An Understated Dominance - English Version Translated by Emzee

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Chapter 2462: Their true color

"Look! Senior Sister Jane is on the stage!"
"Senior Sister Jane has been sharpening her skills for ten years. This time, she will definitely be able to shock the world!"

"Come on, Senior Sister Jane! Bring glory to our World Martial Arts Sect!"


Looking at the majestic Jane on the stage, the disciples of World Martial Arts began to cheer.

The World Martial Arts Sect has always been respected as the largest sect in Dragon Country. As disciples of the World Martial Arts Sect, they naturally had corresponding level of pride.

In their opinion, all elite masters of World Martial Arts Sect are stronger than those of other sects.

"With Senior Sister Jane, this game should be won steadily." In the audience, Lily smiled with confidence.
With Jane's strength, if she faced some long-established geniuses, she would not be very sure.

But her opponent was just a young female warrior who was unknown to the public.

Such a person was basically no threat to Jane.

"The opponent seems to be from the Witchcraft Sect. We still can't underestimate the enemy." Aaron shook his head slightly.

If it is a head-on confrontation, comparing martial arts and cultivation, then Senior Sister Jane will naturally have a higher chance of winning.

But the problem is that the opponent is a disciple of the Witchcraft Sect, and his methods are unpredictable and hard to guard against.

Once you relax, you may be hit at any time.

So the outcome of this game is still a big suspense.

"The Witchcraft Sect disciples rarely participate in the ring competition. This time, we can also see their true strength." Violet said with interest.

Witchcraft Sect is known to be the most mysterious existence among the three major sects. The disciples in it are not only highly cultivated, but also proficient in various Witchcraft techniques.

It is precisely because of the mystery that people are afraid.

Chapter 2463: You have to be careful

Generally speaking, no force is willing to cross the Witchcraft Sect unless it is was absolutely necessary.

"You Two!, are you ready?"

Drake looked left and right, and after the two nodded, he said loudly: "If there is no objection, the game will start now!"

After saying that, Drake stepped down from the stage, giving the two enough space to perform.

"World Martial Arts Sect's - Jane!"

Jane, dressed in red, pointed his spear at the ground, his expression was cold, and his voice was sonorous and powerful.

"Azalea of the Witchcraft Sect, please teach me."

Azalea clasped her hands together, showing a harmless smile.

"I will not show mercy in the fight, you have to be careful." Jane warned coldly.

"Please" Azalea nodded slightly, her face unchanged.


Jane turned her wrist, without wasting words, and stabbed directly with the spear.

This spear was simple and straightforward, but extremely swift. The tip of the spear was surrounded by silver light, and when it stabbed, it rolled up strong winds.

Seeing this, Azalea curled the corners of her mouth and suddenly took out a rolled long whip from his waist.

Azalea grabbed the long whip and shook it lightly, and there was a "pop" sound.

The long whip shot out like a spirit snake and quickly rolled towards Jane's waist.

As the saying goes, an inch longer is an inch stronger. Jane's spear, if it were to face ordinary weapons, would naturally have a great advantage, but it happened to encounter a long whip with a longer attack distance.

Before it touched the target, it would have already entered Azalea's attack range.

The most important thing is that Azalea's long whip is still hung with barbs. If it is rolled up on her and pulled hard, it could instantly make people's skin and flesh burst.


Chapter 2464: The vortex

Jane raised her eyebrows and immediately changed her offensive, from stabbing to blocking.

The long whip hit the spear shaft and immediately rotated a few times, like a spirit snake wrapped around, tying up the spear.

Azalea pulled along, trying to remove Jane's weapon first.


Jane's eyes widened, and she did not retreat but advanced. With the dragging force of the long whip, she quickly adjusted the long spear and stabbed Azalea's throat with a more fierce attack.

Azalea's eyes flashed with surprise. She didn't expect Jane to react so quickly. She actually used the force to fight back at the first time, not only breaking her restrictions, but also launching an attack.

This kind of combat wisdom is far superior to many martial arts masters.

Of course, although she was surprised, Azalea's movements were not slow at all.

In close combat, the long whip could not exert any power, but she had other means.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

Azalea waved one hand, and a large number of poisonous needles shot out from her sleeves and stabbed Jane head-on.

Jane's pupils shrank, and she was forced to give up the attack. As the long spear shook, a vortex of strong energy formed in front of her.

All the poison needles shot at her were sucked into the vortex and completely lost their edge.

Jane's spear spun faster and faster, and the vortex became larger and larger.

When all the poison needles were sucked into the vortex, Jane used her spear to pull the vortex of the Qi, turned it in the air, and then pointed it in the direction of Azalea.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

A large number of poison needles shot at Azalea fiercely at a faster speed than when they came.

A typical case of giving someone a taste of their own medicine.

Caught off guard, Azalea could only use her own Qi to build a protective shield in front of her.

"Ding, ding, ding..."

The poison needles shot at the protective shield, splashing a large number of sparks, and the fierce force forced Azalea to retreat several steps.

In the first confrontation, it was obvious that Jane, who had more combat experience, had the upper hand.


Jane did not miss any chance. When Azalea was forced to retreat, her spear stabbed out again like a dragon.

This spear thrust was incredibly fast.

Chapter 2465: Too despicable


The spear was surrounded by silver light, and the chill was overwhelming.

Wherever it passed, the air distorted and emitted a sharp roar.

Azalea did not dare to confront head on, and retreated quickly.

At the same time, she pinched her hands, silently chanted a spell, and pointed at Jane who was chasing him.

The next second, a large number of black vines suddenly emerged from the ground of the ring.

These vines seemed to have spirituality, as they entangled Jane's feet at a very fast speed and spread upwards.

In the blink of an eye, Jane's legs, including waist and hips, were completely locked by the black vines, and it was difficult for her to move at all.


Jane frowned, and just when she was about to raise her spear to fight back, two thick vines shot out from the ground, bounding her hands, and suddenly pulling them apart.

Soon, Jane was tied up like a dumpling by the black vines.

The most important thing is that these black vines are extremely tough and powerful.

Jane tried to use force, but found that she couldn't break free for a while.

"What kind of trick is this? Why is it so weird?"

"Oh no! Sister Jane might be in danger!"

"Too despicable! You're actually attacking me by surprise!"


Seeing Jane being tied up by vines, the disciples of the World Martial Arts Sect immediately became nervous.

No one expected that Azalea would know such a bizarre technique, which was simply impossible to defend against.


Chapter 2466: The game has just begun

Taking this opportunity, Azalea formed seals with both hands again, and then pointed at Jane, who had lost her ability to move.


In an instant, a ball of hot flames gushed out and quickly transformed into a fierce tiger with bared fangs and claws.

The tiger roared silently, carrying a huge flame, and suddenly pounced on Jane.

"Not good!"

The faces of the disciples of World Martial Arts Sect changed drastically, and some of them stood up excitedly.

But at this moment, they could only watch Jane being engulfed by the scorching flames.

"It's over! Senior Sister Jane is dead!"

The disciples of World Martial Arts Sect looked depressed and lamented.

They didn't expect that Jane, who was powerful and had amazing spear skills, would be defeated, and defeated so quickly.

It was really unexpected.

"No way? Senior Sister Jane just lost like that?" Lily widened her beautiful eyes, looking a little surprised.

The two sides fought for less than three minutes and only exchanged a few moves. With Jane's strength, it shouldn't be so bad, right?

"Don't worry, the game has just begun."

Aaron narrowed his eyes slightly, and his expression did not fluctuate too much.

If Jane couldn't even deal with this crisis, then she would not be qualified to be favored by World Martial Arts Sect.

As expected, as soon as Aaron finished speaking, a powerful energy suddenly erupted in the flames on the ring.


There was only a loud noise.

All the black vines, along with the flames, exploded instantly!

Chapter 2467: Whitlight shield

For a moment, the flames were everywhere and the vines flew everywhere.

At the same time, a figure with a chill all over his body suddenly shot out from the exploding flames.

The long spear in her hand flashed with silver light and stabbed at Azalea with lightning speed.

This spear was as fast as a startled swan and as graceful as a soaring dragon. It was silent and extremely deadly.

"So fast!"

Unable to dodge in time, Azalea could only raise her arms to block. At the same time, the master's aura in his body gushed out instantly, forming a shield in front of her.


Jane's swift spear stabbed firmly on the aura shield, and the terrifying power suddenly erupted.

After only blocking for a second, Azalea's condensed aura shield exploded directly.

However, Jane's spear continued to stab forward with the remaining force, accurately hitting Azalea's chest.

However, the expected hole through the chest did not appear. The moment when the tip of the spear touched Azalea's chest, a golden light suddenly flashed.

Immediately after a "clang" sound, Jane's spear was directly blown away by an invisible force.

As a result, her entire body was shocked and stepped back several steps, and her arms were numb.


Jane looked carefully and found that a pocket-sized copper bell suddenly floated in front of Azalea's chest.

The copper bell was only the size of an egg, with dense and tiny runes engraved on it, and golden light lingering around it, which was obviously not an ordinary thing.

"Whitlight shield?"

Looking at the copper bell floating in the air, Jane couldn't help but frown, her face turning ugly.

The Whitlight shield is an extremely rare protective gear. It was much more powerful than any gold silk soft armor.

Because the Whitlight shield had its own spirituality, whenever the wearer encounters any danger, it will automatically activate and form a protective shield even without being activated.

Chapter 2468: Two hypocrites

This kind of top-quality treasure is worth a fortune and can only be found once in a while.

Even she was not qualified to own it.

She did not expect that Azalea, at such a young age, actually had such a magic treasure.

Are all the disciples of the Witchcraft Sect so wealthy now?

"It was a close call. I almost got hurt."

Azalea patted her chest gently, and her heart was surging for a while.

She did underestimate the enemy just now. She thought that two tricks could deal with Jane, but she did not expect the other party to not only break her magic, but also deliver a fatal blow too.

If it were not for the Whitlight shield given to her by the Saintess, she would have been seriously injured.

Of course, this Whitlight shield was not owned by the Witchcraft Sect, but was one of the many treasure that the Saintess won from the casino in recent days.

It must be said that the Saintess was really wise!

In the audience, someone caught sight of the perfection shield that Azalea just used, and his fists were clenched hard.

This was originally his treasure, but he never thought that he would lose it in gambling.

The gambler really lost miserably!

"Master Morgan, your Witchcraft Sect is really rich and powerful. Any disciple can use a protective magic treasure. It's really enviable."

In the main audience, Jeffery suddenly spoke meaningfully, with a bit of temptation.

"Speaking of being rich and powerful, it has to be your World Martial Arts Organization. Our Witchcraft Sect can only be regarded as having something little." Evelyn Morgan said lightly.

"Master Morgan is really too modest."

Xiao Wuming smiled: "But this young disciple, who can be so valued by Master Morgan, must be extraordinary. I am looking forward to her performance next."

"Same here, your World Martial Arts Sect disciples are not simple either." Evelyn Morgan smiled.

Looking at the two hypocritical probing people around him, Hank couldn't help but sneer.

Chapter 2469: You will lose to me in the end

Looking in for the Arena showdown, how can there be so many twists and turns? Just win already

"I didn't expect you to have a protective shield?"

On the stage, Jane frowned and said sternly: "However, although this treasure can save you for a while, it can't help you win the game. You will lose to me in the end!"

As far as she knows, protective shields are generally limited in number of times, but when the spiritual energy inside is exhausted, the protective magic treasure will no longer be activated.

In other words, she only needs to intensify the fierce attack to make the opponent's protective shield ineffective.

It's just that the process is a little more tiring.

"Hehe... If you want to beat me, it depends on whether you have the ability?" Azalea smiled slightly.

The long whip in her hand began to swim like a spirit snake.

Just now, she was a little careless and was attacked by Jane at close range. She suffered a loss. With this lesson, she will not give the opponent any chance in the next battle.

"Watch the spear!"

Jane didn't waste time and suddenly accelerated forward, then the long spear in her hand carried a little cold light, and stabbed at Azalea fiercely.

This shot was not fancy at all, and it was swift and cunning.

It seemed simple, but it could be adapted to the situation and act at the right time.

Seeing this, Azalea swung her long whip, and hit Jane's face fiercely.

Jane twisted her body and turned in the air, like a fish, nimbly avoiding the blockade of the long whip and continued to stab forward.

Azalea seemed to have expected it. She shook her wrist violently, and the long whip that was away suddenly turned around and wrapped around one of Jane's legs.

Then Azalea quickly formed a seal with one hand, and a blue arc quickly gathered between his fingers.


Azalea with her finger used the arc to suddenly tap the long whip.

In an instant, the strong arc spread along the long whip and instantly penetrated Jane's body.

Chapter 2470: Lightning Techniques

Jane groaned, twitched all over, and her hands and feet were paralyzed. For a while, she couldn't move.

Even the grandmaster's Qi in her body was temporarily confused and could not be used.

"What the hell! What kind of move is this? Could it be the lightening technique of Infernal Mountain?"

"No, the lightening technique of Infernal Mountain is more domineering. The move Azalea used should be a rare Lightening technique."

"Isn't the Witchcraft Sect good at making poisons with Witchcraft? It's strange that she chose to major in Lightening techniques and find a new way."


The audience were amazed at Azalea's fire and lightning techniques.

As for the World Martial Arts Sect disciples, they seemed a little nervous.

Although Senior Sister Jane is very powerful, Azalea's methods were too weird and hard to defend against.

It's impossible to guess what the opponent will do next, which makes her very passive now.

"Hundreds of rivers flow to the sea!"

Azalea suddenly raised one hand, and the Qi in her body surged rapidly, forming a huge vortex in the air.

The next second, countless tea steams in the audience rose up as if guided. They gathered into small steams in the air and quickly moved towards the vortex above Azalea's head. In the space of a breath, thousands of tea steams had condensed together to form a huge water ball.

"Drops of water turn into ice!"

Azalea quickly formed a seal with one hand, and then pointed at Jane, who was paralyzed.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

Thousands of water arrows shot out from the water ball in an instant.

The weirdest thing was that when the water arrows took shape, they quickly froze. Tens of thousands of water arrows instantly turned into ice arrows with greater lethality, and then covered Jane in an overwhelming manner.

This was an all-round and no-dead-angle bombardment. Even if Jane was not restrained, it would be difficult for her to dodge, not to mention that she was paralyzed now.

"Blood shield!"

Seeing the situation was not good, Jane's face turned fierce, she bit her tongue directly, and then spat out a mouthful of blood.

As the Qi surged out, the blood that spurted out actually formed a blood-colored shield out of thin air, blocking Jane in front of her

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang..."

Thousands of ice arrows hit the blood shield frantically, making a series of explosions and splashing a large amount of ice fragments.

After a bombardment, the ice arrows finally disappeared, and the blood shield condensed in front of Jane began to shatter.

However, before Jane could catch her breath, the second round of ice arrows had already come bearing down.

Chapter 2471: Fight me head-on


Jane's face drained of colours.

At this moment, the paralysis effect on her body had weakened. Seeing the ice arrows pouring down again, she had no time to hesitate and immediately waved her spear wildly, leaving a trail of afterimages.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The long spear was like a rotating helicopter, rolling up gusts of wind, forming a defensive barrier ten feet in front of her.

The falling ice arrows hit the strong wind barrier, making a "crackling" sound.

Jane was also shocked by the impact of the ice arrows, and retreated repeatedly, her arms numb.

She had just used the blood shield technique with her blood essence, which consumed a lot of her. Now facing Azalea's continuous magic attacks, she was obviously overwhelmed.

"The ground sinks!"

While Jane was still parrying with the ice arrow attack, Azalea formed a seal again, then suddenly squatted down and slapped the ground of the ring.

Immediately afterwards, a strange scene happened.

The ground under Jane's feet suddenly became soft, like a swamp.

Jane retreated, and before she could react, her feet were deeply stuck in the quagmire.

The weirdest thing was that this quagmire had a huge suction force, which kept pulling Jane's legs, making it difficult for her to pull them out for a while.

There were dense ice arrows bombarding her from above, and the quagmire swallowing from below. Jane was attacked from both sides and couldn't resist at all.

"You're despicable, you can only use some unorthodox methods. If you have the guts, fight me head-on!"

Jane was a little furious.

She was good at spearmanship and had rich combat experience. If she fought in close combat, she was very confident that she could quickly defeat the opponent.

But the problem was that Azalea didn't give her a chance to get close at all, and kept using magic to attack from a distance.

The most annoying thing was that the opponent had so many tricks and methods.

There were vines entangled, flame attacks, lightning paralysis, and ice arrows, and now, there was a swamp and mud, restricting her tightly.

Her exquisite spear skills were useless, and she was very frustrated.

Chapter 2472: Are you ready?

In fact, if the opponent did not have a protective shield, she would have won long ago, but she was just a little bit short, which was really unlucky.

"What's wrong with the unorthodox methods? As long as you can win, you can use any means."

Azalea said, and hurriedly threw a spirit refreshing pill into her mouth.

She had just used magic in succession, which also consumed a lot of energy. Fortunately, she had a bottle of spirit gathering pill worth ten thousand gold on her, so she didn't need to worry about anything when fighting.

Just continue fighting and maybe even kill all the way.

"Are you ready? My attack is coming again~!"

Azalea, who took the spirit refreshing pill, became energetic again, and the master's aura in her body quickly became turbulent.

She slowly raised her hand, and thousands of ice arrows appeared in the sky again.

They were so dense that they covered the sky.

"You... you are really despicable!"

Seeing this scene, Jane was so angry that she cursed.

Not only did she keep using magic to attack, but she also had the Spirit Refreshing Pill as a supplement, so she was not afraid of consumption at all.

How can she fight this?

"Damn it! This woman is endless!"

"It's a protective magic treasure, and it's a precious Spirit refreshing Pill. When did the disciples of the Wu Gu Sect become so rich?"


Seeing Azalea's various methods, the audience couldn't help but talk about it.

Especially the disciples of the World Martial Arts Sect, they cursed and envied, but most of them were dissatisfied.

The arena competition is about strength, but Azalea used magic weapons and pills to establish a great advantage.


Ignoring the discussions around her, Azalea controlled thousands of ice arrows and blasted Jane again.

Jane's legs were stuck in the mud, unable to move. She could only wave her spear, urging her Qi, and constantly blocking and resisting.

Chapter 2473: I'm coming again

But every time the ice arrow hit her, her body would tremble slightly and her arms would go numb.

The speed at which she waved the spear became much slower, and the consumption of Qi in her body became more destabilized.

Her defense was no longer impeccable. Occasionally, an ice arrow broke through the blockade and shot a bloody hole in her body.

The frost power contained in it made her movements gradually become stiff.

In the end, after a round of ice arrows bombarded her, her hair was disheveled, scarred, and she looked very embarrassed.


Azalea on the opposite side did not give up, and threw two precious spirit refreshing pills into her mouth to continue to replenish the consumption just now.

Seeing this scene, Jane's eyes twitched and her heart was bleeding.

If she had a protective shield or a spirit refreshing pill, the current situation could definitely be reversed.

It's a pity that she didn't have it.

"I'm Coming again!"

Azalea was full of energy and high spirits. As she spoke, she raised her hand again, and the internal Qi gushed out without reserve.

At the same time, a dense mass of ice arrows appeared above Jane's head.

Seeing this scene, Jane was completely Devastated.

Who could withstand the continuous bombardment of magic and the spirit refreshing pills eaten just like cooked beans?

Seeing that the ice arrows were about to fall again, Jane was frightened and said quickly: "Wait! I concede! I give up!"

She was seriously injured and her Qi was exhausted. She had no strength to fight again.

If she didn't increase her strength in time, she would be crippled if she didn't die after this round of ice arrow bombardment.

Anyway, there was no hope of victory, so it was better to give up early and not suffer too much torture.

"Ah? You Give up? I just ate two spirit refreshing pills and I haven't had enough fun yet." Azalea looked regretful.

If she had known that the other party was going to admit defeat, she would not have taken the Soul refreshing Pill.

After all, this thing is quite expensive, and every bit saved counts.

Seeing Azalea's unsatisfied expression, Jane's face twitched, and she wanted to cry but had no tears.

Chapter 2474: It's such a pity

Jane was unwilling to lose this match.

In terms of hard power, she is definitely better than Azalea. In a head-on confrontation, she had at least an 80% chance of winning.

But the opponent has all kinds of magic weapons and elixirs, and with the various means, it is really impossible to defend against which makes her unstoppable.

In the end, she was exhausted bit by bit and had to admit defeat.

It was so frustrating!

"Master Jeffery, it seems that your disciples of World Martial Arts Sect are not very good."

In the audience, Hank said with a rarely curled up lips.

He and Jeffery had been fighting openly and secretly for many years, and he likes to see the other party being defeated the most.

"An occasional accident is nothing, and besides, your Sword Sect may not win." Jeffery said lightly.

Although Jane was one of his proud disciples, but he didn't expect that he would be eliminated in the first round, which is a bit embarrassing.

"Really? Then let's see who will win in the end." Hank smiled.

He really wanted to see what kind of expression Jeffery would have when Aaron gets defeated by Finn Sanchez.

"Alas... I didn't expect this result, it's such a pity."

Lily sighed, looking a little regretful.

She originally thought that as Jane had a high level of cultivation and superb spear skills, then she should have a greater chance at winning, but she never thought that she would lose so embarrassingly.

"Senior Sister Jane has tried her best. It can only be said that the Witchcraft Sect disciple has too many tricks to pull, fully exerted her own advantages, and just happened to restrain Senior Sister Jane, which led to the current situation." Violet shook her head.

This is how the game is. The situation changes rapidly. Even if the strength is stronger, it does not mean that you will definitely win.

"Brother Aaron, Doctor Dustin, it depends on you two next." Lily looked around.

The rest of the World Martial Arts Sect disciples had stopped in the quarterfinals. Now, only Aaron and Dustin were left.

Aaron is definitely in the quarterfinals, but this one fighter alone is not enough to show the strength of the World Martial Arts Sect.
Therefore, she hoped that Dustin could also make it to the quarterfinals and grab a spot too.

"I'll do my best." Dustin nodded slightly.

"Doctor Dustin, I remember you drew number 8, right?" Violet suddenly asked.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Dustin did not deny it.

Chapter 2475: Thank you

"I have carefully observed that your opponent is that vampire. I believe you should know that vampires are a very difficult dark creature. It is difficult to hurt them with ordinary means. If you don't have special weapons, it is easy to suffer against such monsters." As Violet said that, she suddenly took out a silver dagger and quietly handed it to Dustin: "I heard that vampires are afraid of silver. This is the silver weapon I just ordered people to collect. You should keep it well first, and then give it a fatal blow at the critical moment!"

"Silver weapon?" Dustin raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Xiao Ningmeng with some surprise. He didn't expect that the other party was so meticulous. Not only did she notice his opponent, but she also made preparations in advance.

"Sister, when did you get the silver weapon? How come I don't know?" Lily was stunned.

"Of course, this kind of thing cannot be made public. If the vampire clan sees it, they will definitely be on guard, and then it won't have the effect of unexpectedly killing the enemy." Violet whispered.

"That's true." Lily nodded in agreement.

"Thank you." Dustin was not polite and directly put the silver dagger into his pocket.

He had also heard similar rumors that the vampire clan was afraid of silver.

However, this restraining effect will become weaker and weaker as the blood clan's strength increases.

Especially those strong men like the earl and the duke are not afraid of silver weapons at all. Even if their heads are cut off and their hearts are destroyed, as long as they have blood supply, they can live well.

This can be called an immortal monster.

Of course, that Bill Wolf is obviously not at the level of the earl, otherwise, he would not have been beaten up by Aaron last night.

"Contestant No. 2 voluntarily admitted defeat. Now I declare that contestant No. 31 wins!" Drake jumped onto the stage and spoke loudly.

For a moment, the applause was thunderous.

Although Jane had many supporters, Azalea's appearance was more attractive, and with a series of wonderful performances just now, she gained a large number of fans.

Now that she has won, she naturally attracted countless audiences to celebrate for her.
Amid fierce applause and shouts, Azalea walked down the stage with a smile and returned to the seat of the Witchcraft Sect disciples.

If it weren't for the Witchcraft Sect's notoriety, based on Azalea's performance just now, it is estimated that many young talents would have run up to express their love.

"Sister Azalea, you did a good job. Our Witchcraft Sect is finally proud today!" When Azalea sat down, Abigail immediately smiled and praised her to show encouragement.

"Saintess, you are too kind. I am weak and had no chance of winning. Thanks to the protective magic treasure and the Soul restoring Pill awarded by the Saintess, I was able to turn the tide and bring honor to the Witchcraft Sect." Azalea nodded slightly, showing great respect.

Although Abigail treated her very well and even treated her as a sister, she knew that they had different identities and must not cross the line.

If she became arrogant and conceited because of Abigail's support, she would be in trouble sooner or later.

"Sister Azalea, your next opponent will definitely be stronger. The protective shield and the Soul restoring Pill have been exposed, and it is difficult to have an unexpected effect. But it doesn't matter. I still have some treasures here to help you. Take a look at which ones are handy and pick them at will."

Abigail said, and immediately turned out a pile of top-quality treasures and showed them to Azalea.

The Witchcraft Sect elders next to them were stunned.

Just so you know that, any of the treasures here can set off a bloody storm in the martial arts world.

But in a way, when it came to the Saintess' hands, it was like cabbage, and she gave it away in piles.

It was really too daring!

Chapter 2476: Too valuable

"Saintess, these...these treasures are too valuable. I think we should just forget about them."

Looking at the dazzling array of treasures in front of her, Azalea was somewhat flattered.

When the Saintess gave her the protective shield and the restoring spirit pill before, many people had already raised objections. If she accepted them again, she would definitely become the public enemy of the Witchcraft Sect disciples.

"What's so valuable? They are all earned from running a casino. I didn't spend a penny. Just take them. You don't have to have any psychological burden. If anyone dares to gossip behind my back, I will tear their mouths apart!"

Abigail said, and glanced around, scaring the surrounding Witchcraft Sect members to immediately watch their eyes and mouth, pretending that they didn't see anything.

They knew Abigail's methods very well. Since she became the Sainesst, the first thing she did was to purge the Witchraft Sect.

In the past, those dissenting voices were directly suppressed by her with thunderous means.

From the elders to the disciples, anyone who had objections was either imprisoned or killed.

During the initial period, the entire Witchcraft Cult was in a state of panic.

But later, after the reforms of the Saint, they were surprised to find that Witchcraft Cult not only did not decline, but also seemed to be reborn, recruiting many outstanding disciples.

It also made Witchcraft Cult more united.

Later, they realized that some of the people who were previously eliminated by the Saint were all pests of Witchcraft Cult.

They occupied absolute power and a large amount of resources, only seeking profit for themselves, and never considering the development of Witchcraft Cult.

Even the most basic promotion path of Witchcraft Cult disciples was firmly controlled by these people.

Some outstanding disciples, because they had no power, no influence, and no background, could not get any resources at all, let alone promotion.

On the contrary, some mediocre people who relied on nepotism had a constant supply of various elixirs and magic weapons, and their internal resources were extremely unbalanced.

Until the Saintess came to power, everything changed.

Although the Saint was ruthless and ruthless, she was clear about rewards and punishments, which made all the disciples convinced and respectful.

Now, in the entire Witchcraft Sect, the Saintess had the final say, and no one dared to oppose her.

Because those who opposed were already dead.

Chapter 2477: Come on stage and die


Azalea still a little hesitant.

Because Abigail is so good to her, she gives her all the good things first. She can not care about being hostile to others, but she has to consider the other party.

As a Saintess, being too partial to one person will inevitably be criticized by the disciples.

"Okay, don't refuse. At most, I will lend you these treasures first, and you can return them to me after you win the game."

Seeing that Azalea has been unwilling to accept them, Abigail can only change her words.

Although it can't be given directly, if you win the game and reward the other party, it will be natural, hehe.

"Well, I will borrow it first."

Having said this, Azalea couldn't refuse.

If it is a loan, there will be no psychological burden.

After the second game, the third game will start soon.

Referee Drake walked onto the stage and spoke loudly: "The third match begins now. Please invite contestants No. 3 and No. 30 to the stage!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure suddenly shot up from the stage, turned several somersaults in the air, and finally landed steadily on the stage.

It was Caleb, who was wearing a bamboo hat and carrying a long sword.

As the chief disciple of the Icy Sect, Caleb was quite famous in the martial arts world. Now that he was on the stage, he attracted countless people to cheer for him.

"Black guy! Come on stage and die!"

Caleb was very domineering. He pointed at the black kong under the stage, full of fighting spirit.

The two had shown each other number balls, so they knew who their opponents were.

The provocative action of the black kong wiping his neck before made Caleb very unhappy.

Now, he was going to defeat the opponent directly on the stage with overwhelming strength.

Chapter 2478: Black King Kong


Accompanied by a low laugh.

Black King Kong, who is well over two meters tall and has an unusually sturdy physique, walked towards the ring with a ferocious face.

As a fighting maniac, he has endured for so long, and today he can finally enjoy it.

"Warriors of Dragon Country, meeting me is the greatest misfortune in your life. Next, I will let you know what hell feels like!"

Black King Kong walked onto the ring, his shoulders slightly swaying, his muscles bulging high, like obsidian, emitting a strange light under the sunlight.

"Humph! Who are you trying to scare here? Isn't it just a little bigger? Do you really think I'm afraid of you?" Caleb had a cold face and was not afraid at all.

There were at least eight big guys who died in his hands, if not ten.

Although a body of muscles looks scary, it is at most just strong, sacrificing speed and agility. Strength alone is not enough.

With his skills, he can completely play the opponent around.

"Good, very good. I hope you can still be so courageous when I step on you later." Black Kong grinned, looking like he was looking at a dead man.

"Stop talking nonsense! Come on if you can!"

Caleb suddenly pulled out the long knife from his back, looking aggressive.

Black Kong did not attack directly, but glanced at the referee Drake on the field.

The end of Bill Wolf before was still vivid in his mind. Before the game was announced, he did not want to give the other party a chance to attack.

"Are both players ready?"

Drake looked around, and after the two nodded, he said loudly: "Very good, the third game officially begins!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Caleb who had been ready to go, attacked directly without wasting words.


Caleb kicked his foot, and the whole person pounced on him like a tiger. The long knife in his hand left a trace of afterimage and slashed at Black Kong's neck fiercely.

What's the use of having big muscles? I will just cut you with one knife!

Chapter 2479: Sturdy body training

Caleb was very fast, and his sword was extremely fast, like lightning.

The audience only felt a flash before their eyes, and Caleb was already in front of Black King Kong, and the steel sword in his hand slashed towards the opponent's neck.

As a fierce man who broke through the siege of many Group B players, although Caleb has not yet broken through the Grandmaster realm, he had the strength of a Grandmaster.

This is also the capital of his confidence.

The attacked Black King Kong seemed to have not reacted yet, and he stood there blankly without dodging.

Seeing this scene, Caleb sneered.

This is the weakness of the big guy, slow speed, slow reaction, can only be a live target to be beaten and eaten.


Without any surprise, Caleb's steel sword slashed firmly on Black King Kong's neck.

But soon, the smile on Caleb's face disappeared. Because the expected scene of head being separated from body by a knife did not appear, the originally indestructible sword slashed on Black King Kong, and sparks were splashed.

It was as if he was not slashing a person, but a piece of extremely hard black iron.

The most terrifying thing was that he did not feel any energy fluctuations on Black King Kong.

In other words, the opponent did not activate the Qi, but purely relied on the strength of the body to resist.

"A martial artist practicing sturdy body training?!"

Caleb frowned, his face became more solemn.

It seems that the opponent's arrogance is not without reason. With great strength and strong defense, it is indeed difficult to deal with.

However, it is just difficult to deal with, not that there is no way to crack it.

After all, all martial artists practicing sturdy body training have a weakness. As long as you find their weakness and give them a heavy blow, you can naturally win.

"Hehehe... Is this all you can do?"

Chapter 2480: Monster

Black King Kong grinned and looked down at Caleb as if he was looking at a sheep.

Caleb snorted coldly, and did not say much. He was ready to draw his knife and retreat, and then look for another opportunity.

However, at this time, Black King Kong's neck suddenly tilted, and he clamped the steel knife with his cheek and shoulder.

Caleb tried to pull hard, but found that the knife in his hand seemed to have being clamped by an iron clamp and could not move at all.

"You have made a move, now, it's my turn!"

Black King Kong grinned, and his fist as big as a sandbag suddenly blasted towards Caleb.

It was a very ordinary straight punch, without any fancy moves, but at the moment of the punch, there was a sound of wind and thunder, the air around distoedrt, the strength behind punch seemed terrifying.

Caleb's face changed, and he did not dare to resist. He immediately dropped the knife and retreated, narrowly avoiding the punch.

Black King Kong did not pursue the victory, but took off the knife clamped on his neck, put it in his mouth, and began to eat it bite by bite.

That's right, eat!

The hard black iron sword, in Black King Kong's mouth, was like potato chips, chewing with a bang.

One bite after another, eating with relish.

In a short while, most of the black iron sword had been eaten.

This scene made the audience stunned and look unbelievable.

"Fuck! What the hell is going on? This big guy actually eats the black iron knife as a snack?!"

"Even if he is a sturdy body martial artist, he doesn't practice like this, right? Is this guy still a human?"

"Monster! What a monster!"

The audience was shocked.

They have seen many strange things, but they have never heard that someone can eat black iron as food.

Not to mention whether there is a good tooth, the key is how to digest it?

Chapter 2481: It tastes good

This is obviously not something humans can do.


At this moment, Caleb was also a little confused.

He stared blankly at the black King Kong in front of him, his face full of astonishment.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that his black iron knife would be eaten by someone bite by bite.

It's so weird!

"It tastes good. Do you have any other treasures?"

After eating the black iron knife, Black King Kong grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

Caleb's eyelids twitched, and for a moment he didn't know what to say or how to react.

"Why, are you scared? The warriors of your Dragon Country are only this capable." Black King Kong showed sarcasm.

"Bold lunatic! Do you think you can scare me with some unorthodox methods? I tell you, dream on!"

The enraged Caleb clenched his fists and took a stance.

Not only is he proficient in swordsmanship, but he is also extremely good at boxing.

The skin and flesh of a sturdy body training warrior were tough and can resist the slashing of swords and knives, but they may not be able to block fists.

Because boxing is a penetrating attack, as long as the cultivation is deep, a punch is thrown, and the powerful true qi can completely penetrate the skin and flesh of a horizontal training warrior in an instant, acting on the internal organs, causing huge damage.

"Come and try if you have the guts."

Black King Kong hooked his finger with a playful look on his face.

He was not in a hurry to win, because he wanted to slowly torture the other party, so that all the Dragon Country warriors would be afraid.

"I want to see how powerful you are!"

Caleb shouted, kicked his feet hard, and rushed out like an arrow from a string.

Chapter 2482: You are so weak

His right arm quickly accumulated power, condensed into a ball of white light, and then hit Black King Kong's chest at lightning speed.


A muffled sound.

Black King Kong did not move at all, and his muscles trembled slightly, dissolving all the power.

On the other hand, Caleb was shocked by a huge impact force, and he retreated several steps, and his arm was numb.

For a moment, his face was horrified.

Before he could react, Black King Kong's palm as big as a palm fan had already grabbed him fiercely.

Black King Kong moved quickly. Before Caleb could react, he grabbed his neck and lifted him up with one hand, just like a chicken.

Caleb's breathing stagnated, and his face began to turn red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He began to struggle frantically, kicking his limbs, but found that he could not break free at all.

Black King Kong's palm was like a big iron clamp, locking him tightly.

"You... are so weak."

Black King Kong shook his head, his face full of sarcasm and disdain.

Too bad, he couldn't even block one of his moves.

The key is that he only used one-third of his strength.

For such a weak opponent, he even reduced his interest in killing.

After all, only the strong could make him excited, and only by killing the strong can he shock all the Dragon Country warriors.

Now meeting such a rubbish is really disappointing.


Seeing the crisis, Caleb quickly formed seals with his hands, and his body suddenly shrank, like a boneless cat, and slipped out of Black King Kong's hands.

Chapter 2483: Shadow Killing Techniques

Then he rolled on the spot, quickly distanced himself, panting heavily, and the redness on his face began to dissipate quickly.


The sudden change surprised Black King Kong, and there was a little more surprise in his eyes.

It seems that the other party is not useless, and maybe there are some special means that have not been used.

"Big Black, I have to admit that you are really strong. You can force me to use the method of escaping from the shell, but that's it."

Caleb touched his swollen and painful neck, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent: "Next, I will let you see the powerful secret method of the Icy Sect. This was originally my preparation for the finals, but I didn't expect to use it on you now. Although it is a bit of a waste of talent, I can't care about it!"

After saying that, Caleb suddenly took out a black pill and threw it into his mouth, then put his hands together and recited a spell quickly.

Soon, a vague black shadow slowly floated out of his body.

This black shadow was like smoke, erratic, changing all the time, and finally turned into a human figure similar to Caleb's body size.

Seeing this scene, many audiences in the audience were horrified.

"Could this be the secret skill of the Icy Sect, the Shadow Killing Technique?"

"It is rumored that the Shadow Killing Technique is extremely strange and can ignore defense and shields and directly attack people's souls. If a person with a weak soul is touched by the Shadow Killing Technique, he will become an idiot at best, or die on the spot at worst. It is really killing people invisibly!"

"I heard that the Shadow Killing Technique of the Icy Sect has been lost because it is too difficult to practice. Even the Sect Master of the Icy Sect does not know it. I didn't expect that Caleb would succeed in practicing it. It seems that from now on, the Icy Sect will regain its glory!"


Looking at the black figure floating above Caleb's head, the audience below the stage couldn't help whispering and were surprised.

Two hundred years ago, the Icy Sect was ranked among the top three in the world.

It was precisely because the Sect Master of that generation was proficient in the Shadow Killing Technique that almost no one dared to provoke him.

Because anyone who opposed him, regardless of his strength, would die unclearly, including many top masters.

After the death of the sect leader, the Icy Sect gradually weakened.

The reason is that the Shadow Killing Technique is too difficult to practice. If you are not careful, you will become an idiot.

So far, only Caleb has successfully practiced it in the entire Icy Sect.

But this is enough to prove that the Icy Sect will rise again.

"What is the Shadow Killing Technique? Is it powerful?"

In the audience, Violet tilted her head and looked a little curious.

Margaret next to her explained: "The Shadow Killing Technique is a secret method of cultivating the soul. It is very powerful. It is said that this technique can directly attack a person's soul and destroy a person's mind. Nothing can stop it. Unless the soul of the person being attacked is stronger than the caster, once attacked by the Shadow Killing Technique, there is only one way to die!"

"So scary?" Violet's eyelids jumped.

The strange attack that directly hits the soul is terrifying.

"How do you judge the strength of a person's soul?" Lily suddenly asked.

"It's impossible to judge." Margaret shook her head: "Any technique related to the soul is extremely difficult to practice. First, it requires innate understanding, and second, it requires strong willpower. Otherwise, it is easy to go astray. Looking at the entire martial arts world, there are less than five people who practice the secret technique of the soul."

"According to this, once the Shadow Killing Technique of the Icy Sect is released, won't it be invincible in the world?" Lily frowned.

"It's not that simple."

Margaret shook her head: "Although the Shadow Killing Technique is powerful, it is not without flaws. First of all, when the user performs the technique, the body cannot move. As long as the body is damaged, the technique can be successfully broken. Of course, generally speaking, the caster will not attack so openly because it is too risky. Now Caleb is forced into a desperate situation and can only give it a try."

"So that's the case." Lily nodded, feeling relieved.

If the Shadow Killing Technique is really unsolvable, then the Icy Sect will probably become a strong enemy of the World Martial Arts Association in the future.

"Big Black! Go to hell!"

Caleb suddenly shouted, then put his hands together, pointed his index and middle fingers at the Black King Kong in the distance.

The black figure above his head immediately pounced on him with bared fangs and claws, like a ghost, with an incomparable chill.

Chapter 2484: Why can you hurt me

The black figure was moving very fast. Wherever it passed, the ground was frozen and the air solidified. Within a radius of ten meters, it seemed as if it was trapped in a special space, and all objects seemed to be stagnant.

Black King Kong shuddered inexplicably, and a sense of crisis suddenly rose in his heart.

He did not dare to be arrogant, and immediately mobilized all his energy and punched the black figure in front of him.


This punch was like thunder, extremely fast.

At the moment the fist was thrown, a red fist shadow as hot as a flame shot out and hit the black figure heavily.

However, unlike what Black King Kong expected, the red fist shadow did not defeat the black figure when it hit it, but passed through it without any hindrance.

It was as if it hit the air.

"Huh?" Black King Kong's pupils shrank, quite surprised.
He had never encountered such a strange attack, which could ignore the collision of energy. What on earth was that black figure?

Black King Kong's shoulders shook, and his muscles instantly tightened. A red light covered the surface of his black skin, forming a special protective film.

With his physical strength, no one could hurt him unless he was facing the top grandmaster of Dragon Country.


A gust of cold wind swept past.

The moment the black figure touched Black King Kong, it went straight through his body.


Black King Kong trembled all over, as if struck by lightning, and let out a painful howl.

His hands trembled, sweating, and his dark face was a little more strangely pale.

"You...what method did you use? Why can you hurt me?"

Chapter 2485: I'm going to kill you

Black King Kong was panting, angry, and shocked.

At this moment, he felt a splitting headache, as if there were thousands of needles stirring in his brain.

This kind of pain was not physical pain, but pain from the depths of the soul, which was irresistible and unbearable.

"Hehe... Black guy, aren't you arrogant? How are you now? The Shadow Killing Technique doesn't taste good, does it?" Caleb grinned, looking at him like a dead man.

The Shadow Killing Technique was his best trick, originally intended to be used when competing for the championship, so as to achieve the effect of surprise, but now he had to use it in advance.

And he also wanted to take this opportunity to make a name for himself.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Black King Kong roared, stood up despite the pain, and rushed towards Caleb frantically.

"Looking for death!"

Caleb snorted coldly, formed a seal with both hands, and pointed at Black King Kong again.

The black figure turned into a gust of cold wind, silently rushed towards Black King Kong, and then passed through his body.

The next second, Black King Kong's knees softened, and he knelt directly on the ground, with a splitting headache, sweating profusely, and gasping for breath.

"Ah~! My head is about to split!"

Black King Kong covered his head and wailed in pain.

Because of the severe pain, his body began to tremble constantly.

Although he was physically strong and invulnerable, he could not resist this attack that hit his soul directly.

"Good! Good fight! Kill this black guy!"

"As expected of the chief disciple of the Icy Sect, he is really powerful!"

"Is this the Shadow Killing Technique? It is really so terrifying!"


Chapter 2486: It is impossible

Looking at the Black King Kong kneeling on the ground and wailing in pain, the audience was surprised and awed.

In fact, they did not think highly of Caleb at first.

Especially after the Black King Kong ate the black iron raw, they felt that Caleb had little chance of winning.

But when Caleb performed the Shadow Killing Technique, everything changed.

The situation on the ring was completely reversed.

The originally fierce and invincible Black King Kong was beaten to pieces by Caleb's Shadow Killing Technique and had no power to fight back.

They also witnessed the power of the Shadow Killing Technique for the first time.

It can be expected that after two hundred years, the Icy Sect will rise again.

"This Shadow Killing Technique is truly extraordinary. A mere half-step Grandmaster can actually beat a sturdy body Training Grandmaster to the point of not being able to raise his head. This is an extremely rare example in the entire martial arts world."

In the main audience, Jeffery narrowed his eyes, as if thinking about something.

If he could get the training method of Shadow Killing Technique, he might be able to train a group of strong men who can kill people across levels for the World Martial Arts Association.

"What? Are you interested in the secret technique of the Icy Sect?"

Hank glanced at him and said sarcastically, "Two hundred years ago, many people had the same idea as you, and they successfully stole the Shadow Killing Technique, but guess why no one has succeeded in practicing it in the past two hundred years?"

"Why?" Jeffery asked back.

"Humph! Why should I tell you?" Hank curled his lips.

Jeffrey's eyes twitched, and he was a little angry.

"Because Shadow Killing Technique begins with inheritance, it can only be understood but not explained." Marlon next to him said lightly: "Without the memory of inheritance and without super comprehension, even if you get the practice method, it is impossible to practice successfully. So far, there are more than a hundred masters in the world who have gone astray because of practicing Shadow Killing Technique. Some died and some went crazy. In the end, no one dared to try it again."

"So that's how it is." Jeffery nodded.

He had only heard about Shadow Killing Technique and didn't know much.

Now after listening to Marlon's explanation, he realized that things were not simple. A powerful secret technique that has been lost for two hundred years is indeed not something that ordinary people can get involved in.
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Oct 4, 2023
Reaction score
So now there's even a mysterious sword sect huh


Grandmaster & Disciple of Virgin Sect
Oct 31, 2023
Reaction score
So now there's even a mysterious sword sect huh
Mysterious sword sect yeah 😁😁
The one that Cassius said had a white Lotus mark on them and Dustin said he could teach them about their sword control something
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Grandmaster & Disciple of Virgin Sect
Oct 31, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 2568: Mysterious Sword Sect

John's appearance has attracted a lot of attention.

The Mysterious Sword School is a very mysterious existence in the martial arts world. Although there are only a few disciples in the sect, they are all gifted.

Especially the Mysterious Sword Sect's sword control technique is so powerful that even the Sword Sect is very jealous.

So every time John goes on stage, he will become the focus of the audience.

On the one hand, it is the identity of the Mysterious Sword Sect, and on the other hand, it is the curiosity about the sword control technique.

It's just a pity that John has made it to the top 16 without using the sword control technique from beginning to end.

In other words, there has never been an opponent who can force John to use the sect's unique skills.

Of course, it is different now.

Because John is facing Aaron of the World Martial Arts Association, the top master ranked fifth on the Prodigy List.

In the face of such a strong enemy, it is obviously impossible to hide privately.

The two stood on the stage and saluted each other.

"World Martial Arts Association, Aaron." Aaron simply clasped his fists and made an introduction.

"The chief disciple of the Mysterious Sword Sect, John." John said coldly.

"I heard that the mysterious sword sect is proficient in the art of controlling swords and can take people's heads from a thousand meters away. Is it true or not?" Aaron was quite curious.

The world is so big that there are all kinds of things. He has never seen many things.

"You will know whether it is true or not in a while." John still had no expression on his face.

His tone was silent, as if he did not regard Aaron as a threat at all.

"Oh?" Aaron raised his eyebrows and smiled indifferently: "Okay, I am looking forward to your next performance."

A young man who has just started out actually did not take him seriously. Is he too confident? Or is he blindly ignorant?

"John from the mysterious sword school versus Aaron from the World Martial Arts Association, guess who will win?"

"Do you even need to ask? Of course it's Aaron! Do you think the fifth place on the Prodigy list is fake? It's all earned through hard work!"

"I heard that Aaron's cultivation has already touched the threshold of an Ultimate Grandmaster, plus the various unique skills of the World Martial Arts Association, a mere John should not be enough."

"That may not be the case! As far as I know, John's cultivation is also not low, and he also has the legendary sword-controlling technique as a killer move, so he may be able to compete with Aaron."

"That's right! In the ring competition, the situation changes rapidly, and no one can determine the outcome until the last moment. You said before that Alaric could win, but what happened? Even if you tried your best, he still lost to Karson."


Looking at the two players on the ring, the audience below the stage began arguing.
Some people thought Aaron could win, while others thought John was a dark horse.

Chapter 2569: Iron Blooded

Each of them had their own reasons, and neither could convince the other.

"Both players are ready. The first match of the 16-to-8 match is officially starting!"

After confirming that the two players were OK, Drake spoke loudly and announced the start of the match.

The noisy scene soon became quiet.

Everyone stared at the ring, afraid to miss the wonderful moments of the two masters.


Aaron stretched out one hand, looking like you just let the horse come.


John was not polite. With one step, the whole person turned into a residual image, rushed forward quickly, and then punched Aaron.

The momentum was like thunder, vast and amazing.

Many people only know that he is good at swordsmanship, but they don't know that his boxing and kicking skills are also unique.

Some of the opponents he met before were not even qualified to let him draw his sword.

"Let's fight?"

Aaron hooked the corner of his mouth, without dodging, and punched out.


The fists of both sides collided in the air, making a loud bang.

The surging energy waves spread out.

Aaron stood still, while John was shocked and forced back several steps, and his arm was numb.

Obviously, John was slightly inferior in strength and cultivation.


John frowned, looked down at his arm, and his fingertips twitched unconsciously twice.

He suffered a loss in the previous fight.

In terms of strength, he asked himself that he was not as good as Aaron.

However, the decisive battle in the ring depends not only on strength, but also on skills and killer moves.

"Wind and Thunder Fist!"

John did not hesitate, and the Master Qi in him surged out, infused in his fists, and then attacked again.

His fists were like lightning, hitting wildly, and instantly blasted out hundreds of punches, forming a fist shadow in the air, which was dazzling.


Aaron still stood still and used the same tricks as John.

His fists swung quickly, hitting the sky with fist shadows, and collided with John's fists in the air.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang..."

Intensive explosions were heard frequently, as if setting off firecrackers. The energy ripples of the explosions were endless. The two men fought faster and harder, and the noise they made became louder and louder.

The audience in the audience could not see the movements of the two men at all. They could only see countless fist shadows flying all over the sky, and they could not tell who was who. This was the first time they had seen such a simple and rough bombardment scene. The two men did not dodge or evade, but just fought with fists, you hit me, I hit you, without any retreat.

The main fight was iron-blooded.


Martial Arts Master
Sep 17, 2023
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Chapter 2566: Game of sixteen

Time is passing by little by little, and the game is still going on.

Unknowingly, half a day has passed. The ring which is patched up and witnessed fierce battlefields again and again.

Finally, the top sixteen places are officially released.

For those who are at the top of the Prodigy List, such as Finn Sanchez, Abigail, and Aaron, as long as they don’t meet each other, there will be no suspense in the game, and they will directly crush the victory.

Especially Finn Sanchez’s opponent, he didn’t even fight and chose to admit defeat directly.

As we all know, sword cultivators have great lethality. Finn Sanchez, as the top of the Prodigy list, is now an Ultimate grandmaster.

A casual sword can kill ordinary grandmasters. If you don’t admit defeat, there is a high probability that your life will be in danger.

Players like this who draw Finn Sanchez can only admit that they are unlucky.

In the ring competition, sometimes luck is more important than strength.

Of course, in addition to Finn Sanchez and the other three, there are two more people on the Prodigy list who have also entered the top sixteen, namely Wesson, who ranks eighth, and Kooper, who ranks tenth.

Wesson is good at swordsmanship, and he can solve the battle with three simple moves after he comes on the stage.

Kooper, on the other hand, is good at various magic techniques and can easily defeat his opponent.

Including Dustin himself, among the top 16 players, six places are occupied by masters on the Prodigy list.

If Alaric had not unexpectedly lost to Karson, it is estimated that one more place would have to be added.

As for the remaining ten players, they are either from big sects or have been famous for a long time, and there are also many amazing talents among them.

Among them, the more eye-catching ones are Father Adam from the West and Black King Kong George Bross.

After the top 16 were decided, it was the halftime break.

The major sects took this opportunity to recruit talents.

In particular, Dustin, who performed well, received a warm invitation from the three giants.

Dustin neither agreed nor refused, but played neutral.

He now has connections with the three major sects, and it is not appropriate to refuse anyone. Fortunately, he pretended that nothing had happened and ran away after the game.

As for what happened next, he was too lazy to care.

After a short break, it was soon time to draw lots.

The top eight will be decided today, so there is still one round of matches to be played.

The round of 16 to 8 is often more intense and bloody.

"Now, please invite the top 16 contestants to come on stage to draw lots!"

Under Drake's shout, the contestants who had just won came to the stage one after another.

The rules of the draw are the same as before, random draw, first and last match, No. 1 vs. No. 16, No. 2 vs. No. 15, No. 3 vs. No. 14, and so on.

Coincidentally, Dustin drew No. 8 again this time, and the last match started, and his opponent was No. 9.

Chapter 2567: Leave it to fate

In this draw, everyone was very secretive and did not show the number ball they drew.

After all, none of the opponents in the round of 16 were weak.

If the number is exposed in advance, it is easy to be targeted.

On the contrary, if the identity of the opponent is known, the situation will be completely different, because a battle plan can be formulated in advance to maximize the chance of winning.

So after the draw, all forces began to secretly inquire and prepare for their own players.

As for what they can find out, it depends on their own abilities.

"The draw is over, please get ready as soon as possible, the game is about to begin!"

After the draw was completed, Drake immediately reminded.

The break time is less than an incense stick of time.

"Brother Aaron, what number did you draw?"

Lily asked Aaron as soon as he returned to his seat.

"Unfortunately, I drew number 1." Aaron smiled faintly.

"Number 1? That means the first match will start!." Lily raised her eyebrows slightly and lowered her voice, saying, "I'll ask someone to find out who your opponent is right away."

"No need to bother, it doesn't matter who it is."

Aaron shook his head, "Taking shortcuts is just a side job. To win, you still have to rely on your own strength, otherwise all preparations are in vain."

With his confidence, he didn't care about the identity of his opponent at all. Even if he was against Finn Sanchez, he would still fight.

Because his goal is to be the champion.

And to win the championship, you must defeat all strong enemies.

"That's true." Lily nodded, and then turned to Dustin: "Doctor Dustin, what about you?"

"I'm number 8, the same as before." Dustin said truthfully.

"What I mean is, do you want me to help you find out?" Lily said.

"That's not necessary, just leave it to fate." Dustin smiled faintly.

"Okay, with your strength, as long as you don't meet the strong ones on the Tianjiao list, it shouldn't be a problem to squeeze into the top eight." Lily nodded.

She saw all the scenes of Dustin killing the blood clan before, and naturally knew his strength.

As long as luck is not too bad, it should be a sure thing to make it to the top eight.

As for the follow-up, it is really up to fate.

An incense stick of time passed quickly, and Drake's voice rang out again: "Time is up, the first game is about to begin, now, please invite contestants No. 1 and No. 16 to play!"

As soon as the voice fell, Aaron did not hesitate, but stood up and walked to the ring.

After a few seconds, a man in white clothes and carrying a long sword on his back stood up slowly on the preparation seat, and then walked onto the ring step by step. The man in white had a cold face and a fierce aura. The whole person was like a sword drawn from its sheath, with its sharp edge exposed.

This person was none other than the chief disciple of the mysterious sword school, John !
Thanks for the update 😃


Martial Arts Master
Sep 17, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 2568: Mysterious Sword Sect

John's appearance has attracted a lot of attention.

The Mysterious Sword School is a very mysterious existence in the martial arts world. Although there are only a few disciples in the sect, they are all gifted.

Especially the Mysterious Sword Sect's sword control technique is so powerful that even the Sword Sect is very jealous.

So every time John goes on stage, he will become the focus of the audience.

On the one hand, it is the identity of the Mysterious Sword Sect, and on the other hand, it is the curiosity about the sword control technique.

It's just a pity that John has made it to the top 16 without using the sword control technique from beginning to end.

In other words, there has never been an opponent who can force John to use the sect's unique skills.

Of course, it is different now.

Because John is facing Aaron of the World Martial Arts Association, the top master ranked fifth on the Prodigy List.

In the face of such a strong enemy, it is obviously impossible to hide privately.

The two stood on the stage and saluted each other.

"World Martial Arts Association, Aaron." Aaron simply clasped his fists and made an introduction.

"The chief disciple of the Mysterious Sword Sect, John." John said coldly.

"I heard that the mysterious sword sect is proficient in the art of controlling swords and can take people's heads from a thousand meters away. Is it true or not?" Aaron was quite curious.

The world is so big that there are all kinds of things. He has never seen many things.

"You will know whether it is true or not in a while." John still had no expression on his face.

His tone was silent, as if he did not regard Aaron as a threat at all.

"Oh?" Aaron raised his eyebrows and smiled indifferently: "Okay, I am looking forward to your next performance."

A young man who has just started out actually did not take him seriously. Is he too confident? Or is he blindly ignorant?

"John from the mysterious sword school versus Aaron from the World Martial Arts Association, guess who will win?"

"Do you even need to ask? Of course it's Aaron! Do you think the fifth place on the Prodigy list is fake? It's all earned through hard work!"

"I heard that Aaron's cultivation has already touched the threshold of an Ultimate Grandmaster, plus the various unique skills of the World Martial Arts Association, a mere John should not be enough."

"That may not be the case! As far as I know, John's cultivation is also not low, and he also has the legendary sword-controlling technique as a killer move, so he may be able to compete with Aaron."

"That's right! In the ring competition, the situation changes rapidly, and no one can determine the outcome until the last moment. You said before that Alaric could win, but what happened? Even if you tried your best, he still lost to Karson."


Looking at the two players on the ring, the audience below the stage began arguing.
Some people thought Aaron could win, while others thought John was a dark horse.

Chapter 2569: Iron Blooded

Each of them had their own reasons, and neither could convince the other.

"Both players are ready. The first match of the 16-to-8 match is officially starting!"

After confirming that the two players were OK, Drake spoke loudly and announced the start of the match.

The noisy scene soon became quiet.

Everyone stared at the ring, afraid to miss the wonderful moments of the two masters.


Aaron stretched out one hand, looking like you just let the horse come.


John was not polite. With one step, the whole person turned into a residual image, rushed forward quickly, and then punched Aaron.

The momentum was like thunder, vast and amazing.

Many people only know that he is good at swordsmanship, but they don't know that his boxing and kicking skills are also unique.

Some of the opponents he met before were not even qualified to let him draw his sword.

"Let's fight?"

Aaron hooked the corner of his mouth, without dodging, and punched out.


The fists of both sides collided in the air, making a loud bang.

The surging energy waves spread out.

Aaron stood still, while John was shocked and forced back several steps, and his arm was numb.

Obviously, John was slightly inferior in strength and cultivation.


John frowned, looked down at his arm, and his fingertips twitched unconsciously twice.

He suffered a loss in the previous fight.

In terms of strength, he asked himself that he was not as good as Aaron.

However, the decisive battle in the ring depends not only on strength, but also on skills and killer moves.

"Wind and Thunder Fist!"

John did not hesitate, and the Master Qi in him surged out, infused in his fists, and then attacked again.

His fists were like lightning, hitting wildly, and instantly blasted out hundreds of punches, forming a fist shadow in the air, which was dazzling.


Aaron still stood still and used the same tricks as John.

His fists swung quickly, hitting the sky with fist shadows, and collided with John's fists in the air.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang..."

Intensive explosions were heard frequently, as if setting off firecrackers. The energy ripples of the explosions were endless. The two men fought faster and harder, and the noise they made became louder and louder.

The audience in the audience could not see the movements of the two men at all. They could only see countless fist shadows flying all over the sky, and they could not tell who was who. This was the first time they had seen such a simple and rough bombardment scene. The two men did not dodge or evade, but just fought with fists, you hit me, I hit you, without any retreat.

The main fight was iron-blooded.
Thanks Grandmaster 👍


Grandmaster & Disciple of Virgin Sect
Oct 31, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 2570: Good times will come after bad times

"It's really strange that they can fight with fists without using swordsmanship or magical powers!"

"That's enough strength! A real man should be fearless and fight with fists!"

"They are fighting so fiercely just for warm-up. Will it be a life-and-death battle when the winner is decided?"


The audience below the stage were talking about the two people fighting fiercely on the ring.

They thought it was a duel between swordsmanship and magical powers, but they didn't expect that it would be like this at the beginning.

John had a sword but didn't use it, and insisted on fighting with fists. Aaron's various magical powers were also restrained, and he chose to fight with fists.

Looking at the posture of the two, it seems that they want to compete with each other in fist and foot skills.

On the ring, Aaron and John continued to fight with fists, and the fight was particularly fierce.

The only difference was that John was getting more and more excited, and his strong energy kept surging out. Every punch had the power to split the mountain, and his breath gradually became heavier.

Aaron, on the other hand, mainly used defense and counterattack, and used every move just right. He looked relaxed and free without any pressure.

"If you keep fighting like this, your energy will be exhausted. In my opinion, you should use your ultimate move as soon as possible." Aaron said calmly while swinging his fist.


John snorted coldly, swinging his fists faster, and the wind around him whistled, as if to tear the sky apart.

"Since you are so ungrateful, don't blame me for being rude!"

Aaron's face gradually turned cold, and he obviously lost his patience.

He wanted to see the sword-controlling skills of the mysterious sword school, so he accompanied John to fight for so long.

But unexpectedly, the other party kept fighting with fists and feet, and had no intention of drawing the sword.

Did the other party think that he could defeat him with fists and feet alone?

If so, he didn't mind teaching him a lesson.

"Good times will come after bad times!"

Aaron suddenly shouted, and his fists turned into palms, and he hit them suddenly.

In an instant, the red light in his palms was so bright that it was as hot as a flame, and the surrounding air became sticky.

Even John's fists became a little slower because of its influence.


John frowned, knowing that something was wrong, and immediately crossed his fists to protect his chest, and condensed his whole body's energy into a shield.


Aaron's palms hit John's crossed arms firmly.

With a bang, John's condensed energy shield was shattered, and his whole body was blown away several meters by the huge force.

After landing, his feet "Thud, Thud, Thud" retreated several steps before he could barely stabilize his body.

For a moment, he only felt his arms numb and extremely heavy.

"What a powerful palm method!"

John looked down at his slightly trembling arms and couldn't help but be secretly shocked.

Chapter 2571: Snow Blowing Sword

As the chief of the mysterious sword school, he was proficient in the sword-controlling technique and hasd great confidence in his own strength.

In his opinion, ordinary opponents are not qualified for him to use the sword-controlling technique, and his fist and foot skills are enough to defeat the enemy.

Before, he acted like this and could easily win.

But now it is different. His opponent is Aaron, the fifth-ranked master on the prodigy list. It is obviously not enough to rely on fist and foot skills alone. The best example is that he fell into a disadvantage after fighting for hundreds of moves just now.

Moreover, the opponent should be like him, and has not used his full strength.

I have to admit that this is a strong opponent!

"What? Do you want to continue playing? Without the sword-controlling technique, you can't be my opponent." Aaron said lightly. He has been practicing with John for so long just to see the style of sword-controlling. If John still intends to hide it, then he has no patience to waste it.

"I thought that the warriors on the Prodigy list were all just in name only, but now it seems that you have some real skills." John slowly stood up, his eyes were sharp, his momentum was surging, his hair was moving without wind, and his robes were rustling.

As he spoke, the giant sword behind him began to vibrate slightly and made a series of light chirping sounds.

"Oh? Are you finally going to use the sword?"

Aaron's mouth curled up slightly, and he was in high spirits.

"The muscles and bones are stretched, and next, I will let you see what the real sword-controlling technique is!"

John raised his sword finger with one hand and pointed it at the sky: "Sword out!"


The giant sword behind John was instantly unsheathed and floated above his head.

The giant sword was six feet long and five inches wide, snow-white, and there were some mysterious red runes on it.

As the sword light flowed, the red runes on it also began to flow slowly, like a living thing.

"My sword will draw blood once it is unsheathed. Today, I will use you to sacrifice my Snow Blowing Sword!" As soon as John finished speaking, he pointed his sword forward.


The giant sword turned into a beam of white light and shot out at Aaron at lightning speed.

It was so fast that only a hint of light could be seen.

"So fast!"

Aaron's pupils shrank, and he subconsciously protected his chest with his arms and gathered his Qi into a shield.


There was a loud bang.

The white light hit the Qi shield firmly, causing a lot of ripples.

Aaron was shocked and took several steps back. The Qi shield in front of him had a crack as fine as a spider web. It was just a little bit away from breaking through the defense and injuring the main body.

Its power is so great that it can be seen!


Martial Arts Master
Sep 17, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 2570: Good times will come after bad times

"It's really strange that they can fight with fists without using swordsmanship or magical powers!"

"That's enough strength! A real man should be fearless and fight with fists!"

"They are fighting so fiercely just for warm-up. Will it be a life-and-death battle when the winner is decided?"


The audience below the stage were talking about the two people fighting fiercely on the ring.

They thought it was a duel between swordsmanship and magical powers, but they didn't expect that it would be like this at the beginning.

John had a sword but didn't use it, and insisted on fighting with fists. Aaron's various magical powers were also restrained, and he chose to fight with fists.

Looking at the posture of the two, it seems that they want to compete with each other in fist and foot skills.

On the ring, Aaron and John continued to fight with fists, and the fight was particularly fierce.

The only difference was that John was getting more and more excited, and his strong energy kept surging out. Every punch had the power to split the mountain, and his breath gradually became heavier.

Aaron, on the other hand, mainly used defense and counterattack, and used every move just right. He looked relaxed and free without any pressure.

"If you keep fighting like this, your energy will be exhausted. In my opinion, you should use your ultimate move as soon as possible." Aaron said calmly while swinging his fist.


John snorted coldly, swinging his fists faster, and the wind around him whistled, as if to tear the sky apart.

"Since you are so ungrateful, don't blame me for being rude!"

Aaron's face gradually turned cold, and he obviously lost his patience.

He wanted to see the sword-controlling skills of the mysterious sword school, so he accompanied John to fight for so long.

But unexpectedly, the other party kept fighting with fists and feet, and had no intention of drawing the sword.

Did the other party think that he could defeat him with fists and feet alone?

If so, he didn't mind teaching him a lesson.

"Good times will come after bad times!"

Aaron suddenly shouted, and his fists turned into palms, and he hit them suddenly.

In an instant, the red light in his palms was so bright that it was as hot as a flame, and the surrounding air became sticky.

Even John's fists became a little slower because of its influence.


John frowned, knowing that something was wrong, and immediately crossed his fists to protect his chest, and condensed his whole body's energy into a shield.


Aaron's palms hit John's crossed arms firmly.

With a bang, John's condensed energy shield was shattered, and his whole body was blown away several meters by the huge force.

After landing, his feet "Thud, Thud, Thud" retreated several steps before he could barely stabilize his body.

For a moment, he only felt his arms numb and extremely heavy.

"What a powerful palm method!"

John looked down at his slightly trembling arms and couldn't help but be secretly shocked.

Chapter 2571: Snow Blowing Sword

As the chief of the mysterious sword school, he was proficient in the sword-controlling technique and hasd great confidence in his own strength.

In his opinion, ordinary opponents are not qualified for him to use the sword-controlling technique, and his fist and foot skills are enough to defeat the enemy.

Before, he acted like this and could easily win.

But now it is different. His opponent is Aaron, the fifth-ranked master on the prodigy list. It is obviously not enough to rely on fist and foot skills alone. The best example is that he fell into a disadvantage after fighting for hundreds of moves just now.

Moreover, the opponent should be like him, and has not used his full strength.

I have to admit that this is a strong opponent!

"What? Do you want to continue playing? Without the sword-controlling technique, you can't be my opponent." Aaron said lightly. He has been practicing with John for so long just to see the style of sword-controlling. If John still intends to hide it, then he has no patience to waste it.

"I thought that the warriors on the Prodigy list were all just in name only, but now it seems that you have some real skills." John slowly stood up, his eyes were sharp, his momentum was surging, his hair was moving without wind, and his robes were rustling.

As he spoke, the giant sword behind him began to vibrate slightly and made a series of light chirping sounds.

"Oh? Are you finally going to use the sword?"

Aaron's mouth curled up slightly, and he was in high spirits.

"The muscles and bones are stretched, and next, I will let you see what the real sword-controlling technique is!"

John raised his sword finger with one hand and pointed it at the sky: "Sword out!"


The giant sword behind John was instantly unsheathed and floated above his head.

The giant sword was six feet long and five inches wide, snow-white, and there were some mysterious red runes on it.

As the sword light flowed, the red runes on it also began to flow slowly, like a living thing.

"My sword will draw blood once it is unsheathed. Today, I will use you to sacrifice my Snow Blowing Sword!" As soon as John finished speaking, he pointed his sword forward.


The giant sword turned into a beam of white light and shot out at Aaron at lightning speed.

It was so fast that only a hint of light could be seen.

"So fast!"

Aaron's pupils shrank, and he subconsciously protected his chest with his arms and gathered his Qi into a shield.


There was a loud bang.

The white light hit the Qi shield firmly, causing a lot of ripples.

Aaron was shocked and took several steps back. The Qi shield in front of him had a crack as fine as a spider web. It was just a little bit away from breaking through the defense and injuring the main body.

Its power is so great that it can be seen!
Thanks for update ☺️


Grandmaster & Disciple of Virgin Sect
Oct 31, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 2572: The first exchange

"Is this the Sword Mastery technique? It's indeed worthy of its reputation!"

"With one sword strike, Aaron was forced back, turning the tide of the battle. It's truly impressive!"

"The previous sword strike was too fast, I could only see a flash of white light, it was terrifying!"


John's Sword Mastery technique shocked the entire audience. Although they had heard of it before, this was the first time they witnessed it firsthand. The dominant and fierce aura, the unstoppable momentum, struck deep into their hearts.

As the saying goes, "One sword strike, and all will perish." In the face of such a powerful technique, ordinary people couldn't resist, and would be killed in an instant. Fortunately, Aaron's strength was formidable, otherwise the previous flying sword strike would have ended the battle.

"Hmph..." Aaron let out a mouthful of turbid air, his eyes becoming serious: "I must admit, your Sword Mastery technique is indeed a powerful divine ability, but with just this level, you're still not enough to defeat me."

John's Sword Mastery technique was extremely fast, with an exceptionally fierce offensive, but lacked a finishing touch. In simple terms, it lacked the ability to end the battle.

Against ordinary martial artists, it would be enough to crush them, but against an expert like Aaron, it was still insufficient.

"Hmph! You're boasting, I'll show you how terrifying Sword Mastery can be!"

John didn't waste words, raised his sword, and pointed at Aaron: "Sword, come out!"

"Whoosh!" The giant sword transformed into a white light, shooting up. This time, the white light was even faster, with a more intense aura, like a meteor falling from the sky, carrying a destructive atmosphere.

"I'll show you my true abilities!"

Aaron's body shook, and a blue light burst out from his body, forming a 10-meter-tall divine spirit image.

The blue divine spirit was enormous, with an aura of majesty, surrounded by blue light, exerting immense pressure. Just looking at it made one's heart feel cold, and they couldn't help but feel reverence.

This was the signature move of the Heavenly Gathering, the Heavenly God Four Symbols Decree!

"Take this!"

Seeing the white light approaching, Aaron's blue light burst out, and he slapped forward with his palms. At the same time, the giant divine spirit image on his body made the same movement.

"Bang!" Aaron's palms precisely slapped onto the white light, pinning down John's flying sword.

"Hmm..." The flying sword continued to exert force, trying to break free.

"You think you can escape? Not that easy!"

Aaron's mouth curled up, his palm power increasing again. At this moment, he was like a divine spirit incarnate, unafraid of the flying sword's aura. No matter how the flying sword struggled or trembled, it couldn't escape.

"Wow, The Heavenly God Four Symbols Decree! It's truly an eye-opener!"

Chapter 2573: The Battle for Supremacy

"The Heavenly God Four Symbols Decree is the signature move of the World Martial Arts association, renowned as the ultimate divine ability, with both offense and defense, and no weaknesses. It's perfect for countering the Sword Mastery technique of the Mystical Sword Sect."

"With the flying sword under control, and no weapon left, even if John has extraordinary abilities, he can't unleash his Sword Mastery technique."


Looking at Aaron, who was bare-handed and facing the white blade, the audience couldn't help but gasp in amazement. It's said that Sword Mastery technique has immense killing power and is unstoppable. Aaron's ability to grab the flying sword with his bare hands shows his exceptional skill. Of course, this is largely due to the mysterious power of the Heavenly God Four Symbols Decree.

"Hmph! You think you have some skills, but if you think you can control my flying sword, that's laughable!"

John didn't show any signs of panic, quickly formed hand seals, and pointed his sword fingers to the left and right.

"Whoosh!" The flying sword in front of him began to vibrate rapidly again. In an instant, the sword aura surged violently. Aaron's eyebrows furrowed, feeling the power of the flying sword increase, like a raging bull.

Just as Aaron was about to increase his power again, the large flying sword suddenly split into three!

The three flying swords shot out of his hands and returned to John's side, floating in mid-air. The three flying swords, one large and two small, emitted a brilliant light, with a fierce sword aura.

"Mother and child flying swords?" Aaron was surprised. He thought John only had one flying sword, but it turned out to be three, making the threat even greater.

No wonder John is the leader of the Mystical Sword Sect, he's indeed extraordinary.

"You've forced me to reveal my trump card, you're quite skilled, but it ends here." John said coldly: "Next, I won't hold back. It's up to you to decide life or death!"

As he spoke, his sword finger pointed forward.

"Whoosh!" The largest flying sword shot out first, turning into a white light. The other two smaller flying swords followed, shooting from left and right towards Aaron. What's strange is that the two smaller flying swords didn't shoot out in a straight line, but in an arc, like a crescent moon.

This made the attack angle extremely tricky, impossible to defend against. Even if Aaron blocked the frontal flying sword, the other two flying swords could still kill him.

Seeing this, Aaron's face turned serious, no longer holding back, and directly unleashed his ultimate move.

"Wind God's Fury!" Aaron shouted, releasing all his aura. In an instant, the divine spirit image became even larger and more solid, with wild winds howling around him, like a chorus of ghostly wails.

The next second, Aaron's palms slapped out. The divine spirit image behind him immediately mimicked the action.

Countless wind blades, like a torrential downpour, poured out, crazily bombarding the three flying swords.


Fourth Level Body Fusion Realm Cultivator
Sep 26, 2023
Reaction score
The Author shouldn't make these side character's right so detailed. just my opinion though


New member
Jun 26, 2024
Reaction score
The Author shouldn't make these side character's right so detailed. just my opinion though
Its easier for him to write lot of chapters this way...
I cant wait for Abigail fight and maybe Fin Sanchez... all those high power individuals should have great fights.


Martial Arts Master
Sep 17, 2023
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Chapter 2572: The first exchange

"Is this the Sword Mastery technique? It's indeed worthy of its reputation!"

"With one sword strike, Aaron was forced back, turning the tide of the battle. It's truly impressive!"

"The previous sword strike was too fast, I could only see a flash of white light, it was terrifying!"


John's Sword Mastery technique shocked the entire audience. Although they had heard of it before, this was the first time they witnessed it firsthand. The dominant and fierce aura, the unstoppable momentum, struck deep into their hearts.

As the saying goes, "One sword strike, and all will perish." In the face of such a powerful technique, ordinary people couldn't resist, and would be killed in an instant. Fortunately, Aaron's strength was formidable, otherwise the previous flying sword strike would have ended the battle.

"Hmph..." Aaron let out a mouthful of turbid air, his eyes becoming serious: "I must admit, your Sword Mastery technique is indeed a powerful divine ability, but with just this level, you're still not enough to defeat me."

John's Sword Mastery technique was extremely fast, with an exceptionally fierce offensive, but lacked a finishing touch. In simple terms, it lacked the ability to end the battle.

Against ordinary martial artists, it would be enough to crush them, but against an expert like Aaron, it was still insufficient.

"Hmph! You're boasting, I'll show you how terrifying Sword Mastery can be!"

John didn't waste words, raised his sword, and pointed at Aaron: "Sword, come out!"

"Whoosh!" The giant sword transformed into a white light, shooting up. This time, the white light was even faster, with a more intense aura, like a meteor falling from the sky, carrying a destructive atmosphere.

"I'll show you my true abilities!"

Aaron's body shook, and a blue light burst out from his body, forming a 10-meter-tall divine spirit image.

The blue divine spirit was enormous, with an aura of majesty, surrounded by blue light, exerting immense pressure. Just looking at it made one's heart feel cold, and they couldn't help but feel reverence.

This was the signature move of the Heavenly Gathering, the Heavenly God Four Symbols Decree!

"Take this!"

Seeing the white light approaching, Aaron's blue light burst out, and he slapped forward with his palms. At the same time, the giant divine spirit image on his body made the same movement.

"Bang!" Aaron's palms precisely slapped onto the white light, pinning down John's flying sword.

"Hmm..." The flying sword continued to exert force, trying to break free.

"You think you can escape? Not that easy!"

Aaron's mouth curled up, his palm power increasing again. At this moment, he was like a divine spirit incarnate, unafraid of the flying sword's aura. No matter how the flying sword struggled or trembled, it couldn't escape.

"Wow, The Heavenly God Four Symbols Decree! It's truly an eye-opener!"

Chapter 2573: The Battle for Supremacy

"The Heavenly God Four Symbols Decree is the signature move of the World Martial Arts association, renowned as the ultimate divine ability, with both offense and defense, and no weaknesses. It's perfect for countering the Sword Mastery technique of the Mystical Sword Sect."

"With the flying sword under control, and no weapon left, even if John has extraordinary abilities, he can't unleash his Sword Mastery technique."


Looking at Aaron, who was bare-handed and facing the white blade, the audience couldn't help but gasp in amazement. It's said that Sword Mastery technique has immense killing power and is unstoppable. Aaron's ability to grab the flying sword with his bare hands shows his exceptional skill. Of course, this is largely due to the mysterious power of the Heavenly God Four Symbols Decree.

"Hmph! You think you have some skills, but if you think you can control my flying sword, that's laughable!"

John didn't show any signs of panic, quickly formed hand seals, and pointed his sword fingers to the left and right.

"Whoosh!" The flying sword in front of him began to vibrate rapidly again. In an instant, the sword aura surged violently. Aaron's eyebrows furrowed, feeling the power of the flying sword increase, like a raging bull.

Just as Aaron was about to increase his power again, the large flying sword suddenly split into three!

The three flying swords shot out of his hands and returned to John's side, floating in mid-air. The three flying swords, one large and two small, emitted a brilliant light, with a fierce sword aura.

"Mother and child flying swords?" Aaron was surprised. He thought John only had one flying sword, but it turned out to be three, making the threat even greater.

No wonder John is the leader of the Mystical Sword Sect, he's indeed extraordinary.

"You've forced me to reveal my trump card, you're quite skilled, but it ends here." John said coldly: "Next, I won't hold back. It's up to you to decide life or death!"

As he spoke, his sword finger pointed forward.

"Whoosh!" The largest flying sword shot out first, turning into a white light. The other two smaller flying swords followed, shooting from left and right towards Aaron. What's strange is that the two smaller flying swords didn't shoot out in a straight line, but in an arc, like a crescent moon.

This made the attack angle extremely tricky, impossible to defend against. Even if Aaron blocked the frontal flying sword, the other two flying swords could still kill him.

Seeing this, Aaron's face turned serious, no longer holding back, and directly unleashed his ultimate move.

"Wind God's Fury!" Aaron shouted, releasing all his aura. In an instant, the divine spirit image became even larger and more solid, with wild winds howling around him, like a chorus of ghostly wails.

The next second, Aaron's palms slapped out. The divine spirit image behind him immediately mimicked the action.

Countless wind blades, like a torrential downpour, poured out, crazily bombarding the three flying swords.
Thanks for updates Grandmaster Emzee👍


Grandmaster & Disciple of Virgin Sect
Oct 31, 2023
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Chapter 2574: Fire God's Fury

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom..." The wind blades wove into a net, carrying immense force, continuously striking the three flying swords, producing a series of explosive sounds.

The flying swords' aura was fierce, but their attack speed slowed down after destroying a large number of wind blades.

On the other hand, the wind blades seemed endless, covering the sky and pouring down relentlessly. Some wind blades attacked the three flying swords, while others directly slashed towards John in the distance.

John's expression changed, and he didn't dare to take the attack head-on. He quickly waved his sword fingers three times and shouted: "Return!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" The three flying swords turned around in mid-air and rapidly flew back to John's side, quickly rotating and releasing a large amount of sword aura, blocking the incoming wind blades.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom..." The collision between the wind blades and sword aura created a massive shockwave, producing a continuous explosive sound.

John gritted his teeth, his sword fingers pointing forward, constantly resisting the wind blade attacks. After about ten seconds, the wind blades finally dissipated. John felt a huge relief and let out a deep breath.

"Now it's my turn!" Seeing Aaron's aura weakening, John regained his spirit and waved his sword fingers again, shooting out the three flying swords.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" The three swords were launched simultaneously, targeting Aaron's three vital points.

Aaron smiled and took a step forward, suddenly rushing towards the three flying swords.

"You're seeking death!" John's eyes turned cold, and he quickly formed hand seals.

In an instant, the three flying swords' light intensified, and their sword aura surged, as if it could tear through the sky.

However, at this moment, Aaron's divine spirit image behind him suddenly changed. The original blue divine spirit transformed into a red divine spirit in the blink of an eye.

Its body became even larger, and its aura even more terrifying.

"Fire God's Fury!" Aaron roared, his fists clenched, and he punched towards John from a distance.

At the same time, the red divine spirit behind him mimicked the action.

"Boom!" A deafening explosion sounded, and flames erupted, covering half of the arena. A terrifying and scorching energy swept the entire scene!

The flying swords, now turned into white light, slowed down instantly, as if stuck in a swamp.

The next second, the red divine spirit's massive fist smashed down, directly sending the three flying swords flying.

The fist's momentum didn't stop, continuing to bombard John.

At this moment, John's flying swords were temporarily out of control, unable to defend.

The red divine spirit's fist had already locked onto him, leaving no room for evasion.

"I'll fight you to the death!" John gritted his teeth, activating his full aura, and swung his iron fist to meet the attack head-on.

Since evasion was impossible, he would bet his life.

Chapter 2575: The Final Blow

In the end, two fists, one large and one small, collided in mid-air.

"Boom!!" A massive explosion shook the ground, causing the wind and clouds to change color. The terrifying energy erupted like a tsunami, sweeping towards the surroundings.

For a moment, sand and rocks flew everywhere, and smoke filled the air. John, who was at the center of the explosion, was blown away like a truck had hit him, flying tens of meters away.

While in mid-air, he coughed up blood, and eventually crashed to the ground, unable to get up.

"Hmm..." Aaron didn't finish him off, instead retracting his divine spirit image and returning to his normal appearance.

John, who had been hit by the Fire God's Fury, was now in tatters, with blood flowing from his nose and mouth, his entire body charred and bloody.

"You lost," Aaron said calmly.

John tried to speak, but coughed up blood instead, his face turning pale. He eventually passed out.

His three flying swords stopped shaking and returned to their normal state.

"The winner is number one, Aaron!" Drake announced.

The audience erupted in applause, cheering and whistling.

"Good fight!"

"Brother Aaron is amazing!"

"Not bad for the 5th strongest genius on the Prodigy list!"

The audience was amazed, having never seen the Heavenly God Four Symbols Decree before.

Of course, they also understood its power.

Even the legendary Sword Mastery of the Sword Sect couldn't withstand it.

"How was that? My disciple isn't bad, right?" Jeffery smiled proudly.

"A dragon among men, his future is limitless," Marlon said with a smile.

"He has some skills, but not much," Evelyn said gruffly.

"It's just a small trick, not worth mentioning," Hank said bluntly.

Jeffery sneered, "I hope your disciples can perform well, or it'll be embarrassing!"

Hank retorted, "Don't worry, they'll definitely be stronger than your disciple!"

Jeffery coldly laughed, "We'll see!"

His disciple was already one step away from becoming an Ultimate Grandmaster, and would soon surpass everyone.

Such talent was unmatched in the world.

Especially after mastering the Heavenly God Four Symbols Decree, he would be unstoppable.

This martial arts tournament would surely be won!


Mar 17, 2024
Reaction score
Looking at the previous trends I think in this round Dustin will fight against the black guy and in the next round he will fight Father Adam and the final will be between Dustin and Finn.(This is my guess)


Fourth Level Body Fusion Realm Cultivator
Sep 26, 2023
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Looking at the previous trends I think in this round Dustin will fight against the black guy and in the next round he will fight Father Adam and the final will be between Dustin and Finn.(This is my guess)
Dustin will most likely fight Father Adam or Adam might just give up after getting paired up with someone stronger so he can participate in the upcoming theft for some treasure. and that king kong is probably going to fight Fin Sanchez just to test how strong he is and will die. (this is my guess)


Grandmaster & Disciple of Virgin Sect
Oct 31, 2023
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Chapter 2576: The Road to Championship

"Congratulations to Brother Aaron for advancing to the top 8! You're just one step away from winning the championship!"

As Aaron returned to his seat, Lily immediately sent out her blessings with a smile.

"Although John's sword technique is impressive, Brother Aaron's Heavenly God Four Symbols Decree is even more powerful. It's just that John's defeat is still honorable!"

Violet's beautiful face was filled with pride as she smiled.

At first, when she saw John's incredible sword technique, she was worried. But when Aaron used the Heavenly God Four Symbols Decree, she quickly calmed down.

Because she knew that the competition was no longer suspenseful.

"Defeating John is easy, but winning the championship is still a long way off." Aaron smiled and shook his head.

Although he was confident, he wasn't blindly so. John was not a top expert on the Prodigy list, and despite having some skills, he was still inferior to those top geniuses.

"Let's take it slow." Lily smiled and said longingly, "If tomorrow, Finn can fight Abigail to a draw, then Brother Aaron's chances of winning are almost guaranteed!"

There were only two people participating in the martial arts tournament who posed a huge threat to Aaron.

The first was Finn, the number one on the Prodigy list, and the second was Abigail, who ranked second.

Both were relatively mysterious, rarely showing their faces, and their specific skills were unknown. But being at the top of the Prodigy list meant they had exceptional abilities and were the biggest obstacles to Aaron's championship.

"Not a bad idea, but let's see how tomorrow's draw goes. Sometimes, luck is still important." Aaron smiled.

If he faced Finn, he had about a 50% chance of winning. If both were in their prime state, it would be hard to predict who would win.

But if Finn had a fierce battle with Abigail tomorrow, exhausting himself and getting injured, the situation would be entirely different.

Of course, this scenario could only be imagined and not expected. If he was unlucky and faced Abigail first, letting Finn take advantage, the outcome would likely be different.

The first match of the top 16 ended, and after a brief rest, the second match began.

Devin walked onto the stage and announced, "Now, let's proceed to the second match. Please welcome contestants 2 and 15!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Finn slowly stood up, holding his sword and walking onto the stage.

His cold aura, sharp gaze, and the terrifying chill emanating from him made the previous noise instantly decrease.

The audience felt a strange pressure.

"This Finn is indeed like an unsheathed sword, his aura is much stronger than John's!" Lily frowned, looking at the solitary figure on the stage.

"The number one on the Prodigy list isn't just a title, I hope his opponent won't be too weak, at least let us see his skills." Violet's face was serious.

Chapter 2577: A single move

In the match of 32 to 16, Finn Sanchez did not make a move at all. He just stood on the stage, and his opponent was frightened into admitting defeat.

"I wonder who will be Finn Sanchez's opponent?" Aaron looked around, trying to find another player.

After a few seconds, a tall man in tight clothes stood up and strode onto the stage.

The man had sharp eyebrows and bright eyes, and was quite heroic. He held a silver spear and was full of momentum.

"Leader of Black Tortoise Gate, Noah Slade?" Aaron raised his eyebrows and quickly recognized the identity of the man.

Black Tortoise Gate is also a famous sect in the martial arts world, with more than 10,000 disciples and influence all over South.

The leader of Black Tortoise Gate is equivalent to the elder of World Martial Arts association.

But generally speaking, the leaders of Black Tortoise Gate are middle-aged people over 50 years old.

Noah Slade is an exception.

At the age of only 30, he became an elder of Black Tortoise Gate and was in charge of a group of soldiers and horses, which shows that he is extraordinary.

"I have heard about this Noah Slade. He is a master of spearmanship. In previous matches, he always defeated his opponents with one spear. He didn't waste any effort at all. His strength is very strong." Lily added. "

So, Finn Sanchez has met a strong enemy?"

Violet said meaningfully: "It's just right. Let Noah Slade's spear try Finn Sanchez’s sword today to see what the secret is."

Noah Slade, who is a master of spearmanship, faces Finn Sanchez. Although he can't say that he can win, he can at least force the opponent's true ability, right?

"Noah Slade of Black Tortoise gate, please teach me!" Noah Slade looked directly at Finn Sanchez, holding the spear in both hands and clasping his fists. There was no fear on his face, but full of fighting spirit.

The person in front of him is the top of the Prodigy list. If he can defeat him, he can replace him and become famous all over the world!

"I'm not interested in who you are. Admit defeat yourself, otherwise don't blame me for being merciless with my sword." Finn Sanchez said lightly, his eyes cold as ice.

"Give up? Humph! You are underestimating me, Noah!" Noah Slade's face turned cold and he shouted, "I know you are very powerful, but I am not bad either. If we really fight to the death, you may not get any good results!"

"Really? I hope you don't regret it." Finn Sanchez still had no expression on his face.

"Both players are ready, the game officially begins!" Seeing that the atmosphere was in place, Drake didn't say anything nonsense, and he went down the ring directly after throwing down a sentence.

"Arrogant guy! Watch out for the spear!" Noah Slade shouted angrily, holding the spear with both hands, and stabbed up brazenly.

Dare to underestimate him, he must make the other party pay the price!

"An ant trying to shake a tree." Finn Sanchez looked normal, just raised his sword finger and pointed it at Noah Slade in the air.


A white sword light shot out from his fingertips, and with lightning speed, it directly penetrated Noah Slade's chest. Noah Slade trembled all over, and his attack stopped abruptly. The next second, his body fell to the ground with a bang. He died with his eyes open.
Last edited:


Sep 5, 2023
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Chapter 2500: What the Hell are you?

"Hahaha... kid! I'm going to turn you into blood!" After the blood-colored skeleton devoured Dustin, Bill Wolf's triumphant laughter resounded throughout the venue, and it lasted for a long time.
"Sister, will Dr. Distin have any accidents?" In the audience, Lily looked nervous and uneasy. The abilities of the blood clan were mysterious and unpredictable, especially the blood mist that can corrode the flesh, which is more terrifying than any magic weapon. Without a strong cultivation, it is impossible to stop it.
"Don't panic, wait and see, I believe Dr. Dustin will not be defeated so easily." Violet frowned slightly, her face serious. Although she said so, her clenched fists had betrayed her emotions. Looking at the two sisters of the Jeffery family with nervous faces, Margaret next to them smiled without saying a word.
With Dustin's strength, let alone the little Bill Wolf, even if the Lord of the blood clan came, he would not be able to get away with it.
"You two don't have to worry too much. With Brother Dustin's strength, it shouldn't be a big problem to deal with the blood clan." On the other side, Zion looked at the two nervous sisters of the beside him, with a faint smile on his lips, and the folding fan in his hand was gently shaking, not worried at all.

"How do you know there is no problem? The blood clan is obviously not an ordinary person, and their methods are strange and hard to guard against. Brother Dustin will die without a burial place if he is not careful." Lana frowned.

She felt that Zion was a little too optimistic. There were a total of three contestants from abroad, two of whom had already won. She really couldn't feel at ease.

"Just watch it patiently. I believe Brother Dustin will not let us down." Zion smiled and didn't continue to explain.

His intuition has always been accurate. Dustin is definitely not as harmless as he looks on the surface.

"Something seems wrong! Look at that bloody skull!" At this time, Willa's face changed slightly, and suddenly pointed to the ring.

The two people around him looked in the direction of the sound and soon found something unusual.

The blood-colored smoke around the blood-colored skull suddenly began to roll, expanding and shrinking, erratically.

At first glance, it seemed as if there was a big hand inside, stirring it constantly, causing the entire blood-colored skull to twist and become extremely weird.

After a few seconds, the blood-colored skull and the smoke around it began to shrink rapidly, like a deflated ball.

Immediately afterwards, Bill Wolf's panicked voice sounded: "How is it possible? You actually absorbed my blood? What the hell are you?!"

Chapter 2501: A blood-sucking monster!

As soon as the words fell, the blood-colored smoke rolled, and Bill Wolf was ejected directly, as if he was frightened. He retreated more than ten meters and looked at the blood-colored skeleton in front of him.
His face was pale and his eyes were full of doubt. He was just about to use the innate ability of the blood race to turn Dustin into blood and water, so as to easily end the battle.
But soon, he found something wrong. Because Dustin was not afraid of his blood energy at all, and even his blood energy produced a huge suction force, sucking all the blood energy around him. If he hadn't run fast just now, he was afraid that he would have been sucked into a mummy. His expression now doubtful, who is the vampire in the eyes of the world?
"Hiss~!" The blood-colored skeleton became smaller and smaller, and the smoke around it disappeared without a trace.

In just a few breaths, the blood-colored skeleton that originally occupied most of the ring was now only the size of a fist.

Dustin stood there safely, holding the blood-colored skeleton in the palm of his right hand, and his expression did not change at all.
"Is this what you vampires are capable of? It's a bit disappointing." Dustin shook his head, then clenched his palm and crushed the bloody skull.
The body of Billwolf on the opposite side trembled, as if struck by lightning, staggered back a few steps, and his face became even paler.

All these blood qi were produced from his body, and now it is destroyed, which is a big loss for him.

"Boy! Don't be too arrogant! Although I don't know what means you used to escape danger just now, if you dare to look down on our noble vampires, I will definitely make you pay for your stupid and arrogant behavior!" Billwolf's face was full of resentment. "
" Really? Then it depends on whether you have the ability?" Dustin stretched out one hand and continued to make moves, with a posture of letting the horse come.
He rarely came into contact with the vampires and didn't know much about their various abilities. Today, he took the opportunity of the duel to study the vampires.
"Since blood qi is useless to you, then I will tear you apart alive!" Billwolf roared, and his whole body began to transform. His hair grew rapidly and gradually turned white. His originally well-proportioned figure quickly became sturdy and strong, with bulging muscles all over his body and his limbs becoming nearly twice as thick. His handsome face quickly became ferocious, his pupils turned blood red, and his mouth was full of fangs.

Sharp bone spurs grew out of his body, making him ugly and terrifying. If Bill Wolf was a nobleman with excellent looks before, now he has completely turned into a threatening monster! A blood-sucking monster!
Please where is chapter 2502 this stopped at 2501 and next is straight to 2568


Grandmaster & Disciple of Virgin Sect
Oct 31, 2023
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Chapter 2578: This is Troublesome

Looking at Noah Slade's lifeless body, the entire arena fell silent instantly. The audience was shocked, their eyes wide with disbelief.

"I...I didn't see it wrong, did I? Black Tortoise Gate Master Noah Slade was killed in an instant?"

"With just one finger, without even using a sword, he directly killed Noah Slade. This truly terrifying!"

"This is the level of the top-ranked Heavenly Prodigy List? It's truly frightening!"

After a brief silence, the crowd erupted into chaos, shocked and amazed.

When Noah Slade took the stage with his gun, they thought it would be a fierce battle. After all, Noah Slade was also a famous figure in the martial arts world.

But the result was unexpected. From start to finish, Finn Sanchez only used one move. Before they could even react, Noah Slade was dead.

The gap between the two was like a chasm!

"I didn't expect Finn Sanchez to be so powerful, this is troublesome!" Violet frowned, her expression serious.

She had hoped to use Noah Slade to force Finn Sanchez to reveal some of his techniques. But the result was unexpected.

Apart from feeling Finn Sanchez's strength, she didn't gain anything.

"Only a few people can kill a master with one finger. Unless it's a difference in realm, it's impossible to achieve this level." Lila shook her head, her expression complex.

In other words, Finn Sanchez had likely broken through to the Ultimate Grandmaster realm!

Compared to his peers, this was a huge lead.

Thinking of this, she glanced at Aaron beside her. Although Aaron was talented and had exceptional comprehension, he had yet to enter the Ultimate Grandmaster realm.

If he faced Finn Sanchez, he would likely lose.

"It's indeed a tough opponent." Aaron muttered, his eyes fixed on Finn Sanchez on stage.

Although surprised, there was no fear in his eyes, only a strong desire to fight.

The stronger the opponent, the more it could stimulate his potential.

He wanted to use this martial arts tournament to break through his limits and rise to the top!

"Dr. Dustin, you should feel the pressure now, right?"

Chapter 2579: Not interesting

Margaret glanced at the person beside her, a smile on her lips. "It's not just pressure, it's completely leaving no room for maneuver!"

Dustin sighed, feeling a bit of a headache. Sword cultivators were extremely powerful, and Finn Sanchez was among the most powerful ones. If you don't make a move, it's fine, but if you do, you have to take the opponent's life. If you encounter such an opponent, it's hard not to feel a headache.

"Master Jeffery, did you see that? This is what we call talent! This is what we call strength!" Hank teased "Your disciple, compared to my disciple, how does he measure up?"

"Hmph! Who's stronger or weaker, we'll see after the battle tomorrow!" Jeffery coldly snorted, his face not looking good.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he knew that in terms of cultivation, Aaron was no match for Finn Sanchez. Unless he had a breakthrough and became a true Ultimate Grandmaster, they would have no chance of winning.

"Recognizing the situation is a sign of intelligence. If you don't want your disciple to be defeated on the stage, you'd better make plans ahead of time." Hank smiled, with a hint of playfulness.

Making plans ahead of time was equivalent to admitting defeat. Jeffery's face turned cold, and he didn't say a word.

There was still one day left, and it seemed he had to help Aaron break through his limits early.

"The match is over, congratulations to contestant number 2, Finn Sanchez, on his victory!" After a brief pause, Drake quickly announced the result.

"Not interesting." Finn Sanchez glanced at the corpse on the ground and turned to leave. His match was over, and staying here would be a waste of time.

After a brief rest, Drake walked onto the stage again and announced, "The third match is about to begin. Please welcome contestants number 3 and number 14!"

Just as he finished speaking, a beautiful figure suddenly shot up from the crowd and floated onto the stage. It was none other than Abigail, the Holy Maiden of the Witchcraft Sect.

"'s my turn!" A loud laugh suddenly echoed throughout the arena.

A massive black figure, like a cannonball, shot out and landed heavily on the stage. "Boom!"

When the figure landed, the stage floor was indented with two large footprints. The crowd looked up to see that the person who came on stage was none other than George Bross, nicknamed the Black King Kong.

Chapter 2580: Black Kong's Provocation

The Black Kong's previous behavior of humiliating his opponent's corpse had caused widespread dissatisfaction. Now that he had appeared again, the audience was filled with boos and curses.

"F**k! Seeing this black-skinned dog makes me angry, I want to kill him!" someone shouted.

"No one can beat him, I spit on him!" another person cursed.

"Last time he was lucky, this time he's fighting the Holy Maiden of the Witchcraft Sect, I'll see how he dies!"

Many people in the audience were cursing and scolding, full of anger. However, the Black Gold didn't care at all, he just stared at Abigail with an evil smile, his eyes full of desire.

"Tsk tsk tsk... beautiful lady, fighting is a man's job, as a woman, your duty is to reproduce." The Black Kong's gaze wandered up and down, his smile grew wider: "But the warriors of this country are all weak, they can't satisfy you, I'm different, I can guarantee that I can make you indulge and enjoy yourself to the fullest, hahaha..."

His words caused a huge uproar, with countless audience members shouting and cursing. The atmosphere was tense and chaotic.

"You're courting death!" someone shouted.

"You're a beast!" another person cursed.

The Black Kong just laughed, his eyes gleaming with excitement. He seemed to be enjoying the chaos he had caused.

The Holy Maiden of the Witchcraft Sect stood calmly on the stage, her face expressionless. But her eyes flashed with anger, and her hands were clenched into fists.

The Black Kong's words had not only provoked the audience but also the warriors of the Dragon Country. Some hot-headed warriors even wanted to take action directly. But they were stopped by the disciples of the Infernal Mountain who were maintaining order.

Although the disciples were also angry, they still kept their composure. No matter what happened, the competition must go on. If you want to fight, you must settle the score on the stage.

The Black Kong turned around and looked at the angry warriors, not only without fear but also with a contemptuous smile. He even made a thumbs down gesture towards the crowd, full of provocation.

This made the warriors even more furious. As the saying goes, a warrior can be killed but not humiliated, being publicly provoked by a foreigner was unbearable.

"I'll fight you to the death!" someone shouted.

"F**k! I'll kill you with one knife!" another person cursed.

"Animal! Die!" someone else shouted.

Chapter 2581: Shadow Snake

A large number of warriors broke through the blockade of the Infernal Mountain disciples and rushed towards the stage. The Black Kong sneered and slowly clenched his fists, preparing to take advantage of the opportunity to kill everyone. However, just as he was about to do so, a tall figure suddenly descended from the sky and blocked his way. It was the referee, Drake.

Drake waved his left hand, and a gust of wind suddenly blew out, blowing all the warriors on the stage back several meters. Then, he waved his hand again, and a blue light circle instantly covered the entire stage. The warriors who approached the stage were electrocuted as soon as they touched the blue light circle, their bodies trembling and their limbs paralyzed.

"Settle your grudges outside, I don't care about life and death, but no one can disrupt the progress of the competition." Drake warned the warriors below, and then glanced at the Black Kong coldly: "And you, if you continue to provoke and stir up anger, you will have to bear the consequences!"

The Black Kong just smiled and didn't respond. He didn't care about the ordinary warriors of the Dragon Country, but the referee in front of him was quite powerful, so he didn't want to provoke him.

"The third match, officially begins!" Drake declared the start of the match without hesitation, otherwise, the situation would be difficult to control.

"Beautiful lady, what do you think of my previous proposal? Do you want to experience my power?" The Black Kong continued to tease Abigail.

"Not in a hurry, wait until I cut off your tongue, dig out your eyes, and castrate you, then we can talk about our future life." Abigail's face was calm, her eyes cold.

"Is that so? Then let's see if you have the ability." The Black Kong sneered.

With his strength, dealing with a weak woman like Abigail was easy. Of course, he wasn't in a hurry to win, because he wanted to humiliate her in front of all the warriors of the Dragon Country.

"Shadow Snake, go!" Abigail didn't hesitate and raised her hand.

A black shadow like an arrow suddenly shot out from her sleeve and aimed at the Black Kong's throat.

"Beautiful lady, your attack is too weak." The Black Kong laughed and caught the black shadow without dodging.

Upon closer inspection, he found that it was a snake-like creature with a human face, which looked very strange.

"What is this thing?!" The Black Kong was shocked and panicked, and just as he was about to throw the creature away, the snake-like creature with a human face suddenly bit his wrist.

Chapter 2582: The Severed Wrist

The Black Kong howled in pain and threw the snake-like creature away. The creature didn't give up and pounced again.

"Seeking death!" The Black Kong snorted and punched the creature into a bloody mist. Then, he looked up at Abigail in the distance and sneered: "Beautiful lady, a small snake like that, you think it can hurt me?"

"Hurt you? Then take a look at the place where you were bitten." Abigail smiled mockingly.

The Black Kong looked down and saw two tiny holes like needle pricks on his wrist. The wound was very small, and not even bleeding. However, around the wound, an abnormal black color appeared, darker than the Black Kong's skin, like ink. The most bizarre thing was that this black mark was rapidly spreading, drilling into the Black Kong's bloodstream. In just a few breaths, it had already covered half of his palm.

"What is this?" The Black Kong's smile disappeared, and he frowned.

He thought his body was invulnerable to knives and guns, so he didn't take the previous attack seriously. But he didn't expect that the snake-like creature's poisonous fangs could break through his defense. Especially the unknown toxin, which made him feel a strange palpitation. He had a premonition that if he let the toxin spread, he would be in danger of losing his life.

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate anymore. His left hand quickly transformed into a black blade, and he roared, slashing the blade at his own right wrist.

"Ah!" The Black Gold howled, and with a second slash, he cut off his own wrist.

The audience watched in horror as the bloody scene unfolded. They didn't expect the Black Kong to be so ruthless, cutting off his own hand without hesitation.

At this moment, the Black Kong's severed wrist began to rot rapidly. In just a few breaths, the entire wrist had turned into a puddle of blood.

"Reaction is fast, otherwise, if the toxin spreads throughout the body, it won't be just a matter of cutting off a hand." Abigail raised an eyebrow, surprised.

The Shadow Snake was a highly toxic creature cultivated by the Witchcraft Sect, seemingly weak but extremely vicious. Anyone bitten by it would turn into a puddle of blood within three minutes if not treated promptly.

She didn't expect the Black Gold to have the courage to cut off his own wrist, which saved him from a crisis.

Chapter 2583: The Severed Wrist's Transformation

"You vicious woman, trying to kill me? Not so easy!" The Black Gold's face twisted in a fierce expression.

As he spoke, his severed wrist began to twist and transform, and the flowing blood stopped instantly. A sharp black blade quickly emerged.

Compared to the blade on his left arm, the blade on his right arm was slightly shorter.

"What kind of monster is this? A severed arm can transform into a blade?"

"It's like the priest before, this black ape must have undergone gene transformation."

"Ugh, disgusting!"

The Black Kong's transformation sparked whispers among the crowd.

No wonder he dared to cut off his own wrist, his arm could transform into a blade.

His dual blades slowly unfolded, and under the sunlight, the blade edges emitted a dark glow.

"I originally wanted to let you enjoy yourself, but you're so ruthless. It seems I can only slaughter you." The Black Kong's voice was sinister.

Abigail's eyes turned cold. "You don't know life or death. I was going to give you a quick death, but now I've changed my mind."

She raised her hand, and a red light shot out from her sleeve, hitting the Black Kong's face. He didn't dare to relax and swung his blade to meet the red light.

However, just as the blade hit the red light, a muffled explosion sounded, and the red light burst open. A thick red toxic fog engulfed the Black Kong and spread rapidly until Drake's lightning blocked it.

The Black Kong's agonized scream came from within the fog, sounding exceptionally mournful.

A massive black figure burst out of the fog, escaping frantically.

After only a second in the fog, the Black Kong's body was already rotting, with blood flowing freely.

Strangely, a layer of red fog still clung to his body, like maggots, constantly devouring his skin and emitting a "sizzling" sound.

The Black Kong wildly twisted his body, trying to shake off the red fog, but to no avail.

Only when his wounds had rotted to the bone did the red fog gradually dissipate.

The Black Kong was already battered, covered in blood, and no longer human-like.

Although his wounds weren't fatal, the intense pain didn't cease, a hundred times more agonizing than the pain of cutting off his arm.

"Bitch! I'll kill you!" The Black Kong roared, like a mad beast, charging towards Abigail.

At this moment, he had only one thought: to tear this snake-like woman to pieces!


New member
Aug 25, 2024
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Chapter 2578: This is Troublesome

Looking at Noah Slade's lifeless body, the entire arena fell silent instantly. The audience was shocked, their eyes wide with disbelief.

"I...I didn't see it wrong, did I? Black Tortoise Gate Master Noah Slade was killed in an instant?"

"With just one finger, without even using a sword, he directly killed Noah Slade. This truly terrifying!"

"This is the level of the top-ranked Heavenly Prodigy List? It's truly frightening!"

After a brief silence, the crowd erupted into chaos, shocked and amazed.

When Noah Slade took the stage with his gun, they thought it would be a fierce battle. After all, Noah Slade was also a famous figure in the martial arts world.

But the result was unexpected. From start to finish, Finn Sanchez only used one move. Before they could even react, Noah Slade was dead.

The gap between the two was like a chasm!

"I didn't expect Finn Sanchez to be so powerful, this is troublesome!" Violet frowned, her expression serious.

She had hoped to use Noah Slade to force Finn Sanchez to reveal some of his techniques. But the result was unexpected.

Apart from feeling Finn Sanchez's strength, she didn't gain anything.

"Only a few people can kill a master with one finger. Unless it's a difference in realm, it's impossible to achieve this level." Lila shook her head, her expression complex.

In other words, Finn Sanchez had likely broken through to the Ultimate Grandmaster realm!

Compared to his peers, this was a huge lead.

Thinking of this, she glanced at Aaron beside her. Although Aaron was talented and had exceptional comprehension, he had yet to enter the Ultimate Grandmaster realm.

If he faced Finn Sanchez, he would likely lose.

"It's indeed a tough opponent." Aaron muttered, his eyes fixed on Finn Sanchez on stage.

Although surprised, there was no fear in his eyes, only a strong desire to fight.

The stronger the opponent, the more it could stimulate his potential.

He wanted to use this martial arts tournament to break through his limits and rise to the top!

"Dr. Dustin, you should feel the pressure now, right?"

Chapter 2579: Not interesting

Margaret glanced at the person beside her, a smile on her lips. "It's not just pressure, it's completely leaving no room for maneuver!"

Dustin sighed, feeling a bit of a headache. Sword cultivators were extremely powerful, and Finn Sanchez was among the most powerful ones. If you don't make a move, it's fine, but if you do, you have to take the opponent's life. If you encounter such an opponent, it's hard not to feel a headache.

"Master Jeffery, did you see that? This is what we call talent! This is what we call strength!" Hank teased "Your disciple, compared to my disciple, how does he measure up?"

"Hmph! Who's stronger or weaker, we'll see after the battle tomorrow!" Jeffery coldly snorted, his face not looking good.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he knew that in terms of cultivation, Aaron was no match for Finn Sanchez. Unless he had a breakthrough and became a true Ultimate Grandmaster, they would have no chance of winning.

"Recognizing the situation is a sign of intelligence. If you don't want your disciple to be defeated on the stage, you'd better make plans ahead of time." Hank smiled, with a hint of playfulness.

Making plans ahead of time was equivalent to admitting defeat. Jeffery's face turned cold, and he didn't say a word.

There was still one day left, and it seemed he had to help Aaron break through his limits early.

"The match is over, congratulations to contestant number 2, Finn Sanchez, on his victory!" After a brief pause, Drake quickly announced the result.

"Not interesting." Finn Sanchez glanced at the corpse on the ground and turned to leave. His match was over, and staying here would be a waste of time.

After a brief rest, Drake walked onto the stage again and announced, "The third match is about to begin. Please welcome contestants number 3 and number 14!"

Just as he finished speaking, a beautiful figure suddenly shot up from the crowd and floated onto the stage. It was none other than Abigail, the Holy Maiden of the Witchcraft Sect.

"'s my turn!" A loud laugh suddenly echoed throughout the arena.

A massive black figure, like a cannonball, shot out and landed heavily on the stage. "Boom!"

When the figure landed, the stage floor was indented with two large footprints. The crowd looked up to see that the person who came on stage was none other than George Bross, nicknamed the Black King Kong.

Chapter 2580: Black Kong's Provocation

The Black Kong's previous behavior of humiliating his opponent's corpse had caused widespread dissatisfaction. Now that he had appeared again, the audience was filled with boos and curses.

"F**k! Seeing this black-skinned dog makes me angry, I want to kill him!" someone shouted.

"No one can beat him, I spit on him!" another person cursed.

"Last time he was lucky, this time he's fighting the Holy Maiden of the Witchcraft Sect, I'll see how he dies!"

Many people in the audience were cursing and scolding, full of anger. However, the Black Gold didn't care at all, he just stared at Abigail with an evil smile, his eyes full of desire.

"Tsk tsk tsk... beautiful lady, fighting is a man's job, as a woman, your duty is to reproduce." The Black Kong's gaze wandered up and down, his smile grew wider: "But the warriors of this country are all weak, they can't satisfy you, I'm different, I can guarantee that I can make you indulge and enjoy yourself to the fullest, hahaha..."

His words caused a huge uproar, with countless audience members shouting and cursing. The atmosphere was tense and chaotic.

"You're courting death!" someone shouted.

"You're a beast!" another person cursed.

The Black Kong just laughed, his eyes gleaming with excitement. He seemed to be enjoying the chaos he had caused.

The Holy Maiden of the Witchcraft Sect stood calmly on the stage, her face expressionless. But her eyes flashed with anger, and her hands were clenched into fists.

The Black Kong's words had not only provoked the audience but also the warriors of the Dragon Country. Some hot-headed warriors even wanted to take action directly. But they were stopped by the disciples of the Infernal Mountain who were maintaining order.

Although the disciples were also angry, they still kept their composure. No matter what happened, the competition must go on. If you want to fight, you must settle the score on the stage.

The Black Kong turned around and looked at the angry warriors, not only without fear but also with a contemptuous smile. He even made a thumbs down gesture towards the crowd, full of provocation.

This made the warriors even more furious. As the saying goes, a warrior can be killed but not humiliated, being publicly provoked by a foreigner was unbearable.

"I'll fight you to the death!" someone shouted.

"F**k! I'll kill you with one knife!" another person cursed.

"Animal! Die!" someone else shouted.

Chapter 2581: Shadow Snake

A large number of warriors broke through the blockade of the Infernal Mountain disciples and rushed towards the stage. The Black Kong sneered and slowly clenched his fists, preparing to take advantage of the opportunity to kill everyone. However, just as he was about to do so, a tall figure suddenly descended from the sky and blocked his way. It was the referee, Drake.

Drake waved his left hand, and a gust of wind suddenly blew out, blowing all the warriors on the stage back several meters. Then, he waved his hand again, and a blue light circle instantly covered the entire stage. The warriors who approached the stage were electrocuted as soon as they touched the blue light circle, their bodies trembling and their limbs paralyzed.

"Settle your grudges outside, I don't care about life and death, but no one can disrupt the progress of the competition." Drake warned the warriors below, and then glanced at the Black Kong coldly: "And you, if you continue to provoke and stir up anger, you will have to bear the consequences!"

The Black Kong just smiled and didn't respond. He didn't care about the ordinary warriors of the Dragon Country, but the referee in front of him was quite powerful, so he didn't want to provoke him.

"The third match, officially begins!" Drake declared the start of the match without hesitation, otherwise, the situation would be difficult to control.

"Beautiful lady, what do you think of my previous proposal? Do you want to experience my power?" The Black Kong continued to tease Abigail.

"Not in a hurry, wait until I cut off your tongue, dig out your eyes, and castrate you, then we can talk about our future life." Abigail's face was calm, her eyes cold.

"Is that so? Then let's see if you have the ability." The Black Kong sneered.

With his strength, dealing with a weak woman like Abigail was easy. Of course, he wasn't in a hurry to win, because he wanted to humiliate her in front of all the warriors of the Dragon Country.

"Shadow Snake, go!" Abigail didn't hesitate and raised her hand.

A black shadow like an arrow suddenly shot out from her sleeve and aimed at the Black Kong's throat.

"Beautiful lady, your attack is too weak." The Black Kong laughed and caught the black shadow without dodging.

Upon closer inspection, he found that it was a snake-like creature with a human face, which looked very strange.

"What is this thing?!" The Black Kong was shocked and panicked, and just as he was about to throw the creature away, the snake-like creature with a human face suddenly bit his wrist.

Chapter 2582: The Severed Wrist

The Black Kong howled in pain and threw the snake-like creature away. The creature didn't give up and pounced again.

"Seeking death!" The Black Kong snorted and punched the creature into a bloody mist. Then, he looked up at Abigail in the distance and sneered: "Beautiful lady, a small snake like that, you think it can hurt me?"

"Hurt you? Then take a look at the place where you were bitten." Abigail smiled mockingly.

The Black Kong looked down and saw two tiny holes like needle pricks on his wrist. The wound was very small, and not even bleeding. However, around the wound, an abnormal black color appeared, darker than the Black Kong's skin, like ink. The most bizarre thing was that this black mark was rapidly spreading, drilling into the Black Kong's bloodstream. In just a few breaths, it had already covered half of his palm.

"What is this?" The Black Kong's smile disappeared, and he frowned.

He thought his body was invulnerable to knives and guns, so he didn't take the previous attack seriously. But he didn't expect that the snake-like creature's poisonous fangs could break through his defense. Especially the unknown toxin, which made him feel a strange palpitation. He had a premonition that if he let the toxin spread, he would be in danger of losing his life.

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate anymore. His left hand quickly transformed into a black blade, and he roared, slashing the blade at his own right wrist.

"Ah!" The Black Gold howled, and with a second slash, he cut off his own wrist.

The audience watched in horror as the bloody scene unfolded. They didn't expect the Black Kong to be so ruthless, cutting off his own hand without hesitation.

At this moment, the Black Kong's severed wrist began to rot rapidly. In just a few breaths, the entire wrist had turned into a puddle of blood.

"Reaction is fast, otherwise, if the toxin spreads throughout the body, it won't be just a matter of cutting off a hand." Abigail raised an eyebrow, surprised.

The Shadow Snake was a highly toxic creature cultivated by the Witchcraft Sect, seemingly weak but extremely vicious. Anyone bitten by it would turn into a puddle of blood within three minutes if not treated promptly.

She didn't expect the Black Gold to have the courage to cut off his own wrist, which saved him from a crisis.

Chapter 2583: The Severed Wrist's Transformation

"You vicious woman, trying to kill me? Not so easy!" The Black Gold's face twisted in a fierce expression.

As he spoke, his severed wrist began to twist and transform, and the flowing blood stopped instantly. A sharp black blade quickly emerged.

Compared to the blade on his left arm, the blade on his right arm was slightly shorter.

"What kind of monster is this? A severed arm can transform into a blade?"

"It's like the priest before, this black ape must have undergone gene transformation."

"Ugh, disgusting!"

The Black Kong's transformation sparked whispers among the crowd.

No wonder he dared to cut off his own wrist, his arm could transform into a blade.

His dual blades slowly unfolded, and under the sunlight, the blade edges emitted a dark glow.

"I originally wanted to let you enjoy yourself, but you're so ruthless. It seems I can only slaughter you." The Black Kong's voice was sinister.

Abigail's eyes turned cold. "You don't know life or death. I was going to give you a quick death, but now I've changed my mind."

She raised her hand, and a red light shot out from her sleeve, hitting the Black Kong's face. He didn't dare to relax and swung his blade to meet the red light.

However, just as the blade hit the red light, a muffled explosion sounded, and the red light burst open. A thick red toxic fog engulfed the Black Kong and spread rapidly until Drake's lightning blocked it.

The Black Kong's agonized scream came from within the fog, sounding exceptionally mournful.

A massive black figure burst out of the fog, escaping frantically.

After only a second in the fog, the Black Kong's body was already rotting, with blood flowing freely.

Strangely, a layer of red fog still clung to his body, like maggots, constantly devouring his skin and emitting a "sizzling" sound.

The Black Kong wildly twisted his body, trying to shake off the red fog, but to no avail.

Only when his wounds had rotted to the bone did the red fog gradually dissipate.

The Black Kong was already battered, covered in blood, and no longer human-like.

Although his wounds weren't fatal, the intense pain didn't cease, a hundred times more agonizing than the pain of cutting off his arm.

"Bitch! I'll kill you!" The Black Kong roared, like a mad beast, charging towards Abigail.

At this moment, he had only one thought: to tear this snake-like woman to pieces!
Thankyou for multiple chapters


Martial Arts Master
Sep 17, 2023
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Chapter 2578: This is Troublesome

Looking at Noah Slade's lifeless body, the entire arena fell silent instantly. The audience was shocked, their eyes wide with disbelief.

"I...I didn't see it wrong, did I? Black Tortoise Gate Master Noah Slade was killed in an instant?"

"With just one finger, without even using a sword, he directly killed Noah Slade. This truly terrifying!"

"This is the level of the top-ranked Heavenly Prodigy List? It's truly frightening!"

After a brief silence, the crowd erupted into chaos, shocked and amazed.

When Noah Slade took the stage with his gun, they thought it would be a fierce battle. After all, Noah Slade was also a famous figure in the martial arts world.

But the result was unexpected. From start to finish, Finn Sanchez only used one move. Before they could even react, Noah Slade was dead.

The gap between the two was like a chasm!

"I didn't expect Finn Sanchez to be so powerful, this is troublesome!" Violet frowned, her expression serious.

She had hoped to use Noah Slade to force Finn Sanchez to reveal some of his techniques. But the result was unexpected.

Apart from feeling Finn Sanchez's strength, she didn't gain anything.

"Only a few people can kill a master with one finger. Unless it's a difference in realm, it's impossible to achieve this level." Lila shook her head, her expression complex.

In other words, Finn Sanchez had likely broken through to the Ultimate Grandmaster realm!

Compared to his peers, this was a huge lead.

Thinking of this, she glanced at Aaron beside her. Although Aaron was talented and had exceptional comprehension, he had yet to enter the Ultimate Grandmaster realm.

If he faced Finn Sanchez, he would likely lose.

"It's indeed a tough opponent." Aaron muttered, his eyes fixed on Finn Sanchez on stage.

Although surprised, there was no fear in his eyes, only a strong desire to fight.

The stronger the opponent, the more it could stimulate his potential.

He wanted to use this martial arts tournament to break through his limits and rise to the top!

"Dr. Dustin, you should feel the pressure now, right?"

Chapter 2579: Not interesting

Margaret glanced at the person beside her, a smile on her lips. "It's not just pressure, it's completely leaving no room for maneuver!"

Dustin sighed, feeling a bit of a headache. Sword cultivators were extremely powerful, and Finn Sanchez was among the most powerful ones. If you don't make a move, it's fine, but if you do, you have to take the opponent's life. If you encounter such an opponent, it's hard not to feel a headache.

"Master Jeffery, did you see that? This is what we call talent! This is what we call strength!" Hank teased "Your disciple, compared to my disciple, how does he measure up?"

"Hmph! Who's stronger or weaker, we'll see after the battle tomorrow!" Jeffery coldly snorted, his face not looking good.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he knew that in terms of cultivation, Aaron was no match for Finn Sanchez. Unless he had a breakthrough and became a true Ultimate Grandmaster, they would have no chance of winning.

"Recognizing the situation is a sign of intelligence. If you don't want your disciple to be defeated on the stage, you'd better make plans ahead of time." Hank smiled, with a hint of playfulness.

Making plans ahead of time was equivalent to admitting defeat. Jeffery's face turned cold, and he didn't say a word.

There was still one day left, and it seemed he had to help Aaron break through his limits early.

"The match is over, congratulations to contestant number 2, Finn Sanchez, on his victory!" After a brief pause, Drake quickly announced the result.

"Not interesting." Finn Sanchez glanced at the corpse on the ground and turned to leave. His match was over, and staying here would be a waste of time.

After a brief rest, Drake walked onto the stage again and announced, "The third match is about to begin. Please welcome contestants number 3 and number 14!"

Just as he finished speaking, a beautiful figure suddenly shot up from the crowd and floated onto the stage. It was none other than Abigail, the Holy Maiden of the Witchcraft Sect.

"'s my turn!" A loud laugh suddenly echoed throughout the arena.

A massive black figure, like a cannonball, shot out and landed heavily on the stage. "Boom!"

When the figure landed, the stage floor was indented with two large footprints. The crowd looked up to see that the person who came on stage was none other than George Bross, nicknamed the Black King Kong.

Chapter 2580: Black Kong's Provocation

The Black Kong's previous behavior of humiliating his opponent's corpse had caused widespread dissatisfaction. Now that he had appeared again, the audience was filled with boos and curses.

"F**k! Seeing this black-skinned dog makes me angry, I want to kill him!" someone shouted.

"No one can beat him, I spit on him!" another person cursed.

"Last time he was lucky, this time he's fighting the Holy Maiden of the Witchcraft Sect, I'll see how he dies!"

Many people in the audience were cursing and scolding, full of anger. However, the Black Gold didn't care at all, he just stared at Abigail with an evil smile, his eyes full of desire.

"Tsk tsk tsk... beautiful lady, fighting is a man's job, as a woman, your duty is to reproduce." The Black Kong's gaze wandered up and down, his smile grew wider: "But the warriors of this country are all weak, they can't satisfy you, I'm different, I can guarantee that I can make you indulge and enjoy yourself to the fullest, hahaha..."

His words caused a huge uproar, with countless audience members shouting and cursing. The atmosphere was tense and chaotic.

"You're courting death!" someone shouted.

"You're a beast!" another person cursed.

The Black Kong just laughed, his eyes gleaming with excitement. He seemed to be enjoying the chaos he had caused.

The Holy Maiden of the Witchcraft Sect stood calmly on the stage, her face expressionless. But her eyes flashed with anger, and her hands were clenched into fists.

The Black Kong's words had not only provoked the audience but also the warriors of the Dragon Country. Some hot-headed warriors even wanted to take action directly. But they were stopped by the disciples of the Infernal Mountain who were maintaining order.

Although the disciples were also angry, they still kept their composure. No matter what happened, the competition must go on. If you want to fight, you must settle the score on the stage.

The Black Kong turned around and looked at the angry warriors, not only without fear but also with a contemptuous smile. He even made a thumbs down gesture towards the crowd, full of provocation.

This made the warriors even more furious. As the saying goes, a warrior can be killed but not humiliated, being publicly provoked by a foreigner was unbearable.

"I'll fight you to the death!" someone shouted.

"F**k! I'll kill you with one knife!" another person cursed.

"Animal! Die!" someone else shouted.

Chapter 2581: Shadow Snake

A large number of warriors broke through the blockade of the Infernal Mountain disciples and rushed towards the stage. The Black Kong sneered and slowly clenched his fists, preparing to take advantage of the opportunity to kill everyone. However, just as he was about to do so, a tall figure suddenly descended from the sky and blocked his way. It was the referee, Drake.

Drake waved his left hand, and a gust of wind suddenly blew out, blowing all the warriors on the stage back several meters. Then, he waved his hand again, and a blue light circle instantly covered the entire stage. The warriors who approached the stage were electrocuted as soon as they touched the blue light circle, their bodies trembling and their limbs paralyzed.

"Settle your grudges outside, I don't care about life and death, but no one can disrupt the progress of the competition." Drake warned the warriors below, and then glanced at the Black Kong coldly: "And you, if you continue to provoke and stir up anger, you will have to bear the consequences!"

The Black Kong just smiled and didn't respond. He didn't care about the ordinary warriors of the Dragon Country, but the referee in front of him was quite powerful, so he didn't want to provoke him.

"The third match, officially begins!" Drake declared the start of the match without hesitation, otherwise, the situation would be difficult to control.

"Beautiful lady, what do you think of my previous proposal? Do you want to experience my power?" The Black Kong continued to tease Abigail.

"Not in a hurry, wait until I cut off your tongue, dig out your eyes, and castrate you, then we can talk about our future life." Abigail's face was calm, her eyes cold.

"Is that so? Then let's see if you have the ability." The Black Kong sneered.

With his strength, dealing with a weak woman like Abigail was easy. Of course, he wasn't in a hurry to win, because he wanted to humiliate her in front of all the warriors of the Dragon Country.

"Shadow Snake, go!" Abigail didn't hesitate and raised her hand.

A black shadow like an arrow suddenly shot out from her sleeve and aimed at the Black Kong's throat.

"Beautiful lady, your attack is too weak." The Black Kong laughed and caught the black shadow without dodging.

Upon closer inspection, he found that it was a snake-like creature with a human face, which looked very strange.

"What is this thing?!" The Black Kong was shocked and panicked, and just as he was about to throw the creature away, the snake-like creature with a human face suddenly bit his wrist.

Chapter 2582: The Severed Wrist

The Black Kong howled in pain and threw the snake-like creature away. The creature didn't give up and pounced again.

"Seeking death!" The Black Kong snorted and punched the creature into a bloody mist. Then, he looked up at Abigail in the distance and sneered: "Beautiful lady, a small snake like that, you think it can hurt me?"

"Hurt you? Then take a look at the place where you were bitten." Abigail smiled mockingly.

The Black Kong looked down and saw two tiny holes like needle pricks on his wrist. The wound was very small, and not even bleeding. However, around the wound, an abnormal black color appeared, darker than the Black Kong's skin, like ink. The most bizarre thing was that this black mark was rapidly spreading, drilling into the Black Kong's bloodstream. In just a few breaths, it had already covered half of his palm.

"What is this?" The Black Kong's smile disappeared, and he frowned.

He thought his body was invulnerable to knives and guns, so he didn't take the previous attack seriously. But he didn't expect that the snake-like creature's poisonous fangs could break through his defense. Especially the unknown toxin, which made him feel a strange palpitation. He had a premonition that if he let the toxin spread, he would be in danger of losing his life.

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate anymore. His left hand quickly transformed into a black blade, and he roared, slashing the blade at his own right wrist.

"Ah!" The Black Gold howled, and with a second slash, he cut off his own wrist.

The audience watched in horror as the bloody scene unfolded. They didn't expect the Black Kong to be so ruthless, cutting off his own hand without hesitation.

At this moment, the Black Kong's severed wrist began to rot rapidly. In just a few breaths, the entire wrist had turned into a puddle of blood.

"Reaction is fast, otherwise, if the toxin spreads throughout the body, it won't be just a matter of cutting off a hand." Abigail raised an eyebrow, surprised.

The Shadow Snake was a highly toxic creature cultivated by the Witchcraft Sect, seemingly weak but extremely vicious. Anyone bitten by it would turn into a puddle of blood within three minutes if not treated promptly.

She didn't expect the Black Gold to have the courage to cut off his own wrist, which saved him from a crisis.

Chapter 2583: The Severed Wrist's Transformation

"You vicious woman, trying to kill me? Not so easy!" The Black Gold's face twisted in a fierce expression.

As he spoke, his severed wrist began to twist and transform, and the flowing blood stopped instantly. A sharp black blade quickly emerged.

Compared to the blade on his left arm, the blade on his right arm was slightly shorter.

"What kind of monster is this? A severed arm can transform into a blade?"

"It's like the priest before, this black ape must have undergone gene transformation."

"Ugh, disgusting!"

The Black Kong's transformation sparked whispers among the crowd.

No wonder he dared to cut off his own wrist, his arm could transform into a blade.

His dual blades slowly unfolded, and under the sunlight, the blade edges emitted a dark glow.

"I originally wanted to let you enjoy yourself, but you're so ruthless. It seems I can only slaughter you." The Black Kong's voice was sinister.

Abigail's eyes turned cold. "You don't know life or death. I was going to give you a quick death, but now I've changed my mind."

She raised her hand, and a red light shot out from her sleeve, hitting the Black Kong's face. He didn't dare to relax and swung his blade to meet the red light.

However, just as the blade hit the red light, a muffled explosion sounded, and the red light burst open. A thick red toxic fog engulfed the Black Kong and spread rapidly until Drake's lightning blocked it.

The Black Kong's agonized scream came from within the fog, sounding exceptionally mournful.

A massive black figure burst out of the fog, escaping frantically.

After only a second in the fog, the Black Kong's body was already rotting, with blood flowing freely.

Strangely, a layer of red fog still clung to his body, like maggots, constantly devouring his skin and emitting a "sizzling" sound.

The Black Kong wildly twisted his body, trying to shake off the red fog, but to no avail.

Only when his wounds had rotted to the bone did the red fog gradually dissipate.

The Black Kong was already battered, covered in blood, and no longer human-like.

Although his wounds weren't fatal, the intense pain didn't cease, a hundred times more agonizing than the pain of cutting off his arm.

"Bitch! I'll kill you!" The Black Kong roared, like a mad beast, charging towards Abigail.

At this moment, he had only one thought: to tear this snake-like woman to pieces!
Thanks for update👍


Grandmaster & Disciple of Virgin Sect
Oct 31, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 2584: Frenzied Assault

"Ah~!" The Black Kong roared, his momentum like a thunderbolt. His dual blades flashed with a cold glow, piercing through Abigail's body at lightning speed.

After sliding seven or eight meters, the Black Kong stopped and turned around, laughing maniacally. "Ha ha ha ha... Bitch! This is what happens when you anger me!"

But then, a clear voice came from the front. "Hey, what are you laughing about?"

The Black Kong was taken aback, looking up to see Abigail turning around, her face mocking. His smile instantly disappeared, replaced by shock. Didn't his blades already pierce her neck? Why is she unharmed?

"How is this possible?" The Black Kong's eyes widened in disbelief. "My blades are as fast as lightning, and you didn't even move. How could I have missed?"

The Black Kong didn't think twice, charging forward again. "I won't believe I can't kill you!" His blades flashed, and he transformed into a residual shadow, pouncing forward.

Abigail didn't dodge, simply waving her hand. Three black iron balls flew out, targeting the Black Kong's face - the Hundred Flowers Killer. The Black Kong dodged, but the Hundred Flowers Killer exploded, releasing a swarm of toxic needles that pierced his body like a porcupine.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..." The needles poured out, covering the Black Kong's entire body. If a regular cultivator were hit by three Hundred Flowers Killers without any defense, they would likely die on the spot.

But the Black Kong was no ordinary cultivator. His thick skin and powerful physique allowed him to withstand the attack. However, the needles still caused immense pain. The previous toxic fog had corroded his skin, and now the needles felt like salt in his wounds.

"Ah~!" The Black Kong screamed again, his face contorted in agony.

Chapter 2585: Fury and Frustration

The Black Kong had never felt so frustrated. Every time he tried to attack, Abigail would interrupt him with her various methods. First, it was the venomous snakes, then the toxic fog, and now a swarm of toxic needles. What's even more infuriating was that his proud defense was useless against these attacks. It was as if they were specifically designed to counter him.

Despite his strong vitality, the Black Kong was still suffering from the cumulative effects of the attacks. He was covered in toxic needles, and his skin was corroded from the fog. The pain was unbearable.

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you!!" The Black Kong roared, his eyes bloodshot with fury. He didn't even bother to remove the toxic needles from his body, charging at Abigail with reckless abandon.

At this point, he didn't care if he died. He just wanted to take Abigail down with him. He believed that if he could just grab her once, he could tear her apart.

Abigail, on the other hand, seemed unimpressed. "You're quite resilient, I'll give you that," she said, eyeing the Black Kong's massive frame. "But that's about it."

The Black Kong swung his blade at Abigail's neck, but she didn't even flinch. Instead, she reached out and grabbed the blade with her bare hand. The sound of metal meeting flesh was loud and clear, but Abigail's hand didn't even budge.

The Black Kong's eyes widened in shock. His blade was capable of cutting through steel, but it couldn't even break Abigail's skin. What kind of monster was she?!

Abigail sneered at the Black Gold. "That's all you've got? Not impressive at all."

The Black Kong was stunned, his mouth agape. He had thought that a close-range attack would be enough to finish Abigail off. But now, he realized that her strength and defense were far superior to his.

"!" The Black Kong stuttered, his face pale with fear.

Abigail raised her hand, and the Black Kong felt a massive force strike his abdomen. He flew into the air, his body crashing into the ground with a loud thud. Before he could

even catch his breath, Abigail struck again.


Tribulator - Disciple of Virgin Sect
Gold Villager
Nov 21, 2023
Reaction score
Thanks a million for the update...


Martial Arts Master
Sep 17, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 2584: Frenzied Assault

"Ah~!" The Black Kong roared, his momentum like a thunderbolt. His dual blades flashed with a cold glow, piercing through Abigail's body at lightning speed.

After sliding seven or eight meters, the Black Kong stopped and turned around, laughing maniacally. "Ha ha ha ha... Bitch! This is what happens when you anger me!"

But then, a clear voice came from the front. "Hey, what are you laughing about?"

The Black Kong was taken aback, looking up to see Abigail turning around, her face mocking. His smile instantly disappeared, replaced by shock. Didn't his blades already pierce her neck? Why is she unharmed?

"How is this possible?" The Black Kong's eyes widened in disbelief. "My blades are as fast as lightning, and you didn't even move. How could I have missed?"

The Black Kong didn't think twice, charging forward again. "I won't believe I can't kill you!" His blades flashed, and he transformed into a residual shadow, pouncing forward.

Abigail didn't dodge, simply waving her hand. Three black iron balls flew out, targeting the Black Kong's face - the Hundred Flowers Killer. The Black Kong dodged, but the Hundred Flowers Killer exploded, releasing a swarm of toxic needles that pierced his body like a porcupine.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..." The needles poured out, covering the Black Kong's entire body. If a regular cultivator were hit by three Hundred Flowers Killers without any defense, they would likely die on the spot.

But the Black Kong was no ordinary cultivator. His thick skin and powerful physique allowed him to withstand the attack. However, the needles still caused immense pain. The previous toxic fog had corroded his skin, and now the needles felt like salt in his wounds.

"Ah~!" The Black Kong screamed again, his face contorted in agony.

Chapter 2585: Fury and Frustration

The Black Kong had never felt so frustrated. Every time he tried to attack, Abigail would interrupt him with her various methods. First, it was the venomous snakes, then the toxic fog, and now a swarm of toxic needles. What's even more infuriating was that his proud defense was useless against these attacks. It was as if they were specifically designed to counter him.

Despite his strong vitality, the Black Kong was still suffering from the cumulative effects of the attacks. He was covered in toxic needles, and his skin was corroded from the fog. The pain was unbearable.

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you!!" The Black Kong roared, his eyes bloodshot with fury. He didn't even bother to remove the toxic needles from his body, charging at Abigail with reckless abandon.

At this point, he didn't care if he died. He just wanted to take Abigail down with him. He believed that if he could just grab her once, he could tear her apart.

Abigail, on the other hand, seemed unimpressed. "You're quite resilient, I'll give you that," she said, eyeing the Black Kong's massive frame. "But that's about it."

The Black Kong swung his blade at Abigail's neck, but she didn't even flinch. Instead, she reached out and grabbed the blade with her bare hand. The sound of metal meeting flesh was loud and clear, but Abigail's hand didn't even budge.

The Black Kong's eyes widened in shock. His blade was capable of cutting through steel, but it couldn't even break Abigail's skin. What kind of monster was she?!

Abigail sneered at the Black Gold. "That's all you've got? Not impressive at all."

The Black Kong was stunned, his mouth agape. He had thought that a close-range attack would be enough to finish Abigail off. But now, he realized that her strength and defense were far superior to his.

"!" The Black Kong stuttered, his face pale with fear.

Abigail raised her hand, and the Black Kong felt a massive force strike his abdomen. He flew into the air, his body crashing into the ground with a loud thud. Before he could

even catch his breath, Abigail struck again.
Thanks for the update Grandmaster 👍

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