An Understated Dominance, Dustin Rhys story. Chapters 1301 and beyond - JUNLEE (aka Jungal2000) English interpretation

Translated by Jungal2000

This is my take on an ongoing Chinese novel by an unknown author. I've never been much of a reader when it comes to lengthy novels, but as soon as I delved into this tale, I was hooked like a fanatic. And I can't seem to stop. Unfortunately, the English version I was following only released three chapters a day, and my appetite for the story was insatiable. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started translating the Chinese text myself. Along the way, I've tried to inject some context into it because Google's translation tends to be too literal.

I've used different names for characters in my translations since they're a result of my own artistic interpretation. I began my translations from Chapter 967, which was posted in a different discussion thread. My aim is to tackle at least 100 chapters a week. However, as much as I love translating and reading this novel, I make sure to reserve my weekends for my family and friends – they're the ones who matter most to me.

The reason for this new thread is that during my two days off, some talented translators have continued where I left off. Their work is already shared and posted in my previous thread. This is fantastic news for readers looking for weekend reads. To avoid any confusion, I decided to create a new thread where I can upload and continue my translations. I'm doing all of this out of love for the story and the enjoyment I get from the process; it makes me feel like I'm a part of the narrative.

For those who are new to this, the best translations are provided by Muhindi Wa Kuchoma, and they are the work of the legendary translator Marina Vitori.

This is the tale of a prince, a legendary Kirin known as Logan Rhys. His life underwent a dramatic change a decade ago when his mother met a mysterious and untimely demise. Fueled by a relentless pursuit of truth, justice, and vengeance, he abandoned his royal palace and adopted the guise of a commoner, going by the name Dustin Rhys. The once-arrogant young prince transformed into a timid and soft-spoken individual, making him an easy target for bullies.

During these ten years, Logan secretly honed his skills and strength, undergoing a profound transformation. However, a recent divorce from his wife, Dahlia Nicholson, after three years of marriage, coupled with a series of life-altering events, pushed him back into action. Slowly but surely, he began to shed his timid persona, reemerging as the formidable figure he once was.

Join us as we follow the journey of Dustin, or Logan, as he strives to surpass, outmaneuver, and overpower entire armies and kingdoms, all through his own determination and bare hands.
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Top 8 !!

1. Billy - defeated Dorian (Zen Order)
2. Abigail - defeated Black Diamond
3. Vincent -defeated Victor Steele (Mysterious Sword Sect)
4.. Elias Longfellow - defeated Emerald (Thunderstrike Sword Alliance/Sword Sect)
5. Elvin Carr (Kuang Lang) defeates Azalea (Mystic Arts Order)

These should be upcoming fixtures.

6. Kieran (Yan Buqi) vs Cort Main
6. Priest Adam vs Troy
8. Dustin vs Unknown

I think Kieran (Yan Buqi), Priest and Dustin will move to top 8.

Top 8 fixtures

Billy vs Priest
Abigail vs Elvin Carr
Vincent vs Kieran (Yan Buqi)
Dustin vs Elias Longfellow

Note: Because Elvin Carr, the Raging fist of Blood Frenzy sect deafeats Azalea of Mystic Arts Order, writer will give Abigail a chance to defeat him 😂.

Note: Billy to be given equal share to kill foreign force (Dustin and Abigail had their shares).

Note: Dustin vs Elias because this guy is second to Billy in his sect. So, probably he can show a good sword match and force Dustin to use his sky sword.

Top 4

Billy vs Vincent
Dustin vs Abigail (Abigail forfeits or spars with Dustin showcasing her Phoenix powers)

Note: Vincent already could not do anything to Dustin in the past when Dustin was not even as strong as now. So, no need to repeat the fight between them.

Dustin vs Billy

Final match must be between Billy and Dustin because writer needs to show who is better between these two. It’s been a while we all are wondering. So, it’s time for the writer to reveal the secret.
I think it will be priest vs unknown since troy is setup to be someone to be good but you are right he will not be moving past top 8. I said priest vs unknown since priest is ruthless and if you are saying priest will be defeating troy, likely troy will die?
I think it will be priest vs unknown since troy is setup to be someone to be good but you are right he will not be moving past top 8. I said priest vs unknown since priest is ruthless and if you are saying priest will be defeating troy, likely troy will die?

We both are guessing anyways.

Troy will be saved by Jeremy the referee I guess. It’s important to show the power of Priest Adam. So defeating Troy will show how powerful he is. Troy already defeated 9th guy of Whizlist (Tianji list). That’s why I thought it will be Troy vs Priest !
We both are guessing anyways.

Troy will be saved by Jeremy the referee I guess. It’s important to show the power of Priest Adam. So defeating Troy will show how powerful he is. Troy already defeated 9th guy of Whizlist (Tianji list). That’s why I thought it will be Troy vs Priest !
Good point you have there 👍
i dont think dsutin will fight billy here atleast not uninterrupted, the phanteon will probably intervene givne that was there entire objective to begin with , so im thinking it will kinda be like how goku was supposed to fight vegeta in the first round in the tournament in the buu saga but they were interrupted by babidi, so similarly they will have it scheduled but it will be put on hold
i dont think dsutin will fight billy here atleast not uninterrupted, the phanteon will probably intervene givne that was there entire objective to begin with , so im thinking it will kinda be like how goku was supposed to fight vegeta in the first round in the tournament in the buu saga but they were interrupted by babidi, so similarly they will have it scheduled but it will be put on hold

Regarding interruption by Pantheons I absolutely agree with you. This is going to be a long fight story. Even tournament winner might not be decided. Pantheons are lurking around there.

I think 3rd guy of Whiz list (Daniel Warburton) will also show up somewhere in the fight. This is the only one guy remaining to show up from Whiz list in the novel. Since he is low key, nobody has seen his true strength. We have already seen other 3 generals of Whiz List in the past (4th -Scarlet, 6th - Adam Spanner, 7th- Ignatious Montgomery).

I wonder which side he will choose as he is Dustin’s own cousin but his family is at odds with West Lucozia.
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I think it will be priest vs unknown since troy is setup to be someone to be good but you are right he will not be moving past top 8. I said priest vs unknown since priest is ruthless and if you are saying priest will be defeating troy, likely troy will die?
I think it will be priest vs unknown since troy is setup to be someone to be good but you are right he will not be moving past top 8. I said priest vs unknown since priest is ruthless and if you are saying priest will be defeating troy, likely troy will die?
But why am I seeing Dustin fighting Father Adam? It can be a fight of a lifetime. Anyway remind me, I seem to have forgotten seeing the Abe fighting.
remember when dustin tried to fight with nestor in switon his father stoped him saying only bai ye can win to that guy meaning the rest two masters of logan's family could not win to that guy so nestor was number 10 which is the last position if they can not win the fight with nestor how can they be on the list?
Do you remember the drunkad was there at that time even though he was sick he still doesn’t have any signs of fear 😨
Do you remember the drunkad was there at that time even though he was sick he still doesn’t have any signs of fear 😨
i think he was moreso reffering to the pavillion as a whole then just nestor because nestor really wasnt all that the only reason he survived against dustin was because of the gold weaved armour, in this story thats supposed to be a whole extra life, dustins uncle was terrified of the notion of having to go and deceive the no 5 guy but when offered a similar armour he agreed without muvh worry for his survival which goes to show how effective the armour is
i know dude i actually cried for that and i dont just cry usually, its one of the 2 times i shed tears while reading this story the other being when dustin was reading the letter natasha left for him after trading her life for his

You were talking about ranking those guys not in list ! Try it ! Let’s see how it goes.
You were talking about ranking those guys not in list ! Try it ! Let’s see how it goes.
okay then for a reference piece ill put michael robinson , we can start from him, depending on the strength of the others he can go up or down, he was able to take the previous saint of the mystic arts and survive long enough to have a grown child avoiding all efforts of those who went after him, at the same time he also humiliated that one grandmaster who was azaleas master , while also being in a grade above the other grandmasters being the5 ultimate grandmasters or something. he was strong enough to the point where all of the grandmasters present at the fight for the spirit pearl were afraid to fight him even after he was injured to the point where his gut was ripped open by another ultimate grandmaster, after having absorbed all of the poison so that the younger martial artists didn't get affected and essentially had to guilt him to self destruct. so pretty solid contender for now
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okay then for a reference piece ill put michael robinson , we can start from him, depending on the strength of the others he can go up or down, he was able to take the previous saint of the mystic arts and survive long enough to have a grown child avoiding all efforts of those who went after him, at the same time he also humiliated that one grandmaster who was azaleas master , while also being in a grade above the other grandmasters being the5 ultimate grandmasters or something. he was strong enough to the point where all of the grandmasters present at the fight for the spirit pearl were afraid to fight him even after he was injured to the point where his gut was ripped open by another ultimate grandmaster, after having absorbed all of the poison so that the younger martial artists didn't get affected and essentially had to guilt him to self destruct. so pretty solid contender for now

Yeah ! Based on my understanding, I had ranked him as Mid stage GM. Because after mid stage GM, there is Dzogchen /Supreme/UGM which even 5th Guy had not reached during his fight with Dustin.

Similarly, Dustin was also considered a Mid stage GM when augmented by secret method while fighting Nestor by the 5th guy.

That means Michael (Edmond) was not in the shaking list but close enough to be there.

Abigail’s father single handedly defeated 10s of thousands of foreign forces and defeated 3 foreign GM masters (written UGM in Vittori’s translation ) and guarded the western Frontier all alone.

Since Michael (Edmond) can be ranked as Mid stage GM, others from Balermo , so called 5 UGM can be either Early stage GM or at max Advanced Early stage GM at most because all of them were inferior to Michael (Edward).

Guys like Augustus, the first GM killed by Dustin can be considered even entry level GM only, because he was even inferior to UGMs of Balermo.
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now who else could compete with him, how about dustins uncle would he be higher or lower
someone like augustus will probably remain at the last spot, i think the executioner could be above mochael depending on the translations consistency,then theres also those other regional princes of lucozia probably some more scattered here and there
Greetings fellow GMs, UGMs and more. I have been following this thread for a long time and today I decided to finally create an account of my own. Hoping to be a companion in this never ending story of dominance 🐉
Welcome to the village bro !
This thread belongs to Junlee. As he is in vacation, we are just drifting around with our own imagination and thoughts here. I think a small community has been created through this thread which keeps us like minded people together here. Like minded in the sense that everyone seems to be loving this novel engaging in active discussions.
now who else could compete with him, how about dustins uncle would he be higher or lower

Without doubt, a person who is a Hussar General (Field Marshal -5 star General ) of black dragon army must be formidable. So, Dustin’s Uncle (Gerald) must be above Michael.

Black Dragon Army Generals are/were all exceptional. It is said that not only generals but all officers ranks of BDA are martial arts masters (that means even a Lieutenant of BDA is an entry level GM).

In BDA, Number 1 General was Rufus Rhys (based on strength, when young) and number 2 was 5th guy of shaking list (Nick Blair). This clears a doubt that Rufus was stronger than 5th guy in his prime. Senior Royals are excluded from the list, that’s why he never appeared in Shaking list of the past too.

However even Hussar General (Gerald) can be at most Mid level GM but way weaker than Dustin because Dustin overpowered him easily. We assume Dustin was also mid stage GM that time because Dustin was still weaker than 5th guy without using secret technique.

Dustin also fought with Nangong Po (Marion, Marquis of mystic ridge). He was considered among top 5 in West Lucozia but he was weaker than Hussar General. So, this guy should be at most Advanced Early stage GM like Ronald Reeds of Balermo.

Gabrielle, after tasting the cultivation enhancing liquid almost broke through to mid stage GM but she held it back. I believe she went to the palace after the 1st Dragon essence retrieval and must have broken through by now.

Executioner is also mid stage GM, stronger than Hussar General but not strong enough to be in list

GMs in increasing order of strengths.

- Augustine
- Other GMs in Black Forest
- UGMs of Balermo
- Ronald Reeds
- Derek (Deputy of Martial law Bureau during Dustin’s fight with Ronald Reeds)
- Golden Blade Sect - Mario Montes & Floating Dragon Sect- Diamond (Dustin defeated these two during 1st dragon spiral excursion)
Rigor Reeds - Snowdrift Sect (2nd Top GM in Crimson Horizon, defeated with single palm strike)
- Marion, Marquis of Mystic Ridge (Nangong Po)
- Gabrielle (Margaret)
- Dragor - Dragon Alliance (Top GM in Crimson Horizon)
- Michael (Edmund) Robbinson
- Hussar General (Gerald)
- Executioner
- Drunkard Gregory (He had beaten 8th guy, if he is healthy, he should be in Shaking list). He should be above mid stage GM going towards UGM but inferior to 5th guy (Nick Blair)


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Seeing the things progressing, the writer seems to connect the dots. In future, we will definitely see Natasha and Dahalia again.

Whiz list was revealed long time ago but those prodigies like Cort Main, Lander Martin, Elvin Carr etc appeared in this tournament. Still Daniel Warburton has to show up. I mean writer does not seem to forget the main characters.
Seeing the things progressing, the writer seems to connect the dots. In future, we will definitely see Natasha and Dahalia again.

Whiz list was revealed long time ago but those prodigies like Cort Main, Lander Martin, Elvin Carr etc appeared in this tournament. Still Daniel Warburton has to show up. I mean writer does not seem to forget the main characters.
i was hoping to have seen either one of them in the bleachers given their new authoritative background but i guess that was wishful thinking, what id o hope is that the author doesnt go the way of the endless clones of dustins story and end up just avoiding the topic of them entirely only to give us a vague happily ever after
so azalaeas no5 , no 6 and 7 ,then its dustin, 6 will probably be with one of the other list members and by process of elimination either kieren or dustins other cousin, so what could no7s fight be, because the one after thats probably where dustin woulde have to display more of his abilities, possibly even being exposed for who he is
so azalaeas no5 , no 6 and 7 ,then its dustin, 6 will probably be with one of the other list members and by process of elimination either kieren or dustins other cousin, so what could no7s fight be, because the one after thats probably where dustin woulde have to display more of his abilities, possibly even being exposed for who he is
6th fight : Kieran vs Cort Main
7th fight : Troy vs Priest
8th fight: Dustin vs Unknown
So, this tournament chapter exactly started on 1st January 2024. Gabrielle told that Tournament is going to be held in 5 days time .That means, entire events happening in this story is a story of around 2 weeks at most and it’s taking 9 months already for the story to progress up to this point?

Highlights of this Touranment was

1. Peculiar Phenomena in DT mountain (Believed to be due to Dragon Energy Spirals)
2. Martial Arts Tournament (Winner gets the Heavenly Grandmaster’s secret treasure)
3. Phantom Richards Ascension to immortality

If Dustin wins this tournament, what can be that treasure? Besides, Pantheons are also coming for this treasure. They are using 2 pronged approach. Either, to get the treasure through fighting in tournament (only contestant remaining is Priest) or attack the mountain and get the treasure.

From the first Dragon energy spiral story, we know that Dragon Energy spirals hide themselves in rarest of the rare treasures. 1st spiral was hidden in spirit Pearl drowned in pond of spirit liquid.

I believe 2nd energy spiral must be hidden in this Heavenly Master’s treasure. That’s why Pantheons participated in this tournament to win that treasure.

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