The Protector (The Return of God Of War)

In Erudia, a private jet landed at North Hampton Airport, where all international flights experienced an eight-hour delay because of it.
At the private passageway were five men in suits and leather shoes, standing as straight as a javelin.

Every now and then, they would raise their wrist to look at the time, for a big shot was coming to town.
The upper-class society of North Hampton had learned about his arrival, but no one had the capability to get an inch closer to the private passageway.
Even the richest man in North Hampton who came to pay homage was chased away.
Finally, there were movements coming from the passageway.

“God of War!!!” the mass cried out, their eyes filled with awe and veneration at the sight of the undefeatable legend of Erudia.
He, who was dubbed the God of War, was the one and only five-star war God in the history of Erudia.
Once, he’d inflicted a crushing defeat on the strongest battalions in eighteen countries. He was an overbearing and formidable man.
He who overwhelmed the world with his unparalleled power had even created the Five Great Wars Regiment, Cavalry Regiment, and many more.

Setting foot on his homeland, Levi Garrison was overcome with emotions.
Once upon a time, he used to be an orphan who was abandoned on the streets of North Hampton and then adopted by the Garrison family.
However, the Garrison family had never been fond of him.
His adoptive parents, who had a tendency to beat and scold him, treated him like an outsider.
As for the outsiders, they treated him as a nobody.
But he didn’t care a stiver. He had always been proud of his surname since he was a child, and he strived to bring glory to this family when he grew older.
At last, Levi had established Levi Group, the largest dark horse in North Hampton’s business community.
With billions of assets, it ranked among the forefront of North Hampton, pushing the declining Garrison family to the top.
However, not only did the Garrison family showed no signs of appreciation, they even harbored dissatisfaction towards him. Jealous of his success, they regarded him as a thorn in their flesh and coveted Levi Group.
No matter his wealth and power, unless they were in control, he was just an outsider in the Garrison family’s eyes.
Eventually, on Levi’s wedding night, the Garrison family plotted a frame-up against him by getting him drunk before tossing him onto his sister-in-law’s bed. They wanted to create the illusion that he was doing something untoward to her and was caught in bed by his brother and adoptive parents.
That night, the Garrison family had brutally broken his limbs and left him on the road like a wild dog.
Not only was he handicapped, but he also had to take the flak for something he didn’t commit.
From an upstart in the business world, he had become the target of disdain overnight.
And the next day, he had been punished for several crimes and sentenced to six years in prison.
He could never forget the ruthless and sinister faces of everyone in the Garrison family and the ridicule of his friends, classmates, and business partners.
More so, he could never forget the disappointment on his newly wedded wife, Zoey’s face.
He had regarded the Garrison family as his home and devoted himself to the family.
Yet, they treated him like trash.
It felt as if a knife was being twisted in his heart every time he thought about this.
How he hated the Garrison family!
But who would have thought that Levi had been secretly transferred away from prison to join the military?
In a few years, he dominated the military world and became the one and only five-star God of War.
Now that he came back, the Garrison family ought to stay on their toes.
“How’s it going, Azure Dragon?” Levi asked.
Azure Dragon, the commander of the Five Great Wars Regiment, took a step forward and said respectfully, “Sir, I’m afraid your wife, Ms. Zoey Lopez will remarry at ten o’clock tonight!”
Ever since Zoey’s husband was sent to prison on their wedding night, she had been living like a widow.
Only God knew how much pressure she was put under.
And right now, the person Levi couldn’t wait to see the most was Zoey.
After a moment of hesitation, Azure Dragon continued, “To add on, Sir, the Garrison family is holding a successful listing celebration banquet at the Crystal Palace Hotel tonight! Many people had invited the God of War just now, including the Garrison family, but I didn’t accept nor refuse directly.”
“What time?” Levi asked tersely.
“Eight o’clock, Sir.”
“Okay. Tell the Garrison family I will attend the banquet!”
Since the time for the two events didn’t clash, Levi gladly accepted the invitation.
The celebration banquet for the public listing of Garrison Group was held at North Hampton’s Crystal Palace Hotel.
With the help of Levi Group, they had become a rich and powerful family in one fell swoop.
The hall was bustling with noise and excitement, and sounds of glasses clinking could be heard ringing in the air every now and then.
“God bless the Garrison family,” said Joseph, the head of the Garrison family. “The younger generations are the stars among men. Garrison Group is now listed and has become an upstart in North Hampton!”
Joseph’s three sons and daughter welcomed their guests with bright smiles on their faces.
The younger generation of the Garrison family was all the smugger and prouder because, after today, the Garrison family would become a powerful family, and they would become one of the top rich kids.
Most of the guests who attended today’s banquet were from the top circle in North Hampton.
“Garrison, do you know what happened today?! Your celebration party is nothing compared to that.” They were gossiping about the major event that had happened today.
“Yeah! I heard that a big shot has arrived in North Hampton!”
“The richest man in North Hampton wanted to meet him but was shooed away. Apparently, he’s not qualified enough!”
“So? Jesse Nielsen had been waiting for five hours in advance at the airport!”
Joseph nodded. “Yes, I know about that too. I even sent someone to invite this big shot to the celebration party!”
“No way! Why would this big shot attend such a party?”
No one believed it.
In fact, as an upstart, Joseph was just trying his luck.
“Dad!” shouted Jaycob, the second eldest son of the Garrison family could be seen running over. “The big shot has accepted our invitation to attend our celebration banquet! He’s on the way!”
“Jesus! God has indeed blessed the Garrison family!”
Everyone in the Garrison family could barely conceal their delight as this was their chance to reach the sky in a single bound.
The grandchildren of the Garrison family gathered together, sunshine flooding their souls.
Levi’s brother, Bryan, and sister-in-law, Victoria, smiled. “Well, it all starts with Levi’s imprisonment that the Garrison family is at where we are today…”
“Right, speaking about Levi, do you guys know today’s the day that kid gets out of prison?!” somebody asked abruptly.
“Really? Isn’t that bad luck? Why did he have to be released on such a big day?!”
“Please, please, please don’t come back! He’s the Garrison family’s biggest disgrace!”
Victoria’s lips tugged into a sneer. “Speaking of which, Levi is the crowning glory of the Garrison family’s status today.”
“That’s what he’s supposed to do!” Bryan said. “He should contribute to the Garrison family for raising him, an orphan! His multi-billion Levi Group means nothing. To put it bluntly, he’s just a dog raised by the Garrison family!”
Someone gave a chortle. “As a matter of fact, I’ve been interested in Levi’s wife for a long time now. She’s still widowed, and I’m so going to marry her!”
The man’s remark caused gales of laughter.
“Everyone, stop what you’re doing. I have an important announcement to make,” Joseph said and went on to announce that the big shot was coming.
A thunderous applause was heard.
But when the applause had died down, there was still someone clapping.
The sound was loud and clear, approaching from afar.
On the red carpet, a man came clapping, looking bold and energetic.
His stride gave off a majestic and imposing aura, which made the mass hold their breaths.
“It’s Levi!” Bryan and Victoria exclaimed.
Suddenly, all eyes were riveted on him.
“I forgot this little brat got out of jail today!” Levi’s adoptive parents spoke in unison.
Ignoring the astonished gazes darted at his way, Levi walked step by step towards Joseph.
“A little bird told me that the company is now listed. How are you feeling, Joseph? Are you happy?”
Levi flashed him a meaningful smile.
“How dare you show up here, you insolent brat! And what did you just call me?” Joseph’s fury sprang to life.
“Who let him in? Didn’t you know he just got out of prison? How inauspicious!”
Bryan rose to his feet. “What the hell are you doing here, Levi?”
Levi sized him up. “Why can’t I be here?”
“Well, for starters, you’re an orphan! The Garrison family has raised you, but you were ambitious and ungrateful. You had inordinate ambitions for your sister-in-law, and you wanted to take possession of the Garrison family! You’d even tried to kill your parents when things go south! Have you no conscience? Do you have any sense of morality left in your heart?”
“You’ve lost your reputation in North Hampton, and everyone knows that. Have you no shame to have the brass neck to come round here?”
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Levi’s words rubbed Sonny and company the wrong way.

“Fine then. Have it your way! But remember, I’m here only by their invitation, and not because I’ve nothing better to do. Come, let’s go. This rascal can come begging should he ever change his mind!”
The group then left in a huff.

As the Dragonites were desperate to restore Levi’s martial vein, Sonny’s group knew they had them on the hook and would not be let go of so easily.
Indeed, they were proven right almost immediately when someone from the Dragonites came out after them.
“Please calm down, Mr. Washington! He means no harm as that’s just the way he is!”
“Please help mend his martial vein, Mr. Washington!” the few Dragonites implored obsequiously.
“No. Never before had anyone spoken so disrespectfully to Master!”
“If you want to have the little bastard’s martial vein restored, he’ll have to get on his knees and beg for it himself!” the disciples sneered.
“Right. Have him go on his knees, then I’ll consider it!”
Sonny left it at that before he departed with his disciples, as he understood the Dragonites’ urgency.
What may seem a simple request to Sonny and his followers would be an impossible ask for Levi who, indomitable prowess or otherwise, would never assent to doing anything he considered demeaning to himself.
Back at the manor.
“What’s wrong with you, Levi? We’re all trying to do what’s best for you, so why did you have to blow your top and tick off Mr. Washington?” the council members of the Dragonites lamented.
“I appreciate all of your well intentions, but those guys are a bunch of frauds who couldn’t even read my martial vein. They’re only claiming to be able to heal it just so they could con y’all!”
Obviously, nobody was sold on Levi’s explanation, especially after he told them about the exchange he overheard within Sonny’s group.
“You’ve got to sort out this temper of yours, Levi!”
“Just look at how you’ve upset Mr. Washington. Now they want you to kneel and beg before they’ll agree to mending your martial vein, which we all know you won’t ever do!”
The quietly exasperated Dragonites exhaled before they walked out.
Knowing that Levi would never bow before anyone, they would have to find some other way to persuade Sonny.
The Dragonites’ ingratiating toward that man’s demands came as a surprise to Levi, who was certain that his own martial vein did not require healing and figured that that huckster did not have what it took to get the job done either.
Elsewhere, Sonny’s mind was whirling the moment he knew that Levi was not going to beg and that the Dragonites were going to use other means by which to secure his services.
He thus looked to drag out the process as the more protracted it became, the more they stood to gain.
A month passed quickly and it was time for Levi to go visit Forlevia.
Thus, he promptly started for Wildefield in the company of Zoey and Mia who were themselves informal students of Tresta and knew the route well.
Wildefield was an ancient city nestled in the heart of the bamboo forest within Westford which cannot be reached without a guide.
This was because the city was surrounded by traps and formations which would cause one to stray from it should any manage to come close.
Wildefield was absolutely bustling when they arrived, and many started to flock around upon sighting Zoey and Mia.
The exceptional beauty and talent of the duo made them exceedingly popular with the men here, and if not for the knowledge that Zoey was married, she might have found herself hounded by more than a few potential suitors.
“What is someone as stunning and capable as yourself doing with an ordinary guy like him, Zoey?”
The crowd went quiet as their gaze collectively fell upon Levi after those disparaging utterances.
“Shut up, or I’ll tear the lips off the next person who runs his mouth!” Levi suddenly bellowed.


In Levi’s esteem, these disciples of Wildefield were just brats who were still wet behind the ears.

Daring to hit on Zoey?
The gall of them!

To him, Wildefield was a place that he could level in a heartbeat, so he had no regard for these little punks whatsoever.
Levi’s outburst took everyone, including Zoey and Mia, by surprise.
Trouble usually followed the temperamental Levi everywhere, but this was a place filled with powerful warriors who were all capable of killing within a blink of an eye, which meant that there was absolutely nothing to gain for a now regular person like Levi by behaving so maddeningly here.
“Are we going to stand for such antics from someone like him in Wildefield?”
A few individuals then started to move in toward Levi.
“Did you not say that you’re going to tear my lips? Bring it on then!” said the one who mocked him earlier.
“Do restrain yourself, Levi! Remember where you are!” cautioned Zoey and Mia.
“I’m going to run my mouth, so what are you going to do about that? Your wife’s just wasting her life away with a good-for-nothing like you who’s totally unfit for her! She ought to divorce you and be with someone else!” that man continued.
In the next instant, Levi’s raised palm swiped across the man’s face with a crispness that echoed far and wide.
Everyone around was stunned as none expected that Levi would actually strike anyone and with a force beyond the capacity of any ordinary folk.
“What? How dare you! You’re really asking for it!”
The one who was struck, Guy Lebon, was about to retaliate when a child’s voice rang out. “Daddy!”
With a couple of hops, Forlevia appeared before Levi and threw herself into his arms.
The air was mired in silence while Guy withdrew his hand in astonishment.
He was fearful of neither Levi, Zoey nor Mia, but this wee child was someone who gave him the jitters; or should it be said that like the rest of Wildefield, he had to show deference to this little mistress who enjoyed the favor of the overlords of the ancient city.
Everyone went along with her every whim as they were afraid to get on her wrong side, hence should her father be beaten up or killed, there would surely be hell to pay.
Guy’s fingers tightened around themselves and he glared at Levi with eyes reddened. “I’ll not forget this. Just you wait!”
“Why wait? Let’s finish this here instead!” said Levi with a smirk.
As much as Guy wanted to get even, he kept himself in check after stealing a glance at Forlevia.
“You’re an utter disgrace to all men, needing to rely on a little girl’s protection at your age! If I were you, I would have rammed my head against the wall and killed myself!”
That roused some subdued murmurs between the onlookers.
Weakness in men was frowned upon in this dog-eat-dog world, so the inhabitants here were especially contemptuous of Levi, who they determined was dependent on both his wife as well as his own daughter.
In their esteem, he was guilty of the very thing which no dignified gentleman should ever be guilty of.
“Don’t you say that about my Daddy. So what if my Mommy and myself were to protect him?” Forlevia said with a pout as she eyeballed those around her.
“What a joke of a man, needing to cower behind a little kid! You shouldn’t show your face in public if you had any pride left in you!”
“Yeah. Might as well off yourself!”
“Never mind men, even a woman like me can’t stomach this!”
Things got rowdy as everyone could not help but contribute to the heckling when confronted with this scene.
“Silence! And return to your homes, all of you!” came a thunderous bellow from beyond the horizon.
“It’s the Governor!”
“The Governor’s here!”
While the crowd scattered like mice before a feline, Forlevia excitedly said, “Come, Daddy. Mr. Fairclough’s here. Let me take you to him!”



And Levi took off after her as he was quite curious about the ruler of Wildefield, and judging from Forlevia’s demeanor, it was easy to see how well she has settled in here so far.
Levi was led by Forlevia to an antiquated building deep into the forbidden grounds within the city, the place where Governor, the Eminent Four, and the other council members operated.

“Mr. Fairclough, Mr. Fairclough. This is my Daddy!” Forlevia exclaimed.
Before them stood a towering silhouette of a charismatic man in his thirties, shrouded in an all-white ensemble.
With a handsome face and an affable smile, he had the air of a sage amongst the common person, but no one could have imagined how this seemingly ordinary man could possibly survive even nuclear weaponry.
Avery Fairclough patted Forlevia on her diminutive head before he regarded Levi with sternness and authoritativeness akin to a world-domineering immortal looming over a mere bug.
That much was true!
Avery was a Rank Five fighter of the Supreme class who was impervious to bullets and even nuclear weaponry, making him literally god-like to the average person.
“Are you Evie’s father?” Avery asked dispassionately.
“I am!”
To Avery’s surprise, he discovered a powerful presence within this otherwise ordinary man who was able to engage with him face to face and without the slightest hint of apprehension.
“I heard that you were mentoring Evie before?” Avery continued in some displeasure.
“That’s right! It would have been best to have Evie by my side, but the child’s grandmother and mother both wished for her to get out for more exposure! Had I not agreed, you would not have been fit to instruct her!” Levi said solemnly.
That infuriated Avery and all of the council members within Wildefield.
Suggesting that Avery Fairclough, the Governor of Wildefield, isn’t qualified?
A Rank Five fighter of the Supreme class, unfit to teach?
Is Levi Garrison out of his mind?
Isn’t this peasant embarrassed by his own blustering?
“What are you raving on about, Levi?”
“Don’t think that being Evie’s father entitles you to speak however you like! This will not bode well for you should you attempt to push your luck!”
“Hurry up and apologize to the Governor!” the councilmen promptly urged.
Appearances may be deceiving, and beneath Avery’s mild-mannered exterior resided a blood-lusted monster who would kill at the drop of a hat!
Scores of lives, perhaps into the tens of thousands, had already perished at his hands.
Nicknamed “Revenant”, the inhabitants of Wildefield tended to avoid him to the furthest extent possible, and that would explain why those who were picking on Levi before fled upon hearing his voice.
The only reason why Avery would ever exhibit such a kindly disposition was in consideration of the tremendously gifted Forlevia whom he regarded as a treasure.
Aware of the numerous legends surrounding the Governor, Zoey and Mia hastened to advise Levi, “Hurry up and apologize, Levi! The Governor doesn’t have a good temperament!”
This was a different world from that of the ordinary person, or should it be said, there were no laws in play here apart from the Governor himself.
If the man so decided to take someone’s life, there was nothing that could stand in his way, so that had the two women seriously worried about how Levi’s obstinate tendencies might offend the Governor.
Levi was unhappy at what he heard.
“Why should I care about his ill-temper? It’s a fact that he’s just not up to scratch!” Levi said.
An audible gasp was heard from the observers.
Is he really that bold?
“Are you telling me that I’m not good enough?”
Avery’s voice became notably wintry, like the winds from hell.


The temperature in the surrounding air took such a nosedive that it left everyone shuddering.

They looked distraughtly at Levi, concerned for his fate, and to their horror, Levi continued to be snarky. “Yeah, that’s exactly what I said.”
“That I’m unfit to teach?”

Avery’s inflection elevated until it sounded like a peal of rolling thunder that threatened to rip the sky wide open.
The ground began to tremor and the whole of Wildefield trembled alongside it, leaving everyone in a state of disorientation.
More terrifying was the formless energy which emanated from Avery’s body, which diffused in every direction and ripped the visibly dense vegetation of the bamboo forest around Wildefield to shreds.
Its sphere of influence kept expanding until ten miles of the forest all around became leveled out.
Not only that, the skies of Wildefield were blackened by the rolling dark clouds and a storm stirred on the brink.
Zoey and Mia were both dumbstruck.
As much as they were beginning to understand the martial arts, never before had they witnessed the awesome might of a Rank Five Supreme class fighter.
If he could alter the weather by his aura alone, it would be unfathomable what would happen if he broke into action.
Reverberating his palm swiftly, Avery conjured a tempest around it which grew in intensity, sending strong drafts sweeping in every direction and threatening to pull everyone up and into the air.
The storm grew until it almost seemingly devoured all of Wildefield.
“Now, am I qualified?” Avery addressed Levi while he was manipulating all this in a show of force just to demonstrate his own prowess.
Levi’s eyes narrowed, but he remained undeterred.
As he was about to respond, Forlevia’s voice rang out, “Mr. Fairclough! Daddy!”
The judicious child was afraid that her father and master would get into a fight.
“Evie!” replied both men in unison before Avery rescinded his powers.
“Not too bad so far! But Evie’s growing up fast, so I shall be taking her away in a few months. You won’t be able to instruct her any more then, lest you wind up squandering her talent!”
Levi then lifted Forlevia into his own arms and turned to leave.
“The impudence!”
The rest of Avery’s disciples were positively incensed at this ordinary man who dared provoke their exalted teacher, and a few of them harbored the impulse to kill off Levi.
“There’s no need to get all worked up over a mere man!”
Avery waved them off nonchalantly.
Everyone was taken aback by their master for whom taking a life of a person was no different from stamping out an ant, as he was acting out of character.
In the end, he decidedly put up with this for the sake of Forlevia.
“But Mr. Fairclough, how could we maintain our dignity in Wildefield with him taunting us like this…”
Avery’s most senior disciple, Helios Ginger, was then sent sprawling with a backhand before he could finish.
“Are you trying to tell me what to do?” came Avery’s chilling voice.
“I dare not, Mr. Fairclough!”
Helios fell onto his knees before he wiped the blood from the corner of his lips with gritted fists and fury in his eyes.
Previously, he was widely known as the brightest talent in Wildefield and respected throughout the city as Avery’s most beloved senior disciple.
That changed with the arrival of plucky little Forlevia, who drew away everyone’s attention and led him to become overlooked and now even beaten by his own master.
“No! Wildefield is mine, and I shall not have it taken by some meddlesome child!”


There was a dangerous and murderous flash in Helios’ eyes.

Forlevia’s arrival seriously affected his stature in Wildefield.
“Helios! Come on!”

A few of his fellow disciples helped him up.
“I can’t believe that Master would beat you over some ordinary person!”
Everyone was puzzled.
Ever since Forlevia had come, they all fell out of favor.
Avery would not even guide them.
“Helios, this brat cannot stay in Wildefield! Otherwise, we will lose everything!” exclaimed one of them.
“Exactly! She cannot stay!”
Everyone was in agreement.
“All right! Let’s get rid of her then!”
Helios inhaled sharply.
Meanwhile, Forlevia was together with Levi.
The latter was glad to see Forlevia grow and mature. She seemed happy to be here too.
Sometimes, it’s best to let Forlevia experience life on her own. Giving her the space she needs will help her grow as a person.
“Forlevia, if you are ever unhappy or in danger, you have to let me know at once! I will come to you!”
Then, he gave a little device to the woman to use when she needed help.
It was a chip that could be embedded into one’s body.
Levi would know he was needed as long as Forlevia activated the chip. It could even ping her exact location.
They quickly set up the chip with Levi’s phone. It detected the chip and pinged her location to him immediately.
The father and daughter hung out for half a day.
There were many who stared at them as they did so.
However, Levi was not bothered. He was aware that there was a target on his back the moment he arrived in Wildefield.
However, he did not know that these were Helios’ men.
They were busy discussing how to get rid of Forlevia.
“If we just kill her like that, Master will trace it back to us!”
Helios frowned and wondered aloud, “What if we hired someone?”
Somebody scoffed.
In the world of martial artists, it was all about the survival of the fittest. There was no kinship to speak about.
All of them were cold-blooded and ruthless.
No one would feel guilty over killing a child.
“No. It’s best if this cannot be traced to us at all! If Master finds out we did it, he will never forgive us!”
Helios shook his head.
The rest looked at him and queried, “Do you have an idea?”
He smiled. “Yes. Wait and see!”
The evening soon came. Forlevia told her father, “Daddy, it’s time for practice. I have to go!”
“All right. Be a good girl!”
Levi could not bear to part ways with his child. However, he knew that she had to go.
Their next meeting would be a month later.
Levi stood rooted to the ground as he watched his daughter disappear from his light of sight.
He looked just like any parent who sent his child to school.
Only a father would resonate with what he was feeling.
“Come on! Forlevia is happy! We’ll be back in a month!” Zoey comforted him and patted him on the back.
She noticed that tears were brimming in his eyes and continued, “I will make sure that Forlevia doesn’t get bullied here!”
Levi inhaled a sharp breath.
“Okay, I know you have your impeccable ways! You should head back too.”
Zoey was worried that Levi would be in danger if he stayed for too long.
Hence, the man left Wildefield and headed to North Hampton.
During his journey, he spotted many Supreme class fighters.
Previously, these fighters were a rarity.
Now, they were everywhere!
The Dragonites were actively recruiting these fighters.
Many of them were willing to work for Dragonites. However, it came at a high cost.


The Dragonites were also deep in discussions with the Medical Elite ancient family. They talked about reviving Levi’s bloodline, as well as getting the family to help Erudia in grooming Supreme class fighters.

No one could escape the temptation of such seemingly amazing benefits.
Many would willingly sacrifice their lives as long as the conditions were attractive enough.

Even the Supreme class fighters were willing to do so.
Not only so, but the soldiers in Erudia were also gearing up with new weapons.
These weapons were more technologically advanced and could defeat extremely strong martial artists.
While martial artists had their strengths, the prowess of such weapons should not be underestimated either.
The world seemed peaceful, and there were not many affairs that seemed to require the intervention of the Supreme class.
In reality, judgement day was coming.
Everything would erupt into chaos one day.
The Supreme class would never allow ordinary humans to control the world.
They wanted to turn the world into a ruthless place where only the strongest would survive.
The people who created Gods’ Promise could not care less either. They were only eager to see the new world.
The Dragonites soon realized this and began to prepare for war.
Of course, the Supreme class had a mixed demographic.
Some of them were morally righteous and sought justice, while others only cared about themselves.
Thankfully, the Dragonites recruited those in the former category.
Meanwhile, the other evil fighters resorted to wicked martial arts techniques that involved blood and babies.
This group was ruthless and extremely violent. If manipulated, they could become Erudia’s greatest enemy.
Nobody would be able to defeat them then.
It would be a disaster if they attacked.
They were the ones the Dragonites had to beware of.
At the same time, Helios and his fellow disciples were huddled together in Wildefield.
They were still planning on how to get rid of Forlevia.
“Come on, Helios! Say something! Don’t keep us waiting!”
The group looked at the man in anticipation.
“What do you think will happen if the various powerhouses in Erudia know about her gift?” Helios asked.
“They will fight to get her!”
“Well, she is indeed very gifted. I agree that these powerhouses will die for her.”
“Are you planning to leak this information, Helios?”
“Are you crazy? Wildefield would be destroyed! We have nothing to gain from doing so!”
Helios suddenly said, “Well, we can just leak it to one party. They will then come and kidnap Evie.”
Everyone looked at him, confused.
Helios continued, “It’s best if they are enemies whom Wildefield cannot fight. They will not groom her. Instead, they will use her for their wicked techniques. This way, we can get rid of her, and nobody will question what happened!”
Upon hearing this, the group burst into laughter.
“Wow, this plan sounds good!”
“Seems like Helios has everything planned.”
“Of course he does! I will leak the information later.”
Two nights later, Wildefield descended into chaos.
“Somebody took Evie away!”
“Evie has been kidnapped!”
The Governor, The Eminent Four, and various powerhouses from Wildefield came to the rescue.
A child’s voice could be heard from a rooftop, crying out, “Help me, Master!”
There was a black figure standing behind her, looking just like a devil.
“This kid belongs to me, the Shadow Order!”
He grabbed her and left quickly.
“Get them!”
The group began to chase after them.
Unfortunately, this was to no avail.
Avery bellowed in anger.


“They are from Shadow Order!”

Avery was very frustrated.
He knew this organization well.

They were one of the organizations located near Westford and specialized in wicked martial arts techniques.
Furthermore, most fighters in the organization were powerful.
Before God’s Promise, Avery had fought with the head of the Shadow Order, The Dark Lord, and was utterly defeated.
Hence, the man felt that all hope was lost when he learned that it was them who took Forlevia away.
Their overall prowess was much stronger in Wildefield.
Avery would have been able to get Forlevia back if this was somebody else.
However, this was the Shadow Order!
Avery’s previous defeat had given him sufficient trauma.
There was a lot of hesitation on his end.
“Who leaked this information? I thought I told everyone to keep it a secret!” yelled Avery.
“Master, there are no secrets in this world. Sooner or later, people are going to find out about Evie. Now, Shadow Order is the first to know! How are we going to fight them?” asked Helios.
The other disciples smirked to themselves.
Helios knew Wildefield was afraid of Shadow Order.
Thus, he had intentionally leaked the information about Forlevia to them.
He was confident that his master dared not fight them.
Avery was infuriated, but he could not retort Helios’ logic.
He dared not think about how the information about Forlevia got leaked.
In an instant, the entire of Wildefield became gloomy.
Everyone turned silent.
Now that Shadow Order had taken Forlevia away, things could get dangerous. They could use her for their evil ways or groom her into an invincible fighter.
Either way, it was detrimental for Wildefield.
Avery’s heart ached at the thought.
“Evie? What happened to her?”
Zoey and Mia rushed over after learning what had happened.
“Please, Governor! You have to save Eve! She’s my only daughter! She can’t die!” Zoey sobbed hysterically.
Mia also joined in, weeping and pleading helplessly.
However, no one in Wildefield gave their support, Avery included.
“Please! Anyone? Please save Evie! She’s a gifted child! How can you let someone else kidnap her?”
Zoey’s words hit the nail on its head.
However, no one would dare admit that they were too scared to go.
“You don’t know the Shadow Order!”
“They have seven Rank Four and two Rank Five Supreme class fighters. There are even rumors that the head of the Shadow Order, The Dark Lord, is going to level up to Rank Six!”
That was akin to God! Wildefield stood no chance.
After hearing Helios’ words, the rest inhaled sharply.
Rank Six Supreme class was another level on its own.
Till now, Avery had been stuck at Rank Five Supreme class.
Sooner or later, The Dark Lord would level up. Avery would not be his match then.
“Also! Your daughter might already be dead by now, considering how violent those fighters are.”
“Well, what can we say? Evie was unlucky. This is fate!”
The others continued to chime in.
Zoey collapsed to the ground in shock.
Avery could only sigh.
There was nothing much he could do…
Levi was still in North Hampton when he heard his phone ring.
Ring! Ring! Ring!
There was an ear-piercing alert coming from his phone.
“Oh, no! Evie is in danger!”
Levi’s heart skipped a beat.


I’ve only been gone for two days!

Thankfully, Forlevia had that chip on her.
Otherwise, he would still be unaware of what happened!

According to the pinged location, she was about three hundred miles from Wildefield.
“I will kill the person who took my daughter! Let’s go! Now!”
Levi immediately headed for Shadow Order’s location.
Meanwhile, Wildefield was still in despair over Forlevia’s disappearance.
Nobody had the courage to go save her.
Helios and the rest were gloating secretly.
We’ve finally got rid of the scourge!
Just then, Zoey regained consciousness.
She once again begged everyone to save Forlevia.
“Please save her. Didn’t you say she was your hope? Your future? Are you that afraid of Shadow Order?”
Her words successfully motivated Avery.
“Okay! We will go! Why shouldn’t we?” he yelled.
“How are we going to help?” The Eminent Four and the rest crowded around him.
“I admit that the Shadow Order is better than us! However, we will fight till the end for our future! Of course, we will not go on our own. I will gather all the Supreme class fighters, and we shall fight them together!”
“Yes, that’s a good idea! Let’s go!”
Everyone scrambled to do their part.
At their determination, Zoey saw a glimmer of hope and wept tears of joy.
“Zoey, should we let Levi know? Maybe he has an idea or two. There would be better chances of saving Evie then,” Mia suggested.
Zoey shook her head. “No, no! We cannot tell Levi! He can’t do anything! These men are outlaws. If Levi knows, he might panic and put himself in danger! Mia, promise me you will not tell him. Even if we save Evie, this will be our secret! Pretend that none of this happened!”
Though reluctant, Mia nodded.
Indeed, Levi should not know about this.
He would just panic and be of no help.
Unfortunately, the time and age were disadvantageous for a normal human like him.
Very quickly, Wildefield gathered seven powerhouses.
Among them were a few Rank Four Supreme class fighters.
“Governor, what’s going on? Why did you summon us so urgently?” one of them asked.
Avery didn’t hesitate to share the truth.
He told everyone they were fighting the Shadow Order.
“Shadow Order? Are you crazy?”
“I dare not go!”
“Me too!”
Expectedly, everyone recoiled in fear when they heard Shadow Order.
This showed how much the organization was feared.
Nobody would initiate an attack against them! In fact, they would avoid crossing paths at all costs!
The residents of Wildefield were stunned by Avery’s proclamation.
Avery sat in a corner, looking despaired.
He never thought that these people were even more afraid than him of the Shadow Order.
Meanwhile, Helios and the disciples were sniggering among themselves.
“Master, face the truth! Evie has no affinity with us. We should not risk the entire Wildefield just because of her!” Helios exclaimed.
Avery sighed once more.
It seemed like he had given up.
He had no other choice but to prioritize the safety of Wildefield.
“No! There’s still hope! Please! Don’t give up!” Zoey wailed.
Everyone ignored the woman this time.
Meanwhile, Levi arrived at the Shadow Order’s location in no time.


Nobody expected him to be this quick.

He arrived right after the abductor returned to the Shadow Order’s hangout.
Of course, Forlevia was quick to send the SOS signal too.

It was dark and eerie in the hideout of Shadow Order.
There were skeletons all over the floor that belonged to humans and animals.
A gloomy atmosphere clouded the entire place.
The location was located deep in the mountains. It looked like hell from the outside.
There were hundreds of followers standing in front of the Dark Lord.
The latter was seated on a throne. He was dressed in a black robe, and there was black fog surrounding him.
His gaze was dark.
The Dark Lord was none other than the head of the Shadow Order.
He was currently a Rank Five Supreme class fighter and was about to level up to Rank Six.
It was him who had defeated and traumatized Avery.
The Shadow Order seemed calm, in contrast to the chaos in Wildefield.
There were about eight hundred of them within the organization.
While they were considered an evil lot, everyone underwent arduous training.
Not many could successfully pass the training.
In fact, there were individuals who gave up and died during the course of it.
Those who survived were considered elites.
All of them had blood on their hands.
There were two Rank Five and seventeen Rank Four Supreme class fighters.
Wildefield stood no chance against them.
This was why others feared them too.
Even an army of ten thousand dared not offend this small group of eight hundred.
After Forlevia was brought here, the Dark Lord gathered everyone.
He checked Forlevia out and spoke in a hoarse voice, “That lad was not kidding. You are indeed a gift! The best gift I have ever seen!”
Everyone began to scream and cheer.
“Dark Lord, what do you intend to do?”
“She will be invincible if we groom her!”
“She might become a Rank Seven Supreme class!”
The Dark Lord shook his head. “No, no, no…”
“One, grooming a fighter takes a long time. Two, we won’t be able to control her if she gets stronger!”
He threw a greedy-looking glance at the woman and continued, “We must remain the strongest! We will dig her bloodline and eat her flesh! I will then become a Rank Six Supreme class. In the future, I may become a Rank Seven too!”
The Dark Lord began to fantasize about his future, greedy for power.
If he became a Rank Six Supreme class fighter, the Shadow Order would truly be an undefeatable existence.
After all, it was very rare to see a Rank Six Supreme class fighter nowadays.
In fact, they have been a rarity since ancient times. It was to the extent that they were considered legendary figures.
The Dark Lord stroked Forlevia’s head. “Go to sleep! It won’t hurt a single bit!”
He wanted her body to increase his powers.
“Dark Lord, what about Wildefield? They used up all of their resources and placed their hopes on this girl! If you eat her…”
Someone was worried that the residents from Wildefield would come and get her back.
The Dark Lord scoffed. “I bet you that Avery is too cowardly to come!”
“That’s true. We will kill anyone that comes in our way! Even if that means killing Avery!”
“Don’t worry. Nobody will save this child. It will only be a matter of time before I become Rank Six!”
Just as the Dark Lord spoke, there was a loud rumbling that echoed around.
“Who said no one will rescue her?”


Thunder rumbled in the skies.

The entire place around the Shadow Order began to shake.
The eight hundred members were shocked.

What terrified them, even more, was the sight of the ten-meter high gate being kicked into a thousand pieces!
Then, a large figure appeared.
The Shadow Order followers watched in amazement.
“Is that Avery?”
“Is it the people from Wildefield?”
They all thought Wildefield had sent their men here.
However, there was only one man standing there.
“You’re mistaken. I am not Avery!”
Everybody was puzzled when they saw who he was.
He looked unfamiliar, but he felt extremely dangerous.
He looked even more terrifying than anyone in Shadow Order!
It was as though the man had come directly from hell.
“Where is my daughter?”
Levi approached step by step.
With every step he took, the Shadow Order members shook violently.
“This is the girl’s father! Kill him! I will then take your daughter’s flesh and use her bloodline for myself!”
On The Dark Lord’s command, a dozen fighters approached Levi.
“All of you were dead the moment you set your eyes on my daughter!”
“Kill him!”
As he saw the fighters from the Shadow Order, the murderous side of Levi reared its head.
He swore to defeat all of them today.
Slash! Slash! Slash!
The entire place turned silent when the fighters were ripped to pieces.
“This is no ordinary man! Kill him!”
Everyone soon realized that something was amiss.
Hundreds of them dashed at Levi.
Even the Supreme class fighters joined the fight.
Levi continued to move forward, his eyes blazing with anger and determination.
He clenched his fists and defeated all of the Supreme class fighters within minutes.
Dead bodies were strewn all over the floor. It was a bloodbath.
“Kill! Kill! Kill!”
Levi was like the Harbinger of Death as he took each person’s life one by one.
The violence of the Shadow Order was nowhere near the ruthlessness of this man.
He tore apart their bodies and smashed their heads in.
In the blink of an eye, about six hundred of them were dead.
“Kill him!”
“Kill him!”
Then, the Rank Two and Rank Three fighters began to attack.
However, these people were like weaklings to Levi.
Again, they were all defeated.
“Come on!”
The seventeen Rank Four Supreme class fighters had arrived.
They were as good as The Eminent Four from Wildefield.
To fight Levi, they showed all of their best skills.
One could only hear the rumbles and bangs as the battle went on.
However, Levi was extremely strong!
Bang! Bang!
Another couple of bodies fell to the ground.
Soon, the Rank Four Supreme class fighters all collapsed to the ground in defeat.
Levi sent his fists right into a man’s face.
They were all defeated.
Levi had singlehandedly destroyed eight hundred men from the Shadow Order.
Only two remained — the Dark Lord and his right-hand man.
Both were Rank Five Supreme class!
They were dumbstruck to see such a scene.
How could this man defeat all of them? Who is he? How is he so strong?
“Who… Who are you?”
The two began fidgeting.
“I am her father! You should have never taken her!” Levi’s voice was as cold as ice.

i think zoye will never ever learn lesson and as a wife she should belueve Levi and understand him more than anyone else but from starting to till she never and everytime dusappointing by her attitude. And am believing she is not worthy or suitable for levi

i think zoye will never ever learn lesson and as a wife she should belueve Levi and understand him more than anyone else but from starting to till she never and everytime dusappointing by her attitude. And am believing she is not worthy or suitable for levi
Do you think the sky will break loose if Levi reveals his strength or power to Zoey 🤔 how can one trust his or her partner if there's no transparency or honesty in the relationship. Levi has been keeping too many secrets from Zoey which I think is the reason why Zoey doesn't trust Levi
Do you think the sky will break loose if Levi reveals his strength or power to Zoey 🤔 how can one trust his or her partner if there's no transparency or honesty in the relationship. Levi has been keeping too many secrets from Zoey which I think is the reason why Zoey doesn't trust Levi
Exactly. It appears he enjoys making Zoey suffer
I have also been thinking in the same line. While Levi's patristic sense and responsibilities are top notch, he could not even pass as ordinary husband. People like him should not get married. While every tom, dick and harry gets to know his real identity and real power, he always keeps it away from Zoey. May be there is something to do Zoey's stupidity as well as she does not trust him in what he is saying. Sometimes when you are in love, you are so blinded you cannot see the picture and you easily put your spouse in box saying they are this and that and then end up underestimating them.
Do you think the sky will break loose if Levi reveals his strength or power to Zoey 🤔 how can one trust his or her partner if there's no transparency or honesty in the relationship. Levi has been keeping too many secrets from Zoey which I think is the reason why Zoey doesn't trust Levi
I will accept that even Levi also not correct sometimes. He should tell eveything to zoey. Every time he acts as a saint and moreover if levi tells also i dont think zoey will believe
I will accept that even Levi also not correct sometimes. He should tell eveything to zoey. Every time he acts as a saint and moreover if levi tells also i dont think zoey will believe
Levi has long stopped having energy for explanations, notice the way he literally tells everyone the truth, but their biase keeps them doubting until they get into trouble with him or others. Zoey has a picture she has painted of Levi already in her heart and levi is satisfied that she loves him. Did Levi not tell her everything about her master? She simply chooses to believe everyone and everything else than the fact that her husband is that powerful. Did Evie not tell Zoey that her father was the one who saved her from those demonic cultivators? But even from her daughter, she prefers to believe Levi is the once powerful but presently weak man she married. Remember when Levi bought a restaurant with Abigail to just her birthday, he told her he owns the place but she joined others to say he was talking trash. If it were you, wont you let her be happy with what she thinks?
Sometimes too much explanation will lead to nothing, I understand Levi to an extent.
Although Zoey not know everything about him can still be regard as security conscious.
Anyway update is on the way.

Chapter 2279 I Am The Founder Of Garrison Industry

“Levi,” the old man answered.

Edmund trembled. “Impossible. He can’t be Levi.” Edmund didn’t believe that the mysterious man was Levi.
“We didn’t say he’s Levi. We only said he’s similar. After all, Levi’s the only person who paid so much attention to the Lab of Gods,” the old man said.

Edmund nodded. “So he was here for the Lab of Gods?”
“Then, he’s not Levi. Good to hear. He’s probably worried about Erudia, so he’s thinking ahead. That’s why he taught us a lesson back at the icy plains, isn’t it?” Edmund suggested.
“We can’t interfere with The Cardinal Hall’s business, but now that you’re here, we have to remind you that a disaster is coming. And it’s coming for everyone, so be prepared,” the old man reminded him.
Edmund answered confidently, “Don’t worry. As long as I’m here, everything will be fine. I’ve proven myself, haven’t I? Garrison Industry’s an A+ answer. I can keep the situation under control.
“And I won’t antagonize people like Donald. Now I’m working with them. Once disaster strikes, I can call the top ten organizations in Erudia to help out.”
Edmund started talking about his plans, but everyone in The Manifest Court was silent. Perhaps they were gone, or perhaps they were just listening silently.
Levi didn’t head back to North Hampton after he left. Instead, he went straight to Garrison Industry’s headquarters, but he was stopped before he could get in.
“Unauthorized. Access denied.”
Garrison Industry had a biometric scanner that would scan every person who tried to go in. If the person wasn’t a Garrison Industry personnel, they’d be denied entry.
Alarms started ringing, and red and purple dots started showing up on Levi’s body. A bunch of people was aiming their guns at him, and he’d get shot if he made any sudden movements.
“Who are you?”
A group of people surrounded him.
“Garrison Industry’s founder,” Levi answered calmly.
However, his answer came as a surprise for everyone.
“The founder? But Edmund’s our founder. He’s the only master and founder of Garrison Industry. Who the hell are you?”
Everyone gave him a scornful look.
“Take this impostor!”
“How dare you!”
Everyone was about to arrest Levi, but then another group of people came out.
“What are you guys doing? Levi? What are you doing here?” someone asked in surprise.
Levi looked at the person who asked, and it turned out to be Mia.
“Miss Mia? Do you know him?” everyone asked.
“He’s my brother.”
Mia held Levi’s hands. “What are you doing here, Levi?”
“I need your help,” Levi said. And Mia took him away.
After Levi and Mia were gone, the guards started gossiping.
“I’ve heard about him. Garrison Industry does have a founder, but Edmund’s the one who led the company to success. He has no business being here.”
“He’s probably here to claim the credit. Founder? Don’t make me laugh.”
“Levi’s old news now, so he’s probably here to ask for help.”
Everyone kept discussing the topic.
When Levi showed up, all the top brass couldn’t believe what they were seeing, but since Levi was the founder, they stood up to greet him.
“What brings you here, Maestro?” Robed Slayer came up to welcome him.
“Yeah, why did you come here?”
Everyone was curious. They wanted to know why Levi was here.
“Are you here for Maya Industries’ weapon’s special material analysis? Did something happen?” someone asked.
“No. I need your help,” Levi answered.
“What is it?”


Chapter 2280 Levi Steals The Technique Book

Everyone looked at him curiously.

“Garrison Industry’s tech can watch most of the world, right?” Levi asked.
The tech department’s leader nodded. “Yes. Our tech can see seventy-three percent of the world, and we can see every detail in ninety percent of that area. What are you trying to do?”

Levi went up to control the cameras himself. “Leave it to me.”
His goal was simple—to see if anything out of ordinary was happening around the world. He wanted to see if the Lab of Gods was up to anything. They might be gone, but that didn’t mean they weren’t up to something.
If they’re up to something, they must have left some clues. There’s no way there’s no clue left behind.
“Um…” The top brass was in a dilemma.
“He can deal with it. Let’s go out.” Robed Slayer told everyone to leave Levi alone, and then he left the room as well. A moment later, Levi was alone in the control room.
Levi started controlling the cameras to look for clues. It took him one hour of meticulous searching, but he finally managed to find something that interested him.
Not to mention one of the clues was in Erudia, and the place belonged to Garrison Industry.
Well, I got what I wanted.
Everyone was waiting outside nervously, and some even told Edmund about what Levi was doing.
A moment later, they heard the sound of footsteps approaching, and they knew Edmund was coming. He even brought along a lot of fighters, and it was obvious they were here to seek trouble.
“Hello, Sir.” Everyone greeted him the moment he arrived, including Robed Slayer.
“Are you the one who let Levi in?” Edmund asked coldly.
Before Robed Slayer could say anything, Edmund sent him flying with a punch.
Robed Slayer fell with a thud and spewed blood, but Edmund ignored him and kicked the control room’s door open.
“Why did you come here, Levi?” Edmund barked.
Levi ignored him and went on with his search for clues as if Edmund wasn’t important enough for him to care about.
“Stop! I told you to stop right now!” Edmund darted ahead angrily and stopped Levi.
But Levi was almost done anyway, so Edmund’s arrival didn’t change anything.
Edmund roared, “Do you have any idea what you just did? This is Garrison Industry’s most important place! And all of you just let an outsider in? Do you know what that means?
“Do you know what he just did? He saw all of the company’s top secret! All these data, the base’s precise locations, and the company’s latest tech… He saw it all! All the top secret information! See for yourself!”

When everyone took a look at the data, they realized that Edmund was telling the truth. Levi was looking through the top secret data, and the realization shocked them.
Everyone’s heart sank.
Edmund’s lackeys went ahead and gave the top brass one tight slap.

“Levi, you b*stard. You came all this way to find out about the company’s top secret using your connections, huh?” Edmund sneered.
“Trying to power yourself up? Is that why you came here? So you can steal the company’s tech, technique book, and even our serums?”
“What a surprise. Didn’t think you’d be a thief, Levi. So you want my company’s best tech?” Edmund scoffed.
“And all of you are his accomplice! All of you are guilty!”
Edmund and his lackeys started accusing Levi as being a thief.


Chapter 2281 Who Did This

“Yes! He’s here to steal the technique book and serums!”

“Yeah! He knows his place in the new era! He knows he’s old news now, but he won’t go down without a fight. He wants to get back to the top, so that’s why he’s here. To take the best technique to power himself up and boost himself as soon as possible.”
“So that’s why you came here? To steal?”

Everyone started scolding Levi, thinking he was here to steal. Even the top brass thought the same thing after listening to the accusers.
Levi was acting strangely, and he was alone in the control room for one hour. Of course, they’d suspect him, and after Edmund told them what he thought Levi was up to, only then did they ‘realize’ what Levi had been doing.
He’s here to steal the technique to boost himself.
When they saw the box of serum Mia was holding, they realized what she was doing.
So she’s his spy.
However, unbeknownst to them, the serum Mia was holding was used to suppress the special element in Levi’s body. It was ignorance on their part, so they thought Mia was holding the serum to boost Levi’s power.
Everyone thought Levi was a thief, but Robed Slayer had a different opinion. He knew Levi more than most people, so he knew Levi wouldn’t steal. He was someone who’d rather die than lose his honor.
Even if he lost his glory, he would never do something as underhanded as stealing someone else’s fruit of labor. Besides, with how proud Levi was, he wouldn’t even practice the technique even if someone gave him as a gift. Hence, there was no way he’d steal.
Levi sneered. “You think I care about trash like that?”
But his attitude only made everyone laugh, especially Edmund and his lackeys.
“Trash? Well, this stuff is not the top, but it can easily make the top five. And you call this trash? Don’t make me laugh,” Edmund sneered.
Everyone was glaring at Levi as well. They wouldn’t take that comment lying down. Levi was insulting the company and their hard work after all.
“You call ourselves trash? Look at yourself. You’re weak and pathetic. You don’t have the right to call us trash, you scum.”
“You call this trash, but here you are, stealing the very thing you call trash.”
Levi scoffed, “I was not stealing this trash, you buffoons. I was looking at something else.”
Edmund looked at him and shook his head.
Those guys at The Manifest Court said the guy who broke Skyward Sword feels similar to Levi? How could it be? They are not alike.
Levi’s a thief, not a grandmaster. He’s a humiliation to us all.
“Fine, I’ll let you off the hook this time. You are the company’s founder, and you have a lot of friends here. But if you do it again, I won’t let you go that easily,” Edmund said coldly.
“You’re so generous, Sir. You’d even let him go after what he did?”
“I bet you’re really glad now, Levi. Why don’t you thank Sir?”
Everyone praised Edmund, but he looked at everyone and warned, “If this happens again, I’ll punish all of you. That’s the rule.”
But then, Levi saw Robed Slayer looking pale and bloody. He went up to Robed Slayer and asked, “Who did this?”
“I-I’m fine. I hurt myself during training,” Robed Slayer answered nervously. Of course, he wouldn’t say the truth.
But Levi saw through him and turned to look at Edmund. “He did it, didn’t he?”
Edmund admitted, “Yeah, I did it. He let you in, and that’s against the rules. So what if I taught him a little lesson?”
Their gazes met, and sparks flew.


Chapter 2282 Payback

Levi stared at Edmund. “So what? So it’s payback time.”

The moment he said that, tension rose in the air.
However, Edmund’s lackeys laughed.

Is he trying to get himself killed? Payback time?
“Well, come get it then. Let’s see what you can do,” Edmund scoffed. He didn’t believe Levi could do anything to him.
Levi was about to teach Edmund a lesson, but Robed Slayer and Mia both held him back.
“Don’t!” they pleaded.
Both of them knew they must stop him, for they knew Levi would die if he were to fight Edmund. He would not escape alive as he stood no chance.
“This is my responsibility, Sir. Punish me if you want.” Robed Slayer pulled Levi back as he spoke.
“Calm down, Sir. Levi’s just acting tough,” everyone else tried to dissuade Edmund.
Edmund, in all his ignorance and stupidity, sneered. “I won’t get angry at someone like Levi.”
“Well, yeah. He’s just a weakling. I don’t think you’d get angry over him.”
After they came out, Robed Slayer said, “Maestro, I know they’ve wrongly accused you, but this is no time to get into a fight. There is no need for that. Besides, I’m fine. I did break the rules after all.”
Since Robed Slayer didn’t want him to do anything, Levi wouldn’t go against his wishes. “Fine then.”
“Levi, I was just about to give you these. Here, take it. Phoenix and the others are developing a stronger serum. I’ll send it to you in a few days.”
Mia handed the serum to Levi and explained why Azure Dragon, Kirin, and the others weren’t around. They were traveling across the nation to find a way to cure him.
“You don’t have to help me. I’m fine, really,” Levi said, but he had given up on trying to convince them.
“Oh, stop being so stubborn, Levi. We’ll help you out no matter what. You’ll be fine in no time.”
Levi smiled dryly since he knew they wouldn’t budge no matter what he said.
“Oh, Garrison Industry has a base in the North. It’s called Snow Dragon. Stop all the operations there at once and cordon it off. Seal it if you can, or everyone there will be in danger,” Levi told them.
Robed Slayer and Mia looked at each other. They were confused, but they nodded anyway. After they went back to tell Edmund about it, he sneered. “You actually believe him? Ignore him. Let’s see what happens.”
Garrison Industry ignored that warning, of course.
Levi thought Snow Dragon was a decent base, but to his surprise, it was one of the bases where Lab of Gods used to mine sunstones on a large scale.
It was the only undiscovered base, so it was preserved until this day.
Levi got a lot of information from Garrison Industry, but he wished he could have done more. Even though Sacred Organization managed to control a third of all the forces available, they didn’t manage to get their hands on the bigger ones, like Garrison Industry. If they did, he could have found more clues.
After he came back to North Hampton, Zoey didn’t look surprised to see him.
Levi asked curiously, “Aren’t you worried about me?”
“Master said you’d come back soon as you’re fine,” she explained.
Levi was surprised. “Do you trust your master that much?”
“Of course. He’s the person I trust the most aside from my family,” Zoey answered.
“I told you she lied to you. She was just using you.”
“Impossible. Master will never lie to me.” Zoey shook her head.
Levi didn’t dwell on that matter any longer, since he could feel someone approaching them.
Trouble’s coming.


Chapter 2283 Show Your True Power

Levi stopped talking about it, but Zoey wouldn’t let it go. She argued, “Trust me. Master is a nice person. Why won’t you believe me. I would have died if Master didn’t save me.”

Levi was frustrated, so he asked, “Dark Emperor is a woman, isn’t she?”
It was shocking that Levi knew Dark Emperor’s true identity, so that shut Zoey up for a while. “How did you know that?”

Zoey was in disbelief the moment he said that, and she gawked at Levi.
She didn’t believe anything Levi said about Dark Emperor, but now she was shocked. The reason was simple—it was the truth.
Dark Emperor was a woman, and Zoey had seen her face before. Of course, nobody in Sacred Organization knew that.
It was supposed to be top secret, so she wondered how Levi found out about that.
“Do you believe me now?” He smiled.
“N-No. Wait. How’d you know she’s a woman? This is top secret information. Nobody should have known about that. Tell me how you found out about it.”
Zoey was still trying to convince Levi to spill his secret, but then a bunch of people showed up in the front yard. They came from different countries, and most were new faces, but Levi had seen some of them before.
They were his old rivals. Some came from Zarain, and some from Raysonia. They used to be scared of Levi’s power, and they never showed themselves whenever Levi was around.
However, they powered up over the last three years and had a big boost, so they decided to seek out Levi to humiliate him. They wanted to serve him what he did to them before.
And so, they arrived at Levi’s house. But then another group of people showed up, but this time, there was about a hundred of them.
“You shall die, Zoey!” A voice boomed from the heavens. Apparently, the second group came to seek vengeance.
The two groups of fighters looked at each other and roared with laughter. “Fancy seeing everyone in this little place. Let’s see… six Divine Leaderboard fighters, and twenty three Provisional Leaderboard fighters, eh? Right, you guys take Levi, while we’ll kill Zoey. Is everyone fine with that?”
Levi and Zoey were already prey to them, since they thought both of them were nothing but weaklings.
“Oh, but I got some latest data here. Divine Leaderboard got updated along with the Provisional Leaderboard. Levi’s rank eight thousand seven hundred and sixty-five on the Provisional Leaderboard.”
“Okay, that’s news. Not a bad ranking though. He’s above average now. Top eleven thousand in the world.”
“But I heard he got ranked because they boosted his power a lot. It’s based on his old power level, so he’s not that strong in reality.”
“I wonder if I can beat him. I’m about rank three thousand on the Provisional Leaderboard.”
“I’m rank nine hundred something on the Divine Leaderboard. I wanna have a go as well.”
Zoey panicked when she realized they were targeted by two groups of fighters. She instinctively got into her battle position, but it hadn’t been long since she lost her powers, and because she hadn’t healed up yet, that only made her injury worse.
When they saw that, all the fighters burst into laughter.
“Only you left, Levi. Let’s see how powerful you are now.”
Everyone was raring to go. They wanted to use Levi as their stepping stone, so they could have a shot at glory. But since there were too many of them, they couldn’t decide who’d have the first shot.
After all, everyone wanted to have a go.
“Come at me, all of you.” Levi beckoned them. Then, he turned around. “You wanted to know how I found out your master’s a woman, right? Because I saw her face, and I killed her.”
He told her the truth because he was about to show his true strength.
“Charge! Mess him up!” All the fighters were riled up by Levi’s insult, so they wanted to show him what true power meant. We’re gonna teach him a lesson he won’t forget.



Chapter 2284 I Have Surpassed You

They couldn’t believe Levi was still so arrogant. He was only ranked eight thousand something on the Provisional Leaderboard, and that was because the moderators overestimated his power. In reality, he was only around rank ten thousand or so.

Does he think he can fight all of us at once with that kind of power? What a joke?”
Waves of energy rolled and crashed the surrounding place, engulfing everything in its way. Such was the power of Provisional Leaderboard and Divine Leaderboard fighters. Every time they fought, destruction would be left in their wake.

“See that, Levi? This is the true power of a Divine Leaderboard fighter!”
Everyone sneered, but Levi remained rooted to his spot. If nobody knew better, they would have thought Levi was shocked by the sheer amount of power they displayed.
Everyone thought Levi had finally known his place after seeing the new era’s true power, so he had given up on retaliating.
It was a magical feeling, at least for Levi’s old rivals. They felt like laughing, for they finally made Levi realize the gap between him and them. They finally could see him looking in awe at the strength of the new era.
Let’s see if you can keep putting that arrogant act up, you b*stard. You can’t, can you?
However, unbeknownst to them, they were less than maggots in Levi’s eyes. After all, he could kill the top fighter on the Divine Leaderboard, let alone one that was ranked nine hundred or so.
Just when Levi was about to counter their attack, someone shouted, “Who dares attack my master? Die!”
Floyd made his appearance and hurled a punch at the incoming wave of attack. Another energy wave came crashing down, sending the thirty fighters who attacked Levi flying backward.
Not a single one of them could take the hit, not even the ones on the Divine Leaderboard. In the end, they fell and spewed blood. However, more than that, they stared at Floyd in disbelief.
“It’s Floyd! Number forty-five on the Divine Leaderboard. He’s one of the top fighters in the world!”

Everyone recognized Floyd at the first glance, but that was also why they had a look of horror on their faces. Floyd’s strength terrified them, and he was the source of their nightmares.
Only one kind of people were truly terrifying in the new era, and they were the fighters ranked on the Divine Leaderboard. The higher their ranking was, the more terrifying the fighter was. Of course, that included Floyd.
“We’re sorry, Mr. Floyd! Have mercy on us, please!” everyone kneeled and started begging for mercy despite him almost killing them moments ago.
Floyd looked at them smugly. He enjoyed the feeling and status that his power brought him. If he so wanted to, he didn’t even have to attack them earlier. All he had to do was show up, and these fighters would have been begging for their lives instead.
Indeed, he didn’t have to even do anything at all.
After showing off his strength, the first thing Floyd did was look at Levi. He was like a child who wanted his parent to praise him after he got a hundred on a difficult test.
“What do you think, master?” Floyd smiled.
Levi nodded. “Not bad.”
“Master, this isn’t just ‘not bad.’ Divine Leaderboard and Provisional Leaderboard meant power and status. Their rankings were proven true up until now. All the fighters there earned their places, and it’s a global ranking too.
“I don’t even have to do anything now. If someone tries to stir any trouble, all I have to do is tell them my ranking, and they’ll start begging for mercy,” Floyd explained.
To put it in simpler terms, he was saying the whole world would bow to him the moment he showed his face.
“Yes, he’s right. All he has to do is show up, and we’ll be begging for mercy like what we’re doing now. We won’t even do anything else.”
“It’s our fault for troubling you, sir. We’ll make sure we pay up for our mistake. Just have mercy on us, please.”
Floyd really enjoyed the praises his power brought, and to make things better, he could show it off to his master.
After the new era’s arrival, he had always wanted to tell Levi that he had finally surpassed him. Now that he finally got the chance, of course, he was excited.
“I heard someone’s trying to attack my master. Now you die!”
Another group of fighters came on the scene as well.
“That’s Oren Yates! Number one hundred and twenty-seven on the Divine Leaderboard!”
“Look, that’s number one hundred and eighty-eight—Skye!”
“And that’s number two hundred and eighty-seven!”
“That’s six hundred and fifty-four!”
One after another of Levi’s disciples started coming to his aid.


Chapter 2285 Made Levi Proud

These disciples’ arrival scared the wits out of the fighters who came to kill Zoey and Levi.

These are all Levi’s disciples? All of them are ranked on the Divine Leaderboard!
All his disciples were either ranked on the Provisional Leaderboard or the Divine Leaderboard. To be honest, they had made Levi proud with their achievements, but Levi wasn’t happy with it. No, not one bit.

For that kind of achievement was useless. As long as it was a get-strong-quick method, it was useless even if they topped the leaderboards. After all, his brothers and disciples were serious, hardworking people. And that was the trait cultivators had to have.
If they tried to get strong too fast, that would not turn out well for them. They’d think they worked hard to get stronger, when in reality, it was because their technique and drug were get-strong-quick schemes. But even so, they wouldn’t suspect a thing, since they’d think it was the fruit of their own labor.
“They’re not the only ones here.”
Of course, another group of fighters showed up, and this time, it was Azure Dragon, Kirin, and the others. Even Sword Fiend came to help.
They agreed to meet up on that very day to check up on Levi and come up with a way to neutralize the chemicals in him.
“That’s number thirty-nine on the Divine Leaderboard—Kirin!”
“And that’s number forty-three on the Divine Leaderboard—White Tiger!”
The fighters thought things wouldn’t get any worse, but they were proven wrong when Kirin and the others showed up. After all, each and every one of those who came last was ranked highly on the Divine Leaderboard.
All of them were the top five hundred, in fact.
It was a really terrifying sight for the fighters. They thought Levi was already old news in the new era, but they never expected his erstwhile disciples to come to his aid.
Nobody would dare to touch Levi with the disciples defending him. After all, his disciples were ranked on the leaderboards.
If they were in a horror story, the fighters would be the main characters, while Levi’s disciples would be the serial killer or the supernatural entities that were here to kill them all.
And so, all the fighters remained kneeling, but they were already trembling with fear, and some even pissed their pants.
Floyd alone was enough to terrorize them, but a bunch of fighters of the same caliber or stronger than him? That was nothing short of a death sentence for them.
“Piss off, all of you!”
“Touch my master again and I’ll make sure you’re dead you cur! I’ll chase you to the ends of hell!”
“Same here, you little b*stards!”
The Divine Leaderboard fighters’ proclamation came as a shock for the fighters who tried to kill Levi. And so, they ran away in fear, deciding to never attack Levi again, lest his disciples hunted them down.
Even though they were gone, Zoey was still trembling slightly. “Good thing you guys are here, or we would have been in trouble.”
“No, we won’t. I’m here,” Levi scoffed. He was about to kick those guys’ butts, but then his brothers and disciples stole the limelight from him.
“What? Do you have any idea who those guys are? There were six Divine Leaderboard fighters with them. Do you think you can take them on?” Zoey glared at him.
“Please don’t yell at him, Zoey. Master’s a strong guy.” Floyd turned around, looking at Levi. “I see you’re ranked now, master. Number eight thousand something on the Provisional Leaderboard, huh?”
Everyone agreed, “Yeah, it’s a decent ranking. Above average, even.”
However, Kirin disagreed, “What the heck are you talking about? Number eight thousand something on the Provisional Leaderboard is nothing for boss.”
“Don’t look down on him. He might be on the Provisional Leaderboard now, but he’ll catch up to us soon.”
Floyd told Levi, “I’m sure you’ll adapt to the times soon, master. You’ll power up soon. I wish you the best in topping the Provisional Leaderboard and making your name in the Divine Leaderboard.”
Kirin chimed in, “Yes. Boss is a talented guy. If he has the resources, powering up will be easy as pie. He’ll be stronger than us in no time, even.”
Levi shook his head. “No thanks. I don’t really care about that sh*t leaderboard. Not like I can get anything even if I top it.”
He killed Dark Emperor, the number one on the Divine Leaderboard very easily. Because of that, he didn’t think highly of the leaderboards.
You call that weakling the strongest? This leaderboard is nothing but sh*t.
“Ah, stop talking. We need to check boss’ condition,” Phoenix suggested.
A moment later, everyone started checking up on Levi’s condition to see if Maya Industries’ weapon’s chemicals were acting up.
“Hm? Something’s wrong.”


Chapter 2286 Disciples Teaching Their Master

“How so?”

Everyone gathered around Phoenix after she said something was wrong. They were all nervous, thinking that a problem had arisen.
Phoenix’s brows furrowed. “Impossible. How did this happen?” she mumbled to herself.

“What happened? Can you just drop the other shoe already?” everyone asked nervously.
“Boss is fine. Perfectly fine. It’s like the weapons had no effect on him,” Phoenix remarked in surprise.
After she scanned Levi’s body, she found nothing wrong with it. He was healthy, and there were no chemicals running rampant within him.
But that’s impossible.
“What? How did that happen? That’s impossible!”
“Anyone who gets hit by Maya Industries’ weapon will get eaten up by its chemicals. Nobody can escape that, not even Dark Emperor. And he’s number one on the Divine Leaderboard!”
“Boss shouldn’t have been okay no matter how tough he is!”
Now everyone was troubled, but not for the reason they came. They were trying to figure out why Levi was fine after getting hit by the weapon.
“I guess it’s probably the drug working its magic. It’s suppressing the chemical, keeping it from rampaging in boss’ body. We’ve been developing this drug, so we know they can hold off the chemical for a while,” Phoenix explained to them.
Everyone was delighted after hearing that explanation.
“That’s good to hear, Phoenix!”
“Now that we have this drug on with us we’ll have enough time to find a way to neutralize the chemical!”
“Yeah, that’s good news. Now we’ll have the time to find a way to really help master out!”
“I went around and asked a lot of people, and know what I found? Lots of organizations are trying to come up with a way to counter the weapons’ chemical as well. And a lot of them managed to come up with some great solutions. I know we can do it too if we have enough time.”
“Don’t worry, boss. We’ll make sure you survive this.”
Levi smiled dryly. “You don’t have to worry, guys. Don’t waste your time on this. I’m fine, really. The chemical you guys are talking about is just poison. That poison like that can’t even hurt me, really.”
Floyd rebutted, “Master, you’re fine because Garrison Industry’s drug is working. But the chemical will eventually build up immunity. Once that happens, the drug won’t be able to save you.”
“Yeah, you’re fine because of the drug, but it’s just temporary. Just let us do our stuff, boss.”

Levi was slightly frustrated. They wouldn’t listen to him no matter how much he explained, and not to mention he didn’t even take Garrison Industry’s drug.
“Boss, I think you can try powering yourself up in the meantime. It’ll probably help you to suppress the chemical,” Azure Dragon said.
Everyone agreed with his idea.
“Hey, that’s a great idea. Killing two birds with one stone, I’d say. Boss can power up, and he can hold the chemical down on his own.”

Azure Dragon looked at everyone. “I know, right? So now it’s time for us to shine.”
Everyone looked at him, confused. They wondered what Azure Dragon was trying to get at.
A moment later, Azure Dragon brandished a few books and handed them to Levi. “Boss, this is the technique I’m practicing, and there are some supplementary books in it as well. Oh, I even brought the drug with me. It shouldn’t take too long for you to master it. You can ask me if you need anything.”
Everyone finally understood what Azure Dragon meant earlier. Azure Dragon handed his technique over to Levi so Levi could power up as soon as possible. Even so, they were surprised that Azure Dragon would go that far.
After all, he was giving all he had to Levi.
“Hey, I can do that too!” Kirin announced, then he handed his technique books over to Levi as well.
“Me too. Don’t forget about me.” Floyd also handed the same thing to Levi.
Everyone whipped out their technique books without hesitation. If anyone else saw this, they’d have their minds blown. After all, these were the secret techniques of the Divine Leaderboard fighters. It was their most powerful skill.
However, they gave it all to Levi willingly.


Chapter 2287 Your Technique Book Is Worthless

All the technique books were the most powerful skill of the Divine Leaderboard fighters. Every single one of them was worth billions. Some would even say they were priceless.

Countless people would kill to have their hands on one. Even if a single one were to show up on an auction, all the people there would pay billions to get one.
But now, a few dozen of those priceless technique books were sitting before Levi. If they included the supplementary books, modern tech, drugs, and divine tools, then Levi had more than a thousand items sitting before him.

Levi’s brothers and disciples didn’t hold back. They actually gave him everything they had.
“Take these too, boss. It’ll save your life when you need it most. Maybe you can power yourself up too.”
“Yeah. Sometimes we can’t reach you in time, and you’ll be in danger.”
They gave Levi some items that could keep him safe as well. All the fighters were doing everything they could for him, so they spared no expense. They’d do anything to keep him safe until he could get stronger.
“There’s a ton of technique books here, so there’s bound to be one that suits you. We know you’re talented enough, so if you work hard, you’ll make your way up to the Divine Leaderboard. We know you’ll surpass us soon.”
Everyone looked at him, excited.
Divine Leaderboard might be a trash leaderboard, and Levi had already technically topped it. But, he was touched by how much his brothers and disciples cared about him.
No matter what, they were standing firmly on his side, so he was glad they were here with him.
“But I really don’t need them,” Levi refused. He didn’t want to hurt them, but he really didn’t need anything they had.
Sure, it might be worth billions in the public eye, but for Levi, these items were no better than garbage.
And then Zoey spoke up, “Save it, you guys. He won’t even touch any of these, let alone train in them. He’s still practicing the same thing he did three years back, and he told me to do the same. He insisted it’s the best technique ever. According to him, not a single technique book can compare to his.”
Everyone was surprised to hear that. They knew what technique Zoey was talking about, since they benefited from it three years back as well.
Back then, Levi taught them everything he knew about that technique, and they gained a lot from it. Kirin, Azure Dragon, and the others even became fighters and managed to catch up to Levi because of that technique.
But that technique was old news in the new era. After all, it was just a basic technique. After everyone had forged their foundations, there was no point practicing that basic technique anymore. It wouldn’t show any visible progress quickly, after all. And some said it showed no progress at all.
They were in an era where everyone had the chance to be the most powerful fighter. If they practiced the basics, they’d be eliminated from the competition very soon. After all, no improvements meant regression.
Being slow in this era meant elimination.
“Boss, we need to tell you something. Your technique isn’t bad, but it’s outdated. It’s useless in this era.”
“Yeah, and there are tons of the same technique out there. They’re actually more logical than yours too to boot.”
Kirin and the others tried to dissuade Levi from practicing the basic technique.
Floyd stared at him as well. “Yeah, master. It’s old news now. You should look forward instead. Don’t keep holding on to the old. Any regular technique is better than what you have by miles. Just pick one and train in it.”
“Yeah, just pick one. We guarantee you’ll power up fast. No cap, master. If you don’t power up, we can give you some tips.”
Everyone really wanted him to practice the new era’s technique.
In the end, Zoey stepped up and accepted everyone’s gifts. “I’ll take them for him and try to convince him. It’s impossible to persuade him that quickly. He’s stubborn and proud, after all.”


Chapter 2288 Cannot Be The Strongest

“Sure. We’ll find a way to heal you, Zoey. You’ll be up again in no time. And please convince boss to pick one of the techniques to train.”

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief. Once Zoey accepted the technique books, they knew Levi would pick one in the end. He just didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of them after all.
“Oh yeah. If someone tries to attack you guys again, just tell them our names if we’re not around.”

“Why don’t we leave something behind to prove we know them? I mean, tons of people don’t know Levi’s my boss. If they know we’re their friends, they won’t do anything to the boss and Zoey.”
Kirin and the others left something that could prove their identity. They were Divine Leaderboard fighters after all, and that meant they had power and prestige. Just the mention of their names struck fear and reverence in everyone.
“Sure. Thank you.” Zoey took the items too.
“Great. Now we don’t have to worry anymore. Go on with your work, guys. We need to find a way to heal the boss and Zoey.”
Azure Dragon and the others left. They went back to work so they could neutralize the chemicals in Levi’s body as soon as possible. Or at least they thought the weapons actually had an effect on Levi.
After they left, Zoey told him seriously, “I know you’re a proud man, and you can’t accept the fact that your disciples are actually tutoring you, but please, don’t let them down. If you really don’t like it, why don’t you just merge their techniques together and create your own? Take the best of everything and make a brand new technique, alright?
“I know you’re smart enough to do that. I just do.”

Zoey genuinely wanted Levi to get stronger. That way, Levi wouldn’t let everyone down, and he wouldn’t get embarrassed, and he could also get stronger. It was three birds with one stone.
Levi might do just that in the past. Merging all kinds of techniques together was something he used to do. After all, a lot of his skills were created through the Forbidden Technique.
Even back in the Prison of Darkness, he merged the Forbidden Technique with everything he mastered. In the end, he thought it was a viable method, since he could become absurdly powerful.
However, he could never be the strongest.
It was the same thing here. If Levi merged all the techniques together, he could create something absurd and raise his power to an unimaginable level, but he could never be the strongest.
Zoey smiled at Levi. “Try it out. I know this is acceptable to you. There’s nothing embarrassing about it. As long as you can create it, it’ll be your own thing.”
“No. I really don’t need it,” Levi rejected her suggestion outright.
Zoey asked, “You can’t still be practicing the same thing you did three years ago, can you?”
Levi nodded. “Yes. I’ll do it my own way. Quantity doesn’t always correlate to quality.”
Zoey shook her head, giving up on convincing him anymore. “I see. I’ll respect your choice. I hope you’ll gain something from it, but your chances are slim.”
“Master told me to practice your technique the last time we met, but I refused. She respected my choice and let me choose. I chose to go my own way, so now I’ll respect your choice as well.”
Levi smiled. “Alright then.”
“Oh, you saw what she really looks like, didn’t you? She must have done that because of me. I knew it. She spared you for my sake.”
When she thought about it, she quickly realized why Levi managed to see what Dark Emperor really looked like.
It’s for my sake.
After telling him a few more things, Zoey went back to heal herself.
Levi wanted to observe her, but Death Fiend sent a message to him.
This is going to be trouble.


Chapter 2289 One Punch

Someone challenged Dark Emperor. After the Divine Leaderboard’s update, Dark Emperor was still number one. To top that off, Dark Emperor’s prestige was nigh unassailable because of what Levi did in Adrune.

Even so, some fighters still couldn’t hold their pride in. They thought the leaderboard was biased, so they wanted to challenge Dark Emperor. They wanted to top the leaderboards, after all.
There were four challengers this time, and they were, in Divine Leaderboard terms, number nine, number seven, number five, and number four.

They came to Sacred Organization and issued a challenge. Unbeknownst to them, Dark Emperor’s true identity was Levi.
Left with no choice, Death Fiend told Levi about the challenge, asking if he would accept it.
“Good. Accept their challenge and tell the world they can come right at me if they want to fight,” Levi said.
“I understand.”
A short while after that, Sacred Organization released a statement under Dark Emperor’s name, telling everyone who wanted to challenge Dark Emperor to come to Sacred Organization after three days.
As of now, four Divine Leaderboard fighters were already there, but still, the news shook the world.
It might even change the power dynamics. If some fighters came out of their training and defeat Dark Emperor, that’d be new history right there.
But for most people, Dark Emperor was undefeatable.
When Zoey found out about what happened, she sneered. “They don’t know how powerful master is. Nobody can win against her. Nobody. She’s at the top of Divine Leaderboard for a reason. The moderators won’t make any mistakes here.”
Levi shook his head in disapproval.
Undefeatable? I killed her with a single punch, girl.
But he had to say that Zoey was right. Levi was undefeatable, and since he was Dark Emperor, that meant Dark Emperor was undefeatable as well.
Levi didn’t think much of the challenge. The whole world could come after him, and he’d still end them with one punch.
Zoey heard him sneer, and she stared at him. “What? You don’t believe me?”
“I-I do believe you.” Levi had to nod. After all, he was Dark Emperor. Of course, he knew he was undefeatable.
Zoey looked at him proudly. “There’s nobody Master can’t beat. Just wait for the good news.”
Of course, I know that. I mean, I’ll win in the end.
Levi only cared about training and searching for the Lab of Gods, but the whole world was already abuzz with excitement.
Nobody had ever seen Dark Emperor fight, so this would be the first time for them.
Levi didn’t even take a look at the technique books his friends and disciples left him, but just because he didn’t care didn’t mean nobody cared.
The Lopez and Black families sneaked in on one fine day and picked the technique books while they were in there.
After all, they belonged to Divine Leaderboard fighters, which meant they were priceless. It wasn’t every day they could get their hands on treasure like these.
But now, they had a mountain to choose from.
“This is mine! I saw it first!”
“I want this one. You guys pick another one.”
The Lopez and Black families were whipped into a frenzy, snatching technique books and divine tools from each other. Their boundless greed showed in its full and hideous glory.
“Hey, is Levi stupid? Why’d he toss this aside and choose the basic technique instead?”
“I guess he’s mad. Everything here is top tier. That guy must be mad. Does he really think his technique is better than the ones lying around here?”
“What a joke. Everything here is so much better than his technique.”
Right then, Zoey came in and glared at everyone. “What are you doing? Put those down! These are for Levi! You can’t take them away!” she stopped the families from taking the items away.
“That idiot Levi won’t even practice any of these techniques, Zoey! It’s just a waste to have them lying around here. Why can’t we have it?”


Chapter 2290 I Am Waiting For You

Everyone else agreed, “Yeah. He doesn’t care about these, but we can’t let them go to waste!”

Every single thing in that heap was garbage to Levi, but the families thought it was priceless. They saw it as divine providence, for every single one of them was top tier.
Everyone’s eyes gleamed the moment they saw the items since all of them were the new era’s treasure. Of course, they’d go crazy over them.

“And besides, we’re family. Whatever is his is ours too, so it’s still the same.”
“Yeah, that idiot doesn’t want these even though they’re top tier, but that doesn’t mean we’ll let them go to waste.”
Everyone mocked Levi as they split the items among themselves.
“Zoey, you want him to practice these techniques, right? Why don’t you let us have it, and we’ll start training right away? He’ll see how powerful these things really are once we get stronger, and I bet he’ll start training too.”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea. And besides, sharing is caring.”
“We can also protect you guys when we get stronger. We can’t remain your burden forever.”
Zoey thought they had a point. After all, strengthening her family was always a good thing. Not to mention she couldn’t stop them even if she wanted to.
They left right after getting what they wanted, and she couldn’t tell them to give back what they took. She hadn’t healed up yet, so she couldn’t force them into it. All she could do was watch as they divide the loot among themselves.
Of course, she told Levi about the families’ looting.
“Eh, I don’t mind. I don’t really want them anyway. But still, there goes their kind intention. I’ll make sure I compensate them fairly,” Levi said.
They could never imagine how great Levi’s compensation was. It would be loads better than what they gave him.
Zoey nodded. “Sure. I’ll keep this a secret from Kirin and the others then.”
“You do that.”
Three days flew by like a breeze, and Levi excused himself. He said he was going somewhere, but in reality, he was assuming his identity as Dark Emperor to face the challenges.
At the same time, Floyd and the others showed up. They wanted to check up on Levi, but most importantly, they wanted to see if he was practicing the techniques they left behind.
They searched the whole place, but their technique books were nowhere to be found. Since Levi was gone, they thought he went into solitary training again.
“Master has finally given in! He started practicing our techniques!”
“That’s great news, isn’t it?”
Everyone laughed heartily.
“Master knows everything about the new era, and he knows he’s lagging behind, but he just can’t admit it.”
“I mean, I can understand him. No master would actually train under their disciples, right? Let alone practice their disciples’ technique.”
“True. It’s hard to do what Master did. We can’t do that if we’re in his place.”
“But luckily he listened to our advice. Zoey told me Master might be merging our stuff to create something new.”
“I’m looking forward to it. I know Master can do it. He’ll surpass us on the Divine Leaderboard soon.”
The disciples were delighted to find out that Levi was practicing their techniques, or so they thought. But still, they happily told Kirin and Azure Dragon about the news.
They were happy to hear that too since they were doing everything they could for Levi. As long as Levi could get better, everything would be worth it.
At the same time, they commented, “A fighter from the old era is joining the Divine Leaderboard soon.”
They really looked forward to Levi making his way up into the Divine Leaderboard.
At the same time, Levi came to Sacred Organization, but he assumed his Dark Emperor persona and accepted everyone’s challenge.
Aside from thirteen Divine Leaderboard fighters, twenty-eight unranked fighters came to challenge him as well.
Those guys were never seen before in the public eye. Once Levi made his entrance, a great battle ensued.


Chapter 2291 A Dull Fight

The world’s most anticipated fight was about to begin.

Upon the revelation of the twenty fighters, the world was stumped, seeing as the world had never witnessed such a powerful alliance.
Nobody had expected that so many fighters would vie for the first place on the Divine Leaderboard.

However, their eagerness was understandable seeing as the fast track to gain fame would be to challenge the pinnacle of power of the era.
However, there were four figures who garnered the most attention among the fighters.
Those four were the Progenitor at number nine, Exterminator at number seven, Kaiser the Dark Overlord at number five, and finally Savage Lord from Maya Industries who ranked number four on the Divine Leaderboard respectively.
After all, they were already famous to begin with, and they were already ranked quite high up on the Divine Leaderboard.
The other fighters who were vying for the top spot were formidable fighters too, but they were not as renowned as the four.
Hence, all eyes were focused on the four.
The battle was set to be held somewhere in Adrune…
Truckloads of spectators poured into the battle arena just to witness the battle of the century.
Dark Emperor made an appearance under everyone’s scrutinizing gaze.
“Battle me all at once. I don’t have the time to deal with this nonsense!” Levi ordered.
He scanned the battle arena, and there was no one in sight who could rival Dark Emperor.
Levi then lost his patience and grew disdained at the prospect of a dull fight.
He thought it was best to fight them all in one go.
“What an arrogant fool! I’ll challenge you!”
The Progenitor who was ranked number nine on the Divine Leaderboard could no longer hold back and dashed forward.
Fiery and murderous aura filled the battle arena, making everyone shudder.
“Get lost!”
Levi blasted out a punch, and the Progenitor was sent flying off in a projectile motion before his body exploded into a million pieces.
The arena was filled with gasps.
No doubt, everyone was well aware of how strong the Progenitor was.
It was beyond everyone’s wildest imagination that he would be defeated so easily, especially considering he had survived countless battles without a hitch.
Progenitor was an invincible presence, and he was ranked number nine on the Divine Leaderboard for the same reason.
Not a single divine tool was able to puncture his especially strong body.
Hence, everyone was stumped by the fact that Levi was able to defeat the man with just a single punch, and even managed to rupture his body into a million pieces.
No doubt, it came as a shock to everyone.
Nobody had expected such a turn of events.
How is Dark Emperor so strong?
The other three fighters on the Divine Leaderboard and the rest of the fighters who were vying for the top spot shuddered at the bloody sight.
Nevertheless, Exterminator who was ranked number seven on the Divine Leaderboard stepped up and shouted, “I’ll do it!”
He was best known for his Brisk Technique.
Regardless, Levi still reciprocated with one punch.
There were a few exchanges before Exterminator was sent flying off into a distance with Levi’s yet another punch.
Dark Overlord, Kaiser, who was ranked number five on the Divine Leaderboard, was hurled into a distance with one punch.
The last fighter to challenge Levi would be Savage Lord from Maya Industries. Judging from the way Levi defeated the other three without a hitch, everyone assumed that though Savage Lord may not be able to defeat Levi, the man would have lasted longer.
To everyone’s surprise, Levi managed to vanquish the man in just one move.
It seemed like everyone was equally weak before Levi, no matter whether one was an average Joe or a top-notch fighter.
Levi would beat them up with just one punch.
The energy which he channeled to beat them up was one and the same as well.
“Just fight me all in one go and quit wasting my time!”
Levi gestured at the rest of the fighters to come onto the battle arena. Over twenty unnamed fighters and fighters on the Divine Leaderboard dashed forward.
Bang! Bang!
Levi took them out punch by punch.
After a few seconds, no one was left standing.
Every single one of them fell.
Levi had only killed the Progenitor, however.
The only reason he took his life was because the Progenitor had escaped from his hands three years ago.
Levi had finally avenged himself.
He dealt with the rest punch by punch, stumping everyone present.
Everyone had expected it to be a vicious battle.
Levi managed to defy everyone’s expectations, however. No one had imagined that it was such a short-lived battle as Levi managed to defeat over thirty fighters without a hitch.
This battle is as easy as falling off a log. How boring.
Levi had not encountered anyone whom he deemed worthy.


Chapter 2292 Equal Before Levi

Before the Dark Emperor, everyone was equal, and nobody could go past a single punch.

It did not matter how one was ranked on the Divine Leaderboard.
“Hah! Nobody here is worth my time and effort. You guys are just worthless pieces of junk!” Levi spat before turning around to leave.

It was apparent that the man was very disappointed.
He had expected better from the fighters.
I thought there’s nothing they can’t do? What a bunch of idiots. What a freaking waste of my time.
However, the world was in a frenzy.
It suddenly dawned on them that the person ranked first on the Divine Leaderboard was leaps and bounds ahead of the rest.
It would not be an understatement to say that the person who ranked first on the Divine Leaderboard was an entirely different existence than the rest.
Maybe the gap for fighters ranking second and third was smaller, but it was not a matter of significance.
One thing was for sure, though. The Dark Emperor was a formidable presence, and fundamentally different from the rest.
It was as if Levi was a God-like presence.
It was the first time that fighters on Divine Leaderboard ever felt so powerless against someone.
The ranking had served as a mere illusion that they were just a few steps behind Dark Emperor.
However, Levi’s triumph over the rest of the fighters was undoubtedly a wake-up call for them.
Judging by the way he managed to beat every single one of his opponents with just one punch respectively, it was clear as day that there was no point even attempting to go up against Levi.
Levi’s triumph had also made them all realize the credibility of the Divine Leaderboard ranking.
Dark Emperor had proven that he was well-deserving of his number-one rank.
The Divine Leaderboard, which was a result of a vote by various organizations, was not a ranking in favor of any parties and was the single most credible ranking among fighters.
After the battle, nobody would dare to challenge the ranking on the Divine Leaderboard anymore.
The ranking was enough to reflect one’s capabilities, and it would be unnecessary to prove oneself by challenging those who ranked above them.
It was proven to be a futile and unwise move.
The Divine Leaderboard was the single most credible proof of one’s capabilities.
One would be foolish to have doubts on the rankings.
“Do you guys think that Dark Emperor is on the same level as the guy who broke the Skyward Sword with only two fingers?”
Someone made a wild guess.
“No, that’s impossible. I think there’s still some gap between the two.”
“Yep. Dark Emperor is certainly no match for that man. But I do think that they’re somewhat on the same level.”
Dark Emperor’s triumph had sent shockwaves around the world.
In the end, the Divine Leaderboard remained unchanged.
Dark Emperor was still ranked number one.
“What? Did some people really question the authority of the Divine Leaderboard and challenge the fighter ranked number one?” Edmund sneered.
The Cardinal Hall was one of the organizations that voted for the rankings of the Divine Leaderboard.
After all, the amount of information The Cardinal Hall could gather on every fighter was enough to make a sound and unbiased judgment.
Hence, Edmund had never once doubted the credibility of the Divine Leaderboard.
“Sir, we have to admit that Dark Emperor has exceeded our expectations ten times and over!”
Edmund’s subordinates were amazed.
He merely frowned and nodded. “Yes, you’re right. The evaluation that we had done did not do him justice.”
“I heard that Dark Emperor has managed to level up following the quake in Adrune a few days ago. I guess he’s trying to gauge his newfound capabilities with this battle too.”
“Yes, nobody other than Lab of Gods would be able to let Dark Emperor fully demonstrate his capabilities. It’s quite normal for us to underestimate his abilities.”
The others engaged in heated discussions about the matter.
Edmund nodded his head in agreement. “Yes, that’s true.”
Meanwhile, among the Garrison clan in Oakland City.
“Sir, that’s impressive. How did the fight with Dark Emperor go?”
Tyrone was especially curious.
Donald shook his head in resignation. “No, I’m definitely no match for Dark Emperor.”


Chapter 2293 Not The Brightest

“I thought about challenging the top spot as well, seeing as I ranked number eight on the Divine Leaderboard. But it looks like I’m going to have to throw the idea to the back of my mind. The credibility of the ranking on the Divine Leaderboard is indisputable.

“The battle today was definitely a testament to the credibility of the rankings. I had assumed that The Cardinal Hall General would be on the same level as me seeing as our ranking was not far from each other. However, now I think that he might be much more ahead of me.
“One thing was for sure, though. Dark Emperor’s abilities were surely out of our leagues!”

Tyrone, Kenny, and the others gasped upon hearing Donald.
“Is Dark Emperor really that scary. though? It’s like he’s leaps and bounds ahead of others on the Divine Leaderboard.”
All colors drained from Tyrone’s face upon the realization.
“What ludicrous things have we not witnessed before? Have you guys forgotten all about the chap who broke the Skyward Sword with just two fingers?”
“As far as I know, Terra Blade, which is considered on par with Skyward Sword, is in the hands of Dark Emperor. Isn’t it obvious who is more advantaged right now?”
An epiphany struck them after Donald reminded them.
They realized that Donald was right, Dark Emperor really might not be able to go up against the legendary man.
“I still have more to learn so that one day I can challenge Dark Emperor! However, I’d like to divulge that actually among the Garrisons, Dark Emperor is not the strongest. Well, the cat will be out of the bag once the ancient Garrison clan has made its debut,” Donald remarked.
“Really? We Garrisons are really blessed.”
Tyrone and the others turned hopeful.
“Yes, of course we are,” Donald said with a smile.
“Right, Sir, when are we going to look for Levi?”
“Didn’t you announce the kill order to the Garrison clan? It’s time for us to go look for him…” Tyrone said.
He was eager to showcase his power to Levi since he ranked seventy-eight on the Divine Leaderboard after the ranking was refreshed.
Since there were a thousand fighters who could make their mark on the Divine Leaderboard, the seventy-eighth spot was quite an accomplishment.
“Yes, we can’t let Levi live as he pleases! However, I don’t think we have to do much since he’s suffering the aftermaths of the chemical from Maya Industries,” Donald snickered.
“Yes, you’re right. We’d be doing him a favor if we take his life right now! With that being said though, we can still claim his child and cultivate the child as a Garrison. The ancient Garrison clan, The Cardinal Hall, and even the Eragon would not even be able to stop us if we do as you suggest, Sir,” said Tyrone.
“Yes, that’s right. Mobilize the Garrison clan to locate the child right away. We cannot risk losing any one of us.”
Meanwhile, the news about Dark Emperor’s legendary triumph reverberated throughout the whole world.
Levi went back to Erudia after the dust had settled.
Zoey greeted him right away.
“Have you heard the news? Master has managed to triumph over anyone who dares challenge him. Even the fighters ranked fourth and fifth on the Divine Leaderboard fell with just his single punch!”
Zoey was bragging about her Master’s victory to Levi.
The man seemed disinterested and said nonchalantly, “Yeah, I heard.”
Well, it was me who defeated those people. So, of course I knew.
“I’m going to buckle up and heal faster so that I can get into the Divine Leaderboard and follow in Master’s steps. You have to catch up as well…”
Zoey was slowly recovering, and appeared to be much more normal than before.
However, she was still very much obsessed with Dark Emperor.
Levi knew he had to take it step by step with her.
She would not have believed him if he were to tell her the truth right now.
“I’m halfway there. It won’t take long before I’m fully recovered.”
Zoey was quite an independent woman, and she kept looking for a myriad of ways to aid her recovery…
Her efforts were starting to pay off.
“What do you think you should do? Are you going to keep holding on to what you’ve learned three years ago? Floyd’s techniques are already gone. I don’t think it will be an easy task to gather them all.
“Hmm, what if we compete with each other? Three months later, I aim to be ranked in the Provisional Leaderboard, or to even surpass you in the Divine Leaderboard.”


Chapter 2294 Zoey Versus Levi

Zoey looked excitedly at Levi.

The man seemed unfazed. “No problem.”
“Great. Let’s start training now and see whoever will make it higher on the leaderboard then! You’re ranked eight thousand six hundred and fiftieth on the Provisional Leaderboard right now while I’m not fully recovered yet.”

Zoey was motivated after Levi agreed to her proposal.
She wanted to use three months’ time to prove it to Levi that the world was a survival-of-the-fittest game.
Zoey wanted to drive home the point that the basic techniques in the technique book were not enough for him to survive in the world.
Not only was she aiming for a full recovery in this three-month time, but Zoey was also striving to become much stronger than she was before.
She figured that three months would be enough for her to make it to the top thirty of the Divine Leaderboard.
Zoey forecasted that Levi would still be ranked about eight thousandths on the Provisional Leaderboard. Maybe his ranking is even going to deteriorate to over nine thousandths…
After all, a slow improvement was akin to a decline in the fast-paced era.
Levi would not be able to advance much if he kept up with his basic training technique.
Hence, Zoey reckoned that he would not be able to even keep his ranking of 8000 over in the Provisional Leaderboard, and was even at risk of getting kicked out of the leaderboard.
With that being said, Zoey was hoping to use it as a lesson for Levi.
She hoped that he could slowly adapt to the ever-changing world, and that his reluctance to embrace stronger techniques would put him at a great disadvantage.
Zoey was left with no other choice.
She knew that Levi was a stubborn man, and a vivid experience rather than continuous nagging would work better on him.
Kirin and Floyd agreed with Zoey as well after listening to her.
They gave her the thumbs up, and wholeheartedly agreed that it was a good approach.
They were hoping to motivate Levi through concrete numbers on the ranking leaderboard.
However, it seemed as if the man was not taking the matter seriously at all.
What the others did not know was, not only was Levi topping the Divine Leaderboard, but by a huge margin as well.
Hence, there was no point competing with him.
However, Levi did not turn down the suggestion as he wanted Zoey to be happy.
Meanwhile, in the time being, Levi was mobilizing all his forces to hunt down the Lab of Gods.
At the same time, he was brushing up his basic techniques.
He believed that with iteration, there were always new things to learn.
There was no doubt that the basic technique had much potential.
However, even Levi was unsure of its full potential.
He had the same notion as others in the beginning, whereby he thought that basic techniques were only fit for beginners.
However, he had realized there was so much more to learn.
No one dared to seek revenge from Levi during that time.
After all, so many fighters who had a place on the Divine Leaderboard were guarding him.
Nobody in their right minds would dare to challenge Levi if they knew they could not even make it past Floyd.
At the same time, they were anticipating to observe the effects of the Maya Industries chemical on Levi.
However, it seemed like the man was not at all affected.
The public was puzzled since nobody had been able to survive the weapon produced by Maya Industries.
It was baffling that Levi was still well and alive after a month.
Not only was the public curious about Levi’s condition, but Phoenix and the others were stumped as well.
Why does he seem fine? How is it possible? That’s so terrifying.
However, there was one other possibility, whereby the advancement in the drug of the Garrison Industry had successfully suppressed the activation of the chemical.
The activation of the chemical had been delayed from a few days to a month, and potentially even longer.
It hit everyone then just how strong and capable Garrison Industry was.
The company was churning out a myriad of solutions to delay the activation of the chemical.
Obviously, the Garrison family and Levi’s enemies were not pleased with the news.
They were still anticipating to see how Levi would suffer and had not expected that the effect of the chemical would be suppressed.
“We can’t keep waiting forever. How about if we destroy the available drug altogether?”
Donald let out a cackle at his own brilliant suggestion.
“Yes, that works!” Tyrone and the others agreed.


Chapter 2295 All Destroyed

At Garrison Industry’s headquarters.

Mia and her assistants walked out with four locked briefcases which contained the latest drugs the research team of Garrison Industry had produced for Levi.
As only the most expensive herbs and resources were used, the drug was extremely expensive.

Without wasting any resources, they managed to produce that batch of drugs.
To Phoenix and the rest, the drug was the only way Levi got to prolong his lifespan.
He must take it every day!
It would take at least fifteen days before a new batch of drugs could be produced.
Even if the research team hastened their speed, it would also take them over ten days.
Thus, they had to keep producing the drug.
They did their very best to continue producing it every day.
After Mia and the rest received the newest batch of drugs, they went to Levi without hesitation.
Not long after they left Garrison Industry, a bunch of men appeared in sight and surrounded Mia and the others.
“Give me the briefcases. You can leave if you do so!” the leader commanded.
“No! We can’t give the briefcases to you!” Mia answered warily.
Her guard up, she glanced around, preparing to send an SOS signal in secret.
After all, they’d risk their lives to protect the batch of drugs.
“I’ll never give you the drugs!” Mia exclaimed. “Take the drugs and run back. I shall stop them!”
She signaled the rest in secret.
“Get them! Don’t let them escape!”
The men in masks rushed forward to take the drugs away, while Mia and her subordinates defended themselves.
Alas, they were no match for the masked men.
“Oh, no! They are all Divine Leaderboard fighters!” Realization dawned on Mia, but it was too late.
The briefcases in their hands had been taken away.
After getting the briefcases, instead of leaving straightaway, the masked men destroyed the briefcases immediately.
None of the drugs survived the ordeal.
Each and every tube was crushed to pieces.
The men retreated swiftly after doing that and disappeared without a trace.
Indeed, they are here for the drugs. They left right after destroying the drugs.
Mia’s face drained of color as her mind went blank.
She slumped to the ground, shocked senseless.
The other people stood stock still in shock.
They stared at the crushed drugs on the ground, utterly dumbfounded.
The drugs were shattered, along with their hope and Levi’s life!
Mia remained on the floor for a long while.
She was still sitting on the floor when Phoenix and the rest arrived.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt? All you all right?” they inquired worriedly.
“Phoenix, we’re fine. Our wounds are superficial. But those men destroyed the dugs! All of them! We have none left!” Mia flung her arms around Phoenix and wailed.
“The drugs are gone?”
Thud! Thud! Thud!
Azure Dragon, Kirin, and the rest staggered backward and almost fell onto the ground.
Cold sweat dotted White Tiger, Black Tortoise, and their gang’s foreheads.
Without the drugs, Levi would definitely die!
His wounds would take his life the moment the drug wasn’t there to suppress the chemical.
Until now, the chemical from Maya Industries’ weapon in Levi’s body hadn’t taken effect yet.
No one knew what the chemical would do without the drug suppressing it.
Perhaps it might cause a minor reaction; perhaps it might take Levi’s life immediately.
No one could be certain.
Everyone was afraid of the unknown, for they couldn’t expect what was to come.
Perhaps the chemical had already spread all over his body after being suppressed for so long. Its effect might’ve grown more horrible.
“The drugs… They are gone…”
“Does that mean boss is in danger?”


Chapter 2296 Nine Days

White Tiger’s question made everyone break into a cold sweat.

No one was sure of the appropriate answer to his question.
Phoenix parted her lips to explain. “We used the drug to suppress the effects for weeks. I believe the chemical had invaded every inch of his body! Once it strikes, Levi might lose his life. It’s a deadly substance.”

Her professional explanation caused everyone’s expression to darken further.
That could only mean one thing—Levi would most probably die without the drug!
It was not a development that anyone wished to see.
This time, it was for real.
Though Levi could control the situation and escape death countless times in the past, in this era, no one could survive after being attacked by Maya Industries’ weapon.
“How many drugs do boss still have?” Azure Dragon asked.
“If I’m not mistaken, he’s run out of it after taking his last one today. We rarely keep any spares and will refill every time he runs out of the drugs. I can’t believe this…” Mia sobbed, sorrow overwhelming her entire being.
“What should we do now?” Azure Dragon asked the question that everyone was afraid to face.
Pursing her lips, Phoenix answered, “Let’s just hope the poison won’t take effect. I’ll do my best to produce new drugs in the shortest time possible!”
“How long do you need?” Azure Dragon and the others demanded. “What’s the earliest date?”
“Normally, it would take at least fifteen days. The fastest we’ve done was ten days. If I do my very best, I can come up with the next batch nine days later. That’s the limit.”
Her voice was full of concern as she added, “Most importantly, no one knows what will happen if boss doesn’t get to take the drugs. Thus, I have to develop a better drug that is at least five times more potent than the previous drug to suppress the chemical in his body. That’s why I need more time, or I would’ve completed it in seven days.”
“Got it. From now on, we shall assist you when you need help.”
Azure Dragon and the others could barely conceal their anxiety.
Sternly, Phoenix revealed, “I need the best biology lab in Garrison Industry. Specifically, that P6 lab. I need full access so I can complete the drug in nine days!”
“Well…” Everyone’s expressions changed right then.
The P6 lab was the highest security lab in Garrison Industry, and even council members like them had no access to it.
To use it, one had to submit an application form to The Cardinal Hall General, and all council members had to vote yes before one could have access to it.
With Levi’s life at stake, they couldn’t bother with the formalities anymore.
“Yes. You have access to the lab! We shall bear the consequences if there are any!” Azure Dragon and the rest assured.
Back in Garrison Industry’s headquarters, Azure Dragon and the others broke into the lab by force and provided Phoenix the best research team available.
They also delivered all resources needed to develop the drug.
Every procedure had been shortened in order to develop the drug in the shortest time possible!
“From today onward, Mia, White Tiger, and Black Tortoise shall remain with Phoenix. Follow her orders and make sure she gets everything she needs. We’ll return to boss and make sure nothing else happens.”
After Azure Dragon divided the jobs, everyone sprang into action.
Right then, back in Oakland City.
“Let’s see how Levi will suppress the poison. He’s dead meat!” Tyrone sneered.
Turns out it was he who sent the masked men to destroy the drugs.
All the Garrison clan’s elites on the Divine Leaderboard had been dispatched for that very mission.
He snickered. “I heard Phoenix and the others had just used the top lab in Garrison Industry to develop new drugs for Levi. But it will take at least nine days! The chemical will definitely strike within nine days!”


Chapter 2297 No Hope For Levi

Donald merely smiled. “No, I won’t give him a chance. What if he makes it past the nine days? I shall make sure he loses all hope. I want him to wallow in despair!”

A vicious glint appeared in Donald’s eyes.
Realizing what he meant, Tyrone blurted out, “Do you mean you’ll stop them from producing the drugs by cutting off their resources?”

“Yes, you’re right!” Donald nodded.
Tyrone remained doubtful. “But I don’t think we can interfere in Garrison Industry’s business, especially when Phoenix and the others are council members.”
“Do they have more authority than Edmund, The Cardinal Hall General? Besides, they didn’t inform him that they used the highest security lab!” sneered Donald.
Tyrone was confused. “But there’s no way we can control Edmund. Will he even listen to us?”
Without warning, Donald burst out laughing.
“Oh, looks like you don’t know that Edmund and I are now friends. We’ve agreed to collaborate, for that’s the best way to survive in this new era. As long as I tell him about this, he’ll do as told!” he announced. “Besides, Edmund doesn’t like Levi, too. If he finds out Phoenix and the rest used the highest security lab just to develop drugs for Levi, he’ll definitely fly into a fit of rage!”
Having heard that, Tyrone broke out laughing.
“I’ll contact Edmund now and dash Levi’s hope!” Donald declared icily.
On the way back to North Hampton, Kirin, Azure Dragon, and the rest wore grim expressions on their faces as they analyzed the situation.
“Mia said those men were all fighters ranked on the Divine Leaderboard. It’s pretty obvious who is behind this. However, this isn’t the time for us to seek revenge. We shall wait until boss gets better!” Kirin declared.
“Yes, you’re right. We shall avenge boss when he gets better.” Azure Dragon gave a curt nod. “I also sent men to find other drugs that can suppress the chemical. Hopefully, we will receive news soon!”
There was no way he’d place all his hopes on Phoenix alone.
They would definitely get back at the culprit for what he did!
When Levi saw his subordinates rushing to him, he froze in shock.
What happened?
“Boss, are you all right?” they demanded, scanning his figure anxiously.
“Huh? What’s wrong? I’m fine!” Levi answered, confused.
“The drug’s effect hasn’t worn off yet. The chemical will most probably take effect tomorrow.”
That thought caused Azure Dragon and the others to furrow their brows.
“Hey, what’s going on? Did something happen?” urged Levi. He couldn’t understand why they were acting this way.
“The drugs have been destroyed. The latest batch of drugs had been destroyed by a bunch of men deliberately. They are gone.”
“For the next nine days, you won’t be able to take the drugs to suppress the chemical.”
“Yes, there’s a possibility that the chemical might strike out of a sudden. No one knows what will happen.”
Azure Dragon and the rest explained with grim expressions as though the end of the world had arrived.
Levi merely heaved a sigh of relief. “Oh, I thought it was something serious. You gave me a fright!”
“Isn’t this serious enough?” His subordinates shot Levi baffled stares.
“Of course. I’m fine, right? It’s nothing serious. Don’t worry. Well, I can’t really explain how…” Levi flashed a helpless grin.
“Listen, boss. You’ve been fine all the while because the drug developed by Garrison Industry had been suppressing the chemical substance! If you don’t take the drug, the chemical might attack soon enough,” they exclaimed.
“Well, let’s just hope that you can hang on for nine more days. Phoenix is working hard to develop a new batch of drugs!”
They prayed that Levi could survive the ordeal.


Chapter 2298 Used Only In Emergency Situations

Alas, the chemical would definitely take effect, and there was an eighty percent possibility that it would cause a serious effect.

Besides, the possibility of it being lethal was fifty percent.
Thus, Azure Dragon and the rest were merely trying their luck.

Hopefully, Levi was lucky enough to make it through the nine days and wait for Phoenix to develop the new batch of drugs.
Levi grinned. “Don’t worry. I’m fine. Phoenix must be busy right now. If there’s nothing else, I shall go take a nap now. You should leave, too!”
Levi then spun on his heels to leave.
“No, boss!” Kirin yelled. “Azure Dragon, I just figured out a way to stop the chemical from taking effect!”
“What is it?” Azure Dragon demanded.
“Freeze boss’ body for nine days! We can get the latest equipment and make sure he freezes in a sleeping pod so his body will rest for nine days. We can open the sleeping pod nine days later and feed him the drug!” Kirin revealed excitedly.
“Oh, that works. Let’s do that now! Why didn’t I think of that?” Azure Dragon was so delighted he nearly burst into tears.
Finally, we found a way to save Levi!
“Hey, no need for that. I’m fine.” Levi tried to convince them, but they refused to listen to him.
They carried out the plan without even asking for Levi’s approval.
It was pretty easy for them to get the equipment.
After receiving it, they shoved Levi into the sleeping pod and set it up.
Shortly after, the system hummed to life. Levi was about to go to sleep in the sleeping pod.
His bodily functions would stop working, so the chemical couldn’t get to work.
After switching the system on, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
Levi will be fine. We just have to wait nine days.
Levi wasn’t in hibernating mode. If he wished, the sleeping pod would be rendered useless.
However, he wanted to cultivate in a quiet place, so the pod was perfect for his solitary training.
“Tell Phoenix and the rest not to worry and focus on developing the drugs.” Azure Dragon and the others grinned.
Back in the P6 lab, which was the highest security lab in Garrison Industry.
Relief washed over Phoenix when she heard the news.
“Sir? Why are you here?”
The guards at the entrance were shocked to see Edmund in person.
After all, it was past midnight.
He had never showed up at this hour before.
“I’m here to take a look around,” came Edmund’s reply.
He put on a cool expression and led his men to the P6 lab.
Both Black Tortoise and White Tiger were surprised to see him.
Their faces turned ashen.
They had been waiting for Phoenix’s orders and had no idea Edmund would show up.
“S-Sir…” they greeted him awkwardly.
Edmund sneered, “Is the P6 lab in use?”
“Yes, Sir. Someone is carrying out research inside.”
Edmund’s expression darkened. “To use this lab, I have to be informed beforehand. Everyone will then gather to vote to grant access. Am I right?”
“Yes,” his subordinate answered. “This is the only P6 lab around, so it can only be used for important researches like national-level researches!”
“What are you doing here?” Edmund demanded angrily. “Without my approval and the council members’ votes, how could you use the lab? None of you bothered to inform me?”
Black Tortoise and White Tiger hung their heads low as sweat dripped down their foreheads.
“Sir! Phoenix is using the highest security lab to develop drugs for Levi Garrison, for it can shorten the time to produce the end product!” someone reported.
“Damn it! She used the lab just because of Levi?”


Chapter 2299 Nothing To Do With Us

He raised his voice.

Black Tortoise and White Tiger jumped in fright, but they dared not utter a word.
We’re doomed.

After all, using this lab was against Garrison Industry’s rules!
“Sir, it wasn’t our fault. It was Phoenix and Azure Dragon who forcefully activated the lab! They warned us to keep it a secret.”
“Yes, Sir. We’re so afraid of them and dared not inform you.”
The lab assistants immediately complained.
Edmund barked, “Nonsense! Garrison Industry belongs to Erudia and everyone. It isn’t a private entity. Open the door now!”
“Well…” The lab assistants hesitated, for White Dragon and Black Tortoise were standing guard at the door.
They didn’t dare to go against Levi’s subordinates.
“Get out of my way!” Edmund shoved them out of his way without hesitation.
Bang! Thud!
He kicked the door open.
Everyone in the lab froze in their tracks at the sudden interruption.
Phoenix turned at her shoulder in confusion.
The people inside the lab were covered in cold sweat at the sight of Edmund.
“Phoenix, how dare you use the lab without my permission?” Edmund demanded, his furious gaze landing on Phoenix.
Her entire being shivered in fear as sweat poured down her back.
Pale with fright, she nearly collapsed to the ground.
“I-I…” She was lost for words.
Hanging her head low in guilt, she thought frantically, What should I do? The Cardinal Hall General just caught us in the act!
“Who allowed you to use the lab?” Edmund pressed.
“Sir, please listen to our explanation. We have no choice but to use the P6 lab, so we dared not inform you about it. The drugs we produced for boss had been destroyed. He’ll be in danger if he doesn’t take the drugs! Without another alternative in mind, we decided to develop a new batch of drugs in the shortest time possible and ended up using the lab without permission,” White Tiger explained carefully.
“Your boss? Who is that?” Edmund knitted his brows.
“Levi Garrison!” came everyone’s reply in unison.
“Oh, so it’s a personal matter. Did you use the lab for a personal matter?” Edmund quivered in rage. “Did you forget what this lab is for? This highest security lab should only be used in emergency situations or to carry out the highest security experiments! Just because you want to save someone dear to you, you broke into the lab and used it without permission? That person hasn’t even contributed anything to Erudia. How selfish of you!”
Edmund lost his cool at the explanation White Tiger offered.
Everyone kept their heads lowered as dread engulfed them.
It was their fault indeed.
“Everyone, get out! From today onward, this lab is off-limits to everyone! Even if you’re working for Garrison Industry or a research team under Garrison Industry, you won’t get access to this lab! No one can use the resources to produce drugs for Levi Garrison. He has nothing to do with us! Whoever goes against my order will be killed instantly!” Edmund roared.
Clearly, he was sentencing Levi to death by cutting all the resources so Phoenix could no longer continue working on the drug.
Even if she tried to get a suitable lab, research team, and resources, that would take at least one month.
By then, Levi’s body would’ve rotted and perish away.
It felt as if the sky had collapsed.


Chapter 2300 No Chance Of Survival

They had lost all hope!

Phoenix’s legs turned wobbly as she fell to the ground in dejection, her gaze devoid of emotion.

White Tiger and Black Tortoise tried to plea for help, but Edmund rejected them sternly. “It’s not up for discussion. I won’t save Levi, let alone allow you to use any resources from Garrison Industry.”
He turned and ordered, “Men, keep an eye on them at all times. Report back to me about their whereabouts!”
Edmund then left in a huff.
Actually, he didn’t mind whether Levi would die or survive.
He could also allow Phoenix to use Garrison Industry’s resources to save Levi.
The one thing he couldn’t accept was that they were bold enough to use the lab to save Levi, a useless man who was about to die soon.
They regarded Levi as their boss even though he was no longer capable as before.
He had never heard them acknowledging him as the owner of Garrison Industry.
That was the real reason he got upset.
Donald’s request came just in time, for it was killing two birds with one stone.
Edmund’s order meant that the drug wouldn’t get to be produced in the shortest time possible.
It might take months for the next batch of drugs to appear!
Azure Dragon and the others were still dizzy with excitement after sending Levi into the sleeping pod when they received the bad news.
They immediately blanched in horror.
Without permission to produce the drug in the P6 lab, that could only mean one thing—Levi might die!
They were stunned at the sudden turn of events.
Someone must’ve targeted us on purpose. We kept a lid on the news, so there’s no way The Cardinal Hall General could’ve found out about it!
Now wasn’t the time for them to dwell on that, for they needed to find out how to solve the problem.
Azure Dragon was calm like the leader he was.
“Now, we can’t use any resources from Garrison Industry, including everything from the country. We need to develop the drug overseas! Contact everyone we know so Phoenix can start producing the drug again! We’ve heard news of various forces trying to produce an antidote for Maya Industries’ weapon, right? They might have a drug to suppress the chemical. We can buy some from them. I’ll divide the jobs now…” Azure Dragon got right to work.
Kirin was assigned to guard outside the sleeping pod.
He felt frustrated, for this seemed like the most useless task ever.
After all, Levi was frozen inside the pod and would be perfectly fine alone.
He summoned his subordinates to stand guard outside and left the country to seek other drugs.
Everyone got busy.
On the other hand, Donald couldn’t stop himself from laughing when he heard about Edmund’s order.
“But Azure Dragon and the rest have left the country to find other drugs,” Tyrone reported.
He kept an eye on their movements all the time.
Donald merely snorted. “They won’t get help in Erudia. I used my influence to cut off their resources in the country, so there’s no way they can produce any drug here. If they went overseas, keep an eye on them. Do your best to sabotage them.”
“Got it! We’ll do our best to stop them from buying or producing the drug!” Tyrone and the others nodded.
“Yes, that’s right.”
“Oh, we just received news that Levi’s body had been frozen in the sleeping pod by Azure Dragon and the rest so the chemical won’t take effect,” someone chimed in.
Both Donald and Tyrone were taken aback.
“Oh, that’s a great idea. Azure Dragon and the rest did well! I can’t believe they resorted to the latest technology,” Donald lamented.
Tyrone asked, “Where’s the address? Have you gotten it?”
“Yes, it’s at…” His subordinate gave him the address as requested.
Donald snickered. “Levi Garrison, I won’t let you live! This time, I shall head to the sleeping pod and make sure you die for real!”


Chapter 2301 You Resemble Me

“That’s an amazing idea. They got themselves a sleeping pod, but we can sabotage it! A sleeping pod is scarce nowadays, so let’s see how long he can survive without it.” Tyrone joined in with an evil grin.

Donald smirked. “Do you know why you’re important to me? That’s because you resemble me!”
Tyrone gave him a grateful smile in response.

His face scrunched into a vicious expression, Donald declared, “We could’ve killed Levi easily, but we choose not to do that. After all, having hope before losing it in an instant is the most horrible thing that can happen to someone. I want to see Levi die, tortured by his condition and fear!”
Indeed, they had the same idea.
Late at night, Donald appeared at the sleeping pod’s location.
Kirin had arranged for ten fighters ranked in the Provisional Leaderboard to guard the pod.
However, those fighters were no match for Donald.
He got past them and entered the training base where the sleeping pod was installed.
He was smart enough to plant a spy among the fighters who then led him in.
Thus, Donald was brought to the place where the sleeping pod was installed without any hiccups.
After opening it, he walked in.
The sight of a sleeping Levi made a smile creep up his lips.
“Levi, you’ve broken the rules of the Garrison clan, so I shall torture you until you die. Your daughter shall be abducted and brought to our clan. She is a Garrison, so it’s her duty to bring glory to our clan!” he announced icily.
Slowly, he shut down the system in the sleeping pod.
All the effects were switched off.
He then secretly sabotaged the sleeping pod by destroying it.
It wasn’t visible to the naked eye, though.
Though Levi saw everything he did inside the pod, he paid no heed to it.
After all, someone like Donald was not his match.
He couldn’t even be bothered to waste his energy to give the man a punch that would kill him.
Hence, Levi turned a blind eye to what Donald did in the sleeping pod.
When he realized the temperature in the sleeping pod was rising, he grinned. It’s not freezing anymore!
Donald left without alerting anyone else after having done that.
No one discovered what he did.
As Kirin and Azure Dragon ordered everyone else not to get close to the sleeping pod, they did as told and stayed away from it.
They had no idea something had happened inside.
As the days passed, Azure Dragon, Kirin, and the others went all out to save Levi.
The drugs they found weren’t up to standard, especially when compared with the ones developed by Garrison Industry.
Phoenix and her team finally found a suitable lab, but they still couldn’t gather the necessary resources.
Alas, they ran into various obstacles along the way. Nothing they did went on smoothly, for external factors kept coming in the way.
Phoenix calculated the time needed. Under the circumstances, the next batch of drugs would only be produced after fifty days.
It meant that Levi had to hold on for fifty days.
That was the only way for now, unless a miracle were to happen.
They lamented, “I wish there’s a drug who can treat his condition thoroughly!”
Azure Dragon was stumped. “Yes, it will be great to get rid of that chemical once and for all. Nevertheless, no one has managed to discover a solution to the problem.”
Nine days passed in a blink of the eye.
Everyone returned to the sleeping pod, for they had only set it to run for nine days.
Today was the day Levi would wake up. They were curious as to how he was doing.
After finding a few ways and drugs, they wanted to know if those would work.
“Mm? Where could Kirin be?”
The masses arrived to see other men standing guard by the sleeping pod.
Kirin was nowhere to be seen.
Right then, the man strode to them from another direction.
He had left the place to find a solution to the problem, too.
“Kirin, don’t you know this mission is the most important among us all? Never mind if he’s fine. If something had happened, you’ll be in deep trouble!”
Azure Dragon and the rest realized something was not quite right.
“Are you all right?” Kirin asked them.
“We’re fine,” came the answer.


Chapter 2302 I Think I Know The Truth

Kirin heaved a sigh of relief. “You’re overthinking. Nothing happened! Let’s find out how he’s doing.”

They dashed into the sleeping pod.

The sight that greeted them rendered them speechless, for the sleeping pod wasn’t in operation!
“Someone switched the pod off! It has been switched off eight days ago!” Azure Dragon hollered, his voice hoarse.
Kirin froze in shock as though he had been struck by lightning.
He assumed that asking his men to guard the place was a perfect idea, but the moment he left, someone switched the pod’s system off.
“Oh, no! The interior of the pod had been destroyed!” someone yelled.
“Why is boss unaffected? He should wake up the minute the pod is shut down.”
“Look, the pod can’t open on its own!”
“That means he has been lying inside alone for nine whole days? Even if the chemical didn’t take effect, he might’ve suffocated to death!”
“Did something happen to him? Look, he isn’t moving. It has been days!”
The bad news came one after another.
Everyone turned to glower at Kirin, wordless with rage.
If he was here, nothing would’ve happened!
Kirin was dumbfounded.
His knees buckled as he slumped to the ground weakly.
His mind went completely blank.
If something had happened to Levi, he’d place the blame on himself for the rest of his life!
He might even take his life on the spot to make up for his mistake.
“We can’t blame Kirin. One of us must’ve betrayed us! First, this spot is hidden well, and not many know about it. Second, the culprit couldn’t have sneaked in easily, even if he was a fighter. There must be a spy among the people guarding this area,” Black Tortoise revealed.
“I shall kill them all!” Kirin declared as anger ran red through his brain.
“Let’s find out how boss is doing first.”
They opened the sleeping pod by force and released Levi.
Before they could check on Levi, a voice rang out.
“What’s all the ruckuses? I’m trying to sleep here!”
Levi rose to his feet and stared at them.
“Boss, are you all right?”
They gazed at Levi in shock.
“What can happen to me? Do you want something to happen to me?” Levi responded, rolling his eyes.
“Were there any changes in your body for the past few days?” they inquired.
“No. Look, I’m fine. Nothing’s wrong with me!”
Everyone was astounded, for Levi seemed absolutely fine.
He couldn’t possibly pretend to be healthy, and they sensed his energy brimming as usual.
He’s all right!
“But just to be safe, do allow Phoenix to give you a complete checkup,” Azure Dragon suggested.
“All right. Come on, then.” Levi relented.
He didn’t want them to nag at his ears and allowed them to run an examination on him.
Phoenix retrieved her tools and began the examination.
Half an hour later, she blurted out in surprise, “This is strange. It is really strange! After spending nine days without the drug to suppress the chemical, boss’ body is perfectly all right. The chemical didn’t take effect at all! One would think he hasn’t been attacked by that weapon.”
Hearing that, everyone’s jaw dropped open in astonishment.
“Impossible! How could he be perfectly fine? That’s impossible!”
They refused to believe it.
Levi flashed a helpless smile. “I told you I’m fine. The poison on the weapon can’t penetrate my body!”
“Huh? That sounds impossible, boss…”
“If it couldn’t enter your body, you must be invincible!”
They were full of shock and doubts.
“I think I know the truth,” Phoenix declared out of nowhere. A smile was playing on her lips.
“What is it?” Everyone gathered around her curiously.


Chapter 2303 Great News

“I discovered a lot of remnants of the drug in his body! I finally understand why the chemical didn’t take effect—the remnants worked to stop the chemical from striking! The drug works better than we expected,” Phoenix explained.

Levi did not know what else to say to get through to her.
His subordinates forced him to take the drug every day, and he couldn’t possibly vomit it all out.

Thus, he had no choice but to take the drug every day.
His body couldn’t take in the external substances, so they remained in his body for a long while.
As a result, he would have to get rid of those substances once in a while.
This time, before he could get rid of them, Phoenix discovered their existence.
She mistakenly thought the drug had suppressed the chemical.
“Oh, that’s great! Boss, you’ve always been lucky! You should thank your lucky stars this time!” they cheered.
Phoenix could barely hide her excitement. “We have a few drugs and solutions. That should work to hold the poison back for some time!”
“That’s great!”
Levi flashed a bitter smile. “I’m fine, really! Stop fussing around.”
“Boss, just listen to us. By the way, you should practice these few techniques to help suppress the chemical.”
They’ve done everything there was to be done.
“We can continue suppressing the chemical while Phoenix works on developing the drugs.”
Seeing how his comrades, disciples, and subordinates worked hard to save him, Levi was touched.
They are willing to do anything just to save me! But they refuse to believe my words. I shall make it up to them in the future.
“What? Levi’s fine? What happened?”
Tyrone and Donald were dumbfounded to learn that Levi was safe and sound.
He managed to survive nine days without taking the drug!
“How is that possible? He can’t be fine after being attacked by the weapon developed by Maya Industries. He’ll die when I stab him, that’s how weak he is!” Donald uttered in disbelief.
“Yes! That’s impossible. They should be seeing his rotten body by now. How could he be alright?” Tyrone demanded.
Though they forced Levi to a corner, he still managed to survive!
Nothing happened to him? How can that be possible?
They refused to believe it.
“Impossible! There must be a reason for this. Perhaps they have some spare drugs!” Donald declared.
Tyrone bobbed his head slightly. “Yes, that’s entirely possible. But let’s see what he will do next to survive. Phoenix needs a few more weeks to produce the next batch of drugs!”
Though Edmund didn’t ask questions, he knew what was going on.
“Levi’s is way too tough. He escaped unscathed? Nothing happened?” Edmund couldn’t hide his shock upon learning about Levi’s current condition.
“What is the situation now?”
Just like Donald, he thought everyone who got attacked by Maya Industries’ weapon would end up dead.
Even The Cardinal Hall’s hands were tied.
“Phoenix claimed that the remnants of the drug in Levi’s body kept suppressing the chemical,” someone explained.
“That means the chemical will take effect soon?” Edmund questioned.
Everyone nodded. “Yes, absolutely! Let’s just wait and see. Levi will definitely suffer from the chemical soon!”
They refused to believe that he’d survive the ordeal.
All that was left was to wait for the chemical to start torturing Levi.
Actually, Phoenix was highly strung, too.
Indeed, the drug remnants and the various solutions they discovered could only make sure Levi survived for another three days.
But what would happen after three days were up?
That was a huge problem.
Three days passed in a flash.
Everyone remained by Levi’s side to see if he’d suffer from an attack.
They were so nervous that they were sweating bullets.
Right then, Sword Fiend and the rest returned.
“Good news. Great news!” he shrieked excitedly.


Chapter 2304 An Important Discovery In Doomsday Seed Vault

They were panting heavily as though they had just returned from a faraway place.

Clearly, they rushed here after learning the news, eager to share it with everyone.
“What is it?” The rest surrounded them curiously.

Even Levi came over to them, interested in what they had to share.
“We found a solution to the weapons from Maya Industries!” Sword Fiend announced, breathing heavily.
“What? You found a solution?” Everyone else widened their eyes, dumbstruck by the revelation.
They simply could not believe it!
It was shocking to hear that someone had discovered a way out!
“What is it? Spill!” they demanded, thrilled at the prospect.
Happy tears welled up in their eyes, for the news came as a shock to them.
Even Levi’s curiosity was piqued.
What can possibly neutralize the weapons from Maya Industries? I’ve checked the chemical, which seems to be a foreign poison. Venom Fiend and I can’t develop a cure for the poison.
Levi urged, “What is it? Stop beating around the bush and tell us!”
“Someone discovered a material that can neutralize this chemical substance. They did several experiments to prove this material can decompose the chemical developed by Maya Industries!” Sword Fiend declared.
Everyone was so excited that they started shaking.
“I can’t believe there’s such a material! This is the first I’ve heard of something like this!”
“Where was it found? Who discovered it? Hurry! There’s hope for boss now. He’s extremely lucky!”
Sword Fiend explained, “Archulea’s Doomsday Seed Vault discovered the rare material deep in the ocean near Archulea. After testing it, they discovered it could neutralize the chemical substances from Maya Industries! Isn’t that amazing? But the material is extremely rare. They spent a lot of effort searching the neighboring oceans, but to no avail. They only managed to gather a few hundred grams of the material. Archulea values it greatly and kept it locked in Doomsday Seed Vault!”
He then ended with a disappointing piece of information.
Yes, there was a solution, and the new material was proved useful, but it was too rare to be given away easily.
Now, it was kept in Doomsday Seed Vault, which was extremely hard to break into.
Everyone’s initial delight turned to despair.
It proved to be a difficult mission.
Sword Fiend and the rest seemed stumped, too. “After we got to know about the material, we contacted Archulea to try to get the new material at all costs. Alas, they rejected our offer on the spot.”
“Yes, we tried to negotiate by saying they can ask for anything, but they remained stubborn. Without giving us a second chance, they kicked us out! As we’re out of ideas, we decided to come back to ask for your help.”
Phoenix and the others were instantly disheartened when they heard that.
They were given hope, which ended in utter disappointment.
As Archulea valued the new material greatly, they wouldn’t give it up easily.
They had to show their sincerity by offering something more valuable than the new material to obtain it.
“Don’t give up! Now that the new material is proven to be useful, we need to figure a way to get it. Perhaps we can discuss this with Archulea. They must have a weak spot or something they need. The deal will succeed once we offer them what they need!” Azure Dragon declared. “This is the only way to cure boss once and for all. We have to do our best, get it?”


Chapter 2305 They Owe Me A Debt Of Gratitude

“Right! It’s a golden opportunity! We must seize it and go all in! Whatever the conditions proposed by the other side, we must agree regardless!”

Everyone was on the same page.
“Besides, the news just got in! I think the others will find out about it very soon. By then, we must stop those who try to get in the way! If they were to find the material before us, then it’s over!” said Sword Fiend.

Azure Dragon responded, “Hence, from this very moment, we must act before them! There is no time to waste! Let’s head out to Archulea!”
Phoenix chipped in the conversation as well, “To avoid further complications, you must follow us to Archulea, boss! Once we obtain the new material, we may utilize it immediately!”
Azure Dragon and the others had everything sorted out. On the other hand, Levi was not able to contribute to the conversation.
“Sure, let’s get moving!” the group began their journey immediately.
However, Phoenix abruptly uttered, “This is bad! There’s a new leak in the dark web…”
The group exclaimed, “What?”
Phoenix continued, “According to the dark web, the Doomsday Seed Vault in Archulea discovered a new material, a weapon that can neutralize the Maya Industries. Detailed reports and data are released as well! Everyone is crazy about it!”
Everyone’s heart skipped a beat.
How unfortunate can things be…
It was just resolved moments ago that everyone should act swiftly.
The next second, the advantage vanished.
The entire world was now aware of the fact.
And it was groundbreaking news to everyone!
At an instant, the news spread like wildfire!
“The dark web?” Levi muttered.
Three years ago, the existence of the dark web was mysterious and perplexing.
It had always managed to disseminate first-hand information and news to the world.
The dark web supposedly resembled the pinnacle of power…
Three years had passed, and the influence of the dark web remained impeccable.
Just as they received the news, it was also released on the dark web seconds later.
Who really is the mastermind behind the dark web?
“What do you guys know about the dark web?” asked Levi.
“Boss, at this unfortunate moment, why are you still obsessed with the dark web? We’re better off strategizing for a new plan to acquire the new material!”
“There must be a horde of people swarming towards Archulea for the new material, including the Maya Industries! Understandably, they will not want the world to know their weakness!”
“Besides, all the opponents will spring into action! Even if they cannot keep it for themselves, they will find ways to destroy it, to prevent you from obtaining it!”
They are right.
In the meantime, Donald was on his way to Archulea after knowing about the new material.
They would never let Levi acquire it.
He must die!
Even Edmund was interested. “It’s fine. Even without our involvement, there must be tons of people flooding towards Archulea now! Levi can only dream to acquire the new material!”
In the Maya Industries.
Every powerhouse in Raysonia.
Every powerhouse in Zarain.
One after another were heading towards Archulea.
The new material would be the kingmaker. The status and influence of Maya Industries and all other powerhouses were dependent on it.
Some were there to stir the pot.
There were even discussions ongoing between prominent chieftains and leaders from Archulea.
Although there was only a slim chance, Azure Dragon brought Levi together and took off.
Time was of the essence.
They must try their very best.
Even if it meant that sacrifices must be made to acquire the new material.
Levi was extremely touched.
He deeply appreciated all that they had done.
“Do you guys really want the new material?” asked Levi.
“What?” the group was stupefied.
“Of course we do! Boss, don’t you feel the same way? The new material can save your life!” the group answered.
Levi then uttered, “By the way, I recall that Archulea owes me a debt of gratitude! Three years ago, I protected Archulea and fended off the Progenitor. Perhaps it’s time for Archulea to repay the debt!”


Chapter 2306 Taking Candy From A Baby

Finally, Levi decided to tell everyone what happened years ago.

As his brothers and disciples were willing to make sacrifices for him, Levi could not bring himself to put them at risk.
Levi didn’t want to worry them.

Hence, he decided to leverage the debt of gratitude owed by Archulea to obtain the new material.
This way, his brothers and disciples could heave a sigh of relief as his health would gradually recover.
Less attention would be directed on Levi and they could proceed with their own lives.
This was Levi’s thought process.
“So it was you who resolved the crisis in Archulea! Everyone thought it was The Cardinal Hall! How can they claim credit for it!” the group was shocked.
Levi confidently smiled. “That is correct. I was the one who chased away the Progenitor in Goldenport Island and Archulea! I solved their crisis! They would not have survived if it wasn’t for me. They are indebted to me and my demands will certainly be satisfied!”
“That is great news! If Archulea owes you a debt of gratitude, acquiring the new material will be a walk in the park!” everyone cheered.
The boulder of stress was lifted and the group continued their journey in bliss.
Archulea would not be able to refuse their request.
Everyone sparkled with hope and confidence.
On the other side.
Archulea was flooded by a plethora of influential forces.
Negotiations with the representatives of Archulea were proliferating.
However, Archulea was rather adamant and rejected all offers.
They were unmoved.
After all, the new material was too rare to be given away that easily.
Of all places in the world, only Archulea had it.
It was invaluable!
Besides, it was also a weapon to neutralize the Maya Industries, solving yet another problem in the world.
Hence, the new material was wanted by many.
Its value could be said to be on par with the Skyward Sword.
As the negotiations were unfruitful, many started to employ tactics of beleaguerment.
Some resorted to violence, others tried to steal it.
However, much to everyone’s surprise, Archulea who finally revealed its true strength had top-tier fighters in the Divine Leaderboard protecting the country.
Those who tried to steal were erased on the spot.
The first time Archulea demonstrated its strength, many were hit like a ton of bricks.
It didn’t occur to them that Archulea was such a strong country.
Those who hatched plans to pillage the new material from Archulea, were all dumbfounded by the discovery.
Nobody dared to use force anymore.
When the Archulea fighters were in action, Donald was there as well. He was equally shocked by the sudden revelation.
It was then understood that many incredible fighters out there were never in the limelight.
Everyone was petrified beyond belief.
Archulea certainly befitted the saying “still water runs deep.”
Not only that they possess the new material, but also brutal and impeccable fighters.
The quest to acquire the new material was shrouded with difficulties.
Unless there was an offer which Archulea could not resist.
If not, no one could obtain the new material.
“How about you guys? Are you here for the new material as well?” Archulea’s representative asked Donald’s group.
Donald beamed. “There’s a misunderstanding. We’re here to discuss other matters!”
“Other matters?” the others were stunned.
Donald continued, “We’re not interested in the new material! However, we have only one request, which is to not give it to Levi! We’re agreeable to any of your conditions, just don’t give it to Levi!”
Their primary objective was to stop Levi from obtaining the new material.
“I see.” the representative smiled before falling silent.
During Levi’s journey.
They were faced with obstacles after obstacles.
It was all Donald’s doing.
Nonetheless, they defused the situation calmly.
The urgency was no longer there.
So long as Archulea owed Levi a debt of gratitude.
They had all the time in the world.
Acquiring the new material would be like taking candy from a baby.
So what if Donald and the others arrived there first?
It will be a futile exercise!


Chapter 2307 Your Country Owe Me A Debt Of Gratitude

Azure Dragon and the others managed to find out what happened that year.

Indeed, Levi was crowned as a hero in Archulea for fending off the country against the Progenitor.
There was even a celebratory ceremony.

However, Levi rejected their invitation.
Hence, Archulea promised to fulfill anything that Levi would have asked for. It was made abundantly clear the country owed Levi a debt of gratitude. As soon as Levi made a request, the entire nation would help him without any hesitation.
The request of giving up the new material paled in comparison to the commitment once made by Archulea.
Even though the new material was very valuable, it was also not an insurmountable task.
Looking at Levi’s condition, it would only require half of the new material to nurse him back to health.
It would be killing one bird with two stones.
On the one hand, Archulea could repay the debt of gratitude. On the other hand, they got to keep the new material safely in their vault.
It was a win-win situation.
Therefore, Azure Dragon and the others were calm and unworried.
They unhurriedly arrived at Archulea.
As compared to Donald and the others, Levi’s group was late for a whopping six hours.
“The changes in Archulea are simply mindblowing! Initially, the country did not even have a fighter to begin with. Fast forward to today, Archulea is a formidable force to be reckoned with!”
“I’ve just received news that there are top-ranked fighters safeguarding the Doomsday Seed Vault! Even our strongest fighters, Kirin, Sword Fiend, and Floyd are no match to them!”

Everyone started discussing the elite fighters in Archulea.
Levi grinned.
When he was released from the Prison of Darkness, the first place he stepped foot on was Archulea.
Back then, he had already realized that Archulea had many strong fighters.
There were more than ten who were stronger than Kirin.
Levi could not help but surmise that the fighters’ appearance in Archulea must have something to do with the Doomsday Seed Vault.
He had experienced the power of the Doomsday Seed Vault before.
Many items unknown to the world were kept hidden there.
It was not surprising that so many fighters showed up.
“You guys are finally here!” Levi’s group was welcomed with a sarcastic remark.
Tyrone and Donald eventually showed themselves.
“We have overestimated you! Looks like you are not concerned at all!” Tyrone snarked.
Donald was even more direct. “The obstacles that I planned should not stall you for such a long time. Is your delay on purpose?”
Donald’s stare fixated on Levi. “Do you guys want Levi to die? Is that why you’re delaying his journey? So that he will not obtain the new material to save his own life? Hahaha…”
A boisterous laugh filled the air.
Tyrone and the others followed suit.
However, Levi’s group was unbothered. With a scornful stare, they replied, “Well, you’re right. We are not worried at all.”
White Tiger chuckled. “Donald, I’ll just be blunt with you. Three years ago, boss was the one who chased away the Progenitor and solved the crisis in Archulea! They owe him a huge debt of gratitude and would not hesitate to repay the debt on his demand!”
“What?” Donald and the group was bewildered.
Never in their wildest dreams had they expected this.
Levi is once the savior of Archulea!
Archulea is indebted to Levi!
As soon as Levi demanded, the new material would be his to claim!
That explained the strange smile on Archulea’s representative just now.
Such a turn of events was unforeseeable!
As Levi and the group left the spot.
Donald instructed, “Let’s go. We shall follow them. Once they obtain the new material, we will snatch it away or destroy it!”
They secretly followed Levi.
Later, Levi and the others reached the venue arranged for the meeting.
Before them were Aristole and Niel, the ones who made the promise to Levi.
Levi said, “Three years ago I solved the crisis in Archulea. It was I who had defeated the Progenitor! You owe me a debt of gratitude and I am here to claim it!”


Chapter 2308 Shameless

Donald and the others broke out in cold sweat.

No one had expected how things eventually panned out.
Levi is once the savior of Archulea!

Looking at how things were going, Levi would be able to secure the new material.
At the same time, Donald was coming out with a plan to snatch away or destroy the new material.
His primary concern was the elite fighters that accompanied Levi. Kirin and the others were all there.
It would be difficult to snatch it away.
Levi glanced at Aristole and said, “The debt is long overdue! I just need two hundred grams of the new material! It’s not unreasonable. With that, we can call it even!”
Everyone hopefully gazed at Aristole.
Meanwhile, Donald began to feel a wave of anxiousness.
The other powerhouses similarly slumped into a state of nervousness.
By right, the new material should belong to Levi.
Everyone with their hearts beating rapidly, looked towards Aristole and the other representatives from Archulea.
“Debt of gratitude? What are you talking about? Aristole replied.
Everyone was shocked dumb!
Especially Levi and his team.
Are they going back on their words?
He doesn’t know what we’re saying?
If it were to be some other people, Levi would be able to understand.
But Aristole was the main witness of the incident that happened three years ago. Even worse, he was the promisor!
It’s impossible that he doesn’t know!
As for Niel, he was the one who insisted on crowning Levi as the hero of Archulea. Besides that, he even suggested organizing a ceremony to commemorate Levi’s contribution.
He should remember!
Levi turned his head and looked at Niel.
However, Niel gave a similar response, “That’s right. What debt of gratitude? I’m not aware of it. Such nonsense!”
Their gaze locked together before uttering coherently, “We have no idea what you are talking about.”
They then turned their heads backward. “Do you guys know what is going on?”
“No, we don’t!” they shook their heads in response.
Levi and his team were infuriated.
They’re doing this on purpose!
Aristole, Niel, and the rest are doing this on purpose!
How can it be that the witness himself was unaware?
That’s impossible!
They’re doing this on purpose!
“Who are you? Do we know you? Have we met before?” Aristole asked with confusion.
“He’s the prominent Levi. We know that. But this is our first encounter with you, right?”
Aristole and Niel ganged up to undermine Levi’s request.
Levi was surprisingly calmed and smiled in response. “Listen up. My name is Levi! Three years ago, when the Progenitor was massacring the people of Archulea, when your country was at the brink of collapse and when it was hopeless for your people, it was I who defeated the Progenitor and saved your country from demise!”
Levi continued his speech, “In order to thank me, you wanted to organize a ceremony, but I rejected your offer. However, I remember very clearly, that you promised and made an absolute commitment to repay me in the future!”
He ended his speech with an ultimatum. “And now is the time! Give me the new material! Do you understand?”
Azure Dragon and the others supported him and asserted, “Boss helped solve your national crisis by defeating the Progenitor. You owe him for that and it’s time to honor your promise!”
Levi and his men were confident as the statement was well substantiated.
The facts were proven by their own investigation.
Archulea owed Levi a big one for saving the country.
Ironically, the individuals who made the promise were right before them.
And they were rightfully demanding the fulfillment of the promise.
To their dismay, Aristole and Niel answered, “Nonsense! When did that happen? Such shameless accusations! How dare you claim credit for something you have not done!”
Those words caught them completely off guard.
The moment those words were uttered, all hell was let loose.


Chapter 2309 The Ungrateful

“The Progenitor is, no doubt, responsible for the danger that came after us earlier, and many cities had fallen because of him. However, that f*cking Levi Garrison is not the one who saved everyone. We are the ones who solved the problem on our own, and the Protectors from our Doomsday Seed Vault are the ones who should be praised!

“Everyone saw how powerful the Protectors in the Doomsday Seed Vault are, right? It’s nothing for them to destroy the Progenitor at all,” declared Aristole.
“Yes, you’re right.”

Everyone nodded in agreement.
They had witnessed the power that the Protectors from the Doomsday Seed Vault held.
That meant that Archulea had the strength to solve its own issues and didn’t need to depend on anyone else.
“We had begged the Labs of God from Zarain some time ago for help. In the end, we didn’t receive any help from them, and the danger had passed before they arrived,” replied Niel.
“He’s right. We’re all witnesses to it! The people from Labs of God returned without doing anything.”
Everyone nodded.
“That is also why Levi Garrison had nothing to do with anything. Who do you think you are? What makes you think you can fool us?”
“Oh yeah, I heard that you were attacked by the Maya Industries’ weapon and are on your deathbed. Are you here to con us because you heard that we have the means to cure you?”
Aristole and Niel never bothered admitting to being indebted to Levi.
That was something that Levi and the other never anticipated.
It could even be said that they could never even imagine something like that happening.
They assumed that Archulea would surely repay Levi for what he had done for them earlier.
It seemed things were more complicated than that.
It was true that they were there to get the new material, but they only needed a smidge of it.
Who would’ve thought that these assh*les would disregard their debt entirely? These ungrateful j*rks!
“How dare you say that you don’t know me? Or claim that this is all fake? Aren’t you two the ones who verbally declared that you owe me one and will throw me a party to thank me?” demanded Levi.
“That is not true at all. We’ve never even met you before today!”
“Also, you were never the one who rescued Archulea. Why do you insist on lying?”
The two men were quick to deny it all and refused to acknowledge anything.
“The citizens saw everything with their own eyes! Go on, ask them. Ask them who their savior is and who was it that rescued Archulea when it was in grave danger,” roared Levi.
“Okay, I’ll do just that.
“Who rescued Archulea three years ago when it was in grave danger?” asked Aristole after he had turned to face the public.
“We did it on our own! All thanks to the Protectors from the Doomsday Seed Vault.”
“We saved ourselves.”
Everyone screamed in unison.
The thousands of citizens of Archulea were just like Aristole and Niel.
No one wanted to admit to being indebted to Levi.
They were lying through their teeth and were twisting the facts.
Every single one of them was ungrateful assh*les! Archulea is a nation of selfish j*rks.
They refused to admit that Levi had rescued their country all those years ago.
Such an ungrateful country.
When Levi was strong, they regarded him as their savior and treated him like a hero. They even wanted to throw a parade for him.
Now that he was no longer a top fighter and was gravely wounded, the entire nation straight up ignored the promise they made all those years ago.
They denied the existence of that debt and disregarded Levi because they were too materialistic. They knew that they would not benefit from repaying that debt, since Levi was too weak to offer anything.
The country had already grown to be extremely strong, and they no longer needed Levi.
What’s the point of repaying our debt? Helping him no longer benefits us, so we might as well just ignore him. Besides, the value of that new material is way too high. It’d be such a waste to give it to Levi.
Those thoughts were why Archulea came together and firmly denied being indebted to Levi.
They would rather die than do so.
We’ll just ignore this entirely.


Chapter 2310 Not Much Time Left

Archulea had many outstanding fighters, and some were on the Divine Leaderboard.

That elevated their power from middle class to top-notch.
However, they truly had no way of dealing with the Progenitor back then.

The entire nation was brought to its knees, and no one was able to defeat the Progenitor.
The so-called Protectors from the Doomsday Seed Vault were nonexistent.
Every fighter they had in the Doomsday Seed Vault was trained within the last three years.
They f*cking had nothing three years ago!
“Wow, okay. You lying, ungrateful assh*les with no dignity whatsoever. What a nice life you lead now, huh? I bet you learn all this from Zarain. Maybe you guys should be even more shameless. That way, you’d make a great match to the stinking worms under your feet. Oh, wait, sorry. You’re worse than that, so I shouldn’t insult those worms,” said Levi.
He suddenly thought of the story he heard as a kid. A farmer rescued a snake, but that very snake ended up killing the farmer.
The citizens of Archulea are no different from the snake.
Aristole and Niel are such f*ckers.
“How dare you insult and reprimand us, Levi Garrison? This is Archulea, and we can kill you with a snap of our fingers!”
Aristole and the others were infuriated when they heard the diss.
They wanted to attack.
“I will give you one last chance. Confess and apologize now, and I will pretend nothing ever happened,” threatened Levi.
Everyone laughed upon hearing that.
They stared at Levi like they were looking at an idiot.
He wouldn’t need to threaten them if he was strong enough. Archulea would’ve admitted to being indebted to him from the very beginning and would hand the material over without making a fuss.
Unfortunately, Levi’s strength was a thing of the past.
The guy ranks lower than eight thousand and seven hundred on the Provisional Leaderboard! He is no different from a helpless baby at that moment. Plus, he doesn’t have much time left.
Those thoughts caused everyone to disregard Levi’s threat.
“Leave. Get the f*ck out of here. I can’t believe you came all the way just to con us. Archulea doesn’t owe anything to a punk like you!”
Aristole and the others wanted to chase Levi out immediately.
“Okay, I tried, but you refused to do the right thing, so anything goes,” sneered Levi.
He would not allow Archulea to behave like that.
Acting like that in front of Levi was, in a way, suicide.
Donald and Tyrone revealed themselves from the dark when they saw that.
They laughed aloud.
“Levi, didn’t you say that you are Archulea’s savior? Why aren’t they helping you? Hah, the entire country is claiming that they were never indebted to you.”
“Oh, this is hilarious. Why insist on making up a lie? How shameful are you? The people ratted you out immediately and are chasing you away.”
“Oh, it is so embarrassing that we have the same last name.”
Everyone laughed without holding back.
“Okay, then I’ll come to get the stuff myself when the night falls,” said Levi before he turned around to leave.
“Just you wait. You don’t have much time left.”
Azure Dragon and the others glared once at Aristole before they left as well.
Everyone laughed once more.
“You? Coming over to get the material? Not even in your dreams. Anyone but you, Levi Garrison, can have it. We will never admit to being indebted to you, and I’d like to see what you can do about it.”
Aristole and the others sneered.
“Alright then, I feel better now that I know Levi will never get his hands on the material. Let’s go.”
Donald and the others left.
So did the rest of the powerful figures.
What no one could’ve imagined was that Forlevia had gone to Archulea as well.
She hadn’t shown up in a while, but she had been training and had been searching for ways to cure Levi.
When she heard about how Archulea might have a way of saving her father, she headed over immediately.
She was ready to attack…
“Hmph, Levi Garrison is a j*rk.”
“That’s right. He had an ulterior motive for saving us all those years ago. Turns out, he had been waiting for the right time to demand payment.”
“Yeah, that is so unreasonable. Shouldn’t heroes rescue people for free? How can he show up in person and ask for us to repay him?”
Aristole and the others complained endlessly.


Chapter 2311 Everyone Got Hurt

They never took Levi seriously and refused to admit to being ungrateful assh*les.

So what if we don’t repay him? Nothing will happen to us, anyway.
Forlevia had been hiding in the dark and was fuming with anger.

These j*rks are so shameless.
She was going to make a move and get her hands on the new material herself.
Several Elders were also monitoring the situation from behind the scenes.
“F*ck them! How can the citizens of Archulea be so shameless? I’ll freaking kill all of them myself!”
Elder Celia, who had always had a bad temper, almost lost control and attacked.
“Hold on, we’re not in a position to attack.”
The others were quick to stop the Elders from attacking.
“It seems Evie is adamant about getting the new material. I am so worried about her,” murmured one Elder.
“That’s true. Her training has given her incredible skills, and no one is a match against her. However, Archulea has tons of skilled fighters, and even we will have difficulty defeating them. If Evie attacks on her own…”
The Elders were all worried.
“We have been guarding Evie in the dark and had never taken part in her battles before. However, it seems that we’ll have to do that now,” said Celia.
On the other side.
Levi and the others never left.
Instead, they went to stay in a manor.
Everyone tried to calm Levi down when they saw how angry he was.
“It’s fine. I’ll f*cking annihilate every single one of them tonight. No one will survive! They owe me a favor. Yet, they refuse to pay up. Oh, things will not end well for them!” growled Levi.
Azure Dragon and the others discussed the matter after they left Levi’s room.
“The citizens of Archulea are too much. They twisted the facts and are utterly shameless. We will not let them get away with it.”
“Yeah, did you see how angry the boss is?”
“I will not stand for this! Justice must be served.”
“Yeah. Let’s head over together and steal that material right away!”
Everyone was in agreement.
They departed together and went to Archulea’s Doomsday Seed Vault.
The country had tons of skilled fighters, but Azure Dragons had many skilled fighters on his side as well.
None were easy targets.
In fact, many of them were on the Divine Leaderboard.
When they reached the Doomsday Seed Vault, they attacked directly and aggressively.
Unfortunately, the Doomsday Seed Vault was ready for them. Elite fighters showed up from every corner and had the men surrounded.
Azure Dragon, Floyd, and the others turned grim as soon as the fight began.
Archulea has that many skilled fighters? And every single one of them is terrifying.
It was obvious that their enemies were ranked higher than they were on the Divine Leaderboard.
If my guess is right, over ten of them are on the top thirty of the list!
Kirin, who was ranked in the thirties on the list, was the best fighter that Azure Dragon had with them.
Hence, there was no way they could keep up.
The men slowly became overwhelmed, and many of them were injured.
“We can’t keep fighting like this…”
“Fall back! Everybody fall back.”
Unfortunately, the men soon learned that their escape route was blocked. They couldn’t flee.
Kirin and the others were trapped!
Just as their enemy closed in on them, terrifying forces blasted out from the dark.
They pushed the enemy away and gave Kirin and the other a safe passage out of the place.
The men were quick to flee.
Just as the fighters from Archulea were about to chase after the men, the fighters hiding in the dark acted out once more to stop the fighters.
When Kirin and the others reached a safe spot, they saw that a group of people was waiting for them.
That group of people was Forlevia and a few of her mentors.
The situation was grave earlier, and Forlevia was the only one who was supposed to help them out.
However, the elders were worried, so they attacked as well.
“Ah, so Forlevia and her legendary mentors are the ones who rescued us. Thank you so much. We would’ve been in trouble if it hadn’t been for you.”
Everyone thanked their saviors.
“Go home. This is beyond your paygrade, and you should come up with some other solution,” advised one Elder.
“Okay, understood.”
Azure Dragon and the other left right away.
When they returned to the manor, they saw that Levi was waiting for them.
“Where were you?” asked Levi sternly.
When he saw how everyone was injured, his expression took a sharp turn.
“They did this to you?”
Everyone remained quiet. No one dared to speak up.
“Okay, I got it. I’ll head out for a while,” replied Levi nonchalantly.


Chapter 2312 Murder Is What He Would Do

At first, Levi planned on waiting a little longer.

But those assh*les hurt my men!
It would be strange if Levi wasn’t mad.

I will freaking turn Archulea upside down today.
Kill! Murder! Massacre!
These f*cking assh*le! How dare they repay my kindness with heartlessness? Do they see me as a pushover? I rescued your a*sses from hell, and I can put you back to the same sh*t I rescued you from!
“Where are you going, boss?”
Phoenix, who was injured, tried to stop Levi, but he still walked away with a grouchy expression on.
He never replied.
“Just let him go. Evie and the Elders from The Cardinal Hall are there, so I’m sure he’ll be fine,” said Floyd.
“That’s true. Boss will be fine. Just let him be.”
Everyone thought that those words made sense.
Forlevia and the Elders were there, so it was likely that Levi would be safe.
They were all wounded and were in need of medical attention, so there was not much they could do, anyway.
What they didn’t know was that Forlevia tried to break through the Doomsday Seed Vault immediately after they left.
Unfortunately, her enemy had too many elite fighters with them.
It didn’t matter how strong she was. She was still a little behind.
It took her ages, but she still couldn’t break through, so she had to give up and retreat.
The elders couldn’t attack unless Forlevia was in danger because it wasn’t socially appropriate for them to demand that the Doomsday Seed Vault hand the new material over.
They represented The Cardinal Hall, after all, and they would be the laughing stock if they joined in the fight.
“Let’s fall back for now, Evie. We’ll come up with a solution for you. Taking it by force won’t do. At worst, we’ll just make them an offer they can’t refuse. We’ll negotiate with them tomorrow and will give them whatever it is they want.”
The Elders took Forlevia out of there soon after.
They had to promise Forlevia that they would let her exchange anything for the new material that could save Levi.
Only then did Forlevia leave.
They were going to negotiate with their enemy on the following day.
As soon as they left, a figure suddenly showed up.
It was Levi!
He had a grouchy expression on as he approached.
Over a hundred fighters were standing in front of the Doomsday Seed Vault.
Their leaders were Aristole and Niel.
The fighters on the Divine Leaderboard were there as well.
Quite a number of people had been trying to get their hands on the new material.
They were particularly worried when they saw how many skilled fighters Azure Dragon had with them.
Hence, Archulea assigned all of their best fighters over and was determined to keep the Doomsday Seed Vault safe.
They redirected the entire nation’s power to that one place, and it was truly horrifying.
The Doomsday Seed Vault already had dozens of elite fighters, to begin with, so the extra help made the place even more impenetrable.
Archulea was showing off all of its fighters in one go, and it was frightening.
A force like that… It could turn the entire world upside down!
One display was enough, and no one would ever dare to look down on them ever again.
No one would dare go after the Doomsday Seed Vault, either.
That was why Forlevia wasn’t able to break through.
Even the Elders weren’t certain that they could steal the new material from an army like that.
It was one of the reasons they hadn’t attacked earlier.
“I bet no one else would come over again.”
“Hah, no one has the guts to do so. A bunch of fighters on the Divine Leaderboard had just been wounded and forced to leave!”
“Yeah! It might actually be right to say that even the top fighters on the Divine Leaderboard will have trouble if they come over.”
“That’s true. Only an idiot would come over at a time like this.”
Aristole, Niel, and the others were still discussing the matter when a figure suddenly showed up.
It was Levi.
It didn’t take long before everyone saw who it was.
Everyone laughed when they saw Levi there, and Aristole was especially happy about it.
At that moment, they saw Levi as nothing but an idiot.
I can’t believe he came here at a time like this. What’s the point? Is he here to let us kill him?
Aristole was laughing so much that he was having a stomachache.
“What are you doing here, Levi Garrison?” asked Niel while laughing.
“Are you here to avenge your men?” asked a random fellow before he laughed aloud.
Just then, Levi slapped the guy and turned him into a bloody mist.


Chapter 2313 Then Die


The bloody mist spread out in front of everyone.

Aristole, Niel, and the others were affected the most because they were standing closest to the guy.
His blood splattered all over their faces.
Hence, they could all feel the warm blood sitting on their faces.
Silence ensued.
The entire place had turned eerily quiet.
No one thought that Levi would suddenly attack like that.
The man Levi slapped to death was relatively weak and was practically ranked last on the Provisional Leaderboard.
Still, it was rather terrifying that he was turned into a bloody mist in a matter of seconds.
“Kill him!” commanded Aristole right away after he regained his footing.
How dare he commit murder in front of us? He must die!
“Yeah, kill him!”
Niel and the others shouted as well.
Almost a hundred fighters attacked simultaneously.
It only took Levi a few slaps and a few punches to turn those fighters into bloody mists as well.
They never even had a chance to defend themselves.
How shocking!
Every single person on site was dumbstruck.
They stared at Levi in disbelief.
It wasn’t strange that he murdered one fighter, but he managed to kill close to a hundred of them. That was definitely upsetting.
“Attack, now! I don’t believe that Levi Garrison can threaten us on his own,” growled Aristole, who was getting a little angry.
He sent more and more fighters into the field.
However, Levi never stopped forging ahead.
It didn’t matter how many fighters were going after him. He still managed to turn them into a bloody mist with just one slap.
Everyone’s expression turned grim.
It was possible that the mediocre fighters they sent in earlier weren’t strong enough to defeat Levi, but things had since changed.
Most of the fighters they sent in after that were supposed to be stronger than Levi.
“I gave everyone a chance, but you refused to heed my warning.”
Levi sneered. He killed the fighters one after another.
“Oh no!”
“Oh sh*t!”
“Levi had been hiding his true strength!”
Aristole and Niel were quick to figure things out.
Given the power he was displaying at the time, there was no way he was ranked that low on the Provisional Leaderboard.
At the very least, he is on the top of the Provisional Leaderboard!
“Is that so? Then I will kill him!”
A Doomsday Seed Vault’s Protector, who was on the Divine Leaderboard, grinned evilly while slowly approaching Levi.
As far as the fighter was concerned, it didn’t matter how strong Levi was. There is no way he is on the Divine Leaderboard.
Unfortunately, the fighter instantly got slapped into a bloody mist. It was as if the fighter was an exploding watermelon.
Everyone was stunned to see that.
He killed a fighter on the Divine Leaderboard just like that? Just how strong is that guy?
Aristole’s and Niel’s minds were blank.
They didn’t even know how to process everything they were seeing.
“Kill him!”
The others fighters went after Levi one after another.
They refused to let Levi stomp on Archulea’s pride like that.
Even the fighters on the Divine Leaderboard were going all out.
“Are you the ones who wounded my men?” demanded Levi cruelly.
“Yeah, we are! Those useless pieces of trash are weak. Yet, they tried to steal the new material. They were lucky they ran fast enough. If they hadn’t, they would all be dead now.”
“What’cha gonna do? Avenge those idiots?”
The fighters on the Divine Leaderboard never took Levi seriously.
“Good to know. Now die!”
Levi’s massacre began as soon as he finished speaking.
The fighters on the Divine Leaderboard started the fight feeling proud, but that was soon replaced with surprise, then horror, then hopelessness.
The fighters on the Divine Leaderboard fell one by one as Levi turned them all into nothing but rotting meat.
Despite their terrifying fighting skills and powers, they were still no more than ordinary folks when faced with Levi.
He literally slapped them all to their deaths.
His combat prowess was undeniable.
In a matter of seconds, over a hundred fighters had turned into a pile of rotting meat.
The more fighters Levi fell, the more terrified Archulea was.
Every single citizen on site was about to go crazy.
T-They were the best fighters in the country, and they were the country’s pride and joy! Yet, he killed them in an instant.
The most terrifying bit was that Levi only needed to slap them once to kill them off, and that was true, regardless of how powerful the fighters were.
“Is that all you’ve got?”
Levi scanned the citizens of Archulea slowly.a


Chapter 2314 The Price Of Being Ungrateful

A single man was taunting the entire nation…

No one would be able to hold their anger in.
“Archulea’s pride hangs in the balance, so we must take him down! We will not endure this kind of humiliation.”

“Kill him. We have to kill him.”
Archulea’s fighters were rather prideful.
Every single one of them attacked Levi.
A hundred thousand fighters ended up zipping over together.
It was simply too shocking.
“Hah!” scoffed Levi.
They may have more men with them, but none of those fighters are worth anything! They are nothing but cannon fodder.
The battle lasted for about half an hour.
In the end, only one person remained standing in front of the Doomsday Seed Vault.
Corpses filled the spacious field.
Everyone was moaning in pain and was groaning on the ground.
A hundred thousand fighters… Yet, not a single one was on their feet.
Levi had squashed all hundred thousand of them on his own.
They were lucky that Levi held back and didn’t annihilate them all.
If he hadn’t, all fighters within the country would’ve died a horrible death.
No one would survive.
All that was left was Aristole, Niel, and the others. They were trembling endlessly as nervous sweat dripped down their foreheads.
Actually, it might be more accurate to say that liquid was dripping from every single pore.
Their pants, in particular, were extremely wet.
A pungent smell, the one resulting from the mixture of sweat and urine, was all over them.
They were so scared that they peed themselves and were crying.
They never could’ve guessed that Levi would end up being that strong…
Who the hell said that Levi’s strength was a thing of the past? And which idiot ranked Levi below eight thousand on the Provisional Leaderboard?
His combat prowess… he’s probably on the f*cking top of the Divine Leaderboard!
And what is up with the fake news that claimed that he was on his deathbed because he was injured by the Maya Industries?
Aristole and the others were so angry that they could die of high blood pressure.
They also deeply regretted their decision.
Earlier, they denied the fact that Levi had rescued Archulea three years ago because they thought that he was too weak. They assumed that they would not benefit from repaying his kindness.
Hence, they thought that it didn’t matter if they repaid their debt.
But he turns out to be so freaking strong that he can annihilate the entire country!
Levi had proven that, even on his own, he could crush the top hundred thousand fighters in Archulea.
He slowly walked over to Aristole and Niel before asking, “So, what’s the verdict? Do you still deny that I rescued your country three years ago?”
Aristole and the others knelt down right away and banged their heads on the ground.
“Yes, you are our savior.”
“Your rescued Archulea three years ago.”
“We are monsters, and we made a mistake. You’re a generous man, so please forgive us for our petty mistake.”
“You’re our deity. From now on, we will worship you like you are a deity.”
Everyone begged for Levi’s forgiveness.
Levi chuckled and reminded, “I’ve already given you a chance at redemption, but you assh*les refused to do what’s right, so drop dead!”
Levi didn’t show any mercy to j*rks like Aristole.
A bolt of lightning flashed over, and blood splattered.
Aristole and the others were instantly annihilated.
“This is the price for being ungrateful!” growled Levi evilly.
The ones who were still alive had become quiet.
They would never forget that day.
“You know what to do, don’t you?” asked Levi.
Everyone nodded vigorously.
Levi left after that.
No one else would know what happened there that day.
Levi was the head of the Sacred Organization, after all, so it only took one word from him to keep the news contained.
Phoenix and the others kept quiet when they saw that Levi was safe and back.
With Forlevia and the Elders there, it is only natural that Levi is safe.
They ignored Levi and continued tending to their wounds.
Levi went to bed right away.
The next day.
Everyone was woken by a series of hushed knocks.
That surprised them and prompted them to gather by the front door.
“Hello, I am Elliot, the representative of Archulea. I am here to deliver the new material over. This is everything we have.”
Everyone was speechless.


Chapter 2315 Did You Do This

Azure Dragon, Floyd, Sword Fiend, and the others were all flabbergasted to hear that.

Just the night before, they had to risk their lives to get their hands on the material. They fought us then but are delivering the material to us this morning… What is going on?
Everyone saw just how powerful the fighters in Archulea were.

The country even assigned a ridiculous number of fighters over to protect the Doomsday Seed Vault, and that showed how determined they were to keep the materials to themselves.
They were going all out and would sacrifice anything to ensure that no one got their hands on those new materials!
Who would’ve thought that someone would deliver the very item over on the next morning?
Azure Dragon and the others felt like it might be a con.
However, Elliot was the new ruler of Archulea, and his political position was something that neither Aristole nor Niel could compare.
No one can fake being him, so he has to be the real deal! Also, he definitely has the authority to open the Doomsday Seed Vault.
Phoenix examined the materials as well and learned that the item delivered was authentic.
They actually deliver the material over? But why? What happened last night? How did things change so drastically?
“Is this for real?”
Everyone looked flabbergasted.
It felt like they were fantasizing it all, and it was simply too surreal.
“It’s the real deal. I am here to represent Archulea and deliver the new material. Please also note that we have issued an official apology to Mr. Levi Garrison. He was the one who rescued us three years ago and chased the Progenitor away. The country has already punished Aristole and the others for their despicable way of dealing with things. They were all given the death penalty.”
Everyone was even more surprised after hearing what Elliot said.
What the hell happened? First, Elliot is delivering the new material in person. Then, they publicly apologized.
This behavior is out of the norm… Heck, it is downright f*cking strange. Why are they doing this? Archulea didn’t need to do anything.
Given the strength they possess, they can be as shameless as they want and continue denying the truth. No one could do anything about it.
Phoenix and the others were great examples of that. They went to seek justice, but they couldn’t do anything about their enemy’s strength.
In the end, they could only fume internally.
That was why everything that happened the following morning seemed out of the norm.
Everything is freaking strange!
“Please, please inform Mr. Garrison that we have learned our lesson and will never make the same mistake again. From now on, the country will be free of all ungrateful men and women. That is a promise,” declared Elliot fearfully.
After saying his piece and making his delivery, the guy ran like the wind.
It was as if he was worried that Levi would show up if he stayed for too long.
That confused Azure Dragon and the others even more.
Seriously, what the f*ck happened? What made Archulea suddenly cave in like this?
They stared at the new material they had with them and became lost in their own minds.
Levi woke up at that moment and exited his room. He was yawning and stretching when he asked, “Did they deliver the new material over?”
“Huh? How did you know that?”
Everyone was curious… Actually, it might be more accurate to say that they were surprised.
How did he know?
“Because I am the one who had them make the delivery. I asked them to do so because I wanted everyone to feel at ease. Oh, and I’ve killed all the guys who wounded everyone last night, so I’ve avenged you,” replied Levi nonchalantly.
It was as if he was talking about the weather.
However, his words got Azure Dragon and the others to drop their jaws.
Everyone stared at Levi in astonishment and confusion.
What the f*ck is going on? Is he really behind it all? But that’s not possible. To accomplish something like this, he would need the strength to bring the entire country to its knees!
Archulea had too many elite fighters, and they had over a hundred thousand fighters stationed there.
Among those fighters were the ones that were ranked on the Divine Leaderboard. Azure Dragon and the others learned firsthand just how strong those fighters were. They even wounded us!
Only the top-ranking fighters on the Divine Leaderboard can accomplish something like this… Heck, it might even be possible that only the guy ranked number one is capable of something like this.
That means that Dark Emperor will have to show up in person to do something like that.
“Err… Boss, are you really the one who did all this?”


Chapter 2316 The Dumb List

Black Tortoise tested the waters and asked cautiously.

Everyone else was curious about it as well.
Levi gave them a cliff’s note version of how he squashed the entire nation.

They believed what Levi said about what had happened.
Just then, Azure Dragon and the others suddenly recalled something.
Everyone turned to one another and suddenly understood something.
It’s Forlevia and her mentors! They rescued us the night before, and there is only one reason they would show up there in the first place.
They wanted to get the new material for boss!
That means they must’ve attacked!
The Elders from The Cardinal Hall aren’t in the position to show up in public, so they secretly pressured the country and forced them to deliver the item. Okay, everything makes sense now.
This is all Evie and her mentors’ doing. Evie might not have what it takes to bring the entire nation to its knees, but her mentors do. They are on the Divine Leaderboard, but no one would dare go against them, anyway. They can certainly accomplish all that if they join forces.
Everyone grinned after they made sense of everything.
Levi saw the expression on their faces and knew what they were thinking.
He didn’t mind not getting any credit, though.
Meh, as long as they feel safe.
“You should swallow the new material now that we have it with us.”
“Yeah, let’s hurry before they change their minds.”
Everyone took the new material over for Levi to swallow.
Levi didn’t want anyone to worry, so he swallowed it obediently.
Everyone sighed a breath of relief when they saw him take the new material.
After that, they stored the rest of the new material. They cheered and started celebrating.
“We spent so much time, but it is all worth it. We finally cured boss!”
“This is perfect. We’ve cured the root of boss’ illness.”
“Thank the heavens. I knew it. I told you that boss will be just fine.”
Everyone cheered, but Azure Dragon remained calm.
“Just to be sure, please examine boss once more, Phoenix,” requested Azure Dragon.
Phoenix began examining immediately.
An hour later.
Phoenix blurted in surprise, “It seems that the material is working! Boss’ health is tip-top, and there is no sign of him being sick. Looks like the effects of Maya Industries’ weapon have been neutralized completely. Boss has recovered!”
Phoenix’s words got everyone all fired up.
They celebrated freely and happily.
Everyone assumed that the new material had cured Levi of the chemical substance caused by the Maya Industries.
They didn’t know that Levi was never sick in the first place.
Truth was, Phoenix was too worried and thought that something was off with Levi’s health, even when he was just fine. She simply assumed that the poison was idle and hadn’t acted up.
His condition remained the same after he took the new material, but Phoenix’s anxiety had eased up. That was why she gave Levi a clean bill of health after she examined him again.
Levi grinned exasperatedly.
His health had nothing to do with the new material, but Azure Dragon and the others thought that the new material cured him.
Levi didn’t care what they thought, though. He just wanted them to be happy.
“Alright, let’s head back now. We must keep the remaining new material safe.”
Everyone returned right away.
“Boss, you will have to train hard after you return. The competition between you and your wife is still on. You only have two months left, right? You must rank higher than she does.”
“He’s right. Once she recovers, her strength will likely rise exponentially, and she will definitely be one of the top-ranking individuals on the Divine Leaderboard. You can’t lose. Let’s rush home and find a way to merge all of our techniques. Make it into something of your own and wow everyone!” said Azure Dragon with a smile.
Everyone else nodded in agreement. “That’s right. We have faith in you, boss, and are holding our breaths to see how bright your future is.”
Everyone was anticipating the birth of yet another great fighter.
“Pfft, just let them rank however they like.”
Levi never gave a sh*t about a stupid list, anyway.


Chapter 2317 The Accomplishment Of The Cardinal Hall

It didn’t take long before Elliot got a press conference together to apologize to Levi publicly. The former also admitted to being indebted to Levi because the latter rescued the country three years ago.

Additionally, Elliot claimed that the country had given Levi every last bit of its material to thank Levi for his kindness.
Everyone was surprised to hear that.

They were most curious about why Archulea had changed stance so drastically in one day.
Just the day before, the citizens were arrogant and didn’t give a sh*t about anyone.
Yet, they were apologizing on the day after.
It was unbelievable.
What the hell happened last night?
Everyone was sure that something had happened, but they didn’t know the specifics.
It seems that someone has sealed up all records, and there is no way to even begin an investigation.
Everyone had their attention on the dark web at the time.
Unfortunately, the dark web never shared any news, either.
The scariest bit of the press release was that it proved that Levi had gotten his hands on the new material.
That means he will be fine…
Donald and Tyrone were flabbergasted.
They thought that Archulea would never help Levi and assumed that Levi would definitely die.
To their surprise, Archulea apologized on the very next day and delivered the new material in person.
Levi instantly recovered, and all of our efforts had gone to waste.
“Looks like we will have to look into other avenues to deal with Levi…”
Donald and the others were already trying to come up with a new way to go after Levi.
Everyone else felt just as disappointed.
They thought that Levi would surely fall, but to their surprise, he got his hands on the new material and survived.
Some enemies tried to attack after hearing how Levi got his hands on the new material.
To their dismay, Azure Dragon and the others worked quickly and had returned to Erudia before anyone could do anything.
“What do we do with the rest of this new material?”
Everyone was struggling with that issue after they got home.
“Oh well, Archulea gave the material to boss, so he should be the one to decide what to do with it. We can’t keep it for ourselves,” said Azure Dragon.
Levi grinned and replied, “This stuff is of no use to me, so you guys should just take it. Do whatever you want with it. You can even throw it if you want.”
“Okay then, boss. We will take the new material and do some research. This stuff is too valuable, and it is crucial for many research.”
“It’s probably for the best. Many have their eyes on the new material, and it will probably be difficult for you to keep it safe. It’d be dangerous if a bunch of fighters came to try and steal it.”
“That’s true. Protecting it will be a lot more difficult than getting it. It’s best if we keep it in Garrison Industry.”
“Hey, that’s a brilliant idea! I’d be worried if boss is keeping it on him. Locking it up is the safest and best option.”
Everyone was worried about Levi’s safety, so they thought that the best option was to keep it within Garrison Industries.
When Azure Dragon and the others took the new material to Garrison Industry, they saw that Edmund was waiting for them.
“You returned with the new material,” commented The Cardinal Hall General with a smile.
He was excited when he heard that they had returned with the new material.
Levi’s survival, however… Meh, who cares about that guy? What is he compared to the value of the new material?
It’d be a joke to say that he actually gave a sh*t about Levi’s life.
No, he only came in person for that new material.
“Yeah, we got it. It belongs to boss, but he let us have it.”
Phoenix showed the guy the new material.
“What does he have anything to do with this? Archulea only apologized and handed the item over after The Cardinal Hall’s Elders put the pressure on them. At the end of the day, Eragon and The Cardinal Hall were the ones who accomplished all of this. Hence, Levi has nothing to do with it,” said Edmund.
Everyone became quiet after hearing that.
Well, I guess he is right about that.
Others might not know why Archulea had a change of heart, but Azure Dragon and the others did.
Evie and her mentors were the ones who got Archulea to hand the new material over.


Chapter 2318 I Will Be Waiting At The Top Of The Mountain

“In a way, Levi should thank The Cardinal Hall for everything. We only did it for his daughter’s sake, but it was undeniable that it was our Elders who got him the cure,” added Edmund with a smile.

“That’s true. We thank you on behalf of our boss,” said the others.
“Since The Cardinal Hall is the one responsible for getting it, I should hold on to it.”

Edmund snatched the new material from Phoenix.
Everyone thought that something seemed off, but they couldn’t quite put their finger on it.
In the end, Edmund left with the new material.
He took it to do some research, but he was working for Erudia anyway, so the others let it go.
That being said, Azure Dragon and the others soon noticed that the people working for Garrison Industry seemed to be avoiding them.
It’s like they’re singling us out and are trying to take our power away until, little by little, our positions become nothing but empty shells.
Aside from that, life had been peaceful.
Levi continued training as he investigated and tried to locate the Lab of Gods.
Fifteen days later, Zoey recovered and emerged.
Her combat prowess got her onto the Divine Leaderboard.
Zoey then became the reason the Divine Leaderboard had to be updated regularly.
She made it so that there was a change on the list every day.
One month later, she was ranked as one of the top one hundred fighters on the Divine Leaderboard.
Levi’s position also changed.
After he supposedly got cured of the Maya Industries’ chemical, his combat prowess increased as well.
He rose from below eight thousand on the Provisional Leaderboard to slightly below six thousand on the same list.
“Not bad, boss. You’ve improved by quite a lot and surpassed over two thousand fighters. If things keep progressing this way, you will make it to the Divine Leaderboard soon!”
Everyone was pleased.
The fact that Levi had surpassed that many fighters meant that he truly had worked long and hard.
He didn’t let us down.
Naturally, that level of improvement was nothing compared to Zoey’s progress.
It might even be right to say that Levi’s improvement was sh*t.
After all, the difference in speed was too great. It was like comparing the speed of a child on a tricycle against the speed of a pilot on a jet.
In less than two months, Zoey went from someone who wasn’t even in the Provisional Leaderboard to one of the top one hundred fighters on the Divine Leaderboard.
That level of improvement was simply too much… and perhaps a little terrifying.
Naturally, Zoey was delighted to see that Levi had improved as well.
“Keep going and take it slow. I believe in you, and I’m sure you’ll make it to the Divine Leaderboard, eventually. I will be waiting for you to challenge me at the top of the mountain. Remember our deal. We still have one month to go,” said Zoey with a smile.
The truth was that Zoey was actually disappointed.
She had hoped that Levi would improve quickly and put pressure on her.
That way, they could encourage each other to improve.
Unfortunately, nothing of the sort happened. Their difference was simply too great.
At first, Zoey thought that Levi could at least make it to the top one thousand on the Provisional Leaderboard, but he didn’t manage to put any pressure on her at all…
It was as if he was a piece of useless trash.
At that moment, Levi could no longer inspire her to work harder.
Hence, Zoey’s only source of inspiration was Forlevia.
The mother-daughter duo fought once, and Zoey was still slightly weaker than Forlevia.
Zoey wanted to be at the top with Forlevia, anyway. They would have to wait for Levi to make it slowly to the top, though.
I would settle for someone mediocre, but I honestly don’t need him anymore.
Azure Dragon and the others went to Levi with heavy hearts.
“Boss, we might be praising you, but you should still see the truth.”
“We know that the Lopez and Black families have stolen all the technique books we gave you. We also know that you have been using the older techniques to train.”
“Unfortunately… Well, you see it too, right? The old methods aren’t working well. You’re still on the Provisional Leaderboard, whereas Zoey, who has been using the new methods, has risen to the top one hundred. She wasn’t even a fighter back then. It is clear that the new method is working better.”
“It also means that the traditional methods were superseded. It can’t possibly compete against the new methods.”


Chapter 2319 The Lopez And Black Families Did It

“Yes, indeed. You represent the old era, while Zoey represents the new era. Two months’ time is enough to decide the winner between you both.”

“Comparing you and her is like comparing a kitten to a tiger.”
“Boss, please wake up and face the reality. You need to abandon everything that’s unsuitable! I believe you’ll become more capable than Zoey and the rest if you focus on training the new techniques. After all, you’re talented and experienced enough to do that.”

“Boss, just listen to us. You need to increase your ability as soon as possible, so we will stop worrying about you.”
Everyone joined in to persuade Levi.
He merely snorted. “What do you know?”
The Provisional Leaderboard and Divine Leaderboard were ranked by one hundred organizations and forces in the world.
Little did they know that half of the organizations were under the control of Sacred Organization.
Thus, Levi could control the ranking of the Divine Leaderboard if he wanted.
His ranking on the Provisional Leaderboard wasn’t even accurate, for he told the organizations to put his name on any ranking.
It wouldn’t affect anything, anyway.
However, the other fighters’ rankings were accurate, supported by data and analysis.
Only Levi’s ranking was filled in randomly.
“Boss, we know you’re reluctant. Let me give you an example.”
Kirin pointed somewhere ahead and said, “Look at the Lopez and Black families who took all the technique books. After practicing the techniques from the new era, they have transformed.”
He added, “For example, the talented Shaun, Logan, Jennie, Melanie are the top one hundred on the Provisional Leaderboard. Shaun is ranked eighth, and he’ll be entering the Divine Leaderboard anytime! Henry, Fabian, and the rest are now ranked in the top one thousand on the Provisional Leaderboard! They were so bad that they couldn’t rank in the Provisional Leaderboard, but now they are elite fighters!”
After the Lopez and Black families received the top technique books of the era, their strength increased tremendously.
“There are two other people that will blow your mind. Boss, they are both your parents-in-law! Zoey picked suitable techniques for them. Now, one of them is ranked number nine hundred and eighty-seven, and the other is ranked number nine hundred and ninety-six on the Divine Leaderboard! Previously, they were ordinary people, but after practicing the techniques from the new era, they experienced tremendous growth! You have to accept the reality!”
Though Levi had no idea that his parents-in-law were now ranked on the Divine Leaderboard, he wasn’t surprised to learn about that.
After all, it was perfectly normal for this crash course to create fighters in just two months.
It wasn’t anything new.
Anyway, these were trash to Levi, for he was not your average Joe!
“Boss, think about it. If you can’t even defeat these pieces of trash, others might make fun of you! To prevent that, you should start practicing the techniques now!”
Various voices persuaded Levi.
Levi grinned. “A bunch of insolent fools. Well, you need to expand your horizon.”
“We need to expand our horizon?” They froze in shock at his words.
Did he just say that the top fighters on the Divine Leaderboard need to expand their horizon? What about ordinary people, then?
“Boss, you’re a great person, but you’re too stubborn,” they complained.
“You’re going to lose that three-month challenge with Zoey!”
Levi laughed. “I have one month left, right? There’s no rush.”
Suddenly, a voice rang out. “Levi’s prepared to lose the bet. Mentioning the three-month period is useless!”


Chapter 2320 Obstinance

It was Shaun and his men.

They were ranked on the Provisional Leaderboard and were a few places away from the Divine Leaderboard.
They weren’t talented enough to make it into the Divine Leaderboard though they had the crash course.

One could easily rank in the Divine Leaderboard with the necessary techniques.
But now, they had arrived to gloat in front of Levi.
“Levi, I heard you refuse to practice the technique book. We’re here to thank you. If you hadn’t given up, we wouldn’t have grown this much. We’re about to enter the Divine Leaderboard soon!”
“Look, you’re ranked thousandth on the Provisional Leaderboard. You’re no match for us, let alone Zoey. Are you still going to battle her?”
The Lopez and Black families sneered in disdain.
Azure Dragon and the rest said nothing, for they were right.
Zoey was as strong as the strongest fighter among them, let alone Levi.
In fact, it was safe to say that they were worlds apart now!
The three-month challenge was nothing but a joke.
Right then, Aaron and his wife appeared.
Both of their achievements came as a big surprise, for they used to be ordinary people but ended up as fighters ranked on the Divine Leaderboard!
They were now the most respected fighters in the Lopez and Black families.
Upon their arrival, Shaun and the rest parted to make way for them.
They both came to a stop before Levi. After giving him the once-over, they sighed in unison.
“Levi, you’re really weak now. We won’t compare you to Evie or Zoey. Just look at us. Don’t you realize the stark difference between us and you?” Aaron declared. “You used to be the strongest fighter around. Why are you stuck in the past, remaining stagnant? There are plenty of ways to increase your power, but you refused to practice them and instead stuck to the stuff from the past!”
His mother-in-law chimed in, “That’s right. There are countless techniques for you to improve yourself. Look, we’re now ranked on the Divine Leaderboard after practicing the techniques! You’re talented enough to do it. Besides, Zoey told us how you could combine thousands of techniques into one, making it one of the kind. Why don’t you give it a try?”
She was patient enough to try to convince him to change his mind.
Aaron snorted. “Levi, you’re too proud to practice the techniques your disciples and subordinates offer, right? Wake up, for this is the era where the fittest survives. Your dignity is worth nothing. Strength trumps everything else! It’s the only way for you to survive. Go and train now! Take all the technique books with you. It might be impossible for you to exceed Zoey’s strength, but at least you can minimize the gap between you both!”
Both Aaron and his wife reasoned with Levi.
Besides being his elders, they were strong enough to do so.
The corners of Levi’s lips curled into a smile. “Dad, Mom, don’t worry. I have my own way. Zoey has to show me respect. She can’t possibly exceed me!”
“How stubborn of you!”
“It’s like talking to a wall!”
“Yes! Everyone kept saying that elderly people like us are stubborn and strait-laced, but you’re the most stubborn and strait-laced person I’ve ever seen! Since you insist on training your old techniques, go head. The difference between you and Zoey will grow bigger as time tick past! Let’s see who will get humiliated when the three-month period is up!”
Both of them left in a huff.
Instead of yelling at Levi, Zoey kept encouraging him. She knew it wasn’t the time to persuade him to change his mind.
Alas, he refused to listen to her words.
The only way was to make him realize the gap between them after three months so he could catch up.
“Levi, I shall wait for the end of the three-month period to arrive!”


Chapter 2321 Maya Industries

Only the harsh truth would wake someone up from his dream.

Zoey wanted Levi to realize the huge gap between their strength!
He would have to be forced to a corner to face the harsh reality before he’d make up his mind to work hard and train accordingly to the technique book left by his disciple.

Otherwise, advising or mocking him wouldn’t work.
A person with exceptional ability might end up helpless in the face of a minor problem.
Now that Levi was a Provisional Leaderboard fighter, he could solve most problems himself.
Besides, his comrades and disciples who were Divine Leaderboard fighters kept him safe along with his daughter, Forlevia, who was also a formidable fighter.
He wouldn’t run into any trouble for now.
Thus, he could afford to remain conservative instead of figuring ways to improve his strength.
Only the cruel truth and desperation would force him to improve.
A month later, Zoey would let him know his place and stop his comrades from protecting him.
Levi would then know his precarious state, that Grim Reaper was waiting to take his life.
That way, he’d do his best to improve.
He would be willing to abandon everything that stood in his way.
Anyway, Zoey just had to wait for a month more.
“Mmm. I’ll wait for the day to arrive!” Levi answered with a grin.
For the next few weeks, both sides did their best to improve themselves.
The Lopez and Black families also found a quiet spot for their solitary training.
Azure Dragon and the others had wasted a lot of time on Levi recently.
After making sure he was fine, they promptly went to training to improve their strength.
As usual, Levi trained and searched for clues.
A few days later, Sammy contacted him.
She claimed Maya Industries had taken action by sending their men to Triple Group to collect all the data from the monster experiment.
However, they didn’t even spare a glance at the monster locked in the fortress as though the monster was of no interest to them.
After all, Levi had killed all monsters, sparing none of their lives.
If Maya Industries wanted to take a look at the monsters, Sammy would have to hire people to disguise as the monsters, but the former had no interest in them.
Perhaps the data was most important to them.
“I think they retrieved the data for the monster experiment was a great success. I believe they’ll take action soon,” Sammy reported.
Levi had the same idea, too.
It felt like Maya Industries was acting like the Lab of Gods now.
Though there was no solid evidence to prove Maya Industries was related to the Lab of Gods, there were various clues connecting them both together.
After all, they were too similar.
Actually, Levi had been comparing Maya Industries and Lab of Gods recently, as there was no development in the investigation.
After hearing what Peter had to say, he was certain that there was more to the story than what met the eye.
Maya Industries had been using Triple Group to experiment on mutated zombies, so that must’ve meant something.
Obviously, Triple Group wasn’t the only one.
Maya Industries had control over many forces, and Triple Group was only one of them.
Owing to the vast influence of the Sacred Organization and the powerful stakeholders affiliated with it, Levi discovered that the project was vital to Maya Industries.
They must’ve spent a lot of effort on it, but it wasn’t quite sure what it was all about.
Now that Sammy provided some updates, Levi thought that was entirely possible.
“Right. I shall see what Maya Industries is going to do next!”
Levi then ordered Sacred Organization and the forces affiliated with Sacred Organization to pay attention to the matter.
A few days later, Maya Industries released news that shocked the entire world.
The world exploded in a frenzy as soon as word got out.
Zoey, Azure Dragon, Floyd, and everyone couldn’t hide their excitement.


Chapter 2322 Lose All Hope

It wasn’t just them, for various forces and fighters around the world were alarmed as well.

Those in solitary training immediately exited their training.
It was because Maya Industries had released news that they would be launching a tournament challenge.

The tournament challenge was meant for fighters who were stuck. They would get to improve their combat prowess here.
Indeed, Maya Industries’ previous tournament challenge had helped a lot of people to improve their strength.
Even Azure Dragon and the others had participated in the tournament challenge held by Maya Industries previously.
The tournament challenge was difficult, and the participants were likely to lose their lives, but those who survived would get considerably stronger.
After all, the fastest way to improve oneself was to take part in an actual battle.
Now that everyone had gained their strength from crash courses, after a few rounds of challenges, their strength improved remarkably.
Most importantly, Maya Industries’ tournament challenge was well made.
They utilized the latest technologies to create all sorts of challenges—increasing one’s defense skills, attack skills, both defense and attack skills, and even assassination skills.
They can do things beyond one’s wildest imagination.
Those who wanted to increase a specific skill or comprehensive skills could achieve that by participating in Maya Industries’ tournament challenge.
For the past three years, Maya Industries only released one tournament challenge when the new era first began.
At first, nobody bothered to join.
It was only after someone achieved success that the others began flocking to Maya Industries to get a spot.
Back then, Azure Dragon and his team got to rise through the ranks swiftly.
Besides them, most of the fighters in the Divine Leaderboard improved considerably after joining the challenge.
Zoey, too, had participated in the tournament challenge and increased her strength.
Thus, after hearing about the new tournament challenge, Zoey came out of her solitary training without hesitation.
The tournament challenge back then only lasted for three months, so everyone couldn’t even join even if they wanted to after the period ended.
They had been waiting for Maya Industries to come up with a new tournament challenge.
After a long time, finally, their wish came true.
The new tournament challenge was more powerful than before!
Thus, it was perfect for fighters who wanted to gain more strength.
After hearing the news, Levi’s lips curved into a smirk. “Finally, they are showing their true colors. I know what the tournament challenge is all about!”
He guessed that Maya Industries was going to use the mutated zombies this time by making them battle against the challengers!
Levi immediately contacted Sammy, who had the same thought in mind.
Obviously, the tournament challenge was going to involve mutated zombies.
However, no one knew the reason behind this setting.
Either way, the specifics would only be revealed when the tournament challenge began.
“Though I disapprove of many things in the new era, truth to be told, they have enough experience in actual combat!”
Levi nodded.
Though Azure Dragon and the others used shortcuts to improve their strength, they participated in various actual and dangerous combat fights.
They deserved to receive praises for what they did.
The tournament challenge prepared by Maya Industries would begin three days later in an indigenous forest deep in the heart of Adrune.
Registration was now open.
At once, the world was in an uproar.
Everyone rushed to register their names for the tournament challenge.
When Levi was busy wondering about the reason behind Maya Industries’ tournament challenge, Zoey and his comrades came to him.
“Why are you here?” He was shocked by their sudden appearance.
“Get prepared. We shall join the challenge organized by Maya Industries! You have less than a month left to exceed me, so the only way is to take part in a cruel training like this,” Zoey explained.
This tournament challenge would allow Zoey to increase her strength and make Levi wallow in despair after realizing how weak he was before the agreed time was up.
She had discussed with Azure Dragon and the rest, and came up with an idea to leave Levi alone after they entered the indigenous forest.
He would only regain his senses when he felt threatened.


Chapter 2323 One Third Of The Forces Quit

Levi would only realize how weak and helpless he was when forced into a corner.

His strength wasn’t enough to ensure his survival, let alone protect someone else.
After Levi realized he wasn’t strong enough, he’d give up on the past and accept the new stuff from the new era to improve his strength swiftly.

Thus, Zoey immediately gathered them for a discussion after the news of the challenge was released.
Everyone decided that it was a great plan.
They would have to bring Levi along to the tournament challenge.
“You have to go! You don’t have a choice. Evie’s coming along, too. Are you sure about your decision not to go?” Zoey exclaimed.
Actually, Levi planned to find out what Maya Industries’ real plan was.
The best way was to sneak in and make himself a target to find out the truth.
Levi was wondering how to do that when they arrived and provided him with the solution.
“All right. I shall take part in the tournament challenge!” he announced.
Everyone nodded happily. “Okay. Get prepared. We’re going to depart now!”
Something occurred to Levi as he asked, “By the way, did a lot of people register to take part in the challenge this time?”
“What? Boss, let me put it this way: besides the top ten Divine Leaderboard fighters, the other one thousand Divine Leaderboard fighters and ten thousand Provisional Leaderboard fighters had registered their names. Including the other fighters, there had to be at least tens of thousands of participants!”
“To conclude, almost all the above-average fighters in the world will be taking part. There are plenty of elite fighters, too. I’m pretty sure the rankings on the Divine Leaderboard and Provisional Leaderboard will change a lot.”
Everyone was eager to take part in the tournament challenge.
They wanted to increase their strengths and ranking on the Divine Leaderboard.
“Almost all the fighters in the world will be taking part?” Levi furrowed his brows and touched his jaw.
That means Maya Industries will be able to gather the information and data of almost all the fighters in the world! They will know the capabilities and talents of the fighters! Everyone’s strengths and weaknesses will be exposed to Maya Industries. The tournament challenge that they prepared would control pretty much everything.
That was a terrifying thought.
After all, someone who knew the fighters inside out would be able to target them easily.
If a battle were to ensue, the fighters would lose their lives for sure.
By now, Levi could practically guess what Maya Industries was after.
The reason they placed the mutated zombies in the indigenous forest was to train the fighters and get sufficient information about the fighters’ weaknesses and strengths.
It was all a scheme.
A horrible one at that!
Levi grew increasingly curious and decided to head there to see for himself.
Before that, he had to do something.
When everyone was busy registering to take part in the tournament challenge, fighters from various forces—including Kings—announced they were backing out from the tournament challenge.
One-third of the forces had announced they wouldn’t be taking part in the tournament challenge!
Levi had relayed orders that every force and fighter affiliated with the Sacred Organization were to back out before it was too late, for he didn’t want Maya Industries to learn more about them.
The news of one-third of the forces to back out of the tournament challenge was mind-blowing enough.
No doubt, it came as a shock to everyone.
However, the other forces knew it was the Sacred Organization that made that decision.
It was normal for the mysterious force to make such a decision, for no one knew what was going on in Dark Emperor’s mind.
As Dark Emperor was ranked first on the Divine Leaderboard, no one would question her.
Alas, they had no idea that Levi was now the new Dark Emperor.
After everything was all set, they departed for the indigenous forest in Adrune.


Chapter 2324 The Cruel Tournament Challenge

“This time, though almost one-third of the challengers pulled out, there are still around twenty thousand challengers left.”

“That’s good news to us. The more people back out, the more difficult and interesting the challenge would be. It will only benefit our training!”
“Yes, of course! When we run into an obstacle, and with fewer challengers present, the difficulty level will definitely increase!”

Shortly after, they received news that all fighters in Archulea wouldn’t be taking part in the tournament challenge.
Everyone was puzzled.
After Archulea discovered the material in the sea, the world got to know that there were many fighters in that country.
But why did they refuse to take part in the challenge?
No one knew that it was all Levi’s doing.
On the way to the venue, Levi found out about the rules of the tournament challenge.
Once the event began, Maya Industries wouldn’t offer any help to the participants.
Contrary to the experience in the fortress organized by Triple Group, where the door would open every hour so those who regretted their decision or were too weak to continue could leave the area, Maya Industries’ tournament challenge was a different matter altogether. Once a participant made his entrance, there was no other way out. No one could save him.
Even if he regretted and wanted to leave, the only way out was to fight his way out.
It was a cruel challenge!
Levi was deep in thought.
Perhaps Maya Industries wants to kill all the top fighters in one go instead of just collecting information. Is the first challenge and this challenge connected in any way?
No matter what, he would have to take part in the tournament challenge to find out the truth.
He couldn’t help but compare Maya Industries to the Lab of Gods once again.
When they arrived before the indigenous forest in Adrune, many people were already waiting there.
Levi saw many familiar faces, many of them his rivals.
Seeing Levi here, his rivals started discussing to take his life in the middle of the tournament challenge.
Once the tournament challenge began, Azure Dragon and the others wouldn’t get to protect him at all times.
Thus, it was the perfect chance to get rid of Levi and increase their strengths.
They could kill two birds with one stone.
Besides, some of them had heard about Zoey’s plan that Levi would be left alone in the indigenous forest to push him to the edge of desperation.
If that was true, they would get plenty of chances to carry out their plan.
Zoey and the rest were delighted to hear that many people had decided to target Levi.
After all, the more desperate his situation was, the easier it was for him to come to a realization that he wasn’t strong enough.
Of course, they would also protect Levi by showing up when he was cornered.
By then, they had already achieved their goal.
They would do their best to make sure Levi gets out alive.
“Daddy, Mommy!” Soon, Forlevia arrived.
After what she had been through, her figure looked charming and gallant.
Her power now was simply terrifying.
As usual, the elders followed her in secret.
“Evie, come. I have something to tell you!” Zoey pulled Forlevia aside.
She then revealed the plan about Levi to Forlevia, hoping her daughter would stay away from him instead of interfering in their plan.
“So after entering the indigenous forest, go as far as you can and leave us alone! You’ll only stop your daddy from advancing if you stay with him. We finally get the chance to do this. Don’t you worry, for we will show up to save him when he’s in danger!” Zoey explained.
Forlevia nodded. “Okay. I got it, Mommy! You can ask for my help anytime, Mommy. I’m much stronger now!”


Chapter 2325 I Might Not Have Time To Save Everyone

Soon, another group of men arrived and promptly came over to greet Levi.

It turned out that they were Mace and the other Divine Leaderboard fighters from Triple Group.
They were here for the experience, too.

Though the sight of Levi scared them senseless, they still came over to greet him.
No one suspected the relationship between Triple Group and Levi.
“Oh, right. Ms. Sammy Leinheim has a message for you. She has made the preparations and will keep an eye on Maya Industries at all times. This is the microchip for you to contact her.”
Mace handed the microchip that Sammy gave him to Levi carefully out of everyone’s sight.
Levi was clueless about Maya Industries’ real goal, so he needed someone to keep an eye outside after he entered the indigenous forest.
Of course he’d use the Sacred Organization to monitor Maya Industries.
However, he also needed a spy inside Maya Industries.
The best spy was none other than Triple Group.
Sammy was ready to begin her mission.
“Mm, okay. Got it! Once we get in, you can come to me anytime if you’re in trouble,” Levi told them.
After all, he didn’t want Sammy to lose her subordinates.
He made up his mind to protect Mace and the other fighters.
“Okay!” Mace and the rest nodded profusely.
This bigshot promised to protect us, so that means we’ll leave the tournament challenge alive!
Once everyone arrived, it was time for the challenge to begin.
The fighters would be sent to specific locations based on their challenges.
Some challenges were more to attacks, and others were more to defense.
Zoey and the others were strong, so they chose a challenge focusing on attacks.
The challenge they picked was of the highest level, which meant that it was the most difficult challenge ever!
Of course, all the arenas were connected, so one could enter another challenging arena by accident.
“Come on. Let’s go!”
The masses stepped into the indigenous forest.
The indigenous forest in Adrune was huge, so it could accommodate over twenty thousand participants without any problem.
If all participants had to disperse, there would be a vast space between each and every one of them.
After entering the specified area, Zoey promptly suggested, “To increase our combat ability, let’s go our separate ways!”
She turned to Levi and said, “Levi, you should complete the challenge alone, too.”
Levi hesitated. “That doesn’t sound like a great idea. If we go our separate ways and someone runs into trouble, I’m afraid I can’t come in time to save you.”
He was worried, for Maya Industries’ actual goal remained a mystery.
If they are indeed using the monsters to kill all the fighters, Zoey and the others will be in trouble. I might miss saving some of them as we’re all spread out. I don’t want to see that happen.
Thus, he hoped they could stay near him. That way, he could save them when they got into trouble.
Alas, his words registered differently in the others’ minds.
They assumed that Levi was backing down because he was scared of encountering danger alone.
Refusing to remain alone, he came up with the excuse of asking everyone to stay together so he could protect them.
They tried hard to suppress their laughter.
In fact, they were completely disappointed in Levi, for he was afraid.
He knows he’s weak and that the challenge is dangerous, but he still insists on using the past techniques instead of practicing the latest stuff.
Zoey relaxed visibly after realizing Levi was afraid.
That’s great! It will help him in realizing how weak he is. Once he encounters trouble, he’ll come to a sudden realization.
At that thought, she grew determined to carry out her plan.


Chapter 2326 How Adorable

“No! We need to go our separate ways so we can grow swiftly.”

Turning to her parents, Zoey ordered, “Dad, Mom, you need to separate, too. From my previous experience, this is the fastest way to increase one’s strength!”
Her words received approving nods from Azure Dragon and the rest.

“Yes, only those who had the experience would know that the best way to gain more experience was to complete the tournament challenge alone! But if anyone lands in trouble, he or she can send a distress signal. Anyone who is nearby can offer help,” Azure Dragon suggested.
Everyone agreed to go separate ways.
“I disagree. It’s too dangerous for everyone to complete the challenge alone. I might not have enough time to save everyone!” Levi shook his head firmly.
Right then, Shaun and the rest burst out laughing.
“Levi, oh Levi. You’re scared witless, right? You want us to stay with you and protect you, right?”
“Look at you. Are you capable enough to protect us? You’re obviously scared!”
“Get out now! No one will protect you here!”
“Yes, if you’re scared, leave right this instant! No one is stopping you from leaving.”
They started ridiculing Levi, and many even asked Levi to leave!
“No! He’s here to train. He can’t leave!” Zoey insisted.
“Fine, then. He has a death wish!”
Shaun and the rest turned on their heels and strode away.
They were disgusted by the way Levi boasted about his abilities.
“From this moment onward, we shall go our separate ways!” Zoey announced.
Levi heaved an exasperated sigh. “Fine. I’ll try my best to protect everyone!”
I can’t go far as I have to protect them at all costs. Forget it. It seemed that I have no choice but to take one step at a time. If needed, I can ask for the Sacred Organization’s help. Anyway, I’ve asked Death Demon to arrange a group of fighters outside. They are to keep an eye on Maya Industries’ actions and head in to save lives if needed.
Just like that, Levi entered the indigenous forest himself.
However, he kept an eye on Zoey and the rest who were scattered around him.
He could sense their location, and that was a pleasant surprise to him.
Turns out Zoey and the others are not far away. They are wandering around me. The furthest are Kirin and Floyd, who are less than a hundred miles away. The others are even closer. Zoey is around thirty miles away, and the others are scattered around thirty to a hundred miles away from me.
After sensing their location, Levi flashed a grin.
He finally realized why Zoey and the others insisted on bringing him here.
They want to force me into a corner. When I realize my techniques are useless, I’ll give them up and train the latest techniques. That was why they insisted on going separate ways but remained near to me. Look at how they scattered all around me in a protective circle.
Though they wanted him to feel helpless that he wasn’t strong enough to defeat the enemy alone, they wanted to make sure he was safe.
Ah, how adorable!
Levi chuckled at the thought.
Though they were harsh to him, they were in fact trying to protect him.
In a way, it would also benefit Levi.
It was easier for him to protect Zoey and the others, as they were only less than one hundred miles away from him.
If anyone got into trouble, he could get there right away.
But if they were further away, he might not arrive to save them in time.
Thus, he breathed a sigh of relief.
With that, he could focus on what he needed to do—find out what Maya Industries had in mind.
Twenty thousand fighters marched into the indigenous forest.
The unknown and dangerous presence was lying in wait for them.


Chapter 2327 Killing Spree

This time, everyone realized it was different from the past tournament challenge.

Back then, they could pick whichever challenge that they fancy to increase their own strengths.
This time, everything was random.

It didn’t matter what challenge one picked, for one would still encounter the same challenge and threats as everyone else.
The weaker individuals might run into the same threats as the stronger individuals.
Thus, the challenge was completely random.
Everyone had the same chances of running into danger.
It actually made sense, for there was no way Maya Industries could control every single detail when they were in an enormous indigenous forest.
The elite fighters didn’t mind, for they were here to experience dangerous situations. The more dangerous, the better!
However, the weaker individuals might not step out of the indigenous forest alive.
That was a cruel fact.
It wasn’t Levi’s own feelings, for everyone who entered the indigenous forest sensed the same thing.
This challenge is different from the past ones! Levi thought as he scanned the surroundings carefully.
He couldn’t reveal his actual strength for now, for Maya Industries could be the Lab of Gods.
He had to be extra careful under the circumstances.
“Are you sure about Levi’s location?”
“Yes. He’s seventy kilometers away in our southeast direction!”
“Okay. Let’s head there and kill Levi right now! He’s rumored to have more lives than a cat. Let’s see how he’ll escape this time!”
This group was made up of over eight hundred fighters who were defeated by Levi in this past.
They had been discussing how to kill Levi before they set foot in the indigenous forest.
The first thing they did in the indigenous forest was to get rid of Levi.
“Hurry, let’s go!”
“There are people protecting Levi. Half of us should confront them, and the other half shall take Levi’s life!”
The fighters rushed in Levi’s direction.
They had no idea that Levi already sensed the commotion when they first started their discussion.
A wide smile lit his lips.
Looks like there are plenty of people trying to cause more trouble here.
When the group of fighters came closer, Zoey, Azure Dragon, and the rest sensed their presence.
As they wanted to force Levi into a corner, they turned a blind eye to the newcomers.
Instead of stopping them, they stayed out of their way.
It didn’t matter as long as Levi was still in their sight.
Zoey stared into the distance and lamented, “I hope you’re strong enough to force him into a corner so he’ll realize how weak he is!”
Soon, the fighters got past Zoey and the others.
It took only a few minutes for them to surround Levi.
“Levi, finally you’re in our hands. You won’t be able to escape this time!” They gloated as though he were their prey.
“I shall give you one last chance. Leave me alone!” Levi snapped icily.
“Damn it. You have a death wish! Everyone, let’s kill him!”
Levi’s words successfully provoked everyone, and they dashed toward him without hesitation.
Levi narrowed his eyes as the air about him changed drastically.
With one punch, he released an immense force that blasted a fighter ranked around eight hundredths in the Divine Leaderboard to pieces!
Without showing any mercy, he proceeded to crush his rivals from the past.
Boom, boom…
He unleashed a barrage of punches that sent the men flying.
The shrill cries, like those of a pig being slaughtered, reverberated in the indigenous forest.
The men were about to go crazy, for never in their wildest dreams did they imagine that Levi would be this strong!
If they knew he was this capable, they wouldn’t have provoked him!
“Oh, no. Something’s wrong. We need to head there at once!”
Zoey’s heart sank. She was the first to dash toward the scene.
The others followed after her hastily.

Chapter 1060

Harry threw a look of contempt at Levi. “Levi, if you act recklessly, you’ll only put yourself and Zoey in danger! What can dignity do for you when you’re dead and six feet underground?”

“Exactly! Before an opportunity like this, dignity is nothing!”

“Levi, you’re a smart man. Why can’t you see what’s the best option for you?”

“As the saying goes, no matter how vicious a tiger is, it will not eat its own child. Until now, the Garrison family has refused to accept you as one of them because of your lowly status. In addition, no matter how many waves you make in your career, it’s nothing to them!”

“The Garrison family is way up there in prestige and power. They value their honor very much and will never stoop to offer you a spot among them. As long as you accept defeat and say something pleasing to your father, you’ll find your place among them again. Is kneeling really so demeaning when it comes to your own family? You shouldn’t feel any shame at all!”

Everyone was pointing fingers at Levi.

To them, kneeling before the Garrison family seemed a low price to pay for the riches and glory that would come after.

After all, was dignity still worth anything in this era?

Under these circumstances, practically nobody would still hold on tightly to their dignity.

So why was Levi Garrison so determined to make things difficult for himself?

How important was something like dignity, something as insubstantial as a wisp of smoke in the air?

Levi shot everyone a look. “Firstly, the Garrison family has never treated me as a member and I’ve never thought of myself as one of them, either. Secondly, I value dignity very much. It’s something that I will never throw away for all the riches in the world!”

“You…you must be thick-skulled!”

Harry and the others were so furious that they almost exploded at him instantly.

“This is the most you’re ever going to achieve in your life! You won’t be able to take another step forward,” Meredith hollered.

Robert banged viciously on the table and roared, “Are you still concerned about your dignity at this moment? What good can dignity do for you?”

However, Zoey stood resolutely by her husband and argued, “I think Levi is right; that little dignity is more important!”

“Why do we have to give up our dignity and beg others for our lives? They’re just going to treat us like a bunch of dogs!”

Jason sighed helplessly and said, “My dear girl, I’ll be honest. Being a lapdog of the Garrison family isn’t such a bad thing. In fact, it’s a dream for many people who are willing to fight to the death for such an opportunity.”

Meredith and the others nodded in agreement.

Jason was right!

A dog of the Garrison clan still enjoyed a position more privileged than most other people in Oakland City.

Besides, Levi was the son of the next patriarch of the Garrison family!

“You’re still too young to understand what we’re talking about. You’re too idealistic about these sorts of things. You should face reality! When you’re at our age, you’ll regret the decision you made today!”

Zoey gazed at everyone in disbelief.

None of them care about their dignity!

They even profess their desire to be a dog of the Garrison family!

Thankfully, Levi already had everything planned out.

Zoey said coldly, “Alright, stop talking now. Everyone has a different point of view. If we continue to discuss this, it might end in an argument.”

With that, the wedding concluded hastily.

Although there were many mishaps throughout the ceremony, Zoey had no regrets about the wedding. This was all she had ever wanted.

“No matter what happens after this, I’ll always be right next to you!” she said to Levi, smiling.

“Don’t worry! With me around, I won’t let you or our child go through any sort of suffering!”


“Mr. Damien, I didn’t know Levi Garrison would be such a hard nut to crack!”

Damien laughed cruelly. “Well, the blood of the Garrison family runs in his veins, so it’s only natural that he’s a little rebellious. But I’d like to see how long he can keep up that act of his. I’ll make him face the cruel reality of life. He’ll end up kneeling before me and throwing away his dignity!”

“Mr. Damien, we’re all looking forward to that! Haha…”
Very disappointed with the conclusion of the wedding, I can't believe he let the lopez and the black get away after all they've put him through. Was hoping he will denounce them and severe all ties with them

Chapter 1129​

The order from Erudia was to be prioritized immediately.

Levi had no time to dilly dally.

After he gave the order, the Five Great Wars Regiment and the others grouped up within a short period of time.

“We head out, now!” Levi ordered without hesitation.

“God of War, please wait a moment!” Azure Dragon said.

The others also had a hesitant look on their faces.

“Speak!” Levi impatiently demanded.

“God of War, what about Ms. Lopez? She’s about to go into labor soon. This is clearly the enemy’s scheme to lure you away so that they would have the chance to capture them!” Azure calmly postulated.

“He’s right! At the very least, please allow some of us to stay here and protect Ms. Lopez.” White Tiger proposed.

Although White Tiger loved to battle, Zoey’s safety was his primary concern.

Levi shook his head, “That’s not possible. The order was clear that all of us must head north! No one gets to stay behind.”

“But what about Ms. Lopez? What about your child? Don’t you want to witness the birth of your child?”

“That’s right, the last time we took out the Blood King Palace, we had to spend one whole year to do so! Now that their forces are even stronger this time, we may need a longer time! It may take up to one and a half years!”

“To leave for one and a half years at such a critical time is too risky!”

They were not willing to abandon Zoey for such a long time, not to mention that she was about to give birth to a child.

It was too heartless for Zoey and the child.

Besides, the risks of leaving was too high.

“Why don’t we stay back?” the Cavalry Regiment suggested, which was surprising considering they were always the quiet ones.

“Are you all disobeying my order?” Levi growled.

With that, every single one of them stood up straight and dared not speak another word.

A military order was absolute and they dared not disobey.

“Everyone, head toward the North now!” Levi shouted.

This time, there were no disagreements. They prepared the necessary transportations and were ready to depart.

Levi did not even get to meet Zoey or his own mother before departing. There was simply no time for such arrangements.

He departed without hesitation toward the North.

The situation was extremely urgent.

Levi knew very well how terrifying the Blood King Palace was.

Any delay would entail massive destruction.

Hence, he needed to act immediately.

Even if it meant that he could not meet with his family…

As Levi left, Percy assured, “I will do my best to protect her.”

However, he was well aware of his limitations.

Some things were within his expectations; some were not.

He anticipated that those that were once defeated would not let this slide.

They would try to separate Levi from Zoey and his mother.

However, Percy could not figure out how they would achieve that purpose.

At the end of the day, the borders enjoyed tranquility and peace.

Levi should have never been transferred away.

However, it was unexpected that the Blood King Palace would reappear with forces stronger than before.

The Blood King Palace’s return was significant enough to transfer Levi out of Erudia.

Levi was the only one that defeated them before, the others didn’t even come close.

This was truly beyond his expectation.

Such a dire circumstance happened coincidently during the most critical moment for Zoey.

With the order of the highest level, Levi could not even bid farewell with Zoey and the others.

Meredith accurately predicted this.

At this moment, Levi was indeed gone.

And he would be gone for more than a year…
🤔 Why is the plot getting twisted like this illogical and incomprehensible, he could simply tell the wife who he is, it is clear that he doesn't take his wife and unborn child seriously 😒, so much love he has for Zoey ! RIDICULOUS

and why is there never an answer for the Lopez and the Black, for heaven sake eradicate them already !!!
Hi guys, it's been a while

Chapter 2328 No Idea How Strong Your Husband Is

There were too many fighters.

Even if Levi was forced into a corner, he might lose his life in a split second.
Refusing to let a tragedy happen, they made their way there once they heard the commotion.
Right now, Levi was on a killing spree.
He wasn’t about to let his enemies off easily!
The men were stunned.
They didn’t even get a chance to plead for mercy, for Levi was too swift.
Of course, Levi made sure there were no surveillance camera or outsiders nearby before he unleashed his actual strength.
The last person collapsed, and all eight hundred fighters ceased breathing.
Not even a single person survived the ordeal.
Thud, thud, thud…
Right then, footsteps sounded as a bunch of people arrived before Levi.
It wasn’t Zoey and her gang.
Instead, it was Mace and over one hundred men from Triple Group!
At present, they looked rather worn out. There was blood on their faces, and their clothes were tattered as though they had just ended a horrible fight.
It was clear that they had faced a challenge in the indigenous forest.
They are here to report to me after discovering something.
“Maestro, I…” Mace stopped short before the words left his mouth, for Zoey and the others had arrived.
Azure Dragon and the rest were swift enough to rush to the scene in the shortest time possible.
“Boss, are you all right?” they asked anxiously.
Levi grinned. “I’m fine. They are all dead!”
Everyone’s gazes landed on the corpses scattered around the ground.
Those were the bodies of the men they deliberately allowed to pass a few moments ago.
The blood on Levi’s body indicated that he had been involved in an intense fight earlier.
However, they also noticed the tattered clothes and blood on Mace and his men.
They promptly assumed it was Mace and his men who killed Levi’s rivals.
Levi’s so lucky! Why did someone arrive to save him?
As Triple Group was chummy with Levi, they thought the Divine Leaderboard fighters, which included Mace and his men, came to save him when he was in trouble.
Oh boy, they had misunderstood the situation again.
Mace and his men were stained with blood from a different fight.
Zoey’s face fell.
She purposely let trouble come Levi’s way so he could come to a realization, but Mace and the others saved him and ruined her plan.
Oh, this is hard. Why does everyone want to save Levi? Luckily, I sent Evie away. Otherwise, she’ll be the first one to save her daddy.
“Mr. Mace Schwartz, can I speak to you in private?” Zoey requested.
Mace glanced around and received Levi’s permission before he answered, “Okay!” and followed Zoey aside.
Zoey proceeded to explain her plan to Mace, and the latter nearly spat out blood indignantly.
“Protect him?” he demanded in disbelief.
I protected Levi? I’m not even his match! She must be crazy!
After witnessing how Levi slew over ten thousand mutated zombies in one go, Mace couldn’t imagine how strong Levi was.
However, he was sure of one thing—Levi was certainly the only person who had ever achieved such a feat in the whole of history!
“Yes. From this moment onward, please stop protecting him. Even if he dies, stay out of it. Please, if he can’t make it through, I’d rather he die than remain alive,” Zoey pleaded.
“Protect him? Are you joking? Ms. Lopez, don’t you know how powerful he is?” Mace retorted.


Chapter 2328 No Idea How Strong Your Husband Is

There were too many fighters.

Even if Levi was forced into a corner, he might lose his life in a split second.
Refusing to let a tragedy happen, they made their way there once they heard the commotion.
Right now, Levi was on a killing spree.
He wasn’t about to let his enemies off easily!
The men were stunned.
They didn’t even get a chance to plead for mercy, for Levi was too swift.
Of course, Levi made sure there were no surveillance camera or outsiders nearby before he unleashed his actual strength.
The last person collapsed, and all eight hundred fighters ceased breathing.
Not even a single person survived the ordeal.
Thud, thud, thud…
Right then, footsteps sounded as a bunch of people arrived before Levi.
It wasn’t Zoey and her gang.
Instead, it was Mace and over one hundred men from Triple Group!
At present, they looked rather worn out. There was blood on their faces, and their clothes were tattered as though they had just ended a horrible fight.
It was clear that they had faced a challenge in the indigenous forest.
They are here to report to me after discovering something.
“Maestro, I…” Mace stopped short before the words left his mouth, for Zoey and the others had arrived.
Azure Dragon and the rest were swift enough to rush to the scene in the shortest time possible.
“Boss, are you all right?” they asked anxiously.
Levi grinned. “I’m fine. They are all dead!”
Everyone’s gazes landed on the corpses scattered around the ground.
Those were the bodies of the men they deliberately allowed to pass a few moments ago.
The blood on Levi’s body indicated that he had been involved in an intense fight earlier.
However, they also noticed the tattered clothes and blood on Mace and his men.
They promptly assumed it was Mace and his men who killed Levi’s rivals.
Levi’s so lucky! Why did someone arrive to save him?
As Triple Group was chummy with Levi, they thought the Divine Leaderboard fighters, which included Mace and his men, came to save him when he was in trouble.
Oh boy, they had misunderstood the situation again.
Mace and his men were stained with blood from a different fight.
Zoey’s face fell.
She purposely let trouble come Levi’s way so he could come to a realization, but Mace and the others saved him and ruined her plan.
Oh, this is hard. Why does everyone want to save Levi? Luckily, I sent Evie away. Otherwise, she’ll be the first one to save her daddy.
“Mr. Mace Schwartz, can I speak to you in private?” Zoey requested.
Mace glanced around and received Levi’s permission before he answered, “Okay!” and followed Zoey aside.
Zoey proceeded to explain her plan to Mace, and the latter nearly spat out blood indignantly.
“Protect him?” he demanded in disbelief.
I protected Levi? I’m not even his match! She must be crazy!
After witnessing how Levi slew over ten thousand mutated zombies in one go, Mace couldn’t imagine how strong Levi was.
However, he was sure of one thing—Levi was certainly the only person who had ever achieved such a feat in the whole of history!
“Yes. From this moment onward, please stop protecting him. Even if he dies, stay out of it. Please, if he can’t make it through, I’d rather he die than remain alive,” Zoey pleaded.
“Protect him? Are you joking? Ms. Lopez, don’t you know how powerful he is?” Mace retorted.


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