An Understated Dominance Chapter 967 to 1370 - Translated by Jungal2000

Translated by Jungal2000
“An Understated Dominance” follows the intertwined lives of Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys as they navigate the complex interplay of power, relationships, and personal growth. Set against the backdrop of a vibrant city, the novel explores how these two individuals assert their influence in subtle yet impactful ways, ultimately redefining their understanding of dominance and its consequences.
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You know, these situations are really now becoming f****** overused. Similar things happens everytime. Someone needs help. Dustin tries to help. Rich people see his clothes and shout a nobody dares to think himself capable blah blah blah. You dare challenge me. One person might defend him while rest will see him beguiling others.They attack him and he defeats them. And they are like 'Huh, how can a young man do this. Be this capable or something And later similar thing happens again. This plot is now getting utterly boring.
You notice it too huh!? Maybe the writer of this story is running out of ideas. Even though, I would still continue to read it who knows things might change and the story became a lot more interesting when the identity of the main character is revealed.
The hope of revelation of the MC is what has kept me going.
Chapter 1121: "A Bold Intruder"

Caden squinted his eyes, his expression far from friendly.

"This guy, is he asking for trouble?" he muttered.

"How interesting... truly interesting," commented Nakamura from the crowd, a sly grin on his face.

After the events of last night, it was expected that Dustin would have fled in the dead of night and gone into hiding. However, nobody anticipated that he would show up at their doorstep.

He was truly audacious!

"Haha... this fellow is in deep trouble now. He's caught the attention of the General, and there's no escaping that today!" chuckled Chase.

"He deserves it! Why didn't he leave earlier? He's brought this upon himself by lingering here, he's practically digging his own grave!" added Vivian, wearing a smug expression.

In their eyes, the General must have learned about his grandson being beaten up, so he was seeking retribution publicly.

"General, I've already conveyed my intentions. I have some matters to attend to, so I'll take my leave now," Dustin said, clasping his hands politely.

"Hold on!" Chase suddenly jumped forward, blocking his path. He exclaimed, "Kid! You come and go as you please, do you take the General's residence for granted?!"

As he spoke, he stole a glance at General Murray.

Opportunities like this to display himself were not to be missed. If he could show his face in front of the General, it might lead to future favor and advancement.

It was a win-win situation—suppress Dustin and gain favor with the General.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but admire his own cleverness and ability to read the situation.

He was truly brilliant.

"Hmm?" General Murray raised an eyebrow, slightly puzzled by Chase's sudden appearance.

Where did this kid come from?

What was he up to?

"You told me to leave earlier, and now you want me to stay. What exactly do you mean?" Dustin maintained a neutral expression.

"Hmph! Spare us the talk!" Chase snarled, his face fierce. "You've annoyed the General, disrupted everyone's mood, and now you want to walk away? You're dreaming!"

"That's right! You've infiltrated the General's residence with ill intentions, harboring evil plans. Everyone should unite against such a threat! Fortunately, the General sees through your true colors. Today, you won't escape justice!" Vivian proclaimed self-righteously.

While labeling Dustin, he even patted General Murray's horse, making himself look more impressive.

This combination of praising the General while belittling Dustin was masterfully executed.

"Hey, what are you two doing?" General Murray furrowed his brow, displeased.

Where did these two fools come from? Can't they distinguish directions?

"General, dealing with such a scoundrel doesn't require your personal intervention. Leave it to us younger generation. I guarantee we'll handle him properly!" Chase said, oblivious to the gravity of the situation, trying to impress General Murray.

"Yes, General, it's your birthday today. You shouldn't get angry. We'll take care of it for you," Vivian added, fearing that all the credit would be stolen.

Making the General happy while also gaining some attention, what could be better?

"Seize this troublemaker who has committed numerous wrongs and interrogate him thoroughly!" Chase confidently ordered the Murray family guards.

"How dare you!" General Murray slammed his hand on the table, his anger evident. He walked up and slapped both Chase and Vivian.

"You've lost your senses! This is an esteemed guest of the Murray family! Who gave you the audacity to show disrespect to my guest?!"

Chapter 1122: "Unexpected Guest"


The sudden slap left Chase and Vivian bewildered, their hands covering their faces in confusion.

Wasn't Dustin the troublemaker? Why was the General hitting them?

At this moment, the Murray family members, and even all the guests present, wore expressions of shock.

Nobody expected that the usually composed General would openly resort to physical violence, especially on his own birthday.

"O-General, did you perhaps mistake the person? This guy is a criminal who should be detained and watched closely to prevent him from causing trouble," Chase attempted to explain.

"Yes, General, this guy injured Young Lord Garrett last night; he's truly heinous and must be severely punished!" Vivian chimed in.

She believed that General Murray might not know the whole story, hence the intervention.

"Shut up!" General Murray glared, emitting a powerful aura. "Dustin saved my granddaughter's life; he is a benefactor of the Murray family and my honored guest. If you dare to talk nonsense again, don't blame me for kicking you out!"

With those words, Chase and Vivian fell silent immediately, their faces showing signs of panic.

If they were truly expelled from the General's residence, not only would they suffer, but their entire families would also face consequences, perhaps even being ostracized.

After all, no one would want to risk offending the General and continue associating with their families.


Shiela couldn't bear to watch anymore and was about to say something when Max interrupted, "Dad, today is your birthday. It's not worth getting angry. Let's calm down."

The reason for stopping his daughter was simple: right now, distinguishing right from wrong was irrelevant.

Once the patriarch had spoken, the entire Murray family had to support his decision, no matter the reason. Especially in front of so many guests, the patriarch's authority was unquestionable.


General Murray coldly glanced at the two of them before turning to Dustin, saying in a commanding tone, "Young man, come, sit at the head of the table. Let's see who dares to object today."

With that, he grabbed Dustin's hand and arranged him at the head table.

This area was reserved for the Murray family's core members and esteemed guests. Dustin, dressed so modestly, appeared out of place.

However, no one dared to voice any objections with the General's command. Instead, they all put on friendly smiles and welcomed him.

Though Dustin was not a prominent figure, the General's face was priceless. Even if a lump of dung were placed on the table, they would have to eat it without complaint.

"This guy is truly despicable, taking advantage of Shiela's name to assert himself here and deceive the General's sympathy. He's utterly shameless!" Vivian gritted her teeth, feeling indignant.

As a prestigious disciple of a noble family, she didn't even have the qualifications to sit at the head table. Why should a lowly insurance salesman sit among those important figures?

"Hmph! This is just a temporary glory. Once the General realizes the truth, Dustin will undoubtedly be severely punished to clear his name!" Chase muttered, touching his stinging face.

In the presence of the General, he naturally couldn't express his anger, so he redirected it all toward Dustin.

"You brat, mark my words, one day I'll get rid of you."

Max muttered with a dark expression. He thought Chase and Vivian could handle Dustin, but he hadn't expected the Old Man to intervene.

Even if he harbored immense resentment, he dared not show it. After all, it was unwise to display dissatisfaction before the General, especially in front of such a significant gathering.

After this brief incident, the atmosphere returned to normal. More and more guests entered the banquet hall, bearing gifts to celebrate General Murray's birthday.

Chapter 1123: "The Return of the Prodigal Son"

The atmosphere in the room quickly became lively.

"General of the Jinzhou Garrison pays a visit, wishing General a long and prosperous life!"

"The Mayor of Li City in Jin Market pays a visit, wishing General strength and good health!"

"The Chairman of the Hedong Group pays a visit, wishing General success in all endeavors and years of prosperity!"

With the announcements of the servants, one distinguished figure after another, dressed impeccably, entered the room. Among them were influential military commanders, city leaders, wealthy entrepreneurs, and prominent figures from various fields. These guests had come to pay their respects, bearing all kinds of rare and valuable gifts.

"Thank you all for coming to celebrate. Please, take your seats."

Max, as the head of the family, stood up and began welcoming the various guests. Meanwhile, General Murray responded with smiles to the well-wishes from the guests.

"The Third Young Lord (Third son) is here!"

At that moment, a loud voice announced, causing everyone to turn their heads toward the entrance. There, a middle-aged man dressed in white, with a dignified appearance, was walking in slowly. He was accompanied by two cloaked individuals.

"Isn't that the General's youngest son, Lord Harrison Murray?"

"I heard that Harrison had a falling out with the family and disappeared for many years. I didn't expect him to return today."

"As a son, it's only natural for him to come back to congratulate his father on his birthday."

Observing the arrival of the man in white, the guests couldn't help but engage in hushed conversations.

General Murray had three sons: the eldest, Max; the second, Caden; and the third, Harrison. Among them, the most outstanding was Harrison, who was courageous and talented. He had been highly regarded and even designated as the family's heir at one point.

However, for reasons unknown, Harrison had given up his position and left the family, disappearing for a full five years until today, when he finally reappeared.


Recognizing the newcomer, Max's face lit up, and he hurriedly went to greet him. "Brother, it's been so many years. You've finally returned!"

He even gave Harrison a big hug.

"Big Brother, it's been a long time. Have you been well all these years?" Harrison smiled faintly.

"Very well... very well indeed!"

Patting his brother on the shoulder, Max grinned. "It's been a while, and you've grown even stronger. That's great!"

"Brother, since you've returned, why didn't you inform us beforehand?" Caden also approached with a smile.

"Second Brother, I just arrived. I thought I'd give you all a surprise. You won't blame me, will you?" Harrison joked.

"Since you've come back, I'm just happy about it. After all these years, you've given us quite the surprise today," Caden replied warmly.

"Enough of this. Let's not talk about it."

Max interrupted their conversation and led Harrison to their father, saying, "Dad, look who's here."

"Dad, I've come to celebrate your birthday."

Harrison respectfully presented a gift with both hands.

General Murray did not extend his hand to accept it. Instead, he snorted, "You left home, and now you have the face to return?"

Chapter 1124: "Reconciliation and Celebrations"

The cold and indifferent words from General Murray left Max and Caden momentarily stunned. In their eyes, their younger brother had always been the most favored and highly regarded by their father. So, shouldn't their father be happy to see him again? Why the stern expression?

It had been five long years, and they believed that any misunderstandings could have been resolved between a father and son during that time.

"Dad, it was my fault in the past, my foolishness. I want to apologize to you now," Harrison said, bowing deeply. "I've thought it over these years, and I know I was wrong. I hope you can forgive me this time."


General Murray raised an eyebrow, showing some surprise. His youngest son had always been headstrong, often stubbornly refusing to yield. However, it seemed that he had matured during his absence.

"Dad, everything that happened in the past is in the past. Third Brother has acknowledged his mistakes. Please forgive him," Max tried to mediate.

"Yes, Dad, it was all just a misunderstanding back then. Let's be a harmonious family, and we can overcome anything," Caden chimed in.

Seeing Harrison's humble attitude, General Murray's expression finally softened, and he waved his hand, saying, "Alright, as long as you've returned safely, that's enough. Take a seat."

"Thank you, Dad."

Harrison bowed once more.

"Third Brother, come, sit over here."

Max was very enthusiastic, leading Harrison to the seat of honor. He had always held his youngest brother in high regard, and their reunion after so many years was a source of great joy for him.

The core members of the Murray family and the other guests greeted Harrison warmly and politely. Everyone understood that General Murray had always been troubled by his youngest son's departure, to the extent that the name "Harrison" had become a taboo topic in the family over the past five years. Now, with Harrison's return and his sincere apology, it seemed that the old misunderstandings were finally being resolved. They believed that the Murray family would shine even brighter in the future.

As time passed, more and more dignitaries and influential figures arrived to celebrate. Each guest was accompanied by two bodyguards, who stood by the wall and maintained a vigilant presence.

Dustin glanced around and noticed that all these bodyguards were quite formidable, exuding an aura of battle-hardened experience. It was evident that they had seen combat.

Once all the guests had gathered, Max stood up first and announced, "First of all, I'd like to welcome all of you to our father's birthday banquet. Our father has requested a low-key celebration, but you have all traveled great distances to be here, and we are truly grateful for your presence."

He poured himself a glass of wine and raised it. "Please allow me to propose a toast to all of you."

With that, he emptied his glass, and the guests promptly raised their own glasses in return.

"Next, we invite our honored father to say a few words," Max continued, redirecting the attention to General Murray.

The room erupted into applause, prompting General Murray to rise to his feet. However, before he could speak, Harrison unexpectedly stood up, wearing a smile, and said, "May I say a few words before Dad?"

Max was slightly surprised but nodded in agreement. "Of course, brother, feel free to speak. We're all family here, no need to be formal."

"Dad, before anything else, I've prepared a gift for you today, and I hope you'll like it."

Harrison smiled and respectfully handed over a gift box.

"Well done, you've truly matured," General Murray nodded in satisfaction as he accepted the gift. "A prodigal son returns home, and your change of heart warms my soul.

Chapter 1125: "Revealing the Truth"

After opening the gift box and seeing the white cloth inside, General Murray's smile froze. The box didn't contain any valuable items or heartfelt gestures; it held nothing but a white cloth.

"Is this your gift?" General Murray furrowed his brows slightly, his eyes filled with confusion.

"Why? Father, do you not like it?" Harrison asked calmly, maintaining his respectful and humble demeanor.

"Like it?" General Murray's expression darkened, and he angrily tossed the gift box onto the ground. "Take a good look at what you've given me!"

With a loud crash, the gift box shattered, revealing the white cloth.

Upon witnessing this, everyone in the room was stunned.

"What's going on? Why is a birthday gift just a piece of white fabric?"

"Isn't that just a white cloth? Why would anyone give such a thing?"

"No wonder the General is angry. It's unthinkable! What is Harrison thinking?"

People began to murmur in confusion.

The once festive atmosphere quickly turned tense.

"Brother, why did you give this? Could it be a mistake?" Max furrowed his brows.

"Brother, take this back immediately, or it will be embarrassing!" Caden sternly said.

Giving such an inauspicious gift on the day of a birthday banquet was surely a deliberate attempt to invite bad luck.

"It appears that Father is not satisfied with my gift."

Ignoring the strange looks from those around him, Harrison carefully picked up the white cloth, dusted it off, and smiled. "This white cloth belonged to my wife. I've kept it for five years just for this day, to give it to you, Father."

His words sent shockwaves through the room.

Especially the Murray family members, their faces turned pale, and their bodies shivered. The events of the past had almost become a forbidden topic within the family. No one had expected Harrison to bring up the past on the day of his return.

"Brother! What are you talking about? Why would you bring this up? Are you drunk?" Max scolded while pleading with General Murray, "Dad, please don't take him seriously; he must be drunk."

"I'm not saying that the past didn't happen."

Harrison continued to smile as he spoke, "Father, do you remember? It was you who drove my wife to her death. You forced her to hang herself, separating us forever."

"Today, are you here to celebrate your birthday, or are you here to face judgment?"

General Murray's expression turned uncertain.

"I just want justice for my late wife."

Harrison smiled again and gently wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. "Father, if you can repent and admit your wrongdoing regarding my wife, I might consider forgiving you."

"Harrison! You're being outrageous!"

Max couldn't restrain himself any longer. He raised his hand and slapped Harrison across the face. "Today is Dad's birthday, and you're causing a scene. I order you to apologize to Father immediately!"


Harrison laughed softly, wiping the fresh blood from his mouth. "General Murray, you caused my wife's death and ruined my life. You pushed me into hell. You want me to apologize? Is that appropriate?"

"Big Brother, you're still the same as ever—always obedient and never questioning anything. The moment General Murray glares at you, you're scared into submission. You're really spineless," Harrison shook his head.

"You... You're incorrigible! Today, I will teach you a lesson!"

Max couldn't contain his anger any longer and raised his hand to strike Harrison.

However, Harrison suddenly drew a knife and ruthlessly stabbed it into Max's chest.

Chapter 1126: "The Unfolding Rebellion"


A sound of flesh tearing echoed in the air.

Harrison's sudden attack was swift and unannounced. He plunged the knife into Max's chest, piercing through his body.

Blood trickled down from the blade, drop by drop, as Max stood there in shock, staring at the knife that had impaled him. His face was filled with disbelief.

He couldn't have imagined that his own beloved younger brother, his own flesh and blood, would suddenly turn against him and stab him so ruthlessly.

In an instant, everyone in the room fell into stunned silence.

No one had expected that Harrison, who had appeared calm and composed just moments ago, would suddenly attack his own brother.

If his actions could have been attributed to drunkenness before, the situation had now taken a completely different turn.

"You... How dare you..."

Max's eyes widened, and he tried to speak, but blood gushed from his mouth before he could utter another word.

His body swayed for a moment, then he collapsed to the ground, lifeless.

"Big Brother, don't worry too much. I aimed slightly off from your heart, so it won't kill you immediately. Just lie there quietly for now, and don't get in the way," Harrison said calmly.

As he spoke, he casually discarded a handkerchief, wiping the blood off his fingertips.

His demeanor remained calm, as if he had merely completed a trivial task.

"You bastard! How dare you!"

Seeing this, General Murray was furious. "You attacked your own brother when he was offering you advice. You're completely insane! Guards, seize this traitor!"


In response to his command, a group of armed soldiers rushed into the room.

However, Harrison remained unfazed. He simply tossed the handkerchief onto the ground.

The next moment, the two rows of bodyguards who had been standing against the wall made their move.

Like ferocious tigers pouncing on their prey, they launched coordinated attacks.

These bodyguards were powerful, exceptionally fast, and had been well-prepared. As soon as they joined the fray, they overwhelmed the soldiers, who were caught off guard, leaving them with no chance to resist.

The situation in the room shifted dramatically.


The sudden turn of events left General Murray furrowing his brows.

He hadn't expected so many intruders to infiltrate his birthday celebration.

In other words, some of the guests present had been bought off.

"Harrison! Do you even realize what you're doing? Are you rebelling?" Caden angrily shouted.

"Harrison! You're playing with fire!" Caden warned. "I advise you to drop your weapons, surrender with your followers, or you'll regret it!"

Caden believed that his younger brother was making a grave mistake by opposing the Murray family within the walls of the General's Mansion.

"Harrison! You're being reckless!"

Caden's voice was filled with anger and frustration. "Today, I will teach you a lesson!"

Despite the chaotic scene and the tense atmosphere, Harrison maintained his composure. He knew that the situation had changed, and now, he held the upper hand.

"Take a moment to consider your actions," Harrison said calmly. "I control the situation here now. Everything will be as I say."

"Humph! Do you think you can control the entire General's Mansion with just these people? You're delusional!"

Caden retorted, undeterred. "Guards, capture these intruders!"

The General's Mansion was not a place where just anyone could cause chaos.

"You're making a grave mistake! You're going too far!" The members of the Murray family were furious and disappointed with Harrison's actions.

What had once been a united family gathering had now turned into a life-and-death struggle. Brother was turning against brother, and the situation seemed irreparable.

"Please take a good look. I am the one in control of the situation now," Harrison replied calmly.

“Capture these intruders! Capture these intruders!"

Chapter 1127: "Family Crisis"

The General's Mansion housed a thousand-strong armed force, fully capable of easily suppressing the entire scene. This was the reason why no one dared to act recklessly within the General's Mansion.

"Where are they? Why isn't anyone coming to support me?" After shouting, there was no response from outside, and Caden raised his voice even louder.

"Second Brother, there's no need to shout. My people have already infiltrated the General's Mansion, and your security team has already been defeated," Harrison said with a faint smile.

"How is that possible? You're lying!" Caden's pupils contracted, finding it hard to believe.

A thousand-strong army, all well-trained; how could they be so easily defeated?

"Five years of planning, and if I couldn't even accomplish this, I wouldn't have come here today," Harrison said casually.

"So you were prepared in advance."

Caden's expression darkened as he slowly took off his coat, revealing a body of well-defined muscles beneath his undershirt. "I've been training diligently since I was young, and I've already reached the peak of martial arts. Now I'm at the semi-master level. Your subordinates are completely inadequate in front of me!"

"Semi-master level?" His words caused a commotion in the crowd. In the martially-inclined Dragonmarsh, becoming a natural expert was already extremely difficult. Reaching the semi-master level required exceptional talent and hard work because at this level, one could face a thousand enemies on the battlefield.

"Harrison, if you repent now, there's still a chance for you. But if you persist, don't blame me for not being polite!" Caden stomped his foot, and the ground cracked with a loud "boom." A powerful shockwave erupted.

Harrison's subordinates hadn't reacted yet, and they were sent flying, coughing up blood and critically injured.

The others in the room saw this and quickly retreated in panic. A semi-master level expert could easily kill them.

"Shiela, I didn't expect your father to be so powerful. It seems that Harrison won't be able to make much trouble today," Vivian said with a mix of surprise and relief.

She had initially thought that disaster was looming, but luckily, Caden had stepped in to turn the tide.

"I didn't realize that Uncle Caden was hiding such profound martial skills. I never saw him use them before," Chase said with admiration.

Reaching the semi-master level was enough to establish one's own martial school and dominate the martial world.

"My dad is actually this powerful?" Shiela was surprised. To be honest, she had never seen her father take action before.

"Clap, clap, clap..."

Harrison clapped his hands with a smile. "Brother, I didn't expect that after a few years, you've reached such a level. I admire you!"

"If you know how powerful I am, why don't you surrender now?" Caden said.

"Brother, your martial talent is indeed exceptional, but unfortunately, it's not enough to stop me," Harrison said indifferently.


Caden was enraged. "Today, I will show you how capable I am!"

As he spoke, he rushed forward.

At this moment, one of Harrison's black-robed subordinates moved suddenly. His figure flashed in front of Caden and struck out with a palm.

"You're looking for death!"

Caden wasn't afraid at all and threw a punch at the black-robed person.


Their fists collided, but the black-robed figure remained unmoved, his robe fluttering in the wind. In contrast, Caden was sent flying like a cannonball and crashed heavily into the wall, coughing up blood.

Chapter 1128: "Valoria's Darkfang"


When they witnessed this scene, everyone's faces turned pale with shock.

Wasn't Caden a Semi-master level expert?

Wasn't he supposed to dominate the room effortlessly?

How did he end up spitting blood after just one confrontation?

"Lord Caden!"


Lily and Shiela were shocked and rushed forward to help Caden up.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Caden trembled as he coughed up blood repeatedly, his face filled with shock and disbelief.

Ever since he had cultivated the Devouring Soul Technique, he had been confident in his strength. While he might not be invincible, he believed he could dominate his peers. Why did he get suppressed so easily today? Was he really this weak, or was the enemy too strong?

"Who... who are you?!" Caden clenched his teeth, unwilling to accept his defeat.

"Darkfang from the Valoria (Warrior Kingdom)," the black-clothed figure slowly revealed their face beneath the hood, displaying a foreign visage.

Their cheeks were gaunt, and their eye sockets were deep, giving off a sinister vibe.

"What? Darkfang? Isn't that a martial arts master from Valoria? Why is he here?"

"It seems that Harrison spared no expense. He actually invited a martial arts master from the Valoria. No wonder Caden couldn't match up."

"This is bad! The armed forces of the Murray Clan are of no use, and now Caden is defeated. Could today be a disaster for the Murray Clan?"

When they learned of Darkfang's identity, the whole room erupted into an uproar.

A martial arts master at this level could be considered invincible. Their sudden arrival made them nearly unstoppable.

It seemed that the Murray Clan was in deep trouble.


Caden's face changed, filled with apprehension. "Harrison, I admit that you are indeed the most outstanding among us three brothers. However, unfortunately, you have underestimated the depth of the Murray Clan."

"Do you think that just with a martial arts master, you can sweep through the Murray Clan? If that's the case, I can only say you're too naive!"

"Today, I'll let you witness the true strength of the Murray Clan!"

Suddenly, Caden took a deep breath, activating his internal energy, and shouted loudly, "Murray Clan in crisis! Seeking Ancestor's aid!"

His voice was like thunder, resonating with a deafening boom. It caused the drinks on the table to ripple and the ears of everyone in the room to ring.

After that shout, some of the key members of the Murray Clan were immediately invigorated.

Few people knew that hidden within the Murray Clan was a top-tier expert referred to as "the Ancestor."

This person was already a martial arts master many years ago. Although they rarely made appearances, their strength was undoubtedly the pinnacle of the region.

The Ancestor usually secluded themselves in training and never interfered with the affairs of the Murray Clan. Nobody dared to disturb them.

However, now that the Murray Clan was facing a crisis, they had no choice but to invite the Ancestor to suppress the situation.

Believing that as long as the Ancestor intervened, someone like Darkfang from the Valoria wouldn't even be worth mentioning.

"Harrison! It's not too late to stop now. Once the Ancestor steps in, your life will be in jeopardy!"

"That's right! If you stop in time, there's still a chance for survival. Otherwise, you'll face certain death!"

Murray members chastised Harrison, trying to convince him to surrender.

Chapter 1129: "Valoria's Best"

Although Darkfang was formidable, he still fell short compared to the Ancestor.

"Ancestor? Hehe... I've heard of your name for a long time, but unfortunately, he can't help you," Harrison said calmly.

" Seeking Ancestor's aid!"

After waiting for half a moment with no response, Caden raised his voice again, shouting towards the back hill.

"Brother, there's no need to shout. The Ancestor is right here," Harrison said, taking out a small box from an unknown location and casually tossing it to the ground.

The box popped open, and a bloody head rolled out of it.

The head belonged to an elderly man with white hair all over, a withered face, wide-open eyes filled with shock and unwillingness.


Seeing this scene, Caden took several steps back in fear, his face filled with horror.

The others also wore expressions of disbelief, their hearts trembling with fear, as if they had seen a ghost.

"How... How is this possible? The Ancestor was such a powerful martial arts master. How could he have died so suddenly? What exactly happened?"

"It's over! It's over! With the death of the Ancestor, the Murray Clan is in grave danger!"

The Murray family members were trembling with fear, unable to believe what they were seeing.

They never imagined that the Murray Clan's greatest trump card, the Ancestor, would die so tragically, his head severed from his body. It was simply inconceivable!

"I have to admit that the Ancestor was indeed powerful, but if it weren't for our preparations, we might not have been able to kill him," Harrison said with a faint smile.

At this moment, his smile seemed terrifying to everyone, like that of a demon.

With just his own strength, he had calculated the entire Murray Clan. Such a person was truly terrifying!

"No! It's impossible!"

Caden shook his head repeatedly, unable to accept it. "The Ancestor was incredibly strong. How could he have been killed by someone like Darkfang from the Valoria?!"

"I never said that only Darkfang was here."

Harrison said casually, "Don't you know that Darkfang and Dreadclaw from the Valoria are always together? If Darkfang is here, then where do you think Dreadclaw is?"


Caden's pupils contracted. "Could he also be here?"

Dreadclaw was another martial arts master at the same level as Darkfang, and his strength was unfathomable.

"That's correct."

Harrison snapped his fingers.

Another black-clothed figure behind him slowly removed their hood, revealing a mixed-race face.

It was Dreadclaw, a martial arts master from the Valoria!

"If one Darkfang couldn't handle the Ancestor, then what if we add Dreadclaw to the mix?" Harrison smiled and asked rhetorically.

At this moment, Caden felt as if he had been struck by lightning. His legs gave way, and he collapsed to the ground, his face ashen.

In his eyes, there was only despair.

It was over. It was really over this time.

The Ancestor was dead, and the Murray Clan had no more hidden cards. With two martial arts masters like Darkfang and Dreadclaw here, they had no chance of winning.

It was clear that disaster was looming over the Murray Clan.

At this moment, whether it was the Murray family or the guests, everyone felt a deep sense of despair and helplessness.

No one had ever imagined that the once-mighty Murray Clan would be pushed to the brink of destruction.


At this moment, Harrison slowly raised his head, his gaze sharp. "All your reliance has been taken away, all your pride has been shattered."

"Now, I call the shots here. I need you to give me an explanation for what happened back then."

"Otherwise, from today onwards, the Murray Clan will cease to exist!"

Chapter 1130: "Revelation and Confrontation"

Harrison's simple words carried an undeniable aura of authority, causing everyone to tremble in fear and unease. Their eyes all turned towards General.

As the highest-ranking and most powerful figure present, the General's stance would determine the life or death of the entire clan.

"Rebel! You've harmed your siblings and brought calamity to the family. Your actions are treasonous, and now you have the audacity to ask me for an explanation? Do you truly see yourself as the victim here?" General sternly rebuked.

He had always believed that Harrison was his best successor. He possessed courage, intelligence, and cunning, and could have led the family to greatness. It was just a pity that his most talented son had strayed down the wrong path, causing a rift between him and the family.

Amidst his anger, there was also deep sorrow.

"Father, you need to understand that everything I've done was because of you. If it weren't for you, pushing my wife to her death, how could I have ended up on this path?" Harrison calmly stated.

"That woman's death is related to me. Even if it's true, so what? She deserved to die!" General said coldly.

"She was your daughter-in-law, but you actually think she deserved to die?" Harrison self-mockingly smiled.

"She was my daughter-in-law, but she was also a spy for an enemy nation, an enemy to our Dragonmarsh!" General said sternly. "Do you know how many of our young men have died unjustly on the battlefield because of the existence of such spies?"

"She had repented, and she never harmed anyone. Why? Why won't you give her a chance?" Harrison suddenly became emotional.

"She didn't harm anyone else, but she harmed you!"

General slammed the table. "You could have had a promising future, but look at what you've become now? Neither human nor ghost, just a disgrace to the Murray Clan!"

He could have supported Harrison's pursuit of love, even if it meant disregarding social status. Even if she were a beggar, as long as his son was happy, he would have agreed. But being a spy was unacceptable.

"I don't care about my future. I only want her by my side. I only want her to live!" Harrison's voice grew more forceful. "It's you—it's you who killed her! It's your fault for killing my wife!"

"Bastard! Don't you understand? That woman has been plotting against you all along, even in death, she didn't spare you!" General finally revealed the truth. "I did want to kill her, but I didn't force her to die. For your sake, I gave her a chance to leave alive. However, this woman was cunning and ruthless. In order to destroy you and strangle the most outstanding heir of the Murray Clan, she didn't hesitate to use her own life as bait. She set a trap to drive a wedge between us father and son! Our current conflict is all her doing! Wake up! Don't persist in your ignorance!"

Even until now, he had held onto a glimmer of hope, hoping that his son would see the light.

"Nonsense! You're lying!"

Harrison erupted in anger, his face twisted with rage. "Fatherl! You forced my wife to her death, and now you're trying to smear her name. You're nothing but a beast!"

"Third Brother! Father isn't lying. I can testify to what happened back then!" Caden spoke up again. "I remember everything clearly from that time. Even though that woman was a spy, for your sake, Father still spared her life. It's just that we never expected that she would willingly seek death and set up a trap to drive a wedge between us father and son! It's truly insane!"

"That's right! We can all testify!"

At this moment, the Murray family members chimed in one after another.

The events from back then had indeed been a misunderstanding or, more accurately, a trap laid by that woman to sow discord.

It had led to the current situation where father and son were in conflict.

"Shut up! All of you shut up!"

Harrison roared repeatedly, his expression becoming particularly fierce. "You're all a nest of vipers. Of course, you would speak up for General! If it weren't for your persistent coercion, how could my wife have been willing to leave me? You hypocritical pseudo-gentlemen! Today, I will make you all pay for your actions!"

With that, he waved his hand forcefully. "Bring them all into custody!"
Wow thank you boss 🫡🫡🫡 isa kang alamat 🚀
Guys, Stonia and Oakvale are just the same, they are the same place in Chinese version. The original translator might have been confused and used it interchangeably. But here in my translation, i will stick to Stonia.
Stonia is the capital city of Dragonmarsh. Balermo is the region
Millsburg is the provincial capital
Swinston is a provincial town/suburb
Last edited:
Guys, Stonia and Oakvale are just the same, they are the same place in Chinese version. The original translator might have been confused and used it interchangeably. But here in my translation, i will stick to Stonia.
Stonia is the capital city of Dragonmarsh. Balermo is the region
Millsburg is the provincial capital
Swinston is a provincial town/suburb
Thank you for this information ☺️
Next chapter please ☺️
Hmmm 🤔 Where this conflict is heading to, I hope general Murray will resolve this amicably with his son, but if his son persists with his plan, I hope Dustin will come in as the solution. However, if Dustin intervenes, what will be general Murray's decision on his son, is he going to forgive him after such a betrayal 🤔
Hmmm 🤔 Where this conflict is heading to, I hope general Murray will resolve this amicably with his son, but if his son persists with his plan, I hope Dustin will come in as the solution. However, if Dustin intervenes, what will be general Murray's decision on his son, is he going to forgive him after such a betrayal 🤔
I hope general Murray will reveal how he got to know dustin, ... He is still a very mysterious guy, and we dont know what really happened 10 years ago and why was once an arrogant lad became a humble guy.
I hope general Murray will reveal how he got to know dustin, ... He is still a very mysterious guy, and we dont know what really happened 10 years ago and why was once an arrogant lad became a humble guy.
Yes waiting for the next chapter. Thankyou so much for your effort! Much appreciated
Hmmm 🤔 Where this conflict is heading to, I hope general Murray will resolve this amicably with his son, but if his son persists with his plan, I hope Dustin will come in as the solution. However, if Dustin intervenes, what will be general Murray's decision on his son, is he going to forgive him after such a betrayal 🤔
The son is already lost, forgiveness won't be an option and Dustin will intervene only when the general's life is at stake...Sheila in the end will realise how stupid she has been 4 not trusting Dustin
I hope general Murray will reveal how he got to know dustin, ... He is still a very mysterious guy, and we dont know what really happened 10 years ago and why was once an arrogant lad became a humble guy.
Bro Dustin, the kirin prince's mother was killed, he went on a killing rampage to find the killer, I think realise his strength was not enough to take revenge maybe causing the severe injury of his protector the drunken guy and finally realised he had to get stronger and smarter to achieve his goal of seeking retribution for his mother's death
You know, these situations are really now becoming f****** overused. Similar things happens everytime. Someone needs help. Dustin tries to help. Rich people see his clothes and shout a nobody dares to think himself capable blah blah blah. You dare challenge me. One person might defend him while rest will see him beguiling others.They attack him and he defeats them. And they are like 'Huh, how can a young man do this. Be this capable or something And later similar thing happens again. This plot is now getting utterly boring.

The hope of revelation of the MC is what has kept me going.
That's the idea since chapter 1, if you're fed up kindly stop reading... 😂...if you're still reading it means there is a reason find it😁
Guys, Stonia and Oakvale are just the same, they are the same place in Chinese version. The original translator might have been confused and used it interchangeably. But here in my translation, i will stick to Stonia.
Stonia is the capital city of Dragonmarsh. Balermo is the region
Millsburg is the provincial capital
Swinston is a provincial town/suburb
Salamat sa info, Master. Keep it up. Sana mka upload kpa mamaya 1131 up. Salamat uli.😊😊
Thanks so much
You know, these situations are really now becoming f****** overused. Similar things happens everytime. Someone needs help. Dustin tries to help. Rich people see his clothes and shout a nobody dares to think himself capable blah blah blah. You dare challenge me. One person might defend him while rest will see him beguiling others.They attack him and he defeats them. And they are like 'Huh, how can a young man do this. Be this capable or something And later similar thing happens again. This plot is now getting utterly boring.

The hope of revelation of the MC is what has kept me going.
Chapter 1121: "A Bold Intruder"

Caden squinted his eyes, his expression far from friendly.

"This guy, is he asking for trouble?" he muttered.

"How interesting... truly interesting," commented Nakamura from the crowd, a sly grin on his face.

After the events of last night, it was expected that Dustin would have fled in the dead of night and gone into hiding. However, nobody anticipated that he would show up at their doorstep.

He was truly audacious!

"Haha... this fellow is in deep trouble now. He's caught the attention of the General, and there's no escaping that today!" chuckled Chase.

"He deserves it! Why didn't he leave earlier? He's brought this upon himself by lingering here, he's practically digging his own grave!" added Vivian, wearing a smug expression.

In their eyes, the General must have learned about his grandson being beaten up, so he was seeking retribution publicly.

"General, I've already conveyed my intentions. I have some matters to attend to, so I'll take my leave now," Dustin said, clasping his hands politely.

"Hold on!" Chase suddenly jumped forward, blocking his path. He exclaimed, "Kid! You come and go as you please, do you take the General's residence for granted?!"

As he spoke, he stole a glance at General Murray.

Opportunities like this to display himself were not to be missed. If he could show his face in front of the General, it might lead to future favor and advancement.

It was a win-win situation—suppress Dustin and gain favor with the General.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but admire his own cleverness and ability to read the situation.

He was truly brilliant.

"Hmm?" General Murray raised an eyebrow, slightly puzzled by Chase's sudden appearance.

Where did this kid come from?

What was he up to?

"You told me to leave earlier, and now you want me to stay. What exactly do you mean?" Dustin maintained a neutral expression.

"Hmph! Spare us the talk!" Chase snarled, his face fierce. "You've annoyed the General, disrupted everyone's mood, and now you want to walk away? You're dreaming!"

"That's right! You've infiltrated the General's residence with ill intentions, harboring evil plans. Everyone should unite against such a threat! Fortunately, the General sees through your true colors. Today, you won't escape justice!" Vivian proclaimed self-righteously.

While labeling Dustin, he even patted General Murray's horse, making himself look more impressive.

This combination of praising the General while belittling Dustin was masterfully executed.

"Hey, what are you two doing?" General Murray furrowed his brow, displeased.

Where did these two fools come from? Can't they distinguish directions?

"General, dealing with such a scoundrel doesn't require your personal intervention. Leave it to us younger generation. I guarantee we'll handle him properly!" Chase said, oblivious to the gravity of the situation, trying to impress General Murray.

"Yes, General, it's your birthday today. You shouldn't get angry. We'll take care of it for you," Vivian added, fearing that all the credit would be stolen.

Making the General happy while also gaining some attention, what could be better?

"Seize this troublemaker who has committed numerous wrongs and interrogate him thoroughly!" Chase confidently ordered the Murray family guards.

"How dare you!" General Murray slammed his hand on the table, his anger evident. He walked up and slapped both Chase and Vivian.

"You've lost your senses! This is an esteemed guest of the Murray family! Who gave you the audacity to show disrespect to my guest?!"

Chapter 1122: "Unexpected Guest"


The sudden slap left Chase and Vivian bewildered, their hands covering their faces in confusion.

Wasn't Dustin the troublemaker? Why was the General hitting them?

At this moment, the Murray family members, and even all the guests present, wore expressions of shock.

Nobody expected that the usually composed General would openly resort to physical violence, especially on his own birthday.

"O-General, did you perhaps mistake the person? This guy is a criminal who should be detained and watched closely to prevent him from causing trouble," Chase attempted to explain.

"Yes, General, this guy injured Young Lord Garrett last night; he's truly heinous and must be severely punished!" Vivian chimed in.

She believed that General Murray might not know the whole story, hence the intervention.

"Shut up!" General Murray glared, emitting a powerful aura. "Dustin saved my granddaughter's life; he is a benefactor of the Murray family and my honored guest. If you dare to talk nonsense again, don't blame me for kicking you out!"

With those words, Chase and Vivian fell silent immediately, their faces showing signs of panic.

If they were truly expelled from the General's residence, not only would they suffer, but their entire families would also face consequences, perhaps even being ostracized.

After all, no one would want to risk offending the General and continue associating with their families.


Shiela couldn't bear to watch anymore and was about to say something when Max interrupted, "Dad, today is your birthday. It's not worth getting angry. Let's calm down."

The reason for stopping his daughter was simple: right now, distinguishing right from wrong was irrelevant.

Once the patriarch had spoken, the entire Murray family had to support his decision, no matter the reason. Especially in front of so many guests, the patriarch's authority was unquestionable.


General Murray coldly glanced at the two of them before turning to Dustin, saying in a commanding tone, "Young man, come, sit at the head of the table. Let's see who dares to object today."

With that, he grabbed Dustin's hand and arranged him at the head table.

This area was reserved for the Murray family's core members and esteemed guests. Dustin, dressed so modestly, appeared out of place.

However, no one dared to voice any objections with the General's command. Instead, they all put on friendly smiles and welcomed him.

Though Dustin was not a prominent figure, the General's face was priceless. Even if a lump of dung were placed on the table, they would have to eat it without complaint.

"This guy is truly despicable, taking advantage of Shiela's name to assert himself here and deceive the General's sympathy. He's utterly shameless!" Vivian gritted her teeth, feeling indignant.

As a prestigious disciple of a noble family, she didn't even have the qualifications to sit at the head table. Why should a lowly insurance salesman sit among those important figures?

"Hmph! This is just a temporary glory. Once the General realizes the truth, Dustin will undoubtedly be severely punished to clear his name!" Chase muttered, touching his stinging face.

In the presence of the General, he naturally couldn't express his anger, so he redirected it all toward Dustin.

"You brat, mark my words, one day I'll get rid of you."

Max muttered with a dark expression. He thought Chase and Vivian could handle Dustin, but he hadn't expected the Old Man to intervene.

Even if he harbored immense resentment, he dared not show it. After all, it was unwise to display dissatisfaction before the General, especially in front of such a significant gathering.

After this brief incident, the atmosphere returned to normal. More and more guests entered the banquet hall, bearing gifts to celebrate General Murray's birthday.

Chapter 1123: "The Return of the Prodigal Son"

The atmosphere in the room quickly became lively.

"General of the Jinzhou Garrison pays a visit, wishing General a long and prosperous life!"

"The Mayor of Li City in Jin Market pays a visit, wishing General strength and good health!"

"The Chairman of the Hedong Group pays a visit, wishing General success in all endeavors and years of prosperity!"

With the announcements of the servants, one distinguished figure after another, dressed impeccably, entered the room. Among them were influential military commanders, city leaders, wealthy entrepreneurs, and prominent figures from various fields. These guests had come to pay their respects, bearing all kinds of rare and valuable gifts.

"Thank you all for coming to celebrate. Please, take your seats."

Max, as the head of the family, stood up and began welcoming the various guests. Meanwhile, General Murray responded with smiles to the well-wishes from the guests.

"The Third Young Lord (Third son) is here!"

At that moment, a loud voice announced, causing everyone to turn their heads toward the entrance. There, a middle-aged man dressed in white, with a dignified appearance, was walking in slowly. He was accompanied by two cloaked individuals.

"Isn't that the General's youngest son, Lord Harrison Murray?"

"I heard that Harrison had a falling out with the family and disappeared for many years. I didn't expect him to return today."

"As a son, it's only natural for him to come back to congratulate his father on his birthday."

Observing the arrival of the man in white, the guests couldn't help but engage in hushed conversations.

General Murray had three sons: the eldest, Max; the second, Caden; and the third, Harrison. Among them, the most outstanding was Harrison, who was courageous and talented. He had been highly regarded and even designated as the family's heir at one point.

However, for reasons unknown, Harrison had given up his position and left the family, disappearing for a full five years until today, when he finally reappeared.


Recognizing the newcomer, Max's face lit up, and he hurriedly went to greet him. "Brother, it's been so many years. You've finally returned!"

He even gave Harrison a big hug.

"Big Brother, it's been a long time. Have you been well all these years?" Harrison smiled faintly.

"Very well... very well indeed!"

Patting his brother on the shoulder, Max grinned. "It's been a while, and you've grown even stronger. That's great!"

"Brother, since you've returned, why didn't you inform us beforehand?" Caden also approached with a smile.

"Second Brother, I just arrived. I thought I'd give you all a surprise. You won't blame me, will you?" Harrison joked.

"Since you've come back, I'm just happy about it. After all these years, you've given us quite the surprise today," Caden replied warmly.

"Enough of this. Let's not talk about it."

Max interrupted their conversation and led Harrison to their father, saying, "Dad, look who's here."

"Dad, I've come to celebrate your birthday."

Harrison respectfully presented a gift with both hands.

General Murray did not extend his hand to accept it. Instead, he snorted, "You left home, and now you have the face to return?"

Chapter 1124: "Reconciliation and Celebrations"

The cold and indifferent words from General Murray left Max and Caden momentarily stunned. In their eyes, their younger brother had always been the most favored and highly regarded by their father. So, shouldn't their father be happy to see him again? Why the stern expression?

It had been five long years, and they believed that any misunderstandings could have been resolved between a father and son during that time.

"Dad, it was my fault in the past, my foolishness. I want to apologize to you now," Harrison said, bowing deeply. "I've thought it over these years, and I know I was wrong. I hope you can forgive me this time."


General Murray raised an eyebrow, showing some surprise. His youngest son had always been headstrong, often stubbornly refusing to yield. However, it seemed that he had matured during his absence.

"Dad, everything that happened in the past is in the past. Third Brother has acknowledged his mistakes. Please forgive him," Max tried to mediate.

"Yes, Dad, it was all just a misunderstanding back then. Let's be a harmonious family, and we can overcome anything," Caden chimed in.

Seeing Harrison's humble attitude, General Murray's expression finally softened, and he waved his hand, saying, "Alright, as long as you've returned safely, that's enough. Take a seat."

"Thank you, Dad."

Harrison bowed once more.

"Third Brother, come, sit over here."

Max was very enthusiastic, leading Harrison to the seat of honor. He had always held his youngest brother in high regard, and their reunion after so many years was a source of great joy for him.

The core members of the Murray family and the other guests greeted Harrison warmly and politely. Everyone understood that General Murray had always been troubled by his youngest son's departure, to the extent that the name "Harrison" had become a taboo topic in the family over the past five years. Now, with Harrison's return and his sincere apology, it seemed that the old misunderstandings were finally being resolved. They believed that the Murray family would shine even brighter in the future.

As time passed, more and more dignitaries and influential figures arrived to celebrate. Each guest was accompanied by two bodyguards, who stood by the wall and maintained a vigilant presence.

Dustin glanced around and noticed that all these bodyguards were quite formidable, exuding an aura of battle-hardened experience. It was evident that they had seen combat.

Once all the guests had gathered, Max stood up first and announced, "First of all, I'd like to welcome all of you to our father's birthday banquet. Our father has requested a low-key celebration, but you have all traveled great distances to be here, and we are truly grateful for your presence."

He poured himself a glass of wine and raised it. "Please allow me to propose a toast to all of you."

With that, he emptied his glass, and the guests promptly raised their own glasses in return.

"Next, we invite our honored father to say a few words," Max continued, redirecting the attention to General Murray.

The room erupted into applause, prompting General Murray to rise to his feet. However, before he could speak, Harrison unexpectedly stood up, wearing a smile, and said, "May I say a few words before Dad?"

Max was slightly surprised but nodded in agreement. "Of course, brother, feel free to speak. We're all family here, no need to be formal."

"Dad, before anything else, I've prepared a gift for you today, and I hope you'll like it."

Harrison smiled and respectfully handed over a gift box.

"Well done, you've truly matured," General Murray nodded in satisfaction as he accepted the gift. "A prodigal son returns home, and your change of heart warms my soul.

Chapter 1125: "Revealing the Truth"

After opening the gift box and seeing the white cloth inside, General Murray's smile froze. The box didn't contain any valuable items or heartfelt gestures; it held nothing but a white cloth.

"Is this your gift?" General Murray furrowed his brows slightly, his eyes filled with confusion.

"Why? Father, do you not like it?" Harrison asked calmly, maintaining his respectful and humble demeanor.

"Like it?" General Murray's expression darkened, and he angrily tossed the gift box onto the ground. "Take a good look at what you've given me!"

With a loud crash, the gift box shattered, revealing the white cloth.

Upon witnessing this, everyone in the room was stunned.

"What's going on? Why is a birthday gift just a piece of white fabric?"

"Isn't that just a white cloth? Why would anyone give such a thing?"

"No wonder the General is angry. It's unthinkable! What is Harrison thinking?"

People began to murmur in confusion.

The once festive atmosphere quickly turned tense.

"Brother, why did you give this? Could it be a mistake?" Max furrowed his brows.

"Brother, take this back immediately, or it will be embarrassing!" Caden sternly said.

Giving such an inauspicious gift on the day of a birthday banquet was surely a deliberate attempt to invite bad luck.

"It appears that Father is not satisfied with my gift."

Ignoring the strange looks from those around him, Harrison carefully picked up the white cloth, dusted it off, and smiled. "This white cloth belonged to my wife. I've kept it for five years just for this day, to give it to you, Father."

His words sent shockwaves through the room.

Especially the Murray family members, their faces turned pale, and their bodies shivered. The events of the past had almost become a forbidden topic within the family. No one had expected Harrison to bring up the past on the day of his return.

"Brother! What are you talking about? Why would you bring this up? Are you drunk?" Max scolded while pleading with General Murray, "Dad, please don't take him seriously; he must be drunk."

"I'm not saying that the past didn't happen."

Harrison continued to smile as he spoke, "Father, do you remember? It was you who drove my wife to her death. You forced her to hang herself, separating us forever."

"Today, are you here to celebrate your birthday, or are you here to face judgment?"

General Murray's expression turned uncertain.

"I just want justice for my late wife."

Harrison smiled again and gently wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. "Father, if you can repent and admit your wrongdoing regarding my wife, I might consider forgiving you."

"Harrison! You're being outrageous!"

Max couldn't restrain himself any longer. He raised his hand and slapped Harrison across the face. "Today is Dad's birthday, and you're causing a scene. I order you to apologize to Father immediately!"


Harrison laughed softly, wiping the fresh blood from his mouth. "General Murray, you caused my wife's death and ruined my life. You pushed me into hell. You want me to apologize? Is that appropriate?"

"Big Brother, you're still the same as ever—always obedient and never questioning anything. The moment General Murray glares at you, you're scared into submission. You're really spineless," Harrison shook his head.

"You... You're incorrigible! Today, I will teach you a lesson!"

Max couldn't contain his anger any longer and raised his hand to strike Harrison.

However, Harrison suddenly drew a knife and ruthlessly stabbed it into Max's chest.

Chapter 1126: "The Unfolding Rebellion"


A sound of flesh tearing echoed in the air.

Harrison's sudden attack was swift and unannounced. He plunged the knife into Max's chest, piercing through his body.

Blood trickled down from the blade, drop by drop, as Max stood there in shock, staring at the knife that had impaled him. His face was filled with disbelief.

He couldn't have imagined that his own beloved younger brother, his own flesh and blood, would suddenly turn against him and stab him so ruthlessly.

In an instant, everyone in the room fell into stunned silence.

No one had expected that Harrison, who had appeared calm and composed just moments ago, would suddenly attack his own brother.

If his actions could have been attributed to drunkenness before, the situation had now taken a completely different turn.

"You... How dare you..."

Max's eyes widened, and he tried to speak, but blood gushed from his mouth before he could utter another word.

His body swayed for a moment, then he collapsed to the ground, lifeless.

"Big Brother, don't worry too much. I aimed slightly off from your heart, so it won't kill you immediately. Just lie there quietly for now, and don't get in the way," Harrison said calmly.

As he spoke, he casually discarded a handkerchief, wiping the blood off his fingertips.

His demeanor remained calm, as if he had merely completed a trivial task.

"You bastard! How dare you!"

Seeing this, General Murray was furious. "You attacked your own brother when he was offering you advice. You're completely insane! Guards, seize this traitor!"


In response to his command, a group of armed soldiers rushed into the room.

However, Harrison remained unfazed. He simply tossed the handkerchief onto the ground.

The next moment, the two rows of bodyguards who had been standing against the wall made their move.

Like ferocious tigers pouncing on their prey, they launched coordinated attacks.

These bodyguards were powerful, exceptionally fast, and had been well-prepared. As soon as they joined the fray, they overwhelmed the soldiers, who were caught off guard, leaving them with no chance to resist.

The situation in the room shifted dramatically.


The sudden turn of events left General Murray furrowing his brows.

He hadn't expected so many intruders to infiltrate his birthday celebration.

In other words, some of the guests present had been bought off.

"Harrison! Do you even realize what you're doing? Are you rebelling?" Caden angrily shouted.

"Harrison! You're playing with fire!" Caden warned. "I advise you to drop your weapons, surrender with your followers, or you'll regret it!"

Caden believed that his younger brother was making a grave mistake by opposing the Murray family within the walls of the General's Mansion.

"Harrison! You're being reckless!"

Caden's voice was filled with anger and frustration. "Today, I will teach you a lesson!"

Despite the chaotic scene and the tense atmosphere, Harrison maintained his composure. He knew that the situation had changed, and now, he held the upper hand.

"Take a moment to consider your actions," Harrison said calmly. "I control the situation here now. Everything will be as I say."

"Humph! Do you think you can control the entire General's Mansion with just these people? You're delusional!"

Caden retorted, undeterred. "Guards, capture these intruders!"

The General's Mansion was not a place where just anyone could cause chaos.

"You're making a grave mistake! You're going too far!" The members of the Murray family were furious and disappointed with Harrison's actions.

What had once been a united family gathering had now turned into a life-and-death struggle. Brother was turning against brother, and the situation seemed irreparable.

"Please take a good look. I am the one in control of the situation now," Harrison replied calmly.

“Capture these intruders! Capture these intruders!"

Chapter 1127: "Family Crisis"

The General's Mansion housed a thousand-strong armed force, fully capable of easily suppressing the entire scene. This was the reason why no one dared to act recklessly within the General's Mansion.

"Where are they? Why isn't anyone coming to support me?" After shouting, there was no response from outside, and Caden raised his voice even louder.

"Second Brother, there's no need to shout. My people have already infiltrated the General's Mansion, and your security team has already been defeated," Harrison said with a faint smile.

"How is that possible? You're lying!" Caden's pupils contracted, finding it hard to believe.

A thousand-strong army, all well-trained; how could they be so easily defeated?

"Five years of planning, and if I couldn't even accomplish this, I wouldn't have come here today," Harrison said casually.

"So you were prepared in advance."

Caden's expression darkened as he slowly took off his coat, revealing a body of well-defined muscles beneath his undershirt. "I've been training diligently since I was young, and I've already reached the peak of martial arts. Now I'm at the semi-master level. Your subordinates are completely inadequate in front of me!"

"Semi-master level?" His words caused a commotion in the crowd. In the martially-inclined Dragonmarsh, becoming a natural expert was already extremely difficult. Reaching the semi-master level required exceptional talent and hard work because at this level, one could face a thousand enemies on the battlefield.

"Harrison, if you repent now, there's still a chance for you. But if you persist, don't blame me for not being polite!" Caden stomped his foot, and the ground cracked with a loud "boom." A powerful shockwave erupted.

Harrison's subordinates hadn't reacted yet, and they were sent flying, coughing up blood and critically injured.

The others in the room saw this and quickly retreated in panic. A semi-master level expert could easily kill them.

"Shiela, I didn't expect your father to be so powerful. It seems that Harrison won't be able to make much trouble today," Vivian said with a mix of surprise and relief.

She had initially thought that disaster was looming, but luckily, Caden had stepped in to turn the tide.

"I didn't realize that Uncle Caden was hiding such profound martial skills. I never saw him use them before," Chase said with admiration.

Reaching the semi-master level was enough to establish one's own martial school and dominate the martial world.

"My dad is actually this powerful?" Shiela was surprised. To be honest, she had never seen her father take action before.

"Clap, clap, clap..."

Harrison clapped his hands with a smile. "Brother, I didn't expect that after a few years, you've reached such a level. I admire you!"

"If you know how powerful I am, why don't you surrender now?" Caden said.

"Brother, your martial talent is indeed exceptional, but unfortunately, it's not enough to stop me," Harrison said indifferently.


Caden was enraged. "Today, I will show you how capable I am!"

As he spoke, he rushed forward.

At this moment, one of Harrison's black-robed subordinates moved suddenly. His figure flashed in front of Caden and struck out with a palm.

"You're looking for death!"

Caden wasn't afraid at all and threw a punch at the black-robed person.


Their fists collided, but the black-robed figure remained unmoved, his robe fluttering in the wind. In contrast, Caden was sent flying like a cannonball and crashed heavily into the wall, coughing up blood.

Chapter 1128: "Valoria's Darkfang"


When they witnessed this scene, everyone's faces turned pale with shock.

Wasn't Caden a Semi-master level expert?

Wasn't he supposed to dominate the room effortlessly?

How did he end up spitting blood after just one confrontation?

"Lord Caden!"


Lily and Shiela were shocked and rushed forward to help Caden up.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Caden trembled as he coughed up blood repeatedly, his face filled with shock and disbelief.

Ever since he had cultivated the Devouring Soul Technique, he had been confident in his strength. While he might not be invincible, he believed he could dominate his peers. Why did he get suppressed so easily today? Was he really this weak, or was the enemy too strong?

"Who... who are you?!" Caden clenched his teeth, unwilling to accept his defeat.

"Darkfang from the Valoria (Warrior Kingdom)," the black-clothed figure slowly revealed their face beneath the hood, displaying a foreign visage.

Their cheeks were gaunt, and their eye sockets were deep, giving off a sinister vibe.

"What? Darkfang? Isn't that a martial arts master from Valoria? Why is he here?"

"It seems that Harrison spared no expense. He actually invited a martial arts master from the Valoria. No wonder Caden couldn't match up."

"This is bad! The armed forces of the Murray Clan are of no use, and now Caden is defeated. Could today be a disaster for the Murray Clan?"

When they learned of Darkfang's identity, the whole room erupted into an uproar.

A martial arts master at this level could be considered invincible. Their sudden arrival made them nearly unstoppable.

It seemed that the Murray Clan was in deep trouble.


Caden's face changed, filled with apprehension. "Harrison, I admit that you are indeed the most outstanding among us three brothers. However, unfortunately, you have underestimated the depth of the Murray Clan."

"Do you think that just with a martial arts master, you can sweep through the Murray Clan? If that's the case, I can only say you're too naive!"

"Today, I'll let you witness the true strength of the Murray Clan!"

Suddenly, Caden took a deep breath, activating his internal energy, and shouted loudly, "Murray Clan in crisis! Seeking Ancestor's aid!"

His voice was like thunder, resonating with a deafening boom. It caused the drinks on the table to ripple and the ears of everyone in the room to ring.

After that shout, some of the key members of the Murray Clan were immediately invigorated.

Few people knew that hidden within the Murray Clan was a top-tier expert referred to as "the Ancestor."

This person was already a martial arts master many years ago. Although they rarely made appearances, their strength was undoubtedly the pinnacle of the region.

The Ancestor usually secluded themselves in training and never interfered with the affairs of the Murray Clan. Nobody dared to disturb them.

However, now that the Murray Clan was facing a crisis, they had no choice but to invite the Ancestor to suppress the situation.

Believing that as long as the Ancestor intervened, someone like Darkfang from the Valoria wouldn't even be worth mentioning.

"Harrison! It's not too late to stop now. Once the Ancestor steps in, your life will be in jeopardy!"

"That's right! If you stop in time, there's still a chance for survival. Otherwise, you'll face certain death!"

Murray members chastised Harrison, trying to convince him to surrender.

Chapter 1129: "Valoria's Best vs Murray's Best"

Although Darkfang was formidable, he still fell short compared to the Ancestor.

"Ancestor? Hehe... I've heard of your name for a long time, but unfortunately, he can't help you," Harrison said calmly.

" Seeking Ancestor's aid!"

After waiting for half a moment with no response, Caden raised his voice again, shouting towards the back hill.

"Brother, there's no need to shout. The Ancestor is right here," Harrison said, taking out a small box from an unknown location and casually tossing it to the ground.

The box popped open, and a bloody head rolled out of it.

The head belonged to an elderly man with white hair all over, a withered face, wide-open eyes filled with shock and unwillingness.


Seeing this scene, Caden took several steps back in fear, his face filled with horror.

The others also wore expressions of disbelief, their hearts trembling with fear, as if they had seen a ghost.

"How... How is this possible? The Ancestor was such a powerful martial arts master. How could he have died so suddenly? What exactly happened?"

"It's over! It's over! With the death of the Ancestor, the Murray Clan is in grave danger!"

The Murray family members were trembling with fear, unable to believe what they were seeing.

They never imagined that the Murray Clan's greatest trump card, the Ancestor, would die so tragically, his head severed from his body. It was simply inconceivable!

"I have to admit that the Ancestor was indeed powerful, but if it weren't for our preparations, we might not have been able to kill him," Harrison said with a faint smile.

At this moment, his smile seemed terrifying to everyone, like that of a demon.

With just his own strength, he had calculated the entire Murray Clan. Such a person was truly terrifying!

"No! It's impossible!"

Caden shook his head repeatedly, unable to accept it. "The Ancestor was incredibly strong. How could he have been killed by someone like Darkfang from the Valoria?!"

"I never said that only Darkfang was here."

Harrison said casually, "Don't you know that Darkfang and Dreadclaw from the Valoria are always together? If Darkfang is here, then where do you think Dreadclaw is?"


Caden's pupils contracted. "Could he also be here?"

Dreadclaw was another martial arts master at the same level as Darkfang, and his strength was unfathomable.

"That's correct."

Harrison snapped his fingers.

Another black-clothed figure behind him slowly removed their hood, revealing a mixed-race face.

It was Dreadclaw, a martial arts master from the Valoria!

"If one Darkfang couldn't handle the Ancestor, then what if we add Dreadclaw to the mix?" Harrison smiled and asked rhetorically.

At this moment, Caden felt as if he had been struck by lightning. His legs gave way, and he collapsed to the ground, his face ashen.

In his eyes, there was only despair.

It was over. It was really over this time.

The Ancestor was dead, and the Murray Clan had no more hidden cards. With two martial arts masters like Darkfang and Dreadclaw here, they had no chance of winning.

It was clear that disaster was looming over the Murray Clan.

At this moment, whether it was the Murray family or the guests, everyone felt a deep sense of despair and helplessness.

No one had ever imagined that the once-mighty Murray Clan would be pushed to the brink of destruction.


At this moment, Harrison slowly raised his head, his gaze sharp. "All your reliance has been taken away, all your pride has been shattered."

"Now, I call the shots here. I need you to give me an explanation for what happened back then."

"Otherwise, from today onwards, the Murray Clan will cease to exist!"

Chapter 1130: "Revelation and Confrontation"

Harrison's simple words carried an undeniable aura of authority, causing everyone to tremble in fear and unease. Their eyes all turned towards General.

As the highest-ranking and most powerful figure present, the General's stance would determine the life or death of the entire clan.

"Rebel! You've harmed your siblings and brought calamity to the family. Your actions are treasonous, and now you have the audacity to ask me for an explanation? Do you truly see yourself as the victim here?" General sternly rebuked.

He had always believed that Harrison was his best successor. He possessed courage, intelligence, and cunning, and could have led the family to greatness. It was just a pity that his most talented son had strayed down the wrong path, causing a rift between him and the family.

Amidst his anger, there was also deep sorrow.

"Father, you need to understand that everything I've done was because of you. If it weren't for you, pushing my wife to her death, how could I have ended up on this path?" Harrison calmly stated.

"That woman's death is related to me. Even if it's true, so what? She deserved to die!" General said coldly.

"She was your daughter-in-law, but you actually think she deserved to die?" Harrison self-mockingly smiled.

"She was my daughter-in-law, but she was also a spy for an enemy nation, an enemy to our Dragonmarsh!" General said sternly. "Do you know how many of our young men have died unjustly on the battlefield because of the existence of such spies?"

"She had repented, and she never harmed anyone. Why? Why won't you give her a chance?" Harrison suddenly became emotional.

"She didn't harm anyone else, but she harmed you!"

General slammed the table. "You could have had a promising future, but look at what you've become now? Neither human nor ghost, just a disgrace to the Murray Clan!"

He could have supported Harrison's pursuit of love, even if it meant disregarding social status. Even if she were a beggar, as long as his son was happy, he would have agreed. But being a spy was unacceptable.

"I don't care about my future. I only want her by my side. I only want her to live!" Harrison's voice grew more forceful. "It's you—it's you who killed her! It's your fault for killing my wife!"

"Bastard! Don't you understand? That woman has been plotting against you all along, even in death, she didn't spare you!" General finally revealed the truth. "I did want to kill her, but I didn't force her to die. For your sake, I gave her a chance to leave alive. However, this woman was cunning and ruthless. In order to destroy you and strangle the most outstanding heir of the Murray Clan, she didn't hesitate to use her own life as bait. She set a trap to drive a wedge between us father and son! Our current conflict is all her doing! Wake up! Don't persist in your ignorance!"

Even until now, he had held onto a glimmer of hope, hoping that his son would see the light.

"Nonsense! You're lying!"

Harrison erupted in anger, his face twisted with rage. "Fatherl! You forced my wife to her death, and now you're trying to smear her name. You're nothing but a beast!"

"Third Brother! Father isn't lying. I can testify to what happened back then!" Caden spoke up again. "I remember everything clearly from that time. Even though that woman was a spy, for your sake, Father still spared her life. It's just that we never expected that she would willingly seek death and set up a trap to drive a wedge between us father and son! It's truly insane!"

"That's right! We can all testify!"

At this moment, the Murray family members chimed in one after another.

The events from back then had indeed been a misunderstanding or, more accurately, a trap laid by that woman to sow discord.

It had led to the current situation where father and son were in conflict.

"Shut up! All of you shut up!"

Harrison roared repeatedly, his expression becoming particularly fierce. "You're all a nest of vipers. Of course, you would speak up for General! If it weren't for your persistent coercion, how could my wife have been willing to leave me? You hypocritical pseudo-gentlemen! Today, I will make you all pay for your actions!"

With that, he waved his hand forcefully. "Bring them all into custody!"
Thanks so much for the update, more grease to your elbow
Chapter 1121: "A Bold Intruder"

Caden squinted his eyes, his expression far from friendly.

"This guy, is he asking for trouble?" he muttered.

"How interesting... truly interesting," commented Nakamura from the crowd, a sly grin on his face.

After the events of last night, it was expected that Dustin would have fled in the dead of night and gone into hiding. However, nobody anticipated that he would show up at their doorstep.

He was truly audacious!

"Haha... this fellow is in deep trouble now. He's caught the attention of the General, and there's no escaping that today!" chuckled Chase.

"He deserves it! Why didn't he leave earlier? He's brought this upon himself by lingering here, he's practically digging his own grave!" added Vivian, wearing a smug expression.

In their eyes, the General must have learned about his grandson being beaten up, so he was seeking retribution publicly.

"General, I've already conveyed my intentions. I have some matters to attend to, so I'll take my leave now," Dustin said, clasping his hands politely.

"Hold on!" Chase suddenly jumped forward, blocking his path. He exclaimed, "Kid! You come and go as you please, do you take the General's residence for granted?!"

As he spoke, he stole a glance at General Murray.

Opportunities like this to display himself were not to be missed. If he could show his face in front of the General, it might lead to future favor and advancement.

It was a win-win situation—suppress Dustin and gain favor with the General.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but admire his own cleverness and ability to read the situation.

He was truly brilliant.

"Hmm?" General Murray raised an eyebrow, slightly puzzled by Chase's sudden appearance.

Where did this kid come from?

What was he up to?

"You told me to leave earlier, and now you want me to stay. What exactly do you mean?" Dustin maintained a neutral expression.

"Hmph! Spare us the talk!" Chase snarled, his face fierce. "You've annoyed the General, disrupted everyone's mood, and now you want to walk away? You're dreaming!"

"That's right! You've infiltrated the General's residence with ill intentions, harboring evil plans. Everyone should unite against such a threat! Fortunately, the General sees through your true colors. Today, you won't escape justice!" Vivian proclaimed self-righteously.

While labeling Dustin, he even patted General Murray's horse, making himself look more impressive.

This combination of praising the General while belittling Dustin was masterfully executed.

"Hey, what are you two doing?" General Murray furrowed his brow, displeased.

Where did these two fools come from? Can't they distinguish directions?

"General, dealing with such a scoundrel doesn't require your personal intervention. Leave it to us younger generation. I guarantee we'll handle him properly!" Chase said, oblivious to the gravity of the situation, trying to impress General Murray.

"Yes, General, it's your birthday today. You shouldn't get angry. We'll take care of it for you," Vivian added, fearing that all the credit would be stolen.

Making the General happy while also gaining some attention, what could be better?

"Seize this troublemaker who has committed numerous wrongs and interrogate him thoroughly!" Chase confidently ordered the Murray family guards.

"How dare you!" General Murray slammed his hand on the table, his anger evident. He walked up and slapped both Chase and Vivian.

"You've lost your senses! This is an esteemed guest of the Murray family! Who gave you the audacity to show disrespect to my guest?!"

Chapter 1122: "Unexpected Guest"


The sudden slap left Chase and Vivian bewildered, their hands covering their faces in confusion.

Wasn't Dustin the troublemaker? Why was the General hitting them?

At this moment, the Murray family members, and even all the guests present, wore expressions of shock.

Nobody expected that the usually composed General would openly resort to physical violence, especially on his own birthday.

"O-General, did you perhaps mistake the person? This guy is a criminal who should be detained and watched closely to prevent him from causing trouble," Chase attempted to explain.

"Yes, General, this guy injured Young Lord Garrett last night; he's truly heinous and must be severely punished!" Vivian chimed in.

She believed that General Murray might not know the whole story, hence the intervention.

"Shut up!" General Murray glared, emitting a powerful aura. "Dustin saved my granddaughter's life; he is a benefactor of the Murray family and my honored guest. If you dare to talk nonsense again, don't blame me for kicking you out!"

With those words, Chase and Vivian fell silent immediately, their faces showing signs of panic.

If they were truly expelled from the General's residence, not only would they suffer, but their entire families would also face consequences, perhaps even being ostracized.

After all, no one would want to risk offending the General and continue associating with their families.


Shiela couldn't bear to watch anymore and was about to say something when Max interrupted, "Dad, today is your birthday. It's not worth getting angry. Let's calm down."

The reason for stopping his daughter was simple: right now, distinguishing right from wrong was irrelevant.

Once the patriarch had spoken, the entire Murray family had to support his decision, no matter the reason. Especially in front of so many guests, the patriarch's authority was unquestionable.


General Murray coldly glanced at the two of them before turning to Dustin, saying in a commanding tone, "Young man, come, sit at the head of the table. Let's see who dares to object today."

With that, he grabbed Dustin's hand and arranged him at the head table.

This area was reserved for the Murray family's core members and esteemed guests. Dustin, dressed so modestly, appeared out of place.

However, no one dared to voice any objections with the General's command. Instead, they all put on friendly smiles and welcomed him.

Though Dustin was not a prominent figure, the General's face was priceless. Even if a lump of dung were placed on the table, they would have to eat it without complaint.

"This guy is truly despicable, taking advantage of Shiela's name to assert himself here and deceive the General's sympathy. He's utterly shameless!" Vivian gritted her teeth, feeling indignant.

As a prestigious disciple of a noble family, she didn't even have the qualifications to sit at the head table. Why should a lowly insurance salesman sit among those important figures?

"Hmph! This is just a temporary glory. Once the General realizes the truth, Dustin will undoubtedly be severely punished to clear his name!" Chase muttered, touching his stinging face.

In the presence of the General, he naturally couldn't express his anger, so he redirected it all toward Dustin.

"You brat, mark my words, one day I'll get rid of you."

Max muttered with a dark expression. He thought Chase and Vivian could handle Dustin, but he hadn't expected the Old Man to intervene.

Even if he harbored immense resentment, he dared not show it. After all, it was unwise to display dissatisfaction before the General, especially in front of such a significant gathering.

After this brief incident, the atmosphere returned to normal. More and more guests entered the banquet hall, bearing gifts to celebrate General Murray's birthday.

Chapter 1123: "The Return of the Prodigal Son"

The atmosphere in the room quickly became lively.

"General of the Jinzhou Garrison pays a visit, wishing General a long and prosperous life!"

"The Mayor of Li City in Jin Market pays a visit, wishing General strength and good health!"

"The Chairman of the Hedong Group pays a visit, wishing General success in all endeavors and years of prosperity!"

With the announcements of the servants, one distinguished figure after another, dressed impeccably, entered the room. Among them were influential military commanders, city leaders, wealthy entrepreneurs, and prominent figures from various fields. These guests had come to pay their respects, bearing all kinds of rare and valuable gifts.

"Thank you all for coming to celebrate. Please, take your seats."

Max, as the head of the family, stood up and began welcoming the various guests. Meanwhile, General Murray responded with smiles to the well-wishes from the guests.

"The Third Young Lord (Third son) is here!"

At that moment, a loud voice announced, causing everyone to turn their heads toward the entrance. There, a middle-aged man dressed in white, with a dignified appearance, was walking in slowly. He was accompanied by two cloaked individuals.

"Isn't that the General's youngest son, Lord Harrison Murray?"

"I heard that Harrison had a falling out with the family and disappeared for many years. I didn't expect him to return today."

"As a son, it's only natural for him to come back to congratulate his father on his birthday."

Observing the arrival of the man in white, the guests couldn't help but engage in hushed conversations.

General Murray had three sons: the eldest, Max; the second, Caden; and the third, Harrison. Among them, the most outstanding was Harrison, who was courageous and talented. He had been highly regarded and even designated as the family's heir at one point.

However, for reasons unknown, Harrison had given up his position and left the family, disappearing for a full five years until today, when he finally reappeared.


Recognizing the newcomer, Max's face lit up, and he hurriedly went to greet him. "Brother, it's been so many years. You've finally returned!"

He even gave Harrison a big hug.

"Big Brother, it's been a long time. Have you been well all these years?" Harrison smiled faintly.

"Very well... very well indeed!"

Patting his brother on the shoulder, Max grinned. "It's been a while, and you've grown even stronger. That's great!"

"Brother, since you've returned, why didn't you inform us beforehand?" Caden also approached with a smile.

"Second Brother, I just arrived. I thought I'd give you all a surprise. You won't blame me, will you?" Harrison joked.

"Since you've come back, I'm just happy about it. After all these years, you've given us quite the surprise today," Caden replied warmly.

"Enough of this. Let's not talk about it."

Max interrupted their conversation and led Harrison to their father, saying, "Dad, look who's here."

"Dad, I've come to celebrate your birthday."

Harrison respectfully presented a gift with both hands.

General Murray did not extend his hand to accept it. Instead, he snorted, "You left home, and now you have the face to return?"

Chapter 1124: "Reconciliation and Celebrations"

The cold and indifferent words from General Murray left Max and Caden momentarily stunned. In their eyes, their younger brother had always been the most favored and highly regarded by their father. So, shouldn't their father be happy to see him again? Why the stern expression?

It had been five long years, and they believed that any misunderstandings could have been resolved between a father and son during that time.

"Dad, it was my fault in the past, my foolishness. I want to apologize to you now," Harrison said, bowing deeply. "I've thought it over these years, and I know I was wrong. I hope you can forgive me this time."


General Murray raised an eyebrow, showing some surprise. His youngest son had always been headstrong, often stubbornly refusing to yield. However, it seemed that he had matured during his absence.

"Dad, everything that happened in the past is in the past. Third Brother has acknowledged his mistakes. Please forgive him," Max tried to mediate.

"Yes, Dad, it was all just a misunderstanding back then. Let's be a harmonious family, and we can overcome anything," Caden chimed in.

Seeing Harrison's humble attitude, General Murray's expression finally softened, and he waved his hand, saying, "Alright, as long as you've returned safely, that's enough. Take a seat."

"Thank you, Dad."

Harrison bowed once more.

"Third Brother, come, sit over here."

Max was very enthusiastic, leading Harrison to the seat of honor. He had always held his youngest brother in high regard, and their reunion after so many years was a source of great joy for him.

The core members of the Murray family and the other guests greeted Harrison warmly and politely. Everyone understood that General Murray had always been troubled by his youngest son's departure, to the extent that the name "Harrison" had become a taboo topic in the family over the past five years. Now, with Harrison's return and his sincere apology, it seemed that the old misunderstandings were finally being resolved. They believed that the Murray family would shine even brighter in the future.

As time passed, more and more dignitaries and influential figures arrived to celebrate. Each guest was accompanied by two bodyguards, who stood by the wall and maintained a vigilant presence.

Dustin glanced around and noticed that all these bodyguards were quite formidable, exuding an aura of battle-hardened experience. It was evident that they had seen combat.

Once all the guests had gathered, Max stood up first and announced, "First of all, I'd like to welcome all of you to our father's birthday banquet. Our father has requested a low-key celebration, but you have all traveled great distances to be here, and we are truly grateful for your presence."

He poured himself a glass of wine and raised it. "Please allow me to propose a toast to all of you."

With that, he emptied his glass, and the guests promptly raised their own glasses in return.

"Next, we invite our honored father to say a few words," Max continued, redirecting the attention to General Murray.

The room erupted into applause, prompting General Murray to rise to his feet. However, before he could speak, Harrison unexpectedly stood up, wearing a smile, and said, "May I say a few words before Dad?"

Max was slightly surprised but nodded in agreement. "Of course, brother, feel free to speak. We're all family here, no need to be formal."

"Dad, before anything else, I've prepared a gift for you today, and I hope you'll like it."

Harrison smiled and respectfully handed over a gift box.

"Well done, you've truly matured," General Murray nodded in satisfaction as he accepted the gift. "A prodigal son returns home, and your change of heart warms my soul.

Chapter 1125: "Revealing the Truth"

After opening the gift box and seeing the white cloth inside, General Murray's smile froze. The box didn't contain any valuable items or heartfelt gestures; it held nothing but a white cloth.

"Is this your gift?" General Murray furrowed his brows slightly, his eyes filled with confusion.

"Why? Father, do you not like it?" Harrison asked calmly, maintaining his respectful and humble demeanor.

"Like it?" General Murray's expression darkened, and he angrily tossed the gift box onto the ground. "Take a good look at what you've given me!"

With a loud crash, the gift box shattered, revealing the white cloth.

Upon witnessing this, everyone in the room was stunned.

"What's going on? Why is a birthday gift just a piece of white fabric?"

"Isn't that just a white cloth? Why would anyone give such a thing?"

"No wonder the General is angry. It's unthinkable! What is Harrison thinking?"

People began to murmur in confusion.

The once festive atmosphere quickly turned tense.

"Brother, why did you give this? Could it be a mistake?" Max furrowed his brows.

"Brother, take this back immediately, or it will be embarrassing!" Caden sternly said.

Giving such an inauspicious gift on the day of a birthday banquet was surely a deliberate attempt to invite bad luck.

"It appears that Father is not satisfied with my gift."

Ignoring the strange looks from those around him, Harrison carefully picked up the white cloth, dusted it off, and smiled. "This white cloth belonged to my wife. I've kept it for five years just for this day, to give it to you, Father."

His words sent shockwaves through the room.

Especially the Murray family members, their faces turned pale, and their bodies shivered. The events of the past had almost become a forbidden topic within the family. No one had expected Harrison to bring up the past on the day of his return.

"Brother! What are you talking about? Why would you bring this up? Are you drunk?" Max scolded while pleading with General Murray, "Dad, please don't take him seriously; he must be drunk."

"I'm not saying that the past didn't happen."

Harrison continued to smile as he spoke, "Father, do you remember? It was you who drove my wife to her death. You forced her to hang herself, separating us forever."

"Today, are you here to celebrate your birthday, or are you here to face judgment?"

General Murray's expression turned uncertain.

"I just want justice for my late wife."

Harrison smiled again and gently wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. "Father, if you can repent and admit your wrongdoing regarding my wife, I might consider forgiving you."

"Harrison! You're being outrageous!"

Max couldn't restrain himself any longer. He raised his hand and slapped Harrison across the face. "Today is Dad's birthday, and you're causing a scene. I order you to apologize to Father immediately!"


Harrison laughed softly, wiping the fresh blood from his mouth. "General Murray, you caused my wife's death and ruined my life. You pushed me into hell. You want me to apologize? Is that appropriate?"

"Big Brother, you're still the same as ever—always obedient and never questioning anything. The moment General Murray glares at you, you're scared into submission. You're really spineless," Harrison shook his head.

"You... You're incorrigible! Today, I will teach you a lesson!"

Max couldn't contain his anger any longer and raised his hand to strike Harrison.

However, Harrison suddenly drew a knife and ruthlessly stabbed it into Max's chest.

Chapter 1126: "The Unfolding Rebellion"


A sound of flesh tearing echoed in the air.

Harrison's sudden attack was swift and unannounced. He plunged the knife into Max's chest, piercing through his body.

Blood trickled down from the blade, drop by drop, as Max stood there in shock, staring at the knife that had impaled him. His face was filled with disbelief.

He couldn't have imagined that his own beloved younger brother, his own flesh and blood, would suddenly turn against him and stab him so ruthlessly.

In an instant, everyone in the room fell into stunned silence.

No one had expected that Harrison, who had appeared calm and composed just moments ago, would suddenly attack his own brother.

If his actions could have been attributed to drunkenness before, the situation had now taken a completely different turn.

"You... How dare you..."

Max's eyes widened, and he tried to speak, but blood gushed from his mouth before he could utter another word.

His body swayed for a moment, then he collapsed to the ground, lifeless.

"Big Brother, don't worry too much. I aimed slightly off from your heart, so it won't kill you immediately. Just lie there quietly for now, and don't get in the way," Harrison said calmly.

As he spoke, he casually discarded a handkerchief, wiping the blood off his fingertips.

His demeanor remained calm, as if he had merely completed a trivial task.

"You bastard! How dare you!"

Seeing this, General Murray was furious. "You attacked your own brother when he was offering you advice. You're completely insane! Guards, seize this traitor!"


In response to his command, a group of armed soldiers rushed into the room.

However, Harrison remained unfazed. He simply tossed the handkerchief onto the ground.

The next moment, the two rows of bodyguards who had been standing against the wall made their move.

Like ferocious tigers pouncing on their prey, they launched coordinated attacks.

These bodyguards were powerful, exceptionally fast, and had been well-prepared. As soon as they joined the fray, they overwhelmed the soldiers, who were caught off guard, leaving them with no chance to resist.

The situation in the room shifted dramatically.


The sudden turn of events left General Murray furrowing his brows.

He hadn't expected so many intruders to infiltrate his birthday celebration.

In other words, some of the guests present had been bought off.

"Harrison! Do you even realize what you're doing? Are you rebelling?" Caden angrily shouted.

"Harrison! You're playing with fire!" Caden warned. "I advise you to drop your weapons, surrender with your followers, or you'll regret it!"

Caden believed that his younger brother was making a grave mistake by opposing the Murray family within the walls of the General's Mansion.

"Harrison! You're being reckless!"

Caden's voice was filled with anger and frustration. "Today, I will teach you a lesson!"

Despite the chaotic scene and the tense atmosphere, Harrison maintained his composure. He knew that the situation had changed, and now, he held the upper hand.

"Take a moment to consider your actions," Harrison said calmly. "I control the situation here now. Everything will be as I say."

"Humph! Do you think you can control the entire General's Mansion with just these people? You're delusional!"

Caden retorted, undeterred. "Guards, capture these intruders!"

The General's Mansion was not a place where just anyone could cause chaos.

"You're making a grave mistake! You're going too far!" The members of the Murray family were furious and disappointed with Harrison's actions.

What had once been a united family gathering had now turned into a life-and-death struggle. Brother was turning against brother, and the situation seemed irreparable.

"Please take a good look. I am the one in control of the situation now," Harrison replied calmly.

“Capture these intruders! Capture these intruders!"

Chapter 1127: "Family Crisis"

The General's Mansion housed a thousand-strong armed force, fully capable of easily suppressing the entire scene. This was the reason why no one dared to act recklessly within the General's Mansion.

"Where are they? Why isn't anyone coming to support me?" After shouting, there was no response from outside, and Caden raised his voice even louder.

"Second Brother, there's no need to shout. My people have already infiltrated the General's Mansion, and your security team has already been defeated," Harrison said with a faint smile.

"How is that possible? You're lying!" Caden's pupils contracted, finding it hard to believe.

A thousand-strong army, all well-trained; how could they be so easily defeated?

"Five years of planning, and if I couldn't even accomplish this, I wouldn't have come here today," Harrison said casually.

"So you were prepared in advance."

Caden's expression darkened as he slowly took off his coat, revealing a body of well-defined muscles beneath his undershirt. "I've been training diligently since I was young, and I've already reached the peak of martial arts. Now I'm at the semi-master level. Your subordinates are completely inadequate in front of me!"

"Semi-master level?" His words caused a commotion in the crowd. In the martially-inclined Dragonmarsh, becoming a natural expert was already extremely difficult. Reaching the semi-master level required exceptional talent and hard work because at this level, one could face a thousand enemies on the battlefield.

"Harrison, if you repent now, there's still a chance for you. But if you persist, don't blame me for not being polite!" Caden stomped his foot, and the ground cracked with a loud "boom." A powerful shockwave erupted.

Harrison's subordinates hadn't reacted yet, and they were sent flying, coughing up blood and critically injured.

The others in the room saw this and quickly retreated in panic. A semi-master level expert could easily kill them.

"Shiela, I didn't expect your father to be so powerful. It seems that Harrison won't be able to make much trouble today," Vivian said with a mix of surprise and relief.

She had initially thought that disaster was looming, but luckily, Caden had stepped in to turn the tide.

"I didn't realize that Uncle Caden was hiding such profound martial skills. I never saw him use them before," Chase said with admiration.

Reaching the semi-master level was enough to establish one's own martial school and dominate the martial world.

"My dad is actually this powerful?" Shiela was surprised. To be honest, she had never seen her father take action before.

"Clap, clap, clap..."

Harrison clapped his hands with a smile. "Brother, I didn't expect that after a few years, you've reached such a level. I admire you!"

"If you know how powerful I am, why don't you surrender now?" Caden said.

"Brother, your martial talent is indeed exceptional, but unfortunately, it's not enough to stop me," Harrison said indifferently.


Caden was enraged. "Today, I will show you how capable I am!"

As he spoke, he rushed forward.

At this moment, one of Harrison's black-robed subordinates moved suddenly. His figure flashed in front of Caden and struck out with a palm.

"You're looking for death!"

Caden wasn't afraid at all and threw a punch at the black-robed person.


Their fists collided, but the black-robed figure remained unmoved, his robe fluttering in the wind. In contrast, Caden was sent flying like a cannonball and crashed heavily into the wall, coughing up blood.

Chapter 1128: "Valoria's Darkfang"


When they witnessed this scene, everyone's faces turned pale with shock.

Wasn't Caden a Semi-master level expert?

Wasn't he supposed to dominate the room effortlessly?

How did he end up spitting blood after just one confrontation?

"Lord Caden!"


Lily and Shiela were shocked and rushed forward to help Caden up.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Caden trembled as he coughed up blood repeatedly, his face filled with shock and disbelief.

Ever since he had cultivated the Devouring Soul Technique, he had been confident in his strength. While he might not be invincible, he believed he could dominate his peers. Why did he get suppressed so easily today? Was he really this weak, or was the enemy too strong?

"Who... who are you?!" Caden clenched his teeth, unwilling to accept his defeat.

"Darkfang from the Valoria (Warrior Kingdom)," the black-clothed figure slowly revealed their face beneath the hood, displaying a foreign visage.

Their cheeks were gaunt, and their eye sockets were deep, giving off a sinister vibe.

"What? Darkfang? Isn't that a martial arts master from Valoria? Why is he here?"

"It seems that Harrison spared no expense. He actually invited a martial arts master from the Valoria. No wonder Caden couldn't match up."

"This is bad! The armed forces of the Murray Clan are of no use, and now Caden is defeated. Could today be a disaster for the Murray Clan?"

When they learned of Darkfang's identity, the whole room erupted into an uproar.

A martial arts master at this level could be considered invincible. Their sudden arrival made them nearly unstoppable.

It seemed that the Murray Clan was in deep trouble.


Caden's face changed, filled with apprehension. "Harrison, I admit that you are indeed the most outstanding among us three brothers. However, unfortunately, you have underestimated the depth of the Murray Clan."

"Do you think that just with a martial arts master, you can sweep through the Murray Clan? If that's the case, I can only say you're too naive!"

"Today, I'll let you witness the true strength of the Murray Clan!"

Suddenly, Caden took a deep breath, activating his internal energy, and shouted loudly, "Murray Clan in crisis! Seeking Ancestor's aid!"

His voice was like thunder, resonating with a deafening boom. It caused the drinks on the table to ripple and the ears of everyone in the room to ring.

After that shout, some of the key members of the Murray Clan were immediately invigorated.

Few people knew that hidden within the Murray Clan was a top-tier expert referred to as "the Ancestor."

This person was already a martial arts master many years ago. Although they rarely made appearances, their strength was undoubtedly the pinnacle of the region.

The Ancestor usually secluded themselves in training and never interfered with the affairs of the Murray Clan. Nobody dared to disturb them.

However, now that the Murray Clan was facing a crisis, they had no choice but to invite the Ancestor to suppress the situation.

Believing that as long as the Ancestor intervened, someone like Darkfang from the Valoria wouldn't even be worth mentioning.

"Harrison! It's not too late to stop now. Once the Ancestor steps in, your life will be in jeopardy!"

"That's right! If you stop in time, there's still a chance for survival. Otherwise, you'll face certain death!"

Murray members chastised Harrison, trying to convince him to surrender.

Chapter 1129: "Valoria's Best vs Murray's Best"

Although Darkfang was formidable, he still fell short compared to the Ancestor.

"Ancestor? Hehe... I've heard of your name for a long time, but unfortunately, he can't help you," Harrison said calmly.

" Seeking Ancestor's aid!"

After waiting for half a moment with no response, Caden raised his voice again, shouting towards the back hill.

"Brother, there's no need to shout. The Ancestor is right here," Harrison said, taking out a small box from an unknown location and casually tossing it to the ground.

The box popped open, and a bloody head rolled out of it.

The head belonged to an elderly man with white hair all over, a withered face, wide-open eyes filled with shock and unwillingness.


Seeing this scene, Caden took several steps back in fear, his face filled with horror.

The others also wore expressions of disbelief, their hearts trembling with fear, as if they had seen a ghost.

"How... How is this possible? The Ancestor was such a powerful martial arts master. How could he have died so suddenly? What exactly happened?"

"It's over! It's over! With the death of the Ancestor, the Murray Clan is in grave danger!"

The Murray family members were trembling with fear, unable to believe what they were seeing.

They never imagined that the Murray Clan's greatest trump card, the Ancestor, would die so tragically, his head severed from his body. It was simply inconceivable!

"I have to admit that the Ancestor was indeed powerful, but if it weren't for our preparations, we might not have been able to kill him," Harrison said with a faint smile.

At this moment, his smile seemed terrifying to everyone, like that of a demon.

With just his own strength, he had calculated the entire Murray Clan. Such a person was truly terrifying!

"No! It's impossible!"

Caden shook his head repeatedly, unable to accept it. "The Ancestor was incredibly strong. How could he have been killed by someone like Darkfang from the Valoria?!"

"I never said that only Darkfang was here."

Harrison said casually, "Don't you know that Darkfang and Dreadclaw from the Valoria are always together? If Darkfang is here, then where do you think Dreadclaw is?"


Caden's pupils contracted. "Could he also be here?"

Dreadclaw was another martial arts master at the same level as Darkfang, and his strength was unfathomable.

"That's correct."

Harrison snapped his fingers.

Another black-clothed figure behind him slowly removed their hood, revealing a mixed-race face.

It was Dreadclaw, a martial arts master from the Valoria!

"If one Darkfang couldn't handle the Ancestor, then what if we add Dreadclaw to the mix?" Harrison smiled and asked rhetorically.

At this moment, Caden felt as if he had been struck by lightning. His legs gave way, and he collapsed to the ground, his face ashen.

In his eyes, there was only despair.

It was over. It was really over this time.

The Ancestor was dead, and the Murray Clan had no more hidden cards. With two martial arts masters like Darkfang and Dreadclaw here, they had no chance of winning.

It was clear that disaster was looming over the Murray Clan.

At this moment, whether it was the Murray family or the guests, everyone felt a deep sense of despair and helplessness.

No one had ever imagined that the once-mighty Murray Clan would be pushed to the brink of destruction.


At this moment, Harrison slowly raised his head, his gaze sharp. "All your reliance has been taken away, all your pride has been shattered."

"Now, I call the shots here. I need you to give me an explanation for what happened back then."

"Otherwise, from today onwards, the Murray Clan will cease to exist!"

Chapter 1130: "Revelation and Confrontation"

Harrison's simple words carried an undeniable aura of authority, causing everyone to tremble in fear and unease. Their eyes all turned towards General.

As the highest-ranking and most powerful figure present, the General's stance would determine the life or death of the entire clan.

"Rebel! You've harmed your siblings and brought calamity to the family. Your actions are treasonous, and now you have the audacity to ask me for an explanation? Do you truly see yourself as the victim here?" General sternly rebuked.

He had always believed that Harrison was his best successor. He possessed courage, intelligence, and cunning, and could have led the family to greatness. It was just a pity that his most talented son had strayed down the wrong path, causing a rift between him and the family.

Amidst his anger, there was also deep sorrow.

"Father, you need to understand that everything I've done was because of you. If it weren't for you, pushing my wife to her death, how could I have ended up on this path?" Harrison calmly stated.

"That woman's death is related to me. Even if it's true, so what? She deserved to die!" General said coldly.

"She was your daughter-in-law, but you actually think she deserved to die?" Harrison self-mockingly smiled.

"She was my daughter-in-law, but she was also a spy for an enemy nation, an enemy to our Dragonmarsh!" General said sternly. "Do you know how many of our young men have died unjustly on the battlefield because of the existence of such spies?"

"She had repented, and she never harmed anyone. Why? Why won't you give her a chance?" Harrison suddenly became emotional.

"She didn't harm anyone else, but she harmed you!"

General slammed the table. "You could have had a promising future, but look at what you've become now? Neither human nor ghost, just a disgrace to the Murray Clan!"

He could have supported Harrison's pursuit of love, even if it meant disregarding social status. Even if she were a beggar, as long as his son was happy, he would have agreed. But being a spy was unacceptable.

"I don't care about my future. I only want her by my side. I only want her to live!" Harrison's voice grew more forceful. "It's you—it's you who killed her! It's your fault for killing my wife!"

"Bastard! Don't you understand? That woman has been plotting against you all along, even in death, she didn't spare you!" General finally revealed the truth. "I did want to kill her, but I didn't force her to die. For your sake, I gave her a chance to leave alive. However, this woman was cunning and ruthless. In order to destroy you and strangle the most outstanding heir of the Murray Clan, she didn't hesitate to use her own life as bait. She set a trap to drive a wedge between us father and son! Our current conflict is all her doing! Wake up! Don't persist in your ignorance!"

Even until now, he had held onto a glimmer of hope, hoping that his son would see the light.

"Nonsense! You're lying!"

Harrison erupted in anger, his face twisted with rage. "Fatherl! You forced my wife to her death, and now you're trying to smear her name. You're nothing but a beast!"

"Third Brother! Father isn't lying. I can testify to what happened back then!" Caden spoke up again. "I remember everything clearly from that time. Even though that woman was a spy, for your sake, Father still spared her life. It's just that we never expected that she would willingly seek death and set up a trap to drive a wedge between us father and son! It's truly insane!"

"That's right! We can all testify!"

At this moment, the Murray family members chimed in one after another.

The events from back then had indeed been a misunderstanding or, more accurately, a trap laid by that woman to sow discord.

It had led to the current situation where father and son were in conflict.

"Shut up! All of you shut up!"

Harrison roared repeatedly, his expression becoming particularly fierce. "You're all a nest of vipers. Of course, you would speak up for General! If it weren't for your persistent coercion, how could my wife have been willing to leave me? You hypocritical pseudo-gentlemen! Today, I will make you all pay for your actions!"

With that, he waved his hand forcefully. "Bring them all into custody!"
Waiting for 1131 haha... Thank bro... Keep the continuation coming
I hope general Murray will reveal how he got to know dustin, ... He is still a very mysterious guy, and we dont know what really happened 10 years ago and why was once an arrogant lad became a humble guy.
I wonder if all these people that have clashed with Dustin since the book began, will ever learn that Dustin is in fact, Logan Rhys - the Kirin…?

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