An Understated Dominance Chapter 967 to 1370 - Translated by Jungal2000

Translated by Jungal2000
“An Understated Dominance” follows the intertwined lives of Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys as they navigate the complex interplay of power, relationships, and personal growth. Set against the backdrop of a vibrant city, the novel explores how these two individuals assert their influence in subtle yet impactful ways, ultimately redefining their understanding of dominance and its consequences.
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Man you never loved some goddesss. In real life I know this dude who was cheated ten times and he forgiven her all this while. We hated him for it 😤
I'm about to get married, to my goddess.
Trust is the foundation of any stable relationship, I'm sure you know that Gily it's just frustrating when a person who should trust you unconditionally is the person suspecting and talking down on you. Dang, it hurts more than anything.
Dahila has trust issues 🤣🤣 Before her illness, she didn't believe Dustin. Even when she lost her memory, she still doesn't believe Dustin. That speaks a whole lot of volumes.
I'm about to get married, to my goddess.
Trust is the foundation of any stable relationship, I'm sure you know that Gily it's just frustrating when a person who should trust you unconditionally is the person suspecting and talking down on you. Dang, it hurts more than anything.
Dahila has trust issues 🤣🤣 Before her illness, she didn't believe Dustin. Even when she lost her memory, she still doesn't believe Dustin. That speaks a whole lot of volumes.
Congratulations mate!
Hello everyone!

It's a pleasure to be interacting with people from all around the world! I'm excited to connect with you. If you have a moment, please say hi and share which country you're from.

A special shout-out to my fellow Filipinos who are stuck in this story with me. (Is that a good thing or a bad thing?) 😄

Looking forward to getting to know you better!

Don't introduced in story section. Here is only story related Introduce here👇👇👇
Thread 'Welcome to our forum. Please introduce yourself to our community'
Boss lapag mo gcash mo. Para maka donate naman kami at ganahan ka mag translate asap!! Hahah. Thank you bro
I'm about to get married, to my goddess.
Trust is the foundation of any stable relationship, I'm sure you know that Gily it's just frustrating when a person who should trust you unconditionally is the person suspecting and talking down on you. Dang, it hurts more than anything.
Dahila has trust issues 🤣🤣 Before her illness, she didn't believe Dustin. Even when she lost her memory, she still doesn't believe Dustin. That speaks a whole lot of volumes.
Congratulations 🎊 dude
I have been married for 9 years welcome to the club. We should have married club in here we can talk about married life what do you guys think?

I bet your wife to be has lied to you so many times, but you look aside. You learn to forgive. If you live with a woman trust me you will be annoyed everyday. Women are handful, sometimes like big children.

The way Dahlia is described Even Natasha doesn't match to her beauty. She is a beauty beyond expression a d words😬😬😬😬
Man you never loved some goddesss. In real life I know this dude who was cheated ten times and he forgiven her all this while. We hated him for it 😤
Yeah, I believe you because I also know one. In fact, I also almost became one myself. It's difficult to explain why. Let's just say that when you look back, it seems such a waste to throw away all those years, many of them happy ones, that you shared. But then the realization hits you when you constantly doubt her and you ask yourself, can I still trust her again?
Chapter 1151 Platinum Room Reservation


The female assistant manager felt her breath catch, and her feet were suddenly suspended in the air, her face turning beet red.

A wave of deathly fear spread through her heart.

She never expected that this seemingly silent old lady would have such incredible strength, effortlessly lifting her with a single hand.

She had no doubt that if the lady exerted even a little more force, her neck would snap.

"Well, killing you would be a bit extreme. A couple of slaps as a lesson should do." Dustin spoke up.


Scarlet nodded and followed with two resounding slaps, leaving the assistant manager dizzy, teeth scattered, and nose bleeding profusely.

After the beating, she was tossed aside as if she were trash and unceremoniously thrown out of the room.

"Cough... cough..."

The assistant manager coughed violently, her face swollen beyond recognition. It took her a while to recover.

"You... you've gone too far. I won't let this slide!"

The assistant manager's face contorted with rage as she spoke and then rushed downstairs.

However, as soon as she reached the staircase, she collided with a group of people, tumbling head over heels with cries of pain.

"Who the heck? Who's so blind to..."

The assistant manager was about to unleash a string of curses when she saw the newcomers, and she froze instantly, hastily replacing her scowl with a fawning smile. "Miss Dahlia, Madam Dustin, you're here?"

The newcomers were none other than her esteemed guests.

Leading the group was none other than Dahlia!

Beside her were Florence, Julie, and Aunt Victoria, among others.

"What's wrong with you? Do you have eyes on your backside? Didn't you see us coming in? My new designer shoes are covered in dirt because of you! How unlucky!"

Dustin launched into a tirade, pointing to the footprints on her shoes.

"Madam Florence, I'm so sorry, it wasn't intentional. I'll clean them for you right away."

The assistant manager nodded profusely, kneeling down on the floor and using her own sleeve to meticulously wipe Florence's shoes clean.

Her obsequious and humble demeanor was a stark contrast to her previous encounter with Dustin.

"Alright, alright, just stay away from me!" Florence said impatiently.

"Mia (the assistant manager), what happened to your face? Did someone hit you just now?" Julie unexpectedly interjected.

"Miss Julie, I just encountered some hooligans who tried to forcibly occupy the VIP room I had prepared for all of you. I stood my ground, and they resorted to violence. It's truly despicable!" Assistant manager Mia replied indignantly.

"What? Someone dares to compete with us for a spot? Who has the audacity? Haven't you told them about our status?" Florence said, looking displeased.

Their social status and position had changed dramatically over the years.

Even aristocrats showed them respect and deference.

"Madam Florence, I did tell them that you are honored guests and the most esteemed VIPs of our Celestial Heights Restaurant. However, these hooligans completely disregarded it and even threatened that if you dared to compete with them, they would attack all of you!" Mia began to stir the pot.

If these VIPs were willing to speak up for her, then the people in the Platinum Room No. 3 were in for a world of trouble.

"This is absolutely outrageous! They dare to lay a finger on us? I'd like to see who these audacious individuals are!" Florence fumed.

"Lead the way! Today, we'll teach these ignorant people a lesson!" Julie was also furious.

"Alright, alright... please follow me."

Mia nodded, then led the group to the entrance of Platinum Room No. 3. "Madam Florence, they are inside here."


Florence, full of anger, didn't waste any time. She kicked the door wide open and walked in with her head held high. "Who was it that wanted to compete with us for a spot? Stand up if you have the guts!"

"It was me."

Chapter 1152 Bad Luck!

Dustin slowly stood up, raising his head in the process. However, when he saw Florence and her group, he couldn't help but pause for a moment.

It's a small world indeed, and we didn't even bump into each other over a meal.

"Bad luck!" Natasha instinctively furrowed her brow as she looked at Dahlia, "Scarlet, a formidable rival, still hasn't been dealt with, and now Dahlia shows up."

Is fate deliberately playing games with her?

"Dustin? Is that you?" Florence examined him closely, her expression turning solemn. "What are you doing here? You're not deliberately following us, are you?"

"You're overthinking it. We're just here to eat," Dustin replied nonchalantly.

"Eat? Hmph! Who knows if you're telling the truth?" Florence raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "In my opinion, you know we've become successful, so you pretended to have a chance encounter and are looking for an opportunity to ingratiate yourself with us. I've encountered people like you before!"

"You're absolutely right!" Julie nodded arrogantly. "Dustin, I warn you to stay away from us. Our status now is beyond your reach!"

"Your status has nothing to do with me. If you have no business here, please leave and don't disturb our meal," Dustin issued a direct eviction notice.

"Ugh! This room clearly belongs to Madam Florence and friends. You're maliciously occupying it!" Mia accused with a stern tone.

"Did you hear that? This is the room we booked, and if anyone should leave, it's you!" Florence declared haughtily. "Now, I command you to disappear from my sight immediately!"

"Leave!" Julie glared.

"First of all, the room was booked by us first, so there's no malicious occupation. And secondly, who are you to command me?" Dustin questioned coldly. Since they had severed all ties, there was no need for politeness.

"How dare you!" Florence was about to explode but was halted by Dahlia, who raised her hand. She looked at Dustin and said calmly, "Dustin, I have an important guest to meet in this room. I hope you can vacate it. As a gesture of goodwill, I'll cover your expenses today."

Before Dustin could respond, Natasha stood up and smiled, saying, "Madam CEO Dahlia is indeed generous, but we don't need it. Please, leave."

"Hmm?" Dahlia furrowed her delicate brows and stared directly at Natasha. Her tone turned icy. "Madam Natasha, please understand that you're the ones intruding here. I've politely asked you to leave. I hope you won't overstep your boundaries."

"Hehe... Is Madam CEO Dahlia trying to threaten me?" Natasha laughed softly, then her expression suddenly turned cold. "What if I decide to overstep my boundaries?"

As soon as she said this, Dahlia's pretty face turned frosty. She didn't utter a word but locked eyes with Natasha, refusing to back down.

The fierce gaze exchange between the two women created an intense atmosphere that sent shivers down everyone's spine.

The entire scene had become tense, with an impending showdown in the air.

Chapter 1153 Reservation Evidence

Natasha and Dahlia locked eyes, engaged in an intense stare-down, both showcasing their strong desire for dominance. These two women, each unique and captivating in her own way, now revealed their competitive spirit.

"Miss Harmon, I don't want to engage in a verbal battle with you. But you've occupied our room. If you refuse to leave, don't blame me for calling the authorities," Dahlia spoke again, her tone calm yet forceful.

"We're fine with that. Call them," Natasha smiled slightly, showing no fear.

"Daughter, these people are shameless! In my opinion, we don't need to be polite with them. Just have them thrown out!" Florence said, growing irritated.

"She's right! We clearly booked the room, so why should they occupy it? It's an outrage!" Julie chimed in.

At this moment, the restaurant's security personnel had slowly gathered.

Seeing this, Florence immediately shouted, "What are you all waiting for? Hurry up and kick them out!"

"Do you hear that? Kick them all out!" Mia joined in the shouting.

"Want a fight? I'm ready to go!" Dustin took two steps forward, blocking Natasha.

Scarlet remained silent but quietly drew her sword. If Dustin gave the word, she would not hesitate to eliminate all these people.

"Wait a moment!" Dahlia raised her hand to stop the security staff, then looked coldly at Dustin. She said, "While things haven't escalated yet, I advise you to leave promptly. Don't create more trouble, or you won't be able to handle the consequences."

"Create trouble?" Dustin shook his head and smiled, "Madam CEO Dahlia, it seems you haven't understood the situation. It's not us creating trouble; it's you bullying us without reason."

"You've occupied our room, and you think you're in the right?" Dahlia furrowed her brows slightly.

She had a favorable impression of Dustin before and even had intentions of recruiting him. However, his behavior today had greatly disappointed her.

"Let me clarify: we booked this room in advance. You, on the other hand, intervened and tried to forcibly take it. We refused, and you resorted to all sorts of threats and temptations. So, who is being unreasonable here?" Dustin countered.

"You booked it?" Dahlia seemed puzzled and looked at Mia for confirmation.

"Miss Dahlia, don't listen to his nonsense!" Mia's eyelids twitched as she repeatedly excused herself, "I specifically reserved this room for you. But when these people arrived, they insisted on sitting here and wouldn't leave. It's truly despicable!"

"Do you hear that? Do you have anything else to say?" Dahlia questioned coldly.

"See for yourself." Dustin couldn't be bothered to argue further and simply took out his phone, opening the order records.

It displayed that he had booked the room known as "Platinum Room No. 3" through the internet half an hour ago, and he had even paid a deposit.

Concrete evidence was now before them, leaving Dahlia speechless.

She had assumed Dustin and his group were occupying the room, but it turned out to be a misunderstanding.

"What's going on?" Dahlia glanced back at Mia, her brow deeply furrowed.

"This... There must be an issue with this order. Perhaps a system error," Mia explained with a forced smile.

"An error? Do you take me for a fool?" Dahlia's face turned cold.

What she had initially thought would be a rational argument had now turned into an irrational dispute.

With this abrupt shift, it was a bit embarrassing.

Chapter 1154 Name Your Price

"I..." Mia was at a loss for words. Although she wanted to continue arguing, she dared not because she could clearly sense Dahlia's growing anger.

"You useless fool!" At this point, Florence couldn't hold back and delivered a resounding slap to Mia's face. She scolded, "You can't even handle booking a room; what use are you? You're an embarrassment to me!"

"Madam Florence, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry," Mia covered her burning face, not only refraining from getting angry but also apologizing profusely. She nodded and bowed, appearing extremely submissive.

"Tell me sorry? What good is that? How do we resolve the room issue? Do you know we're about to welcome an important guest!" Florence scolded loudly.

This waste not only failed to accomplish anything but also made her lose face in front of Dustin. It was truly an unpardonable sin.

"Madam Florence, how about we go to Room No. 1 in the Ground level? The environment there is quite nice too," Mia tentatively suggested.

"Slap!" Florence slapped her again and scolded, "Is your brain damaged? With our status, we should sit in the Platinum Rooms. How can the Ground level rooms compare?"

"Exactly! One's Heaven, the other's Earth. Can they even be compared?" Julie crossed her arms, very dissatisfied. "Dustin can sit in a Platinum Room, but we can only sit in a Ground level room. Are you implying that our status is lower than his?"

"This... I..." Mia, holding her face, was at a loss for words. She hadn't expected the situation to evolve like this.

Originally, the plan was to ingratiate themselves with Dahlia's group, but now it had backfired. Instead of pleasing an important person, they had caused a lot of trouble. And all of this was thanks to Dustin, which filled her with resentment.

"Alright, let's stick with the Ground level room. Arrange for us to change rooms," Dahlia, although unhappy, couldn't be bothered to argue further.

"Alright, alright, I'll arrange it immediately!" Mia breathed a sigh of relief and instructed the waiter to prepare a new room.

"Wait!" Florence clearly disagreed. "Daughter, how can we let this go? What's our status now? We're among the top elites in Dragonmarsh! Wherever we go, we deserve the highest level of treatment. These Ground level rooms are too inferior for us!"

"That's right! We must have the best rooms to reflect our status," Julie chimed in.

"Madam Florence, the Ground level rooms actually have a very nice environment, and once you see it, you'll know," Mia tried to explain with a forced smile.

"Shut up! I said they're inferior, so they're inferior!" Florence stared daggers at her, making Mia shrink her neck and fall silent immediately.

Florence cared more about reputation, face, and status. Therefore, the rarer and more expensive something was, the more she liked it, and she was determined to obtain it.

"Mom, the Platinum Rooms are all occupied. Why don't we just make do with the Ground level rooms?" Dahlia tried to persuade.

"No way! Let me handle this," Florence said with determination.

"Dustin, we want this room, name your price!" Florence looking at Dustin.

"Price? Are you trying to buy me with money?" Dustin raised an eyebrow.

"That's right!" Florence lifted her head proudly, saying, "I'm not short of money right now. As long as you all leave, I'll pay whatever it takes."

With that, she took out a gold card from her designer bag and waved it in front of Dustin, displaying a few hints of arrogance and ostentation.

Chapter 1155 The Asking Price

Watching Florence, who seemed to ignore his presence, Dustin found it somewhat amusing. Based on her behavior, appearance, and attire, Florence should have encountered a benefactor that had led her entire family to become immensely wealthy.

Not only did they have money, but they also had power and status.

They were arrogant and domineering. Now that they had both money and influence, they became even more uncontrollable.

Such behavior was not surprising to Dustin at all.

"Hey! Are you listening to me? Hurry up and name your price. I'm busy and don't have time to waste with you!" Florence began to urge.

"The price I'm offering, you probably can't afford," Dustin shook his head.

"Can't afford it?" Hearing this, Florence laughed immediately, a look in her eyes as if she were looking at a fool. "Dustin, you really have no sense! Do you know what our status is now? Do you know how much money we have? See this gold card? There's enough money inside to crush you!"

"That's right! Times have changed, and our status and position now are heights you'll never reach in your lifetime. You will always be looking up to us from the bottom!" Julie held her head high, appearing extremely arrogant.

In their eyes, Dustin was just a young man living off the wealth and influence of Natasha, acting arrogantly in various ways. But now, with the backing of the Montgomery Royalty, they didn't even take Natasha seriously.

A mere daughter of a nouveau riche family couldn't be compared to the Montgomery Royalty.

The gap between the two sides was simply insurmountable.

"Enough already, stop wasting words. My patience is limited. Get on with it," Florence started to press harder.

"Since you're so wealthy, then I won't hold back. If you want us to change rooms, this is the price," Dustin extended one finger.

"Ten thousand dollars?" Florence sneered. "A loser is always a loser, with no vision whatsoever. It's no wonder you can only live off women."

"Dustin, I can only say that you missed an opportunity to get rich," Julie mocked, making Dustin appear foolish.

"Here you go! Ten thousand dollars, consider it a reward for you. Now, get lost!" Florence made a hand gesture and had her bodyguard fetch a stack of cash, which was thrown at Dustin's feet with an air of condescension.

"Are you trying to dismiss a beggar?" Dustin chuckled.

"What? Is ten thousand not enough?" Florence raised an eyebrow. "Do you think you're worth more than that?"

"One hundred billion!" Dustin said something shocking.

"What? One hundred billion?!" With those words, Florence and her companions were completely dumbfounded.

This guy, was he out of his mind?

Did he seriously just ask for one hundred billion, as if they were printing money?

Although they were wealthy, they wouldn't pay one hundred billion for the right to use a Platinum Room. Only a lunatic would do that.

"Exactly, one hundred billion. As long as you pay, I'll leave immediately," Dustin said with a sly smile.

You like to flaunt your wealth, don't you? Today, I'll let you do it to your heart's content.

"Dustin! Have you gone mad? How dare you ask for such an exorbitant sum?" Florence was getting frustrated.

"Dustin, I can only say that you've lost your mind. One hundred billion? Do you think you're worth that much?" Julie shouted.

"That's right! We could offer you ten thousand dollars, which was already a generous gift. But now you want one hundred billion? Who gave you the courage?" Aunt Victoria joined in, ridiculing Dustin.

"Are you suggesting robbery is quicker than extortion?" Dustin said seriously. "Besides, it was your request for me to name a price. Now that I've done it and you can't afford it, it's your own fault for lacking the means."

Chapter 1156 The Boss Is The Rule

"You... you shameless!"

Florence was infuriated, her face red with anger, and her teeth clenched.

She had originally planned to show off and flaunt her wealth, but this guy had dared to expose her in public. He was unforgivable!

"I've named the price. You now have two choices: pay up or get lost!" Dustin was completely unapologetic.

"You've gone too far! You've gone way too far!" Florence was fuming with rage.

Since her status had risen, she had never been this angry before.

"What's going on here?"

At this moment, a tall and slender man in a suit, Evan Yarrow, walked over with a dignified demeanor.

As he walked through, the security personnel of the restaurant made way for him, creating a path.

The man was none other than Evan, the owner of Celestial Heights Restaurant.

"Mr Evan! You've finally arrived?"

Seeing Evan, Mia's face lit up, and she hurriedly went to greet him.

The man before her was not only her boyfriend but also her biggest backer.

With power, wealth, and connections in both the legitimate and underworld circles, he could easily resolve any situation.

"Evan, look at my face. What do you think happened?" Mia complained tearfully, explaining the situation briefly.

Listening to her, Evan's expression immediately turned grim.

Since Celestial Heights Restaurant opened, no one had dared to cause trouble here.

Who had the audacity to hit his woman?

"Dahlia, Florence, are you injured?"

Evan didn't immediately explode but instead approached Dahlia and the others to inquire about the situation.

"Madam Florence, there was a problem with my arrangement. It affected your mood. I'm very sorry. From now on, all your expenses here are free for life.” Evan said with an apologetic smile.

"All free for life?"

With those words, many people in the restaurant looked surprised.

Celestial Heights Restaurant's expenses were not cheap, and offering a lifetime of free dining was not something an ordinary restaurant owner could afford.

"Hmph! You've shown some sincerity."

Hearing this, Florence's expression softened slightly, but she still emphasized, "I accept your apology, but this matter can't be resolved so easily. You must give me a satisfactory explanation!"

"No problem, no problem. I promise to make Florence feel at ease," Evan nodded humbly. However, when he turned around again, his expression immediately darkened. "Who was it that wanted to dispute with Florence earlier? Step forward now!"

Hearing this, Florence's expression softened slightly, but she still emphasized, "I accept your apology, but this matter can't be resolved so easily. You must give me a satisfactory explanation!"

"No problem, no problem. I promise to make Florence feel at ease," Evan nodded humbly. However, when he turned around again, his expression immediately darkened. "Who was it that wanted to dispute with Florence earlier? Come forward!"

"You know what, it's not really a “dispute”, because we actually booked the room first," Dustin mentioned with a friendly tone.

"Well, I don't mind who booked this first, as long as Madam Florence is happy, she can have the room!" Evan responded cheerfully.

"Who do you think you are?" Dustin asked with a friendly smile.

"I'm the boss of Celestial Heights Restaurant, and everything here kinda goes by what I say," Evan replied in a somewhat relaxed tone.

"Boss, huh? Don't you guys have some rules here? You know, like the 'first-come, first-served' thing and treating everyone fairly?" Dustin mentioned, still in a friendly manner.

"Ah, forget the rules! My rules are what matter!" Evan said with a grin.

Evan was becoming impatient. "I now officially declare that all of you troublemakers are blacklisted by Celestial Heights Restaurant!"

"From now on, we won't do business with you, and you'll never eat here!"

"Now, I command all of you to leave Celestial Heights Restaurant immediately!"

Chapter 1157: Dial-A-Gang

Evan's words were domineering and harsh, leaving no room for civility. Dustin, who had initially planned to reason with him, immediately grew cold.

No wonder the employees here were so arrogant; it seemed the boss was cut from the same cloth.

"Hey! Can't you hear me? I said get lost!" Mia barked from behind.

"Your Celestial Heights Restaurant sure likes to throw its weight around. You dare kick customers out? Looks like you don't want business," Dustin remarked, his tone icy.

"It's not that we don't want business; we just don't want your business!" Evan retorted firmly. "Celestial Heights Restaurant is my territory, and I call the shots. I'm not pleased with you guys right now, so I'll give you one minute to leave, or don't blame me for not being polite!"

With these words, the crowd erupted, clamoring for Dustin and his group to leave.

"Hey, Dustin, how about it? The boss has spoken. Why are you shamelessly lingering here? Have no shame?" Florence sneered, arms crossed.

When arguing and reasoning proved futile, they chose the path of force and intimidation.

"Hmph! Some people really have no shame. They can't even leave when asked. They're like lapdogs," Julie chimed in with a sly tone.

"Who said they didn't? Don't they know their place? How dare they compete with us? They don't have an ounce of self-awareness," Aunt Victoria added disdainfully.

They were now prominent figures in the Montgomery family and expected everyone to step aside.

"Starting to play dirty, huh? Are you sure about this?" Dustin glared at Evan.

"Absolutely sure!" Evan raised his head proudly. "You've upset Aunt Florence, and that means you've disrespected me. If you disrespect me, you’re not welcome here. I'm giving you a minute to get out, or else don't blame me for being impolite!"

With those words, he even made a hand gesture.

Suddenly, the security personnel, who had been watching from the sidelines, closed in, their eyes filled with aggression. Some even brandished batons, ready to act.

"Dustin, do you understand the situation? You're no longer in the same league as us," Florence said arrogantly, tilting her chin. "Do you know what power means? Do you understand the gap between us? In simple terms, we eat here without paying, and you eat here by paying us. Got it?"

"Accept your fate. Someone like you deserves to be stepped on for a lifetime," Julie sneered.

"Young man! You seem defiant. Do you know who you're dealing with?" Evan smirked, continuing to press Dustin. "But what does it matter? On my turf, I'm the boss. You'll have to abide by my rules. If I tell you to leave, you leave!"

"A mere Celestial Heights Restaurant owner, and you dare to be so arrogant? I have no idea where you find your courage," Dustin chuckled, shaking his head. "Alright, since you don't want to do business, starting today, there's no need for Celestial Heights Restaurant to exist."

With that, he pulled out his phone and dialed a number. "Bring some people over. Let's shut down Celestial Heights Restaurant."

"Oh, wow... you want to shut us down too? I'm so scared! I'm genuinely terrified!" Evan sarcastically remarked. "Kid, do you even know who you're messing with? Investigate it thoroughly, and then come back here to make threats, or else, I'm afraid you'll be scared out of your wits!"

"I don't care who you are, or who's backing you. I only know that you've really ticked me off today. So, you'll have to pay for your actions," Dustin said calmly.

"Hehehe... threatening me, are you? Fine! I'll be waiting. Let's see how much power you really have!" Evan crossed his arms, unflinchingly.

In a matter of moments, outside Celestial Heights Restaurant, the roar of engines filled the air. Following that, a large group of Kirin Gang members stormed in, their presence imposing.

The security staff of Celestial Heights Restaurant, who had been arrogant moments ago, now paled in comparison, shifting from swagger to fear.

Chapter 1158 Kirin Gang is King!

Those who had experience on the streets knew that the underground world of the provincial capital was now under the control of the Kirin Gang. No force could challenge them.

So, when they saw the disciples of the Kirin Gang rush in, the security guards immediately backed down.

"Huh, I didn't expect this guy, Dustin, to actually have some influence," Aunt Victoria said, somewhat surprised.

"Hmph! They're just a bunch of small-time thugs who can't rise to the occasion," Julie said disdainfully.

"You're right. They're all insignificant small fry who can't make a big splash. We don't even need to get involved; Evan can handle it easily," Florence boasted.

If this had been in the past, she might have been somewhat wary, but now, she didn't even consider them a threat.

The power of the Montgomery Palace was not something these small-time thugs could compare to.

They were simply in different leagues.

"Dustin, what's going on?" At this moment, Cornelius rushed up the stairs with a group of people.

"Celestial Heights Restaurant is cheating its customers, and I'm not pleased about it. I'm shutting this place down indefinitely," Dustin said calmly.

"No problem!" Cornelius waved his hand and shouted, "Brothers, trash this place for me, escort all the customers out, and if anyone dares to obstruct, give them a good beating!"


With his command, the disciples of the Kirin Gang began to take action one after another.

"Stop! Stop it all!" Seeing this scene, Evan finally lost his composure and shouted, "Do you trash know who backs Celestial Heights Restaurant? You dare to cause trouble in my place; I see that you're just tired of living!"

"You bastard!"

Cornelius was not polite at all. He raised his hand and slapped Evan to the ground, cursing, "Daring to anger Young Master, even if you're the king of heaven, you won't be able to save yourself today!"

" dare you hit me?"

Clutching his burning face, Evan angrily yelled, "Someone, get these trash out of here!"

Hearing this, the security guards of Celestial Heights Restaurant looked at each other, and none of them dared to move.

The ruthless characters from the Kirin Gang were not to be trifled with.

"Are you all deaf? I told you to move!" Frustrated by the lack of response, Evan was furious. He slapped a few security guards behind him and shouted, "I hired you to maintain order, not to sit around and do nothing. I order you to fight them now!"

"Sir Evan... these people are disciples of the Kirin Gang. We can't afford to provoke them," a security guard captain whispered.

"The Kirin Gang? So what? I have the backing of the Grant family behind me!"

Evan yelled aggressively, "With just one phone call from me, I can immediately call in the military and wipe out this damn Kirin Gang!"

"The Grant family?"

This statement caused quite a stir among those present.

No one had expected that Evan had such a powerful background.

The Grant family, one of the Three Supreme Families, was so influential that it even surpassed the General's Mansion in power.

With such a formidable force backing him, it was no wonder he was so arrogant.

"Why are you all still standing there? Hurry up and take action!"

Evan continued to shout and curse, slapping the security guard captain in the face again to vent his frustration.

"Damn it! Let's fight them!"

The security guard captain gritted his teeth and immediately rallied his subordinates, shouting, "We can't be afraid of the Kirin Gang with the Grant family backing us!"

Although they were afraid, they had the Grant family's support, so they felt fearless.

Chapter 1159 Destroy Everything

"You want to fight, huh?" Watching the security guards rush forward, Cornelius grinned and said, "Brothers, take three minutes to stretch your muscles!"


The disciples of the Kirin Gang immediately became excited. They rubbed their fists and palms, ready to confront the security guards head-on.

Cornelius was the leader of the Flame Dragon Gang, and his subordinates were all ruthless characters who had come out of the Azkaban. They were the most powerful elite force in the entire Kirin Gang.

After undergoing special training by Dustin, their strength had made significant strides, and they could easily take on a hundred opponents without breaking a sweat.

Not to mention facing a group of ordinary security guards, even if they were to clash head-on with the major martial sects in the martial world, they wouldn't be at a disadvantage.

As expected, when the two groups met, the difference in strength was clear.

The disciples of the Kirin Gang's Flame Dragon Guild completely overwhelmed the security guards with ease, knocking them all down within less than three minutes.

"You bunch of trash!" Seeing this scene, Evan was furious. He had thought that the security guards he had hired could hold their own for a while, but he hadn't expected them to be defeated so quickly. They were utterly useless.

"Continue to wreck this place! Destroy everything for me!" Cornelius didn't mince words, directing the disciples of the Kirin Gang to start dismantling the restaurant.

Of course, they were only demolishing Celestial Heights Restaurant and taking care not to harm any innocent people.

"You worthless bunch! How dare you cause trouble in my Celestial Heights Restaurant! I'll make sure you pay for this!" Evan was furious and immediately took out his phone to call for reinforcements.

Dustin just watched quietly and didn't intervene.

I tried to reason with you, but you insisted on being unreasonable. So now, I'll be unreasonable with you.

"Dustin, do you think you're going too far?" Dahlia, who had been quietly observing, suddenly spoke up.

"Where have I gone too far? I don't think so," Dustin shrugged.

"Celestial Heights Restaurant belongs to Sir Evan, and it's his freedom to do business with whomever he wants. Although his words were a bit harsh, you shouldn't have allowed people to cause a ruckus and destruction here. Moreover, you won't be able to bear the consequences," Dahlia warned.

Regardless of right or wrong, Sir Evan had the backing of the Grant family, and he was not someone an insurance salesman could afford to offend, even if the Harmon Family supported them.

"Miss Dahlia, aren't you being a bit hypocritical?" Natasha chuckled, "When Sir Evan was yelling and bossing people around earlier, why didn't you say anything? Oh, now that you see Sir Evan can't handle it, you step forward to uphold justice and act as a righteous agent?"

When he hadn't lost his memory, Dahlia had only found him somewhat annoying, but now that she had lost her memory, she seemed to find him even more annoying.

"I'm just speaking the truth," Dahlia said coldly, "Sir Evan has the Grant family behind him, and you can't afford to offend them. If you stop now, I can still put in a good word for you to help resolve this situation."

"Thank you for your kind offer, Miss Dahlia, but we can handle it ourselves," Natasha declined.

Regardless of whether the other party had the ability or not, she didn't appreciate it.

"Daughter, why are you helping them? If they want to court disaster, let them!" Florence pouted.

"Yeah, cousin, we're just here to watch the show. Why bother getting involved and making trouble for ourselves?" Julie also tried to persuade her.

They both wanted to see Dustin's group in trouble, and now that they finally had the chance, they didn't want to miss it.

"Why are you helping them, Daughter?" Florence sneered.

"It seems like you're the only one who's bothered, Cousin. We were just here to watch the show, why bother getting involved and making trouble for ourselves?" Julie also chimed in.

They both wanted to see Dustin's group in trouble, and now that they finally had the chance, they didn't want to miss it.

"Do you really want to go against the Grant family?" Dahlia looked at Dustin with a determined gaze and asked her final question.

"Celestial Heights Restaurant is sealed off by me. If the Grant family insists on stepping in, then I'll accompany them to the end," Dustin replied calmly.


Dahlia furrowed her brows, feeling somewhat annoyed.

Chapter 1160 Grant To The Rescue

This guy is as stubborn as a log, isn't he? She had kindly advised him and even offered to help, but he didn't seem to appreciate it at all.

"Hmph! You can't reason with stubborn ghosts. Daughter, just let them fend for themselves," Florence crossed her arms and acted as if she were watching a show.

"Cousin, you're great in every way, except that you're too kind-hearted. These people are trying to take our seats, and you're actually helping them. There's really no need," Julie shook her head.

"Yeah, Dahlia, you're too kind. Some people won't learn their lesson until they taste some bitterness!" Aunt Victoria looked disdainful.

"Alright, I won't interfere in your affairs."

Dahlia had a cold expression as she withdrew to the side.

For some reason, when she saw Dustin rejecting her, she felt a strange and unfounded sense of frustration.

What was wrong with her?

He was just a stranger she had met a few times. Why was she so concerned?

"Kid! Miss Dahlia gave you a chance to save your life, but you foolishly rejected it. You're incredibly stupid. When my reinforcements arrive, you'll regret it!" Evan sneered, looking at Dustin as if he were an idiot.

Being able to have Miss Dahlia personally speak for him was a great honor and favor that others couldn't beg for. Yet this kid in front of him had flatly refused, digging his own grave!

"Hmph! Let you be arrogant for a while longer. You'll see what's coming later!" Mia muttered resentfully from the sidelines, her eyes filled with malice.

Dustin couldn't be bothered to respond. He beckoned to Natasha and the others, returning to Room No. 3.

There, they drank tea and watched the disciples of the Kirin Gang continue to rampage and vandalize Celestial Heights Restaurant.

"Smash! Go ahead and smash! Afterward, I'll make you pay ten times or a hundred times the compensation!" Evan's face darkened as the anger in his chest gradually built up.

"What kind of people dare to cause trouble in Celestial Heights Restaurant?!"

At this moment, a shout rang out.

A group of burly men, all well-built and full of hostility, burst into the scene.

Leading them were two young men, one dressed in white and the other in black. The white-clad man wore sunglasses and held a cigar. He walked with an exaggerated duck-footed gait, exuding an air of arrogance.

The black-clad man had bulging muscles, a powerful aura, and sharp eyes. He was obviously no ordinary person.

"Sir Brayden, you're finally here!" Evan's eyes lit up when he saw the man in white, and he hurriedly approached.

You see, this guy was none other than Tyler’s younger brother, Brayden!

In the entire Grant family, he held great sway.

It was precisely because he had the backing of Brayden Grant that he was able to thrive here.

"I just heard you on the phone saying that someone was vandalizing Celestial Heights Restaurant. What's going on?" Brayden held the cigar and looked quite arrogant.

"Sir Brayden, here's what happened. Some prick wanted to freeload here and even had a confrontation with Miss Dahlia. I wanted to kick them out, but they not only refused to leave, but also called a group of people to come and cause trouble. It's simply too much!" Evan began to complain.

"Hmm? Did you mention my name?" Brayden raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I did. They completely ignored you and even threatened to teach you a lesson!" Evan replied.

"Damn it! Who dares to be so bold? Show me!" Brayden threw his cigar on the ground, looking very angry.

After years of being in charge in Millsburg, there were very few people who dared to challenge him.

"Sir Brayden, it's them!"

Evan took a few steps forward and pointed at Dustin, who was sitting in the room.

Brayden took a look and his eyes immediately lit up. "Oh? It's actually Flower Girls?" (Flower Girl is an attractive woman who is admired for her beauty, grace, or charm)
Waiting for 1161 tnx
Was there any names mentioned of Ronald reed's son in the previous chapters? Please help me remember. Thank you
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Chapter 1141 The Showdown

Nakamura was encircled by a multitude of skilled ninja, forming a formidable force that would pose a considerable challenge even to the most elite assassins among the General's fighters. While Dustin possessed considerable strength, he couldn't dispatch them all in an instant.
"Enough talking! If you want to ensure your daughter's safety, move quickly and assist!" Dustin pressed.

"I'll assist you!" Lily acted first, darting forward to begin the process of unwinding the ropes. The Dragon-Binding Rope was tightly wound, impervious to brute force; they had to meticulously untangle it.


At this moment, Nakamura's final countdown fell, and he grinned maliciously. "Since you won't drop your weapons, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

With that, he raised his sword and struck directly at Shiela's arm.


Caden roared, fighting through the pain to rush forward, but he was quickly stopped by the ninja from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix.


In this critical moment, a silver needle shot out, accurately striking Nakamura's sword.


The sound of metal clashing echoed.

Nakamura's sword was knocked from his grasp and flew through the air, spinning before crashing to the ground, producing a burst of sparks.

"Who's there?!" Nakamura was both surprised and furious, quickly retreating behind Shiela. Simultaneously, he waved his hand, instructing the ninja to stand in front of him to prevent any sneak attacks.

"It's you!" Nakamura stuck half of his head out from behind Shiela's shoulder, smiling. "Mr. Dustin, the Murray family is wishing to kill you in various ways, and yet you still want to help them? Is it worth it? If you join our Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, I guarantee wealth, honor, and endless enjoyment for you!"

"I'm not assisting the Murray family. I'm doing this solely because I can't tolerate you," Dustin retorted candidly. "You mongrels from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix dared to act recklessly on Dragonmarsh's territory. When I see one, I'll kill one."

"So, does that mean there's no room for negotiation between us?" Nakamura's expression darkened.

"In your present condition, you have no leverage for negotiations," Dustin retorted.

With that, Dustin swiftly unraveled the Dragon-binding Rope and stowed it away. This valuable item was scarce and could prove useful later.

"Hold on! I still have a hostage! If you take one step closer, I'll snap her neck!" Nakamura reached out, clutching Shiela's throat and shouting frantically.

"Nakamura! Please, stop! Don't harm my daughter!" Caden cried out.

"Dustin, heed him! If anything befalls Shiela, your life will be the price!" Vivian's group chanted in unison.


In that instant, a silver needle suddenly streaked through the air, whizzing past Shiela's ear and, with calculated precision, striking Nakamura squarely in the forehead.

Nakamura shivered all over, his face contorting in terror.

In the next second, his head exploded with a resounding "bang," resembling a bursting watermelon.

Chapter 1142 Clash of Titans

As they watched the decapitated body of Nakamura, the scene suddenly fell silent.

Caden shouts came to an abrupt halt.

Vivian, Chase, and their group were also left dumbfounded.

Everything happened so suddenly that they were all a bit slow to react.

Nakamura had hostages and a large number of skilled ninja protecting him.

In this situation, it was astonishing that Dustin could still achieve a one-hit kill!


Nakamura's headless body crashed to the ground.

Shiela, looking bewildered, was grabbed by the shoulder by Dustin and thrown out of the encirclement, landing in the Murrays, thus averting the crisis.


Seeing his grandson's lifeless body, Yamamoto's face contorted, and he erupted in rage: "You dare to kill my grandson? I'll tear you to pieces! Kill him, kill him, kill him—kill him for me!"

As he gave the order, a large number of ninja experts immediately swarmed forward.

All kinds of hidden weapons, poisoned darts, and throwing knives were continuously launched.

A dense barrage, like a torrential downpour, made it impossible to defend against.

While the projectiles were flying, the ninja displayed their skills; some leaped high into the air, leaving behind iron wire nets, while others emerged from underground for a surprise attack.

For a moment, Dustin felt like a target of multiple attacks, and he was surrounded by an overwhelming onslaught.

"Quick, go support him! Wipe out the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix ninja!" General Murray immediately issued the order.

The elite assassin team cultivated by the General's fighters didn't hold back either and rushed into battle.

Soon, another melee erupted.

However, this time, the situation was completely different.

The General's assassin team was already formidable, and with Dustin's assistance, they were like tigers with wings. In no time, they routed the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix ninjas.

"Well done!"

Seeing this, everyone was invigorated and excited.

"Damn it!"

Yamamoto cursed angrily, unable to hold back any longer. He stomped his wooden clogs and turned into a blur, charging straight into the battlefield.

With consecutive strikes of his palms as fast as lightning, each strike killed one of the black-clad assassins.


General Murray was furious, about to join the fray when his body suddenly shivered, and he spewed out another mouthful of blood, nearly collapsing.

His injuries were too severe, and now he had no strength left to continue fighting.

"Uh-oh! If we keep going like this, we might lose!" Lily exclaimed, her face tense.

Yamamoto had completely turned the tide.

"Yamamoto is a Sword Saint” (Sword Master) of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, and his strength is overwhelmingly powerful. Now that Father is seriously injured, no one can stop him. We can only temporarily withdraw from the battlefield," Caden said with a solemn expression.

"Temporarily withdraw? Are you saying... we should abandon the General's Mansion?" Lily furrowed her brow.

"Keeping us alive is important; we will have a chance to regroup. We can have a chance to comeback if we preserve our lives first," Caden replied.

"You're right, but how can we leave? Father won't agree to be a fleeing soldier," Lily shook her head.

"I don't care what means you use, even if you have to knock him unconscious, you must take Father away quietly," Caden insisted.

He was well aware that as long as his father was safe, the General's Mansion could be rebuilt quickly.

"Alright, I'll try," Lily nodded, reluctantly agreeing.

"Wait! If we leave, what about Dustin and the others?" Shiela suddenly spoke up.

At this moment, on the battlefield ahead, Dustin and his group were fighting desperately, and the situation was dire.

"We don't have time to think about that now. Dustin just saved me, and I can't leave him to fend for himself!" Shiela said, her brows furrowing.

"Silly girl!" Caden was frantic. "People must look out for themselves. We're all in danger now. If we don't leave soon, we won't be able to escape!"

"No! I can't leave!" Shiela shook her head. "Dustin just saved me, and I can't abandon him to escape alone!"

"Stubborn!" Caden was growing anxious. "Dustin and the others can't hold out much longer. If we don't leave now, we'll be trapped soon!"

Chapter 1143 The Ultimate Duel

With that, he grabbed Shiela's wrist and forcefully pulled her away.

"No! I won't go! Let go of me!" Shiela began to struggle frantically.

She already owed Dustin once and didn't want to owe him again. Otherwise, she'd never find peace in her life.

"Shiela, your dad is right. Time is running out, we need to go quickly!"

"Yes, Shiela! Lives are at stake; don't be stubborn!"

"Even if Dustin dies, as long as we survive, it's an honor for him to sacrifice for the General!"

At this moment, Chase and Vivian, along with others, also tried to persuade her.

If they could use Dustin's life to ensure their safety, it would be a tremendous advantage.

"You can leave if you want, but I won't!" Shiela remained stubborn and refused to listen.

"Stubborn girl!"

Caden was infuriated, and he slapped his daughter, scolding her, "You can't be hard-headed now! You must listen to me today! Get someone to drag her away!"

Shiela was dazed, her face in her hands, feeling bewildered.

Chase and Vivian exchanged glances and then both grabbed Shiela's arms, forcibly pulling her outside.

Meanwhile, on a battlefield-turned-ruins:

Both sides continued to battle, and both suffered heavy casualties.

Bodies fell one by one, and the battle was intense.

"Step aside, all of you! You're no match for him; let me deal with him!"

Seeing the General's assassin team fighting so fiercely and courageously, Dustin couldn't help but feel moved and quickly shouted.

Even though the General's fighters were innate experts, they were powerless against Yamamoto, a martial arts master. But due to the melee, Dustin couldn't unleash his full power, or else he might accidentally kill them.

So, he had them disperse to avoid unintended casualties.

"You all step back too! I want to kill this kid with my own hands!"

Yamamoto waved his hand, and the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix ninjas scattered.

Soon, the chaotic battle turned into a duel between the two.

"Has Dustin gone mad? He's challenging Yamamoto one-on-one? Does he want to die faster?"

Vivian looked back with a puzzled expression.

"Hmph! He's utterly overestimating himself! Yamamoto is one of the top ten Sword Saints of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, and his strength is unmatched. Dustin challenging Yamamoto is like a moth flying into the flames!"

Chase shook his head, showing a look of disdain.

"This kid is really foolish! During the melee, Yamamoto was holding back, and now, without any restraints, he's even more dangerous. He probably won't last a single move!" Caden said, clearly frustrated.

They could have bought more time, but Dustin insisted on acting like a hero.

Once he was killed, their chances of escaping would diminish significantly.

"You fool! You killed my grandson and ruined my plans. Today, I'll skin you alive!"

Yamamoto slowly drew his katana from his waist, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

Even though his opponent was much younger, he wouldn't show any mercy.

"I'll send you to hell!"

Yamamoto shouted angrily, stomped his wooden clogs, and rushed forward, raising his katana high and swinging it fiercely toward Dustin's head.

Even before the blade reached him, the sharp sword aura had already torn the ground apart, leaving a deep mark.

"It's over... This kid is finished."

Seeing this, everyone shook their heads in pity.

Yamamoto's full-powered strike was something very few could withstand.

"Sky Sword!"

Dustin extended his hand with a wave.


Suddenly, a black ancient sword shot out from the ruins like a black lightning bolt, piercing straight through Yamamoto's chest.

Chapter 1144 Shocking Turn of Events


The Sovereign Sky Sword transformed into a black lightning bolt, after piercing through Yamamoto's chest, it returned to Dustin's hand.

Blood slowly flowed down the blade, gathering at the tip before dripping onto the ground, creating tiny blood splatters.


Yamamoto's body trembled, and he dropped from the sky, his knees hitting the ground heavily.

He remained motionless in a kneeling position.

The entire scene fell into sudden silence.

All sound seemed to vanish, and you could hear a pin drop.

Whether it was the General's figthers, the guests, or the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix ninjas, everyone stood there in stunned silence.

Their faces were marked with shock.

They couldn't believe it. Yamamoto, the formidable Sword Saint of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, had been impaled by a single strike from Dustin.

The entire process happened so suddenly, without any warning, that no one had reacted in time.

They only saw a black lightning bolt flash, and then the mighty Yamamoto knelt down.


Yamamoto lowered his head, his face filled with disbelief.

At this moment, he had a massive hole in his chest, and he could even see the scenery behind him through that hole, including the shocked face of General Murray.

This perspective was strange and somewhat eerie.

"Why? Why can you... hurt me?" Yamamoto forced out these words with a raspy voice.

General Murray was severely injured and had lost his combat strength. Normally, he should have been invincible here.

He never expected such a turn of events.

"Why? Go ask the King of Hell..."

Dustin didn't waste any words. He walked forward and raised his hand, swiftly beheading Yamamoto.


When Yamamoto's head fell, everyone finally woke up from their daze, and the scene erupted with unprecedented shock.

"Dead... He's dead? Am I seeing this right? This kid actually killed Yamamoto?!"

"Oh my god! This is the Sword Saint of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, a top-tier martial arts master, and he was just killed with a single strike! Isn't this too unbelievable?!"

"What's this kid's background? How can he be this terrifying? He's like a monster!"

"A single strike to kill the Sword Saint of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix? Is this guy even human? When did our provincial city produce such a freak?!"

After a brief moment of silence, the entire scene exploded with astonishment.

The looks directed at Dustin were like he was a monster, filled with shock and disbelief.

They had thought that disaster was imminent for the General's family today, and they had even prepared to make a run for it.

But in the end, at the critical moment, Dustin had actually turned the tide and killed Yamamoto with a single strike.

Now, they were at a loss, especially Chase and Vivian's group, who were having a hard time accepting this.

They couldn't comprehend how Dustin could be this powerful.

Wasn't he just a lowly insurance salesman?

Wasn't he a nobody without any background?

Why? Why could he defeat the Sword Saint of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix?

Could it be that Dustin had been hiding his true abilities all along?

Had they only seen the surface, just a disguise?

If that were the case, the consequences would be quite severe.

A person who could kill the Sword Saint of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix with a single strike would be respected and revered everywhere they went, no matter where they were.

Chapter 1145 Victory and Acknowledgment

Even the various official institutions had to treat him with the utmost respect. Without exaggeration, given Dustin's age and the strength he had displayed, he could easily stand shoulder to shoulder with the old general in the future. Such a young prodigy was someone they would need to look up to for their entire lives.

The biggest problem was that they had previously shown contempt and disdain for Dustin, even resorting to harsh words. If he were to seek revenge, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Thinking about this, Chase, Vivian, and their group felt a shiver down their spines and deep regret. On one hand, they regretted offending Dustin, and on the other hand, they regretted their own foolishness for not recognizing the treasure sooner.

If they had built a good relationship with Dustin in advance, rising to success in the future would have been effortless.

"Well done, young man. You hid your abilities so well that I didn't see through it at all," General Murray sighed in relief after the shock had passed. Although the General's fighters had a strong foundation, it couldn't withstand this continuous onslaught. Fortunately, Dustin had turned the tide; otherwise, the General's mansion might have become a river of blood.

"We won... Bro Dustinin won! We don't need to escape!" Shiela cheered with tears of joy. However, Caden wore a somewhat complicated expression, torn between happiness and worry. While it was worth celebrating that the General's household had survived, Dustin's outstanding performance and their past conflicts left him unsure of how to face the situation.

"Kill all the remnants of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, leave no one alive!" After slaying Yamamoto, Dustin didn't stop. He swung the Sky Sword and, with the General's personnel, began to massacre the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix's ninjas. Without Yamamoto, these ninjas were defenseless and were quickly slaughtered, crumbling like a house of cards.

This deadly game that had been set up for five years ultimately ended in the General's tragic victory. Although they eliminated the invaders, the General's family had suffered significant losses. They had not only expended a considerable amount of elite strength but also affected many guests, who were all part of the General's network, spanning various industries. With such losses, it would take several years to fully recover.

The only thing worth celebrating was that General Murray emerged unscathed. As long as he lived, the General's Mansion would not fall and would eventually regain its former glory; it was only a matter of time.

After the battle ended, the official forces from the provincial city began to arrive. Numerous soldiers swarmed in to escort and clean up the scene.

It was only at this point that the suspended hearts of the people finally fell.

"Young man, thanks to you this time, or else this old life of mine would have been in jeopardy," General Murray approached Dustin and expressed his gratitude.

"General, no need to be so polite. It was just a small effort," Dustin replied with a slight smile, not wanting to take too much credit. After all, he still owed General Murray a favor for the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom matter, and he considered it even now.

"I really couldn't tell. I didn't expect you to be this powerful. You're no less impressive than your mother back in the day," General Murray said with satisfaction.

"General, you're too kind," Dustin replied humbly before taking out a pill and handing it over. "This is a Gemiphen I refined, and it works wonders for treating internal injuries. General, you can give it a try."

"Oh? Is that so?" General Murray was curious. After inspecting the pill, he swallowed it without hesitation. In no time, he wore an astonished expression and praised, "Indeed, it's a miraculous elixir! The meridians I had just blocked and the stagnant internal energy (qi) and blood are now all unobstructed. It's truly amazing!"

"I didn't expect you to be not only extraordinary in martial arts but also a master in alchemy and medicine. You truly excel in both literary and martial arts!" General Murray chuckled. "If only a talented young man like you could become my grandson-in-law."

With this remark, Shiela, who had just approached, blushed instantly.
good job, I really thank you. you are saving my day
Chapter 1146: Ordinary Friend

General Murray's words were clearly intentional. On one hand, he genuinely admired Dustin. Being exceptional both in martial and scholarly pursuits with a bright future ahead and a good character, such a young prodigy was scarce in the entire Dragonmarsh. If Dustin could become his grandson-in-law, it would provide a safeguard for the General's family in the future.

On the other hand, he had taken his granddaughter, Shiela, into consideration. She possessed a kind heart and a somewhat naive disposition, easily susceptible to deception, and in need of strong support and protection. Dustin undoubtedly appeared as the ideal choice. When the two of them were together, they seemed like a perfect match.

In the present moment, Shiela stood in silence behind them, not uttering a word. Her pretty face sported a faint flush, revealing a blend of shyness and eager anticipation. She was awaiting Dustin's response, hoping to hear the answer she longed for.

"Thank you for your generous words, General, but someone like me, a commoner, is not deserving of Miss Shiela," Dustin courteously declined.

"Young man, I am well aware of your background. There is no need for such formality. I will ask you directly: do you hold any affection for my granddaughter, Shiela?" General Murray inquired once more.

"General, Miss Shiela and I are simply regular friends, nothing more," Dustin replied resolutely.

"Just ordinary friends?" General Murray raised his eyebrows. Why did those words sound somewhat awkward? Weren't they treating each other like siblings before? Why did it suddenly become distant?

Upon hearing the phrase "just ordinary friends," Shiela's expression froze, her eyes reflecting disappointment.

"Young man, would you not reconsider?" General Murray seemed somewhat reluctant.

He was willing to go to great lengths to ensure his granddaughter's happiness.

"General, trying to force something won't make it genuine. Let's simply set aside the matter," Dustin firmly shook his head, his gaze resolute.
"Sigh... Very well, I won't interfere in the affairs of you young people," General Murray finally relented.

"Dustin, Bro Dustin..."

Unable to contain her emotions, Shiela called out.

"Yes?" Dustin turned to look at her with a hint of confusion. "Miss Shiela, is there something else?"

"Bro Dustin, I misunderstood you before. I'm truly sorry, and I sincerely apologize to you," Shiela said, her face filled with guilt as she bowed deeply while speaking.

"Miss Shiela, you haven't done anything wrong, and I've never blamed you. There's no need to apologize," Dustin shook his head, feeling no resentment.

Some things were not about right or wrong; it was purely a matter of trust. Shiela had made her choice, and he had no complaints.

"Bro Dustin, can we still meet in the future?" Shiela held onto her clothes, feeling nervous and hopeful.

"If fate allows, we will meet again. Farewell," Dustin replied with a faint smile and walked out of the General's Mansion.

"Bro Dustin..."

Watching his departing figure, Shiela felt a deep sense of emptiness in her heart, as if something important was slowly slipping away.

"Girl, what exactly happened between you two?" General Murray couldn't help but ask curiously.

"I..." Shiela hesitated for a moment and eventually recounted the whole story briefly.

Listening to this exchange, General Murray couldn't help but feel exasperated. "Child, how could you be so easily misled? Can't you differentiate between truth and falsehood? You accepted those unfounded accusations without any doubt and slandered someone who was genuinely trying to assist you. You... you... you truly infuriate me!"

"Grandfather, I acknowledge my mistake. Is there anything I can do to make amends?" Shiela asked softly.

Chapter 1147: Goodbye Friend and Hello Trouble


General Murray sighed deeply. "The more exceptional a person, the more likely they are to be proud. Rebuilding trust can be an uphill battle. You've already made your choice regarding your friends, and even if he doesn't hold it against you, things won't go back to the way they were."

"What should I do then?" Shiela started to feel anxious.

"Let it be. Time has the power to mend even the deepest wounds. Perhaps, in the future, you'll have an opportunity to cross paths again," General Murray said, shaking his head.

Despite his words, he knew deep down that certain things couldn't be repaired. Once a rift had formed in a relationship, no matter how hard you tried to mend it, that divide would persist.


After leaving the General's Mansion, Dustin drove back to the Zypher Lodge.

As soon as he entered the Lodge's gate, he saw Cornelius running towards him in a fluster.

Cornelius was sweating profusely as he ran, and he called out urgently, "Master Dustin! Something terrible has occurred! It's a major issue!"

"Hmm?" Dustin furrowed his brows at the news. "Why are you so worked up? Please, provide me with all the details."

"It's... it's about The Goddess of War!" Cornelius said, gasping for breath.

"What's the matter with her? You've encountered her before, haven't you? Why are you so agitated?" Dustin raised an eyebrow, initially thinking it was a minor concern.

After going through numerous trials and tribulations, it was difficult for him to become overly concerned about such matters.

"Also... also..." Cornelius stuttered, "It's not just The Goddess of War. Miss Natasha is here too, and they've already met!"

"What?" Dustin was taken aback, his composure wavering. "Why didn't you mention that earlier?"

"I... I just did," Cornelius replied, looking somewhat puzzled.

Moments ago, Dustin had appeared confident and resolute in his speech, but now he found himself feeling somewhat flustered.

"What's the current situation? Are they in conflict with each other?" Dustin asked urgently.

He knew Scarlet had a fiery temper, and that worried him. She wouldn't hesitate to engage in a physical altercation if provoked.

"They haven't come to blows, but they're definitely not getting along," Cornelius replied, his anxiety evident in his voice.

"Where are they now?" Dustin inquired again.

"They're in the reception hall," Cornelius replied truthfully.

"Let's go! Follow me to see them!" Dustin said urgently.

Cornelius had no choice but to follow him.

In the reception hall.

Natasha sat in the main seat, leisurely sipping tea.

Scarlet sat in the secondary seat, engrossed in reading a military strategy book.

Members of the Kirin Gang's high-ranking executives stood on both sides, not daring to make a sound, creating an oppressive atmosphere in the hall.

"Miss Scarlet, may I ask how long you've known Dustin?" Natasha was the first to break the silence.

"I've known him since childhood," Scarlet replied indifferently.

"Oh? So, you and Dustin are childhood sweethearts?" Natasha raised an eyebrow.

"Not only that, but we also have an engagement," Scarlet said calmly.

"An engagement? Heh... in this day and age, is that still meaningful?" Natasha chuckled.

"Our families have been friends for generations, and there's a longstanding marriage arrangement between us. Doesn't that hold any meaning?" Scarlet retorted with a touch of frost in her voice.

"Is it meaningful to you, or is it meaningful to Dustin?" Natasha countered with a sly smile.

"How can you be so sure Dustin won't agree to it?" Scarlet challenged.

"Because I'm Dustin's woman," Natasha declared proudly.

"What? You're not even close to being worthy of him," Scarlet shook her head.

"Whether I'm worthy or not isn't something you get to decide," Natasha replied with a self-assured smirk.

"I warn you, stay away from him, or I'll kill you," Scarlet said coldly.

"Oh, really? I find that hard to believe."

As Natasha spoke, a longsword named Vortexstrike was suddenly pressed against her throat.

Chapter 1148: Just joking

"You say that again?"

Scarlet's expression turned icy as she held her sword with one hand, its tip pressed against Natasha's throat. With a slight forward movement, she could end Natasha's life in an instant.

Natasha, seeing the sharp blade so close to her neck, couldn't help but furrow her brows. She hadn't expected Scarlet to be so impulsive, drawing her sword at the slightest provocation. It was clear that this wasn't a mere threat; another provocative word could result in her demise.

It seemed that she had encountered a formidable opponent.


Just as they were locked in a standoff, Dustin suddenly rushed in.

"Dustin, you're here?" Upon seeing him, Scarlet immediately sheathed her sword, her previous coldness replaced by a friendly smile, like that of a neighbor's little sister.

"Scarlet, what were you doing just now?" Dustin frowned, showing some displeasure.

"It's nothing, I was just joking with Miss Natasha," Scarlet replied with a smile.

"Joking?" Dustin turned his gaze to Natasha and asked in a soft voice, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I was just a bit bored, so I wanted to see Miss Scarlet's sword. She simply handed it to me," Natasha smiled.

These words surprised Scarlet. She had thought that Natasha might report the incident, but unexpectedly, she had come to her rescue.

"It's good that nothing happened. Swords and blades have no eyes. Be careful in the future. I don't want any harm to come to either of you. Do you understand?" Dustin's gaze, as he said the last three words, shifted to Scarlet, carrying a hint of warning.

"Okay, I understand," Scarlet lowered her head like a scolded student.

If anyone else saw this, they would probably be shocked. After all, who in the Dragonmarsh would dare to reprimand The Goddess of War in this manner?

"Dustin, come with me for a moment," Natasha suddenly put on a professional fake smile and then walked out of the reception hall.

Dustin's eyelids twitched, feeling a sense of unease for no apparent reason. But there was no avoiding this, so he followed her reluctantly.

The two of them walked to a secluded spot, and Natasha suddenly stopped and turned around. Her smile grew even brighter.

However, the more she smiled, the more Dustin felt uneasy, sensing a hidden agenda behind her words.

"Natasha, what do you want to ask? Just ask, I have nothing to hide," Dustin said nervously.

Natasha chuckled, giving Dustin's shoulder a friendly pat. "No need to be jumpy; I'm not about to devour you," she reassured him, flashing a warm smile. "So spill the beans. Who's this Miss Scarlet? She sounds like quite the character."

Dustin leaned in, sharing the scoop. "Well, Scarlet's actually part of the Spanner clan over in Stonia, and folks call her the 'Goddess of War' in Dragonmarsh."

Natasha's eyes widened in surprise. "Scarlet? The Goddess of War?" She was genuinely taken aback. "I never saw that coming."

She'd definitely heard of the Goddess of War before. Scarlet was Stonia's pride and joy, a standout among the younger generation, holding an enviable position at the apex of the Dragonmarsh hierarchy.

Natasha's curiosity was piqued even further. "What's the deal between you two? Why did she come looking for you?" She had always known Dustin was something special, but a connection to someone like Scarlet had taken her by surprise.

Dustin sighed, revealing the family tie. "She's my sister. She still sees me through the lens of our childhood, and change doesn't come easy for her. But I'm hopeful that over time, she'll come to see things as they truly are."

Natasha's tone took on a hint of jealousy. "So, you two really were childhood sweethearts?" She pressed further, a touch of bitterness in her voice. "And that engagement she mentioned, is that for real?"

"What engagement? It's just a childhood pact; it's not something serious," Dustin shook his head, emphasizing the lack of real commitment. "The ties between our families have faded since my mother passed away, and I genuinely see her as nothing more than a sister. There's no romantic spark there."

Natasha, with a tinge of jealousy, remarked, "Sister? But it seems like she doesn't quite share that sibling sentiment. She's stunning; can you really resist her allure?"

Dustin's response was heartfelt. "Even if she's beautiful, she can't hold a candle to you."

A pleased grin spread across Natasha's face. "Well, I didn't expect you, the unflappable man, to be such a charmer."

"I'm just speaking the truth," Dustin affirmed.

Natasha's grin widened. "Haha, okay, you passed the test," she declared, her mood lightening. "I won't blame you for whatever went down with Scarlet, but be cautious. That girl seems to lean heavily on you. Mishandle it, and things could go south."

While Natasha had never met Scarlet in person, she knew of her reputation. Scarlet was renowned as a ruthless and unforgiving female warlord who wouldn't hesitate to take lives. Since her rise to fame, she'd been a lone wolf, showing no favoritism, not even to the royal family.

Yet, today, in Dustin's presence, Scarlet had acted more like a fangirl. She not only cooperated without hesitation but also showed hints of nervousness and fear, as if she dreaded disappointing Dustin.

Being a woman herself, Natasha could sense that Scarlet was deeply infatuated with Dustin, perhaps to an obsessive extent. People with naturally reserved and unemotional dispositions often became completely consumed by love when it struck. If Dustin were to inadvertently hurt her, it could push her over the edge.

"She's like a sister to me, and it's going to remain that way. It might take some time for her to accept the reality," Dustin stated plainly.

Natasha nodded thoughtfully. "I hope so too."

"Hey there, Bro Dustin, are you guys done with your chat?" Scarlet's voice echoed from a distance. She had been waiting patiently in the reception hall for quite some time and couldn't resist coming out.

Dustin turned to her, concerned. "What's up?"

"I'm starving," Scarlet admitted, patting her empty stomach.

"Well, since Miss Scarlet here is hungry, how about we head out for a bite to eat? There's a new restaurant in town, and it's the perfect chance to give it a try," Natasha suggested with a cheerful grin.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's go grab a meal," Dustin agreed, then called the others to join in. They all hopped into their cars and left the Lodge in search of some good food.

However, as soon as they left the Zypher Lodge, two business cars secretly followed them.

Chapter 1149: VIPs

Half an hour later, at the entrance of Celestial Heights Restaurant.

Two luxury cars slowly came to a stop, and the doors opened, with Dustin and his group getting out one after another.

Celestial Heights Restaurant was a newly opened high-end restaurant known for its excellent ambiance, service, and food. It had gained a good reputation, attracting many dignitaries and celebrities.

Due to their prior reservation, Dustin and his group were quickly escorted to the second floor by a high-level female server.

The second floor was the VIP area, with regular VIP guests seated in the main hall, separated by screens between the tables. For even higher-ranking VIPs, there were private rooms available, providing a more exclusive environment and service.

"Miss Harmon, please follow me," a high-level female server in white led them with a smile. Eventually, they arrived at the entrance of Room No. 3.

Just as they were about to enter the restaurant, a woman in a sharp black professional suit suddenly blocked their path. Pinned to her chest was a badge that read "Assistant Manager."

"Hold on! This room is already occupied. Please find another available room for our guests," the female assistant manager declared.

"Evelyn, are you sure you've got this right? Room No. 3 was reserved ahead of time for these guests," the server in a crisp white uniform questioned, puzzled by the situation.

"We've got a bit of a situation here. Some VIPs are on their way, and they specifically requested Room No. 3. It needs to be vacated immediately!" The female assistant manager's tone was firm and no-nonsense.

"Evelyn, isn't this against the rules? The guests have already made a reservation, and changing rooms at the last minute is not a good explanation," the white-clad female server said hesitantly. "Besides, all four of the Platinum rooms are already occupied, and there are no rooms left."

"If there are no Platinum rooms available, can't you just give them a Diamond room? Why all the fuss?" The female assistant manager sounded noticeably impatient, her words barely above a whisper.

Dustin, with his keen hearing, caught every word.

"Evelyn, you know the Diamond rooms are a far cry from the Platinum ones. The guests probably won't accept that," the white-clad server replied in hushed tones. "Besides, they've paid for a Platinum room; it wouldn't be fair to offer them a Diamond one."

"Enough of this! Let me handle it," the female assistant manager declared with a tight-lipped expression before approaching Dustin and his group, putting on a forced smile. "Dear guests, there was a little hiccup on our end. Room No. 3, the Platinum room, is temporarily unavailable. Would you mind moving to the other side? We have several Diamond rooms available for your selection."

"Half an hour ago, we had already made a reservation, and now you say it's unavailable. Isn't it a bit too late for that?" Dustin said calmly.

Dustin could understand if there were valid reasons for the change, but it was becoming evident that they were being treated unfairly. Both parties were paying customers, so why the unequal treatment?

"This gentleman, our restaurant has its policies. I hope you won't create any complications," the female assistant manager insisted with a strained smile.

Dustin arched an eyebrow. "Am I the one creating complications, or is it you who plans to give away our reserved room to someone else?" He spoke with a hint of skepticism. "If I heard correctly just now, that's your intention, isn't it?"

The female assistant manager frowned, momentarily taken aback, but quickly composed herself. "Well, since you've overheard, let me clarify. We've had some high-profile guests arrive at Celestial Heights Restaurant, and they specifically requested Room No. 3. I hope you can understand, and we'll make sure everything is satisfactory."


Chapter 1150: Not So VIPs

Dustin found the situation somewhat amusing. "Is this the level of service that Celestial Heights Restaurant prides itself on? You're asking us to change rooms for no apparent reason, and you can't even extend a bit of courtesy? What's the intention here? Are you trying to mistreat your customers?"

Being asked to switch rooms without a valid explanation made it difficult for them to enjoy their meal.

The assistant manager's impatience was starting to show. "Sir, what exactly do you want? Are you looking for compensation? Fine, if you agree to change rooms, I'll personally arrange a fruit platter as a goodwill gesture. Will that satisfy you?" She said this with a look of disdain on her face.

Dustin responded with a frigid tone, "Firstly, I have no interest in any compensation, and secondly, are you offering us a fruit platter as a way to make amends? Do you take us for beggars?" In a restaurant, customer service was paramount, and this woman's treatment was far from acceptable.

"Sir, I suggest you refrain from causing any trouble. Our restaurant has its policies, and if you're unhappy with them, you're free to leave. I won't force you to stay!" The assistant manager's irritation was clearly on display.

With business thriving at the restaurant, losing a few customers wouldn't make much of a dent.

Dustin couldn't help but mock the situation. "Really? You're ready to kick us out over a few words? Celestial Heights Restaurant certainly doesn't mince words!" He continued speaking as he brushed past the assistant manager, entered Room No. 3, and took a seat. "I'm dining here today, and let's see who can actually make me leave!"

"You... You're just causing trouble for no reason!" The assistant manager was now seething with anger. "You're not welcome here. I'm warning you; leave immediately, or I'll call security!"

"Go ahead and call them. I'd love to see how this situation unfolds. How do you plan to manage your establishment then?" Dustin calmly poured himself a cup of tea.

"You disgrace! You have no shame! Get out of here right now!" The assistant manager was beside herself. "People like you aren't welcome here."

"This gentleman, do you want to reconsider your decision?" she added with a sly smile.

Dustin's eyes narrowed, and he spoke with firm resolve. "Let me make one thing clear: I won't leave of my own accord. If you want me gone, you'll have to use force."

Before the assistant manager could react, a sharp, resounding slap echoed through the room.


Natasha had delivered a powerful slap to the assistant manager's face, leaving her momentarily stunned and clutching her stinging cheek.

With a cold and commanding demeanor, Natasha continued, "Do you think you're something special? How dare you act with such arrogance here?" Her presence exuded a queen-like authority, imposing and unyielding.

"You... How could you even think of hitting me?" The assistant manager's eyes widened in disbelief.

Her boyfriend held the reins at Celestial Heights Restaurant, a man of wealth and influence with connections among high-ranking officials. In these restaurant walls, no one dared to show her disrespect.

And now, this woman had not only disrespected her but actually struck her?

It was absolutely outrageous!

"What's the issue? You got a problem with that?" Natasha responded unapologetically.

"You... You all just wait! I'll make sure you pay for this!" The assistant manager issued her threat as she began to turn and depart.

However, Scarlet suddenly reached out and grabbed her by the throat, effortlessly lifting her off the ground. She asked Dustin with a serious expression, "Big Bro Dustin, do you want me to kill her?
Thank you too much !
Chapter 1131 Stepping forward

"Got it!"

Immediately, a group of thugs pulled out their weapons and menacingly approached.

The Murray family members were in a state of panic and quickly huddled together.

They had been pampered since childhood, always protected by soldiers wherever they went. Now, facing this situation, they were somewhat at a loss.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

At this critical moment, a row of silver needles suddenly shot out.

The dozen or so thugs who charged forward were frozen in place, unable to move. Their weapons remained suspended in the air.

"Who did that? Who's playing tricks in the dark?"

Harrison's face darkened as he scanned the area with sharp eyes.

"It's me."

Dustin slowly stood up, instantly drawing everyone's attention.

The general's residence was in a declined morale, and in this situation, the guests on the scene were all in danger and dared not interfere.

No one had expected that someone would dare to step forward.

"Who are you?"

Harrison scrutinized him from top to bottom, looking somewhat suspicious.

"I'm a guest of the general's residence," Dustin said casually.

"I have debts to collect, and this matter has nothing to do with you. Mind your own business," warned Harrison.

"I owe the old general a favor, and today, I can't just stand by and watch," Dustin said with a slight shake of his head.

"Young man, it's good to know how to repay a debt, but it's equally crucial to speak within the bounds of one's abilities. If you're powerless and still want to be brave, you'll only have one path: death!" Harrison said with a cold expression.

"I've heard of the names of the Darkfang and Dreadclaw from the Valoria. Today, I want to give it a try," Dustin said, clasping his hands together, looking ready for a showdown.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

"Oh my God! Is this guy insane? He's actually challenging a martial arts master. Doesn't he care about his life?" Vivian widened her eyes, finding it hard to believe.

"Humph! What a fool! Thinks he's tough just because he knows a bit of martial arts? Daring to challenge a master-level expert? He's simply seeking his own death!" Chase sneered.

"A nail that sticks out gets hammered down (is a saying that emphasizes conformity and the potential consequences of standing out or challenging the norm). This kid is just looking for trouble!"

People whispered among themselves, amazed.

No one had expected Dustin to be so audacious. Not only did he ignore warnings, but he also openly provoked a martial arts master.

He's like a mantis trying to stop a car, utterly clueless!

"Humph! Since you enjoy seeking death, I'll grant your wish!" Harrison signaled, "Darkfang, take care of him!"

"No problem!"

Darkfang grinned, mocking as he walked forward, crossing his arms and looking down on Dustin. "Kid, don't say I bullied you. I'll let you throw three punches first, and if you..."


Before Darkfang could finish, Dustin's fists shot out like lightning, landing squarely on Darkfang's abdomen.


A loud explosion.

Darkfang instantly curled up like a shrimp, his whole body soaring ten meters away, crashing heavily onto the ground, leaving a deep pit where he knelt.

Darkfang's face twisted in pain, trembling as he pointed a finger at Dustin.

"You... You're not playing fair!"

With those words, he spat out a mouthful of blood and passed out on the spot.

Chapter 1132 Dragon-Binding Rope


The entire banquet hall suddenly fell silent.

As they watched Darkfang being sent flying by a single punch, everyone was dumbfounded.

Who was Darkfang?

A renowned powerhouse from the Valoria, a true martial arts master.

And yet, he had just been knocked down by a single punch from Dustin?

How was that even possible?!

"Oh my God! This kid is actually so formidable? Is it real?"

"Even though he looks kinda slim, his strength is seriously off the charts!."

"You can't judge a book by its cover!”

After a brief silence, the entire scene erupted into a commotion.

They had initially thought Dustin was looking for trouble, but now they realized that he had been hiding his true strength.

"Could it be? Is this kid a martial arts master?" Caden's face was filled with shock.

He had just witnessed how powerful Darkfang was. In just one move, he had been defeated without any resistance.

And now, Dustin had managed to defeat Darkfang. In other words, he was at least at the master level!

Because only a martial arts master could defeat another martial arts master.

Although this was the case, the result was still incredibly shocking.

A martial arts master in his early twenties was an extraordinary phenomenon!

He was a cut above the rest in the entire Balermo region!

Thinking back to their previous contempt and disdain, Caden felt his scalp tingle.

If they could get through this crisis today, he would have to reevaluate their relationship.

"Pff, what's the big deal? It's all just sneaky tricks! Without Dustin's surprise attack, there's no way he could've taken down Darkfang!”
Chase quickly regained his composure after a momentary daze and wore a look of disbelief.

"Totally! He wasn't ready, and this dude blindsided him with no honor whatsoever. It's downright disgraceful!" Vivian also raised doubts.

In their view, Dustin had only managed to defeat Darkfang because of the sneak attack, catching him off guard.

Such behavior was utterly deplorable and lacked the dignity of a martial arts master.

Chase and Vivian's words stirred up suspicion among the crowd.

Regardless, it was true that Dustin had launched the sneak attack first, and even if he won, it was not a honorable victory.

"I gotta admit, I didn't see this coming from the General's Residence. My bad for underestimating you" Harrison sized Dustin up and his expression grew more solemn.

Ordinary people might not understand, but he was well aware.

Dustin's earlier punch had clearly demonstrated the strength of a martial arts master.

Because ordinary martial artists couldn't break through Darkfang's defense at all.

So even if it was a sneak attack, it still wouldn't have harmed Darkfang in the slightest.

Dustin's ability to defeat Darkfang with a single punch indicated his formidable strength.

" Hah, if you're in the mood for a death wish, I'm happy to oblige!" Harrison said calmly, " Hey there, don't think too highly of yourself, young man. I've been scheming for five whole years. How do you reckon you can dismantle my plans all on your own?"

"What? Do you have any more cards to play?" Dustin asked in return.

" You wanna see my ultimate move? Well, buckle up, 'cause I'm about to show you!"

Harrison said as he suddenly raised his hand.

A fist-sized black sphere shot out from his sleeve, heading straight for Dustin's face.

Dustin narrowed his eyes and threw a punch.


A loud explosion as the black sphere was instantly shattered.

However, in the moment of its explosion, a golden net burst forth from within.

The golden net swiftly and silently ensnared Dustin, then spun to lock him in place, rendering him completely immobilized.

"Hmm?" Dustin furrowed his brows and attempted to struggle, but he was surprised to find that he couldn't break free from the golden net's grip.

"This... is the Dragon-Binding Rope?!"
Chapter 1133 Trapped

Dustin quickly realized the gravity of the situation, his face showing deep concern.

Something capable of restraining a martial arts master was exceedingly rare, and the Dragon-Binding Rope was one such example.

Rumors had it that the Dragon-Binding Rope was incredibly tough, resistant to blades and swords, impervious to water and fire. Even a martial arts master bound by it would be helpless, only able to await their fate.

However, this item was under the control of the Martial Law Bureau and was unattainable for ordinary people.

"That's right, this large net is woven with the Dragon-Binding Rope, specifically designed to deal with martial arts experts like you," Harrison admitted openly, "Originally, I had it as a precaution, but it looks like it has come in handy now. So, who do you think will win?"

Below the Grandmaster level, no matter who it was, once they were bound by the Dragon-Binding Rope, even if they had extraordinary abilities, it would be of no use.

"Oh no! Dustin is trapped by the Dragon-Binding Rope, and now there's no one to stop Dreadclaw!" Caden's face turned pale.

Dustin's sudden burst of strength had given him a glimmer of hope, but he hadn't expected that Harrison still had an ace up his sleeve.

"Damn, it's truly beyond redemption now," sighed the Murray family members. The faint glimmer of hope that had just arisen had quickly turned into despair.

"General Murray, no one can help you now," Harrison's gaze shifted to his own father, and he said coldly, "I'll give you two options. Either apologize to my deceased wife, or I'm gonna tear down the whole General's Residence!"

"You fool! You're toying with your own destruction!" General Murray bellowed, "Even if I'm mistaken, I'll never say sorry to a spy like her!"

"Don't force me!" Harrison's voice was filled with anger, gritting his teeth.

"You're the one pushing me to this!" General Murray's face showed unwavering resolve. "To defend a woman like her, you're willing to defy the entire family. You've truly gone insane!"

"Shut up! I won't allow you to insult her!"

Harrison roared and rushed forward with his sword.

At this moment, he had completely lost his reason and swung his sword without mercy.


Harrison's fierce strike landed heavily on General Murray's shoulder after tearing through his clothes, but it was blocked by General Murray's armor, unable to penetrate.

"You idiot! You're actually going to kill me!"

General Murray's expression darkened, his eyes filled with raging fury.

Harrison was about to pull back his sword but was stopped by General Murray, who held his hand firmly.

"Dreadclaw! Attack!"

Unable to withdraw his sword, Harrison shouted.


Dreadclaw leaped forward, pouncing on General Murray like a hungry tiger, his fingertips surrounded by a powerful aura capable of cutting through steel.

If he grabbed hold of someone, it would surely open them up and spill their guts.

"General, be careful!"

"Quick! Protect the General!"

Many people's faces turned pale.

Although many warriors rushed forward, they couldn't match Dreadclaw's speed and could only watch as General Murray faced imminent danger.

"It's over. The General is as good as dead!"

Many people closed their eyes unwillingly.

How could an elderly general withstand the attack of a martial arts master?

"Sky Sword!"

Suddenly, Dustin roared, and a black sword descended from the sky at an astonishing speed.

It pierced through the roof and slashed towards Dreadclaw like a bolt of lightning.

Despite its incredible speed, it was still too late, and everyone believed the situation was hopeless.

But just as everyone thought the battle was lost—

General Murray unexpectedly took action. With unbelievable speed, he grabbed Dreadclaw's neck, lifting him into the air.

Then, in front of Dreadclaw's terrified gaze, he suddenly squeezed.


Dreadclaw's head tilted to the side, instantly dying.

Chapter 1134 True Strength Revelation


Dustin was stunned.

Caden was stunned.

Harrison was stunned too.

The members of the Murray family, along with all the guests present, were all wide-eyed and wore expressions of disbelief.

When Dreadclaw launched his attack, they all thought that General Murray was in grave danger.

Because a martial arts master could easily kill an elderly man like General Murray, it would be as simple as cutting vegetables, requiring no effort at all.

However, none of them had expected that the final outcome would be the complete opposite.

Not only did Dreadclaw fail to harm General Murray, but he also lost his own life.

Moreover, General Murray didn't even spare a glance, simply grabbing Dreadclaw, suspending him in mid-air, and then crushing his neck with a single hand.

The ease with which he did it made it seem as if he had killed not a martial arts master, but a mere chick.

"I... I must be seeing things, right? Dreadclaw... actually died?"

"Oh my god! One move to instantly kill a martial arts master? Isn't that too powerful?"

"So, the old General is the one who's truly been hiding his strength. We were blind!"

After a brief silence, the scene erupted into an uproar.

Looking at the imposing General Murray, everyone's minds were in shock, and their expressions were filled with indescribable astonishment.

They had never imagined that an almost eighty-year-old General like General Murray would still possess such incredible power.

It was simply inconceivable.

"Hah! You think too highly of yourself!" General Murray scoffed, effortlessly holding Dreadclaw with one hand and nonchalantly tossing him aside, a look of disdain etched across his face. There was a loud "bang" as Dreadclaw's corpse crashed to the ground, splattering blood.

"How... how is this even possible? Are you really a martial arts expert?" Harrison stammered, his fear causing him to retreat a few paces, his face displaying sheer disbelief.

In his memory, he had never seen General Murray take action.

Even when he was ambushed and assassinated, he had never revealed his true strength.

He had always thought that his father's martial arts skills were not that high.

However, now he realized he was wrong, and very wrong at that.

The true ace of the Murray clan was not “the Ancestor”, but his father, General Christopher Murray!

"Did you believe I rose to the rank of Grand Marshal by chance?" General Murray's countenance turned icy, his gaze piercing. "After decades of warfare on the battlefield, hundreds of battles fought, if I didn't possess a certain level of strength, would I even be alive today?"

"You... you've deceived us for decades!" Harrison gritted his teeth, feeling unwilling.

"I've been fighting against villains, not school kids," General Murray declared loudly. "For all these years, I've hidden my true strength to give all of you a chance, to let you shine, because I didn't want any of you to live in my shadow!"

The position of the Dragonmarsh's Protector General was extremely rare, from ancient times to the present. To reach the same level as the Protector General was like trying to climb to the heavens.

In other words, as long as he held the position and wielded power, his three sons would never have a chance to rise.

Thus, he had voluntarily retreated into the background, choosing early retirement in the hope that his sons would climb onto his shoulders and reach greater heights.

In fact, his youngest son, Harrison, could have inherited the position of the General.

Sadly, he had strayed from the right path and squandered his once-promising life.

"That's it! Spare me your lofty rhetoric. If you genuinely cared about me, you wouldn't have pushed my wife to her death!" Harrison bellowed in fury.
Chapter 1135 The Unleashing of Deadly Warriors

"Come on, are you seriously going to stand your ground on this?" General Murray snapped. "That woman has been deceiving you from the beginning; she's out to ruin you. Why put your faith in her instead of your own family?"

"Shut up! I severed all ties with you folks five years ago, and that's final!" Harrison's face contorted with menace.

"You... you're beyond stubborn!" General Murray seethed with anger.

He had explained everything he needed to, said his piece, and yet, he couldn't fathom why Harrison refused to listen.

"General Murray! I admit, I underestimated you and your household, but if you think you've got this all figured out, you're dead wrong!"

Harrison gave a sinister grin and pulled a whistle from his pocket, blowing it with force.


Following the sharp whistle, there was an immediate commotion outside.

A group of heavily armored, burly guards burst into the room, exuding an intimidating aura far greater than the previous goons.

Their presence was overwhelming and sent shivers down spines.

"This is a team of elite warriors I've spent five years molding. Each one of them has been handpicked and battle-hardened!"

"Especially their armor, forged from top-grade mystic iron. It's impervious to blades and flames, capable of withstanding even the attacks of martial arts masters."

"I know they can't kill you, but as soon as I give the order, these warriors will unleash indiscriminate carnage!"

"At that moment, everyone in this banquet hall will meet their end!"

Harrison laughed wildly, looking somewhat unhinged.

At this point, he was prepared for a scenario of mutual destruction. Even if he couldn't harm Christopher directly, he was determined to bring down the entire Murray family with him.

He yearned for General Murray to feel remorse, to taste the bitterness of losing his loved ones.

"What on earth! Is this guy out of his mind? Why is he pulling us into this? This is a family matter; they should handle it themselves!"

"Yeah! Whatever's happening with the Murrays, we shouldn't be dragged into it!"

"If we had known we'd get caught up in such a mess, we wouldn't have come to celebrate today."

Due to Harrison's words, the guests at the scene trembled in fear, their faces paled.

They had initially come as spectators, mere onlookers.

Now, with the arrival of these warriors, the balance was shattered, and they were all inadvertently pulled into the chaos.

It was akin to gods locked in combat, while mortals bore the brunt of their strife.

"Are you attempting to intimidate me?" General Murray surveyed the room, his tone frigid. "Do you believe a group of warriors like these can wipe out the entire Murray lineage?"

"You can take as many lives as you please, but remember this: I'll turn the entire Murray estate into a relentless nightmare!" Harrison's determination was unwavering.

"You're far too naive. The General's household has endured for countless years; do you truly think its strength is merely skin-deep?"

General Murray shook his head, his expression clouded with disappointment. "Today, I'll unveil the true power concealed within the Murrays!"

With that, he casually clapped his hands.

*Clap, clap, clap...*

As the clapping reverberated, the banquet hall quivered.

In unison, the roof was violently ripped apart.

Dozens of assassins dressed in black, their faces concealed by masks, suddenly descended from the heavens, landing in front of the warriors.

And then, before anyone could react, these enigmatic black-clad assassins transformed into swift streaks of shadows, seamlessly weaving through the ranks of the warriors.

Like a whisper of wind drifting by, utterly soundless.

When the black-clad assassins stood still again, each one was holding a bloody severed head.

Chapter 1136 The Explosive Showdown

These black-clad assassins appeared out of nowhere, taking everyone entirely by surprise.

From their sudden arrival to the lightning-fast assault and its abrupt resolution, it all unfolded in the blink of an eye.

People couldn't believe it; it was as if they had blinked, and Harrison's meticulously groomed warriors had already been beheaded.

The entire process was unbelievably fast, leaving everyone unable to react.

*Clang, clang, clang...*

Accompanied by the sound of metal clashing, all of Harrison's dead warriors fell to the ground, lifeless and in pieces.

They were no match whatsoever.

After dealing with the dead warriors, these black-clad assassins held severed heads and stood silently on both sides, awaiting further orders.


Watching all of his meticulously trained dead warriors fall, Harrison was struck dumbfounded, frozen on the spot.

No matter how he had calculated, he hadn't foreseen that within the General's household, such a terrifying force remained hidden.

In just an instant, they had decimated all his warriors, a feat almost beyond belief.

"Harrison, you've overestimated yourself and underestimated the might of the General's household."

General Murray advanced steadily, stating, "Do you truly believe that after plotting for five years, you can bring down the Murrays? Have you ever considered the decades of legacy behind our family?"

"All your tricks and schemes are mere child's play in my eyes. Do you think I'm unaware of your covert activities? Do you believe your planted agents can escape my scrutiny?"

"I've seen through all your actions; I simply chose not to expose them. I hope you can wake up in time, I hope you can find your way back and mend your ways."

"Harrison, please, put an end to this. If you surrender now and truly repent, I can pretend that today never occurred. You're still my son, the heir of the Murray family. Promise me, okay?"

At this juncture, General Murray extended his hand slowly, his face reflecting a mix of hope and reluctance.

Blood is thicker than water, and Harrison was still his son, no matter what. Even in the face of grave mistakes, as long as he was willing to reform, General Murray would wholeheartedly provide him with protection.


Out of nowhere, Harrison chuckled, a blend of self-deprecation and sarcasm. "General Murray, don't play games with me. Do you really believe that saying all of this now serves any purpose? It's a matter of victory or defeat, and I don't require your sympathy or pity!"

"Harrison, why subject yourself to this? It's not too late; as long as you turn back now, everything can start anew," General Murray implored sincerely.

"Start anew? How can I start anew? Can you bring my wife back from the dead? Don't be absurd!"

Harrison sneered malevolently. "General Murray, I concede, but even in defeat, I'll take a few down with me. I want you to live with regret for the rest of your days!"

With that, he abruptly opened his clothing, revealing the explosives strapped to his body.

"Harrison, don't do anything reckless!"

At this moment, General Murray's expression finally shifted.

The others in the hall were even more horrified, hastily retreating.

Who could have imagined that Harrison had so many explosives on him?

This was a scenario of mutual destruction unfolding!

"Hahaha... All of you can go to hell!"

Harrison laughed loudly and pressed the detonation button.


General Murray rushed forward, but just as his fingers were about to touch Harrison, the explosives detonated with a deafening blast.


A thunderous explosion.

Harrison was torn apart on the spot, and a powerful shockwave emanated from his body, rapidly spreading in all directions.

General Murray, who had rushed forward, was lifted off his feet by the shockwave and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Those guests who were closer to the explosion were torn apart by the energy, blood spraying everywhere.
coool !
Chapter 1137: The Echoes of Revenge

The explosion sent guests sprawling, with some suffering severe injuries and others meeting an instant demise.

In the horrifying aftermath of the blast, the entire banquet hall was transformed into a flattened wasteland.

The air resounded with cries of anguish, and bloodied remnants were strewn about.


General Murray, his face a portrait of anguish, paid no mind to his own injuries. He urgently rushed to the heart of the explosion amidst the wreckage, desperately searching.

Yet, his relentless quest only unveiled the shattered remnants of Harrison.

The explosion had obliterated Harrison into an unrecognizable mass.

The most intact part was a half-bloodied, blurred head.

" Harrison! My dear son!"

General Murray held the broken remains, tears streaming uncontrollably. "Why? Why did you do this? Why did you act so recklessly? Why?"

He couldn't fathom, nor could he accept, that Harrison had resorted to such an extreme measure.

For revenge, he had even forsaken his own life.

General Murray was overcome by anguish, regret, anger, but above all, despair.

His most cherished son was gone, and his most promising successor was lost.

The entire General's residence lay in ruins.

And the cause of all this devastation traced back to a woman's gambit five years ago, a scheme that had sown the seeds of this catastrophe.

This... was the embodiment of a heart driven by ruthless vengeance!

Just as General Murray sobbed, holding his son's lifeless body, a ghostly figure suddenly crept near.

With astonishing speed, utterly silent, and drowned by the surrounding wails, the figure remained undetectable.

"General, watch out!"

Dustin, having just looked up, witnessed the scene and immediately shouted a warning.


Before the words could leave his lips, the figure struck General Murray with a thunderous blow to his back.


General Murray spat out a mouthful of blood, hurtling over ten meters before crashing heavily to the ground.

The recent explosion, combined with the shock of his son's death, had shattered his mental defenses, leaving him severely vulnerable. He had no chance to react to the sudden assault.

"Who... who are you?"

General Murray struggled to his feet, a whirlwind of shock and anger churning within him.

The assailant's attack had been ruthless and overwhelmingly powerful, shattering the majority of his meridians and leaving him in a critically weakened state.

"Hehehe... Old friend, after all these years, we meet again," a hoarse laugh accompanied the appearance of a short, elderly man in traditional Japanese attire, emerging from the lingering smoke and dust.

His wooden clogs resonated with a distinct "clang-clang-clang" as he advanced.

"Tatsuharu Yamamoto?"

Upon closer scrutiny, General Murray's countenance grew even darker. "So, it's you, you old dog!"

The newcomer was none other than Tatsuharu Yamamoto, the patriarch of the Tatsuharu Family and one of the ten Sword Saints of the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix.

"Old friend, despite the years apart, it seems you still remember me," Tatsuharu Yamamoto smiled, but his eyes betrayed a chilling coldness.

"Hmph! I'd recognize you even if I were reduced to ashes. Tell me, after I crippled your legs thirty years ago, do you dare to set foot on Dragonmarsh's territory now?"

"When it comes to the events of thirty years ago, I remember them vividly. I couldn't bear that humiliation, which is why I've come for revenge today," Tatsuharu Yamamoto smirked. "Of course, I'm a generous person. I won't let you leave this world alone. I'll wipe out your entire family, and your loved ones will accompany you in death. How's that for a surprise?"

Chapter 1138: The Revelations of Vengeance

"Yamamoto, you old schemer! Do you truly believe you can cause chaos here?" General Murray gradually straightened his posture, his gaze brimming with lethal intent. "Thirty years ago, I could knock you into the dirt, and I'm just as capable of it today."

"Old friend, don't overestimate yourself. You might deceive others, but you can't deceive me," Yamamoto sneered, shaking his head. "After years of warfare, your body is littered with scars, and with the recent explosion and my full-strength blow, you're gravely wounded. I doubt you can even stand steadily now."

"If you doubt me, go ahead and try," General Murray challenged, assuming a defensive posture.

Tatsuharu Yamamoto assessed him from head to toe, refraining from an immediate attack. Instead, he persisted in taunting, "Old friend, how does it feel? Losing your son must be devastating, isn't it? For the past five years, I've covertly invested significant effort in grooming him, but it appears it wasn't sufficient."

"So, it was you, you old schemer, who orchestrated all of this!" General Murray clenched his teeth, his breathing becoming rapid. "There are reasons for grievances, and you could have come after me. But why drag my son into this?"

"Hehehe... To confront you directly would be too difficult, so I had to exploit your weaknesses. Your youngest son, Harrison, was your biggest weakness." Yamamoto grinned. "Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention something. Harrison's wife, the woman who hung herself in the General's residence five years ago, she—she was my daughter!"

"You... What did you say?" General Murray trembled, finding it hard to believe.

"How does it feel? Quite a surprise, isn't it?" Tatsuharu Yamamoto laughed even more joyfully. "To get back at you, I deliberately had my daughter get close to your son, entangling him in a love affair. When the time was right, I ordered my daughter to hang herself, setting up the stage for your father and son to turn against each other. This plan was just too perfect!"

"You despicable wretch!" General Murray seethed. "For the sake of revenge, you didn't spare even your own daughter. Have you no humanity left?"

"What does a daughter matter? In our Kingdom, women are treated as commodities, expendable at any moment. My daughter willingly sacrificed herself for my revenge scheme; it was a matter of honor. Besides, she succeeded and fulfilled her purpose." Yamamoto remained callous and indifferent.

To achieve great things, one must be ruthless.

What did it matter if he lost a daughter?

"You despicable scum! I'll kill you!" General Murray's eyes bulged, and he lunged forward, delivering a palm strike towards Yamamoto.

Yamamoto's eyes narrowed, and he retaliated with a palm strike of his own.

The iron palms of the two grandmasters clashed in mid-air.


A thunderous explosion reverberated.

Fierce energy erupted, and a shockwave of internal energy (Qi) burst forth from the point of collision, violently knocking down those unfortunate souls nearby, causing them to crash heavily onto the ground and cough up blood.


Yamamoto was pushed back by the collision, sliding more than ten meters away, leaving deep marks on the ground from his feet.

In contrast, General Murray, after retreating two steps, stabilized his stance.

The difference in strength was clear.


As General Murray prepared to strike again, his body suddenly shuddered. With a violent "wretch," he spat out a large mouthful of blood.

His entire body wobbled, and he nearly fell to the ground.

Already severely injured, forcing his internal energy (Qi) had only worsened his condition.


Seeing this, Yamamoto couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Old friend, it seems you're no longer capable."

Fortunately, the opponent had been injured earlier; otherwise, he might not have been able to withstand that last strike.

"You vile and shameless creature!" General Murray clenched his teeth, feeling his energy and blood churning, rendering him weak all over.
General Murray is Christopher Murray
1141 master… ataya ui.. makasubaybay man sad ta ani 😂

Chapter 1139: The Hostage Drama

Moments ago, Yamamoto had clearly provoked him intentionally, baiting him into launching an attack to gauge his actual power. Now, he didn't even have the opportunity to mount a counteroffensive.

"Old friend, in victory or defeat, you have already lost. Today is the day of your death," Yamamoto grinned. "But before you die, I want you to watch your descendants be slaughtered!"

Saying this, he snapped his fingers.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

In the next moment, a large number of ninjas emerged from underground. These ninjas were meticulously trained assassins of the Tatsuharu Family, each of them highly skilled. Not only were they powerful, but they were also masters of assassination techniques. They appeared like ghosts, making it difficult to defend against.

"Hold them off!" General Murray roared.

The black-clad assassins of the Murray family immediately drew their swords and rushed forward. Although they were outnumbered, they were much more skilled, and facing multiple opponents was not a problem for them.

However, the ninjas from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix kept coming, and as soon as one was killed, another would immediately emerge from underground. For a while, the two forces were deadlocked.

"Stop! Stop all of you! Otherwise, I'll kill her!"

At this moment, a loud voice rang out. Tatsuharu Nakamura, who was among the crowd, suddenly walked out, grabbing Shiela and placing a knife against her throat.

"Shiela?!" General Murray's face immediately changed.

The members of the Murray family were equally stunned and incensed. The previous explosion had reduced the entire banquet hall to rubble, and the ensuing mayhem had diverted everyone's attention, preventing them from noticing Nakamura's moves. It was inconceivable that this individual had concealed himself among the guests, covertly snatched Shiela, and was now using her as a hostage.

Now, even if they wanted to resist, they had to be careful not to provoke him further.

"Nakamura! You have some nerve to hold my daughter hostage! Release her immediately!" Caden was furious.

Just earlier, the two sides had reached an agreement to cooperate in dealing with Dustin. They had not expected Nakamura to turn on them so suddenly.

"Caden, don't attempt to intimidate me. The Murray family is already on the brink, and it's now the Tatsuharu Family that's in control!" Nakamura sneered. "Now, swiftly command your people to disarm or I'll kill her!"

As he spoke, he lightly lifted the blade, piercing Shiela's skin.

A thin stream of blood flowed down her fair neck.

"Hahaha... My grandson truly doesn't disappoint! Excellent job!" Tatsuharu Yamamoto erupted in laughter once more.

In a direct confrontation, even if they emerged victorious, the painstakingly cultivated strength of his own family would incur substantial losses. However, with Tatsuharu Nakamura holding Shiela as a hostage, he could compel them to capitulate entirely without resorting to combat.

"Why? Aren't you supposed to be Garrett's friend? Why are you doing this?" Shiela found it hard to believe.

"Friend?" Tatsuharu Nakamura chuckled, his tone mocking. "Shiela, do you have a problem with your brain? I'm from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, and you're from the Dragonmarsh. How could we ever be friends?"

"What about last night?" Shiela was puzzled.

"Hehehe... Shiela, can't you see it now?" Nakamura sneered. "Last night, I kidnapped you to use as leverage against Dustin."

"I just didn't expect that when the truth came out, Garrett would actually speak up for me and deliberately slander Dustin. I can only say that you Dragonmarsh people never change. You always fight amongst yourselves. It's because of this that you gave me the opportunity."

With these words, Shiela was thunderstruck, frozen in place.

Chapter 1140 Deceptions and Lies

"What... What did you say?"

Shiela was utterly bewildered, struggling to grasp the situation. "You... You kidnapped me? Is this some kind of sick joke?"

"That's correct, we all deceived you," Nakamura admitted bluntly. "But you can attribute it to your own naivety. You lacked the discernment to separate truth from falsehood. A few casual remarks, and you took them to heart. Utterly gullible!"

"So... I misunderstood Dustin? I misjudged him?" Shiela quivered, tears brimming in her eyes, overwhelmed by profound regret.

She had never anticipated that the reality would be so different. She had believed that her cousin wouldn't deceive her, that her closest friends wouldn't betray her trust, and that Dustin was genuinely up to no good. Yet, Nakamura's recent revelations made her suddenly realize that everything she had believed was a fabrication.

Garrett had duped her, her closest friends had lied to her, and only Dustin had been sincerely attempting to rescue her, to assist her. But she not only failed to recognize it but had even attempted to expel him from her household.

What had she been thinking? How could she have been so misled, so foolish?

"Why? Why did you all deceive me?" Shiela turned her gaze toward Chase and Vivian, her expression marked by doubt and bewilderment.

She couldn't fathom why her closest friends would deceive her.


Under the weight of Shiela's accusatory stare, Chase, Vivian, and the others lowered their heads, their silence speaking volumes. They hadn't anticipated Nakamura's brazen challenge to the General's Residence, which had shattered their carefully constructed facade.

"Dustin, I'm so sorry... I never expected things to turn out like this," Shiela said to Dustin amid the onlooking crowd, her cheeks continuously wet with tears. She felt ashamed, full of regret, burdened with pain, and deeply self-reproachful.

She had always despised those who repaid kindness with malice, yet she had become one of them.

"Madam Shiela, this isn't the time for such words. Our immediate concern is to ensure our survival," Dustin replied, shaking his head gently.

He harbored no resentment toward Shiela, but their friendship could never be the same again. Some wounds were irreparable.

"Dustin, Brother..." Shiela attempted to explain but found herself at a loss for words. She could keenly perceive that his gaze had shifted, becoming unfamiliar and devoid of its former warmth.

"Enough! Stop chattering here. Call everyone to drop their weapons immediately, or I'll kill her!" Nakamura impatiently threatened, pressing his blade against Shiela's wound, causing blood to drip ominously.

"Hold it! I caution you not to make any rash moves! If my daughter is harmed in any way, I promise you'll meet a horrific demise!" Caden thundered.

"Now, I have the hostage. I dictate the terms. I'll begin counting to three, and if you don't lower your weapons, I'll sever her arm first!" Nakamura threatened once more.

"Old man Yamamoto, if your grandson dares to harm my granddaughter, even if I have to stake my life, I'll kill him!" General Murray declared sternly.

"Old friend, your own life is hanging by a thread, and you're still concerned about so much?" Yamamoto sneered.

General Murray, despite his grave injuries, maintained a watchful stance, apprehensive that Nakamura might make a rash move.

"Three..." Nakamura began counting.

"Wretch! You dare!" Caden shouted.

"Two..." Nakamura remained undaunted.

"Caden, release the Dragon-Binding Rope for me, and I can rescue your daughter," Dustin suddenly interjected.

Previously restrained by the Dragon-Binding Rope, he couldn't move freely unless he resorted to forcefully activating his secret technique, rendering escape nearly impossible.

"You? What makes you believe you can rescue her?" Caden furrowed his brow.
Waiting for 1131 haha... Thank bro... Keep the continuation coming

Chapter 1091: Alchemy Process

It was only when the Old Drunkard saw Dustin's smirking face that he finally realized what was happening. He grumbled irritably, "You little brat! Do you have nothing better to do? Go prank someone else!"

With that said, he flopped back onto the recliner, preparing to take a nap.

"Enough of that; we have business to attend to," Dustin said.

He took out two wooden boxes and placed them on the table. Inside were the Millennium Green Lotus (Heliotrope)and the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom (Cherusia). Dustin explained, "We had a good harvest in Millsburg, and we've gathered the last two premium spiritual herbs. Now we can start refining the Life-Prolonging Pill (Longevitium)."

"Oh? So soon?" The Old Drunkard (Gregory) sat up lazily. "I thought I wouldn't live for many more days, but it seems you've managed to collect all the spiritual herbs. You're incredibly lucky!"

"Enough chit-chat; bring out the spiritual herbs you've collected before," Dustin urged.

"Fine, fine, give me a moment to find them," the Old Drunkard replied lazily. He then began rummaging through various drawers and cabinets, taking quite a while before he finally gathered all the collected herbs.

"Maximus, guard the door and don't let anyone in," Dustin instructed.

"Yes!" Maximus responded and sat down by the door, holding his sword with a vigilant gaze, scanning his surroundings.

"Caitlin, go collect some medicinal herbs for me."

Dustin handed Caitlin a prescription and asked her to fetch the required herbs.

Although Peaceful Medical Clinic was peaceful, they had limited access to medicinal herbs, and Caitlin needed to go to the city to obtain them.

"Of course!"

Caitlin nodded obediently and quickly left.

After a while, she returned with various medicinal herbs, panting slightly.

"Starting from now, I'll be going into seclusion. I can't predict how long it will take, so no one should disturb me until I come out," Dustin instructed.

With that said, he entered the laboratory.

Inside, he didn't rush into alchemy immediately. Instead, he took out an ancient book and began studying it carefully.

The Life-Prolonging Pill (Longevitium), also known as the Nine-Cycle Life-Prolonging Golden Pill, was said to have the effects of rejuvenation and resurrection. It was the only medicine that could counteract the Five Signs of Aging in a person's life.

However, despite more than a hundred years of searching, no one had ever successfully refined it. This was due to the rarity of the required spiritual herbs and the immense difficulty in the alchemical process.

Despite Dustin's superb alchemical skills, he was still not entirely confident.

To avoid any mishaps, he meticulously studied the alchemical process over and over again, ensuring that every detail was correct.

Once he was certain, Dustin sat in meditation for the time it took for an incense stick to burn.

Only when he felt that his mental and physical condition had returned to its peak did he start the process of alchemy.

Although it was his first attempt, Dustin's movements were smooth and unwavering, without any pauses. He had mentally rehearsed this process thousands of times.

The flames in the furnace roared, and the fragrance of herbs filled the air.

Dustin systematically added various herbs to the cauldron while simultaneously controlling the intensity of the fire with his true internal energy.

Alchemy was a delicate art where even the smallest detail could determine success or failure. The age of the herbs, the technique used, the quality of the cauldron, the temperature inside the furnace, the order of adding herbs, and even the mysterious element of luck all played roles in the final result.

Dustin couldn't afford to make any mistakes, as a single error could lead to failure.

Now, as the cauldron reached its critical moment, Dustin could feel sweat forming on his forehead, and his true internal energy was rapidly depleting.

Inside the cauldron, the mixture began to boil, and the lid on top started to vibrate.

A unique fragrance slowly emanated from it.

"This is the crucial moment!"

Dustin took a deep breath, and his palms pushed forward.

His true internal energy surged like a torrent, rushing into the furnace.

The flames under the cauldron surged into the sky, reaching their peak at this critical juncture.

Just as Dustin focused all his attention, there was a sudden "boom," and the cauldron exploded.

Chapter 1092: Failure or success?


Dustin's expression changed as he looked at the shattered cauldron. He suddenly became nervous. It had been so close, just a tiny bit away from success. Why did it explode all of a sudden? Could it be that all his hard work was in vain?

"No... It can't be!" Dustin shook his head, his face drenched in sweat. He couldn't accept failure, nor could he accept the current situation.

He began searching frantically amidst the wreckage of the cauldron, leaving no trace or piece of medicine residue unexamined. He was like a starving wolf foraging in the wilderness, fierce and desperate.

As he sifted through the debris, Dustin suddenly froze. At the very bottom of the medicine residue, a glint of gold appeared. This golden glint, compared to the surrounding debris, was like a beacon of light in the darkness, exceptionally bright.

After a brief moment of shock, Dustin carefully extended his hand, gingerly pushing aside the debris around the golden glint.

Bit by bit, inch by inch, with tension and anxiety, he slowly cleared away all the debris.

In the end, a complete golden pill was revealed, clear and smooth, shining like pure gold, dazzling and radiant. Accompanied by a refreshing medicinal fragrance.

"It... it's done?" Dustin stared wide-eyed, both surprised and overjoyed. "Hahaha... it's done! I've succeeded!"

He burst into laughter, filled with excitement. The explosion of the cauldron a moment ago had almost made him despair, but at the last moment, the Life-Prolonging Pill (Longevitium) had formed.

All his hard work in gathering so many premium spiritual herbs had not been in vain.

"Old Drunkard!"

Dustin kicked open the door of the pharmacy, cradling the Life-Prolonging Pill in his hands, and walked out excitedly. "Take a look at this!"

Hearing the commotion, the Old Drunkard, who had been clutching his wine bottle and taking swigs, turned around and was instantly dumbfounded. "Holy crap! You actually did it? I thought it was just a bluff!"

Although the ancient records mentioned the Life-Prolonging Pill's ability to counteract the Five Signs of Aging, it was merely a legend. Who knew if it was real or not? Could it actually be achieved?

At first, he hadn't held much hope.

Now, looking at the extraordinary appearance of the golden pill in front of him, he became instantly excited.

"With this Life-Prolonging Pill, you should be able to counteract your Five Signs of Aging. Give it a try," Dustin handed the golden pill to him.

"Don't be in a rush. At a historic moment like this, we must have some good wine."

The Old Drunkard rubbed his hands together and then ran to the backyard of the clinic. He picked up a hoe and started digging in a corner.

After digging for quite a while, he finally unearthed three sealed jars of wine. These were the precious bottles of Daughter Red wine that the Old Drunkard had been hoarding for years. Normally, he wouldn't even think of drinking them, but now, it was time to let these fine wines see the light of day.

"My treasures, you've waited a long time, haven't you? Hehehe..."

The Old Drunkard grinned and, in high spirits, picked up one of the wine jars and returned to the main hall.

As he opened the jar, a rich wine fragrance immediately filled the air, with a scent that was intoxicating and delightful.

"Come, come, come! Today, I'm in a good mood. Let's all have a drink!"

The Old Drunkard said while taking out three thumb-sized miniature wine cups.

Then, he took out a wine ladle and carefully poured a little wine into each of the three cups, making sure not to spill a drop.

Chapter 1093: The Miraculous Effect

The Old Drunkard had no intention of refilling their cups at all.

The three of them exchanged glances, rendered speechless.

In the end, the Old Drunkard finished an entire jar of wine, not leaving a single drop behind.


After finishing the wine, the Old Drunkard let out a satisfied belch, feeling rejuvenated and in excellent spirits.

Only after feeling completely satisfied did he pick up the Life-Prolonging Pill and swallow it in one gulp.


As soon as the Life-Prolonging Pill entered his throat, it transformed into streams of golden energy that instantly permeated his body, coursing through his limbs and bones.

These energies were imbued with immense vitality, like a fountain of life, continuously nourishing the Old Drunkard's body.

His withered meridians began to come back to life, and his pale complexion gradually regained its radiance. In his cloudy old eyes, a flicker of gold seemed to shimmer.

His limbs, organs, skin, muscles, hair—everything began to change slowly.

At this moment, the Old Drunkard, who had been frail, listless, and hunched over, appeared as if he had undergone a complete transformation, shedding his old self like a snake shedding its skin.

"What an incredible medicinal effect!"

Dustin and the others were utterly amazed. The effects displayed by the Life-Prolonging Pill were not merely therapeutic; it was more like a metamorphosis, a rebirth.

The Old Drunkard, who was originally weak, feeble, and decrepit, looked like a dying old man.

Now, his physique had become robust, his appearance youthful, and his aura powerful.

His entire presence had undergone a qualitative change, and even without taking any action, just standing there, he exuded a tremendous pressure.

"Hahaha... Feels great!"

The Old Drunkard stretched lazily, and his joints crackled like popping beans.

There was no denying that the Life-Prolonging Pill was truly miraculous, worthy of being called a legendary herbal medicine. Not only did it alleviate the Five Signs of Aging, but it also granted him a new lease on life.

"Granpa Gregory, how do you feel?" Dustin asked cautiously.

"What's there to say? I feel fantastic!" The Old Drunkard was overjoyed, feeling invigorated. "After just one Life-Prolonging Pill, I not only saved my life but also cleared my blocked meridians. Though I may not be back to my peak state, I now have about seventy percent of my strength."

"That's great, as long as you can recover," Dustin sighed in relief, his long-held anxiety finally dissipating.

The heavens had not forsaken those with determination. After so much effort, he had finally fulfilled one of his long-cherished wishes by curing the Old Drunkard's terminal illness. Now, it was time to avenge his mother.

He would not only challenge the strongest expert in the whole kingdom but also uncover the truth behind what happened all those years ago.

No matter who the mastermind was or what kind of background they had, he would not give up easily.

One day, he would use the head of the mastermind to pay tribute to his deceased mother.

*Ring Ring Ring...*

Suddenly, a cell phone rang.

Dustin answered, and Shiela's voice quickly came through the line.

"Dustin, big brother! Something terrible has happened! My father has suffered a severe injury and is on the verge of death. All the doctors are helpless, and now only you can save him! Please, you must save my father!"

Chapter 1094: The Arrival of the Miracle Doctor

In the afternoon, within a special ward at the Riverbend Medical Center in Millsburg, Caden Murray lay unconscious on the bed. His complexion was as pale as paper, his breath was weak, his heartbeat was slow, and his body felt ice-cold. At first glance, he looked like a corpse.

A group of experts and professors stood inside the ward, discussing the patient's condition in hushed voices and deliberating treatment plans. However, after much discussion, none of the experts had any solution to offer.

Lily, Shiela, Vivian, and Chase could only stand by, feeling helpless, unable to assist in any way.

"Dr. Jordan, how is my husband's condition? Can he be treated?" Unable to contain her anxiety any longer, Lily asked.

"Mr. Murray’s condition is extremely unusual. We have searched through medical literature, but we couldn't find any corresponding symptoms. We are at a loss," Dr. Jordan, the most senior among the experts, shook his head, expressing his regret.

With symptoms like these that stumped even the experts, they were at a loss on how to proceed.

"What? If you can't treat it, who can?" Lily started to panic.

She had previously contacted the Stoneray Valley, but the Dr Linden Watkins (Medicine King) was currently away and couldn't return immediately. The senior from Stoneray Valley who had been dispatched was also helpless.

"I suggest that we go to Stonia and seek help from experts there. It's a gathering place for elite physicians, and we might find someone capable," Dr. Jordan suggested.

"With the current situation, we don't even know if we have enough time for that," Lily furrowed her brow.

"No need to go to such trouble. I've already brought in a miracle doctor," Garrett Murray suddenly entered the room.

Behind him was a middle-aged man in a lab coat with a balding head. The man was accompanied by two assistants, each carrying a large medicine chest.

"Let me introduce you. This is Mr. Tanaka Ryoichi from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix. When Morgan was kicked by a horse and nearly lost her life, it was Dr Tanaka who saved her. His medical skills have reached an incredible level!" Garrett Murray spoke with great respect.

"Tanaka Ryoichi? Is he the renowned miracle doctor from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix?"

"That's right! I studied in the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix previously and had the privilege of meeting Dr Tanaka in person. He is indeed a legendary miracle doctor!"

"With Dr Tanaka's help, it looks like Mr. Murray has a chance to recover today."


The entire ward buzzed with excitement upon Dr Tanaka's arrival. Many doctors and medical professionals looked at him with admiration, as if they were gazing upon an idol.

Although the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix wasn't particularly large, its advancements in medicine surpassed even those of the Dragonmarsh. Many doctors in the country had sought ways to study abroad in the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix for the prestige it brought upon returning.

They would be considered top-tier experts immediately.

"A miracle doctor?" Lily's face brightened when she saw Dr Tanaka. She eagerly said, "Dr Tanaka, please, you must save my husband. We are willing to pay any price!"

Dr Tanaka subtly shifted his gaze and then walked to the bed, carefully examining Mr. Murray's condition.

After a while, he calmly said, "The patient's condition is the result of a deviation in his cultivation, causing disturbances in his meridians and blood flow. For ordinary doctors, it would indeed be an incurable terminal illness. However, for me, it's a piece of cake."

Upon hearing these words, everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dr Tanaka, you truly deserve your reputation as a miracle doctor. You've diagnosed the condition at a glance. You're amazing!" Chase praised.

"Dr Tanaka, please begin treatment immediately," Lily urged, her hope rekindled.

Chapter 1095: The Confrontation

"Dragonmarsh's doctors are truly inadequate. After all the fuss, they couldn't do anything, and we have to rely on Dr Tanaka to step in," Vivian exclaimed.

"You're absolutely right! They're all a bunch of useless individuals, not even a match for a single finger of Dr Tanaka," many of Murray’s family members flattered.

All the experts and professors from the Dragonmarsh had been helpless, while Dr Tanaka immediately diagnosed the condition with just a glance. This disparity was evident to everyone.

"Dr Tanaka, since you know how to treat it, please save him as soon as possible," Lily urged anxiously.

"Bring me my medicine."

Dr Tanaka beckoned his assistants, and they placed a medicine chest in front of him.

He opened the chest, rummaging through it until he retrieved a black medicine bottle.

"This medicine is called 'Golden Jade Soup,' made from a hundred and eight precious medicinal herbs, specifically designed to unblock meridians and smooth the flow of Internal energy and blood. It has excellent effects! After a patient takes this medicine, they will safely wake up within three minutes, and all will be well. However, it is a bit expensive."

"How much?" Lily asked hesitantly.

"Three billion," Dr Tanaka stated nonchalantly.

"Three billion?"

Hearing this, the doctors from the Dragonmarsh were left dumbfounded.

Why not just rob a bank?

A medicine worth three billion? That was an outrageous price.

"No problem! As long as it can save my husband, I'm willing to pay!" Lily didn't hesitate.

Although three billion wasn't a small sum, she could afford it. Compared to her husband's life, money was inconsequential.

"Alright, since the lady is so generous, I will start now."

Dr Tanaka smiled faintly and then helped Mr. Murray sit up. He opened the medicine bottle and was about to feed it to him.

"This medicine has to be ingested; Mr. Murray won't survive for more than three days!"

Suddenly, a cold voice echoed at the door.


Everyone turned to look, and they saw a disheveled figure entering the room: it was none other than Dustin.

After receiving a call from Shiela, Dustin had rushed back to Millsburg immediately. He had brought along the Old Drunkard and the others from the Peaceful Medical Clinic, arranging them to stay at Zypher Lodge temporarily.

"Dustin, you're here!" Shiela's eyes lit up as she quickly went to greet him.

"It's a good thing you came in time; otherwise, it could have turned into a disaster."

Dustin cast a sharp glance at Dr Tanaka and questioned him, "You're from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, right? You're willing to compromise people's lives for the sake of profit. Do you even deserve to be called a doctor?"

"Outrageous!" Garrett Murray scolded angrily. "Who do you think you are to speak to Dr Tanaka like this?"

"That's right! Dr Tanaka is a renowned miracle doctor from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix. His medical skills are extraordinary. Who are you to criticize him?" Vivian wore an unpleased expression.

"Hmph! Do you even know who I am?" Dustin responded coldly. "You're just a swindler! Dr Tanaka, you're selling a cheap medicine called 'Golden Jade Soup' for a sky-high price. The medicinal herbs used in it are only worth a few hundred dollars. You're boldly asking for three billion. Most importantly, your medicine cannot cure the disease; it will only provide a short-lived improvement. Once taken, the patient will undoubtedly die!"

With these words, Dr Tanaka's complexion immediately changed.

Chapter 1096: A Battle of Words

"You... You're spouting nonsense!" Dr Tanaka tried to maintain a calm facade but appeared somewhat flustered after being exposed.

Although he didn't want to admit it, the "Golden Jade Soup" was indeed a low-cost product, with ingredients worth only a few hundred dollars. However, given his fame and medical expertise, he could sell it for a thousand times its value.

"Nonsense? How about you dare to examine the medicine with me?" Dustin continued to press, "If I'm not mistaken, your 'Golden Jade Soup' should also contain components similar to stimulants. While it provides immediate relief, it overdrafts the patient's life. You are nothing but a person who values money over lives – a scoundrel!"

"Outrageous! I am a medical king from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, and you dare to defame me? I command you to apologize to me immediately!" Dr Tanaka was furious.

"Apologize? Are you even worthy of it?" Dustin sneered.

"Do not apologize? Fine! Then I won't treat him anymore, and you can handle it yourselves!" Dr Tanaka became infuriated and prepared to leave with his medicine box.

"Dr Tanaka!"

Seeing this, Garrett Murray quickly stopped him, wearing a placating smile. "Please don't be angry. This person is simply insane and knows nothing. Please don't lower yourself to his level. Saving lives is what truly matters."

"Yes, Dr Tanaka! Human lives are at stake, and only you can treat this illness!" Everyone chimed in with their persuasions.

"Dustin! You'd better shut up! If you dare to disrespect Dr Tanaka again, I will immediately kick you out!" Garrett Murray shouted angrily.

"You! Who gave you the audacity to speak disrespectfully to Dr Tanaka? Apologize to him immediately!" Vivian demanded.

"That's right! Apologize immediately!" echoed Chase.

At this moment, almost everyone in the room directed angry glares at Dustin, thoroughly displeased.

From the moment he entered, Dustin had questioned and accused everyone, nearly forcing Dr Tanaka to leave. This infuriated them greatly.

"Everything I said is true. Why should I apologize?" Dustin remained indifferent. "This doctor is only concerned about money. He cannot cure the illness. Let him go. I will personally treat the patient."

"You? Who do you think you are?" Garrett Murray retorted with an icy expression. "You are nothing but a nobody! Dr Tanaka, you shouldn't even engage with him."

"Hmph! Dragonmarsh's doctors are nothing more than a bunch of useless people!" Vivian added, "They can handle common colds and fevers, but when it comes to complicated cases, only a miracle doctor like Dr Tanaka from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix can manage it seamlessly."

"It's common knowledge that medical techniques in the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix surpass those in the Dragonmarsh by far. They're not even in the same league. With your limited medical skills, you're not even qualified to shine Dr Tanaka's shoes!" Chase followed suit in belittling Dustin.

"You people have been kneeling for so long that you can't stand up anymore, can you?" Dustin scanned the room with a cold gaze. "Let me educate you. Medical knowledge in the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix originated from Traditional Chinese Medicine from the Dragonmarsh. They've learned from us, and they've only scratched the surface. When it comes to top-tier medical talents, ten Golden Phoenix wouldn't be enough. You're shortsighted. It's okay to admire others, but please don't insult the doctors of the Dragonmarsh with your ignorance."

With these words, some of the Dragonmarsh's doctors in the room were filled with renewed vigor. They couldn't help but feel pleased after being scolded for being incompetent.

Chapter 1097: Dilemma

Just as Dustin was about to speak, he was interrupted by Lily's stern voice, "Enough! This is not the time for arguments. Saving a life is the top priority!"

"Yeah, yeah! Dustin, please save my dad!" Shiela quickly realized the situation.

Although Dr Tanaka had a great reputation, Shiela had more trust in Dustin.


Dustin was about to step forward but was stopped by Garrett Murray. "This is a matter of life and death, and you can't act recklessly. Dr Tanaka must treat this illness!"

"I've said it before; he can't treat it and will only harm the patient," Dustin coldly replied.

"If Dr Tanaka can't treat it, you're even less qualified!" Garrett Murray retorted with a stern expression.

"I told you he couldn't treat it; he would only harm the patient." Dustin remained firm.

"If not even Dr Tanaka can treat it, you're even less likely to!" Garrett Murray argued.

"Wait a minute!"

Dustin had to stop and take a deep breath. He didn't want to make things worse.

"Mom, Dustin is very talented. Let him treat Dad; I believe he can do it!" Shiela suddenly spoke up.

"Shiela, this concerns your father's life. How can we entrust it to an unknown youngster? If there's an error, who will take responsibility?" Garrett Murray frowned.

"Yeah, Shiela, this doesn't seem reliable. Dr Tanaka is more skilled." Vivian also tried to persuade.

"Dr Tanaka is a divine physician with unparalleled expertise. He will surely cure the patient. If we let this boy handle it, it would be dangerous for Sir Murray!" Chase warned.

With everyone persuading her, Shiela began to feel unsure.

She was soft-hearted and, with so many people pressuring her, her belief wavered.

"This lady, you wouldn't want any harm to come to your husband, would you?" Dr Tanaka said meaningfully.


Lily hesitated. Finally, she turned to Dustin, looking apologetic. "Young man, I appreciate your efforts, but for the sake of safety, I still believe Dr Tanaka should be the one to treat my husband."

"Madam, it's not that I want to take credit, but Dr Tanaka won't be able to cure him. Instead, he might worsen the situation. Please reconsider!" Dustin's expression was serious.

Although he was irritated by Mr. Murray, he was willing to help because of Shiela and the old general.

"Young man, for the sake of your safety, it's better to have Dr Tanaka treat him." Lily nodded seriously. "Young man, please leave. Don't interfere and cause any trouble for Dr Tanaka."

This was essentially an eviction order.

"Hear that? Leave quickly and stop challenging Dr Tanaka! You, an unknown youngster, dare to challenge Dr Tanaka? You're so ignorant!" Everyone showed disdain, treating Dustin with contempt.

"Let's hope you don't regret this," Dustin said, not wanting to say more. He had said what needed to be said and tried to convince them, but he couldn't force them to believe him.

Chapter 1098: Life Saved

"Dustin, brother!"

When Dustin left, Shiela felt anxious and hurriedly followed him, apologizing, "Dustin, I'm really sorry. I didn't expect Dr Tanaka to come. It's all my fault. Please don't be angry."

"Shiela, I'm not angry. From a doctor's perspective, I also hope your father gets well. It's just a pity that no one believes me," Dustin shook his head.

He had already warned them repeatedly, but if they didn't believe him, he couldn't force them.

"Dustin, I believe in you, but..."

Shiela hesitated. As the daughter, she couldn't make the final decision.

"Shiela, it's okay. You go back to the ward. I'll have a cup of coffee outside. If you need anything, just call me," Dustin smiled and patted her shoulder.


Shiela nodded and reluctantly went back into the ward.

She felt guilty for making him go through all this trouble.

"Shiela, why do you care about that guy? Let him leave. What's so remarkable about an insurance salesman? Is he worth your attention?" After Shiela entered the room, Vivian started provoking again.

"That's right! With Dr Tanaka here, why do we need this guy to interfere?" Chase glanced outside the door and expressed his disdain.

"Dr Tanaka, no one is bothering you anymore. Please hurry and treat the patient," Lily urged.

"Alright, seeing your sincerity, I'll help you one more time."

Dr Tanaka pretended to nod solemnly, then opened the black medicine bottle again and fed all the brewed golden jade soup into Mr. Murray's mouth.

After that, he took silver needles from his medicine box and pierced various acupuncture points on Mr. Murray's body.

He continued to pierce more than a dozen needles before finally stopping.

"My acupuncture and moxibustion techniques can also clear meridians and regulate blood and internal energy. With the priceless golden jade soup, I guarantee that the patient will make a full recovery!" Dr Tanaka said confidently.

"If that's the case, then it's great."

Lily was nervous and stared at Mr. Murray on the hospital bed intently.

Once the golden jade soup was ingested, its effects quickly took hold. Mr. Murray's originally pale face gradually became rosy and radiant.

His weak breathing became strong and vigorous.

All the physiological parameters on the monitor gradually returned to normal.

In just a few minutes, Mr. Murray's heart rate, blood pressure, pulse rate, body temperature, and other indicators had all returned to standard values.

Although he had not regained consciousness, he had essentially stabilized and was no longer in danger.

"It's effective! The patient's physiological parameters have returned to normal, and his condition is completely stable!"

"No wonder Dr Tanaka is so amazing. With just a few needles and some medicine, he easily saved a patient with a terminal illness. Incredible!"

"A divine physician! Truly a miraculous healer!"

Seeing Mr. Murray looking healthy and energetic, everyone was excited and filled with admiration.

Earlier, so many doctors had been powerless, but when Dr Tanaka stepped in, he effortlessly pulled Mr. Murray back from the brink of death.

His medical skills were truly incredible!

"Aunt, Shiela, I wasn't wrong, was I? With Dr Tanaka here, Uncle will definitely be safe," Garrett Murray said with a smile.

"Dr Tanaka is indeed amazing. Our entire family is extremely grateful!" Lily was overjoyed.

Previously, Mr. Murray had lain in bed like a dead man, cold all over, and his breathing was terrifyingly weak.

But now, his face was rosy and full of vitality, as if he had been given a new lease on life.

"Thank you for treating me. This is the clearest choice you'll make in your life. Otherwise, the patient wouldn't have survived until tomorrow." Dr Tanaka tilted his head slightly, exuding self-confidence.

"That's right! With Dr Tanaka's divine medical skills, no one can compare to him among the doctors in Dragonmarsh."

"In front of Dr Tanaka, the doctors in Dragonmarsh are all incompetent, and their skills are far inferior. They are completely incomparable."

"There's nothing we can do. In terms of top talent, Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix completely outshines Dragonmarsh. What's most shameless is that these doctors in the country not only lack ability but also like to pretend. They don't admit their incompetence, and they deserve to be looked down upon!" Chase expressed his disdain.

Chapter 1099: The Unexpected Turn

The room fell into an eerie silence as the several experts and professors in the room felt increasingly uneasy after the sarcastic comments about their medical abilities. While they might not be on par with Dr Tanaka, they were elite talents, and being belittled by their own countrymen was hard to stomach. However, they were all in the presence of high-ranking officials and couldn't afford to offend anyone, so they kept their heads down, pretending not to hear.

"Dr Tanaka, when will my husband wake up?" Lily cautiously asked, trying to gauge the situation. Although his vital signs had returned to normal, her husband remained unconscious, and she couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Don't worry, as soon as I remove the silver needles, your husband will naturally wake up," Dr Tanaka replied confidently.

With that assurance, he swiftly removed all the silver needles from Mr. Murray's body. As the needles were pulled out, Mr. Murray's body trembled momentarily. After a few seconds, his eyes suddenly opened, a hint of bloodshot flashing through them.

"He's awake! He's finally awake!"

Everyone in the room was overjoyed at the sight.

"It must be Dr Tanaka! He said he'd wake up, and he did. Truly admirable!" Garrett Murray praised.

"A divine physician indeed! He's a hundred times better than the half-baked doctors in Dragonmarsh. Incredible!" Vivian and the others chimed in with compliments.

"Thank you, Dr Tanaka. You're our family's savior from now on!" Lily expressed her gratitude.

"I specialize in treating various difficult and miscellaneous illnesses. This illness is a piece of cake for me," Dr Tanaka said with an air of arrogance.

As he spoke, he took a wet towel handed to him by his assistant and began wiping his hands meticulously.

However, nobody noticed that on the hospital bed, Mr. Murray's eyes were rapidly turning bloodshot, and his entire face contorted.


Suddenly, Mr. Murray let out a roar and sprang up from the bed.

At this moment, his face was twisted in a gruesome and terrifying expression, veins bulging on his forehead, and he looked like a man possessed.

A strand of black blood slowly oozed from his mouth and nose.


This sudden turn of events startled everyone.

"Dr Tanaka, what's going on? My husband was just fine a moment ago!" Lily was getting nervous.

"Could it be some kind of aftereffect?"

The people in the room exchanged worried glances, unable to comprehend what was happening.

"Don't panic; these are normal reactions. He'll be fine in a moment."

Dr Tanaka pretended to remain calm, but deep down, he was puzzled. Could it be that the medication was too potent, causing the patient to go mad?

"Dr Tanaka, what should we do now? My husband seems to be acting strangely," Lily's anxiety grew.

"It's a minor issue; there's no need to make a fuss. Watch as I perform a miracle."

Dr Tanaka's self-confidence remained unwavering as he produced a silver needle and aimed it at Mr. Murray's forehead.


Suddenly, Mr. Murray let out a furious roar, moved with lightning speed, and grabbed Dr Tanaka's neck, slamming him forcefully against the wall.

His eyes were filled with madness.

"Wait! Let's talk it out..."

Dr Tanaka's breath tightened, and he panicked, about to plead for mercy.

But before he could speak, Mr. Murray exerted even more force and snapped his neck.


Dr Tanaka's head tilted to the side, lifeless.

He died without being able to utter a word.

Chapter 1100: Unforeseen Chaos

"Dead... he's dead?!"

Everyone stood in shock as they witnessed the sudden demise of Dr Tanaka.

Their eyes widened, filled with horror.

No one had anticipated that Mr. Murray would suddenly go berserk, without any warning, and directly kill Dr Tanaka.

One blow, one life taken!

How could this happen?

Wasn't it supposed to be a minor issue?

Wasn't it supposed to be a normal occurrence?

Wasn't it said that a needle could determine the outcome?

What in the world is going on??


Mr. Murray roared, grabbed Dr Tanaka's lifeless body, and violently flung it.


Dr Tanaka crashed heavily into the wall, creating a dent, then slid down like a puddle of mud.

"Dr Tanaka!"

Everyone snapped out of their stupor, filled with panic.

Especially Vivian and Chase, their faces were overwhelmed with grief, feeling as if they had lost their parents.

"Quick! Someone restrain uncle!"

Garrett Murray quickly reacted and ordered his men to encircle Mr. Murray, intending to capture him alive.

However, the frenzied Mr. Murray was not recognizing any family ties; he was extremely aggressive.

Moreover, his strength was astonishing, unstoppable.

Anyone who got close to him was sent flying, without a chance to fight back.

"Caden! Don't hurt anyone!"

"Dad! Please, snap out of it. We're all your family!"

Lily and Shiela kept shouting, trying to awaken Mr. Murray.

However, their voices had no effect and only drew Mr. Murray's attention.

"Die! You all must die!"

Mr. Murray roared and lunged directly at Shiela.

His claws were like knives, surrounded by a terrifying aura that could cut through steel.

Touching it meant instant death for an ordinary person.

"Caden, no!"

Lily's face turned pale, and she rushed toward Shiela, attempting to shield her daughter from this deadly strike.

As it seemed like a life-or-death situation was about to unfold, a silver needle suddenly shot out.


The silver needle shot in from outside the door like lightning and struck Mr. Murray's neck.

Mr. Murray's entire body stiffened, frozen in place.

His fingers, capable of splitting stones and cracking boulders, came to a halt just three centimeters from Shiela's throat.

No inch further.

Shiela was left stunned, standing in place, unable to react for a moment.

Meanwhile, Mr. Murray, with a ferocious expression and bloodshot eyes, was gasping heavily.

Although immobilized by the silver needle, he continued to struggle wildly, causing his entire body to tremble.


Lily reacted swiftly, pulling her daughter into her arms, trying to keep her as far away from Mr. Murray as possible.

"As expected."

At the doorway of the ward, Dustin, holding a cup of coffee, walked in slowly.

He hadn't left directly because he was concerned that Dr Tanaka's actions might backfire, leading to Mr. Murray going completely berserk and losing control.

By that time, everyone in the ward would be in grave danger.

"Dustin, you're back!"

Shiela's face lit up with joy, as if she had seen a savior.
👍 thanks bro, really great job ! keep doing
Chapter 963

"Of course, even though these individuals possess power, our Azure Mist sect doesn't cower in fear," Emily stated.

As Emily was speaking, she suddenly changed the topic: "The ones who genuinely give us pause are those top sects and elite experts, such as the Black Tortoise Sect, the Temple of Boundless Compassion, the Balance Sect, and the Soul Suppressing Sect... oh yes, there's someone else we should pay attention to!"

"Who?" Abigail asked, her curiosity piqued.

"It's the young grandmaster who recently defeated Sir Augustus and gained worldwide fame!" Emily exclaimed, surprising everyone.

"Ah?" Abigail was momentarily shocked.

Isn't that their master?

She shot a strange glance at Dustin, who responded by subtly shaking his head.

This time, the Black Forest expedition called for maintaining a low profile, or they'd easily become targets.

"Miss Emily, have you ever met this young master?" Vanessa inquired with a half-smile.

"Of course, I've never had the chance to meet such an influential figure, but I've heard numerous rumors," Emily confessed, her eyes gleaming with longing. "They say this individual possesses a face as handsome as a Greek god; he is just and honorable, with a clear sense of justice. Most importantly, he's already achieved the rank of master in his twenties. He's a once-in-a-century genius in the southern region of the Yangtze River, and countless female warriors are infatuated with him!"

By the time she finished, her eyes sparkled with admiration.

He possesses the looks of a Greek god, and his physique is that of a seasoned warrior. What woman wouldn't be enamored by such a young master?

"Hehe, it appears that Miss Emily greatly admires this young master," Vanessa remarked meaningfully, casting a glance at Dustin while doing so.

Dustin, on the other hand, seemed to pay no heed to the insinuations, his expression unruffled.

"Who wouldn't admire a genius considered the best in the world?" Emily replied candidly, choosing not to hold back.

Since they couldn't cross paths in person, they might as well engage in a friendly conversation.

"Hmph! While the young grandmaster is formidable, I'm no slouch either. Give me ten years, and I'll undoubtedly surpass him!" Nathan suddenly chimed in.

Upon hearing his sister heap praise on another man, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of displeasure.

"You? Seriously?" Abigail scrutinized him, her doubt apparent.

"Miss Abigail, I'm not one to boast," Nathan replied with a raised chin, oozing pride. "I'm the number one martial artist in Yuston's Martial Arts World. Feel free to inquire; who doesn't know me as the Jade-Faced Little Flying Dragon?"

"That's right! Our senior brother is remarkable!" Vanessa chimed in, her pride evident.

"Our senior brother ranks third among the Ten Heroes of Yuston. He's now a master of innate talent and a recognized martial arts prodigy!"

"As far as the combatants in this establishment are concerned, our senior brother could easily take on ten of them single-handedly, and that's no exaggeration!"

Several disciples of the Azure Mist sect began lavishing praise on Nathan one after the other.

Their flattery reached such dizzying heights that it was as if a rainbow had farted out a cascade of sparkling compliments.

In response, Emily merely smiled and remained silent.

While her brother undoubtedly possessed talent, he was still a far cry from being able to measure up to the young master.

Of course, she wasn't foolish enough to shatter his ego by puncturing his vanity.

"Is that so? It seems there's still room for improvement," Abigail nodded in mild bewilderment.

As someone just starting on her journey, she didn't possess much worldly knowledge.

However, given Nathan's reputation and moniker as the Jade-Faced Little Flying Dragon, he must indeed be quite formidable.

"You two ladies, when we head to the Black Forest tomorrow, just stick with me. With me watching over you, no one will dare to cause trouble!" Nathan confidently patted his chest.

However, just as he finished speaking, a wine bottle suddenly struck his forehead with a resounding "pop."

In an instant, wine splashed in every direction, and Nathan's head began to bleed.

Chapter 964


Nathan was stunned, standing there in a daze, a bit slow to react.

Who would have thought that during a formal event, a wine bottle would be thrown at him, leaving him utterly unprepared?

Instinctively, he reached for his head, and his hand came away covered in blood.

Without the protective shield of vital energy (qi), his body was only marginally tougher than an ordinary person's.

"Who? Who the hell did that?!"

Nathan suddenly turned his head, roaring with anger.

"Damn it! Who dares to sneak attack our senior brother? Who's this audacious?!"

The disciples of Azure Mist immediately jumped to their feet, their faces contorted with fury.

"It's me."

At that moment, a man in flashy sunglasses approached with two bodyguards.

He wore an air of indifference, as if he were completely unaffected by the situation.

"Kid! Do you know who I am? How dare you attack me?!" Nathan gritted his teeth, his expression fierce.

"Oh? Then let me ask you, who are you?"

The man in sunglasses seemed to be smiling, a playful glint in his eyes.

"Listen up! I'm one of the Ten Heroes of Yuston, known as the Jade-Faced Little Flying Dragon—Nathan!" Nathan declared.

"The Ten Heroes of Yuston? The Jade-Faced Little Flying Dragon?"

The man in sunglasses was taken aback for a moment, then chuckled and quipped, "Well, that's quite a reputation you've got there. I'm terrified."

His words were followed by laughter from his two bodyguards.

"Have some courage!"

"Such audacity!"

The Azure Mist disciples were furious, drawing their swords in response.

"You impudent brat! How dare you humiliate me? I challenge you to a duel!"

Nathan clenched his teeth, a fierce determination in his eyes.

Being taunted so openly in public, he couldn't let it slide. How could he face others if he didn't teach this offender a lesson?

"A duel? Hehe... Do you even know who I am? How dare you address me like that?" The man in sunglasses sneered.

"I don't care who you are! You dared to attack me? Even Jesus can't save you today!" Nathan retorted angrily, raising his knife as if to strike.

"I am Jason Tan, the son of the head of the Nine Peaks Sect!"

The man in sunglasses suddenly revealed his identity.

A soft gasp rippled through the crowd as Nathan's slashing knife came to an abrupt halt, hanging over Jason Tan's head. Nathan dared not make a move.

"The Nine Peaks Sect? Jason Tan?"

Nathan's expression shifted, and a trace of fear flickered in his eyes.

He wasn't afraid of the opponent's strength, but rather his identity.

Jason Tan might not possess great abilities himself, but his main advantage was his powerful father—Samuel Tan, the head of the Nine Peaks Sect and the foremost martial artist in Yuston.

Samuel Tan was not only formidable but also had a profound background as a senior member of the Martial Alliance.

Even Nathan's master had to show him respect.

So, upon hearing Jason Tan's name, Nathan stopped in his tracks.

If he went through with the attack, not only would he come to harm, but the entire Azure Mist sect would also face dire consequences.

"What? Aren't you going to duel me now? Come on, give it your best shot! If you've got the guts, go ahead and slash me! I'll stand still and let you do it. Let's see if you've got the courage!" Jason Tan taunted, boldly stepping forward and provocatively extending his neck.

Nathan gritted his teeth, his face growing increasingly ugly.

He could take on ten Jason Tans in combat, but due to the opponent's power and identity, he dared not proceed.

"Go on, strike! What are you waiting for?" Jason Tan sneered. "I've heard how arrogant you are, calling yourself the Jade-Faced Little Flying Dragon and boasting that you could take on ten opponents at once. But now, you can't even hold a knife steadily. Is this the demeanor of a true man?"

"You—" Nathan seethed with rage, his body trembling uncontrollably, yet he couldn't muster the courage to act.

"It's a disgrace for someone as cowardly as you to call yourself one of the Ten Heroes of Yuston." Jason Tan extended his hand and gently patted Nathan's face, an act that, while not particularly harmful, carried a tremendous amount of humiliation.

Especially in front of a crowd, it was like trampling on his dignity.

Nathan's eyes reddened, and he panted heavily, feeling an overpowering urge to deliver a single, decisive blow with his knife.

"Elder brother!"

Emily's soft exclamation snapped Nathan back to reality.

She hurriedly stood up, her expression apologetic as she approached Jason Tan. Her intention was to make amends. "Young Master Jason, I'm truly sorry for my brother's impulsive actions earlier. He had a bit too much to drink. I hope you can forgive him."

"How intriguing! A ne'er-do-well like him has such a lovely sister," Jason Tan remarked, his gaze lingering unabashedly on Emily's attractive figure.

Chapter 965

"Yes, yes, but I have a condition," Jason Tan raised his eyebrows.

"What condition?" Emily asked with a polite smile.

"I want you and the other two lovely ladies to join me for a drink. If you're willing to entertain me, we can forget about what happened today," Jason Tan said with a mischievous smile.

Meeting top-tier girls like them wasn't an everyday occurrence. To encounter three at once was truly an eye-opener, and he wasn't about to pass up this opportunity.

"Well...," Emily's smile froze momentarily. Having traversed the martial world for many years, she understood the implications of the offer. If they agreed to this meal, it might be difficult to extricate themselves.

"What's the matter? Don't want to?" Jason Tan's expression turned cold, and he warned, "I dislike being refused the most. You'd better think carefully before you answer."

"Miss, it's an honor for you to have a drink with our young master. Don't be disrespectful!" One of Jason's bodyguards threatened from behind.

"Mr. Jason, if you wish to have a drink, I can accompany you. But are the two young ladies off the table?" After much consideration, Emily chose to compromise. She just didn't want to involve Abigail and Vanessa.

"Huh? Are you teaching me how to do things?" Jason Tan responded with an annoyed expression. "I said I want all three of you—three. I can't make do without one. Tonight, you must serve me well."

"Hey! Don't push your luck too far!" Abigail finally couldn't bear it and slammed her hand on the table before standing up.

"So what if I push my luck? Can't you handle it?" Jason Tan smirked wickedly and approached slowly. "Little beauty, I think you're the most tender of the bunch, so I'll start with you tonight. To be honest, I haven't had a taste in a while. You should be nice and tight down there, tsk tsk tsk... I'm really looking forward to it!"

As he spoke, he licked his lips, appearing exceedingly lustful and hungry.

"You're shameless!" Abigail fumed, picking up a glass of wine and pouring it directly onto Jason Tan's face.

"You impudent girl! How dare you splash me? I'm going to take you tonight!" Jason Tan became incensed, attempting to grab Abigail.

However, as he reached halfway, his hand was firmly grasped.

"I'll give you three seconds. Leave now," Dustin stood before him, his tone icy.

"Um?" Jason Tan's face darkened. "Kid! Do you know who you're talking to?"

Throughout Yuston, no one dared to disobey him.

"I don't care who you are. If you don't leave within three seconds, I'll break your legs," Dustin stated with indifference.

Once these words were uttered, an uproar rippled through the surroundings.

"Damn! Who is this guy? How dare he challenge Mr. Jason?"

"At first glance, he looks like a naive out-of-towner. He has no idea how formidable the Nine Peaks Sect is."

"Hmph! Does he really think he can play hero and save the damsel in distress in front of the Nine Peaks Sect? Doesn't he realize his own limitations?"

Onlookers were pointing fingers, some regarding him as a fool.

The Nine Peaks Sect was the largest sect in Yuston, and Jason Tan's father, Samuel Tan, was a half-step master-level powerhouse.

Challenging someone of this magnitude would undoubtedly result in his demise.

"Three..." Brother Dustin began to count down.

A chilly atmosphere enveloped the scene.

"Brother Dustin, don't act recklessly. You can't afford to offend this person!" Emily cautioned as she saw the situation turn precarious.

If Dustin struck Jason Tan, things would escalate.

"Hey! Don't drag us into this!" Nathan frowned and added his voice.

"Boy! I warn you to release me immediately, or you'll face the consequences!" The two martial artists from the Nine Peaks Sect began to threaten.

"Two..." Brother Dustin continued his countdown.

"Hmph... just pretending!" Jason Tan sneered. "Kid, I am the young master of the Nine Peaks Sect. Do you dare to touch me? I'll stand still and let you hit me. Go ahead and try it. If you dare lay a finger on me, I..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Dustin raised his hand and delivered a powerful slap to Jason Tan's face.


A resounding sound echoed through the room, and Jason Tan was sent flying several meters, crashing into the wall before collapsing face-first.

The crowd was stunned by the turn of events.

Chapter 966

The crowd couldn't believe their eyes as they witnessed Jason Tan being knocked flat on his back. Shock and surprise painted their faces because no one expected Dustin to be such a fearless daredevil. He didn't waste a second before delivering that earth-shattering slap.

Yup, you heard right. That was Jason Tan, the head honcho of the Nine Peaks Sect, and the son of Samuel Tan, the undisputed top dog in Yuston. This guy was known as the Demon King! Hitting someone like him? It was like volunteering for a one-way ticket to the afterlife!

Nathan couldn't hold it in and almost lost his marbles. He'd just swallowed a whole load of humiliation, only for Dustin to give Jason Tan a taste of his own medicine.

And if that slapfest continued, it wasn't just Jason Tan who'd be hurting. They'd all be in deep trouble!

"Oh, dear! This is gonna get ugly!" Emily's face turned pale. She had warned Dustin out loud, thinking he'd play it safe, but boy, was she wrong!

Once the Nine Peaks Sect decided to hit back, they'd be in for some real trouble.

"This ain't lookin' good! These folks don't know they're messin' with the wrong crowd. When Master Tan gets here, things are gonna get real ugly!"

The folks around couldn't stop chattering, like they were watching a ticking time bomb.

"You... you actually slapped me?" Jason Tan finally got his bearings, and his head was spinning. His face was all busted up, looking like a horror show with a crooked nose, bleeding gums, and the works.

"Despicable brat! You dared to hit me? I'm gonna make sure you pay for this with your lives! I'm gonna tear you all apart!" Jason Tan went from zero to a hundred in no time.


But before he could finish, Dustin stepped forward and landed another resounding slap right on Jason Tan's swollen face. Dustin wasn't just slapping him, he was laying down the law.

"This one's for bein' stubborn!"


"This one's for all the bullying!"


"This one's for your big head!"


"Since your dad couldn't teach you any manners, I guess I gotta do it for him!"

"Crack, crack, crack..."

Dustin showed no mercy, raining blow after blow on Jason Tan's face. Blood sprayed from his nose and mouth, he staggered around like he'd been hit by a truck, and his face... well, let's just say it wasn't pretty. His jaw was out of place, and most of his teeth had gone MIA. It was a sight to behold.


The onlookers stood there in shock, their mouths hanging open. The guy who used to strut around, throwing his weight around, was now on the receiving end of a beating that would go down in history.

Chapter 967

Imagine this: The guy with the big mouth didn't let up one bit. He delivered a serious beatdown to Jason Tan, leaving him nearly unrecognizable!

Now here's the kicker: Jason Tan is the young leader of the Nine Peaks Sect, a big deal around these parts.

They say he's worth ten thousand men, and this guy just crossed that line!

Is he crazy? You bet!

Who does he think he is, challenging Jason like that?

"Whoa! Hold it right there!"

Emily couldn't take it anymore and stepped in to stop the madness.

But it was too late. Jason Tan was already out cold and bleeding.

"Dustin, buddy, you're in deep trouble now!"

Emily cried out as she tried to wake up the battered Jason Tan with some medicine and a good pinch.

Let me tell you, if Jason Tan really got knocked into next week, we're talking catastrophe!

And it wouldn't just be Dustin; the whole Azure Mist Sect would feel the wrath of Samuel Tan's vengeance.

"Dustin, sitting with you was a terrible idea. You've really done it this time!"

Nathan was beyond frustrated.

What in the world?

How did they end up with a maniac like this?

It doesn't matter how high and mighty you are; no one can afford to cross paths with Jason Tan, leader of the Nine Peaks Sect!

This is bad news, folks!

"Dustin, you're in deep trouble if you hurt Jason Tan. Run for your life, man, while you still can!"

Vanessa was frantic. She grabbed Dustin's arm, but he just stood there like a statue.

Turns out, he was frozen, totally unresponsive.

"Who's got the guts to hurt my son?!"

An enraged voice suddenly erupted at the entrance.

A middle-aged man with a commanding presence stormed in, accompanied by a group of warriors.

The big cheese? None other than Samuel Tan, head of the Nine Peaks School and the top dog in Yuston!

Oh boy, it's hit the fan now!

"Uh-oh, Samuel Tan's in the house!"

"You better believe it; Samuel Tan's in a foul mood. Nobody in Yuston wants to mess with him!"

"Yeah, Dustin's toast now!"

Samuel Tan's arrival set the crowd abuzz.

People took a step back, fearing the brewing storm.

Many looked at Dustin as if he were already a goner.

"This is it! I can't get away now..."

Vanessa's face turned as white as a sheet; she was in a state of despair.

She'd been hoping to buy Dustin some time, but it looked like there was no hope left.

"Alas... it seems that there is no hope."

Emily sighed, a hint of sympathy in her eyes.

If Samuel Tan got involved, there would be no escaping the consequences for Dustin.

"What a disaster!"

Nathan shook his head, his face twisted with bitterness.

Dustin might be a goner, and they were about to get a serious smackdown too.

"Dad, you're here at last!"

Jason Tan, now a mess, staggered over to Samuel Tan, clutching his father's legs and bawling.

"If you'd been just a little later, I'd be a goner! Look at what they did to my face! You gotta make 'em pay this time!"

"Who's responsible for this outrage?!"

Samuel Tan's face turned as red as a beet when he saw his son's battered face.

In all his years in Yuston, no one had ever dared to lay a finger on his son!

So, who's the culprit?

The head honcho of the Nine Peaks Sect!

The big cheese of Yuston!

Elder of the Martial Alliance!

Who wouldn't bow down and show respect?

Mess with him in public? It's like slapping the devil right in the face!

"Dad, it's that kid!"

Jason Tan pointed at Dustin, his eyes filled with resentment.

"He hit me, and he was talking all sorts of nonsense, saying you didn't live up to your reputation! Seriously, Dad, it was way out of line!"

"You dare to insult me? That's some serious nerve!"

Samuel Tan's face darkened, his sharp eyes piercing through the room.

But as he got a good look at Dustin's face, he nearly fainted.


Where did he find this trouble magnet?

As an elder of the Martial Alliance, he had a front-row seat for the showdown with the grandmaster not long ago.

The guy in front of him is the one who took down Sir Augustus!

Insulting him? Forget about it. If he'd thrown down with him on the spot, he wouldn't have stood a chance!

Chapter 968

"Now we're in trouble!"

As Samuel Tan, known as the number one master in Yuston, gazed at the ice-cold Dustin, he was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat.

Encountering this guy, a real trouble magnet, was really bad luck.

Would they make it out of this without a thrashing?

"Dad! What are you still doing in a daze? Hit him! Beat me to death!"

"Today I want to make this kid understand what it means to strike with an egg against a stone and seek death!"

Jason Tan's face was full of ferocity, shouting again and again.

"Shut up!"

Samuel Tan's expression changed, and he slapped Jason Tan hard on the face with his backhand.


Jason Tan was staggered by the beating, and he was stunned.

The few remaining teeth also popped out, and the face that was originally swollen into a pig's head became even more unsightly.

"Dad? You...why did you hit me?"

Jason Tan's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it.

You know, from childhood to adulthood, he has always been a treasure held in the palm of his hand.

Usually his father doesn't even have a serious word, what's wrong today?

Actually gave him a slap in the face in public?

Are you crazy?!

"What's wrong with beating you? Shouldn't you be beaten me?"

"Relying on the prestige of the Nine Peaks all day long, I act arrogant and domineering outside, bully men and women, and ruin my reputation!"

"Today, I must teach you a lesson!"

Samuel Tan yelled and cursed, and slapped Jason Tan twice when he went up, knocking Jason Tan to the ground.

Still not relieved, he started punching and kicking.

The moves are ruthless and show no mercy.

Jason Tan was beaten until he wailed and screamed repeatedly.

With that posture, people who didn't know it thought they had some deep hatred.


The sudden change stunned everyone.

Everyone was dumbfounded and shocked.

According to their assumptions, Samuel Tan brought a large team of people to fight there, it should be to stand up for Jason Tan and teach those who acted fiercely.

Why is he beating his own son now?

And he beat him so hard.

What's the situation?

"What happened to Master Tan? Did you take the wrong medicine?"

"Who knows? Samuel Tan is notoriously protective of his shortcomings, why does he look like a different person today?"

"It's too cruel! How can this be teaching his son? This is clearly venting resentment!"


Seeing Jason Tan being beaten violently, everyone murmured, feeling surprised, stunned, and at the same time somewhat pitiful.

It's okay to be beaten by Dustin before, but now he is still beaten by his father, which is really miserable.

The problem is that Samuel Tan usually dotes on his son extremely.

Anyone who dares to provoke him will have his hands and feet cut off at the least, or killed on the spot at worst.

Today, he went out of his way and beat his son like a dog, which is really weird.


At this moment, Vanessa, Emily, Nathan, and the others were all confused.

Standing there in a daze, a little at a loss.

When they saw Samuel Tan, they thought they were in danger.

As a result, things turned around. Samuel Tan not only didn't trouble them, but also taught his son a lesson.

When did the master Samuel Tan, who used force to conquer others, become so reasonable?

"Master! Stop fighting. Stop fighting. If you fight again, you will die!"

After coming to his senses, a group of Nine Peaks faction disciples began to persuade Jason Tan to stop the fight, ultimately saving his life.

"Hmph! This tyrannical rebellious son deserves whatever beating he gets!"

Samuel Tan looked like he despised his own son as much as he hated his enemies, and he appeared ready to take extreme measures.

That's what he said, but he finally halted his fists and kicks.

Continuing the fight might lead to a tragedy.

"To all our fellow martial artists, today's incident occurred because I failed to discipline someone properly. I take full responsibility."

Samuel Tan turned around and bowed deeply to Dustin and the others to convey his apology.

Dustin remained expressionless, accepting the apology with calm dignity.

Chapter 969

As for Emily and Nathan, they looked flattered and seemed a little at a loss.

The dignified head of the Nine Peaks Sect, Samuel Tan, the number one expert in Yuston, actually apologized to them personally?

Could it be that he has seen a ghost?!

"Master Tan, discipline him after you go back, or you will cause a catastrophe, and it will be too late to regret it," Dustin said suddenly.

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings suddenly became silent.

Everyone stared at Dustin in disbelief.

What the hell!

Is this kid crazy?

How dare you educate Samuel Tan in public?

Aren't you afraid of being slapped to death?

How arrogant!

"Hey! You don't want to live anymore? Shut up!" Nathan was so frightened that he almost screamed.

Beating Jason Tan, the head of Samuel Tan didn't blame him; it was an extrajudicial favor.

In the end, this guy was lucky, he actually kicked his nose at the door, and even accused Samuel Tan in public,

It’s simply a matter of life and death!

"Dustin, please apologize to Master Tan!" Emily on the side winked wildly.

She also felt a headache for Dustin's bold behavior.

You've obviously escaped the disaster, so why bother?

Just when everyone thought Dustin was going to be unlucky—

Samuel Tan forced out a smile for the first time and responded: "Your Excellency is right, I will discipline him well and make sure there is no next time."

After saying this, everyone was dumbfounded again.

This is so out of the ordinary!

The dignified head of the Nine Peaks Sect, the number one person in Yuston, when did he become so kind?

Even though he was being pointed at by others, he actually greeted him with a smile.

It's off the charts!

"Well, that's best," Dustin nodded with satisfaction.

"I'm sorry for disturbing everyone's meal. We will leave immediately."

Samuel Tan clasped his fists again and then led a group of people to leave in a hurry.

It looked like running for life.

"Great! We're safe!"

As soon as the members of the Nine Peaks Sect left, Vanessa breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's going on? Today, Sir Samuel Tan seems a bit weird?"

Nathan scratched his head, a little confused.

Samuel Tan's actions was so shocking.

"Headmaster Samuel Tan probably knows that he is in the wrong, and there are many martial arts comrades around him, so he wants to put things to rest."

After pondering for a while, Emily could only think of this answer.

"No matter what, as long as it's okay."

Vanessa smiled.

"Hmph! Fortunately, Master Samuel Tan understands the righteousness, otherwise, once he is investigated, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Nathan crossed his arms and glanced at Dustin coldly. "Hey! I warn you not to mess around in the future, it doesn't matter if you are unlucky, don't implicate us!"

"That's right! We were almost killed by you just now!"

A group of Azure Mist Sect disciples echoed.

An outsider in Yuston actually dares to challenge the Nine Peaks Sect, which is like a quagmire!

"Okay, okay, please stop saying a few words. Jason Tan just went too far. Dustin was impulsive. It's understandable."

Emily quickly smoothed things over and said, "Everyone, it's getting late. Let's go back to your room and rest. Let's gather tomorrow morning and set off to the Black Forest."

"Okay, see you tomorrow morning."

Dustin nodded slightly, and then left with Abigail and the others.

From beginning to end, he never took the Nine Peaks Sect seriously.

Thanks to Samuel Tan's wit and apology in time, otherwise a beating would be unavoidable.

At this moment, outside the hotel.

Samuel Tan, who was running away with his son on his back, shivered inexplicably.

For a while, the soles of his feet were oiled, and he ran faster.

The panic-stricken appearance made all the disciples stunned, and they almost couldn't catch up.

Chapter 970

The second day, early morning.

Dustin and his party set off early and went to the Black Forest.

Because the road was rugged and it was impossible to drive, everyone had to walk.

In fact, as early as yesterday, many warriors had taken risks like forests, planning to try their luck.

However, the Black Forest is so big that people who enter it are like headless flies, scurrying around and finding no trace of the treasure.

Half an hour later, Dustin and his group finally arrived at the entrance to the Black Forest.

It can be seen that people have stepped into it one after another.

"Emily, do you know where the cemetery is?" Dustin suddenly asked.

"This is not yet known," Emily said helplessly. "Now when entering the Black Forest, everyone is betting on luck. Whoever is lucky and finds the treasure first will return home with a full load."

Although it is a needle in a haystack, there is no better way right now.

The only good news is that they are natives of Youzhou, and they are more familiar with the Black Forest, so they can save time better.

"The Black Forest is so big. It's just a matter of luck. I don't know where it will be until the year of the monkey," Nathan shook his head.

"Does Dustin have any good ideas?" Emily asked tentatively.

"To be honest, I have an informant in the Jade Maiden Palace. If you can trust me, let me lead the way," Dustin said.

"An informant? Great!" Emily looked happy.

She just gave him a pillow when she felt sleepy, but she didn't expect that the person who joined the party temporarily turned out to be a lucky star.

"Hey, you're not bragging, are you?" Nathan's eyes were a little suspicious.

"Believe it or not," Dustin didn't bother to explain and led the way straight ahead.

The people from the Jade Maiden Palace had already entered the Black Forest an hour early.

According to the agreement, Nikki will leave special marks along the way, and just follow the marks to find the cemetery.

"Let's go, everyone, follow."

Emily was very decisive, made a gesture, and led the people to follow behind.

"Darn! What are you dragging? After entering the Black Forest, don't you have to rely on me to protect you?!"

Looking at Dustin's back, Nathan couldn't help spitting on the ground, looking very upset.

He is the boss of the team and should be in charge.

How dare a mere foreigner steal his limelight?

What a shame!

After entering the black forest, the surrounding area instantly darkened, and the temperature dropped rapidly.

Looking around, the entire forest was covered with a layer of white mist.

In addition, the light is dim, and the line of sight is greatly blocked. Ordinary people can see at most fifty meters away.

Dustin walked in the front, with wet soil under his feet and trees covering the sky and sun above his head.

As soon as I glanced around, I could occasionally see poisonous insects, snakes, and ants that were disturbed.

The atmosphere of the black forest is chilly, damp, eerie, and full of dangers!

Along the way, everyone was attacked by many snakes and insects. Fortunately, everyone was very skilled and always vigilant, so they were not injured.

"The toxic air is getting thicker and thicker, everyone should take the antidote first, otherwise if you inhale too much toxic air, it will lead to poisoning and even hallucinations."

At this time, Emily suddenly reminded.

Everyone did not dare to hesitate and quickly took the antidote.

The reason why the Black Forest is scary is largely because of the toxic air inside.

Ordinary people come in and have to go out within two hours, otherwise their lives will be in danger.

"Look! There's a body here!"

While walking, someone suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone followed the sound and saw a man's corpse lying behind a big tree.

The man's head had been severed, and his body was being eaten crazily by insects and snakes. It looked extremely disgusting.

When the two timid women saw each other, they immediately started vomiting.

"Looks like a surprise attack with a knife. Everyone, stay alert!" Emily cautioned as she unsheathed her sword and scanned their surroundings with vigilant eyes.

The Black Forest is eerie, but what's even more unsettling is the human element.

In this lawless and dark place, murder and robbery are all too common.

"It seems like it's just ahead. Let's go check it out," Dustin suggested, his ears perking up as he caught faint sounds ahead.
Chapter 971

So, our crew stepped on the gas, rushing toward the sound's origin. Emily, our voice of reason, kept reminding us to stay close. She had this gut feeling that our guy Dustin might go rogue and walk right into an enemy trap.

We hoofed it, and after about ten minutes, we stumbled upon an open clearing. Think of it as a football field, but instead of grass, it was all dirt and rocks. Not a living soul in sight. And smack dab in the middle, there was a tomb that seemed to go down into the abyss.

This tomb was as black as night, and it felt like staring into the void. We had no clue what was lurking beneath.

But here's the kicker, a bunch of strapping warriors were already posted up around the tomb, keeping a hawk-eye out for any intruders.

Nathan couldn't hold back his excitement. He whispered from behind a tree, "Could this be Gu Qingme's resting place? I mean, it sure looks like it, doesn't it?"

Ten days of searching, and now it seemed like we'd hit the jackpot in just half a day. Talk about luck!

But hold your horses, folks. Emily put on her detective hat and noticed that someone had beaten us to the punch. And wouldn't you know it, they were from the Ironfists.

Now, the Ironfists aren't exactly small fry. They might not be on the same level as the Nine Peaks, but they're no pushovers either.

Our options? Charging in head-on wouldn't get us far. Plus, those Ironfists folks had some hostages. Two poor disciples from the Jade Maiden Palace were in their clutches, and it looked like they were waiting for some backup.

So, Emily made the call – she sent word to our master and decided to play it cool for now. With our current firepower, taking on the Ironfists was like bringing a knife to a laser gunfight. We needed backup, and we needed it pronto.

"We might be in a bind," Dustin murmured, his eyes narrowing as he surveyed their surroundings.

Emily leaned in closer, her gaze searching for what he meant. After a moment, understanding dawned on her. "You're right. Take a good look around. How many factions do you see gathered here?"

She squinted, spotting figures moving stealthily in the forest, revealing that there were hidden forces lurking nearby.

Dustin continued, not mincing words. "And they aren't just passersby; they're here for a reason."

Just then, a thunderous voice erupted from the Vajra Sect. "What are you lurking for? Show yourselves!"

Laughter followed, and a group of figures gradually emerged from the dark forest. Their leader, a burly man with a fierce demeanor and a massive blade slung over his shoulder, exuded an air of dominance.

"Wei Dong, the leader of the Coastal Raiders?!" Emily exclaimed, her brow furrowing.

The Coastal Raiders were infamous bandits in the region, and Wei Dong, their formidable leader, had been responsible for the downfall of many martial arts masters.

But the surprises didn't end there. As the leaves rustled, another group of individuals stepped into view, exuding an aura of aggression. Their leader, a seemingly unassuming man with chillingly cold eyes, sent a shiver down everyone's spine.

"Alan Smith from the Skycrane Gate?!" Emily muttered incredulously.

Skycrane Gate was as renowned as the Vajra Sect, and Alan Smith, as its top disciple, was considered a genius swordsman in Yuston.

"This just got a lot more complicated," Dustin remarked, his eyes locked on the unfolding situation.

Vanessa swallowed nervously.

The three major factions—Ironfists Sect, Coastal Raiders, and Skycrane Sect—were all formidable adversaries. Obtaining the treasure from these powerful foes would be an immensely challenging task.

Alan Smith and Nathan exchanged glances, realizing that not all potential adversaries had revealed themselves. A sinister grin crept across Kevin Wong's face as his gaze shifted menacingly in the direction of Emily and her companions.

His malevolent intentions were clear, sending a shiver down their spines.

Chapter 972

"Yep," Kevin Wong nodded. All eyes shifted towards him with a hint of sinister anticipation.

Surrounded by numerous innate masters, nothing could escape their keen senses within a hundred-meter radius.

"We've been spotted!" Vanessa's eyelids twitched, and she turned to her elder brothers, Emily and Nathan. "What's our move?"

Emily and Nathan exchanged a knowing look. Despite the grim situation, Kevin Wong's malevolent grin sent shivers down their spines.

"Why rush things?" Nathan reassured, "We're here to ensure everyone's safety. Follow me!"

With his head held high, Nathan confidently strode forward. Despite the presence of formidable opponents from three different factions, he was determined to show that the Azure Mist Sect was not to be trifled with.

Emily gestured for her disciples to follow her, maintaining a calm demeanor. Initially planning to observe from the sidelines, she had not expected to be discovered so soon.

As the parties converged, Kevin Wong brandished his knife, and his smile took on a sinister edge.

"From where I stand," Nathan suggested, "it seems prudent for us to temporarily form an alliance. Once we secure the treasure, we can divide it equally among ourselves. This way, everyone can benefit."

Nathan was not greedy; he only sought a fair share of the treasure.

"Brother Alan, what do you think?" Neil Long, the elder brother of the Coastal Raiders, inquired.

Of everyone present, Neil Long harbored the most apprehension toward Alan Smith.

"Equitable distribution is agreeable," Alan Smith replied. "However, there are too many participants."

Alan Smith, renowned for his swordsmanship, scanned the surroundings. He suggested with a sinister tone, "Dividing equally would be wonderful, but with so many participants, wouldn't it be even better if we had one less person to share with?"

"One less person?" Kevin Wong, the leader of the Coastal Raiders, questioned, narrowing his eyes.

Splitting the treasure between three participants was certainly more profitable than dividing it among four.

Alan Smith couldn't help but grin slyly as he continued, "When you consider that the Skycrane Sect, Ironfists Sect, and Azure Mist Sect are all reputable and honorable martial arts schools, and then there's the Coastal Raiders—a bunch of thugs. Who do you think should step aside?"

His words hung in the air, drenched in malice, drawing the collective gaze of disciples from the three major sects, each with a hint of sinister intent in their eyes.

Kevin Wong's face darkened at this provocation. "Alan Smith, we all hail from the martial arts world, and everyone who lays eyes on the treasure has a rightful claim. Isn't this demand of yours a bit excessive?"

"Someone of your gangster caliber, embroiled in all sorts of nefarious activities, what right do you have to associate with us?" Alan Smith sneered. "You've got one minute to leave, or else... you'll meet your end!"

"Smith! Don't push your luck!"

Kevin Wong seethed with rage, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

"Neil Long, Nathan, this fellow's being stubborn. We might as well show him some discipline!" Without hesitation, Alan Smith unsheathed his sword, lunging at Kevin Wong.

It was a clear ultimatum: leave or face death.

"Damn it! I'll take you on!" Kevin Wong roared furiously, raising his blade, and the two adversaries locked in combat.

The disciples of the Skycrane Sect and the Coastal Raiders clashed immediately.

In an instant, blades flickered, and crimson blood sprayed the battlefield.

"Annihilate the Coastal Raiders!" Neil Long acted swiftly, leading the Ironfists Sect disciples to join the fray.

With their honorable reputation, slaying gangsters posed no moral dilemma. In fact, it would earn them praise for eliminating a menace to society.

The Coastal Raiders, already weakened, were no match for the Skycrane Sect. Now, with the addition of the Ironfists Sect, the battle was decidedly one-sided.

The gang's disciples were either killed or severely wounded, with no chance of escape.

"Shall we intervene and assist, brother?" An Azure Mist Sect disciple inquired.

"No need. The two forces can handle this effortlessly," Nathan replied confidently.

Nathan shook his head firmly, standing his ground.

Chapter 973

Alan Smith wasn't one to bully the outnumbered.

"Alan, you scoundrel!" Kevin Wong roared in anger, eventually falling to the ground with a chest wound from Alan Smith's blade.

In just a matter of minutes, all the Coastal Raiders had been wiped out, not a single one left standing.

"These mere bandits dared to challenge us? They clearly didn't know their place!" Alan Smith snorted, his sword stained with blood.

"Hey! Why didn't your Azure Mist Sect intervene earlier?" Neil Long questioned, turning to see Nathan and his group standing by, clean and untouched by the battle.

"You two sects were more than capable of handling a small gang like the Coastal Raiders. There was no need for us to get involved," Nathan replied calmly, though his words came across as pretentious and condescending to the two major sects.

"You just stood there watching us kill and dare to claim you had no intentions? Do you think we're fools?" Neil Long eyed them suspiciously.

"It was a misunderstanding. We had no such intentions," Emily quickly clarified. The skeptical glances from the surrounding group made her uneasy.

"Hmph! Do you think I'll buy that?" Neil Long continued to scrutinize them.

"Neil, it seems the Azure Mist Sect isn't on the same page as us. Why don't we team up to deal with them first, then divide the spoils?" Alan Smith proposed, grinning.

"Hehe... that's exactly what I was thinking!" Neil Long chuckled.

Dividing the treasure between two parties was more favorable than splitting it three ways.

"Listen! I warn you not to try anything!" Nathan drew his blade, cautioning them with a menacing tone. "The Azure Mist Sect isn't a pushover like the Coastal Raiders. We won't be manipulated by you. If you make a move, everything will go up in flames!"

"Fish dead, net broken? What a joke!" Neil Long sneered. "With Alan and me working together, dismantling your Azure Mist Sect will be a piece of cake!"

"Niel, quit the chitchat and let's finish them!" Alan Smith encouraged, his murderous intent intensifying with each passing moment.

"Alright! Today, they'll witness the might of the Ironfists Immortal Art!" Neil Long declared triumphantly, ready to unleash his formidable power.

But just as they were about to attack, a sudden, sharp sound pierced the air. A sword thrust through Neil Long's back and emerged from his chest, blood dripping from the blade.

Neil Long stood there, stunned. He lowered his gaze to the sword protruding from his chest, his face a mask of shock. The sword had struck so swiftly and unexpectedly that he hadn't even had a chance to activate his body-protecting energy. He had been impaled to the core before he could react.

The question that hung in the air was: Who had done it?

Behind Neil Long stood his fellow teammates, their faces a mixture of anger and bewilderment.

With mounting rage and confusion, Neil Long turned his head with great effort, only to be met with the cold smile of Alan Smith.

"It's you?" Neil Long's eyes widened in disbelief. "Why? Aren't we allies?"

"There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests," Alan Smith retorted coldly. "You are the biggest threat to me here. If you're alive, I'll be uneasy."

Alan Smith had hardly paid any attention to second-rate sects like the Azure Mist Sect. His real concern was the Ironfists Sect, particularly Neil Long, who was known for being virtually invulnerable, having perfected the King Kong invincibility technique. He claimed to be as resilient as a cockroach once his magic power was activated, rendering him impervious to swords, bullets, and even natural elements. Defeating him without a surprise attack would be a formidable task.

In this moment, Neil Long happened to exhale, caught off guard. This allowed Alan Smith to act without hesitation.

"You... you treacherous scoundrel! I curse you to a miserable death!" Neil Long roared, seething with frustration.

"It's you who will meet that fate!"

With a cold snort, Alan Smith, swung his sword with determination, severing Neil Long's head from his body.

Chapter 974

The decapitated head of Neil Long lay on the ground, a macabre testament to the ruthlessness that had gripped the clearing. Shock and disbelief rippled through the onlookers as they grappled with the sudden and brutal turn of events. In the blink of an eye, what had seemed like an alliance crumbled into a gory spectacle of betrayal and death.

The Ironfists disciples, torn between grief and fury, began to react, but they were met with a calculated assault from the Skycrane disciples who had been prepared for this treacherous turn of events. The clearing echoed with anguished cries as the Ironfists disciples, once fierce and proud, were swiftly cut down, their resistance feeble and futile.

Meanwhile, the Azure Mist disciples, witnessing the carnage unfold, clenched their swords tightly, ready to face whatever threat emerged from this chaotic maelstrom. Nathan, his anger simmering, castigated Alan Smith for his perfidy, condemning the treacherous act that had led to this bloodbath.

Alan Smith, seemingly unmoved by the chaos he had ignited, taunted Nathan and the Azure Mist disciples, belittling them as insignificant members of a second-rate sect, hardly worth his consideration.

In response, Nathan's fellow disciples rallied around him, fiercely defending their senior brother's honor. Tensions escalated as both sides prepared for an inevitable and explosive confrontation.

Upon hearing the heated exchange between Nathan and Alan Smith, the disciples of Azure Mist Sect couldn't contain their anger. Despite Skycrane's formidable reputation, they were no pushovers. Moreover, having a senior brother like Nathan in their midst bolstered their confidence, and they believed they could hold their own.

Challenged by Nathan, Alan Smith, the provocateur, displayed his arrogance without reservation. He dared to taunt Nathan and agreed to a one-on-one duel, his contemptuous arrogance fueling the fiery confrontation.

Nathan, determined to defend his sect's honor and teach Alan Smith a lesson, readily accepted the challenge. With his fellow disciples looking on, he assured them that he would emerge victorious, brimming with unwavering confidence.

As the tension between the two martial artists mounted, swords were drawn, and the air crackled with anticipation. Alan Smith, with his lightning-fast strikes and cunning angles, launched a sneak attack, drawing sharp criticism for his shamelessness.

Undeterred, Nathan met the attack head-on, displaying the formidable skills he had honed over the years. The clash of weapons was fierce, as the battle between two senior brothers from rival sects intensified.

Alan Smith's swordplay was characterized by its speed, precision, and unpredictability, complemented by his exceptional agility. His movements resembled those of a phantom, striking from unexpected angles.

On the other hand, Nathan's saber techniques were powerful, rooted in a solid foundation. With each swing, his saber radiated raw strength, giving off an aura of power and determination. The combatants were evenly matched, and the outcome of their intense battle would not only determine personal glory but also the honor and reputation of their respective sects.

Yet, as the relentless exchange of blows continued, it became evident that Nathan's fierce attacks were gradually losing their edge. His breath grew ragged, and desperation began to creep into his strikes.

In stark contrast, Alan Smith appeared unfazed, a confident smile gracing his face as he deftly parried Nathan's increasingly frantic onslaught. The duel now bore a resemblance to a cat toying with a mouse, with Alan Smith maintaining control over the flow of the battle.

Chapter 975

The intense battle raged on, and it was becoming evident that Shen Chong was struggling to hold his own against Alan Smith. Beads of sweat poured down Nathan's face as he desperately parried Alan's relentless attacks. Despite his best efforts, Shen Chong found himself panting heavily, his stamina depleting rapidly.

Amidst the fight, a voice of reason emerged from the sidelines. Dustin Rhys couldn't help but voice his concern. "If we continue like this, Nathan is going to lose."

Dustin's observation was met with immediate resistance from Azure Mist Sect's disciples, who remained steadfast in their belief in Nathan's abilities.

"Nonsense! Nathan is a formidable warrior with exceptional swordsmanship. There's no way he'd lose!"

"Exactly! Look closely, Nathan clearly has the upper hand!"

"Don't undermine his skills with baseless doubts!"

The disciples of Azure Mist Sect continued to defend their elder brother, their unwavering loyalty overshadowing their objectivity.

Meanwhile, Vanessa, brimming with pride, took the opportunity to extol her elder brother's prowess. "You might not know this, but my brother is among the top three martial artists of Yuston's younger generation. They even call him the Jade Face Little Flying Dragon. He's defeated numerous formidable opponents. Handling Alan Smith should be a walk in the park."

"That's right! Watch and learn as our elder brother secures victory!" chimed in the confident Azure Mist disciples.

However, Dustin chose not to engage further in the discussion. He shook his head, recognizing the overconfidence of his peers and deciding to let them learn from firsthand experience.

As the battle raged on, Nathan's fatigue became increasingly apparent. Desperate to turn the tide, he unleashed his ultimate technique, the Azure Mist Sword Skill. With incredible speed, he swung his long blade, creating a tempest of blinding strikes within a three-meter radius. The gusting winds and flying debris painted a chaotic picture on the battlefield.

"Look! Nathan has unleashed the Azure Mist Sword Skill!"

"Hahaha... Once the Azure Mist Sword Skill is employed, Alan Smith doesn't stand a chance!" declared the fervent Azure Mist disciples.

"Dustin, open your eyes and witness the might of our elder brother!" The disciples of the Azure Mist Sect were brimming with excitement, convinced of their imminent victory.

However, their jubilation was short-lived. In a sudden and shocking turn of events, a piercing scream of agony rang out. Shen Chong, who moments ago had appeared to have the upper hand, was mercilessly impaled in the abdomen by Alan Smith's sword. He was sent flying, blood gushing from his wound as he crumpled to the ground.

"Big brother?!"

The Azure Mist disciples stood in stunned disbelief, their faces a tableau of astonishment. Just moments earlier, Nathan had seemed poised for victory. Now, he lay defeated on the ground, leaving them bewildered.

What had just happened? How had their elder brother, who was in a dominant position, suddenly lost the battle?

"You... you actually broke through?!"

Nathan's incredulous eyes widened as he struggled to comprehend the situation. He had not anticipated that his most potent attack would be effortlessly dismantled by Alan Smith.

"Hmph! I was merely toying with you. Did you genuinely believe I was taking this seriously?"

Alan Smith sneered, a look of disdain etched across his face. "With your level of skill, you're not even worthy of being my opponent."

Nathan seethed with anger, his fury causing him to expel yet another mouthful of blood.

"Since you're defeated, it's time for you to meet your end!"

Alan Smith's longsword danced once more, poised to strike.


"Protect Senior Brother!"

Witnessing Nathan's dire straits, the Azure Mist disciples rushed forward to shield him.

"Don't overestimate your abilities!"

Alan Smith snorted contemptuously and swung his longsword horizontally.

The confrontation was reaching its climax, with both sides teetering on the edge of a decisive outcome.

A brilliant arc of white sword light surged forth, resembling a colossal sickle as it swept mercilessly toward the Azure Mist Sect disciples.

Panic spread among the disciples as they hastily raised their weapons to defend themselves.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The ensuing explosions echoed through the air, as the disciples of the Azure Mist Sect were met with an overwhelming force that left them reeling. They were no match for their formidable adversary.

The battle had taken a dramatic turn, and the Azure Mist Sect disciples found themselves clearly outmatched.

Chapter 976

"How's this possible?!"

Staring at the fallen Azure Mist Sect disciples, Emily and Vanessa, who had vomited blood and collapsed, couldn't help but feel a sense of shock.

They had positioned themselves in the innermost circle, more focused on protection than taking action.

And in a flash, they witnessed a horrifying spectacle. Over a dozen elite Azure Mist Sect members were swept aside by Alan Smith's sword, their bodies in turmoil as they spat out blood and were hurled away.

The level of strength on display was truly terrifying!

"These guys are useless! How dare they challenge us? It's like a child blocking our path!"

Alan Smith held his sword at an angle, his expression full of disdain.

The duel with Nathan had started merely for amusement, but now that he'd had his fill, it was time to finish the job.

"Our Senior Brother is truly extraordinary and mighty!"

"Hmph! If a second-rate sect dares to oppose us, it's as if they're digging their own graves!"

At this moment, the Skycrane Sect disciples laughed arrogantly.

After dealing with the Azure Mist Sect, the treasure would be theirs for the taking.

"Senior brother! Those ladies over there are as lovely as can be. It'd be a waste to simply kill them. Why not have a bit of fun first?"

One of the Skycrane Sect disciples pointed towards Emily and the others, a wicked smile creeping across his face.


Alan Smith seized the opportunity and nodded with interest. "Indeed, they are rather enticing. You could say they're top-notch. If you want to have some fun, don't waste any more time."

"Hey! Thanks, senior brother!"

The Skycrane Sect disciples became excited in an instant.

Lust filled their eyes, and they were eager to satisfy their desires.

"Emilyl! Run! I'll try to hold them off!"

Seeing the dire situation, Nathan gritted his teeth and forced himself to stand up.

He was well aware that if Emily fell into the hands of the Skycrane Sect, her life would be a fate worse than death.

These monsters were no longer human.

"If we go down, we go down together. I can't just leave you behind!" Emily slowly raised her knife, her face displaying her readiness to face death.

"Stop being foolish! Get out of here!" Nathan turned around and shouted. He was willing to risk his life to keep his sister safe.

"Vanessa, you take Dustin and the others and get out of here first. Leave this to me!" Emily remained resolute, her eyes unwavering.

"Second Senior Sister! I won't leave. I want to stay with you!" Vanessa's eyes welled up with tears. Despite his fear, he refused to back down.

"Don't be foolish. Your presence won't make a difference here. Go ask our Master for help. I'll hold them off. If Master arrives in time, he can save us!" Emily urged him urgently.

"Second Senior Sister..." Vanessa was torn, her eyes filled with tears, unsure of what to do.

"Don't hesitate. Run away quickly; there's no time to waste!" Emily looked anxious and urged her repeatedly. One person surviving was better than losing everyone.

"Let me handle this." Just as Vanessa was hesitating, Dustin suddenly stood up and declared, "I'll deal with Skycrane Sect and the rest."

Both Emily and Vanessa are nice people, and he couldn't stand by and watch them get hurt.

"Hey! What nonsense are you spouting? Even I can't handle them, and you think you have what it takes?!" Nathan retorted angrily.

"Brother Dustin! Don't be reckless. If you can escape, then run; don't throw your life away!" Emily frowned.

Who was Alan Smith?

The senior disciple of the Coastal Raiders Sect, renowned throughout Yuston as a swordplay genius.

Even her brother had been easily defeated, let alone a little-known character like Dustin.

"Don't worry; they're no match for me." Dustin spoke with confidence.

Hearing this, the Coastal Raiders Sect disciples were momentarily stunned before bursting into laughter.

"Kid! Do you even know what you're saying? Who gave you the audacity to speak up here?"

"Oh— I remember now! This guy is the fool from the restaurant yesterday!"

"Humph! You lucked out yesterday, but today you won't be so fortunate!"

The Coastal Raiders Sect disciples sneered, treating him like a fool.

Chapter 977

"Who's that? If you can block my three strikes, I might let you live!"

Alan Smith smirked and casually raised his longsword.

"Really? Let's see how good your swordplay is."

Dustin's expression remained unchanged as he approached slowly.


Emily's face tightened, and she quickly grabbed Dustin's arm, urging, "Alan's strength is off the charts. You can't beat him. You'd better run for your life!"

"Yeah, Dustin! This guy is a real monster. It's like bringing a twig to a boulder fight!" Vanessa added.

"Listen, Dustin! Don't make trouble here. Take Emily and the others and leave while you still can!" Nathan shouted.

"That's right! Even our elder brother couldn't defeat Alan Smith. What makes you think you can turn the tables? Let's go!"

At this moment, Azure Mist disciples chimed in unison. Though they had their grievances with Dustin, they didn't want to witness his pointless demise.

"Don't worry, it's just Alan Smith. I haven't even started taking him seriously yet."

Dustin remained calm, not taking it seriously at all, and continued to move forward.


Emily attempted to stop him one last time but noticed that Skycrane disciples were gradually surrounding them.

"It's over, Dustin. It's hopeless!"

Vanessa panicked, as if she had foreseen Dustin's impending death.

"This guy, he's completely clueless!"

Nathan muttered, clearly frustrated.

"What a stubborn blockhead!"

Azure Mist disciples shook their heads, sighing in disbelief.

"Hmph! Ignorant and audacious. You dare to challenge our elder brother? We'll enjoy watching your downfall!"

Skycrane disciples sneered repeatedly, as if they were watching a captivating show.

"Alright, let's get this over with."

Dustin Rhys placed one hand behind his back, stretched out the other, and gestured for Alan Smith to come at him.

This provocative action seemed to be a blatant challenge in the eyes of everyone present.

"Since you're so eager to meet your demise, I'll gladly oblige!" Alan Smith grinned fiercely and advanced with a light step.


He shot forward like an arrow released from its string, moving at an astonishing speed.

"Flying Blades, Shattering Blades!"

Alan Smith bellowed loudly, and his longsword suddenly erupted with a blinding radiance, dazzling everyone.

A sword-like brilliance, stemming from his longsword, rapidly expanded and instantly grew to three meters in length, resembling a giant sword.

"What incredible speed! What a sharp sword's light! I didn't expect Alan Smith's first move to be so lethal!"

"To meet one's end under the blade of this senior brother is an honor in itself!"

The Skycrane disciples exuded confidence, as if victory was assured.

"It's over! This guy is done for!"

The Azure Mist disciples were downcast, feeling sorrow for the hunted rabbit.

"Dustin, move!"

Emily and Vanessa were so terrified that their faces turned pale as they exclaimed.

This sword was unstoppable!

Attempting to block it meant certain death!

"Gutsy move."

Gazing at the formidable sword light, Reed Ronald suddenly sprang into action.

I saw that he did not dodge or evade; instead, he met the challenge head-on with a plain and simple punch.




Upon their collision, three consecutive explosions rang out.

With the first explosion, the sword light shattered!

With the second explosion, the sword disintegrated!

And on the third explosion, Alan Smith himself exploded!

The whole scene fell into a deathly silence.

Chapter 978


As they beheld the sudden explosion of Alan Smith into a crimson mist, everyone stood stupefied. Shocked expressions graced their faces, as if they had just witnessed the impossible.

Many among them even questioned if they were caught in the throes of a bizarre dream. How else could they explain such an absurd scene?

The esteemed disciple of the Skycrane Sect, a renowned swordplay prodigy of Yuston, a formidable figure who had subdued all Azure Mist Sect disciples with a single swing of his sword, had just been defeated by an unfamiliar junior?

No, it wasn't merely defeat!

To be precise, he had been punched by Dustin!

With a single punch, even while wielding a sword, Alan Smith had been obliterated beyond recognition, not a trace of his body left behind.

Was this even a human being?!

This had to be some kind of monstrous entity, right?!

"How... how can this be? Senior brother... is he really gone?" The Skycrane disciples gazed at the blood-soaked ground, their faces twisted with shame and fear.

In their eyes, aside from astonishment, fear had now taken hold. It was excruciatingly difficult for them to come to terms with the fact that their senior brother, hailed as the pride of heaven and a swordplay prodigy, had been reduced to nothing with a single punch.

Utterly mind-boggling!

"Did I... did I watch that correctly? This kid actually emerged victorious?!" Nathan's eyes widened, disbelief etched across his face.

When Alan Smith unsheathed his sword, he had been convinced that Dustin was signing his own death warrant. But the final outcome had hit him like a ton of bricks.

"Oh my goodness! Did I just attract a living monster?" Emily mumbled, her beautiful face contorted with shock.

"You defeated Alan Smith in one strike! Brother Dustin is truly something else, isn't he?!" Vanessa exclaimed, a mix of astonishment and joy coursing through her.

Emily had been worried just moments ago, fearing that Dustin might meet his end under Alan Smith's sword. Now, those worries seemed utterly misplaced.

It had become abundantly clear that this handsome, cold-faced, yet kind-hearted young man, Dustin Rhys, was a hidden master.

"What an absolute monster!" The Azure Mist disciples exchanged astonished glances. They had never anticipated that Dustin, who appeared so unassuming, possessed such incredible power. Reflecting on their previous contempt and disdain, they couldn't help but feel a sense of shame. They had undoubtedly misjudged him this time.

"Hmph! Who would've thought our uncle was a young grandmaster? Your jaws would hit the floor if you knew!" Abigail muttered to herself, her expression brimming with pride. She felt immensely honored to have such a master.

"Daring to harm our senior brother? We'll take you on!" After a brief moment of shock, the Skycrane Sect disciples shouted in unison, unsheathed their swords, and charged toward Dustin. They knew that facing him individually was futile, so they relied on their superior numbers.

"Cease this arrogance!" At that very moment, an elderly man with graying hair descended from the sky. With a swift motion of his hand, he launched a palm strike from above.


A massive wave of energy erupted, akin to Heavenly Summit descending upon them, carrying immense power as it pressed down on the Skycrane Sect disciples.


There was a thunderous crash.

Chapter 979

A massive pit, like a colossal handprint, had been smashed into the rocky ground!

Inside that pit, over a dozen Skycrane Sect disciples found themselves buried beneath the rubble.

Some were in dire straits, coughing up blood, while others lay lifeless where they had fallen.

With just a single strike, the Skycrane Sect disciples had been nearly eradicated, a vivid demonstration of the overwhelming power that had been unleashed.

It was as if destiny itself had intervened!


Upon seeing the arrival of an elderly man, the Azure Mist disciples rallied around him, their spirits lifted as if they had discovered their anchor amidst the chaos.

The elderly man was none other than the head of the Azure Mist Sect—Henry Zheng!

"Dad! You're finally here! We thought we were done for!" Vanessa rushed forward, her eyes brimming with tears.

"You, girl! You're always told to practice harder, but you never listen. Now that you're in trouble, you are too afraid?" Henry Zheng scolded, his face stern.

"Dad! The enemy is unbelievably powerful, even elder brother couldn't handle him. What were we supposed to do?" Vanessa pouted, feeling wronged.

"Yes, Master, the Skycrane Sect disciples are incredibly formidable. We owe our lives to Dustin Rhys this time; otherwise, we might not have made it," Emily said, taking the opportunity to glance at Dustin Rhys, as if sharing the credit.

"Well, I saw it all."

Henry Zheng nodded, cast a glance at Dustin Rhys, and calmly said, "Young man, you've got some real talent. Whose tutelage are you under?"

"No school, no sect," Dustin Rhys replied.

"Oh? You're self-taught then?" Henry Zheng seemed somewhat surprised, eager to recruit him. "Young man, I see great potential in you. Since you have no school or sect, why not become my disciple? You'll have a powerful ally in the future."

"Sorry, I'm not looking to be an apprentice at the moment." Dustin Rhys shook his head, politely declining the offer.

"Young man, don't let this opportunity slip away. Opportunities like this are rare. Do you know how many people in Yuston have tried to join my sect and failed? You're incredibly fortunate," Henry Zheng remarked, with a hint of arrogance in his tone.

"That's right, Dustin! My master is a half-step master-level powerhouse. Learning from him would be a significant advantage for your future!" Emily chimed in, starting to drop hints.

The Azure Mist Sect ranked second only to the Nine Peaks Sect in Yuston, and her master was the second most prominent martial artist in the region. He was not one to easily take on disciples.

"Brother Dustin, my dad is incredibly powerful. Did you witness that strike just now? He single-handedly wiped out all the Skycrane Sect disciples. If you were to join my dad's sect, it would only benefit you," Vanessa chimed in.

She was concerned that she might not have another opportunity to get closer to Dustin Rhys, and having him as a fellow disciple would be perfect.

"Those who are close to the water gets first drink."

"I appreciate Master Henry's kindness, but I'm used to being independent and not being bound by obligations, so I'm not considering apprenticeship," Dustin Rhys politely declined.


Henry Zheng frowned, a tad displeased. "Young man, you should think carefully. Many aspire to be my disciples. I'm offering you a rare chance. Do you grasp its significance?"

He had always been the one to reject applicants, and no one had ever dared to refuse him. It was surprising that the young man before him showed such ingratitude.

"Hey! With the guidance of a renowned master, most people would eagerly embrace it. Why are you being so obstinate?" Nathan couldn't hold back any longer.

To be acknowledged by one's master was a lifelong honor and an opportunity countless people dreamt of. Yet, Dustin Rhys seemed oblivious to its value.

What a fool!

"Master Henry, I appreciate your consideration, but I must respectfully decline," Dustin continued to shake his head.

"Young man, do you look down on me? Or do you think I'm not qualified to teach you?" Henry Zheng narrowed his eyes, his displeasure growing.

He had put aside his pride to extend multiple invitations, and yet this young man had refused repeatedly. He didn't know what else to do!

"Hmph! I believe that's what you mean!" Henry Zheng straightened his face, extending his left hand with an air of dominance. "Boy, if you have any doubts, you can test your skills against me to see if I'm worthy of being your teacher!"

Chapter 980

Observing Henry Zheng's confrontational attitude, Dustin Rhys displayed signs of growing impatience.

Choosing a mentor was a matter of personal preference, and coercion had no place in such matters. Moreover, what right did a mere half-step master have to be his mentor?

"Master, you possess incredible power. How could Dustin possibly refuse your guidance? Perhaps he hasn't fully considered it yet. Give him some time to think it over, and when he recognizes your greatness, he'll come to the decision naturally," Emily intervened, attempting to defuse the tension.

"Yes, Dad, our top priority right now is treasure hunting, not recruitment. Let's not let this matter delay us," Vanessa added, seeking to help smooth things over.

While she felt a hint of regret, she was unwilling to pressure Dustin Rhys into a decision that could lead to animosity and discomfort.

"Young man, I'll give you three days to mull it over. Within that time frame, if you change your mind, you can come find me at any time. After three days, even if you beat your head against a wall, I won't reconsider. The choice is yours!" Henry Zheng declared before placing his hands behind his back and striding toward the tomb.

The tomb of the ancient Heavenly Summit was the day's main attraction, and he refused to let a mere youngster disrupt his mood.

"Hmph! One of the dumbest decisions you'll ever make in your life is rejecting my master. You'll regret it in the future!" Nathan threw a parting shot before leading the Azure Mist Sect disciples into the tomb.

It was an opportunity to leapfrog in the world, yet he seemed oblivious to its value, and that was truly foolish.

"Dustin, my master is rather straightforward; please don't take it to heart," Emily offered an apology, feeling somewhat embarrassed about the incident with the apprenticeship.

"It's nothing, just a minor issue," Dustin Rhys replied, brushing it off.

"Alright, let's put that behind us. Now, let's venture inside and see what treasures lie within this tomb," Vanessa eagerly anticipated, though her nerves remained taut.

"Dustin, lead the way!"

Emily smiled and promptly followed, accompanied by the others.

As they entered the tomb, the surroundings plunged into pitch darkness, rendering them unable to see even their own hands.

Everyone was prepared, retrieving their flashlights one after another.

By the dim light, they could perceive that the tomb was vast and seemingly endless.

There was a damp, musty smell inside the cave, and the occasional sound of dripping water echoed, "tick-tock-tock."

"Look at these footprints. Someone must have arrived before us. We need to hurry!" Henry Zheng, leading the way, began to urge the group.

With no other option, everyone quickened their pace.

After a few minutes of walking, a spacious stone chamber suddenly came into view.

Stepping inside, they found several scattered boxes on the ground, all of which had been opened, indicating that someone had beaten them to it.

Surveying the area, they noticed three sealed stone doors within the chamber, each leading in a different direction.

"Damn it! We were a step too late!" Henry Zheng grumbled with a displeased expression.

It was truly unfortunate to have gone through all the trouble of finding the tomb only to come up empty-handed.

"Master! Look over there!" At that moment, Nathan suddenly pointed towards the center.

Everyone turned their attention to the spot Nathan was indicating and saw a peculiar magic circle adorned with strange symbols in the middle of the stone chamber.

At the heart of the magic circle lay a pitch-black sword.

The sword's blade was buried in the ground, leaving only its hilt exposed. Even though it remained sheathed, its sharpness was evident, clearly indicating its extraordinary nature.

In front of the sword was an inscription that read: "Born to slay demons and evil spirits; the sword is only equipped with predestined people".

"There's actually something here!" Henry Zheng's eyes brightened, and he rushed forward.

However, as he neared the magic circle, he abruptly halted, his gaze growing more cautious.

After all, Iris Meskill was a top martial artist. Given the opponent's level of cultivation, setting up a trap could easily deal with a martial master. He needed to be vigilant.

"Andy Dawson, go and retrieve the sword for me!" Henry Zheng looked back and pointed to one of the strong disciples.

"Me?" Andy couldn't help but gulp nervously, feeling a bit anxious.

He wasn't foolish and understood that this sword was far from ordinary, otherwise, it would have been taken long ago.

"Don't worry, I'm here to protect you. Nothing will happen to you. Go on," Henry Zheng reassured him, acting as though he was the protector.

"Alright." Andy Dawson had no choice but to summon his courage and step into the circle.

Thankfully, there was no reaction from the magic circle.

He cautiously grasped the sword's hilt with one hand and pulled it with all his strength.

But the Black Sword remained unresponsive.

"Huh?" Andy found it a bit perplexing.
how good !
Chapter 991

To their surprise, as soon as they emerged from the tomb, they found themselves pursued and intercepted by various sects, with no means of escape.

"Master Henry, isn't it better to enjoy wealth alone rather than share it with others? Azure Mist Sect has secured a bountiful harvest; wouldn't it be wiser to distribute the spoils among all?" one sect leader proposed.

"Henry Zheng, those who understand the current situation are truly wise. You can't control everything, so why not share it with everyone for the greater good?" another added.

"Henry! Hand over the treasures now, or we won't hesitate to use force!" Several sect leaders began clamoring, resorting to threats and inducements.

Tensions escalated further, with their intense gazes locked onto each other.

Iris Meskill had collected countless treasures, any one of which was enough to drive people to madness.

"What are you talking about? We didn't secure anything this time; how can we give you treasures?" Henry Zheng denied the accusations.

Why would they willingly part with the treasures they had painstakingly collected?

"Hmph! How dare you deny it? You just came out of the cemetery; how could you have left empty-handed?" another retorted.

"That's right! Do you think we're foolish enough to be fooled by a few words?"

"Henry! I'll give you one last chance. Hand over the treasures immediately, or you'll regret it!" The crowd grew increasingly furious and were poised to take action.

"If I say no, then no it is!" Henry Zheng shouted, his voice firm. "You all come from reputable and noble sects; how can you resort to such falsehoods?"

"Henry! You've killed disciples of the Skycrane Sect, and yet you remain obstinate. Today, I will avenge my disciples!" A man in his fifties suddenly leaped forward, launching the first attack.


Several sect leaders exchanged glances and rushed forward one by one.

Despite being outnumbered by hundreds of elite fighters, they stormed the Azure Mist Sect, encircling and launching an assault against them.

"This is too much!" Henry Zheng gritted his teeth, retrieved a magical pill, and swallowed it whole.

This magical pill was one of the treasures they had obtained from the cemetery.

After consumption, it significantly boosted one's cultivation and strength in a short period, turning the tide in favor of the weaker party.

In times of dire crisis, surprise can turn the tide of battle. Yet, the downside lies in the inevitable weakness that follows once the elixir's effect dissipates.


With the elixir coursing through his veins, Henry Zheng couldn't contain a resounding roar. His veins bulged, and his face flushed crimson.

A torrent of surging power erupted instantly.

After a decade of stagnant cultivation, he had finally shattered his limitations, transcending his current realm and ascending to the status of a martial arts master.

"Hahaha... Go to hell!"

Henry Zheng was exuberant, his laughter echoing through the chaos.

He thrust both palms forward, unleashing a formidable surge of energy that washed over everyone like a tidal wave.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Where the energy swept, rocks exploded, trees toppled, and mud flew in all directions.

The warriors who had surrounded and attacked were sent flying, coughing up blood, like leaves swept away by a strong wind—utterly outmatched.

Even the heads of several prominent sects were forced to retreat repeatedly, their blood boiling, and their core in disarray, rendering them unable to mount a defense.

"How... How is this possible? Could he have broken through?!" The Skycrane Sect's headmaster stared wide-eyed, struggling to believe what had just transpired.

Their opponent had clearly been weaker moments ago, so how had he suddenly gained such strength?

"Every individual beneath the rank of a master is but an ant. It appears that this saying holds true!" Henry Zheng, infused with earth-shattering power, swelled with pride and vitality.

Only upon reaching the rank of a master did he fully grasp the meaning of looking down upon the world.

"Congratulations, Master, on achieving a breakthrough and becoming a martial arts master!" The disciples of Azure Mist Sect cheered and offered their sincere congratulations with clasped fists.

They had anticipated an impending catastrophe, but they had not expected their Master to shatter his limits at this critical juncture.

Though the pill had been borrowed, it now held the power to quell the entire assembly.


Henry Zheng laughed heartily and cast a sharp gaze upon the various sects. "You scoundrels, attack together if you dare! I can handle ten of you!"

Chapter 992

As they beheld the reinvigorated Henry Zheng, the leaders of the various factions frowned deeply, facing a suddenly formidable adversary.

In the past, they could have effortlessly subdued him, but now, Henry Zheng had broken through to become a genuine martial arts master, creating a chasm between them. Although they were merely a half-step away from the Grandmaster Realm, that half-step was like an impassable abyss. Cross it, and they would ascend to new heights; fail, and they would remain inferior.

"Everyone, what's our plan now?" The leader of Skycrane glanced at those by his side. Had he known Henry Zheng was a martial arts master, he would never have dared to act so recklessly.

Now, however, he found himself trapped with no way out. They couldn't fight, couldn't flee—they were stuck on the back of a tiger.

"How about we give it a try? He likely used an elixir to temporarily break through. If we unite our forces, we might have a chance," someone suggested.

"Are you joking? He's a martial arts master now. How could we possibly contend with him? Entering a battle with him is asking for death," another replied.

"In my opinion, it's best to forget about it. There's no need to risk our lives for some treasure," chimed in another leader.

Several heads held a hushed conversation, whispering in low voices, and eventually, they all retreated.

"What are you muttering about? If you won't make a move, then I will!" Henry Zheng didn't waste words. He inhaled deeply, thrusting his palms forward once more.


Two colossal palm prints surged forth like massive trucks, slamming into several faction leaders.

Capture the thief first to capture the king!

The effects of the EnergaSphere Pill lasted for only half an hour, so the battle needed to be resolved swiftly.

"Retreat quickly!" The leader of Skycrane widened his eyes, recognizing the futility of confronting Henry Zheng head-on. He swiftly retreated.

The others dared not face the onslaught and fled even faster than rabbits.

"Where do you think you're running to?" Henry Zheng refused to give up, stepping forward to pursue them.

"You audacious lunatic! Cease this insolence!"

Just then, a purple-clad figure shot out from the forest, hurtling toward Henry Zheng like an arrow.

"Courting death!"

Henry Zheng bellowed fiercely, quickly turning around and channeling the power of the Grandmaster, striking with a palm.

With his current overwhelming strength, he believed himself invincible.


The two collided head-on. The purple figure executed a backflip and landed gracefully. In stark contrast, Henry Zheng let out a loud cry, was sent flying more than ten meters, and crashed to the ground in an undignified heap.



The disciples of the Azure Mist Sect were alarmed, rushing forward to help their fallen leader.


Henry Zheng trembled and spat out a mouthful of blood, his imposing aura immediately diminished.

"How is this possible? I lost?" Henry Zheng was shocked and horrified, struggling to accept the reality.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't he have been the one to dominate, to stand out, and earn the respect of thousands?

How could he be suppressed when he was only half a step away from the Grandmaster Realm?

"Don't overestimate yourself!" Standing right in front of him was a purple-robed old man, standing tall with his hands behind his back.

Although he appeared frail, his presence was incredibly potent. He seemed as immovable as a mighty mountain.

"Master! What brings you here?" The leader of the Skycrane faction rejoiced upon seeing him.

The purple-robed old man before them was none other than the ancestor of the Skycrane faction—Jan Crane!

People affectionately referred to him as Lord Crane.

"Hmph! If I didn't come, do you really think you could have reclaimed the treasure?"

Chapter 993

Jan Crane maintained a stern countenance, his words carrying a reprimanding tone.

"Master is right," the headmaster of Skycrane Sect humbly concurred, flashing a smile of apology. The sudden arrival of Jan Crane stirred hushed murmurs among the onlookers.

"No way? Is that the legendary Crane the Reverend?"

"Reverend Crane has been secluded for years, not bothering with worldly affairs. Who would've expected him to appear today?"

"Even Lord Crane covets Senior Iris Meskill's treasure!"

The emergence of Jan Crane had once again reshaped the dynamics of the scene. Despite Henry Zheng's newfound power after his breakthrough, he had merely touched the threshold of mastery. In contrast, Jan Crane was a revered elder who had earned fame throughout the martial arts world years ago. The difference in their statuses was evident.

"Sir Crane? Why is this old monster here?!" Henry Zheng nervously swallowed, his composure replaced by a sense of gravity. His earlier bravado had completely dissipated.

"Who is he? You recently entered Iris Meskill's cemetery, didn't you?" Jan Crane cast a sidelong glance at Henry Zheng before finally fixing his gaze upon him. "I don't seek much. Hand over the Heavenly Spirit Orb, and I'll ensure your safety."

"What Heavenly Spirit Orb? I have no idea what you're talking about," Henry Zheng furrowed his brows, feigning ignorance.

"You're playing coy, aren't you? I'll say it once more: surrender the Heavenly Spirit Orb, and I'll spare your lives. Otherwise, you will all meet your demise!" Jan Crane declared sternly.

He had emerged from seclusion for a single purpose: the holy artifact of martial arts, the Heavenly Spirit Orb. Rumor had it that Iris Meskill had acquired it fifty years ago, and it was likely hidden within the cemetery. Securing this treasure would enable him to challenge the ranks of the Grandmasters within five years.

"Senior Jan, I truly don't possess a Heavenly Spirit Orb. There must be some misunderstanding," Henry Zheng earnestly protested.

"Hmph! Refusing to comply means death!" Jan Crane's voice was resolute, and the tension in the air intensified.

Jan Crane's countenance darkened, showing his disdain for further conversation. He extended his hand from the air and unleashed a devastating slap towards Henry Zheng.


A colossal palm descended, akin to the weight of Heavenly Summit bearing down upon its target, obliterating everything in its path.

Despite his determination, Henry Zheng's attempts to defend himself were in vain. Another mouthful of blood gushed forth, leaving him on the verge of collapse.

"Stay away from my dad!"

In this dire moment, Vanessa courageously stepped forward, positioning herself to intercept the potentially fatal blow aimed at her father.


Jan Crane remained relentless, delivering the Iron Palm strike with full force.


Just as Vanessa faced imminent danger, a silver needle suddenly shot out, swiftly crushing the palm's shadow and averting the deadly blow.


Jan Crane's brows furrowed as he scanned the area, his anger evident. "Who? Who dares to interfere in others' affairs?!"

"Senior Jan, indiscriminate killing of innocents isn't a commendable practice."

Amidst a resounding voice, Dustin emerged from the shadows alongside Abigail and Henry's two daughters.

"Brother Dustin?"

Vanessa's countenance brightened upon seeing him. Unbeknownst to her, in this life-and-death situation, this man had once again come to their rescue.

Could this be fate?

"Little devil, did you just launch a sneak attack?"

Jan Crane regarded Dustin with an unfriendly gaze.

"Senior Jan, several members of the Azure Mist Sect are my friends. I hope you can show some leniency," Dustin conveyed his respect with a cupped fist.

Given his still-recovering injuries, it was best to avoid unnecessary confrontations.

"Hmph! What are you worth, allowing this old man to show leniency? Begone!" Jan Crane retorted dismissively.

Jan Crane maintained his condescending demeanor, brimming with disdain.

A mere child with a brazen tongue dared to utter nonsense in his presence. He clearly had no grasp of his own insignificance!

"If Senior Jan persists, we may have no choice but to resort to force. And when that happens, there might not be much left of you. I hope you won't live to regret it," Dustin declared with utmost seriousness.

The moment these words left his lips, an eerie silence fell over their surroundings.

Disbelief filled the widened eyes of every onlooker.

Chapter 994

"Damn! Is this kid insane? Daring to provoke Reverend Crane like this?"

"Where did he come from? He doesn't even show respect to Reverend Crane. Does he think he's invincible?"

"How can he be so arrogant at such a young age? It seems he's never been taught a lesson in life!"

The crowd pointed fingers at Dustin, treating him like a fool.

Who is Jan Crane?

He's the ancestor of the Skycrane Sect, a martial arts master revered by thousands, a dean-level figure in the entire Riverbend martial arts world.

Who would dare to disrespect such a formidable figure? Who would dare to challenge his authority?

Yet here stands this kid, publicly defying Grandmaster Jan, as if he's seeking his own doom!

"Young brat! Do you comprehend the implications of your words?" Jan Crane's face darkened, and he spoke malevolently. "If you want to avoid death, kneel on the ground right now, kowtow to me three times, and call me grandpa three times, and I may spare your life."

"Kid! What are you waiting for? Kneel down!"

"Not everyone has the privilege to address Grandpa Crane the Reverend. Consider yourself fortunate today."

"Being Grandmaster Jan Crane's grandson is a blessing in your life. Don't be so disrespectful!"

Warriors in the crowd chimed in, threatening and cautioning, though most of it was in jest.

"Brother Dustin! Lord Crane is a prominent figure here. Please, apologize quickly to save your life!" Emily shouted urgently.

Even their master, who had recently broken through the realm, was no match for Jan Crane, let alone Dustin.

"Brother Dustin! Don't worry about us. Please, just avoid causing more trouble!" Vanessa added.

She was immensely grateful to Dustin for his rescue, but in the current situation, he couldn't singlehandedly alter the outcome. Being overly audacious might put him in greater jeopardy.

"Senior Jan, I'd like to offer you some advice. It's always better to be merciful and considerate. Otherwise, things might turn ugly if violence erupts," Dustin remarked calmly.

"You little rascal! You won't shed a tear until you've seen the coffin!"

Murderous intent flared in Jan Crane's eyes as he declared, "Since you insist on meddling in others' affairs, I'll begin by killing you, and then I'll deal with your friends!"

"Wait!" Henry Zheng interjected hastily. "Senior Jan, this kid provoked you. If you want to kill him, go ahead. We have nothing to do with this!"

"Hmph! If you surrender the Heavenly Spirit Pearl, I might spare your life," Jan Crane stated coldly.

"Heavenly Spirit Pearl?"

Henry Zheng rolled his eyes as if he'd had an epiphany and said abruptly, "Senior Jan, I know who possesses the Heavenly Spirit Pearl. If you promise to let us live, I'll tell you right away!"

"Oh? Who has it?"

Jan Crane's interest was piqued, and he narrowed his eyes.

"It's in this kid's possession!"

Henry Zheng suddenly pointed his finger at Dustin and declared, "We entered the tomb together earlier, but we parted ways due to a disagreement. If the Heavenly Spirit Pearl truly exists, he must have taken it!"

As soon as these words left Henry Zheng's lips, all eyes shifted to Dustin.

Their gazes were filled with greed and anticipation.

The Heavenly Spirit Pearl was a martial arts sacred artifact, a treasure capable of transforming an individual.

Who wouldn't covet such a valuable prize?

"Master Henry, I have no issues with you. Why would you betray me?" Dustin furrowed his brow.

He had just saved Henry Zheng and his daughter, allowing them to survive, yet they were now accusing him.

"Kid! Quit the act!"

Henry Zheng snapped with a fierce expression, "You spent a long time in the tomb and finally emerged. You must have concealed numerous treasures within your possession. I advise you to hand them over to Senior Jan immediately if you wish to save your life!"

"Young rascal, it seems the Heavenly Spirit Pearl is in your possession. No wonder I sense immense power emanating from you."

Jan Crane stroked his chin, his gaze sharp. "Now, surrender the treasure, and I might pardon your earlier insolence."

"Senior Jan, do you trust what he's saying? I've never even heard of the Heavenly Spirit Pearl," Dustin responded calmly.

"Never heard of it? Would you dare to let us search you, then?" Henry Zheng sneered.

"I've told you, I don't have the Heavenly Spirit Pearl. Whether you believe it or not is up to you." Dan couldn't be bothered to explain further. His nonchalant demeanor only fueled their suspicions.

Chapter 995

"Brother Dustin, if you've taken any treasures, hand them over now. Your life is more important," Emily urged.

"That's right, Brother Dustin! Material possessions are nothing compared to your life," added Vanessa, clearly concerned.

"Dustin, you need to understand the situation. Reverend Crane is not someone you can challenge. Admit your mistake and give up the treasure peacefully. It's the best way out," warned Nathan.

Though the existence of the Sky Spirit Orb was uncertain, it was clear to everyone that Dustin likely possessed other valuable treasures.

Now, there was only one sensible choice: surrender the treasures to save his own life.

"I won't surrender any treasures, even if I have them," Dustin declared firmly.

"What audacity! This kid has a death wish!"

"Hmph! A person who values wealth more than their own life deserves their fate."

Dustin's response did not sit well with the warriors, and tensions rose.

Simultaneously, Jan Crane's patience ran out completely.

"You stubborn brat! If you won't hand it over, I'll take it myself!"

Jan Crane could no longer restrain himself. With a swift movement, he transformed into a blur, reaching for Dustin's throat.

His fingertips were sharp enough to crush steel.

"Watch out!"

Emily and the others were alarmed, their hearts in their throats.

"Daring to defy Grandmaster Jan? Let's see how you meet your end!"

The warriors watched with cold, unsympathetic eyes, almost reveling in Dustin's impending doom.

Just when it seemed the situation was hopeless, Dustin sprang into action.

Instead of retreating, he advanced, launching himself towards Jan Crane, and threw a powerful punch.


Their collision was like two cannonballs meeting.

A tremendous surge of spiritual energy erupted from the point of impact.

Huge waves radiated in all directions.

In an instant, the massive tree collapsed, sending sand and rocks flying. Some martial artists standing nearby were hurled into the air, thrown high, and then came crashing down like dumplings.

After the collision, Dustin staggered back several steps, leaving deep footprints in the ground with each step.

On the other hand, Jan Crane was forcefully propelled more than ten meters backward. His feet dug into the earth, leaving two long furrows before he crashed into a large tree, finally coming to a halt.


Witnessing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

The outcome before them was entirely contrary to their expectations.

What had just happened?

Wasn't Reverend Crane supposed to easily overpower his opponent?

Why was he falling behind in a direct confrontation?

What on earth was going on?!

"I, I must be seeing things, right? This kid is actually stronger than Reverend Crane?!"

"No... it can't be! How old is he? Even if he started cultivating from the womb, he couldn't be this formidable!"

"Damn! Is this kid some kind of prodigy in martial arts?!"


"Wait! I remember now! He's the young master who became famous for defeating Sir Augustus not too long ago!"

"What? He's a young master?!"

"Oh my God! This is a once-in-a-century prodigy!"

After a moment of stunned silence, the entire area erupted into a frenzy of chatter and amazement.

Chapter 996

So, there we were, in the midst of this mind-blowing spectacle. I mean, seriously, nobody saw this coming. Picture this: a regular, unassuming guy named Dustin suddenly goes all Bruce Lee on us. It's like someone slipped some sci-fi serum in his morning coffee.

The dude turned out to be the legendary Young Grandmaster. You know, the one whose name had been echoing through every nook and cranny of Riverbend lately. People were straight-up idolizing this guy.

And now, boom, he's here, showing off his superhero moves. I couldn't help but think, "Did they accidentally drop him off at the wrong dojo?"

Henry Zheng, the guy who'd taken Dustin as an apprentice, was probably wishing he had a time machine to undo that move. Seriously, he'd just slandered the living legend! Dustin was the prodigy who'd handed Sir Augustus a can of whoop-***.

Now, Henry was like, "What have I done?!" in cold sweat mode. He'd boasted about Dustin being the real deal, but this was another level entirely.

"Hey, Emily...Sis Emily, am I hearing things right? Our buddy Dustin is the Young Grandmaster?"

Vanessa was frozen, her eyes locked on Dustin, looking like she'd just witnessed a UFO landing.

Emily, though, was all poetic, muttering to herself like some sci-fi sage, "The guy's got the swagger, the spirit, he knows right from wrong, and he's got a Ph.D. in kicking ***—all at this age. Yep, he checks all the boxes. He's that once-in-a-lifetime genius, the Young Grandmaster that everyone's raving about!"

She was shaking like she'd chugged a case of energy drinks. You could tell she was stoked.

But Nathan, poor Nathan, was standing there, gnashing his teeth. He'd always thought he was just a heartbeat behind Dustin, like he could catch up with some extra sweat and practice. Now he realized he was more like a turtle racing a rocket ship.

"Why, oh why?" he muttered under his breath.

Jan Crane, the martial arts maestro, wasn't having any of it. "Kid, you've been playing poker with a deck of Uno cards. I seriously underestimated you."

And then, out of nowhere, a voice boomed, "Senior Jan, this kid's no pushover. Mind if I join the party?"

A black-cloaked figure descended from the sky with all the grace of an action movie hero. It looked like they'd just stepped out of a sci-fi thriller.

Guess who it was? Grandmaster Alexander Cheng from the Soul-Suppressing Sect, a big name in Riverbend. People were like, "Wait, isn't that the dude from the legends?" The guy was second only to Ronald Reeds, the martial arts alliance bigwig.

Man, Riverbend's urban legends just went up a notch that day.

Chapter 997

"Alexander, you want in too?" Jan Crane gave him a wary look.

"Haha, the Heavenly Spirit Pearl is a coveted relic in the martial arts world. I'm not passing this opportunity," Alexander Cheng replied without hesitation.

When martial masters reach their level, there aren't many treasures that can truly pique their interest, but the Heavenly Spirit Pearl is one of them. Possessing it offers a chance to break through limits and ascend to greatness.

It's the kind of treasure that can make a difference.

"Ah, we have a surprise guest," a voice echoed from the shadows, and a figure bathed in golden light appeared.

This person was a portly, bald old man with a ring-shaped scar on his head. Despite his rotund figure, he exuded a serene aura. He wore flowing robes, and an air of holiness surrounded him.

The gentle golden glow seemed to bring peace to those who looked upon it, like basking in a warm breeze.

"The Abbot of Dabei Temple - Master Jason Edwards!" The crowd recognized him with gasps.

Unexpectedly, another martial arts master had arrived.

Today was turning out to be an extraordinary day, with all these elusive figures suddenly emerging.

Was it all for Iris Meskill's treasure?

"Master Vigilance, what brings you here?" Jan Crane's expression tensed as the pressure in the vicinity grew.

Initially, he had entertained the idea of claiming the Heavenly Spirit Pearl for himself, but now it seemed far-fetched.

"There have been rumors of an evil presence in this place. I came to investigate and, if needed, confine it within the Five Peaks Tower to prevent bloodshed," Master Jason Edwards said calmly.

"Hmph! Sounds noble, but are you genuinely here to avoid a conflict?" Alexander Cheng sneered.

He couldn't stand sanctimonious individuals who pretended to be saviors while secretly eyeing treasures.

"No, I'm here to protect the innocent," Master Jason stated.

"All right, I won't waste time with you," Alexander Cheng said impatiently. "Jan, you're the most experienced here. How do we divide the Heavenly Spirit Pearls?"

"Divide? The goods haven't even arrived, and you're already talking division?" Jan Crane raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, right, almost forgot," Alexander Cheng smacked his forehead and turned to Dustin. "Young man, hand over the Sky Spirit Orb, and then we can discuss how to share the loot."

"Senior Alexander, I don't have the Sky Spirit Orb. You must be mistaken," Dustin insisted.

The Sky Spirit Orb was actually with Abigail, so he was telling the truth.

"Your words mean nothing. We all know the situation here. If you intend to keep everything for yourself, you'll face the wrath of the public," Alexander Cheng warned.

"I'll say it again, my answer is no. I'm afraid you'll be disappointed today," Dustin replied firmly.

"Young man, I thought we could resolve this amicably, but it seems you're not aware of your own predicament!" Alexander Cheng's face darkened.

"Donor, evil entities harm people. Leave them to me, and you'll be doing a service to society," Master Jason suggested with folded hands.

"Young man, I'll give you one more chance: hand it over or not?" Jan Crane demanded.

At this point, the three masters joined forces, creating an invisible pressure around Dustin, trying to force him to relent.

"No, I can't give it up," Dustin said firmly, his eyes unwavering.

"Hmph, stubborn!"

The three masters exchanged glances, stopped their banter, and simultaneously attacked Dustin.

"Are the three of you not afraid of becoming the laughingstock of the world for bullying the weak?"

Suddenly, a thunderous voice boomed from thin air. At the same moment, a white figure descended from the sky, landing in front of Dustin, and promptly slapped the three masters.


The palm strike was like a mountain crashing down, shaking the surroundings. The three great masters were forced to step back several paces, their expressions turning serious.

"Edmund Robinson?!"

The three of them scrutinized the newcomer more closely, their expressions shifting rapidly.

Chapter 998

"What? Edmund Robinson? One of the Balermo Five Grandmasters?"

"Sea Emperor! It's actually the Sea Emperor! Oh my god! How did the Sea Emperor show up here?"

"The Sea Emperor has been in seclusion for many years, never interfering in the martial world. I can't believe he suddenly appeared today. Is this a sign of impending disaster?"

The appearance of Edmund Robinson sent shockwaves through the entire scene.

Everyone was filled with awe and astonishment.

The Balermo Five Grandmasters were widely recognized as the five strongest individuals in the martial world, and among them, Edmund Robinson was known as the Sea Emperor.

Ten years ago, he single-handedly guarded the West Gate and defeated three foreign Grandmaster-level experts, keeping tens of thousands of enemy soldiers outside the country's borders. He defended the city alone, and no foreign invaders dared to enter. That was the battle that made him famous!

In that year, Edmund Robinson had dominated Balermo, and he was hailed as an emperor by many.

His glorious deeds were still talked about to this day.

"Sir Edmund?"

Dustin Rhys raised an eyebrow, his face showing surprise.

He hadn't expected such a powerful ally to show up at this critical moment.

"Dad! Why are you here?"

Seeing the familiar figure in front of her, Abigail couldn't help but light up. Since their last parting, she had thought it would be difficult to see her father again.

"I heard there was trouble here, so I came to check it out."

Edmund Robinson turned around, giving a slight smile. "How are you all? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but these guys outnumbered us and tried to steal our things. They even surrounded Uncle Dust. It's really outrageous!" Abigail started complaining right away.

"I saw what happened just now. Leave it to me to handle."

Edmund Robinson nodded and then looked at the three Grandmasters. He slowly reined in his smile, and his gaze became particularly sharp. "Gentlemen, you are all renowned figures in the martial world. Is it appropriate to bully younger generations like this?"

"Master Edmund, this is our private matter. It doesn't concern you, does it?" Jan Crane frowned.

They were so close to obtaining the treasure, only to have someone interfere unexpectedly.

"Master Edmund, do you know that this young man possesses the Sky Spirit Orb?" Jan Crane suddenly asked, attempting to create divisions between Edmund and Dustin Rhys.

"What of it? Obtaining the Sky Spirit Orb is Dustin Rhys's ability. You trying to forcefully take it from him here is nothing short of robbery," Edmund Robinson responded firmly.

"Humph! The Sky Spirit Orb is a sacred treasure of the martial world. Whoever sees it should share it. Why should this kid monopolize it?" Alexander Cheng said, clearly dissatisfied.

"Geez... Master Edmund, the Sky Spirit Orb is an evil object. Once it appears, it will undoubtedly cause upheaval in the martial world. To resolve this crisis, it should be entrusted to this humble monk," Master Jan said, clasping his hands together and speaking earnestly.

"Master Edmund, the Sky Spirit Orb is not a personal possession; it should be contributed for collective discussion. If it's taken for personal gain, it will inevitably anger the public. What do you think?" Jan Crane said with a meaningful tone.

As long as the three of them were on the same page, their chances were still good even in a three-versus-two situation.

"It seems like I didn't make myself clear earlier, so I'll say it again."

Edmund Robinson's tone gradually intensified. "Today, I'm here to guarantee Dustin Rhys's safety. If you have any sense, you'll leave immediately. If anyone dares to defy me, I'll make them yield!"

His words caused an uproar in the entire scene.

"Wow! The Sea Emperor is truly overbearing!"

"Has the Sea Emperor become a bit too arrogant? He doesn't seem to care about the Three Grandmasters at all!"

Chapter 999

"Damn it! If I had the strength of the Sea Emperor, I'd be a hundred times more badass!"

The martial artists discussed fervently, filled with surprise and a newfound sense of admiration.

Challenging the Three Grandmasters and daring to confront the entire Balermo region – who would dare to do that?

"You're out of line, Edmund Robinson! Do you really think we're afraid of you?" Jan Crane was unable to contain his anger.

Being publicly scolded by a junior was a blow to his pride that he couldn't tolerate.

"You, Sir Edmund! Don't get too arrogant!" Alexander Cheng also displayed his fury. "As fellow Grandmasters, we advised you kindly. If you insist on opposing us, don't blame us for not being polite!"


Master Jan sighed lightly. "Sir Edmund, if you remain obstinate, this humble monk will have to follow the path of destiny."

"Since you three won't back down, let's have a fight, shall we? It's been a long time since I've stretched my muscles." Edmund Robinson suddenly chuckled.

A deep and powerful aura slowly emanated from him.

The temperature around them dropped rapidly, and a hurricane began to form.

"Edmund Robinson! Don't forget, it's three against two, giving us the advantage!" Jan Crane shouted fiercely.

"Three against two?"

Edmund Robinson shook his head. "No, no, no... You've misunderstood. Dealing with you three doesn't require Dustin Rhys's help. I alone am enough."

At his words, everyone was taken aback.

Could it be? Is the Sea Emperor really going to take on all three of them at once?

This was no joke.

The three Grandmasters were not just anyone; they were seasoned experts.

Facing them one-on-three was simply suicidal!

"Edmund Robinson! You're too arrogant! Today, I must teach you a lesson!" Jan Crane was livid and leaped forward, leading the charge.

"Arrogant fool! I'll show you just how capable I am!" Alexander Cheng followed suit, launching a joint attack on Edmund Robinson.

"Edmund Master, the boundless sea has its limits; it's time for me to come to your rescue!" Master Jan, not one to be outdone, burst into golden light and shot out like an arrow.

The three martial arts Grandmasters attacked from three different directions simultaneously.

"Very well!"

Edmund Robinson laughed heartily and suddenly shot up into the sky, becoming a streak of white light colliding head-on.

In an instant, the four of them engaged in an intense battle.

Blurry afterimages darted back and forth, their speed astonishingly fast, making it impossible to discern who was who.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

As the four fought, thunderous crashes reverberated continuously.

A vast amount of Grandmaster's energy, like an avalanche, surged outward, sweeping through everything in its path.

Wherever it went, the ground was upturned, and trees were shattered, with nothing able to withstand its force.

The onlookers, martial artists themselves, could only keep retreating and retreating again.

At the level of martial arts Grandmasters, even the shockwaves from a single collision were enough to seriously injure lower-level martial artists.

"Oh my god! They're actually fighting! The Sea Emperor is taking on three of them, isn't that too ruthless?"

"Is this a battle between Grandmasters? It's absolutely terrifying!"

The martial artists watched from a distance, their faces showing shock and fear.

"Uncle, my dad won't get hurt, will he?"

Watching the distant figures clash, Abigail couldn't help but feel nervous.

She knew her father was powerful, but facing three opponents simultaneously was undoubtedly an incredibly difficult challenge.

"Don't worry, Sir Edmund will be fine."

Dustin Rhys smiled and reassured her, "While these three are formidable, Sir Edmund is almost unbeatable below the level of Grandmaster."

Chapter 1000

The battle between Edmund Robinson and the other three had grown increasingly intense, with their destructive power escalating as well. The area within a hundred meters of their battleground had been reduced to a barren wasteland. Birds and beasts in the dark forest scattered in fear as the earth trembled beneath them.

The thunderous noise from their clash attracted a growing number of spectators, including martial artists of various levels: innate realm, acquired realm, and even martial dao grandmasters. Representatives from different factions and sects had gathered to witness the spectacle. However, at this moment, no one dared to make a rash move.

All eyes were fixed on the four grandmasters, their expressions filled with shock and awe.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

As the battle continued, the explosions became more frequent. Waves of energy rippled outwards, akin to a tsunami, sending chills down the spines of those watching.

After hundreds of exchanges, Jan Crane, Alexander Cheng, and Jason Edwards, the three martial grandmasters, grew increasingly uneasy. They hadn't expected Edmund Robinson to be this powerful. He was holding his ground against all three of them, and his boundless martial energy seemed endless. Not only did he not show any signs of weakness, but he also grew more formidable with each passing moment.

It was as if he were a monstrous entity!

Finally, they grasped the true value of the Five Grandmasters. Even when facing a three-on-one situation, they couldn't gain the upper hand, let alone considering a one-on-one battle.

The title of "Sea Emperor" was well-deserved, not an empty boast.

"Grandmaster Alexander! Grandmaster Jason! If we continue like this, we might be at a disadvantage. It's time to use our ultimate techniques!" Jan Crane, his face tense, transmitted his thoughts to the other two.

"You're right! We must give it our all. If we fail, we'll lose face!" Alexander Cheng gritted his teeth, his forehead already covered in sweat.

"Allow me to engage him directly for a while. Both of you, go all out!" Jason Edwards transmitted his thoughts.

"Alright, let's do it!"


They exchanged glances and then simultaneously made their move.

Jason Edwards was enveloped in an aura of golden light, which instantly bound Edmund Robinson tightly, like an intricate web.

Seizing the opportunity, Jan Crane unleashed his ultimate technique.

He transformed into a gigantic white crane and lunged at Edmund Robinson.

Alexander Cheng, refusing to be outdone, turned into countless afterimages, shooting towards their opponent like artillery shells.

Edmund Robinson's body trembled violently as he broke free from the bindings.

He then raised his hand and slashed horizontally towards the three of them.


A crescent-shaped white radiance burst forth with incredible speed.

As the wind caught it, the radiance expanded to over ten meters in size, resembling a massive scythe slashing across the trio.




Three consecutive deafening sounds reverberated, shaking the heavens and the earth.

In the first explosion, Jason Edwards's golden light shattered.

In the second explosion, Jan Crane's giant white crane exploded.

In the third explosion, Alexander Cheng's afterimages dissipated into thin air.

In an instant, all three were struck as if by lightning, sent flying and crashing dozens of meters away, leaving three deep craters in the once-flat ground.

"What? The three grandmasters were actually defeated? How is that possible?!"

"Wow, is the Sea Emperor really this formidable?"

Witnessing this scene, the onlookers were left in shock and disbelief. They had assumed that three against one would secure an easy victory, but instead, Edmund Robinson had decisively defeated them all.
☺ I'm happy, please keep releasing new chapters !
Chapter 981

With his substantial strength, it should have been a piece of cake to hoist a sword weighing several thousand catties. So why in the world wouldn't it budge?

"Give it another go," Henry Zheng prodded.

Andy Dawson didn't dawdle. He sucked in a deep breath, gripped the hilt with both hands, and exerted every ounce of his might to yank it upwards.

Veins popped on his neck, his face turned beet red, and he strained with all his might.

Yet, the Black Sword remained obstinately still, showing not a hint of movement.

"Master, it's a no-go. This sword won't budge," Andy panted, sweat pouring down his brow.

"You're a disappointment! You can't even pull out a sword. Let me handle this!" Nathan couldn't bear watching any longer. He shoved Andy aside, spat on his palms, and rubbed them vigorously.

Taking a firm stance, he clutched the sword's hilt with both hands, took a deep breath, channeled his energy, and tugged with all his might!

But the Black Sword stayed put, displaying zero willingness to cooperate.

"Dammit! I refuse to believe it!" Nathan's frustration was mounting as he made several more futile attempts.

Nevertheless, the outcome remained unchanged.

The black sword remained silently ensconced, appearing to be fused with the entire mountain.

"Master, there's something off about this sword. It's just not coming out," Nathan admitted defeat and said, "I think you should give it a shot."

"Hmph! You can't even deal with a simple sword. Don't you dare claim to be my disciple in the future; it's just too embarrassing!" Henry Zheng scolded, his expression stern, as he approached the sword with hands behind his back.

He circled the Black Sword first, ensuring there were no hidden traps. Then, he reached out, grabbed the hilt, and attempted to pull it upward.

However, the Black Sword remained firmly entrenched.


Henry Zheng frowned, his grip tightening as he increased his efforts, but the Black Sword remained stubbornly unmoved. Under the watchful eyes of his disciples, he couldn't conceal his frustration. Dismissing his steed, he grabbed the hilt with both hands and dismounted.

"Up, you!" Henry Zheng barked angrily, summoning his inner strength and causing the entire stone room to tremble. Rocks fell, dust clouded the air, and it felt like an earthquake was underway.

Yet, despite the room's violent shaking, the Black Sword remained unresponsive.

"This is outrageous! Such bullying!" Henry Zheng gritted his teeth and kicked the sword's hilt in frustration, venting his anger.

"Is this sword fake? Why isn't it reacting at all?" murmured some of the disciples, perplexed.

"Even Master couldn't pull it out. Who on earth can?" others wondered.

"Perhaps this sword chooses its owner, and only someone destined can wield it," someone suggested.

People exchanged bewildered glances, their voices hushed.

"I'll give it a shot," Dustin Rhys declared, stepping forward suddenly.

Nathan scoffed, "Even our master couldn't budge it. What makes you think you can?"

"Swords have spirits; mere brute force won't do," Dustin replied calmly, closing his eyes to connect with the sword's elusive aura.

"Nonsense! It's just a sword; it can't possibly understand human emotions," Nathan retorted.

"Kid, don't overestimate yourself. If even Master failed, what chance do you have?" The disciples of Azure Mist Sect joined in, ridiculing Dustin.

Their master, a half-step master-level expert, had been unable to budge the sword. Why would this young man even attempt it?

"Hmph! This youngster never know his own limitations," Henry Zheng said with disdain. "You don't honestly believe you're stronger than me, do you? If even I couldn't move it, what chance do you have? I'll make it clear now: no one can draw this sword, not even deities themselves! If you can do it, I'll kneel down on the spot and beg to be your disciple, showing you the utmost respect!"

His challenge hung in the air, but before anyone could react, Dustin's eyes snapped open.

In a flash of black light, he raised two fingers and pointed at the sword. "Rise!"

A soft, metallic sound echoed in the room.

The black sword shot up from the ground like a coiled serpent breaking free from its bonds. It spun twice in the air before landing gracefully in Dustin's outstretched hand.

Henry stood there, mouth agape, completely dumbfounded.

Chapter 982

Staring at the black sword now held by Dustin Rhys, everyone stood in disbelief, their expressions a mix of astonishment and incredulity.

They had all tried their utmost to pull the sword, but it had remained firmly in place. Yet here was Dustin Rhys, who hadn't even touched it, merely extending two fingers and commanding it to rise. The sword had responded, flying out from the ground and landing in Dustin Rhys's hand with pinpoint accuracy.

Why? How?

Their bewilderment brewed questions. Why was Dustin Rhys able to do something they had failed at despite their best efforts? Was it discrimination? Racism? Was he somehow not human?

"No, this can't be real! How did he make it look so effortless?" Nathan exclaimed, his eyes wide with astonishment.

Facing a sword that even his master couldn't budge, why had Dustin Rhys merely waved his fingers and summoned it effortlessly?

"What in the world? Did the sword just fly up on its own?" Vanessa asked, struggling to accept what she had witnessed.

"Perhaps the sword possesses a spirit and recognizes its master?" Emily speculated, her surprise and suspicion evident.

The phrase "Born to slay demons and evil spirits; the sword is only equipped with predestined people" came to her mind as she considered the possibility.

"How on earth did you do it?!" Henry demanded, his brows furrowing deeply as his composure slipped away.

He couldn't fathom why he, a master, couldn't pull the sword free, while Dustin Rhys had succeeded with such ease.

"I don't know either. I just waved my hand, and the sword came to me," Dustin Rhys replied, looking at the black sword in his hand with growing admiration.

While he was skilled in swordsmanship, he rarely used a sword, given that his strength rendered ordinary blades unimpressive. However, this particular sword was different; it seemed tailor-made for him.

The blade, crafted from meteoric iron, was both invincible and extraordinarily sharp. Dustin Rhys could even sense a latent destructive power within the sword.

"This sword is truly exceptional," he remarked, his fingers lightly tracing its blade, his fascination evident. "The heavens have truly blessed me."

Shen Yao stepped forward, wearing a congratulatory smile. "Congratulations, Brother Dustin, on obtaining this unique sword. It clearly belongs to you."

However, at this moment, Henry Zheng interjected, "Wait a moment. Young man, this sword is no ordinary weapon. It is likely to be a perilous artifact. Carrying it around could invite unwanted trouble. How about entrusting it to me for safekeeping?"

Dustin Rhys raised an eyebrow in response. "Master Henry, this sword has chosen me as its master. Whether it is malevolent or not is irrelevant."

"Please understand, young man, that I am thinking of your well-being. If you cannot control such a monstrous weapon, let me handle it," Henry Zheng implored, extending his hand to request the sword.

This spiritual sword was an exceedingly rare treasure, and possessing it would greatly enhance his strength. He could even contend with a Grandmaster.

"Master Henry, I can manage it on my own. I don't require your concern," Dustin Rhys replied, his smile fading as he clearly saw through the true intentions behind Henry's request.

Chapter 983

The elderly man before him was overtaken by greed and tried to claim the sword as his own.

"Listen carefully, young man. I'm not seeking your consent," Henry Zheng's demeanor turned icy. "As the saying goes, 'A drowning man will clutch at a straw.' This sword is not meant for you. Hand it over, and you'll be spared."

"What do you mean by this, Sir Zheng? Are you trying to threaten me?" Dustin Rhys narrowed his eyes.

"I'm merely offering you counsel. Wise men yield to circumstances. You're still young with ample opportunities ahead. There's no need to jeopardize your future over a sword," Henry Zheng pressed on, his determination unwavering.

He was resolute about acquiring the sword. If it weren't for concerns about his reputation, he would have already attempted to seize it forcibly.

"Master, a sword is destined for its owner. Dustin Rhys is the chosen one for this sword. Your actions are inappropriate," Emily furrowed her brow. She had not anticipated that her usually upright master would stoop to such lengths for a sword, even resorting to threats.

"Silence!" Henry Zheng snapped. "What do you know? This sword has no master; it belongs to whomever possesses the strength to claim it."

"Dad! The sword has already chosen Brother Dustin. Are you still contemplating theft?" Vanessa's anger was palpable.

"Stubborn girl! You're my daughter, yet you stand against me?" Henry Zheng appeared baffled.

"I'm merely speaking the truth," Vanessa asserted. "Brother Dustin saved our lives earlier, and we haven't had the chance to repay his kindness. It's unjust for you to resort to threats."

"Hmph! If we hadn't granted him entry, he wouldn't even be worthy of encountering this treasure," Henry Zheng retorted aggressively. "Furthermore, I merely wish for him to possess a sword; what's the harm in that? If he discovers other treasures later, he'll be the first to select them."


"Enough!" Vanessa tried to voice her opinion, but was abruptly cut off by Henry Zheng's furious interruption. "I hold this sword in high regard. Regardless of the circumstances, I must obtain it today!"

"What if I refuse?" Dustin Rhys's eyes turned cold.

"What if you don't? Hmph! Then don't blame me for taking drastic measures!" Henry Zheng's voice grew sharp as he unleashed a formidable aura from his body.

Like a ravenous predator baring its teeth, he displayed his aggression.

"Enough!" At that moment, Vanessa abruptly positioned herself in front of Dustin Rhys. "Dad! Brother Dustin saved my life. If you dare to proceed, you'll have to kill me first!"

"Stubborn girl! Move aside!" Henry Zheng was growing exasperated.

Having a daughter, he had initially thought, was like having a cozy winter coat, but it appeared she had some rather gaping holes.

"Dad! You've always taught me not to repay kindness with cruelty!" Vanessa bit her lip and extended her arms to shield Dustin Rhys, ready to lay her life on the line.

"Master, please reconsider. There are likely more valuable treasures ahead, and there's no need for things to escalate," Emily continued her attempts at persuasion.

"Silence!" Henry Zheng lost his temper, striking Emily across the face and berating her. "A pack of ingrates! I taught you to honor your masters, not to defy me!"

Clutching her face, Emily wore a pained expression. The way Henry Zheng looked at her seemed strange and foreign.

She had never anticipated her master would devolve into such a state, completely disregarding respect.

"Master Henry, please desist, and let's not blow this out of proportion," Dustin Rhys stated coldly.

This old man's avarice was truly excessive.

He had a wonderful disciple and a devoted daughter, but he seemed to be utterly blind to their worth.

"Enough of your nonsense! Hand over the sword, or you'll regret it!" Henry Zheng threatened viciously.

"You want the sword? Fine, I'll give it to you," Dustin Rhys conceded. He then tossed the sword into the air with a single flick of his wrist, executing a series of elegant spins before the Sky Sword was precisely reinserted at the center of the formation, reverting to its original state.

"Here it is. If you can, go ahead and pull it out yourself."

Chapter 984

"Here, if you can, go and pull it out yourself," Dustin Rhys declared tersely. Without further ado, he flung the sword back into its original place and then headed for one of the three stone doors in the room. Pushing it open without delay, he entered.

He made his choice without lingering or fussing for the sake of Emily and Vanessa. Since Henry Zheng couldn't withdraw the sword, there was no harm in leaving it behind. The most pressing matter at hand was to locate the black Higan flower also known as Shadowblooms. After finding it, he could always return for the sword.

"Stinking boy! Stop right there!" As Dustin Rhys prepared to depart, Henry Zheng erupted in anger, lifting his palm as if to deliver a deadly blow.

"Stop!" In that critical moment, Vanessa once again placed herself between them.

Taken aback, Henry Zheng withdrew his hand swiftly, fearing he might accidentally harm his daughter.

Ultimately, he watched in frustration as the three figures of Dustin Rhys disappeared into the darkness.

"You ungrateful girl! You're actually siding with outsiders against me? How foolish!" Henry Zheng lamented, pounding his chest and stamping his feet in vexation.

Why had he raised such an ungrateful child?

"Dad! As much as the treasure matters, you shouldn't betray your conscience!" Vanessa asserted firmly.

"You—" Henry Zheng began to raise his hand in anger, but midway through, he ultimately lowered it.

He only had one daughter, whom he had always cherished like a treasure. How could he bear to do anything to harm her?

"Master, although the young man is gone, the sword is still here. Why don't we try again?" Nathan inquired tentatively.

"Hmph! I refuse to believe that only that kid can extract the sword!" Henry Zheng gritted his teeth, making his way back to the Sky Sword. Once there, he grabbed the hilt with both hands and made another desperate attempt to withdraw it.

However, much to his frustration, the Sky Sword remained immobile, behaving entirely contrary to its obedient response when in Dustin Rhys's hands.

"Garbage! Worthless! I'll ruin you!" Henry Zheng attempted several times, growing increasingly infuriated.

Frustrated and bent on destroying the sword if he couldn't possess it, he struck the hilt with the palm of his hand.


A resounding crash echoed through the chamber. The Sky Sword remained unmoved, but an invisible force propelled Henry Zheng backward, causing his arms to go numb as his blood roiled.

Unable to extract the sword, yet also unable to damage it, Henry Zheng was on the verge of spewing blood in his frustration.

After taking a moment to regain his composure, he left two disciples to stand guard before leading the rest through another stone door.

It was pointless to dwell on the sword, and there might be other treasures to discover.

"Uncle, that old man went too far. Why didn't you put him in his place earlier?" Abigail still felt somewhat aggrieved as they traversed the dark passageway.

"No need to make matters worse. Let's focus on finding the Shadowblooms," Dustin Rhys replied calmly.

The Sky Sword was already in his possession, and he could recall it at will, rendering theft a non-issue.

"Little miracle doctor, there's another junction ahead," Azalea announced suddenly as they continued on.

In front of them, a crossroads presented itself, with each cave entrance leading into impenetrable darkness, their destinations impossible to discern.

"Why is this place like a labyrinth? There are so many branching paths," Abigail mused with a touch of anxiety.

What if they took the wrong route and ended up in danger?

"Let's keep moving," Dustin Rhys asserted confidently.

They pressed on, navigating the labyrinthine passages with their fair share of twists and turns. After approximately a stick of incense had passed, a brilliant light suddenly appeared before them.

They hastened their pace to get a closer look, revealing that they had entered a brightly illuminated tomb.

The tomb was vast, encircled by numerous human-shaped stone statues, each meticulously carved to appear lifelike.

In the center, amidst these stone sentinels, lay an enormous bronze coffin.

The coffin was adorned with an array of peculiar symbols that exuded an eerie aura.

"Uncle, do you find this place unsettling?" Abigail huddled closer, feeling an inexplicable unease.

The human-shaped stone statues surrounding the coffin, in particular, had cold, unblinking eyes that seemed to fixate on her, sending shivers down her spine.

"They're just stone statues. What's there to be afraid of?" Dustin Rhys scanned the area and discerned no signs of life.

"Little miracle doctor, there are inscriptions here," Azalea noted, approaching a stone tablet positioned directly in front of the coffin.

Upon closer examination, she discovered several lines of text engraved on the tablet: "Disciple of the Jade Maiden Palace, visit thrice before the tomb"

Chapter 985

"Uncle, we aren't disciples of the Jade Maiden Palace. Should we offer our respects?" Abigail asked.

"The departed should be honored. Let's pay our respects," Dustin replied.

Iris Meskill was a true legend of her era, and even in her passing, she deserved reverence.

"Okay," Abigail agreed, knelt before the stone tablet, and performed three kowtows.


Suddenly, the stone tablet trembled, sinking slowly until it vanished completely. In its place, a delicate wooden box appeared.

"Uncle! There's something here!" Abigail exclaimed, eagerly opening the box.

Inside the box lay a gleaming golden bead, its radiance breathtaking. The golden liquid inside swirled like a vortex, avidly absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy.

"Oh my goodness! It's the Sky Spirit Orb!" Azalea's eyes widened in astonishment.

Even Dustin, who was typically composed, couldn't hide his surprise. He hadn't expected the item in the box to be the legendary treasure of the martial arts world—the Sky Spirit Orb.

"The Sky Spirit Orb? What's that?" Abigail asked, her head tilted in confusion. Why were they making such a fuss over a pretty bead?

"Abigail, you've stumbled upon a treasure!" Edith exclaimed excitedly. "The Sky Spirit Orb is renowned as one of the three holy objects in the martial arts world. It's considered the best of the best, and countless martial artists dream of possessing it."

"Its primary function is to accelerate cultivation speed, with a tenfold enhancement. With it, even someone with limited talent can become a top-tier genius in no time!"

Certainly, if a prodigy got their hands on this treasure, the level of transformation would be beyond imagination! To say the Sky Spirit Orb's appearance will cause an upheaval in the martial arts world is no exaggeration!"

As she finished speaking, she blushed. After all, the object before them was the ultimate treasure capable of granting rebirth—a chance for a commoner to ascend to greatness.

Who wouldn't be envious upon seeing it?

"Huh? It's that powerful?" Abigail was taken aback, her composure slipping.

She had initially thought it was just an exquisite piece of jewelry, but the revelation of its incredible value left her astounded.

"Abigail, you must remember that you can't mention the Sky Spirit Orb to anyone. It would invite endless trouble," Dustin cautioned, his expression deadly serious.

Even he couldn't resist being tempted by such a valuable treasure.

"Uncle, this treasure is too precious for me to handle. You should keep it," Abigail said, her voice quivering as she offered the Sky Spirit Orb to Dustin.

"Abigail! Are you—?" Azalea's eyes nearly popped out.

Was this girl a complete fool? She was giving away an item that could change fates and drive countless people to madness.

No rational person would do that!

"Silly girl, since you performed the ritual, the Sky Spirit Orb naturally belongs to you. Keep it," Dustin replied, smiling as he pushed the treasure back to her.

"Huh?" Abigail was taken aback by this response.

She had anticipated Dustin to be overjoyed, but he declined.

Was he a fool too?

"Uncle, you're more talented than me. This treasure suits you better," Abigal argued, pushing the Sky Spirit Orb back toward Dustin.

"I won't gain much from using it right now, but you're just starting out and could use this treasure to accelerate your cultivation," Dustin insisted, pushing the treasure back toward Abigail.

"I don't want it; you take it!"

"Stop being stubborn and take it back!"

"I don't want it, I tell you!"

"You have to!"


As they continued to push the treasure back and forth, frustration and anxiety mounted, and it seemed they might start arguing any moment.

"Good grief..."

Beside them, Azalea's expression was frozen, his mouth twitching as she watched. He felt like she was witnessing a squabble between children.

This was a sacred martial arts object—a treasure that had driven countless warriors to madness!

Could they show a little more respect for it?!

Chapter 986

"If you don't want it, why don't you give it to me?" Azalea interjected when he saw the two arguing.

At this point, Azalea couldn't resist any longer and decided to speak up. She couldn't afford to miss out on this treasure if it was truly being offered.

"Go cool your head!" Dustin shot back, glaring at her, before forcefully pushing the Sky Spirit Orb into Edith's pocket. "Keep it safe. This treasure is meant for you. If you refuse again, I'll be upset!"

"Alright... fine, I'll use it for a while, and then I'll return it to you, Uncle," Abigail finally relented after hesitating for a moment, tucking the treasure away securely.

She figured that once she grew stronger, she could be of more assistance to Dustin. As soon as the Sky Spirit Orb made contact with her skin, she felt a cool energy flowing into her body and filling her power, reinforcing her internal energy and fortifying her meridians.

At this rate, she estimated that she would make another breakthrough within three to five days. The speed of her cultivation was truly remarkable.

"Okay, let's continue our search and see if the Shadowblooms is here," Dustin said, wasting no time as he started looking around.

The tomb was filled with treasures, including mystical weapons, martial arts manuals, and various rare items—any one of which could secure an individual's comfort for a lifetime.

None of these treasures piqued Dustin's interest. However, Azalea eagerly collected anything that caught her eye.

After a thorough search of the tomb, Dustin failed to locate the Shadowblooms. The only place left to explore was the bronze coffin.

"Forgive me, Senior!" Dustin said, bowing deeply to the coffin. He then placed his hand on the lid and pushed with all his strength.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

The coffin creaked open, slowly revealing its contents. A cloud of dust was released into the air.

Dustin lowered his gaze into the coffin and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Inside the coffin lay the skeleton of a man dressed in opulent attire.

"On the chest of the corpse, a coquettish and beautiful flower grows."

"The flowers are all black, surrounded by dark light."

"It gives people a mysterious, sad, desolate, but unparalleled beauty."

"This flower blooms strangely, sadly, enchantingly, and has a bit of fierce light."

"It seems like a product from another world."

"Just looking at it is mesmerizing."

"This flower is the flower of the underworld that Nathan had dreamed of!"

"It really is here!"

Dustin's face was overjoyed, and his breathing became short of breath.

With this Shadowblooms, Natasha will be saved.

"Senior, I apologize for the offense."

Dustin bowed again, then stretched out his hand to grab the flower of the underworld.

"Uncle! Be careful behind you!"

At this time, Abigail seemed to see something and immediately exclaimed.


Dustin subconsciously looked back and saw a humanoid stone statue behind him suddenly moving.

With a "click" sound, the skin of the stone statue gradually cracked and began to fall off piece by piece.

Immediately afterward, the stone statue suddenly opened its eyes!


When the stone statue opened its eyes, the stones on its body suddenly exploded.

At the same time, a white figure broke out of the rock and slapped Dustin's chest with a palm.

Dustin frowned and quickly raised his palm in response.


There was a loud bang.

At the moment when the two sides came into contact, Dustin was so shaken that he backed up again and again, unable to stand still.

And every time you take a step back, you will leave a deep footprint on the ground.

On the other hand, the white figure fell to the ground lightly, surrounded by white mist, like a ghost or a fairy, with a sacred and evil temperament.

"Yeah! Damn it!"

Chapter 987

Abigail was so frightened that her scalp exploded.

Hastily shrank behind Azalea, trembling.

She is quite timid, but she is only afraid of these ghosts and ghosts.

"Who are you?"

Dustin frowned, his face a little solemn.

Although he is somewhat unprepared, being able to force him back with one palm is enough to prove the opponent's strength.

If nothing else, the person in front of him should be a great master!

"This is my tomb. Who do you think I am?"

The white mist around the figure gradually dissipated.

Soon, a childlike face with white hair appeared in front of several people.

That was a woman, a woman with a beauty that would captivate a country.

Even with white hair, the years have not left any traces on her face.

It's just that pair of deep eyes, as if they have read all the vicissitudes of life and seen everything.

"Your grave?"

Dustin was slightly taken aback, and his expression changed instantly: "Could it be that senior is Iris Meskill?!"

"Ancient Iris Meskill!"

As soon as these words came out, Abigail and Azalea were both shocked, looking in disbelief.

Didn’t Iris Meskill die fifty years ago?

Why are you still alive now?

In the end, what happened?

"Knowing my name, you dare to come here to rob the tomb. Are you looking for death?"

Iris Meskill's words were very calm, but with a breathtaking pressure.

"Senior Iris, we didn't intend to rob the tomb, but wanted to take the Shadowblooms to save people," Dustin explained.

"How precious are the Shadowblooms? Why should I give them to you?" Iris Meskill said lightly.

"Senior, if you have any conditions, just ask, and I will try my best to satisfy them." Dustin clasped his fists.

"Condition?" Iris Meskill snorted: "If you can save my husband, I will give you this flower."

"Senior is a little pushy." Dustin frowned slightly: "How can a dead person be saved?"

The person in the coffin was left with only a pair of bones, and even the gods could not save him.

"You also know that the dead cannot be saved, so don't bother my black Shadowblooms again. For the sake of your politeness just now, I won't kill you. Let's go." Iris Meskill waved her hand.

"Senior! I must get this flower back!" Dustin's eyes were firm.

"Take it? Do you have that ability?" Iris Meskill's expression became colder.

"I want to try it!" Dustin looked solemn.

"Are you really not afraid of death?" Iris Meskill narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Even if I die trying, I will take this flower back!" Dustin's words clanged.

"Okay! Then I'll make it happen for you!"

Iris Meskill got a little angry, jumped up, and slapped Dustin with a palm.

This palm looks simple and unpretentious, but it carries the aura of destroying heaven and earth.

With one palm, ten thousand bones withered!

Before the attack arrived, Dustin only felt his scalp tingling, and the hairs all over his body stood upside down.

An indescribable sense of crisis welled up in my heart.

Fifty years ago, Iris Meskill was already a top grandmaster.

Fifty years have passed now, and the cultivation base of the other party has already penetrated the sky and the earth, and no one can match it.


Gritting his teeth, Dustin suddenly took out a silver needle and stabbed it in the back of his head.

This is the Lu family's secret technique, which uses burning vitality to stimulate potential, thereby gaining powerful energy in a short period of time.


When the silver needle entered his body, Dustin's eyes turned red instantly, and his veins protruded.

The strength in the body surged out like a volcanic eruption, unstoppable.

Directly broke through the shackles of the master, reached the sky in one step, and stepped into the realm of the great master!

Chapter 988


Dustin crashed through, and Iris Meskill's world-shattering palm was in his face. He had no time to dodge, so he did what any sane person would do - he slapped Iris right back.


Their palms met.

Dustin got launched like a human cannonball, making a dent in the wall that screamed 'Ah.'

The whole tomb shook, raining rocks everywhere.


Dustin's throat tasted like iron, and he painted the floor with a bloody masterpiece.

He looked as pale as a bedsheet.


Abigail went white as a ghost and tried to rush in, but Azalea held her back.

This battle was like Godzilla versus King Kong; they couldn't mess around.

Iris Meskill had been a legend even before sliced bread became a thing, and now, after years of chilling, she was untouchable.

She was practically a martial arts god.

Considering all that, the fact that Dustin wasn't in tiny, unrecognizable pieces on the floor was kinda impressive.

"Not bad, kid. But you're still wet behind the ears. You can go now. I don't want to kill you."

Iris Meskill stood all cool and calm with his hands in his pockets.

In his twenties, and he's already this good? Dude was the stuff legends were made of.

Even Iris might've struggled against this guy in his prime.

"Cough, cough..."

Dustin wheezed, fought his way out of the hole, and crawled back into the light.

It was like every bone in his body was in a massive wrestling match.

But hey, he was still breathing.

He botched that one move, and the gap in their strengths was about as wide as the galaxy itself.

Even with his secret techniques, he was barely holding his own against Iris Meskill.

In fact, he was pretty much defenseless.

"The Black Shadowbloom, I'm getting it back today."

Dustin wiped the blood from his mouth and staggered forward, his determination never wavering.

"You're asking for trouble!"

Iris Meskill's eyes were ice cold.

"I don't have a choice."

Dustin wasn't backing down, his eyes fixed on the direction of the coffin, unwavering.

"Stubborn fool!"

Iris Meskill raised his hand and sent a golden palm hurtling toward Dustin.


The palm carried a brutal force and slammed into Dustin.


Dustin got sent flying again, smashing into the wall, leaving a U-shaped crater.

He coughed up more blood, making his already bad situation even worse.

He was teetering on the edge, like he might keel over any second.

But Dustin clenched his teeth, mustering the strength to stand upright. He took shaky steps forward.

With each step, a crimson footprint marked his path.


Iris Meskill furrowed his brow.

He didn't anticipate Dustin's stubbornness.

The guy was a wreck, barely able to stand, yet he was marching forward to his doom.

Was there really someone this foolish in the world?

"I'll give you one more chance. Leave now, or face your demise!"

Iris Meskill's voice boomed.

"No matter the cost, I'll reclaim the Black Shadowbloom."

Dustin inhaled deeply, his gaze unwavering.

"I want to see how long you can last!"

Iris Meskill's expression darkened as he struck Dustin with another aerial palm strike, this time aiming for his chest.


Chapter 989

Dustin took one heck of a hit, soaring skyward before hitting the deck like a meteorite.

Blood sprayed, tracing an eerie crimson arc through the air.

It was like a twisted work of art.


Abigail's voice sliced through the tension, her eyes brimming with tears.

Her face was a whirlwind of sorrow and anger.

She ached to step forward, but Azalea held her in a vice-like grip, leaving her no choice but to watch Dustin's torment.

"Just one step more... just one step... Natasha's still waiting for me... I can't give up now!"

Dizzy spells be damned, Dustin clenched his teeth, his trembling body summoning every ounce of strength to hoist himself off the ground.

His steps were shaky and feeble.

He looked like a flickering candle in a tempest, on the brink of flicking out.

"Uncle, please, stop this! We don't need that Shadowblooms flower. If you keep going, you're going to die!" Abigail implored, her tears flowing unchecked.

She could see that Dustin had reached his limit.

One more wallop, and it was lights out for him.

"Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock..."

Unfazed, Dustin straightened his spine, swaying precariously as he pressed on.

Blood continued to trickle from his nose and mouth, each drop falling like a crimson petal.

"Dustin! Quit playing hero! What are you doing all this for a woman? If you bite the dust, she won't make it either!" Azalea yelled.

Even she, at this point, couldn't stand it.

She couldn't wrap her head around Dustin's actions. Was there really someone in this world worth more than their own life?

Staring into his determined eyes, she couldn't help but be moved.

She was even a tad envious that Natasha had a man willing to lay down his life for her.

"Why? Why are you so insistent on seeking death?" Iris Meskill furrowed her brow, her gaze filled with complexity.

Even she couldn't help but admire Dustin's unwavering determination.

Especially his fearless approach to death reminded her of her younger self.

"Shadow... I must retrieve Shadowblo... I have to save her!" Dustin muttered to himself, every step a struggle but infused with unwavering resolve.

As long as he was still breathing, he wouldn't give up.

In this moment, Iris Meskill found herself momentarily stunned by Dustin's tenacity and obstinacy.

It was as if she was looking back at her own past.

Why hadn't she traveled the world tirelessly for the one she loved, enduring hardships and life-threatening risks?

But what had been the outcome?

After putting in so much effort to find the elusive Black Shadowblooms, she had discovered that her beloved had already passed away.

She had been left in pain, despair, and madness.

But there was no way to make amends.

She owed him an apology, but he could never hear it, forever resting beneath the cold earth.

"When the world seems endless, love is the only thing that truly knows no bounds."

"Beloved, you once said you'd wait for me. Why is it that you never saw me again?"

Iris Meskill closed her eyes, and tears welled up, tracing two silent paths down her cheeks.

In a daze, she seemed to see a man with a handsome smile approaching her, finally enveloping her in his embrace.

Everything felt so beautiful, tranquil, and enchanting.

Until she opened her eyes, and the sweet dream gradually dissipated.

"Mountains are hard to cross, and those who lose their way are sorrowful; when they meet unexpectedly, they are all travelers from distant lands."

Iris Meskill sighed deeply, extending her hand into the coffin, plucking the Black Shadowblooms flower, and placing it into Dustin's hand. "I give you this flower. Use it to save lives."


Dustin was momentarily taken aback by the sudden turn of events.

Upon realizing what had just transpired, he bowed repeatedly and expressed his gratitude, "Thank you, Senior Iris!"

He wasn't entirely sure what had happened, but it seemed like a positive outcome.

"I hope you find love and happiness, and that you can eventually marry," Iris Meskill said, her expression filled with melancholy.

Both of them had experienced similar situations but had arrived at opposite destinies.

Dustin's beloved was still alive, and there was a bright future ahead.

In contrast, her beloved had long since passed away...

Chapter 990

After handing over the Shadowblooms, Iris Meskill seemed to freeze in place.

She stood there, eyes closed, unmoving.

It was as if she were lost in reflection or deep meditation.

"Thank you, Senior, for giving me the flower. Your kindness and generosity will always be remembered. I shall take my leave now."

Seeing Iris deep in meditation, Dustin didn't want to disturb her. He bowed respectfully and then staggered away.

Had Iris chosen differently just moments ago, he would have been a lifeless corpse. Her power surpassed even the greatest masters in the world. No one could challenge her.

"Uncle, you coughed up so much blood. Are you alright?" Abigail supported Dustin, her eyes still moist.

The recent events had been terrifying. If Iris hadn't shown a moment of mercy, her master would have perished on the spot.

"I'm fine, just a few broken bones. I won't die," Dustin reassured her, taking out a pill and swallowing it. He then began to adjust his breathing slowly, thanks to his strong foundation. If Iris hadn't held back, simply walking would be a challenge.

"Uncle, you were so stubborn back there. Without the Shadowblooms, we could have thought of another way. Why risk your life like that?" Abigail complained.

"I don't have time. I have to take a gamble," Dustin replied.

Natasha was currently in peril, and no one knew how long she could hold on. Missing this opportunity might be fatal.

"For a woman, you risked your life without hesitation. I really don't know whether to call you foolish or deeply in love," Azalea said with a hint of resentment.

If there was a man willing to risk everything for her like this, she would surely cherish him.

Unfortunately, the man standing before her had already been claimed.

"Let's go. We should head back."

After a brief moment to catch their breath and stabilize their injuries, Dustin and the others retraced their steps through the dark tomb and began the journey back.

While making their way, the ground suddenly rumbled.


Accompanied by a thunderous roar, dust cascaded down, and the entire tomb quivered violently.

Fractures cracked open one after another, as if the tomb were on the brink of being torn asunder.

"No! It's an earthquake! Run!"

The expressions of Dustin and his companions changed in an instant, and they picked up their pace, sprinting towards the exit.

They didn't dare to slow down for a moment.

After all, they were underground, and being buried alive would have catastrophic consequences.

Two minutes later.

Dustin and his group finally burst out of the tomb in a frenzy.

But shortly after their escape, they heard a resounding "bang," and the entire tomb collapsed entirely.

Everything inside was buried under tons of rubble.

"That was too close! We nearly didn't make it out!" Abigail exclaimed, her face still displaying the fear she had just experienced.

"The situation we witnessed earlier was most likely caused by Iris Meskill. She wished to be left undisturbed," Dustin remarked, his expression a mix of emotions.

Iris Meskill, a heroine of her generation, a legend in the Dragon Kingdom, and a figure akin to a fairy.

In the end, she was ensnared by love and willingly chose to be buried underground alongside her deceased husband, never to see the light of day again.

Such a love was truly heartwarming.


"Uncle! Look, there's a confrontation happening over there!" Abigail suddenly pointed ahead.

Dustin followed her gaze and saw a group from the Azure Mist surrounded by martial artists from various sects.

The location of the tomb had been leaked, and all the factions had caught wind of it, eager to claim their share of the spoils.

This time, the Azure Mist had obtained a significant haul, collecting numerous treasures from the tomb.
thanks bro !
Chapter 1001

This power is truly terrifying!

"Haha... We won, we won!"

Abigail cheered and jumped with excitement.

She had just been worried that her father might lose, but she didn't expect him to win so decisively.

"So formidable."

Dustin smiled faintly, not too surprised.

Edmund Robinson's true strength was that of a Grandmaster at the Great Perfection level. Even among the Five Grandmasters, he was one of the best.

On the other hand, Jan Crane and the others were at most Grandmasters at the Great Accomplishment level, lagging behind by one or two realms.

If Edmund Robinson hadn't held back for fear of injuring them fatally, they would have been defeated long ago.

"Three of you, do you still want to continue?" Edmund Robinson took a step forward, and his aura increased even further.

He exuded a formidable presence, like a god descending to the mortal world, intimidating everyone who looked at him.

"Cough, cough..."

Jan Crane and the others crawled out of the craters with disheveled appearances, their faces filled with shock and fear.

They hadn't expected Edmund Robinson to hide his true strength and suddenly unleash it, catching them completely off guard.

"Two of you, what should we do? Are we just going to give up like this?" Jan Crane looked left and right with a hint of reluctance.

They were so close to obtaining the Sky Spirit Orb, but Edmund Robinson had become an obstacle.

"Unless someone stronger intervenes, it's unlikely that the three of us can take advantage," Alexander Cheng frowned deeply.

He had just taken a hit and his energy was roiling.

"Geez, those who can contend with Lord Edmund are few and far between in the entire Balermo region," Master Jan shook his head.

Just as the three of them were hesitating...

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind swept through the area, and a chilling aura enveloped them.

As the sinister energy passed through, the martial artists couldn't help but shiver, feeling as if they had entered an ice cellar.

Even their exhaled breath turned white.

Despite being in the spring season, it felt like winter.

"What's going on? Why do I have this uneasy feeling?"

"I feel the same way. That cold energy was so strange that I'm still shivering."

The martial artists whispered to each other, looking around uneasily, feeling a sense of anxiety.

"Look! What are those black mists?"

At this moment, a man suddenly pointed towards the distance.

Everyone followed his gaze and saw a rolling black fog surging from the depths of the forest.

It resembled a tsunami, oppressive and all-encompassing.

The black mist covered a wide area, and its end couldn't be seen at a glance.

As the mist enveloped flowers, plants, and trees, they withered and died instantly.

The black mist seemed like a giant abyss, devouring all living creatures.

"Is this the miasma in the forest? Why does it look so strange?"

The man at the edge of the mist reached out to touch it without retreating.

In an instant, his palm turned black, and his flesh and skin began to rapidly decay.


The man was first stunned, then let out a miserable scream.

Before he could even run for his life, the black mist had already rushed over, completely engulfing him.

"Ah! Ah!"

His screams grew louder, as if ants on a hot pan, he scrambled around frantically.

When he staggered out of the black mist, his entire body had rotted away, and his flesh and blood had become indistinct.

After struggling for a few seconds, he collapsed to the ground and died on the spot.

"It's poisonous! The black mist is poisonous! Run!"

Seeing the man suddenly drop dead, the martial artists' faces turned pale with fear. They turned and fled for their lives.

However, as they ran, a terrifying scene unfolded.

From all directions, black mist swept towards them, covering the mountains and plains, extending as far as the eye could see.

Everywhere they looked, it was pitch black, with no safe place to be found.

Everyone was paralyzed with fear and despair, watching as the black mist approached, waiting for death to come.

Chapter 1002

"What's going on? Where is this black mist coming from?"

"Does anyone have an antidote? I'm willing to pay a high price for it!"

"We're done for... Are we really going to die from this poison here?"

As the black mist enveloped them from all directions, the people were terrified, and their legs turned to jelly. They had come here in search of treasure, but now they were trapped in a desperate situation with no sign of the treasure in sight.

"I never thought that the Black Forest would have the 'Hell's Song.' This is trouble!" Edmund Robinson's gaze swept around, his expression growing serious. At this moment, he had no time to worry about the three grandmasters.

"Dad, what's the 'Hell's Song'?" Seeing the panicked crowd, Abigail couldn't help but feel nervous.

"The 'Hell's Song' is an extremely terrifying miasma, known as one of the Ten Wonders of the World. While its toxicity might not be the strongest, its lethality is the greatest! Wherever it spreads, nothing can grow, and corpses litter the land. Any living creature will be devoured completely, as if they have fallen into the hell!" Edmund Robinson wore a grave expression.

"What? That's so powerful? What should we do?" Abigail gulped nervously.

"Little Doctor, you have exceptional medical skills and are well-versed in various poisons. Do you have any way to counteract it?" Azalea suddenly asked.

"It can't be neutralized." Dustin furrowed his brow. "The 'Hell's Song' is approaching relentlessly, and below the grandmaster level, it's difficult to resist. Even antidotes won't work."

The black mist around them seemed to have a life of its own, chasing and swallowing people in an eerie manner.

"Dustin, should we try using martial energy? What do you think?" Edmund Robinson suggested suddenly.

"Let's give it a try."

The two of them took a deep breath simultaneously and then struck out with their palms towards the approaching black mist.


Martial grandmaster-level aura suddenly burst forth, creating gusts of wind that rushed towards the black mist.

The black mist was instantly pushed back more than ten meters, creating a temporary void.

"Wow! It worked!" Abigail exclaimed with joy as she saw the result.

However, her joy was short-lived.

The empty space they had just cleared was quickly engulfed by the returning black mist.

"Try again!"

Edmund Robinson and Dustin exchanged glances and struck out repeatedly.

Waves of palm wind roared out, pushing the black mist back quickly, creating a substantial gap.

Unfortunately, as soon as they stopped using their palm strikes, the black mist immediately regained its ground.

"Why is this happening? Why can't we blow this black mist away?" Abigail was both shocked and puzzled.

"The 'Hell's Song' is indeed troublesome," Dustin said with a deep furrow in his brow.


At this moment, a group from the Azure Mist Sect suddenly approached, with Vanessa at the forefront. She quickly took out a bottle of medicine and handed it to Dustin. "This is an antidote. Hurry up and take it. It should be able to resist this poison mist."

"The antidote won't work; this is the 'Hell's Song.'" Dustin shook his head.

"The 'Hell's Song'?!"

Hearing this, the people from the Azure Mist Sect turned pale. They had never seen it, but they had heard of the terrifying reputation of the 'Hell's Song.' It was a poison that could annihilate everything. Even a slight touch would result in complete consumption.

At this moment, as the black mist continued to encroach, more and more martial artists who couldn't avoid it were being devoured.

Cries of agony, pleas for help, and shouts for rescue echoed incessantly.

"I don't want to die... I don't want to die!"

"Help me... Who will save me?"

"Why? I've already taken the antidote; why am I still poisoned?"

"Catastrophe! This is a catastrophe!"

The martial artists screamed and wailed in despair.

Chapter 1003

Like headless flies, people were fleeing in all directions, overcome by fear. However, the black mist sealed off all sides, leaving no escape.

"Heavenly Crane Grandmaster! You have immense power; please save us!"

"Master Alexander! You're a martial arts grandmaster; you must be able to help us, right?"

"Master Jan! Save a life, gain seven levels of merit! You're a high monk; you should save us!"

A group of panicked martial artists rushed to the front of Jan Crane and the others, crying and begging for their lives.

"You're all a bunch of useless trash! Get out of here!" Jan Crane waved his hand, and a burst of energy sent the crowd flying.

"People die for wealth, birds die for food. You're just unlucky to encounter something like this today," Alexander Cheng said coldly, unmoved by their pleas.

"May Great God bless us. This is a natural disaster and a man-made calamity. I'm powerless to help," Jan shook his head, his eyes closed in meditation, as if he hadn't seen anything.

Facing the Hell's Song, a grandmaster could protect themselves, but trying to save others was too risky.

"Master Edmund! You're highly respected and have extraordinary abilities. You must have a way, right?"

At this moment, a large group of martial artists rushed towards Edmund Robinson.

One by one, they knelt on the ground, kowtowing frantically.

"Sea Emperor! Your magical abilities are unmatched, and your strength is extraordinary. You must have a way, right?"

"Sea Emperor! We've always looked up to you as an idol. You can't just watch us die, can you?"

The crowd wept and pleaded, desperately kneeling before Edmund Robinson, seeking his help as if they were drowning and clutching at a lifeline.

They knew very well that only Edmund Robinson could save them now.

"Dad, what should we do? Are we just going to wait for death?" Abigail had a mournful expression.

They had just tried using the martial grandmaster's palm wind, but it couldn't disperse the black mist.

"In fact, I have one more method." At this moment, Edmund Robinson sighed lightly. "But this method is quite risky."

"Edmund Uncle! Don't do anything rash!" Dustin's brow furrowed as he quickly warned him.

Because he had already guessed what Edmund Robinson was planning to do.

"Brother Dustin, these are human lives, and they will also be the backbone of the martial world in the future. I can't stand by and watch them die," Edmund Robinson shook his head.

"People are responsible for their own lives; heaven and earth punish the wicked. With your cultivation, you can easily take Abigail and leave safely. Why do you have to get involved?" Dustin's voice was filled with anger.

"If I don't help, they will all die, and it will be a catastrophe for the entire martial world," Edmund Robinson said with a complex expression.

"For the sake of these unrelated people, you want to sacrifice yourself? Is that really necessary?" Dustin was getting furious.

"Don't worry, I won't die. This is just the Hell's Song; watch how I break it!" Edmund Robinson took a step forward and suddenly leaped into the air.

After reaching mid-air, he raised both palms.

A massive energy vortex formed out of thin air, centered on his body.

"Inhale the mountains and rivers!"

Edmund Robinson took a deep breath.

The energy vortex began to spin wildly, and a series of powerful suction forces erupted.


The black mist from all directions was forcibly redirected and swiftly drawn towards the vortex.

One after another, the black mist rushed towards the vortex, like a hundred rivers converging into the sea.

In just a blink of an eye, Edmund Robinson was engulfed by the black mist.

Only a massive vortex remained, greedily absorbing the overwhelming black mist.

"Sir Edmund!"

Seeing this scene, Dustin's expression changed drastically.

He had guessed correctly after all.

Edmund Robinson intended to use his own body as a medium to absorb all of the Hell's Song!

He wasn't trying to save people; he was committing suicide!

Chapter 1004

"They've been sucked away? The black mist has been sucked away!"

"That's fantastic! We're saved! We're saved!"

"No wonder he's called the Sea Emperor! His powers are truly vast!"

Seeing the black mist around them being sucked away, the people were filled with joy, as if they had found their savior. Just moments ago, they had all felt hopeless, thinking they were doomed to die. Fortunately, Edmund Robinson had emerged and used his incredible power to absorb the Hell's Song and dispel this impending disaster.


As Edmund Robinson continued to absorb the black mist frantically, his entire body gradually turned black.

His eyes, lips, cheeks, neck, limbs, even his fingernails, were completely covered in black.

His entire body was poisoned!


Edmund Robinson couldn't hold on any longer and spat out a mouthful of black blood. Like a kite with a broken string, he plummeted from the sky.


Abigail exclaimed in shock and was about to rush forward to catch him, but Dustin extended his hand to stop her.

"Let me handle this!"

With that, Dustin leaped into the air, grabbing hold of Edmund Robinson and gently landing on the ground.

At this moment, Edmund Robinson looked dispirited, and his aura was in turmoil.

The poison of the Hell's Song was rampaging within his body. If it weren't for his deep foundation and formidable strength, he would have died a long time ago. Even now, he hadn't died, but the situation was grim. His internal organs had been completely corroded by the poison, and his foundation was severely damaged.

"Uncle Dustin! How is my dad? Is he going to be okay?"

Abigail rushed forward in a panic.

"Stay back! Your dad is covered in poison!" Dustin waved his hand, keeping Abigail at least three meters away. He then took out silver needles, sealed off Edmund Robinson's eight extraordinary meridians, and halted the spread of the poison.

After doing all this, Dustin immediately cut Edmund Robinson's fingertip and began to let out blood to detoxify him.

However, the blood that flowed out wasn't red; it was black.

"It's not enough!"

Dustin frowned, and his palms suddenly struck Edmund Robinson's back, injecting grandmaster-level aura to purge the toxins within him.

"Drip, drip, drip..."

As the aura flowed in, more and more black blood poured out of Edmund Robinson, making a sizzling sound as it hit the ground, surrounded by black smoke.

Seeing this, the people kept their distance, afraid of being contaminated by the poison.

"Abigail, give me the Sky Spirit Orb!"

Dustin called out.

"Oh, okay!"

Abigail didn't hesitate and quickly tossed the golden Sky Spirit Orb to Dustin.

"The Sky Spirit Orb! It's really the Sky Spirit Orb!"

Seeing this, the crowd erupted in excitement.

Their breathing quickened, and their eyes sparkled with anticipation. Especially Jan Crane, Alexander Cheng, and Jason, their joy knew no bounds.

They had previously speculated about it, but now that they saw it with their own eyes, the situation was entirely different.

"I hope it works."

Dustin calmed himself down, picked up the Sky Spirit Orb, and directly placed it in Edmund Robinson's mouth.

The most significant characteristic of the Sky Spirit Orb was its ability to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and convert it for its own use. The poison of the Hell's Song also contained spiritual energy, so with a bit of effort, the Sky Spirit Orb could potentially absorb it.

Chapter 1005


As the Sky Spirit Orb entered Edmund Robinson's mouth, it suddenly emitted a burst of golden light. Then, with a "whoosh," it directly entered Edmund Robinson's abdomen and merged with his system.

Following that, the Sky Spirit Orb began to spin wildly, devouring the surrounding black poison gas, healing Edmund Robinson in an unconventional way.

"It's really effective!"

Dustin's face lit up with joy. With the assistance of the Sky Spirit Orb, Edmund Robinson's life should be saved.

"Edmund Robinson! Quickly hand over the Sky Spirit Orb!"

After a brief moment of shock, Jan Crane instantly became excited, her face filled with greed.

"To think that you'd swallow such a treasure into your stomach! Spit it out quickly, or don't blame us for being impolite!"

Alexander Cheng stared at Edmund Robinson with fiery eyes.

"Geez! This item is inherently evil, and Brother Edmund may fall into demonic cultivation! Release it quickly!"

Even Master Jason couldn't hold back and started to approach slowly.


Abigail suddenly stood in front of them and rebuked, "My dad is poisoned, and he needs the Sky Spirit Orb to save his life. You're not allowed to interfere!"

"Humph! He's just a dying man; keeping the Sky Spirit Orb is a waste. It's better to give it to us sooner!" Jan Crane couldn't wait any longer.

"Hey! Have you people lost your humanity? My dad turned into this to save you, and you want to repay him with ingratitude?" Abigail exclaimed in anger.

"Little girl, you should understand that we didn't ask him to save us. He was just meddling on his own." Alexander Cheng's face turned cold.

"You... You are shameless!" Abigail's eyebrows were raised.

She had thought that these senior figures in the martial arts world would uphold chivalry and righteousness, but they all turned out to be shameless scoundrels.

"Stop talking nonsense! If you don't hand over the Sky Spirit Orb, all of you will die!" Jan Crane said sternly.

"Guys, this girl is Edmund Robinson's daughter and is undoubtedly very important. Let's capture her first and then decide!" Alexander Cheng sneered.

As he spoke, he suddenly lunged forward, aiming to grab Abigail. After all, if he caught Edmund Robinson's weakness, he believed the other party would yield.


At this moment, a thunderous shout rang out.

A dark figure suddenly descended from the sky, standing in front of Abigail, and then struck a palm towards Jan Crane.


With a loud explosion, Jan Crane was sent retreating more than ten meters, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, his face turning pale.

In contrast, the dark figure remained steady, with a majestic aura.

The newcomer was none other than the Chief of the Alliance in Balermo, Ronald Reeds!

"Ronald Reeds?"

Seeing the newcomer, Jan Crane's expression changed instantly.

And his companions, Alexander Cheng and Master Jason Edwards, also furrowed their brows one after another.

Among the Five Grandmasters, Ronald Reeds was second only to the number one, and no one dared to claim the first place.

He was able to hold the position of Chief of the Alliance, relying on his terrifying strength to suppress all heroes.

"Ronald Brother, you've finally arrived!"

Edmund Robinson slowly opened his eyes, his whole body relaxing.

The two of them were close friends with a deep friendship.

Now that Ronald Reeds had arrived, it was like an anchor dropped from the sky, completely capable of suppressing the entire scene.

"Brother Edmund, what's going on? Are you poisoned?"

Ronald Reeds frowned and looked a bit worried.

"It's nothing, I won't die."

Edmund Robinson shook his head and continued, "But these people need you to take care of them."

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

Ronald Reeds nodded slightly, his gaze sweeping over Jan Crane and the others, coldly saying, "You're all martial arts masters, yet you're laying hands on a younger generation? Are you willing to throw away your dignity?!"

"Chief Ronald, Edmund Robinson secretly took the martial world's sacred treasure, the Sky Spirit Orb. As righteous individuals, we naturally have a responsibility to retrieve it for the benefit of the entire martial alliance," Jan Crane said righteously.

"That's right! We are all considering the future of the martial alliance. We hope Chief Ronald can see it clearly!" Alexander Cheng chimed in.

"Chief Ronald, this young lady is Edmund Robinson's daughter and is undoubtedly very important. Let's capture her first and then decide!" Jan Crane sneered.

Abigail protested, "Hey! Have you people lost your humanity? My dad turned into this to save you, and you want to repay him with ingratitude?"

"Little girl, you should understand that we didn't ask him to save us. He was just meddling on his own," Alexander Cheng said coldly.

"You... You are shameless!" Abigail was furious.

Chapter 1006

"Oh? What's the story behind the Sky Spirit Orb?" Ronald Reeds looked around with some suspicion.

"Uncle Ronald! The Sky Spirit Orb was found by us at great personal risk. It was originally ours. These people are the ones disregarding the principles of the martial world, intending to forcibly take it!" Abigail quickly explained.

"Nonsense! We are doing this for the sake of the entire martial world, unlike you, who only care about your own desires!" Jan Crane argued righteously.

"Chief Ronald! These people have ulterior motives, they are selfish and put the interests of the entire martial alliance aside. I believe they should be severely punished!" Alexander Cheng forcefully stated.

"Geez, associating with evil entities is surely the work of wicked individuals." Master Jan added a concluding remark.

At this point, the three grandmasters, instead of their previous aggressive stance, changed into righteous warriors and put on a different facade to press the issue.

"You... You pseudo-gentlemen, stop spewing nonsense!" Abigail was furious.

These people were clearly acting like bandits but were talking as if they were the epitome of righteousness.

It was simply a case of black being called white.

"That's enough!"

Ronald Reeds raised his hand to stop the arguments and said coldly, "Now, who has the Sky Spirit Orb?"

"It's inside my dad's belly."

Abigail hurriedly explained, "Just now, my dad risked his life to save them and was poisoned. He needs the Sky Spirit Orb for treatment. But these people are despicable. They actually want to snatch it, completely ignoring my dad's life and death. They are a bunch of heartless scoundrels!"


Ronald Reeds's expression darkened. "So something like this happened?"

"Chief Ronald, there's a reason for this. The Sky Spirit Orb is a sacred treasure of the martial world. We are afraid that it will be desecrated by Edmund Robinson!" Jan Crane tried to justify their actions.

"That's right! What if the poison in Edmund Robinson's body contaminates the Sky Spirit Orb? Wouldn't that destroy a sacred item?" Alexander Cheng chimed in.

"Shut up!"

Ronald Reeds angrily rebuked them. "While the Sky Spirit Orb is indeed important, it is not more valuable than Master Edmund's life. All of you are well-known figures in the martial world, how can you do such unscrupulous things? Now, get out of here immediately, or don't blame me for not being polite!"

"Chief Ronald..."

Just as Jan Crane was about to speak, Ronald Reeds glared at him coldly, and he immediately dared not utter a word.

Among the Five Grandmasters of Balermo, Ronald Reeds was unanimously recognized as the strongest.

The three of them combined couldn't even beat Edmund Robinson, so how could they be a match for Ronald Reeds?

Although they were extremely dissatisfied, they had no choice but to swallow their pride.

"Let's go!"

Jan Crane frowned and directly turned and left.

"Damn it! This is really bad luck!"

Alexander Cheng gritted his teeth but could only leave with his disciples from the Soul-Suppressing Sect.

"Geez, I hope Chief Ronald can suppress the evil and save the people. I shall take my leave."

Master Jason bowed slightly and then walked away.

Although the three of them had their own ulterior motives, in the face of absolute strength, they dared not play any tricks.

"Let's go, let's go. There's nothing to see here."

"It was a hard trip, and we didn't gain anything. Truly unlucky!"

"Alright! Stop complaining. We were fortunate enough to save our lives just now, which is like a blessing in disguise."


With a series of discussions, the martial artists gradually dispersed.

When most of the people had left, Ronald Reeds finally restrained his aura, turned around, and helped Edmund Robinson up, asking with concern, "Brother Edmund, how are you? Can you hold on?"

"It's nothing serious, just a bit of poison. It'll be fine in a few days." Edmund Robinson shook his head.

"Brother Edmund, now is not the time to be stubborn. The poison of the Hell's Song is not easy to dispel. If it weren't for the Sky Spirit Orb working just now, I wouldn't even have been sure I could save you." Dustin said sternly.

The Ten Great Venomous Poisons were all extremely terrifying. Even a Martial Master would find it difficult to resist them with just their body.

This time, they were truly fortunate to have the Sky Spirit Orb to ward off the disaster.

Chapter 1007

"Brother Edmund, you're really the same as ever, always downplaying the bad and not reporting it, your body is about to collapse, and you're still trying to tough it out." Ronald Reeds said with some helplessness. "I heard just now that you swallowed the Sky Spirit Orb. It won't cause any harm to your body, right?"

"Rest assured, Chief Ronald. The Sky Spirit Orb is a spiritual object, it won't harm Sir Edmund's body. On the contrary, it can not only absorb toxins but also help him improve his cultivation." Dustin explained.

"Oh? There are such benefits?" Ronald Reeds raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Brother Edmund, this time you can be considered lucky in disguise. With this Sky Spirit Orb, you have a chance to break through to the Grandmaster level in the future."

"Let's go with the flow."

Edmund Robinson shook his head. "Although the Sky Spirit Orb is a treasure, it will attract countless people in the future. It's afraid that it will be troublesome."

"Brother Edmund, just rest assured. With me here, no one can snatch the Sky Spirit Orb from you." Ronald Reeds said confidently.

"Ronald Brother, can you protect me for twenty-four hours?" Edmund Robinson smiled.

"No, Brother Edmund, you've misunderstood. I'm not protecting you, I'm protecting this Sky Spirit Orb."

Ronald Reeds suddenly made a move as he spoke, thrusting a palm into Edmund Robinson's abdomen.

Then, he grabbed it forcefully and directly dug out the golden Sky Spirit Orb from his belly!

His hands were covered in internal organs and blood!


The sudden turn of events left everyone stunned.

They all stared with wide eyes, their faces full of disbelief.

No one had expected that Ronald Reeds, who had just been all smiles and friendly a moment ago, would suddenly make a move.

And he did it by slicing open Edmund Robinson's abdomen, merciless and ruthless!

"Why... why?" Edmund Robinson was dumbfounded, staring at Ronald Reeds in complete confusion, not even looking at the gaping wound on his abdomen.

"Brother Edmund, I'm sorry, but I've been planning for so long, all for this Sky Spirit Orb. I didn't expect you to swallow it, so I had no choice but to resort to this." Ronald Reeds said unabashedly.

Originally, Edmund Robinson didn't have to die. It was all because of Ronald Reeds's bad luck. By a stroke of chance, he ended up consuming his treasure.

But there was no way around it; he had to die.

"If you wanted the Sky Spirit Orb, you could have just asked, and I would have willingly given it to you. I value our friendship more than a single bead. So why did you do this?" Edmund Robinson couldn't believe it.

They were sworn brothers in life and death!

Together, they had traveled through thick and thin, facing countless dangers, and had built a legendary reputation.

He knew that the martial world was treacherous, and human hearts were unpredictable, but he had never doubted Ronald Reeds.

Because they were brothers bound by life and death!

"In this world, everyone looks out for themselves! I want to become a Grandmaster, I want to become the supreme figure of the martial world, I want to trample on everyone underfoot! Who dares to stop me? They will die!" Ronald Reeds sneered.

Once the word "die" came out, Ronald Reeds suddenly struck Edmund Robinson's chest with a palm, sending him flying dozens of meters away.

Chapter 1008


Edmund Robinson was sent flying high into the air by the force of the blow and then crashed heavily to the ground.

Blood sprayed from his mouth and nose, and his face turned deathly pale.


Abigail screamed in shock, as if waking up from a dream, and hurriedly ran towards where Edmund Robinson had fallen.

"Ronald Reeds! Have you gone mad?!"

Dustin was both shocked and furious, his eyes filled with killing intent.

He had always thought of Ronald Reeds as a highly respected and upright senior in the martial world. He had never expected him to be a despicable villain hiding behind a friendly facade.

"Gone mad? Hehe..."

Ronald Reeds suddenly laughed, "Dustin, do you know how big of a scheme I've been planning for the Sky Spirit Orb?

Ever since I got wind of the news about the Sky Spirit Orb from Emperor Franklin Longford, I've been planning and secretly manipulating events.

First, I used Autumn to eliminate witnesses, and then I spread the information, leading the people from the Jade Maiden Palace to Balermo. Finally, I handed over the Jade Maiden Sutra, which contained the map, to you.

Everything was part of my carefully laid plans.

In other words, all of you were my pawns.

Only when you all entered the tomb, attracting the attention of Iris Meskill, did I have a chance to get the Sky Spirit Orb.

Fortunately, heaven favored me, and after so much careful planning, I finally got what I wanted!

With this martial world holy artifact in my hands, I can break through to become a Grandmaster and become the supreme figure of the entire martial world!

By then, I will be able to roam freely in the world, hahaha..."

As he spoke, Ronald Reeds burst into laughter.

After holding it in for so long and pretending for so long, he could finally speak the truth.

"So it was all you?"

Dustin clenched his fists, his eyes wide with anger, "You killed Sir Paul? You framed me? You poisoned the antidote? You released Autumn? You caused Natasha's removal from her position? All of it, everything, was done by you?!!"

"Yes! It was all me!"

Ronald Reeds said very calmly, "Not only that, but I also released the Hell's Song just now!

Originally, I planned to silence all of you, so that no one would know that I had obtained the Sky Spirit Orb.

But I didn't expect that this guy, Edmund Robinson, would be so stupid as to throw himself into the tiger's mouth and save you useless people.

There was no other choice; I had to take matters into my own hands and clean up the mess.

Oh, by the way, now, do you have any last words?"

Now that he had revealed the truth, everyone present had to die!

"No wonder... no wonder I always felt like someone was secretly manipulating things, and it turns out you were the mastermind behind it all!"

Azalea was so scared that she kept backing away, still in shock.

Before she came here, she had a sense of unease, as if someone was leading her by the nose. She hadn't expected her intuition to come true!

"Ronald Reeds! You... You deserve to die!"

Dustin shouted in anger and couldn't help but make a move.

He saw his feet push off the ground, and his whole body turned into a white light, rushing forward with immense force.

His momentum was like thunder, unstoppable.

"You overestimate yourself!"

Ronald Reeds sneered coldly and turned into a black light, meeting him head-on.

Their auras were equally fierce and unmatched.

In the end, a black and a white light collided with a loud bang!


A deafening sound, and the ground shook.

With the point of impact as the center, a surging wave formed from the martial energy instantly swept across an area of a hundred meters in diameter.

Wherever it passed, everything was destroyed, rocks shattered, and trees snapped.

The fierce wind howled from all directions, carrying sand and stones.

The tremendous movement attracted the attention of the martial artists who hadn't gone far.

"Hmm! It sounds like the noise of a battle?"

"What's going on? Hasn't it already ended? Could it be that another treasure has appeared?"

"Whatever could cause such a big commotion must be extraordinary. Let's go back and take a look!"


Chapter 1009

The martial artists immediately changed direction and gathered once again at the battlefield.

"Could there still be a chance?"

Jan Crane, Alexander Cheng, and Jason Edwards exchanged glances and then turned back, leading their respective forces in the same direction.

For a moment, the major forces and sects all returned.

However, when they arrived at the battlefield, they were astonished to find that Ronald Reeds and Dustin were actually fighting each other.

The martial world's leader was engaged in a fierce battle with the young martial master, and both sides were fighting for their lives.

What was going on?

Weren't they on the same side?

Why were they staking their lives against each other?

Everyone looked at each other in confusion.

"Help! Help!"

At this moment, cries for help rang out in the distance.

Everyone turned their heads in the direction of the cries and saw Abigail desperately pleading for help while holding her seriously injured father, Edmund Robinson. Tears were streaming down her face.

"Please, please save my dad! I'll kowtow to all of you!"

Seeing that no one was responding, Abigail knelt down directly and began kowtowing frantically.

At this moment, Edmund Robinson's face was pale, blood was flowing continuously from his abdomen, and fresh blood was spurting from his mouth and nose. He looked as if he could die at any moment.

The martial artists watched coldly, showing no reaction.

Only Azalea attempted to help Edmund Robinson, trying to save his life, but her true energy was limited, and she couldn't do much.

"All members of the Martial Alliance, listen up!"

At this moment, Ronald Reeds's majestic voice suddenly resounded through the sky, "Edmund Robinson has been corrupted by evil spirit and has fallen into the demonic path. He must be killed for the greater good! Whoever can slay the demon and eliminate the evil will be richly rewarded by me!"

This statement caused a commotion in the crowd.

"What? Edmund Robinson has fallen into the demonic path? Is it related to the poison gas from earlier?"

"Leader Ronald has given the order, so it must be true. Those who fall into the demonic path must be eliminated, or there will be endless trouble!"

"That's right! Eliminating demons and upholding justice is the duty of us righteous martial artists!"

After a brief commotion, everyone drew their weapons and stared with eager anticipation.

They had an air of righteousness as if they were acting on behalf of heaven.

"Nonsense! Ronald Reeds is talking nonsense!"

Abigail protested vehemently, "It's him! It's him who attacked my father to steal the Sky Spirit Orb. He is the real villain!"

"Insolence! You and your father are in cahoots and dare to slander our leader?!"

Ronald Reeds's voice rang out again, "All martial artists, listen to my orders! Kill these demonic evildoers! Whoever eliminates the demons will be rewarded with the knowledge of my lifelong martial arts and will be appointed as an elder of the Martial Alliance!"

"Knowledge of lifelong martial arts?"

"Appointed as an elder of the Martial Alliance?"

Hearing these words, everyone's composure instantly disappeared.

Their breathing became rapid, and their eyes gleamed with greed.

Obtaining the teachings of the martial world's leader was an incredible opportunity, more valuable than any treasure!

And the position of an elder in the Martial Alliance was like reaching the sky in one step, with a reputation that would shake the entire Balermo!

To them, regardless of right or wrong, killing Edmund Robinson and the others now seemed to be a matter of life and death!

"Don't believe him! He's lying!"

"My dad hasn't fallen into the demonic path! We are not demonic evildoers!"

Abigail was frantic, trying to explain herself.

"Kill! Kill them!"

"Slay the demons and uphold justice!"

The crowd's eyes turned red, and they paid no attention to explanations, rushing forward one after another.

They were like hungry wolves seeing fresh flesh and blood, fierce and greedy.

Chapter 1010

"Stop! Whoever dares to come forward will die!"

Azalea stepped forward to block Abigail, brandishing two knives that had appeared in her hands at an unknown time. She exuded a fierce and murderous aura.

"You've all been deceived! My father hasn't fallen into the demonic path! He hasn't done anything evil!"

As the martial artists approached to attack, Abigail continued to explain.

"Don't you remember? My father saved all of you before. It was him who risked his life to absorb all the poisonous mist, allowing you to escape danger!"

"Even if you don't feel grateful, you shouldn't repay kindness with enmity!"

"Wake up! We are all innocent! Ronald Reeds is the real villain!"

However, her words fell on deaf ears and had no effect whatsoever.

"Abigail! Don't you understand yet? These people don't care about the truth; they are driven by greed!"

"What justice? What demon-slaying and upholding justice? It's all nonsense! A bunch of self-proclaimed upright gentlemen who are even more despicable than real villains!"

"Don't just stand there! Take Edmund and leave first; I'll stay behind for you!"

Azalea brandished her two knives and charged forward, showing a fearless and desperate attitude.

Although she wasn't a good person, she wasn't ungrateful.

"What a death wish!"

Jan Crane coldly snorted, sending a palm strike that directly sent Azalea flying more than ten meters away.

She was not an opponent at all.


Edmund Robinson let out a light sigh and suddenly staggered to his feet.

At the same time, a vigorous vitality slowly bloomed within him.

His originally pale face quickly turned rosy.

A surge of violent Master-level spirit erupted from his body like a volcanic eruption.

He was actually burning his own life essence!


Abigail was stunned, finding it hard to believe. He had just been at death's door, how could he suddenly be so energetic?

"What's going on? Wasn't Edmund Robinson seriously injured? Why can he stand up again?"

"Damn it! This is unbelievable! What do we do now? Should we go forward or not?"

The people were shocked and hesitated, staring at the inexplicable scene before them in panic.

They had originally planned to take advantage of the situation, but they hadn't expected Edmund Robinson to still have strength, making it difficult for them to make a move now.

"Don't panic! Edmund Robinson is on his last legs and won't last long. Let's all attack together!"

"You're right! He's just experiencing a brief resurgence before his death. Kill him and uphold justice!"

The crowd shouted and were eager to try, but they didn't dare to approach recklessly.

After all, Edmund Robinson was a Martial Master, and any casual move from him could easily kill them.

"Senior Jan, let's spare them. Must we push them to a dead end?" Edmund Robinson furrowed his brows.

"You have fallen into the demonic path and will definitely harm the common people in the future. You must die today!" Jan Crane replied coldly.

"That's right! Slaying demons and upholding justice is the duty of us righteous martial artists!" Alexander Cheng said ruthlessly.

"Three of you, if you continue to press us, then I will have no choice but to fight you with all my strength!" Edmund Robinson's gaze was sharp.

"Fight with us? Hmph! You've already exhausted your strength, do you have the qualifications to fight us?" Jan Crane sneered.

"I still have one last strike left, and I can be sure that this strike will take your lives!"

As Edmund Robinson spoke, he suddenly took a deep breath.

Then, a terrifying aura slowly emanated from him.

In an instant, a strong wind blew, and sand and stones flew everywhere.

The martial artists felt as if they were being crushed by a mountain, making it extremely uncomfortable.
Chapter 1011: The Duel's Turning Point

"Um?" Jan Crane and the others exchanged startled glances, their expressions shifting from confidence to sheer panic. Instinctively, they took a few steps back, fear washing over them like an icy wave.

In this very moment, a palpable sense of impending doom overcame them, causing beads of cold sweat to form on their foreheads and their scalps to tingle. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that a single blow from Edmund Robinson could severely injure or even kill all three of them.

"Master Edmund, you'd better think twice. If you act recklessly, you won't leave this place alive," Jan Crane warned, her voice quivering.

"I am a man on borrowed time. If I can buy my daughter a chance at survival before my end, it's a bargain," Edmund Robinson retorted, his eyes gleaming with resolve.

Hearing this, the three of them frowned deeply, their expressions growing even more grim. They had no intention of meeting their demise alongside this deranged adversary.

"Master Edmund, if you truly care for your daughter's fate, consider this: I will pledge to release her unharmed, but the price of sparing her life is your own." Jan Crane shifted her approach, attempting to reason.

"That's right! Your daughter's life hinges on your demise!" Alexander Cheng chimed in.

"Will you honor your word?" Edmund Robinson inquired.

"I am a person of my word, renowned throughout the world," Jan Crane declared with unwavering confidence.

"Edmund Robinson, first, you must relinquish your martial prowess, and I swear not to harm your daughter," Alexander Cheng added with a solemn vow.

"Geez, God cherishes life and spares the innocent," Master Jason intoned, nodding sagely.

"Very well! All three of you are esteemed martial artists. I trust your word. Today, I shall use my broken body to secure my daughter's future!" Edmund Robinson turned away, his gaze briefly meeting that of his daughter, Abigail. He smiled faintly and whispered, "My dear, take care of yourself."

"No - don't! Please, no!" Abigail cried out frantically, shaking her head vigorously with a shrill voice.

Before he could finish his farewell, Edmund Robinson suddenly thrust his palm into his own chest.


An explosion resounded as a mist of blood erupted into the air. Edmund Robinson's body convulsed, his meridians severed, and his entire cultivation base utterly destroyed. He fell to the ground like a fallen mountain, the battle's momentum irrevocably altered.

"No--!!" Abigail's anguished cry filled the air as she rushed forward, her movements fueled by desperation, and cradled her dying father, Edmund Robinson, in her trembling arms.

Seeing her father bathed in his own blood, her heart shattered into a million pieces, and tears flowed freely down her face.

"Why? Why? Why are you doing this?!" she wailed, clutching her father's hand and sobbing uncontrollably.

"Silly girl, I'm already on the brink of death. It's a worthwhile trade to ensure your safety," Edmund Robinson mustered a faint smile, his voice barely a whisper.

"No! I don't want you to sacrifice yourself! I won't allow it!" Abigail protested vehemently.

"Stay strong! I'll rush you to the hospital right away!" Abigail cried as she hoisted her father onto her back.

"Girl, it's futile," Edmund Robinson replied, shaking his head gently. "Truth be told, I should have passed away a decade ago, but I couldn't bear to leave you. Now that you've grown into a fine young woman, it's time for me to reunite with your mother."

"No! I won't let you die! You must live!" Abigail exclaimed, her voice laced with desperation.

"Silly girl, every living being must eventually face death. I've already been blessed with a longer life than most. In this lifetime, I've honored heaven and earth, the world, and everyone, but I've failed you," Edmund Robinson admitted, his voice filled with self-reproach.

"No, no, no... it's not like that!" Abigail vehemently denied, shaking her head while her heart ached.

"I've led a futile existence for so long, failing to do anything for you. Today, I've finally fulfilled my duty as your father," Edmund Robinson confessed, his voice growing weaker. "Abigail, I'm genuinely proud and content to have a daughter like you. It's you who gave me hope, brought me joy, and illuminated my otherwise dark life. Don't cry, my dear. Live well; the future rests in your hands..."

Edmund Robinson struggled to raise his hand, attempting to wipe away his daughter's tears. Yet, midway through the gesture, his hand fell heavily, and his strength began to fade.

A legend has passed into history.

Chapter 1012: A Tragic Farewell


Staring at Edmund Robinson's lifeless form, Abigail stood frozen, tears streaming uncontrollably down her cheeks.

"Dad! Wake up... wake up... please wake up!"


Her piercing screams filled the air as she clutched her father's lifeless body, her heart torn apart, and her world shattered.

Two lines of blood and tears welled up in her eyes, slowly tracing their path down her cheeks, falling to the ground.

She couldn't fathom it, couldn't accept the reality that her sole family member had departed so abruptly.

From now on, she would be utterly alone.

In this moment, she felt as though she had plunged into an abyss, lost in an unending darkness. The world around her had turned desolate.

"Hahaha... He's dead! He's finally dead!" Jan Crane, staring at Edmund Robinson's lifeless form, couldn't help but burst into raucous laughter. "What a fitting end! What a fitting end! This is how you deal with wicked heretics!"

"What’s the sense of being one of Five Grand Masters? What’s the sense of being a Poseidon? In the end, they all meet the same fate, don't they?" Alexander Cheng sneered.

With Edmund Robinson's demise, his lingering fear had finally dissipated.

"Geez, excellent, excellent," Master Jason intoned, his palms pressed together, exhaling a heavy sigh.

"Seize them! Kill those two girls!" Jan Crane suddenly pointed at Abigail.

Her words sent shockwaves through the crowd. Hadn't she just promised to spare them? What was happening now?

"Master Jan! What's the meaning of this? You explicitly vowed not to pursue this further. Why are you retracting your word?" Azalea raised her eyebrows, her voice carrying the weight of her martial prowess.

She believed that as a distinguished martial artist, Jan Crane should uphold his promises.

"I never expected the other party to be so shameless, retracting their word in public and losing all sense of honor."

"Hmph! Deception is a soldier's greatest weapon. If I hadn't stated my intentions, how could this monster have chosen to end his own life? Besides, my promise was only to refrain from taking action personally and to allow my disciples to deal with demons as they see fit," Jan Crane proclaimed self-righteously.

"That's right! We won't kill you, but the disciples of the Soul-Suppressing Sect must uphold justice!" Alexander Cheng declared.

"Justice? You despicable individuals have the audacity to speak of justice?!" Azalea seethed, pointing at them and shouting, "You twist the truth, you are untrustworthy, and you parade around as righteous and upright while engaging in wicked deeds. You are nothing more than sanctimonious hypocrites, no better than animals!"


Jan Crane glared, her voice dripping with anger. "How dare you utter such arrogant words, little troublemaker? Attack! Eliminate them all to prevent future troubles!"

"Exterminate the evil spirits! Act in the name of justice!" Alexander Cheng raised his arms and cried out a rallying cry.

"Exterminate the evil spirits! Act in the name of justice!"

The disciples of the Soul-Suppressing Sect echoed his words, their voices resounding.

"Exterminate the evil spirits! Act in the name of justice! Kill them all!"

Without hesitation, the warriors surged forward, swords raised high.

With Edmund Robinson's demise, they saw no further threats.

By eliminating the two women, they would secure their chance to obtain Alliance Sir Ronald's true legacy, and the small fish would finally leap over the dragon's gate.


Abigail staggered to her feet, her empty and lifeless gaze gradually giving way to a burning fury.

A potent hatred surged within her.

"We haven't done anything wrong! Why do you want to kill them all?"

"My father didn't harm anyone! Why did you push him to this end?"

"He sacrificed himself to save you, and this is how you repay his kindness?"




Abigail let out a long, mournful cry, her eyes turning crimson in an instant, and an overwhelming aura of malevolence erupted from her.

In an instant, malevolent winds swept through, and a bone-chilling coldness gripped the surroundings.

The temperature plummeted rapidly, and frost began to coat the ground.

Chapter 1013: The Awakening of the Phoenix

Within a ten-meter radius, every flower, plant, and tree succumbed to an icy embrace, frozen in place.

Behind Abigail, a phoenix pattern suddenly materialized.

This was the seal embedded within her very being.

Under the grip of overwhelming grief, pain, and hatred, the blood coursing through her veins began to stir, and the seal slowly shattered.

Threads of golden light emanated from her body.

Gradually, they coalesced into a colossal golden phoenix hovering in mid-air.

Its feathers radiated a kaleidoscope of colors, and each step it took glistened with brilliance.

Between its outstretched wings, celestial hues and auspicious omens adorned the sky.

Its eyes gazed down upon all creation, asserting its dominance as the king of birds.

The sovereign avian exhibited its full splendor.

"Go to hell... go to hell!"

"I'll kill you... I'll kill all of you!"

Abigail's frenzied screams reverberated, her eyes bloodshot, her countenance twisted in fury.

Her once ebony hair began to turn stark white in this moment.

Starting from the roots, the transformation gradually advanced downward.

In just a few breaths, her entire body was adorned with a shock of white hair!

Following this, tendrils of dark deathly energy surged forth from her form.

The once-golden phoenix swiftly succumbed to the encroachment of this malevolent energy.

In the blink of an eye, the formerly sacred golden phoenix had transformed into a malefic black phoenix!

Its eyes bore the weight of murderous intent, ferocity, hatred, and boundless resentment.

It resembled the horrors of the Infinity Hell Fire, sending a shiver down the spines of all who beheld it.

"Demon, witch! She, she, she... she's a true sorceress!"

Fear and trepidation overcame the onlookers, causing them to halt in their tracks, their faces etched with terror.

No one had foreseen such a shocking transformation.

The malevolent black phoenix bore a semblance to a deity of death, exuding an aura that seemed capable of annihilating the world.

"What's happening? How can such a terrifying power lie dormant within this little demon girl?!" Jan Crane and the other three martial artists appeared horrified, facing what seemed like an insurmountable foe.

Even as seasoned martial arts masters, they felt the specter of death looming over them in this moment, a threat even more formidable than Edmund Robinson's before.

"I'm going to kill you!"

"Go to hell!!"

Abigail's eyes were on the verge of bursting, and the black energy enveloping her surged forth.

"Hold your heads high!"

A high-pitched screech pierced the air.

The malevolent black phoenix, seemingly obeying a command, spread its wings and soared into the sky, transforming into a streak of black lightning that crashed into the crowd.


The three martial arts experts were gripped by sheer terror, their scalps tingling. Without a second thought, they turned and fled at an astounding speed.

Meanwhile, the disciples under their tutelage were engulfed by the black phoenix before they could even react.


Wherever the Black Phoenix passed, devastation followed in its wake, unstoppable and all-consuming. Whether it was a person or an object, anything it touched was instantly vaporized, leaving not a trace behind.

Even Dustin and Ronald Reeds, who had been locked in a fierce battle, were separated on the battlefield by the Black Phoenix's onslaught, forced to flee for their lives.

The black phoenix swept through everything in its path, propelling itself for thousands of meters before finally detonating, transforming into a powerful hurricane that swept through half of the forest.

Birds scattered in all directions, and wild beasts fled in a frenzy.

In the aftermath, a long and deep chasm emerged seemingly out of thin air, a testament to the Black Phoenix's recent passage, leaving nothing but desolation in its wake.

As for the hundreds of warriors who had been encircled and attacked just moments ago, nearly half of them had evaporated into nothingness.

The survivors were left in a state of sheer shock and disbelief.

One by one, they lay sprawled on the ground, trembling uncontrollably.

The overwhelming might of the phoenix had sent shockwaves through the world, leaving all who witnessed it in awe and overwhelming the common folk.

Chapter 1014: The Awakening of the Witch

"Death! I want all of you to die!"

Abigail screamed in anguish and fury, her eyes aflame with red, her white hair billowing around her like a madwoman.

Suddenly, her body convulsed, and she spat out a mouthful of blood.

Her vision dimmed, and she collapsed to the ground where she stood.

The recent outburst had drained her of every ounce of energy and vitality, leaving her utterly spent.

Now, she lay helpless and vulnerable, at the mercy of anyone who approached.

"Abigail? Abigail!"

Azalea rose in despair, rushing to Abigail's side. Upon confirming that she was still alive, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Indeed, she was of the Mystic Arts Order's Saint lineage, and once the seal was broken, her true potential was unleashed. Surviving this ordeal would signify her rebirth, like a phoenix rising from its ashes.

"It's terrifying! The power she just displayed was utterly devastating!"

"She's truly a witch! A witch among us!"

Seeing the chaos strewn around them, onlookers were shocked, fearful, and slightly unnerved all at once.

They had never imagined that such an overwhelming force could surge from the fragile frame of a young girl.

"Damn! That was close! I could have perished just now!" Alexander Cheng swallowed hard, his face still pale with lingering fear.

Had he taken a direct hit, even as a martial arts master, he would have been reduced to nothing in an instant.

"Who is this witch? Why is she so terrifying?" Jan Crane furrowed his brow deeply, a shiver running down his spine.

While he was relieved to have survived the ordeal, a lingering unease gripped him.

"Evil spirits of this magnitude must be eradicated, or they will bring calamity upon us all!" Master Jason's countenance grew stern, his normally compassionate eyes now brimming with murderous resolve.

"Indeed! This witch conceals tremendous power within her. If we don't eliminate her today, we may face grave consequences in the future!" Alexander Cheng concurred with a sense of urgency.

These individuals had effectively driven Edmund Robinson to his death and bore a grudge against Abigail for avenging her father's death. The two sides were locked in a life-and-death struggle.

Allowing this "tiger" to return to the "mountain" would undoubtedly lead to endless troubles.

"What are you all waiting for? This demon girl poses a grave threat to the martial arts world! Whoever can slay her will be hailed as a hero by the entire martial community!" Jan Crane suddenly shouted.

"Kill the witch! Uphold justice!" Alexander Cheng raised his arms and bellowed.

"We must seize this opportunity and eliminate her. If she wakes up, we'll suffer the consequences!"

"Absolutely! We must kill her, or we'll all meet our end!"

"Kill, kill, kill! Slay the witch!"

Seeing Abigail lying unconscious, their resolve was renewed.

One by one, they brandished their weapons, chanting death, and charged forward to execute her.

Leaving the roots untouched would only lead to future troubles, and the threat posed by the witch was too great. In this dire situation, it was a matter of life or death.

"Who dares to harm my disciple!"

Dustin descended from the sky, taking his stance in front of Abigail.

His demeanor radiated murderous intent, his eyes gleaming with ferocity.

The formidable pressure of a grandmaster sent shockwaves through the onlookers, causing them to halt once more.

He had been locked in combat with Ronald Reeds, with no opportunity to intervene as they witnessed Edmund Robinson's tragic fate.

Fortunately, the Black Phoenix's cataclysmic assault had created a temporary separation on the battlefield, granting him the chance to safeguard Abigail.

"Boy! This demon girl has harmed countless people. Are you really going to protect her?" Jan Crane demanded sharply.

"Hmph! I don't think you're any better, consorting with evil spirits! Leave now or you'll be held accountable for her crimes!" Alexander Cheng warned.

In their eyes, the current Abigail posed a greater threat than Dustin.

"What kind of witch? It's all nonsense!" Dustin sneered coldly. "You are a bunch of scoundrels, motivated solely by self-interest, twisting right and wrong, bullying the weak, and committing despicable and shameless acts. You parade around as righteous, yet you destroy innocent lives and families. You are the real monsters!"


Chapter 1015: The Defiant Challenge

Jan Crane glared, asserting, "We aim to eliminate threats to the people and protect the common folk. If you persist in this, you will become the enemy of the entire martial arts world!"

"That's right! Seize him immediately, or you'll be marked as a public enemy of the martial arts world!" Alexander Cheng declared.

"Geez, may you cast aside the butcher's knife and attain Buddhahood." Master Jason joined his palms in prayer, adopting a compassionate visage.

"Protect the common people? Becoming a public enemy of the martial arts world?"

Dustin smiled disdainfully, his expression dripping with sarcasm. "If the martial arts world is filled with scoundrels like you, if the world blurs the line between right and wrong, good and evil, and if everyone supports the wrongdoer while showing ingratitude – then today, I am willing to be the enemy of the entire martial arts world!"

"If you brand me a demon, then I shall become one; if you accuse me of being wicked, then I shall embrace wickedness!"

"I have only one decree: anyone who dares to harm my apprentice will meet their end!"

"Doubt me? Step forward and test your fate!"

"Let's see if I, with my devilish nature, can drag you so-called righteous individuals into the abyss!"


With these words, Dustin took a sudden step forward.

His entire being exuded an aura of malevolence and seething murderous intent, akin to a demon descending upon the world, sending shivers down the spines of those around him.

Even Jan Crane and the others were momentarily taken aback.

Was this man out of his mind?

Daring to challenge the entire martial arts world? Was he inviting death?

"Don't panic, everyone!"

At that moment, Ronald Reeds stepped forward, raising his voice, "He's heavily wounded, his true energy depleted. He's like a candle flickering in the wind. There's nothing to fear!"

His words injected newfound courage into the assembled crowd.

After all this time, it turned out he was merely an empty threat.

"Everyone, heed my command and attack this monster together! Attack!"

As soon as he spoke, Ronald Reeds leaped into action, striking first.

With the martial arts leader at the forefront, everyone was galvanized, raising their swords in unison.


With a collective roar, the warriors surged forward, launching their final assault.

Witnessing the approaching onslaught, Dustin took a deep breath, raised his hand skyward, and let out a resounding shout: " Sky Sword!"


The sound of the unsheathed sword pierced the air.

In an instant, a black light erupted from the ground, shooting straight into the heavens with the force of thunder!

Wherever this black light passed, it left devastation in its wake, unstoppable by any obstacle.

Due to its incredible speed, it carved a long black trail across the sky.

At first glance, it resembled a soaring black dragon!


Dustin's expression was fierce as he swung his sword downward.


A soft, resonant hum filled the air.

The Sky Sword abruptly reversed course, transforming into a streak of black light, and descended with tremendous force upon the people below.

It struck the crowd like a cataclysmic celestial punishment.


A thunderous explosion echoed through the area as the sword energy erupted.

Thousands of black glows burst forth, tearing apart hundreds of warriors on the spot, reducing them to nothing.

Jan Crane lost his arm in an instant, blood gushing from the severed limb.

Alexander Cheng felt as if he had been struck by lightning, sent flying more than ten meters away, and vomiting blood.

Master Jason's eyes were gouged out, his appearance unrecognizable, and he screamed in agony.

The Skycrane Sect, Soul-Suppressing Sect, Dabei Temple, and disciples from various sects suffered severe casualties.

The point where the Sky Sword had descended had become a nightmarish hell, with flesh and blood splattering in all directions!

Chapter 1016: A Formidable Foe

"What an astonishing sword!" Ronald Reeds exclaimed in terror, teleporting a hundred meters away, his heart racing with fear.

Upon seeing the Sky Sword emerge, he sensed that something was amiss and reacted swiftly.

Thankfully, his swift escape had saved him from suffering the same fate as Jan Crane and the others if the sword had struck him.

"Oh my god! He severely injured three grandmasters with a single strike and killed hundreds of martial artists. Is this man a human or a ghost?!"

"Monstrous! Truly monstrous!"

Neutral warriors stared blankly at the severed limbs and scattered body parts before them, their eyes wide with fear.

Their faces displayed a mixture of astonishment and terror.

They were fortunate not to have taken part in the earlier siege; otherwise, they would be in dire straits now.

"This is incredible! He deserves to be hailed as a once-in-a-century young master!"

Emily couldn't contain her excitement as she beheld the imposing figure.

He had single-handedly taken on multiple martial sects and vanquished them, leaving no survivors.

Such majesty was truly unparalleled.

"If there is someone willing to defy the entire martial arts world for my sake, I would die without regrets," Vanessa mumbled to herself, her eyes gleaming with admiration.

What woman wouldn't be drawn to such a remarkable talent who would go to such lengths to protect her?

"Could it be? Is he really going to take them all on alone?"

Henry Zheng and Nathan exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of shock and trepidation.

Four grandmasters, accompanied by hundreds of martial artists, had launched a simultaneous attack on him.

According to all logic, Dustin should have met his end.

Instead, he had simply swung his sword and annihilated the entire group!

The situation was truly astonishing.

"Who dares to step forward and challenge me?!" Dustin raised his hand, and the Sky Sword landed firmly in his grasp.

Dustin exuded a potent aura of death, his face fierce and resolute.

The remaining two to three hundred warriors were utterly terrified. Their bodies quivered, and they couldn't even maintain their grip on their weapons.

He had slaughtered a hundred individuals with a single sword strike. If he unleashed two more such strikes, wouldn't they all be eradicated?

How could this man be so dreadfully powerful?!

"Since none of you dare to step forward, then leave!" Dustin shouted furiously.

"Let's go! Quickly, let's go!"

The warriors were utterly petrified, their fear overwhelming them as they scrambled to their feet and fled for their lives.

"Stop!" Ronald Reeds suddenly bellowed, "Everyone, please maintain your positions. This guy is drained of strength and can't fight anymore!"

Hearing this, the warriors' faces contorted in disbelief, and they were on the verge of cursing.

What on earth! You said the same thing earlier.

And what was the outcome?

Dustin had nearly annihilated them all with a single sword stroke!

"Sir Ronald, can we just let it go? Young and old, I don't want to take any more chances," pleaded a bald warrior with a mournful expression.

"Why? You don't even trust my words?" Ronald Reeds's expression darkened. "The sword strike from earlier depleted all of his inner energy. I can confidently say that this kid will never be able to unleash a second sword strike!"

"I don't care anymore; I'm leaving," the bald warrior replied, his fear palpable. He discarded his weapon and bolted.

Putting one's own life on the line to test the sharpness of an opponent's sword was an endeavor only a fool would undertake.

"Stop! I told you to stop!" Ronald Reeds shouted twice, but when he saw that the bald warrior paid no heed, he became irate. "Courting death!"

With that, he raised his hand and struck down with a palm from the air.


The bald warrior's body exploded on the spot, torn to pieces.

Blood splattered across the ground, a gruesome sight that left everyone shocked and terrified.

No one had anticipated that Ronald Reeds would be so ruthless as to kill someone outright after a disagreement.

Wasn't this level of cruelty excessive?

"Hmph! How can you, as upstanding individuals, fear demons?" Ronald Reeds cast a piercing gaze around and proclaimed righteously, "Our duty is to vanquish demons and uphold righteousness. Anyone who dares to desert today shouldn't blame me for being merciless!"

His words sent ripples of unease through the crowd.

With no ability to fight and no way to escape, weren't they being compelled to meet their deaths?

How could there be a martial arts leader like this?

Chapter 1017 - The Duel of Courage

Everyone in the room exchanged tense glances, their anger simmering just beneath the surface. However, they couldn't openly voice their frustrations, not with Ronald Reeds's formidable authority hanging over them.

Ronald Reeds spoke with a sinister grin, "You two, go eliminate that person (Dustin). Once it's done, I'll reward you handsomely!"

The room fell into an uncomfortable silence.

The faces of the two warriors turned ashen, and they began frantically waving their hands. "Sir Ronald! We can't do it. Our strength pales in comparison, and we wouldn't stand a chance!"

Ronald Reeds's voice grew sharp as he snapped, "Enough of your excuses! Follow orders immediately, or face the consequences!"

The two warriors were visibly shaken, their fear nearly causing them to crumble. They found themselves trapped with only two options: face off against Dustin or suffer Ronald Reeds's wrath.

Dustin, with a sudden burst of courage, challenged, "Ronald Reeds! What's the point in sending these two as scapegoats? If you're truly brave, come and face my blade yourself!"

Ronald Reeds snickered, "Don't act tough with me, young man. Your injuries have resurfaced, and your energy is depleted. I doubt you can even stand straight."

"Is that so?" Dustin challenged, raising his hand dismissively. "Then, come forward and test your theory."

Ronald Reeds scoffed, "Why should I waste my effort on a youngster like you? These two are more than enough to finish you."

With a swift palm strike, Ronald Reeds urged the hesitant warriors forward, creating a hole in the ground beneath their feet. He bellowed, "What are you waiting for? Attack! Or face punishment as deserters!"

Shivering, the two warriors exchanged glances and reluctantly closed the gap.

Their options were grim: dying at Dustin's hands would at least grant them a noble reputation for dying in the line of duty. On the other hand, falling to Ronald Reeds would label them as cowards and deserters.

"Fighting is our only choice!" one of the warriors muttered, and the two initiated their attack simultaneously.

Dustin frowned, raising his sword in response.


In a flash, a streak of swordlight pierced the air.

The two warriors froze, their heads rolling to the ground.

Yet, as Dustin swung his sword victoriously, he suddenly paled, blood staining his lips.

His body trembled and collapsed onto the ground.

At this moment, Dustin was drenched in sweat, and his breath came in heavy gasps, like an exhausted ox. His once imposing presence had vanished entirely, leaving him devoid of any vigor or pressure.

Ronald Reeds had made an accurate guess – Dustin had indeed run out of steam. His injuries were severe, and the relentless battles, coupled with the enormous energy expenditure, had taken their toll. The recent sword strike had drained him completely, and now he clung to consciousness by sheer force of will.

His plan to use his remaining presence to intimidate his adversaries had been thwarted by Ronald Reeds's insight. Ultimately, it seemed he wouldn't survive this ordeal.

"Hahaha... Did you all witness that? I told you this kid was on his last legs! Any objections now?" Ronald Reeds laughed triumphantly, thoroughly pleased with himself.

"It appears this guy is truly in dire straits. Sir Ronald's wisdom and strength are unparalleled!"

"Hmph! Even the strongest will fall after such a prolonged battle. It's a miracle he's held on this long!"

"Damn! I can't believe we fell for his bluff. I was ready to chop him into pieces multiple times!"

As Dustin lay there, spitting blood and collapsing to the ground, the warriors who had been on the brink of terror regained their confidence and began to strut about, ready to pounce.

They adopted an aggressive stance, prepared to strike.

"Azalea!" Dustin used the Sky Sword to prop himself up, still trembling. With great effort, he retrieved the Shadowblooms and handed it to Azalea. "Take the flower, take Abigail, hurry. I'll cover your escape!"

Azalea furrowed his brow, concerned. "Are you sure you can handle this? You don't look well."

"I can give you a brief respite, just enough time. Whether you escape or not depends entirely on you." Dustin took a deep breath, his eyes regaining their sharpness.

"Take care!"

Without wasting a moment, Azalea swiftly departed, carrying the unconscious Abigail with her.

"Stop them! Don't let anyone get away!" Ronald Reeds commanded, raising his hand to signal pursuit.

Without hesitation, the warriors charged forward, attempting to catch up and cut off Azalea's escape.

Dustin slowly raised his sword, fully prepared to fight to the death.

Then, unexpectedly, the sky began to snow.

Delicate snowflakes fluttered and fell gracefully from above, like dream-chasing butterflies dancing in the air.

The warriors at the forefront failed to notice anything unusual and allowed the snowflakes to settle on them. However, the moment the snowflakes made contact, they erupted into a tremendous burst of energy.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Explosions echoed through the air, and before the startled warriors could react, they met a grisly end, their bodies torn apart and drenched in blood.

The audience stood in shock, their jaws dropping in disbelief.

Chapter 1018 - A New Promise

Holding the grief-stricken Abigail in his arms, Dustin couldn't help but sigh. He extended a gentle hand to pat her back and consoled her, "Uncle Edmund is gone, but I'm still here. I'll be your family from now on, and I promise no one will ever harm you. You have my word."

"Why? Why? What did I do wrong?" Abigail sobbed uncontrollably. "First, my mother left, then my father, and now I'm all alone. I don't understand why God would do this to me. Why?"

Her father had lived his life with honor and righteousness, never harming anyone. Even in his assassination, there was no lingering enmity or desire for revenge. She couldn't fathom why such a virtuous person had met such a tragic end.

Was it true that good people received no rewards in the end? If that was the case, she'd rather embrace a life of villainy!

"Little one, relying on the heavens is futile. Everything depends on your own strength," Evelyn Morgan calmly advised. "Remember, to survive, you must become strong enough—strong enough to be feared and strong enough to change the world."

Hearing this, Abigail trembled and turned to her abruptly. "Who are you?"

"Me?" Evelyn Morgan smiled gently. "I am your grandmother."

"Grandma?" Abigail was momentarily bewildered. "Why don't I recognize you?"

"We've never had the chance to meet before, so it's natural that we don't know each other. But that's no issue. From now on, your grandmother will protect you, and no one will dare to bully you," Evelyn Morgan's eyes glinted with affection.

Like grandmother, like granddaughter.

The resemblance between the grandmother and granddaughter was uncanny.

"Uncle, is what she's saying true?" Abigail asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"She is indeed your grandmother, but..." Dustin began, only to be interrupted by Evelyn Morgan, who added, "Correction, it's Grandma!"

With those words, Evelyn Morgan displayed a demeanor that made it clear no one could challenge her role as a protective grandmother.

"Abigail, your grandmother hails from the witchcraft sect, and her reputation outside isn't exactly pristine. Uncle Edmund had warned me previously to keep you from getting involved with them," Dustin explained, his expression grave.

"Are you...really my grandmother?" Abigail asked, her voice trembling.

"Absolutely," Evelyn Morgan affirmed.

Evelyn Morgan smiled and nodded, saying, "The blood in your veins has awakened. Go home with your grandmother. From now on, you will be the Sorceress of the Mystic Arts Order, and you can exact vengeance as you see fit."

Abigail hesitated, her mind swirling in confusion at the sudden revelation of her grandmother's identity.

"I..." She began, struggling to find the right words.

"The Witch Gu Cult is not a path you should take, Abigail. You have better options," Dustin advised, genuine concern in his voice.

"The bloodline of the Sorceress is the most suitable for the techniques of the Witch Gu Sect. When Abigail returns, I will personally focus on her cultivation. I believe she will surpass you in no time," Evelyn Morgan declared with conviction.

"Cultivation is important, but going down the wrong path can lead to a lifetime of regret," Dustin countered.

"Young man, what do you know about going astray? Our witchcraft sect has always distinguished between good and evil, repaying hatred with hatred and kindness with kindness. We are far better than those hypocritical well-known and upright families. Do not tarnish our reputation," Evelyn Morgan warned.

"Abigail, the choice is yours. Will you follow me, or will you go to the Mystic Arts Order?" Dustin posed the ultimatum.

Abigail fell silent, deep in thought. After careful consideration, she raised her head and declared solemnly, "Uncle, I have decided to go with my grandmother."

"Hahaha... Excellent! She truly is my wonderful granddaughter!" Evelyn Morgan beamed with joy.

Finally, after a long wait, they had found an heir.

"Abigail, there's no turning back from this decision. Once you join the Witch Gu Cult, there's no way out, and you'll carry the burden of eternal infamy. Countless martial artists will hunt you down," Dustin warned.

The Mystic Arts Order was renowned as the world's foremost evil sect, in direct opposition to all the noble and reputable martial families.

Joining as a saint would not only bestow her with eternal notoriety but also make her the target of countless martial artists.

The cost was immensely high.

"Uncle, I appreciate your kindness, but I must go," Abigail said resolutely.

"I want to become stronger, I want revenge, and I want everyone to fear me."

"If good people don't live long and calamity persists, then I'd rather be the harbinger of justice!"

Chapter 1019 - A New Resolve

"I will personally eliminate these hypocrites! I'll put an end to those who deserve it in this world! I'll dismantle this fake and tattered world entirely!" Abigail's face was resolute, her words filled with unwavering determination.

An ominous aura emanated from between her brows, casting a chilling presence.

Dustin sighed softly, unable to hide his melancholy. He recognized that Abigail had undergone a profound transformation and was no longer the simple, kind-hearted girl he had known.

But was it her fault?

Her father had risked his life to save countless people, only for those he rescued to meet cruel fates.

Whose fault was it, truly?

When kindness went unrewarded and justice remained unfulfilled, darkness could seep into one's very soul.

She had been forced into this.

"Abigail, no matter what path you choose, I will stand by you," Dustin said, lifting his hand to ruffle her hair affectionately. "Remember, Master will always be here for you. If you ever face injustice, just come back. Even if the sky falls, Master will be your support."

Abigail nodded vigorously, tears glistening in her eyes.

"Senior Evelyn, I entrust Abigail to your care," Dustin said, turning to Evelyn Morgan with a serious expression. "If the Mystic Arts Order dares to harm her, I guarantee that we will eradicate your sect."

"Oh?" Evelyn Morgan's lips curled into a sly smile, his interest piqued. "Young man, you're the first person who's dared to speak to me like this."

"Given that you know my identity, you should also understand that the Rhys Family always keeps their word," Dustin asserted firmly.

"Hahaha... How amusing, truly amusing," Evelyn Morgan chuckled, not the least bit offended. In fact, he seemed rather amused by Dustin's boldness.

The more unconventional the temperament, the more Evelyn Morgan found it appealing.

"Abigail, until we meet again," Dustin said, patting Abigail on the shoulder. He then picked up the Shadowblooms, turned, and began to walk away.

Everyone had their own path to follow, and sometimes the best way to show support was through silence and respect for their choices.

"Master... farewell..." Abigail whispered, her eyes welling up with tears as she watched him depart.

After this separation, she had no idea when they would reunite.

"Abigail, would you like Grandma to deal with these remnants for you?" Evelyn Morgan suddenly scanned the various sect members, a sinister glint in his eyes.

Everyone felt a chill run down their spines, and they trembled with fear. They dared not move, like a group of lambs awaiting slaughter.

"No need! I'll take my vengeance myself!" Abigail declared, her gaze sweeping the gathering with a steely determination. She committed every face present to her memory.

"Listen up, you scoundrels," she declared, her voice carrying an iron resolve. "I spare your lives today, not out of mercy, but as a warning."

"Because one day, I will exact retribution upon all of you."

"Remember this well—I will repay the sins you've committed today tenfold, a hundredfold!"

"I will make you suffer, I will make you miserable, and I will make you die slowly in fear and despair!"

"Until that day comes, cling to life with all your might!"

"Your lives can only be claimed by me!"

"Wait! Wait for me to return for revenge!"

Chapter 1020 - A New Promise
(This seems to be a duplicate of Chapter 1018, a mistake in the original Chinese version)
Chapter 1021 - A New Resolve
(This seems to be a duplicate of Chapter 1019, a mistake in the original Chinese version)

Chapter 1022 - The Aftermath

Abigail departed, carrying the lifeless body of her father, Edmund. However, before she left, her parting words left an indelible mark on everyone present, sending shivers down their spines.

Despite their escape from immediate danger, the people from various sects felt far from elated. None of them had expected that the seemingly ordinary girl would turn out to be a Sorceress from the dreaded Mystic Arts Order.

The horror associated with the Mystic Arts Order was deeply ingrained in people's hearts, and its sinister reputation was hard to shake. Crossing a saint meant stepping into one's own grave.

Compounding the issue was the fact that they had forced the saint's father to his death, leaving an indelible mark of hatred.

From this point forward, they would live in perpetual fear, anticipating the day when retribution would descend upon them. It seemed that their only choice was to await their inevitable doom.

"Master Ronald, what do we do now? It seems we're in grave trouble!" Alexander Cheng, looking pale and still recovering from his injuries, approached Ronald Reeds.

He had suffered severe wounds from Dustin's earlier sword strike, and his injuries had yet to fully heal. Jiang Xiuzhen and Jie Xin were even worse off, one missing an arm and the other blinded. They were truly in dire straits.

"Why are you so anxious?" Ronald Reeds scowled. "As long as Evelyn Morgan and the four guardians of the Mystic Arts Order don't intervene, who can touch us?"

"But we provoked the ire of the Sorceress of the Mystic Arts Order by driving Edmund to his death. We'll face endless consequences," Alexander Cheng warned, his expression solemn.

"Hmph! What's there to fear from a mere girl who hasn't even reached the innate realm? We can talk when she becomes a true master!" Ronald Reeds retorted coldly.

With the Sky Spirit Orb in his possession, he was on the brink of breaking through to the Grandmaster level. At that point, not even Evelyn Morgan, the leader of the Mystic Arts Order, would be a cause for concern.

Meanwhile, in the Azure Mist camp:

"Junior sister, don't dwell on it. People like us are worlds apart from Grandmaster Dustin," Emily consoled Vanessa, who appeared lost in thought. She gazed in the direction Dustin had disappeared, shaking her head and sighing. "Grandmaster Dustin is a true genius, the one who can surpass all Grandmasters. We can only dream of reaching such heights in our lifetime."

Emily held great admiration for young masters like Dustin.

But she knew in her heart that the two parties were not from the same world at all.

It's fine to look at it from a distance, but getting closer will only increase your worries.

"It would be nice if he wasn't so good."

Vanessa murmured to herself, with a complex look on her face.

She finally met someone she was attracted to, but unexpectedly he was so outstanding that she didn't even have the courage to climb high.

It is better to forget each other in the rivers and lakes than to help each other.

Maybe this situation is the best outcome, right?

But why is she so reluctant to give up?

Can that unparalleled figure really be forgotten?


Half a day later, in the Millsburg, Zypher Lodge.

"Beautiful aunt, can you wake up? Can you open your eyes and look at Haley?"

"You promised Haley before that you would tell Haley stories, why are you still sleeping in?"

"If you don't wake up, Haley will be angry."

In the ward, a cute little girl was gently shaking Natasha's arm, her big eyes filled with mist.

The pregnant woman next to her, Cecilia, also had red eyes and felt sad.

Since the death of her husband Nelson, Natasha personally took care of the daily life of mother and daughter.

The hospital's prenatal checkup and Haley's kindergarten attendance were all arranged properly, as if they were treated like family members.

She was not only grateful to Natasha, but also felt a bit more like a sister.

Now that I see the other person unconscious and dying, I can't help but feel a little sad.

"Dr Linden, is there really no other way? Will my sister never wake up in her lifetime?"

Ruth sat on the edge of the bed, with tears in her eyes, holding Natasha's hand tightly.

Since her sister became critically ill, she has been staying by her side and has not rested for two days.

"To be honest, it's very difficult to keep this breath."

Chapter 1023: The Race Against Time

In the bustling realm of Dr Linden Watkins, a deep sigh escaped his lips. "The only hope to save her now lies in the mysterious Shadowblooms and the legendary Dark Phoenix. If Elder Dustin can bring back the herbal medicine in time, there's still a glimmer of hope. But as time ticks away, that hope fades like a fading moon."

"Dustin! Dustin! Where have you been? Why haven't you returned?" Ruth muttered, her face clouded with worry.

She hadn't yet shared this dire situation with her parents, fearing that their hearts might not withstand the news.


Suddenly, the door burst open, and a disheveled Dustin stumbled in, his face smeared with blood, looking utterly bedraggled.

"Dr Linden! I've found it! I've found the herbal medicine!" gasped Dustin, clutching his chest.

"Found it?" Dr Linden scrutinized the flower in Dustin's trembling hands, radiating an eerie luminescence. A triumphant smile crept across his face. "Indeed, this is the Shadowblooms! Marvelous!"

"Senior Dr Linden! With this Shadowblooms, can we save Natasha?" Dustin's eyes brimmed with hope. The journey for this herbal medicine had nearly cost him his life.

"I can save her, but I require your blood," Dr Linden explained gravely. "Your previous treatment has produced an antidote for the Black Pill within your blood, which can help awaken Natasha."

"Count me in! Take as much as you need!" Dustin rolled up his sleeves, ready to shed his own blood for the cause.

"Hold on!" Dr Linden raised a hand to halt him, concern etched on his face. "Elder Dustin, your injuries are severe, and your vital energy is fluctuating. If you give blood now, it could be too much for your weakened body."

"I can endure it. Please, just save her!" Dustin urged persistently.

"Elder Dustin, are you absolutely sure?" Dr Linden's brow furrowed.

With his experienced gaze, he could clearly see that Dustin was teetering on the edge of exhaustion, struggling to maintain his balance and speak coherently. Taking more blood would undoubtedly worsen his condition.

"Cornelius, fetch me a bowl!"

"A Hero's Sacrifice"

Dustin had no time for words; he gave the order outright.

Cornelius quickly arrived with a sizable bowl.

Without hesitation, Dustin made a swift incision on his arm, and blood flowed swiftly into the waiting bowl.

Dr Linden couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. How could this usually composed young man be so impulsive at this critical moment?

"That's enough; let's proceed," Dustin declared.

Dr Linden ceased his persuasions and waited until the large bowl brimmed with blood.

With the blood-filled bowl before him, he gently immersed the Shadowblooms into the crimson liquid.

What followed was an astonishing spectacle.

The Shadowblooms began to dissolve upon contact with the blood, like melting chocolate, blending seamlessly into the crimson liquid. As it dissolved, the originally bright red blood slowly transformed into a deep black hue, studded with shimmering stars and a faint fragrance wafting from it.

"Desperation!" Dr Linden murmured.

Once the Shadowblooms had completely dissolved, he added another pill to the bowl. After a slight stir, the concoction was gently fed into Natasha's mouth.

"Elder Dustin, the medicine has been administered. Whether Natasha awakens next depends on her own fate," Dr Linden sighed softly. Despite possessing the Shadowblooms, he couldn't guarantee a 100% success rate; after all, he was challenging the very gates of the underworld.

Ultimately, the outcome hinged on the patient's resilience and willpower.

"Natasha, please wake up. Don't sleep any longer," Dustin whispered, his hand gently holding Natasha's. He pressed her palm to his cheek and continued, "When you wake up, we'll go shopping, dine together, watch movies, and do anything you desire. I'll be with you every step of the way."

"Please, wake up. I can't bear to live without you."

Time ticked away, second by second.

Dustin remained steadfast by the bedside, staying awake through dusk and dawn, never leaving her side.

He simply kept watch, tirelessly.

Three days later, Dustin's endurance finally waned, and he collapsed beside the bed, completely exhausted.

Chapter 1024: Awakening to Grief

Dustin awoke in a daze, finding himself lying in a bed. The sunlight streaming through the window was blindingly bright.

"Dustin, you're awake!" Ruth exclaimed in relief, her eyes welling up with tears.

"How long was I out?" Dustin asked, still groggy from his slumber.

"You've been in a coma for three days. Senior Dr Linden said you're going to be okay, or we might have started planning your funeral," Ruth replied, her voice quivering.

"Three days? That long?" Dustin's eyes widened in surprise, then he remembered, "Oh, right! Where's your sister? How is she? Has she awakened?"

"My sister?" Ruth's expression darkened, and she looked down, her voice trembling, "My sister... she's no longer with us."

"What? Dead?!" Dustin froze, as if a bolt of lightning had struck him.

His face, previously pale from his own ordeal, turned even whiter. He seemed to have lost his soul in that moment.

"How could this happen? No... it can't be!"

"I found the Shadowblooms, why is Natasha still gone? Why?!" Dustin's voice quivered with disbelief. He shook his head frantically, unable to accept this cruel reality.

He couldn't fathom it; he couldn't come to terms with this outcome.

Didn't he secure the remedy?

Why couldn't she be saved?


"No! I need to find her. I refuse to believe she's just gone!"

A Joyful Awakening

Dustin abruptly stood up, nearly tripping in his haste to leave.

"Who's gone?" a woman entered the room at that moment.

She possessed a stunning beauty, an elegant stature, and a refined demeanor, resembling a fairy from a painting.

It was Natasha, who had miraculously awakened!

"Natasha?" Dustin stammered, his eyes wide in disbelief. "You... you're not dead?"

"Dead?" Natasha responded with a puzzled expression. "I'm perfectly alive. Why would I be dead?"

"But just a moment ago..." Dustin glanced at Ruth, who had been in tears earlier, only to see her burst into laughter. "Hahaha... Brother-in-law, how gullible are you? My sister is blessed with good fortune. Why would she die? Were you really scared just now?"

"What on earth is going on—" Dustin was so exasperated he was about to storm out and give her a piece of his mind, raising his hand as if to swat her. Ruth, in response, swiftly hid behind her sister. "Brother-in-law, I was just teasing you. Why are you so quick to anger?"

"You naughty girl! Can you make jokes about such serious matters? Do you realize how terrifying that was?" Dustin's voice trembled with anger.

When he'd heard the news of Natasha's supposed death, it felt like his heart had stopped, and he'd been emptied of his spirit.

"Ruth! You should know better!" Natasha scolded her sister, giving her a gentle smack on the head. "Go on, prepare some food for your brother-in-law. He's just woken up and still needs to regain his strength."

"Okay," Ruth muttered as she stuck out her tongue and quickly dashed out of the room, escaping Dustin's impatient gaze.

"Husband, how are your injuries? Would you like to—" Natasha began to ask but was interrupted when Dustin suddenly rushed forward, wrapping her in a tight embrace that he refused to release.

There were a thousand words in his heart, but he couldn't find the words to express them.

Chapter 1025: Reconnecting in Relief

Dustin held her tightly, savoring the warmth of her body and the scent of her skin. It was only in this moment that his previously racing heart finally found peace.

"It's good to be alive," he whispered softly after a long while.

"Alright, alright, stop squeezing me. If you keep hugging me like this, I might run out of breath," Natasha chuckled and patted Dustin on the back.

While she cherished this moment, his embrace was undeniably tight.

"Ahem... I apologize; I got carried away," Dustin quickly released her, realizing his overzealousness. It had been an involuntary reaction.

"I'm happy that you can be so unrestrained. It just proves how much you care about me," Natasha said with a sweet smile, her heart filled with joy.

They had now truly shared life and death together, an experience far more profound than her relationship with Dahlia.

Marriage? That was just a piece of paper. They had exchanged their lives!

"Husband, please rest for a while. I'll check if the medicine is ready," Natasha said as she stood on her tiptoes, kissed Dustin on the cheek, and then gracefully departed the room.

Watching her elegant figure recede, Dustin couldn't help but smile, feeling a similar warmth in his heart.

They had finally overcome this ordeal.

" Cornelius."

After regaining his composure, Dustin called Cornelius, who was waiting at the door, and inquired, "Has anything significant happened recently?"

Natasha had been unconscious for three days, and he himself had been asleep for three days. In total, a week had passed.

"Master Dustin, things have been relatively quiet in the Millsburg recently. No major incidents have occurred," Cornelius reported.

Unmasking the Fox

As Cornelius continued, he shifted the topic, saying, "By the way, there's something concerning The Harmons that's worth noting. Since Trent Harmon assumed power, some of The Harmons's revered elders and heroes have been forced out by Trent Harmon and his daughter. The Harmons is in a precarious situation."

"Trent Harmon is purging dissidents, driving away anyone who doesn't toe the line. It's a reckless move," Dustin shook his head, fully aware that, despite The Harmons's deep roots, they couldn't withstand Trent Harmon's actions.

"Master Dustin, I believe The Harmons poses a hidden threat," Cornelius added. "You once instructed me to provide protection for Hector Harmon. In just a few days, Hector was subjected to three kidnapping attempts and two assassination plots. Fortunately, we thwarted them all."

"Hmm?" Dustin furrowed his brow. "Are these attacks carried out by insiders from The Harmons?"

"While they're all hired assassins from outside, there's no doubt that Trent Harmon and his daughter are behind this," Cornelius stated with unwavering confidence.

"It appears that their true colors are finally showing," Dustin mused, rubbing his chin. "In that case, continue to keep tabs on Trent Harmon. If he makes any suspicious moves, inform me immediately. I'll seize the opportunity to apprehend them all."

"Understood," Cornelius nodded.

"Oh, by the way, has there been any recent activity from Ronald Reeds and the warriors from the forest?" Dustin inquired suddenly.

"After returning from the Black Forest, Ronald Reeds went into seclusion and hasn't seen anyone. The Martial Alliance has practically transferred all its authority to the deputy leader," Cornelius replied.

"Seclusion?" Dustin snorted disdainfully. "He intends to use the Sky Spirit Orb to break through to the Grand Master realm. Unfortunately for him, I won't let that happen."

"Master Dustin, what do you plan to do?" Cornelius asked tentatively.

"We'll focus on recuperating first. Once I've fully recovered, I'll issue a public challenge to Ronald Reeds, the leader of the martial arts world!" Dustin declared surprisingly.

"What? Challenge the leader of the martial arts world?" Cornelius's eyes nearly popped out of his head. "Master Dustin, are you joking? Among the Five Grand Masters, Ronald Reeds is the strongest. Challenging someone of such stature would be akin to courting death."

"Who lives and who dies is still uncertain," Dustin replied, narrowing his eyes and speaking with a deadly seriousness. "A showdown with Ronald Reeds is inevitable. If there's no clear victor in the Black Forest, then we'll battle it out in the Martial Alliance. If he wishes to reach the Grand Master realm, he'll have to overcome me as a hurdle. I will make sure of it!"

Should Ronald Reeds survive, Dustin would feel that Sir Paul had died in vain. If a hypocrite like Ronald Reeds were allowed to continue leading the martial arts world, it would be a grim future for the martial arts world indeed.

Chapter 1026: A Dose of Affection

"Honey, it's time to drink your medicine," a melodious female voice chimed in.

As Dustin conversed with Cornelius, the graceful Natasha entered, carrying a steaming pottery bowl in her hands.

She wore a sweet smile, her cheeks tinted with a rosy hue, and carefully held the bowl out to Dustin.

"Come on, Honey, take your medicine."


Dustin's eyebrows twitched. Why did this scene feel so familiar?

"Honey, what's the matter? Drink up," Natasha encouraged with an innocent tone.

Dustin resisted with all his might, his face showing his reluctance.

"I've prepared this especially for you," Natasha said, raising an eyebrow teasingly. "Don't tell me you suspect me of poisoning you."

"Well, it's not so bad to die beneath a peony and become a ghost," Dustin sighed dramatically before finally taking the soup and downing it in one gulp.

Seeing the comical expression on his face, Natasha couldn't hold back her laughter any longer.

"Alright, alright, don't worry. Let's go eat. Today's menu is filled with your favorite dishes."

Natasha took a tissue, wiped Dustin's mouth, and then looped her arm through his, leading him towards the door.

*Ring, ring...*

Just a few steps away, her phone suddenly rang.

Natasha's face instantly turned cold as she answered, "Alright, I'll be there in a minute!"

After hanging up the phone, she hurriedly left, her expression now tinged with seriousness.

A Mother's Defense

"What's going on?" Dustin asked, puzzled.

"Haley got into trouble at the kindergarten, and I need to go there immediately," Natasha explained.

"Alright, I'll go with you," Dustin replied without hesitation, signaling Cornelius to prepare the car.

Ever since Nelson had left, Dustin had come to regard Haley as his goddaughter. When your goddaughter is in trouble, you can't just stand by and watch.

Inside Golden Apple Kindergarten at that very moment:

"You witch! How do you raise your child? Look at what this brat did; he scratched my son's face!"

"My son has never been hurt before, and you dare let this brat lay a finger on him? I think you're just tired of working!"

A plump, extravagantly dressed lady pointed at Cecilia's face and hurled insults.

Beside her stood a plump little boy with a pudgy face.

The boy was noticeably larger and stockier than his peers, and he had a faint scratch on the left side of his face.

"Mrs. Chang, children often bump into each other and get minor injuries. Besides, your son started it," Cecilia said as she glanced at Haley, who had a swollen nose and bruised face, feeling sympathy for her daughter.

But due to the other party's status, she held back her anger.

"Hmph! So what if my son started it? If this brat hadn't provoked my son, would my son have hit her? In the end, it's all her fault!" Mrs. Chang placed her hands on her hips and spoke aggressively.

"Haley, what happened? Did something go wrong?" Cecilia turned to her daughter and asked.

"I didn't do anything wrong, Mom," Haley quickly shook her head and said, her face filled with sorrow. "Maxwell Chang called me names first and insulted me for not having a father. Then he led his friends to attack me. Mom, I didn't do anything wrong. It's not my fault."

Tears welled up in her eyes as she spoke.

"Don't cry, Haley. Mommy believes you," Cecilia reassured her, wiping away her tears. She then turned to Mrs. Chang and said, "Mrs. Chang, did you hear all of that? Your son insulted and attacked my daughter first. Moreover, the injuries on my daughter's face are much worse than those on your son's."

Chapter 1027: The Fateful Encounter


Mrs. Chang was not pleased. She scowled, "How could this girl compare to my precious son? My son's single strand of hair is worth more than her entire life! Listen closely, kneel down and apologize right now, or you'll regret it!"

"Mrs. Chang, please, let's be reasonable here. It's clearly your son's fault. Why should we apologize?" Cecilia furrowed her brows.


Mrs. Chang raised her hand and delivered a hard slap to Cecilia's face, berating, "I'll ask for an apology when I want one. No need for your nonsense. If you dare lay a finger on Lai Lai again, I'll make you regret it!"

"You—" Cecilia gritted her teeth but remained composed.

She couldn't believe how unreasonable the other woman was being. Not only did she refuse to apologize for her son's mistake, but she had also resorted to violence.

What an infuriating situation!

"Don't hurt my mom!"

Haley suddenly stepped forward, her small hands outstretched, her little face contorted with anger. "You villain! Old hag! I'm going to summon Ultraman to defeat you!"

"Hey! You little troublemaker! You deserve a good spanking!" Mrs. Chang retorted, growing angrier and slapping Haley across the face, sending her tumbling to the ground, nosebleed and all.

"Haley!" Cecilia gasped, swiftly scooping up her daughter.

Her heart ached as she looked at Haley's red and swollen face.

"You fatherless brat deserves a lesson!" chimed in the little chubby boy (Maxwell), placing his hands on his hips, brimming with pride.

"Listen up, you two lowlifes. Kneel down and apologize immediately. Then, compensate my son with one million dollars for his medical expenses. Otherwise, I'll ensure you won't have a moment's peace!" Mrs. Chang declared sternly.

"You're being completely unreasonable!" Cecilia seethed. "I'm calling the police, and I want an officer to come and mediate this!"

With determination in her eyes, she retrieved her cell phone, ready to make the call.

"Calling the police?"

Unleashing Chaos in the Park

Mrs. Chang snatched the phone from Cecilia's hand, hurling it to the ground with a curse, "You think calling the police will help? Let me tell you, my partner is an officer at the police station! My brother is a well-known big shot! Even if I dug a pit to bury you, no one would dare to utter a word!"

"I... I refuse to believe there's no justice in the world!" Cecilia retorted angrily.

"Justice? The only justice here is what I decree!" Mrs. Chang proclaimed before delivering another stinging slap to Cecilia's face.

Cecilia's legs gave way, and she crumpled to the ground, her pregnant belly making it impossible to rise quickly.

Onlookers watched in helplessness but dared not intervene.

"Mom!" Haley cried out in distress, tugging at her mother's arm with all her might, though she couldn't budge her. Instead, she stumbled and fell herself.

A preschool teacher nearby couldn't bear it any longer and moved to help, but Mrs. Chang's intimidating glare made her recoil in fear.

"Maxwell, didn't that little brat hit you just now? Go ahead, hit her back, hit her to death, and Mom will support you!" Mrs. Chang encouraged her son, patting him on the shoulder.

"You little brat, you're in for it now!" The chubby boy gained newfound courage. He pinned Haley to the ground, raised his fists, and began to pummel her without restraint.

There was no hesitation in his actions.

"Hit her! Harder! Excellent job!" Mrs. Chang clapped and laughed, wearing a smug expression.


At that moment, a thunderous roar echoed from the park's entrance.

In a flash, a figure dashed in and delivered a resounding slap to the chubby boy's face.


The blow distorted the boy's features, sending him flying backward to the ground.

Chapter 1028: Unexpected Hero

The sudden turn of events left everyone stunned.

No one had anticipated that someone would dare to lay a finger on Mrs. Chang's son.

You see, Mrs. Chang had quite the reputation for being a tyrant in this neighborhood, and nobody dared to cross her.

"Ouch! I've got you!"

After the initial shock, Mrs. Chang rushed forward and scooped up her dazed, battered son.

At this point, the chubby boy sported a crooked nose, a swollen mouth, a bleeding lip, and two missing front teeth.

The side of his face that bore the brunt of the attack was inflamed and grotesquely swollen.

"Maxwell! Don't scare me! Wake up!" Mrs. Chang pleaded frantically, shaking him gently. Once the boy regained consciousness, she breathed a sigh of relief.

But her relief was short-lived.

"Who did this? Who just hit my son? Show yourself!" Mrs. Chang whirled around, her teeth clenched in anger, as if she were ready to devour someone.

"It was me!"

Dustin stepped forward, his face dark with fury.

Especially after seeing the bruises on Cecilia and Haley's faces, his eyes gleamed with a dangerous intensity.

"You dare strike my son? Do you even know who I am?" Mrs. Chang barked, trying to reassert her dominance.


Without hesitation, Dustin raised his hand and slapped her. He demanded, "Who are you?"

"I..." Mrs. Chang tried to speak, but before she could utter a word, Dustin slapped her again, causing her to stumble.

"Who are you?" Dustin repeated, his voice unwavering.

"I am..."

A Lesson for Mrs. Chang


Mrs. Chang attempted to speak, but before she could utter a word, another resounding slap landed on her face.

"Again, who are you?" Dustin's voice remained icy.

"You—" Mrs. Chang seethed with rage, poised to unleash a torrent of curses.

Dustin, however, didn't give her the opportunity. He delivered another forceful slap to her face.

"Who are you?"


"Say it."


"Why won't you speak?"


"Weren't you acting all bold just moments ago? If you're capable, say something!"


Mrs. Chang's world became a whirlwind of pain as Dustin relentlessly interrogated her with every blow. Her nose was bruised, her face swollen, and she leaned against a wall, barely able to stay on her feet.

After enduring more than a dozen slaps, Mrs. Chang was unrecognizable. Blood streamed from her nose and mouth, and even a few teeth lay scattered on the ground.

Her appearance was nothing short of horrifying.

Onlookers, including parents and kindergarten teachers, were left in shock.

"Oh my goodness! Who is this person? He actually dared to lay a hand on Mrs. Chang? Is he playing with fire?"

"Judging by his demeanor, he probably has no idea how powerful Mrs. Chang is. He's in for a world of trouble!"

"He clearly doesn't know his place! Crossing Mrs. Chang is a one-way ticket to disaster."


Chapter 1029: A Clash with the Principal

Amidst the hushed whispers and pointed fingers, everyone marveled at Dustin's audacity.

What could have been resolved with a simple apology had now escalated into a dire situation. If Mrs. Chang were to continue suffering such blows, she'd either end up with broken limbs or buried alive in conflict.


Dustin delivered another forceful slap, sending Mrs. Chang sprawling to the ground. He demanded once more, "Tell me, who are you?"

Mrs. Chang's face contorted, and the world seemed to spin around her. She felt dizzy, disoriented, unable to discern which way was up.


At that moment, the kindergarten principal pushed her way through the crowd and rushed over.

Upon seeing Mrs. Chang, swollen and battered like a pig's head, the principal gasped and quickly helped her to a chair. "My goodness, Mrs. Chang, how did you sustain these injuries? Who did this to you?"

Trembling, Mrs. Chang pointed at Dustin.


The director turned angrily to Dustin, shouting, "Who are you? How dare you assault Mrs. Chang? Do you comprehend the magnitude of trouble you've brought upon yourself!"

"Who are you to point fingers at me?" Dustin retorted with a stern expression.


The principal puffed out her chest proudly. "I'm Principal Smith, in charge of this kindergarten. All matters here fall under my jurisdiction."

" Principal Smith, huh? Perfect timing," Dustin nodded and gestured toward Mrs. Chang. "This woman is unreasonable and a bully. She must be expelled immediately."


Principal Smith glared and rebuked, "You're the one who committed assault, yet you have the audacity to slander Mrs. Chang? That's like a thief accusing another thief!"

"I struck her because she deserved it. Open your eyes and see. The injuries on my sister-in-law's face and my goddaughter's body were all inflicted by her. I merely delivered some well-deserved justice on their behalf," Dustin stated calmly.

"Yes, Principal Smith, both mother and son went too far and deliberately stirred up trouble," Cecilia chimed in.


Principal Smith turned and barked before facing Dustin again, this time with a domineering tone. "I didn't witness anything earlier. All I saw was you assaulting people. Now, I order you to apologize to Mrs. Chang immediately and compensate her for all losses. Otherwise, don't blame me for calling the police and having you arrested!"

"Are you blind or something?"

Principal Smith's Defeat

Dustin's expression remained stern as he retorted, "When this shrew was assaulting someone earlier, you stood by idly, seemingly oblivious to the situation. But now that she's facing the consequences, you immediately leap into action, baring your teeth and claws. Are you her lapdog?"

"You—You're out of line!" Principal Smith, realizing his scheme had been exposed, couldn't contain his anger. "Let me warn you, if you don't apologize today, I'll expel Student Haley from this kindergarten! She'll never be able to enroll here again!"

"Expelled from the kindergarten? Haha... Principal Smith, you certainly wield great authority!" Dustin scoffed. "Do you believe this is the only kindergarten in the entire Millsburg? If we leave here, my goddaughter will still have plenty of educational options."

"That's right! I've been in the education field for twenty years, and I have connections everywhere. If I make a single phone call, no kindergarten will dare admit this little rascal!" Principal Smith asserted sternly.

"What did you say?" Dustin's face darkened.

"What? Are you scared?" Principal Smith taunted. "Listen to me, as long as I don't give my approval, no one will dare accept this wild child..."


Before he could finish his sentence, Dustin raised his hand and delivered a resounding slap to Principal Smith, sending him sprawling.

The crowd was once again left in shock.

Was this guy fearless? Wasn't he afraid of being expelled by the principal?

"You... You dare to strike me?" Principal Smith scrambled to his feet, his face burning with embarrassment, a mixture of shock and anger coursing through him.

Parents of students usually bowed and scraped to Principal Smith, offering flattery. Even if they presented gifts, it was subject to her mood.

Now, this person not only showed no respect, but he had also struck her. Could this situation get any more topsy-turvy?

"What's wrong with striking you?" Dustin retorted with a steely expression. "You follow the crowd, can't differentiate between right and wrong, and abuse your authority to bully others. Allowing someone like you to educate and guide children is a grave disservice to their upbringing!"

Chapter 1030: Inspector Chang's Arrival

Dustin's words reverberated so loudly that Principal Smith quivered with anger, his face alternating between shades of green and white, as if he had consumed a fly.

Some parents who had previously felt oppressed by the school's principal secretly applauded, feeling a sense of relief. After all, they had often been looked down upon by Principal Smith.

"You... You dare to scold me? Who do you think you are? You dare to lecture me?" Principal Smith seethed with rage, his face flushed with anger. "Just you wait! I'm going to expel Haley from this kindergarten! I'll blacklist her! I'll make sure she can never attend school again! I'll blacklist all of you!"

"Blacklist?" Dustin sneered, kicking Principal Smith to the ground. "You think you can blacklist us? I'd like to see how you plan to accomplish that!"

Principal Smith was knocked to the ground by the kick. When he got up, he immediately yelled at the top of his lungs, "Security! Security! Where are you? Come here!"

As he yelled, two security guards rushed in.

But before they could take any action, Dustin turned to glare at them, freezing them in their tracks. They felt a chill run down their spines, unable to move.

"Hey! What are you two standing there for? Go ahead and deal with him!" Principal Smith urged in frustration.

However, before the security guards could react, Dustin turned around and stared at them, causing them to freeze in place.

For a moment, their backs were drenched in sweat, and they dared not make a move as if they were being hunted by a wild beast.

"The Smith’s Family name! How did a penniless person like you become the principal of this kindergarten?" Mrs. Chang, who had managed to stand up, indignantly questioned. "I'm warning you, if you don't give me an explanation for today's events, you'll pay the price!"

"Huh?" Principal Smith's face froze, and he hastily stepped forward, wearing a forced smile. "Mrs. Chang, it's not my fault. It's all because of this man's arrogance. But don't worry, I've already called the police, and they'll be here shortly. I guarantee they'll deal with him swiftly. Today, he won't be able to eat in peace!"

"Hmph! And that woman and the child, they can't escape punishment either!" Mrs. Chang added with resentment.

"No problem, no problem!" Principal Smith nodded vigorously.

"You're still spouting nonsense, aren't you?" Dustin's eyes turned icy as he slapped Mrs. Chang to the ground once again. He continued to slap and kick her, scolding, "I told you to be ruthless, so I'll be ruthless with you! If I don't teach you a lesson, you'll never learn!"

"You... You... You're outrageous!" Principal Smith was both shocked and infuriated, but he didn't dare to step forward to help. He had experienced Dustin's slap earlier, and it had been excruciatingly painful. You could tell from Mrs. Chang's disfigured face.

"Stop! Stop this immediately!"

At this moment, several uniformed individuals burst through the door.

The leader was a burly middle-aged man around forty years old.

He had broad shoulders, a sturdy build, and a stern countenance that exuded an imposing aura. As soon as he entered the scene, the crowd scattered, not daring to obstruct him.

"It's Inspector Chang! Inspector Chang is here!"

"Oh no! This man beat Mrs. Chang like this. With Inspector Chang's power, won't he send him straight to jail?"

"Inspector Chang is so influential that even if this guy survives, he'll be in big trouble!"

As soon as the uniformed men appeared, the crowd stirred with commotion.

Whispers and sidelong glances filled the air as they turned their attention to Dustin, their expressions revealing a mix of sympathy, pity, and schadenfreude.

"Inspector Chang, you've finally arrived!"

Principal Smith, seeing Inspector Chang, appeared as if he had found a savior. He rushed forward and began to complain, "If you had come any later, Mrs. Chang might have been beaten to death!"

"Hmm? What's going on here?" Inspector Chang furrowed his brow.


At that moment, a wailing cry rang out, and Mrs. Chang, her face bloodied, crawled to Inspector Chang's feet.

"May I ask who is calling my name?" Inspector Chang seemed slightly bewildered, struggling to comprehend the situation.

"Inspector Chang! She's your wife, Mrs. Chang!"
Chapter 1081: Confrontation with Max

"Thank you for your offer, Miss Dahlia, but I'll pass," Dustin said, shaking his head, declining to take the business card.


Dahlia raised an eyebrow, somewhat surprised. "Are you sure you don't want to consider it?"

It was rare for someone to reject her, and especially so decisively, without any hesitation.

"No, I've decided. Selling insurance suits me just fine, and I'm not used to working in a big company," Dustin politely declined again.

"Hey! Do you know how many people would give anything for an opportunity like this, just to get into my sister Dahlia's company? This is your chance, and you're rejecting it so casually!" Victoria arrogantly remarked.

As the adopted daughter of Lord Montgomery, even the aristocrats in Stonia would show her respect. An insurance salesman like Dustin had no right to refuse her.

"Opportunity knocks only once, and you've missed your chance for a meteoric rise," Chase sneered, looking at him as if he were an idiot.

When the goddess herself extends an invitation, and you turn it down, it's simply foolish.

"Alright, alright, let's not talk about this anymore. I'm hungry. Let's go back and have something to eat," Shiela intervened, trying to change the subject.

Dustin wasn't swayed by her beauty, and she was relieved.

Although she was very pretty, in the presence of someone like Dahlia, she had no advantage at all and would even be overshadowed.

She was quite satisfied with the current outcome.

After leaving the racetrack, the group returned to the Murray residence. However, as soon as they entered the main gate, a middle-aged man blocked their way.

This man was tall and imposing, and just standing there, he exuded a strong aura.

He was Max Murray, the current head of the Murray family.

"Uncle?" Shiela's smile froze when she saw the man.

She had always been somewhat afraid of this stern uncle of hers.

"Where were you all just now?" Max asked sternly, his hands behind his back.

"We went to the racetrack for a while. Why?" Shiela replied.

"So, it was your actions that led to Morgan being injured by a horse?" Max questioned.

"That was just an accident. It had nothing to do with us," Shiela quickly explained.

"An accident?"

Max snorted, "Black Dragon is well-trained. How could it suddenly turn on its master? I suspect you had a hand in this!"

"Uncle, we really didn't do anything. It was Morgan's own issue," Shiela tried to clarify.

"Shut up!"

Max glared at her and said, "As the head of the family, I say you're guilty, so you are! You dared to harm my daughter in secret? You're truly heinous!"

"Guards! Arrest all of them for me!"

"Anyone who dares to resist will be shot on the spot!"

With his command, a large number of armed soldiers rushed out from both sides and quickly surrounded the group.

The atmosphere immediately became tense.

Chapter 1082: Fierce Confrontation

"Uncle! Please don't act recklessly! They are all my friends!" Shiela exclaimed, startled, raising her hands to shield her friends.

"Hmph! A bunch of dubious characters; just looking at them, I can tell they're up to no good. Step aside!" Max snapped.

"I won't let you! They're all innocent! You can't harm them!" Shiela argued passionately.

"Lord Max, we didn't do anything wrong; this is all a misunderstanding!" Vivian quickly explained.

"Yeah, yeah! It was just an accident that Morgan got injured, and it had nothing to do with us!" the others chimed in, sounding panicked.

With Max in power and his reputation for decisiveness, if they fell into his hands, it wouldn't end well. Even if they didn't die, they'd likely suffer greatly.

"Still trying to talk your way out of this? If it weren't for your tampering, how could Black Dragon suddenly go berserk? Do you take me for a fool?" Max said sternly.

Based on the information he had received, there were two suspicious points in this incident. First, Black Dragon was a well-trained warhorse; how could it lose to a small horse? Second, Black Dragon had never behaved aggressively or disobeyed orders before, so why did it suddenly attack its rider? These raised doubts in his mind.

"Wait a minute! Lord Max Murray, if someone is really at fault here, it must be him!" At this moment, Chase Johnson suddenly pointed at Dustin and started accusing him. "Just now, he raced against Morgan and even won. He has the strongest motive!"

"That's right! I thought it was strange at the time, and now that I think about it, this guy is indeed suspicious. He must have harmed Morgan!" Vivian echoed, fervently agreeing.

"Lord Max, you should arrest him. We have nothing to do with this!" the others added frantically.

At this point, the truth didn't matter; they just wanted to distance themselves from the situation and avoid trouble.

Otherwise, they would undoubtedly suffer if they were caught.

"It's you!"

Max's sharp gaze soon settled on Dustin. "You won the race just now, didn't you?"

"I did win the race, but your daughter's injury was her own fault, and it had nothing to do with me," Dustin replied calmly.

While he had indeed employed some tactics to stall Black Dragon momentarily, he hadn't intentionally harmed anyone. The blame lay with Morgan for her impulsive actions, which provoked Black Dragon.

"Her own fault?"

Max's face darkened even further, and he sneered, "Very well... very well! You really did it, didn't you? Men, come and grab this lad for me! We'll use torture to extract a confession!"


Four armed soldiers immediately stepped forward, raising their rifles, ready to apprehend him.

"Stop! Don't come any closer!" Shiela suddenly drew a knife and stood in front of Dustin, declaring, "If any of you dare to make a move, don't blame me for not being polite!"

The four soldiers exchanged glances and hesitated, not daring to approach her.

As the beloved granddaughter of the old general, Shiela held a high position in the family.


Max shouted, "Shiela! You dare to shield this murderer!?"

"Dustin is not a murderer, and you have no evidence to arbitrarily arrest him!" Shiela argued firmly.

"Evidence? Hmph! My word is evidence enough!" Max declared confidently, "Once I subject him to severe torture, he'll confess. Move aside!"

"No!" Shiela remained resolute.


Max's anger flared, and he delivered a heavy slap across Shiela's face.


The blow sent Shiela stumbling, her fair and delicate face quickly swelling.


Seeing this, Dustin couldn't help but furrow his brows.

He hadn't expected Max to be so unreasonable and to strike even his own niece.

"Get out of the way, or I'll arrest you too!"

Chapter 1083: Family Discussion

Max remained composed, his gaze hostile.

"No, I won't!" Shiela clenched her lips, refusing to give in.


Max raised his hand, intending to strike her, but Dustin grabbed his arm and coldly warned, "If you dare to act recklessly again, be prepared for me to break your hand!"


"Release Sir Murray!"

The surrounding soldiers approached, their rifles aimed menacingly at Dustin's head.


At this moment, a loud voice suddenly resounded from outside the door.

Everyone turned to look and saw a middle-aged man with a heroic appearance and a beautiful woman accompanying him, striding in energetically.

These two people were none other than Shiela's parents, Caden and Lily.

"Big brother, what exactly did our daughter Shiela do to make you point a gun at her?" Caden asked sternly, his face cold.

He had witnessed the earlier slap clearly.

"Big brother, do you think that our Shiela is the culprit?" Caden squinted his eyes.

"Shiela isn't, but all her friends, including this lad, are under suspicion, especially this boy!" Max pointed at Dustin.

"It's you?"

Caden looked over, his brow furrowing involuntarily.

He remembered their encounter in Swinston; they had clashed over the Gozoraberry Fruit. Later, his father had unexpectedly removed him from the position of Family Head.

So, he held a deep aversion toward Dustin.

"What? Second brother knows him?" Max examined Dustin up and down.

"I've met him once, but I wouldn't say we know each other," Caden replied calmly. "Big brother, when Father returns, he will see what you've done. If he finds out, he'll blame you. If you trust me, let me handle this. If there is someone plotting behind the scenes, I will definitely find the culprit and avenge Morgan!"

With a meaningful glance at Dustin, Caden added, "You better cooperate."

After a brief hesitation, Max nodded reluctantly. "Fine, I'll give you face this time. I'll let them go for now, but you better provide an explanation soon."

"No problem," Caden agreed with a slight nod.


Max waved his hand, and with a group of soldiers in tow, he left in haste.

Although he didn't care much about Caden, he dared not escalate the situation further, especially if his father found out.

"Lily, take Shiela and her friends to rest for a while. I have something to discuss with Dustin," Caden instructed his wife with a meaningful look.

"Shiela, don't worry. It's just a conversation; there's no need to be nervous," Lily reassured her daughter with a smile before leading the group inside.

"Lad, what's your real purpose in getting close to my daughter?" Caden inquired directly.

"You've misunderstood. Shiela and I are just friends," Dustin replied calmly.

"Just friends?"

Caden snorted. "If you were just friends, would my daughter go to such lengths to protect you?"

"Shiela has a good personality; she stands up for her friends. What's wrong with that?" Dustin countered.

"Kid, don't think I don't know what you're up to."

Caden gave Dustin a piercing glare. "I've seen many like you, trying to climb higher by latching onto someone else. Just so you know, you're not qualified! If you're smart, stay away from my daughter. Understand that I saved you just now; at the same time, I can destroy you!"

Chapter 1084: Confrontation

"Caden, are you trying to threaten me?" Dustin's smile slowly faded as he listened to the harsh words.

He had never liked Caden from the beginning, considering him to be a person who lacked integrity, someone who was unreliable.

"If you heed my advice, it's a warning; if you don't, it's a threat," Caden openly admitted without any hesitation.

"Let me make it clear once more, Shiela and I are just ordinary friends. Between you and me, it's best that we keep our distance," Dustin calmly stated.

"Young man, it seems you haven't quite understood yet."

Caden coldly snorted. "With your kind of personality, do you really think you can be friends with my daughter? Are you even qualified? Please, take a look in the mirror and reflect on your character. The threshold of our Murray family is not something you can reach."

What was once a threat had now turned into open humiliation.

"Caden, don't overestimate yourself. Your pride is not worth mentioning in my eyes," Dustin retorted.

"Humph! You may not have much ability, but you certainly have a big mouth. Do you truly believe I can't deal with you?" Caden's eyes flashed with a cold light.

"I advise you not to act recklessly. You might regret it," Dustin warned.

If someone doesn't offend me, I won't offend them. If someone offends me, I will definitely respond.

"Young man, no one has ever dared to speak to me like this before. Since you're so ungrateful, don't blame me for turning hostile!" Caden declared, his face cold. "People, come here! This guy plotted against Morgan, causing her severe injuries that landed her in the hospital. We now have irrefutable evidence. Seize him for me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the group of soldiers stationed at the door immediately turned around and surrounded Dustin.

"Are you trying to slander me?" Dustin furrowed his brows.

"I gave you a chance, but you didn't appreciate it. Now, it's too late for regrets!" Caden sneered.

Seeing the soldiers approaching, Dustin waved his hand, and a row of silver needles shot out.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

In the next moment, all the soldiers froze in place, unable to move, as if they had been hit by a petrification spell.


Seeing this, Caden couldn't help but look surprised. "You do have some skills. No wonder you're so arrogant. However, you've met your match today!"

With that, he suddenly made a move, reaching out with a claw-like hand. His fingers were as hard as iron, shiny and black, clearly carrying a potent poison.

As he extended his claw, a black mist swirled around him, emanating a bone-chilling cold.


Dustin's pupils contracted, and he quickly dodged to the side, while shouting, "Wait! Are you practicing the Soul-Devouring Technique?"

"What's the matter? Are you scared now?" Caden sneered. "I'm even more formidable than you thought. It seems you're just a coward who fears evil. Do you really think I believe your nonsense?"

"Kid, don't think I'm afraid of your words."

Chapter 1085: Caden's Surprise

"Dustin, the Soul-Devouring Technique is a shortcut method, only practiced by those who have no other choice. If you continue practicing like this, you'll die sooner or later!" Dustin solemnly warned.

"Nonsense! I'm in great shape now, stronger than ever before. Even if a thousand soldiers are in front of me, I'm not afraid in the slightest!" Caden boasted.

"Strength is only superficial. Right now, you're already gravely ill. If you persist in your foolishness, you'll harm yourself and others!" Dustin cautioned.

Practicing the Soul-Devouring Technique, if it led to a sudden death, it might even be considered a fortunate outcome. The real danger lay in going insane, with unpredictable consequences.

The first to suffer would be those around the practitioner, like friends and family.

You never knew when Caden might go mad and end up killing Shiela.

"Young man! Don't babble any more nonsense. Even if you speak like a sage today, I won't spare you!" Caden sneered, preparing to attack again.

Just as Dustin was about to counterattack, a gunshot suddenly rang out from outside the main gate.


At the sound of the gunshot, both of them instinctively stopped their movements.

Turning their heads in the direction of the sound, they saw an elderly man with graying hair, a robust figure, and several subordinates walking towards them with their heads held high.

The elderly man had a square face, a stubble of beard on his chin, and his imposing aura exuded a strong sense of killing intent.

This was none other than General Christopher Murray, the Dragonmarsh's General and Defender of the Nation!


Seeing the newcomer, Caden instantly lost his temper, standing meekly to the side with an expression of respect.

"What's going on? Fighting in front of the house? Aren't you afraid of being laughed at?" General Murray asked sternly.

"Dad, this guy secretly harmed Morgan, and I was about to apprehend him for questioning," Caden explained with a lowered head.


Christopher looked at Dustin. "Young man, you look somewhat familiar. What's your name?"

"The humble servant Dustin, and I greet General Murray," Dustin respectfully greeted him.


Christopher's eyes lit up, and he laughed heartily. "So it's you, young man. I knew you looked familiar."

"Dad, do you know him?" Caden asked, somewhat bewildered.

"This young man saved Shiela's life. Don't you remember?" General Christopher Murray scolded him, displeased.

"Oh, right."

Caden remembered, feeling a little embarrassed.

"This young man has treated our family for illness, and we paid him for his services. So, we don't owe him anything," Caden explained with a stiff expression. "Besides, this guy harmed Morgan. If I don't capture him, I won't be able to explain it to Big Brother Max."

"Is Morgan dead?" General Christopher Murray asked.

"Not dead, but..." Caden wanted to stir up more trouble, but he was interrupted by Christopher's impatience. "If she's not dead, then that's fine. Why so much nonsense? If Max has any objections, let him come find me!"


Caden was taken aback. Why had his father suddenly changed so much? His own granddaughter had been harmed, and he didn't seem to care?

"What are you standing there for? Get out of the way!"

General Christopher Murray pushed Caden aside and then hooked his arm around Dustin's shoulder, smiling mischievously. "Young man, you've come a long way. Let's have a few drinks tonight!"


Seeing the two men walk away, Caden stood still, somewhat dazed.

What was going on? Had he seen a ghost today?

Chapter 1086: General Christopher Murray's Request

Under General Christopher Murray's cordial invitation, Dustin eventually entered an antique study room. As fragrant tea was served, the two men began their conversation.

"Young man, more than ten years have passed in the blink of an eye, haven't they? Compared to the past, you've truly undergone a remarkable transformation!"Christopher marveled as he examined Dustin from top to bottom.

Ten years ago, Dustin had been known as the Dragonmarsh's number one young genius, arrogant and unruly.

Now, he was reserved and low-key, a complete transformation.

"It's been ten years since we last met. General Murray, you still exude the same grandeur, and your charisma remains as captivating as ever," Dustin complimented.

"Hahaha... I'm already an old man with one foot in the grave. Where's the grandeur in that?" Christopher laughed and shook his head. "Young man, they say trouble never comes alone. Did you suddenly visit because you have something on your mind?"

"Let me be honest. The reason I came this time is to pay my respects to you, General, and also to request your assistance," Dustin got straight to the point and placed a prepared gift on the table.

"Oh? Tell me more," Christopher said with a smile as he took a sip of tea.

"I've heard that someone has given you a Cherusia (Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom). This item is of great importance to me, and I'm willing to pay a high price to purchase it. I hope you can bear the pain of parting with it," Dustin respectfully requested.

"A Cherusia (Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom)?" Christopher raised an eyebrow slightly. "I didn't expect you to be so well-informed. However, such treasures are extremely rare. What do you plan to offer in exchange?"

"General Murray, please name your price, and I will do my best to fulfill your request," Dustin inquired.

"Young man, have you gotten married?" General Christopher Murray asked with a smile.

"I was married once, but I'm divorced now," Dustin replied honestly, finding the question somewhat strange.

"That's good, that's good!" General Christopher Murray chuckled. "What do you think of my granddaughter, Shiela?"

"Shiela?" Dustin was taken aback. "She's a very kind and gentle young lady. Moreover, she values loyalty and friendship."

"As long as you say that, I'm relieved," General Christopher Murray said with a smile. "Both of you are talented individuals, and you seem to like each other. Why not set a wedding date soon? I'd like to hold my great-grandchild."

"What?!" Dustin almost choked on the tea he had just sipped. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "General, are you... joking?"

"Life's major events should not be taken lightly," Christopher said seriously.

"Sir, you seem to have misunderstood. I don't have romantic feelings for Shiela. I see her as a little sister," Dustin explained, feeling somewhat awkward. How had they ended up discussing this topic?

"Don't you like Shiela?" Christopher raised an eyebrow.

"Shiela is a wonderful young lady, but I only regard her as a sister," Dustin shook his head.

"Well, well, there's no need to force anything. She'll remain your little sister," General Christopher Murray sighed lightly, sounding regretful.

He knew that his granddaughter had feelings for Dustin, and he had wanted to matchmake them to have an outstanding son-in-law.

However, things didn't always go as planned.

"Thank you for understanding, General Murray," Dustin said, feeling somewhat embarrassed. They had started by discussing a business transaction, but somehow, they had veered off course.

"Let's not dwell on this any longer. No need for formalities. You're here for the Cherusia, right? I'll have someone fetch it for you," General Christopher Murray said straightforwardly, gesturing to an elderly servant by the door.

Chapter 1087: Visit from Tatsuharu Nakamura

The servant quickly understood and left the room. Before long, another servant returned, holding a delicate wooden box.

"Young man, here's your item," General Christopher received the wooden box and handed it over to Dustin.

Dustin carefully opened the box, and a unique fragrance immediately wafted out. Inside the wooden box lay a colorful spirit mushroom.

Cherusia was only the size of a palm, exquisitely beautiful, resembling a perfect work of art. Under the illumination of the light, it displayed seven different colors, like a dream, incredibly captivating.

"It really is a Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom!" Dustin's face lit up with joy. He stood up and bowed deeply to General Christopher Murray. "I'm extremely grateful to General Murray for parting with it."

"I don't need this item, so there's no harm in giving it to you. It might even earn me a favor," General Christopher was quite generous.

"General Murray, I can't thank you enough. If there's anything I can do for you in the future, please don't hesitate to ask," Dustin said, grateful for the precious gift.

"Enough of the formalities. Later, you can accompany me and have a few drinks," Christopher said nonchalantly.

"Alright, I'll make sure to enjoy a good drink with you tonight!" Dustin smiled. Then, as if he had remembered something, he suddenly said, "By the way, General, there's something I need to remind you about. I recently received some information that there may be some mischief on the day of your birthday. You should be prepared."

It was something he had heard from Samuel Franklin earlier, and his visit today had raised concerns about it.

"It's not something new. Every year, these vermin find ways to trouble me. I've gotten used to it," Christopher said nonchalantly.

As the protector of the Dragonmarsh and a veteran of countless battles, he had made many enemies both within and outside the country. Numerous people wished for his death and plotted various assassinations and ambushes. Over the years, he had seen it all.

Why would he fear life or death?

"As long as General Murray is aware," Dustin replied with a nod, not elaborating further.

At General Christopher Murray's level, he must have skilled individuals protecting him. Ordinary people wouldn't be able to get close to him.

"Sir, there is a distinguished guest outside who wishes to see you," a steward suddenly entered and respectfully reported.

"Distinguished guest? Who is it?" General Christopher Murray asked indifferently.

"The visitor is a noble from the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, Tatsuharu Nakamura," the steward replied with his head lowered.

"Tatsuharu Nakamura? Is it Tatsuharu's grandson? Why is he here?" General Christopher Murray was somewhat puzzled.

"I heard that Tatsuharu Yamamoto was not in good health and urgently needs a high-quality spirit medicine to prolong his life. Tatsuharu Nakamura has come for the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom," the steward truthfully reported.

"Hmph! Does that old dog Tatsuharu deserve to use the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom? Tell him to scram!" General Christopher Murray's expression turned cold.

"Understood," the steward didn't dare to say more and quickly left the room.

"That guy Tatsuharu Yamamoto dares to covet the treasures of the Dragonmarsh? Let him eat s**t!" General Christopher Murray said with disdain.

He didn't care about Tatsuharu Yamamoto or his family's request.

Chapter 1088: Tatsuharu 's Request

In a luxurious courtyard within the general's residence, a young man dressed in fine clothing and with a slender build was drinking tea with Caden.

" Nakamura, I wonder what brings you here today?" Caden smiled and poured a cup of warm tea for the young man.

"Thank you," Tatsuharu Nakamura politely accepted the tea and then said, "I've heard of your reputation, Lord Murray, and I came today mainly to make your acquaintance."

He spoke in the Dragonmarsh's language, albeit with a peculiar accent.

" Nakamura, I suspect your intention goes beyond mere pleasantries," Caden replied with a meaningful look. "If you have something to say, please speak openly. We can be frank with each other."

"Sir Murray, you are indeed straightforward. I won't beat around the bush," Tatsuharu Nakamura said, bowing slightly. "I came here today to pay my respects, but unfortunately, General Murray was too busy to meet me. If you could, Sir Murray, I hope you can put in a good word for me."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and one of his subordinates brought over a long wooden box.

The wooden box was about four feet long, and when opened, it revealed a magnificent katana.

Tatsuharu Nakamura picked up the katana with his fingers and presented it respectfully to Caden, explaining, "Sir Murray, this is one of our country's ten renowned swords, the 'Rai Setsu.'"

"This sword cuts through iron like mud, incredibly sharp, and it's said to possess the power of lightning."

"One swing of this sword is unstoppable, a treasure that countless samurai in our country dream of possessing."

"Of course, a sword like Rai Setsu can only be matched by heroes like Sir Murray. Please accept it."

Seeing the katana offered by Tatsuharu Nakamura, Caden's eyes lit up, and his breathing became somewhat hurried.

He had heard of the name Rai Setsu before. As one of the most famous swords in the Kingdom of the Golden Phoenix, its value was beyond measure.

Since he had improved his strength after practicing the Devouring Soul Technique, he had been in need of a suitable weapon. The appearance of Rai Setsu was undoubtedly a gift from heaven.

"Pal, you're too polite. I feel unworthy of such a treasure," Caden said, though his hand instinctively reached out to accept the katana.

"As long as you like it, Sir Murray."

Tatsuharu Nakamura smiled faintly.

"Pal, besides paying respects to my father, you must have something else in mind, right?" Caden inquired after accepting the katana.

If he had come here just to meet and greet, there would have been no need to offer such a valuable treasure.

"Sir Murray, you are perceptive. I won't hide it from you," Tatsuharu Nakamura said, smiling. "I heard that General Murray possesses a Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom, an extremely rare and valuable spiritual medicine. I am highly interested in it, and I would be most grateful if Sir Murray could help me obtain it. I have a substantial reward prepared."

"So, you came for the medicine?" Caden nodded. "No problem at all. It's a small matter. You can consider it done."

Everyone in the family knew that General Christopher Murray didn't care for material possessions. Any treasures he obtained were usually distributed to the younger generation as rewards.

As long as he asked, getting a medicinal herb like the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom should be straightforward.

"With your assurance, Sir Murray, I can rest easy," Tatsuharu Nakamura said, relieved.

"Mrs. Hargrove, please inform my father. Tell him that the Cherusia is of great importance to me, and ask him to grant my request," Caden instructed a nearby elderly woman.


Mrs. Hargrove nodded and then left. However, when she returned, her expression appeared somewhat solemn.

"Madam, did you settle it so quickly? What about the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom?" Caden asked with a smile.

Chapter 1089: A Sinister Plot

"Sir Murray, your dad has already given away the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom," Mrs. Hargrove shook her head.

"Gave it away? To whom?" Caden's smile froze.

"To a young man named Dustin," Mrs. Hargrove answered truthfully.

"What? Given to that kid?" Caden's expression turned ugly.

He couldn't believe that such a precious treasure had been given to a nobody like Dustin. Caden thought it was absurd.

Even though Dustin had saved Shiela's life, he had already rewarded him generously. There was no need to be so kind to him.

"Can it be retrieved?" Caden was unwilling to accept this.

He had just made a promise in front of Tatsuharu Nakamura, and now it seemed that there was a problem.

"You know the master's personality. Once something is given away, it cannot be taken back," Mrs. Hargrove replied.

"Damn it! What did that kid Dustin do to deserve such a treasure?" Caden was frustrated.

Tatsuharu Nakamura then asked, "Who is Dustin? How did he earn General Murray's favor?"

"He's just a nobody who happened to save my daughter's life. That's why he earned my father's favor," Caden explained.

"In that case, does it mean that I have no chance to obtain the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom?" Tatsuharu Nakamura's eyes narrowed.

"It's not necessarily impossible..." Caden's eyes gleamed with cunning. "Pal, even if we can't get it openly, we can obtain it secretly. Dustin is just a weakling, and with the power of the Tatsuharu family, taking the Seven-Colored Spirit Mushroom from him should not be difficult, right?"

"Take it?" Tatsuharu Nakamura raised an eyebrow. "But isn't he on good terms with General Murray? Will my actions offend General Murray?"

"You don't need to worry about that. Neither of us needs to speak of this plan, and no one will know," Caden said with a meaningful smile. "Furthermore, my father is just interested for the time being. He won't go to war over a worthless young man. So, Pal, please proceed without worries. I'll cover for you, and there won't be any problems."

"Oh? Is that so?" Tatsuharu Nakamura was tempted. "Since Sir Murray says so, I'll take the risk."

"Pal, wait for the right moment to strike. And if you manage to obtain the treasure, it's best if..." Caden didn't explicitly state his intentions but made a throat-slitting gesture.

Since Dustin didn't appreciate their kindness, it might be better to eliminate him.

"Sir Murray's request will be followed. I'll take my leave now."

Tatsuharu Nakamura nodded and then stood up, bowing respectfully before leaving with his two guards.

"Mrs. Hargrove, keep this incident to yourself. Do you understand?" Caden glanced at her meaningfully.

"I understand, my lord."

"Very well, I'll continue my cultivation. Wait outside, and do not let anyone disturb me," Caden ordered.

Once Mrs. Hargrove left, he concealed the nameless sword Rai Setsu carefully and then sat down on the bed to begin his silent cultivation.

Soon, a layer of dark energy began to surface on his body. This dark energy was sinister and cold, causing the room's temperature to plummet.

It felt like an ice cellar, freezing to the bone.

As he continued to cultivate, Caden's body suddenly began to tremble, and large beads of sweat formed on his forehead. His face contorted in pain.

In the next moment, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his entire body collapsed, unconscious.

Chapter 1090: Medical Center Reunion

The next morning, Dustin made some simple arrangements for Zypher Lodge and immediately took a car to Swinston.

With the Cherusia in hand and all the required medicinal herbs gathered, everything was ready. All that was left was to refine the Longevitium (Life-Prolonging Pill).

Dustin had to hurry and fulfill his promise before the Old Drunkard's (Gregory) life ran out.

After a car ride that took most of the day, Dustin finally arrived at Peaceful Medical Clinic.

The clinic was as peaceful and tranquil as usual.

The Old Drunkard was sprawled out on a recliner, reeking of alcohol. Caitlin, busy as always, was either cleaning or cooking, keeping the clinic in perfect order. Meanwhile, the sword fanatic Maximus was practicing his swordsmanship in the courtyard.

Compared to his previous fast-paced sword techniques, Maximus now focused on slow and precise movements. Although it looked ordinary, his sword energy was restrained and hidden, reaching a whole new level of power.

Clearly, during this time, Maximus had made great strides in his cultivation.


Just as Maximus was deeply immersed in his sword practice, a silver needle suddenly shot out and aimed for his chest.

Maximus's eyes widened, and he swiftly turned around, slashing the silver needle with his sword, precisely hitting its tip.


The silver needle was deflected and disappeared into the ground.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Maximus pointed his sword at a large tree.

"Hehe, it's been a few months, and I didn't expect your progress to be so significant." Dustin walked out slowly from behind the tree, a smile on his face.

Being able to shoot a silver needle that accurately could only be achieved by an extraordinary innate martial artist.

"Dustin?" Maximus was initially puzzled, but his expression turned into joy. "Haha... you've finally returned!"

He threw his long sword aside and gave Dustin a bear hug.

"Alright, alright, two grown men hugging each other, isn't that a bit inappropriate?" Dustin looked at them with a weird expression.

"Caitlin, come out and see who's back!" Maximus shouted into the house.

"Mr Rhys!"

Caitlin rushed out, her face filled with surprise. "Mr Rhys, when did you come back? Why didn't you notify us in advance?"

"I just got back."

Dustin smiled faintly. "How have you all been during this time?"

"We've been doing well, living peacefully with food and drink," Caitlin replied with a smile. To her, this peaceful life was a dream come true.

"Brother Dustin, I've made another breakthrough in the past three months, and with the guidance of Senior Drunkard (Sir Gregory), my swordsmanship has improved significantly. I can make rapid progress now!" Maximus proudly reported.

"I can see that," Dustin nodded in satisfaction. While Maximus was still at the Semi-Grandmaster level, his actual combat power could already contend with those at the Grandmaster level.

He was a sword genius who could fight above his weight class.

"How is the Old Drunkard doing?" Dustin asked.

"The Old Drunkard is still the same, getting drunk every day," Maximus said helplessly.

"I'll go take a look."

Dustin smiled and entered Peaceful Medical Clinic.

The Old Drunkard lay sprawled out, his hair messy, and he reeked of alcohol. Drool dripped from the corners of his mouth, a typical drunkard's appearance.

"Old Drunkard, wake up. Dustin is back," Maximus said as he shook the Old Drunkard.

"Old Drunkard? Old Drunkard?!"

Maximus applied more force, but there was still no reaction.

"Let me try."

Dustin bent down and whispered in the Old Drunkard's ear, "Old Drunkard, the priceless Daughter's Red wine you've been collecting for so many years has been stolen by someone."

As soon as these words were spoken, the Old Drunkard suddenly opened his eyes wide and sprang up. His entire being was filled with anger as he shouted, "Who? Which bastard dares to steal my wine?"

He looked around with a vigilant gaze, even revealing a hint of killing intent.

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