Legends Awakened: Whispers of the Celestial Pagoda (Original) - King of Dragonmarsh

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Novel title: Legends Awakened: Whispers of the Celestial Pagoda

Author: King of Dragonmarsh

Publisher: KijijiForums

Genre: Epic Fantasy / Tragic Romance / Dark Drama /


In the realm of Veridian, where mortal realms intertwine with the tapestry of mythical domains, the destinies of heroes and villains are woven amidst sprawling kingdoms and veiled enclaves. Here, ancient prophecies and celestial powers converge in a symphony of cosmic intrigue and mystical revelation.

At the heart of Veridian stands the Celestial Pagoda, a towering spire that pierces the heavens themselves. Built with eldritch magic and watched over by celestial sentinels, the Pagoda stands as a citadel of power and wisdom—a repository of arcane knowledge and artifacts that guard the secrets shaping the realm's deepest mysteries.

As whispers of forgotten truths echo through the Pagoda's hallowed halls, mortals across Veridian find themselves poised at the threshold of transformation. Prophecies, whispered on ethereal winds, guide the wayward souls, while the celestial observer casts its gaze upon heroes like Logan Rhys, the legendary Kirin who traverses paths of justice and identity. Emerging from unjust bonds, John White embarks on a journey of discovery with Miranda, a woman of unyielding spirit and hidden lineage. Their fate intertwines with Braden Porter, a shrewd billionaire whose enigmatic lineage binds him to Levi Garrison, the legendary God of War returning from distant realms.

This is the chronicle of Veridian—a realm where myths take flesh, where prophecies illuminate the lost, and where the Celestial Pagoda stands as a luminous beacon amidst the swirling currents of destiny and fortune.

As dawn approached, the pagoda trembled. The cosmic observer stirred—an ancient deity watching, unblinking. “Veridian’s fate hangs by a thread,” it murmured. “Choose wisely, mortals.”

And so, our heroes faced their pivotal moments—the unravelling of secrets, the clash of powers, the complexities of relationships with blazing sex, and the birth of legends filled with passion and betrayal. The Celestial Pagoda awaited their decisions, its stones whispering forgotten truths.

What happens next? Only the turning of pages and the beating of hearts can reveal the answer.

Legends Awakened.jpg

This is a work of pure fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of my imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. I respect the intellectual property rights of others and has not intentionally infringed upon any existing copyrights. Any similarities with real-world entities or other works are entirely unintentional.

This is an ongoing novel written in my free time, inspired by a sudden burst of ideas. Therefore, there is no guarantee that new chapters will be posted regularly. However, I will strive to post at least one chapter a day, except on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays in my area.
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King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score
Now you see how hard is it to write something funny
But mind you not only funny I am trying to put in, I am trying to stir up all kind of emotions into this novel.. funny, sad, anger, anxiety, fear, happy, desire, suspense etc., and most of all.. the unpredictable and the unexpected! In the beginning I thought this novel is about warriors and fight, but as the writing goes I realized now that I like to create different type of plots and twists, especially something to do with dark romance, tragedy and betrayals 😅

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 56: Trials of the Immortal

The corridors of the Celestial Pagoda twisted and turned, each passage leading the group deeper into its enigmatic heart. The air grew denser with ancient magic, and the walls pulsed with energies both light and dark. Svetovid led the way, his staff illuminating the path with a soft, ethereal glow.

As they ventured further, the atmosphere shifted. The temperature dropped, and a profound silence enveloped them, broken only by the faint echoes of their footsteps. Suddenly, they emerged into a vast chamber, its ceiling lost in shadows, and the floor adorned with intricate mosaics depicting battles of old.

At the center stood a figure, emanating an aura of timeless power. Draped in flowing robes that shimmered like starlight, his eyes held the depth of ages carrying an undercurrent of immense strength, and his presence commanded both reverence and caution.

This was no ordinary being. He radiated authority, his aura filling the room with a sense of both awe and unease. The group instinctively knew that this man was more than just a guide—he was a judge, a force to be reckoned with.

Svetovid halted, bowing deeply. "Master Gily," he intoned with deep respect.

The group exchanged glances, tension evident. Dustin stepped forward, his hand resting on his weapon. "Who are you?"

The figure smiled faintly, a gesture that seemed to hold galaxies within. “I am Immortal @Gily , once known as the Immortal Guardian of the Celestial Pagoda. I have watched over this sanctum for eons, ensuring its secrets remain safeguarded.” the figure announced, his voice resonating through the chamber. “I am master of Svetovid and one of the original protectors of the Celestial Pagoda.”

The group exchanged wary glances. Svetovid had already proven to be a powerful ally, and now they were in the presence of his master—a being of even greater power and knowledge. There was no telling what trials awaited them.

Rachel's eyes widened. "If you're its guardian, then why reveal yourself now?"

Gily's gaze swept over them, piercing yet gentle. "Because the balance has been disrupted. Forces of darkness seek to corrupt what was meant to enlighten. Your presence here is both a beacon of hope and a harbinger of trials."

John tightened his grip on his sword. "We're here to stop Junlee and rescue our friends. If you can help us, we'd appreciate it."

At the mention of Junlee, Gily's expression darkened momentarily. "Ah, Junlee. Once a stalwart protector alongside me, now fallen into the abyss of corruption."

Gabrielle looked puzzled. "You knew Junlee personally?"

Gily nodded solemnly. "We were brothers in arms, guardians of the Pagoda's profound mysteries. But ambition and the allure of forbidden power led Junlee astray. He sought to harness the Pagoda's dark energies for his own designs, defying the sacred oaths we took."

Svetovid interjected, "Master, these travelers seek to thwart Junlee's plans. They have courage and purpose."

Gily regarded each member intently. "Courage alone is not enough. The path ahead is riddled with deception and shadows. To proceed, you must confront the deepest recesses of your souls."

Without warning, the chamber's ambiance shifted. The mosaics on the floor began to glow, and ethereal images sprang forth, surrounding each member of the group.

John was plunged into a vision of his father, standing before him with a stern expression. “You seek to find me, John, to prove yourself worthy of the Golden Dragon bloodline. But are you prepared for the sacrifices it will demand? Will you put the needs of the world above your own desires, even if it means losing Miranda?”

Dustin faced a vision of Natasha, her face full of sorrow. “You love me, Dustin, but can you see the truth? The reason you are drawn to Miranda is that she shares my blood. She is my sister, and the fire within us is the key to Junlee’s plan. Can you protect her, knowing she is both your salvation and your doom?”

Rachel was confronted by the image of Braden, their love and the impending tragedy hanging over them. “Rachel, will you let my fate drive you to despair, or will you fight for what we have, no matter the cost?”

Gabrielle, alone in the darkness, saw Dustin before her, her love for him and the secrets she kept threatening to tear her apart. “Gabrielle, can you continue to hide your feelings, knowing that it could lead to betrayal? Or will you find the strength to be honest, even if it means losing him?”

Levi, still lost in the labyrinth, faced his own trial—a vision of Julia, his daughter, her future entangled with his demon bloodline. “Levi, you are torn between the light and the dark. But which path will you choose? Will you succumb to the darkness that Junlee tempts you with, or will you fight for the future of our kind?”

As each member of the group faced their darkest truths, they began to realize that their trials were not just tests of strength, but of character. Gily was forcing them to confront the very things they feared most, to question their motives and resolve.

When the visions faded, they found themselves back in the chamber, Gily’s presence as imposing as ever.

“You have faced your darkest truths,” Gily said, his voice softer now, almost compassionate. “And now you know what must be done. Junlee is not just your enemy—he is a reflection of what you could become if you let the darkness consume you.”

Svetovid, who had watched silently, stepped forward. “Master, what of Miranda? And Levi? They are still lost within the Pagoda.”

Gily’s expression grew grave. “Junlee has already begun his work. He has awakened the dark energy within Miranda, using her fire constituent, the same power that resides within her sister, Natasha. He plans to use their power to unleash a force that could reshape the world.”

Dustin’s breath caught in his throat. The realization hit him like a thunderbolt. Miranda and Natasha were sisters, both possessing a power that Junlee needed for his twisted plan. And the feelings he had towards Miranda, the connection he couldn’t quite explain, suddenly made sense. She carried the same aura as Natasha—his lost love.

“Natasha… she’s alive?” Dustin’s voice was barely a whisper, hope and dread warring within him.

Gily nodded solemnly. “Yes, but she is in Junlee’s grasp, a pawn in his game. And now that he has Miranda, his plan nears completion.”

John’s voice was tight with anger and fear. “What does he plan to do with them?”

“Junlee’s goal is to harness the combined power of the fire constituent within both sisters,” Gily explained. “With it, he could awaken a dark force capable of reshaping reality itself. But his plan is fraught with danger, and it could lead to the destruction of everything you hold dear.”

Gabrielle, her voice trembling, asked the question on everyone’s mind. “How do we stop him?”

Gily’s eyes hardened with resolve. “You must find Miranda and Natasha before Junlee completes his ritual. But be warned—he has laid traps within the Pagoda, and not all is as it seems. There are forces at play that will test your loyalty and trust. You must be vigilant, for even Natasha may not be who you think she is.”

The group stood in silence, the weight of their mission pressing down on them. They had come so far, faced so much, but now the stakes were higher than ever. The fate of the world rested on their shoulders, and the line between friend and foe was becoming increasingly blurred.

As they prepared to set out once more, Gily offered them a final piece of advice. “Remember this: the Pagoda is alive, and it will respond to your intentions. Stay true to your purpose, and it will guide you. But stray from your path, and it will turn against you.”

With those words, Gily and Svetovid began to fade, their forms dissolving into the light that filled the chamber. But their presence lingered, a reminder of the trials that awaited them.

The group steeled themselves for the journey ahead, their resolve strengthened by the knowledge they had gained. They would find Miranda and Natasha, stop Junlee’s plan, and save the world from the darkness that threatened to consume it.

But as they ventured deeper into the Celestial Pagoda, each of them knew that the greatest challenge was not the enemies they would face, but the darkness within themselves.

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King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 57: Betrayal and Loss

The group moved cautiously through the shadowed corridors of the Celestial Pagoda, their senses heightened by the trials they had already faced. The oppressive weight of the labyrinth’s ancient magic bore down on them, each step a reminder of the dark forces at work.

It was in this tense atmosphere that they encountered a man who seemed to emerge from the very shadows themselves. His movements were fluid, almost too smooth, as if he were more phantom than human. He introduced himself as @skye, a wanderer who claimed to have been searching for a way out of the labyrinth. His sharp eyes and cunning smile hinted at more than he revealed, but in their desperation, the group welcomed his help.

As they pressed on, Skye proved himself useful, guiding them past traps and revealing hidden passages. But there was something off about him—something that kept Dustin and John on edge. Rachel, however, seemed to trust him more than the others, perhaps seeing in him a kindred spirit, someone who had also lost much to the darkness.

The path they followed grew more treacherous, and the once-clear corridors became a maze of shifting walls and traps. Skye led them confidently, his knowledge of the Pagoda’s layout uncanny. Yet, beneath the surface, something darker was at play.

The group finally reached a vast, open chamber, the air thick with a sense of foreboding. The walls were lined with ancient carvings, each depicting scenes of battles long forgotten. At the center of the room stood a grand altar, bathed in an eerie light.

It was here that Skye’s true nature was revealed.

Without warning, he turned on them, his once-friendly demeanor twisted into a cruel sneer. The group barely had time to react before he struck, his blades flashing in the dim light. The betrayal was swift and brutal, catching them all off guard.

Rachel, closest to Skye, took the brunt of his attack. Braden screamed her name as he rushed to her side, but it was too late. Skye’s blade had found its mark, and Rachel crumpled to the ground, blood pooling beneath her.

Braden’s breath caught in his throat as he clutched Rachel tightly, his mind racing to comprehend the betrayal, the loss. He looked into her eyes, seeing the pain and the fading light within them. “Rachel, stay with me… please… we were going to have a family, remember? You promised we’d build a life together after all of this.”

Rachel’s lips trembled, a faint smile touching them as she struggled to speak. “Braden… I’m so sorry… I wanted that too… more than anything…” Her voice was weak, barely a whisper, but the love and sorrow in her words cut through Braden’s heart like a blade.

“No… no, don’t talk like that. You’re going to be fine. We’ll get through this, we always do,” Braden pleaded, his voice cracking with desperation. He could feel her slipping away, and with every passing second, the reality of it was tearing him apart.

Tears streamed down his face as he cradled her, his fingers brushing through her hair, trying to hold on to every last moment. “Rachel, please… I can’t do this without you. We were supposed to have a future… a family… You can’t leave me…”

Rachel’s hand weakly reached up to touch his face, her thumb brushing away a tear. “Braden… you have to be strong… for both of us… I’ll always be with you… in your heart…”

Her hand fell limp as her strength faded, and the light in her eyes dimmed. Braden’s world shattered in that moment, the weight of his grief crushing him, leaving him gasping for air. He held her close, his body shaking with sobs that echoed through the chamber, his tears falling onto her lifeless form.

“Rachel… RACHEL!” Braden’s scream was raw, filled with the agony of a man who had just lost everything he held dear. The sound of it reverberated off the stone walls, a haunting cry that seemed to make the very air tremble.

As the echoes of his grief faded, Braden looked up, his eyes burning with a mixture of sorrow and rage. But Skye was gone, vanished into the shadows like a ghost, leaving only the bitter sting of betrayal in his wake. Braden’s heart ached with the realization that he had been powerless to stop it, that he had failed to protect the woman he loved.

Braden’s heart shattered. He let out a guttural scream, holding Rachel’s body close as the reality of her death crushed him. The others stood around him, silent in their own grief and shock, knowing that nothing they could say would ease his pain.

The chamber was silent now, save for Braden’s ragged breathing and the soft, distant hum of the Pagoda’s energy. He sat there, holding Rachel’s body close, unwilling to let go, as the tears continued to fall.

As Braden sobbed, rocking Rachel’s body gently, the room grew colder. Suddenly, the air around him seemed to shift, a presence making itself known. Braden looked up, his vision blurred by tears, and saw a figure emerging from the shadows. It was Nayagan, The Forest Wanderer—a mysterious figure he and Rachel had once encountered in the Darkwood Forest.

Nayagan’s eyes, filled with ancient wisdom, settled on Braden with a look of profound sorrow. “I felt your pain, Braden,” Nayagan said softly, his voice like a gentle breeze through the trees. “I am sorry for your loss.”

Braden’s voice was hoarse, barely audible as he spoke through his grief. “She’s gone… and I couldn’t do anything to save her…”

Nayagan knelt beside him, placing a comforting hand on Braden’s shoulder. “The world is cruel, and the darkness we face is relentless. But you must carry on, for her sake. There is more at stake here than you can imagine.”

Braden looked up, his eyes searching Nayagan’s face for answers. “Why? Why did this have to happen?”

Nayagan’s expression was solemn as he spoke. “There are truths you have yet to uncover, Braden—truths about yourself, about your power, and about the role you are destined to play in the battle to come. Rachel’s death, as tragic as it is, may be the catalyst that propels you toward your true purpose.”

Braden’s heart ached with the weight of Nayagan’s words, but deep within him, a fire began to burn—a fire of resolve, fueled by his love for Rachel and his desire to honor her memory. He knew that there was no turning back now. The path ahead was fraught with danger, but he would face it, no matter the cost.

As Nayagan stood, his form seemed to blend with the shadows once more. “I will guide you, Braden, but the choices you make from here on are yours alone. Remember who you are, and remember the love you shared with Rachel. Let it be your strength.”

With those words, Nayagan vanished into the darkness, leaving Braden alone in the chamber with Rachel’s lifeless body. Braden closed his eyes, a single tear slipping down his cheek as he pressed his forehead to hers one last time.

“I’ll make this right, Rachel. I swear it… I’ll make sure your death wasn’t in vain.”

With a heavy heart, Braden gently laid her body on the ground, his hands trembling as he stood. His eyes, once filled with sorrow, now burned with a fierce determination. He would carry Rachel’s memory with him, and he would fight—for her, for their lost future, and for the world that still needed saving.

As he turned to leave the chamber, the darkness around him seemed less oppressive, as if the love he carried in his heart had pushed it back. But the pain remained, a reminder of the price he had paid and the vow he had made. Braden knew that this was only the beginning, and that the battle ahead would test him in ways he had never imagined.

But he was ready.

He had to be.

For Rachel.

For all of them.

The question hung in the air, unanswered.

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King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 58: The Awakening of the Wolf

Braden wandered through the darkened halls of the Celestial Pagoda, his heart heavy with grief. Rachel’s death had left a void in him, a chasm of sorrow that seemed impossible to fill. The memory of her final moments haunted him, her last words echoing in his mind like a painful refrain. He felt lost, as if the world had lost its meaning without her by his side.

The corridors twisted and turned, their ancient stone walls seeming to close in on him, mirroring the suffocating weight of his emotions. Every step was a struggle, his body weakened by the overwhelming sadness that gripped him. He didn’t know where he was going, only that he needed to keep moving—to escape the pain, even if just for a moment.

Suddenly, Braden found himself in a secluded chamber, the air thick with an unnatural energy. The room was dimly lit by an ethereal glow emanating from the walls, casting eerie shadows that danced around him. At the center of the chamber stood @Nayagan, the mysterious Forest Wanderer, his presence both comforting and unsettling.

Braden stopped, his gaze meeting Nayagan’s. The sorrow in his eyes was still raw, but there was a flicker of something else—a need for answers, for understanding.

“Nayagan…” Braden’s voice was strained, filled with the anguish of his recent loss. “Why did this happen? Why did Rachel have to die?”

Nayagan’s expression was solemn as he stepped forward, his voice gentle yet firm. “Braden, there are truths you must learn—truths that have been hidden from you your entire life. Rachel’s death is a tragedy, but it is also the catalyst for your awakening.”

Braden’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Awakening? What are you talking about?”

Nayagan’s eyes bore into Braden’s, the weight of his words heavy with significance. “You are not just an ordinary man, Braden. You come from a lineage that carries immense power—power that you have yet to fully realize. Your mother, and the bloodline she belonged to, were part of an ancient race of werewolves—the Petersons.”

Braden’s heart skipped a beat, shock and disbelief washing over him. “Werewolves? But… that’s impossible. I’ve never… I don’t…”

Nayagan raised a hand, silencing Braden’s protests. “The Petersons were once a proud and powerful clan of werewolves, protectors of the forest and guardians of the natural order. But their existence was threatened by another powerful family—the Porters, a lineage of vampires. Your father’s bloodline, Braden.”

The revelation hit Braden like a blow, the pieces of his past suddenly falling into place. The whispers of his parents’ mysterious deaths, the strange abilities he had exhibited at times—it all began to make a twisted kind of sense.

“The Porter and Peterson clans were locked in a territorial battle, a conflict that claimed the lives of many, including your mother,” Nayagan continued, his voice tinged with sorrow. “She died fighting to protect her people, her family. And in her death, the power of the wolf within you was suppressed, hidden away to keep you safe from the dangers that surrounded you.”

Braden felt a surge of emotions—anger, grief, and a deep sense of loss. “Why didn’t anyone tell me? Why did my father keep this from me?”

“Your father wanted to protect you from the pain of knowing the truth,” Nayagan explained. “He hoped that by keeping you ignorant of your heritage, you would be spared from the same fate that befell your mother. But in doing so, he denied you the chance to fully understand who you are.”

Nayagan’s gaze softened as he placed a hand on Braden’s shoulder. “But it is not too late, Braden. The wolf within you is still there, waiting to be unleashed. I am a remnant of the ancient werewolf spirit, and I can guide you in awakening that power. But the choice is yours.”

Braden’s mind raced as he tried to process everything he had just learned. The pain of Rachel’s death was still fresh, but beneath it, a fire was beginning to burn—a desire to embrace the truth of who he was, to unlock the power that had been hidden from him for so long.

“What do I have to do?” Braden asked, his voice steady with determination.

Nayagan nodded, a hint of approval in his eyes. “There is a sign—a symbol that marks the awakening of the werewolf within you. It is a crescent moon, intertwined with a wolf’s head. When you see this symbol, you will know that the time has come to embrace your true nature. The transformation will be painful, but it will also be liberating. You will become the wolf, and with that power, you will be able to avenge Rachel and protect those you love.”

As Nayagan spoke, Braden’s vision blurred, and a strange sensation washed over him. His body trembled as an overwhelming energy surged through him, awakening something deep within his soul. Suddenly, his eyes were drawn to a nearby wall, where the symbol Nayagan had described began to glow—bright and vivid, as if it were calling to him.

Braden’s heart pounded in his chest as he took a step forward, his gaze locked on the symbol. The energy within him intensified, coursing through his veins like fire. He could feel his body changing, muscles tightening, bones shifting. The pain was excruciating, but he embraced it, knowing it was the key to unlocking his true potential.

With a primal roar, Braden’s body erupted in a wave of transformation. His skin rippled as dark fur sprouted across his body, his hands morphing into powerful claws. His senses heightened, the world around him becoming sharper, more vivid. He could hear every heartbeat, every breath, and the scent of blood filled his nostrils.

Braden had become the wolf.

As the transformation completed, Braden stood tall, his once-human form now replaced by that of a fearsome werewolf. His eyes glowed with a fierce, otherworldly light, and a growl rumbled in his throat. The power he felt was immense, a force that made him feel invincible.

Nayagan stepped back, a look of pride on his face. “You have done it, Braden. You have become what you were always meant to be. Now, go. @skye is near. Finish what he started.”

Braden’s mind was focused, his grief now channeled into a single purpose: revenge. He moved swiftly through the Pagoda, his powerful legs propelling him forward with inhuman speed. The scent of Skye’s blood was strong, leading him to a secluded courtyard where the rogue waited, unaware of the fate that was about to befall him.

Skye turned just in time to see Braden’s monstrous form charging toward him. His eyes widened in terror, but it was too late. Braden leaped through the air, his claws slashing through Skye’s flesh with a ferocity that left no room for mercy. Skye screamed as Braden tore into him, the werewolf’s strength overwhelming him in an instant.

In a matter of moments, Skye was dead, his body lying in a broken, bloody heap at Braden’s feet. The sight of it brought a twisted sense of satisfaction, but it did little to ease the ache in Braden’s heart.

As Braden stood over Skye’s lifeless body, a new presence made itself known. @Ruthless, a notorious enforcer of Junlee’s, appeared in the courtyard, his eyes filled with rage at the sight of his fallen comrade.

“You’ll pay for this, you beast!” Ruthless snarled, drawing his weapon and preparing to attack.

But before Ruthless could strike, a powerful gust of wind swept through the courtyard, followed by the arrival of Dustin and the rest of the group. They had sensed Braden’s transformation and had come to aid him in the fight.

“Stand down, Ruthless,” Dustin commanded, his voice cold and unwavering. “You won’t leave this place alive.”

Ruthless sneered, his eyes darting between the werewolf Braden and the others. “You think you can take me down? You’re fools if you think I’ll go down without a fight.”

But Ruthless was no match for the combined strength of the group. Braden, still in his werewolf form, charged at him with a feral roar, while Dustin unleashed a surge of dragon energy that sent Ruthless crashing into the ground. The others followed suit, their attacks precise and deadly.

Within moments, Ruthless lay dead, his body joining Skye’s in the courtyard. The threat had been neutralized, but the victory felt hollow to Braden. He looked at the carnage before him, the blood and bodies, and felt no joy—only the emptiness left behind by Rachel’s death.

As Braden’s body began to revert to its human form, he collapsed to his knees, his strength spent. The others gathered around him, concern etched on their faces.

“Braden, are you alright?” Dustin asked, his voice gentle.

Braden nodded weakly, his breath coming in ragged gasps. “I… I’m fine. It’s over.”

But even as he said the words, Braden knew that it wasn’t over—not really. The battle had been won, but the war was far from finished. And now, with the power of the werewolf within him, Braden knew that his journey had only just begun.

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King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 59: The Betrayal of the Heart

The air was thick with tension as Dustin, Gabrielle, and the others ventured deeper into the Celestial Pagoda, their hearts heavy with the weight of recent events. Braden, still reeling from Rachel's tragic death, remained silent, his grief a palpable presence that no words could soothe. The group had barely begun to process the loss when they stumbled upon a secluded chamber, dimly lit by a cold, blue light.

Dustin and Gabrielle exchanged a wary glance as they entered a familiar chamber—a place they had been before. The Virgin Sect's hidden temple, once a sanctuary, now felt like a tomb filled with memories of deceit. It was here that they had first encountered Brits, the leader of the Virgin Sect, who had initially appeared to be an ally in their quest. Never had they thought that the hidden temple of the Virgin Sect was, in fact, located within the Celestial Pagoda itself.

As they stepped inside, Dustin’s heart suddenly raced with a mix of hope and fear. Standing in the center of the room was Natasha, her face a mask of conflicting emotions. Dustin’s heart leaped at the sight of her—his missing love, the woman he'd searched for with every fiber of his being. A surge of joy overwhelmed him, his eyes lighting up with an almost childlike happiness.

"Natasha!" Dustin whispered, stepping forward, his voice thick with emotion. "I’ve been looking for you everywhere. I thought I’d lost you forever."

For a moment, it seemed as if time had stopped. Dustin’s eyes were glued to Natasha, his heart beating wildly as he took in her presence. He was overwhelmed with relief, unable to believe that she was finally in front of him. But something was off. The warmth he remembered in her eyes was gone, replaced by a cold, distant stare.

Natasha looked at him, her expression unreadable. "Dustin... there's something you need to know."

Before she could continue, a dark figure emerged from the shadows—Brits, the leader of the Virgin Sect. He sneered, his eyes gleaming with malice. "So, the lost lovers are finally reunited. But this isn't the happy ending you think it is."

Dustin’s eyes narrowed, a sense of foreboding replacing his initial joy. "What are you talking about, Brits?"

Brits smirked, his voice dripping with contempt. "You’re a fool, Dustin. While you were chasing shadows, I was carrying out the real mission. I was the one who took Natasha. But Junlee... he played us all. He didn’t need her for her purity as I was led to believe. He needed her for something far more sinister—a fiery constituent, something I was too blind to see."

"And I have been given a new instruction: to get close to Miranda and kidnap her, the reason I approached you and Gabrielle earlier," he continued, a sinister smile curling his lips.

Dustin’s heart sank as the pieces began to fall into place. "You… you took her for Junlee?"

The truth emerged. Brits had not approached him and Gabrielle out of a shared goal but rather as a pawn of Immortal Junlee. The past encounters with Brits now felt tainted, a betrayal masked under the guise of alliance.

Natasha stepped forward, her voice cold and resolute. "Yes, Dustin. Brits was the one who took me, but it wasn’t for what he thought. And it wasn’t against my will."

Dustin recoiled as if struck. "What do you mean?"

Natasha's face twisted in a mix of sorrow and determination. "Junlee showed me things—things I never knew existed. His power, his vision for the world, his big dick that you have never had... I couldn’t resist it. I... I fell in love with him, Dustin. I gave myself to him willingly. I had sex with him."

The room fell into stunned silence. Gabrielle, standing slightly behind Dustin, couldn’t help the small smile that crept onto her face. A flicker of unexpected hope ignited in her chest. Natasha’s betrayal meant that Dustin was finally free, finally hers. She had waited so long for this moment, for a chance to have Dustin for herself.

Natasha's words were like knives to Dustin’s soul, each one cutting deeper than the last. The joy that had filled his heart moments before now shattered, leaving behind only cold, piercing pain.

"No... Natasha, this isn’t you," Dustin pleaded, his voice cracking. "You wouldn’t betray me like this."

Tears welled in Natasha’s eyes, but she didn’t flinch. "I’m sorry, Dustin. But it’s the truth. And there’s more... I told Junlee about Miranda. I told him she has the fiery constituent that could replace mine. It was my idea to use her."

The betrayal hit Dustin like a tidal wave, leaving him gasping for breath. The woman he loved had not only abandoned him but had also betrayed her own sister, putting Miranda’s life in mortal danger.

"How could you...?" Dustin's voice was barely more than a whisper, the pain in his chest suffocating.

Natasha lowered her gaze, shame finally creeping into her voice. "I thought I was doing what was necessary, what was right. But now... I’m not sure of anything anymore."

Brits, enraged by the realization that he had been manipulated, turned his fury toward Natasha. "You’re nothing but a pawn, just like the rest of us! But I won’t go down alone."

As the tension escalated, Emeka and Xavier, who had been silently observing, couldn’t help but laugh at Brits’ misfortune. "You really thought you were special, didn’t you?" Xavier taunted, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Junlee played you like a fiddle."

Emeka chimed in, "Seems like the 'Great Brits' isn’t so great after all."

Xavier smirked. "Serves him right."

Flaxseed, ever the opportunist, added with a sneer, "And here I thought the Virgin Sect was all about purity. What a joke."

Brits’ anger boiled over, and he lunged at Natasha, but Emeka’s men, including Flaxseed, intervened. What began as a confrontation quickly escalated into chaos. Emeka, Xavier, and Flaxseed took the opportunity to mock Brits, their taunts stoking the fires of conflict.

Brits’ face twisted in anger. "Shut up! I’m done being mocked by the likes of you."

The taunting was too much for Brits, and in a fit of rage, he lunged at Emeka. The room exploded into chaos as the two men clashed, their conflict quickly drawing in Xavier. The scene quickly devolved into an all-out brawl, with punches and curses flying.

Suddenly, the twin brothers Ast and Ash, loyal followers of Brits and disciples of the Virgin Sect, stormed into the room. Seeing their leader under attack, they joined the fray, their combined strength turning the tide.

But Emeka and Xavier were not alone. Members of the Sex Sect, fueled by their own twisted desires, came to their aid, and the room erupted into a brutal melee, pitting the Virgin Sect against the Sex Sect and the Pervert Sect in a clash that would decide their fates.

Dustin, Gabrielle, and the others watched in stunned silence as the battle raged, the hatred between the sects boiling over into an orgy of violence. Bodies collided, blood spilled, and the air was thick with the sound of bones breaking and cries of pain.

As the fight reached its peak, the twins Ast and Ash, fueled by their loyalty to Brits, unleashed a final, desperate attack. But in their fury, they overextended themselves, and the counterattack from Emeka and Xavier was swift and merciless.

The fight was brutal and merciless. Each sect fought with a fervor driven by pride, betrayal, and desperation. Dustin and Gabrielle watched as the temple, once a place of hidden power, became the stage for a battle that would see all three sects destroyed.

In the end, bloodied and broken, the last of the fighters fell. The three sects, once powerful forces in Veridian, had annihilated each other, leaving nothing but death and destruction in their wake.

As the dust settled, Dustin stood amidst the carnage, his heart heavy with the weight of Natasha’s betrayal. Gabrielle stepped closer, offering him silent support. The Virgin Sect, the Sex Sect, and the Pervert Sect had vanished from the history of Veridian, their legacies reduced to ashes in the fires of their own making.

But for Dustin, the true battle was just beginning—one that would test his resolve, his heart, and his very soul.



Top level Tribulator - Master of Sex Sect
Sep 19, 2023
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Chapter 59: The Betrayal of the Heart

The air was thick with tension as Dustin, Gabrielle, and the others ventured deeper into the Celestial Pagoda, their hearts heavy with the weight of recent events. Braden, still reeling from Rachel's tragic death, remained silent, his grief a palpable presence that no words could soothe. The group had barely begun to process the loss when they stumbled upon a secluded chamber, dimly lit by a cold, blue light.

Dustin and Gabrielle exchanged a wary glance as they entered a familiar chamber—a place they had been before. The Virgin Sect's hidden temple, once a sanctuary, now felt like a tomb filled with memories of deceit. It was here that they had first encountered Brits, the leader of the Virgin Sect, who had initially appeared to be an ally in their quest. Never had they thought that the hidden temple of the Virgin Sect was, in fact, located within the Celestial Pagoda itself.

As they stepped inside, Dustin’s heart suddenly raced with a mix of hope and fear. Standing in the center of the room was Natasha, her face a mask of conflicting emotions. Dustin’s heart leaped at the sight of her—his missing love, the woman he'd searched for with every fiber of his being. A surge of joy overwhelmed him, his eyes lighting up with an almost childlike happiness.

"Natasha!" Dustin whispered, stepping forward, his voice thick with emotion. "I’ve been looking for you everywhere. I thought I’d lost you forever."

For a moment, it seemed as if time had stopped. Dustin’s eyes were glued to Natasha, his heart beating wildly as he took in her presence. He was overwhelmed with relief, unable to believe that she was finally in front of him. But something was off. The warmth he remembered in her eyes was gone, replaced by a cold, distant stare.

Natasha looked at him, her expression unreadable. "Dustin... there's something you need to know."

Before she could continue, a dark figure emerged from the shadows—Brits, the leader of the Virgin Sect. He sneered, his eyes gleaming with malice. "So, the lost lovers are finally reunited. But this isn't the happy ending you think it is."

Dustin’s eyes narrowed, a sense of foreboding replacing his initial joy. "What are you talking about, Brits?"

Brits smirked, his voice dripping with contempt. "You’re a fool, Dustin. While you were chasing shadows, I was carrying out the real mission. I was the one who took Natasha. But Junlee... he played us all. He didn’t need her for her purity as I was led to believe. He needed her for something far more sinister—a fiery constituent, something I was too blind to see."

"And I have been given a new instruction: to get close to Miranda and kidnap her, the reason I approached you and Gabrielle earlier," he continued, a sinister smile curling his lips.

Dustin’s heart sank as the pieces began to fall into place. "You… you took her for Junlee?"

The truth emerged. Brits had not approached him and Gabrielle out of a shared goal but rather as a pawn of Immortal Junlee. The past encounters with Brits now felt tainted, a betrayal masked under the guise of alliance.

Natasha stepped forward, her voice cold and resolute. "Yes, Dustin. Brits was the one who took me, but it wasn’t for what he thought. And it wasn’t against my will."

Dustin recoiled as if struck. "What do you mean?"

Natasha's face twisted in a mix of sorrow and determination. "Junlee showed me things—things I never knew existed. His power, his vision for the world, his big dick that you have never had... I couldn’t resist it. I... I fell in love with him, Dustin. I gave myself to him willingly. I had sex with him."

The room fell into stunned silence. Gabrielle, standing slightly behind Dustin, couldn’t help the small smile that crept onto her face. A flicker of unexpected hope ignited in her chest. Natasha’s betrayal meant that Dustin was finally free, finally hers. She had waited so long for this moment, for a chance to have Dustin for herself.

Natasha's words were like knives to Dustin’s soul, each one cutting deeper than the last. The joy that had filled his heart moments before now shattered, leaving behind only cold, piercing pain.

"No... Natasha, this isn’t you," Dustin pleaded, his voice cracking. "You wouldn’t betray me like this."

Tears welled in Natasha’s eyes, but she didn’t flinch. "I’m sorry, Dustin. But it’s the truth. And there’s more... I told Junlee about Miranda. I told him she has the fiery constituent that could replace mine. It was my idea to use her."

The betrayal hit Dustin like a tidal wave, leaving him gasping for breath. The woman he loved had not only abandoned him but had also betrayed her own sister, putting Miranda’s life in mortal danger.

"How could you...?" Dustin's voice was barely more than a whisper, the pain in his chest suffocating.

Natasha lowered her gaze, shame finally creeping into her voice. "I thought I was doing what was necessary, what was right. But now... I’m not sure of anything anymore."

Brits, enraged by the realization that he had been manipulated, turned his fury toward Natasha. "You’re nothing but a pawn, just like the rest of us! But I won’t go down alone."

As the tension escalated, Emeka and Xavier, who had been silently observing, couldn’t help but laugh at Brits’ misfortune. "You really thought you were special, didn’t you?" Xavier taunted, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Junlee played you like a fiddle."

Emeka chimed in, "Seems like the 'Great Brits' isn’t so great after all."

Xavier smirked. "Serves him right."

Flaxseed, ever the opportunist, added with a sneer, "And here I thought the Virgin Sect was all about purity. What a joke."

Brits’ anger boiled over, and he lunged at Natasha, but Emeka’s men, including Flaxseed, intervened. What began as a confrontation quickly escalated into chaos. Emeka, Xavier, and Flaxseed took the opportunity to mock Brits, their taunts stoking the fires of conflict.

Brits’ face twisted in anger. "Shut up! I’m done being mocked by the likes of you."

The taunting was too much for Brits, and in a fit of rage, he lunged at Emeka. The room exploded into chaos as the two men clashed, their conflict quickly drawing in Xavier. The scene quickly devolved into an all-out brawl, with punches and curses flying.

Suddenly, the twin brothers Ast and Ash, loyal followers of Brits and disciples of the Virgin Sect, stormed into the room. Seeing their leader under attack, they joined the fray, their combined strength turning the tide.

But Emeka and Xavier were not alone. Members of the Sex Sect, fueled by their own twisted desires, came to their aid, and the room erupted into a brutal melee, pitting the Virgin Sect against the Sex Sect and the Pervert Sect in a clash that would decide their fates.

Dustin, Gabrielle, and the others watched in stunned silence as the battle raged, the hatred between the sects boiling over into an orgy of violence. Bodies collided, blood spilled, and the air was thick with the sound of bones breaking and cries of pain.

As the fight reached its peak, the twins Ast and Ash, fueled by their loyalty to Brits, unleashed a final, desperate attack. But in their fury, they overextended themselves, and the counterattack from Emeka and Xavier was swift and merciless.

The fight was brutal and merciless. Each sect fought with a fervor driven by pride, betrayal, and desperation. Dustin and Gabrielle watched as the temple, once a place of hidden power, became the stage for a battle that would see all three sects destroyed.

In the end, bloodied and broken, the last of the fighters fell. The three sects, once powerful forces in Veridian, had annihilated each other, leaving nothing but death and destruction in their wake.

As the dust settled, Dustin stood amidst the carnage, his heart heavy with the weight of Natasha’s betrayal. Gabrielle stepped closer, offering him silent support. The Virgin Sect, the Sex Sect, and the Pervert Sect had vanished from the history of Veridian, their legacies reduced to ashes in the fires of their own making.

But for Dustin, the true battle was just beginning—one that would test his resolve, his heart, and his very soul.

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I wonder why I can’t beat Brit😂😂😂😂😂

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score
@emeka, it looks like there are only 2 of us in this room, it's quite eerie in here. Do you think there's anybody else reading this story? @Hakimu came but not sure if he's reading it or not. @Julia_Natasha as usual come and go without trace 😅. @Gily I think he's now busy.

Is there anyone reading silently? Please raise your hand ✋.. and I'll find some plots for you.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 4, 2023
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I was not home for the past 6 days. I just got home yesterday night man. I haven't settled yet.
@emeka, it looks like there are only 2 of us in this room, it's quite eerie in here. Do you think there's anybody else reading this story? @Hakimu came but not sure if he's reading it or not. @Julia_Natasha as usual come and go without trace 😅. @Gily I think he's now busy.

Is there anyone reading silently? Please raise your hand ✋.. and I'll find some plots for you.


Top level Tribulator - Master of Sex Sect
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score
@emeka, it looks like there are only 2 of us in this room, it's quite eerie in here. Do you think there's anybody else reading this story? @Hakimu came but not sure if he's reading it or not. @Julia_Natasha as usual come and go without trace 😅. @Gily I think he's now busy.

Is there anyone reading silently? Please raise your hand ✋.. and I'll find some plots for you.
You should tell immortal Gily to use the Immortal eyes and check it out I suspect people are reading this secretly 😂😂


Immortal Village Hero
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 3, 2023
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@emeka, it looks like there are only 2 of us in this room, it's quite eerie in here. Do you think there's anybody else reading this story? @Hakimu came but not sure if he's reading it or not. @Julia_Natasha as usual come and go without trace 😅. @Gily I think he's now busy.

Is there anyone reading silently? Please raise your hand ✋.. and I'll find some plots for you.
Hi there this week am in examinations last one will be tomorrow after that its holiday
I will be only working so at night i will continue reading this wonderful novel


Immortal Village Hero
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 3, 2023
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But mind you not only funny I am trying to put in, I am trying to stir up all kind of emotions into this novel.. funny, sad, anger, anxiety, fear, happy, desire, suspense etc., and most of all.. the unpredictable and the unexpected! In the beginning I thought this novel is about warriors and fight, but as the writing goes I realized now that I like to create different type of plots and twists, especially something to do with dark romance, tragedy and betrayals 😅
Hahhah just forget about heaven

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score
Hi there this week am in examinations last one will be tomorrow after that its holiday
I will be only working so at night i will continue reading this wonderful novel
All the best in your exam.. may success be with you

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score
I was not home for the past 6 days. I just got home yesterday night man. I haven't settled yet.
I know you must be tired after the beast feast.. have a good rest immortal

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 60: Echoes of Solitude

The night was unusually calm, a deceptive peace that belied the turmoil each of the protagonists carried within their hearts. After the intense battles and heart-wrenching betrayals, the group had finally found a moment of respite in a secluded sanctuary deep within the Celestial Pagoda. But even in this tranquil setting, their thoughts were far from restful.

Braden sat alone by the dying embers of the fire, his eyes hollow and unseeing. The pain of her death lingered like a shadow, gnawing at his soul. His thoughts were consumed by memories of Rachel—her smile, her laugh, the plans they had made together. He could still hear her voice, the way she spoke of their future, of the family they would one day have. But now, those dreams had been ripped away, leaving behind only an aching void. No amount of time would ever make this loss bearable, and he knew it. The memories of their plans, their dreams of a family, haunted him relentlessly.

Joey watched him from a distance, her heart aching not just for him, but for herself. With Levi missing, and the gnawing worry about what might have happened to him while with Leejay, she felt a loneliness she hadn’t expected. The anxiety of the unknown, combined with her own grief and fear, became too much to bear. She couldn’t stand the sight of Braden suffering alone, his sorrow reflecting her own inner turmoil.

With a deep breath, Joey approached Braden, her footsteps soft on the forest floor. “Braden,” she whispered, sitting beside him, “I’m so sorry.”

Braden didn’t respond at first, his gaze still locked on the fire’s last flickering flames. But as Joey placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, he finally turned to look at her, his eyes filled with a pain that made her heart clench.

“She was everything to me, Joey,” he murmured, his voice rough with grief. “We were supposed to have a family...”

Joey felt her own eyes fill with tears. “I know, Braden. I know.” Her voice trembled with emotion. “But she wouldn’t want you to be alone in this. You don’t have to bear this pain by yourself.”

The two sat in silence for a long moment, the weight of their shared sorrow pressing down on them. Joey’s heart ached not just for Braden, but for herself. The uncertainty of Levi’s fate, the fear that she might never see him again, left her feeling lost and adrift. And in Braden, she saw a kindred spirit, someone who understood the depth of her despair.

In that moment of shared grief, something shifted between them. The pain they both carried, the loneliness and fear, drew them together in a way that neither had anticipated. Without words, they reached out to each other, seeking solace in the only way they could.

Before they realized it, the comfort they sought turned into something more. Grief gave way to passion, and soon they were lost in each other, their sorrow momentarily forgotten in the heat of the moment. It was an unconscious act, a desperate grasp for connection in a world that had suddenly become unbearably cold.

Braden braced himself on top of Joey and swooped down for a hot, wet kiss. He licked her plump lips, sucking and teasing, before slipping his tongue inside to dance along with hers. Joey fell into the kiss in a daze. She reflexively wrapped her arms around his shoulders and returned his passion in her own soft way. She was panting before long. She pushed him lightly to catch her breath, but Braden was ravishing her again in the next second, as if he was consumed by his newly found power of a wolf.

Helpless against his onslaught, Joey felt her saliva dribble down the corner of her mouth. The sight of it flamed Braden’s desire even more. He quickly shifted and lapped it up before it disappeared down her jaw. He trailed kisses back up to her lips and pressed his forehead against hers. Fully consumed by the urge of the desire, she immediately arched up to him, her soft breasts flush against his hard, broad chest. Her hand stroked the length of his abdomen, then slipped into his trousers. His cock was already rock hard and throbbing with need. lt felt hot to the touch, and Joey felt that warmth course through her entire body.

Braden held her face and leaned her in for another torrid kiss. When he pulled back, his gaze fell on her cleavage, his eyes flashing at the twin alabaster globes heaving beneath the silk fabric of her underwear. He made quick work of undressing himself, and then her.
With their clothes out of the way, he wasted no time sliding his hand between her thighs. Her folds were slick and wet, a testament to her desire. Braden held her knees and spread her legs wider. He guided his cock to her slit and buried himself to the hilt with a single thrust. They both trembled at the sensation that followed, and Joey let out a small cry of pain. She could feel him stretching her insides to an almost unbearable degree. Braden clutched her waist and pumped in and out of her, even as she clamped tightly around his cock. Soon, the slight pain she felt turned into utter, violent bliss, her juices were flowing down her inner thighs.

Braden snaked an arm around Joey’s waist, while the other came up her back and gripped her shoulder. He held her close, her nipples brushing against his chest as her body lurched with the force of his fucking. Just when it felt like it would never end. Braden felt her grip tighten around his cock, and within seconds, he was emptying his lust into her greedy depths. As soon as she felt his hot seeds pour inside her, Joey reached a climax so intense, it left her shaking for minutes after the fact.

Completely spent, her thighs were splattered with cum, with strands of it still dangling between her folds and the tip of Braden’s cock. The night grew late, and the moon was hidden behind the clouds.
Meanwhile, John sat alone, his thoughts consumed by worry and anger. Miranda’s kidnapping gnawed at him, the fear for her safety clashing with the frustration of his helplessness. He couldn’t help but replay the events in his mind, searching for something he could have done differently, some way he could have prevented it. But the answers eluded him, leaving him in a state of restless anxiety.


Gabrielle, however, was not far off. She had chosen to remain with Dustin, her heart filled with a mix of love and anticipation. The betrayal of Natasha had hurt Dustin deeply, and yet, it had opened a door she had longed to walk through for years.

Lying next to Dustin, Gabrielle turned to him, her eyes soft with affection. She traced a hand down his chest, her voice a gentle whisper. “I’ve wanted to tell you this for a long time, Dustin. Ever since we were small, I’ve been drawn to you. Even when others saw you as just another boy, I knew you were special. And now… now that Natasha’s gone, I can finally show you how much you mean to me.”

Dustin looked at her, the warmth in her eyes soothing the hurt that still lingered in his heart. He felt a flood of emotions—gratitude, desire, and a deep-seated love he hadn’t fully acknowledged until now. Gabrielle’s presence was a balm to his wounded soul, and he found himself drawn to her in a way he hadn’t expected.

As Gabrielle leaned in, pressing her lips to his, Dustin responded with an intensity that surprised them both. The years of suppressed feelings, the heartbreak, and the longing all culminated in that moment, and they gave themselves fully to each other, their love finally unleashed without restraint.

For that brief time, the world outside ceased to exist. The pain, the fear, the uncertainty—all of it was forgotten as they found solace in each other’s arms.

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 61: Guilt and Resolve

The morning sun crept over the horizon, casting a gentle light on the group as they gathered around the campfire. The previous night’s events weighed heavily on everyone, but none more so than Braden and Joey. They sat apart from the others, their gazes distant, both lost in their thoughts.

Braden’s thoughts were a tangled mess of grief for Rachel, guilt over his actions with Joey, and the overwhelming pressure of their current situation. Joey, too, was lost in her own turmoil, her worry for Levi compounding the guilt she felt for seeking solace in Braden’s arms. The connection they had shared, born out of mutual pain, now felt like a betrayal to the ones they loved and themselves.

The tension in the air was palpable as the group began discussing their next move. Dustin, his arm protectively around Gabrielle, spoke first. “We can’t waste any more time. Miranda and Levi are still out there, and we need to find them.”

John, sitting with a heavy heart, nodded. “We’ve encountered a lot of people in this place. We need to think about who can help us and who might be working against us.”

Gabrielle added, “There are some we can trust—like Immortal Gily or svetovid. But there are also those who are clearly our enemies. Alonzo, Junlee, and Leejay are at the top of that list. If we track them down, we might find clues that lead us to Miranda and Levi.”

Braden, despite the turmoil within him, forced himself to focus. “We’ve crossed paths with powerful figures. If we can find Immortal Gily or Svetovid, they might be able to guide us through this. But we can’t ignore the fact that our enemies may hold the answers we need.”

Dustin’s eyes hardened. “Junlee is dangerous, and Leejay’s hold on Levi can’t be underestimated. We need to be strategic. If we confront them without a plan, we could lose everything.”


As they spoke, a figure approached from the edge of the camp. He was a tall man with a commanding presence, his muscles taut beneath his battle-worn armor. His eyes, sharp and alert, scanned the group with the precision of a seasoned warrior.

“I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation,” the man said, his voice deep and resonant. “My name is indra. I’ve been tracking Junlee’s movements for some time now. If you’re planning to go after him, you’ll need a guide—and a warrior who knows how to handle his forces.”

The group exchanged cautious glances. Dustin was the first to speak. “What brings you here, Indra? Why do you want to help us?”

Indra crossed his arms, his gaze steady. “Junlee and I have a history. I’ve fought his forces before, and I know how dangerous he can be. But more than that, I’ve seen the devastation he leaves in his wake. I won’t stand by and let him destroy more lives.”

John nodded, recognizing the resolve in Indra’s voice. “We could use someone with your skills. But we need to know we can trust you.”

Indra met John’s gaze without flinching. “I’m not asking for your trust right away. But if you let me fight alongside you, I’ll prove my loyalty.”

Gabrielle, sensing the sincerity in Indra’s words, added, “We need all the help we can get. If Indra knows the territory and Junlee’s forces, he could be our best chance at finding Miranda and Levi.”

Before Braden could respond, Dustin interjected with a grave expression. “There’s another matter we’ve been neglecting — Muhindi Wa Kuchoma, the butler of an Ancient Order who stole the tome from Levi and Joey. We’ve never discovered what that tome really was or why it was so important to him. We need to find out if he’s working for Junlee, or if he’s aligned with another enemy altogether.”

Joey, already struggling with her emotions, looked up with a hardened expression. “Muhindi was no ordinary servant. He knew exactly what he was doing when he took that tome. But the question is—why? What does it contain that’s so valuable?”

Indra’s eyes narrowed. “This tome… it could hold the key to understanding our enemies’ plans. If Junlee or another force is after it, we need to find out what’s inside. But first, we need to track down Muhindi. He’s a loose end we can’t afford to ignore.”

Joey, pushing past her own feelings of regret, spoke up. “If Muhindi is working for Junlee, we’re dealing with more than just a rogue butler. He could be an agent sent to ensure that whatever’s in that tome doesn’t fall into our hands.”

Dustin nodded thoughtfully. “Then our next step is clear. We need to find Muhindi Wa Kuchoma, retrieve the tome, and decipher its contents. Only then will we have the full picture of what we’re up against.”

Indra, his stern gaze sweeping across the group, added, “And we must remain vigilant. Every move we make from now on could be walking into a trap. Stay sharp, and trust no one outside of this group.”

Gabrielle looked at each of them in turn, her resolve firm. “We’ll find Muhindi. We’ll get the tome. And we’ll bring Miranda and Levi back. We have to.”

With their new ally in tow, the group began to plan their next move. The resolve to rescue Miranda and Levi burned in their hearts, but the guilt and shame that Braden and Joey felt lingered, a shadow that would not easily be dispelled. And as the sun climbed higher in the sky, the specter of Muhindi Wa Kuchoma loomed over their path, a mysterious figure whose true intentions were yet to be revealed.
Last edited:


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 61: Guilt and Resolve

The morning sun crept over the horizon, casting a gentle light on the group as they gathered around the campfire. The previous night’s events weighed heavily on everyone, but none more so than Braden and Joey. They sat apart from the others, their gazes distant, both lost in their thoughts.

Braden’s thoughts were a tangled mess of grief for Rachel, guilt over his actions with Joey, and the overwhelming pressure of their current situation. Joey, too, was lost in her own turmoil, her worry for Levi compounding the guilt she felt for seeking solace in Braden’s arms. The connection they had shared, born out of mutual pain, now felt like a betrayal to the ones they loved and themselves.

The tension in the air was palpable as the group began discussing their next move. Dustin, his arm protectively around Gabrielle, spoke first. “We can’t waste any more time. Miranda and Levi are still out there, and we need to find them.”

John, sitting with a heavy heart, nodded. “We’ve encountered a lot of people in this place. We need to think about who can help us and who might be working against us.”

Gabrielle added, “There are some we can trust—like Immortal Gily or svetovid. But there are also those who are clearly our enemies. Alonzo, Junlee, and Leejay are at the top of that list. If we track them down, we might find clues that lead us to Miranda and Levi.”

Braden, despite the turmoil within him, forced himself to focus. “We’ve crossed paths with powerful figures. If we can find Immortal Gily or Svetovid, they might be able to guide us through this. But we can’t ignore the fact that our enemies may hold the answers we need.”

Dustin’s eyes hardened. “Junlee is dangerous, and Leejay’s hold on Levi can’t be underestimated. We need to be strategic. If we confront them without a plan, we could lose everything.”

View attachment 3507

As they spoke, a figure approached from the edge of the camp. He was a tall man with a commanding presence, his muscles taut beneath his battle-worn armor. His eyes, sharp and alert, scanned the group with the precision of a seasoned warrior.

“I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation,” the man said, his voice deep and resonant. “My name is indra. I’ve been tracking Junlee’s movements for some time now. If you’re planning to go after him, you’ll need a guide—and a warrior who knows how to handle his forces.”

The group exchanged cautious glances. Dustin was the first to speak. “What brings you here, Indra? Why do you want to help us?”

Indra crossed his arms, his gaze steady. “Junlee and I have a history. I’ve fought his forces before, and I know how dangerous he can be. But more than that, I’ve seen the devastation he leaves in his wake. I won’t stand by and let him destroy more lives.”

John nodded, recognizing the resolve in Indra’s voice. “We could use someone with your skills. But we need to know we can trust you.”

Indra met John’s gaze without flinching. “I’m not asking for your trust right away. But if you let me fight alongside you, I’ll prove my loyalty.”

Gabrielle, sensing the sincerity in Indra’s words, added, “We need all the help we can get. If Indra knows the territory and Junlee’s forces, he could be our best chance at finding Miranda and Levi.”

Before Braden could respond, Dustin interjected with a grave expression. “There’s another matter we’ve been neglecting — Muhindi Wa Kuchoma, the butler of an Ancient Order who stole the tome from Levi and Joey. We’ve never discovered what that tome really was or why it was so important to him. We need to find out if he’s working for Junlee, or if he’s aligned with another enemy altogether.”

Joey, already struggling with her emotions, looked up with a hardened expression. “Muhindi was no ordinary servant. He knew exactly what he was doing when he took that tome. But the question is—why? What does it contain that’s so valuable?”

Indra’s eyes narrowed. “This tome… it could hold the key to understanding our enemies’ plans. If Junlee or another force is after it, we need to find out what’s inside. But first, we need to track down Muhindi. He’s a loose end we can’t afford to ignore.”

Joey, pushing past her own feelings of regret, spoke up. “If Muhindi is working for Junlee, we’re dealing with more than just a rogue butler. He could be an agent sent to ensure that whatever’s in that tome doesn’t fall into our hands.”

Dustin nodded thoughtfully. “Then our next step is clear. We need to find Muhindi Wa Kuchoma, retrieve the tome, and decipher its contents. Only then will we have the full picture of what we’re up against.”

Indra, his stern gaze sweeping across the group, added, “And we must remain vigilant. Every move we make from now on could be walking into a trap. Stay sharp, and trust no one outside of this group.”

Gabrielle looked at each of them in turn, her resolve firm. “We’ll find Muhindi. We’ll get the tome. And we’ll bring Miranda and Levi back. We have to.”

With their new ally in tow, the group began to plan their next move. The resolve to rescue Miranda and Levi burned in their hearts, but the guilt and shame that Braden and Joey felt lingered, a shadow that would not easily be dispelled. And as the sun climbed higher in the sky, the specter of Muhindi Wa Kuchoma loomed over their path, a mysterious figure whose true intentions were yet to be revealed.
Leejay is the only girl in here so far. She is sick at home. She was operated on the ear and eye.

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
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Chapter 62: The Allure of Darkness

Deep within the labyrinthine corridors of the Celestial Pagoda, Levi moved like a man in a trance. His mind was shrouded in a thick fog, the dark spell that Leejay had cast over him turning his thoughts to a single obsession—Leejay herself. His mission, his friends, his own identity—all of it had faded into the background, leaving only the overwhelming allure of Leejay.

Leejay walked beside him, her every movement graceful and calculated. She kept a careful eye on Levi, ensuring that the spell remained strong. His mind was her playground, and she intended to keep it that way.

“Levi,” she purred, her voice laced with dark magic. “You’re mine now. Nothing else matters.”

Levi’s eyes, once so full of purpose, were now empty, reflecting only the darkness that had taken hold of him. “Yes… Leejay… only you…”


As they continued through the twisting passages, a figure materialized in front of them, stepping out of the shadows with an air of authority. Immortal Junlee, his presence as imposing as ever, regarded them with a cold, calculating gaze.

“So, you’ve done it,” Junlee said, his voice echoing through the chamber. His eyes bore into Levi, who stood motionless at Leejay’s side.

Leejay inclined her head in acknowledgment. “Yes, master. Levi is under my control, just as you instructed.”

Junlee’s gaze lingered on Levi for a moment before he turned back to Leejay. “Good. His power will be useful to us, though he doesn’t know it yet. Keep him close, and make sure the spell remains unbroken.”

Leejay smiled, her confidence unshaken. “He’s mine, Junlee. He won’t resist.”

Junlee’s expression was unreadable as he responded. “See that he doesn’t. There is much at stake, and I will not tolerate failure.”

Leejay’s eyes gleamed with a mix of curiosity and desire for approval. “What is it you plan to do with him?”

Junlee’s gaze darkened, his tone brooking no argument. “That is for me to know, Leejay. Your task is to keep him in line.”

Leejay’s smile faltered slightly, but she nodded. “As you wish, Immortal Junlee.”

Satisfied, Junlee turned and began to walk away, his mind already focused on the next phase of his plan. “Remember, Leejay,” he called back, “do not underestimate the others. They are not to be taken lightly.”

With that, Junlee disappeared into the shadows, leaving Leejay and Levi alone once more. Leejay turned to Levi, her eyes softening as she reached out to touch his face.

“Come, Levi,” she whispered, her voice a sultry caress. “You’re safe with me.”

Levi’s response was immediate, his mind too clouded by the spell to do anything but obey. “Yes, Leejay… I’m with you…”

As they moved deeper into the pagoda, Leejay kept a tight hold on Levi, knowing that Junlee’s plans depended on her control over him. But even she didn’t fully understand what Junlee intended to do with Levi’s power—and how it would shape the fate of everyone within the Celestial Pagoda.

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 63: The Revelation of Mr. Sanders

John wandered through the vast halls of the Celestial Pagoda, his thoughts heavy with uncertainty. The ancient stone walls echoed with the footsteps of someone searching not just for a path, but for answers buried deep within his own bloodline. The knowledge that his true power—the Golden Dragon form—was still out of reach gnawed at him, and the mystery of his father's identity loomed large in his mind.

As he moved deeper into the labyrinthine structure, John sensed an unfamiliar presence. His hand instinctively rested on the hilt of The Dragon Slayer sword, ready for whatever might come. Emerging from a shadowed corridor were two figures, their approach measured and deliberate.

One of them was a tall, imposing warrior, his face a mask of stoicism. His eyes, sharp and cold, scanned the surroundings with the intensity of a seasoned warrior. The other figure, to John's surprise, was Svetovid—the man he and the group had met only a few days ago.

"Svetovid," John greeted, his tone cautious. "What brings you here? And who is this with you?"

Svetovid stepped forward, his expression serious. "John, there are things you must know. This man is Achublue, a nomadic warrior who follows me. We have come to speak with you about matters of great importance."

John's grip tightened on The Dragon Slayer, his gaze narrowing. "Speak with me about what? And why are you suddenly appearing now?"

Svetovid sighed before continuing. "John, first of all, my real name is not Svetovid. I am actually Arthur Sanders, the butler of your father, tasked with protecting you from the shadows. My role has always been to ensure your safety as you journey to discover who you truly are."

John’s eyes widened in surprise. "My father? John began, his voice steady. “You say you were my father’s butler, that your duty is to protect me. Why was this kept from me? Why all the secrets?” Frustration evident in his tone. “You say you were meant to protect me, but I’ve been fighting all my life, seeking answers I never knew I was missing. Who was my father, really?”

Mr. Sanders met John’s gaze with a calm, measured look, his eyes filled with a mixture of pride and sorrow. "Your father is a man of great power and influence, but his identity needed to remain hidden, even from you. Revealing it too soon would have endangered not just you, but others as well. There are forces at work that seek to destroy your bloodline."

John felt a wave of frustration, not anger. He wasn’t upset at Mr. Sanders for keeping the secret, but the fact that others knew things about his life that were completely unknown to him. "I understand why you did it, but it’s just... difficult. Knowing that there’s something out there—something important—and I’m kept in the dark."

Mr. Sanders nodded sympathetically. "I understand your frustration, John. But please believe me when I say that everything I’ve done has been to protect you."

John was silent for a moment, his thoughts racing. As he considered Mr. Sanders’ words, a memory surfaced—a sudden recollection of their first meeting with Svetovid. They had also encountered Immortal Gily then, and Mr. Sanders had introduced him as his master.

As John processed this, a thought struck him, unbidden, from the depths of his memory. “Immortal Gily” he murmured, remembering the strange and powerful figure. Could he be connected to my father in some way? He glanced at Mr. Sanders, a question forming on his lips.

“Gily…” John began, but the words trailed off, the full question never quite forming.

Mr. Sanders looked at John, his expression carefully neutral. “Immortal Gily is… someone you will understand in time,” he said cryptically, his words leaving more questions than answers.

John frowned, but before he could press further, Mr. Sanders continued, “The journey you’re on, John, is one of discovery. Some answers must be earned, not given.”

John felt a mix of frustration and resignation. The man who had been so close to his father, the man who knew the secrets he was desperately trying to uncover, was still keeping him in the dark.


Achublue, who had been silent until now, stepped forward. His voice was calm, yet carried the weight of his experience. "John, I understand your frustration, but Mr. Sanders has acted in your best interest. The knowledge you seek is powerful, but it comes with great responsibility and danger."

John looked at both men, feeling a mix of gratitude and the continued weight of uncertainty. "I appreciate what you’ve done, Mr. Sanders. But I need to find these answers—if not now, then soon."

Mr. Sanders inclined his head slightly. "You will, John. When the time is right, everything will be revealed."

John nodded, accepting the uncertainty for now. He knew that pressing further would likely yield no more answers—at least not now. But the seeds of curiosity had been planted, and they would only grow stronger with time.

As he walked through the ancient halls of the Celestial Pagoda, The Dragon Slayer at his side, he knew that his journey was far from over—and that the answers he sought would not come easily.


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