An Understated Dominance 1431 onwards - Ozn and Mich Translation

Hi All,

I really appreciate the translations being posted by Junlee aka Jungal2000 and NAZMUL, these are proper translations with decent writing. That's not what you'll get here....

I am only posting this as I am sure there are many people hooked on this story like I am, who wish to read ahead, however, cannot stand the Chinese names confusing you. I simply run a macro to convert names based on the available names. The raw content is coming from the machine translated version at:

A few points to note:

  • I will not be creating names. If there isn't a name defined for a character that I can find, I'll leave the Chinese name until one is available from the more talented individuals doing translations, once available, I'll add it to my macro to convert it going forward.
  • I will not be posting everyday, I will only post what I've done as I read the story.
With that said, enjoy it if you want to, otherwise wait on the superb translations being done by the others in this forum (a big thanks to them!)

FYI: Bolded names are where my macro has replaced text. Hopefully it's correct! Some Chinese names will be bolded as I've marked them for replacement when available...
Last edited by a moderator:
Chapter 1898
"Your Highness...Your Highness?"

Lorenzo knelt on the ground and looked at the cold-faced Dustin in front of him, his expression looking very complicated.

There was surprise, there was joy, but mostly there was guilt and self-blame.

When he encountered an ambush by the Black Dragon Army, he knew that the Dragon Guard Pavilion was doomed.

Sure enough, with a counter-intuitive plan, Dustin directly destroyed the Dragon Protection Pavilion base and killed Ji Yuanzun.

Now, he has become a prisoner.

However, he did not feel unwilling to do so. Instead, he felt a little more relieved.

Although he is from Hulong Pavilion, after staying in West Lucozia for so many years, he has long regarded this place as his home.

Treating many people around him as family members.

Many things he did were out of necessity, so he was always very troubled.

He deserves to be in this situation.

"Lorenzo, you didn't expect this result, did you? Ji Yuanzun lost, and you also lost. What else do you have to say now?" Dustin said coldly.

"Succeed as a king or lose as a bandit, I have nothing to say. If Your Highness wants to kill or behead me, I will bear it. I just hope that you will not harm innocent people." Lorenzo pleaded.

"Do you think you are qualified to negotiate terms with me?" Dustin said expressionlessly.

"I am a sinner, and it is not a pity to die, but my wife and daughter are innocent. They have done nothing. I beg Your Highness to show mercy!"

Lorenzo leaned down and kowtowed three times.

"They didn't do anything, but because of your actions, they became guilty. You don't really think that your family can be safe after you committed a serious crime, right?" Dustin looked indifferent.

"Your Highness! I am willing to take the blame and make meritorious service. I can work as a horse for you. As long as you let my family go, I am willing to do anything!"

Lorenzo kowtowed crazily, looking very nervous.

He himself is not afraid of death, but he wants to ensure the safety of his relatives. It is precisely because his wife and daughter were held hostage by Ji Yuanzun that he did some crazy things.

"You deserve to pay for your crime, right? Then I want to hear how you intend to pay for your crime and to make meritorious service?" Dustin asked in return.

"Dragon Pavilion Guard is deeply rooted and has a rich heritage. There are three treasure houses in total within the Dragon Kingdom, and each treasure house contains a large amount of gold and silver treasures. This is the accumulation of Dragon Pavilion Guard for decades. It is as rich as the country. As long as Your Highness is willing to spare the lives of my family, I am willing to tell Your Highness the whereabouts of these three treasure houses!" Lorenzo lowered his head.

"Treasure house?"

Dustin raised his eyebrows slightly, showing some interest.

The Dragon Pavilion Guard has been dominant for many years and has accumulated a lot of treasures. If they can get all of them, the Black Dragon Army will basically not have to worry about military expenses for decades to come.

"Brother, this is a good deal. I think it's worth exchanging a few insignificant people for a fortune that can make the country rich!" Lu Tianba persuaded in a low voice.

"Tell me the whereabouts of the treasure house. If what you say is true, I can agree to let your family go and give them a fortune." Dustin said calmly.

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Lorenzo kowtowed repeatedly.

"Don't be too happy. I promised to let your family go, but I have no plans to let you go. I can't forgive you for what you did." Dustin poured a basin of cold water on him.

As a secret agent of the Dragon Pavilion Guard, Lorenzo not only stabbed him in the back, but he was also one of the accomplices in the Forbidden City incident.

The hatred of killing one's mother is irreconcilable.

No matter how many achievements Lorenzo made, he could not make up for this crime.

"I understand that I have done a lot of evil and I would not regret dying. As long as I see that my family is safe, I am willing to die to apologize!" Lorenzo vowed.

He has done so many wrong things and has long been aware of death, but he has no regrets because everything he did was for his wife and daughter.

"Okay! I believe you again!"

Dustin nodded: "Now, tell me where the treasure house is hidden."

"I don't know the specific location of the treasure house, but I know that Ji Yuanzun holds a treasure map in his hand, and this treasure map records the specific locations of the three treasure houses. As long as you find the treasure map, you can find it. Treasure house." Lorenzo replied.

Chapter 1899

"Where is the treasure map?" Dustin asked.

"I can take you there in person in Ji Yuanzun's underground chamber," Lorenzo said.

"Underground secret room?"

Lu Tianba narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Lorenzo, I warn you not to play tricks, otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Many buildings like secret rooms were equipped with traps and hidden weapons, and he was worried that Lorenzo had evil intentions.

"Now I am a turtle in a urn, and I will never dare to mess around." Lorenzo said with a bitter face.

"Lead the way."

Dustin didn't say much. He nodded and signaled to the two guards to lift Lorenzo up.

"Wait a minute, I need one of Ji Yuanzun's hands to open the safe in the secret room." Lorenzo said suddenly.

"This is easy to handle!"

Lu Tianba suddenly pulled out his knife, slashed off one of Ji Yuanzun's right hands, and then handed it to Lorenzo: "Here, I'll give it to you."

Lorenzo's eyes twitched, he didn't dare to say anything, and he took the lead honestly.

Dustin and others followed Lorenzo into the base, and finally arrived at the door of the command room.

Lorenzo opened the door, walked to the wall, and then took down a painting hanging on the wall.

Behind the painting, there is an inconspicuous dark space, which is almost integrated with the wall. It is difficult to detect if you don't look carefully.

Lorenzo stretched out his hand and pressed lightly on the secret grid.


Only a crisp sound was heard.
The entire wall suddenly opened from both sides, revealing an elevator inside.

Lorenzo led a few people into the elevator, then pressed the switch. The elevator quickly closed and then descended slowly.

After waiting for about half a minute, the elevator suddenly stopped with a "dong" sound.

The elevator door opened, and what appeared in front of Dustin and others was a spacious and luxurious underground secret room.

It’s said to be a secret room, but it’s actually more like a mansion.
There are all kinds of living facilities inside, and there is also a large amount of food and water, enough for one person to live for decades.

"This should be a nuclear-proof bunker, right?"

Lu Tianba looked around and marveled: "It seems that Ji Yuanzun has put a lot of thought into making the anti-nuclear bunker look like such a luxury."

"What's the use of worrying about it? Isn't it dead now?" Lu Zhiyuan didn't care.

"Third uncle, please stop making sarcastic comments here. Didn't you almost follow in Ji Yuanzun's footsteps?" Lu Tianba said meaningfully.

"This..." Lu Zhiyuan was speechless for a moment, looking embarrassed.

This boy is really good at picking up any pot he doesn't like.

If you put on such a good show, you should be considered guilty and meritorious, right?

"Tianba, don't be rude."

Dustin pretended to reprimand: "The third uncle put himself in danger and lurked beside Ji Yuanzun. He went through all kinds of hardships and bore all the scoldings just to eradicate evil spirits from the palace. This is a righteous act. He should be admired!”


Lu Zhiyuan's mouth twitched.

This is true, but why does it sound even more harsh?
Thank you 😊
When will Natasha and Dahlia will get to know about Logan is the Princess. Waiting to see that episode.
When are the next chapters getting added?
Chapter 1900

"Lorenzo, what are you doing standing still? Waiting for me to take a picture of you? Find the treasure map quickly!"

Lu Zhiyuan, who looked aggrieved, vented all his inner dissatisfaction on Lorenzo.

"Right away."

Lorenzo did not dare to hesitate, and immediately walked to an alloy door, took out Ji Yuanzun's severed hand, and pressed it gently against the sensing position in the middle area.


Just listen to a soft sound.

The heavy alloy door slowly opened inside, revealing a vault made of metal.

The vault is about one hundred square meters. In the middle, a large number of gold bricks are piled up, taller than a person.

In addition to the gold bricks, there are also various rare and rare treasures densely placed around it, each of which is worth thousands of gold.

"This is Ji Yuanzun's personal vault. Everything he likes will be stored here." Lorenzo explained.

"There are so many treasures!"

Lu Tianba looked around and sighed: "If this is shipped out, I can probably buy a city."

"These are nothing. Compared with the three treasure houses in the Dragon Protection Pavilion, the treasures in front of you are just a drop in the bucket." Lorenzo explained.

"Is this exactly true or an exaggeration?"

Lu Tianba was surprised and delighted: "According to what you said, wouldn't the treasures of Dragon Protection Pavilion be piled up like a mountain?"

"Although I have never seen it with my own eyes, the decades of accumulation in the Dragon Protection Pavilion are not an exaggeration to describe it as a mountain." Lorenzo said seriously.
"Okay, okay...very good! I can't wait to collect the treasures of the Dragon Protection Pavilion!" Lu Tianba was in high spirits and extremely excited.

"After all that, where is the treasure map?" Lu Zhiyuan urged impatiently.

"right here."

Lorenzo walked to the innermost shelf, took down a delicate sandalwood box from it, and handed it to Dustin carefully.

Dustin opened it and found three pieces of parchment inside.

A detailed map is drawn on each piece of parchment. In the center of the map, a golden mark marks the location of the treasure house.

If there is nothing wrong with the treasure map, then as long as they follow the route, they can find the treasure house quickly.

"Your Highness, I have to remind you that every treasure house will be guarded by experts from the Dragon Protection Pavilion. If the Pavilion Master does not come in person, they will never be able to open the treasure house." Lorenzo added.

"The Dragon Guard Pavilion has been destroyed. A few warriors cannot make any big waves." Dustin didn't care.

"Your Highness, my mission has been completed. Can you allow me to see my family one last time?" Lorenzo asked with a pleading look on his face.

"I'll give you three days to say your final goodbyes to your family. Three days later, I'll put your head on a deck." Dustin said with an indifferent expression.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Lorenzo cried with joy, and with a "dong" sound, he knelt down and kowtowed to Dustin three times.

Three days were enough for him to settle his funeral arrangements.

On the premise of keeping his family safe, He could now fulfill his last wish.

For him, this is undoubtedly a great gift.

"Hong Fu, take him out and give him the last bit of dignity." Logan ordered.


Hong Fu nodded, loosened the shackles on Lorenzo, and took him out of the secret room.

"He was originally a loyal person from West Lucozia, but I never thought that he would one day be a traitor." Lu Tianba shook his head.

"Everyone has to pay the price for their actions. If he does what he thinks is right, he will have to bear the corresponding consequences." Dustin said calmly.

From Lorenzo's point of view, there is nothing wrong with whatever he does to protect his family.

But from his standpoint, traitorous behavior like this can never be forgiven.

Chapter 1901

"Yes! One wrong step, one wrong step after another, and Lorenzo's actions are destined to end badly. If you don't want something like that to happen, there is still a chance to make meritorious deeds."

Lu Tianba said, and looked at Lu Zhiyuan meaningfully.

If it weren't for the person in front of him being his third uncle, if it wasn't for his father's kindness and unwillingness to kill each other, if it wasn't for the fact that he didn't cause too much damage. Based on the other party’s rebellion, even ten deaths would not be enough!


After being glanced at by Lu Tianba, Lu Zhiyuan changed the topic with a guilty conscience: "Logan, these three treasure houses are of amazing value and are closely related. How do you plan to deal with them?"

"Of course we'll bring them all back to West Lucozia. Is it possible that those treasures are still left there?" Lu Tianba rolled his eyes.

"We cannot take these three treasure houses by ourselves."
Dustin shook his head and said: "The destruction of the Dragon Protection Pavilion was not done by our own efforts alone. We also invited foreign aid this time. Any benefits will naturally be shared equally by everyone."

"Split equally? Logan, are you kidding?"

Lu Zhiyuan was stunned, and his whole body became agitated: "You just heard what Lorenzo said. The treasure house of Hulong Pavilion is accumulated over decades. It is as rich as any country. With such a huge opportunity, you actually do not really have to share it equally with others, what do you think?"

This time he had accomplished a remarkable feat in wiping out the Dragon Protection Pavilion, and he might be rewarded with another reward afterwards.

In other words, the more treasures the Prince of West Lucozia gets, the more benefits he will get, and he is naturally unwilling to give them to others.

"Treasures are good, but they also have to be moral. People come all the way to help us. If we take the treasures alone, wouldn't we become ungrateful people?" Dustin said calmly.

"That's what I say, but there's no need to share it equally with them, right? Just give them some benefits." Lu Zhiyuan said.

"I have made up my mind. If Third Uncle is dissatisfied, you can complain to His Highness the Prince and see what he will do." Dustin said expressionlessly.

"You..." Lu Zhiyuan's expression froze.

He has never seen such a stupid person, who is willing to give away the wealth he has acquired.

"Third uncle, don't judge others by yourself. My brother's heart is not comparable to that of ordinary people." Lu Tianba said calmly.

Although it was a pity, he supported his elder brother unconditionally.

"Let's go up."

Dustin was too lazy to talk nonsense. After closing the wooden box, he led Lu Tianba and others out.

In his eyes, gold, silver and jewelry are just external possessions. If you cheat even your friends, the road in the future will only become narrower and narrower.

After returning to the surface, Dustin took out two treasure maps, handed one to Adam Spanner and the other to Margaret.

"Brother Logan, what do you mean?"

Adam Spanner looked at the treasure map in his hand, feeling a little confused.

"There are three treasure houses in the Dragon Protection Pavilion, and each treasure house corresponds to a treasure map. There are exactly three of us, and each of us has a treasure house." Dustin explained.

"A treasure map! Aren't you too being too much? This is too great to give to our treasure house." Adam Spanner's eyes widened.

"Don't be silly, if it weren't for your help this time, the annihilation of Ji and the Dragon Pavilion wouldn't have been so smooth." Dustin said.

"Hehe... OK, since your kindness is hard to refuse, I will accept it." Adam Spanner was not polite and directly pocketed the treasure map.

"It's useless for me to keep this thing. You can keep it yourself."

Margaret glanced at the treasure map and stuffed it into Dustin's arms.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not giving this treasure map to you, but to the officials. From now on, we in West Lucozia will need more care from the officials."

Dustin smiled and thrust the treasure map into Margaret's hand.


Hearing this, Margaret found it hard to refuse.

"Your Highness Princess, this is Brother Logan's wish. Don't be too polite. We will have many opportunities to cooperate in the future." Adam Spanner advised from the side.

"Okay, then I'll thank you on behalf of my father." Margaret nodded and finally accepted it.
Wow...what a kind hearted guy! This kind of person can always go far in life. Thanks
Lu zhiyuan's is tempted by the treasure found, he has something crazy going on in his mind
anybody here who reads "Return of the frozen player"
Chapter 1900

"Lorenzo, what are you doing standing still? Waiting for me to take a picture of you? Find the treasure map quickly!"

Lu Zhiyuan, who looked aggrieved, vented all his inner dissatisfaction on Lorenzo.

"Right away."

Lorenzo did not dare to hesitate, and immediately walked to an alloy door, took out Ji Yuanzun's severed hand, and pressed it gently against the sensing position in the middle area.


Just listen to a soft sound.

The heavy alloy door slowly opened inside, revealing a vault made of metal.

The vault is about one hundred square meters. In the middle, a large number of gold bricks are piled up, taller than a person.

In addition to the gold bricks, there are also various rare and rare treasures densely placed around it, each of which is worth thousands of gold.

"This is Ji Yuanzun's personal vault. Everything he likes will be stored here." Lorenzo explained.

"There are so many treasures!"

Lu Tianba looked around and sighed: "If this is shipped out, I can probably buy a city."

"These are nothing. Compared with the three treasure houses in the Dragon Protection Pavilion, the treasures in front of you are just a drop in the bucket." Lorenzo explained.

"Is this exactly true or an exaggeration?"

Lu Tianba was surprised and delighted: "According to what you said, wouldn't the treasures of Dragon Protection Pavilion be piled up like a mountain?"

"Although I have never seen it with my own eyes, the decades of accumulation in the Dragon Protection Pavilion are not an exaggeration to describe it as a mountain." Lorenzo said seriously.
"Okay, okay...very good! I can't wait to collect the treasures of the Dragon Protection Pavilion!" Lu Tianba was in high spirits and extremely excited.

"After all that, where is the treasure map?" Lu Zhiyuan urged impatiently.

"right here."

Lorenzo walked to the innermost shelf, took down a delicate sandalwood box from it, and handed it to Dustin carefully.

Dustin opened it and found three pieces of parchment inside.

A detailed map is drawn on each piece of parchment. In the center of the map, a golden mark marks the location of the treasure house.

If there is nothing wrong with the treasure map, then as long as they follow the route, they can find the treasure house quickly.

"Your Highness, I have to remind you that every treasure house will be guarded by experts from the Dragon Protection Pavilion. If the Pavilion Master does not come in person, they will never be able to open the treasure house." Lorenzo added.

"The Dragon Guard Pavilion has been destroyed. A few warriors cannot make any big waves." Dustin didn't care.

"Your Highness, my mission has been completed. Can you allow me to see my family one last time?" Lorenzo asked with a pleading look on his face.

"I'll give you three days to say your final goodbyes to your family. Three days later, I'll put your head on a deck." Dustin said with an indifferent expression.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Lorenzo cried with joy, and with a "dong" sound, he knelt down and kowtowed to Dustin three times.

Three days were enough for him to settle his funeral arrangements.

On the premise of keeping his family safe, He could now fulfill his last wish.

For him, this is undoubtedly a great gift.

"Hong Fu, take him out and give him the last bit of dignity." Logan ordered.


Hong Fu nodded, loosened the shackles on Lorenzo, and took him out of the secret room.

"He was originally a loyal person from West Lucozia, but I never thought that he would one day be a traitor." Lu Tianba shook his head.

"Everyone has to pay the price for their actions. If he does what he thinks is right, he will have to bear the corresponding consequences." Dustin said calmly.

From Lorenzo's point of view, there is nothing wrong with whatever he does to protect his family.

But from his standpoint, traitorous behavior like this can never be forgiven.

Chapter 1901

"Yes! One wrong step, one wrong step after another, and Lorenzo's actions are destined to end badly. If you don't want something like that to happen, there is still a chance to make meritorious deeds."

Lu Tianba said, and looked at Lu Zhiyuan meaningfully.

If it weren't for the person in front of him being his third uncle, if it wasn't for his father's kindness and unwillingness to kill each other, if it wasn't for the fact that he didn't cause too much damage. Based on the other party’s rebellion, even ten deaths would not be enough!


After being glanced at by Lu Tianba, Lu Zhiyuan changed the topic with a guilty conscience: "Logan, these three treasure houses are of amazing value and are closely related. How do you plan to deal with them?"

"Of course we'll bring them all back to West Lucozia. Is it possible that those treasures are still left there?" Lu Tianba rolled his eyes.

"We cannot take these three treasure houses by ourselves."
Dustin shook his head and said: "The destruction of the Dragon Protection Pavilion was not done by our own efforts alone. We also invited foreign aid this time. Any benefits will naturally be shared equally by everyone."

"Split equally? Logan, are you kidding?"

Lu Zhiyuan was stunned, and his whole body became agitated: "You just heard what Lorenzo said. The treasure house of Hulong Pavilion is accumulated over decades. It is as rich as any country. With such a huge opportunity, you actually do not really have to share it equally with others, what do you think?"

This time he had accomplished a remarkable feat in wiping out the Dragon Protection Pavilion, and he might be rewarded with another reward afterwards.

In other words, the more treasures the Prince of West Lucozia gets, the more benefits he will get, and he is naturally unwilling to give them to others.

"Treasures are good, but they also have to be moral. People come all the way to help us. If we take the treasures alone, wouldn't we become ungrateful people?" Dustin said calmly.

"That's what I say, but there's no need to share it equally with them, right? Just give them some benefits." Lu Zhiyuan said.

"I have made up my mind. If Third Uncle is dissatisfied, you can complain to His Highness the Prince and see what he will do." Dustin said expressionlessly.

"You..." Lu Zhiyuan's expression froze.

He has never seen such a stupid person, who is willing to give away the wealth he has acquired.

"Third uncle, don't judge others by yourself. My brother's heart is not comparable to that of ordinary people." Lu Tianba said calmly.

Although it was a pity, he supported his elder brother unconditionally.

"Let's go up."

Dustin was too lazy to talk nonsense. After closing the wooden box, he led Lu Tianba and others out.

In his eyes, gold, silver and jewelry are just external possessions. If you cheat even your friends, the road in the future will only become narrower and narrower.

After returning to the surface, Dustin took out two treasure maps, handed one to Adam Spanner and the other to Margaret.

"Brother Logan, what do you mean?"

Adam Spanner looked at the treasure map in his hand, feeling a little confused.

"There are three treasure houses in the Dragon Protection Pavilion, and each treasure house corresponds to a treasure map. There are exactly three of us, and each of us has a treasure house." Dustin explained.

"A treasure map! Aren't you too being too much? This is too great to give to our treasure house." Adam Spanner's eyes widened.

"Don't be silly, if it weren't for your help this time, the annihilation of Ji and the Dragon Pavilion wouldn't have been so smooth." Dustin said.

"Hehe... OK, since your kindness is hard to refuse, I will accept it." Adam Spanner was not polite and directly pocketed the treasure map.

"It's useless for me to keep this thing. You can keep it yourself."

Margaret glanced at the treasure map and stuffed it into Dustin's arms.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not giving this treasure map to you, but to the officials. From now on, we in West Lucozia will need more care from the officials."

Dustin smiled and thrust the treasure map into Margaret's hand.


Hearing this, Margaret found it hard to refuse.

"Your Highness Princess, this is Brother Logan's wish. Don't be too polite. We will have many opportunities to cooperate in the future." Adam Spanner advised from the side.

"Okay, then I'll thank you on behalf of my father." Margaret nodded and finally accepted it.
Thank you for the great efforts!
For all who worked hard to update us. We thank you deeply. .
Thanks for all the work you've been doing on the forum. But can you please return back the special theme that was removed recently, it's superb for pwa of the site and also supports both light and dark mode.
Hey! How y'all doing? Been busy with work. I just checked and might be able to do 3 chapters today... And if anyone can, it's also good for all of us.
Hey! How y'all doing? Been busy with work. I just checked and might be able to do 3 chapters today... And if anyone can, it's also good for all of us.
This might take a while... A lot of old names to revisit so as to understand the storyline and keep the excitement.

If you've got any list of names, now would be the best time to help me out with them.
This might take a while... A lot of old names to revisit so as to understand the storyline and keep the excitement.

If you've got any list of names, now would be the best time to help me out with them.
Lu family=Rhys Family
Lu Chen/Landen/Lu-&gt,Chase Lu = Dustin Rhys
Lu Wanjun = Rufus Rhys
king of Xiliang = Prince of West Lucozia
King Jingjian = Prince of Theswe, 2nd most
powerful, equal to emperor (Dad)‹
Princess of Xiliang = Princess consort (mom)
Changge = Logan
Xie Sinian = Morris lorenzo
uncle Xie = Uncle lorenzo

grandmasters of south of the Yangtze River = 5
Ultimate Grandmasters of Balermo
Huangfu Longteng = Paul Hill
Tuoba Yuanqing = Zachary Graves
Lei Wanjun = Ronald Reeds
Fang Bozhong = Clarence Lawson
Huang Dongha = Michael Robinson
Huang Yinyin = Abigail
Xiao Hongye = Azheala

Huangfu family = Hill family
Huangfu Longteng-&gt = Sir Paul Hill
Huangfu Xiong/ Xia = Summer/Torben
Huangfuchun/Huangfu Qiu = Autumn
Huangfu Dong = Winter
Huangfu Chun = Spring

Cao Family = Harmon Family
Cao Xuan/ Xuan Fei/Xuanfei = Natasha
Cao Anan = Ruth
Cao Zhiyuan = Kate
Cao Yiming = Dylan
the third uncle = Uncle Hector
Cao Guan Lao San = Hector Harmon
Cao Bido = Jacob Harmon
Second uncle= uncle Jacob
Cao Jun = Trent

Li family = Nicolson family
Li Qingyao = Dahlia
Li Zhen = John nicholson
Grandpa Li Qingyao = Henry
Li Shijie = Regulus
Li Hao = James
Li Yuanqi = Jullian
Li Muyu = Dakota
Tan Hong/Tan Hong Ang = Julie Anderson
Zhang Cuihua = Florence
Hu Qiaolan = Madam Alma

Lei Family = Reeds family
Lei Wanjun = Ronald Reeds
Lei Qianzhong = Asher Reeds
Lei Bao = Erik Reed The Thunderstorm

Shangguan family = Grant family
Shangguan Hong = Tyler Grant
General Hu wei = General Lion Heart
Shangguan Lingca = Jayla Grant
Shangguan Xingwang = Brayden Grant
Shangguan Shuang=Jade Grant

Zao Wou-ki = God of War
Zhao Hongying = Scarlet Spanner
Goddess of War Scarlet Warrior

Dong Yun = Claudia
Kong Gu = Georgia

Murong family = Murray Family
Murong Xue/Xue'er = Shiela Murray
General Murong Zhenguo = General Christopher Murray
Murong Yue = Morgan Murray
Murong Gaochao = Garrett Murray
Murong Shan/Zenguo = Max Murray
Murong Cheng = Caden
Murong Hai = Harrison Murray
Dong Yulan = Lily

Ping'an Clinic = Peaceful Medical Clinic
Grandpa Jiu Kuang = Old drunken man
Laojiu = Gregory Jones
Hong Fu = Albert
Wang Xuan = Maximus Kane
Lin Waner = Caitlin (Peaceful med attendant)

Hong Niu = Nelson Horst
Fengyu Villa/Wind and Rain Manor=Zypher Lodge
Qilin Gang : Kirin Gang
Lao Zhang / old zhang-&gt = Cornelius
Liu Jun = Jesse
Shi Lei = Lucas
Bao'er = Haley
Lin Juan/ Juanz = Cecilia

Gongquan family = Grandwood family
Divine Doctor Liu = Dr Grandwood
Liu Gongquan = Dr Elijah Grandwood
Liu Xiangsi = Roselyn
Qian Chun = Elemer Green
Conger, Liu Cong = Carlos
Song family = Stratford Family
Steward Song = Sebastian
Song Dehai = Gayle Stratford
Song Yingming = Owen Stratford
Yulu Cream = Jade Dew Ointment
Wang family = Torby Family
Wang Zixuan = Isabela
Song Qiuyun = Sophia
Wang An = Kevin= Christopher

Yin family = Lancaster Family
Yin Tao = Hazel Lancaster
Yin Quan = Waylon Lancaster

Chen family = Duncan Family
Chen Guogong, Chen Xueliang = Steave Duncan

Cui family = Bryant Family
Cui Xiong = lan Bryant
Cui cheng = Lucas Bryant
Cui Wuye = Liam Bryant
Cui Peng = Elijah Bryant
Cui Hong = Oliver Bryant
Cui Yuanyu = Noha Bryant
Cui Jiamei = Adien Bryant

Guo family = Crawford Family
Guo Xun = Brinkely Crawford

Long family = Langfords Family
Long Haoran = Eddie Langford
Zhang Long = Lenny Langford
Dragon Mansion = Langfords Mansion
Long Xiuxian = Ethan Langford
Tang family = Stark Family
Tang Xiaobao = Ben Stark
Dong'er = Beatrix
Tang Wanrou = Gwen Stark

Jiang family = Roger Family
Xu family = Banner Family

Zhang family = Parker Family
Feng Family = Walker Family
Feng Miaozhu = Riley Walker

Mu Family = Rothschild Family
Mu Anxiang = Gary Rothschild
Mu Guanyu = Jerome Rothschild (as Zhao Wuji =jade-faced war god)
Mu Xuefeng = Nathaniel Rothschild

Li Wangui, King Linjiang = Norman Stansfield, King

Tian Shun = Levi
Yang De = Aiden
Jiang = Hudson
Ji = Whitaker
He = Mark walter
Su Xia = Samara
Shopkeeper Chen = Kazen
Master Daoxuan, Jiang = Master Felix
Li Qingcheng = Margeret
Tiger and Leopard Cavalry = Dark Panther Cavalry
Wei Anshun = Nestor
Zhenwu Division = Martial Law Bureau
Huang Santong = Samuel Franklin
Fu Dafei = Henry
Governor Xia = Lord Xenos -viceroy head of military and gov in southern province
Jiexin Yizheng-&gt = Jason Edwards
Jiang Xiuzhen-&gt = Jan Crane/Lord Crane
Zhao Hongxiang-&gt =Alexander Cheng
Xiao Chen-&g = Alan Smith
Gu Qingmei-&gt = Iris Meskill
Qiu Yun-&gt = Brittany Claude
Qingxia-&gt = Nikki Horst
Jade Girl Palace-&gt = Jade Maiden Palace
Bai Xiu-&gt = Edith
Yan Song-&gt = Samuel Tan
Tao Yang = Cameron Steele
Bao Pengtian of Galewind Hall=Tristan
Emberheart of Galewind Hall
Yang Jie, the chief disciple of the Soul Suppressing Sec = Liam Mitchell chief disciple of the Soul-Subduing Sect
Xu Tu from the Star Array Sect = Adrian Storm of Stellar Gate
Jiang Chao of Qingyang Sect = Victor Thorn of Shinefield Sect
Lin Rong = Aria Stormblade
Sun Fugui = Roderick Brooks
Gu worms = fiery beetle
Feng Midozhu = Victoria
Feng Miaozhu = Victoria Sterling
Prince Mu=Lord Eugene Montgomery
Duke of MU = Lord Eugene Montgomery
Mù Royal Residence = Montgomery Royalty
General Zhao Wei Wu = General Wesley Whitman
General Zhu = General Jenkins
deputy general of the White Tiger Army under
Marshal Zhao = Deputy General of Dark
Ma Tianhao = Edwin Hummer
Governor Xia = Lord Xenos
Venerable Black Witch = Dark Lord
Akina Mountain Car God = Ridge Racer Ronin
Tianxia Wuguan = Heaven's Gate sect
Jianzong sect = Sword Sect
Master Yan = Master Eliphas

Yanjing = Stonia
Yanjing Provincial = Millsburg
Youzhou-&gt = Yuston
Yaowang Valley/Medicine Valley = Stoneray Valley
Yaowanggu = Stoneray Order
Jiangnan/Tianxia/Jiangbei = Balermo
Jiangling = Swinston
Dragon Kingdom/Dragon Nation/Longguo = Dragonmarsh
Dongjiang hospital = Riverbend Medical Center
Fallonge estate = Panlong Villa
Jixiang Restaurant = Auspicious Restaurant

Mandrill = Hillcrest

Qingyun Villa = Fallridge Haven

the Golden Crow Kingdom = Kingdom of the

Golden Phoenix

Xiliang = West Lucozia

Western countries = Streuqua

East Jiang Hospital/East River Hospital = Blue Hills Hospital
Kingdom of Tianzhu = Valoria
Phoenix KTV = Phoenix Karaoke
Tianxiang Restaurant = Celestial Heights
Yuehua Hotel = Lunos Hotel
Dongjiang hospital = Riverbend Medical Center
Fallonge estate = Panlong Villa
Man Yue Lou = Full Moon Restaurant
Jishitang, Jishi Hall = Hellwell clinic
Gaode Group = Centene Group
Tianwaitian Hotel = Heavenly Place Hotel
Nancheng = South City
Dongcheng = East City
Mu Palace = Rothschild Palace
Yumian vila = Jade Face Villa
Marrow Cleansing Pill = Bone Cleansing Pill
Bingxinlian = Ice Heart lotus
dragon blood ginseng = dragon blood ginseng
golden marrow jade = golden marrow jade
Nine-Turn Life-Extending Pill = Longevitium
Chapter 1900

"Lorenzo, what are you doing standing still? Waiting for me to take a picture of you? Find the treasure map quickly!"

Lu Zhiyuan, who looked aggrieved, vented all his inner dissatisfaction on Lorenzo.

"Right away."

Lorenzo did not dare to hesitate, and immediately walked to an alloy door, took out Ji Yuanzun's severed hand, and pressed it gently against the sensing position in the middle area.


Just listen to a soft sound.

The heavy alloy door slowly opened inside, revealing a vault made of metal.

The vault is about one hundred square meters. In the middle, a large number of gold bricks are piled up, taller than a person.

In addition to the gold bricks, there are also various rare and rare treasures densely placed around it, each of which is worth thousands of gold.

"This is Ji Yuanzun's personal vault. Everything he likes will be stored here." Lorenzo explained.

"There are so many treasures!"

Lu Tianba looked around and sighed: "If this is shipped out, I can probably buy a city."

"These are nothing. Compared with the three treasure houses in the Dragon Protection Pavilion, the treasures in front of you are just a drop in the bucket." Lorenzo explained.

"Is this exactly true or an exaggeration?"

Lu Tianba was surprised and delighted: "According to what you said, wouldn't the treasures of Dragon Protection Pavilion be piled up like a mountain?"

"Although I have never seen it with my own eyes, the decades of accumulation in the Dragon Protection Pavilion are not an exaggeration to describe it as a mountain." Lorenzo said seriously.
"Okay, okay...very good! I can't wait to collect the treasures of the Dragon Protection Pavilion!" Lu Tianba was in high spirits and extremely excited.

"After all that, where is the treasure map?" Lu Zhiyuan urged impatiently.

"right here."

Lorenzo walked to the innermost shelf, took down a delicate sandalwood box from it, and handed it to Dustin carefully.

Dustin opened it and found three pieces of parchment inside.

A detailed map is drawn on each piece of parchment. In the center of the map, a golden mark marks the location of the treasure house.

If there is nothing wrong with the treasure map, then as long as they follow the route, they can find the treasure house quickly.

"Your Highness, I have to remind you that every treasure house will be guarded by experts from the Dragon Protection Pavilion. If the Pavilion Master does not come in person, they will never be able to open the treasure house." Lorenzo added.

"The Dragon Guard Pavilion has been destroyed. A few warriors cannot make any big waves." Dustin didn't care.

"Your Highness, my mission has been completed. Can you allow me to see my family one last time?" Lorenzo asked with a pleading look on his face.

"I'll give you three days to say your final goodbyes to your family. Three days later, I'll put your head on a deck." Dustin said with an indifferent expression.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Lorenzo cried with joy, and with a "dong" sound, he knelt down and kowtowed to Dustin three times.

Three days were enough for him to settle his funeral arrangements.

On the premise of keeping his family safe, He could now fulfill his last wish.

For him, this is undoubtedly a great gift.

"Hong Fu, take him out and give him the last bit of dignity." Logan ordered.


Hong Fu nodded, loosened the shackles on Lorenzo, and took him out of the secret room.

"He was originally a loyal person from West Lucozia, but I never thought that he would one day be a traitor." Lu Tianba shook his head.

"Everyone has to pay the price for their actions. If he does what he thinks is right, he will have to bear the corresponding consequences." Dustin said calmly.

From Lorenzo's point of view, there is nothing wrong with whatever he does to protect his family.

But from his standpoint, traitorous behavior like this can never be forgiven.

Chapter 1901

"Yes! One wrong step, one wrong step after another, and Lorenzo's actions are destined to end badly. If you don't want something like that to happen, there is still a chance to make meritorious deeds."

Lu Tianba said, and looked at Lu Zhiyuan meaningfully.

If it weren't for the person in front of him being his third uncle, if it wasn't for his father's kindness and unwillingness to kill each other, if it wasn't for the fact that he didn't cause too much damage. Based on the other party’s rebellion, even ten deaths would not be enough!


After being glanced at by Lu Tianba, Lu Zhiyuan changed the topic with a guilty conscience: "Logan, these three treasure houses are of amazing value and are closely related. How do you plan to deal with them?"

"Of course we'll bring them all back to West Lucozia. Is it possible that those treasures are still left there?" Lu Tianba rolled his eyes.

"We cannot take these three treasure houses by ourselves."
Dustin shook his head and said: "The destruction of the Dragon Protection Pavilion was not done by our own efforts alone. We also invited foreign aid this time. Any benefits will naturally be shared equally by everyone."

"Split equally? Logan, are you kidding?"

Lu Zhiyuan was stunned, and his whole body became agitated: "You just heard what Lorenzo said. The treasure house of Hulong Pavilion is accumulated over decades. It is as rich as any country. With such a huge opportunity, you actually do not really have to share it equally with others, what do you think?"

This time he had accomplished a remarkable feat in wiping out the Dragon Protection Pavilion, and he might be rewarded with another reward afterwards.

In other words, the more treasures the Prince of West Lucozia gets, the more benefits he will get, and he is naturally unwilling to give them to others.

"Treasures are good, but they also have to be moral. People come all the way to help us. If we take the treasures alone, wouldn't we become ungrateful people?" Dustin said calmly.

"That's what I say, but there's no need to share it equally with them, right? Just give them some benefits." Lu Zhiyuan said.

"I have made up my mind. If Third Uncle is dissatisfied, you can complain to His Highness the Prince and see what he will do." Dustin said expressionlessly.

"You..." Lu Zhiyuan's expression froze.

He has never seen such a stupid person, who is willing to give away the wealth he has acquired.

"Third uncle, don't judge others by yourself. My brother's heart is not comparable to that of ordinary people." Lu Tianba said calmly.

Although it was a pity, he supported his elder brother unconditionally.

"Let's go up."

Dustin was too lazy to talk nonsense. After closing the wooden box, he led Lu Tianba and others out.

In his eyes, gold, silver and jewelry are just external possessions. If you cheat even your friends, the road in the future will only become narrower and narrower.

After returning to the surface, Dustin took out two treasure maps, handed one to Adam Spanner and the other to Margaret.

"Brother Logan, what do you mean?"

Adam Spanner looked at the treasure map in his hand, feeling a little confused.

"There are three treasure houses in the Dragon Protection Pavilion, and each treasure house corresponds to a treasure map. There are exactly three of us, and each of us has a treasure house." Dustin explained.

"A treasure map! Aren't you too being too much? This is too great to give to our treasure house." Adam Spanner's eyes widened.

"Don't be silly, if it weren't for your help this time, the annihilation of Ji and the Dragon Pavilion wouldn't have been so smooth." Dustin said.

"Hehe... OK, since your kindness is hard to refuse, I will accept it." Adam Spanner was not polite and directly pocketed the treasure map.

"It's useless for me to keep this thing. You can keep it yourself."

Margaret glanced at the treasure map and stuffed it into Dustin's arms.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not giving this treasure map to you, but to the officials. From now on, we in West Lucozia will need more care from the officials."

Dustin smiled and thrust the treasure map into Margaret's hand.


Hearing this, Margaret found it hard to refuse.

"Your Highness Princess, this is Brother Logan's wish. Don't be too polite. We will have many opportunities to cooperate in the future." Adam Spanner advised from the side.

"Okay, then I'll thank you on behalf of my father." Margaret nodded and finally accepted it.
Thanks a lot, for keeping the amazing read ahead!
Chapter 1902

After sharing the treasure map, Dustin arranged for people to reorganize the base of Dragon Protection Pavilion.

This place is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and its location is hidden. It occupies the right time and place, and it is also located on the border between the two countries.

It would be a good idea to turn this place into a military fortress.

If there is a conflict with Western countries in the future, this place will become a key point. Sending troops from here will definitely achieve unexpected results.

Although it won’t be used for the time being, it’s always good to prepare in advance.

After settling the relevant matters, Dustin took the people back to the West Lucozia Palace.

This time Dustin returned with a great victory and solved the hidden dangers in West Lucozia. As the king of West Lucozia, Rufus Rhys specially held a banquet in the mansion and invited many guests.

All those who have contributed to this incident are on the invitation list.

For a time, it was very lively inside and outside the palace.

For everyone, it was great news that Rufus Rhys was not dead, and annihilating the remnants of Dragon Pavilion was even more joyful, so it was certainly worth celebrating.

At night, the palace was full of guests.

Most of the well-known people in West Lucozia were invited.

All the generals, senior officials, and giants from all over the world gathered in the palace, drinking and talking happily.

"Everyone, as a junior, I would like to say a few words first."

At the banquet, Lu Tianba stood up first, holding a wine glass in his hand, and said loudly: "This time the palace encountered a crisis, you all have never left me, and you have helped the palace solve problems. I am very grateful. Come, let me toast you all first."
After speaking, Lu Tianba raised his head and drank the wine in the glass.

"You're welcome, young prince. As ministers of West Lucozia, we should live and die together with the palace. What we do is just within our duties and is nothing." Prince of Pingyang, Zhang Ao smiled slightly.

"That's right! We have followed the prince for many years and have always shared blessings and hardships. This time the prince's palace is in trouble, we naturally have to help each other and die with dedication!" Zhou Bo Prince of Xuanping responded with a toast.

Although he values interests, he also values love. This time, the palace suppressed the rebellion, destroyed the Dragon Guard Pavilion, and regained power. He was also very happy.


Lu Tianba laughed loudly: "With all of you loyal and righteous people, why worry about West Lucozia not being prosperous? Come on, everyone, cheers!"

Lu Tianba poured another glass of wine, gave a toast to all around, and drank it all in one gulp.


Everyone raised their glasses in response, and the atmosphere instantly became lively.

The prince survived the catastrophe, and His Royal Highness returned to West Lucozia. In the future, West Lucozia will only become more and more prosperous.

"Everyone, I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words."

At this time, Rufus Rhys slowly stood up and said with a smile: "First of all, the palace's escape this time is all due to your loyalty and courage, and you risked your life for each other. I am very honored to be able to work with you."

"It is our honor to serve the prince."

"Yes! If it weren't for the prince, we wouldn't have the good life we have today. Our glory and wealth are all given by the prince."

"No matter what happens, we will swear allegiance to the prince to the death!"

The generals and high-ranking officials from various places all agreed.

"Okay, okay, I understand everyone's thoughts."

Rufus Rhys smiled and nodded, then added: "In addition to thanking you all, I also have something to announce, so I plan to elect a successor in advance and give up the throne."

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Chapter 1903

For a moment, everyone looked at each other in shock and confusion.

Although many people know that Rufus Rhys is not in good health, in their opinion, he should be able to survive for a few more years.

Now that internal and external troubles have just been resolved, Rufus Rhys is about to give up his position, which inevitably makes people a little off guard.

"Your Majesty, isn't this too hasty?" Li Yishuang advised next to him.
"Yes, Your Majesty, you are in good health and live a long life. Why did you give up the throne so early?" Zhang Ao was very upright.

Although the rest of the people were confused, no one dared to speak.

If you try to persuade Rufus Rhys, you may offend the future new prince, so at this time, smart people will choose to wait and see what happens.

"My body, I know very well, and I won't be able to live for long. Taking advantage of everyone's presence now, arranging the funeral arrangements in advance can be regarded as fulfilling my wish." Rufus Rhys smiled lightly.

"Your Majesty..."

Li Yishuang was about to say something, but was interrupted by Rufus Rhys raising his hand: "Okay, I have made up my mind, no need to persuade anymore."

Rufus Rhys faced everyone again and said with a serious expression: "Everyone, the new king is very important. It will affect the future rise and fall of West Lucozia. I can't make the decision alone, so I want to ask everyone here, what do you think? , who is the most qualified to be the future King of West Lucozia?"


Hearing this, everyone became even more uneasy.

Looking at this situation, Rufus Rhys is going to hold an internal vote.
Whoever has more supporters will have the opportunity to become the future King of West Lucozia.
The question now is, should we choose Logan Rhys? Or choose Lu Tianba?

From the perspective of talent and ability, Logan Rhys is obviously better.

But judging from the family background and the power behind it, Lu Tianba has a unique advantage.

On the one hand, Lu Tianba has performed very well in the military in recent years, and the future is promising.

On the other hand, it was because of Lu Tianba’s mother, the Princess Consort Li Yishuang.

As the eldest princess of the Dragon Kingdom, Li Yishuang has great influence in both West Lucozia and Yanjing.

The affiliated forces behind it are even more amazing.

Considering all aspects, it is obvious that Lu Tianba has a greater chance of becoming the new king.

After all, compared to personal ability, having many supporters is the most important factor in being the new king.

"Your Highness, I personally feel that His Highness the Second Highness is the most suitable as the new king." A Black Dragon general suddenly stood up.

"The general seconded the proposal!"

The second Black Dragon Army general stood up and said loudly: "We have all seen His Highness's performance in the army over the years. His excellent performance is far superior to that of us veterans. I believe that the Second Highness will be handed over to West Lucozia." In the hands of His Highness, you will definitely not go wrong!”

"That's right! We support His Highness as king!"

At this moment, many people began to agree.

On the one hand, it is because Lu Tianba is excellent himself, on the other hand, it is also because of the influence of Li Yishuang, the Princess Consort.

"What about the rest?"

Rufus Rhys did not express his position, and looked around.

"Your Majesty, I have a different opinion."

At this time, the Prince of Huaiyin, Wenwen spoke: "Although His Highness the Second is excellent, he is still a little less polished than His Highness, so I think His Highness is more suitable to be the king."

Chapter 1904

Wenwen's speech attracted many people's attention.

Smart people can see that Lu Tianba obviously has more supporters, and choosing Lu Tianba is the wisest choice.

As the think tank of West Lucozia, how could Wenwen, known as Little Zhuge, go against the grain and support Logan Rhys?
There is something really abnormal.

"Marquis Huaiyin, this is wrong."
At this time, Zhou Bo began to retort: "Looking at the entire West Lucozia, His Highness's talent in martial arts is indeed unparalleled. However, the position of prince is not just for anyone who can win it. The Second Highness is both civil and military and has many supporters." , and has been trained in the military for several years, and is excellent in all aspects. If His Highness the Second Highness becomes king, West Lucozia will definitely be more glorious!"

Lu Tianba was the emperor's nephew and his future son-in-law, and the two parties had an engagement.

No matter what, he would support Lu Tianba unconditionally.

Because as long as Lu Tianba comes to power, his daughter will be the future princess.

His identity has naturally increased with the tide.

"I agree with Xuan Prince's view."

A Black Dragon Army general said: "I admit that His Highness is excellent, but after all, His Highness has been away from West Lucozia for many years and does not know much about the affairs of West Lucozia. His Second Highness is different. He grew up in West Lucozia and grew up in West Lucozia. Whether it is personal connections or military and internal affairs, he knows everything, so making His Highness the king is the most suitable choice."

"Yes, that's right! His Highness has been away from the country for ten years and it is difficult to convince the public. I support His Highness to become the king!"

At this moment, some military generals began to choose sides.

No matter how good Logan Rhys is, he has been away for too long and has become very unfamiliar to them.

But Lu Tianba is different. Although it was not reliable in the past, it has performed extremely well in recent years, and they know the basics.

With Lu Tianba's character, once he becomes king, he will definitely not harm their interests.

In the final analysis, for them, the throne is just a choice that weighs the pros and cons.

"His Highness is a great hero with great talent and great strategy. His future achievements will definitely be no less than that of the prince. I believe that most of you here know this. I still choose to support His Highness." Wen Shun spoke again.

He supports Logan Rhys. On the one hand, he is repaying the kindness of Princess Qin, and on the other hand, he sincerely feels that the other party is the most perfect King of West Lucozia.

Compared to Rufus Rhys, who was the best in the world back then, he wasn't worse.

"I support His Highness the Second Highness!" Zhou Bo said loudly.

"I also support His Highness the Second Highness!" the Black Dragon Army Commander followed.

"We all support His Highness!" Dozens of prominent figures began to agree.

Judging from the situation, the support ratio between Dustin and Lu Tianba is exactly 1 to 9.

"Adam Spanner, what do you think?"

Rufus Rhys still did not express his position, but looked at Adam Spanner who was eating and drinking.

Adam Spanner's 200,000 White Tiger Army has returned to its base, but he is busy making sneak attacks and plans to spend a few days at the West Lucozia Palace.

Now being asked by Rufus Rhys in public, he was a little confused.

I was eating well, and you keep coming here. What do you mean?

Seeing everyone's gazes on him, Adam Spanner wiped his mouth with a tissue and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, I'm just an outsider. It's not my turn to talk about the internal affairs of West Lucozia."

Chapter 1905

"It doesn't matter. Today is a family banquet. Those who can appear here are all our own people. You don't need to be restrained to say anything." Rufus Rhys smiled.

"Since the prince asked about it, I won't refuse."

Adam Spanner stood up slowly and clasped his fists around him: "My words only represent my personal opinions. If I offend you in any way, please don't take offense."

"You're welcome, Military God. You are the pillar of the country, and your vision and knowledge must be extraordinary."

"Yes, God of War, who do you support? Tell us and let everyone listen."

Everyone was talking a lot and seemed very curious.

Needless to say, Adam Spanner's importance is as the military god of the Dragon Kingdom and the future heir of the royal Spanner family.

His influence is so huge that he is among the best in the whole field.

"Okay, then I'll tell you straight."

Adam Spanner cleared his throat and said solemnly: "If we consider comprehensive abilities and put talents first, I think Logan Rhys is more suitable to be the king of West Lucozia.

It is true that Logan Rhys has many shortcomings. First, he has been away from West Lucozia for too long and does not understand the situation in West Lucozia. Second, he has no foundation and it is difficult to convince the public.

However, everyone needs to understand that this was not far from the case when the prince started from scratch. He was disliked by all forces, but what is the final result? Relying on his outstanding personal ability, the prince opened up territory for West Lucozia and became famous in all directions, which is why he achieved his current status and glory.

Logan Rhys didn't say anything else, but in terms of personal ability, he was no weaker than the prince back then. Let alone West Lucozia, even if you look at the entire Dragon Kingdom, you can't pick out another person.

I believe that as long as Logan Rhys is given some time, he will be able to be the king of West Lucozia and lead you to a higher level.

This is my opinion. If you have any other opinions, you can speak freely. I'm done. "

After saying this, Adam Spanner sat down with a smile and began to eat and drink by himself again.

But his words caused quite a stir at the scene and also changed some people's views.

Many people are veterans who have followed Rufus Rhys for many years. They all know the history of Rufus Rhys's fortune.

I have to admit that Logan Rhys is the person most like Rufus Rhys.

He is gifted with extraordinary talents, capable of both literary and military skills. After years of hard training, he lost his sharpness and became more mature and restrained.

Putting aside various factors, Logan Rhys is indeed more suitable to be the king than Lu Tianba.

However, the matter of the throne is of great importance and affects the interests of many people, so they have to choose carefully.

"Third brother, who do you think is more suitable, Logan or Tianba?"

After asking Adam Spanner, Rufus Rhys looked at Lu Zhiyuan at the side.

"Brother, I am just a criminal, how can I comment on the heir to the throne?" Lu Zhiyuan shook his head repeatedly.

Although he has made amends for his sins, many people are still dissatisfied with what he did before.

Even when he was having a meal, many people were staring at him eagerly, wanting to cut him into pieces.

Being in the limelight at this time is obviously not a smart choice.

"We are all a family. Let's chat casually without any burden." Rufus Rhys said with a smile.

Lu Zhiyuan hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Spiritually, I support Tianba, but if I were really asked to choose, I would probably choose Ze Logan."

Chapter 1906

Lu Zhiyuan's words attracted many people's attention.

As Grand's hussar general, although Lu Zhiyuan's character is highly controversial, no one doubts his ability.

After all, the opponent's position today was achieved through bloody battles.

If even a courageous and visionary person like Lu Zhiyuan feels that Logan Rhys is the most suitable to be the king, then they have to re-evaluate.

Before, they felt that Logan Rhys was alone, so they supported Lu Tianba even more.

But now, it seems that is not the case.

First there was the support of the military god Adam Spanner, and then there was the support of the hussar general Lu Zhiyuan. The weight of these two people was enough to make many people change their decisions.

"Third brother, please tell me carefully, why did you choose Logan?" Rufus Rhys asked with a smile.

"The reason why I chose Logan is similar to that of Marshal Spanner. I value a person's talent and ability more."

Lu Zhiyuan said seriously: "This time we wiped out the remnants of the Dragon Protection Pavilion. I believe everyone saw it. It was Prince Logan who planned the strategy and used his strategies to kill the old and cunning Ji Yuanzun. At the same time, he looted all the treasures in the Dragon Protection Pavilion. , this is a great achievement.

To sum up, Logan is brave and resourceful, and is the best candidate to inherit the throne. As for Tianba, he is more than enough to be a general, but he is still not good enough to be a king. "

As soon as Lu Zhiyuan said this, before Rufus Rhys could reply, Zhou Bo stood up angrily said: "Nonsense! The annihilation of the remnants of Dragon Pavilion this time was not the result of the Grand Highness alone. The Second Highness also made great contributions too." How can it be so smooth with His Highness’s help? In terms of talent and ability, His Highness is by no means inferior to His Highness, and he is also younger and has more potential!”

"There's no need to be so anxious, Marquis Xuanping. I'm just talking casually. It's purely a family opinion and I can't make the final decision. The real decision-making power is in the hands of my eldest brother." Lu Zhiyuan said calmly.

He originally didn't want to get involved in this matter, but seeing that Rufus Rhys's intention was obviously to favor Logan Rhys, he followed the other person's intention and expressed his support.

To put it bluntly, they are just suggestions. As for who should be the king, it all depends on Rufus Rhys's preference.

"You don't speak clearly like this, and it's easy for people to misunderstand. I have to correct the flaws in your words." Zhou Bo said coldly.

A traitor actually dares to talk so shamelessly here. He really doesn’t know the importance of it.

"I already know all your suggestions."

Rufus Rhys spoke again, interrupting everyone's discussion: "Among you, some support Logan and some support Tianba. This is enough to show that my two sons are very good. However, there is only one throne, so I can only choose from one of them.”

With that said, Rufus Rhys's eyes suddenly glanced at Dustin and Lu Tianba: "Logan, Tianba, do you think you have the ability to be the king?"

"Dad, I am not very talented and have little knowledge. I cannot be the king. You should pass the throne to my eldest brother." Lu Tianba said directly.

As long as his eldest brother was around, he never thought about becoming a king.

For him, the throne is not as important as his relatives.

However, his heartfelt words made all the supporters present anxious.
Especially the expressions of Zhou Bo and others changed drastically.

Are you kidding me?

They fought so hard just now just to let Lu Tianba take over.

Now that the throne is about to be obtained, the other party chooses to give up on his own initiative. Isn't this a mental problem?

"Logan, what do you think?" Rufus Rhys asked again.

"I have no interest in the throne. I came back this time just to destroy the Dragon Protection Pavilion. Now that the Dragon Protection Pavilion has been destroyed, I have nothing to miss. I will leave in a few days. Therefore, Tianba will be the heir apparent. It's appropriate." Dustin said calmly.

Chapter 1907


As soon as these words came out, everyone was immediately stunned.

You looked at me, and I looked at you. They looked at each other for a moment, confused.

what's the situation?

How noble is the position of King of West Lucozia? That is the supreme power that countless people dream of but cannot achieve.

According to the previous examples of throne replacement, normally speaking, the two brothers Logan Rhys and Lu Tianba should fight to the death.

Why is it completely the other way around now?

Not only did the two not fight, they also gave up on their own initiative, as if they didn't take the throne seriously at all.

Throughout the ages, nothing like this has ever happened.

At this moment, both Logan Rhys’s supporters and Lu Tianba’s supporters froze.

Everyone was dumbfounded and didn't know how to speak.

We are all arguing here, but it is better for you two brothers to refuse directly.

Do you take this as a joke?

"Brother, didn't we agree at the beginning? You will be the king and I will be the general to assist you. Why has it changed now?" Lu Tianba was a little dissatisfied.

"Who promised you? I didn't promise you."

Dustin said calmly: "I am used to being lazy and don't like to be restrained. The throne is a burden to me. Besides, you have more supporters than me, so it is most suitable for you to be the king."

"It's so suitable!"

Lu Tianba said angrily: "I myself weigh a few pounds. I know very well that I am not the material to be a king at all. But you are different. You are better than me in every aspect. You are the most perfect heir and the only one." Only you have the ability to inherit the legacy our father has built."

"Tianba, don't belittle yourself. You are no worse than me. In time, you will become a great weapon. It is the wisest choice to pass it on to you." Dustin replied.

"I don't care! Anyway, you have to be the King of West Lucozia!" Lu Tianba slammed the table in anger.

"It's not sweet to be strong. I don't have any lofty ambitions, nor the noble sentiment of self-sacrifice for others, nor the consciousness of being a king. Therefore, I will not inherit the throne." Dustin shook his head again.

He has no ambition to dominate the world, and he is not willing to dedicate his life to the country and the people like Rufus Rhys.

He just wants to live his own life, follow his own path, be unrestrained and live a free and unrestrained life.

"Brother! If you don't want me, then I won't be the king either. Let's just leave us with no successor!" Lu Tianba had a broken expression.

The people around were shocked and speechless. Why did it sound to them that this throne was neither glory nor wealth nor supreme power, but more like a hot potato that no one wanted to take?

"If you don't want these two losers who don't know their importance, you can give them to me!"

The corners of Lu Zhiyuan's eyes twitched, and he roared unwillingly in his heart.

He worked hard and risked all his wealth and life, but he still failed to get the throne. Now in the eyes of Logan Rhys and Lu Tianba, it seems worthless, and no one is willing to take it.

For a moment, he felt like a clown.
What he did before was completely a joke.
If Logan rhys doesn't become the king i wouldn't read this novel again😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
Chapter 1908

Although Lu Zhiyuan was very angry, he did not dare to speak at the moment.

Although the two brothers rejected each other and neither of them wanted to be the king, this throne could only be produced by one of them.

He knew this very well and did not dare to think anything wrong.

Otherwise, Ji Yuanzun's fate would be his as well.

"Okay, okay! You two bastards, how can you reject the throne like it's a prison sentence? Is it so hard to accept?!"

The attitude of his two sons made Rufus Rhys very angry and he couldn't help but curse.

The eldest didn’t want it, and neither does the second. It makes his throne seem worthless.

In front of so many dignitaries, he was really embarrassed.

"I'm really not interested, you might as well pass it on to Tianba." Dustin shrugged.

"I can't afford it. This throne belongs to you, my eldest brother!" Lu Tianba said firmly.

"Shut up, both of you!"

Rufus Rhys slammed the table and shouted in a deep voice: "I have the final say on this matter, and I will not allow you to be willful! Also, if I hadn't been in poor health, you would have had to wait a few more years for this throne!"

Seeing Rufus Rhys getting angry, Lu Tianba didn't say anything more, but his stubborn expression already showed his answer.

As for Dustin, he still looked calm as usual.

Rufus Rhys took a few deep breaths and finally calmed down. He forced out a smile and said to everyone: "You guys are just kidding because I am not talented. We will discuss the throne later. Let's eat and drink well tonight. Let's have a good time. "

"Come on, let's drink together!" Zhang Ao smiled and smoothed things over.

He doesn’t have any position, it’s purely based on the prince’s choice. No matter the choice, he'll support it 100%.

Soon, the previously deserted atmosphere began to become lively again.

But compared to the previous acquaintance, the people present have been divided into three camps.

Led by Wen Shun Prince of Huaiyin , some people supported Logan Rhys.

Led by the Prince of Xuanping, Zhou Bo, others supported Lu Tianba.

The remaining people, headed by the Prince of Pingyang, Zhang Ao, are in the neutral camp and are conservative.

They will not participate in the struggle to seize the heir. No matter who comes to power in the end, they will regard him as the master.

Although there is no benefit from this choice, there is no need to bear any risk.

After the celebration banquet, everyone went home.

Dustin, on the other hand, was called to the study room by Rufus Rhys.

After ten years apart, father and son could finally have a peaceful chat.

Two cups of sobering tea were served on the table, and Rufus Rhys took the lead in opening the topic: "Logan, now that you have avenged your great revenge and fulfilled your long-cherished wish, shouldn't it be time to go home?"

"I'm back, haven't I?" Dustin was holding the sobering tea and blowing on it gently.

"You know what I mean, I mean settling down for a long time, not staying for a few days and then leaving." Rufus Rhys said.

"I still have things to do."

Dustin said without hesitation: "I promised Margaret that after wiping out the Dragon Guard Pavilion, I would help her find the dragon's source of energy. Now that the matter is over, it's time for me to fulfill my promise."

"I can find someone to do it for me. You don't need to go there yourself." Rufus Rhys advised.

Chapter 1909

"Your people can't help me, and this is what I promised, so I can't break my promise." Dustin took a sip of tea.

With a treasure like the Sky Eyes in hand, he has a much higher success rate in searching for the dragon's source of energy.

Anyone else would undoubtedly be looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Okay, I'll let you go find the Dragon Source energy. The question is, what happens after you find it?" Rufus Rhys asked again.

"Let's talk about it after we find it. I haven't thought about it that much yet." Dustin shook his head slightly.

"If you don't think about it, I will think about it for you!"

Rufus Rhys said with a serious face: "After you fulfill your promise, you will come back and inherit the throne honestly. I will take care of everything for you and ensure that you have no worries."

"I said, I don't want to be the king." Dustin refused.

"You are my son. If you don't want to be king, who will? Is it really possible for Tianba to take on this important task?" Rufus Rhys said angrily.

"Tianba can be both civilized and martial, so why not?" Dustin retorted.

"Tianba is indeed excellent, but he can only be a general, not the king of West Lucozia!"

Rufus Rhys said solemnly: "Although we in West Lucozia are powerful, internal and external troubles are constant. Once I pass away, the forces from all sides will inevitably be violent. By then, there will be wolves in front of us and tigers in back. How can Tianba resist? If he inherits the throne, it will harm him!”

"How are you so sure that I can stop them?" Dustin asked.

"You are lucky and have great luck. Looking at the whole world, no one is more suitable than you. It's not just me who thinks so. The man from Stonia also thinks the same. As long as you become the King of West Lucozia, you can be stable. If there is any trouble in West Lucozia in the future, you can shoulder this heavy burden!" Rufus Rhys said in a sonorous tone.

"After talking for a long time, I'm just your pawn to stabilize the situation?" Dustin frowned slightly.

"My son Logan, everyone's destiny is different, and you, from the day you were born, are destined to be extraordinary."

Rufus Rhys said with a complex expression: "You can do many things and save many people. Every move you make, including one decision, determines the life and death of countless people. I am not asking you to sacrifice yourself for others. I just hope that you will stop escaping." , accept your identity calmly, it is really not easy for West Lucozia to be what it is today. This is the hard work of your mother and I for many years. If possible, I hope you can inherit our legacy."

"If mother was still alive, she wouldn't force me to do something I don't like." Dustin said calmly.


Rufus Rhys opened his mouth, wanting to say something but not knowing how to speak.

In the end, all his words turned into a long sigh.

At this moment, he seemed to have been drained of energy, and his whole body became haggard.

"You're right. I was too impatient. I shouldn't have forced you."

Rufus Rhys forced out a smile and said with a sad expression: "I always thought that you are the perfect heir who can take charge of West Lucozia for me, lead the Rhys family to glory, and let the people of West Lucozia live and work in peace and contentment. I was consider the overall situation, but... Ignored your feelings.

Actually, when I think about it, as long as you are safe and happy every day, that is enough.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a king or not.

It was my fault. I should not have imposed my will on you.

So, I will support your decision, no matter what you do, I just hope that if you have time, you can go home often. "

Hearing this, Dustin was speechless for a moment.

Looking at his father's gray temples and old face, he felt mixed emotions in his heart.

For the first time, he doubted whether his decision was the right one.

He was born in West Lucozia, and has enjoyed prosperity, wealth, and all kinds of extraordinary treatment since he was a child.

Now, isn’t it time to take some responsibility?
Chapter 1910

"Okay, it's getting late. You should go back to your room and rest early."

Rufus Rhys waved his hand, his face looking very tired.

He chose his eldest son to inherit the throne. On the one hand, he was interested in the other person's ability. On the other hand, he also felt guilty and wanted to make better amends.

It's a pity that his son doesn't have any ambitions, and he never wants to be a person who is inferior to one person and superior to tens of thousands of people.

Therefore, he does not want to force too much.

He is about to die, and now he only hopes that his sons can be safe and happy.

The rest of the things are no longer considered.

Logan Rhys opened his mouth, but in the end he stood up and left without saying anything.

He doesn't have the consciousness to be a king, at least not yet.

In the eyes of others, the King of West Lucozia represents supreme power, endless glory and wealth, and the majesty of being on top of the world.

But in his opinion, the position of King of West Lucozia is too heavy.

Once you sit on it, there are too many things to carry.

By then, he would no longer be thinking about himself, but the entire West Lucozia, and even the world.

He is just an ordinary person and cannot bear such a heavy responsibility.

This time, let him be selfish for once.

Logan Rhys spent the next few days in the palace.

There are still many trivial matters to be dealt with in the aftermath of this counter-insurgency, including the annihilation of the Dragon Guard Pavilion.

Rufus Rhys was in poor health, so Logan Rhys took care of his father's duties, which was considered as fulfilling his filial duty.

First of all, it was Lu Zhiyuan’s arrangement. Logan Rhys gave the other party two choices.

First, hand over military power, stay in West Lucozia, and be an idle nobleman. He walks his dog and plays with birds every day, rides horseback and shoots arrows, and enjoys a wealthy life.

But the premise is that there cannot be any affiliated forces, and the number of escorts in hand cannot exceed a hundred people.

Second, leave West Lucozia, take a fortune, and develop elsewhere. No matter what the final result is, it will be your own responsibility. The palace will never interfere.

The meaning of these two choices is very simple, either spend your life idle or go out for adventure.

Based on the fact that Lu Zhiyuan was his third uncle and that he had successfully annihilated the Dragon Protection Pavilion this time, Logan Rhys gave the other party such an opportunity.

In the end, after weighing the pros and cons, Lu Zhiyuan chose the second path and went out for adventure.

According to Lu Zhiyuan, instead of living in a muddle through life, it is better to go out and have a try.

Maybe one day, I can make a comeback and establish my own power.

He is a very ambitious person and does not want to be inferior to others all his life.

Even if I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

His destiny must be in his own hands.

Logan Rhys respected Lu Zhiyuan's choice, gave Lu Zhiyuan a sum of money, and personally sent him away from West Lucozia.

From then on, there was no intersection between the two sides.

After settling Lu Zhiyuan's matter, Logan Rhys went to the dungeon again and met Nangong Po and the four northern princes in person.

Rufus Rhys was kind and promised these people not to take their lives, and Logan Rhys did not break his promise.

But the death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped.

Whether it is Nangong Po or the four northern princes, they have already committed the crime of rebellion, and they have openly raised troops. The impact is extremely bad, and naturally they cannot be leniently spared.

Otherwise, everyone will imitate it in the future, and the whole West Lucozia will be in chaos.

Therefore, Logan Rhys convicted the five people of confiscating their homes.

First of all, the five people were dismissed from their official positions, and all the wealth accumulated by the five people over the years was confiscated. Moreover, no one with an interest in the five people could be spared, and all the property of the five people was confiscated.

In order to appease the people, all the money seized from the homes of the five people will eventually be used to build the local area and return money to the people.

Finally, in addition to having their homes searched, each of the four northern princes will also be imprisoned for twenty years.

As for Nangong Po, he is sentenced to life imprisonment and can only stay in prison for the rest of his life.

Chapter 1911

The reason is that Logan Rhys hates traitors very much. Duplicitous people like this should be severely punished.

After dealing with the five people, those generals who followed the rebellion were demoted, recruited, and imprisoned.

The specific situation depends on whether these people are voluntary or forced.

While dealing with the rebellion, Logan Rhys also asked Hong Fu to lead a group of dragon guards to follow the instructions of the treasure map to the location of the treasure house of Dragon Pavilion.

The whole process went smoothly.

Although there are experts guarding the Dragon Protection Pavilion, they are still not enough in front of the great master Hong Fu.

With a gentle delivery, the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion were wiped out, and all the treasures in the treasure house were dragged back.

I have to admit that what Lorenzo said is true.

The treasures in the treasure house are really piled up like mountains.

The West Lucozia Palace dispatched hundreds of large trucks and spent tens of thousands of manpower to clear out the treasure house.

The amount of treasures and their value are so huge that it is impossible to count them.

A conservative estimate shows that West Lucozia will basically not have to worry about its military expenditures in the next twenty years.

There is so much treasure in one treasure house. The three treasure houses combined make the country extremely rich.

When the treasure is brought back, the first thing to do is to reward it based on merit.

The three major princes in the south, Duke of Huaiyin Ming wen, Duke of Pingyang Zhang ao, Duke of Xuanping Zhou bo, are all meritorious ministers, so they naturally received heavy rewards.

The generals and soldiers under his command also received varying degrees of rewards.

When everything was dealt with, three days had passed.

Three days later, at noon.

While Logan Rhys was eating, Hong Fu suddenly came to the door, holding a wooden box in his hand.

"Your Highness, I have something to report."

Hong Fu was hunched over and his posture was very low.

"Sit down and talk."

Logan Rhys made the invitation with one hand.

"I don't dare, old slave."

Hong Fu glanced at the dishes on the table, lowered his head and said, "His Royal Highness is having a meal. I don't dare to disturb you. You'd better come back later."

"It doesn't matter, just say whatever you want." Logan Rhys didn't care.


Hong Fu responded, put the box on a stool aside, and reported, "Lorenzo has kept his promise and committed suicide. What is in this box is his head. Do you want to see it with your own eyes, Your Highness?"

Hearing this, Logan Rhys stopped picking up vegetables, a flash of regret flashed in his eyes, but soon returned to normal.

"No need to read it, just send it back and give it a good burial." Logan Rhys said calmly.


Hong Fu picked up the wooden box and prepared to leave.


Logan Rhys raised his head and warned again: "Don't embarrass his family."

"Old slave understands."

Hong Fu nodded and bowed to leave.

"One more to go."

Logan Rhys sighed softly, his expression a little complicated.

He hated Lorenzo's betrayal, but at the same time, he understood the other party's choice.

Put yourself in another person’s shoes, for the sake of your family, the other person did nothing wrong.

It can only be said that the two sides have different positions and different choices.
Why would Lorenzo killed himself...Dustin would have forgiven him! All he did was was the safety of his family, not willingly

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