A Billionaire Husband and The Substitute Wife - Love Story of Dominic Peterson and Rachel Daley

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In the Daley household, young Rachel's life was akin to a continuous uphill battle. Her mother was relentless in her relentless teasing and torment, and her sister seemed intent on acquiring everything Rachel held dear, including her boyfriend. Yet, the most pressing challenge was the mounting medical bills of her foster mother, Norma—the one soul who had shown Rachel unwavering kindness since her early years and had raised her with a tender heart.

Desperation had driven the Daley family to a rather peculiar arrangement: they agreed to shoulder Norma's medical expenses, but with a caveat. They insisted that Rachel take the plunge into matrimony with Dominic, the illegitimate and seemingly directionless scion of the affluent Peterson family, replacing her sister as his spouse.

As the wedding bells chimed and the ink on their marriage certificate dried, both Rachel and Dominic would soon discover that their newlywed partner harbored a closely guarded secret, poised to shake the very foundation of their union.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

Rachel’s phone buzzed just as she slid into the driver’s seat. The name on the screen made her heart skip a beat.

“It’s Lydia. Maybe she’s changed her mind,” Rachel thought, quickly answering the call.

“Lydia, what’s going on?” she asked, her voice laced with concern.

The wind howled through the phone, distorting Lydia’s voice and making it nearly impossible to understand her.

“Speak up! I can barely hear you,” Rachel urged, an uneasy feeling gnawing at her.

Through the garbled noise, Lydia’s desperate plea reached her. “Rachel, please! Help me find my baby! Two men have taken her!”

Before Rachel could respond, the call abruptly cut off.

“Lydia? Lydia!” Rachel stared at her phone, frozen in disbelief.

Her heart raced as Lydia’s words echoed in her mind. Without thinking, she jumped out of the car and sprinted back toward the hospital.

“Slow down, Rachel! You’ll hurt yourself,” Braden called out, chasing after her. “We need to figure out what’s happening first.”

“Lydia said two men kidnapped her baby,” Rachel gasped, suddenly struck by a terrifying thought. She turned to Braden, her eyes wide with fear. “Is… Is the Porter Group behind this? Was this your doing?”

Braden’s expression was serious as he shook his head. “I would never allow something like this to happen. I have my limits, Rachel. I would never harm an innocent child or a new mother.”

Just as Rachel’s anxiety reached its peak, a voice from the crowd below shouted, “Is that someone up there? On the hospital roof?”

“Oh my God! It’s a woman!” another voice added.

Rachel squinted against the harsh sunlight, trying to make out the figure on the rooftop. Her breath caught in her throat. “It’s Lydia. She’s going to jump,” she whispered, horrified.

Braden quickly pulled out his phone and dialed the police, his voice calm and steady as he relayed the situation and provided the hospital’s location.

Rachel’s mind was in chaos. Should she search for the baby or try to save Lydia? The weight of the decision paralyzed her.

Braden ended his call and saw the panic in Rachel’s eyes. “We need to save Lydia first. The baby is in danger, but they likely took her to use as leverage. They won’t harm her—not yet.”

Rachel nodded, her hands trembling as they hurried toward the rooftop. A crowd had already gathered, their voices a mix of curiosity and judgment.

“That’s the woman whose husband was shot yesterday. Why is she doing this?”

“She just had a baby. This is so tragic.”

“I heard the Porter Group is covering it all up. They must have driven her to this point.”

The murmurs of the crowd only fueled Rachel’s anger, but before she could lash out, Braden gripped her shoulder. “Stay calm, Rachel. Lydia and Hakim’s story is all over the news. If you lose your temper, the media will twist your words.”

Taking a deep breath, Rachel turned to the crowd and pleaded, “Please, put your phones away and stop recording. She’s just given birth. Show some compassion. Her emotions are already fragile—don’t make this worse.”

With the crowd somewhat subdued, Rachel and Braden rushed up to the rooftop, where a group of doctors and nurses were already trying to talk Lydia down.

“If you don’t give me my baby, I’ll jump!” Lydia’s voice was strained as she stood precariously on the edge, the wind threatening to tip her over.

Rachel approached a nurse, her voice urgent. “What happened to Lydia’s baby?”

The nurse shook her head, her voice trembling. “I don’t know. Someone came to see Lydia during lunch, and when we checked later, the baby was gone. No one saw who it was.”

Rachel inched closer to Lydia, her heart in her throat. “Lydia, please step down. We’ll find your baby. I promise.”

Lydia’s eyes were filled with despair as she looked at Rachel, shaking her head in disbelief. “You took my baby. Don’t lie to me.”

When Lydia spotted Braden, her fear turned to fury. “Braden, why are you doing this to me? I’ll jump right now!”

“No!” The collective gasp of those on the rooftop filled the air as Lydia teetered on the edge.

Braden’s voice was firm but gentle as he said, “I swear, Lydia, I didn’t order anyone to take your baby. The Porter Group would never hurt women or children.”

“Your people killed my husband, and now you’re trying to destroy me and my daughter too!” Lydia’s voice was cold, devoid of hope.

She turned back to the ledge, her voice hollow. “This is your last chance, Braden. Give me back my baby, or I’ll jump. I’ll make sure everyone knows the truth about the Porter Group.”

The wind picked up, causing Lydia to sway dangerously close to the edge.

“Lydia, please don’t do this!”

Rachel fought to keep her voice steady as she edged closer. She stretched out her hand, desperately trying to reach Lydia. “Come down, Lydia. Your baby will be back soon. I promise.”

Lydia stared at Rachel’s outstretched hand, her eyes filled with uncertainty. “Really?”

Rachel nodded, offering a reassuring smile. “Yes. I care about your daughter. She’s adorable, and I promise we’ll bring her back to you.”


“If you care for my daughter as much as you claim, I trust you,” Lydia said softly, though her body remained rooted in place, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. She didn't reach out for Rachel’s hand but seemed determined to stay where she was, fear and uncertainty anchoring her to the spot.

With a shaky voice, Rachel slipped off her coat and offered it to Lydia. “The wind up here is biting. Are you cold? Please, take my coat,” she urged, her concern evident.

Just as Rachel was about to join Lydia at the edge of the roof, a sharp shout echoed through the air. Startled, she turned to see Braden, his normally composed face twisted with worry.

“Rachel!” Braden’s voice was thick with desperation. “It’s dangerous up there! You could fall! Please, don’t do this!”

“I have to save Lydia. Nothing else matters,” Rachel responded firmly, her lips pressed into a determined line. “Can you do something for me? Please, find her baby.”

Braden’s voice softened as he replied, “I’ve already sent people to search the hospital. We’ll find her soon.”

The door to the rooftop suddenly burst open, and Andy came rushing in, out of breath.

“There were imposters posing as Porter Group employees who took Lydia’s baby,” Andy reported, his tone urgent.

Braden’s jaw tightened in anger, the veins in his forehead bulging as he cursed under his breath. “Find them and make sure they face the harshest consequences.”

“On it,” Andy responded quickly, his eyes wide with the shock of Braden’s intensity before he ran off to track down the culprits.

Rachel knew deep down that Braden wasn’t behind the baby’s kidnapping, but she was also acutely aware of how fragile Lydia’s state of mind was. One wrong move could push her over the edge—literally.

If Lydia fell, the ramifications would be devastating, both for her and the Porter Group’s reputation. Taking a steadying breath, Rachel gently shook off Braden’s hand. “It’s okay. Trust me. I can bring her down safely.”

Rachel squared her shoulders and moved cautiously toward Lydia. The cold wind whipped across the rooftop, pulling her hair back from her face. She knew she had to tread carefully; Lydia’s nerves were stretched thin, and any sudden movement could have dire consequences.

Rachel’s heart pounded as she reached the edge of the rooftop, her fear of heights amplifying the dizzying drop below. But she pushed the fear aside, determined to help Lydia. Gritting her teeth, she draped her coat around Lydia’s trembling shoulders and offered a small, reassuring smile. “Let’s go back down together, okay?”

Lydia didn’t respond, only edged further along the rooftop’s rim, her eyes wide and unfocused.

Alarmed by her movement, Rachel pleaded softly, “Please, Lydia, come down with me. Your baby needs you. She’ll be lost without her mother.”

“Baby… my baby… You have to bring my baby to me. She’ll cry if she can’t find me…” Lydia’s voice was distant, her thoughts tangled in a fog of distress.

“If you come down, you’ll see your baby. It’s too risky to bring her up here. It’s freezing; she could catch a chill.” Rachel shivered as the cold seeped through her thin clothes, glancing at Lydia, who was bundled up in her warm coat.

Slowly, Lydia nodded, allowing Rachel to guide her away from the edge.

The relief was palpable among the onlookers as they watched Rachel’s soothing words begin to take effect. But just as they thought Lydia was safe, she suddenly froze and turned back toward the edge, her gaze distant and haunted.

“Rachel, I can hear my baby calling me!” Lydia exclaimed, her voice tinged with desperation.

Rachel couldn’t hear anything but knew Lydia was imagining things. “No, your baby is safe at the hospital. She’s not here.”

Forcing a calm smile, Rachel tried to coax Lydia back to safety, hiding her own rising fear.

But Lydia couldn’t shake the illusion. She bolted back toward the edge, pushing Rachel aside as she screamed, “Mommy’s coming, baby! Don’t cry—please don’t cry!”

Rachel scrambled to her feet just in time to see Lydia slip over the edge. With a cry of horror, Rachel lunged forward, catching Lydia by one hand, her heart pounding in her chest.

“Help! I can’t hold on much longer!” Rachel shouted, her grip on Lydia slipping, the weight threatening to pull them both down.

For a moment, everyone was frozen in shock. Then Braden was the first to snap into action, rushing forward to help. He grabbed hold of Lydia, desperately trying to pull her back up. Nurses and doctors quickly joined, adding their strength to the effort.

Together, they managed to pull Lydia back to safety. She collapsed in a heap, huddled in Rachel’s coat, trembling from shock.

“It’s okay. We’re safe now. You’re safe,” Rachel murmured, her voice soft with exhaustion as she tried to comfort Lydia, unaware that she was shaking herself.

Lydia remained in a state of shock, her body curled into a tight ball, her tears flowing freely as she rocked back and forth.

As Rachel moved closer to comfort her, a faint cry reached her ears. She looked toward the stairs, her heart lifting with hope.


Rachel couldn't believe her eyes—it was Brenda, the woman she had once met at the welfare house, standing there holding a baby in her arms. Brenda looked flustered and out of breath, her face and neck marked with bruises. “My baby, my baby…” Lydia cried out, shoving Rachel aside as she hurriedly snatched the child from Brenda, tears of relief streaming down her face.

Still reeling from the shock, Rachel turned to Brenda, disbelief etched on her features. “What are you doing here?”

Braden, too, was taken aback but managed to keep his emotions in check.

“How did you get that baby?” he asked, his grip tightening protectively on Rachel’s hand.

Brenda's sudden appearance, especially in the wake of Lydia’s rescue, seemed too coincidental to ignore.

“It’s windy and crowded here,” Brenda suggested, her voice shaky. “Let’s find a quiet, warm place to talk. I’m sure you don’t want the press catching wind of this—it wouldn’t reflect well on the Porter Group.”

Braden’s guard immediately went up at the mention of his company. He silently vowed to keep an even closer eye on her.

Rachel took in Brenda’s battered appearance—her bruised face, her torn jeans—and nodded in agreement. “She’s right. This isn’t the place to talk. Let’s go back to the ward.”

Inside the ward, Lydia was a shadow of her former self, quiet and lost in her thoughts, her only solace the baby in her arms.

Outside, Brenda’s eyes welled up with tears. “If I’d arrived a bit sooner, maybe none of this would’ve happened to Lydia.”

“What brought you to the hospital today?” Rachel’s mind flashed back to the figure she had seen earlier outside the hospital—it must have been Brenda.

“I saw Lydia’s incident on the news and wanted to check on her,” Brenda explained. “After all, the Palmer Group used to do business with Hakim’s factory, and this whole mess stems from the conflict between the Palmers and the Porter Group.”

Braden remained stone-faced, scrutinizing Brenda’s every word. Though she had only recently aligned with the Palmers, she seemed to know an alarming amount about the feud, and now she had appeared in person to visit Lydia.

Brenda continued, her voice trembling. “I came to offer Lydia compensation on behalf of the Palmers, but she refused. She was so angry—she started throwing things, even told me and the Palmers where we could go. I left her room, but as soon as I did, two men dressed in black stormed in and snatched Lydia’s baby. I didn’t think, I just reacted and chased after them.”

“Did they hurt you? Were you able to catch them?” Rachel’s eyes narrowed as she noticed a fresh knife wound on Brenda’s arm.

Brenda hesitated, covering her arm. “They got away, but with the help of some medical staff, I managed to get the baby back.”

Her gaze flickered toward Braden, who had remained silent throughout her tale. She hoped her story had convinced Rachel, but Braden was harder to read. She couldn’t tell if he believed her or not.

“I’ll go ask the doctor about Lydia’s condition,” Braden finally said, his tone neutral. He excused himself and left the ward, his mind racing with doubt.

Out of Brenda’s sight, Braden quickly called Andy, instructing him to uncover the truth behind Brenda’s story. He didn’t trust a word she said.

Brenda watched Braden leave, disappointment gnawing at her. The whole point of her act was to win his trust, but now she was stuck making small talk with Rachel. When Braden returned, his expression was unreadable.

“The baby is safe, and the Porter Group will take care of Lydia,” he said flatly. “Is there anything else you need to do here, Miss Cooke?”

Brenda’s face flushed with embarrassment. “Then… I’ll head back.” But before she could take more than a few steps, blood trickled from the wound on her forehead, and she collapsed into Braden’s arms.

“Brenda!” Rachel cried out, rushing to her side. “Braden, find a doctor, quick!” Panic was evident in her voice. She helped Brenda onto a chair while Braden hurried out to get help.

Moments later, a doctor arrived, placing Brenda in a wheelchair and taking her for a CT scan. Rachel tried to follow, but Braden held her back gently.

“I just want to make sure she’s okay,” she said, noticing the concern etched on Braden’s face. “Is something wrong?”

Braden sighed, his thumb brushing softly over her hand. “Brenda isn’t as innocent as she seems. Be careful around her.”

Rachel frowned, her thoughts troubled, but before she could respond, Andy appeared, out of breath, holding a phone.

“I’ve got the surveillance footage,” he announced, cutting their conversation short.

Andy handed the phone to Braden. “The camera outside Lydia’s ward was damaged, but we have footage of the two men in black entering the hospital and the altercation with Brenda.”

The three of them watched the video in silence. It clearly showed Brenda bravely chasing down the men, fighting them to retrieve the baby. The security guards and nurses eventually intervened, helping her save Lydia’s child.

“It seems Brenda was telling the truth, at least about this,” Rachel admitted, feeling a twinge of guilt for doubting her.

Braden’s lips tightened into a thin line. “Who sent those men?” he asked Andy.

Andy shook his head. “We’re not sure yet, but it was definitely planned. They knew how to avoid the cameras, so their faces aren’t visible.”

He paused, thinking. “It might be Hakim’s former creditor. They could have taken the baby to pressure Lydia into accepting the compensation and paying off Hakim’s debts.”

Braden nodded, though his instincts told him this was far from over. “Arrange for Brenda to stay here tonight, then get some rest.”

As Andy began to leave, he hesitated, his expression troubled. “There’s one more thing. Lydia’s attempt to jump off the building—it was recorded and posted online. People are accusing the Porter Group of being a corrupt company, saying we took her baby to force her hand…”

A storm was brewing, and Braden could feel its approach. Despite the evidence in her favor, something about Brenda just didn’t sit right.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score
Here you go guys, maybe you want to watch a short video that was based from this story, here's the link:

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Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

Rachel’s heart raced as she unlocked her phone to check the latest news. Right there on the homepage of Meadowview’ leading news site was a video of Lydia, standing on the hospital rooftop, seemingly ready to jump. The entire internet was buzzing with it, and the comments were ruthless. The video had gone viral, capturing Lydia’s frantic confrontation with Braden, her voice echoing in despair.

Below the video, the comment section was a warzone. The most liked comment was a call to action against the Porter Group, labeling it as a corrupt enterprise. People were pledging to boycott all Porter Group products, with plans to rewrite or remove any positive reviews they had previously given.

“Stop watching it, Rachel. People don’t know the truth, and this will blow over eventually,” Braden said calmly, reaching over to turn off her phone. “It’s only going to upset us.”

Feeling helpless, Rachel looked at Braden, who appeared unnervingly calm. “Is there anything I can do to help?” she asked, her voice soft with concern.

Braden didn’t respond immediately. He was deep in thought, considering the horde of reporters stationed outside the hospital. The last thing he wanted was for them to get a picture of Rachel. After a moment, he turned to Andy and instructed, “Take her home. Make sure she gets there safely.”

Turning back to Rachel, Braden gently caressed her cheek, his smile tender. “Wait for me there.”

As night descended, Brenda was wheeled into the VIP ward after her physical examination. Braden had taken care of all the arrangements.

From her bed, Brenda caught a glimpse of Rachel leaving in a car. Her expression darkened.

“Miss Cooke, I need to dress your wound now. Let me know if it hurts,” the nurse said, picking up the cotton swabs and gauze to treat the cut on Brenda’s neck.

The nurse noticed Brenda’s sour mood and tried to console her with a smile. “Don’t worry, Miss Cooke. The bruises on your face and forehead might look bad now, but with proper care, they won’t leave any scars.”

Scars. The word only deepened Brenda’s bitterness. She snapped, “I know. You don’t need to keep reminding me.”

If it weren’t for that accident, Brenda would never have reconsidered keeping the baby. Earlier that day, she had instructed two men in black to take Lydia’s baby away. But they foolishly failed to deal with Lydia first.

Brenda had been on the verge of leaving when she saw Lydia standing on the rooftop, threatening to jump. Not far from Brenda, Rachel had taken a call, where Lydia’s desperate plea echoed: “Give me back my baby, or I’ll jump.”

Brenda hadn’t anticipated Lydia would go to such lengths.

As the crowd and media gathered, Brenda had no choice but to call the men back. She orchestrated a plan to stage a struggle with them, making it appear as though she had bravely fought to retrieve the baby.

The men were shocked by her instructions. “Miss Cooke, you’ll still pay us even if we rough you up, right?”

Holding the baby tightly, Brenda’s eyes blazed with determination. “Just do it. The harder, the better!”

So they did. They followed her orders, and if the doctors and nurses hadn’t intervened, Brenda feared she might have been seriously hurt.

As she gazed at the scar on the back of her hand, Brenda’s thoughts turned to Braden. Despite the situation, he hadn’t come to see her, which meant he didn’t suspect her—yet.

“Miss Cooke, could you lift your head? I haven’t applied the cream to your jaw,” the nurse interrupted her thoughts.

Brenda raised her chin, but the nurse accidentally pressed the cotton swab too hard, causing her to wince in pain. Instinctively, Brenda shot the nurse a fierce glare.

The nurse was taken aback, not expecting such a harsh look from someone usually so gentle. Realizing she had let her mask slip, Brenda quickly softened her expression and apologized, “I’m sorry. It just hurt so much. Thank you for your help.”

The nurse smiled and continued her work, tidying up the supplies. “Miss Cooke, you should stay in the hospital for a few more days so we can monitor you. Mr. Porter has covered all your medical expenses, so there’s no need to worry.”

“Please thank Mr. Porter for me,” Brenda responded politely. Though she had planned to leave the hospital the next day, she now reconsidered, knowing Lydia was still here. Staying might be the best option.

“Do you know which ward Lydia is in? I’d like to check on her,” Brenda asked, her voice full of feigned concern.

The nurse explained, “Lydia is in the VIP ward under constant observation due to her mental instability. If you want to visit, you’ll need the doctor’s permission. Also, Miss Cooke, it’s best to stay in your room for now. The hospital is swarming with reporters. We even caught one disguised as a patient. Please be careful.”

Brenda nodded with a smile. “I guess I’ll wait until things calm down before I visit Lydia. Thank you for the update.”

The situation was spiraling out of control, and Braden was undoubtedly overwhelmed. If only Rachel hadn’t allowed Hakim and Lydia into the Porter Group building, none of this would have happened. But now, all Rachel could do was hide.

Brenda allowed herself a small, satisfied smile. She reached for her phone under the pillow and leisurely browsed the news.

The Porter Group was still a hot topic, with growing calls to boycott their products. Financial analysts were reporting that Porter Group’s stock was plummeting, and shareholders were in an uproar. The company was in crisis.

Brenda considered using an anonymous account to add fuel to the fire by criticizing Rachel in the comments. But then she noticed a video circulating online—footage of her handing Lydia’s baby back. The comment section was buzzing with questions about the woman in the video.

One reporter was already digging into the connection between the Porter Group, Lydia’s baby’s abduction, and the mysterious woman who returned the child. They were getting closer to the truth, and Brenda knew she had to tread carefully.


Brenda’s lips curled into a smile. The universe was clearly on her side.

She located the journalist’s contact number on his page and dialed it without hesitation.

“Who’s calling? We’re swamped covering the Porter Group news. Anything else will have to wait.”

The reporters were clustered outside the hospital, eager to interview anyone associated with the Porter Group.

Brenda responded, “I’m the woman from the viral video returning Lydia’s baby. I need to explain why the baby was taken in the first place.”

The Porter Group building was still ablaze with lights at midnight.

After the meeting, Braden retreated to his office alone, leaving the lights off. He remained seated in the darkness, not moving until the night sky outside the French windows began to brighten.

As dawn approached, another challenging day awaited.

Rachel had been waiting on the sofa after Andy had dropped her off. Exhaustion took over, and she fell asleep. When she woke around midnight, she tried to stay awake but soon dozed off again. When she finally opened her eyes, the morning sun was streaming through the window.

The sound of the door unlocking jolted her. Despite her many questions, she couldn't bring herself to voice them as she saw Braden enter.

Though his clothes were immaculate, his bloodshot eyes and five o'clock shadow revealed a sleepless night.

The tension in his shoulders eased when he saw that Rachel had stayed home as instructed. Gently, he stroked her hair. “I need to rest. Lydia’s condition is stable, and the baby is fine. However, Lydia needs to avoid any stress, so the Porter Group board has decided she won’t attend any press conferences for now. Not in her current state.”

Rachel observed Braden’s weary demeanor as he removed his coat and headed for the bedroom. He slipped under the covers without waiting for her response.

Not wanting to disturb him, Rachel sighed and tucked him in. As he closed his eyes, she lingered, quietly admiring his peaceful, almost vulnerable face.

It struck her how different he looked asleep compared to when he was awake.

Her fingers gently traced his nose, lost in thought.

Suddenly, Braden’s eyes fluttered open and met hers. Startled, Rachel pulled back her hand. “I didn’t mean to disturb you. I’ll leave.”

As she began to rise, Braden stopped her and drew her back. His voice was a sleepy murmur. “I’ve secretly moved Lydia to another hospital to ensure she gets proper rest. Don’t even think about sneaking out to see her while I’m asleep.”

“I won’t,” Rachel promised, though she felt a pang of guilt for being caught. “Is she truly accepting the compensation?”

“I spoke to Lydia before I left. She agreed to the compensation. While she can’t resolve everything right now, she’s signed a document promising not to publish anything negative about the Porter Group. Once she recovers, we’ll help her relocate abroad to avoid any further trouble and ensure her safety.”

Braden yawned and, out of habit, pulled Rachel close. He whispered, “Lydia also wanted to thank you for the flowers.”

Rachel felt reassured by the news of Lydia’s improvement. “I hope Lydia finds peace with all of this someday.”

As she nestled back into his arms, she asked, “What about the nasty comments online? They were awful. Can something be done?”

Braden closed his eyes, stroking her back in a comforting manner. “It’ll take a few more days to address that.”

Rachel sighed in relief, then remembered Brenda’s unexpected appearance at the hospital. “How’s Brenda? Did the doctor say anything?”

Brenda? Braden’s irritation was palpable.

He shifted, pinning her with his leg. “I didn’t inquire. Remember what I told you before—stay away from her.”

Brenda was clearly a complicated figure. Rachel needed to tread carefully.

“Got it,” Rachel replied indifferently, not understanding Braden’s hostility towards Brenda. She actually found her somewhat likable.

Braden’s tone softened slightly as he said, “Brenda is the Palmer’ adopted daughter.”

The mention of the Palmer brought Charlene to mind, sending a shiver down Rachel’s spine.

Her tone turned serious. “In that case, I’ll avoid her. I don’t want any more complications. Don’t worry.”

Braden, relieved that Rachel took his warning seriously, drifted off to sleep.

Exhausted from her anxiety waiting for Braden, Rachel soon fell asleep in his arms.

When she awoke, Braden was already gone.

Checking her phone, she saw a message from him.

“I’m at work now. You need to regulate your diet. You’ve lost too much weight lately. It’s uncomfortable hugging you when you’re so skinny.”


Rachel’s lips curved into a satisfied smile.

At the Porter Group headquarters, the board was in the midst of a heated debate over the ongoing backlash. The tension in the room was palpable, with everyone holding firm on their differing opinions.

“This scandal has already taken a toll on us. With Mr. Higgins and Miss Palmer gone, it feels like our best days are behind us,” one senior executive declared bluntly. “Mr. Porter, you need to rein in your wife. I heard it was Mrs. Porter who insisted on letting Hakim and his wife into the building…”

His words trailed off as Braden shot him a frosty glare.

“What happened with Hakim was an accident. I’ve already discussed it with my wife. The Porter Group has weathered many storms before; we can handle this backlash too,” Braden said calmly, his tone unwavering.

Braden’s calm demeanor and persuasive skills had a way of swaying opinions. Violence was never his method; he preferred to win people over with his words.

“The criminals from the factory have been apprehended, and they will clarify the rumors,” Andy interjected.

“I’m afraid mere clarification won’t suffice now. There’s too much distrust,” another executive argued, reigniting the debate.

Andy’s phone buzzed. He glanced at the screen and his eyes widened as he answered. After the call, he looked up with excitement. “Great news, everyone! The PR department says the public is starting to reconsider their opinion of us. An anonymous video has surfaced online, revealing the truth about Lydia’s situation. Someone’s come to our rescue!”

The video, though altered in image and sound, was clearly filmed in the hospital and featured Brenda. She explained that she had rescued Lydia’s baby from those at the factory who tried to take the child. Brenda, with help from medical staff and security, had ensured the baby’s safety. She also refuted claims that the Porter Group was involved in a scheme to force Lydia into accepting compensation and silence.

Several hospital staff members and security guards supported the video’s claims, further discrediting the allegations against the Porter Group.

“Who did this?” a senior executive asked. “She’s done us a huge favor.”

The video had significantly shifted public perception.

Braden, recognizing Brenda from the video, placed his phone on the table, his expression unreadable.

Andy remained to organize the documents after the executives left. He murmured, “What could Brenda want in return? Maybe she’s just repaying a kindness. After all, the Porter Group supported her.”

Braden, however, believed there was more to it. He stood up and headed towards the door when Andy stopped him. “Mr. Porter, you have a phone call.”

Braden’s eyes darkened momentarily as he took the phone. After handing over the documents to Andy, he made his way to the top-floor café.

“Why did you call me?” Braden asked, his voice calm despite the ongoing online turmoil.

“Don’t play dumb. It’s all over the Internet. I’ve been with the Porter Group for years. How could I not help when you’re in need?” Kristian, leaning back in his office chair, viewed the viral video online. He raised an eyebrow, impressed. “I wanted to assist, but it looks like you’ve managed the situation excellently. Well done, Braden.”

Kristian, despite his busy schedule, had been worried about the Porter Group’s online slander. Once he finished his work, he called Braden to check on the situation.

“It’s not entirely resolved yet, but don’t worry, I’ll take care of it,” Braden said, his gaze fixed on his reflection in the French window. “The public’s shift in opinion is timely.” Kristian smiled. “It seems you’ve found a capable replacement for Charlene and me.”

Years had passed since their days working together in Sunhaven, and so much had changed, including Charlene’s passing.

Yet, Braden’s resilience in the face of adversity brought Kristian a sense of pride.

Braden nodded slightly. “The video was posted by Brenda Cooke. She was funded by the Porter Group’s talent program and has since been adopted by the Palmer. Brenda had a prior interview with us and was as impressive as her resume suggested. However, I had reservations and didn’t hire her then.”

The impact of Charlene’s situation had made Braden cautious. He couldn’t afford a repeat.

“I didn’t expect the Palmer to adopt someone so quickly,” Kristian remarked, surprised. From his perspective, the Palmer had always been deeply devoted to their daughter. It seemed unusual they would adopt someone so soon.

Perhaps Brenda was truly exceptional.

Kristian continued, “To be honest, it’s crucial for the Porter Group to maintain good relations with the Palmer family. Success in business requires avoiding unnecessary enemies. I learned this the hard way when I took over the Higgins Group. Being overly confrontational only leads to setbacks. Cooperation and mutual benefit are the keys to success.”

After ending the call, Braden pondered Kristian’s words deeply. When he returned to his office, Andy had finished organizing the documents and was about to leave.

“Send me Brenda’s resume and contact information later,” Braden instructed as he settled back into his chair.

Andy, momentarily stunned, complied with the request.

In the VIP ward, Brenda kept a close watch on the online comments, noting the shift in public opinion. Her video had indeed improved perceptions of the Porter Group.

Her phone buzzed on the table. She answered it casually.

“Mr. Porter, how can I assist you?” Brenda was not surprised to receive a call from Braden.

“Miss Cooke, I’d like you to visit me at the Porter Group headquarters once you’re discharged from the hospital,” Braden said coolly.

Two days later, at the Porter Group building, Brenda arrived at the meeting room. With her long hair tied up and her makeup flawless, she wore a silver-gray suit and high-heeled shoes, exuding competence.

“I hope I’m not late,” she said, noticing Braden was already there despite her early arrival.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

“No, you’re not late. I arrived early,” Braden said, carefully setting his coffee cup down as he continued to scrutinize Brenda’s resume under the bright lights of the meeting room.

Brenda, nervous, subtly wiped her fingers under the table as she waited.

“Miss Cooke, why are you so determined to join the Porter Group? What makes us so special to you?” Braden asked, slowly closing the resume and looking up at her. Brenda, though young, was dressed to project a maturity beyond her years.

“I want to work at the Porter Group to prove myself. As an orphan supported by the Porter Group’s talent program, I feel a strong desire to give back. Why are you so cautious about me, Mr. Porter? Have I done something to warrant this suspicion?” Brenda’s innocent expression seemed to convey a genuine lack of understanding.

Braden offered a faint smile. “No, you haven’t done anything wrong. How would you feel about handling public relations for the Porter Group?”

Brenda’s heart sank a little. “What exactly does that entail?” she asked, her concern evident. She was worried that a role in public relations might keep her away from the core business where she felt her skills would be more valuable. Shifting in her seat, she considered the implications of such a position.

The Porter Group boasted a powerful public relations team, but with so many staff, Brenda feared that being relegated to this department would limit her access to the real decision-making power she sought. “You’ve just graduated. This would be your first job. At this stage, you shouldn’t expect more than an internship. If you’re looking for a more significant role, perhaps the Palmer Group might be a better fit. Securing a top position at the Porter Group is not so easy,” Braden explained calmly.

His meaning was clear. If Brenda wanted to stay at Porter Group, an internship was all she could hope for. For a permanent position with influence, she’d be better off returning to the Palmer Group.

Brenda took a moment to reflect but then made her decision.

She smiled across the table. “You’re right. I’m still young and could use the experience. I’ll accept the training and take on the role.”

Remaining close to Braden was crucial for her. It would provide ample opportunities for her to exact her revenge on him and Rachel. Above all, staying in the Porter Group was her priority.

After the interview, Braden instructed HR to show Brenda to her new workspace and complete the necessary paperwork to officially onboard her.

As Andy was heading upstairs with some documents for Braden, he spotted Brenda downstairs. “Why does Brenda look so much better all of a sudden? She seems fine today, not seriously injured at all.”

Braden, busy signing documents, looked up. “Brenda is now an intern at the Porter Group. I need you to keep an eye on her for me.”

Andy responded with a hint of sarcasm, “Great. Just what I needed—another task.”

“If you have any complaints, let me know,” Braden said, signing the final document with a quick motion.

“No complaints. But if you don’t trust Brenda, why hire her?” Andy asked. Normally, Braden preferred things straightforward, and this seemed out of character.

Braden leaned back in his chair and glanced at the door. “Does Brenda remind you of anyone?”

Andy considered it for a moment before it hit him. “Like… Miss Palmer?”

Braden frowned, confused. “Charlene Palmer is long gone. But Brenda’s behavior might be influenced by Charlene. I suspect Charlene may have been in contact with Brenda and shared some of her secrets.”

Charlene had been the one responsible for Braden’s amnesia. If Brenda was closely tied to Charlene, she might help him uncover what Charlene had done and possibly recover his lost memories. For now, Brenda’s role in the company was insignificant.

“Understood,” Andy said, though he was unsure of Braden’s exact intentions. After years of working with Braden, he knew better than to question his decisions.

Brenda’s video clarifying the situation was posted online, and public opinion about the Porter Group began to improve. While a few negative comments remained, they were not damaging enough to affect the company's reputation.

After finishing a meeting with a client from Grant'd Studio, Rachel was heading out when her phone rang.

Seeing Lydia’s name on the caller ID, Rachel answered with excitement. “Lydia, are you discharged? How are you and your daughter?”

The last time Rachel saw Lydia was on the day she attempted to jump from the building. Since then, Rachel had not had any updates about Lydia and her baby.

“My daughter and I are safe and have been discharged. Mr. Porter arranged a car to take us out of Meadowview. I wanted to thank you for everything. Without you, my life would have ended that day.” Lydia’s voice wavered, accompanied by soft sobs.

“There’s no need to thank me, Lydia,” Rachel said gently.

She sensed Lydia was in a better place now and chose not to pry further.

Lydia took a deep breath before continuing. “We’re leaving Meadowview for good. I wanted to meet you before we left, but everything happened so quickly. I didn’t want to interrupt your work. I’ve always seen the Porter Group as my enemy, and I’m truly sorry for everything.”

Lydia repeatedly apologized on the phone, her sincerity evident in her words.

Rachel was touched. “You can call me anytime. Traveling is easy now, and even if you go abroad, I’m sure we’ll have another chance to meet. Lydia, I wish you a safe and smooth journey.”

As Lydia abruptly said goodbye and ended the call, Rachel gazed out the window, lost in thought. A plane flew overhead, disappearing into the clouds.

The sound of documents rustling brought Rachel back to reality. She turned to see Tina struggling with some papers on the floor.

“Let me help,” Rachel said, squatting down to pick up the documents. She handed them to Tina and noticed, “Your belly has grown a lot recently.”

Tina placed a hand on her back as she accepted the papers. “Thank you. I’m getting heavier too. I can’t even pick up papers from the floor anymore.”


Rachel eyed Tina with concern. “If you’re having trouble moving around, why not ask Mr. Grant if you can work from home?”

Tina relaxed, a smile spreading across her face. “Don’t worry about me. I’m planning to work overtime to finish all the projects I can handle now, then I’ll take time off until after the baby is born.”

Rachel admired Tina’s determination. Although she was still an assistant, her talent and dedication were clear. As she glanced at the papers Tina had just picked up, Rachel’s curiosity was piqued. “Did we recently receive any children’s design projects?”

Tina’s response was silent.

Noticing Tina’s unusual expression, Rachel quickly apologized. “Sorry, I saw them when I picked them up. They’re adorable.”

Embarrassed, Tina clutched the documents closer to her chest. “I designed these myself for my baby.”

Rachel’s eyes brightened with excitement. “You should definitely enter them in the children’s clothing design competition. Your designs could be seen by kids all over the world, and you might even profit from it!”

Tina hesitated. “It’s been years since I’ve entered a competition.”

Just then, Olive approached them, coffee in hand. Rachel seized the opportunity. “Olive, take a look at these designs Tina created. I think she should enter the children’s clothing design competition. What do you think?”

“Really? Let me see!” Olive’s eyes lit up with interest as she examined the designs.

“Go ahead and review them. Let us know if you have any suggestions for improvement,” Tina said, handing over the drawings with a shy smile.

Olive studied the papers carefully, furrowing her brow. Sensing Tina’s nervousness, Olive made a few adjustments to the draft. “I made some changes to the collar, but overall, this is excellent. You should have more confidence, Tina. This design will definitely stand out.”

Tina’s face lit up with renewed energy. “I’m planning to create adult versions too—one for men and one for women.”

Encouraged by Olive and Rachel’s support, Tina eagerly returned to her work. Olive prepared to leave.

“You seem cheerful today,” Rachel remarked, noting that Olive’s hand didn’t appear to be causing her any pain as she made adjustments to the design.

“It’s a beautiful day, and the weather is perfect. That always lifts my mood,” Olive replied, feeling a bit awkward under Rachel’s gaze. “Is there anything else you need? I have to get back to work.”

Rachel noticed a faint smile on Olive’s face and asked, “Is your hand feeling better?”

Olive’s eyes softened. “Booker scheduled me for a few therapy sessions. After just two, I’m starting to see improvement.”

Rachel observed with a knowing look. “It seems like things are going well for you.”

Olive’s cheeks flushed. “What do you mean?”

Rachel waved a hand dismissively. “Just noting your progress.”

Olive looked thoughtful. “I’m seeing the doctor again today. I’m not sure what to expect, but I actually hope the session lasts a bit longer.”

The thought of seeing Booker more often was a pleasant one for Olive.

Rachel stifled a laugh, almost saying, “Perhaps you’re falling for him.” But before she could speak, Derek’s voice interrupted.

“What are you two chatting about? Any juicy gossip? I’m all ears!” Derek leaned in, eager for attention.

Rachel’s heart sank at the sight of him. She had hoped Derek would move on, but it seemed he had other plans.

“I’m here to deliver flowers,” Derek announced, producing a bouquet of vibrant red roses. “I’ve been too busy to see you as often as I’d like. You haven’t forgotten me, have you?”

Rachel sighed. “You’ve already caused enough trouble, Derek.”

Derek’s face fell. He leaned in and whispered, “It’s not me causing problems, it’s the Porter Group and Braden. I’ve been following the news—it’s not looking good. Why not elope with me? I promise I’ll keep you out of trouble.”

Rachel shook her head, maintaining her serious demeanor. “I have a meeting with Mr. Grant. I need to go.”

Derek’s heart felt heavy as he watched her leave. “Could you at least take the flowers?”

He followed Rachel, but Olive stepped in his path.

With a polite smile, Olive said, “Mr. Ross, you’ve arrived just in time. We’ve completed your suit design. How about we review it together?”

Derek’s disappointment was palpable. His smile faded as he sighed. “Show me the pictures then. Where are they?”

Olive led him to her desk, where she handed him the sketches. “Here are the drafts. I’m sorry, but we’re quite busy with other clients today, so we can’t hold a full meeting. Please review these at your convenience.”

Olive gently ushered Derek toward the door, hoping he would take the hint and leave.


Derek snorted with frustration. “Is there anything you’re unhappy with?” Olive’s cold gaze met his.

Derek’s face twisted with indignation. “Just because you’ve been single for ages, you deliberately interrupt us, trying to keep us apart since you don’t want us to have a good time. Am I right?” His words were harsh, but his expression didn’t quite match the meanness.

“Rachel is happily married. I hope you remember that, Mr. Ross,” Olive said firmly, maintaining her composure.

Derek stepped closer, his gaze lingering on her. “Are you looking for a boyfriend? You should have told me sooner.” He eyed her appraisingly. “You’re attractive enough. I could introduce you to some wealthy and handsome young men.”

Olive met his gaze directly. “No thanks. Birds of a feather flock together. I’m not interested in playboys like you. It’s not that you’re a bad person, but you have an inflated opinion of yourself and you’re rude. Any girl interested in you is likely drawn by your looks or your status. Anyone seeking a serious relationship would steer clear. You need to get over yourself.”

Derek’s face flushed with anger. He clenched his teeth and looked down at the flowers he held before suddenly grabbing Olive’s hand. “To be honest, Olive, I don’t see you as just a friend or a designer. I’ve avoided coming here because I didn’t want to fall for you. But I admire your dedication. Would you be my girlfriend?” Derek gave her a smoldering look, offering the bouquet.

A crowd began to gather, intrigued by Derek’s dramatic declaration.

Olive froze but quickly regained her composure. “No, Derek. Stop this.”

Derek’s public display was clearly an attempt to embarrass her. As she turned to leave, Derek grabbed her wrist. “No, you can’t just walk away after my heartfelt confession. At least take the flowers.”

The crowd started to whistle and cheer. “He’s a handsome guy. Why not give it a chance?” some onlookers encouraged.

Olive didn’t want to cause a scene or fuel gossip about Grant'd Studio. Sighing, she reluctantly accepted the flowers, glaring at Derek. “Are you satisfied now? Can I go?”

Derek chuckled, leaning in close. “You’re so cold. No man would want you.”

With that, he blew her a kiss and called out, “See you tomorrow, honey!” He left with a wave, leaving the onlookers to watch him depart in his limousine.

Olive stared down at the flowers, feeling a mix of frustration and embarrassment. Derek’s public stunt had been a petty act of vengeance for her stopping him from bothering Rachel.

Booker appeared in the crowd, his expression icy. He pushed through to Olive and glared at Derek. “What’s going on? Are you causing trouble again?”

Booker had rearranged his schedule to assist Olive with her therapy appointments. Seeing Derek’s public display only added to his already strained mood. Booker was exhausted and hungry from a busy day, and the sight of Derek and Olive together, seemingly flirting, made things worse.

Relief washed over Olive when she saw Booker. Before she could explain, Derek cut in.

“There’s no trouble here. Olive loves the flowers, so we’re going on a date soon,” Derek declared smugly.

Booker’s eyes narrowed as he glanced at the flowers, then returned his gaze to Derek with a frosty glare. Derek seemed to share the sentiment, and Booker wondered if he was Olive’s boyfriend. Both men wore similar cold expressions, adding to the tension.

Olive intervened to break the silence. “Let me explain.”

Just then, a car horn blared as Derek’s manager, Walter, called out, “I knew you’d be here. Get in. We have an ad shoot this evening!”

Derek waved to Walter, giving Olive one last flirtatious smile. “I’ll bring you more flowers next time.” He climbed into the limo, which slowly drove away.

Olive looked down at the flowers, feeling disheartened. Derek’s actions had been a petty attempt to embarrass her, not a genuine gesture.

Booker noticed Olive’s troubled expression. “Don’t let him get to you. He’s gone now. There’s no need for you to explain anything to me.”

Olive hesitated, feeling overwhelmed. She didn’t know how to explain the situation to Booker. Holding the flowers tightly, she decided to keep quiet.

“It’s almost time for your appointment. Go get your things. I’ll wait here,” Booker said, checking his watch.

Olive looked into Booker’s cold eyes and felt a pang of disappointment. Deciding not to try to explain, she muttered, “Okay, I’ll get my things and let them know I’m leaving. I won’t be long.”

She went back inside the studio, placed the flowers on her desk, and started packing up her things, trying to shake off the embarrassment and confusion.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

Olive's colleagues seemed to materialize out of thin air, crowding around her desk with curious eyes. Leaning in, they couldn't resist asking, “Olive, was that Derek confessing his love to you downstairs just now?”

"Wait a minute. I thought Derek had a thing for Rachel! What's going on?"

“Is he trying to play both of you?”

"Why not give Derek a chance? He's young, attractive, and it could be fun—at least for a little while."

The office buzzed with speculation about Olive and Derek’s relationship, their attention quickly drawn to the bouquet sitting on her desk. Uninterested in the gossip swirling around her, Olive calmly tossed the flowers into the trash without a hint of emotion. She then faced her colleagues, her voice cool and detached, “There’s nothing between Derek and me. He was just joking around.”

“Of course. Derek isn’t even your type. There’s no way you’d be interested in someone like him,” one of them chimed in.

“Exactly. Olive and Derek? Impossible. Stop teasing her,” another added. “But that tall, handsome guy you were talking to downstairs… Now, he’s a different story. Olive, could you give me his number? He seems like a better catch than Derek.”

As soon as the words left her colleague’s mouth, the rest of the women joined in, bombarding Olive with questions about Booker. “Does he have a girlfriend? What’s his job?”

Olive was momentarily stunned by their audacity. The constant questioning flustered her, and before she realized it, she blurted out, “Booker has a girlfriend.”

A hush fell over the office.

The outspoken colleague, now disappointed, pressed on, “Are you Booker’s girlfriend? I’ve seen him pick you up after work a few times.”

Olive immediately regretted her words. Why had she said Booker had a girlfriend? And why did it bother her so much that the others were interested in him?

“I’ll explain later. I’ve got something urgent to handle,” Olive mumbled, grabbing her bag and rushing out of the office, her thoughts in a whirl. By the time she reached the street, her frustration had only grown.

She looked around, hoping to catch sight of Booker, but he was nowhere to be seen.

“What are you looking for?”

Startled, she turned to find Booker standing in front of her, holding a bouquet of purple lilacs.

It turned out he had gone to buy flowers. But for whom? Olive’s heart began to race.

The lilacs, simply tied with a blue ribbon, were vibrant and full of life. The purple and blue blooms were perfectly arranged, and Olive was surprised Booker had managed to find them so late in the season.

“These are for you,” Booker said softly, extending the bouquet toward her. For a moment, he held her gaze, but then, perhaps sensing her confusion, he looked away, offering an explanation. “There was an old lady selling flowers nearby. It’s so cold out, and I didn’t want her to freeze, so I bought her last bouquet to help her go home early.”

Olive relaxed, understanding that the gesture was just Booker being kind. She took the flowers and thanked him, glancing back at the old woman’s retreating figure with a smile. “Didn’t you say it’s almost time for my appointment with the therapist?”

The tension between them eased, and Olive found herself growing accustomed to Booker’s considerate nature. He was always calm and thoughtful, making it impossible to stay angry with him. Even if they quarreled, they would make up quickly.

They arrived at the clinic just in time for her appointment.

“You two are always so punctual,” Selina Winston greeted them as they entered. She was Olive’s therapist and had been Booker’s classmate in medical school. Both had graduated with honors.

“Well, you charge by the minute. We wouldn’t dare be late,” Booker joked, flashing a smile. “I’ll wait for you outside,” he added, turning to Olive before leaving her with Selina.

Selina nodded and led Olive into the consultation room.

Forty minutes later, Selina smiled warmly at Olive. “Your recovery is progressing wonderfully. If you're busy, you don’t need to come in person anymore. We can switch to online consultations.”

Olive felt a weight lift off her shoulders and smiled back. “Thank you, Dr. Winston. Your encouragement has made a huge difference in my recovery. That’s probably why I’m healing so quickly.”

Selina laughed lightly. “I’m just doing my job,” she said, escorting Olive out of the room.

Booker was still waiting outside. Selina turned to him with a playful grin. “Your patient is doing great. No need for her to come in anymore; we can move the sessions online. Also, stop calling me in the middle of the night to check on her progress—you’re interrupting my precious sleep.”

“Quit your nonsense,” Booker replied, frowning slightly. “You’re an adult. You should know better than to make things up.”

Olive couldn’t help but notice the easy familiarity between Booker and Selina. A sudden pang of unease tugged at her heart. Trying to keep her voice steady, she asked, “Where can I settle the bill?”

Selina, still smiling, patted Booker on the shoulder. “You’re Booker’s patient. With our connection, there’s no need for you to pay,” she teased.

Olive was taken aback. She turned to Booker, her thoughts spinning. What exactly was their relationship?

Feeling a bit down, she excused herself to the bathroom. After splashing water on her face several times, she began to regain her composure. She dabbed her face with tissues before stepping out.

Returning to the hall, she found Booker and Selina still chatting. Booker stood tall, exuding a mature confidence, while Selina, poised and graceful, sipped from a cup of coffee he had handed her.

As she adjusted Booker’s tie, her fingers moving with a practiced ease, Olive felt a tightening in her chest. They looked so perfect together, almost like a picture from a magazine.

“This is from the latest Burberry collection,” Selina remarked, a hint of admiration in her voice. “Your taste has certainly evolved.”


Booker gently pushed Selina’s hand away, a faint smile playing on his lips. “Don’t touch that. Olive gave it to me.”

Selina withdrew her hand, tilting her head with a playful grin. “I’m just not used to this. The Booker I knew was always so stern and serious. Now, look at you—dressing up like this.”

“What are you implying? Did I look shabby before?” Booker’s expression turned slightly disappointed as he carefully tucked the tie back into his vest. “The color is perfect. I suppose your taste in fashion still needs some work.”

Selina’s smile faded, her frustration bubbling to the surface. “Why are you always so mean? You argue with me about everything. Can’t you be nice to me just once?” Her voice rose in irritation, her hand itching to slap the table.

In contrast, Booker remained calm, taking another sip of his coffee with a slight smirk. “If I spoil you, you’ll only become more demanding. If I’m too nice, I’ll be the one who suffers.”

From a distance, Olive couldn’t hear their conversation, but the sight of Booker and Selina together—so close and comfortable—sent a pang of unease through her. They looked like the perfect couple to anyone watching.

Several nurses walked by, noticing the duo and whispering among themselves.

“They’re like two kids who can’t stop bickering. It’s kind of adorable,” one nurse remarked with a chuckle.

Another added, “I think Dr. Bronson needs someone lively like Dr. Winston. They really seem to suit each other.”

A third nurse smiled knowingly. “Maybe they’re more than just colleagues. I heard they’ve been friends since med school.”

Olive’s heart sank as she slowly approached Booker, feeling a mix of disappointment and uncertainty.

Meanwhile, Selina leaned closer to Booker, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “So, what’s really going on between you and Olive? Are you planning to introduce her as your girlfriend? Spill!”

“Don’t start rumors. Olive and I are just friends,” Booker replied, reaching up to playfully ruffle Selina’s hair.

“Hey, you’re messing up my hair! Why do you still treat me like a kid? Do I look like a child to you?” Selina fussed, fixing her hair. When she noticed Olive approaching, she whispered something to Booker. “I think you’re in trouble.”

Booker frowned, following Selina’s gaze. His eyes widened when he saw Olive standing behind them.

Olive’s expression was cold, her eyes distant. Booker quickly stood up, his heart racing. “Let’s go. I’ll walk you home,” he offered, trying to mask his nervousness.

Olive forced a smile, shaking her head. “No need. I still have things to do. I just wanted to thank both of you for taking care of me these past few days.” She paused, feeling a lump in her throat. For Booker, she was probably just another friend. Now that she was almost fully recovered, maybe they wouldn’t even be that anymore…

As Olive turned to leave, Booker felt a surge of panic. His mind raced, but his body felt frozen. Before he could move, Selina nudged him sharply. “Go after her! What are you waiting for? If you just stand there, your girlfriend will slip away.”

Booker grabbed the lilacs Olive had left on the sofa and dashed after her.

Before leaving, he turned to Selina, “Mom mentioned she’s trying out some new recipes. She wants us to join for dinner.”

Selina rolled her eyes in mock despair. “Ugh, not again! This is all your and Dad’s fault for always praising her cooking.”

A nurse, curious, asked, “Wait a minute—Mom and Dad? Dr. Winston, isn’t Dr. Bronson your boyfriend? Are you two already married?”

Selina laughed and shook her head. “I could never marry someone as unromantic as Booker. He’s been teasing me since we were kids. If we got married, we’d just argue all the time.”

She glanced at Booker’s retreating figure and added, “My mom married his dad, so we became step-siblings. Booker might be a tease, but he’s a good guy. He’s always looked out for me and my mom.”

Back in school, when Selina was the new girl and often the target of bullying, Booker had come to her rescue, standing up to the boys who picked on her. Over the years, she’d grown to see him as a real brother, always hoping he’d find happiness.

Booker burst out of the clinic, running at full speed. The lilac petals scattered behind him, marking his path. Breathless, he finally caught up with Olive.

Hearing his labored breathing, Olive turned around, surprised. “What are you doing here?”

Sweat trickled down Booker’s forehead. Olive pulled a tissue from her purse and handed it to him, her hand trembling slightly. She was about to flag down a cab, ready to head home.

Booker took the tissue but didn’t bother to wipe his sweat. His focus was solely on explaining himself. “Please, understand that Selina is my sister. There’s nothing romantic between us!”

Olive’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She had left because jealousy had gotten the better of her, assuming Selina was Booker’s girlfriend. Now, standing before him, she felt foolish.

“I see,” Olive replied quietly, unsure of what else to say.

Booker’s anxiety grew. He couldn’t read Olive’s feelings—did she hate him, like him, or see him as just a friend?

Tired of guessing, Booker took a deep breath, his heart pounding. “I don’t want to lose you over a misunderstanding, Olive. You were my patient, and I didn’t want to take advantage of that by confessing my feelings. But now that you’re recovering, I need to tell you—I like you, Olive. Would you be my girlfriend?”

He offered her the lilacs, but after his frantic run, most of the petals were gone.

Seeing the sparse flowers, Booker hesitated, feeling a wave of awkwardness. He quickly pulled the flowers back, unsure of what to do.

Olive stood silently, her mind racing. She hadn’t expected this, and her emotions were a whirlwind of confusion and surprise.

Booker’s initial excitement was fading, replaced by disappointment. This was his first time confessing his feelings, and he hadn’t anticipated such an uncertain response.

He forced a bitter smile. “I’m sorry if this is too sudden. I understand if you need time to think about it.”

As he turned to leave, feeling dejected, Olive reached out and grabbed his hand, her heart racing.


"Selina told me that I'm doing remarkably well. I’m no longer a patient and I’m finally letting go of all the painful memories Hans left behind. So…”

Booker shifted his gaze back to her, his heart pounding. Before he could even react, Olive stood on tiptoe and leaned in, her soft lips brushing against his.

Booker was taken aback by the sudden kiss. His initial surprise had him clenching his fists, but he soon relaxed, his excitement growing. It was clear that Olive felt the same way about him. The realization filled him with a euphoric joy. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. What began as a tender peck turned into a deeper, more passionate kiss. Their noses brushed, and their smiles were reflected in their eyes.

Booker gently cupped Olive’s cheek, returning her kiss with fervor. Their embrace continued until they were both breathless. Only then did Booker reluctantly pull away.

Although autumn had arrived, Meadowview was still relatively warm. Nonetheless, Booker slipped Olive’s hand into the pocket of his coat, concerned that she might catch a chill.

They continued their conversation as they walked towards a residential building.

“This is my stop,” Olive said, her voice soft. “I’m heading upstairs. Aunt Sophia is probably waiting for me to have dinner with her.” She looked at Booker with affection and leaned in for another kiss. Just as their lips were about to meet, a clear cough interrupted them from behind.

“Aunt Sophia!” Olive greeted her aunt, who was approaching with a large grocery bag.

Booker, somewhat flustered, cleared his throat and released Olive’s hand. “It looks like you’ve got quite a haul, Mrs. Perry. Let me help you with that!”

Sophia, suppressing a laugh, handed the bag to Booker. She discreetly appraised him, noting not only his politeness and consideration but also his good looks.

As Booker carried the groceries upstairs, Olive and her aunt followed. Sophia gave her niece a gentle pat and remarked, “Booker seems a bit careless with the bag. Be careful, or it might break!” Then she added with a knowing smile, “But I can see he’s putting in the effort to impress me.”

At Sophia’s comment, Booker lifted the bag higher and hurried up the stairs. Olive chuckled at his eager response.

When they reached Olive’s door, she bid Booker goodbye.

Booker turned to Sophia and said, “Mrs. Perry, I’m now Olive’s boyfriend. You don’t have to worry about her—I’ll take good care of her.”

Sophia winked. “I may be old, but I’m not blind. You two were so affectionate earlier; I saw it all!”

Olive blushed and looked down, while Booker simply chuckled.

“Why don’t you come in for a bit, Booker? Have a cup of tea before you leave,” Sophia invited warmly.

Booker glanced at Olive and replied, “Mrs. Perry, it’s getting late. I need to get back to the hospital since I’m still on duty. I’ll find a better time to visit.”

Sophia’s smile grew wider. “I understand. You’re a decent young man, Booker.”

After Booker left, Sophia and Olive entered their home. Sophia immediately took her niece’s hand and said, “You’re moving quickly with your relationship. The last time I saw Booker, he was just a suitor. I didn’t expect him to become your boyfriend so soon. He seemed aloof and distant back then; I thought it would take more time for you two to get close.”

Olive hadn’t anticipated the speed of their progression either. Derek’s prank had made Booker nervous, which likely sped things along.

“Well, things happen, Auntie. Isn’t that what you always say?” Olive replied with a smile, peeling an orange and sharing it with Sophia.

“Are you using oranges to distract me?” Sophia teased, her grin wide.

In truth, she was delighted to see Olive so happy with her new boyfriend.

The next day at Grant'd Studio.

Rachel had just learned about Derek’s harassment of Olive from her female colleagues. She decided to have Derek come over to apologize.

Derek was reluctant—he had never apologized before, and he wasn’t keen on starting now. Yet Rachel insisted.

“I… I’m sorry, Olive,” Derek muttered.

Olive responded graciously, “It’s alright. Actually, I should thank you. If it weren’t for your actions, I wouldn’t have gotten together with Booker so quickly.”

Rachel’s eyes sparkled with excitement. She grabbed Olive’s hand and bounced up and down. “Did Booker finally confess his feelings? Are you officially together now?”

Derek’s mood shifted back to arrogance. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I’ve apologized, so you two should invite me to dinner to thank me.”

Rachel frowned in frustration. “How can you be so bold? You didn’t even mean to help Olive; it was just a fluke.”

“Even if I didn’t mean it, Olive and her boyfriend are together because of me! And is Booker the serious-looking guy from yesterday? You two make a perfect pair. It must have been my excellent acting skills that made this happen,” Derek joked, feeling proud of himself.

Derek envisioned himself as an actor, dreaming of being discovered by Walter and becoming famous.

“Stop dreaming. We don’t want to have dinner with you,” Rachel said firmly. She was not interested in dealing with Derek’s troublemaking.

Derek huffed. “Rachel, why are you always so antagonistic? I’m coming to discuss the design Olive gave me yesterday. You can’t just dismiss me.”

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

Olive's sharp eyes caught Derek’s hidden agenda. "You’re hoping to have dinner with us just to get more time alone with Rachel, aren't you? I asked you yesterday to stop bothering her. She's already married. Besides, discussing the final design is a professional matter. We can handle it here at the studio. There's no need to go out for dinner."

Olive stood her ground against Derek’s desires.

"If I’m correct, my project will be your first since returning to Grant'd Studio. Whether you mess it up or not doesn’t bother you, does it?” Derek took the design draft, preparing to leave.

“Hold on… If you really want to finalize the design, let’s just have a casual meal near the studio after work. And that’s it.” Rachel halted Derek, who was about to leave, with a resigned look on her face.

She knew Olive was only looking out for her friend, but Derek had a point. This was Olive’s first order after her hospital stay, so it was crucial to her.

“Rachel,” Olive said, pulling at Rachel’s sleeve with a troubled expression.

After considering Olive’s concern, Rachel replied, “It’s fine. I won’t go alone with Derek. You’ll be with me. Don’t worry.”

Derek’s hidden satisfaction showed as he realized his plan had succeeded.

As soon as work ended, Derek drove his striking Maserati to the studio, honking the horn loudly. Passersby turned their heads, drawn by the commotion.

Homer, who had just finished his shift, met Rachel as she exited the studio.

Noticing Derek waiting, Homer frowned and asked coldly, “Why is Derek here? Is he bothering you again?”

“Not really…” Rachel looked down, feeling awkward and unsure of how to respond.

“Derek invited us out to dinner to discuss business. But don’t worry, Mr. Grant. I’ll make sure Rachel is safe.” Olive stepped in to ease the tension.

Homer nodded, his expression softening slightly, and said nothing more.

Olive addressed Homer, “Mr. Grant, we’re heading out now. Rachel, let’s get in the car.”

“Goodbye, Mr. Grant.” Rachel said her farewells politely before she and Olive climbed into Derek’s car.

Derek had booked a table at an upscale restaurant in a five-star hotel downtown, which was buzzing with activity from after-work crowds.

Derek parked his Maserati at the curb, and Rachel and Olive got out, walking to his side.

Olive stood tall, her expression cool and composed, while Rachel looked elegant and serene in her curly hair and a pink coat over her dress. Their contrasting beauty, alongside the handsome Derek, drew plenty of curious glances.

Derek relished the attention, feeling a sense of pride from the envious looks.

“Try not to look so smug. It’s really irritating,” Rachel couldn’t help but complain when she saw Derek’s self-satisfied grin.

Derek, playing the role of a gentleman, opened the restaurant door for them. “Why? Can’t I smile? Rachel, you’re getting more and more harsh with me.”

He leaned closer to Rachel, smirking, “But it’s fine. I like a challenge.”

“You’re enjoying your playboy ways now, but you’ll be troubled when you meet your true love,” Rachel replied, reflecting on similar situations she had witnessed before.

Derek shrugged off her comment, teasing, “You’re already married. I doubt I’ll ever find true love.”

Rachel chose not to respond as they entered the restaurant.

The enthusiastic waiter led them to their table.

Olive smiled as she listened to their playful exchange. Removing her coat, she sat down and glanced out the window. “The view here is lovely.”

The restaurant was surrounded by a dense ginkgo forest.

“What would you ladies like to eat? Burritos and tacos are their specialties here,” Derek said, perusing the menu. He had dined here several times with his manager.

Both Rachel and Olive, not being picky eaters, allowed Derek to place the order. He chose several dishes and a bottle of the restaurant’s finest wine.

While waiting for the meal, Olive handed Rachel a document. “I’ve given Derek the draft. Here’s a copy. Derek, didn’t you mention there was an issue with the design? What’s the problem?”

Derek hesitated, pretending to cough slightly. “Give me a moment to review it again,” he said, as he examined the draft.

Rachel took notes on Derek’s feedback, unaware that nearby, seven Porter Group employees, identified by their ID badges, were celebrating a welcome party at two long tables in the same restaurant.

Brenda, the highest-ranking newcomer among them, was reluctantly persuaded to attend. Despite her lack of interest in Mexican food or the party, she accepted the menu.

“Brenda, do you have any particular dish you prefer? Let me help you order,” a colleague offered.

“You haven’t interacted much with us since joining the Porter Group. This party is a good opportunity to get to know each other,” another colleague added.

“Alright,” Brenda replied with a polite smile.

Another colleague remarked, “I didn’t expect Mr. Porter himself recruited you. That’s impressive. He usually keeps to himself and is only gentle with his wife.”

Brenda, flattered, enjoyed the praise. “I’m just fortunate. Mr. Porter values capability, and I excel in that area.”

As Brenda prepared to say more, she noticed her colleagues’ attention shift toward Rachel and Olive.

“Isn’t that Rachel sitting by the window?”

“It really is Rachel! What is she doing with another man?”

The female employees exchanged shocked glances.


Brenda’s attention shifted to the window as her colleagues' murmurs filled the air. Rachel was indeed at the table by the window, engaged in an animated conversation with a striking young man. Their laughter and the pleasant atmosphere between them were impossible to ignore.

“Why is Rachel so different from us?” one of the female colleagues sighed, sipping her orange juice. “I heard Mrs. Porter used to work at the Porter Group. She and Mr. Porter were secretly dating before anyone knew. Now she’s a renowned fashion designer and probably meets a lot of handsome men daily.”

“How did you come by these rumors?” another colleague asked with a smile. “Rachel is from the wealthy Colton family, one of the most influential in Meadowview. Their marriage is said to be a strategic move for Mr. Porter’s business expansion in Meadowview.”

The gossip about Rachel and Braden’s marriage took on an exaggerated tone.

Brenda alone knew the truth: Rachel was a woman who had risen to prominence through marriage. Charlene had told her that Rachel was an orphan who had been mistreated by her adopted family.

“Let’s eat. The food has arrived.” Brenda interrupted her colleagues’ gossip, attempting to deflect attention from Rachel. “We should be cautious. Mrs. Porter is likely having dinner with the male model for business purposes.”

“But isn’t it inappropriate to be so close to a model she works with? There have already been rumors about her affair with Homer, the boss of Grant'd Studio,” an enthusiastic female employee added.

“You’re right. Mrs. Porter should be careful not to raise any suspicions,” Brenda said with a meaningful smile. “They’re public figures and should consider Mr. Porter’s feelings.”

With the food now the center of attention, the group’s conversation shifted, while Brenda’s gaze remained fixed on Rachel.

This was Brenda’s chance. Braden, no matter how kind-hearted, would be disappointed if he knew Rachel was with another man.

In the middle of the meal, Brenda suddenly spoke up, “It’s our first dinner together as new employees. How about we take a group photo as a memento? I’ll send it to the company group chat later to confirm we were here for dinner, so the expenses can be reimbursed.”

Everyone agreed, setting aside their forks to pose for the photo.

“I’ll stand in front and take the group photo with my phone,” Brenda offered, positioning herself in front of the group. She counted to three, adjusted the camera angle deliberately, and snapped the picture, making sure Rachel and the young man were visible in the background.

Back at the Porter Group headquarters, Andy entered Braden’s office on the top floor to report. “There’s a dinner party with the clients tonight. Also, the new employees are having dinner together. I saw some photos in the group chat. They seem to be getting along well. Would you like to drop by and greet them?”

“I don’t have time for that. Prepare the car for the client meeting,” Braden said, glancing at his phone. He browsed the photos from the new employees' party that Andy had mentioned.

Braden’s expression darkened as he zoomed in on one particular image.

“Andy!” Braden’s voice cut through the air, stopping Andy in his tracks.

Andy turned, noting Braden’s frustration as he stared at the phone screen.

Andy reviewed the photos and saw the image of Rachel smiling alongside a handsome young man. The realization hit him—was Rachel dining alone with a male model?

A sense of unease washed over Andy. He looked at Braden, “Mr. Porter, should I ask the driver to take you to the new employees’ party?”

Andy, anxious, sat in the passenger seat, glancing nervously at Braden in the back. “Mr. Porter, should I call Mrs. Porter first to inform her?”

Braden, already simmering with anger, looked out the window and replied through gritted teeth, “No need.”

Earlier, Rachel had sent Braden a message about a business dinner but had not mentioned her companion. Braden had assumed she was dining with colleagues, not another man.

Now, realizing Derek was involved—an international model who had returned to Meadowview with Rachel after the VogueVision Show—Braden’s anger intensified.

Andy noticed Braden’s clenched jaw and grinding teeth and tried to reassure him, “Mrs. Porter doesn’t seem like the type to have an affair. You don’t need to be so anxious, Mr. Porter.”

Rachel was known for her thoughtfulness and kindness. She always brought back gifts for Andy from her business trips.


Andy decided he should send Rachel a message to let her know they were on their way. After all, she had been incredibly kind to him.

After a moment's thought, Andy pulled out his phone and began typing. He wanted to give Rachel a heads-up.

“Who are you messaging? Why the secrecy?” Braden’s calm voice made Andy flinch. “Mr. Porter, would you please take your seat properly?”

With one hand resting on the back of Andy's chair, Braden snatched the phone from Andy’s hand. A sneer played on his lips as he read the message. Then, he settled into his seat, keeping Andy’s phone with him.

The atmosphere at the new employees’ party was lively and cheerful, with games and drinks adding to the merriment.

“Hold on! Did Andy just ask for the specific location of the party?” someone interrupted the laughter. “Do you think our boss might be coming?”

“Mr. Porter is coming? Should we order more food?” The table was nearly cleared, with only leftovers remaining.

The mood shifted from playful to concerned as everyone started asking the waiters to clean up and bring more food.

“Why would Mr. Porter come? He’s always been so distant from us,” an employee wondered aloud.

“Maybe he’s just showing how much he values us new hires,” a male colleague suggested with a chuckle, causing laughter to ripple through the group.

Brenda, with a hint of malice, raised her glass in a delicate toast. Only she knew Braden was coming for Rachel.

She had just snapped a photo of Rachel’s table companion and noticed another woman seated there, likely Rachel’s colleague.

Glancing over, Brenda saw Olive standing up, apparently heading to the bathroom. Brenda followed suit, touching up her makeup in the restroom.

Moments later, Olive emerged from the stall to wash her hands. Brenda, with her lipstick uncapped, walked past Olive, inadvertently leaving a bright red smear on Olive’s white coat.

“Oh no! I forgot the lid for my lipstick. I’m so clumsy,” Brenda said, feigning panic as she noticed the stain.

Olive looked embarrassed as she tried to remove the stain. “It’s okay. I’ll take care of it.”

“No, your coat looks expensive. Let me handle it,” Brenda insisted, moving to help. Unfortunately, her attempts only made things worse, soaking half of Olive’s coat and making her entire outfit wet.

“We should probably ask the waiter for a hair dryer,” Brenda suggested with a sheepish smile.

Olive nodded, clearly resigned.

Brenda smirked inwardly, estimating that Braden must have arrived at the restaurant by now.

Braden, looking furious, entered the restaurant with Andy. The Porter Group employees eagerly watched the door, but to their surprise, Braden walked past their table and continued toward the back.

Meanwhile, Rachel and Derek were deep in discussion about the design draft’s clothing colors. Both she and Olive felt Derek’s usual flamboyant style was too much and suggested he opt for something more understated to highlight his features without overshadowing his personality.

“Clothing can really influence appearances. A change in style might surprise your fans,” Rachel suggested. Unaware of Braden’s approach, she only noticed when a shadow fell over her.

Thinking it was Olive returning, she looked up and found herself locking eyes with Braden.

“Honey!” Rachel’s surprise caused her to spill her drink, her reaction making it seem like she was caught in the act of cheating.

Flustered, Rachel hurried to clean up the mess. “I was just discussing work with Derek,” she stammered.

Derek, unfazed, wiped up the spill with a napkin and gave Braden a pointed look. “Mr. Porter, have a seat. Rachel and I were just talking business. There’s no need to be upset. Just look at her—she’s trembling!”

“Derek, don’t make things worse,” Rachel snapped, glaring at Derek. This was typical of him.

He shrugged and teased, “What’s the big deal? I’m on your side! Your husband’s being too harsh, don’t you think?”

“Get Derek’s manager to take this troublemaker away,” Braden instructed Andy, who stood behind him.

Derek jumped up. “What? Why am I being called a troublemaker? I can handle myself. No need to call Walter!”

Braden ignored Derek’s protests and took Rachel’s hand. “Let’s go home.”

Rachel, feeling aggrieved, protested, “I don’t want to leave. I told you I’d be working, and Olive is here too.”


“Where is she then?” Braden’s eyes scanned the table, finding only Rachel and Derek.

“She’s in the bathroom,” Rachel responded with confidence.

However, Olive had yet to return, and Braden’s intense gaze made Rachel feel increasingly guilty. “Okay, just calm down,” she said, trying to soothe the situation.

She gestured for Braden to sit beside her, while Andy took the seat next to Derek.

“Look at the table! There are three sets of tableware, see? Olive will be back soon and will prove that I’m telling the truth,” Rachel continued, hoping to convince Braden.

Braden didn’t say anything but took a seat, indicating he was willing to wait for Rachel to validate her claim.

Unexpectedly, a waitress approached with the bill. “Ma’am, Sir, here’s the bill. Also, would you like us to keep the suite reserved for you? If not, I can cancel it,” she said to Derek.

Derek, bewildered, looked around the table and stood up in shock. “When did I book a suite?”

Braden’s expression darkened. “It seems there’s no need for further explanations.”

He stood up abruptly and left.

Rachel glared at Derek. “What kind of prank are you pulling, Derek?”

Without waiting for a response, Rachel followed Braden, only to notice Porter Group employees watching her, their smiles gone. Realizing she had unintentionally embarrassed Braden in front of his staff, she hurried after him.

Outside, the wind and her high heels made it difficult to keep up. Braden was already crossing the street when Rachel came up with a desperate idea.

She faked a fall, clutching her ankle and wincing in pain. “Oh no! It hurts so much. I think I might have broken something!”

Hearing her distress, Braden hesitated before rushing back to her side.

“Take off your shoe. Let me see,” he said, kneeling beside her and probing her ankle, making her wince even more.

“Stop it. You’ve just sprained your ankle. Are you trying to deceive me now? Have you become a liar?” Braden saw through her pretense and stood up, his face darkening. “Wait, help me up first. Please hear me out!” Rachel pleaded, grabbing his wrist.

Seeing Braden’s anger soften slightly, Rachel seized the opportunity. “What can I do to make you believe me? Are you going to leave without giving me a chance to explain?”

Braden, still tense but trying to remain calm, took a deep breath. He needed to address the situation. “What’s on your mind? Tell me,” he urged, his voice heavy with frustration.

Rachel, sensing Braden’s struggle, felt guilty. She lowered her gaze and apologized, “I didn’t realize Porter Group’s employees were there. Olive had just gone to the bathroom. As for the suite, it might be Derek’s doing. If you don’t believe me, check the surveillance video. We only talked about work.”

Rachel was enraged, realizing her mistake in agreeing to dinner with Derek, who had a knack for causing trouble. And now, Olive’s absence worried her. She needed to go back to the restaurant to check on Olive.

“You’re thinking about something. What is it?” Braden’s silence made Rachel more anxious. She hugged him and asked, “Are you still angry?”

At that moment, a familiar Maserati pulled up. “Hey, stop making a scene in the middle of the road,” Derek called out from the window, glancing at the couple.

Rachel was about to snap at Derek when Olive emerged from the car, looking concerned. “When I came back from the bathroom, you were gone. Derek told me you and Braden had a fight because of me. Is that true?”

Rachel and Braden shot daggers at Derek in unison. Rachel fumed, “Derek, why do you always stir up trouble?”

Derek stepped out of the car, hands in his pockets. “I’m not making things up. Braden got upset because he didn’t see Olive and thought it was just the two of us on a date.”

Olive quickly intervened, “Mr. Porter, please understand. Rachel wasn’t alone with Derek. I was there, but I had to step away. I didn’t mean to cause such a disturbance. I’m truly sorry.”

“It’s alright. I just need an explanation for the suite reservation,” Rachel said, giving Derek a sharp look.


Olive kicked Derek from behind and demanded, “Will you please explain why you booked a suite?”

Derek, raising his hands in surrender, insisted, “I swear it wasn’t me. Even though I have feelings for you, I would never resort to such tricks.”

He added with a touch of sincerity, “If I care about someone, I’ll pursue them openly and honestly.”

Rachel found some truth in Derek’s words. Though he could be stubborn and disregarded advice, he didn’t seem like someone who would engage in underhanded schemes.

“Then who could have done it?” Rachel wondered, her mind racing. She feared the possibility that someone who had previously harmed her might be behind this.

Derek returned to his car and said, “Let’s go back to the restaurant and get to the bottom of this. We can find out who’s responsible if we investigate.”

He turned to Braden, who was standing behind Rachel. “Mr. Porter, would you like me to drive you there? But given your suspicions, you might think I bribed the waitress to lie. Trust is crucial in a relationship. If you don’t trust Rachel, I’m willing to take her. I’ll believe in her unconditionally.”

Braden held Rachel close and replied, “My wife has already explained everything. I believe her.”

Derek sneered, feeling a pang of jealousy as he watched Rachel cling to Braden. He looked away, about to speak, when his phone rang. It was Walter.

Walter’s voice was frantic. “Did you see Rachel again? The Porter Group called me! I told you to wait at the filming site! The director and crew are all waiting for you!”

Walter’s irritation was palpable. Derek didn’t want to add to his stress, knowing Walter had secured his current job.

“Alright, I’ll be right there,” Derek said, feeling the weight of his obligation.

He glanced at Braden and said, “I need to go for a shoot now. The restaurant is nearby, so you can go on foot.”

Olive jumped into the car, wrapping her coat around her. “Give me a ride, will you?” She wanted to leave Braden and Rachel some privacy. Waving goodbye, she added, “You two have time to sort things out.”

Derek started the engine and grumbled, “You’re such a bother. Don’t you have a boyfriend to drive you home?”

Olive smacked Derek’s shoulder playfully. “Watch it and just drive.”

As the luxurious car drove away, Rachel grinned, feeling relieved.

“Shall we head home?” Braden asked, his demeanor now gentle after his earlier outburst.

Rachel responded, “The scene the Porter Group employees witnessed will be a topic of gossip for a while. I’d prefer to return to the restaurant and clarify things with the new Porter Group employees. I need to verify if Derek really booked that hotel room. If it was him, I won’t associate with him again.”

Braden understood Rachel’s need to address the situation and prevent any future misunderstandings. “They’re all new around here. It’s best if I meet them,” he agreed.

So, Braden and Rachel went back to the restaurant.

As they arrived, the speculation about their earlier scene had begun.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen Mr. Porter so angry. He left in such a commanding manner,” one person commented.

“Did you see Rachel’s frightened expression as she chased after him? She must have done something to upset him,” another added.

“Why is Rachel so ungrateful? Mr. Porter has been nothing but kind to her,” someone remarked.

Brenda, emerging from the bathroom, noticed the empty table and smiled smugly. Seeing the buzz among the staff, she joined the conversation, feigning ignorance. “Did I miss something?”

Before anyone could explain, a woman nudged her and whispered, “Shh! Mr. Porter is coming.”

Everyone fell silent as Braden and Rachel approached, hand in hand. Brenda was surprised to see them back together so quickly and wondered why.

Braden, typically reserved, merely nodded at the staff without speaking. Rachel, however, engaged with the staff enthusiastically.

“I was here earlier! You must have seen me. I was busy with work, so I didn’t get a chance to say hello,” Rachel said, noticing the bottles of wine on the table. She waved a waitress over. “Please bring two more bottles of Domaine de La Romanee-Conti and put it on my tab.”

The waitress, familiar with Rachel, acknowledged, “Certainly, ma’am. I’ll get them for you right away.”


The diners at the table were initially taken aback by Rachel’s extravagant gesture. They protested, “Mrs. Porter, this wine is too expensive. We’ve only just met. There’s no need for such generosity.”

Braden wrapped an arm around Rachel’s waist and whispered, “You’re so generous to everyone else. I don’t think you’ve ever bought me such expensive wine.”

“Stop it,” Rachel whispered back, tugging on his sleeve. “Or people will think I’m stingy with you.” The staff noticed the closeness between Braden and Rachel and observed that despite the earlier incident, their relationship seemed unaffected.

The woman next to Brenda quickly pandered to Rachel, saying, “I was going to come over and greet you myself, Mrs. Porter, but I was afraid of interrupting. I’ve seen you in Fashion Weekly and thought most distinguished female designers were hard to please, but you’re so approachable and kind. It’s truly refreshing.”

Brenda nearly rolled her eyes at the flattery. She had overheard this woman speaking ill of Rachel moments before. However, she was impressed by Rachel’s ability to turn the situation around so effectively. Braden’s demeanor remained calm, which annoyed Brenda even more.

Brenda’s annoyance was compounded when a man beside her inadvertently knocked her hand, spilling wine on her clothes and drawing everyone's attention.

“Brenda?” Rachel said, surprised to see her. “Are you here for the new employees’ dinner party too? It looks like you got the job. How’s it going?”

Brenda, wiping her clothes, managed a strained smile. “Hello, Mrs. Porter. I didn’t expect to see you here. I’ve been—”

“Aren’t you supposed to be getting your purse, honey?” Braden cut in. “The car is waiting outside. We should go.”

He slid his arm around Rachel’s shoulder and was about to leave when the waitress arrived with the wine.

“Your wine is here,” the waitress said, setting the bottles on the table. She then added, “I’m sorry, ma’am, but you haven’t settled your bill yet. We’ve also added the charges for your couple’s suite. If you no longer need the room, you can cancel the reservation at the front desk.”

Brenda’s face turned pale as she heard the waitress’s words. She quickly looked away, trying to avoid being recognized.

Brenda had informed the waitress earlier that she was a friend of Derek and had arranged for the couple’s suite, tipping her generously for the help. Now, she was anxious that her cover might be blown.

The gossip began almost immediately. “Mr. and Mrs. Porter must be in for a romantic evening. They’re booking a couple’s suite!”

“Did Mr. Porter book the room? He doesn’t look pleased.”

The murmurs grew louder, and Braden’s face darkened. They had already declined the suite, so why was it being mentioned again? He was frustrated with the waitress’s lack of awareness.

“If you don’t want the suite, I can cancel it,” the waitress offered timidly, realizing something was wrong. She tried to leave, but Braden stopped her.

“Who…” Braden started to ask but was interrupted by Rachel.

“We don’t need to cancel the booking. We’re taking the suite,” Rachel said with a bright smile. She hugged Braden’s arm and winked. “We haven’t had any alone time lately, have we?”

Rachel knew that Braden wanted to investigate who had booked the room, but she also understood that now was not the right time. She wanted to avoid further speculation and gossip. If she waited until things settled down, she could get more clarity about the situation.

A female colleague expressed surprise, “Mrs. Porter, you booked the suite? I didn’t expect you to be so bold and open-minded. No wonder Mr. Porter is so devoted to you.”

Rachel pretended to be shy, placing a hand on her cheek as if to hide her blush. “I didn’t expect the waitress to announce it. I’ve wanted to spend some quality time with my husband. Please, continue your dinner. We don’t want to disrupt your evening.”

She took the key card from the waitress and gently tugged at Braden’s arm. He appeared hesitant, so she gave him a sweet squeeze and said, “Honey, let’s go.”

Braden was bemused by Rachel’s public declaration but was touched by her boldness. As they left, he addressed the remaining employees, “Please enjoy your evening. We’ll be taking our leave now.”

After they departed, the employee who had flattered Rachel expressed envy, “Mr. and Mrs. Porter seem so in love.”

Brenda, relieved that she had not been recognized, returned to her seat. She was anxious but tried to remain calm. She sipped her wine, reflecting on her rash actions. She regretted not hiring someone else to handle the booking. Thankfully, Braden and Rachel had not discovered her involvement. As the others resumed their discussions, Brenda tried to calm herself and blend back into the crowd.


Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score
It seems Brenda will be exposed by herself a lot sooner than Charolene did

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

Brenda couldn’t help but feel irritated as she listened to her female colleagues gossiping incessantly. Their endless chatter was grating on her nerves, but she maintained her composure. She had a plan, and staying close to them was a necessary part of it.

“What do you think, Brenda?” one of the women asked, trying to draw her into their conversation. It was clear they wanted her to agree with them, but the attempt only deepened her annoyance.

Brenda forced a smile and stood up. “I’m sorry, but my clothes got stained with wine. I need to leave early tonight to deal with it before the stain sets in.”

One of the male colleagues checked his watch and offered, “It’s getting late. Let me drive you home, Brenda.”

The intention behind his offer was painfully obvious, and everyone around the table smirked. Brenda finally turned her attention to the man. He was tall, thin, and utterly forgettable—just another face in the crowd.

With a hint of contempt in her eyes, Brenda declined politely, “Thank you, but my driver is already on the way. You should stay and enjoy the evening with everyone else.”

As Brenda walked away, she could hear the teasing remarks from behind her.

“Did you hear that? ‘My driver will come and pick me up.’ You better stop dreaming about Brenda!”

“Don’t forget, she’s the adopted daughter of the Palmer family. You should know better.”

Despite their laughter, Brenda smiled to herself. Just as she approached the elevator, someone grabbed her arm. Startled, she turned to see the waitress who had handed Braden and Rachel the key card earlier.

“Excuse me, miss, I need to ask you something,” the waitress said, her tone polite but urgent.

Brenda frowned, shaking off the waitress’s hand. “I’m in a hurry. I don’t have time for this,” she snapped, brushing past her to head down the stairs, ignoring the elevator.

The waitress, however, wasn’t willing to let it go. She ran after Brenda and caught up, grabbing her wrist again. “Did you do that on purpose?” The politeness in her voice had vanished. “You asked me to give that key card to the couple, didn’t you?”

Brenda turned to face the waitress, her expression cold. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she lied, knowing full well the waitress was referring to Rachel and Derek.

“You said it was a surprise for them, but it was obvious the couple who came in later are together. You set me up!” the waitress accused, her voice trembling with the realization that she’d been used.

Annoyed, Brenda pulled out her wallet and shoved some bills into the waitress’s hand. “Just keep quiet about it,” she ordered.

The waitress hesitated, realizing she had been manipulated. “No, you need to go and explain this to them. I could lose my job because of you!” she protested, holding on to Brenda’s hand.

“Are you out of your mind? Just take the money and leave me alone!” Brenda snarled, shaking off the waitress’s grip more forcefully this time. She couldn’t believe how persistent the girl was.

But in her anger, Brenda pushed too hard. The waitress lost her balance and fell down the stairs.

Horrified, Brenda rushed down the stairs after her. The waitress lay still, a pool of blood forming around her head. Trembling, Brenda checked for a pulse—faint, but still there.

Panic surged through Brenda. If the waitress survived and told anyone what happened, she would be ruined.

No one would ever know what happened here, Brenda decided. There were no surveillance cameras, no witnesses.

Calming herself, she walked down the stairs as if nothing had happened. As she exited the restaurant, she overheard two waitresses speaking in hushed, frantic tones. They had found their colleague unconscious and bleeding on the stairs.

Meanwhile, Braden and Rachel stepped into the elevator, unaware of the chaos unfolding below. When they were finally alone, Rachel let go of Braden’s hand, only for him to take it again and tuck it into his coat pocket, keeping her close.


"We should've asked the waitress," Rachel murmured as they walked down the corridor. "If it wasn’t Derek's prank, it must be someone else’s. Do you have any idea who might want to sabotage our relationship?"

Braden frowned, understanding the gravity of the situation. They needed to find the mastermind behind this scheme.

Rachel smiled, albeit a little uneasily. "Derek is cunning and sharp-tongued. He might claim innocence, but who knows? He’s not someone you can easily trust."

Her expression darkened as she continued, "Besides, it wasn’t the right time to confront him. The staff from the Porter Group were all there, and rumors could easily spread. The last thing I need is for people at the Porter Group to know that Derek, the lunatic, is pursuing me."

Meanwhile, Derek was oblivious to the unflattering label. As soon as he dropped Olive off at home, he began sneezing uncontrollably in the car. Shivering, he rubbed his shoulders and rolled down the window. "Why is it so cold all of a sudden?"

Back in the suite, Braden swiped the key card, leading Rachel inside. A faint smile played on his lips as he closed the door behind them, a sight that caught Rachel off guard.

"Why are you smiling?" she asked, tilting her head in curiosity. "Is it because I was complaining about Derek?"

Braden cleared his throat and removed his coat, trying to maintain his composure. "I thought you two were close since you had dinner together."

Rachel turned on the TV and looked back at him. "Derek wanted to discuss work-related matters with me and Olive, so we met for dinner. It was Olive’s first assignment after returning to Grant'd, and I couldn’t refuse. Even though I knew Derek wasn’t entirely serious, I had to go for Olive’s sake. But I promise I’ll be more careful next time. I don’t want to cause any trouble for you."

Her sudden politeness made Braden feel uneasy. It wasn’t like her to be so formal.

Walking over to her, his expression softened. "You’re being pursued because you’re a captivating woman, Rachel. That doesn’t embarrass me in the slightest."

"Then why were you so upset earlier?" she asked, her voice tinged with frustration. "Why did you rush over here to confront me, only to leave me behind?"

Rachel’s heart raced as she recalled the evening. It was the first time she’d ever chased after a man to explain herself.

A look of helplessness crossed Braden’s face as he gave her a wry smile. He reached out and gently pulled her into his arms. "I wanted to stay calm, but when I saw that photo in the group chat, I lost it. I rushed over with Andy, canceling an important dinner meeting with a client, just to see you."

Rachel couldn’t help but smile as she buried her face in his neck, inhaling his clean, refreshing scent. "This room is rather… interesting," she whispered.

Braden glanced around, noticing the heart-shaped bed and the inviting purplish-red lighting. A large mirror on the opposite wall reflected their image, adding to the room’s suggestive atmosphere.

"I heard their couple’s suites are quite famous," Rachel said, her voice taking on a playful edge as she looked up at him.

"Let’s just stay here and watch TV for a while. We can leave once the employees have gone," she suggested, wrapping herself in a blanket as she selected a movie. Her attention was so focused on the screen that she didn’t notice Braden had begun unbuttoning his shirt.

It wasn’t until she felt his weight on the bed that she realized what was happening. Gently, she pushed him away. "Aren’t you still mad?"

Braden didn’t answer. Instead, he captured her wrists and pinned them above her head, his gaze intense.

Rachel’s heart pounded in her chest. She was frustrated by how easily he could stir her emotions, but before she could voice her thoughts, Braden’s lips were on hers, soft yet demanding.

His fingers, cool against her flushed skin, brushed her lips as he whispered, "I won’t be mad after we make love."

Braden swiftly undressed Rachel, his touch sending shivers down her spine. The tension between them escalated as he continued to explore her body, igniting a fire within her.

"Can you… please just come in?" Rachel breathed, her voice barely audible.

Braden chuckled softly, his fingers slipping into her mouth. As he pressed against her, the room seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of them in a haze of desire.

With every touch, every kiss, the connection between them deepened. They moved together, lost in the moment, until all that existed was the intensity of their passion.

"Slow down… Please, slow down…" Rachel murmured, her voice thick with pleasure as she clung to him.

Braden’s lips brushed against her cheek, their breaths mingling as he fulfilled her every desire, leaving her trembling with satisfaction.


Rachel clung to Braden, her body trembling as she felt the warmth between them. She held onto him tightly, not wanting to let go, their connection deepened by the intimacy they shared. Braden's movements were steady and strong, and Rachel found herself completely overwhelmed by the sensations coursing through her.

Her breath hitched as she leaned closer to Braden, whispering softly in his ear, "You're amazing..." Her words seemed to spur him on, fueling his desire.

Braden held her close, his movements deliberate and intense. Rachel could feel her body responding to him in ways she hadn't expected, her emotions swirling as she reached a peak of pleasure.

As Braden finally released, he held Rachel tightly, the intensity of the moment leaving them both breathless. They collapsed onto the bed, their bodies spent from the passion they had shared.

After a few moments, Rachel glanced at the mirror across the room and saw their reflection—two lovers entwined, still recovering from the night’s intensity. But as she saw Braden's desire reignite, a sense of dread washed over her. She wasn't sure she could go through it again.

"Wait... please," she whispered, trying to catch her breath.

But Braden wasn't ready to stop. He moved with renewed energy, pulling her close once more.

The night stretched on, with the two of them shifting positions repeatedly until Rachel was left feeling drained and exhausted. By the time morning came, her body was sore and weak, though Braden seemed unaffected, full of energy and affection.

As the first rays of sunlight streamed through the window, Braden wrapped his arms around Rachel, pressing a gentle kiss to her neck. "You were incredible last night," he murmured, his voice filled with admiration.

Rachel blushed, hiding her face beneath the covers. She felt both embarrassed and flattered by his compliment, but Braden's laughter told her that he was amused by her reaction. Handing her phone to her, he said, "Someone tried calling you several times last night."

Rachel hadn't had a moment to check her phone the night before, too caught up in the heat of their passion. When she looked at the screen, she saw several missed calls and a message from Olive, asking if she and Braden were okay.

Smiling faintly, she set the phone aside and turned to Braden. "Has Booker ever been in love before?" she asked, curiosity getting the better of her.

Braden's expression turned cautious. "I'm not sure," he replied. "He’s never talked about it, but I think he might have had someone special once."

Rachel knew Braden wasn't one for gossip, and she appreciated his honesty. He pulled her closer, his voice reassuring as he added, "But Booker is a good man, someone you can trust."

Looking into Braden's sincere eyes, Rachel felt a sense of warmth and hope. Maybe Olive had finally found someone worth loving.

When it was time to check out and head to work, Braden asked the receptionist about the short-haired waitress they had seen the day before. He needed to ask her something, but the receptionist's response caught them both off guard.

"I'm sorry, sir, but the waitress you’re asking about was in an accident yesterday. She’s in the hospital now, in a coma."

Rachel’s heart sank. "But she was fine yesterday! What happened?"

The receptionist couldn’t provide more details, so she called the hotel manager to assist them.

Recognizing Braden and Rachel as important guests, the manager invited them to the VIP lounge, where he explained the situation in more detail. "It was an unfortunate accident with the stairs. We’re terribly sorry for the inconvenience, and your stay with us will be complimentary as a gesture of goodwill."

Braden smiled politely, but inside, he felt uneasy. The timing of the accident was too coincidental.

As they left the hotel, Rachel couldn’t help but feel regretful. "We should have asked her yesterday."

Braden, ever composed, reassured her. "Don’t worry. The truth will come out eventually."

Rachel sensed that Braden had a plan, but he didn’t elaborate. Instead, he gently suggested, "Let the driver take you to the studio. I’ll head back to the office."

He opened the car door for her and waited until she was settled inside before heading off.

When Rachel returned to the Grant'd Studio, she was immediately greeted by a worried Olive. Rachel hadn't responded to her calls or messages, and Olive had feared the worst.


Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score
They are communicating well among them which is a good thing for couples. Most people won't do that. I never thought I will be hooked with a romance drama this long.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

Olive’s worries vanished the moment she saw Rachel arrive at work in Braden’s car. A wave of relief washed over her as she nudged Rachel playfully.

"Well, look at you, Miss Problem Solver!" Olive teased. "Braden was in quite a mood yesterday, but here he is driving you to work today. So, what’s your secret?"

Rachel’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she covered her face with her hands. "We just talked things through and made up," she admitted shyly.

Olive’s eyes twinkled with amusement as she noticed the faint marks on Rachel’s neck. Giggling, she said, "Ah, I see. Well, whatever you said, it must have worked wonders."

Realizing what Olive was hinting at, Rachel quickly reached for a scarf from her drawer and wrapped it around her neck. "Stop staring at me like that!" she exclaimed, still blushing.

Olive pretended innocence, laughing softly. "Who, me? I didn’t see anything at all. Anyway, Derek’s manager sent over the final confirmation, so it looks like our deal is sealed."

Rachel let out a relieved sigh. "That’s great news. No more headaches from Derek."

With a satisfied nod, Olive added one more thing before leaving. "Oh, by the way, Shaira called the studio earlier, looking for you. She seemed a bit frantic, so you might want to give her a call."

Rachel quickly dialed Shaira’s number, and sure enough, she sounded anxious. "Rachel, I was beginning to think you disappeared! Don’t forget about the award ceremony this weekend. I’ve told everyone you’re the designer of my dress, so you *have* to be there!"

Rachel smiled, though a bit taken aback. "Don’t worry, I’ll be there." She hadn’t expected Shaira to be so adamant, but she couldn’t say no.

But why would Shaira call so many times instead of just sending a message?

"Is there something else you need?" Rachel asked, sensing there was more to the story.

Shaira’s laughter echoed through the phone. "You know me too well. Yes, there’s one more favor I need to ask. Since our collaboration is almost over, I’m not sure when I’ll get another chance."

"Are you planning to do more research on Braden for your new novel?" Rachel asked, but then quickly declined. "Sorry, I can’t help with that. Last time, I got involved without his permission, and he wasn’t happy. I can’t do that again."

To Rachel’s surprise, Shaira didn’t seem disappointed. Instead, she sounded relieved. "Oh no, nothing like that. This time, I was hoping you could ask Braden if Andy could have half a day off this weekend for the award ceremony."

Rachel was caught off guard. "Andy has to work on weekends? Poor guy! Is he really working all year round?"

Shaira sighed. "Never mind that. Shouldn’t you be more focused on why I want Andy to come with me?"

It suddenly clicked for Rachel. "Wait a minute… Is there something going on between you and Andy?"

Shaira’s tone softened. "Well, I did mention something like that last time. I’d really like him to be my date for the event."

Rachel smiled. "I can’t promise anything, but I’ll ask Braden when he gets home."

Later that evening, Braden walked through the door, exhausted from a long day at work. The delicious aroma of food greeted him as soon as he entered, making his stomach rumble with hunger. He glanced into the kitchen and saw Rachel busy preparing dinner, and a wave of affection washed over him, easing the tension in his expression.

Braden removed his coat, rolled up his sleeves, and headed into the kitchen to help. But before he could step in, Rachel emerged with a steaming bowl of fish soup.

"You’re back! Let’s eat," she said with a warm smile, guiding him to the table and gently pushing him into a seat.

Braden raised an eyebrow, sensing something was up. "Alright, out with it. What do you want?" he asked, cutting straight to the point.

Rachel laughed and served him a bowl of soup. "Shaira asked me to go to the award ceremony with her this weekend. And she wants to know if Andy can join her. Maybe you could give him the day off?"

Braden relaxed, relieved it was something so simple. He had always found Shaira a bit too loud for his liking, but this request didn’t seem unreasonable.

As she placed the soup in front of him, Rachel took a seat and continued, "Andy’s been working with you for years, and he’s always been single. Maybe it’s time you give him a little break. He might finally have a chance at love."

Braden pondered this for a moment, a bit surprised. "Andy? In love? I never would’ve guessed he’d fall for someone like Shaira."

Rachel playfully rolled her eyes. "Why not? Doesn’t Andy deserve a shot at happiness too?" She served him some more food, hoping to nudge him in the right direction.


Braden reluctantly agreed to give Andy a short leave, though it was just for half a day. “Okay, but only for half a day,” he conceded, his tone firm.

Rachel’s face lit up with a smile.

“I’ll be busy this weekend, so I won’t be able to go with you,” Braden added, his voice softening. “But if Andy attends the award ceremony with you, he can ensure your safety.”

Rachel’s eyes widened in surprise. “Even after you’ve granted him leave, he still has to work? How can Andy enjoy the party like this?”

“It’s part of his job,” Braden explained with a slow, deliberate tone. “He’s paid handsomely for it.”

“How much exactly? He works almost 24 hours a day! No amount of money could make me do such work,” Rachel said with unwavering conviction.

Braden leaned closer and whispered something into her ear, causing her eyes to widen even further. “Do you still need an assistant like Andy in your company? I’d gladly take the job,” she teased.

With a chuckle, Braden leaned back and shook his head. “You’re quite the swindler, aren’t you? Let’s just enjoy our meal.”


After the company’s dinner party, Brenda requested a day off to handle some personal matters at home. When she returned to work at the Porter Group the next day, she overheard her colleagues gossiping in hushed tones.

Curious, Brenda made her way to the tea room to grab some water and discreetly joined the conversation. They were discussing a waitress who had fallen down the stairs at the hotel where they had dined the night before.

“It’s the same waitress who served us wine. I heard she’s still in the hospital with severe brain damage, and she might not wake up,” said a short-haired woman who seemed to have all the details. “The hotel has generously compensated her family, but I have a feeling there’s more to it than just a simple accident.”

“The hotel did the right thing by compensating her family. It’s only natural,” Brenda commented calmly.

Her colleagues sighed in agreement. “It’s such a tragedy. The waitress is so young, and now she might never regain consciousness. What a terrible fate.”

“How unfortunate,” Brenda echoed their sentiments with a look of pity before leaving the room with her mug.

As she walked away, a cold, calculating glint appeared in her eyes. *If that waitress hadn’t crossed me, she wouldn’t have fallen and gotten hurt. She brought it upon herself,* Brenda thought, feeling no remorse for her actions.

Later, as Brenda headed to the CEO’s office to get a document signed, she encountered Andy at the door.

“Hi, Andy,” Brenda greeted him warmly.

Andy was highly regarded at the Porter Group, being Braden’s most trusted and valued assistant.

“Hello. Are you here to get a document signed by Mr. Porter? I can take it to him. He’s in a meeting right now,” Andy noticed the document in Brenda’s hand.

Brenda smiled and handed him the document. “Thank you, Andy.”

Andy took the document inside and returned shortly after, surprised to see that Brenda was still lingering near the door.

“Do you have any other business with Mr. Porter? The meeting will be over in about thirty minutes. You’re welcome to come back then,” Andy offered, checking his watch.

Brenda quickly followed him. “Actually, I’m waiting for you.”

Andy raised an eyebrow, immediately on alert. Braden had warned him about Brenda, suspecting that she had ulterior motives for joining the company. Now it seemed she was trying to get close to him.

With a charming smile, Brenda invited him to dinner. “I’d like to invite you to dinner if that’s alright with you. What do you say?”

Andy wasn’t particularly interested in dining with Brenda, finding her too thin and unappealing. However, he saw this as a chance to gather information about her true intentions.

For the sake of the Porter Group and Braden, he forced a smile and nodded. “Sure, I could use some company.”

Brenda was surprised by Andy’s quick acceptance, expecting him to be more cautious. She immediately thought less of him, believing he wasn’t on the same level as Braden.

They made a reservation at a nearby Italian restaurant. In this commercial district, known for its foreign-owned businesses, international restaurants were highly popular.

Andy ordered pasta carbonara and tomahawk steak, while Brenda only ordered a salad and a bottle of red wine, carefully maintaining her trim figure.

When the food arrived, Andy hesitated, his body tense as he eyed the dishes.

“Andy, aren’t you hungry? I’m starving!” Brenda exclaimed as she dug into her salad and took a sip of wine. “You ordered two main courses; you’ll have to eat them all yourself. I’m not helping!”

Andy, initially suspicious of the food, relaxed after seeing Brenda enjoy herself. He started a conversation to ease the tension.

Brenda had a way with words, and they chatted throughout the meal. Andy, however, felt like he was up against a formidable opponent. Wiping his brow discreetly, he remarked, “Were you familiar with Miss Palmer before? I see some similarities in the way you both communicate and act.”

Brenda was caught off guard by Andy’s sudden question but maintained her composure. “I had the pleasure of meeting Miss Palmer on several occasions. She was involved in the nonprofit program, so it’s not surprising that I knew her,” she responded truthfully.

Just as Andy was about to probe further, his phone rang. It was Shaira calling.

“I’m sorry, I need to take this call,” Andy said, getting up and walking a few steps away, his back turned to Brenda as he answered.


Shaira planned to grab some desserts and then swing by Grant'd Studio to visit Rachel. Since the Porter Group was nearby, she decided to call Andy to say hello and perhaps meet for dinner after seeing Rachel.

But something in Andy’s voice seemed off. Shaira immediately sensed his caution, realizing that something wasn’t right.

“What are you up to, Andy?” Shaira asked, her voice laced with concern.

Andy, feeling the pressure, wiped the sweat from his brow. He glanced nervously at Brenda sitting across from him before responding, "I can't talk right now, Shaira. I'll call you later, okay?"

Not one to back down, Shaira persisted. "I’m coming over."

True to her word, Shaira was already close to Andy’s location, making it only a matter of time before she found him.

Andy’s frown deepened as he whispered, “Mr. Porter sent me on a secret mission. I’m in a restaurant near the company.”

After a brief pause, he added, “We’ll talk about it later.”

Just as Andy was about to end the call, Shaira interjected, “What a coincidence! I’m near the Porter Group too. Which restaurant are you in? I’ll join you.”

Andy’s heart skipped a beat when he realized Shaira’s voice wasn’t just coming through the phone; she was actually nearby. Glancing towards the entrance, he saw Shaira standing at the reception desk, surveying the area.

Their eyes met, and Shaira waved cheerfully. However, as she approached, her smile faltered when she noticed the woman sitting elegantly across from Andy.

“I didn’t expect you to have company,” Shaira remarked, forcing a smile as she tried to mask her surprise.

Seeing Andy with another woman stirred a pang of jealousy in Shaira, even though she knew they weren’t officially a couple. Questioning Andy like a jealous girlfriend would only make her look foolish. Still, she couldn’t hide her disappointment as she waited for Andy to respond.

Andy opened his mouth to explain but hesitated, unable to find the right words.

Shaira’s mood darkened. “If you’re on a date, just be honest. No need to lie about a secret mission,” she said, her voice tinged with sarcasm as she playfully pinched Andy’s shoulder, her frustration evident.

Brenda’s expression shifted dramatically at the mention of a “secret mission.”

In an instant, Andy clamped a hand over Shaira’s mouth, his eyes cold as he snapped, “Shaira! Stop this nonsense! You can’t just show up and meddle in things that don’t concern you. My private life is none of your business!”

Andy had never spoken to her so harshly before, leaving Shaira momentarily stunned and deeply hurt.

Pushing Andy’s hand away, Shaira’s voice trembled with shock and pain. “You lied to me, and now you’re angry at me?”

Shaira was no pushover. Normally, she would stand her ground if someone lashed out at her. But Andy’s sudden harshness left her feeling as though her heart was being squeezed painfully.

“I’m not having dinner with you. Don’t bother me anymore,” Andy said coldly as he nudged Shaira’s shoulder, turning away without meeting her gaze.

Staggering back, Shaira’s heart ached. Tears welled up in her eyes as she choked out, “You’ve never treated me like this before.”

She felt like the kind, caring Andy she knew was just an act. The cold man before her seemed to be his true self.

Andy clenched his fists, his face conflicted, but he remained silent.

“I’m done talking to you!” Shaira declared, her voice breaking as she turned and ran out of the restaurant, her tears flowing freely.

Unconsciously, Andy took a step forward to follow her but stopped himself, remembering Brenda’s presence. He forced himself to sit back down, trying to appear as if nothing had happened.

Forcing a smile, he said, “Let’s not let someone unimportant ruin our dinner.”

Brenda arched an eyebrow and handed Andy a glass. “Mr. Davis, why don’t you drink this to show me how sincere you are? Then I might overlook your little sweetheart’s intrusion.”

Andy, too upset to think clearly, grabbed the glass and drank it all in one gulp.

“Impressive,” Brenda commented, a sly smile playing on her lips as she watched Andy’s mood darken further.

As Andy slumped back into his seat, Brenda slowly sipped her wine, studying his troubled expression. She knew there was more between Andy and Shaira than met the eye, and she couldn’t help but feel grateful for the drama. Their spat had provided the perfect opportunity for her to drug Andy’s drink.

“You’d better eat before your pasta gets cold,” Brenda said, dabbing her mouth with a napkin before flashing Andy a smile.

All she needed to do now was wait for the drug to take effect, knowing it would soon leave Andy feeling sluggish, as if he were drunk.

“I’ll eat,” Andy mumbled, managing a faint smile.

“Good,” Brenda nodded, taking another sip of wine. “Didn’t you ask me about my relationship with Miss Palmer? We actually met before I went abroad…”


Andy's eyes narrowed as he asked, "It seems like you and Miss Palmer were quite close when she was alive?"

Brenda hesitated before replying, "Not exactly close. Miss Palmer visited us occasionally, representing the Porter Group's charity programs. We only spoke a few times, but I could tell she was genuinely kind. While I was abroad, I looked forward to coming back and seeing her again. I never imagined that our farewell at the airport would be our last encounter." Her voice trembled with emotion as she spoke.

Brenda reached for the wine bottle, refilling both their glasses. "Let’s not dwell on it. I’m aware that Miss Palmer’s reputation wasn’t the best within the Porter Group."

Despite Charlene's passing, rumors persisted at the Porter Group, suggesting she had lost her sanity in her final days. Brenda felt a surge of anger every time she overheard someone speak ill of Charlene.

Sensing the sensitivity of the topic, Andy decided not to press further, hoping to keep his true intentions hidden. Instead, he allowed Brenda to keep the wine flowing as they chatted. Before long, they had finished the entire bottle, leaving both of them tipsy.

Andy, not accustomed to heavy drinking, failed to notice anything amiss.

"My head hurts. I need to rest for a bit," Brenda murmured, feigning intoxication as she slumped over the table.

Unbeknownst to Andy, Brenda had done her homework. She knew Andy's background was clean, his temper was mild, and his family valued their reputation highly. This, she suspected, was why Braden had chosen Andy as his assistant.

It was precisely these traits that made Brenda’s plan seem foolproof. She intended to arrange for a woman from a nightclub to seduce Andy, giving her leverage to blackmail him later.

As the alcohol took its toll, Andy struggled to maintain his composure. He stood up, paid the bill, and turned to Brenda. "We should head home."

Even in his dazed state, Andy was careful. He was not one to take unnecessary risks.

Tears welled up in Brenda's eyes as she said, "Miss Palmer was like family to us orphans." Her voice cracked as she continued, tears now streaming down her face.

Andy handed her a tissue, his expression softening. "If Miss Palmer were still with us, she wouldn’t want to see you like this."

Brenda clutched the tissue, pretending to be overwhelmed with emotion. In reality, she was buying time, waiting for the drug she had slipped into Andy’s drink to take effect.

Andy tried to rise from his seat, but his legs buckled under him. He collapsed back into the chair, his vision blurring.

"Mr. Davis, are you okay?" Brenda asked sweetly. Andy could barely make out her words as darkness closed in.

Moments later, Andy slumped forward, unconscious. Brenda caught him, a cold smile curling her lips as she pulled out her phone to send a quick text.

A woman soon appeared at the restaurant’s entrance. She was dressed provocatively, with heavy makeup, black stockings, and a tight dark-red skirt. The scent of cigarettes and alcohol clung to her as she approached Brenda. Wrinkling her nose at Andy, she asked, "He’s out cold. You sure he’s up for this?"

Brenda pushed Andy into the woman’s arms and straightened her own clothes. "That’s your job, isn’t it?"

With a smirk, Brenda picked up her bag. "I doubt he’s ever done this before. Be gentle with him."

The woman, a seasoned prostitute, studied Andy’s face before breaking into a satisfied grin. "He’s a real looker. I’m in luck tonight."

But just as she was about to lead Andy out, the restaurant door swung open. Shaira stood in the doorway, her eyes blazing with anger.

"Where do you think you’re taking my boyfriend?"

Brenda’s brow furrowed. "Your boyfriend?" She hadn't expected Shaira to return.

Taking a step back, Brenda replied calmly, "Andy is my colleague. He had too much to drink, so I was just helping him get home."

Shaira had returned because she felt uneasy about Brenda. From the moment they met, she had sensed something off about her.

While Andy was intelligent, he was also naive, often assuming the best in others. Shaira knew she had made the right call coming back.

With a sharp tone, Shaira demanded, "And you're okay with letting this stranger take him?"

Shaira's eyes locked onto the woman supporting Andy. "Get your filthy hands off my boyfriend!"

The nightclub girl glanced nervously at Brenda before rolling her eyes at Shaira. She gently lowered Andy back into his seat, realizing it was best not to get involved in whatever drama was unfolding. With a final look at Brenda, she made her intentions to leave clear.

Before she could slip away, Shaira blocked her path.

Looking the woman up and down with a sneer, Shaira spat, "You two are in on this together, aren’t you? Trying to trap Andy? I bet you were paid a pretty penny to come all this way!"

Shaira’s suspicions grew as she eyed the pair. She was convinced Brenda had hired the nightclub girl to ensnare Andy.

But Brenda remained composed, her voice steady as she defended herself. "I don’t know this woman. When I returned from the restroom, she was already with Andy. I assumed she was his friend, or maybe he called her. I guess I was wrong."

Shaira wasn’t buying it. She reached out to stop Brenda. "Where are you taking him? Let me handle this."

Brenda's eyes turned cold, her expression emotionless. "I’m Andy’s colleague. It’s my responsibility to get him home safely. And who are you? Andy’s never mentioned a girlfriend. I don’t even know you. If you keep harassing us, I’ll have no choice but to call the police."

Shaira’s anxiety spiked as Brenda tried to leave with Andy. Desperate, she blocked the door. "I know Rachel. She can vouch for me—I’m Andy’s friend!"

Brenda, her patience thinning, spoke with a hint of irritation. "Miss, please step aside. I need to get him home. I’m his colleague, and I’ll make sure he gets home safely. There’s no need to worry."

"I can’t let you take Andy away!" Shaira cried, a sudden idea sparking in her mind. She quickly pulled out her phone and dialed Rachel for a video call.


In Braden's luxurious villa, the evening was calm and serene until Rachel stepped out of the bathroom, her damp hair cascading over her shoulders. She barely had time to relax when her phone rang, displaying an incoming video call from Shaira.

Braden, lounging on the bed with his tablet, glanced up. "It’s pretty late for a call from Shaira, isn’t it?" he remarked, a hint of curiosity in his tone.

Rachel frowned slightly. "She’s never called this late before. Maybe something’s up," she responded, answering the call without further delay.

On the screen, Shaira’s face appeared, visibly anxious. "Rachel, is Braden with you?" she asked, her voice tinged with urgency.

Braden leaned in to get a better view of the scene unfolding on Rachel’s phone. He immediately recognized the setting—a dimly lit room where Andy, his assistant, sat slumped over, unconscious. Beside him stood Brenda, looking uncomfortable.

Braden's brows furrowed in concern.

"Braden, thank goodness you’re here!" Shaira exclaimed, relief evident in her voice. "Andy had dinner with a colleague and got really drunk. Then, this strange woman started making advances on him. I wanted to take him home, but they wouldn’t let me because they didn’t believe I knew him. I thought it’d be best to check with you first, since he’s your assistant."

Braden stared at the screen, deep in thought. Andy didn’t seem his usual self, even for someone who’d had too much to drink. And why was Brenda, of all people, with him?

Rachel echoed his thoughts, confusion etched on her face. "Why are Andy and Brenda together? I thought he liked Shaira."

Rachel was about to inquire further when Braden gently cut her off. "Brenda, let Shaira take Andy home. You’ve got work to finish back at the office."

Though he hadn’t pieced everything together, Braden knew Brenda was not to be trusted, especially around someone as vulnerable as Andy in his current state.

"Shaira, could you do me a favor and take Andy home? If it’s too much trouble, I can send someone from Porter Group to assist," Braden offered, his voice calm but authoritative.

Shaira smiled reassuringly. "It’s no problem at all. I drove here, so I can easily take him home."

She then turned to Brenda, raising an eyebrow in a challenge. "Aren’t you going to greet your boss?"

Brenda’s expression hardened momentarily before she forced a smile. Shaira had clearly thwarted her plans. "Good evening, Mr. Porter. I didn’t expect Mr. Davis to be such a lightweight. I shouldn’t have invited him for drinks. You mentioned work—what do you need me to do?"

"Please compile all the information about our new business partners this quarter and email it to me. After that, you can call it a day," Braden instructed, his tone dismissive. He ended the call without waiting for a response.

Rachel, however, wasn’t satisfied. She turned to Braden with a puzzled expression. "Why was Andy with Brenda in the first place? And how did Shaira know about it? You seemed pretty worried—you even offered to send someone from work to help."

Braden chuckled softly and pinched the tip of her nose affectionately. "Shaira likes Andy, remember? I was just giving her a little nudge in the right direction. Now, let’s get some sleep. Shaira will handle things."

He had anticipated Brenda's scheming, but involving Andy was a twist he hadn’t expected.

Rachel still had questions, but before she could ask them, Braden reached over and turned off the lights. Pulling her into his arms, he murmured, "It’s late, darling. We don’t want you to be tired for work tomorrow."

Reluctantly, Rachel settled down, letting her curiosity fade as sleep overtook her.

Back at the restaurant, Shaira ended the call and approached Brenda, confidently taking Andy’s arm and draping it over her shoulder. "I’ll take him home. You’re okay with that, right?" she asked with a smirk.

Even in his drunken state, Andy seemed to recognize Shaira, leaning into her for support.

Brenda, seething with frustration, forced a smile. "I’ve got work to do back at the office. Miss Lorne, please take care of Mr. Davis."

Brenda knew when to retreat. This wasn’t over—it was just a setback. With a glare at the nightclub girl who had lingered nearby, she turned on her heel and left.

The nightclub girl, frustrated by the wasted opportunity, muttered angrily, "What a bunch of psychos. Wasted my time!"

Shaira watched her leave, amusement flickering in her eyes. She turned back to Brenda with a mocking grin. "Better get to work, or you’ll be stuck there till midnight."

Ignoring Shaira’s taunt, Brenda stormed off, her anger simmering beneath the surface. It took two glasses of wine before she could calm down enough to plot her next move.


Shaira could only watch as Andy was taken away. It was late, and the night had cast a shadow over her hopes. She helped Andy into the passenger seat of her car, his silence louder than any words. Despite his inebriation, Andy was unusually quiet, leaning back and quickly dozing off, completely oblivious to the harsh words Shaira muttered under her breath.

“I overestimated you, Andy. Didn’t anyone teach you not to dine with strangers? You probably don’t even realize Brenda set you up,” Shaira muttered, her frustration spilling out in a bitter tone.

Yet, as she glanced at Andy, peacefully asleep beside her, her anger softened, and a wave of tenderness washed over her.

Shaira brought Andy back to her place. She carefully settled him on the sofa, whispering, “Stay here. I’ll get some water for you.”

But before she could rise, Andy suddenly pulled her down, and they both tumbled onto the sofa. His body was warm, his breath brushing against her neck, causing her face to flush with unexpected heat.

“W-What do you think you’re doing?” she stammered, her heart pounding with nerves.

In such an intimate position, the tension between them was palpable. But Shaira wasn’t one to act on impulse. She wanted something real, something meaningful.

As if in a dream, Andy murmured her name, “Shaira…” His voice was soft, almost shy. “Shaira… I like you so much…”

Shaira’s heart skipped a beat. She’d never seen this side of Andy before—so vulnerable, so sincere. “Andy, you know it’s me, right? Shaira?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper as she touched her flushed cheeks.

“Of course, I know,” he replied softly, pulling her hand toward him.

But before she could panic, thinking he wanted something more, Andy guided her hand to his pocket, where she found his wallet. With a sleepy smile, he placed two cards in her hand. “These… my cards and my heart… they’re yours now. You must take care of me. Don’t curse or yell at me…”

His words trailed off as he drifted into sleep, leaving Shaira staring at him in disbelief.

“Was that supposed to be a confession?” she asked, poking his shoulder. “How can you just fall asleep like that?”

Despite her confusion, Shaira couldn’t help but smile. The fact that Andy trusted her enough to hand over his cards—and his heart—made her feel warm inside. She slipped the cards into her bag, her heart light.

“Well, your cards and your heart are mine now,” she whispered, stroking his face. Andy, even in his drunken stupor, looked incredibly handsome.

Just then, Andy’s eyes fluttered open, and before Shaira could react, he pulled her into a kiss.

The morning sun streamed through the window, casting a golden glow over the room. Andy sat up abruptly, his head pounding. As he took in his unfamiliar surroundings, confusion clouded his mind. Where was he?

Realizing he was half-naked, Andy’s panic spiked. He jumped from the sofa, clutching the blanket. “Where are my clothes?” he blurted out.

Shaira emerged from the kitchen, holding a plate of breakfast. “They’re in the dryer. You can wear one of my T-shirts for now.”

“Shaira! Why am I in your house?” Andy’s eyes widened in shock as he pulled the blanket tighter around his bare chest.

His memories were fragmented. Last night… Shaira… What had happened between them?

Shaira approached him, her expression unreadable. “Why are you so flustered? I’ve already seen everything. I helped you undress last night. You were pretty out of it. Do you remember anything?”

Andy struggled to piece together the events of the previous night. He recalled drinking with Brenda, getting drunk, and then Shaira taking him home. Flashes of kissing Shaira on the couch suddenly surfaced, making his face flush.

Seeing his embarrassment, Shaira teased, “Seems like some of your memory is coming back.”

Andy was silent for a moment, his expression serious as he finally spoke. “Shaira, don’t worry. It was my fault as a man, and I’ll take responsibility for whatever happened last night.”

Shaira blinked in surprise. Andy had done nothing more than kiss her, yet here he was, offering to take responsibility.

The truth was, Shaira had started to undress him, thinking something more might happen. But Andy, drunk and disoriented, had simply fallen asleep. Disappointed, she had covered him with a blanket and went to bed herself.

“Don’t worry about it. I didn’t expect you to take the blame,” Shaira replied with a grin, motioning for him to join her at the table. She tugged at his arm, urging him to sit. “Come on, eat your breakfast. You’re as slow as a snail.”

Andy nodded, smiling as he began to eat. Every so often, he glanced at Shaira, who seemed completely unfazed by the previous night’s events, as if nothing had happened.

But as Andy continued to eat, a pang of guilt gnawed at him. Was Shaira so nonchalant because she didn’t care for him at all?

The thought left him feeling oddly dejected as he lowered his head and took another bite of his bread.
Last edited:

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

“Slow down, there’s plenty more in the kitchen,” Shaira urged with a warm smile, watching Andy devour the meal she’d prepared. She hadn't anticipated how much he’d enjoy her cooking, and a thought crossed her mind—perhaps she could make breakfast for him every morning if they ended up together.

Andy quickly finished his meal and then began helping Shaira with the dishes. As she followed him to the sink, a warm feeling washed over her, as if they had already been married for years.

Suddenly, Andy turned around, his expression serious. “Shaira, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something, and I need to clear the air.”

Shaira’s heart skipped a beat. Was he about to confess his love again?

Nervously, she waited for him to continue, unsure how she would respond.

Andy hesitated before speaking, avoiding her eyes. “I was drunk last night, and everything I said and did… it doesn’t count. Please don’t feel pressured. We can still be friends. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to call me. I’ll do my best to help you. I’m sorry, Shaira. Whether you accept my apology or not, I just had to say this.”

He didn’t see the disappointment that flickered in Shaira’s eyes as he spoke.

Even though Shaira wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, she could see that Andy was trying to distance himself.

Memories of the previous night flashed through her mind, and with a serious tone, she asked, “Are you saying that everything you said last night doesn’t count?”

Andy was at a loss. He couldn’t remember much from the night before, but he was certain that forgetting it would be best for both of them.

“I’m sorry, Shaira. Let me make it up to you,” he said sincerely.

Shaira’s heart sank. So, the bank cards he had given her last night were just his way of making amends. That jerk!

Frustrated, Shaira spun around and walked out of the kitchen. “You can leave after you’ve washed the dishes and tidied up. And for the record, I don’t want your compensation.”

Andy was left baffled by Shaira’s sudden change in mood. Moments ago, she had been so cheerful, and now she seemed so distant.

Still, Andy obediently washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen. Before leaving, he called out, “I’m heading to the office now. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me.”

Shaira rolled her eyes, refusing to acknowledge him.

Later that day, Andy took a half-day off and returned home. By the afternoon, he was back at work, heading straight to Braden’s office to report the events of the previous night. However, when he walked in, he found Brenda already there.

Brenda turned around and raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t expect to see you at work today,” she said, feigning surprise. “You were so drunk last night, I thought you’d take the day off. It looks like Shaira took good care of you—you’ve bounced back quickly.”

Andy hadn’t expected Brenda to bring up last night’s events in front of Braden.

“Thank you for your concern. I’m feeling much better now,” Andy replied, raising his voice slightly as he handed the document to Braden. “Here are the participants for today’s meeting, Mr. Porter. Yesterday, Brenda and I—”

Brenda cut him off, speaking directly to Braden. “Mr. Porter, I came by yesterday to deliver some documents. You weren’t here, but Andy was, and he kindly helped me out. I decided to be nice and invited him to dinner. I didn’t realize he wasn’t much of a drinker. Then, something interesting happened—his girlfriend showed up during the meal. Andy wouldn’t admit it at first, but once he got drunk, she came back and took him away.”

Brenda’s tone was calm, but something about her story didn’t sit right with Andy.

“I’m sorry about that. My girlfriend was just in a bad mood,” Andy said, trying to smooth things over. The memory of Shaira storming out the night before flashed in his mind, and he realized she must not get along with Brenda.

Brenda smiled, as though trying to be understanding. “I should be the one apologizing. I think your girlfriend misunderstood our friendship and got upset. I thought about it last night and realized I was a bit thoughtless. If you’d like, I can explain things to her. I don’t want you two to fight because of me.”

Brenda’s words were so carefully chosen that Andy couldn’t find any fault with them. He sighed inwardly, recognizing that Brenda was as shrewd as Charlene.

“It’s fine, really. I share some of the blame as well,” Andy admitted, feeling a pang of sadness when he thought of how strained things had become with Shaira.

Brenda maintained her composed smile.

Braden signed the document and handed it back to Brenda. Then he turned to Andy, his tone icy. “I don’t want a repeat of this. Always remember your position and keep a professional distance from other employees. If I hear about something like this again, you’ll be expected to hand in your resignation.”

Andy’s current role was critical, as he was privy to many of Porter Group’s secrets. Braden’s warning was for the sake of the company’s future.

“I understand, Mr. Porter,” Andy replied, feeling a cold sweat break out on his forehead. He bowed respectfully.

“Do you have any other documents for me to sign?” Braden asked, turning his attention to Brenda.

Brenda shook her head, holding up the signed papers. “No, Mr. Porter. I’ll take my leave.”

With a knowing smile, Brenda walked out of the office. She was aware that Andy was loyal to Braden and that he would have already relayed the events of the previous night. Braden would certainly hold her in disdain after hearing about the incident.

Brenda despised being in a vulnerable position, so she had hurried to the office early to explain things to Braden herself, hoping to mend any damage. But Andy had been so quick to report that she barely had time to react.

As she exited, she couldn’t help but wonder why Braden had hired someone as seemingly clumsy as Andy to be his assistant.


Did Andy agree to dinner last night because he was genuinely interested in her, or was it all part of an investigation?

Brenda’s thoughts grew darker. She couldn’t tell if Braden had ordered Andy to keep an eye on her or if it was just Andy’s natural instinct as Braden’s assistant. Either way, she realized she needed to devise a long-term plan to seek revenge on the Porter Group.

In the Office on the Top Floor

Braden's stern expression softened once Brenda left. "How are you feeling? Is everything okay? I called the doctor from the infirmary to check on you."

Andy noticed the shift in Braden's tone and looked up, puzzled. Seeing that Braden wasn’t angry but instead concerned, Andy dared to ask, "Mr. Porter, you’re not upset with me?"

Braden’s face remained impassive as he replied, "I knew you went to Brenda to gather information."

Andy felt a wave of relief wash over him. Braden understood his intentions, and that meant a lot. He had worked hard to earn Braden’s trust, and now it seemed he had finally succeeded.

But before Andy could fully savor the moment, Braden’s tone grew serious, his eyes cold. "Brenda isn’t someone to take lightly, especially if she’s connected to that pharmacologist. It’s dangerous to approach her without a solid plan. If she suspects anything, it could backfire on us."

Andy had come to the same conclusion after their dinner. He had been reckless, underestimating the situation’s gravity. "I won’t make the same mistake again," he promised.

Just then, the doctor entered the room. Andy leaned back on the sofa to let the doctor examine him. It was the first time he had a moment to rest, and as he relaxed, the events of the previous night began to flood back into his mind.

His expression darkened, causing the doctor to look at him with concern. "Are you feeling unwell? Where does it hurt?"

Andy took a deep breath, his mood growing gloomier as he recalled the night before. It wasn’t a physical issue that troubled him but rather the memory of what he had done—or failed to do.

He had confessed his feelings to Shaira and kissed her, but then he had fallen asleep, leaving everything unfinished. The next day, he had told her he needed to be responsible for her.

"Ah! This is so embarrassing!" Andy groaned, running his hands through his hair in frustration. He wished he could just disappear.

Startled by Andy’s outburst, Braden quickly approached. "Where is he injured? Why is he so upset?"

The doctor, equally alarmed, stepped back and said, "I haven’t found any physical injuries, but it’s possible he was drugged or something. I recommend taking him to the hospital for a full examination."

Andy curled up on the sofa, hiding his flushed face, too mortified to confront the situation.

His heart felt shattered. He had sabotaged his own chance at love before it even had a chance to flourish.

As the doctor packed up to leave, he reiterated, "I strongly advise taking Andy to the hospital as soon as possible."

Braden knelt beside Andy, gently patting his shoulder. "Don’t worry, Andy. I’ll take you to the hospital, no questions asked."

Andy peeked out from between his fingers, looking defeated. "Mr. Porter, please, just leave me alone. I’ll be fine. It’s just... I can’t forgive myself."

Braden’s expression turned serious. He had asked Shaira to send Andy home last night, hoping it would spark something between them. But clearly, Andy had botched the opportunity.

"Listen," Braden said sternly, grabbing Andy by the collar and pulling him up. "Now that you’ve realized your mistake, it’s time to face it head-on. Don’t be a coward. Be a man."

Andy was startled by Braden’s words and, after a moment, asked a question that both amused and frustrated Braden. "How do I fix this? Do you think Shaira still has feelings for me?"

Braden narrowed his eyes, lifting Andy to his feet. "Andy, snap out of it! Shaira was the one who offered to take you home last night. You missed your chance, buddy!"

Andy buried his face in his hands again, filled with regret.

Braden sighed and gave Andy a playful shove. "Come on, cheer up!"

Meanwhile, Rachel couldn’t stop thinking about the events of the previous night. She had a hunch that something was brewing between Shaira and Andy, so when Shaira showed up at Grant'd Studio the next day, Rachel assumed she was there to share some good news.

"What a surprise, Rachel!" Shaira greeted her with a bright smile, handing her a bag. "I brought you some treats."

Accepting the bag with a smile, Rachel asked, "Is everything okay? Did things go well with Andy? Are you here to thank me for my help?"

Shaira sighed, her smile fading slightly. "I’m in high spirits, but can we not talk about that idiot? We just had a big fight."

Rachel was taken aback. Last night had seemed like the perfect opportunity for them to get closer. Why did they end up fighting instead?

Seeing Shaira’s disappointed expression, Rachel wasn’t sure how to comfort her. She gently patted Shaira on the shoulder. "You’ll work it out."

Trying to change the subject, Rachel asked, "You didn’t come all the way here just to give me dessert, did you? Is there something wrong with the dress I designed for you?"

Shaira’s smile returned, though with a hint of mystery. "Actually, I’m here to introduce some clients to you!"

She called out to the people waiting outside the studio, "Everyone, come in!"

Five or six women entered, their eyes lighting up as they took in the studio’s decor.

"So, this is Grant'd Studio? It’s gorgeous!" one of them exclaimed.

"Shaira, why didn’t you bring us here sooner?" another teased, their tone suggesting they were close friends of Shaira.


“I couldn’t fit it in before, could I? You’re all scattered across different cities and only reunited for the award ceremony. It was just convenient for me to bring you together this time,” Shaira said with a warm smile as she introduced Rachel to her friends. “This is Rachel, the talented designer behind my dress. If any of you need her designs in the future, feel free to reach out to her. You can exchange contact information or place orders online.”

With a playful nudge and a wink at Rachel, Shaira added, “I’ll be over there. Please help me make my friends feel welcome.”

Rachel chuckled, pleased that Shaira was not only introducing her but also presenting potential business opportunities.

It wasn’t until Shaira’s friends had departed that Rachel had a moment to chat with her.

“Why the sudden influx of friends?” Rachel asked, recalling that Shaira had a reputation for being rather solitary.

Shaira took a sip of her coffee, raising an eyebrow with mild annoyance. “Don’t dance around it! Just say it—I’m not exactly a social butterfly.”

She sighed, her tone softening. “They’re all writers I met online. We hit it off, and since they were in town for the award ceremony, I thought it’d be nice to introduce them to the designer of my dress.”

With a mischievous grin, Rachel asked, “So, now that your task is complete, why are you still hanging around?”

Shaira’s eyes widened with frustration. “Rachel, you have no idea how infuriating Andy can be!”

She proceeded to recount how Andy had professed his love the night before, only to deny it the next morning when he was sober.

Rachel listened with a gentle smile, offering comfort. “Andy has never been the romantic type. He might have genuinely meant what he said, but he’s too scared to admit it.”

“I can’t just sit around and wait forever. My time is precious—I can’t let it slip away. If Andy doesn’t appreciate me, I’ll give him the boot!” Shaira declared, determination evident in her voice.

Rachel’s eyes sparkled with an idea. “Why don’t you both have a heart-to-heart at the award ceremony? You’re brave enough to wear your heart on your sleeve; why not use that same courage in love?”

Shaira pondered this, a thoughtful expression on her face. Rachel gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder and said, “I’ll be your wingwoman!”

Shaira grabbed Rachel’s hand excitedly. “Really?”

Rachel nodded firmly. “Absolutely. I’ve got your back.”

The day of the award ceremony arrived swiftly. In the morning, Rachel headed to the Porter Group to deliver a suit to Andy.

While waiting for the elevator, she noticed Brenda approaching. Brenda didn’t see Rachel and was engrossed in a discussion about a recent public service project, which had been Brenda’s first major task since joining the company. Rachel overheard Brenda reprimanding her team for a mistake in the documents.

“I’ve emphasized that our public service efforts should be conducted with the utmost formality. We should invite official media rather than entertainment reporters. Public service isn’t for gossip,” Brenda said sternly, causing Rachel to feel a pang of familiarity.

Rachel intended to greet Brenda but was caught off guard by her harsh tone. The way Brenda spoke was eerily similar to Charlene, stirring unsettling memories of Charlene’s duplicitous nature.

“You don’t look well,” Braden said as he approached Rachel, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Is everything alright?”

Rachel snapped out of her thoughts, forcing a smile. “I’m here to deliver a suit to Andy. I know you were in a meeting and couldn’t pick me up.”

She quickly averted her gaze from Brenda, convincing herself it was just a coincidence. Charlene had been gone for a long time, and it was probably just her imagination.

“Where’s Andy?” Rachel asked, noticing his absence.

Braden turned his head, replying, “He’s on his way. He’s probably caught up with documents after the meeting.”

Just then, Andy’s voice called out from nearby. “Mrs. Porter, what brings you here today?” He approached with a friendly smile.

“I came to deliver this suit for tonight’s banquet. I thought I’d drop by and let you try it on,” Rachel said, handing him the suit with a gentle reminder, “Please don’t be late!”

Andy’s face lit up with enthusiasm as he accepted the suit. “I was a bit worried about what to wear. Mrs. Porter, you’re a lifesaver. This suit is perfect.”

As Rachel started to say something, Braden wrapped his arms around her waist, interrupting with a sour expression. “Andy, don’t talk nonsense.”

“Mr. Porter, I’ll be leaving now,” Andy said, clearly uncomfortable under Braden’s watchful gaze.

Despite the awkward moment, Andy remained in good spirits and headed to the bathroom to try on the suit.

Rachel whispered to Braden, “I designed the outfits for Andy and Shaira to match perfectly. When Andy wears it, they’ll look like a perfect pair.”

Braden shrugged off the comment, but when Andy emerged, he couldn’t help but do a double-take.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

“Andy, you look absolutely dashing in that suit!” Rachel exclaimed, her eyes wide with admiration.

Though Andy was no stranger to formal wear, this particular suit made him appear as if he had stepped out of a classic film. He looked every bit the sophisticated gentleman, attracting admiring glances from everyone around him.

“Andy looks like a million bucks in that suit!”

“I never imagined Andy as such a refined gentleman.” Several female colleagues whispered excitedly among themselves.

This was the first time Andy had received such attention, and it made him feel a bit self-conscious.

“You’re such a scatterbrain. Don’t you know how to tie a tie?” Rachel teased with a chuckle, reaching to straighten Andy’s tie with the precision of a seasoned designer.

Braden gently intervened, “Allow me.”

Rachel’s eyes widened in surprise. She hadn’t anticipated that Braden would step in to help.

Braden adjusted Andy’s tie with a practiced hand. Andy, feeling a mix of nervousness and gratitude, glanced at Braden and stammered, “Mr. Porter, it’s fine. I can manage this myself.”

Braden finished adjusting the tie and took a step back. He gave a small, approving smile as he smoothed out the wrinkles on Andy’s shirt. “Don’t disappoint us tonight at the party with Rachel.”

Andy nodded, a reassuring smile on his face. “Don’t worry, Mr. Porter. I won’t let you down.”

Nearby, Brenda and her colleagues observed the interaction with curiosity. Brenda, noticing Rachel, was puzzled. It was still office hours, and Rachel shouldn’t have been at the Porter Group.

Brenda’s colleagues began to murmur among themselves. “I didn’t realize Mrs. Porter would be so involved with Andy. She even came here in person to bring him the suit.”

“Why would she bring a suit for Andy? Is there a special event at the Porter Group tonight?” Brenda inquired, puzzled.

“I heard he’s going to an award ceremony for literature with her tonight,” replied one colleague, though the information was not entirely confirmed.

Brenda narrowed her eyes, feigning a smile. “Andy is certainly busy, working even after office hours.”

She excused herself and hurried back to her desk, eager to uncover more about the award ceremony.

A quick search revealed that there was indeed a literature award ceremony taking place at Meadowview that evening. The Palmer family had received an invitation, but both Shane and Melanie were abroad. Brenda, initially uninterested, saw an opportunity when she learned Rachel would be attending. With Braden not present at the event, it was the perfect chance for her to exact some revenge.

That evening, the prestigious literature award ceremony was abuzz with top writers from the industry. Rachel arrived early and waited at the entrance for Andy.

A sleek silver-gray BMW 18 pulled up, and Andy stepped out, handing the keys to the valet.

“Your car is stunning,” Rachel remarked, impressed. She had always thought Andy was too reserved for such a flashy vehicle.

“It’s a favor for a friend who works at the dealership. Personally, I prefer more understated cars,” Andy replied with a modest smile as they walked into the hall together.

Andy appeared a bit uneasy, scanning the room with a distracted air.

“Andy, are you looking for someone? Do you need my help?” Rachel asked with a giggle, noticing his anxious demeanor.

Andy tried to hide his discomfort. “I was just hoping to see if Shaira is here. I haven’t seen her since that day,” he confessed.

Andy was eager to clear up any misunderstandings with Shaira. Now that he had found someone he cared about, he didn’t want to miss the chance to make things right. “Relax and let things unfold naturally,” Rachel encouraged him. They took their seats.

Rachel had become accustomed to such glamorous events, perhaps due to the confidence she felt in her well-fitted dress and the admiring glances she received.

At their designated table, Shaira scanned the crowd but was visibly disappointed when she didn’t spot Andy.

“Shaira, I heard you’ve been shortlisted this year. Congratulations!” an author nearby said, drawing attention to Shaira.

Many writers turned to admire her, surprised by her beauty, which was often hidden by her casual attire.

Andy, who had already noticed Shaira from a distance, was now certain it was her but hesitated to approach.

“She’s truly stunning,” Rachel remarked approvingly. “You should make your move before someone else does.” She handed Andy a glass of wine with a meaningful smile. “Go talk to her now.”

Andy stood up, nervous. “I-I’ll go talk to Shaira now.”

Rachel quickly caught his arm and pulled him back to his seat. “Don’t disturb her right now. She’s busy with other writers. Look, they’re even asking for our studio’s contact information. Be patient; I’ll introduce you later.”

Andy sat back down, anxiety etched on his face, gripping his glass tightly as he watched Shaira.

Rachel, in good spirits, sipped her wine, pleased with how the evening was unfolding. Shaira had been a fantastic model for her design, and the praise she received would likely result in new orders for Grant'd Studio.

As the award ceremony continued, the host took the stage to announce the nominees, and the excitement in the air was palpable.


Rachel’s heart pounded with anticipation as she overheard Andy muttering beside her, “It has to be Shaira. No other way about it! It has to be her!”

Shaira had confidently assured Rachel that she would be taking home the prize tonight. So, Rachel sat calmly, ready to cheer her friend on.

The host’s voice cut through the tension in the room, announcing Shaira as the winner. The banquet hall erupted in applause as Shaira rose from her seat, her elegant dress shimmering under the lights. She made her way past the screen showcasing her work and onto the stage, her gown from the prestigious Grant'd Studio in Meadowview drawing admiring glances from the crowd. Adorned with intricate patterns and thousands of tiny diamonds, it highlighted Shaira’s flawless figure.

As Shaira ascended the stage, her eyes met Andy’s, who was seated beside Rachel. A spark of surprise and joy lit up her face as she took in his dashing appearance in a sharp suit.

Prompted by the host, Shaira took the microphone. The bright spotlights made it hard to see the audience clearly, but her gaze frequently returned to Andy.

With excitement and gratitude, Shaira began her speech, “Honestly, I never expected to win this award. I’ve been writing for over a decade, and while many contemporary authors have achieved great success, I’ve felt like the unluckiest among them.”

Reflecting on her journey, Shaira continued, “My novels never really took off, and there were times I felt anxious. But thanks to the support of friends and family, I persevered. I owe a special thanks to Rachel, my designer. Despite my occasional bad temper, she has always been patient and accommodating.”

The host, intrigued, asked, “Congratulations, Shaira! We’ve heard you’re working on a new book based on a real-life story. Can you share a hint about the inspiration behind it?”

Shaira’s eyes twinkled as she responded, “I’ve recently met someone special, and it feels like love is on the horizon.”

The host, with a hint of curiosity, probed further, “Is this person your boyfriend? Tell us more!” The audience buzzed with excitement.

Shaira smiled warmly. “He’s right there. He’s sitting next to my designer.”

As the spotlight shifted to Andy, the audience erupted into cheers. Rachel gave Andy a playful push. “Don’t just stand there. Go to her!”

Nervously, Andy walked onto the stage and joined Shaira. The pair looked stunning together as the audience cheered loudly.

Andy took the microphone, running a hand through his hair. “I wanted to tell you how much I love you, but you beat me to it.”

Shaira’s eyes sparkled with emotion. “It’s not too late. You can still say it now.”

Struggling to find the right words, Andy eventually leaned in and kissed Shaira tenderly on the lips. Surprised at first, Shaira soon responded with a passionate embrace and kiss.

Rachel, witnessing the romantic moment, snapped a photo and sent it to Braden.

As the award ceremony concluded and the dinner party began, Rachel prepared to leave. “Rachel,” Shaira called out as she and Andy approached her hand in hand.

“Congratulations on your award. With you and Andy together, I can say my mission is accomplished,” Rachel said with a smile.

Andy, setting down his wine glass, offered, “Mrs. Porter, let me drive you home.”

Rachel declined, mentioning that Braden had arranged a bodyguard for her. “You two stay and enjoy your evening,” she winked.

Andy shyly handed over the car keys, and Rachel left with Shaira.

Elsie was waiting at the door. Rachel handed her the keys and said, “Andy won’t be coming with us. Let’s get going.”

Elsie quickly took the keys and said, “It’s chilly outside. Please wait for me in the hall, Mrs. Porter. I’ll bring the car around.”

Rachel nodded, “Okay.” After Elsie left, Rachel returned to the banquet hall.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of stiletto heels approaching. Her heart raced as she turned to see a heavily made-up woman with familiar eyes.

Rachel’s eyes widened in recognition. “Kaye?” she gasped.

Kaye, who had grown her hair long and curly since their last encounter in Northshire, looked quite different from her previous high-end appearance. She now had a more rustic and vulgar demeanor.

“Rachel, I see you still remember me,” Kaye said, her voice dripping with disdain. “I underestimated your capabilities, but here you are at the writers’ award party.”


“What’s your game? I’m only here for the award ceremony,” Rachel said, her voice colder than before.

Kaye sneered in response. “You crashed the VogueVision Show before, and now you’re at the writers' award ceremony. Which man did you charm this time? Does Meadowview have a new Derek?”

“I’m here as the designer of a winning dress. I didn’t rely on any man,” Rachel replied, her eyes narrowing. “How did you manage to get in?”

Shaira had mentioned the award ceremony was for writers and had requested Rachel’s presence, given Rachel’s limited connection to the literary world. Rachel was curious about Kaye’s presence, as she wasn’t a writer either.

Kaye’s face darkened momentarily. She opened her mouth to speak but stopped herself. Just then, a seasoned voice called out behind Rachel. “Kaye, have you found it?”

Rachel glanced sideways and saw a man in his sixties with a wrinkled face and greying hair. He looked surprisingly vigorous for his age and wore round-framed glasses.

The elderly man was clearly old enough to be Kaye’s father. Was he related to Kaye? Did he bring her here?

Rachel watched as the elderly man placed a gentle hand on Kaye’s waist, deep in thought.

“What’s wrong?” the man asked, his tone concerned.

Kaye leaned against the old man’s chest and whimpered, “Mr. Ortiz, I ran into a former colleague who sabotaged my career as a designer.”

“Who dares to harm my dear?” Amir Ortiz’s eyes flashed with anger as he turned to Rachel.

Rachel could see why people admired her—she was youthful and striking. Amir’s demeanor quickly softened. “Miss, Kaye has a sharp tongue. Please forgive her. It’s a serious offense to ruin someone’s career. If you apologize now, we can overlook your past behavior. You could even stay at my villa with Kaye and stop working altogether.”

Rachel raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a smirk. “You want me to apologize? Are you dreaming?”

Kaye, now playing the role of a spoiled child, turned to Amir. “Mr. Ortiz, do something!”

Amir’s tone grew firm as he addressed Rachel. “Apologize to Kaye immediately. If you do, I’ll overlook your previous offenses. You can live in my villa with Kaye and never work again.”

Rachel shot back, “So Kaye has become a gold digger? Don’t pretend to be a designer; it’s an insult to the profession.”

Kaye’s anger flared, and she tried to slap Rachel. Seeing Amir’s disapproving stare, she restrained herself, tugged on his arm, and pleaded, “Don’t let her insult me like this.”

Amir’s gaze narrowed as he glared at Rachel. “Do you understand who you’re dealing with?”

“I’m aware of Ortiz Technology Company and your attempts to win over the Colton family as a client,” Rachel said sharply. “But it looks like your partnership is in jeopardy.”

Amir’s face turned disdainful. “It’s good you recognize the power of Ortiz Technology. But you have no right to jeopardize my business with the Colton family.”

Rachel raised her eyebrows. “We’ll see about that.”

“Kaye,” she sneered, “you did this on purpose, didn’t you? You can’t intimidate me. I’ll call my bodyguards to teach you a lesson!”

They were so focused on Rachel that they failed to notice Amir’s assistant, who had been anxiously signaling. The assistant dared not interrupt until Amir noticed and snapped, “What’s going on?!”

The assistant whispered urgently to Amir, who’s face shifted from arrogance to alarm. “Oh my God! I’m terribly sorry, Mrs. Porter. I didn’t realize. Please don’t take offense.”

Kaye, still clueless, clung to Amir’s sleeve. “Why are you apologizing to her?”

Rachel’s voice was cold. “Aside from the Colton family, you’re also negotiating with Porter Group for cooperation. If that falls through, your company could go bankrupt. You’ve spent a fortune on workers already, and if Porter and Colton pull out, your company’s future is grim.”

Amir’s face turned pale. “Please, forgive me. We have hundreds of employees. You can hit me if you want, just spare my company.”

Kaye, irritated by Amir’s desperation, tugged him back and scoffed. “Why are you apologizing to her? She’s just a designer. What’s the big deal?”

Amir’s patience snapped. “You fool!” he shouted, slapping Kaye across the face. “Don’t you realize who she is? You’ve caused a major issue! You’re dragging me down with you!”

The force of the slap made Kaye stumble, and she clutched her bruised cheek, stammering, “Wh-what does this have to do with me?”

Amir was furious. He raised his hand to strike Kaye again, but his assistant intervened.

“Teach her a lesson!” Amir ordered, and bodyguards restrained Kaye.

“What are you doing? Let me go! I said let me go!” Kaye yelled in panic.

Amir turned to Rachel. “Mrs. Porter, how would you like me to handle her? I regret ever getting involved with her. She’s used me and now I see she’s just trouble. Please, tell me what to do.”

Kaye’s face pressed against the floor, her humiliation compounded by the crowd’s gaze and the bodyguards' rough handling. “What do you want from me?” she shouted.

Amir picked up a baton from a guard and brandished it.

“You nearly ruined my company, you wretched woman!” he yelled, striking Kaye in the abdomen.

Kaye curled up in pain, her makeup ruined and her face a mess. Amir raised the baton again, but Rachel intervened. “That’s enough. This isn’t the time or place for this.”

Rachel crouched before Kaye, her sneer unwavering. “I don’t give second chances to those who’ve wronged me. Don’t ever show your face around me again.”

Kaye, realizing her position was hopeless, nodded vigorously. “I won’t. I swear!”

Rachel stood up and addressed Amir. “She’s a wreck now. Mr. Ortiz, have your bodyguards escort her out of Meadowview. I never want to see her here again.”


Ultimate Grandmaster
Sep 25, 2023
Reaction score
Finally Rachel is getting the respect she deserves and she's using the power bestowed on her to get what she wants. You go girl friend!

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

Amir dared not make a move that might anger Rachel again. He had been merely putting on a show to gain her favor, but he hadn't expected her to be so assertive. She hadn't even flinched when he struck Kaye.

“I apologize, Mrs. Porter. You must have been alarmed by what just happened. Kaye is truly insufferable. I wouldn't have spoken so harshly if she hadn't manipulated me. I'm sorry you had to witness such a disgraceful scene.”

Rachel responded with a polite smile, but her gaze quickly wandered away, uninterested.

Not wanting to lose this chance, Amir tried to continue the conversation. “By the way, Mrs. Porter, how did you learn about my company? Has Mr. Porter been mentioning it?”

But Rachel quickly dashed his hopes. “My husband doesn’t discuss business matters with me.”

Amir forced a smile. “I heard you've shifted your focus to designing, now that you’ve made a name for yourself. People say you don’t involve yourself much in the business affairs of the Porter or Colton families. It seems they were right.”

His attempt to engage her was blatant, but Rachel remained indifferent, nodding coldly. “You certainly like to talk, Mr. Ortiz.”

Amir felt a shiver run down his spine under her piercing gaze. He lowered his head and mumbled a weak excuse to leave, so flustered that he nearly collided with a waiter carrying a tray of drinks.

“Are you blind?” Amir snapped at the waiter as red wine spilled onto his suit. Fuming, he stomped away.

As soon as he left, Andy approached Rachel, his eyes scanning her to ensure she was unharmed.

“I’m sorry for arriving late, Mrs. Porter. I came as soon as I saw that scoundrel near you. Did he do anything to you?” Andy was well-acquainted with the business partners of the Porter Group, and Amir Ortiz was infamous for his greed and inappropriate behavior toward women.

“It’s fine. He ran off the moment he realized who I was.” Rachel gave Andy a gentle smile. “Thank you for the information you provided earlier. Without it, handling that situation would have been much harder.”

“You’re welcome, Mrs. Porter. You requested the file, and I was simply following orders.” Andy looked slightly embarrassed by her gratitude. “It was smart of you to ask for the list of Porter Group's business partners beforehand.”

Rachel chuckled softly. “I just didn’t want to embarrass myself at this event. It helps to know who I’m dealing with. Braden is right—we’re a team, and our actions affect each other. I need to be more mindful from now on.”

Before attending the event, Rachel had specifically asked Andy for a list of people connected to the Porter Group. She had taken the time to familiarize herself with the key players, especially the older directors. So, when Amir appeared, she immediately recognized him.

It just so happened that Kaye had gotten involved with the wrong man. Amir was known to be ruthless when needed, and his enormous ego couldn’t tolerate being used by someone else.

“Honestly, Mrs. Porter, if it weren’t for your foresight and attention to detail, tonight could have gone very differently.” In Andy’s eyes, Rachel had come a long way from the woman she once was.

“Oh, stop giving me all the credit. You’re the one who deserves it.” Rachel then noticed Shaira looking their way. “But didn’t you tell Shaira you’d be with her? She seems to be searching for you.”

Shaira caught Rachel’s eye and waved excitedly. “Andy, come and take some pictures with me!”

“Go on, don’t keep her waiting,” Rachel nudged Andy.

“I’m here to protect you, Mrs. Porter. That’s my main priority tonight. I should keep work and personal matters separate.” Andy’s tone was serious as he added, “I’ll explain it to Shaira. She’ll understand.”

Rachel quickly stopped him, sighing after a moment’s thought. “Don’t do that.”

Puzzled, Andy turned to her. “What do you mean, Mrs. Porter?”

With a soft smile, Rachel replied, “Tonight is about Shaira. You should enjoy it with her. Don’t let me be the reason you hurt her feelings. Besides, telling her won’t change anything. It would only add one more person to worry about me.”

Andy hesitated, but before he could respond, Shaira joined them with a mischievous grin. “You ignored all my attempts to find you. The host wants a group photo.”

Shaira grabbed Andy’s arm and pulled Rachel along. “Come on, you have to be in it!”

“If I go, Elsie won’t find me when she gets back,” Rachel said, affectionately pinching Shaira’s cheek. “You’re the star tonight. Go with Andy and get some beautiful photos. I’ll be fine. And remember, don’t drink too much.”

Shaira pouted but relented. “Okay, but be careful on your way back.”

Rachel smiled, gently pushing Andy toward Shaira. “Go with her. She’s all yours now.”

As Andy and Shaira left, Rachel glanced at the clock on the wall. Elsie had been getting the car for a while—where was she?

Growing anxious, Rachel called Elsie while heading toward the hotel entrance. But before she reached the door, she sensed someone following her.

When she turned around, she saw nothing out of the ordinary, but the uneasy feeling persisted. The thought of being watched nagged at her.

Certain there was someone behind her, Rachel discreetly reached into her bag, gripping the portable taser she always carried since her last scare. The moment she felt the person closing in, she swiftly activated the taser and struck out at the shadow approaching her from behind.


"Ah! What are you doing? Trying to kill me with that thing?" Derek’s pained groan caught Rachel’s attention. She spun around to find him lying on the ground, clutching his stomach in agony.

“What on earth are you doing here?” Rachel exclaimed, quickly tucking away the taser and rushing to his side. She crouched down, concern evident in her eyes. “I’m so sorry!”

Walter, equally alarmed, hurried over. "I told you to greet her directly, but you insisted on surprising her!" he scolded, helping Rachel get Derek to a corner of the banquet hall.

Derek grimaced, holding his belly. “It hurts so much... Am I going to die?”

Rachel’s worry deepened. “You’re exaggerating. My taser isn’t that strong. Just hang on; I’ll call a doctor.”

“There’s no need for that,” Derek protested, grabbing her hand and placing it on his stomach. “Just press here. That’ll help.”

Rachel eyed him skeptically, a small grin playing on her lips. “Does that help? Let me give you a soothing massage, then!” She pinched his stomach playfully but with enough force to make him wince.

“Ow! Rachel! What are you doing?” Derek yelped, realizing his little ruse had been uncovered. He quickly adjusted his suit, trying to regain his composure. “You really came prepared, huh? If I had been caught on camera when I stumbled, and it made the top search, you’d be the one in trouble!”

Feeling a bit guilty, Rachel sat beside him. “I thought someone was trying to approach me, so I reacted instinctively. I didn’t expect it to be you.”

Walter, attempting to ease the tension, smiled warmly. “Don’t be mad, Mrs. Porter. Derek was just here for the event. Lots of film and TV companies are vying for his first role since he transitioned from modeling to acting. He’s been busy socializing and didn’t have a chance to greet you earlier.”

Derek shot Walter a disgruntled look and popped a strawberry into his mouth. “It’s your fault for making me mingle with those female producers. Otherwise, I would’ve come over sooner.”

Walter, clearly disappointed, pointed a trembling finger at Derek. “Do you have any idea how much I’ve done for you? You’re on the brink of a major career shift. These producers create hit shows! Networking with them could secure your future.”

“Why do you nag so much?” Derek retorted, resting his chin on his hand as they bickered.

Meanwhile, Rachel’s thoughts wandered. Derek must have noticed her earlier confrontation with Kaye and wanted to help but had been sidetracked by Walter. Could that be why she felt like she was being watched?

She scanned the crowded banquet hall once more, her suspicion lingering. People were coming and going, but none of the faces seemed familiar or particularly suspicious. Maybe it was just her imagination, fueled by exhaustion.

Feeling more at ease, Rachel stood up and looked at Derek. “You should get back to your socializing. I’ll wait by the door for my bodyguard.”

“To be honest, I’d rather leave too. Let’s go together,” Derek offered, following her outside. No sooner had they stepped through the door than a crowd of fans swarmed him.

“Derek, can we get your autograph? We’ve been waiting for you!” one of them pleaded.

Derek graciously signed a couple of postcards, but Walter quickly intervened. “I’m sorry, everyone, but Derek has work to do. He can’t stay long.”

He then turned to Derek, whispering, “I’ll handle the fans. You go ahead.”

At that moment, a sleek convertible pulled up, driven by Elsie. She waved at Rachel. “Over here!”

Rachel opened the door and slipped inside. As Elsie started the engine, Derek suddenly jumped in after her, balancing himself with his hands on the door frame before settling into the seat.

“This car is amazing. Mind giving me a ride?” he asked with a cheeky grin.

Rachel sighed, shaking her head in frustration. “You’re impossible.”

Ignoring her remark, Derek lightly tapped Elsie on the shoulder, flashing a charming smile. “Would you be so kind as to drive us, Miss? Thank you.”

Elsie frowned, clearly unimpressed. “This isn’t a taxi. Please get out.”

“Rachel and I are good friends. No need to be so harsh. Besides, you won’t get far unless you drive now,” Derek pointed out.

Elsie hesitated, glancing at the growing crowd of fans. Walter was struggling to hold them back as they began closing in, some even waving banners.

Rachel sighed in resignation. “Alright, Elsie, let’s go. We’ll find a quiet spot and drop Derek off there.”

Realizing Derek had a point, Elsie started driving, and the silver-gray convertible sped off into the night.

As they drove, Rachel turned to Derek. “Okay, the coast is clear. I’ll have Elsie stop the car so you can get out. There’s a bus and subway station nearby; you can find your way home from there.”

Derek looked horrified. “I’ve never taken public transport in my life! Leaving me here is like abandoning me in the middle of nowhere.”

Rachel rubbed her temples, exasperated. “You have another option: call Walter. There’s a park nearby with hardly any people around at this time. We can drop you off there.”

Derek’s face fell, his eyes reflecting a brief moment of despair. “Why are you so eager to get rid of me? Aren’t we friends?”

Rachel’s expression softened, but her resolve remained. “If you’re really my friend, you’ll understand. Because of the recent scandal involving Homer and me, the paparazzi are all over us. If they see me with you, it’ll only fuel the rumors that I’m a flirt.”

Derek sighed, leaning back in his seat. “Alright, alright. I get it. Just drop me off at the park.”


Understanding Rachel’s concerns brought Derek some relief. She didn’t despise him as he’d feared; instead, she was anxious about how others might perceive their relationship.

With a playful grin, Derek teased, “I didn’t expect you, a low-profile designer, to be more cautious than me, a famous model.”

Derek was used to fending off rumors from young female models who tried to latch onto his fame. But Rachel avoiding him? That was unexpected. The more he thought about it, the less he wanted to let her go.

Could Rachel be the woman he wasn’t supposed to miss out on? As he mused, Derek leaned back, resting his hands behind his head. He watched Rachel sitting beside him, her beautiful features illuminated by the streetlights flickering through the car windows. Her usual calm demeanor made him wonder if she revealed her true self only to Braden in private.

“I’ve got a headache, Rachel. I drank way too much earlier. Can you drop me off at my place?” Derek complained, resting his head on Rachel’s shoulder.

Rachel gently pushed him away, warning, “Behave yourself, or I’ll kick you out of the car right now!”

Derek chuckled, covering his face to hide his amusement.

It was getting late, so Rachel decided to call Braden.

“Yes, Braden, I’m on my way home,” she said, glancing at Derek before adding, “but I’ve run into a bit of trouble. You might have to wait a little longer for me.”

Derek noticed the slight shift in Rachel’s tone and felt a pang of irritation. Why was she so determined to keep his presence a secret from Braden?

Leaning over with a mischievous glint in his eye, Derek chimed in loudly, “Who are you chatting with on the phone? Is it the old man, Braden?”

Back in his office, Braden’s expression darkened. He recognized Derek’s voice immediately. “What’s going on, Rachel? Are you with Derek?”

“Yes, Derek is in my car...” Rachel began to explain, but before she could finish, the car suddenly accelerated. Derek lost his balance and tumbled onto her.

“Hey!” Rachel exclaimed, shoving him away with a steely glare. “Didn’t I tell you to behave yourself?”

“Whoa, whoa, I didn’t mean it!” Derek protested, cornered by her fierce look. “The car sped up out of nowhere! I wasn’t trying to take advantage of you!”

Rachel rolled her eyes and turned to Elsie, their driver. She noticed a few cars trailing them. Were they being followed?

Looking uneasy, Elsie struggled to keep control of the car. “Something’s wrong, Rachel. I tried to brake, but the car isn’t responding. I can’t stop it!”

“Are you serious?” Derek’s voice trembled with unease. “You’re not trying to force me out of the car, are you? Don’t think I’ll fall for it!”

“Stop talking nonsense,” Rachel snapped. “We’re not that stupid. We wouldn’t risk our lives just to kick you out.”

A troubling thought crossed her mind. “Someone must have tampered with the car. Elsie, did you notice anything unusual when you got the car?”

Rachel remembered waiting longer than usual for Elsie to return with the car. Something had definitely happened.

Elsie gasped, “I went to the bathroom first before getting Andy’s car. When I started it, it seemed a bit off, but I thought it was just because of the cold weather or that Andy hadn’t driven it in a while. I didn’t think much of it.”

“Andy said the car was fine earlier at the banquet. He even mentioned it was a new convertible. There shouldn’t have been any issues,” Rachel frowned. “Someone must have tampered with it while we were at the party.”

Now that it had happened, Rachel knew they needed to figure out a solution fast.

“Elsie, keep driving—carefully. I’m going to talk to Braden.” Rachel hadn’t hung up the phone, so she knew Braden had heard everything.

“Braden,” she said, “did you hear what Elsie and I just discussed?”

Braden had indeed heard. Despite his initial panic, he quickly composed himself. “I’ll figure something out, but tell Elsie to stick to roads with as few people as possible to minimize the chance of an accident and buy us some time.”

Rachel trusted him completely.

Though her voice trembled slightly, her determination was clear. “Okay, I’ll do my best to buy more time.”

Derek observed Rachel silently. She seemed vulnerable and scared while talking to Braden, but the moment she hung up, her expression hardened. Her tone was firm, and her eyes were sharp. “We’ll be fine, so don’t worry.”

Derek narrowed his eyes, feeling a surge of frustration. Clicking his tongue in disapproval, he said, “You’re too confident. How can you expect a simple phone call to reassure me? I don’t believe Braden can really save us!”

He reached for his phone but hesitated, unsure of whom to call.

“Who are you planning to call? Walter? The police?” Rachel asked, frowning.

“It’s pointless,” she sighed. “Ordinary people can’t fix this.”

“Who did you manage to upset?” Derek asked helplessly, putting his phone away. “You’re still the Colton family’s daughter and the wife of the Porter Group’s CEO. Who would dare to target you?”

At that moment, Derek truly wanted to know who was behind it all.


Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score
Feel for Bradon. Someone is always nagging with his wife. How does it feel for a husband

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score

"It's a long story..." Rachel trailed off, her voice soft. For a moment, silence filled the space between them. Finally, she met Derek's eyes, offering him a faint smile. "How about this? If we make it through today, I'll tell you everything."

The calmness in her gaze left Derek momentarily stunned.

“Rachel, we’re in a runaway car. Quite the timing for such a promise,” Derek responded, his disbelief masked with a forced chuckle. He couldn’t help but feel that she was hiding more than she let on. Still, he grinned and added, “Deal. I wasn’t planning on dying here either.”

With a wry smile, Rachel nodded. "Then cooperate with me. Or I really will leave you alone in this car."

“Is that supposed to scare me?” Derek smirked. “I can help, you know. I could call my brother. He might buy us some time.”

“Your brother? Is he really that capable?” Rachel raised an eyebrow, skepticism creeping into her voice. For all the playful immaturity Derek carried, she had to remind herself that his background was one of privilege, shaped by a loving family. She shrugged. “Anything at this point might help.”

“He’s not a miracle worker, but he can at least clear the traffic,” Derek said as he began dialing his brother's number. The moment the line connected, he quickly said, “Hey, bro! The car I’m in is going haywire. I need your help, fast.”

The voice on the other end was calm, yet assertive. “What did you get yourself into this time? What’s the car’s plate number?”

Derek glanced over at Elsie. “What’s the plate number?”

After Elsie relayed the details, Derek repeated the information to his brother, who sighed heavily. “Just drive towards Wildepond Road. I’ll make sure someone clears the way.”

“Thanks, bro! You’re a lifesaver. And… don’t tell anyone else about this, okay?”

“You better get back safe or I’m telling Mom about all your mess-ups,” his brother threatened, though there was a teasing tone behind his words.

Derek grumbled, scratching his ear in irritation. “You’re sounding more and more like Walter, old man.”

Just before the call ended, his brother shouted, “I’m not old, you brat!”

Rachel giggled at the exchange, shaking her head. “Siblings, huh?” She then instructed Elsie to head toward Wildepond Road as Derek’s brother had advised.

“Sorry about that,” Derek muttered, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “He’s a bit… stubborn.”

As they made their way to Wildepond Road, Rachel noticed something odd. There wasn’t a single red light, and the traffic seemed to part effortlessly for them. Once they arrived, she glanced at Derek in astonishment. “Just who is your brother?”

Derek grinned with pride. “He’s a hacker. Hacking into the traffic system is child’s play for him. Now it’s Braden’s turn to pull off a miracle.”

“I’ll give him a call,” Rachel replied, her palms beginning to sweat. Just then, several black cars zoomed past, their plate numbers eerily familiar. These were the same vehicles the Porter Group’s bodyguards used.

The black cars surrounded them on both sides, cruising parallel to their speeding vehicle. Rachel’s eyes locked onto the man in the passenger seat of one of the cars.


It looked like he had come straight from a meeting, his suit jacket perfectly tailored despite his tousled hair. Even in the chaos, he exuded an air of calm authority.

“Are you okay?” Braden loosened his tie, his eyes scanning Rachel with concern. He only seemed to relax once he confirmed she was unharmed.

“I’m fine,” she replied, though her voice barely carried over the roaring wind. “But we need a solution. Elsie can’t keep driving like this forever.”

Braden’s expression softened with reassurance. “Don’t worry, I’ve got it under control.”

Relieved by his confidence, Rachel turned to Elsie. “He has a plan. Just hang in there.”

Derek, still on edge, couldn’t understand how Rachel found comfort in Braden’s words. They were still speeding uncontrollably! Shivering slightly from the cold, Derek sneezed and glared at Braden. “So, what’s the move? Out with it!”

“That’s not your concern,” Braden replied coolly, his tone unwavering. Then, in a softer voice, he addressed Rachel again. “The rescue team is almost here. Hold tight.”

Before Rachel could respond, the unmistakable sound of a helicopter filled the air above them.

Shielding her eyes from the bright light, Rachel peered up to see a helicopter hovering overhead. The cabin door slid open, and a ladder descended toward the speeding car.

Braden’s plan became clear. One by one, they would be rescued by the helicopter.

“We’ve matched the plane’s speed with the car. Try climbing the ladder,” Braden shouted, half-leaning out the window to issue the command.

“I’ve got this. Don’t worry,” Rachel murmured as she grabbed hold of the ladder, testing its stability. Quickly tying her hair back into a ponytail, she turned to Derek, placing a hand on his shoulder. “You go first.”

“No way!” Derek protested. “I’m not leaving you and Elsie behind. I’ll drive instead, and Elsie can go with you.”

“You idiot!” Elsie snapped, gripping Derek’s collar with one hand. “This is not the time to play hero. If something happens to Mrs. Porter or me because of your reckless bravado, I’ll personally make sure you regret it.”


Derek was thrown into the back seat, and Rachel glared at him with frustration. “You could’ve just climbed the ladder! You wouldn’t have been yelled at!”

Reluctantly, Derek followed her orders and began climbing. Once he was safely rescued, Rachel finally exhaled in relief.

Suddenly, the skies opened up, and heavy rain began to pour down in torrents.

“The weather’s really turning,” Elsie noted seriously. “Come on, Mrs. Porter, we might get thunderstorms soon.”

Rachel’s heart raced as she stared at the storm brewing and the rescue ladder trembling under the weight of the wind and rain.

Braden’s voice was tense as he said, “We’re running out of time, Rachel. The weather report predicts a bigger storm. You’ve only got three minutes before the helicopter has to leave.”

Rachel hesitated, looking back. “But Elsie…”

“Forget about me, just go!” Elsie called from below, relieved to see Rachel already climbing the ladder. “Take care, Mrs. Porter,” she added with a brave smile.

Just then, an idea hit Rachel—she realized they were approaching a sharp curve, and someone needed to stay behind to keep the car under control.

Tears welled up in her eyes as Rachel made her decision. “Elsie, I’ll stay with you,” she said quietly, her emotions barely in check.

Without another thought, she released her grip on the ladder and jumped back into the car.

Elsie’s face went pale. “Mrs. Porter, I’m trained for this! I’ll be fine!” she cried, but Rachel shook her head, tears streaming down her face.

“There’s a curve up ahead,” Rachel explained, turning to Braden. “Someone has to stay to control the car. Elsie wants to stay and handle it.”

Braden hesitated. He knew it would be nearly impossible to save both of them at once. But he also knew that Rachel couldn’t bear to leave Elsie behind. He steeled himself, determined to give it his best shot.

“Just hang on. I’ll take care of the rest,” Braden reassured her as he switched seats with the driver. Working with the other vehicle, they maneuvered the convertible between the two cars, trying to slow it down.

The three cars collided with a deafening crash, sparks flying as the metal crunched. But their plan worked—the convertible’s speed finally started to drop.

Desperate, Rachel urged Elsie, “Get in the back seat! Now!”

“I need to drive!” Elsie protested, gripping the wheel tightly.

Suddenly, Rachel had an idea. She yanked off her coat and handed it to Elsie. “Tie it to the steering wheel. I’ll help control it with my hands.”

Elsie hesitated. “Will that work?”

“It’s worth a try,” Rachel insisted, her voice filled with determination.

Elsie quickly tied the coat sleeves around the steering wheel as instructed. Rachel, now hanging from the ladder, gritted her teeth as she held onto the wheel, struggling to control the car’s movements.

Despite the difficulty, she shouted, “I’ve got it! Hurry up and climb!”

The convertible, battered from the collision, was on the verge of losing control. There was a real risk of a crash, and the tension in the air was thick.

Braden, unflinching, called out, “Make it quick!”

Elsie climbed into the back seat as Rachel held on, her hands tight on the makeshift steering control. As they neared the bend, Elsie leaped onto the rescue ladder at the last moment. Rachel let go of the coat, and the helicopter successfully navigated the curve.

Just when it seemed like everything was over, the convertible swerved and smashed into a fence!

The impact triggered a small explosion, as the gas tank leaked and ignited. Flames consumed the car in seconds.

The other Porter Group vehicles pulled back swiftly. But Braden, stuck in a dangerous position, had no choice but to swerve hard to avoid the blast.

With a gut-wrenching crash, his car broke through the fence and slammed into a nearby tree.

Rachel and Elsie, now safe in the helicopter, saw the scene unfold from the air. Rachel screamed in terror as Braden’s car began to smoke.

Frantically, she tried to twist around to see more, but the helicopter was already moving away, the buildings soon blocking her view. Her mind went blank, her heart pounding in fear. If Braden’s car was leaking gas too, it could explode!

The roar of the wind drowned out everything, making it impossible for her to tell if an explosion had occurred.

All she could do was pray that Braden was okay. Her heart ached with the urgent desire to be with him, to make sure he was safe.

“Can we land now?” she asked the pilot desperately.

The pilot glanced back at her with an apologetic look. “There’s nowhere nearby to land safely. We’ll have to head to the emergency site.”

Rachel nodded, her shoulders slumping in helplessness. “Okay, I understand.”

Inside, she was crumbling. Every second felt like an eternity as they flew toward the emergency landing zone.

Elsie, trying to comfort her, said, “Don’t worry, Mrs. Porter. Mr. Porter has bodyguards with him. He’ll be fine.”

Rachel offered a weak smile, patting Elsie’s shoulder. “I’m fine. You should rest.” But as she leaned back in her seat, her thoughts remained with Braden, and the knot of fear in her stomach only grew tighter.


The helicopter descended towards the nearest landing site, its blades cutting through the crisp air.

Derek sat quietly beside Rachel, who had buried her face in her hands, her elbows resting on her lap. She had remained silent ever since she had settled into her seat, her distress palpable.

"Are you crying?" Derek asked softly, leaning closer to her with genuine concern.

Rachel shot him a sharp look. "Just go away. I'm not in the mood to talk."

Tears were now streaming down her cheeks, despite her best efforts to hold them back.

"I know this isn't the best time, but…" Derek hesitated. "When Braden chose to use his car to stop the convertible, he must have known this could happen."

Rachel glared at him, her frustration evident. "I’m not an idiot. I knew that already." Her voice was strained, her heart heavy with worry.

Braden had likely anticipated that she wouldn’t leave Elsie behind, risking everything to stop the car.

The helicopter finally touched down at the emergency site.

As soon as Rachel stepped out, she tried calling Braden. Her heart sank when his phone went straight to voicemail.

"Why is it off?!" she cried out in frustration. "Braden, pick up!"

Elsie approached her gently. "I received a message saying Mr. Porter has already been sent to the hospital. Don’t worry, Mrs. Porter. The car didn’t explode."

Rachel’s eyes widened. "But he must be seriously injured. If he were okay, he’d answer his phone."

Elsie, looking uncomfortable, said, "Please try to stay calm, Mrs. Porter. Let’s head to the hospital and find out what’s going on."

Rachel nodded, every second feeling like an eternity.

In the taxi, Derek did his best to comfort her, but his efforts seemed to fall short.

"Derek, thank you for trying to calm me down," Rachel said, rubbing her forehead and leaning against the window. "But it’s hard to focus on anything when I don’t know if Braden is safe."

Derek’s heart ached for her. He had never seen her look so distressed, her usual grace replaced by palpable worry. Despite his own feelings about Braden, he hoped for his survival.

Their tense silence was broken by the ringing of a phone—Braden was calling.

Rachel’s heart raced as she answered the call. "Braden, are you okay?"

"I’m fine. Are you on your way to the hospital?" Braden’s voice sounded tired but reassuring.

"I’m almost there. Please wait for me," Rachel said urgently. "I saw smoke coming from your car. Are you sure you’re not hurt?"

Braden chuckled softly, touched by her concern. "I had to swerve and hit a tree, but the damage isn’t severe. Both I and the passenger were only slightly injured. I’ll be waiting for you at the hospital."

Rachel bit her lip, her worry not entirely alleviated. "If I get to the hospital and find out you’re seriously hurt, I—"

"I’m fine," Braden interrupted gently. "Don’t worry so much. I’m really okay."

Relieved but still anxious, Rachel ended the call and hurried to the hospital.

Rain poured heavily as she dashed out of the taxi, letting the cold droplets soak her as she sprinted into the hospital. Her clothes clung to her, drenched from the downpour.

She burst into Braden’s room, pushing the door open with urgency. Seeing him lying on the bed, she rushed to his side and threw her arms around him, burying her face in his chest as she sobbed. Whether the moisture on her cheeks was rain or tears, she couldn’t tell.

"Did I ever lie to you?" Braden asked softly, brushing her tears away.

Rachel looked closely at him, noting the gauze on his forehead. "You’re still hurt."

"I had an accident, but I’m grateful I didn’t break any bones," Braden said, his heart swelling with love for her. He leaned down and kissed her forehead, whispering, "With you by my side, I have no desire to leave this world too soon."

Rachel’s tears flowed freely now. Despite her earlier composure, the sight of Braden brought her to tears. "You’d better not!"

Braden’s past memory loss had left him unaware of the dangers he had faced, and seeing him in peril had terrified Rachel. Her tears were a testament to her deep love and fear for him.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score
Guys, I will be taking a break from this story and will slow down on other stories (Dustin's and Charlie's) because I will be on holiday and will not be able to commit the same amount of time I have been spending to process and translate all of these. So please bear with me as I spend time with my family and friends abroad. I hope to see you all again after a month!

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score
Guys, I will be taking a break from this story and will slow down on other stories (Dustin's and Charlie's) because I will be on holiday and will not be able to commit the same amount of time I have been spending to process and translate all of these. So please bear with me as I spend time with my family and friends abroad. I hope to see you all again after a month!
Have a joyous holiday, immortal.


Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score
Guys, I will be taking a break from this story and will slow down on other stories (Dustin's and Charlie's) because I will be on holiday and will not be able to commit the same amount of time I have been spending to process and translate all of these. So please bear with me as I spend time with my family and friends abroad. I hope to see you all again after a month!
Enjoy your time buddy

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