A Billionaire Husband and The Substitute Wife - Love Story of Dominic Peterson and Rachel Daley

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In the Daley household, young Rachel's life was akin to a continuous uphill battle. Her mother was relentless in her relentless teasing and torment, and her sister seemed intent on acquiring everything Rachel held dear, including her boyfriend. Yet, the most pressing challenge was the mounting medical bills of her foster mother, Norma—the one soul who had shown Rachel unwavering kindness since her early years and had raised her with a tender heart.

Desperation had driven the Daley family to a rather peculiar arrangement: they agreed to shoulder Norma's medical expenses, but with a caveat. They insisted that Rachel take the plunge into matrimony with Dominic, the illegitimate and seemingly directionless scion of the affluent Peterson family, replacing her sister as his spouse.

As the wedding bells chimed and the ink on their marriage certificate dried, both Rachel and Dominic would soon discover that their newlywed partner harbored a closely guarded secret, poised to shake the very foundation of their union.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Rachel touched her ear, feeling a bit embarrassed, considering sharing an even more dramatic experience with Homer. However, she kept her thoughts to herself.

Homer, with a weighty look, said, “I don’t care if you cause trouble for Grant'd, but you still have a lot to learn to become an independent designer. I hope you can study at Grant'd until you feel ready to go out on your own. Then you can consider leaving.”

Rachel felt a mix of emotions but responded with gratitude, “I didn’t think you’d want to retain me. I’ll work harder to meet your expectations.”

Attending the VogueVision Show made Rachel realize she still had much to learn. Facing excellent designers from all over the world showed her she had a long way to go.

Homer's eyes were filled with different emotions as he explained, “I don’t want you to turn out like Liza. I’m to blame for her situation. I didn’t make it clear to her that she wasn’t ready to become an independent designer, which caused trouble for both of us. I don’t want to make that mistake again.”

Rachel was surprised by Homer's kindness towards Liza. “Don’t dwell on the past, Mr. Grant. Liza deserves what she’s gotten now.”

As they discussed, the luxury car arrived at Homer’s residence. Rachel stepped out and helped Homer, who lost his footing and fell on her, grabbing her waist subconsciously.

“I apologize,” Homer said lowly, feeling it was inappropriate.

“It’s alright.” It didn’t bother Rachel. She helped Homer into the villa.

Unbeknownst to them, paparazzi hiding nearby captured high-definition photos. A married woman hooking up with a popular designer—a juicy headline!

At the Palmer family mansion, Brenda scanned the paparazzi's photos of Rachel and Homer. Finally, she had something on Rachel.

Brenda’s smile was permanent. She messaged the paparazzi to proceed with the plan.

“What are you obsessing about? You look like you’re having so much fun that you’re forgetting the food,” Melanie said fondly, asking Brenda to eat more.

Brenda, growing affectionate towards Melanie, put her phone aside, calming herself for the lie. “It’s a message from the school. Our experiments made a huge breakthrough.”

Melanie was delighted. Brenda scooped food for Shane. “Dad, I’ve been looking up recipes to cook for you. You need nourishment to regain your energy.”

“You’re a lovely girl,” Melanie said with a big smile.

Shane had been discharged from the hospital a few days ago. The liver transplant was successful, and he looked much better, though still thin. Brenda’s donation eased his previous hatred, so he didn’t object to her stay.

“How are your studies abroad? Don’t you need to go back?” Shane asked. “At your age, you should focus more on your studies.”

Brenda smiled. “The professor treats me well. The project was completed without complications. The school, knowing I donated my liver, allowed me to finish the year online. My performance has been outstanding, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

Brenda could tell the Palmer family trusted her again.

Shane nodded with relief. Brenda was obedient, and his doubts disappeared.

Melanie, serving more food for Brenda, asked, “What will you do now that you don’t need to return to school? You can work at the Palmer family company if you want.”

Brenda had no desire to work at the Palmer Group, which would hinder her plans for revenge. “The Palmer Group is one of Meadowview’ leading companies. A fresh graduate like me might not catch up in such a competitive setting. I want to venture out and gain experience. Then, when I’m ready, I’ll return. I’m sure the employees will accept me completely once I’ve proven myself.”

Melanie regarded Brenda carefully, feeling as if she had gone back in time. Charlene had also chosen to enter the Porter Group instead of her family’s company, young, stubborn, and unafraid—just like Brenda now.

“You’re really like her.” Tears filled Melanie’s eyes. She called a maid to bring a brocade box from her cabinet.

The maid quickly returned with the box. Inside was a gold necklace with a delicate jade pendant, worth a fortune judging by the jade’s color.


“This was my dowry when I got married. I’m giving it to you as a graduation gift. You’ll be attending banquets soon enough, and having this kind of jewelry is suitable for such luxurious occasions.” Melanie picked up the necklace and placed it around Brenda’s neck. The weight shocked Brenda. She didn’t expect it to be so heavy. Her hand flew to her lips after briefly touching the cold jade pendant, feigning surprise and affection. “I have never received such a precious gift.”

Melanie smiled kindly. “It doesn’t matter if it is precious or not. The most important thing is that it suits you. You look so beautiful with this necklace.”

Brenda frowned and pretended to refuse. “Mom, I don’t think I deserve this.”

“Don’t talk nonsense!” Melanie scolded gently. “You are our child now. In the future, you can get more than just jewelry. As a member of the family, you are entitled to some shares of the Palmer Group. Both your father and I think girls shouldn’t work too hard on their careers.”

Melanie continued softly, “If you like to do something, do it. If not, you can always take it easy and enjoy life like other ladies. Whatever you want is fine. As long as the Palmer family is here, you can depend on us. Live a carefree life.” The mention of the shares made Brenda’s eyes twinkle. She hadn’t expected Melanie to talk about it so willingly.

Brenda’s main objective was to secure the Palmer family shares. That was why Jerome had sent her there. She’d been worrying about how to bring up the topic naturally, but now Melanie had conveniently done it for her.

“It puts me in an awkward position, mom,” she said. “There’s really no need for you to give me the shares.” Brenda spoke as though her priority was the Palmer family. “If you give me the shares rashly, it might upset the shareholders,” she said. “After all, I’m not even a blood relative. You and father are still young, and the Palmer Group can’t develop without you. Shares play no part in my staying here, anyway.”

Brenda’s flat-out refusal of the shares made her appear sincere.

She still didn’t understand why Melanie had brought up the shares. Perhaps it had been a test, and Brenda had been too shrewd to fall for it.

After hearing Brenda’s words, Shane seemed to relax a little.

“That’s a very reasonable attitude, Brenda,” he said. Shane’s praise had a touch of parental affection.

Shane had been wary of Brenda, but her refusal of the shares quelled his suspicions.

Brenda was keenly aware of Shane’s feelings. It had been easy for her to deceive Melanie, but deceiving Shane was far less simple. As a businessman, Shane was highly discerning.

Melanie and Shane shared a look, silently understanding one another, and signifying the end of the conversation.

“Then we’ll talk about that later.” Melanie smiled warmly and continued to fill Brenda’s plate.

Halfway through the meal, Melanie turned to Shane. “Where’s the destination?” she asked.

“Let’s go to Hokkaido,” Shane replied. “Wouldn’t you like to see the snow? It’s the snow season now. If you like that idea, I’ll ask my assistant to book the flights today.”

Brenda was surprised. “Are you going on a trip?” she asked.

Melanie nodded. “I floated the idea past Shane before he went to the hospital. We’ve had too much on our plates over the past six months. We need to unwind. Now that the company’s workload has been reduced, we finally have time.” At the mention of the past, Melanie’s face grew weary. “We’ll leave the villa to you then,” she said, handing the key to the villa to Brenda.

Brenda clasped the key tightly. “Don’t worry,” she said seriously. “As long as I’m here, nothing bad will happen.”

A few days later, at the Meadowview international airport, Brenda passed Melanie the suitcase. “I’ve packed all your and dad’s medication and put them in your backpack,” she reminded. “I’ve also set alarms on your phone to remind you when to take them.”

Melanie put her hand on her heart. “You’re so considerate,” she murmured, touched.

Turning to Shane, she said, “Have you given Brenda the document?”

“I only just got it from the lawyers,” Shane replied. “Don’t stress.” Shane passed Brenda a file.

Brenda looked at it curiously. “What’s this?” she asked. Opening the file, she saw that it contained a share transfer form.

Brenda paused, and Melanie patted her on the shoulder. “Don’t worry,” she said soothingly. “Your father has taken care of everything. No one will dare gossip. You’re our child.”

Brenda’s eyes filled with tears. She signed her name on the document and gave Melanie a big hug.

Shane took the form back from Brenda and said, “I’ve investigated you before. You’re funded by both Charlene and Braden. Please keep in mind, I don’t want you to have anything to do with Braden in the future.”

Brenda bowed her head. “Of course,” she replied. “I know what I should and shouldn’t do.” Brenda maintained an obedient disposition.

As Melanie and Shane boarded the plane, she watched them leave through tear-filled eyes.

Only once the plane was in the sky did she raise her head and dry her tears.

“Finally,” she muttered. “The performance is over. I thought they’d never leave.”

Brenda fished out her phone and gazed at the viral photos of Rachel and Homer. At last, she was in a good mood. “I didn’t expect the paparazzi to work so quickly,” she said with a smile.

Brenda raised her eyebrows, a smug expression plastered on her face. As soon as the gossip came out, Rachel would be very preoccupied dealing with it.


Even if this rumor wouldn’t cost Rachel her job, at least it would cause her some trouble.

After leaving the airport, Brenda felt much better.

A lot of things had happened to her recently, but Rachel still managed to have a good time. Now it was Rachel’s turn to face some trouble in her life.

She wondered how Braden would react to the gossip. He might be absolutely furious. After all, Rachel spent every day with Homer. As Rachel’s husband, how could Braden not be upset by that?

Brenda got into the car and drove away, a devilish smile on her face.

Meanwhile, at Grant'd Studio in Meadowview…

After clocking in, Rachel walked over to her station but was a little thrown by the people around her, all of whom were giving her odd glances. She frowned.

“Has my makeup smudged? Why is everyone looking at me like that?” Before Rachel could find the nearest bathroom to check herself in the mirror, Tina stepped in and stopped her.

“Have you seen the trending news today?” Tina lowered her voice and placed her phone screen before Rachel’s eyes.

“The Colton family’s golden daughter has been carrying on a tumultuous affair with the talented designer. The wife of the Porter Group’s CEO is cheating on him! Follow us as we track this developing story: a married woman’s descent into adultery!” Rachel looked at the post. The attached photo had been taken yesterday when she’d sent Homer home.

Out of context, the photo made it look like Rachel and Homer were in an incredibly intimate position. The angle of the shot made it look like Homer had her in his arms and they were about to passionately kiss.

“How could they do this?” Rachel was absolutely stunned, her face reddening in fury. “I was only giving Mr. Grant some support. The angle of that photo completely distorts the truth!”

“Calm down.” Tina comforted her. “It’s obvious that someone’s making up rumors to cause a scandal for you, claiming you’re having an affair with Homer. They even say you sneak off to Homer’s house regularly to cheat on Braden. They’re even saying that Homer skipped out on the VogueVision Show on purpose so you’d have the chance to show off your skills.”

Bracing herself, Rachel started scanning the comments below the post. The more she read, the more uneasy she grew.

The comments were harsh, calling her shameless and far worse.

“Your husband is handsome and rich. How could you cheat on someone like that? If you really don’t love him anymore, be dignified and get a divorce. Shame on you!”

“Shameless woman! Get out of Meadowview, Rachel!”

“Is she blind? Her husband is so much more gorgeous than that other one!”

“Don’t say that. She just made a mistake that any woman would have made in the same circumstances.”

Tina grabbed her phone back from her and said, “Just ignore all of those nasty comments. You should get in touch with Braden.”

But just as Rachel was about to place her call to him, her phone screen suddenly lit up. It was Braden.

Damn it! The man must have been calling to yell at her for her supposed infidelity.

Rachel answered the call tensely, bracing herself for an onslaught of anger from Braden.

“Honey, you can be furious, but please, first allow me to explain myself. That photo was taken on the day I sent Mr. Grant home. All I was doing was helping him get out of the car. I had no idea the paparazzi would be there. It’s completely fabricated. Mr. Grant and I only have a professional relationship. It’s nothing like what they’re saying at all.” All of these words escaped her lips in a rush as soon as she answered the call. By the end of them, she was practically gasping for breath.

However, rather than the anger she was expecting, all Rachel heard on the other end of the line was a chuckle. “Would you like a drink of water first? You seem to be out of breath.”

“What?” After taking a moment to breathe, Rachel asked, “Wait, aren’t you angry?”

Braden sighed helplessly. “Dummy. I knew all that.”

“Did you investigate the situation?”

“Have you forgotten that you went there with Elsie? Elsie told me the truth and asked me to remind you to be careful,” Braden said slowly.

As Rachel listened to him, it suddenly dawned on her that of course he was right.

“As for the rumors online, don’t worry about them. I’ve already asked someone to have them removed.” Before Braden had called her, he’d already placed a call to a PR firm. “Someone must be secretly plotting against us. They must have dropped a huge amount of money to have that topic trending in the first place. Just set your mind at ease, and when you’re done with your work, come home and have dinner with me.”

Rachel was moved beyond words. Braden had taken care of everything.

“Don’t you have anything else to say to me?” Braden asked again. Rachel asked, a lighter tone now in her voice, “Meaning?”

Braden replied, “Well, you know, I am a little jealous, given all that’s happened. So you do owe me some compensation when you get back.”

Rachel blushed at the sexual innuendo in Braden’s words, and said, “That’s enough talking for now. I have some work to do. Bye!”


Ultimate Grandmaster
Sep 25, 2023
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Rachel has to be the luckiest and unluckiest person in the world... she could win the lottery of 10 million dollars in one chapter and in the next chapter the Government Tax Agency would be suing her for 100 million dollars because someone planted evidence that she was laundering money...

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

Seeing Rachel’s face turn red with embarrassment, Tina immediately suspected something had gone wrong.

She asked, “Did Braden not believe you? Did he ignore your explanation?”

It was a simple joke between husband and wife, and Rachel found it hard to explain to her friend. Instead, she shook her head and said, “No, he trusts me. Don’t worry. He’s already taking care of the rumors.”

Tina let out a relieved sigh. But she still urged Rachel to stay cautious. “When I went out for coffee, I saw some reporters waiting outside. So, don’t go out yet while they’re still there.” Rachel nodded, but then she remembered Homer might arrive at any moment.

“Oh no! What if the paparazzi approach Mr. Grant? He’s not great with words, and if they bother him too much, he might have to go back to the hospital!” Rachel was so worried that she immediately called Homer.

“Rachel, are you okay?” Homer’s anxious voice came through the phone before she could say anything.

Rachel was taken aback by Homer’s tone. After a moment, she replied, “I’m fine, Mr. Grant. But you should avoid coming to the studio right now. There are paparazzi swarming outside.” “Don’t worry. I’ll stay home and avoid the mess.”

Homer’s voice was serious. “I’m convinced someone is behind this sudden surge in gossip,” he said, letting out a heavy sigh.

Even though Rachel couldn’t see him, she could picture the concerned look on his face. Homer added apologetically, “I was careless. If you hadn’t given me a ride home, this wouldn’t have happened. I’ll talk to the reporters and clear things up. If this rumor keeps spreading, it could hurt your marriage.”

Rachel replied, “I’ve already explained everything to Braden. You should rest. These rumors will be put to rest soon.”

Homer seemed surprised. “Is Braden handling it already?” It made sense, considering Braden’s reputation for being decisive and proactive.

Homer said, “Rachel, I think the studio will be quite chaotic for the next few days.” Rachel lowered her head, regretting how this situation was affecting Grant'd Studio. “Mr. Grant…”

Homer chuckled gently. “I meant myself. I’m still not fully recovered, so I won’t be able to perform at my best. Can you help manage Grant'd for now?”

Rachel was taken aback. “Mr. Grant, that’s too much for me! Grant'd Studio is so important…”

She had only been a designer for a few years. How could she possibly take over Homer’s role at the top design studio in the industry?

But Homer had complete faith in her. “You’ll handle it beautifully, just like you did at the VogueVision Show.”

Rachel was about to refuse again when she heard Homer cough heavily. He was unable to continue speaking.

After a moment, Homer managed to say, “Look at me. Do you really think I can manage Grant'd in this condition?”

For his health, Homer couldn’t work too hard until he recovered. He reassured Rachel that she was the best person to step in for him.

Reluctantly, Rachel agreed. “Mr. Grant, focus on getting better. I’ll do my best.”

She was determined to protect Grant'd and not let Homer down.

After ending the call, Rachel noticed the design team watching her expectantly. Taking a deep breath, she addressed them calmly, “I don’t want anyone to be upset. The rumors about Mr. Grant and me are completely false.”

The office erupted in supportive chatter.

“I knew it! All those rumors are lies!”

“Rachel, we’ve worked together for so long. We trust you. Mr. Grant would never do what they’re accusing him of.”

“Everyone knows how talented you are. You don’t need to sneak in through the back.”

Their reassurances eased the tension in the office.

“We all trust you. We’ll follow your lead,” Tina said with a reassuring smile.

Rachel was deeply moved, tears welling up in her eyes. “Thank you so much. With Liza gone, we’re more united than ever.”

Then she remembered Liza still needed to hand over her work. She casually asked, “Has Liza finished passing on her projects?”

Relaxed, Tina smiled. “Don’t worry. It’s almost done.” She headed to the workroom, adding, “A client is coming to pick up a dress today. I’ll get it now.”

Rachel watched Tina go, but after a few moments, she realized Tina was taking longer than expected. Her concern grew when she heard a piercing scream from the workroom.

Rushing in, Rachel was horrified by the scene before her. Her face froze in shock.


Tina was crouched on the floor, clutching a ruined golden dress. Her eyes were wide with panic as she exclaimed, “Miss Lorne needs this dress any minute now! What are we going to do?”

Trying to stay calm, Rachel replied, “Don’t worry. Let’s figure out how we can fix this.” She picked up the dress and examined it closely, only to realize the damage was far worse than she had initially thought. The front was completely destroyed, and repairing it would likely leave noticeable traces.

Tina’s face fell. “It’s beyond saving, isn’t it?”

Rachel took a deep breath and avoided answering directly. Instead, she asked, “Do you know who did this?”

Tina thought back to the previous day. “Liza handed over all her projects to me. Everything seemed fine. But she did mention wanting to take a final look at the dresses before leaving. She said she considered them like her own children and was crying when she left. I didn’t stop her. I didn’t even check the dresses after she left. It’s my fault. I should have been more careful!” Tina’s voice grew frantic as she spoke faster, her guilt evident.

Rachel felt a pang of realization. She had always known Liza had a mean streak, but she hadn’t anticipated she would go so far as to sabotage her own work out of spite.

Helping Tina to her feet, Rachel asked, “When is Miss Lorne supposed to arrive?”

Tina clenched her fists anxiously. “She’s due this morning.”

Rachel took charge. “We’ll make sure Liza takes full responsibility for this mess. For now, we need to reassure Miss Lorne that everything will be okay.” She continued, “Tina, go check if Miss Lorne is here.”

Rachel was experienced in handling crises like this one. Her calm demeanor contrasted with Tina’s panic, which was a sign of her inexperience.

“But the dress is completely ruined. How can we explain that to Miss Lorne?” Tina was overwhelmed with anxiety. “I should have watched Liza more closely. I should have known she couldn’t be trusted.”

Rachel reassured her. “Blaming yourself won’t help. We need to figure out a solution.”

At that moment, a voice called from the other side of the door, “Tina? Is that you? Miss Lorne is here for her dress. Please bring it out as soon as you can. She’s waiting.”

Tina’s mind went blank. Acting quickly, she grabbed the dress from Rachel, hung it on a hook, and concealed it behind other clothes, doing her best to hide the damage. “We can’t let her see this,” she said, panicked.

Tina headed for the door, but Rachel grabbed her wrist and asked, “What are you planning to say to her?”

Tina replied, “What’s done is done. I’ll apologize to Miss Lorne, explain the situation, and ask her for more time.” She looked determined. “This is my responsibility. Please, let me handle it.”

Without waiting for a response, Tina opened the door and went out, ignoring Rachel’s concerns.

Rachel was anxious about what Tina was about to do. She knew how important this dress was. Designed for Shaira Lorne, a rising star in publishing, it was not just a piece of clothing—it was a symbol of her success. With the awards ceremony just a month away, replacing the dress in time would be nearly impossible.

Shaira was known for her fierce online presence and had a reputation for dealing harshly with those who crossed her. If Tina angered her, it could severely damage Grant'd Studio’s reputation.

Rachel’s heart raced as she followed Tina out.

In the reception room, Shaira Lorne was visibly impatient. She had finished her coffee and was growing frustrated with the delay.

She glanced at her watch and then at the nervous receptionist who had just brought her some desserts. “I’ve been waiting for ten minutes. Where is Liza? Don’t you know how valuable my time is? I could have written a thousand words by now!” she said sharply.

The receptionist bowed her head. “Please calm down, ma’am. I’ll go and call her.”

Before she could leave, Tina burst into the room. “I’m sorry for the delay,” she said, looking flustered. Shaira sighed in relief, but her expression changed to confusion when she saw that Tina was alone.

“Who are you? Where’s Liza?” Shaira demanded.

Tina tried to explain, “Liza has resigned. I’m handling your project now.”

Shaira’s gaze fell on Tina’s empty hands, and her frustration grew. “Why didn’t you bring my dress? Is it not finished?”

Tina hesitated, knowing she had to reveal the truth about the damaged dress.


Although reluctant, Tina approached Shaira and began to admit, “Well… something happened to your dre—”

Before she could finish, a louder voice interrupted from behind. “Miss Lorne, there seems to be an issue with your dress for the award ceremony. I’d like to offer to make you a new one.”

Rachel closed the door behind her, pulled out a new sketch, and handed it to Shaira.

Shaira was infuriated. “Are you kidding me? It took a lot of time and effort to design that dress with Liza. The award ceremony is just around the corner. Why are you saying this now?”

As Rachel tried to respond, Shaira’s eyes widened in recognition. “Wait a minute. You look familiar!”

Shaira took out her phone, compared a picture with Rachel, and gasped. “Oh my gosh! It’s you! You’re Rachel!”

Shaira had been following the gossip about Rachel and Homer, which had intrigued her, especially since Homer was one of her favorite designers. A few days prior, rumors had circulated about them, and Shaira had been eager to write an article about it.

“Yes, that’s me,” Rachel confirmed, her frown deepening.

Shaira’s attitude shifted dramatically. She grabbed Rachel’s hands excitedly. “Is it true that you’re having an affair with Homer? What about Braden?”

Rachel was uncomfortable with Shaira’s invasive questions but realized she needed to manage the situation for the sake of the dress. “Would you like to discuss this in detail?” Rachel suggested with a knowing smile. “Let’s go to the VIP room. It’s not the best place for a private conversation here.”

Shaira quickly gathered her things. “Where’s the VIP room?”

Rachel glanced at Tina and winked meaningfully before leading Shaira away. Tina was puzzled but trusted Rachel’s ability to handle the situation.

An hour later, the VIP room door opened. Shaira walked out, saying, “Alright, I’ll give you some time, but make sure you hurry. Don’t let me down with these new dresses. Remember, I have a lot of followers on social media.”

Rachel smiled, relieved. “Don’t worry. I’ll even deliver the dresses personally when they’re done.”

As Shaira left, Tina eagerly approached Rachel. “How did you do it? You’re amazing!”

Rachel rubbed her temples, leaning back on the sofa. “I’m not amazing. I’m just giving her what she wants.”

Earlier, in the VIP room, Shaira sat on the sofa, her curiosity piqued. “I’m so curious. What’s really going on between you, Homer, and Braden? There are so many rumors about your marriage with Braden being troubled and you falling for Homer.”

Rachel, despite her discomfort, maintained a calm demeanor. “Those are all false rumors. My relationship with my husband is strong. The photo of Mr. Grant and me was taken out of context, leading to misunderstandings.”

Shaira was disappointed. “That’s too bad. I guess we have nothing more to discuss. Let’s talk about the dress.”

Rachel quickly stopped Shaira. “What about stories involving me and Braden? I’m willing to share those.”

Shaira was intrigued, especially since she wanted to base a novel on a real boss’s life, and Braden, as the CEO of Porter Group, fit the bill perfectly.

“Alright, tell me more,” Shaira said, pulling out a notebook.

Rachel began recounting her love story with Braden. Shaira was enthralled and even reached for a recorder pen.

Rachel snatched the pen away. “No recording.”

“I’m worried I might forget some details,” Shaira protested. “Let me record this—it would make great material for my new novel.”

Rachel was firm. “I will allow you to use some of my experiences as inspiration for your novel, but there’s one condition.”

Shaira frowned. “Are you negotiating with me?”

“Forget it if you don’t agree,” Rachel said, standing up.

The scene was set for a delicate negotiation, with Rachel balancing the need to salvage the dress situation while managing Shaira’s insistent curiosity.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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Chapter 526 – THE DRESS DISASTER part 3

“What’s the condition then?”

“You must agree to have another dress made for you by Grant'd,” Rachel responded calmly.

Shaira pressed her lips together and hesitated. “The award ceremony is next month. The previous dress designed by Liza took months to finish. Will you be able to make a new dress on time? What gives you the confidence to suggest this?”

Rachel looked at her and explained slowly, “Liza was confident you’d win the award when she designed your dress, Miss Lopez. It had to be stunning. But have you considered what happens if you don’t win?”

“Go on.” Shaira wasn’t annoyed by Rachel’s words. She knew Rachel was right. She had thought about this herself but was too embarrassed to tell Liza. The organizers had informed her they would give her the final details a few days before the ceremony, so she could prepare a thank-you speech.

“I’m suggesting we make two dresses. One should be very beautiful but not too flashy since many senior people will be at the ceremony. The other should be simpler, so if you don’t win, it won’t look like you’re trying to steal the spotlight from others. This way, you can avoid criticism,” Rachel said carefully.

“This is a good plan.” Shaira liked the idea. “I don’t want any problems during the ceremony. I’d be criticized if I offend other famous writers.”

Rachel raised her eyebrows and said, “Okay, then I’ll agree to let you record our conversation.” She handed the recorder pen back to Shaira, and they came to an agreement.

As Shaira was leaving the VIP room, she looked back and winked at Rachel. “I’ll come back if I need more materials.”

Rachel forced a smile. “Alright, anytime.”

“That’s all,” Rachel said with a long face after telling Tina what had happened in the VIP room.

Tina, who had been sitting next to her, laughed. “This is so interesting. I didn’t expect you’d actually benefit from those rumors. Even though we don’t know who set you up, they helped you this time.”

“Things are far from over. Shaira needs the dresses right away. Let’s drop everything and start working on them.” Rachel stretched and stood up. “I need to get my toothbrush and sleeping bag. I’ll have to stay in the studio and work nonstop until we finish her dresses. Working overtime is not a big deal. Liza has really gotten on my nerves, and I can’t stand it.” Imagining what Liza had done, Tina became angry. “She just cut the dress and left us to deal with the mess.”

“Here’s what we should do,” Rachel stated firmly. “Contact Grant'd’s attorney and ask them to sue Liza.”

Tina sensed that Homer had likely given Rachel control of the studio’s operations. She grinned and replied, “I understand. I’ll get on it right away.”

Rachel wasted no time and began designing two new gowns for Shaira. Soon, it would be time to leave work.

Tina glanced out the window and noticed that Rachel was still at work. “There are no paparazzi outside. Why are you still here? Do you plan to work late tonight?”

Rachel, while measuring fabric, replied coolly, “Those paparazzi are sneaky. It would be foolish to think they’d wait for me in the open. Since this morning, I’ve noticed some unusual cars on both sides of the road.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?” As soon as Tina said this, Elsie, the bodyguard, entered the room. “We’ve taken care of the paparazzi and reporters outside. Don’t worry.”

Rachel smiled and told Tina, “You go ahead. I’ll stay a bit longer and finish this.”

Rachel only started packing her things after all her coworkers had left. She checked her phone and saw that all references to her and Homer had been removed from the internet.

Elsie sorted the drawings and reassured Rachel, “Don’t worry. Mr. Porter has a lot of experience in this field. The Porter Group has many effective public relations firms.”

Rachel chuckled and said, “I’m just afraid of causing trouble for my coworkers.”

Thankfully, Rachel’s fears did not come true.

Elsie hurried to start the car before Rachel got out of work.

A group of journalists suddenly appeared, as if they had been waiting for this moment. They had been hiding nearby and now swarmed the car.

“Mrs. Porter, can you explain why you cheated on your husband?”

“Is it true that you and Mr. Porter have been separated for a long time?”

“Are you staying silent because it’s all true?”

They pounded on the tinted windows and shouted questions, not caring if anyone inside could hear them.

Elsie rolled down the window and yelled at the journalists, “Move out of the way! Or I’ll drive over you!”

The paparazzi didn’t back down. They kept grilling Elsie and thrusting microphones in front of her.

Rachel didn’t dare leave the studio after seeing this.

She turned back and silently returned to Grant'd Studio.

Those clueless reporters had no idea she hadn’t actually gotten into the car.

“I’m sorry, Elsie.” Rachel spotted a passage next to the studio after looking for another way out.

She backed up against the wall and slipped away from the studio quietly. The number of reporters around the car grew. She was increasingly anxious about drawing their attention. Rachel took off her high heels and sneaked out of the studio.

She kept glancing back as she walked. When she saw no reporters were following her, she sped up and began running.

“Rachel is not in the car!”

“She’s the one running away in her stilettos.” “Get her! Go!”

Rachel heard her name called and turned to see a group of photographers and reporters chasing after her.

She had underestimated their skills. If she had known, she would have stayed hidden in the studio!


Rachel felt a wave of frustration as she saw all the paparazzi following her. Suddenly, someone covered her mouth and dragged her into a quiet corner.

She panicked and was about to hit the person with her heel when he grabbed her wrist and said, “It’s me.”

Rachel relaxed and looked at the man.

It was Braden, with his striking features and tall figure.

“Why are you—?” she started, but Braden silenced her with a sudden, passionate kiss. He covered her face with his windbreaker, blocking her view and muffling any sound except for him.

Rachel’s heart skipped a beat, and she held her breath as two reporters hurried past them.

“Look, some young lovers are locked in a kiss,” one reporter said.

“I find it dull. Haven’t you kissed a lady before?” another muttered impatiently.

“The woman’s outfit looks like Rachel’s. Could it be her?” the first reporter asked.

“Don’t be foolish. Rachel already has both Homer and Braden. She wouldn’t randomly kiss a stranger on the street,” his friend retorted.

“You’re right. But did Rachel practice sprinting? She disappeared in an instant.”

“Stop talking and find her! Or else she’ll get away.” After a brief conversation, their footsteps faded.

Rachel felt both embarrassed and irritated. What were those reporters talking about?

Braden didn’t let her go until the reporters were out of earshot.

He squeezed her chin and looked at her with a cold, menacing gaze. “Is there another man you’re interested in?”

Rachel, compelled to look at him, kissed his ear. “You’re the only man I love.” Satisfied, Braden let her go.

“My car is on the other side. Follow me and keep up,” he said, pulling her into his arms and covering her with his windbreaker.

Rachel looked up at his strong jawline and smiled.

Braden hurried her into his car to avoid the reporters still searching the street.

Once inside, Rachel hid her face in her hands. “Let’s go. I don’t want them to see me!”

“You look like a snail,” Braden teased as he started the car.

The engine roared to life, and the sports car sped away. Despite the speed, Braden drove smoothly, and Rachel watched the trees blur by.

When they finally stopped in front of their house, Rachel stretched out, her hair a tangled mess.

“I feel like a celebrity hounded by reporters! What’s going on? The news was taken down, so why are the paparazzi still chasing me?” she asked helplessly.

Braden, still holding the steering wheel, explained, “The trending news was removed from social media. But about an hour ago, someone claiming to be a designer from Grant'd Studio posted about you and Homer, reigniting public interest.”

“What are these journalists thinking?!” Rachel fumed.

“They were probably paid off by the so-called designer. These journalists have no ethics, unlike the ones I usually deal with. They know how to make money through underhanded means. Threats alone won’t stop them,” Braden said. He softened his tone. “I’ll handle it. By tomorrow, everything will be sorted, and you can go back to work without worry.”

Rachel paused and then said apologetically, “I’m sorry I always trouble you. You have your own work, but I keep—”

Braden lifted a hand to squeeze her face, smiling wryly. “Remember that, and make it up to me later.”

Rachel blushed and said, “It must be Liza causing this trouble again. She has to pay!”

Braden nodded. “I have people watching her day and night. She’s on the run, but Mrs. Fulton, who she’s also angered, is looking for her too. She won’t stay hidden for long.”

Rachel sighed in relief. “Well then, let’s go home.”

With others also searching for Liza, they didn’t need to spend too much time or effort on it. As Rachel opened the door to get out, Braden grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Why did you help Homer out of the car? Is his old illness affecting his legs again?” Braden asked grumpily.

Rachel stayed silent for a moment, pretending to be annoyed. But the sparkle in her eyes was hard to hide. “That’s a complicated question.”

Braden quickly glanced at her, a bit embarrassed. “Don’t misunderstand me. I trust you. I’m just curious.”

Rachel smiled adorably at him, finding his curiosity endearing.


Rachel leaned against Braden's chest, her hands resting on the back of his neck. She felt the power of his pulse and said, "I can help you with that. You could hire paparazzi to follow us and take secret photos. I'll look a hundred times better. Let's make our intimate pictures go viral this time! What do you say?"

As Rachel pressed her body against Braden's and softly touched him, Braden's anger dissipated.

"Honey?" she asked, puzzled by Braden's silence. She had been talking, but he hadn't responded. Was he still upset?

"Can you just say something?" Rachel pleaded, her eyes clear and sharp.

Lost in his thoughts, Braden looked at her, his gaze traveling from her forehead to her nose, then to her lips and cleavage. He couldn't get enough of her. He bent down, wrapped his arms around her waist, and pressed her against the passenger seat.

"No..." Rachel grabbed Braden's fingers to stop him from unhooking her bra.

"I'm still fuming!" Braden cut her off, squinting his eyes with a menacing stare. His shallow breathing betrayed his intense desire. "Don’t you owe me something? It’s about time."

Rachel knew there was no changing his mind. "Come on, stop it! Can’t this wait until we get home?"

She joked as she helped him undo his seatbelt. "This treatment is only for you, so don’t tell anybody else!"

He turned over, pressing himself against her. He unbuttoned her pants, saying, "That won’t cut it. I need more!"

Outside the car window, the twilight sky was a deep red. In the car, all of Rachel’s senses were heightened. She held Braden's thick member, trying to guide it inside her, but he was well-endowed, and the angle was awkward.

"Why isn’t this working?" Rachel fidgeted. Sweating, Braden grasped her waist with both hands and slid inside her inch by inch.

"Ah! It’s... It’s so big..." she gasped. Fully inside her now, the feeling of being filled made Rachel feel like she could burst.

As Braden took Rachel in his arms, she groaned in ecstasy, "Hmm..."

Just as they reached the heights of pleasure, Rachel gasped in horror, "Oh no, we forgot condoms!"

"We’ve gone without condoms before," Braden said, patting her smooth behind. "God, you’re so tight."

They hadn’t used protection many times before. Braden didn’t understand why she was upset this time.

He stroked her flat stomach and began thrusting more vigorously.

Rachel straightened herself, placing her hands on his strong waist. She twisted her own waist, struggling slightly. Braden’s body was beautifully built, and any woman outside the car would blush at the sight.

But Braden was hers. She wouldn’t let anyone else have him.

"Oh, it’s so tight." Braden took a deep breath, trembling with satisfaction. He lay back, his view filled with Rachel’s heaving breasts and erect nipples. He grasped her soft breasts, still incredibly aroused by her every movement.

Rachel remembered how Cassie used to read erotic comics. In those comics, women twisted their waists up and down or in circles during sex, driving men wild.

Caressing Braden’s defined abs, Rachel began to move like the women in the comics. Her slick walls grasped his thick member, rubbing against her sensitive spots.

Braden pursed his lips, his eyes bloodshot. He swallowed and rubbed Rachel’s breasts more aggressively. "Deeper."

Rachel’s expression was seductive, her waist soft and smooth, driving him wild.

She started to tire from the exertion, but waves of overwhelming pleasure washed over her.

Braden’s thick, long member thrust inside her repeatedly. Rachel trembled as a spasm of pleasure took over her body. She sighed, "Oh... Oh... It... it feels so good..."

With a growl, Braden held her waist tightly, thrusting harder and finally releasing deep within her.

He touched Rachel’s stomach, imagining a new life growing inside her. He almost smiled but then froze, his eyes darkening as he remembered his illness. Then he brought her to another climax. With a blush on her face, Rachel lay on him. Finally, she pinched him hard on the waist. "You’re so bad. Why did you convince me to do it in the car? What if we’re caught?"

Braden held her, her back covered in sweat, glistening under the light.

His heart skipped a beat. He turned over, pressing Rachel into the passenger seat. He lifted one of her legs and thrust inside her again.

"Ah... It’s so big... Oh..." The sudden motion shocked her. Rachel moaned, raising her hand to caress Braden’s face.

She loved him deeply.

"The windows are tinted. No one can see us," Braden reassured her, though he knew the shaking car would give them away to anyone passing by. But now wasn't the time to worry.

For a couple so hot for each other, nothing was more important than their desire right here, right now.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

After Braden carried Rachel out of the car, she still felt a bit weak in the knees. As soon as they got inside their villa, they fell upon each other, hugging and kissing passionately again.

The heat between them reignited, and they ended up on the sofa in a tangle of limbs. As Rachel started to unbutton Braden’s belt, she suddenly noticed how bright the lights were in the house. That was odd. She clearly remembered that when they came in, they were too busy kissing to turn on the lights.

She glanced over to the other side of the sofa and saw Benjamin and Joyce standing there.

Blood rushed to her face, and her mind blanked. Rachel asked in a trembling voice, “Dad, Mom, when did you get back?”

Braden, also surprised, quickly jumped up. The usually dignified CEO of the Porter Group had lost all his composure in that moment.

Rachel blushed as she quickly fixed her clothes. She lowered her head, feeling like a child caught misbehaving.

Despite being adults, the intrusion of her parents during such an intimate moment made her feel embarrassed.

Joyce cleared her throat and, after a few moments, explained, “Your father and I ended our trip to Europe early.”

Benjamin stared at Braden. They had been keeping an eye on things at home during their trip and had heard rumors about Rachel and Homer.

They didn't blame Rachel; to them, she was still the perfect daughter. Even if she had cheated on Braden, they believed he was the one to blame.

With a cold look in her eye, Joyce said, “Rachel, let's talk in the other room.”

During their trip, Rachel often called to say everything was fine, but Joyce wanted to see for herself if Rachel was telling the truth.

After closing the door behind them, Joyce got straight to the point. “What happened while we were away? Since Braden got amnesia, he seems to have changed a lot. Can your marriage continue like this?”

Rachel realized her parents had been swayed by the rumors about her and Homer.

She replied earnestly, “Mom, you saw us together just now. Braden and I are still very much in love. How can you believe those rumors after what you’ve just seen?”

Joyce saw how passionate they had been, but she was still confused. “So you're really not sleeping with Homer?”

“No, Mom. Someone took some photos of me and Mr. Grant and made up the whole story,” Rachel explained, her voice tinged with discomfort.

Joyce sighed. “Rachel, don’t lie to me. If you don’t love Braden anymore, you can get a divorce. The Colton family will support you. You don't need to stay in this marriage for your reputation.”

Rachel hadn't expected Joyce to be so affected by the rumors. She denied it adamantly. “The idea of divorce has never even crossed my mind.”

Just then, Braden's voice came from the other side of the door.

“It’s all my fault. An enemy of the Porter Group spread this rumor to make people think our marriage is falling apart.” Braden entered the room and looked directly into Rachel's eyes. They both gazed at each other with intensity and love. “I believe Rachel with all my heart, and I also believe that Homer is a decent gentleman.”

Listening to Braden's words, Joyce said nothing more. She looked over at Benjamin, who was standing outside the room, and scolded him, “Why didn’t you stop him at the door? I wasn’t done speaking to Rachel!”

Benjamin kept his cool and guided Joyce out of the room. “Stop bothering them. Didn't you just tell me you wanted grandchildren?”

Seeing Braden’s worried look moved Benjamin deeply. Although Braden had lost his memory, it was clear he still loved Rachel.

Benjamin and Joyce smiled knowingly and went downstairs.

At dinner, Benjamin showed off his impressive cooking skills. Rachel was thrilled. Her father hadn't cooked for her in ages. As they chatted, Benjamin brought up Braden's amnesia. “How is your condition? Have the doctors said if it will get worse? We met many good doctors in Europe. I could call them to check up on you.”

Braden turned somber at the change of subject. He had heard how a pharmacist had tampered with medications, causing serious repercussions for patients. Although he had no symptoms pointing to that, it was still a possibility.

Braden looked at Rachel's worried face and mustered a smile. “Don’t bother. Booker already had me checked, and he told me there are no serious side effects. Except for the memory loss, there should be no problem.”

He spoke in a reassuring tone that brooked no question. Rachel smiled and nodded before turning to Benjamin. “Don’t worry about us, Dad. I am well aware of Braden’s condition. We've already seen a lot of doctors, and the results are all the same.”

Joyce nudged Benjamin and smiled. “Your father likes to worry about everything. Don’t mind him. But since Braden is doing better now, you should start trying for a child.”

Perhaps it was because they were getting older, but Joyce and Benjamin were really looking forward to grandchildren.

Rachel stole a glance at Braden, her cheeks turning red.

Braden took her hand with a grin. “You don’t have to worry about that, Mom. We're certainly doing our best.”

Joyce tittered excitedly. “See? The fortune teller was right. I am going to have a grandchild soon!”

“What fortune teller? How would they know about these things?” Rachel asked lightly.

Benjamin paused his chewing to explain. “We met a fortune teller in Sri Lanka. He told your mother she would soon have grandchildren.”

Rachel chuckled at that.

After dinner, the chauffeur drove Joyce and Benjamin back to the Colton family mansion.


Before getting into the car, Joyce turned to her daughter and reiterated, “I’ve said this before, but if you are wronged in any way, you must tell us.”

“I know, Mom. Stop nagging, okay? Call me when you get home.” Rachel basked in the warmth of her parents' affections. It was wonderful to have a family.

When the car finally disappeared into the distance, she let out a sigh of relief. The smile disappeared from her face. She looked Braden in the eye and asked, “Are you keeping something from me? Something to do with your condition?”

Braden stiffened but maintained his composure. “You know it’s just memory loss.”

Rachel’s frown deepened. “You seemed hesitant when you were asked about the side effects. It’s making me uneasy. I’m worried.”

Braden's mind raced as he thought of a way to dodge her questions. After a while, he raised an eyebrow and tilted his head provocatively. “You can see for yourself later whether something is wrong with me or not.”

Before Rachel could retort, he picked her up and carried her over his shoulder, striding back into the living room. He gently tossed her onto the sofa and pressed his body against hers.

Rachel struggled halfheartedly, her cheeks turning a delectable shade of pink. A playful smile danced on her lips. “Stop fooling around. All right, I trust you.”

She refrained from prying further and focused on her parents instead. “Honey, we need to deal with this matter as soon as possible. The rumor has spread everywhere. My parents are worried and itching to do something about it. Liza must be punished.”

Braden plopped down beside her and nuzzled her hair, his eyes turning dark and unfathomable. His next words were clear and blunt. “Don’t worry. Liza cannot escape.”

That night, a black car sped along the expressway in Meadowview.

Liza looked utterly worn out. Every so often, she glanced at the rearview mirror, her eyes wide and a little crazed. She clutched her phone with one hand while the other gripped the steering wheel. She didn’t know where to go.

Liza had left Grant'd Studio two days ago.

At the time, Tina was busy taking care of the design drafts.

Liza sorted out the projects she had been handling and handed them over. “Tina,” she said with some reluctance, “is it possible for me to enter the clothing room for the last time? I just want to take one last look at the dresses. I don’t think I will be returning to Grant'd again.”

After a brief hesitation, Tina agreed to let her in.

Once inside, Liza shut the door behind her and went on a rampage, cutting Shaira’s dress to bits and pieces.

“Tina!” she cackled like a madwoman. “Rachel! I’d like to see how you b*tches explain this to Shaira later!”

Liza waited for Shaira to make a scene at the studio, just as Mrs. Fulton had done before. But to her dismay, Grant'd remained peaceful. Shaira didn’t kick up a fuss at all.

In the end, Liza couldn't contain her anxiety and called Shaira.

“How dare you call me! I had no idea you resigned until I went to get my dress earlier.” Shaira was in a foul mood and was about to hang up when Liza quickly stopped her.

“Before I left Grant'd, I heard that some clumsy designer damaged your dress. Did the studio compensate you for it?”

“The evening dress you designed for me was too gaudy. I don’t really like it. Rachel will design a new ensemble for me, as well as a backup choice. She is responsible and very capable, and I am satisfied with her. You, on the other hand, Liza… You didn’t even notify me that you intended to resign! How negligent of you. With that attitude, who do you think will hire you as a designer in the future?” Shaira's sharp tongue left Liza outraged.

Nothing was going her way. Why did Rachel always manage to escape danger? When rumors about Rachel and Homer’s relationship reached Liza, she wasted no time bribing reporters to expose the affair, hoping to ruin Rachel’s reputation once and for all.

Unfortunately, the tabloids were quickly suppressed by the Porter Group. Shortly after, Liza received legal notices from both the Porter Group and Grant'd Studio.

Facing a potential jail sentence, Liza packed her things and drove out of the city.

She had heard of Braden, known for his ruthlessness and likened to Satan himself. Liza regretted everything she had done. She shouldn’t have tried to sabotage Rachel!

Liza fumed as she glanced at the rearview mirror again. This time, she saw several cars tailing her at alarming speed, about to overtake her.

“Where did all these people come from?” Liza wasn’t sure who had sent them. She might be fond of gossiping, but she had never provoked anyone directly.

Her phone rang. An unknown number was calling.

Liza pressed the answer button with trepidation. “Who is this?”

A sharp female voice came through the line. It was Mrs. Fulton. “Hello, Liza. How does it feel to be public enemy number one? Do you remember what I told you? The moment you leave Grant'd Studio, I’ll be out to get you. Now that you have offended both the Porter and Colton families, you are doomed. It disgusts me that I have to dispose of you myself, b*tch. You know what? I’m not gonna do that. I’ll just hand you over to Braden, and once I do, you will know—”

Liza felt a chill race down her spine and hurriedly hung up.

“You’re the b*tch! You’re all b*tches!” she screamed inside the car and stepped hard on the gas.

In an attempt to lose her pursuers, she changed lanes and drove on the wrong side of the road. Before she could gain some distance, she was blinded by a beam of light coming from her left. She turned in surprise and saw a truck rounding a corner and speeding toward her.

Liza had no time to get out of the way.

The truck rammed into her car, sending it toppling a few meters away.

The oil tank was punctured, and gasoline steadily flowed out of the vehicle and onto the road. In the next second, a loud explosion occurred, and the car was ablaze. Dark smoke billowed into the night sky as the pungent smell of burning spread in the air.

The other cars screeched to a halt, and several burly men in black suits approached the scene to assess the situation. Liza was stuck inside the car, her head bleeding. She lay in a coma, surrounded by raging flames.


The next day, Braden had just finished breakfast and was reading the newspaper on the sofa when he received a call from Andy.

“We found Liza.”

Before Braden could respond, the woman in his arms instantly discarded her magazine and sat up. “You found her?” Rachel exclaimed. “Where is she?”

Because of the paparazzi, Rachel decided not to go to Grant'd today and work from home instead.

Braden listened to what Andy had to say and then hung up the phone. He placed it on the table and resumed reading his paper.

“What happened?” Rachel snaked her arm around his and looked up at him with wide, expectant eyes.

“Liza is dead.”

She let out a gasp. “What? How come?”

“It seems that Mrs. Fulton also sent her people to hunt her down. Apparently, Liza drove on the wrong side of the road to escape the chase and was eventually hit by a truck.” Braden’s tone was cold and methodical. He put down his newspaper to lean over and peck her lips. “This is actually a good thing for her.”

But Rachel was unsettled. She didn’t expect Liza to die from an accident, and so suddenly, too.

As if on cue, the news about the very same accident flashed on the TV screen. The crash was so bad that it had caused a small explosion on the highway, which, in turn, caused a major traffic jam. The camera panned over to the burnt car, where the rescuers were in the process of extracting a burnt body. Naturally, the corpse was censored.

“Don’t watch it.” Braden grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. “Liza was driving. She got herself into this accident. She was reckless and stupid. It has nothing to do with us.”

“I understand what you’re saying.” Rachel slowly came back to her senses.

With Liza’ death, this matter was finished. At least for now, anyway. Either way, Rachel still had much work to do.

After pulling herself together, Rachel collected her purse. “Since Liza is dead, there’s no use in going forward with the lawsuit. I need to go to the studio and tell Tina to withdraw it.”

“It can wait. Why don’t you take one more day off, and we go out and relax? The cherry blossoms are in season. Didn’t you always want to see them?” Braden moved as he spoke, gathering her in his arms and pulling her back to the sofa until they were tangled together.

Rachel looked reluctant to stay. “Mr. Grant asked me to manage Grant'd in his absence. I have to take responsibility for my word. I can’t back down just because of some tabloid reporters.”

Braden knew that he couldn’t change her mind.

He released her and said in a serious tone, “You can go to the studio, but don’t be too hard on yourself. You don’t have to shoulder everything.”

He let out a sigh and added, “Homer is a good man, but he is too softhearted. He has to bear some responsibility for what happened as well. If he had dealt with Liza as soon as possible, if he had refused to employ that scum in the first place, we could have avoided so many tragedies.”

Braden’s brows were furrowed. He didn’t like it when a man was indecisive, especially when it was costing other people.

“Well, all right. You can stop talking now. Mr. Grant has a clear mind and heart. He knew everything from the beginning. He’s simply too kind for his own good.” Rachel had to admit that Homer was indeed too softhearted.

The thing with Braden, though, was that he never mixed his emotions with work. He was firm and resolute with his every move, which was also why the Porter Group had grown into the empire that it was today.

Regardless, to each his own. Everyone went through different experiences, which played a part in shaping their individual personalities. It wasn’t entirely bad that Homer was kind. They couldn’t fault him for that.

Braden snorted and rolled his eyes. He nuzzled the crook of her neck and playfully nipped at her skin. “Honey, why are you always siding with other people instead of your husband?”

“I’m not!” Rachel denied vehemently, though her face broke into a wide grin.

Something else occurred to her then. She ran her fingers through Braden’s soft, raven hair. “There’s something I want to ask you. That first photo of me and Homer, was Liza behind that, too?”

Braden was confused. “Why do you say that all of a sudden?”

“Liza was probably still busy cutting up Shaira’s dress by the time I sent Homer home. So how could she have known and tipped the paparazzi to take photos of us? Was she just banking on the possibility that I would be helping Homer out of the car?” Rachel had never pegged Liza to be an insightful woman.

“I’ve checked where the photos were first posted. It’s just an ordinary entertainment magazine.” When Braden saw that she was still frowning, he asked, “What is it? What’s wrong?”

“Who else could it be besides Liza?” Rachel muttered under her breath.

But Braden thought that she was overthinking the matter. “The paparazzi must have been targeting you and Homer for a while now. You did well at the VogueVision Show, so it wouldn’t be surprising if you’ve garnered a bunch of envious rivals.”

“You have a point there. After all, even some of my peers over at Northshire made things difficult for me.” Rachel sighed mournfully. “Well, this should be interesting. I haven’t even made a name for myself as a designer yet, and I’m already involved in several scandals.”

Just this morning, she was browsing a certain website when she came across an article detailing her and Homer’s supposed love story. A rich young lady suffering from an unfortunate marriage and a talented designer presumably met and found a new purpose in life in each other.

Rachel couldn’t help but chuckle at the memory.

Braden narrowed his eyes. He rarely saw this particular smile on her face.

“What are you thinking about?” Before she could answer, however, he pulled her into his arms and pressed a kiss on her lips. “Don’t tell me you’re thinking about that sickly guy, Homer.”

Rachel giggled and told him all about the article.

“What the hell?” Braden struggled to contain his anger as he opened the website and saw the article for himself. After reading only a few lines, he immediately called Andy and instructed him to remove all the articles pertaining to Rachel and Homer and to ban the accounts that were engaging in such tasteless rumors.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

“Why would you ban their accounts?” Rachel complained. “Some of them are my fans, you know. They defended me and showed their support.”

She never imagined having a fan base, at least not this early. She was still just a rookie designer, after all.

Despite that, a good number of netizens were speaking up for her amidst all the slander and hate speech. The only catch was that their wording seemed a little… strange.

“I am a good friend of Rachel’s. I assure you that she will never cheat on her husband. Why would she, when they love each other very much? Her husband spoils her at every turn. Not only that, he is also good-looking and an excellent cook.”

“That’s right! Rachel’s private life is spotless. She goes home on time every day after work. She’s a workaholic who’s obsessed with design. There’s no way she would look at other men apart from her husband.”

“Stop besmirching her name, or you will be receiving a lawyer’s letter from me soon!”

The more Rachel read the comments, the more bizarre the whole situation seemed. She fell into a pensive silence as her mind raced.

No way… Braden couldn’t have anything to do with this, right?

Rachel continued to browse the comment section until she reached the bottom, where she found the most inconspicuous comment yet.

“She is the best wife in the world. I forbid you to spout such nonsense.”

Braden was still barking orders at Andy, so he failed to notice the shift in Rachel’s mood. When he was done, he said, “Stay away from Homer. I don’t like it when people gossip about the two of you.”

Rachel sniffed and pounced on him, hugging him tightly. “I will.”

Braden was taken aback by her prompt compliance. “Good girl,” he crooned and stroked her hair before kissing her cheek.

“Come on, I’ll drive you to the studio.”

Moments later, their car stopped in front of Grant'd.

Rachel thought about the paparazzi that had hounded her at the studio’s entrance last time. She still harbored some fear due to that incident. She couldn’t bring herself to get out of the car as she looked around nervously.

“Are you afraid of the paparazzi?” Braden asked, laughing when he saw her frown.

Rachel glanced at the reporters hiding behind the pillar just outside the studio. She clicked her tongue and sighed. “They’re here to snap some photos secretly, but they don’t even know how to hide themselves properly. I can see all of them from here.”

She didn’t want to get out of the car, but Braden had to go to work, too. He couldn’t just stay and wait for her to muster the courage to expose herself to these intrusive reporters.

“Don’t worry.” Braden gently reassured Rachel, and then got out of the car to open the door for her.

As soon as she stepped out, Rachel was surrounded by an onslaught of blinding flashes and the sound of shutters, the paparazzi swarming towards her like bees. Frightened, she fled back to the safety of her car.

The reporters who had gathered outside the vehicle turned their attention to Braden. “Mr. Porter, how are we going to take photos if Mrs. Porter doesn’t show herself?”

At these words, Rachel looked at Braden in disbelief. “You called the paps here?”

Braden said nothing to deny it. Instead, he led Rachel out of the car and explained, “Someone has to do some damage control. We have to make this believable if you want to convince people that you’re not having an affair with Homer.”

Rachel quickly understood. The next moment, she was slipping an arm around Braden’s shoulder, pulling him closer. It was a picturesque portrayal of intimate lovers — a tall, handsome man and a beautiful woman locked in a tight embrace. The two pulled off a convincing performance.

Rachel planted a soft kiss on Braden’s cheek and leaned on his shoulder, whispering, “I’m going to work, Honey.” Braden responded by turning his body to capture her lips.

Heat flooded Rachel’s face as Braden kept on kissing her, paying no mind to the pairs of eyes locked on them. She had never kissed her husband so passionately in public like this before. It took a moment to gather her wits, the sensual movement of his lips making her knees weak. Pushing him away, she complained, “They’re taking pictures.”

Braden looked down at her burning face with a wicked smirk. He let her go, raising a finger to gently flick at the tip of her nose. “Exactly. I gave them good material. Now go in, you little scaredy cat.”

Holding her flaming cheeks in her hands, Rachel walked into the studio.

A familiar face greeted her once she was inside. Olive had come back. It had been nearly a month since they last saw each other, and Olive was looking much better than before.

“This is rare. You’re late for once,” Olive said softly.

Rachel was unable to hide her excitement at seeing her. She walked over to Olive quickly, beaming as she took her hands. “You seem well. I’m glad. How’s your aunt?”

Olive returned her smile with one of her own. “She was discharged from the hospital a few weeks ago. I can’t thank Braden enough for helping us find the best doctor. My aunt wanted to thank you too. She’s very grateful. She said that you have to taste the desserts she makes next time.”

Rachel nodded, her smile never leaving her lips. By now, some of the excitement from the warm reunion had dissipated, and Olive had become aware of the eyes watching them. Rachel then turned to the staff and explained in a loud voice, “From today on, Olive will be back to work. As for the rumors about me and Mr. Grant, Liza might have been the one behind them. However, even if I want to take legal action, Liza had been in a car accident that killed her yesterday. There is no other way but to let it go.”

The disaster from the day before had been a serious incident. The national highway was blocked off, and the media flocked to the site to report on the situation.

Everyone in the studio had seen the news, but none of them knew that the victim was Liza.

A heavy silence fell upon the room. Liza had worked in the design studio for a long time, and the sudden news of her death came as a shock to all of the staff members.

Olive’s voice then pierced through the gloom that had enveloped the space. “I know that this is a lot to take in. You have worked with Liza for a long time, so it’s understandable that you would feel shocked. However, we cannot afford to let this loss drag us down. A lot of things have happened to Grant'd, and with Mr. Grant’s absence, we have a lot on our shoulders. It’s not going to be easy, but this is also precisely why we can’t lose focus at such a crucial time. We can’t let the name of our brand fall behind. Our other competitors would make a mockery out of us.”

Olive rarely expressed herself in so many words.

Hearing this, Tina couldn’t help but chime in, “I… I also think Grant'd needs everyone! We should stick together and all do our best!”


A few smiles and small chuckles broke out from the crowd following Olive’s nervous but earnest declaration. With that, the air in the room grew lighter, and stiff bodies gradually relaxed.

Rachel raised her chin and said with an encouraging smile, “We all want what’s best for Grant'd. And we need everyone’s help to achieve that.”

The sound of footsteps and chairs being pulled filled the room as the staff members returned to their desks. Rachel tugged at the corner of Olive’s clothes and pulled her aside. “Why did you come back so soon?” Rachel asked curiously.

Hans' violent assault had shaken Olive greatly. Rachel had thought that she should be taking a long period off to prioritize her recovery.

At the same time, she didn’t know how to tell Olive that Hans had taken his own life in the police station.

Olive said in a quiet voice, “I am aware that recently something has happened to the studio, so I asked Mr. Grant if I could return to work early. I assume you may need assistance at this time.”

From what Olive could tell, rumors about Homer and Rachel had gone viral on the Internet. Furthermore, the automobile involved in the accident reported on today’s news had the same license plate number as Liza’ car. It was clear to Olive that Grant'd had been through a lot in her absence, and she worried that this would bring about some internal turmoil.

Homer had always wished Olive could return to work, so when she proposed it, he immediately agreed.

“When Liza left, she left quite a mess behind. You returned just at the critical moment.” Rachel was thrilled that Olive was able to return to Grant'd.

But Rachel was hesitant when she thought of Hans. “Do you know that Hans committed suicide while in the police station?” she asked.

The expression on Olive’s face changed.

She was not smiling anymore and seemed a little down. “I know. I just got a call from the cops.”

She drew a deep breath and added, “Although I was shocked at the moment, I felt relieved when I thought back on it. Rachel, I want to thank you and Braden for everything. I am finally free.”

She ran her fingers over the scars on her hand. All of them were left by Hans, but now that he was deceased, she could begin a new life.

Rachel also felt relieved. It was good that Olive was able to let go of it.

A grin forming on her face, she replied, “I intended to console you, but it seems that you don’t need it.”

After a short pause, Olive replied, “Tell me if there’s anything I can help with. That day, my aunt and I might have been killed by Hans if not for you and Braden.”

“That’s nothing; we just happened to be looking for Hans at the moment. But please, I am indeed hoping that you can help me with something.” Blinking her gorgeous eyes, Rachel said, “Since Mr. Grant is not around for the time being and you are his most talented apprentice, how about you give me some design advice? I want to make my design skills more flawless.”

Rachel’s request surprised Olive because of how small it was, given that Olive had been eager to hear it. She sighed and grinned helplessly as she shook her head. “Okay, you two, get ready. This afternoon, there’s a whole new project waiting for us.” Tina walked over to them, smiled, and handed them the documents.

“What? It’s from a foreign client!” For some reason, Rachel was really intrigued.

Tina added, “It was a client with whom Grant'd had never conducted business before. He said he was a well-known model who lived overseas for many years and who had just relocated to our nation for professional growth. His manager called and informed us that he needs an outfit for an exclusive interview with a well-known local magazine.”

Joy flooded Rachel’s heart. She was convinced that this was a fantastic chance. But upon opening the file, she saw that Derek was the client!

“How come it’s this guy?!” Rachel was caught unawares!

That day at the airport, she recalled, Derek had promised that he and Grant'd would work together in no time. She was surprised by how true that turned out to be.

“Are you familiar with this guy?” Olive looked at the picture for a while before commenting, “He’s a face I’ve seen. I’m quite sure I’ve already met him.”

“He is the same model presenting Grant'd’ last outfit at the VogueVision Show.” Rachel closed the file and asked, “Could you by any chance be interested in taking over this project? Creating Shaira’s outfits is already suffocating me.”

Olive paused, holding the document in her hands.

“The order is substantial. If you give it to me directly, I’ll assume it’s your charity. I believe it is preferable to let Derek pick his designer.”

Rachel felt embarrassed. Actually, she preferred to avoid any interaction with Derek.

Olive, however, did not give her a chance to speak. “You need not be concerned about my situation. I shall give it my all whether I succeed or fail.”

Forcing a smile, Rachel felt helpless.

The midday sun was nice and toasty. Meadowview’s early autumn arrived gently with the dropping of the first golden ginkgo leaf.

Derek stepped out of a refurbished business car that had just pulled up in front of Grant'd Studio. He removed his shades and looked around curiously.

He then raised an eyebrow and said, “Is it here, Walter? Where is the sign?”

Walter encouraged Derek to maintain a low profile when they went out. This place was distinct in comparison to abroad. The media would make a big deal out of anything trivial. However, Derek’s extravagant attire indicated that he did not take Walter’s words seriously. Walter had no choice but to discreetly wipe away his perspiration.

“It’s here. Come on, let’s get inside.” Walter escorted Derek into the studio.

Derek walked behind him. The moment he entered the studio, a stir ensued. He had a magnetic pull on all the female designers.

“Derek is much more attractive in person!”

“Derek was the least photogenic model, according to a reporter. In all honesty, I am taken aback by how handsome he actually is.”

“He glanced over! Oh my, he seems to be focusing on me!” Derek, with a little smile on his lips, stared out into the throng. He went to great lengths to be ready for his trip, and he was happy with himself.


Derek had anticipated seeing Rachel. He was curious about her reaction when she saw him and regarded himself as more desirable than her spouse because of his youth and good looks.

On the other hand, he hadn’t seen Rachel since he walked in. Even the designer sitting in the front seat paid him no mind.

Derek grimaced and approached the designer who seemed to ignore him. “Hello, lovely lady! I’m Derek Ross. Is the designer responsible for my project here?”

As soon as Derek walked into the studio, Tina heard the noise but felt indifferent to the dashing man in front of her. She got to her feet and said, “Just a sec, please. Let me show you to the VIP area first.”

“Appreciate it.” Derek’s lips pursed as he noticed Tina’s growing baby bump. That explained her lack of interest in him—she was expecting.

Tina noticed Derek looking at her and felt awkward. Despite being a major celebrity model, Derek’s antics seemed immature.

Derek looked around the studio as they walked to the VIP area, but he couldn’t spot the face he had been picturing.

“What is it that you seek, Mr. Ross? The restroom is on the left down that corridor—if that’s what you’re looking for,” Tina offered.

With a hint of shame, Derek admitted, “I need to see Rachel. During my time at Northshire, she looked after me. I’d like to speak with her this time.”

Tina recalled Rachel’s instructions to inform Derek that she was not available if he asked.

“Rachel hasn’t shown up to work today. This morning, she went to attend to other obligations,” Tina said politely. “Please don’t worry, Mr. Ross. The designer who will be handling your order is a seasoned pro as well. It is safe to say that she is Mr. Grant’s most devoted student. Get her input on the plan first.”

Derek’s grin faded into disappointment. “Well, I see.”

Derek entered the VIP area after Tina, who had been absent-minded. Olive had spent a long time preparing the necessary materials. “Good afternoon, Mr. Ross,” she greeted. After exchanging pleasantries, the two got right down to business. Generally speaking, Olive was a cautious person. She probed Derek on the interview’s overarching subject and his own tastes.

Derek placed one hand on the sofa while casually flipping through a magazine with the other. Clearly preoccupied, he mumbled answers to Olive’s questions.

Eventually, Walter could no longer tolerate the situation. He approached Olive with a smile, saying, “I’m sorry, Miss. Derek has been inundated with obligations since his return. He’s been really busy and may seem absent-minded. He’s just tired.”

Then he nudged Derek, who was nearly falling asleep on the sofa.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ve asked sufficient questions. Do you have any questions, Mr. Ross?” Olive asked patiently despite her discomfort.

Derek dropped his gaze and said, “When will Rachel return?”

Olive was puzzled. Rachel had been sketching at her office all day, hadn’t she?

Unfortunately, she fumbled with the truth and said, “Rachel is still around. She hasn’t been seen outside of the office at all. I can ask her to come to the meeting if necessary.”

Derek tossed the magazine he was holding and said loudly, “I knew Rachel is avoiding me on purpose!”

He gave Olive a sour glance and said, “Go and bring Rachel here!”

Rachel was hiding in the tea room, her laptop in her arms, humming a tune as she munched on biscuits.

The next moment, her phone screen lit up with a message from Olive, asking her to go to the VIP room immediately. “Damn it! I had just told Tina! I really should have also told Olive!” Knowing she had been found out, Rachel sighed regretfully.

She had no choice but to go to the VIP room now.

“What can I do for you?” Rachel had intended to explain but ended up saying, “I didn’t show up because Olive would be in charge of the project.”

“As the client, I have the right to choose the designer,” Derek said, arching his brow in dissatisfaction. “That is true,” Rachel had no choice but to acquiesce.

Without missing a beat, Derek said, “Then I’ll appoint you as the sole designer for this project. Can you now stay and discuss the plan with me?”

Rachel was struck dumb for a moment, her mouth gaping as she turned to Olive.

“Mr. Ross has decided. Work hard.” Olive felt a slight disappointment at how things turned out but kept it from showing. She was confident Rachel would do an excellent job. “I’ll excuse myself so you can continue your discussion.”

“Stay here, Olive,” Rachel said, stopping her.

She met Derek’s gaze and said, “Olive is more than qualified for this project. Before I came here, the two of you were having a good conversation, and now you suddenly want to switch designers. Is there anything you’re dissatisfied with?”

Rachel had seen Olive sorting out documents and preparing for the project during lunch. Olive had taken every design seriously, and this partnership with Derek would be her first project after returning to Grant'd. Rachel knew how hard Olive worked. Even though Olive would be professional and never show disappointment, Rachel didn’t want her to feel undervalued.

The question caught Derek off-guard. He hadn’t paid much attention to Olive until now. He barely listened to her detailed plan; he just wanted an excuse to send her away because it was Rachel he wanted to see.

He looked through the documents Olive had brought. Her ideas were impeccable, meticulously thought out with no criticism possible. Derek had to come up with another excuse. His eyes inadvertently caught a glimpse of the scar on Olive’s palm.

It looked new and deep, indicating a recent injury.

“Miss Mercier, the wound on your hand seems to be very deep. Are you still able to draw well?” Derek asked slowly, his eyes fixed on her wound.

Olive instinctively drew her hand back, her face turning pale as she hid it in her pocket. “Yes, I can do it.”

Derek picked up a sheet of paper from the table and threw it along with a pen in front of her. “Then please draw a concept sketch first,” he said arrogantly.

Olive bit her lip. She hadn’t picked up a pen since her injury.

Rachel’s displeasure was evident as she turned to Derek. “Stop making a big deal out of nothing.”

Derek furrowed his brows and said, feigning seriousness, “I’m not asking for much. If Miss Mercier is really as qualified as you said, this should be simple.”


“You…” Rachel’s eyes began to turn icy as she was about to snap at Derek when Olive stopped her.

“I’ll do it. We should avoid getting into conflicts with each other for this project.” Olive felt caught in the middle of a brewing storm between the two of them.

She picked up the pen and started to draw. As her hand moved across the page, a sudden burst of pain radiated from her wound. The pen dropped to the ground with a clatter.

Olive crouched down to pick it up. “I’m sorry,” she said awkwardly. “It slipped because my grip was a little loose.”

Derek could tell with one glance that Olive was downplaying her injury. It was a deep enough cut that normal use of her hand was not possible.

“Miss Mercier, you’ve hurt your hand badly. I can’t trust a designer who can’t even hold a pen right.”

He turned to look at Rachel with a smug smile. “This is why I said I was choosing you. Any more objections?”

It took everything in Rachel not to let her fury boil over at the sight of Derek’s triumphant face. Focusing instead on Olive, Rachel held her arm and said, “You don’t look too good. Do you want to go out and take a break?”

Olive crumpled the paper in her hand, the movement sending a dull pain crawling across her palm. Without another word, her eyes downcast with gloomy shadows.

Seeing the crestfallen look in Olive’s eyes made Rachel want to chase after her.

“Are you seriously leaving me, your client, alone here?” Derek leaned back against the sofa, his long legs crossed gracefully. There was not an ounce of guilt on his face.

Rachel gritted her teeth and turned to him. “Are you out of your mind? Or do you just not have a brain at all? That was so cruel! How could you say that to her? Our design drafts are done through specialized software. It’s not necessary for the designer to complete everything by hand. She could do just as well with her injury.”

Derek wasn’t interested in any of it. He turned his attention to the ring on his finger, playing nonchalantly with the band. “You avoided me on purpose, so I had no choice. If you hadn’t questioned my decision, I wouldn’t have had to find fault with Miss Mercier.”

“Now you’re blaming me?” Rachel was furious. After taking several deep breaths to calm herself down, she opened the door of the VIP room and said, “Please leave, Mr. Ross. I’m afraid we can’t accept this project.”

Walter quickly stepped in to smooth out the situation. He had tried so hard and was now finally about to secure a design project from Grant'd Studio. Nothing could go wrong now! “Please, let’s talk about this calmly. I’m sure we can come up with a compromise. You’ve been at the VogueVision Show last time. You know better than anyone that Derek is the perfect model for Grant'd’ designs. The interview is also very important to Derek.”

Once Rachel had made up her mind, however, she was as immovable as a boulder. Leaning against the door, she refused, “Our designers can’t help him. You’ll have to find someone else.”

It was then that it dawned on Derek how angry Rachel was. With a frown, he asked, “Are you that mad about it? Why do you have to take this so seriously?”

“You can see yourself out.” With that, Rachel simply turned around and walked out of the room.

Walter shot a cold glare at Derek. “What the hell did you just do?”

Derek brought a hand towards his forehead, kneading his temple as tension gathered in that spot. He looked at the file that Olive had left.

The materials she had prepared were perfect, and he could tell that she was serious about her job. He wouldn’t have acted so childishly if he hadn’t been angry with Rachel.

Rubbing his face with his palm, he admitted, “It was my fault. I shouldn’t have been mean to that designer.”

Walter rolled his eyes inwardly. Derek had always been like this— not realizing the consequences of his actions until the damage had already been done.

After leaving the room, Rachel looked around the studio to find Olive, but there was no sign of her. She paused her search and thought for a while, and then headed straight for the rooftop.

There was Olive, leaning against the railing that overlooked the business district below.

“This brings me way back. You had always come here during lunch break.” Olive was looking down, her hands clasped together. As Rachel walked over, she saw the tear stains that had been drying on Olive’s cheeks.

Olive finally spoke, sniffing and wiping her eyes. “The wind is really strong today. I think something got in my eye.”

Not even a light breeze disturbed the world that was standing perfectly still.

Rachel said nothing about Olive’s obvious lie and asked instead, “How’s your wound?”

A bitter smile broke through Olive’s lips. “I’ve gone to see several doctors. They all said the same thing— the wound had already healed. But every time I pick up a pen, my hand will shake. I can’t control it.”

Fear swallowed Olive. Would she ever be able to draw again?

Rachel felt an overwhelming desire to comfort Olive, but she was not sure what to say. She let the silence stretch for a moment before speaking, “Olive, don’t tell anyone about this. You have to keep trying. Don’t give up on treatment. I know a doctor with great medical achievements. Maybe he can help.” Rachel handed Olive a business card.

“Booker Bronson?” Olive gaped at the name on the paper. “There’s no way such a renowned doctor would even spare time to see me.”

Booker Bronson was a prominent name. His influence had such a wide reach that even people who weren’t from the medical field recognized him.

“A famous doctor is still a doctor. He is duty-bound to save lives and treat people. It’s not like you would ask him to treat you for free. You’re a patient. He wouldn’t refuse,” Rachel placed a comforting hand on Olive’s shoulder and smiled.

The two walked down from the rooftop together after a while. When they returned to the studio, they found Derek and his manager still waiting inside the VIP room.

“Mr. Ross, our meeting is over. Please leave. We need this room. We have other clients to attend to later,” Rachel said icily.

Derek had been dejected since she walked out on him. He felt like a child who had gotten into mischief. Even now, he could still feel Walter’s glare on him, silently pressuring him to apologize. “Forgive me, Miss Mercier. I was out of line and I said incredibly rude things to you. I sincerely apologize.”


Olive shook her head, refusing to blame Derek. "You're right, Mr. Ross. I haven't fully recovered from my injury. I'm sorry for being unprofessional."

Rachel was right; Olive needed to see a doctor for her hand tremors if she wanted to continue as a designer.

Walter quickly spoke up for Derek. "Please don't take it to heart, Miss Mercier. Derek has reflected deeply on his words and actions. We believe you are capable of completing this project."

After Rachel stormed out of the room, Derek carefully reviewed the project files. The designs were clearly the work of a perfectionist, and Olive had ensured nothing was out of place.

"I've never seen anything like it before. Your ideas are unique, and I like them," Derek said after his review. He found nothing lacking in the plans and saw no need to change the designer. Olive hesitated. "But my injury..."

Rachel had already guessed Olive might refuse. "Just say yes," she interrupted. "The interview is still four months away. We have plenty of time."

"Mr. Ross is a valuable client. We can't risk a project of this importance over something uncertain," Olive reasoned, still unconvinced.

"The more I listen to you, the more ridiculous you sound. Have you forgotten? I'm your partner. There's no way we would fail," Rachel said, holding Olive's arm and winking playfully.

Olive was deeply touched. Rachel believed in her so much, pushing her forward when her confidence was wavering. "Alright. You win, Rachel."

With a helpless smile, Olive finally agreed. "I look forward to this partnership."

Derek reached out his hand to Olive. She shook it, her determination steadily growing. The deal was finally closed.

"Great! Whew. Haha..." Walter sighed with relief. "Now that the partnership is decided, Derek and I will head out. He has a shoot for an advertisement scheduled tonight."

"I'll walk you out," Rachel said, looking at Derek. Together, the three walked out of Grant'd.

While waiting for Walter to bring the car over, Derek took advantage of the relaxed atmosphere to apologize to Rachel. "I was too harsh earlier. I'm sorry. I've had everything go my way since I was young, so I'm not used to not getting what I want. I can be arrogant sometimes, but I'm trying to change that. Walter doesn't let me get away with it, and I've gotten better at handling myself, especially after entering the modeling industry. But I guess old habits die hard."

"It's fine. It was just a small misunderstanding. It's not a big deal," Rachel accepted his apology, then reminded Derek, "I'm married, Derek. We should keep an appropriate distance from each other. It wouldn't be good for your reputation either. You have a career to protect."

Rachel had just resolved the rumors about her and Homer and knew how troublesome gossip could be. The last thing she needed was another scandal with Derek. She didn't even want to imagine how Braden would react.

However, Derek wasn't particularly fazed. He had lived abroad and was more liberal about many things, no stranger to dating multiple girls at the same time.

"So you'll have an affair with Homer but not me?" Derek bent down and stared at Rachel. She grew more beautiful the longer he looked at her.

Before she could speak, he came close and whispered, his breath fanning her ear, "I like you a lot, Rachel." Derek's eyes were dark with desire. "Don't worry. Walter knows how to handle secrets. No one will know about us."

Expressionlessly, Rachel pushed Derek away, maintaining a pointed distance. "The rumors about Mr. Grant and me are all fake. I'm deeply in love with my husband, and I don't have time to play with a little boy like you."

"What little boy? Rachel! I'm already 20 years old!" Derek frowned and petulantly asked, "How old are you?"

Rubbing her forehead, Rachel explained, "You misunderstood me. Please listen to what I'm trying to say. You don't really like me like that. Not really. You're just enjoying the idea of taking something away from someone else."

Derek grabbed Rachel's arm, denying everything she said. "You have to give me a chance. I'll prove myself to you." Despite his serious tone, Rachel was convinced he hadn't understood a single thing she'd said.

Sighing deeply, Rachel composed herself and said, "I'm sorry, but I can't give you this chance. You have to learn that you can't just flirt with anyone you fancy."

Rachel thought of Kristian. He used to be such a playboy himself, but now... he was utterly Nadia's.

However, she couldn't really compare Derek and Kristian. Rachel had no idea what Derek would grow up to be.

"I'm a desperate man, being rejected by my true love. Will no one show me mercy but God?!" Derek cried, his eyebrows raising to the skies. Rachel was growing increasingly annoyed at his behavior.

Rachel rolled her eyes, realizing what a waste of time and energy it was to try to persuade Derek to alter his course. "Then you can go pray to God now. I have to get back to work. Take care, Mr. Ross." Rachel turned and left.

Derek collapsed into depression. She'd scolded him for no reason!

He told himself he wasn't obsessed. Derek could get any woman he wanted. But, then, why couldn't he get Rachel?

All this time, Walter had been impatiently waiting in the car outside. "Derek, get in already," he said.

Derek followed his order but not silently. He sat down and emphatically slammed the door, emphasizing his anger with a loud bang.

"Were you just fighting with Rachel? Judging by how red your faces got, it looked like quite the argument," Walter said lightheartedly. In truth, however, he was worried Derek had messed up badly again and he'd have to deal with it. Derek was in no mood to speak, so he just replied with a small "No."

Walter pointedly smacked his lips together. He could see how dejected and upset Derek looked in the rearview mirror. The last time he'd been like this was when he was bullied by other models when he first entered the industry.

"If you have something to say, out with it already!" Walter said. "I promise not to speak a word of it to anyone. You'll feel better if you just tell me now rather than crying to yourself alone at home tonight. If you bottle it up that long, it'll just interfere with your work tomorrow." Walter sighed.

After not responding for a while, Derek finally replied, "Walter, I don't have any idea what love actually is, do I?" This was unbelievable. Why was such a playboy as Derek asking a bachelor like Walter for advice in this area?

Walter looked back at him in the rearview mirror and burst into laughter. "You're talking crazy. True love isn't for everyone."

Seeing Derek lean against the window, lost in thought, Walter changed his tone to a more serious one. "Your fans won't accept you finding true love now, anyway. Just stick to your job, and stop worrying."

Derek gave a small, humorless laugh. He said nothing more. He opened his window, letting the cool wind from outside wash across his troubled face. Finally, he began to relax.

Meanwhile, outside a private hospital in Meadowview... After work, Olive rushed there, having found the location on Booker's business card. The hospital was very quiet, with few nurses around.

Olive dialed the phone number on Booker's business card. After a few rings, there was still no answer. When she saw a nurse pass by, Olive caught her attention and asked, "Can you tell me where Dr. Bronson's office is?"

"First left down that hallway," the nurse pointed the way and proceeded down the hallway, documents in hand.


Olive walked into the office at the corner and saw Booker’s nameplate on the door. She knocked. “Hello? Dr. Bronson? Are you in there?”

The door budged, but no one answered.

Olive gently pushed the door open and looked around. The office was empty.

Just then, a nurse came out of the office next to Booker’s. Olive asked her, “Hello. Is Dr. Bronson still operating at this time?” The nurse, focused on her clipboard, replied, “I’m not sure, but it’s late, so he’s probably out for dinner. You can wait for him in his office if you want.”

Olive nodded and went back into Booker’s office, making herself comfortable.

Booker’s office was different from what Olive had imagined. Doctors on TV always seemed so neat. Everything had its place and was perfectly arranged.

In contrast, Booker’s office was in a state of organized chaos. Books and other materials were scattered randomly. The office was decorated very simply, with just a desk and a few chairs.

A pillow was on the floor beside the lounge chair. Olive picked it up and, without really thinking about it, began to tidy the place.

When she finished, she checked the time and realized that almost an hour had passed. It was getting dark outside.

Not wanting to wait in vain, she called Rachel. “Rachel, I think Dr. Bronson isn’t here. I’ve been waiting a long time, but I haven’t seen him. How about I come back tomorrow?” Olive felt helpless.

At this time, Rachel was already home, lying in her man’s arms and watching TV. She replied, “That’s impossible. I asked Braden to call the hospital, and he told me Booker was still there. You can wait a little longer. Maybe he’s almost done with whatever he’s doing.”

“But I’m afraid he’ll just tell me the same thing. I’ve seen several doctors before.” Olive was worried that Booker would say he didn’t know what was wrong with her hand and had no idea how to fix it. “Maybe the doctors you saw before didn’t do a thorough examination,” Rachel comforted her over the phone.

“You always say nice things, don’t you?” Olive sat on the chair, feeling exhausted.

“It’s impossible that your hand can’t be cured. If anyone can fix it, it’s Booker. He’s legendary in the medical industry.” Noticing Olive’s voice was low, Rachel felt concerned.

Olive pursed her lips and, with a bitter smile, said, “If my hand is a lost cause… Then maybe it’s retribution.”

Feeling more anxious, Rachel replied, “Don’t be so negative. Booker is a great doctor. I’m sure he can help you. And did I mention he’s also good-looking? You can– Ouch! Braden! Why did you pinch me?”

Olive felt even more depressed. She sighed and said, “I’ll let you go now. You just got home from work. You should rest. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

Before Rachel could say anything else, Olive hung up and left Booker’s office.

But as soon as she walked out the door, she bumped into a male doctor who was taking off his surgical gown.

“I’m sorry,” the doctor apologized without looking up.

Olive looked at him and saw he looked exhausted, with dark circles under his eyes. He put his lab coat over his shoulder, walked past Olive like a ghost, and shuffled into Booker’s office.

Then, Olive snapped back to her senses. Was that man Booker Bronson?

But he looked totally different from what Rachel had described. He was disheveled and appeared dispirited.

Olive hesitated for a few seconds and then followed him into the office. When she entered, the doctor was sitting at the desk, motionless and downcast.

Olive knocked on the door twice, cleared her throat, and asked, “Hi. Are you Dr. Bronson?”

Booker kept quiet, his hand covering his forehead. He seemed troubled. “Dr. Bronson, I…” Olive tried but still failed to come closer.

Without raising his head, Booker said coldly, “Please go out. I’m not working today. All appointments have been postponed.”

Olive was instantly discouraged. She expected Booker to be professional. But sometimes, reputable doctors could be impudent. She said nothing more and turned to leave, feeling unsatisfied. To her surprise, the door she had just closed wouldn’t open!

Olive twisted the doorknob again and again, anxiety rising. But no matter how hard she tried, the door wouldn’t budge. She turned to Booker, embarrassment evident in her voice as she explained, “It’s not that I don’t want to leave. I just can’t open the door.”

“Why did you close the door?” Booker asked, sounding distressed. “The lock is broken. Once the door closes, it won’t open. I haven’t had it fixed yet.” As he spoke, Booker stood up, heading for the lounge chair to lie down.

Booker massaged his eyebrows, seemingly out of energy. Frustration took over Olive. She hadn’t realized why Booker had kept his office door open from the beginning.

Apparently, the lock was broken.

“I’m so sorry.” Olive apologized and cautiously suggested, “Do you know any of the nurses’ numbers? We can call them and ask them to find a locksmith to open it.” She went back and sat on the chair, looking at the man on the lounge chair.

“I don’t save the nurses’ numbers in my phone.” Booker’s voice was so low it was almost a whisper.

Olive clutched her bag, unsure of what to say or do. Finally, she got up and walked back to the door, thinking of calling out for help. Then she heard a snore from behind her.

She looked back and saw Booker on the lounge chair, deep in sleep. He had his legs crossed and an arm covering his eyes.

Their awkward situation made Olive uneasy and self-conscious. She knew better than to wake him, so she remained silent. Olive slumped back on the chair, bored, and picked up a random book from the room. But the medical book made no sense to her. All she did was scan the human anatomy sketches inside.

While she was reading, Rachel sent her a message asking if she had gone home since she said earlier she couldn’t find Booker.

Olive sensed Rachel’s anger and anxiety from her words. She explained that she didn’t leave but waited patiently for Booker’s treatment.

Then Rachel asked her impression of Booker.

Phone in hand, Olive turned toward the sleeping man, studying him from head to toe.

Booker had a tall nose and thin lips with sharp edges. Even without seeing his entire face, she could tell how cold and indifferent he must look.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

Booker looked worn out, his usual handsomeness faded by exhaustion.

Olive confided in Rachel about how Booker seemed unprofessional and too relaxed. They talked for a bit more before ending their conversation. Booker stayed asleep the whole time.

Olive sighed, her gaze wandering around Booker's office. A photo on the desk caught her eye. In it, Booker wore a suit and had a vibrant look, likely from his med school graduation. Compared to now, being a doctor seemed to have taken a toll on him.

Booker shifted in his sleep, curling up as if he was cold. Maybe the window wasn’t closed properly, letting in a draft. Olive stood up, looking for a blanket but found none. She removed her coat and placed it over Booker. His furrowed brows relaxed, and he slept more soundly.

Leaning against the desk, Olive propped her chin and watched him sleep. She had skipped dinner to see Booker and now felt the fatigue setting in. She yawned and soon fell asleep.

It was drizzling outside when Booker woke up. His breathing was heavy, and sweat covered his forehead. It took him a few seconds to realize he was no longer in the operating room. Relieved, he rubbed his eyes to wake up fully. His dream felt so real.

In his dream, the operation had failed, and the patient’s parents chased him, blaming him for their child’s death. The child’s mother slapped him, crying in grief, begging him to bring her child back.

Booker’s temples throbbed as memories flooded back. As he got up to get a glass of water, the coat slipped off his back and onto the floor. He picked it up, realizing it was a woman’s coat, and placed it on a chair. He glanced at Olive, resting her head on the table.

She must be the owner of the coat. After drinking some water, Booker lightly tapped the table to wake her. Olive stirred and looked up, still groggy.

Booker sat back and studied her face, unable to recognize her as any patient’s family member. Maybe she was a patient herself.

She looked pale and tired, tall and thin, almost like a model. “Are you a patient here? Why are you in my office without permission?” Booker asked, putting on his white coat, which made him look more doctor-like despite the dark circles under his eyes.

Olive felt confused and annoyed. Booker had told her he wouldn’t see any patients today. Then the door broke, and he fell asleep, trapping her in the room for hours!

“Can you open the door?” she snapped. “I couldn’t get out because the door wouldn’t open!”

Booker remembered the broken door. Feeling embarrassed, he said, “Sorry about that. I’ll call the repairman right away. Just wait a moment.”

Olive nodded, feeling calmer now that the misunderstanding was cleared up. She sat and waited for the repairman.

Soon, Rami arrived to fix the door. “Dr. Bronson, your door is awful. You should get a new one with a smart lock,” Rami said as he worked. “All the doors here are the same. I’ll just stick with it. Thanks for coming, Rami,” Booker said, handing him a pack of cigarettes. “For your trouble.”

“Thanks, Doc!” Rami smiled, noticing Olive. “Oh, your girlfriend is here too.”

“She’s my patient,” Booker corrected before Olive could speak. Rami finished and left.

Booker turned to Olive. “Come back another time. I’m not feeling well today. You can get a refund for the appointment from the nurses.”

Olive, though disappointed, knew she had no choice. She grabbed her purse and stood up, surprisingly not angry but sad.

“I didn’t pay for the appointment. Rachel recommended you. Since you’re busy, I’ll reschedule.”

“Wait a second.” Booker remembered Rachel’s message about Olive but had been too busy to respond.

“Do you have anything else to say?” Olive asked, puzzled.


"Right, Rachel did message me. I was in the middle of surgery at the time... I apologize," Booker said, rubbing his temples. "Come inside. Let me check on you. How are you feeling?"

Olive interrupted, "Forget it, Dr. Bronson. You look exhausted. Take a break. I'll come back another time."

Olive didn't want to hear anything unpleasant. She had gathered the courage to come, and now it seemed it wasn't meant to be. She left quickly.

"Hey..." Booker ran out after her but bumped into Rami again, spilling Rami's toolbox everywhere.

"Why are you back, Rami?" Booker knelt to help him pick up the tools.

"You owe me money," Rami said, noticing Booker's distracted gaze. "So she's not your girlfriend, huh? You can't keep looking at her like that then, Dr. Bronson. She's quite the looker!"

Booker handed Rami a hundred-dollar bill. "She's not my girlfriend. Keep the change. If the door breaks again, I'll call you."

He rushed after Olive, who was waiting for the elevator. Rachel texted her to ask how it went and if Booker suggested any treatment. Olive reassured her friend she would take care of herself and asked Rachel not to worry.

Olive sent the message and got into the elevator. Two nurses joined her, discussing a medical dispute.

"Our hospital had a medical dispute," one nurse said quietly.

"Yes. Dr. Bronson is my idol. He must be in so much pain. He lost a seven-year-old patient he had cared for for four years. The boy’s mother blamed him for the death," the short-haired nurse explained.

"Keep your voice down," the other nurse warned, noticing Olive nearby.

Olive pretended not to hear, now understanding why Booker seemed so down. She left the elevator, intending to check on Booker again, but heard footsteps. Booker came running, breathless.

He handed her the coat. "You forgot this."

"Thanks," Olive said, taking it.

"I should be thanking you," Booker replied. "I noticed all the documents on the table were tidied up. Was it you?"

"I'm sorry. I moved your things without permission. I'm a neat freak," Olive admitted, embarrassed.

"I was busy with a surgery, and my desk was a mess. I thought you were a patient who snuck in without an appointment. I'm sorry for my attitude," Booker apologized.

"It's okay," Olive said. "I'm not here for treatment anyway. I'm afraid of what doctors might say. I've seen several, and they all gave the same diagnosis. I was afraid it would be the same this time."

Olive turned to leave but paused when she saw a dirty handprint on her coat.

"My hands must have gotten stained helping Rami pick up his tools," Booker said sheepishly.

Olive smiled at his awkwardness. Booker cleared his throat and took back her coat. "I'll have it cleaned and brought back to you."

"Okay," Olive agreed. She didn't know what else to say.

"Let's sit and chat," Booker suggested, pointing to a nearby bench. "I've seen your medical records. Most hand troubles are caused by nerve damage, and the chances of recovery are high."

"But some patients never recover, right? Do their hands tremble for life?" Olive asked, nervous.

"Everyone's different," Booker replied gently. "I can't guarantee anything. Recovery depends a lot on the patient's will. The treatment process isn't easy."

Olive seemed lost in thought, staring at her injured hand. Memories of Hans waving the knife at her made her fingers tremble, and the wound ached.

Booker's stomach growled, breaking her reverie. Olive asked, "Dr. Bronson, would you like to have dinner?"

Booker stood, embarrassed. "You waited a long time. Rachel told me you came straight from work. You probably haven't eaten either. How about dinner? My treat, to apologize for earlier."

At the mention of Rachel, Olive's mood softened. "I've troubled her too much."


Booker smiled, thinking of Rachel and Braden. "Well, she and her husband both care a lot about their friends..."

He kept the last part about always cleaning up their messes to himself.

"Sorry, what did you say?" Olive hadn’t heard him clearly.

"Nothing," Booker replied, shaking his head. "Shall we have dinner?" He looked at her expectantly.

"I’d love that," Olive said, smiling. She was indeed very hungry.

Booker nodded. "Just wait for me here for a moment. I’ve been on duty for two days and haven’t changed my clothes. I don’t think the restaurant would let me in like this." He walked over to his office.

Olive remained on the bench, waiting. Booker emerged about ten minutes later, looking clean and tidy in a white sweater and shoes, contrasting trousers, and well-groomed hair. Despite his usual cold demeanor, he was undeniably handsome.

Olive suddenly understood why Rachel said Booker was very good-looking.

Seeing Olive staring at him, Booker touched his face and asked, "Is there something on my face?"

Olive snapped out of her daze and looked away. "I saw the photo on your desk. I was just thinking that being a doctor must be tough. It makes people look tired and stressed. You look just the same as you did before now that you’ve changed clothes and brushed your hair."

Booker nodded silently. "Do you usually praise others so emotionlessly? Did Rachel tell you that you look scary when you’re angry?"

Olive replied in surprise, "When was I angry with you?"

"When you walked out of my office. I thought I said something that made you angry," Booker recalled.

Olive thought for a moment. "I was born with a stony face, and because of this, no one dared to provoke me. I wasn’t really angry with you. Please don’t mind me."

Booker smiled. "You look good when you smile. You should smile more often. There’s a good French restaurant nearby. We can eat there."

Olive wasn’t picky with food, but the restaurant Booker recommended was one she used to go to with Hans when they were in love. She hadn’t been there since their breakup.

Olive looked at the restaurant sign, feeling conflicted.

"You don’t like it? We can go to another one," Booker proposed, sensing her hesitation.

"No, here is fine. I used to come here a lot. I just didn’t recognize it because they’ve renovated," Olive said hurriedly. She led the way into the restaurant, trying to hide her panic.

As soon as they sat down, a waitress greeted Olive in surprise. "Miss Mercier, good to see you again. You haven’t been here for a long time. Do you want me to arrange your favorite spot for you and your boyfriend? The table is available tonight."

The waitress turned to find Olive with a stranger. It seemed Olive had broken up with Hans and met someone new. And this man was way more handsome and elegant than Hans.

"It’s okay. We’re fine here," Olive thanked the waitress. She started flipping through the menu when her hand began to ache again.

Olive felt awkward with the waitress waiting by the table to take their order. "We would like two portions of today’s special, please."

The waitress nodded and left. Olive rummaged in her bag for her pills, her hand shaking uncontrollably. She took out a white medicine bottle but accidentally dropped it.

Booker picked up the bottle just as Olive was reaching for it. Their hands touched.

"I’m sorry," Olive said instinctively, withdrawing her hand.

Booker picked up the bottle and was about to read the label when Olive snatched it away.

"What’re the pills for?" Booker asked curiously.

Olive muttered, "Nothing. Just vitamins."

"What kind of vitamins stop your hands from shaking?" Booker prodded. While the label indicated the pills were regular vitamins, her behavior suggested otherwise.

Booker snatched the bottle and took out a pill, sniffing it. "This is pethidine!" he exclaimed.

He returned the bottle to Olive. "You better tell me why you need the pill. It won’t do you any good to lie to your attending doctor."

Olive was so embarrassed she wanted to hide. She had no choice but to admit the truth. "Yes, it’s pethidine."

A week ago, Olive had gone back to the hospital for a follow-up consultation.

The doctor examined the X-ray of Olive’s hand. "It’s not a bone injury, so there’s nothing to worry about. Once the wound heals, you can use your hand normally."

"But I always feel a dull pain in my hand," Olive said, holding her wrist tightly. "I had this ex-boyfriend. Whenever he crosses my mind, the pain increases."

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

"It might be because your hand wound hasn't fully healed. Stretching or putting pressure on it can cause some pain," the doctor explained.

Olive hesitated but decided to be honest. "Actually, I came to see if you could prescribe some painkillers. The pain in my hand is so bad sometimes that I can’t sleep, and I’m worried it will affect my work."

The doctor sighed, shaking his head. "Overusing painkillers can lead to addiction. I recommend you go home and rest for now. Let's see how things progress, but with your condition, I can't prescribe more painkillers."

With no other option, Olive returned home. As soon as she walked in the door, she received a call from the police station. The officer on the line informed her that Hans had committed suicide in custody, and the case was closed.

It felt like the life was drained out of her. As soon as the call ended, Olive’s vision went dark, and her legs gave way, leaving her crumpled on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Why are you sitting there? Get up!" Her aunt had just returned from grocery shopping and found Olive crying on the floor.

"Auntie, my hand hurts," Olive said, her eyes red and swollen. She clenched her hand tightly, trying to manage the stabbing pain.

Her aunt, unsure how to help, wrapped her arms around Olive, murmuring comforting words. "Why are you crying over a man who wasn't worth your time?"

Olive wiped her tears away, but the pain in her hand was so intense it was hard for her to speak. She wasn’t crying for Hans; her tears were for her uncertain future. As a designer, her hand was her livelihood, and now it hurt so much that she couldn't even hold a pen. Did this mean her career was over?

The pain only grew worse after that. Desperate, Olive began taking the painkillers that had been prescribed to her aunt.

"What are you doing? Have you lost your mind? You can’t just take those!" Her aunt had noticed the pills disappearing and now understood why when she caught Olive sneaking more. "What’s wrong with you? You’ll end up addicted just like Hans!"

After that, her aunt hid the medication. But Olive found another way—secretly buying the pills from the black market and hiding them in a vitamin bottle. She knew the risks, so she controlled the dosage, only taking two pills when the pain was unbearable.

"And that's everything," Olive confessed to Booker.

Booker closed his eyes for a moment, then took the bottle from her hand. "You’re taking medication against the doctor’s orders! This is dangerous!"

"I had no choice!" Olive gritted her teeth. "The doctor can’t figure out what’s wrong with me, and without the painkillers, I can’t work."

"Show me your hand," Booker said, his expression serious as he reached out.

Olive hesitated, shaking her head.

But Booker wasn’t taking no for an answer. He grabbed her wrist, and Olive immediately clenched her hand into a fist, resisting.

"How can I help you if you won’t show me what’s wrong? I’m trying to help!" Booker's insistence eventually calmed Olive down.

She took a deep breath, looking at Booker warily. His cold, focused gaze gave her a strange sense of comfort.

Slowly, she opened her hand. The room fell silent, and Olive could hear her own heartbeat thudding in her chest.

Booker leaned in, examining the wound on her hand. "It’s healed."

The wound had healed well, and by all accounts, Olive shouldn’t still be in pain.

Just then, Booker remembered something Rachel had mentioned—that Olive’s ex-boyfriend, Hans, had injured her. But after Hans failed to poison Rachel, he suddenly took his own life.

"Want to know what I think?" Booker asked as he released her hand.

"Yes, please," Olive replied eagerly.

"I don’t think your body is the problem. I think, because of the trauma you experienced, your brain hasn’t registered that your hand is healed, so it’s sending pain signals as if it’s still injured." He gestured to her chest and temple as he spoke, trying to make sure she understood.

Olive felt a wave of relief. "So, what should I do?"

"Let me ask you something first," Booker said, rubbing his chin. "When you feel the pain, do any specific memories come to mind? Are they connected to Hans?"

Before Olive could answer, the waitress arrived with their meal. "Here’s the couples’ set menu. Enjoy!" she said, smiling. "Miss Mercier used to love this set menu. The chef added a special dish when he heard she was coming tonight. But I didn’t expect her to be here with a new boyfriend..."

Booker interrupted, his tone sharp. "Please don’t mention the past. It’s over. Olive is with me now, and I don’t want her stuck in memories of someone who hurt her."

Olive was startled by Booker’s words. She glanced at him across the dimly lit table.

"I’m so sorry. Should I take the dishes away?" the waitress stammered.

"No point in wasting food. Just leave it," Booker replied. Once she left, he continued, "I’m not coming back to this restaurant. The staff here are ignorant, and I doubt they’ll stay in business for long."

Olive quietly began cutting her steak.

"And I’m keeping these," Booker said, taking the painkillers. "I don’t think your hand hurts because it hasn’t healed; it’s psychological. Let’s see a therapist this weekend. If we don’t address this, your hand might never fully recover."

"I’m not free this weekend," Olive replied, shaking her head. She didn’t want to see a therapist. Her past experience with Hans had been disastrous, and since then, she had viewed therapy as an expensive waste of time.

By the time they finished dinner, it was already dark outside.

"Thanks for the meal. I’m heading home," Olive said, hailing a taxi.

Booker opened the door for her. "Stop taking those pills. If I find them on you again, I’ll do more than just confiscate them."

"Don’t worry. Since you explained my condition, I’ll stop taking them," Olive nodded as she got into the car.


Booker twirled the medicine bottle in his hand, muttering to himself, "Will she really follow my orders?"

He watched the taxi drive away, letting out a sigh. "She needs to see a therapist."

Booker had a strong sense that Olive wouldn’t be easily convinced.

He found Olive’s number and saved it to his contacts.

Just then, he noticed a message from Rachel, sent about an hour ago. She was asking about Olive’s condition.

Booker shook his head, smiling. "Braden and his wife always seem to give me extra work." He quickly typed out a response: "Thanks to you and Braden, I now have another special patient."

Rachel’s face lit up with a smile as she read his reply. “Since when did Booker start joking around? Something must’ve happened between him and Olive today,” she mused.

Just then, Tina stepped outside to grab her dinner delivery. She was surprised to see Rachel lingering outside the studio. “Are you working overtime too?”

“Too?” Rachel echoed, puzzled.

Tina grinned. “Grant'd took on a lot of projects, so many designers are putting in extra hours.”

“I’m still working on Shaira’s dresses. Is everyone here? I hope the pastries and coffee I brought are enough for everyone,” Rachel said with a smile, walking into the studio with two bags of food, Tina by her side.

The designers who received hot coffee and pastries warmly thanked Rachel.

Tina had just finished packing up the trash when a sudden exclamation escaped her. Her colleagues mirrored her surprise.

Rachel turned to see what had caused the commotion and found Homer standing at the entrance of Grant'd Studio. With his laptop and drawing case slung over his shoulder, he looked as shocked as the rest to see so many people working late.

“Why is everyone here?” Homer asked, his voice filled with surprise.

Rachel walked up to him with a smile. As she got closer, she noticed how much better he looked. “Everyone’s putting in overtime. We’ve had a lot of work piling up lately.”

The designers were thrilled to see Homer back.

“How are you feeling, Mr. Grant?” “We’ve missed you, Mr. Grant.”

A few colleagues eagerly greeted him.

“Don’t worry, everyone. I’ll be back at Grant'd soon,” Homer reassured them.

“That’s great news! We’ve been waiting for you, Mr. Grant!” Cheers erupted from the office. His return was clearly celebrated by his colleagues.

Finally, Homer turned to Rachel. “How have you been? I heard about what happened with Liza.”

“I’m doing fine. Right now, I’m focused on designing Shaira’s dresses,” Rachel replied calmly.

Homer shifted his gaze to the others in the room. “Everyone, could you please gather in the meeting room? I have something to discuss with you.”

Everyone exchanged curious glances as they made their way to the meeting room, unsure of what Homer had to share.

Homer projected his designs onto the big screen. His expression turned serious as he spoke. “These are some designs I worked on while recovering. I want to show you some new ideas for fashion design that could help elevate your work.” The room fell silent as everyone listened intently.

As the last two slides flashed by quickly, only Tina and Rachel noticed them. They weren’t designs but rather casual sketches Homer had drawn. But before they could get a closer look, Homer swiftly removed them.

Both drawings depicted the same woman, and Tina couldn’t mistake it. She leaned over to Rachel and whispered with a grin, “Did you see that? The woman in those drawings looked like you.”

How could she be so sure?

“Stop it. Someone might overhear you,” Rachel shook her head.

After the meeting, Tina and Rachel walked out together, chatting, when a man approached them, interrupting their conversation.

“Oh, my God! Rachel, you’re really here.”

With the office being so busy lately, Derek figured if Rachel was still at Grant'd, she’d be working late too. So, he came to check.

Rachel tried to ignore him, but Derek stepped in front of her.

“It’s late. Let me drive you home,” Derek offered with a smile.

At that moment, Homer emerged with his designs in hand. Seeing Derek, he frowned. “Who’s this?”

“This is Derek Ross, a model. He helped Grant'd during the VogueVision Show,” Rachel responded indifferently.

“Are you here to discuss a collaboration?” Homer asked, focusing on Derek with a polite smile. “I recall your manager approaching me about a long-term partnership with Grant'd. But we haven’t discussed it further. Mr. Ross, are you here to talk about that?”

Derek hesitated, recalling Walter’s reminder about the importance of working with Grant'd. With Homer’s direct approach, all he could do was watch as Rachel walked away, then follow Homer into his office. “I’ve seen you before. Two years ago, you were a standout rookie in a modeling competition. Your walk was impressive, easily surpassing the other hundred contestants.” Homer’s expression remained calm, as if nothing particularly interested him.


Derek had no idea what Homer truly meant but responded politely, "Wow! I had no idea we’ve met before. It’s an honor, sir."

Homer, with a slight smile, replied, "It’s no surprise you’ve become so well-known this year, Mr. Ross. You have the talent. But since you’re at Grant'd Studio now, I’d appreciate it if you kept your distance from my employees. No one messes with Rachel or anyone else here while they’re under my care!"

Derek’s expression turned icy. He realized Homer was issuing a warning.

"Rachel is a brilliant designer. She’ll make a name for herself one day," Derek said, keeping his tone casual.

"It seems you didn’t come to discuss a partnership after all, Mr. Ross. In that case, I suggest you leave," Homer’s voice took on a sharp edge, his eyes hardening.

Derek didn’t need further prompting. As he stood to go, he accidentally knocked some papers off the table.

Instinctively, Derek bent down to pick them up. But when he saw the last two sheets, his jaw dropped.

There was no mistaking it—the woman in the drawings was Rachel!

"I’ll take care of that, Mr. Ross," Homer said quickly, but it was too late. Derek had already seen the sketches.

With a look of surprise, Derek glanced at Homer and remarked, "So the rumors are true? You and Rachel have been keeping secrets. I almost missed it!"

"Please, Mr. Ross, return the drawings. Rachel is just my employee," Homer said, standing up and reaching for the papers.

But Derek dodged him easily. "You’re so hypocritical," he muttered, narrowing his eyes.

Homer’s face darkened as he protested, "They’re just sketches. I drew them casually in my free time."

Derek didn’t hand the drawings back. Instead, he continued to taunt Homer. "You’re a top designer now. I doubt you have much free time. You must really be taken with Rachel."

"Give them back!" Homer demanded, eager to reclaim the drawings.

But his recent recovery from a serious illness left him weak, and he began to cough as he made a move.

Outside, Rachel and Tina were worried that Homer and Derek might get into a confrontation, so they waited nearby. Hearing the commotion, Rachel couldn’t stay out of it any longer. She walked in, her voice firm, "What’s going on in here, Derek?"

Derek held up the papers so Rachel could see the woman’s face.

Rachel’s eyes widened in astonishment. There was no mistaking it—the woman in the drawings was her!

Not wanting to push things further, Derek handed the papers back to Homer, asking him pointedly, "Don’t you even have the guts to admit you have feelings for someone?"

Homer had no response to that.

As Derek left, he passed by Rachel, his tone mocking, "I guess you’ve seen who the woman in those drawings is. You’re quite the charmer, Rachel—seems you’ve caught not just my attention but someone else’s as well." He added bitterly, "Braden was just lucky he met you before I did."

Rachel was too shocked to speak, her thoughts in turmoil.

After Derek left, only Rachel, Tina, and Homer remained in the office.

The atmosphere was thick with tension and awkwardness. Rachel was still reeling from the realization that she was the woman in Homer’s sketches.

Homer silently began gathering the scattered papers one by one.

"Mr. Grant, let me help you," Tina offered, stepping in to assist as if nothing had happened.

"It’s okay. You and Rachel should go," Homer said, his expression unreadable as he continued collecting the papers.

Tina nodded and led Rachel out.

In the tea room, Tina let out a sigh of relief. "Finally! I could barely breathe in there!" She looked over at Rachel, concerned. "Are you still in shock?"

But Rachel had calmed down while they were collecting the scattered papers. "I was too embarrassed to say anything in front of Mr. Grant," she admitted.

"Can’t you see? I don’t think Mr. Grant just has a simple crush on you. I think he’s been harboring feelings for you for a long time," Tina remarked with a teasing smile.

Hearing Tina’s words, Rachel replayed all the moments she had shared with Homer in her mind. When had he started feeling this way about her?

Maybe it was during Milan Fashion Week. They had a lot of fun together, and Homer had even taken her to a museum she had always wanted to visit. Or maybe it was when she first started working at Grant'd. Homer had been incredibly supportive when Brigitte tried to frame her.

"What are you thinking about?" Tina asked, waving her hand in front of Rachel’s face to get her attention.

Rachel shook her head with a smile. Suddenly, it all made sense. Homer had been treating her differently for a while now.

"Don’t overthink it. You need to confirm the design for Shaira’s dresses today. She just texted me," Tina reminded her.

"Yes, you’re right." Rachel snapped back to reality, realizing she still had work to finish.

As dusk fell, only a few people remained in the office.

Rachel couldn’t help but glance over at Homer’s office. She was nervous, wanting to leave before he did, but also worried about running into him on the way out.

"What are you doing? Shouldn’t you be heading home? You can finish the rest tomorrow. Go home and relax," Tina urged, helping Rachel up.

As they passed by Homer’s office, Rachel quickened her pace, trying to avoid any encounter. But on her way downstairs, she stumbled and nearly fell. Tina quickly caught her before she could hurt herself.

Startled, Tina exclaimed, "We didn’t even bump into Mr. Grant! Why are you so nervous, Rachel? You almost took a tumble!"


Rachel didn’t fully relax until she was outside the studio. She let out a deep breath, but the worry was still evident on her face.

Tina noticed and teased, “Why do you look like the world’s ending? Homer’s not going to bite, you know.” She guessed that Homer had been keeping his feelings for Rachel hidden, probably to avoid making things awkward for her.

“To be honest, I’ve always respected Mr. Grant, but now I don’t know how to face him. I’m even considering leaving Grant'd,” Rachel admitted to Tina. “I never suspected he had feelings for me, so when the rumors spread, I didn’t feel uncomfortable. I knew they weren’t true.”

Rachel had even assured Braden that Homer would never fall for her. Now, she was eating her own words.

“You’re overthinking this. If Mr. Grant never said anything, it’s because he didn’t want you to know,” Tina reasoned, concerned that Rachel might leave Grant'd. She knew how valuable Rachel was to the company.

“Don’t make any hasty decisions,” Tina urged sincerely. “If Mr. Grant finds out you’re thinking of leaving, he’ll blame himself.”

Rachel appreciated Tina’s concern, but she was too overwhelmed to think clearly. She felt trapped and uncertain about what to do.


Knowing Rachel had to work late, Braden had prepared a special dinner for her and was waiting patiently.

Rachel didn’t arrive home until very late. “Go wash up, and let’s eat,” Braden said gently, still wearing the apron from cooking their late-night meal.

With a forced smile, Rachel washed her hands and sat down at the table.

“I made your favorite ribs, just like they do in Sunhaven. I’m sure you’ll love them.”

Rachel had grown up in Sunhaven and never quite got used to the food in Meadowview. But tonight, she was preoccupied. She couldn’t stop thinking about Homer’s drawings, and it distracted her even as she ate.

Braden noticed she was distant and tried to get her attention. He placed a hot pepper on her plate. Rachel, lost in thought, didn’t notice and continued eating.

Suddenly, she began coughing violently, her face turning red as tears welled up in her eyes.

“Didn’t you see the pepper I put on your plate?” Braden frowned, standing up to pour her a glass of water. “What’s going on? You’ve been out of it all evening.”

With tears in her eyes, Rachel looked at Braden, debating whether to tell him about what had happened.

Seeing her hesitation, Braden frowned again, sat down, and looked into her eyes. “What happened?”

“I think Homer likes me,” she finally confessed, holding his gaze.

She waited for his reaction, but Braden didn’t say a word.

“Braden? Did you hear what I just said?” Rachel pressed, her lips tightening as she watched him.

His expression remained unchanged.

“I see. Let’s finish eating first. The food’s getting cold,” he said calmly, dishing more food onto her plate as if nothing had happened.

Despite everything, Rachel was hungry and quickly finished the meal. Afterward, she cleaned up the table and started washing the dishes.

Braden didn’t stop her.

It had been a while since Rachel had done the dishes, and she wasn’t expecting the faucet to malfunction, sending a jet of water all over her.

With her hands submerged in soapy water, Rachel wasn’t sure what to do. “Braden, the tap’s broken!” she shouted.

By the time Braden rushed in, she was already drenched. He quickly turned off the tap, but not before both of them were soaked.

Braden sighed and looked at Rachel helplessly. “Go upstairs and change,” he said, his eyes catching sight of her black bra. He gulped and turned back to the sink. “I’ll clean up here.”

Rachel started to leave but then stopped and turned back, uneasy. “I want to ask you something. Why don’t you want to talk about Homer?”

She hugged Braden from behind. “Are you upset?”

Braden turned around, wrapping his arms around her shoulders, meeting her big, beautiful eyes.

He couldn’t keep up the act anymore. He chuckled and said, “I’ve always known Homer liked you, so I wasn’t surprised when you told me. I’m just curious how you found out. I thought Homer had hidden it well.”

Rachel was stunned, embarrassed that she hadn’t noticed earlier.

“Does everyone know he likes me? Am I the only one who didn’t realize?”

“I don’t know. Even if others knew, they wouldn’t have said anything. It’s not your fault if a man likes you. You’re beautiful and charming, which is why so many people are drawn to you.” Braden pulled her closer, burying his face in her neck. He took a deep breath and said, “Luckily, I got you before anyone else could. You’re all mine.”

Curled up in his arms, Rachel found comfort in his scent, which seemed to wash away her worries.

But she was still a bit conflicted. “What do you mean by ‘you got me before anyone else could’? Derek said something similar today. Do you all see me as some kind of possession?”

Braden held her tighter, trying to soothe her. “No, that’s not what I meant. Honey, don’t misunderstand me.”


"I'm not an object; I get to choose who I want to be with," Rachel whispered, her voice tinged with emotion.

Braden gently stroked her back, his heart aching as he saw the tears welling up in her eyes. "You’re not an object. You’re my wife, my most precious treasure," he reassured her. But his voice turned serious as he added, "It’s Derek again, isn't it? Looks like he needs a lesson."

Rachel glanced at him sideways and gave his arm a playful pinch. "Calm down, don't always be so quick to start a fight."

Braden nodded, giving in to her request.

The two of them went upstairs to change their clothes before heading back to tidy up the kitchen. Once everything was in order, they finally retired to their bedroom for the night.

With Braden's assurance that he wasn't upset, Rachel was able to push Homer out of her mind and drift into a peaceful sleep.

The next morning…

Braden woke up to find Rachel sitting up in bed, lost in thought as she stared at her phone.

He noticed she was reading a long string of messages and couldn't help but feel curious, but he didn’t ask.

Sensing his interest, Rachel handed him the phone. "It’s a bunch of texts from Homer."

Homer had sent a series of messages to clarify the misunderstanding from the night before. He mentioned that he understood how embarrassed Rachel must have felt, so he decided to work from home for a while.

"It doesn’t seem like Homer will ever admit his feelings," Braden commented calmly. He looked at Rachel and added, "You can go back to work if you want. I’m not going to stop you because of this."

With that, Braden got out of bed.

Rachel smiled and sent Homer a quick reply.

"Mr. Grant, I understand it was just a misunderstanding. The team was thrilled to have you back yesterday. Let's forget about last night, and I look forward to seeing you at the studio today."

When Homer read her message at home, he smiled and set his phone down. Turning to pack up some unsold designs, his hand paused as he came across two portraits from the night before, a wave of sadness washing over him.

The woman in the drawing was indeed Rachel.

Homer had been worried that the incident would affect Rachel at work, but he was relieved to see that she handled it well.

His frown softened, and he gently touched the face of the woman in the drawing, a bittersweet smile on his lips.

When he first started this artwork, Rachel had just joined Grant'd. Time had flown by since then.

On her first day at Grant'd, she wore her hair in a ponytail, determined to become a designer. She worked tirelessly, giving her all to every task, no matter how challenging. When faced with sabotage from jealous colleagues, she always fought back with intelligence and grace.

It was then that Homer realized he wanted to be her protector.

Looking at the portrait, Homer noticed how much Rachel had matured and become more composed. She was almost a different person now. The thought made him feel a twinge of sadness.

"It’s time to move on," he whispered to himself, a self-deprecating smile playing on his lips as he packed the sketches away.

Homer closed his eyes and let out a long sigh.

Since Rachel had chosen to stay at Grant'd, he decided to keep his feelings for her locked away, hoping that someday, they would fade.


That weekend, Rachel woke up to find that Braden hadn’t gone to work. Instead, he brought her breakfast in bed, a mysterious smile on his face. "What do you have planned for today?"

As she enjoyed the omelet he’d made, Rachel guessed he was planning a surprise date. Feeling playful, she replied, "I don’t have any plans; I just woke up!"

After breakfast, Braden asked her to change into casual clothes.

The driver was already waiting outside.

As Rachel began to change, Braden added, "I need to change too. We’re going to see the kids today, so I should dress down a bit."

"The kids?" Rachel asked, confused, as she momentarily forgot to zip up her dress.

Braden opened the wardrobe, his eyes briefly flicking to her chest. "We’re going to a charity event. Every three years, I visit the children we’ve sponsored. It’s part of the Porter Group’s commitment to giving back."

Rachel nodded, understanding that it wasn’t a date but still excited to attend the event with Braden.

As she was about to zip up her dress, Braden stopped her, gently pulling her hands away. He unzipped her dress entirely, cradled the back of her head, and kissed her deeply.

Rachel tried to protest but couldn’t resist. "Braden," she murmured, "we have to leave soon."

"It won’t take long," he whispered in reply.


Braden pinned Rachel’s wrists above her head, pressing her back against the wardrobe. He kissed her passionately, but just as his hands began to trail down to her thighs, a sudden knock on the door interrupted them.

“Who is it?” Braden growled, trying to keep his frustration in check.

Unaware of the tension in Braden’s voice, Andy continued knocking. “Mr. Porter, the driver has been waiting and asked me to check if you’re ready to go.”

The driver downstairs had no idea he had interrupted a moment, much less that he had made Braden angry.

Rachel, holding back laughter, glanced down at Braden’s frustrated expression and the obvious tension in his body. “We should go. We don’t want to keep them waiting.”

Seizing the opportunity, she slipped out of Braden’s grasp.

With a sigh, Braden headed to the bathroom for a quick, much-needed cold shower.

When they finally got into the car, Braden’s sour mood was hard to miss. Concerned, Andy asked, “Mr. Porter, are you feeling okay?”

Braden shot him a glare that sent a shiver down Andy’s spine.

Rachel quickly intervened. “He didn’t sleep well last night, Andy. Don’t worry about it.”

The rest of the ride was quiet, and soon they arrived at their destination.

As soon as Braden and Rachel stepped out of the car, they drew everyone’s attention.

Reporters quickly swarmed around them.

“Mrs. Porter, are the rumors about you and Homer Grant true?”

“Can you give us any information?”

Two particularly bold reporters threw the questions at her, eager to get the scoop since it was the first time Rachel had been seen in public since the rumors began.

Rachel stopped and gave them a firm look. “I’ve already addressed this. It’s just a rumor. I have no special relationship with Homer Grant.”

Braden added calmly, “My wife and I are doing just fine, but I appreciate your concern.”

Despite the smile on his face, the reporters couldn’t help but feel intimidated by his presence. They exchanged glances and decided not to press further.

Hand in hand, Braden and Rachel entered the welfare house, with reporters documenting the moment since it was a Porter Group project benefiting the public.

It was clear Braden had made many friends among the children there. As soon as they saw him, they ran up to him, eager to greet him.

Rachel noticed that many of the kids were drawn to her as well. They had chubby faces and came in all shapes and sizes, instantly capturing her heart.

“Hi there,” Rachel greeted them warmly, squatting down to offer the chocolates that Andy had brought. “Who wants some chocolate?”

“Yes, please!” the children chorused, their faces lighting up with smiles.

Braden stood back, watching as Rachel connected with the kids. Seeing how happy she made them, he decided not to interfere. Meanwhile, Andy approached him to go over the list of children who were receiving financial assistance this time.

Braden turned to the staff and said, “Please show my wife around the welfare house. I’ll be back shortly.”

After handing out the chocolates, Rachel was given a tour of the facility. “The entire welfare home, including the football field, spans 1,000 square meters, all sponsored by the Porter Group,” the staff member explained. “This charity program has been in place since the founding of the Porter Group. It’s also supported children who are older now, giving them the opportunity to work for the Porter Group after they graduate. We call it the talent plan.”

As Rachel watched the children laughing and playing on the playground, she asked softly, “I remember Charlene was the one who managed this program before, right?”

The staff member’s expression turned somber. “Yes, Mr. Porter took on much of the work himself after Miss Palmer’s passing. The children here adored her.”

Rachel already knew these things. Although Braden often appeared distant, she knew he had a big heart, even if he didn’t always show it in front of her.

The staff member handed Rachel a bag of candies. “Mrs. Porter, would you like to help us distribute these?”

Rachel crouched down with the bag and started handing out the sweets to the eager children.

“Thank you, ma’am!” they chorused, their faces lighting up with gratitude before they ran off to play again.

Just then, Rachel’s eyes caught those of a young boy standing in the corner of the playground.

The boy, dressed in a blue coat and holding a ball, looked at her with a frown. Unlike the other kids, he didn’t approach her for candy.

Rachel had a feeling he was shy.

She reached into the bag and offered him a handful of sweets. With a gentle smile, she asked, “Do you have any pockets? There are a lot of candies here; you might need them.”

The boy snorted and tilted his head, pausing for a moment before asking indignantly, “Why isn’t Miss Palmer here? Who are you, anyway?”

His loud voice caught the attention of the other children, who were playing nearby.

The mood quickly shifted as the children realized that Charlene hadn’t shown up. Some of them began to shout, “Why didn’t Miss Palmer come?”

Feeling a bit flustered, Rachel smiled and calmly explained, “Miss Palmer isn’t feeling well. She’ll come back once she’s better. How about you enjoy the candy for now?”

She couldn’t bring herself to tell the children that Charlene had passed away.

The boy scowled and muttered, “You don’t seem like a nice person. I don’t want your candy.”

Rachel’s hand, still holding the candy, hovered in midair.

The staff member, noticing the boy’s defiance, gave an apologetic smile and said, “We haven’t told the children about Miss Palmer’s passing. I’m sorry, Mrs. Porter.”

Seeing the boy’s stubbornness, the staff member frowned and scolded him sternly, “Take the candy. Mrs. Porter is one of your sponsors; you should show her some respect.”

The boy’s face turned red with anger. In a burst of frustration, he grabbed a handful of sweets and threw them at Rachel. “I don’t want your candy!”

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score
now that I'm caught up to this story. @Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000') thank you for your hard work... wondering how often does the author put out updates for this story?
Hello! It's nice to read with you; I am glad you are here! This is a finished novel, so we are surely not going to be left hanging. I am just trying to limit my posts because these three stories I am translating are taking up a large portion of my daily hours.


Ultimate Grandmaster
Sep 25, 2023
Reaction score
Hello! It's nice to read with you; I am glad you are here! This is a finished novel, so we are surely not going to be left hanging. I am just trying to limit my posts because these three stories I am translating are taking up a large portion of my daily hours.
awesome...so it purely on Junlee's schedule... I can live with that... 😝


Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score
Hello! It's nice to read with you; I am glad you are here! This is a finished novel, so we are surely not going to be left hanging. I am just trying to limit my posts because these three stories I am translating are taking up a large portion of my daily hours.
Plan all the stories at your comfort. Don't overdo anything. We will always there with your any schedule

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

Before Rachel could react, the little boy hurled a handful of candies at her. She forced a smile, aware of the reporters nearby, trying to maintain her composure.

A staff member from Porter Group, concerned that the child might cause more trouble, hurriedly picked him up, attempting to lead him away.

"I’m so sorry, Mrs. Porter," the staff member apologized, clearly flustered.

The little boy struggled in his grip, kicking his legs and crying, "Let go of me! Where are you taking me?" Tears streamed down his face, making him look utterly distressed.

Rachel stepped forward, stopping the staff member from taking the boy. She gently took the child into her arms, set him down, and pulled out a tissue from her bag to wipe his tears. "You’re a smart boy. I bet you’re the leader among your friends, right? I can tell they all look up to you."

The boy remained silent.

Frustrated, the staff member scolded him, "Be a good boy and apologize to Mrs. Porter right now!"

The boy snorted defiantly, refusing to apologize. Instead, he pointed at Rachel and told the other children, "This woman drove away Charlene. She’s a bad person!"

Rachel didn't get angry but felt a pang of helplessness. She understood that children often couldn’t tell right from wrong—they simply bonded with those who were kind to them.

"I didn’t drive her away," Rachel said calmly. She ruffled the boy’s hair, not wanting to escalate the situation. "Do you want more candies?"

"We don’t want your candies! Go away, you monster!" the boy shouted, picking up the candy bag from the ground and throwing it at Rachel.

Following his lead, the other children also began tossing their candies at Rachel, shouting for her to leave.

Seeing the situation spiraling out of control, the staff member quickly grabbed the boy again, covering his mouth and yelling, "Stop it right now!"

The boy, stunned by the staff member's sternness, froze, his defiance replaced by fear. His eyes filled with tears as he cried out, "You’re all monsters!"

His wail triggered a chain reaction, and soon all the children were crying loudly, attracting the attention of more reporters.

"What’s happening? Why are the kids crying?"

"It looks like Rachel’s fault," someone in the crowd accused.

Rachel’s heart sank as the reporters began to swarm around her.

"Mrs. Porter, why haven’t you participated in any of Porter Group's charity events until now, given that you’re Braden Porter’s wife?"

"Are you just here for show?"

"Do you dislike children, Mrs. Porter? Will you continue to support Porter Group's charity events?"

Rachel felt a surge of irritation at their baseless accusations. "No, I love children!" she insisted.

"If that’s true, then can you tell us if the kids in the Porter Group’s welfare houses are being mistreated? We need answers," a reporter pressed.

Trying to stay composed, Rachel responded, "You can ask me questions later. Right now, you’re scaring the children."

But the reporters were relentless. The children, overwhelmed by the confrontation, started hiding behind the staff members and Rachel, some crying out of fear.

The crying spread like wildfire, and soon half the children in the playground were in tears.

Rachel raised her hands to shield the children from the cameras. "Stop filming! You’re frightening them!" she demanded.

However, the reporters ignored her, continuing to barrage her with questions. Some even began fabricating stories right in front of her.

Desperate, Rachel glanced at the staff members beside her. They signaled for her to take the children away quickly.

The bright flashes from the cameras blinded the kids, causing them to cry even louder. The scene was chaotic.

As the staff members began ushering the children away, the reporters chased after them, accidentally bumping into Rachel, who almost fell.

Just as she was about to hit the ground, a woman appeared, catching her arm and steadying her. "Be careful. Are you okay?"

Rachel turned to thank her. "I’m fine, thank you."

The woman, with bright eyes and a sweet smile, responded, "You’re welcome. It’s nothing."

Stepping in front of Rachel, she faced the reporters. "Which news agency are you with? This is a private charity event hosted by Porter Group. Were you invited? Be aware that the Porter Group will take legal action against anyone who entered without permission."

Her firm words made the reporters hesitate, unsure of how to proceed. Yet, one of them mustered the courage to ask, "Who are you? What does this have to do with you? Get out of our way!"


The petite woman stood confidently in front of the reporters, her presence powerful despite her small frame. “I’m Brenda Cooke, one of the students supported by the Porter Group. This is their property! How dare you behave like this? Look at how frightened the children are! I’m calling the police!”

Rachel watched as Brenda commanded the situation, impressed by her strength. The reporters, visibly shaken by Brenda's assertiveness, attempted to defend themselves. “We have a duty to the public to report the truth. If the Porter Group is mistreating these children, the world deserves to know.”

Brenda met the reporter’s gaze with determination. “If you have questions, ask me. The Porter Group funded my education and helped me graduate. Don’t scare the children—they're just kids! Can’t you see how terrified they are?”

The children’s fear was obvious, and the reporters finally backed down. “Fine, we’ll wait for you outside, Miss Cooke,” they said before leaving with their cameras. The staff immediately began comforting the children, trying to ease their fear.

Rachel exhaled with relief and smiled at Brenda. “Thank you for stepping in, Brenda.”

Brenda returned the smile, her tension easing. “Honestly, I was nervous too. Reporters can be relentless. I was afraid they might twist my words. But I think they were more intimidated by the threat of a lawsuit—and by you, Mrs. Porter.”

Rachel chuckled, knowing she hadn’t been nearly as brave as Brenda. But she appreciated Brenda’s kind words.

“Let’s find somewhere quieter,” Rachel suggested, and the two women left together.

After ensuring the children were calm, Rachel began chatting with Brenda. She was immediately drawn to Brenda’s intelligence and warmth. “So, you mentioned that Braden also funded your education?”

“Yes, Mrs. Porter,” Brenda replied. “Thanks to the Porter Group, I was able to graduate from university. I’m currently on a break from my studies abroad, and it’s an honor to help with this charity event.”

Though they had just met, Rachel could see that Brenda was not only smart but also genuinely kind. She admired Brenda’s courage and felt an instant connection.

“It’s lovely to meet you, Brenda,” Rachel said warmly. “I’m Rachel Porter, Braden’s wife. We’re grateful for your support at this event.”

Brenda smiled. “I know who you are, Mrs. Porter. I’ve been a fan of your work since I saw the designs from Grant'd Studio during the VogueVision Show’s live broadcast. I never imagined I’d get to meet someone as talented as you.”

Rachel, accustomed to compliments, could tell that Brenda’s words were sincere and thoughtful, not the usual flattery she received. She realized that Brenda was someone special.

As the staff handed out snacks and candies to the children, everyone seemed to calm down—except for one little boy who angrily threw his candy at Rachel.

Rachel wanted to approach him, but she was hesitant, fearing she might make things worse. Brenda noticed and immediately offered to help. “Let me talk to him, Mrs. Porter. I’ve dealt with kids before,” she said confidently.

“Thank you,” Rachel said, relieved.

Brenda knelt beside the boy and spoke gently, “Why are you upset, sweetie? You can tell me.”

The boy, tears streaming down his face, sniffled and said, “I saw on the news that Charlene died. I know that means I’ll never see her again.”

Hearing this, the children around them grew somber. Even though Charlene hadn’t always been kind, the boy’s pain was clear, and it tugged at Rachel’s heart. She understood how much the kids cared for her.

Brenda softly explained, “I know Charlene was important to you, but she’s not the only one who’s cared for you. Look around, sweetie. The Porter Group has been here for you all along, giving you food and shelter. It’s okay to be sad, but remember that others are here for you too, even if you don’t always notice.”

The boy seemed to understand, clutching his clothes tightly. “What should I do now?” he asked, his voice full of regret.

Brenda gently brushed the dirt off his clothes and said kindly, “Mr. and Mrs. Porter are kind people. Why don’t you go and apologize to Mrs. Porter?”

The boy nodded and walked over to Rachel, his steps hesitant. “I’m sorry for hitting you, Mrs. Porter. I shouldn’t have done that. Will you forgive me?”

Rachel crouched down and gently cupped his cheeks. “I could never be mad at someone as sweet as you,” she said with a warm smile. “Everything will be okay. You don’t need to cry anymore, alright?”

The boy nodded, wiping away his tears. He glanced at the other children, who seemed to take his cue and rushed over to Rachel, enveloping her in hugs and apologies.

Rachel, still holding the children, looked over at Brenda with gratitude. “Thank you,” she said sincerely.

Brenda smiled back, shaking her head modestly. “You’re welcome, Mrs. Porter.”

Just then, Braden arrived, his expression serious as he took in the scene. He immediately went to Rachel, checking her for any signs of injury. “Andy told me there was trouble with reporters. Are you okay? I didn’t think they’d be so bold on our property.”

“I’m fine,” Rachel reassured him with a small smile. “You can let go now—we’re in public, and people are watching.”

Braden sighed with relief. “What happened?”

Rachel glanced at Brenda and explained, “This young lady helped resolve everything.”

Brenda lowered her gaze, suddenly feeling nervous as she noticed the tall, striking man approaching them. His strong presence and handsome features made her heart race.

As Braden looked at Brenda curiously, Rachel gently pulled on his sleeve. “Braden, this is Brenda Cooke. She’s one of the students the Porter Group sponsored.”

Braden nodded, his expression softening. “Nice to meet you, Brenda.”

Brenda managed a smile, but inside, she was still trying to calm the flutter in her chest.


Braden raised his cold gaze and looked at Brenda closely. He then gave a small nod and said in a flat tone, “Thank you for helping my wife.”

Those simple words sent a shiver down Brenda's spine. She couldn’t quite describe what she was feeling. All she knew was that when he spoke, her body froze, and her mind went blank.

It was the first time Brenda had seen Braden in person. She had heard about him from Charlene and occasionally saw him in the newspaper, but his image was always blurry. It seemed he deliberately avoided the public eye, making him seem very mysterious.

Brenda slowly lifted her gaze and stuttered, “You’re— you’re welcome.”

From this close, she could see Braden's flawless features and chiseled face. His cold, deep eyes were like two bottomless wells, and staring at them too long made her feel like she might fall in.

Brenda clenched her fists nervously. In her mind, Rachel was incredibly fortunate to have such a man as her husband.

“Brenda, you're going to graduate soon, aren’t you? What are your plans for the future?” Rachel asked, noticing the tense and awkward atmosphere.

Brenda snapped out of her daze and smiled at Rachel. “Since the Porter Group funded my studies, I’d love to work there after graduation. But I know it’ll be tough. I'm inexperienced, and so many talented people want to work there. I’m not even sure I’ll pass the interview.”

Her meaning was clear. Rachel looked at Braden, a thoughtful expression on her face. “What do you think?” she asked.

She liked Brenda a lot. She knew that many students funded by the Porter Group had graduated from Ivy League schools. Brenda must be just as capable.

Braden smiled at Rachel. But when his eyes landed on Brenda, they turned cold and cautious.

“Andy, arrange it,” he said to the man standing behind him. Then he looked back at Rachel, gently pinching her cheek. “Does this make you happy?” he asked.

Rachel nodded, smiling sweetly.

Braden turned to Brenda and said in a stern voice, “Entering the Porter Group isn’t easy. Make sure you always give your best.”

“Thank you for the opportunity, Mr. Porter. I will do my best,” Brenda replied, her face lighting up with excitement. Without further delay, Braden turned to Rachel and said, “The charity event has started. We should go inside now.”

As the afternoon sun shone brightly, Brenda watched Braden and Rachel walk away, a triumphant smile playing on her lips.

From Rachel’s attitude, it was clear she was pleased with Brenda.

Meanwhile, Brenda knew that Braden must be struggling after losing his two most trusted partners, Kristian and Charlene. Charlene had always been the one managing the charity work.

If Brenda could take over the Porter Group’s charity projects, Braden might start to trust her.

At that moment, she picked up a candy bag from the ground, unwrapped a piece, and popped it into her mouth. But as the sweet flavor hit her tongue, her expression changed to one of mockery.

“Rachel is just a nobody, a failure. She can’t even handle a bunch of kids. How could she be the wife of the CEO of the Porter Group?”

At the charity event, reporters were everywhere, all eyes on Braden as he took Rachel’s hand and led her to the stage.

Braden signed his name in public, approving the funding for the welfare house for the next quarter.

“Thank you so much, Mr. Porter. Your generosity is truly commendable,” the director of the welfare house said with a smile as he accepted the huge check.

Several key staff members from the welfare house joined Braden for a group photo, including the director.

Despite the flashing cameras, Braden remained expressionless. He was always like this, especially when it came to work. Everyone admired him.

Rachel’s smile reached her eyes, making her look absolutely radiant. Tonight, her only role was to be a gracious wife by Braden’s side.

After Braden gave his speech, the crowd erupted in applause.

“We’d like to take some photos of Mr. Porter. Is that okay, Mrs. Porter?” some children asked politely.

Rachel smiled and nodded, then stood beside Braden, looking up at him like everyone else.

When the event ended, the sun had already begun to set.

Andy waited by the door until Rachel and Braden got into the car. As soon as they were inside, Rachel leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes. The event had been long, and with all the reporters watching them, she felt utterly exhausted. Now that it was over, she didn’t even have the energy to speak.

Sensing something was off, Braden held her hand. “Are you okay? Do you feel unwell?” he asked.

Rachel opened her eyes and sighed. “I almost messed up today.”

“I know what happened,” Braden said calmly. “It wasn’t your fault.”

Rachel shook her head with a small smile. “No, Braden. I was there with you, but I failed to properly represent the Porter Group. Instead, I almost gave them something to use against you.”

She was frustrated with herself for not doing better in her role.

Braden remained silent, gazing into her eyes.

“I used to think I could only be a designer because I love achieving things in areas where I excel,” Rachel said, locking eyes with Braden. “Just like you. Did I tell you how handsome you looked today?”

Today, she finally understood why everyone respected Braden so much.

Even she was amazed by how everyone at the Porter Group and the welfare house relied on him.


Braden had always carried a heavy burden, a responsibility that she hadn’t fully understood until now. He had the ability to lead others forward and bring hope to those less fortunate.

“If you don’t enjoy attending these events, I can go alone,” Braden said gently, noticing how tired Rachel looked. He felt guilty, realizing how much she had to juggle between work and these social obligations.

Rachel held his hand and smiled softly. “It’s not that. After today, I’ve realized I can’t just focus on my career as a designer. I also need to embrace my role as your wife, as Mrs. Porter.”

Her thoughts drifted to Nadia. Although she didn’t face any conflicts with Braden’s parents, being his wife was more challenging than she had imagined. She knew she needed to think less about herself and more about the Porter Group.

Braden sighed deeply and pulled her into his arms. “Honey…”

“Let’s talk about it when we get home. Andy’s watching us,” Rachel whispered in his ear, noticing out of the corner of her eye that Andy had been eavesdropping.

Andy’s eyes widened when Braden caught him staring. He quickly cleared his throat and sat up straight, trying to look busy.

“Stop the car,” Braden suddenly ordered. “You’re off duty for the day, Andy. I need to take my wife somewhere.”

Andy hesitated, glancing out the window at the cold, empty streets. With a sigh, he stepped out of the car.

“Was that really necessary?” Rachel asked, feeling a little sorry for Andy.

“He’ll manage. The cold won’t hurt him,” Braden replied with a shrug as he moved to the driver’s seat and started the car.

Soon, the silver-black Maybach was speeding down the road, the scenery outside blurring until Braden finally stopped at the seaside.

“Why did we come here?” Rachel asked in surprise as she rolled down the window, letting the salty sea breeze tousle her hair. She felt a wave of calm wash over her.

“You once painted a picture for me, remember? I asked Andy to find the place where it was painted, and he told me it should be around here,” Braden explained shyly. He had been searching for this place for a long time, and when Andy finally found it, he couldn’t wait to bring Rachel here.

Rachel suddenly remembered that Braden had lost his memory. He had forgotten the two years they spent together. Sometimes, she forgot that too.

“It’s not the exact place, but it’s similar. You took me to an island back then,” Rachel recalled, smiling at the memory of them kissing under the setting sun. “But I like this place. It reminds me of that island.”

The sun was setting, painting the sky in beautiful hues. Braden got out of the car, carried Rachel in his arms, and crossed the fence separating the beach from the road. He gently set her down on the sand.

He lowered his head and kissed her softly, reluctant to let go.

Resting her head against his chest, Rachel whispered, “I really like this place.”

Before the sun disappeared completely, Braden borrowed some sketching tools from a nearby artist for Rachel. “No, I’m not drawing. I already have your portrait at home,” Rachel said playfully, handing the tools to Braden. “This time, I’ll be your model, and you can draw.”

Braden hesitated. “But I don’t know how to draw…”

Seeing the determination in her eyes, he agreed. “Alright, but don’t expect too much. I’m really not good at this.”

“I believe in you,” Rachel said sweetly, giving him a kiss on the cheek before posing on the reef. She was excited to see how his drawing would turn out.

An hour later, the sun had fully set.

“Are you done yet?” Rachel called out from the reef, walking over to Braden with curiosity. “You’re so slow.” She peeked over his shoulder and saw a sketch of what looked like a sea monster gathering shells on the reef.

Embarrassed, Braden quickly pulled the drawing off the easel, ready to tear it apart, but Rachel stopped him, snatching the sketch away and holding it like it was a precious treasure.

“Don’t look at it. I’ll take some lessons and make a better one for you,” Braden said hurriedly, trying to get the paper back, but Rachel wouldn’t let him.

Braden was talented in many areas, but art had always been his weak spot. Back in school, he excelled in every subject except drawing. Even in university, he struggled with art classes, a task he had only taken on because his friend Kristian, who loved art, had enrolled him under Braden’s name. When Kristian lost interest and quit, Braden had to continue attending the classes to pass. He never got good at it, and it frustrated him to no end.

Rachel tried to hold back her laughter, but eventually, she burst out laughing. “I never thought you had a weakness! But honestly, you’re really not good at drawing!”

Blushing, Braden grabbed her and covered her mouth with his hand. “Don’t laugh. Let me try again!”

By now, the full moon had replaced the sun, and the sea shimmered under its light. After spending time chasing each other and playing by the water, they finally collapsed on the sand, laughing together.

When they returned to the car, Rachel’s makeup was a mess, and her shoes were filled with sand. But she didn’t care. With Braden, she felt she could let go and just be herself.


Braden draped his coat over Rachel’s shoulders, shielding her from the evening chill. The temperature at the seaside fluctuated drastically between day and night. He turned off the car’s air conditioning and said, “Don’t overthink what happened today. You’re my wife and will be the mother of our children. Plus, you’re going to be an amazing designer.”

He placed his hand on her lap. “You can always be yourself. I’ve got you.”

Rachel smiled, feeling reassured by his words. She leaned against the passenger seat, holding Braden’s drawing close.

When they arrived home, Rachel had fallen asleep in the car. Braden smiled as he gently carried her into the bedroom. Just then, his phone rang—it was Andy.

Braden stepped outside and closed the door behind him before answering. “How’s the investigation coming along?” he asked.

Andy, always reliable, had found the information Braden needed quickly. “The Palmer family adopted a girl after Charlene died. Her name is Brenda Cooke.”

Braden’s expression was unreadable. Noticing his silence, Andy added, “Brenda is scheduled for a job interview at the Porter Group soon. Should I do anything about it?”

“No need to tip her off,” Braden replied with a smirk. “I’ll handle it myself.”

The weekend passed, and Monday morning arrived. Rachel groaned, reluctant to get up. It wasn’t that she was sick; she just wanted to stay in bed. “Honey, you’re going to be late,” Braden called out, standing by the bed in his suit.

His tall frame blocked the morning light streaming through the window. “If you’re tired, you can take a day off,” he said, planting a gentle kiss on her cheek.

Rachel pouted, hugging him. “I still have work to do. I can’t afford to take the day off.”

She still needed to finish Shaira’s dresses at the tailor. But more than that, she was reluctant to leave because she had so much fun the previous day.

Looking at Braden’s drawing on the bedroom wall, she laughed. “Your drawing of me is so charming.”

Although Braden had wanted to destroy it, Rachel had framed it and hung it up.

“I’m glad you like it,” Braden said, trying to hide his disappointment with the drawing. “If you want, we can visit that place again next weekend. We’ve both been so busy, but I promise to make more time for us.”

Rachel playfully nudged him. “With both of us working, it’s no wonder we barely have time for outings. If we have kids, we’ll have even less time.”

“That’s alright,” Braden said, pulling her into a warm embrace. “Even if we have children, you’ll always be the one I cherish most. I’ll always want to spend time with you.”

Rachel smiled, her cheek resting against his. Their eyes met just as Braden was about to kiss her, but she gently stopped him. “No, I need to work today.”

Braden chuckled. “Alright, Miss Workaholic. I’ll drive you to work.”

Braden escorted Rachel to the entrance of Grant'd Studio. The rumors about her and Homer had been cleared up, and the studio was now much quieter, with no reporters hanging around.

Despite this, Rachel felt anxious about facing Homer.

“The more you worry, the more complicated it will become,” Braden said, trying to ease her nerves as he opened her car door. “Don’t worry too much.”

Rachel stepped out of the car with a faint smile. Just then, she saw Homer approaching from a distance. She was startled but tried to stay calm.

Homer, surprised to see Rachel, quickly composed himself and greeted her with a smile. “Good morning.”

Rachel waved goodbye to Braden and hurried into the studio.

Homer was about to follow her inside when Braden stopped him.

“If you wanted to keep it a secret, you should have done a better job,” Braden said, his voice low and steady. Homer remained calm. “Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to Rachel. She’ll become a great designer someday. She won’t be stuck here forever.”

Braden leaned against the car. “I’m not worried. Rachel has her own plans. She’ll decide where she wants to go. Just keep your feelings to yourself.”

Homer’s eyes widened as he pondered Braden’s words.

By the time Braden’s car drove away, Homer stared after it for a moment, thinking about how well Braden and Rachel seemed to fit together.

Meanwhile, Rachel had just entered the studio and was peeking from behind the curtain. She noticed Homer and Braden talking, but everything seemed calm.

When she turned around, she was startled to see Olive staring at her silently. “When did you get so close?” Rachel asked.

Olive, casually sipping her coffee, replied, “I’ve been here since you pulled back the curtain.”


“What are you looking at?” Olive asked as she moved toward the window, only for Rachel to quickly draw the curtain shut.

“Nothing much,” Rachel replied with a casual shrug. “There were some people arguing downstairs, but it’s quiet now.”

Olive accepted the explanation without further questions.

Rachel then recalled asking Olive to check in with Booker last week. “Did Booker say anything about your hand injury?”

She had sent Booker a message earlier, but his reply had been oddly formal, referring to Olive as a “special patient.” Rachel decided it was time to get answers directly from Olive.

Olive's eyes brightened with a hint of forced cheerfulness. “He said pretty much the same thing as my previous doctor. I don’t think Booker can fix it. Actually, I’m starting to think no one can.”

She clenched her fists and offered Rachel a reassuring smile. “It’s alright. Worst comes to worst, I’ll just quit design and lead a normal life.”

“That’s not the way to look at it,” Rachel responded, her tone disbelieving. “It’s still an illness, and you shouldn’t just give up. Are you sure Booker can’t cure it? He’s the best doctor I know.”

Olive’s face showed a tinge of embarrassment. She was unsure how to explain the situation to Rachel. Booker had suggested she see a therapist, claiming her problem was more mental than physical. Olive was torn about whether to follow his advice, as she was reluctant to see a therapist.

After chatting with Olive, Rachel returned to her desk and used her bathroom break to call Booker.

“What’s really going on with Olive? Why does she think even you can’t help her?” Rachel asked, concern evident in her voice.

Olive was a gifted designer, and Rachel hated the thought of her giving up her passion due to a hand injury.

Booker’s annoyance was palpable. “Did Olive say that? Don’t listen to her. She’s just trying to avoid treatment. I’ll take care of her!”

Rachel felt a wave of relief. Just as she was about to end the call, Booker’s voice stopped her. “Hold on a moment. I need your help with something.”

Rachel hesitated when she heard what Booker needed. “I’m not sure this is a good idea.”

“It’s for Olive’s treatment,” Booker insisted, cutting off the call before Rachel could object.

Meanwhile, Olive had just brewed herself a cup of coffee. She had yet to finish designing Derek’s suit. With time on her side, she started early, hoping to avoid delays due to her hand injury.

As she picked up her pen, a sharp pain shot through her palm. Olive winced, her fingers trembling. Luckily, she had a bottle of painkillers in her desk. She opened the drawer and found the nearly empty bottle with only two pills left.

“How did I end up with so few pills?” Olive wondered aloud, her mind clouded by the pain.

She took the last two pills, swallowing them quickly. The pain subsided almost immediately.

Unbeknownst to Olive, Rachel watched from a distance and texted Booker, confirming that she had completed the task he had assigned.

Booker’s response was a simple “OK,” and he didn’t provide any further details. Rachel was puzzled by Booker’s request and its purpose.

Later that afternoon, Olive completed a preliminary draft of her design and met with Rachel to discuss it. Throughout the meeting, Olive was composed and professional, showing no signs of her earlier distress.

It seemed Booker’s plan was working, and Rachel was pleased, though she kept her satisfaction to herself.

Suddenly, Olive stopped mid-sentence, apologizing to Rachel. “I’m sorry, but I need to step out for a moment.”

Olive hurried back to her desk, rifling through drawers. She finally retrieved a new bottle of painkillers from the back.

Just as Olive was about to take a pill, Rachel intervened and grabbed the bottle.

“Why are you here?” Olive asked, confused.

Rachel, alarmed by the number of painkillers Olive had, said urgently, “Do you know how damaging these pills can be? They’re highly addictive if overused, and they won’t really help you!”

Olive winced from the pain but kept her composure. “How did you know I was taking painkillers? And why are you so sure they won’t help?”

An uncomfortable silence filled the room. Rachel was at a loss for words.

Olive’s eyes narrowed with suspicion. “Did Booker ask you to do this?”

Aside from her aunt, only Booker knew about Olive’s painkiller use. Unfortunately, Rachel did not have her aunt’s contact information.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

Rachel struggled to explain, her voice laced with concern. "Booker was worried about you too. That’s why he asked for my help."

Olive's face tightened with pain, which seemed to intensify with every passing moment. "What exactly did Booker ask you to do?"

Rachel had no choice but to reveal the truth. "He asked me to replace your usual painkillers with vitamins."

Olive's frown deepened. "But he confiscated my medicine before."

"He thought there might be spare painkillers in your office," Rachel explained cautiously. "He asked me to clean them out. Booker mentioned that taking too many painkillers can be harmful."

Though hesitant at first, Rachel decided to follow through, prioritizing Olive's well-being.

Olive recalled Booker’s previous warnings and questioned whether he had the right to interfere in her personal matters. "Return my pills," Olive demanded, her gaze steely.

Rachel shook her head, clearly distressed. "You’re in no condition to argue. Let’s find Booker so he can help you. I can’t give you the pills!"

Olive, feeling a surge of frustration and pain, tried to take the medicine from Rachel. The agony in her hand seemed to spread up her arm, intensifying to the point of almost overwhelming her. "Give them to me now!"

Olive’s pride prevented her from accepting help. She resented the pity she saw in Rachel’s eyes and hated the thought of her colleagues knowing she was struggling.

“What’s going on?” Some of the designers from Grant'd came over, sensing the commotion. Olive’s face turned pale.

Rachel waved them off. “It’s nothing serious. Please return to work.”

Olive didn’t respond. She bowed her head, realizing she had lost control of the situation. She retreated to the meeting room, where she could be alone.

Rachel let her go, understanding that Olive needed time to herself.

After work, Rachel knocked on the meeting room door.

“Does your hand still hurt?” Rachel asked, holding out a cup of chocolate. “It’s sweet. It might help ease the pain.”

Olive’s expression remained cold. “The pain was worse earlier, but it’s subsided. I’m better now.”

“Are you upset with me?” Rachel asked, puzzled.

Olive buried her face in her hands, exhaustion evident in her voice. “I’m not blaming anyone. When I calmed down, I realized the only one I was mad at was myself. Hans is a disaster of my own making. It’s my own karma. My life feels over, Rachel.”

Rachel shivered at Olive’s despair. She looked at Olive’s red, tear-filled eyes and the dwindling hope within them. “No, it’s not over. We’ll find Booker. He’s off duty now and waiting for us outside.” Rachel wiped her tears and offered a comforting smile. “There’s always a chance, no matter how slim. The most important thing is not to give up on yourself!”

Rachel’s tears flowed as she tried to encourage Olive.

Booker, anxiously checking the time, was about to search for them when he spotted Rachel and Olive emerging together, both wearing unusual expressions.

Booker approached Olive immediately. “You had an appointment with the therapist today. Why didn’t you go?”

Olive glared at Booker, her anger evident. After a pause, she retorted, “Doctors these days have no ethics. Aren’t you supposed to keep patient privacy?”

Booker looked away, feeling guilty. He knew Olive was upset and didn’t want to argue. “Let’s talk after you’ve calmed down.”

“Stay away from me!” Olive shouted, turning sharply and walking off, leaving no room for Booker to explain.

“Wait!” Rachel called out, reaching to stop Olive. She tried to follow, but Booker stopped her. “Olive is emotionally unstable right now. She won’t listen to us. Go home, and I’ll take care of it,” he said calmly.

After a moment of thought, Rachel nodded, her concern evident. “Olive was in a bad state earlier. Watch over her closely. Don’t let her do anything rash.”

Booker nodded, ready to follow Olive, but was redirected by Rachel.

“You’re going the wrong way. Olive must have gone home. Take the shortcut instead,” Rachel said, pulling Booker back. “Do you have no sense of direction?”

“Ridiculous. Of course, I do,” Booker replied confidently.

Rachel pointed to a shortcut. “Head that way. You might catch up with her.”

Booker took off in the direction Rachel indicated.

Meanwhile, Olive, wary of being followed, took a circuitous route home.

Booker, initially following Rachel’s shortcut, soon found himself disoriented by the similar-looking streets. Opting for a one-way street, he hoped to find Olive.

Fortuitously, he encountered her again.

Panicking at the sight of Booker, Olive tried to escape by crossing the street against the red light. A truck barreled toward her, honking loudly.

“Watch out!” Booker shouted as he sprinted toward her.

He grabbed her just in time, pulling her out of the truck’s path. As the vehicle roared past, Olive trembled, realizing she wasn’t as indifferent to danger as she thought. She still had responsibilities and a desire to live.

Buried in Booker’s arms, Olive clung to him, taking deep breaths to steady herself.

After a long while, she looked up, her heart racing and her body flushed with emotion.


Olive tried to pull away from Booker, her frustration palpable. "I’m fine now. Let me go."

But Booker held her hand firmly, his gaze unwavering. “Listen to me carefully, or I won’t let you go.”

Olive, her pain easing, understood that Booker was only trying to help. She nodded reluctantly.

“I asked Rachel to help me test my theory. The medicine you took earlier was actually vitamins. Yet, you were still able to draw so well. This confirms one thing: you don’t actually need the painkillers,” Booker explained with confidence.

Realizing that Booker had uncovered the truth, Olive began to re-evaluate her situation. He had indeed pinpointed the core of her issue.

“There’s something wrong with me mentally, and I need psychological treatment,” Olive admitted. Although she accepted the need for therapy, she remained skeptical about its effectiveness.

Booker’s smile softened as he released her hand. “In that case, let’s schedule an appointment.”

Olive folded her arms, laying out her terms. “I will agree to see the therapist five times with you. If there’s no improvement by then, I’m done. And no more monitoring by Rachel after that.”

“Five sessions should be sufficient,” Booker agreed readily. He then looked up at the night sky. “It’s late. May I walk you home?”

Olive raised an eyebrow. “Do you even know where I live?” She smiled, recalling how Booker had wandered aimlessly in the alley earlier. “I saw you going back and forth three times.”

Booker cleared his throat, slightly embarrassed. “Please keep this between us. Can you give me directions? I’ll walk you back.”

Olive laughed softly, charmed by Booker’s earnestness. She admitted to herself that despite his lack of direction, Booker was quite a considerate doctor.

“I was a bit haughty before, but you took the time to care for me despite your busy schedule. I’m sorry for the harsh things I said,” Olive said sincerely.

“It’s nothing,” Booker replied with a shrug. “Everyone has their moments. I’ve dealt with tougher patients.”

He had encountered many difficult patients in his career, and though Olive was stubborn, she was far from the worst.

Meanwhile, Olive’s aunt was waiting at home, growing anxious about her niece’s absence. Deciding to search for her, she came across Olive outside the building.

“Auntie!” Olive exclaimed, rushing to her. “What are you doing out here? It’s freezing. You should have worn a coat!”

Her aunt waved off the concern, shifting her gaze to Booker, who was standing behind Olive. She glared at him, having seen them talking and laughing from a distance.

“Who is this man?” Olive’s aunt asked, her tone suspicious. Given Olive’s past with Hans, she was wary of her niece’s choice in men.

Booker’s eyes widened momentarily as he noticed the hostility. He was about to explain, but Olive quickly squeezed his hand and gave him a reassuring wink.

Not wanting her aunt to know about her mental health struggles, Olive offered a quick explanation. “This is Booker Bronson. He’s been pursuing me, though we haven’t officially started dating yet.”

Her aunt was not convinced. “You’re not her boyfriend yet. Keep your hands to yourself!” She scrutinized Olive. “Is he really interested in you?”

“Yes, Auntie,” Olive fibbed, avoiding eye contact. She attempted to deflect the situation. “It’s so cold. Let’s go inside.”

“No,” her aunt insisted firmly. “You both need to clarify things for me right now. No excuses.”

She dragged Olive and Booker to a nearby coffee shop. Once inside, she bombarded Booker with questions. “How do you know each other? Why are you interested in Olive? What’s your occupation? What do your parents do?”

Olive’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment as her aunt grilled Booker. They barely knew each other well enough to answer such personal inquiries.

Deciding to come clean, Olive was about to confess the truth when Booker gently placed his hand over hers on the table.

His tone was sincere. “Rachel introduced us. Her husband and I are good friends. Maybe it’s fate. They noticed I’ve been single for a while, so they thought to introduce me to Olive. She can be a bit reserved, but she’s kind, thoughtful, and determined.”

He glanced at Olive, then back to her aunt. “I’m a doctor at a private hospital. My mother is a university professor, and my father is an archaeologist.”

Booker then intertwined his fingers with Olive’s, making her tense.

Upon hearing Rachel’s name, Olive’s aunt seemed relieved. “I know Rachel. She’s such a lovely person. If she introduced you to Olive, then you must be decent.”

Booker, after finishing his coffee, bid them farewell. Before leaving, he leaned in and whispered to Olive, “Don’t forget our agreement.”


Olive’s heart raced as Booker leaned in to whisper in her ear. She tilted her head, glancing sideways. “Are you always this concerned about all your patients?”

Booker’s gaze remained fixed on Olive, and he felt a peculiar warmth in his chest. This was the first time he had been so close to a woman outside of the hospital, and he couldn’t help but notice how pretty she was.

The following day, Rachel’s coworker offered to buy coffee for the office. Noticing Olive’s absence, Tina asked, “Where’s Olive? She’s never late.”

Rachel, though trying to reassure Tina, was worried herself. Olive had left Grant'd the previous day in a daze.

Just then, Rachel received a message from Olive. “Rachel, I’m going to see a therapist today. Thank you for your help. I was harsh with you yesterday, and I want to make it up to you. Let’s have dinner together after my appointment.”

Rachel thought that Booker’s persuasion had finally made Olive seek professional help. She held back a laugh and messaged Braden to share the update on Booker’s progress.

Tina, noticing Rachel’s cheerful demeanor, commented, “You look like you won the lottery. What’s got you so happy?”

Rachel’s smile faded as Tina mentioned Shaira’s feedback on the dresses. “That’s impossible. Shaira was pleased with the dresses when I sent them yesterday.”

Tina handed Rachel a memo from Shaira. “Here. Shaira sent this earlier. It seems she has some new demands.”

Rachel’s expression turned serious as she read Shaira’s suggestions. “These changes are complicated and won’t be ready in time for the event. This is going to be problematic.”

Tina suggested discussing the issues in person when Shaira arrived at Grant'd.

When Shaira showed up, Rachel greeted her and presented the memo. “Miss Lorne, what’s this about? You said the dresses were fine yesterday.”

Shaira, with a pleasant smile, motioned for Rachel to sit. “The dresses are indeed fine, but I’ve received some exciting news—I’ve won a prize! I’ll be wearing the glamorous dress, so I won’t need the backup.”

Rachel, momentarily distracted, congratulated Shaira. “Since the dresses are fine, I’ll get back to work.”

Shaira stopped her, insisting, “I need a favor. Change the color of the dress for tomorrow.”

Rachel’s frustration grew. “Fine. What do you want?”

Shaira’s eyes lit up as she took Rachel’s hand. “I’m writing a novel and need help with the main character’s archetype. Braden’s refused to assist, so I’m asking you.”

Rachel sighed. “Braden is very private. I can’t agree to this without consulting him.”

Shaira noticed a lunch box on Rachel’s table and picked it up, examining it. “I assume this is for Braden. You’re being cold and heartless. Everyone knows Braden loves you.”

Embarrassed, Rachel gave a wry smile. “Don’t believe everything you hear.” Ultimately, she agreed to introduce Shaira to Braden, though she was reluctant.

Excited, Shaira planned her questions for Braden, even though she had only seen few pictures of him. She was thrilled about meeting him in person.

Rachel, noticing Shaira’s devious smile, reminded, “I’ll introduce you, but I won’t be involved in persuading him. You’re on your own with that.”

Shaira smiled sweetly, “I just wanted to speak with both you and your husband. You’ve ruined my plans, Rachel.”

Rachel, with a hint of coldness in her eyes, warned, “Believe me, I can always break my promise.”

Shaira quickly agreed, “I understand. I’ll behave.”

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

Rachel and Shaira arrived in front of the Porter Group’s towering building, the glass reflecting the sky as they paused at the entrance. Before stepping inside, Rachel turned to her friend, cautioning her, “Remember, don’t bring up Braden’s family or his father. Those are off-limits.”

Shaira rolled her eyes playfully. “Do you think I don’t know that? Relax, Rach. Braden’s your husband, and I’ll treat him with the same respect I show you. Besides, he’s the CEO of Porter Group—I wouldn’t dare offend him.”

Relieved, Rachel checked the time on her phone. “I just messaged Andy. Braden’s still in an interview. We might have to wait a bit.”

“That gives me time to gather some material,” Shaira said, grinning as she readied her recorder.

Rachel raised an eyebrow. “What exactly are you planning?”

With a mischievous smile, Shaira wrapped an arm around Rachel’s shoulders and pulled her closer. “I’m dragging you along while I interview the Porter Group’s employees. Come on, let’s go!”

Rachel sighed, feeling the situation spiraling out of control. She was beginning to regret agreeing to bring Shaira along.

Meanwhile, on the 16th floor of the Porter Group building, the interviews were in full swing. Brenda sat outside the meeting room, poised and confident, clearly standing out among the other candidates.

“I saw a girl come out earlier, and she looked like she’d just run a marathon. I wonder what they asked her,” one of the other interviewees whispered to her friend, eyeing Brenda curiously.

Brenda, however, was uninterested in their gossip. After last week’s incident at the welfare house, she was confident that she would be the one to land the job.

She had already passed three rounds of grueling interviews for a position that would take over some of the responsibilities formerly managed by Charlene. The role focused primarily on charity work and corporate image, areas where Brenda knew she excelled.

Just then, a woman who had just completed her interview exited the office, looking flustered. The other candidates crowded around her, eager for details, but she brushed them off with a wave.

“Brenda Cooke, you’re next,” one of the staff members called out.

Brenda straightened up and walked into the room, where three interviewers awaited her. But it was Braden who drew her attention immediately.

Dressed in a sharp suit, Braden exuded the quiet confidence of a seasoned business leader. Though he didn’t position himself at the center of the table, his presence was unmistakably commanding.

After introducing herself, Brenda added, “I was recently adopted by Mr. Shane Palmer. I’m now officially a Palmer.”

Her statement caught the interviewers by surprise, and they exchanged glances.

Braden, however, remained impassive, his eyes fixed on Brenda. He hadn’t expected her to reveal her new family ties so openly.

“The Porter Group and the Palmer family have a strained relationship. Why do you want to work here?” Braden asked calmly, his gaze steady.

Brenda met his eyes without hesitation. “Precisely because of that, Mr. Porter. My joining Porter Group could signal a reconciliation.”

Braden raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Go on.”

“While the Palmer family’s influence isn’t as vast as Porter Group’s, it’s still a well-established entity with deep ties to many long-standing companies. The Porter Group is a rising star, but its rapid ascent has made it a target. Alienating the Palmer family and its allies could isolate Porter Group, forcing it into a vulnerable position.”

Brenda paused, noting that she had their attention. “Some of these companies have already suggested cutting ties with Porter Group due to the tension with the Palmers. That would be a significant blow, especially to the third-party manufacturers involved.”

Braden studied Brenda’s resume as she spoke. Her academic achievements were impressive, and her extensive involvement in public service further set her apart. She was undeniably one of the strongest candidates.

“I’ve been preparing for this interview for over a month,” Brenda continued, her voice steady with determination. “If I’m hired, my presence could signal to the business community that Porter Group is willing to mend fences. This would help resolve the ongoing disputes.”

One of the interviewers, clearly impressed, leaned forward. “You seem to have a thorough understanding of the situation. Tell us more.”

Brenda smiled confidently. “Business is about mutual benefit. The Porter and Palmer Groups won’t be adversaries forever. The Palmer family and their allies are simply waiting for the right moment to end this impasse.”

The interviewers exchanged nods, recognizing Brenda’s potential. But it was Braden’s opinion that truly mattered.

Braden studied her for a long moment before speaking. “You’ve made a compelling case. But I need to understand your personal motivation. Why do you want to work here?”

Brenda didn’t hesitate. “I need to prove myself. Being adopted by the Palmers was an act of charity, not necessity. I don’t want to be someone’s charity case. I want to succeed on my own merits, to show them—and myself—that I can make it without anyone’s help.”

Braden listened intently, his expression unreadable.

“I grew up in an orphanage after my father abandoned us and my mother passed away. It was the Porter Group’s scholarship that allowed me to pursue my education. That’s why I want to work here—to give back to the company that gave me a future.”

Braden nodded slightly, having already verified her background. “You studied abroad and excelled. Did your professor encourage you to stay?”

Brenda’s mind flashed to her mentor, Professor Jerome Bryce. “He did. Professor Bryce and I were the only foreigners on the research team, and he was a tremendous help to me. But his influence was one of the reasons I decided to return.”

She paused, realizing she had said more than intended. Jerome Bryce was not a straightforward man—his intentions were often murky.

“What is it, Miss Cooke?” one of the interviewers asked, noticing her hesitation.

Brenda fumbled slightly, dropping her pen. “Sorry, I just got lost in thought for a moment.”

Braden’s eyes were on her, sharp and assessing.

Regaining her composure, Brenda added, “I’ve recently spoken with some of the other orphans who benefited from the Porter Group’s support. We all share a deep gratitude for the opportunities we’ve been given. I’m ambitious and driven, and I hope the Porter Group will give me the chance to prove my worth.”

As she finished, she felt a wave of relief. She had played her cards well, appealing to both emotion and logic. But she couldn’t read Braden’s reaction—his expression remained inscrutable.

After a long silence, Braden finally closed her resume and looked up at her. “Miss Cooke, thank you for your time. You may go now.”

Brenda nodded and left the room, unsure of what to expect next.


For a moment, Brenda felt completely lost. Braden’s words were unclear—was he allowing her to return home and prepare for the job, or was he outright refusing to hire her?

“I’m not going to hire you,” Braden said bluntly. “The Porter Group doesn’t need to leverage your identity as the Palmers’ adopted daughter to improve our corporate image. We handle our business relationships on our own terms. It’s true that the relations between Porter Group and Meadowview’ long-established companies need improvement, but we will never make the first concession. That’s just not how I operate.”

Brenda couldn’t help but sense a hint of hostility in Braden’s tone.

“There are many orphans who are ambitious and driven by their dreams. Porter Group is committed to charity work to help them achieve their goals, but we don’t hire people out of pity,” Braden continued, his voice firm. His words left no doubt about the outcome of the interview.

Brenda was stunned. She hadn’t expected him to be so harsh. She realized she had used the wrong approach, trying to gain his sympathy by emphasizing her status rather than her abilities.

But it was too late. The staff escorted her out as the next interviewee was called in.

As Brenda walked away, Braden narrowed his eyes, feeling a strange familiarity. The way she had spoken reminded him of a young Charlene—arrogant and confident.

But Brenda wasn’t Charlene. Charlene had a natural, deep-seated self-assurance that came from being born into a wealthy family. Brenda’s attempt to imitate that confidence felt like a poor imitation.

Once in the elevator, Brenda couldn’t hold back her tears any longer. Her vision blurred as she broke down. Braden was as tough as the rumors said. Playing the sympathy card had gotten her nowhere. Now, she was left wondering what to do next. The elevator doors opened, and two employees, a man and a woman, stepped in. The woman was holding a couple of cups of coffee, and the man had a cake box. Both of them were smiling.

“I didn’t expect Rachel to show up today. She’s still as kind as ever, bringing us coffee and cake,” the woman said with a grin.

The man, who seemed to be new at Porter Group, looked surprised. “I didn’t know Mrs. Porter worked here before she became a famous designer!” he exclaimed. “She’s even more beautiful in person than in her pictures online.”

Brenda couldn’t help but feel disdain as she overheard their conversation. In her mind, Rachel was just good at winning people over with insignificant gestures like buying coffee.

“Thank goodness Mr. Porter isn’t with Charlene anymore,” the woman continued. “She had a bad personality, and after she was disfigured, her appearance only got worse. But Rachel—she’s beautiful and kind-hearted…”

Brenda’s expression darkened. She secretly nudged the woman from behind.

“Hey! What are you doing?” the woman yelled as she turned around.

Brenda’s push caused the coffee to spill onto the woman’s white dress, leaving a large brown stain.

“Did you push me on purpose?” the woman asked angrily, tugging at her ruined dress.

“I’m so sorry, it was an accident,” Brenda apologized, though her tone lacked sincerity. Inside, she felt no remorse at all.

“Which department are you in?” the woman demanded, clearly furious with Brenda’s half-hearted apology.

Brenda smirked. “I’m just here for an interview,” she replied defiantly. “But I’m the Palmers’ adopted daughter. Should I ask my parents to handle this?”

The story of the Palmer family adopting an orphan had spread around the company recently, and the woman had heard the news.

“Forget it. It’s not worth it,” the male employee whispered, trying to calm her down. The woman glared at Brenda but kept quiet, swallowing her resentment.

As the elevator doors opened, Brenda strutted out with a smug smile on her face.

When she reached the entrance of the Porter Group building, she noticed a group of protesters outside. Their angry shouts drowned out the sounds of the guards and police trying to maintain order.

“The Porter Group has called the police. Aren’t you afraid of getting arrested?” Brenda said, pretending to be a concerned passerby.

“We don’t care if Braden calls the police!” a man named Hakim Raman, one of the manufacturers, shouted back. “The conflict between Porter Group and their clients shouldn’t drag us into this! We’re not getting paid, and I’ve got a family to feed. The Porter Group has to pay what they owe us!”

Brenda glanced at the banner being tossed around by the wind. It accused Porter Group of causing a factory’s bankruptcy and was filled with insults.

“Causing a scene like this won’t solve anything,” Brenda remarked, knowing full well that this demonstration wouldn’t bother Braden.

Hakim’s anger suddenly shifted toward her. “Mind your own business! We won’t leave until we see Braden!”

These fools had no idea what they were up against, Brenda thought. Going up against someone like Braden was a mistake.

As she was about to leave, she remembered what the employees in the elevator had said. Rachel was in the building today.

Brenda’s eyes lit up as she looked back at the crowd of protesters. Seeing Rachel was an unexpected bonus. She couldn’t let this opportunity pass by. An idea formed in her mind, bringing a smile to her lips. She walked over to Hakim and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned to face her.

In the hall of the Porter Group, Rachel was talking and laughing with the employees, unaware of the storm brewing just outside.


Shaira was energetically interviewing some of Rachel’s former employees, her enthusiasm palpable. Clasping Rachel’s hand, she eagerly led her towards the design department, wanting to chat with more people.

“Rachel, we should wrap this up. You’ve gathered more than enough material already,” Rachel suggested, her voice hoarse from hours of talking. They had already spoken with the security guards, cleaners, and receptionists, and the strain was beginning to show. But the more Shaira listened, the more excited she became, practically bouncing with enthusiasm. “Your love story with Braden is so captivating! Everyone sees Braden as this cold, calculating boss who keeps his emotions tightly in check. But with you, he’s completely different—so warm and loving.”

“This is getting absurd,” Rachel muttered, feeling both embarrassed and helpless.

A cleaning lady, who had been listening nearby, chimed in seriously, “But it’s true, Mrs. Porter. Mr. Porter always smiles when he sees you. I even thought he might have a twin brother because he changes so much around you. It’s like he becomes a different person. You’ve brought out a side of him we never thought existed. You’re like an angel sent to brighten his life.”

Shaira’s eyes sparkled as she turned to Rachel. “Rachel, you should write a book on how to melt a cold man’s heart!” she said, her admiration clear.

Rachel placed a hand on her forehead, trying to deflect the praise. “You’re mistaken. Braden just doesn’t smile often. He finds my clumsiness amusing, that’s all.”

“Then why are you blushing?” Shaira teased, pinching Rachel’s cheek. “Admit it, he only has eyes for you. Everyone else is just background noise. I bet deep down, you’re thrilled about it.”

Rachel’s cheeks reddened further. “Stop it, Shaira!” she pleaded, shyly.

With a mischievous grin, Shaira opened her small notebook. “I’m going to write this down—‘Rachel is Braden’s little angel’…”

“No!” Rachel quickly covered the notebook with her hand. “Don’t write nonsense, Shaira! There’s no truth to any of this.”

Shaira snorted, closing the notebook with a defiant snap. “I’m not writing nonsense. You’ll love what I’ve written, trust me. And if I did write something silly, you’d just run to Braden and have him shut me down in the industry. I’m not that foolish.”

“I would never do that,” Rachel protested, though she couldn’t help but glance at the notebook. “What else have you scribbled in there?”

Shaira immediately hid the notebook behind her back, acting as if it contained her deepest secrets. “Nothing! This is my personal space.”

Rachel frowned, her curiosity piqued. “I won’t tell anyone. Just let me see.”

As they playfully tussled over the notebook, a commotion arose outside the glass doors. The sound of a megaphone filled the air, drawing the attention of passers-by.

“What’s going on? Is the Porter Group in debt?” Rachel asked one of the nearby employees.

The employee sighed, shaking his head. “No, the Porter Group is financially stable. The problem is with the Palmer family. After Charlene’s death, Mr. Porter canceled several business deals with them. One of their factories is dissatisfied with the compensation, so they’ve been causing trouble lately. This is the third time they’ve shown up this week.”

Noticing Rachel’s concerned expression, the employee added with a smile, “Don’t worry, Mrs. Porter. Mr. Porter has already called the police. These people will leave when they get tired.”

Rachel nodded, though her gaze was drawn to a pregnant woman standing in the crowd. The woman was visibly exhausted, supporting her large belly with one hand and her back with the other. Despite her obvious discomfort, no one offered her a seat.

“Who is that pregnant woman?” Rachel asked.

“She’s Hakim’s wife, the factory owner leading the protest. He’s a real piece of work, dragging his heavily pregnant wife into this mess,” the employee replied, shaking his head in disapproval.

Rachel’s heart went out to the woman. She thought of Nadia, who was also expecting and often complained about the aches and pains of pregnancy, despite being a former martial arts practitioner. If Nadia found it tough, how much harder must it be for this woman?

Suddenly, the pregnant woman’s face twisted in pain, and she collapsed to the ground.

Hakim, shocked, dropped his banner and rushed to her side. “Honey! Honey!” he cried out, his voice thick with fear. He turned towards the Porter Group building, his voice rising in anger. “Braden! If anything happens to my wife and baby, I’ll hold you responsible!”

“That’s ridiculous!” the employee beside Rachel muttered angrily. “Hakim brought his pregnant wife here. How can he blame Mr. Porter for this?”

The crowd grew restless, and security guards rushed out to maintain order. Rachel’s concern deepened as she watched the scene unfold. “She looks like she could give birth at any moment,” she murmured to Shaira. “This is so unfair. She shouldn’t be here, suffering like this because of her husband’s stubbornness.”

Shaira, who had been watching the chaos unfold, nodded in agreement. “She’s in a terrible situation. This could end badly if she doesn’t get the help she needs.”

Rachel made a quick decision. “Let the pregnant woman in,” she instructed the security guard at the door. “She needs to rest while we wait for the ambulance.”

Shaira immediately voiced her concerns. “Rachel, think about this. If something happens to her inside, the Porter Group could be held responsible. Even if we’re not at fault, Hakim could make a big fuss and blame the company.”

“I’ll take responsibility,” Rachel replied firmly. “I can’t just stand by and do nothing.”

Dark clouds gathered overhead, and a heavy downpour began. Without hesitation, Rachel turned to the security guard. “Tell her to come inside and take shelter. We’ll send her out when the ambulance arrives.”

The guard hesitated. “But Mr. Porter ordered that none of Hakim’s people be allowed in.”

Rachel grew more anxious as the rain poured down. “I’ll take the blame, okay? I’ll make sure you’re not reprimanded. These people have been out there for a long time, and the pregnant woman has already fainted. If the media catches wind of this, it’ll only cause more trouble.”

The guard, moved by Rachel’s determination and the sight of the suffering woman, nodded. He gathered a few other guards, and together, they carefully carried the pregnant woman inside. Just as they were about to close the door, Hakim rushed forward, trying to force his way in.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

“Step away! We’re only taking the woman in, no one else!” The security guard’s voice was sharp, filled with frustration as he eyed Hakim’s insistence with disdain.

“But she’s carrying my child! How can I just leave her? What if something happens to her?” Hakim’s clothes clung to his soaked body, making him appear like a drenched, desperate man from the streets.

The security guard glanced back at Rachel, waiting for her directive.

Hakim turned to her as well, dropping to his knees in desperation. “Mrs. Porter!” he pleaded, his voice shaking. “Please, let me in. I need to be by my wife’s side. She’s about to give birth; I’m really worried.”

“You’ll only cause more trouble if you come inside,” Rachel replied gently but firmly. “My responsibility is to protect the Porter Group and everyone who works here. I’m sorry, but I can’t allow you in. Rest assured, we won’t harm your wife. You can watch over her through the glass door.”

Hakim wasn’t ready to give up. He clasped his hands together, begging, “Why would I cause trouble now? Please, if you don’t believe me, I’ll swear on anything. I just want my wife and child to be safe. I swear, I won’t create any more issues for the Porter Group.”

Rachel raised an eyebrow, noting the gravity of his promise. She extended her hand to Shaira, borrowing a recorder pen. “To ensure you keep your word, I want you to swear now, on record, that you’ll accept the compensation offered by the Porter Group and won’t hold any future protests. You must also promise never to spread false rumors about us again.”

Hakim’s eyes widened in shock, realizing he was cornered. He had no choice but to agree if he wanted to get inside.

Satisfied, Rachel handed the pen back to Shaira and nodded to the security guard. “Let him in.”

Hakim hurried to help his frail wife into the building, her steps slow and unsteady. Rachel instructed the receptionist to bring them clean towels and warm drinks.

“I’ll place some pillows around your waist. It’ll help you feel more comfortable,” Rachel said, gently arranging two pillows on the chair for the expectant mother.

The pregnant woman looked at her gratefully, though her face remained pale. “You seem to know so much about this, Mrs. Porter. Do you have children of your own?”

Rachel smiled softly. “Not yet, but my best friend is in the middle of her pregnancy. I’ve seen how sore she gets, so I thought this might help.”

The woman nodded, her eyes shifting to Hakim, who was engrossed in his phone, oblivious to her discomfort. She hesitated, then said quietly, “Thank you for letting me in. About today’s demonstration…”

Her voice trailed off, but Rachel could sense her guilt. Meanwhile, Hakim, indifferent to his wife’s plight, continued scrolling through his phone. It was clear to Rachel that he likely forced his pregnant wife to join the protest.

“I understand,” Rachel said gently. “Rest until the ambulance arrives.” She checked her watch, noting that the interview with Mr. Porter should be finished. “Inform Mr. Porter of what happened,” she instructed the security guard.

Shaira perked up. “What? I can finally see Braden? I thought I’d waste the whole afternoon here!”

Rachel chuckled at Shaira’s enthusiasm, not noticing Hakim’s darkened expression as he quietly moved closer behind Shaira.

As soon as the security guard left, Hakim suddenly pulled out a knife.

With a swift motion, he shoved Shaira aside and grabbed Rachel, pressing the blade against her throat.

His wife, terrified, tried to stand but collapsed under the weight of her belly. “Hakim, are you out of your mind?! What are you doing?”

“Shut up, you fat cow!” he snapped.

Rachel, her breath catching, tried to remain calm. “Let’s talk this through. There’s no need to be impulsive,” she urged, her voice trembling.

“Talk? Do you think talking will fix anything?” Hakim’s voice dripped with bitterness. “Braden ruined me! Why should my child be born into poverty because of his feud with the Palmer Group? I want him to suffer too!”

Hakim’s plan had been to confront Braden directly, but when that failed, he saw Rachel as his only leverage.

“We’re going to have a baby, Hakim. Please, don’t do anything reckless!” His wife’s panic only made her abdominal pain worse, and she collapsed to the floor, drenched in sweat.

Hakim’s eyes were cold as he looked at her, devoid of any affection. “I’ve supported you all this time. Don’t interfere now.”

He tightened his grip on Rachel, sneering. “Braden will be here soon. If he doesn’t give me what I want, we’ll all die together.”

Rachel’s gaze hardened. “You’re despicable, Hakim. Using your pregnant wife to gain sympathy—how low can you get?”

Hakim’s face twisted with rage, and he pressed the knife harder against her neck. “Shut up! I’d kill you right now if I didn’t need you to get to Braden!”

From the corner of her eye, Rachel saw Shaira moving cautiously. She held her breath, hoping Shaira would succeed.

But Hakim noticed. He spun around just as Shaira lunged at him. “You bitch!” he yelled, stepping back. “You’re trying to attack me?”

The situation was spiraling out of control, and Rachel feared that no one would leave this encounter unscathed.


Hakim made a sudden, violent move, stabbing Shaira without warning.

“Shaira, run!” Rachel shouted in alarm, but it was too late.

The blade cut deeply into Shaira’s arm, and blood flowed freely. She collapsed to the floor, clutching her wound and crying out in pain.

“If anyone dares to come closer, I’ll kill Rachel!” Hakim roared, yanking Rachel’s hair as he continued shouting, “Do you hear me? Back off!”

The employees of the Porter Group, who had been ready to rush in, now hesitated, retreating under Hakim’s threat.

Even Shaira, lying on the floor, didn’t move. “Are you alright, Rachel?” she asked weakly.

Despite the dire situation, Shaira’s calm demeanor struck Rachel. Even in such a critical moment, Shaira was still concerned about her.

Rachel, however, was filled with fear. “What if I don’t make it out of here?” Shaira’s trembling voice was filled with dread. “Saving people isn’t as simple as it seems in novels. I still haven’t attended the award ceremony or started the novel I promised. There’s still so much I wanted to do. If I’d known life was this short, I would have treated myself better…”

“Don’t talk like that,” Rachel interrupted, moved by Shaira’s sacrifice but knowing this wasn’t the time for heartfelt conversations. “You need to get out of here now. Hakim’s focus is on me.”

Shaira glanced at Hakim, who was still holding Rachel tightly.

Hakim glared at Shaira with hatred. “Get out! Don’t make this harder than it already is!” He then turned to the surrounding employees. “Back off! If anyone tries to intervene, I’ll stab them too!”

Reluctantly, Shaira nodded and slowly backed away, her wound still bleeding.

The Porter Group’s employees moved in to support her, though they dared not approach Hakim, fearing his wrath.

Rachel tried to steady her breathing, her lips dry.

“Don’t worry about me. I value my life too much to run away,” she said to Hakim, trying to diffuse the tension. She noticed Hakim’s frequent swallowing and offered, “Are you thirsty? Would you like some water?”

“Shut up, you bitch!” Hakim snapped. “I don’t need water!”

Rachel shifted her approach. “You want money, don’t you? How much do you need?”

Hakim yanked her hair violently, nearly yanking it from her scalp. “Don’t you get it? I don’t want to talk to you! I want to speak to Braden!”

Just then, Braden’s commanding voice cut through the chaos. “Let my wife go, Hakim.”

Braden’s eyes were icy, his demeanor cold and unyielding. “What do you want? Tell me.”

With the police called and Porter Group’s bodyguards surrounding Hakim, he took a step back, visibly unnerved by Braden’s formidable presence.

“Give me five million dollars and a car!” Hakim demanded, trying to muster some courage. “And make sure it’s ready outside when it arrives!”

He savored the moment, reveling in the thought of finally getting Braden to comply. But a flicker of doubt crossed his mind. He narrowed his eyes, suspicion creeping in. “Braden, you’re not planning to call the police, are you? I’ll kill Rachel if I hear sirens!”

“I’m not calling the police,” Braden assured, his voice urgent. “I’m sending my assistant to bring you the money and the car. Just keep calm and don’t harm Rachel further.”

Moments later, Andy arrived with a heavy case.

Andy opened it, revealing the cash, and said with a hint of disdain, “Here’s the five million dollars. Do you want to count it?”

Hakim’s eyes gleamed at the sight of the money. He kicked the case closed with a sneer. “Do you think I’m an idiot? If I start counting the money, you’ll have a chance to seize me. I’m not falling for that trick!”


Andy tossed a car key to Hakim’s feet, forcing a weak smile as he spoke. “I’ve parked the BMW A6 outside. It’s all yours.” Hakim’s face lit up with a grim smile as he glanced toward the glass door, spotting the black BMW parked outside.

“Good. I’m leaving now. You!” Hakim pointed at one of Braden’s men. “Help me bring the money over!”

“I’ll do it,” Braden said coldly, raising his hand to signal his men to stay back. He walked over, picked up the case and the car key, and asked, “Aren’t you taking your wife with you?”

At that moment, one of Braden’s men shoved Hakim’s heavily pregnant wife, Lydia, causing her to fall to the ground. Her face was pale but showed no blood. With all her strength, Lydia reached out to Hakim, pleading, “Please, Hakim. Don’t leave me and our baby alone.”

Hakim glanced between Lydia’s pathetic form on the ground and the case of money. He made a cold decision. “Lydia, when I get out of here, I’ll choose a nice place to bury you. Now that I’m rich, there will be plenty of women eager to be with me. I’ll easily find a younger woman to give me more children. Thanks for your sacrifices, but we’re done. You don’t have to come with me.”

Hakim’s cruel words cut deeply into Lydia’s heart.

“Hakim, how could you do this to me?” Lydia cried bitterly, hugging her belly and sobbing uncontrollably. The onlookers felt a pang of sympathy for her suffering.

Hakim, however, remained unmoved. He walked toward the door, still holding Rachel tightly. He then demanded that Braden come closer to hand over the case.

Braden approached with the case, his eyes narrowing at Rachel. Understanding his hint, Rachel blinked in acknowledgment.

As Braden was about to hand over the case, he deliberately loosened his grip. The case fell to the ground, spilling its contents. Money scattered across the floor.

Hakim, enraged, shouted, “What the hell are you doing? Can’t you even handle a case properly?”

“I’m sorry,” Braden sneered, making no move to pick it up.

Hakim, caught between his desire for the money and his frustration, hesitated. In his moment of indecision, Rachel seized the opportunity. She stepped on Hakim’s foot with her high heel.

Hakim cried out in pain, loosening his grip. The knife fell from his hand, allowing Rachel to escape. “Bitch!” he roared, grabbing his knife and trying to pursue her.

Braden quickly picked up the case and swung it at Hakim’s face. The blow knocked Hakim to the ground, leaving him sprawled amidst the scattered money, dazed from the impact.

Rachel ran to Braden and embraced him, still shaken by the ordeal.

Hakim staggered to his feet, wild-eyed and frantic. He began picking up the money, muttering to himself, “This money is mine. None of you can take it from me…”

Rachel, still frightened, turned her head to see Hakim’s deranged state. Braden covered her eyes gently and whispered, “Don’t look.”

The commotion soon ended as Porter Group’s security guards arrived and surrounded Hakim. Completely out of touch with reality, Hakim continued to bury his face in the pile of cash, laughing maniacally.

The guards quickly subdued him, pinning him to the floor as he screamed in frustration and pain.

Rachel, aided by Braden, returned to the hall of the Porter Group. Braden examined her neck wound carefully, noting, “It’s not very deep. Fortunately, it’s not bleeding much. I’ll have Booker get something to help with the scar.”

Rachel wasn’t fully listening, her mind preoccupied with the possibility of Braden being angry with her. She had let Hakim in without permission.

“I’m sorry. I’ll make sure this never happens again,” she said, feeling guilty. She knew apologies might not change what happened.

Braden’s stern gaze suggested he wasn’t pleased. “You better not let this happen again,” he seemed to convey.

Embarrassed by her words, Rachel quickly added, “I promise it won’t happen again. Don’t worry.”

Braden sighed in exasperation, about to speak further, when Shaira hurried over, pushing past him.

“Rachel! Are you alright? How serious is your wound?” Shaira’s concern was evident. “The receptionist took me to the infirmary to tend to my wound. I missed the action, didn’t I? They caught Hakim, right?”

Shaira’s eyes then fell on Rachel’s neck wound, concern evident on her face.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

Before Rachel could offer any explanation, Shaira enveloped her in a tight hug, her voice trembling with anger. “That wretched man! How dare he hurt you?!”

“It’s nothing, really,” Rachel reassured her with a gentle smile. “It doesn’t even hurt anymore.”

“Are you sure?” Shaira's eyes softened with concern as she scanned Rachel’s face. “I heard they called Braden. Wasn’t he here?”

Rachel cleared her throat and gestured behind Shaira. “Actually, he’s right here. You pushed him just now.”

Shaira turned around slowly, her gaze falling upon a man standing in the shadows, impeccably dressed in a suit and leather shoes. His mature features only enhanced his strikingly handsome appearance.

It was… Braden Porter?!

Shaira’s mind raced, struggling to find a word that could capture Braden’s allure. Finally, she admitted defeat, settling on one simple yet powerful descriptor: “breathtaking.”

“Hello, Mr. Porter,” Shaira stammered, her eyes widening in awe. Her excitement was palpable as she turned to Rachel, giving her a thumbs-up. “With someone as handsome as Braden, my next novel is bound to be a hit! He looks like he stepped right out of a model shoot!”

“A novel?” Braden’s expression turned puzzled as he glanced at Rachel. “Can you fill me in on what’s happening here?”

Rachel suddenly remembered her forgotten promise to Shaira—an interview for her novel—and more importantly, to ask Braden if he would consider playing a role. She hurried toward him with a bright smile, eager to explain.

Before she could say much, a piercing cry cut through the hall.

“This woman is in labor!”

“Oh my God! She’s lost so much blood. Has the ambulance arrived yet?”

“What’s happening?”

The crowd’s attention shifted to the woman’s anguished cries. Rachel’s thoughts immediately turned to Lydia’s plight and Hakim’s previous warning. Fear gripped her as she realized the gravity of the situation.

In her rush to help, Rachel didn’t have a chance to discuss the novel with Braden. She dashed over to Hakim’s wife, who was in a critical state, and demanded, “Why isn’t the ambulance here yet?”

“It’s pouring outside, and there’s a severe accident blocking the way,” Braden explained quietly. “Andy just texted—there’s no way the ambulance can reach us right now.”

Rachel’s heart raced. “We can’t just stand by and watch. We need to do something!”

At that moment, the revolving door spun open, and three figures entered the hall. Andy, drenched but smiling, led the way. “The doctors are here! Please make way.”

Two doctors followed, clad in white coats and carrying medical supplies. One doctor knelt by the pregnant woman, while the other began ushering onlookers away.

“She needs fresh air and more space to be comfortable,” the doctor said, examining the woman. “She’s in serious condition. We can’t wait for the ambulance. We need to deliver the baby right here. Who’s the father?”

A heavy silence fell until Rachel spoke up. “Her husband isn’t here. Is there anything we can do?”

The doctor’s face showed concern. “If something goes wrong, it’s a serious problem. We need to get her husband here immediately.”

Rachel hesitated. “Her husband is… a criminal and in a poor mental state. We can’t let him out. Can’t you just deliver the baby now?” The doctor considered this, his face troubled. “If there’s a clean room available, I can deliver the baby here.”

The crowd looked toward Braden. Hakim had just threatened the Porter Group, and it would be understandable if Braden chose not to help.

Without hesitation, Braden shrugged off his suit jacket and draped it over the pregnant woman. “The most important thing is saving her life!” he declared decisively.

He turned to Andy. “Arrange a VIP room for the doctor and gather all available medical staff to assist.”

Relief washed over everyone as they scrambled to follow Braden’s orders. Rachel and Shaira quickly fetched clean towels.

“I didn’t expect Braden to be so… compassionate,” Shaira remarked, surprised. Seeing Rachel’s disapproving look, she added, “I’ve heard he’s cold and selfish, but he’s clearly not. I guess I had a very one-sided view of him.”

Rachel wasn’t surprised at all. “People say things because they don’t really know him. I’ve always known how kind and caring he is.”

“What are you two talking about?” Braden’s voice cut through their conversation, his tone as cold as ever.


Shaira glanced back, her eyes widening as she saw Braden standing behind her. With a knowing smile, she addressed him. “I’m sure you know exactly what we were discussing, Mr. Porter.”

She took the clean towels from Rachel and nudged her toward Braden. “I’ll take these and leave you two to chat privately.”

With that, Shaira exited.

Rachel, distracted, looked around. “We can talk later. I need to check on Lydia first.” As she attempted to leave, Braden gently pulled her back.

“The doctor is with her,” Braden assured. “She’ll be alright.” He then reached up to wipe a spot of blood from Rachel’s face, probably splashed when Hakim had been waving his knife.

Braden guided her into the elevator, which took them to the CEO’s office on the top floor. With the company’s medical staff attending to the pregnant woman, Braden needed to tend to Rachel’s wound himself.

“Ouch!” Rachel winced softly. She glared at Braden. “Are you doing this on purpose? My neck is starting to hurt even more.”

After disinfecting the wound, Braden applied a soothing cream and dabbed at the injury with a cotton swab. Rachel winced again. “Braden, I know I made a mistake. Please be gentle. It really hurts!”

Braden eased up on the pressure. “This is a lesson. If not for your compassion, you wouldn’t have been hurt.”

Rachel acknowledged her fault with a soft sigh. “You’re right. My sympathy led to this.”

Seeing the sadness in her eyes, Braden realized he had been too harsh. He softened his tone. “What you did wasn’t entirely wrong. You let the pregnant woman in out of kindness. If she had collapsed at the door, it would’ve reflected badly on the Porter Group. The incident with Hakim wasn’t accidental. Kristian and Charlene left the company, and I was overwhelmed at work. It’s not all your fault.”

Rachel’s heart felt heavy at his words. “You’re going to great lengths to cover for my mistake,” she said quietly.

Braden tilted her chin, lifting her gaze to meet his. They locked eyes, and the tension between them melted away. He leaned in, and she met him halfway, their lips melding in a passionate kiss that ignited their connection.

Rachel, breathless, whispered, “We’re in your office.”

Braden’s deep, reassuring voice replied, “We’re a couple. It’s only natural.” His attention then shifted to the tie of Rachel’s dress, which he began to undo.

“My neck is injured…” Rachel began.

“I’m only going to kiss you,” Braden replied huskily.

Rachel suddenly remembered something and held his hand. “There’s one more thing you need to forgive me for…”

“Go on?” Braden’s desire grew palpable as he pressed her against the sofa, his lips finding hers again. He hadn’t expected her to voice any major complaints.

However, Rachel’s next words surprised him.

“How could you betray me?” Still pinned on the sofa, Braden’s gaze darkened with a mix of passion and hunger.

Rachel’s expression turned to one of mild irritation. “You said you were only going to kiss me,” she protested.

Her concern was that if she let him, the kisses wouldn’t stop. Raising her eyebrows, she reminded him, “We’re in your office, and my neck is injured…”

Braden reluctantly pulled away from her, smoothing out his disheveled clothes. His usual indifference returned. “You make me sound like a heartless man controlled by my desires.”

His eyes sparkled with mischief as he smirked. “And it’s not like we’ve never been intimate before. Of all people, you should know I can control myself.”

Rachel’s cheeks flushed at his words. “Braden…” she protested weakly.

Her soft voice stirred something in him, igniting his desire even further.

“Tell me what you want, Rachel…” Braden’s gaze was intense, his voice low and seductive, as if he were a predator assessing his prey.

Rachel, irritated by his teasing, pulled his tie and stood on tiptoe to kiss him again. The sudden movement strained her wound, and she let out a cry. Blushing with embarrassment, she looked down.

Braden, trying hard to suppress his laughter, adjusted his stance to support her neck carefully. The space between their lips narrowed...

“Ah! Sorry, I didn’t see anything! Don’t mind me!” Andy hurriedly shielded his eyes as he entered the room.

Braden shot him an exasperated glare. “Didn’t you learn how to knock?”

Andy, holding the doorknob innocently, replied, “But you left the door open, Mr. Porter.”

Rachel, mortified, hid behind the desk. Braden, ever composed, rested a hand on the desk. “What is it?”

Andy, momentarily distracted from his shock, gathered his composure and reported, “The pregnant woman is stable now. She delivered a healthy daughter, and the road is clear. An ambulance just arrived to take her and the baby to the hospital.”

“See to the rest. You’re dismissed,” Braden said, expecting the matter to be concluded as Andy prepared to leave.


Just as Andy was about to leave, he paused and asked, “The police have arrived. Should I instruct the guards to hand Hakim over to them?”

“Yes, do that. And next time, try to deliver all your updates at once. I prefer to resolve matters swiftly,” Braden said, his irritation evident.

“Understood, Sir.” Andy nodded and exited the room.

As Andy walked down the corridor, he muttered to himself, “Mr. Porter’s temper is something else. I don’t know how his wife manages.”

Shaira, curious about the commotion, approached him. She had been looking for Rachel and, having learned that the CEO’s office was on the top floor, assumed she’d find Rachel there. Instead, she encountered Andy.

Taken aback by her sudden appearance, Andy addressed her firmly. “Miss, this is a restricted area. Please leave.”

Shaira raised an eyebrow, eyeing Andy. His youthful appearance and bright eyes made him seem somewhat innocent. Since he had just come out of Braden’s office, he might be the CEO’s secretary. “Are you Braden’s secretary?”

“I’m Mr. Porter’s personal assistant. Which department are you from?” Andy’s tone grew sterner. “If you don’t leave, I’ll have to inform your supervisor.”

Shaira remained unfazed. She was determined to get information. “You’re his assistant? Then you must know a lot about Braden.”

Andy, who didn’t recognize her, was wary. She seemed naïve and careless. “I can’t discuss anything with you. Please leave,” he said, his voice cold. “If you don’t comply, I’ll have to call security.”

Unperturbed, Shaira pulled out some cash from her bag and offered it to Andy. “I just need to ask a few questions.”

Andy took the money and saw it was only two dollars. He was taken aback, thinking she was trying to bribe him for information.

He handed the money back. “Miss, something significant has happened. No one is allowed in right now. If you don’t leave, I’ll have to ask security to escort you out.”

Shaira was irritated by his stubbornness. “I’m not an outsider. I’m Rachel’s friend.”

Andy suggested, “Why don’t you go to Braden’s office and confirm with Rachel?”

Andy felt awkward, knowing Rachel and Braden might be engaged in a private moment. “I can’t do that right now.”

Undeterred, Shaira decided to enter the office herself. “I’m going in.”

Andy, frustrated, said, “It’s not convenient for Mr. and Mrs. Porter to see you right now. Please wait in the hallway.”

Shaira was unimpressed. “You’re just making things difficult for me.”

As they argued, Andy accidentally brushed against Shaira’s injured arm, causing her to wince and squat down. “Oh my God, it hurts!” she exclaimed. “You’re being unreasonable. Just because you can’t stop me doesn’t mean you should hurt me.”

Andy noticed her bleeding arm and remembered something. “Are you Shaira? The one who got injured while helping Mrs. Porter?”

Shaira, seeing Andy finally recognize her, felt a sense of satisfaction. “Yes, that’s me.”

“I’m so sorry,” Andy said, his remorse evident. He helped her up. “You must be close friends if you went to such lengths for Mrs. Porter.”

“I’ve told you we’re friends,” Shaira said through her tears. “But you didn’t believe me.”

Andy apologized again. “It was chaotic, and I couldn’t tell who was who. Here, take this.” He handed her a tissue from his pocket.

Shaira hesitated but took the tissue, dabbing her tears.

At this moment, a security guard approached. “Miss Lorne, you left quickly. Is this your laptop? You must have forgotten it when you were treated.”

Shaira thanked the guard and took her laptop. Andy, feeling even more distressed, said, “Please accept my apologies. I’ll take you downstairs to change your gauze.”

Shaira, seeing an opportunity, smiled and declined. “It’s alright. I can manage. Actually, I’m quite hungry. How about you invite me to dinner? I’d love to get to know you better.”

Her smile was a strategic move to gain more information from Andy.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

Andy saw right through Shaira's playful scheme.

“I’ve got other matters to attend to,” Andy declined politely. “Perhaps I can call someone else to join you?”

“Forget it,” Shaira sighed, rolling her eyes. “I’ll just ask Rachel. I don’t want anyone getting hurt if Braden loses his temper again.” With that, she reached for her phone to call Rachel.

“Miss Lorne, please don’t,” Andy quickly intervened, gently taking her phone. “Let’s not complicate things. How about I treat you to a meal instead? What would you like to eat?”

Shaira immediately abandoned her phone. “I don’t want to trouble you. Let’s just head to the company’s canteen,” she suggested with a smile.

Andy had no choice but to agree.

The Porter Group’s canteen was famous throughout Meadowview. Though just a company cafeteria, it boasted world-renowned chefs, making it a trending topic online.

“Don’t be nervous,” Shaira said, noticing how Andy kept his distance, standing nearly ten meters away. “I just want to have lunch with you because you know Braden so well. I’m gathering material for a novel, you see.”

Andy breathed a sigh of relief and caught up with her. “Why didn’t you mention that earlier? But I must warn you, I’ve signed a confidentiality agreement. Sharing Mr. Porter’s private affairs could cost me a pay cut.”

Andy’s pay had already been docked more than once due to Braden’s displeasure.

“Why don’t you just quit?” Shaira asked, feeling a pang of sympathy.

“Resigning never crossed my mind,” Andy replied. “Mr. Porter may be tough, but he’s a good man. Let’s change the subject,” he suggested, gesturing for Shaira to order whatever she liked.

“Well, I won’t hold back then,” Shaira said, eagerly choosing the most expensive dishes on the menu.

To her surprise, Andy didn’t flinch at the extravagant choices.

When she caught a glimpse of the balance on Andy’s meal card, Shaira’s eyes widened. “You have so much money loaded on here! Isn’t it a waste to spend it all on food?”

She glanced at Andy, who, with his tall and slender frame, didn’t strike her as a big eater.

Andy simply smiled. Being Braden’s personal assistant had its perks. Despite Braden’s cold demeanor, he was generous to those close to him.

When the food arrived, Andy sat down beside Shaira, who immediately dug in, savoring each bite. Even though her plate wasn’t empty, her eyes kept drifting toward the crab dish.

Andy chuckled at her enthusiasm. “If you’re still hungry, we can order more. The canteen stays open until the end of the workday.”

Andy noticed that Shaira’s injured arm seemed to move with ease now. Smiling, he commented, “Miss Lorne, it looks like your arm is feeling better.”

Shaira grinned. “When it comes to food, I find the strength, no matter how bad the injury,” she joked.

Andy nodded, “You should eat more. It’s not good to be too skinny.”

Watching Shaira enjoy her meal, Andy found himself with a growing appetite as well. He even ordered an extra plate of curry potatoes.

After a hearty meal, Shaira wiped her mouth and gave Andy a teasing look. “You probably don’t have a girlfriend, do you?”

Andy glanced at her, then returned to his meal with a faint, bittersweet smile.

Once they were done eating, Shaira pulled out her laptop to work. “Do you see yourself as an essential part of Braden’s life, being his personal assistant?” she asked curiously.

Andy’s eyes lit up, clearly pleased by the question. “Do you think so too?”

Shaira hadn’t actually meant it seriously—it was just a passing remark. But Andy took it as an invitation to share more about his duties.

“I handle everything for Mr. Porter,” Andy began, clearly proud. “From cleaning his villa and organizing important documents to doing laundry and even cooking. Mr. Porter might seem cold and distant, but he needs someone to look after him. I even knit him a scarf every winter...”

At first, Shaira listened intently, typing notes on her laptop. But as Andy continued, her attention began to wane.

It dawned on her that Andy’s role was more akin to that of a caretaker, almost motherly.

As Andy spoke, he noticed her typing and, eager to see how he was being portrayed, leaned over to glance at her screen.

His face fell when he saw the word “maid” written in large, bold letters.

“Please, delete that right now,” Andy protested, a mix of hurt and indignation in his voice. “I’m not his maid—I’m just someone who cares.”

“Alright, alright,” Shaira agreed, deleting the word. “How about ‘mother-like’?”

Andy nearly jumped out of his seat. “No way! That makes me sound like a sissy.”

In the commotion, Andy accidentally knocked over a glass of orange juice, spilling it onto Shaira’s laptop. The screen flickered and then went black.

Panicking, Shaira quickly tried to wipe the juice off the keyboard. “Is it broken? All my important documents are on here!”

She frantically attempted to power the laptop back on, but it remained unresponsive.


Shaira glared at Andy, her frustration evident. “Why do you always cause trouble?”

Andy initially thought she might be exaggerating. After all, as a writer, she should know to keep backup copies of important files. But when he saw her genuinely upset, with her face livid and her eyes welling up with tears, he realized the situation was serious.

Shaira held the dripping laptop in her hands, her voice trembling, “Everything’s gone… ruined!”

She scowled, and then, unable to hold back her emotions any longer, tears began to stream down her face. She cried harder, drawing the attention of everyone in the canteen.

Andy panicked, trying desperately to calm her down. “I’ll contact the Porter Group’s tech team right away. They’re the best—they can fix your laptop, and you won’t lose any data.”

“Are you sure?” Shaira paused her crying, sniffling as she eyed him warily.

“Yes, I promise,” Andy reassured her. “I’ll take your laptop to the tech department right now. If it’s really beyond repair…”

Shaira’s eyes filled with tears again, and Andy quickly cut her off, “Okay, I’m going! I’ll go right now.”

As he picked up the laptop, he hesitated for a moment, looking at the unfinished food on the table. “What about the food?”

Shaira, still holding her face in her hands, mumbled, “We can’t waste it. Pack it up and take it with us.”

In the technology department, Andy handed the laptop to the engineer, thanking him profusely. “Please, fix it as soon as possible.”

The engineer nodded, assuring him it wouldn’t take long. But he couldn’t help but be surprised at the two large take-out boxes Andy was holding. “Are you really going to eat all that?”

Andy smiled awkwardly and glanced at Shaira, who was pacing anxiously behind the technician. Her worry was palpable.

“Miss, it might be best to wait outside. Your pacing is a bit distracting,” the technician said gently, his hands trembling as he worked on the laptop.

Embarrassed, Shaira’s stomach growled, reminding her of the food.

“Let’s wait outside and eat while they work on your laptop,” Andy suggested, leading her to a seat outside the tech department.

Andy laid out the food, and despite her earlier frustration, Shaira’s appetite returned at the sight of the dishes.

“Try the crab,” Andy said, smiling as he noticed her eyes light up. “I got extra just for you.”

Shaira gratefully dug in, her mood lifting as she enjoyed the meal. She was so engrossed in the food that she didn’t even notice her injured arm was bleeding again.

Andy’s smile faded as he saw the blood. “We need to take care of that wound. You’re bleeding a lot.”

Shaira glanced at her arm indifferently, “It doesn’t hurt. Let’s just finish eating.”

Andy frowned, feeling uneasy. “It might not bother you, but it’s making me uncomfortable seeing you bleed. Stay still—I’ll feed you whatever you want.”

Shaira looked at him skeptically. “I don’t think that’s necessary. We’re not dating or anything.”

“Who says you have to be in a relationship to care for someone?” Andy replied, unfazed. “You may be a writer, but you can be really conservative sometimes. Just think of me as a friend.”

Shaira hesitated but then shrugged. “Alright, I want the steak.”

Andy cut the steak into small pieces and fed her with care.

“Can you get me some watermelon?” Shaira asked, watching him out of the corner of her eye. She noticed how much he seemed to enjoy taking care of her, his demeanor more like that of a nurturing friend than just an assistant.

As she savored the sweet watermelon, a thought crossed her mind. Perhaps the typical cold, domineering president wasn’t as interesting as a hero who was gentle, caring, and attentive. It was an idea she hadn’t considered before.

Andy noticed her deep in thought. “What are you thinking about? Want something else to eat?”

Snapping back to reality, Shaira smiled. “Give me a slice of pizza—one with lots of cheese.”

After they finished eating, Shaira helped Andy clean up the table.

Soon, the engineer returned with the laptop. “It’s fixed. Just a bit of water got in, but there’s no lasting damage.”

“Thank you so much,” Andy said, handing the laptop back to Shaira. “Check if everything’s still there.”

Shaira quickly powered on the laptop, holding her breath. When the screen lit up, a photo of a younger version of herself, holding a dark yellow Labrador, filled the screen. She let out a relieved sigh, tears of joy welling up this time.

“Oh thank God, everything’s here,” she whispered, touching the screen. “This dog was with me for 15 years. If I had lost this picture, I don’t know what I would’ve done.”

Andy was taken aback by her reaction. “Is this the most important thing on here?”

Shaira nodded, a soft smile playing on her lips. “Yes, it is.”


Andy had initially doubted Shaira’s claim about important files being on her laptop. His skepticism stemmed from her knack for deception—she always seemed to have something up her sleeve.

“I shouldn’t have accessed your laptop without permission. I’m truly sorry,” Andy said, feeling a twinge of guilt and embarrassment. He wondered if he could still make things right.

“No harm done. You did have the technician fix it, after all. We’re even,” Shaira replied with a warm smile. She was quick to forgive and forget.

“I’m glad to hear that,” Andy said, visibly relieved. He gazed out the window at the overcast sky—it was already evening. “Aren’t you going to see Mrs. Porter? Let me drive you there.”

Shaira considered Andy for a moment, her expression brightening with a hint of mischief. “Actually, I need to gather more information for my novel. Could you help me with that?”

Andy’s face tightened. “I’m afraid I can’t. I’m bound by a nondisclosure agreement regarding Mr. Porter’s private matters.”

Andy’s tone was more serious than usual.

“Why the sudden change in mood? Even if there weren’t a confidentiality agreement, I know you wouldn’t divulge anything about Braden,” Shaira said, recognizing Andy’s knack for carefully choosing his words.

Andy was uncertain how to respond but continued, “Mrs. Porter is a kind person and often helps her friends. However, her circumstances are delicate. Adding a plot like this to your novel could bring unwanted attention and trouble to them. They prefer to stay out of the limelight.”

Shaira laughed, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “You do have a bit of a tendency to lecture. Don’t worry—I’m not planning to write about a tyrannical president right now. I’m working on something else…”

She gave him a mysterious smile and added, “I’ll explain later. For now, I need your help.”

Andy remained where he was, puzzled by Shaira’s enigmatic demeanor. She must have had something up her sleeve.

“There’s no need to decide immediately. Take your time to think it over. You can decline if you’re not interested,” Shaira said, handing him her business card. “When you’re ready, just give me a call. I’ll be waiting.”

Andy stared at the card, deep in thought.

Meanwhile, at the Porter Group’s office on the top floor, Rachel watched Braden, engrossed in a video conference. The adage that men are most attractive when focused on their work had never felt truer to her.

Her phone buzzed with a message from Shaira.

Shaira’s message revealed that she would be postponing her attempt to speak with Braden, deeming it too risky to approach him directly.

Rachel was puzzled by this sudden shift, especially given Shaira’s earlier determination.

Shaira followed up with another message explaining her new plan: she wanted to enlist Andy’s help instead.

Rachel chuckled at Shaira’s term, “male mother,” and wondered why Shaira had shifted her focus to Andy.

“What’s so amusing, darling?” Braden asked as he wrapped his arms around Rachel from behind, gently nibbling her shoulder.

“It’s Shaira,” Rachel replied with a grin. “She wants to borrow Andy and referred to him as a ‘male mother.’”

Braden’s eyes twinkled with amusement. “Tell Shaira she’s welcome to borrow Andy. I trust him completely; his discretion is impeccable.”

Rachel raised an eyebrow. “I’m curious about why you’re so hard on Andy.”

“Let’s just say Andy is a skilled actor. He’s been fooling you,” Braden said cryptically. He was confident that Andy, his trusted confidant, would never betray any of his or the Porter Group’s secrets.

Sensing that Braden was not inclined to elaborate, Rachel let the matter drop. Andy’s long tenure as Braden’s assistant suggested he was exceptionally capable.

A knowing smile crossed Rachel’s face. “Andy might not reveal your secrets under duress, but it’s hard to predict how he’ll handle Shaira.”

“What do you mean?” Braden asked, intrigued.

“It’s a secret,” Rachel said with a playful smile. “You’ll find out in due time.”

Braden playfully nipped her shoulder. “Alright, I’ll be patient.”

He picked up his coat from the sofa. “It’s getting late. Shall we head out? What are you in the mood for for dinner?”

Rachel’s grin widened. “Wasn’t your video conference just wrapping up? It seems like you’re eager to spend time with me.”

“Nothing else matters,” Braden said, squeezing her hand as they headed downstairs together.

After the day’s whirlwind, Rachel sought a break from the studio’s demands. They hadn’t had a quiet evening together in a while.

The sunset was particularly stunning that evening. The last traces of daylight faded into the night sky as they approached the villa district. Before reaching their gate, Rachel suggested they walk the rest of the way home.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

Rachel stumbled as she stepped out of the car, her balance faltering.

“Are you alright? Did you hurt yourself?” Braden's concern was palpable as he knelt to help her remove her broken high heel.

“No, it’s just the heel snapped off. I noticed it earlier in your office but hoped it would hold until we got home,” Rachel sighed. It was a shame; those shoes had cost her nearly half a month’s salary.

Both of them sighed—Braden out of worry for her safety and Rachel out of frustration over her damaged shoe. “Let me carry you,” Braden offered, lifting her effortlessly onto his back.

Being held so securely against Braden’s strong shoulders filled Rachel with a rare sense of peace and comfort. “Can we just stay like this?” she asked softly.

“No, we’re almost home,” Braden replied, breaking the spell of the moment.

In their preoccupation with each other, they failed to notice the woman lurking in the shadows with a scowl etched across her face. Brenda, her frustration evident, traced a long, angry mark along the pristine white wall, her teeth clenched in anger.

Why did Rachel always seem to have such good fortune?

Earlier that day, before the chaos had unfolded, Brenda had encountered the manufacturer and his wife protesting in front of the Porter Group building.

“What kind of man allows his pregnant wife to suffer like this?” Brenda thought to herself, certain that the man behind the company was nothing more than a heartless bully. She patted Hakim sympathetically on the shoulder. “Do you want to go inside and see Braden? I might be able to help.”

Hakim looked at her with impatience, having just seen her leave the Porter Group building. Mistaking her for an employee, he spat at her in disdain. “Bah! You’re just a lackey of Porter Group. Get away from me!”

Brenda recoiled, her expensive heels now marred by his spit. Her anger flared, but she managed to maintain her composure. “I’m not actually with Porter Group. I’m here for an interview as a recent college graduate. Braden Porter turned me down and mocked me. I thought he was supposed to be charitable and kind, but he’s actually far more cruel and arrogant than I expected. As long as he’s in charge, Porter Group is destined to fail!”

Brenda watched as Hakim’s mood lightened at her words, his smile widening.

“He’s overhyped by the media. Braden Porter is just a spoiled rich kid. The Porter Group will likely go bankrupt sooner or later,” Brenda continued, her anger unabated. “He should just disappear from this world. It would be a better place without him!”

“Exactly! Braden Porter has no place in this world. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have brought my family here to protest,” Hakim agreed, visibly pleased by Brenda’s vitriol. He lit a cigarette and continued his tirade against Braden.

“What a coward! He’s so intimidated by me that he won’t even let me past the door!”

“Why do you want to get in?” Brenda asked, her curiosity piqued.

“Money. If I don’t get funding, I’ll have to close down my factory. I need help from him!” Hakim explained, his frustration evident. “You mentioned you could help me get in to see Braden. How? You’re just a college student. Enlighten me.”

Brenda, chin lifted with a hint of satisfaction, scanned the hall. “See that tall, slender woman over there? She’s married to Braden. She might be able to assist you.”

Hakim turned to look at the most striking woman in the hall, his confusion evident. “Are you serious? She’s married to Braden Porter—she’s bound to side with him. How could she help me?”

“You’re so naive,” Brenda scoffed. “Rachel’s priority is always her husband, Braden. She’s an expert at putting on a facade in social situations, but she’s really egotistical and loves to put on a show.” Brenda’s grin widened as she saw the anger in Hakim’s eyes. She felt a sense of accomplishment; her plan was working.

Brenda then left for a nearby coffee shop, ordering an iced Americano and watching with satisfaction as Hakim seized the opportunity to follow Rachel into the building.

From her vantage point, she could see the chaos unfold inside the Porter Group. To her surprise, Hakim hadn’t seriously harmed Rachel—she was merely lightly injured.

Once the commotion settled, Brenda composed herself and dialed a journalist, eager to share the details of the protest.

“I have some news to share. It’s about the demonstration outside the Porter Group earlier today…”

The next morning, dark clouds loomed over Meadowview, signaling an impending storm.

Braden’s eyes flew open, sweat forming on his forehead as he was jolted awake by his ringing phone.

“What’s going on?” Andy’s voice crackled through the receiver, and Braden, quickly dressing, left the bedroom, tucking the woman he had been with under the covers.

The cool breeze from the balcony helped clear his lingering drowsiness as he listened to Andy’s report.

When Hakim had been arrested, he had lost control, attacking a guard and fleeing with the guard’s weapon. But the police were quick to act, apprehending him within a short distance. After failing to deter him with warning shots, the police had no choice but to shoot Hakim on the spot.


“Hakim got what he deserved,” Braden said with a grim tone, not the least bit surprised. The man had appeared completely unhinged outside the Porter Group building the day before.

But Andy had called before dawn, which made Braden uneasy. “Any updates on the reports about Hakim’s protest yesterday?” Braden pressed, sensing that there was more to the story.

Andy hesitated, his words caught in a web of reluctance.

“It should have been straightforward to manage. We could have settled things with a payment and a few stern warnings, and that would have kept Hakim’s incident out of the public eye. But since he was shot in broad daylight, too many people witnessed it. The media is already running with the narrative that the Porter Group is to blame for Hakim’s death, claiming it’s due to our abrupt cancellation of his factory’s contract. There’s a flood of articles accusing us of being heartless,” Andy explained.

Braden’s voice was flat as he processed the news. After a thoughtful pause, he said, “I’m heading to the office now. You should go home and get some rest. I’ll handle this.”

“I’m fine, Mr. Porter. I—” Andy began, but Braden cut him off.

“Andy, look at the time. It’s late. If you collapse from exhaustion, who will handle things for me?” Braden’s tone was firm, reminding Andy of the importance of taking care of himself.

Braden knew that Andy had been working tirelessly to gather media reports. Noting that Rachel was stirring awake, he saw her squinting in the dim light as he dressed.

“It’s so late. Where are you going?” Rachel asked, her voice laced with concern as she glanced at the clock on her phone—3 a.m.

As he slipped on his coat, Braden leaned down and kissed her cheek. “I have an unexpected meeting. Go back to sleep.”

Rachel, too tired to question further, believed his excuse and drifted back to sleep. The next morning, however, she was jolted awake by the news.

At Grant'd Studio, Rachel was already at work when she stumbled upon the latest headlines. Her expression turned to one of dismay as she scrolled through the articles.

Tina, noticing Rachel’s troubled look, approached with concern. “Have you seen the news?”

The reports about the Porter Group incident had spread rapidly, with Braden portrayed as a merciless villain and Hakim as a desperate father grappling with a newborn.

“How did Hakim die so suddenly?” Rachel asked, shocked. “The media is spinning this into a story of Braden’s supposed cruelty! They’re even suggesting he’s responsible for Hakim’s death. It’s absurd!”

Tina, having never seen Rachel so agitated, tried to soothe her. “Don’t stress too much. Let’s wait and see how the Porter Group responds.”

But the Porter Group’s silence only fueled the controversy. Online, people were rallying against the company, flooding its website with negative comments.

Rachel’s attempts to explain the situation were met with hostility. The internet’s tendency to amplify outrage turned the situation increasingly hostile.

Frustrated, Rachel began reporting the abusive comments but then shifted her anger inward.

She nearly spilled her coffee, causing Tina to swiftly clear the cups and gently remind her, “Don’t worry. Braden will fight back. The media loves sensationalism, and with Hakim gone, there’s no evidence left.”

Rachel sighed, frustrated with the media’s unscrupulous reporting. “Hakim may be dead, but Lydia, his wife, is still alive,” she suddenly remembered.

As Hakim’s wife, Lydia’s words carried weight. If Lydia spoke out, her testimony could sway public opinion.

Lydia was likely still at the hospital, having received aid from the Porter Group. “I need to see Lydia,” Rachel decided. “I’ll ask Mr. Grant for leave and go to the hospital to persuade Lydia to set the record straight.”

“Do you even know which hospital she’s in?” Tina asked, puzzled.

Andy had handled Lydia’s case, so Rachel figured he would know.

“I’ll call Andy. He should have the details,” Rachel said, pulling out her phone.

Andy answered after the first ring. “Mrs. Porter, you should be working. What’s the issue?” he inquired, feigning ignorance about her true intentions.

“Please send me Lydia’s hospital address and any relevant information,” Rachel requested.

Andy, aware of Braden’s instructions, was compelled to refuse. “I’m sorry, but I can’t give out that information. I’m only authorized to share it with Mr. Porter.”

Braden had anticipated that Rachel would seek evidence after seeing the news, so he had instructed Andy to prevent any hasty actions.


“If that’s the case, I won’t make things difficult for you, Andy,” Rachel said with a faint smile. “I’ll just ask my parents for help.”

Andy’s eyes widened in surprise. He hadn’t expected that. Reluctantly, he gave in. “You’d better not visit Lydia right now. She just gave birth and is still emotionally unstable, especially after losing her husband. She’s been hostile toward the Porter Group, demanding more compensation than what was initially promised. It seems like she’s looking for more money.”

Rachel took a deep breath, her resolve unshaken. “I understand that money might not solve everything. Braden asked you to stop me from intervening, but I need you to trust me. Please don’t tell him about this. Let me handle it my way.”

Andy hesitated but finally nodded. “Alright, I won’t say anything. But please, be careful.”

Rachel agreed and ended the call. She then planned to request leave from Homer.

“Mr. Grant isn’t in today,” Tina informed her. “He has some personal matters to attend to.”

Rachel pondered for a moment, realizing that requesting leave might not be practical with her workload. “I’ll go during my lunch break. Our studio is close to the hospital Andy mentioned.”

Feeling a sense of urgency, she focused on completing her tasks and preparing for her visit.

Noticing Tina standing nearby, Rachel asked with a smile, “Is there something you need to tell me?”

Tina fidgeted, her concern evident. “Do you really have to go? Men can be quite traditional, and if things don’t go as planned, it might create a rift between you and Braden. You also have your career to think about.”

Rachel bit her lip, reflecting on Tina’s words. Tina was right, but Rachel felt strongly about her decision.

Rachel had faced intense media scrutiny before, with Braden always standing by her side. His unwavering support had been her anchor, and now she wanted to return the favor.

“I appreciate your concern. But I can’t just stand by. Braden is my husband, but I’m going to see Lydia not as his wife but as a witness. I’ll try to persuade her, but I won’t force her,” Rachel said with resolve.

Tina recognized Rachel’s determination and nodded. “Alright, I’ll support you. Just do what you can. Even if things don’t turn out as you hope, at least you tried.”

Rachel felt a wave of warmth from Tina’s encouragement. She was grateful for her friend’s support.

Tina glanced at Rachel’s attire. “Are you going like that?” she asked.

Rachel looked down at her outfit. “Is there a problem?”

Tina went to the locker room and returned with a delicate light green dress and a matching jacket. “I keep this here as a backup. It’s more appropriate for the situation. Your current outfit is too bold, especially since Lydia has just lost her husband. Something more muted would be better.”

Rachel changed into the clothes and adjusted her makeup, opting for a simple yet elegant look.

“Skip the perfume,” Tina advised. “New mothers can be sensitive to strong scents. A basic look will help you come across as calm and approachable. I’ve done some research on this.”

During her lunch break, Rachel arrived at the hospital with a bouquet of lilies and a basket of fruit. She headed to the VIP ward but found it empty. Had Lydia been moved?

She stopped a passing nurse. “There was a woman who just gave birth here. Where is she now?”

The nurse’s face lit up with recognition. “You mean Lydia? She was in the VIP ward arranged by Mr. Porter, but she refused it. She’s now in a general ward nearby. It’s unusual since Mr. Porter had specifically requested a VIP room for her.”

Rachel was taken aback but quickly regained her composure. She thanked the nurse and proceeded to the general inpatient building.

As she approached Lydia’s room, she heard raised voices and a baby’s cries. She quickened her pace.

“Get out!” Lydia’s voice rang out, filled with anger.

Rachel barely dodged a box of food that was hurled out of the room. She stepped aside, relieved not to be hit.

“You think I’d testify for the Porter Group just because you’re giving me small favors? You took my husband from me! He made mistakes, but he didn’t deserve this. How could you take him away from me and our daughter?” Lydia’s hysterical screams echoed through the hallway.

The Porter Group staff trying to comfort her stood outside the room, unable to pacify her.

Before Rachel could enter, she overheard one of the staff members complaining, “That woman is out of control. We’ve provided her with everything she needs. How much more does she want? If it weren’t for Mrs. Porter, she might have lost her child too. The Porter Group has been very generous.”

“She chose to marry Hakim. No normal person would do that willingly.”

“She’s probably just seeking more money. She’s just as bad as her late husband, if not worse.”

“Enough with the complaints. Keep it down. Lydia might hear you,” a sharp voice cut through the conversation.

Rachel stepped forward, stopping in front of the staff. “If you have complaints, do it where Lydia can’t overhear. Have you considered how she might react if she hears you?”

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
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The door to the hospital room was still ajar, leaving Lydia in earshot of every word spoken outside.

It wasn’t until now that the employees realized the gravity of their actions. One of them, looking remorseful, stepped forward. "We’re so sorry, Mrs. Porter. Our behavior was unprofessional. We let our emotions get the best of us and spoke out of turn. Should we go in and apologize?"

Rachel quickly intervened, sensing that an apology might do more harm than good. "It's alright. Just head back; I'll speak with her myself." She knew Lydia wouldn’t easily forgive them.

Relieved, the trio expressed their gratitude and swiftly departed.

Rachel took a deep breath outside the door, attempting to muster a warm smile as she entered the room.

But all her mental preparation failed her the moment she laid eyes on Lydia.

Lydia looked far worse than she had the day before. Her hair clung messily to her scalp, her face was red and swollen, with dried tears streaking down her cheeks. She must have cried herself to exhaustion.

Even in such a state, Lydia held her baby close, trying to feed her, though the infant continued to wail.

Lydia noticed Rachel’s presence and turned her head, her initial glare softening slightly upon recognizing her visitor. The harsh words she had prepared caught in her throat.

"May I come in?" Rachel asked softly, standing just inside the doorway, taking in the disarray of the room. She hesitated, unsure where to step.

Lydia remained silent, focusing on calming her baby. Taking her silence as permission, Rachel walked further in and placed a fruit basket on the table. She then looked around for a vase for the flowers she brought but instead found shattered porcelain scattered on the floor.

"Do you want me to clean this up?" Rachel asked, feeling out of place amidst the chaos.

The baby's cries persisted, and Rachel felt the tension growing. Deciding to break the silence, she said, "I came to check on you and your baby. You didn’t look well yesterday at the Porter Group. Thankfully, the doctors arrived in time, and I’m relieved to see you both safe."

Rachel subtly reminded Lydia of the Porter Group's help, hoping it might soften her view of them. They weren’t the heartless people the media painted them to be.

Lydia finally spoke, though her voice was flat. "As you said, we’re fine. I already thanked you for letting us stay at the Porter Group yesterday." Despite her emotionless tone, Lydia could sense the respect in Rachel’s words and demeanor.

But the memory of her husband’s death reignited her anger. Her voice turned cold as she continued, "There’s something I need to know. Last night, someone from my husband’s factory told me that your husband is responsible for his death. The police killed Hakim based on an unverified accusation. Is that true?"

Rachel thought she was prepared for anything, but this question caught her off guard.

Was it the world's prejudice against Braden or the influence of public opinion that led Lydia to believe such things?

"Braden wouldn’t put himself in such danger," Rachel began softly, sincerity evident in her tone. "The truth is, Hakim—"

"Shut up!" Lydia's scream cut her off, filled with anguish. She covered her ears, refusing to listen. "I won’t let you slander my husband!"

The more agitated Lydia became, the calmer Rachel tried to remain. "Alright, I won’t say anything more about it," she responded gently. "But can you tell me who told you about your husband’s death?"

Rachel suspected someone was trying to drive a wedge between them by feeding Lydia a twisted version of events.

"You want to know who told me? So you and Braden can silence another innocent man?" Lydia sneered. "I won’t tell you, Rachel. My husband is dead, and I won’t let another good man die because of your husband."

Rachel sighed, understanding how deeply Lydia's loyalty to Hakim ran. "I see there’s no point in explaining things to you right now. But I can’t help but wonder how you can still trust Hakim after everything. He was lucky to have you because he didn’t deserve someone as good as you."

Lydia closed her eyes as fresh tears fell. When she opened them again, they were still filled with anger, but her voice wavered. "My husband wasn’t all bad. He was good to me at home. He did what he did because he knew you wouldn’t hurt me since I was pregnant. He couldn’t take me far because of my condition. I might’ve died if he had. I understand why he did it."

Rachel was left speechless. Despite everything, Lydia was defending Hakim. She hadn’t expected her to be so blinded by loyalty.

If Hakim were still alive, Rachel would’ve liked him to hear the heartfelt words Lydia was saying about him.

"As long as that’s what you believe," Rachel replied softly. "I’m also a wife, so I understand the instinct to believe in your husband. But even as his wife, you can’t lose your own judgment. Now you’re a mother, too. You have to think about your baby. Hakim is gone, and you’ll face challenges when you leave the hospital. You might manage on the streets, but don’t let your baby suffer."

Rachel couldn’t help but feel compassion as she looked at the baby in Lydia’s arms. Babies had a way of softening even the hardest hearts.

Lydia fell silent, the room filled only with the sound of the baby’s cries.

Rachel gently touched the baby's soft cheek, and the little girl stopped crying, her curiosity piqued by the flowers Rachel held.

"Look at that! She likes me," Rachel said with a tender smile. As the baby calmed, Lydia seemed to relax slightly.

"I don’t want the Porter Group’s pity, and I won’t attend any press conference to clear things up. You’ve seen us; now please leave," Lydia said, turning her back to Rachel, holding her baby tightly.

Rachel knew it wasn’t the right time to push further. Before leaving, she asked, "Can I have your phone number? I really like your baby. I’d love to send her some things when you’re out of the hospital."

Lydia frowned, confused by the request.

Rachel shrugged, trying to ease the tension. "It’s for the baby, not you. It’s not pity or flattery. I just genuinely like her."

Lydia hesitated but eventually gave Rachel her number.

"I’ll call you. Save my number," Rachel said as she placed the flowers on the table. "Even if you don’t attend the press conference, I’m still here to help. Being a single mother won’t be easy. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to reach out."

Realizing her words wouldn’t get through to Lydia in her current state, Rachel quietly left the room. The door clicked shut, and Lydia broke down in sobs.

Deep down, Lydia knew there was truth in Rachel’s words. She still vividly remembered how Hakim had grabbed the money and fled without looking back.

Her husband hadn’t been a good man. Before she became pregnant, he often took out his frustrations on her. The abuse only stopped when she found out she was expecting. Then, Hakim showed some restraint.

But now, Lydia was left to grapple with the reality of her situation alone.


Despite all the pain he caused, Lydia couldn’t shake the feeling that Hakim didn’t deserve such a cruel fate at Braden’s hands. Criminal or not, he was still the father of her child. Lydia had always been gentle—some might even say too gentle. Others called her a coward.

She was a quiet, submissive woman who had always obeyed her husband’s every command. Perhaps it was because she depended on him for everything. Now that he was gone, she found herself adrift, directionless.

Lydia gazed down at her daughter, closing her eyes in sorrow as tears trickled down her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, darling," she whispered to the baby nestled in her arms.

The infant, blissfully unaware of the turmoil around her, waved her tiny hands and babbled sweetly at her mother.

Rachel’s heart grew heavier with each step she took away from the ward. The sorrow was almost unbearable.

She was jolted out of her thoughts by the sound of her phone ringing. Glancing at the screen, she frowned. It was Braden.

Andy must have told him about her visit to the hospital. Unwilling to face Braden’s questions, Rachel silenced the call, slipping her phone back into her bag as she continued on her way.

As she exited the hospital gate, a woman in a blue baseball cap brushed past her. Something about the stranger felt oddly familiar. Rachel was about to turn around for a better look when she collided with a man approaching from the opposite direction.

"Watch where you're going, lady! You just knocked my phone to the ground!" the man yelled angrily.

"I'm so sorry," Rachel apologized, quickly retrieving the phone and handing it back to him. But when she looked up again, the mysterious woman was gone.

Was she just imagining things? The woman's profile had looked strikingly like Brenda's.

Meanwhile, around the corner, Brenda leaned against the wall, trying to catch her breath. She peeked out cautiously, ensuring Rachel had left before stepping back into the open.

Brenda hadn’t expected to run into Rachel. The sorrow on Rachel’s face told her everything—Lydia hadn’t agreed to speak at the press conference to clear Braden’s name.

A wave of relief washed over Brenda. Fortunately, she had been one step ahead. She had already paid someone to pretend to be an employee from Hakim’s factory and tell Lydia that Braden was responsible for Hakim’s death. It wasn’t hard to spin a tale where Braden had bribed the police to silence Hakim permanently.

Lydia had swallowed the story without question.

"You couldn’t even handle a woman and a baby. I didn’t think you were this incompetent, Rachel," Brenda muttered with a smirk as she walked toward the general inpatient building.

"There's nothing money can't fix," she mused to herself. Before entering the room, she reapplied her lipstick and spritzed on more perfume.

Her plan was straightforward: persuade Lydia to change her mind later and then take the credit for saving Braden’s reputation. What could go wrong?

Brenda entered the room with confidence.

Lydia’s gaze shifted to the door as another woman entered. The newcomer’s bold makeup and overpowering perfume made Lydia’s nose wrinkle in discomfort.

There were no cameras trailing this woman, and she wasn’t dressed like a reporter either.

Instinctively, Lydia held her baby closer. "Who sent you?"

"Hello, Lydia. I’m here to help," Brenda replied with a friendly smile, trying to appear approachable.

When Lydia didn’t respond, Brenda moved closer, gently taking Lydia’s hand. "If you clear Braden’s name at the press conference, I can triple your compensation," she offered, her tone sweet yet firm.

Lydia felt a wave of nausea. Maybe it was the strong perfume, or perhaps something deeper.

She covered her nose and asked, "Are you from the Porter Group?"

But after Rachel’s recent visit, Lydia had a strong suspicion this woman wasn’t from the Porter Group.

"Not exactly. I’m a philanthropist, dedicated to helping those most in need. The Porter Group supports the charity I work for," Brenda explained, thinking her story was convincing. She continued, "If you’re uncomfortable here, I can arrange for you and your baby to live abroad, far from any harassment. Your child can grow up carefree."

Lydia refused without hesitation. "I don’t speak any foreign languages, and I have no desire to live abroad. I’m perfectly capable of working to support myself and my daughter. You don’t need to worry about me."

Brenda’s lips curved into a half-smile, though her heart was filled with disdain.

"Lydia, let’s be honest. You were a housewife with Hakim, right? What else do you know how to do besides housework? How will you support yourself and your baby?" Brenda’s words cut deep, stripping away Lydia’s facade.

Brenda could never understand Lydia’s struggles.

Lydia trembled with anger. This woman hadn’t come to help her at all.

She looked so smug with her flawless makeup and cloud of perfume. Was she here just to ridicule her?

Lydia turned away, catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror. The reflection of her withered appearance and extra weight broke her heart.

Blinking back tears, Lydia suddenly realized how kind Rachel had been to her.


When Rachel visited Lydia, she wore little makeup and was exceptionally polite, carefully choosing her words to ensure she didn’t offend. It was hard to believe Braden could be such a bad person if he had a wife like Rachel.

Lydia hesitated, considering Rachel’s words. Maybe Braden really wasn’t involved in Hakim’s death. “Please leave. I need to rest. I don’t want to discuss this anymore,” Lydia said firmly, cradling her baby as she lay down and closed her eyes.

Brenda, unfazed by Lydia's dismissal, pressed on, “If it’s about money, I can pay more. Everything is negotiable. Just name your price.” She was determined to resolve this matter quickly. Before coming here, Brenda had been told that Lydia's refusal to cooperate with the Porter Group was due to a disagreement over money. She was convinced that once she offered enough, Lydia would relent.

“Why do you keep talking about money? I told you to leave! Didn’t you hear me?” Lydia’s frustration boiled over, and she grabbed a cup from the table, hurling it at Brenda.

The cup shattered on the ground, startling the baby into loud cries.

Brenda barely dodged the cup, her temper flaring. “There’s no need to be so ungrateful! I came here out of kindness, to help you. Don’t you know the terrible things your husband did? He blackmailed people and nearly killed someone. Death is too good for him! I’m offering you a chance to start over, and yet you scream at me like this?”

“Get out!” Lydia shouted, even more furious. She reached for the bedside lamp and threw it at Brenda, who quickly fled the room.

Once outside, Brenda glared at the guards who had been waiting by the door. In a low, menacing voice, she ordered, “Go in and take the woman’s baby.” With that, Brenda strode away, a triumphant smile spreading across her face as she heard Lydia’s scream echoing from the room behind her.

Outside the hospital, Rachel hesitated, knowing she couldn’t keep avoiding Braden’s calls. She had to confront him sooner or later. Deciding to resolve the tension, she called him back.

“Hey, honey, what’s up?” Rachel asked cautiously, trying to gauge his mood.

Braden, exhausted from a sleepless night, immediately sensed something was off. “Nothing serious. But what about you? Why do you sound upset?”

Rachel felt a pang of guilt. Was she being that obvious? She quickly composed herself. “Oh, it’s nothing. I just stepped in some dog poop on the way. Cleaning it up has been a hassle.”

“Are you not at work?” Braden asked, his tone neutral, as if he wasn’t probing.

Rachel cringed at her lame excuse. “Well, I stepped out to get coffee with my colleagues. I missed your call because I didn’t have my phone on me.”

Braden remained silent, making Rachel nervous. She quickly changed the subject, “Avoid going online, okay? Those haters are just targeting anyone with the Porter name. You should give your phone to Andy so you don’t get upset reading the comments.”

Braden’s voice softened. “I’ve seen the comments. I noticed someone tried to defend me, but they were quickly overwhelmed by the negativity.”

Rachel didn’t realize Braden had a public relations team to handle these crises. His PR team was the best in Barnes, shielding him from any real damage. Meanwhile, Rachel had fought back against every hater, only to be harshly criticized herself. She wanted to protect him, even if her methods were foolish.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Rachel replied, touching her face, wondering if he knew she was the one defending him.

Braden chuckled. “Nothing. It’s fine. I’ll handle the online stuff. You’ve tried to reason with Lydia, and it hasn’t worked. Maybe it’s time to let me take over?”

“Andy is such a liar!” Rachel’s face flushed with frustration. Braden had known she was lying, and he had played along!

“I have Andy working for me. Your mistake was trusting him in the first place,” Braden said, his voice deep and steady.

Rachel suddenly felt as if Braden was right beside her. She turned around, only to see him standing a few steps behind her, holding his phone.

“Do your colleagues at the studio usually work outdoors?” Braden asked, raising an eyebrow.

Panicking, Rachel ducked behind a tree, feeling utterly humiliated. Braden walked over, chuckling softly. “I just want to make sure you cleaned the dog poop off your shoes.”

“Stop it!” Rachel blushed, trying to peek at Braden’s face, expecting to see anger.

But there was none. Braden just looked at her with a gentle smile, asking if she was cold in her dress. He took off his coat and draped it over her shoulders.

Pulling Rachel out from behind the tree, Braden said, “Andy didn’t tell me anything. I just knew you’d be here, talking to Lydia.”

Rachel’s cheeks turned even redder. Despite having lost his memory for two years, Braden still knew her so well.

“So, where to next? Lunch, or back to the studio? Have you eaten yet?” Braden asked, his tone warm and caring.

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