An Understated Dominance, Dustin Rhys story. Chapters 1301 and beyond - JUNLEE (aka Jungal2000) English interpretation

Translated by Jungal2000

This is my take on an ongoing Chinese novel by an unknown author. I've never been much of a reader when it comes to lengthy novels, but as soon as I delved into this tale, I was hooked like a fanatic. And I can't seem to stop. Unfortunately, the English version I was following only released three chapters a day, and my appetite for the story was insatiable. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started translating the Chinese text myself. Along the way, I've tried to inject some context into it because Google's translation tends to be too literal.

I've used different names for characters in my translations since they're a result of my own artistic interpretation. I began my translations from Chapter 967, which was posted in a different discussion thread. My aim is to tackle at least 100 chapters a week. However, as much as I love translating and reading this novel, I make sure to reserve my weekends for my family and friends – they're the ones who matter most to me.

The reason for this new thread is that during my two days off, some talented translators have continued where I left off. Their work is already shared and posted in my previous thread. This is fantastic news for readers looking for weekend reads. To avoid any confusion, I decided to create a new thread where I can upload and continue my translations. I'm doing all of this out of love for the story and the enjoyment I get from the process; it makes me feel like I'm a part of the narrative.

For those who are new to this, the best translations are provided by Muhindi Wa Kuchoma, and they are the work of the legendary translator Marina Vitori.

This is the tale of a prince, a legendary Kirin known as Logan Rhys. His life underwent a dramatic change a decade ago when his mother met a mysterious and untimely demise. Fueled by a relentless pursuit of truth, justice, and vengeance, he abandoned his royal palace and adopted the guise of a commoner, going by the name Dustin Rhys. The once-arrogant young prince transformed into a timid and soft-spoken individual, making him an easy target for bullies.

During these ten years, Logan secretly honed his skills and strength, undergoing a profound transformation. However, a recent divorce from his wife, Dahlia Nicholson, after three years of marriage, coupled with a series of life-altering events, pushed him back into action. Slowly but surely, he began to shed his timid persona, reemerging as the formidable figure he once was.

Join us as we follow the journey of Dustin, or Logan, as he strives to surpass, outmaneuver, and overpower entire armies and kingdoms, all through his own determination and bare hands.
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As she gazed at the overwhelming surge of golden energy rolling toward her like a tidal wave, Azalea’s pupils constricted, and her heart skipped a beat.

She had thought they might exchange a few more moves, but the moment The Raging Fist struck, the sheer force of his attack left her stunned.

Without wasting a moment, Azalea flicked her wrist, and seemingly out of nowhere, she pulled out a crimson paper umbrella.

The umbrella was entirely scarlet, with mysterious symbols etched all over it.

As soon as it began to glow, the runes on the umbrella sprang to life, swirling wildly.

"The Ethereal Darkness Umbrella?!"

The crowd quickly recognized the origins of this weapon.

This was none other than the Ethereal Darkness Umbrella, an ultimate defense artifact known for its dark and overwhelming power. It had once been the prized treasure of the Ethereal Darkness Sect.

After the Ethereal Darkness Sect was destroyed, the umbrella disappeared without a trace—until now. To everyone’s surprise, it had resurfaced in the hands of the Mystic Arts Order.


Azalea opened the Ethereal Darkness Umbrella and thrust it toward the approaching golden wave.

The umbrella soared into the air, radiating light.

A blood-red barrier instantly enveloped Azalea, forming a protective dome that resembled a massive eggshell from a distance.


The golden surge slammed down like a hammer of divine judgment, its massive weight crashing against the crimson barrier with a deafening roar.

The barrier trembled violently under the relentless force of the golden tide, shifting and distorting under the pressure.

Inside the barrier, Azalea frantically formed hand seals, her face full of concentration and tension.

As the golden waves continued to batter the barrier, her body began to tremble, and beads of sweat formed on her smooth forehead.

Even with the protection of the Ethereal Darkness Umbrella, The Raging Fist’s assault was proving more than she could handle.

At that moment, she fully understood just how terrifying the strongest of the Whiz List ranking could be. Even a casual strike from someone like The Raging Fist could place her on the brink of disaster.

“Oh? You still have a trick up your sleeve?”

The Raging Fist raised an eyebrow, mildly surprised.

With his sharp gaze, he could tell that Azalea had only just entered the realm of a Grandmaster, and her strength was nothing remarkable.

Ordinarily, one slash would have been enough to finish her off. That's why he hadn't pressed the attack further.

He hadn’t expected her to have such a powerful defensive artifact, capable of withstanding his strike.

Surprised as he was, he didn’t take it too seriously.

From the moment they stepped into the arena, the outcome of this battle was already determined. Even with the Ethereal Darkness Umbrella, she could only delay the inevitable. It would merely cost him a little more effort to break through.

“Let’s see if you can block my next strike!”

Without any more words, The Raging Fist lifted his golden blade once more and swung it at Azalea from a distance.


A massive golden arc shot out from the blade, even more powerful than before, slicing through the air toward the crimson barrier.


With a thunderous explosion, energy rippled outward.

The red barrier shattered into countless fragments on the spot. The Ethereal Darkness Umbrella, hovering in the air, dimmed and fell lifelessly to the ground.

*Thud, thud, thud…*


Azalea, forming a hand seal, was shaken violently, retreating several steps, her face pale with blood dripping from the corner of her mouth.

Though she hadn't been directly struck, the shockwave and backlash from the explosion left her with significant internal injuries.

"Without your Ethereal Darkness Umbrella, let's see how you block my blade now!"

The Raging Fist showed no mercy. After breaking through the Ethereal Darkness Umbrella's protective barrier, he raised his blade again, slashing at Azalea from afar.

Once again, his strike was simple and brutal, without any fancy tricks.

The golden blade light roared like a falling meteor, its power terrifying and unstoppable.

Azalea’s expression shifted. In a flash, she pulled out a blue talisman from her robe and threw it straight at the golden blade arc.


An explosion erupted.

The golden blade dissipated, and from within, a bolt of blue lightning shot out at an incredible speed, striking The Raging Fist directly.


The Raging Fist staggered back, as if struck by thunder.

In an instant, his clothes were tattered, and his hair singed black.

The Raging Fist froze, staring in disbelief at the wound on his chest.

It was where the blue lightning had struck—his flesh was charred and raw.

Though the injury wasn’t life-threatening, the searing pain from his flesh was unavoidable.

However, what stung more than the physical pain was the fact that a seemingly weak woman had managed to injure him.

A fight that should have been an easy victory had left him in an embarrassing state.

Not only was The Raging Fist shocked, but the audience below the stage buzzed with surprise.

"Did I see that right? That lady actually injured The Raging Fist?"

"To wound someone ranked eighth on the Whiz List—that’s no small feat!"

"That blue lightning just now—wasn’t it a talisman from the Dragon Tiger Mountain Sect?"

"Exactly! That was a divine talisman! I saw it clearly! There’s no way a hidden weapon could hurt The Raging Fist like that!"

"But how strange... Why would a disciple of the Mystic Arts Order have a divine talisman from Dragon Tiger Mountain?"

The audience erupted into speculation, puzzled and intrigued.

The Raging Fist’s injury had shocked them, but what confused them even more was that the item that injured him was a lightning talisman, an artifact exclusive to Dragon Tiger Mountain Sect.

They couldn’t fathom how a disciple of the Mystic Arts Order had come to possess such a talisman.

"Who knew the divine talisman would be so handy? What a pleasant surprise!"

In the crowd, Abigail beamed with delight, then clasped her fists toward Troy, who wasn’t far off. "Little Daoist, thanks a bunch!"

With those words, everyone’s attention shifted to Troy.

This included the three big figures of the martial world—Nolan, Darkbane, and Mo Hentian—as well as the newly appointed Heavenly Master of Dragon Tiger Mountain, Spencer.


Troy froze, feeling a chill down his spine as cold sweat formed on his back.

Damn it, if I’d known, I wouldn’t have gambled.

Now not only had he lost a dozen talismans, but he’d also been exposed in front of everyone.

When he got home tonight, he was sure to get whipped.

Just thinking about it gave him a headache.


In the secluded mountains of Dragon Tiger Mountain, there weren’t too many rigid rules, so when Abigail opened up a gambling ring, Troy, driven by curiosity, couldn’t resist playing a few rounds.

At first, he won quite a bit. But gradually, his luck turned, and he lost everything he had won.

Caught up in the thrill of the moment, with nothing else to wager, Troy placed his bets on divine talismans.

And once he started, he couldn’t stop.

After losing more than a dozen precious talismans, Troy finally realized something was wrong and quit while he still had a few left.

The talisman in Azalea’s hand? That’s where it came from.

"How do you have a talisman?" roared Elvin from the arena, his brow furrowed and his face dark with disbelief.

Divine talismans were the hallmark of Dragon Tiger Mountain Mountain, especially the Thunder Talisman, one of the most powerful of its kind.

For a disciple of the Mystic Arts Order to possess such a talisman from Dragon Tiger Mountain was beyond comprehension.

Azalea simply giggled. "A little secret."

Before the duel, The Grand Sorceress had given her three talismans. She’d already used one, and its effect was better than expected.

If she played her cards right with the other two, she might still have a chance.

"Hmph! Do you really think a talisman can help you defeat me? Dream on!" Elvin sneered.

Suddenly, Elvin tossed his golden blade to the ground. The blade embedded itself into the arena floor, leaving only the hilt visible.

He then slowly drew the black blade from his back.

It was a broken blade, pitch-black and seemingly ordinary, with nothing special about it.

But the moment Elvin unsheathed the black blade, his entire aura changed.

Cold, fierce, overwhelmingly domineering.

The golden glow that had surrounded him was replaced by thick, black mist. He looked like a demonic god emerging from the depths of the underworld.

“Holy crap! Elvin’s not messing around anymore!”

“That blade... it looks cursed, filled with ominous energy.”

“If I’m not mistaken, that’s the legendary Demon Blade, once ranked as the greatest of the Ten Blades. It was broken and sealed by a mysterious master, and now it’s in Elvin’s hands! Even in its broken state, it’s still incredibly dangerous!”

“Combining the Demon Blade with the ruthless techniques of the Blood Frenzy Sect? That Mystic Arts Order disciple is in serious trouble now!”

The audience couldn’t help but gasp at the sight of Elvin, now cloaked in black energy.

Finding the Demon Blade was difficult enough. But wielding it? Nearly impossible.

For most swordsmen, simply drawing the blade was a challenge. And even if they managed it, the demonic energy would quickly drive them mad.

But judging by Elvin’s calm expression, it was clear he had fully mastered the blade, becoming its new wielder.

“To force me to unsheathe the Demon Blade... you can die with honor.”

With those chilling words, Elvin swung the blade.

The Demon Blade cut through the air in one smooth, unadorned motion. Simple, direct, and lethal.


As the demon blade swung through the air, a jet-black slash, darker than ink, sliced through the void. In an instant, the entire world seemed to plunge into darkness.

The blackness was so deep that it appeared capable of consuming everything in its path. Wherever the blade passed, the ground corroded, and the very air froze. There was no sound, no warning, but it radiated an overwhelming killing intent.

"Ethereal Darkness Umbrella!"

Azalea didn’t hesitate for a second. She quickly activated her protective seal. The once-dimmed Ethereal Darkness Umbrella soared into the air again, radiating a brilliant crimson light, forming a towering barrier in front of the black slash.

But within the next breath, the black slash effortlessly pierced through the crimson barrier, tearing the Ethereal Darkness Umbrella to shreds in the process.


The defensive treasure, the Ethereal Darkness Umbrella, shattered on the spot, offering no protection at all.

Shocked, Azalea staggered back, desperately releasing hidden weapons as she retreated. But no matter what she did, every poisonous dart and hidden weapon disintegrated into dust the moment they touched the black slash.

With nowhere to run, no way to defend, Azalea cried out in desperation, “I surrender! I surrender!”

The moment her voice echoed through the arena, a bolt of blue lightning suddenly descended from the heavens, striking the black slash directly.


A deafening explosion rang out. The lightning scattered, and the black slash vanished.

As the dark energy dissipated, Judge Jeremy appeared on the stage, standing protectively in front of Azalea.


A wave of fury surged within Elvin as he stood in disbelief. He had been so close—just one more strike, and he could have ended her, finally quenching his long-held grudge. But Jeremy had intervened so swiftly, nullifying his attack.

“Contestant 12 has surrendered. There’s no need to continue the assault,” Jeremy said calmly.

The rules of the match were clear: either fight to the death, knock the opponent out of the ring, or surrender. Since Azalea had already surrendered, as the referee, Jeremy had no choice but to step in.

Of course, there was another reason—Azalea carried a sacred talisman. She might have connections with one of the disciples from Dragon Tiger Mountain. That made her worth protecting.

“Thank you, Daoist Master, for saving me!”

Azalea bowed deeply to Jeremy, her face pale. The terror of that slash still lingered in her heart. Had Jeremy not used his lightning to shatter the attack, her meager strength would never have been enough to block it.

The gap between her and the elites on the Whiz List Ranking was far too vast. Even with all her treasures, she couldn’t bridge the difference.

Fortunately, her quick thinking had saved her life. If she hadn’t surrendered in time, today could have been the end.

Chapter 2596: A Narrow Escape

“Hmph! Lucky for you!” Elvin sneered, shooting Azalea a venomous glare before retracting his demon blade and stepping off the stage.

Though he had won, there was no satisfaction in his victory.

First, defeating a weaker woman brought no glory. Second, she had actually managed to injure him.

Since his rise to fame, he had never been so humiliated. Even though her survival was due to the intervention of a sacred talisman, he couldn’t deny that she had embarrassed him.

To make matters worse, the chance for revenge had slipped through his fingers, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.

However, he made up his mind—if he faced a disciple of the Mystic Arts Order tomorrow, he’d make sure their blood stained the ground.

“I declare, contestant number 5 is the winner!” Jeremy’s voice cut through the tension, officially announcing the result.

The crowd erupted into applause. Both Azalea’s resourceful defense and Elvin’s overwhelming power had left a lasting impression on the audience.

In most of the earlier matches, the contestants fought to the death, with no room for error. Azalea’s quick decision to surrender was a rare display of wisdom. It was this presence of mind that saved her life.

“Grand Sorceress, I’m sorry to disappoint you. I couldn’t win,” Azalea admitted with her head lowered once she returned to her seat.

“Surviving is what matters. Winning and losing aren’t that important.”

Abigail smiled warmly and added, “Elvin is ranked eighth on the Whiz List. It’s no surprise you couldn’t beat him. I was more worried you might act on impulse and fight to the end. That would have been foolish and costly. Besides, you didn’t lose outright—you managed to make him suffer a hidden loss. That’s something.”

To her, Azalea’s safety was the top priority. It would be great if she could make it to the top eight, but it wasn’t a strict requirement.

Victory and defeat come and go, but they mustn’t be forced.

“The sixth match is about to begin! Contestants 6 and 11, please take the stage!” Jeremy’s voice echoed again, signaling the start of the next round.

“Hahaha! Finally, it’s my turn!”

Suddenly, a booming laugh filled the arena. In an instant, a green figure flashed into the sky, hovering for a second before vanishing into thin air. By the time anyone could react, the figure had already reappeared in the center of the stage.

The speed and strange movement left everyone in the audience dumbfounded.

“What the—? Was that teleportation?”

“I have no idea! It was too fast to see clearly.”

“If I’m not mistaken, that must be some kind of spatial technique, allowing the user to shrink the ground beneath them and appear to blink across short distances. It’s truly mysterious!”

The spectators were buzzing with excitement. This tournament had truly gathered the most exceptional talents, each demonstrating incredible skills and unique techniques.

And with each match, no one could predict the winner until the very end.

“Where is my opponent? Come out and fight me at once!”


The man in the green robe stood firmly in the center of the arena. His hair danced in the wind, even though there was none. His robe fluttered audibly, exuding an intimidating aura.

“You’ve kept me waiting,” a booming voice echoed.

Suddenly, a figure in pristine white, as radiant as fresh snow, soared into the sky. His steps lightly tapped the air as he gracefully crossed a hundred meters in an instant before landing on the platform.

This was none other than Kieran.

“Kieran Parks, disciple of the Yama Fist and Blade Sect. Pleased to make your acquaintance,” Kieran greeted with a respectful bow, folding his fan in one hand.

His ethereal demeanor, paired with his strikingly handsome features, stirred a frenzy among the female spectators. Their cheers rang out uncontrollably.

Across the arena, Kieran’s prowess wasn’t the strongest, but his beauty? Absolutely unrivaled. Even Lara, a woman famed for her beauty and ranking highly on the Beauty Index, was visibly stunned.

She had never seen a man so exquisite—he could easily match her looks, and if they switched genders, she might have been outshined.

“Kieran? Never heard of him,” the man in green muttered, casting a dismissive glance.

Though his appearance was impressive, it paled in comparison to Kieran’s dazzling allure.

“And your name, sir?” Kieran asked with a gentle smile.

“I belong to no sect or school. My surname is Maine, given name Cort,” the green-robed man responded arrogantly.

“Ah, so it’s Cort Maine, ranked tenth on the Whiz List. An honor,” Kieran said, realization dawning on his face.

Cort had fought earlier, swiftly dispatching his opponent without even bothering to reveal his name—clearly holding back to some degree.

“So that’s Cort? He’s been hiding his strength all along,” the murmurs among the crowd grew louder.

“With the competition unclear earlier, staying low-key was wise. But now that all the strong contenders have shown themselves, there’s no need for him to hide.”

“I’ve heard Cort is a master of the arcane arts, with a repertoire of strange techniques. Ordinary masters stand no chance.”

“To make it to the Whiz List, he must have something extraordinary up his sleeve. This should be interesting.”

The arena buzzed with anticipation. Every individual who ranked on the Whiz List was either incredibly strong or had unique, unparalleled skills. Cort was no exception.

“Now that you know my name, why are you still standing there? Just surrender. Let’s not waste each other’s time,” Cort said calmly.

His tone wasn’t overly arrogant, but there was a certain finality to his words.

“To come this far only to surrender? That would surely invite ridicule. No matter what, I must give it my all,” Kieran smiled warmly.

“Hah… You don’t actually think you can beat me, do you? It seems you truly don’t understand the weight of the Whiz List,” Cort sneered.

Ordinary talents couldn’t even be compared to those on the list. To Cort, Kieran was merely setting himself up for humiliation.


Kieran stood tall, his demeanor calm and unshaken. With a slight smile, he spoke, "The experts on the Whiz List are indeed powerful, but surrendering without a fight is not the way of the Yama Fist and Blade Sect. I carry a heavy burden on my shoulders, and I must give this everything I’ve got. I hope you understand, Brother Cort."

Cort, hands behind his back, chuckled arrogantly, "If you're so eager to overestimate your abilities, then by all means, come. I'd like to see just how skilled you are."

His confidence radiated. He didn't see Kieran as a threat; to him, this would merely be a waste of time. After all, facing a lesser-known figure was hardly worth his full attention.

Kieran bowed slightly in respect. "Forgive me, Brother Cort!"

Without further delay, he surged forward, his palm raised in a swift attack. At first glance, his movements seemed slow, but in truth, his speed was lightning fast. Before his palm even landed, a chilling gust of wind swept through the arena. Frost began to form along the ground, a clear indication of his famous technique—the Frost Palm, an art passed down through the Yama Fist and Blade Sect.

The Frost Palm was not only devastating in its power but also carried an intense cold. Those hit by its force could find themselves frozen in place, unable to move, or worse—lifeless in an instant.

Kieran’s strike wasn’t one of hesitation. He recognized Cort as a formidable opponent and unleashed his deadliest move right away. In a fight like this, any sign of weakness or hesitation would mean instant defeat.

The cold wind howled as Kieran’s palm approached Cort’s chest with pinpoint accuracy. But instead of a victory, Kieran’s expression darkened. He had hit nothing but thin air.

Cort's figure dissolved before him, leaving only a fading shadow.

"Too slow," came Cort's mocking voice from behind.

Startled, Kieran spun around. There stood Cort, just ten meters away, hands still behind his back, an arrogant smirk plastered on his face. He hadn't even broken a sweat.

Kieran said nothing but launched himself at Cort again, this time even faster, his palm strike as powerful as thunder.

"Pointless," Cort scoffed. "You're wasting your effort."

To Cort, fighting someone who didn't stand a chance wasn't bravery; it was pure foolishness.

With a loud *boom*, Kieran’s second strike hit the air once again, its power resonating throughout the arena. The ground trembled from the force, showing just how strong the attack had been.

"Where are you aiming?" Cort’s voice taunted again from behind.

Kieran didn’t even bother to turn this time. He relied on his sharp instincts, following the sound of Cort’s voice. His palm lashed out once more, white energy cutting through the distance like a blade. The strike was aimed perfectly at where Cort had spoken.

But just like before, Cort’s figure vanished, leaving Kieran empty-handed.

"Too slow! Far too slow! At this pace, even if you exhaust yourself, you won’t touch a single hair on my head," Cort continued to tease, his figure flickering in and out like a ghost.

In this duel, it seemed Cort was toying with Kieran, treating him as nothing more than an amusement. His speed, unmatched, made him untouchable.

Kieran gritted his teeth, realizing that this battle was about more than brute strength. It was a fight against time, precision, and the true measure of a warrior's mind.


One moment to the left, another to the right—forward, backward—his movements were unpredictable, like a ghost slipping through shadows.

The most baffling thing was that Cort didn’t seem to follow any visible pattern. He wasn’t just dodging—he was teleporting. No matter how hard Kieran tried, no matter how relentlessly he pursued, he couldn’t even brush the edge of Cort's robe.

Cort toyed with him like a cat playing with a mouse, effortlessly dodging and mocking his every move.

"He's truly a master from the Whiz List! That movement—it’s like nothing I've ever seen!"

"The gap in their abilities is just too wide. Even if Cort didn’t attack, his mysterious footwork alone is enough to play Kieran to death."

"If I were Kieran, I’d have surrendered ages ago. There’s no point in humiliating yourself like this!"

The audience couldn’t stop their murmurs. It was clear to everyone—Cort wasn’t fighting seriously. This match was a joke to him. The outcome had been decided long before the first blow was struck. The moment Cort grew tired, that would be the end for Kieran.

From the stands, Ruby's brow furrowed in concern. "Sister, Kieran’s situation looks dire. If this continues, he’s bound to lose."

Emerald nodded gravely. "Kieran may be strong, but compared to the monsters on the Whiz List, he's still lacking."

Every fighter who reached the final eighteen was talented, but even among geniuses, there are those who stand head and shoulders above the rest. And Cort? He was the crane among chickens.

“Come on, faster! Hit me! You’ve got to be kidding me, you haven’t landed a single blow!”

“I’m honestly embarrassed for you. With your pitiful strength, where did you get the guts to challenge me?”

“Do you even know the phrase ‘like an ant trying to shake a tree’? That’s you right now—pathetic and overestimating yourself.”

“You’re the ant, and I’m the tree!”

Cort’s mocking tone rang across the arena as he continued dodging with ease, his words dripping with condescension.

But Kieran didn’t respond. He just kept attacking—faster, harder, pushing himself beyond exhaustion, ignoring the jeers and taunts. Each strike was quicker, more forceful than the last.

"Why don’t you just give up? If you keep this up, you'll collapse from exhaustion. A man must know his limi—"

Before Cort could finish his sentence, a sudden, fierce palm strike came at him. This time, it was different. Cort’s body had barely begun to reform after his latest teleport. He wasn’t ready. He couldn’t dodge.

The timing was flawless. Kieran had waited for this moment.


A deafening crash echoed through the arena. Cort, unable to avoid the strike, took the hit square in the chest. His body flew through the air, the impact reverberating in the stunned silence that followed.

For the first time, the unshakable Cort had been forced back.


Cort was stunned by the impact of the strike.

He felt his internal energy solidify, his entire body becoming rigid and immobile. His vital energy couldn’t circulate properly, leaving him vulnerable.

Kieran’s Frost Palm was a deadly skill that, once it hit, could instantly incapacitate its target.

Even though Cort was powerful, he couldn’t avoid its effects.

“Damn! He actually got hit!”

“Must be a fluke, right? After all that random attacking, sooner or later, a blind cat finds a dead mouse.”

The audience watched in astonishment as Cort was sent flying by the strike. To them, the outcome of the match seemed inevitable.

Cort had been playing with his opponent throughout the fight, never taking a serious stance. Getting hit was perceived as sheer coincidence.

At first glance, it seemed as if Cort had simply walked into Kieran’s attack by mistake.

But there was no denying that this strike had shifted the balance of power, even if only slightly.

As Cort struggled to regain control of his body, Kieran seized the opportunity. With a swift step, he leaped into the air, catching up to the airborne Cort and delivering another crushing blow from above.


Cort’s eyes widened in shock, but before he could utter a word, another heavy palm strike landed on his chest.

He was smashed down onto the arena floor like a cannonball, creating a loud “*BOOM!*”

The ground beneath him caved in, leaving a deep crater shaped like a person. Dust and debris billowed into the air.


Cort couldn’t suppress a spurt of blood, his hair disheveled and his clothes tattered. He looked utterly disheveled.

He hadn’t expected that a mere misstep would allow Kieran to seize the moment and unleash a series of devastating blows.

Though he had remarkable teleportation skills, his physical resilience was lacking. Especially after being struck by the Frost Palm, his defensive energy shield was compromised.

After taking two powerful hits, Cort was severely injured and his energy was in disarray.

Before he could catch his breath, a chilling figure descended from the sky, performing a handstand and delivering a final, powerful strike.


The air seemed to crackle with thunder.

A massive, three-meter-long white palm shadow appeared, descending like a small mountain, crashing down upon Cort in the pit.

This final strike was far more formidable than the previous ones, coming with an extra measure of brutality.

“You’ve gone too far!”

Seeing no way to evade the attack, Cort, consumed by fury, risked severing his own energy channels to forcefully generate a protective shield in front of him.


The arena shook violently with the deafening explosion.


The white shadow of the palm struck heavily against Cort's protective shield, creating a powerful surge of energy.

The shield, however, shattered within a single second, breaking apart under the pressure.

That brief second had saved Cort’s life. As the final moment of the white palm shadow descended, Cort finally regained control of his body and executed his teleportation technique.

The white palm shadow slammed into the crater below with a thunderous roar, shaking the entire arena.

At that moment, Cort had already reappeared fifty meters away.


As soon as Cort materialized, he couldn’t help but spit out a mouthful of blood. His meridians had been frozen, and forcing himself to use his qi had damaged his meridians further. This not only worsened his injuries but would also affect his future cultivation.

However, compared to taking that last blow, this price was still bearable. After all, a solid hit could have meant death or severe injury.

“What a pity.”

Seeing his final attack miss, Kieran couldn't help but feel a tinge of regret. He had hoped to seize the opportunity to end the battle quickly, but Cort’s decisive action had led him to destroy part of his own meridians to avoid the third strike.

Indeed, those who rose to the Whiz List were far from ordinary.

“My goodness! I never expected Cort to be so badly beaten. This is truly unexpected!”

“Absolutely! A master from the Whiz List being reduced to such a sorry state by a nameless junior is downright embarrassing!”

“If Cort hadn’t been so arrogant, he probably would have ended the battle by now. But he chose to toy with his opponent and nearly faced defeat himself.”

The audience buzzed with chatter as they watched Cort’s dire situation. To them, Cort’s injury was a result of underestimating Kieran, treating him too lightly. The tables had turned on him, and now he was reaping what he had sown.

"Very well! You’ve done well!"

Cort, catching his breath, glared fiercely at Kieran. His eyes burned with murderous intent. “No one has ever injured me like this since I gained my fame. You’ve succeeded in enraging me and awakening a fierce beast!”

Kieran remained silent, calmly observing as his qi flowed steadily within him.

“You will soon understand the consequences of provoking me!”

With a roar, Cort's body suddenly convulsed, splitting into three separate figures.

One Cort became three, and then, with another tremor, the three became nine.

Nine Corts emerged simultaneously, attacking from all directions, closing in to overwhelm Kieran.

Thanks a lot immortal @Junlee. Very grateful for the resources. As predicted Azalea lost. In this round Kieran would lose also. So, that leaves us with 2 more matches left; Troy, Father Adam, Dustin and one more expert. For the story development Dustin and Father Adam might not fight against each other in this round. So, that leaves with either Troy facing Dustin or Father Adam. I will earnestly wait for the last 2 fights. With the way how things develop, it looks like, by that time immortal Junlee's one month holiday comes to end, we might be ready to begin the next round of 8.
I think uou might be right I was confused at first but remember the second most powerful sword 🗡️ in the word gave him a chance in the 10th

Sad moments -3

Hector Harmon

He was killed by Brayden Grant, younger brother of Tyler Grant during hostage exchange. Brayden was hostage of Dustin and Hector was hostage of Tyler. Kate (Natasha’s cousin) was with Tyler. They had taken 2 hostages Natasha and Hector.

When the Hector and Brayden met on midway during exchange. Brayden suddenly stabbed Hector on back and the knife pierced through him and came out of chest on the front. Hector was earlier severely tortured almost to death by Kate to get information about the treasure map.

Later Dustin kills Brayden by squeezing his head. His head exploding like watermelon.
O remember this scene vividly. Kate the gold digger sold her pride for fame and power. How pathetic it was to betray your own for power. So so sad
Thanks a lot immortal @Junlee. Very grateful for the resources. As predicted Azalea lost. In this round Kieran would lose also. So, that leaves us with 2 more matches left; Troy, Father Adam, Dustin and one more expert. For the story development Dustin and Father Adam might not fight against each other in this round. So, that leaves with either Troy facing Dustin or Father Adam. I will earnestly wait for the last 2 fights. With the way how things develop, it looks like, by that time immortal Junlee's one month holiday comes to end, we might be ready to begin the next round of 8.
Thanks for the chapters
Regarding interruption by Pantheons I absolutely agree with you. This is going to be a long fight story. Even tournament winner might not be decided. Pantheons are lurking around there.

I think 3rd guy of Whiz list (Daniel Warburton) will also show up somewhere in the fight. This is the only one guy remaining to show up from Whiz list in the novel. Since he is low key, nobody has seen his true strength. We have already seen other 3 generals of Whiz List in the past (4th -Scarlet, 6th - Adam Spanner, 7th- Ignatious Montgomery).

I wonder which side he will choose as he is Dustin’s own cousin but his family is at odds with West Lucozia.
By the way, I read from another thread that time.3rd position from the prodigy list was takey by a girl named Liliana Foster and she is Dustin's cousin from his mother's side.I think she is a girl,not a boy
By the way, I read from another thread that time.3rd position from the prodigy list was takey by a girl named Liliana Foster and she is Dustin's cousin from his mother's side.I think she is a girl,not a boy
i alway thought it was a guy from his mothers side of the family, are you sue that wasnt just abigails name translated differently,lets wait for lu dustins take
By the way, I read from another thread that time.3rd position from the prodigy list was takey by a girl named Liliana Foster and she is Dustin's cousin from his mother's side.I think she is a girl,not a boy

Regarding the third person in Whizlist ! The Chinese name used is
"Qin Wushuang" which is typically a male name in Chinese literature. It has been used for male characters in various Chinese novels and stories. In Chinese names, gender is not always immediately obvious from the name alone, but in this case, it is most commonly associated with a male character.
Regarding the third person in Whizlist ! The Chinese name used is
"Qin Wushuang" which is typically a male name in Chinese literature. It has been used for male characters in various Chinese novels and stories. In Chinese names, gender is not always immediately obvious from the name alone, but in this case, it is most commonly associated with a male character.
yea i remember a qin hai from chen pings story

As she gazed at the overwhelming surge of golden energy rolling toward her like a tidal wave, Azalea’s pupils constricted, and her heart skipped a beat.

She had thought they might exchange a few more moves, but the moment The Raging Fist struck, the sheer force of his attack left her stunned.

Without wasting a moment, Azalea flicked her wrist, and seemingly out of nowhere, she pulled out a crimson paper umbrella.

The umbrella was entirely scarlet, with mysterious symbols etched all over it.

As soon as it began to glow, the runes on the umbrella sprang to life, swirling wildly.

"The Ethereal Darkness Umbrella?!"

The crowd quickly recognized the origins of this weapon.

This was none other than the Ethereal Darkness Umbrella, an ultimate defense artifact known for its dark and overwhelming power. It had once been the prized treasure of the Ethereal Darkness Sect.

After the Ethereal Darkness Sect was destroyed, the umbrella disappeared without a trace—until now. To everyone’s surprise, it had resurfaced in the hands of the Mystic Arts Order.


Azalea opened the Ethereal Darkness Umbrella and thrust it toward the approaching golden wave.

The umbrella soared into the air, radiating light.

A blood-red barrier instantly enveloped Azalea, forming a protective dome that resembled a massive eggshell from a distance.


The golden surge slammed down like a hammer of divine judgment, its massive weight crashing against the crimson barrier with a deafening roar.

The barrier trembled violently under the relentless force of the golden tide, shifting and distorting under the pressure.

Inside the barrier, Azalea frantically formed hand seals, her face full of concentration and tension.

As the golden waves continued to batter the barrier, her body began to tremble, and beads of sweat formed on her smooth forehead.

Even with the protection of the Ethereal Darkness Umbrella, The Raging Fist’s assault was proving more than she could handle.

At that moment, she fully understood just how terrifying the strongest of the Whiz List ranking could be. Even a casual strike from someone like The Raging Fist could place her on the brink of disaster.

“Oh? You still have a trick up your sleeve?”

The Raging Fist raised an eyebrow, mildly surprised.

With his sharp gaze, he could tell that Azalea had only just entered the realm of a Grandmaster, and her strength was nothing remarkable.

Ordinarily, one slash would have been enough to finish her off. That's why he hadn't pressed the attack further.

He hadn’t expected her to have such a powerful defensive artifact, capable of withstanding his strike.

Surprised as he was, he didn’t take it too seriously.

From the moment they stepped into the arena, the outcome of this battle was already determined. Even with the Ethereal Darkness Umbrella, she could only delay the inevitable. It would merely cost him a little more effort to break through.

“Let’s see if you can block my next strike!”

Without any more words, The Raging Fist lifted his golden blade once more and swung it at Azalea from a distance.


A massive golden arc shot out from the blade, even more powerful than before, slicing through the air toward the crimson barrier.


With a thunderous explosion, energy rippled outward.

The red barrier shattered into countless fragments on the spot. The Ethereal Darkness Umbrella, hovering in the air, dimmed and fell lifelessly to the ground.

*Thud, thud, thud…*


Azalea, forming a hand seal, was shaken violently, retreating several steps, her face pale with blood dripping from the corner of her mouth.

Though she hadn't been directly struck, the shockwave and backlash from the explosion left her with significant internal injuries.

"Without your Ethereal Darkness Umbrella, let's see how you block my blade now!"

The Raging Fist showed no mercy. After breaking through the Ethereal Darkness Umbrella's protective barrier, he raised his blade again, slashing at Azalea from afar.

Once again, his strike was simple and brutal, without any fancy tricks.

The golden blade light roared like a falling meteor, its power terrifying and unstoppable.

Azalea’s expression shifted. In a flash, she pulled out a blue talisman from her robe and threw it straight at the golden blade arc.


An explosion erupted.

The golden blade dissipated, and from within, a bolt of blue lightning shot out at an incredible speed, striking The Raging Fist directly.


The Raging Fist staggered back, as if struck by thunder.

In an instant, his clothes were tattered, and his hair singed black.

The Raging Fist froze, staring in disbelief at the wound on his chest.

It was where the blue lightning had struck—his flesh was charred and raw.

Though the injury wasn’t life-threatening, the searing pain from his flesh was unavoidable.

However, what stung more than the physical pain was the fact that a seemingly weak woman had managed to injure him.

A fight that should have been an easy victory had left him in an embarrassing state.

Not only was The Raging Fist shocked, but the audience below the stage buzzed with surprise.

"Did I see that right? That lady actually injured The Raging Fist?"

"To wound someone ranked eighth on the Whiz List—that’s no small feat!"

"That blue lightning just now—wasn’t it a talisman from the Dragon Tiger Mountain Sect?"

"Exactly! That was a divine talisman! I saw it clearly! There’s no way a hidden weapon could hurt The Raging Fist like that!"

"But how strange... Why would a disciple of the Mystic Arts Order have a divine talisman from Dragon Tiger Mountain?"

The audience erupted into speculation, puzzled and intrigued.

The Raging Fist’s injury had shocked them, but what confused them even more was that the item that injured him was a lightning talisman, an artifact exclusive to Dragon Tiger Mountain Sect.

They couldn’t fathom how a disciple of the Mystic Arts Order had come to possess such a talisman.

"Who knew the divine talisman would be so handy? What a pleasant surprise!"

In the crowd, Abigail beamed with delight, then clasped her fists toward Troy, who wasn’t far off. "Little Daoist, thanks a bunch!"

With those words, everyone’s attention shifted to Troy.

This included the three big figures of the martial world—Nolan, Darkbane, and Mo Hentian—as well as the newly appointed Heavenly Master of Dragon Tiger Mountain, Spencer.


Troy froze, feeling a chill down his spine as cold sweat formed on his back.

Damn it, if I’d known, I wouldn’t have gambled.

Now not only had he lost a dozen talismans, but he’d also been exposed in front of everyone.

When he got home tonight, he was sure to get whipped.

Just thinking about it gave him a headache.


In the secluded mountains of Dragon Tiger Mountain, there weren’t too many rigid rules, so when Abigail opened up a gambling ring, Troy, driven by curiosity, couldn’t resist playing a few rounds.

At first, he won quite a bit. But gradually, his luck turned, and he lost everything he had won.

Caught up in the thrill of the moment, with nothing else to wager, Troy placed his bets on divine talismans.

And once he started, he couldn’t stop.

After losing more than a dozen precious talismans, Troy finally realized something was wrong and quit while he still had a few left.

The talisman in Azalea’s hand? That’s where it came from.

"How do you have a talisman?" roared Elvin from the arena, his brow furrowed and his face dark with disbelief.

Divine talismans were the hallmark of Dragon Tiger Mountain Mountain, especially the Thunder Talisman, one of the most powerful of its kind.

For a disciple of the Mystic Arts Order to possess such a talisman from Dragon Tiger Mountain was beyond comprehension.

Azalea simply giggled. "A little secret."

Before the duel, The Grand Sorceress had given her three talismans. She’d already used one, and its effect was better than expected.

If she played her cards right with the other two, she might still have a chance.

"Hmph! Do you really think a talisman can help you defeat me? Dream on!" Elvin sneered.

Suddenly, Elvin tossed his golden blade to the ground. The blade embedded itself into the arena floor, leaving only the hilt visible.

He then slowly drew the black blade from his back.

It was a broken blade, pitch-black and seemingly ordinary, with nothing special about it.

But the moment Elvin unsheathed the black blade, his entire aura changed.

Cold, fierce, overwhelmingly domineering.

The golden glow that had surrounded him was replaced by thick, black mist. He looked like a demonic god emerging from the depths of the underworld.

“Holy crap! Elvin’s not messing around anymore!”

“That blade... it looks cursed, filled with ominous energy.”

“If I’m not mistaken, that’s the legendary Demon Blade, once ranked as the greatest of the Ten Blades. It was broken and sealed by a mysterious master, and now it’s in Elvin’s hands! Even in its broken state, it’s still incredibly dangerous!”

“Combining the Demon Blade with the ruthless techniques of the Blood Frenzy Sect? That Mystic Arts Order disciple is in serious trouble now!”

The audience couldn’t help but gasp at the sight of Elvin, now cloaked in black energy.

Finding the Demon Blade was difficult enough. But wielding it? Nearly impossible.

For most swordsmen, simply drawing the blade was a challenge. And even if they managed it, the demonic energy would quickly drive them mad.

But judging by Elvin’s calm expression, it was clear he had fully mastered the blade, becoming its new wielder.

“To force me to unsheathe the Demon Blade... you can die with honor.”

With those chilling words, Elvin swung the blade.

The Demon Blade cut through the air in one smooth, unadorned motion. Simple, direct, and lethal.


As the demon blade swung through the air, a jet-black slash, darker than ink, sliced through the void. In an instant, the entire world seemed to plunge into darkness.

The blackness was so deep that it appeared capable of consuming everything in its path. Wherever the blade passed, the ground corroded, and the very air froze. There was no sound, no warning, but it radiated an overwhelming killing intent.

"Ethereal Darkness Umbrella!"

Azalea didn’t hesitate for a second. She quickly activated her protective seal. The once-dimmed Ethereal Darkness Umbrella soared into the air again, radiating a brilliant crimson light, forming a towering barrier in front of the black slash.

But within the next breath, the black slash effortlessly pierced through the crimson barrier, tearing the Ethereal Darkness Umbrella to shreds in the process.


The defensive treasure, the Ethereal Darkness Umbrella, shattered on the spot, offering no protection at all.

Shocked, Azalea staggered back, desperately releasing hidden weapons as she retreated. But no matter what she did, every poisonous dart and hidden weapon disintegrated into dust the moment they touched the black slash.

With nowhere to run, no way to defend, Azalea cried out in desperation, “I surrender! I surrender!”

The moment her voice echoed through the arena, a bolt of blue lightning suddenly descended from the heavens, striking the black slash directly.


A deafening explosion rang out. The lightning scattered, and the black slash vanished.

As the dark energy dissipated, Judge Jeremy appeared on the stage, standing protectively in front of Azalea.


A wave of fury surged within Elvin as he stood in disbelief. He had been so close—just one more strike, and he could have ended her, finally quenching his long-held grudge. But Jeremy had intervened so swiftly, nullifying his attack.

“Contestant 12 has surrendered. There’s no need to continue the assault,” Jeremy said calmly.

The rules of the match were clear: either fight to the death, knock the opponent out of the ring, or surrender. Since Azalea had already surrendered, as the referee, Jeremy had no choice but to step in.

Of course, there was another reason—Azalea carried a sacred talisman. She might have connections with one of the disciples from Dragon Tiger Mountain. That made her worth protecting.

“Thank you, Daoist Master, for saving me!”

Azalea bowed deeply to Jeremy, her face pale. The terror of that slash still lingered in her heart. Had Jeremy not used his lightning to shatter the attack, her meager strength would never have been enough to block it.

The gap between her and the elites on the Whiz List Ranking was far too vast. Even with all her treasures, she couldn’t bridge the difference.

Fortunately, her quick thinking had saved her life. If she hadn’t surrendered in time, today could have been the end.

Chapter 2596: A Narrow Escape

“Hmph! Lucky for you!” Elvin sneered, shooting Azalea a venomous glare before retracting his demon blade and stepping off the stage.

Though he had won, there was no satisfaction in his victory.

First, defeating a weaker woman brought no glory. Second, she had actually managed to injure him.

Since his rise to fame, he had never been so humiliated. Even though her survival was due to the intervention of a sacred talisman, he couldn’t deny that she had embarrassed him.

To make matters worse, the chance for revenge had slipped through his fingers, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.

However, he made up his mind—if he faced a disciple of the Mystic Arts Order tomorrow, he’d make sure their blood stained the ground.

“I declare, contestant number 5 is the winner!” Jeremy’s voice cut through the tension, officially announcing the result.

The crowd erupted into applause. Both Azalea’s resourceful defense and Elvin’s overwhelming power had left a lasting impression on the audience.

In most of the earlier matches, the contestants fought to the death, with no room for error. Azalea’s quick decision to surrender was a rare display of wisdom. It was this presence of mind that saved her life.

“Grand Sorceress, I’m sorry to disappoint you. I couldn’t win,” Azalea admitted with her head lowered once she returned to her seat.

“Surviving is what matters. Winning and losing aren’t that important.”

Abigail smiled warmly and added, “Elvin is ranked eighth on the Whiz List. It’s no surprise you couldn’t beat him. I was more worried you might act on impulse and fight to the end. That would have been foolish and costly. Besides, you didn’t lose outright—you managed to make him suffer a hidden loss. That’s something.”

To her, Azalea’s safety was the top priority. It would be great if she could make it to the top eight, but it wasn’t a strict requirement.

Victory and defeat come and go, but they mustn’t be forced.

“The sixth match is about to begin! Contestants 6 and 11, please take the stage!” Jeremy’s voice echoed again, signaling the start of the next round.

“Hahaha! Finally, it’s my turn!”

Suddenly, a booming laugh filled the arena. In an instant, a green figure flashed into the sky, hovering for a second before vanishing into thin air. By the time anyone could react, the figure had already reappeared in the center of the stage.

The speed and strange movement left everyone in the audience dumbfounded.

“What the—? Was that teleportation?”

“I have no idea! It was too fast to see clearly.”

“If I’m not mistaken, that must be some kind of spatial technique, allowing the user to shrink the ground beneath them and appear to blink across short distances. It’s truly mysterious!”

The spectators were buzzing with excitement. This tournament had truly gathered the most exceptional talents, each demonstrating incredible skills and unique techniques.

And with each match, no one could predict the winner until the very end.

“Where is my opponent? Come out and fight me at once!”


The man in the green robe stood firmly in the center of the arena. His hair danced in the wind, even though there was none. His robe fluttered audibly, exuding an intimidating aura.

“You’ve kept me waiting,” a booming voice echoed.

Suddenly, a figure in pristine white, as radiant as fresh snow, soared into the sky. His steps lightly tapped the air as he gracefully crossed a hundred meters in an instant before landing on the platform.

This was none other than Kieran.

“Kieran Parks, disciple of the Yama Fist and Blade Sect. Pleased to make your acquaintance,” Kieran greeted with a respectful bow, folding his fan in one hand.

His ethereal demeanor, paired with his strikingly handsome features, stirred a frenzy among the female spectators. Their cheers rang out uncontrollably.

Across the arena, Kieran’s prowess wasn’t the strongest, but his beauty? Absolutely unrivaled. Even Lara, a woman famed for her beauty and ranking highly on the Beauty Index, was visibly stunned.

She had never seen a man so exquisite—he could easily match her looks, and if they switched genders, she might have been outshined.

“Kieran? Never heard of him,” the man in green muttered, casting a dismissive glance.

Though his appearance was impressive, it paled in comparison to Kieran’s dazzling allure.

“And your name, sir?” Kieran asked with a gentle smile.

“I belong to no sect or school. My surname is Maine, given name Cort,” the green-robed man responded arrogantly.

“Ah, so it’s Cort Maine, ranked tenth on the Whiz List. An honor,” Kieran said, realization dawning on his face.

Cort had fought earlier, swiftly dispatching his opponent without even bothering to reveal his name—clearly holding back to some degree.

“So that’s Cort? He’s been hiding his strength all along,” the murmurs among the crowd grew louder.

“With the competition unclear earlier, staying low-key was wise. But now that all the strong contenders have shown themselves, there’s no need for him to hide.”

“I’ve heard Cort is a master of the arcane arts, with a repertoire of strange techniques. Ordinary masters stand no chance.”

“To make it to the Whiz List, he must have something extraordinary up his sleeve. This should be interesting.”

The arena buzzed with anticipation. Every individual who ranked on the Whiz List was either incredibly strong or had unique, unparalleled skills. Cort was no exception.

“Now that you know my name, why are you still standing there? Just surrender. Let’s not waste each other’s time,” Cort said calmly.

His tone wasn’t overly arrogant, but there was a certain finality to his words.

“To come this far only to surrender? That would surely invite ridicule. No matter what, I must give it my all,” Kieran smiled warmly.

“Hah… You don’t actually think you can beat me, do you? It seems you truly don’t understand the weight of the Whiz List,” Cort sneered.

Ordinary talents couldn’t even be compared to those on the list. To Cort, Kieran was merely setting himself up for humiliation.


Kieran stood tall, his demeanor calm and unshaken. With a slight smile, he spoke, "The experts on the Whiz List are indeed powerful, but surrendering without a fight is not the way of the Yama Fist and Blade Sect. I carry a heavy burden on my shoulders, and I must give this everything I’ve got. I hope you understand, Brother Cort."

Cort, hands behind his back, chuckled arrogantly, "If you're so eager to overestimate your abilities, then by all means, come. I'd like to see just how skilled you are."

His confidence radiated. He didn't see Kieran as a threat; to him, this would merely be a waste of time. After all, facing a lesser-known figure was hardly worth his full attention.

Kieran bowed slightly in respect. "Forgive me, Brother Cort!"

Without further delay, he surged forward, his palm raised in a swift attack. At first glance, his movements seemed slow, but in truth, his speed was lightning fast. Before his palm even landed, a chilling gust of wind swept through the arena. Frost began to form along the ground, a clear indication of his famous technique—the Frost Palm, an art passed down through the Yama Fist and Blade Sect.

The Frost Palm was not only devastating in its power but also carried an intense cold. Those hit by its force could find themselves frozen in place, unable to move, or worse—lifeless in an instant.

Kieran’s strike wasn’t one of hesitation. He recognized Cort as a formidable opponent and unleashed his deadliest move right away. In a fight like this, any sign of weakness or hesitation would mean instant defeat.

The cold wind howled as Kieran’s palm approached Cort’s chest with pinpoint accuracy. But instead of a victory, Kieran’s expression darkened. He had hit nothing but thin air.

Cort's figure dissolved before him, leaving only a fading shadow.

"Too slow," came Cort's mocking voice from behind.

Startled, Kieran spun around. There stood Cort, just ten meters away, hands still behind his back, an arrogant smirk plastered on his face. He hadn't even broken a sweat.

Kieran said nothing but launched himself at Cort again, this time even faster, his palm strike as powerful as thunder.

"Pointless," Cort scoffed. "You're wasting your effort."

To Cort, fighting someone who didn't stand a chance wasn't bravery; it was pure foolishness.

With a loud *boom*, Kieran’s second strike hit the air once again, its power resonating throughout the arena. The ground trembled from the force, showing just how strong the attack had been.

"Where are you aiming?" Cort’s voice taunted again from behind.

Kieran didn’t even bother to turn this time. He relied on his sharp instincts, following the sound of Cort’s voice. His palm lashed out once more, white energy cutting through the distance like a blade. The strike was aimed perfectly at where Cort had spoken.

But just like before, Cort’s figure vanished, leaving Kieran empty-handed.

"Too slow! Far too slow! At this pace, even if you exhaust yourself, you won’t touch a single hair on my head," Cort continued to tease, his figure flickering in and out like a ghost.

In this duel, it seemed Cort was toying with Kieran, treating him as nothing more than an amusement. His speed, unmatched, made him untouchable.

Kieran gritted his teeth, realizing that this battle was about more than brute strength. It was a fight against time, precision, and the true measure of a warrior's mind.


One moment to the left, another to the right—forward, backward—his movements were unpredictable, like a ghost slipping through shadows.

The most baffling thing was that Cort didn’t seem to follow any visible pattern. He wasn’t just dodging—he was teleporting. No matter how hard Kieran tried, no matter how relentlessly he pursued, he couldn’t even brush the edge of Cort's robe.

Cort toyed with him like a cat playing with a mouse, effortlessly dodging and mocking his every move.

"He's truly a master from the Whiz List! That movement—it’s like nothing I've ever seen!"

"The gap in their abilities is just too wide. Even if Cort didn’t attack, his mysterious footwork alone is enough to play Kieran to death."

"If I were Kieran, I’d have surrendered ages ago. There’s no point in humiliating yourself like this!"

The audience couldn’t stop their murmurs. It was clear to everyone—Cort wasn’t fighting seriously. This match was a joke to him. The outcome had been decided long before the first blow was struck. The moment Cort grew tired, that would be the end for Kieran.

From the stands, Ruby's brow furrowed in concern. "Sister, Kieran’s situation looks dire. If this continues, he’s bound to lose."

Emerald nodded gravely. "Kieran may be strong, but compared to the monsters on the Whiz List, he's still lacking."

Every fighter who reached the final eighteen was talented, but even among geniuses, there are those who stand head and shoulders above the rest. And Cort? He was the crane among chickens.

“Come on, faster! Hit me! You’ve got to be kidding me, you haven’t landed a single blow!”

“I’m honestly embarrassed for you. With your pitiful strength, where did you get the guts to challenge me?”

“Do you even know the phrase ‘like an ant trying to shake a tree’? That’s you right now—pathetic and overestimating yourself.”

“You’re the ant, and I’m the tree!”

Cort’s mocking tone rang across the arena as he continued dodging with ease, his words dripping with condescension.

But Kieran didn’t respond. He just kept attacking—faster, harder, pushing himself beyond exhaustion, ignoring the jeers and taunts. Each strike was quicker, more forceful than the last.

"Why don’t you just give up? If you keep this up, you'll collapse from exhaustion. A man must know his limi—"

Before Cort could finish his sentence, a sudden, fierce palm strike came at him. This time, it was different. Cort’s body had barely begun to reform after his latest teleport. He wasn’t ready. He couldn’t dodge.

The timing was flawless. Kieran had waited for this moment.


A deafening crash echoed through the arena. Cort, unable to avoid the strike, took the hit square in the chest. His body flew through the air, the impact reverberating in the stunned silence that followed.

For the first time, the unshakable Cort had been forced back.


Cort was stunned by the impact of the strike.

He felt his internal energy solidify, his entire body becoming rigid and immobile. His vital energy couldn’t circulate properly, leaving him vulnerable.

Kieran’s Frost Palm was a deadly skill that, once it hit, could instantly incapacitate its target.

Even though Cort was powerful, he couldn’t avoid its effects.

“Damn! He actually got hit!”

“Must be a fluke, right? After all that random attacking, sooner or later, a blind cat finds a dead mouse.”

The audience watched in astonishment as Cort was sent flying by the strike. To them, the outcome of the match seemed inevitable.

Cort had been playing with his opponent throughout the fight, never taking a serious stance. Getting hit was perceived as sheer coincidence.

At first glance, it seemed as if Cort had simply walked into Kieran’s attack by mistake.

But there was no denying that this strike had shifted the balance of power, even if only slightly.

As Cort struggled to regain control of his body, Kieran seized the opportunity. With a swift step, he leaped into the air, catching up to the airborne Cort and delivering another crushing blow from above.


Cort’s eyes widened in shock, but before he could utter a word, another heavy palm strike landed on his chest.

He was smashed down onto the arena floor like a cannonball, creating a loud “*BOOM!*”

The ground beneath him caved in, leaving a deep crater shaped like a person. Dust and debris billowed into the air.


Cort couldn’t suppress a spurt of blood, his hair disheveled and his clothes tattered. He looked utterly disheveled.

He hadn’t expected that a mere misstep would allow Kieran to seize the moment and unleash a series of devastating blows.

Though he had remarkable teleportation skills, his physical resilience was lacking. Especially after being struck by the Frost Palm, his defensive energy shield was compromised.

After taking two powerful hits, Cort was severely injured and his energy was in disarray.

Before he could catch his breath, a chilling figure descended from the sky, performing a handstand and delivering a final, powerful strike.


The air seemed to crackle with thunder.

A massive, three-meter-long white palm shadow appeared, descending like a small mountain, crashing down upon Cort in the pit.

This final strike was far more formidable than the previous ones, coming with an extra measure of brutality.

“You’ve gone too far!”

Seeing no way to evade the attack, Cort, consumed by fury, risked severing his own energy channels to forcefully generate a protective shield in front of him.


The arena shook violently with the deafening explosion.


The white shadow of the palm struck heavily against Cort's protective shield, creating a powerful surge of energy.

The shield, however, shattered within a single second, breaking apart under the pressure.

That brief second had saved Cort’s life. As the final moment of the white palm shadow descended, Cort finally regained control of his body and executed his teleportation technique.

The white palm shadow slammed into the crater below with a thunderous roar, shaking the entire arena.

At that moment, Cort had already reappeared fifty meters away.


As soon as Cort materialized, he couldn’t help but spit out a mouthful of blood. His meridians had been frozen, and forcing himself to use his qi had damaged his meridians further. This not only worsened his injuries but would also affect his future cultivation.

However, compared to taking that last blow, this price was still bearable. After all, a solid hit could have meant death or severe injury.

“What a pity.”

Seeing his final attack miss, Kieran couldn't help but feel a tinge of regret. He had hoped to seize the opportunity to end the battle quickly, but Cort’s decisive action had led him to destroy part of his own meridians to avoid the third strike.

Indeed, those who rose to the Whiz List were far from ordinary.

“My goodness! I never expected Cort to be so badly beaten. This is truly unexpected!”

“Absolutely! A master from the Whiz List being reduced to such a sorry state by a nameless junior is downright embarrassing!”

“If Cort hadn’t been so arrogant, he probably would have ended the battle by now. But he chose to toy with his opponent and nearly faced defeat himself.”

The audience buzzed with chatter as they watched Cort’s dire situation. To them, Cort’s injury was a result of underestimating Kieran, treating him too lightly. The tables had turned on him, and now he was reaping what he had sown.

"Very well! You’ve done well!"

Cort, catching his breath, glared fiercely at Kieran. His eyes burned with murderous intent. “No one has ever injured me like this since I gained my fame. You’ve succeeded in enraging me and awakening a fierce beast!”

Kieran remained silent, calmly observing as his qi flowed steadily within him.

“You will soon understand the consequences of provoking me!”

With a roar, Cort's body suddenly convulsed, splitting into three separate figures.

One Cort became three, and then, with another tremor, the three became nine.

Nine Corts emerged simultaneously, attacking from all directions, closing in to overwhelm Kieran.

Thank you so much Master Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000') for the updates 🙏🏽
Thanks a lot immortal @Junlee. Very grateful for the resources. As predicted Azalea lost. In this round Kieran would lose also. So, that leaves us with 2 more matches left; Troy, Father Adam, Dustin and one more expert. For the story development Dustin and Father Adam might not fight against each other in this round. So, that leaves with either Troy facing Dustin or Father Adam. I will earnestly wait for the last 2 fights. With the way how things develop, it looks like, by that time immortal Junlee's one month holiday comes to end, we might be ready to begin the next round of 8.

As I predicted already ….
Elvin Carr (Qualified for top 8)
Kieran will qualify
Troy will defeat unknown
Dustin will defeat Priest
Last edited:
As I predicted already ….
Elvin Carr (Qualified for top 8)
Kieran will qualify
Priest will defeat Troy
Dustin will defeat unknown
im guessing this would be a good place to introduce his other , regardless of male or female, given how long things have dragged on since back when the topic was first mentioned
As I predicted already ….
Elvin Carr (Qualified for top 8)
Kieran will qualify
Priest will defeat Troy
Dustin will defeat unknown
And maybe, if the Priest ends up killing Troy - the incredible, once-in-a-century, up and coming prodigy from Dragon Mountain - the rage that it will cause will fuel the sense of revenge that Dustin and the other warriors from Dragonmarsh will feel when the confrontation with the Pantheon forces finally occurs…
And maybe, if the Priest ends up killing Troy - the incredible, once-in-a-century, up and coming prodigy from Dragon Mountain - the rage that it will cause will fuel the sense of revenge that Dustin and the other warriors from Dragonmarsh will feel when the confrontation with the Pantheon forces finally occurs…
i mean thats already pretty well established
And maybe, if the Priest ends up killing Troy - the incredible, once-in-a-century, up and coming prodigy from Dragon Mountain - the rage that it will cause will fuel the sense of revenge that Dustin and the other warriors from Dragonmarsh will feel when the confrontation with the Pantheon forces finally occurs…

Good point !

Or just to showcase the tremendous power of Priest, writer will pit him against the 3rd guy in Whizlist (Daniel)?

But I feel like Priest will have a good match with Troy. Who knows Troy will be seriously injured (almost dead) by Priest. Dustin being the miraculous doctor will save Troy. This will earn him (Dustin) a permanent position in good books of DT mountain and Richards !
Junlee is on a four week holiday away from us...
Wait... 4 weeks???
That's too bad oo
How can one survive without getting updates for 4 weeks?
It's hard enough waiting the weekend to get updates on m onday! 4 weeks!!!!!??
Gily tell me this is a joke!
Wait... 4 weeks???
That's too bad oo
How can one survive without getting updates for 4 weeks?
It's hard enough waiting the weekend to get updates on m onday! 4 weeks!!!!!??
Gily tell me this is a joke!

He will be updating whenever he has time. Yesterday he updated a lump sum of 5 days. It’s not that he will vanish in thin air. He is already on vacation and finished his 1 week, I think.

And we the village members carried on with discussion of 4 long pages without any update !! This thread seems to be the most vibrant one.
As I predicted already ….
Elvin Carr (Qualified for top 8)
Kieran will qualify
Priest will defeat Troy
Dustin will defeat unknown
Kieran already qualified. His opponent fainted after Kieran finger attack caught him on his chest unexpectedly and he fainted and Kieran was declared winner 🏆🏆🏆🏆
Kieran won the game with a single shot
umm no , which novel are you reading , kieran caught him off guard and froze him after which the guy used his shadow clone technique, we still dont know the rest
umm no , which novel are you reading , kieran caught him off guard and froze him after which the guy used his shadow clone technique, we still dont know the rest
Go to my page and read the next 4 chapters
umm no , which novel are you reading , kieran caught him off guard and froze him after which the guy used his shadow clone technique, we still dont know the rest
We do and Dustin is Fighting father Adams

As she gazed at the overwhelming surge of golden energy rolling toward her like a tidal wave, Azalea’s pupils constricted, and her heart skipped a beat.

She had thought they might exchange a few more moves, but the moment The Raging Fist struck, the sheer force of his attack left her stunned.

Without wasting a moment, Azalea flicked her wrist, and seemingly out of nowhere, she pulled out a crimson paper umbrella.

The umbrella was entirely scarlet, with mysterious symbols etched all over it.

As soon as it began to glow, the runes on the umbrella sprang to life, swirling wildly.

"The Ethereal Darkness Umbrella?!"

The crowd quickly recognized the origins of this weapon.

This was none other than the Ethereal Darkness Umbrella, an ultimate defense artifact known for its dark and overwhelming power. It had once been the prized treasure of the Ethereal Darkness Sect.

After the Ethereal Darkness Sect was destroyed, the umbrella disappeared without a trace—until now. To everyone’s surprise, it had resurfaced in the hands of the Mystic Arts Order.


Azalea opened the Ethereal Darkness Umbrella and thrust it toward the approaching golden wave.

The umbrella soared into the air, radiating light.

A blood-red barrier instantly enveloped Azalea, forming a protective dome that resembled a massive eggshell from a distance.


The golden surge slammed down like a hammer of divine judgment, its massive weight crashing against the crimson barrier with a deafening roar.

The barrier trembled violently under the relentless force of the golden tide, shifting and distorting under the pressure.

Inside the barrier, Azalea frantically formed hand seals, her face full of concentration and tension.

As the golden waves continued to batter the barrier, her body began to tremble, and beads of sweat formed on her smooth forehead.

Even with the protection of the Ethereal Darkness Umbrella, The Raging Fist’s assault was proving more than she could handle.

At that moment, she fully understood just how terrifying the strongest of the Whiz List ranking could be. Even a casual strike from someone like The Raging Fist could place her on the brink of disaster.

“Oh? You still have a trick up your sleeve?”

The Raging Fist raised an eyebrow, mildly surprised.

With his sharp gaze, he could tell that Azalea had only just entered the realm of a Grandmaster, and her strength was nothing remarkable.

Ordinarily, one slash would have been enough to finish her off. That's why he hadn't pressed the attack further.

He hadn’t expected her to have such a powerful defensive artifact, capable of withstanding his strike.

Surprised as he was, he didn’t take it too seriously.

From the moment they stepped into the arena, the outcome of this battle was already determined. Even with the Ethereal Darkness Umbrella, she could only delay the inevitable. It would merely cost him a little more effort to break through.

“Let’s see if you can block my next strike!”

Without any more words, The Raging Fist lifted his golden blade once more and swung it at Azalea from a distance.


A massive golden arc shot out from the blade, even more powerful than before, slicing through the air toward the crimson barrier.


With a thunderous explosion, energy rippled outward.

The red barrier shattered into countless fragments on the spot. The Ethereal Darkness Umbrella, hovering in the air, dimmed and fell lifelessly to the ground.

*Thud, thud, thud…*


Azalea, forming a hand seal, was shaken violently, retreating several steps, her face pale with blood dripping from the corner of her mouth.

Though she hadn't been directly struck, the shockwave and backlash from the explosion left her with significant internal injuries.

"Without your Ethereal Darkness Umbrella, let's see how you block my blade now!"

The Raging Fist showed no mercy. After breaking through the Ethereal Darkness Umbrella's protective barrier, he raised his blade again, slashing at Azalea from afar.

Once again, his strike was simple and brutal, without any fancy tricks.

The golden blade light roared like a falling meteor, its power terrifying and unstoppable.

Azalea’s expression shifted. In a flash, she pulled out a blue talisman from her robe and threw it straight at the golden blade arc.


An explosion erupted.

The golden blade dissipated, and from within, a bolt of blue lightning shot out at an incredible speed, striking The Raging Fist directly.


The Raging Fist staggered back, as if struck by thunder.

In an instant, his clothes were tattered, and his hair singed black.

The Raging Fist froze, staring in disbelief at the wound on his chest.

It was where the blue lightning had struck—his flesh was charred and raw.

Though the injury wasn’t life-threatening, the searing pain from his flesh was unavoidable.

However, what stung more than the physical pain was the fact that a seemingly weak woman had managed to injure him.

A fight that should have been an easy victory had left him in an embarrassing state.

Not only was The Raging Fist shocked, but the audience below the stage buzzed with surprise.

"Did I see that right? That lady actually injured The Raging Fist?"

"To wound someone ranked eighth on the Whiz List—that’s no small feat!"

"That blue lightning just now—wasn’t it a talisman from the Dragon Tiger Mountain Sect?"

"Exactly! That was a divine talisman! I saw it clearly! There’s no way a hidden weapon could hurt The Raging Fist like that!"

"But how strange... Why would a disciple of the Mystic Arts Order have a divine talisman from Dragon Tiger Mountain?"

The audience erupted into speculation, puzzled and intrigued.

The Raging Fist’s injury had shocked them, but what confused them even more was that the item that injured him was a lightning talisman, an artifact exclusive to Dragon Tiger Mountain Sect.

They couldn’t fathom how a disciple of the Mystic Arts Order had come to possess such a talisman.

"Who knew the divine talisman would be so handy? What a pleasant surprise!"

In the crowd, Abigail beamed with delight, then clasped her fists toward Troy, who wasn’t far off. "Little Daoist, thanks a bunch!"

With those words, everyone’s attention shifted to Troy.

This included the three big figures of the martial world—Nolan, Darkbane, and Mo Hentian—as well as the newly appointed Heavenly Master of Dragon Tiger Mountain, Spencer.


Troy froze, feeling a chill down his spine as cold sweat formed on his back.

Damn it, if I’d known, I wouldn’t have gambled.

Now not only had he lost a dozen talismans, but he’d also been exposed in front of everyone.

When he got home tonight, he was sure to get whipped.

Just thinking about it gave him a headache.


In the secluded mountains of Dragon Tiger Mountain, there weren’t too many rigid rules, so when Abigail opened up a gambling ring, Troy, driven by curiosity, couldn’t resist playing a few rounds.

At first, he won quite a bit. But gradually, his luck turned, and he lost everything he had won.

Caught up in the thrill of the moment, with nothing else to wager, Troy placed his bets on divine talismans.

And once he started, he couldn’t stop.

After losing more than a dozen precious talismans, Troy finally realized something was wrong and quit while he still had a few left.

The talisman in Azalea’s hand? That’s where it came from.

"How do you have a talisman?" roared Elvin from the arena, his brow furrowed and his face dark with disbelief.

Divine talismans were the hallmark of Dragon Tiger Mountain Mountain, especially the Thunder Talisman, one of the most powerful of its kind.

For a disciple of the Mystic Arts Order to possess such a talisman from Dragon Tiger Mountain was beyond comprehension.

Azalea simply giggled. "A little secret."

Before the duel, The Grand Sorceress had given her three talismans. She’d already used one, and its effect was better than expected.

If she played her cards right with the other two, she might still have a chance.

"Hmph! Do you really think a talisman can help you defeat me? Dream on!" Elvin sneered.

Suddenly, Elvin tossed his golden blade to the ground. The blade embedded itself into the arena floor, leaving only the hilt visible.

He then slowly drew the black blade from his back.

It was a broken blade, pitch-black and seemingly ordinary, with nothing special about it.

But the moment Elvin unsheathed the black blade, his entire aura changed.

Cold, fierce, overwhelmingly domineering.

The golden glow that had surrounded him was replaced by thick, black mist. He looked like a demonic god emerging from the depths of the underworld.

“Holy crap! Elvin’s not messing around anymore!”

“That blade... it looks cursed, filled with ominous energy.”

“If I’m not mistaken, that’s the legendary Demon Blade, once ranked as the greatest of the Ten Blades. It was broken and sealed by a mysterious master, and now it’s in Elvin’s hands! Even in its broken state, it’s still incredibly dangerous!”

“Combining the Demon Blade with the ruthless techniques of the Blood Frenzy Sect? That Mystic Arts Order disciple is in serious trouble now!”

The audience couldn’t help but gasp at the sight of Elvin, now cloaked in black energy.

Finding the Demon Blade was difficult enough. But wielding it? Nearly impossible.

For most swordsmen, simply drawing the blade was a challenge. And even if they managed it, the demonic energy would quickly drive them mad.

But judging by Elvin’s calm expression, it was clear he had fully mastered the blade, becoming its new wielder.

“To force me to unsheathe the Demon Blade... you can die with honor.”

With those chilling words, Elvin swung the blade.

The Demon Blade cut through the air in one smooth, unadorned motion. Simple, direct, and lethal.


As the demon blade swung through the air, a jet-black slash, darker than ink, sliced through the void. In an instant, the entire world seemed to plunge into darkness.

The blackness was so deep that it appeared capable of consuming everything in its path. Wherever the blade passed, the ground corroded, and the very air froze. There was no sound, no warning, but it radiated an overwhelming killing intent.

"Ethereal Darkness Umbrella!"

Azalea didn’t hesitate for a second. She quickly activated her protective seal. The once-dimmed Ethereal Darkness Umbrella soared into the air again, radiating a brilliant crimson light, forming a towering barrier in front of the black slash.

But within the next breath, the black slash effortlessly pierced through the crimson barrier, tearing the Ethereal Darkness Umbrella to shreds in the process.


The defensive treasure, the Ethereal Darkness Umbrella, shattered on the spot, offering no protection at all.

Shocked, Azalea staggered back, desperately releasing hidden weapons as she retreated. But no matter what she did, every poisonous dart and hidden weapon disintegrated into dust the moment they touched the black slash.

With nowhere to run, no way to defend, Azalea cried out in desperation, “I surrender! I surrender!”

The moment her voice echoed through the arena, a bolt of blue lightning suddenly descended from the heavens, striking the black slash directly.


A deafening explosion rang out. The lightning scattered, and the black slash vanished.

As the dark energy dissipated, Judge Jeremy appeared on the stage, standing protectively in front of Azalea.


A wave of fury surged within Elvin as he stood in disbelief. He had been so close—just one more strike, and he could have ended her, finally quenching his long-held grudge. But Jeremy had intervened so swiftly, nullifying his attack.

“Contestant 12 has surrendered. There’s no need to continue the assault,” Jeremy said calmly.

The rules of the match were clear: either fight to the death, knock the opponent out of the ring, or surrender. Since Azalea had already surrendered, as the referee, Jeremy had no choice but to step in.

Of course, there was another reason—Azalea carried a sacred talisman. She might have connections with one of the disciples from Dragon Tiger Mountain. That made her worth protecting.

“Thank you, Daoist Master, for saving me!”

Azalea bowed deeply to Jeremy, her face pale. The terror of that slash still lingered in her heart. Had Jeremy not used his lightning to shatter the attack, her meager strength would never have been enough to block it.

The gap between her and the elites on the Whiz List Ranking was far too vast. Even with all her treasures, she couldn’t bridge the difference.

Fortunately, her quick thinking had saved her life. If she hadn’t surrendered in time, today could have been the end.

Chapter 2596: A Narrow Escape

“Hmph! Lucky for you!” Elvin sneered, shooting Azalea a venomous glare before retracting his demon blade and stepping off the stage.

Though he had won, there was no satisfaction in his victory.

First, defeating a weaker woman brought no glory. Second, she had actually managed to injure him.

Since his rise to fame, he had never been so humiliated. Even though her survival was due to the intervention of a sacred talisman, he couldn’t deny that she had embarrassed him.

To make matters worse, the chance for revenge had slipped through his fingers, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.

However, he made up his mind—if he faced a disciple of the Mystic Arts Order tomorrow, he’d make sure their blood stained the ground.

“I declare, contestant number 5 is the winner!” Jeremy’s voice cut through the tension, officially announcing the result.

The crowd erupted into applause. Both Azalea’s resourceful defense and Elvin’s overwhelming power had left a lasting impression on the audience.

In most of the earlier matches, the contestants fought to the death, with no room for error. Azalea’s quick decision to surrender was a rare display of wisdom. It was this presence of mind that saved her life.

“Grand Sorceress, I’m sorry to disappoint you. I couldn’t win,” Azalea admitted with her head lowered once she returned to her seat.

“Surviving is what matters. Winning and losing aren’t that important.”

Abigail smiled warmly and added, “Elvin is ranked eighth on the Whiz List. It’s no surprise you couldn’t beat him. I was more worried you might act on impulse and fight to the end. That would have been foolish and costly. Besides, you didn’t lose outright—you managed to make him suffer a hidden loss. That’s something.”

To her, Azalea’s safety was the top priority. It would be great if she could make it to the top eight, but it wasn’t a strict requirement.

Victory and defeat come and go, but they mustn’t be forced.

“The sixth match is about to begin! Contestants 6 and 11, please take the stage!” Jeremy’s voice echoed again, signaling the start of the next round.

“Hahaha! Finally, it’s my turn!”

Suddenly, a booming laugh filled the arena. In an instant, a green figure flashed into the sky, hovering for a second before vanishing into thin air. By the time anyone could react, the figure had already reappeared in the center of the stage.

The speed and strange movement left everyone in the audience dumbfounded.

“What the—? Was that teleportation?”

“I have no idea! It was too fast to see clearly.”

“If I’m not mistaken, that must be some kind of spatial technique, allowing the user to shrink the ground beneath them and appear to blink across short distances. It’s truly mysterious!”

The spectators were buzzing with excitement. This tournament had truly gathered the most exceptional talents, each demonstrating incredible skills and unique techniques.

And with each match, no one could predict the winner until the very end.

“Where is my opponent? Come out and fight me at once!”


The man in the green robe stood firmly in the center of the arena. His hair danced in the wind, even though there was none. His robe fluttered audibly, exuding an intimidating aura.

“You’ve kept me waiting,” a booming voice echoed.

Suddenly, a figure in pristine white, as radiant as fresh snow, soared into the sky. His steps lightly tapped the air as he gracefully crossed a hundred meters in an instant before landing on the platform.

This was none other than Kieran.

“Kieran Parks, disciple of the Yama Fist and Blade Sect. Pleased to make your acquaintance,” Kieran greeted with a respectful bow, folding his fan in one hand.

His ethereal demeanor, paired with his strikingly handsome features, stirred a frenzy among the female spectators. Their cheers rang out uncontrollably.

Across the arena, Kieran’s prowess wasn’t the strongest, but his beauty? Absolutely unrivaled. Even Lara, a woman famed for her beauty and ranking highly on the Beauty Index, was visibly stunned.

She had never seen a man so exquisite—he could easily match her looks, and if they switched genders, she might have been outshined.

“Kieran? Never heard of him,” the man in green muttered, casting a dismissive glance.

Though his appearance was impressive, it paled in comparison to Kieran’s dazzling allure.

“And your name, sir?” Kieran asked with a gentle smile.

“I belong to no sect or school. My surname is Maine, given name Cort,” the green-robed man responded arrogantly.

“Ah, so it’s Cort Maine, ranked tenth on the Whiz List. An honor,” Kieran said, realization dawning on his face.

Cort had fought earlier, swiftly dispatching his opponent without even bothering to reveal his name—clearly holding back to some degree.

“So that’s Cort? He’s been hiding his strength all along,” the murmurs among the crowd grew louder.

“With the competition unclear earlier, staying low-key was wise. But now that all the strong contenders have shown themselves, there’s no need for him to hide.”

“I’ve heard Cort is a master of the arcane arts, with a repertoire of strange techniques. Ordinary masters stand no chance.”

“To make it to the Whiz List, he must have something extraordinary up his sleeve. This should be interesting.”

The arena buzzed with anticipation. Every individual who ranked on the Whiz List was either incredibly strong or had unique, unparalleled skills. Cort was no exception.

“Now that you know my name, why are you still standing there? Just surrender. Let’s not waste each other’s time,” Cort said calmly.

His tone wasn’t overly arrogant, but there was a certain finality to his words.

“To come this far only to surrender? That would surely invite ridicule. No matter what, I must give it my all,” Kieran smiled warmly.

“Hah… You don’t actually think you can beat me, do you? It seems you truly don’t understand the weight of the Whiz List,” Cort sneered.

Ordinary talents couldn’t even be compared to those on the list. To Cort, Kieran was merely setting himself up for humiliation.


Kieran stood tall, his demeanor calm and unshaken. With a slight smile, he spoke, "The experts on the Whiz List are indeed powerful, but surrendering without a fight is not the way of the Yama Fist and Blade Sect. I carry a heavy burden on my shoulders, and I must give this everything I’ve got. I hope you understand, Brother Cort."

Cort, hands behind his back, chuckled arrogantly, "If you're so eager to overestimate your abilities, then by all means, come. I'd like to see just how skilled you are."

His confidence radiated. He didn't see Kieran as a threat; to him, this would merely be a waste of time. After all, facing a lesser-known figure was hardly worth his full attention.

Kieran bowed slightly in respect. "Forgive me, Brother Cort!"

Without further delay, he surged forward, his palm raised in a swift attack. At first glance, his movements seemed slow, but in truth, his speed was lightning fast. Before his palm even landed, a chilling gust of wind swept through the arena. Frost began to form along the ground, a clear indication of his famous technique—the Frost Palm, an art passed down through the Yama Fist and Blade Sect.

The Frost Palm was not only devastating in its power but also carried an intense cold. Those hit by its force could find themselves frozen in place, unable to move, or worse—lifeless in an instant.

Kieran’s strike wasn’t one of hesitation. He recognized Cort as a formidable opponent and unleashed his deadliest move right away. In a fight like this, any sign of weakness or hesitation would mean instant defeat.

The cold wind howled as Kieran’s palm approached Cort’s chest with pinpoint accuracy. But instead of a victory, Kieran’s expression darkened. He had hit nothing but thin air.

Cort's figure dissolved before him, leaving only a fading shadow.

"Too slow," came Cort's mocking voice from behind.

Startled, Kieran spun around. There stood Cort, just ten meters away, hands still behind his back, an arrogant smirk plastered on his face. He hadn't even broken a sweat.

Kieran said nothing but launched himself at Cort again, this time even faster, his palm strike as powerful as thunder.

"Pointless," Cort scoffed. "You're wasting your effort."

To Cort, fighting someone who didn't stand a chance wasn't bravery; it was pure foolishness.

With a loud *boom*, Kieran’s second strike hit the air once again, its power resonating throughout the arena. The ground trembled from the force, showing just how strong the attack had been.

"Where are you aiming?" Cort’s voice taunted again from behind.

Kieran didn’t even bother to turn this time. He relied on his sharp instincts, following the sound of Cort’s voice. His palm lashed out once more, white energy cutting through the distance like a blade. The strike was aimed perfectly at where Cort had spoken.

But just like before, Cort’s figure vanished, leaving Kieran empty-handed.

"Too slow! Far too slow! At this pace, even if you exhaust yourself, you won’t touch a single hair on my head," Cort continued to tease, his figure flickering in and out like a ghost.

In this duel, it seemed Cort was toying with Kieran, treating him as nothing more than an amusement. His speed, unmatched, made him untouchable.

Kieran gritted his teeth, realizing that this battle was about more than brute strength. It was a fight against time, precision, and the true measure of a warrior's mind.


One moment to the left, another to the right—forward, backward—his movements were unpredictable, like a ghost slipping through shadows.

The most baffling thing was that Cort didn’t seem to follow any visible pattern. He wasn’t just dodging—he was teleporting. No matter how hard Kieran tried, no matter how relentlessly he pursued, he couldn’t even brush the edge of Cort's robe.

Cort toyed with him like a cat playing with a mouse, effortlessly dodging and mocking his every move.

"He's truly a master from the Whiz List! That movement—it’s like nothing I've ever seen!"

"The gap in their abilities is just too wide. Even if Cort didn’t attack, his mysterious footwork alone is enough to play Kieran to death."

"If I were Kieran, I’d have surrendered ages ago. There’s no point in humiliating yourself like this!"

The audience couldn’t stop their murmurs. It was clear to everyone—Cort wasn’t fighting seriously. This match was a joke to him. The outcome had been decided long before the first blow was struck. The moment Cort grew tired, that would be the end for Kieran.

From the stands, Ruby's brow furrowed in concern. "Sister, Kieran’s situation looks dire. If this continues, he’s bound to lose."

Emerald nodded gravely. "Kieran may be strong, but compared to the monsters on the Whiz List, he's still lacking."

Every fighter who reached the final eighteen was talented, but even among geniuses, there are those who stand head and shoulders above the rest. And Cort? He was the crane among chickens.

“Come on, faster! Hit me! You’ve got to be kidding me, you haven’t landed a single blow!”

“I’m honestly embarrassed for you. With your pitiful strength, where did you get the guts to challenge me?”

“Do you even know the phrase ‘like an ant trying to shake a tree’? That’s you right now—pathetic and overestimating yourself.”

“You’re the ant, and I’m the tree!”

Cort’s mocking tone rang across the arena as he continued dodging with ease, his words dripping with condescension.

But Kieran didn’t respond. He just kept attacking—faster, harder, pushing himself beyond exhaustion, ignoring the jeers and taunts. Each strike was quicker, more forceful than the last.

"Why don’t you just give up? If you keep this up, you'll collapse from exhaustion. A man must know his limi—"

Before Cort could finish his sentence, a sudden, fierce palm strike came at him. This time, it was different. Cort’s body had barely begun to reform after his latest teleport. He wasn’t ready. He couldn’t dodge.

The timing was flawless. Kieran had waited for this moment.


A deafening crash echoed through the arena. Cort, unable to avoid the strike, took the hit square in the chest. His body flew through the air, the impact reverberating in the stunned silence that followed.

For the first time, the unshakable Cort had been forced back.


Cort was stunned by the impact of the strike.

He felt his internal energy solidify, his entire body becoming rigid and immobile. His vital energy couldn’t circulate properly, leaving him vulnerable.

Kieran’s Frost Palm was a deadly skill that, once it hit, could instantly incapacitate its target.

Even though Cort was powerful, he couldn’t avoid its effects.

“Damn! He actually got hit!”

“Must be a fluke, right? After all that random attacking, sooner or later, a blind cat finds a dead mouse.”

The audience watched in astonishment as Cort was sent flying by the strike. To them, the outcome of the match seemed inevitable.

Cort had been playing with his opponent throughout the fight, never taking a serious stance. Getting hit was perceived as sheer coincidence.

At first glance, it seemed as if Cort had simply walked into Kieran’s attack by mistake.

But there was no denying that this strike had shifted the balance of power, even if only slightly.

As Cort struggled to regain control of his body, Kieran seized the opportunity. With a swift step, he leaped into the air, catching up to the airborne Cort and delivering another crushing blow from above.


Cort’s eyes widened in shock, but before he could utter a word, another heavy palm strike landed on his chest.

He was smashed down onto the arena floor like a cannonball, creating a loud “*BOOM!*”

The ground beneath him caved in, leaving a deep crater shaped like a person. Dust and debris billowed into the air.


Cort couldn’t suppress a spurt of blood, his hair disheveled and his clothes tattered. He looked utterly disheveled.

He hadn’t expected that a mere misstep would allow Kieran to seize the moment and unleash a series of devastating blows.

Though he had remarkable teleportation skills, his physical resilience was lacking. Especially after being struck by the Frost Palm, his defensive energy shield was compromised.

After taking two powerful hits, Cort was severely injured and his energy was in disarray.

Before he could catch his breath, a chilling figure descended from the sky, performing a handstand and delivering a final, powerful strike.


The air seemed to crackle with thunder.

A massive, three-meter-long white palm shadow appeared, descending like a small mountain, crashing down upon Cort in the pit.

This final strike was far more formidable than the previous ones, coming with an extra measure of brutality.

“You’ve gone too far!”

Seeing no way to evade the attack, Cort, consumed by fury, risked severing his own energy channels to forcefully generate a protective shield in front of him.


The arena shook violently with the deafening explosion.


The white shadow of the palm struck heavily against Cort's protective shield, creating a powerful surge of energy.

The shield, however, shattered within a single second, breaking apart under the pressure.

That brief second had saved Cort’s life. As the final moment of the white palm shadow descended, Cort finally regained control of his body and executed his teleportation technique.

The white palm shadow slammed into the crater below with a thunderous roar, shaking the entire arena.

At that moment, Cort had already reappeared fifty meters away.


As soon as Cort materialized, he couldn’t help but spit out a mouthful of blood. His meridians had been frozen, and forcing himself to use his qi had damaged his meridians further. This not only worsened his injuries but would also affect his future cultivation.

However, compared to taking that last blow, this price was still bearable. After all, a solid hit could have meant death or severe injury.

“What a pity.”

Seeing his final attack miss, Kieran couldn't help but feel a tinge of regret. He had hoped to seize the opportunity to end the battle quickly, but Cort’s decisive action had led him to destroy part of his own meridians to avoid the third strike.

Indeed, those who rose to the Whiz List were far from ordinary.

“My goodness! I never expected Cort to be so badly beaten. This is truly unexpected!”

“Absolutely! A master from the Whiz List being reduced to such a sorry state by a nameless junior is downright embarrassing!”

“If Cort hadn’t been so arrogant, he probably would have ended the battle by now. But he chose to toy with his opponent and nearly faced defeat himself.”

The audience buzzed with chatter as they watched Cort’s dire situation. To them, Cort’s injury was a result of underestimating Kieran, treating him too lightly. The tables had turned on him, and now he was reaping what he had sown.

"Very well! You’ve done well!"

Cort, catching his breath, glared fiercely at Kieran. His eyes burned with murderous intent. “No one has ever injured me like this since I gained my fame. You’ve succeeded in enraging me and awakening a fierce beast!”

Kieran remained silent, calmly observing as his qi flowed steadily within him.

“You will soon understand the consequences of provoking me!”

With a roar, Cort's body suddenly convulsed, splitting into three separate figures.

One Cort became three, and then, with another tremor, the three became nine.

Nine Corts emerged simultaneously, attacking from all directions, closing in to overwhelm Kieran.

Thanks for the update GM Junlee ☺️

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