The Protector (The Return of God Of War)

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In Erudia, a private jet landed at North Hampton Airport, where all international flights experienced an eight-hour delay because of it.
At the private passageway were five men in suits and leather shoes, standing as straight as a javelin.

Every now and then, they would raise their wrist to look at the time, for a big shot was coming to town.
The upper-class society of North Hampton had learned about his arrival, but no one had the capability to get an inch closer to the private passageway.
Even the richest man in North Hampton who came to pay homage was chased away.
Finally, there were movements coming from the passageway.

“God of War!!!” the mass cried out, their eyes filled with awe and veneration at the sight of the undefeatable legend of Erudia.
He, who was dubbed the God of War, was the one and only five-star war God in the history of Erudia.
Once, he’d inflicted a crushing defeat on the strongest battalions in eighteen countries. He was an overbearing and formidable man.
He who overwhelmed the world with his unparalleled power had even created the Five Great Wars Regiment, Cavalry Regiment, and many more.

Setting foot on his homeland, Levi Garrison was overcome with emotions.
Once upon a time, he used to be an orphan who was abandoned on the streets of North Hampton and then adopted by the Garrison family.
However, the Garrison family had never been fond of him.
His adoptive parents, who had a tendency to beat and scold him, treated him like an outsider.
As for the outsiders, they treated him as a nobody.
But he didn’t care a stiver. He had always been proud of his surname since he was a child, and he strived to bring glory to this family when he grew older.
At last, Levi had established Levi Group, the largest dark horse in North Hampton’s business community.
With billions of assets, it ranked among the forefront of North Hampton, pushing the declining Garrison family to the top.
However, not only did the Garrison family showed no signs of appreciation, they even harbored dissatisfaction towards him. Jealous of his success, they regarded him as a thorn in their flesh and coveted Levi Group.
No matter his wealth and power, unless they were in control, he was just an outsider in the Garrison family’s eyes.
Eventually, on Levi’s wedding night, the Garrison family plotted a frame-up against him by getting him drunk before tossing him onto his sister-in-law’s bed. They wanted to create the illusion that he was doing something untoward to her and was caught in bed by his brother and adoptive parents.
That night, the Garrison family had brutally broken his limbs and left him on the road like a wild dog.
Not only was he handicapped, but he also had to take the flak for something he didn’t commit.
From an upstart in the business world, he had become the target of disdain overnight.
And the next day, he had been punished for several crimes and sentenced to six years in prison.
He could never forget the ruthless and sinister faces of everyone in the Garrison family and the ridicule of his friends, classmates, and business partners.
More so, he could never forget the disappointment on his newly wedded wife, Zoey’s face.
He had regarded the Garrison family as his home and devoted himself to the family.
Yet, they treated him like trash.
It felt as if a knife was being twisted in his heart every time he thought about this.
How he hated the Garrison family!
But who would have thought that Levi had been secretly transferred away from prison to join the military?
In a few years, he dominated the military world and became the one and only five-star God of War.
Now that he came back, the Garrison family ought to stay on their toes.
“How’s it going, Azure Dragon?” Levi asked.
Azure Dragon, the commander of the Five Great Wars Regiment, took a step forward and said respectfully, “Sir, I’m afraid your wife, Ms. Zoey Lopez will remarry at ten o’clock tonight!”
Ever since Zoey’s husband was sent to prison on their wedding night, she had been living like a widow.
Only God knew how much pressure she was put under.
And right now, the person Levi couldn’t wait to see the most was Zoey.
After a moment of hesitation, Azure Dragon continued, “To add on, Sir, the Garrison family is holding a successful listing celebration banquet at the Crystal Palace Hotel tonight! Many people had invited the God of War just now, including the Garrison family, but I didn’t accept nor refuse directly.”
“What time?” Levi asked tersely.
“Eight o’clock, Sir.”
“Okay. Tell the Garrison family I will attend the banquet!”
Since the time for the two events didn’t clash, Levi gladly accepted the invitation.
The celebration banquet for the public listing of Garrison Group was held at North Hampton’s Crystal Palace Hotel.
With the help of Levi Group, they had become a rich and powerful family in one fell swoop.
The hall was bustling with noise and excitement, and sounds of glasses clinking could be heard ringing in the air every now and then.
“God bless the Garrison family,” said Joseph, the head of the Garrison family. “The younger generations are the stars among men. Garrison Group is now listed and has become an upstart in North Hampton!”
Joseph’s three sons and daughter welcomed their guests with bright smiles on their faces.
The younger generation of the Garrison family was all the smugger and prouder because, after today, the Garrison family would become a powerful family, and they would become one of the top rich kids.
Most of the guests who attended today’s banquet were from the top circle in North Hampton.
“Garrison, do you know what happened today?! Your celebration party is nothing compared to that.” They were gossiping about the major event that had happened today.
“Yeah! I heard that a big shot has arrived in North Hampton!”
“The richest man in North Hampton wanted to meet him but was shooed away. Apparently, he’s not qualified enough!”
“So? Jesse Nielsen had been waiting for five hours in advance at the airport!”
Joseph nodded. “Yes, I know about that too. I even sent someone to invite this big shot to the celebration party!”
“No way! Why would this big shot attend such a party?”
No one believed it.
In fact, as an upstart, Joseph was just trying his luck.
“Dad!” shouted Jaycob, the second eldest son of the Garrison family could be seen running over. “The big shot has accepted our invitation to attend our celebration banquet! He’s on the way!”
“Jesus! God has indeed blessed the Garrison family!”
Everyone in the Garrison family could barely conceal their delight as this was their chance to reach the sky in a single bound.
The grandchildren of the Garrison family gathered together, sunshine flooding their souls.
Levi’s brother, Bryan, and sister-in-law, Victoria, smiled. “Well, it all starts with Levi’s imprisonment that the Garrison family is at where we are today…”
“Right, speaking about Levi, do you guys know today’s the day that kid gets out of prison?!” somebody asked abruptly.
“Really? Isn’t that bad luck? Why did he have to be released on such a big day?!”
“Please, please, please don’t come back! He’s the Garrison family’s biggest disgrace!”
Victoria’s lips tugged into a sneer. “Speaking of which, Levi is the crowning glory of the Garrison family’s status today.”
“That’s what he’s supposed to do!” Bryan said. “He should contribute to the Garrison family for raising him, an orphan! His multi-billion Levi Group means nothing. To put it bluntly, he’s just a dog raised by the Garrison family!”
Someone gave a chortle. “As a matter of fact, I’ve been interested in Levi’s wife for a long time now. She’s still widowed, and I’m so going to marry her!”
The man’s remark caused gales of laughter.
“Everyone, stop what you’re doing. I have an important announcement to make,” Joseph said and went on to announce that the big shot was coming.
A thunderous applause was heard.
But when the applause had died down, there was still someone clapping.
The sound was loud and clear, approaching from afar.
On the red carpet, a man came clapping, looking bold and energetic.
His stride gave off a majestic and imposing aura, which made the mass hold their breaths.
“It’s Levi!” Bryan and Victoria exclaimed.
Suddenly, all eyes were riveted on him.
“I forgot this little brat got out of jail today!” Levi’s adoptive parents spoke in unison.
Ignoring the astonished gazes darted at his way, Levi walked step by step towards Joseph.
“A little bird told me that the company is now listed. How are you feeling, Joseph? Are you happy?”
Levi flashed him a meaningful smile.
“How dare you show up here, you insolent brat! And what did you just call me?” Joseph’s fury sprang to life.
“Who let him in? Didn’t you know he just got out of prison? How inauspicious!”
Bryan rose to his feet. “What the hell are you doing here, Levi?”
Levi sized him up. “Why can’t I be here?”
“Well, for starters, you’re an orphan! The Garrison family has raised you, but you were ambitious and ungrateful. You had inordinate ambitions for your sister-in-law, and you wanted to take possession of the Garrison family! You’d even tried to kill your parents when things go south! Have you no conscience? Do you have any sense of morality left in your heart?”
“You’ve lost your reputation in North Hampton, and everyone knows that. Have you no shame to have the brass neck to come round here?”
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Supreme Grandmaster - Elder of Sex Sext
Platinum Villager
Sep 24, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 2551 Bad Luck

Everyone was livid when they found out about the “truth.”

They all felt that Levi was a liar.
They had thought that he was the one who killed Karsten; they thought he was the top in Divine Leaderboard.
How could he not know about this? I’m sure he knows how weak he is. Levi’s the only one who knows the truth. He knows that Karsten died from a self-induced explosion, but he’s quietly admitting that he was the one who killed him. Shamelessly, he accepted the praises and gifts from the others. On top of that. he’s enjoying the thrill of being worshipped. Millions think of him as the top in the leaderboard, but he has chosen not to tell anyone about the truth. Instead, he has chosen to silently take credit for Karsten’s death. He’s silently pretending to be top in the leaderboard!
Just how low can he get!
As the number one on the leaderboard, Levi would enjoy the treatment of being admired and worshipped by millions.
Anything he wanted or intended to do—as long as he voiced it out loud—countless would be fighting against each other to fulfill them for him.
He would be treated like a god in any corner of the world. Thousands would be eager to prostrate before him.
Furthermore, the people around him would get to enjoy the elevated status being associated with him.
In recent days, many prominent figures were hastily trying to butter Shaun, Jennie, and the rest up.
Without hesitation, they were trying to gift them all kinds of treasures and magical medicine.
Supported by these influential figures, they rose to a much higher status in society and now had unparalleled power.
Now, with a single wave of their hands, many would rush to serve them.
The fighters in Divine Leaderboard were all in a hurry to bow to them and treat them as if they were their kings and queens.
No one knew if Levi was enjoying the newfound status, but the Lopez and Black families certainly were.
Previously, they had given up on the fast-track technique, and they were stumped as to what other techniques they could train in.
However, in these few days, they had a selection of tens of thousands of technique books to choose from.
Every single member in the Lopez and Black families got to choose several excellent technique books.
If not for Azure Dragon and Kirin having been summoned by Queenie about the commotion at The Cardinal Hall, they would have gotten a technique book or two as well.
Technically, they were much closer to Levi than the others; hence, there were more people trying to curry favor with them.
Fortunately, they were able to hold themselves back from accepting the gifts from the others.
On the other hand, the Lopez and Black families were accepting a terrifying amount of gifts.
Unable to store them in the few warehouses they had, they began purchasing factories to keep those gifts.
In the past few days, the gifts for Levi were enough to fill several trucks full, and they could barely be put into the overloaded warehouses.
Furthermore, these gifts were the ones that were forced onto them.
Zoey had rejected most of the gifts, or else those gifts would have piled up into a mountain.
No one could even estimate how much all of the gifts were worth.
Yet, now that news of Levi not being the true number one in the leaderboard had spread, everyone was enraged.
They felt that Levi had lied to them.
Early in the morning, hundreds of thousands of people rushed into North Hampton.
They were all there to hold Levi accountable for his “lies.”
The North Hampton’s residence was covered with vegetables and eggs, and it was as if the manor was a dumpsite.
“Levi, you shameless prick! How dare you pretend to be the first on the leaderboard? Did you really think that you were that capable?”
“Get out here and give me back my things!”
“If you don’t come out now, we’re going to raze this place to the ground!”
After a while of screaming and yelling, someone found out where their gifts were stored at.
Thus, they all rushed to that place.
They then forcibly split up the gifts and took back the things they had given to Levi.
In fact, they were even trashing the place.
It was chaotic, to say the least.
The Lopez and Black families suffered as well.
The prominent figures who had treated them like kings and queens were all coming to them to settle the score.
Previously, they spoke to them with the utmost respect, but now, they were throwing kicks and punches.
Everyone in the Lopez and Black families were beaten up badly.
If those figures had not been holding themselves back, they might have killed the Lopezes and the Blacks there and then.
In the end, they left with all the technique books and treasures they had given to the two families previously.
“This is all Levi’s fault! He’s to blame for all this! He’s nothing but bad luck!” screamed Shaun and the others as they lay sprawled on the ground.
We only suffer from bad luck whenever Levi’s involved!


Chapter 2552 Seeking Death

In the manor, Zoey, Azure Dragon, and the others all had similar grave expressions.

Two days ago, they had been living in paradise. Now, they were in hell.
“Great. How many enemies have we made this time?”
“The whole world is our enemy now. If they want to make things difficult for us, what power do we have to defend ourselves from them?”
The two families were silently fuming.
Aaron and his wife even said, “If you knew that you weren’t the one to kill Karsten, why didn’t you say it? Why did you silently take credit for it? Are you trying to rise to fame by pretending to be number one on the leaderboard?”
The others were equally furious as they spat out. “Obviously! If Dark Web placed him in the first place, who’s going to doubt his prowess? After all, that means he’s number one in Divine Leaderboard! Even those who are doubtful wouldn’t dare to challenge him.”
“Of course. If he wasn’t exposed for his lies, no one would have thought that he was just pretending to be powerful. Everyone saw what happened that day with their own eyes.”
“I have to say that Dark Web’s scary. Everyone’s been fooled by Levi, but Dark Web knows the truth! They never put him on the leaderboard.”
“Indeed. I can’t believe I said they were nobodies at the start. As it turned out, not only are they knowledgeable and well-informed, but they won’t even make a mistake!” said Kirin and some others.
Right then, Levi’s voice traveled into their ears. “You’re right. Dark Web is indeed impressive. They even know the true extent of my power. Hahaha!”
The moment Levi’s words were out of his mouth, everyone around him laughed.
“Levi, have you lost your marbles? How can Dark Web not know the true extent of your power? You can’t even make it to the Provisional Leaderboard!”
“Hear, hear. I’m surprised you’re shameless enough to talk about this. Did you think that you’re super mysterious and all? You can fool the others, but you can’t fool Dark Web!”
Levi’s words were met with vehement retorts.
However, what Levi meant was that Dark Web knew how powerful he was, so they had put his name at the back of the stone plaque while putting his three other identities as the top three in Divine Leaderboard.
“Dark Web is a fair entity. You don’t see my name on the stone plaque because it’s behind the stone plaque. It means that I’m above Divine Leaderboard,” Levi explained.
“Bullsh*t! Still trying to bluff us? At the back of the stone plaque? Karsten went to the top that day, and he saw the back of the stone plaque. Why didn’t he say anything about your name?”
No one believed him.
“I wished you were more honest. I know it is a great honor to have your name on the Divine Leaderboard but how could you lie to others by doing this? What if Karsten didn’t take in too much power and explode that day? He would have absorbed you until you die! You were lucky, but the slim chance of him surviving was there. Me, Evie, Mom, and Dad, we’re all going to be so devastated!” Zoey said.
“We understand what Boss feels. He used to be at the top of the pyramid, so he just wants to get back to the top as quickly as he can now. That’s why he did such an extreme thing to even fought with Karsten,” Azure Dragon explained on Levi’s behalf.
However, Levi shot him a glare and growled out, “What the h*ll do you know?”
Right then, things were thrown at the manor’s windows, and the glass shattered.
Then, the rotten eggs were thrown in too.
The onslaught of attacks continued, and even the walls of the manor suffered.
It was as if they were going to collapse at any time.
As it turned out, the crowd outside was so livid that they had begun throwing things at Levi’s manor.
In a blink of an eye, the courtyard was in a mess, and the sulfuric smell of rotten eggs filled the air as the crowd continued cursing at Levi.
Some were even pouring manure at the house.
Everyone could barely breathe in the pungent air as nausea rose to their throats.
Henry and the others fared worse as they were even thrown into the toilet.
“Do you all have a death wish? Fine, I’ll grant you that!”
At that moment, Levi did not care about the Lab of Gods anymore.
He only wanted that group of people to pay a great price for what they were doing.
It was as if Levi was a god of war who descended from the sky.


Chapter 2553 Ten Times The Humiliation

The others in the manor were shocked by Levi’s change as they stared at him with wide eyes.

The aura he’s exuding is mortifying and familiar! It’s as if he’s looking down on the rest of the world like he used to do.
“What are you trying to do?” Zoey questioned.
“Obviously, deal with the people outside,” Levi coldly answered.
“Are you mad? It’ll be a miracle if we manage to avoid them. Why are you still trying to cross them? Every one of them outside is furious right now. All of us will be caught up in the chaos if you go out. We won’t be able to stop them!”
Zoey then grabbed Levi in a vice-like grip, not letting him take another step further.
“Levi Garrison, sit down right now if you still take me as your father-in-law! You have to endure this in silence today!”
Aaron was seething with rage.
“F*ck!” Levi cursed out loud.
There was nothing he could do at that moment.
If he were to leave the house, everyone would scramble to stop him.
Cowards! D*mn it. Can’t you just send one of you to look at the back of the plaque? Also, when is Lab of Gods going to come out?
After venting out their anger, the crowd outside the house slowly dispersed.
Unfortunately, Levi’s manor was completely trashed.
Even the walls of the courtyard had to be repainted.
“I’m going to remember this moment, and I’m going to take revenge on them all.” Levi gritted.
“So what if you remember this moment? There are so many Divine Leaderboard fighters among the crowd. Are you telling me you’re going to take revenge on all of them?”
No one thought anything of Levi’s wrathful words.
Nevertheless, a while later, Levi gave his command. “Order Sacred Organization, Maya Industries, Erudian Alliance, ancient Garrison clan, and Triple Group to make sure the ones who had been creating chaos in North Hampton today pay back ten times of what they’ve done.”
Levi’s simple command dumbfounded the world, for every corner of the world, fighters were on the move.
Oster was the head of a cult in Adrune, and he was in the top one hundred in Divine Leaderboard.
A moment ago, he had just brought his men to Levi’s manor to humiliate him.
Just as they were on their way back, a group of people appeared in front of them.
It was a group of fighters from Sacred Organization led by Death Fiend.
“Take them!” Death Fiend ordered.
Soon, Oster and the others were all on the ground.
“Don’t you enjoy throwing rotten eggs? Very well.”
Then, with an order from Death Fiend, everyone began shoving rotten eggs and stinky trash into Oster and his people’s mouths.
In an instant, sounds of retching echoed in the area.
Similar scenes were happening across the world.
The head of Neptune Industries in Zarain, Ewan, and his men were getting buckets and buckets of manure poured on them.
At the same time, several truckful’s of trash poured into a certain training hall in Raysonia.
In a certain dumpsite in Keerea, hundreds of people were eating piled-up trash.
“Eat them all! Eat everything or you just die!” Donald and a few others who were in charge of Maya Industries yelled.
Similarly, a certain powerful force in Erudia was captured by a group of uninvited guests.
Now, the members of that powerful force were all repeatedly jumping into a cesspit.
Some died from disgust, and quite a few were fighters from the Provisional Leaderboard and the Divine Leaderboard.
The ancient Garrison clan easily wiped out several powerful forces.
As a matter of fact, eleven fighters from Divine Leaderboard were killed.
More and more things were happening across the globe.
It was then someone realized that the ones who were punished were those who had gone to North Hampton to humiliate Levi.
They had all paid the price for their foolish act.
They were suffering through ten times the humiliation they had put Levi through.
Is this what it’s like to cross Levi?
The entire world was taken aback.
“These are the works of Sacred Organization and ancient Garrison clan! Are they standing up for Levi?”
“What’s going on?”
“Dark Emperor is Zoey’s master, so it’s understandable if they stood up for her, but what about the ancient Garrison clan? Why are they standing up for Levi too?”


Chapter 2554 Discovery

“Then it must be because Dark Emperor and ancient Garrison clan’s superiors think that Levi helped with Karsten’s explosion.”

“Yes, that must be why. Although Dark Emperor has set Karsten up, no one knows for certain if Karsten would explode or not. So, Levi’s attack came at the right time.”
With that, the truth was revealed.
Dark Emperor and the ancient Garrison clan were the ones who stood up for Levi.
They were the ones who had dealt with Levi’s enemies.
Still, Levi was feeling down.
Right then, a piece of news came to him—they had found many clues at Restricted Area 76.
Instantly, Levi went to Restricted Area 76.
Indeed, he saw many figures on the screen of the equipment.
Someone was watching Restricted Area 76.
Then, Levi realized there were more clues—someone had entered Restricted Area 76, trying to contact Karsten.
Perhaps it was because the situation was dire, the few uninvited guests did not realize that their presence was recorded.
Furthermore, three days later—after Karsten went into solitary training—someone managed to contact Karsten at Restricted Area 76.
The traces of their presence there had been recorded.
Levi was dumbstruck as he watched the video.
No, no, no! I’ve done everything wrong! I thought they won’t send anyone here after I’ve been found out the last time, but… Could it be that Karsten…
All of a sudden, a pang of realization struck Levi.
The activity peaked during the three days when Karsten was in solitary training. That means that they aren’t here for Restricted Area 76; they’re here for Karsten! The people who have been observing Restricted Area 76 were none other than the people from Lab of Gods. So, these people are from Lab of Gods. In other words, Karsten is someone from Lab of Gods. Even if he’s not a member, he’s definitely someone associated with them.
Levi had heard many discussions about how Divine Extraction Technique was difficult to train; he had heard about how explosions might occur if the user took in too much power or how the absorbed power might not incorporate properly into the body.
All this while, no one could solve that issue; no one could possibly do it in such a short period of time.
Yet, Karsten had managed to master it in a mere month.
He did not explode even after taking in the crystal’s energy.
That meant that he had fixed the flaws of Divine Extraction Technique.
The reason he managed to bypass that was because his body had been remodeled.
If anyone were to ask who did that, the answer was Lab of Gods.
At that thought, a thin sheen of sweat had broken out on Levi’s skin.
He never thought that Karsten would be someone from Lab of Gods.
Back when Karsten just started, he kept a low profile. Moreover, someone had helped to cover Karsten’s track.
Karsten never got the chance to reveal his true power.
Even after joining Divine Leaderboard, someone was still covering up his tracks.
That was certainly Lab of Gods’ style.
They were hiding Karsten’s true power so that he would be able to become as mighty as possible in a short amount of time.
By the time the others noticed it, he was already a powerful being, for he had already extracted the powers of four hundred fighters from Divine Leaderboard and over a hundred thousand other fighters.
Lab of Gods! Levi hummed, pleasantly surprised.
I’ve been looking for them, but it turns out that they’re just right under my nose! And why did Karsten challenge the top three in Divine Leaderboard? It’s likely that it’s a mission from the Lab of Gods. Oh, I get it now. Lab of Gods must have failed to figure out the identities of the top three on Divine Leaderboard, so they wanted to have Karsten get rid of them all at once. I’ve exchanged blows with Karsten before. I know that he didn’t want to challenge the top three on Divine Leaderboard—he wanted to kill them.
“Hahaha!” Levi burst out laughing.
Lab of Gods, you never thought this would happen, did you? Karsten exposed all your tracks! Still, this shows how mighty Lab of Gods is to be able to create someone like Karsten.
“It looks like I’ll have to commence my plan now so that you’ll reveal yourselves.”
Thus, Levi contacted Daxon.
The next day, a piece of news that shocked the whole world was published.


Chapter 2555 Carigrey Academy

The God of War, Dark Emperor, Killfinger, and ancient Garrison clan were collaborating to establish Carigrey Academy, an institute focusing on the best combat techniques and magical techniques.

The Cardinal Hall had then invited top masters of magical and combat techniques to teach the most proper techniques to the students.
All of these masters were the top hundred fighters in Divine Leaderboard.
In other words, it was the most legitimate place for training.
Furthermore, other than the elites of The Cardinal Hall; Gabriel, Eustace, and other Divine Leaderboard’s fighters were there as well.
As a matter of fact, Daxon was going to handpick a selection of individuals to teach them personally.
The best of the best students could even receive guidance from Dark Emperor.
The moment the news of the academy spread, everyone was gripped by shock.
After the new era’s arrival, everyone had achieved great improvement. Yet, none were trained in the right way.
All of them took any technique book they came across and began training without caring whether or not those books were legitimate.
In the end, many problems arose in their training.
Furthermore, with the new Divine Leaderboard, the old tricks no longer worked.
The upper limit was far too low, so even if they had trained as much as they could, they could only be on par with the lousiest individuals on the Divine Leaderboard.
They had no place in the new era.
No one was willing to admit defeat when they were right on the ninety-ninth step.
Everyone wanted their names to be carved on the stone plaque.
Going to the Ancient Clans or prominent forces would be a tough feat, not to mention the high chances of an accident occurring.
They wanted to find opportunities to curry favor Kirin and the others, but it was impossible.
They were not sure if they would be able to find a suitable technique for themselves and whether the organizations would take them in plagued their mind.
Moreover, they were not sure if those organizations would be willing to teach them techniques.
Everything seemed hopeless, but now, things had changed.
The announcement of Carigrey Academy was equivalent to telling the rest of the world that a legitimate place to learn combat and magical techniques was now available.
Not only were there a variety of techniques to learn, but they were also of the most legitimate kind to make the students even stronger than before.
There was no way they were going to pass up on a chance like this.
When Zoey, Kirin, and the others heard about the news, they were over the moon.
So Queenie and Evie were asking us to wait for this piece of news!
Excitement thrummed in their veins at the surprise.
The truth was that this was Levi’s plan all along.
This way, he would be able to prepare himself for the future.
Although he had control over many powerful forces, they were just birds flocked together with no sense of coordination.
If they were to come across any super fighter, they were all going to die.
They had no highly skilled fighters among their ranks.
The only ones who could be put to good use were the ancient Garrison clan, Death Fiend, and a few others.
It was the same case for Maya Industries.
Power was something they had, but actual powerful fighters were something they lacked.
Therefore, Levi needed to train some super fighters.
That way, he would then be truly influential and powerful across the globe, and he would be able to resolve any issues that popped up in the future.
Secondly, Zoey and the others did not have any techniques to train in. The academy would be a good place for them to start.
At the start, Levi wanted to slowly make preparations for the academy before making the announcement.
After all, it was a project that needed quite some time.
However, Levi could not sit and wait for any longer after finding out about the relationship between Lab of Gods and Karsten.
Lab of Gods was curious about Dark Emperor and the identities of the other two but wanted to get rid of them.
Thus, Levi hastily asked The Cardinal Hall to announce the establishment of the academy.
One of his aims was to lure the Lab of Gods to leave more hints around, and the other aim of his was to speed up his plan to train super fighters.
I now know that Lab of Gods is powerful and hiding behind the scenes. I know that they have the power to reign above everyone in this world just by looking at Karsten’s case.
Therefore, he had to speed up his preparations.
Not only did he have to establish Carigrey Academy, but he also had to increase the speed of Sacred Organization using the resources from Restricted Area 76.
That was the only advantage Levi had against Lab of Gods.
Zoey and the rest were quick to gather.
To them, Carigrey Academy was an opportunity that landed right at their doorstep.
“What are the entry requirements? Not everyone can join, right?” Azure Dragon asked.
Instinctively, they turned to Levi.
Everyone could certainly meet the requirements of entry, but that was not the case for Levi.



Supreme Grandmaster - Elder of Sex Sext
Platinum Villager
Sep 24, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 2556 To Know Your Enemy Well

They were all hoping to join Carigrey Academy together, especially since they realized that Levi was exceptionally affected by the ranking on Divine Leaderboard; he had chosen to go down an absurd path for the sake of reputation.

This was an opportunity that Levi needed most.
“We don’t know yet. There aren’t any details about its entry requirements, but at the very least, they’ll have to be people on Provisional Leaderboard or Divine Leaderboard, right?”
“I heard that the ones after the top five hundred in Divine Leaderboard are eager to join. After all, who wouldn’t? This is a chance to meet with the strongest individuals and learn from them,” said some.
“Who cares? Let’s apply to the academy first. We’ll ask Ms. Queenie and Evie to close an eye and let him in. Maybe all of us will be able to get into the academy,” Zoey said.
As long as we can get Levi in, and as long my master is teaching him, everything will be fine.
After that conversation, all of them promptly applied to the academy.
As for the unpublished entry requirements…
Carigrey Academy only announced that they would be publishing the names of the selected ones in two days.
The reason Carigrey Academy had told the public that they needed two days before their announcement was because they had to finish building Carigrey Academy in that two days.
If the plan had stuck to its original course, they would not have been in a rush to finish building the academy.
Levi’s announcement had been too sudden, and no one was prepared for it.
Therefore, they had to make full use of the two days.
The reason that there was a lack of entry requirements was due to the fact that Levi and the others wanted to personally pick who would qualify to join.
Firstly, they had to pick suitable students.
Secondly, they were going to pick people who were on their side, or at least, people who would join their side. After all, they were not planning to train ingrates who would turn on them after completing their training.
Thirdly, and most importantly…
If Levi’s guesses were right, Lab of Gods would definitely want to join the academy.
Of course, they would not send one of their own. Instead, they would send some of their pawns to join the academy.
Then, they would assign them to look into Dark Emperor, Killfinger, and the head of the ancient Garrison clan.
That was a chance for them to know their enemy better, and that was also a chance for Levi.
As long as he had kept a close eye on these pawns, he would not need to worry about being unable to find Lab of Gods.
They were giving Lab of Gods a chance to enter the academy by not setting any entry requirements.
In a way, everything was under Levi’s control.
A day soon passed by.
Hundreds of thousands had applied to the academy, and the number of applicants was still rising by the second.
Moreover, the hundreds of thousands were the ones who possessed a certain amount of power and were confident that they would have a chance to enter.
The weaker ones who tried to apply to the academy could add up to over ten million.
After all, Dark Emperor and the other two were too famous.
Furthermore, the public had reassurance from The Cardinal Hall and the ancient Garrison clan about the academy’s legitimacy.
Levi was thrilled when he received the list of applicants.
There are so many of them. It’s too difficult to sort through each and every one of them, but if I don’t do this, Lab of Gods won’t step into the trap.
That night, Levi assigned his men to start sorting through the list of applicants. At the same time, he analyzed the applicants with the help of his information system.
Zoey and the rest were confused when they saw Levi slaving over the list.
“W-What are you doing?”
Everyone was confounded by Levi’s strange behavior.
Why is he doing with Carigrey Academy’s list of applicants?
“Keep your friends close, and keep your enemies closer,” Levi replied.
The others turned speechless at that, wondering, What’s the point of Levi researching his opponents? They’re strong, and they can join the academy. You, on the other hand, are too weak to even get in.
“Follow us to Carigrey Academy the day after tomorrow. I’m sure you’ll see your name on the list as well. We’ve applied on your behalf. I wonder what Carigrey Academy’s standards for their applicants is. Maybe you might be accepted into the academy,” Zoey said.
Wow, they are indeed very considerate.
Then, Levi ignored them and returned to his list of names.
He went through each and every single applicant.
Levi would mark down the ones who fit his standards before researching more into their background.


Chapter 2557 His Name

Somewhere in Oakland City, Mr. X and the others were having a meeting.

“We’ve sent our men in. Don’t worry as they won’t notice anything. Moreover, it’ll be a piece of cake to enter the academy, not to mention that the ones we’ve sent are those with potential. As long as these people join Carigrey Academy, we’ll find out more clues eventually.”
“After all, Dark Emperor and the other two are going to take in students. Once they appear in public, we’ll know who they are,” Lucifer and some others added.
Nevertheless, Mr. X was a cautious man. He calmly said, “However, something entered my mind recently. Karsten just died, but The Cardinal Hall is already in a rush to establish Carigrey Academy. Could it be that these two matters are connected in some way?”
Lucifer mulled over his words for a moment. “I’m guessing that Karsten’s appearance has made them feel threatened. If Dark Emperor had not set him up, they might not have been able to defeat him. Therefore, they’re planning to join hands to prevent future cases like Karsten’s.”
“So, Carigrey Academy is a disguise for an alliance?”
“Yes, yes. The alliance of the top ten fighters on Divine Leaderboard is a force to be reckoned with.”
“If this goes on, they’ll be the biggest threat to us. We have to get rid of them!”
“Convey my message to the others. The first to find out details about these three will be awarded First Sun!” Mr. X gritted out.
Upon hearing the mention of First Sun, a look of anticipation appeared in Lucifer and the others’ eyes.
This thing was something they all yearned for.
“Understood! I’ll see to it right away!”
After one whole night of research, Levi finally came up with a batch of individuals without any suspicious issues.
Everyone made their pick by choosing the ones with issues, but that was not what Levi did.
He chose the ones who had no issues.
However, Levi was on the right track.
If they are people from Lab of Gods, their history is definitely going to be clean.
There’s no way they’ll let anyone with obvious suspicions infiltrate the academy.
That was why Levi had sorted out a list of people with no questionable history instead.
The less issues they had, the more interested Levi was.
In fact, Levi wanted those who had a completely clean history.
That way, the number of individuals on the list would be smaller.
Levi could guess what common traits his targets shared.
After a round of discussion with Death Fiend and the others, they finally came up with a list of successful applicants.
There were over a hundred teachers in Carigrey Academy. Technically, each of them would be able to teach a hundred people at most.
Therefore, there were less than five thousand names on the list of successful applicants.
Soon, The Cardinal Hall put up the notice that they had sorted through the applicants and came up with a list that they were going to publish the next day.
The world was shocked upon hearing the news.
Zoey and the rest then excitedly dragged Levi to the academy at Carigrey Mountains.
Others did the same, especially those who felt that they had a high chance of getting into the academy.
They had all rushed to Carigrey Academy.
Soon, the place was crowded.
Everybody was waiting for the list to be published.
The next day, the long-awaited moment arrived.
Carigrey Academy’s list was finally published.
They had not selected the applicants based on their power but based on their potential.
“Kirin, White Tiger, Floyd, and Sword Fiend are going to study under.”
“Azure Dragon, Black Tortoise, Kinsley, and Robed Slayer are going to be studying under Divine Brigadier.”
“Zoey and Phoenix are going to study under Hydra.”
Zoey was thrilled to know who she was going to be studying under.
Hydra was the only woman among the top ten fighters on Divine Leaderboard, and she was also Forlevia’s master’s peer.
Soon, everyone found out who they were going to study under.
In fact, even a few of the Lopezes and the Blacks had managed to join the academy.
After all, Levi did not want them to stir trouble elsewhere.
It was much better if he had them stay in the academy where they would be supervised.
Now, the only name they had not found on the list was Levi.
Then, the moment Levi’s name appeared, the crowd went wild.


Chapter 2558 Levi Is A Teacher

Zoey and the others were hoping that Levi would become a student of one of the elites.

In fact, Zoey looked forward to seeing his name more than her own.
Levi had been behaving like a madman recently.
She wanted Levi to calm down, and it would be great if he had a good teacher to learn from.
However, her heart sank bit by bit as the list of names was slowly revealed.
Everyone she knew had managed to join the academy, even lousy fighters like Shaun.
Yet, Levi’s name was nowhere to be seen.
Zoey was starting to panic.
Please let him be on the list! If the entry requirements aren’t based on current capabilities, then Levi has a high chance of entering the academy! He has potential! He has more potential than eighty percent of the people here. Very few can match his potential.
Those thoughts were shared by Azure Dragon and the rest.
They were all waiting to see Levi’s name.
Yet, almost an hour later—when the list was almost at the end—there was no mention of Levi’s name.
How could any of them not be anxious?
They were so nervous that their hands were clammy.
“All right, the last batch now. There is a total of eighty-seven people in this batch.”
The crowd was thrilled when they heard that voice.
So far, one teacher took in the most students.
“Troy, Bruno, Kyler, Eskild…”
A moment later, the names of the eighty-seven people were announced.
Zoey and the others were spiraling in a pit of despair.
Levi’s name never came up.
This is the last batch! Levi has missed the boat! It’s gone! From now on, we’ll be in different worlds. The gap between Levi’s strength and ours will only grow wider.
Right as they were all overwhelmed by desperation, Carigrey Academy continued, “These eighty-seven people will be studying under Crown King of Erudia.”
A shocking announcement dumbstruck everyone.
Crown King of Erudia?
It was a simultaneously familiar and yet foreign name.
Isn’t that Levi? What? The last teacher to be announced is Levi? They didn’t make a mistake, did they?
Everyone was shocked dumb.
All of them had similar looks of disbelief on their faces.
Like the others, Zoey and her company were equally dazed.
Troy and the other eighty-six people who had been on the list were petrified.
To them, Carigrey Academy was a holy place.
They thought that they would be able to achieve the peak of their life after joining the academy.
Yet, their teacher turned out to be Levi.
Everyone there knew Levi…
A few days ago, news about him had shocked everyone.
The selected eighty-seven people would have been overjoyed, for Levi had been the number one on Divine Leaderboard at that time.
Now, they could not bring themselves to even feel a little bit of joy at all.
Everyone knew that Levi did not make it to the Provisional Leaderboard.
What right does he have to be a teacher in the academy?
Many, including Troy, were on the Provisional Leaderboard.
In fact, some were on the Divine Leaderboard.
No one could stand being taught by someone much weaker than them.
They were stunned.
They were going mad.
They were all losing their minds.
How can Levi be a teacher? This is ridiculous! He has no right to be a teacher at all. Crown King is all but an empty title! Yes, it’s a reputable title, but that’s old news! It’s now completely useless.
Levi was pleasantly surprised. The crowd was in an uproar.
Half was gasping in surprise, and the other was questioning Carigrey Academy’s choice.
Zoey and the rest never thought that this would be the way they were going to see Levi’s name.
Is he one of the teachers?
Still, the fact that he was a teacher was real, for Carigrey Academy was the one who announced it.
All of a sudden, they recalled how Levi had been studying Carigrey Academy’s list of applicants.
It was now they realized he had been picking his students back then.
Everything now made sense.
“No way! What right does Levi have to be a teacher?” protested one.


Chapter 2559 What Right Does He Have

“That’s right. What right does Levi have to be a teacher? Give us a satisfactory explanation to that!”

Soon, more followed suit, and they began questioning Carigrey Academy’s choice.
In fact, Zoey and the others agreed with their protests.
They thought that it would have been a tough feat for Levi to become a student at Carigrey Academy.
However, no one expected Levi to be one of the teachers!
Furthermore, he had picked out seventy-eight individuals as his students.
The news was to everyone’s surprise.
Zoey and the others were completely caught off guard.
They were in disbelief.
How can someone who can’t even be on Provisional Leaderboard be a teacher? All the other teachers here are in the top hundred of Divine Leaderboard. There are even terrifyingly skilled masters of magical techniques that no one has heard of. Some of their names were not even on the Divine Leaderboard. In terms of power, they were not as skilled as their students, but it’s because they’re researchers of magical potions and divine tools. Everyone is impressed with their work, but what right does Levi have to be a teacher? He doesn’t have what it takes!
No one could take the news well.
More and more sounds of protests came from the crowd.
“Carigrey Academy, we need an explanation! Why is Levi a teacher? How can he possibly be one? Tell us why!” they screamed.
Truthfully, Troy and the other eighty-six were shell-shocked.
They had done their best in hopes of getting into Carigrey Academy.
Yet, news of their success came along with the news of Levi being their teacher.
At that moment, many were tempted to leave right away.
However, this was the only chance for them to join the academy.
If they were to leave right then, they might never get the chance to join the academy ever again.
On the other hand, they might still have a slim chance to emerge as great beings even if Levi was their teacher.
Thus, they were caught in a dilemma.
Just as everyone was questioning Carigrey Academy about their decision, Azure Dragon shouted, “Calm down! Calm down, everyone!” They’ve only said that he’s a teacher, but they never talked about what he’s going to teach! Individuals who are skilled in developing potions, medicine, and refining divine tool were named as teachers earlier too. Maybe Boss is going to be teaching theory classes like strategizing in battle. After all, he’s the best in the world in battle strategies.”
Once those words were out of Azure Dragon’s mouth, the crowd fell silent.
That’s right. Levi might be teaching combat strategies and others. No one said he’s definitely going to be teaching combat skills!
However, Troy and the others were taken aback by Azure Dragon’s guess.
We’re here to improve in our combat techniques, but they’re going to teach us strategies instead? Are they trying to pull my leg?
Thus, they hastily asked, “Will we get a chance to learn other things in Carigrey Academy?”
We’ll endure this for the sake of joining Carigrey Academy. Everything will be worth it when we get to learn other things later.
Nevertheless, Carigrey Academy said, “Let me clear things up, Crown King will be teaching combat skills, not battle strategies.”
Everyone gasped in shock when they heard that.
Levi? Teaching combat skills and not something else? What… what right does he have to do that?
“We want an explanation! What right does he have to teach combat? Is his name even on the Divine Leaderboard?”
They were all protesting again.
“You did not hear us wrong. Crown King will be teaching combat. His classes will be simple—he’ll be teaching the most basic technique. In other words, the technique that has brought Crown King to the top of the world back then. The effect of this technique is slow but steady. Building a solid foundation is very important. Moreover, his technique requires persistence to succeed as its emphasis is on speed and strength. Once you’ve mastered these two factors, nothing else can compare to this technique. This is Carigrey Academy’s decision. Anyone who is against this is welcome to leave. There is a long line of people behind you waiting to join us.”
The crowd fell silent in an instant.
No one dared to go up against a rule that Carigrey Academy had set.
Despite their frustration toward Levi, none dared to utter another word.


Chapter 2560 Not Fully Accepted

“I think I get it now! Carigrey Academy wants control over both the present and the future! They want to have a backup plan for the future, if not absolute control over it!”

“You’re right! Given how fast times are changing, we mustn’t leave the past behind or Levi might use it against us in the future!”
Everyone began analyzing Carigrey Academy’s motives and that was the outcome of their discussion.
Although Carigrey Academy should explore the latest technology, it shouldn’t invest too much in its research to the point where it would lose sight of the basics and its past.
As such, they decided to only put Levi and the eighty-seven men on the task.
“All right, it’s settled then! Those who do not wish to participate may say so now!”
Troy and the other eighty-six men had conflicted looks on their faces.
They wanted to pull out from Levi’s team but didn’t want to give up on the opportunity to get into Carigrey Academy.
“Troy, congratulations on joining Carigrey Academy’s most talented team!”
“Hahaha… Yeah, you guys will become the most talented team in the future for sure! However, since you guys have been learning his techniques, none of you can make it into the Provisional Leaderboard!”
“I know, right? Even his disciples refuse to learn his techniques! Azure Dragon used to be pretty good, but he can’t even make it into the Provisional Leaderboard after going back to practicing Levi’s techniques!”
“Even his own people don’t trust him, and yet he’s going to become a teacher here at Carigrey Academy? What a joke!”
Zoey and the others felt awkward when they heard the crowd gossiping, but what they said was true.
None of us are practicing Levi’s techniques because they don’t work at all! Heck, Azure Dragon is the best example to prove it! His techniques didn’t work for Cyrus and Mia either. In fact, Cyrus’ aura seems to be growing weaker… These eighty-seven men are doomed!
With that in mind, Zoey and the others flashed Troy and the other men sympathetic looks.
“Hahaha… We may not be able to get into Carigrey Academy, but we’re a lot luckier than you guys!”
“At least we can continue growing stronger while you guys are stuck with the basics!”
“Da*n, this is such a joke! You guys got into Carigrey Academy, but not fully!”
Troy and the men could only sigh in response to the mockery from those around them.
Man, this really sucks! All we get is to wear the title of being students of Carigrey Academy and nothing more!
Unable to withstand the humiliation, someone said, “You know what? I’m kind of done with this! I want to withdraw…”
“Hold on, let me ask them something!”
Troy approached the person in charge and asked, “Would it be possible for us to have a different teacher if we do this?”
“It is possible, but that’s not for you guys to decide! The teacher will only be able to understand your talents and potential after assessing you all in person. Should Crown King deem you guys unsuitable to learn his techniques, he will arrange for you to be assigned to a more suitable teacher! However, he’s not the only one who can do that. The other teachers will also have the same right to transfer you guys. Oh, and one more thing… The institute will also assess your performance every year. You’ll be allowed to apply for a different teacher if you show no sign of improvement.”
Hearing that filled their hearts with a glimmer of hope.
Great! We still have a chance, then!
Although it was a very slim chance, they all began praying that they would be unsuitable to learn Levi’s techniques and get transferred to a different teacher.
Even if that didn’t work, they could just wait a year and apply for a different teacher.
Doing so would result in them falling behind the others by a year, but they were willing to wait.
As such, they were okay with remaining in Carigrey Academy if there was still hope for them.
While the students of Carigrey Academy entered the campus grounds happily and excitedly, Troy and the eighty-six chosen men had frowns on their faces.



Supreme Grandmaster - Elder of Sex Sext
Platinum Villager
Sep 24, 2023
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Chapter 2561 They Are Already Here

They looked so upset that it seemed like they would break down in tears anytime.

Dread filled their faces as they reluctantly walked through the campus gates.
They felt like they were lesser beings compared to the other students at Carigrey Academy and kept their heads low as they didn’t dare look at them.
The students had proud expressions on their faces as they lined up on the field in front of their respective teachers.
They were all eager to show off who their teacher was, except for Troy and the eighty-six chosen men who didn’t want anyone to know they were Levi’s students.
Everyone cheered when they saw the teachers like Divine Brigadier, Eustace, and Gabriel make their appearance moments later.
Troy and the others could only watch enviously from the side and sighed at their misfortune.
Da*n, they get to be taught by all these awesome teachers while we end up with Levi and his useless techniques…
Everyone burst out laughing at them.
“This is the only team with a teacher who’s weaker than his students! What could they possibly achieve?”
“How about I teach you guys instead? At least I’m ranked nine hundred plus on the Divine Leaderboard!”
“That could work! Hahaha…”
Troy and the others wished the ground would just swallow them whole upon hearing that.
The worst part about it was them having no way to argue differently because those students were right about what they said.
At that point, anyone would’ve made a better teacher than Levi.
Everyone sighed upon seeing Levi when he showed up moments later.
Despite Carigrey Academy’s attempts at explaining the situation, none of them deemed him worthy of being a teacher.
The people in charge of the institute were the last to show up.
They were highly respectable people who mentored Forlevia, and they had some important news to announce.
They told the students that Dark Emperor was the chancellor of Carigrey Academy and that the other two were vice-chancellors.
“Sir, why aren’t the chancellor and vice-chancellors here today?” a student asked.
The other students chimed in as well, “Yeah, why are they absent during such an important event?”
Quite a lot of them were actually spies from Lab of Gods.
They were after Dark Emperor and the other two, so they grew anxious when they didn’t see their targets and yelled along with the other students.
“Actually, the chancellor and vice-chancellors are already here…”
Everyone fell silent instantly upon hearing that and began glancing about while Levi watched speechlessly in front.
“Look over here, you guys! All three of them are right here!” he mumbled to himself.
No one’s going to believe that either of them is here with me, let alone all three of them!
They looked at everyone else in the area except for Levi.
“All right, that’s enough. The chancellor can see you all, and that’s all that matters! You guys won’t see him even if he’s standing before you, so it’ll be hard for you to find him anyway!” Daxon said with a smile.
Even so, one of the students pressed on stubbornly, “Sir, aren’t they going to teach us personally? A lot of us came here specifically because of them!”
“Yeah! We want to be their students!”
“Don’t worry, you’ll get your chance! While they will only teach the top performers personally, they are monitoring and managing your development and will personally help improve your potential!”
Daxon’s words sparked the flames of confidence in Troy and the others in his team.
As long as Dark Emperor is watching, we’ll work hard and show him how excellent we are! This is our only chance at getting ourselves a new teacher!


Chapter 2562 Am I Not Qualified To Be Your Teacher

Determined to get Levi replaced, Troy and the others clenched their fists instinctively as they glared at him.

A student sneered at Troy and the others as he said, “That may be true, but we’ll be performing way better and improving a lot more under the guidance of great teachers! Unlike some people, we have a much higher chance at being selected by the chancellor and vice-chancellors!”
He’s right… With a teacher like Levi, there’s no way we’ll ever be able to excel and outperform the others! He’s so weak that he can’t even make it into the Provisional Leaderboard! I bet he’ll only be able to give us theoretical lessons instead of practical ones! It’d take a miracle for a weakling like him to make us strong! Oh, well… I guess we’ll just have to make do with this for now and see how things go…
They all exchanged glances at the thought of that.
Daxon then briefed them on the location of their dormitories, training grounds, and the ground rules at the institute.
Every teacher was assigned a rather decent dormitory and high-tech training facility suited to their teaching methods which combined ancient arts and modern technology.
In other words, everything they were provided with was of the best quality.
Levi and his team, on the other hand, were assigned to Carigrey Academy’s most remote and isolated location.
It had a harsh environment and was surrounded by snowy mountains as their training was based on self-mortification.
Everyone burst out laughing when they saw what Levi’s team got.
Even Zoey and the others felt so embarrassed by it that they wouldn’t dare greet Levi upon seeing him in the institute as they didn’t want others to associate them with him.
Levi clearly isn’t qualified to be a teacher here… This is a complete joke!
Although Troy and the others were okay with a little suffering and harsh living environments, they couldn’t stand the differential treatment received.
They’re all teachers, so why are the others given such nice things while Levi gets all the crappy stuff?
Little did they know, Levi was actually providing them with a quiet environment for their training.
The low temperatures deep within the snowy mountains would allow them to calm themselves and rid their minds of distracting thoughts.
As few would want to be in the harsh environment around them, they would be able to focus on their training without any disturbances from the others.
The harsh environment would keep people away, making it the perfect place to train their techniques without being disturbed.
Levi was originally planning on keeping them locked up in the Prison of Darkness, but he feared they would misunderstand his methods and end up going down the wrong path.
As such, he handpicked an ideal environment to train them instead.
However, they didn’t seem to like the place very much and envied what the other students were given.
“I suppose this is a good thing, after all! We won’t see them around as often if they’re all holed up in the corner! I bet the institute put them there because they ruin its reputation! Man, I feel embarrassed just being here with them!”
Troy and the others were furious when they heard the insults.
What did we do wrong? We didn’t do anything! It’s not like we wanted to be chosen for this! We are simply unfortunate enough to be chosen by Levi, and now we’re being bullied because of it! We can’t do anything in retaliation to the insults and humiliation! Our only chance is to shut them all up by destroying them in the tournament a year later, but how are we going to beat them if we learn from such a weak teacher? What are we going to do? We can’t argue with them, nor can we beat them!
We’re practically running in place while everyone else is advancing at the speed of a rocket!
Just like that, they followed Levi to their training facility with dread and despair written all over their faces.
After unpacking their belongings in their dorm rooms, they gathered around in the training area and glared angrily at Levi.
The temperature around them decreased even further as Levi asked with a smile, “You guys think I’m unqualified to be your teacher, and that I’m weaker than all of you. Am I right?”


Chapter 2563 Some Of You Are Smart Enough

Everyone froze in shock as they didn’t expect Levi to say that at all.

Is he admitting to it right now?
“That’s right! I think you’re weaker than us! You’re not qualified in the slightest!”
Bruno was the first to step forward.
Being a fighter ranked ninety-nine on the Provisional Leaderboard, he was only a step away from the Divine Leaderboard.
Naturally, he didn’t take it too well to have a teacher who couldn’t even make it into the Provisional Leaderboard.
“Same here!” Troy said as he stepped forward without any hesitation.
“Me too!” Eskild chimed in as well.
As a fighter on the Divine Leaderboard, he was the most outraged of them all.
One after another, the men stepped forward to express their disapproval toward Levi.
“Honestly, if it wasn’t for Carigrey Academy’s great reputation, I would’ve left long ago!”
“Yeah! We only chose to stay and endure the humiliation because we could get a different teacher!”
“If we’re lucky, we’ll be able to get a different teacher sooner. If not, then we’ll just have to wait till a year later!”
“This is our only reason for staying!”
Everyone voiced out their true feelings aggressively, much to Levi’s amusement.
“Kyler, Weldon, why aren’t you guys saying anything? What are your thoughts on this?”
Everyone was surprised that Levi knew who they were, especially Kyler and Weldon.
“We don’t have anything to say about this. If the chancellor at Carigrey Academy acknowledges you as a teacher, then we will simply give your teachings our full attention!”
“Exactly! We don’t have much of a say in this, but Carigrey Academy must have its reasons for making such an arrangement. We have no choice but to go along with it, even if we end up being members of reserve forces in the future.”
Levi knew the detailed information on all of his students like the back of his hand.
He had picked all eighty-seven of them because they were truly suitable to train in his techniques.
They were all reliable men with incredible determination to get the job done no matter what, especially Kyler and Weldon who had been practicing the Ancient Arts of Qi night and day.
They only rushed over to Carigrey Academy because they heard there would be all sorts of powerful individuals at the institute.
They were able to rid their minds of distracting thoughts with ease and focused their efforts on a single technique.
Though they could be lacking in talent, they were most certainly going in the right direction.
The path to becoming strong was never easy and required one to take one steady step at a time.
Even with Levi’s talents and strength, it still took him three years to achieve the desired results.
The only enemy he truly faced was loneliness during his solitary training.
Azure Dragon and the others trained hard because they wanted to become stronger, but they were too hasty and easily distracted.
That was why they failed to focus fully on their training.
As such, Levi decided to handpick who he trained, so all eighty-seven of those men were fighters that he wanted to help strengthen.
Although the other students were assigned to more esteemed teachers, they were nothing but foils to their teachers.
The men Levi had chosen were the ones who would truly become powerful fighters.
The whole talk about having the Dark Emperor and the vice-chancellors personally teaching the top performers was based on the limits of what they trained in.
Despite how powerful people like Eustace and Gabriel were, Levi perceived them as absolute trash as their training was nothing compared to his.
“If they arranged for you to be our teacher, then what you teach must be useful somehow! We might not be able to put it to use now, but the time will come eventually!”
“That’s right! Carigrey Academy’s plans and strategies are way beyond our imagination! All we can do is focus on our training!”
Levi nodded at them and said, “Good, at least some of you are smart enough.”


Chapter 2564 The Spies Have Revealed Themselves

Levi liked those who could follow orders.

That’s right! Just do as you are told and train hard instead of asking so many questions!
He glanced at Bruno and Troy as he asked, “You guys think you’re smarter than the others, huh? You think you’ve got what it takes to back up your arrogance?”
The guys were enraged, but Levi simply flashed them a smile as he continued, “You really want those pieces of trash out there to teach you guys?”
Levi’s words shocked everyone to the core.
Did he just call people like Divine Brigadier, Gabriel, Eustace, and the other teachers at Carigrey Academy trash? Isn’t that a little too insolent of him? He will always remain at the bottom of the food chain for the rest of his life! Does Levi not realize who he is compared to them? He can’t even make it into Provisional Leaderboard, and he’s calling those on the Divine Leaderboard trash? If they’re trash, then what would that make everyone else?
“You’d better take responsibility for those words, Levi! How dare you call those other teachers trash? You’re practically signing your own death warrant!” Eskild shouted.
“Yeah! Do you not realize how weak you are? Where did you find that confidence to call them trash, huh?”
The rest of them chimed in as well, only to have Levi reply with a sneer, “That’s right, they are all trash to me! It doesn’t make a difference whether I’m saying this in front of you guys or to their faces!”
Those men were on the verge of exploding from anger and disbelief.
They had never seen anyone that stubborn and wanted nothing but to teach Levi a lesson.
Troy couldn’t hold himself back any longer and spoke up, “Levi, are you still stuck in that phase where you think you defeated Karsten all by yourself? You really think you’re number one on the Divine Leaderboard?”
“That was what happened! I killed Karsten, so I am the strongest. Also, you should be addressing me as Master Garrison, not by my name,” Levi replied coldly.
“You’re crazy! You of all people should know that Karsten’s death has nothing to do with you! Do you guys see this? He’s a madman! I would rather withdraw than have this lunatic teach me! I’m a Divine Leaderboard fighter! There’s no way I’m taking lessons from someone who can’t even make it into the Provisional Leaderboard! That’s it, I’m withdrawing!” Eskild shouted angrily at the top of his lungs.
Kyler and Weldon were quick to stop him. “Calm down! You only get one chance at attending Carigrey Academy! You will never be able to get back in if you withdraw!”
“I would rather leave than have him as a teacher!”
“Very well, then. You may leave! Does anyone else want to withdraw? Feel free to go with him!” Levi shouted at the others.
“I’m leaving!”
“Me too!”
Another six of them came forward.
The others hesitated for a bit but resisted the urge to leave and chose to remain in Carigrey Academy.
“You guys will regret staying here! All of you!” Eskild yelled while laughing as he left with the six other students.
Levi felt a lot better as he watched them slowly disappear from sight.
Man, those guys sure are complete amateurs! I can’t believe this was all it took for them to expose themselves!
As it turned out, Levi had suspected Eskild and four of the six guys to be spies.
Their data were simply too clean to be true, so he deliberately handpicked them to be on his team for closer observation.
Little did he know, they ended up leaving on their own before the training even started.
They knew it would be incredibly difficult for them to meet Dark Emperor or any of Carigrey Academy’s higher-ups.
As such, they would rather leave before exposing themselves by making their intentions obvious.
Of course, Levi knew they wouldn’t truly leave Carigrey Academy.


Chapter 2565 Defeat Me

Yes, those men left to find other opportunities.

As Lab of Gods had trained them to be elites, they refused to give up.
Never once did they forget their mission—to stay here!
“Comrades, we can’t leave like cowards! We need to find a way to get other teachers to take us as students. Listen to me! We shall get on our knees for three days straight. That way, the high-rank officials won’t ignore our plight!” Eskild announced.
“All right! Let’s do that!”
Soon, Eskild and the other six went on their knees on the square in the middle of Carigrey Academy to ask to become someone else’s students.
Their action attracted a lot of attention, and a crowd soon gathered around them.
Everyone couldn’t help but pity their plight and admire them for their tenacity.
After all, they were the only ones who’d rather leave Carigrey Academy than become Levi’s students.
Most people couldn’t do that!
“I’m impressed by your courage!”
“I couldn’t do this if I were in your shoes. There’s no way I’ll let the opportunity slip!”
“It’s disappointing to become Levi’s student, but everyone has to accept it!”
The crowd expressed their admiration for Eskild and the others.
“Let’s go ask our teachers to accept them!”
“Yes, let’s go ask our respective teachers. We can’t let them leave like that!”
As Eskild and his friends did the impossible, the other students couldn’t hide their reverence for them.
They promptly went to ask their teachers to accept them.
Eskild, who was kneeling on the ground, flashed a mysterious smile.
After kicking those men out, Levi was pleased.
He couldn’t really reveal everything when the spies were here, but now they were gone.
The spies had left the best place, for their target was none other than Levi himself!
Alas, they chose to leave Levi.
Now, Levi could focus on training the fighters.
He knew that those men would stay in the academy.
“All right. Let’s begin!” he announced.
However, his students wore calm expressions to show their unwillingness.
“Who else have a problem with me?” Levi asked.
“You might be my teacher, and I respect Carigrey Academy’s arrangements, but I’ll never respect you! Never!” Bruno answered.
Everyone nodded in agreement. “Yes, same here!”
“We agreed to stay because of Carigrey Academy’s reputation, not because of you! Though we are your students, we will never have respect for you!”
Troy chimed in, “The only way to earn my respect is to show us your skills!”
“Yes, you’ll earn our respect if you defeat us! Otherwise, we don’t even know what we’re going to learn. We don’t want our skills to regress!”
“That’s right. We’ll only respect someone who is stronger than us! Only strong fighters have the right to teach us!”
They were on the same page, venting out their frustrations.
Levi’s lips curved into a grin. “How do I earn your respect, then?”
“That’s easy. Defeat one of us! We’ll pick the strongest fighter among us. You can earn our respect if you defeat that person,” Bruno said.
Turning to Troy, he continued, “Troy is a Divine Leaderboard fighter, so he’s the strongest among us! Battle against him. You’ll earn our fear if you crush him!”
“Yes!” everyone else chimed in. “We’ll show you reverence if you beat Troy, the strongest of us all!”
Troy stared at Levi, deadpanned. “Come on, Master Garrison. Let’s fight! Don’t you want to earn our respect? Are you a coward?” he declared in a provoking manner.



Supreme Grandmaster - Elder of Sex Sext
Platinum Villager
Sep 24, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 2566 A Punch That Shocks Carigrey Academy

“Come on!” Levi urged.

Just when Troy was about to take action, Levi called out, “Wait a minute.”
“What is it?” Everyone glared at him.
“What’s wrong? Are you going back on your word?”
“Ha! Are you afraid of Troy?”
“Never mind if you’re scared. We’ve never respected you, anyway. You can still be our teacher and teach us!”
“Yes, as long as you give in, we’ll let this off!”
They promptly joined in the discussion.
“No, what I mean is, you should all join in the fight instead of sending him!” Levi explained.
“What?” The moment those words left his lips, everyone fell silent in astonishment.
What? He wants us to fight against him together? Such arrogance! He’s being arrogant just like how he scolded us for being trash earlier!
“All right, you asked for it. I won’t hold back! Don’t blame me if I kill you!”
“Yes, we shall do our best! If anything happens to you, it isn’t our fault!”
Everyone instantly got all pumped up to unleash the beasts in them on Levi!
They wanted to take the opportunity to wipe Levi out so Carigrey Academy would assign another teacher to them.
Sharing a look, they confirmed that they were on the same wavelength.
Their goal was to wound Levi seriously so he would step down as a teacher!
That way, they’d get assigned to another teacher.
However, these young men were kind enough to spare Levi’s life. They only wanted to injure him.
It had never crossed their minds to sacrifice someone to achieve their goals.
Levi snickered. “It doesn’t matter. Come on! Do your best!”
“Sure! Be careful!”
Troy and the other seventy-nine men beamed excitedly, ready to attack to accomplish their goal.
They all took action in unison.
It was a mind-blowing sight.
Levi glanced at them and shook his head in resignation. “Too weak, too light, too slow.”
Levi blasted out a punch.
Thump! Thump!
One punch from him, and the earth shook.
Before the punch landed on Troy and the rest, its aura was enough to suppress them.
The sensation was akin to being pinned underneath a mountain.
One by one, they dropped to their knees and sank to the ground.
The force from the punch flew past them.
It was launched with such power that it broke the sound barrier, resulting in a sonic boom.
Everyone stared at it intently.
Under their watchful eyes, the punch blasted a tall mountain behind them into smithereens.
A path in the shape of a fist appeared in the middle of the mountain range.
The mountain range that was located behind them was over a thousand meters tall.
The sun had never appeared on one side as it was snowing all year.
However, Levi’s punch created a passageway between the mountain range!
Their jaws hung wide in shock.
Troy, Bruno, and the rest couldn’t help but gaped at the shocking sight.
A terrifying power shot to the sky before spreading everywhere and the shock wave was powerful enough to decimate everything in its path.
The snow-capped mountains shook violently under the impact of a mere punch.
It was absolutely terrifying!
Boom! Boom!
Besides that, the entire Carigrey Academy started shaking as though an earthquake had descended.
Before this, they had heard a loud boom that was as loud as thunder.
Eskild and his men, who were initially on their knees, fell to the ground.
“What’s going on?”
“What happened?”
They panicked at once.
It wasn’t just them, for the entire Carigrey Academy had descended into utter chaos.
All students and teachers were running around, demanding to know what had happened.
“Can someone tell me what is going on?”


Chapter 2567 The Strike Splits Carigrey Mountains

All hell had broken loose in Carigrey Academy.

Everyone was affected, including the teachers and students.
They scurried around, trying to find out what was going on.
Alas, even the teachers had no idea what that was.
That was where things became complicated.
After all, the commotion had nearly caused Carigrey Academy’s ruin.
Even the outside world could sense the shock wave.
The participants who were here for the selection halted in their tracks in fear.
“Did something happen in Carigrey Academy? That was a loud boom!”
“I think someone has destroyed Carigrey Academy!”
They began a heated discussion.
“Look at Carigrey Mountains!” someone yelled all of a sudden.
Everyone turned their heads around and saw a huge hole in the middle of the mountain range.
Right smack in the middle, the hole in a shape of a fist looked like it had been carved out.
“Oh my goodness! Did someone create the hole with a punch?”
“It resembles a fist, so you might be right!”
They discussed excitedly amongst themselves.
Breaking into a cold sweat, they couldn’t help but imagine how powerful the fighter was.
After all, it only took one earth-shattering punch to blast a hole in the middle of the mountain range.
It was simply unimaginable!
The people outside knew what had happened, but those in Carigrey Academy were still at a loss.
They were too near to the mountain range to see that horrifying void.
Until now, they were still scrambling to find out what had transpired.
Daxon and the rest scrunched up their expressions, for today was the first day Carigrey Academy was opened to the public.
They couldn’t afford to bear the consequences and humiliate themselves.
What a disgrace!
“Hurry, find out what’s going on. Be quick!” they ordered.
The students were panicking too.
“Isn’t it too exciting an experience on the first day?”
Zoey and the rest gathered together in fear.
They had never encountered such a huge commotion before.
This was much bigger a commotion compared to the time when Karsten died.
Meanwhile, back at the “crime scene.”
Troy and the others knelt on the ground without moving.
They looked like stone sculptures.
In fact, they looked like walking corpses who had lost their souls.
What was that? Did Levi, the teacher, we assumed to be weaker than us, blast a void in the middle of Carigrey Mountains? My god, he has such terrifying strength!
They saw how Levi gave a casual punch, so he obviously didn’t give his best shot.
The blow was most probably one-tenth of his normal strength!
Otherwise, the shock wave itself would crush them to pieces.
Karsten was no match for him!
If Karsten battles against Levi…
Wait a minute!
Suddenly, a horrible thought popped up in Troy and the others’ minds.
Didn’t Levi and Karsten battle with each other? It only took one punch from Levi to make Karsten erupt. However, everyone else said Karsten died because he had absorbed too much of everything and exploded. In fact, it was Levi who killed Karsten with just a blow!
Realization dawned on them.
After all, they did see how Levi killed Karsten with one punch.
Levi’s name wasn’t inscribed on the stone plaque.
They had heard rumors of how Levi’s name was carved into the back of the stone plaque, but no one bothered to take a look.
It is clear that Levi wasn’t lying then!
They finally understood everything.
As Carigrey Academy had gathered many elite fighters, they wouldn’t be assigned a teacher who wasn’t even on the Provisional Leaderboard for no reason.
Weldon’s right! Carigrey Academy’s arrangements made sense!


Chapter 2568 I Am Not At The Top

Everything makes sense now. It’s a win for us!

They couldn’t help but beam in delight.
Initially, they thought they had gotten the worst teacher, but Levi was, in fact, the strongest teacher!
All the teachers are no match for him!
Luck is on our side! Eskild and the rest who have escaped earlier are fools to have missed the opportunity. If Eskild was upset, he could’ve challenged Levi.
At that thought, everyone’s lips curved up.
This must be fate.
They were fated to succeed!
It was clear that Eskild and his friends weren’t this lucky.
Some of Levi’s students were relieved that they hadn’t left with Eskild earlier.
The reason they stayed back was because of Carigrey Academy’s reputation.
It was a close call!
They all broke into a cold sweat.
Finally, they admitted defeat, for Levi had earned their respect rightfully.
They couldn’t help but feel ashamed at how narrow-minded and foolish they acted back then.
Especially Troy and Bruno, who took the initiative to pick a fight, wished the ground would just swallow them whole.
“Do I have the right to be your teacher now?” Levi asked with a grin.
No one uttered a word.
Troy flashed a bitter smile. “Master Garrison, I apologize for my foolish actions. You’re not only qualified to be our teacher, but you can even be the Divine Brigadier’s teacher!”
“Yes, we finally know that you were the one who killed Karsten. No one is your match! Divine Bridagier and the rest would definitely want to be your students willingly.”
“I must’ve saved the world in my past life to be lucky enough to be your student now! My forefathers must be proud of me!”
They expressed their thoughts happily.
“Master Garrison, please accept our bows!”
With Troy as their leader, the students got to their knees and gave Levi a polite bow.
Levi had earned their reverence.
If they refused to admit defeat, he would’ve beaten them up.
“Don’t feel relieved. You’ll be undergoing an intense training session soon. I’ve selected you personally. Most of you had practiced asceticism, but what will come next is beyond that. It isn’t just physical pain, for you’ll be suffering mentally,” Levi warned.
Everyone’s expressions changed right then.
“We’re not afraid!” came their deafening reply.
Levi revealed, “Actually, what I’m going to teach you is pretty easy. It’s the basic technique mentioned by Carigrey Academy. This is no secret, for a lot of outsiders know of its existence. My wife and comrades have discarded it. However, I gained my power from this technique. The technique is to pursue ultimate power and speed. When you master the technique, you’ll be undefeatable! I’m still practicing the technique, for the end isn’t even in sight.”
His tone turned serious as he continued, “However, it requires your determination and sole focus. You need to abandon everything else, including other techniques, and bear with the torture and loneliness. It will be hard for you. Other students in the academy might improve drastically after their teachers taught them, but your improvements might be tiny, or even none. This is a test of your tenacity. If you can hang in there and achieve a breakthrough; then you can defeat anyone in the near future, including Divine Brigadier and the rest. I’m not at the top, for I’m still practicing this technique!”
Levi didn’t hold back and shared everything he knew about the technique.
Upon hearing his words, the rest tensed up.
It didn’t seem like they were the type to shy away from challenges.
“You can still change your mind.”


Chapter 2569 Is Your Name Carved Behind The Stone Plaque

As soon as Levi said that, everyone else stared at him intently.

“I’ll train along with you, and provide instructions when needed. However, I can’t promise you’ll improve quickly. It might take three to ten years to see an improvement,” he warned.
Everyone gaped at his words.
In this era where improvement was swift, no one could afford to wait for ten years.
The world might not even exist after ten years!
No one could wait that long.
Others might blanch at his words, but the students Levi picked were unfazed, for they were stubborn beings who had been practicing asceticism all the while.
“Though you won’t see an improvement for some time, persistence will lead to unexpected surprises. You’ll be able to defeat others easily, but first, you need to persevere,” Levi explained.
After a pause, he announced, “I’ll give you another choice—you can choose to leave! But I don’t mean leaving Carigrey Academy, of course. I’ll arrange for you to get assigned to other teachers, and I can also instruct you on different techniques.”
A commotion immediately broke out amongst the students, for never in their wildest dreams did they expect that Levi would give them another choice!
“Now, you can pick your side. Those who want to quit can step aside.” Levi spoke, his voice ringing with authority.
Determination shone in the students’ gazes.
They were prepared to face the unknown!
Even if it would take twenty years, they’d hang on until the end!
No one was willing to opt out.
“All right, three minutes is up. No one opted out! You won’t get another chance to regret your decision from now on!” Levi was pleased with his students’ decisions.
He chuckled. “Good. I’m glad! From now on, you’ll suffer within a radius of one hundred miles! Get up!”
Everyone got to their feet.
Right then, a group of men rushed over to them.
“Something major has happened!”
It was Daxon and the rest. “Did nothing happen here?” they urged, curious at how calm Levi and his students were.
“Hey, look!” Eustace suddenly pointed at the Carigrey Mountains in the far distance.
Everyone looked in that direction and belatedly realized the commotion had started here.
Levi inquired, “I threw that punch. What’s the matter?”
“Oh. I-It’s nothing. We’ll take our leave now.”
Daxon and the rest promptly fled the scene.
Seeing that, Troy and the remaining students were amazed.
Did Levi scare them off just like that? That’s amazing! They know of Levi’s ability, then.
“Oh, so there’s utter chaos outside.”
“They had no idea it originated from here!”
Troy and the others broke into grins, for they were initially looked down upon by others in Carigrey Academy!
“All right. I’ll teach you the basic technique now. Come on, let’s go deep into the mountains!”
With that, Levi led his students into the mountains.
Kyler couldn’t stop himself from asking, “Master Garrison, is your name carved behind the stone plaque?”
Levi replied honestly, “Yes, that’s right. Karsten saw it that day, so he kept calling my name before he died.”
“Yes, I heard that! I thought he knows you. Now that I think of it, he must’ve seen the name behind the stone plaque!”
“Master Garrison, do we have the chance to see your name behind the stone plaque? Think of it as a form of encouragement for us!” Weldon pleaded.
“Sure, that works. You’ll have to wait until I finish teaching. Tomorrow, I’ll bring you all there!”
“Okay! Thank you, Master Garrison!”
Meanwhile, Carigrey Academy was still in an uproar.
“Everyone, calm down. I know the truth.”


Chapter 2570 Levi Is Misleading His Students

It was Daxon and the others who had made that announcement.

“Huh? What’s going on?” Everyone turned to look at them.
“The chancellor and vice-chancellors caused it when they were training,” Daxon announced.
As all three positions were Levi technically, he wasn’t lying.
“What? The chancellor and vice-chancellors are that capable?”
“Oh, dear! They are stronger than Karsten!”
“I’m going to be a good student, so the chancellor or vice-chancellors will set eyes on me!”
Knowing that the chancellor and vice-chancellors had caused the commotion, everyone was pumped up.
Their fists balled up as determination blazed in their eyes.
Even Zoey grew increasingly excited.
I’ll become Dark Emperor’s student once again by working hard to improve myself!
She dared not mention she was Dark Emperor’s disciple, for it was too embarrassing.
After all, she was no match compared to him.
“All right. If that’s it, please return to your respective teachers!” Daxon ordered.
“Sir, won’t you pity them? They’ve been on their knees for a long time. None of them did anything wrong. It was because Levi picked them. It’s a pity to kick them out of Carigrey Academy! Why don’t you assign them to other teachers? They are talented fighters! Eskild is a fighter on Divine Leaderboard!”
“Yes, please help them!”
The crowd started pleading for Daxon’s help.
Sighing, Daxon glanced at Eskild and the rest before giving in. “All right, then. Gabriel, Eustace, take two each. I’ll take the remaining three!”
Gabriel and Eustace nodded in agreement. “Sure!”
Clap! Clap! Clap!
His announcement was greeted by a thunderous roar of applause.
“Congratulations, Eskild! You got a better chance!”
The students immediately relayed their congratulations to Eskild and the other six.
“Thank you! Thank you…”
Eskild and the other six were overjoyed.
Finally, their wishes came true, as they got assigned to other teachers.
Eskild and the other three spies were especially delighted, for they had a mission on hand.
They could carry on with their mission to investigate Dark Emperor and the other two.
Now that they were the Divine Brigadier and students of other strong teachers, it was a rare opportunity that gave them more chances to interact with their targets.
“Bunch of fools! They refused to leave with us and remained with Levi!”
“If they had come with us, they would’ve been assigned to other teachers now!”
Viggo and the remaining three men who weren’t spies spat mocking words.
They thought they did the right thing by leaving along with Eskild!
Those who remained with Levi were called “fools.”
Thus, the seven of them ended up being Daxon, Eustace, and Gabriel’s students.
On the first day, the teachers would provide a brief introduction.
After that, the students were given free time so they could get to know Carigrey Academy faster.
Everyone started strolling all-around Carigrey Academy.
However, they were most curious about Levi and his students.
After touring around Carigrey Academy, all the students headed for Levi’s place.
Soon, they arrived to see Troy and the others practicing.
The newcomers broke into laughter at the sight.
“Are you seriously practicing this basic technique? Even my dog won’t practice it!” they mocked.
Zoey, Azure Dragon, and the rest grimaced at the sight.
They felt uncomfortable seeing how the students were practicing hard and assumed that Levi was misleading the students!
What a waste of potential students!
“Mm? Eskild? Why are you still here?” Troy and his friends halted in their tracks.
Eskild and his gang wore arrogant expressions.
“We have an announcement to make. Don’t get upset!”



Supreme Grandmaster - Elder of Sex Sext
Platinum Villager
Sep 24, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 2571 You Have No Idea What You Have Missed

Eskild, Viggo, and the other five said, “As we persevered, Divine Brigadier, God of Massacre, and the previous head of the Garrison clan took us as their students.”

“Yes. We fought for our own future. It was your fault for not leaving with us. We were assigned to other teachers after leaving!”
The seven of them puffed up their chests proudly in anticipation of the others’ envious and complicated gazes.
They must’ve regretted not coming with us!
However, they were stunned by what happened next.
Their smiles were gone, they stared at the remaining students in disbelief.
To their surprise, Troy and the seventy-nine students were unfazed by their announcement.
Their bulging eyes relayed the message. That’s it? So what?
No way! This is impossible! Shouldn’t they be full of regrets and anguish? Shouldn’t they get envious? Why are they this calm? It was as though they had experienced the end of the world. Look at how uninterested they are!
“Didn’t you hear us clearly? The seven of us became students of the Divine Brigadier among others! You must be regretting your decision to stay!” Viggo yelled in exasperation.
At his words, Troy and the rest doubled up in laughter.
They couldn’t stop laughing.
The newcomers were stunned.
Not only Eskild and Viggo, but even the thousands of students couldn’t believe their eyes.
This doesn’t make sense at all! They should be seething with jealousy after finding out their companions are doing so much better than them, right? Their reactions are the opposite of what we expected. Look at how they are cackling maniacally. Is that disdain we see in their eyes?
Yes, Troy and his seventy-nine friends were sniggering at how Eskild and the other six were assigned to other teachers.
They clearly didn’t give a damn about it, let alone feel jealous.
It was as though they were mocking Eskild and the other six for losing an important chance, and the envious ones should be Eskild and the other six!
Everyone couldn’t comprehend the situation.
Most students had arrived to see Troy and the seventy-nine men’s disheartened expressions, so they were shocked to see how pumped up Troy and the seventy-nine men were.
Confusion overwhelmed them as they fell silent.
“Are you forcing smiles? Don’t do that. Everyone in Carigrey Academy knows about your pathetic experiences! You’re too unlucky to get assigned to this useless teacher. It has nothing to do with your ability. You still have the chance to get assigned to other teachers! Just cry all you want!” the crowd consoled.
Troy said, “We’re fine. I think Master Garrison is a great teacher. I’ve decided to be his student. I won’t go to other teachers!”
Weldon chimed in, “Yes, Master Garrison is the best! He’s the only one in Carigrey Academy who has earned my respect!”
“Me too! I only want to learn from Master Garrison!”
“I agree with Weldon!”
The eighty students expressed their opinions.
It was clear that they wanted to be Levi’s student sincerely instead of putting up an act before the outsiders.
Everyone else was shocked beyond belief.
What happened? Why do they trust Levi so much? That’s impossible! Did Levi cast a spell on them? Otherwise, how did he gain their respect?
Kyler snickered. “Eskild, you have no idea what you missed.”
“Huh?” Eskild froze.
Is Levi capable enough of gaining their respect? Did I miss something for real?


Chapter 2572 A Bunch Of Fools

Everyone else shared his sentiment.

However, they quickly came to their senses.
No way! We just saw them practicing the useless basic technique. Either Levi had deceived them with lies, or they have resigned to their fate. They must’ve accepted fate and pretended that they don’t care!
“Just you wait. Two years later, I’ll defeat each and every one of you!”
“Yes, this technique is stronger than you can imagine. We need time to prove our skills. Give us a couple of years to show you a miracle!”
In the face of the other students, Troy and his friends couldn’t wait to reign above them.
They made bold statements with confidence instinctively.
Alas, the other students cracked up at their words.
Some covered their bellies that hurt too much from laughing, while some were already rolling on the ground.
“A couple of years? That’s too late!”
“Carigrey Academy might be gone in a couple of years. Who will you show your skills to?”
“Don’t you know how fast this era is? Things might change in a couple of months. Who knows what will happen a couple of years later?”
Eskild and the rest calmed down.
Initially, they thought Levi was capable enough of earning the students’ respect, but now it was clear that he was full of lies.
Levi was just painting a rosy picture about the future!
In this era, it was pointless to talk about the future.
After all, the future was only six months away.
It would be too much to talk about what would happen a year later, so to conclude, Levi was still a useless person.
For just a moment there, they were scared witless at the thought that Levi was someone capable, but now they were assured.
They were completely relieved.
“It’s fine. We trust Master Garrison. The future belongs to us!” Troy and the others said in unison.
One could see persistence in their expressions.
They couldn’t help but feel grateful to Levi for asking them whether they wanted to pick between now or the future.
If they hadn’t struggled internally to make a decision earlier, they’d be in a dilemma at the question hurled at them now.
Levi had forced them to make up their minds, so they had nothing to fear now.
“What a bunch of fools.”
“I can’t believe you’re resigned to become Levi’s students!”
“Ha! Just you wait. They will panic once we improve, and they remain the same.”
“Remember the competition a year later? We shall see if they regret their decisions. By then, I can defeat all eighty of them single-handedly!”
Everyone stared at those students like they were fools.
On the other hand, Zoey and the rest felt extremely guilty, for they assumed that Levi was misleading the students.
Zoey even had the urge to talk some sense into Levi so he would step down from the position.
That way, he wouldn’t delude the students.
It was a waste of talent to hand those students to Levi.
After all, Levi would only ask others to practice his basic technique.
They had been sabotaged by him for a long time, especially Azure Dragon, who was now behind everyone.
Unfortunately, after they escaped from Levi’s clutches, those students were forced to practice the basic technique and took over their places.
Zoey and the others didn’t want to see that happen.
“I feel oddly guilty,” Azure Dragon remarked.
However, Troy and the seventy-nine students remained steadfast.
The crowd grew restless and began wandering around the area.
“Hey, what is that?”
Finally, someone spotted the opening in Carigrey Mountains.
He pointed at the opening, at a loss for words.
Everyone turned in the direction he was pointing.


Chapter 2573 One Person

It was a mind-blowing sight.

Never had anyone seen such a scene in their lives.
The crowd was familiar with Carigrey Mountains, for they had seen the mountain range before they arrived at Carigrey Academy.
And yet, there was a colossal hole in the middle of the mountain range.
Did someone do this on purpose?
Comprehension dawned, and they recalled the huge commotion that happened in Carigrey Academy earlier.
That must’ve originated from here! Oh, dear! How did this happen?
“Did the chancellor and vice-chancellors cause this during their training?”
Recalling Daxon’s words, everyone gasped in surprise.
“Oh my gosh! How did they do that? I can’t imagine it!”
Everybody present was stunned by the majestic sight.
Though they know the top three fighters on the Divine Leaderboard were strong, they hadn’t seen anything from them with their own eyes.
Though they sensed Karsten’s powerful aura back then, they never really saw how powerful his attacks could be.
None of them had experienced a strong fighter’s powerful blow prior to this.
Hence, they couldn’t believe their eyes.
“I think the chancellor and vice-chancellors sent a powerful blow that caused so much damage! There’s no way a person could create this single-handedly,” Eskild guessed.
“Mm! I agree. No way a man can be this powerful!” Asura, Daxon’s student, chimed in.
“That’s right. One man can’t do this alone. Otherwise, he would’ve shown up and destroyed Karsten!”
Everyone began discussing the matter confidently.
They were certain that more than one person had caused this destruction.
“There’s no way a man had achieved this feat alone!”
That was what went through everyone’s mind.
“The three of them must be super strong to cause this blow!”
“Yes, they must be extremely powerful!”
“I’d be delighted if I were their student.”
Everyone voiced out their opinions one by one.
A voice suddenly rang out. “Ha! The hole was caused by three men? Says who?”
The crowd turned and realized it was Troy.
Bruno, Kyler, and Weldon chimed in, “Yes, says who?’
The others joined in. “Did you see three men blasting the hole? Why did you say that?”
The others were confused by their sudden question.
There was no way they’d buy someone else’s account, but Troy and the students had been here all the while.
It was highly possible that they had witnessed the entire incident with their own eyes.
Eskild and the rest blanched at the discovery.
“Oh, you can see it from here. Yes, the angle makes sense!”
“I can’t believe they witnessed it! How lucky of them!”
A wave of envy swept across the crowd.
They saw the strike-slip fault of Carigrey Mountains. If I were them, I would have no more regrets in my life!
Eskild and his gang blurted out, “Troy, hurry, tell us! Did you see it? You must’ve seen it…”
The rest looked in their direction curiously.
“Of course! We saw everything clearly!”
Troy and the seventy-nine students flashed proud grins.
They could still remember how Levi threw that powerful punch.
Their beaming and proud expressions were proof that they had witnessed the incident.
“How many men did that?” Viggo urged.
“Three, right?” Kirin blurted out.
“Of course not. It was one person!” Troy refuted.
The others gasped at his answer.
One person?
They couldn’t believe their ears.
That’s amazing! How could a person cause such huge destruction? He must be extremely strong! I can’t even imagine how!


Chapter 2574 It Is Master Garrison

“Who was it? Hurry, tell us!” Eskild grabbed Troy’s shoulder and shook the latter earnestly.

“Did you see who did it? Hurry, tell us who he is!” everyone uttered anxiously.
They wanted to know whether it was Dark Emperor or the other two who did it.
Troy and the students replied firmly, “We won’t tell you!”
The crowd fumed at their answer, but they were eager to know who the fighter was.
Eskild and the spies were especially frantic, for their mission was to find out Dark Emperor and the other two’s real identities.
They didn’t want to miss any clues.
Hence, they were more frantic than anyone else at the scene.
Alas, they didn’t realize someone else was watching them in the dark.
“Please leave now. It’s time for our training!” Troy said.
He didn’t want to invite trouble and told the rest to leave.
“Fine, we’ll leave! So what if you saw the person? You will never be his students!”
“You won’t get the chance, but we most probably will!”
The crowd sneered coldly.
Troy and the rest continued with their training calmly and ignored those students’ mocking words.
The crowd quickly lost interest in them.
“A useless teacher and a bunch of uneducated fools. They are beyond saving!”
“You’re fated to remain in a secluded place like this for the rest of your life!”
One by one, the crowd left Levi’s place.
After they were gone, Eskild and the rest came back.
“Troy, if you tell us what you saw, we can arrange for you to get assigned to any teacher you wish!”
“Yes, we know how much you hated being Levi’s student. Just tell us what you saw earlier!”
Turns out Eskild wanted to find out what Troy and the rest saw earlier and made attractive offers to persuade them to change their minds.
Alas, Troy and the seventy-nine students realized something was wrong.
Did he just make that offer just to find out what we know? Something is amiss!
They exchanged a look before answering, “All right, we shall reveal it. It was Master Garrison who did everything!”
“Yes, Master Garrison did that all alone!”
They told the truth.
“Stop joking. It couldn’t possibly be Levi!”
As expected, Eskild and his gang thought Troy and the rest were fooling around with them.
None of them believed anything of the sort would happen.
Never mind if you don’t want to reveal the truth. Saying that you did it is more convincing than saying Levi did it!
“Do you think we’re fools? You won’t spill the truth, huh? You’ll regret your decision!”
Having said that, Eskild and the rest stalked off in a huff.
As this clue was too huge to be ignored, they got flustered and did all they could to find out more.
As a result, they nearly blew their cover.
After they left, Levi showed up.
Without further delay, Troy and the other students reported their discovery to him.
“All right, I got it. Pay no heed to them!”
The next day, Levi gathered his team.
They formed lines and marched toward the entrance.
Everyone else was shocked at the sight.
“I heard Levi is taking them to The World Summit to see the carving on the stone plaque!”
“What? Seriously? He isn’t even ranked on the Divine Leaderboard. Why would he take them there?”
“Instead of teaching his students, Levi kept doing meaningless stuff!”
Troy and the rest merely scoffed. “You have no idea why we are heading there! Idiots!”
They were pleased to see how foolish the crowd was.
Before they could step out of Carigrey Academy, a figure suddenly dashed out and stood in their paths.
The person stood before them and refused to let them leave.


Chapter 2575 Kick Levi Out Of Carigrey Academy

It was Zoey.

Everyone, including Zoey, couldn’t fathom why Levi wanted to take his students to The World Summit.
She couldn’t help but step out to stop them.
“Levi, please don’t waste their time. Listen to me and step down from the position. We can improve our skills together. Stop interfering in someone else’s business!” she implored.
“Yes, Boss. Let’s not bite off more than we can chew. You’re not strong enough to be a teacher.”
“Yes, just quit. Don’t waste the students’ time! It’s a waste of talent!”
Kirin and the others chimed in.
The bystanders burst out laughing.
“Even your wife and comrades think you’re not qualified. Will you cling to that position shamelessly? Are you powerful enough?”
“Take a good look at yourself in the mirror. Are you qualified to become a teacher?”
“How ridiculous. The academy’s high-rank officials are fools to waste this many talents just because he’s Crown King!”
Everyone felt indignant on behalf of Levi’s students.
They had the same thought—dismissing Levi from his position as a teacher.
“Yes! I suggest that Carigrey Academy dismiss Levi from his position as a teacher!” Eskild stepped out and declared.
“I agree!” Viggo chimed in.
“Me, too!”
“Count me in!”
Soon, more students joined in to support the idea.
Though Zoey and her gang didn’t join the masses, they shared the same thought.
They wanted Levi to step down from the position, for he wasn’t qualified!
He was merely misleading his students.
Thousands of students voiced in unison, asking the institute to dismiss Levi from his position!
“You don’t have the right to decide if Master Garrison isn’t qualified!”
“Yes, that’s right! How dare you question Carigrey Academy’s decision?”
“We know best if he’s qualified! If he isn’t qualified, then no one else in Carigrey Academy is!”
Though Levi said nothing, Troy and his students stepped out to support him.
After all, they saw with their own eyes how capable Levi was.
He’s not qualified? That’s utter nonsense!
“What?” The crowd was astonished.
Why are they defending Levi? This is strange. Did Levi cast a spell on them so they’d support him? What could it be?
“Troy, have you gone nuts? We’re doing this for your own good!”
“If Levi is kicked out of Carigrey Academy, you’ll get assigned to other teachers. If you wish, you can even get assigned to better teachers!” Eskild offered hastily.
“Yes, we’re doing this for your sake. We’re trying to help you, get it?”
“Are you willing to become Levi’s student though he is inferior to you?”
“You won’t achieve anything with him. We’re just trying to help, so please cooperate with us!”
The crowd yelled earnestly.
Troy snickered. “There is no such need! I think Master Garrison is the best teacher!”
“Mm, we agree. Master Garrison is the best!” the other students voiced their opinion.
“We’re willing to suffer along with Master Garrison! We can accept any form of torture! Master Garrison didn’t bother you, did he? Why are you forcing him to leave?”
“That’s right! Stop butting into our business. Even if Master Garrison’s a liar, we trust him! That’s none of your business!”
The eighty students stood firm.
As a result, their stance caused a public outrage.
“What a bunch of brainless morons! All right, stay with Levi and remain useless forever!”
They assumed that the eighty students, including Troy, had gone nuts.
Just then, Levi parted his lips. “Just ignore them. Let’s go!”



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Chapter 2576 The Lab of Gods Is Looking For Someone

Finally, Levi led everyone to The World Summit. Despite being mocked by them, he still led them onto the Hall of Gods.

Others might feel it was disrespectful to step onto it, knowing that it was meant for unrivaled warriors of fame, but Levi gave no hoots to everything.
Everyone could not resist having a reverence for the stone plaque. If Levi’s name were not on it, they would be deemed disrespectful of it.
Nonetheless, they were stupefied at the sight of the wordings carved on the back of the stone plaque after climbing onto it.
“Other than me, the rest of them will be the mortal enemies of the whole world. By hook or by crook, you must remember their names! To be frank, I have been nurturing all of you all this while because of them! In other words, I need all of you to battle against them!” Levi uttered solemnly.
Everyone turned pale as they fastened their gazes on the names on the back of the stone plaque.
“Mark my words. As my students, only those with their names listed here are qualified to be your foes. Even all the other teachers in Carigrey Academy are not up to the standard to be your foes. Bear in mind not to bring shame to me!” Levi reminded them again.
He led all of them there partly to let them double-check if their names were carved on the back of the stone plaque too.
Apart from that, he wished to enlighten them on their mission, so they could know in advance what kind of foes they would be battling against later.
With that, they would not waste time on those in Carigrey Academy, knowing that Levi was not targeting them.
The moment Troy and the others knew about their mission, there were changes in their countenance and demeanor. It was as though they were suddenly exuding a vibe of solemnity and maturity. Or perhaps, they were even pulling themselves away from worldly matters.
Undeniably, they tended to have a sudden change in their mindset after knowing about the foes they were going to battle against in the future.
Even so, many others started reprimanding Levi for leading the students to climb onto the stone plaque impudently.
On the other hand, Lab of Gods started to gather the information that their spies managed to obtain.
They were astounded to discover that Dark Emperor and the other two were even mightier than expected. It seemed Karsten was not comparable to them. Somehow, they were doubtful about it.
“I presume Dark Emperor and the other two are reluctant to show up as they can’t take the risk because of their identities. Thus, they would rather scheme to get rid of Karsten so they will not be exposed!” Mr. X and the others started to draw speculation.
Lucifer and the others could not help but heave a sigh. “Things seem to be getting more sophisticated and worrying for us. Too bad we’re still clueless about everything!”
“As for Carigrey Academy, I’m sure as h*ll that they will train a large group of fighters to battle against us. That’s definitely another threat to us! If we can wipe them off…” As Lucifer’s voice trailed off, a glint of ferocity flickered in his eyes.
“No doubt, we have to wipe them off sooner or later. But it’s not worth the risk to do that now as we might be exposed at any time. Thus, I think we’d better focus on getting rid of Dark Emperor and the other two first. Since we hardly obtain any clue about them, we need to seek help from our friend!” Mr. X commented casually with a smile.
“Do you mean Shield from Zarain? I thought we have stopped crossing paths with them long ago, haven’t we? Did you start to get in touch with them again?” Lucifer asked curiously.
“Of course! No doubt, the new generations of Zarain and Shield seem to be more low-key, but their efficiency in obtaining information is still the most top-notch worldwide! I’ve contacted Shield long ago, requesting them to look for someone for me. Next, I can request them to trace Dark Emperor and the whereabouts of the other two. I bet we will be able to trace something…” Mr. X explained further.
Upon hearing his explanation, Lucifer and the others asked at once, “Could it be…”
Right that instant, Mr. X received a call.
After catching a glimpse of the phone screen, he told them, “It’s a call from Shield. Let me answer it first!”
After Lucifer and the others quietened down, Mr. X answered the call. “Ah! What? You’ve managed to track him down? Great! Bring him to Erudia as soon as possible!”


Chapter 2577 The Two Mysterious Entities In Erudia

“Could it be Dark Emperor’s senior disciple?” Lucifer asked warily.

“Yeah! You have the right guess! Actually, the so-called Senior Disciple is Divine Brigadier and Dark Emperor’s son! Shield has managed to find out about that. Thus, he could be the only person who knows about Dark Emperor’s identity at the moment!” Mr. X uttered placidly.
Shortly after, the special forces agent from Shield brought someone with a mask to meet them.
He turned out to be Senior Disciple of Dark Emperor.
“Who’s the current Dark Emperor?” Mr. X cut to the crap.
“I’m still investigating that. A few months ago, someone had sneaked into the headquarters of Sacred Organization and murdered my mother, the former Dark Emperor. After that, he even wiped off all the high-rank officials to take control of the whole organization! From what I know, Death Fiend, Tempestus, and the others know the exact identity of Dark Emperor. Other than Dark Emperor, they are the ones in control of Sacred Organization at the moment! Meanwhile, Tyrone Garrison and Donald Garrison are in control of Maya Industries. I have been having a hunch that Dark Emperor is from Erudia and is closely related to Eragon of The Cardinal Hall. Now that they have formed Carigrey Academy together, my guess is proven right!” the disciple explained.
Black Hawk, the special forces agent from Shield, commented admiringly, “I’m in awe of you! In fact, I bet I won’t be able to obtain certain information even if I can assign a few hundred thousand people for that! With your explanation, a lot of my doubts are cleared!”
Even so, Mr. X and the others from Lab of Gods could not help but catch their breaths. Ah! Our guess makes sense! Someone is impersonating Dark Emperor!
Not to mention, if the fake Dark Emperor was from Erudia, that would be the biggest threat for them. That was indeed the worst scenario they had expected! It was just like how they witnessed Levi finish Karsten off previously.
Black Hawk nodded and replied, “Based on the information obtained, most probably this Dark Emperor is from Erudia!”
“Oh my! We’re all finished this round! It never occurs to me that all three of them are from Erudia! Argh! The Cardinal Hall and Eragon are nothing to us since we know well about them. Even so, we have been targeting the two mysterious entities in Erudia these few years. Now that we can’t even get rid of Dark Emperor and the other two, how can we battle against them?” Mr. X’s face turned grim in an instant.
“The two mysterious entities? Is there anyone else who is mightier than The Cardinal Hall and Eragon?” Black Hawk asked in bafflement.
After all, he was deemed the leader of the intelligence department of Shield of Zarain, having first-hand worldwide information in his grasp. However, he was oblivious to the existence of the so-called two mysterious entities.
“Yeah! That’s what Shield and the others are unaware of!” one of the members from Labs of God replied.
“It’s right! There are still two mysterious entities in Erudia that have never shown up till now. If not, they’ll definitely wreak scarier havoc than The Cardinal Hall and Eragon! In other words, the disappearance of Lab of Gods is closely related to them too! To us, they are the mightiest foe among all! For you, they are just like Dark Web with various information throughout the world in hand!” Mr. X explained again.
Astounded by his words, Black Hawk caught his breath.
Meanwhile, the Senior Disciple was caught off guard. It never came to his mind that such mysterious and unrivaled entities existed in Erudia.
Anyway, it was known to everyone that Erudia had been a place of wonder in the martial arts world long ago. For instance, the Divine Extraction Technique and the Iron Golem Technique were both from that country.
“After this, I hope all of you from Shield are able to find out the identity of those three persons for us soonest possible! We must get rid of them as soon as possible!” Mr. X instructed. He and the others could barely wait any longer.
“I’ll try to investigate too. By hook or by crook, I must find out who they are. If not, I’m not able to avenge my mother. I hope you can obtain the clue soon!” The Senior Disciple cast all his hope on Lab of Gods.
Mr. X put flashed him a smile. “Oh yeah! Wait a minute. I have an idea…”


Chapter 2578 You Must Be Learning Discreetly

“What is that?” Senior Disciple asked quizzically.

“Does Divine Brigadier know about your existence?” Mr. X asked.
Senior Disciple nodded and replied, “I have a feeling that he does. But he doesn’t know who I am and hasn’t tried to find out.”
“If you still can’t trace any clue, I suggest you go and look for him! After all, he’s the head of The Cardinal Hall. I bet he knows the exact identity of Dark Emperor and the others. He might keep it mum from the others, but you are his son! Even though he won’t tell you everything, I’m sure he’ll at least give you some clues if you insist on avenging your mother,” Mr. X hinted to him.
Senior Disciple was quick-witted and got his point at once. “Ah! I get it! Just wait for my great news then!”
He could barely wait to leave and meet Daxon at once.
Next, Mr. X turned to instruct those from Shield, “As for the current head of the ancient Garrison clan, you can give it a try to get some clues from the family members.”
“Yes, Mr. X.” They nodded respectfully.
When Black Hawk was about to leave, Mr. X called out at him, “I’ve prepared some of the apparatus from Lab of Gods for you. They are all highly advanced and impossible for you to get elsewhere!”
Hearing that, Black Hawk’s eye lit up. Ah! I’m sure everything from Lab of Gods is of high quality! I wonder how well-developed they are now!
Moments later, he took the apparatus away with him blissfully.
After that, Mr. X proceeded with his other plans and instructed those spies who sneaked into Carigrey Academy to trace the clues by all means.
He presumed the most effective way for them was to emerge as excellent students with outstanding performance. With that, they might have the chance to get closer to Dark Emperor and the other two. Thus, they would more or less be able to spot anything if they could keep an eye on the trio.
“My goodness! It’s only the first day of the launching of Carigrey Academy. I wonder what kind of unrivaled fighter can stir up such turmoil! Apparently, it’s the effect due to one massive punch but the punch mark is too obvious!” Lucifer and the others were overwhelmed to see the strike-slip fault of the Carigrey Mountains in the photo.
“Mr. X, do you think there’s a possibility that…” Lucifer asked warily.
“What is that?” The latter cut him off.
“Is it possible that Dark Emperor is from one of the so-called two mysterious entities in Erudia?” Lucifer asked solemnly.
“It could be. After all, he’s too mighty! There’s a high possibility!” Mr. X shared the same sentiments with him.
In the meantime, Levi led the group back to Carigrey Academy.
All the others looked at them as if they were a group of ridiculous fools.
“Hmph! Because of them, such a top-notch academy worldwide seems to have been downgraded!” one of the students scoffed.
Whenever Levi and the others walked past, there were reverberations of derision from every corner.
Even so, Troy and the others paid no heed to them.
When they were back at the academy from the Hall of Gods, it was as though all the others were just naive punks for them. To them, it was even a waste of time to refute their mockery.
Due to the sudden twist in their mindset, their future plans had changed thoroughly. Even Carigrey Academy was put out of their mind.
Since those mocking them were not qualified to be their opponents, they did not feel like sparing them any glance. As for Levi, their oppressive words were even nothing to him.
Soon, he gathered everyone and kicked start with the training. At the same time, he started undergoing his own training too.
At the critical moment, it was as though he was competing against Lab of Gods in military technology. For him, time was gold.
In the following days, everyone started having training officially in Carigrey Academy. All the teachers started to guide their students respectively. In an instant, everyone in the academy was in high spirits.
After completing his own training session, Levi turned to guide his students. Next, he started to stroll around the academy to check on the others’ progress.
First, he joined Eustace’s team silently and observed their progress. Apart from shortlisting the talented ones among the students, he aimed at tracing spies who infiltrated the academy.
Next, he moved on to Gabriel’s team. After that, he did the same to the other teachers’ teams to observe all the students closely one by one.
Thus, his demeanor tended to look weird to the others.
“Levi, what are you doing? You are learning our skill discreetly, aren’t you?” someone piped out.


Chapter 2579 Add Insult To Injury

Eskild turned out to be the one blurting out the question. He had actually voiced up the doubt bugging most of the others’ minds.

Many others were observing Levi too, and could not resist feeling that he looked suspicious. Even Zoey and the others assumed he was trying to learn discreetly from them. Even so, they knew it was inappropriate for them to comment on anything.
After Eskild voiced his doubt, the others echoed as they inched toward Levi and surrounded him.
“You have a point. I notice he has been standing here for hours and acting weirdly!”
“Not only that, he’s doing the same for almost all the teams…”
“Good gracious! He observes every student for more than one minute. What’s that for if he’s not learning our skills discreetly?”

As Zoey exchanged glances with the others, something flashed across their minds. Could it be that he infiltrates the academy to be a teacher so he can learn our skills discreetly? As a teacher, it makes sense for him to check on all the teams one by one. Not to mention, it’s surely awkward for him to learn directly from the other teachers. But if he learns discreetly, nobody can say anything then.
All of them felt that Eskild had drawn the right speculation. They were convinced that Levi was learning their skills discreetly!
Snickering, Levi retorted, “Do you really think that I need to learn discreetly from you? Who do you think you are, huh? Is it worth it for me to do so?”
His words sent the students into an instant frenzy.
Daxon tried to appease them, fearing that they would further infuriate Levi! The students could not be blamed as they were oblivious to his invincible combat prowess. However, he and other teachers knew it too well. How is it possible for such an unrivaled fighter to learn from us?
Meanwhile, Levi flashed them a subtle smile and shot them a meaningful look before striding away.
“Didn’t you see that smile on his face just now? He has apparently gained something discreetly from us just now! What a shameless man!” someone yelled.
“Pfft! How can a teacher play tricks to learn discreetly? He obviously doesn’t have any sense of shame!” the student next to him sneered.
“It’s not fair for us!” another student whined.
The students got all worked up instantaneously.
Little did they realize that Levi was blissful at the sight of their emotional turbulence. Ha! That’s how spies are traceable, in a way!
Moments ago, he had had a close-up observation of at least one minute for quite a lot of them. Subsequently, he managed to spot a few talented ones among the students.
Even though his technique might not suit them, he could still train them. His gut instinct told him that they might be able to possess even mightier combat prowess than Daxon and the others if they were well-trained. He was glad that those talented students whom he shortlisted could meet his requirement as formidable fighters.
Apart from that, he managed to trace other spies among the students other than Eskild. Even without concrete evidence, he had a hunch that they were suspicious.
Deep down, Levi could not help but snort. Hmph! Anyway, they are a bit too slow! That’s why they are still in vain to trace anything on Dark Emperor.
Smiling slyly, he decided to add insult to injury to stir up trouble for them. At night, he gathered Daxon and the others aside to brief them about his plan, which would be carried out the following day.
On the other hand, the special forces agents from Shield and Senior Disciple had started to take action. At the same time, Black Hawk prepared to assign his men to sneak into Erudia and headed for the Garrison residence right away to trace any clues about the new head of the ancient Garrison clan.
Meanwhile, Senior Disciple started to trace any clues in Sacred Organization.
Even so, Lab of Gods was still in vain to obtain any clue about Carigrey Academy. Both parties seemed to be battling against each other discreetly.
The following day, Daxon gathered all the teachers and students of Carigrey Academy for a grand meeting.
He announced, “To motivate all the students, Carigrey Academy has decided to implement a new system known as the Special Reward System, and we are going to have a monthly tournament. Then, we’ll list out all the students’ personal and team rankings, respectively. The student who is ranked first will receive an ultimate divine tool. It was specially invented by Dark Emperor and is able to emanate invincible force! Meanwhile, the teams ranked in the top three will receive various types of resources such as drugs and other types of divine tools. In short, those are the resources that enable you to upgrade your combat prowess!”
The announcement resulted in an instant uproar.
It was no secret to everyone that Dark Emperor had invented an ultimate divine tool. Nevertheless, nobody had ever seen it before. Thus, they could only imagine and dream about it.
Now that they finally had the opportunity to possess the divine tool, they could not resist getting all worked up. They felt a rush of excitement and could scarcely wait to lay their hands on the legendary invention!


Chapter 2580 The Divine Tool As A Reward

“To motivate everyone, the chancellor has sent a divine tool for us to take a look and give it a try!” Daxon announced again.

His words whipped up all the students. Wow! We’ll get to see the divine tool on the spot and even give it a try to test its force?
Shortly after, someone brought in a rectangular box with modern technology.
The box opened with a thud right after Daxon keyed in the passcode. The next second, a crossbow with glimmering blue rays sprang out.
At the same time, everyone was overwhelmed when it emanated a massive force. Even Gabriel and the others were flabbergasted and tensed up due to the intimidating force.
Eustace gritted his teeth unknowingly. Good gracious! This divine tool seems to be even mightier than my weapon! It’s no joke! Levi obviously has a lot of goodies! I bet anyone who can handle this divine tool well will at least have their combat prowess doubled!
Undeniably, the divine tool was not an ordinary item that could be handled by everyone. Even Daxon and the others were not convinced that they could do so.
Levi seemed to be the only person who could enable the divine tool to emanate its mightiest power. Anyway, they believed even the slightest bit of the released force could work magic.
There was even a compartment in the rectangular box. About twenty arrowheads made of the unique metal from Restricted Area 76 were placed neatly in it! Needless to say, the horrifying energy was beyond imagination.
They foresaw that the released arrow would result in a disastrous force. Even the Skyward Sword and the Terra Blade were not comparable to it!
When the divine tool came into view, everyone clenched their fists in exhilaration. There was even a flicker of unmissable maniac in their eyes. The great charm of the divine tool was irresistible for all of them!
“Let’s choose someone among you to give it a try! Floyd, can you come forward?” Daxon called out his name.
“Okay!” Floyd replied excitedly.
Without hesitation, he dashed forward and took out the crossbow from the rectangular box with trembling hands.
All the others gazed at him enviously.
Meanwhile, Daxon moved swiftly and stood approximately one hundred meters away from him.
“Okay, get ready and attack me with it!” he yelled out at Floyd.
“Huh?” Floyd was dumbfounded.
“Pull at your greatest strength and shoot at me!” Daxon instructed resolutely.
Floyd had no choice but to lift the crossbow as he continued to shudder. Surprisingly, it was a lot heavier than expected. Oh my! It’s really heavy! In fact, it seems to be as heavy as a small hill!
Seconds later, he took out an arrow from the compartment and placed it on the crossbow. “Sir, watch out! I’m going to shoot now!”
The next moment, he mustered up his strength to pull the crossbow.
Unexpectedly, he stumbled and almost fell to the ground.
The crossbow was too heavy for him, and he could not even pull the string backward! Apparently, the divine tool was not an item that could be handled effortlessly. Whoever managed to do so would be undefeatable for sure!
“Argh!” Floyd thundered out as he tried to pull the crossbow again.
During this round, he used up all his energy to pull the string of the crossbow. As his power surged continuously, his strength increased gradually. Soon, it was as though his power had reached its full extent, and he would burst at any moment.
It even shook the earth with an ear-splitting sound. Nonetheless, the string of the crossbow could only be pulled halfway backward!
Obviously, only one with mighty energy was able to handle the divine tool!
Floyd applied greater force till it reached the highest point and shot the arrow.
The released arrow swooshed by like a bolt of lightning with a wave of petrifying billowing energy.
In the twinkling of an eye, it emerged in front of Daxon.
Right that instant, his face turned ashen.
He had seemingly overestimated himself. Initially, he presumed Floyd would not be able to fully handle the divine tool, and thus the unleashed force would not be a threat to him.
Unexpectedly, things turned the other way around! It was as if his life was put on the line in an instant.
“Argh!” Daxon bellowed, unleashing every bit of his power to shield himself against the arrow.
He continued to stagger backward and only came to a halt a few thousand meters away before he was finally out of danger.
Thunderstruck, the others gaped at his dishevelment. It was indeed a mind-boggling scene for them!
Awestruck, Zoey, Azure Dragon, Kirin, and the others clenched their fists! They vowed to be ranked first in the monthly tournament in order to obtain the divine tool! What an invincible weapon!
Even so, Levi only smirked at them.



Supreme Grandmaster - Elder of Sex Sext
Platinum Villager
Sep 24, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 2581 The Divine Tool Is Child Play

How insane!

As this was the first time they’d encountered a divine tool, they were utterly stunned by its power.
After they got a taste of its strength, they couldn’t help but yearn for more.
Immediately, they cheered loudly to show their enthusiasm.
After all, who wouldn’t want to wield the divine tool?
Even Floyd, a fighter in the Provisional Leaderboard, managed to threaten the Divine Brigadier when he possessed the divine tool.
Furthermore, the Divine Brigadier wasn’t fooling around in the match. On the contrary, he’d given it his all.
Because of this, everyone coveted the divine tool.
Not to mention, there was only a certain limit that their strength could reach through vigorous training.
Besides, total control of the divine tool wasn’t even necessary.
With just half or one-third of control over the divine tool, they’d be able to issue a challenge to the top ten fighters on the Divine Leaderboard.
When realization dawned upon them, a manic gleam of excitement flitted across their eyes.
Even Gabriel and the rest were excited at the thought of owning the divine tool.
Levi had something so powerful in his hands? Now that I think about it, there must be more… How terrifying!
In the meantime, Levi was carefully observing the students’ expressions.
He quickly noticed that Eskild and the other spies had a different reaction to the divine tool.
Rather than excitement, they looked terrified.
It was as if they couldn’t believe that Dark Emperor had this divine tool in his hands.
The looks of terror on their faces were in stark contrast to the rest of the crowd.
With just a single glance, Levi managed to identify them all.
Aside from Eskild and the rest, Levi caught sight of many other spies who were present as well.
Nonetheless, there were a handful of spies who managed to remain hidden. It wouldn’t be an easy feat to draw them out.
Levi smiled in satisfaction. It looks like my bait worked.
“Has everyone taken a good look at it? There will be plenty of opportunities for you to obtain a divine tool because the chancellor is in possession of several divine tools!” Daxon announced with a broad beam.
His words caused everyone to grow even more excited.
At the same time, they found themselves burning with curiosity to know more about Dark Emperor.
Zoey had begun to suspect that someone else had assumed Dark Emperor’s role.
In the past, her master was never this capable.
In fact, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that Dark Emperor had transformed into another person overnight.
Hence, Eskild and the rest found themselves growing more curious about Dark Emperor.
However, all of their investigations about the mysterious man were wounded at dead ends. The lack of clues was driving them up the wall.
“Aside from individual rewards, there will also be team rewards. These rewards were all sponsored by the Sacred Organization under Dark Emperor. Though I’m sure that you all know it by now, obtaining these rewards will greatly enhance your powers!”
Promptly, the entire group exploded into a frenzy as they cheered at the top of their lungs.
“Everyone, let’s work hard! Right now, we should focus our attention on winning as a group. We’ll need to secure our place as the champions!” Azure Dragon yelled.
“That’s right! We will give it our all to get first place!” Asura and the rest agreed enthusiastically.
Everyone else continued to cheer loudly as a lively atmosphere hung in the air.
The loudness of their combined voices was akin to a thunder’s rumble.
They were all motivated and determined to put in their best efforts to obtain the divine tool.
Although every team seemed to be encouraging one another, Levi’s team remained so quiet that one could hear a pin drop.
In stark contrast to the other students, they all appeared extremely calm.
Upon closer inspection, they seemed to look scornful.
It was as though they saw the divine tool as nothing but child’s play.
Ever since they witnessed Levi’s mighty punch, the divine tool’s power paled in comparison to it. It could not hold a candle to Levi’s overwhelming attack.
Levi’s group turned to look at the rest of the crowd like they were nothing more but a group of foolish clowns.
From their noisy chit-chatter, one could tell that they were yet to witness true power in the outside world, let alone Levi’s.
Levi’s team gazed at them haughtily; the look of mockery was blatant in their eyes.
In the blink of an eye, their silence drew the attention of the rowdy crowd.
Why are they so silent?
Everyone was left puzzled by their odd demeanors.
“How strange! Why aren’t they excited to see the divine tool? Even our mentors were jumping on their feet earlier. How could they remain so calm?”
“How on earth are they keeping their composure?”
Everyone began to gossip amongst themselves about the silent group.
It didn’t take long before all eyes fell on Levi’s group.


Chapter 2582 Expose

“I know why they are so calm.” Viggo turned around and asked, “Think about it. Since only the champion of the academy can obtain the divine tool. is there anyone amongst that team capable of topping the charts?”

“That’s impossible! No one in their team can do that. They would most probably be ranked at the bottom.”
“That’s great! It means that they stand no chance of winning the divine tool. On top of that, what do you guys think about their team ranking?” Viggo questioned again.
“How ridiculous! They will be at the very bottom. Since they are guaranteed the last spot, we should all just compete for second to last.”
“I agree as well. They are going to be the worst team. We won’t even have to view them as our competitors.”
“We should rank them as last. There is no way that they’d be achieving a rank any better than that!”
One by one, they chimed in their thoughts about Levi’s team.
“This means that the team rewards will not matter to them too.”
“Since they don’t stand a chance at winning the rewards announced today, why would they be as excited as us?”
“That’s right; why would anyone rejoice about something that is utterly unrelated to them? Their lack of emotion makes perfect sense!”
After a brief discussion about Levi’s team, they all came to the same agreement.
Considering their hopeless situation, it makes sense that they are so nonchalant towards the divine tool.
Unable to help themselves, the rest of the students burst out laughing.
“I can’t help but feel bad for them. Despite the jaw-dropping reward, they can’t even get close to obtaining it.”
“Unlike them, we have two chances of getting it. If we fail to obtain it as a group, we can still opt to compete individually. Unfortunately, they can’t pursue both options.”
Out of the blue, someone from the crowd suggested, “Given that there’s a reward system in place, we should also implement a punishment system, right? I believe that the bottom three teams and the last ten individuals should receive a punishment. If there isn’t a system in place, the losers will be content with their low rankings and never be motivated to improve!”
“I agree too. The penalty will incentivize us to work even harder.”
The other students quickly chimed in their agreements regarding the punishment system.
“I have another announcement to make. Due to the unique nature of the Crown King’s team, they will not be participating in the monthly assessments. Instead, they will join the competition a year later,” Daxon declared.
His words caused gasps to ripple across the crowd.
But after a brief moment of thought, they found themselves in agreement with this stipulation.
Since it was already determined that Levi’s team would place last, their participation in the monthly assessments did not matter in the slightest bit.
At most, they would be met with more humiliation and ridicule.
Honestly, they should just drop out of the competition entirely!
At the same time, Levi’s decision on this matter implied that the members of his team were slow learners.
In comparison to the other students, they required a longer time to master the techniques.
Participating in these monthly evaluations would only be a hindrance to their learning progress.
Hence, they should just quit! Besides, it would be impossible for Levi’s students to obtain the prize anyway.
While the crowd discussed this matter heatedly, another detail caught Levi’s eye.
Despite everyone’s mockery, Eskild and his men did not join in on the fun.
Instead, they had their attention fixated intensely on the divine tool.
Naturally, Levi understood their intentions.
The divine tool was an important pawn that would allow them to get their hands on more information about the Dark Emperor.
In other words, Levi was confident that the spies would try to tinker with the divine tool.
Maybe, they will attempt to perform experiments on it…
“A year later, all of you can claim your position at the last place!” The crowd roared with laughter as they mocked Levi’s team one last time before leaving.
Under the staffs’ watchful eye, the divine tool was transported to the academy’s secret lab.
“Sir, aren’t you worried about the divine tool? Since it’s such a powerful weapon, we are afraid that someone might try to steal it,” Eskild asked.
Levi couldn’t help but feel amused.
Is this brat not worried about exposing himself? Perhaps, he’s trying to dispel any suspicion by asking about it.
“Not at all. The lab where we keep the divine tool is the safest place in Carigrey Academy. Put it this way; save for us, no one can access it. Don’t worry, it is in a perfectly secure location,” Daxon replied.
“If that really is the case, then we can rest assured.”


Chapter 2583 New Equipment From The Lab Of Gods

After the announcement, Daxon and the rest regrouped together with Levi.

“Chancellor, do you think that they’ll make their move?”
“Wouldn’t it be too obvious if they did?” Daxon and the rest asked Levi curiously.
“They are desperate for clues. Now that we’ve revealed such an important object, how could they sit back idly? Even if their identities are exposed, I’m confident that they will take action,” Levi replied with a smile.
“Nevertheless, don’t you think that the security we have is too strict? Aside from the stationed guards, the lab is also secured with eight locks! I’m afraid that they might fail to open it.” Daxon had a point. It would be useless if they could not access the lab, as this meant that the spies wouldn’t be able to obtain the divine tool.
Levi smirked and said, “That is beyond our control. Their failure to get their hands on the divine tool will only signify their incompetence. We can’t afford to slack off! On the contrary, we will need to keep our guards up.”
“That’s right. If we are too lenient, they might assume that we set the trap on purpose. The more difficult we make it, the better!”
“All eight of us should keep watch tonight!”
Seeing that they agreed with his thoughts, Levi handpicked eight mentors to be stationed outside the lab.
Back in the Lab of God’s training base located in Oakland City, Mr. X had already obtained a complete report from his spies.
“If the divine tool is as strong as it appears to be, I’m sure that it will reveal Dark Emperor’s identity. We need to get our hands on it no matter what! Make sure that you act in haste. Even if your identities are exposed, you must do whatever you can to get the divine tool. Go and hit them with everything that you have in your arsenal!” Mr. X ordered.
Upon receiving his commands, the spies set off.
But to keep up appearances, they left ten men behind.
This way, not everyone’s covers would be blown.
The rest of the men wasted no time taking action.
As they proceeded to carry out Mr. X’s instructions, Levi was undergoing his solitary training at the northern side of the lab.
He’d already sensed several presences coming toward the lab from varying directions.
Once he detected the intruders, it didn’t take long for Levi to confirm their exact whereabouts.
The group of spies from the Lab of Gods were clearly well-trained. They had delegated their tasks with precision. Some were in charge of keeping watch, while others would relay information to one another.
Furthermore, they used high-tech equipment that even Levi himself had never seen before.
The spies’ usage of such advanced equipment meant that the Lab of Gods had prepared for this beforehand.
“Oh?” Suddenly, Levi realized something.
Their bodies were as transparent as apparitions.
It resembles the pure energy beings I once met in Restricted Area 76. Not only did they forge pure energy beings, they even found a way to make their men translucent.
This meant the spies’ energy wavelength would go unnoticed.
Even the Divine Brigadier himself would be unable to detect their presence.
Carefully, the invisible spies made their way toward the lab.
They sneaked past the eight guards with ease and successfully entered the perimeters of the lab.
Although the seven guards were fooled by the spies’ disguise, Levi could see them as clear as day.
Even though he sat on a boulder with his eyes closed, he could still sense someone flipping him off when they walked past.
It seemed like they were mocking him for guarding the divine tool as it barely took them any effort to break past his defense.
Quietly, Levi noted down his name – Gerhard.
In the blink of an eye, the dozen of spies had made their way into the lab.
They first used the equipment that they’d prepared to break the locks and finally located the divine tool.
To avoid raising any alarms, they swapped it with a fake.
Once they obtained the divine tool, they quickly headed toward the exit.
The group of spies made a beeline for Levi as they assumed that he was the weakest link amongst the guards.
When they sped past him, the corners of their lips upturned into a smile.
In Levi’s eyes, he thought that they were mocking him.
However, that was far from the truth.
Truthfully, their broad smiles held a different meaning.
After the group managed to leave, the response team quickly transmitted this information to the other groups.
With that, all of the spies vanished without a single trace.


Chapter 2584 They Never Left

Little did they know, Levi had left a mark on their bodies.

It was a special tracking chip developed by the Sacred Organization’s strongest team.
This chip was actually a type of liquid that would vanish once it came into contact with its target.
Now that Levi had sprinkled it on them, his subordinates had located all the spies and kept track of their locations. This tracking liquid was so powerful that it could keep tabs on its targets no matter how far they went.
Levi couldn’t help but grin in delight.
At this point, no one had noticed the divine tool’s disappearance yet.
If Levi hadn’t told them about the incident, it would have taken them much longer to realize the truth.
“The Lab of Gods are truly living up to their reputation. With the advanced technology, they managed to pull it off right under our noses…”
Levi smiled.
The rest of the guards only realized about the theft after Levi shared it with them.
“How frightening!”
Even Daxon found himself breaking out in cold sweat.
If Levi hadn’t been present when the Lab of Gods carried out this burglary, The Cardinal Hall and Eragon might not be able to withstand them alone. They would have to enlist the help of the two mysterious entities from Erudia.
“Chancellor, what should we do now?” everyone asked curiously.
“All we have to do is wait for them to return the divine tool,” Levi replied airily.
“Huh? Why would they return the divine tool when they’ve already stolen it?” Instantly, everyone was thrown into a state of confusion.
“They only wanted to investigate it for any clues. After they are done with their experimentation, I’m sure that they’ll bring it back!” Eustace answered on Levi’s behalf.
With a small smile etched on his face, Levi left to visit the Sacred Organization. There, he planned to catch up on the situation.
Although everyone now knew that the spies would return the divine tool, they weren’t aware of the fact that the divine tool was never shipped out of Carigrey Academy.
After they stole the divine tool, Eskild and the rest of the spies ran a quick scan on it.
Mr. X himself had specially prepared this scanning device for them.
After they scanned the divine tool, all relevant data would then be transmitted to the Lab of Gods.
Hence, they didn’t have to trouble themselves transporting it all the way to the Lab of God’s base.
Once the data was received, the Lab of Gods began to analyze it thoroughly.
In just a few minutes, they came up with a final report.
Its structure and power were similar to the divine tool that God used back in Restricted Area 76. To be more exact, its constituent was over ninety percent similar.
Nonetheless, there was a slight difference in the weapons’ forging methods.
However, they were also doubtful as they failed to collect enough information during their previous encounter.
In the end, the Lab of Gods concluded that this divine tool was the one that God wielded in Restricted Area 76.
“This doesn’t explain anything! At most, we now know that they picked up this divine tool in Restricted Area 76. It doesn’t mean that Dark Emperor now reigns there.”
“I agree. This divine tool cannot clarify anything. Besides, there are rumors that Dark Emperor has many such weapons. This weapon might just be one of the many divine tools that they picked up.”
“Do you think that Dark Emperor is a God from Restricted Area 76?” Lucifer suggested boldly.
“That is the most likely scenario. In the past, we’ve been so focused on Erudia that we turned a blind eye to Restricted Area 76. Why doesn’t it have a God? That’s because they’ve all left this place!” Mr. X chimed in his agreement.
“If that’s the case, we need to be on alert. Things are looking much worse now. The divine general from Restricted Area 76 is now the biggest obstacle in our path.”
Unbeknownst to Levi, the group from Lab of Gods linked him to Restricted Area 76 after they’d made their analysis.
On the other hand, Levi was busy keeping tabs on the spies’ whereabouts.
Much to his surprise, they hadn’t moved an inch.
In fact, they hadn’t even stepped foot out of campus.
“What’s going on?” A flabbergasted look flitted across Levi’s face. This means that the divine tool never left Carigrey Academy. What on earth is happening?
Moreover, they had yet to return the divine tool.
Initially, Levi believed that they would lead him to the Lab of Gods’ testing ground.
Yet, his plans had gone awry.


Chapter 2585 Missing Divine Tool

As the minutes ticked by, Levi continued to focus on the spies in Carigrey Academy.

Despite that, all of his targets displayed no sign of movement.
It felt as if the entire theft had never taken place at all.
Contrary to Levi’s predictions, they did not return the divine tool back to the lab too.
How was he to know about the scanning device prepared by the Lab of Gods?
“What do we do now?” The rest of the members had begun to panic like a bunch of headless chickens.
Repeatedly, they bombarded Levi with endless questions.
“Wait a minute, let me think about this!” Levi replied curtly. I need clear my hand and think about this carefully.
Back at the Lab of Gods, Mr. X and his subordinates were engaged in a heated discussion with one another.
“If Dark Emperor is from Restricted Area 76, how could he align himself with Erudia? Why did he establish Carigrey Academy? What exactly is his motive? According to tradition, Gods from Restricted Area 76 have always sided with Adrune. Even if they wanted to ally with a country, it’d be Zarain. Why did Dark Emperor pick Erudia instead?”
Despite obtaining the divine tool’s data, they could not wrap their heads around this anomaly.
“We’ll have to expand our investigations about this matter. Now that we’ve discovered this revelation about Dark Emperor, make sure to contact Shield. They need to speed up their research about the ancient Garrison clan!” Mr. X said grimly.
Although an entire night passed, the divine tool was never returned to the lab.
The handful of men Levi targeted earlier never left Carigrey Academy too.
This oddity caused Levi’s skin to crawl uneasily.
Is it because they changed their minds and decided to take the divine tool as their own? Or have they figured out another escape route?
After an entire night of futile waiting, Levi decided to return to Carigrey Academy.
This hunt had ended up a complete failure.
There is still plenty of room left for me to improve in the areas that I’m lacking. I failed to make the proper preparations as well.
Not long after Levi left, a loud and piercing scream echoed in the air. “The divine tool has gone missing!”
The students in their respective dorms hurried to gather outside when they heard this shocking news.
In a few seconds, news of this incident had spread like wildfire amongst the campus as it became common knowledge.
The sight of the students gathered in thousands left the mentors so shocked that their eyes nearly bulged out of their heads.
But when they learned of this shocking news, they joined the throng of students too.
As the students and mentors swarmed toward the place where the divine tool was kept, Daxon and the rest finally caught wind of the news.
Since they kept the incident under wraps, Daxon was clueless as to how the public knew about it.
Something was clearly amiss.
Nonetheless, they couldn’t focus on that now. The students had arrived at the scene and were demanding for an explanation about the divine tool’s disappearance.
“Sir, check if the divine tool is still there!” they exclaimed in a frenzy.
Faced with their panicked cries, Daxon had no choice but to lead them into the lab.
There, he opened the box which once contained the divine tool. Although there were other weapons inside it, there was no doubt that someone had stolen the divine tool.
Finally, realization dawned upon Daxon.
We’ve been set up.
“I can’t believe that the divine tool has gone missing!”
“Quick, we’ll need to start searching for it. Someone has stolen it!”
Promptly, an uproar broke out amongst the gathered crowd.
Deep down, they thought of the divine tool as their own. Therefore, they could not accept the fact that it had been smuggled away.
“We need to find out the culprit and deliver a punishment!” they yelled furiously.
“Wait a moment. You heard what our mentors said yesterday. The divine tool can only be stolen by someone working on the inside…”
“I noticed that Crown King was also keeping watch over the divine tool, right?”
“Yes, I can confirm that. I saw Crown King standing guard too!”
“It’s suspicious that he’s not here now…” someone from the crowd added.
Right away, the spotlight fell onto Levi.
“If that’s the case, wouldn’t we know the truth if we visit Master Garrison?”
“I agree.”
As everyone suspected Levi, they scrambled toward Levi’s residence.
When Levi arrived at campus, he was instantly greeted by a horde of students.
“Master Garrison, when did the divine tool end up with us?”



Supreme Grandmaster - Elder of Sex Sext
Platinum Villager
Sep 24, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 2586 Caught Red Handed

Troy held the divine tool, looked at Levi in surprise, and asked.

The others also said, “Yeah, I don’t know what happened. When I woke up in the morning, the divine tool was already here! It’s so strange!”
“We have never touched it before! Besides, the divine tool was kept in the testing ground. We do not have the authority to take it out!”
Everyone was shocked.
Levi picked up the divine tool and inspected it carefully.
Suddenly, he had a bad feeling!
Oh no! The divine tool was actually returned. It wasn’t sent back to the testing ground. Instead, it was sent here.
Levi suddenly recalled the group of people who looked at him wickedly before leaving the night before.
At that time, Levi thought they were simply mocking him for letting them take the divine tool out right under his watch.
Now it seemed that there was more to it.
They planted the divine tool here to frame me. Everything was going according to their plans. No wonder the divine tool took so long to be returned. It was here the whole time! This is bad! Very bad!
Suddenly, a loud noise startled Levi.
At that moment, a large number of people rushed in, and Levi was still holding the divine tool.
Everyone could see him holding it at a glance.
“Hahaha! I knew it! Levi stole the divine tool! He even swapped it with a fake!”
“He’s caught red-handed! He can’t deny it now!”
“Levi is really stupid. He should hide the divine tool after stealing it. Instead, he’s showing it to everyone! He’s asking to be caught!”
Thousands of people witnessed it with their eyes.
There was no way Levi could defend himself.
He even laughed out loud.
So these spies were secretly trying to frame me? Isn’t that a little bit childish and naive?
However, Troy and the others immediately began to speak up for Levi at this moment. “You’ve all misunderstood! We only saw the divine tool here in the morning! We don’t even know who put it here!”
“Also, Master Garrison just returned! He didn’t steal it!”
“That’s right. Besides, he has no reason to steal it. He’s not even interested in it.”
“Hehe. Cut the nonsense. No reason to steal it?
“Everyone saw the power of the divine tool yesterday! Who wouldn’t want it for themselves? Even the teachers could hardly resist the temptations. Being the teacher of the group most unlikely to have the divine tool, he coveted the divine tool, and he swapped it out! He was also one of the teachers who were on guard last night! He could have done it easily since he was on guard last night!
“The Divine Brigadier once said that the divine tool could only be stolen by one working on the inside! It’s obvious Levi was the one who did it!
“Besides, we all saw it with our own eyes! Do you still want to deny it?”
After everything they had said, it would be futile no matter how Troy and the others tried to refute it.
After all, the missing divine tool was found here, right in Levi’s hand!
There was nothing else they could say!
“A few days ago, Levi was secretly learning our techniques. So it’s not too strange for him to steal the divine tool now!”
“He’s so weak! It’s only understandable that he wants to become stronger!”
Everyone began a heated discussion.
Zoey and the others were visibly upset and they looked at Levi in disbelief.
They couldn’t believe that Levi would steal the divine tool to become stronger.
It wasn’t that they didn’t trust Levi. But the facts were evident.
He was also caught secretly learning their techniques.
Those were all irrefutable evidence.
Suddenly, someone changed the topic and said, “But even if Levi stole the divine tool, he is still a teacher! The academy must explain! Otherwise, it will be difficult to convince the public!”
“That’s right! The academy must give us an explanation! Stealing the divine tool is a crime that must be dealt with!”
“As a teacher, Levi’s punishment must be heavier!”
The crowd started to shout angrily, trying to create sedition.
Daxon and the others were stunned.
They didn’t know how to handle the situation.
They only came to realize what had happened in hindsight. However, by the time they understood everything that transpired, it was already too late.


Chapter 2587 Whoever Speaks Gets A Punch

“He’s caught red-handed! Everyone saw it! Levi is a thief!” Eskild and the others exclaimed. They forced the crime on Levi.

The witnesses were present, and his motives were all in line.
The dozens of spies from the previous night smiled smugly as they looked at Levi, their scapegoat.
“Levi, what do you have to say for yourself? I’ll see how you could slither your way out of this!”
Thousands of eyes stared at Levi as if they wanted him dead.
“I have nothing to say! As you can see, I am holding it in my hands!” Levi smiled.
Even if he was the one who returned the divine tool, he was also the one holding it.
The divine tool belonged to him in the first place!
Troy and the others wanted to refute, but they didn’t know what to say.
They were rendered speechless!
“Since Master Garrison has admitted it himself, shouldn’t the academy punish him accordingly?”
“Yes. Master Garrison has a unique presence here. He deserves to be punished heavily!”
“Punish him! Punish him!”
Thousands of people chanted in unison.
Zoey, Azure Dragon, and the others lowered their heads.
The scene was so humiliating that they wanted to bury their heads in a hole.
They didn’t want to have anything to do with Levi anymore.
It was simply too embarrassing.
All of them lowered their heads, trying to ignore Levi.
He actually did such a thing!
Daxon and the others were stumped.
They wouldn’t dare to punish Levi.
However, a series of measures must be arranged to quell the public’s anger.
“This is a matter of grave importance. We will decide after having a discussion and notifying the chancellor and vice-chancellor!” Daxon said.
He wanted to use the titles of chancellor and vice-chancellor to suppress the group of people.
However, the crowd did not agree.
“No way! There’s solid evidence! He must be punished! Otherwise, the public will not be satisfied!”
“Isn’t it obvious enough already? What else is there to discuss?”
Eskild’s spies compelled everyone, and they wanted Levi to be punished on the spot.
“Punish him now! Sever both of his thieving hands! Make him kneel in front of the gate and repent his sins for a day. Only then will this matter be resolved!” someone shouted from the crowd.
Levi recognized that person. It was Gerhard from the previous night!
“Okay. Let’s do that!”
Everyone chimed in.
Every single one of them wanted Levi to be punished that way.
Gerhard smirked gleefully.
“What is you who propose to cut off my hands and make me kneel?” Levi fixed his gaze on Gerhard.
“Yes! That’s right! That’s what you get for stealing!” Gerhard smirked.
Levi didn’t utter a word. Instead, he walked toward Gerhard.
At that point, Gerhard was still smiling gleefully while looking at Levi disdainfully.
Suddenly, Levi took action.
First, he slapped Gerhard in the face. Then, he knocked him to the ground with a punch and kicked him more than ten meters away.
Everyone was shocked!
They were shocked to the core!
None of them expected Levi to hit Gerhard!
Gerhard was also stunned.
Logically, he was on the top of the Provisional Leaderboard, way stronger than Levi.
However, he didn’t have the power to fight back.
Cough! Cough!
Gerhard spurted blood from his mouth after he fell to the ground.
He was nearly beaten to death.
He would never have thought that Levi had been eyeing him since the night before.
Ever since he flipped his middle finger, Levi had long wanted to beat him up.
Now that he served himself up on a silver platter, Levi would naturally seize the opportunity.
It was only after a few minutes when everyone finally returned to their senses.
“Levi, what are you doing?”
“Why did you beat him up for?”
The spies shouted instinctively.
Levi slapped them in the face as well.
Everyone was stunned again.
The moment someone uttered a word, Levi slapped them again.


Chapter 2588 I Simply Wanted To Slap You

The crowd fell into silence in an instant.

No one dared to speak anymore, because they would be slapped!
However, Levi didn’t just slap anyone.
The ones he slapped were the ones who were involved in stealing the divine tool the night before.
“Do you have a death wish? Do you think we cannot fight back?”
Many of them wanted to retaliate.
At this moment, Gerhard raised his hand and shouted, “Wait! Hold on! Don’t fall for his trick!
“He’s just trying to provoke us! If we attack him, the tables will turn! He’s a teacher at the Carigrey Academy, after all. And if we assault a teacher, we will be at fault, and he can use this to get away!”
After hearing what Gerhard said, everyone nodded in agreement.
They were amazed by the depth of Levi’s provocative plan.
Levi chuckled. “You’re overthinking. I simply felt like slapping you!”
Thump! Thump! Thump!
As he spoke, Levi walked forward and gave Gerhard a few more kicks.
Gerhard gritted his teeth, his face full of resentment.
He endured the pain and resisted the urge to fight back.
Levi didn’t hold back. He continued to deliver more kicks and blows toward Gerhard.
If it wasn’t for Daxon who stopped him, Gerhard would have been beaten to death.
“Calm down! Everyone calm down!”
Daxon waved a dismissive hand.
“Sir, Levi committed theft and assault. He must be severely punished!”
The crowd roared.
“Silence! Since when do you make the decisions in Carigrey Academy? The chancellor and the others will discuss and decide! No one is allowed to speak of this again!”
Then, Daxon gestured with his hand, “Take away the divine tool!”
After hearing the adamant Daxon, everyone dared not to speak. Soon the crowd spread out.
“That’s it? Is that all?”
The disciples who left were furious.
They continued to discuss this matter.
“The chancellor will make a decision. Isn’t it clear? This matter has ended,” someone said.
“But Levi stole something, and he even hit us! And that’s fine?”
“I can’t accept this!”
“Me too!”
Not only the spies of the Lab of Gods, but many others also felt that it was unfair.
“If you can’t accept it, tell the Divine Brigadier yourself!”
“Don’t you see it? Carigrey Academy is protecting Levi! Now that the divine tool has been found, they can disregard this matter!” Eskild uttered.
The injured Gerhard also chimed in, “Yes! That’s right! We underestimated Levi’s status! His standing in Carigrey Academy and even in Erudia is prominent!”
“Apparently the Crown King’s status is absolute! They will defend him as long as he doesn’t do anything that defaces Erudia or anything earth-shattering!”
“After all, the Crown King was the savior of Erudia in the past! We’ve underestimated their opinion of Levi!”
“He wasn’t someone as feeble as the one whom we thought couldn’t make it to the Provisional Leaderboard!”
That time, everyone realized one thing. Levi was terrifyingly powerful and could very well be equivalent to all of Erudia’s treasures added up!
Later, the spies explained the situation to the Lab of Gods.
Not long after, Daxon and several others went to meet with Levi.
“It seems that they have orchestrated everything in advance. They planted the divine tool here and then accused me of stealing it!”
“That means the divine tool never left. It was in Carigrey Academy all along!” Levi said after analyzing the situation.
“But if nobody brought out the divine tool, how did the people behind them know about it?” Daxon asked.
“They scanned it! There are highly advanced devices that could do the scanning and transmit the data to them without even needing the real thing!” Levi roughly pieced the puzzle together.
Levi smiled and said, “If I’m not mistaken, their equipment is still in Carigrey Academy. They will definitely find a way to smuggle it out of the academy.”


Chapter 2589 Thank You For Your Suggestion

“That’s right! If they have a scanning device like that, it won’t be safe for them to keep it in Carigrey Academy! It will be discovered sooner or later! So they will definitely try to take it away!”

“We just need to observe them closely, find out who they gave these devices to, and determine the final location of the equipment! Then we’ll have a lead!”
“I will get someone to watch them immediately!”
As long as there’s still a glimmer of hope, Levi will never let it go.
However, he was amazed at how cautious the Lab of Gods was.
It was a great opportunity, but he didn’t have any discovery at all.
After Levi explained everything, he returned to base.
Zoey’s group went to look for him.
“What is it? What are you doing here instead of training?” Levi asked.
In fact, Levi enjoyed his recent days in the absence of Zoey and the others.
“We have something to discuss with you!”
Zoey’s expressions looked somewhat conflicted.
“We had a short discussion earlier, and we made a vote. Everyone had agreed on this decision!”
“Just get straight to the point!” Levi smiled.
Zoey hesitated for a while, but she couldn’t say it in the end.
“Mrs. Garrison, allow me!”
Floyd, who had experienced the divine tool, sounded highly confident.
Before this, he wouldn’t have the guts to speak to Levi like that.
However, after witnessing the unparalleled power, it gave him a boost in self-confidence.
He stood up and said, “Master! We had a discussion and came to a decision. We unanimously suggest that you resign your position as a teacher and leave Carigrey Academy! This place is not suited for you!
“Master, we know you very well. You never liked the constraints of rules and regulations. You value your freedom! Carigrey Academy is not a place for you, whether you are a teacher or a student!
“If you continue to stay, you will cause a lot of trouble! Additionally, you’re misleading the students! “You cannot just do whatever you like with the students just because you contributed greatly to Erudia and have a prominent status!
“What happened this time was just a wake-up call. If you don’t leave, more troubles may come your way! “If you can’t clean up the mess when that happens, things won’t end well!”
Levi had a stern look on his face after listening to Floyd. “Is this what you all think?”
Zoey and the others nodded simultaneously. “Yes. That’s right! We’ve all discussed about it!
“Now, please leave Carigrey Academy and resign from your position! Otherwise, you may be chased out, or worse!” Everyone spoke at once.
They had all deliberated on the matter.
Levi staying in Carigrey Academy was detrimental for himself and them.
His presence had been affecting them.
“I thank you for your suggestion. However, I don’t agree!”
Then, Levi turned around and left.
Zoey and the others were infuriated.
However, there was nothing they could do about it.
Levi still had to go about his business, and he had no time for idle chats.
As expected, Levi received a message from Death Fiend when he returned to the base.
“Master! Special forces agents from Zarain’s Shield were found around the Garrison clan! All seventeen of them! I’ve sent our men to capture them!”
“Has Shield finally made a move? I knew they couldn’t wait!” Levi was pleasantly surprised.
“Yes! Shield has not set foot in Erudia for four years. This time, they suddenly sent seventeen people. It was unbelievable! So I immediately had them captured!”
Meanwhile, Shield was informed almost instantly about the capture of the seventeen special forces agents.
Black Hawk started to panic.
He immediately contacted Mr. X.
“This is urgent! Don’t let them be interrogated, or we’ll be in trouble! You must rescue them immediately! The sooner, the better! With my current situation, it’s more difficult for me to rescue them. Can you send someone from your side instead, Mr. X?” Black Hawk asked.
“I have a good idea…” Mr. X said.


Chapter 2590 Hostage

Black Hawk was curious. Everyone around Mr. X was curious to know about his idea as well.

“They captured our people. So you go capture theirs!” Mr. X said with a smile.
Black Hawk was taken aback. He asked incredulously, “Capture their people? Who?”
Lucifer was even more confused. “Mr. X, did you mean capture someone in exchange for our own men in return? But there’s no use capturing anyone! We’re not able to catch anyone worth using!”
“Well, if I can capture the Divine Brigadier, I can get my people back! But how can we capture someone of that class?” Black Hawk looked troubled.
“We only need to catch one!” Mr. X scoffed.
“What? Levi?”
Black Hawk, Lucifer, and the others couldn’t believe their ears.
Black Hawk expressed his doubts. “Will that even work? What’s the use of Levi? Can he be exchanged for seventeen special forces agents we’ve lost?”
“I used to think the same. However, according to the recent information from the spies, Levi has a prominent status in Erudia, and he also has a very high standing in Carigrey Academy!
“We have always underestimated Levi. Just by the title of Crown King, there are already countless people willing to protect him.
“Even if he’s not that strong, even if he can’t keep up with the times, he is still the spiritual symbol of Erudia! The Erudians are credulous about this! “Therefore, his status is much higher than we imagined. As long as you can capture him, not only can you exchange him for your subordinates, you can even trade him for anything else!” Mr. X said.
“Indeed. Stealing the divine tool was a big incident. But it went away so easily. It really shows his prominent standing.” After listening to Mr. X, Black Hawk nodded immediately. “Okay. I will send someone to capture Levi right away!”
Shield from Zarain didn’t stand idly by either.
Black Hawk quickly summoned eight top-class special forces agents.
“Polar, Scindere, you lead the team. Be sure to bring back Levi!”
The eight special forces agents took the fastest airship and arrived near Carigrey Academy as soon as possible.
In Carigrey Academy base.
Levi was waiting for the Garrison clan to deliver the captured Special forces agents.
He wanted to interrogate them himself.
The wait was long, and he felt bored. He checked with Notos if the spies in Carigrey Academy had moved their equipment. Then, he sent Notos to the surroundings of Carigrey Academy.
After all, that was an important location.
Someone had to be there.
“Master, I haven’t seen the person who transferred the equipment. But I saw someone else! Let me scan and check it out…”
Various pieces of equipment were installed around Carigrey Academy, and the special forces agents sent by Shield just broke into its surveillance range.
They would never have expected themselves to be discovered as soon as they arrived at Carigrey Academy.
After all, they were unaware of all that.
“I got it! The eight of them are the top-class special forces agents of Shield! The ones leading the team are Polar and Scindere.” Notos transmitted the information of the eight of them over to Levi.
Levi was stunned when he looked at the information.
What are they doing here?
They must have come to Erudia to rescue the seventeen special forces agents.
But why are they here?
Did they predict that their people will be sent here? Is that why they’re here?
It can’t be! They are still on their way here. No one could know.
They must have come for something else.
Levi never thought about them coming to capture him.
It was beyond his wildest imagination that there would be beings bold enough to attempt to capture him.
“Observe closely! See what they’re up to!”
Levi didn’t want to alert them.
Soon, Polar and the team entered Carigrey Academy.
A message from Notos arrived.
“Master, something doesn’t seem right. They are heading in your direction! Maybe they’re here for you!”
“What? They’re here for me?”



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Chapter 2591 The Nightmare And The Devil

Levi was stunned.

He didn’t know what the eight of them were up to.
However, he was also curious about why they were here.
In a few ten seconds after receiving the message from Notos, Levi sensed the presence of eight individuals approaching him.
They were moving quickly, and they were really good at hiding their presence.
Well, at least they were good enough for no one else in Carigrey Academy except Levi to notice them.
Polar and seven others thought they were completely undetected as they didn’t leave any trail behind.
They stealthily approached Levi’s residence.
As if appearing out of thin air, they entered Levi’s residence. Polar even let out an ominous smile.
He thought they could capture Levi easily, just like taking candy from a baby, and capturing Levi alone would be enough.
Levi pretended to be asleep to see what they were going to do.
‘Wake up! Stop pretending!” Polar scoffed.
Levi smiled, opened his eyes, and sat up.
“Who are you guys? What are you doing here?” Levi immediately asked.
Scindere sneered. “We’re taking you somewhere! With your strength, I suggest you not resist! Otherwise, you will suffer in flesh and blood!”
To them, Levi was too weak with no chance of fighting them.
“Take him away!” Polar instructed the rest of the agents.
Two special forces agents stepped forward and shackled Levi’s hands and feet with advanced handcuffs.
Then, they picked him up and left in a flash.
Levi did not resist and allowed them to take him away.
He wanted to see what they were up to.
The eight of them took Levi out of Carigrey Academy quickly.
Notos saw the eight of them carrying Levi away when he was monitoring the area.
He burst out in laughter.
His stomach started to hurt from all the laughing as if he just heard the funniest joke in the world.
These fools never had the slightest idea who they were carrying back.
He’s one of the elders!
He recalled the movies from Zarain. They often dug up demons and the like and brought them back, which was no different from what was transpiring in front of his eyes.
After leaving the perimeter of Carigrey Academy altogether, an airship arrived to meet them.
After putting Levi on the airship, they immediately took off and left at full speed.
Levi was having a good sleep.
In a daze, he heard some voices in his ear.
Levi opened his eyes only to find himself in an unfamiliar place.
He was in a laboratory that looked modern and advanced.
Apart from the eight individuals who took him, there were many others present.
One of them, who had a black hawk tattooed on his neck, saw Levi waking up.
“Why are you so afraid of him? Do you even need to shackle him? Are you afraid of him escaping?” Black Hawk said disdainfully.
Polar patted his head. “Right. With his strength, there’s no need for us to be afraid.”
“How embarrassing! We even used the strongest cuffs from Shield! Unless they have the help of the divine tool, no one will be able to free themselves! Not even the top ten of the Divine Leaderboard could escape! These cuffs are for restraining enemies of the highest level!” Scindere said.
Levi was impressed by the shackles they used.
The quality and design of the cuffs were highly advanced.
It was indeed difficult for him to free himself.
Even someone with the strength of the Divine Brigadier would not be able to free themselves from these chains.
“Levi. Oh, Levi. Do you remember? You once charged into Zarain alone and massacred us! We couldn’t do anything against you other than watching you get away! You were the nightmare of Zarain, the devil we all hated! It was you who brought us great shame!
“Time to time, we would still think of the sword you stuck in our land. It was our eternal agony!”
As Black Hawk spoke, everyone glared at Levi with eyes full of anger!
Everything Black Hawk said was true.
Everyone in Zarain wanted to skin him alive.
They could feel the hatred boiling within whenever they laid eyes on him, and they wanted to torture him in the cruelest way possible!


Chapter 2592 Another Horrible Enemy

Black Hawk mocked, “Look, we managed to abduct you easily. You’re no match for us. There’s a saying in Erudia, ‘Every dog will have his day.’ Previously, we were afraid of your existence, but today, we can mess around with you! Ah, reality is harsh. I can’t bring myself to hate you after realizing how weak you are.”

“Yes, you need to become stronger so we can hate you. Now that you’re as weak as an ant, we can’t gain pleasure from tormenting and killing you!”
Everyone else shared his sentiments.
Levi was too weak, so they couldn’t get a sense of achievement after defeating him.
Levi was amused by their reactions.
He chuckled and declared, “You may try!”
“Don’t worry. We’ll make sure you get a taste of your own medicine. Remember how you marched in and out of Zarain mercilessly and killed everyone in sight? We shall make you pay! Just you wait. Soon, the first indestructible fighter of Zarain will arrive at Erudia. He’ll do the same thing you did to Zarain back then!” Black Hawk announced.
Levi felt his heart sank.
As Zarain had kept a low profile over the years, he had forgotten all about them.
Clearly, they were plotting something.
After all, they had always claimed to be the strongest presence on earth.
They had never given up on their dream to conquer the world.
There was also a possibility that they were mightier than Lab of Gods.
Back then, Zarain and Lab of Gods were actually cooperating instead of one working for the other.
To make it short, they were both formidable enemies to Levi!
Oh, no! Levi’s expression turned grim. Are they going to reenact what I did back in Zarain? That person must be really capable of doing that. But I’ve studied the Divine Leaderboard, and there’s no such person in Zarain. That fighter must be Zarain’s trump card. That’s horrible. Though Dark Web had claimed to list out all the fighters in the world, they must’ve missed out on this one.
Suddenly, something occurred to Levi.
Wait, could it be behind the stone plaque? There are many names engraved there!
Levi recognized some of the names engraved on the back of the stone plaque, but some were unfamiliar to him.
He had always thought they were part of Lab of Gods.
He was wrong, for they were a bunch of supernatural beings who weren’t listed on the Divine Leaderboard.
One of them must be the superior being from Zarain! I need to find out who they are. I had memorized the list, anyway.
Suddenly, Levi realized danger was lurking around.
Fortunately, he was informed of the strong presence in Zarain beforehand and could prepare for the attack.
It would be horrible if they were attacked without knowing it.
Black Hawk and the others guffawed. “Don’t worry. It will be a horrifying sight!”
They couldn’t wait for that day to arrive.
“Cut the crap. Tell me, why did you kidnap me? It doesn’t look like you’re going to kill me,” Levi asked.
“Of course! It won’t be fun to take your life. I want you to see how Erudia gets wiped out!” Black Hawk let out a menacing smirk. “We abducted you to get back the seventeen subordinates who Erudia captured earlier! Apparently, you’re a prominent figure in Erudia. You’re the perfect hostage for us to get our men back!”
Finally, Levi understood why he was captured.
They took me as a hostage to get their men back. They even know I’m a prominent figure back in Erudia. People must’ve assumed I’m powerful after I stole the divine tool in Carigrey Academy but didn’t get punished. It must be Lab of Gods’ spies who told them the news.
It was obvious that Shield had collaborated with Lab of Gods.
If he had suspected them before, he now knew for sure.
The situation now was like Shield had delivered themselves into his hand, and he didn’t even have to search for them.
With that thought in mind, Levi burst out laughing heartily.


Chapter 2593 I Will Do It Myself

Everyone was confused.

Why is he laughing?
They cast puzzled glances in his direction.
Black Hawk questioned, “Are you laughing at the fact that you can be used to exchange for our men?”
Levi ignored him and continued laughing.
As Shield had swum into the net themselves, they wouldn’t need the seventeen men, who were Black Hawk’s subordinates.
Even if they were interrogated, they would reveal Black Hawk at most, for they worked for him.
Now that Black Hawk and Shield had exposed themselves, he no longer needed the seventeen men.
That was why Levi was chortling.
“Contact Carigrey Academy now and inform them of the exchange!”
Black Hawk got to work immediately.
Soon, they managed to contact Daxon.
They asked for the release of the seventeen men in exchange for Levi.
They claimed that Levi was a threat to world peace.
Daxon snorted.
He had been wondering why Levi had disappeared.
It turned out that he was abducted by Black Hawk.
Daxon requested, “Let me know that Crown King is still alive.”
Hearing that, Black Hawk and the rest exhaled in relief.
They finally confirmed that Mr. X wasn’t lying to them.
Indeed, Levi was an important figure for them to carry out the deal.
“Here, you can talk to him,” Black Hawk said as he handed the communication device to Levi.
Daxon asked, “Do you agree to the exchange?”
“Of course. Do you want me to die in their hands? Hurry, send them back now!” Levi urged.
Black Hawk and the rest assumed he was afraid of them.
“All right. Let me talk to Shield.”
Daxon immediately understood what Levi meant.
The seventeen men are of no use to us anymore!
“Divine Brigadier, release the seventeen men. When we confirm they are safe, we’ll release Levi,” Black Hawk stated.
Daxon responded, “Huh? Will you go back on your word? After I release them, you might not release Erudia’s Crown King!” He was saying this on purpose.
Black Hawk cast Levi a contemptuous look. “Don’t worry. He’s no match for us, and we can capture him anytime. I won’t go back on my word.”
To them, Levi was a weakling who they could capture anytime.
There was no need to go back on their word just because of him.
Besides, they needed Levi to be alive to witness what would happen next.
It wasn’t enough to keep Levi locked up. They wanted him to suffer.
Thus, Shield decided to release Levi and then recapture him.
Their plan was to taunt and disregard Levi and Erudia.
That was way better than keeping him locked up.
After the negotiation ended, Daxon went to the seventeen special forces agents who were captured and sent them back to Zarain.
Around eight hours later, the seventeen special forces agents arrived at Zarain.
Shield brought them back to their location and made sure they weren’t questioned or revealed any information.
Everyone in Shield, especially Black Hawk, heaved a sigh of relief.
After all, he couldn’t afford to expose Lab of Gods to the public.
No one could find out that they still existed.
“We need to release him now.”
Black Hawk returned to the training base where Levi was locked up.
He ordered, “Unlock his cuffs and send him back to Erudia.”
Without warning, Levi flashed a mysterious smile.
“No need. I’ll do that myself.”
With that, he exerted force.
Boom! Click! Click!
A terrifying power caused the cuffs to break into pieces. Shield thought it was impossible for any prisoner to escape from the cuffs, but they were wrong.
It shattered into pieces before their eyes.
A suffocating silence fell…


Chapter 2594 Shield Will Disappear

Black Hawk, Scindere, and Polar were stunned into silence.

Everyone was dumbfounded.
The sight of Levi breaking free of the cuffs caused their jaws to drop open in shock.
Oh, dear! What was that? Did we just witness something this horrifying? Was that even possible? Was it a dream?
Slap! Slap! Slap!
Someone even slapped himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.
Alas, it had happened for real.
“Oh, dear. I can’t believe it really happened!”
Never in their wildest dreams did they expect this to happen, for they knew how frightening the cuffs were.
The pair of cuffs was developed by Shield.
It had nothing to do with Lab of Gods, for it belonged to Shield entirely.
Nobody knew where they got the technology from.
There was a huge possibility that they had developed it themselves.
The material couldn’t be found anywhere in the world, so it was unknown where Shield got it from.
However, they had experimented on it many times.
Once a man was cuffed, he wouldn’t be able to unlock it without the key.
Back when Karsten was alive, they tried it on him, and he couldn’t unlock it himself.
Even the top three fighters ranked on the Divine Leaderboard wouldn’t be able to break free from the cuffs.
Thus, it was their most prized possession.
Thus, they named it as “The Infrangible Handcuffs.”
To their utter shock, Levi merely flicked his wrists and destroyed The Infrangible Handcuffs easily.
They just couldn’t imagine how powerful he was.
Is he God? How did he break the handcuffs made of an unbreakable material?
They had never even heard of the existence of anyone like him!
Wait a minute. We’re talking about Levi here. He’s a weakling who didn’t even make it to the Provisional Leaderboard! Are the rumors real? He’s powerful enough to rank on the Divine Leaderboard! In fact, he is beyond the Divine Leaderboard! Who was the one who spread the rumors?
Finally, they knew it was a mistake to assume Levi was a wimp who they could bully.
Their initial plan of messing around with him wouldn’t work, for they were no match for him.
Comprehension dawned, and they felt like their heads were going to explode from the overload of information.
Finally, they understood why Levi didn’t fight back when the eight special forces agents captured him.
He had followed them here obediently on purpose to see what was going on here.
In short, they had been tricked!
Black Hawk recalled how his men were abducted by Levi.
He was reminded of Levi and Daxon’s conversation.
Daxon was actually asking for Levi’s opinion instead of wanting to confirm that he was alive!
Finally, Mr. X’s words made sense—Levi was respected because he was a capable person!
Everything made perfect sense now.
The seventeen men weren’t interrogated, but they had exposed themselves.
That was something that Erudia couldn’t obtain even after questioning the seventeen men.
After destroying the handcuffs, Levi sat down and grinned.
Scindere was about to press the alarm button when Black Hawk stopped him.
“N-No. Even if everyone in Shield finds out about it, we won’t be able to stop him. Besides, the consequences will be horrible. Shield will disappear from the face of the earth as he’ll wipe us out. It’s no use pressing the button!” he revealed in a shaky voice.
As Levi was strong enough to destroy The Infrangible Handcuffs, it meant he was also strong enough to wipe Shield out of existence.


Chapter 2595 Finding Lab Of Gods

Levi chuckled. “You’re smart to grasp the situation.”

“You must have an ulterior motive to get kidnapped by my men. It’s easy for you to kill us all,” Black Hawk responded. “You were the one who kidnapped my seventeen subordinates, right?”
“Yes, that’s right. I was the one who kidnapped them. I had no idea you’d abduct me to get them back. Lab of Gods had told you I’m important to Erudia and you can offer me in exchange for your men, right?”
Hearing that, Black Hawk immediately realized Levi knew everything.
He blurted out, “Could it be Dark Emperor…”
Levi’s expression told him everything.
There was no mysterious being, for that was Levi in person.
Back then, Levi was powerful enough to be Zarain and Lab of Gods’ biggest enemy.
He was still their biggest enemy now.
Suddenly, Black Hawk burst into laughter.
Lab of Gods, Mr. X, you had no idea Levi, who you looked down on, known of your existence all the while. The three men you’ve been looking for are all Levi’s alter egos! What a joke!
By now, Levi had figured everything out now.
Instead of hiding the truth, Black Hawk answered honestly, “Yes, you’re right. Lab of Gods still exists. They contacted me recently and told me to investigate the head of the ancient Garrison clan. I believe you know the men who contacted me—Lucifer and Mr. X. They…”
Black Hawk proceeded to reveal everything to Levi.
Levi flashed a smirk. “Great, they are my old acquaintances. Where are they?”
“I have to admit that Lab of Gods is smart. They are in Oakland City, Erudia.”
Hearing that, Levi nearly jolted up in shock.
“They are in Erudia?”
That had never crossed his mind.
No wonder I tracked the pure energy beings from Restricted Area 76 to Erudia. I initially thought they discovered me and led me to Erudia on purpose. They went on separate ways in Erudia. I picked one to track and lost sight of him in Oakland City.
He belatedly realized that they hadn’t discovered him or were trying to shake him off their tracks. Erudia was their destination.
They went on separate ways in Erudia for they had bases all around the country.
Oakland City was one of their bases.
Finally, it all made sense now.
Levi couldn’t help but marvel at the fact that Lab of Gods had reappeared in Erudia.
Who would have thought of that?
“What should I do? Should I lure them out so you can kill them all?” Black Hawk asked.
Levi shook his head. “Not for the moment. Pretend nothing had happened and keep in touch with Lab of Gods. I’ll let you know when I need your help.”
I wonder how powerful Lab of Gods is now. It isn’t a good idea to take action recklessly. Besides me, I don’t think anyone else who is capable enough to go against Lab of Gods.
Levi wanted to wipe Lab of Gods out single-handedly, but he was worried about what would happen if he couldn’t do that.
Thus, he had to make sure it was a foolproof plan.
He would have to train more men, and increase his own strength and trump cards to go against Lab of Gods.
Besides that, he would also have to find out how capable Lab of Gods was, and what they were planning.
After all, “Know thyself and know thy enemies” was the secret to victory.
He could kill a weak enemy with one punch. However, as this concerned an unknown enemy, Levi wouldn’t want to fight an unprepared battle.
Suddenly, Levi turned to Black Hawk. “Of course, you can tell Lab of Gods about me.”


Chapter 2596 Hint From Black Hawk

Black Hawk shook his head. “I’m not a fool. All I want is to stay alive. I’m certain they’ll kill me if I tell them about you. If both sides come for me, I’ll be doomed!”

He was smart enough to submit to Levi after weighing the pros and cons.
Levi smiled. “I’m glad you’re afraid of dying. If you’re not a coward, I won’t be able to carry out my plan!”
He glanced at the rest. “Of course, I won’t trust you wholeheartedly. My men will keep watch on you and your family all the time. The same goes for everyone here.”
Everyone blanched in horror.
It was terrifying to learn that someone would be keeping watch on you in the dark all the time.
They knew Levi was capable of doing that.
However, they didn’t know that Levi was lying.
He wasn’t about to send his men to keep an eye on them.
His words stunned them into silence.
“Do your equipment belong to Lab of Gods?” Levi asked.
Black Hawk nodded. “Yes.”
“No wonder it looks different from what the others have. Give it to me so I can study it,” Levi said.
Black Hawk gave the equipment to him obediently.
In the end, Shield sent Levi back to Erudia.
Black Hawk immediately contacted Lab of Gods and informed Mr. X about the development.
“Mr. X, Levi seems different now,” he said deliberately.
“Yes, he used to be our enemy, so he’s different now. I’m not even interested in ending his life!” Mr. X replied. Clearly, he didn’t understand Black Hawk’s hint.
One wouldn’t think otherwise.
“Be careful with your investigation. I believe the ancient Garrison clan has noticed you.”
Mr. X was disappointed, for it meant that Shield hadn’t accomplished anything.
He could only rely on Senior Disciple.
On the other hand, Zoey and the rest surrounded Levi upon his arrival.
They wanted to know if Levi was hurt.
In fact, most of them wanted to see Levi make a fool of himself.
However, Levi’s students were unfazed.
They knew no one was capable enough of abducting their teacher.
Though they weren’t sure what had happened, they were certain that Levi had allowed himself to be abducted.
With that, Levi led his team back to their spot.
“Get back to training. You’ll have to enter solitary training. Nothing shall stop you from training!”
After finding out about Lab of Gods, Levi knew there wasn’t much time left.
He had to hurry up.
He ordered his students to focus on training.
After that, he gathered Daxon and the others.
“By the way, has Edmund mastered the Iron Golem Technique?” Levi asked.
If Edmund could master the Iron Golem Technique, it would be a great help.
Daxon shook his head. “I don’t know.”
“Come on. Let’s find out!”
Levi and Daxon went to the place where Edmund was training.
From afar, they could hear something buzzing.
It seemed like he was achieving Level Eight soon!
Clearly, Edmund had been working very hard.
After receiving Levi’s guidance, he was already trying to achieve Level Eight.
It was unbelievable.
Daxon flashed a proud smile at his son’s achievement.
However, Levi furrowed his brows.
He’s too slow! I thought he’d be trying to achieve Level Nine by now. Alas, he is only at Level Eight.
Levi had instructed Edmund and taught him a lot for him to get where he was now.



Supreme Grandmaster - Elder of Sex Sext
Platinum Villager
Sep 24, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 2597 Creating Fighters

Edmund had benefited a lot from his teachings.

After all, Levi had mastered the Iron Golem Technique completely.
With his help, Edmund wouldn’t have to take any unnecessary steps and reached Level Eight easily.
However, it was hard for him to break through Level Nine in such a short time.
Hence, he couldn’t meet Levi’s need for now.
“It’s too late. I was thinking of training them for a while before picking new talents. Now, I have to carry out my plan ahead of time. A competition will take place seven days later. I’ll assume the position of Dark Emperor and the other two to pick new talents. I shall train the new recruits personally!” Levi announced.
“Got it!” Daxon nodded.
As soon as word got out, Carigrey Academy exploded in a frenzy.
Everyone had been here for a month.
They had been waiting for the chancellor and the two vice-chancellors to instruct them personally, and their wish was about to come true.
Everyone started exclaiming in excitement.
Even the spies sent by Lab of Gods were excited, for they had been waiting to meet Dark Emperor and the other two.
After visiting Edmund, Levi went to Donald and Tyrone.
They were talented enough to improve swiftly after guidance from Levi.
There was a good chance for them both to be Super Fighters Levi needed.
Nevertheless, it would take some time before that could happen.
After sensing danger, Levi was already wondering how to develop Super Fighters in the shortest time possible.
As of now, Death Fiend and the others were sufficient, for they had consumed the blood of Gods from Restricted Area 76.
Yet, they couldn’t absorb the power completely.
But there weren’t enough Super Fighters.
The men he had were still far from enough, so they would be cannon fodders when a fight ensued.
He needed Super Fighters to intimidate the enemy.
Levi decided to utilize all the resources he got from Restricted Area 76 to create the fighters.
There was still someone he needed.
Levi made his way to North Hampton to find out how Cyrus, Mia, and Wynona were doing.
Cyrus’ aura was weak and diminishing.
He looked like a candle about to extinguish soon.
Which meant that it could only mean one thing—Cyrus’ training had worked.
He was about to turn into a Super Fighter!
That was exactly what Levi wanted.
Cyrus’ training had shown results.
Though he wasn’t as talented as Levi, he had shown his maximum potential and talent.
Indeed, he was the strongest in his field.
If his solitary training was successful, he would top the Divine Leaderboard. However, he wouldn’t be a match for Levi, of course.
Levi was pleased with the results.
Mia’s aura was getting weaker, so she was also getting somewhere.
That showed that she had fully grasped the basic techniques.
However, she hadn’t gotten as far as Cyrus yet.
So, she would have to continue her training.
Obviously, she wouldn’t be able to help Levi with her training speed.
Compared to them both, Wynona was still a rookie.
Previously, she had to protect everyone and wasted a lot of time.
Levi breathed a sigh of relief, for he had one Super Fighter now—Fiery Demon.
However, that was far from enough.
He would need at least a dozen Super Fighters to go against Lab of Gods.
What about a fast-track technique? The only one I’ve heard of is the Divine Extraction Technique.
A person who mastered the Divine Extraction Technique would be able to suck in a lot of power to become a fighter in a short time.
Alas, Levi hadn’t mastered it, so that wouldn’t work in his favor.
Instead of sucking someone else’s power, Levi wondered if he could suck the energy from the crystal to create four fighters.
Wait, the crystal’s energy!
A brilliant idea popped up in Levi’s mind.


Chapter 2598 The Fearsome Four

Previously, Levi was busy wondering how to make human beings Super Fighters.

However, they had let him down.
They also didn’t have the Divine Extraction Technique to suck someone else’s power.
Levi couldn’t possibly inject the crystal’s energy into their bodies.
It wouldn’t be a problem if they could withstand it. However, if the energy was too much for them, they would explode at once.
Therefore, he couldn’t experiment on them, not even on someone as powerful as Daxon.
Just then, Levi had an idea. Super Fighters didn’t have to be humans.
He could get them in another way.
For example, machines, or even the mutated zombies created by Maya Industries.
There were a lot of them, so he could experiment on them freely.
Besides, he could control them after making them Super Fighters.
They weren’t as complicated as human beings, who had their own opinion.
With that thought in mind, Levi went to the hidden base of Maya Industries.
“Gather all the mutated zombies. I need them now!” he commanded.
A total of three hundred thousand mutated zombies were gathered in no time.
Levi was shocked to find out there were so many of them.
The staggering number reflected how crazy Maya Industries was.
As Maya Industries had trained them previously, the mutated zombies were skilled at launching attacks.
They were a deadly force.
Yet, Levi found them useless.
Lab of Gods had known of their existence, so the mutated zombies wouldn’t pose as a threat to them.
Besides, it was Lab of Gods who came out with the mutated zombie project.
They planned to use it on huge living beings, but Maya Industries used the technology on humans instead.
It didn’t matter anymore to Levi, for Lab of Gods wouldn’t discover what his plan was.
For the next few days, Levi checked the condition of every mutated zombie personally.
In the end, he selected three hundred and sixty-five qualified ones.
Next, Levi carried out his plan to inject the crystal’s energy and the resources from Restricted Area 76—the God’s golden blood among others—into the mutated zombies.
After doing that, he would eliminate the disqualified mutated zombies and select the best ones.
Seven days passed in the blink of an eye.
There were less than fifty mutated zombies left from the initial three hundred and sixty-five zombies.
However, the elimination had to go on.
On the other hand, Levi ordered Sacred Organization to use the metal resources from Restricted Area 76 to make a few war machines.
They were given powerful energy and equipped with Levi’s divine tools
No matter how capable Lab of Gods was, Levi wanted Sacred Organization to develop robots with great fighting abilities.
He wanted robots who could gather a horrifying amount of power and use the divine tools.
Thus, the robots were powerful fighting machines!
Only the resources from Restricted Area 76 could meet Levi’s expectations and become Super Fighters.
Humans couldn’t do that, but the robots could.
After getting the divine tools developed by Levi, they would grow more powerful.
There were a total of four war machines, so Levi named them Fearsome Four.
Levi estimated that thirteen of the mutated zombies would be selected to be Super Fighters.
The thirteen of them would use up the remaining crystal’s energy.
Levi had a rough idea in mind of who the thirteen mutated zombies were.
He decided to label them from number one until number thirteen.
He was going all out to create Super Fighters.
Fortunately, Levi had the resources from Restricted Area 76.
Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to carry out his plan.
As Super Fighters were created, Levi finally felt at ease.
Seven days went past in a flash, and it was time for Levi to pick the talents in Carigrey Academy.


Chapter 2599 In The Open

Everyone would first battle against each other to show their talents.

The students had lined up on the square, ready for the competition to begin.
It was an opportunity for both the ones who wanted to increase their strengths and the spies sent by Lab of Gods, so everyone was excited.
Soon, the teachers showed up, including Levi.
“Eh? Where are Levi’s students? Why is he alone? Won’t they take part in the competition?”
“Yes. This is a great opportunity for them!”
“We came here to become the chancellor’s and vice-chancellors’ students, right?”
“We’ve only been here for one month. Even if we have our respective teachers, our strengths had increased at the same pace. This is the only chance for them to rise up the ranks. If they miss this chance, the gap between us will get bigger. They won’t get another chance to defeat us!”
Everyone voiced out their opinions one by one.
Eskild and the rest sneered, “The fools won’t be here. They are silly enough to give up on this great opportunity just for Levi’s sake!”
“What a bunch of idiots!”
Hearing their criticism, Zoey and the others felt rather uneasy.
Indeed, Levi was the reason they refused to take part in the competition.
They wanted to tell Levi to allow his students to join the competition.
The chance of getting him to agree was slim, but it was better than nothing.
As the chancellor and vice-chancellors were selecting talents personally, it would be foolish to give up on the chance.
Letting the chance slip from their hands would also mean their training at Carigrey Academy was doomed.
They would have to rely on Levi forever.
Zoey and the rest sympathized with them and decided to help them in other ways.
Initially, everyone was standing up for Troy and the other students, but they soon got busy preparing for the upcoming battle.
“Besides Crown King’s students, the other students would be joining the competition. It’s a one-on-one battle to showcase your talents. Two students would then fight against each other…”
Daxon announced the start of the competition.
At once, thousands of students began battling against each other in the square.
The teachers took the seats allocated to them in advance.
The students glanced at the teachers anxiously, for they were eager to see the chancellor and vice-chancellors.
They will be here to pick their students. Will they show themselves or hide somewhere to carry out the selection in secret?
After a while, the students slumped in disappointment.
There was only one empty seat, and that seat belonged to Levi.
Levi had got to his feet and dashed forward to glance at the massive battle.
He would inch nearer and scrutinize the students carefully without missing any detail.
Soon, the battle grew more intense as everyone did their best to showcase their skills.
Levi was the busiest person, for he had to observe every team.
His figure flitted across the square.
As Daxon and the likes knew what Levi was doing, they were unfazed.
However, the rest were confused by Levi’s strange action.
Previously, there was a rumor saying Levi was learning their skills discreetly, so his action proved that the rumor was right.
He’s using his identity as a teacher to learn our skills in the open! The students were fuming inwardly.
Alas, they couldn’t do anything about it, for even the divine tool incident ended without a conclusion.
While battling against their opponents, Zoey and the likes didn’t forget to observe Levi.
They knew he was a proud person and was doing this to increase his strength.
Some could bear his antics, but some refused to take it lying down, especially when they didn’t know where the chancellors were.
Gerhard roared, “Can you scram? You’re affecting my performance!”


Chapter 2600 Wasting Time

Gerhard and Eskild were spies who had to prove themselves so Dark Emperor would pick them.

That was the only way they could complete their mission.
However, Levi was wandering around and distracted them.
Hence, Gerhard and the likes couldn’t take it anymore.
Soon, more students came to a stop and accused Levi of distracting them.
They demanded for Levi to leave the square.
Levi glanced at Gerhard and said, “Don’t worry. You won’t be picked anyway.”
“W-Who do you think you are? You’re not the one making the choices! Why should I trust you?” Gerhard fumed.
“Get out! You’re affecting our performance!” the rest chimed in angrily.
“If you’re easily distracted, why would we pick you? Are you sure you won’t get distracted in battle in the future? Will you fight against the enemy one on one? Will you ask the enemy not to distract you?”
Levi didn’t mind if the spies accused him, but he was furious to hear the other students sharing their sentiments.
If they were easily distracted, there was no way they could bear the responsibility.
No matter how talented they were, they were still weaklings.
Levi would never pick them.
He observed them and the others who focused on their battles.
“Hey, Levi. The teachers are in their seats, except for you, who came among us to create trouble. Even if you want to learn their skills, you shouldn’t be doing that now. First, you’re affecting their performance. Second, the chancellor and vice-chancellors are making choices. You’re affecting them too!” Asura chided.
He glared at Levi and said, “Stop saying that distractions are everywhere in war. If someone like you were to distract me on the battlefield, I’ll take you out before going for the enemy! But I can’t do that now!”
His words made sense, so everyone else joined in to protest.
“Stop talking nonsense. The chancellor and vice-chancellors are selecting talents, not you!”
Levi flashed a grin, for he was the one who would be selecting the talents.
He had been wandering around the square to select the suitable candidates.
The deeper he delved in, the more detailed his selection would be.
“All right. Stop fighting. Remember, the chancellor and vice-chancellors might be watching us. If you stop, it might affect your performance,” Zoey reminded.
Hearing that, everyone snapped back to reality and immediately resumed fighting.
Levi was no longer important, and he wasn’t distracting anymore.
After all, it was more important to showcase their skills to the chancellor and vice-chancellors.
The battle resumed, and everyone did their very best.
Finally, Levi finished his observation and got to understand each and every student.
He had made his choices.
It would be impossible to create Super Fighters who would meet his expectations, but they could be future Super Fighters.
The teachers had taught all their skills to their respective students for the past month, and the students had the basic skills.
Levi would only have to instruct and train them so they could master their respective skills to become strong fighters like Daxon and Eustace.
The battle was still ongoing, for everyone wanted to outshine the others.
It began with one-on-one duels but gradually escalated into one student against multiple students.
The spies ended up fighting against a few hundred opponents each.
If possible, they would wipe everyone out to achieve their goal.
Alas, they had no idea their efforts were in vain.
No one was interested in them, for the person who was here to pick the talents had spun on his heels to leave.
Levi left the crowd and went onto the stage. He announced, “All right. You can stop now!”



Supreme Grandmaster - Elder of Sex Sext
Platinum Villager
Sep 24, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 2601 The Bloodstain

However, no one paid heed to his words.

They just continued fighting.
Seeing that, Levi raised his voice. “Stop! The competition has ended!”
It was a loud roar that reverberated around the entire Carigrey Academy.
Those engaged in fights immediately came to a stop and gaped at him in disbelief.
“Levi, did you do that on purpose?”
“Are you disturbing us on purpose? I feel like killing you for doing that!”
Thinking Levi was disrupting them on purpose, they fumed angrily.
“The selection has ended. No one will watch your fights,” Levi sneered.
Before the crowd could protest, Daxon got to his feet and declared, “Yes, it has ended. The chancellor and vice-chancellors have made their choices. I shall announce the list later. Those who are selected can report to the chancellors and vice-chancellors instantly!”
Hearing that, everyone stopped paying attention to Levi.
They didn’t even know when he left, for all they wanted to know was whether they had been selected.
They couldn’t contain their anxiousness.
“I shall… Wait.”
Mm? I don’t think I need to make the announcement.
Daxon was about to make the announcement when he realized Levi hadn’t given him the list.
Feeling disappointed, he suddenly noticed something in the square.
At once, he chuckled out loud.
Turns out Levi has made the arrangements.
“Huh? No announcement? What is going on?”
The students were confused.
Their anxiousness was quickly replaced with fear.
Did something happen? Please don’t let anything go wrong!
They glanced at Daxon worriedly.
“Yes, there’s no need to make an announcement.” Daxon gave a curt nod. “Touch your faces. Those with a bloodstain on their cheek are the chosen ones!”
A moment ago, he realized some of the students had red marks on their faces.
Clearly, Levi had left the marks to indicate that they were the chosen ones.
At once, everyone descended into a flurry of excitement.
“Oh, I don’t have it. You have a mark on your face!”
“I have a bloodstain on my face!”
“I smelled blood! I have the mark!”
“He has it too! What about me? Oh, I don’t have it!”
The crowd was in a chaos.
However, there weren’t many students who had marks on their faces.
Less than three students were selected from each division.
In total, less than one hundred students were picked.
That was only the first round, so Levi would eliminate them along the way.
It would be a miracle if one-third of them would survive the training.
The remaining ones would form the backup team of Super Fighters.
The students who were marked couldn’t hide their delight.
Everyone else gazed at them enviously.
The competition wasn’t about their strengths, for only those suitable ones with potential would be picked.
“I don’t have it!”
Gerhard wiped his face and peered at his reflection in the mirror to confirm he hadn’t been selected.
Levi was right? Even Eskild and the rest didn’t make it through!
However, Asura was selected. After observing him, Levi realized he suited Eustace’s skills.
He could be the next Eustace.
Both Kirin and White Tiger got in too. They were perfect candidates for Gabriel’s skills.
Azure Dragon and Black Tortoise were selected to train The Cardinal Hall’s techniques.
Levi wasn’t being partial, for they had fought to get in themselves.
Floyd, Sword Fiend, and the likes had been selected to train the Garrison clan’s techniques.
If they succeeded, they would be future Super Fighters.
Zoey and the rest weren’t selected.
As Levi couldn’t teach them everything, he had to rely on the teachers.
Suddenly, a terrifying thought occurred to everyone.
Where did the bloodstain come from?


Chapter 2602 A Simple Matter

Everyone blanched in horror.

Something is very wrong. The chancellor and vice-chancellors didn’t even appear! How did they leave the bloodstains on over one hundred students’ faces? That’s amazing!
They were all confused and unable to wrap their heads around what was going on.
Instantly, their limbs felt numb, and they turned pale. They shivered as a chill ran down their spine.
It was unbelievable.
If they appeared in the crowd silently without alerting others, that was understandable.
However, no one noticed how they left the marks on their faces.
How amazing and when did they appear? Are they ghosts? Or divine beings?
They claimed to be observing in secret, but they were actually observing the students closely, just like Levi.
Otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to differentiate each student’s characteristics.
The students were horrified to learn that someone had been scrutinizing them and left marks on their faces.
After all, those people could kill them at any time, and they wouldn’t even know how they died.
Everyone who was in the vicinity had goosebumps as that thought occurred to them.
And fear rose within them.
They wondered how the chancellor and vice-chancellors did that without alerting the thousands of fighters on the square.
The teachers looked dumbstruck, for they couldn’t piece the puzzle together as well.
This is simply a sublime act! They must be unrivaled in the whole world!
They finally realized the huge gap between the third and fourth fighters ranked on the Divine Leaderboard.
After all, Dark Emperor and the other two were unbelievably strong.
They couldn’t help but wonder how strong the top fighter on Divine Leaderboard was.
The spies from Lab of Gods were dumbfounded.
The stronger the three fighters were, the more disadvantageous Lab of Gods would be.
Little did they know that it was a simple matter—Levi had observed them at a close distance one by one.
If one wanted to destroy the enemy’s network system, one would have to hire a hacker to do that.
However, the simplest way would be unplugging the enemy’s electric supply.
One would only have to bribe the security guarding the fuse box and cut the power to destroy their network system.
However, the stronger Dark Emperor and the other two were, the more excited the chosen students got.
After all, it meant they would grow more powerful too.
Though Eskild and Gerhard weren’t selected, there were other spies who got selected.
In fact, there was a total of seven spies picked.
Of course, Levi had done that deliberately.
Relying on Black Hawk wasn’t enough, so he decided to start with the spies.
It wouldn’t be appropriate to choose too many or too few of them, so seven was the most appropriate number.
“All right. Get ready to report to the chancellor and the rest!” Daxon told them.
“Though you have been selected, don’t get arrogant. This is just the first round, so more would be eliminated along the way. The others will get another chance as long as you’re students of Carigrey Academy!”
He didn’t forget to comfort the rest.
Zoey balled her fists up, as she was upset at not being selected.
The others had scrunched up their expressions in displeasure too.
“We had been mocking Troy and the rest, but now we’re the same as them after failing to get through the first round.”
“Of course not. The strongest teachers did not pick us, but our teachers are among the top ten. Thus, we’re still considered formidable!”
“They are hopeless and no match for us!”
“Come on. The chosen ones, please line up!” Daxon urged.
The students who had bloodstains on their cheeks immediately formed a line.
“Where are we going?” Laust, one of the spies, inquired.
“Go down this path. You’ll understand when you reach the end,” Daxon said as he pointed in a direction.
“What? Isn’t that where Levi’s students are? Why would we go there?”
They were astounded to realize that Daxon was asking them to head to Levi’s location.


Chapter 2603 The Top Three Of Divine Leaderboard

Could it be…

An idea popped up in their minds.
Is the chancellor related to Levi? After all, he was the only one who entered the square to observe us. If he is the chancellor, then everything makes sense.
However, they refused to believe it.
They would soon find out what was going on.
The spies didn’t mind who Dark Emperor and the other two were, for they only had to find out their identities.
Even if the top three fighters ended up to be Levi or someone else, they couldn’t be bothered as long as they got to complete their mission.
All of them forged ahead uneasily.
Soon, they arrived at the location where Levi’s students were training and entered the snow-capped mountains.
“Are you all here?” A voice rang out.
Not far ahead, a figure appeared on the mountain.
It was Dark Emperor, clad in his signature mask.
He was emanating a powerful aura that caused everyone to suffocate.
Shortly after, two equally powerful figures appeared in sight.
“Are they the top three fighters on Divine Leaderboard? Oh, dear. This is my first time seeing them!”
“We must be the first to see them appearing together at once!”
They were all so thrilled that they held their breaths excitedly.
Even the spies gasped in surprise.
After spending a month here, they were finally seeing the three men for real.
They finally got a clue and could report back to Lab of Gods.
What? There are three of them? Did they appear together?
Daxon and the rest were astounded at the sight, for they knew the three of them were actually Levi’s alter egos.
They assumed Levi would show up alone, but there were three powerful beings here to their utter shock.
Who are the other two?
Of course, they had no idea who the other two were.
One was a mutated zombie Levi had selected earlier.
He planned to develop thirteen Super Fighters, number one until thirteen.
On the left was number one.
The other powerful being was a robot, one of Fearsome Four.
The technology was advanced enough to cover Fearsome Four’s surface with a human skin-like substance instead of metal.
Levi had already channeled the thoughts belonging to the head of the ancient Garrison clan and Killfinger into the robot and mutant.
From today onward, they would be the second and third-ranked fighters on Divine Leaderboard.
Besides, Levi also transferred the techniques from various teachers in Carigrey Academy to their brains.
Thus, they could instruct the students personally and help the students to master their techniques to the maximum.
It would have the same effect as his own teachings.
Of course, it wouldn’t be any different if he were to instruct them himself.
In other words, Levi had control over them both.
They were also powerful enough not to rouse any suspicion.
At the same time, Levi knew he had selected a few spies.
He was doing this to leak some clues to them on purpose to confuse Lab of Gods.
Levi made sure Mutant Number One and Fearsome Number One both looked like Gods from Restricted Area 76.
They were injected with the energy left by Gods and made of materials in Restricted Area 76.
On top of that, Fearsome Four were created using the metal used by Gods, so it was natural to let them pose as Gods from Restricted Area 76.
Levi wanted to confuse Lab of Gods and distract them to focus on Restricted Area 76.
Coincidentally, Lab of Gods assumed they were Gods from Restricted Area 76, for they had disappeared without a trace earlier.
Levi had no idea it would be such a coincidence.
Everyone turned in their direction and spotted the vice-chancellors’ features.


Chapter 2604 Old Friends From Lab Of Gods

They were bewildered at the sight.

“Mm? Something feels off.”
“The vice-chancellors look different from us, but I can’t tell what is different.”
“Yes, they don’t look like humans.”
Everyone stated their doubts.
Levi gave them the features of Gods of Restricted Area 76, so everyone was confused at the sight of them even if it was a quick glimpse.
After all, their features were distinctive.
“We will instruct you one on one. When you hear your name, step forward!”
Instead of teaching them all at once, Levi had arranged for one-on-one lessons.
He did that so the spies wouldn’t learn anything.
The first student was Asura, who was the most suitable candidate to train Eustace’s technique.
Asura was timid when Levi punched him.
Nevertheless, Levi did his very best to instruct him until he achieved Eustace’s stage.
Next, Levi, Mutant Number One and Fearsome Number One picked their respective students.
There were seven spies, and Levi selected the first one—Malthe.
The other six were picked by the other two.
Levi wanted to offer them a clue, so he couldn’t select too many to be his students.
After all, he couldn’t offer too many clues as of now.
Malthe started searching for clues the moment he came to Levi by asking questions.
Levi didn’t stop him from doing that.
He was pleased that he could form a future Super Fighters backup team with the talents.
After instructing them, he was gratified to realize how much potential they held.
Soon, the first training came to an end, and the students returned to their respective teams.
The next training session would be held a month later.
Everyone had gained a lot from the training, including the spies.
They had gotten the clues and information they wanted.
Back in their respective teams, they became the envy of others.
However, there was no time to boast around, for they had to continue their training.
They were going into solitary training.
Levi and the other two had assigned them different missions which they had to achieve before next month.
After a while, Daxon and the rest went to Levi.
Both the mutant and the zombie had disappeared.
Though Daxon and the others were curious as to who the other two beings were, Levi didn’t reveal the truth.
He told them they would find out about it soon.
After all, Super Fighters were his trump card.
It would be best to keep their existence a secret for now.
“If I’m right, the seven spies would report back to Lab of Gods tonight. They will have to leave Carigrey Academy to do that in person!” Levi said.
The divine tool’s scan wouldn’t suffice, for they would have to combine the information from the seven spies to get a complete idea.
The spies weren’t together.
Levi had also told the academy to implement better management so they couldn’t use certain facilities.
Thus, they had to leave the academy to report back to Lab of Gods personally.
“If that’s the case, let us add fuel to the fire!” Levi grinned.
“Intruders alert!”
At midnight, a yell broke the silence at Carigrey Academy.
A huge commotion sounded.
The mountains crumbled, causing an avalanche that crushed the academy.
A force that could move mountains swept across the land.
The whole academy erupted into chaos.
Everyone were frantic.
The teachers also rushed out and dispersed the crowd.
Amidst the chaos, Malthe and the other six left Carigrey Academy and hurried toward Bayview.
Not far away, Levi appeared and went after them.
He wanted to meet his old friends from Lab of Gods.
Soon, they arrived at Oakland City.


Chapter 2605 The Ruffian In A Suit

Mr. X and some people showed up to welcome Malthe and the spies.

Levi recognized Lucifer, Jester King, Kraken, and Hell Witch.
They were the strongest enemies he had fought with before he got locked up in the Prison of Darkness.
Back then, he died together with Lucifer, but the latter ended up coming back to life.
Levi was ecstatic to see them, for they were exceptionally powerful now.
They were becoming atavistic slowly after regaining their ancestors’ traits.
That way, they would gain the power to decimate everything in their path.
It was a sign of atavism, for they would also get more power along the way.
Nevertheless, Levi was most curious about the man who was clad in a suit. The man was both burly and gentlemanly.
To Levi, he seemed like a ruffian in a suit.
That was the best way to describe the man, for he was refined, well-mannered, but harsh and cold-blooded at the same time.
Levi thought to himself, This must be Mr. X.
He took note of Mr. X’s features.
X represented uncertainty, danger, and mystery.
Mr. X was like a bomb who would explode one day, but one had no idea when he would blow up.
Once he exploded, it would be disastrous.
Mr. X and the likes were thrilled. “Finally, you come bearing news!”
It was the first time they would be getting first-hand information.
Malthe stepped forward and said, “I’ll go first. Dark Emperor was the one who instructed me. He had a mask on, so I couldn’t recognize him. I don’t have enough clues and have to continue investigating. However, his aura made me really uncomfortable. It was as though he was a divine being!”
“A divine being?” Mr. X mumbled thoughtfully as he shared a glance with Lucifer and the rest.
No one knew what he was pondering about.
“What about you?”
“The head of the ancient Garrison clan and Killfinger instructed us. It seemed like a mist had covered their faces. Something told us they weren’t human beings, for their demeanor and features looked really different.”
They concluded, “In fact, we are certain they are a different race!”
After the remaining six spies revealed their information, Mr. X and the rest gaped in shock.
From the information they gathered, there was only one conclusion—Dark Emperor and the other two were most probably Gods from Restricted Area 76!
The conclusion coincided with their previous theory.
Thus, it meant that they were right that Dark Emperor and the other two were Gods from Restricted Area 76!
“I knew it. The Gods were too strong to be wiped out completely.”
“Yes. No wonder Dark Emperor got all the resources. It all makes sense now—they didn’t get wiped out and are still in control of all the resources!”
Comprehension dawned, and they gasped in disbelief.
“Oh, I understand now. Previously, Levi’s daughter and the elders of The Cardinal Hall escaped Restricted Area 76 safely. Some said Dark Emperor had saved them. That was utter nonsense, for Dark Emperor is from Restricted Area 76!”
Hearing that, Malthe and the rest gaped in realization.
Everyone finally understood why the ancient Garrison clan got a new head.
As a God from Restricted Area 76 was too strong, they had to give up on the position.
Mr. X caressed his jaw thoughtfully. “I can’t believe they contacted Erudia. I still don’t get it. How are they related to Erudia? One is in Adrune, and the other is in Bayview. There’s no reason for them to be connected! Why?”
None of them could wrap their heads around it.



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Sep 24, 2023
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Chapter 2606 Not Afraid Of Restricted Area 76

Levi, who was hiding in the shadows, nearly laughed out loud.

It was pure coincidence.
He deliberately shifted their attention to Restricted Area 76.
Initially, he assumed he would have to put in a lot of effort to make Lab of Gods believe it, but they already had the idea in mind.
They were both on the same page.
Hence, Levi didn’t have to do anything.
He would only have to leak a little clue for them to believe it was all the doing of Gods from Restricted Area 76.
Levi’s clue was about their features and demeanor.
That alone was specific enough to point them in the direction of Gods from Restricted Area 76.
Only a few in the world had seen Gods in Restricted Area 76.
Besides Levi and Forlevia, Lab of Gods was the only one who had seen Gods previously.
When Lab of Gods found out about the features, they would immediately assume they were Gods from Restricted Area 76.
“Get back there and continue your investigation. You did well, so I’ll reward you handsomely!” Mr. X sent them away.
Jester King asked, “Mr. X, they are most probably Gods from Restricted Area 76. What should we do? Should we come up with a plan? Are we confident enough to defeat them?”
Only council members like Mr. X knew how capable Gods were.
“Yes!” Mr. X replied confidently.
In his hiding spot, Levi let out a long breath.
I’m glad they are stronger than Gods from Restricted Area 76. Otherwise, it will be no fun.
If Mr. X said they were no match for Gods, Levi would’ve dashed out and wiped them out instantly.
There wouldn’t be any survivors.
That would be upsetting, for Levi’s efforts were in vain.
However, as they were confident, there was room for imagination.
Perhaps they could handle Gods, or perhaps they could suppress Gods.
There was also a possibility that they could defeat Gods entirely.
Levi was looking forward to it.
Mr. X revealed, “Since we ran into Gods at Restricted Area 76 decades ago, Lab of Gods had started Project Genesis. However, that was only one of the projects we started. Remember Dr. Erebus? When he found out about Gods, he went there to capture a few Gods back to our lab to analyze their bodies and blood. Of course, the experiment subjects were of no threat to us. However…”
After a pause, he added, “We are concerned about how Gods disappeared and ended up as Dark Emperor and the other two. Also, how are they related to Erudia? That is a huge threat.”
Realization struck everyone after hearing Mr. X’s words.
“Yes, we don’t know anything, so we can’t take action recklessly. It’s important to continue the investigation to find out what their plan is.” Lucifer and the others shared Mr. X’s sentiments.
“Though The Cardinal Hall and Eragon seemed weak, they are still a threat. We don’t know what their trump card or secret is. Now, they are involved with Restricted Area 76 and the ancient Garrison clan. That’s a huge headache.”
“If we don’t know what their plan is, we can’t take action for fear of exposing ourselves. It might be a trap!”
Mr. X was in a dilemma.
Levi was barely stifling in his laughter from his hiding spot.
After all, he had single-handedly killed all Gods in Restricted Area 76.
Suddenly, something occurred to Mr. X.
“Since we don’t know what their plan is, let’s execute our plan ahead of time. Once we execute our plan, many things will be exposed,” Mr. X suggested.
Hearing his words, everyone grimaced.


Chapter 2607 Bases Of Operations

“Execute the plan ahead of time? Are you sure?”

As Jester King, Lucifer and the others gasped in horror, it was clearly a terrifying plan.
Hell Witch said, “Three years ago, they claimed a new era was about to arrive, but it wasn’t true. We were behind the creation of the new era. However, if we execute this plan, the world will welcome a new era—a dark age where chaos will erupt, turning the earth into a living hell. Nothing will be the same again. If we mishandle anything, it might cause destruction!”
Levi’s heart started racing at the news.
What could their plan be? It sounds horrendous! It will force the world to enter a new era? Look how frightened Lucifer and the other two are. What could it be?
“We have no choice but to carry out the plan, for our enemy is unknown. Fortunately, Maya Industries had left behind their data so we can execute the plan ahead of schedule. If they had failed back then, we wouldn’t be able to do anything. Those fools thought we disappeared and labeled us as traitors!”
Levi didn’t continue eavesdropping on their conversation after he heard about Maya Industries’ data.
Is the dark age they talked about related to Maya Industries? I need to go over all the data, then.
“I’ll inform Sacroria to bring the plan forward. It will be executed three months later!” Mr. X announced.
Levi silently made a mental note of that.
That must be the real authority of Lab of Gods. Turns out Mr. X isn’t the mastermind, for he was merely working for them.
Before battling against Lab of Gods, Levi had to find out about Sacroria and their abilities.
Shortly after, they departed.
Levi immediately went after them to find out their base in Oakland City.
He tailed them discreetly.
A moment later, Levi was shocked to realize how bold Lab of Gods were.
Their base in Oakland City was set up in a place one would deem dangerous—Dragonites’ base.
It seemed to be Dragonites’ base, but Lab of Gods’ base was hidden within.
It was the epitome of making the most dangerous place the safest spot!
Their base was in Erudia, hidden right underneath Dragonites’ headquarters.
Dragonites were the highest authority in Erudia.
After some thought, it did make sense to him.
If Lab of Gods wanted to survive in Erudia, it couldn’t expose itself and had to hide out of sight.
Hence, it would be best to hide right underneath Dragonites’ base.
This way, they could also monitor their enemy easily.
If they could hide out of sight, no one else would discover their existence.
That was why Lab of Gods was astoundingly capable.
Levi felt a chill run down his spine whenever he thought about it.
There was a huge base underneath Dragonites’ base.
Every day, destructive experiments would be carried out there.
Alas, Dragonites knew nothing about it.
Who would’ve thought that they were hiding right underneath?
That was really brazen, and no one was bold enough to do that.
This was how daunting Lab of Gods could be.
After discovering the location, Levi didn’t sneak in.
He didn’t know the extent of their ability. If he were to sneak in hastily and get caught, his previous efforts would go down the drain.
Though Mr. X had no idea he was here, Sacroria might discover him.
As he had confirmed Lab of Gods’ location, there would be plenty of opportunities in the future.
With that, Levi left in a haste.
His plan was simple.
First, monitor the base in Oakland City.
Second, dig out the remaining bases.
He had theorized that Lab of Gods had more than one base all over Erudia.
Now, Levi was worried about one thing.


Chapter 2608 Relying On Luck

Lab of Gods might’ve planted a spy here.

It meant that there was a traitor in Erudia.
Of course, Lab of Gods was powerful, but it was impossible for them to roam around Erudia without alerting anyone.
Thus, he concluded that they had a spy who fed them information—a powerful and influential spy at that.
Luckily, there were only a few influential figures who knew Levi’s real ability and plan.
Daxon and the likes were reliable.
Otherwise, the consequences would be dire.
Levi would have to keep his guard up against the spy.
Instead of returning to Carigrey Academy, Levi went straight to Maya Industries’ headquarters.
When he arrived, he assumed the identity of Dark Emperor and ordered them to show him the various data from previous experiments and projects.
It was obvious that the technology, experiments, and projects of Maya Industries were intentional.
Lab of Gods had been using Maya Industries to carry out some insignificant experiments and create the data.

It took some time for Levi to go through and analyze Maya Industries’ data.
He wanted to find out the experiment that was connected to Lab of Gods’ plan.
“Mm? It’s still the mutated zombies’ experiment?”
In the end, Levi realized the most plausible outcome was the mutated zombies’ experiment.
Back then, he heard the traitors of Lab of Gods revealing that the experiment was initially carried out on huge living beings, as per Lab of Gods’ plan.
The traitors couldn’t do that, so they used the technology on humans instead.
However, their data and cases were of great help to the experiment.
Thus, Levi theorized that Lab of Gods was using this technology on huge living beings to create Warmachines.
The creation of Warmachines would make the world a living hell.
Their sizes alone could destroy cities easily.
Most importantly, the plan and technology would make Warmachines like mutated zombies. As a result, they were indestructible and horrifyingly strong.
The mutated zombies developed by Maya Industries were powerful.
Lab of Gods’ technology could only be greater.
After all, they had solved the problems Maya Industries couldn’t solve.
Under the circumstances, their creations would be a thousand times stronger than Maya Industries’ creations.
Warmachines were extremely lethal.
It was no wonder Lucifer said that the world would enter a dark age.
He was right.
Levi had no idea how many Warmachines there were.
If a huge number of them appeared all around the world, it would be disastrous.
They would destroy everything in their paths and make the world a living hell.
That was the beginning of the dark age.
As of now, Levi knew nothing about Warmachines and the extent of their ability.
He could take them out, but what if they appeared all around the world?
Levi couldn’t possibly take them out all at once.
Lab of Gods might also send elites to slow him down.
Hence, he knew he shouldn’t rely on himself.
Besides, Levi would not fight an unprepared battle.
He had always prepared in advance.
It was imperative to plan in advance to prevent unwanted incidents from happening.
However, there was also a possibility that his theory was wrong, and Lab of Gods wasn’t planning to create Warmachines.
They could have another plan in mind.
If he was mistaken, the consequences would be dire.
At the same time, Levi’s efforts would be in vain, and he wouldn’t be able to handle the situation.
Hence, he would have to rely on luck to see whether the situation was what he had speculated.
If he were right, it would also be difficult to persuade everyone else to face the matter together.


Chapter 2609 Zarain Acting Strange

Levi felt his scalp prickle, for that was an arduous task.

If he were right about Lab of Gods having developed Warmachines, how would he solve the problem?
He had the data from the experiments, but no one knew what Warmachines were like.
Never mind if he managed to come up with a suitable way to defeat them.
If he picked the wrong approach, even if his speculation was spot on, it would be pointless.
It was like the domino effect in action.
By then, Levi would have to shoulder the blame.
No matter how hard it was, Levi had to do it.
He had to make sure he made the right speculation!
After gathering the relevant information and analyzing them, he would have to curate different solutions.
That way, he could resolve the crisis.
He needed more time to investigate Lab of Gods.
This was only the beginning.
Alas, time was running out, for they would be executing their plan after three months.
Levi didn’t have much time left.
There was a lack of information, but he still had to take a risk.
Despite not knowing the details, he could at least make preparations in advance.
After making a copy of all the data, Levi left. He didn’t make his way back to Carigrey Academy.
He went to Zarain instead.
Zarain used to be the most powerful country, but it had kept a low profile in this era.
After his arrival, Levi realized something was off.
The country looked peaceful on the surface, but there was a bigger conspiracy abound.
Shield seemed to be collaborating with Lab of Gods, but Black Hawk told him they only began contacting Lab of Gods recently.
Thus, Zarain’s actions and low profile had nothing to do with Lab of Gods.
Zarain struck Levi as extremely powerful. They posed a bigger threat to him than Lab of Gods.
Could Zarain be improving themselves in secret? They might have a lot of trump cards up their sleeves that Lab of Gods knew nothing of. Perhaps there was a force behind Zarain.
Anything was possible.
Levi found it strange that Zarain was too quiet.
The silence was too extreme, so something was definitely up.
In the new era, every human, country, and force were developing at a rapid pace.
Wars were common.
However, the previously violent Zarain never got involved in any war. It didn’t even take advantage of the situation.
It strictly did not intervene in all other affairs.
If the other countries didn’t provoke Zarain and it was forced to retaliate, everyone else would’ve forgotten about it.
Now that Levi thought about it, he realized Zarain was too quiet.
That was totally abnormal.
Levi himself kept a low profile, so everyone ignored him.
In the shadows, it was the contrary.
He possessed extraordinary powers and also developed many fighters and projects.
Zarain was clearly doing the same—keeping a low profile in public but causing trouble in the dark.
Anyway, Levi had listed Zarain as an enemy that was on par with Lab of Gods.
He had to be wary of them.
In the future, Zarain might take action when he attacked Lab of Gods. He didn’t want to be trapped.
Levi even had the notion that Zarain wanted to destroy Erudia and Lab of Gods in one go.
They had never given up on conquering the world.
Thus, Levi made a mental note to pay attention to Zarain, especially the mysterious Special Zone #51 in its terrains.
Soon, Levi went to Black Hawk and the rest.
His arrival came as a shock to them.
After all, their whereabouts were top secret.
The fact that Levi could find them easily meant he had been monitoring them at all times.


Chapter 2610 Providing A Lead

They belatedly realized Levi wasn’t being serious, for he had them watched.

That alarming thought made them shudder involuntarily.
They dared not betray Levi.
“Our collaboration seems like a great idea,” Levi remarked with a grin.
He was praising Black Hawk and the rest for not revealing anything about their collaboration.
“I don’t have a death wish.” Black Hawk flashed a smile. “Why are you here, Mr. Garrison?”
“I need more information about Lab of Gods,” Levi answered.
Something flashed across Black Hawk’s gaze as he said, “But I can’t contact them out of the blue for fear of exposing myself!”
It was clear what he meant—without any clues, it would be hard to talk to Lab of Gods.
“Don’t worry, I’ll provide the lead. Take this. There are photos and stuff inside. Just show this to Lab of Gods. My men are still researching the weapon Lab of Gods gave you. I’ll return it to you later.”
Levi proceeded to hand the file to Black Hawk.
“Mr. Garrison, what do you want to know? I can sound them out or use some trick to get the information you need,” offered Black Hawk.
He was smart enough to offer that before Levi said anything.
Levi’s lips curved into a smile. “I believe you know what my questions will be.”
Black Hawk responded, “You want to know what they will do after finding out the top three fighters ranked on Divine Leaderboard, right? And what their following plans will be?”
“Yes, that’s right. I’ll leave it to you then!”
Shortly after, Black Hawk contacted Lab of Gods and told them he had an important lead.
Mr. X came personally to meet him.
“My men discovered this at Sacred Organization’s base in Adrune. Look how strange the armors are. I’ve never seen anything like this. I believe you are more experienced.”
Black Hawk handed the photos and the information to Mr. X.
The photos and videos showed a secret warehouse full of weapons and a few unusual armors.
It was different from usual armors.
Others might not realize it, but Mr. X was familiar with it.
The armors belonged to Gods from Restricted Area 76!
They looked very much alike.
A few decades ago, when Lab of Gods sent their men to explore Restricted Area 76, strange beings clad in these armors had caused a serious loss for them.
The other weapons in the video clearly belonged to Gods too.
Levi was smart enough to come out with this plan.
If someone else were to provide a lead, they might place a few fake Gods inside as a lead.
However, the enemy might discover a flaw.
Thus, this was for the best.
That alone would fuel Lab of Gods’ imagination, and they would have to analyze the situation themselves.
After all, no one would disagree with their own analysis.
That was how intelligent he was.
“Mr. X, what are these?” Black Hawk asked.
He had no idea what they were.
“Do you know Restricted Area 76?”
Black Hawk bobbed his head. “Yes. Dark Emperor had taken control of the place.”
Mr. X proceeded to explain about Gods of Restricted Area 76.
Hearing that, Black Hawk was awestruck.
“You mean the top three fighters on Divine Leaderboard and Sacred Organization are all Gods of Restricted Area 76?” he posed a question deliberately.
“I believe so. The previous leads I found all pointed to them. Now that you’ve provided a new clue, I’m pretty sure it was them,” Mr. X answered with a sigh.
Black Hawk added, “Are they so strong that Lab of Gods is no match for them?”
“But you called them ‘Gods.’ How are you going to deal with them?”
Black Hawk finally asked the first question that Levi wanted to know.


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