The Protector (The Return of God Of War)

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In Erudia, a private jet landed at North Hampton Airport, where all international flights experienced an eight-hour delay because of it.
At the private passageway were five men in suits and leather shoes, standing as straight as a javelin.

Every now and then, they would raise their wrist to look at the time, for a big shot was coming to town.
The upper-class society of North Hampton had learned about his arrival, but no one had the capability to get an inch closer to the private passageway.
Even the richest man in North Hampton who came to pay homage was chased away.
Finally, there were movements coming from the passageway.

“God of War!!!” the mass cried out, their eyes filled with awe and veneration at the sight of the undefeatable legend of Erudia.
He, who was dubbed the God of War, was the one and only five-star war God in the history of Erudia.
Once, he’d inflicted a crushing defeat on the strongest battalions in eighteen countries. He was an overbearing and formidable man.
He who overwhelmed the world with his unparalleled power had even created the Five Great Wars Regiment, Cavalry Regiment, and many more.

Setting foot on his homeland, Levi Garrison was overcome with emotions.
Once upon a time, he used to be an orphan who was abandoned on the streets of North Hampton and then adopted by the Garrison family.
However, the Garrison family had never been fond of him.
His adoptive parents, who had a tendency to beat and scold him, treated him like an outsider.
As for the outsiders, they treated him as a nobody.
But he didn’t care a stiver. He had always been proud of his surname since he was a child, and he strived to bring glory to this family when he grew older.
At last, Levi had established Levi Group, the largest dark horse in North Hampton’s business community.
With billions of assets, it ranked among the forefront of North Hampton, pushing the declining Garrison family to the top.
However, not only did the Garrison family showed no signs of appreciation, they even harbored dissatisfaction towards him. Jealous of his success, they regarded him as a thorn in their flesh and coveted Levi Group.
No matter his wealth and power, unless they were in control, he was just an outsider in the Garrison family’s eyes.
Eventually, on Levi’s wedding night, the Garrison family plotted a frame-up against him by getting him drunk before tossing him onto his sister-in-law’s bed. They wanted to create the illusion that he was doing something untoward to her and was caught in bed by his brother and adoptive parents.
That night, the Garrison family had brutally broken his limbs and left him on the road like a wild dog.
Not only was he handicapped, but he also had to take the flak for something he didn’t commit.
From an upstart in the business world, he had become the target of disdain overnight.
And the next day, he had been punished for several crimes and sentenced to six years in prison.
He could never forget the ruthless and sinister faces of everyone in the Garrison family and the ridicule of his friends, classmates, and business partners.
More so, he could never forget the disappointment on his newly wedded wife, Zoey’s face.
He had regarded the Garrison family as his home and devoted himself to the family.
Yet, they treated him like trash.
It felt as if a knife was being twisted in his heart every time he thought about this.
How he hated the Garrison family!
But who would have thought that Levi had been secretly transferred away from prison to join the military?
In a few years, he dominated the military world and became the one and only five-star God of War.
Now that he came back, the Garrison family ought to stay on their toes.
“How’s it going, Azure Dragon?” Levi asked.
Azure Dragon, the commander of the Five Great Wars Regiment, took a step forward and said respectfully, “Sir, I’m afraid your wife, Ms. Zoey Lopez will remarry at ten o’clock tonight!”
Ever since Zoey’s husband was sent to prison on their wedding night, she had been living like a widow.
Only God knew how much pressure she was put under.
And right now, the person Levi couldn’t wait to see the most was Zoey.
After a moment of hesitation, Azure Dragon continued, “To add on, Sir, the Garrison family is holding a successful listing celebration banquet at the Crystal Palace Hotel tonight! Many people had invited the God of War just now, including the Garrison family, but I didn’t accept nor refuse directly.”
“What time?” Levi asked tersely.
“Eight o’clock, Sir.”
“Okay. Tell the Garrison family I will attend the banquet!”
Since the time for the two events didn’t clash, Levi gladly accepted the invitation.
The celebration banquet for the public listing of Garrison Group was held at North Hampton’s Crystal Palace Hotel.
With the help of Levi Group, they had become a rich and powerful family in one fell swoop.
The hall was bustling with noise and excitement, and sounds of glasses clinking could be heard ringing in the air every now and then.
“God bless the Garrison family,” said Joseph, the head of the Garrison family. “The younger generations are the stars among men. Garrison Group is now listed and has become an upstart in North Hampton!”
Joseph’s three sons and daughter welcomed their guests with bright smiles on their faces.
The younger generation of the Garrison family was all the smugger and prouder because, after today, the Garrison family would become a powerful family, and they would become one of the top rich kids.
Most of the guests who attended today’s banquet were from the top circle in North Hampton.
“Garrison, do you know what happened today?! Your celebration party is nothing compared to that.” They were gossiping about the major event that had happened today.
“Yeah! I heard that a big shot has arrived in North Hampton!”
“The richest man in North Hampton wanted to meet him but was shooed away. Apparently, he’s not qualified enough!”
“So? Jesse Nielsen had been waiting for five hours in advance at the airport!”
Joseph nodded. “Yes, I know about that too. I even sent someone to invite this big shot to the celebration party!”
“No way! Why would this big shot attend such a party?”
No one believed it.
In fact, as an upstart, Joseph was just trying his luck.
“Dad!” shouted Jaycob, the second eldest son of the Garrison family could be seen running over. “The big shot has accepted our invitation to attend our celebration banquet! He’s on the way!”
“Jesus! God has indeed blessed the Garrison family!”
Everyone in the Garrison family could barely conceal their delight as this was their chance to reach the sky in a single bound.
The grandchildren of the Garrison family gathered together, sunshine flooding their souls.
Levi’s brother, Bryan, and sister-in-law, Victoria, smiled. “Well, it all starts with Levi’s imprisonment that the Garrison family is at where we are today…”
“Right, speaking about Levi, do you guys know today’s the day that kid gets out of prison?!” somebody asked abruptly.
“Really? Isn’t that bad luck? Why did he have to be released on such a big day?!”
“Please, please, please don’t come back! He’s the Garrison family’s biggest disgrace!”
Victoria’s lips tugged into a sneer. “Speaking of which, Levi is the crowning glory of the Garrison family’s status today.”
“That’s what he’s supposed to do!” Bryan said. “He should contribute to the Garrison family for raising him, an orphan! His multi-billion Levi Group means nothing. To put it bluntly, he’s just a dog raised by the Garrison family!”
Someone gave a chortle. “As a matter of fact, I’ve been interested in Levi’s wife for a long time now. She’s still widowed, and I’m so going to marry her!”
The man’s remark caused gales of laughter.
“Everyone, stop what you’re doing. I have an important announcement to make,” Joseph said and went on to announce that the big shot was coming.
A thunderous applause was heard.
But when the applause had died down, there was still someone clapping.
The sound was loud and clear, approaching from afar.
On the red carpet, a man came clapping, looking bold and energetic.
His stride gave off a majestic and imposing aura, which made the mass hold their breaths.
“It’s Levi!” Bryan and Victoria exclaimed.
Suddenly, all eyes were riveted on him.
“I forgot this little brat got out of jail today!” Levi’s adoptive parents spoke in unison.
Ignoring the astonished gazes darted at his way, Levi walked step by step towards Joseph.
“A little bird told me that the company is now listed. How are you feeling, Joseph? Are you happy?”
Levi flashed him a meaningful smile.
“How dare you show up here, you insolent brat! And what did you just call me?” Joseph’s fury sprang to life.
“Who let him in? Didn’t you know he just got out of prison? How inauspicious!”
Bryan rose to his feet. “What the hell are you doing here, Levi?”
Levi sized him up. “Why can’t I be here?”
“Well, for starters, you’re an orphan! The Garrison family has raised you, but you were ambitious and ungrateful. You had inordinate ambitions for your sister-in-law, and you wanted to take possession of the Garrison family! You’d even tried to kill your parents when things go south! Have you no conscience? Do you have any sense of morality left in your heart?”
“You’ve lost your reputation in North Hampton, and everyone knows that. Have you no shame to have the brass neck to come round here?”
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Sururu D' legend

New member
Jul 1, 2024
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Thanks for the update @master Skye. The author is making the story so boring and very predictable. The story always goes on by portraying Levi as liar and hidden his potential only to reveal it when it isn't useful anymore. This has been the case since the beginning of the novel up till now.


Supreme Grandmaster - Elder of Sex Sext
Platinum Villager
Sep 24, 2023
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Chapter 2408 Trembling At His Name

Edmund was no different as he too was traumatized by the beating Kuroki gave him.

That was also the first defeat he had ever experienced in his life.
He had unleashed all the techniques of The Cardinal Hall, including the organization’s secret moves.
Unfortunately, everything he did was futile in the face of the Iron Golem Technique.
Having been utterly thrashed by Kuroki, the only emotion he felt was despair.
The moment he heard Kuroki’s name, his body shuddered in fear as cold sweat broke out on his forehead.
“Queenie, don’t worry. Kuroki is here just to spar, not to kill you.”
The moment he finished, Edmund fled.
The rest of the warriors were in more miserable conditions than Edmund was. Their faces had lost all color while they were drenched in cold sweat. Many of them were even hobbling as they fled.
Kuroki’s name alone was enough to scare the living daylights out of them.
In a blink of an eye, everyone who came to lay blame on Levi vanished because they no longer had the courage to face Kuroki at all.
If they ever saw him again, they would likely be traumatized for life.
Therefore, all of them fled at the mention of Kuroki’s name.
Meanwhile, Levi was shocked by their response.
“Hey, don’t go. I’ll show you how I’m going to whoop their ass. Don’t leave…”
Levi tried to grab those he knew.
Unfortunately, all of them bolted like horses that had been let out of the stable.
“You can go ahead and die alone. As for us, we are terrified of Kuroki.”
With that, all of them ran, leaving only Queenie and Levi at the scene.
Mia and Cyrus were also present. However, they weren’t aware of what was going on outside given that they were in solitary training.
“Why are they so terrified? This is hilarious!”
Levi was amused.
Stroking his chin, he remarked, “I’ll need an excuse to kill both master and disciple later. What should I say? Are they wreaking havoc in Erudia? However, they have only gone around challenging others and haven’t killed anyone nor caused any suffering yet. Hence, this excuse doesn’t seem good enough. Wait, I have it…”
Levi finally thought of a good reason to take out Kuroki and his disciple.
“Why aren’t you saying anything?”
Having not heard a word from her, Levi realized Queenie had been quiet the entire day.
When he turned to look, he saw that she had already turned pale and was trembling uncontrollably as if she was beset by a serious disease.
Evidently, she was terrified by everyone’s response, especially that of her brother.
Edmund was a proud man, who had never been defeated before. Therefore, his reaction made a big impact on her.
Other than their father, Edmund didn’t see anyone else as his equal.
In fact, he didn’t even know what fear was.
Hence, when she saw how scared he was of Kuroki, Queenie could deduce how terrifyingly powerful Kuroki was.
Consequently, she was equally seized by fear.
As the last person on the Divine Leaderboard to be challenged, she had inadvertently become Erudia’s last line of defense.
If she were to be defeated, it would mean all of Erudia’s champions on the Divine Leaderboard had been wiped out.
With such a heavy burden on her shoulders, and the fact everyone else was frightened to death, Queenie felt as if she would collapse under the immense pressure.
In fact, she felt as if her soul had already left her body.
Levi was dumbfounded.
Kuroki isn’t even here, and you’re already panicking? What happened to that arrogant character of yours? Aren’t you extremely powerful? Isn’t your father invincible? Why are you so terrified? Furthermore, your father instructed The Cardinal Hall not to get involved because he knows that I’ll deal with it sooner or later. Even he realizes that Kuroki isn’t a threat at all. That’s why he isn’t worried. What a bunch of ignorant fools.
“You’re not the one who is being challenged. Of course, you’re not afraid. You have no idea what we’ll be facing after all!” Queenie retorted.
Soon, Levi and her could sense that something was approaching.
An intimidating aura suddenly enveloped the surroundings.
Just like a crashing meteor, it felt as if it could obliterate North Hampton.
Having heard the noise, Queenie trembled with greater intensity.


Chapter 2409 How Dare You Come And Go As You Please

She felt her knees buckle as cold sweat drenched her entire body.

Seized by fear before the battle even began, Queenie had already surrendered mentally.
In fact, she would undeniably lose to Hirai if they were to fight, let alone Kuroki.
“Is… Is this the fearsome power of the Iron Golem Technique?”
Queenie shuddered fearfully.
Just as expected, Kuroki and his disciple, Hirai, had arrived.
Consequently, there was no one else in the vicinity of Levi’s manor. Not a single soul even dared to watch in secret.
Everyone was cowed by the power of the Iron Golem Technique.
Moreover, they were sure that Queenie would also be defeated.
Given how one-sided the battle was expected to be, it wouldn’t have mattered if they watched.
Everyone felt fearful of the impending humiliation of Erudia, where all her champions on the Divine Leaderboard were wiped out.
Meanwhile, the Divine Leaderboard was just updated. Kuroki was now in second place, just as expected.
Evidently, his next target was the first-ranked warrior on the list.
Despite the unpredictability of the future, he was truly the second most powerful warrior of the Divine Leaderboard currently.
Following the thundering sound, the two Raysonian warriors arrived in the samurai gear.
“Ms. Queenie Birmingham, tenth-ranked of the Divine Leaderboard! I, Kuroki Takiya of Raysonia, hereby challenge you!” Kuroki declared belligerently.
Just when Levi wanted to speak, Queenie shoved him aside angrily.
“I… I accept your challenge!”
Even though she was afraid and knew that she was no match for her enemy, Queenie bravely stepped up to the plate.
Under pressure from her intense fear, Queenie could only unleash half her strength and was easily defeated.
Looking at Queenie who was puking blood on the ground, Kuroki scoffed, “You can’t even take one blow, you loser! All of you are useless! Despite being the darling of The Cardinal Hall and trained in Erudia’s traditional techniques, you are still nothing but trash!”
Hirai joined in the mockery. “Is there no one else in Erudia? Truly no one else? We have defeated every single warrior on the Divine Leaderboard and yet, didn’t even encounter anyone who could put up a fight. You’re nothing but garbage indeed. The next time you see a Raysonian warrior, remember to grovel in submission. Otherwise, we will beat you up again every time we see you!”
Kuroki nodded. “Mmm-hmm. From now on, I proclaim that everyone in Erudia has been trampled underneath my feet. After all, I have defeated every opponent on the Divine Leaderboard.
“The Cardinal Hall and Eragon cannot interfere of course. If they do, they would have broken their word. If anyone wants to compete, they have to be warriors from the Divine Leaderboard. After all, this process is recognized by the entire world,” Hirai added.
“It is my intention to beat Erudian warriors into submission with Erudia’s own techniques. I want them to be petrified and pee in their pants at the mere mention of my name, Kuroki Takiya!
“In fact, I want my name to become Erudia’s nightmare, to the extent it citizens feel fearful to say it. Going forward, whenever I come to Erudia, everyone will lock their doors and hide in their homes. The streets will be deserted, while the children won’t even dare cry,” Kuroki declared in an intimidating manner.
“Master, you have already done it! Just a while ago, The Cardinal Hall General and other warriors were here. However, when they heard that you were coming, they fled for their lives at once. Once the news gets out, you will be known as the terror of Erudia!” Hirai gloated by the side.
Meanwhile, Queenie was shedding tears of humiliation.
At that moment, all of her dignity had been trampled, and she couldn’t bring herself to face anyone anymore, let alone Kuroki.
“Let’s go. Erudia is simply too weak. There’s isn’t anyone here who can put up a good fight.”
Just when Kuroki and his disciple were about to leave…
“Wait! Do you think this is your home? How can you come and go as you please?”
Levi’s voice suddenly rang out.


Chapter 2410 Showing Mercy

Both Kuroki and Hirai were stunned by it.

There’s still someone there?
Since the time they arrived, they didn’t notice Levi’s presence, as they were only focused on Queenie.
In fact, they were oblivious to Cyrus and Mia’s existence too.
After all, the aura they exuded was so weak that it was no different from an ordinary person.
As for ordinary folk, they were nothing but insects to Kuroki.
Hence, he wasn’t even bothered to look.
Therefore, he treated Levi as if he wasn’t even there.
After all, Levi wasn’t even worthy of being ridiculed by them.
When one was insignificant, others wouldn’t even notice one’s existence.
However, when Kuroki and his disciple heard a sound, both of them were caught by surprise.
“Hmm? There’s actually someone else?” Hirai asked curiously.
Kuroki began to scrutinize Levi.
Even Queenie, who was still sprawled on the ground, looked at Levi in astonishment.
By stepping out now, does he have a death wish? He could have escaped this unscathed. What a fool he is!
“Master, I remember now. He is Levi Garrison! Back then, he slaughtered our people in Raysonia. Also, he was the one who humiliated all the warriors of our nation!
“However, in this new era, he has turned into a useless piece of trash. As of now, he is ranked seventeenth on the Provisional Leaderboard,” Hirai revealed Levi’s identity after observing him for a while.
Given that Levi was Raysonia’s much-hated enemy. Many of them had his impression seared into their minds.
In fact, they even designated him as someone their descendants were duty-bound to eliminate.
“It really is him! The one who is past his prime. However, warriors on the Provisional Leaderboard are just like insects and don’t deserve to be killed by me.”
Kuroki didn’t see Levi as a threat at all.
Hirai looked at Levi and asked, “Hey, what do you mean by that?”
“This is my home. Did you get my permission before you enter? Also, are you going to leave just like that after beating someone up?” Levi questioned.
Hirai’s eyes sparkled.
He could sense the demanding tone in Levi’s voice.
“What do you want?”
“Based on my rule, you have to leave something behind,” Levi replied.
“And what would that be?”
Kuroki was intrigued as he wanted to know what the insect wanted.
“Your pathetic lives!”
Just as he spoke, everyone present was stunned.
Does he want to take Kuroki’s life? What has gotten into him? Why is he behaving so brazenly?
Queenie was about to lose her mind.
Idiot! Absolute idiot! Kuroki is so strong that he has decimated all of Erudia’s fighters on the Divine Leaderboard and become the nightmare of our nation. And yet, Levi wants to provoke him? Isn’t that suicide?
Despite her father’s comments that Levi was someone extraordinary, Queenie just couldn’t see it.
Instead, he had made many stupid decisions.
And now, he was behaving like an utter idiot.
“Haha, you want to take our lives?”
Kuroki and Hirai didn’t expect Levi to utter such words.
Hence, they were shocked by him.
“Mmm-hmm, trespassing into my home is punishable by death. That’s the rule I have set!”
Evidently, that was the excuse Levi came up with after giving it a lot of thought.
“Who’s going to die first?”
Levi stared at both men.
Without another word, Hirai charged forward.
Since he was only going to kill someone from the Provisional Leaderboard, he didn’t bother using the Iron Golem Technique.
After all, Levi was nothing but an insect to him.
Thus, Hirai attacked as a Raysonian samurai. He launched himself with lightning speed and devil-like finesse, with the aim of killing Levi with a single blow.
However, Levi simply smirked.
The moment Hirai was about to strike, Levi launched a punch.
Hirai’s body exploded into a mist of blood right in front of Kuroki and Queenie.
His entire being evaporated just like that.


Chapter 2411 Shameless Raysonians

Despite Hirai being in the top thirty of the Divine Leaderboard, Levi had easily disposed of him.

Even though he didn’t use the Iron Golem Technique, he was still a formidable opponent whom Queenie couldn’t kill after unleashing more than ten attacks.
However, everyone was shocked when Levi obliterated him with just one punch.
Queenie shivered when she saw Hirai decimated in front of her.
That was when she recalled her father’s words about Levi being special.
All he needed was one punch. And that punch definitely belongs to the top end of the Divine Leaderboard. So, that’s what Father was talking about. Levi actually has the power equivalent to a top-tier warrior on the Divine Leaderboard. Evidently, I was mistaken about him by not realizing how strong he is. However, is that enough…
But now, he is facing Kuroki, who is on par with the top-ranked fighter of the Divine Leaderboard and Divine Brigadier. Moreover, Kuroki has just defeated everyone on the Divine Leaderboard with his Iron Golem Technique. No matter how strong Levi is, he might just fall within the top one hundred of the Divine Leaderboard. Unfortunately, the gulf between their strength is simply too great…
Actually, Levi’s skills might be even far behind Hirai too. It was just that Hirai wasn’t prepared and had underestimated Levi. Hence, he was killed before he could attack with the Iron Golem Technique. If he had managed to do it, Levi would undoubtedly have been killed. Unfortunately, nothing has changed. Even though I was pleasantly surprised, Levi would still end up dead.
Hirai’s murder by Levi had infuriated Kuroki instead.
When he saw his disciple being killed, he reacted like a madman.
Kuroki unleashed an earth-shattering aura.
“How dare you kill my disciple! You even ambushed him before he could use the Iron Golem Technique. You have shown no honor by that surprise attack. Erudians are really despicable,” Kuroki roared.
Speechless, Levi replied with a smile. “Can you be any more shameless than that? What do you mean by ambush? Weren’t we fighting in the open just now? Just because he didn’t use the Iron Golem Technique, you accuse me of a surprise attack?
“You guys are really weird. Do I need to follow all your rules? This is a f*cking battle to the death. Do I still need to remind him to use the Iron Golem Technique? In fact, should I wait for him to clobber me before it’s considered fair?”
Levi was exasperated.
This is so typical of Raysonians. Every time there is a contest or battle to the death, they will set all kinds of rules to shift the blame. How can I be considered cheating just now?
“You’re just despicable!” Levi sneered.
Kuroki was outraged. He had just lost his disciple and was then ridiculed by Levi.
“Today will undoubtedly be the day you draw your last breath! No one will be able to save you now. I will now show you Level Seven of the Iron Golem Technique!” Kuroki roared.
The Iron Golem Technique had nine levels in total with Level Nine being the highest.
It was rare for anyone to achieve Level Seven. Hence, almost no one had managed to reach Level Eight and Level Nine.
Therefore, it was considered extraordinary for Kuroki to even achieve Level Seven in such a short time.
Nevertheless, he wasn’t entirely familiar with it still.
Hence, he could only unleash it once every ten days without doing harm to himself.
During the time when he mowed down the warriors of the Divine Leaderboard, the highest level he used was Level Five.
That alone was enough to wipe everyone out.
Only when facing Edmund and Dragofriar did he use Level Six.
No one on the Divine Leaderboard was able to force him into using Level Seven.
The ease of how he defeated everyone was the reason why Edmund and everyone else feared him so much.
However, after Levi’s provocation, he had unleashed Level Seven of the Iron Golem Technique in his fury.


Chapter 2412 Level Seven Of The Iron Golem Technique

He wanted to make sure that he killed Levi without leaving anything to chance.

“Level Seven…”
Queenie gasped while fear filled her eyes.
Level Six was enough to beat Edmund into depression. How much stronger is Level Seven? I simply can’t imagine it.
Many had commented that when Kuroki unleashed Level Seven of the Iron Golem Technique, he was able to stand toe to toe with the top-ranked warrior of the Divine Leaderboard and Divine Brigadier.
In fact, the odds were even in his favor to win.
Levi really knows how to provoke someone given how furious Kuroki is.
Queenie could already imagine how Levi was going to die.
The moment Kuroki released Level Seven of the Iron Golem Technique, a terrifying aura filled the surroundings.
The clear blue sky suddenly turned dark with storm clouds gathering.
As a violent gale began to blow, it threw sand and stones into the air. In fact, it looked as if North Hampton was about to be swallowed by a disaster.
Next, a thunderstorm descended upon the city.
As for Kuroki, his clothes were shredded off when every muscle in his body began to pump up, turning him into a ripped muscle-bound figure.
Kuroki had grown from a one-and-a-half meter Raysonian man into a two-meter hulk.
Most importantly, his body had turned golden.
It was as if his body was made of gold but thousand times stronger than the element.
Around his body, seven rays of light appeared to indicate that he was at Level Seven of the Iron Golem Technique.
Every time he moved, a crisp metallic sound would ring out.
Every step he took would cause the ground to crack.
At that moment, Queenie could sense a terrifying aura that was similar to Divine Brigadier.
It was a sign of impending doom.
Such power! He strength is a class above what he used to fight with Edmund and Dragofriar.
At that moment, Kuroki was going to kill everyone in his path, and no one was able to stop him.
“You’re really lucky to be the first one to die under Level Seven Iron Golem Technique!”
Kuroki let out an insidious smile.
Looking at Levi, Kuroki was already picturing his skeleton.
“Oh no! He’s going to be killed!”
Queenie didn’t dare to look.
At that moment, Kuroki’s Iron Golem Technique was considered the most impregnable armor in the world.
Neither the Skyward Sword nor Terra Blade could damage it.
Furthermore, the Iron Golem Technique’s attacks were invincible.
It had unimaginable raw power and devastating piercing ability.
Consequently, it was capable of destroying anything in its path.
Launching his attack at lightning speed, Kuroki threw an earth-shattering punch toward Levi’s body.
A thunderous sound rang out.
The next second, both Kuroki and Queenie were stunned.
The result wasn’t what they had expected.
Levi didn’t explode nor turn into a mist of blood and mush.
In fact, there wasn’t even a scratch on him at all.
With a calm expression, he let out a smile.
It was as if the devastating attack was just a tickle to him.
Kuroki was dumbstruck.
Unable to accept what had happened, he began to rain blows onto Levi’s body.
Clang! Clang! Clang!
With his Golem body, he unleashed a barrage of punches on Levi.
However, he felt as if he was punching another Golem instead and could barely make a dent on Levi.
Despite being hit by hundreds of punches, Levi remained unfazed.
Consequently, the desperation within Kuroki grew.
Suddenly, Levi declared, “It’s my turn!”



Supreme Grandmaster - Elder of Sex Sext
Platinum Villager
Sep 24, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 2413 One Punch To End A Golem

“This is impossible! The composition of Levi’s body doesn’t make sense. How can he remain unscathed under such brutal attacks? Is his body even more powerful than that of an indestructible Golem?”

Queenie formed a conclusion.
What is his body made of? Why isn’t he dead yet? This is impossible! I must be dreaming! There’s nothing that the Iron Golem Technique cannot break. Even Dragofriar’s Impregnable Body couldn’t withstand it. And that was considered the most extreme of armor techniques! Even Edmund’s secret armor technique from The Cardinal Hall was broken through. So how is Levi doing it? This is impossible!
Before Queenie could recover from her shock, Levi had made his move.
By the time Kuroki sensed Levi’s impending attack, he was in a panic and looked at Levi in disbelief.
It seems Levi is a master in defense. His defensive attributes are stronger than that of Dragofriar’s Impregnable Body. In fact, it seems to outshine my Golem body meaningfully.
Kuroki backed away at once to make changes to his strategy.
The rays of light emitting from his body began to glow with greater intensity.
At the same time, metallic clangs rang out incessantly.
As a fearsome aura enveloped his body, the seven rays of light he emitted began to sparkle. It looked as if he was exuding waves of gold.
He was trying to maximize the defensive potential of his Golem body.
By channeling all his energy into its defensive attributes, he had formed an impregnable shield.
From afar, he looked as if he was a glowing angel.
“Come on! Let’s see how you can break my Golem body!”
Kuroki burst into a fit of laughter.
Queenie was dumbfounded. At that moment, Kuroki resembled how her father looked two days when he returned home.
During that time, Divine Brigadier had just finished taking the holy pills.
It was a terrifying sight.
Meanwhile, Kuroki looked down upon Levi’s attack, as he didn’t feel it was a threat at all.
Levi landed his punch squarely on Kuroki’s Level Seven Golem body.
As if Levi had punched the strongest element on Earth, the Golem body showed no changes at all.
“Hmph! Didn’t I say that your attack would be futile? It’s not going to be easy for you to break… Hmm… No…”
Suddenly, Kuroki watched as his body began to crack.
One by one, cracks emerged all over his body.
They began to grow denser while the holes grew wider.
Kuroki’s body began to fall apart bit by bit right in front of his eyes while cracking sounds rang out in his ears.
In fact, he could even feel his head coming apart.
Powerless to do a thing, the gradual unfolding of his impending doom was the greatest torment one could suffer.
At that moment, Kuroki let out an agonizing cry. “Ah! Aaaah! Argh!”
He was already crying tears of fear.
The cracks on his body kept increasing and becoming bigger while the sound they made grew even louder.
After a few rumbles, an explosive bang was suddenly heard.
It sounded as a watermelon had exploded.
With that, Kuroki was gone in a manner that was more pathetic than his disciple.
At the very least, there was still a residual blood mist from Hirai, whereas nothing was left of Kuroki after his Golem body exploded.
Straightening his clothes, Levi plainly remarked, “Is that all there is to it? It’s certainly a lot less robust than the Prison of Darkness.”
Levi’s skills continued to improve, and he was now stronger than ever before.
Anything that wasn’t as robust as the Prison of Darkness wouldn’t pique his interest.
“Is there anyone with a Level Nine Golem for me to try my punch on?”
Levi was looking forward to the opportunity.
Even with a Level Seven Golem, Kuroki was easily beaten by Levi with just one punch.
And that was how the Iron Golem Technique was defeated and Kuroki lost.
Levi then turned toward Queenie. “So, what do you think?”


Chapter 2414 Level Nine Golem

“What… Ah… Erm…”

Utterly shocked, Queenie was spewing gibberish.
Unbelievable! Just unbelievable!
She had seen with her own eyes Levi shatter a Level Seven Golem with a single punch.
His true power is actually unimaginable!
Finally, she understood why her father wanted to marry her off to Levi by hook or by crook.
It wasn’t because Levi was just a tool to have talented children.
In truth, it was simply because of how powerful he was.
He was so strong that he just had no opponent.
No wonder my father sent me here to observe how special he is. Also, both Levi and Mia had mentioned that Father was badly beaten by Levi. Looks like that is also true. Considering Levi could obliterate Kuroki with a single punch, he must definitely be stronger than Father. It’s now clear that the one invincible isn’t Father, but Levi.
Finally, Queenie could connect all the dots and realized that Levi was telling the truth the entire time.
Other than the matter regarding the ruins, he has always been right. In fact, what he said about the ruins was probably correct. It was just that he made a wrong judgment call. Back then, he even declared that everything would be fine, and he would deal with any problem that arose as Erudia’s protector. However, no one took him seriously. Evidently, he was telling the truth. Father must have known about Levi’s true strength, that’s why he insists that I marry Levi for my own good! With such power, it’s unbecoming of Levi to just have a wife and a daughter. In fact, someone as domineering as he is should be polygamous. I’m the one that’s not worthy of him!”
Queenie continued to remain in shock.
Meanwhile, Levi had picked up the secret manual titled Iron Golem Technique and began to go through it.
At the same time, his body was going through rapid changes.
As golden rays flowed through his body, it looked as if it was transparent.
Queenie could see with her naked eye the golden metallic liquid that was flowing through him.
At the same time, smoke was coming out of his head.
Level One!
Level Two!

Level Seven!

Level Eight!

Level Nine!
Buzz… Buzz…
Levi’s body began to tremble as a golden hue glowed from his body.
At the highest level of the Iron Golem Technique, one’s body composition doesn’t change.
Instead, a golden shield is wrapped around the body to provide protection.
It was just that no one had reached this state before and didn’t have the chance to understand it.
Within a short timeframe, Levi had fully grasped the highest level of the Iron Golem Technique.
“Not bad!” he praised earnestly.
Queenie gawked in disbelief.
At this moment, Levi doesn’t even need his previous technique. With the Iron Golem Technique alone, it would be enough for him to be unbeatable. My father and the Dark Emperor wouldn’t stand a chance against him.
After that, Levi kept up the manual for the Iron Golem Technique.
He wanted to find someone with potential so that he could hand over the technique.
However, his current disciples were not within consideration.
Meanwhile, everyone else was waiting for news after Kuroki had entered North Hampton.
Despite waiting for a long time, they didn’t see Kuroki leave North Hampton. In fact, he didn’t leave Levi’s manor either.
Something must be wrong. Queenie is ranked tenth on the Divine Leaderboard, and Kuroki thrashed her in less than a minute. Now that half an hour has gone, why isn’t there any movement? Did something untoward happen?
Edmund, Kirin, Floyd, and the others were hiding somewhere in North Hampton.
When he didn’t see Kuroki leave, Edmund began to worry about his sister.
Did Kuroki do something to her?
The moment the thought crossed his mind, Edmund rushed to Levi’s manor at once together with the others.
However, when they arrived, they were greeted by silence and the sight of Queenie lying on the ground.
“Where are they?” Edmund asked.
“Dead! Over there!”
Queenie pointed at a residual trace of blood.


Chapter 2415 Levi Killed Them


The moment Queenie’s words fell, everyone was stunned.
In fact, her proclamation had them all close to losing their minds.
Dead? Kuroki and Hirai are dead? And they even died a gruesome death with nothing remaining of them? That’s impossible! It’s absolutely outlandish! How could they possibly die?
That was something they simply couldn’t believe.
They only went to eliminate this mere slip of a girl, yet they ended up dead? She’s already heavily injured right now, making it evident that she was defeated in a single move. As such, she couldn’t possibly have killed them! How could that be possible?
Therefore, no one believed her.
But then… if they’re not dead, where are they? The entire world’s attention is firmly riveted on North Hampton and Levi’s manor. Ever since Kuroki and his disciple came, they never left. So, where have they gone?
“Find them! Hurry up and look for them!”
Everyone started searching in Levi’s manor, turning the place inside out.
Zoey even hunted in the hidden areas in the manor.
Alas, they couldn’t find anyone.
There was no sign of either Kuroki or Hirai.
“Those waiting outside didn’t find any trace of them either, so they hadn’t left at all! They must be here!” Azure Dragon asserted.
“How is this possible? Where have they gone? They couldn’t possibly have disappeared into thin air, could they?”
Bewilderment was written on all their faces.
There are only four of them here, including Levi, and two of them are still in solitary training. Did Kuroki vanish into thin air, then?
“Where are they, Queenie? Where exactly are they?” Edmund demanded frantically.
“They’re here! How many times do I have to repeat that before you guys will believe me?” Queenie replied in exasperation.
“Huh? Don’t tell me you were serious about that?”
“Yes! They’re dead! They’re really as dead as a doornail! They were finished off with just two punches!” Queenie insisted.
At that point, everyone had no choice but to believe her.
The only things that remained before them were a massive puddle of blood and some scraps of clothes.
“Look at these scraps! The pattern of the clothes and this broken samurai sword… They belong to Kuroki and his disciple!”
Hearing that, everyone started scrutinizing the blood and scraps on the ground.
They could vaguely tell that the remains belonged to Kuroki and his disciple, proving that they were truly dead.
After learning of that fact, they all felt as though they had been struck by a bolt of lightning and almost passed out one after another.
It all still felt like a dream.
They were so powerful, yet they were decimated? Putting Kuroki aside, if Hirai used the Iron Golem Technique to attain Level Four, he could definitely leave Erudia safely. No one here could’ve stopped him, much less Kuroki, who had attained Level Seven! No one could possibly cause any harm to his Golem-like instructible body, not even Daxon, let alone kill him! But now, the bloody truth is right before our eyes—the two of them are really dead, and that’s an indisputable fact! No matter how great the Iron Golem Technique purportedly is, they’re undeniably dead!
Subsequently, a question flashed across everyone’s minds—who killed Kuroki and his disciple? It couldn’t have been Queenie, yes? That’s impossible! While she ranks top ten on the Divine Leaderboard, she doesn’t have the ability to kill them both.
“Who was it? Who killed Kuroki?”
They couldn’t imagine anyone who could do that.
Even Edmund hadn’t any inkling who exactly had such capability.
Everyone swung their gazes at Queenie.
She must have witnessed them both being slaughtered, so she certainly knows who the culprit was!
“We want to know, too! Who killed them, Ms. Queenie? Besides, you’re even injured so badly!”
They were all eager to know who exactly annihilated the two men.
With hundreds of eyes on her, Queenie chuckled and cast her gaze on Levi a near distance away. “It was him!” she declared.
“Huh? Him? Levi?”
Everyone shifted their gazes at Levi in surprise.
“Yup, I was the one who killed them,” Levi admitted.
It was as though a bomb was dropped onto the crowd.
Time seemingly came to a standstill, and everyone plunged into silence.


Chapter 2416 The Fearsome Dark Web

It was Levi who killed them? Levi Garrison, who ranks a thousand on the Divine Leaderboard, slaughtered Kuroki, who almost ranks first? How is that possible? That’s absolutely preposterous!

Everyone there didn’t believe that Levi was the one who killed the two men.
No one believed that even the slightest bit.
“Oh! I understand now! Everyone, come over here and listen to me!”
Edmund proceeded to gather everyone around him.
“What’s happening here, Sir? Don’t tell me it was really Levi who killed them?” someone questioned.
“That’s a stupid question, for it’s simply impossible! How could he possibly kill him? Haha! It’s makes far more sense that my sister killed him than Levi having done so!” Edmund denied it right away.
“T-Then… what’s going on here?”
Everyone’s eyes were fixated on him.
“Kuroki must have defeated my sister. That’s obvious from the injuries she sustained. In other words, Kuroki and his disciple were superior to all the fighters on the Divine Leaderboard in Erudia! If this matter gets out, it’d be a great humiliation to Erudia!” Edmund deduced.
Upon hearing that, the others nodded in agreement.
If that really happens, every single one of us won’t be able to hold our heads up anymore. After all, the glory or shame will be a shared sentiment among us all! Ultimately, Erudia will be subjugated by Raysonia and lose every last shred of dignity!
Edmund stared at them and maintained, “As Erudians, none of us want to see such a thing happening, no? I’m sure it also applies to our elders who are living in seclusion, such as the person who broke Skyward Sword with just two fingers! What would they think if they were to learn about this matter?”
“They would definitely kill Kuroki so that he can’t leave Erudia alive!” the others answered.
“Yes! Therefore, it must have been a reclusive elder who killed him! Although Iron Golem Technique is an unrivaled technique, Kuroki could barely wield Level Seven’s techniques and hadn’t yet mastered them. Thus, he wasn’t really indestructible like a Golem! For that reason, the ultimate elders could’ve still finished him off!”
“Who knows, it might have been the elder who broke Skyward Sword with two fingers that day! He won’t possibly allow Erudia to be insulted by other nations! Hence, he interfered and put an end to him!”
“Furthermore, The Cardinal Hall and Eragon will never allow such a situation to happen. Instead, they’ll take Kuroki out at all costs! Even if my father previously promised that The Cardinal Hall wouldn’t get involved in this matter, everything no longer matters in the face of Erudia’s impending ignominy!”
After hearing that, Zoey glanced at Levi and concluded, “Thus, they’ve both been instructed not to breathe a single word about the truth. Even if they’ve got to claim to have killed him themselves, they can’t reveal the identity of the person who actually did it!”
“Hear, hear! That must be it! Kuroki is dead anyway, so no one will know what happened as long as they keep their mouths tightly sealed. At the same time, the issue of Erudia’s disgrace is also easily resolved!”
Sighing, Azure Dragon fretted, “Fighters from Raysonia might all flood over to investigate his death, so it’ll be rather dangerous for Boss and the others. We’ve got to protect them well.”
Edmund nodded. “Yes, we’ve got to protect them! We can’t allow the truth to get out, and even we ourselves can’t inquire about it! Let’s all come to a consensus that it was Levi who killed him!”
Everyone nodded in acknowledgment.
Meanwhile, Levi and Queenie exchanged a helpless glance, for they both realized their plan.
Anyhow, that’s good since it’ll save us a lot of trouble. Otherwise, people will always be asking what exactly happened and who killed him.
At that same moment, Dark Web released a piece of news—Kuroki and his disciple, Hirai, encountered a mysterious fighter in Erudia. They were defeated and ended up six feet under.
As soon as the news went out, it shook the entire world.
On the contrary, Levi’s brows furrowed.
Isn’t Dark Web too quick in obtaining this piece of news? Edmund and the others have just learned about it, yet the information has already been released by Dark Web? Dark Web is really something else. It seems that they’re no less powerful than the Lab of Gods. Perhaps they’re even aware that I was the one who killed the two men. This is truly too terrifying to fathom!


Chapter 2417 Level Nine Of Iron Golem Technique

At the end of the day, Kuroki’s death became a fig leaf to Erudia and helped to safeguard its final shred of dignity.

However, Queenie’s attitude toward Levi changed drastically after that incident.
After all, she witnessed the might of his blow.
She didn’t leave but stayed at Levi’s place and even took the initiative to serve him.
That frightened Levi, and he did his best to keep his distance from her.
“Next is to impart the Iron Golem Technique, and the candidate… has already been decided!”
Levi went to The Cardinal Hall and sought Daxon out.
“Mr. Garrison, I just knew that the Iron Golem Technique is no match for you!”
Exhilaration was etched on Daxon’s face.
In the past few days, he had been studying how he could thwart Level Seven of the Iron Golem Technique.
Well, I can probably grasp it by now…
“Would you like to try it?” Levi inquired out of the blue.
Whirr! Whirr! Whirr…
Whirring sounds echoed in the air.
Clang! Clang!
That aside, there were also sounds of metal grating.
Levi’s entire person turned golden, and his body became indestructible like a Golem.
Seven rays of light shimmered around him, indicating that it was of Level Seven.
“What? A Level-Seven Golem?”
Daxon was wholly floored.
It’s just been a short time, yet he’s already at this level? Anyway, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so I’ve got to seize it!
He instantly went all out and started attacking the man’s Golem body.
Such sounds rang out unceasingly.
His attacks were frenzied and unceasing like water rushing out of a broken dam.
At long last, the Level-Seven Golem showed faint signs of cracks.
Nonetheless, that was Levi merely standing there and allowing him to attack. If he were to use the Iron Golem Technique to attack instead, such a situation would never transpire.
In a nutshell, Daxon himself paid a heavy price despite succeeding in cracking a Level-Seven Golem after unleashing everything he had.
If it were an amateurish Level-Seven Iron Golem Technique, he could even defeat it despite sustaining some pretty severe injuries.
“How about now?”
The air around Levi abruptly changed.
A loud crack split the air, and a petrifying sense of oppression shook the earth.
Levi’s Golem body grew increasingly blinding as the golden shade intensified and radiated a dazzling light.
There was even a layer of golden liquid flowing on the surface of his body.
What was more, eight rays of light appeared.
Indeed, it was Level Eight of the Iron Golem Technique!
“Oh my God, this…”
Daxon was entirely stumped.
It was rumored that some eminent monks in Erudia had mastered Level Eight and were truly invincible in the entire world.
Nothing could ever penetrate them.
Now that he was personally beholding Level Eight of the Iron Golem Technique, a strong sense of helplessness rose within him.
Ah, I really can’t beat this!
In the face of the terrifying Level-Eight Golem, he could only admit defeat.
He didn’t even have the courage to step forward and give it a try.
“And how about now?”
A deathly silence reigned, and an aura of destruction incarnate burst forth.
It was as though one had arrived in hell, for the sense of death pervaded.
An overwhelming sense of oppression suddenly came crashing down.
It was so strong that it made one suffocate, and even the most skilled fighters would fall to their knees in surrender.
It was none other than Level Nine of the Iron Golem Technique!
Nine rays of light shone like nine scorching suns even as a golden silhouette manifested.
On a closer look, one would see nine golden silhouettes that were fading.
In truth, it was nine avatars.
And every single avatar was ten times stronger than the Level-Eight Golem.
Oh my God! What am I seeing? This is Level Nine of the Iron Golem Technique!
As the leader of the strongest martial arts organization, he was very familiar with the different techniques in the world.
Ever since the Iron Golem Technique was recorded, no one has ever mastered Level Nine. The highest so far had been Level Eight, and only two people have attained that. Yet, he has reached Level Nine effortlessly! This is inconceivable! How mind-boggling!
“Mr. Garrison, are you sure you want to impart the Iron Golem Technique to my son?”



Supreme Grandmaster - Elder of Sex Sext
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Sep 24, 2023
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Chapter 2418 Levi Takes Edmund As A Disciple

Daxon asked Levi that question in an uncertain tone.

After witnessing the true power of the Iron Golem Technique, he felt that his son wasn’t worthy of it.
Nevertheless, Levi nodded. “Yup. I’ve compared the possible candidates repeatedly, and he should be the most suitable person!”
Firstly, Edmund had been training in The Cardinal Hall’s orthodox techniques that had nothing to do with the new era’s fast-track techniques.
Secondly, the techniques he had been training in were suited for direct and aggressive combat. It just happened to be a perfect fit with the Iron Golem Technique, so it would take much lesser effort to master and had even more potential. In fact, he might be able to break through to Level Seven or even Level Eight.
And thirdly, the position of The Cardinal Hall General was mainly to defend Erudia. Therefore, it was far better to impart such a technique to him than to anyone else.
After turning it over in his mind, Levi felt that imparting the Iron Golem Technique to Edmund was the best choice.
“This is simply too great!”
Despite feeling that his son was undeserving, as the father, Daxon was naturally over the moon if his son were the chosen candidate.
“In that case, please accept my thanks on behalf of my son, Mr. Garrison!”
He then bowed slightly.
“Go and get him here,” Levi instructed. “I’ve got to change my appearance as well. After all, it might not be a good thing for him to recognize me.”
Shortly after, Daxon came back with his son, Edmund.
By then, Levi had assumed the appearance of the fighter who broke Skyward Sword with two fingers that day.
“Huh? Greetings, Sir!”
Thrilled, Edmund immediately dropped to his knees in deference.
Right then, a tumult of emotions brewed within him.
Sure enough, it’s him! I previously inferred that he was most likely the one who killed Kuroki, and it now seems that it was undoubtedly him! It’s really a dream come true for me to be able to meet someone like him!
“From now on, you should be addressing him as Master!” the Daxon urged at the side.
“What? Did I perchance mishear you? What did you just say, Father? Could you please repeat that?”
Feeling as though he was going out of his mind, Edmund almost fell back to the ground on his butt.
“You didn’t mishear me. The person in front of you is going to become your master and will impart the Iron Golem Technique to you! He chose you out of many others,” Daxon explained. “Hurry up and greet him properly!”
“What? He will be imparting the Iron Golem Technique to me? Besides, he’s even going to take me as his disciple? I-I-I…”
Edmund was so worked up that he turned incoherent.
His face flushed bright red, and he started coughing violently.
This is the most exciting moment in my life! Not only do I get to be under the tutelage of the person who broke Skyward Sword with two fingers, but he’s even going to impart the Iron Golem Technique to me! This is truly a great surprise!
“Why are you spacing out? Greet him properly, quick!” Daxon barked in chagrin.
Sure enough, he really isn’t worthy of the honor!
Edmund fell to his knees at once and said to Levi, “Please accept me as your disciple, Master!”
At the sight of the man prostrating himself before him, Levi found it a tad strange.
Is this still The Cardinal Hall General who was cocky and pompous previously? He has actually become my disciple and is even prostrating himself fervently? Furthermore, he’s even this thrilled?
“Okay, I’m going to accept you as my disciple begrudgingly. Next, I’m going to impart the Iron Golem Technique to you.”
He subsequently handed a secret manual to Edmund, which the latter took with both hands.
“I took a look at it and have attained Level Nine,” Levi remarked placidly.
Edmund fell face-down onto the ground.
Level Nine? The level that was rumored to have been mastered by none?
“I made notes for every level so that you can train faster and with higher efficiency. Also, it’ll save you many detours. I’ll be back to have a look at the results of your training after some time.”
After having made all the arrangements, Levi left.
Alas, soon after he went back to North Hampton, he saw Edmund hurrying over.
Having obtained the secret scroll, he didn’t start training immediately but came to North Hampton to show off instead.
“Come, come! Gather around, everyone! I’ve got important news to announce!” Edmund proclaimed.
Thus, everyone gathered and waited for him to speak of his momentous news.
“You’ve come into possession of the Iron Golem Technique!”
At that precise moment, Levi’s voice rang out.


Chapter 2419 Queenie Makes Levi Soup

Everyone was instantly staggered.

The moment Levi’s words fell, Edmund was completely stunned.
The words that were right on the tip of his tongue screeched to an abrupt stop, and he gaped at the man incredulously.
How did he know about that? It only happened a short time ago, and no one knows about it other than my father. Don’t tell me he’s actually… that elder and my master?
With horror written all over his face, he continued staring at Levi in disbelief.
No, that’s not right! I remember now! Queenie knows about it! I just told her a moment ago.
When it came to such joyous news, he would definitely share it with his family member at once.
As such, Queenie was aware of it.
Ah, he must have heard it from her since he knows about it now! Otherwise, there’s no other explanation for it.
After having made sense of things, Edmund put it at the back of his mind.
“Yes, exactly! The good news is that I’ve procured the Iron Golem Technique!”
He excitedly whipped out the secret manual for everyone to behold.
“It’s true! It’s really the Iron Golem Technique!”
The crowd was astounded and all regarded Edmund in surprise.
“How did you get this Iron Golem Technique, Sir?”
They all looked at him curiously.
“It was given to me by the elder,” Edmund replied with a proud look on his face.
“The elder? Which elder?”
Everyone continue staring at him in shock.
“Do you all still remember the elder who broke Skyward Sword with two fingers? It was him who killed Kuroki and his disciple! The Iron Golem Technique fell into his hands then. He picked me among the many, accepting me as his disciple and imparting the technique to me!”
Edmund grew increasingly worked up as he spoke.
Meanwhile, all the others naturally wore envious expressions.
“My master only went through it once, and he managed to master the highest level of the Iron Golem Technique—Level Nine!”
Edmund then boasted about how powerful his master was to everyone.
Levi and Queenie, however, weren’t at all impressed.
Knowing the truth, they only felt that his behavior was rather childish and even hilarious.
Hence, they both ignored all the others and got about their own business.
“I made this soup especially for you! It contains many herbs from The Cardinal Hall…”
Unexpectedly, Queenie got her hands dirty and personally prepared some soup for Levi.
Levi was taken aback.
After the battle, Queenie did a one-eighty in terms of attitude.
That had Levi feeling rather perturbed.
I think the way we previously interacted was much better. But then again, there are now quite a few things that render me rather disconcerted. After all, Edmund even went to his knees and prostrated himself before me…
“Would you like me to feed you? Here, let me feed you!”
The fact that Queenie went so far as to offer to feed him made him feel pretty discombobulated.
Coincidentally, Zoey witnessed that scene.
Oh my God! What the h*ll? How shocking! In fact, it’s unbelievable! This doesn’t make sense. She loathes him to the marrow and looks down on him. Yet, she now made him soup and even wants to feed him personally? Could it be that everything she said back then was a lie? In reality, she wants to marry him? But that’s not quite possible!
She instinctively clenched her fists tightly though she had no idea why panic started brewing within her.
Others soon noticed it as well and were all puzzled.
It seems that Queenie treats Levi differently now, even offering to feed him personally! This is inconceivable!
Clocking the many stares glued on them, Levi took the soup from Queenie and started guzzling it down.
“Go slower! There’s still more!” Queenie promptly reminded.
Then, she even wiped the man’s mouth tenderly with a handkerchief.
Her movements were surprisingly gentle.
Even Edmund had never seen his sister being so gentle.
She has always had a volatile temper, so much so that many from The Cardinal Hall avoid her. Has hell frozen over or something? She’s acting too much out of character that it’s beyond perplexing.
He didn’t even bother blowing his own trumpet anymore but fell deep into contemplation with his gaze fixated on her.
“What’s happening here, Queenie? You actually made soup for him? I’ve never even drunk soup you prepared personally despite being your brother!”
He was truly curious to know the reason for her bizarre behavior.


Chapter 2420 I Killed Them

“Well, it’s nothing much. It’s just that we’re friends after experiencing a life-and-death situation together! What’s wrong with making some soup for a friend?” Queenie fibbed.

After all, she had her own agenda.
Hah! I won’t confess the truth! Otherwise, Zoey definitely won’t allow me to have any contact with Levi anymore! Besides, it’s only natural for a powerful fighter like him to have a few women to cater to his needs!
When Edmund had finally finished bragging, he left to train.
Following that, others also gradually dispersed.
Despite harboring suspicions within her, Zoey left with them as well.
This time, news of Kuroki having been killed took the world by the storm.
In Raysonia, especially, the matter was all the more explosive.
After all, Kuroki’s goal was to rank first on the Divine Leaderboard.
Alas, he was now dead for no apparent reason, and they didn’t even know who took him out.
Therefore, they were inexorably livid and demanded an explanation from Erudia.
However, no one entertained them at all.
At that particular moment, the fighters in Raysonia had gathered together to discuss that matter.
“Logically speaking, it must have been a powerhouse fighter! Kuroki hasn’t mastered the Iron Golem Technique at its highest level, so it’s not surprising that he was killed.”
“But who exactly killed him? Was it a fighter on the Divine Leaderboard? Otherwise, Erudia is being unreasonable and deliberately picking on us!”
“Divine Brigadier promised that The Cardinal Hall and Eragon won’t interfere in the matter. If it wasn’t someone on the Divine Leaderboard, it means that they went back on their word, no? Thus, we’ve got to investigate this matter thoroughly and have Erudia give us an explanation!”
“Exactly! The last person Kuroki challenged was Queenie. Other than her, Levi was also there! They must have witnessed everything and know who killed Kuroki!”
“Then, let’s go and get some answers from them! Let’s move right away!”
In no time, six fighters on the Divine Leaderboard from Raysonia made their way to Erudia.
Among them was the heir of the Muramasa Blade, a peerless maven who ranked seventh on the Divine Leaderboard.
The other five ranked within a hundred on the Divine Leaderboard.
They could be considered a team of fighters setting out full force, determined to get to the bottom of the matter with Levi.
Soon, they arrived in North Hampton and lay in wait in the vicinity.
Levi noticed their presence at once and deliberately sent everyone away.
In the end, only him, Queenie, and the two who were in solitary training remained.
Queenie was very much bemused as to why Levi sent the others away.
Hmm, could it be that he wants to do something with me?
“Go and prepare a floor brush and the like. You’ve got to clean up later,” Levi ordered.
That only made her all the more mystified.
What exactly is he planning to do?
Nonetheless, she still went and prepared the items as instructed.
When night fell, the fighters on the Divine Leaderboard from Raysonia immediately headed to the manor after ascertaining that no one was around.
The six fighters stormed in, surrounding Levi and Queenie.
“Who are you all?”
Queenie attacked at once.
Likewise, the heir of the Muramasa Blade, who ranked seventh on the Divine Leaderboard, acted.
As blades glinted in the light, he swiftly subjugated and restrained her.
As for Levi, they weren’t bothered about him in the least.
After all, how could someone on the Provisional Leaderboard compare with those on the Divine Leaderboard?
“Well, you’re very smart that you didn’t resist at all! Resistance will only end in death! Hence, it’s much better for you to just play along.”
The heir of Muramasa Blade nodded in satisfaction when he saw that Levi was merely sitting there without resisting.
“You’re all from Raysonia? Why are you here?” Queenie demanded in a cold voice.
“Why? You know that better than anyone else, don’t you?”
As soon as his words rang out, understanding dawned upon Queenie.
At the same time, she also understood why Levi told her to prepare a floor brush and the like earlier.
Oh well, they’re truly shooting themselves in the foot! It’s really courageous that they dared to come and provoke him.
“Spill! Who killed Kuroki and Hirai that day?”
“Tell us the truth, and we’ll spare you! Otherwise, we’ll kill you!”
At once, Levi cried out, “Don’t kill me! I’ll talk! I’ll tell you! Actually, I was the one who killed them.”


Chapter 2421 The Exhilaration Of The Iron Golem Technique


Levi had already told the fighters the truth, yet they obviously didn’t believe him.
“How dare you take us for a fool, lad? Are you sick of living?
“We’re going to give you another chance. Answer seriously, or we’ll finish you off!”
The fighters all threatened him.
In response, Levi groused in exasperation, “Why won’t you believe me? It was really me who killed them!”
“Da*n it! Let’s just eliminate him! I can’t stand him anymore!”
One of the fighters on the Divine Leaderboard was already at the end of his patience.
He instantly whipped out his samurai sword and swung it at Levi’s head.
He wasn’t alone, for every single citizen of Raysonia probably hated the man to the bone and couldn’t wait to kill him right then and there.
Anyway, we’ve still got Queenie to interrogate after dispatching of him!
For that reason, the others made no move to interfere even when the fighter intended to take the man’s life.
But when the sword struck Levi’s body, it abruptly broke.
At that same instance, a metallic sound resounded.
With a single glance, they saw that Levi’s body had already turned golden at some point in time.
Right then, he was invulnerable to blades and bullets.
Seven rays of light of varying shades then appeared.
“What? The Iron Golem Technique?”
The heir of the Muramasa Blade recognized it at a single glance.
The other five fighters were also shell-shocked.
“The Iron Golem Technique?”
They were stupefied and entirely flabbergasted.
No matter how hard they racked their brains, they couldn’t fathom how Levi knew the Iron Golem Technique.
They simply couldn’t figure it out.
For a moment, their brains almost imploded from all the thinking, but they still couldn’t make sense of it.
How does he know the Iron Golem Technique? It’s impossible! Argh! This question is giving us a splitting headache, yet we still haven’t managed to decipher the answer!
Without waiting for them to come to a conclusion, Levi made his move.
With a single blow, he shattered the head of the man whose sword snapped when attempting to kill him earlier.
Blood splattered everywhere.
“Let’s get him together!”
When the other four fighters snapped back to their senses, they drew their swords and charged at Levi.
Although they were all top hundred fighters on the Divine Leaderboard, they were no different from ordinary people in the face of Levi, who had mastered Level Seven of the Iron Golem Technique.
Clang! Clatter!
Sharp weapons struck him, but only the sounds of metal hitting metal pierced the air.
They didn’t hurt him in the slightest.
Ultimately, they couldn’t penetrate a Level-Seven Golem.
Even the heir of Muramasa Blade couldn’t do it, let alone the others.
Sounds of a similar variety continued ringing out.
Confronted by the four fighters, Levi didn’t show them any mercy.
Instead, he shattered their heads.
The only remaining fighter, the heir of Muramasa Blade, was stricken with terror.
No longer in the mood to question anything, he geared up to take off without delay.
“Hmm? You want to leave when you’re already here?”
Alas, Levi would never give him such an opportunity.
Even if he were to utilize every skill he has, death is still the only thing that awaits him in the face of the Iron Golem Technique!
“This Iron Golem Technique is pretty nifty! With it, I don’t even need to make a move since no one is my match, less alone if I were to punch my fist out!”
Levi chuckled as the exhilaration of possessing the Iron Golem Technique flooded him.
In the end, a few puddles of blood were all that remained in the courtyard.
Levi cast Queenie a glance. “Why don’t you clean the courtyard?”
Fortunately, Queenie had long since prepared a floor brush and the like.
In the blink of an eye, the courtyard was sparkling clean as though no one had ever been there.
Very quickly, news that six elites from Raysonia had mysteriously vanished leaked out from Dark Web.
Various organizations updated the Divine Leaderboard right away.
Following the disappearance and death of six people, new fighters from the Provisional Leaderboard would naturally move to the Divine Leaderboard.
Levi’s ranking also went up from the seventeenth to the eleventh on the Provisional Leaderboard.
Raysonia, on the other hand, was utterly terrified.
Firstly, it was Kuroki being killed.
And presently, six elites on the Divine Leaderboard disappeared in Erudia for no apparent reason.
Erudia promptly became a restricted area.
Meanwhile, Edmund and the others immediately rushed to Levi’s manor after receiving the news.
They went over with the intention of checking on the situation.
“Where are they?” everyone demanded.


Chapter 2422 The Mystery Of Their Disappearance

“Who are you referring to?”

Queenie feigned ignorance.
“Six fighters on the Divine Leaderboard from Raysonia mysteriously vanished, so they must have come to Erudia! And I reckon that they came in search of you both!” Edmund replied.
“But no one came…” Queenie countered. “You can look around though there’s obviously no sign of anyone ever having come here.”
Everyone searched the place, but there was indeed no sign of anyone having been there.
Thus, they could only drop the matter.
“Perhaps my master acted. He certainly won’t allow those foreigners to come and challenge us!” Edmund announced.
Then, he changed the topic, saying, “Never mind. Why don’t I tell you all some good news? After some modifications, Garrison Industry’s specialized battle suit has successfully passed the simulation experiment and is now ready for use!”
In the next moment, he continued, “However, it’s of no use to me anymore. I’ve already attained Level Four of the Iron Golem Technique! While I’m a bit amateurish, I can still somewhat wield it. I’m already impenetrable!”
Subsequently, he unleashed the Iron Golem Technique in front of everyone there.
That amazed them all, and they regarded him enviously.
“Is that all? And you dared to flaunt it and embarrass yourself? Frankly speaking, you’re even worse than Kuroki! You’re probably not as stable as he was!”
Levi’s voice sounded out of the blue.
Everyone was taken aback, and even Edmund gaped at him incredulously.
It should be my master saying this. Why is it coming from him instead?
Just when he was about to refute the man, his sister’s voice rang out. “You’re indeed beneath him, Edmund! Kuroki managed to attain Level Seven in just a short time, after all! Conversely, it’s probably good enough if you can master Level Five in the same amount of time!”
At that, Edmund had no choice but to relent.
At the sight of his disciple, Levi suddenly remembered something.
“Oh yes, where are those young talents of Erudia once upon a time? For instance, the Warrior Princess—Jessica, the Twin Meteorites who are descendants of Donte, and the like? They don’t seem to have made an appearance in this new era. Did something happen to them?” he queried.
Back when he was choosing the successor of the Iron Golem Technique, he did consider them.
After all, they were all talented fighters he once trained personally.
Furthermore, they once saved the dignity of Erudia in the martial arts world.
With a single battle, the entire world was shaken.
Alas, it seemed as though there was no more news of them.
By all rights, they should be even more in their element in the new era, like a duck to water.
However, there was no sign of them on the Divine Leaderboard.
Now that he caught sight of Edmund, that matter abruptly occurred to him.
“Oh, you mean the hundred young talents of Erudia? Like Evie, they’re the hope of Erudia. For that reason, they were taken away by Eragon when the new era began to join a closed, top-secret plan. Different training plans were customized according to each of their capabilities, with Eragon’s fighters instructing them closely. The purpose of that is to safeguard Erudia’s future. They’re also learning Eragon’s most orthodox techniques. Once they reemerge, they may be on par with us here!”
After pondering for a while, Edmund continued, “Come to think about it, this plan is drawing to an end. It’s already been two years.”
“Ah, so that’s what happened. I was just wondering why those kids never came to seek me out anymore when I’m their master, after all,” Levi commented with a chuckle.
Having learned of his disciples’ whereabouts, he was in a pretty good mood.
At least, they hadn’t been tainted by the fast-track techniques today and are training in orthodox techniques! In fact, they’re still using the techniques I taught them!
In response, Edmund chortled. “Since we’re speaking of this, I’ll just be frank with you all, okay? After they’ve completed their training plan, they might need your help.”
Everyone was mystified, not quite understanding what he was trying to say.
They all looked at him in bemusement.
Edmund then shifted his gaze back to Levi. “Oh yes, they’ll also need your help.”



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Chapter 2423 The Young Talents Have Returned

“Huh? It has to do with me as well?”

Levi was likewise puzzled.
“In order to have the group of young talents adapt better and faster to the new era as well as gauging their capability, we need everyone to duel them for assessment purposes,” Edmund explained.
“How will that work?” Zoey questioned.
“We’ll select fighters from the Provisional and Divine Leaderboard for them to challenge one by one until they’re defeated. With that, they’ll understand everything about the new era and also know how their capability ranks on either of the leaderboards.”
“I get it now! We’ll be acting as training partners for them! We’ll be the threshold that they’re going to challenge in order to know where they stand! For instance, I rank a hundred on the Divine Leaderboard. If they defeat me, their capability is within the top hundred. But if they fail to do so, they don’t rank within that list.”
Edmund nodded in assent. “Yup, that’s right! We’re generally setting the bar at the fighters ranking ten thousand, five thousand, and a hundred on the Provisional Leaderboard. In actual fact, we can just skip the Provisional Leaderboard since it will be a piece of cake for them to break into the Divine Leaderboard. We only want to let them have a look at the capability of those on the Provisional Leaderboard so that they have a general understanding of it. Anyhow, the top fifty on the Provisional Leaderboard is more crucial since it’s the backup list to get into the Divine Leaderboard. It’s to roughly test whether they’re capable of making it into the Divine Leaderboard.”
Then, he continued, “After much deliberation, we all think that Levi should be the fighter for that rank. He ranks eleven on the Provisional Leaderboard, so he’s the most suitable candidate.”
Hearing that, Levi was dumbfounded. “Huh? Are you sure?”
So, they want me to do that? Isn’t that equivalent to using a sledgehammer to crack a nut?
The challenge against the fighter who ranked the top fifty on the Provisional Leaderboard was the easiest for the young talents.
However, it would be the most difficult if they were to choose Levi.
It would be even more difficult than to defeat the fighters who ranked top ten or first on the Divine Leaderboard.
In fact, it would be impossible!
That was the reason Levi sought confirmation. After all, selecting him was tantamount to impeding everyone from progressing from the very beginning.
“Of course! You’ll be the first round they challenge for real. Okay, it’s decided, then!” Edmund declared. “There are a few members of the Lopez and Black families who rank at the bottom of the Divine Leaderboard, so they’ll be representing its threshold and be the second round. As for the top five hundred, Kinsley and the others will be the threshold. Meanwhile, the top three hundred will be the fourth round, whereas the top one hundred will be the fifth round.”
Then, he continued, “After making it into the top one hundred on the Divine Leaderboard, they’ll be ranked further. Kirin, Floyd, you both have to join the challenge as well. According to my estimation, thirty to fifty of the young talents will make it into the top one hundred. Thus, they’ll have to be ranked closely. As such, all fighters here must participate! Even I will be joining the action at that time!”
He had arranged everything perfectly, just waiting for the group of young talents to finish their training and join the tournament challenge.
Levi didn’t care about it either way.
At that time, I’ll just defeat all one hundred of them and keep them out of the Divine Leaderboard!
That would mean that none of them would be able to make it into the Divine Leaderboard.
Nonetheless, he wasn’t bothered at all.
Well, who asked them to pick me to accept the challenge? Anyhow, it’s good to train the hundred of them. At first, I actually thought that they had all been decimated by Lab of Gods.
A few days later, the first phase of Eragon’s top-secret plan drew to an end.
Consequently, the group of young talents came out of seclusion, mainly to test their capabilities this time.
After that, they would be resuming the top-secret plan.
“It’s been close to three years! I wonder how the outside world looks like now!”
“I heard that many fighters have been born, ranked according to the Divine and Provisional Leaderboard.”
“Our instructors said that most of us should be ranked top three hundred on the Divine Leaderboard, and a third of us will be ranked top hundred!”
“Ah, I’m really looking forward to it!”
Similar sentiments drifted into the air, one after another.
After the hundred young talents stepped out of seclusion, anticipation was written all over their faces.


Chapter 2424 Your Master Is A Weakling

“I feel that my capabilities have ballooned more than a hundred times compared to three years ago!”

“You can now defeat anyone who stands in your way, huh?”
Each and every one of the young talents expressed similar sentiments.
“It’s better to remain humble. I heard that tremendous change had taken place in these three years, and there are tons of fighters out there. We’re not their match at all!”
Alongside the melodious voice, two goddess-like figures appeared.
It was none other than Josephine and Yasmin.
They were also exceedingly powerful at present, ranking top ten among the hundred of them.
“Yes, I agree! We’ve got to be humble. After all, we might be defeated right at the beginning of the tournament challenge.”
Another female voice echoed.
Many of the young talents instantly went silent and even shuddered in terror, for it was the Warrior Princess, Jessica.
She was the woman they feared most and dared not provoke.
“Yeah, we’ve got to be humble and practice forbearance! Have you all forgotten Master’s teaching? Why is the lot of you acting all high and mighty?”
Yet, another two people came over side by side.
They were the Twin Meteorites who were of the Great Family of Westford.
They were the strongest among them in the past, and they still maintained the same ranking among the hundred people.
All the others nodded fervently, not daring to argue in front of them.
Subsequently, the hundred people were led to an underground secret training base of The Cardinal Hall.
It was a massive, enclosed area.
Edmund had already brought Levi and the others there, awaiting their arrival.
Some fighters on the Provisional Leaderboard were there as well.
The moment the hundred people spotted Levi, they immediately surrounded him.
“Master! Where did you disappear back then?” everyone inquired eagerly.
The Twin Meteorites and Jessica, the Warrior Princess, rushed over to him as well.
Yasmin and Josephine, however, stared at the man with a conflicted look in their eyes.
Their feelings toward Levi were different.
“Not bad! You’ve all grown! Truly, you guys did great!”
At a single glance, Levi could discern the capability of them all.
Whoa! They’re very strong, far better than I’ve imagined! The fact that they didn’t depend on fast-track techniques is truly admirable. Not only do they have great basics, but they’re also training in orthodox techniques. Hence, their future is very promising!
“Why on earth is Levi so popular?” Edmund scoffed when he saw that.
“That’s Boss’ incredible charisma! Everyone respects him greatly regardless of his capability!” someone else replied.
The Twin Meteorites weren’t so familiar with the situation in the outside world, and they couldn’t resist asking, “Master, you’re one of our challenges today, yes?”
“Yup, that’s right!”
“In that case, you’re probably the last round, Master?”
That was what they all thought.
Master was the king in the past, the strongest of us all! That’s definitely still the case now, so he must be the most difficult last round. Oh my God, I can’t wait to know his ranking on the Divine Leaderboard! Even if he isn’t the first, he must be among the top three, at least!
“No, that’s not it! Your master isn’t the last round. On the contrary, he’s the first round! That’s also the easiest one!” Edmund sneered.
“What? The first round? You’re joking!”
Upon hearing that, they were all bowled over and gaped at Levi in disbelief.
“Is that true, Master? You’re the first round?”
Their gazes were all fixated on the man.
This is implausible! What exactly happened in the past three years? How could Master be the first round?
“Master, what’s your ranking on the Divine Leaderboard?” Jessica, the Warrior Princess asked.
“The Divine Leaderboard? I’m really sorry to inform you that your master didn’t make it into the Divine Leaderboard! He now ranks eleven on the Provisional Leaderboard and is considered outstanding in the backup list. For that reason, he’s the first round and will be testing whether you guys have the capability to make it into the Divine Leaderboard!” Edmund drawled.
“What? He didn’t make it into the Divine Leaderboard?”
All of them wore expressions of incredulity.
Before this, his combat prowess was the strongest in the world! But now, he can’t even make it into the Divine Leaderboard that merely has a thousand people? This is just too shocking, no?
“His time has passed! Your master is only slightly stronger than a weakling now!”


Chapter 2425 Strip His Last Shred Of Dignity

“T-That’s impossible!”

Dubiousness was etched on Jessica’s face.
She really couldn’t imagine that Levi couldn’t even make it into the list with only a thousand people.
The same went for the others.
What kind of Leaderboard is it that even our master didn’t cut it? This is impossible!
Everyone didn’t believe it, infuriating Edmund.
Why are they still unwilling to believe it and accept the reality when I’ve already said as much? Instead, they’re still defending Levi staunchly! What kind of spell did he cast on them that he occupies such an esteemed position in their hearts?
“Listen here! He’s presently not among the top thousand fighters on the Divine Leaderboard! He ranks eleven on the Provisional Leaderboard! If you don’t believe me, take a look at the list yourselves!”
Exasperated beyond words, Edmund could only show them the Divine and Provisional Leaderboard.
After having scanned through the list, they were all stumped.
“Master’s wife, family, and disciples are all on the Divine Leaderboard, yet he’s on the Provisional Leaderboard. What exactly happened?”
The Twin Meteorites voiced out the question everyone was harboring.
“It’s because your master was held captive…” Edmund explained.
It wasn’t until after listening to the explanation did they understand that Levi didn’t manage to catch up with the progress of the new era and could only make it onto the Divine Leaderboard if he were to keep his nose to the grindstone.
But on second thought, they were still very excited since they were going to spar with their master.
It’ll feel rewarding if we win. At the same time, we can also show him the progress of our training!
“Next, I’m going to have fighters at different rankings on the Provisional Leaderboard do a demonstration so that you’ll have a general knowledge of the capability of those on the Provisional Leaderboard.”
Edmund then made arrangements for fighters of different rankings on the Provisional Leaderboard to start the demonstration.
That segment didn’t include any challenge, merely aimed to give them a basic understanding of things.
As they watched the demonstration by the fighters on the Provisional Leaderboard, the Twin Meteorites and the hundred young talents grinned.
They were extremely nervous at the beginning, fretting that those on the Provisional Leaderboard might be so powerful that they wouldn’t be able to cut it.
From the look of things now, it’s not a problem at all. Those on the Provisional Leaderboard are just too weak for us. It seems that we won’t have any issues making it into the Divine Leaderboard!
Therefore, they were all smiles.
“You now know the general capability of those on the Provisional Leaderboard. It’s a piece of cake for you all, right? For that reason, you’ll be starting from the first round, which is also your master, Levi. We’ll see whether you’ve got the capability to make it into the Divine Leaderboard as you fight on until you’re defeated!”
After saying that, Edmund turned to Levi and urged with a smirk, “Go on, Levi! It’s your turn to test them!”
I can already imagine the scene whereby he’s beaten up badly by his own disciples. All one hundred disciples are stronger than him, so just picturing it is firing me up! Isn’t he competitive in nature? In that case, I’m going to deal him the heaviest blow and strip him of his last shred of dignity! Haha! The humiliation of being defeated by the disciples he personally taught, one after another, will be downright unbearable!
Although Floyd, Kinsley, and the others disciples were stronger than Levi himself, it was mere talk, for they had never sparred against him before.
After all, it would be a great humiliation to him in the event that he lost if they were to duel for real, especially when he was such a prideful person in the first place.
Edmund detested Levi’s high and mighty demeanor.
And that was also why he set the man up to be part of the tournament challenge this time.
“Sure, I’ll go.”
Levi stepped out.
“All right, get ready to spar with him one by one. Let’s start!”
Edmund then moved to the side and left the arena to the combatants.
However, no one among the hundred young talents made a single move.
Levi was their teacher at the end of the day, so they really couldn’t bring themselves to attack him.
After learning that his capability remained stagnant at his level three years ago and was currently weaker than them all, especially, they were all the more hesitant to spar with him.
Reluctance was written all over their faces.
“Get on with it! Come on, come at me with everything you’ve got!” Levi urged.


Chapter 2426 They Must Still Continue Training

Still, no one twitched a single muscle, all unwilling to be the first person to make a move.

“Attack! That’s an order!” Levi roared.
“Jessica, you first!” he then specified.
Hearing that, Jessica, the Warrior Princess, sprang to her feet at once.
“Okay, Master! I won’t be pulling my punches, so do be careful!”
As soon as her words rang out, she immediately charged toward him.
“Annihilation Kick!”
As she attacked, she launched a sweeping kick.
While her leg shot out, the sound of a strong gust of wind rushing past rang out.
The terrifying momentum made it seem as though she was going to destroy the entire training base, for it carried a destructive force.
That was the ultimate technique by an Eragon elder, annihilating everything with a single kick.
The moment she unleashed that technique, everyone’s expressions changed drastically.
Good Lord! She’s really powerful!
Jessica could give Edmund and the others a good run for their money.
Besides, she ranked in the top hundred at least.
The crowd’s expression turned ashen, realizing that the kick of hers would undoubtedly injure Levi severely even if it didn’t kill him.
This move certainly isn’t something someone on the Provisional Leaderboard like him can withstand!
Zoey and the others started panicking.
Some even screwed their eyes shut, not daring to watch the tragic scene that would unfold.
“Don’t worry. If Levi is injured, I’ll treat him with the best medicine from Garrison Industry! He’ll definitely make a complete recovery!”
Edmund’s promise infused the crowd with some relief.
Jessica’s lightning-like kick struck Levi with great force.
At once, the earth shook violently.
If it weren’t for the training base’s unique design, it might have even collapsed at that instance.
Right then, most of the crowd had their eyes closed, unwilling to watch the tragic scene.
But when they opened their eyes, they were greeted by the sight of Jessica flying backward at the impact.
Thud, thud, thud…
Jessica stumbled back over a dozen steps before she finally regained her footing.
Incredulity brimmed in her eyes.
Isn’t he on the Provisional Leaderboard? Why did he not only manage to withstand my savage blow but even send me flying backward? That’s impossible!
Likewise, the hundred young talents were all stunned.
Could it be that Master’s mentor is still alive? That’s great news to us all!
“What happened? How did he manage to withstand the blow? How is that possible?”
Everyone couldn’t understand why Levi could withstand that blow, and they simply couldn’t understand.
Out of the blue, Edmund exclaimed, “I know! I understand now!”
Walking over to Levi, he questioned, “Are you wearing the specialized battle suit by Garrison Industry?”
Following his remark, Zoey and the others instantly understood what exactly happened.
So, it was the effect of the specialized battle suit! It could even withstand the attack of the fighter ranking second on the Divine Leaderboard during the simulation experiment, whereas Jessica hasn’t yet attained that level despite her strong capabilities. Ah, everything makes sense now!
“Yeah, I am,” Levi answered helplessly.
He was wearing the specialized battle suit by Garrison Industry as an undershirt since it was very convenient with an automatic cleaning function.
If Edmund and the others were to know that he was treating it as an undershirt, they would probably burst a blood vessel.
“Let me explain things to you all. He’s wearing a specialized battle suit by Garrison Industry…”
Edmund proceeded to introduce the specialized battle suit to the hundred young talents.
In response, they all gasped in wonder, amazed at the development in the outside world for the past two or three years that such a battle suit now existed.
“Levi, I think you should remove it to be fair. Don’t worry, for I’ll treat you with the best equipment and medicine if you’re injured!”
After saying to Levi, Edmund turned to the young talents and asserted, “In giving it your all, you should also know when to stop.”
Thus, Levi stripped off the specialized battle suit in exasperation.
The thing was, Jessica being knocked back earlier had nothing to do with the specialized battle suit. Instead, it was all him.
Therefore, it made no difference whether he wore it.
Anyway, he had made up his mind to teach the one hundred disciples before him a lesson.
I’m going to show them my true capabilities and thereby tell them that they must still continue training!


Chapter 2427 The Request Of Zoey

Pity rose within the hundred young talents at the sight of Levi’s headstrong attitude.

With the specialized battle suit earlier, he could’ve ignored the reality and accepted each of our challenges. But now, the only ace up his sleeve is gone after having removed it. He’ll have no choice but to battle us with his true capabilities. Alas, how could he be our match? Just a blow from Jessica is more than sufficient to wound him severely. Even if she were to pull her punches, he would still suffer some minor injuries. Furthermore, with so many people sparring with him one after another, it’ll be exceedingly difficult for him to leave this place alive. Yet, he’s still persistent and adamant in accepting our challenge!
His tall figure made a lonely picture, tugging at the heartstrings of each and every one of them.
“Be careful, Master, for I won’t be pulling back my punches!” Jessica stated with her eyes trained on Levi.
“It doesn’t matter, just get on with it!”
Levi was already prepared to have her come at him.
At that critical moment, Zoey abruptly cried out, “Wait a minute! Please halt for a moment!”
When her words rang out, everyone swung their gazes at her and wondered about her intention.
“Please gather your people, Sir. There’s something I’d like to discuss with you,” Zoey implored.
In the end, other than the hundred young talents and Levi, all the others gathered together.
“What is it?” Edmund demanded in disgruntlement.
“Sir, I’d like to ask a favor from all of you…”
As soon as Zoey’s words fell, everyone’s expressions changed.
What does she mean?
They all looked at her in puzzlement.
“My husband will undoubtedly lose in the following challenges. Anyone could tell that the hundred young talents’ capability is definitely at the top of the Divine Leaderboard. Hence, he’s definitely not their match,” Zoey expounded.
“Yes, that’s right. So, what’s your point here?” Edmund asked.
“However, the people whom he’ll be losing to were once his disciples. The hundred of them will be defeating him one by one. That’s the most monumental humiliation to him. My husband is a prideful person in the first place, so such a thing will be even worse than death to him. It’ll be another heavy blow to him if his consecutive defeats are witnessed by us all, people with whom he’s familiar! I’m afraid that he won’t be able to take it and will do something extreme. Therefore, I’d like to implore all of you to forgo watching the challenge. How about we allow him to spar with his disciples unobserved? After all, we know that he’ll surely lose.”
At long last, Zoey gave voice to her request.
“I agree! We can’t have him suffering double humiliation! No one will be able to take that! I’m in for it!”
“Hear, hear! We can’t watch the challenge!”
Similar sentiments rang out as Azure Dragon and the others expressed their agreements.
Edmund mulled it over for some time before a smile tugged at his lips.
“All right, then. I agree to forgo watching the challenge and sealing off the training base so that they can spar among themselves.”
He only wanted to embarrass Levi, not planning on driving him to his death.
While it was child’s play to do so, there were too many people associated with him.
Thus, it would be difficult to appease them.
Even the hundred young talents here were already giving him a headache.
If something were to happen to Levi, it would involve too many things and people.
For that reason, he had no choice but to relent.
Returning to the arena, Edmund announced, “Next, you’ll all be having the tournament challenge in private. When you’re done, you can send us a signal as we won’t be watching it.”
Jessica, the Twin Meteorites, and the others promptly understood his intention—to prevent Levi from suffering a double blow.
“Sure! We agree!”
They all nodded their heads.
Clang, clang, clang…
Soon, a shield-like barrier manifested around the training base, sealing it off completely without leaving a single gap.
Meanwhile, Edmund and the others waited outside.
“Be prepared, everyone! I reckon that the battle will conclude in no time, and you’ll be the next to step into the arena. In the end, even I will be joining the action!” Edmund’s eyes glinted with excitement. “Coincidentally, I can use the Iron Golem Technique to train them. The orders from above are to train them no matter the cost!”


Chapter 2428 Defeating All The Young Talents

As Levi swept his gaze over his disciples in the training base, jubilation deluged him.

Yes! I don’t need to hide my capability anymore! I can unleash some of it…
“Master, I’m going to make my move, okay?” Jessica couldn’t help prompting.
“Hold on.”
Everyone stared at Levi in bafflement.
“Come at me together to save time!” Levi declared.
“Huh? But…”
Hearing that, they were all floored.
Go at him together? Is he really that crazy? But then, this does fit his style. Alas, his capability doesn’t match.
“Here I come, Master!”
Jessica, the Warrior Princess, made her move right away.
A swift and forceful kick headed toward Levi, and it was even more powerful than the kick earlier.
Gazing at her approaching foot, Levi drawled, “You’re too slow, downright sluggish…”
He dodged the kick effortlessly.
Jessica’s foot that missed its target struck the ground heavily, causing the earth to crack and shake.
“Your strength is pretty good,” Levi complimented after casting a glance at it.
In the next second, his body started to glow in a shade of gold.
As light radiated from him, metallic sounds filled the air.
Six rays of light shone brightly.
It was none other than Level Six of the Iron Golem Technique!
Judging from his assessment, none of the young talents there could break Level Seven.
Even breaking Level Six would be a huge challenge since Kuroki defeated all the fighters on the Divine Leaderboard with the Iron Golem Technique of Level Six back then.
No matter how strong they were, they were merely at Edmund’s level.
W-What is this?
Everyone was dumbstruck upon seeing that.
“Let me test how where your capability lies.”
After unleashing the Iron Golem Technique, Levi launched himself at Jessica.
Realizing his immense power, Jessica gave it her all, but every single blow she landed on him merely generated a metallic sound without harming him in the slightest.
However, the moment Levi went on the attack, she was instantly sent flying.
Then, he shot toward Yasmin and Josephine.
While the two of them were powerful, they were no match for him.
After defeating them, he turned to someone else.
That continued perpetually as the hundred young talents were all taught a lesson in humility.
In the end, only the Twin Meteorites remained.
They were the strongest, and indeed different from the other young talents previously.
Not only could they hold out much longer under the Iron Golem Technique of Level Six, but they seem to even break it to a certain degree.
When they joined forces, especially, they appeared really close to success.
Regretfully, they fell short just by a scratch.
Ultimately, Levi sent them flying as well.
And so, all one hundred young talents experienced defeat at his hands.
Their eyes were flooded with indelible shock as they gaped at him incredulously.
How could it be? How was that possible?
Sheer astonishment inundated them all.
Didn’t they say that he’s on the Provisional Leaderboard? He’s not even on the Divine Leaderboard, yet he defeated all of us! Even the Twin Meteorites and Warrior Princess were no match for him! What’s going on here?
“I know! Master’s capability has always been intact, but those people and the outside world know nothing about it. Instead, they think that his strength was a thing of the past!”
“I think Master ranks at least top five on the Divine Leaderboard! We could almost break through his Golem body when we joined forces!” the Twin Meteorites exclaimed.
“You’re right, but not entirely,” Levi replied. “Anyway, come at me together!”
With that remark of his, the one hundred young talents attacked him in unison.
Whirr! Whirr! Whirr…
Seven rays of light appeared as Level Seven of the Iron Golem Technique was unleashed.
The hundred of them could still somewhat hold out under the Iron Golem Technique of Level Seven when they worked together.
A deathly aura manifested as Levi unleashed Level Eight of the Iron Golem Technique.
Sounds of bodies hitting the ground split the air, and the hundred young talents were all sent flying.
They all glued their eyes on Levi in disbelief.
This is simply sublime! He’s probably unrivaled in the whole world!


Chapter 2429 Iron Golem Technique Is A Novel Toy

At that very moment, all the young talents felt that Levi was even more powerful than their instructors in Eragon’s secret training plan.

What was more, the chasm was vast.
Yet, they told us that Master is only on the Provisional Leaderboard? And they made him the first round that was purportedly the easiest? Were they trying to play us for a fool when they gave us the most difficult one for the first round?
However, that wasn’t Levi’s limit.
His energy was still expanding, skyrocketing rapidly.
Whirr! Whirr! Whirr….
In the next instance, Level Nine of the Iron Golem Technique was unleashed.
Nine silhouettes materialized, and it was as though a scorching sun was blazing behind Levi.
That Golem body of his was entirely impenetrable.
An oppressing air that could subjugate all creation swept over the entire arena, and everyone felt as though they were close to being crushed to death.
Oh my God, Master is definitely far stronger than our Eragon instructors! Those people outside have no idea of Master’s true capability. And so, he has deceived the entire world again!
As soon as Level Nine of the Iron Golem Technique was unleashed, it seemingly reigned supreme over all creation in existence.
The young talents were all stricken, utterly intimidated.
Master is too damn strong!
Every single one of them trembled in fear.
He’s definitely the strongest person we’ve ever seen! No one can rival him!
“Master, what’s with their ranking of you?” Jessica inquired.
“As I disappeared for three years, they thought that I’d been eliminated by the times. If they hadn’t known where you guys went, they would’ve also assumed the same of you all, thinking that you’d been rendered defunct by the passing of time and your abilities stagnated three years ago. Little would they know that you’re all still very powerful!” Levi explained.
After hearing that, they all nodded in understanding
Mainly, they weren’t of that era and had no idea about whatever transpired.
“Is this the pinnacle of your capability, Master? This is simply mind-boggling!” the Twin Meteorites exclaimed.
Unexpectedly, Levi shook his head. “No. This is a technique I came into possession of two days ago. I simply practiced it for a bit and attained the highest level. In actual fact, I think I’m much stronger than this.”
His answer stunned them speechless.
The moment his words drifted into their ears, the disciples almost lost their minds.
He simply practiced a technique for a bit, yet he’s already so powerful that others would shake in their boots? I wonder how stupendous his true capability is! It’s beyond imagination!
They all broke into a cold sweat.
Those people outside are truly a bunch of morons that they arranged for him to be the first round! How ridiculous!
“Actually, my strength comes from the basic techniques I taught you. You should also practice them often. Indeed, it takes a long time to see the effect, but it’s certainly beneficial if you persist. I’m not worried about you all either. You’re training in Eragon’s orthodox technique, so there’s no problem at all! Just hang in there!” Levi encouraged.
Upon hearing that, they were all dumbstruck.
They never expected the reason for his incredible strength to be the basic techniques all of them practiced.
Never had it crossed our minds that the basic techniques are even more powerful than the Iron Golem Technique!
Chuckling, Levi asserted, “You should all concentrate more on that. The Iron Golem Technique is just a novel toy to me, and I simply play with it for a bit. The main thing I practice is still the basic techniques!”
They all nodded in acknowledgment.
“I’ve actually tested all of you just now, but it’s of no matter if you want to train with them. You can take their measure,” Levi commented.
It was a tournament challenge involving a hundred people, but Levi concluded the battle in the shortest time.
“Okay, let’s go out!”
When they heard Levi say that, they all sent a signal.
Edmund and the others outside were exceedingly surprised upon receiving the signal.
“It has finished so soon?”
“This group of young talents is really swift, beating Levi up in no time!”
“It’s ten times faster than I expected! I truly didn’t expect things to end in mere minutes!”
The crowd chattered while guffawing uproariously.
As the gates swung open, everyone was greeted by the sight of the hundred young talents and Levi.
“Huh? Why is he perfectly fine?”
Surprise showed on every single one of their faces.


Chapter 2430 Increase The Level Of Difficulty

The crowd had expected Levi to be all battered and bruised, barely clinging on to life by a thread.

In reality, however, there wasn’t a single mark on Levi.
“You guys really pulled your punches and didn’t hurt your master at all,” someone lamented.
Meanwhile, Zoey furtively breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing that Levi was fine.
If he had sustained severe injuries, it would’ve really been a heavy blow to him. But judging from his solemn expression now, he must be devastated after having been defeated by his hundred disciples one after another, so much so that he doesn’t even want to speak anymore.
“Can I leave now?” Levi asked.
“Sure! Here, a specialized battle suit for you!”
Edmund gave him a specialized battle suit, which he took.
It makes a pretty good undershirt. Why wouldn’t I want it?
Gazing at Levi’s disappearing back, the crowd heaved a long sigh.
Ah, his sorrow is palpable! Being personally defeated by one’s own disciples is actually something extremely cruel!
The Twin Meteorites, Warrior Princess, and the others also stared at the man’s disappearing back.
A riot of emotions brewed in their eyes.
I wonder how powerful he actually is when he’s so powerful that the formidable Level Nine of the Iron Golem Technique is only a toy to him! T-T-That’s… well, unfathomable!
However, their expression was perceived as pity toward Levi.
“Come on, let’s continue with the tournament challenge! After sparring with him earlier, you should know the capability required to make it to the Divine Leaderboard…”
Edmund gave the order to continue the tournament challenge without giving them an opportunity to speak.
“Why aren’t you inquiring about the result?” Josephine questioned in bemusement.
“That’s right. Why aren’t you asking us about that?”
All the hundred young talents were exceedingly mystified.
But in the eyes of Edmund and the others, Levi had unquestionably lost.
Hence, there was no need for any discussion or confirmation.
And so, the tournament challenge continued.
The second round involved the threshold of making the cut into the Divine Leaderboard.
Levi’s in-laws and part of the Lopez and Black families belonged to that round.
Subsequently, an intense round of tournament challenge began.
Shortly after, all a hundred of the young talents passed that round.
Next was the third round led by Levi’s disciples, Kinsley and the others. It was also the threshold of the top five hundred on the Divine Leaderboard.
This time, it took a bit more longer.
Still, they managed to scrape through.
That meant that they were all within the top five hundred on the Divine Leaderboard.
Following that, it was the top three hundred on the Divine Leaderboard.
Again, all of them passed.
It was smooth sailing until they came to the top hundred on the Divine Leaderboard.
That round held forty-eight people back.
Fifty-two people advanced to the top hundred on the Divine Leaderboard.
At that, Eragon and The Cardinal Hall were both surprised and delighted.
They immediately had a focus for the next phase of their plan—to have the forty-eight people who fell short of the top hundred on the Divine Leaderboard make the cut while continuing to improve the others.
The tournament challenge continued, whereupon White Tiger, Black Tortoise, and the others stepped into the arena.
Some lost, and some won.
In no time, it was Kirin, Sword Fiend, and Floyd’s turn.
They defeated quite a number of people, as did Zoey and Queenie, who came after them.
In the end, only eight people passed all the rounds and advanced to Edmund’s round.
“Had it been difficult to pass?” Edmund inquired.
“Nope! It was easy, much too easy!” everyone replied in unison.
After having experienced the most arduous round with Levi, passing any other rounds was a piece of cake.
It was simply too easy!
Even the young talents who failed to advance to the next round shared the same sentiments.
It had been far easier compared to facing our master! When we were sparring with him, we were entirely subjugated! But now, it’d been difficult to tell who had the upper hand when fighting our opponents. Even if we lost, we only lost by a narrow margin. It’d been simply effortless!
That answer was obviously beyond Edmund’s expectations.
“Surprisingly, it seems that to have been exceedingly easy for you all. In that case, I’ll personally increase the level of difficulty for you! Let me show you the Iron Golem Technique!”
He instantly unleashed Level Five of the Iron Golem Technique.
At once, all one hundred young talents there burst into laughter.
Seeing that, Edmund was wholly baffled.
Why are they laughing?


Chapter 2431 Levi Knows Iron Golem Technique

All the others were likewise stumped.

What’s happening here? Why are they all cracking up now? Is the Iron Golem Technique that hilarious?
Of course, the Iron Golem Technique wasn’t hilarious in the least.
Instead, it was very much solemn.
However, they had witnessed Levi unleashing the exact same technique earlier, and the man even soared straight up to the highest level.
Its power and might were still vivid in their minds at that moment.
It felt as though he was going to lay waste to the world after unleashing it, and no one could stop him.
For that reason, now that Edmund unleashed Level Five of the Iron Golem Technique, it appeared to be a mere joke.
Thus, they couldn’t help but laugh.
After they had finished guffawing, their expressions turned grave without a hint of interest to be found.
The anticipation that shone from them when they battled the others earlier was all but gone.
That dealt a huge blow to Edmund’s self-confidence.
What on earth is going on here? I’ve unleashed the Iron Golem Technique, so why are they all looking bored? No, that’s not right! They seem to be familiar with the Iron Golem Technique. But logically speaking, they shouldn’t have known about it. They’re different from someone like Donald, who’s from the Ancient Clan. Besides, they were in solitary training previously. How could they possibly know about it? They should not be aware of it, no? They ought to be wearing astonished looks instead. Judging from their expressions, however, not only have they heard of it, but they’ve even experienced it! What’s all this about?
Just when Edmund was about to contemplate it further, Jessica, the Warrior Princess, swiftly made her move.
She charged toward him.
Seeing that, Edmund unleashed his Golem body to protect himself.
Indeed, he managed to withstand her blow.
Nonetheless, glee showed on Jessica’s face.
This is far inferior compared to Master’s Iron Golem Technique earlier! We couldn’t break the top-notch one he unleashed just now, no matter how hard we tried. But this one seems breakable!
After that, Yasmin, Josephine, and the others made an attempt as well.
Both parties ended up having a fair match.
This batch of young talents was strong, and Edmund’s Level-Five Iron Golem Technique didn’t carry any domineering aura.
“Let’s go at him together!”
The Twin Meteorites struck in concert.
A fierce battle ensued.
The sound of something fracturing pierced the air. The Twin Meteorites finally succeeded in breaking Edmund’s Level-Five Golem body!
However, they were also hit and sustained some pretty heavy injuries.
After all, that was the Iron Golem Technique.
Truth be told, they only managed to defeat him because they accumulated some experience from battling Levi earlier.
When they joined forces, they could almost break Level Six.
They were just a hair’s breadth away from succeeding.
Having said that, Level Five wasn’t a problem for them.
When Edmund noticed that his Golem body had cracked, mortification swamped him.
He couldn’t accept being humiliated in front of such a crowd.
“Da*n it! Come at me again!”
Abandoning his amateurish Iron Golem Technique, he decided to use his own techniques to teach the Twin Meteorites a lesson.
“That’s enough, Sir! We’re just here to test their capabilities and gauge their approximate ranking! It doesn’t have to be a fierce fight!”
Upon seeing that Edmund was close to flipping his lid, Eragon’s elders stepped out and stopped him.
“That’s right! This is enough!” all the others urged.
Only then did Edmund capitulate.
“Sir, your Iron Golem Technique isn’t quite perfect. In fact, it’s riddled with flaws. If you really can’t manage, you should go and learn from our master. He knows the Iron Golem Technique as well, and he’s at the highest level—Level Nine!” the Twin Meteorites sneered.
“Exactly! Go and learn from our master!” Jessica and the others seconded.
“Our master’s Iron Golem Technique is unrivaled! Yours really pale in comparison!” the hundred young talents cried out in unison.
That had Edmund so embarrassed that he wanted to crawl into a hole.
Ugh! It’s such a humiliation to be criticized in public!
“Huh? Levi knows the Iron Golem Technique as well?”
Many people were astonished to learn of that.


Chapter 2432 Something Happens To Evie

“Of course not! Can’t you tell that they’re deriding us? What else can it be if not an insult when they even told me to go and learn the Iron Golem Technique from Levi?”

Edmund’s chagrined voice rang out.
Verily, he thought that the Twin Meteorites and the others were disparaging him by telling him to learn the Iron Golem Technique from Levi.
“Other than me, the only person in this world who knows the Iron Golem Technique is my master!” he asserted seriously.
The hundred young talents didn’t know about Levi taking him as a disciple, so Jessica immediately retorted, “That’s impossible! Our master knows it too!”
“Yes, our master knows it too! Yours is nothing compared to his Iron Golem Technique!”
The two parties continued bickering.
Afraid that things would get physical, Eragon’s elders took the hundred young talents away at once to continue with the closed, top-secret training.
They decided that the test could be done later.
Meanwhile, Edmund was teetering on the brink of blowing his top.
Argh! Not only did I fail to establish my authority in front of them, but my Golem body was broken instead! What a disgrace!
Levi, on the other hand, was rather impressed with the closed-door training plan of young talents.
After all, it was quite a targeted plan of action to secretly train a hundred young talents for future use.
In actual fact, it was the idea of The Manifest Court.
The Manifest Court had long since griped that The Cardinal Hall and Eragon were lagging far too much compared with the Lab of Gods.
For that reason, they had to plan ahead and make preparations.
That was one of the initiatives.
At that moment, Levi wasn’t far from the training base as he was waiting for someone.
Shortly after, Edmund gloomily appeared.
The moment he glimpsed Levi’s back, his eyes lit up.
“M-Master… why are you here?”
He excitedly rushed forward and dropped to a knee on the ground.
Indeed, Levi was taking on the appearance of his master right then.
“Why do you think? What an idiot! You’re simply a disgraceful piece of trash! If this is how things are going to be, don’t ever mention that you’re my disciple! I don’t want to be humiliated!” Levi barked coldly.
I personally picked him and initially thought that he was the best choice. But never expected had I expected him to simply laze around all day and spend zero effort in training after having obtained the Iron Golem Technique. Worse still, he goes around bragging and showing off, using it as something to boost his ego instead of utilizing it to fortify himself. Then, he even wanted to use his amateurish Level Five of the Iron Golem Technique for a show of intimidation. Well, he ended up being defeated by the Twin Meteorites!
Seemingly having realized something, Edmund’s expression changed in the blink of an eye.
“I’ve embarrassed you, Master…”
He was close to tears.
“Do you know where you did wrong?” Levi questioned.
“Yeah… I won’t use the Iron Golem Technique to show off anymore…”
Edmund hung his head low.
“Okay! I’ll give you a task, then. Before you master Level Seven, don’t say that you know the Iron Golem Technique!” Levi ordered.
Good grief! He’s really lacking in all aspects. If it were Evie, I would’ve instructed her to train until Level Nine!
After leaving, Levi started turning things over in his mind.
Is the Lab of Gods doing exactly the same thing as Eragon? Everyone who went there for closed and top-secret training seemingly disappeared into thin air. Are they also coming out from time to time to test their strength in this new era? Perhaps this possibility truly exists… It was indeed a golden opportunity when the Iron Golem Technique came into existence back then, but I didn’t know that in advance. Is there a way to lure them out?
While he was still racking his brains for a way to do so, his thoughts were interrupted.
The door was kicked open in that instance, and Zoey frantically hurried in.
“Oh dear! Something has happened to Evie!”
“What? How could something have happened to her? Aren’t her masters with her?” Levi queried.
“But both Evie and her masters are in trouble now! There is a confidential message from The Cardinal Hall just now…”



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Sep 24, 2023
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Chapter 2433 The Least Probable Person


Upon hearing that piece of news, Levi’s expression changed drastically.
Even the few masters who are with Evie are in trouble? Then, it must be a colossal issue this time!
“What happened?” he immediately demanded, panicked.
“According to the message from The Cardinal Hall, Evie went all the way deep into a particular mountain in Adrune and encountered an inexplicable and forceful attack. They’ve lost contact with her. It isn’t only her, but there’s also no news from the few elders… They suspect that something has happened to them.”
Zoey was on the verge of bursting into tears.
In no time, all the others rushed over as well.
“Um… Putting aside how strong Evie is, even the few elders are in trouble! What kind of rival did they meet?”
“Things don’t look good this time. In this era, it’s normal to have all kinds of fighters and bizarre stuff! Thus, it’s only natural that the elders aren’t their match! This is bad!”
Everyone wore grim expressions on their faces.
They knew better than anyone the capability of those few elders.
Although the elders weren’t on the Divine Leaderboard, everyone knew that they ranked top three on the list at the very least.
Furthermore, they could even be on par with the Dark Emperor and Daxon.
When four or five people of that capability are now in hot water, it means that the rival must be incredibly strong! This situation is hopeless! There’s no hope at all!
“You should brace yourself, Zoey. Perhaps Evie might not make it home anymore…” Jennie and the others murmured.
Zoey’s vision went black, and she collapsed onto the ground, almost passing out.
If anything happens to Evie, I definitely won’t be able to accept it! In fact, I’ll suffer a mental breakdown!
Shooting daggers at Levi, she lambasted, “This is all your fault! We’ve long since urged you to train in the techniques of this new era, yet you just wouldn’t listen! If you’d started training from the very beginning, you would be ranking at least top three on the Divine Leaderboard at present, considering your aptitude! Then, you can go and save her right this moment! But look at you right now! You can’t even make it onto the Divine Leaderboard! How are you going to save your daughter now that she’s in trouble?”
Then, she continued tearing into him, snarling, “You’re a useless father! Weren’t you almighty in the past? Do you have the ability to rescue your daughter now that she’s about to die out there? And you call yourself her father? The thing is, we’ve long since told you to train. However, you simply wouldn’t listen! You’re just old-fashioned, and clinging to your old ways stubbornly! Do you have anything to show when we need your strength now? Can you save Evie?”
Fuming, she vented all her fury and frustration onto Levi alone as though she had lost her mind right then.
“Zoey is right! This is all on you! How pitiful that you can’t even protect your own daughter!”
“Hear, hear! If you’d listened to us, you’d now be able to go and see what happened to your daughter with your capability! But you’re so weak at present that you probably won’t even get to see your daughter for the last time!”
“You’re a failed father! You’re simply unworthy!”
The members of the Lopez and Black families hauled Levi over the coals.
“We don’t want to criticize you, but this matter really has to do with your capability, Boss. In this era, you can only protect those you want to safeguard if you’re strong enough!”
“That’s right. Everyone wants to be strong, but you are the only one who is conservative! You adamantly research the things of the past and have no desire to improve!”
“Oh well, you’ll probably blame yourself for the rest of your life if something happens to Evie, Master!”
Floyd, Kirin, and the others also condemned Levi mercilessly.
After they had finished talking, they shifted their attention to consoling Zoey.
“Zoey, we’ll all set out right away! We’ll definitely bring Evie home!”
“The fighters from The Cardinal Hall and Eragon have also been dispatched to search for Evie!”
“Don’t worry, for there’s still a ray of hope! The Cardinal Hall has discovered the matter quickly enough!”
Everyone chimed in endlessly.
At that precise moment, Levi’s voice split the air. “I’ll go and bring Evie home at once, so you all don’t have to worry!”
Alas, no one paid him any heed.
Everyone there knew that he was the least probable person to bring Evie home.


Chapter 2434 Zoey Begs Levi For Help

No matter how loud he proclaims to be able to save Evie, he can’t possibly bring her home! How could he do so, after all? He’s just a weakling! Even the few elders have lost contact with us and had likely met with an untimely end. How could he do anything even if he goes? Well, unless he’s the Daxon or ranks at least top five on the Divine Leaderboard! Then, we might believe him this once. But he’s Levi Garrison, someone who doesn’t know anything. Who would believe him?

Therefore, they ignored him entirely and didn’t even bother sparing him a single glance from beginning to end.
It was as though he was empty air.
Zoey, who had calmed down by then, instantly nodded. “Okay! Let’s go and look for her right away! Thank you for lending me a hand at this critical moment!”
“Don’t worry, Zoey! We’ll go all out! As long as Evie is alive, we’ll certainly bring her home! We’ll contact others to help out at once!”
The crowd all chimed in.
This time, The Cardinal Hall and Eragon were both mobilized.
Edmund, however, was in solitary training to train himself in the Iron Golem Technique.
Hence, there was temporarily nothing from him.
Meanwhile, Daxon merely sent some men without personally going either.
He knew that Levi would undoubtedly take action, so his participation didn’t really matter.
If the matter truly couldn’t be resolved, he would then step out.
Nonetheless, he dispatched every single person he could spare.
Besides, he made all the preparations involving Garrison Industry and the like.
All of Erudia’s major forces set out to search for Forlevia.
The magnitude of it even made waves abroad.
What exactly happened in Erudia to cause such a stir?
The mobilization of tens of thousands of people besides information from the various major organizations and the participation of several foreign forces were indeed sufficient to conduct a search.
In fact, it was more than enough.
However, everyone knew that it was too perilous this time.
The chances of Evie and her masters being alive are very slim or even none. After all, those few elders are from The Cardinal Hall and Eragon. They are almost invincible! Yet, they still met with danger this time. That meant the opponent they encountered was terrifyingly strong. So, it’s of no use even if we do find them. Will we be able to save them? The chances of success are infinitesimal! Besides, those going might even lose their lives.
Naturally, Zoey realized that as well.
“There’s still someone I can ask!” she exclaimed.
“Who?” everyone asked.
“My master, Dark Emperor!”
Zoey’s eyes lit up with hope.
“Huh? Dark Emperor? That’s great! I didn’t think of that!”
“Dark Emperor ranks first on the Divine Leaderboard! He’s the strongest of us all, second only to Daxon. The chances of success are high if he’s willing to join us!”
“Besides, the Sacred Organization he heads is spread all over the world! It’ll be really convenient for us!”
“In that case, let’s head to Sacred Organization as soon as possible and seek the Dark Emperor’s help…”
While Zoey and the others rushed over to Sacred Organization, Levi had long since arrived.
He wanted to utilize all the forces of Sacred Organization to locate his daughter.
After all, it was faster and more effective to have a third of the world’s forces join hands.
“We’re narrowing down the location, Master. We’ll definitely be able to triangulate the location where Ms. Evie went missing within half an hour!”
It was clear as day that Levi was close to snapping, so Death Fiend and the others went all out.
They did their best to search for Forlevia, paying attention to every single clue.
Verily, they dispatched everyone they could spare and utilized everything of use.
“Okay, got it.”
Now that things had come to this, Levi only hoped that Forlevia and the others were fine.
Please be safe! I beg you! Levi prayed inwardly.
Right then, he was more anxious than anyone else.
He paced back and forth in the training base like a cat on hot bricks.
At that exact moment, someone else hurried in.
“What’s the matter that you’re so frantic?”
“Zoey Lopez is asking to see you, Master!”
Hearing that, Levi was stunned for a moment.
“Let her in.”


Chapter 2435 Restricted Area 76

Once Zoey arrived, she revealed the reason she was here.

She pleaded for Dark Emperor to save Forlevia.
Levi put on a wry smile.
Evie’s my child. Of course, I’ll save her. I’m figuring out how to find her now.
As Levi said nothing, Zoey fell to her knees and begged, “Please, Master! Save my child!”
Azure Dragon, Kirin, and the rest chimed in, “Please, Dark Emperor. You’re the only person who can save Evie now!”
“Yes, Divine Brigadier of The Cardinal Hall refused to help. You’re our only hope as the top warrior of the Divine Leaderboard!”
“Please help us. We’ll agree to any of your terms!”
They bow before Dark Emperor politely, imploring for his help.
Levi shook his head exasperatedly.
Previously, when I said I’ll save her, none of you paid attention to me. Now, you’re begging for my help.
“Don’t worry. I’ll save her,” Levi said.
Right then, Death Fiend rushed in.
He immediately shut up upon realizing there was a crowd before Levi.
Glancing at Levi, he wondered if he should spill the truth.
Levi shook his head. “You can leave now. I’ll save her after this!”
After receiving his promise, Zoey and the rest filed out.
They had to go look for Forlevia.
When they were left alone, Death Fiend immediately reported, “Master, I found them. This is the exact location. Ms. Evie and the rest lost contact with others after entering this area. They had disappeared without a trace.”
Death Fiend pointed at a spot on the map.
“This particular stretch of area is a complicated range of mountains with a huge indigenous forest. Even the satellite can’t find out what’s inside. No men had ever stepped into this dangerous area. It has been a restricted area for as long as I can remember. As it is too dangerous, I’ve never heard of anyone who dared to enter the area. To be exact, those who had entered the area didn’t make it back alive,” Death Fiend explained.
Levi nodded. “Oh, I see. Looks like Evie went here to gain more experience because it’s a restrictive area full of obstacles.”
Death Fiend slapped his head as though something had just occurred to him. “Oh, I also found out an interesting fact. Lab of Gods named this area Restricted Area 76. They hadn’t explored the area until now. I guess there’s something inside that they feared. It’s safe to say that this is a risky place that even Lab of Gods refused to explore. Now, Ms. Evie and the rest might’ve encountered something dangerous that even Lab of Gods dreaded…”
Levi cut in, “I shall depart now!”
“Master, should I arrange for a batch of fighters to come with you?”
Death Fiend had gathered millions of fighters from various forces.
If Levi gave the order, the fighters would follow him to the restricted area.
Levi shook his head. “No need. If the enemy is stronger than Evie’s masters, no matter how many fighters we have, it won’t be of help. Just wait here for my news. I’ll update you if anything happens.”
With that, Levi boarded Sacred Organization’s aircraft and went to the area where Forlevia went missing.
It was an area with a range of mountains and an indigenous forest.
Levi headed in and soon disappeared from sight.
Death Fiend and the rest could only wait for him outside.
Soon, The Cardinal Hall discovered the location where Forlevia went missing.
Zoey and the others made their way over hastily.
She didn’t forget to contact Sacred Organization and Death Fiend.
“Death Fiend? I found the location where my daughter went missing. Can you tell Master to depart now? I’ll send you the exact location,” she said anxiously.
“You’re too slow. Master found the location and had entered a while ago,” Death Fiend revealed.
“Huh?” Zoey was surprised.


Chapter 2436 The Search

“I don’t think you can catch up with Master. Don’t worry. He’s capable enough of finding your daughter,” Death Fiend assured her.

“T-Thank you,” Zoey uttered as tears welled up in her eyes.
I had no idea Master took Evie’s disappearance so seriously. She even departed earlier than us! I have to thank her! Only those who care about you will help you when you’re in trouble. Master offered help when I needed it the most. She went in without knowing what will happen. Evie’s masters were missing too. Perhaps they were no match for the elite warriors inside. Thus, Dark Emperor might lose her life inside. However, she agreed to help and entered the area alone without informing anyone. She adores her disciples! Levi kept saying she was a selfish person who was training me to be a killing machine, and she never treated me as her disciple. He’s definitely wrong. Look, she’s the first to depart to save Evie!
She wanted Levi to appear before her so she could yell, “You were wrong to say my master had been using me all the while. She offered help when I needed it the most! You’re Evie’s father, but she’s more helpful than you! She is willing to risk her life just because I asked for her help, she isn’t using me to achieve her goals! Since I became her disciple, she hasn’t mistreated me!”
Alas, she had no idea Levi was now Dark Emperor!
A child’s parents would be the first ones to save their child from any trouble!
“Zoey, should we head in too?” Kirin suggested.
They had already prepared themselves for the unknown.
“Wait up! Zoey, should we inform Boss first?” asked Azure Dragon.
“Yes, we should inform him, for he’s Evie’s father. I’m afraid something might crop up later if we didn’t inform him,” Floyd chimed in.
Everyone stared at Zoey, waiting for her answer.
Zoey merely scoffed. “Yes, he should know that Evie went missing here. But what is the use of informing him? Can he save Evie? He isn’t even in the Divine Leaderboard. What use will he be? He’ll merely slow us down if he comes here. If trouble ensues, should we save him or Evie?”
Hearing that, everyone fell silent.
They agreed with her words, for Levi would only slow them down.
It was useless to summon him here.
“All right. We won’t inform him, then. Let’s go save them! Before we head in, let’s put on the battle suit made by Garrison Industry. There are two hundred battle suits available. Both The Cardinal Hall and Garrison Industry spared no expense to help Evie!”
After putting on the armored battle suits, they stepped into the mountains to begin the search.
On the other hand, Levi had been wandering inside for some time.
Indeed, the place was dangerous, as there were various poisonous fogs around.
One would definitely get poisoned if one wasn’t careful enough.
“Where is Evie? Where is she?”
Levi searched around frantically.
He expanded his senses to search for energy fluctuations nearby.
However, the place was too huge, and there were spots his sense couldn’t reach.
Plus, this place was mysterious and deep as though there was an endless abyss within.
There seemed to be no end to it.
Levi descended into a state of panic as he scoured the area.
After a while, he still hadn’t found anything.
Despair crept up to him.
Right then, Levi happened to glance at the ground. Immediately, his expression changed, for he had just made an important discovery!


Chapter 2437 Lab Of Gods Is Afraid

It was a burnt mark caused by a powerful blaze of fire!

Judging from the ashes, it had been burnt just a while ago.
Besides, the mark seemed to be caused by a fire created by a burst of energy.
Levi continued searching, and he finally found signs of a fight.
He knew Forlevia and her masters well, as he had even analyzed the fluctuations of their energy previously.
It was clear that they had been in a fight!
The burnt mark was caused by one of Forlevia’s master.
He had created the fire using his energy.
Levi analyzed the signs and simulated the fight in his mind.
Still, there was a problem.
Who is the enemy?
As Levi had simulated the fight, he realized only Forlevia and her masters were fighting. There were no signs of the enemy.
How did the enemy attack?
What was his trump card?
What was his energy attribute?
Levi had no answer to all his questions.
It was as though Forlevia and her masters had fought against nothing.
It doesn’t make sense. What were Evie and the rest fighting against? Air? That’s impossible. This is strange.
Levi’s expression turned grim. The mysterious matter proved that they had run into trouble.
However, he could trace them down with the clue he discovered.
No, I can’t continue with the search. What if the enemy targets me?
Levi put on Dark Emperor’s mask and roamed the forest as though he was a spirit.
Though Zoey and the other fighters had stepped into the forest, they were roaming around aimlessly.
There were no clues or anyone around.
Slowly, Zoey grew anxious.
She had no choice but to place all her hope on Dark Emperor.
“Now that I think about it, we did the right thing by not informing Boss. There’s no way he can find them here! If Boss were here, he would’ve disappeared by now. We would have to search for him, too!”
“Yes, you’re right. Boss isn’t the type to follow rules. If he were here, he would’ve thrown us into confusion!”
Then, they realize it was a great thing Levi wasn’t with them.
As of now, the whole world knew what Zoey and the rest were doing.
Nevertheless, none of them knew the exact details of their journey.
Maya Industries, however, were in the know, for they had kept an eye on Zoey and her gang’s whereabouts.
“Ha! I can’t believe they dared to enter Restricted Area 76. They must have a death wish!”
In fact, Maya Industries was formed by traitors who had betrayed Lab of Gods.
Thus, they knew almost everything that had happened in Lab of Gods, for example, Restricted Area 76.
One high-rank official of Maya Industries explained, “Lab of Gods has been detecting and plundering resources from all over the world. It had practically targeted all the places with resources around the world. Though Restricted Area 76 was one of the areas with the most resources in the world. There are plenty of resources that are more powerful than the sunstone here. Of course, Lab of Gods wouldn’t let the opportunity slip.”
He paused before continuing, “But why did they give up on exploring the area? That was because something happened right after they started surveying the area and mining the resources. It was something that they couldn’t solve. Thus, the mining in Restricted Area 76 came to a stop. No one knew what happened, but the area was sealed off in secret.”
“Levi’s child and the elders from The Cardinal Hall were too arrogant to think that they were invincible. They were wrong, for Restricted Area 76 was a place that even Lab of Gods dared not touch!”
“Let’s just wait and see. No one will leave the place alive!”
Levi followed the traces left behind by Forlevia and her masters.
He realized they had been fighting the entire way.
“Oh, no! This is…”


Chapter 2438 Who Bullied My Daughter

Levi’s expression fell as his body trembled.

He had just discovered a problem.
Instead of fighting the whole way, Evie and her masters were escaping!
They had fought valiantly to escape!
Alas, the route leading out of the mountains had been sealed, so they could only escape into the forests.
After analyzing the situation, he knew where Forlevia and the rest were headed.
The only thing left to do was to trace them down by heading deeper into the forest.
Yet, he couldn’t help but wonder who the enemy was, for there were no signs of them.
One was bound to leave a sign behind after taking action.
It didn’t seem like the signs had been destroyed.
Levi promptly sped up and headed into the depths of the forest.
Shortly later, he sensed a powerful aura in an area.
It was as powerful as Divine Brigadier of The Cardinal Hall!
The remaining aura was enough to send chills down one’s back.
Obviously, Forlevia and the others had run into a powerful rival.
Levi spotted some bloodstains in this area.
Someone had gotten hurt.
Was it Evie?
Levi panicked as he hurried along the path.
Yet, he was still analyzing the situation.
Previously, the unknown enemy didn’t leave any traces behind. This time, there was a powerful aura left behind. Looks like they had been surrounded and forced to enter the forest. Perhaps the enemy can’t deal with them all at once? That was why they got surrounded.
Forlevia’s masters were extremely powerful. Though they might be a little weaker than Divine Brigadier, they were strong, especially when they combined forces.
Levi picked up speed.
“Mm? There are still traces…”
He found some traces in the woods.
His speed was frighteningly swift, of course.
Behind him, Zoey and a sizeable group of fighters had entered the depths of the forest.
Instead of spreading out, they remained together and searched the area thoroughly.
Right then, a frightening burst of airwave attacked them without warning.
In no time, everything was razed to the ground.
Zoey and the rest were assailed as well.
Boom! Boom! Boom!
Many of them stood no chance against the attack, as their bodies promptly burst apart.
Blood and remains of their bodies splattered everywhere, creating a gruesome scene.
Even those who were slightly stronger were badly wounded.
Zoey and some of them had the battle suits on and escaped unscathed.
Without the battle suits, they would be in danger too.
It took only one gust of airwave to take out half of them.
The survivors froze in shock.
What is it about this place? A simple airwave took out half of us! If we continue our journey, we might die here!
They were petrified.
After all, they didn’t even know where the airwave came from.
It was too terrifying.
No wonder Evie and her masters went missing!
At once, they stopped in their tracks.
No one wanted to lose their lives here.
A cloud of uncertainty loomed, and that was what really shook their confidence.
“This is a warning for us not to go further. Let’s all calm down!” one divine general from The Cardinal Hall yelled. “I shall head in alone. The rest should stay put instead of risking your lives for nothing!”
Zoey was sneaking in from another direction.
Azure Dragon and the rest shared glances before going after her.
They were going all out.
If they were to die, they’d rather die together.
Meanwhile, Levi was still venturing into the forest.
He had entered the depths of the forest swiftly.
The journey was unexpectedly smooth as though nothing dangerous was present, for he had concealed himself all the way.
Deep in the forest, Levi felt the energy fluctuation once again.
I finally sense it! It’s the energy fluctuation of Evie and her masters!
He also pinpointed their exact location.
“Ha! Let’s see what had been attacking my daughter all the while. You have a death wish!”
He immediately dashed in that direction.


Chapter 2439 Claiming To Be Gods


Heart-wrenching despair surged from the depths of Forlevia and her masters’ hearts, for their enemies were too strong to defeat!
They were immune to all attacks, could move swiftly like lightning, and were impossibly strong.
If Forlevia’s masters hadn’t gone all out by using their divine tools and stuff, they wouldn’t have held on for two days.
Alas, her masters were now already toeing their limits.
They were wounded and barely alive.
It was clear they would die any minute!
They had lost all hope.
“T-This is the strongest enemy we’ve ever faced! They are more powerful than the ancient clans in Erudia. Who are they? We’re no match for them!”
“I’ve encountered plenty of fighters in my life, but this is the first time I’ve ever come across someone this strong!”
“I give up. We’re no match for them!”
The elders were wallowing in despair.
Though they gave their best, the enemy remained standing. They couldn’t even leave.
“Never mind if we die, but it’s a pity for Evie to die here…”
“It was all my fault for asking Evie to come here. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be stuck.”
“Don’t blame yourself. We have no idea that they are this strong. Besides, training is supposed to be risky.:”
The elders were blaming themselves.
Forlevia immediately comforted them. “It’s fine. I’m not afraid! I shall fight to my death!”
“T-They are coming,” the elders uttered in despair.
Soon, a dozen figures appeared in their sight.
They were hovering in the air like divine beings.
Clad in gold armors and gold helmets, they exuded a holy aura!
Everyone else felt an indescribable sense of oppression before them, for it seemed like they were above human beings.
Hundreds of figures ascended from the ground to surround Forlevia and her masters.
The way they appeared was mind-blowing.
It was as though they had appeared out of nowhere, like invincible men suddenly showing themselves.
Each and every one of them appeared in the same way.
It looked like they were made out of gold liquid.
That was why Levi failed to figure out where they came from when he was analyzing the signs of the fight.
They were invincible and impossible to detect!
Along with their arrival came a powerful aura that could crush them into pulp.
“It is rare to find human beings here,” said the leader of the bunch. He had ten metal wings behind his gold armor, making him look like an angel.
The metal seemed to be a specialty of this area which couldn’t be found elsewhere.
There was a golden glint encircling them, holding immense power.
It was no wonder Lab of Gods wanted the resource from this area, for this metal alone would be a hit if it were to be sold in the outside world.
The horrifying power increased gradually.
The elders’ hearts sank, while Forlevia was ready for battle.
“We only have one wish—please release our disciple! Never mind if you kill us,” the elders pleaded.
They wanted to sacrifice themselves to protect Forlevia.
“No! All intruders, who have seen us will have to die!”
“Yes! Those who intrude into Gods’ territory won’t get to leave alive! Don’t be ridiculous!”
These powerful beings claimed to be Gods.
As Forlevia endured the oppression, she declared, “Come on! I’m not afraid of you!”
She unleashed her full power, giving these strange beings a fright.
They had no idea a young child could be this mighty!


Chapter 2440 They Are Gods To Ordinary Human Beings

Their surprise didn’t stop them from taking action, though.

Even though Forlevia did her best, the strange creatures remained unfazed.
Soon, she was sent flying and lost the ability to continue fighting.
The beings who claimed to be Gods seemed to be able to control everything.
Everything was under their control.
Forlevia and the other elders were pinned, and they couldn’t move at their own will.
It was as if some invincible chain had them tied up.
“I’ll kill her before killing the rest of you!”
One God lifted his gold crossbow with an arrow made of special metal. A mysterious blue fire was flickering on its tip!
As the arrow was shot, the elders slumped in anguish, for they couldn’t even move.
They had no choice but to watch Forlevia die before their eyes.
It was the darkest and most helpless moment in their lives.
The arrow flew through the air with an indescribable speed.
Sensing death, Forlevia shut her eyes instinctively.
She didn’t pray for her parents to come save her, for that was an impossible feat!
The heat of the tip was inching nearer, about to burn her alive.
Someone suddenly appeared before Forlevia and grabbed the burning arrow.
The so-called Gods froze in shock.
In fact, they could not believe what was happening and their eyeballs were nearly popping out of their sockets.
How is this possible? There’s no way he can grab the arrow! No freaking way!
The burning fire that was supposed to never die out was Holy Flame, a resource available only in this area.
The flame could burn everything it came into contact with.
The Gods dared not touch it with their own hands, let alone human beings.
All the while, no strong fighters who intruded on their territory had ever stopped the Holy Flame.
The elders had burn marks all over their bodies caused by the Holy Flame.
No object or living beings could stop the Holy Flame, including the so-called Gods!
Thus, they couldn’t believe their eyes when Levi grabbed the arrow ablaze with the Holy Flame!
This is impossible!
They couldn’t wrap their heads around it.
Assuming the human’s arm would burn to ashes as the Holy Flame spread all over his body, they were shocked to see that he was perfectly all right.
With a click of his finger, the Holy Flame was put out.
Even the arrow crushed into pieces from his force.
Forlevia and the elders parted their lips in awe and delight at the tall figure before them.
It never occurred to them that someone would save them from the verge of death!
The so-called Gods gave Levi wary looks, for his actions shocked them immensely.
Levi was considerably stronger than the others who had collapsed on the ground.
As they scanned Levi carefully, he was also sizing them up.
They are indeed different. Their armors are unique, and even their body structure differs from ordinary human beings. It is safe to say that they are totally different from us!
Levi could sense the horrifying power in their bodies, allowing them to become powerful, immune to everything, and defend against anything!
It seemed like they would never die, for Levi sensed that they could regenerate themselves.
The unique ability came from their blood, so they were born with it.
They had inherited it from their ancestors.
It wasn’t strange for them to claim they were Gods, for they were way stronger than normal human beings.
The resources they had were considerably greater, too.
To conclude, they were way above humans.
As they could achieve incredible feats, humans would call them Gods.
Levi couldn’t help but find them familiar as though he had seen them somewhere previously.
“Oh, I got it!”



Top Level Tribulator - Master of Virgin Sect
Sep 17, 2023
Reaction score
Thanks a lot master Skye for the resources. I just want to slap Zoey hard that she gets her senses back. How long more do we have to bear with the nonsense that most of his disciples does not know his actual strength. I am pretty sure that even after saving Evie, no one will believe Levi. I just hope at least Evie gets to know her father strength.


Tribulator - Disciple of Virgin Sect
Jan 12, 2024
Reaction score
Thanks a lot master Skye for the resources. I just want to slap Zoey hard that she gets her senses back. How long more do we have to bear with the nonsense that most of his disciples does not know his actual strength. I am pretty sure that even after saving Evie, no one will believe Levi. I just hope at least Evie gets to know her father strength.
Evi had always known and believed her father even when no one does. This time wouldn't be different. Having broken the sky sword and saving Zoey and Evi wearing mask, Evi still knew it was Levi who had saved them while her crazy mum was spewing nonsense.


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Jun 22, 2024
Reaction score

Chapter 2398 Divorce

“Are you sure you’re not mad, father? You want me to charm him?” Queenie asked hesitantly.

“Yes, and this is your final chance. You need to get to it now! If you’re even one step late, someone else is going to take him for herself,” the divine brigadier urged.
“What? But father, what’s so good about Levi? Why do you want to marry Queenie off to him? And on top of that, you want her to make the first move?” Edmund asked curiously.
“Alright, shut the f*ck up and get the f*ck out.” The divine brigadier chased his stupid son out. He did not want to hear Edmund’s voice anymore.
Edmund was flabbergasted. His father used to love him to bits, but he seemed to have changed a lot after he came back.
Queenie suggested, “Father, I know why you’re doing this. You want me to marry him because he has great genes, right? You want to get more geniuses out of him, but won’t this make us into a laughing stock? This is a stupid idea. If you really want more new blood, you can always ask Levi to get his wife pregnant again. You’ll get more geniuses, and I won’t have to marry him. That’s two birds with one stone.”
The divine brigadier let out a long sigh. The children aren’t the ultimate goal here. ”Queenie, you have no idea what’s at stake. Just listen to me for once, will you?” the divine brigadier advised her.
God, she has no idea about the whole situation. You’ll lose out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity if you refuse.
“I can go along with the plan, father. But at least give me a reason.” Queenie still needed a reason to convince her to go along with the plan.
The divine brigadier didn’t want to tell her everything, but he could give her a hint. “Why don’t you stay with him for a while. See how he is. You’ll know what makes him special soon enough. You’ll see why I want you to marry him then.”
“I’m sorry?”
“That’s your mission. Stay with him for a month or so. Not that hard, right? If you’re still unwilling to marry him, then we’ll put a stop to this plan.”
Finally, Queenie agreed to it, “Alright. I can do that.”
“Then go to him, now. And keep a close eye on him. You’ll find your answer soon enough.”
Queenie left The Cardinal Hall to see Levi, while Edmund was still out of the loop.
At the same time, Levi came back to the manor, but everyone there glared at him murderously the moment he showed up. The look in their eyes said, “How dare you show your face here?”
“I can explain—”
Before Levi could say anything, Aaron interrupted, “No. Just get divorced from Zoey. Times have changed, and none of you have to rely on each other now. Since you have a brighter future waiting for you, just sign the papers and go on your own way. We’ll give you the freedom you want.”
Everyone agreed, “Yeah! Sign the papers!”
Levi’s disciples and friends agreed. “Now that we have come to this, you should just sign the papers. We’ll respect your choice.”

Levi couldn’t believe that everyone wanted him to get a divorce. On top of that, all the people he trusted the most were also asking him to sign the papers.
“Now calm down. Let me explain. That old git wanted to marry Queenie off to me, but I never agreed to it. He lied to everyone, and Queenie would never agree to it. There’s nothing between us, I swear,” Levi explained, but it sounded flimsy to everyone.
Zoey laughed. “Do you think anyone would believe that? There’s no way the divine brigadier would lie. He wouldn’t stoop so low for someone like you. There’s no way he would. And tell me the truth. What did you do after you left?”
“I went to see that old git. And I beat him up to punish him. He’s barely hanging on now.”
The news came as a shocker to them, and everyone was understandably petrified.
“What? Did you beat up the divine brigadier? You’re joking!”
Nobody believed him, of course.
“You can take a look for yourself if you don’t believe me,” Levi persuaded.


Chapter 2399 Why Did You Come Again

He really wanted everyone to see for themselves.

And everyone took him up on his offer, “Fine. We’ll see for ourselves then. Lead the way.”
But nobody believed him of course. All they wanted to do was to expose his lies.
And then Mia came back in a hurry. “It’s real, Zoey!” She panted. “Levi beat the divine brigadier. I saw it with my own eyes!”
Mia went after Levi the moment he left, but she didn’t manage to stop him in time. When she arrived at The Cardinal Hall, the fight had already started.
Levi noticed her as well, but he paid no mind to her. And thus, she saw how Levi took the divine brigadier out with one punch.
“You mustn’t sign the papers, Zoey. Levi isn’t lying! This is all the divine brigadier’s plan! It has nothing to do with Levi!”

Mia desperately explained what she saw to everyone, but nobody believed her. They thought she was lying so Zoey and Levi would not get divorced.
After all, nothing she said could possibly happen. They wouldn’t believe it even if she said Levi made it to the top ten on the Divine Leaderboard, let alone him beating the divine brigadier. There’s no way in hell that’s true.
“Don’t defend him, Mia. We all think Zoey did the right thing.”
Nobody wanted to listen to Mia. Even Zoey thought Mia was just defending Levi.
“Fine. If you don’t believe me, then you can see for yourself!”
But before Levi could leave, someone said coldly, “No need for that.”
Everyone wondered who came, and it turned out to be Queenie. They looked at her curiously, wondering why she stopped Levi.
“My father isn’t hurt at all. Everyone at The Cardinal Hall felt his pressure, and it’s even more powerful than he was at his peak. I saw it with my own eyes,” she explained.
“I knew it! What do you have to say for yourself, Levi?”
Everyone laughed after hearing that explanation. After all, they instinctively thought Queenie was the one who was telling the truth.
But she was telling the truth. Her father didn’t even look like he was hurt at all.
“What?” Levi was surprised, and Mia was as well.
I saw Levi taking him out with a single punch. There’s no way he came out unscathed. Impossible!
“Impossible! He took my punch head-on! He should have been gravely injured at the very least. He couldn’t have gotten away unscathed.” Levi couldn’t believe what was happening.
But then he recalled their first meeting. Back then, he severely injured the divine brigadier, but he seemed okay when he came to see Levi earlier. As if he wasn’t hurt at all.
And she said he feels stronger than ever? Guess he has something that can heal him up and bring him back to his best condition then. He is The Cardinal Hall’s leader after all. Getting something like that should be a cinch for him.
Sh*t. Now they won’t believe me. But Levi gave up on explaining himself. After all, nobody would believe him, so there was no point explaining himself.
Mia was panicking, but she knew nobody would believe her no matter what she said.
“What do you have to say for yourself, Levi? You can’t keep up the lie now, can you?”
“Queenie said her father is fine. What do you have to say to that?”

Everyone started laughing at Levi, since they thought his ‘lie’ had been exposed.
Queenie sneered. “You told them you beat my father? And you thought they’d buy that? How stupid can you be?”
Levi looked at her. “Why did you come back?”


Chapter 2400 A Terrifying Technique

“Levi, why are you asking the obvious? Ms. Birmingham is here because of you!”

“What a joke. How could he ask her the reason for her presence on purpose?”
The crowd laughed mockingly.
“My father has asked me to observe you for a period of time, as he claims that you are extraordinary. Thus, I’m here to see what makes you so special. It’s also a good opportunity to stop my father from wanting me to marry you!” Queenie sneered.
“Everyone, don’t you worry. I will never marry Levi. Therefore, you don’t have to make a fuss over the divorce. Even if Levi wants to marry me, there’s no way I’ll agree. How can he be worthy of me?”
Queenie declared to Zoey and the rest that Levi and she stood no chance of being together at all.
Regardless of what Levi’s opinion of the matter was, she would never agree to it.
However, the more she acted that way, the angrier everyone else got.
“Levi, we need a timeout. Since you no longer need our protection anymore, let’s split up and train by ourselves for the time being,” Zoey suggested.
“We support Zoey’s idea. Everyone should just take a break.”
“Despite what Ms. Birmingham has said, she still wants to be with you in the future.”
“Break up. You have to break up!”
After that, most of the crowd dispersed, leaving Levi and a few others behind.
Mia tugged at Levi’s arm. “Levi, what are you going to do? You have to think of something!”
“It’s alright. Just let it be for now,” Levi replied.
“Aren’t you leaving?” Levi looked to Queenie.
Queenie put on a haughty expression. “My father wants me to observe you for a while. Hence, I’ll be staying to see what sort of miracles you can create.”
Ignoring Levi’s grim expression, Queenie moved in right away.
Mia watched on anxiously, hoping that Levi would do something about it.
“Just let her be.”
Levi couldn’t care less.
Nevertheless, his hatred for Divine Brigadier intensified, causing him to feel the urge to kill him with one blow.
I don’t even get the chance to take my medication.
The next few days, Queenie stayed in the manor.
Soon, she noticed the presence of Cyrus, who had locked himself up in the basement for solitary training.
She could sense that he was physically weak and increasingly had trouble breathing. She also realized that he was focused on training basic techniques.
“What does he hope to achieve? This is ridiculous!”
Queenie sneered, “Even if you can pick up The Cardinal Hall’s invincible techniques, there are many other modern techniques which you can randomly train in. There must be something wrong with your brain to train in such a basic technique! You will not be able to achieve in ten years what others can in a month!”
Queenie viewed Cyrus’ training with contempt.
Mia, who was beside her, added, “That exact same thought crossed my mind initially. I, too, assumed that it was a waste of time until I saw Levi’s true power. That’s when I realize this is the path of true strength. Hence, even I am training the same way now.”
Queenie looked at Mia in shock. “Levi’s true power?”
“Mmm-hmm. That day, I saw with my own eyes how he defeated your father,” Mia replied candidly.
However, Queenie was outraged.
“Enough. Stop spewing lies! You are no different from Levi!” Queenie scolded.
She was proud of her father and believed him to be invincible.
How can anyone, especially Levi, defeat him? It’s just impossible!
Over the next few days, Levi was busy investigating all sorts of ruins.
He had also heard of the increased prevalence of fake ruins.
“Master, we received news that a new ruin has appeared in the mountains of western Erudia. Many have already descended upon it to plunder its treasures. Based on our reports, it holds a frightening technique called the Iron Golem Technique.”
“Can it be a fake? Send someone to investigate at once!”
Levi suspected that the ruins that recently appeared were shams.
Nevertheless, they might be able to find out more given that it had just appeared.


Chapter 2401 The Ruins Are Real

If the ruins were recently fabricated, there would be more clues upon closer investigation once excavation began.

In fact, they might be able to find out who was the one responsible for creating the fake ruins.
By discovering the mastermind behind the scenes, they might have a chance to locate the enemy’s hideout.
Levi sent the Erudian Alliance to search the ruins at once.
By then, news of the ruin’s appearance had spread far and wide.
Thus, Garrison Industry and many other Erudian factions headed there at the same time.
Even Kirin and the others wanted to try their luck when they heard the news.
Many of them gathered at North Hampton and prepared to plunder the ruins.
Even Queenie’s interest was piqued. Hence, she decided to go over with Azure Dragon.
“Don’t waste your time. It is definitely a fake.”
Levi stopped them just when they were preparing to leave.
Based on Levi’s recent conclusion with the Sacred Organization, the ruins were highly likely to be a sham.
“Hmm? A Fake?”
Stunned, everyone looked at him in disbelief.
“That’s because many of the recent ruins are all fakes. Anyway, it’s just too complicated to explain in such a short time. No matter what, just trust me on it. If you go, you would have taken the bait!”
Levi looked at everyone earnestly.
By then, Zoey and the others no longer believed Levi. Instead, it was Queenie who suddenly remarked, “Fine. Let’s trust him this one time. My father insists that he is someone extraordinary. Hence, I want to see if what he says is true.”
Queenie wanted to find out what was so special about Levi, and this was a wonderful opportunity to do so.
“Edmund, what do you think?”
Queenie looked toward Edmund.
“Fine. It’s just a bunch of ruins. Let’s take Levi’s advice and not go there. We will then see if the ruins are really fake.”
Given how authoritative Edmund’s words were, everyone dropped the idea of plundering the ruins.
As all the major factions withdrew their soldiers, Kirin and the others changed their mind about going.
Instead, everyone was betting on whether Levi was telling the truth.
“Damn it, they finally believed me for once.”
Refusing to let any single person or detail slip, Levi ordered his men to investigate the ruins still.
Soon, it was the day the ruins were about to be excavated.
What surprised everyone was that neither the major factions of Erudia nor other powerful warriors participated in it.
The powerful fighters that came from overseas to plunder it laughed at them.
They had assumed that they didn’t stand a chance. Instead, they didn’t face any competition at all.
Soon, word spread that the Iron Golem Technique contained within the ruins was stolen by the Raysonians.
All the other treasures and techniques inside were also shared between the other plunderers.
A detailed analysis conducted later concluded that the ruins were indeed genuine, contradicting Levi’s presumption.
“Master, there are still some genuine ruins scattered around the world even though most of them are fakes,” Death Fiend remarked.
“However, among the plunderers, this time was a mysterious group. The energy they emitted was different from everyone else. However, by the time my men arrived, they had already gone,” Death Fiend explained.
Levi was puzzled. “Does this mean the mastermind was targeting the ruins too? Or at least knows what was inside it.”
“More or less. That’s why I need to continue my investigations. That aside, I heard the Iron Golem Technique is super strong. I expect whoever got their hands on it will soon start attacking,” Death Fiend lamented.
Levi too let out a long sigh.
Contrary to his expectations, the ruins turned out to be real.
However, he took comfort in finally getting a lead.
Suddenly, his room door was kicked open.
Queenie and the others stormed in angrily.


Chapter 2402 Losing The Iron Golem Technique

“Levi, didn’t you say that the ruins were fake? Why did it turn out to be genuine?”

“Yes! You owe us an explanation!”
Everyone piled on their criticisms.
Levi was indeed caught off guard by the matter as all the previous ruins turned out to be fakes.
Not only was their time wasted, but they had also been used as pawns.
However, he didn’t expect it to be real this time.
“I suspect that there’s something amiss,” Levi replied.
Queenie and the rest burst into laughter.
“And yet, Father claims that you’re extraordinary. Now, what’s so special about you? I even believed you once, and where did it get me? We ended up being cheated by you. I have been a fool to trust you when you claim that the ruins were fake without any evidence. I even got my brother and the others to trust you.”
Queenie was outraged.
“Levi, do you know what the consequences of your actions are? Your lie has caused most of the major factions in Erudia not to go there. Even I and Garrison Industry didn’t send anyone. In the end, we allowed the spoils to be shared among the overseas factions!”
“Those treasures belong to Erudia. How could we have allowed them to fall into the hands of others? Do you know how many people are mocking us right now? In fact, it has become a black mark for me and Garrison Industry!”
“Also, you allowed an ultimate technique to be stolen by others. It’s all your fault! Do you know how big of a loss this is to Erudia?”
“Can you imagine how serious it is to have the Iron Golem Technique stolen by overseas warriors? In fact, they will even use it against Erudian’s own citizens. When that happens, countless men will die under its power.”
“And all this is Levi’s fault. He is the one responsible for giving us false information about the ruins, causing the Iron Golem Technique to be lost to our enemies overseas. Therefore, we have to hold him responsible for the treason he has committed to Erudia!”
Behind Queenie, Edmund and the others hurled accusations at Levi and pinned all the blame on him.
Feeling indignant, Azure Dragon couldn’t help but protest, “Sir, I’m sure it isn’t that serious.”
“Not that serious? Let me give you a dose of reality. Whoever possesses the Iron Golem Technique will be able to defeat everyone on the Divine Leaderboard. In fact, the Dark Emperor and my father wouldn’t be able to penetrate the Iron Golem Technique with their attacks,” Edmund explained.
Everyone gasped in shock.
“Is the Iron Golem Technique really that powerful?”
“Mmm-hmm. Once the technique is used, one’s body will become indestructible just like a golem. One can then withstand any kind of attack. Even the Skyward Sword and Terra Blade are useless against it.
“So far, I have not heard of any attack that can penetrate the Iron Golem Technique. Even the mutated zombies at Maya Industries pale in comparison. Also, once one unleashes the technique, one’s attack will become so devastating that nothing can withstand it,” Robed Slayer explained in detail.
“Therefore, if one trains in the Iron Golem Technique to its highest level, one would be strong enough to challenge the Dark Emperor and divine brigadier!”
Upon hearing the explanation, everyone realized how massive the loss was.
The Iron Golem Technique is simply terrifying. With it, one can potentially become the strongest warrior of all. It is certainly more powerful than weapons such as the Skyward Sword and Terra Blade.
Edmund sighed. “It’s my fault too. Given how powerful the Iron Golem Technique is, I didn’t believe that it could be excavated so easily. That was why I listened to Levi and assumed it was fake.”
“Sir, how is this your fault? Levi is the one who spread falsehood and lied to everyone. Even Divine Brigadier was tricked, he had given orders not to participate in the raid on the ruins.”
“Exactly. It’s all Levi’s fault. He must pay for what he has done!”


Chapter 2403 Overconfidence

Edmund’s subordinates continued to blame Levi.

“That’s right. If not for him, the Iron Golem Technique would still belong to Erudia. At the very least, Erudia will have another warrior in the top three places of the Divine Leaderboard.”
“Levi has not only caused us to lose the Iron Golem Technique, but also to allow it to fall into the hands of the enemy. Soon, they will use it to kill us!”
“Levi, you will soon have blood on your hands. Erudia will suffer because of your actions!”
Everyone stared daggers at Levi.
They, especially Zoey and the others, were kicking up a big fuss because Levi truly made a mistake.
It was Levi who stopped them when they wanted to search the ruins.
After that, he told them a whole load of crap.
What’s the point of all this? Do they only know how to create a ruckus and behave like clowns?
“I apologize for my incorrect judgment. If there are any problems, I will personally take responsibility,” Levi replied.
“Levi, I don’t want to hear your excuses. Tell me, what should we do now?” Queenie demanded.
The others piled on the pressure. “That’s right. Tell us what you are going to do about it?”
“There’s nothing to do. Isn’t it just the Iron Golem Technique? I’ll just kill whoever dares to cause trouble in Erudia.”
Levi was a sea of calm.
What Iron Golem Technique? It’s nothing but b*llshit. There’s no way it can withstand a punch of mine. Even when I wanted to teach you invincible techniques, you refused to learn them and thought that they were useless. Instead, you swoon over some technique that just sounds fancy. What an ignorant bunch!
“Everyone, stop blaming Levi. Even though he has made the wrong call, the consequences aren’t that dire. In the event Erudia is threatened, Levi will kill whoever dares to do so,” Mia defended Levi.
“Huh. That’s ridiculous! Do you think he can kill someone who masters the Iron Golem Technique? He is ranked a thousand on the Divine Leaderboard and not first place. Even the first placed warrior can’t do that!” Edmund roared.
“All right now, Edmund. What’s done is done. There’s no point crying over spilled milk. We bear some responsibility for it too. Anyway, we have to start preparing ourselves. Once the enemy completes their training in the Iron Golem Technique, they will definitely come for us in Erudia,” Queenie suggested.
Edmund and the others nodded. “Mmm-hmm. You’re right. I will send men out to monitor our enemies. Once there’s any movement, all of us will do it together.”
With that everyone left.
Zoey, Azure Dragon, and the others gave Levi a look of disappointment, as his careless words had caused Erudia to lose a powerful technique and face a major threat.
However, Queenie stayed back instead, as she had a plan of her own.
Levi had failed the first trial she set for him.
If he failed another one, she would have enough reason to get her father to change his mind.
By then, her father would have to let her have her way.
“Sometimes, I don’t know where you get your confidence from. Even my father, who is invincible, isn’t as confident as you are,” Queenie sneered.
“That’s because I have beaten it out of him. How do you expect him to feel confident still?” Levi replied plainly.
Worried that the conflict between both of them would escalate, Mia pulled Levi away.
“All right now, Mia. You should train hard too. After some time, even you can bust a Golem’s indestructible body,” Levi tousled her hair.
Mia didn’t doubt his words at all.
Currently, she only trained in the basic techniques that Levi had taught her.
When Queenie saw that both she and Cyrus were training such techniques, she scoffed, “What a bunch of fools!”
Meanwhile, Levi continued to analyze the situation with Death Fiend.”
“I think I might know something. Didn’t you say that there was a mysterious group that infiltrated the ruins? Also, the most valuable item was the Iron Golem Technique? In that case, it might be…”
An idea flashed across Levi’s mind.
“What is it?” Death Fiend asked.


Chapter 2404 Next Target Erudia

“It has something to do with the mutated zombies. The management of Maya Industries had mentioned before that mutated zombies were part of a project left behind by Dr. Erebus at the Lab of Gods. Initially, the experiment was supposed to be used on large beasts. Its objective was to create a body that is undying and indestructible. The mutated zombies were already quite the achievement, but they had yet to be perfected.”

Having heard Levi’s analysis, Death Fiend instantly understood what was going on.
“Therefore, they went to the ruins to obtain the Iron Golem Technique. If they managed to incorporate it into their experiments, they would be successful in creating something invincible. Hence, by getting their hands on the technique, they intend to strengthen their creation!”
“You’re right! Let me head to Maya Industries and check with them.”
Disguised as the Dark Emperor, Levi headed to Maya Industries to enquire.
The answer he received was that the Iron Golem Technique couldn’t be applied to mutated zombies.
However, the same couldn’t be said of the Lab of Gods’ project.
Considering how diabolical Dr. Erebus was, he might be able to find a use for it.
A clue! We finally found another lead!
From his investigations, Death Fiend found out that the people who caused the energy disturbance might be from the Lab of Gods.
“Continue with the investigations. I believe we will be able to find more clues soon!” Levi ordered.
The next few days that followed were uneventful.
Everyone was busy training with high intensity while Queenie stayed by Levi’s side.
From her observation, she didn’t find anything extraordinary about him.
As for Mia and Cyrus who were focused on training the basic techniques, they made no progress at all.
Cyrus, in particular, seemed to have grown weaker instead.
It felt as if he was about to die soon.
However, there was no way she could have known that it was a sign of progress. His situation was similar to when Levi was in the Prison of Darkness.
Therefore, Cyrus was already one step closer to success.
However, from that day on, news kept flooding in.
The warriors who obtained the techniques and drugs from the ruins earlier had finally trained and digested them.
Consequently, their strength increased significantly.
When they began to gradually appear in all corners of the world, the rankings in the Provisional and Divine Leaderboard went through a drastic change.
Levi who was placed last on the Divine Leaderboard had been suddenly relegated to seventeenth on the Provisional Leaderboard.
That was an indication that there were many new warriors who had leapfrogged ahead of him.
In truth, there were only thirteen fighters who entered the Divine Leaderboard.
The thirteen that were replaced fell back to the Provisional Leaderboard.
With some unable to make it into the Divine Leaderboard, they spilled into the Provisional Leaderboard and pushed Levi down to seventeenth place there.
It was a shocking development to everyone.
They were cognizant that this was the result brought about by the techniques and treasures found in the ruins.
In a blink of an eye, thirteen warriors were elevated to the Divine Leaderboard, while countless others were promoted to the Provisional Leaderboard.
The most terrifying development of all was that Hirai Musashi, the warrior who seized the Iron Golem Technique, was going around challenging Divine Leaderboard warriors all over Bayview.
By then, he was already ranked fiftieth on the Divine Leaderboard and was still rapidly ascending the ranks.
After challenging the Divine Leaderboard warriors of Raysonia, Keerea, and other neighboring countries, he finally broke into the top thirty.
By then, everyone was astounded.
Those in Erudia in particular knew how frighteningly powerful the Iron Golem Technique was.
Within a short span of time, Hirai had been catapulted over thousands of warriors in the Provisional Leaderboard into thirtieth place on the Divine Leaderboard.
In spite of that, everyone recognized that his true power went beyond the top thirty.
He was just taking his time with his challenges.
As time went on he would grow more familiar with the Iron Golem Technique and would naturally rise up the ranks.
Therefore, his true strength was comparable to the top-ranked fighter on the Divine Leaderboard.
Naturally, Hirai’s next target was Erudia.


Chapter 2405 I Am The Guardian

Everyone in Erudia panicked at the news.

The matter escalated much faster and was a lot more terrifying than they expected.
Even though the Iron Golem Technique was easy to master, the time that Hirai took to progress was still shockingly short.
However, most people didn’t know that the more terrifying figure was Hirai’s master, Kuroki Takiya.
He had emerged in Raysonia recently as a powerful master and was ranked sixteenth on the Divine Leaderboard.
In truth, he was the one who had gotten the Iron Golem Technique first.
As of then, his disciple had relied on the Iron Golem Technique to secure his position within the top thirty.
With regards to Kuroki, he was truly the one meant to challenge the top-ranked fighter of the Divine Leaderboard and also Divine Brigadier.
As they took down their opponents one by one, their exploits shocked the entire world.
Soon, news of Kuroki and his disciple entering Erudia and challenging the Erudian warriors, especially those on the Divine Leaderboard, began to spread.
The powerful Erudian warriors on the Divine Leaderboard such as Kirin, White Tiger, Floyd, etc were outside the top thirty.
Within the top thirty was Zoey, who was twenty-seventh, and Tyrone, who was twenty-fifth.
Those placed twenty-third, twenty-second, twenty-first, and nineteenth were all Erudian warriors.
Within the ten major factions of Erudia, the head of the Chillshire Ancient Clan was ranked seventeenth.
Raiden of the Northwest City Ancient Clans was ranked sixteenth… so on and so forth.
Ronnie Hawke of Bananville was ranked fourteenth.
Queenie was ranked tenth, while Donald Garrison was ranked eighth.
Edmund was ranked sixth, and the monastic Dragofriar was in fourth place.
Evidently, the top thirty was populated with Erudian fighters.
Hence, they were Kuroki and his disciple’s next targets.
“Levi’s karma is here. Our enemies have completed their training in the Iron Golem Technique and have arrived in Erudia!”
“The Iron Golem Technique belongs to Erudia. But now, someone else is using it to kill Erudians, challenge our warriors, and ultimately humiliate us!”
“It’s all your fault! If not for you, Erudia would already have another warrior that is just as skilled as Dark Emperor and sits at the top of the Divine Leaderboard.”
“Levi, do you know what your mistake has cost Erudia?”
Just as everyone anticipated an impending disaster, all of them laid blame on Levi.
It was undeniably his fault. If not for him, all these wouldn’t have happened, and Erudia would have produced an invincible champion.
Staring at Levi, Queenie sneered, “Is this what makes you special? That is to cause trouble and attract disasters?”
Many were disappointed in him.
After all, listening to him had landed them in their current predicament.
Now, the entire world was ridiculing Erudia.
They had not only given away a legacy of their forefathers but also allowed their enemies to use it against them.
It was a humiliation for the nation, and Levi was the culprit.
“Don’t worry. The challenges are no big deal. Just let them go ahead. If they pose any threat, I will personally slaughter them. Whether it is the past, present, or the future, I will always be Erudia’s guardian! Hmph!”
Levi’s expression was calm, as he didn’t see the enemies as a threat at all.
“Pfft! Hahaha!”
Suddenly, everyone burst into laughter.
Erudia’s guardian?
What a ridiculous joke!
Erudia’s guardian? What sort of misconception is that? He thinks he is fearless and can deal with all of Erudia’s threats? Even Divine Brigadier doesn’t dare make such a claim.
The real guardians of Erudia are The Cardinal Hall and Eragon! How can Levi declare himself the guardian when he’s just one man? Isn’t it absurd?
“Levi, we have to go back to our work. If this escalates into a disaster, you will be the first to be offered up for slaughter!”
With that, everyone began to make preparations.
However, it was strange that Divine Brigadier ordered The Cardinal Hall and Eragon not to interfere in the matter.


Chapter 2406 Wiping Out Erudian Fighters

His decision intrigued everyone.

It appeared that Divine Brigadier took Levi’s side when it came to the two matters.
Thus, Queenie was puzzled as to what her father saw in Levi.
Is he really extraordinary? But no matter, this is another wonderful opportunity still.
In the end, she would put Levi out there to face Kuroki and his disciple.
After all, she really wanted to know if he could defeat the enemy or was just boasting all the time.
If he really could, that would prove how special he was.
Or else, he would be killed in the process.
With that, Queenie made her decision to use the circumstances as a trial for Levi.
Soon, Kuroki and his disciple entered Erudia and began their challenges.
Hirai challenged those who were ranked higher than thirty on the Divine Leaderboard.
His opponents included Azure Dragon, Kirin, etc.
Having been challenged, Kirin and the others agreed without fear.
Soon, news began to broke.
Azure Dragon, Phoenix, Kirin, Venom Fiend, Sword Fiend, Kinsley, Floyd, and many others were all defeated.
Armed with the Iron Golem Technique, Hirai wiped out many of Erudias champions from the Divine Leaderboard.
All those related to Levi were also defeated.
Even those from the Erudian Alliance, such as Asura, Minka, Zar, and many others lost their challenge too.
Furthermore, many others whom Levi didn’t know were also trashed.
Kuroki and his disciple’s objective in coming to Erudia were to defeat all its champions on the Divine Leaderboard.
With an intimidating aura, Hirai was the first to challenge.
He had swept through those ranked higher than thirty on the Divine Leaderboard with ease.
Every single one of his opponents was defeated.
None of them could withstand the power of the Iron Golem Technique.
In fact, the world was shocked that it wasn’t even a contest.
At that moment, Erudia had faced its biggest crisis in the new era.
Although there were other challengers who preceded them, none were so overwhelmingly powerful.
After all those ranked above thirty were soundly beaten, Kuroki began to focus on the top thirty warriors of the Divine Leaderboard.
Among them was Zoey, who had recently been promoted from thirty-fourth to twenty-seventh.
Hence, she was the first to be challenged.
However, in the face of the invincible Iron Golem Technique, she was no match at all.
In fact, she felt that Kuroki was more powerful than the mutated zombies who had impregnable defenses.
Unlike the mutated zombies, Kuroki’s attack was just as powerful as his defense.
All Zoey could feel was despair the moment she was defeated.
Next on the list was Tyrone.
He too was defeated without a single chance to counterattack.
One by one, the warriors fell until Donald, who was ranked eighth, was challenged.
Unfortunately, he too was finally defeated.
By the time Edmund, who was ranked sixth, went into battle, he had spent the previous night strategizing with The Cardinal Hall’s elites on how to defeat the Iron Golem Technique.
Therefore, he managed to stand his ground longer than anyone else even though he still lost in the end.
Despite unleashing his ultimate technique, he was unable to make a dent against the Golem-like indestructible body.
Finally, Dragofriar, who was ranked fourth and trained in Golem techniques, was challenged.
The Impregnable Body technique he trained was similar to the Iron Golem Technique.
Although they share similar defensive attributes, Dragofriar’s offense wasn’t comparable to the Iron Golem Technique.
Consequently, he too was overwhelmed, which came as a shock to both Erudia and the rest of the world.
With Edmund and Dragofriar defeated, Kuroki looked unstoppable.
Erudia was utterly humiliated and had become the butt of everyone’s jokes.
After all, the Iron Golem Technique belonged to Erudia in the first place.
“That’s right, we missed out Queenie, who is ranked tenth. Let’s go challenge her.”
Kuroki had set his sights on Queenie, who happened to be with Levi at that moment.


Chapter 2407 Struck By Fear

At that moment, all those from the Divine Leaderboard who were defeated were gathered at Levi’s manor.

They were laying the blame on him.
“Levi, have you seen what you have done? The consequences are playing out right in front of you!”
“Erudia has been humiliated and everyone feels ashamed!”
“All its champions on the Divine Leaderboard have been wiped out. There’s no one left to stop them now. Today marks the darkest moment in Erudia’s history!”
Even Edmund and his men had hurried over.
“Levi, do you now admit that this is your fault? If you hadn’t stopped us by saying it was a fake, the Iron Golem Technique wouldn’t have fallen into the hands of others. Now, outsiders are using it to trash us and humiliate Erudia. They are trampling on our pride and the martial arts of Erudia!
“Don’t forget that the Iron Golem Technique belonged to Erudia. We were the ones who were supposed to wield it. But now, it’s being used by our enemies to kill us!”
Everyone continued to criticize Levi.
They vented the anger, frustration, and shame they felt from their defeat onto him.
Although the matter was indeed Levi’s fault due to his erroneous judgment, the blame shouldn’t solely rest on him.
If they were powerful enough, none of this would have happened.
The crux of the matter was their own incompetence.
And yet, they even dared to complain and vent their frustrations on Levi.
All of a sudden, Levi smiled.
It’s not a bad idea for all of them to know their place. Or else, they may continue to assume that they are invincible. All this while, they have gloated incessantly about their ranks to the extent of being obsessed with themselves. But after being defeated, they seemed to have known their place. Their rank on the Divine Leaderboard didn’t seem to make a difference in the face of the Iron Golem Technique. Also, haven’t they constantly extolled the virtues of modern era techniques? But now, their techniques have proven to be useless against the Iron Golem Technique, which is an ancient one to begin with.
Consequently, Levi felt that their defeat was a valuable reminder for them to stay humble.
However, there was no way Edmund and Donald could accept the humiliation of being thrashed.
Despite Edmund’s defeat, The Cardinal Hall still didn’t interfere. All they did was swallow the shame.
However, Donald couldn’t bear being ridiculed.
Hence, he had ordered the ancient Garrison clan to provide reinforcements.
As for the rest, their situation was the same as Edmund’s. All they could do was swallow their pride without any chance of revenge.
“Levi, you have to take responsibility for what is going on right now. Even your death isn’t enough to quell the anger of the masses!” the crowd clamored.
“What if I kill them both?” Levi asked with a smile.
“Kill them both?”
Everyone laughed.
After all, they had personally experienced how powerful Kuroki and his disciple were.
If the Dark Emperor, who was top of the Divine Leaderboard, and Divine Brigadier didn’t show up, no one else could do anything against these two foes.
Even the second and third-ranked warriors of the Divine Leaderboard failed to stop them both. And now, Levi proclaims that he will kill them? What a joke!
“Oh no! Kuroki has issued Ms. Birmingham a challenge and is heading here right now!” someone reported all of a sudden.
“What? Kuroki is coming?”
“Quick! Run!”
“Let’s hurry! We cannot bear to see him again!”
When the ones who were defeated heard about Kuroki’s arrival, they began scurrying away like rats that had seen a cat.
They couldn’t bring themselves to stay a moment longer, as they didn’t have the guts to face Kuroki again.
After all, their defeat had traumatized them so badly that they were living in fear and couldn’t raise their heads up high anymore.
That was the fear that Kuroki had beaten into them.
The terror he inflicted upon them was seared into their soul.

Thanks so much Grandmaster Skye for ur great efforts to do this translation even though the author continues to kill the beauty of the story with those irritating instances where Levi must always hide his true strength while those close to him ridicule him. Until when?


Supreme Grandmaster - Elder of Sex Sext
Platinum Villager
Sep 24, 2023
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Chapter 2441 Archetype Of The Annihilator

The Annihilator! The only successful person to emerge from Lab of Gods’ Project Genesis—The Annihilator!

Levi was sure that they were the archetype of The Annihilator.
Lab of Gods was trying to replicate them through its Project Genesis.
However, one couldn’t really compare these creatures to The Annihilator, for the latter was created in a lab thirty years ago by Project Genesis.
It also meant that Lab of Gods had encountered these beings years ago.
Death Fiend said Lab of Gods dared not explore Restricted Area 76, so that means they had run into these creatures. They must’ve suffered a lot before finding out about these creatures’ existence, so they got inspired to replicate the creatures by establishing Project Genesis?
Lab of Gods had discovered Restricted Area 76 decades ago according to Death Fiend, so the timeline matched perfectly.
It was obvious that Project Genesis was meant to create Gods using ordinary humans.
However, they didn’t have enough funds to succeed, so The Annihilator was the only one that succeeded.
However, The Annihilator was nothing compared to them.
Levi expanded his sense, and the weakest God was a few hundred times stronger than The Annihilator.
Those creatures with wings behind them were even stronger.
The more wings they had, the stronger they were.
That leader with ten wings was insanely strong.
If Divine Brigadier of The Cardinal Hall were here, he would be the weakest among them.
Any of them would rock the Divine Leaderboard easily.
Thus, it wasn’t strange for them to claim to be Gods, for they were as strong as divine beings!
“Human, how dare you intrude into Gods’ territory? You have a death wish!” the leader of Gods declared.
The other Gods sneered. “Oh, another human fighter. Interesting. Are we going to hunt him down again?”
The elders reminded hastily, “Maestro, they aren’t Gods. They are just a powerful clan. However, they are incredibly strong, immune to all attacks, and can regenerate swiftly. They can also attack speedily.”
They were afraid Levi would lose.
“Ha! Compared to you, we’re definitely Gods! If we’re allowed to leave, we’ll control the entire world!” the Gods barked angrily.
The elders hung their heads low, for the so-called Gods were right.
If they could leave this place, humans would definitely suffer under their hands.
“It’s fine. There are no conflicts between us. We can just apologize for intruding on their territory,” said Levi with a grin.
“You want to leave? No way! No mercy for intruders!” the Gods declared.
Levi chuckled. “Looks like it isn’t easy to leave. Then I shall kill you all!”
Levi’s words shocked them so much that they were all rendered speechless.
Even Forlevia and the elders parted their lips in disbelief.
“He wants to kill the Gods? How is that possible?”
The elders had experience battling against the Gods, so they knew that even the strongest presence of The Cardinal Hall like Divine Brigadier stood no chance against the weakest God here.
There was no way Levi could kill them all.
That’s impossible! He must’ve underestimated them.
The Gods broke into laughter when they heard his declaration.
No human had ever dare to taunt them!
Even the strongest human being in history was insignificant to them, for they could kill anyone they wanted.
“To be honest, you’re quite capable. You survived after putting out the Holy Flame! But you can’t even break our armor, let alone kill us. It is made of the strongest metal around, metal with divine power. It is impossible to break!” they scoffed at him.
“Really? They look like trash to me,” Levi said, his lips curving up in amusement.


Chapter 2442 Levi Is The Most Interesting Human Ever

“Oh, how arrogant of you! This is interesting. You successfully sparked my interest!” a God with six wings remarked.

“Yes, I’ve never seen such a strong and interesting human in a while.”
“Finally, we shall have some fun!”
“Should we continue our hunt? This human seems to be stronger. I think he can hold on longer.”
“Come on! I have the same thought, too. We will have so much fun hunting him down!”
The Gods were discussing how to kill Levi like he was their prey.
For some strange reason, the Gods couldn’t leave this area.
Thus, their lives were boring.
When Forlevia and her masters arrived, they perked up and promptly chased after their prey as a form of entertainment.
Instead of killing their prey in one go, they teased Forlevia and the rest who ended up being trapped beasts.
Otherwise, there was no way Forlevia and the elders could’ve survived after two days.
If the Gods wanted them dead, they wouldn’t even make it past mere hours.
After having enough fun, they were planning to kill Forlevia and the rest.
Now that Levi was here, they changed their target to him.
Levi found them funny.
Though their armors were stronger than those from the outside world, there was a chance that Iron Golem Technique might be able to destroy them.
“Let’s start the hunt! Be careful not to kill him immediately!”
Before the Gods could start the hunt, a figure appeared out of nowhere.
“Another bunch of humans had intruded our territory!” he reported.
“Are they strong?” the ten-winged leader asked.
“No. They are terribly weak. They do not pose any threats.”
The ten-winged God swept his gaze across the other Gods. “Anyone who volunteers to take care of them?”
Silence greeted him.
No one was willing to rid of those people!
After all, they were too weak to pose a threat to the Gods.
Now that they had Levi to toy around with, none of them were willing to deal with those weaklings.
Thus, no one volunteered.
If Zoey and her men saw the sight, they’d definitely collapse.
After all, they were the top one hundred fighters on the Divine Leaderboard. In the world outside, they could get anything they wished.
However, they were no more than an ant in this place.
No one was willing to take their lives or even try to do so.
They were not even worthy opponents for the Gods!
No matter how strong a worm was, a dragon wouldn’t bring itself to kill the worm.
No one could persuade it to even try to do so!
Hearing that, Levi felt his heart sank, for he knew they were talking about Zoey and the others.
Since no one answered, the ten-winged God sighed. “Forget it. Let’s hunt him first before dealing with those insignificant human beings!”
The other so-called Gods beamed in excitement.
They weren’t interested in dealing with weaklings, for Levi was so much more interesting to them.
“Human, we shall give you a chance to escape for twelve hours before we come after you,” they announced excitedly.
Oh? Twelve hours?
“Seriously? Aren’t you afraid I’ll lead them out of this place?” Levi questioned calmly.
“Ha! That’s impossible. This is the Gods’ territory, and we have control over the area. There’s no way you can escape.”
Levi grinned. “I don’t like to run, so I shall rid of you before swaggering out of this place!”
“How dare you provoke us! You must have a death wish!” they roared in fury.
Right then, Levi’s gaze landed on the God that tried to kill Forlevia.
He appeared before that God in a flash and gave the latter a punch.
God’s armor was crushed into pieces, and his body was blasted apart.


Chapter 2443 What Am I

The Gods witnessed the entire incident with their own eyes.

They were proud of their Impenetrable Armor made out of the strongest metal in the area.
The metal was strong enough to decimate everything on earth, for it held divine power within it!
In the past, even the strongest human failed to crush it.
Years ago, Lab of Gods wanted to get the resource away from them, but they killed every member who tried to trespass their territory.
This was an armor fit for Gods like them, and it was supposedly invincible.
Clearly, humans stood no chance against this armor.
But the reality was a far cry from their imagination.
Now, a human had crushed the supposedly invincible armor into pieces!
The Gods felt their hearts breaking at the sight of the remaining bits of the armor falling to the ground.
So it is not indestructible. Turns out it can be destroyed by someone who has enough power. But why did our comrade’s body get ripped apart, too?
One couldn’t blame them for their confusion, for they were Gods with god-like bodies.
They were immortal and immune to every attack.
Besides, their bodies could regenerate swiftly no matter what injury they sustained.
That might sound horrifying, but it was indeed their gift.
It was impossible to destroy them, so no wonder they claimed to be Gods.
Alas, their talents stood no chance against Levi’s punch.
After getting punched by Levi, God’s so-called impenetrable armor shattered into pieces.
Following that was the sight of his god-like body exploding.
Instead of regenerating himself, his body got ripped apart in a gruesome manner.
His blood was a golden-like hue.
Just like that, he was gone.
There was no way Levi would allow him to live, for he had tried to shoot Forlevia.
Thus, he became the first God to be killed by Levi.
Ha! God? How mediocre, Levi sneered inwardly.
You’re just a tad stronger. How dare you claim to be Gods? If you’re Gods, what am I? God of Gods? You are merely humans stronger than ordinary humans, born with incredible strength and power. Stop pretending to be wolves in sheep’s clothing!
Silence engulfed the area.
One could even hear the sounds of insects buzzing in the forest.
Every human and so-called God was shocked senseless.
Forlevia and her masters’ eyes almost popped out of their sockets.
After battling against the Gods for two whole days, they knew how powerful the Gods were.
Though they had fought against the mutated zombies of Maya Industries, who were also impossible to kill, these Gods were far more powerful.
Both were on completely different levels! In fact, it was safe to say that they were worlds apart now!
Thinking they were immortal, they were shocked to see an elite’s punch smashing a God into pieces.
That scene was too surprising for them.
Everyone was dumbfounded, and their minds went completely blank.
The Gods were all shocked!
It wasn’t only about losing one of them, for Levi’s success meant that they were wrong about themselves!
The level of shock that they were dealt with was just like telling them that their religion was fake and that the Earth was not round, but flat!
They couldn’t accept reality, for it was too harsh and shocking.
But how can a God’s body get ripped apart? We’re immortals! That’s impossible!
Disbelief marred their expressions, for Levi’s action was simply too shocking.
Seeing their shock, Levi asked icily, “Who’s next?”
His arrogant words rang in Gods’ ears.


Chapter 2444 Calm Down

They were still waiting for the pieces on the ground to regenerate into a new body.

Time ticked by, but no miracle happened.
Instead, the blood with a golden hue was absorbed by the ground swiftly.
Once their blood seeped into the ground, it would become the best fertilizer for the earth.
Plants grew in an amazingly swift manner where the blood disappeared.
As the scene unfolded before the Gods’ eyes, they were plunged into despair, for it meant that their comrade was dead for real.
He would never return to them!
No doubt, Levi’s arrogant statement angered all the Gods.
“You’re asking for it!”
“You’re challenging our power!”
Their fury sprang to life.
Levi was already dead in their eyes.
“Kill him! Kill him now! I have no interest in the hunting game anymore. Charge!”
It was clear that they were furious, for none of them wanted to spare Levi’s life.
A few Gods charged toward Levi at once.
“Ha!” Levi laughed, as a sinister smile lit his face.
He took action without warning.
Though he acted later than the Gods, he was faster than them.
He smashed a God’s head and the helmet to pieces with just one strike.
Though the God’s body was writhing, his head was already separated from his body.
Everyone else gasped in shock.
How powerful is he?
Forlevia’s masters immediately realized that their tricks were useless against the creatures, for pure power would do the job.
Before anyone could react, Levi kicked the God’s chest forcefully. At once, a hole as big as a basketball appeared on his chest.
He collapsed to the ground in pain as his blood trickled out of the wound.
To his horror, his body couldn’t regenerate anymore.
No matter what he did, the blood remained flowing.
If this had happened in the past, he would’ve healed the wound in less than ten seconds.
“No! This is impossible!” he yelled in desperation.
He could even feel a blazing fire in his wound ripping his body apart.
An unprecedented pain overwhelmed his entire being, and he died from the anguish.
Next, Levi proceeded to kill a few other Gods.
However, those people were weaklings in their own clan, for they only had two wings, just like the first God Levi had just killed.
They were in the lower ranks.
“It’s my turn!”
Another figure dashed out.
He was equipped with four wings!
Clearly, he was mightier and nimbler than the previous Gods.
However, Levi was quicker to deliver a blow to the God.
The dull thud made everyone do a double take.
The four-winged God wasn’t at all hurt.
Even his armor remained intact.
Thus, the four-winged God hollered, “Though you’re the strongest human I’ve ever come across, you’re no match for a God. You can kill the ones weaker than me, but beyond that, you’re dead meat! Your attack is useless. Look, you can’t even smash my armor!”
Besides him, the other Gods could barely hide their excitement.
Levi might be strong, but they were still on different levels!
It would only take a four-winged God to teach him a lesson.
Forlevia and the elders sighed.
“He’s already capable enough. When news of this gets out, he’ll be known as a human who had killed Gods! However, he’s no match for stronger Gods,” the elders lamented.
Right then, Levi said, “Calm down. Let the energy go around!”


Chapter 2445 Killing The Gods With One Punch

“Mm?” Everyone halted in their tracks, for they had no idea what he was referring to by “letting the energy go around.”

Even the Gods were rendered confused.
Suddenly, an explosion was heard within the four-winged God’s body.
However, that was just the beginning.
Boom! Boom! Boom!
Continuous explosions were heard.
It got increasingly intense, louder, and violent.
Right before everyone’s eyes, his chest, belly, brain, legs, and arms were blown up.
The explosions happened within his body!
Previously, Levi killed the Gods by blowing them up from the outside, but this time, the explosions happened within the poor victim’s body.
Anguished cries pierced the air.
After his body exploded to pieces, his armor also broke apart slowly.
This can’t be real!
Unfortunately, they could only watch as the four-winged God died from the explosions.
His remains then disintegrated into ashes.
What’s going on? What happened? Didn’t he manage to stop the human’s attack? Wasn’t he immune? Why did this happen?
They had no idea Levi had unleashed his Annihilation Blast.
Though he had been focusing on practicing the basic techniques, he could still combine them with his previous methods to win the fight.
Clearly, it had worked.
Everyone was stunned to their cores.
No one can stop him!
“Charge! We shall slaughter him now. Let’s go!”
All the four-winged Gods, five-winged Gods and even six-winged Gods joined the fight against Levi.
They realized Levi was too strong and needed to be taken out.
Instead of going one by one, they charged at him together.
“The more Gods join the fight, the happier I am!” Levi announced, his lips curling into a smirk.
He had already asked them to attack him together, and now they were finally doing as asked.
Levi was all pumped up from the fight. He felt the familiar surge of adrenaline rush through his body, heating his blood.
Since his return from Prison of Darkness, every enemy he came across, including Divine Brigadier and Dark Emperor, could be disposed of with just one punch.
Hence, he found no fun in killing them.
This time, it was a different matter altogether.
He didn’t hold himself back and proceeded to beat them to a pulp, for it was a once in a lifetime opportunity.
However, Levi’s action was a form of torture to the Gods.
Boom! Boom!
Their bodies erupted one by one. In just a few short minutes, all that was left of the bunch was a heap of mangled bodies.
There were only a few hundred Gods here, and most of them had died in Levi’s hands in a split second.
Levi initially wanted to wipe their clan out.
First, they wanted to kill Forlevia, so he must teach them a lesson.
Besides, sparing their lives after offending them would become a threat to him in the future.
Thus, Levi decided to wipe their clan out and spare none of their lives.
“Crush!” He sent a forceful punch in the Gods’ direction.
This punch was as powerful as the punch he used to split open the Prison of Darkness back then.
After he broke free, he had never encountered anyone strong enough for him to resort to using this punch.
Now, it was time.
Boom! Boom!
The ground cracked, and the earth shattered. The skies turned dark without a trace of the sun or the moon from the impact.
No doubt this punch was extremely calamitous!
Crack! Crack! Crack!
The Gods who came before Levi was ripped apart and crushed to dust by the force.
Nothing could escape from Levi’s destructive punch!
Upon contact with his fist, anything would be ripped to shreds, so there was no way one could take his punch and remain standing.
Almost all the Gods perished under Levi’s forceful punch.
Only around a dozen of the strongest Gods survived the ordeal.
However, they had also suffered from the impact of his punch.
A total of three hundred and sixty-seven Gods ceased to exist after Levi shot out a punch.
A deadly silence descended upon the scene.
Everyone was shocked by how huge the damage was.



Supreme Grandmaster - Elder of Sex Sext
Platinum Villager
Sep 24, 2023
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Chapter 2446 Levi Is Stronger Than The Gods

They were all confused and unable to wrap their heads around what was going on.

Forlevia, her masters, and the remaining Gods had never seen such a formidable punch!
Levi was so powerful that he could destroy anything in his path with just one punch.
None of the Gods had the power to withstand his blow!
After all, over three hundred Gods had been crushed to bits with just one blow.
Who would’ve believed it if this news were to spread out?
Forlevia’s masters were no match for the weakest God, but Levi had slain all the Gods with one single blow.
He was indeed unimaginably powerful.
One could even say Levi was a God instead of the creatures who claimed to be Gods.
They were nothing but lowly creatures who didn’t even deserve to be called human beings.
The so-called Gods were still in shock, for the disaster was unprecedented.
“Who is he?” Forlevia’s masters wondered aloud.
“Based on his mask, he looks like Dark Emperor who topped the Divine Leaderboard. He’s also Mommy’s master. Perhaps Mommy asked him to save us,” Forlevia explained.
“Dark Emperor? Yes, he topped the leaderboard, but I don’t think he’s this strong. I refuse to believe it. I heard that Dark Emperor is related to Divine Brigadier. He’s at most on par with Divine Brigadier.”
“Yes, this person is horrifyingly strong! Even the one who broke Skyward Sword with two fingers isn’t his match.”
“But Dark Emperor always had a mask on. No one knows his real identity!”
“We might have an answer later, for there’s a chance he’ll reveal his face!”
The elders discussed amongst themselves.
It didn’t take long for the remaining Gods to come around.
They stared at Levi murderously.
The weakest survivors had eight wings, and the strongest had ten wings.
They were no doubt terrifyingly brutal.
Even Divine Brigadier of The Cardinal Hall was no match for them.
Their powers allowed them to reign above all humans like Gods!
Nevertheless, Levi was stronger than them.
It was now time for them to gather forces to take Levi down.
As Levi’s punch was too shocking, they had to put their pride and dignity aside to kill him together.
It was the greatest humiliation they had ever suffered.
After all, they claimed to be Gods but found themselves overwhelmed by Levi, who nearly wiped out their clan.
This was the most humiliating day ever!
Now, they found it mortifying to be working together to take a human out.
Alas, they had no other choice.
The pressing matter was to assassinate Levi.
“Charge! Kill him!”
“He must die!”
“We must avenge our friends!”
“We can’t be wiped out! We’re Gods!”
The Gods promptly gave Levi pressure.
This was the first time Levi was under pressure that was so immense after his escape from the Prison of Darkness.
Oh, I need to do my best.
His lips curved into a smile.
“Come on. This is the last battle!” he announced excitedly.
Boom! Boom! Boom!
One by one, the forceful attacks came for him.
Clank! Clank! Clank!
However, they seemed to have no effect on Levi and instead created sounds as though they had hit something metallic.
At the same time, everyone saw Levi’s body turning gold.
Seven rays of light shimmered around him, indicating that it was of Level Seven.
“Oh? He has mastered Level Seven of Iron Golem Technique!” Celia blurted out.
“How did he learn the Iron Golem Technique?” everyone else exclaimed incredulously.
They were experienced enough to recognize that Levi had just applied the Iron Golem Technique.
In fact, Levi had been wanting to find out how strong Level Nine of Iron Golem Technique was, but there was no one for him to practice on.
Now, it was the perfect chance to utilize the Gods to achieve his goal.


Chapter 2447 Level Nine Of Iron Golem Technique

“Let’s see whether your body and Impenetrable Armor combined or my Golem body is stronger!” Levi declared.

The Gods were understandably dismayed when they realized their attacks had no effect on Levi.
“What? I can’t believe this human has a body similar to ours!”
“That’s impossible! I must rip him apart!”
Feeling provoked, the Gods promptly launched stronger attacks to break through Levi’s indestructible body.
Crack! Crack!
Indeed, his Golem body started cracking after being attacked continuously.
Though the Level Seven Iron Golem Technique was invincible in the outer world and had rendered Divine Brigadier helpless, it was easily destroyed by the Gods.
Right when the Gods were about to burst into laughter, a thundering, growling sound came from Levi’s body before a destructive wave of air washed over the people around him.
Levi’s Golem body grew increasingly blinding as the golden shade intensified.
There were eight rays glowing around him, indicating he had achieved Level Eight of Iron Golem Technique!
As far as the outer world was aware, only two fighters had achieved the highest level.
Thus, Forlevia’s masters parted their lips in awe at the sight.
Clank! Clank!
Indeed, everything the Gods did was futile in the face of the Iron Golem Technique.
They found it practically impossible to defeat him, for none of their attacks worked.
“He’s as strong as our armor! How can a human be as strong as a God?”
The Gods could barely conceal their horror.
“We need to work together to destroy it.”
The Gods discussed and decided to combine their powers to destroy the Level Eight Golem body in one go.
“Divine Power!”
“Divine Power!”
Soon, their power combined into an attack that went straight for Levi’s Golem body.
At once, Levi’s Golem body cracked into pieces as he staggered backward from the impact.
He only managed to steady himself after a few hundred meters.
“No wonder they called themselves Gods. Level Eight stood no chance against them!” Levi exclaimed as he laughed coldly. “What about Level Nine?”
Having said that, a loud boom resonated in the area.
A hellish air enveloped everyone’s figures.
Even the sky seemed to rumble.
Suddenly, dark clouds and the ominous sounds of thunder enveloped the area.
The world had turned bleak as though it had come to an end.
Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
Whirring sounds echoed in the air.
The colossal force forced the Gods to step back as if there was an enormous wall blocking their path.
Meanwhile, Levi’s Golem body started to change.
Nine golden silhouettes appeared out of nowhere and encircled his body in a protective circle!
“Is this Level Nine of Iron Golem Technique? How shockingly scary!” Forlevia’s masters were dumbfounded.
Like country bumpkins, they gasped in shock.
The Gods seethed in fury. “We’ve underestimated how scheming humans can be! It’s an oversight on our part! We need to kill him,” they declared viciously.
It was as if they had all gone berserk, for they started attacking Levi without thinking much.
Alas, the first silhouette immediately stopped them.
The attack that had worked on destroying a Level Eight Golem didn’t work this time.
They could only stare at Levi, flabbergasted.
It was only the first silhouette, and Levi had nine in total!
It meant that they would only get to attack his real body after destroying all the nine silhouettes!
The Gods went nuts.
They went all out to try to destroy a Level Nine Golem!
Boom! Boom!
They soon engaged in a fierce battle.
Forlevia’s masters had never seen a fight this fierce…
It was an eye-opener to them!
Finally, the first silhouette was destroyed.


Chapter 2448 Is He Dark Emperor

The Gods gave their best, and they even resorted to their divine tools to break through Levi’s silhouettes.

The second silhouette smattered into smithereens.
The third silhouette got crushed.
Finally, the Gods made it past the sixth silhouette.
However, they came to a stop at the seventh silhouette, failing to advance further.
Though they united all their power, it remained impenetrable.
No matter how hard they tried, they could not damage it in the slightest.
That was the extent of their power.
Levi flashed a smile, as he had finally found what he wanted.
If the Gods attacked him one by one, they could destroy Level Eight of his Golem body.
However, for a Level Nine Golem, a God could only destroy two silhouettes at most, and most of them could only destroy one.
They had to gather forces to destroy the sixth silhouettes!
He had to admit that they were indeed powerful.
However, his Golem body was even stronger.
Now that he had reached the highest level, the Gods stood no chance against him even if they combined forces!
I wonder who invented the mighty Iron Golem Technique. If the so-called powerful beings are Gods, those who mastered Level Eight of Iron Golem Technique are one step away from being a God, while those who mastered Level Nine are stronger than Gods!
Levi announced coolly, “All right. It’s time to end things!”
Suddenly, a burst of unrivaled strength emerged from the seventh silhouette toward the Gods.
The eighth silhouette also exuded a terrifying force.
The Gods stood no chance against the two bursts of energy and suffered multiple injuries.
Shortly after, they collapsed to the ground, devoid of strength.
They couldn’t regenerate their bodies, at least not for the time being.
Instead of killing them, Levi strode over and took off their Impenetrable Armors.
The metal that made up the Impenetrable Armors could dissolve into liquid and melded into one’s body, becoming totally invisible.
There was no way Levi would crush something this valuable.
In fact, he was feeling upset about having to destroy so many of those earlier.
However, he knew he couldn’t take all the armors with him and decided to destroy most of them.
Around ten of them would be enough.
Besides the armors, Levi also gathered their divine tools, such as the bow with the Holy Flame.
Though it might not be of use to him, someone else might find it useful.
“All humans are despicable thieves!” the Gods barked angrily upon seeing his action.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
They promptly exploded into smithereens in the next second.
The so-called Gods were actually a powerful clan, just like the ancient clans.
However, they were wiped out by Levi single-handedly.
Not a soul was left standing.
After packing up, Levi made to leave.
Suddenly, Zoey and the others showed up.
Earlier, the vibe of the battle had scared them witless.
They immediately ran over upon spotting Forlevia and the elders.
“Evie, you gave me a shock!”
“Elders! You…”
They surrounded Forlevia and the elders in concern.
Yet, their focus had been on Levi all the while.
“Master, thank you! If it weren’t for you, we’d be dead by now!” Zoey fell on her knees and expressed her gratitude.
The others followed suit and thanked Dark Emperor gratefully.
They had no idea what had happened earlier. Otherwise, they’d be utterly stunned.
“Do you really think this is Dark Emperor? Your master?” Celia suddenly asked.


Chapter 2449 Real Or Fake

“Huh?” Zoey’s expression fell as she gazed at Celia in disbelief.

Everyone else shared the same sentiment, too.
Of course, this is Dark Emperor. Who else could it be? We asked for his help at Sacred Organization!
“Elder Celia, why do you ask that question?” Zoey responded carefully.
“Do you think Dark Emperor is that capable? Is your master capable enough of saving us?” Celia added.
“Well…” Zoey hesitated.
Yes, she’s right. Evie’s masters should be stronger than Dark Emperor. But why were they rendered helpless until Dark Emperor arrived to save them? That doesn’t make sense!
Zoey turned to look at Dark Emperor. It was as if the latter had become a distant stranger to her instead of being her master.
But I was the one who knelt to ask for his help in person. If she is fake, why would she come to this dangerous area for my sake? She’s not a fool!
At that thought, her doubts faded away.
Everyone must’ve underestimated my master’s strength. She’s way stronger than they thought!
“She’s my master! I trust her,” Zoey declared.
“Have you seen her face in person?” Celia inquired sharply.
Zoey bobbed her head slightly. “Yes, she’s taken off her mask to let me see her face in person. That’s why I trust her!”
“Oh? You’ve seen Dark Emperor’s face?”
This time, it was Forlevia’s masters who were shocked to the core.
If Zoey hadn’t seen the Dark Emperor’s face, there could be uncountable possibilities—one of them being—Dark Emperor could be impersonated by anyone.
However, it was a different situation if she had seen Dark Emperor’s face.
“Yes, she has seen my face!” Dark Emperor’s voice rang out.
After all, Zoey had seen both the previous Dark Emperor and the current Dark Emperor’s face in person.
“Now that everything is settled, I shall take my leave,” Levi announced.
He had slaughtered all the Gods alone, so Forlevia and the rest were now safe.
Thus, Levi spun on his heels and left.
Though Forlevia and the elders wanted to say something, Levi’s figure had already disappeared from sight.
Something felt off to them.
Before coming here, they knew that Divine Brigadier of The Cardinal Hall had come out of solitude to defeat Dark Emperor.
Thus, Daxon should be stronger.
However, they had taught him as his elders, so even though they knew he could grow to insurmountable heights in the future, he wasn’t capable of killing the Gods.
That was impossible.
Confusion overwhelmed them instantly.
That person was strong enough to wipe out over three hundred Gods single-handedly.
He could even defeat Daxon using his Level Nine Iron Golem Technique!
“Master…” Before Zoey could thank her master, Levi’s figure had disappeared.
“Never mind. I can thank her later!”
She held Forlevia in her arms tightly.
The rest glanced around warily.
They could still feel a strange and powerful aura fleeting wildly around them that could kill them any minute.
They felt incredibly small before the vigorous vibe.
The signs showed that a battle had occurred here earlier.
However, it was too little to be a clue.
They started wondering where the enemies were, for there was no one else at the scene.
The only trace left behind was some golden hue blood that had mostly disappeared into the ground.
“Elders, may I know what happened to you?” DG Leo asked.


Chapter 2450 Utterly Heartless

Everyone turned their attention over.

They were eager to learn what had happened. What’s going on? What is it that wounded the elders to this extent?
The incredible aura, the trail of golden blood, and the disheveled state of everything made it all seem so mysterious.
Everyone wanted to know what was going on.
In a way, they had witnessed the powers of a God because just as they entered the place, an extraordinary force swept over them.
It injured over half of their comrades.
“They call themselves Gods and are the most powerful clan we have ever seen. Even the ancient clan in Erudia is not a match against them. We rarely lose a battle, but this time, we lost and almost died in the process,” sighed Celia.
“What? They’re that strong?”
Everyone was going insane.
Even the elders of The Cardinal Hall and Eragon regarded their enemies as overwhelmingly powerful. Everyone knew exactly what that meant.
The crowd trembled upon hearing that title.
There were many who were described as a deity by their fans, but none had ever given themselves that title.
How strong does a person have to be to do something like that?
Forlevia chimed in and shared, “Any one of them can crush everyone on the Divine Leaderboard, and they are an army of several hundred!”
“How did everyone escape? How did my master rescue everyone?”
Zoey was a little curious and suspicious when she heard that.
Can Dark Emperor really deal with everyone on his own?
“Alright now, don’t ask so many questions. It’d be bad for you if you know too much. We’re putting an end to this now, and no one is to talk about it.”
“Yeah, and we have to make sure that the news of our injuries is never spread!” ordered Celia. She banned everyone on site from sharing the news.
Fortunately, Azure Dragon, Floyd, and the others were the only ones with Zoey.
Everyone on site was a friend, so it was easy for them to keep the news contained.
In the end, everyone left together.
They didn’t get into any other trouble as they continued traveling.
When the team exited the place, everyone else gasped in astonishment.
The others were curious about what had just happened.
After taking the specialized medication that The Cardinal Hall and Eragon created, Forlevia and the elders instantly recovered.
They didn’t look like they were wounded in the first place!
The people of Maya Industries were the ones who were most surprised.
“How is that possible? How could they have survived after barging into a place like that? And how do they remain uninjured?”
The high-rank officials were especially shocked.
That was Restricted Area 76! It can even frighten Lab of Gods. What the heck happened in there?
Forlevia and the elders didn’t continue their training there. Instead, they returned to The Cardinal Hall.
The issue was too grave, so they had to report the matter to The Cardinal Hall.
Forlevia, however, went back to North Hampton with Zoey.
“Wait here, Evie. Let me go check and see if your dad is here,” suggested Zoey.
She didn’t let Forlevia enter the manor right away.
At that moment, inside the manor in North Hampton.
Levi was researching and examining the divine tool when Zoey and the others entered.
“How can you sit there and do nothing when Evie is in trouble?” scolded Zoey.
Earlier, she was rather happy because they managed to rescue Forlevia and bring her home.
That changed when she entered the room and saw that Levi was still there.
He’s even playing with his gadgets nonchalantly!
That sight got fury to burn within her and threatened to make her lose control.
“What is the meaning of this, Levi? Your daughter was in grave danger, and her life was hanging in the balance! It’s bad enough that you aren’t searching high and low for her; instead, you are staying here and playing with your gadgets?
“Are you even human? Do you even see Evie as your daughter? She’s your flesh and blood!” roared Zoey, who lost control.
The others chimed in and scolded, “That is too much, Levi! Everything you did in the past is nothing but a show… It’s all a lie, isn’t it? You pretended to care and went to look for Evie, but the truth is that you aren’t worried at all.”
“Ah, I think I get it. You wish that she is dead, don’t you? Without a child, you will be free to marry the girl from The Cardinal Hall!”
“Levi Garrison, you are too cruel! I can’t believe you actually came up with a plan as evil as that. Are you trying to get Evie killed?”
Zoey’s entire body trembled violently after she heard what the others said.
She stared at Levi in disbelief.
If what they say is true, then Levi truly is heartless… Everything he is doing now pretty much proves that their deduction is accurate…



Supreme Grandmaster - Elder of Sex Sext
Platinum Villager
Sep 24, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 2451 Because I Am The One Who Rescued Her

Levi tilted his head and turned to Zoey before replying, “Evie is safe, so where should I be, if not home?”

“Huh? How did you know that the danger had passed?” asked Zoey, who was a little stunned.
“Because I was the one who rescued her,” replied Levi calmly.
The Lopez and Black families blurted simultaneously.
“Zoey’s master, Dark Emperor, was the one who rescued everyone. What does his accomplishment have anything to do with you?”
The others were quick to dismiss his claims.
Levi chuckled. He looked right into Zoey’s eyes and asked, “You don’t actually think that your previous master actually has what it takes to do that, do you?”
Zoey suddenly felt a little lost.
Why is everyone asking this question? And why am I also feeling a little unconvinced?
“Oh, quit bullsh*tting, Levi. Dark Emperor was the one who rescued Evie. We were all there and saw it with our own eyes. You are not responsible for her safety!”
Everyone was there, and they only believed in what they saw.
There was no way they’d buy what Levi said.
“Come in, Evie. Don’t just stand there,” said Levi suddenly.
Zoey stared strangely at him.
It felt as if Levi was strategizing.
He looks so relaxed… like everything is under his control.
Forlevia entered after hearing that.
Forlevia dashed into Levi’s arms as soon as she saw him. She cried endlessly.
Levi stroked her head and advised, “It’s normal to get in trouble, my sweet girl. You just have to trust that I will always be by your side whenever you need me. You don’t need to be afraid at all.”
The spectators sneered and dissed, “You are so shameless. Evie would’ve already died if she could only depend on you!”
“Yeah, Dark Emperor was the one who did all that. I can’t believe you’re taking credit for his work.”
At first, Zoey wanted to continue interrogating Levi and ask him what he was doing at home.
She later decided against it because Forlevia was there.
Zoey and the others gathered around afterward.
“You can still feel the pressure, can’t you? All it took was one breath from them to crush all of us. We don’t know the specifics of what Evie and the others went through, but their enemies were undeniably strong.
“We might be on the top hundred, or even top ten, of the Divine Leaderboard, and that might be something to be proud of. However, we are nothing compared to the real fighters out there.
“That is why it is our turn to work hard. It’s not enough to make it to the Divine Leaderboard! We must keep training and be the masters of our techniques. It doesn’t matter what we do—be it to take the drugs or to use other methods, we must increase our strengths within the shortest period,” said Kirin to the others.
Everyone clenched their fists.
They were inspired and wanted to use their fast-track technique to reach the top.
It seemed the incident truly triggered them.
They were cautious before all that happened, and wouldn’t do the extreme. However, they were starting to sway.
They wanted to do whatever it took to become stronger.
“It’s fine to train and become stronger, but will it really be okay? Boss warned us some time ago. He said that our techniques were like a ring, and getting to the very top might mean falling down the curve and destroying ourselves,” said Phoenix cautiously.
“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine. Do you actually believe him? He was just bullsh*tting. There was no evidence to back his words, so just ignore it all,” refuted the others immediately.
Phoenix, however, insisted, “But Boss had Azure Dragon analyze everything in Garrison Industry. I think what he said might actually be true.”
Everyone was arguing endlessly when Azure Dragon stood up and demanded, “Stop it right there.
“I’ve already been sacrificed, and that should suffice. The rest of you should hurry up and train well. I have been using Boss’ method to train, and I have been working endlessly all day and night. You saw what my rewards are, don’t you? I barely improved and am on the verge of falling out of the Divine Leaderboard!
“We have to see things as they are. Boss’ methods aren’t working at all! Using that method might take decades or even a century for one to become a master, but we can’t wait that long, given our current situation.”
Everyone nodded and replied, “Understood.”
They were touched.
Azure Dragon is willing to sacrifice himself just to make Levi feel better…


Chapter 2452 Maya Industries And Its Devious Plan

Levi hung out with Forlevia for a while.

The latter described everything she went through. She shared, “Daddy, those Gods are so powerful! Every single weapon in their possession has some sort of unique power…”
Forlevia’s words reminded Levi of the ample resources, such as the armors and the staff stacked there.
Everything they had was exquisite, and even their blood was unique.
It is likely that one would gain insurmountable power if they drink that blood. It might even awaken one’s dormant skills… I guess I will have to make another trip over.
It’d be such a waste to leave all those precious resources there, and others might steal it if I am late.
On the other side.
Maya Industries paid more attention to the incident than anyone did.
They were especially concerned about how Forlevia and the elders weren’t injured.
“We double-checked everything, but they weren’t hurt at all, not even a little!”
Maya Industries had sent countless spies over, but the news they received remained consistent.
Forlevia and her masters were never hurt!
“We got the files. We’ve learned everything!”
Just then, a high-rank official of Maya Industries came rushing.
“I finally got to the confidential folder that Lab of Gods had kept away for years. It contained information on Restricted Area 76!”
The guy was holding a stack of murky, yellowish folders.
“Some information is missing, but it gives an overall idea of what is inside Restricted Area 76,” shared the high-rank official.
“According to the file, extremely powerful clans exist and live in hidden corners of this world. “Some examples of these clans include the Ancient Clan of Bayview and the vampires of Adrune.
“It also stated that many members of Lab of Gods are from those strange clans. “These clans hid away because the rest of the world doesn’t accept them. “A clan as strong and as mysterious as those clans is living in Restricted Area 76! “They call themselves Gods and actually had the power to make their claims valid. “Going against them is equivalent to going on a path of destruction.
“Lab of Gods regarded that clan as the most powerful clan with incredible combat prowess. “They are regarded as the top of the very top.
“Because of the Gods there, no one dared to barge into Restricted Area 76. Even Lab of Gods couldn’t bring themselves to venture over and could only forgo their plans to collect resources from the area. They must’ve really struggled before making those decisions because the place had the best resources.
“According to the records, Lab of Gods’ past encounters with the Gods was the reason they started Project Genesis. They wanted to create a clan that was virtually as powerful as a god. In other words, they wanted to be a god-maker!
“Unfortunately, their project failed. Only the Annihilator came out a success, but even he is light years away from being as strong as the Gods of Restricted Area 76.”
Everyone gasped after reading the files.
“So that’s what happened! Everything makes sense now. We would never have investigated Restricted Area 76 if it hadn’t been for this incident.
“Even Lab of Gods wouldn’t dare to step on these Gods’ toe, so everyone else will surely fall upon meeting them.”
Everyone sweated endlessly.
“That means that the elders of The Cardinal Hall never bumped into these Gods in the first place. If they had, they would already be dead. They certainly won’t have left unscathed.”
“How lucky. I can’t believe they didn’t bump into any of the Gods.”
That was what everyone thought.
If they had met the Gods, they would surely have fallen.
In a way, their deductions were accurate.
If Levi hadn’t been there, everyone would’ve died.
“By the way, I heard some rumors about how they recruited Dark Emperor and got him to help them. This means that Dark Emperor didn’t bump into the Gods either.”
“Speaking of Dark Emperor, I have an idea,” shared a high-rank official as an evil grin crept up on his face.
“What’s that?”
Everyone inched forward to listen closely.
“Everyone wants to be rid of Dark Emperor, right? This is the perfect opportunity to do so!
“We’ll make a fake Lab of Gods file about Restricted Area 76 and say that the place has the best resources as well as the most valuable treasure. The guy is so curious about Lab of Gods that he will surely be tempted to enter the place.
“He didn’t get into any trouble the last time he went to Restricted Area 76, and that will encourage him to venture deeper into the place. He will bump into a God then, and he will definitely fall!”
“Taking advantage of the situation and conning the Gods to kill Dark Emperor… That is a brilliant plan!”


Chapter 2453 The Dark Emperor Will Fall

Maya Industries might be working with Dark Emperor, but they were forced into that cooperation.

Hence, Dark Emperor had been a pain to them the entire time, and their greatest fantasy was to kill the guy.
They publicly worked together, but underneath the table, Maya Industries had been scheming to kill the guy.
Unfortunately, Dark Emperor was too strong, so they couldn’t do anything about him.
The sudden emergence of Restricted Area 76 and the secrets revealed by the recently discovered file changed things, though. They were given the perfect opportunity.
How can we possibly let this slip past our fingers? We must take advantage of the situation and have them kill Dark Emperor for us!
“Hurry up, then! You guys make a fake folder while we contact Dark Emperor. Let’s pray that he bites the bait!”
It didn’t take long before Levi received an encrypted message from Maya Industries.
They asked him to drop by.
Levi wanted to go to Restricted Area 76 anyway, so he agreed to meet up.
The two parties met up in a random spot in Adrune.
At the meeting.
The high-rank official of Maya Industries was direct and shared the fake story with Levi immediately.
The former even handed the fake folder over.
Levi couldn’t help being taken aback when he got the confidential folder about Lab of Gods.
He regained his footing immediately, though.
He chuckled.
These assh*les are trying to con me and want to get the others to kill me, huh?
The fake folder is really well-done, though. There are no signs of it being fake at all.
Restricted Area 76, huh? I doubt there is anyone alive who knows the place better than I do. Like hell, there’s no danger there!
“The place has always been labeled a restricted area, but that was just a ruse by Lab of Gods. They simply wanted to keep everyone else away.
“We are collaborators, so Maya Industries doesn’t feel right keeping all that resources to ourselves and wants to share them with you. What’s your take on the matter?”
The high-rank officials of Maya Industries all had fake smiles on.
“We’ll need you to take our men with you and venture into the place. We need to flag the location of the resources and might need to venture deep into the place.
“It’s probably not completely without risk, though. The place is huge, so there has to be something in there. We’re sure everything will be fine if you make the trip yourself, Dark Emperor.”
It just so happened that Levi wanted to enter the place, so he agreed to do so.
It’ll be entertaining, and I’ll even get a bunch of free muscles to help me carry the stuff. It’d be a waste not to take them along.
“Okay, I will lead your people in, but I want seventy percent of everything we find.”
Levi deliberately played along with them because he knew exactly what they wanted.
The high-rank officials of Maya Industries grinned happily. They thought that their scheme worked.
Hah! The Dark Emperor has fallen into our trap.
They were taking advantage of the information they had access to.
We are the only ones who know what’s inside Restricted Area 76, and no one else—not even Dark Emperor has access to that information!
What the high-rank officials were unaware of was that Levi knew Restricted Area 76 better than anyone else.
He had already killed all the so-called Gods inside.
It’s so embarrassing for Maya Industries. They think that they are the only ones who know what’s in there and want to trick me to my death.
“Then, let’s not waste any more time, Dark Emperor. Let’s go there right now,” suggested the high-rank officials of Maya Industries.
“Do you guys want to tag along?” asked Levi deliberately to mess with them.
“N-no, there’s no need for that. We’re terribly useless, so there is no point in us heading over. We might even burden you, so we’ll just send some fighters in with you.”
In the end, Maya Industries sent over ten thousand men into the place with Levi.
Those men were informed that they would be there to collect some resources.
However, they were being fooled and sacrificed because they weren’t told about the danger inside Restricted Area 76.
In a way, they were the baits being sent to their graves because they would lead Levi deep into the area where the Gods supposedly live.
It was so sad that those men were unaware of what was going on.
The high-rank officials of Maya Industries smiled when they saw Levi walking into Restricted Area 76.
“He won’t be so lucky this time. The route I designed for them pretty much encompassed the entire place! He will surely bump into the Gods.”
“The Dark Emperor will surely fall this time. Hahaha, let’s just sit and wait for the good news.”


Chapter 2454 From Sacrifices To Free Muscles

Members of Maya Industries who were aware of the truth were all waiting for the news about Levi’s death.

Naturally, they were unaware of how Restricted Area 76 had actually turned into the safest place on Earth.
Yep, the absolute safest place on Earth.
The Gods had all been crushed, after all.
Levi chuckled when he saw the men with him.
He was better acquainted with the place than anyone else. Not even Forlevia nor the elders knew the place that well.
Levi marched on with ease and followed the trail of energy displayed on the radars to find the resources.
Some of the items there had more energy and were even more powerful than the sunstone.
A small piece of stone had the power to annihilate a small town.
That got everyone stunned in place.
The energy exuded is a hundred… if not a thousand times more powerful than that of the sunstone.
It was beyond their imagination.
It was no wonder the clan that used to live there was so strong. In addition to the biological strength they inherited, the Gods also created their weapons using the incredible resources offered by their lands.
That made them at least ten thousand times more powerful than the others!
It was why they were like Gods.
Everybody’s eyes glowed when they saw the resources available.
This is truly terrifying. I can’t believe it’s that much more powerful than the sunstone!
“Don’t get ahead of yourselves. This is just the beginning.”
Levi led the team to other locations and combed the area for precious resources.
He even had the men run troublesome tests and mark the places down.
Time dragged on. One second passed after the other.
Levi went to yet another location and found even more resources…
The high-rank officials waiting outside started to get nervous.
“It’s been over an hour. Have they not run into the Gods yet?”
“Three hours have passed.”
“They have been in there for five hours!”
“Let’s wait a little longer. Maybe Levi hasn’t reached the part where the Gods are in.”
“The Gods must be there. Lab of Gods would never have abandoned a goldmine like this if they weren’t there.”
“Do you think maybe the Gods are sleeping or are dormant? The elders from The Cardinal Hall came out unscathed too, right? That shows that it’s rather difficult to run into the Gods. Lab of Gods ventured really deep into the area to collect resources all those years ago. That was why they ran into the Gods.
“Levi probably hasn’t met them yet because they weren’t deep enough inside. Also, they aren’t making enough noise. It’ll be pretty difficult to ignore them once they started operating the bigger machines and sensors. Let’s wait a little longer. They will surely run into the Gods.”
The high-rank officials of Maya Industries paced around nervously as they waited.
Inside Restricted Area 76, Levi had combed through the entire place.
He marked every corner that contained precious resources.
“Thank the heavens you guys are here with me!”
Levi was ever so delighted.
He brought some men with him as well and asked Death Fiend to assign a few trusted comrades over to dig up the resources.
However, the place proved to be richer in resources than he initially imagined. The men he had with him weren’t nearly enough to carry out a task of that magnitude.
Fortunately, Maya Industries had sent their men over as well.
The extra help proves to be extremely useful. I really should thank Maya Industries.
It didn’t take long before they found resources in over a thousand sites.
Levi even managed to find the metal used to create the god’s armors.
He didn’t know what type of metal it was, but it was definitely stronger and firmer than all the other metals. Moreover, it naturally exuded an energy that could topple the Earth.
No wonder the armor made from this metal is known as the Impenetrable Armor.
The protection the armor offers is almost equivalent to that of level seven… or even level eight of the Iron Golem Technique.
It was definitely of better quality than the specialized battle suits that Garrison Industry made.
The mutated zombies from Maya Industries are no match for them either.
The glow in Levi’s eyes suddenly turned brighter and more passionate.
If his guess was right, then Lab of Gods was already conducting countless experiments and had terrible schemes planned.
I must prepare beforehand so that I can fight against Lab of Gods when the time comes.
At that moment, he had no idea how strong his enemy truly was, so he could only assume that they were beyond his imagination.
That means I must tap into these resources and create more armors.
I will be needing them when I fight against Lab of Gods.
Levi slowly led the men to the place where he fought the other Gods.
He wanted to check and see if he had missed anything.
Zoey and the others showed up sooner than expected the last time he was there, so he didn’t get to inspect the area carefully.
“Huh? What happened here?”
Levi was dumbstruck when he reached the place.


Chapter 2455 Their Blood Is The Treasure

The change is too drastic!

Every plant in the surrounding area had withered, and the leaves on the trees had all fallen.
It might even be right to say that the place was a haunted and abandoned wasteland.
There were even burnt marks on the plants, and it was as if they had been exposed to insane radiation the entire time.
But everything was fine just some time ago. It wasn’t in a state as terrible as this!
Wait… the blood!
Levi instantly understood what was going on.
The gods’ blood has incredible power and exudes terrifying energy. This is the place where their blood spilled, and the plants absorbed the blood. It is likely that the energy in the blood was too aggressive.
The energy was not something the plants could handle, and that burned the plants.
That is why everything turned this way…
“Huh? Why is a thick golden liquid all over the place?” blurted the Death Fiend in surprise.
Everyone was checking the place out when they realized that the golden blood was all over.
There were some spots where the blood gathered.
The strangest bit was that the blood had bubbles all over and wouldn’t evaporate. It barely seeped into the ground as it was.
They scanned the place and learned that there really was blood everywhere.
It was likely that only two-thirds of the Gods’ blood was gone.
The remaining was likely still sitting all over the place.
“Hurry and gather all the blood! Collect every drop. Some blood might’ve seeped into the ground. Use your scanners and collect them too,” shrieked Levi excitedly.
These are incredible treasures! Actually, every cell in those assh*les is precious. Gah, I shouldn’t have lost my temper at the time and destroyed everything. If I hadn’t, I would’ve so much more to collect now.
“Huh? Why are we collecting it, Master?” asked Death Fiend and the others curiously.
“Try tasting a drop.”
Levi waved his hand and flung a drop of golden blood into Death Fiend’s mouth.
The latter ended up swallowing it.
At first, Death Fiend had no idea what it was all about, but his expression soon changed.
His face reddened so much that he looked like he was a cooked lobster.
His entire body oozed fumes as a terrifying energy wave rippled out of him.
The people standing close to him were forced backward.
They stared at him in astonishment.
His aura was ten times stronger than it used to be.
Did he gain all that energy from just a single drop of blood?
Death Fiend screamed in agony.
He felt like his body was going to explode, and he struggled like a lunatic. Everything in his immediate surrounding was destroyed.
Everyone started avoiding him.
It’s like he has gone nuts, and his aura is getting stronger!
“Try to merge with it!”
Levi’s voice reached Death Fiend’s ears.
Death Fiend tried to merge with the blood right away.
Some time later, Death Fiend’s aura slowly calmed down, and he settled down as well.
He returned to his normal self soon after, but he was at least ten times stronger than he was before he drank the blood.
His merge with that drop of blood had completed, so the energy from that blood had become a part of Death Fiend.
Before all that, Death Fiend’s rank was similar to that of Sword Fiend.
That drop of blood had pushed Death Fiend so far ahead that he was likely one of the top ten on the Divine Leaderboard at that moment.
If I get accustomed to the blood, I might even make it to the top five!
This is really something else. Heck, this is downright terrifying.
The blood is so much more powerful than the most potent drug in the market and can turn a regular dude into an expert fighter in a matter of seconds!
After learning how powerful the blood was, the crowd started working immediately.
They gathered every drop and searched endlessly to make sure that they didn’t neglect or leave even a single drop behind.
“Master, can we…”
Tempestus, Notos, and the others stared longingly at Levi.
“Okay, everyone gets a drop,” said Levi.
He granted everyone a drop of blood and taught them how to merge with it.
It didn’t take long before all five of them successfully merged with the blood.
With that, Levi had six more subordinates that were on the top ten list of the Divine Leaderboard.
This will make things easier in the future.
“No one else is allowed to take it. Drinking the blood directly will most likely overwhelm your body and kill you. Hence, the blood has to be diluted or turned into a drug before the rest of you can take it.”
Levi scanned around.
“Huh? Something is off…”



Supreme Grandmaster - Elder of Sex Sext
Platinum Villager
Sep 24, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 2456 A Being That Could Even Pressure Levi

Just then, Levi sensed a change in his surroundings.

A massive surge of energy rippled from some distance away.
This energy is similar to the ones exuded by the Gods I dealt with earlier, but this person is stronger than the strongest God I fought.
Did someone survive and slip out of my view?
If I use their ranking system, this energy means that its owner is at least ranked at level twelve.
“T-That energy surge is so strong…”
Everyone panicked when they sensed the trembling Earth.
They weren’t the only ones on edge. The high-rank officials of Maya Industries were waiting outside, and they were all excited when they sensed the energy surge.
The monitors showed them just how strong the energy surge was.
“Yes, finally! They ran into a God.”
“Hah, I’d like to see how you get out of this alive, Levi Garrison.”
The high-rank official of Maya Industries was energized instantly.
They were so excited that they could faint.
On the other side.
Levi had his guard up and was slowly making his way to the center of the energy surge.
When he got near and took a closer look, he learned that it was not a god.
The source of the energy was a crystal!
I can’t believe this crystal has power this incredible. Its energy is beyond any of the Gods I crushed the other day…
Does that mean…
It didn’t take long before Levi figured things out.
I annihilated the entire clan that day, and their body exploded into nothingness.
The energy within their body, however, ended up gathering and solidifying until they become a crystal…
That was the reason the clan was that terrifying.
Even in death, even with their bodies destroyed, their energy could still unite.
That was simply too terrifying!
Even Levi couldn’t help wondering.
Is this how the clan plan on surviving and moving on?
Their energy gathered, and sooner or later, someone or some animal will stumble upon it. That person or animal will then end up rebuilding the clan.
It seems that this crystal has gathered almost all of the surrounding energy…
Naturally, the crystal couldn’t gather every joule of energy from the Gods. A lot had dissipated on the battlefield.
Still, if this energy in this crystal is transferred into a single God… he or she would at least be a match against the Level Nine Iron Golem Technique.
Level Nine
It probably can’t break through Level Nine completely, but it can certainly destroy the seventh silhouette and the eighth silhouette.
Levi reached out to grab it. The crystal, however, started struggling endlessly. It released energy unparalleled to anything anyone had ever seen and was going all out against Levi.
The entire Restricted Area 76 was affected and under duress.
It felt like the end of the world.
In the closest distance were Death Fiend and the others whose powers had just raised by at least ten folds after taking a drop of blood each.
Yet, when faced with that energy surge, they still lost!
Every single one of them was wounded.
Levi was the only one who remained unmoved.
“F*ck you!”
That was the first time Levi was under a pressure that immense.
The Gods ganged up on me, but even they couldn’t put the pressure on me.
Yet, the energy from this stupid rock is making me struggle!
That was the first time Levi had to struggle for so long.
That being said, the longer the crystal struggled, the more excited Levi became.
In the end, Levi exerted his force and squeezed it harshly.
That crystal ended up caving completely.
It seemed that Levi was still a little stronger.
He actually managed to keep it in line.
Holy… freaking… mother of… What is that? He is too strong!
That was the first time Death Fiend and the others witnessed Levi’s true strength.
This is the first time he truly attacked.
He actually held back when he killed Dark Emperor!
All of a sudden, they were extremely, freakishly thankful that they decided to follow Levi’s lead.
“All right. Everything’s fine now,” said Levi.
He started thinking about how he’d deal with the crystal after that.
Should I merge with it? It’d grant me extreme powers and make me stronger, but that is not necessary.
Levi didn’t want to accept outside help.
I can train and be great on my own.
Should I give it to someone else? Maybe Evie? That’s not necessary either for she is forging her own path now, so it would not help build her determination or resilience if I give this to her. Besides, there is no saying if she can handle the energy within this crystal. Others probably can’t handle it either. Hmm… what do I do?
“Wait, I’ve got it!”
Levi suddenly had a great idea.


Chapter 2457 Making A Weapon

A weapon! I can use the crystal to create the most powerful weapon. That would fully utilize the crystal’s energy!

They didn’t even need to look for the right resources to make that weapon. The metal they just extracted would do.
This type of metal is the only material that can withstand its recoil, anyway.
Anything else will probably be overwhelmed and broken down as soon as it is assembled.
This new weapon will be the most powerful device on Earth!
No one will even give another thought about Skyward Sword or Terra Blade again. They will all bow down to this new weapon.
If this weapon is developed successfully and if there is someone powerful enough to wield it… It might break through Level Nine Iron Golem Technique!
That means that it will benefit me greatly if I wield this new weapon.
It will surely add to my strength!
I can also give it to Zoey and Evie.
They can use it and keep themselves safe.
There simply is no downside!
Levi had read up on the ancient manual that his mentor left him and learned a unique way to build weapons.
I can build it right here and now!
“I have all the material I need, but regular fire won’t do. It’s not hot enough to melt the metal… Wait, the Holy Flame!”
Levi recalled how one of the gods had a weapon that spewed fire.
I have never felt or seen fire hotter than that before. I’m certain I can find that fire here!
“Commence search!”
And then it began.
Levi started combing the area in search of the Holy Flame.
In the end, he found it near the entrance of a volcano.
The fire at the entrance burned all year round and couldn’t be put out.
The truth, however, was that it had something to do with the fuel.
The natural resources offered were simply too powerful, and everything had more energy than one could imagine.
That was why the fire could never be put out. The fuel kept providing it with the energy it needed to keep burning wildly.
“T-that fire is so hot…”
Death Fiend and the others gasped in bewilderment.
The metal Levi collected started melting…
Despite the strange feature that the metal had, it still melted and was temporarily invisible.
Did it disappear for a second there?
This must be why this clan had never been discovered before.
With armor made from a metal like this, they can become invisible temporarily.
That made it impossible for anyone to detect them.
They can move about but leave no trace… kind of like a ghost.
Levi used the purest metal and had the Holy Flame to further strengthen it.
All that was done to make the metal forge its best potential.
Or it will not be able to handle the energy from the crystal.
When the metal was at its perfect state, Levi got the crystal out of his possession and tossed it into the liquid metal.
That got the Holy Flame to merge the crystal and the metal completely.
“Ah, it is still too strong, and the corner is cracking…”
The crystal’s energy was too powerful, so the metal couldn’t fully contain it.
In the end, Levi retrieved one-fifth of the crystal while leaving the remaining crystal in there to merge with the metal.
As the weapon was being created, a terrifying energy pulse rippled out and caused an unnatural phenomenon.
The wind howled, and the wildest animals fled.
Even the sky was grumbling as lightning and thunder zipped past it.
It was the kind of phenomenon that had never been witnessed before.
That was understandable since the weapon was way too powerful.
If Levi hadn’t been there to force the energy down and keep it contained, the entire Restricted Area 76 would already be destroyed.
“They truly are Gods. I can’t believe they caused such a ruckus.”
“Hahaha, it doesn’t matter how strong Dark Emperor is. He still can’t defeat a God!”
Their only issue at the time was that the sacrificial lambs they had sent in had lost contact with the rest of the world.
Those men couldn’t reach the other members of Maya Industries and vice versa.
Hence, Maya Industries didn’t know the specifics of what had happened.
The sudden surge of energy got them to wonder and imagine what could’ve happened.
It must be a battlefield in there.
The Dark Emperor may be strong, but even he will fall.
Levi used the best and most complicated method to create the perfect weapon, so the ripple effect was too great.
Levi worried that the rest of the world would discover what he was up to, so he was quick to lock everything down. He exuded his energy and built an invisible wall around the place.
A few seconds later, a sword was born.
Levi held it in his hands and felt like he could part the sky with a single swing.


Chapter 2458 God Crusher

It’s so freaking powerful!

The weapon was stronger than Levi anticipated.
On top of that, the weapon inherited the metal’s unique properties and could be turned into a liquid mush.
It could also allow light to pass right through it and become invisible!
It’s almost too easy to hide it, and it’s so practical!
The only downside is that it couldn’t contain the remaining twenty percent of the crystal’s energy.
It could’ve been even more powerful.
Gah, never mind. I’m sure I can find a way to utilize the remaining crystal. At worst, I will just use it to create another weapon for Evie.
“What should I name this masterpiece? I’ll be using it to fight against Lab of Gods, so it will crush them… I’ll call it the God Crusher.
“Yep, this will be the weapon for slaughtering Gods!” announced Levi firmly.
He truly wanted to try the weapon out at that moment, but there were no opponents on site.
His only possible foe were the gods, but he had already killed all of them.
Naturally, if he couldn’t find an opponent there, then it was even less likely that he’d find an opponent outside the restricted area.
This weapon can probably kill Daxon.
“Ah, it’s so frustrating and lonely at the top. I can’t even find someone to test my sword out on.”
It was at that moment that Levi hoped that Lab of Gods would show up soon and send stronger fighters over.
Oh, come on. Fight me and let me play with my sword. Pity a lonely kid, won’t you?
Death Fiend and the others were at the side and heard what Levi said. They almost vomited blood in frustration.
But I really want to test it out! It’s too bad that there is absolutely no opponent…
It took them two days to forge God Crusher.
Levi stared at the fire burning in front of him and truly wished that he could carry the entire thing away with him.
Unfortunately, he couldn’t do that. He was only able to gather a small part by digging deep into the ground and slowly separating that small part from the rest.
This will do.
After the entire ordeal, Levi returned but didn’t slack off. He used the remaining metal to make some more weapons.
He was going to give those new weapons to his close friends and disciples as gifts.
However, he didn’t use the remaining crystal.
It might only contain one-fifth of what the original crystal had, but merging it into another weapon would still make the weapon incredible. Levi simply couldn’t think of anyone who had what it took to wield such a weapon.
The power is simply too strong and too aggressive. No one has what it takes to control it.
That thought was why Levi didn’t plan on using that remaining crystal to make Evie a weapon just yet.
Everyone else thought that Maya Industries had gone on a murder rampage inside the restricted area.
It’s almost been forty-eight hours, but no one showed up. That means they must’ve bumped into a God! No one survived.
What they didn’t know the people who entered the area were busy collecting the resources and the treasure in there.
Death Fiend and the others even got more men over.
The Maya Industries saw those men as a part of the rescue team.
They must’ve sent a distress signal! That is why so many men are rushing in to rescue them.
Why else would they go all out and barge in like this?
“See? Dark Emperor must’ve bumped into Gods. They are probably all dead now.”
“Oy, Dark Emperor, didn’t you say that you want to divide the resources seventy-thirty? We’ll forgo our portion and let you have it all!”
“It’s not confirmed yet, right? Let’s wait a little longer. If they stay inside for over a week, then it is likely that they are all dead.”
The high-rank official of Maya Industries ended up waiting at the entrance of Restricted Area 76.
They had to wait wherever they were anyway, but it would be different if they waited on site.
If they never saw anyone emerging even after one week, then they could be certain that Dark Emperor had passed.
“That won’t do. Let’s send some mutated zombies in and have them check things out.”
Maya Industries ended up assigning over a thousand mutated zombies into the restricted area.
Every single one of them disappeared.
No one returned…
That further validated the high-rank officials’ thoughts about how Levi had bumped into a god.
Time trickled by.
One week passed soon after, but no one showed up anyway.
“Shall we leave?”
“I feel like something is off. Let’s wait three more days.”
“We’ve already won, but what’s three more days? Let’s wait.”
The high-rank officials of Maya Industries partied all three days to celebrate the death of Dark Emperor.
They were so delighted and danced so much that they couldn’t party anymore on the third day.
Just as they were about to leave…
Vroom! Vroom!
A loud rumble came from behind them.


Chapter 2459 Rude

Hearing that commotion got the high-rank officials to stop walking.

They instinctively turned around and squint to try to look into the forest.
Vroom! Vroom!
It was getting louder and louder.
The Earth was grumbling, and the pebbles on the ground were jumping.
Behind them, the entire forest was trembling so much that even the naked eye could see their trunk swaying.
It signaled the beginning of a massive earthquake.
Everyone was shaking so much that they were going out of their minds.
“What is going on?”
The first thought that came to high-rank officials of Maya Industries was that the Gods of Restricted Area 76 were emerging.
For a moment there, everyone had a single unified thought—they wanted to flee.
Unfortunately, their legs suddenly felt as heavy as lead, and they couldn’t budge at all.
The only thing they could do was watch while being dumbstruck.
All they saw was how countless figures started showing up in the forest.
It was incredible. An army that stretched for over several meters had emerged.
This is shocking!
“Huh? Aren’t they the men we sent in earlier?” blurted one high-rank official.
Everyone took a closer look and saw how the men on the left were all the sacrificial lambs they sent in earlier.
Everyone survived!
There wasn’t even a single casualty.
The mutated zombies that were sent in, however, never made it back.
On the right was the massive rescue team that had entered the area some time ago.
Huh? How are they still alive?
Given the number of people around…
I don’t think a single man is missing.
In the middle, leading everyone was the tens of thousands of men Levi brought with him earlier.
I think everyone from that group is accounted for as well…
What’s going on? Seriously, just what the heck is going on? Didn’t they bump into any God? How are they still alive? That is not possible!
Some time ago, an incredible energy surge blasted out from inside. That has to be the ripple effects of a fight being broken out.
No one outside the restricted area can cause a commotion like that. Moreover, they have been in there for over a week! There’s no way they never met God…
That’s not possible. It has to be faked! No one can possibly survive that.
Yet, everything that was played in front of them made it impossible for anyone to deny the truth.
It didn’t matter how difficult it was for them to accept it.
Tens of thousands of men all exited the forest soon after.
Their shadows turned the place dark.
The team in the middle parted and opened up a path.
A few men walked out of there.
Their leader was none other than Dark Emperor himself!
He’s alive?
He lives!
The high-rank officials of Maya Industries were on the verge of going insane.
How is he still alive? Could it be…
Did he not bump into any of the Gods? But that doesn’t make sense.
How can there be a mistake in Lab of Gods’ secret folder? Moreover, why would Lab of Gods forgo such a goldmine if the Gods aren’t there? And why would they kickstart Project Genesis?
That doesn’t make sense. It simply doesn’t!
What went wrong? The information in the Lab of Gods’ folder can’t possibly have made a mistake…
Does that mean that the gods are dormant and asleep?
Levi and his men had already reached the center of the place before the high-rank officials could make heads or tails of what happened.
“Hey, did you guys throw a party because you learned of our success and wanted to celebrate? Ooh, you opened up a nice bottle of red wine…
“Still, you guys are so rude. You started the party without us and have been eating away…”
Levi and the other enjoyed the wine on the table as soon as they got there.
Many even started munching on the leftover delicacies.
Seeing that got the high-rank officials of Maya Industries extremely nervous.
What…? How…?
They’re actually alive? I can’t believe it.
Levi slapped one high-rank official’s shoulder and laughed aloud before declaring, “The Lab of Gods’ files are so accurate, and the resources in there are simply too wonderful. I have decided to keep the place to myself and will not be sharing anything with you.”
“It’s true. We have gained so much. I’ve never seen so many resources in my entire life!”
The others sighed in wonder.
The men that Maya Industries sent in as sacrifices were sighing in astonishment as well. They shared, “It had way more resources than what Lab of Gods had and was more powerful! I have never seen anything like this before and have learned so much from this trip.”
The high-rank officials of Maya Industries simultaneously became quiet.
At that moment, they no longer cared about the resources.
They were too concerned with figuring out how everyone was still alive.


Chapter 2460 Want To Know How I Survive

“I-is there nothing dangerous in there at all?” asked a high-rank official, who simply couldn’t contain his curiosity.

“Not at all. No one’s in there, and even wild animals are nowhere to be seen. At first, we thought that we might get into some trouble, but turned out, there was absolutely nothing.”
The men that Maya Industries sent in agreed, “Yeah, there’s nothing dangerous in there.”
“These past week has been so uneventful and nothing dangerous ever happened. I wonder why Lab of Gods never tapped into the resources in there.”
Many were curious and wondered what was going on.
“Alright then, we’ll leave now.”
Levi led his army and left with his head up high.
He was leaving to prep Sacred Organization so that they could occupy the place entirely.
We will have to get bigger machinery over to extract the resources and will need to set up a security system.
In a way, their true mission for the past ten days was to locate all the sites where the resources were and ensure that they didn’t miss anything.
The high-rank officials of Maya Industries never left the place, though.
They were still struggling with a single question.
Why is he alright? It’s not possible. It simply isn’t! Yet, everyone’s statements matched…
“Do you guys think that Gods are just myths and never existed in the first place? Or perhaps they have left Restricted Area 76 and no one ever knew because the files hadn’t been updated in decades? Or maybe the gods are dormant and are no longer active?”
“One of those theories is probably it. How else could Levi and the others not bump into them? It’s not possible.”
“Yeah, I think the Gods likely moved to another place.”
Everyone was discussing the matter carefully.
“If that is true, then we’re really letting Dark Emperor profit off of us. The resources there are abundant, so why should we let him have it? There are tons of treasure in there,” said one high-rank official.
“What do you propose?”
“We’ll lead our own team in there. That way, we can satisfy our curiosity and get our hands on those precious resources.”
It didn’t take long before the high-rank officials of Maya Industries formed a team and entered Restricted Area 76 just to satisfy their curiosity.
They entered slowly and carefully.
“Isn’t this a little too quiet? The Gods are definitely not here. Heck, even the bugs are nowhere to be seen.”
“If that is true, then it means that the Gods never existed in the first place. No wonder Levi and the others could stay here for ten days and still leave unscathed…”
Everyone relaxed after coming to that conclusion.
It didn’t take long before they reached the place flagged by Sacred Organization.
The abundance of the resources was so obvious that even the naked eye could see it.
Even the smallest pebble can exude that much energy!
The men almost salivated after seeing that.
There is no way we’d let Dark Emperor keep all this to himself.
The team continued searching and found the flagged locations one by one.
Their eyes shone with greed.
“There’s no question about it. If we tap into all the resources available here, we will be at the top of the world. Maya Industries will become the greatest organization this world has ever seen!”
Everyone was going insane.
They no longer wanted to work with Levi. There was no way they’d let him have seventy percent of everything here. Heck, they won’t even let him get his hand on a smidge of it!
We’re taking it all. We have to!
Unfortunately, they would have to kill Dark Emperor if they wanted to keep everything to themselves.
The question is, how do we do that? That is a tough problem.
“According to our findings, Divine Brigadier of The Cardinal Hall in Erudia is the only one who is on par with Dark Emperor. We will have a shot at killing Dark Emperor if we get Divine Brigadier on our side. At worst, we’ll just share thirty percent of the resources with Divine Brigadier.”
“Hmm… that is doable. In fact, it’s a small price to pay if it means we can get rid of Levi Garrison. Let’s further develop this plan and turn Dark Emperor into everybody’s enemy.”
“We must do whatever it takes to eliminate Dark Emperor. Only then will we be able to keep everything here.”
The crowd kept discussing the matter as they further ventured into the place.
It didn’t take long before they saw a figure standing in the distance.
“Huh? Isn’t that Dark Emperor? What’s he doing here?”
Just then, Levi’s voice came to them. He said, “I’ve been waiting for a while now. Don’t you want to know how I survived?”



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Chapter 2461 Controlling Maya Industries

It was as if he was trying to scare everyone to death.

Levi’s words got everyone curious.
Something seems off… Why would he ask us if we want to know how he survived? Could it be…?
Levi didn’t wait for them to come around. He simply chuckled and pointed out, “Haven’t you been curious about how I survived? Or why I never run into any Gods?”
His words were like a bomb that had gone off in everybody’s minds.
Ah! He has figured it out. I can’t believe he actually knows about the Gods… but wait, how does he know all that? We never share the real folder with him. All he ever received was the fake folder.
“G-God? How did you know about them? It shouldn’t be possible… D-Did you bug us?” asked one high-rank official of Maya Industries while stuttering.
“Bug you? Of course not. The reason I know about the Gods is simple. I met them,” replied Levi calmly.
“Huh? Did you meet them? No, wait. If you met them, then it means that the Lab of Gods’ folder is accurate. The Gods exist,” gasped the high-rank officials of Maya Industries.
No one suspected Levi’s words.
The fact that he used the word God meant that he knew the truth.
That, however, presented another mystery.
If Levi had run into the Gods, how did he return unscathed? It shouldn’t be possible. It can’t be!
It shouldn’t matter how strong Dark Emperor is or how he tops the Divine Leaderboard. At the end of the day, he is still human.
His opponent are gods!
According to the folders from Lab of Gods, the beings residing here are undefeatable Gods!
How did he survive then?
“Are you guys wondering how I survive my encounter with the Gods?”
Levi could tell what they were thinking about.
“Yes, we are. You shouldn’t be alive if you run into them!”
Everyone nodded furiously.
“I slaughtered all of them. That’s how I survived.”
Two sentences were all it took.
It felt as if lightning had struck and blown everyone into pieces.
The news was simply too shocking!
He killed the Gods? How can that be?
“Truth is, the elders from The Cardinal Hall encountered the Gods as well. They were wounded and would’ve died if I hadn’t shown up to rescue them,” added Levi while smiling.
“That is not possible. They were never injured. We repeatedly checked…”
The high-rank official couldn’t believe what they were hearing and seeing.
“You are still too young. All they needed was to take some healing drugs, and they’ll recover soon enough. Do you honestly think that The Cardinal Hall can’t even manage that?” scoffed Levi.
“Huh? Have we been conned?”
The high-rank officials of Maya Industries looked at each other in disbelief.
“Yes, you were. In fact, you kept being conned. I’ve always known that you lot are trying to get the Gods of Restricted Area 76 to kill me. I was planning to come over to collect some resources at that time, so I played along,” shared Levi.
After hearing what Levi said, every high-rank official of Maya Industries stiffened like they had been struck by lightning.
Levi was in control of everything this entire time.
“I didn’t actually need to lie to you, but I thought it’d be funny. I’ve already slaughtered all the Gods living here, so there is absolutely nothing to be f*cking scared of.”
Levi stared at the crowd. It was as though he was a predator looking at its prey.
“You actually killed all of them…”
“No, I don’t buy it. Even Lab of Gods feared the Gods, so how could you have killed them?”
“You’re right. We shouldn’t believe his words. He is definitely messing with us.”
No one bought Levi’s claims, and they didn’t bother hiding their distrust.
“Then get them over. They exist, don’t they?” challenged Levi.
Everyone hesitated and swayed.
It was undeniable that the Gods exist, but they were nowhere to be seen.
That means Levi actually murdered all of them…
“Oh, quit looking all confused. In fact, why don’t you go ask the devil if you have any questions?”
Levi was merciless towards those men.
He murdered every single one of them.
There were no survivors.
They were no longer useful since Levi had grown to be strong enough to control Maya Industries.
So what’s the point of letting them live?


Chapter 2462 Testing The Sword Out

Levi had to make a small adjustment, but he ended up having Maya Industries under his tight control.

The decision-makers had always been nothing more than puppets, anyway.
They probably set Maya Industries up because Lab of Gods ordered them to do so.
Those thoughts prompted Levi to keep the fact that he had conquered Maya Industries a secret.
He wanted to use Maya Industries to trace back to Lab of Gods.
It’s possible that the incident in Restricted Area 76 is leaked, and Lab of Gods might already know about it.
That means they might make their move soon.
The Lab of Gods might be aiming for the resources in Restricted Area 76 and will likely send someone over.
That was why Levi wanted to get an anti-theft system and a surveillance system set up.
It would turn Restricted Area 76 into the most secure place with zero blind spots.
Even the slightest movement and the faintest noise could raise an alarm.
In a way, the entire thing could be described as Levi’s trap. He was waiting for the big fish to bite the bait.
Levi was using the resources in Restricted Area 76 to bait Lab of Gods.
Things will be easier once we get a clue as to what they are. We can even slowly trace it back to their headquarters.
Levi settled everything there before he returned to Erudia.
As he traveled, he had the God Crusher turn into a circular orb.
The shiny sword shone and vibrated as an orb and let out a soft hum.
The scary bit, however, was that the energy it exuded was like a wild animal banging against its cage, begging to be released. It wanted to fight.
“Huh! It’s such a pity. I just can’t find an opponent to test my sword out…” commented Levi in exasperation as he stared at the God Crusher.
At that moment, Levi was in urgent need of an opponent.
Lab of Gods, please show up soon! Without you lot, I can’t even find a decent opponent.
Ah, if only I can cut myself in half. That way, I’d be able to battle myself… Wait, there is a way around it! It’s an old technique called Left vs Right!
I can actually fight myself. It’s worth a try at least, but… it won’t be fun after a while.
Hey, maybe I can get that punk, Edmund, to hurry up and reach Level Nine of the Iron Golem Technique!
It’s not likely to happen, though. That punk won’t reach that level anytime soon. Ah, there is no opponent at all!
“If I really want to test my sword out, I might need to go all the way to The Cardinal Hall. Maybe I can get them to gather all of their best fighters around? Their combined strength should suffice and allow me to test my blade.”
Levi was truly going all out to find some ways to test his sword.
He was coming up with all sorts of strange ideas.
As Levi busied away in Restricted Area 76, Erudia went through some drastic changes.
Almost all the ten Ancient Clans that made up the hidden forces protecting Erudia had revealed themselves.
No one knew why, though.
The Garrison clan of Oakland City was especially arrogant of late because their true fighting expert had shown up.
Donald’s master and a few other fighters of the same rank had come out of hiding.
The key person, however, was Eustace Garrison, a man known as God of Massacre.
His title was a legend within Eragon and The Cardinal Hall.
He was so strong that he overwhelmed the fighters in Eragon all on his own. Even Divine Brigadier was defeated.
It should be noted that the ancient Garrison clan almost became a part of Eragon.
Unfortunately, an unpredictable change occurred.
That change was brought about by God of Massacre, Eustace.
He massacred the three Ancient Clans that were competing against the ancient Garrison clan.
That infuriated everyone else and prompted them to disqualify the ancient Garrison clan.
He might not be the strongest man within the ancient Garrison clan, but he was definitely the most bloodthirsty one.
Ever since the guy showed up in Oakland City, Donald and Tyrone became even more arrogant.
They didn’t hold back and went after all the enemies they were not able to kill earlier.
There were even rumors about how they had their eyes on Levi and Forlevia.
The elders of the ancient Garrison clan were all curious when they learned about how they had a talented youngling outside the family.
Everyone wanted to take the youngling back to the family and train her in person.
However, God of Massacre, Eustace, was more interested in Levi, who had disobeyed the family rules.
The former had attacked multiple times in the short period that he was in Oakland, and stories about him were shared throughout Erudia.
It got everyone to start panicking.
Levi, on the other hand, was excited to learn about all that.
“Yes! Now I have an opponent to test my sword out on.”


Chapter 2463 God Of Massacre

Levi was instantly psyched up.

He laughed aloud.
No one could understand or relate to his glee.
They didn’t know why he was laughing like an idiot.
Hell yeah! I can test my sword out now.
Levi had thought hard about who his opponent would be.
In the end, he decided to go to The Cardinal Hall and ask Divine Brigadier as well as a bunch of other fighting experts to fight against him. He wanted them to join forces and block a single swing from his sword.
But that wouldn’t be fun, and it kinda feels like I’m bullying them.
Hence, the situation in Erudia came at the perfect time.
The ancient Garrison clan suddenly showed up, and a fighter like Eustace is perfect for testing my sword out!
I can even use this opportunity to learn more about the Ancient Clan. I’m basically killing two birds with one stone. Hah, lady luck truly is on my side. I can’t believe I actually have someone to test my sword out on.
Everyone stared curiously when they saw how Levi was laughing aloud.
He went out on a trip and returned as an idiot. Did something happen? What’s wrong with him? Why does he keep laughing in the silliest way?
The important bit was that everyone was talking about God of Massacre, Eustace, at the time.
Their description painted the cruelest and bloodiest image!
That guy was coming after Levi, and no one knew what to do about it.
Yet, Levi was laughing aloud over there.
It was strange and completely undecipherable.
“Donald has issued the final warning. He will definitely be here in three days. The first thing he will do is to take Evie back to the ancient Garrison clan where they will raise her. They will officially recognize her as one of them.
“Secondly, Eustace is using the family’s rules as an excuse and will be here to kill you, Boss,” reported Azure Dragon.
The Garrison clan was going after Levi. That was what everyone had recently learned.
With God of Massacre, Eustace, joining forces with Donald’s master and his comrades…
They can totally disregard The Cardinal Hall of Eragon and drag Evie away.
There was also the bit where they would punish Levi in accordance with the family’s rules.
There is no way he can survive that.
Everyone gathered in North Hampton after receiving the news.
Levi happened to return as well.
He had the grouchiest expression on at the time.
To everyone’s surprise, he didn’t become grouchy after hearing the news. He laughed in excitement instead.
It was like he just received the best news.
The others simply couldn’t understand what was going on.
They stared curiously at him.
“Aren’t you worried?” asked Zoey.
“What is there to worry about?”
I’m just going to use them to test my sword out, so there’s nothing to worry about.
“The current situation is different! We could protect you in the past and can even rescue you, but the ancient Garrison clan’s experts are here! I’ve seen the way they attack, and their skills are at least as great as that of my mentor, Dark Emperor. They might even be as strong as Divine Brigadier.
“God of Massacre, Eustace, is especially powerful. It feels like no one can go up against him.
“Their arrival got the Divine Leaderboard all messed up. The organizations involved are talking about updating the list because there are simply too many fighters showing up. That made it so that the Divine Leaderboard is completely inaccurate.
“We have no shot against them at all. I mean unless The Cardinal Hall and Eragon…”
Zoey kept analyzing the situation and sharing her ideas.
Everyone was in agreement and thought that Zoey’s analysis was on point.
They couldn’t do anything about enemies as strong as that.
While it’s true that they were all on the Divine Leaderboard, their titles and skills meant nothing when used against Eustace. They would be defeated in an instant.
“Well, what do we do? Is there a way to solve this problem? We certainly can’t fight them head-on. We could double or triple our numbers, and it still won’t matter.”
“There is no way to protect ourselves. We have to come up with something,” said someone.
Just then, Evie voiced up and said, “Our only option is for Daddy and me to go to The Cardinal Hall right away. There is nothing Eustace can do if we stay there and refuse to leave.
“No matter what, my mentors and Divine Brigadier will protect us. The ancient Garrison clan might be arrogant, but even they won’t dare to barge into The Cardinal Hall.
“If they do, they will be declaring war against The Cardinal Hall and Eragon. I’m sure Eustace won’t risk it. Unless he’s insane, that is.”


Chapter 2464 I Cannot Wait For Three Days

Forlevia’s words were instantly backed up.

“That’s an amazing plan! You’re absolutely brilliant, Evie.”
“All we need to do is get to The Cardinal Hall! Eustace won’t dare to barge in.”
Everyone was looking at Forlevia with admiration glowing in their eyes.
They also clapped for her.
“There are only two shortcomings to this plan. The first is that we must bow down to The Cardinal Hall. We will be living with them, after all, so we have to recognize them as the owner and the host. “Only then will The Cardinal Hall allow us to stay.
“The second shortcoming is that we might have to stay there for quite some time.
“We can’t leave the place until Eustace has left permanently. Naturally, that won’t apply if we grow and become strong enough to defeat Eustace and the ancient Garrison clan on our own,” said Forlevia with a straight face on as she looked at her father.
Zoey and the others were quick to chime in. “That’s true, but it’s not that bad to hide in The Cardinal Hall. Take your time and slowly build your strength up. Just regard this as your solitary training.”
“That’s true. After training in solitary for a few years, you will emerge as a great fighter and can go after the ancient Garrison clan then.”
“Exactly! We believe in you, Master. In five years, you will surely grow to be strong enough to fight against the ancient Garrison clan.”
Everyone was encouraging Levi to do so.
Queenie was one of the people who were truly eager to have Levi go over.
Her true intention was for Levi to stay in The Cardinal Hall for a few years.
That will keep him and Zoey apart, and only then will I have a shot at being with him.
However, there was no way the guy would hide there.
What the heck? Getting me to head over to The Cardinal Hall? Puh-lease, I’d end up being the one protecting their sorry a*sses.
Many thought that Levi would surely agree to do so.
They assumed that Levi had feelings for Queenie, and living in The Cardinal Hall would give him a better shot at being with her.
Plus, Divine Brigadier has always had a soft spot for Levi, so he won’t be treated badly. It’s likely he’ll agree to head over.
To their surprise, Levi shook his head and stroked Forlevia’s head. He replied, “I’m not going anywhere. I’m not scared, so why bother hiding away? I’m not the only one staying put, though. You don’t have to hide either, Evie. Live here and live freely. With me here, no one on this Earth would have the guts to hurt you!”
Queenie trembled after she heard Levi’s bold claims.
She saw Levi as an extremely cool and powerful guy.
Everyone else thought that his words were childish and stupid.
Levi? Protecting Evie? Puh-lease! You can’t even make it into the Divine Leaderboard while your enemy, Eustace, got every organization to recalibrate the Divine Leaderboard as soon as he showed up.
You are absolutely nothing compared to the guy!
“You know, Levi, I just learned something. Turns out, you are a stubborn idiot!
“You’re not scared of anything, but do you have what it takes to solve the matter? And how can you let Evie suffer with you? No, not on my watch!
“Evie must go to The Cardinal Hall even if you won’t. I will not let anything happen to her.
“Who knows what will happen if the ancient Garrison clan gets to her? I can’t let her fall.
“Evie, you will go to The Cardinal Hall today. Just ignore your dad. Apparently, he’s really strong,” scoffed Zoey.
Forlevia was exasperated.
She had no choice but to travel to The Cardinal Hall on her own.
Still, she wouldn’t abandon her father.
Once I get there, I will ask my master and Divine Brigadier to come to rescue him.
“The ancient Garrison clan will be here in three days, Levi. I just hope that you’d man up when the time comes and face them instead of running away. If you do, the rest of us would be troubled,” growled Zoey angrily.
She worried that Levi wouldn’t stay true to his words and would turn around and run when the time came.
He better not abandon everyone and make us suffer in his place.
“Don’t worry, I won’t run. I will deal with the matter,” murmured Levi.
He went to Queenie after everyone had left.
“Please help me look into the matter and figure out where the Eustace is right now. I can’t wait to meet him, and I don’t think I can sit around doing nothing for three days. Let’s go to them right away! I want to test my sword out on them,” said Levi eagerly.
That got Queenie confused and curious.
Why is he so eager and excited? He can’t even wait for a while?


Chapter 2465 He Was Locked In The Prison Of Darkness Too

“Hurry! My God Crusher is hungry for blood,” urged Levi.

He finally found an opponent to test his sword out on, so he truly couldn’t wait.
Please let the guy be stronger. Heck, the stronger he is, the better. Hopefully, he is the kind of guy that can go on a rampage in The Cardinal Hall or maybe even someone who can frighten the Gods in Restricted Area 76. Ah. Please let him be a threat to me too! Only then will this fight be fun and meaningful.
Queenie didn’t quite understand why Levi was that excited and eager, but she tapped into her network and searched for Eustace Garrison.
It didn’t take long before Queenie found Eustace.
“He’s not in Oakland City. Instead, he’s in Chillshire.”
“Okay, then let’s hurry to Chillshire. I can’t wait any longer.”
Levi and Queenie went to Chillshire immediately after.
The place was already in a wreck by the time they reached there.
Fear filled the place ever since God of Massacre showed up.
The guy made a bee’s line to the Ancient Clan in Chillshire and massacred everyone there as soon as he showed up.
The reason behind that attack was that the clan had fallen for Donald’s taunts once and spoke ill of the ancient Garrison clan.
Both clans were a part of the Ancient Clan, but their difference in strength was still great.
The clan in Chillshire specialized in creating weapons, drugs, and different types of machinery.
Fighting wasn’t their forte, so Eustace was able to wipe them out easily.
That got the entire Chillshire to tremble in fear.
Everyone worried that they’d accidentally piss Eustace off.
His thirst for blood is out of this world, and no one can stop him once he goes on a rampage.
Eustace was actually locked up within the ancient Garrison clan.
The others worried that they wouldn’t be able to control him after he went on a rampage. Eustace was unstoppable in that state, so they locked him up in the Prison of Darkness.
That was right.
It was the same kind of prison that the previous Dark Emperor used to lock Levi up.
The only difference was that the ancient Garrison clan could open the Prison of Darkness from the other end.
That was why they had been able to control Eustace.
Regardless of how powerful Eustace was, it was still impossible for him to open the Prison of Darkness from the inside.
A certain someone had designed and built that Prison of Darkness, so it was not possible to open it from within.
No one knew why, but the ancient Garrison clan actually sent him out again.
Perhaps the change around the world was too drastic, and that caught the ancient Garrison clan’s eyes.
Maybe that was why they sent the guy over.
Life faltered wherever Eustace went.
Everyone hid away as best as they could.
That was why the lively street of Chillshire seemed vacant and abandoned.
Everyone worried that they’d bump into Eustace.
The guy doesn’t need a reason to kill and does things based on his mood.
The number of people who had died by his hands was uncountable.
Eustace declared, “The ancient Garrison clan has occupied Chillshire, and we are your masters now. Anyone who has any complaints can protest now.”
Everyone was angry to hear Eustace’s declaration, but no one dared to act on it.
No one had the guts to get under his skin.
Donald, Tyrone, and the others were in Oakland City and were delighted to hear about what had happened in Chillshire.
They began celebrating.
Eustace’s mission was to occupy every piece of land available.
He was to challenge every fighter in Erudia and inspire fear in everybody.
They wanted the entire nation to be terrified of the Garrison clan.
We will soon occupy the entire Erudia and become the true leaders of the nation!
What we had in the past will be nothing compared to what we will have.
“Just you wait, Levi. Your demise will come soon after.”
Everyone was looking forward to the day they pass judgment on Levi.
On the other side.
Eustace left Chillshire and started making his way to Southford.
The Toxin Clan, which specialized in creating poisons, was there, and Eustace wanted to try challenging them.
However, two youngsters, a man and a woman, barred his path as he was making his way over.
Eustace was a little curious.
Most would take a detour and avoid me as much as possible when they see me.
Yet, these two are taking the initiative to approach me.
It’s almost as if they are here for me.
Eustace was about to voice up when the man standing opposite to him suddenly did the strangest thing…


Chapter 2466 I Will Test My Sword On You

Naturally, the two youngsters in question were Levi and Queenie.

They had been searching for hours, but they eventually figured out which route Eustace was taking and found him.
At that moment, Levi had a huge photo with him and was placing the photo right beside Eustace’s face to compare the two carefully.
That got Eustace utterly speechless.
“Yep, that’s a match, alright. There’s no mistaking it. You’re Eustace Garrison.”
Levi tore the photo apart after he confirmed that the man standing in front of him was the one he had been looking for.
Eustace was taken aback.
No one had ever dared to behave like that in front of me before. Not even the members of the ancient Garrison clan have the guts to do so.
Heck, even the genius, Donald, is cautious around me and keeps his distance.
That guy doesn’t even have the guts to get too close to me when he speaks.
This young man standing in front of me is different.
“Are you here for me?” asked Eustace to test the waters.
“Yeah, I’m here for you. Dang, I had to spend so much effort to track you down,” complained Levi.
“Why were you looking for me? Did Donald send you?”
Eustace assumed that there was some important news to report to him.
Levi sneered and replied, “What the f*ck does Donald have to do with this? I am the one looking for you.
“I recently made a sword and have been looking for someone to test it out. Rumor has it that you are pretty strong, so I came to test my sword out on you!”
Pfft! Ahem! Ahem!
Hearing how Levi responded in such a relaxed tone surprised Eustace.
He ended up coughing nonstop, and it got to the point where he was tearing up a little.
It was hard to imagine it, but an elite fighter like that was actually so surprised that he was coughing endlessly.
It was too surprising.
Seriously? This is too strange.
Eustace would never have imagined that he would live to see the day when someone regarded him as a tool.
This punk is actually planning to use me as a tool to test his sword out?
This is unbelievable. Sh*t like this has never happened to me before. Heck, I never even heard someone saying something similar before.
How is my incredible strength the reason to test a sword out? What the f*ck kind of sword is that?
If anyone else were there, they would be so shocked that their jaws would drop.
They would say something like…
“What the hell? He’s taunting God of Massacre and saying he wants to use the guy to test his sword out? Is that dude sleepwalking or something? Why else would he do something like this?”
Eustace was trembling uncontrollably. He wanted to let his rage loose, but he couldn’t get angry.
If anything, he wanted to laugh aloud.
For as long as he could remember, everyone had seen him as a killing machine and feared him.
The Garrison family even locked me up in the Prison of Darkness.
Getting out of the place only served to make me more bloodthirsty and reckless.
No one could do anything about me.
Yet, out of nowhere, a punk showed up to taunt me.
“Who are you? A member of The Cardinal Hall? Are you a part of Eragon?”
Eustace had analyzed the situation and concluded that Levi had to be someone of a powerful background.
He scanned around and noticed that Queenie’s style was that of The Cardinal Hall.
She might even be connected to Divine Brigadier.
Unfortunately, Eustace couldn’t figure Levi out.
That was why he hypothesized that Levi had to either be a part of The Cardinal Hall or Eragon.
Levi shook his head and replied, “Neither. Dude, I am just here to test my sword out on you, so why are you asking so many questions? It’s not like I’m asking for a loan.
“Don’t worry, though. I will not go overboard. I’m just going to test my sword out, and I promise I won’t kill or wound you. That is something I can be certain of. My friend can even stand and be a witness to all of this,” said Levi with a straight face on.
Queenie nodded from the side and declared, “Yep, I can guarantee that he will not hurt or wound you.”
“Bwa hahahaha.”
Eustace was ever so delighted.
He had never encountered something quite like that before.
Hahaha, someone is actually promising not to kill me… This has got to be something new.
I used to be the one that makes that promise to others.
Naturally, Eustace only made that promise after his opponent had already fallen.
The way this punk speaks suggests that he sees me as his prey.
So I am a toy and a tool for him, huh? That’s the only reason he’d need to make a promise like this.
It’s a taunt. It’s definitely the most infuriating taunt I have ever heard.
Anything Levi said at that moment would be regarded as the sharpest tool designed to be the perfect taunt for Eustace.
“Alright, punk. Congratulations. You have become the person I want to kill the most!”


Chapter 2467 The God Crusher Emerged

Eustace was infuriated.

No one could save Levi now that Eustace’s bloodlust had been triggered.
Even the greatest heroes won’t be able to rescue him!
“What’s the point of talking sh*t? Hurry up. My sword is craving blood.”
Levi could barely wait any longer.
What he didn’t know was that his words only served to taunt Eustace even more.
“Gah! I am so going to kill you.”
Eustace was so angry that his aura flushed out of him.
It felt as if the mightiest weapon of a deity was about to strike the darkest of nights…
It was scary!
Actually, it would be more accurate to say that it was downright terrifying.
Queenie sensed the horrifying pressure that threatened to overwhelm the entire world, and she couldn’t help trembling.
It’s almost as powerful as the aura my father exuded after he took the holy pills.
That means that Eustace is slightly stronger than Father…
Or maybe a little more than just slightly…
The holy pills were ridiculously powerful, so that means that Eustace definitely has what it takes to defeat Father!
Levi sensed it as well.
Eustace is definitely stronger than Divine Brigadier He might even be on the same level as the Gods in Restricted Area 76.
Levi could also feel the energy within the guy swirling about and getting all excited.
His emotions and bloodlust can give him a boost and make him even stronger. Oh, he is perfect for testing my sword out on!
“Go to hell!”
Eustace threw a punch over right away.
It was as though a mountain had toppled over, and the strength threatened to turn Levi into pulp.
That terrifying strength and aura stunned Queenie in place and made it impossible for her to move.
If she were the one going against Eustace, she would surely die.
She might not even get the chance to fight back.
It was at that moment that everyone learned just how powerful Eustace was.
No wonder his emergence got the Divine Leaderboard all messed up.
“Ah, this is perfect!”
Levi, however, was getting excited.
Eustace threw a direct punch, but he was stopped by an invisible force just before he could reach Levi.
He couldn’t push any further in and was stopped short.
He blocked my attack without moving a muscle or having any armor.
There’s nothing there, so how is he blocking my attack?
Eustace was still trying to make sense of everything when something showed up in front of him. It swirled around like water and slowly revealed itself.
A long sword eventually presented itself.
The God Crusher had emerged.
This sword is the item that had stopped my attack!
All the energy and power I put into that punch instantly disappeared like a sandcastle melting into the ocean.
God Crusher suddenly retaliated. The terrifying force within pushed Eustace backward.
Vroom! Vroom!
God Crusher started humming and was practically screaming.
Levi was just as excited.
Finally, I found someone who can handle this sword!
“Come on, then!”
Levi swung his sword over.
He didn’t infuse it with his own power, nor did he use any technique.
It was all on God Crusher to deal the damage.
“You assh*le!”
Eustace stopped looking down on Levi and had his guard up.
The second the sword showed up, Eustace knew that it was something extraordinary.
That sword is something else.
Eustace’s energy elevated, and his aura was as powerful as a dragon’s. It threatened to tear the sky apart.
What followed was a series of parries.
Eustace was undeniably strong and allowed Levi to test out all the sword’s attributes.
That included the energy surging through God Crusher.
Levi was only testing his sword out and had no intention of killing Eustace, so the two of them remained unharmed.
However, the fact that Levi was safe, got Eustace to panic.
I am fighting against a youngster from a place like this. Yet, I am unable to defeat him even though the battle has lasted for so long.
If things keep going this way, I will be mocked endlessly.
“That won’t do! You want to test your sword out, huh? Well, I will destroy it, and defeat you!”
Eustace’s mind could no longer think about anything else.
All he knew was that he wanted to destroy Levi.
He suddenly took something out of his possession.
A crimson red blade showed itself.
“This is Death Sword and has been purified with fresh blood from countless victims. It is the most terrifying weapon in existence. Even Divine Brigadier’s Skyward Sword is not a match against it. Today, I shall use this sword to destroy your weapon! Now, tell me your weapon’s name.”


Chapter 2468 Eustace Cries

When Eustace took his sword out, his aura increased by over ten folds.

His combat prowess also rose exponentially.
That was right.
That version of him was the Eustace Garrison that even the Ancient clan had to be wary of.
He was in his scariest state at moments like those, and no one could stop him.
When the ancient Garrison clan first locked him up, they conned him and separated him from his sword. Only then were they manage to lock him up.
If they hadn’t done all that, they would not be able to lock him in the Prison of Darkness.
When Death Sword revealed itself, Queenie felt light-headed. Her mind might’ve also shut down for a second there.
Through that sword, she saw countless lives fading away. A mountain of corpses and an ocean of blood stood there as the agonized screams of the angry spirits filled her ears.
She felt as if her soul was being dragged into the sword.
It makes sense that Skyward Sword failed to fight against something as terrifying as this.
Levi chuckled when he saw Eustace with Death Sword. The former challenged, “Are you sure you’re worthy of learning my sword’s name?”
This sword is named the God Crusher because I created it to fight against Lab of Gods. Hence, Eustace actually is not worthy of learning its name.
Levi couldn’t deny that he was rather interested in Death Sword, though.
It is much stronger than Skyward Sword.
That gives me another avenue to test my sword out. That is amazing. Awh, Eustace is such a nice guy. He is going all out for me to test my sword. What a great guy!
Eustace was so agitated that he had reached his most terrifying state.
He had Death Sword with him and was ready to kill Levi.
“Come on, then.”
Levi gripped God Crusher and swung the sword over.
The two divine tools crashed into each other and an ear-piercing noise echoed.
If Queenie hadn’t been shielding herself and fighting hard against the shock waves, she would be vomiting blood at that moment.
The surrounding mountains had toppled, and the forest turned into wooden pulps.
It didn’t take long before a crisp voice came to everyone.
A weapon had been broken in half.
Disbelief donned Eustace’s face. The Death Sword he had with him actually broke into two halves!
It’s not strong enough?
In the very next second, God Crusher broke through Death Sword and slid past Eustace’s figure.
Crimson blood spilled immediately.
God Crusher absorbed every single drop of it.
It trembled in excitement. The sword was actually singing in delight!
That was the first time God Crusher tasted blood.
In a way, it finally took its first step.
The sword-testing session was a success.
Fortunately, Levi had held back.
If he hadn’t, Eustace would surely have died.
Despite all that, the incredible power within God Crusher still overwhelmed Eustace’s body and forced the guy to go on his knees.
His knees dug deep into the soil.
He was kneeling in front of Levi.
“Hmm… the sword-testing session is a success. Not bad.”
My opponent isn’t as perfect as I thought, but it was a still a success.
It’s especially nice that Death Sword was there to make up for Eustace’s shortcoming.
If Death Sword wasn’t there, Levi would have to go to The Cardinal Hall to gather a bunch of experts just to test his sword out.
Ugh, even the thought of it is troublesome.
On top of that, the effects won’t be as good despite the trouble I have to go through.
Testing the sword on Eustace is, in a way, pretty amazing.
Even God Crusher is shaking endlessly. It’s obviously excited and thought that the session was a success as well.
“I did as I promised. I didn’t kill you or wound you, but you do have a small injury there. Give him some medicine.”
Levi turned to Queenie and shouted at her when he said that last sentence.
As requested, Queenie got a bottle of medicine out of her possession and tossed it to Eustace, who was kneeling on the ground.
Levi and Queenie left the place after that.
Eustace, who was kneeling deep in the ground, was on the verge of crying.
His face was so pale that he looked like a ghost. His gaze was blank and unfocused after he was defeated.
It looked like his soul wasn’t there anymore, and he behaved like a zombie.
That was the worst state a human being could be in.
He could no longer recognize the world, and his confidence had faded.
His heart practically died.
There was nothing worse than that.
“Ah! I was actually defeated. Gah!”
Eustace’s blood pressure rose and prompted him to vomit blood.
“I… Sob!”
Eustace cried.
Eustace Garrison actually cried!


Chapter 2469 Like A Baby

Yep, that was right.

Levi had overwhelmed Eustace so much that the latter had cried.
The great God of Massacre had freaking cried.
It was beyond imagination.
No one would believe the story if it was ever shared, but he truly was crying.
In fact, he looked like a kid who was crying over a lollipop that was taken away from him.
He had just occupied Chillshire, and if their citizens had been there, they would’ve dropped their jaws.
Him? Crying? How is that even possible?
Humiliation, anger, emptiness, loneliness, and utter helplessness.
Those words best describe what Eustace was feeling at that moment.
He had never felt that helpless, or that humiliated, before.
His opponent messed with him like he was a toy, and there was nothing he could do about it.
I was defeated… I was actually defeated. And by a youngster!
Everything that Eustace held dear and was immensely proud of… they were nothing to that guy.
Neither my strength nor my weapon meant anything to him.
The difference in our strengths is simply too great!
Eustace felt more helpless than ever.
His enemy stood right in front of him, and he went all out to kill the guy. Yet, he couldn’t even get close enough to hurt him.
The worst bit was that Eustace knew that he could never be as strong as Levi was.
He didn’t even break a sweat when he defeated me earlier.
Just how hopeless could one feel?
Eustace shifted his gaze to the medicine on the ground and recalled what happened earlier. He saw and heard everything play out once more in his mind.
That got him even more helpless, and he cried even louder.
“Dude, why are you crying? It’s just a scratch, right? Just go to the hospital and have them bandage you up.”
“What kind of a man are you? It’s just a cut, and you’re already crying like there’s no tomorrow.”
“Oh dear, even my kid isn’t as weak. I can’t believe you cried so loudly.”
The passers-by couldn’t help dissing when they saw Eustace kneeling there and crying.
Their words reached Eustace’s ears.
That prompted him to cry even louder.
“You are so useless. Why are you crying over something so small?”
“Oh my gosh, this is so crazy. Dude, I met God of Massacre, Eustace Garrison, and I didn’t cry as much.”
“Exactly! How are you crying over something like this? Man up already.”
More and more spectators gathered to insult and diss Eustace.
When Eustace finally dried his tears, he stood up.
Given his state at the time, there was no way he could travel to Southford anymore.
He picked up his broken sword and slipped away with his head down.
He went back to Oakland City.
The entire city was partying that night.
The Garrison clan had bought all the fireworks in the city and was lighting all of them up.
That got colorful lights to fill the night sky.
It was more lively than one could imagine.
Yet, Eustace wasn’t happy to see all that.
Instead, his eyes reddened with tears as the humiliating memory haunted him once more.
“Huh? What brought you back?”
“Hey Eustace, you’re back?”
When members of the Garrison clan saw that Eustace had returned, they gathered around right away.
They stayed about one meter away from him, though.
Only the elders from the ancient Garrison clan, where Eustace was from, dared to stand closer to him.
The guy who called Eustace by his name was Donald’s master, Humphrey Garrison.
Donald, Tyrone, and the others gathered around.
Everyone stared fearfully at God of Massacre.
They might be from the same clan, but they were still scared of him.
It felt like they were no different from strangers to him.
However, they still sensed that there was something wrong with Eustace.
The immense bloodlust and cruelty that used to ooze out of the guy had completely faded.
It felt as if he was approachable.
They could also sense that he was licking his wound as though he had just endured something utterly humiliating.
H-How is this possible? The God of Massacre was humiliated? No way!
Humphrey saw that something was off with the guy, so he asked, “What’s wrong, Eustace? I thought you were heading to Southford to occupy the Toxin Clan after you crushed Chillshire. What brought you back?”
“Yeah, you look a little upset. Did… uhm… Did something happen?”
Everyone asked cautiously.
They were terrified of accidentally pissing God of Massacre off.
Everyone stared cautiously at him.
Something is off. He is acting out of the norm.


Chapter 2470 How Death Sword Breaks Apart

Eustace suddenly tilted his gaze up. An evil glare flushed out and scared everyone senseless.

“Nothing f*cking happened! Also, none of you have the authority to butt in on my matter.”
Eustace’s words got everyone to tremble in fear. They shut up right away.
“The Garrison clan will keep a low profile for now. Stop trying to expand or occupy lands. I’m tired and will be taking a break.”
Eustace left after saying his piece.
At first, he thought that he’d crush everything in his path as soon as he was released.
Who would’ve thought that it’d only take a few days for a fighter to show up and force him to his knees?
Looks like things out here aren’t as simple as they seem.
Everyone was stunned.
That was not Eustace’s style at all!
Does he really want to keep a low profile? That is unimaginable!
Still, Eustace had already issued his orders, so everyone had to obey.
“Master, the day after tomorrow is the day we said we’d go after Levi and Forlevia Garrison. Will Mr. Eustace…”
Donald trailed off.
“It’s fine. I’ll remind him later.”
Humphrey nodded.
“By the way, there’s one other thing. Maybe you can…”
Donald hesitated to finish his sentence.
“Don’t worry. Just leave it all to me.”
Eustace went to the courtyard to rest up, but all he could think about was Levi.
Who is he? How is he so strong? And where did he get his weapon from? How is it so powerful?
Just then, a series of footsteps came.
It was Humphrey.
He was the only one in the huge crowd who dared to go to Eustace.
They were very close, so that was understandable.
“Why are you here?”
Eustace was in a bad mood, so his tone was hostile.
Humphrey didn’t beat around the bush. He said, “I’m here to talk to you about two matters. The first is about dealing with Levi and taking Forlevia away. It’s scheduled to take place on the day after tomorrow.”
Eustace nodded and replied, “Yeah, I know. I will go in person. I want to see just how arrogant Levi Garrison is and how gifted that kid actually is.
“What’s the other matter?”
“My disciple and the other younger members of the Garrison clan want to check Death Sword out. Will you show it to them and satisfy their curiosity?” asked Humphrey.
“Huh? The Death Sword? Pfft!”
Hearing about the sword got Eustace to fall right onto the ground.
The memory he never wanted to think of played out in his mind once more.
It was the worst possible time to mention the sword.
Humphrey touched the most sensitive nerve and stabbed Eustace’s heart.
“Huh? What’s wrong, Eustace? Mentioning Death Sword seems to have agitated you. Did something happen?”
Humphrey noticed that something was off.
Eustace shook his head and replied, “It’s fine. I just thought that these kids are rather gutsy. They actually want to check my sword out, huh?”
“They are simply curious about what the legendary Death Sword looks like. Why not just show it to them? I’ve already promised them I’d show them, so it’s bad to back down now,” requested Humphrey.
Eustace had no choice but to agree to it.
Everyone will just get more suspicious if I don’t agree to do so.
It didn’t take long before Humphrey gathered Donald, Tyrone, and the others over. They stood there in Eustace’s courtyard.
Everyone was pushing one another. Their eyes shone with anticipation as they stared at Eustace.
“Be careful now. Eustace’s sword has killed thousands, and their angry souls reside in there now. Getting too close could mean losing yourself and being possessed by Death Sword,” warned Humphrey.
The crowd took a few steps back.
“Okay, I will show you Death Sword now.”
Slowly but surely, Eustace unsheathed Death Sword.
A terrifying aura engulfed the entire place right away.
“Huh? What happened? Why is Death Sword broken? When did it break in half?” blurted Humphrey curiously.



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Chapter 2471 Levi Garrison Is Unlucky

Everyone else, including Donald and the others, had never seen Death Sword before, but Humphrey had, so he could tell that something was off.

Why is Eustace’s Death Sword broken in half? What the hell has happened? Did he get into some trouble? How did it get to the point where Death Sword is broken?
Everyone sensed that something was off with Eustace when he first returned.
Moreover, Death Sword was broken, and it was easy to deduce that something had happened.
“Huh? Why is the sword broken? Are you hiding something from us?”
Everyone was curious.
At that moment, Eustace truly wanted to confess and tell everyone how someone had easily defeated him.
But I represent the ancient Garrison clan, and my mission is to conquer Erudia. If I tell them the truth, it will deal a heavy blow to the entire clan.
They will surely become uninspired and scared.
Things might get so bad that it will affect the clan’s enthusiasm.
It would also be freaking embarrassing…
The lion that once dominated the entire jungle had fallen so far that it became a helpless, crying kitten.
Eustace’s pride couldn’t handle it.
He didn’t want his family or the younger members to be disappointed in him.
“Okay, I will now explain why Death Sword is broken and why I suddenly came back,” said Eustace. “I broke the sword on my own. The bloodlust within me has been too dark lately, and the weight of my sins is too heavy. If I continue down this road, I will probably lose control and turn into a merciless killing machine.
“To discourage me from continuing to kill, I broke Death Sword in half and returned. I will remain idle for a while to regain my footing,” lied Eustace smoothly.
Interestingly, everyone bought that lie.
It was understandable since they didn’t know anyone who was a match against Eustace.
They certainly couldn’t think of anyone who could break Death Sword in two.
That is virtually impossible to accomplish!
That was why everyone bought Eustace’s lies.
“Then will you forgo the trip to deal with Levi on the day after tomorrow?” asked Donald nervously.
He wanted to show off in front of Levi and The Cardinal Hall, and his plan would fail if Eustace refused to go.
Tyrone and the others were worried as well.
Please don’t throw a wrench in our plan…
Eustace shook his head and replied, “I will not forgo the trip. Levi must be punished, and his kid must be taken away. As for The Cardinal Hall…”
Eustace’s expression shifted at the mere mention of The Cardinal Hall.
He didn’t recognize Levi, but… The person he was with is from The Cardinal Hall!
“Let’s not bother The Cardinal Hall for now. I’ll take some time off after I deal with Levi.”
Eustace would need to be left alone for a few days to lick his wounds.
The battle against Levi, the one where Levi tested his sword out, had hurt Eustace badly.
“That is amazing!”
Donald and the others were excited to receive an affirmative response.
They examined and admired Death Sword after that.
“Oh, this is scarily powerful. It’s no wonder that it is deemed the weapon more powerful than Skyward Sword and Terra Blade.”
“Death Sword doesn’t need to be in perfect shape. Even half of it can get everyone on Earth to bow down.”
“Oh f*ck! I heard the screams of the countless trapped angry souls. Shoot, my soul was almost stolen.”
“This is so scary. F*ck, this is the most powerful weapon I have ever seen.”
Everyone started praising how powerful Death Sword was, but Eustace shied away.
He didn’t want to hear those praises and nice descriptions.
Death Sword has been defeated. Heck, it was utterly crushed.
“Alright, stop staring already. Leave!”
Eustace simply couldn’t stand the way everyone was praising it endlessly.
If things keep progressing this way, I will be tempted to slap them.
That was why he was quick to chase everyone away.
After that, he put away the shameful Death Sword.
“Mr. Eustace, please remember that we will be punishing Levi on the day after tomorrow,” reminded Donald once more before he left.
“Levi… you only have your terrible luck to blame,” muttered Eustace.
He wanted to vent out all of his frustration on Levi.


Chapter 2472 Sanction

After seeing Death Sword, the crowd gasped.

Tyrone and Donald were exceptionally impressed.
They now believed in their power even more.
“Huh, Kuroki Takiya died too quickly. When he defeated me back then, I had to hold myself back and rush to the ancient clans to seek help. If he were alive, there’s no way his body could have been able to hold up against Death Sword. That’s simply impossible,” Donald said with a sigh.
Donald’s search for help was partially the reason for the arrival of God of Massacre, Eustace.
“Of course. If he encounters Death Sword again, he’ll still be doomed.”
Tyrone and the others nodded.
“If only I had Death Sword at that time. There’s no way Kuroki would have won against me at that time then!”
Donald yearned for Death Sword.
He truly wanted it.
Curious, Tyrone asked, “Sir, why didn’t you pick God of Massacre to be your master instead? Although Humphrey Garrison is strong, he’s not on the same level as God of Massacre.”
“That’s because Mr. Eustace’s murderous intents are too strong. All the techniques he knows are for the sake of killing. My family is afraid that I’d become a monster, so they refused to let me learn from him. Still, I wished he could be my master. If he’s my master, I’ll then have the chance to defeat The Cardinal Hall General. I’ve been hearing others talk about how The Cardinal Hall General has been training in the Iron Golem Technique recently. If I get my hands on Death Sword and become a student of God of Massacre, then I’d be able to defeat The Cardinal Hall General. Otherwise, the gap between our skills will only grow wider and wider,” Donald told him what was on his mind.
He had always thought of The Cardinal Hall General as his opponent.
“Perhaps, I can become a student of Dark Emperor instead. Even though the others talk about how Dark Emperor has lost against The Cardinal Hall General, I’ve heard a different version where Dark Emperor has won,” Donald continued.
Tyrone then reassured him, “No rush, Sir. Let’s mull over it again after sanctioning Levi.”
Levi had not actually returned to North Hampton.
One of his informants had told him about a monastery hidden deep in the North’s snowy mountains.
In that monastery was an unbreakable bell.
When he took the trip there to break it, he then heard rumors about impenetrable armors.
Levi then tested them out one by one.
Soon, two days went by.
In a blink of an eye, it was time for the Garrison clan to carry out his sanction.
A large troop was gathered outside the Garrison clan house of Oakland City.
Eustace was in a good mood, for he had rested for two days.
Soon, he was heading to North Hampton with a large troop.
The entire Erudia was taken aback by the news.
They were shaking in their boots.
Levi, who was associated with The Cardinal Hall, was finally making a move.
God of Massacre was on his way.
Who could possibly not be afraid?
Meanwhile, at North Hampton’s residence.
After sending Forlevia to The Cardinal Hall, Zoey and the others came back.
They were not surprised to find Levi not around when they arrived.
Then, in the next second, they received news of the Garrison clan’s troop reaching soon.
Zoey and the others were livid.
“See what I mean? Levi has run off! He made himself sound so impressive back then, and he even left Evie behind, saying that no one would dare to lay a finger on her. But look what happened? He’s gone without a trace now!”
The crowd was all sneering at him.
“It seems like he has left with Queenie after we left. I don’t know where he has gone to. If he doesn’t come back now, then he won’t come back ever again.”
“The Garrison clan and God of Massacre are about to reach here, but the main character of this whole affair is missing! He’s making us take the blame for this!”
“Levi is beyond help!”
Both the Lopez and the Black families were furious.
“I’ve got to say that Boss has gone over the line this time! The people are right. They’ve been guessing that he’ll be running away, and indeed, he’s gone!” Azure Dragon and the rest grumbled.
Floyd and some others were equally mad.
“I wish I could cut ties with him now. I don’t want to be his disciple anymore.”
Even the ones closest to Levi no longer believed in him.
“I’ve got news! The Garrison clan is already in North Hampton. They’ll be here soon!”
Upon hearing the news, Zoey paled dramatically.
“Everyone, please leave. I’ll bear the responsibility of my husband’s mess myself.”


Chapter 2473 Together

Zoey did not wish to see anyone hurt because of Levi.

Therefore, she was determined to face it alone.
After all, it was not the first time for her to face a situation like this.
“Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, leave now! Leave this place quickly. The quicker the better! If you dilly-dally any longer, you won’t be able to leave anymore.”
Hearing Zoey’s urgings, both the Lopez and Black family members sped out.
This has nothing to do with me. Why should I stay and wait for the grim reaper to come? Even Levi has fled from his own problem. Why should I stay to tackle this issue? I’m not that stupid.
Upon hearing Zoey’s words, the members of the Lopez and Black families escaped.
Then, Zoey turned to Azure Dragon and the others. “You all should leave too. This has nothing to do with you. If the Garrisons are furious, all of you will be dragged into this mess!”
Azure Dragon and Floyd instantly said, “It’s fine! His problem is our problem! Moreover, how could we let you be in danger all by yourself? We’ll stay here with you.”
“Indeed, we’ll stay in this together. We’ll stay with you through thick and thin!” the others yelled in unison.
Moved, Zoey sobbed quietly.
Levi’s friends and disciples are all good men.
None were retreating out of fear even at a time like this.
Although they knew that what was going to happen next was going to be tough, they still chose to face it with her.
“I know what kind of people you are, and I’m grateful to have you here. However, this is a problem that Levi has created. There’s no reason for you to bear the responsibility for his mistake. Leave now! I won’t let you stay here! Even he has run away, so why are you still staying here? He’s not worth this loyalty from you! Leave now! Leave right away!” Zoey shouted.
“No! Screw him! Zoey, you’re the one we respect. We won’t leave you here by yourself,” Floyd explained.
The others nodded in agreement.
“If you still think of me as a friend and a master, then you must heed my words. Leave! Scram!”
Like a madwoman, Zoey was shrieking at the others, trying to drive them away.
Left without a choice, Azure Dragon, Floyd, and the others turned to leave.
“Are you thinking of running? None of you are going to leave this place today!”
At that very moment, a shout traveled into their ears.
Donald was already standing at the top of the manor.
“I knew you were going to run, so I’ve already set up traps all around North Hampton!” he declared with a maniacal laugh.
At the other door, a group of people was slowly shuffling back into the manor.
They were the members of the Lopez and Black families who had fled earlier.
Zoey was surprised to see them.
Oh no, they didn’t make it.
Then, she spotted Tyrone behind the group, forcing them to enter the manor again.
For a brief second, it felt as if Tyrone alone was as intimidating as a hundred men.
“Sir and I have already reached North Hampton a long time ago. God of Massacre and the others were the ones who had just left Oakland City,” Tyrone explained.
“What now? Do we force our way out?”
Everyone was sharing a look with each other.
“Force your way out? Hahaha!” Donald laughed.
All of a sudden, he leaped down from his spot and half-kneeled on the ground. Then, he cried out, “Welcome, Mr. Eustace!”
Another group of people filed into the manor from the outside.
They were from the Garrison clan.
Eustace, Humphrey, and the other elites were all there.
It was a tense atmosphere.
Zoey and the rest could feel the tension. Their feet were rooted to the ground, and there was a weight on their chest that made them feel suffocated.
Once Eustace swept his eyes across the area, everyone felt the hair on the back of their necks stand as a rush of coldness shot up to the top of their head.
His gaze had frozen their blood as if he had dunked them into an icy lake himself.
Is this God of Massacre?
Zoey gulped, almost audibly.
He looks terrifying.
I should have expected this from the man who is completely unfazed by the Divine Leaderboard.
He’s horrifying!
He’s not someone we can go up against.
Meanwhile, Eustace had been holding himself back for the past two days. He desperately needed to vent his emotions somewhere.
Therefore, the aura he exuded was downright suppressing, and it had enveloped the entire place.
Those who sensed it felt as if they were getting crushed by a gigantic rock. They could almost feel their bones shattering from the pressure.


Chapter 2474 Cowards Who Fear Death

Upon arriving at the scene, Eustace questioned, “Where are Levi and his child? Tell them to come out here right away.”

“The ancient Garrison clan is here for two things today.
Firstly, we’ll be taking Evie, who has the bloodline of the ancient Garrison clan, back to train her. We can’t let her continue to wander the streets anymore. She’s doing nothing but wasting her talents by living a life like this.
Secondly, Levi has killed his brother and locked his own father up. Furthermore, he has sent his own family members to doom. He has been breaking the Garrison clan rules again and again. Even one death sentence is too easy on him in consideration of all the crimes he has committed. That is why we’re here now—to punish him,” Humphrey said to them.
Many of the Garrison clan members were trembling in anticipation; they had been waiting for this day to come for far too long.
As far as they knew, Levi was the one who had pulled them to hell; he was the one who had dragged them off the top of the pyramid.
They had been enduring in silence all this while, and finally, it was time for vengeance.
“Are you prepared to pay for the crime of harboring a criminal?” Donald questioned, his finger jabbed at the cornered bunch.
However, Zoey stared at Eustace and uttered, “First and foremost, my daughter has the right to choose how she wants to live her life. She’s now already in The Cardinal Hall. If you’re that capable, then feel free to march there to look for her!”
“The Cardinal Hall?”
Humphrey and the others choked and paled when they heard the mention of The Cardinal Hall.
Although they were not afraid of The Cardinal Hall, it was an existence that they were wary not to cross paths with it.
They knew it sounded hypocritical to say that they did not fear them, but that was the truth.
They were afraid but not at the same time.
The feelings they had toward The Cardinal Hall were strange, to say the least.
A shudder wracked Eustace’s body, but soon, he bellowed, “So what if she’s with The Cardinal Hall? Once I’m done with this place, I’m going to go to them and get her! I’d like to see who will stand in my way!”
It was an angry outburst that stemmed from his defeat in Levi’s hands.
That was how upset and humiliated he was.
It was an agony worse than death.
In fact, death was something he was not afraid of.
Thus, what else could he possibly be afraid of?
Eustace had decided to give up on everything to relieve himself of the anger that was boiling in his chest.
Screw this!
Even if I die, I’m going to try my luck with The Cardinal Hall.
Eustace was teetering at the edge of madness.
He had given up on all sense of rationality.
His words stunned everyone into silence.
Everyone, at that second, could feel a tension that crushed their souls.
If this alone is making me suffocate, I can’t imagine a head-on confrontation.
It was impossible.
All they could feel was a bone-deep sense of helplessness.
There was simply nothing they could do.
Despite the cold sweat beading on Zoey’s forehead and the way her breathing was laborious, she huffed out, “Secondly, my husband, Levi Garrison, is gone. Therefore, I’ll be the one to take responsibility for his actions!”
“Levi has fled?” Donald asked. “Hahaha! He really fled this place! God, this is the funniest thing I’ve heard so far! He’s just a cowardly ostrich. He’s so scared of dying.”
Upon hearing that Levi had fled, the rest all burst out laughing.
“What a chicken! I can’t believe he actually ran off,” Eustace commented with a sneer.
“Mr. Eustace, who could possibly not be apprehensive at the very mention of your name? In fact, Levi’s not the only one who has run away; even these people were trying to escape. Fortunately, we were able to stop them in time. Otherwise, we would have been greeted by an empty house earlier,” Donald pointed out.
Zoey then snapped, “I’ll always be here. Since my husband isn’t here, I’ll be the one to bear the consequences. I know I’m no match for you, so whether it is to skin me alive or to stab me in the chest, just make it quick.”
Instead of replying to her, Eustace looked at the others and said, “So Levi isn’t here, is he? All of you are related to him, right? Well, then, you’ll all be responsible for his crimes. None of you here will be alive by the end of this day.”
Once those words were out of his mouth, the Lopezes and the Blacks nearly burst into tears.
Henry, Shaun, and the others quickly fell to their knees.
“Oh, God of Massacre, please be merciful! We have nothing to do with Levi at all.”
“We despised him all this time. We wished that he would be dead!”
“That’s right. Levi has to pay the price for his own actions.”
“As long as you let us go, we’ll bring Levi to you right away. Please let us go! We really barely have anything to do with this…”


Chapter 2475 He Thinks Highly Of Himself

At the sight of the selfish Lopezes and Blacks, the others could only heave a heavy sigh.

However, Zoey did not blame them for their behaviors.
After all, they truly had nothing to do with Levi’s mess.
Levi was the one who had created this whole ruckus.
It was pointless for them to die for Levi’s mistakes.
Hence, they were doing the right thing, and Zoey approved of it.
Right then, Tyrone said, “It’s true. The elders are not on good terms with Levi. This matter has nothing to do with them.”
Donald chimed in, “Indeed. They hate Levi as well.”
Hearing that, Eustace said, “All right. As long as they bow thrice to me, I’ll let them off.”
Eustace’s words sent a wave of relief that washed over them.
Instantly, the Lopezes and the Blacks groveled at Eustace’s feet.
Their dignity was worth nothing in the face of an opportunity to survive.
However, what was the use of that?
Eustace was a man of high status in the family. He was someone who even Harry had to speak respectfully toward.
Groveling at his feet was nothing at all.
“All right. Scram now,” Eustace ordered.
The Lopezes and the Blacks hurriedly scurried away to clear the path for him.
Zoey then took in a deep breath. “Could you spare their lives by letting them bow to you as well?”
She did not want Floyd and the others to pointlessly lose their lives.
“No! Zoey, we agreed to stand by you through thick and thin. Why do you need to be scared of them? At most, we’ll charge at them!”
“He’s right. We’re a force to be reckoned too.”
“So what if he’s a beast? I’ll have to pull out his claws and fangs before I go down!”
The others were determined, and there was nothing Zoey could do about it.
“Well, well, well. I like this very much. I’ll grant all of you your death wish then,” Eustace said.
Even Donald was laughing boisterously. “How long can you hide, Levi? Since he has given up on them, let’s kill them first.”
“Come on! Show us how strong the Garrison clan can be.”
Everyone was ready for battle.
They were ready to die in this battle.
In the meantime, at The Cardinal Hall, Forlevia was panicking.
She knew that the Garrison clan was already in North Hampton and that her mother and the others were in grave danger.
Moreover, her father was missing, so her mother had to bear the burden all by herself.
Even if she were to go to where they were, she was no match for Eustace.
Thus, she had gone to The Cardinal Hall’s Divine Brigadier for help.
However, Daxon rejected her without a second thought.
The reason he told her was simple—they were not going to intervene in the matter, nor could they deal with it.
It was only if Eustace marched to The Cardinal Hall, would they do something about it.
The world outside had nothing to do with them.
Furthermore, The Cardinal Hall’s Divine Brigadier even told his people that they were not allowed to lend a helping hand to Zoey and the others.
Even Forlevia’s masters were not allowed to leave The Cardinal Hall.
Hence, Forlevia had failed to get anyone to rescue her mother and the rest.
In fact, The Cardinal Hall had even kept her there by denying her any way of leaving the place.
Forlevia was frantic, but there was nothing she could do.
The tension in the room was like a taut bowstring.
Zoey and the others were ready to lay down their lives and fight Eustace with everything they had.
“Levi, you heartless man! Where have you gone to? How can you leave your wife, your friends, and your disciples behind to face the issue you have created!”
“You’re inhumane! You’re run off to enjoy the rest of your life with some other woman while letting the rest bear the burden of your mistake! You’re nothing but an animal!”
“Levi Garrison! If anything happens to my daughter today, I’m going to lop your head off your shoulders. You’re a cruel man!”
“Levi, if you’re a man, you should bear the responsibility for your own actions!”
Aaron and his wife were heartbroken at the sight of their daughter having to fight for her life, and they had begun cursing at Levi.
Hearing them, Tyrone and Donald laughed.
“You’re the only fools here. Levi’s a smart man. He must have planned his escape route when he heard that the ancient Garrison clan is coming after him.
Tyrone added, “Perhaps he ran off after hearing the power of the elder. He didn’t even dare to try his luck.”
“Honestly, Levi’s too full of himself if he thinks that he can go up against me.”


Chapter 2476 Let Me See Who It Is

Right them, a voice traveled into everybody’s ears.

It had cut through the air like the sound of thunder in the abyss.
It frightened everyone and made some leap into the air.
It truly was a bolt out of the blue.
Among those who were alarmed were Donald and Tyrone, who nearly jumped in shock.
Zoey, Floyd, and Azure Dragon were also startled by the familiar voice.
“He’s back?”
“We were wrong about him!”
Knowing that Levi had returned, Floyd and the rest were overjoyed.
In fact, tears of joy were brimming in their eyes.
Things would be different once Levi was back.
Even if he did not have the capability to deal with the current situation, at the very least, he would be standing by their sides through tough times.
Even if they were to die, at least they would be accompanying each other in the afterlife.
Zoey smiled when she heard the all-too-familiar voice.
He’s here!
He’s here at the very last minute!
Everything will be fine even if we die today.
The Garrisons’ faces were turning ashen.
Just a second ago, they were mocking Levi.
Then, he appeared.
“Huh? Why does this voice sound like it’s coming from at least hundreds of miles away?”
The ones who were most grounded in reality were none other than Eustace and Humphrey.
To their surprise, they realized that the voice had come from a distance of hundreds of miles away.
If their mental calculation was not wrong, Levi was still outside of North Hampton!
This is horrifying!
This is simply too appalling.
Everyone found themselves getting tensed at the revelation.
The colors had drained from their faces.
“Hm? This voice sounds a little familiar,” Eustace mumbled under his breath.
It really sounds like I’ve heard this voice before. Where have I heard this voice?
I can’t remember…
“Levi’s here! It’s Levi!”
“Boss never runs off! He’s here. I won’t let anyone slander him anymore.”
“Hear, hear. Anyone who continues to slander him will face my wrath!”
The people around Zoey were excited.
At the same time, Zoey straightened her back and stared into the Garrisons’ eyes.
She felt little fear at the start, and upon hearing his voice, that tiny bit of fear was gone too.
On the other hand, the Lopezes and the Blacks, like the Garrisons, grimaced.
They had been certain that Levi was not going to come back; no one could have thought that he would be back at the very last second.
However, at the same time, they were inwardly ridiculing Levi’s sanity.
He definitely has a death wish to come back at a time like this.
What a lunatic!
Until that moment, Shaun, Henry, and the others still could not comprehend why Levi, Zoey, and Azure Dragon were so determined to walk straight into hell.
They felt that it was not worth giving up their lives for Levi’s mistake.
“What’s going on?” Eustace could not help but ask when he noticed the abrupt changes on everyone’s faces.
“Levi’s back, which is great news. I was just thinking of looking for him after dealing with these puny creatures,” Donald explained.
“What? He’s back? What a fantastic timing. I’d like to see how this sinner looks like.”
Eustace was curious, and so were Humphrey and some others.
“All right. We won’t do anything to them for now. Let’s wait for Levi to reach first. It seems like he’s got something up his sleeves.”
“He’d better be strong. Otherwise, it’ll be boring.”
The Garrisons had decided to put a pause on their plans and wait for Levi to arrive.
Their mental calculations told them that Levi was currently outside of North Hampton, so it would take him some time to reach.
However, in the next moment, two figures appeared in front of them.
“Holy sh*t, we just took a trip to the far ends of South Pole, and we ended up being late even though we’ve rushed our way here!”
Levi’s voice had reached the ears of the others before he arrived.
In the past three days, Queenie and he had been going all around the world.
They had been everywhere.
That was why they were in such a hurry to return to North Hampton.
“I agree. It’s too tiring to rush back from our trip,” Queenie answered.
This woman’s voice is so familiar too.
However, Eustace was drawing a blank.
He could not think of who that voice belonged to.
Soon, Levi and Queenie walked into the manor.
“I’ve heard from a little bird that someone’s thinking of sanctioning me. I’d like to see who it is,” Levi said in a loud voice.


Chapter 2477 Scaring God Of Massacre

The arrogant way Levi was carrying himself infuriated Zoey, for they thought that he was only bluffing and making his bark sound worse than his bite.

Nevertheless, it was still an impressive move from him as he looked like he was unwilling to go down without a fight.
When Tyrone and Donald saw Levi, anger thrummed in their veins.
The other Garrisons were equally vexed as they balled their hands into fists upon seeing the familiar face.
That was a face they would never forget.
Right then, Humphrey and the others turned toward Levi.
Even Eustace had twisted his neck to take a look at Levi.
Coincidentally, his eyes met Levi’s.
Their eyes locked, and it felt as though time had come to a standstill.
Eustace stiffened and stood still.
The longer he stared at Levi, the more his eyes widened.
He studied Levi’s face for a while.
Then, he turned toward Queenie and studied her face for a while too.
In seconds, his breathing quickened as his chest rose and fell quickly.
Seconds later, he could barely take in any air.
Eustace was about to cry.
The colors were absent from his face; he had gone paler than a sheet.
His body and clothes were completely soaked in cold sweat.
In fact, it was also beading on his forehead.
It’s them!
It’s them!
The living daylights had been scared out of Eustace, and he was about to go mad.
Terror was written all across his face, and he was shaking like a leaf.
Nevertheless, no one was paying attention to him; they were all focused on Levi.
That was why no one had realized how petrified he was.
“You again? Are you back to try out your sword?” Levi asked with a smile.
The moment those words left Levi’s mouth, the chair that Eustace had been sitting on shattered, and he fell to the ground.
The loud noise grabbed the everyone’s attention.
Everyone had snapped their heads in his direction.
What’s going on?
Is the chair of such lousy quality?
I can’t believe it broke a while after he sat on it.
Nevertheless, what confused them all was why a powerful man like God of Massacre could possibly fall to his bottom on the ground.
They simply could not wrap their mind around it.
It was unimaginable to have a scene like this happen in front of their eyes.
They could not figure out how a fighter who could dominate the Divine Leaderboard could crush the chair and fall to the ground.
“I-I-I-I—” Eustace stammered out, his voice trembling.
In the next second, he began shifting backward on his bottom.
His eyes dared not look at Levi and Queenie at all.
“What’s happening?”
Everyone was confounded by Eustace’s demeanor.
Why is he so frightened?
Is he so scared that he has humiliated himself by falling to the ground?
Well, that makes sense.
It’s indeed humiliating for Eustace, God of Massacre, to fall.
It’s unnatural.
Utterly abnormal.
Nonetheless, it doesn’t warrant the kind of response he’s having now.
How can God of Massacre fall on his bottom?
How can he seem so scared out of his wits?
Levi sneered. “You’re so mentally weak. I’m not going to do anything to you, but you’re already shivering.”
Queenie chimed in, “Yeah, this is hilarious. How can someone be that scared?”
“Stop gloating, Levi! This has nothing to do with you at all. Do you really think you can scare him?” Donald retorted.
“That’s right. Levi, you’re a cowardly being to only appearing now,” Tyrone jeered.
To avoid further embarrassment, the Garrisons hurriedly helped Eustace to his feet.
Noticing something amiss, Humphrey leaned toward Eustace’s ears and asked, “Are you all right?”
Eustace did his best to recompose himself before whispering back, “I-I’m fine. Maybe I’ve been affected by the murderous intents in my mind recently…”
“Good to hear that. It seems like you’ve been off recently. Maybe you’ve been training too hard recently,” Humphrey responded.
Eustace continued to have his head hanging to avert his gaze from Levi and Queenie.
He dared not tell anyone that he was only acting that way because he was afraid of Levi.
Once they realize that Eustace was fine, Donald jabbed a finger in Levi’s direction and said, “Mr. Eustace, this is Levi! This is the one we have to sanction!”


Chapter 2478 Slapping The Garrisons

Donald was not the only one excited. Tyrone and the other Garrisons too shouted excitedly, “Levi, it’s time for your life to end! The elders of the ancient Garrison clan will be listing your crimes and giving you your sentence.”

“Sanction Levi!”
“Punish Levi!”
The crowd was eagerly shouting for their clan to carry out the punishment.
When Donald realized that Eustace still had his head lowered, he nudged him.
“Mr. Eustace, look, that’s Levi. He’s the one who killed Damien! He’s—”
Abruptly, Eustace slapped Donald.
It was a slap so strong that it sent Donald flying.
As he soared through the air, he knocked into the trees and destroyed them.
“Ugh! Argh!”
After reaching the ground, Donald’s body trembled as he continued to roll on the ground, unable to come to a stop.
Blood was spurting out from his mouth.
His face was completely gory and bloody.
His tendons were all torn.
He was half dead.
Donald had been rendered half-dead by a slap from God of Massacre.
It was fortunate that Donald himself was mighty too. Otherwise, that mere slap from God of Massacre would have certainly killed him.
Rage nearly consumed Eustace.
How could he not know who Levi was?
That was the man he feared most—the first man to defeat him.
Yet, Donald could not even keep his mouth shut in a situation like this.
That was why Eustace was so furious that he had not held himself back in the slap and had nearly killed Donald.
Everyone was stunned to their cores.
Their minds went blank.
No one had expected Eustace to strike, let alone slap Donald.
What happened?
None could understand what had just transpired, not even the elders like Humphrey.
Eustace slapped Donald?
How is that impossible?
If the Garrisons were confused, then Zoey, Azure Dragon, the Lopezes, and the Blacks were even more so.
Instead of dealing with Levi, Eustace struck Donald?
Not only did he hit him, but it’s a force so strong he nearly killed him!
Just why?
Could it be that God of Massacre has mood swings?
Is he someone tough to figure out?
Just as Humphrey was about to ask him what had happened, Eustace suddenly rose to his feet.
Right as everyone was pondering what he was about to do…
All of a sudden, Eustace walked toward Tyrone and slapped him.
Tyrone flew backward as if a strong gust of wind had blown him away.
That slap was not as strong as the one he had dealt with Donald earlier.
Otherwise, half of Tyrone’s life would have been slapped away.
God of Massacre did not stop.
Once again, he sent Teneb flying with a slap.
Another harsh slap from him sent Kenny flying too.
After that, God of Massacre went on.
He slapped each and every member of the Garrison clan.
Those were the people who were crying out for Levi’s sanction a moment ago.
It seemed like Eustace would not let anyone off.
A hundred…
Three hundred…
Four hundred and eighty six…
Other than Eustace and the other members of the ancient Garrison clan, there were a total of four hundred and eighty six Garrisons who were there.
Sadly, none of them were standing now.
Eustace had slapped every single of them and had sent them all flying.
All of them were half-dead after the slap.
If not for the magical medicine, they would have needed years to recuperate.
In fact, no one would know whether or not they would be able to regain their earlier capabilities.
Donald, Tyrone, and the few others who had been slapped first had suffered the worst.
Their injuries were possibly life-threatening.
Even if they did recover to full health, they might not return to peak state in a short period of time.
At the same time, they would need special herbs to help them recover…
However, what stumped them most was the confusion.
Everyone racked their brains, but none could understand why Eustace had struck them.
Instead of hitting Levi, he had slapped all the Garrisons.
They just could not understand.
Zoey and the others were really stunned…
It seems like God of Massacre has turned into a completely different being after Levi arrived.
Eustace then let his eyes sweep across the crowd. “I’d like to see who dares to say a word about getting Levi sanctioned. Bring it on!”


Chapter 2479 Eustace Is Afraid Of Me

Silence enveloped the place.

No one made a sound.
If a pin were to drop, everyone would have heard it.
After all, who would dare to speak?
Those who had spoken earlier were all in pain and rolling on the ground now, barely breathing…
Thus, there was no way those who were left standing would dare to utter a word.
They could only stare at the people on the ground, flabbergasted.
Their minds were buzzing with white noise.
There was only one question in their heads. Why?
Why would Eustace strike his own people?
He was merciless and quick, and he nearly killed Donald.
Isn’t he here to deal with Levi?
Why did he suddenly seem like a different person and attacked Donald and the others instead?
This is abnormal.
It’s just too abnormal.
No one could understand what was happening.
They just could not.
It was simply incomprehensible.
Subconsciously, they turned in Levi’s direction.
That’s strange.
Levi can’t be the one to get Eustace to hit Donald and the rest.
That’s impossible.
What spell could he have cast on Eustace?
He’s neither powerful nor well-connected.
Could it be that Queenie is behind this?
Eustace had said it himself earlier; The Cardinal Hall was nothing to him.
No way will he react in this way because of Queenie.
None could come up with a conclusion.
Zoey and the others’ brains were becoming mush trying to figure out what was going on.
Even Humphrey and the other elders of the ancient Garrison clan could not wrap their minds around it.
It was true that Eustace had mood swings and often lost control and went on killing sprees. In fact, no one could stop him when he was on a rampage. However, they had been with Eustace every day; hence, they knew that Eustace would never attack his own people.
That was the shred of rationality he had been holding on to all this time.
Moreover, he doted on Donald.
How could he possibly hit him so hard?
It just could not be true.
They knew there was something fishy about it.
However, they could not pinpoint what was it.
“Let’s go. Let’s leave now.”
With that, Eustace left.
The further he went, the faster he walked. In the end, he even started running.
In a blink of an eye, he was gone…
It was as if he was prey, and his predator was coming after him…
Humphrey and the rest were baffled, but they hurriedly followed him.
“Right! We have to take them away too.”
In the end, the near-five-hundred Garrisons were helping each other leave the scene.
In fact, Donald and Tyrone had to be dragged away from the scene.
A long while after the Garrisons were gone, everyone was still in a daze.
What just happened?
Why did things change so drastically?
Weren’t they here to sanction Levi?
Levi’s still standing here. Why have they left empty-handed?
I don’t understand what’s happening at all.
Indeed, no one could.
Azure Dragon’s brows were furrowed as he said his analysis out loud, “I’m guessing that Donald and his company did not realize that they don’t have the right to summon God of Massacre for this. Perhaps their summoning infuriated him.”
The moment those words were out of his mouth, everyone recalled how Donald had indeed instructed Eustace and told him to sanction Levi like a madman.
It was normal for that behavior of his to enrage Eustace.
Therefore, everyone felt that Azure Dragon’s explanation made sense.
Donald and the others had been rude toward God of Massacre, and that was why he had taught them a lesson.
Then, feeling embarrassed by how everything had transpired in front of outsiders, they left.
That was a sound reason.
That must be what happened.
Everybody was still feeling chills running down their spine at the thought of how God of Massacre had struck down his people earlier.
It was far too terrifying.
They could not help but think, If Eustace were to attack us instead, none of us would have made it out alive.
None of us would have been able to defend ourselves.
“Do you think that Eustace will come back?” Kirin asked.
He had voiced what they were all worrying about.
While they had managed to avoid the catastrophe this time, what about the next?
With the way the Garrison clan worked, it was impossible for them to spare Levi so easily.
That was Levi’s voice.
“Why?” they asked, bewildered.
“He’s too terrified to think of coming back, let alone coming back to stir more troubles with me,” Levi continued.
“What? Terrified? What could Eustace possibly be terrified about? He’s not even scared of The Cardinal Hall.”
The more they heard from Levi, the more bamboozled they were.
“He’s terrified of me.”


Chapter 2480 Toying With Me

“It was because he was scared of me. He saw me, and that was why he had attacked the Garrisons instead before running off.”

Everybody was stunned by Levi’s explanation.
The God of Massacre? Afraid of Levi?
How can that be?
That’s impossible.
Everyone had just witnessed how powerful Eustace was.
He had defeated the fighters of the Divine Leaderboard with just one slap.
Even someone from Donald’s class was in that state after a slap.
Levi would only be as powerful as a worm in front of God of Massacre!
Therefore, everyone thought that Levi was joking with them.
In the meantime, Humphrey’s analysis was almost the same as Azure Dragon’s.
They guessed that Donald had infuriated Eustace by ordering him around.
Once the Garrison clan were back in Oakland City, the members of the clan were apprehensive.
They went out to sanction Levi, but why are they back with a whole bunch of casualties?
Right then, Eustace gathered the people and finally spoke.
“There are two things I want to talk about. Firstly, take out all of the clan’s medicine for them. I’ll be treating Donald and Tyrone myself.”
Everyone was astounded the moment they heard his words.
What is Eustace trying to do?
He injured all of them, but now he’s giving his everything to cure them?
What in the world is he doing?
This isn’t his style at all!
Even if he has done something wrong or killed the wrong person, he wouldn’t care much.
There’s no way he would have brought back the injured to save their lives.
It’s not like him at all.
This is so odd. It’s really odd.
Donald and Tyrone, who were both barely clinging to life, could not understand what God of Massacre had done.
It seemed like he had changed into someone else after Levi arrived.
If you’re angry, you should’ve directed your anger at Levi!
Why were you directing your anger at us?
Why are you saving us after your angry outburst?
Do you have nothing better to do?
“Secondly, from now onward, all of you in the Garrison clan will have to sit tight and do nothing. You’re not allowed to stir any trouble with either Levi or Forlevia. If I hear anything about anyone trying to look for trouble with them, I’ll punish them with death!”
Once those words were out in the air, many asked, “Why? Levi is the sinner of the Garrison clan. He should be punished according to the clan rules. Moreover, Forlevia is of the Garrison clan’s bloodline. How can we possibly let outsiders train her?”
Even Humphrey was befuddled.
“How dare you question my decision?”
Upon his bellowing, the others fell silent.
They had clamped their mouths shut right away.
“Listen now. My decision is the ancient Garrison clan’s decision. I don’t want to hear any words of doubt!”
Hence, no one in the Garrison clan dared to voice their questions anymore as they hurried away to treat the casualties instead.
After Eustace returned to his place, he began heaving for breaths.
In fact, he even fell to his bottom as cold sweat soaked his body.
His legs shook, and he could not stand up at all.
I’ve been trying so hard to remain calm just now.
Indeed, he had been holding on with all his might until he had slapped all of the Garrisons and returned to Oakland City.
Once he was away from the rest of the Garrison clan, he could finally let go.
That breath he had been holding finally escaped.
He never thought that Levi was the one who had tested his sword out back then.
Levi’s power was something he could not sound out at all.
Yet, Levi could easily defeat me.
As long as he used a little of his power with the sword, he would have been a corpse by now.
It was scary.
Eustace was glad that his reaction had been quick to have slapped Donald and the others instantly and escaped as quickly as possible.
Eustace did not know what would happen if they were to stay there.
He dared not think of what would happen.
Soon, tears were brimming in his eyes.
I’m crying again.
Is fate trying to mess with me?
How can the enemy I have to face be the man who has defeated me?
The more he thought about it, the more upset he became. Soon, he was crying silently.
He struggled to climb to his feet, but his few attempts were to no avail.
In fact, Eustace was sure that his crotch region was a little damp.
He had nearly pissed his pants out of fear.
Right then, a figure walked toward him from a distance away.
“I knew there was something wrong with you. What’s going on? You have to tell me!”
It was none other than Humphrey.
“Don’t lie to me,” Humphrey added.



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Chapter 2481 The Invincible Garrison Clan

“W-When did you come?” Eustace shakily asked.

He had been so wrapped up in his world of terror that he never noticed Humphrey coming.
Back in the day, that would be impossible.
If Humphrey were his enemy trying to assassinate him, Eustace would have been dead.
Humphrey then sighed. “I’ve already noticed something amiss with you. You were lying when you were explaining how Death Sword broke, right? There was an error in your logic. You know better than anyone else the material of Death Sword. It’s indestructible, and even you can’t break it. So, I’m guessing that someone broke your Death Sword.”
It was a guess that Humphrey felt that was almost impossible, but the keyword was almost.
Therefore, he had voiced out his guess.
To his surprise, Eustace nodded. “Yes. I wasn’t the one who broke Death Sword. I couldn’t have broken it, so someone else did.”
“What? Really?”
Humphrey was horror-stricken.
Someone else really broke it?
“He has a sword that’s hundreds and thousands of times stronger than my Death Sword, and he broke it so easily. However, that’s not the main point. The main point is his power. He had easily defeated me, and I doubt he has used even ten percent of his strength! As it turns out, he went to seek me out to test his sword,” Eustace said, telling Humphrey the tale of how Levi had sought him out to test his sword the other day.
Humphrey was startled.
Eustace was defeated?
He could not think of anyone in the ancient Garrison clan who could defeat Eustace.
Yet, there was someone in the world who could easily defeat him.
“Do you know who the person who defeated me was?” Eustace asked.
“It… It can’t be Levi Garrison, can it?”
For reasons unbeknownst to him, that name had popped up in Humphrey’s mind.
“That’s right! That’s him.”
It was then realization struck Humphrey.
Everything seemed clear to him now.
Now, Eustace’s peculiar series of actions made sense to him.
It was not that he wanted to attack Donald and the others out of malicious intents, but that he was protecting the Garrison clan by doing that.
If not for his protection, the Garrison clan would have been annihilated.
In fact, the ancient Garrison clan might even be dragged in the mess.
It was a smart move, and Humphrey was impressed by how quick Eustace had been to react to it.
“I never thought that the ordinary Garrison clan would have such an outstanding member among them. He’s definitely made to lead even if he’s in the ancient Garrison clan. I can’t think of anyone who can be his match.”
Humphrey inhaled sharply.
Eustace nodded. “It’s only horrifying because we can’t figure out how powerful he is. Even I don’t know where the limits of his power lie. I… I’m a piece of trash. I’ve never been defeated before this, but the first defeat of mine is a horrendous one.”
“You don’t need to feel so upset. Think about it. Levi is of the Garrison clan’s bloodline too. It’s not like you’ve lost to an outsider; you’ve only lost to your descendants,” Humphrey consoled.
At that, Eustace’s eyes lit up. “That’s right! I’m his elder in the clan!”
In seconds, his mood was lifted.
“But if he’s so powerful, then why does no one know about him? Why are fools like Donald still trying to pick a bone with him?”
Humphrey tilted his head to the side and mulled over his words. “Maybe he has some kind of plan that makes him not want to tell anyone else about his true power yet. Well then, we’ll have to keep this a secret for him too. After all, we can’t ruin his plans.”
“Mm, definitely!”
“Since there’s such a mighty person among the junior Garrisons, won’t the Garrison clan be more powerful than The Cardinal Hall’s Eragon if he joins us?”
Eustace nodded fervently. “of course. He’ll have to join the ancient Garrison clan. That way, the Garrison clan will be invincible in the world!”
“We have to inform the ancient Garrison clan about someone like him being in the clan. We’ll have to have a meeting with all members of the clan, and we have to take him back into the clan with the most honorable homecoming.”
Eustace agreed with Humphrey’s suggestion. “We have to invite a man like him back into the clan regardless of the cost.”


Chapter 2482 The Most Honorable Homecoming

After finding out about Levi’s true power, Humphrey was eager to have Levi return to the Garrison clan.

He was not going to invite him back with violence but with the most honorable homecoming.
They were going to offer the best terms to Levi to lure him back.
Soon, Humphrey reported the matter to the elders.
After hearing his words, they were equally shocked to their cores.
Like Eustace, they agreed with Humphrey’s idea to invite Levi back and give him the identity of a Garrison clan member again.
“What about this? The two of you hurry back to the clan to tell the head of the clan about this matter. Ask the high-ranking ones to gather here. At the same time, we’ll head to Levi to discuss this with him. We’ll find out what he would want to agree to this.”
After hearing Humphrey’s arrangement, the two elders hurried back to the ancient Garrison clan.
“I’ll treat them first, or else they might die any time.”
Eustace and Humphrey then treated Donald and Tyrone.
Those two were the two most injured in the incident.
They were a second away from dying, so Eustace and Humphrey were doing their best to treat them.
They took out the best medication they could find.
Soon, the two men were out of danger.
In fact, Donald even woke up.
“Mr. Eustace, I won’t blame you for this. There must be a reason for you to have taught me a lesson. Once I recover, I’ll go and sanction Levi myself. I belatedly realized that I shouldn’t have asked you to sanction Levi. It’s an overkill, and I apologize for not having realized that,” Donald muttered.
He still thought that Eustace had slapped him because he had wasted his time—he had asked him to sanction Levi.
Upon hearing Levi’s name, both Eustace and Humphrey turned pale.
They froze and fell silent.
“Master, Mr. Eustace, what’s the matter? Have I said something wrong?” Donald asked tentatively.
Tyrone, who was beside him and had since woken up, also added, “He’s right. Elders like you shouldn’t need to deal with a nobody like Levi; we can deal with him ourselves.”
Both Eustace and Humphrey stiffened even more.
By then, the colors were completely drained from their faces.
In the next second, the two silently knocked Donald and Tyrone out with a punch together.
“Can’t you shut up and stay unconscious? The two of you are too much of a chatterbox!” both yelled in unison.
After administering treatment to the two, Eustace and Humphrey headed to North Hampton again.
Right then, news from the head of the ancient Garrison clan, as well as the elders, arrived.
They instructed Eustace and Humphrey to head to North Hampton to discuss with Levi first and that they would be there soon.
They even told the two that they had to agree with whatever terms Levi listed as long as they could get him to return to the Garrison clan.
They did not even mind if his terms were to kill Donald and Tyrone.
After all, they did say that they were willing to accept any terms Levi mentioned.
After receiving the head of the clan’s orders, both Eustace and Humphrey felt a surge of confidence rising in them.
When they arrived at North Hampton, they scared the living daylights out of the guards outside.
Meanwhile, Levi and the rest were still in the manor.
“Bad news! Terrible news! Our spies have just given us news that God of Massacre, Eustace Garrison, is back in North Hampton! He’s on his way here.”
The moment those words traveled into everybody’s ears, everyone in the manor fell silent.
Silence had enveloped the area.
While they did entertain the thought of the Garrison clan coming back here, they never thought that that day would be so soon.
In the next second, they turned to Levi. “Didn’t you say that Eustace is afraid of you and won’t dare to come? Why is he back so soon? You’re just lying, aren’t you?”
Zoey even sneered. “Aren’t you feeling embarrassed, Levi? He’s not afraid of you at all. In fact, he’s back! Everyone had been playing along with you for your ego, but do remember that this is all just a show, so don’t get too smug. No one’s going to keep playing along forever!”
Levi was confused too.
Technically, Eustace would not dare to return at all.
Why is he coming back so soon?
Even Queenie was confounded.
Is Eustace really not afraid of Levi?
He’s actually coming back here?
“What do we do?”
“It’s too late to run now. I think they’re here already!”
Zoey sneered again. “Since he’s supposedly afraid of Levi, let’s see if Levi can drive them away by terrorizing them.”


Chapter 2483 Only The Strong And The Weak

Honestly, Levi would like to know why Eustace was back.

If he was back to stir up trouble, Levi was not going to let him off the hook easily.
If that was not it, then perhaps Levi would not mind listening to what he had to offer.
Nevertheless, Levi doubted that Eustace dared to stir up any trouble.
“Eustace and Humphrey of the Garrison clan have come to visit!”
Just then, a voice traveled into the house from the outside.
The moment Levi heard the sentence, he could guess why they were here.
They were here to have a talk; they were not here for trouble.
However, to Zoey and the others, that sentence sounded arrogant.
After all, they could not think of anyone who would warrant a polite visit from God of Massacre.
“Come in,” Levi answered.
Instantly, everyone twisted their necks to look at Levi.
What a daring man! Is he not afraid of death?
After hearing Levi’s response, both Eustace and Humphrey stepped into the house.
Zoey and the others immediately straightened their backs and narrowed their eyes as if they were about to face off their enemies.
All eyes were fixed on the two Garrisons from the ancient clan.
“The rest of you, leave first,” Eustace commanded in a firm tone after spotting Zoey and the others.
However, he had cast a glimpse at Levi at the same time.
When he observed no changes on Levi’s face, he let out a sigh of relief.
The others were dumbfounded, but none moved.
How could they possibly leave Levi there by himself?
We mustn’t leave.
There was a similar defiant look in everyone’s eyes as they had the same thought.
“Haha. We’re just asking him something. Do you think that your presence will matter if we really wanted to do anything to him?” Humphrey questioned as he let his eyes drift across the crowd.
Eustace added, “Scram now! Do you really want me to send you out of this place by force?”
At that, Zoey and the others hesitated.
As they exchanged glances with each other, a thought emerged in their mind.
He’s right. If God of Massacre were to make a move, whether or not we’re here will not make a difference.
We’ll all be dead meat.
The gap between our power is just too vast.
If they’re here to kill Levi, they wouldn’t have wasted so much time talking to us; they would’ve just gone straight to the action.
Therefore, they were most likely speaking the truth when they said they had something to ask Levi about.
It was most likely a question concerning the Garrison clan.
Regardless of everything, the blood that flowed in Levi’s veins was the very same as the Garrisons.
No one could disprove that.
“All right, we’ll go out first. Call us if there’s anything.”
Zoey had no choice but to leave the manor with the rest of the people to give them space.
“Ms. Birmingham…”
Zoey was ready to ask Queenie to head out with them when she heard Eustace hastily say, “No need. She can stay.”
Eustace could not keep up with his front once the others were gone.
He was out of breath and desperately trying to heave in more air.
Then, the two bowed and politely said to Levi, “Grand Master, please accept this bow from us.”
The two of them had put aside their identities and admitted that Levi was far above them in terms of capabilities.
“What is it? Are you here to ask me to return to the Garrison clan? More specifically, the ancient Garrison clan. Am I right?” Levi asked.
Eustace and Humphrey shared a look.
Both were taken aback by Levi’s words.
He knows?
“I… Yes, Grand Master. Everything had been a misunderstanding earlier. We were foolish to have listened to the nonsense of the younger ones.”
We’ve looked into the incident and found out that Damien was in the wrong. He had tried to kill your good self and your mother several times, so death was an appropriate sentence for him. The Oakland City’s Garrison clan has also done countless horrendous deeds that are more than enough to give them all a death sentence. You have been too kind, and they have brought everything upon themselves,” Eustace and Humphrey said.
At that, Levi and Queenie smiled.
These are indeed the times when only the fittest survive.
If Levi was not strong enough, would these have happened?
The answer was no.
Before finding out about Levi’s true power, everyone thought that everything was his fault; they had pinned the blame on him and were ready to punish him for those mistakes.
However, after finding out about Levi’s true power, they were now admitting to their own crimes.
The world they were in had no rights nor wrongs; there was only the strong and the weak.


Chapter 2484 I Will Take Over The Ancient Garrison Clan

“We now know what we’ve done wrong. Do you need us to annihilate Oakland City’s Garrison clan? All we need is an order from you, and we’ll work on it right away. We’ll definitely raze the Garrison clan in Oakland City to the ground,” Humphrey uttered.

Levi’s smile widened.
Just a while ago, they talked about how they’ll never lay a finger on their own people.
But look at them now. To appease me, they won’t mind wiping out an entire clan.
What a joke this is!
How absurd!
“Grand Master, maybe you’d want them to apologize instead. I’ll get everyone from the Garrison clan here immediately. I’ll make sure they’ll apologize to you and your mother,” Eustace continued.
Both of them were tentatively trying to butter Levi up.
They were offering everything and ready to agree to anything he requested.
“Stop the dilly-dallying. Didn’t you want me to go back to the Garrison clan?” Levi scoffed.
“Yes! We… we’re not the only ones who want this. We’ve informed the head of the ancient Garrison clan, the elders, as well as the council members. All of them wish to see you back to the Garrisons. In fact, the head of the clan is on his way here now. He wants to personally invite you back to the clan.”
“The head of the ancient Garrison clan has told us that we have to invite you back to the ancient Garrison clan regardless of the cost,” Eustace said.
“That’s right. Grand Master, you can list any terms, and we’ll do our best to satisfy you,” the other chimed in.
“Well, of course, I’ll list some terms. However, I don’t think you have the right to say yes to them…” Levi replied.
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“As long as you list it out to us, we’ll definitely agree to it. Please speak your mind,” the two eagerly said.
As long as Levi joined the Garrison clan, the Garrisons were sure to soar to great heights.
They would be able to surpass all the other Ancient Clans, Eragon, as well as The Cardinal Hall.
Those were the days they yearned for…
If they convinced Levi to join in, then they would be seen as the benefactors of their clan.
“The terms are simple. If I join you, then I’ll be the one in charge of the Garrison clan. In other words, I’ll be taking over the ancient Garrison clan as well as all the other Garrison families,” Levi explained.
Anyone who heard Levi’s words would be too stunned to respond.
Indeed, when Eustace and Humphrey heard him, their eyes went so wide they almost fell out of their sockets.
Take over the Garrison clan?
Doesn’t that mean he’ll be the head of the Garrison clan?
He’s actually bold enough to ask for such an outrageous term?
While Eustace was arrogant and looked down on everyone, he never thought of usurping that position.
“Isn’t this a little too much? We never thought that you’d list this term. We…”
The two still could not reel in from the shock.
“Didn’t you say that you’ll agree to anything? What’s the matter? You can’t do it anymore?” Levi’s lips curled. “Well, I won’t change my term. If you don’t agree to this, then forget about getting me to join the Garrison clan. Previously, The Cardinal Hall’s Divine Brigadier had offered me his position in an attempt to get me to join The Cardinal Hall, but I’ve rejected him. Now, I’m bringing honor to you by becoming the person in charge of the Garrison clan.”
Eustace and Humphrey did not question him about the authenticity of his statement.
They had already done their investigations.
The woman beside Levi was Divine Brigadier’s daughter.
It was very likely that the Divine Brigadier had requested him to become the person in charge of The Cardinal Hall.
“It’s not that we don’t want to agree to you, but that we’re not the person in charge of the Garrison clan. We’ll have to talk to the head of the ancient Garrison clan about this.”
“Yes, yes. We’ll come back with an answer you’ll be satisfied with after our discussion.”
Neither of them could give him an immediate answer, for they had to talk to the other Garrisons about it first.
“Then scram! If you can’t agree to this term, don’t bother coming to see me!”
With that said, Levi chased the two out.
Eustace and Humphrey scurried out as soon as possible.
A beat later, Zoey and the others came back inside. She anxiously asked, “What happened? Why did they want to have a private chat with you?”
“Boss, they didn’t do anything to you, did they?”
Everyone was curious and concerned.
“Come on, Boss. Tell us what’s going on,” they urged.
Levi then said, “They’re here to ask me to join the Garrison clan.”
In an instant, they all had similar looks of disbelief on their faces.
Eustace? Coming here to ask Levi to join the Garrison clan?


Chapter 2485 Almost Like Gods

That’s implausible.

Who in the world is Levi to be able to have Eustace personally come to invite him to join the clan?
It’s just impossible.
“Hurry and tell us what you were talking about earlier. Don’t pull our legs anymore.”
Naturally, Zoey and the others did not believe in his words.
“He’s telling you the truth. They were here to invite Levi back to the Garrison clan,” Queenie said abruptly.
All froze in shock.
No one believed in it until Queenie herself told them that Levi was not lying.
Then, when they thought about how Eustace had insisted on a private talk, they realized the talk must have been related to the inner affairs of the Garrison clan.
Moreover, they must not have wanted outsiders to see them asking Levi to join their clan.
Queenie was allowed to stay because of her affiliation with The Cardinal Hall.
Finally, realization had struck them like a bolt from the blue.
Zoey then exchanged a glance with the others as a thought entered her head.
The ancient Garrison clan must want Levi to return to the clan because of Evie.
Although Eustace said that he’s not afraid of The Cardinal Hall and Eragon, everyone knew that the ancient Garrison clan still dared not engage in a direct confrontation with them.
After all, Eragon was made up of several groups of people.
A mere Garrison clan was no match for the combined power of Eragon.
That was why they did not dare to make a move against them at all, nor did they dare to snatch Forlevia from the hands of The Cardinal Hall.
They wanted to get the girl through legal means instead.
Hence, they would have to establish a relationship with Levi first.
As long as Levi joined the ancient Garrison clan, then it was official that Forlevia was part of the ancient Garrison clan as well.
That way, the ancient Garrison clan would be able to take Forlevia in and train her instead.
Therefore, Forlevia was the reason for them to invite Levi to join the clan.
Upon realizing what was going on, the others stopped pestering Levi for answers.
“It’s best that you agree to it. It’ll be good for both you and Evie. As for where Evie belongs, I think you should get the Garrison clan to discuss it with The Cardinal Hall instead. You have to stay out of this,” Zoey said.
She did not wish any harm to befall Levi and Forlevia.
The Garrison clan was far too strong.
Thus, it was not a bad idea for Levi and Forlevia to join them.
“We’ll see. I’ll join them if they can agree to my terms,” Levi said.
“Your terms? How dare of you to do that? Aren’t you afraid of losing your life?” Zoey questioned.
Then, she looked at Queenie and continued, “If Ms. Birmingham is here, then I’m sure that it was a three-way discussion. I’m more reassured if that’s the case. Well, I won’t intervene then.”
In the meantime, Eustace and Humphrey had gone to the Garrison clan in Oakland City.
On their way there, they encountered the people from the ancient Garrison clan.
There were over a hundred of them there, and they were all council members of the clan.
Some elders, who had been living in seclusion for years, were even there.
Those were people to who even Eustace had to pay utmost respect.
They were all too excited after hearing that there was a powerful being among the younger Garrisons, so they had all shown up and wanted to welcome Levi.
The person leading the group was a solemn old man with a commanding presence.
That man was the head of the ancient Garrison clan—Gabriel Garrison.
There was no one else like him.
He was the man who had thrown Eustace into Prison of Darkness back then.
He was the only one who had control over Eustace.
Of course, there were also other elders around, including Phanuel Garrison, Kushiel Garrison, and Uriel Garrison.
Together, they were the four guardians of the ancient Garrison clan.
The council members of the Garrison clan were basically all gathered there.
Humphrey’s ranking in the clan was much lower than these people’s.
Their names all had something in common—their names had sacred connotations to them.
It meant that they were almost on par with gods.
“Huh? Why are the two of you back?” Gabriel could not help but ask when he saw Eustace and Humphrey.
“Nothing happened. Levi has listed his terms, but we can’t agree to them,” Eustace quietly said.
Some let out a chuckle before asking, “There are terms that you can’t agree to? I’d like to know what they are.”
“Levi wants to take control of the ancient Garrison clan and all the other Garrison clans in the world. He wants to take over your role,” Eustace said to Gabriel.
The moment those words went beyond his lips, everyone fell silent.


Chapter 2486 Just One Man And A Sword

Their reactions were much more intense than Eustace and Humphrey’s earlier reactions.

They all either turned pale or had darkened expressions.
“This is ridiculous! How can a young member like him think of becoming the head of the Garrison clan?”
“That’s right, that’s right! Moreover, he’s not part of the original bloodline! He doesn’t have a pure bloodline! How dare he think of taking over the Garrison clan? He must still be dreaming!”
“Not even the members of the ancient Garrison clan dares to think of usurping the head of the clan like this. Does he have a death wish?”
Levi’s term infuriated many Garrisons.
In fact, anyone could see for themselves the tinge of anger that colored Gabriel’s face.
“He’s pushing his luck,” Phanuel snapped.
Eustace then said, “I think we should agree to his term. As long as he joins the ancient Garrison clan, we’ll be able to have everything! He’s simply too strong, after all. With him around, the Garrison clan will surely be at the top of the pyramid.”
Humphrey added, “He’s right. Levi’s really strong. I, think that we should agree to his term.”
At that, the others became even more livid.
It was nothing strange, for they had not witnessed the display of Levi’s power with their own eyes.
They did not know his true power; everything they knew was from the messages relayed to them.
Furthermore, they were part of a prominent clan. They had their pride and dignity to uphold.
They felt that only a divine being would be a match for them.
it was downright humiliating for the ancient Garrison clan to let a younger man, who did not even have pure Garrison blood in him, become the head of the clan.
No. We can’t do that!
We can’t pay such a big price just to get a younger man to join the clan.
If news of this gets out, it will only bring shame to the clan.
The Garrison clan will never be able to regain its dignity.
That was why everyone was mad when Eustace suggested for them to agree to Levi’s terms.
“What are you doing, Eustace? How could you let a young man like him be the leader of the ancient Garrison clan? Are you out of your mind?”
“What’s the matter with you, Eustace? Why have you changed after coming out? Why have you turned cowardly? I’m seeing fear on your face? You’re not acting like yourself at all!” Phanuel and the others yelled.
“Ha. It’s because you haven’t seen his true power yet. Once you see it, you’ll be feeling even more stumped than I do now. In fact, I don’t think the entire ancient Garrison clan will be a match for him!” Eustace scoffed.
However, the others shook their heads. “No, I won’t believe in you. How can he be that powerful?”
Gabriel nodded in agreement. “Indeed. I don’t believe that either. Perhaps we might lose to him if we go on a one-to-one, but there’s no way he’s going to win when all of us go up against him. That’s just crazy.”
“That’s right. We don’t even need the entire Garrison clan. The near-hundred people we have here now is more than enough to defeat him,” the others chimed in.
“We have been nothing but polite to Levi, but he has listed such an outrageous demand. Why don’t we do this instead? Why don’t we capture him and bring him back to the ancient Garrison clan? That way, he’ll have no choice but to agree to our request,” Uriel suggested.
“That sounds like a good idea! I agree with that,” Gabriel replied. “We’ve approached him in a diplomatic manner, but since he refused to agree when we’re being nice, we’ll force him to submit. At most, we’ll charge at him at the same time.”
With that thought in mind, all of them began marching toward North Hampton.
They were not going to believe in Eustace’s words about how Levi was capable of defeating the entire Garrison clan all by himself.
That was an impossible feat.
“All right. I’d like to see how you’re going to do that,” Eustace said, amused.
I can’t believe they refused to listen to me.
I’ll take you there to let you see what’s going on for yourself.
The entire time, Humphrey was silent.
He knew that none would heed his words, for they were all too arrogant.
Soon, Eustace and Humphrey were leading the group of Garrisons toward their destination.
They were all thrilled and thinking of ways to torment Levi.
“They’re here.”
Sensing the incoming people, he gathered Zoey and the rest and asked them to leave first.
Knowing that it must have something to do with the Garrison clan, Zoey kept her silence and led the others away.
In a blink of an eye, Levi and a few others were the only ones left in the North Hampton’s manor.
Levi was sitting on a chair as God Crusher floated beside him, glowing gold as it exuded faint waves of energy.
He was patiently waiting for the members of the Garrison clan to arrive.


Chapter 2487 You Will All Kneel Together No rush

At that moment, God Crusher was floating quietly in front of Levi just like a meek child.

If Queenie did not know any better, she would have thought that it was a gentle weapon.
However, the truth was that it was a weapon that only brought mass destruction.
Minutes later, Queenie could sense the incoming people as well.
The ancient Garrison clan was here.
Sensing the presence of visitors, God Crusher abruptly began trembling in anticipation.
“Levi, the elders of the ancient Garrison clan has come! Why aren’t you out here on knees to greet them yet?” came a voice from the outside.
The Garrisons were all waiting for Levi to come out of the manor to greet them.
Despite hearing them clearly, Levi ignored them and remained in the manor with his eyes closed.
Eustace then barked out a laugh. “If you want to invite him into the clan, you’ll have to go in yourself. It’ll be impossible to have him come out and greet you all!”
“If he’s a smart man, then he would know what the current situation is. He’ll surely come out here, get on his knees as he greets his elders!”
“That’s right. I believe that Levi is a smart man and will make the right decision,” Gabriel and the others said.
Under the assumption that Levi would respect them because they were his elders, they stayed outside, waiting for Levi to come out and greet them.
After all, they found it humiliating if they were to enter and greet him instead.
Therefore, they were all waiting for Levi outside.
“You guys can just wait outside then. We’ll be heading in first.”
With that said, Eustace and Humphrey entered the manor.
“Worthless pieces of trash! How can they be so frightened by someone younger than them?” the others cursed.
All of them felt that Eustace, who once looked down on everyone, was embarrassing them.
After Eustace and Humphrey entered, they saw the sword, God Crusher, right away.
At that very second, a terrifying wave of aura rushed toward them.
Somehow, Eustace was petrified at the sight of God Crusher.
In fact, he fell to his knees.
God Crusher seemed to be exuding an aura much more menacing than before.
The first time he had faced God Crusher, it felt as though a large hand had wrapped around his body and pressed him against the ground.
Beside him, Humphrey had fallen to his knees too.
It was all too horrifying.
Finally, he knew how it felt like to be in the same room as a divine tool.
This… This…
This tool is invincible!
Meanwhile, Gabriel and the other Garrisons were still waiting outside.
Five minutes had passed, but no one came out of the manor.
Ten minutes later, there was still no sign of anyone.
By then, they were starting to panic and were sharing confused glances with each other.
“Calm down. I’m sure a smart man will make smart decisions.”
Gabriel, unlike the rest, kept his cool.
Then, twenty minutes passed.
Some were a second away from rushing in.
However, Gabriel reassured them by saying, “It’s fine. We’ll wait a while longer. Levi Garrison, this is the last chance for you to salvage yourself. I’ve given you the chance, but it’s up to you whether to take it or not.”
“All right, we’ll give him one last chance. I hope he’ll sober up and come out soon.”
The Garrisons were all still waiting for Levi to come out and greet them.
However, half an hour passed in a blink of an eye, and no one came out.
Finally, they could not wait any longer.
All of them were so angry that their faces were reddened.
No one had shown them such disrespect in the past, let alone from a younger Garrison.
Is he seeking death?
“Levi Garrison, we’ve given you the chance, so you can’t blame us for this! We’ll never let you off the hook easily!”
“Charge in! I’d like to see what Levi is made of!”
With Gabriel leading them, the council members of the Garrison clan entered the manor.
The moment they stepped into the manor, they saw Eustace and Humphrey kneeling on the ground.
That was when their anger broke the meter.
“This is absurd! You’re the disgrace of the Garrison clan!”
“Eustace, how can you kneel before someone younger than you? You’ve brought shame upon the Garrison clan!” Phanuel and the others shouted.
They were seething with rage.
Right then, Levi chuckled. “Calm down. You’ll be on your knees too.”


Chapter 2488 Everyone On Their Knees

They were all taken aback by his words.

They never thought that Eustace would have kneeled in front of Levi like a cowardly worm.
“Eustace, Humphrey, you’re only bringing shame to the Garrison clan! You have no right to stay in the clan at all,” Gabriel snarled.
Once they were done chiding Eustace, they turned to look at Levi.
“You’re Levi?” Gabriel asked.
“Indeed. That’s me.”
“You’ve got guts to keep sitting despite seeing your elders! Get on your knees right away. Otherwise, you’ll face the punishment according to the Garrison clan rules, and you’ll be begging for death.”
“That’s right. You’ve already broken the clan rules by not welcoming the elders. Kneel and apologize now! Maybe we’ll let you off the hook for this.”
The elders had all started berating Levi.
To them, Levi had broken the clan rules, and he was a sinner.
“Also, let me introduce to you who this man is. He is the Garrison clan’s leader—Gabriel Garrison. You have to bow to him ninety-nine times in order to gain his recognition,” they demanded.
“I don’t like the way you speak to me, so go down on your knees before you keep talking,” Levi calmly said as he creased his forehead.
“Are you telling us to kneel before you?”
The elderly men stood transfixed as if they had heard the funniest joke in their lives.
How can we possibly kneel in front of a younger Garrison?
No way.
Levi did not reply to that.
Instead, he flicked his finger on God Crusher.
In the next second, a wave of air exploded from it like a demon was crawling out of hell at that moment.
Even the sky had changed its color.
God Crusher was trembling and emitting a terrifying sound.
Then, it shot up into the air.
God Crusher had been activated.
The energy from itself exploded outward.
It swept across the entire room and crashed into everybody in that space.
A heavy layer draped onto everyone, and it felt as if they all had a mountain on their backs.
Instantly, their faces reddened as cold sweat beaded on their foreheads.
The moment the pressure was on them, they had to use all their power to defend themselves against it.
Finally, someone could not hold up against the pressure anymore. Their knees were forced to bend, and they kneeled.
Soon, more followed suit.
Unable to withstand the pressure, the council members of the Garrison clan were collapsing to their knees one after another.
The remainders were still holding up against the pressure with all their strength, but the look on their faces told the others that it was an agonizing ordeal.
They could feel the pressure slowly crushing their bodies, squeezing their organs, and constricting their veins.
The kneeling was still continuing.
One by one, they all went on their knees. In fact, their knees were digging into the ground.
In the end, only a dozen were left standing. They were the strongest ones.
They were still holding up against the immense pressure.
However, the power of God Crusher was simply too much, and it was still increasing with every passing second.
Eight more went down.
Now, the only ones left were Gabriel and a few others.
They were still keeping up with their defenses.
Nearing the end, they were starting to cough up blood as their internal organs were injured by then.
In fact, many of those who were still standing were suffering from internal injuries.
Their organs had been squashed.
Uriel collapsed to his knees.
Phanuel collapsed to his knees.
Kushiel collapsed to his knees.
Gabriel yelled out as he continued to resist the pressure with all his might.
At that moment, God Crusher trembled.
However, in the next, God Crusher emanated an even stronger power from its growing excitement.
In the end, even Gabriel could not hold up against the pressure anymore as he fell to his knees.
His knees had smashed into the ground.
After sweeping his gaze across all the people kneeling before him, Levi smiled. “Now this is a much better sight.”


Chapter 2489 Submitting To No One

This is just shocking!

Even though Eustace and Humphrey knew that all elites in the Garrison clan were no match for Levi, they never thought things would end so quickly.
They were already holding up so poorly against the sword.
How could they possibly defeat Levi?
Moreover, the sword had yet to reach its full power.
Perhaps, it had only unleashed less than a fraction of its full power earlier, but it had already defeated every member of the ancient Garrison clan.
If they could not even defeat the sword, how could they possibly defeat its owner?
It was just unfeasible.
Levi’s strength was something they could not imagine.
However, if he could control the sword…
The sword sent out another wave of pressure, and a series of bone-cracking sounds traveled into everyone’s ears.
The organs in Gabriel were squashed even further.
It was no longer mountains on their backs but the entire world.
They were at their limits. If they were to take any more pressure, they would explode.
Terror crept onto their faces as disbelief was in their eyes.
Oh, my god!
He is too mighty.
Levi was the mightiest person they had ever come across.
No one could compare to him at all.
Now, they finally believed in Eustace’s words.
They finally realized that everything he said had been the truth.
In fact, Eustace’s words might have been an understatement.
They could not defeat Levi’s sword, let alone Levi himself.
No wonder the arrogant Eustace, who is known as God of Massacre, is so terrified of his existence.
There’s a reason behind his fears, and we finally understand it after meeting Levi.
It was only then they understood why Eustace wanted Levi to join the Garrison clan regardless of the cost.
Moreover, Eustace even suggested making Levi the head of the clan if it meant that the latter would join them.
At last, they had been tamed.
There was no way they would not be humbled now.
Like children who had made a mistake, the elders of the Garrison clan meekly kneeled in front of Levi.
“What about now? Do you still think highly of yourself now? Do you want to act arrogantly?” Levi asked.
No one answered him.
All of them had their heads hung low as they averted their gazes from him.
“I’m talking to you. Are you deaf, or are you mute?” Levi bellowed.
“N-No, no. We are not…” they stammered out.
“Mm. I like this new tone of yours. Keep it up.”
Levi nodded in satisfaction.
While he did not mind a session of negotiation, they would have to be on their knees when they spoke.
“Speak. Have you considered my terms?” Levi asked.
“What terms?”
Many had yet to come back to their senses.
At that, Eustace immediately reminded them, “If we want him to come back to the Garrison clan, we’ll have to make him the head of the clan.”
It was then they realized what Levi was talking about.
Immediately, Gabriel and a few other elders turned pale.
The Garrison clan had never been threatened by anyone, nor had they ever experienced anything like this.
Those from the ancient Garrison clan had always thought very highly of themselves, and they bowed to no one at all.
That was why they would not entertain thoughts of letting someone like Levi become the head of the ancient Garrison clan, for that would be humiliating.
However, they were now trapped in this situation.
Gabriel, the clan leader he was, quickly regained his composure and said, “Levi, we haven’t come to a decision about this yet. This is an important matter, after all, and we’ll have to discuss it. We can’t just let one person decide for us all.”
Phanuel agreed immediately, “That’s right. We need everyone to agree with it before making our decision.”
“Once we’re back home and done with the discussion, we’ll come back with an answer.”
Levi smiled as he looked at them.
However, in the next second, a scowl grew on his face, and he roared, “If you haven’t come to a conclusion yet, why are you here? If you can’t come up with the perfect reason, none of you are going to leave this place today!”
Levi’s abrupt outburst frightened the others.


Chapter 2490 Taking Over The Ancient Garrison Clan

They were drenched in sweat, and they could barely breathe.

To begin with, they had no plan to negotiate with Levi for they had wanted to take him down by force.
“W-We’re here to negotiate!”
“As long as you come back to the ancient Garrison clan, we’ll let you be in charge of the clan. Yes, I think that’s the best option,” Gabriel suddenly said.
Phanuel quickly chimed in. “He’s right. The head of the clan has to be the most powerful person. Moreover, you’re still young. I’m sure you still have tons of unlocked potential. If you’re in charge of the Garrison clan, not only will you dominate over everything now, but in the future too.
“Yes, I, too, agree to Levi becoming the head of the ancient Garrison clan,” Kushiel said.
Uriel nodded. “I have nothing against it.”
“We agree too,” Eustace and Humphrey hastily added.
“Me too!”
“Same here.”
All of them were agreeing to it one by one.
Regardless of everything, none dared to disagree at that moment.
With how powerful Levi was, who would dare to have a different voice?
Not only was he strong, but he was also young.
He would be an even better choice than Gabriel as the clan leader.
“Since you’ve all agreed to it, I’ll begrudgingly accept it then. From now on, I’m the head of the ancient Garrison clan. All members of the ancient Garrison clan, as well as the Garrison clan, will have to heed my words,” Levi announced.
“Hail the Patriarch!”
“Hail the Patriarch!”
Everyone began to prostrate before Levi.
“Perhaps you don’t know my style. In all the organizations I join, I will always end up as the person in charge. A good example would be Sacred Organization. They have been trying to get me to join them since the beginning. Now, I’m Dark Emperor and Maya Industries too. They were looking to collaborate with me, and they later tried to control and kill me. However, Maya Industries is now mine,” Levi told them with a sneer.
Everyone gasped.
The Garrisons knew about Sacred Organization and Maya Industries. Those two were the two powerful forces that they were wary of other than The Cardinal Hall.
What Levi was trying to tell them was simple—he wanted them to know that they were not the first to agree to his terms.
“Where’s the token for the ancient Garrison clan leader? Hand over all of your secret items, including your technique books and potions.”
Levi was going to be a true clan leader instead of just having the title.
As he spoke, he kept away God Crusher.
In an instant, the pressure suppressing everyone was lifted.
They soon clambered to their feet.
Gabriel even stepped forward and handed a nephrite seal to Levi.
“Sir, this is Hagioseal of the ancient Garrison clan. You can use it to give orders to any Garrisons, and it can be used to authenticate your status as the leader of the ancient Garrison clan. Before the clan leader retires from their position, they’ll infuse half of their power in it. The Hagioseal can also be used as a powerful divine tool that’s one of its kind,” Gabriel explained.
Levi smiled as his fingers wrapped around Hagioseal. “One of its kind?”
The Hagioseal was something like the crystallized God’s power that he had in his hands.
However, the power of Hagioseal paled in comparison with a fraction of the crystallized power.
It was just too weak.
Levi could not believe that half of the past clan leaders’ power was contained in it.
All he needed was a gentle squeeze, and he could destroy it.
Hagioseal could not become the Garrison clan’s trump card.
At most, it could only be something to represent his status.
Gabriel and the others then told Levi about the rest of the Garrison clan’s affairs before handing him the technique books.
Although they did not know what Levi was going to do, they knew that he would not actually use the technique books.
Around an hour later, Levi could more or less grasp the current situation in the ancient Garrison clan.
The ancient clan was strong, and it would certainly be a great help to Levi in the future.
“Sir, what do we do next?” Gabriel asked.



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Chapter 2491 Princess Of The Garrison Clan

“There is something I want to inform you—there’s no need to tell anyone else about my status as the clan leader. That way, my new status won’t disrupt my plans, and we’ll be able to take our enemies by surprise,” Levi told them.

As he had not figured out the details of his enemies yet, he could only take one step at a time by slowly accumulating the resources he needed.
Hence, he could not reveal to others that he was the head of the Garrison clan in case the enemy were to catch wind about it and formulate a plan with him as the target.
Everyone nodded fervently.
“Return first. When I’m free, I’ll visit the ancient Garrison clan, with Forlevia,” Levi said.
Gabriel and the rest nodded again. “Understood.”
By then, they had all put aside their grudges against Levi and started fantasizing about their brilliant future.
With the almighty Levi and the gifted Forlevia, it was almost impossible for the Garrison clan not to rise to great heights.
Once everyone was gone, Zoey and the others returned.
“How did the discussion go?” she asked.
“Yes, I’ve already joined the ancient Garrison clan, and so has Evie,” Levi replied.
“That’s fantastic. I’m sure we’ll have fewer fights in the future. At the very least, Donald and Tyrone won’t target you anymore. In fact, we can even say that you’ll have the Garrison clan supporting you in the future.”
Zoey beamed.
Finally, the problem that was giving her headaches was resolved.
Azure Dragon and a few others also wistfully said, “Oh my, life is really unpredictable. There was a time Boss had personally sent the Garrison family in Oakland City to hell, but a few years later, he has joined the Garrison clan. Now, Boss has the Garrison clan backing him up.”
“That’s why nothing ever stays the same. We have to be flexible to achieve great things in life.”
They thought that Levi had submitted to his old foes.
It was a humiliating moment for someone as stubborn as Levi.
However, they dared not say it directly, so they only commented on how flexibility was a good thing.
In truth, they were all thinking about how shameful his actions had been.
They were thinking that he should have chosen death over bowing to the Garrison clan.
If he was not afraid of death, why should he be afraid of the Garrison clan?
They were all ready to die, but Levi had bowed to his enemies.
He was not the same person they once knew.
Was it because he did not want his wife to suffer and his friends to die?
They sighed as they began yearning for Levi of the past.
He was once someone with glorious achievements.
Back then, if the Garrison family were to force him this way, he would have launched an attack on them.
Yet, he was quietly submitting and joining them now.
Another sigh escaped their lips.
The times have changed.
People have changed too.
His fangs are gone.
Levi joining the Garrison clan was something they never thought would ever happen.
Nevertheless, none of them knew that Levi had not joined the clan but he had taken over the clan instead.
Still, Levi only smiled. “From now on, Evie’s going to be the little princess of the Garrison clan.”
“Of course. She’s a princess wherever she goes. She’s a talented girl, after all,” Zoey replied instantly.
She, too, did not know what he truly meant; Levi was talking about how Evie was the princess because he was the clan leader.
“By the way, does Donald and Tyrone know that you’ve joined the Garrison clan?” Zoey asked, abruptly recalling that matter.
The Garrison clan had only been targeting Levi because of Donald and the few others.
On the other hand, the ancient Garrison clan would not have bothered themselves with Levi because of how arrogant they were. They would think that it was a waste of their time to deal with Levi.
Therefore, it was crucial to deal with Donald and Tyrone to resolve the current crisis.
“Donald and Tyrone? I think they’re still recuperating from their injuries? I’m not really sure,” Levi responded.
“Then, come with me to Oakland City right away,” Zoey urged.
“Huh? What for?”
Levi was baffled by her sudden demand.
The others felt the same.
“Of course, it’s to tell the Garrison family in Oakland City that you’ve joined the Garrison clan. That way, they won’t bully you anymore!”


Chapter 2492 A Father Using His Daughter

Zoey was really looking forward to letting everyone know about Levi joining the Garrison clan, especially Donald and his men.

“Yeah, Zoey is right! We need to let them know that Boss is now a member of the Garrison clan!”
“In that case, we’ll just have to protect Boss with the Garrison clan’s name…”
As Levi had swallowed his pride and joined the Garrison clan, they weren’t in a position to say much.
“All right, then. Let’s head over to Oakland City!”
Levi agreed to it as he didn’t want Donald harassing him any further.
It would make things a lot easier if he simply told them he had joined the Garrison clan.
With that, they all began their journey to Oakland City.
Donald and the others had just returned and were shocked to see Gabriel there with all the council members.
What happened while we were unconscious? The patriarch of the Garrison clan and all its council members are gathered here…
“What’s going on?” Donald asked, finally able to stand up thanks to Eustace’s treatment.
“Don’t ask what you shouldn’t be hearing about!” Eustace said impatiently.
Everyone else kept quiet as they remembered Levi’s instructions.
“Gather around, everyone! I have something to announce!” Levi shouted as he showed up with Zoey and the others shortly after.
Everyone was dumbfounded.
What… Is Levi seriously so bold as to deliver himself to us like this?
Eustace was smart enough to bring everyone over to his place the moment he saw Levi.
Levi would definitely order us to come over if he wanted us here. The fact that he came over without doing so must mean it has nothing to do with us!
“See? Levi doesn’t even have the right to meet Garrison clan’s council members!” Donald said with a chuckle when he saw them leaving.
He then turned toward Levi and asked, “Why are you here, Levi?”
Everyone in the Garrison family glared cautiously at Levi upon hearing that.
“Allow me to explain! We’re not here to fight, so please put your weapons down! We came here because we have an announcement to make!”
Zoey then waited for everyone to put their weapons away before continuing, “Levi and Evie have joined the Garrison clan! I hope that you will all get along well and look after each other from here on!”
Everyone was stunned by what they had just heard.
“What? Levi has joined the Garrison clan?”
“Since when? How come we haven’t heard about that?”
“That’s impossible! None of us have heard about this! Levi, what right do you have to join the clan? Who gave you permission to join the clan?” Tyrone asked.
A man then came running over to deliver a message on behalf of Eustace. “The council members approved it! They are the ones who let Levi into the Garrison clan!”
“What? The ancient Garrison clan did?”
Everyone fell silent after that, including Tyrone and Donald.
“Why would they let a heinous criminal like Levi join the Garrison clan?”
“I know! They must be planning on recruiting his daughter and only let Levi in as an added bonus!” Donald exclaimed.
“Yeah! You’re right! Evie plans on staying in The Cardinal Hall, which would make it hard for the elders to bring her back/ Having no other choice, they brought her into the clan at the cost of letting Levi into it and forgiving him for his previous crimes. To the elders, this doesn’t even count as a small price to pay!” Tyrone stated his analysis.
Donald was amused. “Using your daughter to resolve your conflict with us, huh? You sure are a smart one, Levi!”


Chapter 2493 Technique Book Stash

“A lot of people in The Cardinal Hall are calling you a babymaking machine, Levi! Looks like that really is the case!”

“You used your daughter to resolve the conflicts between us and join Garrison clan as you’ve always wanted to!”
“I now see just how cunning you are, Levi! You waited until all of Garrison clan’s elders were here before requesting to join because you knew they had more authority and could grant your request!”
All the members of the Garrison clan, including Zoey and Azure Dragon, firmly believed that Levi was only able to join the clan because he used Evie as a bargaining chip.
Evie would become a member of the clan if he joined, so the elders had no reason to reject his request.
Donald glared at Levi as he asked, “Admit it, Levi! You’ve been waiting a long time for this moment, haven’t you? After all, it is a great honor to be a part of the ancient Garrison clan! Joining the clan so we wouldn’t be able to hurt you was a really smart move, I’ll give you that! You’d better pray you don’t break any of its rules or we can still punish you!”
Break the rules? I can’t think of anyone who would dare come after me even if I destroy the da*ned clan! Heck, even Gabriel wouldn’t dare do a thing about it!
Levi simply chuckled at the thought of that.
“Joining the Garrison clan makes you a part of its bloodline, Levi. As your father, my blood is flowing through your veins whether you like it or not. If you want me to acknowledge you as my son, then get on your knees and address me accordingly!” Tyrone said.
Kenny chimed in as well, “Yes, that’s right! It is customary for you to address your elders upon returning to the family! You have to call me ‘Grandpa’!”
“Exactly! The Garrison clan is the most powerful one in existence, so you must go through the initiation ceremony and get the acknowledgment of all your seniors to truly be a Garrison! It would be inappropriate to have the elders acknowledge you because you are unworthy of such treatment, so we’ll do it instead! Since I’m the youngest here, I’ll do the honors and host the initiation ceremony!” Donald added.
Tyrone was quick to agree with his suggestion, “Okay, sure! You may host the ceremony and pick nine elders to participate in it! Levi will then serve them tea on his knees and address them accordingly. Only after they acknowledge him will he be considered a member of the clan. Shall we carry out the initiation ceremony tomorrow morning?”
Donald nodded. “Yes, that’s fine! Tomorrow morning it is, then!”
He then flashed Levi a smile as he said, “So what if you manage to join the clan, Levi? I’m your senior, so you’d still have to call me ‘sir’! Come on, let’s hear it!”
Donald even leaned in closer to Levi just to mock him further.
“Don’t make me slap you, Donald. You may have survived a slap from him with severe injuries, but a slap from me is bound to kill you!” Levi said coldly.
Donald knew Levi was talking about Eustace slapping him, and that angered him instantly. “This isn’t over until you call me ‘sir’!”
“Yeah! You have to do that or we won’t proceed with the initiation ceremony! We’ll never acknowledge you as a Garrison!”
Everyone chimed in, completely unaware that Levi was losing his temper and about to slap the hell out of them.
Zoey knew all too well what would happen if Levi were to unleash that slap, so she quickly stopped him and dragged him aside.
The ancient manuals that Levi had on him fell to the floor during the struggle, and everyone gathered around to take a look.
Donald bent over to pick one up instinctively. “This is… the Garrison clan’s technique book? This one too! And this one! Hahaha… I can’t believe it! Levi, you actually kept a stash of our clan’s technique books?”


Chapter 2494 At My Mercy

Donald burst out laughing as if he had found the things he needed to humiliate Levi in front of others.

“He’s quite a visionary man! It turns out he’s coming after the technique of the Garrison clan! On top of trading his daughter for the right to join the clan, he has gotten his hands on the clan’s technique!”
Members of the Garrison clan found Levi a despicable man when they heard he had traded his daughter for his personal gain.
“A shameless man like you doesn’t deserve to consider yourself someone else’s father! Your daughter is so unlucky to have you!”
Zoey turned around and looked at Levi in disbelief because she once thought the man she held dear in mind had succumbed to the tempting offers of the Garrison clan.
It turned out that was never the case. Instead, he had been trying his best to make the most out of the worst situation.
Although he had made use of Forlevia to get his hands on the technique of the Garrison clan, it was merely one of his many attempts to ensure he was on par with the rest.
Zoey remarked, “No wonder you’re not against the idea of joining the clan! It turns out you’re coming after the techniques of the clan!”
Donald added with a smirk, “That’s not all! I’ve caught a whiff of the unique scent of the magical medicine the ancient Garrison clan made!”
Zoey found another few bottles of magical medicine from Levi. A whiff of the concoction was all it would take to improve one’s condition.
“Ha! You must’ve made the most out of your daughter’s value, huh? I can’t believe you have so much magical medicine with you!”
“How is that different from selling her off?”
“She’s going to be so upset if she’s aware of the things you’re up to!”
Those around him looked at him in disgust. It sounded like a great deal, but they thought it was too much. After all, that would make Forlevia not much different from a commodity.
Zoey was infuriated as well. However, she wasn’t in a position to pick on him since she had insisted on having him join the Garrison clan.
“Alright, we’ll just forget about it! You need to stop picking on him since he’s one of us from now onwards!” Zoey asserted in an attempt to sort out the conflict on Levi’s behalf.
“What do you mean he’s one of us when we’re not even done with the ceremony?”
“He’s right! He has no right to consider himself one of us until the end of the ceremony!”
The ones around them yelled to express their agreement.
Zoey assured them, “We’ll definitely show up for the ceremony tomorrow! I’ll bring our daughter along for the ceremony as well!”
“The little girl? It’s a great idea!” Donald agreed without a second thought.
Zoey nudged Levi and urged, “Hurry up and play along with me!”
The man next to her thought the ones around them were nothing but a bunch of fools unworthy of his time.
If they don’t stop pushing their luck, I’m going to chase them out from the Garrison clan since I’m the one in charge of the ancient Garrison clan!
Azure Dragon and the rest of his party were afraid of the things awaiting them. He urged, “Boss, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and tell them you’re coming! This is nothing as compared to the humiliations our foes brought upon you a few years ago! You have nothing to lose since you’ve lost everything on the day you agreed to join them! It doesn’t really matter if you do it again!”
It was then Levi figured out his trusted aides were of the same idea as the ones picking on him. He took a deep breath and announced, “Alright, I’ll be there as well!”
No one was aware Levi would be the one superior to the rest during the ceremony. Ironically, the arrogant Donald was the one who had to beg for Levi’s mercy.
Ha! Since you think it’s a ceremony to acknowledge me as a member of the clan, I’ll turn it into something interesting! Within another day, you’re no longer a member of the clan!


Chapter 2495 Show Me Some Respect

“Alright, we’ll carry on with the preparation of the ceremony!”

Donald turned around once he instructed the rest to get ready. “You need to stop getting full of yourself! I’ll wait until you bow before me!”
It turned out Eustace and the elders, who were quite a distance away from the crowd, were aware of the things going on as well.
Shortly after the session, Zoey reprimanded Levi, “You need to keep your anger to yourself in spite of the grudges you’re holding against them! It’s impossible for you to defy them ever since the day you swore allegiance to the Garrison clan! Just forget about everything until you’re on par with them in terms of strength!”
The rest of the party added in a callous tone, “Since you’ve made up your mind to join the clan, just stop trying anything rash!”
Levi was confused as they wouldn’t stop picking on him when he was the one in charge of the clan.
Hello? I’m not trying to join the clan when I’m the freaking person in charge of the clan! They’re the ones who need to show me some respect!
Zoey got in touch with Forlevia and brought her home from The Cardinal Hall in the evening to get everything ready for the ceremony.
Once Zoey roused from her sleep in the morning, she suggested, “Since we’re not members of the Garrison clan, I think it’s time for us to leave!”
Shortly after she made herself clear, she left with the rest as she was afraid the man she held dear in mind would feel embarrassed if they were around.
After all, he would have to get down on his knees in front of his foe in another few hours. She was certain he wouldn’t want others there to witness such a humiliating scene.
Donald was confused by the departure of Levi’s close acquaintances when he thought it was a great opportunity to humiliate Levi in front of them.
To his surprise, they made something up and justified their departure at the last minute. He couldn’t even think of anything else to stop them.
Nonetheless, Donald was thrilled by the thought of Levi getting down on his knees in front of him, addressing him in a courteous manner.
After all, Levi had always been known as an arrogant man. He thought it was something worthy of boasting in front of others if Levi were to kneel in front of him.
The ceremony would be held at the ancestral shrine of the Garrison clan at Oakland City. There were a total of nine seats available for the leaders of the family.
The one in the middle was for Donald as he had the highest status.
Then, it was Tyrone and the rest.
Levi would have to bow to all of them.
Soon, members of the clan gathered.
Donald remained standing at the entrance instead of joining the rest in the hall.
He continued surveying the surroundings. “Where’s Levi? Why isn’t he anywhere to be seen yet?”
Half an hour later, Levi finally showed up with Forlevia next to him. He brought along something to eat since he had yet to have his breakfast. It seemed as if he couldn’t care less about the ceremony.
Donald yelled the moment he saw Levi, “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Aren’t you aware you’re freaking late for twenty minutes? Are you trying to challenge the authority of the clan? If that’s the case, just get the hell out of our sights! The clan doesn’t need someone as arrogant as you!”
The members in the hall turned around and looked at Levi in disgust because they were of the same idea as Donald.
He’s not supposed to be late for such an important ceremony! There’s no way we’re going to acknowledge him since he’s trying to challenge the authority of the clan!
They thought it was necessary to come up with something to teach Levi a lesson to behave himself. Otherwise, Levi wouldn’t take them seriously.
Sneering, Levi asked in return, “Huh? What’s the matter? It’s not a big deal for sleeping in, is it?”
“How dare you make it sound as if it’s not a big deal? You’re a disgrace to the family! Never claim to be my son in front of others!” Tyrone announced at the top of his lungs.
Levi ignored Donald and marched into the ancestral shrine, taking a seat next to the leaders of the clan with his legs crossed.
He glanced at those in front of him and asked, “Shall we begin?”


Chapter 2496 Get On Your Knees

“What’s taking all of you so long? Hurry up and carry on!”

Those in the hall were in a state of bewilderment when Levi took a seat on Donald’s seat. They looked at Levi in disbelief.
Similarly, Donald remained standing at the entrance of the ancestral shrine since he couldn’t fathom the reason Levi had the guts to challenge him.
What’s going on? Why is he sitting on my freaking seat?
When Levi glanced at those around him and found out they were still in a state of bewilderment, he repeated himself, “Hello? Stop standing around and get down on your knees!”
Immediately after they returned to their senses, they started reprimanding Levi.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing when it’s not your seat?”
“You must’ve lost your mind! Stop challenging the authority of the clan by trying anything reckless!”
“Is something wrong with your brain? How dare you get full of yourself in front of the leaders of the clan?”
“You’re the one who needs to get down on your knees instead of us!”
Those in the hall expressed their intent to take Levi out because no one else had ever provoked them throughout the years.
Donald took a deep breath and warned, “When will you learn to read the room? You’re the one who’s in need of us to do you a favor! Get the hell off my seat and kneel in front of me! I’ll forgive you as soon as you beg for mercy! Otherwise, you need to bear the consequences of your ignorance!”
“On your knees, Levi!”
“Hurry up! What’s taking you so long?”
Out of the blue, Levi chuckled and asked, “What do you mean? I’m actually here for the ceremony to expel a few members of the clan!”
Those in the hall, including the little girl next to him, got increasingly confused as they couldn’t fathom the things he brought up.
It was then Levi added with a vicious smirk, “I’m here for the ceremony to expel the ones defying the orders of the ancient Garrison clan!”
“What do you mean someone’s going to be expelled from the clan?” Donald repeated after Levi.
“It mean someone’s in a huge trouble!”
“Who else could it be apart from you?”
Instead of answering Donald’s question, Levi remained silent with a vicious smirk as if he had something else in mind for those in the hall.
Unable to stand Levi provoking them anymore, Donald yelled, “Get the hell off my seat at once!”
When Donald was about to reach Levi, another man’s voice took the ones in the hall by surprise. “Get down on your knees at once, Donald!”
As the thunderous voice of the intimidating figure reverberated in the hall, Donald kneeled without a second thought as he couldn’t even brace himself through the menacing aura.
On top of that, he knew Gabriel had made it to the ancestral shrine because of the man’s unique voice.
Shortly after Gabriel stopped Donald, he instructed, “Kenny, Tyrone, on your knees as well!”
Unable to withstand Gabriel’s menacing presence, those in the hall kneeled as instructed with their faces scrunching up in fear.
It was the same for the members outside of the ancestral shrine.
Forlevia remained standing next to the seated Levi while the rest inside and outside of the hall had long gotten down on their knees.
What the hell is going on? Isn’t this the ceremony to acknowledge Levi as a member of the clan? Why are we the ones kneeling instead of Levi?
As footsteps continued closing in from afar, Gabriel and the rest of the elders finally made it to the scene.
Apart from Levi, the rest in the hall had their eyes glued to the elders with confused looks. Similarly, Zoey and the rest of her party heard the commotion Gabriel caused.
Azure Dragon murmured to himself, “He’s going to be fine, isn’t he? Boss will definitely make it through, right?”
“No! We need to return to him and check on him! If something’s wrong, we’ll just take him away with us!”
Zoey and the rest of her party rushed in the direction of the ancestral hall without a second thought.
They brought themselves to a halt when they were near the hall. When they caught a glimpse of everyone kneeling in front of the hall, they thought they had been seeing things again.


Chapter 2497 You Are A Nobody

Why have the members of the Garrison clan from Oakland City gotten down on their knees? What exactly are they doing? On top of the ones outside the hall, the ones inside the hall are doing the same as well!

Someone asked, “Are they currently in a worship session or something?”
Floyd yelled, “Have you guys seen the one inside the hall?”
When Zoey heard Floyd’s question, she turned around and caught a glimpse of her husband seated in the middle of the hall with their daughter standing next to him. My poor Evie looks so lost.
The confused woman couldn’t fathom the reason the rest seemed to be begging for his mercy.
What is wrong with this arrogant bunch? Why have they gotten down on their knees in front of Levi? Can someone tell me the things they’re up to?
It doesn’t make any sense when most of them are considered superior to Levi in terms of status! There’s also his freaking father amongst the many!
A short while later, Gabriel finally joined them in the hall. When Zoey and those around her noticed his presence, they kneeled in a similar manner in fear of offending those in power.
“Are these the elders of the ancient Garrison clan?”
It was the first time more than one figure on par with God of Massacre in terms of strength had shown up at the scene.
To be precise, it might not be much of a challenge for them to take out the ones with their names listed on the Divine Leaderboard.
It seemed as if a punch or a kick from the elders was all it would take to crush the ones with their names listed on the Divine Leaderboard.
Azure Dragon remarked, “The elders must be the reason they’re currently kneeling!”
The rest nodded in return as they couldn’t think of something else to justify the reason members of the Garrison clan wouldn’t stop kneeling in front of Levi.
Eustace, who was still not there, asked at the top of his lungs, “It seems like you haven’t learned your lessons, huh?”
Donald felt a strong urge to weep due to the presence of the elders, including Gabriel and Eustace.
“I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t have tried something as silly as such when I wasn’t even in the position to make the call! It was my fault!”
“Our deepest apologies as well!”
“We’re so sorry for trying to defy your instructions! We shouldn’t have brought up something as absurd as such just to stop Levi from joining the clan!”
“It was very foolish of us to try something as silly as defying your instructions! Allow us to atone for our sins!”
Slap! Slap! Slap!
They started slapping themselves in the face to show they truly meant their words. Tyrone and the leaders of the clan had bruised themselves as well.
They thought Gabriel and the elders were enraged since they had made themselves clear Levi was meant to be a member of the clan.
In short, the fact they insisted on carrying out the so-called ceremony was against the decisions the elders had made. They had done something beyond their capabilities.
They weren’t aware their sole mistake was to pick on Levi. It was similar to the time they tried sending Eustace to wipe Levi out of existence.
Donald was of the same idea as the rest because he couldn’t think of anything else, including Levi’s actual identity.
However, things weren’t as trivial as he thought it was because apart from Eustace, Gabriel as well as the elders of the ancient Garrison clan were there!
Immediately after Gabriel made it to the scene, he glared at Donald in the eyes and bellowed, “You’re such a fool! What makes you think you’re in a position to make the decision on behalf of the clan? You’re just a nobody in front of the members of the ancient Garrison clan!”
The ones at fault started shivering in fear when they heard Gabriel reprimanding them. Unfortunately, they had misperceived Gabriel’s scolding because he had just indicated they shouldn’t have picked on Levi, the one leading the ancient Garrison clan.
“W-We’re so sorry, Sir! Kindly allow us to make up for the mistakes we’ve made!”
“Our outmost apologies, Sir!”
They couldn’t think of anything else to get them out of the nasty situation. Thus, along with the rest, Donald admitted they were the ones at fault and indicated they were willing to bear the consequences of their ignorance.
Gabriel announced, “If that’s the case, I’ll announce the penalty for the ones at fault!”


Chapter 2498 Joining Sacred Organization

Donald was well aware of the things awaiting them since he was well-versed with the rules regulating the clan.

If things turned out to be the worst, he would’ve to spend three years in isolation. With that being said, it was nothing serious as it wasn’t the first time he had gone through something as such.
However, Gabriel’s clan had never been penalized throughout the years. Hence, they were on pins and needles in anticipation of the things awaiting them.
“A total of nine members of the Garrison clan, including Donald and Tyrone… will be expelled! In short, they’re no longer related to the clan from today onwards! We’ll take out the ones trying to leverage their affiliation with the clan without a second thought!”
The announcement took everyone in the hall by surprise. Subsequently, everyone in the hall went dead silent as it had been a long time since the last expulsion.
Apart from Tyrone, Donald, and the ones expelled, Zoey and her party were dumbfounded when they heard the announcement. They were stunned since the elders had just made the call to expel the prodigy of the clan.
It wouldn’t be much of a surprise for Tyrone and the rest to be expelled since they had gone overboard, challenging the authority of the elders of the clan.
As it made no sense for the elders to involve Donald, the ones in the hall couldn’t help but recall the things Levi brought up a short while ago. They were confused with the reason Levi had been made aware of the actual agenda ahead of them.
No! It’s something he has staged against us! I’m not sure how, but it seems the elders have started siding with him!
The astonished Donald couldn’t wait to figure out the reason. To begin with, it wasn’t even a serious offense since they did nothing apart from defying the elders’ instructions.
Moreover, the ones announcing the penalty had always considered him the hope of the clan. It was close to impossible for them to change their minds over the night.
Unable to fathom the reason they had changed their minds, Donald asked, “Why? Can anyone tell me what’s going on?”
“Please tell me!”
Staring at the familiar figures in front of him, the confused Donald repeated his question again and again.
Irked by the irritating young man’s questions, Gabriel gasped out his reply, “Isn’t it obvious? You should’ve seen this coming on the day you made up your mind to defy us! Since you’re no longer a member of the clan, get the hell out of our sights!”
Humphrey added, “Just get going already! Consider yourself lucky since we’re merciful enough to let all of you live!”
Donald brought himself up and repeated his question while staring at Gabriel in the eyes, “Can you at least tell me what sort of offense I have committed?”
The intelligent man knew expulsion was never the penalty for such a trivial offense. Therefore, he thought he might turn the tables around as long as he could prove Gabriel wrong.
On the other hand, Gabriel was thrilled. He asked in return, “This is something I’ve just come up with! Are you questioning my authority? Am I not allowed to amend the rules of the clan?”
“N-No, Sir!”
As those behind Donald played along with Gabriel, Donald knew it was truly over for him as he was on his own.
“It seems like all of you are giving up on me because of this little girl, huh? If that’s the case, I’ll make sure the clan is going to regret it in the near future!”
Donald turned around and warned Levi, “Just you wait! I’ll return and get my revenge against you soon enough!”
The ones expelled thought Levi had leveraged Forlevia’s talent to get them sacked since the little girl possessed the talent to lead the clan to its prime again.
Staring at the departing party, Humphrey murmured to himself, “You need to stop getting on the nerves of mysterious figures whose identity you’re not aware of! Otherwise, you’re destined to be doomed!”
Meanwhile, Gabriel repeated himself in a serious tone, “The ones trying to challenge the decisions we make will end up as such!”
The party of nine continued wandering around the streets because they weren’t sure of their next best course of action.
Tyrone asked, “Donald, what are we going to do next? We’ll follow you!”
“We’re going to make the elders of the clan regret their decisions! In short, we need to join an organization more superior to the clan!” Donald suggested.
He turned around and looked Tyrone in the eyes. “We’ll join the Sacred Organization and acquire the Dark Emperor’s aid!”


Chapter 2499 A Cunning Man

“Huh? The Sacred Organization?”

Kenny and the leaders of the clan had their doubts as they weren’t sure if it was appropriate for them to join others immediately after their expulsion.
“I’m sure Levi has something to do with our misfortune! I’m going to teach him a lesson for stirring things up behind the scenes!”
Donald couldn’t stop himself from trembling due to extreme frustration. No words could justify the sort of grudges he held against Levi.
He was merely irked by the presence of the man he deemed inferior to him quite some time ago.
However, that was no longer the case now since Donald thought Levi was the sole reason for their expulsion.
He yelled, “I’ll make the elders regret their decisions! They didn’t even flinch when terminating the highly regarded prodigy of the family! I can’t believe they’re sacrificing me merely because someone with greater talents has shown up!”
A few seconds of pause later, he yelled hysterically, “Once I’m strong enough to force them into submission, I’ll show the elders they’ve made the wrong decision!”
Tyrone was of the same idea. He remarked, “You’re right! We’re going to make them regret their decisions! In order to achieve our goals, we need to ensure we’re on par with them in terms of influences! Thus, we need to get ourselves affiliated with an influential organization!”
Although Kenny and the leaders knew it was the right thing to do, they were intimidated by the thoughts of leaving the nation.
Hence, Kenny asked, “Why are we going to join the Sacred Organization when there are a few equally influential organizations in Erudia?”
Donald explained, “It’s because of the influence of the Sacred Organization! On top of that, the Dark Emperor is superior to most in terms of strength. Others wouldn’t stop spreading rumors of Divine Brigadier of The Cardinal Hall defeating the Dark Emperor, but that was never the case! It was the exact opposite!” He paused halfway through his orated speech. After much consideration, he shared the things he was aware of with the rest.
“Someone took Evie and her mentors away when they were at Adrune! If it weren’t because of the Dark Emperor, they might not make it back alive! I need to get him to take me in as his disciple to be superior to others within the shortest time!”
“Alright, if that’s the case, we’ll head out and make our way to the Sacred Organization at once.”
Tyrone and Donald departed without a second thought since they were determined to get their revenge.
Meanwhile, Zoey couldn’t snap out of confusion due to the occurrence of the incident a short while ago. She just couldn’t believe Donald was an outcast of the Garrison clan as no one would get expelled from the clan, especially over something as trivial as such.
Floyd exclaimed, “He’s awesome! How the hell has he gotten the elders of the Garrison clan to side with him?”
Sword Fiend nodded and shared his thoughts with them, “Maybe he has leveraged on Evie’s talent and driven the Garrison clan apart from Donald.”
Chuckling, Azure Dragon said, “I think you’re right! We shouldn’t have worried about him. Apart from his exceptional martial arts, he’s an equally intelligent man. There are only a few on par with him in terms of intelligence. Shall we not forget he has defeated countless of our foes without sacrificing a soldier more than once?”
He gave it a thought and added, “As capable as the ancient Garrison clan might be, they’re not a match for him in terms of intelligence! It doesn’t take much for him to drive them apart using Evie as bait!”
It was about time for Zoey and the ones around her to leave since the Garrison clan was about to hold another meeting to discuss the ongoing issues. Zoey brought their daughter away with her as well.
As Levi remained seated in the ancestral shrine, one of them yelled, “How dare you remain seated when the elders are here?”
Cooper, who was also one of the many prodigies of the clan, was closely acquainted with Donald. Hence, he started picking on Levi.
Gabriel slapped Cooper in the face without any hesitation.


Chapter 2500 Mentor Of The Dark Emperor

Cooper collapsed to the ground with a confused look since Gabriel had just indicated he had no issue with Levi sitting.

All of a sudden, Gabriel repeated himself, “Have I not made myself clear? When will you learn to behave when you’re in front of the clan leader?”
“Have I not behaved myself in front of you?”
“What are you talking about? I’m talking about Levi over here!”
Along with Gabriel, the rest of the elders kneeled in front of Levi shortly after Gabriel introduced Levi to the rest in the hall.
The members of the clan couldn’t fathom the reason the elders had gotten down on their knees when they were supposed to be superior to most of them in the hall, including the deceased members of the clan in the shrine.
They couldn’t comprehend the reason those arrogant elders would kneel in front of others until some of them linked the missing pieces of puzzles together and found out they were showing respect to the man seated in front of them.
The elders greeted Levi, “Hail the patriarch!”
Huh? Why has Levi become the freaking leader of the clan?
It was then the members of the clan figured out Levi was the one Gabriel had been talking about during the confrontation with Donald.
When Gabriel mentioned something along the line of the clan leader amending the rules as he wished, he was never referring to himself—it had always been Levi.
Members of the Garrison clan from Oakland City were on the verge of losing their minds as they had a hard time acknowledging the fact that Levi was the clan leader.
“Allow me to introduce the clan leader of the ancient Garrison clan! He’s none other than Levi! In short, he’s the one leading the rest of the Garrison clans! I want everyone to keep his identity in mind in case the day for you to be at his service arises in the near future!”
Meanwhile, Donald finally found one of the Sacred Organization’s many training bases after going through hell.
Tempestus, who was aware of Donald’s identity, happened to be the one in charge of the training base. Hence, he dispatched more than a thousand of his forces to surround them.
Tyrone immediately explained the reason they were there, “Sir, you don’t have to worry because we’re here to join you!”
“What? Are you seriously telling me the most highly regarded prodigy of the ancient Garrison clan is here to join us? Is this some sort of attempt to pull my leg since the clan has always considered us some sort of cult!”
Tempestus wasn’t the only one who thought it was a joke since it sounded too absurd to be real.
Donald told them everything, “A-Actually, we’ve been expelled…”
Shortly after Tempestus carried out some investigation, he found out the duo in front of him had been telling the truth.
“That’s the reason we’re here today! We’re not just some useless additions to the organization! I’m sure we can prove ourselves useful if we’re given a chance. We’ve also brought along something to prove our sincerity, but we’ll only hand it to the Dark Emperor. Actually, I have another request for Dark Emperor—I wish to become his disciple.”
Donald kneeled the moment he finished his orated speech.
Without a second thought, Tyrone responded in a similar manner and asked, “Me too! Can you please deliver the message on our behalf?”
Their actions took those surrounding them by surprise. Nonetheless, they managed to prove their sincerity through kneeling for almost a day.
Meanwhile, Levi was surprised when he figured out the truth. He couldn’t believe the duo had returned to him after making a fuss out of something trivial. Ironically, they were there to acquire his aid.
He joined the duo since he found the duo’s presence interesting and thought it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to figure out the things they had in mind.
“Announcing the arrival of Dark Emperor!”
After spending the night kneeling at the entrance of the training base, Donald and Tyrone were thrilled upon the announcement.

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Supreme Grandmaster - Elder of Sex Sext
Platinum Villager
Sep 24, 2023
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Chapter 2501 Not Worthy Of My Time

They could no longer keep their excitement to themselves at the presence of the Dark Emperor.

Donald hesitated no more and announced, “I’m willing to offer everything within my possession as long as you’re willing to take me in as your disciple!”
Thrilled by the things Donald brought up, Levi couldn’t wait to figure out the things Donald had with him. He asked in an attempt to sort out his confusion, “Why don’t you tell me more about it?”
“As long as you take me in as your disciple, I’m willing to share the techniques of the ancient Garrison clan with you! On top of that, I’ll disclose the details of the items within the clan’s possession with the organization! These are the foundations of the clan!”
Levi knew Donald was serious since Donald had offered to share everything about the clan with him. He guffawed because of Donald’s determination.
It seemed as if the duo were ready to sacrifice everything just to get their revenge. They were driven by hatred towards the clan and the man in front of them.
Levi asked in return, “I’m sure others are going to express their interest in the techniques of the clan as well! After all, it’s something on par with Skyward Sword!”
Donald knew it was a great opportunity to persuade the man in front of him. Thus, he added, “Yes! The one mastering the techniques of the clan can easily ward off those from The Cardinal Hall!”
When he thought he had successfully persuaded the mysterious figure, the mysterious figure started emanating an intimidating presence, sending the duo in front of him flying a few feet away.
They thought it was an explosion when they felt the racking sensation scorching their skin. To their surprise, it was nothing more than Levi unleashing the technique of the Garrison clan with the purest form of Solaris Energy.
Donald’s confusion was written all over his face since he was well aware that was the foundation to the rest of the techniques of the ancient Garrison clan.
Only members of the ancient Garrison clan were made aware of the technique to extract the purest form of Solaris Energy since most of the clan’s techniques were different manifestations of that energy.
The clan members were forbidden to share the secrets of the technique with others. However, Dark Emperor unleashed the purest form of Solaris Energy as if it wasn’t even a big deal.
To be precise, Donald had never seen others unleashing such pure Solaris Energy. Not even Gabriel was capable of extracting such a pure form of energy.
As Tyrone started speculating the identity of the mysterious figure in front of him, the full-fledged Levi lost himself in a train of thought.
I’m aware of the thing Donald isn’t since the elders have shared everything of the ancient Garrison clan with me.
“I’ll show the two of you something else since these aren’t the only trump cards of mine.”
Since Levi possessed the skills others could merely think of, he morphed into a man made out of steel, producing a loud clank over and over again to startle the duo in front of him.
“What? Isn’t this the Iron Golem Technique?”
Donald and Tyrone had a hard time acknowledging the fact the Dark Emperor possessed more than one unique technique.
This is simply terrifying!
They had never encountered such a formidable figure throughout the years. He had no intention to poke his nose into the reason the Dark Emperor was familiar with those unique techniques anymore.
I knew I made the right call to approach him! He’s far more capable than the world thinks he is! I can’t even think of the appropriate words to describe his capabilities anymore! The things others are aware of are nothing more than a tip of an iceberg!
Inspired to be as capable as the Dark Emperor, Donald yelled, “I knew it! I knew you weren’t defeated by Divine Brigadier of The Cardinal Hall!”
“Huh? You must be kidding me, aren’t you? He can’t even take a punch of mine, let alone defeat me! Actually, I can’t really think of anyone who’s worthy of my time.”
The duo in front of him almost went berserk when they heard him and his seemingly boastful statements.
This is the type of power we’re seeking against the ones humiliating us! We need to get him to take us in as his disciples!
“Please take us in as your disciples! I’m willing to do everything on your behalf as long as it’s something you desire!”
They didn’t even hesitate to yield themselves at the mercy of the man they knew nothing about in front of them immediately after Levi finished demonstrating his techniques.


Chapter 2502 Restricted Area 76

How ironic! They wouldn’t stop picking on me a few days ago, yet they’re currently groveling themselves at my mercy without being aware of my identity! Besides Divine Brigadier, my father and this relative of mine are asking me to take them in as my disciples!

Since I’m in desperate need of talents, I’ll do them a favor and take them in as my disciples! As arrogant as he might be, Donald is quite an exceptional man. He’s the useful talent I need as of now. I’ll just guide them from time to time and give them something to keep them motivated.
It won’t even take much to enable them to achieve tremendous improvement within a short period. As capable as they might be in the future, I’ll ensure they’ll continue dancing to my tune since I’m the one granting them everything.
Once he made up his mind, he asked, “Why don’t you tell me the reason you wish to acquire my aid as your mentor?”
“We wish to be as strong as you! We wish to teach the members of the ancient Garrison clan a lesson! It was a mistake and a loss of theirs to expel us from the clan!” Donald yelled hysterically when he heard Levi’s question.
“Wonderful! I’ll do all of you a favor and consider the two of you my disciples! I’ll grant you everything you need, including my guidance! It won’t even take long until you get everything you desire!”
Suddenly, Levi turned around and asked Tempestus, “Is any of our many organizations in need of someone to take the lead?”
Levi was aware that Sacred Organization was the mastermind behind a lot of forces. He had run out of trustworthy aides to oversee the operations of those forces.
“Although we’re currently in control of Maya Industries, there’s no one leading them since the ones we sent weren’t capable enough to lead the rest.”
“Huh?” The duo was on the verge of going through another emotional breakdown when they heard the duo’s conversation.
Who the hell is this mentor of ours? Just what on earth is he not capable of? With that being said, we’ve nothing to lose! Instead, we stand a lot to gain from such a capable figure! Hahaha!
As astonished as they were, they were glad they were officially members of the world’s mightiest organization.
Since our mentor is such an awesome man, I’m sure the members of the Garrison clan are going to regret their decision of expelling us in no time if we manage to achieve a great feat under his guidance!
“Since the two of you are my disciples, I’ll officially appoint you and you the ones in charge of Maya Industries from now onwards! You need to make sure things are running well on my behalf! Am I clear?”
The duo reassured the man in front of them, “You don’t have to worry, Master! We’ll definitely make sure everything’s running fine!”
They couldn’t contain their excitement since they were appointed the ones in charge of Maya Industries shortly after joining the organization.
On the other hand, Levi was certain they would carry out their duties just fine due to their personal interests. He thought they might do a better job than Death Fiend.
“I’ll grant each of you a divine tool as a token of appreciation!” Levi sent someone to retrieve the things he brought along from Restricted Area 76 to the duo.
Eustace’s Death Sword was nothing as compared to the divine tools they had just acquired. They could barely resist the urge to return to the clan and show off the divine tools they were granted.
Shortly after Levi departed, he made a trip to Restricted Area 76 to check on the mining progress due to the abundant natural resources available there.
It would take the Sacred Organization a few hundred years to harvest everything mother nature had to offer.
However, those had nothing to do with the reason he was there since he had something else in mind. To be precise, he was there to lure the ones hiding in the dark out.
He was certain members of Lab of Gods would return if they were still alive. After all, they spent most of their resources to keep the area restricted from others when they were still in power.
On top of that, they had conducted countless investigations to search the background of Dark Emperor. Hence, Levi dispatched the elites of Sacred Organization to be on the lookout against them at Restricted Area 76.
Levi asked, “Has anything strange occurred lately?”
Levi thought of going for rounds in the middle of the night just to ensure everything was fine in case of something odd. After all, the machines could not detect everything.
In the middle of the night, Levi stood at the highest point to ensure everything was fine. Nothing odd occurred until it was late at night.


Chapter 2503 Lab of Gods

The system installed couldn’t detect those nearby the area. However, Levi’s face scrunched up when he noticed something closing in from afar.

It was merely a faint motion, but Levi could detect it without any issue. He no longer had to rely on his mundane senses. Hence, he could easily detect even the faintest motion from the bugs in the woods.
He wasn’t surprised by the system’s failure since it was almost impossible for the machines to detect the faint motion of energy.
In other words, Levi’s deployment was as good as none since the ones on the lookout weren’t aware of the things going on in spite of spending more than a few days there.
Levi had his eyes glued to a few silhouettes sneaking their ways through the woods in the dark. The few beings weren’t much different from Gods of Restricted Area 76 as others couldn’t possibly detect them with their mundane senses.
If it weren’t because of my exceptional senses, I might not have noticed their presence as well. They did a magnificent job controlling the deployment of energy.
Not even the elites or the most advanced equipment I’ve dispatched are capable of detecting them since they’re not much different from ghosts.
Shortly after he sorted out the things he had in mind, he approached one of them and noticed they had disguised themselves using a method different from Gods’.
I can’t even see them if I’m not aware of their presence! They’re literally invisible when they’re in the woods in the middle of the night! Hold on a minute! Are these pure energy beings similar to the one Jared created?
Bruce managed to get his hands on a few pure energy beings, but those were inferior to Jared’s version.
After all, mother nature had blessed the one Jared owned, whereas the ones Bruce possessed were merely a lower spec of his creation.
Although Levi hadn’t encountered pure energy beings like Jared, he knew the ones in front of him were different.
The ones in front of him were a few feet taller than Shaun in terms of height. At the very least, he was certain they were stronger than the ones Bruce made.
To be precise, they might be capable of wiping the first few people ranked on the Divine Leaderboard out. They seemed to be resembling Jared’s creation the most.
Levi was sure they were merely spies sent to investigate the area. In short, there were even more capable ones awaiting the order to infiltrate the area.
Those must be the ones resembling Jared the most in terms of strength. It was safe to assume the ones sending them were none other than members of the Lab of Gods since they possessed the method to make countless pure energy beings.
I knew it! The members of the Lab of Gods are still alive! Hooray! I’ve finally found a few opponents worthy of my time again after being alone for such a long time!
Others might not fathom the reason he was thrilled. He couldn’t even recall the last time he encountered a formidable foe. Therefore, he couldn’t suppress his excitement and almost burst out laughing due to the great news.
The first thing he had in mind was to locate the precise whereabouts of the ones hiding in the dark. Thus, he remained hiding and went after the pure energy beings as they continued going rounds at Restricted Area 76.
They spent the entire night surveying the area until it was almost dawn. When they were about to leave, Levi went after them to trace the base of operation of Lab of Gods.
The pure energy beings continued traveling at top speed. Others might lose track of them unless they were a match for them in terms of speed.
After tailing them for a few hours, Levi brought himself to a halt and muttered to himself with his brows arched in confusion, “Why are they here? It’s impossible!”


Chapter 2504 Bases Of Operations

Astonished by the fact the pure energy beings had returned to Erudia, he continued muttering to himself, “No! This must be one of their attempts to lure me here! It seems like they’re aware of my presence all along!”

He couldn’t think of anything else since it was close to impossible for the members of Lab of Gods to set up their base of operation in Erudia.
When the thought of them being aware of his presence crossed his mind, he felt a chill running down his spines due to their capabilities.
I need to hurry up and follow one of them! Otherwise, they’re going to split up and flee in different directions to shrug me off!
A short while after they made it to Erudia, the pure energy beings parted ways and started accelerating in different directions.
See! They must be aware of my presence all this while! I’m afraid I won’t get my hands on their base of operations if things continue progressing this way. There’s no way they’re going to let the cat out of the bag even if I take them into custody.
Perhaps they have some sort of countermeasure in place to stop me as well. If that’s the case, I’ll try my luck with one of them and see if they’ll lead me to their base.
He lost track of the one he had his eyes on shortly after his target made it to Oakland City. He muttered to himself seconds after the pure energy being’s disappearance, “He’s quite a skillful one, huh?”
It turned out things were the complete opposite of the things he had in mind—they were never aware of his presence since they were merely on their way to the base of operation set up in Erudia.
There was no way a few pure energy beings were capable of noticing his presence when he was superior to them in multiple aspects.
The mastermind thought of misleading others through setting up the organization’s bases of operation somewhere most would deem dangerous.
It worked like a charm and misled others since others thought no one in their right mind would set up their base at the headquarter of their foes.
Those who were aware of Lab of Gods’ presence had a hard time locating them due to the same reason.
The pure energy beings split up shortly after they made it to the nation as multiple bases of operations had been set up just in case of the worst.
At the very least, they wouldn’t be wiped out of existence throughout the night if there were a few bases of operations.
Levi returned to North Hampton from Oakland City since he couldn’t get his hands on the base of operations of Lab of Gods.
He was slightly upset when he thought he might have alarmed the foe worthy of his time. As a result, he stopped dropping by Restricted Area 76 because he thought they wouldn’t return anymore.
To his surprise, they returned and continued surveying the area since they were never aware Levi had noticed their presence.
After surveying the surroundings for quite some time, members of Lab of Gods had finally figured out the secret to the area.
On the other hand, instead of trying his luck with the restricted area, Levi dispatched most of his forces to different regions.
A few days later, a life-changing incident took everyone, including Levi, by surprise when the news of the dark web made it to the surface web.


Chapter 2505 Divine Leaderboard

Renowned organizations from all around the globe had gathered around to redefine the things it would take to qualify themselves as a member of the Divine Leaderboard.

On top of that, they built something called the Hall of Gods on top of the tallest mountain to honor the mightiest humans.
The Divine Wall—a monumental stone that was a few hundred feet had been built alongside to honor the ones making it to the list.
Amongst the thousand people with their names carved on the Divine Wall, Dark Emperor was the first due to his overwhelming combat prowess.
Others couldn’t even see the name of Dark Emperor since the monumental stone was a hundred feet into the sky.
Many people had never heard of the names of the ones carved on the monumental stone since the names of those living in seclusion were included as well.
Apart from members of the ancient Garrison clan, fighters from Adrune and clans of the indigenous forest had made it to the list as well.
Surprisingly, Divine Brigadier of The Cardinal Hall and mentors of Forlevia were also included in the list.
Previously, only names of the ones portraying their capabilities would be included in the Divine Leaderboard since the ones in charge needed something to benchmark their capabilities.
As strong as those living in seclusion might be, they wouldn’t be involved until they demonstrated their actual capabilities.
However, it was different for Hall of Gods since users of the dark web had gathered around to analyze the capabilities of people from all around the globe using information they acquired through different sources.
Apart from the monumental stone, there were ninety-nine stairs built with a hundred names carved on each stair to honor the ones with their names listed on the Provisional Leaderboard.
They were granted the title of Provisional combatants to honor their equally remarkable combat skills since they were the ones next to the Divine Leaderboard
When the Provisional Leaderboard and Divine Leaderboard were introduced to the world, others had no intention to take them seriously.
Many thought it was time to take it seriously since it had garnered the attention of people from all around the globe.
After all, it was an honor for the ones making it to the Hall of Gods. They would earn the right to consider themselves the best amongst the rest in the world.
The ones with their names carved on the Hall of Gods would be considered the finest amongst the rest. Therefore, everyone felt motivated to keep moving up the ranks at all costs.
They thought it was a great honor to be acknowledged by others for their exceptional capabilities.
Meanwhile, it was different for those with their names carved on the stairs because they considered it a humiliation to have their names beneath others.
They had to keep climbing up the ranks to ensure they were ahead of their peers. The common goal they had was to ensure their names were carved on Divine Wall.
The addition of Eustace and the elders of the ancient Garrison clan had taken the rest of the world by surprise since no one was aware of their actual capabilities.
On the other hand, Levi was intrigued to figure out if he was included in the Hall of Gods.



Supreme Grandmaster - Elder of Sex Sext
Platinum Villager
Sep 24, 2023
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Chapter 2506 All Three Titles Are Mine

Dark Emperor was in first place.

Killfinger of Erudia, the mysterious man who broke the Skyward Sword with his fingers, was second.
Rumor had it that Killfinger wielded the Iron Golem Technique and had reached unimaginable heights with it.
At the same time, the new leader of the ancient Garrison clan was in third place.
Even though his identity was shrouded in mystery, he was exceedingly powerful. He had defeated Gabriel, Eustace, and other strong contenders to win the position.
When the new Divine Leaderboard was revealed, it shocked the entire world.
Everyone was familiar with who the first and second-placed fighters were.
However, the new leader of the ancient Garrison clan came as a surprise to the world, especially to Donald and Tyrone, who controlled Maya Industries.
Both of them wondered if the new clan leader was the one who threw them out of the clan.
Who is the new clan leader? Why haven’t we heard anything about him?
At that moment, Donald planned to use his network with the ancient Garrison clan to investigate.
However, they were celebrating the fact that their master, Dark Emperor, was top of the Divine Leaderboard.
Consequently, they were the disciples of the top-ranked warrior on the leaderboard.
Looking at the top three positions on the Divine Leaderboard, Levi fell into deep thought.
His three alter egos were occupying the top three positions.
What’s my position?
After going through the names, he couldn’t find himself on the Divine Leaderboard.
The Dark Web is indeed resourceful given that they are able to differentiate my three alter egos. In that case, do they know who I am? Or the fact that these three identities belong to the same person? It would be extremely dangerous if they do.
Much to his relief, Levi’s initial conclusion was that the Dark Web likely wasn’t related to Lab of Gods.
Hence, he continued to go through the names listed on the ninety-nine steps but still couldn’t find his name.
The newly redefined Divine and Provisional Leaderboard were supposed to contain all the powerful fighters in the world, regardless of whether they had fought before or were hidden from the public eye.
It was rare for them to leave out anyone powerful.
Therefore, it had a lot of credibility as an accurate leaderboard.
Toward the end of the previous Divine Leaderboard, there were many elite fighters who emerged and rocketed up to the top.
Therefore, the leaderboard was no longer able to categorize them accurately.
Given the change, it was understandable that Levi wasn’t included in the Provisional Leaderboard based on his earlier strength.
Therefore, the difficulty of getting onto the Provisional Leaderboard now was similar to that of getting onto the previous Divine Leaderboard.
In fact, it was actually more difficult to do so.
Meanwhile, Levi continued to go through the Divine and Provisional Leaderboard.
Gabriel, Eustace, Divine Brigadier, and their factions were all included.
Also on the list were many reclusive elites from Adrune.
Basically, the Divine Leaderboard was now filled with many unfamiliar names.
Of the top ten from the previous Divine Leaderboard, only the top three were still in there. The rest had their ranks dropped significantly.
Donald, Edmund, and a few others barely made it into the new Divine Leaderboard.
However, being in the new rankings was certainly more glorious than being in the top ten of the old ones.
As for Queenie who used to be among the top ten, she was now relegated to the Provisional Leaderboard instead.
Unexpectedly, Death Fiend, Tempestus, and Notos of Sacred Organization made it into the top hundred of the Divine Leaderboard.
As for Sword Fiend, Floyd, Kirin, and others, who were supposedly stronger than them, they had fallen out from the Divine Leaderboard into the Provisional Leaderboard.
There, they were listed on the ninety-seventh step.
However, there was still some distance between them and the ninety-ninth step.
The reason was that Death Fiend and the others had drunk the blood of “Gods” at Restricted Area 76, causing their powers to increase significantly.
In fact, Death Fiend wasn’t alone.
Many other mysterious elites from Sacred Organization emerged within the rankings, with many of them making it into the Divine Leaderboard.
The developments caused Levi a headache.
After all, they were supposed to be his secret weapon. But now, all of them were revealed one by one.
Nevertheless, he was still happy with the fact that his subordinates were populating the rankings while his three alter egos were in the top three positions.
At that moment, Zoey and a few others came to see Levi. “Come with us!”


Chapter 2507 The Stairway To Heaven

“Where are we going?” Levi asked curiously.

“To The World Summit to see the holy altar and staircase.”
Ever since the Divine Leaderboard was redefined, everyone wanted to visit The World Summit so that they could inspire themselves.
Zoey and everyone else were filled with anticipation too.
Now that the new Divine Leaderboard was built at The World Summit, it served as a great motivation for all the warriors in the world.
Everyone was crazy about it and felt that having their names carved on the stone plaque there was the ultimate glory.
Even if their names were carved onto the ninety-nine steps to be trampled upon by pedestrians, they still saw it as an honor.
After all, it was a stairway that lead to the heavens still.
Hence, everyone was dying to have their names carved there.
“Boss, trust us. When you see the stone plaque that pierces the sky, you will be amazed! In fact, it will inspire you to become stronger no matter what it takes!” Kirin explained.
“All right, I’ll go with you to take a look then.”
The main reason Levi decided to go was that he wanted to see what the Dark Web had built.
He figured that he could find some clues about them there.
“Sheesh! I didn’t expect to drop out of the Divine Leaderboard. Now, I’m listed on the ninety-seventh step,” Sword Fiend lamented.
Floyd was equally displeased. “I am also listed there. Of all places, the Provisional Leaderboard? Who would have thought I would suffer such humiliation?”
Kirin and White Tiger nodded. “We too…”
Both of them were still wallowing in sorrow.
As for Zoey, she was a little better off than them by being on the ninety-eighth step, bringing her slightly closer to the Divine Leaderboard.
Among them, she was the highest ranking warrior.
At that moment, Azure Dragon consoled them, “You guys should be happy with what you have. Do you still think this is the old days? Even being on the Provisional Leaderboard is an honor now. You should be proud that your names have been carved into the Stairway to Heaven!”
Robed Slayer sighed. “That’s right. The way I look at it, times have changed. It’s expected that Eustace and his men have been pushed up the leaderboard, while we have fallen behind. In truth, we were never in control of the world. The previous Divine Leaderboard just created the illusion that we were really powerful. In truth, that just wasn’t the case.”
Azure Dragon nodded in agreement. “Come on, you should feel contented. At the very least, your names are still carved on the Stairway to Heaven. In fact, you are even close to the ninety-ninth step. As for me, not only have I been relegated from the Divine Leaderboard, but I have also fallen out of the Provisional Leaderboard. In fact, I don’t even have the opportunity to have my name carved on the first step!”
Just as he spoke, he subconsciously snuck a glance at Levi.
Ever since he abandoned his own technique and trained in the basic techniques Levi taught, there was no improvement in his strength.
All he could do was watch as everyone else surpassed him one by one.
There was nothing he could do other than suffer in silence.
Levi chuckled. “Azure Dragon, as long as you train diligently, your name will also be carved on the stone plaque soon!”
“Understood, Boss.”
Azure Dragon laughed wryly, as he didn’t believe in Levi’s words.
How is that possible?
Soon, all of them arrived at the first peak of The World Summit.
To an ordinary person, the first peak was almost impossible to climb.
But to a bunch of elite fighters, it was simply a piece of cake.
Meanwhile, tens of thousands of people had gathered, and the numbers were still increasing.
Soon, the crowd grew to a hundred thousand strong, and the entire hilly range was filled with people.
However, most of those who came were not from the Divine and Provisional Leaderboard.
They were all there to see the stone plaque erected on top of the Hall of Gods so that they could be inspired to have their names carved onto it.
As for those whose names were inscribed on it, none of them came to see it.
At the same time, tens of thousands of visitors were standing below the Stairway to Heaven and solemnly admiring the holy Hall of Gods.
To them, it was a beacon of hope and motivation.
No one dared to set foot on the steps, for fear of transgressing its holiness.
However, someone suddenly took a step.
“Boss, what are you doing?”


Chapter 2508 Wiping The Smile Off His Face

Levi sparked an uproar amongst the crowd when they saw him step on the staircase.

Everyone wanted to stop him but was just too late.
He was already on his way up.
Although the Stairway to Heaven was meant to be stepped on, it still represented the glory of those whose names were carved upon it.
Only the elite warriors whose names were inscribed onto the stone plaque were deemed qualified to ascend the steps.
After all, everyone considered the stairway to be holy.
Those on the Provisional Leaderboard whose names were carved on the steps took offense when their names were trampled upon by someone who was weaker than them.
It was certainly an unforgivable act.
Even if the ones setting foot on the steps were from the Divine Leaderboard, everyone would still be upset by it, let alone someone who was weaker than them.
There was no way they could accept it, as having their names trampled upon was humiliating to them.
Even though they were outraged, there was nothing they could do as Levi was already on his way.
In a blink of an eye, he had covered tens of steps.
Everyone was clamoring for him to come down.
However, as if he had gone raving mad, Levi didn’t care for the rules at all as he trampled fearlessly on their authority.
What a lunatic!
He has lost his mind!
“Stop him!”
Some of the Provisional Leaderboard fighters wanted to stop him, but it was already too late.
Levi had moved swiftly and easily conquered the ninety-nine steps. Soon, he arrived at the Hall of Gods and darted in as if he was possessed.
However, the Provisional Leaderboard warriors who were in pursuit came to a stop. They knew that they were not supposed to step in there.
Only those whose names were inscribed on the stone plaque were worthy of doing so.
Therefore, none of them dared to enter.
All they could do was watch as Levi ascended the Hall of Gods.
“Levi, you have tarnished the authority of this world! How dare you trample on all of us?” the crowd bellowed.
However, Levi wasn’t the least bit bothered.
Instead, he walked around the Hall of Gods and scrutinized the surroundings.
He had heard that the place was built by the Dark Web and that the stairway and stone plaque within the Hall of Gods were made of special materials.
After all, the names that were inscribed on the stone plaque would be changed often with new names added every now and then.
Therefore, the special material allowed names to be carved and removed easily.
After examining it for a while, Levi noticed that the material was new to him. In fact, he had never seen it before.
He turned around and scanned his surroundings.
Standing in the Hall of Gods, he felt as if he was positioned at the top of the world. There, he could see everything for miles on end.
At the bottom of the stairway, the crowd of a hundred thousand looked insignificant to him.
Nevertheless, they continued to berate him for not being worthy to stand in the Hall of Gods.
Levi was amused.
Me? Not Worthy? The top three names on the stone plaque belong to me!
After that, Levi turned his attention to the stone plaque.
One by one he swept his gaze through the names.
Although there were some familiar names, most of them were foreign to him.
Finally, Levi jumped up to the stone plaque and started climbing it so that he could see the names clearly.
The crowd went into an uproar when they saw Levi scaling the stone plaque.
Levi had not only ridiculed the Provisional Leaderboard’s Stairway to Heaven but also the Divine Leaderboard’s stone plaque.
In other words, Levi had ignited the crowd’s fury with his disrespectful behavior.
The stone plaque was so tall that its top pierced through the clouds.
Soon, Levi’s figure disappeared amongst the clouds as he finally arrived at the summit.
When he saw the top three names included Dark Emperor and his other alter egos, he was filled with delight.
Leaping into the sky, Levi stood at the top of the stone plaque and felt as if he was at the top of the world.
However, the moment he looked down, the smile on his face was replaced by a look of horror.
He saw…


Chapter 2509 The Secret Behind The Divine Leaderboard

He saw his name carved behind the stone plague.

It wasn’t carved as Dark Emperor, or the new leader of the ancient Garrison clan, but his very own name, Levi Garrison.
Instead of it being carved in front of the stone plaque, Levi’s name was carved at the back.
On its huge empty surface was Levi’s name.
No one had expected that the largest secret of the stone plaque was on its back.
However, the stone plaque and the stairway were considered holy to all fighters in the world.
The more powerful one was, the more respect one had for the stone plaque. Therefore, one wouldn’t dare trespass it.
One would also not have the courage to even climb the stone plaque from the front, let alone look at it from the back.
To them, the plaque was holy and they were forbidden from desecrating it.
Therefore, it never crossed their mind to look behind the plaque.
Only someone as rebellious as Levi would dare to brazenly climb it and look around.
If he hadn’t climbed to the top, he wouldn’t have seen what was on its back.
Furthermore, the stone plaque was located at the top of the summit. One had to stand on top of it before one could see what was written on the back.
There was no way one could go around it.
After all, the stone plaque was erected in a corner where its back was facing a cliff and shrouded in mist.
Therefore, one had to scale the stone plaque as Levi did before one could see what was written behind it.
However, scaling the stone plaque was the equivalent of disrespecting the Divine Leaderboard and everything else in the world.
Therefore, there was no one else in the entire world that would dare behave the same way as Levi did.
And yet, he had discovered the massive secret and finally understood everything.
The fact that his name was inscribed on the back of the Divine Leaderboard was indicative that someone knew ahead of time that he would surpass everyone on the list.
Given that the Dark Web had built the stone plaque, it meant that they were cognizant of the true extent of his power. Hence, he no longer had any secrets to hide.
Having realized the situation, Levi broke into a grin.
The reason he came here with Zoey was to find out if the Dark Web knew of his identity and strength.
Now that he knew they did, he felt a sense of relief.
Despite knowing his secret for a long time, they hadn’t exposed it to the world.
It meant that the Dark Web was focused on gathering information and news throughout the world.
They weren’t working for any factions in particular, especially not Lab of Gods.
In fact, they were more of a neutral party that knew everything.
However, other than collecting information, they didn’t do anything else.
Even though they had known the truth about Levi for a long time, they hadn’t revealed it.
Hence, Levi figured they were aware of Lab of Gods too, just that they chose not to expose it.
The purpose of their existence was for information gathering and providing rankings and so on.
They didn’t get themselves involved despite what they knew.
Levi’s name carved into the back of the stone plaque was a good example of that.
“Hmm? Wait, there are still other names…”
Levi continued to scrutinized the back of the plaque.
My name isn’t the only one! There are some names in ancient alphabets. They looked like the names of Gods in Adrunean culture. Perhaps, the names represent something. Do they belong to Lab of Gods?
Levi was baffled.
As he continued down the list, more names that belonged to Lab of Gods appeared.
It was just that his name appeared at the top of the list, indicating that he was stronger than all of them.
Evidently, he was still the most powerful.
However, Lab of Gods had one advantage.
No matter how strong Levi was, he would still be overwhelmed by their superiority in terms of manpower.
Now that he was certain the Dark Web knew everything about Lab of Gods, he endeavored to find them, hoping that they could tell him where Lab of Gods was.


Chapter 2510 Public Anger

However, the thought filled Levi with frustration.

Given that the Dark Web knew everything about him, he felt that finding them would be more difficult than locating Lab of Gods.
Hence, he had no choice but to leave it to fate.
Nevertheless, he had confirmed Lab of Gods’ existence.
Furthermore, many of their members’ names were inscribed behind the stone plaque. It was an indication that their strength surpassed the warriors of the current era.
The Lab of Gods is as powerful as I imagined them to be. Therefore, it was right for me to have made preparations. After this, I still have to continue…
Levi was amused.
Only he dared to climb to the top of the stone plaque and coincidentally saw what was inscribed behind it.
If it was anyone else, they would have missed the inscriptions behind.
I suppose Lab of Gods might not even dare come see this given how secretive they are. Or perhaps, they might not be bothered because they don’t see the warriors on the Divine Leaderboard as a threat at all.
After committing the names on the back of the stone plaque to memory, Levi slowly jumped back down to the Hall of Gods.
Meanwhile, the crowd had swelled to a few hundred thousand.
They were still raging and berating him incessantly.
The moment they saw him return, all of them went into an uproar, as if they wanted to kill him.
Meanwhile, Levi walked down the stairway by stepping on every single one of the ninety-nine steps.
It was naturally an insult to all the members of the Provisional Leaderboard.
“Did something happen to the boss for him to act so irrationally?” someone asked.
“Perhaps. After coming here, even I was greatly inspired and felt the urge to have my name carved onto the stone plaque. Therefore, as a champion of the past, don’t you think Boss will be more emotionally affected than us?” Kirin explained.
Floyd nodded. “As someone with a competitive nature, coming here motivates me to grow stronger so that I can tell everyone else how weak they are. Boss is someone that’s even more competitive. Hence, it’s understandable that he is behaving that way.”
“Mmm-hmm. The new way the Divine Leaderboard is presented is extremely exciting. I never felt this way back then. Now that the names are inscribed on the stone plaque, it does reverberate with one’s soul. Currently, everyone is dying to have their names carved up there!” someone commented.
Therefore, they didn’t see Levi’s actions as being unreasonable.
After all, they understood how emotional it must have been for him.
Many of them wanted to climb to the top.
However, many also wanted to just have their names inscribed on the steps, as that alone was glorious enough.
Unfortunately, most of the crowd would never have the opportunity to do so.
From everyone’s perspective, Levi couldn’t even have his name inscribed on the steps.
And yet, he had trampled upon the stone plaque.
It was something none of them could accept.
Therefore, the moment Levi reached the first step of the stairway, tens of thousands of men swarmed him, as if they were going to skin him alive.
They demanded an explanation from him, or else, they were not going to let him go.
“What right do you have to ascend the steps? What makes you worthy to stand on top of the Hall of Gods or even the stone plaque?” the crowd demanded.
Everyone in the world had worked hard and relied on their own effort to climb the stairs and arrive at the Hall of Gods.
However, some had reached the Hall of Gods by cheating. And that was what upset the crowd.
Just like an exam, everyone would study hard for it.
In the end, Levi seemed to have entered the best university by cheating. The worst part was that he did it in full view of everyone, causing them to be outraged.
“He has to be held responsible!” the crowd roared as they surrounded Levi.
Zoey and the others had no way of holding them back.
After all, they were facing tens of thousands of elite warriors.
“Levi, as long as you kneel on the first step and bow ten times toward the holy altar, we will forgive you!”
“That’s right. After committing such a despicable act, you have to show your remorse by prostrating in front of the plaque!”
The crowd demanded that Levi pay for what he had done.



Supreme Grandmaster - Elder of Sex Sext
Platinum Villager
Sep 24, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 2511 My Name Is On The Back

Everyone was upset with Levi’s behavior and clamored for him to apologize.

Only by prostrating and repenting could he appease the crowd’s anger.
Levi smiled. “The reason I climbed up the stairs and stepped on the stone plaque is that I have surpassed them all. The Divine Leaderboard isn’t enough to reflect the extent of my power!”
“What makes you think you are a cut above the rest?”
Levi’s words had riled up the crowd.
Not only had he desecrated what they considered to be holy, but he had also ridiculed it to their faces.
Everyone was furious.
“Force him to kneel!”
Just when the crowd was about to make their move, Levi yelled, “Wait!”
“What else do you have to say?” the crowd asked.
“What does it take before I can walk on the ninety-nine steps and put my foot on the stone plaque?” Levi questioned.
“Erm, technically, no one is capable of that.”
“However, it might be acceptable for Dark Emperor, who is on the top of the list, to lay his foot on the stone plaque.”
“That’s right. Only Dark Emperor is qualified. No one will dare complain if he does it,” the group replied.
“However, what if I’m stronger than Dark Emperor and far surpass those on the Divine Leaderboard?” Levi sneered.
After all, Dark Emperor was just one of his alter egos.
The moment they heard Levi’s words, everyone burst into uncontrollable laughter.
In fact, they felt as if they were going to die from it.
Is there anyone in this world more powerful than Dark Emperor? Impossible! Stop kidding yourself!
If one were the previous Divine Leaderboard’s first ranked fighter, one might still not be the most powerful in the world.
After all, many other powerful warriors were previously not included.
But now, the current Divine Leaderboard had included all warriors without exception.
The margin of error was less than one percent.
Therefore, Dark Emperor was indeed the strongest of them all and naturally deserved to be categorized as undefeatable.
Consequently, no one was going to believe Levi when he proclaimed himself to be stronger than Dark Emperor.
In fact, they even thought it was nothing but an absurd joke.
“Levi, how can you claim to be stronger than Dark Emperor when your name isn’t even on the stone plaque? Can’t you see Dark Emperor’s name listed at the top?”
“That’s right. We don’t see Levi’s name inscribed anywhere on the stone plaque,” the crowd asserted.
“Of course, my name is up there. However, it’s has been carved on the back!” Levi replied.
“The back? Hahaha,” everyone sniggered.
No one believed Levi’s claim.
“Levi, can you not come up with such a ridiculous lie? Words on the back?”
Everyone laughed.
“Wouldn’t you know just by taking a look for yourself?” Levi sneered.
Everyone was stunned.
That’s right. We would know whether Levi is lying or not just by checking the back. That would easily clear things up.
However, no one present dared to check the back given how sacred the entire place was.
The stone plaque was built with its back facing a cliff.
Hence, the only way one could see it was by standing at the top of the stone plaque.
That was the equivalent of trampling on Dark Emperor, Killfinger, and the head of the ancient Garrison clan just to take a look.
Obviously, no one in the entire world dare to do it.
Standing on top of the stone plaque was no different than challenging all the elite warriors listed on the Divine Leaderboard just for the sake of checking whether Levi’s name was at the back.
It was an endeavor no one thought was worth taking the risk for.
Moreover, everyone was sure that Levi’s name wasn’t there in the first place.
Therefore, it wasn’t worth throwing their lives away for something so trivial.
“Levi, you really are cunning. You made such a claim on purpose because you know we won’t dare step foot on the stone plaque!”
“Levi, you have to kneel. No one here believes you!”


Chapter 2512 Lab Of Gods Emerges

Obviously, no one believed him as they insisted he drop to his knees.

In fact, even Zoey and the others thought Levi was kicking up an unnecessary fuss.
At the back? How is that possible? He’s definitely lying.
“Why don’t you just apologize? After all, you have angered the crowd,” Zoey suggested.
Tens of thousands of men insisted that Levi apologize on his knees.
At the crucial moment, Levi was amused.
“Don’t you believe me? I’ll pull out the stone plaque and show all of you the back!”
Everyone gasped the moment Levi made the suggestion.
Pulling it out is a blatant desecration of the plaque!
“Levi, do you have a death wish?”
The crowd was infuriated.
Suddenly, an intimidating aura swept the entire area.
The true warriors of the Divine Leaderboard had arrived.
It was the first time the crowd had seen so many of them.
Evidently, the newly defined Divine Leaderboard had lured many warriors out of their seclusion.
Climbing the ninety-nine steps, they arrived at the Hall of Gods.
When they saw the names inscribed on it, they too were equally inspired.
After all, the names on the stone plaque at The World Summit represented the rankings of the top warriors on the planet.
Obviously, everyone wanted their names to be carved at the top.
Most of the names on the stone plaque were visible to everyone except for the very top part that pierced the clouds.
Thus, the Divine Leaderboard warriors leaped onto the stone plaque to check the names at the top.
They had wanted to commit to memory the top ten names, especially those at the top three.
However, despite how strong they were, no one dared to step on the very top of the stone plaque, as that was the equivalent of challenging Dark Emperor.
Consequently, they had no access to the back of the stone plaque.
“Levi, there! None of the elite warriors dare to look behind the stone. And yet, you want us to do it? Are you mad?” someone retorted.
Initially, everyone thought that the warriors from the Divine Leaderboard wouldn’t come.
However, hundreds of them turned up in the end.
The temptation of the Hall of Gods was simply too great to ignore.
The moment they arrived, they caught everyone’s attention.
Hence, the crowd inadvertently forgot about Levi.
Instead, they were working hard to remember the faces of the fighters on the Divine Leaderboard, so as to not offend them in the future.
“Let’s go. There’s no point staying back anymore.”
With that, Levi and his men left.
On the journey back, everyone was silent.
Levi was cognizant that they had been inspired by their visit.
Even though everyone wished for their names to be carved on the stairway, they were still upset to have it trampled upon.
Therefore, their dream was to have it inscribed on the stone plaque instead.
Contrary to what they were concerned about, Levi was wondering what sort of organization the Dark Web was.
After all, they seemed to be omniscient, considering they knew about him and Lab of Gods.
The only person with such power that came to his mind was his mentor.
Wouldn’t it be great if the Dark Web was founded by my mentor?
Regardless of whether the Dark Web was neutral, Levi knew he had to find out what they were about.
Or else, they would be like a knife hanging over his head even though they didn’t pose any immediate danger.
At any point in time, the knife might cut his neck or even pierce through his heart if he wasn’t careful.
“Were you awed by the experience? My dream now is to become the top warrior on the leaderboard!” Zoey declared.
Just like her, everyone else’s heart burned with the same ambition.
Azure Dragon sighed.
Although he too was greatly motivated, he had promised Levi that he would only train in the basic techniques.
At the rate he was going, he figured that he had no chance of making it into the Provisional Leaderboard, let alone have his name carved on the stone plaque.
Meanwhile, the new Divine Leaderboard had astounded the world, causing upheavals everywhere.
That night, two figures appeared in Oakland City.
One of them was an ordinary-looking middle-aged man who was a new entrant to the Divine Leaderboard.
In front of him was another man in suit and leather shoes. Both of them were a striking contrast to each other.
He was none other than Mr. X of Lab of Gods, who finally made his appearance.


Chapter 2513 Divine Extraction Technique

No one had expected him to emerge in Oakland City.

However, the person in front of him was an unfamiliar sight to everyone.
Nevertheless, Daxon or the other elders of The Cardinal Hall might recognize him still.
After all, he was the heir to the Divine Extraction Technique. It was one of the ultimate techniques in the world, just like the Iron Golem Technique.
In truth, when the full potential of both techniques was unleashed, they could be used to balance each other out.
Neither one had the advantage over the other.
Living up to its namesake, the Divine Extraction Technique allows one to extract the energy of their opponents.
Not only that, but it also allows them to also absorb all sorts of energy from their surroundings and use it as their own.
However, the Divine Extraction Technique had one flaw.
If one absorbed more energy than one’s capacity allowed, one would end up exploding instead.
Also, if the energy one absorbed counteracted each other, one would suffer grievous injury and potentially be blown apart.
Therefore, if one wasn’t skillful enough, didn’t have a strong body, or couldn’t gel the energy in time, it was easy for accidents to happen.
Therefore, one had to overcome the above issues before one could achieve a level in the Divine Extraction Technique that was comparable to Level Eight or Nine of the Iron Golem Technique.
Or else, one would be dead by Level Six if one wasn’t careful enough.
In truth, the Divine Extraction Technique was more difficult to master than the Iron Golem Technique.
One had to continuously absorb the energy of others to increase one’s strength. However, when one had reached the limit of one’s capacity, one would simply be killed.
That was the problem faced by every generation of wielders of the technique.
The man standing in front of Mr. X was no exception.
Ever since he was designated as its heir, he had diligently trained in the technique, hoping to master it at its highest level.
Soon, the problems mentioned just now surfaced and became his biggest obstacle.
Just when he was filled with despair, a mysterious man came looking for him, promising him that he could solve his problem and make him stronger.
That man was Mr. X.
Mr. X remarked with a smile, “The day has finally come. As of now, I have solved all the problems you have faced. No matter how much energy you absorb or how complex they are, your body will be able to contain them.
“Also, we have modified your body so that you can digest all the energy you absorbed within a minute. This is the power of modern technology that you were previously disgusted by.”
The Divine Extraction Technique user had nothing to rebut Mr. X with.
After all, Mr. X spoke the truth.
The Lab of Gods did help him overcome all those problems by upgrading his body with the latest technology.
He was well aware that all his predecessors had physically exploded from absorbing more energy than they could handle.
Also, there were two more who were killed due to the conflicting energy within their body.
It didn’t help their cause that a Divine Extraction Technique user would always grow greedy.
After all, the more power they extracted, the stronger they became.
However, no one was able to solve the pre-existing problems still.
Consequently, he became the first one to do so with his own body.
By then, he skill was between Level Six and Seven.
It was considered an achievement as his previous seven predecessors had only reached Level Six.
“From now on, you will begin your journey of becoming a fearless and invincible warrior. Go on absorb the energy of whoever you please and as many as you want. You only have one goal which is to become stronger!” Mr. X plainly remarked.
With a hopeful expression and a murderous glint in his eye, the heir to the Divine Extraction Technique replied, “Understood! I can now extract and meld an unlimited amount of energy. Soon, I will wipe out everyone on the Divine Leaderboard!”
“Mmm-hmm. As to how you repay us, it’s simple. All you need to do is to dispose of these few targets…”


Chapter 2514 The Three Targets

Mr. X had a murderous expression on. “Even though the new Divine Leaderboard has revealed many new warriors, they are still within our control. As for The Cardinal Hall and Divine Brigadier, we are familiar with their strength too. If a conflict arises, we can still deal with them. All except… the top three. Not only do we not have a handle on them, but we also don’t even know who they are.”

“Previously, we had some leads about Killfinger and the new leader of the ancient Garrison clan. But when we tried to investigate, there was resistance everywhere. As of now, we still don’t know who they are.
“As for Dark Emperor, it’s even worse. We are aware that someone else has taken that position. Previously, it was Dark Emperor’s fellow disciple. But now, it is evidently someone else. Unfortunately, we still don’t know who it is.
“Now that Dark Emperor and Sacred Organization have grown extremely powerful and terrifying, the only person who has a clue is the senior disciple of the previous Dark Emperor, who also happens to be her son. He probably knows who the current Dark Emperor is. However, we have already spent a long time looking for him.
“The three of them pose a direct threat to us and we have no way of keeping them in check. Therefore, we need to either kill them or have them submit before we can execute our plan.”
The man standing opposite raised his gaze at Mr. X. “Therefore, you want me to eliminate them?”
Mr. X nodded. “Exactly! All you need to do next is to absorb as much energy as you can. Soon, you will be able to reach the stage where you are capable of slaughtering those three. With your obstacles removed, you can now unleash the Divine Extraction Technique without worrying about your limits. Based on our calculations, you will be strong enough to kill the three of them in three months’ time.”
“Mmm-hmm, not bad! What I’m going to do next is to challenge other warriors one by one so that I can absorb all their power. I should have enough strength once I extract the energy from half the warriors on the Divine Leaderboard. That way, my increase in power will become a gradual process. Therefore, regardless of what I do, the investigations will never lead back to you.”
Mr. X nodded. “Mmm-hmm. You’re really smart. Given that you are an Erudian warrior who has gotten stronger gradually and the fact that the new Divine Leaderboard has thrown out many new names, no one will cast any suspicion in our direction.
“All right, I understand. I’ll take my leave now.”
Staring at his silhouette, Mr. X let out a smile.
“After spending such a long time making preparations, it’s time to harvest the fruits of our labor.”
He laughed insidiously.
At that moment, someone appeared beside him and remarked coldly, “Aren’t you going to kill Levi?”
It was Lucifer who had been resurrected from the dead.
By then, his power had increased to incomprehensible proportions.
“Levi? Haha, given his condition, what makes him even worthy of being our enemy? Will God bat an eyelid over a mere mortal?” Mr. X sniggered.
Levi was no longer a concern for him as the difference in skill was just too great.
After all, they had done their research on Levi and no longer found him to be a threat. Considering he wasn’t even on the Divine Leaderboard, there was no need for them to treat him as a potential opponent.
Moreover, when Mr. X compared himself to God, he had meant it in a literal sense.
“I still hold a grudge against him for killing me with a suicide attack back then.”
Lucifer had a vengeful character.
“Actually, we can order him to kill Levi at a snap of a finger. However, we might risk exposing ourselves if we aren’t careful,” Mr. X explained.
Lucifer nodded. “That’s true. We shouldn’t expose ourselves on the account of Levi. At the end of the day, he is nothing but a weakling now. Killing him is no different than squashing an insect. Having heard your perspective, my interest in killing him has waned.”
Just as he spoke, Lucifer stomped his foot on an ant.
“Other than the top three of the Divine Leaderboard, the only other thing I’m concerned about is Restricted Area 76. The Gods there have disappeared without a trace,” Mr. X remarked.
However, he received a piece of shocking news at that moment.


Chapter 2515 End Of The Line

The men he had sent to investigate returned with news that the Gods of Restricted Area 76 were all dead as if they had gone extinct.

However, the Gods’ energy was compressed into crystals which were taken away by Sacred Organization.
“In that case, the more the reason we shouldn’t allow Dark Emperor to live. I’m no longer curious about his identity anymore. I just want him dead!” Mr. X hissed.
“Of course, we want the crystals too. Now, we have to figure out how to get them,” Lucifer suggested.
“Mmm-hmm, we must get them back. However, taking out those three rivals remains our top priority.”
The Lab of Gods had officially emerged again and set their scheme in motion.
However, no one else, including Levi, was aware of it.
Although he was looking for Lab of Gods, he wasn’t doing so in the right direction.
The next few days, Levi witness the proliferation of madness.
Kirin and his comrades’ attitude toward training had gone from being fanatical to raving mad.
To them, it was either death or training.
Every time Levi saw them, they would always be training.
Evidently, they had been greatly inspired.
The Divine Leaderboard seemed to have a devilish hold on everyone. Just by being there, it was driving everyone crazy.
They wanted to grow stronger regardless of the price.
They would consume any drug or use any method as long as it could help them progress.
Zoey and the others behaved in the same way too.
Training with such fanatical fervor, their skills improved by leaps and bound, elevating them to a whole new terrifying level.
One by one, they arrived at the peak of the respective techniques they wielded.
However, Levi couldn’t bring himself to be happy for them.
The faster they improved, the closer they were to their impending doom.
After all, when they reached the pinnacle of their powers, they were at risk of a backlash that might cost them their lives.
Therefore, Levi couldn’t bring himself to allow them to continue down that path.
Left without a choice, he gathered everyone.
“Everyone, it’s time to stop,” Levi uttered with a conflicted expression.
Everyone was puzzled.
Azure Dragon guessed Levi’s intention at once. “Boss, are you going to tell us that we are at risk of a backlash for training our techniques to their peaks?”
“Precisely! In less than a month, all of you would reach the pinnacle of your powers. Beyond that lies death. I don’t want to see any of you sacrifice…”
Just as Levi spoke, everyone fell silent.
Evidently, no one believed him.
Sensing what was going on, Levi turned to Azure Dragon. “Azure Dragon, didn’t you promise me that you would collect data on everyone’s technique and make a detailed analysis? Did you not do it?”
Azure Dragon was stunned as he truly didn’t.
He didn’t take it seriously as he felt there was no need to do so.
Now that Levi had exposed him, he felt ashamed over the mistake he made.
“Boss, don’t blame Azure Dragon. We refused to give him the data, as we didn’t think it was necessary. Also, what you said can’t be true. All our techniques are different from each other, how can they be treated the same way? Also, after training the techniques for such a long time, we have not experienced any side effects at all. So, how can you claim that death awaits us at the peak of our powers?”
Everyone stood up for Azure Dragon and maintained that they didn’t believe in what Levi said.
“It’s actually the other way around. By working on our own techniques, we have made significant improvements. That’s how we remain relevant to present times. As for Azure Dragon, he gave up his own technique to train in your basic technique just to placate your feelings. But look at him now, he hasn’t improved at all!”
“Boss, shouldn’t we always look at the evidence? You like to abruptly refute what is obvious to us.”
Levi replied with resignation. “Azure Dragon didn’t improve because he is too distracted and was never serious in his training. As for the rest of you, it’s fine if you don’t believe me. But, I suggest you spend some time to conduct this research…”



Supreme Grandmaster - Elder of Sex Sext
Platinum Villager
Sep 24, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 2516 Losing Themselves

Levi wasn’t making baseless claims and refuting them without reason.

A long while ago, he had told Azure Dragon and the others how they could validate it.
If Maya Industries was able to do it, so could Garrison Industry.
However, Azure Dragon and the others didn’t proceed with it. Instead, they continued to accuse Levi of making baseless statements.
“If Azure Dragon had followed my instructions, all of you would have known whether what I said was true,” Levi snapped.
Azure Dragon was speechless.
“Boss, you shouldn’t accuse Azure Dragon of not taking your instruction seriously. Anyone else in his shoes would feel the same way. If one’s comrades were improving significantly, while one was still stuck where one was, who wouldn’t be worried?”
“Setting Azure Dragon aside, what about Wynona and Mia? Aren’t they training hard with your basic technique? Did they see any improvement?”
“Ever since the new Divine Leaderboard was released, I didn’t see their names on either of the leaderboards. Therefore, the problem doesn’t lie with Azure Dragon!”
“Boss, we are tired of accommodating you all this while. Just look at Azure Dragon. As the most senior one among us, he has quietly sacrificed himself for our sakes all this while.”
“Boss, we do trust you. But at this pivotal moment, can you stop making a fuss? We have reached a crucial stage in our training. If we achieve the pinnacle of our technique, our strength will go through a momentous change. With that, we will be able to enter the Divine Leaderboard!”
Everyone persuaded Levi sincerely so that he would stop disrupting their training at such a vital point in time.
Zoey added, “I’ll be honest. They have already sacrificed so much for you. Without them, you wouldn’t be where you are today in this current era. You have to give it a rest and stop bugging us. If you continue, it’s no good for everyone!”
“Fine! In that case, you can continue.”
Levi could see that they were firm in their decision.
Regardless of what he said, they would refuse to believe him.
Moreover, they had no energy left to conduct the experiments that would verify Levi’s words.
All they could think of was how to grow stronger.
They were so obsessed that it bordered on being fanatical.
Possessed by the desire to become more powerful, no one was allowed to disrupt their training.
If Levi insisted on stopping them, he would only invite more trouble.
In fact, they might even sever ties with him.
Cognizant that they were determined to achieve their objective and would regret it if they didn’t, Levi decided to let them do what they will.
Instead, he planned to rescue them when they reached the brink.
Nevertheless, he still needed to figure out how.
After all, he too wasn’t sure what sort of doom awaited them at the end. It might potentially be something that was beyond his capabilities to resolve.
Therefore, he had to come up with a comprehensive plan and start preparing ahead of time.
Levi knew that he couldn’t let them die despite how stubborn they were.
Thus, he had no choice but to save them. After all, all of them were his friends.
Watching everyone go into solitary training, Azure Dragon let out a long sigh.
Given how desperate they were, they said many things that must have hurt Levi’s feelings.
With that, Levi left without another word.
With less than one month left, he had to find a way to deal with the backlash that they would inevitably face.
Therefore, he had no time to lose.
Watching Levi leave without a word, Azure Dragon knew that Levi must have been angry.
Given how hurtful the words earlier were, anyone in his position would feel the same way.
However, since everyone was focused on their own training, no one had time to be considerate of Levi’s feelings.
Meanwhile, Azure Dragon planned to teach them a lesson when they finished.
“Oh right, Boss did mention that the experiment’s data will help us analyze the techniques problems. Shall I give it a try?


Chapter 2517 Just Try It

Azure Dragon realized that this wasn’t the first time Levi mentioned it.

In fact, he had brought it up many times.
By using data to analyze all the different techniques, they could find out if all the techniques were actually the same thing. Also, they would find out whether death awaits them at the peak of their techniques, and if they would suffer any backlash.
Shall I give it a try? Since no one believes what Boss said. In fact, they even accuse him of refuting their methods without any evidence. Nevertheless, Boss did provide the method to verify it. However, even before getting a result, they didn’t even have the courage to validate his words. Why don’t I just give it a try? After all, my frustration is just getting in the way of my training.
Given that he had resigned himself to the fact he wasn’t going to improve, he felt conducting research and analysis would be a better use of his time.
What if Levi is right? Perhaps, I may be able to save Kirin and the rest.
Hence, Azure Dragon gathered all the techniques and headed to Garrison Industry’s testing ground to begin his research.
After all, it was going to take some time.
Maya Industries was the leader in data analysis. Hence, they were able to do it swiftly.
However, it was the first time Garrison Industry was exposed to something like that. Hence, they needed a longer time instead.
For the next half a month, everyone trained vigorously while Levi looked for a way to save them. As for Azure Dragon, he continued with his research.
During that time, the entire world went through an upheaval.
Triggered by the new Divine Leaderboard, many warriors began to go into a frenzy.
They would challenge each other and fight to the death.
Every day, the names on the Divine Leaderboard and Provisional Leaderboard would constantly be updated.
Fortunately, the stone plaque built by the Dark Web was made of special materials which allowed the names to be replaced easily.
Or else, the rate at which the names were changing would have required a new stone plaque to be built.
During that time, many new warriors emerged.
Some were on the Divine and Provisional Leaderboard previously, while others were not.
All of them came out of nowhere to challenge each other.
Their goal was to climb to the top of the ranks.
Meanwhile, in Erudia, seven to eight new warriors appeared.
One of them wielded the Divine Extraction Technique.
From the Provisional Leaderboard’s sixty-third step, he continued his meteoric rise to the ninetieth step.
However, everyone that he challenged was killed.
After all, anyone who fought with him would have their energy and lives sucked away by the Divine Extraction Technique.
Therefore, death was inevitable for whoever encountered him.
Moreover, after every battle, his strength would increase significantly because he had absorbed all their power.
Luckily, they were living in an age where the fittest survived.
Every day, many would be killed or injured due to the challenges that were going on for the sake of climbing the Divine Leaderboard.
Therefore his murders were covered up as no one took any notice.
Furthermore, his rank wasn’t high enough to draw any attention to himself too.
After all, there were just too many formidable fighters who emerged, with many of them outshining him in terms of their performance.
As he maintained a low profile, very few people took notice of him.
His behavior was consistent with Mr. X’s plan for him to mature slowly. By the time he was noticed, it would already be too late.
By then, he would be prepared to face the top fighters of the Divine Leaderboard. By absorbing the powers of a few more men, he would be able to defeat the top three.
Therefore, the current circumstance fitted his plans for progress perfectly.
After one week, he had reached the ninety-fifth step.
For every step he took, he had to absorb the powers of tens of men.
At that moment, he was capable of challenging someone from the ninety-ninth step or the tail end of the Divine Leaderboard.
However, instead of skipping steps, he continued to challenge his opponents one by one.
On one hand, he did so to keep a low profile and not attract any attention.
On the other hand, he wanted to absorb the power of more victims to strengthen himself.
Even though the fighters on the Provisional Leaderboard were considered to be weak, accumulating their energy en masse would still provide unimaginable power.
Knowing that he couldn’t waste any of it, he took his time to grind through these enemies.
Soon, he reached the ninetieth step and was due to face Kirin and his comrades.


Chapter 2518 Research Results

Karsten, the heir to the Divine Extraction Technique, arrived in North Hampton as he worked his way up the list.

However, he was told that Kirin and the others were all in solitary training.
“They can continue with their training after accepting my challenge,” Karsten replied with a smile.
“Are you worried that they would become stronger after their solitary training and defeat you? Is that why you insist on challenging them first?” Wynona, who was keeping watch, sneered.
“Fine. Forget it. I’ll come back to challenge them once they have completed their solitary training. I’ll skip them for the time being,” Karsten laughed before leaving.
In truth, there wasn’t much point in challenging them other than to absorb their powers.
Hence, if he insisted on extracting their powers, something untoward might happen and draw unnecessary attention to him.
Given that it wasn’t worth the risk, Karsten only dared to absorb the powers of those whom he challenged.
If he randomly extracted the powers of someone else, The Cardinal Hall and other similar organizations would notice easily.
Consequently, Zoey and her comrades managed to dodge a bullet.
Or else, they would have been killed during Karsten’s challenge.
As for Wynona and the others, none of them expected someone so ordinary-looking to be on the cusp of shocking the world.
Meanwhile, Karsten’s next step was to continue challenging the warriors on the Provisional Leaderboard.
Naturally, he too was challenged every so often by other warriors. With his good results and consistent wins, Karsten was soon one of the top fighters on the Provisional Leaderboard.
Furthermore, all his opponents met the same fate.
They too had their lives sucked out of them.
Cognizant that he would be exposed sooner or later, Karsten knew that he had to make hay while the sun still shone.
He had to build a solid foundation before his secret was revealed.
At the same time, Lab of Gods was providing him with support in the shadows.
They had sent hundreds of warriors to challenge those on the Divine and Provisional Leaderboard, wreaking havoc everywhere.
In truth, their main purpose was to provide cover for Karsten’s actions.
That way, everyone’s attention would be diverted away from him. It then allowed him to stay under the radar.
Hence, Levi was the only one who could possibly notice him.
Unfortunately, Levi was too preoccupied with saving Kirin and the others that he didn’t have the time.
Furthermore, it wasn’t like Lab of Gods had made their move. Hence, he wasn’t bothered about getting involved.
After all, he had no interest in the change in ranks of the Divine Leaderboard.
No matter how much turmoil there was on the leaderboard, his alter egos still occupied the top three places.
And that wasn’t going to change.
No matter how strong the opponents are, there’s no way they can be stronger than the Gods of Restricted Area 76. If one punch isn’t enough, I’ll send a second one.
Levi, who was the only person to potentially notice the problem, wasn’t even bothered with it.
Consequently, Karsten had a lot of time and space to let his strength mature properly.
Meanwhile, the Dark Web was likely aware of what was going on. However, given their neutrality, they wouldn’t reveal the extent of Karsten’s true power.
Furthermore, the change in ranks was determined by the challenges and not based on their true strength.
In other words, the Dark Web had only collated the names of all the elite fighters.
However, the changes in actual ranks were being determined by the large organizations instead.
After every challenge, there would be a reshuffling of names.
Ten days later, Karsten had defeated everyone listed on the ninety-ninth step. Thus, he was only one step away from being promoted to the Divine Leaderboard.
Fifteen days later, Karsten’s name was officially added to the bottom of the Divine Leaderboard.
From that moment on, he couldn’t avoid being noticed no matter how hard he tried to keep away from the public eye.
Nevertheless, he still hadn’t caught the entire world’s attention yet.
Therefore, he still had time to continue growing stronger and elevating his skills.
Also, Lab of Gods had sent men to help him divert the public’s attention, allowing him to continue with his plan.
They had expected him to only begin attracting attention once he reached the top hundred of the Divine Leaderboard.
However, that wasn’t Karsten’s goal.
He wished to only be noticed when he was in the top ten of the Divine Leaderboard.
The reason was that he wanted to absorb more energy from his opponents first.
Consequently, he needed Lab of Gods to help him buy more time while he went around doing that.
In fact, he could absorb all sorts of energy from his opponents, not just their powers.
While Karsten was working hard toward his goal, Kirin and his comrades were also doing the same.
In fact, they were about to reach the peak of their powers.
Meanwhile, Azure Dragon had spent half a month on his research and finally had the results.


Chapter 2519 We Have Misunderstood Levi


The moment he saw the results, Azure Dragon felt as if he was struck by lightning.
Consequently, his face was filled with disbelief.
It’s true! It really is true! Boss is right!
After a detailed data analysis, he discovered that the hundreds of techniques in the new era were actually all the same.
One assumed them to be different due to the complex changes they went through.
Nevertheless, they were essentially the same technique even though it wasn’t obvious to the naked eye.
In fact, the person training it wouldn’t even know.
Only after data analysis was conducted to compare the techniques with each other would it become obvious.
Boss has been right all along! In fact, he even gave us the method to validate it. To think that all of us have wrongly accused him of making baseless claims all this while!
“But sir, we have no evidence so far as to indicate whether one will be doomed upon reaching the pinnacle of one’s technique. Perhaps, that conclusion isn’t true.”
“That’s right. There’s no problem if the techniques are all the same. But, the destruction at the peak of the technique is likely false,” a few of the lab’s scientists commented.
“Not necessarily. Continue with the research. After breaking down a hundred techniques, run a model to analyze what happens when they have trained to the peak of their powers…” Azure Dragon ordered.
Given that the next stage was even more complex, they needed an additional half a month to complete it.
However, Azure Dragon recalled that Levi told him they didn’t have much time left. All in all, they would reach the peak of their powers in a month’s time from back when he said it.
Consequently, he knew that time was of the essence, and he needed to finish the analysis before they had completed their training.
Or else, the consequences would be dire.
If what Levi said turned out to be false, that would be for the best.
However, if Levi was right, all his friends would die.
Therefore, Azure Dragon knew he had to shorten the time of the research.
The way he saw it, Levi had given up after his feelings were hurt.
Now, it was entirely up to him.
Nevertheless, he knew there was no point telling everyone now without any concrete evidence.
He had to throw the results of the research in their face before they would believe him.
Or else, there was no way they would stop training.
As a result, Azure Dragon and his team worked tirelessly to that end.
Lucky for them, Edmund was also in solitary training, or else, he would become an impediment.
Consequently, Azure Dragon managed to shorten the time frame required from half a month to around ten days.
During that ten days, Karsten progressed by leaps and bounds.
Even though he was ranked in the top five hundred of the Divine Leaderboard, his strength had reached that of someone in the top hundred.
Within ten days, he had climbed five hundred places and began to attract everyone’s attention.
In spite of Lab of Gods’ best efforts to cover up and provide a distraction, Karsten had already made a name for himself.
Thus, many were investigating his background, trying to find out how he grew so powerful in such a short time.
Soon, echoes of the Divine Extraction Technique reverberated throughout the world.
Hence, Karsten had less than three days before he became equally famous.
Within that three days, he had to reach the pinnacle of his power to ensure that he would be strong enough to defend himself.
Only then, could he achieve the levels which Lab of Gods wanted him to.
This is my last chance. I have to go all out and there’s only one choice left.
With that, Karsten brazenly challenged four hundred opponents at one go.
Other than the top hundred, everyone else above him on the Divine Leaderboard was invited.
When the four hundred of them showed up, everyone was stunned.
Isn’t it a one-to-one challenge? Why are there so many people?
“Has he gone mad?”
“Is he really challenging four hundred men at the same time?”
“All of us are within the top five hundred!”
Everyone lost their minds, as they didn’t know what Karsten was up to.
On top of the four hundred, more and more people began to arrive.
Some were from the Provisional Leaderboard, while others were not.
Soon, the crowd grew to tens of thousands of people.
It was now evident that other than the four hundred from the Divine Leaderboard, Karsten had invited many other warriors to the event.
He had wanted to absorb the powers of as many as he possibly could.


Chapter 2520 Sucking Dry A Hundred Thousand Men

Knowing that he would be exposed within three days and the trouble that would ensue, Karsten wanted to elevate his power to the ultimate level.

All he needed to do was to absorb as much as he could.
No longer needing to hide his identity, he planned to suck everyone’s powers dry en masse.
That was the reason why he issued the mass challenge.
As for the other tens of thousands of fighters, they were brought there by Lab of Gods.
Meanwhile, the crowd continued to grow.
Their target was to gather more than a hundred thousand warriors for Karsten to absorb.
Furthermore, Lab of Gods had also provided him with energy capsules.
The capsules, used specifically by them, contained an immense amount of energy.
Naturally, they were extremely powerful.
Given how much effort they had poured into Karsten, it was evident Lab of Gods wanted to create an invincible warrior at any cost.
When the four hundred Divine Leaderboard fighters appeared, they viewed Karsten with disdain.
How can someone who had just climbed to the five hundredth position dare to challenge so many of us at one go? Does he have a death wish? Any one of us here is strong enough to deal with him.
Without wasting any time, Karsten attacked.
The moment the battle started, everyone was stunned.
They realized their power was being sucked away, and they had no way of defending themselves.
Regardless of whether one was four-hundredth on the Divine Leaderboard or above the hundredth place, the result was the same.
All they could do was helplessly watch as Karsten absorbed their energy.
“This… this is the Divine Extraction Technique! It’s just as famous as the Iron Golem Technique!”
“The Divine Extraction Technique? Oh my God! Retreat! Retreat!”
When the Divine Leaderboard warriors realized what it was, they intended to withdraw at once.
Among them were fighters from both Erudia and Raysonia who were familiar with how powerful the Divine Extraction Technique was.
Having lost the will to fight, they tried to flee at once.
“Divine Extraction Technique, Level Eight!”
However, Karsten wasn’t going to let his prey escape so easily.
Hence, he unleashed the highest level he had reached—Level Eight.
The fact was no one had ever achieved Level Eight of the Divine Extraction Technique before.
It was only made possible after Lab of Gods resolved Karsten’s limitations.
Level Eight had allowed Karsten to absorb everything, regardless of who or what it was.
With nothing left to fear, Karsten extracted the power of whatever he wanted.
More importantly, he was able to meld all the energy he absorbed so that they wouldn’t be in conflict.
The moment Level Eight of the Divine Extraction Technique was unleashed, the sky and the earth trembled.
A powerful gravitational pull covered the four hundred warriors of the Divine Leaderboard and the hundred thousand fighters behind them.
Everyone was being restrained by its frightening pull.
Just like an insect caught within a spiderweb, they were unable to struggle free. All they could do was wait to be eaten.
That was the power demonstrated by the Level Eight Divine Extraction Technique. It could absorb the energy of a hundred thousand men at the same time.
It was something Level Seven still wasn’t capable of.
“From now on, I will take over this world on your behalf!” Karsten roared just like a raving-mad demon.
That was the reason why the Divine Extraction Technique was so powerful.
Theoretically, it could make one invincible, as one could absorb energy without limits.
All one needed was the capacity to hold all that power.
With a terrifying roar, Karsten began to extract everyone’s energy.
One by one, his victims widened their eyes while their veins bulged out of their faces.
Soon, their bodies began to rapidly dry out as they withered into a bag of bones.
All of them had been sucked dry.
One down!
Two down!
Ten thousand!
Fifty thousand!
A hundred thousand!
In a blink of an eye, only the four hundred from the Divine Leaderboard were left standing. The rest of the warriors behind them had turned into a large swathe of withered bodies.
Evidently, all of them had already been sucked dry.
As for those on the leaderboard, they were able to hold out a little longer because they were more powerful.
Unfortunately, it was a futile effort as it was a matter of time before they suffered the same fate.
“Please, have mercy! Let me go! I’m willing to submit to you!”
Some of them began to surrender.
However, Karsten was already consumed by the rush of power he felt.
“No way!”
Amidst the harrowing cries, Karsten extracted the energy from all the four hundred fighters.
His body unleashed so much energy that he could tear the planet apart.
“I am now invincible!”



Supreme Grandmaster - Elder of Sex Sext
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Sep 24, 2023
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Chapter 2526 The Lab Of Gods And Its Many Schemes

Mr. X jolted up and went to check on it.

“Good! They are the first ones to finish practicing the techniques. Though they died because of the backlash, their data is extremely important to us! Hurry, analyze them now! Haha…”
Excitement was evident on his face.
No one knew that they had single-handedly faked all ruins in the new era.
All the opportunities, techniques, and drugs that appeared in the new era were arranged by the Lab of Gods, for they had an unprecedented plan in mind.
Right now, Levi was the only one who had suspicions.
No one else had any inkling about it, let alone discover its existence.
In fact, Maya Industries was also part of the Lab of Gods’ plan.
They used the traitors of Maya Industries to achieve many things, including the experiment of the mutated zombies, among others.
That experiment itself provided a lot of data for the Lab of Gods.
Now, every plan of the Lab of Gods was in smooth progress.
No wonder Mr. X was so excited.
“Next, we just have to wait for Karsten to kill three of our biggest threats,” Mr. X said, flashing a smug smile.
Meanwhile, Zoey and the rest were doomed after suffering from the backlash, but there was no way Levi would allow them to die easily.
Soon, he appeared before their bodies on the ground.
To prevent any unwarranted accidents, especially the Lab of Gods’ from finding out about it, he appeared as Dark Emperor.
I assume… No, I am sure Lab of Gods is behind the techniques. Lab of Gods knows that Zoey and the others are suffering from the backlash. Perhaps they had already sent someone to observe the situation. Thus, I can’t show my face to them.
Levi had the special drug developed by the best research team in Sacred Organization. They had used the blood of the Gods in Restricted Area 76 and blended it with other materials to create the magical medicine.
Besides curing the backlash, it could also cure almost any illness in the world.
However, the only problem was that it was extremely expensive.
After all, the golden blood belonging to the Gods in Restricted Area 76 was limited.
It wasn’t going to get replenished at all.
Besides, it took a lot of effort to develop it.
The blood and the other materials were extremely effective, so it was difficult to maximize their effects and minimize the loss of energy.
Hence, the drug was priceless.
If the world got to know about its existence, they’d fight to get it.
After feeding Zoey the drug, she soon started breathing normally as her cheeks turned rosy.
Turns out a practitioner of the techniques would suffer from backlash after reaching a certain level of mastery.
That was where the Lab of Gods got their data from.
Now, Zoey and the rest were now devoid of strength.
In other words, they were now ordinary beings.
If Levi hadn’t helped them, they would’ve died on the spot.
Hence, the drug Levi brought along could replenish their lives and energy.
The timing was perfect, for Levi arrived the moment they started suffering from the backlash so they could get replenished.
Luckily, the Lopez and Black families had gathered them together.
After feeding Zoey the drug, he also fed it to Kirin, Floyd, and the rest.
“Well, you’ve been naughty. In the end, I have to clean up your mess,” he uttered in exasperation.
They were just too stubborn!
Time ticked past.
About ten minutes later, they regained consciousness one by one.
“What’s going on?”
“Aren’t we dead? Why are we still alive?”
They exchanged glances.
“Someone must’ve saved us. Who could it be?”


Chapter 2527 How Did You Find Out

Everyone promptly realized someone had saved their lives.

They could sense a powerful drug flowing all over their body, giving them strength. Their strengths were still increasing as of now.
Clearly, they had taken some form of drug.
Luckily, the Gods’ blood had been diluted. Otherwise, even a little would cause their bodies to burst.
Death Fiend and the rest who had previously swallowed one drop of the Gods’ blood were the top hundred fighters on the Divine Leaderboard.
Moreover, they hadn’t really absorbed all the blood’s power.
Zoey and the rest started wondering who had saved them.
After all, it was a monumental feat to save them all.
“Mm? Why are you still alive?”
The Lopez and Black families who had come back froze in shock at the sight.
When they brought the bodies over, each and every one of them had ceased to breathe.
Huh? How are they still alive?
Zoey immediately responded, “Someone must’ve saved us. Didn’t you see who it was?”
“No, we didn’t.”
“We didn’t run into anyone on our way back before realizing you’re awake!”
They shook their heads.
On the other hand, Azure Dragon who got locked up was still sobbing profusely.
He thought he was responsible for everyone’s death.
Right then, Levi arrived.
“Why are you crying?” Levi inquired.
“Boss, I’m responsible for their deaths. I didn’t trust you and do research in the first place, and now they are dead,” he wailed.
“Nonsense! They are still alive!” Levi snapped as he released them.
“Huh? They are still alive?” Azure Dragon and the rest asked, their voices betraying their shock.
“Yes, they are. I’ve just saved them!” Levi answered.
“D-Did you really save them, Boss?” Azure Dragon remained doubtful.
Wynona chimed in, “He knows the problems and disadvantages of those techniques, so it must be him who has cured them!”
“Well, I guess you’re right.”
Suddenly, Levi became a mysterious being in Azure Dragon’s eyes.
Right then, Zoey and the rest returned.
“Did you save us for real?” they questioned.
Awe appeared in their eyes.
After all, he had discovered the techniques before them!
Everyone gazed at him with admiration.
“It was actually Dark Emperor who saved you,” Levi answered.
He didn’t reveal the truth, for the spies from Lab of Gods might be among them.
However, he was Dark Emperor, so technically he wasn’t lying by saying that Dark Emperor had saved them.
“I knew it! Master is the only one who’s capable of doing that!” Zoey declared, nearly bursting into tears.
Everyone else was dumbfounded, too.
Dark Emperor deserves to top the Divine Leaderboard. He has saved us in no time. That was an incredible feat!
“I told you to give up, but none of you listened to me. You only realized your mistake after running into trouble, huh?” Levi shot them a resigned look. “Besides, the results of Azure Dragon’s experiment were out. Why did none of you look at it?”
Everyone lowered their heads in shame when they heard his words.
Azure Dragon stood out to defend them. “Boss, stop blaming them. They’ve reached the highest level of the techniques, so it was normal for them to go berserk and ignore my warning. If I were them, I wouldn’t want someone to bother me at the most critical moment.”
At once, Floyd apologized profusely, for he had said harsh words in a state of panic previously.
Azure Dragon quickly responded, “It’s all right. I’m glad you’re all fine!”
Zoey stared at Levi before asking, “By the way, how did you know something was wrong with the techniques?”
At that, everyone looked at Levi curiously.


Chapter 2528 Apology

They wanted to know how Levi could predict the future.

“We know you spent some time practicing all the techniques before making that conclusion. But before that, how could you be sure?” Zoey added.
“It was Maya Industries. Everyone here joined the tournament challenge organized by them back then and fought with the mutated zombies. In fact, they had gathered all the information about the techniques you have mastered,” Levi explained.
“Oh, you’re right!” Everyone nodded, for he was right.
Levi went on. “Actually, they collected all techniques they got their hands on to improve the mutated zombies’ attack skills. However, after analyzing and experimenting with the techniques, they came up with two surprising conclusions.”
Realization dawned on them. “Oh, so it was Maya Industries who discovered the secret unintentionally?”
“Yes, that’s right.”
“How did you find out, Master?” Kinsley blurted out.
Floyd gave him a slap. “Did you forget what he used to work as? He was initially with the special forces, specializing in gathering information! Boss can find out anything he wants!”
No one doubted what he said.
It was pretty easy for Levi to find out what he wanted to know.
Zoey nodded slowly.
She recalled how Levi told her that Dark Emperor was a female. Clearly, he had gathered that information, too.
I forgot he used to be a general who led soldiers to war and had been infiltrated the enemy sneakily.
“It was our fault. I’m sorry! From now on, I’ll listen to you,” Zoey apologized.
The others offered their apologies, too.
“We’re sorry!”
They gave him a polite bow.
Levi smiled wryly at the sight.
When they were stubborn, he had to hold back the urge to slap them in their faces.
However, he regarded them as family and promptly forgave them.
“Just be careful next time. You can choose not to believe my words, but if there’s a way to find out the truth, and you must try it out,” Levi answered.
“Got it!”
They felt remorseful.
Zoey hollered, “Now that we’ve apologized to Levi, we need to thank my master for saving us. I think she’s nearby, so let’s thank her together!”
“Thank you for saving us, Dark Emperor!” everyone yelled into the distance.
They assumed Dark Emperor would hear their words.
They were right, for Dark Emperor had heard them.
After all, he was right beside them.
“You’re welcome.” Levi gave a dismissive wave.
They ignored him, thinking that he was merely joking.
“Tell me. What are you going to do next?” he asked.
“We shall find some orthodox techniques to practice instead of practicing the fast-track techniques.”
“Yes! There are many ancient forces nowadays, so we can join either one and gain an opportunity to improve ourselves. This is not the end of our journey. We’ll definitely advance further!”
They stated their plans.
However, none of them mentioned Levi’s basic techniques.
After all, they thought it was too slow.
No one would want to learn something that wouldn’t bring any improvements.
Especially in this fast-track era where they might be left behind any minute.
If they practiced that technique book, they’d definitely be outdated.
Thus, no one mentioned Levi’s techniques.
Levi merely flashed a bitter smile, for they were too restless.
Though they knew fast-track techniques were dangerous, they still wanted to increase their strengths in the shortest time possible.
The basic techniques weren’t suitable for them, for only those who forget everything else and focus on the basic techniques would succeed.


Chapter 2529 Impatient

Back then, Levi had the same problem.

He practiced so many techniques and relied on the Forbidden Technique to save his life.
His mentor warned him not to use it, so it slowed him down for a long while.
Levi assumed the Forbidden Technique was his trump card, only to be used in dangerous situations.
It had affected his state of mind and habit.
To him, the Forbidden Technique was the most powerful technique in the world.
Actually, it was his mentor who set up a challenge for him.
Once he saw through everything, he’d leave everything behind and focus on practicing the basic technique.
That way, he’d become the strongest fighter ever!
Now, both Fiery Demon and Mia had thrown themselves into practicing it.
As Wynona
didn’t like to fight, she was suitable to learn it, too.
It worked on them.
The more they practiced, the weaker their auras became.
It was actually a sign that they were turning stronger!
On the other hand, Azure Dragon practiced it in fits and starts.
In the midst of training, he’d spot another technique and imagine what it was like to learn that.
His mind was everywhere except on the technique.
It was obvious that he wouldn’t see any progress.
The others were too restless to practice the basic technique.
Levi knew that they wouldn’t master it even if he forced them to practice it.
After all, they couldn’t concentrate and focus on one technique only.
It wasn’t time for them to practice the technique yet, so Levi had to find other techniques that would suit them.
Oh, I got it!
Suddenly, Levi’s eyes lit up, for he had figured out the best solution.
Not only them, for everyone else could do this, too.
“Fine. You’ll find the technique that suits you the most. I won’t force you to practice my basic technique,” Levi uttered.
Everyone else cheered, for they no longer had to practice other techniques in secret.
Finally, they didn’t have to tiptoe around Levi!
Levi turned to Azure Dragon and said, “Azure Dragon, you don’t have to practice it from now on. Go ahead and pick any other technique you want instead of putting up an act before me. I don’t like it when you do that!”
Azure Dragon got really excited. “Thank you, Boss!” he exclaimed.
“You don’t have to thank me. You don’t suit my basic technique, so I shouldn’t force you to master it,” came Levi’s reply.
Everyone soon left happily to look for new techniques.
Soon, a shocking revelation shook the world.
Turns out that almost half of the techniques in the new era had the same origin, and those who mastered them would ultimately face doom.
The entire world fell into an uproar as soon as the information was leaked.
After all, news of how Zoey and the rest suffered from backlash after mastering their respective techniques had been spread.
Hence, everyone started giving up on their techniques one by one.
In the end, most of them had given up except for those who took a chance.
Of course, some of them didn’t give up because they wouldn’t master the techniques in their lifetime.
Thus, the techniques weren’t dangerous at all, and there was no harm in practicing them.
Anyway, there were too many people who gave up on their techniques, and it put a damper in the Lab of Gods’ plan.
They had lost a lot of data!
“Dark Emperor! It’s him! He saved them and leaked the information!” Mr. X was boiling in anger.
Lucifer answered, “Mr. X, Maya Industries was in charge of the results. Dark Emperor has control over them and learned the truth.”
“Dark Emperor must die! Tell Karsten to take action immediately and kill the three of them!” Mr. X ordered.
He couldn’t wait and wanted them dead.


Chapter 2530 Challenging The Top Three On Divine Leaderboard

Karsten busied himself for the next few days by sucking other fighters’ energy and resources.

He was getting stronger day by day!
He planned to head to Restricted Area 76 to get more strength there, for it was said that the area was full of resources. Even a random stone there would provide him with a tremendous burst of energy.
He wanted to become stronger and achieve Level Nine to suck everything in sight!
Besides, a Level Nine could suck someone else’s energy from afar.
No matter how far that person was, he’d get to suck that person dry.
Just then, Karsten received an order.
“Well, if I suck Dark Emperor and the two others dry, I’ll achieve Level Nine easily,” he uttered.
Karsten had taken Levi to be a whetstone so he could achieve the highest level of Divine Extraction Technique!
The next day, Kirin and the rest were about to depart to look for new techniques when Queenie and Forlevia arrived.
“Just you wait. Something big will be announced a few days later, and it’s related to the techniques. You don’t have to search for it now!” Queenie declared.
Forlevia bobbed her head. “Yes. Everyone shall get the most orthodox technique! It’s much better than finding one yourself. So, just wait here instead of searching around aimlessly. You’ll receive the good news soon.”
Hearing that, they stayed put and waited curiously for the news to be announced.
However, Queenie and Forlevia only knew a little about it, as they had no idea it was all Levi’s arrangements.
This big news was part of Levi’s plan.
When they were waiting patiently, alarming news arrived.
Ever since Karsten was ranked fourth on the Divine Leaderboard, he disappeared into thin air.
Everyone stayed away from him, for no one knew what he wanted to do next.
Today, he finally showed his plan.
Karsten had issued a challenge to the top three fighters of the Divine Leaderboard!
Instead of challenging either one of them, he wanted to challenge Dark Emperor, Killfinger, and the new master of the ancient Garrison clan all in one go!
He wanted to battle against three of them in a fight!
The whole world was in shock when the news was released.
It was as though a bomb was dropped onto the crowd.
Their minds were in complete shambles, for no one saw that coming.
Just mere moments after the Divine Leaderboard had been established, someone was bold enough to challenge the top three fighters of the Divine Leaderboard!
He must be crazy!
Everyone couldn’t help but gasp.
After all, it was too horrifying to be fighting alone against three fighters.
If it was someone else, everyone would have yelled at him for overestimating his own powers.
However, this was a different matter for Karsten was way too strong.
He had sucked one hundred thousand fighters and four hundred Divine Leaderboard fighters dry.
One couldn’t imagine how strong he was now.
As he was brave enough to challenge the top three of the Divine Leaderboard, it meant that he was confident of his own strength.
No matter what, it would be an unprecedented fight, the most incredible and powerful fight in history.
Everyone couldn’t wait for the battle to begin.
It didn’t matter who won or lost because this fight will be written in history.
The battle would be held beside the Hall of Gods at the World Summit.
Once the news was released, plenty of people rushed to the World Summit without hesitation.
They were afraid they would lose good spots to watch the battle if they were to turn up late.
It was an extraordinary battle meant to be written in history, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Besides, to Zoey and the rest, this concerned Dark Emperor.
There was no way they would’ve missed this fight.
“I hope Master won’t lose the fight! But there’s a chance the opponent might win, for he’s too strong.”
“Yes, his Divine Extraction Technique is logically undefeatable. Unless Dark Emperor is stronger than him, or else he’d be sucked dry, too!”
“Though it is a battle of three against one, it wouldn’t be easy to defeat him.”
They couldn’t help but worry about him, especially Zoey.
“Karsten? Who is that?” Suddenly, Levi’s voice rang out.



Supreme Grandmaster - Elder of Sex Sext
Platinum Villager
Sep 24, 2023
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Chapter 2531 One Punch

At his words, everyone burst into laughter.

After all, Levi was the only person who didn’t know who Karsten was.
He was arrogant as usual, living in his own world.
It didn’t seem to be a bad thing, though.
“Boss, didn’t you realize that fighters have been popping up from everywhere since the new Divine Leaderboard had been announced? Karsten was the strongest among them. He’s the heir of the Divine Extraction Technique. Compared to the Iron Golem Technique, it is…”
They immediately explained Karsten’s background to Levi, thinking that the latter would be shocked at his experience.
Surprisingly, Levi remained calm. “Oh, he’s ranked fourth on the Divine Leaderboard. If he was the first, I would’ve known of him.”
Levi was saying that the top three fighters were his alternate identities, so if Karsten had replaced his spot, he would’ve known of it.
However, everyone else thought he was looking down on Karsten.
“Boss, he’s ranked fourth on the Divine Leaderboard! This is different from the past rankings. He’s stronger than a thousand fighters from the past! Besides, his Divine Extraction Technique remains a mystery to us. In fact, he might be the strongest fighter ranked on the Divine Leaderboard and might not lose the fight against the top three fighters!”
Others present voiced out their concerns too.
Most of them had confidence in Karsten.
“One against three?” Levi chuckled.
One against three? I’m the one who defeated thirty thousand in one go. Now, it’s the opposite. He had no idea that my alternate identities are the top three on the Divine Leaderboard!
He found it amusing that Karsten wanted to challenge three of him at the same time.
This is the boldest thing you’ve ever done, Karsten!
However, instead of getting mad, Levi’s lips curled into a grin.
This piqued his interest.
After the Gods in Restricted Area 76, there was finally someone else who was worthy of being his opponent.
His technique is on par with the Iron Golem Technique? And he is going to achieve the highest level soon? That’s intriguing. After sucking so many people dry, I hope he won’t disappoint me and let me punch him at least once.
Instead of throwing two punches, Levi was satisfied if he could throw one with all his might.
“All right. It’s a yes from me!” he yelled excitedly.
He meant that he had agreed to Karsten’s challenge, but his sudden announcement rendered everyone confused.
“Huh? Yes to what?” Zoey asked.
“I mean, I’ll go to The World Summit with you to see what Karsten is all about,” Levi hurriedly explained.
“Oh, you sounded like you’ve agreed to Karsten’s challenge,” Zoey said.
Everyone else thought the same.
“All right. Let’s depart now!”
With that, they began their journey to The World Summit.
Soon, news had spread like wildfire about how Dark Emperor, Killfinger, and the master of the ancient Garrison clan had accepted Karsten’s challenge.
It caused a great stir.
At once, Karsten and Lab of Gods heaved a sigh of relief, for they were afraid that the top three would say no to the challenge.
Everyone was looking forward to the fight.
Just the identities of Killfinger and the new head of the ancient Garrison clan were enough to rouse everyone’s curiosity.
If they were to come this time, their identities would be revealed.
That was what Lab of Gods wanted to see, too.
Though they had information about everyone, they had no idea who the top three fighters on the Divine Leaderboard were.
They really wanted to know!
This time, Karsten had challenged all three of them.
If he lost, at least they’d find out who the three fighters were.
It wouldn’t be that huge a loss to them.
As long as Lab of Gods had information on someone, they could control that person easily.
Only the unknown would threaten them.
The World Summit instantly became the center of attention, as people from all around the world hastily made their way here.


Chapter 2532 The Battle At The World Summit

Levi and his gang had arrived quick enough to get a great spot on the north side.

The view was excellent, for they could see the arena beside the Hall of Gods.
As everyone waited anxiously, they felt their chests tighten up.
“When will it start?” Levi questioned.
“Tomorrow, Boss. Everyone is here to get a good spot.”
“I wonder when Karsten and Dark Emperor will arrive. I can’t wait for the battle to begin!”
“Yes! I’m curious who Killfinger and the head of the ancient Garrison clan is…”
They started discussing eagerly.
Levi stayed put, for he had an idea.
But he had to meet Karsten in person first to see how strong the young man was.
Soon, more people gathered at The World Summit.
Some even got engaged in fights to get excellent spots for themselves.
In the end, thousands of corpses collapsed on the ground after intense fights.
The stronger beings or forces resorted to killing to get what they wanted!
The others looked on in an indifferent manner, for they were used to it.
These were indeed the times when only the fittest survive.
The weaklings had no choice but to endure being beaten up or killed by ridiculous excuses anytime!
It was something normal in this era.
Levi and the others got a great spot, so many people tried to take it away from them.
However, when those outsiders spotted Queenie and the disciples of Dark Emperor among them, they slunk away fearfully.
Thus, no one dared to challenge them.
Shortly after, some Provisional combatants and fighters ranked on the Divine Leaderboard appeared.
They were here to witness the historical fight.
A night passed by, and day arrived.
The next day, big shots gradually showed up at the scene—Daxon, also known as Divine Brigadier, Gabriel, Eustace, and other powerful fighters from all around the country.
Almost all the top one hundred fighters of the Divine Leaderboard had shown up.
No one would want to lose the opportunity to witness this incredible fight.
The atmosphere tensed up as time elapsed.
This battle concerned the future, for they might be advancing into a new era after this.
The top name on the stone plaque was at stake.
Would it still be Dark Emperor, or will Karsten take over that spot?
After a considerable time, it was almost time for the fight.
However, none of the four participants appeared in sight.
They were all clenching their fists, feeling nervous about what was about to happen.
Someone blurted out, “Did they decide not to come out of fear?”
Zoey declared arrogantly, “Don’t worry. Master must be here somewhere! Perhaps he has already made it here yesterday. He won’t be afraid of Karsten!”
“Right. No one can imagine how powerful Dark Emperor is! He’s the most mysterious being in this era. As he had defeated Daxon previously, there’s no wonder he’s the top fighter on the Divine Leaderboard! I think he’ll win the battle!”
“We just have to see how strong the other two fighters are…”
The audience discussed excitedly amongst themselves.
As the other three were nowhere to be seen, they wondered if the three of them refused to show up out of fear.
Karsten was different from other opponents.
He was capable of sucking people dry even though he wasn’t as strong as his opponents.
It was a horrifying skill!
Levi couldn’t stop himself from barking, “Nonsense. They are already here!”
I’m here, so it means that the three of them are here! I’ve been here since yesterday! I’m just waiting for Karsten to show up.
“Huh? They are here? That’s impossible?” Everyone glanced around in surprise.
Someone said, “Oh, it’s perfectly normal if we didn’t sense their arrival, for they are in the God class. Levi’s right!”
Zoey and the rest nodded profusely. “Dark Emperor must be here!”
Right then, a powerful and terrifying aura engulfed the entire arena.
The World Summit trembled as a snowstorm arrived.
If not for the fighters who had been forcibly suppressing it, avalanches would’ve happened everywhere!
Karsten was here…


Chapter 2533 Too Weak

Karsten was different. He was no longer the person everyone used to know.

At that moment, he was downright terrifying.
The aura he exuded was overwhelming, and it felt as if it could break the entire world apart.
He was like a blazing sun and seemed impossible to get close to.
He browsed nonchalantly and looked like a relaxed God.
His stance inspired others to worship him, and some might even feel compelled to go on their knees.
That was what happened when one’s power reached its peak.
His simplest move could topple mountains and drain rivers.
“Earlier, I was worried about Karsten being too proud and challenging the top three fighters on the Divine Leaderboard by himself. Now, I think he has what it takes.”
“You’re right. I’m getting more and more excited. He’s going after all three of them simultaneously.”
“How strong will Karsten be if he absorbed the strength of all top three fighters on the Divine Leaderboard?”
When Karsten showed up, the crowd moved aside to make way for him.
Everyone went wild.
“That is too much. Is that how things are when one reaches the peak of the Divine Extraction Technique?” Daxon sighed.
He was probably the only person alive to have witnessed the highest level of both the Divine Extraction Technique and the Iron Golem Technique.
“He is too strong. That is not something we can deal with, and we will be drained if we go against him,” said Gabriel and the others.
Eustace shook his head and pointed out, “No, he hasn’t reached Level Nine of his skill, but he is close though. In fact, the slightest advancement can push him to reach Level Nine.”
“He’s terrifying as he is now. How crazy will things be if he manages to reach Level Nine?”
The crowd shook their heads, but Daxon and the others were secretly laughing.
It’s too bad he picked the wrong opponent.
It only took his opponent a few hours to achieve Level Nine of the Iron Golem Technique.
If a battle breaks out between a fighter that uses the Level Nine Iron Golem Technique and another fighter who has reached Level Nine of the Divine Extraction Technique, the battle would be a draw.
Unfortunately, his opponent is so talented that learning the Iron Golem Technique was no different from playing board games for him.
“Karsten is too powerful, and I am willing to elect him as the top fighter of the world.”
“That makes sense. He would win even if the battle were three against one. No one can possibly fight him in a one-on-one battle.”
Many of the top one hundred fighters on the Divine Leaderboard sighed in admiration.
Karsten was simply too strong at that moment.
If they were the ones fighting against Karsten, they would’ve fled at the mere sight of him.
We are not a match against him and will only be drained.
If the top one hundred fighters on the Divine Leaderboard were that worried, one could imagine how everyone else felt.
Still, many were also excited about the upcoming fight.
It will be the battle of the century. How I wish Dark Emperor and the others will be here soon. This will surely be a memorable battle.
“Is that something a proud fighter should say?”
Kirin and the others hissed aloud.
They were some distance away, but they could still sense the immense pressure. It felt as if they were getting their life force squeezed out of them.
That guy is way too strong.
Everyone shared the same thought. It felt as if an invisible mountain had crashed down on them and turned them into a gooey lump of minced meat.
It became more and more difficult for many to breathe.
They started worrying, but it felt as though it was too late to do anything, so they were also sweating profusely.
Karsten went to look for them some time ago, but they were in solitary training at the time, so they didn’t get to fight Karsten.
If they had, it was likely they would’ve become a part of Karsten’s strength because he would certainly have drained the energy in every single one of them. All that would’ve been left was an empty husk.
Wynona and the rest were the ones who were most surprised.
They had just met Karsten a few weeks ago, and he seemed like an ordinary guy at the time. Now, he was so powerful that he was like God.
The change is simply too drastic. I guess the Divine Extraction Technique really is the fastest and wildest way to become stronger. It works even better than the new technique we have been using.
“Wow… I’m starting to think he has a shot against my master…”
Earlier, Zoey had undying faith in Dark Emperor’s combat prowess and felt as though there was no way Karsten would be a match.
Seeing Karsten there got her to change her mind.
But he is way too strong!
“A shot? What are you talking about? He’s way too weak.”
A voice suddenly came at the worst possible time.


Chapter 2534 Utterly Disappointed

Everyone turned and saw Levi standing there.

Nevertheless, they were used to hearing those crazy words from Levi.
That’s just the way he talks. Heck, it’d be weird if he actually shuts up.
Levi had never agreed with anyone before.
Still, Zoey clamped Levi’s mouth shut as soon as he started speaking.
“I’m the one who’s weak, okay? He is so strong that he is challenging the top three fighters on the Divine Leaderboard and asking all three of them to fight against him at one go.”
Zoey was worried that others would overhear what Levi said. She was especially nervous about Karsten hearing that.
We’d be in trouble if Karsten gets mad. Seriously, how dare he calls Karsten weak. I will allow my husband to complain about anybody else’s strength, but he is not to complain about Karsten’s combat prowess. If he is considered weak, then no one on Earth would be regarded as a strong fighter. Why can’t my husband see how strong Karsten is? Geez, I can’t believe Levi actually called Karsten weak.
Unfortunately, Levi truly saw Karsten as a weakling.
He was a little disappointed… Well, actually, he’s very disappointed.
Levi was excited when he first heard about how Karsten had absorbed many fighters’ power and an incredible amount of energy.
However, he was disappointed immediately after he took one look when the latter showed up.
What the hell? He absorbed the strength of over a hundred thousand men, and he couldn’t find anyone strong in that crowd? Ugh, why did he absorb the strength of those puny nobodies? Does he really think he can challenge me with just that?
He may have absorbed the strength of many, but every single one of those men is rubbish. It might’ve been better if this punk had gone to Restricted Area 76 and absorbed the Gods’ strength. He will surely be a match against me if he absorbed all the Gods’ strength. In fact, he might even force me to go all out.
But… Seriously, he’s coming over and challenging me after he absorbed the strength of a bunch of useless garbage? That’s hilarious!
Levi would recognize Karsten’s strength and admit that the latter was much stronger than Gabriel and Daxon.
Karsten almost reached the top level of the Divine Extraction Technique, and that would make him a match against someone who had reached the top level of the Iron Golem Technique.
But he’s not there yet. I might get a teeny tiny bit excited if he actually achieves that.
Given Karsten’s state at the time, Levi could easily annihilate him.
In fact, Levi might have an easier time dealing with Karsten than with Gods.
Karsten was, at most, as powerful as a slightly above-average God. He couldn’t even defeat the more powerful ones.
Levi felt nothing but disappointment… utter disappointment.
He truly regretted traveling over a day earlier and waiting there. He was happily awaiting the arrival of a good opponent.
And this is what I am rewarded with…
Levi was so frustrated that he wanted to turn around and leave immediately.
A challenge? This puny weakling is so feeble, yet he thinks he can go after all three of my avatars? Oh, that’s absurd!
Karsten had reached the World Summit where the fight between the challenger and the record holder was supposed to take place.
He had his hands behind his back and acted as if he was better than everybody else.
He scanned around before demanding, “Dark Emperor, Killfinger, and the new head of the ancient Garrison Clan, where are all of you?”
The way he howled got the sky to grumble, and the aura he flushed out trembled the ground so much that it got many to start vomiting blood.
Unfortunately, no one responded to his words.
Dark Emperor and the others never showed up.
It was pin-drop silence.
The expression Zoey and the others had on their faces slowly shifted.
Shouldn’t someone be there? Why hasn’t anyone shown up? Are there some unexpected changes?
“Oy, where are you? Shouldn’t all three of you be here? Didn’t you already accept my challenge?”
Karsten was delighted and began laughing aloud.
His mission was to kill all three of them, so he had to get them to show up.
No one responded even after he had shouted all that.
“Hahaha, still nowhere to be found, huh? Are you too chicken to show up?”
Karsten raised his voice.
“Do you think that the top three fighters on the Divine Leaderboard are scared? Maybe they never even came here.”
“It’s possible. They are probably wary of Karsten’s Divine Extraction Technique and are keeping their distance despite their strengths.”
“No wonder Karsten challenged all three of them at once. He has what it takes to do something so crazy. Just look at how things are. The top three fighters on the Divine Leaderboard are too scared to show up.”
Everyone started discussing the matter.
Zoey couldn’t refute their words, even though she wanted to.
What if my master really is scared and hiding somewhere?
“Oy, are Dark Emperor and the others nothing but cowards? Come out and fight me now!”


Chapter 2535 What Is Written On The Stone Plaque

Karsten started taunting like there was no tomorrow.

“Are you lot scared of me? Hah, that is hilarious. The top three fighters on the Divine Leaderboard are too scared to show up. Why bother accepting my challenge if you are so afraid to fight me? Come on out! I know you’re here. Hey, it’s cool if you don’t want to fight. All you have to do is kneel and admit defeat!”
Karsten mocked endlessly, but Dark Emperor and the others never showed up. It seemed that no amount of insult or taunt would work.
“I guess Dark Emperor and the others have gone all out and decided to stay away. Maybe their ranking on the Divine Leaderboard doesn’t mean much to them. Surviving was more important…”
Everybody sighed.
Karsten, however, was a little lost.
He prayed that the three men he challenged would show up as quickly as possible so he could kill all of them.
What is going on? Not a single one of them showed up.
Even the people from Lab of Gods were confused.
Mr. X and his friends were particularly upset about the situation.
They had been waiting for that moment, and they were certain that they could destroy the obstacles in their path.
However, their opponents never showed up.
What could they do under those circumstances?
Mr. X and the others panicked.
Karsten was losing his cool as well.
He had no choice but to threaten. “Fine, if you three won’t show up, then I will just have to ruin the stone plaque with your names on it. I will stomp on your names and curse you endlessly.”
Karsten wanted to humiliate the men as much as possible to lure them out.
Unfortunately, no one showed up.
That was when Levi’s impatient voice came from the crowd. He said, “What is that punk yapping about? I’ll just head out to use the toilet.”
Levi’s friends and families didn’t even notice him leaving the crowd.
Those who didn’t know Levi was paid even less attention to him, so they definitely didn’t know that he wasn’t around.
Even after all that taunting comments, no one showed up.
That got the crowd worried.
Are the top three fighters on the Divine Leaderboard going to show up? Karsten has already insulted them to this extent, so why haven’t they revealed themselves?
Even Daxon and Gabriel were worried.
What the hell is Levi doing? Shouldn’t he show up and send such an arrogant opponent like Karsten straight to Hell? After all, there’s no way Levi fears Karsten.
The two men knew about how strong Levi was.
Levi should be on par with Karsten, so there is no need for the former to be scared. Given Levi’s style, he would’ve had Karsten pinned on the ground for insulting any one of his avatars. I don’t understand why Levi is nowhere to be seen, even after Karsten mocked him so harshly. It’s truly unbelievable!
Everyone instinctively turned to Levi, but he was nowhere to be seen.
Where did he go? Why did he leave? Did he actually flee? I mean… he doesn’t look like he’s going to face his challenger.
The crowd looked at each other and prayed that they could find an answer.
Still, no one showed up.
Seeing that, Karsten panicked.
“None of you will show up, huh? Okay, then I will stomp on your names and carve them out bit by bit. You three are so cowardly,” roared Karsten angrily.
His figure zipped to the entrance of the Hall of Gods.
Karsten suddenly jumped and headed for the top of the stone plaque.
It didn’t take him long to reach his destination.
Those three names were right in front of him, and the sight of them stung his eyes.
Karsten wanted to wreck them right away, but more than that, he wanted his opponents to show up.
In the end, he stood firmly on the stone plaque and shouted, “I will give you one last chance. Show yourselves right away or you will be the global laughingstock! You have ten seconds before I remove your names. This is your last warning! Come and fight me now or you will face mockery everywhere you go!”
Karsten’s aim was to force the men to show up, so he wasn’t in a hurry to attack.
It was also why he would stretch the show out as much as possible.
That idea coincided with Mr. X’s intentions.
Karsten started counting down, but his gaze suddenly shifted, and he noticed that there was something carved behind the stone plaque.
Is that a name?
Karsten stopped counting down and went to check on the stone plaque.
“Gar… What?”


Chapter 2536 Stop Absorbing Rubbish

Only the person standing on the stone plaque could read what was carved behind it, but no one had the authority to do so.

In fact, no one dared to.
Karsten was the only one who had done that besides Levi.
When he got up there, he immediately learned a secret.
He tried to take a closer look.
“Garrison, Le…”
A voice came to Karsten before he could finish reading the words carved over there.
That prompted Karsten to look away immediately and hop down from the stone plaque.
That was when he saw someone standing in the Hall of Gods. It was Death Fiend.
Death Fiend was one of the top ten fighters on the Divine Leaderboard, so he had the authority to be there.
Karsten grinned as soon as he saw Death Fiend standing there.
The former planned on defeating Death Fiend before heading back to the stone plaque to finish reading the name carved behind the stone plaque.
I’ve got all the time in the world to do that, anyway.
“Ah, I know you. You’re one of Dark Emperor’s best fighters. What’s up? Are you here to challenge me?” sneered Karsten.
“Not at all. I am confident, but I also understand my limitations and I cannot defeat you. The only reason I came is to relay Dark Emperor’s message to you,” said Death Fiend.
Those words got everyone to turn their attention to Death Fiend.
A message from Dark Emperor?
“Alright then, tell me. I can’t believe that coward is so scared that he won’t even come and face me himself. Is he terrified of me?” asked Karsten.
“Afraid of you? You’re not worthy of that,” replied Death Fiend while grinning.
Karsten was about to lose his temper when Death Fiend handed a box over.
Karsten hadn’t even accepted the box, but he could already sense the terrifying energy emanating from it.
This is stronger than anything I have ever seen. It is a hundred… no, a thousand times stronger than any of the gifts Lab of Gods has given me.
Oh my…
Karsten was already trembling.
His particular technique, the Divine Extraction Technique, made it so that he would be tempted to absorb every energy source he came across.
This is the strongest energy source I have ever seen.
Everyone was curious.
What is Death Fiend giving Karsten, and why is the latter so excited about it? Everything seems out of the norm.
“This is a crystal from Restricted Area 76, and it contains unimaginable energy. It will certainly give you a huge boost. Dark Emperor thinks that you are too weak to be his opponent, so he wishes for you to absorb more quality energy. Absorbing rubbish power would just be a waste of time, and he thinks that you are way too weak in your current state,” said Death Fiend.
After that, Death Fiend added, “He is asking you to absorb the energy in this crystal as quickly as possible and make yourself stronger. He’d also like to inform you that the Sacred Organization will be opening the doors to Restricted Area 76 to you. There are plenty of amazing resources there, and you can absorb as much as you want.”
Karsten was already drowning in delight at the time.
He had the crystal with him and was tempted to drain the energy immediately.
With energy like this, I can break through and reach Level Nine of the Divine Extraction Technique. Heck, I might even reach the top of Level Nine.
At that moment, all Karsten could think about was to break through and reach Level Nine. He had forgotten all about his mission to kill the top three fighters on the Divine Leaderboard.
I can kill them later. Besides, if I become stronger and reach Level Nine, it will make it so much easier for me to kill Dark Emperor and the others.
“Okay, then let’s postpone the fight. I will fight Dark Emperor and the others after I have absorbed the energy in this crystal and reach Level Nine,” replied Karsten.
After that, he turned to the crowd and announced, “Both Dark Emperor and I have some urgent matter to tend to, so the fight will be postponed to three days later.”
The second Karsten finished making his announcement, he hurried over to Restricted Area 76.
He was eager to absorb the energy from the crystal and rise to Level Nine of the Divine Extraction Technique.
He had forgotten about everything else.
The name on the back of the stone plaque never mattered to him, anyway.
Death Fiend left with a smile.
Everyone else was confused.
What’s going on? Why did Karsten suddenly postpone the fight? What happened?
Ahem! Ahem!
Levi returned from his trip to the toilet.


Chapter 2537 Karsten Is Too Weak

Levi actually went to hand the crystal to Death Fiend earlier.

Karsten was too weak, so Levi didn’t even want to head over in person to hand the latter the gift.
The crystal was actually the leftover from when Levi made the God Crusher.
It might only contain one-fifth of its original strength, but that energy was still unimaginable.
Levi saw how happy Karsten was when he got that crystal.
Karsten forgot all about his mission after receiving that crystal, and that means that it contained more energy than anything he has ever seen. It probably surpasses his wildest imagination. That is the only reason it has gotten him so excited.
To Levi, Karsten’s excitement was a sign of how weak the latter was.
Yep, Levi was annoyed by how weak Karsten was.
That was why the former wanted to give the latter the boost and was even willing to open the doors to Restricted Area 76.
All that was simply to help Karsten grow faster and stronger until he maxed out his power.
Only then would Levi be interested in a match against Karsten.
He’d be too weak otherwise. I’ll give him a boost so that he can at least withstand a single, full-blown punch from me. Ah, it’s so lonely being undefeatable.
Levi badly needed a worthy opponent, and he will risk it all to strengthen his opponent. The former was going all out to help the latter reach Level Nine of the Divine Extraction Technique.
No one understood how much effort Levi had put in.
He wanted an opponent so much that he was racking his brain to help his enemy grow stronger.
Just for that, he had decided to help strengthen Karsten.
“What is going on?”
Everyone was confused.
They didn’t understand what was going on because they were standing too far away to hear Death Fiend’s conversation with Karsten.
Hence, the spectators were unaware of what happened and had no idea why Karsten was that eager to leave after he made his announcement.
They weren’t the only ones who were confused, though. Mr. X and the other members of Lab of Gods were also eager to figure out what was going on.
Why did Karsten postpone the fight, and why did he leave?
Zoey and the others discussed endlessly, and their debate seemed intense.
“What are you guys talking about? Are you wondering why Karsten leave all of a sudden?” asked Levi.
“Yeah, we are. Do you know why?” asked Zoey icily.
Levi grinned and replied, “Of course I do. The Dark Emperor is upset with how weak Karsten is.”
Everyone was stunned.
“Upset with how weak Karsten is?”
“How is that weak?”
Everyone was shocked.
“Wait, that can’t be it. If Dark Emperor had come out and complained that Karsten was too weak, the latter would’ve lost his temper on the spot. Why would Karsten leave after being dissed like that? It didn’t make sense,” said Floyd.
“That’s because…”
Levi was about to reply, but Death Fiend was quicker. The latter said, “That’s because Dark Emperor wants Karsten to become stronger. The former even gave the latter a crystal with incredible energy in it and open up Restricted Area 76. Dark Emperor wants Karsten to keep absorbing energy and keep growing until the latter becomes his most powerful self.”
Everyone understood what was happening after Death Fiend explained the situation.
Ah, so Karsten hurried off to become stronger. No wonder he seemed so eager earlier. Hold on, Dark Emperor is upset about how weak Karsten is? The former even worked hard to help the latter become stronger… What the hell? Is Dark Emperor being arrogant or is he too confident and actually sees Karsten as a weakling? Perhaps, there is something else entirely?
“It’s possible that Master actually thinks that Karsten is too weak. Plus, the top three fighters on the Divine Leaderboard will be attacking simultaneously, so it’s not surprising that he feels like they’re bullying him. That’s probably why he’s helping Karsten to get stronger,” said Zoey.
“Yes, that is possible. No one knows how strong the top three fighters on the Divine Leaderboard are. They must see Karsten as nothing but a young man. Moreover, he will be taking on all three of them on his own. Hence, they think that it wouldn’t hurt to help him grow.”
Most assumed that was what was going on.
“Ah, who cares? Let’s just wait for a few more days. If Karsten becomes stronger, the fight will be much more interesting.”
“It’s true. The fight is like a fine wine, and the longer we wait, the better the results.”
The crowd decided to stay there and wait.
They were waiting for the show that would be played in a few days.
“Hmm, that’s right. Let’s wait here. I’m curious, too!”
Levi rested in the room inside the temporary camp and had an eager expression on his face.
He truly wished that Karsten could become stronger and break his limit.
It might be right to say that Levi was more excited than everyone there.


Chapter 2538 They Are Worried

Almost everyone stayed after Karsten had left.

That was understandable since someone else would take their seats as soon as they leave.
What happened next was the endless arguments and battles.
That was how things were when martial artists ruled the world.
In the meantime, Levi started dozing off.
Zoey and the others were trying to figure out the issues with their own fighting skills while waiting for the upcoming battle.
They couldn’t be like Forlevia and forge her own unique path, after all.
They truly wanted to know what the Cardinal Hall was planning.
Why is Queenie making us wait here?
At Lab of Gods…
“We finally learned the truth, Mr. X. Karsten postponed the fight and left because Dark Emperor…”
Lucifer reported all of his findings to Mr. X.
“What? A crystal with energy surging out of it? That has got to be something from Restricted Area 76,” blurted Mr. X in astonishment.
He jumped suddenly.
“Yes, that is likely the case. More than that, Dark Emperor has opened the door to Restricted Area 76 for Karsten. The latter can absorb as much energy as he wants,” replied Lucifer.
“Huh? Has Dark Emperor gone insane? I have never met anyone like this before. Helping his enemy become stronger and giving Karsten a crystal that is so precious. What is going on?”
Mr. X and the others found that to be unbelievable.
It was illogical, and none of that should be happening… unless Dark Emperor had gone insane.
“Rumor is that Dark Emperor thought that Karsten is too weak, so the former wanted to strengthen the latter. Dark Emperor wanted Karsten to reach Level Nine before they fight. That’s how the rumor goes, and Dark Emperor is being described as someone who is beyond incredible,” said Lucifer.
“That’s bullsh*t! Dark Emperor is strong, but he’s not insane. Think about it. Why would anyone come up with ways to help his enemy become stronger? That would just make it that much more difficult for Dark Emperor to defeat Karsten. Let me give you an example. Think about Levi Garrison in his prime. We were definitely stronger than he was, but would any one of us try to help him become stronger so that he can fight us?” questioned Mr. X.
Everyone shook their head.
“Of course not. We’re not idiots. Levi will not get even the slightest boost from us. He’ll just use his newfound strength to attack us, and we’ll be his target.”
Mr. X nodded and pointed out, “Yes, that is how a normal human being would react. I am sure Dark Emperor is not retarded, is he?”
“That’s not possible. He won’t be that powerful if he’s retarded,” replied the crowd.
“That means that something must be off,” said Mr. X.
He began analyzing the situation and said, “Let’s assume that Dark Emperor actually thinks that Karsten is too weak and wants to boost the latter. What about the two other fighters on the Divine Leaderboard? Do they also think that Karsten is too weak? They never showed up, so how does anyone know what was in their mind?”
Mr. X’s words got everyone to think about the situation from another angle.
He’s right. Killfinger and the new head of the ancient Garrison Clan aren’t here. Can Dark Emperor really speak on their behalf? It’s not possible. They never cast their votes, so something must be off.
“Mr. X, have you deduced what is going on?” asked Lucifer.
“If those two never showed up but somehow agreed to Dark Emperor’s arrangement, then it can only mean one thing. They are scared. It’s not just Killfinger and the head of the ancient Garrison clan, though. The Dark Emperor is scared too. They know how unique and terrifying the Divine Extraction Technique is, and they know that they can’t beat Karsten. They might even be drained, so they kept hiding away and refused to show up.”
When Lucifer heard that, he asked, “But that doesn’t explain Dark Emperor’s actions. Why would he give Karsten the crystal and open up Restricted Area 76?”
Everyone turned to Mr. X.
“There’s only one explanation for that. The Dark Emperor is actually trying to butter Karsten up. The former is giving gifts to get on the latter’s good side!
“You see, the crystal contained a terrifying amount of energy, and most would only be able to absorb a smidge of that energy. “The Divine Extraction Technique is different, though. “It can fully absorb the energy in the crystal. “Dark Emperor is aware of that, and that is why he gave Karsten the crystal.
“The truth, however, is different.”


Chapter 2539 I Am Stronger Now

The more everyone listened, the more curious they got. Someone asked, “W-What’s the truth?”

“Well, Dark Emperor has given Karsten such an amazing gift and has opened the doors to Restricted Area 76. That would allow Karsten to grow stronger and be his best self. How can Karsten kill Dark Emperor and the others after accepting such lavish gifts?” said Mr. X.
His words got everyone around to gasp.
He’s right. Karsten owes them so much now. All the effort Karsten put in to reach Level Eight of the Divine Extraction Technique would mean nothing compared to this. In a way, Karsten owes Dark Emperor. That means that it would be difficult for Karsten to kill Dark Emperor when the time comes. That way, the raging conflict between them is now easily solved.
“There’s also the part where Karsten can easily break through and become his best self after he absorbed the energy in Restricted Area 76. He would rightfully be ranked number one on the Divine Leaderboard and would overwhelm Dark Emperor and the others.
“Yet, Dark Emperor and his friends wouldn’t be humiliated because they contributed to Karsten’s strength. In some way, they will be the masters who have helped Karsten rise to the top.”
“Ah, I understand it now. This will be different from being defeated. They will have no reason to fight. The Dark Emperor and his friends can rightfully step down and let Karsten be the top fighter on the Divine Leaderboard,” blurted Lucifer.
“Yes, that is how it is. The Dark Emperor made an extremely strategic move. He dissolved a conflict and saved three lives while still keeping their reputation intact. Hah, now that is one cunning move,” said Mr. X before he added, “I bet Dark Emperor and his friends still wouldn’t show up after three days.”
“Yeah, I think that’ll be the case.”
Everyone nodded in agreement.
“I am worried about Karsten, though. What if all those gifts softened him up and cause him to show mercy on Dark Emperor and the others? I also wonder if Karsten will continue obeying us after he reaches Level Nine,” said Mr. X who couldn’t help sighing.
“That’s true. Ah, that punk has already entered Restricted Area 76 and cut off all communications with us. It’s so frustrating that we can’t send our men into that place,” grumbled Lucifer angrily.
“Let’s wait and see. If he fails to kill Dark Emperor and the others, then he will have been nothing but a piece of trash to us. We built him up, and we can destroy him whenever we want,” replied Mr. X. His eyes glowed with a hint of murderous intent.
Lucifer and his friends chuckled.
Karsten’s strength might seem infinite to everyone else, but it didn’t matter how strong he would get. The Lab of Gods would always be able to kill him.
That showed just how scary Lab of Gods was.
Another rumor was soon shared all over the world. It was said that Dark Emperor and the others were actually afraid of Karsten.
The crowd began analyzing the situation.
The more they thought about it, the more it made sense.
Dark Emperor seems to be trying to butter Karsten up.
That was the thought running through everybody’s mind.
Karsten was lost in his own paradise at the time and was absorbing energy as if there was no tomorrow.
To his surprise, the energy within the crystal remained more or less constant, even though he had been draining it like crazy.
It was as if he had only managed to drink a few drops from an ocean.
The more Karsten absorbed the crystal, the more excited he became.
Holy moly, what will become of me if I absorb all of it?
Karsten continued absorbing the energy like a starving man in a buffet.
Lightning filled the dark sky to signal the birth of an extremely powerful fighter.
Absorb. Absorb it all!
It took some time, but Karsten eventually managed to reach Level Nine of the Divine Extraction Technique.
He absorbed every joule of energy from the air and the ground.
In a way, his body was like a black hole, and all the energy in Restricted Area 76 was swirling toward him.
Even the energy from sources that were miles away was drawn over.
That was the power of the Level Nine Divine Extraction Technique.
Karsten continued absorbing the energy to solidify his stance and master Level Nine.
Time trickled by.
Finally, three days had passed.
Karsten suddenly flung his eyes open, and those eyes glowed with immense power.
He had reached a whole new level of power.
“I am stronger than ever, and I am here!”


Chapter 2540 What It Feels Like To Be A God

Karsten could feel an obvious change in him after he reached Level Nine.

It was as if he had everything under his feet, and he saw everyone else as nothing but maggots.
I feel like I am in control of the entire world.
That was what it felt like to be a deity.
It was the same sensation the Gods in Restricted Area 76 experienced.
They were too strong, and it created an illusion of them being holy beings living among mortals.
That was how Karsten felt at that moment.
He was no longer interested in Dark Emperor and the others anymore.
Before powering up, he wanted to challenge himself, but reaching Level Nine made him feel as though he would be facing three ants.
He lost all enthusiasm and passion.
Lab of Gods got in touch with Karsten immediately after the latter left Restricted Area 76.
The former insisted that Karsten shouldn’t be bothered by social cues and must kill Dark Emperor and the rest despite their generous gifts.
Karsten answered, “Don’t worry. I will deal with all three of them. Their blood will signal the birth of my newfound power, and I will make a ritual out of it. I have emerged a new man, and I must kill a few people to celebrate the occasion.”
Lab of Gods sighed a breath of relief after hearing Karsten’s affirmative response.
That would save them the trouble of cleaning up the mess.
Karsten walked away slowly.
He held the crystal tightly in his hand and sighed before saying, “What is this? The energy it contained is simply too great. I only managed to absorb a quarter of its energy even though I have been working hard these past three days. It will take me some time before I can finish absorbing everything in it!”
The news of Karsten leaving Restricted Area 76 was shared everywhere.
The entire world cheered once more, and the focus was mostly on World Summit.
Everyone got excited, and their spirit was lifted.
That caused a ruckus and woke Levi up.
“What’s wrong? Did something happen?” asked Levi.
“Karsten has left Restricted Area 76, and the rumor is that he has reached Level Nine of the Divine Extraction Technique,” replied Zoey.
“The annoying thing is that everyone thinks that my master only gave Karsten that crystal to butter Karsten up. They say that my master is scared and wants to make it difficult for Karsten to attack,” added Zoey.
“You know, I actually think that makes sense. Why else would someone help their enemy become stronger? This is way beyond a friendly boost.”
“That’s right. The Dark Emperor is strong, but I don’t think he is that strong.”
“Yeah, he must be scared of Karsten and is bowing down to the latter.”
Kirin and the others shared their opinions on the matter.
Zoey was the disciple, but she couldn’t defend her master either.
“Oh, puh-lease. That Karsten can’t scare anyone. Come help me up. I’d like to see how much he has improved,” said Levi.
He was starting to get a little excited.
If Karsten absorbed all of the energy in the crystal and the resources in Restricted Area 76, his Divine Extraction Technique should be at its best…
That would be almost on par with Level Nine of the Iron Golem Technique, and that would at least pique Levi’s interest.
That was why Levi was excited.
“Everyone is saying that Dark Emperor and his friends are still too scared and will continue cowering in the dark.”
“Honestly, I agree with their statements. Dark Emperor and the others will never show up and will put Karsten on the top of the Divine Leaderboard without a fight. That way, everyone can leave unscathed.”
Everyone started discussing the matter.
Levi ignored all of them, though. He simply exited the room.
Everything was already in a mess outside the room.
Karsten was approaching the place as well.
He had kept his aura contained, and it was no longer as intimidating as it was earlier. However, his posture suggested that he was much stronger.
He had truly grown exponentially.
It was as though he had changed into a different person.
The power from Level Eight of the Divine Extraction Technique was completely different from Level Nine of the same technique.
At that moment, Karsten was considered a skilled fighter.
He saw everyone as a lesser being.
Karsten had constrained his aura, but everyone could still sense the pressure. It was almost as strong as the pressure they sensed three days ago, and it was so overwhelming that some were having a hard time breathing.
It was as if Karsten had turned into a black hole, and his mere presence threatened to absorb the spectators’ soul.
They could feel an inclination to walk forward.
That got their expression to change sharply, and they sweated nervously.
Karsten had truly frightened them.
Astonished gasps filled the place.
“That’s it? That’s all you can do?”
A man with a different opinion blurted his thoughts.



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Chapter 2541 One Punch Is All It Takes

Naturally, the one who complained was Levi.

He looked furious.
He had completely given up on Karsten after seeing how the latter was.
Even after everything I’ve done, he is still so freaking weak. Ugh, and he’s moving like a dumb peacock. What’s the point of making a scene? He is nothing but a stupid, useless piece of utter trash!
Levi was so angry that he was really losing it!
He was excited and had been waiting eagerly.
It was bad enough that he was disappointed once, but Levi had given Karsten so much help after that. The former even waited for three whole days.
And this is all I get for my patience?
How could Levi not be disappointed?
That Karsten only managed to absorb a quarter of that crystal’s energy and barely merged with it!
Karsten might have reached the highest level of the Divine Extraction Technique, but there were a lot of subcategories in Level Nine!
Like the Iron Golem Technique, Level Nine of the Divine Extraction Technique was also divided into many silhouettes.
Having one silhouette would mean that the person was at the weakest point of the level, whereas having nine silhouettes would mean that person had maxed out.
At that moment, Karsten’s Divine Extraction Technique was only equivalent to the first silhouette of Level Nine of the Iron Golem Technique.
How was Levi supposed to be happy about that?
Ugh, he can’t even fight the slightly more powerful Gods in Restricted Area 76. What’s the point of fighting him now? The old wives’ tale is true. The more a person anticipates, the more disappointed that person would be.
Levi was not amused and he was utterly numb at that point.
Earlier, he thought that Karsten would be as powerful as the seventh or eighth silhouette of Iron Golem Technique’s Level Nine.
His power is only equivalent to the first silhouette of Iron Golem Technique’s Level Nine… Gah, he is so useless. It’s such a waste to give him the crystal. He’ll probably need three months to finish absorbing the energy inside. I’m not that freaking patient, though. I will not wait for three months. Ah, he can go f*ck himself!
Everyone was staring strangely at Levi.
They didn’t understand why he was so angry and disappointed.
I-Is he complaining about how weak Karsten is? How is that possible? Karsten is already ridiculously powerful, so how is that weak? What is Levi talking about?
Every stared curiously at Levi.
The show hasn’t even begun yet, and he’s already disappointed…
Karsten slowly made his way to the place.
Everyone was respectful and frightened of him.
Karsten had already turned into an entirely different person in three days.
If he keeps progressing this way, he will be the most powerful person on Earth. No one will be a match against him.
The public estimated that Karsten would have to wait for a few decades until Edmund reached the top level of the Iron Golem Technique. Only then would Karsten have an opponent.
Until then, no one else would be able to fight Karsten. He would truly be the top fighter in the entire world.
Karsten shifted his gaze to the stone plaque listing the Divine Leaderboard and chuckled.
At that moment, he didn’t care about the names carved on it anymore.
I am the strongest regardless of what is carved up there.
“Oy, Dark Emperor. Shouldn’t you three show up now? You thought that I was too weak and asked me to power up, so I did just that and have returned. Just come out now!
“I should warn you three, though. Don’t assume that I will show you any mercy just because you gave me the crystal and opened the doors to Restricted Area 76 for me.
“None of you will be left out of the battle against me. I will not relent until I have defeated all of you.”
Karsten had made things clear and was demanding for his opponent to show up.
He would not show them any gratitude even after the crystal was given to him.
The people in Lab of Gods sighed a breath of relief when they heard that.
That would make everything much simpler for them.
The problem was that no one responded to Karsten’s words.
“Haha, it is just as we predicted. Dark Emperor and the others are too chicken to show up!”
“That makes sense. They thought that giving Karsten the crystal will make him show them mercy. Who would’ve thought that Karsten doesn’t care at all?”
“Oh, this is too funny. They are such cowards.”
Everyone at the tournament site was laughing aloud.
Mr. X and his men from Lab of Gods were laughing as well.
It was as they had predicted.
“Still hiding? Are you scared? Am I really that terrifyingly strong? You are a bunch of useless cowards and utter trash!”
Karsten insulted and shouted when he saw that no one turned up.
Many couldn’t bear to listen any longer.
“Oh, you are so freaking noisy. I will shut you up with just one punch.”
Levi suddenly zipped over to Karsten. He was so fast that no one saw him.


Chapter 2542 Lab Of Gods Is Scared

Everyone was stunned.

They stared at Levi in disbelief.
What is he doing? Karsten has been taunting, but shouldn’t Dark Emperor and his friends be the ones who are angry? What does Levi Garrison have to do with anything? Why did he run over?
They were dumbstruck!
Zoey and the others, who had been waiting at the side, were all dumbfounded.
Their minds were blank.
If they could think, they would most certainly have gone out to stop Levi.
It’s fine if you go after others, but you are going after Karsten! He is the man who has mastered Level Nine of the Divine Extraction Technique. He is undefeatable. Are you insane? Why did you go after him?
When Levi ran over, he triggered a chain reaction.
The crowd gasped.
They saw Levi rushing over like that, and they almost went insane.
What is going on? Who on Earth would come and challenge the virtually undefeatable Karsten? The challenger is either an idiot or a lunatic. There can be no other explanation.
Many were surprised to see Levi rushing over like that.
However, some were delighted.
Daxon, Gabriel, and the others were great examples of that.
They had been waiting for so long, and finally…
Levi is going to beat the hubristic Karsten up.
Many had already had enough of Karsten’s arrogant words and annoying stance.
“Huh? Why did he run over like that? Is he mentally retarded? Does he think he’s Dark Emperor?”
Those who knew Levi well were all flabbergasted.
Donald, Tyrone, and the others laughed aloud. One of them taunted, “Levi Garrison, are you dumb? Our master doesn’t need you to show up and fight his fight for him.”
“Yeah, our master is incredible, and Karsten can wait for all he wants. I bet our master probably thinks that Karsten is too weak. That is why he doesn’t bother showing up.”
“That has to be it. We have all witnessed how strong our master is, and Karsten means nothing.”
Donald and Tyrone were boasting endlessly about their master.
They thought that the guy was incredible and simply the best.
No one was allowed to disrespect their master.
That was why they were furious when they saw Levi running over like that. It was as if he was fighting on their master’s behalf.
They thought that Levi was insulting their master.
What they didn’t know was that Levi was the very master they were praising.
The people in Lab of Gods had been monitoring everything from behind the scenes. Even they were surprised.
The first thought that came to their minds wasn’t that Levi had gone insane.
Instead, they wondered if Levi was Dark Emperor.
In some way, that was understandable. They had been working diligently, but they had always instinctively had their guards up when they saw Levi. Some of them were even fear of Levi.
Hence, the first thought that ran past their minds was that Levi might be Dark Emperor. Or perhaps he is one of the three people Karsten challenged?
It’s possible that he is the head of the ancient Garrison clan since he is also a member of that family.
For a moment there, everyone went numb and silent.
They were too scared.
If things were really as they had imagined, then they were in a lot of trouble.
They would let anyone else be strong. Heck, they would even let the top three fighters on the Divine Leaderboard live, but they would never allow Levi to become stronger.
Levi being powerful was the most terrifying threat to them.
In fact, things would be disastrous for them if that were the case.
Anyone can be strong, but not Levi Garrison. NOT him!
At that moment, a complex emotion was running wildly within Mr. X and the others.
They prayed that it was all faked.
They hoped that the person standing there wasn’t Levi.
Unfortunately, the reality was not what they had prayed for.
The crowd was murmuring, and it was ever so noisy.
Soon after, Karsten saw a figure zipping over from some distance away.
He got excited.
Is Dark Emperor here?
When Karsten turned around, he saw that the energy emanating from Levi was extremely weak. It seemed like Levi was a nobody.
He’s fast, but that’s all he is. He has no other strengths, so he can’t possibly be Dark Emperor.
Still, Karsten smiled.
Someone had finally stood up and was there to challenge him.
The cherry on top was that the challenger knew just how strong Karsten was.
“Nevermind. I will just take you as my opponent, then,” said Karsten.
He would treat the fight seriously, anyway.
It didn’t take long before Karsten initiated his Divine Extraction Technique to draw Levi over.
Soon after, Levi threw a punch over. A moan was heard.


Chapter 2543 Something Is Not Right

That punch was ridiculous.

To Karsten, it was so incredibly weak, and every spectator saw that it carried no weight whatsoever.
Everyone could tell that Levi had put everything he had into that punch.
It seemed that he had been preparing to throw that punch.
At first, he was over ten thousand meters away from Karsten.
It looked like Levi had been preparing the punch as he ran that distance.
After all that preparation, he finally threw the punch.
Unfortunately, everyone saw that punch as being utterly weak.
It looked terrible. The power was average, and the speed was only slightly above average.
It definitely couldn’t bring about an incredible change or anything.
At most, that would get the fighters on the Provisional Leaderboard to back away a little.
Using a punch like that against the almighty Karsten, however, was stupid.
That got everyone to laugh at Levi.
How is a puny punch like that going to defeat Karsten?
Zoey and the others finally cleared their minds, and they panicked.
A weak punch like that couldn’t even hurt them, so how was it going to kill Karsten?
Unfortunately, Zoey and the others reacted too slowly, and it was too late to stop Levi.
They watched as the punch flew over.
Karsten’s bare hand easily grabbed Levi’s punch.
“I heard what the others called you. You’re Levi Garrison, right? I’ll remember you as the first person who challenged me,” informed Karsten.
He scoffed.
To him, the punch looked ridiculously slow. It was like watching a snail crawling its way over, and it made Karsten see Levi as a worthless maggot.
Wait a minute…
The power behind this punch… Hmm… Its power… Huh? I-It’s… This punch…
Karsten’s expression took a sharp turn. Disbelief and shock could be seen in every inch on his face.
He was so shocked that he bulged his eyes.
Turned out, it was impossible to know how powerful that punch was until one came in contact with it.
When Karsten caught Levi’s punch, the former sensed terrifying energy exploding over. That energy infiltrated Karsten’s body.
The energy in this punch is a dozen times stronger than the energy inside the crystal… And I am only capable of absorbing a quarter of the energy inside the crystal.
The punch carried the most terrifying power Karsten had ever seen.
This punch is so incredible that it gathers energy into a single point.
At that moment, Karsten learned why the punch looked weak and exuded a weak aura. He also understood why the punch was only a little faster and couldn’t get its surroundings to react to it.
Turned out, Levi had redirected all the power into a single saturated point. That was why it looked weak.
Surprisingly, punches like those were the strongest.
Karsten wasn’t as strong as Levi had anticipated; indeed, he could’ve shown mercy but Levi was angry.
Hence, he took advantage of the distance between them and prepared to throw out the most powerful punch he had ever thrown.
He even gathered them into a single point before he got it to explode the minute it got Karsten.
What made things worse was that Karsten was using his technique and was absorbing energy at the time.
That made it impossible for him to back away at the last second.
Karsten’s irises constricted, but his eyes bulged. Disbelief was written all over his face.
That terrifying energy had infiltrated his body.
It was something he had never experienced before.
This is stronger than anything I have ever come across.
Karsten knew that his entire body would explode if he absorbed that energy.
This is definitely beyond what I can physically handle.
Lab of Gods had already strengthened Karsten’s physical properties. That should help Karsten’s body withstand absorbing immense power.
Unfortunately, Levi’s punch was a whole new level of power.
It was beyond what Lab of Gods anticipated.
There was no way he could absorb that energy.
On top of that, the energy Levi threw over was meant to be aggressive.
When it entered the body, its victim would seem fine on the outside for a short period of time.
His internal organs, however, would instantly break apart and rot away.
That punch signified destruction!
Karsten’s chest exploded at the very next second, and a bloody hole was shown.
Then, another bloody hole appeared.
One by one, explosions erupted from within Karsten’s body.
It only took a few moments for Karsten to become a bloody mess.
“Wait, you are Garrison, Le…”


Chapter 2544 Levi Killed Karsten

At his final moments, Karsten recalled a name he had long forgotten.

The name on the stone plaque was Garrison, L…
That day, Death Fiend got Karsten to move away before he could finish reading those words.
At that moment, Karsten realized that the second word was Levi!
It’s Levi Garisson!
He instantly understood what it meant to have one’s name carved on the back of the stone plaque. It was to honor a fighter so powerful that he or she was regarded to be above the Divine Leaderboard.
“That’s me. Why are you calling out to me?”
Levi frowned and was a little confused.
He figured it out soon after, though.
Ah, Karsten must’ve seen my name carved on the back of the stone plaque. Something still feels off, though.
Karsten suddenly laughed aloud.
He never knew that someone that powerful even existed.
In fact, he thought that the weirdos in Lab of Gods were the only ones he needed to be wary of. Karsten thought he could rule the world so long as Lab of Gods allowed it.
Who would’ve thought that things would turn out this way?
The funny thing was that Karsten heard about how Levi used to be Lab of Gods’ biggest threat and worst enemy.
They later thought that Levi had turned into a nobody after the new era.
It got to the point where Lab of Gods wasn’t even bothered to kill Levi anymore.
They thought he was too weak.
Lab of Gods, Mr. X… I bet you guys never dreamed of this, huh? After all this time, Levi Garrison is still your worst enemy. Hahaha…
“Levi Garrison!”
“Levi Garrison!”
Karsten’s body kept exploding as his mind repeatedly chanted Levi’s name.
In the end, Karsten’s entire body exploded, and he became a gooey mess raining down from the sky.
He no longer existed…
The only thing that was left was the crystal, which had landed in Levi’s palm.
This was simply too shocking!
Everyone saw how Karsten had exploded into nothingness, and how Levi’s punch was the attack that made it happen.
Silence filled the entire place.
All that could be heard were the soft whistles of the wind as it blew past everyone.
Everyone seemed to have paused breathing as well.
They were too surprised.
That had got to the moment when everyone was that quiet.
They had just witnessed an incredible battle.
Levi actually killed Karsten with one punch?
Daxon and Gabriel had expected that.
They knew that it didn’t matter how arrogant or strong Karsten was because there was no way he could handle even a single punch from Levi.
Everyone else wasn’t privy to the same information, though.
Donald and Tyrone were stunned.
So were Zoey, Kirin, Floyd, and the others.
Everyone at the place was stunned in place.
They stood there and never moved a muscle. It was as though they were statues.
It was simply too shocking.
They were still reeling in what they saw earlier and couldn’t come back around just yet.
“Oh no. Oh no! Levi…”
The people at Lab of Gods were having the worst time as they remained quiet.
Their worst nightmare had come true.
They knew that something was off when they saw Levi rushing over like that. Everything kept progressing in the direction they least favored.
In the end, Levi went on to kill Karsten.
That presented the worst scenario.
They didn’t want Levi to be strong, but he turned out to be the strongest one.
They were exasperated, especially because they had just witnessed Levi killing Karsten with just one punch.
On top of that, they had modified Karsten’s body and made it as powerful as possible. It wasn’t supposed to have any trouble digesting the power he absorbed. It was virtually impossible to overwhelm him so much that his body exploded.
This shouldn’t be possible.
Lab of Gods had designed Karsten in a way that allowed him to absorb as much energy as he wanted.
He wasn’t supposed to be overwhelmed.
That proved just how incredible Levi’s punch was.
When did Levi become so strong? His punch looked so ordinary…
Everyone at Lab of Gods had a grim expression on.
Levi is too strong, and we haven’t dealt with the top three fighters on the Divine Leaderboard. They will all pose a threat to us.
The silence at the tournament site lasted for a few minutes.
It took some time before someone came around.
“Did our master just kill Karsten with one punch?” asked Floyd sheepishly.
His words got everyone else to slowly come back around.
That was simply shocking!
It was the kind of shock that was utterly indescribable.
Did Levi actually kill Karsten?


Chapter 2545 Exposed

That was a question and the truth.

Still, there were over a hundred thousand witnesses there, so they couldn’t all have made a mistake.
How did a seemingly weak punch from Levi kill Karsten?
There was only one possibility—the strength was well hidden.
The stronger the punch, the weaker it seemed.
The strength of that punch must be beyond everyone’s imagination.
The truth was Levi had defeated Karsten.
Rumors could be faked, but not when something was presented before their eyes.
Everyone saw it, and that had to be the truth.
Even if someone wanted to deny it, he or she would not be able to do so.
Levi’s friends and disciples were staring at him in astonishment.
Turned out, the Levi they admired had never left.
He was still the strongest man they had ever met.
No one knew why, but they were trembling.
Zoey, in particular, saw Levi differently.
She felt that she did not know him.
“Did Levi really defeat Karsten?” muttered Zoey numbly.
“Yes, he did!”
“My boss, Levi, has defeated Karsten with a single punch.”
“My boss is the best! He is undefeatable!”
Azure Dragon, Kirin, and the others began cheering.
“My master is incredible. He is still the best fighter in the world.”
Levi’s disciples, including Floyd and Kinsley, began chanting as well.
“Levi! Levi! Levi…”
Sword Fiend and the others started chanting, too. They kept their voices high.
Soon, the chant spread like wildfire, and everyone was calling out Levi’s name.
He had defeated Karsten.
Everyone thought that Levi should definitely be deemed the top fighter on the Divine Leaderboard.
The public thought that Karsten had frightened Dark Emperor and the others so much that they didn’t dare to show up. Yet, Levi had crushed Karsten.
Hence, the public thought that Levi should be ranked number one on the list.
They chanted for his name to be included on the list.
Daxon and the others shouted aloud and chanted along with the public.
Levi can’t hide his strength anymore after this.
The people at Lab of Gods had gone numb by then.
They hadn’t dealt with the three threats they set out to destroy. Now, a new and worse threat had shown up.
If Levi were to join forces with the other three, they would definitely threaten Lab of Gods’ power…
“We congratulate the Crown King of Erudia for reaching the top of the Divine Leaderboard.”
Everyone congratulated Levi.
Donald and Tyrone, however, cried.
Levi had delivered an emotional hit that was simply too strong.
He didn’t just knock them off their feet but he also humiliated their master, Dark Emperor, and that was the worst insult ever!
Everyone started congratulating Levi.
Death Fiend and the others were confused though.
Levi didn’t need to reveal his identity. He could’ve assumed Dark Emperor’s identity or used any one of his other identities to kill Karsten.
Why would he expose himself and kill Karsten directly? I don’t understand.
They couldn’t understand what Levi was thinking.
Truth was, Levi was too angry because Karsten was too disappointing.
The former had prepared so much, but the latter was still weak.
However, Levi also thought things through.
He had been looking for Lab of Gods, but he hadn’t found any solid leads.
He had been hiding his strength the entire time because he didn’t want Lab of Gods to know how strong he was.
The better he hid away, the more Lab of Gods ignored him. Unfortunately, the anonymity didn’t help Levi in his investigation.
That was why he decided to change his tactics.
He would reveal his strength.
If Lab of Gods truly existed, its members would know about him immediately.
They knew that Levi would be a threat to them if he was strong.
That would encourage Lab of Gods to try to kill Levi.
The Lab of Gods will have to send their men over, and they will have to come out of hiding in order to do that.
That was what Levi thought and wanted.
Turned out, Levi only revealed his strength to force Lab of Gods to show themselves.
He wasn’t sure if he could force Lab of Gods to make their moves, but that was his only shot at learning more about his enemy.
Levi didn’t know it at the time, but his tactic worked.
He showed Lab of Gods his powers, and that turned him into their biggest nightmare.
However, he didn’t know that Karsten came from Lab of Gods.


Chapter 2546 Levi Is The Top Fighter On The Divine Leaderboard

It didn’t take long before the news of how Levi had defeated Karsten was shared worldwide.

The forgotten hero rose to be the God of War everyone admired once more.
Levi was a hot topic at the time because no one thought that he’d rise to the top of the Divine Leaderboard.
Isn’t he ridiculously weak? I thought he can’t even make it to the Provisional Leaderboard. When did he suddenly become so strong? Did Dark Web make a mistake? Is this new list legit?
That was what the public thought since they didn’t know that Levi’s name had long been carved onto the list.
Dark Web would never make any mistake, and it definitely wouldn’t share fake news.
When Levi walked over, he saw that Zoey had a complex expression on her face. She asked, “So you have been that strong the entire time? Why didn’t you tell us?”
Levi smiled and replied, “I told everyone, but no one believed me.”
“Master, can I ask how you became so strong? What technique did you learn to become so powerful?” asked Floyd, who couldn’t contain his curiosity.
“It’s the basic technique. I focused on training the power and speed,” answered Levi.
“Oh, I see.”
Everyone suddenly realized what was going on.
“Wait, so boss, is this the reason you asked us to abandon all other techniques and only focus on this technique?” asked Azure Dragon.
“Of course. It’s not like I’d hide it for myself,” replied Levi while grinning.
“Then, let’s start training right away,” said the others excitedly.
It began with them seeing the technique as flawed and went to the point where they forgot the technique’s existence entirely. Now, they were focusing once more on the said technique.
Now, their opinion on the technique had completely changed.
When they saw how Levi had defeated Karsten, they became eager to train once more.
They looked at each other and saw shame in each other’s eyes.
As a result, their faces turned red.
“There’s no need to do that. You are not firm enough, so you can’t master it,” said Levi directly to refuse their requests.
His friends and disciples changed their minds too quickly and often followed the crowd. Under such circumstances, there was no way they’d be able to master those techniques.
On top of that, Levi had already planned for something.
His friends and disciples would soon be able to choose and learn the techniques that were best-suited to them.
“Levi is undefeatable!”
In the end, Levi returned to North Hampton with everyone cheering him on.
“Master, your name will be written on the top of the stone plaque tomorrow.”
“That’s right. The names on the stone plaque will be rearranged. Dark Emperor will become the second-best fighter while you are the best.”
“I will go to the World Summit tomorrow to see them carving your name on it.”
“I want to go too! Take me with you!”
Everyone was excited, and they were all waiting to see the changes on the stone plaque.
That was not the only thing that changed.
That day, many powerful fighters and influential figures from all around the world dropped by to visit Levi and butter him up.
There were so many people that the door to the manor at North Hampton had broken down.
It seemed there were simply too many people.
That day, they received over ten lorries full of gifts.
Everything continued progressing that way.
Everyone came to try to build a rapport with Levi after learning how he rose to the top of the Divine Leaderboard.
Kings and queens from different countries also dropped by to butter Levi up.
He was the top fighter on the Divine Leaderboard, after all.
He had the power to annihilate an entire country, so to them, it was crucial that they stayed in his good book.
Everyone was terrified of him.
Levi didn’t care about any of that and remained uninterested.
His only concern was whether he had caught Lab of Gods’ attention.
At that moment, Mr. X and the other members of Lab of Gods were having a meeting.
“Levi is too strong, and we can’t let him live. We have to act fast. We have to kill him, even if it means preponing our plan.”
“You’re right. Levi is too much of a threat! We have to eliminate him as quickly as possible!”
Everyone was discussing the matter endlessly.
Mr. X nodded and said, “Yes, we must plan for it soon and kill Levi. We have to implement that plan within three days, and if it comes to it, I will head over in person.”
It was as Levi had predicted.
Lab of Gods would attack within three days.
The next day, the Divine Leaderboard would be updated at ten o’clock in the morning.
A huge crowd gathered at the World Summit.
They could see everything live from everywhere else, but many wanted to witness it in person.
They wanted to see Levi’s name at the top of the list.
It didn’t take long before the new list was revealed.


Chapter 2547 The Divine Leaderboard Remains Unchanged

Someone used their power to part the clouds surrounding the stone plaque.

The stone plaque listing the Divine Leaderboard was presented to the public clearly.
Everyone inched forward to take a closer look.
The crowd murmured at the very next second.
Fear and surprise could be seen on all of their faces as they could not believe what they saw.
It was as if they had just seen the most shocking scene in their life.
The Divine Leaderboard hadn’t been changed or updated.
Dark Emperor remained the best fighter on the list, and his name remained at the top.
Killfinger and the head of the ancient Garrison clan stayed in the second and third place respectively.
Levi’s name was nowhere to be seen.
What’s going on? Seriously, what is going on?
That question was in everybody’s mind. They were dumbstruck… or perhaps lost?
They wondered why the Divine Leaderboard wasn’t updated and thought that it was impossible that Levi didn’t make it to the top three.
Could it be…
Many were quick to come up with a theory.
Could it be that despite Karsten’s strength, he is still weaker than Dark Emperor and the others? Is that why Levi couldn’t make it to the top three on the Divine Leaderboard even though he had defeated Karsten?
Everyone had witnessed how strong Karsten was, and he was ridiculously powerful.
Is that still too weak? It feels impossible, but that is the only explanation for it. Well, if Levi didn’t make it to the top three, then maybe he’s the fourth or fifth on the list.
Everyone turned to one another. It was obvious they shared the same thought.
They continued reading the stone plaque.
Huh? Levi’s not the fourth, or fifth, or sixth… He’s not even the tenth most powerful fighter!
They kept reading…
Even the hundredth name wasn’t Levi’s.
When they reached that part of the list, they became dumbstruck.
That is not possible. Why isn’t Levi’s name on the list? What happened? He defeated someone as strong as Karsten, so he should be on the list, right? How is he not on the top one hundred?
Everyone kept reading the list.
They soon reached number 200… 500…
The crowd scanned the Divine Leaderboard carefully to make sure that they didn’t miss anything. Still, Levi’s name was nowhere to be seen.
That’s strange… It’s really strange. Shouldn’t Levi’s name be at the top? How is he not in the top one thousand positions on the Divine Leaderboard? Or… is his name listed on the Provisional Leaderboard because he wants to keep a low profile?
The crowd shifted their gaze to the steps and examined every name on it.
Levi’s name was still nowhere to be found.
That confused everyone.
Levi’s name was not on the Divine Leaderboard or the Provisional Leaderboard…
So where is it?
It doesn’t make sense. There were so many witnesses there when Levi killed Karsten. How can the former not be on either list? It’s not possible.
That thought ran past everybody’s mind.
It didn’t take long before the news of how Levi remained outside the list was shared globally—the entire world was shaken.
Everyone tried to find out why Levi’s name wasn’t on both lists.
Dark Web never showed up to answer questions or explain the situation.
“It doesn’t make sense. Boss killed Karsten, so why isn’t the name, Levi Garrison, on the list?”
“I bet Dark Web is deliberately making things difficult for Boss. Boss is the most powerful fighter on Earth, so how is he not on the list?”
“I really wonder how authentic this list is now.”
Kirin, Azure Dragon, and the others were angry at the injustice served on Levi.
On the other hand, Levi was just grinning exasperatedly.
Well, his name was already on the stone plaque, but he was ranked to be beyond the Divine Leaderboard.
Hence, Dark Web remained accurate.
“We won’t accept this. We have to get Boss’ name on that stone plaque. He is and will always be the best.”
“You know, it’s possible that Dark Web is experiencing some system error, or maybe they haven’t had the chance to update the list. Let’s wait a little longer.”
Azure Dragon, Zoey, and some others were more rational.
Levi, however, didn’t care much.
He was waiting for Lab of Gods to make their moves.
If everything went as he planned, Lab of Gods had already learned about how strong he was and would show up soon to avenge their fallen comrades.
Lab of Gods was confused at that moment as well.
The Divine Leaderboard remained unchanged? Levi Garrison is not the best fighter on the list? How is that possible?


Chapter 2548 Under Pressure

They had the same thought like everyone else because they saw how Levi had killed Karsten with just one punch.

Combat prowess like that was incredible.
The top three fighters on the Divine Leaderboard were too mysterious, so it was possible that they were stronger than Karsten. However, even if they ignore the first three spots on the Divine Leaderboard, Levi should still be in fourth place.
It didn’t matter how weak Karsten looked since he was still stronger than Daxon and Gabriel.
Yet, Levi’s name was nowhere to be found.
“Maybe Dark Web hasn’t had the chance to update the list? Should we wait a little longer?” asked Lucifer.
Mr. X was smarter. He frowned and said, “I don’t think that is the case. Something is off, but I can’t quite pinpoint the issue…”
“Yeah, something feels weird, but I can’t really tell what it is either,” replied Lucifer.
Everyone else nodded in agreement.
“Oh yeah, where’s the crystal? You know, the one that contained the energy from Restricted Area 76? Have we learned where it is? Did Karsten absorb all the energy in it? Or are there some leftovers?” asked Mr. X when he suddenly thought about the issue.
“No, we haven’t found it yet. We don’t know if he absorbed everything inside, but he definitely had quite a bit. It got him to reach the highest level of the Divine Extraction Technique, after all,” replied Lucifer and his colleagues.
“Then, let’s wait a little longer and see if the Divine Leaderboard will be updated. I think we will learn more about everything soon,” said Mr. X before he asked again.
“By the way, how is our plan to kill Levi progressing?”
“We’re going after Levi, after all, and we might have to go all out. That could mean exposing ourselves, so I think it’s best if we put a pause to it. Let’s wait until we understand more about what’s going on with the Divine Leaderboard,” suggested Lucifer.
“Okay, in that case, let’s hold off for now. Let’s wait until the issue with the Divine Leaderboard is solved,” replied Mr. X.
The entire world started wondering why Levi wasn’t on the list.
Many thought that it seemed strange.
No one knew what was going on, and many began questioning the reliability of the sources provided by Dark Web and the other organizations.
Despite all that noise, Dark Web never responded.
“I guess we have no choice but to keep waiting. Maybe it takes time to update the Divine Leaderboard. Let’s wait a little longer.”
That was what everyone agreed on.
They waited and stared, wondering if the Divine Leaderboard would be updated soon.
One day later.
Everyone shifted their attention to the Divine Leaderboard once more, but there were no changes.
“Keep waiting!”
Another day passed, but the Divine Leaderboard remained unchanged.
The world waited for five whole days, but the names on the Divine Leaderboard remained the same.
It might be possible that Dark Web had forgotten to update the list, but the Provisional Leaderboard had been changing. Some fighters had their ranks readjusted.
That change proved that Dark Web had been updating the list in a timely matter. The organization didn’t forget to update the list and wasn’t suffering from a system malfunction.
As a result, that shocked the entire world once again.
The lists were updated constantly, so why wasn’t Levi’s name on it? By right, the guy should be at the top of the list.
Why isn’t he on the list?
Levi’s friends and disciples were angry about that.
They assumed that Dark Web had something against Levi, and that was why it deliberately left Levi’s name out of the list, even though it was obvious that Levi was an incredible fighter.
They are obviously bullying him!
More and more people were making a scene and fighting for the injustice against Levi.
They demanded the Divine Leaderboard to be updated with Levi’s name being listed at the top as the best fighter.
At that moment, there was no need for Dark Web to authenticate everything.
Everyone saw it with their own eyes.
They knew that Levi’s combat prowess would make him the best fighter on the Divine Leaderboard.
Who would be worthy of being at the top of the Divine Leaderboard, if not Levi?
Many began making a scene and demanded that Dark Emperor and the others show up and prove their strength by fighting Levi.
But, no one responded to that.
The public began calling Dark Emperor and the others cowards for refusing to show up.
Levi is obviously the better fighter!
Even the people with Lab of Gods agreed to that statement.
They thought that Levi should be at the top of the Divine Leaderboard.
Just give us a definitive answer, so that we can attack accordingly.
The entire world was putting pressure on Dark Web, so the organization had no choice but to issue an official statement.


Chapter 2549 The Statement By Dark Web

That statement shook the entire world to its core.

It said that Dark Web and the other organization would remain fair when listing the Divine and Provisional Leaderboard. They claimed that there was no mistake.
Anyone who had proved themselves would be listed, whereas the weak would remain outside the list.
The statement also claimed that the Divine Leaderboard and the Provisional Leaderboard were accurate as they were.
Now, the whole world was furious!
The Dark Web had officially stated that there was nothing wrong with the Divine Leaderboard and that Dark Emperor was still the best fighter.
Any fighters who have proved themselves will be listed, whereas the weak will remain off the list… what is that supposed to mean? Levi is not on the list. Does that mean that he is weak? How is that even possible? Everyone saw him killing Karsten with just one punch. How is that weak? A fighter like Levi shouldn’t be left out of the list. The Dark Web is basically insulting our intelligence!
That was what most people thought.
Unfortunately, Dark Web had insisted that there was nothing wrong with the Divine Leaderboard and that only meant one thing—Levi was too weak to be on the Provisional Leaderboard, let alone the Divine Leaderboard.
What is going on?
No one understood what was going on, so that same thought kept running through their heads.
Levi had most definitely defeated Karsten. Yet, Dark Web was saying that Levi was too weak to be on the list.
There seemed to be a contradiction, and no one knew what the issue was.
Naturally, they couldn’t have known that Levi’s name was already carved into the stone plaque. It was written right behind the stone plaque which signified that he was beyond the Divine Leaderboard.
If they had moved his name to the top of the Divine Leaderboard, they would be claiming that his skills had deteriorated.
The truth was that he was the real deal on the list.
In a way, he was already at the very top, so there was nothing else to do.
In fact, Dark Web had regarded Levi as the best of the best on the stone plaque, and that was unchangeable.
Moreover, the first three fighters on the Divine Leaderboard were just Levi’s avatars.
No matter how they saw it, Levi was still the best fighter out there.
That was why Dark Web claimed that there was nothing wrong with the list.
They were being fair.
Unfortunately, no one else knew about the name carved behind the stone plaque, so the public was confused.
It was likely that only Karsten, who was died, knew what was going on.
Everyone was confused after they read the statement from Dark Web.
They couldn’t figure out what was going on.
It was impossible to understand.
Levi had, undeniably, killed Karsten with one punch. Yet, Dark Web was claiming that the weak had no place on the lists.
That meant that Dark Web was contradicting itself, and it was almost impossible to understand what was going on.
Levi’s friends and disciples were confused as well.
“How is this possible? I feel like Dark Web is deliberately messing with Boss.”
“It is contradicting itself. Gah, that might as well be a useless list. There’s no point in trying to get on it.”
Many were angry.
Zoey, Azure Dragon, and some others were rather calm, though. They went to Levi to ask about the matter.
“What’s going on? Do you know something?” asked Zoey.
“Dark Web’s lists are accurate,” replied Levi with a smile.
“Then, why isn’t your name on the list?”
“I’ve told you ages ago. My name is carved into the back of the stone plaque. Besides, the top three fighters on the Divine Leaderboard are just my avatars, so it’s fine,” explained Levi.
However, everyone stared strangely at Levi, though.
His explanation was too weird, so no one bought it.
Still, Levi’s strength was plain to see, and no one dared to question it.
But, his explanation remained confusing.
“What is the problem? I can’t understand,” said Zoey as she scratched her head.
“Yeah, I’m confused, too. I tried to analyze the situation, but I just can’t understand…”
Everyone had their hands on their heads as if they were having a headache.
Then, they stared at Levi in exasperation.
It felt as if he didn’t know what was going on, either.
Levi was frustrated as well, but for another reason.
Why hasn’t Lab of Gods shown up? Are they really that much stronger than I am? Am I not a threat to them at all? What’s going on?
The entire world spent the next few days wondering why Levi wasn’t on any of the lists.
There were dozens of theories, but none really fit well.
Just as everyone was going crazy, someone suddenly asked the question that got everyone to tremble…


Chapter 2550 The Truth

The problem was that the one who killed Karsten might not be Levi.

Once the issue was voiced out, everyone was struck hard with realization.
That’s right!
We’ve all been wondering about Levi killing Karsten with one punch, but there’s a possibility where Levi isn’t the one who killed Karsten.
It has nothing to do with the punch.
Karsten practices in Divine Extraction Technique, which was a technique with many unstable factors to it.
For example, the user was unable to absorb too much power. Another example would be that the extracted power could not be properly absorbed.
In fact, there was a chance that the user might explode after taking in too much power.
Upon thinking about that, the others were no longer confused.
There was another explanation for Karsten’s death—he had absorbed too much power and energy, and his body could not take it. Thus, his nerves and muscles tore off, and he died from an explosion.
Furthermore, everyone had witnessed the scene with their own eyes.
They had seen bloody holes emerging on Karsten’s body before he died.
It was the same situation as when someone absorbed too much power and energy.
The others were sure of that.
They were sure that Levi had nothing to do with Karsten’s death; Levi’s punch had been a lucky hit at the right timing.
Karsten had definitely died because he had absorbed too much of everything and exploded.
Levi was the spark that detonated the bomb—he was the one who made Karsten use Divine Extraction Technique. He was the catalyst that made him explode.
Although the chance of Levi striking at the right time was low, it was not zero.
Since the dark web had said that, it meant that Levi had truly struck at the right timing.
Levi was not powerful; it was just a coincidence that he had dealt a blow at Karsten when he absorbed too much power.
The entire world was in an uproar about the news.
The more they thought about it, the more they felt it was the only explanation.
It makes perfect sense!
After Lab of Gods received the news,
Mr. X immediately said, “That’s impossible! I’ve remodeled Karsten’s body myself, and I know nothing can possibly happen to it. He would have been able to absorb an infinite amount of power!”
In a confident tone, he continued, “Karsten definitely did not die because his body could not take it. There’s no way he would have exploded from taking in too much power. We’ve remodeled his body to withstand the absorption of power after all!”
However, Lucifer had a different opinion. “No, not necessarily. What did Dark Emperor give him? Restricted Area 76’s condensed crystal. Karsten then absorbed Restricted Area 76’s energy as well.”
Lucifer’s words were a reminder to Mr. X, who understood what he meant immediately.
“You’re right. That crystal has divine energy in it. We’re thinking about this situation as an elite human. No matter how powerful Karsten is, he can never absorb that without any harm. After all, it’s the divine energy. It’s certainly too much for Karsten’s. It’s normal that he exploded after taking it in.”
Mr. X exclaimed, “Yes, yes! Everything makes sense now. This is Dark Emperor’s scheme. He has intentionally given Karsten the crystal. He wants him to absorb it, and he even opened up Restricted Area 76. There’s no way Karsten would have ever come across a power that intense. So, he quickly postponed the day of the battle and went to Restricted Area 76 to get that power.”
“Indeed, you’re right. Dark Emperor wants him to take in an amount of power that’s too much for his body to handle so that he would explode.”
“No wonder Dark Emperor never appeared. As it turns out, he’s been planning everything from the shadows. He’s the one who had come up with a plan to end Karsten’s life without even lifting a finger,” Lucifer and the others analyzed.
The conclusion they came to was—Dark Emperor’s plan was to make Karsten use Divine Extraction Technique to absorb the crystal’s energy so that he would explode after taking in too much power.
They assumed that Levi had detonated the energy in Karsten’s body with a lucky hit.
Levi, with his strength alone, was not someone who could even be on Provisional Leaderboard.
Upon reaching that conclusion, the rest of the world gasped in surprise.
Everything makes sense now! This is the ultimate explanation!
“Levi? Top in Divine Leaderboard? He just a piece of trash who can’t even make it to Provisional Leaderboard.”
“Let’s leave. Everyone, take away the gifts we’ve brought today.”


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