Any tips on how to stop smoking?

This picture shows all the bronchi full of mucus the person was trying to cough out. The tar pools are not individual alveoli. They are consolidations of hundreds of tiny alveoli that broke down allowing the tire to form a bubble or lake of nothing in that spot. If you clean the tar out it's just empty space where lung was once grabbing air

Ni rahisi kwa kuongea ni kazi kwenye kuacha kuna vitu ambavyo mwanangu akiwa anakua nitamshauri hata asivijaribu vina addiction, Habitual na Dependence sana
  1. Madawa ya kulevya
  2. Sigara na pombe
  3. Masterbation
  4. Gayism na Lesbinism
  5. Sex japo itabidi aoe au aolewe ili aweze kushindana na mwili
I have seen people using nicotine patch. Will that help?
It's easy to say, it's work to stop there are things that my son growing up I will advise him not to try them, they are very addictive, habitual and Dependent
  1. Drugs
  2. Cigarettes and alcohol
  3. masterbation
  4. Gayism na Lesbinism
  5. Sex even if he has to marry or be married so that he can compete with the body
I feel like you are talking about me when you list down item 2, 3 and 5 :ROFLMAO: . For me, smoking, drinking, masturbating and sex are making me 'filled' and happy. They are simply no way to resist.
Do you have tips on how to stop smoking cigarettes🚬 🚭 View attachment 1491
How long have you been smoking? And why do you want to stop? I have been smoking since I was 15 or 16 and I don't see a reason to stop smoking after more than 30 years of smoking. In that period, I had moments when I did not have money, but I still find ways to smoke. I had girlfriends that asked me to stop smoking, our relationship end up broken because I could not stop smoking. So it is not easy for a season smoker to stop smoking. I believe once your mind is committed enough to a 'reason' of why you want to smoke.. you will find the way. If you have not created or find that 'reason'.. it's almost impossible to stop. I have not found that 'reason' yet..

I have a heavy smoker friend who lost his brother because of lung cancer and one day not long after the pass of his brother he felt sick, heavily sick with chest pain and heavy cough.. he created a 'reason' to stop smoking by connecting the passing of his brother and his sickness and there you go he never came back to smoking now. So create your own reason and believe in it.
I have seen people using nicotine patch. Will that help?
First find the 'reason' that you committedly believe as I said earlier. Then this patch will help to trick your mind to ease on your desire to smoke as the days pass through. If you use that patch without that 'reason', you will end up patching yourself up temporarily for days or weeks, or months just to go back to smoking again sooner or later.
First find the 'reason' that you committedly believe as I said earlier. Then this patch will help to trick your mind to ease on your desire to smoke as the days pass through. If you use that patch without that 'reason', you will end up patching yourself up temporarily for days or weeks, or months just to go back to smoking again sooner or later.
Do you smoke? What is your cigarette of choice?

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