An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2422 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL

English Version Translated by NAZMUL

An Understated Dominance is a Urban novel for men, telling a story of Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. "An Understated Dominance" delves into themes of ambition, power and the price of success. The novel explores the complexities of relationships and so on.
I think we're being starved off this story...

I'm kinda anxious and looking at a new site I found around 20 chapters extra which follow immediately after this chapter 2456, but it is hard to read cause the names are naming 🤣

Translating it is Hard 🤦

Starting a new thread is even Harder 🤦🤦

Taking @nazmul thunder and translating it under his thread and using his names and all that is the Hardest 🤦🤦🤦
Chapter 2457: You are not Dead?

No matter what, he had to win this game.
"Hahaha... we won, Master Hynes won!"

"Finally defeated that guy, Master Hynes is awesome!"
"It's an honor to be able to fight Master Hynes for so long!"

Seeing the angry King Kong slap Father Adam into the ring with one palm, the whole scene was boiling. A large number of Dragon Country audiences stood up and gave Master Jingxin warm applause.

The first battle of the day was so intense and exciting.

Both sides were completely head-on, punching each other, and the fight was extremely fierce.

The audience was also excited and excited.

This is the duel that a warrior should have.

"Huh... is it finally over?"

Hynes wiped the hot sweat from his forehead and relaxed.

Although the last killer move consumed a lot of energy, fortunately, he successfully solved the opponent, so it was not a loss.

"Crack... crack..."

Just as the audience cheered, a pile of gravel in the deep pit in the center of the ring began to vibrate slightly.

The top part slid down little by little, making a slight collision sound.


Hynes on the ring frowned, feeling uneasy for some reason.

The next second, there was a "bang" and the pile of gravel suddenly exploded.

The stone powder in the sky, like a drizzle, fell from the sky.

Following, Father Adam, with black scales all over his body and red eyes, slowly walked out of the smoke and dust.


Father Adam laughed evilly in a low voice, and his original eyes, at some point, turned into a beast-like vertical pupil, scarlet and violent.

Like a demon.

"Crack... crack..."

With every step Father Adam took, the broken scales and wounds on his body healed at an incredible speed.

When he walked out of the pit, Father Adam had completely recovered, and his momentum was even more fierce than before.

"You... you are not dead?"

Hynes widened his eyes, a little bit unbelievable.

He had already overdrawn his strength in that attack just now, and used the strongest move of his life.

Almost no one below the Grand Master could stop him.

He couldn't understand why the other party could still stand?

At this moment, not only Hynes, but also the audience in the audience were all dumbfounded.

The cheers and applause stopped abruptly, and everyone was dumbfounded and unbelievable.

They saw clearly that the last palm of Master Hynes just now was like a mountain pressing down on the top, unstoppable.

Even the ring made of black gold stone was directly blasted into a deep pit.

Normally speaking, Father Adam, who was hit in the center of the bull's eye, should have turned into a pool of meat paste.

Why is there nothing wrong now?

How terrible is this guy's defense?
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Chapter 2458 : The smell of Blood is really Wonderful

"You are really good for forcing me to use my second form, but unfortunately, it's still a little short."

Father Adam grinned, revealing a mouthful of sharp teeth like a blade: "You've been fighting for so long, now it's my turn!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Father Adam's figure flashed and the whole person suddenly disappeared, so fast that ordinary warriors couldn't see clearly with their naked eyes.

"Be careful behind you!"

At this time, someone suddenly warned.

Hyne's face changed, and he subconsciously turned around and punched.

As a result, when he twisted his body halfway, he heard a "puff" sound, and a sharp claw directly pierced his chest.

The claw pierced from the back and came out from the chest, and the scarlet blood dripped from the fingers.

At first there were only a few drops, and then it got faster and faster.


Hyne's body trembled, and the whole person froze.

He stared with wide eyes, lowered his head in disbelief, looked at the sharp claws that pierced his chest, and his mind was blank.

Faintly, he seemed to see a scarlet object in the claws, beating violently.

"Is that... my heart?"

A thought suddenly flashed through Hyne's mind.

He tried to open his eyes, trying to see clearly what was in the claws.

However, the next second, the claws exerted force and crushed the object in the palm on the spot.

In just a moment, Hyne seemed to have been drained of strength, his whole body softened, and his vision became more and more blurred.

Until he fell into darkness completely.

"The smell of blood is really wonderful."

Father Adam grinned, then waved his hand and threw Hyne's body dozens of meters away, and finally smashed it heavily under the ring.


A muffled sound.

Hyne's body, like a broken sandbag, fell in front of everyone.
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Chapter 2459 : He is really Good

A large amount of blood flowed out from the body, dyeing the ground an irregular red.


The whole scene suddenly became quiet.

All the audience stared at Hyne's body in shock.

They never dreamed that Hyne, who was confident of victory a second ago, would become a corpse the next second.

The whole process happened so suddenly that no one could react.

Hyne, who was known for his indestructible and invincible defense, died just like that?

And he was killed in one move?

How could this be possible?

The death of Hyne shocked the audience.

They thought it was a match without any suspense, but they didn't expect it to end up like this.

It was really unbelievable.


Looking at the corpses under the stage, Drake, the referee, couldn't help but frown slightly.

He didn't expect that Father Adam, who was seriously injured, could still exert such a strong killing power.

Hyne was killed in one move, and even he didn't react.

Although swords and knives have no eyes, and life and death in the ring are determined by fate, he couldn't help but feel a little regretful that Dragonmarsh lost such a master.

"This priest is quite something. He hasn't used his full strength until now. He is really good."

At this moment, in the main audience seat facing the ring, Jeffery narrowed his eyes slightly, with a meaningful expression.

He watched the whole battle just now. From the beginning to the end of the battle, the priest only used physical strength, and obviously hid some tricks.

"Humph! He is just a beast who is neither human nor ghost. He can't make any big waves." Hank frowned, with some contempt in his eyes.

The Western world always likes to study some strange things, such as genetic potions and human body transformation.

Although it can improve combat power in a short period of time, it is ultimately just a side door. In front of the real strong, it is still vulnerable.

"If I'm not mistaken, the three foreign players participating today are all from the Western Temple, right?"
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Chapter 2460 : Let their Dogs never come back

Marlon said indifferently: "It seems that they are going to take advantage of the opportunity of the martial arts competition today to establish their prestige in our Infernal Mountain!"

Although his voice was calm, there was a bit of anger in his eyes.

The priest has been hiding his strength and consuming Hyne, just to kill him at the critical moment.

Hyne is a gifted person with extraordinary understanding. It is not a dream for him to break through to the Grand Master in the future.

Now that he died in the ring, it is a big loss for Dragonmarsh.

"Since the Temple dares to let the dogs out to bite people, today, let their dogs never come back!" Evelyn Morgan said gloomily.

Jeffery and Hank looked at each other and didn't say anything, but they had reached a consensus.

Even if they want to fight, they have to get rid of these enemies outside first.

"In the first match, contestant No. 32 won!"

After a long silence, referee Drake finally announced the result.

On the field, there were only some scattered applause, and most people chose to remain silent.

If it was just an ordinary win or loss, they would not be so depressed.

But the problem now is that Venerable Hyne not only lost, but also lost his life.

In this case, who can be happy?

After the first match, Drake immediately carried Hyne's body down, and at the same time called a team to start repairing the ring.

The ring made of black gold stone is not only hard, but also very easy to repair.

Just pour the heated black gold stone liquid into the cracks of the pits. In less than five minutes, after the liquid cools down, the damaged ring can be restored to normal.

"Now, let's start the second match. Please invite contestants No. 2 and No. 31 to the stage!"

After a short break, Drake spoke again.

As soon as he finished speaking, two women stood up from the audience, and then walked to the ring on the left and right.

The woman on the left, wearing a red outfit, tall, cold, holding a spear, looked heroic, and had a bit of the style of a female general.

This person was Jane, one of Jeffrey's direct disciples.

The woman on the right, wearing a black long skirt, had a hot body, beautiful face, and a smile like a flower. Her every move was charming and seductive.

As soon as she appeared, she attracted the attention of all male compatriots.
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Chapter 2461 : It's Her

Especially some young, hot-blooded men with poor concentration, who were breathing rapidly and looking fiery.

In their opinion, this woman was really too attractive.

"I know the woman in red on the left. She is Jane, the senior sister of the World Martial Sect. Who is the woman in black on the right?"

"Who knows? She is so beautiful. Just charge!"


The two female warriors came on stage, and the atmosphere, which was a little cold just now, quickly became hot again.

Of course, most people's eyes were focused on the woman in black.

That thin waist and hips, twisting and turning, really attracted the essence.

"It's her?"

When Dustin saw the woman in black, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, quite surprised.

When he drew lots before, he didn't pay much attention to it. He didn't expect that there was an old friend.

The woman in black was Azalea, who he met in Milsburg a year ago.

Azalea was originally a disciple of the traitor of the Witchcraft Sect, the Dark Lord, and later abandoned the dark and joined the light, and followed Abigail as a bodyguard.

When Abigail awakened the Phoenix bloodline and was accepted into the Witchcraft Sect, Azalea also became a disciple of the Witchcraft Sect.

Azalea is very good at disguise and charm, and she almost fooled him several times.

After a year, they met again.

Azalea's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and she has become a martial arts master.

It seems that by following Abigail, she has become the focus of Witchcraft Cult's training.

This martial arts competition should be the time for her to become famous.
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Master emzeeviper,
Your chapter numbering is completely wrong, please correct it. Also please do a proof reading before uploading each chapters. That way you can avoid lots of errors. I know you will be unsatisfied by my comments but please give some thought to my humble suggestions.
Chapter 4025 : It's Her

Especially some young, hot-blooded men with poor concentration, who were breathing rapidly and looking fiery.

In their opinion, this woman was really too attractive.

"I know the woman in red on the left. She is Jane, the senior sister of the World Martial Sect. Who is the woman in black on the right?"

"Who knows? She is so beautiful. Just charge!"


The two female warriors came on stage, and the atmosphere, which was a little cold just now, quickly became hot again.

Of course, most people's eyes were focused on the woman in black.

That thin waist and hips, twisting and turning, really attracted the essence.

"It's her?"

When Dustin saw the woman in black, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, quite surprised.

When he drew lots before, he didn't pay much attention to it. He didn't expect that there was an old friend.

The woman in black was Azalea, who he met in Milsburg a year ago.

Azalea was originally a disciple of the traitor of the Witchcraft Sect, the Dark Lord, and later abandoned the dark and joined the light, and followed Abigail as a bodyguard.

When Abigail awakened the Phoenix bloodline and was accepted into the Witchcraft Sect, Azalea also became a disciple of the Witchcraft Sect.

Azalea is very good at disguise and charm, and she almost fooled him several times.

After a year, they met again.

Azalea's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has become a martial arts master.

It seems that by following Abigail, she has become the focus of Witchcraft Cult's training.
This martial arts competition should be the time for her to become famous.
Well done @emzeeviper. It seem some piece are missing between @nazmul last line and your start line. Expecting more from you man🙏
The return of the grandmaster Nazmul!
Welcome back to what you know how to do best, keeping us all entertained.
Chapter 2461 : It's Her

Especially some young, hot-blooded men with poor concentration, who were breathing rapidly and looking fiery.

In their opinion, this woman was really too attractive.

"I know the woman in red on the left. She is Jane, the senior sister of the World Martial Sect. Who is the woman in black on the right?"

"Who knows? She is so beautiful. Just charge!"


The two female warriors came on stage, and the atmosphere, which was a little cold just now, quickly became hot again.

Of course, most people's eyes were focused on the woman in black.

That thin waist and hips, twisting and turning, really attracted the essence.

"It's her?"

When Dustin saw the woman in black, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, quite surprised.

When he drew lots before, he didn't pay much attention to it. He didn't expect that there was an old friend.

The woman in black was Azalea, who he met in Milsburg a year ago.

Azalea was originally a disciple of the traitor of the Witchcraft Sect, the Dark Lord, and later abandoned the dark and joined the light, and followed Abigail as a bodyguard.

When Abigail awakened the Phoenix bloodline and was accepted into the Witchcraft Sect, Azalea also became a disciple of the Witchcraft Sect.

Azalea is very good at disguise and charm, and she almost fooled him several times.

After a year, they met again.

Azalea's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and she has become a martial arts master.

It seems that by following Abigail, she has become the focus of Witchcraft Cult's training.

This martial arts competition should be the time for her to become famous.
Well done
I think it's better to wait for brother Nazmul to do the translation since the original writer is super slow, when IGGM Nazmul translates we get to see a lot of chapter together in one go.

just my thought and I will wait for him to do the translation.
Let's wish GM Nam to imerge safe from the battle for more cultivation insites and pills to elivate our cultivation bases
I think it's better to wait for brother Nazmul to do the translation since the original writer is super slow, when IGGM Nazmul translates we get to see a lot of chapter together in one go.

just my thought and I will wait for him to do the translation
I think Bangladesh is doomed. Nobody else is to blame for that except for the people of Bangladesh themselves for this catastrophe. A country which was slowly and steadily progressing well economically is suddenly hit by an Armageddon. Simply ridiculous. I don't know what the future holds for IGM Nazmul and the people of Bangladesh if this situation persists.
I think Bangladesh is doomed. Nobody else is to blame for that except for the people of Bangladesh themselves for this catastrophe. A country which was slowly and steadily progressing well economically is suddenly hit by an Armageddon. Simply ridiculous. I don't know what the future holds for IGM Nazmul and the people of Bangladesh if this situation persists.
it’s hard to draw any conclusion yet, since we were oppressed by a political leader for over 15 years and most of it is corrupted to the core and now we finally got a freedom but lacking a good leadership (since the other political parties are also trash). All we can hope to get a good leader so that he/she can guide this country to prosperity.
Electoral government has taken charges. Internet and other thinks became normal on 6 August. Police is back in work this week. May be Nazmul is busy in his staffs. I am also waiting for story updats
What form of system is there in this world without corruption? Are you people nuts. Every country is having governments which are corrupted to the core. Majority of the people know this fact too, but they are all not doing shitty things which can destroy their country. Be sensible and act sensibly. Corruption is something which can't be eradicated at all. All you can do is take steps to reduce it as much as possible.If you don't like a government elect sombody else which you find suitable when the election comes up. What is the meaning of rampant bloodshed, it is not going to help you in the least bit. In which century are you people living in? Simply ridiculous.
What form of system is there in this world without corruption? Are you people nuts. Every country is having governments which are corrupted to the core. Majority of the people know this fact too, but they are all not doing shitty things which can destroy their country. Be sensible and act sensibly. Corruption is something which can't be eradicated at all. All you can do is take steps to reduce it as much as possible.If you don't like a government elect sombody else which you find suitable when the election comes up. What is the meaning of rampant bloodshed, it is not going to help you in the least bit. In which century are you people living in? Simply ridiculous.
A new Kijiji Story starting...... 😁😄😃🤣
What form of system is there in this world without corruption? Are you people nuts. Every country is having governments which are corrupted to the core. Majority of the people know this fact too, but they are all not doing shitty things which can destroy their country. Be sensible and act sensibly. Corruption is something which can't be eradicated at all. All you can do is take steps to reduce it as much as possible.If you don't like a government elect sombody else which you find suitable when the election comes up. What is the meaning of rampant bloodshed, it is not going to help you in the least bit. In which century are you people living in? Simply ridiculous.
I really feel some of ur words are too harsh despite the good intention you may have
I think Bangladesh is doomed. Nobody else is to blame for that except for the people of Bangladesh themselves for this catastrophe. A country which was slowly and steadily progressing well economically is suddenly hit by an Armageddon. Simply ridiculous. I don't know what the future holds for IGM Nazmul and the people of Bangladesh if this situation persists.
This is serious. Is this fight still ongoing?
it’s hard to draw any conclusion yet, since we were oppressed by a political leader for over 15 years and most of it is corrupted to the core and now we finally got a freedom but lacking a good leadership (since the other political parties are also trash). All we can hope to get a good leader so that he/she can guide this country to prosperity.
You just doing the America bidding you people.
You just doing the America bidding you people.
America really said we aren't involved. They take everyone for a fool. The new Guy Mhd. Yunus didn't he have good relationship with America i mean got so many awards from them.....Still what can a normal citizen do in this situation at an individual basis they can just stop their acquaintances and anyone they know.
What form of system is there in this world without corruption? Are you people nuts. Every country is having governments which are corrupted to the core. Majority of the people know this fact too, but they are all not doing shitty things which can destroy their country. Be sensible and act sensibly. Corruption is something which can't be eradicated at all. All you can do is take steps to reduce it as much as possible.If you don't like a government elect sombody else which you find suitable when the election comes up. What is the meaning of rampant bloodshed, it is not going to help you in the least bit. In which century are you people living in? Simply ridiculous.
No one can feel someone's else pain.

There are schools but no education. Most of the children wasting their precious years of their life in schools. Because they don't get what they should. Hospitals but no health. Machinary is broken. Electricity is like medcine. 1 hour at morning. 1 hour afternoon. 1 hour at evening. Roads that can be made in weeks take years to complete, until that poor people suffar all the dust along these years from that undermaintenance road. And they get broken again soon because of third quality material.

So many other things as these are poor growing countries. But Government officials are buying islands in other countries. Where they get this money? From their salaries? No. It's people blood. And if people stay silent, their country will never grow. Government officials will keep fooling people.

If they find minerals or special stuff from the mountains, it's not property of the government, it directly goes to their own pockets. Courts are handled by government. Media is paid by government. Everyone is eating country except poor people.

So if people are thinking, asking questions, doing protests that's a great sign. It's not people who did bloodshed but it was government who killed students. Is it not allowed to protest against something? It is their basic right.

Bangladesh is not doomed. It is rising. They learnt to speak and take action.
Hi bro. It's great to start translation but please create a new thread and share your link here. Don't mix your hard work with Nazmul.
I think you make a good point. I would love to read through if he does share the link.
This story is so long that i can't wait to dispense with it.
it’s hard to draw any conclusion yet, since we were oppressed by a political leader for over 15 years and most of it is corrupted to the core and now we finally got a freedom but lacking a good leadership (since the other political parties are also trash). All we can hope to get a good leader so that he/she can guide this country to prosperity.
I don't know the response i can give you , coz for us here in Uganda it's 45years , and he has started against corruption this year,
Anyway what i can say is that corruption starts from us local people where by we give anything to make things stand in our favor for example bribing in local courts to win cases, giving things to sellers personally to favor us,
So this insue of corruption should be seen from the level on ground and in up bringing of children to and errudicate it for good

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