Understated Dominance - Chapter 905 to 1100

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Understated Dominance translated by Marina Vitori follow here (Original version)👇👇👇

I will send updates when I can. But if you think I am being late you can translate this from the Chinese version. Link provided below 👇👇

New translation will come with new name characters and if you spot mistakes due to different people translating this you would understand.

You are all allowed to post your translation here if you can. Anybody can translate and post here

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

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Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
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Chapter 1081: Confrontation with Max

"Thank you for your offer, Miss Dahlia, but I'll pass," Dustin said, shaking his head, declining to take the business card.


Dahlia raised an eyebrow, somewhat surprised. "Are you sure you don't want to consider it?"

It was rare for someone to reject her, and especially so decisively, without any hesitation.

"No, I've decided. Selling insurance suits me just fine, and I'm not used to working in a big company," Dustin politely declined again.

"Hey! Do you know how many people would give anything for an opportunity like this, just to get into my sister Dahlia's company? This is your chance, and you're rejecting it so casually!" Victoria arrogantly remarked.

As the adopted daughter of Lord Montgomery, even the aristocrats in Stonia would show her respect. An insurance salesman like Dustin had no right to refuse her.

"Opportunity knocks only once, and you've missed your chance for a meteoric rise," Chase sneered, looking at him as if he were an idiot.

When the goddess herself extends an invitation, and you turn it down, it's simply foolish.

"Alright, alright, let's not talk about this anymore. I'm hungry. Let's go back and have something to eat," Shiela intervened, trying to change the subject.

Dustin wasn't swayed by her beauty, and she was relieved.

Although she was very pretty, in the presence of someone like Dahlia, she had no advantage at all and would even be overshadowed.

She was quite satisfied with the current outcome.

After leaving the racetrack, the group returned to the Murray residence. However, as soon as they entered the main gate, a middle-aged man blocked their way.

This man was tall and imposing, and just standing there, he exuded a strong aura.

He was Max Murray, the current head of the Murray family.

"Uncle?" Shiela's smile froze when she saw the man.

She had always been somewhat afraid of this stern uncle of hers.

"Where were you all just now?" Max asked sternly, his hands behind his back.

"We went to the racetrack for a while. Why?" Shiela replied.

"So, it was your actions that led to Morgan being injured by a horse?" Max questioned.

"That was just an accident. It had nothing to do with us," Shiela quickly explained.

"An accident?"

Max snorted, "Black Dragon is well-trained. How could it suddenly turn on its master? I suspect you had a hand in this!"

"Uncle, we really didn't do anything. It was Morgan's own issue," Shiela tried to clarify.

"Shut up!"

Max glared at her and said, "As the head of the family, I say you're guilty, so you are! You dared to harm my daughter in secret? You're truly heinous!"

"Guards! Arrest all of them for me!"

"Anyone who dares to resist will be shot on the spot!"

With his command, a large number of armed soldiers rushed out from both sides and quickly surrounded the group.

The atmosphere immediately became tense.

Chapter 1082: Fierce Confrontation

"Uncle! Please don't act recklessly! They are all my friends!" Shiela exclaimed, startled, raising her hands to shield her friends.

"Hmph! A bunch of dubious characters; just looking at them, I can tell they're up to no good. Step aside!" Max snapped.

"I won't let you! They're all innocent! You can't harm them!" Shiela argued passionately.

"Lord Max, we didn't do anything wrong; this is all a misunderstanding!" Vivian quickly explained.

"Yeah, yeah! It was just an accident that Morgan got injured, and it had nothing to do with us!" the others chimed in, sounding panicked.

With Max in power and his reputation for decisiveness, if they fell into his hands, it wouldn't end well. Even if they didn't die, they'd likely suffer greatly.

"Still trying to talk your way out of this? If it weren't for your tampering, how could Black Dragon suddenly go berserk? Do you take me for a fool?" Max said sternly.

Based on the information he had received, there were two suspicious points in this incident. First, Black Dragon was a well-trained warhorse; how could it lose to a small horse? Second, Black Dragon had never behaved aggressively or disobeyed orders before, so why did it suddenly attack its rider? These raised doubts in his mind.

"Wait a minute! Lord Max Murray, if someone is really at fault here, it must be him!" At this moment, Chase Johnson suddenly pointed at Dustin and started accusing him. "Just now, he raced against Morgan and even won. He has the strongest motive!"

"That's right! I thought it was strange at the time, and now that I think about it, this guy is indeed suspicious. He must have harmed Morgan!" Vivian echoed, fervently agreeing.

"Lord Max, you should arrest him. We have nothing to do with this!" the others added frantically.

At this point, the truth didn't matter; they just wanted to distance themselves from the situation and avoid trouble.

Otherwise, they would undoubtedly suffer if they were caught.

"It's you!"

Max's sharp gaze soon settled on Dustin. "You won the race just now, didn't you?"

"I did win the race, but your daughter's injury was her own fault, and it had nothing to do with me," Dustin replied calmly.

While he had indeed employed some tactics to stall Black Dragon momentarily, he hadn't intentionally harmed anyone. The blame lay with Morgan for her impulsive actions, which provoked Black Dragon.

"Her own fault?"

Max's face darkened even further, and he sneered, "Very well... very well! You really did it, didn't you? Men, come and grab this lad for me! We'll use torture to extract a confession!"


Four armed soldiers immediately stepped forward, raising their rifles, ready to apprehend him.

"Stop! Don't come any closer!" Shiela suddenly drew a knife and stood in front of Dustin, declaring, "If any of you dare to make a move, don't blame me for not being polite!"

The four soldiers exchanged glances and hesitated, not daring to approach her.

As the beloved granddaughter of the old general, Shiela held a high position in the family.


Max shouted, "Shiela! You dare to shield this murderer!?"

"Dustin is not a murderer, and you have no evidence to arbitrarily arrest him!" Shiela argued firmly.

"Evidence? Hmph! My word is evidence enough!" Max declared confidently, "Once I subject him to severe torture, he'll confess. Move aside!"

"No!" Shiela remained resolute.


Max's anger flared, and he delivered a heavy slap across Shiela's face.


The blow sent Shiela stumbling, her fair and delicate face quickly swelling.


Seeing this, Dustin couldn't help but furrow his brows.

He hadn't expected Max to be so unreasonable and to strike even his own niece.

"Get out of the way, or I'll arrest you too!"

Chapter 1083: Family Discussion

Max remained composed, his gaze hostile.

"No, I won't!" Shiela clenched her lips, refusing to give in.


Max raised his hand, intending to strike her, but Dustin grabbed his arm and coldly warned, "If you dare to act recklessly again, be prepared for me to break your hand!"


"Release Sir Murray!"

The surrounding soldiers approached, their rifles aimed menacingly at Dustin's head.


At this moment, a loud voice suddenly resounded from outside the door.

Everyone turned to look and saw a middle-aged man with a heroic appearance and a beautiful woman accompanying him, striding in energetically.

These two people were none other than Shiela's parents, Caden and Lily.

"Big brother, what exactly did our daughter Shiela do to make you point a gun at her?" Caden asked sternly, his face cold.

He had witnessed the earlier slap clearly.

"Big brother, do you think that our Shiela is the culprit?" Caden squinted his eyes.

"Shiela isn't, but all her friends, including this lad, are under suspicion, especially this boy!" Max pointed at Dustin.

"It's you?"

Caden looked over, his brow furrowing involuntarily.

He remembered their encounter in Swinston; they had clashed over the Gozoraberry Fruit. Later, his father had unexpectedly removed him from the position of Family Head.

So, he held a deep aversion toward Dustin.

"What? Second brother knows him?" Max examined Dustin up and down.

"I've met him once, but I wouldn't say we know each other," Caden replied calmly. "Big brother, when Father returns, he will see what you've done. If he finds out, he'll blame you. If you trust me, let me handle this. If there is someone plotting behind the scenes, I will definitely find the culprit and avenge Morgan!"

With a meaningful glance at Dustin, Caden added, "You better cooperate."

After a brief hesitation, Max nodded reluctantly. "Fine, I'll give you face this time. I'll let them go for now, but you better provide an explanation soon."

"No problem," Caden agreed with a slight nod.


Max waved his hand, and with a group of soldiers in tow, he left in haste.

Although he didn't care much about Caden, he dared not escalate the situation further, especially if his father found out.

"Lily, take Shiela and her friends to rest for a while. I have something to discuss with Dustin," Caden instructed his wife with a meaningful look.

"Shiela, don't worry. It's just a conversation; there's no need to be nervous," Lily reassured her daughter with a smile before leading the group inside.

"Lad, what's your real purpose in getting close to my daughter?" Caden inquired directly.

"You've misunderstood. Shiela and I are just friends," Dustin replied calmly.

"Just friends?"

Caden snorted. "If you were just friends, would my daughter go to such lengths to protect you?"

"Shiela has a good personality; she stands up for her friends. What's wrong with that?" Dustin countered.

"Kid, don't think I don't know what you're up to."

Caden gave Dustin a piercing glare. "I've seen many like you, trying to climb higher by latching onto someone else. Just so you know, you're not qualified! If you're smart, stay away from my daughter. Understand that I saved you just now; at the same time, I can destroy you!"

Chapter 1084: Confrontation

"Caden, are you trying to threaten me?" Dustin's smile slowly faded as he listened to the harsh words.

He had never liked Caden from the beginning, considering him to be a person who lacked integrity, someone who was unreliable.

"If you heed my advice, it's a warning; if you don't, it's a threat," Caden openly admitted without any hesitation.

"Let me make it clear once more, Shiela and I are just ordinary friends. Between you and me, it's best that we keep our distance," Dustin calmly stated.

"Young man, it seems you haven't quite understood yet."

Caden coldly snorted. "With your kind of personality, do you really think you can be friends with my daughter? Are you even qualified? Please, take a look in the mirror and reflect on your character. The threshold of our Murray family is not something you can reach."

What was once a threat had now turned into open humiliation.

"Caden, don't overestimate yourself. Your pride is not worth mentioning in my eyes," Dustin retorted.

"Humph! You may not have much ability, but you certainly have a big mouth. Do you truly believe I can't deal with you?" Caden's eyes flashed with a cold light.

"I advise you not to act recklessly. You might regret it," Dustin warned.

If someone doesn't offend me, I won't offend them. If someone offends me, I will definitely respond.

"Young man, no one has ever dared to speak to me like this before. Since you're so ungrateful, don't blame me for turning hostile!" Caden declared, his face cold. "People, come here! This guy plotted against Morgan, causing her severe injuries that landed her in the hospital. We now have irrefutable evidence. Seize him for me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the group of soldiers stationed at the door immediately turned around and surrounded Dustin.

"Are you trying to slander me?" Dustin furrowed his brows.

"I gave you a chance, but you didn't appreciate it. Now, it's too late for regrets!" Caden sneered.

Seeing the soldiers approaching, Dustin waved his hand, and a row of silver needles shot out.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

In the next moment, all the soldiers froze in place, unable to move, as if they had been hit by a petrification spell.


Seeing this, Caden couldn't help but look surprised. "You do have some skills. No wonder you're so arrogant. However, you've met your match today!"

With that, he suddenly made a move, reaching out with a claw-like hand. His fingers were as hard as iron, shiny and black, clearly carrying a potent poison.

As he extended his claw, a black mist swirled around him, emanating a bone-chilling cold.


Dustin's pupils contracted, and he quickly dodged to the side, while shouting, "Wait! Are you practicing the Soul-Devouring Technique?"

"What's the matter? Are you scared now?" Caden sneered. "I'm even more formidable than you thought. It seems you're just a coward who fears evil. Do you really think I believe your nonsense?"

"Kid, don't think I'm afraid of your words."

Chapter 1085: Caden's Surprise

"Dustin, the Soul-Devouring Technique is a shortcut method, only practiced by those who have no other choice. If you continue practicing like this, you'll die sooner or later!" Dustin solemnly warned.

"Nonsense! I'm in great shape now, stronger than ever before. Even if a thousand soldiers are in front of me, I'm not afraid in the slightest!" Caden boasted.

"Strength is only superficial. Right now, you're already gravely ill. If you persist in your foolishness, you'll harm yourself and others!" Dustin cautioned.

Practicing the Soul-Devouring Technique, if it led to a sudden death, it might even be considered a fortunate outcome. The real danger lay in going insane, with unpredictable consequences.

The first to suffer would be those around the practitioner, like friends and family.

You never knew when Caden might go mad and end up killing Shiela.

"Young man! Don't babble any more nonsense. Even if you speak like a sage today, I won't spare you!" Caden sneered, preparing to attack again.

Just as Dustin was about to counterattack, a gunshot suddenly rang out from outside the main gate.


At the sound of the gunshot, both of them instinctively stopped their movements.

Turning their heads in the direction of the sound, they saw an elderly man with graying hair, a robust figure, and several subordinates walking towards them with their heads held high.

The elderly man had a square face, a stubble of beard on his chin, and his imposing aura exuded a strong sense of killing intent.

This was none other than General Christopher Murray, the Dragonmarsh's General and Defender of the Nation!


Seeing the newcomer, Caden instantly lost his temper, standing meekly to the side with an expression of respect.

"What's going on? Fighting in front of the house? Aren't you afraid of being laughed at?" General Murray asked sternly.

"Dad, this guy secretly harmed Morgan, and I was about to apprehend him for questioning," Caden explained with a lowered head.


Christopher looked at Dustin. "Young man, you look somewhat familiar. What's your name?"

"The humble servant Dustin, and I greet General Murray," Dustin respectfully greeted him.


Christopher's eyes lit up, and he laughed heartily. "So it's you, young man. I knew you looked familiar."

"Dad, do you know him?" Caden asked, somewhat bewildered.

"This young man saved Shiela's life. Don't you remember?" General Christopher Murray scolded him, displeased.

"Oh, right."

Caden remembered, feeling a little embarrassed.

"This young man has treated our family for illness, and we paid him for his services. So, we don't owe him anything," Caden explained with a stiff expression. "Besides, this guy harmed Morgan. If I don't capture him, I won't be able to explain it to Big Brother Max."

"Is Morgan dead?" General Christopher Murray asked.

"Not dead, but..." Caden wanted to stir up more trouble, but he was interrupted by Christopher's impatience. "If she's not dead, then that's fine. Why so much nonsense? If Max has any objections, let him come find me!"


Caden was taken aback. Why had his father suddenly changed so much? His own granddaughter had been harmed, and he didn't seem to care?

"What are you standing there for? Get out of the way!"

General Christopher Murray pushed Caden aside and then hooked his arm around Dustin's shoulder, smiling mischievously. "Young man, you've come a long way. Let's have a few drinks tonight!"


Seeing the two men walk away, Caden stood still, somewhat dazed.

What was going on? Had he seen a ghost today?

Chapter 1086: General Christopher Murray's Request

Under General Christopher Murray's cordial invitation, Dustin eventually entered an antique study room. As fragrant tea was served, the two men began their conversation.

"Young man, more than ten years have passed in the blink of an eye, haven't they? Compared to the past, you've truly undergone a remarkable transformation!"Christopher marveled as he examined Dustin from top to bottom.

Ten years ago, Dustin had been known as the Dragonmarsh's number one young genius, arrogant and unruly.

Now, he was reserved and low-key, a complete transformation.

"It's been ten years since we last met. General Murray, you still exude the same grandeur, and your charisma remains as captivating as ever," Dustin complimented.

"Hahaha... I'm already an old man with one foot in the grave. Where's the grandeur in that?" Christopher laughed and shook his head. "Young man, they say trouble never comes alone. Did you suddenly visit because you have something on your mind?"

"Let me be honest. The reason I came this time is to pay my respects to you, General, and also to request your assistance," Dustin got straight to the point and placed a prepared gift on the table.

"Oh? Tell me more," Christopher said with a smile as he took a sip of tea.

"I've heard that someone has given you a Cherusia (Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom). This item is of great importance to me, and I'm willing to pay a high price to purchase it. I hope you can bear the pain of parting with it," Dustin respectfully requested.

"A Cherusia (Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom)?" Christopher raised an eyebrow slightly. "I didn't expect you to be so well-informed. However, such treasures are extremely rare. What do you plan to offer in exchange?"

"General Murray, please name your price, and I will do my best to fulfill your request," Dustin inquired.

"Young man, have you gotten married?" General Christopher Murray asked with a smile.

"I was married once, but I'm divorced now," Dustin replied honestly, finding the question somewhat strange.

"That's good, that's good!" General Christopher Murray chuckled. "What do you think of my granddaughter, Shiela?"

"Shiela?" Dustin was taken aback. "She's a very kind and gentle young lady. Moreover, she values loyalty and friendship."

"As long as you say that, I'm relieved," General Christopher Murray said with a smile. "Both of you are talented individuals, and you seem to like each other. Why not set a wedding date soon? I'd like to hold my great-grandchild."

"What?!" Dustin almost choked on the tea he had just sipped. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "General, are you... joking?"

"Life's major events should not be taken lightly," Christopher said seriously.

"Sir, you seem to have misunderstood. I don't have romantic feelings for Shiela. I see her as a little sister," Dustin explained, feeling somewhat awkward. How had they ended up discussing this topic?

"Don't you like Shiela?" Christopher raised an eyebrow.

"Shiela is a wonderful young lady, but I only regard her as a sister," Dustin shook his head.

"Well, well, there's no need to force anything. She'll remain your little sister," General Christopher Murray sighed lightly, sounding regretful.

He knew that his granddaughter had feelings for Dustin, and he had wanted to matchmake them to have an outstanding son-in-law.

However, things didn't always go as planned.

"Thank you for understanding, General Murray," Dustin said, feeling somewhat embarrassed. They had started by discussing a business transaction, but somehow, they had veered off course.

"Let's not dwell on this any longer. No need for formalities. You're here for the Cherusia, right? I'll have someone fetch it for you," General Christopher Murray said straightforwardly, gesturing to an elderly servant by the door.

Chapter 1087: Visit from Tatsuharu Nakamura

The servant quickly understood and left the room. Before long, another servant returned, holding a delicate wooden box.

"Young man, here's your item," General Christopher received the wooden box and handed it over to Dustin.

Dustin carefully opened the box, and a unique fragrance immediately wafted out. Inside the wooden box lay a colorful spirit mushroom.

Cherusia was only the size of a palm, exquisitely beautiful, resembling a perfect work of art. Under the illumination of the light, it displayed seven different colors, like a dream, incredibly captivating.

"It really is a Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom!" Dustin's face lit up with joy. He stood up and bowed deeply to General Christopher Murray. "I'm extremely grateful to General Murray for parting with it."

"I don't need this item, so there's no harm in giving it to you. It might even earn me a favor," General Christopher was quite generous.

"General Murray, I can't thank you enough. If there's anything I can do for you in the future, please don't hesitate to ask," Dustin said, grateful for the precious gift.

"Enough of the formalities. Later, you can accompany me and have a few drinks," Christopher said nonchalantly.

"Alright, I'll make sure to enjoy a good drink with you tonight!" Dustin smiled. Then, as if he had remembered something, he suddenly said, "By the way, General, there's something I need to remind you about. I recently received some information that there may be some mischief on the day of your birthday. You should be prepared."

It was something he had heard from Samuel Franklin earlier, and his visit today had raised concerns about it.

"It's not something new. Every year, these vermin find ways to trouble me. I've gotten used to it," Christopher said nonchalantly.

As the protector of the Dragonmarsh and a veteran of countless battles, he had made many enemies both within and outside the country. Numerous people wished for his death and plotted various assassinations and ambushes. Over the years, he had seen it all.

Why would he fear life or death?

"As long as General Murray is aware," Dustin replied with a nod, not elaborating further.

At General Christopher Murray's level, he must have skilled individuals protecting him. Ordinary people wouldn't be able to get close to him.

"Sir, there is a distinguished guest outside who wishes to see you," a steward suddenly entered and respectfully reported.

"Distinguished guest? Who is it?" General Christopher Murray asked indifferently.

"The visitor is a noble from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, Tatsuharu Nakamura," the steward replied with his head lowered.

"Tatsuharu Nakamura? Is it Tatsuharu's grandson? Why is he here?" General Christopher Murray was somewhat puzzled.

"I heard that Tatsuharu Yamamoto was not in good health and urgently needs a high-quality spirit medicine to prolong his life. Tatsuharu Nakamura has come for the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom," the steward truthfully reported.

"Hmph! Does that old dog Tatsuharu deserve to use the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom? Tell him to scram!" General Christopher Murray's expression turned cold.

"Understood," the steward didn't dare to say more and quickly left the room.

"That guy Tatsuharu Yamamoto dares to covet the treasures of the Dragonmarsh? Let him eat s**t!" General Christopher Murray said with disdain.

He didn't care about Tatsuharu Yamamoto or his family's request.

Chapter 1088: Tatsuharu 's Request

In a luxurious courtyard within the general's residence, a young man dressed in fine clothing and with a slender build was drinking tea with Caden.

" Nakamura, I wonder what brings you here today?" Caden smiled and poured a cup of warm tea for the young man.

"Thank you," Tatsuharu Nakamura politely accepted the tea and then said, "I've heard of your reputation, Lord Murray, and I came today mainly to make your acquaintance."

He spoke in the Dragonmarsh's language, albeit with a peculiar accent.

" Nakamura, I suspect your intention goes beyond mere pleasantries," Caden replied with a meaningful look. "If you have something to say, please speak openly. We can be frank with each other."

"Sir Murray, you are indeed straightforward. I won't beat around the bush," Tatsuharu Nakamura said, bowing slightly. "I came here today to pay my respects, but unfortunately, General Murray was too busy to meet me. If you could, Sir Murray, I hope you can put in a good word for me."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and one of his subordinates brought over a long wooden box.

The wooden box was about four feet long, and when opened, it revealed a magnificent katana.

Tatsuharu Nakamura picked up the katana with his fingers and presented it respectfully to Caden, explaining, "Sir Murray, this is one of our country's ten renowned swords, the 'Rai Setsu.'"

"This sword cuts through iron like mud, incredibly sharp, and it's said to possess the power of lightning."

"One swing of this sword is unstoppable, a treasure that countless samurai in our country dream of possessing."

"Of course, a sword like Rai Setsu can only be matched by heroes like Sir Murray. Please accept it."

Seeing the katana offered by Tatsuharu Nakamura, Caden's eyes lit up, and his breathing became somewhat hurried.

He had heard of the name Rai Setsu before. As one of the most famous swords in the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, its value was beyond measure.

Since he had improved his strength after practicing the Devouring Soul Technique, he had been in need of a suitable weapon. The appearance of Rai Setsu was undoubtedly a gift from heaven.

"Pal, you're too polite. I feel unworthy of such a treasure," Caden said, though his hand instinctively reached out to accept the katana.

"As long as you like it, Sir Murray."

Tatsuharu Nakamura smiled faintly.

"Pal, besides paying respects to my father, you must have something else in mind, right?" Caden inquired after accepting the katana.

If he had come here just to meet and greet, there would have been no need to offer such a valuable treasure.

"Sir Murray, you are perceptive. I won't hide it from you," Tatsuharu Nakamura said, smiling. "I heard that General Murray possesses a Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom, an extremely rare and valuable spiritual medicine. I am highly interested in it, and I would be most grateful if Sir Murray could help me obtain it. I have a substantial reward prepared."

"So, you came for the medicine?" Caden nodded. "No problem at all. It's a small matter. You can consider it done."

Everyone in the family knew that General Christopher Murray didn't care for material possessions. Any treasures he obtained were usually distributed to the younger generation as rewards.

As long as he asked, getting a medicinal herb like the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom should be straightforward.

"With your assurance, Sir Murray, I can rest easy," Tatsuharu Nakamura said, relieved.

"Mrs. Hargrove, please inform my father. Tell him that the Cherusia is of great importance to me, and ask him to grant my request," Caden instructed a nearby elderly woman.


Mrs. Hargrove nodded and then left. However, when she returned, her expression appeared somewhat solemn.

"Madam, did you settle it so quickly? What about the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom?" Caden asked with a smile.

Chapter 1089: A Sinister Plot

"Sir Murray, your dad has already given away the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom," Mrs. Hargrove shook her head.

"Gave it away? To whom?" Caden's smile froze.

"To a young man named Dustin," Mrs. Hargrove answered truthfully.

"What? Given to that kid?" Caden's expression turned ugly.

He couldn't believe that such a precious treasure had been given to a nobody like Dustin. Caden thought it was absurd.

Even though Dustin had saved Shiela's life, he had already rewarded him generously. There was no need to be so kind to him.

"Can it be retrieved?" Caden was unwilling to accept this.

He had just made a promise in front of Tatsuharu Nakamura, and now it seemed that there was a problem.

"You know the master's personality. Once something is given away, it cannot be taken back," Mrs. Hargrove replied.

"Damn it! What did that kid Dustin do to deserve such a treasure?" Caden was frustrated.

Tatsuharu Nakamura then asked, "Who is Dustin? How did he earn General Murray's favor?"

"He's just a nobody who happened to save my daughter's life. That's why he earned my father's favor," Caden explained.

"In that case, does it mean that I have no chance to obtain the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom?" Tatsuharu Nakamura's eyes narrowed.

"It's not necessarily impossible..." Caden's eyes gleamed with cunning. "Pal, even if we can't get it openly, we can obtain it secretly. Dustin is just a weakling, and with the power of the Tatsuharu family, taking the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom from him should not be difficult, right?"

"Take it?" Tatsuharu Nakamura raised an eyebrow. "But isn't he on good terms with General Murray? Will my actions offend General Murray?"

"You don't need to worry about that. Neither of us needs to speak of this plan, and no one will know," Caden said with a meaningful smile. "Furthermore, my father is just interested for the time being. He won't go to war over a worthless young man. So, Pal, please proceed without worries. I'll cover for you, and there won't be any problems."

"Oh? Is that so?" Tatsuharu Nakamura was tempted. "Since Sir Murray says so, I'll take the risk."

"Pal, wait for the right moment to strike. And if you manage to obtain the treasure, it's best if..." Caden didn't explicitly state his intentions but made a throat-slitting gesture.

Since Dustin didn't appreciate their kindness, it might be better to eliminate him.

"Sir Murray's request will be followed. I'll take my leave now."

Tatsuharu Nakamura nodded and then stood up, bowing respectfully before leaving with his two guards.

"Mrs. Hargrove, keep this incident to yourself. Do you understand?" Caden glanced at her meaningfully.

"I understand, my lord."

"Very well, I'll continue my cultivation. Wait outside, and do not let anyone disturb me," Caden ordered.

Once Mrs. Hargrove left, he concealed the nameless sword Rai Setsu carefully and then sat down on the bed to begin his silent cultivation.

Soon, a layer of dark energy began to surface on his body. This dark energy was sinister and cold, causing the room's temperature to plummet.

It felt like an ice cellar, freezing to the bone.

As he continued to cultivate, Caden's body suddenly began to tremble, and large beads of sweat formed on his forehead. His face contorted in pain.

In the next moment, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his entire body collapsed, unconscious.

Chapter 1090: Medical Center Reunion

The next morning, Dustin made some simple arrangements for Zypher Lodge and immediately took a car to Swinston.

With the Cherusia in hand and all the required medicinal herbs gathered, everything was ready. All that was left was to refine the Longevitium (Life-Prolonging Pill).

Dustin had to hurry and fulfill his promise before the Old Drunkard's (Gregory) life ran out.

After a car ride that took most of the day, Dustin finally arrived at Peaceful Medical Clinic.

The clinic was as peaceful and tranquil as usual.

The Old Drunkard was sprawled out on a recliner, reeking of alcohol. Caitlin, busy as always, was either cleaning or cooking, keeping the clinic in perfect order. Meanwhile, the sword fanatic Maximus was practicing his swordsmanship in the courtyard.

Compared to his previous fast-paced sword techniques, Maximus now focused on slow and precise movements. Although it looked ordinary, his sword energy was restrained and hidden, reaching a whole new level of power.

Clearly, during this time, Maximus had made great strides in his cultivation.


Just as Maximus was deeply immersed in his sword practice, a silver needle suddenly shot out and aimed for his chest.

Maximus's eyes widened, and he swiftly turned around, slashing the silver needle with his sword, precisely hitting its tip.


The silver needle was deflected and disappeared into the ground.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Maximus pointed his sword at a large tree.

"Hehe, it's been a few months, and I didn't expect your progress to be so significant." Dustin walked out slowly from behind the tree, a smile on his face.

Being able to shoot a silver needle that accurately could only be achieved by an extraordinary innate martial artist.

"Dustin?" Maximus was initially puzzled, but his expression turned into joy. "Haha... you've finally returned!"

He threw his long sword aside and gave Dustin a bear hug.

"Alright, alright, two grown men hugging each other, isn't that a bit inappropriate?" Dustin looked at them with a weird expression.

"Caitlin, come out and see who's back!" Maximus shouted into the house.

"Mr Rhys!"

Caitlin rushed out, her face filled with surprise. "Mr Rhys, when did you come back? Why didn't you notify us in advance?"

"I just got back."

Dustin smiled faintly. "How have you all been during this time?"

"We've been doing well, living peacefully with food and drink," Caitlin replied with a smile. To her, this peaceful life was a dream come true.

"Brother Dustin, I've made another breakthrough in the past three months, and with the guidance of Senior Drunkard (Sir Gregory), my swordsmanship has improved significantly. I can make rapid progress now!" Maximus proudly reported.

"I can see that," Dustin nodded in satisfaction. While Maximus was still at the Semi-Grandmaster level, his actual combat power could already contend with those at the Grandmaster level.

He was a sword genius who could fight above his weight class.

"How is the Old Drunkard doing?" Dustin asked.

"The Old Drunkard is still the same, getting drunk every day," Maximus said helplessly.

"I'll go take a look."

Dustin smiled and entered Peaceful Medical Clinic.

The Old Drunkard lay sprawled out, his hair messy, and he reeked of alcohol. Drool dripped from the corners of his mouth, a typical drunkard's appearance.

"Old Drunkard, wake up. Dustin is back," Maximus said as he shook the Old Drunkard.

"Old Drunkard? Old Drunkard?!"

Maximus applied more force, but there was still no reaction.

"Let me try."

Dustin bent down and whispered in the Old Drunkard's ear, "Old Drunkard, the priceless Daughter's Red wine you've been collecting for so many years has been stolen by someone."

As soon as these words were spoken, the Old Drunkard suddenly opened his eyes wide and sprang up. His entire being was filled with anger as he shouted, "Who? Which bastard dares to steal my wine?"

He looked around with a vigilant gaze, even revealing a hint of killing intent.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

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Chapter 1091: Alchemy Process

It was only when the Old Drunkard saw Dustin's smirking face that he finally realized what was happening. He grumbled irritably, "You little brat! Do you have nothing better to do? Go prank someone else!"

With that said, he flopped back onto the recliner, preparing to take a nap.

"Enough of that; we have business to attend to," Dustin said.

He took out two wooden boxes and placed them on the table. Inside were the Millennium Green Lotus (Heliotrope)and the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom (Cherusia). Dustin explained, "We had a good harvest in Millsburg, and we've gathered the last two premium spiritual herbs. Now we can start refining the Life-Prolonging Pill (Longevitium)."

"Oh? So soon?" The Old Drunkard (Gregory) sat up lazily. "I thought I wouldn't live for many more days, but it seems you've managed to collect all the spiritual herbs. You're incredibly lucky!"

"Enough chit-chat; bring out the spiritual herbs you've collected before," Dustin urged.

"Fine, fine, give me a moment to find them," the Old Drunkard replied lazily. He then began rummaging through various drawers and cabinets, taking quite a while before he finally gathered all the collected herbs.

"Maximus, guard the door and don't let anyone in," Dustin instructed.

"Yes!" Maximus responded and sat down by the door, holding his sword with a vigilant gaze, scanning his surroundings.

"Caitlin, go collect some medicinal herbs for me."

Dustin handed Caitlin a prescription and asked her to fetch the required herbs.

Although Peaceful Medical Clinic was peaceful, they had limited access to medicinal herbs, and Caitlin needed to go to the city to obtain them.

"Of course!"

Caitlin nodded obediently and quickly left.

After a while, she returned with various medicinal herbs, panting slightly.

"Starting from now, I'll be going into seclusion. I can't predict how long it will take, so no one should disturb me until I come out," Dustin instructed.

With that said, he entered the laboratory.

Inside, he didn't rush into alchemy immediately. Instead, he took out an ancient book and began studying it carefully.

The Life-Prolonging Pill (Longevitium), also known as the Nine-Cycle Life-Prolonging Golden Pill, was said to have the effects of rejuvenation and resurrection. It was the only medicine that could counteract the Five Signs of Aging in a person's life.

However, despite more than a hundred years of searching, no one had ever successfully refined it. This was due to the rarity of the required spiritual herbs and the immense difficulty in the alchemical process.

Despite Dustin's superb alchemical skills, he was still not entirely confident.

To avoid any mishaps, he meticulously studied the alchemical process over and over again, ensuring that every detail was correct.

Once he was certain, Dustin sat in meditation for the time it took for an incense stick to burn.

Only when he felt that his mental and physical condition had returned to its peak did he start the process of alchemy.

Although it was his first attempt, Dustin's movements were smooth and unwavering, without any pauses. He had mentally rehearsed this process thousands of times.

The flames in the furnace roared, and the fragrance of herbs filled the air.

Dustin systematically added various herbs to the cauldron while simultaneously controlling the intensity of the fire with his true internal energy.

Alchemy was a delicate art where even the smallest detail could determine success or failure. The age of the herbs, the technique used, the quality of the cauldron, the temperature inside the furnace, the order of adding herbs, and even the mysterious element of luck all played roles in the final result.

Dustin couldn't afford to make any mistakes, as a single error could lead to failure.

Now, as the cauldron reached its critical moment, Dustin could feel sweat forming on his forehead, and his true internal energy was rapidly depleting.

Inside the cauldron, the mixture began to boil, and the lid on top started to vibrate.

A unique fragrance slowly emanated from it.

"This is the crucial moment!"

Dustin took a deep breath, and his palms pushed forward.

His true internal energy surged like a torrent, rushing into the furnace.

The flames under the cauldron surged into the sky, reaching their peak at this critical juncture.

Just as Dustin focused all his attention, there was a sudden "boom," and the cauldron exploded.

Chapter 1092: Failure or success?


Dustin's expression changed as he looked at the shattered cauldron. He suddenly became nervous. It had been so close, just a tiny bit away from success. Why did it explode all of a sudden? Could it be that all his hard work was in vain?

"No... It can't be!" Dustin shook his head, his face drenched in sweat. He couldn't accept failure, nor could he accept the current situation.

He began searching frantically amidst the wreckage of the cauldron, leaving no trace or piece of medicine residue unexamined. He was like a starving wolf foraging in the wilderness, fierce and desperate.

As he sifted through the debris, Dustin suddenly froze. At the very bottom of the medicine residue, a glint of gold appeared. This golden glint, compared to the surrounding debris, was like a beacon of light in the darkness, exceptionally bright.

After a brief moment of shock, Dustin carefully extended his hand, gingerly pushing aside the debris around the golden glint.

Bit by bit, inch by inch, with tension and anxiety, he slowly cleared away all the debris.

In the end, a complete golden pill was revealed, clear and smooth, shining like pure gold, dazzling and radiant. Accompanied by a refreshing medicinal fragrance.

"It... it's done?" Dustin stared wide-eyed, both surprised and overjoyed. "Hahaha... it's done! I've succeeded!"

He burst into laughter, filled with excitement. The explosion of the cauldron a moment ago had almost made him despair, but at the last moment, the Life-Prolonging Pill (Longevitium) had formed.

All his hard work in gathering so many premium spiritual herbs had not been in vain.

"Old Drunkard!"

Dustin kicked open the door of the pharmacy, cradling the Life-Prolonging Pill in his hands, and walked out excitedly. "Take a look at this!"

Hearing the commotion, the Old Drunkard, who had been clutching his wine bottle and taking swigs, turned around and was instantly dumbfounded. "Holy crap! You actually did it? I thought it was just a bluff!"

Although the ancient records mentioned the Life-Prolonging Pill's ability to counteract the Five Signs of Aging, it was merely a legend. Who knew if it was real or not? Could it actually be achieved?

At first, he hadn't held much hope.

Now, looking at the extraordinary appearance of the golden pill in front of him, he became instantly excited.

"With this Life-Prolonging Pill, you should be able to counteract your Five Signs of Aging. Give it a try," Dustin handed the golden pill to him.

"Don't be in a rush. At a historic moment like this, we must have some good wine."

The Old Drunkard rubbed his hands together and then ran to the backyard of the clinic. He picked up a hoe and started digging in a corner.

After digging for quite a while, he finally unearthed three sealed jars of wine. These were the precious bottles of Daughter Red wine that the Old Drunkard had been hoarding for years. Normally, he wouldn't even think of drinking them, but now, it was time to let these fine wines see the light of day.

"My treasures, you've waited a long time, haven't you? Hehehe..."

The Old Drunkard grinned and, in high spirits, picked up one of the wine jars and returned to the main hall.

As he opened the jar, a rich wine fragrance immediately filled the air, with a scent that was intoxicating and delightful.

"Come, come, come! Today, I'm in a good mood. Let's all have a drink!"

The Old Drunkard said while taking out three thumb-sized miniature wine cups.

Then, he took out a wine ladle and carefully poured a little wine into each of the three cups, making sure not to spill a drop.

Chapter 1093: The Miraculous Effect

The Old Drunkard had no intention of refilling their cups at all.

The three of them exchanged glances, rendered speechless.

In the end, the Old Drunkard finished an entire jar of wine, not leaving a single drop behind.


After finishing the wine, the Old Drunkard let out a satisfied belch, feeling rejuvenated and in excellent spirits.

Only after feeling completely satisfied did he pick up the Life-Prolonging Pill and swallow it in one gulp.


As soon as the Life-Prolonging Pill entered his throat, it transformed into streams of golden energy that instantly permeated his body, coursing through his limbs and bones.

These energies were imbued with immense vitality, like a fountain of life, continuously nourishing the Old Drunkard's body.

His withered meridians began to come back to life, and his pale complexion gradually regained its radiance. In his cloudy old eyes, a flicker of gold seemed to shimmer.

His limbs, organs, skin, muscles, hair—everything began to change slowly.

At this moment, the Old Drunkard, who had been frail, listless, and hunched over, appeared as if he had undergone a complete transformation, shedding his old self like a snake shedding its skin.

"What an incredible medicinal effect!"

Dustin and the others were utterly amazed. The effects displayed by the Life-Prolonging Pill were not merely therapeutic; it was more like a metamorphosis, a rebirth.

The Old Drunkard, who was originally weak, feeble, and decrepit, looked like a dying old man.

Now, his physique had become robust, his appearance youthful, and his aura powerful.

His entire presence had undergone a qualitative change, and even without taking any action, just standing there, he exuded a tremendous pressure.

"Hahaha... Feels great!"

The Old Drunkard stretched lazily, and his joints crackled like popping beans.

There was no denying that the Life-Prolonging Pill was truly miraculous, worthy of being called a legendary herbal medicine. Not only did it alleviate the Five Signs of Aging, but it also granted him a new lease on life.

"Granpa Gregory, how do you feel?" Dustin asked cautiously.

"What's there to say? I feel fantastic!" The Old Drunkard was overjoyed, feeling invigorated. "After just one Life-Prolonging Pill, I not only saved my life but also cleared my blocked meridians. Though I may not be back to my peak state, I now have about seventy percent of my strength."

"That's great, as long as you can recover," Dustin sighed in relief, his long-held anxiety finally dissipating.

The heavens had not forsaken those with determination. After so much effort, he had finally fulfilled one of his long-cherished wishes by curing the Old Drunkard's terminal illness. Now, it was time to avenge his mother.

He would not only challenge the strongest expert in the whole kingdom but also uncover the truth behind what happened all those years ago.

No matter who the mastermind was or what kind of background they had, he would not give up easily.

One day, he would use the head of the mastermind to pay tribute to his deceased mother.

*Ring Ring Ring...*

Suddenly, a cell phone rang.

Dustin answered, and Shiela's voice quickly came through the line.

"Dustin, big brother! Something terrible has happened! My father has suffered a severe injury and is on the verge of death. All the doctors are helpless, and now only you can save him! Please, you must save my father!"

Chapter 1094: The Arrival of the Miracle Doctor

In the afternoon, within a special ward at the Riverbend Medical Center in Millsburg, Caden Murray lay unconscious on the bed. His complexion was as pale as paper, his breath was weak, his heartbeat was slow, and his body felt ice-cold. At first glance, he looked like a corpse.

A group of experts and professors stood inside the ward, discussing the patient's condition in hushed voices and deliberating treatment plans. However, after much discussion, none of the experts had any solution to offer.

Lily, Shiela, Vivian, and Chase could only stand by, feeling helpless, unable to assist in any way.

"Dr. Jordan, how is my husband's condition? Can he be treated?" Unable to contain her anxiety any longer, Lily asked.

"Mr. Murray’s condition is extremely unusual. We have searched through medical literature, but we couldn't find any corresponding symptoms. We are at a loss," Dr. Jordan, the most senior among the experts, shook his head, expressing his regret.

With symptoms like these that stumped even the experts, they were at a loss on how to proceed.

"What? If you can't treat it, who can?" Lily started to panic.

She had previously contacted the Stoneray Valley, but the Dr Linden Watkins (Medicine King) was currently away and couldn't return immediately. The senior from Stoneray Valley who had been dispatched was also helpless.

"I suggest that we go to Stonia and seek help from experts there. It's a gathering place for elite physicians, and we might find someone capable," Dr. Jordan suggested.

"With the current situation, we don't even know if we have enough time for that," Lily furrowed her brow.

"No need to go to such trouble. I've already brought in a miracle doctor," Garrett Murray suddenly entered the room.

Behind him was a middle-aged man in a lab coat with a balding head. The man was accompanied by two assistants, each carrying a large medicine chest.

"Let me introduce you. This is Mr. Tanaka Ryoichi from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix. When Morgan was kicked by a horse and nearly lost her life, it was Dr Tanaka who saved her. His medical skills have reached an incredible level!" Garrett Murray spoke with great respect.

"Tanaka Ryoichi? Is he the renowned miracle doctor from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix?"

"That's right! I studied in the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix previously and had the privilege of meeting Dr Tanaka in person. He is indeed a legendary miracle doctor!"

"With Dr Tanaka's help, it looks like Mr. Murray has a chance to recover today."


The entire ward buzzed with excitement upon Dr Tanaka's arrival. Many doctors and medical professionals looked at him with admiration, as if they were gazing upon an idol.

Although the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix wasn't particularly large, its advancements in medicine surpassed even those of the Dragonmarsh. Many doctors in the country had sought ways to study abroad in the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix for the prestige it brought upon returning.

They would be considered top-tier experts immediately.

"A miracle doctor?" Lily's face brightened when she saw Dr Tanaka. She eagerly said, "Dr Tanaka, please, you must save my husband. We are willing to pay any price!"

Dr Tanaka subtly shifted his gaze and then walked to the bed, carefully examining Mr. Murray's condition.

After a while, he calmly said, "The patient's condition is the result of a deviation in his cultivation, causing disturbances in his meridians and blood flow. For ordinary doctors, it would indeed be an incurable terminal illness. However, for me, it's a piece of cake."

Upon hearing these words, everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dr Tanaka, you truly deserve your reputation as a miracle doctor. You've diagnosed the condition at a glance. You're amazing!" Chase praised.

"Dr Tanaka, please begin treatment immediately," Lily urged, her hope rekindled.

Chapter 1095: The Confrontation

"Dragonmarsh's doctors are truly inadequate. After all the fuss, they couldn't do anything, and we have to rely on Dr Tanaka to step in," Vivian exclaimed.

"You're absolutely right! They're all a bunch of useless individuals, not even a match for a single finger of Dr Tanaka," many of Murray’s family members flattered.

All the experts and professors from the Dragonmarsh had been helpless, while Dr Tanaka immediately diagnosed the condition with just a glance. This disparity was evident to everyone.

"Dr Tanaka, since you know how to treat it, please save him as soon as possible," Lily urged anxiously.

"Bring me my medicine."

Dr Tanaka beckoned his assistants, and they placed a medicine chest in front of him.

He opened the chest, rummaging through it until he retrieved a black medicine bottle.

"This medicine is called 'Golden Jade Soup,' made from a hundred and eight precious medicinal herbs, specifically designed to unblock meridians and smooth the flow of Internal energy and blood. It has excellent effects! After a patient takes this medicine, they will safely wake up within three minutes, and all will be well. However, it is a bit expensive."

"How much?" Lily asked hesitantly.

"Three billion," Dr Tanaka stated nonchalantly.

"Three billion?"

Hearing this, the doctors from the Dragonmarsh were left dumbfounded.

Why not just rob a bank?

A medicine worth three billion? That was an outrageous price.

"No problem! As long as it can save my husband, I'm willing to pay!" Lily didn't hesitate.

Although three billion wasn't a small sum, she could afford it. Compared to her husband's life, money was inconsequential.

"Alright, since the lady is so generous, I will start now."

Dr Tanaka smiled faintly and then helped Mr. Murray sit up. He opened the medicine bottle and was about to feed it to him.

"This medicine has to be ingested; Mr. Murray won't survive for more than three days!"

Suddenly, a cold voice echoed at the door.


Everyone turned to look, and they saw a disheveled figure entering the room: it was none other than Dustin.

After receiving a call from Shiela, Dustin had rushed back to Millsburg immediately. He had brought along the Old Drunkard and the others from the Peaceful Medical Clinic, arranging them to stay at Zypher Lodge temporarily.

"Dustin, you're here!" Shiela's eyes lit up as she quickly went to greet him.

"It's a good thing you came in time; otherwise, it could have turned into a disaster."

Dustin cast a sharp glance at Dr Tanaka and questioned him, "You're from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, right? You're willing to compromise people's lives for the sake of profit. Do you even deserve to be called a doctor?"

"Outrageous!" Garrett Murray scolded angrily. "Who do you think you are to speak to Dr Tanaka like this?"

"That's right! Dr Tanaka is a renowned miracle doctor from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix. His medical skills are extraordinary. Who are you to criticize him?" Vivian wore an unpleased expression.

"Hmph! Do you even know who I am?" Dustin responded coldly. "You're just a swindler! Dr Tanaka, you're selling a cheap medicine called 'Golden Jade Soup' for a sky-high price. The medicinal herbs used in it are only worth a few hundred dollars. You're boldly asking for three billion. Most importantly, your medicine cannot cure the disease; it will only provide a short-lived improvement. Once taken, the patient will undoubtedly die!"

With these words, Dr Tanaka's complexion immediately changed.

Chapter 1096: A Battle of Words

"You... You're spouting nonsense!" Dr Tanaka tried to maintain a calm facade but appeared somewhat flustered after being exposed.

Although he didn't want to admit it, the "Golden Jade Soup" was indeed a low-cost product, with ingredients worth only a few hundred dollars. However, given his fame and medical expertise, he could sell it for a thousand times its value.

"Nonsense? How about you dare to examine the medicine with me?" Dustin continued to press, "If I'm not mistaken, your 'Golden Jade Soup' should also contain components similar to stimulants. While it provides immediate relief, it overdrafts the patient's life. You are nothing but a person who values money over lives – a scoundrel!"

"Outrageous! I am a medical king from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, and you dare to defame me? I command you to apologize to me immediately!" Dr Tanaka was furious.

"Apologize? Are you even worthy of it?" Dustin sneered.

"Do not apologize? Fine! Then I won't treat him anymore, and you can handle it yourselves!" Dr Tanaka became infuriated and prepared to leave with his medicine box.

"Dr Tanaka!"

Seeing this, Garrett Murray quickly stopped him, wearing a placating smile. "Please don't be angry. This person is simply insane and knows nothing. Please don't lower yourself to his level. Saving lives is what truly matters."

"Yes, Dr Tanaka! Human lives are at stake, and only you can treat this illness!" Everyone chimed in with their persuasions.

"Dustin! You'd better shut up! If you dare to disrespect Dr Tanaka again, I will immediately kick you out!" Garrett Murray shouted angrily.

"You! Who gave you the audacity to speak disrespectfully to Dr Tanaka? Apologize to him immediately!" Vivian demanded.

"That's right! Apologize immediately!" echoed Chase.

At this moment, almost everyone in the room directed angry glares at Dustin, thoroughly displeased.

From the moment he entered, Dustin had questioned and accused everyone, nearly forcing Dr Tanaka to leave. This infuriated them greatly.

"Everything I said is true. Why should I apologize?" Dustin remained indifferent. "This doctor is only concerned about money. He cannot cure the illness. Let him go. I will personally treat the patient."

"You? Who do you think you are?" Garrett Murray retorted with an icy expression. "You are nothing but a nobody! Dr Tanaka, you shouldn't even engage with him."

"Hmph! Dragonmarsh's doctors are nothing more than a bunch of useless people!" Vivian added, "They can handle common colds and fevers, but when it comes to complicated cases, only a miracle doctor like Dr Tanaka from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix can manage it seamlessly."

"It's common knowledge that medical techniques in the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix surpass those in the Dragonmarsh by far. They're not even in the same league. With your limited medical skills, you're not even qualified to shine Dr Tanaka's shoes!" Chase followed suit in belittling Dustin.

"You people have been kneeling for so long that you can't stand up anymore, can you?" Dustin scanned the room with a cold gaze. "Let me educate you. Medical knowledge in the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix originated from Traditional Chinese Medicine from the Dragonmarsh. They've learned from us, and they've only scratched the surface. When it comes to top-tier medical talents, ten Golden Phoenix wouldn't be enough. You're shortsighted. It's okay to admire others, but please don't insult the doctors of the Dragonmarsh with your ignorance."

With these words, some of the Dragonmarsh's doctors in the room were filled with renewed vigor. They couldn't help but feel pleased after being scolded for being incompetent.

Chapter 1097: Dilemma

Just as Dustin was about to speak, he was interrupted by Lily's stern voice, "Enough! This is not the time for arguments. Saving a life is the top priority!"

"Yeah, yeah! Dustin, please save my dad!" Shiela quickly realized the situation.

Although Dr Tanaka had a great reputation, Shiela had more trust in Dustin.


Dustin was about to step forward but was stopped by Garrett Murray. "This is a matter of life and death, and you can't act recklessly. Dr Tanaka must treat this illness!"

"I've said it before; he can't treat it and will only harm the patient," Dustin coldly replied.

"If Dr Tanaka can't treat it, you're even less qualified!" Garrett Murray retorted with a stern expression.

"I told you he couldn't treat it; he would only harm the patient." Dustin remained firm.

"If not even Dr Tanaka can treat it, you're even less likely to!" Garrett Murray argued.

"Wait a minute!"

Dustin had to stop and take a deep breath. He didn't want to make things worse.

"Mom, Dustin is very talented. Let him treat Dad; I believe he can do it!" Shiela suddenly spoke up.

"Shiela, this concerns your father's life. How can we entrust it to an unknown youngster? If there's an error, who will take responsibility?" Garrett Murray frowned.

"Yeah, Shiela, this doesn't seem reliable. Dr Tanaka is more skilled." Vivian also tried to persuade.

"Dr Tanaka is a divine physician with unparalleled expertise. He will surely cure the patient. If we let this boy handle it, it would be dangerous for Sir Murray!" Chase warned.

With everyone persuading her, Shiela began to feel unsure.

She was soft-hearted and, with so many people pressuring her, her belief wavered.

"This lady, you wouldn't want any harm to come to your husband, would you?" Dr Tanaka said meaningfully.


Lily hesitated. Finally, she turned to Dustin, looking apologetic. "Young man, I appreciate your efforts, but for the sake of safety, I still believe Dr Tanaka should be the one to treat my husband."

"Madam, it's not that I want to take credit, but Dr Tanaka won't be able to cure him. Instead, he might worsen the situation. Please reconsider!" Dustin's expression was serious.

Although he was irritated by Mr. Murray, he was willing to help because of Shiela and the old general.

"Young man, for the sake of your safety, it's better to have Dr Tanaka treat him." Lily nodded seriously. "Young man, please leave. Don't interfere and cause any trouble for Dr Tanaka."

This was essentially an eviction order.

"Hear that? Leave quickly and stop challenging Dr Tanaka! You, an unknown youngster, dare to challenge Dr Tanaka? You're so ignorant!" Everyone showed disdain, treating Dustin with contempt.

"Let's hope you don't regret this," Dustin said, not wanting to say more. He had said what needed to be said and tried to convince them, but he couldn't force them to believe him.

Chapter 1098: Life Saved

"Dustin, brother!"

When Dustin left, Shiela felt anxious and hurriedly followed him, apologizing, "Dustin, I'm really sorry. I didn't expect Dr Tanaka to come. It's all my fault. Please don't be angry."

"Shiela, I'm not angry. From a doctor's perspective, I also hope your father gets well. It's just a pity that no one believes me," Dustin shook his head.

He had already warned them repeatedly, but if they didn't believe him, he couldn't force them.

"Dustin, I believe in you, but..."

Shiela hesitated. As the daughter, she couldn't make the final decision.

"Shiela, it's okay. You go back to the ward. I'll have a cup of coffee outside. If you need anything, just call me," Dustin smiled and patted her shoulder.


Shiela nodded and reluctantly went back into the ward.

She felt guilty for making him go through all this trouble.

"Shiela, why do you care about that guy? Let him leave. What's so remarkable about an insurance salesman? Is he worth your attention?" After Shiela entered the room, Vivian started provoking again.

"That's right! With Dr Tanaka here, why do we need this guy to interfere?" Chase glanced outside the door and expressed his disdain.

"Dr Tanaka, no one is bothering you anymore. Please hurry and treat the patient," Lily urged.

"Alright, seeing your sincerity, I'll help you one more time."

Dr Tanaka pretended to nod solemnly, then opened the black medicine bottle again and fed all the brewed golden jade soup into Mr. Murray's mouth.

After that, he took silver needles from his medicine box and pierced various acupuncture points on Mr. Murray's body.

He continued to pierce more than a dozen needles before finally stopping.

"My acupuncture and moxibustion techniques can also clear meridians and regulate blood and internal energy. With the priceless golden jade soup, I guarantee that the patient will make a full recovery!" Dr Tanaka said confidently.

"If that's the case, then it's great."

Lily was nervous and stared at Mr. Murray on the hospital bed intently.

Once the golden jade soup was ingested, its effects quickly took hold. Mr. Murray's originally pale face gradually became rosy and radiant.

His weak breathing became strong and vigorous.

All the physiological parameters on the monitor gradually returned to normal.

In just a few minutes, Mr. Murray's heart rate, blood pressure, pulse rate, body temperature, and other indicators had all returned to standard values.

Although he had not regained consciousness, he had essentially stabilized and was no longer in danger.

"It's effective! The patient's physiological parameters have returned to normal, and his condition is completely stable!"

"No wonder Dr Tanaka is so amazing. With just a few needles and some medicine, he easily saved a patient with a terminal illness. Incredible!"

"A divine physician! Truly a miraculous healer!"

Seeing Mr. Murray looking healthy and energetic, everyone was excited and filled with admiration.

Earlier, so many doctors had been powerless, but when Dr Tanaka stepped in, he effortlessly pulled Mr. Murray back from the brink of death.

His medical skills were truly incredible!

"Aunt, Shiela, I wasn't wrong, was I? With Dr Tanaka here, Uncle will definitely be safe," Garrett Murray said with a smile.

"Dr Tanaka is indeed amazing. Our entire family is extremely grateful!" Lily was overjoyed.

Previously, Mr. Murray had lain in bed like a dead man, cold all over, and his breathing was terrifyingly weak.

But now, his face was rosy and full of vitality, as if he had been given a new lease on life.

"Thank you for treating me. This is the clearest choice you'll make in your life. Otherwise, the patient wouldn't have survived until tomorrow." Dr Tanaka tilted his head slightly, exuding self-confidence.

"That's right! With Dr Tanaka's divine medical skills, no one can compare to him among the doctors in Dragonmarsh."

"In front of Dr Tanaka, the doctors in Dragonmarsh are all incompetent, and their skills are far inferior. They are completely incomparable."

"There's nothing we can do. In terms of top talent, Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix completely outshines Dragonmarsh. What's most shameless is that these doctors in the country not only lack ability but also like to pretend. They don't admit their incompetence, and they deserve to be looked down upon!" Chase expressed his disdain.

Chapter 1099: The Unexpected Turn

The room fell into an eerie silence as the several experts and professors in the room felt increasingly uneasy after the sarcastic comments about their medical abilities. While they might not be on par with Dr Tanaka, they were elite talents, and being belittled by their own countrymen was hard to stomach. However, they were all in the presence of high-ranking officials and couldn't afford to offend anyone, so they kept their heads down, pretending not to hear.

"Dr Tanaka, when will my husband wake up?" Lily cautiously asked, trying to gauge the situation. Although his vital signs had returned to normal, her husband remained unconscious, and she couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Don't worry, as soon as I remove the silver needles, your husband will naturally wake up," Dr Tanaka replied confidently.

With that assurance, he swiftly removed all the silver needles from Mr. Murray's body. As the needles were pulled out, Mr. Murray's body trembled momentarily. After a few seconds, his eyes suddenly opened, a hint of bloodshot flashing through them.

"He's awake! He's finally awake!"

Everyone in the room was overjoyed at the sight.

"It must be Dr Tanaka! He said he'd wake up, and he did. Truly admirable!" Garrett Murray praised.

"A divine physician indeed! He's a hundred times better than the half-baked doctors in Dragonmarsh. Incredible!" Vivian and the others chimed in with compliments.

"Thank you, Dr Tanaka. You're our family's savior from now on!" Lily expressed her gratitude.

"I specialize in treating various difficult and miscellaneous illnesses. This illness is a piece of cake for me," Dr Tanaka said with an air of arrogance.

As he spoke, he took a wet towel handed to him by his assistant and began wiping his hands meticulously.

However, nobody noticed that on the hospital bed, Mr. Murray's eyes were rapidly turning bloodshot, and his entire face contorted.


Suddenly, Mr. Murray let out a roar and sprang up from the bed.

At this moment, his face was twisted in a gruesome and terrifying expression, veins bulging on his forehead, and he looked like a man possessed.

A strand of black blood slowly oozed from his mouth and nose.


This sudden turn of events startled everyone.

"Dr Tanaka, what's going on? My husband was just fine a moment ago!" Lily was getting nervous.

"Could it be some kind of aftereffect?"

The people in the room exchanged worried glances, unable to comprehend what was happening.

"Don't panic; these are normal reactions. He'll be fine in a moment."

Dr Tanaka pretended to remain calm, but deep down, he was puzzled. Could it be that the medication was too potent, causing the patient to go mad?

"Dr Tanaka, what should we do now? My husband seems to be acting strangely," Lily's anxiety grew.

"It's a minor issue; there's no need to make a fuss. Watch as I perform a miracle."

Dr Tanaka's self-confidence remained unwavering as he produced a silver needle and aimed it at Mr. Murray's forehead.


Suddenly, Mr. Murray let out a furious roar, moved with lightning speed, and grabbed Dr Tanaka's neck, slamming him forcefully against the wall.

His eyes were filled with madness.

"Wait! Let's talk it out..."

Dr Tanaka's breath tightened, and he panicked, about to plead for mercy.

But before he could speak, Mr. Murray exerted even more force and snapped his neck.


Dr Tanaka's head tilted to the side, lifeless.

He died without being able to utter a word.

Chapter 1100: Unforeseen Chaos

"Dead... he's dead?!"

Everyone stood in shock as they witnessed the sudden demise of Dr Tanaka.

Their eyes widened, filled with horror.

No one had anticipated that Mr. Murray would suddenly go berserk, without any warning, and directly kill Dr Tanaka.

One blow, one life taken!

How could this happen?

Wasn't it supposed to be a minor issue?

Wasn't it supposed to be a normal occurrence?

Wasn't it said that a needle could determine the outcome?

What in the world is going on??


Mr. Murray roared, grabbed Dr Tanaka's lifeless body, and violently flung it.


Dr Tanaka crashed heavily into the wall, creating a dent, then slid down like a puddle of mud.

"Dr Tanaka!"

Everyone snapped out of their stupor, filled with panic.

Especially Vivian and Chase, their faces were overwhelmed with grief, feeling as if they had lost their parents.

"Quick! Someone restrain uncle!"

Garrett Murray quickly reacted and ordered his men to encircle Mr. Murray, intending to capture him alive.

However, the frenzied Mr. Murray was not recognizing any family ties; he was extremely aggressive.

Moreover, his strength was astonishing, unstoppable.

Anyone who got close to him was sent flying, without a chance to fight back.

"Caden! Don't hurt anyone!"

"Dad! Please, snap out of it. We're all your family!"

Lily and Shiela kept shouting, trying to awaken Mr. Murray.

However, their voices had no effect and only drew Mr. Murray's attention.

"Die! You all must die!"

Mr. Murray roared and lunged directly at Shiela.

His claws were like knives, surrounded by a terrifying aura that could cut through steel.

Touching it meant instant death for an ordinary person.

"Caden, no!"

Lily's face turned pale, and she rushed toward Shiela, attempting to shield her daughter from this deadly strike.

As it seemed like a life-or-death situation was about to unfold, a silver needle suddenly shot out.


The silver needle shot in from outside the door like lightning and struck Mr. Murray's neck.

Mr. Murray's entire body stiffened, frozen in place.

His fingers, capable of splitting stones and cracking boulders, came to a halt just three centimeters from Shiela's throat.

No inch further.

Shiela was left stunned, standing in place, unable to react for a moment.

Meanwhile, Mr. Murray, with a ferocious expression and bloodshot eyes, was gasping heavily.

Although immobilized by the silver needle, he continued to struggle wildly, causing his entire body to tremble.


Lily reacted swiftly, pulling her daughter into her arms, trying to keep her as far away from Mr. Murray as possible.

"As expected."

At the doorway of the ward, Dustin, holding a cup of coffee, walked in slowly.

He hadn't left directly because he was concerned that Dr Tanaka's actions might backfire, leading to Mr. Murray going completely berserk and losing control.

By that time, everyone in the ward would be in grave danger.

"Dustin, you're back!"

Shiela's face lit up with joy, as if she had seen a savior.

Muhindi Wa Kuchoma

Well-known member
Platinum Villager
Jul 9, 2023
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1100 is the last chapter I will be posting. Go to other threads for onwards chapters.

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