An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2422 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL

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English Version Translated by NAZMUL

An Understated Dominance is a Urban novel for men, telling a story of Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. "An Understated Dominance" delves into themes of ambition, power and the price of success. The novel explores the complexities of relationships and so on.


Immortal Great Grandmaster
Platinum Villager
Sep 15, 2023
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Chapter 2383: Let's have a real fight

"Master Josiah truly lives up to the title of an ascetic monk. His physical strength is indeed formidable; I, the junior, am impressed."

Zion glanced at the white mark on Josiah's chest and couldn't help but praise.

If it were an ordinary martial artist struck on the chest by his folding fan, they would be severely injured, if not dead.

However, when struck on Josiah's body, it only pushed him back a few steps without causing any harm.

One must admit, the physical strength of an ascetic monk far exceeds that of a martial artist of the same level.

"Kid! Are you insulting me?"

What was originally praise sounded particularly harsh to Josiah, causing his expression to darken immediately.

From beginning to end, he had always considered Zion a prey.

Unexpectedly, now this prey had turned the tables, putting him in a difficult position, which naturally made him very unhappy.

He was now somewhat angry out of shame.

"Master, you misunderstand. I truly believe that your skills are extraordinary. If you can break through to the realm of a grandmaster, you will surely leap like a carp over the dragon gate and ascend to the skies in one step!" Zion sincerely said.

Josiah, who excelled both inside and out, was much stronger than martial artists of the same level. The only regret was that he was already thirty-six years old but had not broken through the barrier to become a martial arts grandmaster.

This significantly limited his strength, preventing him from fully utilizing his advantages.

Of course, the reason for the delayed breakthrough was likely because Josiah had spent too much energy on honing his physical body.

This resulted in very high physical strength, but greatly slowed his progress in cultivation.

This is a common problem for martial artists who cultivate both internally and externally.

"Kid! Stop your sarcastic remarks!"

At this moment, Josiah became even more irritable: "Aren't you just relying on a protective shell to show off? If you have the guts, get rid of the shell, and let's have a real fight with real weapons to see who is stronger!"

Zion had the Immovable Wisdom King Mantra protecting him, which could save his life at critical moments.

Before the opponent's true energy was exhausted, he was indeed somewhat invincible.

Of course, without the Immovable Wisdom King Mantra, he could finish off Zion with just three strikes.

"Alright, since the master is so interested, I won't use any protective techniques and will have a proper fight with the master." Zion did not refuse but readily agreed.

This reaction left Josiah somewhat stunned.

What he had just said was entirely out of anger; he had never expected Zion to agree.

After all, as long as the Immovable Wisdom King Mantra was in place, Zion was practically invincible.

Normally, no one would foolishly give up such a huge advantage to use their weaknesses against the opponent's strengths.

But Zion did exactly that.


Immortal Great Grandmaster
Platinum Villager
Sep 15, 2023
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Chapter 2384: A man keeps his word

Either the opponent is a fool, or they have absolute confidence.

Moreover, such confidence reaches an almost arrogant level, not even considering him worth noticing.

"Kid, did I hear you right just now? Are you sure you won't use your protective technique?" Josiah was both surprised and doubtful.

He couldn't understand what trick Zion was playing. Could it be he was deliberately messing with him?

"Of course. A man keeps his word. With so many spectators watching, could I possibly back out now?" Zion smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Josiah's spirits instantly lifted. "Good boy! You really are brave! Daring to fight me without your protective technique, I respect you as a real man!"

At this moment, Josiah almost burst out laughing.

He hadn't expected there to be someone so foolish in this world, someone who, with just a few words, would give up his advantage and the opportunity to win the match.

Of course, for him, this was undoubtedly a godsend.

"Master Zion! He's trying to provoke you. Don't fall for it!"

The audience below the stage was already in an uproar, especially Lana, who stood up excitedly and started shouting.

"Yes, Master Zion! Winning the match is most important. Don't waste time with him. Attack with all your might and finish the fight quickly!" Cassius also started shouting.

Although Willa next to them didn't speak, she frowned.

To them, Zion's behavior seemed foolish.

Clearly having an unbeatable advantage, he insisted on abandoning it to engage in a direct physical fight with an ascetic monk.

No one could understand it.

"This kid is too arrogant! He doesn't even consider Master Josiah!"

"Arrogance will be punished. Without his protective technique, he's a lamb to the slaughter before Master Josiah!"

"Good, good! Today, let Master Josiah teach that pretty boy a lesson about the dangers of the martial world and the treachery of people!"

Zion's words delighted some of Josiah's supporters.

Earlier, seeing Josiah pushed back, they were both nervous and scared.

If Josiah couldn't defeat Zion, they would suffer significant losses.

But now, Zion's arrogance rekindled their hope for victory.

"Kid! I don't like taking advantage. Since you're not using your protective technique, I'll only strike three times."

Josiah confidently held up three fingers. "If you can block my three strikes, I'll concede immediately. But if you can't, don't blame me for being ruthless!"


Zion smiled and nodded, raising one hand in a gesture of invitation. "Please, Master, make your move."


Immortal Great Grandmaster
Platinum Villager
Sep 15, 2023
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Chapter 2385: Moths to a flame, courting death

"Giving up the Immovable Wisdom King Mantra and instead engaging in a direct fight with an ascetic monk, isn't that kid being a bit overconfident?"

In the audience, Lily frowned, looking very puzzled.

She had been quite optimistic about Zion just moments ago, but his current actions were completely unexpected.

"I don't think that kid is a frivolous person. Since he dared to accept, he must be very confident," Violet said thoughtfully.

Although she didn't understand Zion's intention, it was clear that he had considerable strength.

However, this act of giving up his advantage was really unwise.

"Good boy! Today, I want to see how capable you really are!"

On the stage, Josiah twirled his long knife, and his inner energy burst forth instantly, making his entire presence exceedingly domineering and fierce.

At the same time, the Evil Slayer knife in his hand emitted a bright blue light and a series of ear-piercing roars.

Sparks of electricity flashed around the blade.

It was highly intimidating!

Facing Josiah's powerful move, Zion stood with one hand behind his back, lightly shaking his folding fan with his other hand, his expression remaining calm.

He appeared utterly unperturbed, like a mountain standing firm even as the sky fell.

"Furious Thunderstorm!"

Suddenly, Josiah shouted, and the Evil Slayer knife, charged to its peak, slashed down towards Zion.


At the moment the knife struck, a thunderous roar suddenly exploded out of thin air.

The deafening sound was soul-stirring.

The audience below the stage was so shocked that they felt dizzy and quickly covered their ears.

Simultaneously, a giant blade light wrapped in lightning slashed down towards Zion from above.

This strike was earth-shattering, changing the color of the sky.

As the blade light approached, the sound of wind and thunder rolled in.

Even before the blade light arrived, a bone-chilling gale had already struck Zion, making his hair stand on end, his robe flutter wildly, and his eyes involuntarily squint.

"Good swordsmanship!"

Zion smiled slightly, neither dodging nor evading.

He turned his wrist, using the folding fan as a sword, and thrust it towards the incoming blade light.

This fan strike looked unremarkable.

It had no terrifying power, no chilling aura, and no deadly force.

It was just an ordinary straight thrust, insignificant compared to Josiah's blade light.

"Kid! Let's see if you survive this!"

"Without using the protective technique, this pretty boy won't last one move against Master Josiah!"

"Hmph! Moths to a flame, courting death!"

Seeing Zion's seemingly weak counterattack, many male spectators below the stage sneered, looking as if they were watching a doomed man.


Immortal Great Grandmaster
Platinum Villager
Sep 15, 2023
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Chapter 2386: Mountain-Bearing Rising Tower

Josiah's strike was even more powerful than before. Without the use of the Immovable Wisdom King Mantra, there was no way Zion's slender frame could withstand it.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the two attacks finally collided.


A loud explosion was heard.

A dazzling burst of light erupted.

In an instant, gusts of wind howled, and thunder roared.

Zion's folding fan, upon touching the blade light, bizarrely split it in two.

Immediately, the formidable blade light shattered like broken glass, turning into countless fragments that scattered downwards.

At first glance, it looked like a blue storm had descended, with an eerie beauty to it.


Seeing this, Josiah was struck as if by lightning, his heart shaken.

His Furious Thunderstorm strike was far more powerful and domineering than his previous technique, the Plum Snow Welcoming Summer.

If the Plum Snow Welcoming Summer was an attack with the attributes of ice and fire, then the Furious Thunderstorm was an attack with the attribute of lightning.

Upon hitting the enemy, it also had a paralyzing effect.

Even an ordinary martial grandmaster would find it hard to resist.

But never in their wildest dreams did they imagine that their ultimate move, Furious Thunderstorm, would be pierced and shattered by Zion's folding fan.

What was even more terrifying was that Zion had not exhibited any awe-inspiring aura or pressure throughout the attack.

It seemed like a very ordinary move.

But the more ordinary it seemed, the more terrifying it was.

This only proved that Zion hadn't used his full strength.

Could it be that this handsome, almost demonic-looking youth was a deeply hidden martial grandmaster?

Josiah had no time to think deeply, for Zion's second move had already followed through.

After shattering the blade light, Zion did not stop his attack. Once again, he used his folding fan as a sword and thrust towards Josiah.

As before, this fan strike seemed unremarkable, appearing to have no lethal force, but it made Josiah's eyelids twitch, and a nameless fear rose within him.

"I don't believe you're really that powerful!"

Josiah gritted his teeth, forcefully suppressing his sense of panic, and struck again.

"Mountain-Bearing Rising Tower!"

Josiah roared, his muscles swelling instantly, veins bulging on the surface of his skin, and his inner energy surging like waves, all pouring into the Evil Slayer knife.


The Evil Slayer knife trembled violently, emitting a series of roars.

The originally radiating blue light now completely converged, gathering into a concentrated beam an inch from the blade.

Turning blade energy into blade light was undeniably the technique of a grandmaster!


Josiah gripped his knife with both hands, using all his strength to strike at Zion.

In this blow, he put everything on the line, even gambling his life.

It was do or die!


Immortal Great Grandmaster
Platinum Villager
Sep 15, 2023
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Chapter 2387: The folding fan suddenly opened

Josiah, provoked by Zion, struck out with a slash that came at the cost of his own lifespan, forcibly elevating his cultivation to the level of a martial grandmaster for a brief moment.

With the might of a grandmaster, he unleashed his strongest move, "Mountain-Bearing Rising Tower." This strike's lethality reached unprecedented levels.

It was the most powerful slash he had ever executed.

He was confident that even if Zion were truly a martial grandmaster, there was no way he could withstand this strike unscathed.


The fierce blue blade light, accompanied by the sounds of wind and thunder, bore down on Zion with overwhelming force.

Wherever the blade light passed, the sky changed color, and lightning and thunder roared as if capable of destroying everything.

Facing this formidable strike, Zion remained unfazed.

The folding fan in his hand suddenly opened, and then he gently waved it towards the incoming blue blade light.


As the folding fan moved, a small, weak breeze suddenly rose, seemingly like a mantis trying to stop a chariot, colliding head-on with the blue blade light.

Josiah's blade light was sharp and fierce, with incredible destructive power.

In contrast, the breeze from Zion's fan seemed utterly ordinary, even appearing weak and feeble.

The comparison was akin to a tsunami versus a ripple, completely different in magnitude.

Just when everyone thought that Zion was about to be annihilated by Josiah's slash, a shocking scene unfolded.

As Josiah's blade light touched the breeze from Zion's fan, it shattered instantly as if tofu had struck a rock.

There was no warning, no obstruction, not even a loud collision.

Zion merely waved his fan lightly, effortlessly shattering Josiah's most powerful strike, one that had come at the cost of his lifespan.

The fragments of the blade light, tiny blue sparks, drifted down like a gentle rain, carrying an eerie beauty.

Seeing this, Josiah was stunned.

He stared wide-eyed, filled with disbelief.

The audience below the stage was also stunned, gaping in shock, unable to comprehend.

They had clearly seen Josiah's attack just now, which carried the might of a martial grandmaster.

In Group B, it was enough to dominate the competition.

Normally, Zion should have struggled to withstand it. Even if he had used the Immovable Wisdom King Mantra, he would likely have been severely injured.

Yet, they never imagined that Zion not only withstood the attack but also effortlessly neutralized it.

So effortlessly that he merely waved a fan.

That single fan wave was unremarkable, with no special characteristics, as gentle as shooing away a fly.


Immortal Great Grandmaster
Platinum Villager
Sep 15, 2023
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Chapter 2388: I... concede

But this seemingly ordinary move annihilated a powerful attack that would make many martial grandmasters tremble with fear.

Had they not witnessed it themselves, they would never have believed it.

Or rather, they couldn’t comprehend how just a gentle fan wave could possess such immense power.

How strong was Zion, truly?

Unconsciously, a sudden silence fell over the surroundings.

Watching the blue rain drifting down from the sky, many in the audience felt as if they were in a dream, finding it somewhat surreal.

"How... how is this possible? You..."

Josiah was so stunned he could hardly speak.

Besides shock, his eyes held deep confusion.

What puzzled him was why his all-out attack, which drained his vitality, was so effortlessly broken?

Why did this young man in his twenties possess such profound strength?

And why, from beginning to end, had he been toying with him?

Could this be the difference in innate talent?

He had painstakingly trained for over thirty years, enduring countless hardships and torment, believing his strength to be formidable enough to make a name for himself in the martial arena.

Yet now, he realized that there was always a higher mountain, and he was still too weak.

In the face of true genius, his strength was insignificant.

He now had a premonition that Zion had never used his full power.

All his attacks were merely clownish acts in the eyes of the opponent.

At this thought, a deep sense of defeat surged within him.

His earlier ambition was utterly extinguished, and the determination he harbored in his chest dissipated involuntarily.

"Master Josiah, there’s still one last move," Zion said with a smile, his expression as calm as ever.

But the more he acted this way, the harder it was to see through him.


As if receiving a blow, Josiah suddenly shuddered and then spewed a mouthful of blood skyward.

The next second, his burly body, unable to bear the burden, collapsed onto the arena with a thud.

His face was ashen, devoid of any fighting spirit.

He knew he had lost; continuing to fight would only be self-humiliation.

Zion’s strength was far superior to his.

If the man before him wished, he could easily end the battle, but he had given him enough respect, never striking harshly.

If he didn't appreciate this, he would be ungrateful and courting disaster.

Lying on the arena, Josiah gazed at the blue sky above and finally, with great difficulty and bitterness, uttered three words: "I... concede!"


Immortal Great Grandmaster
Platinum Villager
Sep 15, 2023
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Chapter 2389: A paper tiger

Josiah was defeated.

Burning his lifespan and overextending his strength for the most powerful strike, only to have it effortlessly deflected by Zion, left him completely devoid of the will to fight.

On one hand, his body could no longer bear it, grievously injured and exhausted.

On the other hand, he was intimidated by Zion's unfathomable prowess.

Although the opponent was young, his cultivation base was ten times stronger.

Even using all his might, he couldn’t affect Zion in the slightest.

It was a sense of despair, towering and unattainable.

Not to mention he had no fighting power left, even at his peak, he wouldn't have the confidence to continue fighting.

"Contestant number 5 concedes, contestant number 19 wins!"

Upon hearing Josiah’s words, the referee quickly announced the final result.

The entire venue erupted in wails of anguish.

Among them were many curses and insults.

"Damn it! What a useless monk? Can’t even handle a pretty boy, such a disgrace!"

"Master Josiah? I say he's nothing! An empty reputation, useless garbage!"

"Fuck you! You made me lose everything! Why don't you just die!"

Some gamblers who lost their bets were filled with righteous indignation, cursing incessantly.

They had thought Josiah would easily win, so they placed heavy bets, some even betting their entire fortunes, planning to make a comeback.

At first, the situation seemed promising.

But as the fight progressed, Josiah grew weaker, ultimately failing to injure his opponent even slightly, while exhausting himself nearly to death.

What a waste.

Had they known Josiah was a paper tiger, they would never have bet on him.

Unfortunately, it was too late to regret now, and they could only vent their anger through curses.

"Didn't expect Young Master Zion to win, Dr. Dustin's insight was indeed sharp."

In the audience, Violet smiled and praised.

From the beginning to now, she had doubted more than once whether Zion could prevail.

After all, the strength Josiah displayed was no less than that of a martial grandmaster.

But strangely enough, no matter how Josiah attacked or fought desperately, he couldn't do anything to Zion.

In the end, he was forced to concede.

On the surface, it might seem that Josiah lacked strength, but astute observers knew it was Zion's profound cultivation that made all the difference.

No matter how Josiah exerted himself, Zion could easily neutralize it.

And throughout, Zion remained calm and unruffled, untainted by the battle.

This was enough to prove the vast difference in their strengths.

"Winning is winning, but I still feel something is off." Lily scratched her head, puzzled.

"Violet, you saw it too, right? Josiah’s power is undeniable, yet he couldn't even scratch Zion."

"Indeed, it's not about Josiah being weak; Zion’s skill is just too deep." Violet nodded in agreement.

"Yes, but there's still something strange. I can't put my finger on it," Lily mused, still perplexed.

"Maybe it's just the vast difference in their levels. Sometimes, true strength is hidden and not easily discerned," Violet suggested thoughtfully.

As the crowd buzzed with discussions, Zion descended from the stage, his expression as serene as ever, leaving behind a stunned and reflective audience.


Immortal Great Grandmaster
Platinum Villager
Sep 15, 2023
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Chapter 2390: A fierce tiger

"Josiah's attacks are fierce and sharp, appearing very intimidating, but Zion's responses seem somewhat off.

Either defending or dismantling moves, there has never been an active offense.

It feels like exerting full force, yet hitting cotton every time.

Although she knows Zion's strength is greater, this battle isn't thrilling at all.

Compared to the intense clashes in her mind, there's quite a gap.

"This Zion isn't simple."

At this moment, Aaron sitting beside suddenly spoke up: "Clearly a fierce tiger, yet disguising itself as a sheep, giving the impression of weakness, but once it reveals its fangs, it can directly devour people."


Violet raised her eyebrows slightly, quite surprised: "To earn such high praise from Brother Aaron, it seems this Zion is even more formidable than we expected."

She knows very well that Aaron is proud and arrogant; ordinary martial artists are not even worth his attention.

Only true geniuses would receive his slight regard.

To attract Aaron's attention, there's hardly anyone among the younger generation in the world who could.

So upon hearing Aaron's assessment of Zion, she couldn't help but be surprised and curious.

"If I'm not mistaken, this person's strength should be able to rival the tenth-ranked genius on the Heavenly Prodigy List." Aaron's statement was astonishing.

"What? Tenth on the Heavenly Prodigy List?!"

Hearing this, Lily's eyelids jumped, especially surprised.

Those on the Heavenly Prodigy List are the most outstanding talents in Dragonmarsh.

Each one is a dominant figure in the martial world.

Compared to the experts on the Heavenly Prodigy List, people like Josiah are completely insignificant.

She acknowledges Zion's strength is formidable, much stronger than Josiah, but she finds it hard to believe he could compete with the tenth-ranked on the Heavenly Prodigy List.

"Brother Aaron, do you really think so highly of Zion?" Violet was also astonished at this moment.

She couldn't understand why both Dustin and Aaron held Zion in such high regard when he hadn't displayed any extraordinary abilities.

What's the mystery behind it?

"At the age of twenty, reaching the realm of Martial Dao Grandmaster, coupled with the protective method of the Immovable Wisdom King's mantra, just these three points are enough to dominate among peers."

Aaron's words carried deep meaning: "Moreover, this is only what we see on the surface. There are some invisible things that the other party hasn't revealed. With the foundation of the Harmonious Sect, nurturing a top ten genius on the Heavenly Prodigy List isn't particularly difficult."

At this point, Aaron suddenly looked at Dustin and smiled, asking, "Dr. Dustin, what do you think?"


Tribulator - Disciple of Virgin Sect
Gold Villager
Nov 21, 2023
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Thanks a lot for the update bro.


Martial Arts Master
Sep 17, 2023
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Chapter 2390: A fierce tiger

"Josiah's attacks are fierce and sharp, appearing very intimidating, but Zion's responses seem somewhat off.

Either defending or dismantling moves, there has never been an active offense.

It feels like exerting full force, yet hitting cotton every time.

Although she knows Zion's strength is greater, this battle isn't thrilling at all.

Compared to the intense clashes in her mind, there's quite a gap.

"This Zion isn't simple."

At this moment, Aaron sitting beside suddenly spoke up: "Clearly a fierce tiger, yet disguising itself as a sheep, giving the impression of weakness, but once it reveals its fangs, it can directly devour people."


Violet raised her eyebrows slightly, quite surprised: "To earn such high praise from Brother Aaron, it seems this Zion is even more formidable than we expected."

She knows very well that Aaron is proud and arrogant; ordinary martial artists are not even worth his attention.

Only true geniuses would receive his slight regard.

To attract Aaron's attention, there's hardly anyone among the younger generation in the world who could.

So upon hearing Aaron's assessment of Zion, she couldn't help but be surprised and curious.

"If I'm not mistaken, this person's strength should be able to rival the tenth-ranked genius on the Heavenly Prodigy List." Aaron's statement was astonishing.

"What? Tenth on the Heavenly Prodigy List?!"

Hearing this, Lily's eyelids jumped, especially surprised.

Those on the Heavenly Prodigy List are the most outstanding talents in Dragonmarsh.

Each one is a dominant figure in the martial world.

Compared to the experts on the Heavenly Prodigy List, people like Josiah are completely insignificant.

She acknowledges Zion's strength is formidable, much stronger than Josiah, but she finds it hard to believe he could compete with the tenth-ranked on the Heavenly Prodigy List.

"Brother Aaron, do you really think so highly of Zion?" Violet was also astonished at this moment.

She couldn't understand why both Dustin and Aaron held Zion in such high regard when he hadn't displayed any extraordinary abilities.

What's the mystery behind it?

"At the age of twenty, reaching the realm of Martial Dao Grandmaster, coupled with the protective method of the Immovable Wisdom King's mantra, just these three points are enough to dominate among peers."

Aaron's words carried deep meaning: "Moreover, this is only what we see on the surface. There are some invisible things that the other party hasn't revealed. With the foundation of the Harmonious Sect, nurturing a top ten genius on the Heavenly Prodigy List isn't particularly difficult."

At this point, Aaron suddenly looked at Dustin and smiled, asking, "Dr. Dustin, what do you think?"
Thanks Grandmaster Nazmul 😊

Donovan Power 1

Martial Arts Master
Jun 27, 2024
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Chapter 2383: Let's have a real fight

"Master Josiah truly lives up to the title of an ascetic monk. His physical strength is indeed formidable; I, the junior, am impressed."

Zion glanced at the white mark on Josiah's chest and couldn't help but praise.

If it were an ordinary martial artist struck on the chest by his folding fan, they would be severely injured, if not dead.

However, when struck on Josiah's body, it only pushed him back a few steps without causing any harm.

One must admit, the physical strength of an ascetic monk far exceeds that of a martial artist of the same level.

"Kid! Are you insulting me?"

What was originally praise sounded particularly harsh to Josiah, causing his expression to darken immediately.

From beginning to end, he had always considered Zion a prey.

Unexpectedly, now this prey had turned the tables, putting him in a difficult position, which naturally made him very unhappy.

He was now somewhat angry out of shame.

"Master, you misunderstand. I truly believe that your skills are extraordinary. If you can break through to the realm of a grandmaster, you will surely leap like a carp over the dragon gate and ascend to the skies in one step!" Zion sincerely said.

Josiah, who excelled both inside and out, was much stronger than martial artists of the same level. The only regret was that he was already thirty-six years old but had not broken through the barrier to become a martial arts grandmaster.

This significantly limited his strength, preventing him from fully utilizing his advantages.

Of course, the reason for the delayed breakthrough was likely because Josiah had spent too much energy on honing his physical body.

This resulted in very high physical strength, but greatly slowed his progress in cultivation.

This is a common problem for martial artists who cultivate both internally and externally.

"Kid! Stop your sarcastic remarks!"

At this moment, Josiah became even more irritable: "Aren't you just relying on a protective shell to show off? If you have the guts, get rid of the shell, and let's have a real fight with real weapons to see who is stronger!"

Zion had the Immovable Wisdom King Mantra protecting him, which could save his life at critical moments.

Before the opponent's true energy was exhausted, he was indeed somewhat invincible.

Of course, without the Immovable Wisdom King Mantra, he could finish off Zion with just three strikes.

"Alright, since the master is so interested, I won't use any protective techniques and will have a proper fight with the master." Zion did not refuse but readily agreed.

This reaction left Josiah somewhat stunned.

What he had just said was entirely out of anger; he had never expected Zion to agree.

After all, as long as the Immovable Wisdom King Mantra was in place, Zion was practically invincible.

Normally, no one would foolishly give up such a huge advantage to use their weaknesses against the opponent's strengths.

But Zion did exactly that.
Real fight indeed. How long are we going to spend reading this fight at the mountain? Is it that the author forgets that Dustin was on a mission that will not dwell on the mountain forever?


Immortal Great Grandmaster
Platinum Villager
Sep 15, 2023
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Chapter 2391: More formidable than imagined


Dustin was slightly stunned, not expecting Aaron to direct the topic to himself. However, he nodded: “Young Master Aaron is right. With Zion's talent and strength, he indeed has the qualifications to break into the top ten of the Heavenly Prodigy ranking.”

He had always thought highly of Zion.

“To receive such high praise from both of you, it seems this Zion fellow is indeed worth paying attention to,” Violet nodded thoughtfully.

Unfortunately, Zion was from Harmonious Sect. If he were from a smaller sect, she could consider recruiting him into the World Martial Arts Sect.

“A young man who is both handsome and capable is indeed rare these days,” Lily remarked with sparkling eyes.

Although she didn't fall in love with Zion at first sight, his outstanding looks did make her want to look at him a few more times.

“Hahaha! He won! Sister! Did you see that? Zion won!”

On the other side of the stands, upon hearing that Zion had won, Lana jumped up in excitement, looking particularly thrilled.

On one hand, she was happy for her friend, and on the other, she was glad to have won her bet.

The contrast of winning big with a small bet and defeating a strong opponent while being the underdog was truly exhilarating.

“Sister! Your judgment was indeed spot-on, Zion really won!” Cassius, who was sitting beside her, couldn't contain his joy either.

Fortunately, he had followed Willa's advice and bet on Zion’s victory, otherwise, he would have suffered a heavy loss.

The only regret was that he didn’t bet everything. Thinking about it now, he felt somewhat regretful.

“Not only did Zion win, but he won effortlessly. He is even more formidable than I imagined,” Willa said, squinting her eyes with a complicated expression.

She had always known that Zion was strong, but since she had never seen him fight seriously, it was just an estimation.

However, after this recent battle, she realized that Zion had already reached the Grandmaster realm.

His strength could only be described as unfathomable.

At this moment, she felt defeated once again.

Previously, it was Dustin, and now it was Zion.

Both were friends she made along the way, yet their strength was astounding.

She had always thought of herself as a prodigy, achieving half-step Grandmaster at a young age, an outstanding existence wherever she went.

However, compared to Dustin and Zion, her abilities were insignificant.

“Yay! Hubby won! Hubby is so amazing!”

“Hubby is awesome! Hubby, I want to have your babies!”

“Hubby is so handsome! Hubby, look at me!”

Zion’s victory made some fangirls, who were captivated by his looks, cheer excitedly.

Cries of “hubby” accompanied by excited screams echoed continuously in the stands.


Immortal Great Grandmaster
Platinum Villager
Sep 15, 2023
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Chapter 2392: I've prepared well

Their numbers weren't large, but their voices were loud, directly overshadowing the entire arena without any reservations.

To them, if Zion was just handsome, it wouldn't be enough to drive them crazy.

But he was both handsome and skilled, making him an outstanding prospect. They couldn't help but be infatuated.

Under everyone's gaze, Zion gracefully exited the stage, while Josiah, amid a barrage of insults, stumbled away.

Victors naturally receive praise, while the defeated are often kicked when they're down.

The competition continued.

One intense battle after another took place on the arena stage.

Genius martial artists began to emerge.

While the matches were ongoing, Abigail's betting arena never ceased.

Each match's outcome resulted in two extreme reactions.

The winners were overjoyed, while the losers were dejected and cursing.

“The next match: Number 8 versus Number 22. Both contestants, please come to the stage!”

As the previous match concluded, the referee's voice sounded again.

“Number 8?”

In the audience, Lily looked at the number plate on her waist. After a brief moment of surprise, she stood up excitedly, exclaiming, “It's my turn! I'm Number 8!”

Both she and her sister, Violet, had signed up and made it into Group B. With her sister still recovering and unable to compete, it was now her chance.

“Lily, perform well and don't disgrace our World Martial Arts Sect,” Violet encouraged with a smile.

“Don't worry, sister. I've prepared well. I'll definitely make a name for myself this time!” Lily replied confidently.

After watching so many matches, she was eager to compete. Now that her turn had come, she was determined to fight brilliantly and make a mark.

As Lily strode towards the stage with confidence, on the other side of the stands, Willa also stood up.

The number plate on her waist was Number 22.

“Sister, I know that Number 8 contestant. She is Lily, the daughter of the World Martial Arts Sect's leader,” Cassius reminded her with a serious expression. “I've heard that she is exceptionally talented and highly regarded by the sect. Be very careful when you fight.”

“No worries, I know what to do,” Willa nodded, lifting her sword as she walked towards the stage with a calm expression.

The appearance of two beautiful women instantly drew everyone's attention.

Although there were quite a few female martial artists in this competition, such beautiful and charismatic ones were rare.


Immortal Great Grandmaster
Platinum Villager
Sep 15, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 2393: I want both

“Oh? It's actually those two?”

Watching Lily and Willa slowly walk onto the stage, Dustin couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, quite surprised.

He knew that both Lily and Willa had signed up for the competition, but he hadn't expected them to face each other.

One was an outstanding disciple of the Sword Sect, and the other was the daughter of the leader of the World Martial Arts Sect.

A showdown between the elites of two major sects promised to be a good show.

“Aaron, how confident do you think Lily is in winning?” Violet suddenly asked.

“It's hard to say.”

Aaron shook his head: “Lily’s opponent is no ordinary person. If I'm not mistaken, she should be a disciple of the Sword Sect. Her eyes are sharp, her aura is solid, and her cultivation level is definitely not low.”

“A Sword Sect disciple? That is indeed troublesome.” Violet frowned slightly.

It was well known that although Sword Sect disciples were few, each one was a carefully selected elite.

Regardless of gender or age, none could be underestimated.

There was a time when the World Martial Arts Sect had a conflict with the Sword Sect.

That battle left many disciples of the World Martial Arts Sect with psychological scars, making them somewhat fearful whenever they heard the name of the Sword Sect.

Her younger sister Lily had excellent martial arts talent and was groomed intensively by their father. Among her peers, she was already considered outstanding.

If she were up against an ordinary martial artist, her chances of winning would be high, but against a Sword Sect disciple, the situation was entirely different.

“With one beauty on the left and another on the right, today’s match is thrilling!”

“One is fiery and passionate, the other is cold as ice. Two beauties with extreme temperaments, I don’t know who to choose. It’s a headache.”

“Only kids make choices; I want both!”

“Do you think this is a beauty contest? Want both? Dream on. Do you even deserve such top-tier beauties? Take a good look at yourself!”

The appearance of Lily and Willa caused a stir among the audience.

Especially among some young and passionate men, their eyes lit up as they boldly expressed their admiration.

Female martial artists were already rare in this competition, and such beautiful women were even rarer.

Each one alone could cause a significant commotion.

Moreover, now two beauties were appearing simultaneously and were about to have a showdown.

This scene naturally drew even more attention.

They were eager to see what a fight between such beauties would look like.

If the fight led to any wardrobe malfunctions, they would get an eyeful.

Thinking of this, many people got excited.

“World Martial Arts Sect's Lily, please instruct me!”

After taking the stage, Lily clasped her fists towards Willa on the opposite side.


Immortal Great Grandmaster
Platinum Villager
Sep 15, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 2394: A once-in-a-century opportunity

At this moment, Lily was wearing a red outfit, her hair tied into a ponytail, looking very neat and capable.

Especially with her confident smile, many male spectators below the stage couldn't help but feel their hearts flutter.

“Come, come, come! A duel between beauties! A once-in-a-century opportunity! Place your bets quickly!”

Below the stage, Abigail seized the heated moment and started shouting again.

Hearing this, countless spectators flocked over, placing various bets to support their favored contestant.

The bustling scene made Abigail grin from ear to ear.

Indeed, the allure of beautiful women was tremendous. Future betting events would definitely need to leverage this aspect.

“Junior sister, should we place a bet too?”

In the audience, Cassius felt an itch he couldn't scratch.

He had become addicted to gambling, feeling uneasy if he didn't place a bet each time. However, due to previous losses, he had become much more cautious.

“Of course we should bet!”

Lana said boldly, “We must support our sister's match with everything we've got!”

Saying this, she picked up a small bag of spirit stones, quickly walked to the open-air casino table, slammed it down, and shouted, “All in on Number 22!”

“All in?”

This move made Cassius's eyelids twitch wildly.

Had she really just staked all their savings? That was too reckless, wasn't it?

“What are you waiting for, senior brother? Place your bet!” Lana urged.

She had blind confidence in her sister's abilities.

“I...I'll bet...”

Cassius forced a smile, carefully took out a few spirit stones from his pocket, and placed them on Number 22.

“So little? Don't you believe in sister's chances of winning?” Lana frowned, looking displeased.

“Of course not.” Cassius forced a smile: “Senior sister's cultivation is profound, her swordsmanship is extraordinary, and she rarely meets a match. Her winning rate is at least ninety percent.”

“If that's the case, then go all in!”

Before Cassius could react, Lana snatched the bag of spirit stones from his hand and slapped it all down on the betting table.

Cassius was startled, and just as he was about to reach for it, he saw the spirit stones had already been taken by the dealer.

In an instant, his entire face wrinkled like a bitter melon, and his heart bled.

These spirit stones were his entire fortune. If he lost, he wouldn't even have a chance to recover.

Moreover, he was already deeply in debt.

He had planned to play it slowly, making safe bets only on matches he was sure to win.

But as it turned out, human calculations couldn't beat heavenly designs. His careful planning was no match for Lana's impulsiveness.

If they lost this time, he would be utterly ruined.


Martial Arts Master
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 2394: A once-in-a-century opportunity

At this moment, Lily was wearing a red outfit, her hair tied into a ponytail, looking very neat and capable.

Especially with her confident smile, many male spectators below the stage couldn't help but feel their hearts flutter.

“Come, come, come! A duel between beauties! A once-in-a-century opportunity! Place your bets quickly!”

Below the stage, Abigail seized the heated moment and started shouting again.

Hearing this, countless spectators flocked over, placing various bets to support their favored contestant.

The bustling scene made Abigail grin from ear to ear.

Indeed, the allure of beautiful women was tremendous. Future betting events would definitely need to leverage this aspect.

“Junior sister, should we place a bet too?”

In the audience, Cassius felt an itch he couldn't scratch.

He had become addicted to gambling, feeling uneasy if he didn't place a bet each time. However, due to previous losses, he had become much more cautious.

“Of course we should bet!”

Lana said boldly, “We must support our sister's match with everything we've got!”

Saying this, she picked up a small bag of spirit stones, quickly walked to the open-air casino table, slammed it down, and shouted, “All in on Number 22!”

“All in?”

This move made Cassius's eyelids twitch wildly.

Had she really just staked all their savings? That was too reckless, wasn't it?

“What are you waiting for, senior brother? Place your bet!” Lana urged.

She had blind confidence in her sister's abilities.

“I...I'll bet...”

Cassius forced a smile, carefully took out a few spirit stones from his pocket, and placed them on Number 22.

“So little? Don't you believe in sister's chances of winning?” Lana frowned, looking displeased.

“Of course not.” Cassius forced a smile: “Senior sister's cultivation is profound, her swordsmanship is extraordinary, and she rarely meets a match. Her winning rate is at least ninety percent.”

“If that's the case, then go all in!”

Before Cassius could react, Lana snatched the bag of spirit stones from his hand and slapped it all down on the betting table.

Cassius was startled, and just as he was about to reach for it, he saw the spirit stones had already been taken by the dealer.

In an instant, his entire face wrinkled like a bitter melon, and his heart bled.

These spirit stones were his entire fortune. If he lost, he wouldn't even have a chance to recover.

Moreover, he was already deeply in debt.

He had planned to play it slowly, making safe bets only on matches he was sure to win.

But as it turned out, human calculations couldn't beat heavenly designs. His careful planning was no match for Lana's impulsiveness.

If they lost this time, he would be utterly ruined.
Getting sweeter everyday as am waiting Dustin against Aron


Tribulator - Disciple of Virgin Sect
Gold Villager
Nov 21, 2023
Reaction score
I really love the flare effect. , 😍 😍 😍


Fourth Level Body Fusion Realm Cultivator
Sep 26, 2023
Reaction score
what are these fireworks for ? is there something special?

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