine

After countless futile attempts, Levi finally decided to activate Forbidden Technique as he was desperate to survive.

Immediately, black stripes appeared on his face as his air became uncanny and destructive, as though a being from abyssal hell.
He activated a catastrophic Forbidden Technique— Forbidden Annihilation, which could profoundly enhance his power.
Unfortunately, even though he would become invincible, he could lose consciousness and be immersed in bloodthirstiness; thus, slaughtering all the living things in sight.
Therefore, his master prohibited him from thoughtlessly using the Forbidden Technique as he could descend into a ruthless demon if he failed to gain control over his consciousness.
Now, Levi’s aura had become more menacing than that of Lucifer or Hell Witch.
Shocked, the three gazed at the perilous man before their eyes in fear.
Even though Levi was one class lesser than them, he had lost himself after activating Forbidden Annihilation and turned into an intimidating killing machine.
“I’ll slaughter you!” Levi growled malevolently.
Fortunately, he retained part of his consciousness.
His goal was not to destroy everyone in sight but to escape from the place.
Hence, he did not charge toward the three, but toward the direction with the weakest defense.
“Oh no! He’s planning to run away!”
Upon noticing his intention, the three immediately chased after him.
Meanwhile, other elites from Lab of Gods tried to stop Levi, who was charging at them.
After turning into a killing machine, Levi tore the enemies apart viciously, without any fancy skills but solely the bestial way—his hands to crush them and his feet to pulverize them.
Indeed, that was how brutal Forbidden Annihilation could get. Those who had fallen would go berserk and had the urge to kill. With that, they would even consume blood and flesh due to uncontrollable desire.
Overpowered by the urge, Levi had turned into a murderous demon and massacred those who hindered him.
In no time, pieces of fleshes and broken limbs scattered around.
Crumbs of shattered bones and fresh red blood covered the battlefield while screams of agony filled the area.
The gruesome scene terrified those who survived from Lab of Gods.
That’s horrific!
It’s terrifying!
In fact, who would not be?
Unable to hold back the monstrous being, the survivors scuttled around, retreating from the scene.
How shameful it was to those from Lab of Gods, for they had never been vanquished to such degree.
Meanwhile, Lucifer and the two hastily bolted toward Levi to impede the latter’s escape.
The blood-red tattoo grew and covered Lucifer. They were perfused with blood and provided him with immense wicked power.
Jester King transformed into his ultimate form, giving out a menacing impression as Kraken deliberately incorporated a profound mass of seawater into himself.
Their goal was to eradicate him in a single blow, reclaiming glory for Lab of Gods.
He’s fighting alone! If we are to let him get away, it will be a disgrace to Lab of Gods!
Determined, they charged at Levi simultaneously.
“I’ll slaughter you!” Levi roared to activate Forbidden Annihilation again and flung a punch toward the three, with the fastest speed, the greatest strength, and the most malicious intent.


Chapter 2127 Gathering Of The Ancient Clans

Both sides clashed.

The thunderous clap rumbled throughout the horizon.
As the ground began to tremble, the entire island fissured, causing the ground to sink.
Lucifer and his comrades spewed blood as they were thrown backward.
As for Levi, he was flung high into the air and suffered even worse injuries.
Even though he had executed the Forbidden Technique, his current state didn’t allow him full control of it. Hence, he was unable to wield it to its fullest potential.
By forcing its usage, Levi was at the risk of being controlled by the Forbidden Technique and turned into a blood-thirsty killing machine.
He had already reached his limit when he sent three warriors who were stronger than him flying.
It was a miracle indeed.
Others might not be fully aware of how strong Lucifer and his comrades were, but the Lab of Gods knew.
When they saw how Levi was evenly matched with three of their warriors combined, they wondered about the extent of Levi’s true strength.
All this while, they assumed he was on Bruce’s level and there was no need to deploy someone of Lucifer’s caliber.
In fact, they felt that it was overkill to do so.
However, Levi had demonstrated that he could stand his ground against the three elites, giving the Lab of Gods a shock.
Despite being badly wounded when he was thrown back by the impact, Levi took a deep breath before he jumped into the ocean and fled.
He wasn’t going to allow them any opportunity to catch him.
“Get him! Don’t let him escape!”
“Kraken, the sea is your playground. Go after him!”
Just when Lucifer and his comrades were about to give chase, the Eighteen Dark Angels stopped them in their tracks.
“Go back and stop pursuing.”
When Levi unleashed his ultimate technique and secured a window to escape, the Dark Emperor had ordered the Dark Angels to help Levi by stopping the Lab of Gods.
Now that the Lab of Gods knew that they had interfered, there was no longer any need to be discreet.
Lucifer and his comrades’ expressions drastically changed as they knew how strong the Eighteen Dark Angels were.
If a fight broke out between both sides, it would be a long-drawn-out battle. By then, Levi would have already escaped.
After a brief stand-off, Lucifer ordered in resignation, “Retreat!”
“However, the animosity you have demonstrated today will not go unpunished. It’s just a matter of time before the Sacred Organization is destroyed,” Lucifer warned.
“Come at us then! Who’s the one that’s retreating right now?”
The Eighteen Dark Angels broke into hearty laughter.
Having received their orders, the troops from the Lab of Gods disappeared very quickly.
At the same time, the Eighteen Dark Angels retreated too.
By the time everyone else arrived, all they found was a half-sunken island that was completely wreaked.
Other than that, there was nothing else.
“Did our boss survive?”
Azure Dragon and his team were both surprised and delighted.
When the divine generals of The Cardinal Hall arrived, everyone was shocked as no one had expected them to be there.
The reason was that The Cardinal Hall had never left Erudia on their missions and they would only appear when Erudia’s safety was under threat.
Upon hearing the news that Levi was alive, everyone was relieved.
Meanwhile, Sammy had successfully met up with the injured Levi.
Cognizant that the Lab of Gods was hunting him down, Levi knew that his best option was to hide within the Triple Group.
Soon, everyone left the island as there wasn’t a soul left.
However, a short while later. A group of mysterious figures appeared.
They were from the Ancient Clans and had been looking for the bearer of the seal.
When Levi had unleashed the Forbidden Technique, they had noticed a familiar aura and rushed to its source at once.
When the Ancient Clans from all over gathered, they were stunned to see each other.
“It has appeared!”
“This familiar aura! It has to be!”


Chapter 2128 The Worst Fears

Everyone from the Ancient Clans was filled with excitement.
Tears gushed out of their eyes as they dropped to their knees to perform some sort of ritual.

After searching for half a year, they had finally tracked down the seal that carried the aura of the Forbidden Annihilation. It had belonged to the person they were searching for.
“It’s a surprise to see you here.”
The different factions of the Ancient Clans greeted each other. After they were acquainted with one another.
“What? Even you guys are here. Aren’t you hibernating within the glaciers in the North Pole?”
“We came out in search of him once we heard the news.”
“What about you? I heard your clan was wiped out. How can you still be here?”
“It was he who had saved us from our doom.”
“You’re here too?”
“Even you!”
Many of the Ancient Clans felt euphoric when they saw each other.
However, they were not surprised at all.
In fact, it wouldn’t have surprised them that the crowd that gathered for the mysterious man was a hundredfold larger.
“The Forbidden Annihilation! He has unleashed it right here!”
“Just a while ago, the mysterious person had used Forbidden Annihilation to hold his ground against three elite fighters who were stronger than him.”
“Go and investigate! We must find out where he has gone to.”
“I didn’t expect you to have an heir! Are you still alive somewhere?”
“Your humble servant is dying to see you again!” one of the leaders exclaimed as he dropped to his knees.
No one had expected that such a group would gather in the aftermath.
Many powerful factions, such as the Lab of Gods and the Sacred Organization, had men observing the location.
However, the spies were quickly detected and killed.
Not a soul was left standing.
Evidently, the spies had underestimated this new group and had realized too late that they were not to be trifled with.
The Ancient Clans were extremely strong. Naturally, the news of their emergence never got out.
Meanwhile, in addition to the Ancient Clans, many other factions in the world went into an uproar.
“It has appeared! It has finally appeared!”
“The Forbidden Annihilation! My God! Chaos will follow! It’s the end!”
“Haha! This is exciting! Extremely exciting! Now that the Forbidden Technique has been performed, those old men will be forced out of hiding!”
Meanwhile, in The Manifest Court back in Erudia…
“It’s here! It’s finally here!”
Evidently, Levi’s usage of the Forbidden Technique had caused a furor.
Consequently, there were even more people looking for him.
After the loss and humiliation, the Lab of Gods had suffered, they were desperately trying to find him.
At the same time, many of the Ancient Clans were looking for him too.
There were just too many people doing so.
Meanwhile, Levi was with Sammy.
After facing off with Lucifer and his comrades, he ended up with grievous injuries all over his body.
“They are extremely strong! Is that the true power of the Lab of Gods?” Levi lamented.
He had never faced foes that the Forbidden Technique was not able to kill.
Furthermore, he was forced to fight desperately for his life and even suffered serious injuries during the battle.
It’s all the Sacred Organization’s fault! If not for them, this wouldn’t have happened.
“The Lab of Gods is unimaginably strong. The enemies that you have met are mutants from the old days. Some are born with special abilities while others were bestowed with superpowers through accidental circumstances. Consequently, the group that controls the Lab of Gods must be of an inconceivable existence,” Sammy lamented.
Soon, she received some news. “I have just found out from the Triple Group’s most secretive database that the four enemies you fought belonged to the Ancient Clans. They were born with the power to control the elements at will.
“Many of those who have the power to wield the elements are born of their bloodline. Despite not being purebred, they are still able to inherit the special abilities that are unique to the bloodline. However, the foes you fought against are all purebreds!”
Levi was shocked. “That’s terrifying!”
“The most horrifying part is…”
“What is it?”


Chapter 2129 Exposed Identity

“The scariest part is that they are not from the earliest generations, but are from generations that come much later,” Sammy exclaimed.
Levi understood what she meant. “Are you saying that they are not considered the strongest? In other words, their powers diminish after generations of inheritance?”

“Exactly! The strongest from the clans are from the first generation. Therefore, they are trying their best to regain the powers of their ancestors through research.”
Sammy gasped.
“The Lab of Gods is extremely powerful. However, as long as I’m alive, they will never have their way.”
The fact that he was faced with a mighty foe didn’t deter Levi at all.
“Your injuries are really serious. It looks like you will need more time to recuperate.”
Sammy was already treating Levi’s wounds.
“I had overstretched myself this time as I wasn’t aware of what the consequences of using the Forbidden Technique were.”
Levi had always been concerned about that.
He finally realized why his master had warned him not to use it lightly.
Nevertheless, he no longer needed to worry now that he had used it.
From then on, he could unleash it without any reservations.
Whoever offended him would be dealt with by using the Forbidden Technique.
There was no need to hold back anymore.
However, he wasn’t aware of the emergence of the Ancient Clans.
“What a disgrace!”
Back at the Lab of Gods, Lucifer and his comrades lowered their heads while being admonished by a man dressed in a dashing suit and leather shoes.
He was also wearing a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles.
“Have any of you any use at all? How can you not know his identity by now?”
The four of them didn’t even dare to breathe.
They had assumed that no one could stop their combined attacks.
However, no one expected Levi to be this strong!
More importantly, they didn’t even know Levi’s identity as all this while, it was Bruce who had dealt with him.
All they were doing was exacting revenge on his behalf.
“In that case, let me tell you who he is!” the man in a suit roared.
In response, the four of them looked up in curiosity.
“He is Levi Garrison! He still lives!”
“What? Levi? He…”
Just when everyone conveyed their skepticism, the man in a suit bellowed, “Are you going to say that it’s impossible? But Levi is obviously alive. All of you have been deceived by him! After the incident with Bruce, I personally investigated the matter and discovered that he still lives!”
Given that the man had personally verified the fact, no one was in any doubt.
It was as if his every word was truth itself.
“Later on, I received a message from Bruce before he died. He confirmed that it was Levi,” the man added.
“It really is him! I can’t believe he is alive and has caused so much trouble!”
“It’s all our fault for underestimating him and letting Bruce deal with him alone.”
“Now, I’m going to give you an opportunity to make up for your mistake,” the man declared.
The four of them were stunned.
“What opportunity?”
The man finally let out a smile. “Not only do I know his identity, but I also know his hideout right now.”
The four of them were shocked at how the man knew.
On second thought, it wasn’t surprising for the man to have discovered where Levi was.
To the Lab of Gods, it wasn’t a matter of Levi being powerful.
It was more because the truly important figures of the organization had no time to deal with him.
If one of their leaders had taken action, Levi would have been disposed of a long time ago.
The gulf between their strength was simply too great.
Hence, there was no need for them to deal with it themselves.
“Wh-where is he?”
Lucifer gulped.
“He is hiding with Sammy of the Triple Group in Stellar City. She has betrayed us long ago! All of you should infiltrate Keerea at once. Levi is grievously injured right now, and he must be killed! I’ll also provide you with more men just in case something unexpected happens.”


Chapter 2130 The Terrifying Doctor

The man provided Lucifer with more elite fighters as a backup.
“Are you injured too? What a useless bunch!” the man scolded them again.

Nevertheless, he provided them with some specially customized medication.
Their eyes glistened when they saw the medication as if they were some kind of treasure.
In fact, they were right. The medication had a mysterious ability to heal and also to increase one’s power.
Furthermore, it also provided some unexpected benefits.
Someone of Bruce’s level had no access to such medication.
Even for Lucifer, the medication didn’t come by easily.
Therefore, the four of them thanked the man in the suit at once.
After downing the medication, all their internal injuries and external wounds healed at once.
Furthermore, they could feel their abilities being elevated which delighted the four of them.
“I liked Bruce for how competent he is. However, it was a shame that we were too late. Or else, I could’ve gotten someone to save him,” the man lamented.
Lucifer and the others caught their breath as they knew who he was talking about.
If not for the fact that Bruce’s body was decimated, he could’ve been revived.
That person was none other than the most terrifying doctor in the Lab of Gods.
With that, Lucifer and his men headed toward Keerea in their attempt to execute a counterattack.
It was an unexpected at their end.
Everyone had assumed that the Lab of Gods would have stayed their hand for the time being after suffering such a brutal defeat.
However, no one expected them to not only know Levi’s identity, but also his location.
With that, Lucifer set off to face Levi.
Although the men in a suit did not send many men, every one of them was an elite fighter in their own right.
Even Lucifer dared not underestimate them.
Consequently, they were filled with anticipation for the upcoming strike.
Meanwhile, back in Sammy’s manor at Stellar City, Levi was recuperating from his injuries.
He was in a safe place where no one could find him.
This time, the injuries he had suffered were extremely serious. Despite combining his secret healing technique with Sammy’s latest technology, he had only managed to recover fifty percent of his strength.
To be back at a hundred percent, he needed ten days to half a month’s time of recovery.
Levi lamented, “This is terrible. If I hadn’t absorbed the inferno, my condition would probably be worse.”
“What’s your plan after you recover?” Sammy asked.
“I will continue to strengthen myself and expose the Lab of Gods for who they are,” Levi replied.
When he was casually chatting with Sammy, he didn’t expect Lucifer and his men to return.
At that moment, a group of men arrived in Stellar City, heralding a brutal battle ahead.
“We have just received news that Levi is recuperating at Sammy’s holiday manor. However, he is only midway through his recovery and is at his weakest right now.”
“All right. Let’s move! We must either kill or capture Levi,” Lucifer ordered.
Fiddling with his poker cards, Jester King sneered, “Once we have eliminated Levi, I am going to give the Triple Group a good cleansing.”
The others nodded in agreement. “Of course. Given that they no longer obey us, we must remind them of the need for absolute obedience.”
Soon, Lucifer and his team appeared in the vicinity of Sammy’s holiday manor.
However, Sammy was someone vigilant. She had surrounded the manor with hidden sentries and scouts.
After Levi had found her, she beefed up the manor’s security accordingly.
Therefore, the manor’s surroundings were packed with even more guards.
However, Lucifer and his men still managed to infiltrate the building.
To them, the guards posed no threat at all as they were taken down one by one.
When they were done, a total of three hundred and seventeen men had been disposed of without Sammy being alerted.
Finally, only the manor was left standing.
Although Lucifer’s team only had fourteen men, they were enough to surround the manor and seal off all exits.
“Let’s begin!”


Chapter 2131 No One Is Leaving This Place Alive

Inside the manor, Levi was resting with his eyes closed.
Suddenly, he could feel a sense of dread while his left eyelid twitched rapidly. It felt as if there was impending danger.

“Damn it. Something’s about to happen!”
Levi had an accurate six sense.
Hence, he shared what he sensed with Sammy.
“Could it be that I’ve been discovered?”
While Levi felt wary, Sammy went to investigate.
When she tried contacting her guards, none of them responded.
That was when she knew that the safety perimeter had been compromised.
Only the manor’s security system was still functioning.
“Something’s wrong! My men are not responding. I’m afraid they might be dead!” Sammy exclaimed.
“Come on, let’s escape via the secret underground tunnel. We cannot stay here any longer.”
Sammy led Levi away at once.
At that moment, the French windows in the room were shattered by an attack.
A figure appeared to block their way.
It was Lucifer.
“Levi, there’s no escape for you!” Lucifer roared.
Next, the wall on the other side was blown apart with Kraken emerging from the rubble.
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
Accompanied by a stack of flying Jester Cards, Jester King and Hell Witch made their entrance.
The next moment, the manor’s roof collapsed while someone else attacked from below their feet.
By then, the other ten attackers had gathered.
All of them were in suits and exuded a domineering aura.
Finally, they had completely surrounded Levi.
“Levi, today is the day you die. There is no way you’re going to escape from our clutches.”
All the guards at the manor had been killed. Hence, only Levi and Sammy were left.
Shocked, Levi’s expression drastically changed.
What’s going on? Didn’t they leave? Why did they turn back in such a short time?
Furthermore, how did they find out my identity?
In fact, they sounded certain of it.
More importantly, how did they know I was here? They seemed to have learned a lot in such a short time.
A barrage of questions popped up in Levi’s mind.
Meanwhile, Lucifer could see how bewildered Levi was.
He sneered, “Both of you are too naive to think that you can take on the Lab of Gods! You have no idea what you are facing!”
“Levi, surrender and come with us peacefully. Or else, only death awaits.” Jester King burst into a wave of laughter.
“Me? Surrender? Never!”
Suddenly, Levi charged at Hell Witch.
Together with Levi, Sammy used her powers to control their enemies.
However, she had underestimated how strong they were.
Her powers were simply useless against them.
“What an amateur!”
Ignoring Levi, Lucifer attacked Sammy.
At the same time, Hell Witch unleashed an inferno to stop Levi in his tracks.
Unable to use her powers, Sammy was just as vulnerable as an ordinary human being.
Staring at the charging Lucifer, Sammy froze on the spot.
Left without a choice, Levi had to turn back to save her.
Lucifer launched an attack while Levi intercepted it with his own.
Bam! Bam! Bam!
Unable to withstand the impact, Levi was thrown backward instead.
With that, Jester King and the rest joined in the fray.
The attacks on Levi became relentless.
They have grown stronger!
Levi had noticed that his attackers not only recovered from their injuries but had also increased in strength.
Is this what makes the Lab of Gods so mystical?
As the rest of the attackers piled on the pressure, Levi and Sammy were gradually forced into a corner.
In a blink of an eye, both of them were already hurt.
At the same time, Levi’s earlier wounds deteriorated further.
“It seems we’re not going to be able to leave!”
Despair began to creep into Levi.
If he wasn’t grievously wounded, they might still stand a chance.
But now that he was, he could barely hold his ground any longer.
“Don’t let him live!”
As if they had gone berserk, Lucifer and his men intensified their attacks.


Chapter 2132 The Worst Has Yet To Come

In his desperation, Levi performed the Forbidden Technique.

At the crucial moment, the power unleashed by Levi caught Lucifer and the others by surprise.
Despite their overwhelming strength and the fact that he was seriously injured, Levi managed to battle toe to toe with them.
It was unbelievable.
However, Levi was forcing himself beyond his limit.
Soon, it was obvious that he was on his lasts legs.
If the enemies were only one class weaker, Levi would be able to leverage the explosiveness of the Forbidden Technique to fight his way out.
Their chances of survival would be much higher.
Unfortunately, Lucifer and all of his men were simply too strong.
Previously, Levi had only managed to fight on equal terms with them using the Forbidden Technique.
But now, their numbers had increased and his chances looked bleak.
However, in a desperate bid for survival, Levi gave everything he had and exhausted all of the Forbidden Techniques he knew.
Even though executing Forbidden Annihilation would cause him to lose his mind, Levi didn’t care.
All that mattered was their survival.
So what if I turn into a mindless killing machine?
At that moment, the ferocious aura that Levi emitted expanded significantly.
It seemed to meld the heavens and the earth together.
Levi looked as if he was a demon who had climbed out of hell, giving Lucifer and his men a fright.
How can he still be so strong?
What sort of monster is he?
They had not expected such a turn of events.
“Watch out everyone! Don’t let him flee!” Lucifer reminded.
If they were to fail again, it would be utter humiliation.
We have to succeed!
Levi must be killed!
At that moment, Levi spewed a mouthful of black-colored blood.
It was obvious that he was poisoned.
When Sammy and he exchanged glances, they knew that the medication that Sammy provided him had been tampered with.
It not only didn’t help with his recovery but had also aggravated his injuries instead.
When Levi was harnessing his energy, the medication’s effect was triggered.
It was now evident that the medication provided by Sammy had long been switched.
This was part of the man in a suit’s plan all along.
Given how shrewd he was, he was able to put into motion an elaborate plot in such a short time.
It was simply unimaginable.
The next moment, Levi continued to throw up black-colored blood. Just like a deflated balloon, the energy he harnessed began to lose its potency.
Just a moment ago, he was still able to hold his ground against his foes. But now, he had lost his ability to do so.
His body weakened to the extent that he was unable to use any Forbidden Techniques at all, let alone fight with such powerful opponents.
Realizing his predicament, Lucifer and his men began to smile.
They now knew that Levi had passed the peak of his powers.
“Kill him now!”
Just a moment ago, Lucifer had confirmed with the man in the suit that there was no need to capture Levi alive.
They could go ahead and kill him.
Despite feeling the urge to fight on, Levi’s body was going against his will.
Given how serious his wounds were and the fact that he was at his enemies’ mercy, Levi was filled with utter despair.
Meanwhile, Jester King flung his cards at Levi, as if they were sharp-edged weapons flying in Levi’s direction.
“No!” Sammy screamed hysterically.
Suddenly a figure appeared and kicked the cards aside.
Bam! Bam! Bam!
One by one, more figures appeared.
Soon, a group of young men who were known as the Genesis Devils of Triple Group emerged.
“Save us!” Sammy yelled.
They were Sammy’s ultimate trump card.
The Genesis Devils charged ferociously at Lucifer and his men, sparking a brutal battle that tied them down.
Subsequently, Sammy used the opportunity to escape with Levi.
“Don’t worry, they are strong enough to keep our enemies at bay. We should leave first!”
Sammy had confident in her subordinates.
After all, they were strong and had saved her time and again.
“All right. Let’s go!”
Levi could feel his body continue to weaken. Feeling groggy, he knew that he could lose consciousness anytime.
Can we really escape?


Chapter 2133 This Is The End

Meanwhile, Lucifer and his men were being agitated by the young men produced by the Devil Genesis Project.
“Kill them all!”

Lucifer scoffed, “Do you know how you came to being? How dare you stand against us?”
Thirty years ago, the man in a suit had started Project Genesis at the Lab of Gods.
He too had started the Triple Group’s Devil Genesis Project.
Given that he was the founder of both projects, the young men in front of them were considered his creations.
Ironically, they were now standing in their way which made for a twisted joke.
Suddenly, the tattoos on Lucifer’s body began to glow. With a sudden explosion of power, he grabbed one of the young men and tore him apart with his bare hands.
Hell Witch then unleashed Hellfire to burn one of them to crisp.
Unfortunately, not everyone was able to absorb fire like Levi.
Whoever that was caught would be incinerated to bits.
At the same time, Jester King and Kraken used their own abilities to kill the enemies they faced.
As for the ten elite warriors that the man in a suit had sent, all of them eliminated their foes with their own unique abilities.
In less than a minute, the young men were all massacred.
Against Lucifer’s overwhelming power, they didn’t stand a chance at all.
When Lucifer and his men caught up with Sammy and Levi, both of them were stunned.
What happened to the group of young men?
Were they defeated in less than a minute?
How is this possible?
“Are you looking for them still? They’re dead!”
Lucifer grabbed one of their heads and flung it toward Sammy’s feet.
She caught her breath in response.
After all, she knew better than anyone how strong the young men were.
She wasn’t even hoping that they could defeat Lucifer. Nevertheless, she expected them to at least be able to put up a longer fight.
No one had expected all of them to perish within a minute.
That showed that Lucifer and his men were just too strong.
“Levi, your end is near. Today is the day you die and no one will be able to save you!” Lucifer sneered.
Jester King looked at Sammy, “Don’t worry, once all this ends, we will start cleansing the Triple Group with blood.”
“Stop them!”
Shocked by his words, Sammy used her special authority to mobilize all of Triple Group’s elites to stop them.
The next moment, tens of thousands of formidable fighters appeared.
“It’s useless! You can’t stop them. Don’t sacrifice them in vain!” Levi yelled.
Given how strong their enemies were, even a hundred thousand more men wouldn’t be enough.
“In that case, what should we do?”
Sammy began to panic as she didn’t want Levi to die.
“Let me think of a plan!”
Sitting on the ground, Levi racked his brains as he desperately tried to come up with something.
He recalled in his mind all the ancient books that his master had left him and tried to figure out a strategy.
“Don’t move! No one is allowed to move!”
At that moment, the high-rank officials of Triple Group appeared after they received the news. They subsequently ordered their fighters to stand down.
This put Levi at Lucifer’s mercy.
“We’re doomed! Looks like we’re not going to survive today!” Levi lamented.
Within such a short time, he couldn’t come up with any countermeasures at all.
Lucifer and his men were just overwhelmingly powerful.
There was little they could do that would make any difference.
“What are we going to do now?”
Sammy was seized by panic.
Soon, Lucifer had come face to face with Levi.
“Levi, prepare to say goodbye to the world! You’re as good as dead now!”
Lucifer wanted Levi to die the same way Bruce did.
As the tattoos on his body began to glow, he harnessed an insidious power to kill Levi with a single strike.
He wasn’t going to allow Levi any opportunity to live.
Realizing that his end was near, Levi closed his eyes in resignation.
In his mind, the silhouettes of his mother, Zoey, and Forlevia flashed across.
“Goodbye! This is the end.”


Chapter 2134 Till Death Do We Part

Lucifer grinned, pleased to see Levi in that pathetic state.
He has given up!

It gave him immense satisfaction to be able to beat a man like Levi to the point of desperation, hopelessness, and surrender.
I, Lucifer, did it!
Just as he was about to deliver the final fatal blow on Levi, Levi suddenly opened his eyes and gave him a terrifying look.
Lucifer froze on the spot, the smile wiped off his face.
Oh no!
By the time he realized something was wrong, it was too late.
A man like Levi would never give up on his fight! He never did that in the past, was not about to do it at that moment, and would likely never do it even in the future.
It was true he was thinking about Emma, Zoey, and Forlevia, but it was not because he gave up his fight and was waiting for doom.
He was waiting to launch a surprise counter-attack at his final moment.
He had thrown caution in the wind and decided to go for the kill, even if that meant he would perish together with Lucifer.
That was the last thing he would do before his death, as Levi would never simply give up!
It was too late when Lucifer saw through Levi’s intentions.
Levi was about to sacrifice his own life in order to bring him down.
That was one of the most sinister skills in the Forbidden Technique.
Levi had gone out of his mind and had no regard for his own life anymore. It was obvious to everyone present, but there was nothing they could do to stop him.
Levi clung onto Lucifer like a leech, and despite his best efforts, Lucifer could not get rid of Levi. He panicked and rained punches on Levi. Alas, even though Levi was bleeding profusely, he held on to Lucifer with all his might.
Bang! Bang!
Whenever a strike landed on Levi and inflicted a wound on him, a similar wound would appear on Lucifer’s body.
Lucifer experienced firsthand the horrors of the Forbidden Technique.
Levi was using his last remaining strength to take Lucifer down with him.
Bang, bang, bang!
It all happened in a split second, and before anyone realized what had happened, both Levi and Lucifer had collapsed onto the ground.
Both their bodies were laden with ugly raw wounds, but Levi went down with a triumphant smile. He had successfully killed Lucifer, even though it was with the heavy price of his own life.
Till the last moment, he had no regrets.
Sammy, Jester King, and the crowd shouted out in distress as the two men slumped on the ground, motionless.
“Levi has perished, but so has Lucifer…” Jester King reported to Scias.
“Useless bums! What a bunch of idiots! Levi was so badly injured, yet you gave him the chance to kill Lucifer?” Scias howled.
After a short pause, he suddenly added, “Wait a moment. Let me check on Lucifer! Oh, there is still hope! He is not beyond cure! Bring him back! But Levi, he is dead for sure!”
Jester King hurriedly brought Lucifer away, totally ignoring Levi and Sammy.
“We’ll deal with Triple Group in the future! Saving Lucifer is our priority now!”
Soon, only two figures were left in the midst of the ruined site. Sammy was wailing next to the motionless body of Levi, whose eyes were closed, but the corners of his mouth were lifted as if he was smiling at his final moment.
When Lucifer was brought back to the Lab of Gods, Scias handed his body to the most terrifying doctor there, popularly known as Dr. Erebus.
Dr. Erebus, who was rumored to be able to save his patients from hell, checked on Lucifer and smirked, “To you, he is dead. But to me, he is still alive! I can perform a miracle and let him come back in another way even if he is dead!”
That was the precise reason why Scias told Bruce that so long as the bodies were intact, he could bring them back to life. It might not be life in its original form, but he could let them live on in another way.
Dr. Erebus was the one who started Project Genesis, and he was a truly terrifying but brilliant doctor.
It was something Levi had not predicted. Never in his wildest dream could he have known the man he killed at the expense of his own life would be revived!
Sammy brought over a doctor, and Levi was certified dead.
Unlike the staged death at Goldenport Island, this time, he was really dead, as he had fought with the intention of perishing together with Lucifer.


Chapter 2135 He Must Live Beyond Us

Levi is dead!
Half a year ago, when that news came out from the battle at Goldenport Island, it created a huge uproar!

The Erudians mourned while his foes celebrated.
No one could imagine they would hear the same news again six months later.
What is happening?
Levi is dead?
Isn’t he dead long ago?
Why is this trending again?
Soon, many speculations and news surfaced.
People began to realize Levi actually did not perish during the battle at Goldenport Island. He had staged his own death and deceived everyone.
In fact, it was Levi who guarded the sunstone supply of Erudia and destroyed all of the Lab of Gods’ training bases around the world. The recent killings of Bruce and all the prominent leaders were also his works.
People were shocked to hear that he had been furiously protecting Erudia from harm and it was him secretly going against Bruce.
The divine generals of The Cardinal Hall finally understood why people said they were insignificant compared to Levi and why The Manifest Court insisted on them saving him at the last moment.
News also came out that the fighters of Lab of Gods made an unexpected return to Keerea and caught Levi off-guard. He finally died after being poisoned and ambushed by many elites. However, even with his last breath, he took down a mighty foe with him.
Azure Dragon and his team were devastated by the news as they had thought he managed to keep safe after the Goldenport Island incident.
Sammy was too overwhelmed with grieve, and the fact that Triple Group had found out she had committed the grave crime of hiding Levi did not matter to her anymore. She would give up anything to bring Levi back to life.
The high-rank officials of Triple Group decided to destroy Levi’s body and forcefully brought Sammy away from it.
Unexpectedly, a man suddenly appeared out of nowhere and declared, “Don’t you dare touch him!”
In the blink of an eye, the man disappeared together with Levi’s body, right in front of them!
“What is that? What is happening?”
It was too unreal for them, and they couldn’t believe their eyes! The man was so quick that they did not even have time to take a good look at his face before he took off with Levi’s body.
It was Fiery Demon who took away Levi!
After he heard about the killing of Bruce, he had been keeping an eye on Levi. However, after he saw Levi was safe, he left. No one had expected that the Lab of Gods would turn back and go after Levi again.
“You can’t die!” Cyrus cried out in desperation to Levi’s body.
Soon, a group of people rushed in. They were from the Ancient Clans.
They had rushed over after being notified by Cyrus.
“Is… is that him?” They looked at Levi with doubt.
“Search his body! we may find some evidence!” Cyrus said.
One of the men gingerly searched Levi’s body and found the black seal.
Plop! Plop!
The sight of the black seal brought all the men to their knees, and they were crying tears of joy!
That seal meant a lot to all of them, and they would willingly give up their lives for the person holding that seal!
“It is real! This time it is for real!” they shouted in excitement.
“Save him! We have to save him!” Cyrus yelled.
“Yes! We have to save him. Regardless of the cost, we have to save him!”
“One thing is for sure, even if we all die, he cannot die!”
Levi’s condition was so bad that they were pulling their hair out trying to figure a way to revive him.
Without any delay, they started working on it.
“Huh? Strange! He…” Soon, a man found something weird about Levi.
“What is wrong? What happened?” The rest crowded over anxiously.


Chapter 2136 The Terrifying Powers Of Forbidden Technique

“This is impossible!” the man shouted.
He was from the Ancient Clans and had exceptional medical knowledge and skills.

“What is wrong?” His reaction puzzled the rest of the group.
“He was dead a while ago, but he seems to be breathing again! His body is self-healing!” the man exclaimed in shock.
“That is impossible!”
“So he is not dead?”
The men were elated by the surprising revelation.
“Oh, wonderful! That is simply wonderful!”
“No, something is not right! This is unbelievable! Not only is he reviving, but he also seems to be coming back stronger and more formidable, like a phoenix rising from the ashes!” the man marveled.
Everyone stayed still, and true enough, they too, felt a growing vitality exuding from Levi.
How is this possible?
Not only did he survive, but he is coming back stronger?
Who can explain this?
“What is happening? All of you are learned men, so can any of you explain what is happening?”
The men looked at one another puzzledly, unable to give a reasonable explanation of what they were witnessing.
“Forbidden Technique! He used the Forbidden Technique!”
“Oh yes! I have heard about a skill in Maestro’s Forbidden Technique that requires one to perish with the foe!” a man shared.
Then he added, “But that was to be used only as a last resort! I heard it wasn’t really about perishing with your foe, but more like a test to see if one really had the determination to do so. Most people would not dare to try it, as not many had that kind of courage to make such a drastic move. However, once you go beyond that point, it was not death but a renewed life that greets you!”
The man took a look at Levi and declared, “He had just proven it works!”
“Oh, that is great! It is wonderful that he is alive!”
No one expected Lucifer to be brought back to life, but Levi’s revival was even more unexpected.
A few divine generals were kneeling in front of The Manifest Court at The Cardinal Hall.
“Masters, you knew Levi was alive, didn’t you?” they asked.
“Yes,” came the reply
“Why did you not tell us earlier?” they asked, baffled.
An angry voice boomed from The Manifest Court’s building, chiding, “Do we have to explain ourselves to you?”
“No, no, no! We are just perplexed over this!” The divine generals’ faces paled, and they hurriedly explained.
Indeed, even the divine brigadier had no right to question these mighty men, so they were overstepping their boundaries.
“Seniors, we just received news that Levi had really died this time. The Lab of Gods…” News traveled fast, and it had reached the ears of The Manifest Court.
“We already knew about that. Well, that is his fate, so there is nothing we can do about it. We can only pray that Erudia will have more men like him!”
“You have seen the might of Lab of Gods, so you know how horrifying they are.”
“You are nothing compared to them now, so better buck up! We don’t want to be going around clearing up the mess you leave behind!”
“Yes, we understand!” the divine generals fearfully replied.
After the divine generals left, the elderly men could be heard discussing, “So it is the Forbidden Technique! It has resurfaced!”
“Will he die?”
“That would be almost impossible!”
Back at the Lab of Gods, Jester King was asking, “The Ancients Clans have been very active recently. What brought them out?”
“Yes, I noticed that too. Those old men I used to know have made unexpected appearances recently. It is indeed rare!”
“It is not easy to get information from these men. They are all tight-lipped and will not divulge anything!”
“That is why we have to speed up! We have to move a step ahead of them in order to maintain control over the situation,” Scias said.
Jester King fell into silence.
What Scias had mentioned were the secretive future plans of the Lab of Gods, which not many people were privy of.
“Come over. I have a new mission for you. See to it immediately!” Scias suddenly recalled something and gave Jester King a new order.


Chapter 2137 My Mysterious Master

Jester King left immediately upon receiving Scias’ new instructions.
Not too long after, the lab announced that Lucifer had been revived.

It was Dr. Erebus who performed the miracle and brought Lucifer back from the brink of hell.
“Death is not in his vocabulary!” Scias crowed.
“Now, time for me to start my project!” he concluded and washed his hands off all other matters to focus on the mysterious project he mentioned. Details of that project were top secret, but one could almost be sure it would be nothing short of crazy.
“Huh? I am still alive?” Levi woke up and found himself with a stronger body and greater prowess.
This is strange! Oh, it must be the Forbidden Technique!
He immediately thought of the most powerful skill of the Forbidden Technique, which he used during his fight with Lucifer.
So in actual fact, he had misunderstood it. The technique was not meant to kill oneself together with one’s foe, but to help one get out of the most desperate and dangerous situation. It was actually Reversero in its most extreme form. When his body was inflicted with the most deadly injuries, he came back with the most prowess!
He had finally deciphered the secret of the Forbidden Technique!
Levi was, of course, elated to be alive.
“Hahaha, who would have thought I would still be alive! Hahaha…” he laughed out loud.
At that moment, he realized how much he treasured and missed his family and compatriots…
“Wait! Someone is out there?” He abruptly stopped laughing when he sensed there were people outside of his room.
When he pushed open the door, he was taken aback by the scene that greeted him.
There were a few hundred people kneeling in front of his room!
What is this?
Levi was dumbstruck by the sight.
“What are you…?” he couldn’t help but ask.
“We have been waiting for you to wake up!” the crowd chorused.
“Waiting for me to wake up? So you were the ones who saved me?” he responded.
“No, we did nothing much. It is mainly your own credit, Maestro! To be more precise, it is because you executed the Forbidden Technique!” someone replied.
Levi was shocked that they knew about the Forbidden Technique and wondered if they were the trouble his mentor had warned him about if he used the Forbidden Technique.
“Who are you?” Levi could not hold back his curiosity.
He was pretty sure they were not his foes, as he would not be alive if they were. Also, his foes would not be there guarding him when he was in a coma.
“Hope you will allow us to ask you a question first. May we know how you get that black seal?”
Instantly, the few hundred pairs of eyes were on Levi, all filled with anticipation.
“My mentor gave it to me!” Levi blurted out.
However, he immediately corrected himself by adding, “No, to be more specific, I see him as my mentor. He had never acknowledged me as a disciple, nor does he like me to address him that way!”
As soon as the crowd heard his reply, they all started bowing down and prostrated themselves at him.
“Respect to Heaven and Earth!”
“Respect to The Holy Seal!”
“Respect to Maestro!”
Levi knew they were bowing and showing respect to him because of his mentor, but he was still surprised they were showing him so much reverence even though he had already told them his mentor had never accepted him as a disciple!
“No! The fact that Maestro handed the holy seal to you and taught you the Forbidden Technique meant you are his apprentice! And you are the one and only, as he had never accepted anyone before!”
“Yes, you are his heir! The black seal is proof of that!”
“We all acknowledge you as his heir, and everyone else will too!”
From their chatters, Levi confirmed his earlier guess that they were there because of his mentor. He also came to know they were from the Ancient Clans from all over the world.
Some of the clans had been in existence since time immemorial, but they had kept a low profile so they were not widely known to the public.
Many were as established as Eragon, and some even dated back to before The Cardinal Hall was set up!
“So, in short, who exactly is my mentor?”


Chapter 2138 Almost A God

That was the question that had been on Levi’s mind for the longest time.
Seeing how the Ancient Clans became so emotional over his mentor, he couldn’t help but become more curious about the mysterious man who made him who he was.

The power to mobilize these Ancient Clans added to the many mystiques surrounding his mentor. The Ancient Clans obviously knew who he was, so that was Levi’s chance to find out more about him.
“You don’t know who he is?” the crowd looked at him with bewilderment written all over their faces.
“He had never told me his real identity, so I really have no idea who he is!” Levi confessed.
Those members of the ancient clans exchanged knowing glances, then concluded, “We are not surprised, given how he had always been. We would find it more suspicious if you said he told you everything!”
“Actually, we don’t know much about him either, Maestro. We are in no position to probe and would not dare to question either!”
“He is an enigma! During our times, he had a God-like presence. All of us present here had benefitted from his graciousness and help in one way or another!”
“Yes! Without him, our clan would have disappeared a long time ago. He is our savior!”
“Ditto! For so many years, we had been yearning to meet him in person!”
“He is the idol our clan pays respect to! Our clan will hold him in our heart eternally!”
Levi had totally underestimated how zealous those people were. They had so much adoration for his mentor that they resembled a group of fanatic fans.
It was almost impossible for Levi to imagine what his mentor might have done to win such devotion from these Ancient Clans.
Their reactions added more questions to his mind. He wondered what his mentor was like during their era, and also how he would compare to the creme de la creme of Levi’s era.
Despite his repeated probes, he could not get any useful information about his mentor’s identity.
He was also a mystery to the Ancient Clans. He had a fleeting presence in their lives, although those brief encounters were enough to drastically alter their fate, and hence their intense devotion to him.
“Maestro, do you know we had always wanted to serve under him? Alas, we were too insignificant and not qualified to do so.”
“If he ever let out a word that he wants a slave or servant, many old folks like us will come flocking from all corners of the world to fight for the honor to be one!”
“I cannot imagine the queue of people wanting to serve him and to have him as their master!”
“We can only say he is God!”
“There is no God in this world, but to us, he is!”
Levi was once again taken aback by the reverence they had for his mentor.
Crazy! These people are crazy!
He could not imagine how powerful the man they called God was!
“We know it is beneath you to be called Maestro, as you are the heir to God! But please allow us to address you with that insignificant title, as we could not think of a better title.”
“As for details of our savior, I’m afraid you will have to slowly find out more by yourself in the future. He probably did not want to burden you with the truth, so you would not have to face too much danger and troubles.”
It was obvious to Levi that these people knew much more about his mentor but were unwilling or unable to divulge much. It would be up to him to do further investigations.
There was one thing Levi was certain though. These people had pledged their allegiance to him and would obey his every command. If Levi were to get into any trouble, they would immediately rush over to assist him.
A word from him and the international community of Ancient Clans would obey without question.
That was definitely the blessing that came out of that episode. He had a slightly better understanding of his mentor and had gained a solid group of supporters.
The last person to come up to Levi was Cyrus.
“Please do not worry about your mother. I have brought her out of danger, and she is in a safe place now. I can bring you to her right this moment!” he said.
“You have the same skills as I, so you must be related to my mentor too. You let me off the other time because you saw the black seal, right?” Levi had a better understanding of the situation at that point in time, so he had a fairly accurate guess.
“Yes,” Cyrus nodded.
“Tell me about you and my mentor. I want to know your secrets,” Levi requested.


Chapter 2139 The Secrets Of Fiery Demon

Actually, Levi was more interested to find out why Cyrus set up The Dark Sun, and what grudges he had against the martial arts world of Erudia.
He was also curious why Bruce trusted Cyrus so much and what made Cyrus suddenly vanish from the public’s eyes during his heyday. There were too many missing pieces of puzzles in Cyrus’ story.

“Actually Maestro, no, I mean God, was the one who gave me my new life! Just like the other people you met earlier, he had given all of us a new lease of life!”
Cyrus was extremely emotional when he talked about Levi’s mentor. The gratitude and awe he had were deep in his heart.
Levi quietly listened on, not wanting to interrupt him.
“I was from Eragon!” Levi’s jaw dropped upon hearing that from Cyrus.
What…? He is from Eragon? Fiery Demon is from Eragon?
That was a shocking revelation that would create an international uproar if it was made known!
“Please go on!” Levi hid his surprise and urged.
“Eragon and The Cardinal Hall had unimaginable strict regulations. To ensure a pure bloodline, members were not allowed to marry outside of the group. Disobedience meant death!” Cyrus shared.
“My mother was an outsider, a commoner. She and my father met, fell in love, and gave birth to me. Under the strict regulations, both of them were condemned to death. As my father was from one of the marginal lineages, he never had a fighting chance, so both of them were doomed,” he continued.
“Not only did Eragon and The Cardinal Hall destroy everything I had, but they also wanted to eliminate me. They disabled me by severing my martial veins. At my darkest moment, it was God who appeared and saved me. He even taught me skills, which was what you learned too – Reversero and the pursuit of extreme power and speed.” That clearly explained why Cyrus had the same skills as Levi, and thus could easily impersonate him.
“From then on, I vowed to make them pay for their crime! I want them to realize what a huge mistake they had made. That was the beginning of the Era of Fiends. I had Thirteen Fiends under me. My aim was to be a superpower, to make them fear me and be threatened by our existence.” At that point, Cyrus became downcasted, and continued gloomily, “However, in the end, I realized the power I had was insignificant in the eyes of those people. The Era of Fiends meant nothing to them, and despite all I did, they were not even slightly bothered by my presence.”
“Is that why you chose to disappear then?” Levi asked.
“Yes. I thought I was able to stand up against them, but sadly I was proven wrong. That is why I chose to leave Erudia and disappear from the public’s eyes,” Cyrus confessed.
However, he added, “Despite the setback, I will never give up on seeking revenge for my family! The Cardinal Hall and Eragon will forever be my arch enemies. All these years, I persisted in trying to shore up my strength and influence. I want to be able to confront them someday!”
“So you set up The Dark Sun to go against the martial arts world of Erudia, and framed me to create an internal rift among us? All in the name of revenge?” Levi looked at him coldly and asked.
“Yes. They were too powerful. I had to team up with others and resort to underhanded tactics in order to beat them.” Cyrus explained with a guilty look on his face.
“That is also the reason you worked with Bruce?”
Cyrus nodded and elaborated, “That’s right. I knew I would not be able to exact revenge on my own, so I had to make use of Bruce to reach my goal. As The Cardinal Hall was my nemesis, Bruce had never doubted my sincerity in working with him. When we were working together, Bruce received a lot of help from me. I was the one keeping an eye on The Cardinal Hall for him. It may be an impossible task for many people, but it was easy for me as I knew them inside out!”


Chapter 2140 A Visit To The Cardinal Hall

That explained why Cyrus was able to monitor The Cardinal Hall when Bruce entered Erudia to ship out the sunstones.
After hearing about Cyrus’ story, Levi found it was a simple case of revenge.

“It is not wrong of you to want to seek revenge for your family. However, you should not have brought harm to the innocent! If not for my special relationship with my mentor, you would not have stopped, right?” Cyrus submissively stood by as Levi lectured him.
“I would not stop you from seeking your revenge. However, from this moment on, if you were to do anything that brings harm to the innocent or threatens Erudia, I would not let you off!” Levi warned.
Cyrus nodded his head in agreement. Out of respect for Levi’s mentor, he would do anything Levi instructed him to do, even if it was at the expense of his own life.
“Oh, by the way, where am I now?” After coming to an agreement with Cyrus, Levi asked about his hiding place.
“We are still in Keerea, Maestro. We did not leave the country,” Cyrus replied.
Levi let out a resigned smile, amused by the fact that everyone seemed to have set up base in Keerea, bringing much chaos and trouble to this country.
After coming back from the brink of death, Levi missed his family very much and wanted to visit them.
He already knew the whereabouts of Zoey. She was with Sacred Organization, and according to Death Fiend, she was safe.
Levi planned to bring Zoey home after he met Emma and Forlevia.
Cyrus brought Levi to Emma’s hiding place, and they finally met.
“Let’s go, Mom! Let’s visit Evie!” Levi said.
Just like any other father, Levi missed his daughter very much.
He knew The Cardinal Hall was the safest place for her to be in at that moment. Under their protection, she could live a carefree life. Also, with their guidance, she could fully realize her potential and develop unparalleled prowess. That was the reason he chose to leave her there.
However, after his near-death experience, he realized how much he missed his daughter, so he had to see her again.
How could he meet Forlevia when no one knew where The Cardinal Hall was?
That may be a troubling hurdle for other people but with Cyrus by his side, that was no longer an issue for Levi.
Cyrus was from Eragon, and even though his family was from the marginalized lineage, he would still know where The Cardinal Hall was.
The Cardinal Hall, the most powerful martial arts organization of Erudia! Not only do they have the strongest combat capabilities, but they also held on to the trove of confidential information of Erudia.
It was a highly secretive place, comparable to the special zone #51 of Zarain and the Lab of Gods headquarter which held the top secrets of Zarain.
All these organizations held great influence over the world’s development. People knew about their existence but would not know where they were located.
Similarly, The Cardinal Hall and Eragon were the two top Erudian organizations others were desperate to uncover but had never succeeded.
At that moment, Levi made the historical step into The Cardinal Hall, and he was astounded by what he saw.
It was a futuristic town, quite contrary to the image of an ancient compound full of antiquated buildings that he had in mind.
The sight before his eyes was beyond his wildest imagination. The Cardinal Hall was a high-tech, futuristic, modern place!
The Cardinal Hall was not secluded and detached from the outside world. Quite the opposite, they were monitoring Erudia’s development with cutting-edge technology.
The fighters in The Cardinal Hall would most probably be a product of ancient wisdom and modern technology. With the latest and most advanced technology in their hands, they possessed the most powerful combat capabilities! That was how they managed to lead and control since ancient times, and it was easy to see them continue doing so in the future.
Cyrus could see the surprised look in Levi’s eyes, so he sighed and said, “Maestro, now you have seen it, you know why they are so powerful! No one will know exactly what capabilities they possess!”
At the entrance of The Cardinal Hall, Levi took a step into the compound and loudly announced, “Levi is here to pay a visit!”


Chapter 2141 Hell Rejected Me

Levi always had the ability to shock people. It wasn’t an exception when he approached The Cardinal Hall.
By loudly announcing his own arrival, he stunned everyone there.

Levi?No one could claim not to know who Levi was. Even the elders at The Manifest Court had belittled them by saying they were insignificant compared to Levi.
That was why when his voice and name boomed through The Cardinal Hall, everyone was shocked!
Isn’t Levi supposed to be dead?
How is it possible that he is still alive?
He was repeatedly reported dead, isn’t he?
Oh my! He has found his way to The Cardinal Hall!
In a flash, many of the fighters of The Cardinal Hall appeared.
Levi had met some of them during their past encounters, but those were the small fries of The Cardinal Hall.
His arrival had attracted the attention of even the higher-ranking fighters. Among those who rushed out were four of the divine generals.
The divine generals were the ones who managed the operations of The Cardinal Hall. There were twelve of them, each with a codename named after a zodiac sign. So there were DG Aries, DG Taurus, DG Gemini, DG Cancer, DG Leo, DG Virgo, DG Libra, DG Scorpio, DG Sagittarius, DG Capricorn, DG Aquarius, and DG Pisces. The twelve reported directly to the divine brigadier.
The four who rushed out were DG Gemini, DG Libra, DG Sagittarius, and DG Aquarius.
“Levi? How is it you are still alive? How is that possible? Thought you perished together with Lucifer from the Lab of Gods?” The sight of Levi standing tall and strong in front of them stunned everyone.
Levi let out a mischievous smile and jested, “Hell rejected me!”
“And you, Fiery Demon! How dare you come here?” Soon, the crowd from The Cardinal Hall noticed Cyrus and started yelling at him.
Cyrus was able to go scot-free because The Cardinal hall deemed he was too insignificant to deserve their attention or mobilize their manpower to arrest him.
However, his presence irked them, and they vented their anger on him.
“No wonder he can find this place! It is because of you!” They soon pieced the two together and realized how Levi managed to find his way to The Cardinal Hall.
Cyrus had his fists clenched tightly in anger, and was giving them cold hard stares.
Noticing the tension, Levi quickly intervened and said, “I am here today for my personal matter, so leave others out of this!”
The crowd turned their attention back to Levi and asked, “What is the matter?”
“I am here to meet my daughter!” Levi declared.
Emma’s eyes were roving around anxiously for the sight of her granddaughter, whom she missed badly.
DG Libra rejected his request directly by saying, “The Cardinal Hall is out of bounds to outsiders! Please leave.”
“No! Our location is exposed, so we cannot let them go so easily! We have to erase their memories and make them sign an agreement before they go! As for Fiery Demon, kill!” DG Gemini shouted as he stared fixedly at Cyrus. He was not about to let him go scot-free now that he sent himself into their hands.
“What? I cannot see my own daughter?” Levi was mad at the absurd idea that he needed their permission to see his own girl!
“I will meet my daughter today, by hook or by crook! As for Cyrus, he came with me, so anyone making things difficult for him will be my foe!” He coldly make his declaration as his gaze swept across the faces of the four divine generals.
Cyrus had already pledged his allegiance to Levi and will be serving Erudia in the future, so there was no way Levi would allow him to be killed at The Cardinal Hall.
His words angered the crowd at The Cardinal Hall as they saw it as a provocation, a challenge.
“In that case, all the more you will not be allowed entry!” DG Gemini said angrily.
“Firstly, The Cardinal Hall is not your home, so you can’t come and go as you please. Secondly, your child is our top-secret, so nobody can get to see her. Lastly, the fact that you sided with Cyrus means you are our foe!” he added.
The others also sneered and chipped in.
“Take our advice. Get your memory erased and leave this place. For the sake of Forlevia, we will not make things difficult for you and your mother!”
“As for the others, don’t even dream of stepping out of this place! Make your choice!”
Their message was plain and simple. Levi had no right to see Forlevia unless they allowed him to meet her.
That made Levi furious and he taunted, “What if I insist on seeing her today?”


Chapter 2142 DG Gemini

If one was nice to Levi, he would reciprocate with respect. However, if anyone tried to be unreasonable with him, he would retaliate tit for tat.
It did not matter who he was facing, and The Cardinal Hall was no exception.

Those fighters from The Cardinal Hall had not expected Levi to have such arrogance as to belittle them, so they were enraged, especially the four divine generals.
Whoever challenged The Cardinal Hall would not get out alive!
“Die!” DG Gemini, being the most quick-tempered, immediately charged toward Levi and launched his attack.
His punch was an eye-opener for many of his compatriots.
Within the small confined area, they could clearly feel the power of his punch. However, the most impressive thing about it was that he was able to control it such that his explosive power was directed solely at his intended target and would not harm anyone nearby.
That was a technique Levi and Cyrus had never seen before, and they too were impressed! The Cardinal Hall had indeed lived up to its reputation.
They had a huge pool of talents with superior powers, yet they usually kept a low profile.
Just a single punch from DG Gemini was enough to showcase the superiority of The Cardinal Hall.
Cyrus’ eyes almost popped out in astonishment, amazed by that brilliant display of skill and might. The energy wave emitted by that punch was suffocatingly intense.
His prowess at that point was just child-play in the eyes of The Cardinal Hall, let alone his amateurish skills many years ago. That punch from DG Gemini would crush him to powder if it landed on him. He had no fighting chance at all. He finally realized he had been too naive in the past to think he would be able to stand up to The Cardinal Hall someday.
Within the small confined space, the three of them felt the threat from the fist at its maximum strength. The horrifying power was so intense it felt like it could melt a person down.
Emma, being the weakest, felt that deadly sense of suffocation most.
DG Gemini’s intention was to kill the three of them off in a single blow. He was out to kill without mercy.
Levi was the only one who was still calm and chilled.
He returned a punch to take DG Gemini’s punch head-on.
There was a muted sound of the collision. Not much disturbance was felt by the people standing around as the two men had brilliantly controlled their punches and directed their might on each other only.
Levi looked as if nothing had happened after he easily fended off DG Gemini’s punch, and that totally stunned all the observers.
DG Gemini was one of the top divine generals among the twelve in terms of prowess, and he was known to be ruthless and merciless in his attacks.
It was simply unbelievable that someone could so casually block off his strike!
There had been rumors about Levi’s formidable might and skills, and many people put him on the pedestal and worshipped him.
However, those in The Cardinal Hall snorted at those rumors and never thought highly of him.
They were not being haughty, but as they themselves had a God-like reputation, they did not think a human like Levi could have much achievement to boast about compared to them.
What was rated as miracles by the commoners were just a piece of cake to them. As such, they had not really paid much attention to Levi.
When they heard people comparing The Cardinal Hall to Levi, with some even rating Levi above them, they were furious and had secretly borne grudges against him.
That was why when Levi arrived at The Cardinal Hall earlier, many of them were secretly pleased they could finally teach him a lesson and show the world who was truly more superior.
When Levi started belittling The Cardinal Hall in his fit of anger, they were excited and waiting for one of the divine generals to beat him to a pulp.
The outcome was beyond anyone’s imagination! No one expected Levi to block off DG Gemini’s attack so easily. They found it unbelievable!
So a commoner could challenge a god-like fighter of The Cardinal Hall!
Levi’s strength is unreal!
He ignored so many great fighters and went straight ahead to take on a divine general!
This is shocking!
The four divine generals’ faces paled in astonishment, and DG Gemini was about to blow his top!
To him, not being able to kill Levi off with that strike was already a great insult. The fact that Levi managed to fend it off without suffering any injury was simply unacceptable to him!
He was blinded by anger and howled, “Go to hell!”
He had to show off his true prowess and regain his reputation. Levi had to die!
“I am not leaving until I see my daughter. I dare you to stop me!” Levi was infuriated too!


Chapter 2143 Invincible

The two were about to have a showdown, and it was obvious it would only end when one of them died.
It was the most exciting day at The Cardinal Hall for many, an unbelievably rare occasion when a commoner was bold enough to challenge one of the divine generals.

Many of the juniors looked up to DG Gemini with adoration in their eyes, glad they finally could watch him show off his skills.
It was expected to be a nail-biting clash of the titans’ battle.
Just as the two men were about to go into battle, a voice sounded, saying, “Let him in!”
That voice scared the wits out of DG Gemini, and he almost fell to the ground.
It was Elder Celia!
She was the fearsome one which no one dared to offend.
The other divine generals and juniors’ faces paled upon hearing her voice too.
With an order from her, the path was cleared for Levi, Emma, and Cyrus to pass, and they entered the building without any further obstructions.
Levi’s wish was granted, and he finally got to meet Forlevia.
It had been quite a while since he last saw her, and she had grown quite a fair bit. She had grown to be a dreamy little fairy-like girl.
What caught his attention most was her strength. Levi could feel the great difference in her internal strength, which surprised him.
Both Levi and Cyrus were bewildered that a little girl like her could possess such amazing prowess.
That result was only possible by nurturing Forlevia, who possessed the strongest potential, with the mighty resources of The Cardinal Hall.
“Daddy, my masters say when I leave this place after training, I will be invincible!” Forlevia proudly told her dad.
That would be a boastful brag for most people, but coming from Forlevia, no one doubted her words.
“Daddy, where is Mommy? What about Grandpa and Grandma? Why are they not here?” Forlevia innocently asked.
Although she had been a very understanding and thoughtful little girl, like any other kid, she missed her family very much.
“Mommy is busy right now. I will come with them the next time!” Levi promised as he held her tightly in his arms. His heart ached at the thought of all the sufferings his poor little girl had gone through.
At the age whereby other children were attending playschool and carefreely enjoying themselves, Forlevia had to endure tough training that even adults found hard to withstand. She had to shoulder so much more burden because of her special family background.
Emma was crying her heart out for her pitiful granddaughter, and Levi’s eyes were brimming with tears too.
“Do you hate Daddy and Mommy, Evie?” Levi asked.
Forlevia shook her head and replied, “No, of course not! Evie knows Daddy and Mommy are doing important work. I want to grow up and be able to help you too! Don’t worry, Grandma and Daddy. Evie will be a good girl. Please promise you will visit me often because I miss you all so much!”
Levi had to look up to prevent his tears from falling. The more thoughtful his little girl was, the more his heart ached for her.
After a while, Forlevia’s masters came out to join them. One of them was the bad-tempered Elder Celia.
As soon as she appeared, the divine generals and juniors all retreated and disappeared from sight, not risking any chance of irking her.
When Elder Celia saw Levi, she commented, “I knew you were…”
Levi’s heart skipped a beat. He knew she was talking about the time when she battled Shaun and the other pure energy beings. At that time, he was hiding in a corner, secretly monitoring them.
He was just about to step in to intervene when Elder Celia arrived. So she had long discovered he was there!
Levi was secretly amazed by the masters The Cardinal Hall had assigned to coach Forlevia. They were all very impressive and mighty elders. He wondered how his mentor would compare to the masters of Forlevia. He would love to find out if his mentor was as powerful as them, or a league above them.
“You are not too bad. However, you can’t take Forlevia with you. We shall decide when she can leave this place!” she arrogantly declared.
“Don’t worry. I have no intention of bringing her away. This is the safest place she can be in, and I have full confidence in that!” he smilingly concurred.
“You are a smart guy, unlike the other fools!” Elder Celia nodded approvingly and gave him a compliment.
Levi hesitated for a moment, then said, “I do have a favor to ask of you.”


Chapter 2144 The Cardinal Hall General

“Could you let my mother stay here with Forlevia? She could take care of her and keep her company,” he requested.
It was lonely for Forlevia to stay at The Cardinal Hall without her family. His mother would be lonely and also in danger if she was left by herself. Levi felt that if Emma could stay with Forlevia, that would be the best arrangement possible for both.

“Sure, not an issue at all!” Elder Celia agreed readily.
Forlevia and Emma broke into a wide smile, pleased with the arrangement.
“Yeah! Grandma can keep me company every day! I wish Daddy and Mommy can stay with Evie too…” Forlevia pouted as she looked longingly at Levi.
“Be a good girl, Evie. Once Daddy finishes my work, I will come back and spend time with you! Mommy and your other grandma will be here as well!’ he promised.
Forlevia instantly gave him a big happy smile and said, “You must honor your words, and you cannot lie to Evie! Promise?”
Levi did not spend much time at The Cardinal Hall. After all, he was not one of them, and it was not appropriate for him to hang around that place. After spending a short time with Forlevia, he turned to leave with Cyrus.
Elder Celia personally gave instructions that nobody was to stop the two men from leaving.
After they left, the elders at The Manifest Court spoke.
“The world will be heading into a new era! This young lad is going to cause an uproar!”
“Once people get to know his identity, they would panic! It is going to be exciting!”
“I wonder if we would be able to handle that change…”
The young lad they were talking about was not Forlevia but Levi.
Shortly after, DG Gemini and the other three divine generals were summoned to The Manifest Court.
“We have to get ourselves ready. Divine brigadier is still in solitary training, and even we could not find him!”
“You have to appoint someone to take charge of The Cardinal Hall!”
The elders at The Manifest Court briefed the four divine generals on the situation and requested that they appoint someone to head The Cardinal Hall as soon as possible.
DG Gemini immediately responded by saying, “When divine brigadier is not around, we usually have a few divine generals who can cover for him. However, DG Leo and a few of the other divine generals went into solitary training as well, so we are a little short of candidates for now. I have a recommendation though. Maybe divine brigadier’s son, The Cardinal Hall General, could fill the shoes for now.”
“He should be in the North, somewhere deep in the ice field. Ask him to come out of solitary training!” one of the elders ordered.
“Yes, he was supposed to stay there for thirty years for his solitary training. It is three years to his target!”
“Get him to cut short his training and come back. You need a person in charge.”
“Yes, noted!”
“Also, gather as many of the divine generals and elites as you can. Something major will be happening, and our survival will depend on the outcome of that event!”
The Manifest Court’s elders’ words frightened the four divine generals. They wondered what major event would be happening that justified such a massive mobilization of manpower.
The truth was The Cardinal Hall was not as powerful as it seemed. Other than the four divine generals and a handful of elites, most of the other important warriors were either in solitary training or missing in action and could not be located.
The Manifest Court had taken the unusual dramatic step to order the return of all the fighters.
Levi would never imagine his single visit to The Cardinal Hall could cause such an uproar, and that was just the tip of the iceberg, as the order from The Cardinal Hall would have repercussions on many other people and plans.
He was on his way to Sacred Organization with Cyrus, so they were unaware of what was happening back home.
At an unknown place, trouble was brewing as well.
“The holy seal had appeared! And someone had used the Forbidden Technique! It is time for us to act and finish it off!”
The real trouble that Levi’s mentor warned him about with regards to the execution of The Forbidden Technique was materializing.
Once the Forbidden Technique was used, it would draw the attention of those people, and Levi would face more troubles ahead!
In the meantime, Jester King had gone to a rural graveyard somewhere in Rodunst of Adrune. It was an eerie place, and one could feel the chills just by being there despite it being a hot sunny day.
Jester King started digging in the graveyard, and he had dug in an area the size of almost a few football fields.
He was still digging as if looking for something…


Chapter 2145 The Killer Coffin

That was the new mission Scias gave to Jester King. He had rushed to the graveyard as soon as he received the order.
After a detailed search, he locked in on that location and started digging.

Soon, he had turned the graveyard upside down, but even after digging the whole area, he still could not find what he was looking for.
As such, he went back and dug deeper into the ground. The deeper he went, the more spine-chilling the place became.
The freaky thing was the originally sunny weather suddenly turned gloomy, and the gathered clouds had a frightening tint of red, like blood was oozing from them.
On top of that, there were frequent lightning strikes even though it was not raining.
In Erudia’s cultural belief, a bloody red cloud blocking off the sun was an unlucky sign, a sign that something disastrous would be happening soon.
That belief turned out to be true as Jester King was up to no good. He was looking for an object of bad omen!
After digging to the depth of more than six hundred feet, he found an underground structure – a miniature palace!
The temperature in there was abnormally low, and anyone who entered it would probably freeze to death.
The atmosphere in the miniature palace was haunting and had a strong smell of blood. The gas trapped in there threatened to explode and smother every living thing nearby.
There was nothing in the miniature palace other than a metallic coffin.
There were weird pre-historic symbols etched onto the coffin, giving it a demonic look.
Although it was old, run-down, and covered in a thick layer of dust, it radiated a sense of danger.
Even Jester King had fear in him when he looked at the coffin.
He took a deep breath before laying his hands on it.
“What?” He had expected he could easily lift up the small coffin, but his face fell upon his first try. That coffin was exceptionally heavy!
Judging by the metallic material of the coffin, Jester King was prepared it would be heavy. However, the actual weight was at least ten times more than he had expected!
The extra weight had to be from the content of the coffin, and he couldn’t help but wonder what it held.
The weight was abnormal, and he couldn’t think of any items that could contribute to that massive weight.
After a few struggles, Jester King finally managed to pull the coffin out from the deep hole. After all, he was a supreme class fighter!
When he pulled the coffin out, all the bystanders had a shock and started running away.
Everyone was busy running that no one noticed a strange phenomenon. The metallic coffin was emitting some gas that was being breathed in by the unsuspecting humans. At the same time, their breaths were being absorbed by the coffin. It was as if there was an exchange of breaths between the humans and the coffin!
After a minute, those people experienced some transformations! They began to show signs of pain and their veins started popping. All of them covered their face with their hands and wriggled in pain.
In no time, their pale faces turned bluish-green and ghostly. Finally, blood began to ooze out of their eyes, nose, and mouth, and one by one, the people collapsed and died.
The more hideous sight was that raw bloody wounds started appearing on the bodies like it was rotting from corrosive burns.
It was a painful, ugly, and eerie death, and none of the bystanders managed to escape unscathed.
It was not only the humans, but all the nearby animals suffered the same grotesque fate.
Jester King was carrying the coffin to his car, and as he moved along, every living being along the way died.
It was unreal that he did not lift a finger and yet managed to be so destructive.
When he reached the designated place, he placed the coffin into a car and drove toward a port.
When he reached the port, he secretly loaded the coffin onto a cruise ship.
That cruise ship was a popular luxury cruise liner, and there were thousands of international guests on it.
There was no clue on where Jester King planned to send the coffin to, but the strangest thing was, he did not board the cruise liner himself!
All the guests and crew on board had no idea what was happening, and none of them could ever imagine what was to happen.


Chapter 2146 More Mysterious Acts Of Jester King

Jester King did not leave Rodunst after that. Instead, he went to an old abandoned castle.
The castle sat in a compound overgrown with weeds, and many crows were perched on a barren tree.

The piercing calls of the crows gave one the creeps.
The moment Jester King stepped into the abandoned castle, flocks of bats swarmed out.
On that night, a blood moon was hanging dimly in the night sky, and it resembled a bleeding dying moon.
The scene was simply queer.
It did not take long before Jester King came out of the castle. Again, he was carrying a metallic coffin on his shoulder, and it looked exactly like the other one from the graveyard.
Jester King went to the airport with the second coffin but left empty-handed.
After that, he proceeded to a training base guarded by numerous fighters from the Ancient Clans.
Without a word, he went on a killing spree and butchered everyone there.
The training base was housing another metallic coffin. Unlike the previous two, the third one had multiple tubes connected to it.
It was quite obvious the coffin and its content were the subject of study and research.
Jester King successfully removed it from the training base and shipped it to Goldenport Island of Erudia.
That was not the end of his unusual acts.
Next, he headed to the northern tip of Adrune, and there was nothing but ice fields there.
Deep in one of the ice fields, he again found another metallic coffin.
He carried it on his shoulder and marched off.
In the end, the coffin was abandoned right in the middle of the major city of Rodunst.
After he finished that act, he let out a big wide smile and chuckled, “Everything went as the Lab of Gods had planned! Die!”
Having accomplished the mission Scias entrusted him, he left the place, satisfied.
Other than them, no one could foresee what disasters those four coffins would bring about…
The cruise liner set off from Rodunst and sailed south to Archulea in Nuthana.
Being a luxury cruise, it was scheduled to make multiple stops along the way and dock at many of the countries in the region.
The coffin was loaded onto the cargo deck, and one day, a few crew went in to do a routine stock take and maintenance check.
Once they enter the cargo deck, they were taken aback by the eerie atmosphere and abnormally low temperature inside the cargo area.
“But… i-it is summer now!” The men shuddered and wondered, but in the end, they still went ahead to do their stock count.
Rumble, rumble, rumble…
Suddenly, they heard a low rumbling noise from a corner, like something was rocking and moving violently.
The men gathered together to search and found the noise was from a huge wooden crate, and it was rocking from side to side.
“What is in that? Do we have a live animal cargo?”
“This crate is not part of our cargo! I don’t remember seeing it!”
The men got suspicious and worried, and they drew their weapons for defense.
“Let’s open it up to check!” One of them slowly went forward to try and pry the crate open.
The men caught sight of the metallic coffin after opening the crate and had a big shock!
When was this loaded in?
What is happening?
They broke into a cold sweat, and one of them fearfully asked, “It was moving just now, right?”
“Inform the captain immediately! Tell him what we found here!”
The men were about to leave the deck when they felt a strong suction force coming from the metallic coffin.
They were all flying backward and being drawn involuntarily toward the coffin!
Plonk, plonk, plonk…
All eight of them were stuck to the coffin. and they let out piercing screams.
Their bodies shrank rapidly as their blood was drained off into the coffin.
In the end, all eight corpses fell onto the ground, withered and shrunken like a mummy, with not a single drop of blood left in their bodies.
Rumble, rumble, rumble…
The coffin shook more violently, and the symbols etched on it gave off a blinding brilliance after the feast of blood.
The coffin broke apart in an explosive manner.


Chapter 2147 Disasters Everywhere

The huge explosion rocked the cruise ship and almost capsized it.
The guests started screaming in fear and shouting, “What is happening?”

The captain and crew were caught off-guard by the unexpected turbulence.
Although they were sailing in the open seas, it was a perfect day with calm waters and clear skies that should not result in the ship being rocked so violently.
“The problem seems to come from the cargo deck, and a few of our crew were also cut off from communications…”
“Get down there to check it out!”
The dozens of crew that went to check on the cargo deck did not return nor send back any communications, worrying the captain and the rest of their teammates.
“Quick! Seal the cargo deck!” shouted the experienced captain. He instinctively knew that was the source of the problem and wanted to seal it off.
He lead a team down to the cargo deck, and when they reached there, they were overwhelmed by a nauseous scent of blood.
Just as they were about to completely seal off the section, suddenly, something charged out!
The frightened captain and crew let out loud shrieks as if they had seen the most horrifying thing on earth.
It was followed by more agonizing screams. The difference was the previous screams were due to fear, and the latter was from death.
Everyone who had seen the thing in the coffin was dead.
The guests were still waiting in the upper decks for the crew to update them on the disturbances, but death awaited them instead.
The horrifying thing appeared before them, causing them to flee for their lives. Nevertheless, not a single soul could escape from it, and every single living being turned into a shriveled mummy.
The cruise liner sailed on in autopilot mode toward the next destination – an island somewhere in Nuthana.
At an international airport in Rodunst, a coffin appeared in the cargo handling area.
The workers were shocked they could not move it along, as it was extremely heavy. Even if they wanted to throw it out, they could not move it an inch.
In no time, the workers collapsed onto the floor, again, in a totally dried-up form.
No one knew what was happening, and those sent there to find out ended up dead as well.
The disaster started from a single location and quickly spread like wildfire, causing more and more fatalities.
Finally, the metallic coffin exploded, and the horrifying thing in it was released.
It rushed into the airport, and every place it passed became a living hell.
The one that was left in the major city of Rodunst exploded not too long after. The story repeated itself, and the butchering continued.
As it was in a densely populated city center, the casualty count was much higher.
Rodunst had no idea what was happening and was still trying to figure out what was the cause of the disasters.
No one knew what was the thing that Jester King brought to them. They could only tell it brought nothing but horrifying deaths wherever it went.
When the cruise liner sailed near its next destination, the workers there were waiting by the port to welcome it.
They had lost communications with the crew, so they embarked onto the ship as soon as they could to check on those on board.
What they saw was the petrifying scene of doom. There were dried corpses everywhere on the cruise liner!
However, that was just the beginning of their nightmare!
An alert worker had a sense of foreboding and yelled to his colleagues, “Run! Get out of here!”
The next moment, the spooky scent of death loomed over them, and soon hallowing screams sounded from the ship again!
Finally, the thing from the coffin disembarked and went unto the island.
The outcome was no different, and no one managed to get away from it alive.
The scene of living hell replayed on the island, and countless people lost their lives.
A few lucky ones managed to escape from the island on their yacht, not knowing the terrifying thing had joined them in their yacht as well.
In the meantime, over at Goldenport Island of Erudia, the shipment from Rodunst had sailed in under the grey early morning sky.


Chapter 2148 Trouble On Goldenport Island

The cargoes were meant for Johannes’ family, and their people were at the port receiving the shipment.
All the cargoes were tightly sealed in crates, so the ship reached Goldenport Island safely.

As the cargoes were heavy items like minerals, rocks, and stones, no one suspected anything was wrong despite the shipment being heavier than usual.
“Truck them back!” Instructions were given, and the cargoes were trucked back to the factory, with no one any the wiser about what had been added to their shipment.
As for the disasters that were happening in Rodunst, despite the attempts to censor the news, other countries began to hear about it.
After leaving The Cardinal Hall, Levi and Cyrus wanted to head to Sacred Organization to look Zoey up.
However, even Cyrus shook his head and admitted he had no idea where Sacred Organization was. It was as secretive as the Lab of Gods, and he was unable to help Levi find his way to them.
“I have an idea!” Levi smiled and said, to the surprise of Cyrus.
“Sacred Organization had always wanted me to join them. If news of me being alive reaches their ears, they would definitely come for me,” he explained.
Cyrus nodded excitedly and agreed. “Yes! That would save us the trouble of looking for them. They would come to us instead!”
The task of letting Sacred Organization know Levi was alive fell on Cyrus.
Through the dark web, he disseminated the news to Sacred Organization and informed them Levi was still alive.
The dark web was the most amazing thing to happen, although no one knew who was behind it. It seemed to have all the information anyone wished to find out.
Most importantly, Cyrus could contact Sacred Organization directly without the knowledge of a third party.
“Maestro, I have done it! However, I also found out something weird is happening in Rodunst. Unidentified beings were attacking the people there, and the country had become a killing field. There were no further details on that though… All we know for now is that those killers came from some old coffins…” Cyrus reported.
Levi’s curiosity would have been aroused in the past, but after what he had gone through, nothing could surprise him anymore.
After the Ancient Clans resurfaced, many previously unimaginable things had happened, so Levi wasn’t too concerned. All he said was, “I hope that is not due to me executing the Forbidden Technique…”
He knew after he used the Forbidden Technique, the path ahead would be fraught with dangers and difficulties.
That was also the reason why he was in a hurry to locate Zoey. He wanted to send all his loved ones to The Cardinal Hall so he could have peace of mind to face whatever challenges that came his way.
“The Ancient Clans knew more about our savior than I do, as I am not of the same era as they. I don’t know what lies ahead, but one thing for sure, your wish is my command, and I will lay down my life for you, Maestro!” Cyrus solemnly vowed.
“Appreciate that! Now, all I have to do is wait for Sacred Organization to come for me. Where should I go in the meantime? Why don’t we go to Goldenport Island?” Levi proposed.
He decided Goldenport Island was a better place for him to stay while waiting for Sacred Organization, as it was a quieter town.
If he were to stay in the main city of Erudia, he might have to deal with unwelcomed troubles.
Over at the processing factory of the Hilton family, the shipment of mineral rocks had arrived, and the workers were busy unloading and unpacking the crates.
After the external sealed wrappings were removed from the crates, the temperature in the factory suddenly dipped, and the chill caused everyone to shudder.
No one thought much of that and continued with their unpacking.
One by one, the outer wooden crates were pried open to reveal the contents of the shipment. Everything went on smoothly as usual until someone shouted, “Quick! Come and take a look!”
That worker had opened a crate to expose a metallic coffin, shocking all those working in the same area.
They immediately reported the strange cargo to the factory’s management.
Meanwhile, the coffin started rocking, puzzling the workers. Someone suggested removing it…


Chapter 2129 Exposed Identity

“The scariest part is that they are not from the earliest generations, but are from generations that come much later,” Sammy exclaimed.
Levi understood what she meant. “Are you saying that they are not considered the strongest? In other words, their powers diminish after generations of inheritance?”

“Exactly! The strongest from the clans are from the first generation. Therefore, they are trying their best to regain the powers of their ancestors through research.”
Sammy gasped.
“The Lab of Gods is extremely powerful. However, as long as I’m alive, they will never have their way.”
The fact that he was faced with a mighty foe didn’t deter Levi at all.
“Your injuries are really serious. It looks like you will need more time to recuperate.”
Sammy was already treating Levi’s wounds.
“I had overstretched myself this time as I wasn’t aware of what the consequences of using the Forbidden Technique were.”
Levi had always been concerned about that.
He finally realized why his master had warned him not to use it lightly.
Nevertheless, he no longer needed to worry now that he had used it.
From then on, he could unleash it without any reservations.
Whoever offended him would be dealt with by using the Forbidden Technique.
There was no need to hold back anymore.
However, he wasn’t aware of the emergence of the Ancient Clans.
“What a disgrace!”
Back at the Lab of Gods, Lucifer and his comrades lowered their heads while being admonished by a man dressed in a dashing suit and leather shoes.
He was also wearing a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles.
“Have any of you any use at all? How can you not know his identity by now?”
The four of them didn’t even dare to breathe.
They had assumed that no one could stop their combined attacks.
However, no one expected Levi to be this strong!
More importantly, they didn’t even know Levi’s identity as all this while, it was Bruce who had dealt with him.
All they were doing was exacting revenge on his behalf.
“In that case, let me tell you who he is!” the man in a suit roared.
In response, the four of them looked up in curiosity.
“He is Levi Garrison! He still lives!”
“What? Levi? He…”
Just when everyone conveyed their skepticism, the man in a suit bellowed, “Are you going to say that it’s impossible? But Levi is obviously alive. All of you have been deceived by him! After the incident with Bruce, I personally investigated the matter and discovered that he still lives!”
Given that the man had personally verified the fact, no one was in any doubt.
It was as if his every word was truth itself.
“Later on, I received a message from Bruce before he died. He confirmed that it was Levi,” the man added.
“It really is him! I can’t believe he is alive and has caused so much trouble!”
“It’s all our fault for underestimating him and letting Bruce deal with him alone.”
“Now, I’m going to give you an opportunity to make up for your mistake,” the man declared.
The four of them were stunned.
“What opportunity?”
The man finally let out a smile. “Not only do I know his identity, but I also know his hideout right now.”
The four of them were shocked at how the man knew.
On second thought, it wasn’t surprising for the man to have discovered where Levi was.
To the Lab of Gods, it wasn’t a matter of Levi being powerful.
It was more because the truly important figures of the organization had no time to deal with him.
If one of their leaders had taken action, Levi would have been disposed of a long time ago.
The gulf between their strength was simply too great.
Hence, there was no need for them to deal with it themselves.
“Wh-where is he?”
Lucifer gulped.
“He is hiding with Sammy of the Triple Group in Stellar City. She has betrayed us long ago! All of you should infiltrate Keerea at once. Levi is grievously injured right now, and he must be killed! I’ll also provide you with more men just in case something unexpected happens.”


Chapter 2130 The Terrifying Doctor

The man provided Lucifer with more elite fighters as a backup.
“Are you injured too? What a useless bunch!” the man scolded them again.

Nevertheless, he provided them with some specially customized medication.
Their eyes glistened when they saw the medication as if they were some kind of treasure.
In fact, they were right. The medication had a mysterious ability to heal and also to increase one’s power.
Furthermore, it also provided some unexpected benefits.
Someone of Bruce’s level had no access to such medication.
Even for Lucifer, the medication didn’t come by easily.
Therefore, the four of them thanked the man in the suit at once.
After downing the medication, all their internal injuries and external wounds healed at once.
Furthermore, they could feel their abilities being elevated which delighted the four of them.
“I liked Bruce for how competent he is. However, it was a shame that we were too late. Or else, I could’ve gotten someone to save him,” the man lamented.
Lucifer and the others caught their breath as they knew who he was talking about.
If not for the fact that Bruce’s body was decimated, he could’ve been revived.
That person was none other than the most terrifying doctor in the Lab of Gods.
With that, Lucifer and his men headed toward Keerea in their attempt to execute a counterattack.
It was an unexpected at their end.
Everyone had assumed that the Lab of Gods would have stayed their hand for the time being after suffering such a brutal defeat.
However, no one expected them to not only know Levi’s identity, but also his location.
With that, Lucifer set off to face Levi.
Although the men in a suit did not send many men, every one of them was an elite fighter in their own right.
Even Lucifer dared not underestimate them.
Consequently, they were filled with anticipation for the upcoming strike.
Meanwhile, back in Sammy’s manor at Stellar City, Levi was recuperating from his injuries.
He was in a safe place where no one could find him.
This time, the injuries he had suffered were extremely serious. Despite combining his secret healing technique with Sammy’s latest technology, he had only managed to recover fifty percent of his strength.
To be back at a hundred percent, he needed ten days to half a month’s time of recovery.
Levi lamented, “This is terrible. If I hadn’t absorbed the inferno, my condition would probably be worse.”
“What’s your plan after you recover?” Sammy asked.
“I will continue to strengthen myself and expose the Lab of Gods for who they are,” Levi replied.
When he was casually chatting with Sammy, he didn’t expect Lucifer and his men to return.
At that moment, a group of men arrived in Stellar City, heralding a brutal battle ahead.
“We have just received news that Levi is recuperating at Sammy’s holiday manor. However, he is only midway through his recovery and is at his weakest right now.”
“All right. Let’s move! We must either kill or capture Levi,” Lucifer ordered.
Fiddling with his poker cards, Jester King sneered, “Once we have eliminated Levi, I am going to give the Triple Group a good cleansing.”
The others nodded in agreement. “Of course. Given that they no longer obey us, we must remind them of the need for absolute obedience.”
Soon, Lucifer and his team appeared in the vicinity of Sammy’s holiday manor.
However, Sammy was someone vigilant. She had surrounded the manor with hidden sentries and scouts.
After Levi had found her, she beefed up the manor’s security accordingly.
Therefore, the manor’s surroundings were packed with even more guards.
However, Lucifer and his men still managed to infiltrate the building.
To them, the guards posed no threat at all as they were taken down one by one.
When they were done, a total of three hundred and seventeen men had been disposed of without Sammy being alerted.
Finally, only the manor was left standing.
Although Lucifer’s team only had fourteen men, they were enough to surround the manor and seal off all exits.
“Let’s begin!”


Chapter 2131 No One Is Leaving This Place Alive

Inside the manor, Levi was resting with his eyes closed.
Suddenly, he could feel a sense of dread while his left eyelid twitched rapidly. It felt as if there was impending danger.

“Damn it. Something’s about to happen!”
Levi had an accurate six sense.
Hence, he shared what he sensed with Sammy.
“Could it be that I’ve been discovered?”
While Levi felt wary, Sammy went to investigate.
When she tried contacting her guards, none of them responded.
That was when she knew that the safety perimeter had been compromised.
Only the manor’s security system was still functioning.
“Something’s wrong! My men are not responding. I’m afraid they might be dead!” Sammy exclaimed.
“Come on, let’s escape via the secret underground tunnel. We cannot stay here any longer.”
Sammy led Levi away at once.
At that moment, the French windows in the room were shattered by an attack.
A figure appeared to block their way.
It was Lucifer.
“Levi, there’s no escape for you!” Lucifer roared.
Next, the wall on the other side was blown apart with Kraken emerging from the rubble.
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
Accompanied by a stack of flying Jester Cards, Jester King and Hell Witch made their entrance.
The next moment, the manor’s roof collapsed while someone else attacked from below their feet.
By then, the other ten attackers had gathered.
All of them were in suits and exuded a domineering aura.
Finally, they had completely surrounded Levi.
“Levi, today is the day you die. There is no way you’re going to escape from our clutches.”
All the guards at the manor had been killed. Hence, only Levi and Sammy were left.
Shocked, Levi’s expression drastically changed.
What’s going on? Didn’t they leave? Why did they turn back in such a short time?
Furthermore, how did they find out my identity?
In fact, they sounded certain of it.
More importantly, how did they know I was here? They seemed to have learned a lot in such a short time.
A barrage of questions popped up in Levi’s mind.
Meanwhile, Lucifer could see how bewildered Levi was.
He sneered, “Both of you are too naive to think that you can take on the Lab of Gods! You have no idea what you are facing!”
“Levi, surrender and come with us peacefully. Or else, only death awaits.” Jester King burst into a wave of laughter.
“Me? Surrender? Never!”
Suddenly, Levi charged at Hell Witch.
Together with Levi, Sammy used her powers to control their enemies.
However, she had underestimated how strong they were.
Her powers were simply useless against them.
“What an amateur!”
Ignoring Levi, Lucifer attacked Sammy.
At the same time, Hell Witch unleashed an inferno to stop Levi in his tracks.
Unable to use her powers, Sammy was just as vulnerable as an ordinary human being.
Staring at the charging Lucifer, Sammy froze on the spot.
Left without a choice, Levi had to turn back to save her.
Lucifer launched an attack while Levi intercepted it with his own.
Bam! Bam! Bam!
Unable to withstand the impact, Levi was thrown backward instead.
With that, Jester King and the rest joined in the fray.
The attacks on Levi became relentless.
They have grown stronger!
Levi had noticed that his attackers not only recovered from their injuries but had also increased in strength.
Is this what makes the Lab of Gods so mystical?
As the rest of the attackers piled on the pressure, Levi and Sammy were gradually forced into a corner.
In a blink of an eye, both of them were already hurt.
At the same time, Levi’s earlier wounds deteriorated further.
“It seems we’re not going to be able to leave!”
Despair began to creep into Levi.
If he wasn’t grievously wounded, they might still stand a chance.
But now that he was, he could barely hold his ground any longer.
“Don’t let him live!”
As if they had gone berserk, Lucifer and his men intensified their attacks.


Chapter 2132 The Worst Has Yet To Come

In his desperation, Levi performed the Forbidden Technique.

At the crucial moment, the power unleashed by Levi caught Lucifer and the others by surprise.
Despite their overwhelming strength and the fact that he was seriously injured, Levi managed to battle toe to toe with them.
It was unbelievable.
However, Levi was forcing himself beyond his limit.
Soon, it was obvious that he was on his lasts legs.
If the enemies were only one class weaker, Levi would be able to leverage the explosiveness of the Forbidden Technique to fight his way out.
Their chances of survival would be much higher.
Unfortunately, Lucifer and all of his men were simply too strong.
Previously, Levi had only managed to fight on equal terms with them using the Forbidden Technique.
But now, their numbers had increased and his chances looked bleak.
However, in a desperate bid for survival, Levi gave everything he had and exhausted all of the Forbidden Techniques he knew.
Even though executing Forbidden Annihilation would cause him to lose his mind, Levi didn’t care.
All that mattered was their survival.
So what if I turn into a mindless killing machine?
At that moment, the ferocious aura that Levi emitted expanded significantly.
It seemed to meld the heavens and the earth together.
Levi looked as if he was a demon who had climbed out of hell, giving Lucifer and his men a fright.
How can he still be so strong?
What sort of monster is he?
They had not expected such a turn of events.
“Watch out everyone! Don’t let him flee!” Lucifer reminded.
If they were to fail again, it would be utter humiliation.
We have to succeed!
Levi must be killed!
At that moment, Levi spewed a mouthful of black-colored blood.
It was obvious that he was poisoned.
When Sammy and he exchanged glances, they knew that the medication that Sammy provided him had been tampered with.
It not only didn’t help with his recovery but had also aggravated his injuries instead.
When Levi was harnessing his energy, the medication’s effect was triggered.
It was now evident that the medication provided by Sammy had long been switched.
This was part of the man in a suit’s plan all along.
Given how shrewd he was, he was able to put into motion an elaborate plot in such a short time.
It was simply unimaginable.
The next moment, Levi continued to throw up black-colored blood. Just like a deflated balloon, the energy he harnessed began to lose its potency.
Just a moment ago, he was still able to hold his ground against his foes. But now, he had lost his ability to do so.
His body weakened to the extent that he was unable to use any Forbidden Techniques at all, let alone fight with such powerful opponents.
Realizing his predicament, Lucifer and his men began to smile.
They now knew that Levi had passed the peak of his powers.
“Kill him now!”
Just a moment ago, Lucifer had confirmed with the man in the suit that there was no need to capture Levi alive.
They could go ahead and kill him.
Despite feeling the urge to fight on, Levi’s body was going against his will.
Given how serious his wounds were and the fact that he was at his enemies’ mercy, Levi was filled with utter despair.
Meanwhile, Jester King flung his cards at Levi, as if they were sharp-edged weapons flying in Levi’s direction.
“No!” Sammy screamed hysterically.
Suddenly a figure appeared and kicked the cards aside.
Bam! Bam! Bam!
One by one, more figures appeared.
Soon, a group of young men who were known as the Genesis Devils of Triple Group emerged.
“Save us!” Sammy yelled.
They were Sammy’s ultimate trump card.
The Genesis Devils charged ferociously at Lucifer and his men, sparking a brutal battle that tied them down.
Subsequently, Sammy used the opportunity to escape with Levi.
“Don’t worry, they are strong enough to keep our enemies at bay. We should leave first!”
Sammy had confident in her subordinates.
After all, they were strong and had saved her time and again.
“All right. Let’s go!”
Levi could feel his body continue to weaken. Feeling groggy, he knew that he could lose consciousness anytime.
Can we really escape?


Chapter 2133 This Is The End

Meanwhile, Lucifer and his men were being agitated by the young men produced by the Devil Genesis Project.
“Kill them all!”

Lucifer scoffed, “Do you know how you came to being? How dare you stand against us?”
Thirty years ago, the man in a suit had started Project Genesis at the Lab of Gods.
He too had started the Triple Group’s Devil Genesis Project.
Given that he was the founder of both projects, the young men in front of them were considered his creations.
Ironically, they were now standing in their way which made for a twisted joke.
Suddenly, the tattoos on Lucifer’s body began to glow. With a sudden explosion of power, he grabbed one of the young men and tore him apart with his bare hands.
Hell Witch then unleashed Hellfire to burn one of them to crisp.
Unfortunately, not everyone was able to absorb fire like Levi.
Whoever that was caught would be incinerated to bits.
At the same time, Jester King and Kraken used their own abilities to kill the enemies they faced.
As for the ten elite warriors that the man in a suit had sent, all of them eliminated their foes with their own unique abilities.
In less than a minute, the young men were all massacred.
Against Lucifer’s overwhelming power, they didn’t stand a chance at all.
When Lucifer and his men caught up with Sammy and Levi, both of them were stunned.
What happened to the group of young men?
Were they defeated in less than a minute?
How is this possible?
“Are you looking for them still? They’re dead!”
Lucifer grabbed one of their heads and flung it toward Sammy’s feet.
She caught her breath in response.
After all, she knew better than anyone how strong the young men were.
She wasn’t even hoping that they could defeat Lucifer. Nevertheless, she expected them to at least be able to put up a longer fight.
No one had expected all of them to perish within a minute.
That showed that Lucifer and his men were just too strong.
“Levi, your end is near. Today is the day you die and no one will be able to save you!” Lucifer sneered.
Jester King looked at Sammy, “Don’t worry, once all this ends, we will start cleansing the Triple Group with blood.”
“Stop them!”
Shocked by his words, Sammy used her special authority to mobilize all of Triple Group’s elites to stop them.
The next moment, tens of thousands of formidable fighters appeared.
“It’s useless! You can’t stop them. Don’t sacrifice them in vain!” Levi yelled.
Given how strong their enemies were, even a hundred thousand more men wouldn’t be enough.
“In that case, what should we do?”
Sammy began to panic as she didn’t want Levi to die.
“Let me think of a plan!”
Sitting on the ground, Levi racked his brains as he desperately tried to come up with something.
He recalled in his mind all the ancient books that his master had left him and tried to figure out a strategy.
“Don’t move! No one is allowed to move!”
At that moment, the high-rank officials of Triple Group appeared after they received the news. They subsequently ordered their fighters to stand down.
This put Levi at Lucifer’s mercy.
“We’re doomed! Looks like we’re not going to survive today!” Levi lamented.
Within such a short time, he couldn’t come up with any countermeasures at all.
Lucifer and his men were just overwhelmingly powerful.
There was little they could do that would make any difference.
“What are we going to do now?”
Sammy was seized by panic.
Soon, Lucifer had come face to face with Levi.
“Levi, prepare to say goodbye to the world! You’re as good as dead now!”
Lucifer wanted Levi to die the same way Bruce did.
As the tattoos on his body began to glow, he harnessed an insidious power to kill Levi with a single strike.
He wasn’t going to allow Levi any opportunity to live.
Realizing that his end was near, Levi closed his eyes in resignation.
In his mind, the silhouettes of his mother, Zoey, and Forlevia flashed across.
“Goodbye! This is the end.”


Chapter 2134 Till Death Do We Part

Lucifer grinned, pleased to see Levi in that pathetic state.
He has given up!

It gave him immense satisfaction to be able to beat a man like Levi to the point of desperation, hopelessness, and surrender.
I, Lucifer, did it!
Just as he was about to deliver the final fatal blow on Levi, Levi suddenly opened his eyes and gave him a terrifying look.
Lucifer froze on the spot, the smile wiped off his face.
Oh no!
By the time he realized something was wrong, it was too late.
A man like Levi would never give up on his fight! He never did that in the past, was not about to do it at that moment, and would likely never do it even in the future.
It was true he was thinking about Emma, Zoey, and Forlevia, but it was not because he gave up his fight and was waiting for doom.
He was waiting to launch a surprise counter-attack at his final moment.
He had thrown caution in the wind and decided to go for the kill, even if that meant he would perish together with Lucifer.
That was the last thing he would do before his death, as Levi would never simply give up!
It was too late when Lucifer saw through Levi’s intentions.
Levi was about to sacrifice his own life in order to bring him down.
That was one of the most sinister skills in the Forbidden Technique.
Levi had gone out of his mind and had no regard for his own life anymore. It was obvious to everyone present, but there was nothing they could do to stop him.
Levi clung onto Lucifer like a leech, and despite his best efforts, Lucifer could not get rid of Levi. He panicked and rained punches on Levi. Alas, even though Levi was bleeding profusely, he held on to Lucifer with all his might.
Bang! Bang!
Whenever a strike landed on Levi and inflicted a wound on him, a similar wound would appear on Lucifer’s body.
Lucifer experienced firsthand the horrors of the Forbidden Technique.
Levi was using his last remaining strength to take Lucifer down with him.
Bang, bang, bang!
It all happened in a split second, and before anyone realized what had happened, both Levi and Lucifer had collapsed onto the ground.
Both their bodies were laden with ugly raw wounds, but Levi went down with a triumphant smile. He had successfully killed Lucifer, even though it was with the heavy price of his own life.
Till the last moment, he had no regrets.
Sammy, Jester King, and the crowd shouted out in distress as the two men slumped on the ground, motionless.
“Levi has perished, but so has Lucifer…” Jester King reported to Scias.
“Useless bums! What a bunch of idiots! Levi was so badly injured, yet you gave him the chance to kill Lucifer?” Scias howled.
After a short pause, he suddenly added, “Wait a moment. Let me check on Lucifer! Oh, there is still hope! He is not beyond cure! Bring him back! But Levi, he is dead for sure!”
Jester King hurriedly brought Lucifer away, totally ignoring Levi and Sammy.
“We’ll deal with Triple Group in the future! Saving Lucifer is our priority now!”
Soon, only two figures were left in the midst of the ruined site. Sammy was wailing next to the motionless body of Levi, whose eyes were closed, but the corners of his mouth were lifted as if he was smiling at his final moment.
When Lucifer was brought back to the Lab of Gods, Scias handed his body to the most terrifying doctor there, popularly known as Dr. Erebus.
Dr. Erebus, who was rumored to be able to save his patients from hell, checked on Lucifer and smirked, “To you, he is dead. But to me, he is still alive! I can perform a miracle and let him come back in another way even if he is dead!”
That was the precise reason why Scias told Bruce that so long as the bodies were intact, he could bring them back to life. It might not be life in its original form, but he could let them live on in another way.
Dr. Erebus was the one who started Project Genesis, and he was a truly terrifying but brilliant doctor.
It was something Levi had not predicted. Never in his wildest dream could he have known the man he killed at the expense of his own life would be revived!
Sammy brought over a doctor, and Levi was certified dead.
Unlike the staged death at Goldenport Island, this time, he was really dead, as he had fought with the intention of perishing together with Lucifer.


Chapter 2135 He Must Live Beyond Us

Levi is dead!
Half a year ago, when that news came out from the battle at Goldenport Island, it created a huge uproar!

The Erudians mourned while his foes celebrated.
No one could imagine they would hear the same news again six months later.
What is happening?
Levi is dead?
Isn’t he dead long ago?
Why is this trending again?
Soon, many speculations and news surfaced.
People began to realize Levi actually did not perish during the battle at Goldenport Island. He had staged his own death and deceived everyone.
In fact, it was Levi who guarded the sunstone supply of Erudia and destroyed all of the Lab of Gods’ training bases around the world. The recent killings of Bruce and all the prominent leaders were also his works.
People were shocked to hear that he had been furiously protecting Erudia from harm and it was him secretly going against Bruce.
The divine generals of The Cardinal Hall finally understood why people said they were insignificant compared to Levi and why The Manifest Court insisted on them saving him at the last moment.
News also came out that the fighters of Lab of Gods made an unexpected return to Keerea and caught Levi off-guard. He finally died after being poisoned and ambushed by many elites. However, even with his last breath, he took down a mighty foe with him.
Azure Dragon and his team were devastated by the news as they had thought he managed to keep safe after the Goldenport Island incident.
Sammy was too overwhelmed with grieve, and the fact that Triple Group had found out she had committed the grave crime of hiding Levi did not matter to her anymore. She would give up anything to bring Levi back to life.
The high-rank officials of Triple Group decided to destroy Levi’s body and forcefully brought Sammy away from it.
Unexpectedly, a man suddenly appeared out of nowhere and declared, “Don’t you dare touch him!”
In the blink of an eye, the man disappeared together with Levi’s body, right in front of them!
“What is that? What is happening?”
It was too unreal for them, and they couldn’t believe their eyes! The man was so quick that they did not even have time to take a good look at his face before he took off with Levi’s body.
It was Fiery Demon who took away Levi!
After he heard about the killing of Bruce, he had been keeping an eye on Levi. However, after he saw Levi was safe, he left. No one had expected that the Lab of Gods would turn back and go after Levi again.
“You can’t die!” Cyrus cried out in desperation to Levi’s body.
Soon, a group of people rushed in. They were from the Ancient Clans.
They had rushed over after being notified by Cyrus.
“Is… is that him?” They looked at Levi with doubt.
“Search his body! we may find some evidence!” Cyrus said.
One of the men gingerly searched Levi’s body and found the black seal.
Plop! Plop!
The sight of the black seal brought all the men to their knees, and they were crying tears of joy!
That seal meant a lot to all of them, and they would willingly give up their lives for the person holding that seal!
“It is real! This time it is for real!” they shouted in excitement.
“Save him! We have to save him!” Cyrus yelled.
“Yes! We have to save him. Regardless of the cost, we have to save him!”
“One thing is for sure, even if we all die, he cannot die!”
Levi’s condition was so bad that they were pulling their hair out trying to figure a way to revive him.
Without any delay, they started working on it.
“Huh? Strange! He…” Soon, a man found something weird about Levi.
“What is wrong? What happened?” The rest crowded over anxiously.


Chapter 2136 The Terrifying Powers Of Forbidden Technique

“This is impossible!” the man shouted.
He was from the Ancient Clans and had exceptional medical knowledge and skills.

“What is wrong?” His reaction puzzled the rest of the group.
“He was dead a while ago, but he seems to be breathing again! His body is self-healing!” the man exclaimed in shock.
“That is impossible!”
“So he is not dead?”
The men were elated by the surprising revelation.
“Oh, wonderful! That is simply wonderful!”
“No, something is not right! This is unbelievable! Not only is he reviving, but he also seems to be coming back stronger and more formidable, like a phoenix rising from the ashes!” the man marveled.
Everyone stayed still, and true enough, they too, felt a growing vitality exuding from Levi.
How is this possible?
Not only did he survive, but he is coming back stronger?
Who can explain this?
“What is happening? All of you are learned men, so can any of you explain what is happening?”
The men looked at one another puzzledly, unable to give a reasonable explanation of what they were witnessing.
“Forbidden Technique! He used the Forbidden Technique!”
“Oh yes! I have heard about a skill in Maestro’s Forbidden Technique that requires one to perish with the foe!” a man shared.
Then he added, “But that was to be used only as a last resort! I heard it wasn’t really about perishing with your foe, but more like a test to see if one really had the determination to do so. Most people would not dare to try it, as not many had that kind of courage to make such a drastic move. However, once you go beyond that point, it was not death but a renewed life that greets you!”
The man took a look at Levi and declared, “He had just proven it works!”
“Oh, that is great! It is wonderful that he is alive!”
No one expected Lucifer to be brought back to life, but Levi’s revival was even more unexpected.
A few divine generals were kneeling in front of The Manifest Court at The Cardinal Hall.
“Masters, you knew Levi was alive, didn’t you?” they asked.
“Yes,” came the reply
“Why did you not tell us earlier?” they asked, baffled.
An angry voice boomed from The Manifest Court’s building, chiding, “Do we have to explain ourselves to you?”
“No, no, no! We are just perplexed over this!” The divine generals’ faces paled, and they hurriedly explained.
Indeed, even the divine brigadier had no right to question these mighty men, so they were overstepping their boundaries.
“Seniors, we just received news that Levi had really died this time. The Lab of Gods…” News traveled fast, and it had reached the ears of The Manifest Court.
“We already knew about that. Well, that is his fate, so there is nothing we can do about it. We can only pray that Erudia will have more men like him!”
“You have seen the might of Lab of Gods, so you know how horrifying they are.”
“You are nothing compared to them now, so better buck up! We don’t want to be going around clearing up the mess you leave behind!”
“Yes, we understand!” the divine generals fearfully replied.
After the divine generals left, the elderly men could be heard discussing, “So it is the Forbidden Technique! It has resurfaced!”
“Will he die?”
“That would be almost impossible!”
Back at the Lab of Gods, Jester King was asking, “The Ancients Clans have been very active recently. What brought them out?”
“Yes, I noticed that too. Those old men I used to know have made unexpected appearances recently. It is indeed rare!”
“It is not easy to get information from these men. They are all tight-lipped and will not divulge anything!”
“That is why we have to speed up! We have to move a step ahead of them in order to maintain control over the situation,” Scias said.
Jester King fell into silence.
What Scias had mentioned were the secretive future plans of the Lab of Gods, which not many people were privy of.
“Come over. I have a new mission for you. See to it immediately!” Scias suddenly recalled something and gave Jester King a new order.


Chapter 2137 My Mysterious Master

Jester King left immediately upon receiving Scias’ new instructions.
Not too long after, the lab announced that Lucifer had been revived.

It was Dr. Erebus who performed the miracle and brought Lucifer back from the brink of hell.
“Death is not in his vocabulary!” Scias crowed.
“Now, time for me to start my project!” he concluded and washed his hands off all other matters to focus on the mysterious project he mentioned. Details of that project were top secret, but one could almost be sure it would be nothing short of crazy.
“Huh? I am still alive?” Levi woke up and found himself with a stronger body and greater prowess.
This is strange! Oh, it must be the Forbidden Technique!
He immediately thought of the most powerful skill of the Forbidden Technique, which he used during his fight with Lucifer.
So in actual fact, he had misunderstood it. The technique was not meant to kill oneself together with one’s foe, but to help one get out of the most desperate and dangerous situation. It was actually Reversero in its most extreme form. When his body was inflicted with the most deadly injuries, he came back with the most prowess!
He had finally deciphered the secret of the Forbidden Technique!
Levi was, of course, elated to be alive.
“Hahaha, who would have thought I would still be alive! Hahaha…” he laughed out loud.
At that moment, he realized how much he treasured and missed his family and compatriots…
“Wait! Someone is out there?” He abruptly stopped laughing when he sensed there were people outside of his room.
When he pushed open the door, he was taken aback by the scene that greeted him.
There were a few hundred people kneeling in front of his room!
What is this?
Levi was dumbstruck by the sight.
“What are you…?” he couldn’t help but ask.
“We have been waiting for you to wake up!” the crowd chorused.
“Waiting for me to wake up? So you were the ones who saved me?” he responded.
“No, we did nothing much. It is mainly your own credit, Maestro! To be more precise, it is because you executed the Forbidden Technique!” someone replied.
Levi was shocked that they knew about the Forbidden Technique and wondered if they were the trouble his mentor had warned him about if he used the Forbidden Technique.
“Who are you?” Levi could not hold back his curiosity.
He was pretty sure they were not his foes, as he would not be alive if they were. Also, his foes would not be there guarding him when he was in a coma.
“Hope you will allow us to ask you a question first. May we know how you get that black seal?”
Instantly, the few hundred pairs of eyes were on Levi, all filled with anticipation.
“My mentor gave it to me!” Levi blurted out.
However, he immediately corrected himself by adding, “No, to be more specific, I see him as my mentor. He had never acknowledged me as a disciple, nor does he like me to address him that way!”
As soon as the crowd heard his reply, they all started bowing down and prostrated themselves at him.
“Respect to Heaven and Earth!”
“Respect to The Holy Seal!”
“Respect to Maestro!”
Levi knew they were bowing and showing respect to him because of his mentor, but he was still surprised they were showing him so much reverence even though he had already told them his mentor had never accepted him as a disciple!
“No! The fact that Maestro handed the holy seal to you and taught you the Forbidden Technique meant you are his apprentice! And you are the one and only, as he had never accepted anyone before!”
“Yes, you are his heir! The black seal is proof of that!”
“We all acknowledge you as his heir, and everyone else will too!”
From their chatters, Levi confirmed his earlier guess that they were there because of his mentor. He also came to know they were from the Ancient Clans from all over the world.
Some of the clans had been in existence since time immemorial, but they had kept a low profile so they were not widely known to the public.
Many were as established as Eragon, and some even dated back to before The Cardinal Hall was set up!
“So, in short, who exactly is my mentor?”


Chapter 2138 Almost A God

That was the question that had been on Levi’s mind for the longest time.
Seeing how the Ancient Clans became so emotional over his mentor, he couldn’t help but become more curious about the mysterious man who made him who he was.

The power to mobilize these Ancient Clans added to the many mystiques surrounding his mentor. The Ancient Clans obviously knew who he was, so that was Levi’s chance to find out more about him.
“You don’t know who he is?” the crowd looked at him with bewilderment written all over their faces.
“He had never told me his real identity, so I really have no idea who he is!” Levi confessed.
Those members of the ancient clans exchanged knowing glances, then concluded, “We are not surprised, given how he had always been. We would find it more suspicious if you said he told you everything!”
“Actually, we don’t know much about him either, Maestro. We are in no position to probe and would not dare to question either!”
“He is an enigma! During our times, he had a God-like presence. All of us present here had benefitted from his graciousness and help in one way or another!”
“Yes! Without him, our clan would have disappeared a long time ago. He is our savior!”
“Ditto! For so many years, we had been yearning to meet him in person!”
“He is the idol our clan pays respect to! Our clan will hold him in our heart eternally!”
Levi had totally underestimated how zealous those people were. They had so much adoration for his mentor that they resembled a group of fanatic fans.
It was almost impossible for Levi to imagine what his mentor might have done to win such devotion from these Ancient Clans.
Their reactions added more questions to his mind. He wondered what his mentor was like during their era, and also how he would compare to the creme de la creme of Levi’s era.
Despite his repeated probes, he could not get any useful information about his mentor’s identity.
He was also a mystery to the Ancient Clans. He had a fleeting presence in their lives, although those brief encounters were enough to drastically alter their fate, and hence their intense devotion to him.
“Maestro, do you know we had always wanted to serve under him? Alas, we were too insignificant and not qualified to do so.”
“If he ever let out a word that he wants a slave or servant, many old folks like us will come flocking from all corners of the world to fight for the honor to be one!”
“I cannot imagine the queue of people wanting to serve him and to have him as their master!”
“We can only say he is God!”
“There is no God in this world, but to us, he is!”
Levi was once again taken aback by the reverence they had for his mentor.
Crazy! These people are crazy!
He could not imagine how powerful the man they called God was!
“We know it is beneath you to be called Maestro, as you are the heir to God! But please allow us to address you with that insignificant title, as we could not think of a better title.”
“As for details of our savior, I’m afraid you will have to slowly find out more by yourself in the future. He probably did not want to burden you with the truth, so you would not have to face too much danger and troubles.”
It was obvious to Levi that these people knew much more about his mentor but were unwilling or unable to divulge much. It would be up to him to do further investigations.
There was one thing Levi was certain though. These people had pledged their allegiance to him and would obey his every command. If Levi were to get into any trouble, they would immediately rush over to assist him.
A word from him and the international community of Ancient Clans would obey without question.
That was definitely the blessing that came out of that episode. He had a slightly better understanding of his mentor and had gained a solid group of supporters.
The last person to come up to Levi was Cyrus.
“Please do not worry about your mother. I have brought her out of danger, and she is in a safe place now. I can bring you to her right this moment!” he said.
“You have the same skills as I, so you must be related to my mentor too. You let me off the other time because you saw the black seal, right?” Levi had a better understanding of the situation at that point in time, so he had a fairly accurate guess.
“Yes,” Cyrus nodded.
“Tell me about you and my mentor. I want to know your secrets,” Levi requested.


Chapter 2139 The Secrets Of Fiery Demon

Actually, Levi was more interested to find out why Cyrus set up The Dark Sun, and what grudges he had against the martial arts world of Erudia.
He was also curious why Bruce trusted Cyrus so much and what made Cyrus suddenly vanish from the public’s eyes during his heyday. There were too many missing pieces of puzzles in Cyrus’ story.

“Actually Maestro, no, I mean God, was the one who gave me my new life! Just like the other people you met earlier, he had given all of us a new lease of life!”
Cyrus was extremely emotional when he talked about Levi’s mentor. The gratitude and awe he had were deep in his heart.
Levi quietly listened on, not wanting to interrupt him.
“I was from Eragon!” Levi’s jaw dropped upon hearing that from Cyrus.
What…? He is from Eragon? Fiery Demon is from Eragon?
That was a shocking revelation that would create an international uproar if it was made known!
“Please go on!” Levi hid his surprise and urged.
“Eragon and The Cardinal Hall had unimaginable strict regulations. To ensure a pure bloodline, members were not allowed to marry outside of the group. Disobedience meant death!” Cyrus shared.
“My mother was an outsider, a commoner. She and my father met, fell in love, and gave birth to me. Under the strict regulations, both of them were condemned to death. As my father was from one of the marginal lineages, he never had a fighting chance, so both of them were doomed,” he continued.
“Not only did Eragon and The Cardinal Hall destroy everything I had, but they also wanted to eliminate me. They disabled me by severing my martial veins. At my darkest moment, it was God who appeared and saved me. He even taught me skills, which was what you learned too – Reversero and the pursuit of extreme power and speed.” That clearly explained why Cyrus had the same skills as Levi, and thus could easily impersonate him.
“From then on, I vowed to make them pay for their crime! I want them to realize what a huge mistake they had made. That was the beginning of the Era of Fiends. I had Thirteen Fiends under me. My aim was to be a superpower, to make them fear me and be threatened by our existence.” At that point, Cyrus became downcasted, and continued gloomily, “However, in the end, I realized the power I had was insignificant in the eyes of those people. The Era of Fiends meant nothing to them, and despite all I did, they were not even slightly bothered by my presence.”
“Is that why you chose to disappear then?” Levi asked.
“Yes. I thought I was able to stand up against them, but sadly I was proven wrong. That is why I chose to leave Erudia and disappear from the public’s eyes,” Cyrus confessed.
However, he added, “Despite the setback, I will never give up on seeking revenge for my family! The Cardinal Hall and Eragon will forever be my arch enemies. All these years, I persisted in trying to shore up my strength and influence. I want to be able to confront them someday!”
“So you set up The Dark Sun to go against the martial arts world of Erudia, and framed me to create an internal rift among us? All in the name of revenge?” Levi looked at him coldly and asked.
“Yes. They were too powerful. I had to team up with others and resort to underhanded tactics in order to beat them.” Cyrus explained with a guilty look on his face.
“That is also the reason you worked with Bruce?”
Cyrus nodded and elaborated, “That’s right. I knew I would not be able to exact revenge on my own, so I had to make use of Bruce to reach my goal. As The Cardinal Hall was my nemesis, Bruce had never doubted my sincerity in working with him. When we were working together, Bruce received a lot of help from me. I was the one keeping an eye on The Cardinal Hall for him. It may be an impossible task for many people, but it was easy for me as I knew them inside out!”


Chapter 2140 A Visit To The Cardinal Hall

That explained why Cyrus was able to monitor The Cardinal Hall when Bruce entered Erudia to ship out the sunstones.
After hearing about Cyrus’ story, Levi found it was a simple case of revenge.

“It is not wrong of you to want to seek revenge for your family. However, you should not have brought harm to the innocent! If not for my special relationship with my mentor, you would not have stopped, right?” Cyrus submissively stood by as Levi lectured him.
“I would not stop you from seeking your revenge. However, from this moment on, if you were to do anything that brings harm to the innocent or threatens Erudia, I would not let you off!” Levi warned.
Cyrus nodded his head in agreement. Out of respect for Levi’s mentor, he would do anything Levi instructed him to do, even if it was at the expense of his own life.
“Oh, by the way, where am I now?” After coming to an agreement with Cyrus, Levi asked about his hiding place.
“We are still in Keerea, Maestro. We did not leave the country,” Cyrus replied.
Levi let out a resigned smile, amused by the fact that everyone seemed to have set up base in Keerea, bringing much chaos and trouble to this country.
After coming back from the brink of death, Levi missed his family very much and wanted to visit them.
He already knew the whereabouts of Zoey. She was with Sacred Organization, and according to Death Fiend, she was safe.
Levi planned to bring Zoey home after he met Emma and Forlevia.
Cyrus brought Levi to Emma’s hiding place, and they finally met.
“Let’s go, Mom! Let’s visit Evie!” Levi said.
Just like any other father, Levi missed his daughter very much.
He knew The Cardinal Hall was the safest place for her to be in at that moment. Under their protection, she could live a carefree life. Also, with their guidance, she could fully realize her potential and develop unparalleled prowess. That was the reason he chose to leave her there.
However, after his near-death experience, he realized how much he missed his daughter, so he had to see her again.
How could he meet Forlevia when no one knew where The Cardinal Hall was?
That may be a troubling hurdle for other people but with Cyrus by his side, that was no longer an issue for Levi.
Cyrus was from Eragon, and even though his family was from the marginalized lineage, he would still know where The Cardinal Hall was.
The Cardinal Hall, the most powerful martial arts organization of Erudia! Not only do they have the strongest combat capabilities, but they also held on to the trove of confidential information of Erudia.
It was a highly secretive place, comparable to the special zone #51 of Zarain and the Lab of Gods headquarter which held the top secrets of Zarain.
All these organizations held great influence over the world’s development. People knew about their existence but would not know where they were located.
Similarly, The Cardinal Hall and Eragon were the two top Erudian organizations others were desperate to uncover but had never succeeded.
At that moment, Levi made the historical step into The Cardinal Hall, and he was astounded by what he saw.
It was a futuristic town, quite contrary to the image of an ancient compound full of antiquated buildings that he had in mind.
The sight before his eyes was beyond his wildest imagination. The Cardinal Hall was a high-tech, futuristic, modern place!
The Cardinal Hall was not secluded and detached from the outside world. Quite the opposite, they were monitoring Erudia’s development with cutting-edge technology.
The fighters in The Cardinal Hall would most probably be a product of ancient wisdom and modern technology. With the latest and most advanced technology in their hands, they possessed the most powerful combat capabilities! That was how they managed to lead and control since ancient times, and it was easy to see them continue doing so in the future.
Cyrus could see the surprised look in Levi’s eyes, so he sighed and said, “Maestro, now you have seen it, you know why they are so powerful! No one will know exactly what capabilities they possess!”
At the entrance of The Cardinal Hall, Levi took a step into the compound and loudly announced, “Levi is here to pay a visit!”


Chapter 2141 Hell Rejected Me

Levi always had the ability to shock people. It wasn’t an exception when he approached The Cardinal Hall.
By loudly announcing his own arrival, he stunned everyone there.

Levi?No one could claim not to know who Levi was. Even the elders at The Manifest Court had belittled them by saying they were insignificant compared to Levi.
That was why when his voice and name boomed through The Cardinal Hall, everyone was shocked!
Isn’t Levi supposed to be dead?
How is it possible that he is still alive?
He was repeatedly reported dead, isn’t he?
Oh my! He has found his way to The Cardinal Hall!
In a flash, many of the fighters of The Cardinal Hall appeared.
Levi had met some of them during their past encounters, but those were the small fries of The Cardinal Hall.
His arrival had attracted the attention of even the higher-ranking fighters. Among those who rushed out were four of the divine generals.
The divine generals were the ones who managed the operations of The Cardinal Hall. There were twelve of them, each with a codename named after a zodiac sign. So there were DG Aries, DG Taurus, DG Gemini, DG Cancer, DG Leo, DG Virgo, DG Libra, DG Scorpio, DG Sagittarius, DG Capricorn, DG Aquarius, and DG Pisces. The twelve reported directly to the divine brigadier.
The four who rushed out were DG Gemini, DG Libra, DG Sagittarius, and DG Aquarius.
“Levi? How is it you are still alive? How is that possible? Thought you perished together with Lucifer from the Lab of Gods?” The sight of Levi standing tall and strong in front of them stunned everyone.
Levi let out a mischievous smile and jested, “Hell rejected me!”
“And you, Fiery Demon! How dare you come here?” Soon, the crowd from The Cardinal Hall noticed Cyrus and started yelling at him.
Cyrus was able to go scot-free because The Cardinal hall deemed he was too insignificant to deserve their attention or mobilize their manpower to arrest him.
However, his presence irked them, and they vented their anger on him.
“No wonder he can find this place! It is because of you!” They soon pieced the two together and realized how Levi managed to find his way to The Cardinal Hall.
Cyrus had his fists clenched tightly in anger, and was giving them cold hard stares.
Noticing the tension, Levi quickly intervened and said, “I am here today for my personal matter, so leave others out of this!”
The crowd turned their attention back to Levi and asked, “What is the matter?”
“I am here to meet my daughter!” Levi declared.
Emma’s eyes were roving around anxiously for the sight of her granddaughter, whom she missed badly.
DG Libra rejected his request directly by saying, “The Cardinal Hall is out of bounds to outsiders! Please leave.”
“No! Our location is exposed, so we cannot let them go so easily! We have to erase their memories and make them sign an agreement before they go! As for Fiery Demon, kill!” DG Gemini shouted as he stared fixedly at Cyrus. He was not about to let him go scot-free now that he sent himself into their hands.
“What? I cannot see my own daughter?” Levi was mad at the absurd idea that he needed their permission to see his own girl!
“I will meet my daughter today, by hook or by crook! As for Cyrus, he came with me, so anyone making things difficult for him will be my foe!” He coldly make his declaration as his gaze swept across the faces of the four divine generals.
Cyrus had already pledged his allegiance to Levi and will be serving Erudia in the future, so there was no way Levi would allow him to be killed at The Cardinal Hall.
His words angered the crowd at The Cardinal Hall as they saw it as a provocation, a challenge.
“In that case, all the more you will not be allowed entry!” DG Gemini said angrily.
“Firstly, The Cardinal Hall is not your home, so you can’t come and go as you please. Secondly, your child is our top-secret, so nobody can get to see her. Lastly, the fact that you sided with Cyrus means you are our foe!” he added.
The others also sneered and chipped in.
“Take our advice. Get your memory erased and leave this place. For the sake of Forlevia, we will not make things difficult for you and your mother!”
“As for the others, don’t even dream of stepping out of this place! Make your choice!”
Their message was plain and simple. Levi had no right to see Forlevia unless they allowed him to meet her.
That made Levi furious and he taunted, “What if I insist on seeing her today?”


Chapter 2142 DG Gemini

If one was nice to Levi, he would reciprocate with respect. However, if anyone tried to be unreasonable with him, he would retaliate tit for tat.
It did not matter who he was facing, and The Cardinal Hall was no exception.

Those fighters from The Cardinal Hall had not expected Levi to have such arrogance as to belittle them, so they were enraged, especially the four divine generals.
Whoever challenged The Cardinal Hall would not get out alive!
“Die!” DG Gemini, being the most quick-tempered, immediately charged toward Levi and launched his attack.
His punch was an eye-opener for many of his compatriots.
Within the small confined area, they could clearly feel the power of his punch. However, the most impressive thing about it was that he was able to control it such that his explosive power was directed solely at his intended target and would not harm anyone nearby.
That was a technique Levi and Cyrus had never seen before, and they too were impressed! The Cardinal Hall had indeed lived up to its reputation.
They had a huge pool of talents with superior powers, yet they usually kept a low profile.
Just a single punch from DG Gemini was enough to showcase the superiority of The Cardinal Hall.
Cyrus’ eyes almost popped out in astonishment, amazed by that brilliant display of skill and might. The energy wave emitted by that punch was suffocatingly intense.
His prowess at that point was just child-play in the eyes of The Cardinal Hall, let alone his amateurish skills many years ago. That punch from DG Gemini would crush him to powder if it landed on him. He had no fighting chance at all. He finally realized he had been too naive in the past to think he would be able to stand up to The Cardinal Hall someday.
Within the small confined space, the three of them felt the threat from the fist at its maximum strength. The horrifying power was so intense it felt like it could melt a person down.
Emma, being the weakest, felt that deadly sense of suffocation most.
DG Gemini’s intention was to kill the three of them off in a single blow. He was out to kill without mercy.
Levi was the only one who was still calm and chilled.
He returned a punch to take DG Gemini’s punch head-on.
There was a muted sound of the collision. Not much disturbance was felt by the people standing around as the two men had brilliantly controlled their punches and directed their might on each other only.
Levi looked as if nothing had happened after he easily fended off DG Gemini’s punch, and that totally stunned all the observers.
DG Gemini was one of the top divine generals among the twelve in terms of prowess, and he was known to be ruthless and merciless in his attacks.
It was simply unbelievable that someone could so casually block off his strike!
There had been rumors about Levi’s formidable might and skills, and many people put him on the pedestal and worshipped him.
However, those in The Cardinal Hall snorted at those rumors and never thought highly of him.
They were not being haughty, but as they themselves had a God-like reputation, they did not think a human like Levi could have much achievement to boast about compared to them.
What was rated as miracles by the commoners were just a piece of cake to them. As such, they had not really paid much attention to Levi.
When they heard people comparing The Cardinal Hall to Levi, with some even rating Levi above them, they were furious and had secretly borne grudges against him.
That was why when Levi arrived at The Cardinal Hall earlier, many of them were secretly pleased they could finally teach him a lesson and show the world who was truly more superior.
When Levi started belittling The Cardinal Hall in his fit of anger, they were excited and waiting for one of the divine generals to beat him to a pulp.
The outcome was beyond anyone’s imagination! No one expected Levi to block off DG Gemini’s attack so easily. They found it unbelievable!
So a commoner could challenge a god-like fighter of The Cardinal Hall!
Levi’s strength is unreal!
He ignored so many great fighters and went straight ahead to take on a divine general!
This is shocking!
The four divine generals’ faces paled in astonishment, and DG Gemini was about to blow his top!
To him, not being able to kill Levi off with that strike was already a great insult. The fact that Levi managed to fend it off without suffering any injury was simply unacceptable to him!
He was blinded by anger and howled, “Go to hell!”
He had to show off his true prowess and regain his reputation. Levi had to die!
“I am not leaving until I see my daughter. I dare you to stop me!” Levi was infuriated too!


Chapter 2143 Invincible

The two were about to have a showdown, and it was obvious it would only end when one of them died.
It was the most exciting day at The Cardinal Hall for many, an unbelievably rare occasion when a commoner was bold enough to challenge one of the divine generals.

Many of the juniors looked up to DG Gemini with adoration in their eyes, glad they finally could watch him show off his skills.
It was expected to be a nail-biting clash of the titans’ battle.
Just as the two men were about to go into battle, a voice sounded, saying, “Let him in!”
That voice scared the wits out of DG Gemini, and he almost fell to the ground.
It was Elder Celia!
She was the fearsome one which no one dared to offend.
The other divine generals and juniors’ faces paled upon hearing her voice too.
With an order from her, the path was cleared for Levi, Emma, and Cyrus to pass, and they entered the building without any further obstructions.
Levi’s wish was granted, and he finally got to meet Forlevia.
It had been quite a while since he last saw her, and she had grown quite a fair bit. She had grown to be a dreamy little fairy-like girl.
What caught his attention most was her strength. Levi could feel the great difference in her internal strength, which surprised him.
Both Levi and Cyrus were bewildered that a little girl like her could possess such amazing prowess.
That result was only possible by nurturing Forlevia, who possessed the strongest potential, with the mighty resources of The Cardinal Hall.
“Daddy, my masters say when I leave this place after training, I will be invincible!” Forlevia proudly told her dad.
That would be a boastful brag for most people, but coming from Forlevia, no one doubted her words.
“Daddy, where is Mommy? What about Grandpa and Grandma? Why are they not here?” Forlevia innocently asked.
Although she had been a very understanding and thoughtful little girl, like any other kid, she missed her family very much.
“Mommy is busy right now. I will come with them the next time!” Levi promised as he held her tightly in his arms. His heart ached at the thought of all the sufferings his poor little girl had gone through.
At the age whereby other children were attending playschool and carefreely enjoying themselves, Forlevia had to endure tough training that even adults found hard to withstand. She had to shoulder so much more burden because of her special family background.
Emma was crying her heart out for her pitiful granddaughter, and Levi’s eyes were brimming with tears too.
“Do you hate Daddy and Mommy, Evie?” Levi asked.
Forlevia shook her head and replied, “No, of course not! Evie knows Daddy and Mommy are doing important work. I want to grow up and be able to help you too! Don’t worry, Grandma and Daddy. Evie will be a good girl. Please promise you will visit me often because I miss you all so much!”
Levi had to look up to prevent his tears from falling. The more thoughtful his little girl was, the more his heart ached for her.
After a while, Forlevia’s masters came out to join them. One of them was the bad-tempered Elder Celia.
As soon as she appeared, the divine generals and juniors all retreated and disappeared from sight, not risking any chance of irking her.
When Elder Celia saw Levi, she commented, “I knew you were…”
Levi’s heart skipped a beat. He knew she was talking about the time when she battled Shaun and the other pure energy beings. At that time, he was hiding in a corner, secretly monitoring them.
He was just about to step in to intervene when Elder Celia arrived. So she had long discovered he was there!
Levi was secretly amazed by the masters The Cardinal Hall had assigned to coach Forlevia. They were all very impressive and mighty elders. He wondered how his mentor would compare to the masters of Forlevia. He would love to find out if his mentor was as powerful as them, or a league above them.
“You are not too bad. However, you can’t take Forlevia with you. We shall decide when she can leave this place!” she arrogantly declared.
“Don’t worry. I have no intention of bringing her away. This is the safest place she can be in, and I have full confidence in that!” he smilingly concurred.
“You are a smart guy, unlike the other fools!” Elder Celia nodded approvingly and gave him a compliment.
Levi hesitated for a moment, then said, “I do have a favor to ask of you.”


Chapter 2144 The Cardinal Hall General

“Could you let my mother stay here with Forlevia? She could take care of her and keep her company,” he requested.
It was lonely for Forlevia to stay at The Cardinal Hall without her family. His mother would be lonely and also in danger if she was left by herself. Levi felt that if Emma could stay with Forlevia, that would be the best arrangement possible for both.

“Sure, not an issue at all!” Elder Celia agreed readily.
Forlevia and Emma broke into a wide smile, pleased with the arrangement.
“Yeah! Grandma can keep me company every day! I wish Daddy and Mommy can stay with Evie too…” Forlevia pouted as she looked longingly at Levi.
“Be a good girl, Evie. Once Daddy finishes my work, I will come back and spend time with you! Mommy and your other grandma will be here as well!’ he promised.
Forlevia instantly gave him a big happy smile and said, “You must honor your words, and you cannot lie to Evie! Promise?”
Levi did not spend much time at The Cardinal Hall. After all, he was not one of them, and it was not appropriate for him to hang around that place. After spending a short time with Forlevia, he turned to leave with Cyrus.
Elder Celia personally gave instructions that nobody was to stop the two men from leaving.
After they left, the elders at The Manifest Court spoke.
“The world will be heading into a new era! This young lad is going to cause an uproar!”
“Once people get to know his identity, they would panic! It is going to be exciting!”
“I wonder if we would be able to handle that change…”
The young lad they were talking about was not Forlevia but Levi.
Shortly after, DG Gemini and the other three divine generals were summoned to The Manifest Court.
“We have to get ourselves ready. Divine brigadier is still in solitary training, and even we could not find him!”
“You have to appoint someone to take charge of The Cardinal Hall!”
The elders at The Manifest Court briefed the four divine generals on the situation and requested that they appoint someone to head The Cardinal Hall as soon as possible.
DG Gemini immediately responded by saying, “When divine brigadier is not around, we usually have a few divine generals who can cover for him. However, DG Leo and a few of the other divine generals went into solitary training as well, so we are a little short of candidates for now. I have a recommendation though. Maybe divine brigadier’s son, The Cardinal Hall General, could fill the shoes for now.”
“He should be in the North, somewhere deep in the ice field. Ask him to come out of solitary training!” one of the elders ordered.
“Yes, he was supposed to stay there for thirty years for his solitary training. It is three years to his target!”
“Get him to cut short his training and come back. You need a person in charge.”
“Yes, noted!”
“Also, gather as many of the divine generals and elites as you can. Something major will be happening, and our survival will depend on the outcome of that event!”
The Manifest Court’s elders’ words frightened the four divine generals. They wondered what major event would be happening that justified such a massive mobilization of manpower.
The truth was The Cardinal Hall was not as powerful as it seemed. Other than the four divine generals and a handful of elites, most of the other important warriors were either in solitary training or missing in action and could not be located.
The Manifest Court had taken the unusual dramatic step to order the return of all the fighters.
Levi would never imagine his single visit to The Cardinal Hall could cause such an uproar, and that was just the tip of the iceberg, as the order from The Cardinal Hall would have repercussions on many other people and plans.
He was on his way to Sacred Organization with Cyrus, so they were unaware of what was happening back home.
At an unknown place, trouble was brewing as well.
“The holy seal had appeared! And someone had used the Forbidden Technique! It is time for us to act and finish it off!”
The real trouble that Levi’s mentor warned him about with regards to the execution of The Forbidden Technique was materializing.
Once the Forbidden Technique was used, it would draw the attention of those people, and Levi would face more troubles ahead!
In the meantime, Jester King had gone to a rural graveyard somewhere in Rodunst of Adrune. It was an eerie place, and one could feel the chills just by being there despite it being a hot sunny day.
Jester King started digging in the graveyard, and he had dug in an area the size of almost a few football fields.
He was still digging as if looking for something…


Chapter 2145 The Killer Coffin

That was the new mission Scias gave to Jester King. He had rushed to the graveyard as soon as he received the order.
After a detailed search, he locked in on that location and started digging.

Soon, he had turned the graveyard upside down, but even after digging the whole area, he still could not find what he was looking for.
As such, he went back and dug deeper into the ground. The deeper he went, the more spine-chilling the place became.
The freaky thing was the originally sunny weather suddenly turned gloomy, and the gathered clouds had a frightening tint of red, like blood was oozing from them.
On top of that, there were frequent lightning strikes even though it was not raining.
In Erudia’s cultural belief, a bloody red cloud blocking off the sun was an unlucky sign, a sign that something disastrous would be happening soon.
That belief turned out to be true as Jester King was up to no good. He was looking for an object of bad omen!
After digging to the depth of more than six hundred feet, he found an underground structure – a miniature palace!
The temperature in there was abnormally low, and anyone who entered it would probably freeze to death.
The atmosphere in the miniature palace was haunting and had a strong smell of blood. The gas trapped in there threatened to explode and smother every living thing nearby.
There was nothing in the miniature palace other than a metallic coffin.
There were weird pre-historic symbols etched onto the coffin, giving it a demonic look.
Although it was old, run-down, and covered in a thick layer of dust, it radiated a sense of danger.
Even Jester King had fear in him when he looked at the coffin.
He took a deep breath before laying his hands on it.
“What?” He had expected he could easily lift up the small coffin, but his face fell upon his first try. That coffin was exceptionally heavy!
Judging by the metallic material of the coffin, Jester King was prepared it would be heavy. However, the actual weight was at least ten times more than he had expected!
The extra weight had to be from the content of the coffin, and he couldn’t help but wonder what it held.
The weight was abnormal, and he couldn’t think of any items that could contribute to that massive weight.
After a few struggles, Jester King finally managed to pull the coffin out from the deep hole. After all, he was a supreme class fighter!
When he pulled the coffin out, all the bystanders had a shock and started running away.
Everyone was busy running that no one noticed a strange phenomenon. The metallic coffin was emitting some gas that was being breathed in by the unsuspecting humans. At the same time, their breaths were being absorbed by the coffin. It was as if there was an exchange of breaths between the humans and the coffin!
After a minute, those people experienced some transformations! They began to show signs of pain and their veins started popping. All of them covered their face with their hands and wriggled in pain.
In no time, their pale faces turned bluish-green and ghostly. Finally, blood began to ooze out of their eyes, nose, and mouth, and one by one, the people collapsed and died.
The more hideous sight was that raw bloody wounds started appearing on the bodies like it was rotting from corrosive burns.
It was a painful, ugly, and eerie death, and none of the bystanders managed to escape unscathed.
It was not only the humans, but all the nearby animals suffered the same grotesque fate.
Jester King was carrying the coffin to his car, and as he moved along, every living being along the way died.
It was unreal that he did not lift a finger and yet managed to be so destructive.
When he reached the designated place, he placed the coffin into a car and drove toward a port.
When he reached the port, he secretly loaded the coffin onto a cruise ship.
That cruise ship was a popular luxury cruise liner, and there were thousands of international guests on it.
There was no clue on where Jester King planned to send the coffin to, but the strangest thing was, he did not board the cruise liner himself!
All the guests and crew on board had no idea what was happening, and none of them could ever imagine what was to happen.


Chapter 2146 More Mysterious Acts Of Jester King

Jester King did not leave Rodunst after that. Instead, he went to an old abandoned castle.
The castle sat in a compound overgrown with weeds, and many crows were perched on a barren tree.

The piercing calls of the crows gave one the creeps.
The moment Jester King stepped into the abandoned castle, flocks of bats swarmed out.
On that night, a blood moon was hanging dimly in the night sky, and it resembled a bleeding dying moon.
The scene was simply queer.
It did not take long before Jester King came out of the castle. Again, he was carrying a metallic coffin on his shoulder, and it looked exactly like the other one from the graveyard.
Jester King went to the airport with the second coffin but left empty-handed.
After that, he proceeded to a training base guarded by numerous fighters from the Ancient Clans.
Without a word, he went on a killing spree and butchered everyone there.
The training base was housing another metallic coffin. Unlike the previous two, the third one had multiple tubes connected to it.
It was quite obvious the coffin and its content were the subject of study and research.
Jester King successfully removed it from the training base and shipped it to Goldenport Island of Erudia.
That was not the end of his unusual acts.
Next, he headed to the northern tip of Adrune, and there was nothing but ice fields there.
Deep in one of the ice fields, he again found another metallic coffin.
He carried it on his shoulder and marched off.
In the end, the coffin was abandoned right in the middle of the major city of Rodunst.
After he finished that act, he let out a big wide smile and chuckled, “Everything went as the Lab of Gods had planned! Die!”
Having accomplished the mission Scias entrusted him, he left the place, satisfied.
Other than them, no one could foresee what disasters those four coffins would bring about…
The cruise liner set off from Rodunst and sailed south to Archulea in Nuthana.
Being a luxury cruise, it was scheduled to make multiple stops along the way and dock at many of the countries in the region.
The coffin was loaded onto the cargo deck, and one day, a few crew went in to do a routine stock take and maintenance check.
Once they enter the cargo deck, they were taken aback by the eerie atmosphere and abnormally low temperature inside the cargo area.
“But… i-it is summer now!” The men shuddered and wondered, but in the end, they still went ahead to do their stock count.
Rumble, rumble, rumble…
Suddenly, they heard a low rumbling noise from a corner, like something was rocking and moving violently.
The men gathered together to search and found the noise was from a huge wooden crate, and it was rocking from side to side.
“What is in that? Do we have a live animal cargo?”
“This crate is not part of our cargo! I don’t remember seeing it!”
The men got suspicious and worried, and they drew their weapons for defense.
“Let’s open it up to check!” One of them slowly went forward to try and pry the crate open.
The men caught sight of the metallic coffin after opening the crate and had a big shock!
When was this loaded in?
What is happening?
They broke into a cold sweat, and one of them fearfully asked, “It was moving just now, right?”
“Inform the captain immediately! Tell him what we found here!”
The men were about to leave the deck when they felt a strong suction force coming from the metallic coffin.
They were all flying backward and being drawn involuntarily toward the coffin!
Plonk, plonk, plonk…
All eight of them were stuck to the coffin. and they let out piercing screams.
Their bodies shrank rapidly as their blood was drained off into the coffin.
In the end, all eight corpses fell onto the ground, withered and shrunken like a mummy, with not a single drop of blood left in their bodies.
Rumble, rumble, rumble…
The coffin shook more violently, and the symbols etched on it gave off a blinding brilliance after the feast of blood.
The coffin broke apart in an explosive manner.


Chapter 2147 Disasters Everywhere

The huge explosion rocked the cruise ship and almost capsized it.
The guests started screaming in fear and shouting, “What is happening?”

The captain and crew were caught off-guard by the unexpected turbulence.
Although they were sailing in the open seas, it was a perfect day with calm waters and clear skies that should not result in the ship being rocked so violently.
“The problem seems to come from the cargo deck, and a few of our crew were also cut off from communications…”
“Get down there to check it out!”
The dozens of crew that went to check on the cargo deck did not return nor send back any communications, worrying the captain and the rest of their teammates.
“Quick! Seal the cargo deck!” shouted the experienced captain. He instinctively knew that was the source of the problem and wanted to seal it off.
He lead a team down to the cargo deck, and when they reached there, they were overwhelmed by a nauseous scent of blood.
Just as they were about to completely seal off the section, suddenly, something charged out!
The frightened captain and crew let out loud shrieks as if they had seen the most horrifying thing on earth.
It was followed by more agonizing screams. The difference was the previous screams were due to fear, and the latter was from death.
Everyone who had seen the thing in the coffin was dead.
The guests were still waiting in the upper decks for the crew to update them on the disturbances, but death awaited them instead.
The horrifying thing appeared before them, causing them to flee for their lives. Nevertheless, not a single soul could escape from it, and every single living being turned into a shriveled mummy.
The cruise liner sailed on in autopilot mode toward the next destination – an island somewhere in Nuthana.
At an international airport in Rodunst, a coffin appeared in the cargo handling area.
The workers were shocked they could not move it along, as it was extremely heavy. Even if they wanted to throw it out, they could not move it an inch.
In no time, the workers collapsed onto the floor, again, in a totally dried-up form.
No one knew what was happening, and those sent there to find out ended up dead as well.
The disaster started from a single location and quickly spread like wildfire, causing more and more fatalities.
Finally, the metallic coffin exploded, and the horrifying thing in it was released.
It rushed into the airport, and every place it passed became a living hell.
The one that was left in the major city of Rodunst exploded not too long after. The story repeated itself, and the butchering continued.
As it was in a densely populated city center, the casualty count was much higher.
Rodunst had no idea what was happening and was still trying to figure out what was the cause of the disasters.
No one knew what was the thing that Jester King brought to them. They could only tell it brought nothing but horrifying deaths wherever it went.
When the cruise liner sailed near its next destination, the workers there were waiting by the port to welcome it.
They had lost communications with the crew, so they embarked onto the ship as soon as they could to check on those on board.
What they saw was the petrifying scene of doom. There were dried corpses everywhere on the cruise liner!
However, that was just the beginning of their nightmare!
An alert worker had a sense of foreboding and yelled to his colleagues, “Run! Get out of here!”
The next moment, the spooky scent of death loomed over them, and soon hallowing screams sounded from the ship again!
Finally, the thing from the coffin disembarked and went unto the island.
The outcome was no different, and no one managed to get away from it alive.
The scene of living hell replayed on the island, and countless people lost their lives.
A few lucky ones managed to escape from the island on their yacht, not knowing the terrifying thing had joined them in their yacht as well.
In the meantime, over at Goldenport Island of Erudia, the shipment from Rodunst had sailed in under the grey early morning sky.


Chapter 2148 Trouble On Goldenport Island

The cargoes were meant for Johannes’ family, and their people were at the port receiving the shipment.
All the cargoes were tightly sealed in crates, so the ship reached Goldenport Island safely.

As the cargoes were heavy items like minerals, rocks, and stones, no one suspected anything was wrong despite the shipment being heavier than usual.
“Truck them back!” Instructions were given, and the cargoes were trucked back to the factory, with no one any the wiser about what had been added to their shipment.
As for the disasters that were happening in Rodunst, despite the attempts to censor the news, other countries began to hear about it.
After leaving The Cardinal Hall, Levi and Cyrus wanted to head to Sacred Organization to look Zoey up.
However, even Cyrus shook his head and admitted he had no idea where Sacred Organization was. It was as secretive as the Lab of Gods, and he was unable to help Levi find his way to them.
“I have an idea!” Levi smiled and said, to the surprise of Cyrus.
“Sacred Organization had always wanted me to join them. If news of me being alive reaches their ears, they would definitely come for me,” he explained.
Cyrus nodded excitedly and agreed. “Yes! That would save us the trouble of looking for them. They would come to us instead!”
The task of letting Sacred Organization know Levi was alive fell on Cyrus.
Through the dark web, he disseminated the news to Sacred Organization and informed them Levi was still alive.
The dark web was the most amazing thing to happen, although no one knew who was behind it. It seemed to have all the information anyone wished to find out.
Most importantly, Cyrus could contact Sacred Organization directly without the knowledge of a third party.
“Maestro, I have done it! However, I also found out something weird is happening in Rodunst. Unidentified beings were attacking the people there, and the country had become a killing field. There were no further details on that though… All we know for now is that those killers came from some old coffins…” Cyrus reported.
Levi’s curiosity would have been aroused in the past, but after what he had gone through, nothing could surprise him anymore.
After the Ancient Clans resurfaced, many previously unimaginable things had happened, so Levi wasn’t too concerned. All he said was, “I hope that is not due to me executing the Forbidden Technique…”
He knew after he used the Forbidden Technique, the path ahead would be fraught with dangers and difficulties.
That was also the reason why he was in a hurry to locate Zoey. He wanted to send all his loved ones to The Cardinal Hall so he could have peace of mind to face whatever challenges that came his way.
“The Ancient Clans knew more about our savior than I do, as I am not of the same era as they. I don’t know what lies ahead, but one thing for sure, your wish is my command, and I will lay down my life for you, Maestro!” Cyrus solemnly vowed.
“Appreciate that! Now, all I have to do is wait for Sacred Organization to come for me. Where should I go in the meantime? Why don’t we go to Goldenport Island?” Levi proposed.
He decided Goldenport Island was a better place for him to stay while waiting for Sacred Organization, as it was a quieter town.
If he were to stay in the main city of Erudia, he might have to deal with unwelcomed troubles.
Over at the processing factory of the Hilton family, the shipment of mineral rocks had arrived, and the workers were busy unloading and unpacking the crates.
After the external sealed wrappings were removed from the crates, the temperature in the factory suddenly dipped, and the chill caused everyone to shudder.
No one thought much of that and continued with their unpacking.
One by one, the outer wooden crates were pried open to reveal the contents of the shipment. Everything went on smoothly as usual until someone shouted, “Quick! Come and take a look!”
That worker had opened a crate to expose a metallic coffin, shocking all those working in the same area.
They immediately reported the strange cargo to the factory’s management.
Meanwhile, the coffin started rocking, puzzling the workers. Someone suggested removing it…

Things are really heating up.
Thank you Grandmaster Skye
Waiting for Master Skye's benevolence...I have also started to wonder where is master Indra?
Waiting for Master Skye's benevolence...I have also started to wonder where is master Indra?

Chapter 2149 Beyond Control

By the time the management team rushed to the factory, the dead bodies of the workers were already strewn all over the floor. It was bewildering for them as there were no signs of fighting within the factory, and the workers died an unnatural death, their bodies all drained of blood and shrunken.
There was a coffin right in the middle of the factory floor, and that alerted them to immediately back off.
“Stay away! Something is not right with that coffin! Inform the Hiltons…”

They were alert and quick, but unfortunately, not quick enough compared to the horrifying thing.
They breathed in the gas emitted from the coffin and suffered the same fate as the other victims.
The processing factory became the latest living hell…
It was a blessing that the factory was highly automated and had just a handful of staff, so casualty count was kept to a minimum.
As soon as Johannes and Sherrie received the alert from their team, they immediately rushed to the factory.
They reviewed the security footage of the factory floor, and their jaws dropped when they witnessed the strange happenings.
The coffin!
That is the cause!
Instantly, they recalled the unusual deaths in Rodunst were also related to some metallic coffins!
Little did they expect a similar coffin would turn up in Goldenport Island!
“Look, Grandpa!” Sherrie suddenly yelled.
In the security footage, they could clearly see the metallic coffin rocking violently, and something was trying to struggle free from it.
With the sound of an explosion, the coffin broke apart, and the thing escaped from it!
Buzz, buzzzzzz…
At that crucial moment, there was the sound of a short circuit, and the screen turned fuzzy and snowy.
It soon turned dark completely, leaving the Hiltons with a blank screen.
“Oh no! There is a short circuit in the factory. We don’t know the cause yet…” That was another piece of bad news for the Hiltons.
Short circuit?
“It must be because of the thing from the coffin. It may have affected either the electrical field or the current…”
“Any more details from Rodunst? What was that thing?” Johannes was becoming panicky.
“No news. They locked down and insisted on keeping mum about the incidents…”
Johannes sighed and swiftly issued an order, “Assemble all the elites in Goldenport Island, including Xenotoph. And make it quick! This is going to be a big disaster for Goldenport Island, and we must stop it!”
In no time, all the elites in Goldenport Island gathered at the processing factory, ready to defend the island from harm.
Whatever was in the coffin, they were determined to confine it in the factory and not let it escape to wreak havoc on the island.
The Hilton family was influential and could quickly mobilize all the resources to evacuate the residents around the factory. They ensured no living beings, animals inclusive, remained within the radius of three miles of the factory.
Next, they had to tackle the unidentified thing from the coffin.
They had informed the Dragonites and The Cardinal Hall about the appearance of the metallic coffin, so all the Protectors based in Goldenport Island rushed over to assist the Hiltons as well.
Dragonites and The Cardinal Hall were deeply concerned about the matter. Besides ordering a news lockdown, they sent their top fighters over to Goldenport Island as well.
The Cardinal Hall had no qualms showcasing their top talents anymore, so they dispatched the best disciples of the four divine generals to Goldenport Island.
Instantly, Goldenport Island became a hive of activity.
Levi and Cyrus were on their way there, and after receiving news of Levi’s whereabouts, Sacred Organization also sent their Eighteen Dark Angels that way, determined to bring Levi back with them.
From that moment, the tiny Goldenport Island became the focus of everyone.
Meanwhile, Jester King arrived back at the Lab of Gods and met up with Scias.
“Well done! We received news from three of the hotspots. Rodunst had lost control of the situation!” Scias cheered.
“What about Goldenport Island? Any news from there?” Jester King asked.
“News just came in that Erudia had locked down Goldenport Island! I guess trouble had begun. We just need to sit back and enjoy the show! Hahaha!” Scias gleefully replied.


Chapter 2150 Horrible

“Didn’t the Ancient Clans show themselves? I shall release everyone and see what happens!” Scias declared with a sinister smile, as though he had everything under control. He was clad in his suit, as usual.
Jester King chuckled and changed the topic. “By the way, how’s Lucifer doing?”
“He can save anyone he wants. Lucifer shall evolve after coming back from the dead!” Scias answered with a smirk.

Jester King lamented, “Well, he’s the most terrifying doctor who had been involved in most of the experiments! Now that Levi is dead, no one can harm us.”
Scias smiled. “Yes. They only saw a fragment of our true strength.”
“I can’t believe you found out where they are. They have no idea what they are going against!” Jester King exclaimed. “No one can stop the four coffins. I can’t wait to see what will happen next in Goldenport Island!”
Meanwhile, all fighters had gathered around the factory on Goldenport Island, including Xenotoph and the others.
After all, Goldenport Island’s survival was at stake.
Disaster had already befallen Rodunst, so they wanted everyone on Goldenport Island to be safe.
The fighters and Protectors sent over by Dragonites and The Cardinal Hall had joined forces, so it should be enough to defend themselves.
Johannes, Xenotoph, and the other important figures gave commands. “Some of you should stay guard outside. Some should head in. Everyone, stay together. Don’t spread out. We shall enter together!”
Under Xenotoph and the other fighters’ lead, a few hundred men stepped in while the rest stood guard outside the factory.
As there was a problem with the wiring, the entire factory was dark and silent.
Once they stepped in, the unmistakable metallic smell of blood overwhelmed their senses.
Everyone panicked inwardly, for the dark environment gave them the creeps for some reason.
Human beings had always feared the unknown.
Besides, they knew there was something terrifying inside.
Thus, they were all intimidated.
The silence was deafening.
The master of magical techniques, including Xenotoph, started allowing their senses to spread all over the building.
Alas, they couldn’t sense anything. It was as though there was no living creature in the factory.
“Let’s keep going!”
They marched ahead and soon arrived at the interior of the factory, which was close to where the coffins were placed.
The journey was unexpectedly smooth as though nothing dangerous was present.
However, no one dared to let their guards down.
Everyone held their breaths anxiously. Even the martial artists and masters of magical techniques were sweating profusely.
A cloud of uncertainty loomed, and that was what really shook their confidence.
If it wasn’t anything dangerous, Rodunst would’ve rid of it instead of keeping a lid on it.
“Be careful. I believe it’s nearby. Perhaps we’ve already been targeted!” Xenotoph reminded, his body tensing up.
Suddenly, the people outside the factory spotted something.
Everyone’s heads whipped around to look at the sky.
It was almost daybreak, but the sky had turned dark without warning.
No one knew when it happened, but there was a bloody red moon smacked in the middle of the sky.
Everyone gaped in disbelief.
Oh, no. We’re doomed!
“Be careful. Something bad is coming!”
“We need to inform God of Gamblers and the rest about it!”
Right then, Xenotoph led the rest to the area where the coffin was placed.
“Stay alert!” Xenotoph reminded.
Fear had engulfed everyone.
Everyone who was in the vicinity had goosebumps when the temperature dropped sharply.


Chapter 2151 The Identity Of The Creature

Everyone was extremely strung up when an ear-splitting scream pierce the air.

Blood splattered everywhere.
Some of them felt warm blood spraying onto their clothes.
The extremely gruesome sound shocked everyone.
Even Xenotoph was dumbfounded and rendered speechless.
Before they could react, horrifying sounds echoed in the air as blood sprayed everywhere.
“Switch on the light!” Johannes barked.
Snap, snap!
They switched on their lights, and the interior of the factory appeared in their sight.
They didn’t miss any corner, so everything was visible, including the thing that escaped from the coffin.
The sight of that sent a shiver down everyone’s spines.
What the hell?
A tall figure appeared in sight, growling lowly.
A pungent stench of blood filled the air.
Finally, everyone saw the horrible creature from the coffin.
It was a human being.
Scars marred his face in such grotesque patterns that he was beyond recognition. With his fur, he looked like a spine-chilling beast!
The blood trickling down his lips made everyone shudder in fear.
“Is he even human?”
Sweat dotted their brows.
The figure looked like a human being, but he fed on human blood like a monster.
They couldn’t help but wonder what kind of foreign presence this was.
Nevertheless, no matter what, this creature was a tremendous threat to them.
Xenotoph was afraid, let alone the others.
After all, the figure was practically Grim Reaper.
“Who the hell is this?” they demanded curiously.
Johannes scanned it carefully and said, “Is this the vampire race from Adrune? I remember it’s an ancient clan.”
“What? A vampire from Adrune?”
Everyone blanched in horror at the news.
The vampire race was an ancient and mysterious race which they had heard of but never seen in real life.
Is this a vampire?
Before they could process the idea, the strange creature started attacking them.
The numbers of those who had collapsed kept rising, for he would rip apart anyone who came before him and sucked their blood without hesitation.
He was so fast that they couldn’t even react in time.
If he hadn’t stopped to suck his victims’ blood before taking their lives, their losses would be more severe.
“Everyone, let’s kill him!” Xenotoph urged, and promptly took action.
The other elites joined him to attack the creature.
Boom, boom!
Alas, they soon realized no matter how powerful their attacks were, the creature wasn’t at all affected.
His body was unimaginably strong!
Xenotoph and the others couldn’t even lay a hand on him.
Everyone at the scene was stricken with horror.
He’s too powerful.
Johannes was pretty sure that this was a vampire by now.
The creature was abnormally strong and practically invincible.
Xenotoph and everyone else’s attacks successfully provoked the creature.
He let out an infuriated roar as a mighty sucking force burst out within his body.
Cuts appeared out of nowhere on some of their bodies as the creature sucked their blood away without even laying a hand on them.
Shortly after, corpses drained of blood collapsed to the ground one by one.
Their blood all ended up in that creature’s belly.
Shocked by the sickening situation, everyone fell silent.
They were all martial artists and masters of magical techniques, but none of them could defeat the terrifying creature.
Men fell one after another, ending up as dried-up corpses.
By the time they realized something was wrong, it was too late.
It was impossible for them to escape the scene.
“I shall stop him. Everyone else, leave!” Xenotoph declared, risking his life for the sake of the rest.
Everyone else promptly made their escape, for they were no match for this vampire.


Chapter 2152 Unheard Of

“Come on, brute!”
Xenotoph planned to put up a fight and take the creature down with him.
Boom, boom!

Xenotoph unleashed a barrage of his strongest magical attacks.
He was prepared to fight till his death.
A battle ensued.
Soon, blood stained the windows of the factory red.
Though Xenotoph tried hard to stop the creature, he failed and lost his life.
Johannes and the rest escaped the factory successfully, their faces pale and their bodies tensed.
What happened today was beyond everyone’s wildest imagination.
One of the men stationed outside urged, “What happened? How did it go?”
Before the people who had just escaped the factory could explain, Xenotoph’s disciples mourned, “Master!”
Xenotoph was dead, and that shocked the masses.
After all, Xenotoph was the most powerful fighter in all of Goldenport Island.
If he lost his life trying to defeat that creature, what about the rest?
“Uh…” The Protectors were at a loss for words.
“The fighters from The Cardinal Hall are on the way here, but time is ticking. Perhaps Goldenport Island will be destroyed before their arrival!”
The revelation only brought more despair.
“We only have ourselves to depend on.” Johannes ordered, “Set off the bomb to level the entire area!”
Before they came here, he had already asked his men to set up the triggering device.
They just had to detonate the bomb now.
Boom, boom!
As flames shot into the sky, the factory collapsed, razed to the ground.
The dust and smoke rose into the air in a fast, swirling motion.
The impact of the explosion caused the elites to stagger backward.
In fact, Goldenport Island was shaking violently as if an earthquake had just happened.
The explosion was too intense.
Johannes had bought the explosive from Cryptic Stream Corporation, which belonged to the Lab of Gods.
In other words, it was Johannes’ trump card.
Back when he bought it, Cryptic Stream Corporation informed him of how powerful it was.
He could blow the entire island up with the appropriate quantity.
It was indeed extremely frightening!
As the bomb was developed to destroy powerful beings and items, all martial artists and masters of magical techniques would definitely die in the explosion.
Nothing would survive in the explosion.
Everyone let out a sigh of relief and relaxed visibly.
The next second, something glinted among the thick smoke, causing everyone to tense up anxiously.
As the masses stared at the smog, it gradually cleared out.
A tall figure emerged from within. He let out a ferocious roar, his beast-like eyes glaring at Johannes and the others.
What? He’s perfectly fine? Did he escape unscathed from the huge explosion? What is he made of?
They had never even heard of the existence of someone like him!
“W-What is going on?”
Everyone was on the verge of tears, for it was a horrifying sight to behold.
Finally, the elites standing guard outside the factory got to see what the creature looked like.
They felt a chill go down their spines.
Before they could react, the vampire disappeared in a flash.
He then reappeared among the masses and started his killing spree.
Agonizing cries resonated across the zone; it was a bloodbath.
The killing machine struck fear in everyone’s heart.
What the hell is this? We can’t harm him, let alone defeat him! He doesn’t even feel pain.
Countless of lifeless bodies littered the ground.
Most of them ended up mummified as their blood was sucked out by the vampire.
“Time to leave. We can’t stop him!” someone suggested.
Johannes immediately responded, “No. If we leave, this creature will leave and harm the ordinary citizens! We need to stop that from happening!”
“Yes, he’s right!”


Chapter 2153 Excalibur Council Of Rodunst

It was clear what this creature would do out there.
Hell would descend on a peaceful country.
After all, that was what happened to Rodunst.

The creature appeared in the capital and airport, bringing disaster to the country.
Indeed, Rodunst was now a living hell.
After the coffin was opened, the creatures escaped and murdered innocent lives.
It was catastrophic.
One vampire was annoying enough, but there were two of them in Rodunst.
Though Rodunst immediately dispatched various martial artists, men with superpowers, witches, wizards, and even its own Excalibur Council, which was comparable to Zarain’s Shield, each and every one of them who went there ended up dying on the battlefield.
No one could stop the vampires!
Nothing seemed to be able to stop them in their tracks.
The city was beyond saving, so Rodunst hurriedly ordered a complete news blackout to prevent the situation from blowing up.
They were still in the midst of finding out what those creatures were and where did they come from.
Meanwhile, on a cruise ship sailing on the ocean.
Back then, some survivors fled the island and boarded the cruise, but the creature managed to catch up to them.
Now, the cruise was floating on the sea toward an unknown destination.
Once it docked somewhere, it would be a disaster, especially if the dock was a busy one.
The Lab of Gods received news of the vampires almost immediately.
Though Rodunst swiftly ordered a news blackout, they still managed to find out what had happened.
Scias laughed. “Now that Excalibur Council has found out what the creature is, they might find another vampire to start a negotiation. Rodunst’s trouble will come to an end soon.”
His tone then took a turn. “But Erudia will need more time to deal with it.”
Jester King hesitated for a long time before asking, “Is this the end already?”
Scias shook his head. “Of course not. It’s not that simple. Let’s just wait and see! By the way, let’s see where the other one is. Oh, he’s going in the right direction—Archulea in Nuthana!” He chuckled in delight.
Jester King inquired, “Will the Kings take their revenge? After all, I got one coffin from them.”
It was Jester King who wiped the secret training base out and stole the coffin that belonged to the Kings.
All the while, the Kings had been experimenting on hibernating vampires in secret.
The Lab of Gods happened to find out about it and sent someone to take the coffin away.
“They might suspect us. But I have a plan, so don’t you worry,” Scias declared smugly.
As expected, Excalibur Council was busy finding a vampire to negotiate with the two vampires.
As the most influential organization in Rodunst, just like The Cardinal Hall, Excalibur Council held many secrets. For example, they held the vampires and other Ancient Clans’ members captive.
They had also carried out plenty of experiments.
Right now, they decided to release the vampire they held captive so he could negotiate with the other two and hopefully persuade them to stop.
The reason Excalibur Council could find out the origins of the creatures was that the creatures used to roam around in Rodunst in ancient times.
They recorded the existence of the creatures and captured some of them.
However, Erudia didn’t have any experience in handling vampires, so they were rendered helpless by the creature’s strength.
No one knew what was going on on Goldenport Island.
Only those who’ve seen it with their own eyes would have a clue.
This was the biggest predicament they had ever faced, for the vampire was incredibly strong.
Right now, he was killing the residents one by one.
In a blink of an eye, hundreds of them lost their lives.
The rest could only watch as despair surged within them.


Chapter 2154 Fight Till The End

It was obvious that they would all be wiped out here.
No one would survive the ordeal.
It felt really miserable to be waiting for one’s death.

Help was arriving, but they were running out of time.
In the midst of battling the creature, they realized he was getting stronger after devouring enough blood.
It seemed like he could only awake after getting sufficient blood.
Though he wasn’t at the peak of his ability yet, he was already unstoppable.
They couldn’t imagine what it would be like if he were to awake completely.
Meanwhile, both Levi and Cyrus had just arrived at Goldenport Island.
As Erudia had kept a lid on the situation, they had no idea what was happening on the island.
Once they arrived, their instincts told them something was wrong.
“Something seems off. They must be in trouble!” Cyrus exclaimed.
Levi’s brows were furrowed up. “I can sense a terrifying presence. It resembles me when I unleash the Forbidden Annihilation.”
Indeed, Levi had sensed a sinister presence on the island.
As it bored a resemblance to him when he unleashed the Forbidden Annihilation, he immediately detected its presence.
“Yes, something must’ve happened. Let’s find out where they are!”
They dashed toward the source of the ominous vibe.
On the other side of Goldenport Island, the Eighteen Dark Angels of Sacred Organization showed up at the scene.
“You’re sure Levi is on Goldenport Island, right?” Death Fiend asked.
“Yes, we’ve confirmed that he has just arrived at Goldenport Island!”
“All right. Let’s go!”
Soon, the Eighteen Dark Angels realized the ominous air on Goldenport Island.
Oh? What an overwhelming presence.
“Come, let’s go take a look. It should be related to Levi!”
Meanwhile, the vampire was growing stronger nearby the factory.
Johannes gathered the fighters to retaliate while requesting for more help.
Alas, the only help he could get was no match for the vampire.
The reason they showed up was to stall for more time.
“We have news! The apprentices of the four divine generals from The Cardinal Hall had boarded an aircraft and will be here in an hour. We only need to hang on for one hour more!” the Protectors reported happily.
Despair flashed across everyone else’s faces when they learned that they had to wait for one hour before help arrived.
After all, the fighters, including Xenotoph himself, couldn’t even hold the creature back for ten minutes.
It was practically impossible for them to hang on for one whole hour.
“We need to hang on! Otherwise, the creature will take innocent lives and make Goldenport Island a living hell!” Johannes hollered.
He and his clan went all out to stop the creature from escaping.
It was an intense fight.
Though they knew death would await them, none of them backed off.
It would be worth it to lose their lives to protect their loved ones.
In just a few short minutes, all that was left of the brave bunch was a heap of mangled bodies.
Crimson blood tainted the ground beneath their feet, but none of them backed down.
“Hurry up and think of something, or we’re finished for real!”
“Yes, there are less than a hundred of us left! We’re doomed!”
The survivors looked as though they were about to burst into tears.
Johannes and the others were panicking, but there was nothing else they could do.
“Grandpa, if only I were stronger,” Sherrie uttered glumly. She had also joined the battle.
Everyone sighed gloomily as their numbers decreased.
Slowly, only ten fighters remained, including Sherrie and Johannes.
They collapsed onto the ground, waiting for the vampire to claim their lives.


Chapter 2155 The Progenitor

They squeezed out every ounce of their strengths and fought till the end.
Alas, they only managed to hang on for around twenty minutes.
They still had a long way to go.

During the last moments of their lives, they were still worrying about the downfall of Goldenport Island.
If they were to die here, thousands of innocent lives would perish right on the island.
Sherrie’s heart was filled with reluctance as she screamed, “Ah!”
The vampire appeared before her and pulled her up.
He stared at her, seemingly surprised by how obstinate she was.
“Come on! I’m not afraid of you!” Sherrie declared.
The vampire’s eyes were tinted red as he parted his lips to bite her.
Right then, an unprecedented power came right for the vampire and forced him to release his grip on Sherrie.
The sudden turn of events gave the survivors a shock.
What’s going on?
They then realized there were two figures who had just appeared among them.
One of them was familiar to everyone, for he was none other than Levi Garrison.
“Le…” Sherrie’s words were cut short when she realized something—Levi was dead!
Levi’s dead, right? Though he faked his death on Goldenport Island back then, he died for real later on. There’s no way he’s still alive. But this man looks exactly like Levi!
Johannes and the rest had the same thought too!
Before they could state their doubts, the vampire let out a furious roar.
It was at this moment that they realized the vampire was sent flying.
That was unheard of!
After all, they had tried their best to force the vampire to retreat, but to no avail.
No matter how they attacked him, he stood rooted to the spot.
Now, he had been sent flying!
Clearly, the newcomers were extremely strong.
There’s hope for us!
The vampire’s gaze fixated on Levi and Cyrus as rage ran red through his brain.
Perhaps he felt humiliated by how he was sent flying.
Both Levi and Cyrus stared at the creature in front of them. Levi then asked, “Do you know what this creature is?”
“If I’m not mistaken, he’s a vampire from the Ancient Clans in Adrune. However, he’s different from the vampires I know, for most vampires are handsome. I’ve never seen one as ugly as him!” Cyrus revealed.
Everyone else fell silent.
Have they gone nuts? How dare they comment on the vampire’s looks now? They clearly don’t take him seriously!
“No, this is a Progenitor, the strongest vampire ever known!” another voice declared.
The Eighteen Dark Angels finally showed themselves.
They exerted such a terrifying aura that the vampire froze before focusing on them.
Sherrie and the other survivors were delighted.
Strong fighters are here! That means we’re going to be safe, right?
“The Progenitor?” Johannes, Cyrus, and the rest blanched in horror at the Dark Angels’ words.
After all, the Progenitor was the strongest vampire ever known, and legend had it that it could live for a few thousand years.
Besides, it was also terrifyingly strong.
However, it was obvious from where Jester King obtained the coffins that they had been in hiding for a long while.
They might’ve been asleep for a few hundred years, or even more than a thousand years.
Their appearance spelled disaster.
“I can’t believe they released the Progenitors! From what we know, there are already three Progenitors roaming around!” one Dark Angel exclaimed.
Naturally, Levi knew who the Dark Angel was referring to—the Lab of Gods!
They are so persistent! I can’t believe they can do something this ruthless and crazy!
By now, everyone finally got to know the identity of the creatures that went on a rampage in Rodunst.
When the Progenitor saw everyone engaged in a discussion, he felt left out.
As anger flooded his veins, his gaze landed on Levi.


Chapter 2156 Levi Setting The Eighteen Dark Angels Up

The Progenitor knew it was Levi who sent him flying earlier.
As Levi had ignored his presence all the while, he went straight for him without hesitation.

The Progenitor appeared before Levi in a nanosecond and stretched out his hand to grab Levi.
Alas, he failed to grab anything.
Levi had swerved out of his reach swiftly.
The Progenitor widened his eyes in shock, finding it hard to believe that someone had just escaped from his claws.
Everyone else shared the same sentiment, too.
Before the Progenitor could realize what was going on, Levi appeared behind his back and retaliated with a kick that sent him flying again.
This was the second time the Progenitor was sent flying.
Sherrie and the rest were shocked beyond belief.
What is this combat prowess?
However, Levi wasn’t at all happy with his achievements.
Though he sent the Progenitor flying twice and caused the latter utter humiliation, the vampire didn’t even get hurt.
How strong must the Progenitor be?
The furious Progenitor lashed out toward Levi again and again, but Levi managed to avoid his attacks and even managed to retaliate.
No matter what Levi did, the Progenitor remained unscathed and continued attacking him angrily.
As the Progenitor lost his mind, Levi felt his blood boiling.
A powerful force from the Progenitor was trying to suck Levi’s blood away!
“You want to suck my blood? Dream on! Even mosquitoes don’t get to suck my blood, let alone you!” Levi declared.
He stepped forward and pointed at the creature with his left hand.
It was the One Finger Technique that managed to kill the pure energy beings by gathering his energy at a single explosive point.
His right hand balled into a fist as he punched the Progenitor with the Annihilation Blast.
He was sure both strategies would work together to defeat the vampire!
Before the explosion could happen, it disappeared into thin air.
The Annihilation Blast didn’t even get to activate itself.
The Progenitor was invincible, so the Annihilation Blast and One Finger Technique couldn’t harm him one bit.
The attacks were simply useless against him.
That was how strong the Progenitor was!
Though he was immune to Levi’s attacks, a vortex of anger swirled inside him when he realized how powerful Levi was.
This time, he was really losing his cool.
His eyes reddened as though blood was pouring in swiftly.
Little by little, he grew stronger and regained his full strength!
“What? That didn’t work?” Levi was stunned.
“Maestro, let me help!” Cyrus offered.
The Eighteen Dark Angels were watching the scene from the sidelines.
Clearly, they weren’t about to offer help.
The more miserable Levi was, the happier they were.
Before the Progenitor’s attack could land on Levi, the latter suddenly dashed away.
The Progenitor promptly ran after him.
However, Levi ran in the direction of the Eighteen Dark Angels, who were still acting like bystanders.
They were caught off guard when Levi suddenly showed up before them.
Levi sowed discord among them, and they had no choice but to fight against the Progenitor to save themselves.
The infuriated Progenitor unleashed his wrath on the Eighteen Dark Angels.
Levi dashed away swiftly.
Though the Eighteen Dark Angels wanted to leave, some of them were immobilized.
They had no choice but to continue battling against the Progenitor.
“F*ck you, Levi!” Death Fiend and the rest hollered.
Levi set them up!
Unsurprisingly, they were furious.
Grinning, Levi headed back and brought the injured survivors away with Cyrus’ help.
He didn’t feel guilty at all, for they did the same thing to him back then.
I even lost my life back then, so they deserve this.
After making sure Sherrie and the others were safe, Levi and Cyrus returned to the scene.
They wanted to know where Zoey was, so it was important to find out whether the Progenitor or the Dark Angels would win the fight.


Chapter 2157 The Similarities Between Levi And The Progenitor

Indeed, the Progenitor’s power was on par with the Eighteen Dark Angels.
However, the Eighteen Dark Angels managed to stop the Progenitor from advancing.
After Levi and Cyrus came back, they stood aside and watched the battle.

The Eighteen Dark Angels gritted their teeth in anger. How dare that b*stard stand aside and watch?
“Won’t you help? He’s our common enemy!” they demanded.
Both Levi and Cyrus folded their arms nonchalantly. “Nah, we’ll just watch from the sidelines for now.”
It was obvious that he wasn’t about to help them out.
Though the Eighteen Dark Angels were seething in anger, there was nothing they could do.
It was impossible for them to break free of the Progenitor due to their sheer number.
They had to work together to defeat the creature.
Levi and Cyrus weren’t really enjoying the show from aside; they were actually trying to find the weakness of the Progenitor.
After a while, they concluded that the creature was invincible.
He had no weaknesses at all!
The Progenitor was indestructible and unkillable, just like the previous pure energy beings.
However, the Progenitor was obviously more hard to defeat.
One could defeat pure energy beings by crushing their energy, but nothing could pierce through the Progenitor’s skin.
They couldn’t inflict any injury on him.
The only weakness, which wasn’t really one, was that the Progenitor wasn’t good at attacking.
Perhaps he hadn’t regained his full power, for his attacks were weak.
He couldn’t maximize his power as of now.
Though the Eighteen Dark Angels couldn’t defeat him, he wasn’t able to wipe them out, too.
Even so, he could oppress them easily.
Once he regained his full strength, there was no telling how titanic he would get.
The stronger the Progenitor got, the harder the Eighteen Dark Angels found it to hold him back.
“Come help us now!” they barked.
“Let’s go!”
Both Levi and Cyrus took action.
The twenty fighters joined in as well.
It was an unprecedented fight.
The Eighteen Dark Angels felt exasperated, for they initially came to take Levi but ended up being free labor.
This can’t be a coincidence.
The twenty fighters went all out and attacked the Progenitor, making him letting out an unhappy roar.
He wanted to suck their blood dry, but each and every one of them was extremely capable.
They unleashed their attacks like madmen.
Despite being strong and impenetrable, his attack was his weak spot.
Soon, he was cornered.
He wanted to become stronger, but the rest wouldn’t let him do so.
Boom, boom, boom!
Time and time again, he was sent flying across the air.
Every time he fell, he’d stand up swiftly.
None of them could injure him at all.
“Hurry up and think of something, or we’re finished for real!” Death Fiend declared.
Someone chimed in, “Yes, show your trump card. This isn’t the time to hide your true ability!”
Apparently, everyone had a trump card hidden instead of showing their true prowess.
Now, it was time for them to unleash their true abilities.
Levi immediately unleashed Forbidden Annihilation, and a menacing power that was on par with the Progenitor’s aura flowed within him.
Upon realizing his sudden burst of energy, the Progenitor froze and gaped at him in disbelief.
A glint of surprise appeared in his once dull eyes.
Why does this seem familiar?
He was shocked by the killing energy emanating from Levi.
“Damn it!” Everyone else gasped incredulously.
Levi’s so strong! He obviously wants to use the Forbidden Technique to fight against the Progenitor alone!


Chapter 2158 Five Generations Of The Progenitor

As the twenty fighters joined forces, the Progenitor was soon at his wit’s end.
“Come on, let’s take him down!”
Their attacks grew more intense.

The Progenitor was soon ensnared.
He let out a loud roar together with a burst of sudden energy that sent six Dark Angels flying backward.
After an opening appeared, he escaped instead of continuing his attacks.
He ended up jumping into the sea.
Before doing that, he turned at his shoulders and shot Levi a complicated gaze. There was confusion and curiosity in his eyes before he disappeared.
“Go after him!”
The masses went after him and didn’t find him anywhere.
Instead of hiding on Goldenport Island, he had swum toward Adrune.
“Looks like the Progenitor isn’t a beast after his awakening. He knows how to flee!” Levi exclaimed in surprise.
In fact, he was puzzled by the Progenitor’s weird reaction.
That was really strange.
“Let’s count our losses.”
They went to where Sherrie and the rest were hiding and told them what had happened.
At the end of the revelation, everyone erupted in cheers.
Sherrie and the others finally discovered that Levi was still alive.
They were excited to learn the news.
Levi then counted their losses and entrusted the Hilton family to deal with the rest.
It was time for Levi and the Eighteen Dark Angels’ discussion.
“Oh, no. They are here!” Levi sensed another group’s arrival. “Hide out of sight. I’ll come to find you later!” he told the Eighteen Dark Angels.
They nodded and concealed themselves instantly.
One hour was up, and the divine generals’ apprentices from The Cardinal Hall had arrived.
They rushed toward the scene without hesitation.
Alas, the remains of the factory greeted them.
“Could it be…” That everyone was killed, allowing the creature to infiltrate Goldenport Island?
That was their first thought.
Nevertheless, they soon ran into Levi and the rest.
“Mm? It’s you? Why are you here?”
The apprentices of the divine generals had been holding back their disgust for Levi for a long time.
If possible, they wanted to beat him up.
After all, Levi was arrogant back in The Cardinal Hall and even managed to escape unscathed.
That fact alone made their irritation flare.
They had been holding back their resentment, so the mere sight of Levi stoked their anger.
“Ah, The Cardinal Hall is terribly slow. If you were to come any later, you’ll have to clear the mess!” Cyrus sneered.
The apprentices burst out angrily, “Do you have a death wish?”
They promptly took action to take Levi and Cyrus’ lives.
Celia and the others would stop them from doing so in The Cardinal Hall, but they weren’t here.
They could do whatever they desired!
“Hold on!” their leader barked. “Calm down, everyone.”
He turned to Cyrus and asked, “Did you defeat that creature?”
Cyrus shot them a disgusted look. “Of course. If we were to wait for you, we would’ve been dead by now.”
The Cardinal Hall’s men shook in anger, but their leader stopped them from taking action.
They couldn’t stand the incessant provocations from Levi and Cyrus anymore!
“What is that creature?” their leader inquired.
Cyrus explained, “He’s the Progenitor, a vampire from the Ancient Clans. I believe he’s the first few Progenitors, most probably from the first five generations.”
“What? A Progenitor from the first five generations?” The leader inhaled sharply.
Obviously, he knew what the Progenitor was.
It spelled disaster!
“Does that mean the creature who wrecked Rodunst is a Progenitor, too?” he asked curiously.
“Yes. There are two of them in Rodunst!” Cyrus answered.
The man gasped in horror again.


Chapter 2159 Running Your Mouth

The ones who were clueless about the Progenitor looked confused.
“Is the Progenitor really so powerful?” someone asked curiously.
His question caused everyone to look at him with bafflement.

“Of course he is! Even the divine generals quake in fear when they hear his name.”
After the reply, the man who’d first raised the question kept his mouth sealed.
Finally, everyone realized the terrifying nature of the Progenitor as it was a creature that could strike fear even into the hearts of the divine generals.
They couldn’t believe that such a horrifying creature once roamed Goldenport Island.
“Since the Progenitor is nowhere to be seen, have you dealt with it already? The two of you look unscathed,” the gathered crowd asked fearfully.
“We have yet to deal with it because the Progenitor slipped out of our clutches. However, we have resolved Goldenport Island’s danger,” Levi replied solemnly.
“In truth, we managed to drive it away. Yet, its overwhelming strength makes it almost immortal,” Cyrus explained.
Everyone was stunned.
After a brief moment of silence, they regained their senses.
“Even after such a long battle, the two of you couldn’t subdue the Progenitor? You even let him escape? What if it is still lurking around Goldenport Island? Who knows, it might even make its way to other parts of Erudia.”
“Do you know what you’ve done? You made the situation even worse than before! You’ve angered it! What if it decides to take revenge?”
“Are you sure it ran away? It might be biding its time in hiding. There’s a possibility that it sneaked into Erudia instead. How can you guarantee our safety?”
Stricken with fear, the crowd hurled hysterical questions toward Cyrus and Levi.
Instead of expressing their gratitude, they were furious that Levi and Cyrus allowed the Progenitor to escape.
The onslaught of questions left the duo stunned as they stood there, at a loss for words.
Never in their wildest dreams had they expected such a reaction.
Are they for real? How much more shameless can this crowd get?
“Levi, I noticed that you are always at the forefront whenever something like this happens. How can you call yourself a savior when such a huge mishap has happened?”
“Great, not only did you fail to defeat the Progenitor, you even let it escape. Will you be the one responsible if something bad happens?” someone from the crowd called out sarcastically.
“Your mistakes have destroyed The Cardinal Hall’s plans. In truth, we are the advance team. Soon, The Cardinal Hall General will be here to clear up this mess himself.”
“That’s right!” The crowd nodded fervently. Their moods lifted when their general was mentioned. Although the Progenitor was strong, they were confident that The Cardinal Hall General could defeat it. After all, he had personally ventured forth to settle matters.
Once he was here, the Progenitor would be doomed. There would be no room left for it to escape.
However, Levi and Cyrus did not share the group’s enthusiasm. How could they change their minds so quickly? Weren’t they just scared out of their wits? We have a disaster on our hands.
Levi and Cyrus were puzzled by the group’s sudden change in demeanor.
Clearly, they were the ones who took action and worked together to solve Goldenport Island’s crisis.
However, they were met with criticisms and had to shoulder the blame.
Although the group arrived late, they pointed their fingers at Levi instead of owning up to their mistakes.
Furthermore, they blamed Levi and Cyrus for allowing the Progenitor to flee.
No matter how hard he tried, Levi could not wrap his head around the group’s logic and reasoning.
“Are you guys insane? The entirety of Goldenport Island would have succumbed by the time you arrived. Everyone here would have been slaughtered in cold blood. They were the ones who saved this island! How could you push the blame on them? Where were you when thousands of us were murdered in the hands of the Progenitor? Where were you when Goldenport Island was threatened? Of course, it’s much easier to push the blame on others, right? After all, this was all your fault. It was your weakness and incapability that led to the Progenitor coming here! Repeatedly, you’ve thrust Erudia into danger. It’s all because the bunch of you are good-for-nothing fools!” Unable to stand it anymore, Sherrie exploded in anger.
When the words left her mouth, the members of The Cardinal Hall flushed with anger.
Sherrie merely laughed coldly. “Have you realized the true extent of your uselessness? Why are all of you silent now? Weren’t you running your mouth a moment ago?”
Her words provoked them even more as they resisted the urge to hit her.
Yet, they could not deny the truth in her insulting remarks as Sherrie had hit a nerve.


Chapter 2160 The Arrival Of The Cardinal Hall General

“What’s the matter? Do you want to kill me? Go ahead then. Since you can’t handle the Progenitor, the most you can do is take your anger out on regular citizens,” Sherrie called out tauntingly, “It’s the only thing you lot are good at!”
The bunch of The Cardinal Hall members- a group akin to “God,” fumed in anger.
Nevertheless, they could not lash out and had to restrain their temper.

If they killed Sherrie, it would only prove that her words were right.
They were a prideful group that refused to admit to their mistakes.
Both Levi and Cyrus had to resist the urge to burst out laughing.
It was comical to see them utterly humiliated by a young maiden as they could not retaliate.
They could only accept her insults in silence and embarrassment.
A bitter look crossed their faces when they heard Sherrie’s endless slanders.
Today, they had suffered a huge blow to their reputation.
“Since this is none of our business, our help ends here. We’ll leave the rest to you,” Levi announced and prepared to leave the scene with Cyrus.
They still needed to find Zoey and the Eighteen Dark Angels.
“Where do you think you are going? Are you trying to escape after this huge disaster?” Immediately, someone tried to halt them in their tracks.
The leader of the group stepped forward. “Stop chasing after them! Aren’t you guys ashamed of your actions?” he roared at his men.
“Though the truth is a hard pill to swallow, Levi was the one who single-handedly saved Goldenport Island. Without him, all of its citizens would be corpses. However, saving them should be our responsibility. Due to our negligence, Levi had to take the burden as we couldn’t arrive here on time!” their leader uttered coldly.
Such words caused his men to clench their fists in fury as their faces turned crimson red with anger.
How embarrassing!
As members of The Cardinal Hall, they liked to put themselves on a pedestal.
Subconsciously, they’ve always felt a sense of superiority and took pride in their strength.
The Cardinal Hall’s members viewed themselves as the protectors of Erudia and expected the people’s blind devotion.
However, Levi was an exception. Repeatedly, he managed to stun the world with his actions and stole their glory as he carried out their responsibilities in their stead.
This made them feel indignant.
This indignance worsened because Levi was rumored to be stronger than them.
Even if that was true, they were too prideful to submit to him. His overwhelming strength merely increased their hatred toward him as their egos were bruised.
However, they had to admit that Levi was today’s hero because they arrived on the scene far too late.
After this incident, they loathed Levi even more.
They were determined not to let him steal their thunder anymore.
One by one, they swore that such a humiliating incident would never happen again.
After Levi and his group left, thundering noise echoed in the sky as a massive aircraft approached Golderport Island.
As soon as the aircraft landed, members of The Cardinal Hall rushed to welcome its arrival.
The doors slid open to reveal a mysterious figure.
The moment he stepped foot on solid ground, a menacing aura swept over the place. It felt as if a mountain had descended over Golderport Island.
The figure was dressed in a simple robe; his arms were crossed behind his back as he made his way out of the aircraft.
His pace was slow and unhurried, making him look like a divine being who walked amongst the mortal world.
Upon closer look, the figure had a cold yet handsome face.
Judging from his youthful appearance, he couldn’t be more than thirty years old.
This captivating man was none other than Edmund – The Cardinal Hall General.
The helm of The Cardinal Hall had finally made his appearance.
In a hurry, he had returned from the North to control the hectic situation the moment he caught wind about the incident in Goldenport Island.
“Where is it?” Edmund asked.
“Sir, it is a Progenitor from one of the earlier generations of Adrune’s Ancient Clans. We suspect that it might be from the first five generations. However, Levi has driven it away,” one of the men explained.
“Levi? Is he the father of that young genius?”
It was apparent that Edmund knew about Levi.


Chapter 2161 Join The Sacred Organization

“That’s right.”
“Oh? Where is he?” Edmund questioned.
“He has left the scene.”

“What? Did he leave already? I was looking forward to meeting the man who repeatedly stole The Cardinal Hall’s thunder. I wanted to see him in action against the Progenitor too,” Edmund replied.
“Sir, the Fiery Demon was working alongside Levi. The two of them probably worked together to beat the Progenitor.”
Edmund’s brows pinched together. “No, you are mistaken. There were more than two of them. In fact, I sense… eighteen people.”
“There were eighteen other people?” everyone exclaimed in shock.
It looks like The Cardinal Hall General really does live up to his name. We didn’t even know about the existence of eighteen other men! After all, The Cardinal Hall General is a future member of the divine brigadiers. He wields impressive skill. I can’t believe he managed to obtain such detailed information in the blink of an eye.
At the same time, realization dawned upon the group.
It seems like it took twenty fighters to battle the Progenitor. Levi didn’t achieve it alone.
With this new knowledge, the members of The Cardinal Hall felt more at ease.
If Levi had been the sole force behind it, they would be humiliated.
“They must have traveled far away. Follow me. We will track down the Progenitor. Also, spread the news that the Progenitor has fled. After a while, make sure you state that The Cardinal Hall was the one responsible for this great feat!” Edmund ordered.
Once again, The Cardinal Hall stole all of the glory.
“Huh? Sir, aren’t you going to mention Levi?” one of his men asked curiously.
“Why would I bring him up? Are you trying to embarrass The Cardinal Hall again? Were the past humiliations not enough for you?” Edmund glared at the man. “Besides, Levi’s daughter is part of The Cardinal Hall. It’s only fair that we take some of the credit.”
After Edmund’s explanation, no one dared to voice any objections.
Yet, Levi couldn’t care less about it.
After all, most people still assumed that he was dead.
It would be detrimental if the public found out that Levi was the one who drove the Progenitor away.
Once the incident in Goldenport Island spread, it left the entire world stunned.
They couldn’t believe that the Progenitor was the cause of the disaster!
Given how news spread like wildfire, Rodunst could not keep this matter a secret anymore. Begrudgingly, they stepped forward to confirm the credibility of the Progenitor’s existence.
Additionally, they announced that the great catastrophe that plagued Rodunst was resolved in the blink of an eye.
Nonetheless, the world was stunned and terrified by Erudia’s capability to deal with this cataclysm in such a short amount of time.
“What? Goldenport Island is out of danger? Where did the Progenitor flee to?” Scias cried out in disbelief when he received the news.
Initially, he thought that the Progenitor would bring Erudia to its knees.
Contrarily, they solved this issue faster than Rodunst.
How could this happen?
“We aren’t sure about the Progenitor’s current whereabouts. It’s a matter that is still under investigation. Yet, who would’ve expected Erudia to solve this incident in the least amount of time?”
Scion felt a blaze of anger. I’ve plotted this for ages. In spite of that, they destroyed all my plans without any effort.
“How could the Progenitor be driven away so easily? It is impossible!” Scion mumbled under his breath.
“Sir, we’ve just received the latest updates. It looks like The Cardinal Hall was responsible for driving the Progenitor away. The Cardinal Hall General himself arrived at the scene.”
A look of realization crossed Scias’ face. “I see,” he exclaimed, “The Cardinal Hall has always wielded many trump cards up. First, there was the unfathomable Elder Celia. Now, they’ve deployed The Cardinal Hall General to deal with the Progenitor. Seeing how things are progressing, there is no need to worry. We’ll just have to direct our focus to Archulea.”
After Cyrus and Levi departed, they regrouped with the Eighteen Dark Angels.
The Eighteen Dark Angels settled into a fighting stance. “You know why we are here, don’t you? We want you to join the Sacred Organization.”
To their utter surprise, Levi smiled good-naturedly. “All right, I’m more than happy to join you. Lead the way!”
“W-What?” They gaped at his easygoing response.


Chapter 2162 Mr X

The Eighteen Dark Angels were dumbfounded.
They assumed that Levi would only follow their orders after a bloody battle. They were even prepared to blackmail him.
Yet, he agreed without hesitation.

This is unbelievable! Why did he submit to us with such ease? Did he hit his head? He’s acting weirdly.
They stared at him with disbelief.
Their astonished looks caused Levi to chuckle. “Did you forget that my wife is in your hands? I’m not in a position to disagree, am I? I’m not a fool who can’t read the room. Right now, going along with your orders is my safest bet.”
Their suspicions vanished into thin air when they heard Levi’s reasoning.
After all, Zoey was Levi’s top priority.
“What about him?” The Eighteen Angels looked at Cyrus.
“I am Maestro’s subordinate. I’ll follow him wherever he goes,” Cyrus declared.
“Okay, let’s head out.”
With that, the group headed toward the Sacred Organization.
After a long voyage at sea, the cruise ship finally docked at Archulea.
However, no one knew about the truth hidden within the cruise ship.
Once it reached the harbor, a few sailors decided to investigate the ship.
To their horror, they found the Progenitor lying in wait.
Without any delay, the Progenitor started a bloodbath that stretched from the harbor to the city.
The death toll of innocent civilians who fell prey to the Progenitor’s massacre was staggering and unfathomable.
In response, Archulea dispatched their strongest warriors to combat it.
Despite their best efforts, the Archulean fighters stood no chance against the ruthless Progenitor.
Besides, Archulea was not well known for their martial artists or military strength.
Hence, they failed to subdue the bloodthirsty Progenitor.
Even after deploying their latest weapons and strongest fighters, it came to no avail.
They were simply no match for the Progenitor’s overwhelming strength.
Furthermore, the Progenitor was much stronger because it managed to feast on blood.
The Progenitor Levi and the group met back in Goldenport Island paled in comparison in terms of the terrifying strength the current one wielded in Archulea.
Archulea was at a loss as they had no options left.
At the same time, news of Archulea’s tragedy spread overseas.
Immediately, several countries allied with Archulea offered a helping hand.
After all, Archulea’s doom would bring about their own too. If the Progenitor succeeded in crushing Archulea, the other countries would also topple like dominoes.
But once again, the results were the same.
No matter how many men they sent to battle the Progenitor, the only thing that returned were the troop’s cold corpses.
Even their combined might barely put a scratch on the Progenitor’s skin.
On the brink of collapse, Archulea sent a plea to the other countries, begging for fighters all around the globe to offer their assistance.
The person who put an end to the Progenitor would receive a handsome reward in return.
Even after their message was broadcast to the world, silence was the only response Archulea received.
Everyone knew that battling the Progenitor only meant death. No one was foolish enough to go knocking on death’s door.
Only a handful of countries could stand a chance against the Progenitor. These notable countries were Zarain or Erudia.
In such turbulent times, everyone adopted the doctrine of isolationism.
Initially, the Dragonites wanted to offer their help. Hence, they brought this proposal to The Cardinal Hall.
However, Edmund rejected their proposal without a second thought.
His reasons were simple; The Cardinal Hall only existed to protect Erudia. They would not involve themselves in other matters, even more so when this was an international affair.
“Stop trying to meddle with Archulea and focus your attention on Erudia instead,” Edmund bellowed. His stern words were a clear warning to the Dragonites.
Since Erudia turned a blind eye to Archulea, the others followed suit.
Although Rodunst was in a relatively stable position, they were also in the final stages of negotiation. Despite that, they lacked experience and could not offer their help.
Back at the Lab of Gods, all of their attention was fixated intensely on Archulea’s worsening situation.
“Sir, it looks like Archulea is utterly helpless now. Even after asking for help, they received no response,” Jester King reported.
Scias, also known by his code name, Mr. X, merely laughed coldly as Archulea plummeted into disaster.
“This is the result I was dying to witness! Quick, put me on the phone with Archulea’s leader. I want to talk to him,” he ordered.
Jester King snickered. “I know what you are going to do. You are going to suggest a plan to help them out of this situation, aren’t you? However, there will be conditions they have to fulfill.”
“You are right. I’ll only help Archulea if they can satisfy all of my conditions,” Mr. X replied with a nod.


Chapter 2163 He Was Just Passing By

The people in Archulea grew serious when they got a call from the Lab of Gods.
“We can help take care of Progenitor, but we have our conditions,” Mr. X said directly.
“Sure, we’ll agree to any of your terms!” Archulea promised excitedly.

Mr. X chuckled. “Don’t be so quick to say yes. At least hear what I have to say!”
“What are your conditions?”
“I will resolve that crisis of yours. In return, you will allow us access to Doomsday Seed Vault.”
The person went silent after hearing Mr. X’s request.
Archulea’s Doomsday Seed Vault was famous for the various types of seeds it contained, both from the past and the present.
Some of the seeds were thousands and millions of years old, and there were rumors going around about the place containing gene banks and lots of valuable resources exclusive to Archulea.
The Doomsday Seed Vault also contained tons of historical artifacts and was the key to Archulea’s future.
Archulea was actually considered mediocre among the other countries, and even Zarain didn’t really perceive them as a threat.
However, the resources in its Doomsday Seed Vault was so valuable that all the other countries coveted it.
As such, Archulea focused all of the country’s defenses on the Doomsday Seed Vault, and even the Lab of Gods didn’t dare mess with them.
The Lab of Gods had been eyeing the Doomsday Seed Vault for a very long time, but couldn’t get their hands on it because Archulea kept it heavily protected.
With everything that has happened, the Lab of Gods finally had a chance to negotiate a deal with Archulea.
“It’s all right, I will give you some time to consider this. I just hope you’ll be able to afford our help!” Mr. X said with a chuckle and hung up immediately after.
Right now, Archulea is the one with ants in their pants. The Progenitor becomes increasingly dangerous as time passes, and that’s something Archulea wouldn’t want…
“Just you wait! They’ll call us back!”
It wasn’t long before Mr. X received a call from the people in Archulea and began their negotiation.
Archulea agreed to grant them access to the Doomsday Seed Vault for a limited amount of time, and they eventually settled for a period of three months.
“Three months is enough for us. With our technology and skill, we’ll be able to replicate the entire vault!”
Mr. X agreed to the condition and headed over to Archulea with Jester King and a wizard.
“No, we’ll take our sweet time in heading over to Archulea. That ought to put some more pressure on them.”
Instead of taking the Progenitor out quickly, Mr. X planned on stalling and dragging things out.
Meanwhile, Archulea had put word out that the Lab of Gods would resolve their issue for them, much to the surprise of its people.
They knew the Lab of Gods wouldn’t agree to help out unless they stood to gain something from it.
Things were chaotic in The Cardinal Hall as a few of the representatives from the Dragonites were criticizing Edmund.
“Things have changed, Sir! You can’t just wait till Erudia is faced with a crisis before taking action! You have to also intervene in its affairs and make plans in advance! Only by doing so can we adapt to the changes!”
“Take the Lab of Gods and Archulea for example. They’ve most likely granted them access to the Doomsday Seed Vault. Just imagine how much it would benefit us if they granted us access!”
Edmund did pay heed to their advice, but all he could do was sigh as he said, “You’re right, but it’s all too late now. All we can do is watch as the Lab of Gods approach!”
Meanwhile, Levi and the Eighteen Dark Angels passed by Archulea on their way to Sacred Organization which happened to be located in Nuthana.


Chapter 2164 Pursuing The Progenitor

“Hm? What’s going on in Archulea?”
Everyone was shocked by the destruction before their eyes.
“Let me check…”

Cyrus soon found out about everything that happened.
“The Progenitor has been going rampant here, and Archulea has no fighters who can take him out. For some unknown reason, the Lab of Gods has agreed to lend them a hand,” he said.
Death Fiend laughed. “Seems like your information isn’t complete! The Lab of Gods only agreed to help Archulea because they would be granted access to the Doomsday Seed Vault!”
Levi had gotten used to their petty squabbles by then.
“It has nothing to do with us. Let’s just carry on with our journey!”
He was in a hurry to see Zoey and couldn’t care less about those matters as it had no effect on Erudia.
The Eighteen Dark Angels were in agreement with Levi’s statement as they wanted to bring him back safely before anything else happened.
“We’ll pass right through here!”
“All right, let’s go!”
The group then made their way straight through the city, only to realize something was amiss as they got to the city center.
The entire place was too quiet, and there wasn’t a single person around.
An inexplicable sense of dread filled the air as a helicopter hovering in the sky delivered the warning, “Attention all civilians, please evacuate the area immediately…”
That was when they realized everyone in the city had been evacuated in response to the Progenitor’s arrival.
The helicopter then quickly left the area after warning Levi and those around him.
“Do you think we’ll be unfortunate enough to run into the Progenitor?” Death Fiend asked curiously.
“This is none of our business. Let’s continue on our course…” Levi said as they carried on without a care in the world.
The next thing they knew, the area around them was enveloped in a strong scent of blood, and the Progenitor appeared from the corner of the street.
Due to the evacuation by Archulea, the Progenitor hadn’t seen a single person he could suck blood from since his arrival.
As such, his eyes were beaming with excitement when he saw Levi and the others, and he came charging toward them while howling loudly.
He wanted nothing but to suck all of their blood dry.
Levi and the others exchanged glances before sighing in unison.
“We were going to leave you alone, and yet you want to suck our blood?”
“What do we do, guys?”
“Kick his *ss, duh! What else are we supposed to do?”
As the Progenitor got closer to them, he realized the sudden change in the air around them.
Wait… These guys aren’t ordinary people… They’re ridiculously powerful martial artists!
Even the Progenitor was shocked as none of the elites sent by Archulea to stop him were anywhere near this level of strength.
The Progenitor was sent flying by a punch from Levi before he could react in time.
The others then rushed forward and continued beating him up, giving him no time to even catch his breath.
Despite being stronger than all of Goldenport Island, the Progenitor soon found himself overwhelmed by Levi and the others.
Realizing he was severely outmatched, the Progenitor knew better than to continue fighting and tried to make a retreat.
“You’re not getting away that easily!”
We could’ve left each other alone, but you just had to mess with us, huh? There’s no way we’re letting you escape now!
Just like that, the group chased after the Progenitor and was hell-bent on kicking his a*s.
All of Archulea were dumbfounded by the sight before them as it was the first time they had seen someone chasing after the Progenitor instead of the other way round.
“Are those men from the Lab of Gods?” someone from Archulea asked.
“No, we are still unable to confirm their identities. The men from the Lab of Gods have yet to arrive!”
“Okay, keep this information a secret for the time being! Let’s go have a look at the state of the Progenitor now…”


Chapter 2165 You Can Head Back Now

It was the first time the Progenitor had been in such a desperate state, and everyone in Archulea was shocked to see him running away.
I-Isn’t that the Progenitor? Who the hell are these people? How are they strong enough to beat the Progenitor up so badly? This is unbelievable!
The Progenitor had pretty much run through half of Archulea, but Levi and his group eventually caught up and continued beating the crap out of him.

You have only yourself to blame for this, Progenitor! We were just passing by and had no intentions of hurting you at all, but you tried to attack us and suck our blood!
With that in mind, all twenty of them continued their assault on the Progenitor.
As they were all experienced fighters, the Progenitor’s lack of offensive power resulted in him receiving a one-sided beating.
Although the Progenitor survived the attack due to the nature of his body, he felt the pain from every blow and was going crazy from it.
Eventually, the Progenitor made a mad dash toward the cliff and jumped straight into the ocean to escape Archulea, a country he would never dare show up in ever again.
Levi and the others had finally vented their anger after driving the Progenitor out.
Little did they know, their actions resulted in them becoming the heroes of Archulea, and a representative from Archulea immediately came to thank them for resolving the crisis.
“You are all heroes to us, and we will be sure to repay the favor in kind!”
Naturally, Levi wasn’t about to refuse their kind offer.
He declared his identity as an Erudian and said he would call upon Archulea if he needed their help.
As Archulea owed Levi a huge favor, they would have to provide their unconditional assistance when summoned.
Archulea happily obliged to that request and even offered to host a grand celebration to thank them, but Levi refused the offer as he was in a hurry to see Zoey.
Just like that, Levi and his group left Archulea while its citizens cheered happily.
However, they decided to keep the news of the Progenitor’s defeat a secret for a little while longer.
On top of that, Archulea continued to put word out that they were no longer able to withstand the Progenitor’s assault as they didn’t want the Lab of Gods to know what happened just yet.
Mr. X and his men finally arrived after half the day was gone.
He was confused when he saw that no one from Archulea was there to welcome them.
What’s going on? Logically speaking, Archulea should be kneeling before us and begging for our help in this trying time! Why isn’t anyone here to even welcome us? This is really strange…
“Contact them and have them come see me right this instant! Hurry!” Mr. X shouted angrily.
Jester King quickly contacted Archulea, but no one came to greet them until about an hour later.
Mr. X was furious by the amount of disrespect from Archulea, but forcefully suppressed his anger as he asked coldly, “What the hell are you guys doing? Why would you keep us waiting for so long? Do you even want me to help you at all?”
“We were busy taking care of some stuff!” said the men from Archulea.
“Taking care of some stuff? Isn’t the Progenitor your primary concern right now? What other things could you possibly be busy with?”
Mr. X was on the verge of exploding from anger at that point.
The men exchanged glances and replied awkwardly, “Nothing much, really. We were just confirming the casualties and damages, that’s all!”
“Have you guys lost your minds? Why are you guys doing this when the Progenitor is your biggest threat? We came all this way here to help you all out, and none of you thought to at least welcome us? Do you want us to help you get rid of the Progenitor or not?” Mr. X yelled at the top of his lungs.
“Oh, that won’t be necessary. You guys can head on back now!” the men replied, leaving Mr. X and the others from the Lab of Gods speechless from shock.


Chapter 2166 Arrival At The Sacred Organization

What… Did they just tell us to go back after we’ve traveled this far to help out? What the hell?
“Are you sure you want us to head back?” Mr. X asked while glaring straight at the Archuleans.
“Yeah, that’s right! We told you to head back! Did you not hear us the first time?” they replied nonchalantly.

“Fine! We’ll leave, then! You guys are on your own with the Progenitor! The Lab of Gods will not get involved anymore!”
Outraged, Mr. X was determined to teach Archulea a lesson and prepared to leave with his men immediately.
“Oh, the Progenitor? We don’t need you to help us get rid of him! We’ve already taken care of him ourselves!” the Archuleans said mockingly with a sneer.
Mr. X and his men turned around in unison.
“What do you mean you’ve taken care of the Progenitor? How is that possible? We haven’t even done anything to help out!” he asked with a look of confusion on his face.
“What does that have to do with you guys helping out? You don’t think you’re the only people capable of handling the Progenitor, do you?” the Archuleans asked with a look of disdain in their eyes.
It wasn’t until then that Archulea released the news of the Progenitor’s defeat, and Jester King quickly confirmed that someone else had helped Archulea get rid of him.
The crisis in Archulea has been resolved as the Progenitor had fled the country, and nobody knew where he was headed.
“Who was it that helped you get rid of the Progenitor?”
Mr. X and the others were very curious.
“We don’t really know who they are either. All we know is that they’re from Erudia!”
Mr. X’s eyes lit up with rage the moment he heard them mention Erudia.
“Damn it! Erudia again!” he roared furiously.
First, the crisis at Goldenport Island was quickly resolved, and now the crisis in Archulea too? Damn it, Erudia has ruined my plans at getting the Doomsday Seed Vault!
Had Mr. X known that Levi was the one who did it, he would have gotten even angrier.
“Please go back and forget about getting access to our Doomsday Seed Vault! We all know you guys had something to do with the Progenitor incident!”
Eventually, Mr. X had no choice but to leave with his men in defeat.
They would have to come up with another plan to obtain the Doomsday Seed Vault.
In the meantime, the Dragonites in The Cardinal Hall had received word about the crisis in Archulea being resolved.
“It was Erudians that helped them out? Who could it be?”
While Edmund and the others were trying to figure out who did it, another messenger came over and reported, “Levi was the one who did it! He just told The Cardinal Hall that he wants us to step up and take credit for it!”
Everyone in The Cardinal Hall lost their minds upon hearing that.
“What? That b*stard! Since when has The Cardinal Hall ever needed to take credit for his achievements?”
“Levi has really gone too far this time! He’s blatantly disrespecting The Cardinal Hall!”
“There’s no way we’re taking credit for this!”
Edmund let out a chuckle all of a sudden and said, “Very well, then! We’ll take credit for it just like Levi said! Put word out that we’re the ones who resolved the Progenitor crisis in Archulea!”
“But, Sir…”
The others were reluctant to do so.
“Can’t you see that Levi is doing this to mock us on purpose? In that case, we should just go with the flow and do as he says! I’m getting increasingly interested in Levi now! It’s only a matter of time before I finally meet this foe of mine!” Edmund said with a chuckle.
The Cardinal Hall soon announced that they were the ones who resolved the crisis in Archulea, and everyone believed them, including Mr. X himself.
As far as he knew, no one else but The Cardinal Hall was capable of such a feat.
In the meantime, Levi had arrived at the place where Sacred Organization was located.


Chapter 2167 Take My Wife Back

Even Levi didn’t know much about the place apart from it being somewhere deep within Nuthana.
All modern technology would malfunction due to the magnetic fields in the area, and many adventurers would rather die than come explore the place.
A thick fog surrounded the place to heights no one has ever seen before, and it was undetectable even by satellites.

The area couldn’t be found on any map in existence, and Levi would never have been able to get there without someone showing him the way.
In other words, it was like a missing corner of the world.
Levi and Cyrus were taken aback by the nature of the area around them.
They also realized that the fog was incredibly poisonous and killed anyone who inhaled it regardless of their physical condition.
Death Fiend and the others said with a smile, “You guys are on your own now! Let’s see if you can make it through this area alive!”
Getting through the poisonous fog was one of the tests they had to go through, but it was no problem for Levi and Cyrus who were close friends with Venom Fiend.
They had received some poison magic from Venom Fiend beforehand, so the fog was no challenge for them as they made their way through it.
Visibility was slightly better after they got out of the fog zone, but they then found themselves in a dense jungle.
The area above the forest was shrouded by a black fog and remained undetected by satellites.
It wasn’t until they came out of the forest that they fully regained visibility of their surroundings.
The place was dimly lit by a faint and unknown source of light which made it seem like the netherworld due to how dark it was.
They could barely see a castle that was located behind a chain of mountains, and Cyrus found himself shocked by the sight before him.
Levi simply chuckled and said, “Don’t worry! They just found a very good spot, that’s all!”
They needed to see the members of the Sacred Organization in person to know how it was actually like.
“You are now officially a member of the Sacred Organization, Levi! Oh, that goes for you as well…” Death Fiend said as he led the two of them into the dark castle.
He was reluctant to acknowledge Cyrus as a member of the Sacred Organization, but had no choice as he came with Levi.
“Wait here. Dark Emperor will be arriving shortly!” Death Fiend said.
Heh… The Dark Emperor? I bet this is just a trick to scare us! I just want to know where Zoey is right now so I can take her back with me! I don’t give a damn about this Sacred Organization!
Levi thought to himself with a sneer.
“Ah, Levi! You’re finally here!” said a loud and powerful voice.
It was impossible to determine where the voice was coming from as it seemed to be coming from every direction in the castle.
“You too, Cyrus! I had wanted you to be a part of the Sacred Organization a long time ago, but you were so mysterious that I couldn’t locate you!”
The Dark Emperor’s voice was heard once again.
Cyrus was indeed rather impressed with his mastery of the Invisibility Technique.
“You’re the Dark Emperor?” Levi asked.
“That’s right, and now you are finally going to join me! Although I know you’re not sincere about joining, I would still like to know what your intentions are…” the Dark Emperor said with a chuckle.
Levi wasn’t fazed by his words in the slightest as it wasn’t hard for the Dark Emperor to guess he had come for Zoey.
“It’s true that I have never once thought about joining you guys. I only came here to take my wife back!”
Levi spoke his mind bluntly, much to the surprise of Death Fiend and the others.
“What? Why did you agree to us if you weren’t planning on joining, Levi?”
The Eighteen Dark Angels were completely dumbfounded.
“Would you have brought me here if I didn’t agree to join? I wouldn’t even be able to find this place!”
Levi’s words hit them like a bolt from the blue as they realized he had been using them the whole time.
“Now, hand my wife over or I’ll level this castle!” he shouted angrily.


Chapter 2168 Tricked By The Dark Emperor

Instead of being terrified, everyone simply laughed at Levi like he had said something foolish.
“Aren’t you overestimating yourself a little there, Levi?”
“Did you really think you could just walk out of here with her?”

“You have no idea how powerful the Sacred Organization is!”
The Eighteen Dark Angels burst into laughter as they figured he couldn’t possibly take Zoey with him.
The Dark Emperor cackled as he said, “Oh, I know what you mean! You plan on finding out where Zoey is upon getting here, right? Have you ever considered the possibility that you won’t be walking out of here? I’ll keep you here under my control forever! You thought you were smart, but you’ve fallen right into my trap! I had let them bring you here on purpose, Levi!”
The look on Levi’s face turned instantly upon hearing that.
“I may not have much power over you out there, but you won’t be escaping me now that you’re here!”
The place began rumbling violently all of a sudden, and a huge black door came crashing down from above.
Unbeknownst to Levi and Cyrus, a metallic wall had risen outside the castle and sealed it off completely.
“Stand down, all of you!” the Dark Emperor ordered, and all Eighteen Dark Angels quickly disappeared without a trace.
Levi and Cyrus were the only ones left inside the castle with no idea where the Dark Emperor was.
His voice sounded like it was coming from both the distant mountains and right next to Levi’s ear at the same time.
“From this moment on, you shall be trapped here until you are genuine about joining the Sacred Organization!”
The Dark Emperor then left after saying that, causing the castle to fall into complete silence.
“I think we’ve been tricked! This old b*stard is just trying to keep us trapped here!” Cyrus exclaimed in shock.
Levi shouted with an icy-cold look on his face, “Let’s start looking for an exit!”
With that, the two of them began searching the castle for a way out.
However, the entire castle was as large as four soccer fields combined, and Levi realized it resembled a cube-shaped cage.
They saw a smooth steel wall everywhere they looked, and the doors had all disappeared. There was no exit to be found.
Realizing that they were in a huge trap, the two began searching the place frantically for the mechanism to set themselves free.
“Stop your pointless struggle, Levi! You will find no mechanism in there! By breaking the steel wall is the only way out of there! I’ll break it for you if you agree to join the Sacred Organization! Of course, I know you’ll choose to continue struggling for a while before giving in. Enjoy your time in there!” The Dark Emperor’s voice was heard once again before disappearing for good this time.
Levi and Cyrus soon gave up on searching as they realized there was no way out of the steel cage.
“Looks like we’ll just have to punch our way out of this damned place!”
Desperate to see Zoey, Levi raised his fist and began punching hard on the steel wall.
The entire castle and the surrounding mountains shook from that punch, and a shockwave tore through the air around them.
However, the steel wall didn’t budge an inch from the impact.
Cyrus too, focused his energy on his attacks, but the steel wall held firm nonetheless.
Levi was losing his mind from desperation and pounded crazily on the steel wall.
The surroundings outside of it were destroyed by the shockwave alone, but their attacks only left a slight dent on the steel wall.
“One Finger Technique!”
Levi went as far as using the Forbidden Technique in an attempt to jab a hole through the steel wall.


Chapter 2149 Beyond Control

By the time the management team rushed to the factory, the dead bodies of the workers were already strewn all over the floor. It was bewildering for them as there were no signs of fighting within the factory, and the workers died an unnatural death, their bodies all drained of blood and shrunken.
There was a coffin right in the middle of the factory floor, and that alerted them to immediately back off.
“Stay away! Something is not right with that coffin! Inform the Hiltons…”

They were alert and quick, but unfortunately, not quick enough compared to the horrifying thing.
They breathed in the gas emitted from the coffin and suffered the same fate as the other victims.
The processing factory became the latest living hell…
It was a blessing that the factory was highly automated and had just a handful of staff, so casualty count was kept to a minimum.
As soon as Johannes and Sherrie received the alert from their team, they immediately rushed to the factory.
They reviewed the security footage of the factory floor, and their jaws dropped when they witnessed the strange happenings.
The coffin!
That is the cause!
Instantly, they recalled the unusual deaths in Rodunst were also related to some metallic coffins!
Little did they expect a similar coffin would turn up in Goldenport Island!
“Look, Grandpa!” Sherrie suddenly yelled.
In the security footage, they could clearly see the metallic coffin rocking violently, and something was trying to struggle free from it.
With the sound of an explosion, the coffin broke apart, and the thing escaped from it!
Buzz, buzzzzzz…
At that crucial moment, there was the sound of a short circuit, and the screen turned fuzzy and snowy.
It soon turned dark completely, leaving the Hiltons with a blank screen.
“Oh no! There is a short circuit in the factory. We don’t know the cause yet…” That was another piece of bad news for the Hiltons.
Short circuit?
“It must be because of the thing from the coffin. It may have affected either the electrical field or the current…”
“Any more details from Rodunst? What was that thing?” Johannes was becoming panicky.
“No news. They locked down and insisted on keeping mum about the incidents…”
Johannes sighed and swiftly issued an order, “Assemble all the elites in Goldenport Island, including Xenotoph. And make it quick! This is going to be a big disaster for Goldenport Island, and we must stop it!”
In no time, all the elites in Goldenport Island gathered at the processing factory, ready to defend the island from harm.
Whatever was in the coffin, they were determined to confine it in the factory and not let it escape to wreak havoc on the island.
The Hilton family was influential and could quickly mobilize all the resources to evacuate the residents around the factory. They ensured no living beings, animals inclusive, remained within the radius of three miles of the factory.
Next, they had to tackle the unidentified thing from the coffin.
They had informed the Dragonites and The Cardinal Hall about the appearance of the metallic coffin, so all the Protectors based in Goldenport Island rushed over to assist the Hiltons as well.
Dragonites and The Cardinal Hall were deeply concerned about the matter. Besides ordering a news lockdown, they sent their top fighters over to Goldenport Island as well.
The Cardinal Hall had no qualms showcasing their top talents anymore, so they dispatched the best disciples of the four divine generals to Goldenport Island.
Instantly, Goldenport Island became a hive of activity.
Levi and Cyrus were on their way there, and after receiving news of Levi’s whereabouts, Sacred Organization also sent their Eighteen Dark Angels that way, determined to bring Levi back with them.
From that moment, the tiny Goldenport Island became the focus of everyone.
Meanwhile, Jester King arrived back at the Lab of Gods and met up with Scias.
“Well done! We received news from three of the hotspots. Rodunst had lost control of the situation!” Scias cheered.
“What about Goldenport Island? Any news from there?” Jester King asked.
“News just came in that Erudia had locked down Goldenport Island! I guess trouble had begun. We just need to sit back and enjoy the show! Hahaha!” Scias gleefully replied.


Chapter 2150 Horrible

“Didn’t the Ancient Clans show themselves? I shall release everyone and see what happens!” Scias declared with a sinister smile, as though he had everything under control. He was clad in his suit, as usual.
Jester King chuckled and changed the topic. “By the way, how’s Lucifer doing?”
“He can save anyone he wants. Lucifer shall evolve after coming back from the dead!” Scias answered with a smirk.

Jester King lamented, “Well, he’s the most terrifying doctor who had been involved in most of the experiments! Now that Levi is dead, no one can harm us.”
Scias smiled. “Yes. They only saw a fragment of our true strength.”
“I can’t believe you found out where they are. They have no idea what they are going against!” Jester King exclaimed. “No one can stop the four coffins. I can’t wait to see what will happen next in Goldenport Island!”
Meanwhile, all fighters had gathered around the factory on Goldenport Island, including Xenotoph and the others.
After all, Goldenport Island’s survival was at stake.
Disaster had already befallen Rodunst, so they wanted everyone on Goldenport Island to be safe.
The fighters and Protectors sent over by Dragonites and The Cardinal Hall had joined forces, so it should be enough to defend themselves.
Johannes, Xenotoph, and the other important figures gave commands. “Some of you should stay guard outside. Some should head in. Everyone, stay together. Don’t spread out. We shall enter together!”
Under Xenotoph and the other fighters’ lead, a few hundred men stepped in while the rest stood guard outside the factory.
As there was a problem with the wiring, the entire factory was dark and silent.
Once they stepped in, the unmistakable metallic smell of blood overwhelmed their senses.
Everyone panicked inwardly, for the dark environment gave them the creeps for some reason.
Human beings had always feared the unknown.
Besides, they knew there was something terrifying inside.
Thus, they were all intimidated.
The silence was deafening.
The master of magical techniques, including Xenotoph, started allowing their senses to spread all over the building.
Alas, they couldn’t sense anything. It was as though there was no living creature in the factory.
“Let’s keep going!”
They marched ahead and soon arrived at the interior of the factory, which was close to where the coffins were placed.
The journey was unexpectedly smooth as though nothing dangerous was present.
However, no one dared to let their guards down.
Everyone held their breaths anxiously. Even the martial artists and masters of magical techniques were sweating profusely.
A cloud of uncertainty loomed, and that was what really shook their confidence.
If it wasn’t anything dangerous, Rodunst would’ve rid of it instead of keeping a lid on it.
“Be careful. I believe it’s nearby. Perhaps we’ve already been targeted!” Xenotoph reminded, his body tensing up.
Suddenly, the people outside the factory spotted something.
Everyone’s heads whipped around to look at the sky.
It was almost daybreak, but the sky had turned dark without warning.
No one knew when it happened, but there was a bloody red moon smacked in the middle of the sky.
Everyone gaped in disbelief.
Oh, no. We’re doomed!
“Be careful. Something bad is coming!”
“We need to inform God of Gamblers and the rest about it!”
Right then, Xenotoph led the rest to the area where the coffin was placed.
“Stay alert!” Xenotoph reminded.
Fear had engulfed everyone.
Everyone who was in the vicinity had goosebumps when the temperature dropped sharply.


Chapter 2151 The Identity Of The Creature

Everyone was extremely strung up when an ear-splitting scream pierce the air.

Blood splattered everywhere.
Some of them felt warm blood spraying onto their clothes.
The extremely gruesome sound shocked everyone.
Even Xenotoph was dumbfounded and rendered speechless.
Before they could react, horrifying sounds echoed in the air as blood sprayed everywhere.
“Switch on the light!” Johannes barked.
Snap, snap!
They switched on their lights, and the interior of the factory appeared in their sight.
They didn’t miss any corner, so everything was visible, including the thing that escaped from the coffin.
The sight of that sent a shiver down everyone’s spines.
What the hell?
A tall figure appeared in sight, growling lowly.
A pungent stench of blood filled the air.
Finally, everyone saw the horrible creature from the coffin.
It was a human being.
Scars marred his face in such grotesque patterns that he was beyond recognition. With his fur, he looked like a spine-chilling beast!
The blood trickling down his lips made everyone shudder in fear.
“Is he even human?”
Sweat dotted their brows.
The figure looked like a human being, but he fed on human blood like a monster.
They couldn’t help but wonder what kind of foreign presence this was.
Nevertheless, no matter what, this creature was a tremendous threat to them.
Xenotoph was afraid, let alone the others.
After all, the figure was practically Grim Reaper.
“Who the hell is this?” they demanded curiously.
Johannes scanned it carefully and said, “Is this the vampire race from Adrune? I remember it’s an ancient clan.”
“What? A vampire from Adrune?”
Everyone blanched in horror at the news.
The vampire race was an ancient and mysterious race which they had heard of but never seen in real life.
Is this a vampire?
Before they could process the idea, the strange creature started attacking them.
The numbers of those who had collapsed kept rising, for he would rip apart anyone who came before him and sucked their blood without hesitation.
He was so fast that they couldn’t even react in time.
If he hadn’t stopped to suck his victims’ blood before taking their lives, their losses would be more severe.
“Everyone, let’s kill him!” Xenotoph urged, and promptly took action.
The other elites joined him to attack the creature.
Boom, boom!
Alas, they soon realized no matter how powerful their attacks were, the creature wasn’t at all affected.
His body was unimaginably strong!
Xenotoph and the others couldn’t even lay a hand on him.
Everyone at the scene was stricken with horror.
He’s too powerful.
Johannes was pretty sure that this was a vampire by now.
The creature was abnormally strong and practically invincible.
Xenotoph and everyone else’s attacks successfully provoked the creature.
He let out an infuriated roar as a mighty sucking force burst out within his body.
Cuts appeared out of nowhere on some of their bodies as the creature sucked their blood away without even laying a hand on them.
Shortly after, corpses drained of blood collapsed to the ground one by one.
Their blood all ended up in that creature’s belly.
Shocked by the sickening situation, everyone fell silent.
They were all martial artists and masters of magical techniques, but none of them could defeat the terrifying creature.
Men fell one after another, ending up as dried-up corpses.
By the time they realized something was wrong, it was too late.
It was impossible for them to escape the scene.
“I shall stop him. Everyone else, leave!” Xenotoph declared, risking his life for the sake of the rest.
Everyone else promptly made their escape, for they were no match for this vampire.


Chapter 2152 Unheard Of

“Come on, brute!”
Xenotoph planned to put up a fight and take the creature down with him.
Boom, boom!

Xenotoph unleashed a barrage of his strongest magical attacks.
He was prepared to fight till his death.
A battle ensued.
Soon, blood stained the windows of the factory red.
Though Xenotoph tried hard to stop the creature, he failed and lost his life.
Johannes and the rest escaped the factory successfully, their faces pale and their bodies tensed.
What happened today was beyond everyone’s wildest imagination.
One of the men stationed outside urged, “What happened? How did it go?”
Before the people who had just escaped the factory could explain, Xenotoph’s disciples mourned, “Master!”
Xenotoph was dead, and that shocked the masses.
After all, Xenotoph was the most powerful fighter in all of Goldenport Island.
If he lost his life trying to defeat that creature, what about the rest?
“Uh…” The Protectors were at a loss for words.
“The fighters from The Cardinal Hall are on the way here, but time is ticking. Perhaps Goldenport Island will be destroyed before their arrival!”
The revelation only brought more despair.
“We only have ourselves to depend on.” Johannes ordered, “Set off the bomb to level the entire area!”
Before they came here, he had already asked his men to set up the triggering device.
They just had to detonate the bomb now.
Boom, boom!
As flames shot into the sky, the factory collapsed, razed to the ground.
The dust and smoke rose into the air in a fast, swirling motion.
The impact of the explosion caused the elites to stagger backward.
In fact, Goldenport Island was shaking violently as if an earthquake had just happened.
The explosion was too intense.
Johannes had bought the explosive from Cryptic Stream Corporation, which belonged to the Lab of Gods.
In other words, it was Johannes’ trump card.
Back when he bought it, Cryptic Stream Corporation informed him of how powerful it was.
He could blow the entire island up with the appropriate quantity.
It was indeed extremely frightening!
As the bomb was developed to destroy powerful beings and items, all martial artists and masters of magical techniques would definitely die in the explosion.
Nothing would survive in the explosion.
Everyone let out a sigh of relief and relaxed visibly.
The next second, something glinted among the thick smoke, causing everyone to tense up anxiously.
As the masses stared at the smog, it gradually cleared out.
A tall figure emerged from within. He let out a ferocious roar, his beast-like eyes glaring at Johannes and the others.
What? He’s perfectly fine? Did he escape unscathed from the huge explosion? What is he made of?
They had never even heard of the existence of someone like him!
“W-What is going on?”
Everyone was on the verge of tears, for it was a horrifying sight to behold.
Finally, the elites standing guard outside the factory got to see what the creature looked like.
They felt a chill go down their spines.
Before they could react, the vampire disappeared in a flash.
He then reappeared among the masses and started his killing spree.
Agonizing cries resonated across the zone; it was a bloodbath.
The killing machine struck fear in everyone’s heart.
What the hell is this? We can’t harm him, let alone defeat him! He doesn’t even feel pain.
Countless of lifeless bodies littered the ground.
Most of them ended up mummified as their blood was sucked out by the vampire.
“Time to leave. We can’t stop him!” someone suggested.
Johannes immediately responded, “No. If we leave, this creature will leave and harm the ordinary citizens! We need to stop that from happening!”
“Yes, he’s right!”


Chapter 2153 Excalibur Council Of Rodunst

It was clear what this creature would do out there.
Hell would descend on a peaceful country.
After all, that was what happened to Rodunst.

The creature appeared in the capital and airport, bringing disaster to the country.
Indeed, Rodunst was now a living hell.
After the coffin was opened, the creatures escaped and murdered innocent lives.
It was catastrophic.
One vampire was annoying enough, but there were two of them in Rodunst.
Though Rodunst immediately dispatched various martial artists, men with superpowers, witches, wizards, and even its own Excalibur Council, which was comparable to Zarain’s Shield, each and every one of them who went there ended up dying on the battlefield.
No one could stop the vampires!
Nothing seemed to be able to stop them in their tracks.
The city was beyond saving, so Rodunst hurriedly ordered a complete news blackout to prevent the situation from blowing up.
They were still in the midst of finding out what those creatures were and where did they come from.
Meanwhile, on a cruise ship sailing on the ocean.
Back then, some survivors fled the island and boarded the cruise, but the creature managed to catch up to them.
Now, the cruise was floating on the sea toward an unknown destination.
Once it docked somewhere, it would be a disaster, especially if the dock was a busy one.
The Lab of Gods received news of the vampires almost immediately.
Though Rodunst swiftly ordered a news blackout, they still managed to find out what had happened.
Scias laughed. “Now that Excalibur Council has found out what the creature is, they might find another vampire to start a negotiation. Rodunst’s trouble will come to an end soon.”
His tone then took a turn. “But Erudia will need more time to deal with it.”
Jester King hesitated for a long time before asking, “Is this the end already?”
Scias shook his head. “Of course not. It’s not that simple. Let’s just wait and see! By the way, let’s see where the other one is. Oh, he’s going in the right direction—Archulea in Nuthana!” He chuckled in delight.
Jester King inquired, “Will the Kings take their revenge? After all, I got one coffin from them.”
It was Jester King who wiped the secret training base out and stole the coffin that belonged to the Kings.
All the while, the Kings had been experimenting on hibernating vampires in secret.
The Lab of Gods happened to find out about it and sent someone to take the coffin away.
“They might suspect us. But I have a plan, so don’t you worry,” Scias declared smugly.
As expected, Excalibur Council was busy finding a vampire to negotiate with the two vampires.
As the most influential organization in Rodunst, just like The Cardinal Hall, Excalibur Council held many secrets. For example, they held the vampires and other Ancient Clans’ members captive.
They had also carried out plenty of experiments.
Right now, they decided to release the vampire they held captive so he could negotiate with the other two and hopefully persuade them to stop.
The reason Excalibur Council could find out the origins of the creatures was that the creatures used to roam around in Rodunst in ancient times.
They recorded the existence of the creatures and captured some of them.
However, Erudia didn’t have any experience in handling vampires, so they were rendered helpless by the creature’s strength.
No one knew what was going on on Goldenport Island.
Only those who’ve seen it with their own eyes would have a clue.
This was the biggest predicament they had ever faced, for the vampire was incredibly strong.
Right now, he was killing the residents one by one.
In a blink of an eye, hundreds of them lost their lives.
The rest could only watch as despair surged within them.


Chapter 2154 Fight Till The End

It was obvious that they would all be wiped out here.
No one would survive the ordeal.
It felt really miserable to be waiting for one’s death.

Help was arriving, but they were running out of time.
In the midst of battling the creature, they realized he was getting stronger after devouring enough blood.
It seemed like he could only awake after getting sufficient blood.
Though he wasn’t at the peak of his ability yet, he was already unstoppable.
They couldn’t imagine what it would be like if he were to awake completely.
Meanwhile, both Levi and Cyrus had just arrived at Goldenport Island.
As Erudia had kept a lid on the situation, they had no idea what was happening on the island.
Once they arrived, their instincts told them something was wrong.
“Something seems off. They must be in trouble!” Cyrus exclaimed.
Levi’s brows were furrowed up. “I can sense a terrifying presence. It resembles me when I unleash the Forbidden Annihilation.”
Indeed, Levi had sensed a sinister presence on the island.
As it bored a resemblance to him when he unleashed the Forbidden Annihilation, he immediately detected its presence.
“Yes, something must’ve happened. Let’s find out where they are!”
They dashed toward the source of the ominous vibe.
On the other side of Goldenport Island, the Eighteen Dark Angels of Sacred Organization showed up at the scene.
“You’re sure Levi is on Goldenport Island, right?” Death Fiend asked.
“Yes, we’ve confirmed that he has just arrived at Goldenport Island!”
“All right. Let’s go!”
Soon, the Eighteen Dark Angels realized the ominous air on Goldenport Island.
Oh? What an overwhelming presence.
“Come, let’s go take a look. It should be related to Levi!”
Meanwhile, the vampire was growing stronger nearby the factory.
Johannes gathered the fighters to retaliate while requesting for more help.
Alas, the only help he could get was no match for the vampire.
The reason they showed up was to stall for more time.
“We have news! The apprentices of the four divine generals from The Cardinal Hall had boarded an aircraft and will be here in an hour. We only need to hang on for one hour more!” the Protectors reported happily.
Despair flashed across everyone else’s faces when they learned that they had to wait for one hour before help arrived.
After all, the fighters, including Xenotoph himself, couldn’t even hold the creature back for ten minutes.
It was practically impossible for them to hang on for one whole hour.
“We need to hang on! Otherwise, the creature will take innocent lives and make Goldenport Island a living hell!” Johannes hollered.
He and his clan went all out to stop the creature from escaping.
It was an intense fight.
Though they knew death would await them, none of them backed off.
It would be worth it to lose their lives to protect their loved ones.
In just a few short minutes, all that was left of the brave bunch was a heap of mangled bodies.
Crimson blood tainted the ground beneath their feet, but none of them backed down.
“Hurry up and think of something, or we’re finished for real!”
“Yes, there are less than a hundred of us left! We’re doomed!”
The survivors looked as though they were about to burst into tears.
Johannes and the others were panicking, but there was nothing else they could do.
“Grandpa, if only I were stronger,” Sherrie uttered glumly. She had also joined the battle.
Everyone sighed gloomily as their numbers decreased.
Slowly, only ten fighters remained, including Sherrie and Johannes.
They collapsed onto the ground, waiting for the vampire to claim their lives.


Chapter 2155 The Progenitor

They squeezed out every ounce of their strengths and fought till the end.
Alas, they only managed to hang on for around twenty minutes.
They still had a long way to go.

During the last moments of their lives, they were still worrying about the downfall of Goldenport Island.
If they were to die here, thousands of innocent lives would perish right on the island.
Sherrie’s heart was filled with reluctance as she screamed, “Ah!”
The vampire appeared before her and pulled her up.
He stared at her, seemingly surprised by how obstinate she was.
“Come on! I’m not afraid of you!” Sherrie declared.
The vampire’s eyes were tinted red as he parted his lips to bite her.
Right then, an unprecedented power came right for the vampire and forced him to release his grip on Sherrie.
The sudden turn of events gave the survivors a shock.
What’s going on?
They then realized there were two figures who had just appeared among them.
One of them was familiar to everyone, for he was none other than Levi Garrison.
“Le…” Sherrie’s words were cut short when she realized something—Levi was dead!
Levi’s dead, right? Though he faked his death on Goldenport Island back then, he died for real later on. There’s no way he’s still alive. But this man looks exactly like Levi!
Johannes and the rest had the same thought too!
Before they could state their doubts, the vampire let out a furious roar.
It was at this moment that they realized the vampire was sent flying.
That was unheard of!
After all, they had tried their best to force the vampire to retreat, but to no avail.
No matter how they attacked him, he stood rooted to the spot.
Now, he had been sent flying!
Clearly, the newcomers were extremely strong.
There’s hope for us!
The vampire’s gaze fixated on Levi and Cyrus as rage ran red through his brain.
Perhaps he felt humiliated by how he was sent flying.
Both Levi and Cyrus stared at the creature in front of them. Levi then asked, “Do you know what this creature is?”
“If I’m not mistaken, he’s a vampire from the Ancient Clans in Adrune. However, he’s different from the vampires I know, for most vampires are handsome. I’ve never seen one as ugly as him!” Cyrus revealed.
Everyone else fell silent.
Have they gone nuts? How dare they comment on the vampire’s looks now? They clearly don’t take him seriously!
“No, this is a Progenitor, the strongest vampire ever known!” another voice declared.
The Eighteen Dark Angels finally showed themselves.
They exerted such a terrifying aura that the vampire froze before focusing on them.
Sherrie and the other survivors were delighted.
Strong fighters are here! That means we’re going to be safe, right?
“The Progenitor?” Johannes, Cyrus, and the rest blanched in horror at the Dark Angels’ words.
After all, the Progenitor was the strongest vampire ever known, and legend had it that it could live for a few thousand years.
Besides, it was also terrifyingly strong.
However, it was obvious from where Jester King obtained the coffins that they had been in hiding for a long while.
They might’ve been asleep for a few hundred years, or even more than a thousand years.
Their appearance spelled disaster.
“I can’t believe they released the Progenitors! From what we know, there are already three Progenitors roaming around!” one Dark Angel exclaimed.
Naturally, Levi knew who the Dark Angel was referring to—the Lab of Gods!
They are so persistent! I can’t believe they can do something this ruthless and crazy!
By now, everyone finally got to know the identity of the creatures that went on a rampage in Rodunst.
When the Progenitor saw everyone engaged in a discussion, he felt left out.
As anger flooded his veins, his gaze landed on Levi.


Chapter 2156 Levi Setting The Eighteen Dark Angels Up

The Progenitor knew it was Levi who sent him flying earlier.
As Levi had ignored his presence all the while, he went straight for him without hesitation.

The Progenitor appeared before Levi in a nanosecond and stretched out his hand to grab Levi.
Alas, he failed to grab anything.
Levi had swerved out of his reach swiftly.
The Progenitor widened his eyes in shock, finding it hard to believe that someone had just escaped from his claws.
Everyone else shared the same sentiment, too.
Before the Progenitor could realize what was going on, Levi appeared behind his back and retaliated with a kick that sent him flying again.
This was the second time the Progenitor was sent flying.
Sherrie and the rest were shocked beyond belief.
What is this combat prowess?
However, Levi wasn’t at all happy with his achievements.
Though he sent the Progenitor flying twice and caused the latter utter humiliation, the vampire didn’t even get hurt.
How strong must the Progenitor be?
The furious Progenitor lashed out toward Levi again and again, but Levi managed to avoid his attacks and even managed to retaliate.
No matter what Levi did, the Progenitor remained unscathed and continued attacking him angrily.
As the Progenitor lost his mind, Levi felt his blood boiling.
A powerful force from the Progenitor was trying to suck Levi’s blood away!
“You want to suck my blood? Dream on! Even mosquitoes don’t get to suck my blood, let alone you!” Levi declared.
He stepped forward and pointed at the creature with his left hand.
It was the One Finger Technique that managed to kill the pure energy beings by gathering his energy at a single explosive point.
His right hand balled into a fist as he punched the Progenitor with the Annihilation Blast.
He was sure both strategies would work together to defeat the vampire!
Before the explosion could happen, it disappeared into thin air.
The Annihilation Blast didn’t even get to activate itself.
The Progenitor was invincible, so the Annihilation Blast and One Finger Technique couldn’t harm him one bit.
The attacks were simply useless against him.
That was how strong the Progenitor was!
Though he was immune to Levi’s attacks, a vortex of anger swirled inside him when he realized how powerful Levi was.
This time, he was really losing his cool.
His eyes reddened as though blood was pouring in swiftly.
Little by little, he grew stronger and regained his full strength!
“What? That didn’t work?” Levi was stunned.
“Maestro, let me help!” Cyrus offered.
The Eighteen Dark Angels were watching the scene from the sidelines.
Clearly, they weren’t about to offer help.
The more miserable Levi was, the happier they were.
Before the Progenitor’s attack could land on Levi, the latter suddenly dashed away.
The Progenitor promptly ran after him.
However, Levi ran in the direction of the Eighteen Dark Angels, who were still acting like bystanders.
They were caught off guard when Levi suddenly showed up before them.
Levi sowed discord among them, and they had no choice but to fight against the Progenitor to save themselves.
The infuriated Progenitor unleashed his wrath on the Eighteen Dark Angels.
Levi dashed away swiftly.
Though the Eighteen Dark Angels wanted to leave, some of them were immobilized.
They had no choice but to continue battling against the Progenitor.
“F*ck you, Levi!” Death Fiend and the rest hollered.
Levi set them up!
Unsurprisingly, they were furious.
Grinning, Levi headed back and brought the injured survivors away with Cyrus’ help.
He didn’t feel guilty at all, for they did the same thing to him back then.
I even lost my life back then, so they deserve this.
After making sure Sherrie and the others were safe, Levi and Cyrus returned to the scene.
They wanted to know where Zoey was, so it was important to find out whether the Progenitor or the Dark Angels would win the fight.


Chapter 2157 The Similarities Between Levi And The Progenitor

Indeed, the Progenitor’s power was on par with the Eighteen Dark Angels.
However, the Eighteen Dark Angels managed to stop the Progenitor from advancing.
After Levi and Cyrus came back, they stood aside and watched the battle.

The Eighteen Dark Angels gritted their teeth in anger. How dare that b*stard stand aside and watch?
“Won’t you help? He’s our common enemy!” they demanded.
Both Levi and Cyrus folded their arms nonchalantly. “Nah, we’ll just watch from the sidelines for now.”
It was obvious that he wasn’t about to help them out.
Though the Eighteen Dark Angels were seething in anger, there was nothing they could do.
It was impossible for them to break free of the Progenitor due to their sheer number.
They had to work together to defeat the creature.
Levi and Cyrus weren’t really enjoying the show from aside; they were actually trying to find the weakness of the Progenitor.
After a while, they concluded that the creature was invincible.
He had no weaknesses at all!
The Progenitor was indestructible and unkillable, just like the previous pure energy beings.
However, the Progenitor was obviously more hard to defeat.
One could defeat pure energy beings by crushing their energy, but nothing could pierce through the Progenitor’s skin.
They couldn’t inflict any injury on him.
The only weakness, which wasn’t really one, was that the Progenitor wasn’t good at attacking.
Perhaps he hadn’t regained his full power, for his attacks were weak.
He couldn’t maximize his power as of now.
Though the Eighteen Dark Angels couldn’t defeat him, he wasn’t able to wipe them out, too.
Even so, he could oppress them easily.
Once he regained his full strength, there was no telling how titanic he would get.
The stronger the Progenitor got, the harder the Eighteen Dark Angels found it to hold him back.
“Come help us now!” they barked.
“Let’s go!”
Both Levi and Cyrus took action.
The twenty fighters joined in as well.
It was an unprecedented fight.
The Eighteen Dark Angels felt exasperated, for they initially came to take Levi but ended up being free labor.
This can’t be a coincidence.
The twenty fighters went all out and attacked the Progenitor, making him letting out an unhappy roar.
He wanted to suck their blood dry, but each and every one of them was extremely capable.
They unleashed their attacks like madmen.
Despite being strong and impenetrable, his attack was his weak spot.
Soon, he was cornered.
He wanted to become stronger, but the rest wouldn’t let him do so.
Boom, boom, boom!
Time and time again, he was sent flying across the air.
Every time he fell, he’d stand up swiftly.
None of them could injure him at all.
“Hurry up and think of something, or we’re finished for real!” Death Fiend declared.
Someone chimed in, “Yes, show your trump card. This isn’t the time to hide your true ability!”
Apparently, everyone had a trump card hidden instead of showing their true prowess.
Now, it was time for them to unleash their true abilities.
Levi immediately unleashed Forbidden Annihilation, and a menacing power that was on par with the Progenitor’s aura flowed within him.
Upon realizing his sudden burst of energy, the Progenitor froze and gaped at him in disbelief.
A glint of surprise appeared in his once dull eyes.
Why does this seem familiar?
He was shocked by the killing energy emanating from Levi.
“Damn it!” Everyone else gasped incredulously.
Levi’s so strong! He obviously wants to use the Forbidden Technique to fight against the Progenitor alone!


Chapter 2158 Five Generations Of The Progenitor

As the twenty fighters joined forces, the Progenitor was soon at his wit’s end.
“Come on, let’s take him down!”
Their attacks grew more intense.

The Progenitor was soon ensnared.
He let out a loud roar together with a burst of sudden energy that sent six Dark Angels flying backward.
After an opening appeared, he escaped instead of continuing his attacks.
He ended up jumping into the sea.
Before doing that, he turned at his shoulders and shot Levi a complicated gaze. There was confusion and curiosity in his eyes before he disappeared.
“Go after him!”
The masses went after him and didn’t find him anywhere.
Instead of hiding on Goldenport Island, he had swum toward Adrune.
“Looks like the Progenitor isn’t a beast after his awakening. He knows how to flee!” Levi exclaimed in surprise.
In fact, he was puzzled by the Progenitor’s weird reaction.
That was really strange.
“Let’s count our losses.”
They went to where Sherrie and the rest were hiding and told them what had happened.
At the end of the revelation, everyone erupted in cheers.
Sherrie and the others finally discovered that Levi was still alive.
They were excited to learn the news.
Levi then counted their losses and entrusted the Hilton family to deal with the rest.
It was time for Levi and the Eighteen Dark Angels’ discussion.
“Oh, no. They are here!” Levi sensed another group’s arrival. “Hide out of sight. I’ll come to find you later!” he told the Eighteen Dark Angels.
They nodded and concealed themselves instantly.
One hour was up, and the divine generals’ apprentices from The Cardinal Hall had arrived.
They rushed toward the scene without hesitation.
Alas, the remains of the factory greeted them.
“Could it be…” That everyone was killed, allowing the creature to infiltrate Goldenport Island?
That was their first thought.
Nevertheless, they soon ran into Levi and the rest.
“Mm? It’s you? Why are you here?”
The apprentices of the divine generals had been holding back their disgust for Levi for a long time.
If possible, they wanted to beat him up.
After all, Levi was arrogant back in The Cardinal Hall and even managed to escape unscathed.
That fact alone made their irritation flare.
They had been holding back their resentment, so the mere sight of Levi stoked their anger.
“Ah, The Cardinal Hall is terribly slow. If you were to come any later, you’ll have to clear the mess!” Cyrus sneered.
The apprentices burst out angrily, “Do you have a death wish?”
They promptly took action to take Levi and Cyrus’ lives.
Celia and the others would stop them from doing so in The Cardinal Hall, but they weren’t here.
They could do whatever they desired!
“Hold on!” their leader barked. “Calm down, everyone.”
He turned to Cyrus and asked, “Did you defeat that creature?”
Cyrus shot them a disgusted look. “Of course. If we were to wait for you, we would’ve been dead by now.”
The Cardinal Hall’s men shook in anger, but their leader stopped them from taking action.
They couldn’t stand the incessant provocations from Levi and Cyrus anymore!
“What is that creature?” their leader inquired.
Cyrus explained, “He’s the Progenitor, a vampire from the Ancient Clans. I believe he’s the first few Progenitors, most probably from the first five generations.”
“What? A Progenitor from the first five generations?” The leader inhaled sharply.
Obviously, he knew what the Progenitor was.
It spelled disaster!
“Does that mean the creature who wrecked Rodunst is a Progenitor, too?” he asked curiously.
“Yes. There are two of them in Rodunst!” Cyrus answered.
The man gasped in horror again.


Chapter 2159 Running Your Mouth

The ones who were clueless about the Progenitor looked confused.
“Is the Progenitor really so powerful?” someone asked curiously.
His question caused everyone to look at him with bafflement.

“Of course he is! Even the divine generals quake in fear when they hear his name.”
After the reply, the man who’d first raised the question kept his mouth sealed.
Finally, everyone realized the terrifying nature of the Progenitor as it was a creature that could strike fear even into the hearts of the divine generals.
They couldn’t believe that such a horrifying creature once roamed Goldenport Island.
“Since the Progenitor is nowhere to be seen, have you dealt with it already? The two of you look unscathed,” the gathered crowd asked fearfully.
“We have yet to deal with it because the Progenitor slipped out of our clutches. However, we have resolved Goldenport Island’s danger,” Levi replied solemnly.
“In truth, we managed to drive it away. Yet, its overwhelming strength makes it almost immortal,” Cyrus explained.
Everyone was stunned.
After a brief moment of silence, they regained their senses.
“Even after such a long battle, the two of you couldn’t subdue the Progenitor? You even let him escape? What if it is still lurking around Goldenport Island? Who knows, it might even make its way to other parts of Erudia.”
“Do you know what you’ve done? You made the situation even worse than before! You’ve angered it! What if it decides to take revenge?”
“Are you sure it ran away? It might be biding its time in hiding. There’s a possibility that it sneaked into Erudia instead. How can you guarantee our safety?”
Stricken with fear, the crowd hurled hysterical questions toward Cyrus and Levi.
Instead of expressing their gratitude, they were furious that Levi and Cyrus allowed the Progenitor to escape.
The onslaught of questions left the duo stunned as they stood there, at a loss for words.
Never in their wildest dreams had they expected such a reaction.
Are they for real? How much more shameless can this crowd get?
“Levi, I noticed that you are always at the forefront whenever something like this happens. How can you call yourself a savior when such a huge mishap has happened?”
“Great, not only did you fail to defeat the Progenitor, you even let it escape. Will you be the one responsible if something bad happens?” someone from the crowd called out sarcastically.
“Your mistakes have destroyed The Cardinal Hall’s plans. In truth, we are the advance team. Soon, The Cardinal Hall General will be here to clear up this mess himself.”
“That’s right!” The crowd nodded fervently. Their moods lifted when their general was mentioned. Although the Progenitor was strong, they were confident that The Cardinal Hall General could defeat it. After all, he had personally ventured forth to settle matters.
Once he was here, the Progenitor would be doomed. There would be no room left for it to escape.
However, Levi and Cyrus did not share the group’s enthusiasm. How could they change their minds so quickly? Weren’t they just scared out of their wits? We have a disaster on our hands.
Levi and Cyrus were puzzled by the group’s sudden change in demeanor.
Clearly, they were the ones who took action and worked together to solve Goldenport Island’s crisis.
However, they were met with criticisms and had to shoulder the blame.
Although the group arrived late, they pointed their fingers at Levi instead of owning up to their mistakes.
Furthermore, they blamed Levi and Cyrus for allowing the Progenitor to flee.
No matter how hard he tried, Levi could not wrap his head around the group’s logic and reasoning.
“Are you guys insane? The entirety of Goldenport Island would have succumbed by the time you arrived. Everyone here would have been slaughtered in cold blood. They were the ones who saved this island! How could you push the blame on them? Where were you when thousands of us were murdered in the hands of the Progenitor? Where were you when Goldenport Island was threatened? Of course, it’s much easier to push the blame on others, right? After all, this was all your fault. It was your weakness and incapability that led to the Progenitor coming here! Repeatedly, you’ve thrust Erudia into danger. It’s all because the bunch of you are good-for-nothing fools!” Unable to stand it anymore, Sherrie exploded in anger.
When the words left her mouth, the members of The Cardinal Hall flushed with anger.
Sherrie merely laughed coldly. “Have you realized the true extent of your uselessness? Why are all of you silent now? Weren’t you running your mouth a moment ago?”
Her words provoked them even more as they resisted the urge to hit her.
Yet, they could not deny the truth in her insulting remarks as Sherrie had hit a nerve.


Chapter 2160 The Arrival Of The Cardinal Hall General

“What’s the matter? Do you want to kill me? Go ahead then. Since you can’t handle the Progenitor, the most you can do is take your anger out on regular citizens,” Sherrie called out tauntingly, “It’s the only thing you lot are good at!”
The bunch of The Cardinal Hall members- a group akin to “God,” fumed in anger.
Nevertheless, they could not lash out and had to restrain their temper.

If they killed Sherrie, it would only prove that her words were right.
They were a prideful group that refused to admit to their mistakes.
Both Levi and Cyrus had to resist the urge to burst out laughing.
It was comical to see them utterly humiliated by a young maiden as they could not retaliate.
They could only accept her insults in silence and embarrassment.
A bitter look crossed their faces when they heard Sherrie’s endless slanders.
Today, they had suffered a huge blow to their reputation.
“Since this is none of our business, our help ends here. We’ll leave the rest to you,” Levi announced and prepared to leave the scene with Cyrus.
They still needed to find Zoey and the Eighteen Dark Angels.
“Where do you think you are going? Are you trying to escape after this huge disaster?” Immediately, someone tried to halt them in their tracks.
The leader of the group stepped forward. “Stop chasing after them! Aren’t you guys ashamed of your actions?” he roared at his men.
“Though the truth is a hard pill to swallow, Levi was the one who single-handedly saved Goldenport Island. Without him, all of its citizens would be corpses. However, saving them should be our responsibility. Due to our negligence, Levi had to take the burden as we couldn’t arrive here on time!” their leader uttered coldly.
Such words caused his men to clench their fists in fury as their faces turned crimson red with anger.
How embarrassing!
As members of The Cardinal Hall, they liked to put themselves on a pedestal.
Subconsciously, they’ve always felt a sense of superiority and took pride in their strength.
The Cardinal Hall’s members viewed themselves as the protectors of Erudia and expected the people’s blind devotion.
However, Levi was an exception. Repeatedly, he managed to stun the world with his actions and stole their glory as he carried out their responsibilities in their stead.
This made them feel indignant.
This indignance worsened because Levi was rumored to be stronger than them.
Even if that was true, they were too prideful to submit to him. His overwhelming strength merely increased their hatred toward him as their egos were bruised.
However, they had to admit that Levi was today’s hero because they arrived on the scene far too late.
After this incident, they loathed Levi even more.
They were determined not to let him steal their thunder anymore.
One by one, they swore that such a humiliating incident would never happen again.
After Levi and his group left, thundering noise echoed in the sky as a massive aircraft approached Golderport Island.
As soon as the aircraft landed, members of The Cardinal Hall rushed to welcome its arrival.
The doors slid open to reveal a mysterious figure.
The moment he stepped foot on solid ground, a menacing aura swept over the place. It felt as if a mountain had descended over Golderport Island.
The figure was dressed in a simple robe; his arms were crossed behind his back as he made his way out of the aircraft.
His pace was slow and unhurried, making him look like a divine being who walked amongst the mortal world.
Upon closer look, the figure had a cold yet handsome face.
Judging from his youthful appearance, he couldn’t be more than thirty years old.
This captivating man was none other than Edmund – The Cardinal Hall General.
The helm of The Cardinal Hall had finally made his appearance.
In a hurry, he had returned from the North to control the hectic situation the moment he caught wind about the incident in Goldenport Island.
“Where is it?” Edmund asked.
“Sir, it is a Progenitor from one of the earlier generations of Adrune’s Ancient Clans. We suspect that it might be from the first five generations. However, Levi has driven it away,” one of the men explained.
“Levi? Is he the father of that young genius?”
It was apparent that Edmund knew about Levi.


Chapter 2161 Join The Sacred Organization

“That’s right.”
“Oh? Where is he?” Edmund questioned.
“He has left the scene.”

“What? Did he leave already? I was looking forward to meeting the man who repeatedly stole The Cardinal Hall’s thunder. I wanted to see him in action against the Progenitor too,” Edmund replied.
“Sir, the Fiery Demon was working alongside Levi. The two of them probably worked together to beat the Progenitor.”
Edmund’s brows pinched together. “No, you are mistaken. There were more than two of them. In fact, I sense… eighteen people.”
“There were eighteen other people?” everyone exclaimed in shock.
It looks like The Cardinal Hall General really does live up to his name. We didn’t even know about the existence of eighteen other men! After all, The Cardinal Hall General is a future member of the divine brigadiers. He wields impressive skill. I can’t believe he managed to obtain such detailed information in the blink of an eye.
At the same time, realization dawned upon the group.
It seems like it took twenty fighters to battle the Progenitor. Levi didn’t achieve it alone.
With this new knowledge, the members of The Cardinal Hall felt more at ease.
If Levi had been the sole force behind it, they would be humiliated.
“They must have traveled far away. Follow me. We will track down the Progenitor. Also, spread the news that the Progenitor has fled. After a while, make sure you state that The Cardinal Hall was the one responsible for this great feat!” Edmund ordered.
Once again, The Cardinal Hall stole all of the glory.
“Huh? Sir, aren’t you going to mention Levi?” one of his men asked curiously.
“Why would I bring him up? Are you trying to embarrass The Cardinal Hall again? Were the past humiliations not enough for you?” Edmund glared at the man. “Besides, Levi’s daughter is part of The Cardinal Hall. It’s only fair that we take some of the credit.”
After Edmund’s explanation, no one dared to voice any objections.
Yet, Levi couldn’t care less about it.
After all, most people still assumed that he was dead.
It would be detrimental if the public found out that Levi was the one who drove the Progenitor away.
Once the incident in Goldenport Island spread, it left the entire world stunned.
They couldn’t believe that the Progenitor was the cause of the disaster!
Given how news spread like wildfire, Rodunst could not keep this matter a secret anymore. Begrudgingly, they stepped forward to confirm the credibility of the Progenitor’s existence.
Additionally, they announced that the great catastrophe that plagued Rodunst was resolved in the blink of an eye.
Nonetheless, the world was stunned and terrified by Erudia’s capability to deal with this cataclysm in such a short amount of time.
“What? Goldenport Island is out of danger? Where did the Progenitor flee to?” Scias cried out in disbelief when he received the news.
Initially, he thought that the Progenitor would bring Erudia to its knees.
Contrarily, they solved this issue faster than Rodunst.
How could this happen?
“We aren’t sure about the Progenitor’s current whereabouts. It’s a matter that is still under investigation. Yet, who would’ve expected Erudia to solve this incident in the least amount of time?”
Scion felt a blaze of anger. I’ve plotted this for ages. In spite of that, they destroyed all my plans without any effort.
“How could the Progenitor be driven away so easily? It is impossible!” Scion mumbled under his breath.
“Sir, we’ve just received the latest updates. It looks like The Cardinal Hall was responsible for driving the Progenitor away. The Cardinal Hall General himself arrived at the scene.”
A look of realization crossed Scias’ face. “I see,” he exclaimed, “The Cardinal Hall has always wielded many trump cards up. First, there was the unfathomable Elder Celia. Now, they’ve deployed The Cardinal Hall General to deal with the Progenitor. Seeing how things are progressing, there is no need to worry. We’ll just have to direct our focus to Archulea.”
After Cyrus and Levi departed, they regrouped with the Eighteen Dark Angels.
The Eighteen Dark Angels settled into a fighting stance. “You know why we are here, don’t you? We want you to join the Sacred Organization.”
To their utter surprise, Levi smiled good-naturedly. “All right, I’m more than happy to join you. Lead the way!”
“W-What?” They gaped at his easygoing response.


Chapter 2162 Mr X

The Eighteen Dark Angels were dumbfounded.
They assumed that Levi would only follow their orders after a bloody battle. They were even prepared to blackmail him.
Yet, he agreed without hesitation.

This is unbelievable! Why did he submit to us with such ease? Did he hit his head? He’s acting weirdly.
They stared at him with disbelief.
Their astonished looks caused Levi to chuckle. “Did you forget that my wife is in your hands? I’m not in a position to disagree, am I? I’m not a fool who can’t read the room. Right now, going along with your orders is my safest bet.”
Their suspicions vanished into thin air when they heard Levi’s reasoning.
After all, Zoey was Levi’s top priority.
“What about him?” The Eighteen Angels looked at Cyrus.
“I am Maestro’s subordinate. I’ll follow him wherever he goes,” Cyrus declared.
“Okay, let’s head out.”
With that, the group headed toward the Sacred Organization.
After a long voyage at sea, the cruise ship finally docked at Archulea.
However, no one knew about the truth hidden within the cruise ship.
Once it reached the harbor, a few sailors decided to investigate the ship.
To their horror, they found the Progenitor lying in wait.
Without any delay, the Progenitor started a bloodbath that stretched from the harbor to the city.
The death toll of innocent civilians who fell prey to the Progenitor’s massacre was staggering and unfathomable.
In response, Archulea dispatched their strongest warriors to combat it.
Despite their best efforts, the Archulean fighters stood no chance against the ruthless Progenitor.
Besides, Archulea was not well known for their martial artists or military strength.
Hence, they failed to subdue the bloodthirsty Progenitor.
Even after deploying their latest weapons and strongest fighters, it came to no avail.
They were simply no match for the Progenitor’s overwhelming strength.
Furthermore, the Progenitor was much stronger because it managed to feast on blood.
The Progenitor Levi and the group met back in Goldenport Island paled in comparison in terms of the terrifying strength the current one wielded in Archulea.
Archulea was at a loss as they had no options left.
At the same time, news of Archulea’s tragedy spread overseas.
Immediately, several countries allied with Archulea offered a helping hand.
After all, Archulea’s doom would bring about their own too. If the Progenitor succeeded in crushing Archulea, the other countries would also topple like dominoes.
But once again, the results were the same.
No matter how many men they sent to battle the Progenitor, the only thing that returned were the troop’s cold corpses.
Even their combined might barely put a scratch on the Progenitor’s skin.
On the brink of collapse, Archulea sent a plea to the other countries, begging for fighters all around the globe to offer their assistance.
The person who put an end to the Progenitor would receive a handsome reward in return.
Even after their message was broadcast to the world, silence was the only response Archulea received.
Everyone knew that battling the Progenitor only meant death. No one was foolish enough to go knocking on death’s door.
Only a handful of countries could stand a chance against the Progenitor. These notable countries were Zarain or Erudia.
In such turbulent times, everyone adopted the doctrine of isolationism.
Initially, the Dragonites wanted to offer their help. Hence, they brought this proposal to The Cardinal Hall.
However, Edmund rejected their proposal without a second thought.
His reasons were simple; The Cardinal Hall only existed to protect Erudia. They would not involve themselves in other matters, even more so when this was an international affair.
“Stop trying to meddle with Archulea and focus your attention on Erudia instead,” Edmund bellowed. His stern words were a clear warning to the Dragonites.
Since Erudia turned a blind eye to Archulea, the others followed suit.
Although Rodunst was in a relatively stable position, they were also in the final stages of negotiation. Despite that, they lacked experience and could not offer their help.
Back at the Lab of Gods, all of their attention was fixated intensely on Archulea’s worsening situation.
“Sir, it looks like Archulea is utterly helpless now. Even after asking for help, they received no response,” Jester King reported.
Scias, also known by his code name, Mr. X, merely laughed coldly as Archulea plummeted into disaster.
“This is the result I was dying to witness! Quick, put me on the phone with Archulea’s leader. I want to talk to him,” he ordered.
Jester King snickered. “I know what you are going to do. You are going to suggest a plan to help them out of this situation, aren’t you? However, there will be conditions they have to fulfill.”
“You are right. I’ll only help Archulea if they can satisfy all of my conditions,” Mr. X replied with a nod.


Chapter 2163 He Was Just Passing By

The people in Archulea grew serious when they got a call from the Lab of Gods.
“We can help take care of Progenitor, but we have our conditions,” Mr. X said directly.
“Sure, we’ll agree to any of your terms!” Archulea promised excitedly.

Mr. X chuckled. “Don’t be so quick to say yes. At least hear what I have to say!”
“What are your conditions?”
“I will resolve that crisis of yours. In return, you will allow us access to Doomsday Seed Vault.”
The person went silent after hearing Mr. X’s request.
Archulea’s Doomsday Seed Vault was famous for the various types of seeds it contained, both from the past and the present.
Some of the seeds were thousands and millions of years old, and there were rumors going around about the place containing gene banks and lots of valuable resources exclusive to Archulea.
The Doomsday Seed Vault also contained tons of historical artifacts and was the key to Archulea’s future.
Archulea was actually considered mediocre among the other countries, and even Zarain didn’t really perceive them as a threat.
However, the resources in its Doomsday Seed Vault was so valuable that all the other countries coveted it.
As such, Archulea focused all of the country’s defenses on the Doomsday Seed Vault, and even the Lab of Gods didn’t dare mess with them.
The Lab of Gods had been eyeing the Doomsday Seed Vault for a very long time, but couldn’t get their hands on it because Archulea kept it heavily protected.
With everything that has happened, the Lab of Gods finally had a chance to negotiate a deal with Archulea.
“It’s all right, I will give you some time to consider this. I just hope you’ll be able to afford our help!” Mr. X said with a chuckle and hung up immediately after.
Right now, Archulea is the one with ants in their pants. The Progenitor becomes increasingly dangerous as time passes, and that’s something Archulea wouldn’t want…
“Just you wait! They’ll call us back!”
It wasn’t long before Mr. X received a call from the people in Archulea and began their negotiation.
Archulea agreed to grant them access to the Doomsday Seed Vault for a limited amount of time, and they eventually settled for a period of three months.
“Three months is enough for us. With our technology and skill, we’ll be able to replicate the entire vault!”
Mr. X agreed to the condition and headed over to Archulea with Jester King and a wizard.
“No, we’ll take our sweet time in heading over to Archulea. That ought to put some more pressure on them.”
Instead of taking the Progenitor out quickly, Mr. X planned on stalling and dragging things out.
Meanwhile, Archulea had put word out that the Lab of Gods would resolve their issue for them, much to the surprise of its people.
They knew the Lab of Gods wouldn’t agree to help out unless they stood to gain something from it.
Things were chaotic in The Cardinal Hall as a few of the representatives from the Dragonites were criticizing Edmund.
“Things have changed, Sir! You can’t just wait till Erudia is faced with a crisis before taking action! You have to also intervene in its affairs and make plans in advance! Only by doing so can we adapt to the changes!”
“Take the Lab of Gods and Archulea for example. They’ve most likely granted them access to the Doomsday Seed Vault. Just imagine how much it would benefit us if they granted us access!”
Edmund did pay heed to their advice, but all he could do was sigh as he said, “You’re right, but it’s all too late now. All we can do is watch as the Lab of Gods approach!”
Meanwhile, Levi and the Eighteen Dark Angels passed by Archulea on their way to Sacred Organization which happened to be located in Nuthana.


Chapter 2164 Pursuing The Progenitor

“Hm? What’s going on in Archulea?”
Everyone was shocked by the destruction before their eyes.
“Let me check…”

Cyrus soon found out about everything that happened.
“The Progenitor has been going rampant here, and Archulea has no fighters who can take him out. For some unknown reason, the Lab of Gods has agreed to lend them a hand,” he said.
Death Fiend laughed. “Seems like your information isn’t complete! The Lab of Gods only agreed to help Archulea because they would be granted access to the Doomsday Seed Vault!”
Levi had gotten used to their petty squabbles by then.
“It has nothing to do with us. Let’s just carry on with our journey!”
He was in a hurry to see Zoey and couldn’t care less about those matters as it had no effect on Erudia.
The Eighteen Dark Angels were in agreement with Levi’s statement as they wanted to bring him back safely before anything else happened.
“We’ll pass right through here!”
“All right, let’s go!”
The group then made their way straight through the city, only to realize something was amiss as they got to the city center.
The entire place was too quiet, and there wasn’t a single person around.
An inexplicable sense of dread filled the air as a helicopter hovering in the sky delivered the warning, “Attention all civilians, please evacuate the area immediately…”
That was when they realized everyone in the city had been evacuated in response to the Progenitor’s arrival.
The helicopter then quickly left the area after warning Levi and those around him.
“Do you think we’ll be unfortunate enough to run into the Progenitor?” Death Fiend asked curiously.
“This is none of our business. Let’s continue on our course…” Levi said as they carried on without a care in the world.
The next thing they knew, the area around them was enveloped in a strong scent of blood, and the Progenitor appeared from the corner of the street.
Due to the evacuation by Archulea, the Progenitor hadn’t seen a single person he could suck blood from since his arrival.
As such, his eyes were beaming with excitement when he saw Levi and the others, and he came charging toward them while howling loudly.
He wanted nothing but to suck all of their blood dry.
Levi and the others exchanged glances before sighing in unison.
“We were going to leave you alone, and yet you want to suck our blood?”
“What do we do, guys?”
“Kick his *ss, duh! What else are we supposed to do?”
As the Progenitor got closer to them, he realized the sudden change in the air around them.
Wait… These guys aren’t ordinary people… They’re ridiculously powerful martial artists!
Even the Progenitor was shocked as none of the elites sent by Archulea to stop him were anywhere near this level of strength.
The Progenitor was sent flying by a punch from Levi before he could react in time.
The others then rushed forward and continued beating him up, giving him no time to even catch his breath.
Despite being stronger than all of Goldenport Island, the Progenitor soon found himself overwhelmed by Levi and the others.
Realizing he was severely outmatched, the Progenitor knew better than to continue fighting and tried to make a retreat.
“You’re not getting away that easily!”
We could’ve left each other alone, but you just had to mess with us, huh? There’s no way we’re letting you escape now!
Just like that, the group chased after the Progenitor and was hell-bent on kicking his a*s.
All of Archulea were dumbfounded by the sight before them as it was the first time they had seen someone chasing after the Progenitor instead of the other way round.
“Are those men from the Lab of Gods?” someone from Archulea asked.
“No, we are still unable to confirm their identities. The men from the Lab of Gods have yet to arrive!”
“Okay, keep this information a secret for the time being! Let’s go have a look at the state of the Progenitor now…”


Chapter 2165 You Can Head Back Now

It was the first time the Progenitor had been in such a desperate state, and everyone in Archulea was shocked to see him running away.
I-Isn’t that the Progenitor? Who the hell are these people? How are they strong enough to beat the Progenitor up so badly? This is unbelievable!
The Progenitor had pretty much run through half of Archulea, but Levi and his group eventually caught up and continued beating the crap out of him.

You have only yourself to blame for this, Progenitor! We were just passing by and had no intentions of hurting you at all, but you tried to attack us and suck our blood!
With that in mind, all twenty of them continued their assault on the Progenitor.
As they were all experienced fighters, the Progenitor’s lack of offensive power resulted in him receiving a one-sided beating.
Although the Progenitor survived the attack due to the nature of his body, he felt the pain from every blow and was going crazy from it.
Eventually, the Progenitor made a mad dash toward the cliff and jumped straight into the ocean to escape Archulea, a country he would never dare show up in ever again.
Levi and the others had finally vented their anger after driving the Progenitor out.
Little did they know, their actions resulted in them becoming the heroes of Archulea, and a representative from Archulea immediately came to thank them for resolving the crisis.
“You are all heroes to us, and we will be sure to repay the favor in kind!”
Naturally, Levi wasn’t about to refuse their kind offer.
He declared his identity as an Erudian and said he would call upon Archulea if he needed their help.
As Archulea owed Levi a huge favor, they would have to provide their unconditional assistance when summoned.
Archulea happily obliged to that request and even offered to host a grand celebration to thank them, but Levi refused the offer as he was in a hurry to see Zoey.
Just like that, Levi and his group left Archulea while its citizens cheered happily.
However, they decided to keep the news of the Progenitor’s defeat a secret for a little while longer.
On top of that, Archulea continued to put word out that they were no longer able to withstand the Progenitor’s assault as they didn’t want the Lab of Gods to know what happened just yet.
Mr. X and his men finally arrived after half the day was gone.
He was confused when he saw that no one from Archulea was there to welcome them.
What’s going on? Logically speaking, Archulea should be kneeling before us and begging for our help in this trying time! Why isn’t anyone here to even welcome us? This is really strange…
“Contact them and have them come see me right this instant! Hurry!” Mr. X shouted angrily.
Jester King quickly contacted Archulea, but no one came to greet them until about an hour later.
Mr. X was furious by the amount of disrespect from Archulea, but forcefully suppressed his anger as he asked coldly, “What the hell are you guys doing? Why would you keep us waiting for so long? Do you even want me to help you at all?”
“We were busy taking care of some stuff!” said the men from Archulea.
“Taking care of some stuff? Isn’t the Progenitor your primary concern right now? What other things could you possibly be busy with?”
Mr. X was on the verge of exploding from anger at that point.
The men exchanged glances and replied awkwardly, “Nothing much, really. We were just confirming the casualties and damages, that’s all!”
“Have you guys lost your minds? Why are you guys doing this when the Progenitor is your biggest threat? We came all this way here to help you all out, and none of you thought to at least welcome us? Do you want us to help you get rid of the Progenitor or not?” Mr. X yelled at the top of his lungs.
“Oh, that won’t be necessary. You guys can head on back now!” the men replied, leaving Mr. X and the others from the Lab of Gods speechless from shock.


Chapter 2166 Arrival At The Sacred Organization

What… Did they just tell us to go back after we’ve traveled this far to help out? What the hell?
“Are you sure you want us to head back?” Mr. X asked while glaring straight at the Archuleans.
“Yeah, that’s right! We told you to head back! Did you not hear us the first time?” they replied nonchalantly.

“Fine! We’ll leave, then! You guys are on your own with the Progenitor! The Lab of Gods will not get involved anymore!”
Outraged, Mr. X was determined to teach Archulea a lesson and prepared to leave with his men immediately.
“Oh, the Progenitor? We don’t need you to help us get rid of him! We’ve already taken care of him ourselves!” the Archuleans said mockingly with a sneer.
Mr. X and his men turned around in unison.
“What do you mean you’ve taken care of the Progenitor? How is that possible? We haven’t even done anything to help out!” he asked with a look of confusion on his face.
“What does that have to do with you guys helping out? You don’t think you’re the only people capable of handling the Progenitor, do you?” the Archuleans asked with a look of disdain in their eyes.
It wasn’t until then that Archulea released the news of the Progenitor’s defeat, and Jester King quickly confirmed that someone else had helped Archulea get rid of him.
The crisis in Archulea has been resolved as the Progenitor had fled the country, and nobody knew where he was headed.
“Who was it that helped you get rid of the Progenitor?”
Mr. X and the others were very curious.
“We don’t really know who they are either. All we know is that they’re from Erudia!”
Mr. X’s eyes lit up with rage the moment he heard them mention Erudia.
“Damn it! Erudia again!” he roared furiously.
First, the crisis at Goldenport Island was quickly resolved, and now the crisis in Archulea too? Damn it, Erudia has ruined my plans at getting the Doomsday Seed Vault!
Had Mr. X known that Levi was the one who did it, he would have gotten even angrier.
“Please go back and forget about getting access to our Doomsday Seed Vault! We all know you guys had something to do with the Progenitor incident!”
Eventually, Mr. X had no choice but to leave with his men in defeat.
They would have to come up with another plan to obtain the Doomsday Seed Vault.
In the meantime, the Dragonites in The Cardinal Hall had received word about the crisis in Archulea being resolved.
“It was Erudians that helped them out? Who could it be?”
While Edmund and the others were trying to figure out who did it, another messenger came over and reported, “Levi was the one who did it! He just told The Cardinal Hall that he wants us to step up and take credit for it!”
Everyone in The Cardinal Hall lost their minds upon hearing that.
“What? That b*stard! Since when has The Cardinal Hall ever needed to take credit for his achievements?”
“Levi has really gone too far this time! He’s blatantly disrespecting The Cardinal Hall!”
“There’s no way we’re taking credit for this!”
Edmund let out a chuckle all of a sudden and said, “Very well, then! We’ll take credit for it just like Levi said! Put word out that we’re the ones who resolved the Progenitor crisis in Archulea!”
“But, Sir…”
The others were reluctant to do so.
“Can’t you see that Levi is doing this to mock us on purpose? In that case, we should just go with the flow and do as he says! I’m getting increasingly interested in Levi now! It’s only a matter of time before I finally meet this foe of mine!” Edmund said with a chuckle.
The Cardinal Hall soon announced that they were the ones who resolved the crisis in Archulea, and everyone believed them, including Mr. X himself.
As far as he knew, no one else but The Cardinal Hall was capable of such a feat.
In the meantime, Levi had arrived at the place where Sacred Organization was located.


Chapter 2167 Take My Wife Back

Even Levi didn’t know much about the place apart from it being somewhere deep within Nuthana.
All modern technology would malfunction due to the magnetic fields in the area, and many adventurers would rather die than come explore the place.
A thick fog surrounded the place to heights no one has ever seen before, and it was undetectable even by satellites.

The area couldn’t be found on any map in existence, and Levi would never have been able to get there without someone showing him the way.
In other words, it was like a missing corner of the world.
Levi and Cyrus were taken aback by the nature of the area around them.
They also realized that the fog was incredibly poisonous and killed anyone who inhaled it regardless of their physical condition.
Death Fiend and the others said with a smile, “You guys are on your own now! Let’s see if you can make it through this area alive!”
Getting through the poisonous fog was one of the tests they had to go through, but it was no problem for Levi and Cyrus who were close friends with Venom Fiend.
They had received some poison magic from Venom Fiend beforehand, so the fog was no challenge for them as they made their way through it.
Visibility was slightly better after they got out of the fog zone, but they then found themselves in a dense jungle.
The area above the forest was shrouded by a black fog and remained undetected by satellites.
It wasn’t until they came out of the forest that they fully regained visibility of their surroundings.
The place was dimly lit by a faint and unknown source of light which made it seem like the netherworld due to how dark it was.
They could barely see a castle that was located behind a chain of mountains, and Cyrus found himself shocked by the sight before him.
Levi simply chuckled and said, “Don’t worry! They just found a very good spot, that’s all!”
They needed to see the members of the Sacred Organization in person to know how it was actually like.
“You are now officially a member of the Sacred Organization, Levi! Oh, that goes for you as well…” Death Fiend said as he led the two of them into the dark castle.
He was reluctant to acknowledge Cyrus as a member of the Sacred Organization, but had no choice as he came with Levi.
“Wait here. Dark Emperor will be arriving shortly!” Death Fiend said.
Heh… The Dark Emperor? I bet this is just a trick to scare us! I just want to know where Zoey is right now so I can take her back with me! I don’t give a damn about this Sacred Organization!
Levi thought to himself with a sneer.
“Ah, Levi! You’re finally here!” said a loud and powerful voice.
It was impossible to determine where the voice was coming from as it seemed to be coming from every direction in the castle.
“You too, Cyrus! I had wanted you to be a part of the Sacred Organization a long time ago, but you were so mysterious that I couldn’t locate you!”
The Dark Emperor’s voice was heard once again.
Cyrus was indeed rather impressed with his mastery of the Invisibility Technique.
“You’re the Dark Emperor?” Levi asked.
“That’s right, and now you are finally going to join me! Although I know you’re not sincere about joining, I would still like to know what your intentions are…” the Dark Emperor said with a chuckle.
Levi wasn’t fazed by his words in the slightest as it wasn’t hard for the Dark Emperor to guess he had come for Zoey.
“It’s true that I have never once thought about joining you guys. I only came here to take my wife back!”
Levi spoke his mind bluntly, much to the surprise of Death Fiend and the others.
“What? Why did you agree to us if you weren’t planning on joining, Levi?”
The Eighteen Dark Angels were completely dumbfounded.
“Would you have brought me here if I didn’t agree to join? I wouldn’t even be able to find this place!”
Levi’s words hit them like a bolt from the blue as they realized he had been using them the whole time.
“Now, hand my wife over or I’ll level this castle!” he shouted angrily.


Chapter 2168 Tricked By The Dark Emperor

Instead of being terrified, everyone simply laughed at Levi like he had said something foolish.
“Aren’t you overestimating yourself a little there, Levi?”
“Did you really think you could just walk out of here with her?”

“You have no idea how powerful the Sacred Organization is!”
The Eighteen Dark Angels burst into laughter as they figured he couldn’t possibly take Zoey with him.
The Dark Emperor cackled as he said, “Oh, I know what you mean! You plan on finding out where Zoey is upon getting here, right? Have you ever considered the possibility that you won’t be walking out of here? I’ll keep you here under my control forever! You thought you were smart, but you’ve fallen right into my trap! I had let them bring you here on purpose, Levi!”
The look on Levi’s face turned instantly upon hearing that.
“I may not have much power over you out there, but you won’t be escaping me now that you’re here!”
The place began rumbling violently all of a sudden, and a huge black door came crashing down from above.
Unbeknownst to Levi and Cyrus, a metallic wall had risen outside the castle and sealed it off completely.
“Stand down, all of you!” the Dark Emperor ordered, and all Eighteen Dark Angels quickly disappeared without a trace.
Levi and Cyrus were the only ones left inside the castle with no idea where the Dark Emperor was.
His voice sounded like it was coming from both the distant mountains and right next to Levi’s ear at the same time.
“From this moment on, you shall be trapped here until you are genuine about joining the Sacred Organization!”
The Dark Emperor then left after saying that, causing the castle to fall into complete silence.
“I think we’ve been tricked! This old b*stard is just trying to keep us trapped here!” Cyrus exclaimed in shock.
Levi shouted with an icy-cold look on his face, “Let’s start looking for an exit!”
With that, the two of them began searching the castle for a way out.
However, the entire castle was as large as four soccer fields combined, and Levi realized it resembled a cube-shaped cage.
They saw a smooth steel wall everywhere they looked, and the doors had all disappeared. There was no exit to be found.
Realizing that they were in a huge trap, the two began searching the place frantically for the mechanism to set themselves free.
“Stop your pointless struggle, Levi! You will find no mechanism in there! By breaking the steel wall is the only way out of there! I’ll break it for you if you agree to join the Sacred Organization! Of course, I know you’ll choose to continue struggling for a while before giving in. Enjoy your time in there!” The Dark Emperor’s voice was heard once again before disappearing for good this time.
Levi and Cyrus soon gave up on searching as they realized there was no way out of the steel cage.
“Looks like we’ll just have to punch our way out of this damned place!”
Desperate to see Zoey, Levi raised his fist and began punching hard on the steel wall.
The entire castle and the surrounding mountains shook from that punch, and a shockwave tore through the air around them.
However, the steel wall didn’t budge an inch from the impact.
Cyrus too, focused his energy on his attacks, but the steel wall held firm nonetheless.
Levi was losing his mind from desperation and pounded crazily on the steel wall.
The surroundings outside of it were destroyed by the shockwave alone, but their attacks only left a slight dent on the steel wall.
“One Finger Technique!”
Levi went as far as using the Forbidden Technique in an attempt to jab a hole through the steel wall.


Chapter 2169 Levi Is Trapped

He wanted to blow a hole through the steel wall by concentrating all of his force into a single explosive point.
Despite how terrifying the move was, all it did was leave a slightly larger dent on the steel wall that was three feet thick.

On top of that, there was a much thicker shell lining the outside of the steel wall.
Most importantly, the wall was designed to spread the force from Levi’s punches across the surface, so the power from each punch had practically dissipated.
Levi and Cyrus both grew increasingly anxious as they continued to hammer away at the wall until they were exhausted, but it did nothing whatsoever.
The dents left on the steel wall were so shallow that they were completely negligible, and the two of them stopped their assault eventually.
“What the hell is this wall made of? How is it able to withstand so much of my force and remain intact?” Levi asked in confusion.
He was both disappointed and surprised that even the Forbidden Technique was useless against the steel wall.
As far as I know, the Forbidden Technique is unstoppable! Why is it so useless now? How disappointing…
Cyrus shook his head and rubbed his knuckles as he said, “I don’t know, but it’s probably some special kind of metal. It’s way too hard! None of our attacks seem to be doing much damage to it! It’d probably take us about ten years of non-stop punching to break through this damned thing. We’ll exhaust ourselves to death long before that! Direct attacks don’t seem to do anything, so we should try brainstorming for an alternative instead!”
“This isn’t some kind of puzzle, so it’s pointless to even try. The Dark Emperor has thought this out well. The only way we can get out of here is by generating enough force to destroy it completely! We’re not strong enough in our current state, so we’ll have to train and get stronger!” Levi said with a sneer as he sat on the floor.
He needed to increase his strength to the maximum and blast his way out of the steel box.
Desperate to rescue Zoey, Levi began his solitary training on the spot.
Cyrus had wanted to call upon the Ancient Clans for help, but there was no way he could even get the word out to them from there. As such, he had no choice but to help Levi out with his training.
The Dark Emperor and the Eighteen Dark Angels were observing them from outside the cage.
“Do we just let Levi carry out his solitary training like that?” Death Fiend asked.
“Don’t worry, he’s just making a last-ditch effort out of his desperation to rescue Zoey. His body won’t be able to withstand the training, and he’ll submit to me sooner or later!” the Dark Emperor said with a smile.
Levi had disappeared without a trace, and no one knew where he went.
Only a few people from The Cardinal Hall knew he was last seen in Archulea, so everyone else assumed he had died in Keerea.
Edmund sent people looking for him, but his men found nothing whatsoever.
Johannes and the Ancient Clans who had met him assisted with the search as well, and even they were unable to find anything.
A year soon went by after Levi’s disappearance, but no one had heard anything about him at all.
He neither showed up anywhere, nor did he try to take credit for The Cardinal Hall’s contributions to the country.
Erudia had faced quite a lot of threats and dangers in that one year, but The Cardinal Hall took care of everything.
“I can’t believe it! It’s like he just vanished into thin air!”


Chapter 2170 Maya Industries

Everyone was flabbergasted by Levi’s disappearance, especially since they knew he was still alive.
In the past, Levi would still secretly protect Erudia and target the Lab of Gods even though he went missing, but that wasn’t the case this time.
Even the Azure Dragon’s men had not received any messages from Levi, and the Dragonites could only pray that he was truly still alive.

Everyone wanted to know where Levi had gone and why he had disappeared, but nobody had the answers.
Forlevia and Emma were the only ones who might know where he was, but no one dared ask them about it as the elders were around.
Eventually, Edmund decided to personally pay Celia a visit, and she agreed to let him see Forlevia and Emma.
Unfortunately, they didn’t know where Levi was either.
Since Levi’s presence didn’t affect The Cardinal Hall in any way, Edmund decided to just assume he was dead.
We’ve been able to handle everything by ourselves throughout Levi’s one year of absence, so this goes to show that we don’t need him at all!
Little did they know, the world had changed a lot during his disappearance.
Martial artists, people with superpowers, and even masters of magical techniques were no longer a rarity as more ordinary people picked up the skills.
In a world where the strong survive, everyone had to know a trick or two in order to adapt to it.
Signs of the various Ancient Clans became increasingly obvious with the rise of fighters and scientific laboratories, and they were no longer uncommon like they used to be.
The four Progenitors summoned by the Lab of Gods had gathered together and united all vampires scattered across the world, forming a powerful Ancient Clan.
It was also rumored that the enemies of the vampires had also surfaced in response to that.
As the Lab of Gods grew increasingly powerful, the Kings too, gradually began asserting their dominance to stay in the fight.
Meanwhile, Garrison Industry had been developing rapidly in Erudia and became the overlord in that field by the time the Lab of Gods made those discoveries.
By combining modern genetic technology with the ancient martial arts and magical techniques of Erudia, Garrison Industry was able to create powerful fighters like no other.
On top of that, they were also capable of combining modern mechatronics with ancient mechanisms.
The Lab of Gods had made dozens of attempts to get their hands on that technology, but were either stopped by Garrison Industry or The Cardinal Hall each time.
As it was usually Levi who stopped them, him not showing up at all left them feeling puzzled.
This doesn’t make any sense! Why hasn’t Levi shown up yet? How did he just disappear like that?
Things were simply changing too rapidly in the world, and a company known as Maya Industries had popped up in Adrune in correspondence to Garrison Industry.
Maya Industries was dominating with unprecedented power, but it didn’t just appear out of nowhere overnight.
The heir to a super wealthy family had put a lot of time into the company’s preparations, and they were so secretive that they couldn’t be bothered to participate in any form of ranking.
Instead, they dedicated their time and money into acquiring more power and more resources.
Practically everyone in power was busy competing for resources similar to sunstones, so it was no longer something that the Lab of Gods could hog for themselves alone.
With the whole world becoming stronger at the same time, wars were being fought on an almost daily basis, and the weak could do nothing but be subjugated by the strong.
Those who were holding back in the past had decided to go all out, and powerful individuals began to surface one after another as the wars raged on.


Chapter 2171 Levi After A Year Of Disappearance

One of them was a woman nicknamed Empress who began killing fighters one after another like crazy since her rise to power, including those from the Lab of Gods.
She had no qualms about killing anyone regardless of who they were, and her nickname Empress terrified countless people in just one year.
Everyone shuddered upon hearing it, and she was none other than Zoey Lopez herself.

In order to become stronger and protect her loved ones, Zoey fought countless battles and successfully gained a foothold in that era.
She was listed as one of the Fearsome Four, two of which were from Garrison Industry and Maya Industries respectively.
The last one of the four was Lucifer from the Lab of Gods.
He became increasingly stronger and bloodthirsty since his revival by Dr. Erebus, and the Lab of Gods had allowed him to go on a murderous rampage.
That was how he had become one of the Fearsome Four, and none of them have ever lost the battles they fought.
A series of rankings have been released to determine the strength of the powerful fighters, and Zoey’s name could be seen on each one.
Zoey knew Lucifer was the one who killed Levi and had tried to confront him several times, but Lucifer successfully avoided her each time.
Despite her desire to destroy the Lab of Gods completely, Zoey knew she wasn’t strong enough to do that yet and needed to continue becoming stronger.
Everything she did was for the sake of avenging Levi. Little did she know, he was actually being held captive by her mentor in the Prison of Darkness.
As the Prison of Darkness was isolated from the outside world, Zoey had sometimes passed him by without realizing it.
Meanwhile, Levi had put himself through solitary training for a whole year within Prison of Darkness.
The Dark Emperor had expected that Levi would submit to him after a while, only to be surprised when he saw Levi sitting there for a whole year.
Levi had woken up once at some point and punched at the steel wall in front of him.
The punch was so powerful that a huge crater had formed as a result, but it was still far from enough to break through the wall.
Levi then went back into solitary training, surprising the Dark Emperor with his determination once again.
“That’s still not enough, Levi! At this rate, it’d take you at least another ten years to break out of here!”
Give it up, Levi! You’ll never be able to get out of here!
The Dark Emperor thought to himself with a smile. Zoey happened to be next to him at the time, and Levi’s punch was so powerful that it shook the entire jungle around them.
“Who’s being locked inside this cage, Master?”
Zoey was curious about the Prison of Darkness after witnessing the terrifying power coming from within.
The Dark Emperor chuckled as he replied, “An enemy of mine!”
“An enemy of yours? Why would you lock him up, then?”
No one knows better than I do just how terrifying the Dark Emperor is. In fact, it wouldn’t even be an exaggeration to call him a literal god! I can’t imagine anyone who would make an enemy of him!
“I want him to submit to me, and he will very soon. I’m sure he will after another failed attempt at breaking out.”
The Dark Emperor figured Levi would fail to break the cage a second time and submit to him out of desperation.
Thanks to Garrison Industry’s rapid development, Robed Slayer was able to reach a whole new level of power through their technology.
Even Azure Dragon’s men had become incredibly formidable fighters with the help of Levi’s technique book and Garrison Industry’s technology.
Garrison Industry had come so far with their research in pure energy beings that they were basically capable of synthesizing them, but its creation was not recommended.
One day, Edmund suddenly issued an order to have Garrison Industry serve The Cardinal Hall.


Chapter 2172 Garrison Industry Needs A Leader

The Cardinal Hall never took Garrison Industry seriously when it first began its development, and they didn’t really pay much attention to the company even when they supplied them with pure energy beings.
It wasn’t until Garrison Industry rose to power and surprised everyone with its achievements that The Cardinal Hall began to set its sights on the company.
That was especially the case as Garrison Industry possessed several advanced technologies not found even in the Lab of Gods.

On top of that, Garrison Industry had no actual person in charge and was instead managed by several individuals together.
According to The Cardinal Hall, Garrison Industry needed someone to take charge of its development, and Edmund had finally decided to make his move on that day.
He headed over to Garrison Industry’s headquarters in person and summoned all the higher-ups within the company, including Robed Slayer, the Wilcox family, and Azure Dragon.
“In order to ensure a stable development for Garrison Industry so it can become stronger and better protect Erudia, I have decided to bring it under the command of The Cardinal Hall! Having a proper leader will greatly benefit its development and allow it to compete with others on a global scale! This is the first time The Cardinal Hall has brought a company under its wing, so consider yourselves incredibly honored because you will all become members of The Cardinal Hall from now on!” Edmund said coldly after scanning the room.
What Edmund was saying they should be thankful that he was there to be their leader.
It was almost impossible for commoners to join The Cardinal Hall in Erudia, so they would not have any reason to refuse his offer.
“I know you guys have a lot of troublesome legal procedures and agreements to go through for such a change, so I took the liberty of preparing all the paperwork for you. I’ve signed my part here, so you just have to sign yours! Here, go ahead and sign it!”
Edmund continued with a smile while waving his hand, and his men quickly handed down the documents to the higher-ups.
However, that smile of his soon faded when he saw that nobody was even going through their documents, let alone sign them.
What’s going on here?
“What’s wrong with you guys? Go through the documents and sign them!” Edmund urged them impatiently.
Robed Slayer simply smiled at him as he said, “Sorry, but we can’t sign this!”
The others chimed in as well, “Yeah, and we won’t be reading them since we won’t sign them anyway!”
Edmund was furious and wanted to know why they refused to sign. “What do you guys think you’re doing? Why won’t you sign them?”
“We’re sorry, Sir! You see, Garrison Industry has always had a leader. In fact, he’s the one who founded it and managed it all by himself!” Robed Slayer explained.
“Yeah, and we will only acknowledge him as our leader!”
“Also, Garrison Industry is a private company and is not obligated to be taken in by anyone else!”
“We’re terribly sorry to disappoint you after you’ve come all the way here yourself, Sir! Please head back now!”
Edmund was shocked by the fact that they had just told him, The Cardinal Hall General, to leave.
“Don’t lie to me! You think I don’t know your company well enough? Where is this leader of yours, huh?” Edmund scoffed at them with a sneer.
“Garrison Industry does indeed have many secrets that you don’t know of, Sir. Due to the unique nature of our leader’s identity, it has to be kept a secret from the public!” Robed Slayer said with a smile.
The look on Edmund’s face changed slightly, and he continued pressing them for answers. “Fine, tell me who this leader of yours is, then! I won’t leave until you give me an answer!”


Chapter 2173 The Head Of Garrison Industry

They began to hesitate upon hearing that.
Do we tell him or not?
Edmund had an idea when he noticed the look of hesitation on their faces. “Let me guess… It’s Levi, isn’t it?”

It wasn’t actually that hard of a guess as the higher-ups of Garrison Industry were all closely acquainted with Levi, so it would make perfect sense for him to be their leader.
Edmund chuckled when he saw the change in their expression upon hearing Levi’s name.
Okay, this confirms it, then!
“So it really is Levi, huh? That man sure is exceptional for starting a company like Garrison Industry, I’ll give him that! Unfortunately, Levi has gone missing for a year now. I’m sure you guys know what that means more than anyone else, don’t you?”
What started as a compliment took a sudden twist, and Edmund’s words left them all pale as the words stabbed at their hearts.
They were less likely to feel worried if they knew for sure that Levi was dead.
After all, he had always turned out to be alive during his previous “deaths” and had been protecting Erudia in secret.
However, it was the first time Levi had been missing for a whole year, and that left a lot of room for imagination as to what happened to him.
It wasn’t like him to just go missing like this, and that fact alone made it a lot scarier as something bad must’ve happened to him.
Garrison Industry had secretly sent people searching every corner of the world for Levi throughout the year, but they found no sign of him whatsoever.
As much as they hated to admit it, they all had a feeling that Levi could truly be gone this time.
“Levi being missing makes him as good as gone, so Garrison Industry is pretty much without a leader right now! There’s no point in keeping the company if he’s gone, so I’ll just go ahead and remove his position as head of the company!” Edmund continued.
Naturally, they didn’t take too kindly to what he said.
“You can’t do that! Who are you to remove Mr. Garrison’s position like that? He built all of this all by himself!”
“Yeah! Nobody has the right to remove Mr. Garrison’s position! We will only acknowledge him as the head of Garrison Industry!”
The higher-ups were firm in their decision, but Edmund simply chuckled as he said, “And what if I were to do so by force anyway? I could just fire all of you and take over Garrison Industry myself!
Edmund wasn’t about to give up on Garrison Industry just because they refused to sign it over.
He had only come to negotiate out of courtesy and would resort to using force if necessary.
“Even so, we still won’t agree to it! Feel free to fight us if you want to!”
“That’s right! Bring it on! We’re not afraid of you!”
“They say The Cardinal Hall is nothing compared to Mr. Garrison… Looks like that really is the case here!”
Edmund was losing his cool at that point and said with a cold sneer, “Very well, then. You asked for it!”
The atmosphere was tense as everyone prepared to engage in battle, and Robed Slayer quickly stepped forward to stop them by saying, “Calm down, guys! I’m sure Mr. Garrison wouldn’t want to see us fighting regardless of his condition! None of us will stand to gain anything out of this fight! Besides, The Cardinal Hall belongs to Erudia, so we’d still be serving the country even with them leading the company! It’s not like Garrison Industry has fallen into the enemy’s hands!”
Everyone calmed down after hearing what Robed Slayer said, and they agreed to Edmund’s request under the condition that The Cardinal Hall would allow them to operate however they saw fit.
Edmund agreed to their condition and finally got his hands on Garrison Industry as he wanted.


Chapter 2174 Missing For Two Years

“He’s such a scumbag! I can’t believe he’d forcefully take Garrison Industry away while Mr. Garrison is gone!”
“Don’t worry, guys! Mr. Garrison will come back if he’s still alive, and we’ll just take it back then!”
Everyone was furious about Edmund’s actions, but they could only put up with it.

After all, Edmund was so powerful that killing Robed Slayer and the other higher-ups was a piece of cake.
They thought they would be serving Erudia under The Cardinal Hall’s rule, only to realize later on that Garrison Industry was actually being taken over by Edmund himself.
The Cardinal Hall and Eragon both had a rule that had been set in stone hundreds of years ago which prevented them from taking in any external forces.
As such, Edmund had tricked them into signing Garrison Industry over to him instead of The Cardinal Hall, and the company could only be regarded as being related to The Cardinal Hall at best.
Robed Slayer and the others were furious when they realized they had been tricked, but there was nothing they could do as Edmund had already become the head of Garrison Industry.
Regardless, having Edmund as the leader of the company did benefit them in terms of resources.
It was an era where everyone was fighting to be the strongest, and companies like the Lab of Gods were constantly taking in more people and organizations to reinforce themselves.
Maya Industries and Kings were so hungry for power that they even began attacking other countries for resources, and the cruel wars forced ordinary people into becoming fighters.
In order to survive in such an era, one had to become stronger.
Another year soon went by fairly quickly, and the world had changed even more drastically than before.
Practically everyone was a martial artist or had some kind of special ability, and even children had to practice martial arts and magical techniques on top of doing their existing homework.
Adapting was the only way to survive in a constantly changing world, and the improvement in people’s overall health also reduced the number of diseases.
Modern medicine and biological research were focused on strengthening humans and modifying their genes.
That resulted in the formation of martial arts schools and superpower universities, which led to the normalization of ancient arts as technique books were easily available.
With the advancement of technology, some of the products that were previously exclusive to major science labs had become commonly available to the public.
On top of that, people have also discovered new energy materials comparable to sunstones and have been fighting like crazy over them.
People were fighting chaotic wars everywhere, but the scariest part was the discovery of certain ancient artifacts related to both ancient arts and modern civilization.
Powerful organizations like Lab of Gods and Maya Industries have discovered a lot of good stuff among the artifacts.
Erudia participated in the competition as well and had hundreds of clashes with both Lab of Gods and Maya Industries during the process.
Although Erudia suffered quite a huge amount of losses from those clashes, it didn’t affect the country all that much.
The sudden surge of powerful fighters led to numerous rankings being formed on the dark web, and the most reliable one was the Divine Leaderboard.
There were a total of a hundred people on that list, and Zoey came in eighth on the list.
Kirin and White Tiger too, ranked forty-seven and seventy-nine on the list respectively.


Chapter 2175 Where Levi Went

One of the individuals on the Divine Leaderboard was Southern Emperor who used to rank first on the Gem List.
He had long since disappeared from public view, but had resurfaced once at Eastford and was ranked fifth on the Divine Leaderboard.
No one knew what happened during the war at Eastford, let alone what Southern Emperor did during said war.

However, no one doubted the authority of the dark web either as it had been proven to be powerful and accurate over the years.
All of Erudia was in shock when they saw Southern Emperor being ranked fifth, especially since he had been forgotten after Levi and Robed Slayer surpassed him.
How is it that Robed Slayer, who used to rank second on the Gem List, end up not making it to the Divine Leaderboard while Southern Emperor gets ranked fifth there? Isn’t that too much of a difference? Could it be that there’s some kind of mistake somewhere?
Eventually, The Cardinal Hall stepped up to address the issue and stated that Southern Emperor was indeed powerful enough to rank fifth on Divine Leaderboard.
Meanwhile, The Manifest Court had also updated the Erudian Gem List and had Southern Emperor moved up to the top, so it would seem that The Manifest Court already knew about Southern Emperor.
There were quite a lot of Erudians who made it onto the Divine Leaderboard, and individuals like Kirin as well as White Tiger had even surpassed their seniors like Robed Slayer through hard work and training.
Even Azure Dragon and Black Tortoise came pretty close to the list.
Wynona fought at some point and made it onto the Divine Leaderboard too.
It was unknown what Sherrie had been through throughout those two years, but she somehow made it onto the Divine Leaderboard as well.
A lot of ordinary people have risen to power over those two years, so nothing seemed all that surprising anymore.
Even Sammy from Keerea as well as many of Levi’s close friends had made it onto the Divine Leaderboard.
Dark Emperor had been monitoring Levi closely at the Sacred Organization castle the whole time, and he hasn’t moved a muscle throughout his one year of solitary training.
Instead of waking up and punching the steel wall as he did previously, Levi simply continued his solitary training.
“Hmph, very well… Let’s see how long you can last…” Dark Emperor muttered under his breath in disdain.
Zoey was incredibly curious as to who was being locked inside that steel cage.
The last time Levi had attempted solitary training, he tried combining everything he learned from his technique book and various Forbidden Techniques to create a devastating attack, but it wasn’t of much use against the steel wall.
This time, he decided to forget all about his Forbidden Techniques and focus on the most basic of techniques instead.
There was no end to one’s training for power and speed as no one would dare claim to be the strongest nor fastest in the world, so Levi dedicated himself to reaching the ultimate levels for himself.
He had yet to awaken after a year of solitary training, but Dark Emperor could afford to keep waiting.
He had slowly trained Zoey into becoming a killing machine, and she was also losing her humanity over time.
Killing for vengeance was all that she cared about, and that was practically all that she did after rising to power.
Sacred Organization worked for the money and would do anything for whoever paid them.
“We’ve got a mission for you, Zoey! You’ll have to infiltrate and steal these drugs from Garrison Industry and kill everyone there afterward!”
Zoey had a blank look on her face when she received her new mission, which implied that she hardly cared about Erudia anymore.


Chapter 2176 Zoey The Killing Machine

Bloodlust and murder were all that filled her head, proving that Dark Emperor’s plan to turn her into a killing machine was almost coming to fruition.
A little more time and training would probably have Zoey forget everything and become nothing but a terrifying monster out for blood.
Zoey headed over to Erudia after receiving her mission.

Garrison Industry had newly invented a drug that had miraculous healing abilities, and it was being transported toward the company’s headquarters in North Hampton.
As Wynona ranked pretty high on the Divine Leaderboard, they found it safer to have her escort it alongside several other fighters of equal power.
Dozens of fighters have tried to raid their vehicle along the way, but Wynona and the others managed to kill them all.
In an era where everyone fought for resources, it came as no surprise that nowhere was safe.
Despite Erudia’s efforts at securing the borders, people would still manage to infiltrate the country somehow.
Right as Wynona and the others made it out of the deserted lands, a figure with an incredibly dangerous aura appeared before them.
“It’s Empress!”
Everyone knew and feared Empress who ranked eighth on the Divine Leaderboard, and they were no exception.
As Wynona was ranked sixty-seven on the Divine Leaderboard, there was a ridiculously huge gap between her and Empress.
Zoey scanned the people in front of her coldly.
Her mission was to take the drugs and kill everyone escorting it, but she found herself spacing out a little upon seeing Wynona and Mia, and her murderous intent had greatly reduced as well.
“Is that you, Zoey?”
Both Wynona and Mia recognized her instantly as they had been searching for her since she was kidnapped by some mysterious organization two years ago.
No one would’ve thought that she would turn out to be the infamous Empress.
“Where have you been during the past two years, Zoey?”
“How did you end up becoming Empress?”
The two of them were extremely curious.
Instead of answering their questions, Zoey simply asked coldly, “Are you all from Garrison Industry? Do you have the drug I want?”
Her attitude was as cold as ice even though she had recognized Wynona and Mia.
“That’s right, Zoey! We’re from Garrison Industry, the company that Levi founded all by himself!” Wynona replied.
“That’s impossible! Levi is dead, so there’s no way he could have founded Garrison Industry! He died along with Lucifer, but the latter ended up being revived somehow, and I’m still unable to kill him!” Zoey yelled furiously.
Both Wynona and Mia said in unison, “Levi is still alive too!”
“He’s just gone missing, that’s all! He probably went looking for you. I can feel that he’s still alive, and he’ll come back for sure!” Mia continued.
However, Zoey refused to believe them in the slightest.
“No, Levi is dead! I’m only living to avenge him right now!”
Wynona and Mia grew anxious. “He’s just missing, not dead! You have to believe us!”
“My master told me that Levi is dead! He’s the only one who can help me avenge him, so I will only believe his words and do anything he wants me to…”
There was a hint of craziness in Zoey’s eyes that were filled with murderous intent.
“Snap out of it, Zoey! You’re not being yourself right now! You need to stop this murderous rampage of yours!”
The two of them tried to talk her out of it.
“Hand me the stuff I came for, and I’ll spare your lives!”
That was the only trace of humanity Zoey showed since she started working for Sacred Organization.
“No, this drug is very important to us! We can’t give it to you!”
“Please listen to us and stop this madness, Zoey!”
Enraged, Zoey shouted coldly, “In that case, I’ll take it myself!”


Chapter 2177 Three Years Later

A murderous air hung heavily around Zoey, scaring Mia and Wynona.
So this is the power of a fighter ranked on the Divine Leaderboard? Holy sh*t.
“Take the serum and run! I’ll hold her off!” Wynona shouted.

Left with no choice, Mia and the others took the serum and tried to leave, but Zoey went after them. “You’re not getting away…”
However, Wynona quickly stopped Zoey. Back when she was working with Garrison Industry, Wynona merged martial arts and modern technology to develop her body as much as she could. Thanks to that, she managed to secure a spot on the Divine Leaderboard.
However, she was still no match for Zoey, so she sustained heavy injury and was sent flying away easily.
Since she couldn’t stop Zoey, Mia and the others were quickly caught on. “Hand it over and I’ll let you live!” Zoey extended her hand.
Mia was terrified, but then she felt a group of powerful people coming her way. Apparently, the fighters from The Cardinal Hall had shown up, and they were led by Edmund himself.
“We’ve been waiting for you, Empress.” Edmund sneered.
One of his team members reported, “Sir, the Empress is Levi’s wife—Zoey!”
Edmund roared with laughter. “Look at you, Levi. You fought for Erudia all your life and took all the credit for yourself. But now your wife is nothing more than a killing machine!”
Zoey glared at Edmund murderously, wanting nothing more than to kill him, but then the Dark Emperor told her to retreat.
Zoey would never go against the Dark Emperor, so she escaped the scene, and easily as well. Even though Edmund and the fighters tried to hunt her down, they couldn’t find her.
“Hear my order! I hereby declare Zoey as the number one enemy on the wanted list! Show no mercy!” Edmund commanded.
Thanks to him, Zoey became the number one enemy of Erudia, and anyone who saw her could kill her without any questions asked. “You have saved everyone, Levi, but you couldn’t save your own wife. What a joke. Let’s see if you’ll kill her.” Edmund smiled.
Forlevia grew up safely within the walls of The Cardinal Hall. Over the years, she turned out to be an adorable and powerful girl, much to the delight of the elders.
“If she keeps this up, she can hold her own in a year.”
The elders smiled happily.
“But do we really have to send her away? She’s a good kid, and it’s so dangerous out there. I don’t want her to get hurt.” Celia loved Forlevia too much, so she was reluctant to let her go.
“No. She can only become stronger by being thrown to the sharks. These walls can’t protect her forever. But before that, we’ll have to teach her everything she needs to know so she can pull her own weight.”
None of the elders wanted Forlevia to go. Most of the time, their lives were nothing but boring canvases. However, Forlevia’s presence brightened up their otherwise drab lives, and they were all smiles since then.
Time went on, and the world kept changing. More and more ancient dungeons were discovered, and more and more ancient clans showed up. Because of that, wars were everywhere.
Everyone was getting stronger at a blistering pace, and even more so than ever.

Three years passed by, and the whole world changed. A new era was dawning on mankind, changing the power landscape almost every year.
If someone were to isolate themselves for three years, they’d think they were on another planet after they came out.
Much to the Dark Emperor’s surprise, Levi had gone into solitary training for two years, but still, he wouldn’t wake up.
What is he doing? Is he mad? It’s been three years. He’s been locked up for three years!


Chapter 2178 The Abandoned Man

The Dark Emperor didn’t know what Levi had in mind, but he had time to waste, unlike Levi.
“You’re still not giving in, Levi? Do you plan on staying here forever?” The Dark Emperor’s voice boomed within the prison.
Cyrus had woken up, but not Levi. Levi was still living within his own little bubble. The Dark Emperor was shocked, and Cyrus shared his sentiment.

What is wrong with him? What is he trying to do?
“Fine, do as you please. But you’ll never break free from this place.” The Dark Emperor smirked.
He had finally given up on Levi. Now that Zoey had become the most fearsome villain across the lands, she was the only one he needed. Levi was no longer on his priority list, so he let Levi do whatever he wanted.
The Sacred Organization would move their base somewhere else. The Dark Emperor’s plan was a success, so they didn’t have to stay hidden in a place like this anymore.
Everything would be left behind, including the prison that trapped Levi. Once they made their leave, Levi would be trapped there for life. The Dark Emperor knew how sturdy the prison was, and he knew Levi’s power. Levi might be talented, but not even he could break free of that prison.
He’s going to be trapped here forever.
Eventually, Sacred Organization moved its base, and Dark Emperor finally gave up on Levi.
But before they leave, Zoey asked him, “Are we going to leave him behind?”
“It’s fine. He’s not coming out forever.” Dark Emperor smiled.

The whole world had changed, including the nations neighboring Erudia.
Keerea’s Triple Group had been planning for this, and thanks to the wealth they procured over the last three years, they managed to become one of the top organizations in the world.
On the other hand, Sammy’s life was a living hell ever since Levi’s disappearance. After she was exposed to be hiding Levi during the fight back then, Triple Group’s top brass punished her severely.
To quote, they said, “Lab of Gods might not be our friend, but that doesn’t mean Erudia is not our enemy anymore. Helping Levi means you’re helping Erudia, and you know what that makes you? A traitor. Not just to the company, but to the nation as well.”
Sammy could still vividly remember what they said, word by word. Her hiding Levi was taboo for Triple Group, but thanks to her identity, they couldn’t kill her that easily.
However, they could still disown her and chase her out of the family. On top of that, they took away her powers and locked her up in solitary confinement for a decade as punishment.
Sammy had been living in darkness for the last three years, with loneliness as her only friend. The Lenheims would ask her if she ever regretted her actions. They promised they’d let her out if she admitted to her crimes.
However, Sammy never regretted what she did. Even if she were given the chance, she’d do the same thing all over again. She’d still protect Levi, for she had fallen in love with him.
After she got along with him, she had fallen hopelessly in love with Levi. When she found out that Levi was dead, she felt a part of her dying as well, so she didn’t care about her punishment.
Of course, the top brass was furious when they found out she had fallen for Levi, so they locked her up and forced her to repent. They’d torture her every day, trying to get her to admit that she was wrong.
Sammy was already used to it, so no matter what they did, they couldn’t get her to apologize. However, she was also at her limits. Sammy knew if this went on, she’d die very soon.


Chapter 2179 The Disappearance Of The Lab Of Gods

Josiah and his team came to see Sammy in the dungeon. Not even he had the power to free his daughter, but he could still talk to her.
“Sammy! Great chance!” Josiah shouted. “Just say the word and you’ll be freed, pardoned, and taken back into the fold!”
Sammy glanced at her father, but she showed no interest in that offer.

“We’re now working with Maya Industries! All you have to do is marry their heir and you’ll be freed! This is your only chance! I fought hard for this!”
Sammy shook her head. “Just give up, dad. I won’t marry anyone. I’ll just stay here until I die.”
Josiah could guess why she was saying that, so he asked, “What? You still can’t forget about Levi?”
“Yes. I love him,” Sammy answered.
“You little slut! Levi’s our enemy, and he’s married! Why’d you fall for him?”
The crowd started hurling insults at Sammy. Even Josiah snarled, “But why? He’s already dead!”
Josiah could not believe what he heard.
“Then, I’ll stay single my whole life and die with him!”
Knowing that he couldn’t convince her, Josiah gave up. “Leave her be. Let her death be a warning to everyone in Triple Group.”

Triple Group had broken off all ties with Lab of Gods and turned to Maya Industries, trying to get into their good books.
Over the last three years, Lab of Gods didn’t do anything much. Aside from Lucifer moving around in the first year and becoming one of the Fearsome Four, nobody heard much from them.
Everyone was getting stronger as fast as they could, and new forces started to emerge, such as Maya Industries. However, there wasn’t much news about the Lab of Gods. Weirdly enough, they didn’t take part in the mining of resources like sunstones anymore.
Eventually, Lab of Gods was no longer the star of the show, and a lot of people either forgot about its existence, or they simply had never heard of it before.
Those who knew of its existence wondered what they were planning, and why did they disappear so suddenly.
They couldn’t get a hold on them, as if they had disappeared into thin air. It felt weird since they thought the Lab of Gods should be one of the most powerful forces in this new world.
Everyone wondered what they were doing, including The Cardinal Hall. They tried to look into the Lab of Gods, but they found nothing. It was as if they had vanished.
Everyone else was looking into it as well, but they too found nothing. What was once the world’s strongest organization seemed to have faded into the annals of history, but it didn’t feel right to them.
However, they quickly put the mystery behind them, since too many new organizations were making their entrance with every passing year.
Not even the lackeys who used to work for the Lab of Gods could get in touch with them. They lost all contact, so they didn’t know where the lab was.
That was also why Triple Group decided to turn to Maya Industries for help. If Lab of Gods was still around, they’d annihilate Triple Group just for their betrayal.
But after their disappearance, Lab of Gods was replaced by a multitude of new organizations, such as Maya Industries, Kings, and Garrison Industry.
Aside from that, Levi, Lab of God’s biggest nemesis, disappeared along with them.
Three years ago, they dominated the world headlines, but now nobody even talked about them. Everyone had truly forgotten about two of the most powerful entities in the world.
Nobody could blame them, since times were changing too quickly, and that was an understatement for the changes that happened over the last three years.
Some people said that Levi would get eliminated quickly even if he managed to survive.


Chapter 2180 How Long Are You Gonna Take

There were too many fighters at the moment, and most of them were more powerful than Levi was three years ago.
Some organizations even came up with a machine that could calculate someone’s battle power.
Levi used to have a power level of over nine thousand, but now he was reduced to a mere five thousand. In other words, he was just a mediocre fighter.

In fact, Levi wasn’t even above average, let alone a top fighter. Because of that, everyone said that even if Levi was revealed to have survived the ordeal, he’d die in three days, since he was a prolific troublemaker. Everyone said that anyone from the new generation could beat him flat in no time.
Even if he were still lived, that meant nothing. He was no longer the star of the new era, and nobody cared about him anymore—he was no longer the savior he used to be.
To put it simply, Levi was just a nobody and no one cared whether he lived or died.
The Cardinal Hall shared the public’s sentiments. Levi was nothing but a weakling who couldn’t even secure a spot in the new era.
However, The Cardinal Hall and Eragon were different. No matter how much the times had changed, they were still the undisputed defender of Erudia.
They had a ton of fighters, and Edmund was leading them. They could protect the nation, but not Levi.
Along with Levi, the Lab of Gods had also become nothing but a weakling in everyone’s eyes. If they hadn’t disappeared as quickly as they did, those new organizations would have killed them off in no time.
Even if they managed to survive, they’d still get eliminated.
Too many fighters were emerging in the new era, and they pushed down the top fighters from the old age.
The new fighters quickly redefined what it meant to be on the top of the pyramid, and they broke records year after year.
In the first years, the top fighters were ten times stronger than they used to be. In the second year, they were thirty times stronger, and in the third year, they were a hundred times more powerful than they were.
The most drastic changes happened between the second and the third year. The first two years didn’t show much change, but the final year’s power levels skyrocketed.
If anyone didn’t know better, he or she would’ve thought this was a different planet. Because of the changes that took place, everyone thought the old fighters like Levi were only considered mediocre in the new era.
Getting into the Divine Leaderboard was harder than it used to be. In other words, if Levi were still alive, he couldn’t even beat his disciples in the new era.
They could say that because they simulated Levi’s battles before. Levi’s disciples could easily achieve what Levi did, for they were stronger than he was. Even they thought the same as the masses did.
However, Kirin and the others were excited, for that meant they could replace Levi and carry on his will to protect Erudia.
No matter what, Levi was still their boss.
But still, times changed, and their powers skyrocketed. They were already a hundred times more powerful than they used to be. Even though they still respected Levi, everyone knew they were already stronger than Levi was.
“Don’t you worry, boss. We’ll carry on your will. Erudia is ours to protect. Now that we’re stronger than you were, it’s time to take on the mantle. Rest in peace, boss.”
Or at least that was what Kirin and the others kept saying.
Everyone was stronger than what Levi used to be, and that was the truth. If Levi was still at the same level he was three years ago, then lots of people would have been stronger than he was.
He was nothing but history. Even Kirin and the others had to admit it since the new fighters proved their mettle.
Levi’s old enemies wished he were still alive, for they wanted to have a rematch after they got their hands on the new power.
Back at the Prison of Darkness in Sacred Organization’s abandoned base, Cyrus had come out of his solitary training.
He was locked in there for three years, just like Levi did, and he became a lot stronger than he used to be. Even so, he still couldn’t break free of the prison.
“Maestro, how much longer are you gonna stay in there?” Cyrus looked at Levi.


Chapter 2181 Not Even The Dark Emperor Can Break Free

It had been three whole years since then. Cyrus had nothing but loneliness to talk to. The Prison of Darkness was the ultimate torture for anyone. No matter how mentally and physically powerful someone was, it was still a living hell for them.
Even a veteran like Cyrus was at his wits’ end. The despair of eternal imprisonment was driving him mad. Over the last three years, he’d go into solitary training for three months before waking up, but he would never disturb Levi.
However, he couldn’t do it this time. The torture was driving him mad. He did his best, so now he wanted to wake Levi up and see if he could break them out of the prison.

I want to break free!
But no matter how much Cyrus tried, Levi still wouldn’t wake up from his solitary training.
“Are you done? Hello, are you still going to keep doing this? How much longer do you need? Please don’t tell me you need three more years…”
Levi didn’t answer. After that punch he made in the first year, Levi spent the rest of his time in solitary training and nothing else.
Cyrus was finally getting scared since Levi’s presence became weaker and weaker after he went into solitary training. Now, if Cyrus didn’t know better, he would have thought that Levi was dead.
Of course, he was terrified. If it were anyone else, they’d get stronger every time they went into solitary training, but Levi was the opposite.
Cyrus was a skilled fighter, so he knew Levi wasn’t hiding his presence. He was just… gone, like a monk who achieved nirvana and left his physical body behind.
He’d hold out for some hope if Levi got stronger over the course of his training, but what Cyrus felt was robbing him of that sliver of hope.
Can we even get out of here at this rate?
Cyrus was panicking. Over the next few days, he kept venting by bombarding the wall before him with everything he had. Halfway through, he
felt like killing himself and get done with it.
Exhausting himself to death was better than getting driven mad by loneliness. He tried everything he could, but still, Levi wouldn’t wake up.
If Cyrus didn’t look closer, he would think that Levi was dead. Since Levi wouldn’t wake up no matter what, Cyrus pretended he didn’t exist and did his own stuff.
Dark Emperor had finally arrived at their new base, but he could still sense everything that happened in the Prison of Darkness. “Struggle all you want.” He sneered. “But you’re never breaking free.”
Death Fiend asked, “Your Highness, how does one unlock this prison? I thought you said there’s no trick to it, so does this mean it can only be broken by brute force?”
Dark Emperor smiled. “No. You have no idea where this prison came from. Not even I can open it with brute force.”
“But if that’s the case, if Levi did give in, how would you open it then?”
“Yeah, does that mean he’s locked in there forever?”
Dark Emperor’s subordinates were curious.
“No. I can open it with a divine tool. I have a blade from Erudia, and thanks to it, I can open the Prison of Darkness. I used it to cut down one of the founders of the Lab of Gods using that blade, and that became their nightmare.
“Still, this is my first time using the Prison of Darkness. It’s a pity Levi didn’t turn out to be the person I want him to be. A waste of a good prison,” Dark Emperor lamented.
Death Fiend and the others smiled. “So nobody can open this prison unless they have this blade? Not even a guy like Levi?”
Dark Emperor thought pensively. “You’re right, but not fully. As far as I know, Erudia still holds a sword that’s on par with my blade. Someone on my level can open the prison if they wield that sword.”
“I see no difference. Levi doesn’t have that sword, and he isn’t as powerful as you are. That means he’s trapped in there forever.” Death Fiend grinned.
“I’m not interested in him now. However, I have received news about that sword. Rumor has it that it’s about to show up.” Dark Emperor’s eyes twinkled with desire.


Chapter 2182 Excalibur Council

“Will we be joining the fight for that sword then?” Death Fiend asked.
“Of course,” Dark Emperor answered immediately. “I’ve searched for that sword for a long time now. Of course, I’d take it now that it has finally surfaced. Once it shows up, all of you will be joining the fight, including Zoey. I’ll join the fray as well if need be.”
The Eighteen Dark Angels were surprised since they had never seen the Dark Emperor fought ever since they knew him.

His Highness is joining the fight as well? That means the sword must be crucial, or His Majesty wouldn’t be hunting it all this while.
Yes, weapons were important, more so in the current era. Aside from modern weaponry, ancient weapons were also getting dug up every day.
The tech companies’ armor and machines were too sturdy to break through, but some people could shred them easily with ancient weapons like Erudia’s blades and magical spears from the other parts of the world.
Anyone who wielded an ancient weapon would see their strength increase twofold. Thanks to that, every new weapon that was dug up would cause a great battle to decide its new master.
Legend had it that the strongest organization in Rodunst had a divine tool as well. It was a sword embedded in a stone known as Excalibur.
According to legends, the sword held immense power, but nobody tried to steal it even though they dreamed of having it. After all, Excalibur Council was the strongest organization in Rodunst. Thus, going against it meant certain death.
But still, lots of ancient sites were discovered over the last three years, and ancient weapons kept getting dug up. Some fighters who got their hands on one saw an increase in their power and became one of the top fighters in the world.
Of course, some ancient weapons were too powerful to be wielded by ordinary fighters. Those weapons would only acknowledge and bow to fighters who had equal or greater strength than they had.
Only the most powerful organizations had the right to fight for those weapons. Most importantly, weapons like those were a dime a dozen in Erudia. The nation had an abundance of resources after all, so it wasn’t an exaggeration.
The sword Dark Emperor mentioned would shake Erudia to its core the moment it showed up.
It was a fine day, and Edmund decided to pay a visit to Garrison Industry and called its top brass over. “This is my first time calling a meeting since I took over.” Edmund smiled.
Most of the top management had given in to The Cardinal Hall seeing how Edmund had shown his talent and brought the company to a new height.
They were impressed, but not Kirin, Robed Slayer, and their gang. They still thought of Levi as the company’s boss, and they only managed to get this far thanks to Levi.
Besides, Edmund didn’t even do anything. The company would have risen to glory with or without his help, not to mention they could easily settle the problems Edmund handled.
However, Edmund did provide help to an extent. At least Kirin and the gang’s powerup had something to do with Edmund.
“It’s great to see you guys grow to this extent.” Edmund smiled.
Everyone smiled at him too, since getting stronger was an exciting matter no matter what.
“Especially Kirin and White Tiger. You guys are ranked on the Divine Leaderboard. It’s a pleasant surprise.” Edmund smiled. “All thanks to me. If you guys are still following Levi, none of you would even get half as powerful as you are now.”
Kirin was about to retort, but Edmund continued, “Tell me, are you now stronger than Levi was?”
Kirin and his gang nodded silently, for that was the truth. They were stronger than Levi, and that was a fact.


Chapter 2183 Forlevia Is Coming Out

Edmund was right. Levi couldn’t have given them the resources they needed to get this far. He was no longer the star of the show. All that was left was a distant memory of him.
“I know he’s your leader, and you adore him. But none of you can do anything back when he saved the world time and again. Don’t you want to catch up or even surpass him?” Edmund asked again, and Kirin and his gang just kept quiet.
They admitted that he was right. It was despairing to see they couldn’t do anything to help back when Levi needed them. Since then, they swore they’d catch up to Levi no matter what.

Matching up to Levi’s power had always been their ultimate goal, and they even dreamed of surpassing him. Three years later, they achieved that goal. Now, they were standing on a pasture Levi had never achieved.
“But now you’ve proven yourself. You’re stronger than your boss. Honestly, I really wish he could be here to see you guys. He’d be happy.” Edmund smiled.
He was just saying that Levi was weak, but still, Kirin and the others loved what they heard. First, he didn’t insult Levi. Not only that, he admitted that Levi was important to them. Secondly, he acknowledged their power.
“Do you still think I can’t lead Garrison Industry now?” Edmund asked again.
Nobody argued since Kirin and his gang had to admit that he was a good leader.
“Oh, and I bring big news as well.”
Everyone sat up straight.
“An ancient site in Erudia is going to cough up an ancient weapon soon. Once it shows up, the whole world is going to fight for it. They’ll do anything to get their hands on this weapon.”
Edmund looked at everyone. “This weapon is important to us, so it cannot fall into the hands of those foreigners. We’ll take it no matter what, and I’ll help you guys. Whatever you do, get that weapon back, understand?”
“Yes, sir!” Everyone nodded.
“Get ready then. This is going to be a tough fight. Probably the toughest one!”
Edmund told them about a few things to look out for, but everyone had other questions.
What kind of weapon is it? Why is the whole world so crazy over it?
Kirin and his gang had an ancient weapon each, but not even their weapons could whip the whole world into a frenzy.
What kind of weapon is that?
“We’ll do whatever it takes to keep it in Erudia.”
“For Erudia! For boss! Just you watch, boss! We’ll win this fight for you!”
The Cardinal Hall and Garrison Industry were preparing for the eventual battle, and the Erudian organizations who knew about the weapon were getting ready as well.
Aside from them, the whole world was also raring to go, since they too knew about the weapon that would show up soon.
At the same time, The Cardinal Hall’s elders were looking at Forlevia lovingly.
“It’s time. Evie should go out now,” someone said.
“Yep, it’s time. Time for Evie to go to the outside world. You’re a big girl now.” Everyone else smiled.
Celia sighed, reluctant to see Forlevia go. But still, she said, “Huh… it’s time to let her off. That sword’s showing up soon, isn’t it? Evie should go and take a look. Just go and get some experience.”
The other elders nodded. “Yes. This is a great chance.”
Forlevia was excited as well since she could finally get out and see her parents.


Chapter 2184 You Are Awake

She packed her stuff and left with her grandmother, Emma. It was a big day for The Cardinal Hall, everyone was just waiting for Forlevia to finally make her debut in the fighters’ scene.
However, The Cardinal Hall kept Forlevia’s departure a secret. Aside from them, nobody knew Forlevia had left.
Not even an hour after Forlevia’s departure, Celia couldn’t take it anymore. She had no children of her own, so she led a lonely life until Forlevia showed up. Now that the girl was gone, Celia just couldn’t take it.

“I’m going with her!”
Celia was about to follow Forlevia, but another elder advised, “No. You can’t keep her safe forever. She has to grow up eventually.”
His colleagues glared at him. “Fine, then you stay here. We’ll go!”
Apparently, everyone else had the same idea as Celia. It hadn’t been too long since Forlevia had set off, but they were already like cats on hot bricks.
The elders were just waiting for someone to suggest that they follow Forlevia. Of course, they supported Celia the moment she made that decision.
Noticing her colleagues’ support, Celia looked at them, and they left immediately.
“I…” The remaining elder was flabbergasted. “Hey, wait for me! I wasn’t being serious. I miss her too!” And he went together with them.
Everyone else was speechless. They couldn’t believe the elders would leave The Cardinal Hall, for that had never happened before.
With that, the elders went straight for Forlevia. Once they saw her, they heaved a sigh of relief and smiled. However, they didn’t get close. It was fine that they could see her from a distance.
“There, this is fine. We’ll just follow her quietly. We should never disturb her.”
“Yeah. We won’t get in her way. She can deal with anything that comes in her way, but if she’s in imminent danger, we’ll assist her. That way, she can train herself, and we can keep her safe,” Celia said.
Everyone else nodded. Good idea.
“Know what your problem is?” Celia chided, “You’re too rigid. Guess you old gits have been staying in one place for too long. I mean, no harm done even if we follow her right?”
“Yeah! No harm done!”
The elders grinned like children. As long as they could see Forlevia, they were content. This way, Forlevia could train herself up, and they could help her if she was in danger.
If they stayed in The Cardinal Hall, they wouldn’t be able to save her in time even if they knew she was in danger.
“Besides, we can go on a vacation too. It’s been a while since we’re out and about.”
Nobody argued, since Celia had a point.
Forlevia went on her journey, though unbeknownst to her, she was guarded by a group of elders. They were the most powerful bodyguards anyone could ask for.
The first thing Forlevia did after leaving The Cardinal Hall was pay her grandparents a visit. It was then she realized her father had already disappeared for three years, and there was no news about him.
Even Kirin and the others went missing. But most importantly, her mother became the public enemy and a cold-blooded murderer.
Forlevia almost went insane when she found out what happened to her parents. “What happened to you, Mommy? And where are you, Daddy? Come back, please!” she shouted.
At the same time, Cyrus plopped down on the floor, a look of despair filled his face. However, for an instant, he seemed to see Levi move.
Am I seeing things?
“Are you awake?” he quickly asked.


Chapter 2185 Ancient Garrison Clan

Cyrus was almost all out of hope, but it was rekindled when he saw Levi move, so he quickly called out to him.
But Levi didn’t make any movement after that. No matter how many times Cyrus called out to him, he got no response. Was I seeing things? Sh*t!
Cyrus couldn’t take it anymore. He thought he finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel, but it turned out to be nothing but his hallucination. That was the most torturing part of the ordeal.

He lay back down on the ground, finally giving up on everything. He spaced out, refusing to think anymore. However, he knew he wasn’t seeing things.
Levi did move, but he’s still in solitary training mode. He wasn’t awake, but that didn’t matter to Cyrus. Not when he was about to die anyway.
Once the news of the sword made its way across the world, all the organizations that were going to take part could feel the heat piling upon them, especially the ones in Erudia.
After all, the sword was found on their nation’s soil, so they must fight for it no matter what. However, they had too many adversaries, including those from overseas.
Oakland City, Garrison clan’s villa.
The Garrisons used to be the top family, but they went into decline after Levi ruined them. To top things off, Tyrone was exiled to a small town in the north and was forbidden from leaving it.
Kenny fell into the nadir of his life and became sick.
Even when their big opportunity came then, the Garrisons didn’t hold it firmly in their hands. Because of that, they were humiliated and was no longer one of the top families in Oakland. Instead, they were just a shadow of their former self.
However, much to everyone’s surprise, the ancient Garrison clan emerged in the third year after the big change. They revealed that all the Garrisons in Erudia originated from them. The only difference was the purity of their bloodline.
Oakland City’s Garrison clan was the one with the purest blood. Some even said they were the ancient Garrison clan’s descendants.
The ancient Garrison clan was powerful. Rumors had it that they were on par with Eragon. After all, they were as ancient as Eragon itself. Some even said the ancient Garrison clan almost became a part of Eragon.
However, they weren’t selected for some reason. Even so, they weren’t scared of Eragon. Of course, the reappearance of the ancient Garrison clan shook Erudia and the world.
The first thing they did after they reappeared was to reconnect with Oakland City’s Garrison clan, but they were furious to see how much in the ditch the Garrisons were.
They couldn’t believe their descendants were a bunch of trash, so they helped Oakland’s Garrison clan. First, they wiped the floor with Oakland’s Garrison clan’s enemies and took their resources. Then they raised Garrison clan’s prestige and gathered all the Garrisons across the nation.
The ancient Garrison clan wanted to create the top clan in Erudia. Even Levi’s father was summoned back to Oakland.
Tyrone was hesitant at first, but after he heard about Levi’s disappearance and the ancient Garrison clan’s power, he left his prison and came back to Oakland.
Teneb and Kenny’s illnesses were cured, and the ancient Garrison clan modified everyone’s physique. After that, they taught the Garrisons the ancient Garrison clan’s technique, creating a bunch of fighters quickly.
That included Tyrone and his family. The youngsters in the Garrison clan showed even greater change after they started their training.
It didn’t take long for the Garrison clan to reclaim their spot as one of the top families, as they caught up with everyone else.
The ancient Garrison clan was terrifying, for they were both strong and had the ability to control everything. For example, they created a top family from the once-dishonored Garrisons in a short time, and that was only a fraction of their true strength.


Chapter 2186 The Existence The Cardinal Hall Fears

They didn’t even show their true power. The leader of the ancient Garrison clan’s team was Donald, the so-called top genius of the clan. However, everyone in the ancient Garrison clan knew it was just a team of young guys going out on a field trip.
They might be an ancient clan, but these youngsters were just in their late teens or early twenties. Even so, they managed to whip the Oakland Garrisons into shape in no time.
That alone was enough to tell everyone about the ancient Garrison clan’s true power. They almost became a part of Eragon at one point, so that just showed how powerful they truly were.

To make things more terrifying, rumors had it the ancient Garrison clan had a powerful figure residing among them. Even The Cardinal Hall feared that person.
Oakland’s Garrison clan had that entity’s portrait in their ancestral shrine. However, there were a lot of portraits in the ancestral shrine, so not even Teneb and Kenny knew who that person was.
The portraits had been hanging there for a long time and some were even muddied, so they couldn’t see the face clearly. Even so, nobody took the portraits off.
Now they knew that these portraits portrayed the ancient Garrison clan’s ancestors. Yes, all of them. These portraits were their legacy, but the Oakland Garrisons knew nothing about it.
After Donald came, he pushed the Garrison clan to the top in Erudia. Tyrone also showed his value by helping Donald expand their territory, strengthening the clan with every passing moment.
Tyrone became his old self again, and Kenny as well.
Finally, the Garrisons had returned, and stronger than ever as well. They expanded their power without any fear or fervor. Even Donald told them they could ignore The Cardinal Hall and Eragon. Even if they got into trouble, Donald could settle it for them.
Donald alone was already terrifying enough, let alone the whole ancient Garrison clan. Right after he made his debut, Donald defeated every opponent he saw and killed at least eight fighters who were ranked on the Divine Leaderboard.
Because of him, the Divine Leaderboard had to be updated frequently, as new fighters would get ranked after every fighter Donald kill.
At that moment Donald was one of the top three on the leaderboard. He was a powerful fighter who feared no one, and he’d fight anyone he deemed an opponent.
He even squared off against Edmund, but nobody got the upper hand in that fight.
Donald was an ambitious man. He told everyone that once his father, uncles, and patriarch made their appearance, they’d defeat everyone and make the Garrisons the top family in the nation.
In other words, he wanted the Garrisons to be the top in the world. Donald was very arrogant, but nobody argued with him, for he proved his strength.
Aside from him, everyone else he brought was unbelievably powerful as well. Nobody could do anything, so they could only watch as the Garrisons expanded their territory.
It was a great success, one that deserved a celebration. Tyrone even showed his power in front of Kenny. “I’m not bragging. I can kill Levi easily even when he was in his prime.” He laughed.
Thanks to Donald, Kenny was also a powerful fighter now.
Donald asked, “I have a question. Where’s Damien? Some of the elders have noticed his talent. Why isn’t he around?”
Tyrone and the others would have been delighted to hear that the ancient Garrison clan was paying attention to one of them, but the mere mention of Damien made everyone tremble, and their smiles were wiped off.
“Damien is… no longer with us,” Tyrone said solemnly.
“Huh? What happened?” Donald was surprised.
“He’s killed by my other son, Levi.”
Donald’s face fell. “The same person who ruined you guys?” He knew what Levi did, but he needed confirmation.


Chapter 2187 His Family Pays For His Crimes

Kenny and the others gnashed their teeth. Levi brought nothing but destruction, and he ruined the Garrisons in the end.
If it weren’t for Levi, they wouldn’t have gone into decline and become a shadow of their former self.
Yes, the Garrisons didn’t reflect on what they did to Levi and Emma, because that was just how stupid they were. Instead, their hatred for Levi deepened.

That was even worse for Tyrone, who was trapped within a small town because of what Levi did. Thus, their first thought was to get back at him after they gained new powers.
However, Levi was already gone for three years. He was presumed dead, so they couldn’t get their revenge anymore.
Because of that, they didn’t bring Levi up. Tyrone only brought that name up by chance, since he thought he had already surpassed Levi.
Thanks to that, he made everyone remember that nightmare, and it fueled their hatred for Levi. The mere mention of that demon stoked their hatred and bloodlust.
“He killed his own kin?” Donald was furious, his face contorted with rage, his body trembled. “How dare he kill his own kin?”
Family rules were important for ancient clans like them. In fact, it was the most important thing. One of the biggest taboos was infighting, especially when it came to murder. Murdering one of their own was strictly prohibited.
“That’s not the only thing he did. He killed Tyrone’s wife, then he sent Tyrone in exile to a small town in the north. Of course, he also ruined us, but you saw that already,” Kenny started listing Levi’s crimes, but they omitted what they did to him in the first place.
Donald was already overwhelmed by his rage after he heard everything from Kenny. “Scum like that can’t be one of us. He must be exterminated. Damn it! Where is he right now? Isn’t he the top fighter three years ago? Where is he?” He wanted to kill Levi right away.
Kenny immediately answered, “Sir, I’ve looked into it, but Levi is already gone for years. He’s presumed dead as he has never disappeared for this long before.”
Yes, Kenny called Donald ‘sir.’ After all, Donald was ranked higher in the family despite his age.
“What about his family and friends? According to the clan’s rules, they’ll have to pay for his crimes.” Violence flashed in Donald’s eyes.
“His daughter and his mother are in The Cardinal Hall.”
Donald nodded. “The girl with the greatest talent?”
“But we can’t do anything to her. The Cardinal Hall is keeping her under their protection,” Tyrone said.
“So? They can’t stop me,” Donald declared.
The Garrisons were overjoyed for they thought the ancient Garrison clan could really go up against The Cardinal Hall and Eragon.
However, Tyrone was smart enough to see through Donald. Donald only said that so he wouldn’t embarrass the family name, but it wasn’t as simple as everyone thought it was.
The ancient Garrison clan only had the strength to go toe to toe with Eragon and The Cardinal Hall, not annihilate them. Donald was just trying to raise everyone’s morale.
And so, Tyrone knew he had to come up with a reason so Donald could back down. “Sir, I don’t think we should waste our time over a mere child. We can’t attack his daughter, but we can deal with his wife.”
“And his wife is?” Donald asked.
“Zoey. But she’s a murderer and the public enemy. The Cardinal Hall has declared that she can never step foot on Erudia or she will be killed. Oh, and she’s number eight on the Divine Leaderboard,” Tyrone quickly introduced Zoey.
Donald nodded. “I know her. Very well then. Levi’s family shall pay for his crimes.”


Chapter 2188 Levi Is Hiding Because He Is Scared

It didn’t take long for the Garrison clan to declare they’d punish Levi and his family according to the ancient Garrison clan’s rules. At the same time, they listed all the crimes Levi had committed.
The news sent shockwaves across the nation. Once again, the legendary Levi was brought into the eye of the storm.
“Hah. I knew it. The Garrisons wouldn’t let him off the hook that easily. He has ruined them after all.”

“But he’s already gone for years. Even if he shows up, he’s still just a mediocre fighter. They’re going to kill him for real.”
“I bet he won’t show up now after hearing the news.”
Lots of people thought Levi went into hiding. They theorized that he did that because he knew times had changed, and he was no longer the strongest man on earth. Levi was at most a mediocre or below-average fighter.
Levi had a lot of enemies who’d do anything to kill him. If he were to show up, everyone would hunt him down. Put simply, the moment he made his appearance would be the moment he met his doom.
Because of that, the public thought Levi was hiding out of cowardice, and that theory was widely accepted. After all, Levi was also human. There was no point showing his face if he knew it meant meeting his maker.
They thought Levi would hide after hearing the news so everyone would still think he was dead.
Edmund shared their opinion. “I think so too. Levi’s probably still alive, but he’s hiding because everyone’s too powerful now.”
“I bet he has shown himself before and went back into hiding before anyone could recognize him.”
Edmund smiled. “I, for one, hope Donald could find him and show him the power of the new era.”
“Yeah. I wanna see how the erstwhile king survives the new era,” everyone else agreed.
Lots of people had that idea as well. Everyone who Levi defeated wanted to see how Levi would fare in the new world. They wondered if he’d die immediately, or if he’d make a great escape.
Either way, it would be interesting, so they didn’t want Levi to die.
Dark Emperor sneered when he heard the news about the Garrison clan’s hunt for Levi.
Levi can’t escape. It is not like Donald can do anything even if he knows Levi is in the Prison of Darkness. He can’t break into it anyway.
“Your Highness, the Garrisons will probably target Zoey next. With Levi gone, she’ll be their biggest target,” Death Fiend said.
Dark Emperor answered, “Zoey’s useless to me now. She has done all she should over the last three years. Everything we have now is thanks to her. To tell you the truth, she did everything for us. None of us even lifted a finger.”
Death Fiend and the others laughed. They knew Zoey was the one who worked to get their organization to this height.
“Once we get the sword, I’ll have no more use for her.” Dark Emperor sneered.
“Your Highness, do you think Donald would attack Levi’s child?” Death Fiend asked.
His colleagues answered, “Nope. His family is powerful, and rumors say that even The Cardinal Hall fears one of its members, but he won’t go against them over this.”
However, Dark Emperor had a different idea. “No. This madman will do it, and he can come up with a good reason for it.”
“Which is?”


Chapter 2189 Skyward Sword And Terra Blade

The Eighteen Dark Angels looked at him.
“You forgot something. Levi’s daughter is a part of the Garrisons, which makes her the descendant of the ancient Garrison clan.”
Realization struck the angels, and Death Fiend said, “You mean he’ll attack the child using that as an excuse?”

“Yes. That madman actually went against Edmund. Now that he has a reason, he’ll have no fear for The Cardinal Hall anymore. In fact, he can demand that they hand the child over.”
“As long as he tells them he wants to take her back to train her, The Cardinal Hall will have no reason not to hand her over.”
Death Fiend proposed, “But I hope they won’t kill the child. She’s talented enough for them to train. Besides, Damien is dead. A dead genius isn’t as valuable as a living one.”
Just as Dark Emperor expected, Donald planned to make a move on Forlevia using the same reason Dark Emperor said he would.
He asked his elders, and they gave him the green light. They too wanted to raise a genius descendant themselves, so they allowed Donald to take Forlevia back.
Everyone thought he wouldn’t go against The Cardinal Hall, but they were wrong.
“When are we going to attack Zoey and Forlevia, sir?”
Of course, Tyrone and the others knew about Donald’s plan.
“I’m still trying to locate Zoey. She’s probably around Rodunst. But we knew where the child and Levi’s mother are now. She just came out of training and is now at North Hampton,” Tyrone said. He was a very capable man, so he looked into it the moment he knew they were going to make a move on Levi’s family.
That was also why Donald liked having him around.
“Not at the moment. I want to make sure this mission is a success, so we’ll have to do it after I get the divine tool,” Donald said.
Curious, Tyrone asked, “Sir, what kind of weapon is it? The whole world is crazy about it.”
“Guess it’s time to tell you guys about it.” Donald smiled. “There are two divine tools. One is a blade, the other is a sword, namely Terra Blade and Skyward Sword. They’re made by an ancient blacksmithing family and are called the weapons of the earth. You can guess how terrifying they are.
“They’re far more powerful than you can imagine. In a league of their own, even. If you’re powerful enough to wield both of them, you’ll be invincible. Sadly, Terra Blade is already gone. If I’m right, it’s in someone else’s possession right now. The Skyward Sword is the one I’m hunting for right now.
“Don’t underestimate them. Even organizations like my family and The Cardinal Hall would kill to get our hands on them.”
The Garrisons were awestruck, and they wanted to see what the weapon was like. After all, it must be a powerful one if even the ancient Garrison clan desired it.
“I will get my hands on that sword. And that’s why I called you guys here. I have a plan…”
Donald told them a lot of things so they could prepare for the fight. Finally, he said, “I’m getting that sword for the Garrison clan no matter what!”
He looked forward to the day he could wield the sword, as that meant he would have an easier time challenging The Cardinal Hall and take Forlevia without relying on his elders.
Only with Skyward Sword could he turn the Garrison clan into the top family. A supreme family that reigned over the land.
That day, another piece of news sent ripples throughout the land. According to the source, Skyward Sword would make its appearance in Erudia after three days.
Everyone was whipped into a frenzy after hearing the news. More and more stories about Skyward Sword made their way into the fighting world, and everyone deified it.
But it was that powerful in the first place, so it was a divine tool for everyone.


Chapter 2190 Why Dark Emperor Steers Clear Of Erudia

A certain someone knew the extent of Skyward Sword’s power, and it was none other than Dark Emperor.
The reason was simple… he wielded Skyward Sword’s counterpart—Terra Blade.
Nobody knew more than Dark Emperor about the power of Skyward Sword. It was sharp enough to cut through the walls of Prison of Darkness. That alone was enough to show its power.

“The sword will make its appearance in three days. I want it no matter what, and you’ll do everything to bring it back to me. All of you can travel to Erudia now.”
Dark Emperor looked at Zoey. “Do everything you can, especially you.”
Thanks to Dark Emperor’s training, Zoey became the perfect killing machine. He erased all her emotions, leaving nothing but the desire for revenge within her.
Over the last three years, Dark Emperor pushed her deeper and deeper into the hell of vengeance. The Lab of Gods might be gone, but Dark Emperor made it look like it was thanks to his and Zoey’s efforts.
He made a lot of arrangements misleading Zoey to believe that she killed the staff of the Lab of Gods. Thanks to that, she thought she got her revenge.
Finally, he took her to the fake base of the Lab of Gods and let her witness its destruction. Because of that, she thought she had finally avenged Levi.
Thanks to that, Zoey trusted Dark Emperor with all her soul, becoming his personal killing machine that followed his every order. Aside from him, Zoey listened to nobody else.
On top of that, Dark Emperor made her believe that she had a lot of enemies back in Erudia, including Kirin, Azure Dragon, Robed Slayer, and The Cardinal Hall.
He made them out to be hypocrites who caused Levi’s death through a conspiracy. Because of that, Zoey saw them as the enemies that she must kill.
She wanted nothing more than to kill her enemies, but she was forbidden from entering Erudia. This was because of her mass killing including those who were innocent and that made her the public enemy of Erudia. Anyone could kill her on sight, and she’d be dead if it weren’t because nobody could track her down.
Not just that, Dark Emperor even made a lot of leaders out to be Zoey’s enemies. Thanks to him, Zoey assassinated a lot of leaders around the world, making the whole world turn against her.
At the same time, she was also the most dangerous fighter among those on the Divine Leaderboard. Since anyone could kill her on sight, it was rather impossible to send her out on any mission.
Of course, that meant she was almost useless for Dark Emperor. After he used her to get his hands on Skyward Sword, he’d leave her to fend for herself.
“Those hypocrites in Erudia will join the fight as well. We’ll get them all this time.”
Dark Emperor stoked the flames of vengeance once again. Zoey’s eyes lit up when she heard that her enemies were joining the battle as well, but it was the gleam of vengeance.
She didn’t even suspect Dark Emperor, since he managed to do everything he promised her—she truly believed that he wouldn’t lie to her.
“I understand. I’ll get the Skyward Sword for you and kill all those hypocrites,” Zoey promised.
After that, Zoey, the Eighteen Dark Angels, and the fighters in Sacred Organization traveled to Erudia before the sword made its appearance.
Only Death Fiend was left behind since Dark Emperor had another use for him.
“Your Highness, will you be joining the fight in Erudia as well?” he asked.
Dark Emperor shook his head. “No. I can travel anywhere in the world, but not Erudia.”
The news shocked Death Fiend, so he asked, “Why?”
“Because that’s where my nemesis is. I can’t go there until I have both the Skyward Sword and Terra Blade,” Dark Emperor explained.
“What?” Death Fiend couldn’t believe it, for he actually saw fear in Dark Emperor’s eyes.


Chapter 2191 The Weapon That Killed The Progenitor

He actually fears someone? That’s why he won’t go to Erudia?
Death Fiend was quite shocked, for he knew how powerful Dark Emperor was. No matter how
much the times have changed over the last three years, Dark Emperor maintained his place on top of everyone, just like the king of the world.

After all, he managed to train Zoey into a fearsome killing machine. Even so, Dark Emperor feared that nemesis of his. Obviously, his enemy must be more terrifying than Dark Emperor.
No wonder he wants the Skyward Sword that much. He wants to defeat his nemesis.
“Everyone knows the Skyward Sword is powerful, but none know that I have the Terra Blade. Of course, barely anyone know that the two are a pair. If a single person can wield both of them at the same time, the weapons will be a deathly combination!”
Terra Blade is a blade of darkness that contains Dark Energy, while Skyward Sword is a blade of light that contains Solaris Energy. It’s the yang to Terra Blade’s yin, so their fusion makes them more powerful than anyone can ever imagine,” Dark Emperor explained.
“That means you want that sword so you can complete the set and defeat your nemesis?” Death Fiend asked.
Dark Emperor nodded. “That’s one of the reasons. And That’s why I kept you around as a backup so I can get my hands on the sword.”
Dark Emperor then told Death Fiend what he needed to do.

As the big day drew closer, even more stories about the Skyward Sword popped up.
The whole world wanted to know how powerful the Skyward Sword was, but nobody could give a precise answer. All they knew was that they had to fight for it.
However, someone came up with a more concrete answer. Some said it could kill vampires, including their Progenitor. This was because it was a sword of light, which meant it was a natural predator of creatures like vampires.
The news was explosive, of course. Ever since the Progenitor was released three years back, vampires started surfacing and became one of the top organizations in the world.
Everyone knew how powerful vampires were. Progenitor was immortal and could stay in a slumber for longer than a millennium.
Countless fighters have tried to kill Progenitor off with ancient and modern weapons but to no avail. These vampires were unkillable.
They became one of the most powerful organizations over the last three years. After the four Progenitors woke from their slumber, they were almost invincible.
Of course, that proved how powerful the Skyward Sword was since it could kill Progenitor. Thanks to that, more and more people joined in the battle, including the enemies of the vampire clan.
As if that wasn’t enough, even vampires joined the fight as well. They would never let a weapon that could counter them fall into the hands of their enemies. Rather than letting their enemies have it, they wanted to control it themselves.
Even conglomerates and ancient financial families took part too. They had no use for the sword, but they could use it to hire some fighters or make deals with other families.
Thanks to that, the battle was already heated before it even began. At the same time, it would be the biggest fight in the last three years.
The Cardinal Hall thought Skyward Sword would remain in Erudia, but not anymore as rumors said that the sword was a divine tool.
The whole world seemed to have joined the battle, and alarms kept ringing in The Cardinal Hall, mostly about unidentified intruders coming from all directions without stopping.
Edmund told everyone to allow the intruders to come in, since stopping them would be a waste of resources. Letting them in would be better, but Edmund had other plans to deal with the intruders.
And the reason for that was simple.


Chapter 2192 The Energy Fluctuation In Levi

He let them in so he could record their details. In other words, The Cardinal Hall could get all the details on the world’s strongest fighters.
That would make it easier for The Cardinal Hall to control the situation, as the information was ammo for them.
“What? Even Zoey is here? Keep an eye on her, but don’t alert her! What a surprise. We can take the sword and take out a lot of our enemies.” Edmund smiled.

At the same time, Forlevia was in North Hampton with her grandparents. She was staying with them for the last few days, but after finding out about the sword, Forlevia wanted to take a look as well.
She came out to gain exposure after all, and it was a good chance for her to track her parents down.
Because of that, she too went to the site where the sword would make its appearance. However, she didn’t bring anyone of her grandparents with her, for it was a dangerous mission. She couldn’t take care of everyone, so she could only go alone.
As the elders saw her off, they lamented, “She’s all grown up now!”
They were happy for her, but also sad, for that meant Forlevia would leave them.
“We can’t do anything. It’s time for her to shoulder her responsibility. All we can do is assist her. We can’t protect her forever.” Celia sighed.
Skyward Sword would appear on a snowy mountain in North, a freezing area in Erudia.
Since Skyward Sword was a sword of light, a cold place like a snowy mountain could hide its presence well. If it showed up in any other place, everyone would have sensed its presence right away.
Because of that, it managed to stay hidden for a long time. If it weren’t for an organization mining for energy materials, they wouldn’t even have found this place.
But since the sword was buried deep, it made the excavation hard, so the organization had to delay the date of its appearance. However, they finally confirmed the time of the sword’s appearance, which was noon the next day.
The venue was packed with fighters the day before, and more were on their way. As time went on, the crowd grew, and some even started killing their competitors.
After all, the whole world came to fight for the sword, so they’d most probably meet their enemies, who were also their competition. Even before the sword had shown up, the killing had already started.
Corpses were strewn across the land, turning the site into a living hell. Nevertheless, all the mighty organizations would only show up at the last possible moment, never earlier.
However, a lot of them were already there, though they didn’t make their appearance yet.
Forlevia arrived on the spot the day before the sword’s appearance. Lots of fighters wanted to bully her since she was a girl, but she sent them all flying.
They should never have tried to fight her, since she had a team of powerful bodyguards following her, not to mention she was also a powerful fighter.
However, Forlevia didn’t show her power too soon. Instead, she hid and attracted nobody’s attention. If not, she’d probably be targeted too.
At that moment, inside Prison of Darkness at the old base of Sacred Organization…
Cyrus had fainted as he couldn’t take it anymore. After getting tortured out of his mind, he finally let himself go. It had been a while since he fainted, and his life was slipping away slowly.
Contrary to Levi, he would die soon if that continued.
However, right at that moment, he felt a terrifying force fluctuating around him, and that jolted him awake. A moment later, he realized where the force was coming from… It was from Levi!
He was burning as hot as the sun, and his energy reading mounted. Cyrus felt as if the sun was getting closer and closer to him, threatening to burn him up.
Oh my god!


Chapter 2193 End Of Solitary Training

Cyrus could feel himself melting from the heat since he couldn’t handle it. He’d soon disappear like a puff of smoke in a moment if he didn’t defend himself.
Thanks to the tremendous heat, Cyrus finally healed and did his best to defend against the energy coming off from Levi.
What’s going on? What happened?

Over the last two years, Levi’s life force got weaker and weaker, until it finally disappeared. It was as if he reached nirvana and
wouldn’t wake up no matter what Cyrus did.
He thought Levi was dead, but now he felt great energy coming from him.
This is unbelievable. Is this it? Has he completed his training?
But before he could finish his thought, a wave of energy slammed into him and made him spew blood, much to his surprise.
Holy sh*t. He injured me with just a sliver of his energy. God, he’s like the sun. Oh, sh*t. His energy is literally melting me!
Cyrus hollered in pain. He could feel his skin cracking up, his organs exploding, and his soul leaving his body. There was nothing but agony for him.
Technically, Cyrus had gone into solitary training for two years and became a lot stronger than he used to be. He was trying his best to defend himself, but still the waves of energy still crashed over him and worsened his injuries.
He even vomited blood in the process.
The agony mounted, and he could feel his soul breaking into two. Even so, he still set up his most powerful defense to keep himself from breaking apart.
He kept screaming, but it didn’t stop his injuries from worsening, and he started bleeding buckets.
This was the first time Cyrus came so close to death, and it was only from the energy Levi radiated unconsciously. The thought of what Levi’s real power might be alone made him shudder.
How powerful is he? Oh, it doesn’t matter. He’ll tear me into pieces instantly. I’ll be educed into atoms. Levi is… terrifying.
Cyrus was trembling in fear. Levi was getting hotter and hotter, and Cyrus felt like the sun was just inches away from him.
Unbeknownst to Cyrus, something big was happening outside the Prison of Darkness as well.
Crimson lightning was roaring in the heavens, screaming their fury.
Cyrus shrieked, for he could feel his body exploding in a moment. I’m dying…
He was trying to die, so he let himself go in the end, but after witnessing Levi’s power, he saw the hope of breaking free from the prison.
As a result, he didn’t want to die anymore. Now, he wanted to live, but the enormous heat was threatening to tear him apart.
Just before Cyrus exploded into smithereens, all that energy flowed back into Levi as if it was never there.
Just like that, all the pressure was taken off of Cyrus. Right before his death, Cyrus knew he was saved.
He was panting nervously but felt excited because he pulled through.
Just then, he noticed Levi opening his eyes, but what he saw were no ordinary eyes. He saw roaring lightning streaks, stars swirling, and universe shattering into pieces.
That was no ordinary gaze. It was just a single glance, but Cyrus felt his very soul shuddering as if he could keep no secrets from Levi.
Holy sh*t. This is crazy! What the f*ck is that? This isn’t the same Levi I know. He has… ascended. He looks divine like the world is a part of him.
It was a magical feeling, one Cyrus had only felt once when Levi’s mentor was around.
“Maestro, are you finally done?” Cyrus asked, excited.
“Yes,” Levi finally answered him after two years.


Chapter 2194 I Am Back

Finally, Cyrus got a reply.
Levi opened his eyes fully and stood up. “Two years, huh?” he lamented.
Cyrus’s hope was rekindled, so he gazed at Levi, his excitement barely contained. He was confident in Levi, for the strength he showed earlier was out of this world.

“Maestro, can you break out of this prison now?” Cyrus’ voice was trembling.
Levi smiled. “I can try. But please stand behind me.”
Cyrus quickly stood behind Levi. After he did, Levi smiled and hurled a punch. It seemed like an ordinary punch, but its strength transcended time and space.
The greatest power was often manifested in the form of mundanity. That was the result of Levi’s solitary training. He desired nothing more than absolute speed and power.
It was a simple punch, but it consisted of the fruits of Levi’s two years of training.
Cyrus could feel the terrifying strength radiating from the punch, and he could feel the space trembling from the sheer strength of Levi’s fist.
It grew stronger with every passing moment, and the air blasted around them even before Levi’s punch hit the wall.
The energy alone exceeded the force the wall could take and it slowly contorted before caving in. With every passing second, the contortion grew.
The moment Levi’s fist hit the wall, Cyrus’ ears buzzed, his vision became blurry, and his mind blanked. He could feel his soul getting pulled out of his body, and the punch seemed to have sent the world back to its original, chaotic state.
Of course, the wall before Cyrus and Levi cracked from the impact of that punch before shattering into pieces. A moment later, the wall broke apart, revealing the outside world.
Cyrus heard the sound of something cracking, and it got louder with every passing second. Eventually, he realized that the Prison of Darkness was starting to fall apart, then it exploded, leaving nothing but smithereens behind.
It was a single punch, but it seemed to have enough power to destroy the world. Or at least, Prison of Darkness in their case.
There was an energy converter between the two walls that could convert most of the energy from their attacks, so they couldn’t break it no matter what they did.
However, there was a limit to how much energy the converter could convert. If the power went over the limit, the converter would fail and even explode.
Levi’s punch was far too powerful. The power exceeded the converter’s limit, so eventually, it was pulverized.
Because of that, the two walls had to take the rest of the impact, but even that couldn’t stop them from getting shattered into pieces.
Levi’s punch cleared the crimson cloud outside and sent a crack hurtling through the mountain range from the center. The blast cleared the fog nearby as well, turning this living hell into a heaven on earth.
That was how powerful Levi was. Dark Emperor had to rely on his power and blade to cut the prison open, but Levi did it with just one punch.
This really terrifying and out of this world!
Cyrus still couldn’t snap out of the state of a shock earlier. He felt his soul
getting pulled away, and he knew he died the second time but came back to life.
This is too f*cking strong. Is he even human?
Cyrus had seen Levi’s mentor fight, but even that guy
didn’t show such superhuman strength. Because of that, Cyrus thought Levi was stronger than his mentor.
But more than that, he lay down on the ground and took in great gulps of fresh air while admiring the clear blue sky.
It’s been a long time. Hello, there!
Levi roared into the heavens, “You can’t hold me, Dark Emperor! I’m back!”


Chapter 2195 One Punch One World

It was the first time Levi was locked in for such a long time.
Three goddamn years! F*ck, it’s so good to be free!
Cyrus was also laughing as well, but he had to ask, “How powerful are you now?”

He knew the Prison of Darkness was hard to break, but he didn’t know how hard it could be.
Levi shook his head. “I have no idea, but I know I’m really strong. I have a feeling this world will become a donut if I punch it in the center.”
“Not even that prison can hold you. I seriously have no idea how powerful you are now,” Cyrus praised.
But then he and Levi locked gazes, for they realized something serious.
Where the hell is Dark Emperor and the Sacred Organization? There’s no news about them.
That punch should have drawn their attention, but not even a single one of them is here. This is odd.
“We’ll have to take a look.”
They dashed toward the half-destroyed castle of the Sacred Organization, but there was not a single soul nor a life there.
“Maestro, judging from this place, it’s been deserted for a long time. Seems like they had an exodus,” Cyrus told Levi after he looked around the place.
Levi’s eyes lit up. “They probably moved somewhere else. Dark Emperor gave up on us! He probably got annoyed because I wouldn’t give in and thought that prison could hold me for life,” Levi analyzed the reason for Sacred Organization’s departure.
“But he never would have thought that I managed to break out. Let’s go back.”
Levi couldn’t wait to go home. He wondered what his family was doing, for it had been three years since his disappearance. Of course, he wanted to know what happened to his friends as well.
He also wondered where Sacred Organization took Zoey since he wanted to save her from them.
Dark Emperor would have found out that Levi broke the Prison apart as he could sense Cyrus when he bombarded the walls. After all, he left something behind to keep an eye on them.
However, he had abandoned the prison, for it was useless now that Levi was trapped in there for life. Or so he thought.
Because of that, he threw it aside like it was trash. And because of that, he didn’t know Levi had destroyed the prison and turned his hellscape into a heavenly spot.
The guy still thought Levi was trapped inside the prison.
Levi and Cyrus were moving at full speed back to Erudia.
There was still some time before Skyward Sword would make its appearance, but the place was already crowded, and battles erupted everywhere.
At the same time, half of The Cardinal Hall and Garrison Industry’s fighters were already on the top of the mountain, while the other half were hiding around the place.
Even though the whole world was there to fight for the sword, Erudia was still The Cardinal Hall’s turf. That meant Edmund had the resources to give themselves an edge.
“I have The Cardinal Hall and Eragon’s help. Aside from Donald, I’ve contacted the other organizations. We’re keeping this sword in Erudia one way or another.” Edmund smiled.
Robed Slayer and the gang nodded. “Yeah, no infighting for now. All we have to do is make sure nobody takes the sword away from Erudia.”
“No. I mean, that’s right, but I don’t think we can relax if we aren’t the ones who hold the sword. The one who wields Skyward Sword will be the biggest threat in the end. Who knows if they won’t kill any innocent people?
“If Donald comes into possession of the sword, The Cardinal Hall’s not going to be his match. The whole nation’s going to be in for a bloodbath. Not even we can stop him. I know how powerful he is since I’ve fought him before,” Edmund started justifying himself.


Chapter 2196 Edmund

A lot of people nodded. “Yeah. If that madman gets the sword, he’s going to be the biggest threat.”
“True. The top ten organizations in Erudia might be working with us, but they have their own plans as well. If they get their hands on the sword, it’ll spell doom for a lot of people. We might not even be able to stop them.”
DG Libra said, “The sword is power itself. It’ll be the protector of the people if it ended in the right hands. On the contrary, it’ll turn into the Grim Reaper’s scythe in the wrong hands.

The other divine generals retorted, “But that’s just your brand of justice. We don’t know if Donald will be a threat if he gets the sword. He might just be the one who can make the country prosper.”
“Even so, that doesn’t dismiss the fact that he’s dangerous. We don’t know what he’ll do, so we’re gonna prevent it by keeping the sword away from him.”
Edmund looked at them and agreed, “That’s right. We have to get the sword. That’s the best way.”
Four divine generals agreed, “Yes. We have to control the sword, or nobody will be safe.”
Kirin, Azure Dragon, Robed Slayer, and the others couldn’t believe what they were hearing. It was obvious Edmund wanted to take the sword for himself, but he actually justified it by making everyone else the villain.
However, they couldn’t deny that it was a good idea for Edmund to possess the sword. At least he wouldn’t kill the people. On top of that, he could use it to protect Erudia.
That was why they kept quiet to show their support for Edmund’s plan.
“But sir, there are too many people out there. Can we really win this fight?” Kirin asked.
“Yeah. Donald alone is already a big problem, let alone those foreigners. It’s not a sure win for us either, right?” Azure Dragon asked a sharp question.
Most of the fighters sighed as they knew Azure Dragon was right. It wasn’t a sure win. Edmund had fought Donald, and the latter didn’t even see The Cardinal Hall as a threat.
By extension, everyone else wouldn’t see them as a threat either. On top of that, a few of the most powerful fighters came out of hiding just to get the sword, and that alone reduced their chances of winning.
It wouldn’t be easy to get the sword. They’d have to have absolute power.
Edmund and the four divine generals knew that question would come up, but they already had the answer, so they smiled mysteriously at the fighters.
They explained, “You might not know this, but Mr. Edmund was forced to stop his solitary training three years ago. Before that, he was training at a certain place.”
Kirin got what they were saying a moment later, “It’s this place, isn’t it?”
Edmund nodded. “Yes. This was where I went into solitary training, but I didn’t notice the sword under the mountain then. However, I might have received some of its powers.
“My father, the divine brigadier, took me here. He probably knows Skyward Sword is here, but he didn’t tell me in case it would affect my training. The excavating team probably found the sword because the place was shaken up after I came out of my training.”
“I see.”
Everyone finally knew what happened back then.
Edmund smiled. “I’ve trained in this place for years, so I know the place better than anyone else. It’s like my second home, and I have a bigger advantage here. Even someone like Donald is not a match for me here. And with your help, I’m certain that we can get the sword in the end.”
Edmund was confident in his knowledge about the place where he trained, so he thought he could get the sword without any trouble.
But then his eyes glinted cruelly. “And people like Zoey will show up as well. I want you to kill them all when you see them.”


Chapter 2197 The Gathering Forces

The rest of the men smiled. “I’m afraid we might even need to get in line to kill Zoey.”
Edmund nodded.
He knew that Donald and the Garrison clan were definitely out for Zoey’s blood.

Hence, they wouldn’t even get the chance.
Since Zoey was Erudia’s public enemy, all the most powerful forces within the nation were looking to eradicate her in order to elevate their reputation.
Everyone wanted a piece of the glory.
Consequently, there was a queue just to kill her.
Edmund had put everything in place for him to control the entire situation later.
That night, everyone could visibly feel the Solaris Energy of the Skyward Sword emanate through the entire place.
Even though they were covered deep in snow, no one felt a sliver of cold at all, making for a strange sensation.
That very evening, innumerable factions had gathered for a bloody showdown.
The next day, it was time for the Skyward Sword to emerge from the ground.
One by one, many powerful factions assembled. They included the Garrison clan who was aiming to top them all.
Standing aloof, Donald surveyed the crowd in a condescending manner.
Behind him, were a group of fearsome-looking Garrison clan fighters.
That day, he endeavored to obtain the Skyward Sword no matter the costs.
By then, many factions, including the ten most powerful within Erudia, had arrived.
Aside from the three families, the Ancient Clans were the most powerful of them all.
The rest of the factions were similar to the Garrison clan, where they enjoyed the support of other Ancient Clans or powerful characters. Only then could they scale the heights of power.
A good example was the Lehman family that used to be an imperial family of Oakland City. At that time, its patriarch, Dale Lehman, was Zoey’s godfather.
Now, the powers that were behind those families had emerged.
Of course, there were many other new factions too, including alliances that were formed by powerful fighters.
These alliances consisted of people whom Levi used to be close to such as Asura and Minka.
With the arrival of the new era, many ancient families of the old who did well for themselves stood a better chance of success.
Asura and Minka had become the era’s most powerful fighters through various circumstances.
Consequently, they formed the Erudian Alliance and became one of the ten most powerful factions in Erudia.
In fact, they posed the biggest threat to Donald among the ten factions.
However, once Donald got his hands on the Skyward Sword, they would no longer be a problem.
After that, the Kings arrived at the scene.
After the Lab of Gods had disappeared, they were the ones who took their place.
Many of the factions were similar to the Lab of Gods.
Their organizations were technology-centric and they wielded immense power and economic resources.
Soon, the Triple Group also came.
They too had developed at a rapid pace. With Maya Industries as their backer, they had become one of the most powerful factions globally.
The representative of Maya Industries was also present.
One by one, many powerful global factions made their appearances.
The crowd cheered in excitement when they saw the presence of so many formidable fighters.
However, many of the participants who came for the sword felt disheartened.
At the sight of such powerful competitors, they knew they didn’t stand a chance.
The appearance of the Skyward Sword had attracted more than half of those on the Divine Leaderboard.
Obviously, it left everyone else little chance of success.
Suddenly, the crowd’s mood shifted amidst everyone’s gasps.
The four Progenitors from the vampire race had appeared, striking fear into everyone’s heart.
After all, legend had it that they could be defeated by the Skyward Sword.
Therefore, they too have come to fight for it.
“Look! The She-Devil, Zoey, is here!” the crowd exclaimed when they saw Zoey.
Zoey had become infamous over the last three years. Hence, her appearance naturally created an uproar.


Chapter 2198 The Elders

However, the Sacred Organization didn’t appear together with Zoey as they were hiding in the shadows.
After all, they had stayed out of sight over the last three years.
All this while, they had kept a low profile. Other than the Lab of Gods and Levi, no one else took notice of them.

Hence, their existence remained unknown.
Therefore, they were using Zoey as a decoy so that their fighters could attack later.
Zoey’s presence had ruffled the feathers of many who were present as there was a lot of bad blood between them.
Therefore, the sight of her gave them the urge to tear her apart.
Over the last three years, the Dark Emperor had used Zoey to kill a huge number of people. Therefore, she had made innumerable enemies everywhere.
In other words, Zoey was the person with the most enemies in this era.
Everyone who saw her wanted to kill her.
“Look, Zoey is here!”
Tyrone and the others looked in Zoey’s direction.
Donald glanced at her.
“Alright, I got it. Once I get my hands on the Skyward Sword, she will be the first one to have a taste of it! Keep an eye on her and don’t let her leave,” Donald instructed.
Most of those who were present shared his sentiments.
They too wanted to kill Zoey.
Some planned to kill her after retrieving the Skyward Sword, while others plan to do so during the process itself.
Nevertheless, all of them shared the same goal of obtaining the sword and killing Zoey.
“Zoey, you’re finally here! You can forget about claiming the Skyward Sword as you will be dead soon enough!”
Edmund glared intently at her. “Didn’t I tell you that I will kill you the next time you enter Erudia? This is your own doing! Today, you will not leave this place alive!”
Meanwhile, Wynona and the others felt conflicted in the face of Zoey.
They were in a dilemma as to whether to kill her or let her go.
Hence, they were sandwiched between their personal and professional obligations.
What should we do about Zoey later? We can neither kill her nor release her.
However, Zoey didn’t say a word as she didn’t plan on leaving the place alive.
Her objective was to kill the rest of her enemies.
Sweeping her gaze around, she saw her hypocritical foes everywhere.
I will kill all of them and take the Skyward Sword on my master’s behalf. That itself is worth my sacrifice.
In the shadows, Forlevia’s emotions were stirred by the sight of Zoey, to the extent she almost cried out loud.
If not for the mental discipline instilled in her by The Cardinal Hall, Forlevia would have likely lost control of her emotions.
At that moment, she could see that Zoey was visibly out of sorts.
If she were to reveal herself to Zoey, she figured she would only create more problems instead.
Hence, she had to restrain herself and be patient.
However, the elders in the shadows felt conflicted.
“What are we going to do? If Forlevia’s mom is attacked, should we help?” Elder Celia asked.
The other elders were stunned.
Considering their identity and the strategic situation, they were in a dilemma.
“We can only base our decisions on Forlevia’s safety. As for anyone else, they are none of our business. We will only intervene if Forlevia is in danger. After all, this was what we agreed and we must stick to it,” someone asserted.
“However, that’s Forlevia’s mom right there. If something happens to her, Forlevia will be devastated.”
Elder Celia shook her dead. “That can only be her fate. Our role is to ensure Forlevia’s safety and nothing else!”
“Exactly. We will only interfere when Forlevia is in danger. Even if we have to face the ancient Garrison clan.”
“Mmm-hmm. Understood!”
Everyone nodded in acknowledgment.
Their principle remained unchanged. No matter how desperate Forlevia was, they would not interfere.
In the meantime, the entire place was filled with strong fighters.
As the Skyward Sword was about to emerge, Solaris Energy began to fill the atmosphere.


Chapter 2199 The Skyward Sword Emerges

Meanwhile, Levi and Cyrus were traveling on a route the Eighteen Dark Angels had led them through before.
Throughout the journey, they didn’t see a soul while the route barely changed from three years ago.
However, when they got nearer to Archulea, Levi and Cyrus noticed that the world had changed significantly over the last three years.

The number of formidable fighters had increased significantly.
Originally oppressed by the Progenitors, Archulea was now filled with more fighters.
Levi’s senses were now so strong that he could sense everything single thing around him.
Closing his eyes, he extended his senses to cover the entire nation of Archulea.
No energy wave could escape his senses.
Every human and living thing would emit a small amount of energy.
Therefore, Levi would use the energy they emanated to judge their strength.
Just by using his senses alone, he knew that the entire era had changed.
There were just too many powerful fighters everywhere.
His strength from three years ago would be considered inconsequential in this era, rendering him powerless to do anything.
Although the world had progressed rapidly over the last three years, Levi’s strength increased at an even greater pace. In fact, it had reached a point where he had become unimaginably powerful.
Along their journey through Archulea, Levi and Cyrus encountered some trouble.
However, Cyrus dealt with all of them without Levi needing to lift a finger.
“Come to think of it, Archulea owes me a debt of gratitude. I will collect from them when I have the opportunity.”
Levi had clearly remembered who his friends and enemies were.
Soon, after a few more encounters, Levi and Cyrus had a good grasp of what was going on in that era.
They also found out that it was the day the Skyward Sword was due to emerge, and many factions who coveted it had gathered.
News about Zoey didn’t escape his notice either.
“I’m afraid this is part of the Dark Emperor’s plot. Didn’t he plan to mold me into a killing machine but fail to do so? In fact, he also failed to lock me up in the Prison of Darkness.”
Levi had a good idea of what was doing on.
Cyrus bellowed, “How dare he!”
“Come, let’s head to Erudia at once!”
With that, Levi and Cyrus hurried toward Erudia.
“Before the Skyward Sword emerges, I want to say something. All of you are welcome to fight for it. However, whoever threatens Erudia will be eliminated by The Cardinal Hall,” Edmund declared.
Just as he spoke, everyone began to wait.
Crack! Crack!
At that moment, large swathes of the icy plains began to crack.
A fiery aura burst out and surged toward the sky.
Next, the rumbling of thunder heralded the arrival of the Skyward Sword.
The sense of its impending arrival was so strong that everyone could feel it.
Feeling both excited and nervous, everyone waited in suspense.
With a giant rumble, the entire icy plains collapsed. The fiery aura emitted by the Skyward Sword melted all the liquid surrounding it.
The Skyward Sword that was buried deep in the ice was about to reemerge.
“It’s coming out! It’s coming out!”
At that moment, as if everyone had gone berserk, they jumped into the giant crater created by the sinking ice to fight for the Skyward Sword.
Zoey was the first to move as she disappeared in a flash.
“How dare you go for the Skyward Sword.”
Just as they spoke, the other fighters jumped into the crater one by one.
Other than the Garrison clan, the ten most powerful factions of Erudia leaped into the crater too.
The Kings, Maya Industries, the Triple Group…
Even the four Progenitors dashed into it.
Furthermore, many other fighters who were hiding in the shadows could no longer restrain themselves.
Shoving each other around, all of them fought their way into the hold, worried that they would be left behind.
Meanwhile, Edmund, who was responsible for maintaining order, got all his men prepared.
Even the elite fighters from Garrison Industry were watching from their respective stations.
This was Edmund’s world, and he had to keep everything under his control.
As for Donald, he was a sea of calm.
“The first one who gets the sword might not be the one to leave with it. We will wait for them to tire themselves out before we strike.”
Donald gave Edmund a condescending look.


Chapter 2200 The Terrifying Power Of The Skyward Sword

In each other’s eyes, they were their only true rivals.
Although the rest were elites from the Divine Leaderboard, both of them didn’t see them as threats.
The biggest obstacle would be the final one.

The giant ice crater was suddenly filled with thousands of fighters.
It was also three thousand meters deep.
Rationally speaking, the deeper one went, the colder it was. Given that it was three thousand meters deep, the bottom was supposed to be freezing.
However, the deeper one traveled, the hotter it became. It felt as if one was approaching the sun.
Soon, everyone could see the jarring light emitted from below.
The Skyward Sword!
Zoey had seen it.
Just when Zoey dashed down to grab it, the sword ignited a flaming aura to push her back.
Looking at how her hand was scorched, Zoey was shocked.
When the other fighters tried to grab the Skyward Sword, they too were burnt by it.
There was no way anyone could get within ten meters of the sword.
Given that the Skyward Sword was supposed to slay vampires, the Solaris Energy it emitted was even more intense when the four Progenitors approached.
Scorched by its flames, the four of them howled in agonizing pain.
Everyone was astounded by the situation they were faced with.
There was no way they could get close enough to the sword, let alone take it.
As many other fighters took their turns to try, all of them were forced back by the sword’s scorching aura.
Furthermore, the fiery aura emitted grew increasingly intense.
If one tried to take the Skyward Sword by force, one would be incinerated by its Solaris Energy.
It was an indiscriminate attack where no one was able to withstand.
“I understand now! The Skyward Sword has been sealed here for a long time. Now that its seal has been released, it is letting all of its aura out. Therefore, this is when it is at its most powerful. Just its aura alone is enough to annihilate us all!” someone remarked.
“In that case, what should we do? Should we wait for its aura to weaken before taking it?”
“Precisely! That’s the only choice we have. One can only take it by force if one is more powerful than it is. However, there’s no one here who can do that.”
Zoey began to grow anxious.
No matter what, she had to get the sword for her master.
At that moment, a figure appeared right beside her.
Death Fiend!
Previously, the Dark Emperor had sent out all the elites within the Sacred Organization except for Death Fiend.
He was being reserved for some other purpose.
And now, he had demonstrated what that purpose was.
He handed Zoey a specially-made glove.
The glove was made by the Dark Emperor after absorbing the dark energy from the Terra Blade.
Its sole purpose was to help her obtain the Skyward Sword.
Given that he was the owner of the Terra Blade, he understood the Skyward Sword better than anyone else.
To be able to wield the Skyward Sword, a fighter of Zoey’s caliber needed to wear the special glove to neutralize the sword’s Solaris Energy.
Realizing that it was the only way, Zoey put it on and tried to grab the sword.
“Is she crazy by grabbing it forcefully?”
Everyone thought Zoey had gone mad as she would be decimated by the sword’s Solaris Energy.
When the sword unleashed its power at Zoey, the glove began to counter it.
By melding its Dark Energy with Solaris Energy, the glove managed to neutralize its harmful effects.
Under everyone’s shocking gaze, Zoey managed to pull out the Skyward Sword.
“Huh? What!”
Everyone was filled with disbelief.
Zoey has done it?
Upon receiving the instructions, Zoey dashed back up to the surface.
“Don’t let her escape with the Skyward Sword!”
Gradually recovering from their shock, everyone gave chase while some of them tried to block her way.
“Whoever gets in my way will die!”
Zoey wielded the Skyward Sword at once.
Unleashing its Solaris Energy, the foes who blocked her were decimated into a mist of blood even though they were elite fighters.
“The Skyward Sword is extremely terrifying!”
Everyone was shocked by its power.


Chapter 2201 Muramasa Blade

All this while, the power of the Skyward Sword was only spoken about in legends.
But now, everyone had seen its might with their own eyes.
Without the sword, Zoey would have needed more than ten minutes to defeat the tens of elite fighters who stood in her way.

However, the sword allowed her to kill them in just a split second.
Consequently, everyone was awed by its power and strengthened their resolve to get their hands on the sword.
Within that small area, a brutal battle began.
Everyone acted as if they had gone berserk.
However, with the Skyward Sword in her hands and the Sacred Organization’s elite protection from the shadows, Zoey slew her way out of the crater step by step.
The more she got used to wielding the Skyward Sword, the more destructive its power became.
Wielding the sword elevated her skills to the next level.
Moreover, she hadn’t even managed to fully gel with the sword yet.
If she had truly managed to wield the Skyward Sword to its full potential, she would become invincible.
As her foes swarmed her to get their hands on the sword, none of them managed to get the better of her.
In fact, the four Progenitors were even injured by Zoey.
Back on the surface, Edmund and Donald were waiting.
In fact, there were hundreds of elite fighters waiting in the shadows.
They didn’t join the ongoing battle on impulse.
After all, they might not leave with the sword even if they did.
Therefore, they were waiting for the perfect opportunity.
Standing at the entrance of the crater, both of them exchanged glances and smiled, “Guess who will come out with the sword?”
“Can it be Zoey?”
Both of them speculated that it would be her.
The next moment, Zoey burst out into the sky.
“Just as expected! Stop her!”
Edmund and Donald leaped into the air and launched a punch each to stop Zoey.
With brute force alone, both of them forced Zoey down.
The four divine generals, the elite fighters from The Cardinal Hall, Garrison Industry, and the other fighters Edmund had in place attacked together.
Even the fighters from the Garrison clan sprang to action.
They desperately held Zoey back and blocked all of her escape routes.
Meanwhile, when the rest of the fighters in hiding saw the Skyward Sword in Zoey’s hands, all of them couldn’t restrain themselves any longer and swarmed at Zoey.
Soon, the rest of the fighters from the depths of the crater had also caught up.
At that moment, chaos ensued.
Tens of thousands of fighters massacred each other.
Although Zoey was holding the hot potato and everyone was expected to attack her, reality demonstrated otherwise.
All of them wanted the sword for themselves and had their own agenda.
When thousands of fighters were fighting for the same thing, uniting for a common goal was the last thing on their minds.
It was every man for himself.
Since there was little she could do about the situation, she decided to go all out to kill her foes with the Skyward Sword.
Cognizant that she would be bogged down for a while, she used the opportunity to hunt down the enemies she intended to exact revenge upon.
In a short time, she massacred many of them…
Meanwhile, Donald and Edmund were fighting for their own agenda too.
However, they were also tied down considering there were just too many enemies everywhere.
There was just no chance to get near Zoey and the Skyward Sword.
“Amazing! Erudia’s Skyward Sword is comparable to my Muramasa Blade from Raysonia! Absolutely amazing!”
A few figures were watching the battle from the summit of a hill some distance away.
The young man leading them praised the Skyward Sword’s power.
He was a fighter from Raysonia who appeared two years ago and a representative of the Raysonian Ancient Clans.
He was terrifyingly powerful and carried a Muramasa Blade that was comparable to the Skyward Sword.
Moreover, he was ranked third place on the Divine Leaderboard.
In truth, he had arrived in his spot a long while ago.
However, the objective of his visit to Erudia wasn’t to obtain the Skyward Sword but to observe its power instead.
Moreover, there were many others like him who were observing from the shadows, curious of the sword’s power.
Meanwhile, Forlevia was also watching from the shadows.
As long as Zoey wasn’t in danger, she wouldn’t interfere.
“Let the Skyward Sword leave first!”
At that moment, the elite fighters from the Sacred Organization wanted to prioritize Zoey’s departure.
Hence, they created a path by slaughtering all the enemies in their way.


Chapter 2202 Owning The Skyward Sword

The battlefield was in utter chaos. Despite all the elite fighters that gathered, everyone fought for their own agenda instead of collaborating.
Therefore, the Sacred Organization easily created a path to escape.
After glaring at her enemies, Zoey decisively turned and left.

In response, Edmund bellowed, “Everyone, now isn’t the time for us to fight amongst ourselves. We should band together and retrieve the Skyward Sword from the She-Devil first! After that, we can fight for it again!”
Everyone grunted in acknowledgment at Edmund’s plan.
“That’s right. The Skyward Sword can belong to anyone except Zoey!”
“Everyone, let’s pry the sword from her hands first!”
“We have to unite and kill Zoey for the sword!”
Agreeing to the proposal, Donald reminded, “Everyone, Zoey’s accomplices are among us. We have to stop fighting each other. Or else, she is going to escape!”
“Let’s fight!”
Finally, everyone was united.
Other than Zoey’s faction, everyone was part of the hastily formed alliance.
Tens of thousands of fighters swarmed Zoey and her men.
The pressure Zoey felt increased significantly.
Even with the power of the Skyward Sword, there were just too many enemies.
Gradually, she began to waver.
The ones who posed the biggest threat to her were Donald and Edmund.
Under normal circumstances, no one would have believed that they would work together.
Unexpectedly, they were doing so at that very moment.
It was a scenario that the Dark Emperor hadn’t planned for.
He had predicted and put in place every single detail except the fact that both of them would work together.
Donald and Edmund attacked concurrently from Zoey’s front and back.
No matter how formidable Zoey was, she was unable to withstand their combined attacks.
Consequently, they had managed to wound her.
After that, The Cardinal Hall’s four divine generals managed to injure her further, causing her to lose her grip on the Skyward Sword.
At that moment, thousands of fighters surged toward it.
However, when Edmund let out a mysterious smirk, those fighters felt a change in the surrounding atmosphere.
They suddenly felt as if they were bogged down by tons of weight. All their movements felt sluggish, causing their combat prowess to be significantly reduced.
Edmund burst into laughter.
He had gone through solitary training at where they stood. Hence, he had a good grasp of the terrain.
Given that the territory was within his sphere of influence, he could control everything there.
Even Donald was affected by it, causing him to not make it in time.
The next moment, the Skyward Sword fell into Edmund’s hands.
When the rest of the fighters wanted to go for it, The Cardinal Hall, Garrison Industry, and all other powerful Erudian factions stood in front of Edmund to protect him.
Azure Dragon and Kirin were among those protecting Edmund.
After seeing the brutal battle over the sword, they felt as if the sword was cursed to have brought about so much bloodshed.
Hence, they preferred for it to fall into Edmund’s hands.
It wasn’t an issue that he just wanted the sword to satisfy his ego.
At the very least, he could become stronger and protect Erudia with his strength.
Not expecting the place to have fallen under Edmund’s control, Donald glare furiously at him.
“Hahaha! All of you have gotten ahead of yourselves. The Skyward Sword belongs to Erudia! No one else can steal it. This place is where I had undergone my solitary training before. Hence, no one else knows it better than I do. It also means that all of you are no match for me here!”
Just as Edmund gloated, everyone else fell silent.
Although they desired the Skyward Sword, they knew they didn’t stand a chance since Edmund controlled the terrain. Moreover, he simply had too many men defending him.
Suddenly, Edmund looked in Zoey’s direction and proclaimed, “The first thing I’m going to do with the Skyward Sword is to slay the She-Devil, Zoey Lopez!”
At that moment, Zoey had not expected the members of the Sacred Organization to have slipped away and abandoned her there.
“We concur! Let’s kill Zoey first and talk about the Skyward Sword later!”
Donald was the first one to show his support.


Chapter 2203 Zoey Is Difficult To Kill

“Zoey’s husband, Levi, has offended the ancient Garrison clan. Given that Levi has disappeared, Zoey will have to be punished in his stead. In the name of the ancient Garrison clan, I sentence you to death! Die!” Donald bellowed.
At that crucial moment, he was no longer desperate for the sword.
Even though Edmund was controlling the entire area, and everyone else had their powers reduced, none of them were willing to give up fighting for the sword.

Edmund might be invincible here, but he wouldn’t be staying here forever, would he? The moment he leaves, the Skyward Sword would be up for grabs again.
“I support the idea!”
One by one, the ten most powerful factions in Erudia stated their stand.
It didn’t matter what their relationship was with Zoey, all of them concurred.
Everyone decided then to kill Zoey first.
After all, they had two objectives from the beginning—the Skyward Sword and Zoey.
“Kill Zoey!” tens of thousands of men chanted vehemently.
“Fine. In that case, let’s offer her blood as a sacrifice to the Skyward Sword!” Edmund roared.
As if the sword shared his sentiments, it let out a buzzing tremble.
Soon, a fiery aura filled the entire scene, causing everyone’s heart to skip a beat.
Is this the power of the Skyward Sword?
Everyone suddenly coveted it further.
Having felt the Skyward Sword’s aura, Donald’s eyes sparkled in response.
“Zoey Lopez! Today is the day you die for your sins!”
Raising the Skyward Sword, Edmund charged at Zoey.
At that moment, Zoey wasn’t seriously injured. Hence, she was still strong enough to put up a good fight.
After all, she was ranked eighth on the Divine Leaderboard.
In the face of Edmund’s attack, Zoey responded with equal ferocity.
She unleashed everything the Dark Emperor had taught her.
The immense power she displayed caused everyone to gape. Even Donald narrowed his eyes and changed his evaluation of Zoey.
Evidently, Zoey was a lot more terrifying than everyone had expected.
At that moment, many of those present wanted the glory of defeating someone ranked eighth on the Divine Leaderboard.
However, when Zoey demonstrated her true power, they began to have second thoughts.
In the end, they had underestimated her.
When she truly let loose, she was simply invincible.
In fact, she was even stronger than the time when she wielded the Skyward Sword.
When she was holding the sword, her powers were suppressed by it.
It prevented her from unleashing her full strength, unlike now.
“It’s not going to be easy to kill her.”
Donald finally understood why Zoey was called the She-Devil and how she had survived for so long.
She was so powerful that few could actually kill her.
Many others shared Donald’s sentiment.
If they were fighting one to one, it would be hard for Edmund to make short work of Zoey.
However, the situation was now different. Edmund had gotten his hands on the Skyward Sword.
Moreover, he had gone through solitary training in that area and filled himself with the sword’s Solaris Energy.
Given that he had built a link with the Skyward Sword, he was able to wield it more naturally and unleash the true extent of its power.
When Edmund saw how strong and stubborn Zoey was, he was enraged.
Given that he had cultivated Solaris Energy all this while, he was overflowing with it.
Combined with a Solaris Energy sword, he was like an angel who descended from Heaven to massacre its enemies.
With that, he unleashed Solaris Energy attacks with his sword in Zoey’s direction.
As a disciple of the Dark Emperor, Zoey was trained in Dark Energy techniques.
Therefore, her powers were neutralized by the Skyward Sword and Edmund.
Upon the Skyward Sword’s attack, Zoey was scorched by its Solaris Energy.
Edmund was blitzing Zoey at full power, overwhelming her and causing her to puke blood.
Zoey was flung backward as another shockwave struck her.
By then, she was covered with injuries.
“It’s time to end this!”


Chapter 2204 Forlevia To The Rescue

Having been badly beaten, Zoey was in no condition to defend herself nor counterattack.
Lying on the ground, all she could do was wait for the Grim Reaper to take her.
Having lost all hope and abandoned by her comrades, she had chosen to give up.

The moment Edmund got his hands on the Skyward Sword, the Dark Emperor had ordered the Sacred Organization to retreat and abandon Zoey.
After all, she was of no value to him anymore.
At that moment, Edmund burst into hearty laughter. Having wielded the Skyward Sword, he felt as if he had become invincible and no one was able to stop him.
Within the same moment, everyone had witnessed the Skyward Sword’s true power.
It had elevated Edmund’s combat prowess to a different level.
Consequently, Donald and everyone else began to covet the sword with greater fervor.
No matter what, they had to get their hands on the sword and shouldn’t give up easily.
“Die, Zoey!”
Brandishing the Skyward Sword, Edmund charged at Zoey who had already closed her eyes.
Other than these trivial enemies, Levi’s true killers have been eradicated. The Lab of Gods has also been destroyed. Therefore, I can finally die in peace and see Levi in the afterlife.
Just as the Skyward Sword was about to gloriously tear Zoey apart, everyone cheered at the She-Devil’s impending doom.
Given that the eighth-ranked fighter of the Divine Leaderboard was about to fall, everyone watched with suspense.
When Wynona, Mia, and Kirin wanted to rush to Zoey’s side, the four divine generals and the elite fighters of The Cardinal Hall held them back forcefully, thwarting the rescue.
“Zoey!” Kirin and the others cried out in despair as they were about to watch Zoey die.
However, they felt conflicted given the fact that Zoey was undeniably the She-Devil.
They were right in wanting to protect Levi’s family.
But Zoey was now a criminal and a public enemy of Erudia.
Consequently, their conflicting duties were the source of their dilemma.
The Cardinal Hall intended to put an end to everything that day.
Therefore, there was not an ounce of hesitation on the hand behind the Skyward Sword.
When they were on the brink of despair…
Suddenly, a blast of energy hit the Skyward Sword.
Tap! Tap! Tap!
Edmund was forced into backpedaling while cracks emerged on the ground below his feet.
He was filled with disbelief at the fact that someone could push him back.
Everyone at the scene were equally surprised.
They couldn’t believe that there was someone who came to save Zoey.
While Kirin and the others were delighted by the turn of events, they too were curious to see who was behind the attack.
“Who is it?” Edmund bellowed.
Even Zoey was trying to see who her rescuer was.
At that moment, a small figure emerged in everyone’s view.
A kid?
Every was dumbfounded by the sight.
Why is there a kid in a place like this?
Furthermore, the kid had managed to force Edmund back.
This is terrifying!
“Forlevia? What are you doing here?”
Edmund recognized her at once. He had assumed she was training somewhere far away.
Hence, he didn’t expect to see her there.
After shooting him a glare, Forlevia didn’t say a word and she went to Zoey’s side.
Zoey was briefly stunned before giving Forlevia a tight embrace.
Although she was now a killing machine that barely had any emotions left, she hadn’t forgotten about Forlevia.
When everyone heard Edmund mention Forlevia’s identity, they were utterly shocked.
“It’s the child genius of The Cardinal Hall!”
“I heard rumors she has undergone some training. But, I didn’t think that it would be true!”
Donald looked at Forlevia intently. “It that Levi’s child?”
Tyrone and the others were equally surprised. “She has already grown up!”
Forlevia’s appearance caused Edmund to furrow his eyebrows. “What are you doing here? Go back now! You’re not supposed to be here!”
With Forlevia present, Edmund knew it would be difficult to kill Zoey.
After all, he was fearful of the elders who supported Forlevia.
Even though he was the leader of The Cardinal Hall, the elders wouldn’t listen to him at all.
In fact, he might even have to accord them some respect.


Chapter 2205 Defeat Me First

Forlevia shook her head adamantly. “No! Mommy cannot die! I won’t allow it to happen!”
Edmund fell into a dilemma.

Am I really to strike Evie? Will the elders approve of my actions?
“Do you know that your mother has committed many crimes and murdered a lot of people? Do you know how much blood she has on her hands?” Edmund questioned.
Forlevia shook her head. “My mother must have been framed as killing isn’t in her nature. Furthermore, I don’t care about that. As long as I’m here, I will protect her!”
The elders hiding in the shadows began to worry as their worst fears had come true.
Forlevia had finally intervened.
Consequently, they agonized over whether they should get involved in the event of a battle.
“Haha, what a joke! The She-Devil’s daughter turns out to be The Cardinal Hall’s most talented fighter?”
“Looks like The Cardinal Hall is just a breeding ground for devils! This is ridiculous. They too are nothing but hypocrites!”
“Is The Cardinal Hall trying to protect the She-Devil instead?”
The crowds loud jeers humiliated The Cardinal Hall.
It was a disgrace for them to be somehow related to the She-Devil.
Therefore, there was a greater urgency to kill Zoey as they had to redeem their reputation.
“Stop spouting nonsense. When the child joined The Cardinal Hall, she was completely cut off from the outside world. Therefore, her mother has nothing to do with her and neither is She-Devil related to The Cardinal Hall.”
“Let me say this again. The She-Devil will be decapitated today by the Skyward Sword, and no one will stand in my way!” Edmund declared aloud.
“Haha, with the kid blocking you, do you dare do it?”
“I suppose not! I’m sure you won’t raise your hand against her.”
The crowd mocked Edmund.
“I’m not afraid to do anything. Whoever stops me from slaying Zoey will die!”
Edmund was infuriated by their comments.
Just when he took a step forward, Forlevia confronted him. “If you want to kill Mommy, you will have to get through me first!”
Forlevia unleashed a terrifying aura that enveloped the entire area, causing everyone’s heart to skip a beat.
As for Edmund, he had never felt this pressured before.
The child seems stronger than Zoey! No wonder the elders have allowed her to train in the outside world. She is finally strong enough to do so.
Feeling fearful, Edmund’s expression grew solemn.
Before Forlevia appeared, he was the most talented fighter in The Cardinal Hall.
Now that she had taken over that title, he had long wanted to test her skills. Unfortunately, he couldn’t do so as she was still a kid.
However, Edmund realized at that moment that he had underestimated her as she was a lot stronger than he thought.
“Edmund, do you dare kill the child? And then slay Zoey after that?”
The crowd began instigating him.
However, Edmund decided to stay his hand against Forlevia while the four divine generals fell silent.
If the elders found out that they had hurt Forlevia, they would pay a terrible price for it.
Hence, no one from The Cardinal Hall dared to touch her.
“Haha, we knew it. You have no guts,” the crowd ridiculed.
At that moment, Donald signaled for everyone to be quiet.
He coldly asserted, “It’s understandable that the child has stopped The Cardinal Hall General from killing the She-Devil. After all, she is one of them. Therefore, this is where we can help. Leave the child to me. Her father has broken the Garrison clan’s rules, and I will punish her for it. In the meantime, you should kill Zoey!”
Donald took a step forward.
Meanwhile, Edmund smiled as Donald had provided a solution to his crisis.
He couldn’t raise his hand against Forlevia, but it didn’t mean others couldn’t too.
With that, Donald charged ferociously at Forlevia.
By tying her down, Zoey was totally exposed to Edmund’s attacks.


Chapter 2206 Piercing Zoey With The Sword

Hiding in the shadows, the elders were getting anxious.
They didn’t care nor wanted to hear about Zoey, but Forlevia’s every move meant everything to them.
Hence, they nervously watched on as Forlevia faced off with Donald.

Cognizant of how powerful Forlevia was, Donald launched his attacks without holding back at all.
In response, Forlevia had to fight back with the best of her abilities, notwithstanding the fact that she had to protect her mother too.
Everyone was bewildered by the battle between Forlevia and Donald.
How can the child be so strong as to stand toe to toe against someone as powerful as Donald?
Considering everyone knew how formidable Donald was, they were astounded by the fact that Forlevia was able to stand her ground against him.
Furthermore, they were amazed that Forlevia could fend off Donald while protecting Zoey at the same time.
Even Edmund was dumbfounded by what he saw.
Just as expected, the elders have raised such a powerful child. From the looks of it, Evie can take me and Donald on at the same time.
“What are you spacing out for? Go and kill Zoey!” Donald snapped.
Regaining his senses, Edmund launched his assault on Zoey.
As if she had gone berserk, Forlevia beat Donald back and rushed to stop Edmund’s attack.
The savage battle caused everyone to hold their breath in suspense.
They couldn’t believe that such a small body could contain so much power.
No wonder she is known as the child genius of The Cardinal Hall!
Back in the shadows, the elders smiled in relief.
They could finally see the progress that Forlevia made.
“That’s how amazing our disciple is!”
Elder Celia was filled with pride.
At that moment, Forlevia had managed to hold off Edmund and Donald’s attacks concurrently.
Obviously, Edmund didn’t go all out as he was worried about suffering the wrath of the elders.
“All of you, attack together quickly!” Donald barked.
Realizing that was their cue, Tyrone and the other Garrison clan elites charged at Forlevia.
At the same time, Tyrone understood what the plan was.
Letting Edmund kill Zoey aside, the true reason Donald wanted to stop Forlevia was that he intended to capture her. After that, he could use her as a hostage to force The Cardinal Hall into handing over the Skyward Sword.
It was evident to everyone how important Forlevia was to The Cardinal Hall.
Considering Edmund’s ruthless character, it was strikingly against his nature when he and the whole of The Cardinal Hall held themselves back in the face of Forlevia.
Their actions had demonstrated Forlevia’s indispensable position in The Cardinal Hall.
Therefore, once she was captured, Edmund would have no choice but to hand over the sword in exchange for Forlevia.
Consequently, it was a wonderful opportunity.
Whoever had the child would be able to claim the Skyward Sword.
Tyrone was amazed by Donald’s quick thinking.
Looks like Edmund didn’t see this coming.
With that, the Garrison clan piled on the pressure upon Forlevia.
Gradually, the other factions saw through Donald’s plan.
They too realized that capturing Forlevia was the key to obtaining the Skyward Sword.
“Let’s attack too! We have to capture the child!”
With the crowd riled up, all of them joined the battle hoping to capture Forlevia.
In a very short moment, thousands of men attacked her simultaneously.
No matter how strong she was, she could no longer protect Zoey as she could barely defend herself anymore.
Meanwhile, Donald and his men began to feel anxious.
By failing to capture Forlevia within the short window they had, they allowed everyone else to see through their plan.
With so much competition, securing Forlevia had become significantly more difficult.
In the meantime, Edmund finally realized what their agenda was. The crowd intended to take Forlevia so that they could exchange her for the sword.
However, he had realized it too late and couldn’t do anything about it.
Forget it. I should kill Zoey first.
With the Skyward Sword in his hand, he charged at Zoey and thrust it at her.
Everyone was stunned by the piercing sound.


Chapter 2207 The Mightiest Defensive Divine Tool

This round, Zoey did not dodge or retaliate at all. There was a splatter of blood as the Skyward Sword pierced through her right shoulder.
All of a sudden, there were intimidating flickers from her flaring eyes.
Boom! She sent Edmund flying with her powerful strike of palm.

Poof! Blood spurted out from Edmund’s mouth.
He was flabbergasted and his heart skipped a beat.
Am I seeing things? How is it possible that the woman is able to emanate such unrivaled power when she is weak as a kitten?
The others were rooted to the ground, astounded by Zoey’s mighty combating power even when she was in such a crucial state.
“My goodness! Levi Garrison’s whole family has such mighty combating power. His wife and his daughter are good at fighting just like him!” Someone commented.
“If Levi Garrison were still alive, I bet he would feel ashamed of himself! After all, he’s too weak in this new era. That’s why he needs the two women to shield him from any strike!” another fighter mocked.
“Hmph! Since Zoey Lopez is dying, he will have no one backing him up even if he returns later!” The fighter next to him stated his opinion.
“If not for the tragic fate that will befall Zoey Lopez, Levi Garrison will be able to live well in this era if he comes back. There is nothing for him to fear alongside his mighty wife and daughter! I’m sure as he*l that he will live a free and easy life!” Another fighter was obviously envious of Levi.
Comments on Levi’s whole family were reverberating from every corner. Even the elders share the same sentiments with them. Since both Forlevia and Zoey were able to cater to everything, they could keep Levi away from any danger.
Undeniably, they witnessed Forlevia’s impressive ability. Even so, she was fighting against a few thousand fighters at the moment. Not to mention, there were other elite fighters like Donald among them. The pressure on her was beyond description.
The elders’ hearts ached as they felt a prickle of anxiousness. They would never forgive themselves if anything were to happen to Forlevia.
They kept an eye on Forlevia, fearing that she would sustain any injuries. Their forehead was beaded with sweat as they clenched their fists apprehensively.
We must strike at once if Evie’s life is at risk!
In the meantime, they paid no heed to Zoey. To them, her life or death was none of their business.
Forlevia was all worked up when her mother was injured. She shrieked in exasperation and could barely wait to rush to Zoey’s side.
Nonetheless, too many fighters were standing in her way! A resigned Forlevia could only muster up all her strength to fight against the foes in tears.
Edmund was boiling with anger when Zoey tried to retaliate after unleashing her mighty power. He darted toward her in an instant with the Skyward Sword, vowing to finish her off at any moment.
Soon, Zoey could scarcely defend herself from Edmund’s massive strikes.
Miraculously, the sword did not pierce through her body this round.
“Ah! I know it! It’s the Imperial Armor, a platinum armor discovered among the ruins of The Immortal Sea in Adrune last year! It is indeed the ultimate armor from the emperor of the ancient clans in Adrune. Nothing can pierce through it!” one of the fighters yelled out in exhilaration.
“Oh my! I’m having goosebumps! Even the tip of the ultimate Skyward Sword can’t pierce through the armor!” Another fighter chimed in.
Everyone was stupefied at the sight of The platinum armor worn by Zoey. It was a legendary defensive tool deemed one of the best divine tools within these three years.
Countless fighters were fighting frantically for it the previous year. It never came across anyone’s mind that the divine tool was in Zoey’s possession at the moment.
On top of that, it was well known for its incredible defense. As a matter of fact, it was known as the most defensive armor. So far, no weapon could penetrate it!
Everyone waited in anticipation for the so-called battle between the Skyward Sword and the most defensive divine tool. Even the elders were drawn toward it uncontrollably. The mightiness of the defensive tool was simply irresistible for them as well.
“Is that so?” Edmund sniggered as he continued to brandish his Skyward Sword.
Clank! Clank!
The Skyward Sword and the Imperial Armor crashed against each other.
Crack! Crack! Crack!
After three times, there were visible cracks on the Imperial Armor!
Bang! Unbelievably, the Imperial Armor shattered into pieces after being bombarded by the Skyward Sword.
Subsequently, Zoey was sent flying by the massive force. She could not take it any longer. Sustaining severe injury, blood spewed from her mouth.
“Is this the Skyward Sword? I can’t believe that the mightiest defensive divine tool is slashed by it in such a short span!” One of the fighters gasped.
“I must own the Skyward Sword! I must own this amazing sword!” another fighter vowed.


Chapter 2208 He Is Here

It was as though all the fighters had lost their mind. The incredible ability of the Skyward Sword had driven them insane!
Almost everyone was deluded by the Skyward Sword. There was utter madness in their eyes. They would rather risk their lives to obtain the sword.
The Skyward Sword seemed to have the ability to influence everyone’s mind, either in a good or evil way. At the moment, it sent everyone into a state of loss of mind.

To obtain the Skyward Sword, they had to capture Forlevia so The Cardinal Hall would be forced to hand it out.
Thus, they struck against Forlevia profusely. All their minds were prevailed by the yearning for the sword. Nothing could hold them back.
Zoey was dumbfounded. Initially, she planned to retaliate, kill Edmund and flee. The Imperial Armor was the final trump card that she would not easily reveal. She presumed that the Skyward Sword might not be able to slash it within a short span or could hardly do so.
It never occurred to her that things would turn the other way around! Her perfect plan was foiled by the horrendous Skyward Sword!
The Dark Emperor could actually foresee this. He was the one who gave Zoey the Imperial Armor. Apparently, he must have retreated as he knew that the armor was not comparable to the Skyward Sword.
The unrivaled power of the Skyward Sword sent everyone into a tizzy. Even the elders were bedazzled and sighed. “If not because the divide brigadier’s son has obtained it, the rest of us might be fighting for it too! It is indeed a terrifying weapon that seems to cast a spell on everyone!”
Elder Celia could not resist heaving a deep sigh. “You have not experienced the exact ultimate power of the Skyward Sword yet. I had seen it with my own eyes before. When that man held it in his hand, he was undefeatable and could effortlessly finish off any elite fighters at once!”
“How terrifying!” One of the elders quivered.
All the fighters on the higher lands and in secluded corners who had just witnessed the ultimate power of the Skyward Sword were thunderstruck.
The talented fighter from Raysonia was exceptionally excited. His lips contorted into a smirk as he commented, “Hmm! It’s qualified to fight against my Muramasa Blade!”
Even so, these fighters could not take part in the battle. They either did not possess any divine tool comparable to the Skyward Sword or have the courage to show their faces.
The unrivaled power of the Skyward Sword buoyed Edmund with confidence. He thought of giving Forlevia a hand right after he finished Zoey off.
No! I can’t let Donald Garrison and those despicable ones’ ploy turn into a success!
“Zoey Lopez, let’s see how you can dodge this!” Edmund darted toward Zoey, aiming the Skyward Sword at her.
Zoey grasped the sword, yet it was still inching toward her body. She could only look at the advancing tip of the Skyward Sword in utter helplessness. There was no way out for her.
“Mommy!” Forlevia bellowed.
She risked her life to open up a path and make her way toward Zoey.
Pfft! Blood spurted out of her mouth as she sustained a few massive strikes on her back!
So far, the others did not strike against her with full force as their main motive was to capture her. Thus, she only sustained slight injuries before this.
Nevertheless, she was determined to go all out for the sake of Zoey. She finally managed to save Zoey’s life despite her own severe injury.
“Evie!” Zoey wailed.
Right that instant, it was as though there was a crack on the stone-cold armor enveloping her heart.
Apart from seeking vengeance, she still had other feelings. Unexpectedly, her heart wrenched at the sight of Forlevia’s injuries.
“Evie!” Elder Celia almost rushed out to her.
“Wait a minute! Just hang on till Evie’s life is really at risk. It is a golden opportunity for her to polish her combat skill!” The other elders held her back at once.
No doubt, all of them were worried sick of Forlevia’s safety.
“I’m convinced that they won’t dare to kill Forlevia. They are just thinking of capturing her to obtain the Skyward Sword. Thus, we don’t have to be involved yet!” one of the elders commented analytically while the others freaked out at the scene.
“Take her!” The scene gradually turned into turmoil.
The situation was becoming out of control when everyone seemed to be losing their minds. There was only Forlevia in their eyes as their minds were preoccupied with their greed for the sword.
Donald smirked as something came into his mind. To capture Forlevia, he lunged toward Zoey intentionally to lure her.
“Kill her! Finish her off now!” he roared, instructing the other fighters to lunge toward Zoey.
When more than ten thousand fighters were lunging toward Zoey, it resulted in another wave of turbulence.
“Get away!” All of a sudden, a bellow of anger sounded from nowhere in the sky.


Chapter 2209 Nobody Is To Stand In Our Way

The ear-piercing vibration sounded like a rumble of thunder out of the blue, shaking the earth violently.

The next moment, it was as though there was an invincible, enormous palm shoving all the fighters away from Zoey and Forlevia.
Incredibly, even elite fighters such as Donald, Edmund, and the four Progenitors were pushed a few hundred meters away from them effortlessly.
Everyone gaped at each other. Their minds turned mushy as they tried to figure out what could be the peerless power that could shove all the fighters aside without showing the fighter. It was indeed an overwhelming combat skill beyond their imagination!
Apart from the fighters, the other elite fighters observing in dark corners were stupefied. The talented fighter from Raysonia with Muramasa Blade was not an exception.
Meanwhile, the top-tier fighters in the dark corners were startled and rendered speechless.
“W-What is going on? Since when is there such an ultimate fighter out of nowhere?” one of them stuttered.
“When did he appear? Where did the strike come from? My goodness! How can I be unaware of that!” Another fighter whined.
In an instant, there were reverberations of gasps from the perplexed crowd. They were all shoved aside, but none of them could spot anyone striking at that moment.
The elders who were observing the scene in the secluded corners were dumbfounded. Apparently, someone had come to Forlevia’s rescue when they were still in hesitation.
All of them gasped as indescribable fear surged from within them. It was too horrifying for them. They were clueless about the savior’s exact ability.
Deep down, they kept asking themselves if all of them could team up and shove more than ten thousand fighters away simultaneously.
It is impossible for us to do so!
On the other hand, both Forlevia and Zoey were still rattled by their close shave moments ago. They could not believe that someone had rescued them in the eleventh hour!
Who is this mighty person?
A figure emerged from the sky and landed on the ground.
Everyone turned hastily, only to find a masked man.
Needless to say, the man was Levi. Initially, he almost emerged at once to save his beloved wife and daughter.
Then, Cyrus handed him a mask, asking him to put it on. In his opinion, it was inappropriate for Levi to appear out of nowhere since the time had truly changed. He might exacerbate the situation with his emergence. Apart from that, he would be exposed to the threat of the Dark Emperor and his other foes at any time.
Not to mention, Zoey was currently the public enemy for Erudia and the whole world. If Levi’s identity was revealed when saving her, it would stir up another round of trouble. Thus, potential problems could be eliminated when Levi put on a mask to cover his identity.
Everyone knew at once that the elite fighter was wearing a mask as he did not wish to reveal his identity.
Forlevia and Zoey were in bafflement. They did not have any idea about the person’s identity. After all, not the slightest bit of Levi’s aura could be sensed from the man.
After going through solitary training for three years, Levi had completely transformed into another person. Instead of exuding his usual vibes, his entire body was giving off an inexplicit ethereal vibe, as though he did not really exist.
“Who are you? Why are you standing in our way?” Donald questioned him boldly right away.
Levi did not reply to him at once. He scanned around him and noticed many familiar faces. Among them, there were Tyrone, Kenny, and others.
Hmph! How dare all of them stir up trouble in this era!
“Hey, I’m talking to you. Didn’t you hear me?” Donald lashed out at him.
Edmund also echoed by uttering warily, “Sir, mind telling us who you are? By the way, we are getting rid of this devil. I hope you don’t meddle up with it. Please get out of our way!”
Even though he was clueless about the masked man’s identity, his gut instinct told him he was no ordinary man.
“Go away at once! After finishing off this woman, we will capture the girl to exchange for the Skyward Sword!” one of the fighters shrieked.
“Yeah! Let’s fight till the end for the Skyward Sword!” another fighter yelled at the top of his lungs.
“Nobody is to stand in our way!” an agitated fighter snarled.
They had gone out of their mind.


Chapter 2210 Destroy The Skyward Sword

Everyone glared at Levi with blazing eyes. Their minds were prevailed by the utter eagerness for the Skyward Sword.
Regardless of who he is, finish him off at once if he dares to stand in our way! We are willing to do anything for the Skyward Sword!
Edmund was in silence. His main motive was to end Zoey’s life at once and protect Forlevia. He was doing so indirectly for the sake of the Skyward Sword.

On the other hand, Donald continued to instigate all the other fighters by yelling, “Everyone, attention, please! Whoever wishes to obtain the Skyward Sword, you have to finish him off first!”
“Kill him now!” The other fighters yelled out in agitation like ones who had lost their mind!
Obsessed with the Skyward Sword, they had lost their ways.
Sadly, an ultimate sword of Solaris Energy had turned the other way around into a devilish item. It had deluded everyone’s mind, driving everyone insane, turning the whole place into a living hell.
If the Skyward Sword was never pulled out of the ground, it would not result in such turmoil.
“Look at all of you! You see only Skyward Sword now. Don’t you know that it has driven you crazy?” Levi fumed at them.
In a split second, he emerged right in front of Edmund like a bolt of lightning and grabbed the Skyward Sword.
When Edmund came to his senses, he struck to stop Levi from snatching the sword. Even so, the strike ended up in thin air.
In a blink of an eye, the Skyward Sword vanished from his hand.
Levi was seemingly at an exceptionally high speed beyond Edmund’s knowledge. His movement seemed to be in slow motion, which Edmund should be able to react and block at once.
Nonetheless, Edmund was still slightly slower than him. He was what they defined as a formidable fighter.
A perplexed Edmund could not accept that Levi was beyond his control. At his territory, everyone tended to be restricted from displaying their ability completely. Donald and the rest were no exception as well.
Nevertheless, nothing could affect Levi. Other than giving no hoot about all these, Levi could even snatch the Skyward Sword from him effortlessly!
Once the Skyward Sword was in Levi’s hand, it started to shake violently as time elapsed.
As the ghastly vibe from the Skyward Sword was released into the surrounding, it resulted in an ominous atmosphere.
In an instant, everyone could sense a hint of devastating murderous intent. In other words, that was the intense fear surged from within them, forcing them to stagger backward.
They had a gut feeling that the Skyward Sword was unleashing its sword aura that would wipe everyone off within a short span. Every single one of them, including Donald and the others, could not withstand the fearsome vibe of the sword.
The Skyward Sword was finally emanating its exact ultimate power!
“W-What on earth is going on?” someone blurted out.
“I…” Donald gulped as he moved backward.
At that very moment, the Skyward Sword was unleashing its mightiest murderous intent. A wave of fear was even creeping into Donald’s heart.
Edmund’s eyes widened in disbelief.
What happened to the Skyward Sword? It seems something has triggered it when the man is holding it!
Earlier on, everyone felt they could handle the Skyward Sword without any difficulty despite feeling intimidated by the ultimate divine tool.
Somehow, things turned the other way around right after the Skyward Sword was triggered to unleash its mighty power. Nobody could seem to handle it at the moment, not even Edmund and Donald. The transforming sword aura was harmful to them!
The elite fighters in the dark corners uttered admiringly, “Undoubtedly, the Skyward Sword depends very much on the person having it. Only the ultimate fighters are able to trigger the unrivaled power of the sword!”
In the meantime, the elders were discussing it excitedly as well.
“Did you see that? That’s the exact power that the Skyward Sword should be emanating in the hands of a formidable fighter. It is exactly like what I had seen with my own eyes many years ago. That was how the Skyward Sword looked like when that man was holding it at that time!” Elder Celia sounded excited.
“Do you think he appears all of a sudden because of the Skyward Sword?” one of the elders asked curiously.
“Yeah! You have a point. There’s a big possibility that he is not here to anyone’s rescue! He is here merely for the Skyward Sword! As you can see, the mighty power of the sword only emanated in his hands!” one of the fighters commented analytically.
The others came to themselves instantly. Even so, they had misunderstood Levi.
He wished to obtain the Skyward Sword, not because of the yearning similar to the others. His main motive was to destroy it!


Chapter 2211 Shatter The Skyward Sword With Two Fingers

“Ah! It seems he is not here to rescue them. Apparently, he is here for the Skyward Sword!” A fighter yelled out confidently.
All the others nodded.
Even Forlevia and Zoey had the same stance as the others earlier. They thought Levi was there to rescue them. Now that it seemed his main motive was to seize the Skyward Sword.

Both Edmund and Donald were startled.
So he is here to seize the Skyward Sword?
Seeing how the Skyward Sword had unleashed its mighty power, everyone was convinced that Levi was there to snatch it.
Not to mention, he was even more undefeatable with the Skyward Sword in hand.
The vibration of the Skyward Sword was getting stronger. The intimidating aura intensified, shrouding every corner gradually.
In everyone’s eyes, the Skyward Sword could sense the formidable fighter’s ability and become exhilarated with that. It was the way the divine tool resonated with him.
The Skyward Sword was similar to a humanoid with emotions. It was natural for it to be over the moon when it was in the grasp of someone who could handle it.
Even so, nobody knew that the Skyward Sword was actually in fear instead of feeling joyous. It sensed the hint of dominance looming over it.
“See how the Skyward Sword has turned this place into a living hell! That is what you define as a divine tool, huh? It should be viewed as a devilish tool now! What is the point of keeping it then?” Levi fumed.
Holding the Skyward Sword with his left hand, he stretched out two fingers on his right hand and knocked on the sword.
The ear-splitting sound sent everyone’s minds into a complete blank. It was as though they were deafened, and their minds turned mushy.
In mid-air, a mushroom cloud was formed. It was the type of cloud produced merely by the particular superweapon.
The next moment, a series of massive explosions turned everything into debris. The gruesome scene sent a chill down everyone’s spine.
Little did they know that the most terrifying moment was yet to come. Soon, the Skyward Sword started to crack right after Levi knocked it with his two fingers.
It ended up shattered into tiny pieces.
The Skyward Sword was destroyed just because Levi knocked on it with his two fingers!
Everyone went mad in an instant!
They were overwhelmed by the most horrendous moment in their life.
How is it possible for anyone to shatter the most ultimate Skyward Sword with just two fingers? What a terrifying sight! His power is beyond estimation! Does it make sense for anyone to possess such mighty power?
When everyone was racking their brains how they could snatch the Skyward Sword and enable it to exert greater power, it never crossed their minds that someone would actually destroy it.
What kind of power is that? I bet he is the only one who manages to do that so far.
Everyone including Zoey, Forlevia, Donald and Edmund was rendered speechless again as they freaked out.
They almost went berserk…
The elders observing the whole situation from afar were on pins and needles. At the sight of Levi’s devastating power, fear welled up from within them.
My goodness! Is he even human?
He is mighty as God!
Regardless of the emergence of Ancient Clans and the significant development of science and technology, they had never come across such peerless power.
Assessments from the various organizations implied that the Skyward Sword was the mightiest divine tool that was undefeatable by all means.
In fact, it was proven to be an ultimate sword as it destroyed the Imperial Armor known as the most defensive divine tool.
Nonetheless, it was shattered within seconds by Levi using two fingers!
If they had not witnessed how the Skyward Sword was pulled out from the ground with their own eyes, they would definitely feel that it was just a show.
It was unbelievable that such an ultimate sword was shattered by someone with just two fingers. Even those who witnessed it on the spot could hardly believe what they had seen.
Are we seeing things? Is it a dream?
Everyone felt that they were floating in a virtual world that did not exist.
It seemed they were in dreamland!
“What the hell is that? Da*n it!” Even Cyrus, who knew well about Levi’s ultimate power, felt that everything was driving him insane.
The Skyward Sword is seemingly more vulnerable than the Prison of Darkness, huh?


Chapter 2212 Dominate The Divine Leaderboard

In truth, both the Prison of Darkness and Skyward Sword were strong.
However, Levi was extremely powerful. He could not be restricted by both the Prison of Darkness and Skyward Sword.
Utterly startled by the scene that unfolded before them, the elders, who had hidden in a secret location, could not believe their eyes.

Initially, they assumed that they were on par with Levi’s strength.
However, his abilities surpassed their expectations.
The Skyward Sword never yielded or broke by any of the opponents.
In fact, the Skyward Sword was more than just a mere weapon. It was a piece that complimented them.
They could exert the true potential of their powers when the Skyward Sword was in their grasps.
In short, the Skyward Sword was their equal.
Yet, the man standing before them was clearly much stronger than the Skyward Sword seeing how his immense strength broke the sword.
His true might was beyond their league.
A long silence ensued as everyone was too stunned to speak.
Even the fighters hidden amongst the shadows could not muster a proper response.
What kind of being is he? He broke the Skyward Sword with only two of his fingers!
All of a sudden, the Divine Leaderboard seemed lame.
With a single act, the man before them had dominated the Divine Leaderboard and solidified his position at its peak.
Given his supreme strength, he could single-handedly decimate everyone else on the Divine Leaderboard too.
In order words, it would be an insult to rank him as the Divine Leaderboard’s top fighter because the heights of his strength greatly surpassed the list itself.
According to the Divine Leaderboard, fighters ranked on the list were ones who wielded powers as strong as God.
Yet, the individual before their stunned gazes appeared to have already reached the level of God.
He was a being in a league of his own.
Initially, they assumed that Levi was here to steal the Skyward Sword.
Looking back, they couldn’t help but chastise their own foolishness.
The Skyward Sword is a weapon unworthy of him!
After Levi shattered the Skyward Sword, a smile broke out on his face. “Since it’s now destroyed, it looks like you lot can’t fight anymore,” he said.
Although the Skyward Sword had been destroyed, no one lamented its loss
Faced against a person akin to God, the destruction of the Skyward Sword was the least of their worries.
Even the elders of The Cardinal Hall were at a loss for words.
However, a similar thought ran through everyone’s mind.
This man is way too strong!
It was like coming face to face with God.
When they squared off against Levi, Donald and Edmund felt inferior. The menacing and domineering aura that radiated from Levi’s broad figure caused them to tremble in fear.
“I’m taking them with me. Are there any objections?” Levi asked before he left with Forlevia and Zoey.
The only thing that responded to his question was an eerie silence.
After all, who would be foolish enough to object or speak up? Even the slightest retaliation against Levi only meant death.
Hence, no one dared to step up and block him.
Despite having the advantage of numbers on their side, they were no match for him.
“Since there are no objections, I’ll be taking my leave.” With that, Levi brought Forlevia and Zoey along and left the scene.
Immediately, the crowd parted like the Red Sea to make way for the trio.
Even after they left, the crowd remained so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.
Everyone had a dazed and empty look painted across their faces. It was as if their souls had escaped from their bodies.
Even Donald was solemn. His hollow gaze made it hard to decipher his thoughts.
Edmund remained rooted to the spot, the scene where Levi first snatched the Skyward Sword from his clutches still replayed in his mind.
On the other hand, Azure Dragon and Kirin’s breathing became increasingly erratic. A crazed look gleamed in their eyes.
They once thought that they’d reached the pinnacle of their strength. After all, their names were listed on the Divine Leaderboard, signifying their god-like strength and power. Even amongst other elites, Azure Dragon and Kirin were the creams of the crop.
Yet, reality dawned upon them.
In truth, they were as insignificant as ants.
Even more so, they were stunned that this person was none other than Levi, their boss.
Even the elders could not muster a proper response to the shocking events.
“Wait, where’s Evie? Where did she run off to?” When Celia snapped out of her daze, she realized that Forlevia was missing.
Her surprised cry alerted the other elders.
Without any delay, they rushed off to look for Forlevia.
Fortunately, Levi had not traveled far. He was still nearby.
Levi shot a glance at their hiding spot.
The elders jolted in shock when they realized that Levi had spotted them.
When Levi noticed that the elders were hiding there, he did not lash out.
“Thank you for helping us. If I may ask, who are you?” Forlevia asked respectfully.


Chapter 2213 Advice From The Manifest Court

Forlevia had asked the question that everyone was dying to know.
They were confused about Levi’s purpose.
Was he here to destroy the Skyward Blade or rescue someone? Maybe, he’s just here to flex his strength.

No matter his intentions, they were confused.
With the elders and other strangers lurking within earshot, Levi was unable to disclose his true identity.
When Forlevia came face to face with Levi, she felt a sense of familiarity.
Why does it feel like I recognize this person?
“You’ll find out in the future. Go back and save them!” Levi blurted out before he spun on his heel and left.
Immediately, Forlevia fled the scene with Zoey in her embrace. She was afraid they’d face more danger.
Levi was no longer concerned about Forvelia’s safety because the elders were hot on her heels. He was confident that the elders would shield her from any harm.
Back at the icy plains, Donald, Edmund, and the rest finally regained their senses.
When the crowd was about to disperse, a booming voice stopped them in their tracks. “Useless! You are all nothing but a bunch of useless fools! Did you think that you savage barbarians could steal Erudia’s belongings? Have you underestimated Erudia?”
Following the voice, a loud bang resonated in the air.
Immediately, the four Progenitors and fighters from various countries quaked in fear.
The voice served as a clear warning—they shouldn’t step foot in Erudia.
However, Edmund and Donald were the ones who were particularly affected by the harsh words.
After all, the voice condemned their failure in protecting Erudia.
The Skyward Sword had always belonged to Erudia and its citizens. The identity of the Erudian who wielded the sword did not matter.
However, it could not fall into the hands of someone not of Erudian descendant.
It was the core rule they had to obey.
Yet, Edmund failed to follow it. Furthermore, he allowed foreign fighters to enter Erudia as they pleased.
Promptly, they were scared out of their wits.
It looked like Erudia’s strongest fighter, who was in hiding this entire time, stepped forth to remind the world of his strength.
At the same time, he showed that Erudia was not a country they could simply humiliate or provoke.
To emphasize his statement, he used the Skyward Sword to demonstrate his powers.
Finally realization dawned upon them.
The fighter never intended to destroy the Skyward Sword. Nor had he planned to rescue anyone.
On the contrary, he wanted to remind the world that Erudia was the Great Dragon of the North.
Although Erudia was in a state of dormancy, any provocation would incur its wrath.
Needless to say, Levi’s act of breaking the Skyward Sword was a clear reminder.
Utterly terrified, the Progenitors fled Erudia with their tails between their legs.
They could only imagine the horrible consequences they’d suffer if they continued to remain in Erudia.
In no time, the news spread like wildfire.
On the day the Skyward Sword emerged, a fighter from Erudia showed up and broke it with just two of his fingers.
This startling news caused an uproar.
After all, the Skyward Sword was acknowledged as the world’s strongest divine tool.
Furthermore, its power was unfathomable.
Nonetheless, it was unbelievable that someone shattered it with just two fingers.
Once again, Erudia became a feared country and a taboo.
Though strong fighters could be found all across the globe, only Erudia boasted a fighter who was as strong as God.
The other countries were forced to watch on with envy.
In an attempt to defeat Erudia, Maya Industries and Kings hatched countless plans.
Yet, the emergence of the Erudian fighter turned their elaborate plans to dust.
No one was foolish enough to enter Erudia ever. It would be like knocking on death’s door.
Once Edmund returned, he pelted The Cardinal Hall and Eragon with countless questions. “Who on earth was that person? Do you have any connections to him?”
Yet, both The Cardinal Hall and Eragon could not give Edmund the answers he wanted.
“Could the person be my father?” Edmund mumbled as he thought of Daxon.
“No, although divine brigadier might be as strong as this mysterious fellow, he would never destroy the Skyward Sword.” The divine generals shook their heads. “After all, the divine brigadier has strong connections with the Skyward Sword. He wouldn’t even think of damaging the Skyward Sword.”
“Who could it be? Let’s consult The Manifest Court; I’m sure they’ll be able to give an answer.”
Promptly, Edmund led the divine generals to The Manifest Court.
“Dear elders, we are here to seek your consul. Do you recognize this man?” Edmund asked.
“Do you want to know who he is?”


Chapter 2214 The Plan Of The Dark Emperor

Before Edmund could continue with his other sentence, the leader of The Manifest Court interrupted him.
They were already aware of the question Edmund wanted to ask.
“We are well-versed in all sorts of secrets. We even discovered the truth of Levi’s death a few years ago. There is nothing in this world that The Manifest Court is unaware of. However, we cannot confirm this person’s identity. To put it bluntly, it’s as if he appeared out of thin air. His aura and presence don’t seem like a being who is from this world.”

Loud gasps filled the air when they heard The Manifest Court’s declaration.
How could this be? Even The Manifest Court cannot give us an answer?
It was a rare sight to see an individual demonstrate such prowess in martial arts.
Edmund himself was well aware of this fact.
“However, luck is on our side. Isn’t that man an Erudian? We’d be doomed if he wasn’t loyal to Erudia. Can you imagine the devastation he might cause if he decided to lash out? None of us would be able to stop him,” the leader of Manifest Court said solemnly.
Immediately, everyone heaved out a heavy sigh of relief.
Quickly, the shocking news reached the Dark Emperor.
“The Skyward Blade was shattered?” The news almost drove him mad.
At the same time, Dark Emperor realized that the Terra Blade in his hands was akin to a useless scrap of metal.
Terra Blade is now useless.
If I use it against him, he will simply shatter it with two fingers. How terrifying!
The thought alone sent chills skittering down Dark Emperor’s spine.
After all, Terra Blade was his trump card. Now, it was nothing more than a fancy piece of metal.
Initially, Dark Emperor planned to steal the Skyward Sword.
Once the Skyward Sword was in his grasps, he wanted to merge it with his Terra Blade to craft an ancient divine tool.
However, the emergence of Erudia’s strongest fighter had turned his dreams to ashes. Even if Dark Emperor merged these swords together, he would not stand a chance against this man.
Although Dark Emperor saw the divine tools as an unstoppable force, Erudia’s renowned fighter seemed to view it as nothing more but a flimsy matchstick.
Such fearsome strength was beyond Dark Emperor’s comprehension as the fighter was in an entirely different league.
Who on earth could this fighter be?
No matter how hard Dark Emperor wracked his brain, he could not come up with a plausible answer.
In the end, he was still badly shaken by the shocking news.
“Wait a moment, Zoey was lucky enough to meet this fighter? Where on earth is Zoey? Locate her whereabouts right now!” Dark Emperor called out.
The fact that Zoey was still living and breathing brought forth a myriad of problems that Dark Emperor had to deal with because she knew too many secrets of Sacred Organization.
As long as Zoey was alive, she would be a thorn in his flesh.
“We’ve managed to locate her. It looks like Zoey’s daughter has brought her back to North Hampton to nurse her back to health,” Death Fiend reported.
“That’s great news. Head to North Hampton this instant. You can either take her hostage or kill her.”
No matter what, Dark Emperor was determined to stop Zoey from remaining in Erudia.
Following Dark Emperor’s orders, the Eighteen Dark Angels took off toward North Hampton with Death Fiend at the front of the pack.
It was a brilliant strategy as everyone’s attention was focused on the countless barbarians fleeing Erudia. Hence, they could sneak in unnoticed.
Back in North Hampton, Forlevia finally brought Zoey back.
Upon Zoey and Forvelia’s arrival, their family members gathered to greet them.
Yet, they had mixed emotions.
While they were delighted to see Forlevia, the beloved gem of The Cardinal Hall, their moods took a drastic turn when it came to Zoey.
After all, Zoey was now Erudia’s public enemy and even nicknamed She-Devil.
However, they set aside their feelings and decided to treat Zoey and Forlevia’s wounds.
Interestingly, The Cardinal Hall released Henry and the rest of the Garrison Industry.
After The Cardinal Hall was done with the experiments on them, they were considered worthless. As a result, The Cardinal Hall decided to send them back.
Although they were still pure energy beings, they were no longer on the top of the hierarchy. In contrast, they were only viewed as average fighters.
Many organizations had developed effective methods to deal with pure energy beings. Therefore, they had to lie low and only operated within North Hampton.
Zoey’s arrival unnerved them.
If word got out that they were harboring a fugitive like Zoey, they’d be dead meat.
Compared to the past, they were now desperate to survive.
“It’d be best if Zoey leaves North Hampton as soon as possible. However, Evie can stay. If Zoey remains here, we will be hunted and ostracized!”
Everyone was desperate to send Zoey away.
“Who said that?” A deep voice echoed in the air.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 2215

Following the voice, two figure emerged.
It was none other than Levi and Cyrus.
This time, they did not conceal their appearances and revealed their true identities.

In the past, Levi created a protective veil to mask his appearance whenever he went out in public.
Not only was this veil suitable for combat purposes, but it also brought along tons of other benefits.
After all, the entire world did not have the slightest clue regarding his identity. They were only aware of his monstrous strength.
Given that they had such limited information about this mysterious fighter, he appeared more menacing.
Talking about Levi was like venturing into an unknown territory; hence, the public was terrified that they might stumble on a dark secret about this elusive fighter and his terrifying strength.
Although they were curious about Levi, the lack of information discouraged them from investigating his true identity.
Levi’s existence in Erudia made it a place of taboo. No one dared to provoke Erudia in fear that they might incur the wrath of its fearsome fighter.
However, Levi was determined to meet Zoey and Forlevia without any disguise.
Even Cyrus could not dissuade him.
The Fiery Demon was worried that Dark Emperor might notice.
On the other hand, Levi brushed Cyrus’ concerns away nonchalantly. Sooner or later, he planned to destroy Dark Emperor himself. He didn’t care if Dark Emperor discovered him.
Everyone gaped in shock when Levi emerged from the shadows. “L-Levi? Is this a dream?”
After Levi vanished for over three years, they’d long forgotten about his existence.
In their eyes, Levi had become a ghost as all their memories about him were wiped clean. It was as if he never existed in this world.
His fate was one worse than death.
After all, people would still mourn and pay their respects to the deceased.
Now that Levi reappeared before them once more, everyone was stunned.
They couldn’t believe their eyes as it felt like a dream to see Levi in person.
Levi was still alive this whole time? How did he return from the dead?
A look of astonishment crossed their faces.
“Daddy!” Forlevia’s delighted squeal broke the silence as she leaped into Levi’s arms.
When Zoey caught sight of Levi, her entire body went slack. At that instant, it felt as if everything around her had faded into obscurity. The only thing that remained was Levi’s figure.
Throughout these three years, she never stopped trying to avenge Levi.
The urge for revenge consumed her mind and led her astray. Even worse, Dark Emperor took advantage of her weakened mental state and honed her into a perfect killing machine.
However, all the beliefs drilled into her mind vanished as soon as Zoey saw Levi.
Against all odds, Levi was still alive.
“Mommy, I was right! Daddy didn’t die. He only disappeared. Now, he’s back,” Forlevia cried out in glee.
With great difficulty, Zoey pushed herself upright. Compared to before, her complexion looked much better.
“Levi, where were you all this time?” Emma asked.
“Someone trapped me for three whole years,” Levi replied with a heavy sigh.
Finally, everyone realized where Levi had vanished too.
His response confirmed their suspicions. They assumed that Levi’s powers remained stagnant because he was sealed for three years. Hence, they considered him to be an average fighter.
Levi’s power level was nowhere near the top fighters of this decade.
“Levi,” Henry said with a chuckle, “It’s been three years. Do you know how much the world has changed while you were gone?”
Levi turned to them. “Well, it looks like you’ve all been released.”
“Levi, did you know that your strength has diminished? Right now, you are barely a fighter. How are you going to protect Zoey? She has been listed as Erudia’s number one enemy and branded as a bloodthirsty demon!”
Their words merely caused Levi to laugh coldly. “How am I going to protect her? Of course, I’m going to use my fists,” he replied.
Everyone burst into peals of hysterical laughter.
They thought that Levi was clueless about the world’s advanced development.
Once he gets a taste of the harsh reality, he will understand how it feels to be helpless. Even if Zoey were on the brink of death, he wouldn’t be able to help her. The only thing Levi can do is to watch on helplessly.
“Levi, you have no idea how weak you truly are in this new world,” they replied mockingly.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 2216

Henry and the others had planned to send Zoey in exile from Erudia.
Levi’s arrival, however, changed their mind.
They wanted him to witness Zoey’s death firsthand.

Levi needs to see how far the world has progressed, and how small and inconsequential he really is in this vast land.
Zoey stared at Levi in shock and stammered, “Y-You’re still alive?”
“Of course I am! You’ve fallen for the Dark Emperor’s ploys! He capitalized on your desire to avenge me and turned you into a killing machine,” Levi explained.
His words began to shake Zoey’s faith in the Dark Emperor.
This man before me is Levi, not some random impostor. Could the Dark Emperor be hiding a secret?
“Maybe Master doesn’t know that you’re alive! He was avenging you! The two of us defeated so many enemies for you, and we even took out the Lab of Gods! It’s well and truly gone from the face of this world. I watched it go down with my own eyes!” Zoey’s fervent declaration stunned Levi.
“What? The Lab of Gods is gone? How?”
Never in Levi’s wildest dreams could he imagine that laboratory would disappear forever.
Based on his understanding of the world’s current progress, its destruction was indeed a groundbreaking revelation.
The Lab of Gods practically helmed the most latest development and advancements of science. Thanks to its abilities and resources, it was undoubtedly the biggest winner of the current era.
How could it just disappear? Could the Dark Emperor have pulled this off? Impossible!
Forlevia chimed in with an explanation. “Daddy, it’s true! The Lab of Gods is gone! It disappeared gradually over three years. The lab was still active three years ago because of Lucifer; he didn’t die with you as we thought. The lab became inactive and disappeared during the next two years. It’s been forgotten forever, just like you!”
They’re telling the truth.
Still, Levi thought that the Lab of Gods was merely concealing itself as it observed the world and prepared a grand scheme.
Once the lab resurfaced, it would undoubtedly tear any opposing organizations to shreds.
All that talk about Maya Industries and Kings replacing or even surpassing the Lab of Gods was nothing but a load of bullsh*t.
The public doesn’t know what true power means until they meet the Lab of Gods!
Levi likened the situation to his reappearance, which took the world by storm.
“Yes, she’s right! I destroyed the Lab of Gods with Master! I’m sure he didn’t know that you were still alive, Levi. You have no idea how much he’s helped me in my quest to avenge you! There’s no way he could’ve been manipulating me!”
The Dark Emperor was a sly charmer, and Zoey had fallen so completely under his spell that she took his every word as gospel.
Any criticism toward the Dark Emperor angered her instead of shaking her belief.
She’s in too deep. Plus, everything she said earlier did make sense. I don’t have definitive proof that the Dark Emperor is using her. No wonder she doesn’t believe me.
Still, Levi had to try. He immediately denied her claims and said, “It’s impossible! How could you and the Dark Emperor destroy the Lab of Gods? It’s unthinkable! He fooled you and has always been using you from the beginning. That’s the only logical explanation for all this.”
Destroy the Lab of Gods? What a joke. Even I wouldn’t be able to crush them with my current abilities. How could Zoey and the Dark Emperor do any better? The Dark Emperor is only as good as I am, or perhaps even worse!
Zoey retorted, “I was personally involved in their ruin, and I witnessed their downfall! What better evidence do you have against my claims?”


Chapter 2217 Kill The Dark Emperor

Evidence? Not even the most convincing argument or the Lab of Gods materializing before Zoey’s eyes can sway her belief. She’ll only claim that they’re false.
Levi recalled how Zoey had needed hours to convince herself that he showed up alive and kicking.
She’s been hard-wired not to go against the Dark Emperor’s orders. When faced with criticisms of her master, her first instinct is to search for solutions that can defend his actions.

Levi looked at her earnestly and pleaded, “You’ve been brainwashed! Please, you’ve got to get a hold of yourself!”
Instead, Zoey declared, “I’m well-aware of my thoughts, and there’s no such thing as brainwashing! Master treats me almost as good as how the two of you treat me.”
Shaking his head in frustration, Levi uttered, “Do you know why I was locked up? It was because I tried to look for you! The Dark Emperor locked me up for three whole years in retaliation!”
Zoey could not help but shudder at his mind-blowing revelation.
It suddenly reminded her of an incident in the past.
Back then, when she was in the old grounds of the Sacred Organization, she had heard someone struggling in the Prison of Darkness. The commotion had been so huge that it shook the mountains and the ground.
Zoey remembered asking the Dark Emperor about it, and he merely said that the prison held his enemy.
Levi was his enemy? My husband? N-No! This can’t be! Levi was never strong enough to be acknowledged as the Dark Emperor’s enemy!
Aware of the Dark Emperor’s powers, Zoey knew that he had been at the pinnacle of his craft over the past three years.
Levi is only strong enough to be his disciples. Plus, no one would be able to open that abandoned Prison of Darkness except the Dark Emperor himself!
Death Fiend told Zoey that even the Dark Emperor could not unlock the Prison of Darkness as and when he pleased.
Both the Skyward Sword and the Terra Blade were needed to unlock this prison.
Without them, the Dark Emperor couldn’t do anything to open the prison.
How did Levi escape the Prison of Darkness? That’s impossible!
Zoey became convinced that she had seen through his “lies”.
“Levi, I’m happy that you’re alive, but please stop vilifying Master! Without him, I’d be dead by now!”
“Argh, why won’t you believe me?” Levi was running out of ideas.
Even if I dragged the Dark Emperor here and had him admit to manipulating Zoey, she would never believe me. The only chance I have is to kill the Dark Emperor! Let’s see how he can continue brainwashing her from his grave.
“Vilify him? I’m going to kill him! Just you wait and see!”
The Dark Emperor was naturally on the top of Levi’s hit list after three years of imprisonment.
Zoey was distraught. “You mustn’t! You can’t kill Master! It’s not like you’re his match anyway.”
Forlevia fretted at the sight of her parents arguing. She piqued up, “Mommy, Daddy, don’t worry. I’m here! If all else fails, there are my masters as well.”
I can protect Mommy and Daddy!
“The lot of you can remain in North Hampton, but not at the Lopez residence. Go back to your home!”
Finally, Levi led Zoey and Forlevia toward his lodgings.
Zoey was still blaming herself over her failure to seize the Skyward Sword for the Dark Emperor.
Forlevia tried to comfort her mother, “Mommy, isn’t it good enough that we’re alive? What good is the Skyward Sword for anyway? No one can defeat that mister!”
“You’re right,” Zoey seemed convinced.
That man is literally the strongest fighter in existence.
“I just feel bad that I couldn’t complete Master’s assignment. Nevertheless, I’d like to visit him and inform him myself,” said Zoey.
Levi was about to say something when a voice rang out. “We’re here to escort you back!”


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 2218

Chapter 2218 The Dark Emperor Has Gone Mad
The Eighteen Dark Angels appeared, with Death Fiend as their leader.
When they heard Zoey had the idea of heading back, they heaved a sigh of relief, for that was for the best.

After all, they didn’t want to start a war.
“Who are you? You can’t take Mommy away!” Forlevia rushed forward and glared at them.
The elders hiding in the corner held their breaths anxiously.
If Forlevia were in danger, they’d take action at once.
“Young girl, you can’t stop us. Your mommy wants to come with us, too!” Death Fiend chuckled.
“The Dark Emperor has been using you all the while. When he failed to get the Skyward Sword, he left you alone. If I’m not mistaken, these people were there back then, right?” Levi smirked.
Zoey fell silent, for he was telling the truth.
They were there but they ran away when something happened.
She immediately explained, “Master didn’t want things to get out of control and told them to escape. Otherwise, I would have to take care of them and lead them out!”
Levi snorted. “Ha! They want to bring you back and control you thoroughly as they are afraid you’ll leak the Sacred Organization’s secret. If you refuse to head back, they’ll take your life!” he declared.
Zoey refused to believe his words. “Impossible. Why would Master kill me?”
Death Fiend yelled, “Who is that?”
They didn’t see Levi from where they were standing.
“It is I!” With that, Levi appeared before the Eighteen Dark Angels.
His appearance came as a shock to them.
What the hell? Is this Levi? He’s still alive?
“Don’t forget about me!” Cyrus stepped out from the other end.
The news came as a shock to the Eighteen Dark Angels.
Is this for real? How could Levi and Cyrus be here?
They couldn’t believe their eyes, for Levi should be locked in the Prison of Darkness.
Even the Dark Emperor himself couldn’t unlock the Prison of Darkness and had to rely on the Terra Blade.
It was impossible to escape from Prison of Darkness!
The Dark Emperor had announced that Levi would remain in there forever.
It was sturdy and equipped with a special device that no one could break.
Now, both Levi and Cyrus were standing before them.
They escaped from the Prison of Darkness! That’s crazy!
The Eighteen Dark Angels felt a chill go down their spine as their hairs stood in horror.
Seeing Levi here stunned them senseless.
This was far more shocking than how the Skyward Sword was crushed by two fingers.
After all, they knew the place that locked Levi and Cyrus up like the back of their palms.
“Y-You…” Death Fiend’s voice shook and he couldn’t really form a sentence.
Someone else asked on his behalf, “Are you Levi?”
“Who else can I be? Sorry, but I’ve escaped. You must be surprised, right?” Levi chuckled.
Cyrus chimed in, “Ha! That rotten place can’t hold us back!”
“Impossible! No one can escape from that place!” Death Fiend declared.
Levi merely sneered. “There’s no way you can take my wife away!”
Death Fiend and his gang were scared out of their wits and promptly fled.
“Let’s go!”
Since Levi had shown up, they couldn’t be bothered with Zoey now.
Zoey and Forlevia were stunned by their hasty departure.
They couldn’t understand why the Eighteen Dark Angels were gone, just like that.
Even the elders hiding in the corner grew curious.
Is Levi that horrifying?
Meanwhile, the Eighteen Dark Angels returned to the Sacred Organization’s new headquarters swiftly to inform their discovery to the Dark Emperor.
“What? You saw Levi?” The Dark Emperor nearly lost his cool.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 2219

Chapter 2219 Did He Break Out Of The Prison Of Darkness
This was the wildest thing he had ever heard.
It is simply impossible! Where did they see Levi? I sent them to Erudia, didn’t I? How could they have seen Levi there? That’s impossible. They must’ve been mistaken.

Was it someone else they saw?
The Dark Emperor refused to believe their words, for he assumed that no one could break free from the Prison of Darkness.
Only someone as strong as him could break free with the help of a divine tool like the Terra Blade.
Levi was neither as strong as him nor did he have the Terra Blade, so there was no way he could break free from the Prison of Darkness.
In a trembling voice, he asked, “Where did you see him?”
“In Erudia, of course,” came Death Fiend’s reply. “We went there for Zoey but bumped into him.”
“Yes, we saw him with our own eyes. He has escaped!”
“He showed up with Cyrus. We’re sure of it!” the Eighteen Dark Angels reported hastily.
Though they all spoke at once, the Dark Emperor was sure of one thing—Levi had escaped from the Prison of Darkness!
He coughed out a mouthful of blood, overwhelmed by the sudden news.
The Dark Emperor couldn’t stop himself from saying, “No, that isn’t true. There’s no way Levi could escape! No!”
He shook his head violently, refusing to accept the reality.
“If you don’t trust us, you can check it out yourself. Levi and Cyrus are indeed back in Erudia!”
They knew he wouldn’t believe them and the only way for him to believe what they said was to see Levi at Erudia for himself.
When Erudia was mentioned, a flash of hesitancy appeared in the Dark Emperor’s gaze.
Before the Skyward Sword and the Terra Blade were combined, he refused to enter Erudia.
“Oh, we can just find out whether the Prison of Darkness is still there!” Suddenly, the Dark Emperor recalled the old headquarters of the Sacred Organization.
They would know once they got there.
“Let’s go!”
He immediately led the others to the old headquarters of the Sacred Organization.
When the blue sea and sky appeared in their sight, they froze in disbelief.
“D-Did we come to the wrong place? This isn’t it!”
The tourist heaven, complete with the sparkling blue sea and clear skies, had nothing to do with the previous headquarters of Sacred Organization.
As everyone was wondering if they had come to the wrong location, the Dark Emperor announced, “No. We’re at the right place.”
“Yes, you’re right. I found the remains of the palace!” Death Fiend exclaimed.
They soon arrived at the remains.
It was an alarming sight.
It looked like the remains would corrode away at the slightest touch as though it had been here for thousands of years.
With the slightest hint of wind, the rubble would turn into fine dust!
“What’s going on?” They gasped in horror.
The mountains were raved to the ground.
They were completely gone!
The massive mountain range had just disappeared from the map!
The tremendous change rendered them speechless.
“Where is the Prison of Darkness?”
The Dark Emperor searched around for the Prison of Darkness that was nowhere to be seen.
It took him a while to discover where the Prison of Darkness used to be.
Alas, not even a speck of dust was left.
They finally could be sure that Levi and Cyrus had broken free from the Prison of Darkness! Death Fiend and the rest weren’t lying at all when they claimed to have seen Levi and Cyrus back in Erudia.
Nevertheless, they were still confused as to how Levi break free from the Prison of Darkness.
Did he do that on his own?


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 2220

A long silence ensued.
With that, they had no choice but to accept the cruel fact that the impenetrable Prison of Darkness had been destroyed.
The Dark Emperor started acting strangely, but they knew he was only trying to discover how Levi broke free from the Prison of Darkness!

Soon, he came to a stop and panted heavily.
Incredulity and horror flashed across his gaze.
The Eighteen Dark Angels were shocked to see his reaction.
Such fearsome strength was beyond the Dark Emperor’s comprehension, let alone them.
“He destroyed the Prison of Darkness with one move, and the remaining strength of his move razed the mountains, cleared the haze and turned the place into a tourist heaven with clear blue skies and the azure blue sea.
One move? That’s all? How can that be possible? He destroyed the entire Prison of Darkness in just one move and wiped the entire area out with the remaining force?
It was truly shocking to imagine.
The Dark Emperor knew he wouldn’t be able to do so.
Even if he could break free of the Prison of Darkness with Terra Blade’s help, there was no way he could destroy the prison’s structure.
But, Levi’s one move…
“It reminds me of how Skyward Sword was shattered by two fingers!” He swallowed nervously.
Never in their wildest dream would they imagine that Levi was as powerful as the man who shattered Skyward Sword with just two fingers.
“They might even be the same person!” the Dark Emperor exclaimed in terror.
A collective gasp traveled through the masses.
If they are indeed the same person, that’s too scary!
“Could it be Levi?”
Everyone else was stupefied by the revelation.
“It makes sense. He saved Zoey and his daughter, shattered the Skyward Sword and broke free from the Prison of Darkness!”
It was a terrifying realization.
Levi was capable of doing that, after all.
After his solitary training, he escaped from the Prison of Darkness to save his family.
“That makes sense. But you’ve forgotten one thing—Levi’s capability. Three years ago… no, two years ago, did you forget how he can’t even defeat the Eighteen Dark Angels in one go?
“Back then, he wasn’t strong enough to escape from the Prison of Darkness. In just two years, he managed to achieve the feat and progress rapidly. Now, he’s far ahead of me! Is that even possible?
“If he weren’t locked up and got lucky in the outside world, perhaps he could achieve that in a short time. However, he was locked up in the Prison of Darkness for three whole years! Without any opportunities, how did he improve his ability?” the Dark Emperor questioned anxiously.
Everyone nodded in agreement, as the Dark Emperor was right.
It seemed impossible for Levi to achieve his prowess overnight.
The Dark Emperor was a top fighter and had seen all kinds of fighters in his life.
Though he had seen how others improved speedily, Levi was the first person he knew to have gained so much power in a such short time.
Levi could’ve done that ages ago instead of waiting until he was locked up in the Prison of Darkness.
Thus, the Dark Emperor assumed it was an impossible feat.
He wasn’t trying to rationalize it; he thought it was indeed an unattainable feat.
“But when did Levi leave? How did he escape from the Prison of Darkness?” Death Fiend questioned.
Everyone turned to the Dark Emperor in anticipation of his answer.


Chapter 2221 The Past Of The Dark Emperor

“Remember how Levi faked his death back in the battle on Goldenport Island?” the Dark Emperor asked.
“Yes!” Everyone else inclined their heads.
Death Fiend added, “The world thought Levi was dead, but you told us he’s still alive.”

“Yes. That was because I sensed him using a type of Forbidden Technique. Though it was barely discernable, I was able to sense it. Levi ended up going all out with the Forbidden Technique,” the Dark Emperor explained.
Everyone got curious. “What’s so special about this Forbidden Technique?”
“It came from someone who’s the reason why I can’t enter Erudia until today!” the Dark Emperor declared, his face turning grim.
Death Fiend asked, “Is that the person you want to kill after combining the Skyward Sword with the Terra Blade?”
The Dark Emperor nodded. “Yes. I created the Sacred Organization and plotted so hard just to defeat this person!”
“So Levi’s that person’s disciple? You tried so hard to get Levi to be your disciple just because of that person?”
“That’s right. I want to make his disciple mine, but to no avail.”
The angels were stunned. “Does that mean Levi’s mentor was the one who destroyed the Prison of Darkness?”
“Sounds plausible. But I know him well enough, and he’s not capable enough of doing that. Still, it has been years since we last met. Perhaps he got lucky and became stronger. Otherwise, Levi wouldn’t get to escape from the Prison of Darkness. I can’t help but suspect that he was the one who crushed both the Skyward Sword and the Prison of Darkness!” the Dark Emperor revealed, despair washing over him.
After all, if his rival was that capable, then all his efforts would be in vain.
Now, even combining both the Skyward Sword and the Terra Blade wouldn’t work.
I won’t get to return to Erudia if that person was behind everything.
Still, he was more inclined to believe that it was Levi’s mentor who destroyed the Prison of Darkness than Levi himself.
There was no way he’d admit that Levi destroyed the Prison of Darkness single-handedly!
One man plucked up his courage to say, “But we can’t rule out the possibility that Levi was behind this.”
No matter what, they had seen it with their own eyes.
There was a possibility that Levi had broken out of the Prison of Darkness himself.
Dark Emperor knew that well.
“We can sound him out,” he answered.
“Are you heading to Erudia?”
The Dark Emperor shook his head. “I can’t go there in the past, let alone now. It’s easy to sound him out. We can do that with someone else’s help. Listen…”
He proceeded to explain the plan he had in mind.
After hearing his plan, the others grinned.
“That works!”
Back in North Hampton, Zoey and Forlevia were still wondering why the Eighteen Dark Angels escaped the minute Levi showed himself.
“I told you about this, didn’t I? The Dark Emperor captured me, and they thought I’d be trapped forever. Now that I’ve escaped, they were astounded to see me here and ran away,” Levi pointed out.
Alas, Zoey refused to buy his explanation.
“They were flabbergasted to see you still alive, for everyone thought you were dead. Of course, they reacted that way,” she said.
When they were in the middle of a heated conversation, Death Fiend and the others showed up again.
“Why are you here?” Levi demanded.
“Look, they only left because they realized you’re alive!” Zoey glared at him.
“I’m here to relay the Dark Emperor’s order—you can stay with your family without having to return to the Sacred Organization!”
Surprise inundated everyone at his words.
Despite her shock, Zoey nodded.
Levi, though, felt that something didn’t seem right.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 2222

This must be the Dark Emperor’s plot! Since they’re back, the Dark Emperor must’ve found out about my escape from the Prison of Darkness. He had no choice but to accept the fact. But I believe he won’t believe that I destroyed the Prison of Darkness alone! I can’t believe that I did it and even Cyrus found it unbelievable.
We used to be on par, but now I’m way stronger than him. Why did he send someone to relay the order that Zoey is to remain in Erudia? Something’s wrong. Is he trying to find out how strong I am? Yes, that must be it! He wants to find out if I was the one who destroyed the Prison of Darkness!
Nevertheless, Levi couldn’t figure out what the Dark Emperor’s plot was for now.

That being said, he wasn’t concerned, for he was sure of his capabilities.
He could display his true strength whenever needed, so his ego was now boosted beyond imagination.
Zoey wouldn’t want to leave Erudia to apologize to her mentor now.
Thus, Levi could use the opportunity to change her mind.
It was finally time for their family to reunite and spend some time together.
Now that Forlevia could go for training, they’d get to see her every day.
Alas, their peaceful days were short-lived. News soon spread all over Erudia that the She-Devil, Zoey Lopez, was in North Hampton, and that the Guardian of Erudia, Levi Garrison, was back, safe and sound!
Everyone who heard of the news was shaken.
Levi’s return made everyone lose their minds.
The legendary Master of the old era is back!
Many new fighters and newcomers who had only heard about his stories came to North Hampton to see what he looked like in real life.
His acquaintances, especially those he got to know in the new era, came to find out how strong he was and were dying to challenge him.
On top of that, Levi’s enemies spend every waking moment wishing they could kill him.
They wanted him to come back to prove they were stronger than him, and that he was nothing but a weakling in this new era.
Everything that Levi used to be proud of was gone.
Levi’s comrades—Azure Dragon, Kirin, and the others—rushed over to meet him in excitement.
His disciples and the men he trained to be elites wished they could meet him, too.
Everyone departed for North Hampton at once.
“Finally, you’ve shown up. I want to see how you’re doing now!”
Edmund and the rest traveled to North Hampton without further delay.
The Garrison clan in Oakland City were the most excited of them all to hear the news. “Levi has shown up! We need to go by the clan rules now. Let’s go to North Hampton. I want to see how good he is!” Donald Garrison couldn’t hide his delight.
He was dying to see Levi.
The legendary Levi, who used to reign in the old era, caused an uproar.
It was no lesser than the news of the Skyward Sword showing up.
Countless people made their way to North Hampton,
On the other hand, news of Zoey in North Hampton had taken a turn for the worse.
“The She-Devil needs to die! How can she escape unscathed after killing so many people in Erudia?”
“Yes, Zoey Lopez needs to die right now!”
“We demand an explanation! She had killed our families!”
The whole world was asking for Zoey’s execution, and things were only getting worse.
They were about to start a petition for her execution.
Many people even asked The Cardinal Hall and various organizations to take her life.
No matter what, Zoey couldn’t remain alive in Erudia.
She must die!
Finally, Levi understood what the Dark Emperor’s plan was.
He wants me to attract the entire world’s attention so he can find out how capable I am!


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 2223

He first released the news that I’m still alive and exposed my position, then incite the people to hate Zoey and take her life. Everyone will target and view me as an enemy!
It was a situation of all against one, so he would have no choice but to take action to protect Zoey.
In the face of Erudia and the whole world’s oppression, Levi would definitely unleash his full power.

The Dark Emperor would definitely find out how strong Levi was and whether he had escaped from the Prison of Darkness himself.
That was the Dark Emperor’s plan and test on Levi.
Once again, North Hampton became the center of attention.
Group after group of fighters arrived in North Hampton and sealed the place off, allowing no one to leave.
They wanted Zoey to remain here for the rest of her life.
Some of them also wanted Levi dead…
Even if they couldn’t kill him, they wanted him to know his place in this new era.
There were also some people who came to see Levi in real life.
In fact, people from all over the world had flown over to North Hampton beside the Erudians.
It caused a tremendous commotion akin to the time when Skyward Sword resurfaced.
Azure Dragon, Kirin, and the rest showed up ahead of time.
They were all very excited to see Levi.
“You’re still alive, boss! That’s great!” they exclaimed heartily.
Each of them gave Levi a warm hug.
They had always looked up to Levi, so no matter what his capability was, he’d forever be their boss.
No one could replace Levi’s position in their hearts.
“Maestro!” Robed Slayer greeted Levi sincerely.
“Levi!” Wynona and Mia had showed up as well.
They were now higher-ups of Garrison Industry and decided to make the trip here together.
They were all able to hold their own forts, and became fighters on Divine Leaderboard or getting there.
Apparently, there were so many fighters that the one hundred spots on the Divine Leaderboard weren’t enough anymore.
Now, there would be one thousand spots on the new Divine Leaderboard.
The last fighter on the Divine Leaderboard with one thousand spots was stronger than the previous fighter ranked last on the Divine Leaderboard with one hundred spots.
That showed how much things had changed in three years.
Levi scanned the crowd gathered before him and nodded in approval.
“Good. I’m glad you’ve all improved and become fighters!”
Levi could tell that Azure Dragon, Kirin, and the rest had improved greatly.
There was one problem, though—the energy and elements in their bodies were too complicated.
Clearly, they had trained in all sorts of ways, trying to increase their ability and ended up discarding the basic techniques he taught them back then.
Alas, they had no idea the basic techniques were extremely formidable.
Levi trained only the basic techniques when he was in solitary training to pursue maximum speed and strength.
In fact, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to claim that Levi could defeat anyone in this era with just one punch.
Back then, Levi shared his precious knowledge with his comrades, but they disregarded everything.
Everyone was delighted to see Levi’s satisfied expression.
It was honestly great to be recognized especially someone they had always looked up to.
For the past three years, everyone had been focusing on improving themselves to impress Levi upon his return.
They wanted to show off and fish for compliments.
However, Levi soon frowned, making them confused.
“Boss, what’s wrong?” Kirin asked.
Levi sighed. “Did you forget what I taught you back then?”


Chapter 2224 An Obsolete Levi

His words had everyone exchanging glances.
They were reluctant to answer his question and hurt his feelings.
In the end, Kirin had to speak up. “Boss, I’m sorry to be brutally honest, but the techniques you taught us were too basic! We’re being bombarded by various ancient techniques and modern training techniques, so yours aren’t relevant now. ‘Out with the old, in with the new.’ They don’t fit in the current era!”

Afraid that Levi would fly into a fit of rage, Azure Dragon added, “Boss, Kirin means well. Times have changed. There are too many advanced techniques, so your technique book has become obsolete. Garrison Industry found an ancient technique book in an ancient ruin that allowed us to grow in leaps and bounds in just one month. If we practice using your technique book, our strength would only increase tenfold. It is normal for it to be out of use.”
Phoenix chimed in, “Besides, we have mastered the basic skills, and your technique book only teaches us the basics. Thus, we can advance quickly by learning those ancient techniques and modern training skills.”
Seeing Levi’s scrunched up expression, Robed Slayer, Black Tortoise, and White Tiger added, “The times have changed swiftly. There are many better techniques available. We’re not saying that your technique book is bad!”
Cyrus swept his glance over the masses and shook his head.
Advance swiftly? You do not know how fast Levi had grown mightier. Your abilities are nothing compared to him!
Wynona grinned. “Levi, don’t be mad. You don’t know this age well. I heard that you’ve been locked up for three years. Everything you know was from three years ago. When you get to know the new era, you’ll understand their decision,” he explained, Everything from three years ago had become obsolete.
Even the technology that Lab of Gods used to be proud of was already obsolete. Their technology was nothing compared to what Garrison Industry had right now.
“For example, the pure energy beings. Three years ago, no one could defeat them, but now, they have to stay in hiding or risk getting killed!” Wynona explained.
Everyone nodded in agreement.
Everything from three years ago, including Levi and his technique book, was now defunct.
Levi’s technique book was just like aerobics. It was totally useless.
“Mm, I know. You may make your own choices. You’ve also improved a lot, so I won’t blame you,” Levi uttered blandly.
Kirin and the rest were delighted. “Boss, don’t you worry. We’ll continue to work hard so you’ll be proud of us!”
“Yes, that’s right. We’re here, so no one will dare to lay a hand on you. Back then, you used to lead and protect us, but now we’re going to protect you!”
Their statement sounded rather offending to Levi’s ears.
It was as if they were saying Levi was useless and weak now. He would only get to survive under their protection.
Realizing they had misspoken, they hurriedly corrected themselves. “We’re not calling you a weakling, but times have indeed changed. You’re not the strongest fighter at this age. But don’t worry, for it’s our turn to protect you!”
“I’m sure you’ll get used to the new era and improve your strength soon!”
“Yes, you’re talented and diligent enough to become the top fighter of the generation!”
They offered their well wishes to him.
For now, Levi was an average fighter, but they knew he’d catch up soon.
They would gladly protect him before he got any stronger.
Cyrus burst out laughing all of a sudden.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 2225

What? That’s the funniest joke I’ve ever heard in my life! I can’t believe they are asking Levi to work hard!
Even Mia and Wynona were casting earnest looks in Levi’s direction.
Though Levi was no longer the strongest fighter in this era, they believed he could get an opportunity to become a top fighter once again.

Though the chances were slim, there was still hope.
Levi would definitely grab the chance to improve himself whenever possible.
After all, he was skilled enough.
Everyone gazed at him, expectant smiles playing on their lips.
Levi didn’t know how to react, for they thought his ability was stuck in time since three years ago.
You’ve progressed, so have I. Do you think I did nothing for the past three years? If I did nothing, how would I escape from the Prison of Darkness?
An infuriated Cyrus declared, “You have no idea how powerful he is! How dare you mock him for being weak? You’ve just achieved success, but he has been on the top for a long time! Now, he’s way beyond that!”
Cyrus did his best to describe the difference between the masses and Levi.
They had just achieved success, but Levi was already a divine being!
Everyone turned to look at Cyrus as though he was a fool.
“Three years ago, he might be the strongest fighter in the world and could tackle Lab of Gods alone. But you can’t worship him blindly! The times are different now, and his strength is at most in the middle of the hierarchy. You’ve been locked up for too long. It’s crucial to understand the new generation now!”
“Yes, do you still think you’re a top fighter? Come, let’s have a fight!” everyone else refuted angrily.
Cyrus’s solitary training didn’t go well when he was locked up and ended up improving little. He was basically the same man he was three years ago.
Obviously, he was no match for Azure Dragon, Kirin, and the rest.
“Hey!” He faltered, at a loss for words.
He only had himself to blame for not progressing at all for the past three years.
Otherwise, these young people wouldn’t be able to bully him.
Levi shook his own head in vexation.
They had indeed forgotten about the technique book. I can’t blame them, though. If something else works better and faster, I’d choose that as well.
Besides, he knew his comrades wouldn’t admit defeat.
They wanted to become stronger, just like him, or even exceed his strength so they could protect Erudia.
Hence, it was normal for them to pick techniques or training skills that worked faster.
Their extraordinary level of tolerance and diligence allowed them to improve swiftly and ended up ranking in the Divine Leaderboard.
Levi didn’t blame them.
After all, everyone had the right to choose what they wanted.
He wasn’t going to pick on his comrades.
For now, he could only place his hope on his disciples and the Team Of Secret Warriors.
They didn’t forget the techniques, right? After all, they only got to improve with the help of the technique book.
Back then, Levi heard that this was the oldest technique book ever. He had initially thought that Reversero was the most ancient skill there was, but then realized he was wrong.
Reversero was just a type of skill, and the technique book was the forgotten basic technique skills.
Everyone had been learning the basics all the while and naturally thought the book wasn’t important when, in fact, those basic techniques were the most ancient and formidable techniques of all.
Soon, Floyd and the others came to him.
Levi’s eyes lit up hopefully.


Chapter 2226 The Same As Three Years Ago

Over a hundred of Levi’s disciples arrived, followed by Levi’s Team Of Secret Warriors.
There was no need for them to conceal themselves, for they were fighters by now.
After Levi’s departure, Floyd became their leader so they could continue contributing to Erudia.

“Master!” they greeted him excitedly.
They were as delighted as Azure Dragon and the rest.
After hearing news of Levi’s return, they rushed over to North Hampton.
“Good, good. You’re all fighters now!” Levi praised as he flashed a satisfied grin.
Just like Azure Dragon and the rest, Floyd and his men were now capable fighters.
Floyd himself was on par with Azure Dragon, Kirin, and the like.
So was Shade, the leader of Team Of Secret Warriors.
If the team was this strong three years ago, Levi wouldn’t have to keep them in hiding. He could’ve just ordered them to take down anyone who tried to go against them.
Even the Lab of Gods wouldn’t be spared.
They had progressed a lot.
Though his disciples and subordinates had become fighters, Levi wasn’t rejoiced at all.
That was because his final hope had been snuffed out.
None of his disciples had continued using the technique book.
Their bodies were full of mixed elements and energies.
Clearly, they had practiced different skills and techniques over the years. They also took various medications and even modified their DNA with the latest technology available.
They ended up using all means available to improve their strength.
As they succeeded in turning stronger, everyone else revered them like gods.
If one got a choice to become ten times or ten thousand times stronger in three years’ time, what would one’s choice be?
Unquestionably the latter, of course.
They had achieved what they wanted.
Levi swept his glance over his disciples who were all fighters, but none of them stuck to using his technique book.
He shook his head in resignation.
Nonetheless, it was hardly their fault, as he did the same thing in the past.
Though he didn’t give up on the technique book, he didn’t pay much attention to it and placed his hope on the Forbidden Technique.
His trump card was the Forbidden Technique, so he naturally neglected the basic techniques and ended up stuck at the same level for some time.
Most importantly, his mentor reminded him not to use the Forbidden Technique unless it was the last resort or risk facing more troubles ahead.
It wasn’t until much later that Levi realized that this was a test set by his mentor.
The Forbidden Technique was powerful enough for Levi to be invincible three years ago, but it also ended up being a huge hurdle as he became dependent on it.
It was a test meant for him!
Luckily, Levi was trapped in the Prison of Darkness later on before everything dawned on him.
Some things might seem to be beneficial but would end up being one’s biggest obstacle.
Hence, Levi gave up the Forbidden Technique and focused on delving into the basic techniques to get to where he was today.
It was all part and parcel of growing up.
However, Levi’s growth was different. After all, they took a shortcut to advance in the fastest way possible.
Without the gathering and accumulating process, it would be a disadvantage for their development in the future.
“Master, you…” Floyd trailed off as he scanned Levi hesitantly.
When everyone else was saying that Levi was only an average fighter in this era, he refused to believe it.
He was of the opinion that Levi could progress if the latter was fortunate enough.
Alas, that didn’t happen.
Levi was still the same person he was three years ago.
Taking in his strange reaction, Levi asked, “What’s wrong?”
“Master, is your strength the same as it was three years ago?” Floyd blurted out.


Chapter 2227 Still The Strongest Of The Era

His words caused everyone else to grimace before glaring at him.
They were clearly blaming him for being brutally honest.
Indeed, they all had the same thought—Levi hadn’t progressed at all during the past three years!

That was what they thought, but none of them dared to say that.
Why did Floyd say that out loud? He’s our master, after all. Though there’s no rule stating that a disciple can’t be stronger than his master, we still need to respect him!
The constant reminders would sound like they were insulting Levi.
Kirin and the others were incredibly nervous, for they had explained the same thing to Levi earlier.
Is Floyd going to repeat the same thing all over again?
By now, Floyd realized how blunt he was.
After rising through the ranks, there was no need for him to remain in the dark. He was straightforward and ended up blurting his honest thoughts.
Everyone present gave Levi anxious stares, for he was still their master!
Levi merely smiled. “You think you’re stronger than me, right?”
“No, Master. That wasn’t what I meant. You’re always the strongest to me!” Floyd insisted.
“Yes, you’re the strongest man in our heart!” everyone else chimed in.
Of course, they were lying through their teeth.
It was a show of respect for their master.
In fact, they assumed Levi was weaker than them.
“Master, don’t worry. You can be proud of us. We can take over your mission!” Floyd and the rest exclaimed.
Without warning, Levi revealed, “I’ll be honest with you. Three years ago, I was at the top. Now, I’m still at the peak.”
Their expressions changed the moment they heard his announcement.
However, they said nothing as the same thought flashed across their minds.
Levi’s just too stubborn to admit that he’s weaker than his disciples. He doesn’t want to embarrass himself.
The elders hiding in the shadows shook their heads. “I think he is neither stubborn nor too proud. He seriously believes that he’s still the strongest! Perhaps he is still clueless as to how strong and cruel the new era is. He just doesn’t know his place!”
As no one uttered a word, Levi smiled wryly and spun around to leave.
Before the rest could go after him, Kirin stopped them. “Let him have a moment alone! You went overboard earlier. Sometimes, there’s no need to be too blunt. You must’ve hurt his feelings! Do you think he doesn’t know his place? That he isn’t as strong as us?”
Phoenix added angrily, “Yes! It’s hard for him to accept the truth for now. You’d feel the same too if you were in his place! Besides, he used to be the top fighter back then. Now that he’s weaker than us, it’s normal for him to feel upset. How could you continue to insult him?”
Floyd suggested, “It was my fault. But we can help him by protecting him and his family. That way we can help to provide him with some time and chance to improve his prowess!”
“That sounds like a good idea.”
“Floyd’s suggestion sounds great. No matter what, we have the utmost respect for him. Let’s all think of ways to improve the situation for his sake!”
“Remember, stop talking nonsense. Look at how he has left because he felt embarrassed!”
They thought that Levi’s claim that he was still at the peak was just a lie to salvage his pride.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 2228

None of them had any idea that Levi was telling the truth even after Cyrus called him a divine being.
Suddenly, Levi remembered someone—Forlevia.
He was too engrossed in his disciples and comrades.

Let’s see if Evie stuck to using the technique book.
When he found her, he was delighted to see her practicing the basic techniques that he taught her.
Levi glanced at her briefly.
Though the elders taught her the traditional techniques of Erudia instead of the various skills Floyd and the rest had been training, she didn’t stop practicing the basic techniques he taught her.
Forlevia ran toward him happily.
“Evie, have you been practicing the technique I taught you back then?” Levi inquired breathlessly.
After being disappointed for so long, he finally found solace in Forlevia.
Forlevia nodded vehemently. “Yes, I’ve been practicing it all the while. I know you won’t lie to me, Daddy. Besides, this technique is the best I’ve ever seen! I’m going to keep practicing it. Also, I discovered something amazing about it…”
She started explaining the mysterious but astounding discovery of the technique.
The more she revealed, the more stunned Levi was.
Evie’s a genius! I can’t believe she discovered that herself. Surely she’s stronger than me.
Her lips pouted unhappily, Forlevia complained, “But my masters told me to give up on the technique with the excuse that my basic skills are sufficient. They claimed the technique book is too basic and offered to teach me stronger and better techniques. I can’t believe they said practicing the technique is a waste of time!”
“So did you practice it in secret?” asked Levi.
Forlevia shot him a nod. “Yes, I’ve been practicing it in secret. The masters knew what I was doing, though. The technique might seem useless for the time being, but since it doesn’t have any side effects, they closed an eye and allowed me to keep practicing in secret.”
Back in the shadows, the elders nodded their heads in relief.
Yes, they had discovered Forlevia practicing the technique book in secret.
As there wasn’t any side effect, they didn’t stop her from practicing it.
After all, they adored her greatly.
Levi cast a stern gaze in Forlevia’s direction. “Evie, from today onward, forget everything your masters taught you and focus on the technique. The effects aren’t immediate, but you’ll soon find out if you focus on mastering the basic techniques.”
Forlevia hesitated briefly. “Well…”
Though she trusted Levi, it sounded wrong to forget everything her masters taught her.
They’ll get upset at this.
She was right, for the elders were already seething in anger.
“I trust you, Daddy, but I’ve been practicing the stuff they taught me for a while. If I gave them up, they’ll get upset for sure. Why don’t I practice everything?” she suggested.
Levi flashed a helpless smile. “Evie, I know you respect them, but you need to focus on the technique now.” He paused before adding, “I won’t force you, though. Think about it and give me an answer tomorrow. It’s fine if you say no.”
Levi couldn’t bring himself to force Forlevia to make up her mind on the spot.
“All right, Daddy. I’ll think about it!” Forlevia gave a nod briefly.
The moment Levi stepped out, the elders dashed over to him furiously.
“Levi Garrison, what nonsense did you just spout?”


Chapter 2229 Not His Match

“How dare you ask Evie to forget everything we taught her and focus on the basic techniques instead? Have you gone nuts?” Celia hissed.
Levi merely nodded, nonchalant. “Yes, it is time for Evie to forget the techniques you taught her, for she has discovered the secret of my technique. This is her future! She might be a great fighter with your techniques, but with mine, she’ll be the strongest fighter ever!”
The elders burst out laughing and looked at Levi as though he was a fool.

She’ll become the strongest fighter with his technique? Was that a joke?
The elders knew about her training the technique and even studied it extensively.
It was, in fact, the most perfect basic technique one could train.
When Forlevia first arrived, they checked her thoroughly and praised Levi for making sure she had the necessary basic skills.
Her talent wasn’t wasted, and she didn’t take any detours.
However, that technique was only useful for the basics.
Forlevia needed to train better skills in order to progress.
The basics were just the beginning, and they were now useless to a genius like her.
“I heard he has been locked up for three years. Has he lost his mind? Does he think he’s still comparable to the fighters now?”
“How dare you ask Evie to forget the techniques we taught her?”
They were upset at Levi’s request.
“Levi, you’re nothing in this era! You’re only a moderate fighter now, and even your comrades are more powerful than you. You need to accept the truth though it’s harsh! The technique you think very highly of is obsolete in this era! It’s practically worthless!”
“Yes, it’s very basic. Three years ago, there are tons of similar techniques, let alone now!”
“Many companies can now modify our bodies to give us the best physique, complete with the basics. Levi, even though you’re a top fighter three years ago, you’re not our match now.”
“In the new era, you’re nothing but a weakling when we’re still at the top. Are you still going to insist on asking Evie to give up on our techniques? Instead of helping her, you’re ruining her future! I don’t want to hear you say that again!”
The elders got mad and reprimanded Levi.
Right then, Cyrus appeared and told the elders, “You might be strong, but you’re not Mr. Garrison’s match!”
“Oh, another nut job. They must’ve gone crazy after being locked up for three years!”
“We don’t have to do anything. They will soon realize how powerless they are!” The elders huffed.
They were talking about the fighters who were gathering at North Hampton.
Most of them were Levi’s enemies, so they’d definitely want to beat him.
There was no need for them to take action.
“Don’t ever force Evie again,” they warned before disappearing from sight.
Levi thought about it.
I won’t force Evie. She gets to pick what she wants. No matter what she chooses, I won’t blame her.
Thus, that was the last Forlevia heard from him.
“Look, our warning worked. He must be too scared to bring it up before Evie now!”
They thought he was too afraid to mention it anymore.


Levi Garrison: The Return of the God of War [The Protector] Chapter 2230

This was a father’s love for a daughter.
Levi would support her no matter what she chose.
“Dad, can you not force me into this? I need to think about it,” Forlevia said.

“No problem. I’ll back you up no matter what you choose!”
Levi patted Forlevia’s head.
In the shadows, the elders were all delighted after hearing that.
“Evie’s such a good kid. Even though she made up her mind, she told her father she would think about it so it doesn’t hurt her father’s pride.”
“Yes. This kid is trying to be fair! She doesn’t want Levi to feel sad! She’s definitely a great kid, but she had to have a father like Levi of all things!”
The elders sighed.
To them, Forlevia would definitely prioritize their techniques.
After all, what they taught was timeless.
It would be the strongest regardless of the changing eras.
After that, more of Levi’s friends showed up.
Three years had passed, and they no longer looked like how they once were. They had all become powerful fighters.
But that was not all. Other than them, more people started appearing.
They were all there to find fault with Levi and Zoey.
The whole world was asking for Zoey’s execution, and things were only getting worse.
All the crimes she committed throughout those three years were getting exposed, one after another.
There were video footage, photos, and written details, all vividly depicting the entire collection of every murder she had committed.
There were even people who listed out all her victims.
And the number was horrifying.
The situation was getting out of hand.
Zoey had infuriated the whole world and became a public enemy.
At that moment, everyone wanted to get their hands on her. They badly wanted to enjoy the pleasure of skinning her alive and drinking her blood.
The wrath of the world was not something easy to suppress nor calm.
Countless people were asking for Zoey’s death as the situation grew direr by the minute.
Their rage could not be subdued unless Zoey died.
Seeing how things had developed, Levi knitted his brow as his expression darkened.
He knew that Dark Emperor was the one fanning the fire behind the scenes.
It was all part of Dark Emperor’s plan on every man Zoey killed and all the things she did.
That said, murder was still murder.
Zoey undeniably had blood on her hands, and something had to be done.
“You see? This is what your master’s been plotting. Your execution!” Levi pointed out to Zoey.
“That’s impossible!” Zoey shook her head. “Besides, I did all that for you! I killed all those people because I wanted to avenge you! How can you mock me like that? Don’t slander my master!”
Levi sighed after hearing that.
In one night, hundreds of thousands of fighters gathered in North Hampton. And the number was still growing.
It was estimated that the number would most likely double by the end.
Everyone had come together and formed the Demon Slayer Alliance to hunt down the demon named Zoey Lopez.

Meanwhile, Levi stayed with Kirin and the lot.
“Boss, it will be difficult for us to protect you and Zoey! But I think we’ll be able to open up a path for you two to escape. After that, you can leave Erudia and find somewhere safe to hide!”
“That’s right, Boss. We’ll put our lives on the line to ensure that you escape unscathed! Please trust us!”
Everyone was taking a stance while Cyrus merely looked at them disdainfully.
Do you people actually think he needs your protection?
“Oh right!” Levi exclaimed all of a sudden. “Garrison Industry has been doing really well! But I heard the owner has changed. It’s now owned by The Cardinal Hall General. Is that true?”
“About that…” Everyone’s expression changed when they heard that question.
“I think it’s better if I explained,” Robed Slayer said. “The Cardinal Hall General becoming the new owner was actually the best solution then. The results he produced after taking over are proof. Garrison Industry has become an elite force, and we all became elite fighters!”
Every nodded in agreement.
They all had faith in Edmund.


Chapter 2231 The Replacement

Regardless, the results spoke for itself.
Ever since Edmund took over Garrison Industry, it rose rapidly in the ranks.
Garrison Industry would not be in its current position if it were not for Edmund.

If it were anyone else, Garrison Industry would not be able to achieve the strength comparable to what it currently had.
It was only able to become one of the top factions and stand toe to toe with Maya Industries because Edmund was strong.
He managed everything with an iron fist and had the background and status to back him up.
No one else would produce the same effect.
Hence, everyone in Garrison Industry respected Edmund wholeheartedly.
Even wayward people like Kirin, who was initially reluctant, were convinced by Edmund.
That man is clearly a different breed.
He also played a vital role in helping Kirin and the others grow into who they were.
Edmund would always provide them with the best technique and supplements, disregarding the conflict in the past.
By then, everyone in Garrison Industry was convinced that Edmund was the new boss of the place, and Levi was just the founder.
There was a vast distinction between the two.
“Yes, those are the facts, Boss. Garrison Industry is where it is today because of The Cardinal Hall General!”
Everyone agreed unanimously.
Levi snickered. “So, Garrison Industry belongs to The Cardinal Hall General now?”
As soon as he said that, the atmosphere immediately turned cold, and everyone went silent.
No one dared to say another word, not even Robed Slayer.
A long silence ensued.
That said, Levi already had an answer.
The silence was the answer.
“It’s alright guys. Don’t take it too seriously! I was just asking!”
Levi smiled. “But tell me, are you guys really okay with The Cardinal Hall General being in charge of Garrison Industry? Be honest! I don’t want silence!”
“About that…”
Everyone looked at each other after hearing Levi’s question.
“Sir, I have accepted him wholeheartedly!” Robed Slayer was the first to step forward.
And that caused a domino effect as Kirin and the others stepped out, one after another.
“Me too!”
“Same here!”
Wynona also stepped forward and said, “Well, you can put it this way. In the past, Erudia had you. Now, Erudia has The Cardinal Hall General!”
Everyone had accepted Edmund.
“Alright! That’s all I needed to hear! I was just worried that you guys might be working for him begrudgingly!” Levi smiled.
He was actually happy to see that Garrison Industry was prospering.
Edmund being in charge was not a problem.
After all, they were all Erudia’s forces.
He figured the stronger they are, the better for Erudia.
He was not bothered by it. Instead, he would actually celebrate the achievement.
Nevertheless, the core meaning of his questions got distorted when they reached everyone’s ears.
Everyone thought that Levi was upset because he lost ownership of Garrison Industry and felt helpless.
After all, it was impossible to snatch that back from Edmund.
“Sir, who’s in charge doesn’t matter as long as Garrison Industry prospers, right? On the grander scheme of things, you can say that Erudia is actually the real owner of Garrison Industry!”
Robed Slayer took the initiative to comfort Levi.
“That’s right, Boss. You’ve worked hard. Now it’s time for you to take a rest!”
The others chimed in.
“I heard someone wants to take Garrison Industry back. Is that right?”
At that exact moment, a voice was heard.
And Edmund suddenly appeared before them the very next second.
Behind him were the four divine generals.
“Sir, it’s not what you think! Boss was just curious!” Kirin and the lot immediately explained.
They were afraid that Levi and Edmund would get into a fight as it was not the first time it had happened.
“Is it? It didn’t feel that way, though. I was sure that someone wanted to take it back.”


Chapter 2232 All At Once

Edmund walked in front of Levi and stared into his eyes.
“What say you, Levi Garrison?”
Anyone could tell that Edmund was intentionally taunting him.

With that, the atmosphere grew heavy as though a fight would break out in any second.
“As long as it’s for the betterment of Erudia, I honestly don’t care who owns Garrison Industry! They could even be dogs or cats for all that matters!” Levi said calmly under the heat of Edmund’s burning gaze.
What Levi said immediately caused an uproar.
“What are you trying to say here? Who’re you calling dogs and cats?”
Edmund’s subordinates were not having it and pointed their fingers at Levi.
All those elites were staring at him, seething with murderous intent.
At the same time, Kirin and the others sighed.
Here we go again.
They knew Levi’s personality all too well.
He was a typical sore loser, the kind that answered to no one and was the hardest to handle.
That said, Edmund was no slouch either.
So, things were bound to go wrong if the two alpha males collided since neither of them was going to back down.
However, the difference in their levels was far too massive. Levi might be able to put up a fight if it was three years ago, but at present, he would undoubtedly be at a disadvantage if they butted heads.
Nevertheless, Levi smiled. “Why are you being so sensitive? I wasn’t talking about you!”
“Is that what’s left of Levi Garrison? Back then, you’d not only talk the talk but walk the walk. Now you’re just a slick talker!” Edmund smirked.
“Hahaha! That’s right! The only thing you can do is talk now. You’re so lame!”
“You really wanted to be ‘the savior’ back then, didn’t you, Levi? You’d always be the first guy to reach the front line and snatch all the glory before you handed them over to The Cardinal Hall!”
“You’re nothing but a hypocrite! Do you think The Cardinal Hall would ever need pity from someone like you?”
The people from The Cardinal Hall were all voicing their opinion.
“Why don’t you go be a hero now, Levi? We’ll let you do all of it. I promise you no one’s going to interfere!”
“Hahaha! I doubt he’ll be able to accomplish anything right now. With how weak he is at the moment, he might just get killed once he steps foot outside of Erudia!”
“That’s true! There’s no way he can be a hero with his current strength!”
The divine generals were openly discussing Levi, but none of Levi’s friends nor disciples said anything to retaliate.
Those were the facts, after all.
Currently, with Levi’s mediocre power and combat skills, leaving Erudia meant certain death.
So, he absolutely needed escorts for protection.
Edmund smirked. “I doubt anyone’s going to accept it even if I stepped down and handed Garrison Industry back to you, Levi!”
Edmund took a glance at Kirin and the others. “I don’t think they’re going to accept it either. That’s a vital role right now as it directly affects Erudia’s future. I’m sure they’d want someone capable at the helm.”
This time, Robed Slayer and the others were silent.
That was the truth.
Even if Kirin and the lot allowed it, the hundreds of thousands of people in Garrison Industry would definitely reject that notion.
“I’m not interested in that! You can have it! I can relax now after knowing that you’re the one looking after everything!” Levi said.
“Hahaha… Did you guys hear that? Levi’s trying to give himself a way out! What a joke!”
“How can the once elite fighter, Erudia’s God of War, the Crown King, turn into such a lowly being?”
Everyone assumed that Levi was backing down because he was scared.
So, DG Gemini of the divine generals glared at Levi. “Do you remember our fight at Cardinal Hall three years ago? I’d like to continue that fight, but I don’t really want the others to think that I’m bullying you!”
Levi’s lips curled. “Cut the crap and come at me then! All of you!”
As soon as he dropped that bombshell, DG Gemini was infuriated.
“You asked for it, Levi. Show me what you have!”


Chapter 2233 Anyone Will Win

DG Gemini had wanted to teach Levi a lesson since three years ago.
There was no way he would give up on an opportunity like that.
It was obvious that he just wanted to push Levi around.

Especially after seeing that Levi was still so arrogant.
Hence, no one intervened.
As for Kirin and the others, they wanted to help Levi out, but Edmund stopped them by just giving them a look.
Right then, Cyrus laughed.
“What an idi*t! You’re far too weak to be fighting him alone! You should all join in! Including you, The Cardinal Hall General!” he exclaimed mockingly while looking at DG Gemini.
“Just let him end it in one blow and save some time!”
Cyrus wanted nothing more than for Levi and The Cardinal Hall to get into a fight, so he fanned the fire.
He knew about Levi’s strength better than anyone else after all.
The Cardinal Hall would undoubtedly be crushed if the two fought.
At that moment, Cyrus wanted Levi to help him exact his revenge on The Cardinal Hall and embarrass them.
Actually, no one needed to die.
He just wanted The Cardinal Hall to feel humiliated.
And true enough, what Cyrus said triggered the men from The Cardinal Hall.
“You two arrogant fools! I’ll destroy both of you!”
DG Gemini could not stand it any longer and got ready to attack.
All of a sudden, a booming voice echoed throughout the space.
The pressure that came from that voice instantly doused DG Gemini’s rage and shattered the aura he exuded.
After that, a whole crowd of people appeared.
It was the Garrison clan.
At the front was Donald Garrison, with Kenny and Tyrone Garrison by his side.
It was rather intimidating, to say the least.
The entrance was a clear message… it was a clear cut provocation.
After all, they were the leader of the ten major factions!
They certainly had the right to demand attention!
“Mr. Gemini, now’s not the time. A lot of people from all around the world are looking to fight him right now. We can’t have you blowing his head off with one punch. They’ll feel left out! Everyone should get the chance to have a go at him!” Donald said with a smirk on his face.
DG Gemini and the men from The Cardinal Hall all grinned after hearing that.
“Hahaha. That’s true! There are too many people out there who are looking to kill him! I definitely can’t just kill him in one blow!”
Even Edmund gave Donald a look of approval.
“I see we’ve found something we can agree on, even though we’ve constantly been at odds!” Edmund responded.
They knew about the Garrison clan’s bounty.
Levi was evidently going to be in a lot of trouble, and The Cardinal Hall was not going to intervene.
Right then, Levi and Tyrone’s gaze met.
“You actually came out? Have I not shown you enough mercy?” Levi said in a stern tone.
“Why can’t I?” Tyrone laughed. “The times have changed! To be honest, I wouldn’t have dared if this was three years ago when you’re still the world’s strongest fighter. But things are different now! I have the Garrison clans elders backing me up! Besides, I’m stronger than you now! I can kill you on my own even without the help of the clan!”
He was confident in his current strength.
He even craved for a one-on-one with Levi, just so he could defeat and humiliate him.
He needed an outlet to vent out all his pent-up frustration.
In light of what he said, the others kept quiet.
Some even affirmed.
Tyrone was a highly talented fighter, but he was also an absolute maniac. The type would put his life on the line just so he could improve.
Currently, he was strong enough to get his name onto the Divine Leaderboard.
And it would be on there once the new Divine Leaderboard was announced.
He could even be considered one of the strongest people in the world.
Which meant he was surely stronger than Levi.
That was an undeniable fact.
“Pfft! And here we have another person who thinks he’s all that!” Cyrus could not hold in his laughter
All those people who appeared looked like clowns to him.
How can they be so confident? Do they think anyone can win against Levi? That’d be the joke of the century! Why didn’t you people say anything at the icy plains when the Skyward Sword appeared?


Chapter 2234 Twisting Facts

That was Levi too! Aren’t you all stronger than him? Why did tens of thousands of people get blown away with a mere wave of his hand?
At present, no one was paying Cyrus any heed.
Meanwhile, Levi smiled. “I’ll give you another chance. Go back obediently and stay there! Don’t make me send you back myself!”

“Watch your mouth, you insolent brat!” Kenny and the other family members all glared at Levi.
“It’s been three years! Do you still think we would let you have your way with us? We’re the Garrison clan! The head of the ten factions! You have no control over us!”
“On the other hand, your days are numbered! You’ve violated the house rules of the ancient Garrison clan! Your death is inevitable!”

The whole Garrison clan hated Levi with a passion as all of them gave him a death stare.
It was like they were trying to murder him with their gaze.
Tyrone laughed. “Do you have what it takes to ground me forever, Levi? Hahaha…”
Then, he turned towards Donald and said, “Sir, this is the Garrison clan’s greatest sinner, Levi Garrison!”
Donald smiled as his gaze landed on Levi. “So, you’re Levi! Even though you had been missing for three years, your legend remained. I often heard stories about you from people around me. About how you killed your own brother, how you incarcerated your father for a lifetime, and how you made the family living in hell! You’ve brought only disgrace and insult to the entire family and humanity!”
Donald paused.
“According to the clan rules, you are hereby sentenced to death by a thousand cuts! Only then can your sins be redeemed!” Donald declared as his expression instantly darkened.
“Hahaha…” Levi suddenly burst into laughter.
“Did they talk about how they tortured my mother and me then?” Levi questioned.
Tyrone, Kenny, and the others all darkened their expressions when they heard that.
Everyone else also had strange looks on their faces as they all knew of what happened.
Compared to how the Garrison family treated Levi and his mother, Levi’s punishment on them was actually far too lenient.
So, the Garrison clan had no one but themselves to blame for what happened.
“Yes, I know.” Surprisingly, Donald nodded his head. But what ended up happening? Did you die? No! Did your mother die? No! No one even lost a limb! To put it simply, the family never gave you two any actual damage! But what did you do? You killed Damien, grounded your father, and threw the family into hell!”
Donald paused to take a deep breath. “That’s the truth, Levi! Moreover, the clan treated you two that way to train you! To give you the harshest environment so that you can grow! Look at you now!”
“Pffft!” Levi was barely able to hold in his laugh.
This man really knows how to twist the facts like how Ben did. How could you turn child abuse into family training just like that? Have you no shame?
“You don’t understand how much effort the elders have put in, Levi. But you bit the hands that fed you! You’re not going anywhere today! I won’t let you off and even the whole Garrison clan won’t let you off!”
“That’s right! Punish Levi!”
“Punish him!”
The men from Garrison clan shouted.
Then, Donald waved his hand and gestured for everyone to quiet down.
“According to the rules of the clan, I should execute Levi on the spot! However, the execution of the demon, Zoey Lopez, comes first! We’ll deal with family affairs after that is done!” Donald declared pretentiously.
“How marvelous of you to see the bigger picture, Mr. Garrison!”

“Come out, Zoey Lopez! Come out!”
Everyone started shouting as more and more factions appeared, completely surrounding Levi’s manor.
Hundreds of thousands of people gathered there, and there was hardly any space left.


Chapter 2235 As Strong As The Masters

At that moment, the world’s anger in Zoey reached an all-time high, and the whole of North Hampton echoed the voices that were asking for her execution.
Back then, killing her was just an afterthought when the Skyward Sword appeared.
But this time, Zoey was the main target.

Even Levi frowned when he saw that.
He probably did not expect the situation to develop to that extend.
Things are getting out of hand, but I can’t just watch Zoey get killed like this! Not a chance!
“Kill everyone in her family! Including her child!”
“It’s only fair! Blood for blood! Zoey Lopez killed so many people! Everyone related to her should pay the price as well!”
“That’s right! Kill them all!”
The noise grew louder as the crowd grew bigger.
“See?” Donald shrugged. “We don’t even have to do a thing! I reckon they’d drown just from everyone’s spit!”
Meanwhile, Cyrus took a peek at all the people and sneered, “You people are out of your minds if you think you can kill Ms. Zoey with Levi around!”
“Hahaha! Let’s wait and see, shall we?”
“Dad! Come with me!” Forlevia suddenly appeared and pulled Levi to a corner.
“What happened, Evie?” Levi asked.
“I don’t think I’ll get the chance to tell you when things get messy later, but I’ve made a decision!” Forlevia told him.
Hearing what she said, the elders, who were still hidden, held their breaths.
That said, they were still confident that Forlevia was going to choose them.
“Let’s hear it then!” Levi looked at his daughter endearingly and said.
“Daddy, I’ve decided to give up on what you’ve taught me!”
As soon as Forlevia said that, the elders cheered happily.
However, their excitement was short-lived.
“But I’m also not going to use what the masters have taught me!”
The elders were dumbfounded when they heard that.
What’s this? Is this how she make it fair and square?
Levi, on the other hand, seemed to have realized something and said to her with a smile, “So, you’ve decided to walk your own path? To create something of your own?”
Forlevia nodded determinedly in response. “Yes, I want to forget everything and walk my own path! I’m going to create my own techniques! I already have an inkling of what to do now.”
“Sure, I said I’d back you up no matter what you do, and I mean it!”
Levi ruffled Evie’s head.
With time and experience, he was confident that Forlevia could do it since she was amazingly talented and had built up a good foundation.
The elders thought so too.
“Yes! Evie should create her own path! Our teachings are only limiting her endless potential! Forging an unknown path suits her!”
“This girl is so smart! She found a suitable direction for herself without hurting her father nor her masters’ pride!”
The elders were all pleased with Forlevia’s decision.
“Evie, your masters are right over there! You should go see them!” Levi told Forlevia out of the blue.
“Huh?” Forlevia was astonished.
How did Daddy notice them? Even I couldn’t do that!
Back in the shadows, the elders were all dumbfounded.
“Looks like Levi understands that he and Zoey are not getting out of this alive. So he deliberately exposed our position in hopes that we take Evie to safety and not let her see her parent’s death!”
That was what the elders figured, but they were only partially right.
Levi merely did not want her to get involved in the chaos.
And since Levi already said it out loud, the elders had no more reason to stay in the shadows.
So, they came out.
Forlevia ran over to them immediately.
“So you guys were by my side all this time!”
Then, she became curious. “Oh, by the way, how did Daddy notice you? Is he actually as strong as all of you?”
With that thought in mind, Forlevia got a little excited.


Chapter 2236 I Have Only One Rival

How great would it be if Daddy was as strong as my masters? He wouldn’t be having a hard time with his enemies nor get laughed at by the others.
However, the elders laughed when they heard that question.
“Sorry, my dear. But your father’s strength and ours are incomparable. He wasn’t the one that spotted us! We were the ones who approached him!” Celia explained.

She told Forlevia about how they appeared when Levi asked her to give up on the techniques the elders taught Forlevia.
“Oh, I see!”
Forlevia’s expression quickly dulled after hearing that as her hopes were dashed.
She thought that her father was actually as strong as the elders.
“Let’s leave, Evie!”
The elders looked at each other and decided to help Levi by taking Forlevia to safety.
“Huh? But I want to stay with Mommy and Daddy. They are in danger right now, and I want to protect them!”
Forlevia looked determined.
“No! You have to leave! You can’t join in!” the elders said without a moment’s hesitation and took her away by force.
At present, hundreds of thousands of fighters were gathered at North Hampton, and the number was still growing.
Levi’s mansion became the center of attention, surrounded by a dense crowd of people with little to no space.
All of Levi’s old friends slowly arrived, one after another.
Erudia’s strongest factions were the first to arrive, and Levi saw quite a few familiar faces.
Like Minka, Asura, Zar and et cetera.
All of them, were overlords in their field.
Asura had a conflicted look on his face when he saw Levi, but he stood tall and walked with his head held high.
He had been living in Levi’s shadow ever since he lost to Levi back then.
But now, he was a new man.
Thus, he could finally keep his chin up when facing Levi.
And that made him feel great.
He worked hard all those years just for that one moment, just so he could prove that he was stronger than Levi.
Now that Asura saw Levi, he could tell that Levi’s strength had stagnated, whereas his had skyrocketed. Fighting was no longer necessary.
This feels awesome! I’ve finally proven myself!
Asura’s breathing started racing as his eyes lit up.
Levi took a glance at him and smiled. “Not bad!”
Compared to Floyd and Kirin, Levi actually admired Asura because the power he had within him was pure.
Even though Asura also trained using a shortcut, he could still fine-tune himself in the future.
At that moment, Asura looked at Levi with a conflicted expression. “I could’ve waited for you at the top, but it looks like you’re not going to make it out today. However, I hope you do!”
He actually wished Levi could survive and try his best to catch up to him.
Meanwhile, Minka and the others engaged Levi in some simple conversation.
Every one of them was secretly thrilled that they could finally stand up against Levi.
There were a lot of people that Levi defeated in the opposing faction, and they were all there to see how Levi was faring.
“Hahaha! I heard the God of War was incarcerated for three whole years! And that he had not improved since then!”
“What happened, Levi? The whole world has been moving forward. Why did you stop moving?”
“Anyone can beat you right now!”
“There are combat simulations now. And oh boy, we’ve all fought with you in that simulation. You lost horribly!”
All those old rivals and enemies were thrilled to see Levi in his current situation.
“Honestly, you can no longer be a match for us, Levi. You’re too weak! The fight’s not going to be exciting if we picked you as an opponent!”
Everyone mocked Levi whenever possible as they vented out the frustration they felt after losing to Levi back then.
“Ha! That’s life! Everyone was afraid of you when you were at the top. But now that you’re not, all they want to do is get a jab in!”
Someone spoke the facts.
That said, Levi was relatively calm in front of the enormous crowd in front of him as he said, “I’ve only ever had one rival this whole time, that’s the Lab of Gods. You guys can’t cut it!”


Chapter 2237 A Huge Conspiracy

“And I mean all of you! No one specific!” Levi added. “To me, everyone here is trash!”
The crowd immediately went crazy when he dropped that bombshell.
This is absurd!

How preposterous!
How can he still be so arrogant at a time like this?
Did he just call hundreds of thousands of people trash?
So, the king of old had decided to keep his dignity intact and go down with his head held high.
Truth be told, the people were not mad about what Levi said.
They all saw it as his meaningless attempt to scare them.
What could he do besides acting tough?
To them, talking back was Levi’s only way to threaten them. They knew he was incapable of fighting them.
There’s no way Levi Garrison would get on his knees, right? He’s too prideful for that! He would rather die than lower himself like that!
Seeing how Levi was acting, a lot of people there felt pity for him, especially the people on his side.
Almost all of them had tears in their eyes as they were all heartbroken to see Levi like that.
If it was three years ago, Levi would have already started fighting if he were insulted like that.
But he was far too weak to do so at the moment.
They figured that Levi was powerless in that situation.
So, acting tough was his only defense.
Nonetheless, Levi himself was unconcerned. To him, the Lab of Gods was the only threat out there.
Neither Dark Emperor nor the elders of Cardinal hall meant anything to him.
The lab’s mysterious disappearance was very suspicious.
Levi was worried that the world might be sent into disarray when they reappeared, as they were the only ones who could match him.
“Hahaha… Why are you still talking about Lab of Gods? It’s gone!”
“You might not know this since you were locked up for three years, Levi, but Lab of Gods has already been destroyed! The whole thing was wiped out!”
“That’s right! Your wife was involved as well! It was Dark Emperor who led the charge!”
Everyone laughed after hearing Levi mention the Lab of Gods.
Dark Emperor had already crushed them! And Maya Industries affirmed it! They were even involved in the expedition! Why is he bringing that up right now?
“Three years ago, it was an undeniable fact that it was the era of Levi and the Lab of Gods!” Edmund smiled and said. “But that era has ended! You can’t cut it anymore! And Lab of Gods is gone! They were wiped out with ease!”
Levi smiled. “Actually, you’ve all been lied to. Dark Emperor set that whole thing up! Wiped them out with his capabilities? That’s just impossible! Lab of Gods is still out there. They’re just hiding in the dark, for now, cooking up another grand scheme. You can even say that they were behind every massive change that occurred in the past three years! You people will understand when they reemerge!”
“Hahaha…” Everyone broke into a laugh after hearing Levi’s explanation.
“Levi, are you dumb? The whole world knows that the Lab of Gods is gone! But you’re here saying that it’s not? And that they’ve been controlling everything that happened in the dark? Can they even do that?”
“To put it simply, Levi’s out of touch with the times! He still thinks it’s three years ago where Lab of Gods was behind everything! It seems like we might need to educate him about the current era!”
Instead of getting angry, everyone laughed out loud.
They were looking at Levi like he was an idiot.
“I know you guys aren’t going to believe me! But remember, Lab of Gods will return sooner or later. By then, you’ll all understand that you’re nothing but a pawn in their master plan!” Levi snickered.
His suspicion about the rapid increase in the number of fighters for the past three years grew.
Levi noticed that all the power elements within everyone’s body are exactly the same after taking a glance.
There was obviously something wrong about that, and the Lab of Gods was a prime suspect.


Chapter 2238 Nice To Have You By My Side

This is too much of a coincidence. Ancient ruins being discovered, technology advancements skyrocketing, and fighters being mass-produced. There’s definitely something wrong here.
The more Levi thought about it, the more certain he was that Lab of Gods was behind everything.
That said, in his current situation, no one was going to believe him no matter what he said.

“I say, it’s time we show Levi and Fiery Demon the cruel reality of this new era!”
“Yeah! They’ll only understand how weak they truly are after we beat them up!”
Everyone was eager to get some action.
Right then, several powerful waves appeared and stood before Levi.
“You’ll need to go through us if you’re even thinking of touching them!” they shouted.
It turned out to be the Seven Fiends that once served Levi and Cyrus.
Sword Fiend, Venom Fiend, and the lot.
They had all become elite fighters as well, and their growth looked even more apparent than most of the people there.
It was because they were already training with highly unorthodox methods at the beginning, which meant that the way they trained was already an extreme shortcut.
The current era was very suitable for them.
Nevertheless, Levi was glad that he had them by his side when the whole world was against him.
After all, having the whole world against them meant only one thing.
As soon as they chose to stand by him, death was all but certain.
It feels great to have friends like them.
Levi’s lips curled.
Kirin and Azure Dragon were on Levi’s side as well, but they needed to make way for Levi and Zoey to escape secretly.
So, they could not expose their stance.
“Don’t worry! These people would have to go through us before they can even lay a finger on you!” Sword Fiend’s sword aura was in full force and swept through the entire field.
“Look at that! No wonder they say birds of a feather flock together! We have a demon wife. And now these devilish goons…”
“Nevertheless, killing them would be too easy a task. Everyone, let us divert our attention back to Zoey and her family!” Donald suggested.
Edmund nodded in response. “That’s right! Let’s settle things with Zoey Lopez! I represent The Cardinal Hall when I say this. Zoey Lopez and The Cardinal Hall are not in association! She and the child are separate individuals!”
“Great! If The Cardinal Hall doesn’t intervene, then we have nothing to worry about! Let’s kill that woman!”
Everyone rallied together after hearing what Donald and Edmund said.
All hundreds of thousands of them roared, asking for Zoey’s execution.
The horrific cry shook the very earth they stood on like thunder.
“Everyone, please think this through!”
A voice suddenly cut through the roar as the Lopez and Black families arrived.
Even pure energy beings like Henry were amongst them.
“Everyone, please hear me out. What Zoey did has nothing to do with the Lopez and Black families! She disappeared three years ago and never came back since then!”
“We don’t know what she has become! We really have no idea! We sympathize with the victims and their families!”
They were there to cut ties with Zoey.
“I can vouch for that! Indeed, the families had nothing to do with what Zoey did!” Edmund said.
For Forlevia’s sake, he did not want to wipe out the families.
“Alright,” Donald said but suddenly, he stared at Henry and the others. “We’ll assume you have nothing to do with Zoey. So, how do you think we should punish her?”
The Lopez and Black families were caught off guard by what Donald just said.
How do we handle this? Zoey’s still family, after all. Are we just going to execute her?
“Didn’t you want to cut ties with her? Now’s your chance to prove your innocence!”
Donald seemed like he wanted to see family members going at each other, so he deliberately made things difficult for the two families.
“Kill her!”
Someone from the two families shouted.


Chapter 2239 I Choose My Wife

“Yes, kill her!”
“Zoey’s a demon, a killing machine that belittles humanity! She should die!”
Soon, more followed suit.

Excluding some of the elderly, Henry and the likes were all asking for Zoey’s death.
They were afraid.
Now that they became pure energy beings, they had superpowers, but it also felt like their bodies were extremely weak.
That was why they feared death more. They were too fragile.
Survival comes first at a time like this! To hell with Zoey!
“How could we do that to her? She’s our granddaughter!”
Naturally, Cora could not accept it.
“Mom, Dad, the whole families’ going to be in danger if you don’t allow it!” Henry and the others were trying their best to persuade them.
Donald smirked seeing what was going on in front of him.
“At the moment, Zoey hasn’t come out yet. Why don’t you guys make her come out!” Donald exclaimed.
Hearing that, Henry and Shaun immediately rushed to the front and shouted, “Zoey! Come out and accept your punishment! This is all because of what you did!”
“Do you want to drag all of us down with you, you selfish b*tch?”
After that, under everyone’s pressure, Zoey slowly walked outside.
As soon as her enemies saw her, their eyes sparked into burning rage.
“Kill her!”
Everyone had gone crazy.
The whole world’s hatred for Zoey had seeped into their very bones from all the instigation.
Now, each and every one of them wanted nothing more than to skin her alive.
It looked like they all lost their minds once Zoey appeared.
That was the wrath of the world, baring its fangs down on Zoey’s throat.
It was a clear indication of how successful Dark Emperor’s plan was.
At present, Dark Emperor and Sacred Organization were monitoring the development of the whole situation.
We need something big if we want to test Levi’s current strength. And there’s only one way to do that. By forcing him into the most dangerous situation possible. Him against the whole world.
As soon as Zoey came out, everyone understood how terrifying an angry world looked like.
Even Zoey was scared when faced with hundreds of thousands of people condemning her.
But seeing that Levi was there, her gaze instantly burned up with rage.
“You want to kill me? Come at me! Show me what you have!” she roared as she glared at the crowd.
“Everyone, do you see this? That’s the She-Devil! Look at that murderous intent!” Donald sneered.
“Kill her! Kill her!” the crowd screamed after getting stirred up.
Kirin and the others, who had a plan to follow, were sweating buckets at the moment. They clenched their fists as tightly as possible while their legs trembled.
They were determined to open up a path for Levi and the others to help them escape.
“Come here, Zoey!” Levi pulled Zoey in front of him.
Then, he turned towards the crowd and announced, “I’m here to declare something to everyone! First, I admit to all the murders my wife has done! But in actuality, she was manipulated and used by Dark Emperor from the Sacred Organization! He was the one that made arrangements for all her killings! My wife has become what she is now because of Dark Emperor!”
“Your wife has clearly killed all those people, Levi! How is it anyone else’s responsibility?”
“I don’t care about who’s behind it. Just tell me, did Zoey Lopez kill those people?”
Levi went silent at the question.
No matter who was behind it or what they were scheming, murder was murder. And Zoey had indeed killed those people.
“See! You can’t even believe what you said! First, you talk about how the Dark Emperor wiping out Lab of Gods was fake news! Now you’re telling us this was all Dark Emperor’s plan! What a joke!”
“Don’t go thinking you could calm the situation down just by just talking, Levi!”
Donald and the others laughed.
“Zoey’s death is inevitable, Levi! Step aside, and we might spare yours! Make your choice!”
Upon hearing that, Zoey looked towards Levi, and he smiled.
“I choose to stand by my wife, of course!”


Chapter 2240 A Different Solution

Dark Emperor had been monitoring everything and felt a little excited when he saw that.
He was conflicted between hoping for Levi to be capable of massacring hundreds of thousands. At the same time, he wanted him to be mediocre in terms of power.
It was finally time for the moment of truth.

If Levi truly escaped Prison of Darkness by himself, then he could easily take on millions without a problem.
Hundreds of thousands of eyes were on Levi at the same time.
“Looks like you’re prepared to die, Levi. In that case, you can die together with Zoey!”
“Yeah! Kill them both! That’s the only way to appease the people!”
“Kill them all!”
Donald spoke up all of a sudden, “I think it’d be pointless if we just kill Levi like this. It feels like we’re missing something!”
Tyrone was quick to chime in, “Yeah, you’re right! Even torturing him to death doesn’t feel enough!”
“Exactly! Killing Levi straight off doesn’t do much to satisfy us!”
Others began agreeing with their statements as well.
After all, killing Levi off after waiting three long years for his return simply wasn’t going to cut it.
They wanted to crush Levi brutally to undo the humiliation he put them through in the past and show him how weak he was in this era.
Everyone was dying to humiliate Levi as much as they could.
“Since Levi and Cyrus are so insolent as to look down on this era, I think we should keep him alive and slowly torment him! That ought to show him the cruelty of this era and just how weak he really is! This will give us all a chance to take it out on him!” Donald suggested, and everyone supported him wholeheartedly.
They all wanted to slowly torture Levi and humiliate him by having him eventually submit to them on his knees.
Fighters like Donald and Edmund wanted to crush Levi’s pride, while some were more twisted and wanted Levi to beg them for mercy.
As most of them wanted the same thing, it didn’t take long for them to all reach a consensus.
“What about Zoey, then? She has to die too! We can’t let a monster like her escape!”
Everyone shifted their gaze toward her upon hearing that, and their eyes were filled with a burning desire to kill her.
“Let’s do it, then!”
Donald motioned at them, and everyone charged forward at the same time.
Right as the battle was about to erupt, Levi shouted all of a sudden, “Wait!”
“What is it?”
“I’d like to make something clear! It’s true that my wife has been used by Dark Emperor, and he’s the one who made her do all this. I wish to take the blame for all of her wrongdoings, so please spare her and punish me instead!” Levi bargained.
With his current strength, Levi was perfectly capable of smacking hundreds of thousands into oblivion with ease.
However, he was also a man of honor and refused to let someone else get punished for the mistakes Zoey made.
Since it was a fact that Zoey had killed a lot of people, Levi decided to take responsibility for it and came up with a different solution.
“No way!”
Everyone shook their heads.
“Hold on!” someone shouted.


Chapter 2241 A Man Of Honor

Donald glared at Levi as he asked, “Levi, are you saying that you want to bear the punishment for Zoey’s crimes?”
Levi nodded. “Yes, that’s right! As long as my wife lives, I am willing to accept any and all forms of punishment!”

Kirin and Sword Fiend disagreed with that arrangement as they wanted to fight their way out.
If we work together, it won’t be a problem for us to at least make a temporary escape. These guys aren’t going to let Levi go if he surrenders!
Even Cyrus was shocked by Levi’s decision at first, but he knew Levi all too well and was quick to understand his intentions.
“Fall back! All of you!” Levi yelled.
Kirin and the others could only step aside as told, but they were ready to jump into action anytime.
“Very well, then! Everyone heard that, right? Levi said he’d willingly accept all the punishments if we spare Zoey! What do you all think?” Donald asked the people around him.
Despite how furious they were a moment ago, everyone didn’t seem to think killing Zoey was that important anymore.
Having compared killing her to torturing Levi, the latter seemed a lot more interesting and fun.
On top of that, the only reason they wanted to kill Zoey was because Dark Emperor talked them into it.
In other words, they were manipulated into doing what everyone else was doing.
Because none of them truly wanted to kill Zoey to begin with, they all went silent after hearing Donald’s suggestion.
“That works too, but we’ll agree to it under one condition! In order to prevent Zoey from hurting people in the future, we must remove her powers and turn her into an ordinary human!”
“Hmm… that works without a doubt !” Donald and the others agreed with the condition proposed.
Levi held a hand over Zoey’s mouth and said with a nod, “Okay, sure! Anything for her to stay alive!”
“You’ll accept any kind of punishment?” someone from the crowd asked Levi while glaring at him.
“Yes, I will! You have my word!” Levi replied.
“All right, everyone starts brainstorming on how we should punish him!” Donald shouted.
Everyone began discussing how they would punish Levi, and Dark Emperor let out a deep sigh of relief as he monitored the situation. “It’s confirmed! Levi most certainly did not escape Prison of Darkness by himself, or he’d never beg them to spare Zoey like that!”
“You’re right! Knowing Levi, he’d have kicked their a*ses long ago! He’s only giving in because he’s not powerful enough to take them on!”
“Hahaha… What a relief! And here I thought he actually escaped Prison of Darkness by himself!”
The others breathed sighs of relief as well.
“That means someone else must’ve helped him out of there… Well, it doesn’t matter as long as Levi didn’t do it on his own!” Dark Emperor exclaimed.
They analyzed everything really well, except for the fact that Levi was a man of honor.
Which meant that he would own up to his mistakes and accept the punishment regardless of how powerful he was.
Zoey wanted to say something, but Levi held his hand over her mouth and whispered, “Leave this to me! Let them come at me!”
The crowd came up with ideas one after another, but none of them felt quite right as they either weren’t harsh enough or would kill Levi on the spot.
What they wanted was to keep Levi alive while torturing him in the most humiliating way possible.
“Guys, I’ve just thought of a perfect punishment!” Donald said with a grin all of a sudden.
“What is it, Mr. Garrison?”
Everyone looked at him in response.


Chapter 2242 Stab Himself A Hundred Times

“It’s simple, really. We’ll have Levi stab himself a hundred times!” Donald continued with a cold sneer.
Everyone gasped in shock when they heard that.
What? Stab himself a hundred times? That’s got to be some unimaginable level of pain right there! In fact, Levi might just die from the pain alone! It truly is the ultimate form of torture!

“Given the number of people your wife has killed, a hundred times is considered letting you off easy!” Donald said with a chuckle.
Kirin and the others were about to object to it, but Levi agreed to it before they could do anything. “Okay, no problem!”
“Everyone else okay with this arrangement? I think he’ll survive a hundred stabs!” Donald asked.
“Yeah, sure!”
“No objections here!”
Everyone wanted to prolong Levi’s suffering and see if he could withstand the punishment.
Even if he can’t stand it and is about to die, we could just revive him and continue torturing him anyway!
With that in mind, everyone agreed to the punishment proposed.
Besides, there was simply no stopping Levi once he had made up his mind.
“All right, you may begin with the punishment!”
“Wait, we need to pick our knives wisely! Here, I think this blade produced by Maya Industries is the perfect one for the job. It won’t kill in one blow, but it will deposit some nasty chemicals inside the body that’ll corrode your body slowly until nothing is left! Even the strongest fighter on Divine Leaderboard will just take a little longer to dissolve completely!” a masked man suggested while holding out a dagger that glowed faintly.
Everyone felt a shiver down their spine when they heard him mention the dagger.
It was the best weapon Maya Industries had produced in the past, and everyone had witnessed how terrifying the dagger was.
Plenty of organizations and fighters have traded valuable treasures for the dagger, and it was also the standard issue weapon for most assassin organizations in this era.
Anyone who got stabbed with the dagger and injected with its chemicals was as good as dead because there was no way to stop its effects.
Garrison Industry was still attempting to produce an antidote for it, but they haven’t made much progress so far.
It was estimated to take another couple of years before they could come up with anything remotely useful.
It was said that even God couldn’t save the victims of Maya Industries’ weapons, and that was the reason many feared the weapons they produced.
Donald and his men laughed. “Hahaha! Okay, we’ll go with this dagger, then!”
Even if Levi survived a hundred stabs, the chemicals would still corrode his body slowly until there was nothing left.
He would suffer great humiliation before finally dying a slow and agonizing death, and everyone agreed as it was exactly what they wanted.
Levi noticed something familiar about the masked man’s eyes when he handed him the dagger, but he couldn’t identify the man at the time, nor was he in the mood to think about anything else.
Kirin and the others were incredibly anxious as Levi would be finished once the dagger pierced his body, but they could only watch helplessly as Levi had ordered them to stand down.
Cyrus, on the other hand, was completely calm and even yawned nonchalantly from the side.
“I’ll do as you say, but you have to spare my wife as promised or I’ll come for you!”
Levi meant what he said and would really kill them if they dared go back on their word.
“Don’t worry, The Cardinal Hall will ensure that!” Edmund said, even though none of them took Levi’s threat seriously.
“Hurry up and get to it!”
Hundreds of thousands of eyes were on Levi.
“All right, I shall now stab myself a hundred times as punishment for my wife’s crimes!”
Levi then plunged the dagger into his chest right after saying that.


Chapter 2243 This Guy Is Way Too Tough

The blade was buried completely inside Levi’s chest, and blood was spraying everywhere.
It was a gruesome sight to behold, and everyone felt chills down their spines upon seeing that.

The blade had turned from black to green when Levi pulled it out of his chest.
It was a clear sign that the chemicals had already been deposited in his body and were reacting with his blood.
This is it! Levi’s officially a goner now! Those special chemicals from Maya Industries are bound to kill him once it enters his body! He can only watch helplessly as his body slowly decomposes each day before finally dying slowly and painfully!
“Hahaha…” Sadistic smiles formed on most of the people’s faces when they saw that.
Kirin and the others couldn’t even bring themselves to watch as they knew the fate that awaited Levi.
So what if we become stronger? The leader that we keep claiming we’ll protect is now suffering such a horrible punishment, and there’s nothing we can do about it!
They thought to themselves with frustration and remorse written all over their faces.
“Keep going! Keep going!” the crowd chanted.
The color of the blood spewing out of Levi’s chest was a lot darker during the second stab.
It was a clear indicator that more of the chemicals had entered his body.
It hurts!
For the first time in the past three years, Zoey felt her heart ache and seemed to have snapped out of her vengeful state of mind.
Kirin and the others shouted in distress, but Levi refused to let them interfere.
It was then that they understood Levi’s intention to endure the punishment for his wife.
Cyrus in particular understood it better than everyone else.
He knew that Levi was choosing to do the honorable thing despite being perfectly capable of fighting his way out.
Levi was covered in wounds with blood all over his body on the sixth stab, and everyone at the scene could only imagine the pain they would feel if they did the same to themselves.
Oh, man… I’d probably die from the pain alone!
The fact that the dagger was manufactured by Maya Industries made it all the more terrifying, and very few could withstand the pain without removing their pain receptors.
However, Levi didn’t even flinch as he continued stabbing himself.
“What a man!”
“He may be mediocre, but no one else can endure pain better than he does!”
Levi had impressed quite a number of people with his bold action.
“Keep going!”
Having run out of places to stab himself in, Levi simply clenched his teeth and stabbed at his existing wounds.
Although Levi didn’t make a sound, everyone around him shuddered as if they were the ones in pain.
He’s stabbing himself in his wounds? My goodness… This guy is a monster! I can’t watch this anymore!
Donald and his men gasped at the thought of that as even they couldn’t pull off a feat like that.
Regardless, they were all enjoying his torment and felt incredibly excited as they watched him continue to stab himself repeatedly.
The seventieth stab!
At long last, Levi had stabbed himself a hundred times and was starting to lose his balance a little.
Someone ran up to hold Levi steady, but he brushed the person aside and steadied himself on his own.
With blood gushing out of his mouth, Levi glared at everyone around him with a mocking smile that said he could easily take a thousand more stabs.
“What the hell? This guy is way too tough!”
“He’s probably just putting up a tough act! I bet he’d collapse and start screaming in pain once we all leave!”


Chapter 2244 Personal Grudges

People began chiming in immediately, “Yeah! He has to protect his ego as a former overlord, after all!”
“Exactly! There’s no way he’d cry in pain when there are so many people watching!”
“I’m really looking forward to seeing how pathetic Levi will look when his body slowly dissolves into nothingness!”

Everyone began laughing at the thought of Levi dying a slow and agonizing death.
Levi then scanned the crowd around him as he said, “There, I’ve kept my end of the bargain! Isn’t it about time you let my wife go as promised?”
If anyone were to say no, Levi would really get mad and kill them in one slap right then and there.
Although some of them wanted to go against their word, they couldn’t bring themselves to say it in front of that many people.
“Very well! Since you’ve done your part, we’ll spare your wife as promised!” Edmund took the initiative to speak up, and everyone followed suit shortly after.
“Alright. We’re even now!”
Suddenly, Donald stepped forward and said, “Hold it right there! I have something to say! As of now, Zoey’s crimes against Erudia and the rest of the world have been forgiven. Do you understand what I mean, Levi?”
“Yeah, I do!” Levi replied with a nod as he knew what Donald was going to say next.
“Listen up, everyone! We’re sparing Zoey’s life today because we forgive her crimes against the world, but that doesn’t include our personal grudges against her! We will get our revenge today, and The Cardinal Hall isn’t allowed to stop us from doing so!” Donald continued.
What he meant was simple.
The world may have forgiven Zoey for her wrongdoings, but they were still going to hold her accountable for the personal grudges they had against her.
Edmund nodded in response. “Yes, I understand. The Cardinal Hall will not interfere with personal grudges!”
Donald was hell-bent on getting his revenge on Levi, but Levi didn’t care about that in the slightest.
All that mattered to him was the fact that he had appeased the world by stabbing himself a hundred times earlier.
“Of course! I’ve already taken the punishment for Zoey anyway! As for personal grudges… Well, feel free to bring it on! I’ll be waiting right here!” Levi said with a cold sneer.
He wouldn’t hesitate to fight back if they attacked him over personal grudges.
Everyone burst into laughter.
Levi’s challenging us in that state? I bet he’d die without even knowing how! Do you think you can protect Zoey when you’re not even that powerful? Dream on!
“We shall now proceed to strip Zoey of her powers! To be fair, we’ll have The Cardinal Hall carry it out!”
Of course, Donald and his men haven’t forgotten Zoey’s part of the deal.
“I’ll do it!”
Edmund personally stripped Zoey of all her powers, and Levi let out a sigh of relief when he saw her cough up blood.
This way, Zoey is more likely to return to normal!
“There, you’ve all gotten what you came for! Both Levi and Zoey have been punished enough!” Edmund shouted, and it took about half an hour for the crowd to disperse completely.
However, Levi knew most of them were secretly hiding in the shadows where they continued to observe him.
That was especially the case for those who had a personal grudge against him as they wanted to see how long he would last in his pathetic state.
Those of high statuses like Edmund and Donald, on the other hand, actually left the area as sticking around shamelessly would tarnish their reputation.
Besides, they had constant access to information on Levi and would have plenty of opportunities to torture him later on.
“Haha… Levi’s about to drop that tough act now, isn’t he?”


Chapter 2245 Levi Is Perfectly Fine

Everyone was waiting in the shadows as they figured Levi would think they were gone and drop the act.
With a faint smile on his face, Levi sat cross-legged on the floor and let his blood flow freely from his wounds.
To those who were watching, it looked like Levi couldn’t even remain standing and had finally collapsed.

“Do you have any alcohol?” he asked out loud.
Man, I’m really craving a drink after being locked up for three years!
“Yes, here you go!”
Someone stepped forward with some hard liquor, and Levi began chugging it straight from the bottle.
“See? I told you! Levi can’t stand it anymore! He’s trying to numb the pain by getting himself drunk!”
“Yeah, I knew he was acting tough earlier! He doesn’t want us to see him in such a pathetic state!”
“He’s probably still acting because his people are around. I bet he’d start screaming like a pig being slaughtered once they leave!”
Everyone was having a blast as they continued observing Levi from the shadows.
Unable to continue watching him chug down liquor in that manner, Phoenix whipped out bottles of drugs with Garrison Industry’s logo on them.
“Here, please take these, Boss! These are painkillers manufactured by Garrison Industry! We’ve also got drugs to help stop the bleeding and treat your wound! They’re really effective!” she urged him anxiously.
By combining ancient medicine with modern ones, Garrison Industry was able to achieve near-miraculous feats with their drugs.
“Yeah! Hurry up and take the drugs, Boss!”
It pained them to see Levi stab himself repeatedly, and they were all incredibly worried about him.
“No, I don’t need this stuff!” Levi shook his head.
“Hah! There he goes again! He’s trying to act tough in front of his men by refusing the medication!”
“They should just let him bleed to death! See if he’ll still keep it up then!”
The people began calling Levi a faker from the shadows again.
Zoey and Sword Fiend too were trying to talk Levi into taking the medicine.
“Please just take the medicine!” Cyrus said.
He could tell that they would force-feed it to Levi if he continued being stubborn.
Having no other choice, Levi consumed the drugs which took effect almost immediately.
His bleeding stopped within minutes, and his wounds were slowly starting to heal.
However, the rate at which the wounds healed was incredibly slow due to the unique nature of Maya Industries’ weapons.
Little did they know, none of that made a difference to Levi as he was completely fine and had simply lost a little blood.
“The biggest problem right now is the fact that Master’s wounds are inflicted by a dagger from Maya Industries. The chemicals are flowing through his body as we speak, and it will soon begin to corrode his body until nothing is left!”
The issue Floyd brought up was one that everyone worried about the most, and their faces sank the moment he said that.
As much as they hated to admit it, the fact remained that anyone stabbed by weapons from Maya Industries was as good as dead.
Garrison Industry had spent a lot of money into developing an antidote for it, but a year had passed with little to no progress being made.
The same held true for the other major organizations out there, and it wouldn’t be an overstatement to say that no antidote existed for the chemicals made by Maya Industries.
“No, I’ll find a way to treat this even if I die doing so!”
“Hurry up and start conducting your research on this, Phoenix! We must come up with an antidote somehow!”
“Let’s search the whole world for a solution! I’m sure we’ll be able to find one!”


Chapter 2246 An Invincible Body

Levi’s disciples had made up their minds and were determined to save his life even if it cost them everything.
They then began discussing their next mission.
“We can all confirm that a solution has yet to exist for Boss’ condition, but we can at least slow down the corrosion process. That’ll buy us more time to find a solution for him!” Azure Dragon analyzed the situation rationally.

Everyone else agreed with his plan.
“Yeah, we’ll go with that! It isn’t difficult to slow down the corrosion process! We’ll do that first, and then look for a solution!”
Everyone hiding in the shadows scoffed.
“That’s impossible! Maya Industries is the only one that knows what those chemicals are! There’s no way they’d be able to come up with an antidote!”
Levi waved at them casually and said, “That won’t be necessary! Look, I’m fine! These wounds are nothing!”
“No, we’re talking about the chemicals in this dagger…”
“I know, but this kind of stuff can’t hurt me in the slightest!” Levi cut Floyd off before he could finish, and he wasn’t joking when he said that either.
His body had already achieved a new level above those on the Divine Leaderboard over the past three years, and he could deliver a punch at extreme speed and power with very little effort.
Naturally, it would take more than an ordinary body to deliver such a punch.
Levi’s body from three years ago wouldn’t have been able to withstand it and would’ve exploded in the process of charging up the energy.
However, he no longer had anything to fear as his body had become incredibly strong throughout his solitary training.
The chemicals from Maya Industries’ weapons were expelled immediately upon entry, so those stab wounds did no damage to Levi’s body.
As such, there wouldn’t be a corrosion process because the chemicals were unable to seep into his body at all.
Levi said he was fine because no chemical substance could corrode his insanely strong body, but no one seem to understand.
“There’s no need to act all tough in front of us, Master! It’s obvious that you’re severely wounded!” Floyd exclaimed.
The others followed suit. “Yeah! Everyone else is gone, so you don’t have to hide it anymore! We know you feel that you can’t show any weakness because you represent Erudia, but there are no outsiders here right now! We’re your comrades, disciples, and family! There’s no need to put up a tough act with us!”
“That’s right! I’ve already chased off the ones hiding in the shadows!”
Kirin and the others even made sure to get rid of those who were secretly watching them.
They thought Levi was pretending to be fine, but he wasn’t even trying to pretend at all.
Eventually, Cyrus couldn’t stand it anymore and spoke up, “All right, calm down, all of you! He is completely fine! He doesn’t need your medication nor your antidote, so run along and go about your own businesses!”
Everyone got mad upon hearing that.
“You have no idea how damaging this dagger is, let alone the changes that have taken place in this era! You should have…”
Someone got so agitated that he nearly lectured Cyrus and Levi, but stopped himself at the last second.
Levi sneered. “Let me guess… You guys think I won’t survive this era, huh?”


Chapter 2247 Kill Dark Emperor

“No, that’s not what we meant! Both of you are just unaware of how powerful Maya Industries’ weapons are!”
“Exactly! Besides, your power is considered to be average in this era, Boss! There’s no way you wouldn’t survive!”
Everyone began explaining themselves.

“Just let us take care of things, Master! You’ll be fine with us around!” Floyd promised.
The look on Levi’s face changed upon hearing that. “I want all of you to give me some space! I need some time alone!”
“But, Master…”
They wanted to explain further, but Levi cut them off by yelling loudly, “Leave, damn it! Can’t I have some peace and quiet moments around here?”
Seeing as everyone was still standing there hesitantly, Robed Slayer stepped forward and said, “Come on, let’s all leave and give Maestro some time to himself. He has already taken the medication, so his condition is stabilized now. His life won’t be in any danger for the time being.”
Eventually, they left one by one after hearing that.
“You guys should leave too!” Levi ordered.
Sword Fiend and the others went outside, and Robed Slayer glanced at them before saying, “Do you guys really think Levi wouldn’t know of Maya Industries’ weapons? He knew exactly what he was getting into the moment he saw Donald choose the dagger! Also, he knows his body’s condition better than anyone else!”
“That’s why I said Boss is in very critical condition! He’s just stubbornly claiming to be fine because he doesn’t want us to worry about him!” Kirin shouted.
“Yeah! That’s got to be it! He just doesn’t want us to worry!”
“He probably told us to leave because he couldn’t stand it anymore!”
“The boss I know is a tough guy who would keep fighting even though his bones are all broken! He just doesn’t want us to see him in a tragic state like this! Don’t worry, Boss! We’ll do our best to ensure your survival!” Kirin exclaimed with a sigh.
“Yeah, let’s arrange our tasks and get to work right away!”
Determined to help Levi survive, Azure Dragon and the others began discussing their tasks.
Levi waited till they had all left the area before getting up with a smile on his face.
A strong burst of air erupted from his body and forced out a bunch of black-colored substances.
Just like that, Levi had forcefully expelled all of Maya Industries’ supposedly lethal chemicals.
Not even the strongest person on Divine Leaderboard could survive those chemicals, but Levi was so terrifyingly powerful that he was in a whole different league far above that.
None of those chemicals could invade his body at all.
Levi frowned as he touched the chemical substances that had come out of his body. “I’ve never seen a poison like this before!”
He practically knew about every single poison in existence due to his vast knowledge and the skills he learned from Venom Fiend, but it was his first time seeing a poison like that.
Even so, he didn’t need to know what it was because it came as no threat to him at all.
Cyrus chuckled. “These kids are blinded by all the nonsense around them. They have no idea how powerful a single punch from you could be!”
“You should start training too so you can get stronger! Wouldn’t want them laughing at you now, would we?” Levi said with a smile.
Cyrus tensed up instantly. “Understood, I’ll get to it as soon as possible! So, what do you have in plan?”
“I bet there would be a lot of people coming after me for revenge, but I plan on killing Dark Emperor first.”
Levi made it sound like it was a walk in the park with his casual attitude.


Chapter 2248 Plan To Capture Levi

Dark Emperor had reached the power ceiling of that era and was rumored to have destroyed Lab of Gods single-handedly.
Because he had eliminated the strongest force in the era, Dark Emperor was ranked first on Divine Leaderboard.
That was the reason why so many people objected to Levi’s statement about everything being Dark Emperor’s conspiracy.

In an era where the strong were revered, many viewed Dark Emperor in a near-religious manner and wouldn’t allow anyone to badmouth him in the slightest.
However, Levi and Cyrus couldn’t care less about Divine Leaderboard and Dark Emperor.
“All right. Do you need me to come with you?” Cyrus asked.
“You should just carry out solitary training and focus on getting stronger!” Levi replied.
“How do you plan on finding Dark Emperor?” Cyrus asked.
Levi chuckled. “I don’t need to. He’ll come to me himself!”
He changed into some new clothes to hide his wounds, but they had already healed completely by then.
“Garrison Industry’s drugs sure are miraculous! I’ve only heard of it before, but I didn’t think the wounds would heal this fast!” Zoey exclaimed instinctively when she saw the wounds all healed up.
Garrison Industry had been world-renowned for their medication throughout the past three years, after all.
Zoey wasn’t the only one who thought that way as Emma and Zoey’s parents felt the same too.
However, they had conflicted looks in their eyes when they thought about how a former overlord who could fight millions would eventually be reduced to a dying cripple.
The world sure has a funny way of toying with him!
The elders could only sigh at the thought of that. “Oh, well… I suppose it’s for the better! Anyway, it’s time for you two to get some rest!”
“Do you want to get back into training again, Zoey?” Levi asked after helping Zoey into their room.
“That’s impossible for me now that I’m crippled!”
Zoey had given up all hope at the time.
“I have a way to help restore your powers and some techniques for you to train after that. You’ll surely be able to go back to your previous state!”
Levi excitedly handed Zoey his technique book, but she simply tossed it aside after he left.
Like the others, she believed that Levi’s greatness was a thing of the past, so there was no point in training anymore.
Dark Emperor was in a huge base located on a remote island in Adrune.
He felt relieved when he found out that Levi didn’t escape on his own, only to end up being restless later that night.
Desperate to know the person who freed Levi, Dark Emperor summoned everyone and asked, “I want to know how Levi escaped! Who else in this world is capable of breaking Prison of Darkness? The only person who comes to mind is the guy who invented Prison of Darkness as he might have the key to unlock it. However, he’s dead now, so I can’t think of anyone else!”
“That’s easy! We could just kidnap Levi and ask him directly!” Death Fiend suggested.
Dark Emperor’s eyes lit up upon hearing that. “Oh, you’re right! We’ll just ask Levi for the answer!”
Da*n, I can’t believe I didn’t think of that!
“There are a lot of people out there who want to get their revenge on him, so hurry up and bring him in before they kill him!”


Chapter 2249 Take The Bait

As Levi had expected, Dark Emperor came after him, so he didn’t need to go searching for him at all.
This way, he would be able to meet Dark Emperor and kill him off.
True hunters would often present themselves as prey, and that was exactly what Levi did.

Dark Emperor saw Levi as prey when he was actually the hunter in this case.
Although everyone seemed to have left, they were actually monitoring Levi’s condition in secret and they found themselves impressed by Garrison Industry’s drugs.
The fact that those drugs were able to treat such severe injuries became a hot topic all over the world, and even Garrison Industry themselves didn’t expect their drugs to be that powerful.
Although Phoenix had given Levi the company’s top products, they had never seen such incredible result in all of their experimental data.
Regardless, they decided to go with the assumption that the drugs were highly effective.
As everybody knew that Levi had people protecting him at all times, no one came seeking revenge in the next two days.
However, they soon found themselves with hundreds of unwanted guests as all Eighteen Dark Angels and members of Sacred Organization showed up at their doorstep.
“What is it? Does Master have new orders for me?” Zoey asked excitedly when she saw them.
“No! We’re here for him, not you!” Death Fiend said as their eyes fell upon Levi.
“Come with us, Levi! I’m sure you know why we’re here!” Death Fiend continued with a chuckle.
“Cyrus doesn’t seem to be around. Do we look for him as well?”
The others searched the place for Cyrus, but he was nowhere to be found.
“Forget about him! We’ll just bring Levi back with us!” Death Fiend said.
Levi nodded. “Yeah, okay.”
Death Fiend turned toward Zoey and asked, “Surely you have no complaints about us taking him away, right?”
“No, not at all! Master was really nice to me, so I know he won’t do anything bad to my husband! Just go with them, Levi! Master won’t hurt you with me around!”
Zoey really trusted Dark Emperor a lot.
“All right. I’ll go with them, then!” Levi replied with a smile.
“That’s more like it! There’s no need for pointless struggles, especially since you’re so weak now!” Death Fiend said with a sneer.
He believed that Levi had surrendered because he knew he was outmatched.
“Exactly! Even without those wounds of yours, you’d still be no match for any of us! You’ve made the right choice coming with us peacefully!”
Everyone laughed at how Levi was like a sheep being led to the slaughter, completely helpless against their bullying.
Death Fiend couldn’t help but exclaim how drastically things have changed.
Three years ago, we had to practically invite Levi to come with us. Had Dark Emperor not taken Zoey, Levi would never have agreed to come with us. Knowing how hot-headed he is, he would surely have fought us a long time ago! Now, he’s coming with us because he has accepted reality and doesn’t even bother to resist at all. Three years isn’t a very long time, but it’s enough to turn an invincible dragon into an obedient little kitten.
“Let him go or none of you will leave this place alive!” A loud voice was heard from behind right as they were all about to leave, and Sword Fiend appeared shortly after with the others.
Azure Dragon had Sword Fiend and the stronger fighters watch over Levi to protect him from the people seeking revenge.
“Ah, it’s you guys…” Death Fiend laughed when he saw his old pals.
“Step aside, all of you! I’m fine!” Levi called out to them.
Getting Dark Emperor to take the bait wasn’t easy, so he didn’t want Sword Fiend and the others to ruin his plans as it would be a lot more difficult to find Dark Emperor then.


Chapter 2250 Meeting Dark Emperor

However, Sword Fiend and the others refused to give in.
The formerly invincible Levi has given in to the harsh reality, and yet he’s still asking us to leave because he doesn’t want us to get hurt…
Master is still trying to protect us even in his current state…

With that in mind, Sword Fiend and the others refused to back down.
“No, we’re going to protect you! We won’t let anyone take you away!”
“Yeah, we can’t let that happen!”
The Fiends were staring the Eighteen Dark Angels down fiercely, and the atmosphere was tense as everyone prepared to fight.
Da*n, I never knew it’d be so difficult to let someone kidnap me…
Levi let out a helpless sigh at the thought of that.
“Stop them, Death Angels!” Death Fiend ordered.
Seconds later, a dark shadow was cast over the area as hundreds of Death Angels descended from the sky, each with a pair of black metallic wings on their backs.
Death Angels were loyal warriors of Sacred Organization, and Death Fiend had brought a hundred of them along with him.
They were able to hold Sword Fiend and the others back while the Eighteen Dark Angels escaped with Levi through the back.
By the time they were able to clear a path, Levi had already been taken somewhere far away from Erudia.
The Eighteen Dark Angels brought Levi to a remote island in Adrune where Sacred Organization’s lair was located.
Of course, Levi knew that was just one of their many lairs as Dark Emperor was way too cunning to have his lair in one place.
He conquered lots of territories with Zoey’s help over the years and had lairs built in all of them.
Levi was soon brought to one of the many bases on the island, and a tall figure could be seen looming in front of him.
“Is he here?” asked a voice.
“We have brought Levi here as per your request, Your Highness!” Death Fiend and the others shouted in unison.
“Well done, all of you! I shall reward you all for this!”
Dark Emperor slowly turned around as he said that, emanating a powerful and domineering aura in the process.
On his face was a mask that had an angelic side and a demonic side.
It was the first time Levi had seen Dark Emperor in the flesh.
So, this guy has a mask on as well… He’s afraid of showing his true face to others too, huh?
None of the members in Sacred Organization had ever seen Dark Emperor’s true face, including the Eighteen Dark Angels and his disciple.
Zoey was the only one who had seen his face once, and that was the main reason she trusted him.
Levi broke into a faint smile after taking a moment to observe and analyze the figure before him.
At first, he was a little worried about how terrifying Dark Emperor would be, especially since the man claimed to be capable of breaking Prison of Darkness.
A closer inspection revealed that Dark Emperor was a lot stronger than Donald, Edmund, and The Cardinal Hall’s four divine generals.
However, that level of strength was far from enough to break Prison of Darkness.
The only way for Dark Emperor to do so would be through the help of some divine tool.
As such, Levi was confident that he could crush Dark Emperor beneath his heel as they were both on very different levels.
So what if he’s the first on Divine Leaderboard? The whole damned thing is an insult to me anyway! There’s no way a god like me would want to be a part of some ranking for mere mortals!
Dark Emperor slowly made his way toward Levi and asked coldly, “Tell me, who helped you escape Prison of Darkness?”


Chapter 2251 Calling Scrap Metal A Divine Tool

Levi could clearly hear Dark Emperor drawing a sharp breath which showed that he was incredibly nervous.
The others around him were a lot more anxious and held their breaths in anticipation.
They really need to know the answer to that question.

“I broke it myself!” Levi replied with a smile.
Everyone’s expression turned cold upon hearing that, and not a single one of them believed him.
What is this bullsh*t? How could someone mediocre in power possibly break out of there?
Dark Emperor was starting to lose his patience and shouted in a deep voice, “No one knows Prison of Darkness better than I do, Levi! There is no way you’d break it, even in a thousand years! Now, tell me the truth! Who helped you escape Prison of Darkness?”
“Tell us or we’ll kill you!” Death Fiend and the others threatened him as well.
“I told you, I got out by myself!” Levi said with a helpless chuckle.
Everyone in Sacred Organization was on the verge of exploding from anger.
Levi’s still being so stubborn even though he’s doomed? He doesn’t know when to stop, does he?
“I used to think that was the case, so I tried to test your strength. This base is equipped with detectors from Maya Industries, and I’ve already run a scan on your body when you set foot in here! Your power levels are considered mediocre at best, so we are leagues apart! There’s no way you’d be able to break out of Prison of Darkness by yourself!”
“Is it really that difficult? You can open it too, right?” Levi asked in an attempt to trick Dark Emperor into telling him how to escape Prison of Darkness.
Not realizing what he was playing at, Dark Emperor said with a sneer, “You’d better tell me the truth, Levi! There is no mechanism on the outside of the cage, so even I wouldn’t be able to break out of there all by myself!”
“Huh?” Levi froze.
“However, I have the Terra Blade! By combining the Terra Blade’s power with my own, I can force my way out of there!” Seeing the look of confusion on Levi’s face, Dark Emperor proudly explained, “It’s as famous as the Skyward Sword!”
The others chimed in as well, “You people may not have heard of it, but Terra Blade is the strongest divine tool in the world!”
Levi frowned. “Is it really that impressive? I could easily break that toy by bending it with my fingers!”
Man, I just realized something… These guys are all nuts! I can’t believe they’d call a useless piece of scrap metal a divine tool! I’ve seen Skyward Sword, so I know exactly how powerful it is! Even with Terra Blade, there’s no way Dark Emperor would be able to bust his way out of there with his power level! The only reason he could break the steel cage with Terra Blade was because he was on the outside. The energy transfer mechanism between the two steel walls of the cage doesn’t work on forces being applied to its exterior.
Dark Emperor also knew that it was impossible for him to break the cage from the inside as the force required would be a hundred times more.
As he had thought of several other possibilities, he needed to question Levi in person to confirm his theory.


Chapter 2252 History Between Dark Emperor And Daxon

“But the fighter you claimed to have broken Skyward Sword with two fingers could open it! Heck, he could even do it from the inside! I don’t know who that guy is, but he should be a Guardian for The Cardinal Hall and Eragon!” Dark Emperor said.
“Did you hear that, Levi? Only someone who could break Skyward Sword with two fingers can open it from the inside! Everyone else can only do so from the outside! It’s a hundred times more difficult to do it from the inside!” Death Fiend shouted in an attempt to remind Levi of that fact.
“Yes, you’re right! I’m the one who broke Skyward Sword with two fingers!” Levi said with a chuckle.

No one believed Levi’s words in the slightest.
It’s impossible no matter how you look at it!
Dark Emperor let out a sarcastic chuckle. “Do not test my patience, Levi! Tell me the truth, or I’ll kill you! You may not be afraid to die, but what about Zoey? I could squash her like a bug!”
The look on Levi’s face changed instantly, and everyone burst into laughter when they saw that.
I knew it! Levi’s weakness is his family!
“Don’t worry, we’ll spare your lives if you tell us the truth! All I want is to know the answer to my question! You’re nothing but an ant to me, so killing you would be no fun at all!”
Dark Emperor was speaking his heart when he said that.
All he wanted was to find the answer to his question, and he couldn’t care less about Levi’s life.
“Like I said, I broke out of the prison myself. What else do you expect me to do? Make up a story on the spot?” Levi said helplessly with a smile.
“Go on, then! We’d believe you readily if you did!”
Everyone had their eyes on Levi, and they were more likely to believe that he made-up story than the truth.
“Hmm, let me think… Okay, it was a divine brigadier, Daxon, who freed me! He happened to be passing by during his solitary training and set me free!”
Levi said that because he heard someone talking about a divine brigadier from The Cardinal Hall named Daxon who used to own the Skyward Sword.
According to the rumors, Daxon had given up the Skyward Sword and sealed it deep within the icy plains because he became too reliant on it.
Dark Emperor froze and began trembling all over with a conflicted look in his eyes after hearing that name, much to Levi’s surprise.
“I-It’s him… It really is him… I knew it! I knew it was him!”
Even Levi didn’t expect Dark Emperor to lose his mind over a random person he had casually mentioned.
What? Did I really hit the nail on the head with that random statement I just made up?
“It’s him! It’s definitely him! I can’t believe the gap between our power levels is still that huge after so many years! Given his power combined with the divine tool, he could easily break Prison of Darkness from the outside! In fact, he wouldn’t even need a top-tier divine tool like Skyward Sword to do so!”
Dark Emperor then turned toward the Eighteen Dark Angels and continued, “Do you guys know that he’s the main reason I never dared venture into Erudia? I thought I could challenge him when I combined both Terra Blade and Skyward Sword, but the sword was shattered!
“That’s why I’ve been using Zoey to help me steal resources and set up bases everywhere! I’ve been continuously expanding Sacred Organization because I want to have the world firmly under my control! Sacred Organization now has a third of the world’s forces under my command! I’m trying to strengthen myself just so I could fight him and return to Erudia! I can’t believe he broke Prison of Darkness all by himself… Did he do it with his bare hands or some kind of weapon?”
Levi was dumbfounded as he watched Dark Emperor lose his mind.
So, Dark Emperor has a history with Daxon, huh…
“Hey, who the hell are you?” Levi asked.


Chapter 2253 Vote To Spare Or Kill Levi

I used to think that Dark Emperor is from another country, but now I realize he’s actually an Erudian! On top of that, he has a long and complicated history with Daxon. I mean, everything Dark Emperor does is related to Daxon! Da*n, I didn’t even know that Sacred Organization is in control of a third of the world’s forces! This is way too scary! The threat these guys pose is a lot larger than Lab of Gods! There’s a lot more to Dark Emperor than meets the eye!
Dark Emperor then turned toward Levi and glared at him cautiously as if he had suddenly recalled something.
“What are you planning on doing? I don’t just reveal my identity to people like you!”

Everyone around them lowered their heads instantly.
It was obvious that they too wanted to know Dark Emperor’s true identity.
“It’s fine if you don’t feel like telling me! I wouldn’t want to find out anyway! There, I’ve given you an answer. What are you going to do to me now?”
One of the Eighteen Dark Angels shouted, “Let’s kill him! I’ve had enough of his crap!”
“Yes! I’ve been putting up with him since three years ago!”
Many of them hated Levi and have been dying to kill him for a very long time.
Levi silently made a mental note of those who wanted him dead.
Death Fiend shot him a glance and said, “I think we should just let him go! We’ve already gotten the answer we’re looking for, so there’s no need to kill him!”
Levi was so worthless to him that he couldn’t even be bothered to kill him.
“Yeah, he’s no longer the powerful fighter we used to know! I’m too lazy to kill him now!”
“Exactly! He has a ton of enemies in Erudia, so we might as well let him go! That ought to teach him a lesson on the cruelty of this era!”
“Besides, he’s been wounded by a weapon from Maya Industries, so he’s a goner anyway! Killing him now would be too merciful!”
Quite a number of them felt they should release Levi.
“But killing him on the spot would make us all feel a lot better!”
“That’s right! Levi may be weak, but he’s cunning and resourceful! Who knows, he might just end up becoming a threat to us!”
Just like that, they were split into two sides and were arguing whether they should spare or kill Levi.
It was as if they were some almighty god deciding the fate of a mere mortal, and Levi seemed like a slave surviving at their mercy.
Hehe… Since when did a bunch of fools like these get to decide if I live or die? They couldn’t do so three years ago, so there’s no way they could do it now!
Levi found himself so amused by their argument that he didn’t even try to interrupt them.
Eventually, their argument got so heated that even Levi found himself tempted to join in and take the side of those who wanted him dead.
As the argument grew fiercer, Dark Emperor’s voice could be heard from the side. “Enough! Stop arguing!”
Everyone then stopped bickering and turned to face Dark Emperor as they awaited his decision.
“All right. Your Highness will decide if Levi should live or die!”
Dark Emperor himself was conflicted about his desire to both kill and spare Levi at the same time.
“I can’t make that decision right now, so how about we lock him up for the time being and discuss this thoroughly?” he asked.
Everyone objected as they wanted the decision to be made right away.
“How about we put it to a vote? The majority of votes will decide Levi’s fate!” Death Fiend suggested.
“Sure, let’s all vote to make it fair!”
Everyone agreed to his suggestion.
Dark Emperor broke into a wide grin as he said, “A vote that decides if a person lives or dies? How exciting!”


Chapter 2254 Being Toyed With

The members of the Sacred Organization were excited at the prospect of toying with Levi’s life.
The death of a fallen legend is something to behold.
Even the Dark Emperor’s gloom dissipated as he was eager to join in the fun.

“Let me be the arbitrator. Place your votes!” the Dark Emperor called out over the clamor of excitement.
The crowd wrote their desired outcome on little scraps of paper.
Aside from the Dark Emperor, the training base of the little unknown island contained four thousand three hundred and twenty-three people.
The number was made up of the inner circle of the Sacred Organization which their slaves and servants.
The Dark Emperor opened the vote to everybody.
It was rather exciting to be a part of history.
Only two outcomes were able to be voted upon—life or death.
Levi stood silently as he waited for the verdict like a slave whose life was being toyed with by his overlords as their source of entertainment.
“The voting officially begins!” roared the Dark Emperor.
After every single vote was cast, the Dark Emperor began to announce the tally out loud.
“One for death!”
“One for death!”
“One for life!”
The Dark Emperor was all excited as he read every single vote out loud, with an attendant keeping score of the votes.
At that moment, the votes for both life and death rose equally.
At the rate this is going, we might have to wait to the very end to know Levi’s fate.
Levi remained silent throughout the entire proceedings. His facial expression was inscrutable.
Some within the crowd speculated that Levi had most likely given up and resigned to his fate.
“Is this the famous Levi? The man who fought the Lab of Gods and single-handedly destabilized their entire operations? How is it possible that his fate is currently depending on the mercy of others?”
“Well, the tables have turned. Luck is with us as he is not what he used to be. Do you think he would have spared our lives if we were at his mercy?”
“Don’t worry, brother. He has no way of fighting back now. His fate is in our hands!”
All the voters looked at Levi who smiled indulgently.
How naive!
“Levi seems awfully quiet now! What happened to his hot temper?”
“That’s right! I remember when he fought his way to the headquarters three years ago. He had wanted to fight the Dark Emperor and demanded Zoey to be handed over!”
“The passage of time is brutal indeed! Look how pathetic he’d become!”
The jeering around him ensued alongside the tally of the votes.
The Dark Emperor’s excitement grew as the number of unannounced votes decreased.
It’s been a long time since I am this excited!
The game of determining one’s fate was so exciting that all of its participants held their breath dangerously close to suffocation.
A thousand votes.
Two thousand votes!
Three thousand votes!
Four thousand votes!
At long last, every single vote was called out.
The atmosphere was pumped with palpable excitement, every eye on the scene was fixed on the Dark Emperor as they waited with bated breath for the final result to be called out.
That was the most agonizing moment.
Levi was really interested in the outcome of the vote.
It’s about to determine my fate after all.
The Dark Emperor wiped the sweat off his brow as he cleared his throat. “The final tally is two thousand two hundred and eighty-five in favor of death!”
“We have a majority!” he proclaimed as deafening cheers erupted on all sides. “Levi is sentenced to death! This is the final verdict!”
“We’ve won! Levi will die today!”
The ones who had voted for Levi began cheering jubilantly.
However, Death Fiend and the rest looked forlorn as they were hoping to see Levi being subjected to further torture as they believed that a slow death was far more satisfying.
“Death is what you have chosen, is it not? Then death is what it shall be!”
Suddenly, Levi’s voice rang out.


Chapter 2255 He Is The Hunter

Every single person at the scene jumped at his words.
The initially merry atmosphere instantly faded away into tense silence as every eye at the scene turned to glare at Levi.
Levi had a crooked smile on his face despite being sentenced to die frightened the onlookers.

Fear rose within them as if the man before their eyes was the devil himself.
Even the Dark Emperor could not repress an icy shudder down his spine.
That look on his face radiates pure malice intent!
Even the Dark Emperor did not know why Levi who was at their mercy suddenly looked so menacing.
Levi was smiling at the effect produced by his words.
They have voted death onto themselves, all four thousands of them.
That was the verdict he had been patiently waiting for.
They were casting votes upon their own fate.
If death is what they want, then so be it!
Just as the four thousand prey began to realize that they were trapped, the hunter revealed himself.
Initially, the Sacred Organization toyed with Levi as if he was a prey they had captured, even to the extent of determining his fate with a game.
In a cruelly ironic twist, the hunter was allowing the voters to determine their own fate.
As realization dawned upon them, they felt the hairs on the back of their neck standing as if an icy gale had just erupted from their feet and blew all the way to the top of their head.
Did we just call for our own deaths?
The crowd gazed disbelievingly at Levi.
Levi smiled. “You were the ones who have voted. Bear with the consequences then.”
He is smiling like the Grim Reaper with four thousand souls to harvest.
The crowd began quaking with fear.
At that moment, they felt the cold breath of death at the back of their throats.
The Dark Emperor was the first to react.
“What a bold statement to make in the face of your execution. Good job on bewitching the crowd! Have you been practicing some magical technique to do that?” The Dark Emperor gazed fiercely at Levi.
During their momentary lapse of reason from fright, the Dark Emperor was convinced that Levi was incapable of delivering his threat.
His abilities are a shadow of what it once was.
There is no way he could carry out his fearsome threat.
The only possibility for this occurrence is that Levi had employed magical techniques and sowed fear and panic amongst my men.
With his sorcery, he exaggerated his threat in their minds.
The Dark Emperor’s reminder seemed to have broken the spell as the members of the Sacred Organization shook their heads and dismissed the look of fear on their faces.
Levi must have enchanted us to fear him! Huh! To think that we were actually afraid of him!
In the midst of their irrational fear, they truly believed that Levi was capable of that kind of destructive power.
“Hah! Levi is pretty clever to make us shake with fear at his capabilities though he is at best mediocre in this day and age. You have all seen how he had managed to convince us with the delusion of his power just with a little spell!”
“He has many tricks up his sleeve. The longer he remains alive, the greater the threat he poses to us all!”
“That was why I’d voted for him to die! He must be killed!”
One of the Eighteen Dark Angels who wanted Levi killed began to push his agenda hard.
Being the strongest out of all of them, he was also one of the top ten fighters of the Divine Leaderboard.
The true extent of his martial prowess was so terrifying that even Kirin and Azure Dragon were in awe of him.
He is about to achieve the same level as Donald.
Even Death Fiend and his men began nodding fervently. “Indeed! We take back what we said about torturing him. He must be killed!”
“If we let him go this time, this rascal will leak all of our secrets to the world! He must be killed!”
The Dark Emperor stood up and nodded his approval. “Levi is a dangerous and devious threat to all of us. Even if you are much more powerful compared to him, there is no guarantee that you would be able to beat him.”
“Are you more powerful than me?” Levi smiled.
Without warning, a fist shot out.


Chapter 2256 The Punch

The movement was so sudden that nobody saw it coming.
The Dark Angel who was standing the closest to Levi had his entire field of vision obstructed Levi’s fist as it headed for him.
Being rooted to the spot, he could only watch it traveling closer to him in a mixture of amazement and trepidation.

Like a cannonball, his fist landed squarely on the Dark Angel’s chest with a boom as loud as thunder.
The impact caused the Dark Angel’s body to explode, raining down pieces of bloody flesh and guts onto the surrounding crowd.
Everyone in the vicinity found themselves splattered with the fragmented remains of their comrade, still boiling hot to the touch.
Every single one of them, including Death Fiend and the remainder of the Eighteen Dark Angels were shocked.
Everyone just stood there like zombies.
Even the Dark Emperor was at a loss for words.
How frightening!
Everything has changed!
Though it was normal for Levi to kill a man and even turn him into a puddle, his strength was unusual considering the diminishment of his powers.
Besides, the man that he had just vanquished with a single strike was the most powerful Dark Angel of all the eighteen who was also easily the top ten on the Divine Leaderboard which contained the best fighters of all time.
Zoey, who was one of the top ten had become a serial killing demon. It required the combined force of an army of fighters to subdue her.
As compared to Levi, Zoey’s skill level was supposed to be far above his.
But… Levi still managed to defeat a fighter of that caliber!
If word of such power were to be spread, Levi would undoubtedly be ranked on the top three of the Divine Leaderboard, at the very least.
How frightening is that!
Every single one of them was still unable to regain their senses from shock.
The Dark Emperor’s pupils widened as his eyes reflected nothing but shock and confusion.
This is against the laws of nature. It should be impossible!
How could Levi have done that?
His power has been stagnant for three years. By now he would have been completely left behind in terms of skill.
Not to mention being stabbed a hundred times with a specialized weapon produced by Maya Industries, which severely diminished his power.
Out of the four thousand people who were at the scene, more than half of them were strong enough fighters to beat Levi in a duel.
However, after witnessing the strongest of the Dark Angels succumbing under a single strike, they were suddenly filled with doubt at the possibility of them succeeding in their mission.
How is that possible?
I don’t believe it!
Everybody stared in denial as if the sight before them was a dream.
However, the scalding heat of the blood and bones that splattered on their faces reminded them of the reality.
All of them witnessed with their own eyes that the Dark Angel simply vanished on the spot in an explosion of blood and flesh.
There’s no denying it. All of us saw it happen before us.
Without giving time for the crowd to regain their senses, Levi landed another blow on the second most powerful Dark Angel’s chest in a similar fashion.
Like a melon being struck by a cannonball, he blew apart in another hot spray of red engulfing the onlookers.
The third Dark Angel was blown to bits.
It did not take long for the top eight Dark Angels to be swiftly killed in the exact same way.
All of them were destroyed with a single strike without being able to put up an ounce of resistance.
I have split open the Prison of Darkness with a single punch. These pathetic so-called fighters won’t even stand a chance.
He took out every one of them with a single punch!
Soon, the entire surface of the training base was covered in a mass of pulverized remains which smelled so strongly of death and decay that the survivors who were not yet killed began to retch violently.
The sharp smell in their noses seemed to act as a stimulant.
All at once, chaos erupted as the remainder of the survivors ran and screamed in all directions trying to get away from Levi, who in his demented killing spree looked more like the Grim Reaper than ever.
The air was filled with screams of terror as fresh blood splatted around them like geysers.
Some of the fighters attempted to defend themselves more from instinct than courage.
Thump! Thump!
The resistance did little to slow down Levi’s onslaught, as the rebels exploded under a single punch to the chest that added to the rising body count.
The remaining Dark Angels lunged forward only to be killed the same way as the ones before.
Under the immense force of Levi’s punch, every single bit of the fallen fighters was reduced to a puddle of blood and bone. Not even a limb was left.
Aside from Death Fiend and his men, the surviving Dark Angels were promptly dealt with.
“Levi’s power has not been stagnant after all! He has become even more powerful than we could possibly imagine!”
“He doesn’t even look like he’s injured! The weapons from Maya Industries had no effect on him!”
The survivors began screaming in disbelief.
The Dark Emperor took a long time to regain his senses.
As another body exploded near him, a harrowing thought crossed his mind.


Chapter 2257 It Is Your Turn

Could Levi’s promise actually be something he is capable of carrying out?
Was he the one to have broken open the Prison of Darkness?
No! That’s impossible!

The Dark Emperor shook his head frantically, unable to accept the conclusion he arrived at.
The possibility of that happening is close to zero!
He had said that he was rescued by Daxon, the divine brigadier of the Cardinal Hall!
It must be him!
The Dark Emperor inferred that Levi had obtained the help of Daxon to have been able to elevate his powers as opposed to being stagnant where he was three years ago.
It appears that Levi has been keeping the recovery of his powers a secret from the entire world.
“Kill him!” the Dark Emperor ordered as soon as he regained his senses. “I want to see how powerful he truly is!”
Despite the increasing number of dead bodies before his eyes, the Dark Emperor was still stubborn in his denial of Levi’s power.
He remained convinced that Levi’s power only came from Daxon.
It has nothing to do with his own capabilities!
The Dark Emperor believed that a simple test would reveal the truth of Levi’s relationship with that man.
“Go on him!”
The elite fighters of the Sacred Organization seemed to have their fears vanquished immediately after receiving their order.
Their pupils dilated into slits, consumed by murderous intent.
They were running in panic in all directions a moment ago. After the order was carried out, all of them made a mad dash toward Levi despite knowing fully well that it would be an act of suicide.
Aside from them, a large army of Death Angels dashed forward.
They were waving the golden wings made specifically for them, faces contorted with hatred.
One of the Dark Angels who lunged toward Levi was caught by the latter in midair.
Levi yanked out the golden wings which were fused into the flesh of the Dark Angel.
The scream of pain echoed throughout the entire island, sounding shrill and inhuman.
One wing after another, Levi pulled out the golden wings on the Dark Angel’s back.
The back of the Dark Angel was covered with bloody holes as he let out a long, drawn-out wail.
The remaining Dark Angels were unable to retaliate when Levi appeared before them. Even if their bodies were remotely controlled, the anguish and terror would still felt by their souls.
After eight hundred more men fell, the survivors could only stare in despair at Levi as his rampage continued without any signs of slowing down.
There is no more hope. He is simply too powerful.
Nobody had the faintest idea that Levi, who had been captured and humiliated did not only retain his powers but have also expanded them beyond imagination.
They watched in despair as their comrades died in his hands without even being able to put up any resistance.
Despite the powerful and varied skills of the remaining fighters. All he needed was one punch to crush them.
Nothing seemed to stand a chance against Levi and his fist.
Occasionally, Levi would rip them clean in half.
Nobody was a match for him in his rampage.
As the death toll rose, the number of survivors around him decreased.
Occasionally, Death Fiend and his men would let out groans of terror.
At the sight of Levi’s rampage, their hearts turned cold with desolate hopelessness.
They had thought that Levi would meet his end as he was at their mercy. It was inconceivable that Levi’s powers would have evolved to such a terrifying degree.
In the blink of an eye, half of the original four thousand over fighters were reduced to nothing but a pile of fleshy rubble and blood.
However, the death count showed no signs of slowing down.
Before the blood had a chance to dry on the walls, fresh blood was rained over them again.
Levi seemed to be hitting his stride and the next thousand were soon taken out in no time.
Before he knew it, only a thousand remained quaking with fear as they stood ankle deep in their comrade’s remains.
Gazing with terror at Levi, they did not dare to challenge him.
Despite their built-in instinct to obey any command issued to them by the Dark Emperor, they were hesitant this time to step forward against Levi.
Being instinctively aware that the opponent before them was no ordinary mortal, they could not help but feel apprehensive.
Their fear overrode their instinct to yield to the Dark Emperor’s command, so they began retreating.
The Dark Emperor was shocked.
He had wanted to see for himself if Levi’s power had anything to do with Daxon. Unexpectedly, Levi seemed to employ brute force to decimate his opponents instead of demonstrating any combat style.
There is no technique involved. He fights like an enraged beast instead of a man.
He relies purely on superhuman speed and strength.
Upon achievement of this level, Levi’s style became simpler and more sophisticated instead of relying on complex techniques.
That was the only way to explain it.
Dark Emperor did not see any hint of a structure to Levi’s attack or the teachings of any of the masters.
We’re done for.
Levi smiled at the Dark Emperor with disdain. “It is your turn!”


Chapter 2258 Terra Blade Of The Dark Emperor

For some reason, the Dark Emperor felt as if he was staring at his own imminent demise in the reflection in Levi’s demented eyes.
However, it was too trivial a feeling for the Dark Emperor to pay it any mind.
“Let’s see how powerful you truly are, Levi!”

At the sound of the Dark Emperor’s battle cry, the terrifying power within him exploded outward.
The skies grew dark and cloudless as the earth split beneath their feet.
Even the tides began to rise threateningly against the coastal areas.
The citizens of the surrounding nations felt the crackle in the air and stood frozen in shock and awe.
We have never encountered an opponent as powerful as him!
He must be the most powerful fighter Adrune has ever had!
What kind of power does he possess?
The Dark Emperor’s power had been steadily accumulating.
A cloud of dark gas erupted from his body and enveloped the arena in a cloud of smog so dense that it soon became pitch black for the onlookers as if the sun cowered away from the Dark Emperor’s power.
The Dark Energy suffocated the onlookers and struck fear in all of them.
Blind as they were in the smoke screen, their terror rose as they gasped for air only to feel cold daggers puncturing their lungs.
Being deprived of sight and breath, their ears picked up the inhuman howls in the distance which terrified them further to the core.
It sounded as if all the souls of the damned rose and wailed their sorrowful symphony as one.
As the smog cleared, the sight of mountains and oceans made of flesh and blood greeted their eyes.
It was the picture of hell itself.
The onlookers had looks of absolute shock plastered on their faces.
How horrifying!
The Dark Emperor did not hold back this time.
Even Death Fiend and his men were stunned.
The Dark Emperor unleashing his full power is something none of us have ever seen!
As they have never encountered the Dark Emperor summoning all of his power, they were flabbergasted by the true extent of it.
This is the first time we’re witnessing the Dark Emperor unleashing his power without holding back!
This is a sight I could tell others in my old age!
With this kind of power, it is no wonder he could personally demolish the Lab of Gods!
Indeed, he deserves the top rank in the Divine Leaderboard!
Levi smiled with satisfaction as he watched the display of terrifying power.
Finally, a worthy opponent!
He had been feeling jaded about the strength of his opponents as they were so mediocre that they could barely put up a fight.
Divine Leaderboard? They don’t deserve to be up there!
Sir Donald, the Cardinal Hall General my ass!
Levi felt that it would not be interesting in the slightest to be able to kill them as easily as he did.
What fun is there stepping on ants when you can be wrestling a bear?
The potential of a challenging fight with the Dark Emperor returned a spark of excitement to Levi’s eyes.
In full view of the onlookers, the Dark Emperor unsheathed a massive blade in full black.
Terra Blade!
The equal of Skyward Sword!
When Terra Blade was unsheathed, the Dark Emperor’s power became more concentrated, as if the appearance of Terra Blade had also conjured the nine levels of hell up to the mortal realm.
In an instant, the aura of his power solidified into a visible force field in black around him.
Even the coastal regions succumbed to hellfire.
The surrounding nations were shocked by the unholy presence.
Who is the fighter with such power?
Terra Blade was a legend to Death Fiend and the rest. It was the first time they were seeing it in person.
Thus, they gazed in awe and the admiration they had for Dark Emperor reached unprecedented heights.
The Skyward Sword fought bright and true while the Terra Blade claim souls and forged the underworld.
Both weapons were equally powerful.
Nobody knew how long Terra Blade had been in the Dark Emperor’s possession.
It appears that he has had it long enough for it to become one with him!
Pure power pulsated out of the Dark Emperor and Terra Blade as he clutched his weapon.
All at once, the Dark Emperor’s combat prowess skyrocketed just from yielding Terra Blade.
He seems to have elevated himself to another dimension we mortals could only dream of!
Terra Blade definitely looks more powerful than Skyward Sword in the Dark Emperor’s hands.
Edmund had merely owned Skyward Sword; hence, it will take many more years of training before he became one with the sword.
The Dark Emperor being one with Terra Blade is a testament to Edward’s lack of skill.
“You could have broken the Prison of Darkness from the outside.” Levi nodded approvingly.
“I’ll show you just how powerful Terra Blade is, Levi! It is capable of breaking the Prison of Darkness! Prepare to witness the true power of the first divine tool in the world. Let’s see how Daxon’s disciple fares against the Terra Blade, shall we?”
The Dark Emperor looked like the devil who had just expanded his dominion to the land of the living.
“Bring it on, then! I’ve broken one of these divine tools before, anyway!” Levi sneered.
Without warning, he lunged forward and landed a punch on Terra Blade.


Chapter 2259 Breaking Terra Blade

The sound of breaking metal had never sounded so sweet to Levi’s ears, especially at that moment.
It sounded like the earth was being ripped apart.

The dark clouds were blown away so forcefully by the blast caused by the snapping blade that the men nearest to it staggered backward.
With Terra Blade gone, the skies are clear again.
The blast traveled outward with blistering speed and turned every living creature it came into contact with into dust.
Even the tides against the coastal areas were pushed back so far that the surroundings of the harbor looked as if it was about to be consumed by a tsunami.
The strike of Levi’s bare hand onto Terra Blade is unfathomably powerful!
The surrounding nations discovered suddenly that their telecommunication services stopped working as they were damaged by the blast.
As a result, numerous pieces of equipment in many governments and residential buildings were rendered useless.
More than half of Adrune was plunged into a state of chaos from the effects of a single punch.
Those who were ignorant about the fight that was happening would have thought that a weapon of mass destruction was being developed.
This fight is going to cause more damage than any destructive weapon we’ve had in the past!
With the rise of communicative technology over recent years, most of the citizens around the globe had witnessed all the powerful fighters and deadly weapons the world had to offer.
However, there was never a weapon strong and destructive enough to have crippled half of Adrune at once.
Impossible! No fighter is that powerful!
Wait, there is! There was one who has broken Skyward Sword with two fingers!
He was amongst the strongest fighters we’ve ever seen!
The catastrophe was caused by a man and his fist, as opposed to a weapon of mass destruction… the citizens of Adrune have guessed wrong.
As Levi retracted his fist, the blade of the once mighty divine tool fell with a clatter to the floor.
The Dark Emperor felt the presence of a power even more intense than his. The force that had shattered his blade reverberated through his body so hard that he threw up blood. It felt as if all of his internal organs were similarly shattered.
Levi’s power had obliterated everything.
To the onlookers, it seemed as though everything that came into contact with Levi’s fist did not stand a chance against being turned to rubble.
With Skyward Sword and Terra Blade falling apart like toys, the human body will not even stand a chance!
Even the handle of Terra Blade that was still clutched in the Dark Emperor’s hand cracked open.
The immense power behind it cannot be imagined!
After Skyward Sword had been broken by two fingers, Terra Blade was shattered by a mere fist too.
What an insane world!
The notions beyond our wildest dreams are coming to life one at a time.
However, the surprises was not over.
Thud! Crash! Pow!
The remaining thousand survivors were not spared. One by one, their fragmented remains added to the ankle-deep muck that covered the ground.
Levi is not done yet! He’s planning a bloodbath for the rest of us!
It was all the Dark Emperor could see as the ones who huddled close to him for protection exploded and covered him in blood and bits of bones.
At long last, only Death Fiend and the rest survived.
“They were the ones who voted for their death,” Levi argued in response to their looks of outrage and horror. “I was just obliging them!”
Death Fiend and the rest began to whimper, having lost all their nerves.
Some of them had even wet themselves out of fear.
I have never seen such a catastrophe before in my life!
The wait is even worse than death itself!
At the first sign of the impossibility for them to beat Levi, Death Fiend and his men had already resigned themselves to their fate.
Nonetheless, Levi had other plans. He kept them alive just to make them watch him slaughter the other four thousand men before their faces.
The sight of the others dying before them, of Terra Blade shattering helplessly, and of the Dark Emperor’s defeat was more than they could bear.
Even the Dark Emperor swayed dangerously on the spot in a fit of incredulous denial.
He gazed at Levi in disbelief. “You…” the Dark Emperor choked, his words failing him.
It was you who broke Skyward Sword with two fingers! It was you who had broken out of the Prison of Darkness!
“The reason why I kept you alive,” Levi announced, a smile on his lips, “was for you to learn the whole truth before your death!”
“It was all my fault!” the Dark Emperor shrieked, he was petrified.
Though Levi was puzzled at his sudden change of heart, he could not care less about the Dark Emperor’s remorse.
With a swipe of his arm, the Dark Emperor’s mask was removed.


Chapter 2260 The Identity Of The Dark Emperor

Levi, Death Fiend, and the rest were stunned at the reveal.
This is unbelievable!
It’s a woman!

The Dark Emperor is a woman!
We have always thought that the Dark Emperor was a man!
This is absurd!
The final irrefutable proof before him corroborated by Zoey’s own account made Levi absolutely certain that the Dark Emperor was indeed a woman.
However, Levi had his suspicions on the matter beforehand.
Only a woman was able to achieve the state of becoming one with Terra Blade.
Furthermore, the Dark Emperor had sounded resentful when Daxon’s name was mentioned.
There must be a story behind it.
Before the others could react, the Dark Emperor’s body exploded open from the impact of Levi’s fist upon her body.
Death Fiend and the rest stared uncomprehendingly at him as all sorts of questions passed through their minds.
Levi, however, was in no mood to entertain their queries.
He did not care one bit about who the Dark Emperor was, or about her relationship with Daxon.
All he cared about was that he had finally avenged Zoey and himself by claiming the Dark Emperor’s life.
The Dark Emperor had finally fallen.
Then, Levi’s gaze turned toward Death Fiend and the rest.
Though they were frightened out of their wits, they returned Levi’s gaze with uncharacteristic serenity.
Death is awaiting us anyway.
If four thousands of them were unable to evade death, what hope have we?
“Do you know why I kept you alive?” Levi asked.
“N-no…” they shook their heads.
“Because you have value to me. I want to take over the Sacred Organization and become the new Dark Emperor!”
As he said that, he fingered the mask in his hand.
As the Dark Emperor’s face had never been exposed, her followers did not know what she looked like.
In fact, no one except Zoey knew that she was a woman.
Now that the Dark Emperor is vanquished, anybody can be the new Dark Emperor. Why not me?
No one would ever know as long as the new Dark Emperor was a stronger fighter than the last one. Levi had proven to be much more powerful than his predecessor.
Nobody would know that I am the Dark Emperor.
Levi’s goal was originally to exterminate the Sacred Organization.
It was only after his arrival that he found out that the Sacred Organization controlled a third of the entire world’s forces.
That is massive!
The work of the previous Dark Emperor over the past couple of years had been concentrated on weaving this vast network of influence that stretched all over the world.
A third of the world’s forces are at my disposal. I have a feeling it’s going to come in handy soon.
I will never have to lift a finger ever again.
One third of the entire world. This sounds crazy!
That was what prompted his decision to alter his plan to gain control of the Sacred Organization and become the new Dark Emperor.
Death Fiend and the rest caught on quickly.
“Choose your fate!” Levi announced. “It is either you follow me or die like the rest! You’ve seen how little effort it’ll take me to kill you!”
Death Fiend exchanged a glance with the rest.
Given another opportunity in life, it became an easy choice for them.
“We will follow you!” they cried in unison.
There are more opportunities for advancement behind a strong leader. He must be the strongest man on the planet right now.
He is now in control of a third of the world’s forces.
Our future is looking bright!
Death Fiend and the rest jumped at the opportunity.
They led Levi to the central control room within the training base which contained the deepest secrets of the Sacred Organization.
Due to the secrecy of their operations, a face scan of the Dark Emperor’s mask was required to unlock the central control room.
As nobody had been able to remove her mask against her will. Moreover, it would have been impossible to make a duplicate of the mask.
The ornate details of the mask alone made it impossible to replicate. Aside from that, the material of the mask was of an unknown origin.
Being in possession of the mask, Levi was granted access into the central control room. Subsequently, he gained complete control of the Sacred Organization by becoming its new master without much effort.
Levi gazed around the central control room and felt stunned.
Though the Sacred Organization was powerful and penetrated every layer of society, the implications of their influence had shocked him to his core.


Chapter 2261 He Is The New Dark Emperor

Even the Alliance of Kings was under the control of the Sacred Organization.
It was necessary as the Sacred Organization had been operating under the guise of darkness, they required the capacity and resources to carry out its operations.
The Alliance of Kings was one of the Sacred Organization’s strongest allies.

Besides, the top four strongest forces in Erudia, including the Erudian Alliance, were also under the influence of the Sacred Organization.
Aside from that, their influence stretched in all directions throughout the continent.
Nearly the entire world bore traces of the Sacred Organization’s operations.
This is simply too powerful!
Though the Lab of Gods was in charge of constructing training bases of a wide variety, the true power lay in the hands of the Sacred Organization.
Levi did not know much about Maya Industries.
A lot of people talked about how Maya Industries had replaced the Lab of Gods.
However, it seemed more probable that it was the Sacred Organization that had replaced the Lab of Gods.
How incredulous.
Levi memorized the names of the forces including the people in charge of the Sacred Organization.
“Eh? The Dark Emperor had a disciple?”
“She did! This disciple is so secretive that we have never met the person. Ms. Zoey was her new disciple, of which we were shocked to hear about.”
“This disciple is known as the Dark Prince. Both he and Ms. Zoey were the closest people to the Dark Emperor.”
Death Fiend and the rest hastened to offer their explanations.
Levi scratched his chin. “We must take precautions against this disciple.”
“Indeed! Aside from him, nobody would know that it is you behind the mask of the Dark Emperor! She was also the only one who knew where he is.”
Levi nodded. “I’ll kill him as soon as he shows himself!”
“Yes, Master! By the way, the surrounding nations are sending in queries about the disturbance earlier. What should we tell them?” Death Fiend asked.
Half of Adrune had been incapacitated from the shattering of Terra Blade.
“Send the words out that the blast was a result of the Dark Emperor undergoing training and attaining a higher level of power!” Levi ordered with a smirk.
Soon, the news about the Dark Emperor had once again attained godhood was spread.
The citizens of Adrune appeared appeased with the explanation.
The Dark Emperor is ranked first on the Divine Leaderboard!
The standards of fighters these days are immeasurable.
Now that his strength increased another tenfold, it is normal for a disturbance to be felt.
The recent disturbance in the air which had led to the damage in communication towers all over Adrune was simply another indication that the Dark Emperor had broken through to the next level.
With the new discovery, various organizations were frantically trying to introduce a new Divine Leaderboard which had a thousand fighters.
Then, there were another ten thousand fighters on the Provisional Leaderboard.
If any fighter on the Divine Leaderboard slipped down the ranks, the ones on the Provisional Leaderboard would take their place.
The competition was intense as anybody could be eliminated from the Divine Leaderboard at any moment.
With thousands of other fighters working hard, one was forced to either keep up or ship out.
Even a marginal improvement in skill would not guarantee one’s spot on the Divine Leaderboard.
The Dark Emperor sat at the top of the Divine Leaderboard with the ranks of second and third place being far beneath her skill level.
Ever since the news of the Dark Emperor’s training which resulted in Adrune’s disturbance was released, the other fighters had no doubt that the Dark Emperor’s skill level was stretched even further than those behind her place on the board.
Her dominance at the top of the Divine Leaderboard was secured without a doubt.
In their exaltation, many had declared the Dark Emperor to be God.
However, they were unaware that Levi was the new Dark Emperor.
On the other hand, with the Divine Leaderboard being opened to accommodate a thousand names, many fighters made the rank.
Though most were celebrating, some had their worries.
Zoey, being eliminated from the Divine Leaderboard, was one of them.
As a result of her incapacitation, her powers were ruined.
Being unable to maintain her abilities, she was forced to make way for other more ambitious candidates.
Most were happy with the news as they had been hoping for the opportunity to prove themselves.
To them, making it to the Provisional Leaderboard was an honor in itself.
Levi was not about to bother himself with such trivial matters as he had something else more pressing on his mind.
“Why was the old headquarters of the Sacred Organization relocated?”


Chapter 2262 Maya Industries Is Not Worthy

As the Sacred Organization operated from the shadows, the location of its headquarters was irrelevant.
Why does it need to be moved all of a sudden? Something does not seem right.
Levi had been undergoing solitary training during the period of detention. The Prison of Darkness cut him completely out of the outside world.

“We don’t actually know,” Death Fiend admitted. “But based on what we assumed, the headquarters had to be moved because it was discovered.”
“That’s right!” the others chimed in. “The Dark Emperor ordered for it to be moved after someone found out about it!”
The rest nodded eagerly.
“I have a feeling that the person who discovered it was Daxon,” Death Fiend added.
“It’s most likely him!” the others agreed. “The Dark Emperor did not suspect one bit when you mentioned Daxon’s name, Master!”
That means that the Dark Emperor would not be surprised at all by the fact that Daxon had discovered the Prison of Darkness! This points to the irrefutable fact that the headquarters had been discovered by Daxon!
“There’s more!” Death Fiend cried. “Erudia has long been a target of the Dark Emperor. She has been constantly pushing the limits of her power with the intention of merging Skyward Sword and Terra Blade to invade Erudia! Hence, gaining control of the top four forces in Erudia was the beginning!”
“I have heard of that.” someone else added. “The Dark Emperor once mentioned that it was due to the existence of one particular person which had prevented her from marching against Erudia. I think that person must be Daxon! The feelings of resentment toward him must have been intensified after she met him!”
Levi nodded. “It looks like Daxon was the one who has discovered the Prison of Darkness.”
Suddenly, Levi was forcefully reminded of the last words of the Dark Emperor.
It seems that the Dark Emperor was under the impression that I am Daxon’s disciple.
Only at the very last second did she realize that that was not the case.
Yes, that’s how things should be.
On second thought, everything the Dark Emperor did might have something to do with Daxon.
After Levi got everything clear, he turned to leave.
“By the way, Master,” Death Fiend reported, “I’d gotten word that Sammy’s life is in danger. The Triple Group has labeled her as a traitor.”
“Sammy?” Levi repeated, the expression on his face changed.
She has been through hell and back with me, not to mention helping me out more than once. Her current predicament is also caused by me indirectly.
Levi could not stand to watch his comrade in trouble.
How dare the Triple Group lift a finger against my friend?
“Master, the Triple Group is backed by Maya Industries,” informed one of the men with a look of worry on his face.
The Dark Emperor had once proclaimed Maya Industries to be the greatest threat to the Sacred Organization.
As a result, the name Maya Industries still instilled a certain fear within these men.
Death Fiend dispelled the fear with a fierce glare toward the speaker.
The current Dark Emperor is Levi! After proving his fearsome power by breaking both the Skyward Sword and the Terra Blade, who else would dare stand in his way? Even the mighty Maya Industries will easily succumb to Levi!
“Men, we’ll be heading to Keerea,” Levi announced as he met their gaze.
His intention was to get a feel for the changes that had occurred during his incarceration, at the same time, search for evidence regarding the Lab of Gods.
Something else must be behind the disappearance of the Lab of Gods.
They must still be around, plotting something.
At the same moment in Keerea, the high-ranking officials of the Triple Group stood outside Sammy’s cell.
“She won’t be able to hold on much longer! I’d give her tonight, at the very most.”
“Isn’t it a waste for her to just die like that?”
“You’re right. We should use her as an experimental subject. She can be added to the fresh batch of subjects.”
“At least her death would serve the glory of the Triple Group!”
“We’ll do that, then! Send her in with the other subjects!”
The recent experiments carried out by the Triple Group were brutal and heinous.


Chapter 2263 Tartarus

Initially, the experiments were started by Maya Industries.
Humans and other animals were injected with the experimental serum and the effects was observed.
After the Triple Group took over the project, many mutants began to emerge from their laboratory. They were the result of experiments that had gone horribly wrong.

The small town in Keerea where the Triple Group deposited the mutants was known as Tartarus.
In order to prevent the mutants from running amok into the cities, the Triple Group had built an enclosure made of specialized metal of a hundred feet tall to seal off the entire town.
From a distance, the structure appeared like a fortress.
It was built at great expense to the Triple Group as a means to contain the mutants.
If they were allowed to escape, the entire nation of Keerea would be plunged into chaos.
As a side effect of the experiments, the mutants were not killable and their martial abilities were greatly enhanced.
The drugs had altered their physiology to such an extent that they were more powerful than pure energy beings.
However, their most terrifying trait was their indestructibility.
Even the best fighters of the age could not even place a dent in them.
At first, the situation remained under control. After going against the advice of Maya Industries to conduct their experiments on increasingly larger scales, the Triple Group suddenly found themselves overwhelmed by their own creations.
In the end, the most practical solution for them was to dump all of the mutants behind the walls of Tartarus.
Since then, the Triple Group had turned its attention to the control of their experimental creations.
However, not much success was found in that endeavor, resulting in another large batch of test subjects perishing.
Given the urgency of the situation, these subjects were transported into the town.
With the increase in experiments being conducted, the town gradually became the hell that it was known for.
Sensing an opportunity in the midst of the calamity, the Triple Group began training fighters by placing them behind the walls of Tartarus to fend themselves for a couple of hours.
At the start of the experiment, the Triple Group had placed ten thousand fighters in Tartarus.
It did not take long before the death toll approached eight thousand, with the survivors suffering grievous injuries.
Out of that vast number, only several hundred of them had managed to pass their training.
With the fighters’ skills being pushed to their limits in an attempt to survive the horrors within Tartarus, they experienced massive growth.
The mutants were violent beings with no emotions. The majority of the fighters who had been sent in were ripped to shreds.
Not a single fighter had managed to survive for twelve hours in Tartarus as the longest made it to nine.
Even those who had made it through seven or eight hours within Tartarus found their ranks increasing within the newly implemented Divine Leaderboard.
If the fighters were left in Tartarus with nobody to open the doors from the outside, they would certainly die.
The reason that the experiments were being kept a secret was that the mutants were far too powerful.
Maya Industries and the Triple Group adopted all the methods at their disposal to keep it a secret.
The world cannot know about the mutants before we can gain control of them.
As the experimental subjects were scarce, the suggestion to volunteer Sammy was enthusiastically received.
It would have drawn suspicion if the search for experimental subjects were conducted on a large scale.
Since we are in need of test subjects, Sammy would do just fine.
At the order of one of the executives, Sammy was dragged out of her cell.
The laboratory was not far away from the town where the mutants were trapped.
Like the other test subjects, Sammy’s wrists and ankles were bound in chains as they awaited the serum to be administered.
Being held in captivity for so long, Sammy had resigned herself to the fact that her end was near.
Meanwhile, Levi arrived at Keerea and promptly made his way to the headquarters of the Triple Group.


Chapter 2264 Levi Enters The Fortress

Over the past three years, the Triple Group had evolved to such an extent that their headquarters looked sleek and futuristic with technology never seen anywhere else in the world.
“Levi Garrison is here to pay us a visit!” shouted an excited voice. Soon, the entire building was aware of Levi’s presence.
Many crowded around the lobby for a glimpse of their famous enemy.

“A rare honor this is, Levi!”
“Hah! Are you here for Sammy?”
“What a loyal guy you are. Here to rescue her, are you?”
It is hard to believe that they were terrified of me just three years ago. They would have run and hidden at the sound of my arrival back then.
Levi looked around at the smug faces.
After only three years, we are now the most powerful corporation in the world. Levi is still stuck in the past.
“That’s right, I am here for her!” Levi answered coldly. “I am here to take her away. Hand her over!”
The employees of the Triple Group burst out laughing.
“You’re pretty brazen to come here and make demands, aren’t you? You’ve chosen the worst possible way to die!”
“Levi, you have delivered yourself right to us this time.”
The Triple Group were beside themselves with glee.
With his pitifully limited powers right now, he is committing suicide by seeking trouble with the Triple Group.
There were many within the Triple Group who wished to exact revenge against Levi.
He is not even that powerful anymore! It’s just the sound of his name that strikes fear in the hearts of men.
The person who manages to kill him will have their name and reputation exalted beyond their wildest dreams.
“Since you have so kindly delivered yourself to us, we shall oblige you by claiming your life!”
Just when the crowd was preparing to call for his death, a voice called out.
“Wait! Where’s the fun in that? Let’s torture him for a bit!”
“How do we do that?” someone shouted.
“We have a party heading to you-know-where, don’t we? Let him join them!”
At that suggestion, the crowd’s eyes glinted malevolently, aware that he was referring to the town surrounded by metal.
Levi will be heading to Tartarus!
“You wish to see Sammy?” a voice called out.
“Haven’t I made myself clear? Where is she?”
Despite playing along, Levi had a vague idea of what they had in store for him.
Owing to the vast influence of the Sacred Organization and the powerful stakeholders affiliated with it, the numerous spies within the Triple Group have been keeping Levi well informed about the experiments and Maya Industries’ involvement.
“If you’ll come with us quietly, we’ll take you to Sammy!”
“Fine, I’ll go with you.”
Soon, Levi was led to the laboratory outside of the town.
It was fortunate that he arrived at that moment, as it was not yet Sammy’s turn to be administered the serum.
“Since Levi is here, why don’t we toss him in there with Sammy?”
“Doesn’t Sammy have a crush on him? How cruel it will be for her to be separated from her after such a brief reunion!”
The executives of the Triple Group changed their plans immediately.
Instead of administering the serum to Sammy, they had decided to torture her alongside Levi.
Sammy was moved to tears at the sight of Levi.
She no longer wished to die.
Sammy begged the executives of the Triple Group to let her and Levi go.
“Well, we can do that but we have a condition. Do you see the metal fortress in the distance? If you can make it past three hours in there, we’ll let you walk out of here alive!”
Sammy agreed to it at once.
She and Levi were not the only ones being sent there.
Aside from them, there was a group of fighters who wished to undergo training behind the metal walls.
Mace Schwartz, a fearsome fighter on the Divine Leaderboard, led the group. His record of surviving nine hours within the walls had not been broken by anyone else.
When Levi and Sammy joined him, he was aiming to break his old record and remain there for ten hours.


Chapter 2265 Fright Of The Divine Leaderboard Fighters

Levi listened silently while they made their arrangements. He was aware of the town which held the experimental subjects.
The secretive project conducted by Maya Industries was mostly carried out by the Triple Group.
Levi was not concerned as he felt confident that the Triple Group was no match for his abilities.

However, he was rather curious and wanted to see what the mutants looked like.
What the hell is Maya Industries up to? Do they have anything to do with the Lab of Gods?
Levi waited without raising any objections allowing them to make the arrangements.
Sammy did not have a clue about what lay behind those walls, nor did she care. To her, it was her only hope for salvation.
For the sake of our survival, I am going to try my best.
Earlier, she had heard talk of Levi’s arrival to the Triple Group’s headquarters and his weakened powers.
His arrival is a sign. I must not let this opportunity slip by without giving it a try.
He’s come so far for me. How could I repay him if I were to give up just like that?
Soon, Sammy’s parents arrived and slipped several bottles of medication into her hand and whispered for her to consume it before entering Tartarus.
Not wishing to see their daughter die, they have procured medication that would heal her completely and recover all her powers.
Before this, they did not have any means to rescue her when she was under the captivity of the Triple Group.
Since the executives of the Triple Group had declared that Sammy would be released if she survived three hours within Tartarus, Sammy’s parents saw it as a rare opportunity for her release.
They are not usually this generous. It must be due to Levi’s arrival that they agreed to do this. They are torturing Levi through Sammy.
Without hesitation, Sammy’s parents acted swiftly to secure the best chance of their daughter’s survival by bribing Mace and his men to protect her when they were inside the town.
Before departing, they warned their daughter to remain vigilant and take care of herself.
As Levi’s survival meant nothing to them, they had also instructed Mace and his men to leave Levi behind if they were left with no choice.
Before entering the gates, the most recent batch of experimental subjects numbering in the hundreds was administered the serum in the laboratory.
Then, they were ordered to remain behind for observation purposes.
A dreadful scream rang out all of a sudden from somewhere within the laboratory.
Levi and the rest of his party stood at a training base which was a mess on the inside.
Not far away, there was a massive steel cage with a disheveled man behind its bars who was violently screaming.
Being bound from head to foot in chains and having his mouth clamped shut with specially made clips, he could only thrash and release muffled screams.
Levi glanced across and found him familiar, though he could not recognize who it was.
However, the prisoner seemed to recognize Levi as he began struggling at the latter’s appearance.
His violent movements in the cage caused the metal to clang loudly.
“Do you know who that is?” Levi asked.
Sammy shook her head.
“It’s a traitor to the Triple Group!” a voice barked harshly.
The next moment, the electric net around the cage was turned on. The surge of electricity was so fierce that sparks erupted as it coursed through the man who shuddered violently before slumping over in a dead faint.
Without sparing the man another glance, Levi followed the party as they made their way forward.
After half an hour of observation, most of the subjects that had been administered the serum seemed to have suffered its adverse effects.
Stuffed in containers as experimental failures, they were prepared to be sent to Tartarus.
Levi paid attention in his observation and found that there was nothing special about the mutants.
“Let’s move!”
Before long, the group arrived at Tartarus.
Though Mace was an elite fighter on Divine Leaderboard, he could not repress a shudder as he stood before the gates.
The other fighters did not fare so well, either. Most of them were shaking in fear.


Chapter 2266 Cruelty Of The Rules

Out of the entire group, there were several dozen of them who were survivors of Tartarus.
Mace, the fighter on the Divine Leaderboard, had entered multiple times.
Those veterans were most familiar with the brutality.

The other hundred or so of the party was there for the first time. At the sight of Mace’s fear, they too began to panic.
Standing on shaky knees, they turned their anxious and clammy faces to Mace for reassurance.
Being the most experienced member of the party, Mace addressed the party with some last-minute tips.
“Remember, if you can’t hold on any longer, press the button to call for help when you run toward the four doors. It’s your only hope in getting out of there alive.”
The fighters who entered Tartarus to train were allowed to call for help with a push of the button.
The staff of the Triple Group would then either open the doors for the fighters to exit or lure the mutants away.
However, the Triple Group was unable to guarantee their survival. Though they would provide assistance when called for, the chances of survival were slim as no one had no control over the mutants.
Furthermore, the doors were not allowed to be open for an extended duration for fear of the mutants escaping.
As a result, most of the deaths of fighters occurred during the path of escape.
Even after the doors were opened, they were ripped apart by the mutants who caught up to them.
After completing his briefing, Mace led the party in after the failed experiments that had been stuffed in containers were thrown in.
“All right, then. Here we go!”
The doors swung open with an ominous rumble and the party found themselves shoved in roughly by the guards who had accompanied them.
After the heavy metal doors swung shut, the silence was so deafening that it felt as if they were completely shut off from the outside world and into another that was far more sinister.
There was only a weak light ahead of them. If one strained hard enough, the surroundings were just barely visible.
The silence is too odd…
The party held its breath anxiously as they made their way forward on shaky knees.
It was the uncertainty that was the most frightening!
All of them were aware that the town contained tens of thousands of mutants and that thought alone sent a shiver down their spines.
As the group ventured deeper, more and more of them were beginning to regret being there.
“No, I want to turn back!” one of them suddenly whimpered. “I don’t want to die here!”
As the silence was broken, many more expressed a similar desire to leave.
Mace glared at them. “That’s impossible. The rules have been clearly stated that upon entry, the doors would be shut for the first hour.”
The measure was implemented to discourage deserters like them. If the rule was not enforced, everybody would leave before even coming into contact with the mutants.
It is a true test of patience against unknown dangers.
The party grew pale at Mace’s words.
“Let us just wait here,” someone suggested. “We’ll make a dash for it when the door opens after an hour!”
Mace chuckled in disdain. “The mutants have exceptional auditory sense. They’ve probably picked up on our arrival and are rushing here by now! The only way to make it out of this alive would be to group up and hold on for an hour before dashing out!”
“One more thing,” he added. “To prevent the mutants from escaping, the door that will open every hour will be the one with the least mutants around it. When one of you push the button for help, you will receive a message that the door is open and the most optimal path to your positioning at the moment.”
Holy sh*t!
The party stood frozen in fear.
So the standard for training is based on time. A door will open every hour and that is why the death toll is high.
Mace’s words turned the last sliver of optimism within the party into despair.
As they could not retreat, the only thing they could do was to get through it with Mace leading them.


Chapter 2267 Monsters

However, Levi smiled.
This rule set by Triple Group sounded very exciting and effective.
To open a gate within the hour was unthinkable.

It is the survival of the fittest!
It could maximize the fruits of training!
Way better than the shortcuts these days.
Only the strong could escape and survive.
There was no such thing as fair competition!
It was about who was stronger!
But of course, a small part of it came down to luck.
A few people might be lucky enough to be in the location of the gate and escape quickly.
But it was only a few out of the many few.
Ninety-nine percent of the challenge depended on their strength!
Sammy began to feel nervous as well.
Initially, she thought that her parents had arranged it so that she could take Levi away safely, but the current situation seems dire.
After all, even Mace didn’t have the confidence, let alone the others.
“Make sure you follow me!” Mace reminded Sammy before departure.
The crowd began to move forward steadily.
Of course, few dozens of people made a bet that the gate behind them would be opened in an hour. They found a place nearby to hide and waited for an hour while the majority followed Mace.
Along the way, everyone was gradually becoming frightened.
There were skeletons everywhere. There were even corpses rotting, discharging a rancid odor.
And not a single corpse was in its complete form. The bodies were all torn apart and scattered all over the place.
Upon seeing the cruel sight, everyone couldn’t but imagine the cruel fate that the corpses suffered when they were alive.
“There monsters are terrifying! If you’re caught, your body won’t be left intact! Even myself…”
Mace’s words made everyone’s heart shiver.
But they had no other option but to move forward.
A few steps later, they laid their eyes on a massive container.
They could recognize the container as it was thrown in from earlier.
Sammy almost became one of them.
“Normally, the drug will not take its effect until an hour after the injection. Based on that, it should be time…”
“Let’s walk around it quietly,” Mace warned everyone, and everyone followed Mace anxiously.
Suddenly, a loud noise came from the container, and everyone stopped in their steps and looked at the container.
The next moment, the movements in the container were getting more distinct.
Everyone could notice the discernable fist prints protruding out of the container, and even more of them gradually appeared.
There was obviously someone inside hitting the walls of the container.
Someone was tearing open the container.
Amidst the screeching noise, the container was torn apart, and everyone inside the container came out.
Everyone started shrieking as they saw the people coming out of the container.
Even Sammy screamed her lungs out. She was frightened by the people who came out.
The thirteen people hiding in the abandoned house near the east gate were waiting for the gate behind them to open in the next hour.
They were sure that they were in the safest position as they would be able to escape after an hour just by hiding.
At this moment, they suddenly heard brutal screams in the distance, and they grinned.
“Hahaha! That’s what you get for not listening to us! You just walked into your own grave!”
“Exactly! Do you think you’re safe by following someone from the Divine Leaderboard? When the actual danger comes, do you think he would save you? In your dreams!”
The previously tense atmosphere eased up as they heard the sounds not far away. Everyone sighed in relief.
They were all glad that they hid here. Otherwise, they might have been torn apart by monsters long ago.
However, something crept up behind them and stared at them without them realizing it.
“Huff… Huff…” The creatures wheezed as they exhaled an appalling stench.


Chapter 2268 Formidable Mutants

As they felt the breath hitting the back of their heads and the stench penetrating their nasal cavities, the thirteen people finally realized that there was something behind them.
Everyone’s body stiffened and broke out in a cold sweat. Their souls left their bodies out of fear.

They slowly turned around and laid eyes on some terrifying figures.
Everyone screamed in horror.
These people in front could be considered monsters. Their eyes were blood red, and their faces were almost monochromatic with no traces of bloodshot. The most distinct feature was that their bodies had doubled in size. Their arms and legs were as hefty as tree trunks.
They exuded a menacing aura.
After having been injected with drugs, these people appeared like mutants.
They were ultimately terrifying!
Otherwise, Triple Group would have been able to keep them under control.
A monster grabbed one of the hiding people and forcefully split him in two.
The other monsters charged at them, forcefully pulling the limbs of the remaining twelve, shredding them into pieces.
Not one of them survived.
Well, they were warned before.
Mace had been here many times.
He had abundant experience, and they served him well.
He knew that these monsters would find you no matter where you hid.
As long as the monsters could notice the slightest breath of life, they would hunt you down.
No hiding spot would be safe unless you’re lucky enough to be too far away for the smell to hit their noses.
At the same time, the large group led by Mace encountered the same situation.
However, the monsters they encountered were experiments that had just been injected with the drug for an hour.
These monsters were the specimens injected with the newly improved drug. Maya Industries wanted to continue the experiment to see if they could keep the monsters under control.
However, the results were disastrous for they were out of control.
After mutating under the effects of the drug, the specimens increased their body size, and their eyes turned scarlet red, becoming increasingly ruthless.
It turned out that the container bulged and broke apart was not because of the raging specimens but their increasing body size. The container could no longer contain them, so it broke.
This time, the specimens were not only uncontrollable but also more powerful than their previous iterations.
And the group led by Mace happened to encounter them.
In the end, they suffered severe casualties.
It wasn’t something that any ordinary fighter could handle.
Even after executing their most powerful moves and weapons, they barely left a scratch on these mutants.
On the other hand, if they got caught by one of the mutants, there would be no hope of surviving.
They would be torn to shreds on the spot, breaking every bone in their body.
Only a fighter from the Divine Leaderboard like Mace could have a chance at them.
Sammy fled with Mace and the others. They forced a way out, knocking the mutants away, and found a path toward survival.
Levi, who was dragged by Sammy, also escaped with them.
However, Levi was actually studying the mutants, but he was dragged away involuntarily.
The other fighters of the Divine Leaderboard also revealed themselves, unleashing their attacks from all directions.
After all, the number of mutants in the container was not just a few but there were about a hundred of them.
There was no way to stop them.
In this wave, a dozen of people were killed and torn apart. Fortunately, the others managed to make a break for it, much better than the group of people who hid.
But the biggest problem was that the situation here alarmed the entire town. Tens of thousands of mutants scattered around the small town rushed over.
The first thing they detected was the noise and the second thing they sensed was the smell of humans.
Everyone was separated from the first wave.
Hundreds of people divided themselves and formed ten teams.
The number of people following Mace was still relatively large—more than forty of them.
“Now is the most dangerous moment! Thousands of monsters are coming!”
Mace looked toward Sammy and advised, “Stay close!”
Then, Mace led everyone forward.
Mace was experienced in these, and he wouldn’t cower in the face of these monsters. Instead, he would charge forward and fight to improve his combat skills. However, now that he was with Sammy, he had to stay out of the way as much as possible and bring Sammy out after enduring for three hours. After that, he could let loose and begin his relentless slaughter.


Chapter 2269 The Maya Industries Conspiracy

Mace was very experienced. He always managed to navigate his way around groups of monsters or encounter few monsters that everyone could handle.
But the others were not as lucky.
Despite having a fighter from the Divine Leaderboard, they always encountered monsters.

In the beginning, they might have encountered dozens; then, hundreds and even thousands at the end.
Even the fighters of the Divine Leaderboard had to steer clear of endangerment, not daring to challenge the monsters head-on.
Hence, they tried their best to avoid the larger groups of monsters.
However, the others were not so lucky. They encountered a group of monsters and got surrounded. If they couldn’t escape in time, their only fate would be death.
The number of mutants would only increase. There could even be thousands in the end.
There was no way to keep them under control!
Even the newbies witnessed the terror of the monsters.
All kinds of attacks connected to the monsters had no effects, let alone damage them. Thus, destroying them was out of the question.
Their bodies would expand and become indestructible. Nobody knew what sort of drug Maya Industries used to produce such superhuman effects.
At that moment, nearly every monster in town was on the move.
The learners fell one after another, and the time continued to tick. Finally, came the one-hour mark.
An hour finally passed, and the west gate opened.
The newcomers rushed to the west gate after hearing the news.
However, the large group of monsters followed behind and chased after them.
“These idi*ts! They’re luring too many of them here. Close it! Close the gates!”
The members of Triple Group who were standing outside the west gate closed the gate quickly.
In the end, only two people made it out while the rest remained inside.
The majority of them ran away, and monsters surrounded a few.
Levi was curious to see what the mutants were injected with, but Mace had too much experience. He managed to circle their way around the monsters every time, and he couldn’t observe them.
He could only follow them.
The time continued to tick.
The fighters were all training themselves.
But soon, more of them fell.
After two hours, seven people escaped.
As for the others who did not escape, they were either training or couldn’t run at all.
The Triple Group analyzed some data in their laboratory.
“The specimens in the container got incredibly powerful after they transformed! It was so difficult to fight them, even for the Divine Leaderboards!”
“Look at the data! All four of the Divine Leaderboard fighters were having a hard time! Apart from Mace, the others were rather incompetent!”
“This means they are facing a greater difficulty now! The seven hours now could be more grueling than the eight hours in the past!”
The specimens were getting stronger, and everyone had mixed feelings.
They agonized at the thought of not being able to control these mutants.
“What is Maya Industries trying to do? If this continues, they might even produce a mutant that even the Divine Leaderboard couldn’t defeat! How is it possible for anyone to defend against this?”
“Exactly! Right now, shouldn’t we think about how to keep the mutants under control?” They were all working on the same idea.
However, Maya Industries seemed to not care about this issue! They continued to strengthen the drug, and the mutants became even more vigorous and violent!
All they wanted was to create the most aggressive mind and the most powerful physique!
On the other hand, the experimenters began to theorize that the experiments of Maya Industries were not that simple.
“Do you think Maya Industries already knew how to control these mutants and didn’t tell us?”
“Well, that could be the case!”
At the same time, their superiors arrived, and everyone stopped discussing.
Three hours had passed in the blink of an eye, which was also the longest time that Triple Group superiors promised Sammy.
As long as she could pull through, they would let her go.
Inside the fortress, Sammy was feeling both thrilled and afraid.
At last, three hours had passed.
This time, the north gate was opened.
Sammy guzzled down the drug given by her parents and hurried her way to the north gate excitedly.


Chapter 2270 Levi The Scapegoat

“Levi, it’s the three-hour mark! If we rush out of here, we’ll be safe! They will let us go!” Sammy announced with excitement.
Her parents arranged everything impeccably.
As long as she followed Mace, she could easily survive for three hours.

The inexperienced immediately rushed to the north gate upon the three-hour mark.
But before that, Sammy also gave the rest of her drug to Levi so he could use the drug to become superlatively powerful in times of crisis.
“Let’s go! Follow me to the north gate!”
Mace led the way, and Sammy followed him while dragging Levi along.
About ten minutes later, everyone arrived at the north gate. However, the gate only cracked a narrow opening, wide enough for only one person to pass through at a time.
“We’ll leave first!”
Seven to eight people immediately rushed out of the gate.
To them, three hours was more than enough.
Of course, they benefited from this. If it weren’t for Mace, they would have been dead long ago.
“You leave too!” Mace told Sammy. “Go!”
Sammy eagerly ran out.
She felt a massive impact behind her that pushed her hundreds of meters away through the gate.
“The gate is closing!”
After Sammy went out, the gate quickly closed behind her.
“You cannot leave!” Mace stopped in front of Levi, blocking his escape.
Sammy, already outside the gate, was dumbfounded as she witnessed this scene.
She was confused about the fact that Levi hadn’t escaped.
“What… what are you doing?”
Mace responded without turning to her. “I promised your parents that I would only help you escape! My mission is complete! But he is not part of my mission!”
Sammy wanted to rush back into the gate, but the gate was already closed.
Moreover, more and more mutants were approaching, and there was no way anyone would open the gate again.
She could only watch the gate gap slowly close and eventually completely conceal Levi from her sight.
After Sammy escaped, her parents rushed over immediately.
“Lucky for you, Levi appeared and saved you. Otherwise, you will become a monster as well!” Her parents were delighted to see her come out safely.
“But having him exchange for my life? I can’t live with this.” Sammy’s lips were trembling as she was about to cry.
“Levi is going to die one way or another. What difference does it make if he died earlier?” Everyone was contemptuous.
The high-rank officials of Triple Group were all excited!
“We have waited very long for this opportunity, Levi! This is for all those miserable years of your suppression!”
“We finally got you! Let’s see how you plan to escape!”
“Could he ever escape? We’ll see how long he can survive instead.”
For them, being able to exact revenge on Levi was incredibly gratifying.
Torturing the tyrant who held them down in the past was indeed the best thing that had ever happened in their lives.
At the north gate of the fortress, Mace glared at Levi and the others.
“From now on, I will act alone! Don’t follow me! I will kill you!”
Then, Mace focused his stare on Levi. “Especially you! You must not follow me!”
Mace was about to start his training. Therefore, he didn’t want anyone to follow him.
He immediately dashed off in the other direction, leaving Levi with twenty or thirty people behind him.
The sound of the ground shaking rumbled in everyone’s ears.
A swarm of mutants, teeming with more than a thousand of them, came from all directions to kill them.
Everyone was terrified.
“Run! Run quickly!”
However, before they tried to escape, they shoved Levi toward the mutants.
“Let him hold them off for us! Let’s run!”
In the end, Levi was pushed to the front while everyone ran away.
They even asked Levi to hold them off for a while.
Watching thousands of mutants rushing toward him, Levi unexpectedly smiled.
Now that Sammy was no longer a burden, he wanted to take on these mutants and see what they were all about.


Chapter 2271 How Is He Still Alive

Everyone made a run for it, leaving Levi behind, afraid that he would drag them down with him.
A short while later, the horde of monsters swallowed Levi up, much to the members of Triple Group’s delight. They laughed joyously, thinking that Levi was surely dead after being swallowed up by those monsters.
Haha… not even a shred of him will be left.

In the end, they didn’t care about Levi anymore. All they wanted was to see his mangled remains. Of course, they wouldn’t know anything that happened within the fortress once its doors closed. They could only see the monsters’ exact locations through the chips on their bodies.
All the fighters who went in to train would have chips and cameras installed on them so the people outside could see what was happening inside.
Levi had those gadgets installed as well, but he tore them off almost as soon as he went in, so nobody knew what happened to him. But they thought he met certain death since they knew he was swallowed up by those monsters.
Mace and the other fighters started their training, and time swiftly went by. When the fourth hour had passed, the south door opened, and the fighters who managed to hold on for four hours hurried toward it.
But it was at this moment, someone saw a familiar figure standing nearby. “H-Hey, look. T-That’s…”
Yes, it was none other than Levi, but he was drenched in blood. Perhaps it was his own, or perhaps it was the monsters.
“Unbelievable.” Everyone stared at him in disbelief, for Levi actually held on for one hour on his own, and he even made it to the south gate.
“I think we have underestimated him. He might not be the top fighter anymore, but he’s still an average one. Besides, he’s a veteran, and he’s cunning. One hour isn’t a problem for him. Not to mention the monsters aren’t smart, so it won’t be hard for him to survive.”
“Yeah, but it won’t be easy for him next time.”
“Stop him! Don’t let him escape! Close the gate!”
After Sammy and the others found out that Levi survived, Sammy’s parents asked her, “Did you give all your serums to him?”
Knowing that she couldn’t keep it a secret anymore, Sammy said, “You guys gave me six of it, right? I only used one and gave the rest to him.”
“I see. I knew he couldn’t have lasted for so long. So he used our serum to boost himself and fend off those monsters.”
Everyone thought that was a believable answer. Maya Industries made those serums, and they could boost its user’s strength to an unimaginable level for a short while.
“Let’s see how he fares once he’s out of serums,” everyone scoffed, refusing to believe Levi could survive on his own.
When the five-hour mark swung by, there were only a handful of fighters left in the fortress.
After six hours, only fighters ranked on the Divine Leaderboard were left standing in the ruins. Well, Levi was an exception, much to everybody’s surprise.
Everyone couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Even those ranked fighters were questioning themselves.
How powerful is this guy? Is he on the same level as us?
They thought Levi was really powerful, but they dismissed their suspicions after hearing about the serum he took. After all, they had seen the serum in action before, so it was normal Levi could hold on for so long.
Levi only started holding on on his own at the fourth hour. Before that, Mace and the others were protecting him. In reality, Levi only held on for three hours.
Because of that assumption in mind, nobody thought Levi could hold on for much longer. “Da*n you, Levi. Do you think you can do whatever you want just because you have the serums? Let’s see how you’ll hold on once you run out of it.”
After a whopping seven hours, most of the fighters were already eliminated. Only seven were left, including Levi. Everyone aside from him wanted to go higher and get stronger, so they stayed around to test their limits.
“Levi’s should have used up his serums, right? How is he still standing?”


Chapter 2272 The Monsters Are Killable

“Impossible. One dose can only last him half an hour, but he’s already in there for four hours. He’s gone way past the five-dose limit.”
“Or maybe he didn’t use the serums. Levi’s one cunning b*stard. He might be surviving with some cheap trick, like hiding behind a ranked fighter.”
“Why don’t we tell everyone to leave? Then we’ll close all the gates and never open them again,” someone suggested.

Everyone’s eyes gleamed, and they approved of that suggestion.
“Good idea. We’ll lock him up for a whole day. I am sure he won’t survive.”
“Alright, let’s do that.”
They spared no time in contacting Mace and the others. Once the fighters got the message, they came to the east gate and exited the fortress.
After they were gone, all the gates were shut.
At the same time, all the facilities in the fortress were shut down. After all, leaving them on would limit the monsters’ capabilities.
Triple Group’s experts had installed a lot of apparatus around the fortress in order to find a way to control the monsters, but no matter how they tried, they couldn’t get the monsters under their control.
Even so, they managed to keep them under check. At the very least, they managed to find out how to weaken the monsters. According to their data, the monsters could only perform at seventy to eighty percent of their capacity when all the machines were on. Without any restraints, the monsters could get even more powerful.
Maya Industries made those experiments with the plan of creating living beings with the brightest mind and the strongest body.
Thus, they were being suppressed, so they weren’t at full power. However, once the machines stopped running, the shackles on the monsters were taken off, and they could go full power. They could be terrifying.
“Oh, my God.”
Even Mace was shocked when he saw that since he had never fought those monsters at their one hundred percent before. Now that they were at full power, even Mace felt terrified.
He lamented, “I won’t even last five hours if I go in right now. Heck, I might even be in mortal danger.”
“Yeah. Three to four hours is the limit. Any more than that and we’d be in danger. We’re no match for a monster at full power. They can’t be killed or hurt. How are we supposed to fight them like this?”
“Levi’s in trouble. Even with the serum, he’d lose out against so many monsters at full power, not to mention he doesn’t have the serums anymore.”
“Right, lock him in. Keep it that way for twenty-four hours.”
“Honestly, not even Stone List’s top ten can survive such a dire situation.”
“Yeah. Just lock him in and he’ll be dead by tomorrow.”
They couldn’t see what was happening inside after turning all the machines off, but they could imagine how Levi was brutally murdered by the monsters.
Sammy was shaken to her core when she found out what Triple Group did.
Are they serious? How could they do this just to torture Levi? A twenty-four-hour total lockdown? Not even a god can handle it. Nobody can last twelve hours in there, not to mention against a horde of monsters at full power.
Sammy overestimated the fighters. In reality, none of them could last five hours in there.
They want him dead this time.
And she fainted.
Back in the fortress, Levi had realized that the monsters were becoming restless.
Someone did something. But no matter.
Even though he was facing a horde of terrifying monsters, it still didn’t wipe the smile off his face.
At the same time, all the monsters were already surrounding him.
“You’re not invincible,” he sneered.


Chapter 2273 Kill All Of Them

Levi grabbed one of the monsters and dragged it over. Before the monster could react, Levi punched it and blew it into smithereens, splattering blood everywhere.
Everyone said the monsters were invincible, and nothing could even scratch their skin. However, Levi’s power was beyond what the monsters could take, and they were blown apart with a single punch.
If Mace and the other fighters were around, they’d worship Levi as their new god. After all, they had trained in the fortress a few times, but the most they could do was inflict some minor injuries against the monsters. Most of the time, they couldn’t do a thing against these monsters.

And that was because the monsters were restrained. Now that they were at full power, they should be invincible, but even so, Levi crushed them with a single punch.
If they were here, they’d say it was impossible.
A moment later, Levi caught another one and tore it apart. The monsters were still in shock, but when Levi killed a second one, the realization sank in, and they stared at him in awe.
It was the first time they encountered anyone like Levi, but his power only served to excite them, and they started pouncing on him.
“Have at you!”
Levi was getting excited as well. He had seen through the monsters at that point, so he knew they were probably manufactured by Maya Industries. After all, the nature of these monsters aligned with their plans. They were smart, strong, and invincible.
A fraction of the whole horde would be a disaster if they were set free, let alone the whole army—Keerea would be ruined in less than a month.
Not even Triple Group or the Divine Leaderboard fighters in Keerea could stand up against them.
They manufactured these monsters for a motive. Those guys have a plan in mind. A top-secret plan, Levi thought.
The monsters were strong, but compared to Levi, they were little more than ordinary humans. No matter what they did, Levi could always kill them with a single punch or kick.
They were no match for Levi. Numbers didn’t matter in the face of true power.
Even so, the monsters wouldn’t stop pouncing at Levi. They were whipped into a frenzy, craving for a real battle. They wanted to tear Levi apart limb by limb and pulverize his bones.
But alas, Levi was the one who pulverized them instead, flesh and bones and all.
Before long, Levi had killed a hundred monsters, then two hundred.
And then one thousand.
Two thousand.
The monsters were getting thinned out at a blistering pace. Eventually, Levi reached five thousand kills. In a mere instant, half of the monster horde was already taken out.
But even so, that didn’t stop Levi. He kept punching and kicking the monsters that tried to attack him. With every attack, at least one monster would get taken apart, until finally, not a single monster was left standing.
They died. Horribly. Levi did not let a single one of the monsters escape. The monsters came in ten thousand, but not a single one came out alive.
To top things off, Levi finished the so-called invincible monsters in half an hour. As if that wasn’t enough, Levi actually took his own sweet time with it. If he was serious about it, the monsters would have gone down even quicker.
After he was done with the monsters, Levi sat down and took a closer look at the monsters’ blood out of boredom. He wanted to find out what Maya Industries’ serum was made out of.
Time flew by, and four hours had elapsed since the machines were shut down. Everyone outside was understandably excited, and they broke out into a discussion.
“Do you think he’s dead?” someone asked.
“Obviously. He’s trapped in there with ten thousand monsters. And they’re at full power too. Nobody can stop them.”
“And he can’t hide from them. Those monsters aren’t stupid. They’re smart, so they can find out where he’s hiding no matter what.”
“Hey, do you think we should start the machines up and open the gates to see what’s happening inside?”
“No. Just keep it this way for a whole day. We want him dead no matter what.”
“Okay. We’ll collect his remains tomorrow then.”
Everyone burst into laughter. They couldn’t wait to tell the world that Levi was torn into pieces by the monsters.


Chapter 2269 The Maya Industries Conspiracy

Mace was very experienced. He always managed to navigate his way around groups of monsters or encounter few monsters that everyone could handle.
But the others were not as lucky.
Despite having a fighter from the Divine Leaderboard, they always encountered monsters.

In the beginning, they might have encountered dozens; then, hundreds and even thousands at the end.
Even the fighters of the Divine Leaderboard had to steer clear of endangerment, not daring to challenge the monsters head-on.
Hence, they tried their best to avoid the larger groups of monsters.
However, the others were not so lucky. They encountered a group of monsters and got surrounded. If they couldn’t escape in time, their only fate would be death.
The number of mutants would only increase. There could even be thousands in the end.
There was no way to keep them under control!
Even the newbies witnessed the terror of the monsters.
All kinds of attacks connected to the monsters had no effects, let alone damage them. Thus, destroying them was out of the question.
Their bodies would expand and become indestructible. Nobody knew what sort of drug Maya Industries used to produce such superhuman effects.
At that moment, nearly every monster in town was on the move.
The learners fell one after another, and the time continued to tick. Finally, came the one-hour mark.
An hour finally passed, and the west gate opened.
The newcomers rushed to the west gate after hearing the news.
However, the large group of monsters followed behind and chased after them.
“These idi*ts! They’re luring too many of them here. Close it! Close the gates!”
The members of Triple Group who were standing outside the west gate closed the gate quickly.
In the end, only two people made it out while the rest remained inside.
The majority of them ran away, and monsters surrounded a few.
Levi was curious to see what the mutants were injected with, but Mace had too much experience. He managed to circle their way around the monsters every time, and he couldn’t observe them.
He could only follow them.
The time continued to tick.
The fighters were all training themselves.
But soon, more of them fell.
After two hours, seven people escaped.
As for the others who did not escape, they were either training or couldn’t run at all.
The Triple Group analyzed some data in their laboratory.
“The specimens in the container got incredibly powerful after they transformed! It was so difficult to fight them, even for the Divine Leaderboards!”
“Look at the data! All four of the Divine Leaderboard fighters were having a hard time! Apart from Mace, the others were rather incompetent!”
“This means they are facing a greater difficulty now! The seven hours now could be more grueling than the eight hours in the past!”
The specimens were getting stronger, and everyone had mixed feelings.
They agonized at the thought of not being able to control these mutants.
“What is Maya Industries trying to do? If this continues, they might even produce a mutant that even the Divine Leaderboard couldn’t defeat! How is it possible for anyone to defend against this?”
“Exactly! Right now, shouldn’t we think about how to keep the mutants under control?” They were all working on the same idea.
However, Maya Industries seemed to not care about this issue! They continued to strengthen the drug, and the mutants became even more vigorous and violent!
All they wanted was to create the most aggressive mind and the most powerful physique!
On the other hand, the experimenters began to theorize that the experiments of Maya Industries were not that simple.
“Do you think Maya Industries already knew how to control these mutants and didn’t tell us?”
“Well, that could be the case!”
At the same time, their superiors arrived, and everyone stopped discussing.
Three hours had passed in the blink of an eye, which was also the longest time that Triple Group superiors promised Sammy.
As long as she could pull through, they would let her go.
Inside the fortress, Sammy was feeling both thrilled and afraid.
At last, three hours had passed.
This time, the north gate was opened.
Sammy guzzled down the drug given by her parents and hurried her way to the north gate excitedly.


Chapter 2270 Levi The Scapegoat

“Levi, it’s the three-hour mark! If we rush out of here, we’ll be safe! They will let us go!” Sammy announced with excitement.
Her parents arranged everything impeccably.
As long as she followed Mace, she could easily survive for three hours.

The inexperienced immediately rushed to the north gate upon the three-hour mark.
But before that, Sammy also gave the rest of her drug to Levi so he could use the drug to become superlatively powerful in times of crisis.
“Let’s go! Follow me to the north gate!”
Mace led the way, and Sammy followed him while dragging Levi along.
About ten minutes later, everyone arrived at the north gate. However, the gate only cracked a narrow opening, wide enough for only one person to pass through at a time.
“We’ll leave first!”
Seven to eight people immediately rushed out of the gate.
To them, three hours was more than enough.
Of course, they benefited from this. If it weren’t for Mace, they would have been dead long ago.
“You leave too!” Mace told Sammy. “Go!”
Sammy eagerly ran out.
She felt a massive impact behind her that pushed her hundreds of meters away through the gate.
“The gate is closing!”
After Sammy went out, the gate quickly closed behind her.
“You cannot leave!” Mace stopped in front of Levi, blocking his escape.
Sammy, already outside the gate, was dumbfounded as she witnessed this scene.
She was confused about the fact that Levi hadn’t escaped.
“What… what are you doing?”
Mace responded without turning to her. “I promised your parents that I would only help you escape! My mission is complete! But he is not part of my mission!”
Sammy wanted to rush back into the gate, but the gate was already closed.
Moreover, more and more mutants were approaching, and there was no way anyone would open the gate again.
She could only watch the gate gap slowly close and eventually completely conceal Levi from her sight.
After Sammy escaped, her parents rushed over immediately.
“Lucky for you, Levi appeared and saved you. Otherwise, you will become a monster as well!” Her parents were delighted to see her come out safely.
“But having him exchange for my life? I can’t live with this.” Sammy’s lips were trembling as she was about to cry.
“Levi is going to die one way or another. What difference does it make if he died earlier?” Everyone was contemptuous.
The high-rank officials of Triple Group were all excited!
“We have waited very long for this opportunity, Levi! This is for all those miserable years of your suppression!”
“We finally got you! Let’s see how you plan to escape!”
“Could he ever escape? We’ll see how long he can survive instead.”
For them, being able to exact revenge on Levi was incredibly gratifying.
Torturing the tyrant who held them down in the past was indeed the best thing that had ever happened in their lives.
At the north gate of the fortress, Mace glared at Levi and the others.
“From now on, I will act alone! Don’t follow me! I will kill you!”
Then, Mace focused his stare on Levi. “Especially you! You must not follow me!”
Mace was about to start his training. Therefore, he didn’t want anyone to follow him.
He immediately dashed off in the other direction, leaving Levi with twenty or thirty people behind him.
The sound of the ground shaking rumbled in everyone’s ears.
A swarm of mutants, teeming with more than a thousand of them, came from all directions to kill them.
Everyone was terrified.
“Run! Run quickly!”
However, before they tried to escape, they shoved Levi toward the mutants.
“Let him hold them off for us! Let’s run!”
In the end, Levi was pushed to the front while everyone ran away.
They even asked Levi to hold them off for a while.
Watching thousands of mutants rushing toward him, Levi unexpectedly smiled.
Now that Sammy was no longer a burden, he wanted to take on these mutants and see what they were all about.


Chapter 2271 How Is He Still Alive

Everyone made a run for it, leaving Levi behind, afraid that he would drag them down with him.
A short while later, the horde of monsters swallowed Levi up, much to the members of Triple Group’s delight. They laughed joyously, thinking that Levi was surely dead after being swallowed up by those monsters.
Haha… not even a shred of him will be left.

In the end, they didn’t care about Levi anymore. All they wanted was to see his mangled remains. Of course, they wouldn’t know anything that happened within the fortress once its doors closed. They could only see the monsters’ exact locations through the chips on their bodies.
All the fighters who went in to train would have chips and cameras installed on them so the people outside could see what was happening inside.
Levi had those gadgets installed as well, but he tore them off almost as soon as he went in, so nobody knew what happened to him. But they thought he met certain death since they knew he was swallowed up by those monsters.
Mace and the other fighters started their training, and time swiftly went by. When the fourth hour had passed, the south door opened, and the fighters who managed to hold on for four hours hurried toward it.
But it was at this moment, someone saw a familiar figure standing nearby. “H-Hey, look. T-That’s…”
Yes, it was none other than Levi, but he was drenched in blood. Perhaps it was his own, or perhaps it was the monsters.
“Unbelievable.” Everyone stared at him in disbelief, for Levi actually held on for one hour on his own, and he even made it to the south gate.
“I think we have underestimated him. He might not be the top fighter anymore, but he’s still an average one. Besides, he’s a veteran, and he’s cunning. One hour isn’t a problem for him. Not to mention the monsters aren’t smart, so it won’t be hard for him to survive.”
“Yeah, but it won’t be easy for him next time.”
“Stop him! Don’t let him escape! Close the gate!”
After Sammy and the others found out that Levi survived, Sammy’s parents asked her, “Did you give all your serums to him?”
Knowing that she couldn’t keep it a secret anymore, Sammy said, “You guys gave me six of it, right? I only used one and gave the rest to him.”
“I see. I knew he couldn’t have lasted for so long. So he used our serum to boost himself and fend off those monsters.”
Everyone thought that was a believable answer. Maya Industries made those serums, and they could boost its user’s strength to an unimaginable level for a short while.
“Let’s see how he fares once he’s out of serums,” everyone scoffed, refusing to believe Levi could survive on his own.
When the five-hour mark swung by, there were only a handful of fighters left in the fortress.
After six hours, only fighters ranked on the Divine Leaderboard were left standing in the ruins. Well, Levi was an exception, much to everybody’s surprise.
Everyone couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Even those ranked fighters were questioning themselves.
How powerful is this guy? Is he on the same level as us?
They thought Levi was really powerful, but they dismissed their suspicions after hearing about the serum he took. After all, they had seen the serum in action before, so it was normal Levi could hold on for so long.
Levi only started holding on on his own at the fourth hour. Before that, Mace and the others were protecting him. In reality, Levi only held on for three hours.
Because of that assumption in mind, nobody thought Levi could hold on for much longer. “Da*n you, Levi. Do you think you can do whatever you want just because you have the serums? Let’s see how you’ll hold on once you run out of it.”
After a whopping seven hours, most of the fighters were already eliminated. Only seven were left, including Levi. Everyone aside from him wanted to go higher and get stronger, so they stayed around to test their limits.
“Levi’s should have used up his serums, right? How is he still standing?”


Chapter 2272 The Monsters Are Killable

“Impossible. One dose can only last him half an hour, but he’s already in there for four hours. He’s gone way past the five-dose limit.”
“Or maybe he didn’t use the serums. Levi’s one cunning b*stard. He might be surviving with some cheap trick, like hiding behind a ranked fighter.”
“Why don’t we tell everyone to leave? Then we’ll close all the gates and never open them again,” someone suggested.

Everyone’s eyes gleamed, and they approved of that suggestion.
“Good idea. We’ll lock him up for a whole day. I am sure he won’t survive.”
“Alright, let’s do that.”
They spared no time in contacting Mace and the others. Once the fighters got the message, they came to the east gate and exited the fortress.
After they were gone, all the gates were shut.
At the same time, all the facilities in the fortress were shut down. After all, leaving them on would limit the monsters’ capabilities.
Triple Group’s experts had installed a lot of apparatus around the fortress in order to find a way to control the monsters, but no matter how they tried, they couldn’t get the monsters under their control.
Even so, they managed to keep them under check. At the very least, they managed to find out how to weaken the monsters. According to their data, the monsters could only perform at seventy to eighty percent of their capacity when all the machines were on. Without any restraints, the monsters could get even more powerful.
Maya Industries made those experiments with the plan of creating living beings with the brightest mind and the strongest body.
Thus, they were being suppressed, so they weren’t at full power. However, once the machines stopped running, the shackles on the monsters were taken off, and they could go full power. They could be terrifying.
“Oh, my God.”
Even Mace was shocked when he saw that since he had never fought those monsters at their one hundred percent before. Now that they were at full power, even Mace felt terrified.
He lamented, “I won’t even last five hours if I go in right now. Heck, I might even be in mortal danger.”
“Yeah. Three to four hours is the limit. Any more than that and we’d be in danger. We’re no match for a monster at full power. They can’t be killed or hurt. How are we supposed to fight them like this?”
“Levi’s in trouble. Even with the serum, he’d lose out against so many monsters at full power, not to mention he doesn’t have the serums anymore.”
“Right, lock him in. Keep it that way for twenty-four hours.”
“Honestly, not even Stone List’s top ten can survive such a dire situation.”
“Yeah. Just lock him in and he’ll be dead by tomorrow.”
They couldn’t see what was happening inside after turning all the machines off, but they could imagine how Levi was brutally murdered by the monsters.
Sammy was shaken to her core when she found out what Triple Group did.
Are they serious? How could they do this just to torture Levi? A twenty-four-hour total lockdown? Not even a god can handle it. Nobody can last twelve hours in there, not to mention against a horde of monsters at full power.
Sammy overestimated the fighters. In reality, none of them could last five hours in there.
They want him dead this time.
And she fainted.
Back in the fortress, Levi had realized that the monsters were becoming restless.
Someone did something. But no matter.
Even though he was facing a horde of terrifying monsters, it still didn’t wipe the smile off his face.
At the same time, all the monsters were already surrounding him.
“You’re not invincible,” he sneered.


Chapter 2273 Kill All Of Them

Levi grabbed one of the monsters and dragged it over. Before the monster could react, Levi punched it and blew it into smithereens, splattering blood everywhere.
Everyone said the monsters were invincible, and nothing could even scratch their skin. However, Levi’s power was beyond what the monsters could take, and they were blown apart with a single punch.
If Mace and the other fighters were around, they’d worship Levi as their new god. After all, they had trained in the fortress a few times, but the most they could do was inflict some minor injuries against the monsters. Most of the time, they couldn’t do a thing against these monsters.

And that was because the monsters were restrained. Now that they were at full power, they should be invincible, but even so, Levi crushed them with a single punch.
If they were here, they’d say it was impossible.
A moment later, Levi caught another one and tore it apart. The monsters were still in shock, but when Levi killed a second one, the realization sank in, and they stared at him in awe.
It was the first time they encountered anyone like Levi, but his power only served to excite them, and they started pouncing on him.
“Have at you!”
Levi was getting excited as well. He had seen through the monsters at that point, so he knew they were probably manufactured by Maya Industries. After all, the nature of these monsters aligned with their plans. They were smart, strong, and invincible.
A fraction of the whole horde would be a disaster if they were set free, let alone the whole army—Keerea would be ruined in less than a month.
Not even Triple Group or the Divine Leaderboard fighters in Keerea could stand up against them.
They manufactured these monsters for a motive. Those guys have a plan in mind. A top-secret plan, Levi thought.
The monsters were strong, but compared to Levi, they were little more than ordinary humans. No matter what they did, Levi could always kill them with a single punch or kick.
They were no match for Levi. Numbers didn’t matter in the face of true power.
Even so, the monsters wouldn’t stop pouncing at Levi. They were whipped into a frenzy, craving for a real battle. They wanted to tear Levi apart limb by limb and pulverize his bones.
But alas, Levi was the one who pulverized them instead, flesh and bones and all.
Before long, Levi had killed a hundred monsters, then two hundred.
And then one thousand.
Two thousand.
The monsters were getting thinned out at a blistering pace. Eventually, Levi reached five thousand kills. In a mere instant, half of the monster horde was already taken out.
But even so, that didn’t stop Levi. He kept punching and kicking the monsters that tried to attack him. With every attack, at least one monster would get taken apart, until finally, not a single monster was left standing.
They died. Horribly. Levi did not let a single one of the monsters escape. The monsters came in ten thousand, but not a single one came out alive.
To top things off, Levi finished the so-called invincible monsters in half an hour. As if that wasn’t enough, Levi actually took his own sweet time with it. If he was serious about it, the monsters would have gone down even quicker.
After he was done with the monsters, Levi sat down and took a closer look at the monsters’ blood out of boredom. He wanted to find out what Maya Industries’ serum was made out of.
Time flew by, and four hours had elapsed since the machines were shut down. Everyone outside was understandably excited, and they broke out into a discussion.
“Do you think he’s dead?” someone asked.
“Obviously. He’s trapped in there with ten thousand monsters. And they’re at full power too. Nobody can stop them.”
“And he can’t hide from them. Those monsters aren’t stupid. They’re smart, so they can find out where he’s hiding no matter what.”
“Hey, do you think we should start the machines up and open the gates to see what’s happening inside?”
“No. Just keep it this way for a whole day. We want him dead no matter what.”
“Okay. We’ll collect his remains tomorrow then.”
Everyone burst into laughter. They couldn’t wait to tell the world that Levi was torn into pieces by the monsters.


Chapter 2274 A Mountain Of Corpses

Levi couldn’t survive being locked in there for a whole twenty-four hours, or so everyone thought.
Sammy didn’t say anything, since she thought so as well. When the unkempt person in the cage heard the news, the light in his eyes was snuffed out, as if Levi’s death came as a shocker to him.
“Who is he?” Sammy asked. She noticed the change in the man after hearing that Levi was dead.

“Peter the traitor,” Sammy’s father answered.
“Huh? That’s him?” Sammy gasped.
So that’s Peter. He’s Bruce’s lackey!
After Bruce was killed, Peter stayed with the Lab of Gods. But when even the Lab of Gods went missing, Peter was left without anywhere to go, so he came back to Triple Group.
Triple Group was already working with Maya Industries then. They saw him as a traitor and locked him up to torture him.
Peter remained silent for a long time, but he suddenly went into a frenzy when he saw Levi, so they had to zap him to take him out.
Peter probably had something to say to Levi, but he lost his chance.
Sammy sighed, for she had lost all hope.
Levi can’t survive this.
However, she wouldn’t give up on herself this time. Sammy would keep on living so she could get her revenge and stop Triple Group from continuing this inhumane experiment.
Someone from Maya Industries was asking about the experiment’s progress a while later, and they needed Triple Group to send the latest data to them.
“Sorry, we’re in the middle of something here.” They then told Maya Industries about how they locked Levi in with ten thousand monsters.
“Nice. Great idea!” the people from Maya Industries let them do what they wanted.
As time went by, Levi finally extracted the serum from the monsters’ blood using the method Venom Fiend taught him.
He wanted to analyze the serum’s components.
The Cardinal Hall’s divine brigadier? Interesting.
But Levi cared more about Lab of Gods’ whereabouts.
The Manifest Court probably knows something. I’ll ask them when I get back.
As he had nothing else to do, Levi fell asleep in the fortress. Eventually, night melted away, and a new dawn broke through the horizon. In other words, the twenty-four-hour limit would soon pass.
Triple Group’s staff were already waiting outside the fortress.
“Hey, wait a minute. Levi should have been torn to shreds. Pulverized. Why’d we come here first thing in the morning then?”
“Yeah. We shouldn’t even see anything left of him, so why did we come here this early anyway?”
Everyone fell into silence and gave that some thought.
Hey, they’re right. Not even a shred of Levi remains now, so why did we even come here? We know he’s dead for sure.
“Because Levi’s an important figure to everyone. He’s Keerea’s enemy, and he’s also our enemy. Of course, everyone wants to see him dead. Even if there’s only a shred of him remaining, it’s still exciting news,” someone explained.
Everyone agreed as that was what they truly felt as well.
“Alright, let’s boot up the machines.”
Next, the staff booted up the machines, and they started running a short while later.
“Hey, turn on the cameras!” someone shouted.
“According to the monsters’ chips, they’re at the west gate. Almost… No! All of them are there! All the monsters are at the west gate!”
“I see. That must be where Levi died. Open the west gate, and be careful! Shut it down if anything goes wrong.”
Everyone from Triple Group gathered around the west gate to see what was going on inside. They were excited, but they didn’t know why.
A loud rumbling sound reverberated around them as the west gate yawned open. The moment it did, everyone outside was assailed by the rancid stench of blood, and they retched.
After the gates were fully open, they saw a single person standing before them, while a mountain of corpses loomed over everyone behind that man.


Chapter 2275 Unbelievable

Yes. It was a mountain of corpses. Limbs protruded everywhere, and corpses piled upon one another. Blood splattered everywhere, and its stench wafted across the air, nauseating those who caught a whiff of it.
Wait, when the guy said the monsters were together at the west gate, is this what he meant?
But that wasn’t the most surprising thing. The most surprising thing was the man who was standing before them.

Yes, it was Levi!
Everyone could not believe what they were seeing. It should have been impossible for Levi to survive, but he did.
How did he do it?
They had a lot of questions, but all that was swept aside by what they saw before them.
What the hell?
Nobody could believe what they were seeing.
Everyone thought he was dead, but he defied expectations and survived instead.
Levi managed to get through twenty-four hours alone. Thirty, if they added the six hours prior to his record. He broke the record by miles since the longest anyone managed was nine hours.
But that was because the monsters were limited to seventy to eighty percent of their true power. In other words, the last record was a fluke.
But that also meant Levi made yet another miracle. The most important point was all the monsters were dead.
Levi killed all of them and put them on for show. For some reason, they suspected that the mountain was only a part of Levi’s kills. They thought most of the bodies must have been pulverized, so the mountain could have doubled, and that’d be Levi’s real body count.
It had been a while since the gates were opened. If everything went normal, the monsters would have scrambled to escape the fortress, but now they didn’t. The only reason and explanation for that was that Levi had killed all of them during his stay.
Holy motherf*cking sh*t. Impossible. There’s no way in hell that’s possible.
Nobody could believe what they were seeing, but what they see was the truth. They thought Levi could hold on in the first place because he had the serum Sammy gave him, but now they knew it was impossible.
Serum? Serum, my foot!
Nobody in Triple Group could kill the monsters even with the serum. No, they couldn’t even hurt the monsters. Not even a Divine Leaderboard fighter like Mace could. They couldn’t even kill a single one, let alone ten thousand. It was then they knew Levi had true power.
Everyone was shaken to their core, mumbling under their breath like madmen. They couldn’t believe what they were seeing. It was like they saw another miracle, but it was a nightmare to them.
For the longest time, nobody spoke.
“What took you so long? I was this close to punching it open.” Levi stretched his arms and yawned. He had just woken up a moment ago and was about to punch the gates open so he could leave.
But just before he could do that, the gates swung open. “It’s a good place to sleep. It’s really quiet.” He smiled.
But nobody answered him. They were petrified as if Medusa had looked them in the eye. They were still in shock.
“Eh, now that I’m done here, it’s time to go outside.” He smiled at them and left the place.
Most of Triple Group’s staff were in the base nearby. When they saw someone coming their way, they reflexively asked, “So, how is it? Did you see Levi’s body? Where are the others? Why didn’t they come back with you?”
Someone piped up, “No way they saw the body. The monsters are stupidly strong. Levi must be pulverized by now since he’s alone. I don’t think there’s anything left of him.”
Levi smiled. “They didn’t see Levi’s body because he’s alive.”
Everyone thought that sounded normal at first go, but a few moments later, they seem shocked.
“They didn’t see his body because he’s alive?”
“Impossible! How can Levi still be alive? There’s no way that’s true!”
They looked at the one who answered them to get some confirmation, but when they saw Levi standing right in front of them, they gasped. “L-L-Levi! I-It’s you!”


Chapter 2276 He Is Too Strong

How is he still alive? That shouldn’t have been possible! He’s locked in there with a bunch of monsters!
“Warning! Warning! Danger!”
Warning alarms started blaring across the base, but Levi shut them down with a single punch. Obviously, all the alarms and facilities were destroyed with that attack.

“Don’t run,” Levi warned.
But someone a few hundred meters away wouldn’t listen. He kept running, thinking he could escape, but Levi clenched the air and pulverized the person who was escaping.
A few other staff members tried to run, but Levi pulverized them too. After that show of power, everyone stopped trying to escape and was as quiet as a graveyard.
A while later, Triple Group’s top brass and fighters finally processed their shock.
“Where is he?”
They went into the fortress to look for him, but what awaited them was a hell on earth. What they saw almost gave them nightmares for years to come.
It was a bloody sight, with broken limbs and bodies strewn everywhere. The bodies were already cold, but just from the remains, they could see how heated the battle was.
No, it was no battle. To be precise, it was a massacre.
Suddenly, Mace started spewing blood. He could not imagine the kind of power Levi had to be able to kill so many monsters in such a short time.
I can’t even kill a single one myself.
The monsters weren’t strong enough to stand toe to toe against a ranked fighter like Mace, but their defense was powerful, rendering them invincible.
It was impossible to kill a single one, let alone ten thousand of them.
Put it simply, if all the fighters on the Divine Leaderboard were to be locked in with ten thousand monsters, the monsters would ultimately be triumphant.
Sure, they couldn’t kill the fighters, but the monsters could exhaust them to death. After all, the monsters were invincible and had boundless stamina, just like a cockroach. But oversized.
However, Levi defied everyone’s expectations by killing all the monsters alone. To be exact, he did the impossible, and that feat alone was enough to change everyone’s expectations.
“That guy… That guy isn’t the same guy he was three years ago. He’s more powerful than the top fighter on the Divine Leaderboard!”
“Everyone has changed a lot over the last three years, but that guy is still miles ahead of us. We’re all trash compared to him.”
“I suspect that he’s the guy who broke Skyward Sword.”
The bloody sight finally made everyone realize how powerful Levi truly was. Sammy was shedding tears of joy, for Levi had survived and become more powerful than ever. That was the best news she could ever hope for.
Then, suddenly, Levi’s voice boomed, “Snapped out of it, have you? Then get your keisters here right away!”
Everyone knew they couldn’t run away from Levi, not when he was that powerful. And so, they went over to where Levi was.
But even though they couldn’t run, someone tried to send a message to tell everyone about Levi’s true power. However, before he could do anything, his communication device broke into pieces.
And then an invisible strength tore that person apart, splattering blood everywhere. Everyone was scared out of their wits, so they quickly went to Levi without another word.
After all, they didn’t want to get killed, and they knew Levi could do that if he so wanted to. Nobody tried to pull any tricks again.
The moment they came to Levi, everyone kneeled before him and banged their heads against the floor, sniveling like children.
“Please, have mercy!”
If Levi wanted to, he could destroy Triple Group without a doubt. The guy was more powerful than anyone could ever imagine.
Mace was buzzing with excitement. “I have never seen such power. If you’ll have me, I’ll follow you to the depths of hell. I want to witness what true power means.”
Sammy stared at Levi, delighted and overjoyed.
“Hm, if I recall, almost everyone here wants me dead. Either that or you guys would torture me.”
He killed another person as he spoke. And then, Peter started smacking his cage.
Levi went over to him and opened the cage. He saw Peter in there and knew the guy was with the missing Lab of Gods.
Peter said, “The Lab of Gods…”


Chapter 2277 The Disappearance Of The Lab Of Gods

Levi huddled closer to listen. “What? What happened to them?”
Peter whispered something to Levi, while everyone looked on curiously. They wondered what Peter was saying, but they didn’t ask.
Levi kept listening and didn’t ask anything. He looked calm and cold, and he nodded occasionally.

“I see.” Levi nodded. “You’ve been waiting for me so you can tell me about that, haven’t you?” he asked.
“Yes, I have. I mean, not like anyone else can help me.”
Levi looked at him. “I’ll handle the rest. You stay here and help Sammy, get it?”
Peter nodded.
“And now, as for you guys…” Levi didn’t plan on letting the top brass go, so he killed them all. Everyone who knew about his current strength was killed, save for Sammy’s family, Mace, and some fighters.
He went to Triple Group himself and restructured it so Sammy had total control over it. After he was done, he told Sammy, “You’ll be handling Triple Group from now on. And don’t tell anyone what happened today. Also, keep working with Maya Industries. Do what they tell you to do, get it?”
“Yes, sir!”
“Don’t worry, sir. I’ll deal with Maya Industries.” Peter gave Levi a reassuring look.
It was a brief interaction, but Sammy could guess that Levi and Peter were also talking about Maya Industries earlier.
After he was done with Triple Group, Levi went back to Erudia. However, he didn’t show up right away. Instead, he observed Zoey from the shadows.
The technique books he left her were tossed aside, so obviously Zoey didn’t even use it. Perhaps she shared the same sentiments as everyone else, thinking that Levi’s concept was outdated. That was why she thought the things he gave her were useless.
She didn’t even want to try it out. Instead, he realized she had been recovering using extreme methods and serum.
Yes, it would heal her martial vein, but conversely, an extreme method like that would cause some complications that would hurt her down the line.
When Zoey heard the sound of footsteps approaching her, she stopped and looked up. But what she saw surprised her.
The one she was none other than Dark Emperor. Well, at least she thought it was. In reality, it was Levi in a mask. Dark Emperor’s mask was one of a kind, so as long as he wore it, nobody could recognize him. Not even Zoey who had seen Dark Emperor’s face before.
“Master, I thought you said you can’t come back to Erudia. Why are you here?” Zoey was shocked.
“I’m here to see you, then I’ll be off to The Cardinal Hall,” Levi answered.
“What about my husband then?” Zoey was worried about Levi. The reason she was recovering using such an extreme method was because she wanted to save Levi herself. If she waited for too long, he might be in danger.
“He’s fine. He’ll come back soon.”
Zoey nodded and was relieved since she knew Dark Emperor wouldn’t lie to her. He never told her a lie before, and that would not change.
“Oh, I’ve been observing you, and I have to say this. You’re going about it the wrong way. This is too extreme,” Levi said.
Zoey asked curiously, “So how am I supposed to heal, master? My powers are gone.”
Levi answered, “Easy. Use the technique your husband gave you. Keep practicing that and only that. Don’t practice any other technique, including the ones I gave you.”
“Huh? But my husband’s not really…”
Zoey didn’t believe Levi’s technique would work, so her first reaction was to say no.
Levi hasn’t improved a bit over the last three years. Can his technique even work?
“Master, I know you can help me. I don’t want to use his technique. I don’t think it’ll be of use.”


Chapter 2278 Disaster Is Coming

Levi was speechless.
My stuff won’t be of use? Hey, it helped me kill the top fighter on the Divine Leaderboard.
My stuff killed ten thousand monsters of which ranked fighters can’t even make a scratch on.

Did she just say it’s useless? Well, I broke out of the Prison of Darkness. See if your technique can do the same. My stuff broke Skyward Sword and Terra Blade. Let’s see if your technique can do that.
But Levi wouldn’t argue with her, so he said, “Fine, it’s your choice. But I’d still recommend your husband’s technique if you want to heal up.”
“I understand, Master. But I’ll do it my own way. I still don’t think the old stuff would work. It’s already outdated, so there’s no point practicing the old stuff.”
In the end, Zoey gave up on using Levi’s technique. Instead, she wanted to use the modern way to heal up, even if it was a bit extreme.
Levi nodded. “Fine. I respect your choice.”
Nobody thought his technique was useful. Nobody but Cyrus. But still, Levi said nothing and respected their choices.
Fine, do what you want. It’s your choice. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
After that, he left North Hampton and went straight to Oakland City. His destination was none other than The Cardinal Hall.
After he got there, he snuck into The Cardinal Hall and made a beeline for The Manifest Court.
The moment he showed up, everyone in The Manifest Court was shocked, since they never thought someone like Levi would show up before them.
“It’s you?”
Levi took on the image of the guy who broke Skyward Sword with his fingers, so everyone there was surprised that he made his appearance.
Levi also knew that The Manifest Court didn’t know about his true identity and his whereabouts.
I see. The Prison of Darkness can block anything including magic and fate. Not even The Manifest Court can find out where I am.
“I’m here to ask about the Lab of Gods. Do you know where they are right now?” Levi asked.
However, he didn’t get his answer straight away. In the end, someone answered, “No, but we know they’re still here. They’re not defeated. I made a prediction just now, and I can say that a disaster is coming. The writing’s been on the wall for a long time. A disaster will come this way…”
Levi left right after he got the answer, but he left through the front door. The Cardinal Hall was nothing to him, so he could come and go as he pleased.
It didn’t take long for everyone in The Cardinal Hall to find out he was there, but as expected, everyone was shocked to see him.
W-Why is this guy here?
All the divine generals and elites saluted him. If it were anyone else, they would have been arrested, since trespassing The Cardinal Hall was a crime punishable by death.
However, nobody had the guts to arrest Levi. After all, he was a powerful one.
Even Edmund hurried over after he got the news. He kneeled before Levi and even invited him to stay for a while.
“No, thank you,” Levi refused.
Edmund mustered his courage and asked, “Sir, may I know who you really are?”
Everyone looked at Levi as well, wanting to see who this mysterious guy was.
“Me? I’m Levi Garrison,” Levi sneered.
Edmund laughed heartily. “You jest, sir. You’re one of Erudia’s most powerful fighters. Not even Eragon knows who you are. You can’t be Levi, sir! But I have to say, that’s a good joke.”
Levi smiled and left The Cardinal Hall without another word.
Someone wanted to ask more questions, but Edmund interrupted, “He obviously doesn’t want anyone to know who he really is, or he wouldn’t have said he’s Levi.”
“Oh, you have a point. That’s true.”
“Don’t try to look into that fighter, or you might end up dead.”
The divine generals tried to dissuade Edmund, but that didn’t satiate his curiosity. After Levi’s departure, Edmund went to The Manifest Court himself.
“He came for you guys, so you should know who he is, right?” Edmund asked.
“No, but he’s really similar to a certain someone.”
“Who?” Edmund was getting more and more curious about it.


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