An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2422 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL

English Version Translated by NAZMUL

An Understated Dominance is a Urban novel for men, telling a story of Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. "An Understated Dominance" delves into themes of ambition, power and the price of success. The novel explores the complexities of relationships and so on.
Chapter 2408: Prepare for tomorrow

"So the elite masters of various sects spared no effort, striving to bring glory to their sects and make a name for themselves.

Some even risked their lives.

According to the competition rules, today will determine the top thirty-two.

The players from Group A have already advanced directly, taking up twenty spots, while the remaining twelve spots are contested by numerous elite players from Group B.

Hundreds of elite players from Group B are competing fiercely for these twelve spots to advance to Group A.

Time passes bit by bit.

As the sun sets, the competition is nearing its end.

It's worth noting that Zion and Willa have both successfully advanced to Group A.

The remaining ten spots are filled by talented individuals selected by various major sects.

"Congratulations to player number 15 for the victory!"

"Today's competition is officially over!"

"Please prepare for tomorrow, all advancing players."

With the judge's announcement, the competition temporarily concludes.

The top thirty-two players have all been decided.

Tomorrow will be the round of thirty-two to eight, and all players will need to redraw.

Whoever they draw will be their opponent, where luck and strength are equally important.

"Counting this player number 15, our World Martial Arts Sect now has three players in the top thirty-two. The future looks promising."

In the audience, Violet breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the victorious player number 15 is a disciple of the World Martial Arts Sect. Otherwise, today would not have ended well.

It's important to note that the World Martial Arts Sect has many disciples and is known as the largest sect in Dragonmarsh.

In this competition's top thirty-two, there are two reserved spots—one for Aaron and the other for the senior disciple of the Supreme Elder.

Both are master-level experts, allowing them to advance directly.

However, just these two are not quite enough.

Among the Group B players, disciples from the Sword Sect and the Witchcraft Sect have also successfully advanced. Without the World Martial Arts Sect's participants, criticism would be inevitable.

"It should have been four people, but alas."

Seemingly thinking of something, Lily couldn't help but sigh softly.

If the eldest senior brother hadn't betrayed the sect, he could also have brought glory to the World Martial Arts Sect.

Unfortunately, he was ambitious, coveting the position of the sect leader, and didn't hesitate to collude with outsiders and harm his fellow disciples.

Such a person, no matter how outstanding, has no value at all.

"Dr. Dustin, you're also in Group A, right?" Violet suddenly turned and asked.

"Correct," Dustin nodded.

"That's perfect," Violet's eyes lit up. "As our honorary guest of the World Martial Arts Sect, could you perhaps represent us during the competition?"

"Well..." Dustin hesitated, glancing at Margaret beside him.

He participated in the competition mainly to help Margaret find the Dragon Vein Qi.

As for fame and such, he didn't care. It depended on what Margaret intended.

"Since you're an honorary guest, it's only natural to represent us."

Seeing Margaret nod, Dustin quickly agreed.

"That's great! It's settled then!" Violet smiled brightly.

With this, the World Martial Arts Sect has gained another slot in the advanced ranks, finally gaining some prestige.
The author is adept at beating about the bush.
Thanks Nazmul, for continually sparing your time to bring this up for us to engage ourselves.
Chapter 2409: You summoned me

The sun sets in the west, and night falls.

At this moment, thirty miles away from Infernal Mountain, in a hidden villa.

Bear King Bailey was sitting at the dining table, eating meat and drinking wine in big gulps, his mouth full of grease.

On the five-meter-long rectangular table, various meats were laid out.

In the center was a huge cow's head, and behind it, the cow's body, which had been cut, cooked, and then reassembled.

Around the whole cow were roast suckling pig, whole roasted lamb, chicken, duck, fish, and various other meats.

Looking around, there were thirty or forty kinds of meat, with not a single vegetable.

Bear King Bailey grabbed various meats and kept stuffing them into his mouth, devouring them ravenously at an incredible speed.

Hundreds of pounds of meat were visibly diminishing under his voracious appetite.

The two maids standing beside him were dumbfounded.

They knew that this amount of meat was enough for over a hundred people.

But seeing Bear King Bailey's demeanor, he could eat it all by himself.

Such an appetite was truly terrifying.

They were curious about what kind of person could eat several hundred pounds of meat in one meal.

Could such a person still be considered human?

As Bear King Bailey was gorging himself, a handsome man with a slightly mixed-race appearance suddenly walked in, bowed, and said, "Greetings, Lord Bailey."

"Noel, you came just in time. The meat tastes good today, sit down and eat some." Bear King Bailey glanced up and then continued eating and drinking.

"Thank you for your kindness, Lord Bailey, but I've already eaten." Noel replied with a smile.

"Then why are you here?" Bear King Bailey mumbled with his mouth full of meat.

"Lord Bailey, you summoned me." Noel reminded him.


Bear King Bailey was slightly taken aback, then seemed to remember something and said, "Oh~! I remember now! I did have something to discuss with you, but I got so engrossed in eating that I forgot."

Noel's smile stiffened slightly but quickly returned to normal, as if accustomed to Bailey's forgetfulness.

"May I ask what you need, Lord Bailey?" Noel politely inquired.

Bear King Bailey finally stopped eating and took the hot towel handed by the maid beside him to wipe his hands and mouth, then said, "You should be well aware of why our Temple of the Priests has mobilized a large number of troops to Infernal Mountain this time. We not only need to secretly suppress the Dragon Kingdom, but we also need to openly dampen the spirit of the Dragon Kingdom's martial artists. Therefore, we must win the championship in this martial arts competition!"
Chapter 2410: Black King Kong

"Lord Bailey, if I may speak frankly, the Dragon Kingdom is full of experts and geniuses. If we engage in a fair duel, with our current strength, it will be difficult to gain any advantage," Noel said neither humbly nor arrogantly.

As a mixed-race person, he could be considered half a Dragon Kingdom native, so he was well aware that in terms of martial arts, the Dragon Kingdom led the world. The only fortunate thing was that the Dragon Kingdom's martial arts community was not harmonious, more like a loose collection of individuals. Otherwise, they would have no chance to invade the Dragon Kingdom at all.

"I understand what you're saying. That's why I have specially prepared three experts for you. With their assistance, the plan will go much more smoothly," Bear King Bailey said with a smile.

"Oh? Who are these three experts, Lord Bailey?" Noel asked, curious.

"Come in!" Bear King Bailey suddenly called out loudly.

Soon, three men, each dressed differently, entered one after another.

The first to enter was a sturdy man in his thirties, with dark skin and a height of over two meters. His whole body was covered in bulging muscles, making him even more imposing than Bear King Bailey. Standing there, he was like a black tower, exuding a strong sense of oppression.

The second man had a mixed-race face like Noel, and was very handsome. He wore a suit, had a well-proportioned figure, and carried himself with an aristocratic demeanor. The only drawback was that his face was unusually pale, with no trace of blood, not looking like a living person.

The third man was a middle-aged priest wearing glasses and a clerical robe. He had a Western face, a kind appearance, and a smile on his lips. A cross hung on his chest, and he held a Bible in his hand. Although he looked unremarkable, when he appeared, both the dark-skinned strongman and the mixed-race man unconsciously moved a few steps aside, clearly apprehensive.

"Introduce yourselves," Bear King Bailey said, belching.

"From Beacon Country, George Mason, known as Black King Kong," the dark-skinned strongman said coldly.

"Black King Kong?" Noel's eyelids twitched in surprise.

He had naturally heard of Black King Kong, a well-known A-class mutant from Beacon Country. His body was harder than metal, reaching an unbelievable level. He could withstand cannon fire without a scratch. Most importantly, the mutated Black King Kong possessed immense strength and once single-handedly stopped a speeding train. It would be more accurate to say he punched it to pieces rather than stopped it.

Not exaggerating, this dark-skinned strongman before him was a human monster. He didn't expect Bear King Bailey to actually invite such a monster to participate in the competition.
Chapter 2411: Dark Prince

After Black King Kong introduced himself, the handsome, pale-faced mixed-race man stepped forward with a proud expression and said, "From the Empire of the Sun Never Sets, Billwolf of the Dark Banquet Alliance. People call me the Dark Prince."

"The Dark Prince of the Dark Banquet Alliance?"

Hearing this, Noel was once again surprised.

The Dark Banquet Alliance was the most powerful organization in the Empire of the Sun Never Sets, second only to the Temple of the Priests in the Western countries. The alliance was mainly composed of three major races: vampires, werewolves, and wizards, along with some other monsters with special abilities.

Among the three races, the vampires held the dominant position, almost ruling the entire Empire of the Sun Never Sets. Previously, the Temple of the Priests had invited Blood Demon William, a count of the vampire race.

The man before Noel, Billwolf, was the son of the Dark Monarch, the leader of the Dark Banquet Alliance. The Dark Monarch was the king of the vampires, with power equivalent to that of the Priest King of the Temple of the Priests. As the son of the Dark Monarch, Billwolf had inherited his father's noble bloodline. At a young age, he already possessed the strength of a vampire viscount, having killed countless powerful enemies. His most remarkable achievement was slaying three overseas grandmasters in one night, severely weakening the Dragon Kingdom's overseas forces.

Noel never expected that Bear King Bailey could persuade the Dark Monarch to send his son to participate. The Dragon Kingdom was not an easy place to be. It was surprising that the young master of the Dark Banquet Alliance would risk himself like this.

"Billwolf's father is a friend of mine. Upon hearing that our Temple of the Priests had a mission, he specially sent Billwolf over to gain some experience and showcase the strength of the Dark Banquet Alliance," Bear King Bailey explained, seemingly seeing through Noel's confusion.

In essence, Billwolf was here to earn a reputation. As long as he performed well in the competition and significantly dampened the spirits of the Dragon Kingdom's martial artists, he could rightfully inherit the position of the Dark Monarch in the future.

"I see."

Noel smiled and took the opportunity to flatter, "With the Dark Prince's assistance, we can definitely crush the Dragon Kingdom's martial artists!"

"Of course!"

Billwolf's lips curled into a self-satisfied smile, "I've killed countless so-called grandmasters from the Dragon Kingdom. Their bodies are as fragile as paper. With a little effort, I can tear them to pieces! This time, I want all the martial artists in the Dragon Kingdom to witness the might of our vampire race! I want them to live in fear for the rest of their lives!"

As he spoke, he flexed his fingers in the air, and his nails extended three inches, becoming sharp and deadly.
Chapter 2412: Angel of Dust

A faint black aura surrounded Billwolf's claws, exuding an eerie and soul-stirring presence.

"Billwolf, fight as you will, but don't underestimate your opponents. Be careful not to stumble in an unexpected place," Bear King Bailey reminded him in a timely manner.

"Uncle Bailey, you needn't worry. Our noble vampire race could never lose to these inferior humans of the Dragon Kingdom," Billwolf replied nonchalantly.

Bear King Bailey merely smiled and said no more. He understood the traits of the vampire race well, especially Billwolf, who had inherited the Dark Monarch's bloodline and possessed an astonishing regenerative ability. As long as he could replenish his blood, even the most severe, fatal wounds would heal almost instantly. Unless he was blown to bits or burned to ashes, he was practically immortal. Facing such a monster would indeed be a headache for the martial artists of the Dragon Kingdom.

"Father, it's your turn."

Bear King Bailey shifted his gaze to the third person, a thin man wearing glasses and a priest's robe.

"Praise the Lord, I am Edward Adam, a cardinal in the Holy See," the thin man said with a smile.

"A cardinal?" Noel raised an eyebrow, puzzled.

The status and position of a cardinal in the Holy See were naturally high, but Noel couldn't understand why a clergyman would participate in a martial arts competition. The man looked weak, as if he couldn't even truss a chicken. Could he really be capable?

"Noel, Father Adam is not just a cardinal; he also has a nickname, 'Angel of Dust,'" Bear King Bailey explained.

"What? Angel of Dust?!" Noel was startled, his skin prickling with goosebumps.

While ordinary members of the Temple of the Priests might not know, Noel was well aware of the significance of the name "Angel of Dust." He was the ace of the Holy See's "Betrayer" organization, the only survivor of the Hell Experiment, known as a monster among monsters. He possessed the physical qualities of a werewolf, the regenerative ability of a vampire, and powerful exorcism techniques. With the various holy blessings from the Holy See, he was absurdly powerful, a killing machine.

Anyone who opposed the Holy See, regardless of their background or strength, would meet a gruesome end if Father Adam found them. Most terrifying of all, the so-called Angel of Dust was a complete psychopath. His greatest pleasure was in sadistic, extreme torture and killing.

The Holy See called him Angel of Dust, but those who opposed the Holy See called him—the Song of Hell!
i forgot when we were first introduced with temple of priests is it the same organization which was responsible for dustin's mom's murder?
Chapter 2412: Angel of Dust

A faint black aura surrounded Billwolf's claws, exuding an eerie and soul-stirring presence.

"Billwolf, fight as you will, but don't underestimate your opponents. Be careful not to stumble in an unexpected place," Bear King Bailey reminded him in a timely manner.

"Uncle Bailey, you needn't worry. Our noble vampire race could never lose to these inferior humans of the Dragon Kingdom," Billwolf replied nonchalantly.

Bear King Bailey merely smiled and said no more. He understood the traits of the vampire race well, especially Billwolf, who had inherited the Dark Monarch's bloodline and possessed an astonishing regenerative ability. As long as he could replenish his blood, even the most severe, fatal wounds would heal almost instantly. Unless he was blown to bits or burned to ashes, he was practically immortal. Facing such a monster would indeed be a headache for the martial artists of the Dragon Kingdom.

"Father, it's your turn."

Bear King Bailey shifted his gaze to the third person, a thin man wearing glasses and a priest's robe.

"Praise the Lord, I am Edward Adam, a cardinal in the Holy See," the thin man said with a smile.

"A cardinal?" Noel raised an eyebrow, puzzled.

The status and position of a cardinal in the Holy See were naturally high, but Noel couldn't understand why a clergyman would participate in a martial arts competition. The man looked weak, as if he couldn't even truss a chicken. Could he really be capable?

"Noel, Father Adam is not just a cardinal; he also has a nickname, 'Angel of Dust,'" Bear King Bailey explained.

"What? Angel of Dust?!" Noel was startled, his skin prickling with goosebumps.

While ordinary members of the Temple of the Priests might not know, Noel was well aware of the significance of the name "Angel of Dust." He was the ace of the Holy See's "Betrayer" organization, the only survivor of the Hell Experiment, known as a monster among monsters. He possessed the physical qualities of a werewolf, the regenerative ability of a vampire, and powerful exorcism techniques. With the various holy blessings from the Holy See, he was absurdly powerful, a killing machine.

Anyone who opposed the Holy See, regardless of their background or strength, would meet a gruesome end if Father Adam found them. Most terrifying of all, the so-called Angel of Dust was a complete psychopath. His greatest pleasure was in sadistic, extreme torture and killing.

The Holy See called him Angel of Dust, but those who opposed the Holy See called him—the Song of Hell!
Chapter 2412: Angel of Dust

A faint black aura surrounded Billwolf's claws, exuding an eerie and soul-stirring presence.

"Billwolf, fight as you will, but don't underestimate your opponents. Be careful not to stumble in an unexpected place," Bear King Bailey reminded him in a timely manner.

"Uncle Bailey, you needn't worry. Our noble vampire race could never lose to these inferior humans of the Dragon Kingdom," Billwolf replied nonchalantly.

Bear King Bailey merely smiled and said no more. He understood the traits of the vampire race well, especially Billwolf, who had inherited the Dark Monarch's bloodline and possessed an astonishing regenerative ability. As long as he could replenish his blood, even the most severe, fatal wounds would heal almost instantly. Unless he was blown to bits or burned to ashes, he was practically immortal. Facing such a monster would indeed be a headache for the martial artists of the Dragon Kingdom.

"Father, it's your turn."

Bear King Bailey shifted his gaze to the third person, a thin man wearing glasses and a priest's robe.

"Praise the Lord, I am Edward Adam, a cardinal in the Holy See," the thin man said with a smile.

"A cardinal?" Noel raised an eyebrow, puzzled.

The status and position of a cardinal in the Holy See were naturally high, but Noel couldn't understand why a clergyman would participate in a martial arts competition. The man looked weak, as if he couldn't even truss a chicken. Could he really be capable?

"Noel, Father Adam is not just a cardinal; he also has a nickname, 'Angel of Dust,'" Bear King Bailey explained.

"What? Angel of Dust?!" Noel was startled, his skin prickling with goosebumps.

While ordinary members of the Temple of the Priests might not know, Noel was well aware of the significance of the name "Angel of Dust." He was the ace of the Holy See's "Betrayer" organization, the only survivor of the Hell Experiment, known as a monster among monsters. He possessed the physical qualities of a werewolf, the regenerative ability of a vampire, and powerful exorcism techniques. With the various holy blessings from the Holy See, he was absurdly powerful, a killing machine.

Anyone who opposed the Holy See, regardless of their background or strength, would meet a gruesome end if Father Adam found them. Most terrifying of all, the so-called Angel of Dust was a complete psychopath. His greatest pleasure was in sadistic, extreme torture and killing.

The Holy See called him Angel of Dust, but those who opposed the Holy See called him—the Song of Hell!
Story Story, Stooooory. Once upon a time, there was a...blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.....
That was how they were able to finally blah blah blah blah blah..
Chapter 2413: Champion Tower

Looking at Father Adam, who kills without hesitation, Noel couldn't help but feel a bit terrified.

Even someone as formidable as Black King Kong and the Dark Child are wary of him. There must be a reason for it.

While Black King Kong and the Dark Prince can be considered monsters, Father Adam, known as the Angel of Dust, is a monster among monsters.

With someone like him involved, the martial artists of the Dragon Kingdom are likely to face an unprecedented catastrophe.

"Noel, how do you feel about these three helpers?" Bear King Bailey asked with a smile.

"Satisfied? That's an understatement. With these three on our side, winning the championship in the martial arts tournament is practically guaranteed!" Noel said confidently.

Previously, he had no certainty because he knew the young talents of the Dragon Kingdom were not to be underestimated.

But now, he was brimming with confidence.

This time, not only the Temple of Priests but also the Demon Banquet Alliance and the Church have sent their strongmen.

In other words, they have united forces from multiple countries to suppress the Dragon Kingdom.

With this, their victory is almost assured.

"Good! With your assurance, I am relieved."

Bear King Bailey nodded with satisfaction, "You handle the tournament. As for our secret plans, there must be no mistakes. Tell our people to stay alert and not cause trouble in the next couple of days. When the time is right, we will launch a massive attack."

"Yes!" Noel nodded firmly.

"Now, you all go ahead. Don't disturb my meal."

Bear King Bailey waved them away and then continued to eat ravenously.

In the end, he devoured a table full of meat dishes.


Infernal Mountain, Champion Tower.

As the largest restaurant within a hundred miles, Champion Tower was bustling with activity.

Elite members from various sects were staying there, including many who had advanced to the top thirty-two in the tournament.

Unlike modern hotels, Champion Tower is an ancient-style building with three floors and a vast area.

The waitstaff inside refer to themselves as "Waiter."

Facing the main entrance is a stage where a classic Peking Opera, "Return to Dragonmarsh," was being performed.

The performers on stage were giving their best, while the audience, eating and drinking below, cheered and applauded continuously.

Such a scene was unique to the vicinity of Infernal Mountain.

"Welcome, honored guests! Please come inside!"

At this moment, Dustin and his group from the World Martial Arts Society entered.

The greeter at the door immediately welcomed them warmly and led them to the second floor.

In recent days, the guests at Champion Tower were all either wealthy or noble.
Chapter 2414: No alcohol

Seeing the demeanor and attire of Dustin and his group, it was clear they were extraordinary. If served well, they might even tip generously.

"Waiter, bring out your best food and wine!" Lily called out as soon as they were seated.

"Right away!" The waiter was about to leave when Violet suddenly stopped him. "Wait! Make sure to bring a few extra jars of good wine!"

As she spoke, Violet flicked her finger, and a gold bead the size of a fingernail landed precisely in the waiter's hand.

The waiter looked at it and beamed with joy, nodding repeatedly. "Thank you for the tip, honored guest! Please wait a moment, I will take care of it immediately!"

With that, he scurried downstairs and soon returned with an array of fine dishes and wines, along with some snacks to go with the drinks.

"Ten-year-old Nu'er Hong, not bad," Violet said, opening a wine jar and taking a light sniff, a slight smile appearing on her lips.

As a lover of good wine, she found it hard to go a day without a few drinks.

"Come on, let's not waste words. I'll start with a toast!"

Violet didn't hesitate, pouring herself a full cup, raising it, and bringing it to her lips.

However, just as the cup was halfway up, a pair of chopsticks blocked it.

Turning her head, she saw it was Dustin.

"You're just recovering from a major illness, no alcohol," Dustin said flatly.

"Ah? Still no drinking?" Violet pouted. "Dr. Dustin, I feel much better now. A few drinks shouldn't be a problem, right?"

"It's a miracle you survived. Don't think about drinking for a while," Dustin shook his head.

If something happened to Violet because of drinking, he'd be the one to treat her.

He hated trouble, so he had to prevent any incidents in advance.

"Dr. Dustin, just three cups... Three cups are okay, right?" Violet held up three fingers, smiling ingratiatingly.

"Absolutely not," Dustin shook his head again.

"One cup! Just one cup to satisfy my craving, that should be fine, right?" Violet weakly held up one finger, looking pitiful.

"If you're not afraid of dying, go ahead and drink," Dustin said, putting down his chopsticks slowly.

"Ah, this..." Violet pouted, her brows furrowing as she looked to Margaret for help, complaining, "Autumn, can you control your man? He's too overbearing, not even letting me have a single drink."

"What nonsense are you spouting? Dr. Dustin and I are just friends. You can't sully his reputation with baseless claims," Margaret rolled her eyes and said irritably.

"Really?" Violet looked skeptical. "The way you two exchange glances, I thought you were a couple."
Chapter 2415: Let me buy you one

"Dr. Dustin is right, you really shouldn't drink. You're already not thinking straight without it. What would happen if you did?" Margaret said seriously.

"Autumn, I was wrong, I was wrong. Please, persuade Dr. Dustin to let me have one drink," Violet clung to Margaret's arm, starting to whine.

With her addiction to alcohol, going a day without drinking made her feel uncomfortable all over.

"Sister, just bear with it for a few more days. Dr. Dustin is doing this for your own good," Lily said with a smile.

"What? A few more days?"

Upon hearing this, Violet slumped over the table like a deflated balloon, weakly complaining, "How am I supposed to live without drinking for a few days? Is there no justice in this world?"

"No problem, if you can't drink, I'll drink for you," Aaron said with a smile, picking up the cup in front of Violet and downing it in one gulp.

"Brother Aaron! You..."

Violet pouted, on the verge of tears.

She felt like she was being bullied by everyone.

"Miss, it's just a drink. Let me buy you one," a magnetic voice suddenly came from nearby.

The group turned to see three foreigners sitting at the next table.

One had dark skin and a body like a towering iron pillar, exuding an imposing presence.

Another wore a Western priest's robe, with a cross hanging on his chest, smiling kindly and looking amiable.

The last one was dressed in a suit, handsome and exuding an air of nobility.

These three were Black King Kong, Dark Prince Wolf, and Father Adam, the Angel of Dust.

"Beautiful lady, I've just arrived in the Dragonmarsh and have never seen a woman as charming as you. May I have the honor of sharing a few drinks with you?" The Dark Prince Wolf said, holding a wine glass and wearing a charming smile.

He was very confident in his looks and charisma, believing that any woman he set his sights on was his for the taking.

Even the ones who acted aloof would eventually fall to his fiery advances.

And once in bed, he became the master, able to play with these women as he pleased.

"And who might you be?" Violet glanced at him indifferently.

"Beautiful lady, my name is Bill Wolf. I come from the Empire Where the Sun Never Sets, and I am a noble knight appointed by the Queen," Dark Prince Wolf said with a smile.

Appearance mattered, but so did status.

In the past, as soon as he revealed his noble status, women would flock to him.
Chapter 2416: A meeting is fate

"Oh. And then?" Violet's expression remained indifferent, her eyes flashing with a trace of disgust.

Emphasizing his noble status during his self-introduction, as if afraid others wouldn't know, was just too oily.


Violet's overly bland reaction left the Dark Prince Wolf slightly stunned, not expecting this at all.

He thought she would smile and greet him warmly, but instead, she acted as if she couldn't care less.

Wasn't it said that women from the Dragonmarsh were easy to charm?

"Beautiful lady, there's a saying in your country: 'A meeting is fate.' Since we have met, shouldn't we have a few drinks together?" The Dark Prince Wolf smiled again as he extended his invitation.

"Not interested. Please leave," Violet rejected him outright.

She had seen plenty of handsome guys and had no liking for self-absorbed types like this.

Besides, if it came down to looks, this guy couldn't even compare to Dr. Dustin.

"Beautiful lady, I heard you like drinking. As it happens, I have some rare wines at home. If you're interested, I can give you some to taste," Wolf continued, unwilling to give up, now trying to entice her with fine wine.

"No thanks, I suddenly don't feel like drinking. I've lost my appetite," Violet said impatiently.

Did this guy have no self-awareness? She had already declined, and yet he persisted, making her feel very annoyed.

"Hey, my sister isn't interested. Could you please stop bothering us and let us eat in peace?" Lily directly intervened, trying to chase him away.

The two sisters were often approached, and usually, a single polite refusal was enough to make people back off.

But this foreigner just kept pestering, almost as if the word "lecherous" was written on his forehead.

It was too revolting!

"Hahaha... Wolf, I never thought I'd see you getting rebuffed."

Seeing Wolf being driven away, Black King Kong Bross at the neighboring table couldn't help but burst into laughter, his face full of schadenfreude.

He had always been somewhat envious of Wolf's looks, as women often flocked to him wherever he went.

Seeing Billwolf finally getting rejected, he was naturally delighted.

"Shut up!"

Billwolf shouted back at Bross, then turned to Violet, his eyes turning sinister. "Woman, name your price. How much to come with me?"

If seduction didn't work, he would resort to money.

As the Dark Prince, he lacked neither power nor wealth.


Before Violet could react, Lily suddenly slapped the table, standing up and yelling angrily, "Hey! Do you not understand human language? Get lost, or don't blame me for being rude!"
Chapter 2417: You're asking for a beating

Lily's eyes were filled with coldness, her expression extremely unfriendly.

Failing to flirt and then turning into a thug—this foreigner was utterly disgusting.

If he continued to pester them, she wouldn't mind teaching him a lesson.


Billwolf sneered, saying wickedly, "What, do you want to have a three-hundred-round battle with me in bed? If you're really that interested, I can oblige."

"Beast! You're asking for a beating!"

Lily was instantly furious. She grabbed a pair of chopsticks from the table and flung them at Billwolf.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"

With two sharp whistles, the chopsticks shot towards Billwolf's arms from the left and right.

With Lily's near-master level strength, the power of the thrown chopsticks was comparable to bullets.

Seeing this, Billwolf sneered contemptuously and simply waved his hand.

A gust of wind swept by, directly deflecting the chopsticks shot by Lily, pinning them into a column five meters away, embedding deeply into the wood.


Lily frowned, her face growing more serious.

In her fury, she hadn't held back at all, intending to cripple Billwolf's hands as a punishment.

But she hadn't expected this foreigner to be a hidden expert, easily deflecting her attack.

"You're interesting, woman. I'm now very interested in you. If you obediently come with me and serve me well, I'll spare you all. Otherwise, everyone here will die!" Billwolf said with a sinister smile.

He loved women who were both beautiful and fiery. The more they resisted, the more he wanted to conquer them.

"You're courting death!"

Hearing this, Lily's face darkened, her eyes filled with murderous intent.

She drew her twin swords from her waist and, with a leap, pounced at Billwolf like a leopard.

In the blink of an eye, she was in front of Billwolf.

Her twin swords slashed towards his kidneys.

Billwolf smiled, not dodging, and grabbed at the swords with his pale hands.

"Overestimating yourself!"

Lily twisted her swords, switching from a thrust to a slash, attempting to cut off Billwolf's fingers.

But when her swords touched Billwolf's hands, there was a "clang," as if striking steel.

For a moment, her swords couldn't advance an inch.


Lily's face changed.

With her strength and weapons sharp enough to cut through iron, no martial artist below the grandmaster level should be able to catch her blades barehanded.

Could it be that this foreigner was a grandmaster?

"Stop your futile resistance, woman. Being with me is the greatest honor of your life."

As Billwolf spoke, he slowly exerted force with his hands. With a few cracking sounds, Lily's twin swords twisted into a spiral.
Chapter 2418: The purer the blood, the stronger the power

Billwolf's terrifying grip made Lily's scalp tingle with fear.

Who was this person? How could he be so powerful?

"Come here, woman!"

After destroying her swords, Billwolf sneered wickedly and reached out to grab Lily's neck with lightning speed.

Lily retreated repeatedly but couldn't dodge in time. Just as she was about to be captured, a sudden "whoosh" sounded, and a chopstick shot out, piercing Billwolf's hand.

The powerful impact not only neutralized Billwolf's attack but also penetrated his hand.


Looking at the chopstick embedded in his palm, Billwolf frowned and glanced up, meeting Aaron's cold gaze.

Using chopsticks as hidden weapons, Aaron's throw was ten times more powerful than Lily's.

"I don't care who you are. If you know what's good for you, leave immediately, or face the consequences!" Aaron said coldly.

Daring to bully his junior sister in his presence was the height of audacity.

If it weren't for being on the territory of Infernal Mountain, where he didn't want to cause trouble, Billwolf would already be a dead man.

"Heh heh heh... I didn't expect there to be another expert here. Interesting."

Billwolf smirked as he slowly pulled the chopstick out of his palm, his expression showing no signs of pain as if he couldn't feel it.

What was even more bizarre was that as soon as the chopstick was removed, the wound on Billwolf's palm healed at a visible rate.

Within just a few breaths, the bloody wound had completely healed.

This scene made Lily's eyelids twitch.

Such a terrifying recovery ability—was he even human?

"Are you a vampire?" Aaron squinted slightly, quickly deducing the truth.

"Correction, I—Bill Wolf—am a noble among vampires, an existence you lowly humans should look up to and revere," Billwolf said arrogantly.

Vampires are divided into ranks; ordinary vampires can't compare to the nobility of the blood.

They inherit their strength through bloodlines—the purer the blood, the stronger the power.

"You Western vampires are quite bold to come and cause trouble in our Dragonmarsh. Aren't you afraid of staying here forever?" Lily shouted.

Martial artists from the Dragonmarsh and Western underground forces have always been at odds, constantly engaging in open and covert struggles.

So when they enter enemy territory, they are usually cautious.

Someone like Bill Wolf, brazenly provoking, was truly rare.

"Heh heh heh... All your Dragon Kingdom martial artists are worthless. No matter how many come, they're useless. How can a flock of grass-eating sheep challenge the majesty of a lion?" Bill Wolf grinned arrogantly, completely dismissing the people in front of him.
Chapter 2418: The purer the blood, the stronger the power

Billwolf's terrifying grip made Lily's scalp tingle with fear.

Who was this person? How could he be so powerful?

"Come here, woman!"

After destroying her swords, Billwolf sneered wickedly and reached out to grab Lily's neck with lightning speed.

Lily retreated repeatedly but couldn't dodge in time. Just as she was about to be captured, a sudden "whoosh" sounded, and a chopstick shot out, piercing Billwolf's hand.

The powerful impact not only neutralized Billwolf's attack but also penetrated his hand.


Looking at the chopstick embedded in his palm, Billwolf frowned and glanced up, meeting Aaron's cold gaze.

Using chopsticks as hidden weapons, Aaron's throw was ten times more powerful than Lily's.

"I don't care who you are. If you know what's good for you, leave immediately, or face the consequences!" Aaron said coldly.

Daring to bully his junior sister in his presence was the height of audacity.

If it weren't for being on the territory of Infernal Mountain, where he didn't want to cause trouble, Billwolf would already be a dead man.

"Heh heh heh... I didn't expect there to be another expert here. Interesting."

Billwolf smirked as he slowly pulled the chopstick out of his palm, his expression showing no signs of pain as if he couldn't feel it.

What was even more bizarre was that as soon as the chopstick was removed, the wound on Billwolf's palm healed at a visible rate.

Within just a few breaths, the bloody wound had completely healed.

This scene made Lily's eyelids twitch.

Such a terrifying recovery ability—was he even human?

"Are you a vampire?" Aaron squinted slightly, quickly deducing the truth.

"Correction, I—Bill Wolf—am a noble among vampires, an existence you lowly humans should look up to and revere," Billwolf said arrogantly.

Vampires are divided into ranks; ordinary vampires can't compare to the nobility of the blood.

They inherit their strength through bloodlines—the purer the blood, the stronger the power.

"You Western vampires are quite bold to come and cause trouble in our Dragonmarsh. Aren't you afraid of staying here forever?" Lily shouted.

Martial artists from the Dragonmarsh and Western underground forces have always been at odds, constantly engaging in open and covert struggles.

So when they enter enemy territory, they are usually cautious.

Someone like Bill Wolf, brazenly provoking, was truly rare.

"Heh heh heh... All your Dragon Kingdom martial artists are worthless. No matter how many come, they're useless. How can a flock of grass-eating sheep challenge the majesty of a lion?" Bill Wolf grinned arrogantly, completely dismissing the people in front of him.
It looks like bille is going to participate headless and Aron might discover some hi ts on Dustin
Thank you Nazmul. Good work. Anyone with remorse after breaking up link?
Chapter 2418: The purer the blood, the stronger the power

Billwolf's terrifying grip made Lily's scalp tingle with fear.

Who was this person? How could he be so powerful?

"Come here, woman!"

After destroying her swords, Billwolf sneered wickedly and reached out to grab Lily's neck with lightning speed.

Lily retreated repeatedly but couldn't dodge in time. Just as she was about to be captured, a sudden "whoosh" sounded, and a chopstick shot out, piercing Billwolf's hand.

The powerful impact not only neutralized Billwolf's attack but also penetrated his hand.


Looking at the chopstick embedded in his palm, Billwolf frowned and glanced up, meeting Aaron's cold gaze.

Using chopsticks as hidden weapons, Aaron's throw was ten times more powerful than Lily's.

"I don't care who you are. If you know what's good for you, leave immediately, or face the consequences!" Aaron said coldly.

Daring to bully his junior sister in his presence was the height of audacity.

If it weren't for being on the territory of Infernal Mountain, where he didn't want to cause trouble, Billwolf would already be a dead man.

"Heh heh heh... I didn't expect there to be another expert here. Interesting."

Billwolf smirked as he slowly pulled the chopstick out of his palm, his expression showing no signs of pain as if he couldn't feel it.

What was even more bizarre was that as soon as the chopstick was removed, the wound on Billwolf's palm healed at a visible rate.

Within just a few breaths, the bloody wound had completely healed.

This scene made Lily's eyelids twitch.

Such a terrifying recovery ability—was he even human?

"Are you a vampire?" Aaron squinted slightly, quickly deducing the truth.

"Correction, I—Bill Wolf—am a noble among vampires, an existence you lowly humans should look up to and revere," Billwolf said arrogantly.

Vampires are divided into ranks; ordinary vampires can't compare to the nobility of the blood.

They inherit their strength through bloodlines—the purer the blood, the stronger the power.

"You Western vampires are quite bold to come and cause trouble in our Dragonmarsh. Aren't you afraid of staying here forever?" Lily shouted.

Martial artists from the Dragonmarsh and Western underground forces have always been at odds, constantly engaging in open and covert struggles.

So when they enter enemy territory, they are usually cautious.

Someone like Bill Wolf, brazenly provoking, was truly rare.

"Heh heh heh... All your Dragon Kingdom martial artists are worthless. No matter how many come, they're useless. How can a flock of grass-eating sheep challenge the majesty of a lion?" Bill Wolf grinned arrogantly, completely dismissing the people in front of him.
A massive storm brewing
Chapter 2418: The purer the blood, the stronger the power

Billwolf's terrifying grip made Lily's scalp tingle with fear.

Who was this person? How could he be so powerful?

"Come here, woman!"

After destroying her swords, Billwolf sneered wickedly and reached out to grab Lily's neck with lightning speed.

Lily retreated repeatedly but couldn't dodge in time. Just as she was about to be captured, a sudden "whoosh" sounded, and a chopstick shot out, piercing Billwolf's hand.

The powerful impact not only neutralized Billwolf's attack but also penetrated his hand.


Looking at the chopstick embedded in his palm, Billwolf frowned and glanced up, meeting Aaron's cold gaze.

Using chopsticks as hidden weapons, Aaron's throw was ten times more powerful than Lily's.

"I don't care who you are. If you know what's good for you, leave immediately, or face the consequences!" Aaron said coldly.

Daring to bully his junior sister in his presence was the height of audacity.

If it weren't for being on the territory of Infernal Mountain, where he didn't want to cause trouble, Billwolf would already be a dead man.

"Heh heh heh... I didn't expect there to be another expert here. Interesting."

Billwolf smirked as he slowly pulled the chopstick out of his palm, his expression showing no signs of pain as if he couldn't feel it.

What was even more bizarre was that as soon as the chopstick was removed, the wound on Billwolf's palm healed at a visible rate.

Within just a few breaths, the bloody wound had completely healed.

This scene made Lily's eyelids twitch.

Such a terrifying recovery ability—was he even human?

"Are you a vampire?" Aaron squinted slightly, quickly deducing the truth.

"Correction, I—Bill Wolf—am a noble among vampires, an existence you lowly humans should look up to and revere," Billwolf said arrogantly.

Vampires are divided into ranks; ordinary vampires can't compare to the nobility of the blood.

They inherit their strength through bloodlines—the purer the blood, the stronger the power.

"You Western vampires are quite bold to come and cause trouble in our Dragonmarsh. Aren't you afraid of staying here forever?" Lily shouted.

Martial artists from the Dragonmarsh and Western underground forces have always been at odds, constantly engaging in open and covert struggles.

So when they enter enemy territory, they are usually cautious.

Someone like Bill Wolf, brazenly provoking, was truly rare.

"Heh heh heh... All your Dragon Kingdom martial artists are worthless. No matter how many come, they're useless. How can a flock of grass-eating sheep challenge the majesty of a lion?" Bill Wolf grinned arrogantly, completely dismissing the people in front of him.
Another forty chapters will be wasted narrating how the body of the vampire wolf will resist sneak attacks,. At the end, he'll get beaten mercilessly or get charmed by Dustin and becoming friends and joining the bandwagon of Dustin's ally of friends .
Which year will this story end for one to start focusing on other stories?
Thanks a lot IGGM Nazmul bro!!!
i think the author may have genuinely forgotten natasha and dahlia
I fear you may be right…
It’s kind of unbelievable in a way - they were MAJOR characters for the first 1000-plus chapters.
Then, this whole ‘Dragon Veins’ story began and it was as though the earlier story never existed…
Very weird but yet, here we are 🤷🏻‍♂️
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