Israel - Hamas War Updates

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Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
I believe your comments in this thread could be a good example to show psychology students of the "The Dunning-Kruger Effect". The less you know about something more confident people are. I stumbled in to this thread by mistake and immediately wanted to puke. My god the rubbish you have written here.

1. First, Hamas is a political party. They're declared a terrorist group only this year.
2. In your first para you say "Palestinian wish to announce Gaza as their own" as if they're trying to occupy it. In truth, Israel occupied Palestine illegally and continue to oppress the people of Palestine to this day, for 75 years. UN calls Gaza an OPEN AIR PRISON.

I only have one last thing to say. If you don't know what is happening it is okay to ask to educate yourself. If you are too proud to ask then read. Read from both sides so you can derive to the truth. But for the sake of humanity don't just fall for the propaganda and blabber out ****. Palestinians are fighting for their lives facing a genocide. So if you can't show any empathy then shut the **** up.
Brother this war is affecting all of us. We all wish for peace in Middle East.

Palestinians will tell you they are wronged. Israel will tell you they are wronged.

What Israel has done right and wrong :

Right : they have the right to exist and live in Peace .

Right : they have offered peace deals to Palestinians

Right : there are 2 million Arabs in Israel and they make up 20% of the population.

Wrong : Israel expelled 700,000 Palestinian Arabs when Israel was founded .

Wrong : in Areas of the West Bank that are under Israeli control Israeli soldiers treat the local Palestinians terribly .

Wrong : Israel has abused eminent domain and destroyed Palestinian villages to expand itself

What Palestine has done right and wrong :

Right : Palestinians have the right to live and prosper .

Right : Palestinians have a right to self-determination in the form of developing their own government

Right : the PA acknowledges that Israel has the right to exist .

Wrong: Palestinian terrorism ie Hamas has been a constant detriment both to the peace process and living conditions in both Israel and Palestine .

Wrong : Palestine has rejected every peace deal that Israel has offered .

Wrong : Arab countries expelled all their Jews when Israel was founded and there are almost no Jews in Arab countries today .

So as you can see both have done right and wrong , the Israeli control of most of the West Bank cannot be considered an occupation because it was the Arab countries that first declared war on Israel so Israelis had no choice but to defend themselves and you cannot blame Israel for blockading Gaza because Hamas terrorists fire rockets , I am personally taking no sides in this conflict and I am not Anti Israel nor I am anti Palestine because in all conflicts all sides do right and wrong , the PA is secular and it acknowledges that Israel has the right to exist but it has rejected every peace deal that Israel has offered and Hamas is a terrorist group that mixes religion with politics and says that Israel does not have the right to exist so I am personally against Hamas .


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
I believe your comments in this thread could be a good example to show psychology students of the "The Dunning-Kruger Effect". The less you know about something more confident people are. I stumbled in to this thread by mistake and immediately wanted to puke. My god the rubbish you have written here.

1. First, Hamas is a political party. They're declared a terrorist group only this year.
2. In your first para you say "Palestinian wish to announce Gaza as their own" as if they're trying to occupy it. In truth, Israel occupied Palestine illegally and continue to oppress the people of Palestine to this day, for 75 years. UN calls Gaza an OPEN AIR PRISON.

I only have one last thing to say. If you don't know what is happening it is okay to ask to educate yourself. If you are too proud to ask then read. Read from both sides so you can derive to the truth. But for the sake of humanity don't just fall for the propaganda and blabber out ****. Palestinians are fighting for their lives facing a genocide. So if you can't show any empathy then shut the **** upup.

This war is escalating because both sides are wrong. Israel who want to take over whole region are wrong, they could easily co exist with Palestinians. Palestinians who wishes to destroy Israel are also wrong. In order for war to stop they have to learn to co exist togther.

People take sides because of religion.

Hamas went to kidnap civilians on a party that's how the war broke. Before there were tension but how can you take side for Hamas who ruin chances of peace?

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
This is a proof that Hamas is hiding within civilians and plotting their evil crimes in hospital.

Hamas hiding in hospital put civilians in danger is this not a war crime?

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Official Account
Staff member
Jun 5, 2023
When your heart is shut and eyes are blinded people see truth as false.

The comments are even more terrifying.

War what is it good for?
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Zaid R

New member
Sep 22, 2023
Brother this war is affecting all of us. We all wish for peace in Middle East.

Palestinians will tell you they are wronged. Israel will tell you they are wronged.

What Israel has done right and wrong :

Right : they have the right to exist and live in Peace .

Right : they have offered peace deals to Palestinians

Right : there are 2 million Arabs in Israel and they make up 20% of the population.

Wrong : Israel expelled 700,000 Palestinian Arabs when Israel was founded .

Wrong : in Areas of the West Bank that are under Israeli control Israeli soldiers treat the local Palestinians terribly .

Wrong : Israel has abused eminent domain and destroyed Palestinian villages to expand itself

What Palestine has done right and wrong :

Right : Palestinians have the right to live and prosper .

Right : Palestinians have a right to self-determination in the form of developing their own government

Right : the PA acknowledges that Israel has the right to exist .

Wrong: Palestinian terrorism ie Hamas has been a constant detriment both to the peace process and living conditions in both Israel and Palestine .

Wrong : Palestine has rejected every peace deal that Israel has offered .

Wrong : Arab countries expelled all their Jews when Israel was founded and there are almost no Jews in Arab countries today .

So as you can see both have done right and wrong , the Israeli control of most of the West Bank cannot be considered an occupation because it was the Arab countries that first declared war on Israel so Israelis had no choice but to defend themselves and you cannot blame Israel for blockading Gaza because Hamas terrorists fire rockets , I am personally taking no sides in this conflict and I am not Anti Israel nor I am anti Palestine because in all conflicts all sides do right and wrong , the PA is secular and it acknowledges that Israel has the right to exist but it has rejected every peace deal that Israel has offered and Hamas is a terrorist group that mixes religion with politics and says that Israel does not have the right to exist so I am personally against Hamas .
Hey, Just got the chance to come back to this thread. Interesting take on this issue. I believe you won't mind me taking this comment objectively and give me 2 cents.
1. Right : they have the right to exist and live in Peace - YES. But not to Illegally Occupy. Not at the cost of others life.
2. Right : they have offered peace deals to Palestinians - Please take a look at the picture below. Does this look like a country who has given "Many Peace Offerings"? This is only 12 years of data, obviously before "Oct 7" of 2023. I'd honestly like to know what do you think of this statistic?
3. 2M+ Arabs living in Israel - Take a look at the second photo. And I'd like you to comment on that too. And before you say they're just propaganda I'd urge you to please look in to public policies of Israel towards Palestinians. Please let me know if you need any reference.

Zaid R

New member
Sep 22, 2023
This is a proof that Hamas is hiding within civilians and plotting their evil crimes in hospital.

Hamas hiding in hospital put civilians in danger is this not a war crime?

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Brother this war is affecting all of us. We all wish for peace in Middle East.

Palestinians will tell you they are wronged. Israel will tell you they are wronged.

What Israel has done right and wrong :

Right : they have the right to exist and live in Peace .

Right : they have offered peace deals to Palestinians

Right : there are 2 million Arabs in Israel and they make up 20% of the population.

Wrong : Israel expelled 700,000 Palestinian Arabs when Israel was founded .

Wrong : in Areas of the West Bank that are under Israeli control Israeli soldiers treat the local Palestinians terribly .

Wrong : Israel has abused eminent domain and destroyed Palestinian villages to expand itself

What Palestine has done right and wrong :

Right : Palestinians have the right to live and prosper .

Right : Palestinians have a right to self-determination in the form of developing their own government

Right : the PA acknowledges that Israel has the right to exist .

Wrong: Palestinian terrorism ie Hamas has been a constant detriment both to the peace process and living conditions in both Israel and Palestine .

Wrong : Palestine has rejected every peace deal that Israel has offered .

Wrong : Arab countries expelled all their Jews when Israel was founded and there are almost no Jews in Arab countries today .

So as you can see both have done right and wrong , the Israeli control of most of the West Bank cannot be considered an occupation because it was the Arab countries that first declared war on Israel so Israelis had no choice but to defend themselves and you cannot blame Israel for blockading Gaza because Hamas terrorists fire rockets , I am personally taking no sides in this conflict and I am not Anti Israel nor I am anti Palestine because in all conflicts all sides do right and wrong , the PA is secular and it acknowledges that Israel has the right to exist but it has rejected every peace deal that Israel has offered and Hamas is a terrorist group that mixes religion with politics and says that Israel does not have the right to exist so I am personally against Hamas .
And as for the things you have commented as the wrongs of Palestinans,
1. Hamas was their resistance movement prior to them being labelled as a terrorist group. All what they were doing was resisting occupation. Yes. They killed people and it is BAD. We're not afraid to say that. But so did Israelis. Why are people afraid to say that? This did not start on Oct 7.
2. Palestine has not done shit. UN has announced Gaza an open air prison in 2004. And are you going to tell me that Palestinians still resist Peace? Maybe you should go back to Israel and ask why
3. This is not true at all. Please provide me verified proof that Arab countries has expelled Jews. And, on a second though, if this was indeed true, are you saying Israel is killing Palestinians indefinitely because other Arab nations chased the out the Jews? Like Revenge? Is that okay for you???

And you must also understand one thing. There is no neutrality here. There is a Genocide happening right before us. People who are saying that the Israel has the right to defend are the same people who has that much blood in their own hand. Let be the US, UK, France, Germany or any other country for that matter. And worse, these people were never brought before law to give justice. And Israel and USA has a habit of invading, killing, maiming, torturing people and then saying sorry because they did a mistake. They did in the first Nakaba. They did it in Iraq, Sudan and Afghanistan. And they're doing it now. So maybe we need to work harder to achieve Peace. But, in order to do that there must be a Palestine. Right now they're taking it away by killing slowly. So now is not the time to stay neutral or in the middle. It's like Ginetta once said, Silence in the face of injustice is complicity with the oppressor.

Zaid R

New member
Sep 22, 2023
This is a proof that Hamas is hiding within civilians and plotting their evil crimes in hospital.

Hamas hiding in hospital put civilians in danger is this not a war crime?

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Are these enough proof to say Israel is lying to the media on every corner? When will it be enough evidence for people, like you, to realize that Israel is in fact the one needs to prosecuted for War crimes and Crimes against Humanity?

Zaid R

New member
Sep 22, 2023
This war is escalating because both sides are wrong. Israel who want to take over whole region are wrong, they could easily co exist with Palestinians. Palestinians who wishes to destroy Israel are also wrong. In order for war to stop they have to learn to co exist togther.

People take sides because of religion.

Hamas went to kidnap civilians on a party that's how the war broke. Before there were tension but how can you take side for Hamas who ruin chances of peace?
Oh really? So Hamas went to kidnap and then all hell broke loose? Before that there were no killings? Sorry to bother you then. You must be right. Palestinians must be crazy for asking to live free instead of Peace. I mean why they cannot co-exist, have no idea. But you're right. Hamas started it all. Before that, Israel won the Gold Medal in best behavior from UN in the form 30 resolutions passed against their cruel and vile attitude and treatments of Palestinians and Palestine was a flower Garden.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
Oh really? So Hamas went to kidnap and then all hell broke loose? Before that there were no killings? Sorry to bother you then. You must be right. Palestinians must be crazy for asking to live free instead of Peace. I mean why they cannot co-exist, have no idea. But you're right. Hamas started it all. Before that, Israel won the Gold Medal in best behavior from UN in the form 30 resolutions passed against their cruel and vile attitude and treatments of Palestinians and Palestine was a flower Garden.
If you are being sarcastically I can't argue. So far I know there's been conflicts in Gaza. It has been like that for years.

True there has been peace talks over the years yielding no fruits or little fruits. But we all hope for the war to end and peace be upon Gaza.

Little did you know, war affects everybody. Others are just taking sides because of religion. War doesn't segregate. As I said innocent bystanders suffer most

May be you are not aware of this
1. Hamas kidnapped people, innocent people including ImUSA citizens. When USA 🇺🇸 retaliate you say they abuse people.

2. Hamas even as you claim are wronged, this could press this matter differently or attack solders camps (not citizens?

3 You said Israel propaganda on war. I definitely saw Hamas propaganda on war.

My advice
People should not take sides, bot sides are killing. Killing innocent, children and women. ITS NOT SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE OR CHEER ON. Lives are lost, if they it was happening on your own land you would realize the magnitude of the problem.

My friend heed my words War which you can not win is not a solution to solving Israel-Gaza conflicts. With people losing life precious lives no side is WINNING at all. .

Zaid R

New member
Sep 22, 2023
If you are being sarcastically I can't argue. So far I know there's been conflicts in Gaza. It has been like that for years.

True there has been peace talks over the years yielding no fruits or little fruits. But we all hope for the war to end and peace be upon Gaza.

Little did you know, war affects everybody. Others are just taking sides because of religion. War doesn't segregate. As I said innocent bystanders suffer most

May be you are not aware of this
1. Hamas kidnapped people, innocent people including ImUSA citizens. When USA 🇺🇸 retaliate you say they abuse people.

2. Hamas even as you claim are wronged, this could press this matter differently or attack solders camps (not citizens?

3 You said Israel propaganda on war. I definitely saw Hamas propaganda on war.

My advice
People should not take sides, bot sides are killing. Killing innocent, children and women. ITS NOT SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE OR CHEER ON. Lives are lost, if they it was happening on your own land you would realize the magnitude of the problem.

My friend heed my words War which you can not win is not a solution to solving Israel-Gaza conflicts. With people losing life precious lives no side is WINNING at all. .
I regret for not attending this site as often as possible. I only saw your comment today hence the reply.

It was indeed Sarcasm. It was directed with an anger who are trying to see the current state of Gaza and refer to it as a conflict. Or a War. It isn't. It is Genocide. People who say otherwise are either have half baked news and information from Israeli related media or knows the truth full well and yet distort it. How can you convince those people about this issue? Hence the Sarcasm. Since you're willing to engage in conversation maybe these facts will help you to rethink your stance.

1. Yes. Hamas indeed kidnapped people and were originally going to do a hostage swap. Now have you ever thought why do they need a hostage swap? Do you know how many people are spending their lives inside solitary confinement or Israeli Prison without any sort of trials or tribulations? Now Hamas is denounced as a Terrorist organization because they killed people even though they are a resistance movement. But what about Israel? When are we going to denounce Israel as a terrorist nation? Plus, the US citizens caught in the crossfire is no accident. Israel spends money for Jews, especially white living the west to come and stay in the promised land, i.e. Israel. They have a special visa for that. They chase out Palestinians, occupy their land and bring people from around the world to live there. Those Americans had no business there in the first place.

2. I do not understand what you are trying to mean. So please clarify on that.

3. What is Hamas propaganda?

My Advice
People should take the correct side. People, regardless of their differences, should stand with what is right and oppose what is wrong. Those who do not take sides and stay neutral during adversary are also part of the problem. One side, that is being heavily funded by the USA and other allies, having the most modern military systems in the world are dropping bombs on a place considered to be an Open Air Prison by the UN. That is not War. That is not conflict. This is GENOCIDE. As humans, least we could do is oppose them and voice out our concern. Because I come from a place where we had a civil war for almost 3 decades. I was born to war and I know the human cost of war. Which is exactly why I stand with the Palestinians.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
Staff member
Jun 4, 2023
Hamas is killing innocent people in their so called fight for freedom. This Tanzanian has nothing to do with their fights yet they kill two of them

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