Legends Awakened: Whispers of the Celestial Pagoda (Original) - King of Dragonmarsh

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Novel title: Legends Awakened: Whispers of the Celestial Pagoda

Author: King of Dragonmarsh

Publisher: KijijiForums

Genre: Epic Fantasy / Tragic Romance / Dark Drama /


In the realm of Veridian, where mortal realms intertwine with the tapestry of mythical domains, the destinies of heroes and villains are woven amidst sprawling kingdoms and veiled enclaves. Here, ancient prophecies and celestial powers converge in a symphony of cosmic intrigue and mystical revelation.

At the heart of Veridian stands the Celestial Pagoda, a towering spire that pierces the heavens themselves. Built with eldritch magic and watched over by celestial sentinels, the Pagoda stands as a citadel of power and wisdom—a repository of arcane knowledge and artifacts that guard the secrets shaping the realm's deepest mysteries.

As whispers of forgotten truths echo through the Pagoda's hallowed halls, mortals across Veridian find themselves poised at the threshold of transformation. Prophecies, whispered on ethereal winds, guide the wayward souls, while the celestial observer casts its gaze upon heroes like Logan Rhys, the legendary Kirin who traverses paths of justice and identity. Emerging from unjust bonds, John White embarks on a journey of discovery with Miranda, a woman of unyielding spirit and hidden lineage. Their fate intertwines with Braden Porter, a shrewd billionaire whose enigmatic lineage binds him to Levi Garrison, the legendary God of War returning from distant realms.

This is the chronicle of Veridian—a realm where myths take flesh, where prophecies illuminate the lost, and where the Celestial Pagoda stands as a luminous beacon amidst the swirling currents of destiny and fortune.

As dawn approached, the pagoda trembled. The cosmic observer stirred—an ancient deity watching, unblinking. “Veridian’s fate hangs by a thread,” it murmured. “Choose wisely, mortals.”

And so, our heroes faced their pivotal moments—the unravelling of secrets, the clash of powers, the complexities of relationships with blazing sex, and the birth of legends filled with passion and betrayal. The Celestial Pagoda awaited their decisions, its stones whispering forgotten truths.

What happens next? Only the turning of pages and the beating of hearts can reveal the answer.

Legends Awakened.jpg

This is a work of pure fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of my imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. I respect the intellectual property rights of others and has not intentionally infringed upon any existing copyrights. Any similarities with real-world entities or other works are entirely unintentional.

This is an ongoing novel written in my free time, inspired by a sudden burst of ideas. Therefore, there is no guarantee that new chapters will be posted regularly. However, I will strive to post at least one chapter a day, except on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays in my area.
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King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 64: The Soul Buster's Bargain

The dark, misty air of the Forsaken Wastes hung heavy with the scent of decay and ancient curses. This desolate place, far from the bustling cities and sacred pagodas, was where forgotten souls wandered, and where the vilest of rituals were conducted in secrecy. It was here, among the twisted, leafless trees and barren earth, that Muhindi Wa Kuchoma waited.

Muhindi, a tall and imposing figure, was draped in a cloak that seemed to absorb the very light around him. His eyes, sharp and calculating, scanned the horizon with an intensity that could pierce through the fog.

A soft, haunting melody began to drift through the air, carried by the wind. Muhindi turned towards the sound, his eyes narrowing as the figure of a man appeared, seemingly out of the mist itself. The figure, shrouded in a cloak of shimmering silver threads, seemed otherworldly—an ethereal presence in the gloom. This was Musicapulenta, a mysterious bard with the power to manipulate souls and restore bodies. His hands hovered over an ancient, worn lute, fingers dancing lightly over its strings, creating melodies that hung in the air like whispers of the past. Musicapulenta, the enigmatic bard and soul buster, was known across the realm for his uncanny ability to manipulate the remnants of souls and infuse them into new vessels. His talent was as rare as it was feared.


Musicapulenta was a slender man, with flowing robes that shimmered in the dim light, and a lute slung over his shoulder. His long, silver hair framed a face that was ageless—neither young nor old. His eyes, however, held a depth of knowledge and power that few could comprehend.

Muhindi stepped forward, his voice low and commanding. "You are Musicapulenta, the one they speak of, who can restore the remnants of a soul to a new body?"

Musicapulenta's fingers lightly strummed the strings of his lute, producing a tune that seemed to resonate with the very air around them. He nodded slowly, his voice melodic and smooth. "I am. All can be done, as long as the rewards are hefty enough."

"Greetings," Muhindi spoke again, his voice as deep and resonant. "I am Muhindi Wa Kuchoma, a servant with a mission of great importance."

Musicapulenta looked up, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Muhindi, is it? And what service does a servant such as yourself require of me?" His tone was casual, but there was a sharpness to it—a reminder that Musicapulenta was a free man, a wanderer who took rewards from anyone willing to pay the right price.

"I seek your talents to restore a soul—a powerful soul, one that has been hidden away, locked in the recesses of another's consciousness. This soul belongs to my master, and his return to the physical world is paramount," Muhindi explained.

Musicapulenta's fingers strummed the lute absently, the notes humming with potential. "And who is this master of yours that warrants such a delicate and dangerous endeavor? More importantly, what will you offer me in return for such a service? I don’t work for free, after all."

Muhindi’s eyes narrowed slightly, understanding the bard’s position. "I am prepared to offer you wealth beyond measure, rare artifacts from the depths of forgotten realms, or perhaps even a secret that has been long hidden from the world—something only someone in my position could reveal."

Musicapulenta’s interest was piqued. "Wealth and artifacts are all well and good, but secrets… they are the true currency of power. Continue."

Muhindi smiled coldly, seeing that he had the bard's attention. "The soul I seek to restore is none other than that of the Vermilion Demon Lord."

The name hung in the air like a thunderclap, causing Musicapulenta's hand to pause on the lute. The atmosphere seemed to grow colder, the shadows lengthening around them. The brazier’s flames flickered as if in fear. "The Vermilion Demon Lord," Musicapulenta repeated, his tone now reverent, almost awed. "A being of such immense power… This is no ordinary task."

Muhindi nodded. "Indeed. For centuries, I have served no other master. My loyalty has never wavered, and it never will. The world may have forgotten his name, but I have not. He was sealed away, his soul lost in the ether, but now... now we have found him."

Musicapulenta leaned forward, his eyes glinting with excitement. "And where does this soul reside?"

Muhindi's gaze sharpened, a predator who had finally cornered its prey. "It lies within the consciousness field of a young man—a warrior named John White. Extracting it will not be simple, and the process will be dangerous. But once we have the soul, we will need a body to house it—one strong enough to contain the power of the Vermilion Demon Lord."

Musicapulenta considered this, his mind racing with possibilities. "And what body do you propose?"

Muhindi's smile was cold and calculating. "The body of this warrior, John, will be ideal. He is young, powerful, and his lineage is not ordinary. His body could withstand the might of the Vermilion Demon Lord, allowing my master to return in a vessel worthy of his power."

Musicapulenta stroked his chin, weighing the offer. "To use the boy’s body… a risky venture. But the rewards, I imagine, would be immense."

"Immeasurable," Muhindi confirmed. "With the Vermilion Demon Lord returned, all who aided in his resurrection would be richly rewarded. The secrets you seek, the power you desire—it will all be within your grasp."

Musicapulenta nodded slowly, the weight of the decision settling on him. "Very well, Muhindi Wa Kuchoma. I will aid you in this endeavor. But remember—my loyalty is to no one but myself. If you betray me, no amount of power will save you from my wrath."

Muhindi inclined his head, the cold smile never leaving his face. "You will find that loyalty is something I understand very well. As long as you keep your end of the bargain, you have nothing to fear."

With the deal struck, the two figures began their preparations, the desolated place resonating with the haunting melodies of Musicapulenta's lute. Muhindi, the loyal butler of one of the most powerful celestial being, would stop at nothing to fulfill his mission. The soul of the Vermilion Demon Lord was within reach, and soon, the world would tremble before his return.
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King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 65: Conspiracy of Darkness

In the depths of the Forsaken Wastes, where the darkness seemed to breathe with malevolence, Muhindi Wa Kuchoma and Musicapulenta sat in council. The ancient bard's lute hummed softly, a haunting tune that resonated with the despair of forgotten souls. The deal they had struck was a dark and treacherous one, but the rewards promised were enough to tempt even the most cautious of men.

Muhindi’s eyes, sharp and calculating, bore into Musicapulenta. “The time has come to retrieve the Vermilion Demon Lord’s soul from John White’s consciousness. But we need more than just cunning and stealth to achieve this. We need force—overwhelming force.”

Musicapulenta nodded, his fingers still strumming the strings. “I agree. The boy’s power is formidable, and his companions are not to be underestimated. We will need an ally—someone with the means to sow chaos and the desire to see this mission succeed.”

Muhindi’s gaze darkened as he spoke the name that had been on his mind since the deal was struck. “Olasammie, the leader of the Wraith Syndicate. He has attempted to cross paths with the boy before, seeking the Heart of the Dragon. His vendetta against John could be the key to our success.”

Musicapulenta’s tune shifted, becoming more sinister. “Olasammie... a dangerous ally, but one who could prove useful. And what of the Heart of the Dragon? Is it not also vital to our cause?”

Muhindi’s eyes gleamed with cold determination. “The Heart of the Dragon is indeed important. It holds power beyond imagination and is tied to the fate of Veridian. Olasammie’s interest in it aligns with our goals. But first, we must secure John’s body as the vessel for the Vermilion Demon Lord.”

The two men rose, their minds united in the dark purpose that lay ahead. They knew that the task before them was fraught with danger, but the promise of power and the return of their master made the risk worthwhile.

In the shadowy lair of the Wraith Syndicate, Olasammie, a figure cloaked in darkness, brooded over his recent failure to secure the Heart of the Dragon. His syndicate had been beaten back, but his resolve had not wavered. The Heart was more than just a powerful artifact; it was the key to reshaping the world.

A soft whisper echoed through the chamber as Muhindi and Musicapulenta appeared, their forms materializing from the shadows.

“Olasammie,” Muhindi began, his voice low and menacing. “We come with an offer—a chance to claim what you seek and to destroy those who stand in your way.”

Olasammie’s eyes, glowing faintly with an unnatural light, narrowed as he listened. “And what would you require in return?”

“We need your help to bring down John White,” Musicapulenta explained, his voice smooth and melodic. “His body will serve as the vessel for a being far greater than any of us—the Vermilion Demon Lord.”

Olasammie’s interest was piqued. “The Vermilion Demon Lord… A powerful ally, indeed. And what of the Heart of the Dragon?”

Muhindi stepped forward, his voice filled with conviction. “The Heart of the Dragon is the key to unlocking the full potential of the Vermilion Demon Lord. It will shape the fate of Veridian and grant power to those who possess it. You seek the Heart to serve your own master, but with our alliance, you can have both the Heart and the power of the Demon Lord.”

Olasammie’s mind raced, considering the offer. He had long sought the Heart of the Dragon, knowing that it held the power to tip the balance of the world. His master had tasked him with retrieving it, but this new opportunity offered even greater rewards.

“The Heart of the Dragon,” Olasammie murmured, his voice filled with reverence. “It is tied to the very essence of Veridian. My master seeks to reshape the world, to bring about a new order, and the Heart is the key to that vision.”

Musicapulenta’s fingers danced over the strings of his lute, weaving a melody that seemed to echo Olasammie’s thoughts. “Then let us work together,” he suggested. “With your syndicate, our plan will be unstoppable. We will take John’s body, retrieve the Heart, and resurrect the Vermilion Demon Lord.”

Olasammie’s lips curled into a dark smile. “Very well. I will lend my forces to your cause. Together, we will see the end of John White and claim the power that is rightfully ours.”

The pact was sealed, and the three figures, united in their dark ambition, began to prepare for the attack. The shadows of betrayal grew thicker, and the world of Veridian would soon tremble as forces beyond mortal comprehension converged on a single point of destiny.


King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score
Finally caught up with the story... XD
You are really Ruthless in reading 🖖. Since this is my first time writing, would you give me your judgement if the story is compelling enough or not? I will take with open arms for whatever critics and suggestions you may want to say. I will take the opportunity to learn without any heart feeling ;)
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King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score
You are really Ruthless in reading 🖖. Since this is my first time writing, would you give me your judgement if the story is compelling enough or not? I will take with open arms for whatever critics and suggestions you may want to say. I will take the opportunity to learn without any heart feeling ;)
..and emeka, Gily, Muhindi Wa Kuchoma and Hakimu, your opinions also are very welcomed. I will still be happy if you criticize it, if it can improve the way I continue the story. Is there a feeling to know what's next in reading the chapters? Or is it just bold and boring? :unsure:


Tribulator - Disciple of Virgin Sect
Gold Villager
Nov 21, 2023
Reaction score
You are really Ruthless in reading 🖖. Since this is my first time writing, would you give me your judgement if the story is compelling enough or not? I will take with open arms for whatever critics and suggestions you may want to say. I will take the opportunity to learn without any heart feeling ;)
After reading dragon man's decree, the way writer explains a fighting scenario is way too much, and at some point it gets irritating however my suggestion would be if you could give a more details in fighting scenarios like you give details of the intimate scenes it would be better, but again I really love you your precise and on point fighting scenes though. A little bit of more explanations would be suffice I think.


Top level Tribulator - Master of Sex Sect
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score
After reading dragon man's decree, the way writer explains a fighting scenario is way too much, and at some point it gets irritating however my suggestion would be if you could give a more details in fighting scenarios like you give details of the intimate scenes it would be better, but again I really love you your precise and on point fighting scenes though. A little bit of more explanations would be suffice I think.
I go with this opinion

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score
After reading dragon man's decree, the way writer explains a fighting scenario is way too much, and at some point it gets irritating however my suggestion would be if you could give a more details in fighting scenarios like you give details of the intimate scenes it would be better, but again I really love you your precise and on point fighting scenes though. A little bit of more explanations would be suffice I think.
Thanks for the words 🥰.. I will try to do that in the coming chapters. You still hold true to your name for wanting a detailed fighting scenes where blood splattered everywhere and eye balls rolling on the floor.. real Ruthless 🤣

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score
After reading dragon man's decree, the way writer explains a fighting scenario is way too much, and at some point it gets irritating however my suggestion would be if you could give a more details in fighting scenarios like you give details of the intimate scenes it would be better, but again I really love you your precise and on point fighting scenes though. A little bit of more explanations would be suffice I think.
By the way, these main characters in my story are taken and mixed from 4 novels on this forum. It will be more fun when you read all these 4 novels to understand the connection of the characters more.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 4, 2023
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I prefer drama, sex with fantasy and actions. The story is interesting especially for us who know characters and the stories posted here.

For someone who only follow Dustin story will have hard time catching with the story. However you could limit to Dustin and John, while Braden and others will just play along the way.


Immortal Village Hero
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 3, 2023
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By the way, these main characters in my story are taken and mixed from 4 novels on this forum. It will be more fun when you read all these 4 novels to understand the connection of the characters more.
What thats hard to me
..and emeka, Gily, Muhindi Wa Kuchoma and Hakimu, your opinions also are very welcomed. I will still be happy if you criticize it, if it can improve the way I continue the story. Is there a feeling to know what's next in reading the chapters? Or is it just bold and boring? :unsure:
I need some time and next week i will give you feedback


Tribulator - Disciple of Virgin Sect
Gold Villager
Nov 21, 2023
Reaction score
By the way, these main characters in my story are taken and mixed from 4 novels on this forum. It will be more fun when you read all these 4 novels to understand the connection of the characters more.
I already caught up with the 2 novels, I'll try to finish the other 2, so I might get even better understanding... :)


Tribulator - Disciple of Virgin Sect
Gold Villager
Nov 21, 2023
Reaction score
Thanks for the words 🥰.. I will try to do that in the coming chapters. You still hold true to your name for wanting a detailed fighting scenes where blood splattered everywhere and eye balls rolling on the floor.. real Ruthless 🤣
Hahaha, but I like the story plot and few unexpected plot twist


Top level Tribulator - Master of Sex Sect
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score
Thanks Emeka. After Ruthless' opinion, I was expecting you to want more detailed sex scenes.. but to my shock it was not 🤣
Hahaha you already take me off besides I didn’t even kiss or enjoy some sex during my time in the storyline but you want me to remind you so you can use others to enjoy what I couldn’t enjoy
Thanks Emeka. After Ruthless' opinion, I was expecting you to want more detailed sex scenes.. but to my shock it was not 🤣

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score
I prefer drama, sex with fantasy and actions. The story is interesting especially for us who know characters and the stories posted here.

For someone who only follow Dustin story will have hard time catching with the story. However you could limit to Dustin and John, while Braden and others will just play along the way.
Thank you immortal for your celestial advice. I will try to do just that (y)

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score
Hahaha you already take me off besides I didn’t even kiss or enjoy some sex during my time in the storyline but you want me to remind you so you can use others to enjoy what I couldn’t enjoy
🤣🤣🤣 I cannot reveal the future plots too much for now, but just wait.. something unusual will happen.

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 66: Saving Vermilion Demon Lord

Amid the ancient, towering structures of the Celestial Pagoda, the group huddled together, their faces tense with concern. The theft of the tome by Muhindi had been a crippling blow, one that could spell disaster for their mission. The air was thick with anticipation as they debated their next move.

“We need to find Muhindi,” Dustin said, his voice edged with frustration. “That tome holds the key to everything. Without it, we’re fighting blind.”

Braden nodded in agreement, his beastly instincts on edge. “But how? He’s slippery—disappears like a shadow.”

John, despite the pain in his wounds, spoke with resolve. “There must be a way to track him. The tome is too important to just vanish.”

Suddenly, as if summoned by their collective will, a figure emerged from the shadows. indra, a mysterious ally of Mr. Sanders, with deep knowledge of the Pagoda, stepped forward, his presence commanding their attention. “I can help you locate Muhindi,” Indra said calmly. “His energy leaves traces, even in a place as vast as this.”

Before the group could react, a cold breeze swept through the chamber, and the atmosphere shifted. The shadows deepened, and the air crackled with malevolent energy. Muhindi, accompanied by his sinister allies, including the bard Musicapulenta and Olasammie, had arrived.

Muhindi’s voice cut through the tension like a blade. “You seek me, but it is I who have found you. And now, the tome will be the least of your concerns.”

The group barely had time to prepare before the battle erupted. Indra, true to his word, fought alongside them, his power radiating with celestial might. But Muhindi and his group were formidable, their dark energy clashing with the group’s every effort.

Indra fought valiantly, his power overwhelming his foes, but the sheer numbers and dark energy were too much. He fell, his body collapsing to the ground as Muhindi and Musicapulenta advanced on John.

John led the charge, wielding The Dragon Slayer with skill and fury, but Muhindi’s cunning and Musicapulenta’s dark melodies wore him down. A sudden strike from Musicapulenta’s cursed lute sent John reeling, his body collapsing as he clutched his head in agony. John was badly injured, his strength waning as he tried to fend off their relentless assault. Musicapulenta seized the opportunity, his fingers playing a melody that reached deep into John's consciousness. With a chilling incantation and a triumphant smile on his lips, he extracted the Vermilion Demon Lord’s soul, wrenching it from John’s mind.

John’s scream echoed through the chamber, and he fell, badly injured, his strength drained. The sight of their comrade brought a surge of rage to the group, but they were hard-pressed by the relentless assault.

Just as the situation seemed hopeless, a powerful force tore through the battlefield— Prosper, the Lone Wandering Dragon, descended from the skies with a roar that shook the very foundations of the Celestial Pagoda. His entrance was like a storm, his presence commanding and his power overwhelming. Prosper had once promised John to aid him in battle, bound by their shared dragon blood, and now he had come to fulfill that vow.

Prosper tore through Muhindi’s forces with devastating force, his strength far beyond that of any ordinary being. His scales shimmered with a radiant light, and his eyes burned with the intensity of dragonfire. He unleashed torrents of fire and thunderous strikes, his draconic might overwhelming even the most formidable opponents. Olasammie, the leader of the Wraith Syndicate, met his end at Prosper's claws, his dreams of power and domination shattered in an instant.

Yet despite his incredible power, Prosper knew the true threat lay with Muhindi and Musicapulenta. The two had managed to sneak away in the chaos, taking with them the Vermilion Demon Lord's soul and Indra’s body, a grim substitute for John’s.

With the battle won, Prosper turned to the group. John, still weak from the ordeal, looked up at the mighty dragon with gratitude. "Thank you, Prosper. Without you, we would have been lost."

Prosper nodded, his expression solemn. "I keep my promises, John. We are bound by more than just blood—we are bound by honor."

Before the group could say more, Prosper turned to leave. Gabrielle, her voice soft yet filled with emotion, called out to him, "Will you not stay with us, Prosper? We could use your strength in the battles to come."

Prosper paused, his massive form silhouetted against the fading light. "I am a Lone Wandering Dragon, Gabrielle. My path is my own. But should you ever need me again, call upon me, and I will come."

With that, Prosper took to the skies, leaving the group to their thoughts. Though the battle had been won, the war was far from over. But the damage had been done. Indra lay dead, and Muhindi and Musicapulenta had achieved their goal.


As the dust settled, the group realized with horror that Muhindi and Musicapulenta had managed to escape, taking the Vermilion Demon Lord's soul with them. Worse still, they had taken Indra's body, realizing it would serve as a suitable vessel for the demon lord.

As the group regrouped and tended to their wounds, they felt a profound sense of loss. Indra had sacrificed himself for their cause, and though his body was now in the hands of their enemies, his bravery and wisdom had saved them from certain doom. They knew they owed him a debt of gratitude that could never be repaid. Though their hearts were heavy with sorrow, they were also filled with resolve. They would honor Indra's sacrifice by continuing the fight, determined to see their mission through to the end.

The coming days would test them like never before, but they knew they were not alone in this fight. With allies like Prosper and the memory of Indra’s sacrifice guiding them, they had a fighting chance against the darkness that threatened to consume their world.

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 67: The Revelation of Hakimu

The air within the Celestial Pagoda was thick with the remnants of their previous battle. The group, still weary and bloodied from their clash with Muhindi, gathered in a small chamber lit by the ethereal glow of ancient runes inscribed on the walls. John, still weakened but resolute, felt the weight of their losses and the urgency of their mission. They were all too aware that time was slipping away.

As they caught their breath, a familiar presence made itself known—a soft, almost reverent hum filled the chamber. From the shadows, a figure emerged, draped in flowing robes that shimmered with an otherworldly light. It was Hakimu, the enigmatic keeper of cultivation whom they had encountered in the Temple of the Eternal Flame. His sudden appearance startled the group, but there was no mistaking the calm authority in his presence.

“Hakimu,” John acknowledged, his voice tinged with surprise. “What brings you here?”

Hakimu’s expression was serene as he approached, his eyes reflecting the wisdom of countless lifetimes. “I have come to reveal the truth, John. The truth about the tome, and the destiny that awaits you all.”

The group exchanged wary glances, knowing that Hakimu’s words were not to be taken lightly. They had encountered him before, but his true purpose had always remained shrouded in mystery.

Dustin, his brow furrowed in thought, spoke up. “What do you mean, the truth? What is your connection to the tome?”

Hakimu’s gaze softened as he addressed the group. “I am connected to Mr. Sanders, the man who has guided you on this perilous journey. He sent me because he sensed the emergence of the tome—the very tome that now lies in the hands of Muhindi.”

“Mr. Sanders?” Gabrielle’s voice carried a note of disbelief. “How could he have known?”

Hakimu nodded, acknowledging her question. “Mr. Sanders is not merely a guide. He is a being of great power and foresight, one who has walked this world for far longer than any of you can imagine. His connection to the tome is rooted in an ancient prophecy—a prophecy that foretells the rise of a royal bloodline, one that possesses a combined power with a demon and a rare, fiery constituent.”

The group listened intently as Hakimu’s words sank in, the weight of their implications pressing down upon them.

John’s eyes narrowed. “A royal bloodline… and a rare, fiery constituent? What exactly does that mean?”

Hakimu’s voice took on a grave tone as he continued. “The tome reveals that a being of royal blood, combined with demonic power and a force known as the Infernal Ember—a mythical power that lies dormant within a chosen few—will emerge as the greatest enemy of the Golden Dragons. This being, when fully awakened, will wield a power that could bring about the end of your kind.”

Silence fell over the chamber as the gravity of Hakimu’s words settled in. The group realized that they were dealing with a threat far greater than they had ever anticipated.

“The Infernal Ember…” Braden muttered, his beastly instincts bristling at the mention of such a destructive force. “What does this mean for us? How do we stop it?”

Hakimu’s eyes gleamed with ancient knowledge. “The tome also reveals a means to counter this power. The artifact you found in the Temple of the Eternal Flame—the Heart of the Dragon—holds the key. It can nullify the power of the Infernal Ember, and in doing so, prevent the prophecy from coming to pass.”

John’s hand instinctively reached for his storage ring, where the Heart of the Dragon had been safely kept. The realization that they had unknowingly possessed the very means to avert this catastrophe filled him with a renewed sense of purpose.

“And how do we use it?” Gabrielle asked, her voice steady despite the turmoil in her heart.

Hakimu’s gaze turned to John, his expression one of solemn expectation. “The tome shows the exact way in which the Heart of the Dragon can counter the Infernal Ember. But it is not a task that can be undertaken lightly. It requires a wielder who possesses a unique blend of powers—a combination of the ‘Power of Three’ that you, John, have achieved after your meeting with Daddy-O, the legendary Demon Lord, and the Golden Dragon True Form that lies dormant in your blood.”

John’s breath caught in his throat. The realization that he was the one destined to wield this power, to stand against the greatest threat to his kind, was overwhelming. But he knew there was no other choice.

Hakimu continued, his voice filled with a quiet intensity. “John, you are the one who must unleash this new power described by the tome. It is your destiny to stand against the forces that seek to destroy the Golden Dragons. But be warned—the path ahead is fraught with danger, and the cost of failure is unimaginable.”

John looked around at his companions, each of them sharing the burden of this revelation. They had faced countless trials together, and they would face this one too, no matter the cost.

“We’ll do whatever it takes,” John said, his voice resolute. “We’ll stop Muhindi, and we’ll stop this prophecy from coming true.”

Hakimu nodded, his expression one of approval. “Then prepare yourselves, for the time is fast approaching. The fate of your world rests in your hands.”

With those final words, Hakimu began to fade from view, his form dissolving into the ethereal light that had surrounded him. But his presence left a lasting impression, a reminder of the immense responsibility that now rested on their shoulders.


As the group stood in the fading glow of the chamber, they knew that their journey was far from over. The battle against Muhindi, Musicapulenta, and the forces of darkness would be their greatest challenge yet. But with the Heart of the Dragon and the power within John, they had a fighting chance.

The stakes had never been higher, and the path ahead was uncertain. But one thing was clear—they would face whatever came next together, united in their resolve to protect their world from the looming threat.

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
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Chapter 68: Shadows of Desire

The Celestial Pagoda's sanctum offered a rare moment of peace, a brief respite from the relentless battles and harrowing revelations that had weighed heavily on the group. The ancient symbols etched into the walls seemed to pulse with an unseen energy, as if the very stones held secrets long forgotten. In this space, away from the chaos, emotions that had been buried beneath layers of tension and duty began to surface.

John sat in the shadows, nursing his wounds. The physical pain was a constant reminder of their recent battles, but it paled in comparison to the emotional turmoil roiling within him. His thoughts drifted to Miranda, still missing, and to the heavy burden of responsibility that weighed upon him. Yet even as he brooded, the alluring presence of Joey, Levi's wife, caught his attention. She had been a steadfast companion, but tonight, there was something different in the way her gaze lingered on him.

Joey approached John, her footsteps soft on the stone floor. "John, you should rest," she murmured, her voice filled with concern. She knelt beside him, her hand brushing his arm. The touch, though meant to comfort, sent a jolt through them both.

John looked at her, his eyes searching hers. There was a vulnerability in her gaze, a need for comfort that mirrored his own. Before he could stop himself, he found his hand cupping her cheek, his thumb tracing the curve of her lips. "Joey..." he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

The air between them crackled with unspoken desire. Without another word, Joey leaned in, her lips finding his in a kiss that was both tender and desperate. For a moment, the world outside ceased to exist, and all that mattered was the connection between them, an unconscious betrayal of the ones they loved.


In another corner of the sanctum, Gabrielle stood with Dustin. The tension between them had been growing, fueled by their shared experiences and the unspoken feelings that had simmered beneath the surface. Gabrielle, torn between her admiration for Dustin and her loyalty to the group, found herself drawn to him in a way she couldn’t deny any longer.

"Dustin," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, "I know we're all struggling, but... I can't stop thinking about you. I don’t want to lose you, too."

Dustin, who had been battling his own demons, both literal and figurative, looked at Gabrielle with a mixture of longing and guilt. Natasha's absence weighed heavily on his heart, but Gabrielle's presence was a balm to his wounded soul. He reached out, pulling her close. "Gabrielle... I can’t stop thinking about you either."

Their kiss was intense, born out of desperation and the need to feel something other than pain. In that moment, the lines between right and wrong blurred, and they surrendered to the passion that had been building between them.

As the night wore on, the sanctum became a labyrinth of desires and betrayals. Braden, sensing the shift in the group's dynamic, found himself watching the unfolding events with a mixture of curiosity and disquiet. He, too, was not immune to the dark pull of the night. As he wandered through the sanctum, he encountered Joey again, this time separated from John. The fleeting glances they exchanged carried a weight of shared understanding, and before long, they found themselves locked in an embrace that neither had anticipated.

In the shadows, the group members sought solace in each other's arms, their actions driven by a complex web of emotions—grief, longing, desire, and the ever-present shadow of betrayal. Each touch, each kiss, was both a comfort and a reminder of the precariousness of their situation.

But as the night deepened, so did the consequences of their choices. The bonds that had once united them began to fray, their loyalties tested in ways they had never imagined. Unbeknownst to them, the darkness of the Celestial Pagoda was not just a physical presence but a reflection of the turmoil within their hearts.

In the end, as dawn approached, they were left to grapple with the aftermath of their actions. The shadows of desire had cast a long and treacherous path before them, one that would challenge not only their strength but also their very souls.

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
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Chapter 69: Revelation of Junlee’s Mega Plan

In the dimly lit chamber of a hidden fortress, the atmosphere was heavy with dark energy. Shadows flickered across the walls, illuminated by the faint glow of mystical runes. Muhindi stood near a large stone table, his hands resting on its surface as he studied an ancient tome, its pages filled with arcane symbols and forbidden knowledge.

Musicapulenta, the enigmatic bard, was nearby, strumming a melancholic tune on his cursed lute. His fingers danced across the strings with a skill that seemed to bend reality itself. In the center of the room lay the lifeless body of Indra, a vessel soon to be filled with an unimaginable power.

Musicapulenta began the intricate ritual, his fingers weaving complex patterns in the air as dark energy coiled around the lifeless body of Indra. The chamber was filled with an eerie melody from his cursed lute, the sound vibrating with malevolent power. Slowly, the soul of Vermilion Demon Lord, which had been forcefully extracted from John, started to merge with Indra’s body. The air crackled with energy as Vermilion’s essence seeped into the corpse, reshaping it from within.

Indra’s body convulsed violently, dark energy coursing through his veins, reshaping his features, and altering his very essence. Musicapulenta’s eyes gleamed with satisfaction as the transformation neared completion. Indra was no more—what stood before them was the vessel of the Vermilion Demon Lord, resurrected in a new form.

As the fusion was completed, Vermilion opened his eyes, and a surge of power emanated from him, filling the room with an overwhelming presence. But instead of gratitude, fury filled his gaze. He turned to Muhindi, his voice dripping with venom. "You fool! Rescuing me has destroyed my plan!"

Muhindi stepped back, taken aback by the fury of the demon lord. "But I—"

Vermilion cut him off. "You have no idea what you've done. The King of the Golden Dragons—he was within my grasp! I needed John's connection to his father to find him, to take my revenge for the Celestial Battle. And now, thanks to you, that chance is gone!"

Before Muhindi could respond, the door at the far end of the room creaked open, revealing a slender figure cloaked in shadows. Leejay, Muhindi’s daughter and a powerful sorceress, stepped into the light. Her eyes, cold and calculating, flicked between her father and Vermilion.

Muhindi's voice softened as he called out to her, "Leejay... come here."

She moved gracefully toward them, her presence commanding. "Yes, father," she answered, her voice smooth and unyielding.

Vermilion's gaze shifted sharply to Leejay, realization dawning upon him. "So, you are his daughter. It seems the bloodline runs deeper than I thought."

Leejay stood beside her father, her expression unreadable. "I have done as you asked, father. Levi remains under my control, and his demon power is nearly ours."

Muhindi nodded, his satisfaction evident. "Good. We need his power for Junlee's plan."

Vermilion, though revived, was still disoriented, his memories clouded, his thoughts fragmented. His crimson eyes gleamed with fury as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. The only thing he knew for certain was that Muhindi had acted on his own accord, disrupting his carefully laid plans.

Muhindi, unfazed by Vermilion's growing anger, recounted his deeds with cold detachment. "I saved you, my lord. And I retrieved the tome for Junlee. I also captured Levi, as requested. My mission is complete. What Junlee does next is of no concern to me."

Vermilion's eyes narrowed, his voice a low growl. "You think it's that simple? You have no idea what you've set into motion, Muhindi. Junlee's plan… it's not just about the tome or a single demon. He seeks the Infernal Ember, the very power that sparked the Celestial Battle thousands of years ago. With it, he aims to rule the entire realm of the universe."

Muhindi's expression remained impassive. "I don't care about his ambitions. My loyalty lies with you, Vermilion, not with Junlee's grand schemes."

Vermilion let out a harsh laugh, shaking his head. "You may not care, but I do. My plans for revenge against the King of the Golden Dragon have been derailed, and now… now I see Junlee’s ambition as a means to an end. If he succeeds in obtaining the Infernal Ember, it could be the key to destroying the King once and for all."

Muhindi crossed his arms, unimpressed. "And what of Levi? The demon I captured for Junlee's ritual?"

Vermilion paused, sensing Levi's aura in the distance. His gaze darkened, and he shook his head slowly. "No… it's not him. The Infernal Ember will not materialize with Levi’s blood. Junlee's plan requires more than just demon blood."

Leejay, who had been silently observing the exchange, finally spoke, her voice laced with curiosity. "Then who? If not Levi, who holds the key to Junlee's plan?"

Vermilion's eyes flickered with a dangerous glint. He leaned closer, his voice barely above a whisper. "Julia Natasha… the daughter of Levi and Joey. She's a significant piece of the puzzle. Her bloodline… it holds the potential Junlee seeks."

Muhindi stiffened at the mention of Julia Natasha, though he remained silent. Vermilion's words hung heavy in the air, a cryptic revelation that sent shivers down the spine of those present. The Infernal Ember, the ancient power that could tip the balance of the universe, was tied to a bloodline far more intricate than they had anticipated.

But Vermilion, still grappling with the fog of his fragmented memories, knew that there were more pieces to this puzzle. Something was off in Junlee’s preparations, something he couldn't yet grasp. Yet, despite his uncertainty, one thing was clear: the path to vengeance against the King of the Golden Dragon now intertwined with Junlee's quest for the Infernal Ember.

As the chamber fell into a tense silence, Vermilion's mind raced with possibilities. The battle for control over the realms was far from over, and the stakes had never been higher.


King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score

Chapter 70: The Master Revealed

The room was thick with tension as the remnants of dark energy lingered in the air. The flickering light from the mystical runes cast eerie shadows on the faces of those gathered. The silence was broken only by the soft strumming of Musicapulenta's cursed lute, a haunting melody that seemed to pull at the very fabric of reality.

Musicapulenta, having completed the ritual and witnessed the resurrection of the Vermilion Demon Lord, was ready to depart. With a sly smile, he slung the lute over his shoulder and gave a slight bow to the group. "My work here is done," he said in a voice as smooth as silk. "I shall take my leave, as promised."

Muhindi nodded, his eyes cold and calculating. "You’ve earned your reward. Go, and may your cursed melodies find you fortune."

Musicapulenta chuckled softly, his eyes gleaming with dark amusement. Without another word, he turned and left the chamber, his presence fading into the shadows as he disappeared into the night.

As the door closed behind him, Vermilion's gaze shifted from the fading presence of the bard to Muhindi and Leejay. His anger had not entirely subsided, but there was a newfound satisfaction in his crimson eyes. "Despite the disruption, I must admit… it feels good to be alive again," he said, his voice low and menacing. "Even if my plans have been set back, I now have another path to consider."

Muhindi crossed his arms, his expression unreadable. "What do we do next, my lord? My mission is complete. I have delivered the tome to Junlee, and Levi is under our control. My loyalty to you remains unwavering, but the rest of Junlee’s plan is of no concern to me."

Leejay stood silently beside her father, her eyes sharp and observant. She knew better than to speak out of turn, especially in the presence of such powerful beings.

Vermilion's gaze darkened as he considered Muhindi's words. "Junlee's ambitions are dangerous, and his pursuit of the Infernal Ember could spell disaster for us all. But perhaps… his quest could also serve my purposes. The King of the Golden Dragon must pay for what he did to me. If Junlee's plan leads us to him, then I will see it through."

As if summoned by the very mention of his name, Junlee suddenly appeared in the chamber, his presence filling the room with an oppressive aura. His cold, calculating eyes swept over the group as he stepped forward, his black robes billowing like shadows in the wind.

Muhindi and Leejay immediately bowed in respect. "Master Junlee," Muhindi said, his voice steady. "I have done as you asked. The tome is yours, and Levi is under our control. My mission is complete. I now have no further involvement with your plans."

Junlee's expression was unreadable, his eyes cold and detached. "You have done well, Muhindi," he said, his voice calm yet carrying an undertone of authority. "But do not think that your work here is done. The road ahead is long, and your loyalty to Vermilion does not absolve you of your obligations to me."

Muhindi stiffened, but before he could respond, Vermilion stepped forward, his presence dominating the room. "You dare use my disciple for your own schemes, Junlee?" Vermilion's voice was a dangerous growl. "Do not forget who I am."

Junlee turned his gaze to Vermilion, his expression unflinching. There was not a hint of fear in his eyes as he regarded the demon lord. "I have not forgotten, Vermilion," he said smoothly. "But you would do well to remember that you were once defeated. The Celestial Battle cost you dearly, and it is only through my efforts that you stand here now, reborn in a new body."

Vermilion's eyes blazed with fury, but before he could respond, Junlee continued. "Besides," he added, his voice dropping to a chilling whisper, "my master would be most pleased to see you again."

The room fell deathly silent at Junlee's words. Muhindi, Leejay, and even Vermilion stared at him in shock. The implication was clear: Junlee was not the mastermind behind all of this. There was someone else, someone even more powerful, pulling the strings from the shadows.

Vermilion’s eyes narrowed, a dangerous glint in his gaze. "Your… master?" he repeated slowly, the weight of the revelation sinking in. "Who is this master of yours, Junlee? And why have we not known of him until now?"

Junlee's smile was cold and calculating. "All in due time, Vermilion," he said cryptically. "But know this: my master’s plans extend far beyond anything you or I could imagine. The Infernal Ember is but a piece of the puzzle. There is much more at stake than mere revenge."

Vermilion clenched his fists, struggling to contain his anger. The revelation of Junlee's master had thrown everything into chaos, and for the first time in centuries, he felt uncertain of what lay ahead.

Muhindi and Leejay exchanged a glance, both of them equally unsettled by the revelation. The question now hung heavy in the air: Who was Junlee's master? And was it all along that Junlee’s master is the one who wanted the Infernal Ember? He must be a very powerful being!

As the chamber filled with uneasy silence, Junlee's words echoed in their minds, a chilling reminder that they were all merely pawns in a much larger game. The true battle had yet to begin, and the stakes were higher than any of them could have imagined.

But Vermilion, though shaken, remained resolute. He would find the King of the Golden Dragon and take his revenge, no matter the cost. And if Junlee’s master stood in his way, he would deal with him, too.

The game was far from over.


King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
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Chapter 71: The Infernal Path

The journey to meet Junlee's mysterious master began in eerie silence. Vermilion, still grappling with the revelation that there was a power greater than Junlee, his mind sharp and calculating. Despite the unsettling revelations that had surfaced, Vermilion maintained a quiet confidence. After all, he was Vermilion, the Demon Lord, a being of immense power and knowledge. His understanding of the demonic arts and ancient secrets made him a force to be reckoned with, even among the most formidable of foes.

As they traversed the winding path through the Shadowed Mountains, Junlee broke the silence, his voice a measured whisper. "Vermilion, my master seeks a power that transcends the mortal and immortal realms alike—a force known as the Infernal Ember."

Vermilion’s eyes narrowed, not in ignorance, but in contemplation. The Infernal Ember was not unfamiliar to him. A mythical power capable of reshaping realms, it had been the subject of countless legends. "The Infernal Ember," Vermilion mused, "is said to be the convergence of three essential elements: royal blood, demon heritage, and fiery constituent. Your master seeks to harness this force?"

"Yes," Junlee replied, his gaze fixed on the path ahead. "With Miranda and Natasha under his control, he now possesses the fiery constituent. His royal blood gives him the first element. What remains is the demon heritage—a power that lies within you, Vermilion."

Vermilion chuckled, a deep, resonant sound. "You flatter me, Junlee. But surely, you must know that demon heritage alone is not sufficient. It must be pure, untainted by time or weakness."

Junlee’s expression remained unreadable. "That is why my master has taken Levi. His demon blood is the purest among us, uncorrupted by the dilution that others like Leejay and her kin carry."

Vermilion stopped in his tracks, turning to face Junlee with a look of quiet authority. "Levi may possess a powerful bloodline, but I sense something amiss. His aura lacks the depth and intensity that would be required to complete the Infernal Ember. If your master truly seeks to unlock this mythical power, he may find Levi lacking."

Junlee's eyes flickered with uncertainty, a rare crack in his composure. "What are you saying, Vermilion?"

"I am saying," Vermilion replied, his voice calm yet commanding, "that your master may be chasing shadows. Levi's bloodline, while strong, may not be what he needs. The Infernal Ember is not a simple power to grasp. Its requirements go beyond mere lineage. There are deeper forces at play—forces that even I do not fully understand."

Junlee fell silent, his thoughts clearly troubled. Vermilion had planted a seed of doubt, one that would fester and grow. Yet Junlee did not challenge him, for he knew the Demon Lord spoke from a place of profound knowledge and experience.

As they resumed their journey, Vermilion's thoughts drifted to the past. He, Junlee, and the King of the Golden Dragon—John’s father—were once equals in power, titans who shaped the fate of realms. Though each followed different paths, they all commanded respect and fear in equal measure. The Golden Dragon, however, was always considered the strongest due to his True Form—a power that transcended even the most formidable demonic abilities.

The celestial battle that had once torn the heavens apart was a testament to their strength. But despite their efforts, the Golden Dragon had emerged victorious, his True Form proving to be an insurmountable force. Vermilion had never forgotten that defeat, nor had he forgiven it.

Yet now, as Junlee spoke of his master, Vermilion couldn't help but wonder. Could this mysterious figure be even more powerful than the three of them? The mere thought was both exhilarating and terrifying. If Junlee’s master truly existed in a realm beyond their understanding, then the balance of power in the world could shift in ways unimaginable.

"Your master," Vermilion said slowly, "must be extraordinary to command your loyalty, Junlee. But tell me, what makes you so certain that his plan will succeed? The Infernal Ember has never been achieved in all of history. What makes you believe it can be done now?"

Junlee’s eyes flashed with something akin to pride—or perhaps desperation. "My master has waited for centuries, preparing for this moment. He has acquired the elements, studied the ancient texts, and perfected his knowledge. If anyone can achieve the Infernal Ember, it is him."

Vermilion’s gaze remained skeptical. "Perhaps. But I would caution you, Junlee. Power, especially of this magnitude, is not easily attained. There are forces in this world that even your master may not fully comprehend. If he miscalculates, the consequences could be catastrophic."

Junlee did not respond, but Vermilion could see the doubt lingering in his eyes. The Demon Lord had done what he intended—he had sown uncertainty while maintaining his own position of strength.

But as they neared the final stretch of their journey, something unexpected happened. A sudden surge of dark energy erupted from the ground, and the skies above roared with an ominous power.

Junlee halted, his eyes narrowing. "It seems we have been intercepted."

Vermilion’s gaze sharpened. "Who dares stand in our way?"

Before Junlee could answer, the ground split open, and a torrent of dark flames erupted, forming a barrier that blocked their path. From within the flames emerged a figure cloaked in shadow, its presence radiating an aura of malevolent power.


"I am afraid your journey ends here," the figure hissed, its voice echoing with an otherworldly resonance. "Your master’s plans will not come to fruition."

Junlee’s eyes blazed with fury. "You…"

Vermilion, sensing the shift in the air, drew upon his demonic power, readying himself for battle. "Who is this?"

Junlee’s voice was cold as ice. "An old enemy… one who has sought to disrupt our plans from the beginning."

The figure laughed, a chilling sound that echoed through the mountains. "Your secrets will remain hidden for now, Junlee. But know this—the path to the Infernal Ember is fraught with danger, and you are not the only ones seeking its power."

With those words, the figure vanished into the flames, leaving behind only the lingering scent of sulfur and ash. The barrier of dark flames dissipated, but the damage had been done. Their meeting with Junlee’s master would have to be delayed.

Vermilion remained calm, his mind still processing the implications of what had just transpired. "Who was that?"

Junlee’s expression was grim. "An agent of chaos, sent to thwart us at every turn. But no matter. We will find another way. The path to the Infernal Ember is not yet closed."

As they turned back, Vermilion couldn’t shake the feeling that there were more layers to this plan than even he had anticipated. The question of who Junlee’s master truly was loomed larger than ever, and for the first time, Vermilion felt a sense of unease.

Could this mysterious master be more powerful than he, Junlee, and the King of the Golden Dragon combined? And if so, what did that mean for the future of the world?

For now, those questions would remain unanswered, but Vermilion knew one thing for certain—he would not be caught unprepared. No matter what came next, he would be ready.

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score
emeka, Ruthless, Hakimu, Gily, Muhindi Wa Kuchoma and whoever is following this story, I want to inform that I will be on the road for the next 2 weeks and you know what it means. I have tried my best so far to consistently make sure to write 2 chapters a day (except for weekends).. and for the next 2 weeks, I surely will not have that opportunity to do that. I am sure you are aware that writing and twisting plots require quiet time alone and I will not have that in the next 2 weeks. Bear with me, I will try my best to have some updates, but if not I will come back and resume normal schedule after 2 weeks. I am sure I will be around the forum but it will be mere for reading and commenting, I dont see the possibility to write chapters 🙇‍♂️

Emeka, before I go and to keep your spirit high, I will write 1 more chapter today specially for you 😅. Wait for it.


Tribulator - Disciple of Virgin Sect
Gold Villager
Nov 21, 2023
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emeka, Ruthless, Hakimu, Gily, Muhindi Wa Kuchoma and whoever is following this story, I want to inform that I will be on the road for the next 2 weeks and you know what it means. I have tried my best so far to consistently make sure to write 2 chapters a day (except for weekends).. and for the next 2 weeks, I surely will not have that opportunity to do that. I am sure you are aware that writing and twisting plots require quiet time alone and I will not have that in the next 2 weeks. Bear with me, I will try my best to have some updates, but if not I will come back and resume normal schedule after 2 weeks. I am sure I will be around the forum but it will be mere for reading and commenting, I dont see the possibility to write chapters 🙇‍♂️

Emeka, before I go and to keep your spirit high, I will write 1 more chapter today specially for you 😅. Wait for it.
No worries, you have done a great work and the story is getting interesting by the day. Will be patiently waiting for the next update 🙂 🙂 🙂

And hope you have safe journey.


Top level Tribulator - Master of Sex Sect
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score
emeka, Ruthless, Hakimu, Gily, Muhindi Wa Kuchoma and whoever is following this story, I want to inform that I will be on the road for the next 2 weeks and you know what it means. I have tried my best so far to consistently make sure to write 2 chapters a day (except for weekends).. and for the next 2 weeks, I surely will not have that opportunity to do that. I am sure you are aware that writing and twisting plots require quiet time alone and I will not have that in the next 2 weeks. Bear with me, I will try my best to have some updates, but if not I will come back and resume normal schedule after 2 weeks. I am sure I will be around the forum but it will be mere for reading and commenting, I dont see the possibility to write chapters 🙇‍♂️

Emeka, before I go and to keep your spirit high, I will write 1 more chapter today specially for you 😅. Wait for it.
Yeah 👍 make sure it has some sex in it. 😂🤪


Top level Tribulator - Master of Sex Sect
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score
emeka, Ruthless, Hakimu, Gily, Muhindi Wa Kuchoma and whoever is following this story, I want to inform that I will be on the road for the next 2 weeks and you know what it means. I have tried my best so far to consistently make sure to write 2 chapters a day (except for weekends).. and for the next 2 weeks, I surely will not have that opportunity to do that. I am sure you are aware that writing and twisting plots require quiet time alone and I will not have that in the next 2 weeks. Bear with me, I will try my best to have some updates, but if not I will come back and resume normal schedule after 2 weeks. I am sure I will be around the forum but it will be mere for reading and commenting, I dont see the possibility to write chapters 🙇‍♂️

Emeka, before I go and to keep your spirit high, I will write 1 more chapter today specially for you 😅. Wait for it.
Thanks for your impact you have done a great job

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score
Yeah 👍 make sure it has some sex in it. 😂🤪
No no no.. there will be no sex for that chapter.. it's something else. Sex scene is so difficult to write. I need to close my eyes for too long to imagine it before I can write the intimate scenes.. it's easier to write it right after having sex myself 😅


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