An Understated Dominance, Dustin Rhys story. Chapters 1301 and beyond - JUNLEE (aka Jungal2000) English interpretation

Translated by Jungal2000

This is my take on an ongoing Chinese novel by an unknown author. I've never been much of a reader when it comes to lengthy novels, but as soon as I delved into this tale, I was hooked like a fanatic. And I can't seem to stop. Unfortunately, the English version I was following only released three chapters a day, and my appetite for the story was insatiable. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started translating the Chinese text myself. Along the way, I've tried to inject some context into it because Google's translation tends to be too literal.

I've used different names for characters in my translations since they're a result of my own artistic interpretation. I began my translations from Chapter 967, which was posted in a different discussion thread. My aim is to tackle at least 100 chapters a week. However, as much as I love translating and reading this novel, I make sure to reserve my weekends for my family and friends – they're the ones who matter most to me.

The reason for this new thread is that during my two days off, some talented translators have continued where I left off. Their work is already shared and posted in my previous thread. This is fantastic news for readers looking for weekend reads. To avoid any confusion, I decided to create a new thread where I can upload and continue my translations. I'm doing all of this out of love for the story and the enjoyment I get from the process; it makes me feel like I'm a part of the narrative.

For those who are new to this, the best translations are provided by Muhindi Wa Kuchoma, and they are the work of the legendary translator Marina Vitori.

This is the tale of a prince, a legendary Kirin known as Logan Rhys. His life underwent a dramatic change a decade ago when his mother met a mysterious and untimely demise. Fueled by a relentless pursuit of truth, justice, and vengeance, he abandoned his royal palace and adopted the guise of a commoner, going by the name Dustin Rhys. The once-arrogant young prince transformed into a timid and soft-spoken individual, making him an easy target for bullies.

During these ten years, Logan secretly honed his skills and strength, undergoing a profound transformation. However, a recent divorce from his wife, Dahlia Nicholson, after three years of marriage, coupled with a series of life-altering events, pushed him back into action. Slowly but surely, he began to shed his timid persona, reemerging as the formidable figure he once was.

Join us as we follow the journey of Dustin, or Logan, as he strives to surpass, outmaneuver, and overpower entire armies and kingdoms, all through his own determination and bare hands.
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It was in the act where Natasha basically tried to sacrifice herself to save Dustin life. After Dustin was save by her he saw Natasha dying and decided to go find an extremely rare cure for her. This Journey took Dustin to an ancient cave( kind of) where Dustin fought an Ancient lady who till this date is the only one who have completely outclassed Dustin in a fight and gave him a big fat L. Anyways Dustin saw the Sky sword in this Cave where other people where trying to pull it from the ground. Nobody could pull it because the sword did not deemed them worthy. When it was Dustin turn the sword accepted him and came of the ground and they bounded together and live happily ever after.
that ancient lady was iris meskil guarding her husband corpse...i dont know her name on this thread...but she's so powerfull but since everyone thought that she's dead already so her name never come to surface...but i think she can be in the world shaking list easily because she's the same powerhouse as dustin's mother when she's alive....
I want to start reading the story from the start again, can some help me with junlee stating page
You need to restart with Marina Vittori, I guess. I also tried to look for Junlee's version from the beginning but could not find. We all came here at about the same time, when Marina's version stopped in around Aug-Sep last year. I guess Junlee saved us all by taking the initiative to translate by himself in continuation of where Marina had stopped.
One more Clarification- Once there was a discussion if Nestor was one of the protectors of West Lucozia. Nestor was not among the 3 protectors of West Lucozia. Nestor was an Imperial Guard, Eunuch who collaborated with SRG (Dragon Protection Pavilion).

Serpensteel Guardian (SRG) never dared to attack West Lucozia because of those 3. Specifically due to presence of Sword Sage, Bladeheart Ronin.

- Bladeheart Ronin (Bai Ye)
- Drunkard
- ? Who is the 3rd one

As soon as Bladeheart was dead, SRG/ Pavilion tried to takeover West Lucozia. That time SRG/Pavilion Leader was 5th guy Nick Blair (Dead).

Bladeheart and Dustin did not have true Teacher-Disciple tradition but he learned all the arts of Bladeheart except Soul Walk Tech. I wonder if Dustin still has that knowledge.

Similarly, Dustin-Abigail also do not have a Teacher-Disciple tradition but somewhat like Bladeheart-Dustin relation.

That’s why Bladeheart considered Abigail granddisciple and saved her from imminent death after the third strike of Nate (former 8th guy of shaking list). After 3rd strike Abigail was not dead but paralyzed for a while (almost dead).

Funny thing that day was- Dustin fought with 10th guy of list (Nestor) and Abigail fought with 8th guy of list (Nate). Dustin being stronger should have taken Nate right ?
Dustin killed the 5th guy in the world shaking list albeit with help from his traitor uncle ... does that count?
Dustin killed the 5th guy in the world shaking list albeit with help from his traitor uncle ... does that count?
His traitor uncle help by severely weakening the 5th guy with a deadly virus. Then Dustin together with the third protector of West Lucozia fought the 5th guy and still it was so close that Dustin had to spit blood at the end. So NO it doesn't count
His traitor uncle help by severely weakening the 5th guy with a deadly virus. Then Dustin together with the third protector of West Lucozia fought the 5th guy and still it was so close that Dustin had to spit blood at the end. So NO it doesn't count
But Dustin had put up a good fight even before the deadly virus.. meaning maybe he could be on a 50/50 with most probably the 7th placed guy.. right?
It was in the act where Natasha basically tried to sacrifice herself to save Dustin life. After Dustin was save by her he saw Natasha dying and decided to go find an extremely rare cure for her. This Journey took Dustin to an ancient cave( kind of) where Dustin fought an Ancient lady who till this date is the only one who have completely outclassed Dustin in a fight and gave him a big fat L. Anyways Dustin saw the Sky sword in this Cave where other people where trying to pull it from the ground. Nobody could pull it because the sword did not deemed them worthy. When it was Dustin turn the sword accepted him and came of the ground and they bounded together and live happily ever after.
Thanks! Now i remember 🥳
while junlee is gone should we try ranking the characters outside of these lists, might be a good refresher given how long this story has been
Dustin killed the 5th guy in the world shaking list albeit with help from his traitor uncle ... does that count?

This won’t count but it reveals few things.
- 5th ranking for that guy is just arbitrary. He was such a low key that he never appeared in the list till Spike Lourd (2nd guy) was alive. Margaret (Gabrielle) even said that he might be stronger than 2nd or 3rd guy of the current shaking list.

- Dustin could withstand his moves though clearly Dustin was inferior in cultivation which shows that Dustin had become stronger compared to his fight with Nestor. Normally, a person equivalent to 10th ranking cannot take even few moves from guy as high ranking as 5th

- Dustin fought against against him using secret family techniques, that time both were showing equal strength. It is clear that Dustin’s power reaches true Grandmaster Dogzchen (Grandmaster Perfection/Ultimate Grandmaster) while he uses secret technique. Without using secret technique also Billy and Dustin are both close to Ultimate Grandmaster realm. That means these 2 are Great Grandmasters already at that time.

When Dustin continued to enhance his cultivation, in several places during excursion for first Dragon essence, it has been mentioned, Dustin is a true Grandmaster Dzogchen, that means Dustin is truly an Ultimate GM now. So, current Dustin is not inferior to 5th guy of that time.

Now, since the novel has many flaws in explaining the strength of warriors. Earlier warriors who were called 5 Ultimate GM of Balermo are just simple GM compared to Shaking list.

Even Guys like Executioner are way stronger than those Balermo ultimate GM. In this tournament, Azalea, Emerald, Kieran are in the realm of GM already. Means even Azalea can beat those so called ultimate GM of Balermo.

Darkbane Moore (Current 3rd guy) worrying about Vincent’s breakthrough is that he wants him to be Great Grandmaster. Billy is also close to UGM. This time Dustin is already above Billy because Dustin is a true Ultimate GM already.
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Go back to that chapter, nate mocked nestor for not able to stop dustin from runing after abigail used poisonous smoke,when nestor remind him that they were there to eliminate the traitor not to show off he said he's all yours and nestor didnt get offended coz he knew he could handle dustin although he knew nate was showing off to show him that he is not his level thats why nate used liltle power when beating abgail just to show that he doesnt need to get serious when dealing with the likes of abigail and dustin but they were there coz the knew rhys might send the masters to protect dustin. also abigail was there on her accord evelyn would never risk her granddaugter's life for dustin as for the fight between dustin and nestor, dustin used his family secret technique which is a last resort but still he failed to defeat neasor so we cant say his powerful than the other two masters since they all Can not defeat nestor so to know which one is powerful they should fight as the ranking depends on your last battle dustin and billy are there coz they fought nestor and they survived. you should also remember that when executor was fighting those gods in Swinton he coudnt kill those gods easily as nestor did that shows he was powerful than executor who is one of the masters of dustin family

I used Evelyn just to show the contribution of top 10 of shaking list on that siege. 2nd was Pavilion himself , 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th sided with Pavilion. However Dustin got help from 3rd, 4th (in the form of Billy), 6th (in the form of Abigail) while 1st remained neutral. I was just trying to show who were on which side.

Now you seem to like to analyze based on that fight. Nate was clearly there to kill Dustin but he underestimated both Dustin and Abigail. He underestimated even Bladeheart (2nd guy), that’s why his fate is unknown and disappeared from the list.

Dustin with every passing day gets stronger as he has Sky Spirit Orb. That time when he used secret technique, he got slight advantage with Nestor.

Drunkard already single handedly defeated Nate, his deputy and elders of Martial law Bureau with their army in the past. So, why are you saying Drunkard can’t defeat Nestor ? Drunkard not being in the list while he can defeat Nate is either the writer is wrong or this is a paradox. Drunkard was clearly stronger than Dustin while he saved Dustin’s ass in his fight with Ronal Reeds. But that time Dustin was a simple GM only without Orb.

Later when Dustin fought with 5th guy. Dustin took 2 moves of 5th guy head on without using secret technique. He took 2 moves of 5th guy called “Desert Lonley smoke” and “Sunset Over the Long River”. Both of these moves could not make Dustin vomit blood. Dustin just skidded back few meters and stabilized. Meaning his power must have increased compared to his last fight with Nestor.

When he used secret technique while fighting with 5th guy. It is written “ Dustin gritted his teeth, suddenly took out a silver needle and inserted it into the back of his head. …. …..Soon, the two started a fierce duel. After Dustin’s strength doubled, he was no longer weaker than Ji Yuanzun. Even in a head-on confrontation, he was not weak at all. “

At this time Dustin could reach 5th guy’s level while using secret technique. Way stronger than Nestor’s time.

So, while fighting Nestor, Dustin’s strength could match Nestor. Later on while Dustin was fighting 5th guy, he could match 5th using secret technique. Though secret technique is their last resort but Dustin is a miracle doctor. He has already found a solution for this problem.

While 5th guy was running away and Dustin told executioner to chase. Executioner was also totally exhausted after using secret technique.

“Dustin gave Albert a powerful tonic pill with just a flick of his finger.

Different from the one given to Dustin’s uncle before, this Shiquan Dabu Dan is amazingly effective and can quickly make up for the energy consumed.

It was his special research to make up for the shortcomings of the Rhys Family’s secret method and alleviate the harm caused by the sequelae.” So, Dustin will not be limited by use of secret technique.

After this event … During excursions for first Dragon essence Dustin has been mentioned at several places as GM Dzoghchen. So, these all show that his power is increasing very fast. People don’t realize it.

Current Dustin should be stronger than Gregory, Executioner and even the guys up in the ranks above 5 if he uses secret technique.
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My personal idea is teachers are not necessarily the strongest. They can teach well but not necessarily stronger. Eg: Tyson’s instructor won’t be necessarily stronger than Tyson.

However, in this case … since he has to handle the powerhouses …he mustn’t be too worse than listed guys.
The way Jeremy has display some skills, the lightning strike he gave biwolf, the show off to the audience who want to storm the stage, he seem pretty formidable, am just wondering where he is in the list!
Dustin’s cultivation Journey:

In this novel, realm of GM has several shades. The writer has confused readers rather than making things clear.

Some of the GMs in novel

Azalea, Emerald etc who made to the top 36 in the tournaments are all martial arts masters who has stepped into the realm of GM.

Grand Masters like Ronald Reeds,
Theodore (Jan Crane) , Graham (Alexander Cheng), Orson (Jason Edwards ) etc were Martial arts Masters who were in early stage of GM.

Five Ultimates GMs of Balermo including Paul Hill and Michael (Edmund) Robbinsons were Advanced Early stage or Middle stage GMs

Ultimate GM (original sky sword owner in the Black Forest). She was a true UGM.

Grandmasters of Whizlist (Some are Early stage GM, Some are Middle Stage GM at the time of making the list.

But Now Dustin and Billy’s realm have progressed further.

Grandmasters of Shaking List (Billy/Dustin were Middle Stage GM at that time of making the list. Some are Close to UGM and some are true UGM).

Supreme GM/UGM/Grandmaster Dzogchen are same.

Dustin’s cultivation journey

1. He became Martial arts master at the age of 15. That means he entered the realm of GM at that age. That’s what is equivalent to current Azalea, Emerald etc

2. Dustin fighting and killing Augustine (Early stage GM)

3. Dustin fighting and killing Ronald Reeds (Advanced Early stage GM)

4. Dustin using Sky Orb and fighting with Nestor:
Advanced Early stage GM. After using secret tech, he could reach Mid stage GM and can get slightly upper hand with Nestor with the help of Sky Sword.

5. Dustin using Sky Orb while fighting 5th guy Ji Yuwanzun (Nick Blair ):

Mid stage GM. While using secret technique, he could reach close to UGM. Yes! Even Nick Blair had not reached UGM yet.

Dustin says ”My strength is indeed not as good as Uncle Bladeheart (Bai), but it is enough to deal with you.” Dustin said.

”Deal with me? Do you have the ability?” Ji Yuanzun (Nick Blair) sneered.

According to his information, Dustin had just entered the Grand Master position not long ago. Even with some special methods, the peak of his strength was only in the middle stage of the Grand Master.

And he is already close to Dzogchen.

The gap between the two sides is nearly two levels.
This clearly shows that 5th guy Nick Blair considered Dustin maximum of mid stage GM and himself close to UGM. But what surprised him was when Dustin used secret methods he could match with Nick Blair.

“ Dustin gritted his teeth, suddenly took out a silver needle and inserted it into the back of his head. …. Soon, the two started a fierce duel. After Dustin’s strength doubled, he was no longer weaker than Ji Yuanzun. Even in a head-on confrontation, he was not weak at all.”

This shows that even Serpensteel Royal Guardian/ Dragon Guard Pavilion/Huolong Pavilion’s intelligence was lagging behind to have knowledge on the rapid progress of Dustin’s power.

6. Dustin on Retrieval of First Dragon essences. It has been mentioned in several places that he has become a GM Dozogchen. That means a supreme GM /UGM without using secret techniques. This is the same Dustin now in tournament. This Dustin has surpassed the 5th guy of shaking list. (Unless the writer messes up with cultivation again).

It has also been mentioned that Billy went in seclusion and just came out. Has he also broken through ? It’s remaining to be seen in this tournament.

He likes meditating all the time. If ya’ll remember, he was mediating on a pond becoming harmonious with nature, fish swimming around him and birds trying to build nest in his head while first time he was shown at the beginning of story of Dustin’s siege by SRG/DGP/DPP/Huolong Pavilion.
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The way Jeremy has display some skills, the lightning strike he gave biwolf, the show off to the audience who want to storm the stage, he seem pretty formidable, am just wondering where he is in the list!
The way Jeremy has display some skills, the lightning strike he gave biwolf, the show off to the audience who want to storm the stage, he seem pretty formidable, am just wondering where he is in the list!

Not strong enough to be in Shaking list. It can accommodate 10 guys only. Not Qualified to be in Whiz list. He is not young.

But I m sure he can whack anybody on the whiz list except Dustin/Billy, Abigail, Daniel and Scarlet. Who knows he can better against Abigail, Daniel and scarlet too. .
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Dustin’s cultivation Journey:

In this novel, realm of GM has several shades. The writer has confused readers rather than making things clear.

Some of the GMs in novel

Azalea, Emerald etc who made to the top 36 in the tournaments are all martial arts masters who has stepped into the realm of GM.

Grand Masters like Ronald Reeds,
Theodore (Jan Crane) , Graham (Alexander Cheng), Orson (Jason Edwards ) etc were Martial arts Masters who were in early stage of GM.

Five Ultimates GMs of Balermo including Paul Hill and Michael (Edmund) Robbinsons were Middle stage GMs

Ultimate GM (original sky sword owner in the Black Forest). She was a true UGM.

Grandmasters of Whizlist (Some are Early stage GM, Some are Middle Stage GM at the time of making the list.
But Now Dustin and Billy’s realm have progressed further.

Grandmasters of Shaking List (Some are Middle Stage GM, Some are Close to UGM and some are true UGM).
Supreme GM/UGM/Grandmaster Dzogchen are same.

Dustin’s cultivation journey

1. He became Martial arts master at the age of 15. That means he entered the realm of GM at that age. That’s what equivalent to current Azalea, Emerald etc

2. Dustin fighting and killing Augustine (Early stage GM)

3. Dustin fighting and killing Ronald Reeds (Advanced Early stage GM)

4. Dustin using Sky Orb and fighting with Nestor:
Advanced Early stage GM. After using secret tech, he could reach Mid stage GM and can get slightly upper hand with Nestor with the help of Sky Sword.

5. Dustin using Sky Orb while fighting 5th guy Ji Yuwanzun (Nick Blair ):

Miid stage GM. While using secret technique, he could reach close to UGM. Yes! Even Nick Blair had not reached UGM yet.

Dustin says ”My strength is indeed not as good as Uncle Bladeheart (Bai), but it is enough to deal with you.” Dustin said.

”Deal with me? Do you have the ability?” Ji Yuanzun (Nick Blair) sneered.

According to his information, Dustin had just entered the Grand Master position not long ago. Even with some special methods, the peak of his strength was only in the middle stage of the Grand Master.

And he is already close to Dzogchen.

The gap between the two sides is nearly two levels.
This clearly shows that 5th guy Nick Blair considered Dustin maximum of mid stage GM and himself close to UGM. But what surprised him was when Dustin used secret methods he could match with Nick Blair.

“ Dustin gritted his teeth, suddenly took out a silver needle and inserted it into the back of his head. …. Soon, the two started a fierce duel. After Dustin’s strength doubled, he was no longer weaker than Ji Yuanzun. Even in a head-on confrontation, he was not weak at all.”

Thai shows that even Serpensteel Royal Guardian/ Dragon Guard Pavilion/Huolong Pavilion’s intelligence was lagging behind to have knowledge on the rapid progress of Dustin’s power.

6. Dustin on Retrieval of First Dragon essences. It has been mentioned in several places that he has become a GM Dozogchen. That means a supreme GM /UGM without using secret techniques. This is the same Dustin now in tournament. This Dustin has surpassed according 5th guy of shaking list. Unless the writer messes up with cultivation again.

It has also been mentioned that Billy went in seclusion and just came out. Has he also broken through ? Remaining to be seen in this tournament. He likes meditating all the time. If ya’ll remember, he was mediating on a pond becoming harmonious with nature, fish swimming around him and birds trying to build nest in his head while first time he was shown at the beginning of story of Dustin’s siege by SRG/DGP/DPP/Huolong Pavilion.
I think you got it twisted dustin became a gm when he was 15 years old b4 he left rhys family
I think you got it twisted dustin became a gm when he was 15 years old b4 he left rhys family

I did say that he enetered the realm of GM at 15. He became a martial arts master at that time. Read again. Dude it seems that you don’t read the comments well 😂😂😂

In this thread, It’s me who always reminds people that Dustin entered GM realm at the 15, the earliest followed by Abigail 16, Scarlet 17, Adam 20. Etc. No mention of Billy though, probably he was also same as Dustin.
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I did say that he enetered the realm of GM at 15. He became a martial arts master at that time read again. Dude it seems that you don’t read the comments well 😂😂😂
but u said when dustin was fighting with augustine he was early stage gm but this was after 10 years since dustin became gm with dustin talent he cant stay on the same level for 10 years
but u said when dustin was fighting with augustine he was early stage gm but this was after 10 years since dustin became gm with dustin talent he cant stay on the same level for 10 years

GM realm starts from entry level to early, mid stage and to Dzogchen. These are the spectrums you can make out as you read the novel.

So he had entered the GM realm at 15. Became Early stage while fighting Augustus. He might have achieved early stage GM before that but we came to know only after his fight with Augustus.

Those 10 yrs of exile and hiding also must have slowed down his progression. Else he is a peerless prodigy Kirin, he could have progressed much faster.
but u said when dustin was fighting with augustine he was early stage gm but this was after 10 years since dustin became gm with dustin talent he cant stay on the same level for 10 years

If you have better details on cultivation journey of Dustin, enlighten us. We will learn something from you.
but u said when dustin was fighting with augustine he was early stage gm but this was after 10 years since dustin became gm with dustin talent he cant stay on the same level for 10 years
the issue is the author is immenselt inconsistent, sometimes being a grandmaster is nothing impressive at others they are terrifying calamities,their titles keep changing , its probably because the writer had changed in between so the nomenclature is all whack
I used Evelyn just to show the contribution of top 10 of shaking list on that siege. 2nd was Pavilion himself , 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th sided with Pavilion. However Dustin got help from 3rd, 4th (in the form of Billy), 6th (Evelyn) while 1st remained neutral. I was just trying to show who were on which side.

Now you seem to like to analyze based on that fight. Nate was clearly there to kill Dustin but he underestimated both Dustin and Abigail. He underestimated even Bladeheart (2nd guy), that’s why his fate is unknown and disappeared from the list.

Dustin with every passing day gets stronger as he has Sky Spirit Orb. That time when he used secret technique, he got slight advantage with Nestor.

Drunkard already single handedly defeated Nate, his deputy and elders of Martial law Bureau with their army in the past. So, why are you saying Drunkard can’t defeat Nestor ? Drunkard not being in the list while he can defeat Nate is either the writer is wrong or this is a paradox. Drunkard was clearly stronger than Dustin while he saved Dustin’s ass in his fight with Ronal Reeds. But that time Dustin was a simple GM only without Orb.

Later when Dustin fought with 5th guy. Dustin took 2 moves of 5th guy head on without using secret technique. He took 2 moves of 5th guy called “Desert Lonley smoke” and “Sunset Over the Long River”. Both of these moves could not make Dustin vomit blood. Dustin just skidded back few meters and stabilized. Meaning his power must have increased compared to his last fight with Nestor.

When he used secret technique while fighting with 5th guy. It is written “ Dustin gritted his teeth, suddenly took out a silver needle and inserted it into the back of his head. …. …..Soon, the two started a fierce duel. After Dustin’s strength doubled, he was no longer weaker than Ji Yuanzun. Even in a head-on confrontation, he was not weak at all. “

At this time Dustin could reach 5th guy’s level while using secret technique. Way stronger than Nestor’s time.

So, while fighting Nestor, Dustin’s strength could match Nestor. Later on while Dustin was fighting 5th guy, he could match 5th using secret technique. Though secret technique is their last resort but Dustin is a miracle doctor. He has already found a solution for this problem.

While 5th guy was running away and Dustin told executioner to chase. Executioner was also totally exhausted after using secret technique.

“Dustin gave Albert a powerful tonic pill with just a flick of his finger.

Different from the one given to Dustin’s uncle before, this Shiquan Dabu Dan is amazingly effective and can quickly make up for the energy consumed.

It was his special research to make up for the shortcomings of the Rhys Family’s secret method and alleviate the harm caused by the sequelae.” So, Dustin will not be limited by use of secret technique.

After this event … During excursions for first Dragon essence Dustin has been mentioned at several places as GM Dzoghchen. So, these all show that his power is increasing very fast. People don’t realize it.

Current Dustin should be stronger than Gregory, Executioner and even the guys up in the ranks above 5 if he uses secret technique.
For drunkard, why he is not on the list is because during that time he was still not healed. Dustin recently healed drunkard so if the list will be updated, he will surely be on that list.
The strength shown by Abigail in pulverizing black Diamond. Do you think Abigail has reached mid-stage GM or not ? She can’t be early stage GM to be 2nd in Whiz list and pulverize Black Diamond right ?

Black Diamond had easily killed a powerful martial arts master (GM) monk easily. And Abigail killed Black Diamond easily.
Fun fact : If you speak good English. You can be very attractive to Chinese girls in mainland China. With basic communication skills in Chinese and fluency in English you can get girls a lot easily.

Secondly, Chinese girls like fair color guys but you can overcome your skin color shortcomings by having cash power. Take them to shopping, buy gifts and get laid. Chinese girl won’t stick long with you if you are not a cash machine.

You can see all protagonists are looked down upon by girls and their families just because the person is poor at present. They don’t care if you can be successful in future. You need to have money at present !

If it comes to marriage, you should have money, status, family background everything to get a decent girl from good families. Mutual attraction among the boys and girls aren’t enough to get marriage approval /blessings from parents. Yeah parent’s blessings still hold lot of weight unlike in western countries. This thing alone can be “deal breaker” in Chinese marriages.

Guys this is a generalization. There will always be some exceptions everywhere.
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Top 8 !!

1. Billy - defeated Dorian (Zen Order)
2. Abigail - defeated Black Diamond
3. Vincent -defeated Victor Steele (Mysterious Sword Sect)
4.. Elias Longfellow - defeated Emerald (Thunderstrike Sword Alliance/Sword Sect)
5. Elvin Carr (Kuang Lang) defeates Azalea (Mystic Arts Order)

These should be upcoming fixtures.

6. Kieran (Yan Buqi) vs Cort Main
6. Priest Adam vs Troy
8. Dustin vs Unknown

I think Kieran (Yan Buqi), Priest and Dustin will move to top 8.

Top 8 fixtures

Billy vs Priest
Abigail vs Elvin Carr
Vincent vs Kieran (Yan Buqi)
Dustin vs Elias Longfellow

Note: Because Elvin Carr, the Raging fist of Blood Frenzy sect deafeats Azalea of Mystic Arts Order, writer will give Abigail a chance to defeat him 😂.

Note: Billy to be given equal share to kill foreign force (Dustin and Abigail had their shares).

Note: Dustin vs Elias because this guy is second to Billy in his sect. So, probably he can show a good sword match and force Dustin to use his sky sword.

Top 4

Billy vs Vincent
Dustin vs Abigail (Abigail forfeits or spars with Dustin showcasing her Phoenix powers)

Note: Vincent already could not do anything to Dustin in the past when Dustin was not even as strong as now. So, no need to repeat the fight between them.

Dustin vs Billy

Final match must be between Billy and Dustin because writer needs to show who is better between these two. It’s been a while we all are wondering. So, it’s time for the writer to reveal the secret.
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Top 8 !!

1. Billy - defeated Dorian (Zen Order)
2. Abigail - defeated Black Diamond
3. Vincent -defeated Victor Steele (Mysterious Sword Sect)
4.. Elias Longfellow - defeated Emerald (Thunderstrike Sword Alliance/Sword Sect)
5. Elvin Carr defeates Azalea

These should be upcoming fixtures.

6. Yan Buqi vs Cort Main
6. Priest Adam vs Troy
8. Dustin vs Unknown

I think Yan Buqi, Priest and Dustin will move to top 8.

Top 8 fixtures

Billy vs Priest
Abigail vs Elvin Carr
Vincent vs Yan Buqi
Dustin vs Elias Longfellow

Top 4

Billy vs Vincent
Dustin vs Abigail (Abigail forfeits or spars with Dustin showcasing her Phoenix powers)

Dustin vs Billy
Where is Kieran?
Top 8 !!

1. Billy - defeated Dorian (Zen Order)
2. Abigail - defeated Black Diamond
3. Vincent -defeated Victor Steele (Mysterious Sword Sect)
4.. Elias Longfellow - defeated Emerald (Thunderstrike Sword Alliance/Sword Sect)
5. Elvin Carr defeates Azalea

These should be upcoming fixtures.

6. Kieran (Yan Buqi) vs Cort Main
6. Priest Adam vs Troy
8. Dustin vs Unknown

I think Kieran (Yan Buqi), Priest and Dustin will move to top 8.

Top 8 fixtures

Billy vs Priest
Abigail vs Elvin Carr
Vincent vs Kieran (Yan Buqi)
Dustin vs Elias Longfellow

Top 4

Billy vs Vincent
Dustin vs Abigail (Abigail forfeits or spars with Dustin showcasing her Phoenix powers)

Dustin vs Billy

Final match must between Billy and Dustin because writer needs to show who is better between these two. It’s been a while we all are wondering. So, it’s time for the writer to reveal the secret.
Azeala has not been defeated yet right?
Fun fact : If you speak good English. You can be very attractive to Chinese girls in mainland China. With basic communication skills in Chinese and fluency in English you can get girls a lot easily.

Secondly, Chinese girls like fair color guys but you can overcome your skin color shortcomings by having cash power. Take them to shopping, buy gifts and get laid. Chinese girl won’t stick long with you if you are not a cash machine.

You can see all protagonists are looked down upon by girls and their families just because the person is poor at present. They don’t care if you can be successful in future. You need to have money at present !

If it comes to marriage, you should have money, status, family background everything to get a decent girl from good families. Mutual attraction among the boys and girls aren’t enough to get marriage approval /blessings from parents. Yeah parent’s blessings still hold lot of weight unlike in western countries. This thing alone can be “deal breaker” in Chinese marriages.

Guys this is a generalization. There will always be some exceptions everywhere.
I'm almost start packing my bags and head to china. But anyway you explained further 😂.

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