An Understated Dominance, Dustin Rhys story. Chapters 1301 and beyond - JUNLEE (aka Jungal2000) English interpretation

Translated by Jungal2000

This is my take on an ongoing Chinese novel by an unknown author. I've never been much of a reader when it comes to lengthy novels, but as soon as I delved into this tale, I was hooked like a fanatic. And I can't seem to stop. Unfortunately, the English version I was following only released three chapters a day, and my appetite for the story was insatiable. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started translating the Chinese text myself. Along the way, I've tried to inject some context into it because Google's translation tends to be too literal.

I've used different names for characters in my translations since they're a result of my own artistic interpretation. I began my translations from Chapter 967, which was posted in a different discussion thread. My aim is to tackle at least 100 chapters a week. However, as much as I love translating and reading this novel, I make sure to reserve my weekends for my family and friends – they're the ones who matter most to me.

The reason for this new thread is that during my two days off, some talented translators have continued where I left off. Their work is already shared and posted in my previous thread. This is fantastic news for readers looking for weekend reads. To avoid any confusion, I decided to create a new thread where I can upload and continue my translations. I'm doing all of this out of love for the story and the enjoyment I get from the process; it makes me feel like I'm a part of the narrative.

For those who are new to this, the best translations are provided by Muhindi Wa Kuchoma, and they are the work of the legendary translator Marina Vitori.

This is the tale of a prince, a legendary Kirin known as Logan Rhys. His life underwent a dramatic change a decade ago when his mother met a mysterious and untimely demise. Fueled by a relentless pursuit of truth, justice, and vengeance, he abandoned his royal palace and adopted the guise of a commoner, going by the name Dustin Rhys. The once-arrogant young prince transformed into a timid and soft-spoken individual, making him an easy target for bullies.

During these ten years, Logan secretly honed his skills and strength, undergoing a profound transformation. However, a recent divorce from his wife, Dahlia Nicholson, after three years of marriage, coupled with a series of life-altering events, pushed him back into action. Slowly but surely, he began to shed his timid persona, reemerging as the formidable figure he once was.

Join us as we follow the journey of Dustin, or Logan, as he strives to surpass, outmaneuver, and overpower entire armies and kingdoms, all through his own determination and bare hands.
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Chapter 1516 Chivalry

Of course, just to be safe, we need someone's help with this.


In the blink of an eye, three days have passed.

During these three days, Jade Dew Ointment's reputation has been growing, and countless people come knocking on their doors every day seeking medicine.

Some folks initially thought it would be a joke to mess with Jade Dew Ointment, believing that offending someone from the Duskshire Palace would surely lead to big trouble.

But after three days, there was no movement from the Duskshire Palace, everything was calm.

Jade Dew Ointment continued its normal development, making a lot of money every day.

It's worth mentioning that Healwell Clinic has been rebuilt, and now it's time for decoration and finishing touches.

Dustin is only responsible for the money; a professional team takes care of everything else, so he doesn't need to worry.

Also, with the help from the person in the palace, Dustin has already obtained the Ice Heart Lotus smoothly, without any surprises.

Next, he just needs the Golden Marrow Jade.

And about that, Dustin already has a plan and is prepared.

Three days later, in Emberhold (the inner city of Stonia).

Early in the morning, Duskshire Palace was already lively and decorated with lanterns and streamers.

There were drums beating, lion and dragon dances, it was very festive.

Many high-ranking officials and nobles had already come to visit early in the day.

Because today is King of Duskshire's (Lord Eugene) fiftieth birthday.

As one of the three kings with different surnames, Lord Eugene Montgomery, King of Duskshire, although not as powerful as the West Lucozia King who dominates the court, has a good reputation.

He was made a king at the age of thirty-five and retired from the military at thirty-six.

Throughout his life, he was generous, made many friends, opened schools, adopted orphans, and spent all his savings on doing good deeds.

Looking at the entire city of Stonia, whether friend or foe, anyone mentioning Lord Eugene's name respects him from the heart.

A hero for the country and the people.

Lord Eugene's life fully interprets the spirit of chivalry.

The only regret is that although Lord Eugene has many brothers and sisters, he has no children of his own.

So far, he's been alone.

Perhaps because of this regret, Lord Eugene has adopted many sons and daughters, most of whom are outstanding.

Among them, Ignatius is the most outstanding.

In his thirties, he has been titled the Jade-faced War God, with remarkable military achievements, shaking the world.

Comparing to Lord Eugene in his prime, he is not inferior.

As time goes on, more and more high-ranking officials and nobles come to congratulate Lord Eugene.

After disguising themselves, Dustin and Abigail also mix into the palace.

"Uncle, it's really lively here. The people attending the birthday feast should be very wealthy, right?" Abigail is in high spirits.

After disguising, she looks more mature today, with a more ordinary appearance.

"Of course, those invited to the birthday feast are either high-ranking officials or wealthy people, none of them are ordinary folks," Dustin replied.

"In that case, if I kidnap a few rich people, wouldn't I be able to make a fortune?" Abigail looks around as if searching for her prey.


Dustin twitches his eyes and immediately warns, "Abigail, you better not mess around. We have important business to attend to."

"Hehe, just kidding. I'm a law-abiding citizen. Why would I do such things?" Abigail laughs it off.

In her mind, she secretly thinks, only a fool would kidnap openly; I usually strike in the shadows.

Chapter 1517 Disguised

"Abigail, Lord Eugene has many experts, and there are many important figures coming later. Be careful not to expose your identity." Dustin solemnly cautioned.

Although both of them have disguised, and their original faces can't be seen, Lord Eugene has many extraordinary individuals. If their identities are discovered, it could be troublesome.

Especially for Abigail, as the Saintess of the Witchcraft Sect, in the eyes of the court and righteous people, she's a condemned and vilified witch, someone they'd like to eliminate as soon as possible.

So, they need to be careful.

"Relax, Uncle. I'm not a child. I know my limits. You can rest assured; I promise not to cause you any trouble."

Abigail's eyes rolled, scanning the wealthy individuals in the vicinity, and she almost drooled.

"Don't trust you at all!"

Dustin felt a bit frustrated. He used his knuckles to give Abigail's head a solid knock.

He should have known better than to bring her along. This little money enthusiast seems to see everyone as a walking money tree.

"Uncle! Look, it's so lively over there!"

At this moment, Abigail seemed to have discovered something and pointed to the entrance.

Dustin followed her gaze and saw an elite guard team, fully armed, marching in.

The leader was a young man in his thirties.

With sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, a stern face, a powerful aura, and an imposing military uniform with gold trim, he exuded dignity and valor.

As he passed through, the crowd automatically made way, bowing and saluting with great respect.

"Who is this guy? How dare he lead troops into Lord Eugene? Isn't he too bold?"

"Dude, are you new to Stonia? Don't you recognize the famous Jade-faced War God?"

"What? He's Ignatius, the Jade-faced War God? No wonder he looks so majestic!"


People whispered to each other, their eyes fixed on him.

Many knew of Ignatius, but few had seen him in person.

This was because Ignatius spent most of his time guarding the eastern frontier. Only on special occasions, such as holidays, would he return to Stonia to visit his adoptive father.

Today, being Lord Eugene's birthday, Ignatius, as his adopted son, naturally wouldn't miss it.

"I'll go change my clothes. You guys bring the gift I prepared for my adoptive father into the hall."

After entering the gate, Ignatius instructed.

The guards under his command immediately carried a cage and headed straight for the reception hall.

The cage was covered with black cloth, and its contents were not visible, but Dustin could detect a hint of a wild beast's scent from a distance.

"Uncle, it seems like there's a wild beast in the cage."

Abigail also noticed something unusual.

"For the birthday celebration, instead of giving gold and jewels, he's gifting a wild beast. Interesting." Dustin chuckled, carefully observing Ignatius.

Compared to ten years ago, there were indeed significant changes. If not for knowing his identity beforehand, it would be hard to recognize him.

"Uncle, is he our target?" Abigail also started observing.

"Yes, he's the one. Have our people get ready. The Golden Marrow Jade is on him, but we can't take it forcefully; we have to steal it." Dustin whispered.

"No problem!"

Abigail took out her phone and sent a message secretly.


At this moment, as if sensing something, Ignatius suddenly turned back.

His sharp gaze focused precisely on Dustin and Abigail.

This keen perception surprised Dustin, but he remained composed, pretending to be an ordinary guest, and immediately bowed respectfully.

"Thud, thud, thud..."

Ignatius didn't leave. Instead, he walked straight to Dustin and Abigail, asking coldly, "What are your names?"

Chapter 1518 Bumping to an Acquaintance

As he spoke, the guards by his side had already surrounded Dustin and Abigail.

Pairs of eyes glared at them.

"Greetings, Lord War God."

Dustin bowed his head and replied, "I am Dustin, and this is my sister, Abigail."

"You look somewhat familiar. Have we met before?" Ignatius inquired.

His eyes were sharp, examining Dustin from top to bottom, as if trying to see through him.

"Last year, when Lord War God returned victorious, Lord Eugene hosted a banquet. I had the honor of coming to pay my respects and witnessed the majesty of Lord War God. I never thought that Lord War God would remember me. I'm truly honored!" Dustin feigned a fearful expression.

This statement was half true and half false.

The true part was that Ignatius did indeed win a major battle last year and hosted a celebration banquet, inviting many guests.

Of course, Dustin naturally had no time to attend, and all this information was provided by Reginald.

To be prepared for any eventuality, he had memorized it thoroughly, and now it came in handy.

"Is that so?"

Ignatius squinted his eyes, still staring fixedly at Dustin. After a while, he finally withdrew his gaze. "It seems I made a mistake."

With that, he turned and left with his entourage without any hesitation.

"Uncle, it seems like this person is not simple."

Watching Ignatius's departing figure, Abigail's face became more serious.

Even from this distance, she could sense the unfriendly gaze, and his sharp perception was somewhat terrifying.

If an assassin wanted to launch a surprise attack, he probably would have been counter-killed before making a move.

"Being the War God of the Dragonmarsh is certainly not an ordinary person. If he didn't have some skills, how could he have roamed the battlefield for so many years?" Dustin smiled faintly.

Among the five War Gods, Ignatius was known to have the strongest strength.

Without having fought against him, Dustin couldn't estimate his true strength.

What Reginald said earlier was not wrong. Ten years had passed, and Ignatius had indeed changed a lot.

As for Dustin, without the support of the resources from the West Lucozia Palace, his cultivation speed had been greatly reduced.

So, when facing peers who were exceptional talents, he didn't have much advantage.

"Uncle, should I poison him and then go steal the Golden Marrow Jade?" Abigail suggested.

"No need. It's too risky. Let's stick to the plan." Dustin firmly rejected the idea.

Ignatius's strength was at least at the Grandmaster Grand Perfection level.

At this level, poisoning him would undoubtedly be extremely difficult.

Moreover, his perception was too sharp, and any abnormality would alert him.

"Alright, I'll follow your lead." Abigail did not insist.

"Let's go. Let's sit in the reception hall and watch the situation unfold."

Dustin smiled and led Abigail straight into the banquet hall.

At this moment, the banquet hall had already gathered many high-ranking officials and nobles, with guests constantly coming and going.

As soon as Dustin and Abigail entered, they saw several women coming towards them.

Among them, one woman, engrossed in conversation and not paying attention to the road, directly bumped into Dustin's chest.

The woman exclaimed in pain, taking a few steps back, and fell to the ground, gritting her teeth in pain.

"Who is it? Who has no eyes and dares to bump into me? Is this person looking for death?" The fallen woman directly began cursing loudly.

Dustin focused his gaze and couldn't help but furrow his brows slightly.

It seemed like they had encountered an old acquaintance again.

The woman who fell was none other than his former mother-in-law, Florence!

Chapter 1519 Stirring Up Trouble in the Palace

Looking at the once-repulsive face, Dustin subconsciously frowned.

He had anticipated the possibility of encountering acquaintances at the Duskshire Palace, so he deliberately disguised himself to avoid having his identity exposed. However, he didn't expect to run into Florence and others in this way. What bad luck!

Fortunately, the other party didn't recognize him now. With the intention of avoiding trouble, Dustin apologized proactively, "I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention just now. Are you okay?"

"Hey! Are you blind?"

Florence slapped her buttocks as she stood up, arrogantly shouting, "Do you know who I am? How dare you bump into me? It seems like you're tired of living!"

Her identity had changed significantly now. Anyone who dared to offend her was seeking their own death.

"Hey! It seems like you were blind while walking. You bumped into someone yourself, and now you're blaming us. That's really unreasonable!" Abigail sneered.

"Hey! What kind of thing are you? How dare you talk back to me?" Florence glared, becoming even more arrogant. "I command you to apologize to me immediately and compensate me for my mental damages. Otherwise, you won't be able to walk away!"

"Hehe... Scaring me? If we don't apologize or compensate, what can you do?" Abigail smirked.

"You little bitch! How dare you talk back to me? Do you know the consequences?" Florence was furious.

"I advise you to apologize sincerely and compensate, or you'll soon face great calamity!" Julie, who was standing beside them, spoke arrogantly.

This was the Duskshire Palace, their territory. No matter who the newcomers were, they had to obediently follow their orders.

"Sorry, it was my fault just now. Please don't mind. I am willing to compensate." Dustin remained calm and composed.

Under normal circumstances, he wouldn't back down.

However, today's main business was important, and he couldn't be bothered to get entangled. He just hoped to quickly get rid of this troublesome woman.

"Just your apology is not enough!" Florence pointed at Abigail. "She spoke disrespectfully to me just now and must give me a satisfactory explanation!"

"Abigail, apologize." Dustin signaled with his eyes.

"Fine, fine. It was my fault just now. I was rude, and I apologize to everyone." Abigail reluctantly admitted her mistake.

"Hmph! Just a simple apology? What do you take me for? Now, immediately kneel down and apologize to me, then give yourself ten slaps in the face. This way, I'll let you off!" Florence demanded.

Upon hearing this, Dustin couldn't help but furrow his brows slightly.

This shrew was really overstepping her boundaries. Did she really think of herself as a noble?

"Hey, I warn you not to go too far." Abigail squinted her eyes.

If the person in front of her didn't know how to behave, she didn't mind giving her a lesson.

"Hmph! Going too far? So what? I am a distinguished guest of the Duskshire Palace, and my daughter is the adopted daughter of Lord Eugene. Who do you think are? Why do you have the right to argue with me?" Florence arrogantly said, hands on her hips.

The commotion between the two sides attracted the attention of many people.

Some passing dignitaries pointed and discussed.

"Madam, today is Lord Eugene's birthday celebration. We don't have any deep-seated hatred. Why not reconcile and not disturb Lord Eugene's celebration?" Dustin tried to persuade.

"Don't give me your nonsense! I told you to apologize, so apologize. Otherwise, don't blame me for getting angry!" Florence glared and shouted, completely disregarding the occasion.

"If you insist on being unreasonable, then I have nothing more to say. We both know who's right and who's wrong. I don't believe you dare to act recklessly in the Duskshire Palace." Dustin said coldly.

He had already been patient enough, even apologizing and lowering his head.

Chapter 1520 Shut Up

"Alright! I'll show you where you rightfully belong!"

"Guards! Come quickly!"

"These two troublemakers are causing a scene in the Duskshire Palace and even dared to fight me. Immediately arrest them!"

Florence kept shouting and yelling.

Following her command, a team of guards at the entrance quickly surrounded them.

Dahlia was now a prominent figure in the Duskshire Palace, and her mother, Florence, was treated as a distinguished guest. With their high status, few dared to offend them.


Just as the two sides were about to start a fight, Dahlia suddenly walked in and said in a deep voice, "What's going on here? Why are you drawing weapons? Don't you know what day it is today?!"

"Daughter, you came just in time!"

Seeing Dahlia, Florence immediately began to complain, "These two deliberately provoked us just now and even attacked me. They completely disrespected the Duskshire Palace. You must arrest them immediately to protect the Lord's birthday celebration."

She was twisting the truth skillfully.

"Who are you people? How dare you cause trouble in the Duskshire Palace?"

Dahlia turned her gaze towards Dustin and Abigail, her expression displeased.

"Miss Dahlia, we're not causing trouble. Your mother is being unreasonable."

Dustin calmly stated, "We came here to congratulate King of Duskshire on his birthday. However, as soon as we entered, your mother bumped into us. She demanded an apology and compensation. We apologized and were willing to compensate, but she went too far. She not only wanted us to kneel down but also insisted that we slap ourselves in the face. It's simply outrageous."

"Hmm? Is that so?" Dahlia frowned slightly, turning to look at her mother.

"Daughter, don't listen to his nonsense. He clearly deliberately bumped into me, deliberately provoked us. Look at his appearance, he's obviously a bad person!" Florence continued to act arrogantly.

With the backing of the Duskshire Palace, she could turn black into white.

"Miss Dahlia, the truth and falsehood are clear to everyone here. The right and wrong will be judged by public opinion. I believe that the Duskshire Palace would not want to bully others."

Dustin spoke calmly and confidently.

Hearing this, Dahlia frowned slightly.

The person in front of her was clear-headed, composed, and didn't seem like he was lying. Combined with the expressions of the people around, she could probably guess who was at fault.

After all, no one would be foolish enough to cause trouble in the Duskshire Palace.

"Daughter! This guy is spreading deceitful lies. Immediately arrest him and throw him into the dungeon!"

"Shut up!"

Dahlia glared at her mother and scolded, "Today is my foster father's birthday celebration. All the guests here are high-ranking officials and nobles. Can't you stop making a scene?!"

Duskshire Palace had a well-known reputation, and everyone knew about it.

If a scandal of bullying occurred during King of Duskshire's birthday celebration, the impact would be extremely detrimental.

"Why are you blaming me? It's clearly this guy's fault." Florence seemed somewhat aggrieved.

However, under the stern gaze of her daughter, her voice became quieter and more timid.

"I don't care whose fault it is. This matter ends here. If anyone dares to make trouble again, don't blame me for being impolite!" Dahlia said sternly.

Although Florence was dissatisfied, she didn't dare to argue.

With the mother relying on the daughter, her current status was all thanks to her daughter, and naturally, she didn't dare to go against her will.
Chapter 1511 A Kind Advise

Looking at the familiar face from the past, Dustin took a deep breath and said coldly, "Dahlia, it's not that I'm stubborn, but you're too self-righteous. What makes you think everything is my fault? And why do you think I can't afford to offend these people?"

"At this point, do you still want to argue?" Dahlia frowned. "I've already figured it out. Clearly, it's your fault. Don't think that with someone backing you up, you can act arrogantly in Stonia. This is a place with hidden dragons and crouching tigers, not a place where you can act recklessly!"

"Alright, I don't want to argue with you. You can think whatever you want." Dustin shook his head, unwilling to engage further.

Whether it was before losing his memory or after, he remained unchanged. He felt powerless to comment on it.

"Dustin! What kind of attitude is this? I offered kind advice, but you refuse to listen. Do you have to wait until a disaster strikes before you regret?" Dahlia scolded.

She had been kind enough, providing various opportunities, hoping that the person in front of her could see the error of his ways.

Unfortunately, the results were minimal.

"Abigail, neutralize the poison and let them leave and not to disrupt our business." Dustin was getting impatient and didn't want to get entangled.

Every time he encountered Dahlia, he felt frustrated. Were their destinies really incompatible?

"Fine, we've had fun enough. I'll spare you for now." Abigail smiled slightly and waved her hand gently, sending a cloud of smoke into Evander's nostrils.

Evander, who had just been groaning in pain, quickly found relief.

However, at this moment, he looked extremely disheveled.

His hair was messy, his whole body soaked, blood oozing from his mouth, and he no longer had the elegance from before.

"Damn it! How dare you poison me? You..."

Evander gritted his teeth, full of resentment. Just as he was about to say threatening words, Dahlia raised her hand to stop him. "Enough, don't escalate the conflict. Be careful not to be poisoned again."

Hearing this, Evander bit his lips, finally holding back his words.

Although he was a martial artist, he was still very wary of a poison expert like Abigail.

Most importantly, he couldn't resist Abigail's potent poison. Threatening at this moment was indeed meaningless and might force these people into a corner.

Of course, he would never let go of today's grievances.

"What about me? What about my antidote?" Julie pointed at herself, asking repeatedly.

"Don't panic. You won't die for now. To prevent you from seeking revenge, your antidote will be sent to you by my people in three days." Abigail said.

"What? Wait another three days? What if I can't hold on?" Julie panicked.

"If you can't hold on, then it's your bad luck." Abigail said solemnly.

"You—!" Julie was angry, but she didn't dare to provoke Abigail. She could only look at Dahlia for help and said, "Sister, what should I do? My poison hasn't been relieved yet."

"Don't worry. I believe she won't dare to act recklessly. Let's wait for another three days." Dahlia said calmly.

"Ah?" Julie's face stiffened, almost crying.

Thinking about the deadly poison lurking in her body every moment, she felt weak in her legs.

Three more days of waiting, it was simply torture!

"Dustin, I won't hold today's matter against you, but please, in the future, don't act recklessly!" Dahlia left with a cold word.

She had been kind enough. She had given chances and hoped that the person in front of her would repent.

But sadly, the effect was minimal.

"Today's matter isn't over. Let's see how it unfolds!" Evander cast a resentful glance at Dustin and Abigail before leaving with a group of people.

Chapter 1512 A Murderous Maniac

"Little handsome guy, it seems like we've gotten into big trouble."

Watching the backs of the departing crowd, Belinda looked worried. "Dealing with the Sterling and Torby families is one thing; with the Duskshire Palace, it's another. Whether it's Dahlia or Evander, they are not people we can afford to offend."

Actually, she wasn't too worried about Dahlia; the reputation of the latter was good, and she had always done what she said. This matter should not be a big deal for her.

But Evander was different; his reputation in the business world was extremely bad. He was notorious for being vindictive and using any means necessary to achieve his goals.

Offending such a powerful figure was undoubtedly a big trouble.

"Miss Belinda, don't worry. The trouble is of our own making. If they want to cause trouble, they will definitely come after us, not the company. I won't let it affect the company." Dustin said.

"Little handsome guy, I'm not worried about implicating the company. What I mean is, you should go out and avoid the limelight, so as not to be retaliated against." Belinda advised.

"Avoiding for a while won't solve anything, and I'm not afraid of any retaliation." Dustin said indifferently. "If they just forget it, everything will be fine. If they insist on a life-and-death struggle, I will make them understand the meaning of ‘regret’."

"That's right!"

Abigail grinned, excitedly saying, "If they dare to mess around, I'll poison them all to death!"

"Oh, this..."

Belinda's expression froze, speechless.

This crazy girl couldn't be judged by common sense; she dared to poison even the Duskshire Palace.

If she went crazy, she’ll do anything she like without holding back.

"Abigail, be careful when using your poison in the future."

At this moment, Dustin suddenly said with a serious tone, "I won't interfere with your affairs, but I hope you won't lose self-control."

She was his only disciple, and he didn't want to see her turn into a murderous maniac.

"Okay, okay, I understand."

Abigail hooked Dustin's arm, acting coquettishly. "I'll be careful in the future, not randomly killing innocents. Maybe, only a few!"

"You understand, that's good."

Dustin smiled slightly and looked at Belinda. "Miss Belinda, this is my disciple. She needs to order some Jade Dew Ointment. Can you give her a discount?"

"You're being too polite. We're all one family. Forget about a discount, it can be free." Belinda was very generous.

"Hehe... Thank you, beautiful sister!" Abigail's eyes brightened and she cheered.

"Friendship is friendship, business is business. Free is not acceptable, but we can charge a cost price." Dustin corrected.

Upon hearing this, Abigail's mouth immediately pouted, looking pitifully at Dustin. "Uncle, I'm very poor. My family can barely make ends meet. Do you know that making poison costs a lot of money? I only have a few pennies left."

"Alright, alright! I said it's free, and I'll pay for this money myself!" Belinda supported strongly.

"Beautiful sister is the best!"

Upon hearing this, Abigail immediately brightened up, grabbing Belinda's arm and making a face at Dustin. "Uncle, I'm underage. Are you really haggling with a little girl like me? You're so stingy!"

"That's right! Stingy!"

Belinda echoed, unable to hold back her laughter.

Looking at the harmonious interaction between the two, Dustin felt a bit helpless. Just as he was about to say something, his phone suddenly rang.

Chapter 1513 Jade-Faced War God

"Ding ding ding..."

The phone rang, and Dustin answered it to find that it was a call from Reginald Langford.

"Lord Rhys, I'm at the entrance of the Remington Medical Holdings Consortium. There's something very important to report. Can we meet in person?" Reginald got straight to the point.

"Sure, I'll come out right away."

Dustin nodded and didn't say much, hanging up the phone immediately.

"Miss Belinda, take Abigail around for a stroll. I have some urgent matters to attend to."

After greeting Belinda, Dustin walked out of the company.

He had assigned Reginald two tasks: to find the healing herbs and investigate the truth from ten years ago. Both were crucial for him.

Walking out of the gate, Dustin saw a plain black car parked on the opposite side of the street.

The window rolled down, revealing half of Reginald's face, signaling Dustin to come over.

Dustin glanced around, saw that no one was paying attention, and then got into the car.

The window rolled up, the car started, and it drove off at a steady pace.

"Lord Reginald, why did you urgently ask to meet me? What's the news?" Dustin took the initiative to speak.

"Lord Rhys, I've found out the whereabouts of the Ice Heart Lotus and the Golden Marrow Jade, but acquiring them is a bit difficult." Reginald didn't beat around the bush.

"Oh?" Dustin raised an eyebrow, curious. "With Lord Reginald's connections, can't you get your hands on two herbs?"

"To be honest, if it were in the hands of ordinary powerful figures, I would readily offer them, and you wouldn't need to worry about it. However, unfortunately, the current locations of these two herbs are not places I can easily step into." Reginald explained seriously.

"What kind of places are they that even Lord Reginald is wary of?" Dustin became more curious.

"Actually, I've already found out the location of the Golden Marrow Jade. It's currently in the Duskshire Palace, and it's a personal item of Ignatius Montgemery. This treasure can be used to accelerate cultivation speed, so Ignatius has always carefully cherished it, and no one is allowed to touch it." Reginald explained.

"Ignatius? Why does that name sound somewhat familiar?" Dustin squinted, trying to recall.

"Ignatius is the genius of the Duskshire Palace, and he is also one of the Five War Gods of Stonia, ranking alongside Adam Spanner. With extraordinary talents, powerful strength, and numerous military achievements, he is now revered as the Jade-Faced War God of the Dragonmarsh!" Reginald said with a solemn expression.

The Dragonmarsh had five War Gods, each guarding one region.

Among them, the female War God, Scarlet Spanner, was the most famous, surpassing the male War Gods in reputation.

As for the Jade-Faced War God, Ignatius, he was considered the most powerful of the male War Gods.

In his thirties, he was already a veteran on the battlefield, having fought for more than ten years, never experiencing defeat.

The number of enemies who had died at his hands exceeded tens of thousands, making him a true undefeated hero on the battlefield!

His high merits and glorious record made him a respected figure in the younger generation of the Dragonmarsh.

"Ignatius, the Jade-Faced War God, was the one who challenged me openly back then, and I defeated him in three moves, right?" Dustin suddenly remembered.


Reginald twitched the corner of his mouth, momentarily speechless.

Invisible showing off is the most lethal.

He almost forgot that the young master in front of him was the Kirin Child who swept through the entire young talents of Stonia ten years ago.

A freak among freaks, an unrivaled existence.

"Lord Rhys, it's different now. Ignatius has become much stronger after ten years of battlefield training. He is now an invincible sword, and his true strength is unfathomable. In a one-on-one fight, it's difficult to find an opponent who can match him!" Reginald reminded with seriousness.

These words were said quite tactfully.

Dustin might be a legendary Kirin Child, but it was ten years ago.

Chapter 1514 A Dangerous Place

Ten years had passed, and many things had changed. Without the cultivation of the Rhys Family, Dustin, no matter how outstanding, had limited growth. In contrast, individuals like Ignatius enjoyed top-notch resources and training, undergoing various special training and honing.

They were leading in all aspects.

As time passed, the gap would only widen.

Now, Dustin, although considered a genius, still fell short compared to Ignatius.

A decade of neglect was challenging to make up for.

"I understand what you mean. However, I don't plan to fight with Ignatius. I just want the Golden Marrow Jade in his hands," Dustin calmly stated.

"Lord Rhys, Ignatius treasures the Golden Marrow Jade as a precious item. It might be difficult to ask for it directly," Reginald shook his head.

"He refuses to give it, so we can steal it," Dustin suggested, casually rubbing his chin.

"What? Lord Rhys, are you serious? Ignatius's strength is unfathomable. Who can steal something from him?" Reginald was astonished.

"You don't need to worry about that. Just find someone to draw me a map of the Duskshire Palace. I'll find an opportunity to steal it," Dustin said.

"Lord Rhys, this is too risky. If you get caught, your identity will be exposed quickly, and countless people will come after your life," Reginald warned.

The power of the Duskshire Palace was overwhelming, and Dustin, as the heir to the West Lucozia Royal Palace, was a thorn in the eyes of many.

The events of the past ten years were the best proof.

In other words, once Dustin's identity was revealed, he would face great danger, and assassinations would become frequent.

"We can't make progress without taking risks."

Dustin said calmly, "If I'm exposed, I won't implicate the Langford family. You can rest assured."

"If Lord Rhys insists on going alone, I can only wish you good luck," Reginald said, finally relieved as long as the Langford family wasn't implicated.

"By the way, you only mentioned the Golden Marrow Jade. Where is the Ice Heart Lotus?" Dustin asked.

"The location of the Ice Heart Lotus is even more heavily guarded than the Duskshire Palace."

Reginald spoke mysteriously, "According to my information, it should be hidden in Emberhold (the inner city)."

" Emberhold is so vast. Where exactly is it?" Dustin asked.

"There is a high probability that it is in... the national treasury in Bayhaven!" Reginald whispered.

"The national treasury in Bayhaven?" Dustin frowned slightly. "It's indeed trickier than the Duskshire Palace."

"Lord Rhys, you must not enter Bayhaven (the Forbidden City) with your identity. It's a dangerous place, and once you're discovered, you might not be able to come out!" Reginald warned.

"Seems like I'll have to ask for help," Dustin said, narrowing his eyes.

Before understanding the truth, rashly entering Bayhaven was indeed very dangerous.

After all, Bayhaven was filled with hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and once exposed, it would be difficult to come out.

"Who does Lord Rhys plan to seek help to?" Reginald asked curiously.

"Lord Reginald, are you sure you want to ask this? If you're willing to get involved in this mess, I can tell you," Dustin said with a half-smile.

"No, no, no... I'd rather not know anything," Reginald quickly waved his hands.

In the eyes of outsiders, he held a high position and great power.

However, in the eyes of those true big shots, he was just a pitiful chess piece.

Speaking of which, they could abandon him at any time.

Chapter 1515 Owing a Favor

"Lord Reginald, you're so cautious. No wonder you navigate the political arena like a fish in water," Dustin teased.

"Lord Rhys, please don't mock me. I'm now living with my head hanging low, and my life is in constant danger," Reginald replied, half crying and half laughing.

If outsiders knew that he was helping the West Lucozia Royal Palace, he could lose his official position or even have his family confiscated. Regardless of the result, it would be a dead end for him. Having been in the court for many years, he had offended many people. Without power, many would seek to settle old scores.

"Lord Reginald, if this succeeds, consider me owing a favor to your Langford family. If you encounter any trouble in the future, I will do my best to help," Dustin assured.

"Thank you, Lord Rhys!" Reginald's expression brightened.

He thought to himself that he had finally recovered some losses. With the support of the West Lucozia Royal Palace, even if something happened, he would have a way out.

"Lord Reginald, regarding the map of the Duskshire Palace, it needs to be done quickly. I don't have much time left," Dustin reminded.

"Lord Rhys, rest assured. It will be delivered to the mansion before nightfall today," Reginald promised.

"Oh, by the way, is Ignatius in Stonia?" Dustin asked.

"In a few days, it will be Lord Eugene's birthday celebration. He should return," Reginald replied.

"Good. I need detailed information about Ignatius—his interests, habits, and any special abilities he might have. I want everything to be clear," Dustin ordered.

"No problem." Reginald nodded.

"Alright, that's it for now. If there's anything, I'll contact you."

Dustin raised his hand to signal the driver to stop. He then hailed a taxi and headed in the direction of the Remington Medical Holdings Consortium.

On the way back, Dustin dialed a unfamiliar number.

After a moment, the call was finally answered by a woman. Her voice came through, "Who are you?"

"Logan," Dustin replied.

"It's you." The woman's voice slightly raised, "Before, I heard from Nestor that you were still alive. I had a hard time believing it, but it turns out to be true. You're really lucky to survive such a serious injury."

"I called not to reminisce but to ask for your help," Dustin said calmly.

"Help? I won't be able to help with anything related to ten years ago. Even though your mother helped me, it doesn't mean I owe you everything," the woman was straightforward.

"Don't worry; it has nothing to do with what happened ten years ago. I just need you to go to the national treasury and bring back a medicine for me," Dustin explained.

"Oh? What medicine?" The woman was curious.

"Ice Heart Lotus," Dustin said.

"That's not a problem." The woman's tone changed, "But are you sure about this? I only owe your family a favor. If I help you this time, there won't be a next time. Do you think it's worth using my favor for a single medicine?"

"Of course, it's worth it. I need the medicine to save my life," Dustin replied.

"Alright then. Since you've made a decision, I won't say more. Tomorrow, I'll send someone to deliver the spiritual medicine to you. Just provide an address," the woman said.

"The address is Imperial Palace Cuisine. When your people arrive, just give me a call," Dustin instructed.

"Okay, that's settled. Good luck," the woman wished him well before hanging up.

Dustin put away his phone, lost in thought.

The matter of the Ice Heart Lotus should be manageable with that woman's help.

Now, the most crucial thing was the Golden Marrow Jade.

The Duskshire palace (Montgomery’s Royal Mansion) was heavily guarded, and sneaking in to steal something was risky and likely to alert them.

The best option was to use the pretext of attending Prince of Duskshire Lord Eugene's birthday celebration to enter openly.

Then, he could quietly approach Ignatius and seize the opportunity to steal the Golden Marrow Jade.

During the birthday banquet, with so many people around, even if something went missing, it wouldn't necessarily be suspected to him.
Chapter 1506 The Antidote

"Antidote... Give me the antidote!"

"I was wrong! I'm willing to apologize. Please give me the antidote!"

Under the torment of the deadly pain, Victoria finally couldn't bear it, crying and begging for mercy.

Abigail squatted quietly, hands supporting her chin, showing no reaction.

"My head is killing me! I'm willing to apologize and compensate. Please give me the antidote!" Julie also gave in.

Compared to face and pride, life was more important. She had surrendered before.

Abigail continued to watch Isabela, still without any movement.

"Isabela! Why are you still standing there? Apologize! If you don't apologize, we'll all die here!" Victoria shouted in frustration.

What was she waiting for? They were all of the same kind, and in the end, they all had to yield.

"Alright! I promise to apologize! Quickly, give us the antidote!" Isabela gritted her teeth.

"That's a good girl."

Abigail smiled and then waved her hand.

A faint blue powder rose into the air and slowly descended like a gentle rain, covering everyone.

As the powder entered their noses, the excruciating headache gradually disappeared, but their bodies still felt weak, making it hard to gather strength.

"Next, let's see your performance."

Abigail clapped her hands, smiling as she stood aside.

"Sorry, we were wrong. We shouldn't have caused trouble here. We are willing to compensate for all the losses!" Isabela stared at Dustin fiercely while apologizing. Although the words were an apology, her eyes were filled with resentment.

A lower-class commoner dared to make her apologize publicly. She must get back a hundred times this humiliation!

After catching their breaths, Victoria and Julie also chose to apologize.

Under this circumstance, they have to bow your head. After going back, they could seek revenge in another way.

"Alright, I'm in a good mood today. I won't hold it against you. Each of you compensates me one billion, consider it as my mental damages fee." Dustin calmly said.

"What? One billion? Are you robbing us?" Julie exclaimed.

"Why? Not willing to compensate?"

Abigail squinted and smiled. "I still have over a hundred kinds of poisons. Do you want to try them one by one?"


Julie's mouth twitched, and she suddenly dared not say anything.

Helplessly, she could only borrow money by making a phone call.

Anyway, she had to get through this situation first.

After a while, several cars suddenly stopped at the entrance of the Remington Medical Holdings Consortium.

Following them, a man and a woman with a few bodyguards walked in arrogantly.

The man was slender, somewhat handsome, but with prominent cheekbones and thin lips, giving him a sharp and harsh appearance.

On the other hand, the woman wore a red dress, exuding a cold temperament, and her beauty overshadowed everyone else.

Even Belinda, who was already a beauty on the Beauty Index, looked a bit dim in front of this woman.

"Is it her?"

Seeing the woman in red, Dustin couldn't help but frown slightly.

Because he recognized that the woman was his ex-wife, Dahlia!

Chapter 1507 Appearance of a Savior

"So beautiful! So noble!"

"Where did this beauty come from? Why haven't I seen her before?"

"This appearance, this temperament, she should be at the top of the Beauty Index."

Dahlia's appearance caused quite a stir.

Regardless of gender, everyone's faces showed a bit of astonishment.

In a city with outstanding individuals like Stonia, beautiful women were plentiful. However, such an extraordinary beauty was rare, especially with that kind of clear and noble temperament, as if she had stepped out of a painting, making people feel unreal.


Seeing the newcomer, Julie's face brightened, as if she had seen a savior, and quickly went forward to greet her.

"I asked you to come here to discuss business, but the business didn't work out, and now we have to compensate one billion. What's going on?" Dahlia said coldly.


Julie was at a loss for words.

She couldn't say that she came here with the golden token of the Duskshire Palace, swaggering around, and then got reprimanded by someone, right?

"Cousin, it's like this..."

Victoria responded quickly and went forward to explain the situation, adding fuel to the fire, "Cousin, we advised them politely, but they didn't appreciate it. Not only that, but they also poisoned us and demanded compensation. It's really outrageous!"

"Is that so? Who is so arrogant? Dare to poison people in public?" Dahlia asked coldly.

"It's him!"

Victoria pointed at Dustin with her hand.


Seeing Dustin's face, Dahlia frowned slightly, quite surprised. "It's actually you? Why are you here?"

"I have a share in Jade Dew Ointment. Why can't I be here?" Dustin responded indifferently.

"Miss Dahlia, let me explain. These two were causing trouble, and they got what they deserved," Dustin explained calmly.

"Dahlia, he is the one who plotted against us, using this woman!" Victoria pointed.


Abigail stepped forward, saying calmly, "It was me who poisoned them. It has nothing to do with him. If you want to retaliate, do it to me."

"Miss Dahlia, you know this guy?" At this moment, a somewhat sinister-looking young man named Evander, the adopted son of the Lord Eugene, suddenly spoke up.

Dahlia looked at him and responded, "I've seen him a few times. Not very familiar."

"I see." Evander smiled.

Looking at Dustin, his eyes became a bit cold.

Since they were not very familiar, there was no need for him to hold back any actions.

"Dustin, you are poisoning and extorting again. Do you know what the consequences will be?" Dahlia said coldly.

"It was me who poisoned, nothing to do with the uncle. If you want revenge, come at me," Abigail said calmly.

"Dustin, letting a young girl take the blame for you, don't you feel ashamed?" Dahlia stared at him.

"Dahlia, as soon as you speak, it's like launching a war inquiry. Do you want to ask first what the people around you have done?" Dustin said calmly.

"Regardless of what they have done, it's not a reason for you to poison and harm people!" Dahlia said with a righteous tone.

Chapter 1508 Assumptions

"So, let me get this straight. You're saying it's okay for them to bully us, but we can't stand up for ourselves? Are we, the regular folks, just supposed to take the bullying and insults from the powerful without defending ourselves? Is even self-defense a crime?" said Dustin, looking sarcastic.

Even though he lost his memory, this woman in front of him hadn't changed a bit.

Always making assumptions, thinking she knows everything, and not caring about right or wrong.

"I don't get what you're talking about," said Dahlia, slightly frowning. "Our people came here today to discuss business. If you're a shareholder of Jade Dew Ointment, you should treat us with courtesy, not resort to threats and intimidation."

"If it's a guest, we welcome them, but if it's an enemy, don't blame us for not being polite," retorted Dustin.

"What? Did we do something wrong, got into trouble, and now we should repent?" Dahlia frowned.

"Miss Dahlia, this is all a misunderstanding," interjected Belinda suddenly, trying to smooth things over. "It was this Miss Julie who insisted on cutting in line and using the Lord Eugene's name to show off. We refused, and she threatened to ruin our company. Dustin got angry, so his actions were a bit impulsive."

"Is that so?" Dahlia turned her gaze towards Julie.

Julie's face stiffened, but she quickly defended herself, "Cousin, don't listen to their nonsense! I came here sincerely for business. Dustin held a grudge against me and wanted to kick me out. I got upset and said a few harsh words, that's all."

"Yeah, Miss Dahlia, I can vouch for it. It's all Dustin's fault!" added Victoria immediately. "He's not only rude but also violent. Look at Miss Julie's face, all swollen from his punches!"

"Cousin, I've never been treated like this before. You have to stand up for me!" Julie pleaded with a sad face, appearing very wronged.

Looking at Julie's swollen face and the fading handprint, Dahlia couldn't help but darken her expression, questioning, "Dustin! I ask you, did you hit my cousin?"

"I did, but..." Dustin began to explain, only to be coldly interrupted by Dahlia, "As expected! I thought you might have some restraints, but it turns out you're just bullying others because you can. How can you have the face to plead innocence here?"

Dustin frowned slightly, his expression turning grim. While others might not matter much, Dahlia's words were like a knife to him.

"Miss Dahlia, there's a reason behind this. You can't just listen to one side of the story," Belinda tried to explain. "The situation just now was witnessed by everyone here. Ask anyone, and you'll know who's right or wrong."

"Fine! I'll ask and see who's right and who's wrong!" Dahlia scanned the crowd and finally fixed her gaze on a woman. "You, please tell me what happened. Did Dustin attack first?"

"Think carefully before you speak. Don't make up stories. If you dare to cover for Dustin, you'll face the consequences!" warned Victoria with a sinister tone.

Upon hearing this, the woman turned pale and nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes! It was Dustin who attacked first. Miss Julie is the victim, I saw it with my own eyes!"

"Huh?" Belinda raised an eyebrow upon hearing this.

Unexpectedly, someone would lie so openly.

But then again, considering the power of two prominent families and a royal clan, who would dare to offend them?

Even if the facts were dark, absolute power could turn them white.

"Dustin! Do you have anything else to say?" Dahlia's face turned cold after getting the answer. "I order you now to apologize to Julie immediately. This way, you might still have a way out. Otherwise, just the accusation of poisoning someone is enough to have you in prison for half your life!"

Chapter 1509 Daredevil

"Dustin! Did you hear me? Hurry up and kneel down, kowtow to me, and then compensate me with three billion in emotional damages, or I'll make you spend your whole life in prison!" Julie stood with her hands on her hips, domineering.

With her cousin backing her up, she felt fearless at the moment.

She might be a fake heiress, but her cousin was the genuine adopted daughter of Lord Eugene, highly favored in the Duskshire Palace. Over half of Lord Eugene's assets were now under her cousin's control.

Her cousin's status was now comparable to a princess in the Dragonmarsh, and everyone had to show respect.

Dustin, despite having some abilities, was not worth mentioning in front of her cousin.

"Hey, Dustin! Dahlia is now a prominent figure in the Duskshire Palace. You better think twice!" Victoria sneered, looking quite pleased with the situation.

If Dustin bowed down and apologized, she would take the opportunity to humiliate him. If he didn't, even better.

Once Dahlia was angered, there would be no way out.

Moreover, Dahlia didn't need to take action personally; there were plenty of people willing to do it on her behalf.

"Dustin, oh, Dustin, aren't you quite arrogant? Now you've kicked an iron plate, huh? Let's see how arrogant you can be now!" Isabela muttered to herself with a sinister look.

"Hey handsome, why not just apologize? Otherwise, we'll all be in big trouble. Losing face is better than losing our lives," Belinda whispered.

She had already recognized Dahlia and Evander's identities. These two were core members of the Duskshire Palace, with power and influence to directly mobilize the Lord Eugene's forces.

Especially Dahlia, who controlled over half of the Lord Eugene's assets, appearing as the heir apparent to Lord Eugene.

Dealing with such elites was something she couldn't afford.

"Dustin! I'm giving you a chance. Don't be stubborn!" Dahlia said coldly.

The poisoning incident could be a big or small matter. If the other party sincerely admitted their mistake, she might consider not making a big deal out of it.

But if they remained stubborn, don't blame her for being ruthless.

"I've heard enough of these words. Right and wrong are clear to everyone here, and I don't feel like explaining further," Dustin said indifferently. "If you think I'm wrong, then I'm wrong. As for apologizing and compensating, I'm sorry, but I don't have the habit of bowing to anyone."

"A real man can bend and stretch. When you make a mistake, you should apologize. Your behavior is no different from a coward," Dahlia scolded.

If it were an ordinary person, she wouldn't say such things, but for Dustin, she had a kind of resentment, wishing he would turn over a new leaf instead of acting recklessly.

"Dahlia, there's no need to waste words on such a person. Just grab him. Once we throw him into the dark cell, he'll naturally understand fear," Evander sneered.

"Right! Seize him! Throw him into the dark cell!" Julie and the others immediately echoed.

"Hey hey hey... I advise you not to mess around," Abigail walked forward, smiling. "If you dare to touch a hair on Uncle's head, I will kill all of you, and it will be a very painful death."

With these words, Isabela and Victoria subconsciously took two steps back.

Their previous experience had already left a shadow in their hearts.

This crazy woman in front of them couldn't be reasoned with. If pushed too hard, she might become unpredictable.

"Daredevil!" Julie glared and shouted, "You crazy woman, do you know who you're talking to? This is my cousin, and she's also the Lord Eugene's adopted daughter! If you dare to threaten her, you're seeking your own death!"

"Oh really?" Abigail grinned and flicked her finger.

A black pill directly shot into Julie's throat.

Chapter 1510 A Little Supplement


Julie subconsciously swallowed.

After realizing, she immediately reached out her fingers to dig into her throat, trying to spit out the pill.

After several attempts, there was no effect.

The pill had melted upon entering her mouth, dissolving into her body.

At this moment, her face changed drastically, and she trembled as she said, "What... what... what did you just make me eat?"

"Nothing, just a little supplement." Abigail smiled.

"You're lying! It's obviously poison!" Julie panicked.

"Oh! Caught red-handed? My apologies," Abigail said with an unchanged smile.

"You witch! Give me the antidote!" Julie shouted.

"I advise you not to get excited. Otherwise, your blood will surge, and it will only accelerate your death. Oh, by the way, this poison won't take effect immediately. It will slowly torment you until your intestines rot, and you die a painful death." Abigail explained.


Upon hearing this, Julie was scared, and her legs went weak. "Cousin... cousin, save me!"

"Witch! How dare you poison someone from the Duskshire Palace? I think you're tired of living!" Evander's face turned dark as he suddenly reached out, grabbing Abigail's throat.

Almost everyone in the Duskshire Palace practiced martial arts, and among the many adopted sons and daughters, his martial arts cultivation was quite high.


Abigail didn't dodge or evade. She opened her palm and gently blew.

A faint white mist surged out, ethereal and shrouding Evander.

"Be careful, it's poisonous!" Julie hurriedly reminded, but it was too late.

Evander's attack was too fast, and there was no time to dodge. He could only rely on his true internal energy to resist.

But unexpectedly, the white mist strangely penetrated his true internal energy and entered his mouth and nose.


Evander let out a miserable scream and immediately fell to the ground.

His whole body convulsed, blood spewing from his mouth, and his face twisted in pain.

"So impulsive? Can't we calm down and talk?" Abigail said.

"You witch! How dare you poison Lord Eugene's adopted son? You're digging your own grave!" Julie was shocked and furious.

"Don't worry. Even if I want to die, I'll drag you all down with me," Abigail said with a smile.

"You..." Julie was frightened and dared not speak.

Watching Evander, who was bleeding from his mouth and in pain, Dahlia couldn't help but frown.

She suppressed the anger in her heart and said coldly, "I don't care who you are. Hand over the antidote now, and I can overlook what happened earlier."

"Hehe... I'm afraid it's not up to you," Abigail shook her head slightly.

"Dustin, take the opportunity to turn back now before things get out of control. If something happens to Evander, I can't even guarantee your safety!" Dahlia warned.

"Whether I live or die doesn't need you, Dahlia to worry about. You better take care of yourself." Dustin said indifferently.

"Dustin, you know you can't beat the Duskshire Palace. Why insist on being stubborn?" Dahlia's eyebrows tightened. "Is dignity and face more important than your own life? Wake up! Some people you can't offend, and there are things you shouldn't do. Once you cross the line, there's only a dead end! Wake up!"

She didn't understand. She had advised him so kindly, why wouldn't he appreciate it?

Is it so difficult to admit your mistakes and bow your head?
Chapter 1501 Dial-a-friend?


The crisp sound of a slap suddenly echoed through the entire hall.

Just a moment ago, everyone was fearing Julie, and now she was knocked down on the spot, dazed and confused.


Everyone around was stunned, eyes wide open in disbelief.

No one expected Dustin to be so bold, daring to even hit someone from the Duskshire Palace.

The crucial point was that Julie had the golden token of the Duskshire Palace, signifying a high status. Hitting her was like slapping Lord Leopold's face.

Is this guy crazy?!

"You... how dare you hit me?"

Julie covered her face, shocked, bewildered, and mostly in disbelief.

Since joining the forces of the Duskshire Palace, she had risen directly to a position of power, becoming a privileged figure everyone fawned over. Normally, no one dared to go against her, let alone slap her in public.

But this guy in front of her actually slapped her face in front of everyone.

What was this?

It was like he had no regard for the law, absolutely audacious!

"What's wrong with hitting you? You caused a ruckus, being unreasonable. Shouldn't you be hit?" Dustin said coldly.

"Rhys! I am from the Duskshire Palace!" Julie shouted.


Dustin didn't waste any words, raised his hand, and another slap, causing Julie's nose to bleed profusely. "With someone like you, the Duskshire Palace is truly unfortunate!"

"You... How dare you hit me? You're as good as dead! I'll make you pay for this!"

Julie roared angrily, pulling out her phone to call for help.

"Julie, if I were you, I wouldn't make that call," Dustin said calmly.

"What? Now you're scared? Why didn't you think about it earlier?" Julie threatened, "Dustin, even if you kneel and beg for mercy now, I won't let you off easily! You're doomed!"

"Scared? Scared of what? Scared of you bullying others with your borrowed authority or your backup?" Dustin sneered. "Julie, have you ever thought about how you're going to explain the stolen token from the Duskshire Palace when their reinforcements arrive?"

As soon as these words were spoken, Julie froze, and even the speed of dialing the number slowed down.

"Dustin! Stop spouting nonsense!" She pretended to be calm.

"Whether it's nonsense or not, you know it in your heart," Dustin said indifferently. "Stealing the golden token of the Duskshire Palace is no small crime. Even if Dahlia can forgive you, the Duskshire Palace won't tolerate any intrusion. Once things escalate, to maintain their reputation, the Duskshire Palace will surely make an example out of you. Your fate, I think, you can imagine without me saying much, right?"

"You... don't scare me with your words! Do you think I'll fall for your tricks? Dream on!" Julie gritted her teeth.

"If you don't believe it, go ahead, make the call. Let's see who will end up unlucky in the end." Dustin remained expressionless.

Seeing the calm demeanor of the person in front of her, Julie suddenly felt unsure.

Holding her phone in midair, she hesitated. If what Dustin said was true, stealing the Duskshire Palace's golden token was a serious matter. It was okay with Dahlia, being her cousin, but if it reached Lord Leopold's ears, it would be an entirely different situation.

Once Lord Leopold got angry, even her cousin might not be able to protect her. She couldn't afford to take such a risk.

Chapter 1502 Give Him a Good Slap!

The problem was, she had just thrown out harsh words. If she backed down now, wouldn't it be like slapping herself?

How would she continue to navigate in their social circle?

Just as she felt a bit lost, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

"Miss Julie, why use a sledgehammer to kill a chicken? Leave dealing with this small role to us."

With the voice, two young and beautiful women, dressed in luxurious attire, walked into the hall side by side.

The one on the left, in a red dress, arrogant and full of nobility, was none other than Isabela Torby!

The one on the right, in white, with a cold and stern expression, also carrying an air of superiority, was Victoria Sterling, who had crossed paths with Dustin at General Murray's mansion.

Back in Millsburg, the two initially clashed at the kindergarten and later met again at the General Murray 's horse farm, ending up in an unpleasant conflict.

Now, after many days, they meet again here.

"Miss Sterling?"

Seeing the newcomers, Julie couldn't help but show a hint of joy. She knew her reinforcements had arrived.

"Miss Julie, let me introduce you. This lady by my side is the heiress of the Torby family, Isabela and also my close friend." Victoria gestured towards Isabela.

"It's nice to meet you, Miss Isabela." Julie smiled, extending her hand.

As long as they were heiresses of such prestigious families, they were qualified to be her friends.

"Hello, Miss Julie."

Isabela gave a slight smile and politely responded before saying, "Miss Julie, it seems like you've encountered some trouble. Do you need our help?"

"I've encountered a ruffian, and I was just about to call for someone to deal with him. Fortunately, you two arrived in time," Julie casually remarked.

"Miss Julie, rest assured. With the two of us sisters here, he won't be able to stir up any big waves!" Victoria turned her gaze towards Dustin and said coldly, "Dustin, didn't expect to see us again, did you? In Millsburg, it was your territory. I never had a chance for revenge. Now that we're on my turf, shall we settle the score?"

"Oh? How do you want to settle the score?" Dustin raised an eyebrow.

"Firstly, apologize to Miss Julie, beg for her forgiveness. Secondly, apologize to me and beg for my forgiveness. Finally, apologize to Isabela and beg for her forgiveness. After you've done all that, we'll consider whether to spare you." Victoria said arrogantly.

"Apologize? Are you daydreaming?" Dustin chuckled.

"Dustin, I advise you to think carefully before answering." Victoria threatened coldly. "I represent the Sterling family, Isabela represents the Torby family, and Miss Julie represents the Duskshire Palace. With our three powerful families, who in the entire Stonia can contend with us? If you don't want to have an ugly death, just follow our instructions!"

With these words, it caused quite a commotion around.

"I can't believe this guy is so ruthless! Did he just offend so many big shots at once?"

"Two powerful families and a royal family... who can stand against them?"

"If it were me, I'd probably be scared to death."

Whispers circulated among the crowd, and the gazes directed at Dustin were filled with admiration and, more prominently, sympathy.

If he didn't seek forgiveness from the three heiresses, it seemed he might not see the sun rise tomorrow.

"Two powerful families and a royal family sound intimidating, but unfortunately, you three can't even represent your own families." Dustin remained calm.

"So, are you going to resist to the end?" Victoria squinted her eyes.

"So what? Do you really think you've got me figured out?" Dustin sneered. "Miss Sterling, I advise you not to provoke me. Otherwise, you'll regret it before you know it."

"Hmph! Shameless boasting!"

Victoria snorted, "Since you're so ignorant of death, don't blame me for being impolite! Someone, give him a good slap! Slap him until he cries!"

Chapter 1503 A Faint White Smoke

As Victoria gave the order, two groups of people suddenly rushed in from the entrance. One group consisted of Sterling family guards, and the other was made up of Torby family guards. Both groups were carefully selected elites, outnumbering Julie's bodyguards.

Upon their arrival, they surrounded the security personnel from the Remington Medical Holdings Consortium.

The situation shifted once again.

Seeing this development, the onlookers retreated to the corners, afraid of becoming collateral damage.

Two powerful families and a royal family, three formidable forces gathered, creating an imposing presence that no one dared to provoke.

"Brought so many guards, it seems you came prepared," Dustin said, squinting his eyes, unafraid even though he was surrounded.

"Dustin, based on our previous friendship, as long as you apologize and submit to us, I can plead for leniency on your behalf and ask Victoria to let you off the hook," Isabela suddenly spoke.

The more arrogant Dustin was, the more she wanted to crush him and humiliate him. Why should a grassroots guy like him refuse her?

"Enough with the pretense, Isabela. It's disgusting. If I'm not mistaken, you orchestrated this whole scene, right? Stirring up trouble behind the scenes while putting on a benevolent facade in front of everyone. Acting all day long, aren't you tired?" Dustin exposed her ruthlessly. "And, Torby family owes me something, which must be repaid within three days. Otherwise, you will pay a heavy price!"

"You audacious thing! You dare to disrespect us!" Isabela's face turned cold. She glanced around and ordered, "What are you all standing there for? Haven't you heard what Victoria said? Give him a severe slap!"


Several guards in the front row immediately rushed towards Dustin with a fierce demeanor.

However, just as they were about to attack, a faint white smoke suddenly wafted into the air. Upon contact with the air, the smoke became increasingly faint, almost disappearing. Ordinary people's naked eyes couldn't perceive it.

"Thud, thud, thud..."

After inhaling the white smoke, several guards seemed as if their bones were removed, collapsing to the ground. They writhed in pain, their bodies paralyzed.

They showed signs of suffering, low groans escaping their lips.

Their eyes were bloodshot, and veins bulged on their necks.

"What's going on?"

The sudden turn of events left Isabela and others astonished. In their eyes, the guards were walking one moment and suddenly fell the next, without any warning.

However, the bizarre situation continued.

Torby family, Sterling family, and even the more than a dozen bodyguards Julie brought, totaling about fifty or sixty people, gradually fell to the ground one after another.

"Thud, thud, thud..."

Like a chain reaction of falling dominoes, one guard after another collapsed.

Each person displayed the same symptoms—twisted expressions of pain, convulsions all over, and bloodshot eyes.

For some, blood started oozing from their eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, a gruesome sight.

In just a few breaths of time, all the guards brought by Isabela and her companions were lying on the ground.

"What's happening? Why are they all down?"

"Judging by their appearance, it seems like they're poisoned, and a potent one at that!"

"Poison? Damn! Are we in danger too?"

Seeing the guards writhing in pain, the onlookers were terrified, retreating further away.

Chapter 1504 The Fallen Guards

Although unclear about what was happening, it was evident that this poison was not to be taken lightly.

"How could this happen?"

Isabela and her companions exchanged glances, their brows furrowed deeply.

With so many people in the hall, why were only their bodyguards affected? Did this so-called poison have the ability to distinguish between friend and foe?

Wasn't that too exaggerated?

"Dustin! Is it you doing this?" Julie quickly reacted.

"Don't talk nonsense; I haven't done anything," Dustin shrugged.

"Dare you deny it? Clearly, you're secretly attacking. You heartless person!" Julie accused.

"Dustin! Immediately hand over the antidote, or if there are casualties, I'll make you accompany them in death!" Victoria threatened.

The guards she brought with her were advanced guards from the Sterling family, not only powerful but also extremely loyal. The Sterling family invested heavily to train them.

Losing one or two would be bearable, but if all of them inexplicably died here, she would certainly be held accountable when she returned, maybe even subjected to family discipline.

"I said, it has nothing to do with me," Dustin said casually. "Look at it this way, even if I did poison them, why should I hand over the antidote? Don't forget, you are causing trouble here."

"I don't care! If you don't hand over the antidote, you will be the enemy of the entire Sterling family!" Victoria declared firmly.

"Doesn't matter, we've already torn our faces; it doesn't make a difference if it gets worse," Dustin said indifferently.

"Dustin, as long as you hand over the antidote, we can overlook what happened today," Isabela spoke.

"I don't care if you overlook it or not. I want the three of you to apologize to me publicly and compensate me for my mental distress. Otherwise, you'll face even bigger trouble," Dustin insisted.

"Apologize? You're dreaming!" Victoria retorted.

"Dustin! You're playing with fire!" Julie scowled.

"Dustin! We've been patient enough. If you're stubborn, you'll bear the consequences!" Isabela threatened.

With their noble identities, they wielded power and influence. How could they possibly apologize to a commoner publicly? If this were to get out, they would lose face.

"Wait! My body..."

At this moment, Victoria seemed to sense something unusual. Just as she was about to speak, her legs suddenly went weak, and she collapsed on the spot.

"My head hurts! My head hurts so much!"

Victoria clutched her head, showing signs of pain and wailing continuously.

"Hold on!"

Isabela's face changed, and she subconsciously reached out to help Victoria. However, midway through, she also fell to the ground.

Julie was no exception, collapsing right after.

The three of them exhibited similar symptoms to the fallen guards: weakness, excruciating headaches, and bloodshot eyes.

"Du... Dustin, what did you do to us?" Isabela yelled with weak and powerless voice.

"Uncle didn't do anything. Everything is my masterpiece," Abigail suddenly walked forward, smiling. "To be honest, this is my latest developed poison. Only I can cure it in the entire world. Those who are poisoned will experience extreme weakness, excruciating headaches, and eventually bleed from all seven orifices before dying. But don't worry; the dying process is brief, lasting only three to five minutes. So, please bear with it; it will be over soon."

Chapter 1505 Last Five Minutes

Watching the seemingly innocent Abigail with a smile on her face, Isabela and her companions felt their scalps tingle, cold sweat breaking out.

This woman looked harmless, like the girl next door, but the words she spoke were sinister and cruel.

She poisoned them with a deadly toxin and then asked them to endure it.

Was she insane?

"You, who are you? How dare you poison us? You have some nerve!" Victoria shouted with a fierce expression.

"Who I am doesn't matter. The current issue is what you're going to choose," Abigail said with a smile. "You only have two choices: either die from my poison or apologize to Uncle and compensate for the losses."

"Apologize to him? No way!" Victoria refused.

But as soon as she spoke, the pain in her head suddenly intensified, and she began to scream in agony.

"I don't care who you are; hand over the antidote immediately, or you'll face a great disaster!" Isabela still tried to threaten.

"A great disaster?" Abigail squatted down with a smile, looking at Isabela quietly. "Your surname is Torby, right? If... I poison your entire family, how would you bring a great disaster upon me?"

"You dare!"

Isabela's pupils shrank, shocked and angered.

This woman in front of her, was she crazy? How could she threaten the entire Torby family?

Most importantly, Isabela had a strange feeling that this woman could really make her threats a reality.

"You either dare or not; try and find out," Abigail smiled. "After you die, I will let all your family members go down to accompany you. This way, you won't be lonely down there. How about it? Am I considerate?"

"You... you lunatic!"

Isabela gritted her teeth, feeling a chill down her spine.

"You have five minutes to consider."

Abigail held up five fingers, waving them in front of the three people. "Five minutes later, you'll die from the poison. By then, it will be too late for regrets."

"You crazy woman! I am a person from the Duskshire Palace. If you dare to kill me, the Duskshire Palace will never let you off!" Julie shouted.

Now, she could only hope that the reputation of the Duskshire Palace would intimidate this crazy woman.

"Oh... so what?" Abigail smiled slightly. "Whether I live or die has nothing to do with you after this. Is it?"

"You...!" Julie was infuriated.

How could this person be so fearless, just like Dustin? Unafraid of threats or revenge.

"It's too late, my head is about to split open!" Victoria held her head with both hands, blood starting to ooze out from her nose and mouth due to the intense pain.

At this moment, her face was twisted in agony, looking particularly fierce.

Perhaps due to her weak constitution, among the three, her condition was the most severe.

"Don't be nervous, take a deep breath. Only three minutes left. Endure it a bit longer, and it will be over soon," Abigail kindly reminded.

These words sent shivers down the spines of those around.

"Handsome, with this situation, won't something really happen?" Belinda looked at Dustin beside her, feeling a bit uneasy.

Abigail looked cute and innocent, but her actions were crazy. If she really killed Isabela and the others, two powerful families and one royal family would undoubtedly be furious.

By then, anyone related would have no place to bury themselves.

"It's fine; I'll handle it if something goes wrong." Dustin remained calm.

Isabela and her companions cherished their lives and wouldn't risk them unnecessarily. So, he concluded that the three wouldn't last much longer.
Chapter 1496 Money-Lover

Sophia nodded. "Isabela, you go and make the arrangements. I want to meet with the head of the Sterling family and see if I can get some information."

"No problem!" Isabela agreed readily.

"Wait a moment... What about Dustin? Do we still want to deal with him?" Winston suddenly asked.

"Of course!" Isabela snorted coldly. "This guy is taking advantage of his power to sow discord and has caused a rift between us and the Stratford family. His heart is deserving of punishment, and I must make him pay!"

"To avoid suspicion, we can't personally take action in this matter. We need to hire someone to handle it," Sophia reminded.

"Don't worry, I know what to do," Isabela said confidently. "I have ways to deal with these rotten men!"


At this moment, in front of the Remington Corporation.

A small car slowly came to a stop, and the door opened. Dustin and Abigail got out one after the other.

"Uncle, is this your new company? It's really lively!"

Abigail followed Dustin, looking around with a naive and cheerful expression.

After the commotion from yesterday, Remington Corporation was still bustling. Various forces had flocked here, placing numerous orders for Jade Dew Ointment.

On one hand, it was because of the affordable price, and on the other, it was because of the remarkable medicinal effects. With the good word of mouth, there was no shortage of business.

So, as soon as the store opened in the morning, there was already a long line of customers waiting outside.

By now, people were still coming in for business negotiations in an endless stream.

"This is a company I started in partnership with two friends. It seems that the response has been good," Dustin said with a smile.

"I just arrived in Stonia, and I've heard about the reputation of Jade Dew Ointment. I didn't expect it to be your creation, Uncle," Abigail said with a smile. "Our Mystic Arts Order often goes on missions and gets injured, so we really need this kind of miraculous healing medicine. I'd like to order a batch here. As the boss, can you give me a discount?"

"You little rascal, I asked you to help me grow the business, and you've come to suck my blood. Isn't that too much?" Dustin said with a pretend stern expression.

"Hehe, I call you master for nothing?" Abigail shook Dustin's arm and said playfully, "Is it a deal or not?"

"Fine, fine, I'm afraid of you. I'll give you the cost price. I won't make any profit from you. Is that acceptable?" Dustin felt somewhat helpless.

"That's great! Thank you, Uncle!" Abigail smiled sweetly.

"A Grand Sorceress of the Mystic Arts Order, and you're a money-lover? If this gets out, won't people laugh at you?" Dustin shook his head.

"What's wrong with loving money? The Mystic Arts Order has a big family business, and there are too many expenses. If I can save money, I'll save money," Abigail said with a grin.

Her words were not entirely false. The Mystic Arts Order usually kept a low profile and had little contact with the outside world. As a result, they weren't particularly wealthy. Moreover, their expenses were high, so they were sometimes struggling to make ends meet.

Therefore, many times, Mystic Arts Order disciples had to go out and take on business ventures to support their livelihood.

"What's going on? Why are there so many people here?" Dustin suddenly asked.

"Excuse me! Move aside! Make way for me!"

At this moment, there was suddenly a commotion at the entrance, and a group of burly bodyguards rushed in aggressively. Anyone blocking their way was forcefully pushed aside, causing complaints from the crowd.

After the bodyguards entered, they immediately cleared a wide path and stood on both sides to maintain order.

Following closely behind them was a woman dressed extravagantly, covered in jewels and pearls. She arrogantly walked into the store.


When he saw the woman, Dustin couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, showing some surprise.

Because he realized that the person who had just arrived was none other than Dahlia's cousin, Julie!

Chapter 1497 A Nouveau Riche

Amid the crowd's attention, Julie entered the store with her designer handbag, expensive high heels, and an air of arrogance.

Behind her were two handsome male secretaries who attended to her every need.

In addition to this, there were over a dozen bodyguards surrounding her, creating a grand and imposing display that was befitting of a wealthy heiress.

"Why is she here?" Dustin was somewhat surprised.

After not seeing her for a while, Julie seemed to have undergone a transformation in terms of her appearance and clothing.

However, she exuded an air of ostentation and lacked refinement, making her seem like a nouveau riche.

"Uncle, do you know her?" Abigail was curious.

"She's an old acquaintance, but we don't have a good relationship," Dustin said.

"No wonder... Seeing her face, I find it unpleasant," Abigail said with a pout.

"Listen up, employees of Remington Corporation! Get your boss out here; I want to discuss a big business deal with her!" Julie removed her sunglasses and loudly declared.

"Hey! Who are you? Do you understand the concept of first come, first served?"

At this moment, a man in a suit complained, "There are so many people ahead of us waiting to place orders. Can you please stand in line?"

"Stand in line?"

Julie snorted coldly, walked forward in her high heels, and raised her hand to slap the man in the suit, saying, "Who do you think you are? You actually dared to make me stand in line?"

"Do you dare to hit me? I'll..."

Just as the man in the suit was about to erupt, several bodyguards immediately rushed forward and forcefully pinned him to the ground.

"Who do you think you are? How dare you touch me? Do you know who I am?" The man in the suit struggled while shouting angrily.

"Oh? Then let me ask, who are you?" Julie looked down from a higher position.

"I'll tell you to listen carefully! I'm from the prestigious Harrington family. If you dare to touch me, you're challenging the dignity of the Harrington family. Can you bear the consequences of that?" The man in the suit threatened.

"What? The Harrington family?"

Once this was said, the entire crowd erupted into discussion.

"This woman is in big trouble. She dared to hit someone from the Harrington family. Let's see how she ends up!"

"Humph! She's just a nouveau riche (social climber). She thinks she can flaunt her power just because she hired a few bodyguards. She's really asking for trouble!"

The Harrington family was one of the eight prominent families.

Although their influence wasn't as great as the Langford and Fairchild families, they were still a prominent and powerful family.

Offending the Harrington family would only lead to a dead end for an ordinary nouveau riche.

"What's the matter? Are you scared now? Let me go immediately, or I'll make sure you have no place to bury your dead!" The man in the suit shouted angrily.


Julie smiled and then lifted her foot to press her high heel onto the man's face, disdainfully saying, "The Harrington family? Is it very powerful? In my eyes, it's not worth mentioning!"

"Damn it! How dare you look down on the Harrington family? Who are you, exactly?" The man in the suit was both shocked and fearful.

"Let me tell you the truth. I am a member of the Duskshire Palace. Can you, a small Harrington family, afford to offend me?" Julie arrogantly stated.

"What? The Duskshire Palace?!"

Upon hearing this, the crowd was in an uproar.

No one had expected that Julie had such a powerful background.

The Duskshire Palace, also known as the Montgomery family, was one of the four royal clans.

The Lord Leopold, who was the clan head, had outstanding military achievements and was famous throughout the kingdom.

He wielded immense power and was highly respected. Even the emperor treated him with courtesy.

If one could establish a relationship with Lord Leopold, their entire family would be elevated to the highest status!

Chapter 1498 Some Kind of Rich Heiress

"Getting a golden token from Lord Montgomery, it seems like her status is really special!"

"I heard Lord Montgomery recently adopted a goddaughter. Could it be her?"


People started talking and were really surprised when they saw the golden token.

You see, regular folks in the Montgomery family don't get these tokens. Only people Lord Montgomery cares about a lot get these shiny golden cards.

So, you can tell this lady in front of us is pretty important.

" Lord Madam, I'm so sorry! I messed up!"

A guy in a suit quickly realized his mistake and kneeled on the ground, all flustered. He said, "I was blind and said some rude things. Please forgive me, Lord Madam!"

As he spoke, he kept banging his head on the ground, making a loud "thud, thud" sound.

"Humph! Now you're scared, huh? Where was that earlier?"

Julie lifted her head proudly and was enjoying being looked up to and feared.

What does it matter if they're from prestigious families? They still have to kneel and call her their superior.

This... is real power!

"Lord Madam, I know I messed up, I won't dare again. I have a family to support, please spare me!" The guy in the suit was trembling with fear.

"Slap yourself ten times in the face, and I won't hold this against you today," Julie said as she looked down at him.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

The guy didn't hesitate and started slapping his face like crazy, not stopping until he had done it dozens of times.

"Alright, you can go now," Julie waved her hand.

"Thank you, Lord Madam, for your mercy!"

The guy bowed a few more times before leaving, feeling like he'd just received a royal pardon.

"Now, who dares to make me wait in line?"

Julie crossed her arms and threatened everyone with her eyes.

Anyone who met her gaze immediately lowered their heads and didn't dare to speak up.

Who would dare to offend a giant like the Montgomery family?

Even people from the Harrington family, another prestigious clan, were begging for mercy on their knees. So, who were these people?

"Very well, since no one is speaking up, I'll go ahead."

Julie smiled triumphantly, satisfied with the outcome.

Just as she was about to cut in line, an unsettling voice suddenly spoke up, "Wait a minute..."

"Huh? Who's talking?!"

Julie's face turned serious as she looked around.

"It's me."

Dustin slowly walked out of the crowd and said calmly, "Julie, in business, we should follow the rules. Your aggressive behavior isn't appropriate, is it?"

"Dustin? Why is it you?" Julie was taken aback, looking somewhat surprised to see him here.

She hadn't expected to encounter him.

"Why can't it be me?" Dustin remained calm.

"Humph! You just won't go away!" Julie's face immediately turned cold. "Dustin, are you following my cousin to Stonia? Let me make it clear, my cousin is now a top-notch figure, someone you can't even dream of reaching. You better give up on any ideas you might have!"

"Don't flatter yourself. I came to Stonia for other reasons, not because of Dahlia," Dustin said.

"Humph! It's better that way! If you dare to have any improper thoughts, don't blame me for not being polite!" Julie threatened.

"Enough, I'm not here to catch up with you. If you want to buy medicine here, you'll have to wait in line like everyone else," Dustin said, not wanting to waste any more time.

"Wait in line? That's a joke! Who do you think you are? You dare to tell me what to do? Do you even know who I am now?" Julie sneered.

"I know exactly who you are."

Dustin didn't hold back: "A fake who's trying to act tough. Do you really think you're some kind of rich heiress?"

Chapter 1499 Stolen Token?

"You... How dare you!"

Julie, whose true nature had been exposed, changed her expression and angrily retorted, "You, Mr Rhys! I am now part of the Duskshire Palace. How dare you disrespect me? Have you grown tired of living?!"

"Enough, don't pretend in front of me. We've known each other for a long time. I know your true colors," Dustin remained unfazed.


Julie glared and said, "You lowly person with no insight, I have come a long way from what I used to be. With my current status, someone like you can never hope to reach it! I command you to kneel and apologize to me immediately, or face the consequences!"


Dustin chuckled, "Do you really think you can act all high and mighty just because you've climbed the social ladder?"

"So what if I'm arrogant? Are you going to oppose the Montgomery family?" Julie proudly displayed a golden token, saying, "Mr Rhys! Open your eyes wide and see what this is!"

"Montgomery family's token?"

Dustin raised an eyebrow, his tone carrying a hint of insinuation. "This precious thing, you didn't steal it, did you?"

Upon hearing this, Julie couldn't help but look panicked.

The truth was that she had stolen the golden token from Dahlia's room, hoping to use it to bolster her image. But now, she had run into Dustin, and she was finding it hard to maintain her composure.

In this situation, she certainly wouldn't admit to it and retorted firmly, "You... You're talking nonsense! This token clearly belongs to me!"

"Oh, really? Then may I ask, what's your relationship with Lord Montgomery? Why did he give you this token?" Dustin continued to press her.

"Why is it your business? Does Lord Montgomery need to explain his actions to someone like you?" Julie snapped back.

"Hey, when you speak, it's best to be respectful. If you dare to be disrespectful to me again, be prepared for me to rip your mouth apart," Abigail calmly interjected.

Although her expression remained calm, there was a hidden murderous intent in her eyes that she made no effort to conceal.

Stared at like that, Julie felt a shiver down her spine and a sudden sense of dread.

However, bolstered by her own status, she quickly regained her confidence. "Humph! Are you trying to scare me? Do you know who I am? Do you know who stands behind me? I promise you, with just a word from me, I can make both of you disappear!"

"You can try," Abigail suddenly smiled.

Her expression remained calm, but her eyes grew incredibly fierce.

"Alright! You've asked for this!"

Julie raised her hand and shouted, "Guards! Capture these two audacious individuals!"


Upon receiving the command, a group of strong bodyguards immediately encircled Dustin and Abigail, their eyes glaring menacingly.

"This kid has some serious guts! He actually dares to challenge the Montgomery family. Isn't he afraid of death?"

"I bet he has no idea how terrifying the Montgomery family's power is. That's called 'a new born calf not fearing the tiger.'"


Inside the hall, people pointed and whispered among themselves.

In their eyes, Dustin's recent actions were like dancing on the edge of death. Even the elites from the prestigious Harrington family would bow down and beg for mercy when facing Julie. So, who was this ragged-looking poor guy?


Just as the bodyguards were about to act, a sharp voice rang through the hall.

Everyone turned to look and saw Belinda, dressed in a sexy and provocative outfit, walking in briskly with a few companions.

Chapter 1500 Tear The PLace Down

"Who dares to cause trouble on my turf?"

Belinda's face turned cold, and her presence was overwhelming. As she passed through, even the fierce-looking bodyguards unconsciously made way for her.

"Who are you to meddle in my affairs?" Julie crossed her arms, lifting her head defiantly.

She suddenly noticed that the woman in front of her was even more beautiful, poised, and elegant than herself, exuding an air of sophistication and wealth. This made her feel a twinge of jealousy.

"I am the chairman of Remington Corporations, and I oversee everything here," Belinda said calmly.

"Chairman, huh? You came just in time."

Julie pointed to Dustin and said arrogantly, "I command you to immediately kick them out and forbid them from doing business here!"

"Kick them out?" Belinda glanced at Dustin, then turned back to Julie, saying, "I'm sorry, I can't do that because this Mr Rhys is my business partner and a shareholder of Remington Corporations."

"What? This guy is actually a shareholder of Remington Corporations?!" Julie was shocked.

Recently, the fame of Jade Dew Ointment had spread far and wide, attracting numerous interested parties. She had also come here on Dahlia's orders to negotiate a business deal. With long-term collaboration, both sides would certainly profit handsomely. However, she had never anticipated that this golden opportunity had already been seized by Dustin.

"What? Are you going to kick me out now?" Dustin asked with a half-smile.

"Humph! What's so special about being a shareholder? Are you more powerful than the Montgomery family?" Julie brandished her token once again and displayed it in front of Belinda. "Take a good look! I have the Montgomery family's golden token, and I command you to immediately sever your partnership with Dustin!"

"I can't do that because Jade Dew Ointment is a product developed by Mr Rhys," Belinda replied with an emotionless expression.

"What? Jade Dew Ointment is a product of Dustin?" Julie's expression froze. How was that possible?

"Julie, don't waste your efforts. Put away your token and leave now, and we won't do business with you," Dustin issued an ultimatum.

"You dare to kick me out? I am a member of the Montgomery family! Do you know the consequences of your actions?" Julie shouted angrily.

After repeatedly suffering setbacks, she was feeling embarrassed.

"First of all, you don't represent the Montgomery family. Secondly, even if the Montgomery family were as unreasonable as you, we would still refuse to cooperate," Dustin stated frankly.

"Bold! You dare to refuse cooperation with the Montgomery family? I see your company won't survive much longer!" Julie threatened fiercely. "Now, apologize to me immediately, then sign the contract obediently, or else I will smash your company today!"

"Julie, if you dare to create chaos, don't blame me for being impolite!" Dustin's expression turned cold.

He had already given the Montgomery family its due respect, but if the person in front of him insisted on being unreasonable, he wouldn't tolerate it.

"Humph! Let's see how you'll deal with me today! Tear this place apart for me!" Julie shouted.

"Smash it!"

Upon hearing the order, the bodyguards moved to take action.

"Take them all down!"

Belinda wasted no time and immediately commanded the company's security personnel to confront Julie's bodyguards.

Seeing this, Julie was livid. "You have some nerve! You dare to lay hands on a member of the Montgomery family of Duskshire Palace? I think you're tired of living! Get out of here now!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a crisp "smack" echoed.

Dustin's palm landed heavily on Julie's face, sending her tumbling to the ground.
Almost forgot about Dahlia. So this is how she gets back into the story. I'm predicting that she'll eventually regain her memories back even if I don't want her to because Dustin and Natasha are way happier together now.
Chapter 1491 A Chance to Make Amends

"Uncle, how should we deal with this person? You decide."

Abigail pointed to Dominic, who was kneeling on the ground, with a look that seemed to say she considered him already dead.

At this moment, Dominic suddenly regained his senses as if he had just woken up from a dream. He was in a state of panic and said, "Lu... Dustin, please don't kill me. I know I was wrong, I won't dare again. I promise I'll never be your enemy again, please spare my wretched life!"

"Spare your wretched life?"

Dustin snorted, "You've schemed against me multiple times, used all kinds of despicable methods, and now you have the nerve to beg for mercy? Do you think it's possible?"

Dominic knelt down on both knees and crawled to Dustin's front, grabbing Dustin's pants leg with both hands, crying out, "Dustin! Lord Dustin! It has nothing to do with me, I never intended to harm you. It was all Isabela's idea. I just followed orders, please, forgive the little guy and let me go!"


Dustin narrowed his eyes slightly. "Tell me, this time you tried to harm me, was it for revenge? Or was there another purpose?"

Dominic didn't dare to hesitate and hurriedly replied, "Because of the incident with the Jade Dew Ointment, we suffered heavy losses. So Isabela suggested capturing you and using torture to extract other top-quality medicine formulas from you to recover our losses and make a fresh start."

"This woman is really malicious. I've helped her several times and even saved her life, but she has been seeking revenge in every possible way, pushing me into a corner. If it were an ordinary person, they might have met a tragic end already," Dustin said coldly.

"Yeah! This wretched woman repays kindness with enmity, and she's as vicious as a snake. I've disliked her for a long time!" Dominic nodded repeatedly. "Lord Dustin! As long as you spare my life, I'll be your dog from now on. I can help you deal with Isabela, and I'll make sure she pays the price she deserves!"

"Isabela is your fiancée. Are you really willing to take action against her?" Dustin asked with a meaningful tone.

"What kind of nonsense fiancée! We only have a family alliance; there's no personal relationship. Besides, who would like a woman like her?" Dominic complained.

If it weren't for his father's strict orders, he would never have been with Isabela.

"Seeing your sincerity, I'll give you a chance to make amends."

Dustin said casually, "When you go back, tell the Torby family that they have three days to hand over the top-quality spiritual medicine I want. Otherwise, I'll make their family fall apart."

"Alright, alright... I'll deliver the message!" Dominic nodded vigorously.

"In addition, I don't want anyone else to know about today's events. Do you understand?" Dustin said, looking down at him.

"I understand, I understand!" Dominic nodded repeatedly.

"Alright, you can go now." Dustin waved his hand.

"Thank you, Lord Dustin!"

Dominic felt as if he had received a pardon. After kowtowing several times loudly, he quickly crawled out of the old mansion.

His appearance clearly showed that he had been frightened out of his wits.

"Uncle, he wanted to harm you. Are you really just letting him go like this?" Abigail asked, a bit puzzled.

"This guy still has some use. Let's let him live for now," Dustin said calmly.

Killing Dominic would be easy for him. However, after killing him, he would definitely face the furious retaliation of both the Torby and Stratford families. Although he wasn't afraid, it would be troublesome, and it might affect the overall situation.

So, he chose to intimidate Dominic instead.

Through Dominic, he could spread fear and force the Stratford family to withdraw, while also completely severing ties with the Torby family.

This would leave the Torby family isolated and without support, making it easier to deal with.

"Okay, Uncle, as long as you're happy with it," Abigail said sweetly.

A person of such insignificance, whether they lived or died, didn't matter much.

"Abigail, how long have you been in Stonia?" Dustin changed the topic.

"Just arrived," Abigail didn't hide it. "The Mystic Arts Order recently took on a big business deal, and my grandmother asked me to lead the team. It's a chance for me to gain experience, and it's also an opportunity to go out and have some fun and relax."

Chapter 1492 Out of Danger

"Oh? Do we need so many experts from the Mystic Arts Order for this job? It seems like this business deal is not simple," Dustin said, looking somewhat surprised.

Behind Abigail, there were several martial grandmasters. The rest were either half-step grandmasters or peak innate experts. This formidable force was extremely rare and could rival the Four Royal Families.

"It's indeed not simple, because the person who issued this job is..."

Abigail was about to speak but was interrupted by an elderly man behind her. He said, "Grand Sorceress, this is a crucial secret of the Mystic Arts Order. It must not be revealed to outsiders!"


Abigail turned to give the elderly man a glance, which sent shivers down his spine. Goosebumps appeared all over his body. "I'll say it again, this is my master, not an outsider. You better rephrase your words."

"My apologies, I was wrong."

The elderly man immediately lowered his head, feeling extremely apprehensive.

"Abigail, forget it."

Dustin shook his head. "Since it's a secret, I won't insist on knowing. I'm the type of person who doesn't like trouble. The more I know, the heavier the burden, and it's better not to know."

"Well... alright."

Abigail smiled and didn't force the matter.

Indeed, revealing this secret could bring danger to Dustin.

"Uncle, I'm a little hungry. Can you take me for a late-night snack?" Abigail pouted playfully.

"No problem! You've just arrived in Stonia, so tonight, let me host you and welcome you!"


The next morning, at Willowbrook Medical Center, in a certain VIP ward.

Dominic, covered in bandages, lay unconscious on the hospital bed.

After narrowly escaping from the dangerous situation last night, he had rushed back home. However, as soon as he entered the house, he collapsed on the floor and was immediately rushed to the hospital for treatment.

"Doctor, how is my son? Is there any danger?"

Seeing Dominic, who had just come out of the operating room, Horatio couldn't help but worry.

"Mr. Stratford, please rest assured. Your young master has only suffered some superficial injuries. We have carefully treated them, and there is no major issue," one of the doctors replied.

"That's good."

Horatio let out a sigh of relief, then asked, "But it's been quite some time, why hasn't my son woken up yet?"

"Your young master experienced some shock last night, and his emotions were quite unstable. We administered a sedative to help him sleep soundly through the night, which would aid in his recovery. Judging by the time, he should be waking up soon," the doctor explained.

As soon as the doctor finished speaking, Dominic, lying on the hospital bed, slowly opened his eyes.

"He's awake! He's really awake!"

Horatio's face lit up, and he quickly walked to the bedside, asking with concern, "Dominic, how do you feel? Is there any discomfort in your body?"

"Why am I here, Dad?"

Dominic looked around, feeling a bit confused.

"You came home covered in blood last night, which scared me. Fortunately, we rushed you to the hospital in time, and there was no danger to your life."

Horatio explained, "But why were you injured like this? What happened? Tell me, and I'll stand up for you!"

"Last night?"

Dominic was momentarily stunned, and then he seemed to remember something. His expression changed, and he exclaimed, "Dad! Notify them immediately! Cancel all cooperation with the Torby family from now on, and cut off all ties with them! Never deal with them again!"

"Cancel all cooperation with the Torby family?"

Horatio was taken aback. "What's going on? Why the sudden decision?"

"Dad, they... they are not what they seem! They tried to kill me last night!" Dominic's face was filled with anger and determination.

Chapter 1493 Breaking Ties


Looking at the emotionally agitated Dominic, Horatio couldn't help but feel baffled.

Could this kid have damaged his head? Why was he spouting nonsense like this?

"Dad! Don't just stand there, give the order quickly, or our Stratford family will be in great trouble!" Dominic was growing increasingly impatient.

He remembered clearly what Dustin had said last night. Although he had narrowly escaped, it didn't mean he was truly safe. If they continued to collude with the Torby family, they were heading for a dead end!

After all, Dustin was not only a supreme grandmaster but also the master of the Mystic Arts Order's Grand Sorceress. With just a word from him, he could easily destroy the Stratford family. In front of the world's top evil sect, even the Four Royal Families had to bow down and submit!

"Doctor, didn't you say my son is fine? Why is he suddenly spouting nonsense when he wakes up?" Horatio turned around, his tone slightly accusing.

"... Doctor."

"Dad! I'm not spouting nonsense; I'm serious!" Dominic's expression turned solemn. "The Torby family is like a time bomb. We must stay away, or the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"Dominic, have you been threatened?" Horatio furrowed his brows slightly.

His son had a fair amount of smartness and had never acted so panicked before.

"Dad, for certain reasons, I can't tell you everything about this matter, but please believe me. Don't have any further dealings with the Torby family, and don't take any action against Dustin. He's not someone we can provoke!" Dominic said firmly.

"Dominic, we have cooperated with the Torby family for a long time. Our business dealings are close, and we are already in the same boat. Moreover, you and Isabela have an engagement. How can we easily sever our ties?" Horatio shook his head.

Breaking ties with the Torby family was too heavy a price to pay without sufficient reason.

"Dad, when it comes to life and death, we must make a tough decision. Even if we suffer heavy losses, we can't have any connection with the Torby family anymore!" Dominic said with a serious expression.

"Is it really that serious?"

Horatio frowned. "Dominic, what exactly happened? Can you explain it more clearly?"

"Dad, I have a hidden truth that I can't reveal, or else both you and I will be in trouble. Right now, please just trust my decision," Dominic said.


Horatio rubbed his chin, beginning to ponder.

It was clear that his son had suffered some kind of shock. Otherwise, the heir to a prominent family like him wouldn't be so anxious and agitated. Furthermore, all of this seemed to be connected to someone named Dustin.

The problem was, how could an unknown figure have such great power? Or was he hiding his true abilities?


At this moment, Isabela suddenly entered the hospital room, carrying a fruit basket in her hand.

"Uncle Horatio."

Isabela greeted Horatio and then looked at the heavily bandaged Dominic in surprise. "Dominic! What happened to you? Why are you injured like this?"

"Hmph! I ended up like this all because of you!" Dominic said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Me?" Isabela was taken aback. "Dominic, are you joking? What does this have to do with me?"

"Why wouldn't it be related to you? You and your Torby family caused this trouble, and I have to clean up the mess for you. No matter what happens, I'm the first to deal with it. And now, I'm injured like this. Can you honestly say that you have nothing to do with it?" Dominic's face was cold.

In the past, he had tried to please Isabela in various ways for the sake of their two families' alliance. However, now he couldn't care less.

Chapter 1494 Lapdog No More

Dominic decided to reveal everything!

"Dominic, I know you've been through some difficulties, but as a man, what's a little hardship? You wouldn't make me, a weak woman, show my face and deal with it outside, would you?" Isabela pouted, showing some dissatisfaction with the attitude of the person in front of her.

"Enough, I don't want to argue with you about the past. From now on, don't come looking for me, and as for our engagement, I declare it null and void!" Dominic said coldly.

"Null and void engagement?" Isabela widened her eyes, finding it hard to believe. "Dominic, are you joking?"

"Haven't you heard me clearly? Then let me say it again: I want to call off the engagement!" Dominic raised his voice.

"Call off the engagement?" Isabela was completely stunned. She never expected that the person in front of her would say such words. Just last night, he had been obedient to her, trying to please her in every way. How could he suddenly change like this?

"Dominic! Don't act recklessly!" Horatio scolded.

Even if they were going to cut ties with the Torby family, it didn't need to be done so openly. They were risking turning their cooperation into a bitter feud.

"Uncle Horatio, is Dominic sick?" Isabela cautiously asked.

"I'm not sick! I'm perfectly fine!" Dominic erupted, no longer holding back. "Isabela, I've tolerated you for far too long. Do you know how annoying you are? You're capricious, petty, and incredibly jealous. Whenever you see a woman who's prettier or more talented than you, you go out of your way to ruin her. You're nothing but a venomous woman!"

"How dare you insult me like this?" Isabela was both shocked and furious.

No one had ever dared to humiliate her like this before, and the most astonishing part was that it came from her fiancé.

"What's wrong with insulting you? Women like you make me sick just by looking at you! Get lost!" Dominic didn't hold back.

"You dare!"

Isabela was infuriated and slapped Dominic across the face.

"You damn well dare to hit me?" Dominic didn't hold back either and retaliated with a slap of his own. Due to his excessive force, Isabela stumbled and fell to the ground, clutching her swollen and red face.

"You... You actually dare to lay hands on me?" Isabela, shocked and angry, couldn't believe it. She had always been the one hitting others, and no one had ever dared to hit her.

"I spit on you!" Dominic spat on the ground. "Do you think I'll still tolerate you like before? I've awakened to the truth. I won't be your lapdog anymore. If you dare to mess with me, I won't be polite!"

"Dominic! I command you to apologize to me immediately, or you can get ready to go to war with our Torby family!" Isabela threatened loudly.

The Torby family's influence was even stronger than that of the Stratford family, so she had the confidence to speak like this.

"Go to war? I'm not afraid of you! Do you think I'm scared of you? At worst, we'll all go down together!" Dominic yelled.

"You... You've gone too far!" Isabela was distorted with anger.

She had thought that by making a slight threat, Dominic would compromise. She never expected him to be so stubborn, even to the point of starting a war with the Torby family.

"Isabela! Go back and tell your parents to return what they owe to Dustin, or else your Torby family will face disaster! Now, get lost!" Dominic shouted.

"You... You're going to regret this!" Isabela left with a parting threat.

From this moment on, the Torby and Stratford families were completely estranged.

Chapter 1495 Mount Grace

Torby family's Meeting

Inside the Torby family's conference room, Isabela had just returned home and poured out all her grievances from the hospital visit to her parents.

"Dad! Mom! That Dominic is so despicable!"

"He not only wants to cancel the engagement, but he also wants to sever ties with our Torby family. I only asked him a few questions, and he actually cursed at me and physically assaulted me!"

"Look at my face, it's all swollen from his beating. I don't care, but this time, you must stand up for me!"

Isabela vented her anger, appearing extremely frustrated.

As a dignified heiress of a prominent family, she had been canceled on and slapped in the face by someone. She couldn't bear it.

"Isabela, calm down."

Winston raised his hand to soothe her and said with some doubt, "Dominic has always been mature and steady. How could he do something like this? Did you two have a fight?"

"How would I know?"

Isabela pouted. "I heard that he was injured last night, so I went to the hospital this morning to visit him. However, when he saw me, he went berserk, cursing and attacking me as if he had gone mad. He really went too far!"

"That's strange."

Winston stroked his chin. "Dominic doesn't seem like someone who lacks self-control. Why would he suddenly behave like this? What exactly happened?"

Both families had always had a good relationship. Even if it was a small lovers' quarrel, it shouldn't have escalated to this extent.

"Sophia, could you call Horatio and ask what's going on?" Winston coldly suggested. "They're not even married yet, and he dared to resort to violence. What will it be like after they're married? Our daughter can't be bullied for no reason."

"That's a good idea."

Winston nodded and took out his phone, dialing Horatio's private number.

However, after calling several times in a row, there was still no answer from the other side.

"He's probably busy and doesn't have time to answer the phone," Winston tried to explain.

"Busy? What can they be busy with in the hospital?" Isabela ruthlessly exposed. "I believe they're deliberately not answering the phone!"

"Sophia, what's your take on this?" Winston asked, turning to his wife.

"This situation is strange. If everything Isabela said is true, then the Stratford family might really break ties with us," Sophia analyzed.

"Break ties? How is that possible?" Winston furrowed his brow, showing disbelief. "Our Torby and Stratford families have been cooperating for many years with a close business relationship. If they break ties, both families will suffer heavy losses. I don't think Horatio is that foolish."

"If it were a normal situation, he wouldn't be. But what if the Stratford family is under threat, and they have no choice but to cut ties for their own survival?" Sophia calmly pointed out.

"Threatened? Who in Willowbrook could threaten the Stratford family?" Winston was even more puzzled.

Sophia didn't provide a direct answer but instead looked at her daughter and asked, "Isabela, did Dominic explain the reasons to you or give any hints?"

"He did say a few strange things," Isabela pondered. "Before leaving, Dominic warned me, saying that we should return what we owe to Dustin, or else disaster would strike soon."

"Wait a minute! Dustin? Could it be that this kid is causing trouble?" Winston asked suspiciously.

"I guess it's possible," Isabela added. "It's more likely that the Fairchild and Remington families pressured them. After all, what ability does Dustin have to do this on his own?"

"That makes sense." Winston rubbed his chin.

With the combined pressure from the Fairchild and Remington families and the substantial temptation of the Jade Dew Ointment, the Stratford family chose to betray and sever ties with the Torby family.

Everything suddenly made sense.

"Regardless of the reason, the Stratford family can no longer be trusted. We must find another ally," Sophia said.

"Mom, I'm close friends with Victoria from the Sterling family, and we have a good relationship. If we have the support of the Sterling family, our Torby family will remain as stable as Mount Grace!" Isabela suggested.

"The Sterling family? That's indeed a good choice."
Chapter 1486 More Than A Grandmaster?!

"What?!" Seeing this scene, Dominic, who was in the corner, was completely shocked. He never dreamed that the renowned Master Octavius would be unable to withstand even a single move from Dustin.

This was Master Octavius!

A high-ranking member of the Mystic Arts Order!

Someone whose strength was close to that of a Martial Grandmaster!

Such a powerful figure, yet he was easily overwhelmed by Dustin. How was that possible?!

"Oh? You're not dead yet?" Dustin raised an eyebrow, somewhat surprised. Although he had used only ten percent of his power in that last strike, it was enough to easily kill anyone below the level of a Martial Grandmaster.

Of course, thanks to the protective armor, which absorbed some of the impact, Master Octavius's chest had been spared from being blasted into a hole.

"Cough, cough..." Master Octavius coughed up blood again, and his entire body felt like it was falling apart, with his bones seemingly disintegrating. His chest, even with the protective mirror, had been shattered, and his internal organs were severely damaged.

"How... how can you be so powerful? Are you a Martial Grandmaster?" Master Octavius, clutching his chest, had a look of fear on his face.

He was already at the semi-Martial Grandmaster level, and the only person who could defeat him head-on would be a Martial Grandmaster.

But the problem was, Dustin was in his early twenties!

How could someone so young possess such strength?

Who exactly was this guy?

"No, you've misunderstood me. I'm not a Martial Grandmaster," Dustin shook his head.

"If you're not a Martial Grandmaster, then how did you defeat me?" Master Octavius questioned.

"You've misunderstood me again. What I meant to say is that you should add a word in front of 'Grandmaster,'" Dustin corrected him.

"Add a word?" Master Octavius was confused at first, but then he trembled as if struck by lightning. "Y-you... you... you... you couldn't possibly be the Supreme Grandmaster?!"

"Congratulations, you got it right," Dustin said calmly.

"No... it's impossible!"

Master Octavius shook his head frantically, unable to believe it. "You're so young, how could you become a Supreme Grandmaster? Even the most exceptional prodigies couldn't achieve that level at your age! A Martial Grandmaster in their twenties is already considered an extraordinary talent, but a Martial Supreme Grandmaster... it's unheard of! You can't be!"

A Martial Supreme Grandmaster in their twenties was a concept that had never appeared in the history of the Dragonmarsh. Even the most talented young martial artists who could reach the level of an innate expert were considered exceptional geniuses, and if they were to become Martial Grandmasters, they would be the focus of attention for all major sects.

As for a Martial Supreme Grandmaster, it was simply unimaginable. So, Master Octavius didn't believe it, and he couldn't believe it. He couldn't accept that a young man like Dustin could possess such terrifying talent and strength.

"Believe it or not," Dustin said calmly, taking step by step closer to Master Octavius.

A few days ago, with the help of the Sky Spirit Orb, he had broken through the shackles and become a Supreme Grandmaster. It had been effortless, with no obstacles at all. Everything had gone smoothly.

Of course, this was the result of ten years of grinding and accumulation.

So, after breaking through, his strength was even greater than that of an ordinary Supreme Grandmaster.

"Don't... don't kill me..."

Master Octavius panicked, kneeling on the ground and begging frantically. "My Lord, I know I was wrong, I won't dare anymore. Please spare my life. I promise, in the future, I'll respect you and serve you as my master!"

As he spoke, he knocked his head against the ground repeatedly, each time spitting out blood.

He looked extremely pitiful, completely different from his previous arrogance.

"Are you done talking? If you're done, then go die," Dustin said without a hint of mercy. He raised his hand suddenly and slapped Master Octavius's forehead with a palm.

Chapter 1487 Palm Strikes

"Stop!" Just as Dustin was about to kill Master Octavius, a furious shout suddenly echoed in the air. At the same time, a hidden weapon shot out from the darkness, like a sword of death, aimed at Dustin's back.

"Hmm?" Dustin raised an eyebrow and turned abruptly, using two fingers to pinch the hidden weapon that was aimed at him. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a poison dart emitting a dark glow, and it had the tiny character W (Witchcraft) engraved on it, clearly indicating it belonged to the Mystic Arts Order.

"Who are you? How dare you attempt to assassinate a disciple of my Mystic Arts Order? You have quite the audacity!" At this moment, an old woman dressed in a black robe slowly emerged from the darkness.

The old woman had a withered face, a petite stature, and a seemingly ordinary appearance, but her eyes were exceptionally cold and sharp, like venomous snakes, instilling fear in those who gazed upon her.

"Elder Witch? Elder Witch, save me!" Upon seeing the newcomer, Master Octavius, as if seeing a savior, stumbled forward and sought protection.

Others might not know, but he was well aware that the woman before him, Elder Witch, was an elder of the Mystic Arts Order and a Martial Grandmaster-level expert. What set her apart from ordinary Martial Grandmasters was her mastery of witchcraft, which allowed her to kill without leaving any trace.

Eight years ago, three Martial Grandmasters had conspired to ambush Elder Witch. However, she had single-handedly defeated all three, resulting in one death and two injuries. From that moment on, she had become famous, and no one dared to provoke her.

"Useless! You've been injured so badly by a young man; it's truly shameful for our Mystic Arts Order!" Elder Witch, seeing Master Octavius covered in blood, frowned in dissatisfaction.

The Mystic Arts Order was known as the number one evil sect in the world, and they were feared by all. When had they ever appeared so feeble?

"Elder Witch, you don't understand. This young man is a Supreme Grandmaster, and his strength is incredibly formidable. Your subordinate was no match for him," Master Octavius pleaded with a mournful expression.

"Oh? Is that so?" Elder Witch sized up Dustin, looking somewhat surprised. At his age, reaching the rank of a Supreme Grandmaster was already considered the number one genius, even among the Mystic Arts Order.

"Young man, what's your name, and who is your master?" Elder Witch cautiously inquired. A young genius like him was definitely not an ordinary person. If they rashly killed him, they might invite trouble.

"Who I am doesn't matter. I'm here to seek justice," Dustin replied calmly. "The person beside you was trying to kill me. Hand him over to me, and I'll consider today's events as if they never happened."

"Hmph! Do you have the ability to take someone away from me?" Elder Witch squinted her eyes. "It seems that you don't know how formidable the Mystic Arts Order is."

"Elder Witch, I don't want to provoke the Mystic Arts Order, and I have no intention of being your enemy. But I have a rule: an eye for an eye. If not, I won't be able to sleep at night. So today, he must die!" Dustin pointed his finger at Master Octavius.

"You're quite arrogant!" Elder Witch's face darkened. "It seems you need a lesson on how powerful the Mystic Arts Order is."

With that, she suddenly dashed forward, her palm striking towards Dustin's chest. Her thin, withered hand emitted a poisonous aura, and even a Martial Grandmaster wouldn't dare to directly confront it.

"Hmph!" Dustin's expression turned cold. Without dodging or evading, he directly pushed out a palm to clash with Elder Witch's poisonous palm strike.


A loud explosion rang out. Dustin stood motionless, while Elder Witch was forced to retreat more than ten steps, finally stopping when she collided with the door of the living room.

Chapter 1488 We Meet Again

For a moment, her arm felt numb, and her internal energy and blood surged within her.

"How is this possible?" Elder Witch looked at her trembling arm in horror, her heart filled with amazement. Although she excelled in witchcraft, her martial strength was not weak, and she had already reached the level close to the late Martial Grandmaster stage. She never expected that she would fall into a disadvantageous position against Dustin when confronting him head-on.

Just how strong was this young man's power?

"What do you think? Will you still try to stop me?" Dustin said indifferently.

For certain reasons, he hadn't gone for the kill yet, hoping to give Elder Witch a lesson that would make her reconsider her actions.

"Young man, you are indeed formidable. I admire you," Elder Witch took a deep breath, suppressing the surging internal energy and blood within her. She continued, "However, it's a pity that you are destined to lose today. Take a look at your palm; has it turned black?"

"Your poison is useless against me," Dustin replied with a slight shake of his head. His body had long been immune to all poisons, especially after his breakthrough to the Supreme Grandmaster realm. He had become even more robust and resilient.

In the entire world, aside from the top ten deadly poisons, there was no poison that could harm him.

"Useless?" Elder Witch sneered. "Young man, you overestimate yourself and underestimate our Mystic Arts Order. The potent toxins we create are beyond the reach of even Martial Supreme Grandmasters. You are now afflicted by the poison and your days are numbered. If you withdraw now and seal your meridians, you may live for a while longer. However, if you persist in challenging me, you will only hasten your own death! Consider the consequences for yourself!"

Hearing this, Master Octavius immediately smirked.

What if he had great strength?

In the face of the Mystic Arts Order's techniques, everyone was a paper tiger, and even the most powerful were forced to bow down.

"Dustin! You are already poisoned, and your time is running out. If I were you, I would kneel before this expert and beg for mercy. Perhaps you can still save your life!" Dominic gloated.

When Master Octavius had been defeated earlier, he had been scared out of his wits. Fortunately, Elder Witch had arrived in time to help, or things would have taken a turn for the worse.

"I've said it before, and you didn't believe me. So go ahead and try again, but this time, I won't hold back." Dustin said coldly.

"Very well! Since you seek your own death, I will grant your wish!" Elder Witch slowly raised her hand, and a pitch-black stream of energy gathered in her palm. It expanded slowly, resembling a slowly opening abyss that was about to swallow everything.

Master Octavius and Dominic subconsciously moved farther away. They knew that Elder Witch was about to unleash her ultimate move!


Just as Elder Witch was about to attack, a clear voice sounded at the door.

Following the voice, a girl with white hair and red clothing, incredibly beautiful and elegant, strolled into the room leisurely.

Behind the girl were a group of powerful figures dressed in black robes.

These were all high-ranking members of the Mystic Arts Order, with the lowest rank being disciples, and among them were elders and protectors.

However, despite their usual commanding presence, they stood obediently behind the girl.

Upon seeing the girl with white hair, Elder Witch's expression changed, and she immediately knelt to the ground with the upper half of her body pressed against the floor. "This subordinate pays respects to the Grand Sorceress!"

"Grand Sorceress?" Master Octavius and Dominic exchanged glances, not daring to hesitate. They quickly knelt on the ground and bowed their heads, shouting in unison, "We pay respects to the Grand Sorceress!"

The girl with white hair ignored the three of them and walked up to Dustin. With a sweet smile, she said, "Uncle, what a coincidence. We meet again."

Chapter 1489 Humble as an Ant


Looking at the suddenly appearing white-haired girl, Dustin couldn't help but be surprised.

The white-haired girl was none other than his only disciple, Abigail.

He never expected that after so many days, they would meet here.

And Abigail had changed quite a bit compared to before.

Not only did her appearance become even more beautiful, but her aura also became more profound and mysterious. Every move she made seemed to carry an invisible sense of authority.

Clearly, after awakening her bloodline, Abigail was no longer the same.

"Uncle, how do you like the surprise?" Abigail smiled.

"You, young lady, haven't seen me in so long, and you didn't even think to call and let me know you're okay," Dustin pretended to be stern.

Then he lightly tapped her head with his knuckles.

This action shocked the high-ranking members of the Mystic Arts Order, and their eyes seemed ready to devour him.

How dare this kid tap the head of the Grand Sorceress! He's incredibly audacious!

However, what everyone didn't expect was that the usually dignified Grand Sorceress, after being tapped on the head, not only didn't get angry but even appeared a bit guilty as she coquettishly said, "Uncle, I've been in seclusion all this time, and I only came out a few days ago. I've been really busy, so I forgot for a moment."


Seeing Abigail's childish appearance, the high-ranking members of the Mystic Arts Order were completely dumbfounded.

They exchanged bewildered glances, finding it hard to believe.

What's going on?

Is this still the same Grand Sorceress who used to kill without hesitation and was cold-blooded?

You see, since the Grand Sorceress came out of seclusion, she not only used ruthless methods to suppress many dissidents but also single-handedly wiped out several martial sects that opposed the Mystic Arts Order.

Since then, all internal criticism against the Grand Sorceress had completely disappeared, and everyone held her in great awe.

However, they never expected that the once cold-blooded and ruthless Grand Sorceress would appear so meek and mild in front of Dustin.

"Never mind, no matter what, I'm just glad to see you safe," Dustin smiled slightly.

The Mystic Arts Order was a complex web of power, and he was genuinely worried that Abigail might face danger after joining the cult. But now, it seemed she was more than capable of handling anything.

"Uncle, what's going on here? Did someone bother you?" Abigail asked casually.

"It's nothing, just a small matter," Dustin replied with a casual tone. "I won't bother with them, considering your presence."

" Elder Ophelia, what just happened?" Abigail turned her gaze.

"Well..." Granny Ophelia hesitated for a moment and looked at Master Octavius, who was kneeling beside her.

"You tell her," Ophelia pointed to Master Octavius.

Though he was fearful and anxious, Master Octavius had no choice but to speak, "To the Grand Sorceress, this was all a misunderstanding..."

Master Octavius didn't dare to conceal anything and briefly explained what had happened.

To outsiders, he might seem arrogant and unyielding, but in front of the Grand Sorceress of the Mystic Arts Order, he was as humble as an ant, breathing with extreme caution.

"Heh... I see."

After listening, Abigail suddenly smiled, but her eyes were icy. "Do you know who this person was trying to deal with? Before you answer, let me tell you. He is my master, my savior, and the only family I have in this world!"

Chapter 1490 Like a Garlic Pounder

"What? Master?!"

When these words were spoken, the whole room was in shock.

Especially Granny Ophelia, Master Octavius, and Dominic were struck dumb, as if lightning had just struck them, frozen in place.

They couldn't believe that there was actually a master-disciple relationship between Dustin and Abigail.

The master of the Mystic Arts Order's Grand Sorceress, if this identity got out, wouldn't it shake the entire world?

"How is that possible? How could this guy have any connection to the Mystic Arts Order's Grand Sorceress?!" Dominic's eyes widened in inexplicable horror.

His body began to tremble uncontrollably out of fear.

Isabela had clearly said that Dustin was just an unknown nobody, so how could he have such a powerful background?

"If you want to kill my master, it's the same as wanting to kill me," Abigail slowly approached, her cold gaze sweeping over the three of them one by one. She said coldly, "Assassinating the Grand Sorceress of the Mystic Arts Order, do you know how grave that crime is?"

"Grand Sorceress, spare us! Grand Sorceress, spare us!"

Master Octavius reacted quickly, bowing repeatedly like a garlic pounder, begging for mercy incessantly.

"Grand Sorceress! I've realized my mistake, please, I implore you to spare me this time!"

Granny Ophelia followed suit, repeatedly smashing her head against the ground, causing herself to bleed from her head, but she dared not stop for a moment.

As for Dominic, he had already been scared out of his wits.

He sat there dazed, his face filled with despair.

"Spare you?"

Abigail's expression was indifferent. "You've committed adultery, kidnapping, and all sorts of evil deeds. You've long violated the cult's rules. Trash like you, living in this world, is just a waste of air."

With a flick of her fingers, a black light shot out like a bullet, piercing directly through Master Octavius's forehead, leaving a bloody hole.


Master Octavius's body stiffened, his pupils dilated in an instant.

The next moment, his head exploded with a "bang," splattering blood everywhere.

No remains were left.

Seeing this scene, Granny Ophelia turned pale with fright and desperately begged for mercy while banging her head on the ground. "Grand Sorceress, spare us! I didn't know anything; I didn't do anything. I've always been loyal and obedient, abiding by the cult's rules. Please, Grand Sorceress, see the truth!"

"Granny Ophelia, don't be nervous. I'm in a good mood today, so I won't kill you."

Granny Ophelia hadn't even had a chance to breathe a sigh of relief when Abigail's voice sounded again. "However, while you may escape a death sentence, you can't escape a life of punishment. You shall sever one of your arms as compensation to my master."

"Thank you, Grand Sorceress, for sparing our lives!"

Granny Ophelia didn't hesitate in the slightest. She immediately drew a short knife from her waist and cut off one of her arms. Despite the excruciating pain, she clenched her teeth and didn't utter a sound.

"Uncle, are you satisfied with this punishment?" Abigail turned around, her demeanor completely changing from her previous fierceness to an innocent smile.

It was as if she were a model student who had achieved excellent grades, seeking praise from her elders.

"It's enough."

Dustin nodded, but inside, he was filled with mixed emotions.

After not seeing her for some time, it seemed that Abigail's personality had undergone significant changes.

The girl he had known before wouldn't even dare to harm a chicken, but now, she killed as easily as if she were picking fruit.

After experiencing her father's death, she had changed, and he could understand that.

But Dustin couldn't help but wonder whether this change was for better or worse.

Or perhaps, was the current Abigail still the same girl he had known before?
jungal I love your smooth translation. I hope you'll get more spare time to translate much more chapters. Thank you for the seriousness you're putting in this job. I really appreciate. have a good day !
Chapter 1481 The Wine


Lucius looked at the hand covering the cup's opening and couldn't help but be slightly surprised. "Suspicious? What's suspicious about it?"

He sniffed the wine and said in confusion, "The wine smells good, doesn't seem to have any problem."

"The wine itself is good, but something has been added to it. If you drink it, it could be very dangerous," Dustin said seriously.

"Could there be poison in the wine?" Lucius furrowed his brows and slowly put down his glass. He looked at his two bodyguards and asked coldly, "What's going on?"

The wine he drank was always tested with a silver needle before being brought in to ensure it was safe.

"Master, we just tested it, and there's no poison in the wine," the two bodyguards immediately denied.

"I personally saw that the silver needle didn't react," the female martial artist Matilda said calmly.

"Dustin, could you be mistaken?" Lucius found it strange.

He could doubt the bodyguards, but he would never doubt Matilda. They had grown up together, shared life and death, and had almost no secrets between them.

"The silver needle can only detect poison, but what's in the wine isn't poison," Dustin explained.

As he spoke, he took out a silver needle and lightly pricked his index finger. Then, he squeezed a drop of blood from the wound, and with a "plop," it fell into the wine glass.

At the same time, a horrifying scene unfolded.

When the blood entered the wine, which had been calm until now, it suddenly began to boil. Countless parasites started wriggling and surging, greedily competing for the blood that Dustin had dropped.

These parasites were tiny and transparent, and when they were still, they were barely visible to the naked eye.

However, with the attraction of fresh blood, all the parasites were activated with a ferocious appetite, devouring the fresh blood.

The sight of the swarming parasites sent shivers down Lucius's spine. In a small glass of wine, there were thousands upon thousands of these parasites. If someone were to drink it, their internal organs would be devoured.

"What... what are these things?!"

Lucius was terrified, and he instinctively moved back.

In a small glass of wine, there were actually thousands of these parasites. If someone were to drink it, their internal organs would be devoured.

"These are called Bloodspawn Worms, a type of poisonous parasite cultivated by Mystic Arts Masters using corpses," Dustin explained calmly. "Bloodspawn Worms feed on blood, and once they enter a person's body, they will continuously lay eggs and consume the person's flesh and blood. Without an antidote, the victim will be slowly tortured to death."

"Damn! What a vicious method! Who the hell is so ruthless to use such a sinister trick to harm people!" Lucius was both shocked and angry.

Even though they had been careful, it was impossible to guard against something like this.

"Fortunately, we discovered it in time; otherwise, it would have been trouble," Belinda said, still trembling from the shock.

Bloodspawn Worms couldn't even be detected by silver needles. If someone had unknowingly drunk them, they wouldn't even know how they died.


At this moment, Matilda suddenly drew her longsword from her waist and pointed it at the female server's neck, demanding, "Speak! Who ordered you to do this?!"

"I… I don't know anything!" The female server was terrified and knelt down on the ground, her face filled with fear.

"You brought the wine, so you're the prime suspect. Be honest, or else you'll die!" Matilda's expression was ice-cold.

She had made a momentary mistake, which had put the Fairchild’s young master in danger. If it weren't for Dustin's sharp eyes, they might have been in serious trouble.

"I... I really don't know. I'm just a server; I haven't done anything!" The female server cried, tears streaming down her face.

Chapter 1482 Finding the Culprit

"Capture her and interrogate her thoroughly!"

Matilda waved her hand and ordered her subordinates to forcibly take the female server away.

After such an incident, no suspicious individuals should be allowed to escape.

"You two, go to the restaurant kitchen and check if there were any strangers coming and going."

"As for you, immediately check the surveillance footage. Investigate all the customers who dined at the restaurant tonight!"

Matilda gave out one command after another without wasting any time.

Lucius's group of bodyguards immediately got busy.

"Master, it's my fault. I almost made a huge mistake. Please punish me," Matilda apologized with a bow.

"It's not your fault. No one could have predicted such a sinister method," Lucius said with a solemn expression.

"Have you recently had any conflicts with anyone?" Belinda suddenly asked.

"I don't think so," Lucius shook his head. "I rarely show my face in public and try not to offend anyone..."

As he said this, Lucius's eyes suddenly widened, "Wait! Could it be... the Torby and Stratford families? We caused them significant losses today, so they might be holding a grudge and seeking revenge?"

"That's very possible!" Belinda nodded.

Considering the character of Isabela and Dominic, they wouldn't give up easily after suffering such a big loss. However, she hadn't expected them to retaliate so quickly.

"Dustin, what do you think?" Lucius turned to Dustin.

"What can I think? Besides the Torby and Stratford families conspiring together, I can't think of anyone else who would stoop this low," Dustin said ambiguously.

"Damn! It must be those bastards!" Lucius slammed the table in anger and shouted, "Matilda! Gather our forces and let's go demand justice!"

"Don't be hasty..."

Dustin raised his hand to stop him. "If you confront them openly, who will admit to it? Are you planning to go to war with the Torby and Stratford families?"

"Then what should we do? Should we just swallow our pride?" Lucius was reluctant.

He was not one to take losses lying down. After being targeted like this, he naturally wanted to retaliate.

"Of course not."

Dustin smiled faintly. "Since they like to play in the shadows, we'll deal with them using their own methods."

"Oh? Do you have a plan?" Lucius suddenly became interested.

Methods like this dark art were even more terrifying than assassination and were extremely difficult to defend against. Finding the culprit early was the only way to prevent future attacks.

"If I'm not mistaken, the person who cast this curse should have a mother insect. It's specialized for laying Bloodspawn Worms’ eggs. There's a unique connection between the two. I can use the Bloodspawn Worms to track down the mother insect's location. When that happens, we can naturally uncover the mastermind behind this," Dustin explained calmly.

"Great! Let's do it!"

Lucius slammed the table again. "Dustin, just tell me what you need, and I'll do it!"

"You don't need to do anything. Just go home and get a good night's sleep," Dustin said.

"What? Sleep?" Lucius was puzzled.

Belinda and Matilda also exchanged puzzled glances.

"The enemy is in the dark, and we are in the light. If you take any action, it might easily alert them. So, leave this matter to me. This mastermind behind it all is probably targeting me in the first place," Dustin explained.

After that, he picked up the wine glass filled with Bloodspawn Worms and drank it all in one gulp.

Chapter 1483 Skinny Pale Old Man

The night grew deeper.

At this moment, in the suburbs of Willowbrook, inside an old and rustic mansion.

Dominic paced back and forth in the living room, his hands behind his back, looking somewhat uneasy.

In order to deal with Dustin and his group, he had specially invited a powerful practitioner from the Mystic Arts Order to cast a spell. This expert's skills were even more formidable than Master Heinrich's, but his personality was eccentric, and he had unpredictable mood swings. Furthermore, he had a particular quirk — he enjoyed torturing women, displaying severe sadistic tendencies.

By midnight, he had brutally tortured three women, leaving them battered and nearly dead. When they had entered his chamber, they were alluring and full of vitality, but when they emerged, they were covered in blood and their bodies were in ruins.

It wasn't that Dominic felt sympathy for them; he just found the situation a bit disturbing. Experts with eccentric personalities like this one were truly hard to deal with. If you accidentally offended them, you wouldn't even know how you'd die.


At this moment, the door to the room opposite suddenly opened.

Following that, a skinny, pale old man in a black robe walked out with an expression of satisfaction on his face.

Dominic stole a glance and saw that in the room behind the old man, a naked woman was suspended in mid-air, bound hand and foot. Her body was covered in wounds, and she looked absolutely horrifying.

Not breathing; it seemed that she had been tortured to death.

This was too ruthless!

Dominic swallowed hard and didn't dare to look too closely. He respectfully approached the old man and cautiously asked, "Master Octavius, how are you feeling? Are you satisfied?"

"Not bad. These three playthings all suit my taste. I had a great time tonight. Your efforts were not in vain," Master Octavius nodded in satisfaction and took a seat.

"As long as you're satisfied."

Dominic hurriedly poured a cup of hot tea for the person in front of him and smiled, "Master Octavius, I wonder if you've made any progress with the task I entrusted to you?"

"I've already assigned it to my disciples. I believe it will be completed soon," Master Octavius said calmly as he sipped his tea.

"That's good, that's good," Dominic secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, by the way, we have a big shot from our Mystic Arts Order visiting Stonia soon. I suggest you prepare in advance and find a good Feng Shui site for this distinguished guest to settle down. If everything goes smoothly, your Stratford family will receive the protection of the Mystic Arts Order in the future," Master Octavius said casually.

"That's fantastic! Thank you so much, Master Octavius!" Dominic's face lit up with joy, and he bowed to express his gratitude.

The Mystic Arts Order was one of the three major forces in the martial world, on par with the Glenstead Society and the Worldly Society. It was home to numerous experts and powerful individuals. Its influence was so immense that it could communicate directly with the emperor. Even the four major noble families in Stonia had to treat the Mystic Arts Order with respect and fear.

If the Stratford family could gain the protection of the Mystic Arts Order, it would be like having a colossal backing.

Their rise to power was imminent!

"Don't get too excited. This distinguished guest has a bad temper. You must be careful in serving her. If you provoke him, even the God of Heaven won't be able to save you," Master Octavius warned.

"I understand, I understand. Even if it means sacrificing my family fortune, I will ensure that this distinguished guest is satisfied and at ease," Dominic nodded repeatedly.

"Good, you have the right attitude," Master Octavius nodded in satisfaction.


While the two were talking, the door to the courtyard suddenly opened.

Following that, a black figure slowly entered.

The figure was carrying a cloth bundle in his hand, and it appeared to contain a spherical object. Every few steps, a drop of dark red liquid would drip from it.

"Who is this?!" Dominic's face tensed, and he immediately became vigilant.

"No need to be nervous. It should be one of my disciples returning," Master Octavius said nonchalantly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure suddenly raised his hand and tossed the cloth bundle high into the air. It landed in the middle of the living room with a loud "thud."

Chapter 1484 The Black Smoke

As the cloth bundle hit the ground, it unraveled, revealing a spherical object that rolled out.

It was none other than a human head!

"What the hell!"

Dominic was startled and took several steps back, his face turning pale. He was horrified to discover that the severed head belonged to Master Octavius's disciple!


Master Octavius's expression darkened, and his gaze immediately turned icy. "Who are you? How dare you murder my disciple? You have quite the audacity!"

"So, it was you who laced our drinks with Bloodspawn Worms?"

A figure emerged from the darkness and finally stopped at the doorway of the living room.

The dim light in the living room illuminated the figure's face, shocking Dominic. "Du... Dustin? How did you get here?!"

"Your methods of harming people were too clumsy. I saw through it, so now, I've come to settle the score with you," Dustin said indifferently.

"Settle the score? Damn it! Who do you think you are? You dare to act arrogantly in front of Master Octavius? You're simply seeking death!" Dominic spat on the ground and immediately hid behind Master Octavius, saying, "Master Octavius! This kid is the target I want to deal with!"

"You killed my disciple, and instead of fleeing far away, you dare to come seeking revenge? You truly don't know your own limits!" Master Octavius said ominously.

"Don't know my limits?"

Dustin suddenly chuckled. "Why do you think I dared to show up here?"

"What? Do you have reinforcements?" Master Octavius's gaze swept around, trying to find something.

"No reinforcements, because I alone am enough to deal with you when it comes to dealing with people like you," Dustin said calmly.


Master Octavius's eyes glared, and he angrily said, "You dare to look down on me? Today, I'll make you wish you were dead!"

With those words, he waved his long sleeves.

A large cloud of black smoke spewed out, covering the sky and pressing toward Dustin.


Dustin lightly blew.

A strong wind rose, with sand and stones flying everywhere.

The black smoke that had just rushed towards him was instantly blown away, and with even greater momentum, it rebounded back.


Master Octavius's face changed slightly, and he wildly waved his long sleeves, forming a barrier of true internal energy that kept the majority of the black smoke outside.

However, a small portion of the residual smoke blew onto Dominic.

At first, Dominic was bewildered, but then he suddenly felt an unbearable itch all over his body. He began scratching himself frantically, and his hands started to bleed.

"What's happening? What was that thing just now?"

As he scratched himself more and more intensely, his entire body became covered in bloody wounds, especially his face, which had been scratched until the skin was raw and the flesh was mangled.


Dominic screamed in agony but couldn't control himself. He could only keep scratching, as if he wanted to tear himself apart.

"Master Octavius! Save me!" Dominic cried out in desperation.

If this continued, he might actually scratch himself to death.

"You're truly useless!"

Master Octavius furrowed his brows slightly and immediately took out a bottle of medicine, sprinkling it on Dominic.

After a few breaths, Dominic finally stopped self-harming.

However, at this moment, he was completely unrecognizable, covered in blood.

Chapter 1485 Fellow Practitioner

"Mystic Arts Order's Flea Powder? Quite interesting," Dustin squinted his eyes and quickly figured it out.

Obviously, this so-called Master Octavius was not an ordinary character but a master of the Mystic Arts Order.

"Oh? So, we're fellow practitioners. No wonder you were able to see through my methods," Master Octavius looked Dustin up and down and couldn't help but raise his opinion of him.

The sudden attack just now was something ordinary martial artists couldn't defend against. Dustin had merely blown once, and the crisis was resolved. It was indeed something special.

"Ah, my face! My handsome face!"

Dominic, after being detoxified, covered his mangled face and let out painful howls. At the same time, he roared, "Master Octavius! Kill him for me! Cut him to pieces!"


Master Octavius's face darkened, and he gave Dominic a strong slap, sending him flying.

His temperament was truly unpredictable.

"Young man, as fellow practitioners, if you kneel before me and apologize, and then become my disciple, I will spare your life. How about that?" Master Octavius suggested with an ominous tone.

Since his personal disciple was dead, he needed someone to run errands for him, often searching for prey.

Dustin was young, but his strength was not to be underestimated, making him a suitable candidate as a disciple.

"Become your disciple? You're not even worthy," Dustin sneered. "Please take a piss and take a good look at yourself. See what kind of character you are? Trash like you isn't even worthy of being a human!"

"You're looking for death!"

Hearing these words, Master Octavius instantly flew into a rage.

Without further ado, he extended his sleeves, and two black rays of light shot out directly at Dustin's eyes.

Dustin raised a single hand, and with a wave to both sides, he formed an "X" in the air.

"Swoosh, swoosh!"

The two black rays of light were directly cut off and fell to the ground in four pieces, splattering blood everywhere.

They were revealed to be two severed black snakes!


Seeing how Dustin casually broke his attack, Master Octavius's face changed dramatically.

These two snakes had been carefully cultivated by him over several years. Not only were they highly toxic, but they were also incredibly fast. Unexpectedly, even a Martial Grandmaster would have difficulty defending against them by surprise.

The young man before him had casually waved his hands twice and killed his precious snakes.

It was truly astonishing!

"Who are you, after all?"

Master Octavius's face became serious, and he withdrew his previous contempt.

"You ask me who I am? You don't even have the qualifications to know. A scum like you from the underworld doesn't deserve to live," Dustin replied with a sneer.

Dustin slowly raised his hand and pointed at Master Octavius from a distance.


A blazing white light shot out instantly, like a sword drawn from its sheath, piercing directly toward Master Octavius's chest.

This move appeared ordinary, but it contained earth-shattering power.


Master Octavius felt his breath stifle as if his throat had been constricted, and a sense of impending death engulfed his entire body.

Without time to think, he immediately crossed his arms to protect his chest, pouring all the true internal energy in his body into a protective barrier.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three consecutive explosions.

The first one shattered Master Octavius's energy barrier.

The second one shattered Master Octavius's arms.

The third one sent Master Octavius flying like a cannonball, crashing heavily into a wall and creating a pit.

Blood flowed from his mouth and nose.

His clothes were torn apart, revealing the damaged protective armor underneath. But at this moment, the armor was completely destroyed, and the chest plate had caved in and twisted, leaving a gaping hole.
Chapter 1476 Winning by a Landslide

Amidst a lot of attention, a fancy parade of cars slowly started moving across the street and finally stopped at the doorstep of the Rejuvenating Ointment Medicine Company.

Seeing this, Isabela's face lit up instantly. "Hahaha... it's our people! Our reinforcements have arrived!"

"Fantastic! It's finally our moment to shine!" Dominic was also overjoyed.

Although Reginald Langford's appearance had caused some complications, they were well-prepared and could still turn the tide.

"Who could it be?" Winston rubbed his chin, muttering to himself, his eyes filled with anticipation.

The allies of the Torby and Stratford families had all arrived, but could there be another surprise in store?

"Dustin! Belinda! Lucius!"

Isabela called out their names one by one, triumphantly saying, "I told you not to celebrate too early. How's it going now? Feeling a bit embarrassed? Hahaha..."

"I admit you've got something, but unfortunately, we're still one step ahead," Dominic said arrogantly.

Just as the two of them were taunting and mocking, something unexpected happened.

The car convoy that had just stopped seemed to have noticed something and suddenly started moving again!

Following that, one luxury car after another began to turn around and eventually arrived at the entrance of the Remington Corporation.

Once the vehicles stopped, elegantly dressed dignitaries got out one by one and began to congratulate in an orderly manner.

" Archibald, along with many members of the Hamilton family of the royalty clan, have come to celebrate and wish Remington Corporation a prosperous opening and thriving business!"

Leading them, Archibald stepped forward, clasping his fists towards Dustin and the others.

As soon as these words were spoken, the entire crowd was in an uproar.

"What? Lord Archibald from the Hamilton family of the royalty clan is here too? Am I seeing things?"

"My goodness! A small pharmaceutical company's opening has actually attracted the attention of the royal families of Stonia. What on earth is going on?"

The people were discussing in shock and amazement.

The Hamilton family of the royalty clan was even more prominent than the Langford family, standing at the pinnacle of the Dragonmarsh. With renowned warriors and immense influence in the military, they were a colossal family!

Such a giant family was actually here to congratulate a small Remington family?

It was simply unbelievable!

"Hamilton family? How is this possible?!"

At this moment, Isabela and the others were struck dumb, standing frozen in place.

Their eyes widened, faces full of disbelief.

Wasn't the car convoy supposed to be reinforcements from the Torby and Stratford families? How did it become affiliated with the Remington family?

Most importantly, how could a second-tier family like the Remington family persuade the Hamilton family, a behemoth like that, to attend?

Before they could recover from their shock, another luxury car convoy appeared at the street corner.

This time, they were on the right path, heading straight for the Remington Corporation and stopping steadily.

The car doors opened, and a lady in a red body-hugging dress, along with a group of dignitaries, descended in a grand procession.

"Roberts family from the royalty clan, here to offer congratulations!"

"As a gesture of goodwill, we will place a hundred billion orders, wishing Remington Corporation great success and prosperity!" Natasha said with a smile.

As soon as these words were spoken, the entire scene exploded with commotion.

"Oh my goodness! It's not just the Hamilton family; now even the Roberts family from the royalty clan is here. Am I dreaming?"

"Who could it be? Who could possibly bring both major Torby clan families to the scene at the same time?!"

"Incredible! Truly incredible!"

The people were discussing excitedly, utterly amazed.

With the Hamilton family's presence, and now the Roberts family too, the impact was immeasurable!

In this gambling match, Remington Corporation was winning by a landslide.

The Torby and Stratford families had no chance of a comeback.


Isabela's legs went weak, and she collapsed to the ground, her face ashen.

She had completely lost hope!

Chapter 1477 Unbridgeable Gap

At this moment, it wasn't just Isabela.

All the members of the Torby and Stratford families, including everyone, were deeply shocked.

They couldn't believe how things had turned out. If it had just been the Langford family involved, they might still have had a glimmer of hope for victory. But now, with both major royal families getting involved, they realized they had no choice but to yield.

You see, there's a vast difference between a wealthy family and a royal family. Wealthy people might have money, but in front of those with power, they don't even count. It's like comparing apples and oranges. The royal families have both money and power. In fact, the royal families could easily wipe out wealthy families overnight.

That's the unbridgeable gap between them.

"The Langford family, the Hamilton family, the Roberts family... How could this happen? What's going on?"

Dominic was stunned and filled with anxiety. He couldn't fathom how the small Remington Corporation had managed to garner the support of the royal families.

"Stop talking about it! Surrender immediately, or the consequences will be dire!"

After the brief shock, Winston quickly realized the gravity of the situation. Though he didn't know how Remington Corporation had pulled this off, the fact remained that they were now defeated. If they resisted, it wouldn't help them in any way and might even anger the two royal families. That would spell doom for the Torby and Stratford families.

Eventually, under Winston's urging, Isabela and Dominic had no choice but to admit defeat.

"This time, we've lost. We're willing to concede!"

"From now on, we won't sell Rejuvenating Ointment anymore. The company will be shut down. Are you satisfied now?"

Isabela said through gritted teeth, filled with resentment. She had lost, but she was far from accepting it. In her view, without the intervention of the two royal families, victory should have been theirs.

"Miss Torby, it's still quite a while before the sun sets. Is it too early to surrender? Why don't you hold on a little longer?" Belinda said with a smirk, a hint of irony in her tone.

"Hmph! You're just lucky. There's nothing impressive about it. We'll see what the future holds!"

Leaving behind these harsh words, Isabela stormed off.

"Let's go."

Winston signaled, and soon, they departed with a group of people.

In just a few minutes, both the Torby and Stratford families had left, leaving the newly opened company deserted. The wealthy and influential guests who had come to support them also dispersed immediately.

In the end, Remington Corporation emerged as the clear victor.

However, the story didn't end there.

When the Langford family, the Hamilton family, and the Roberts family arrived, more and more forces heard about it and came to offer their congratulations. They placed numerous orders for Jade Dew Ointment.

In no time, Remington Corporation became incredibly popular, and people were practically trampling over each other to get in.

Various forces and wealthy individuals kept pouring in, and the company's threshold was on the verge of being broken.

Luxury cars lined the streets from one end to the other.

The name "Jade Dew Ointment" spread like wildfire, echoing throughout Stonia in just one day.

The Rejuvenating Ointment of the Torby and Stratford families was completely overshadowed.

Customers who had placed orders with them rushed to return the products, causing massive losses for the Torby and Stratford families.

To promote their product, the two families had invested heavily and worked tirelessly, even producing Rejuvenating Ointment overnight.

Chapter 1478 Bankrupt

The result was that they hadn't even started making money, and the company went bankrupt before it could take off. Not only did the ointments pile up unsold, but all the funds they had invested had gone down the drain.

For a while, the Torby and Stratford families were facing numerous internal and external troubles.

In contrast, things were going quite the opposite for the Remington family.

Due to the open support of the two major royal families, the Remington family, originally considered a second-tier power, skyrocketed to first-tier status.

Not only were they making a fortune, but they were also surpassing the wealthy families in terms of social connections and resources. At this rate, it would take only three months for the Remington family to truly ascend to the ranks of the wealthy families.

By then, Stonia would have nine prominent wealthy families!


At night, in the Torby family's meeting room, Winston, the head of the Torby family, was discussing countermeasures with Horatio, the head of the Stratford family. The only people present were Isabela, Dominic, and a few close relatives.

"Mr Winston, what's going on?"

"You kept assuring us earlier, saying that as long as the Stratford family joined, we could all get rich together."

"But now, after the Stratford family invested a significant amount of money, the new company has just opened, and it's already closed."

"Most importantly, all the customers who placed orders are demanding refunds. With all this back and forth, the Stratford family has suffered heavy losses!"

Horatio kept lamenting; his tone filled with complaints. If they hadn't believed Winston's persuasion and invested in the Rejuvenating Ointment, the Stratford family wouldn't have ended up in this situation today.

It's worth noting that the production cost of Rejuvenating Ointment was extremely high, and coupled with the large number of orders they had taken, they had spent a fortune to collect the required herbs.

They had thought they would make a big profit, but they never expected to incur such heavy losses. It had reached the point where they were feeling it in their bones.

Now, the entire Stratford family was filled with criticism.

"Mr Horatio, please don't be too hasty," Winston sighed and said, "The losses for your Stratford family are not small, but where does that leave our Torby family? We're all in the same boat. We rise and fall together, whether it's good or bad."

"While that's true, the way you handled this matter was really poor, wasn't it? You couldn't even deal with the small Remington family, and you got yourselves involved in this mess," Horatio shook his head in frustration.

"Mr Horatio, today's incident was purely accidental. If it weren't for the intervention of the royal families, we would have definitely won," Winston said.

"What? The yoyal families? What's going on?" Horatio was taken aback.

"The situation is like this..."

Winston didn't hide anything and briefly explained what had happened.

After listening, Horatio immediately furrowed his brows, his expression becoming particularly grave. "Strange, how could a powerful force like the royal families help the small Remington family?"

"Dad, based on our speculation, this matter should be related to the Fairchild family," Dominic suddenly spoke up.

"While the Fairchild family is not small in influence, I doubt they have the capability to persuade both the Hamilton and Roberts families to intervene," Horatio said skeptically.

"The Fairchild family, is still stronger than the Torby and Stratford families individually," Dominic reasoned. "Perhaps they heavily invested in this and managed to persuade the two royal families."

"Mr Winston, what do you think?" Horatio didn't give a direct response but looked at Winston.

"This matter does seem strange to me, but other than the Fairchild family, I can't think of anyone else," Winston shook his head.

The Remington family, represented by Belinda, was only a second-tier power and didn't even have the qualifications to associate with the Royal families, so they didn't have the ability to do this.

As for Dustin, he was completely disregarded.

He was just an unknown junior, not even worthy of helping the Royal families tie their shoelaces, so how could he have such power?

Chapter 1479 The Unknown Junior

"Alright, discussing this now is pointless. Let's focus on how to get out of the current situation," Sophia, who had been silent all along, suddenly spoke up.

She was a decisive and assertive person, never one to easily admit defeat. Even though they had lost this time, she was determined to find an opportunity to make up for it.

"Both of the major royal families have shown their faces, and it's clear that we won't be able to do business with the Rejuvenating Ointment anymore," Horatio sighed and then looked up. "Mr Winston, you've always been full of ideas. Do you have any good solutions to recover some of our losses?"

"It's not something I can solve in the short term," Winston said helplessly. If he had a solution, he wouldn't be sitting here worrying.

"Dad, I have an idea!" Isabela suddenly spoke up, as if she had thought of something.

"Oh? What's your idea? Tell us," Winston immediately became interested. The others all looked at her with eager anticipation.

"Dad, the formula for our Rejuvenating Ointment was obtained from Dustin. Is it possible that he has similar high-quality formulas on him?" Isabela squinted her eyes.

Winston and Sophia exchanged glances and immediately understood what their daughter was getting at. However, they didn't want to reveal their thoughts openly, as it was not a very honorable thing to do.

"Isabela, are you suggesting that we secretly capture Dustin and then force him to reveal all of his formulas?" Dominic tentatively asked.

"That's right!" Isabela nodded firmly. "Dustin must have many secrets on him, and I believe that if we capture him and interrogate him rigorously, we can definitely uncover many surprises!"

"Haha... That's a good idea!" Horatio's eyes lit up. "We'll agree to stop producing and selling Rejuvenating Ointment, but we won't say anything about not selling other medicines. If there really are any miraculous formulas, we can not only recover our losses but also make a big profit!"

"That's right," Winston nodded in agreement. "Where there's one, there's usually more. Dustin probably has other high-quality formulas."

When they had previously negotiated with the Torby family, Dustin had kept a trump card hidden, which was enough to prove that this young man had a deep understanding of strategy and was skilled at hiding his abilities.

"Isabela, Dustin has already boarded the Fairchild family's ship. Wouldn't it be too risky for us to take action now?" Dominic pondered.

The Fairchild family and the Remington family were currently in the limelight, and with the backing of two major royal families, it might be dangerous to abduct someone like Dustin.

"Don't be afraid of entering a tiger's den; just be afraid of coming out empty-handed. As long as we can recover our losses and turn the tables, what's a little risk?" Isabela dismissed the concern. "Besides, Dustin is just a pawn being used. Now that he has lost his value, would the Fairchild family and the Remington family care about his life or death?"

"Well..." Dominic frowned in thought, feeling a bit unsure.

"Dominic, don't tell me you've lost your courage and become so timid?" Isabela said with a hint of dissatisfaction. "You used to be incredibly smart and unyielding. Why do you seem like a different person today?"

"It's a significant matter, so it's better to be cautious. Being careful is always the right approach," Dominic smiled awkwardly.

Damn, it's always me charging ahead while you cheer from behind. Of course, you don't feel any danger. If something goes wrong, it's me who will suffer the consequences.

"Dominic, don't worry. This matter won't be dangerous at all," Isabela said solemnly. "As long as we act discreetly and leave no clues, who would suspect us? Don't forget, we have an extraordinary expert to help us. With this expert's assistance, everything will be foolproof!"

"Dominic, he's just an unknown junior. Why are you so nervous? With the support of our two wealthy families, you can go ahead and do it. If anything goes wrong, your uncle will take responsibility for you!" Winston patted his chest and said confidently.

After hearing the reassurance from his father and sister, Dominic immediately regained his confidence and said boldly, "Alright, I'll take the risk and personally bring Dustin back!"


At this moment, inside a luxurious private room at the Imperial Palace Cuisine.

Chapter 1480 Just a Commoner

Dustin, Belinda, and Lucius were sitting together, drinking and chatting happily.

Today, their new company had a grand opening, and everything went perfectly. All three of them made lots and lots of money.

After finishing work, they immediately came to the Imperial Palace Cuisine to celebrate with drinks.

"Hahaha... today has been so much fun!"

"Dominic and Isabela, those troublesome lovebirds, finally got a taste of their own medicine. Just thinking about their faces after their big failure makes me want to laugh."

Lucius raised his glass and laughed heartily.

He had disliked Isabela and the others for a long time. They even threatened his big sister a few days ago, so today, he finally let out his frustration.

"It's all thanks to Lucius's extensive connections. He invited the Hamilton family and the Roberts family to join us. Otherwise, we wouldn't be enjoying this success today."

"Here, Lucius, I toast to you."

Belinda smiled and raised his glass.

"Wait a minute..."

Lucius was puzzled and said, "Wasn't it your Remington family who invited the two royal families? What does it have to do with our Fairchild family?"


Belinda's face froze, "Lucius, are you kidding? Our Remington family is just a second-rate family. We can't possibly invite the royal families."

"The problem is, our Fairchild family can't do it either!" Lucius looked puzzled.

Although he used his connections to get a lot of support, it definitely did not include the Hamilton family and the Roberts family. In fact, he didn't have that kind of power, not even with his father's help. The gap between the aristocracy and the royal families was just too huge.

"It's not our Remington family, and it's not your Fairchild family, so who could it be?" Belinda looked confused.

She had always thought that it was the Fairchild family who had spent a lot of money to invite the two royal families to join them. But now, it seemed like that wasn't the case.

"Dustin... It couldn't be you, could it?"

Lucius suddenly turned his gaze towards Dustin, looking a bit surprised and suspicious.

"Me?" Dustin smiled faintly and replied ambiguously, "Do I, a commoner, have the ability to do something that even you and your families can't?"

"That's true," Lucius nodded thoughtfully. "The people who can invite the royal families are either royalty or powerful lords."

"Well, let's not dwell on that. Maybe the two royal families saw the potential of our Jade Dew Ointment and decided to lend a hand," Belinda said with a meaningful look at Dustin before changing the subject.

She had a feeling that there was something mysterious about Dustin, but it wasn't the right time to uncover it.

"Come on, let's drink!" Lucius didn't want to think too much. He picked up his glass and started drinking again.

In no time, he finished a whole bottle of wine.

"Waiter! Bring two more bottles of good wine!"

Lucius shouted towards the door.

Soon, a female server came in with two bottles of wine and placed them on the table.

"Here! Let's drink!"

Lucius poured three glasses of wine and was about to down it in one go. But halfway through, Dustin raised his hand to stop him.

"This wine seems suspicious. We shouldn't drink it!"
Please tell me dahlia doesn't come back
Dahlia became more powerful, but a bit selectively amnesiac; she only forgot Dustin. which is good for Natasha. I love the character of Natasha. Dustin appreciate her a lot !
Chapter 1471 The Grand Opening

When all three people agreed, Isabela couldn't help but feel happy, a sly smile curling up at the corner of her mouth.

They're such a bunch of fools!

She couldn't believe how easily they fell for her little trick, just with a few provocations.

Without complete confidence, why would she have set up this gamble in the first place?

Before, when she framed them with the dead bodies, it was just Plan A. Now, it's the decisive Plan B.

As long as Dustin and the others dare to gamble, they are basically jumping into a fire pit themselves.

"Come on! Prepare the agreement, sign and seal!" Isabela shouted.

Her subordinates immediately got busy and soon brought two contracts.

The related gambling agreements were written very clearly.

If anyone loses, they not only have to hand over the formula but also publicly apologize and promise not to sell related drugs again.

"Take a good look, okay? Sign it once you've read it carefully," Isabela urged.

Dustin and the others didn't waste any words, and after confirming that the contract was correct, they each signed their names.

Isabela and Dominic exchanged glances and did the same.

The gambling agreement was officially in effect.

"Hahaha... you actually signed it, I can't believe it," Isabela couldn't contain her amusement anymore and taunted mercilessly, "Our Rejuvenation Ointment has already hit the market and we've taken numerous orders, while you've just started your business. How do you plan to compete with us?"

Indeed, Jade Dew Ointment was of high quality and had a lower price than their Rejuvenation Ointment. With a bit more promotion, it could become a real hit and completely overshadow their product.

But unfortunately, the other side wouldn't get the chance.

Choosing to compete with their Rejuvenation Ointment when their business was still in its infancy was undoubtedly a path to self-destruction!

"Dustin, in front of so many witnesses, you've all signed the contract already, and there's no turning back now. You might as well accept your fate!" Dominic sneered.

With so many reporters, so many spectators, and the gambling agreement in hand, he wasn't afraid that Dustin and the others wouldn't admit to it.

"Don't be too sure. The outcome is still uncertain," Dustin said calmly.

"Uncertain?" Dominic chuckled, "I see you won't give up until you see a coffin. Well then, I'll make you completely give up!"

With that, he raised his hand and clapped.

Immediately, a large red banner unfurled on the building across the street.

On the red banner, there was a line of big letters - "Congratulations to the Grand Opening of the Rejuvenation Ointment Pharmaceutical Company!"

As soon as the banner was displayed, the streets on both sides suddenly became lively.

Two lion dance troupes, one on the left and one on the right, approached the Rejuvenation Ointment Pharmaceutical Company in grand procession.

Wherever they went, they attracted countless onlookers.

"Come and take a look, today our company is celebrating its grand opening. Anyone who buys Rejuvenation Ointment not only gets a discount but also receives a beautiful gift from our company."

"Gifts are limited, so act fast, first come, first served!"

A host with a microphone stood on the other side of the street, loudly announcing.

People from several nearby streets could clearly hear it.

"You can get a gift when buying medicine? Let's go check it out!"

"Hurry! Let's go too, we can't let others get there first!"

The shouting from across the street drew the attention of the crowd.

Led by a few "planted actors," the spectators who had just been watching the excitement on this side immediately rushed over in groups.

The media reporters, after receiving a green signal from Dominic, also ran to the other side of the street to start their extensive coverage and reports.

In just a few minutes, the Remington Corporation's branch on this side was deserted, with only a few staff members left to hold the fort. All the customers had been drawn away by the commotion across the street.

Chapter 1472 Skyrocket Sales

Seeing this scene, Dominic smiled even more happily. "Dustin, do you see this? This is the surprise we prepared for you!"

"So, you've been planning this all along, how despicable!" Belinda spat.

"Hehe... All's fair in love and war, it's your fault for not using your heads and agreeing to gamble with us," Dominic gloated.

"Our side is packed with people, while your side is empty. The victory and defeat are clear. You might as well admit defeat," Isabela sneered.

Although their plot to frame them hadn't worked, luckily, their psychological tactics had.

Their careful planning had not been in vain.

"Why the rush? We still have a chance before the sun sets," Dustin remained calm.

"What? Still not giving up?" Dominic smirked. "Alright, I'll make it a bit more challenging for you, so you'll accept defeat wholeheartedly!"

With that, he took out his phone and dialed a number.

Three minutes later.

A black Mercedes-Benz drove out from a street corner and stopped across the street.

The car door opened, and a well-dressed, overweight man stepped out with his female secretary.

Following that, shouts rang out: "The owner of Dragonheart Pharmacy, ordering five million Rejuvenation Ointments!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the street across from them immediately buzzed with excitement.

Dragonheart Pharmacy was a well-known pharmacy chain in Stonia, with hundreds of stores and a great reputation. The owner of Dragonheart Pharmacy was widely recognized as a billionaire, and now, publicly ordering five million Rejuvenation Ointments was truly surprising.


Shortly after the Mercedes-Benz had parked, a Maybach arrived.

When the car door opened, an elderly man with white hair stepped out, using a cane to walk.

"Chairman of the CitadelCare Pharmacy, ordering ten million Rejuvenation Ointments!" the emcee's voice rang out again.

At the same time, the scene was once again in an uproar.

However, before the commotion could settle, a shocking scene unfolded.

Luxury cars of all makes and models, from Bentleys to Porsches to Rolls-Royces, appeared one after another, as if they were sprouting up like mushrooms after a rain.

Each time a luxury car stopped, a prominent figure emerged from it.

The emcee's voice was relentless, resounding continuously, echoing throughout.

"President of StoniaCrest Drugstore, ordering twenty million Rejuvenation Ointments, wishing our company a prosperous opening!"

"CEO of DragonSentinel Security Company, ordering fifty million Rejuvenation Ointments, wishing our company endless wealth!"

"Meriwether Group, ordering one hundred million Rejuvenation Ointments, wishing our company smooth sailing and prosperity from all directions!"


As they watched one wealthy figure after another arrive, the entire scene erupted.

"Wow! Orders for tens of millions and even hundreds of millions, this is incredible!"

"Is Rejuvenation Ointment really that amazing? It's attracting all these wealthy people to rush to buy it?"

"These rich people must see the potential in Rejuvenation Ointment. We should buy it too, it can't be wrong!"

People were discussing in amazement, taken aback by the turn of events.

Initially, they were just here to watch the excitement, but they never expected the situation to become so explosive.

To the point where many ordinary citizens were tempted to place orders, causing the sales of Rejuvenation Ointment to skyrocket.

The situation was completely one-sided.

"Dustin, do you now see the difference? Do you admit defeat?" Dominic smirked confidently.

"Admit defeat?" Dustin smiled faintly. "How about you turn around and see who's really winning?"

Chapter 1473 Getting Equal

"Turn around? What's that supposed to mean? Do you think you can change the situation just like that?" Dominic sneered and casually turned his head.

He saw that their company's entrance was still bustling with customers, and wealthy individuals from all over the city, big and small, were coming to show their support.

Other than that, there was nothing out of the ordinary.

"Dustin, how old are you, and you're playing these childish tricks? Is it even interesting?" Dominic mocked.

"Hey, can you guys handle losing?" Isabela said with a strange tone. "We have witnesses and evidence, plus the signed bet agreement. No matter how you try to wriggle out of it, you better hand over the formula honestly and save some face."

"Who said we're losing? Open your eyes and see what's over there," Dustin nodded towards the street in the distance.

"Heh... using that trick again? Do you think I'll fall for it?" Dominic snorted and didn't even look back.

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, you must think I'm an idiot.


Just as they were talking, a black Land Rover suddenly sped toward them and stopped steadily at the entrance of the Remington Corporation branch.

The car door opened, and a well-dressed, burly man stepped out.

"Representative from Ashcroft Group congratulates the establishment of Remington Corporation Pharmaceuticals. To show our sincerity, I will order ten million Jade Dew Ointments!" the man announced loudly.

As soon as he spoke, the smiles on Dominic and Isabela's faces froze.

They had thought that Dustin was just bluffing, but they didn't expect someone to actually come to support them.

"Thank you, sir, please come inside!" Belinda's face brightened, and she quickly invited him in.

Although a ten million order couldn't compare to the other side, it was still a good sign.

"Dominic, do we have an Ashcroft Group in Willowbrook? I don't remember," Isabela said, feeling a bit puzzled.

The Torby and Stratford families dominated Willowbrook, with control over all the major factions, so there shouldn't be any unfamiliar forces.

"Ashcroft Group is an influence in Dragonhaven (Dragonhaven). If I'm not mistaken, Lucius probably invited them," Dominic explained.

"I see," Isabela nodded and didn't pay it much attention.

Ten million was nothing more than a drop in the bucket; she didn't take it to heart.

"Dustin, do you really think that a small force like Ashcroft Group can compete with us?" Dominic sneered. "You're too naive!"

"How about we wait and see? The real show is just beginning," Dustin remained unfazed.

"The beginning? Hmph... Today, I want to see what kind of waves you can make!" Dominic was full of disdain.

As soon as he finished speaking, a long convoy suddenly appeared at the street corner.

The convoy consisted entirely of luxury cars, each worth millions.

Sports cars, sedans, SUVs, you name it, they had it all.

The convoy was grand and orderly, and as soon as it appeared, it attracted the attention of countless people.

Finally, under the gaze of the crowd, the luxury car convoy stopped one by one at the entrance of the Remington Corporation branch.

As the car doors opened one by one, wealthy and influential figures stepped out, one after another, to offer their congratulations.

"Representative from EliteRx Health Group is here to order twenty million Jade Dew Ointments, congratulations to Remington Corporation Pharmaceuticals for its grand opening!"

"Steward from SovereignScript Pharmaceuticals is here to order thirty million Jade Dew Ointments, wishing Remington Corporation Pharmaceuticals great prosperity!"

"Representative from StoniaVital Group is here to order eighty million Jade Dew Ointments, wishing Remington Corporation Pharmaceuticals a thriving business and abundant wealth!"


More and more wealthy and influential figures came to offer their congratulations and placed substantial orders.

Their popularity and the volume of their orders were no less than those on the other side.

Seeing this scene, Dominic and Isabela couldn't smile anymore.

Chapter 1474 The Heavy Bombshell

They never expected that within just half an hour, so many wealthy individuals would come to support them.

For a moment, they couldn't help but feel nervous.

Because if this situation continued, they really didn't have full confidence in winning.

"Thank you all for coming. Please, please come inside," Belinda and Prudence were overjoyed and quickly ushered their esteemed guests inside.

In Willowbrook's market, it had been dominated by the Torby and Stratford families, and with the Remington family's strength, they couldn't invite anyone.

Fortunately, with the help of the Fairchild family, they had attracted wealthy merchants from Dragonhaven. Otherwise, Remington Corporation Pharmaceuticals would have suffered a humiliating defeat today.

"Lucius, I didn't expect you to be so well-prepared. Now we can finally compete with the Torby and Stratford families," Belinda smiled with joy.

"All of this was arranged by Little Dustin; I just followed the plan," Lucius said with a casual wave of his folding fan.

"Oh?" Belinda raised an eyebrow and looked at Dustin with surprise. "Young man, how did you know that the Torby and Stratford families would resort to this trick?"

"These are all outdated tactics, nothing too clever," Dustin said with a faint smile. "Besides, even if they didn't play dirty, we've brought so many people to support us, which will still promote Jade Dew Ointment. Either way, we won't lose."

"That's true," Belinda nodded and glanced meaningfully at Isabela and Dominic. "Miss Torby, Mr. Stratford, it seems that today's winner is still uncertain."

Although the Torby and Stratford families were well-prepared, they had managed to thwart all their attempts.

"Humph! Don't celebrate too soon; we still have the upper hand!" Isabela said coldly.

"That's right! We have more troops and generals. Victory will surely be ours!" Dominic said proudly.

Although the Fairchild family had invited many wealthy individuals to help, they were still a single force against the combined might of the two powerful families.

In terms of connections and influence, the Torby and Stratford families were far superior to the Fairchild family. Even in a financial battle, they had at least an eighty percent chance of winning.

"These are just small fry who can't make it to the big stage. The real main event is about to begin," Dustin said with a casual smile.

"Humph! You're just bluffing! Even if you have extraordinary abilities, you're bound to lose today!" Isabela retorted.

As soon as she finished speaking, a Rolls-Royce Phantom suddenly stopped by the side of the road.

Soon, a burly middle-aged man with a stubbled beard stepped out confidently.

The man had a square face, thick eyebrows, and a commanding presence. With every move he made, he exuded an invisible pressure.

"Hmm?" Seeing the middle-aged man, Winston's brow furrowed, and his expression became serious.

On the other hand, Prudence's face lit up as if he had seen the God of Wealth.

"Reginald and the Langford family congratulates Remington Corporation Pharmaceuticals on its prosperity!" the middle-aged man announced loudly.

As soon as he spoke, the entire scene erupted.

"What? Reginald Langford? Isn't he the patriarch of the Langford family?"

"The Langford family is the leader among the Eight Great Families, and Reginald is even a high-ranking official in the current government. Even such a prominent figure has come to show his support. Remington Corporation Pharmaceuticals is going to soar to new heights!"

"Oh my god! What's happening today? Are gods fighting?"


Upon learning of Reginald Langford's identity, the entire scene was in an uproar.

Among the Eight Great Families, the Langford family was universally recognized as the most powerful. They were not only incredibly wealthy and had deep roots, but their influence was unparalleled among the Eight Great Families.

No one expected that Reginald Langford, who usually kept a low profile and rarely appeared in public, would openly support Remington Corporation Pharmaceuticals.

This action was like dropping a heavy bombshell onto a calm lake!

Chapter 1475 The Number and Two

At this moment, the people from the Torby and Stratford families were all in a state of panic.

They had calculated every possibility but never expected that the Langford family, which was the leader among the Eight Great Families, would actually come to support the Remington family.

The difference between the two sides was like night and day, and they were not on the same level at all.

Could it be that the Remington family had the support of the Langford family?

"How... how is this possible? Why would the patriarch of the Langford family come?!" Isabela stared wide-eyed, finding it hard to believe.

Who was Reginald Langford?

He was the patriarch of the Langford family, a high-ranking government official, and a person with a vast network of connections.

Moreover, he was known for his arrogance and rarely associated with anyone.

Even if it was Lucius or Dustin, they couldn't invite Langford’s young master, let alone his parent.

Who could make Reginald Langford personally intervene?

"Trouble!" Dominic broke out in a cold sweat and was in a state of panic.

The Fairchild family alone was already a headache, and now the Langford family had joined the fray, making things even more difficult.

Among the Eight Great Families, the Langford family was number one, the Fairchild family was number two, both belonging to the Upper Four Families. The Torby and Stratford families were in the Lower Four Families, ranking at the bottom.

In terms of overall strength, the Langford and Fairchild families naturally surpassed the Torby and Stratford families.

So, this gambling game had now become unfavorable for them.

It had even turned into a disadvantageous situation.

"How could this be? Could it be that the Fairchild family has formed an alliance with the Langford family?" Winston frowned, his expression serious.

Reginald Langford's appearance had directly affected the entire situation.

All the plans they had made earlier were now uncertain.

"Cheers to the visit of Lord Reginald to our humble abode. Please, please come inside!" Prudence personally welcomed Reginald and led him into the building.

The Langford family didn't need to buy any Jade Dew Ointment; their presence alone was already a huge help.

It was believed that soon, any forces associated with the Langford family would rush over to show their support.

"Miss Torby, how about it? Are you surprised? Does it exceed your expectations?" Belinda was elated.

To be honest, she hadn't expected that Lucius had such great connections and could actually invite Reginald Langford.

With the support of the Langford family, their chances of winning in today's gambling game had greatly increased.

"Why would Lord Reginald help you? What kind of means did you use?" Isabela frowned, her face looking even more unsightly.

"Please don't bother, Miss Torby. Just think about what you'll do if you lose," Belinda said with a smug smile.

"Humph! Even if you have the support of the Langford family, it doesn't necessarily mean we'll lose!" Isabela said with a cold snort.

Although the Langford and Fairchild families were more powerful than the Torby and Stratford families, they were willing to go all out and spare no cost to win this gambling game. The Langford and Fairchild families, on the other hand, could not afford to go to such extremes.

This was the key to their victory.

"Look! Another convoy is coming!"

At this moment, a cry of astonishment suddenly rang out.

Everyone turned to look, and they saw another luxury convoy approaching the scene.

The convoy was even more grand than before, and it was clear that it had a significant background.

"Judging from this momentum, it's estimated that another group of big shots is here."

"Guess who these big shots are?"

"It's hard to say. Right now, both sides seem evenly matched, and it's unclear who will win. Anything is possible."

"Listening to one piece of advice is better than having a hundred pieces of gold."

Chapter 1341 Darian's Mystical Technique

"Dustin, these guys have bad intentions. You don't have to bother with them," urged Isabela.

She volunteered because she was confident that Darian wouldn't dare to cause trouble.

But if Dustin were to step in, he might embarrass himself.

"Don't worry, I know how to handle this."

Dustin smiled and looked at Darian, asking, "What do you need from me, Darian?"

"It's simple, give me a drop of your blood and a few strands of your hair. After that, just follow my instructions," Darian grinned.


Dustin nodded, took out a silver needle, pricked his index finger, and squeezed a drop of blood into an empty cup.

Then, he plucked a few strands of hair and dropped them into the cup, asking, "Is this enough?"

"It'll do."

Darian smirked with malicious intent and exchanged a glance with Dominic.

Dominic nodded with a relaxed posture, reclining on the couch as if he was watching a show.

Darian knew exactly what he was doing, especially when it came to controlling people. Once you fell under his influence, he had complete control.

He couldn't wait to see Dustin's miserable state.

"Please wait a moment, everyone. This is a secret technique of our sect, not to be revealed to outsiders," Darian said, lifting the cup containing hair and blood, then briskly walked into the guest room's restroom.

"Hmph! Playing tricks!"

Isabela pursed her lips, showing her disdain. She never believed in supernatural things, thinking they were just tricks used by charlatans (people falsely claiming to have a special knowledge).

Five minutes later.

Darian returned from the restroom, holding a yellow piece of paper in his hand. The paper was covered with strange symbols that looked surprisingly authentic.

"Dustin, close your eyes and relax your body," Darian approached and instructed.


Dustin closed his eyes slowly and relaxed his entire body.

Isabela furrowed her brows, wanting to say something, but ultimately chose to wait and see. She wanted to know what these people were up to.


Darian held the paper with one hand, silently chanted some incantations, and then slapped Dustin on the chest with the other hand.

The next moment, Dustin's head seemed to lose strength and drooped slowly. He appeared to be in a state of unconsciousness.

Seeing this, Darian grinned wickedly and ordered, "From now on, you will obey my commands. First, stand up and obey."

With closed eyes, Dustin slowly stood up as instructed.

"Turn in place twice," Darian commanded again.

Dustin obediently followed the order and turned twice.

"Very good."

Darian nodded with a smile, picked up a glass of wine from the table, and handed it to Dustin, saying, "Drink it."

Dustin took the glass without hesitation and drank it all at once.

Witnessing this, the onlookers couldn't help but express their amazement.

"Wow! What's going on? This guy is completely submissive to Darian?"

"Is this Darian's mystical technique? It's incredible!"

"A single piece of paper can control someone's actions; it's truly mind-blowing!"

The wealthy kids whispered in astonishment. They knew Darian was up to something, but they didn't expect it to be this bizarre.

"Darian! What have you done? Wake Dustin up now!" Isabela exclaimed.

At first, she had her doubts, but seeing Dustin under control, she immediately sensed that something was wrong.

"Sister-in-law, stay calm. Once I finish the ritual, he'll wake up on his own," Darian said with a slight smile.

"No, we have to wake him up now!"

Isabela reached out to touch Dustin but stopped abruptly.


Darian suddenly shouted, giving her a serious warning, "Sister-in-law, once the ritual has started, it must be completed. If you forcibly wake him up, you might turn him into a vegetable!"


Isabela was taken aback, quickly retracting her hand.

Chapter 1342 The Sudden Turn of Events

"Isabela, relax. We're just playing around; we won't harm him," Dominic reassured her.

"Hmph! It better be that way!"

Isabela frowned but ultimately held back.

Mainly, she was worried that her impulsive actions might harm Dustin.

"Darian, has this guy already been under your control?" a girl asked.

"Of course!"

Darian smirked arrogantly. "He's now nothing but a puppet, without pain, without memory. He'll do whatever I tell him to do, completely obedient, and with no recollection afterward."

"Really? Then can you make him slap himself?" the girl asked with anticipation.

"No problem."

Darian grinned maliciously, turned to Dustin, and commanded, "Now, use your hand and give yourself a good slap."

"Darian! You—"

Isabela was about to intervene, but before she could, Dustin had already raised his hand. In front of everyone's astonished gaze, he slapped Darian right across the face.


The slap was powerful, causing Darian to stagger, feeling dizzy, and blood started flowing from his nose.


The sudden turn of events left everyone dumbfounded.

Wasn't he supposed to slap himself?

How did he end up slapping Darian?


Darian was utterly bewildered, holding his throbbing face, finding it hard to believe.

He wondered if he had given the wrong command or if Dustin had misunderstood.

"Hey! Are you deaf or what?"

Darian wiped off the blood and shouted angrily, "I told you to slap yourself, not me!"


Without any unnecessary movements, Dustin delivered another slap to Darian's face, this time with even greater force, causing him to stumble, teeth flying.

Darian's once plump face now resembled a swollen bun, with clear finger marks.

Isabela was frozen in shock.

Dominic was equally stunned.

The wealthy kids around couldn't comprehend what was happening.

Weren't they supposed to be completely obedient?

Why wasn't he following the script?

"Damn! Are you rebelling against me? Watch how I teach you a lesson today!"

After picking himself up, Darian was furious. He grabbed a bottle of wine from the coffee table and was about to smash it on Dustin's head.

But before he could do that, as he raised the bottle, Dustin delivered yet another slap to his face. Darian's vision spun, and he fell flat on the floor, eating dirt.

"Damn! Are you deaf or what?"

Darian yelled, his face red with anger. "I told you to slap yourself, not me!"


"No good!"

Dustin raised his hand once again and slapped Darian. With each word Darian uttered, his face received another resounding slap.

By now, Darian's nose was crooked, his mouth was askew, and his appearance was horrifying.

Forced to desperation, he could only curl up on the ground, hands covering his head, wailing repeatedly, "Stop, stop... I was wrong, I was wrong... Please, stop!"

Dustin paid no heed, continuing his onslaught with eyes shut, unleashing a barrage of punches and kicks as if he were possessed.

"Quick! Stop him!"

Seeing the situation spiraling out of control, Dominic hurriedly ordered a few of his underlings to intervene.

However, as soon as the underlings got close, Dustin singlehandedly slapped them away, sending them sprawling.

The scene had completely descended into chaos.

Chapter 1343 Ruined Handsome Face

"What the hell! What's going on? Is this guy insane?" Watching Dustin acting possessed, Dominic furrowed his brow, his face turning ugly.

But he didn't dare to approach, or he'd get slapped too.

Suddenly, Dominic seemed to have an idea and shouted, "Darian! This guy has gone out of control. Release the spell!"

"Release, release, release—the spell!" Darian, enduring the pain, quickly tore off the talisman on Dustin's chest.

The next moment, Dustin shivered all over and immediately stopped his actions.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief, finally bringing things under control.

Damn, after losing control, this guy was as strong as an ox, and ordinary people couldn't stop him.

"What happened?" After a few breaths, Dustin slowly opened his eyes, looking bewildered. He turned his head left and right, wearing a strange expression. "Huh... what happened to your faces?"

The several young men who had been slapped bit their tongues, suppressing their anger but unable to retaliate. They could only pretend not to know anything.

"Ah! Darian, how did you get injured like this?" Dustin looked down and was shocked. He quickly helped the bruised and swollen Darian, showing deep concern. "Who hit you just now? They went too far, didn't they? Look at your handsome face, it's been ruined! It's truly despicable!"

Darian's face twitched uncontrollably, tears streaming down his cheeks. He had been crying from the pain.

Damn it! He was so frustrated! If it were anyone else who had dared to hit him like this, he would have been furious long ago. But the fact that he had initiated this with his witchcraft, and then lost control, led to the current situation.

In other words, he had brought this upon himself.

Faced with this situation, he could only swallow his pride.

"Darian, why are you crying? Here, let me wipe your tears for you," Dustin said compassionately, pulling out two tissues and offering to wipe Darian's tears.

"Get away! Stay far from me!"

Darian covered his face, retreating two steps as if he were a frightened bird.

The series of slaps had left him traumatized.

"What's going on?" Dustin pretended to be confused. "Why are all of you looking at me like that? What happened?"

"Cough, cough..." Isabela cleared her throat, wearing a somewhat strange expression. "Dustin, you were controlled by Darian's mystical technique just now, but then you unexpectedly lost control, and you went on a rampage, relentlessly beating up Darian."

"What? I lost control? Went on a rampage?"

Dustin was momentarily stunned, pretending to be surprised. "Really? So you're saying that I caused all those injuries on Darian's face?"

"That's right," Isabela nodded.

"No wonder... No wonder my hand hurts so much."

Dustin rubbed his palm and looked at Darian. He said with a sigh, "Darian, you really should be more careful when practicing your skills. Look what you've done. You made me lose control. Well... let's forget about it. Today's incident, let's consider it a lesson."

"You... you..." Darian was about to say something, but when he opened his mouth, his teeth fell out, making him cover his mouth in panic.

Otherwise, he'd be searching for his teeth all over the floor.

Chapter 1344 Some Strange Tricks

"Alright, let's call it a day," Isabela said as she stood up slowly. She glanced at Dominic and added, "I have lunch plans with Dustin, so I won't keep you company any longer. I wish you all a good time."

With that, she linked her arm with Dustin's and swaggered out of the VIP room.

Leaving behind a group of people looking at each other with unpleasant expressions.

The good mood from earlier had been completely ruined.

"Darian, how are you feeling? Are you okay?" Dominic examined Darian's injuries and saw that he was in a miserable state. His face had been severely disfigured, making his originally unattractive features even more unsightly.

"Damn it! That guy hit me way too hard. I've never been humiliated like this before!" Darian, his remaining teeth clenched, looked resentful.

"Originally, I wanted you to teach that guy a lesson, but you ended up hurting yourself instead," Dominic shook his head.

If you're not skilled, don't show off. It's embarrassing.

"It's strange. My mind control technique has always been foolproof. Master Heinrich said that as long as the other person isn't from the same sect, they can't resist it," Darian furrowed his brows, lost in thought.

"Isn't it possible... that the guy named Dustin was intentionally acting?" Suddenly, Charlotte Beaumont, the woman in the red dress, chimed in.

"Intentionally acting?" When these words came out, everyone's gaze turned toward her.

"I find it strange. Even if he lost control, would he really grab Darian and beat him up like that?" Charlotte Beaumont analyzed.

"That makes sense," Dominic stroked his chin, deep in thought. "That kid looks polite, but he's quite cunning. We shouldn't rule out the possibility that he did it intentionally."

"It's really weird.

"Nothing in this world is absolute. Maybe that kid has some strange tricks up his sleeve," Dominic squinted his eyes. "Darian, think carefully. Why would a normal person willingly become a guinea pig? He not only didn't resist, but he also readily agreed. Don't you find that strange?"

"Now that you mention it, it does seem off." Darian began to ponder.

In the elite circle of Stonia, there were many talented individuals.

Meeting someone from the same field was not impossible.

"Darian, today, it seems like we've been set up by someone. The attack was so severe. If we don't regain our dignity, how can we face others in the future?" Dominic's face darkened.

"Damn it! I swear I won't let this go!" Darian pounded the table in frustration.

Due to his forceful movement, he pulled on his wound, causing him to grimace in pain.

"Miss Torby seems to hold Dustin in high regard. It might not be easy to make a move on him," Charlotte pointed out.

"Isabela is indeed troublesome, but we can take care of it discreetly," Dominic sneered. "He's just a pretty boy without power or influence. As long as we handle it quietly, there won't be any trouble."

"That's right! Isabela can only protect him temporarily. She won't be able to protect him forever. Sooner or later, I will kill him!" Darian declared fiercely.

"Darian, to keep things low-key and avoid arousing suspicion, we should ask Master Heinrich to step in. With his abilities, I believe he can easily resolve this matter," Dominic suggested.

"No problem! I'll contact Master Heinrich. Within three days, I'll make sure that kid has no place to bury himself!" Darian's eyes gleamed with determination.

Darian, as the young master of the Mystborne family, if he didn't avenge himself after being humiliated like this, how could he show his face in the social circle?

"Hmph! Dare to steal my woman? You're truly seeking your own death!" Dominic sneered with a cold smile.

Chapter 1345 Lucky Star

"Hahaha... Little Divine Doctor, those slaps you just delivered were truly beautiful. You turned Darian's chubby face into a pig's head. It's really cracking me up," Isabela said as they walked out of the Imperial Club, her laughter shaking her whole body, dispelling the previous gloom.

Originally, she had brought Dustin here to assert dominance and purposely provoke Dominic. She hadn't expected the effect to be so good. Not only did she disgust the scumbag, but she also gave his group of friends a beating, which was quite satisfying.

"In the end, it's their own fault. If they didn't have malicious intentions, they wouldn't have ended up like this," Dustin said with a faint smile.

"What's that called? Trying to steal a chicken only to lose the rice!" Isabela couldn't help but chuckle.

She naturally understood that Darian had intentionally targeted Dustin earlier, but his lack of skill had led to an accidental loss of control. In the end, instead of harming others, he had harmed himself, which was a kind of retribution.

"Don't worry; I can easily handle them." Isabela said with confidence.

She knew that Darian and his friends were not good people. She wanted Dustin to avoid dealing with such people in the future, as someone as inexperienced as her might easily be taken advantage of.

"Rest assured, I'll deal with them discreetly."

Isabela lifted her chin and smiled proudly. "Little Divine Doctor, I've noticed that you seem to be my lucky star. You saved me before, and now you've helped me again. Since we're together, I feel like I've become luckier!"

"I also owe you for obtaining the Dragon Blood Ginseng," Dustin smiled.

"Hehe... Does that mean we're mutually beneficial to each other? Great! Starting today, you're my male bestie!" Isabela declared with her hands on her hips, as if making a proclamation.

Dustin couldn't help but laugh.

This girl really doesn't have any guard up.

"Master, Master, there's a call for you..."

Suddenly, Isabela's phone rang.

After answering the call, her expression changed immediately. "What? Grandfather is in trouble? Alright, alright... I'll be right there!"

She hung up the phone, got into her car in a hurry, and then seemed to remember something. She stuck her head out of the car window and said quickly, "Little Divine Doctor, something urgent has come up at home. I need to rush back. We'll have to postpone our meal to another day."

"Sure, take care," Dustin nodded and waved goodbye, watching Isabela drive away.

At this moment, Dustin's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly felt that he was being watched. He turned his head and looked towards a car parked on the side of the road. The car's windows were unusually dark, making it impossible to see inside clearly. However, he had a strong sense of being observed.


After staring for a few seconds, the vehicle suddenly started and quickly drove away.

Dustin snorted coldly and began to calculate.

It seemed that he was being followed.

Was it the Stratford family? Or the Grantwood family?

Dustin didn't think too much about it and hailed a taxi. He headed straight for the hotel.

"Ring, ring, ring..."

At this moment, his phone suddenly rang again. When he checked the caller ID, it displayed 'Maximus Kane.'

"Hello! Dustin, I have some good news to tell you. I'm in Stonia!" Maximus's excited voice came through the phone as soon as he answered.

"Why are you in Stonia instead of staying in Millsburg?" Dustin was a bit puzzled.

Before he left, he had appointed Maximus as the head of the Flame Dragon Hall (Cornelius vacated the position due to his appointment as deputy of the Kirin Gang). In Millsburg, Maximus was already considered a prominent figure.

"Cornelius said that since you're alone outside, it might be a bit inconvenient. So, he sent us over to help you with some minor matters," Maximus said with a smile.

"Us?" Dustin quickly caught onto the key word. "Besides you, who else is with you?"

Chapter 1346 The Standard Room Cost

"And Caitlin is with me," Maximus said. "Since Senior Gregory left, Caitlin has been feeling lonely at home, so she decided to come out and experience the world. We haven't been to Stonia before, and we've heard that it's a place of great talents and natural beauty, so we wanted to see it for ourselves."

"While Stonia is indeed a place of great talents and natural beauty, it's also a place where the waters run deep. Just the two of you, you might not even know if you're being taken advantage of," Dustin said, somewhat exasperated.

"But you're here, Dustin, so we have nothing to fear," Maximus replied with a smile.

"Alright, alright, stop flattering me. Where are you two right now?" Dustin asked.

"Oh, we just got off the train, at the South Station," Maximus replied.

"Stay right where you are; I'll come to pick you up."

Dustin hung up the phone and instructed his driver to turn around and head to the South Station.

One hour later.

The car pulled up at the entrance of the South Station.

"Dustin! Over here!" As soon as Dustin got out of the car, he saw Maximus and Caitlin waving and cheering.

They had brought numerous pieces of luggage with them, and it looked more like they were moving than going on a trip.

"Why did you bring so much stuff?" Dustin asked, somewhat amused.

"It's better to be prepared; we've brought everything we might need," Maximus said with a grin.

It was their first time visiting the capital, Stonia, and they were naturally excited and nervous, so they had made thorough preparations.

"Alright, let's find a place to stay first, and then we can have a meal together," Dustin suggested.

"Okay," Maximus agreed.

"Mr. Dustin, you have a distinguished status, so please allow me to handle these things," Caitlin said as she began to struggle to carry their luggage onto the car.

Even though she was out of breath and tired, she refused to let anyone help her.

Dustin couldn't help but feel a bit helpless. Caitlin hadn't changed at all; she was used to hard work from a young age, and if she didn't do something, she felt uncomfortable.

Once they were in the car, Dustin led the two of them back to the hotel where he was staying.

The hotel was a five-star establishment, not particularly luxurious in Stonia's Willowbrook (South City), but it was still quite expensive.

Entering the hotel, Caitlin looked around with wide eyes, her beautiful eyes sparkling.

When she noticed someone looking at her, she immediately lowered her head and covered her face with her bag, appearing somewhat self-conscious.

"Mr. Dustin, how much does it cost to stay here for one night in this area?" Caitlin asked timidly as Dustin was checking in.

"This is a prime location; a standard room costs about 2,000 per night," Dustin casually replied.

"What? That expensive?" Caitlin was taken aback, frozen in place.

In the past, she had to work hard for a whole month just to earn 2,000.

Now, for just one night's stay, she had to spend so much money. This was hard for her to accept, as she was used to being frugal.

"Oh? It's so expensive?" Caitlin was shocked, her expression stiffening.

"Caitlin, don't worry about it. Dustin doesn't lack money; just relax and check in," Maximus reassured her with a smile.

", it's too expensive!" Caitlin shook her head repeatedly. "Mr. Dustin, this place is not suitable for me. I won't stay here; I'll find a cheaper place outside."

With that, she picked up her bags and hurriedly ran out of the hotel.

Her panicked appearance made it seem as if this place was some kind of dangerous place.

"..." Dustin and Maximus looked at each other, unable to help but smile.

Helpless and somewhat worried, they realized that Caitlin had endured too much hardship and experienced too much darkness in the past. When the light finally came, she didn't dare to accept it.

Chapter 1347 The Serenity Villa

Dustin didn't force Caitlin to stay in a luxury hotel but instead bought a villa for them in a relatively secluded area.

It was a two-story villa with fine furnishings and a small garden. They paid for it and could move in right away.

Dustin thought that since he had to stay in Stonia for a while, it would be more convenient to buy a villa rather than renting or staying in hotels, especially considering his current financial status.

Staying in the villa provided Caitlin with a sense of security, and she found comfort in the fact that the property's value was likely to appreciate in Stonia's real estate market. Plus, she could cook her own meals, which would save money.

After all the arrangements were made, it was already dark outside.

Dustin and Maximus were quite hungry by this time.

Fortunately, Caitlin had thought ahead and bought groceries, preparing a delicious dinner for the two of them.

The meal consisted of five dishes and a soup, featuring both meat and vegetables, and it was a delightful feast for the senses.

It was undeniable that Caitlin had excellent culinary skills. She could turn simple ingredients into a delicious meal.

Dustin, on the other hand, felt somewhat inferior in this regard.

After dinner, Caitlin cleaned up the dishes on her own, showing her self-sufficiency.

Dustin and Maximus went to the balcony, where they enjoyed the view and had a conversation.

Suddenly, Dustin's phone rang.

He answered the call and immediately recognized the familiar and cold voice on the other end—it was Roselyn.

"Dustin, come to The Groove Club as soon as possible. I have something important to discuss with you."

"Why don't you just tell me over the phone? I'm busy and don't have time to run back and forth," Dustin replied nonchalantly.

"This matter is very important. If you don't come, you'll regret it!" Roselyn's tone was serious.

"If you're not going to say it, I'll hang up," Dustin replied, not wanting to waste time.

"Wait! Don't you want to know why Lorenzo was at Healwell Clinic?" Roselyn hurriedly said.

"What?" Dustin's eyes narrowed. "What are you trying to say? Explain it clearly."

"I know some secrets about Lorenzo. Come to The Groove Club at 9 o'clock tonight, or you'll miss out!" Roselyn said.

"Alright, I'll be there shortly," Dustin replied quickly.

Roselyn's late-night appointment definitely meant she had some ulterior motive.

However, he was curious about the secret she mentioned. Could it be that Elijah had some hidden agenda that he wasn't aware of?

"Maximus, I need to go somewhere, come with me," Dustin said, turning to his friend.

"Sure, let’s go," Maximus replied.

Half an hour later, Dustin and Maximus arrived at the entrance of The Groove Club.

The Groove Club appeared to be a private club on the surface but was actually an underground casino.

It had a strict membership system, and regular people were not allowed to enter.

Stonia had always prohibited gambling, so the existence of this luxurious casino in the heart of the city, which openly flouted the law, indicated the considerable power of its hidden owner.

Dustin and Maximus had informed the club in advance, and they were led inside.

Following the service staff through a spacious and luxurious gambling hall, they reached a private VIP room.

Compared to the noisy main hall outside, the VIP room was a completely different world—elegant, exquisite, and tranquil.

Chapter 1348 To The Groove

Inside the VIP room, there were more than a dozen various gambling tables scattered about, with some wealthy patrons seated around them.

Each patron had a dedicated, attentive female attendant who took care of everything except gambling for them. The service was meticulous, to say the least.

These patrons were either rich or powerful, casually betting tens of thousands or even millions. Some of the high rollers were known to bet tens of millions or more.

This was a world that ordinary people could never enter.

Upon entering the VIP room, Dustin immediately spotted two familiar faces seated at the central table—Carlos and Roselyn.

Considering Roselyn's status, it was unlikely that she could enter the VIP room. The person who had actually arranged the meeting with him was probably Carlos.

"Hey there, Dustin, you've arrived! Come, let's play a couple of rounds together."

Carlos stood up and warmly invited Dustin to take a seat, wearing a radiant smile on his face. However, there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"Carlos, why did you ask to meet me? Get straight to the point," Dustin asked directly, not beating around the bush.

"Don't be in such a hurry. Let's play a bit first, and then we'll discuss business," Carlos said with a smile.

His face was friendly, but his eyes held a certain iciness.

"Dustin, you can play freely today. If you win, it's all yours, but if you lose, it's on me!" Carlos said, exuding an air of generosity.

"I don't like gambling, and I don't like beating around the bush. If you have something to say, just say it," Dustin replied, unaffected.

He had no interest in this place, which was a paradise for gamblers.

"Humph! You're really straightforward, Dustin," Carlos chuckled, "The main reason I invited you here today is to introduce you to a big shot. With him as your backer, you'll be able to walk sideways in Willowbrook!"

"Oh? Who is this person?" Dustin asked.

"This big shot is none other than the owner of The Groove Club, Mr. Ashford, Benedict Ashford!" Carlos said with a touch of pride.

"I'm sorry, I haven't heard of him," Dustin replied casually.

"Humph! If you don't even know Mr Ashford, you really know nothing!" Roselyn, who was sitting next to him, sneered in disdain.

In Willowbrook, Benedict, also known as Mr Ashford, was a dominant figure, challenging both the Stratford and Torby families, the two major influential families in the city.

Anyone with a bit of knowledge would have heard of Mr Ashford's reputation.

"Is Mr Ashford really that impressive? I wonder if his head can withstand my sword," Maximus coldly interjected.

"Dustin, is this your friend?" Carlos looked Maximus up and down, his expression turning unfriendly. "Kid, you should be careful with your word. This is Mr Ashford's territory. If you're not careful, you won't leave here alive!"

Maximus was about to say something else when Dustin raised his hand to stop him.

"I'm not interested in meeting Mr Ashford. I just want to know about Lorenzo," Dustin said.

Before Dustin could continue, the door to the VIP room suddenly swung open.

Following that, a middle-aged man, tall and burly, wearing a suit, swaggered in.

The man was smoking a cigar, and his massive presence seemed to exude an oppressive force even when he stood still.

This man was none other than Benedict, the owner of The Groove Club and the underground overlord of Willowbrook.

"Benedict is here, and you're in luck!" Carlos said with a wicked smile, seeming ready to enjoy the show.

"Hello, Mr Ashford!"

"Hi, Mr Ashford!"

As Benedict entered, all the patrons inside the VIP room stood up to greet him, displaying a respectful attitude.

"Hi, everyone."

Benedict raised his hand to gesture, and then he walked towards Carlos, looking down on him.

"Carlos, have you brought the person I asked for?"

"Of course, Mr Ashford. I wouldn't dare to disobey your orders," Carlos replied obsequiously, extending his hand to introduce Dustin. "Here, this is the person you were looking for!"

Chapter 1349 Sold to the Torby Family

"Oh? Is that so?"

Benedict followed Carlos's gesture and fixed his gaze on Dustin. He carefully observed Dustin, his eyes carrying an invisible aggressiveness.

"Indeed, a young and promising talent."

Benedict grinned, "Don't just stand there, have a seat. We have something to discuss."

With that, he plopped down on the nearby sofa and took a sip of red wine that a waitress had just brought him.

He exuded an air of grandiosity.

"Dustin, this is the famous Mr Ashford. You should behave well and not miss this opportunity," Carlos said with a half-smile.

"So, you brought me out here just to introduce me to this Mr Ashford?" Dustin asked.

"Young man, I had Carlos bring you here to discuss a deal with you," Benedict said, taking a deep puff of his cigar and exhaling a smoke ring that floated toward Dustin's face. However, it suddenly shattered and disappeared into thin air just a foot away from him.

"A deal?"

Dustin asked without emotion, "Is it about the recipe for Jade Dew Ointment?"

"Smart! I like talking to clever people."

Benedict snapped his fingers and grinned, "Since you know what I'm looking for, let's get straight to the point. How much money do you want? Just name your price, and I won't haggle."

"Benedict, the recipe for Jade Dew Ointment is not available anymore," Dustin flatly refused.

"What? You sold it?" Carlos's eyes widened, and he became excited. "Who did you sell it to? Why didn't you mention it earlier?"

He had gone to great lengths, even involving Mr Ashford, just to obtain the recipe.

To his surprise, Dustin had already sold the recipe to someone else.

"The recipe for Jade Dew Ointment has already been sold to the Torby family, so I'm afraid you'll be disappointed today," Dustin said, spreading his hands.

"The Torby family?"

Hearing this, Carlos immediately furrowed his brows.

The Torby family was one of the Eight Noble Families in Stonia, and it wouldn't be easy to take something away from them.

"Young man, how much did the Torby family pay you? I'm willing to offer double," Benedict suddenly spoke.

With his power and the backing he had, he had no fear of the Torby family.

"Sir, the recipe for Jade Dew Ointment has already been sold. You can't back out of it. If you want it, you can negotiate with the Torby family," Dustin said.

"Young man, the things that pique my interest are few and far between. People who can negotiate with me are even rarer. This is your chance of a lifetime. Seize it," Benedict said with a smile, although his eyes carried a warning.

"It's not about the price. I've already sold the recipe for Jade Dew Ointment," Dustin replied.

"What? Sold?" Carlos was visibly shocked and disappointed. "Who did you sell it to?"

"The Torby family."

The Torby family was one of the eight prestigious families in Stonia, so snatching their secret recipe wouldn't be easy.

"Young man, how much did the Torby family offer you? I'm willing to double it," suddenly interjected Benedict.

With his influence and powerful backers, he had no fear of the Torby family.

"In matters of business, once a deal is made and the formula is sold, there's no turning back. If you are interested, you can negotiate with the Torby family," replied Dustin.

"Young man, if you can sell to the Torby family, you can certainly sell to me as well. Double the money for one formula. Isn't that tempting?" Benedict chuckled.

"Exactly! Your dealings with Mr. Ashford can remain private; the Torby family will never find out. Once you write down the formula and take the money, you can live carefree for the rest of your life, traveling and enjoying yourself," enticingly said Carlos.

"If the Torby family ever finds out I sold it to them and then sold it again, I might not live long enough to spend that money," Dustin shook his head.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you from the Torby family. They won't dare to harm you," Benedict said confidently.

"Mr Ashford, would you really be willing to go against the Torby family for a stranger?" Dustin hinted with a deeper meaning.

"Hehe... You are indeed a clever one," Benedict placed his cigar in the ashtray and pressed it down. He continued with a smile, "While I won't openly confront the Torby family for you, I can assure you that I'll make sure they can't find you, which is a way to ensure your safety."

"Mr Ashford, I can't entrust my safety to someone else, so I must apologize," Dustin shook his head.


Chapter 1350 To Challenge Mr Ashford

Hearing this, Benedict's smile slowly faded, and his gaze gradually turned sharp. "Young man, I hate it when people refuse me, especially repeatedly. I've been patient enough. You'd better not disappoint me."

His words now carried a clear threat.

"Dustin, those who understand the situation are the ones who stand out. You should feel honored to have Mr Ashford's favor. If you persist stubbornly, you might stir up trouble for yourself!" Carlos warned.

"All right, stop the nonsense," Benedict said impatiently. "Today, I want that Jade Dew Ointment recipe. Hand it over honestly, and not only will you be safe, but you'll also receive a substantial sum of money."

"What if I don't hand it over?" Dustin asked.

"Don't hand it over? Hmph!"

Benedict sneered and clapped his hands.

*Clap, clap!*

As he clapped his hands, the door to the VIP room suddenly swung open.

Following that, a group of burly men in suits rushed in with an imposing aura, numbering around forty to fifty. They all looked fierce and intimidating, like a pack of wolves.

"Kid, this is my territory. I can control your life and death with just a word."

Benedict slowly stood up, looking down at Dustin, and said, "Today, if you don't hand over the recipe, you might not leave this place!"

"Benedict, I don't want any trouble, but if you keep pushing, don't blame me for smashing your The Groove Club!" Dustin coldly stated.

Upon hearing this, Benedict first froze, then burst into hearty laughter, as if he had heard the biggest joke.

"Damn! Is this guy out of his mind? Daring to challenge Mr Ashford?"

"Talk about being fearless for a newcomer!"

Some of the high rollers in the hall abandoned their gambling and eagerly watched the drama unfolding.

"Hmph! Ignorant!"

Carlos sneered, looking at Dustin as if he were a fool.

Roselyn crossed her arms, displaying a smug expression.

"Kid, do you even know what you're saying?"

After the laughter, Benedict's face suddenly turned cold. "Just because of that statement, you won't believe me when I say I could shoot you dead with one bullet!"

With those words, he suddenly drew a gun from his waist and aimed it at Dustin's forehead.

Dustin stood motionless, as if nothing had happened, and calmly said, "Mr Ashford, your gun's safety is still on."


Benedict's eye twitched, about to erupt in anger.

But then, a seductive and charming female voice lightly drifted in.

"Mr Ashford, what's got you so worked up? You even brought out your weapon?"

Following the voice, a woman entered the room. She wore a silver tight-fitting skirt, crystal high-heeled shoes, and had fiery red lips, an exquisite figure, and alluring looks.

Her brown wavy hair cascaded down her shoulders, and her long, shapely legs, encased in black stockings, moved gracefully, as if stepping on the hearts of the men in the room with each step.

She carried a delicate designer bag in her left hand and a woman's cigarette in her right hand, with a seductive smile on her lips.

She appeared incredibly captivating.


Upon seeing her, Roselyn immediately furrowed her brow.

It was an unexpected encounter with this disliked woman in such a place.
Thank you Jungal, it's a pleasure to read your translation
Chapter 1351 Pleasant Surprise Tonight

"Hey, Mr Ashford, we all came to The Groove Club to have a good time. Why are you causing such a scene?" Belinda swayed her hips as she sauntered over, smiling sweetly.

The moment she appeared, she drew everyone's attention. Her figure and looks were already outstanding, and combined with her unique charm, she was like a shape-shifting fox spirit.

"Miss Remington, I have some business to attend to. If you want to play some more, I can arrange a private room for you," Benedict restrained his temper slightly. However, he still hadn't let go of the gun in his hand.

"Mr Ashford, to be honest, this handsome young man is my friend. I hope you can give him some face and let him go," Belinda said with a smile as she approached, wrapping her arm around Dustin's.

Dustin was puzzled, but he didn't deny it. After all, she was trying to help, and he couldn't publicly embarrass her.

"A friend?" Benedict glanced around and said coldly, "Miss Remington, your friend is quite audacious. Not only did he repeatedly refuse me, but he also threatened to destroy my club. He really doesn't give me any respect!"

"Oh, really?" Belinda raised an eyebrow and looked surprised when she glanced at Dustin.

This guy had quite the courage to stand up to Benedict like this.

"Mr Ashford, my young friend here is a bit hot-blooded and doesn't understand the rules. I apologize on his behalf and hope that you, as a generous person, can overlook this," Belinda said with a smile.

"I can let him go, but he needs to hand over the formula. Otherwise, don't blame me for not giving him any face," Benedict said coldly.

"The formula?" Belinda was puzzled. It seemed that there was more to their conflict than just words.

"I'll say it again, I won't compromise on the formula," Dustin firmly rejected.

From the moment Benedict drew his gun, there was no room for negotiation.

"Miss Remington, did you hear that? Your friend here is quite stubborn and doesn't know what's good for him!" Benedict's face darkened, and he pushed the gun forward.

"Mr Ashford, please calm down. It's just a formula, right? Let me talk to him," Belinda smiled and reached out to lower the gun. She leaned in close to Dustin's ear and whispered softly, "Young man, Benedict is known for being ruthless. Whatever the formula is, just give it to him. Otherwise, I won't be able to save you tonight."

"Young man, make hay while the sun shines. If you die here, your precious formula won't do you any good," Belinda continued to persuade.

Why was this guy as stubborn as a rock? He was facing Benedict, who had dozens of people surrounding him and a gun in his hand.

How could he dare to say such things?

"Miss Remington, my patience is wearing thin. You'd better not interfere too much!" Benedict's eyes grew cold.

Dustin's expression remained calm, but he had already decided to take action if necessary.

"Mr Ashford, can't we talk things over calmly? How about sitting down and having a drink together?" Belinda picked up two glasses of wine and offered one to Benedict.

"Drink?!" Benedict was getting irritated. He swatted the glass out of Belinda's hand, and it shattered with a loud crash, spilling wine everywhere.

At first, Belinda was startled, but she quickly forced a smile and took the initiative to step closer. She placed her delicate fingers on Benedict's chest and said softly, "Mr Ashford, please calm down. Don't harm your health. If you release my friend, I promise to give you a pleasant surprise tonight."

Chapter 1352 Who's Tired of Living?

After saying this, she gave a seductive smile with a hint of meaning.

"Belinda, if you want to play, I can play with you slowly!"

Benedict grabbed Belinda's wrist and smirked, saying, "But before that, I need to take care of this guy. You just stand there and don't make me angry, or the consequences will be very serious."

"Benedict, you're hurting me!"

Belinda frowned and struggled, but found it futile.

"You little temptress, you wanted to seduce me, didn't you? Well, tonight, I'll grant your wish. After I deal with this guy, I promise to make you ecstatic, like you're on cloud nine!"

Benedict smirked and suddenly pulled Belinda into his arms, provocatively looking at Dustin. "Kid! Your relationship with this temptress isn't simple, right? Judging by your scrawny arms and legs, I bet you can't satisfy her. But it's okay; I'll take good care of her for you, and she'll experience the heights of pleasure!"

"Benedict, don't you dare! I'm from the Remington family!" Belinda's face changed.

"What about the Remington family? I'm going to have my way with you today. What can the Remington family do to me?" Benedict boasted arrogantly.

"You—!" Belinda was both shocked and furious.

Benedict was powerful, and he had a strong backing.

If he forced himself on her, it might damage her reputation, but the Remington family might not dare to confront him directly.

"Kid! Let me ask you one last time, will you hand over the formula or not?"

Benedict held Belinda in one hand and a gun in the other.

His gaze was fierce, and his expression was menacing.

"Firstly, I won't give you the formula. Secondly, release Miss Remington, or I'll break your hand!" Dustin spoke coldly.

His words caused an uproar in the room.

No one expected Dustin to be so audacious.

He was being held at gunpoint, yet he spoke boldly. Wasn't he risking his life?

"You little brat! It seems like you're tired of living!" Benedict was furious and pulled the trigger, aiming at Dustin's thigh.


The gunshot rang out, but the expected blood and screams did not follow.

Because as Benedict fired the gun, Dustin suddenly moved.

He grabbed the barrel of the gun with one hand and seized Benedict's throat with the other, then with a loud "thud," he slammed him against the wall.

The tremendous force caused cracks to appear in the wall.

Benedict grunted, feeling like his bones were about to shatter, and his organs were displaced.

For a moment, he felt dizzy and nauseous, unable to describe the discomfort.


The entire VIP lounge suddenly fell silent.

Everything had happened so suddenly that the people around hadn't reacted.

They felt a blur in front of their eyes, and then Dustin had Benedict pinned against the wall.

What was most terrifying was that Benedict was nearly two meters tall, with explosive muscles all over, as massive as a bear.

In contrast, Dustin was scrawny, like a sickly cat.

In terms of physique, they were in completely different leagues.

But somehow, this sickly cat, Dustin, had subdued the bear, Benedict, with just one hand.

The visual contrast left everyone stunned.

"Is having a gun really that impressive?"

Dustin held Benedict's neck with one hand, slowly raising it over his head, and said coldly, "Now, who's tired of living?"

Chapter 1353 Daredevil


Benedict suddenly felt his breath hitch, and his face turned bright red, with veins popping on his forehead.

He tried to struggle but found himself utterly powerless, unable to lift a finger.

Deep inside, an uncontrollable fear crept over him.

He had always thought of Dustin as a sheep, but suddenly, the guy had transformed into a vicious tiger.

The sheer strength of Dustin made him completely helpless.

He had no doubt that if Dustin exerted just a bit more pressure, he could snap his neck.



"Release Mr Ashford immediately!"

After a brief silence, the entire VIP lounge erupted into chaos.

A group of men in suits roared angrily, ready to pounce.

"Dustin! Are you out of your mind? You dared to touch Mr Ashford. Do you not value your life? Let go immediately!" Carlos shouted.

"Mr Rhys! This is The Groove Club. If you harm Mr Ashford, you'll have no place to hide!" Roselyn was getting anxious.

Dustin was her invitee, and if anything happened to Mr Ashford, she wouldn't escape the consequences.

"I didn't want to resort to violence, but you forced my hand. Do you really think I have no temper?" Dustin snatched the gun from Benedict's hand and pressed it against his forehead, saying coldly, "Let me ask you, how does it feel to be at gunpoint?"

"Y-You... you brat! I warn you not to mess around. If you dare harm me, your entire family will suffer!" Benedict's voice struggled to escape his throat.

"Oh, really?"

Dustin slowly lowered the gun into Benedict's mouth and asked, "Do you think I'm afraid of your threats?"


Benedict's pupils shrank, and cold sweat instantly beaded on his forehead.

He could clearly sense the killing intent emanating from Dustin.

"Young man, don't act impulsively. If you harm Mr Ashford, you won't survive either!" Belinda quickly intervened.

"Miss Remington, this guy had no intention of letting me go. It's better to take advantage of this opportunity and strike first." Dustin's finger rested on the trigger.


Carlos's face changed, and he quickly said, "Dustin, let's talk it out. This was supposed to be a business deal. Why resort to violence? How about this: you put the gun down, and we sit down to discuss things calmly."

"There's nothing to discuss. I already said I won't sell the formula." Dustin replied indifferently.

"Alright, alright... we won't buy the formula."

Carlos kept nodding and forced a smile. "Business doesn't have to be cutthroat. If you don't want to sell the formula, we can engage in a long-term partnership. We all benefit from it. How does that sound?"

"That sounds reasonable. I just hope you have the sincerity for it," Dustin's expression softened.

Killing Benedict would be straightforward, but it could lead to unnecessary trouble afterward. If someone suspicious noticed, it could jeopardize his plans.

"Sincerity? Of course!"

Carlos said solemnly, "I guarantee it with my reputation. As long as you release Mr Ashford, we'll have a long-term partnership, sharing prosperity and facing challenges together."

"What do you say?" Dustin looked at Benedict.

With the gun still in his mouth, Benedict mumbled and couldn't articulate his words. He could only nod repeatedly, indicating his agreement.

"See? Mr Ashford has agreed." Carlos's face brightened. "Today, we don't have to be enemies. From now on, we're brothers who stand together through thick and thin."

Benedict didn't say anything, continuing to nod.

When under someone else's roof, sometimes you had to lower your head.

With the barrel of the gun shoved into his mouth, who wouldn't be compliant?

"Alright, I'll trust you this once."

Dustin slowly released Benedict and tossed the gun into the trash can.

Cough, cough, cough...

Benedict's body relaxed, and he began to cough violently, his back soaked in sweat.

Chapter 1354 A Tiger Among Sheeps, Going on a Rampage

"It's alright, it's alright. The misunderstanding has been cleared up. Let's bury the hatchet and share a laugh," Carlos chuckled and signaled discreetly.

Benedict quickly understood and immediately stepped back into the crowd, shouting, "You brat! You dare threaten me? You must be out of your mind! Guards, seize him!"

Before he finished speaking, dozens of suited henchmen surrounded Dustin.

"Hold on!"

Belinda suddenly stood in front of Dustin and questioned, "Mr Ashford, you had agreed to cooperate. Why resort to violence now?"

"Hmph! I agreed earlier, but now I've changed my mind!" Benedict said unapologetically.

"You're a person of reputation. Changing your stance in front of everyone, aren't you afraid of being ridiculed?" Belinda furrowed her brow.


Benedict grinned wickedly, "This is my territory. After I deal with this kid and have my way with you, I'll block the news. Who will know?"

"You... You're shameless!" Belinda was furious.

"Hehe... To be honest, I have even more shameless tricks up my sleeve. When we get to bed, you'll understand," Benedict leered.

"Benedict, I've given you a chance. If you dare lay a hand on him again, I guarantee you'll regret it," Dustin said indifferently.

He didn't really believe Carlos and Benedict's words. He had tested them out.

If the two had genuinely intended to reconcile, he would have acted like nothing happened.

But unfortunately, old habits are hard to change.

"Regretful now?" Benedict sneered, "Kid, earlier I was just caught off guard by your bluff. Now, do you think you have a chance to turn the tables?"

"Do I have a chance? You can try," Dustin stood with his hands behind his back, unafraid.

"Damn it! I think you won't back down until you're in your grave! Brothers, get him!"

Benedict gave the order directly.

"Catch him!"

The group of henchmen swarmed him.

"Leave it to me, Dustin!"

Maximus, who had been standing in the background, sneered, transformed into a blur, and charged into the crowd.

In the next second, cries of shock and screams filled the air, one after another.

Maximus was like a tiger among sheep, going on a rampage.

After undergoing the cultivation with Gregory, Maximus's strength was now on par with a late-stage Innate martial artist (.

Although The Groove Club's henchmen had some martial arts training, they were still defenseless against an Innate martial artist (aka “late-stage Xiantian master" is a term used to describe a highly skilled and powerful individual in a martial arts or cultivation setting; implying indirectly that Maximus is on a semi-Grandmaster level).

In just five short minutes, dozens of people were lying on the ground.

"Heh! Not a single one of them could fight!"

Maximus clapped his hands, looking disdainful.

He hadn't even warmed up yet.

"How... how is this possible?!"

Watching his whimpering subordinates, Benedict couldn't help but widen his eyes, a mixture of shock and fear overtaking him.

He had thought he had everything under control, which is why he dared to change his mind publicly. However, he never dreamed that Dustin had such a powerful ally hidden beside him.

"Damn! Who is this kid? How can he be so powerful?"

Carlos was scared stiff, and his legs turned weak. He had never taken Maximus seriously, thinking of him as just Dustin's follower. Who would have thought that this guy was a martial arts expert?

This was a major miscalculation!

"One person against dozens? Is this even possible?"

Staring at the scene of chaos with disbelief, Roselyn couldn't believe her eyes.

Could movies even depict something like this?

"No wonder... no wonder he was so confident. It turns out he had a skilled protector."

Belinda's eyes shone, a mix of astonishment and joy.

Just a moment ago, she thought they were doomed, but now everything had taken a dramatic turn, and they were saved from their predicament.

Chapter 1355 The Bruised Underground Overlord

"Dustin, what should we do with this big guy?"

After dealing with all the henchmen, Maximus's gaze suddenly fixed on Benedict, his eyes filled with ill intentions.

"Start by breaking one of his hands," Dustin calmly uttered a few words.

"No problem!"

Maximus sneered, suddenly moving forward and grabbing Benedict.

"W-wait... wait! Let's talk this out. I think we can still negotiate... Ah!"

Benedict panicked and was about to offer a few words of defense when Maximus directly snapped his arm, causing him to let out a horrific scream.

His entire face contorted, drenched in sweat.

Carlos and Roselyn watched from the side, their hearts trembling, and their backs cold.

Who would have thought that Benedict, who had just been strutting around, would be pinned to the ground and humiliated in such a short amount of time?

"Benedict, you made a wrong decision."

Dustin slowly approached, looking down at the giant bear-like man in front of him, and said, "I've given you two chances already. You didn't appreciate them, but instead, you brought this upon yourself. Tell me, how do you think I should deal with you?"

"Kid, I admit defeat today!"

Benedict gritted his teeth and said, "You've beaten me, and you've made a scene. Let's end it here. In the future, we'll go our separate ways. How about that?"

"Go our separate ways? Heh... Do you take me for a fool?"

Dustin sneered. "Who was it that went back on their word just now? Who was it that turned hostile? When you thought you could win, you were arrogant. When you couldn't, you tried to compromise. Do you really think the world is so forgiving?"

"Kid, don't push your luck!"

Benedict threatened with a fierce look. "All my men are waiting outside. As soon as I give the order, they'll rush in and tear you apart!"

"Still talking tough!"

Without hesitation, Maximus grabbed Benedict's hair and slammed his face onto the gambling table.


A muffled sound rang out. Benedict's front teeth shattered, and his nose bridge collapsed, causing blood to pour out.

"You... You guys are doomed! I'll have you torn to pieces!"

Benedict, driven to desperation, roared in anger.

"Break one of his legs," Dustin spoke up again.


Without saying a word, Maximus stepped on Benedict's knee.

With a loud "crack," Benedict's knee bent inward at a ninety-degree angle. The broken bones pierced through flesh and skin, and blood flowed profusely.


Benedict let out a piercing scream, his face twisted in agony, and his body convulsing due to the intense pain.

"Stop! Please stop!"

Suddenly, Carlos, as if awakening from a dream, hurriedly intervened. "Dustin! Do you know what you're doing? Mr Ashford is the underground overlord of Willowbrook, with vast influence and numerous subordinates. If you harm him, you'll face endless pursuit!"

"Right! Release Mr Ashford now, or your whole family will suffer!"

Roselyn joined in with her threats.

"Oh? Do you two also want your hands and legs broken?"

Dustin slowly raised his head, his eyes sharp and cold, like knives, piercing through the two of them.

Carlos's eyelids twitched, and he instinctively took two steps back, stammering, "Dustin, I know you and your friend have some skills, but in Stonia, mere physical strength won't solve everything. Even if you can fight well, can you fight against guns? Can you fight against artillery shells? Can you fight against an army? Dustin, stop now. All of Mr Ashford's men are waiting outside. If you continue down this path, it's self-destruction!"

"Is that so? Do you think I'm a fool?"

Chapter 1356 Top Three Family of Stonia

In this round of discussions, they mixed both soft and hard approaches and even offered some heartfelt persuasion. If it were an ordinary person, they might have been swayed.

However, after hearing their arguments, Maximus immediately stepped forward and slapped Carlos, scolding, "You talk too much every day!"


Carlos was slapped so hard that he spun in place, and his mouth was crooked.

For a dignified young master of the Grantwood family, when had he ever been slapped in the face in public?

"What... how dare you hit me?" Carlos covered his burning face, finding it hard to believe.

These two guys were completely insane. They didn't even spare Mr Ashford.

"You dare to hit me? What's the matter with you?!"

"What's wrong with hitting you? Keep babbling, and I'll cut your tongue off!" Maximus retorted sharply.

Carlos was frightened and dared not speak again.

Damn it, these two were clearly lunatics, and they didn't even put Mr Ashford in their eyes.

"You two brats are really bold!"

Lying on the ground, Benedict shouted angrily, "This is The Groove Club! It's my territory! It's also a property of the Langford family! If you dare to disable my hands and legs, you're challenging the dignity of the Langford family. From tonight onwards, there won't be a place for you in the entire Stonia!"

At this point, he had dropped all pretenses and directly brought out his backing.

"What? The Langford family is Mr Ashford's backing?"

This statement caused a commotion in the VIP room.

No wonder Mr Ashford had become the underground overlord of Willowbrook in just ten years; it turned out he had the support of the Langford family.

The eight major aristocratic families of Stonia were divided into the upper four and lower four. The upper four families had deep influence in the Forbidden City (Bayhaven), and each family had a considerable amount of power and influence. They either held high-ranking positions or wielded great influence.

The lower four families were relatively weaker, even though they were wealthy and influential. In terms of political power, they couldn't compare to the upper four families. The gap between them was like that between a cat and a tiger.

Families like the Stratford and Torby families in Willowbrook belonged to the lower four families.

On the other hand, the Langford family belonged to the upper four, and it was even in the top three!

Thus, the Langford family was often referred to as the " Langfordian."

Anyone who could establish a connection with the Langford family was like a carp leaping over the Dragon Gate!

"What's this? Langford family? It sounds quite formidable," Dustin squinted his eyes slightly.

He still remembered that there had been some minor friction with the Langford family back when he was in Swinston.

"What? Are you scared now?" Benedict sneered, "Kid, do you know who you're dealing with? Naturally, I have an extremely powerful background if I can establish myself here for so many years. If you don't want to die, release me immediately and apologize. Maybe I'll spare your miserable lives!"


Dustin gave a cold snort and stepped on Benedict's face. "And if I don't release you, what then?"

"You little brat! Do you dare to challenge the Langford family? Do you know that anything outside the Forbidden City is governed by the Langford family?" Benedict said through gritted teeth.

"Don't tell me you also want to defy the Langford family?" Dustin continued coldly. "Do you know that even if the royal family of Stonia were here, they wouldn't be able to save you tonight!"

Chapter 1357 The Fourth Young Master

"Stupid! Who dares to act recklessly at The Groove Club!"

The young man exuded a murderous aura as he entered, his gaze sharp as a knife.

Anyone who met his eyes involuntarily lowered their heads.

"Isn't this Ferdinand Langford, the fourth young master of the Langford family? Why is he here?"

"The mastermind behind The Groove Club is the Langford family, so naturally, they won't sit idly by if there's trouble at The Groove Club."

"They beat Mr Ashford and disrupted the Langford family's operation. These two guys are probably in big trouble today!"

"Hmph! Young people these days don't know the immensity of heaven and earth. They actually think that they can run rampant in Stonia with a bit of fighting skills. It's ridiculous!"

The sudden turn of events caused the gamblers in the VIP room to start discussing.

Even the Langford family had been alarmed, so this matter wouldn't end well for them.

"Fourth young master... fourth young master, save me!"

Ferdinand's appearance made Benedict cry tears of joy. He looked like he had seen a savior and struggled to get up, stumbling forward.

Halfway there, due to his unstable center of gravity, he fell to the ground directly. He then rolled a few times with the inertia and happened to roll to Ferdinand's feet.

"Benedict? How did you get injured like this?"

Ferdinand was slightly stunned, his face filled with astonishment.

He had been playing in the adjacent area when he heard that there was trouble at The Groove Club, so he rushed over immediately.

However, he didn't expect Benedict to be in such a sorry state.

Both hands broken, left leg fractured, his entire body covered in bruises and fresh blood, and he looked extremely disheveled.

It was worth noting that Benedict was a chess piece supported by the Langford family in Willowbrook. Although he couldn't rise to the top, he had become a force to be reckoned with in this area.

Ordinary forces didn't dare to provoke him, let alone beat him to such a state.

"Fourth young master, you finally came. If you had been a moment later, I'm afraid I would be dead!" Benedict cried with a mournful expression, crawling to Ferdinand's feet, appearing exceptionally wronged.

"Who did this to you? Who injured you like this?" Ferdinand asked in a deep voice.

"It was those two brats!"

Benedict pointed at Dustin and said with resentment, "They did it!"


Ferdinand followed the direction of his finger and quickly fixed his gaze on Dustin. He then looked him up and down. "Kid, who are you? How dare you cause trouble at The Groove Club? Do you know that The Groove Club is the property of the Langford family, my family?"

"I didn't know before, but I know now," Dustin said calmly.

"Now that you know, speak up. How should this matter be resolved?" Ferdinand asked with a stern face.

"It's simple. Make Benedict kneel down and apologize, and give The Groove Club to me as a compensation. I'll treat today's events as if they never happened," Dustin said indifferently.

"What did you say?"

Ferdinand was momentarily stunned and suspected that he had misheard.

The others in the hall also looked at each other, puzzled and astonished.

This guy hadn't yielded or bowed his head in front of the Langford family, even with the Langford family involved. Instead, he demanded that Mr Ashford apologize, and even shamelessly asked for The Groove Club.

Wasn't he insane?

"To dare to speak so arrogantly in front of the fourth young master, he truly doesn't know the immensity of heaven and earth!" Carlos sneered repeatedly.

"A country bumpkin is just a country bumpkin. He has no idea who he's offending." Roselyn shook her head.

Anyone with a bit of knowledge or intelligence wouldn't say such things.

Daring to be so arrogant in front of Ferdinand meant that he was either foolish or ignorant.

"Kid, did I hear you correctly just now? You said that Benedict should apologize and that you also want The Groove Club?" Ferdinand dug his ear as if he couldn't believe his ears.

Chapter 1358 Offending The Elites

Having spent so many years in the Willowbrook area, no one had ever dared to talk to him like this before.

What was this?

Courting disaster?

"You heard me right, I did say that." Dustin nodded seriously.


Ferdinand suddenly laughed, but his gaze became extremely cold. "Kid, I've never seen someone as arrogant as you. You actually dare to demand from the Langford family's property, impressive! I can give you The Groove Club, but the problem is, do you dare to take it?"

"If you give it, I'll take it; if you don't give it, I'll take it by force," Dustin replied bluntly.


Hearing this, Ferdinand burst into laughter out of anger. "Kid, you really have guts! Do you know what you're doing? You're playing with fire!."

The last few words were almost squeezed out from between his teeth.

"Who's playing with fire remains to be seen," Dustin said without changing his expression.

"Very well, I hope you won't beg for mercy later. I like to see you being so arrogant," Ferdinand said, suddenly raising his hand. "Turn off the cameras! Prepare to clear the scene! Everyone unrelated, get out!"

As soon as this statement was made, the gamblers in the VIP room immediately rushed out of the door, not daring to stay.

They were well aware that Ferdinand was about to take real action. After tonight, there would be two corpses sinking into the river.

"Hmph! You're finished now, I can't wait to see you die!" Benedict grinned, his eyes full of resentment.

"No hope left. Prepare to collect the corpses tomorrow morning," Carlos shrugged, turned around, and left to avoid being implicated.

"Hmph! You've dug your own grave. Offending the elites of Stonia, you probably won't even find your corpses tomorrow," Roselyn said coldly before following Carlos out.

"If you beg for mercy, you might have had a chance to survive. But now, it's too late," Belinda sighed with regret and left the VIP room.

If it had been Benedict, she might have been able to help Dustin get out of this predicament with some maneuvering.

But with Ferdinand Langford here, there was absolutely no chance.

Because in front of the Langford family, the Remington family was completely insignificant.

If they dared to stick their heads out, they would only draw fire upon themselves.

Under Ferdinand's strong command, the entire The Groove Club was empty within just three minutes.

Only the Langford family's group remained, blocking the door of the VIP room, watching vigilantly.

"Now, there are only you two left," Ferdinand said as he lit a cigarette, took a deep drag, and then exhaled a cloud of smoke, narrowing his eyes. "Do you have any last words?"

"Before you make your move, I advise you to call Reginald Langford. Otherwise, you'll regret it," Dustin said calmly.

"Hehe... Regret?"

Ferdinand sneered, "Kid, I know almost all the elites in the Forbidden City, but I've never seen you before. Do you think you can fool me with a few intimidating words? You're too naive!"

In his eyes, Dustin was obviously backing down, so he started bluffing and trying to struggle in his dying moments.

"I'm not from Stonia, but..."

Before Dustin could finish his sentence, Ferdinand interrupted him, "Not from Stonia? Then you're even less noteworthy. Take them down, men!"


The martial artists behind Ferdinand responded and rushed towards Dustin and the others...

Chapter 1359 Plans to Collect Corpse

Outside The Groove Club.

Belinda sat in her luxury car, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, her gaze looking through the car window at the splendid gate of The Groove Club, her face filled with a hint of melancholy.

She had finally encountered an interesting handsome man, but he had such a short life.

First, he offended Benedict, and then he challenged Ferdinand. Now he was trapped in The Groove Club, basically doomed.

Although she was reluctant, at this point, she was powerless to change the situation.

The only thing she could do now was to collect his body.

Unfortunately, it was such a pity...

"Hey, Miss Remington, you haven't left yet?" At this moment, Carlos and Roselyn suddenly walked towards her.

"You guys haven't left either?" Belinda said indifferently.

"We?" Carlos smiled slightly. "Dustin has a good relationship with our Healwell Clinic, so I was thinking, should we stay and collect his body?"

"Hmph! Don't pretend to be kind in front of me. Don't think I don't know that it was you who led Dustin to The Groove Club!" Belinda said with a cold face.

"We invited him out just to discuss business. We didn't expect him to be so unwise and end up in his current situation. It's entirely his own fault," Carlos shrugged, looking indifferent.

"That's right! A hick like him, who doesn't know any rules, is arrogant and self-righteous. He deserves his misfortune!" Roselyn added fuel to the fire.

"Roselyn, how can you say such things?" Belinda looked at her with disdain. "If I'm not mistaken, Dustin has helped Healwell Clinic several times. Is this how you repay him? Even animals know how to repay kindness. People like you are worse than animals!"

"You—!" Roselyn was momentarily furious but couldn't refute her.

As for Carlos, his face quickly darkened, and he said coldly, "Belinda, we're not so different from each other. A pot calling the kettle black. In the entire Willowbrook area, who doesn't know that you're promiscuous and have a taste for men? What right do you have to call us out?"

"That's right! A woman like you, who lacks restraint, has no right to speak to us like this," Roselyn chimed in.

"Hmph! I may be promiscuous, but I'm still better than you hypocrites!" Belinda retorted.

This shameless woman can attack us for anything," Carlos said angrily, while Roselyn followed suit.

"Belinda, I know you like that little pretty boy, but unfortunately, he's doomed to never leave The Groove Club today. In fact, you won't even be able to collect his entire body!" Carlos said coldly with a smile, his eyes filled with resentment.

"It's not your business anymore." Belinda said indifferently, "Maybe, a miracle will happen."

"A miracle? Haha... Even if the King of Heaven came today, he wouldn't be able to save him!" Carlos said loudly.

Just as they were talking, the door of The Groove Club suddenly opened.

Following that, Dustin walked out of it leisurely.

He was clean and tidy, without a speck of dust on him.

As if he had just taken a stroll inside.

"How is this possible?!"

Seeing this scene, Carlos and Roselyn were dumbfounded, standing still on the spot.

Even Belinda was stunned, wearing an expression of disbelief.

Throughout history, anyone who had received an order from the Langford family to be executed had never left alive.

"And... did I see correctly? Dustin actually came out? And he's completely unharmed?" Carlos rubbed his eyes, finding it hard to believe.

"No... this is impossible! He was supposed to be doomed to die, so how could he come out unscathed?" Roselyn's beautiful eyes widened in shock, as if she had seen a ghost.

In their eyes, when Ferdinand shouted "clear the scene," it was already predetermined that Dustin would not survive.

They had even made plans to collect his corpse.

But in less than ten minutes, Dustin had actually walked out of The Groove Club safe and sound.

It was simply unbelievable!

Chapter 1360 To the Dragon Mansion

"Oh my god! Did a miracle just happen?"

Belinda swallowed hard, her expression filled with astonishment.

She had casually mentioned it earlier, not expecting it to actually come true.

Just as everyone was still in shock, an even more astonishing scene unfolded.

Shortly after Dustin walked out of the gate, Maximus also emerged, carrying two people in his hands.

On the left was Benedict, whose hands and feet were severed, howling in pain. On the right was Ferdinand, who was badly bruised and unrecognizable.

Both of them looked like dead dogs, being held by Maximus by the collar, dragged out of The Groove Club in this manner.

Wherever they went, they left a trail of bloodstains.

Clearly, Dustin and the two of them didn't let Ferdinand and the others off the hook; rather, they had fought their way out!

It's worth noting that the people Ferdinand had brought out were all elite warriors of the Langford family, each with the ability to take on a hundred opponents.

However, in just a few minutes, all the elite warriors had fallen, including Ferdinand himself.

How could these two guys be so powerful?

"Get in the car."

Dustin took the car keys from Ferdinand's pocket and signaled for Maximus to throw the two of them into the car.

Finally, Dustin drove Ferdinand's Land Rover and left directly, leaving behind the two taillights of the car, flickering on and off.

"He... heck..."

Carlos swallowed hard, feeling a cold chill down his spine.

Fortunately, they had just come out; otherwise, if they had stayed inside, they might have met the same fate as Ferdinand.

"Senior Brother, what should we do now? Dustin... seems to have taken Ferdinand away," Roselyn was a little at a loss.

The current situation had far exceeded her expectations.

"This is bad! That guy has kidnapped Fourth Young Master!" After a moment of shock, Carlos quickly reacted, his face changing dramatically. "Quick, quick, quick! Get in the car! We need to inform the Langford family immediately and rescue Fourth Young Master. Otherwise, both of us will be in big trouble!"

After saying that, he hurriedly got into his own car.

"What are you still standing there for? Move it!"

Seeing that Roselyn hadn't reacted, Carlos poked his head out of the car window and shouted.

"Oh, oh..."

Roselyn, who had just awakened from her daze, immediately sat in the front passenger seat.

With the roar of the engine, the two of them raced away.

They drove for about an hour.

Dustin, driving the Land Rover, was the first to stop in front of a magnificent mansion.

It was a luxurious four-sided courtyard.

Looking around, the high walls stood tall, with green bricks and black tiles, flying eaves, simple yet majestic.

The gate was a large red gate with a gold border, and in front of the gate stood two imposing stone lions.

Above the gate hung a golden sign written on it: "Dragon Mansion!"
Chapter 1301 A Kind-hearted and Righteous Man

"Cannot be sold?"

Upon hearing this, Carlos couldn't help but furrow his brow.

He had thought it was some kind of miraculous elixir, but he didn't expect it to have such serious side effects.

As disappointment washed over him, he couldn't help but feel skeptical.

"Mr. Rhys, you're not joking with me, are you? I just saw Lenny Mazer, and he didn't seem to have any adverse reactions," Carlos inquired cautiously.

"It's not apparent now, but in half an hour, it will become evident," Dustin replied without a change in expression.

"Mr. Rhys, is there any way to reduce the side effects? Even if the efficacy is slightly compromised, it's okay," Carlos proposed an alternative.

Using potent medicine often leads to noticeable side effects, but if milder options are considered, there should be no problem.

"Not at the moment," Dustin shook his head.

Both Lenny and Carlos were not to be trusted. Dustin had no intention of easily handing over a drug that could disrupt the market.

Of course, it mainly depended on his unfavorable impression of the two.

"It's okay if there isn't. How about you provide me with the prescription, and I'll try to improve it? If it succeeds, I'll give you a fifty percent share. What do you say?" Carlos had another idea.

As a prominent disciple of Elijah Grantwood, he had a high level of expertise in medicine. Improving the prescription should not be a problem.

"Carlos, this is a partial formula; it can't be improved. Let’s end this discussion," Dustin refused once more.

"Why not give it a try? How do you know if you don't attempt it?" Carlos retorted.

"Many have tried before, and without exception, all failed. No matter how much research they did, it was all in vain," Dustin shook his head.

"Hey! Are you seriously being so stingy? You're just being asked for a prescription, yet you're finding all sorts of excuses to refuse. It's truly despicable!"

At this point, Roselyn could no longer contain herself and angrily exclaimed, "Furthermore, just because others couldn't improve it doesn't mean my eldest senior brother can't. He's a genius in the field of medicine, much better than you. He's giving you a chance to make a fortune, don't underestimate him!"

"Roselyn! Watch your attitude!" Carlos deliberately maintained a stern expression.

"Senior brother, you're being too courteous to him. Such a person shouldn't be indulged, or he'll take advantage of it!" Roselyn placed her hands on her hips.

"Mr. Rhys is just being cautious, which is understandable, considering we've only just met," Carlos put on a compassionate appearance and changed his approach, "But, Mr. Rhys, now that you've joined Healwell Clinic, we're like brothers. With this bond, can't you trust me?"

"You're right! Our eldest senior brother is benevolent and virtuous, with an excellent character. If you give him the prescription, it will definitely be in good hands!"

"Exactly! Eldest senior brother comes from a distinguished family and is highly knowledgeable in pharmacology. He can certainly improve the prescription, and we'll all prosper together!"

"Mr. Rhys, this kind of opportunity is extremely rare. Besides, the prescription is of no use to you if you keep it. Giving it to our eldest senior brother is the most practical choice!"

At this moment, the medical apprentices of Healwell Clinic began to offer their persuasive words.

Carlos had always been generous, and if he could improve the prescription, he would undoubtedly profit handsomely, which would benefit them as well. So, they were more than willing to speak up in support.

"I made it clear before; this prescription is a family heirloom and will not be sold," Dustin stated calmly.

"Mr. Rhys, please don't misunderstand. I don't want to buy it; I just want to borrow it. A rare prescription like this should not be buried but should be promoted for the benefit of the people. It's our duty as healers!" Carlos spoke with conviction.

"Well said! Our eldest senior brother is truly compassionate!" Roselyn looked at him with admiration.

Such kind-hearted and righteous men were indeed a rarity.

Chapter 1302 A Noble Aspiration

"Benefit of the people?"

Upon hearing this, Dustin couldn't help but find it somewhat amusing.

This Carlos had a way with words, indeed. Despite his extreme greed, he managed to cloak himself in righteousness, portraying himself as a shining figure.

It was truly nauseating.

Although Lenny was greedy, he at least was willing to spend money. This guy in front of him, on the other hand, wanted everything for free, a pure freeloader.

He had absolutely no shame.

"Hey! My senior brother is talking to you, can't you hear?" Seeing Dustin's silence, Roselyn grew impatient. "Since you've joined Healwell Clinic, you should listen to us. Consider the recipe for Jade Dew Ointment as your contribution to Healwell Clinic. There will be benefits for you in the future!"

"Let me say it one last time: the recipe won't be passed on," Dustin replied coldly.

"Hey! You are like a wooden block, so unenlightened!" Roselyn exclaimed in frustration. "My eldest senior brother wants your recipe not for personal gain but to benefit the masses, to help the sick. That's a noble aspiration. Shouldn't you support it?"

"Is it appropriate for you to use my possessions to fulfill his aspiration?" Dustin countered.

"What's wrong with it? As they say, physicians should have compassionate hearts. You're just too selfish! You lack any sense of humanity!" Roselyn scoffed.

"Oh... How about you? Are you not selfish? Are you virtuous, generous, and compassionate? then why don't you donate all your wealth? Oh, by the way, there are two beggars outside on the street corner. Can you give them your house, car, clothes, bags, and all your luxury items? It's for the betterment of society!"

"Benefiting the people, right?"

Dustin began to mock back, each word cutting like a knife.

He couldn't stand people who acted like saints.

"You... You're clearly twisting the issue!" Roselyn's face turned bright red, and she was growing increasingly angry.

"What's wrong? You don’t want to do it? Weren't you just talking noble ideas? Why can't you make sacrifices for others? If you can't do it yourself, why do you have the audacity to demand it from me? You're quite hypocritical," Dustin continued to press.

Originally, he didn't want to make a big deal out of it, but this woman kept pushing it. Did she really think he was a pushover who could be taken advantage of at will?

"You... You... You're outrageous!" Roselyn's face flushed with frustration, and her emotions were in turmoil. "I'm your senior sister! How dare you show disrespect to me? It's utterly disrespectful, going against the hierarchy!"

"Senior sister? In your dreams," Dustin sneered.

"I don't care! You must hand over the recipe today, or you won't be allowed to stay in Healwell Clinic. I'll personally expel you!" Roselyn threatened loudly.

"Roselyn, you've got it all wrong. I never intended to join Healwell Clinic, so your threat means nothing to me. It's just a joke," Dustin shrugged nonchalantly, showing no concern.

"You... You..."

Roselyn was so angry that she almost stomped her feet, and her eyes welled up with tears.

She had been driven to tears.

Chapter 1303 Completely Unreasonable Behavior

"You scoundrel! You've gone too far, bullying people so mercilessly!" Roselyn was furious and frustrated, tears welling up in her eyes.

With her stunning looks and exceptional talents, she had been adored and pampered throughout her life. Wherever she went and whatever she did, others would bend over backward to accommodate her.

But this guy, Dustin, had no gentlemanly demeanor whatsoever. He not only disrespected her but also humiliated her with his words, causing her to lose face in front of everyone.

He was utterly despicable!

"That's enough, junior sister. Please calm down," sensing the tension, Carlos began to mediate. "We're all fellow disciples, and we'll be seeing each other every day. There's no need to sour our relationship."

"Pah! Who are fellow disciples with him? Healwell Clinic can exist without him, but it can't exist without me!" Roselyn declared defiantly.

"That's enough!"

Elijah finally couldn't hold back and sternly rebuked, "Roselyn, you're being too unruly. The recipe for Jade Dew Ointment belongs to Dustin. How he handles it is his business, and you have no right to interfere!"

"But Grandfather? I'm your granddaughter, why are you siding with him?" Roselyn couldn't believe it. Her grandfather had always doted on her, so why was he helping an outsider today?

"Dustin saved Healwell Clinic twice. If you don't show gratitude and keep causing trouble like this, it's completely unreasonable!" Elijah scolded her with a stern face. "If you dare to act recklessly again, don't blame me having you grounded for a month!"


Roselyn opened her mouth but ultimately held her tongue.

She knew her grandfather's words were as good as gold. What he said, he would definitely do. Although she felt wronged, causing more trouble wouldn't lead to anything good.

In the end, all her anger and resentment were directed at Dustin through her eyes.

One day, she would make him pay for this!

"Mr. Rhys, this girl is quite out of line. Allow me to apologize on her behalf," Elijah apologized with a hint of regret.

"It's alright; it was just a joke," Dustin replied with a faint smile, not wanting to make a fuss.

Although Roselyn was willful, Elijah was still reasonable.

Considering that Lorenzo had to stay at Healwell Clinic for a while, there were certain matters he didn't want to escalate.

"Mr. Rhys, why don't we talk about the recipe now?" Carlos couldn't wait and said eagerly. "I'm sincerely looking to collaborate with you. As long as you provide the recipe, we can research it together, make money together, and benefit the people together. Why not do it? Of course, if you think my sincerity is lacking, feel free to make a request. Whatever you need, I'll try my best to fulfill."

Upon hearing this, Dustin was about to refuse but seemed to suddenly think of something. He changed his tone and said, "Since you're so sincere, let me be frank. If you can obtain three rare medicinal ingredients for me - Ice Heart Lotus, Dragon Blood Ginseng, and Golden Marrow Jade - I'll give you the recipe."

"Really?" Carlos's eyes lit up, and he immediately became excited. "Mr. Rhys, don't even talk about three, even if it's thirty or three hundred of these medicinal ingredients, I can definitely get them for you. Tell me, what do you need?"

"What I need are Ice Heart Lotus, Dragon Blood Ginseng, and Golden Marrow Jade," Dustin listed the names of the medicinal ingredients.

These were the primary ingredients for refining the Bone Cleansing Pill, and they were crucial for treating Lorenzo's condition.

If he could exchange a partial recipe for three high-quality medicinal ingredients, it would be a great deal.

"Ice Heart Lotus? Dragon Blood Ginseng? Golden Marrow Jade?" Carlos furrowed his brows upon hearing this. "If I recall correctly, these three medicinal ingredients are extremely rare and valuable. They can't be found on the market. What do you need them for, Mr. Rhys?"

"I have my reasons. It depends on whether you agree or not," Dustin replied calmly.

"These three medicinal ingredients are exceedingly rare and valuable, worth a fortune, and difficult to obtain. Give me some time, and I should be able to gather them," Carlos said thoughtfully.

"Alright, I'll wait for your good news. As soon as you collect the three medicinal ingredients, I'll give you the Jade Dew Ointment recipe," Dustin said with a slight smile.

Chapter 1304 The Lucky Dragon Restaurant

"Great! It's a deal!" Carlos was in high spirits.

The Grantwood family was a prominent family in medicine. While they might not have the same heritage and strength as the Torby family, they were still a respected presence in Willowbrook.

With a little effort, finding three top-quality medicinal ingredients should not be too difficult for them.

"It's getting late. How about we all have a meal together? It's also a chance to welcome and get to know Dustin," suddenly suggested Elijah.

"No problem! Today, I'll treat you all. Dustin, let's go to the Imperial Palace Cuisine!" Carlos declared with great enthusiasm.

"The Imperial Palace Cuisine?"

As these words were spoken, the people from Healwell Clinic couldn't help but brighten up. They became excited.

The Imperial Palace Cuisine was the most famous restaurant in Willowbrook District (southern city). Usually, it catered to high-ranking officials, and ordinary people had no qualifications to enter.

To dine there, one not only needed to have money but also status and prestige. The threshold was extremely high.

The most crucial thing was that the Imperial Palace Cuisine had a widely circulated story.

Because of this story, many high-ranking officials were eager to dine there.

Rumor had it that the person in the Forbidden City had once eaten at the Imperial Palace Cuisine. After the meal, he found it extraordinarily delicious and even composed a poem in praise.

Since then, the previously named Lucky Dragon Restaurant was renamed the Imperial Palace Cuisine.

This poem became the restaurant's signature and was passed down through word of mouth.

For ordinary people, being able to dine at the Imperial Palace Cuisine was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and they could brag about it for a whole year.

Night fell gradually.

At this moment, in front of the Imperial Palace Cuisine, several luxury cars slowly pulled up.

As the car doors opened, Carlos led a group of people, walking confidently towards the entrance.

Wherever they passed, there were greetings and bows from the bystanders.

No matter who saw them, they would address Carlos as "Young Master."

The scene looked impressive, and it further fueled the admiration of Roselyn and the other young disciples.

"I never expected the Imperial Palace Cuisine to be so luxurious!"

"I can't believe that in my lifetime, I would have the opportunity to dine at the Imperial Palace Cuisine. It's incredible!"

"We owe it all to Senior Brother's generosity. Otherwise, we wouldn't have this chance."

Inside, the disciples of Healwell Clinic were wide-eyed, chatting excitedly.

They all looked like they had just walked into a dreamland.

"It really lives up to its reputation as the Imperial Palace Cuisine," someone said with admiration.

"No wonder they say this is the best restaurant in Willowbrook," another agreed.

As they entered, Carlos's group looked around in amazement. The restaurant was elegantly decorated, and every detail exuded luxury.

They were in awe of the grandeur around them.

"Hey! Why are you smiling like that?"

Roselyn deliberately approached Dustin and put on a condescending expression. "Someone like you, from the countryside, probably hasn't seen a high-end restaurant like this before, right? Take your time, take some selfies for you social media. In the future, when you're out and about, you can brag to people. After all, you won't have a second chance like this. Cherish it, country bumpkin."

Upon hearing this, Dustin just chuckled and didn't bother to respond.

This woman was actually flaunting her superiority in front of him. He wondered where she got the courage.

"Hey! Why are you laughing?"

Roselyn was somewhat dissatisfied. "From the way you look, it's clear you're inexperienced. The Imperial Palace Cuisine is the best in Willowbrook. It's where the emperor himself has dined. Only high-ranking officials can enter. If it weren't for my Senior Brother's status, you would never have set foot through these doors in your entire life!"

"Whether the Imperial Palace Cuisine is the best in Willowbrook, I don't know," Dustin shook his head and calmly replied, "I only remember that, ten years ago, when I dined here with the emperor, this place wasn't called the Imperial Palace Cuisine; it was called Lucky Dragon Restaurant."

Chapter 1305 A Thunderous Name

"What? Dined with the Emperor?"

Roselyn was initially stunned, then burst into laughter without mercy. "I have to say, country bumpkin, do you have a problem with your brain? You? Dining with the Emperor? Are you qualified? Even my Senior Brotherdoesn't have that privilege. Who do you think you are?"

A rustic like him claiming to know the emperor was simply shameless!

"Believe it or not, it's up to you," Dustin shrugged and didn't bother to argue.

It was useless to say anything more to someone who looked down on others.

"Hmph! Earlier, I just thought you had no sense of propriety and lacked gentlemanly manners. I didn't expect you to be a braggart too. I don't know why my grandfather values you."

Roselyn crossed her arms and sneered.

As a native of Stonia, she naturally had a sense of superiority when it came to outsiders.

"We're here, this is it!"

At this moment, Carlos, who was leading the way, suddenly stopped and pointed to a large piece of announcement paper hanging in mid-air.

The announcement paper was large, framed in a golden border of glass, and hung in the most prominent position, easily visible when one looked up.

At this moment, the announcement paper displayed several lines of calligraphy.

The characters were vigorous and forceful, with powerful brushwork and a majestic posture, clearly the work of a master calligrapher.

"Senior Brother, what's written on it? Is it a poem?" Roselyn, who was curious, asked.

She might not understand calligraphy, but she could tell that these characters were beautiful, pleasing to the eye, and awe-inspiring.

"Yes, it's a poem!"

Carlos smiled and nodded, "I believe you've all heard of the rumor about the Imperial Palace Cuisine. About ten years ago, the emperor visited the Imperial Palace Cuisine. After three rounds of drinking, he became very interested and composed a poem. The poem you see before you were composed by the emperor!"

"Wow! I never thought the rumors were true? There's actually a poem composed by the emperor here. Amazing!"

"No wonder they say the Imperial Palace Cuisine lives up to its reputation!"

The disciples of Healwell Clinic stared fixedly at the announcement paper; their expressions filled with excitement.

For ordinary people like them, being able to see the emperor’s talent was a great honor.

"Strange... why does the poem have two surnames in the signature?" someone suddenly asked.

"You hit the nail on the head with that question," Carlos said, showing off his knowledge, "This poem was indeed composed by the emperor, but the person who wrote it is another prominent figure. That's why there are two surnames in the signature. Of course, it also represents how highly the emperor regards this person."

"Someone can co-sign a poem with the emperor? That's incredible!" The crowd marveled.

"No wonder the emperor values this person so much. I guess this person must be some noble," Roselyn said, her eyes filled with admiration.

"Sister, you guessed wrong," Carlos shook his head and smiled, "This person is not a noble, but his status is even higher than a noble."

"Oh? Who is this person?" Roselyn became even more curious.

"To be honest, this person is none other than the Crown Prince of the West Lucozia Palace, the Kirin who shook the world ten years ago, Logan Rhys!" Carlos announced loudly.

"What? Logan Rhys, the Kirin?!"

As soon as this statement came out, the entire place was in an uproar.

The name Logan Rhys was thunderous, and although ten years had passed, his past glory was still deeply ingrained in people's minds.

Ten years ago, it was an era where geniuses were born in abundance and monsters were rampant.

But Logan Rhys, with his own strength, suppressed all the geniuses, dominated Stonia with an unrivaled presence, and made a name for himself throughout the world!

He alone held the glory of that era!

Since then, no one else could be compared to Logan Rhys, whether they were nobles, aristocrats, or top geniuses. He left them all in the dust!

Chapter 1306 A Nearly Perfect Man

"I didn't expect that Logan Rhys was the one who wrote this, no wonder he could write a poem on behalf of the emperor."

"The emperor’s poem, Logan Rhys's calligraphy, if the Imperial Palace Cuisine wasn't famous, it would be a real shame!"

"It's no wonder they say Logan Rhys is a genius, even at the age of thirteen, his calligraphy was already on par with the masters of the art, truly worth a thousand gold coins!"


As they looked at the words in the air, everyone was filled with amazement.

At this moment, they finally understood why the Imperial Palace Cuisine had such a high threshold.

With such a treasure displayed here, a high threshold was only natural.

"I heard that the Kirin not only has extraordinary talent but is also exceptionally handsome, knowledgeable in all aspects. It would be great if we had the chance to meet him!"

Roselyn covered her face with her hands, her eyes filled with admiration.

Although Carlos was outstanding, compared to Logan Rhys, he was not worth mentioning.

Whether it was his family background, personal abilities, or looks, Logan Rhys had reached the peak in almost every aspect.

He was a nearly perfect man, the dream lover of countless girls.

Back then, she had imagined more than once what a wonderful thing it would be if she could marry Logan Rhys.

"White egrets fly before Elmshire Rise, peach blossoms flow, and the fish are fat. Green bamboo hat, green sedge raincoat, in the slanting wind and fine rain, there is no need to return."

"Good poem, it's indeed a good poem!"

"The poem is excellent, and the calligraphy is even better. Truly a peerless genius of the era!"

Stroking his beard, Elijah praised without end.

"Dr Elijah is too modest, the calligraphy on this piece of paper still appears somewhat immature."

Dustin looked up at the poem and felt like he was drifting back to ten years ago.

"Hey! What nonsense are you talking about?"

Hearing this, Roselyn instantly became displeased. "Who do you think you are? How dare you make unfounded claims about Logan Rhys's calligraphy? You have a lot of nerve!"

"Exactly! The Kirin's calligraphy is worth a thousand gold coins per character. What about you? Even wiping someone's butt is probably too uncomfortable for you!" Elmer jeered.

While the others remained silent, their eyes displayed strange expressions.

The calligraphy of the Kirin had been validated by time.

Many calligraphy masters had come to admire it, wanting to witness his brilliance.

After seeing it, they were deeply impressed.

A person's calligraphy that earned the admiration of various calligraphy masters, when spoken by Dustin, had actually become "immature"?

This guy was too arrogant, wasn't he?

"I'm just stating the facts, why are you all so worked up?" Dustin said somewhat helplessly.

Compared to now, the characters he had written ten years ago did indeed seem somewhat immature.

What was wrong with that?

"Speaking the truth? I think you're just talking nonsense!"

Roselyn was furious. "You clearly don't understand anything, yet you're spouting nonsense here, acting all high and mighty. You're really despicable!"

"Hmph! I think someone here is just jealous and envious, so they're defaming Logan Rhys's calligraphy!" Elmer sneered.

"Dustin, be careful with your words. If what you said today gets out, it might cause you a lot of trouble," Carlos warned.

Damn, is this kid crazy?

He actually dared to belittle the Kirin's calligraphy at the Imperial Palace Cuisine? Is he looking for trouble?

Chapter 1307 A Cultural Evening

"It's been a long time since I wrote, and I might be a bit rusty. I think I'll pass," Dustin shook his head.

His handwriting was easily recognizable by knowledgeable individuals. Although he wasn't afraid of exposing his identity now, letting certain people know could still bring trouble.

"Rusty? Hmph! I think you're just not capable!" Roselyn sneered. "Clearly, you have no talent, yet you insist on speaking so grandiosely. It's truly disgusting!"

"Alright, alright, let's not argue about this. There are so many people watching us. Don't let others laugh at you," Elijah began to mediate.

Although Dustin had some abilities, it was somewhat presumptuous to comment on Logan Rhys's calligraphy.

"Hmph! If someone is going to lose face, it's this guy! Daring to discredit Logan Rhys? Does he really think that us fans are just here for a free meal?" Roselyn glared.

"Enough, it's just a piece of handwriting, there's no need to make it unpleasant. I've already reserved seats upstairs, and the items on display there are all rare treasures, guaranteed to amaze you."

"Furthermore, there's a special event at the Imperial Palace Cuisine tonight. If we're lucky, we might get a surprise."

Carlos's words immediately caught everyone's attention.

"A surprise? What kind of surprise?" Roselyn asked curiously.

"As far as I know, every three months, the Imperial Palace Cuisine hosts a cultural evening where people compete in poetry, song, and other literary arts."

"If someone can outshine the others in this evening's competition, they can receive a prize carefully prepared by the Imperial Palace Cuisine."

"So, during this time, the Imperial Palace Cuisine is always packed. If it weren't for my early reservation and some connections, we might not even have seats tonight," Carlos said excitedly.

Spending a lot of money to reserve seats upstairs was for the sake of witnessing this cultural evening.

After all, those who could enter the Imperial Palace Cuisine were either rich or noble.

Now was also the best time to make connections with the powerful.

"A cultural evening? That's great!"

After hearing, Roselyn instantly became spirited. "I've been well-versed in poetry, song, and other literary arts since I was young. Now it's finally time for me to show my skills!"

She had been forced to read books by her grandfather since she was a child, so she had memorized many things.

Back when she was in school, she could recite poems and essays fluently and was known as a talented girl.

Now, she could relive her past glory.

"Senior Brother, you mentioned that the winner gets a prize. I wonder what it is?" Elmer cautiously asked.

"The Imperial Palace Cuisine's prizes are naturally extraordinary."

Carlos smiled and said, "If I'm not mistaken, you should be able to select something from the Treasure Pavilion. The so-called Treasure Pavilion is a collection of rare and exotic treasures personally collected by the Imperial Palace Cuisine's owner. Anything randomly taken from there is worth a fortune!"

"Worth a fortune?!"

Hearing this, Elmer's eyes lit up, and his breathing became rapid.

The other disciples of the Helwell Clinic were also in high spirits.

Treasures worth a fortune, if they could obtain one, wouldn't that make them rich overnight?

They never expected that simply having a meal would present them with such an opportunity.

"Roselyn, it's all up to you. If you can outshine the others and win the treasure, our Helwell Clinic will also gain fame!"

"That's right, that's right! If you win the first prize, our Helwell Clinic will be able to establish its reputation!"

Many disciples of the Helwell Clinic were looking at Roselyn with hopeful eyes.

They were all well aware that Roselyn was incredibly smart and talented, excelling in everything she did.

Especially when it came to poetry, song, and other literary arts, she had a very high level of proficiency and was not inferior to some experts.

"Don't worry, when I win the first prize and get the treasure, I'll treat you all to a meal!" Roselyn said proudly.

"Roselyn, don't be too arrogant. You should know that there are always people better than you, and there are heavens beyond heavens," Elijah reminded her in a timely manner.

Chapter 1308 Selfies for Social Media

Although their granddaughter was talented, it didn't mean she could outshine everyone else. After all, Stonia was a place with an abundance of talents and elites.

"Grandpa, I'm known as a talented girl in school, and my status is unshakable. If I can't even win this cultural evening, I might as well hang myself," Roselyn said confidently.

"You little girl, what nonsense are you talking about?" Stroking his beard, Elijah frowned slightly.

"Master, my junior sister has extraordinary talent in this area, and I believe she'll be fine," Carlos smiled.

"Do you hear that? Even our senior brother thinks so. I'm determined to win the first place today!" Roselyn said even more arrogantly.

Elijah shook his head, feeling somewhat helpless. Her overconfidence would inevitably lead to trouble sooner or later.

"It's about time; let's go upstairs first."

Carlos called out, leading the group of people upstairs.

Compared to the splendid first floor, the second floor was even more elegant and refined. Every decoration and detail had been meticulously arranged, perfect in every way, making it impossible to find any fault.

At this moment, the second floor of the Imperial Palace Cuisine had already gathered many dignitaries. Each of them had one or two cultured young talents by their side.

The Imperial Palace Cuisine's cultural evening, held every three months, always attracted a large number of repeat customers. This was also a marketing strategy in itself.

Under Carlos's guidance, the group of people reached their reserved seats.

The Imperial Palace Cuisine was quite spacious, and even though there were many guests tonight, it didn't appear crowded.

"Oh! Isn't this our talented Miss Roselyn?"

At this moment, a mocking female voice suddenly sounded from the side.

Turning their heads to look, they saw a seductive and glamorous woman walking over, swaying her waist.

Beside her was a clean-cut young man dressed in a long robe.

"Belinda? What are you doing here?" Roselyn couldn't help but furrow her brow when she saw the woman. Her smile from earlier disappeared instantly, replaced by a more reserved expression.

"My Remington family is in Willowbrook, so I can be considered quite influential. Why wouldn't I come to the Imperial Palace Cuisine for a meal? As for you, coming from a small family, how did you manage to enter the Imperial Palace Cuisine?" Belinda Remington hooked her lips and looked Roselyn up and down. Her eyes were filled with disdain. "I heard you're just filthy rich, what's so impressive about that?"

"How I got in is none of your business! You're nothing more than having a few bucks. What's so great about that?" Roselyn puffed out her chest defiantly.

The woman in front of her was not only her classmate but also her rival.

During their four years of university, Belinda had always looked down on Roselyn because she had money and power. She had even stolen Roselyn's boyfriend openly and shamelessly, not just once but several times.

Roselyn had always held a grudge against her and harbored deep resentment.

"Sorry, but having money is indeed impressive."

Belinda shrugged and said playfully, "For example, the Imperial Palace Cuisine. I can come here every day, while you? You can only bask in someone else's glory. That's the difference."

"Oh, by the way, take some selfies when you have time and post them on your social media. Cherish this rare opportunity. After all, someone like you, entering here once is like seeing a ghost."


Roselyn's face turned red, and she was furious. Why did this sound so familiar?

Chapter 1309 The Bet

"Belinda, you're going a bit too far," Carlos finally spoke up. "After all, Roselyn is my junior sister. Look at the bigger picture; it's not appropriate to say such things."

"Oh? So, the Grantwood’s Young Master is also here? What a surprise," Belinda feigned astonishment before smirking. "No wonder Roselyn has the qualifications to enter the Imperial Palace Cuisine. It turns out she's protected by Grantwood’s Young Master. I just find it a bit strange, though. Grantwood’s Young Master, you come from a prestigious family, yet your taste is so poor that you've set your sights on such a common girl?"

"Hey! Who are you calling a common girl?!"

Hearing this, Roselyn immediately became furious and wanted to confront Belinda, but she was held back by the people around her.

The Remington family's influence was not weaker than the Grantwood family, and it might even be stronger. If she fought with the Remington family's young lady here, even Carlos might not be able to protect her.

"Say anything you want; I don't care. Do you have a problem with that?" Belinda provocatively challenged.

"You... you've gone too far!"

Roselyn was furious and wanted to scold her, but Carlos raised his hand to stop her. "Belinda, let bygones be bygones. Today, we are here to have a meal and don't want to cause trouble. We hope you'll let it go."

"Fine, for Grantwood’s Young Master's sake, I'll let her off this time."

Belinda glanced at Roselyn and smiled faintly. "By the way, Miss Talented, it seems like the Imperial Palace Cuisine is going to host a cultural evening later. You claim to be knowledgeable and talented, so I hope you won't embarrass yourself."

"Hmph! Will I lose? That's a joke!" Roselyn replied coldly, "In the realm of poetry, calligraphy, and prose, even if you combine ten of you, you're not my match!"

"Oh? Is that so? Since you're so confident, why don't we have a competition?" Belinda smirked playfully.

"Sure, I accept the challenge. Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Roselyn didn't back down at all.

When it came to family wealth and assets, she admitted she couldn't compete. However, in terms of talent, she could easily surpass Belinda.

"Let’s make this more interesting. Do you have the guts to make a bet?" Belinda taunted.

"What do you want to bet on?" Roselyn raised her head.

"You don't have anything valuable on you. So, how about this: we bet on your family's Healwell Clinic? If you lose, you'll give Healwell Clinic to me. If I lose, I'll give you one billion. What do you think?"

"Betting Healwell Clinic?"

Hearing this, Roselyn frowned slightly. It was evident that Belinda had ulterior motives.

"Based on the estimated value of Healwell Clinic, it's worth less than one billion. But I'm a generous person and won't quibble with you. The real issue is, do you dare to bet? If you don't, you'd better avoid me when you see me in the future."

Roselyn's face turned red as she was provoked. "What do you mean, do I dare? I accept the bet!"

"Roselyn! Don't act recklessly!" Staring at Roselyn, Elijah's expression changed, and he quickly stopped her. "Healwell Clinic is of utmost importance; it's not something to be used as a bet!"

It was one thing to bet some money, but betting the entire business was undoubtedly reckless. What if they lost? Wouldn't they be in deep trouble?

"Don't worry, Grandpa. I have confidence in winning. She's practically giving us money!" Roselyn was brimming with confidence.

"Money isn't that easy to earn. Using the entire Healwell Clinic as a bet is too risky!" Elijah said in a deep voice.

"Why can't it be done? I'm clearly certain of winning, and if I dare to bet, it's practically picking up money. This is a heaven-sent opportunity, and we can't miss it!" Roselyn insisted firmly.

Chapter 1310 Dare to Bet

Healwell Clinic's income was actually quite low. They either treated poor patients for free or charged a minimal fee for medicines. While they had gained reputation, it was their own people who suffered the most.

One billion Dollars was more than Healwell Clinic could earn in a lifetime. Betting their business seemed like a risky move, but Roselyn saw it as a chance to win big.

"Nothing in this world is absolute. I will never allow you to risk Healwell Clinic!" Grandfather Elijah insisted.

"Grandpa, why won't you believe me?" Roselyn was growing increasingly anxious. "Previously, when those hoodlums were causing trouble, you bet Healwell Clinic on Dustin, so why won't you believe in me? Why?!"

The last sentence was almost shouted in frustration.

"Dear, it was different back then; we had no choice. But now, you're being impulsive. You need to understand the difference between the two situations," Elijah explained with a furrowed brow.

"I don't care, I don't care!" Roselyn wasn't listening and was getting more emotional. "Why does Dustin deserve your bet, but I don't? If you don't believe in me today, I'll sever ties with you!"


Elijah was getting frustrated as well, feeling both angry and helpless.

This girl, why was she so stubborn?

To protect their pride, they were willing to risk everything. It was one thing to bet some money, but betting the entire business was undoubtedly reckless. What if they lose? They would be in deep trouble.

"Master, although Junior Sister might be a bit impulsive, her words do make sense," Carlos began to support her. "I'm familiar with Belinda, and she's completely devoid of talent in poetry and prose. I believe Junior Sister can win!"

"Yes, Master. Junior Sister Roselyn is known as a talented individual, and when it comes to poetry and literature, she's unparalleled. She would completely overshadow this wealthy young lady!" Elmer chimed in with agreement.

"Master, for the sake of the people we can help with the money if we win, please agree to this!" the disciples urged.


Under the unanimous persuasion, Elijah couldn't help but waver.

Now that they were already in this situation, if he refused his granddaughter, who was acting on impulse, he didn't know what reckless actions she might take.

On the other hand, if he agreed and they won the bet, they could resolve many problems for Healwell Clinic.

For a moment, he found it difficult to make a decision.

"Master, please agree. I'm willing to vouch for Junior Sister," Carlos added, extending his help further.

"Since you all say so, then let the girl have her way this once," after much hesitation, Elijah finally nodded and added sternly, "but only this once; there will be no more!"

"Alright, thank you, Grandpa!" Roselyn beamed with joy.

"Hehe... I thought you wouldn't dare to bet, but I didn't expect you to have some backbone. It's a pity, though. You're destined to lose," Belinda sneered.

"Lose? Hmph! What a joke! I know your abilities very well. With your little talent, you're not even worthy of polishing my shoes!" Roselyn retorted with disdain.

For four years in university, she didn't dare to say that she knew Belinda inside out, but she certainly knew her well.

Not to exaggerate, but even her casual handwriting was more beautiful than Belinda's.

"Since you're so confident, we'll see how it goes. I just hope you won't regret it," Belinda smiled with hidden meaning and took her seat at a nearby elegant booth, accompanied by the young man.

After a while, the cultural evening event hosted by the Imperial Palace Cuisine began.
good job ! thanks Jungal
Chapter 1311 Immortal Beauty

"Dear esteemed guests, good evening, everyone."

As the cultural evening began, a jolly, plump middle-aged man stepped onto the stage with a warm smile. He respectfully bowed to the guests in all directions.

He handled the formalities meticulously, leaving no room for any neglect.

"My name is Ryan Meyer, and I am the owner of this place. I want to express my gratitude to all of you for gracing the Imperial Palace Cuisine with your presence."

Mr Meyer continued with a smile, "Tonight, it's our monthly cultural exchange gathering, and our distinguished host has selected a remarkable treasure from the treasure chamber to kick off the evening's festivities. Our aim is to foster friendship through culture, not to compete or win, but to enjoy the arts and camaraderie."

"Mr Meyer, what exactly is the treasure your establishment has prepared? Please don't keep us in suspense!" A man suddenly exclaimed.

"Yeah! We came here just for this. Don't disappoint us!" Many others joined in with cheers.

"Please be patient, everyone. I will have the treasure brought out for your viewing pleasure."

With a slight bow, Mr Meyer signaled to two people nearby.

They quickly understood and soon brought out a rectangular wooden box.

The box was half a meter wide and one and a half meters long, crafted entirely from golden-threaded nanmu wood (a precious wood that is unique to China and South Asia, and was historically used for boat building, architectural woodworking, furniture and sculptural carving).

Just the box itself was of considerable value, not to mention what precious item lay inside.


Amid the anticipation of the crowd, Mr Meyer slowly opened the wooden box, revealing a framed painting inside.

The painting depicted a woman in palace attire, sitting in a pavilion, gazing at the snowy landscape outside.

The woman had a graceful figure and a unique charm, even though only half of her face was visible.

Her beauty was breathtaking and could captivate anyone who laid eyes on her, with her eyes being particularly mesmerizing and alluring, as if capable of enchanting one's soul.

Astonishingly beautiful, the woman and the snowy scene complemented each other, creating a magnificent and captivating masterpiece.

"So beautiful!"

Upon seeing the painting, the entire audience fell into a sudden hush.

Both men and women were equally stunned by the artwork.

The more they looked, the more they found themselves drawn into an inexplicable mood.

The longer they looked, the more enchanting and heartwarming it appeared.

"I never thought there could be such perfection in the world."

Carlos was left speechless, and his eyes seemed to radiate light.

Though not one to be easily swayed by appearances, he found it impossible to look away from such a stunning beauty.

That face, that aura, the enchantment radiating from her every expression and gesture—it was truly mesmerizing.

"If I could marry a woman like her, I'd gladly give up ten years of my life!" Elmer couldn't help but swallow hard.

The rest of the disciples from the Healwell Clinic were equally amazed.

None of them had expected a painting to possess such an extraordinary power.

"Humph! There can't be a woman this perfect in the world; it must be the creation of a skillful artist!" Roselyn said with a jealous expression.

Despite her own confidence in her appearance, she couldn't help but feel a sense of inferiority when compared to the woman in the painting.

So, she was convinced that the person in the painting must be a fabrication.

"Mr Meyer, what's the story behind this painting? Who is the lady in the portrait?" A man suddenly asked.

"To be honest, this painting is the work of Master Ferrucci and is titled ‘Dipinto della Bellezza’ (Painting of Beauty)" Mr Meyer explained.

"What? This is a painting by Master Alessio Ferrucci?"

"Master Ferrucci? Is that the renowned literary and artistic figure of our time?"

"That's right! Master Ferrucci is celebrated as a contemporary poet and a master of the arts. His paintings are worth their weight in gold!"

Chapter 1312 Unmatched Charm

After learning about the origins of the artwork, the entire audience erupted in excitement.

The people attending tonight's event were, to varying degrees, enthusiasts of elegance and refinement. Legendary figures like Master Ferrucci were highly esteemed in their eyes.

Poetry and painting were two entirely different realms, and mastering either was no small feat. Those who excelled in both were truly rare.

As for someone like Master Ferrucci, who had reached the pinnacle in both poetry and painting, he was a true enigma. He had a reputation for being unconventional, caring little for wealth, and rarely producing poems or artworks. Consequently, whenever his works appeared, they fetched a high price at auctions and were considered treasures. Many of the cultured elite took pride in owning an authentic piece by Master Ferrucci.

Seeing one of his works in person was naturally a source of great excitement.

"I believe you all know how rare Master Ferrucci's authentic works are. If it weren't for our esteemed host's close relationship with Master Ferrucci, we might not have been able to obtain this 'Dipinto della Bellezza' tonight," Mr Meyer said with a smile.

"It truly lives up to Master Ferrucci's reputation. This 'Dipinto della Bellezza' is so lifelike, as if a celestial being descended to Earth; it's extraordinary!"

"To witness an authentic work by Master Ferrucci is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"Wait a minute... I heard that Master Ferrucci's paintings emphasize realism. Could it be that the lady in this painting is not a creation?"

As the crowd chatted, they suddenly realized the issue at hand.

"This guest has a point. The lady in the painting is not a fabrication; she is a real person," Mr Meyer paused briefly, waiting until everyone's curiosity was piqued before continuing, "I won't keep you in suspense any longer. I can reveal that the original subject of this 'Dipinto della Bellezza' is none other than the number one beauty in the Dragonmarsh, the top-ranked lady on the Beauty Index—Gabrielle Whitlock!"

"What? Gabrielle Whitlock?!"

With those words, the entire room erupted in a storm of excitement.

Each person wore a look of astonishment and fervor.

The name Gabrielle Whitlock had become widely known in recent years. Yet, this woman remained shrouded in mystery. No one knew what she looked like or her background. What was known was that a few years ago, the name Gabrielle Whitlock had appeared out of nowhere, toppling all other peerless beauties on the Beauty Index and claiming the coveted first place. From then on, she was hailed as the number one beauty in the Dragonmarsh.

However, despite her consecutive years at the top, Gabrielle Whitlock had never appeared in public. To this day, no one knew what she actually looked like.

Strangely, this only intensified people's curiosity. So, upon hearing that the lady in the painting was Gabrielle Whitlock, all the guests in attendance wore expressions of pleasant surprise.

Even though only half of her face was visible in the painting, her unmatched charm was undeniable.

As the top-ranked beauty on the Beauty Index, Gabrielle Whitlock truly lived up to her reputation!

"Master Ferrucci's artwork, coupled with Gabrielle Whitlock's extraordinary allure, makes this treasure a fitting highlight for tonight, wouldn't you agree?" Mr Meyer smiled warmly.

"Hahaha... excellent! It's indeed a precious gem! I've decided to acquire this 'Dipinto della Bellezza' tonight!"

"Nonsense! The 'Dipinto della Bellezza' is mine; no one can take it from me!"

"Humph! Words are meaningless; whether or not you can obtain the 'Dipinto della Bellezza' will depend on your skills!"

After some spirited banter, the atmosphere in the Imperial Palace Cuisine had reached its zenith. Everyone was eager to showcase their talents.

"Since you're all in high spirits, I won't keep you waiting any longer," Mr Meyer cleared his throat and continued, "Today, our establishment has prepared a traditional activity for the Lantern Festival—word puzzle challenge."

Chapter 1313 A Pastime for Common Folks

"Word puzzle challenge?"

Upon hearing this, the crowd was taken aback. They exchanged puzzled looks, unsure of what was happening.

In the past, they had always competed in poetry, music, calligraphy, and painting. Why were they suddenly asked to do Word puzzle challenge today?

To win the top spot, many of the distinguished guests had spared no expense, inviting poetry experts and literary geniuses to assist them.

Now, instead of poetry or painting, they were unexpectedly faced with word puzzle challenge. Did that mean all their previous preparations had been in vain?

"Mr Meyer, couldn't we have a contest of poetry instead? It seems like you're intentionally making things difficult for us." someone voiced their displeasure.

"Guests, please calm down. The topics for tonight's competition are randomly selected, and there's no intention to make things difficult. Please bear with us," Mr Meyer replied with a slight nod.

"Alright, alright, enough talk. Let's get on with the Word puzzle challenge. That’s too easy."

"That's right. People like us, well-versed in world literature, shouldn't be daunted by mere Word puzzle challenge."

"Now, it's time to put our literary skills to the test. Let's see who stands out among us!"

The crowd was abuzz with excitement, urging the competition to begin.

"Sister, you excel in poetry, but are you confident in word puzzle challenge?" Carlos couldn't help but ask.

"Brother, rest assured. I'm skilled in words, and even poetry, word puzzle challenge is going to be a walk in the park," Roselyn replied confidently.

To her, word puzzle challenges were a pastime for common folks. As a cultured individual, she considered them too easy and believed there was no challenge involved.

She was confident that she could easily handle it.

"That's good to hear..."

Carlos breathed a sigh of relief, then added, "If Sister can win this 'Dipinto della Bellezza,' would you consider selling it to me? I'm willing to pay a hefty sum!"

"Brother, you're too kind. If you like it, I'll gladly give it to you," Roselyn responded generously.

Her confidence made it seem as though victory was already assured.

"Thank you, Sister!"

Carlos's face lit up, and his heart raced a bit faster. The 'Dipinto della Bellezza' was truly invaluable, and if he could obtain it, it might catapult the Grantwood family to new heights.

"Now that everyone is in agreement, let's begin," the Mr Meyer announced as the surroundings grew quieter. He signaled for a sealed box to be brought over.

The box had a hole on top, just large enough for a hand to reach inside. The Mr Meyer rolled up his sleeve, extended his hand into the box, and after a brief search, he pulled out a card.

After glancing at the card, he spoke aloud, "The first puzzle challenge is: 'A shining star in the night sky, guess one letter.'"

"A shining star in the night sky?"

Upon hearing this, the crowd fell silent, contemplating the puzzle. Solving word puzzles wasn't their forte, and many were only vaguely familiar with them, often relying on luck to make a guess.

"Roselyn, how do you interpret 'A shining star in the night sky'?" asked Carlos, intrigued.


Roselyn paused for a moment, unsure of how to respond. He could only say, "Brolther, give me a moment to think."

"Of course, take your time. There's no rush."

Carlos refrained from pressuring her, not wanting to interrupt her thought process.

"A shining star in the night sky, guess one letter. From the literal meaning, it shouldn't be too difficult to understand that this letter is related to stars and the night sky," Roselyn muttered to herself, lightly tapping the table with her fingers.

After a while, her eyes suddenly lit up. "Brother! I know what letter it is!"

Chapter 1314: Just A Bit of Brainpower Needed

"Oh? What is it?" Carlos perked up instantly.

"It's the letter 'S'!"

Roselyn asserted confidently, "The phrase 'A shining star in the night sky' directly points to the letter 'S'! It's the only logical choice!"

"'S'? Are you sure?" Carlos asked cautiously.

"Absolutely! With such a straightforward word puzzle, how could I be mistaken? I just needed to use a bit of brainpower to easily figure it out," Roselyn replied with unwavering confidence.

"Sister Roselyn is indeed amazing! She solved the puzzle so quickly, truly a renowned talent!" Elmer praised.

"That's right! With Sister Roselyn here, we can not only win but also make a fortune!" The Healwell Clinic disciples were excited.

"Hmph... a mere word puzzle offers no challenge at all. I can't fully showcase my talents," Roselyn said, with an air of arrogance.

Hearing this, Dustin just shook his head and chuckled.

This woman was excessively confident. She hadn't even examined the question properly and hastily concluded. It was truly amusing.

"Hey, what are you laughing at? Who do you think you are to dare to laugh at me?" Roselyn glared at him, her tone full of discontent.

"Of course, I'm not."

Dustin shrugged. "Just a friendly reminder, believe whatever you like to believe; I don’t care."

In any case, he wouldn't be the one embarrassed.

"Dustin, judging by your tone, do you have an answer?" Carlos casually asked.

"If I'm not mistaken, the answer should be the letter N,'" Dustin replied.

"'N'? What's that?" Carlos rubbed his chin, about to inquire further when Roselyn beside him snorted.

"'N'? It's absurd! The word puzzle clearly refers to stars and the night sky. It can only be the letter 'N'! You're pretending to be knowledgeable!" Roselyn exclaimed.

"Whether you believe it or not is up to you," Dustin said, uninterested in arguing.

Some people just refused to admit when they were wrong.

"Brother, this person is clearly trying to seek attention. Don't pay any attention to him. You should listen to me. Submit the answer 'S,' and we'll surely secure the first question!" Roselyn was brimming with self-assurance.

"Alright! Sister Roselyn is extraordinarily talented. I believe in you!" Carlos nodded and promptly raised his hand. "Mr. Meyer, I know the answer to the puzzle!"


The Mr Meyer raised an eyebrow and smiled. "May I ask, what is your answer, Mr. Grantwood?"

"It's the letter 'S'!" Carlos confidently declared. "The phrase 'A shining star in the night sky' directly points to the letter 'S'! There's no other answer!"

As soon as he spoke, many people began to whisper and discuss whether this answer was correct.

"Mr. Grantwood, are you sure it's 'S'? Maybe you should think it over again," the Mr Meyer advised.

"No need to think it over. It's definitely 'S.' Just announce the result!" Carlos urged.

"Mr. Grantwood, I'm sorry, but your answer is incorrect," the Mr Meyer shook his head.

"What? Incorrect?" Carlos was momentarily stunned, and he instinctively glanced at Roselyn.

Wasn't she supposed to secure the first question easily? Why did she get it wrong as soon as she spoke?

"How is that possible? How could my answer be wrong?" Roselyn widened her eyes, finding it hard to believe.

She was a master of literature, and how could she be wrong about a simple word puzzle?

There must be some foul play!

Someone was deliberately targeting her!

Chapter 1315 The Correct Answer

"Hey! What gives you the right to say my answer is wrong? How could I possibly get such a simple word puzzle wrong?" Roselyn couldn't help but slam the table.

She was very defiant and had her own pride as a renowned talent. A mere word puzzle couldn't possibly stump her.

"Miss, please don't get upset. The answer to the word puzzle has already been determined, and the word you provided is indeed incorrect," the Mr Meyer tried to explain.

"Fine! You say my answer is wrong, then announce the correct answer now. I want to see if there's a better answer than mine!" Roselyn demanded aggressively.

"Miss, other contestants haven't guessed yet, so announcing the answer now would be against the rules. If no one can guess the answer to this question, I will announce the results later. I hope you can be patient," the Mr Meyer calmly replied.

"Roselyn, ah, Roselyn, you're wrong, yet you can't accept defeat? You, a renowned talent, can't handle a loss, can you?" At this moment, a voice filled with sarcasm drifted over from the side.

The speaker was none other than Belinda, holding a wine glass.

"Why am I wrong? Who do you think you are to say I'm wrong? Do you think you're more capable than I am?" Roselyn retorted.

"Why? Because I already have the correct answer," Belinda replied, gracefully rising to her feet. She looked at the Mr Meyer and said with a smile, "Mr. Meyer, I provided the answer 'N.'"

"Hmph! That's completely unrelated!" Roselyn sneered. "Your 'N' has nothing to do with the word puzzle. If that's considered the correct answer, I might as well write my name backward!"

"Is that so?" Belinda said with a teasing smile. "Mr. Meyer, please announce the result. Is my 'N' the correct answer?"

"Congratulations, Belinda, your answer is correct," Mr. Meyer affirmed.


As soon as this was said, Roselyn was stunned, her entire body freezing in disbelief

She never expected that the character she had scoffed at would turn out to be the correct answer?

How was that even possible?!

"Roselyn, how does it feel? Surprised? Unexpected?"

Belinda teased, "Given your temperament, do you want to claim there's a conspiracy? That Imperial Palace Cuisine is intentionally favoring me?"

"You're spouting nonsense! Why is it 'N'? Why not 'S'? You must give me a reasonable explanation today!" Roselyn demanded.

Belinda snapped her fingers, signaling a young man beside her to stand up.

The young man appeared gentle and scholarly, but his words were quite resolute: "In every map, the letter 'N' signifies North, always pointing up toward the sky. Hence, the answer to this word puzzle is indeed 'N'". That's the simple explanation for the puzzle's answer."

He finished speaking and gracefully took his seat.

"Great! What an excellent explanation!"

"The gentleman's words have enlightened me. So, this is indeed the correct answer."


After hearing the explanation of the puzzle's solution, many people applauded and expressed their admiration. Some things may seem simple, but if you can't find the key to unlocking them, it's like being lost in a fog, never seeing the light of day.

"So it really is 'N.' Did I miss a great opportunity just now?" Roselyn lamented.

Chapter 1316 Over-interpreting

Once he snapped out of it, Carlos regretted his earlier choice and almost slapped himself.

"Damn it, if only I had listened to Dustin just now."

Now, things had taken a turn for the worse. He not only failed to make an impression but also embarrassed himself.

"Why the heck is it 'obscure'? How could it be 'obscure'?"

Muttering to herself, Roselyn found it hard to accept.

"Hey, Roselyn, what do you have to say now?" Belinda provocatively grinned.

"..." Roselyn was rendered speechless.

Although she was unwilling, the fact was right in front of her, leaving no room for her to argue.

After hearing the explanation just now, she also realized that 'obscure' was indeed closer to the correct answer than 'wood.'

"Congratulations to Miss Belinda for answering the first question correctly."

Mr Meyer bowed slightly and then said with a smile, "Of course, the rest of you don't need to lose heart. There are a few more questions ahead, and if you can answer them all correctly, you still have a great chance to win."

Upon hearing this, Roselyn, who had been somewhat disheartened, immediately perked up.

Yes, there was still a chance. She had only lost one question, and as long as she did well in the following questions, she could still win.

"Now, please listen to the second question."

Mr Meyer pulled out another card from the box and read it aloud, "Second question: 'Clouds shroud the Mid-Autumn moon, rain showers the Lantern Festival; guess an idiom.'"

"Clouds shroud the Mid-Autumn moon? Rain showers the Lantern Festival?"

Everyone looked at each other, their faces filled with confusion.

What did this mean?

How were they supposed to guess this?

"Roselyn, do you have any clues about these two lines of poetry?"

After waiting for a while, Carlos cautiously asked.

"These two lines of poetry mention the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Lantern Festival, so if the answer is an idiom, it should be related to these two festivals," Roselyn began her meticulous analysis. "The Mid-Autumn Festival symbolizes reunion and happiness, while the Lantern Festival is associated with making wishes. Normally, the idiom should be something that leans towards celebration."

"But... with 'clouds shroud' and 'rain showers' in front of them, it adds some uncertainty. So, I guess the answer should have two aspects – one of joy and one of regret. The only idiom that fits both meanings that I can think of is 'mixed feelings.'"

As she finished, her spirits were high, as if she had cleared away the clouds to see the blue sky.

"Mixed feelings?" Carlos looked puzzled.

Why did it sound more and more mysterious?

"That's right! It's 'mixed feelings'!" Roselyn said confidently. "Only this idiom aligns with the meanings of these two lines of poetry. I can guarantee that I won't be wrong this time!"

"Roselyn, are you sure?" Carlos was still skeptical.

"Elder Carlos, trust me once more. This time, I'm very confident. I won't let you down!" Roselyn spoke with determination.

"Dustin, what's your take on this?" Instead of giving a direct answer, Carlos turned to Dustin, who was sipping tea beside him.

In the first question, the other party accurately guessed the answer, which proved his literary talent.

"I have a different opinion from Roselyn."

Dustin calmly stated, "Word puzzle solving usually focuses on the literal meaning. It's not all that deep as Roselyn thinks. I believe Roselyn has overinterpreted it."

Chapter 1317 Disappearance

"Hmph! What do you know? The lantern riddles from the Imperial Palace Cuisine can't be deciphered with common sense," Roselyn said with a cold face. "Just because you managed to guess one question by luck, don't think you can meddle in my affairs. In terms of real skill, you're not qualified!"

In her view, Dustin had just been lucky, like a blind cat finding a dead mouse, which was why he had answered the first question correctly. But luck like that couldn't last forever.

"Is that so? It seems Roselyn is quite confident in her answer," Dustin replied with a half-smile.

"Of course!" Roselyn raised her head proudly. "I'm well-read, talented, and if I can't solve such a simple riddle, how can I ever face anyone again?"

Upon hearing this, Dustin couldn't help but chuckle silently.

This woman's confidence was something else.

"Dustin, why don't you share your insights? Let's discuss this together," Carlos suggested.

"Since you are willing to listen, I'll share my humble opinion."

Dustin lifted his tea cup, took a sip, and then continued, " 'Clouds shroud the Mid-Autumn moon, rain showers the Lantern Festival.' This phrase implies that if on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon is covered by clouds, then in the year following the Lantern Festival, there will be continuous spring showers that drench the lanterns."

"Hmph! I know what that means. Do you really need to explain it?" Roselyn huffed.

"Dustin, what's your answer then?" Carlos asked tentatively.


"Disappearance?" Carlos was slightly puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"'Clouds shroud the Mid-Autumn moon' indirectly suggests rain, which is in harmony with the subsequent sentence," Dustin explained calmly. "So, the word 'disappearance' refers to the rain falling. After the rain has fallen, it extinguishes the Lantern Festival lanterns, making them 'disappear.' Therefore, the answer is 'disappearance.'"

"Nonsense!" As soon as the words left her mouth, Roselyn immediately retorted, "What 'disappearance'? That's utter nonsense! People like you, who provide shallow interpretations, think Imperial Palace Cuisine would be so simple?"

"I'm just interpreting the puzzle according to its clues. Believe it or not, it's up to you," Dustin shrugged.

Arguing with such a self-assured woman was pointless. Even if you spoke eloquently, she would still find various reasons to refute you.

"Elder Carlos! Don't listen to this guy's nonsense. My answer is the correct one!" Roselyn declared confidently.

"Well..." Carlos looked left and right, appearing somewhat hesitant.

Everyone seemed to have their own reasoning, and both explanations sounded plausible. As for whom to believe, he wasn't quite sure.

"Elder Carlos, do you doubt my judgment?" Roselyn frowned, her expression displeased. "You should be well aware of my literary talents. The previous question was just a mistake, but I have complete confidence in this one. I will definitely win!"

"Really?" Carlos raised an eyebrow.

"More certain than pearls!" Roselyn said seriously.

"Alright! Since Roselyn is so confident, I'll give it another try!" Carlos's spirits lifted.

Making such a statement meant he was extremely confident. This time, he wouldn't make a mistake.

"Mr Meyer, I've figured out the answer to the word puzzle," Carlos stood up again, drawing the attention of everyone present.

He had lost face earlier, and now he needed to make a comeback.

"Please tell us," Mr Meyer nodded slightly.

"'Clouds shroud the Mid-Autumn moon, rain showers the Lantern Festival' implies two different moods - the joy of reunion and the regret of parting. So, my answer is 'mixed feelings!'" Carlos declared with his head held high.

" 'Mixed feelings'?"

Chapter 1318 Trusting a Wrong Person

Upon hearing this, the crowd couldn't help but start whispering among themselves.

Some of the wealthy folks who pretended to know it all even regretfully slapped their thighs.

"Hey! I was just about to say 'mixed feelings.' I didn't expect this guy to beat me to it. What a blunder!"

"I'm in the same boat. If I hadn't hesitated for a moment, why would this kid get the spotlight?"

"'Mixed feelings'... it really is a beautiful concept and a great idiom!"

Seeing Carlos's confidence and his well-structured explanation, many people started to believe him.

"So, Mr Meyer, did I get it right?" Carlos's mouth curled up in satisfaction.

"Well... I'm sorry, but you're wrong again," Mr Meyer politely replied.

"What? Wrong again?"

Upon hearing this, Carlos's smile immediately froze on his face. "Mr Meyer, you can't be serious, can you?"

"How can I joke about something like this? Your answer is indeed not the correct one," Mr Meyer shook his head.

With these words, Carlos, along with the disciples of the Healwell Clinic, all wore strange expressions and turned their collective gaze towards Roselyn.

"How is that possible? I clearly understood the meaning of these two lines of poetry. Why did I still get it wrong?" Roselyn widened her eyes, finding it difficult to accept.

With her abundant talent, how could she make consecutive mistakes?

"It seems like you were trusting a wrong person," Belinda, not far away, once again started to taunt. "Roselyn, you're arrogant and conceited, but you don't have any real skills. You believe whatever this guy says? You might as well guess randomly."

Carlos's eye twitched, and for a moment, he was at a loss for words.

Damn it, this was so embarrassing.

Making a mistake the first time could be forgiven as a simple error, but now he had made consecutive mistakes, and each time, he was the first to answer.

It was somewhat embarrassing.

"Belinda, don't get too arrogant! Even though I answered wrong, at least I'm better than you, who can't answer at all!" Roselyn shouted.

"Who said I couldn't answer?"

Belinda smiled faintly and snapped his fingers. "Tell her what the correct answer is."


The young expert adviser beside him stood up and said loudly, "The answer to the riddle 'Clouds shroud the Mid-Autumn moon, rain showers the Lantern Festival' is 'disappearance.' 'Disappearance' represents the falling rain, which, after falling, wets the Lantern Festival lanterns, making them 'disappear.' So, the correct answer is 'disappearance.'"

"Nonsense!" Just as Roselyn was about to argue, Mr Meyer suddenly spoke, "Miss Belinda answered correctly, and the correct answer is indeed 'disappearance.'"

With these words, Roselyn's voice abruptly stopped, and her whole body stiffened.

She found it hard to believe.

How could she be wrong when she had such a profound understanding of the two lines of poetry?

She was exceptionally talented, so how could she make two consecutive mistakes?

"Carlos, it seems you've been misled," Belinda couldn't help but taunt. "Roselyn is arrogant and conceited, yet she doesn't have the ability to back it up. You believed her words, but you might as well have guessed randomly."

Carlos was at a loss for words, and he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

For the first time, he could have let it slide as a mere mistake. But to make consecutive mistakes and be the first to answer each time was quite humiliating.

"I can't believe it. Dustin's answer was actually correct. What a missed opportunity!"

"It's a shame. If only the Elder Carlos had listened to Dustin's suggestion."

The disciples of the Healwell Clinic shook their heads and sighed.

Seeing Roselyn's overconfidence, they had thought she was a surefire winner. However, she had now made two mistakes in a row, which was truly disappointing.

On the other hand, Dustin, who seemed unremarkable, had given the correct answer each time.

Unfortunately, no one had believed him.

With these thoughts in mind, the crowd's perception of Dustin began to change drastically.

This... was the real hidden talent!

Chapter 1319 Promise to Trust

"Miss Belinda has already won two rounds in a row. If this continues, our Healwell Clinic is in danger!" Elijah furrowed his brows, his expression serious.

He regretted agreeing to this gamble from the start. If they lost, they would lose half a lifetime's worth of hard work.

"It's evident that Miss Belinda came prepared, and we've likely been manipulated," one of the Healwell Clinic disciples grumbled in frustration, but there was nothing they could do.

They were already committed, and the terms of the wager couldn't be changed. They had to look for an opportunity to turn the tide.

"Roselyn, you've lost again," Belinda's mocking voice floated over. "If you lose a few more rounds, Healwell Clinic will be mine."

"Humph! Don't get too excited; this is just the beginning!" Roselyn retorted with a stern voice.

She had inquired and learned that there were a total of ten word puzzles. As long as she got six of them right, she would secure victory. So, she still had a chance to turn the tables.

"You couldn't even answer these two simple questions correctly, and you expect to do better in the future? Don't be ridiculous. I advise you to admit defeat early to save face," Belinda taunted.

"The outcome is yet to be determined. Let's see how it goes!" Roselyn said, her temper flaring.

"Alright, I want to see how capable you are," Belinda smiled faintly. "Mr Meyer, please continue with the questions."

"Very well," Mr Meyer nodded and pulled out another card from the box. He read it aloud, "Please pay close attention to the third word puzzle: 'One comes from the right, one comes from the west, three rooms form a square in the southeast. Guess a character.'"

"One comes from the right, one comes from the west? Three rooms form a square in the southeast?" As soon as the riddle was presented, the crowd began to contemplate.

Typically, when guessing characters, one looked for flaws in the riddle. Once they found the key, it would be easy to decipher the answer. However, it was clear that this character was not straightforward.

"I've figured it out!" After some contemplation, Roselyn's eyes lit up, and she suddenly said, "Elder Carlos, I know the answer. It's the character "洒" (sa)!"

"'Sa'? What does that mean?" Carlos was puzzled.

"Examine the riddle carefully. The three dots on the left of the character "洒" (sa) represent three rooms, and when combined with 'west' and 'right,' it perfectly explains the riddle," Roselyn explained excitedly.

"But how do you interpret the 'one from the right' part?" Carlos was skeptical.

"That's simple. On the left side of the character "洒" (sa), you have three dots representing three rooms, and on the right, you have 'west' and 'right,' which explains the riddle perfectly," Roselyn replied confidently.

"Why do I feel like it's a bit of a stretch?" Carlos furrowed his brows slightly.

After making two consecutive mistakes, he had lost trust in Roselyn.

"Elder Carlos, please trust me one last time. I promise, this time it's definitely correct!" Roselyn declared with determination.

"..." Carlos's mouth twitched, wanting to scold her, but he ultimately held back.

For goodness' sake! She's doing this again?

Every time she sounded so confident, but the results were always disappointing. It made him look bad as well. If it weren't for them being fellow disciples, he would have lost his temper long ago.

"Dustin, do you have any insights?" Carlos didn't pay attention to Roselyn and instead turned his gaze to Dustin.

"Is it important for me to have insights? You won't believe me anyway, so there's no point in saying anything," Dustin mumbled as he continued to eat his meal.

"Cough... Dustin, it was my oversight before. I didn't realize your talent. I promise to trust you this time," Carlos promised.

Chapter 1320 The Unfamiliar Character

"What do you mean, Elder Carlos?" Upon hearing this, Roselyn immediately became displeased. "Who is he to compare with me? Are you saying you'd rather trust an outsider than believe in me?!"

"Shut up!" Carlos turned around and shouted, "I trusted you twice before, and both times you were wrong. How can I trust you again?"

"I..." Roselyn was left speechless, her face flushed.

The Elder Carlos she remembered had always been like an elder brother from the neighborhood. He had never been this harsh with her before. What had happened today?

"Roselyn, this matter is not child's play. You and Belinda have made a bet, and if you lose, you'll lose the entire Healwell Clinic!" Carlos spoke earnestly. "Furthermore, your talents lie in music, chess, calligraphy, and painting, as well as poetry and essays. You haven't delved into word puzzles before. It's important to stick to what you're good at. Let's give Dustin a chance."

"Alright, I'll give him a chance, but if he answers incorrectly, I'll take over immediately. This might still give us a chance," Roselyn conceded.

"No problem," Carlos sighed in relief and turned to Dustin. "Dustin, tell us your answer. What character do you think it is?"

"One comes from the right, one comes from the west, three rooms form a square in the southeast. If I'm not mistaken, the character should be '醢' (hǎi)," Dustin said indifferently.

"'Hai'? Which 'hai' are you talking about?" Carlos looked bewildered.

"It's this character, '醢' (hǎi)," Dustin pointed to it with his finger and then wrote it out on the table.

"'醢' (hǎi)?"

Seeing the unfamiliar character, everyone exchanged puzzled glances. They had never seen this character before; it was extremely rare.

"This character '醢' contains both 'right' and 'west,' which corresponds to the first part of the word puzzle. As for the second part, 'three rooms form a square in the southeast,' take a look at this '皿' (mǐn) character. Doesn't it resemble three separate rooms?" Dustin explained step by step.

"It looks just like it! It's really similar!" Carlos examined it closely and couldn't help but feel ecstatic. "Dustin, your choice of '醢' is simply brilliant! I've had an epiphany! The answer is indeed '醢'!"

Previously, Roselyn's choice of "洒" lacked any persuasive power, but now that he saw this "醢," he immediately realized that it was the correct answer.

"Elder Carlos, don't get too excited yet. Who knows if this is the correct answer? What if it's wrong?" Roselyn poured cold water on the situation.

"I'll take responsibility if it's wrong!" Carlos declared.

"Carlos, it's too early for you to be this excited, isn't it? You've already been wrong twice in a row. If you're wrong again on the third question, you won't be able to show your face," Belinda interjected unexpectedly.

"Some people never learn their lesson!"

"It's not enough to lack the ability; they even enjoy showing off. They're nothing more than clowns."

At this moment, many of the high-ranking officials and wealthy individuals started to mock and ridicule.

Making mistakes once or twice and learning from them should have been enough. But the person in front of them kept being the first to answer each time, and each time, they were wrong.

Wasn't this just self-inflicted humiliation?

"Carlos, this word puzzle is a bit challenging. Would you like to think it over again?" Mr Meyer kindly advised.

"No need to think it over; I'm very confident this time," Carlos declared loudly.

"Oh? I'd like to ask, Carlos, what character do you think is the answer?" Mr Meyer asked in return.

"It's the character '醢' (hǎi)!" Carlos didn't waste any time and directly wrote the character '醢' (hǎi) in large letters, then slapped it heavily in front of Mr Meyer. "Mr Meyer, please take a careful look. Is this character correct?"
Chapter 1331 Deal or No Deal?

An hour later, at the Dragon and Phoenix Teahouse.

Sebastian sat on the second floor near the window, sipping tea while watching the bustling crowd on the street below.

The teahouse had several tables occupied, but unlike its usual lively atmosphere, today it felt rather somber.

All the patrons were focused on their tea, with no exchange of words.

"Steward, the kid is here," said Lenny, who stood behind.

Sebastian glanced down, and he saw Dustin making his way through the crowd, strolling casually as if he had no worries in the world.

"Hmph! He dares to come alone? Truly fearless like a newborn calf," Lenny smirked.

He lifted his teacup and finished it in one gulp.

"Thud, thud, thud..."

Soon, heavy footsteps echoed through the teahouse.

Dustin climbed the stairs without any hindrance and, after scanning the room, went straight to the table where Sebastian and the others were seated, taking a seat across from them.

" Sebastian, we meet again," Dustin said with a smile, pouring himself a cup of tea.

"Dustin, I heard from Lenny that you want to discuss business with me. What exactly do you want to discuss?" Sebastian maintained a polite tone.

Being the steward of the Stratford family, he wasn't a fool. If there were matters that could be resolved with money, it was better than resorting to conflict.

"Of course, it's about the recipe for Jade Dew Ointment," Dustin got straight to the point.

"Oh?" Sebastian raised an eyebrow slightly and said, "It seems Mr Rhys has had a change of heart. Go ahead, what's your price? As long as it's reasonable, I'll do my best to meet it."

"I don't want money. I just want you to follow this prescription and obtain some herbs for me," Dustin said, placing a prescription on the table and pushing it over.

The prescription listed various precious herbs, totaling over twenty different types, including Ice Heart Lotus, Dragon Blood Ginseng, and Golden Marrow Jade.

The reason for listing so many was to divert attention.

The Stratford family had a century-long tradition in medicine, and their influence and connections spanned the entire country. There was no one in Willowbrook who could gather the three main ingredients for the Bone Cleansing Pill as quickly as the Stratford family.

This was Dustin's primary reason for coming to negotiate.

"Let me see which herbs are on this list," Sebastian picked up the prescription and examined it closely. His smile froze, and he quickly furrowed his brow. "Mr Rhys, most of these herbs are top-grade spiritual herbs, and some are even supreme-grade. Each one is worth a fortune. Asking me to gather all of them is quite an unreasonable request."

"Sebastian, your Stratford family is a prominent name in the world of medicine, and your resources should make it feasible. It shouldn't be an issue for you," Dustin sipped his tea, enjoying its pleasant aroma.

"Is it not an issue?" Sebastian's eye twitched as he struggled to control his frustration. "Mr Rhys, your appetite is truly enormous. The value of these herbs far exceeds that of the Jade Dew Ointment recipe. I cannot meet your demands."

This guy! To gather all these herbs would likely deplete half of the Stratford family's wealth.

He's really pushing his luck.

"Sebastian, the Jade Dew Ointment recipe is our family's greatest treasure. Swapping it for a few herbs is a fair trade in my opinion," Dustin insisted.

"How can you call these 'a few herbs'? These are clearly twenty to thirty spiritual herbs!" Lenny's tone involuntarily rose.

It would be one thing if they were common herbs, but these were spiritual herbs, and many of them were top-grade or even supreme-grade. Any one of them would be enough to secure a person's wealth and fortune for a lifetime.

Chapter 1332 We Meet Again

"Sebastian, it seems you're genuinely interested. How about this, I'll take a little loss and round it up for you. I'll just need the first twenty spiritual herbs, deal?" Dustin made a face as if it pained him.

"Twenty herbs won't do!" Sebastian said sternly.

"Well then, what's the most you can offer?" Dustin tried to compromise.

"One herb," Sebastian raised a single finger. "I can only give you one!"

"One herb?" Dustin furrowed his brow. "Sebastian, are you joking with me? Is this how you negotiate? Bargaining shouldn't be this one-sided, right?"

"Your Jade Dew Ointment recipe is worth no more than one top-grade spiritual herb, and that's my bottom line," Sebastian was starting to lose his patience.

If Dustin had asked for some money, Sebastian could have made a decision. But now, he was making unreasonable demands, treating him like a fool.

"Well, if you aren't interested, I believe someone else will be," Dustin said, putting away the prescription and preparing to leave.

"Hold on!"

Sebastian slammed his hand on the table and shouted, "Kid! Did I say you could leave?"

"What? Does the steward want to keep me here for tea?" Dustin asked as he turned around.

"To hell with your tea!"

Sebastian was furious, picked up his teacup, and with a loud crash, he smashed it onto the floor.

In the next second, the entire building was in motion.

The people who had pretended to be drinking tea earlier all retrieved weapons from under their tables and rushed over in a frenzy.

In a matter of seconds, Dustin found himself surrounded.

About fifty or sixty people blocked the hallway.

"Kid! You think you can just come and go as you please?!" Sebastian stood up abruptly, finally dropping his pretense and said fiercely, "You have two choices now: either hand over the Jade Dew Ointment recipe, or I'll beat you half to death and force you to give it up!"

"Sebastian, if a deal can't be reached, let's part ways in good faith. Turning to violence, doesn't that make you no different from a gang of bandits?" Dustin looked around calmly.

"Stop wasting your breath! If you don't hand over the recipe, you won't leave this Dragon and Phoenix Teahouse!" Sebastian shouted.

"Oh, really? Well, then I'll give it a try. How much does the Stratford family weigh?" Dustin sneered.

"Sebastian, this kid can fight, be careful," Lenny timely reminded.

"So what if he can fight? I have fifty to sixty experts here. Each of them could drown him in their urine!" Sebastian glared, eyes fierce. "What are you waiting for? Attack!"


Just as the Stratford family's enforcers were about to rush forward, a shrill shout suddenly echoed in the hallway.

Following that, a beautiful and tall girl, accompanied by two burly bodyguards, stormed into the crowd aggressively.

Anyone in her way was kicked aside by the girl.

"Who dares..."

Sebastian was about to scold her but then saw the girl's appearance. He immediately panicked and put on a smiling face, rushing forward, "Isn't this Miss Isabela Torby? What brings you here?"


Without a word, the girl slapped Lenny in the face, scolding him, "Hey! You dog lackey! You dare to touch my friend? Are you tired of living?"


Sebastian was bewildered, clutching his burning face and looking confused. "F-friend?"

"Little Physician, we meet again," the girl turned to Dustin, smiling sweetly with a touch of playfulness.

"It’s you."

Dustin quickly recognized her.

The girl was none other than Isabela, the wealthy heiress he had saved yesterday – Isabela Torby.

Chapter 1333 The Lifesaver

"Little Physician, how do you feel? Surprised?" Isabela smiled and said, "I saw you on the street just now and felt a sense of familiarity. I didn't expect it to be you. We didn't have a chance to properly thank you last time. So, this time, I insist on treating you to a meal."

"Miss Torby, there's no need to be so polite; it's just a small favor," Dustin nodded politely.

"Miss Torby, do you... know this kid?" Sebastian asked tentatively.


Isabela Torby raised her hand and slapped Sebastian again, scolding, "Nonsense! This Little Physician here is my lifesaver. How dare you lay a hand on him? Are you tired of living?"


Hearing this, Sebastian shivered and his legs went weak. He had thought Dustin was just an unknown figure, at best proficient in medicine and some martial arts. He hadn't expected that there was a wealthy heiress like Isabela Torby supporting him. He had made a big mistake.

"What are you still standing there for? Quickly apologize to the Little Physician, or I'll make you regret it!" Isabela glared.

"Yes, yes, I'll apologize right away," Sebastian nodded and bowed profusely, then hastily retreated.


As he reached the hallway, he was halted by Isabela Torby's commanding shout, "After you return, tell the Stratford ‘young master’ that sooner or later, I'll make him regret this!"

Lenny agreed, still smiling nervously, and then made a hasty exit with his group.

Even among elite families, the power of the Torby family overshadowed that of the Stratford family. Even the young master of their own house showed great respect when encountering this willful young lady. As an external affairs steward, Lenny was even less significant.

"Little Physician, how are you feeling? Did you get hurt?" Isabela Torby turned back, her smile back in full bloom.

"I'm fine, thanks to your timely arrival," Dustin smiled.

"Since we have some fate, how about this? Let me treat you to a meal!" Isabela suggested as she started to lead Dustin downstairs.

"Miss Torby, I appreciate the offer, but I actually have a favor to ask of you," Dustin suddenly said.

"Oh? What is it?" Isabela Torby asked curiously.

"I heard that the Torby family has a Dragon Blood Ginseng. I'm wondering if it's real or not," Dustin inquired.

"That seems to be the case," Isabela Torby nodded thoughtfully.

"To be honest, I urgently need that Dragon Blood Ginseng for a life-saving purpose. If possible, I would like to purchase it at a high price," Dustin went straight to the point.

He had been thinking about how to obtain the Dragon Blood Ginseng from the Torby family through various means, but now, an opportunity had presented itself.

"Hey! It's just an herb, no need to pay for it. I'll give it to you directly!" Isabela Torby was generous.

"Miss Torby, the Dragon Blood Ginseng is very valuable. I can't accept it for free. Buying it with money would be more appropriate," Dustin insisted.

"Don't be so formal. Since you saved my life, I'm returning the favor. Let's go, come with me. I'll give it to you right away!" Isabela said, taking Dustin's hand and leading him to her car.

Seeing her enthusiasm, Dustin didn't want to refuse. About half an hour later, the car stopped in front of the Torby family's mansion.

They got out of the car, and Dustin followed Isabela into the Torby family's estate.

The Torby family was grand and luxurious, resembling a palace in the prime location of Stonia Willowbrook. It was easy for newcomers to get lost in this vast mansion.

Dustin and Isabela entered the garden, where a somewhat portly middle-aged man was instructing a group of servants in meticulous gardening.

"Randolf, come over here for a moment," Isabela waved to the middle-aged man.

Chapter 1334 Bring the Ginseng Over

"Miss, what are your orders?" The head butler Randolf approached with a beaming smile.

"I'm asking if we have a Dragon Blood Ginseng in our family," Isabela said.

"We do indeed. It's currently stored in the treasury," the head butler replied honestly.

"That's good. Fetch it for me immediately," Isabela instructed.

"Why do you need it, Miss?" The head butler inquired cautiously.

"Why do you care? I have my reasons!" Isabela replied impatiently.

"Miss, to be honest, this item is in Master's collection. It shouldn't be used without his permission," the head butler lowered his head.

"Just get it for me, and I'll talk to Grandfather about it later," Isabela insisted.

"This... it seems a bit irregular," the head butler hesitated.

"Hey! You dare to defy me?" Isabela glared and kicked the head butler's buttocks.

"Please wait a moment, Miss," the head butler sighed in resignation and left in haste.

"Dustin, please have a seat and enjoy some tea while we wait for it," Isabela said with a smile, leading Dustin to a nearby pavilion.

About ten minutes later, the head butler returned, but this time, he was accompanied by a woman in her thirties.

The woman was dressed in a red cheongsam, with delicate features, a voluptuous figure, and long black hair coiled elegantly behind her head, exuding an air of grace and nobility.

As she walked gracefully, her two long and shapely legs were faintly visible through the slit in the silk dress, displaying a lingering charm that defied her age.


A clear and cold voice emanated from the lips of the beautiful woman.

Isabela trembled all over and turned stiffly, her face revealing a hint of guilt. "Mom... why are you here?"

"If I hadn't come, wouldn't you have caused a commotion at home?" Sophia Torby spoke calmly.

"How could that be? I'm always well-behaved," Isabela forced a smile.

She was fearless in front of anyone except her own mother. Although her mother had never scolded or hit her, she would inexplicably feel nervous every time she saw her.

"Just now, I heard from Randolf that you wanted Dragon Blood Ginseng. What are you planning to do?" Sophia asked.

"It's nothing, Mom," Isabela replied, her eyes shifting to give the head butler a stern look. She then smiled awkwardly and said, "My friend urgently needs Dragon Blood Ginseng to save a life, so I wanted to help him."

With a wave of her hand, she introduced Dustin, "This is my friend, the Little Physician. He saved my life when I almost drowned last time and pulled me back from the brink of death."

"Is that so?" Sophia's gaze turned to Dustin. Although she appeared calm, there was a hint of scrutiny in her eyes, the gaze of an upper-class person assessing someone beneath them.

"I am Dustin, a junior. I greet Auntie," Dustin stood up and greeted politely, his demeanor neither servile nor overbearing.

"So, you're the one who needs Dragon Blood Ginseng?" Sophia asked in a calm tone.

"Yes, it's me," Dustin nodded.

"You saved my daughter's life, and I'm very grateful," Sophia said, glancing at the head butler before saying, "Randolf, bring it over."

"Yes," the head butler replied and left again.

"Thank you, Mom!"

Isabela's face brightened, thinking that everything was settled.

However, when the head butler returned with the item, Isabela's smile froze, and Dustin couldn't help but furrow his brow.

Chapter 1335 Making a Trade

The item brought by the head butler was a box of gold bars. In the sunlight, they shone brilliantly, radiating a dazzling golden glow, more visually striking than mere money.

"Dustin, this is a token of appreciation from our Torby family and also a reward for your treatment of Isabela," Sophia said calmly as she glanced at the gold bars.

"Mom, what do you mean by this?" Isabela asked with a hint of dissatisfaction.

"Our Torby family never owes anyone any favors. Dustin saved you, so I'm repaying him generously with money. It's only natural," Sophia said indifferently.

"Mom, you... you're being too heartless," Isabela said angrily.

She couldn't believe her mother was treating her life like a business transaction.

"If he saved your life, I would naturally value your life. However, the value of his contribution is far from enough to exchange for Dragon Blood Ginseng," Sophia replied calmly. "He saved you as a doctor, and I'm paying him a fee for his services. That's it. We shouldn't mix business with emotions. Do you understand?"

"Mom! You... You're really heartless," Isabela exclaimed in anger.

She hadn't expected her mother to treat her life as a mere business transaction.

"Auntie's reasoning makes sense," Dustin suddenly spoke up. "However, I am in urgent need of Dragon Blood Ginseng. I hope Auntie can help me, but of course, I won't take it for free. I can pay with money or exchange it for something. I hope Auntie can consider this."

"You're a clever one," Sophia nodded, her tone still calm. "You can have the Dragon Blood Ginseng, but you must provide something of equivalent value."

"What does Auntie need?" Dustin inquired.

"I heard that you can make a medicine called Jade Dew Ointment, which has miraculous effects in rapidly healing wounds. Is that true?" Sophia asked.

Since her daughter's incident, she had been investigating various aspects, including Dustin, who had come to her attention unexpectedly due to the Jade Dew Ointment.

"I didn't expect Auntie to be so well-informed," Dustin raised an eyebrow in surprise but quickly nodded. "Yes, I can indeed make Jade Dew Ointment. However, the side effects are significant, and it cannot be produced normally."

"Since you are a doctor and knowledgeable in pharmacology, it shouldn't be too difficult for you to improve it, reducing the side effects," Sophia said, her gaze slightly meaningful.

"If the side effects are reduced, the effectiveness of the medicine will be greatly compromised," Dustin replied without concealing the truth.

Facing someone as shrewd as Sophia, it wasn't easy to deceive her.

Moreover, he had his own requests and couldn't afford to be dishonest.

"If you need to reduce the side effects, how much of the effectiveness would remain?" Sophia inquired.

"Approximately thirty percent," Dustin replied honestly.

"Thirty percent? That should be sufficient," Sophia nodded. "I am quite interested in your Jade Dew Ointment. If you provide me with the improved formula, I will give you the Dragon Blood Ginseng in return. How about that?"

"Auntie, this formula is a family heirloom and cannot be sold," Dustin shook his head.

"Everything has its corresponding value. Besides, you're not selling it; you're making a trade. Dragon Blood Ginseng is a treasure used to save lives, and I believe your ancestors wouldn't blame you for this," Sophia said calmly.

"This..." Dustin pretended to hesitate for a moment before making a decision. "Auntie, I can provide you with the formula for Jade Dew Ointment, but one Dragon Blood Ginseng is far from enough. I would need two more spiritual herbs in addition."

"Oh? What else do you need?" Sophia narrowed her eyes slightly.

Chapter 1336 An Outright Extortion

"Ice Heart Lotus and Golden Marrow Jade," Dustin named the medicinal herbs.

The Torby family's influence was slightly superior to the Stratford family's, so as long as they were willing to make an effort, they should be able to find these two rare herbs.

"Young man, you have quite the appetite. Both of these herbs are invaluable treasures. You're asking for three precious herbs in exchange for your formula. Isn't that a bit greedy?" Sophia frowned slightly, showing some displeasure.

"Aunt, I dare not say much about other things, but my Jade Dew Ointment formula is definitely worth it. The profit it will bring to the Torby family will far exceed the value of three herbs," Dustin assured her.

"Is that so?" Sophia fixed her gaze on Dustin, trying to glean something from his expression.

There was no evasion or guilt in his demeanor, just calmness.

At least it proved that he was not lying.

"Alright, I'll trust you this time," after a few seconds of contemplation, Sophia finally nodded. "Leave the Jade Dew Ointment formula, take the Dragon Blood Ginseng with you, and give me some time to obtain the other two precious herbs. Once we have them, I'll have someone deliver them to you. How does that sound?"

"Agreed!" Dustin readily accepted.

"Randolf, bring the Dragon Blood Ginseng, and also, get some paper and a pen," Sophia instructed.

"Yes," the steward nodded and quickly left.

Before long, he returned, carrying a jade box carefully and placing it on the table in the pavilion. He also prepared paper and a pen.

Dustin approached, opened the jade box, and saw a Dragon Blood Ginseng inside.

The ginseng was about the size of a palm, with a dense and round body, tightly packed skin with fine wrinkles, and densely packed roots that spread out like hair.

With just a slight whiff, a unique fragrance could be detected.

"It truly is a treasure!" Dustin's eyes lit up.

With his perception, he could clearly sense the rich spiritual energy stored within this Dragon Blood Ginseng.

"The Dragon Blood Ginseng is here; now, write down the formula," Sophia reminded.

Dustin nodded and didn't waste any time. He immediately wrote down the modified Jade Dew Ointment formula, word by word.

Although the efficacy was greatly reduced after the modification, it still had miraculous effects in treating external injuries, far surpassing Healwell Clinic's Golden Wound Medicine.

Once it was introduced to the market, it would undoubtedly bring substantial profits to the Torby family.

"Aunt, here's the formula; please take a look," Dustin handed over the written prescription.

"Hmm... it's good," Sophia examined it carefully and nodded in satisfaction.

With her keen eyes, she couldn't detect any issues for now.

Of course, she was confident that Dustin wouldn't dare to deceive the Torby family.

"Aunt, I urgently need two more herbs to save a life. I hope you can help with that," Dustin clasped his hands.

"No problem. As soon as there's news, I'll notify you immediately," Sophia said calmly.

"Thank you, Aunt," Dustin sighed with relief.

With the support of the Torby family, he believed that it wouldn't take long to locate the whereabouts of the Ice Heart Lotus and Golden Marrow Jade.

"Alright, the deal is done, everyone's happy. Little divine doctor, let's go!" Isabela didn't want to linger any longer. She bid her farewells and pulled Dustin away.

She still had some resentment towards her mother's behavior.

"Madam, Ice Heart Lotus and Golden Marrow Jade are not ordinary items. Should I contact the Stratford family to use their connections?" the steward cautiously suggested.

"No need for that trouble. I wasn't planning to give them away anyway," Sophia replied nonchalantly.

"Huh?" The steward was momentarily stunned, not fully comprehending.

Was she going back on her word?

"For an unknown junior to demand such a high price in front of me, isn't that a bit too greedy?" Sophia's gaze turned cold, her tone still calm. "Randolf, find a few fighting experts outside and have them take back the Dragon Blood Ginseng from Dustin. This treasure can't be given away to outsiders at such a low price."

"I understand," the steward's face froze.

This wasn't just going back on her word; it was outright extortion.

Indeed, trying to take advantage of the Torby family often led to unfavorable outcomes.

Chapter 1337 Arranged a Marriage

"Little divine doctor, I'm sorry,"

At the entrance of the Torby family's mansion, Isabela wore a remorseful expression. "Originally, I should have given you this Dragon Blood Ginseng. I didn't expect my mother to intervene and ruin my good intentions."

"Miss Isabela, you don't need to blame yourself. If it weren't for your help, I wouldn't have obtained the Dragon Blood Ginseng, and I wouldn't have been able to strike a deal with your mother. The outcome is already the best for me," Dustin smiled.

To exchange a torn formula for three precious herbs was definitely a favorable deal.

"Do you really think so?" Isabela's spirits lifted.

"Of course," Dustin nodded with a smile.

"Hehe, little divine doctor, you really suit my taste. You're a friend I'm keeping!" Isabela laughed, revealing her two small tiger teeth. "You haven't had lunch yet, right? I know a restaurant with excellent food. Let's go together and have a taste!"

With that, she pulled Dustin into her car.

"Madam, there's a call..."

At this moment, a cell phone rang suddenly.

Isabela answered and a deep voice quickly came through.

"Miss, we've got the results of the investigation you requested. Young master from the Stratford family did indeed go to a hotel with a female celebrity a few days ago. Based on the surveillance footage, their behavior was very intimate. It seems to be that kind of relationship."


After hearing this, Isabela was furious, almost smashing her phone. Her pretty face was filled with resentment. "This scumbag, he kept saying he wanted to change his ways, but it turns out he's still entangled with that vixen. Does he really think I don't exist? I'm going to castrate him for sure!"

She suddenly pulled out a short knife from somewhere, unsheathing it to reveal a sharp blade.

"I'm asking you, where is that Dominic right now?" Isabela shouted into the phone.

At this moment, she had transformed from her previous sweet image into a fierce tigress.

"Miss, Dominic Stratford is currently at the Imperial City Club, having a gathering with friends," the voice on the phone replied.

"Driver! Go to the Imperial City Club immediately!" Isabela hung up the phone and shouted.

The driver didn't dare to say more, stepping on the gas pedal and heading straight to their destination.

Isabela gripped the short knife tightly, trembling with anger.

Gradually, her anger was replaced by sorrow.

Her beautiful eyes turned red, tears welling up.

"Miss Torby, what's going on?" Dustin asked cautiously.

Isabela turned away, wiped away her tears, and her voice quivered as she said, "Two years ago, my parents arranged a marriage for me with Dominic from the Stratford family. At first, I didn't agree, but later, Dominic pursued me aggressively, using sweet words, surprises, and gifts. Gradually, we became a couple.

However, not long ago, I discovered that Dominic was a scoundrel. He frequently fooled around with other women, so I broke up with him in anger. I originally thought that as long as he admitted his mistakes and sincerely repented, I would give him a chance. But this guy is two-faced, saying one thing to my face and then going to a hotel with that vixen. I don't understand why he's treating me like this. What did I do wrong?"

As she spoke, Isabela choked up.

She had treated him with sincerity, but in return, she received a wolf's heart and a dog's lungs.

"Miss Isabela, it's not your fault. It's Dominic who can't appreciate your worth. A man like him is not worth your time, and letting go of such a person is the wisest choice," Dustin comforted.

Dustin is willing to help you, do you want him to stay and protect you or something else?

Chapter 1338 The New Boyfriend

Dominic, the playboy extraordinaire, was the kind of guy who couldn't change his ways.

Luckily, Isabela caught on early. They haven't tied the knot yet, or it would have been a major regret.

"I know I should let go, but I can't bear to!" Isabela, with her two adorable front teeth, exclaimed indignantly. "He dared to treat me like this, and I won't let him off easily. I want to make him regret it, I want him to understand that losing me is the biggest loss of his life!"

"What do you plan to do?" asked Dustin.

"He wants to find a woman, right? Well, I'll find a man. I want to drive him crazy, make him green with envy!" Isabela sniffled a bit and suddenly fixed her gaze on Dustin. "Hey, Little Miracle Doctor, from now on, you're my boyfriend, and I'm going to assert my dominance right in front of him!"

"What?" Dustin's face froze. "Miss Isabela, you're not joking, are you? We've only just met."

"What's wrong with just meeting? Do you think I'm not good enough for you?" Isabela pouted.

"Miss Isabela, I already have a fiancée," Dustin said with a wry smile.

He knew full well that this girl was only saying these defiant words to get back at Dominic.

"So what if you have a fiancée? You're not married yet, right?" Isabela grabbed Dustin's hand and said somewhat stubbornly, "I don't care. You must agree! At least, today, you have to play along with me and make Dominic jealous!"

"Okay, I can help you, but let me be clear in advance, it's just acting, please don't take it seriously," Dustin said, feeling a bit troubled.

"No problem!" Isabela immediately brightened up.

She couldn't wait to see Dominic's frustrated face.


At this moment, in the VIP room of the Imperial Club.

A group of young men and women were gathered together, enjoying drinks and chatting.

Among them, the leader of the group was none other than the young master of the Stratford family, Dominic.

Dominic was tall and handsome, meticulously dressed, and his hair was impeccably styled.

From the outside, he truly fit the description of a dashing and charming young man.

Sitting beside him was a stunning woman, with a hot figure and exceptional beauty.

She wore a tight red dress, her long legs crossed, exuding a graceful and seductive charm that was extremely enticing.

"Dominic, you're already engaged, aren't you? And here you are openly bringing another woman. Aren't you afraid your future wife will get angry?" teased a chubby man.

The man's name was Darian Mystborne, the eldest son of the Mystborne family in Willowbrook. In this circle, he was second only to Dominic in status.

"Hah! That hag, I lost interest in her a long time ago. She's completely devoid of any feminine charm. If it weren't for the family's arranged marriage, I wouldn't even bother with her," Dominic said with a look of disdain.

"Dominic, Isabela is a famous beauty in Willowbrook. Many men have been admiring her for a long time. You're really not appreciating your good fortune!" Darian chuckled.

"You like her? Then she's yours! I'm done playing with her anyway," Dominic said, raising his chin.

"Dominic, you're truly magnanimous. If I have the chance, I'd really like to see what it's like to be with the Torby family's heiress," Darian said with a lecherous grin.

Just as they were chatting, there was a loud "bang," and the door to the VIP room was kicked open.

Chapter 1339 Male BestFriend?

As soon as the door swung open, everyone in the room paused and instinctively turned their gaze toward the entrance.

There, in stylish attire and a sweet demeanor, walked in Isabela, wearing an expression of indifference. Following closely behind her was the casually strolling Dustin.


"Miss Isabela?"

Upon seeing the newcomers, the whole room's atmosphere shifted. Especially Dominic, who immediately withdrew his hand from the waist of the woman in the red dress, as if he had been shocked.

He then stood up and forced a smile. "Isabela, what brings you here?"

"Why, can you come, but I can't?" Isabela first glanced at the woman in the red dress and then fixed her gaze on Dominic. Despite preparing herself mentally before coming, seeing the intimate appearance of this couple made it difficult for her to suppress her anger.

"Of course, you can come, but you could have let me know before you did. That way, I could have made some arrangements for you," Dominic said with a smile.

"No need for the trouble; I'm just here to take a look," Isabela replied casually. She then cast a glance at the visibly nervous woman in the red dress on the sofa and said, "Who is this person beside you? I can't help but feel like I've seen her somewhere."

"Oh? You mean her?" Dominic replied while giving a signal to Darian, who was sitting nearby.

Darian, after a moment of confusion, quickly understood and came to the rescue, saying with a smile, "That's right, that's right, sister-in-law, let me introduce you. This is my girlfriend, Charlotte Beaumont, she's from the entertainment industry."

"Hello, sister-in-law," Charlotte quickly stood up, forcing a smile.

She had heard about the fiery temper of Isabela, the young miss of the Torby family. It was well-known that provoking someone of her stature would lead to trouble.

"Darian's girlfriend, why is she sitting next to you?" Isabela questioned.

"Oh! I just happen to be a fan of Charlotte, so I was asking her about some things related to movies. We were just having a chat, and then you walked in," Dominic explained with a smile.

After a few words of explanation, Dominic turned serious and said, "Isabela, you don't suspect me, do you? I swear by heaven and earth, I've changed my ways, and I would never do anything to hurt you."

"What you do is none of my concern; I came here just to join the fun," Isabela replied, her face cold. She took a seat on the empty sofa nearby.

The people around them instinctively moved a bit farther away. Even a fool could tell that Miss Isabela was in a bad mood.


Dominic approached, thick-skinned, and sat down next to Isabela. "What's wrong with you today? If you're not feeling good, shall I accompany you for a walk?"

"Stay away from me!" Isabela glared, making Dominic retreat a bit.

"Hmph! I want to go shopping, and there are plenty of people who would love to accompany me. I wouldn't dare to bother you." Isabela said, her face still cold. She then turned to Dustin, smiled sweetly, and patted the seat next to her. "Mr. Rhys, come, sit here."

Dustin, feeling helpless, had no choice but to sit down as she had instructed.

On the left was Dominic, on the right was Isabela, and the three of them now resembled a sandwich cookie.

"Isabela, who is this person?" Dominic asked with an unfriendly expression as he examined Dustin from head to toe.

Initially, he thought Dustin was Isabela's bodyguard, so he didn't pay much attention to him.

But now, it seemed that their relationship wasn't so simple.

"Oh, this is Dustin, my male best friend," Isabela introduced with a smile.

"Male best friend?"

As soon as he heard this, Dominic's expression immediately darkened.

What kind of nonsense was "male best friend"? Wasn't that just a euphemism for friends with benefits?

These days, it was impossible for men and women to have a purely platonic friendship.

Chapter 1340 A Magic Show

What infuriated him the most was that this despicable person had the audacity to bring his fling right in front of him, blatantly provoking him!

"Isabela, I've never seen this male best friend of yours before," Dominic took a deep breath and managed to hold back his anger.

"I don't need your permission to make friends, do I?" Isabela replied nonchalantly. "Besides, haven't I not met some of your female friends?"


With just one sentence, Dominic was rendered speechless. He had figured out that this woman was deliberately trying to provoke him.

"Sister-in-law, it's rare for everyone to get together like this. Come on, let me raise a toast to you," Darian quickly tried to defuse the situation with a smile.

"I don't drink," Isabela replied coldly.

"No problem, no problem, you can have juice instead. As long as sister-in-law is happy," Darian said with an awkward smile, immediately summoning a waiter to bring a variety of fruit juices.

"Mr. Rhys, come on, have some juice," Isabela picked up a cup of red fruit juice and handed it to Dustin, personally feeding it to him, appearing very considerate.

The sight of their intimacy made Dominic grit his teeth.

While he could flirt around outside, it didn't mean he could tolerate being cuckolded. Regardless of the circumstances, Isabela was still his fiancée, and flaunting affection with another man in his presence was a blatant insult to him.

"Damn it! Touching my woman? You've got some nerve!"

Dominic stared fiercely at Dustin, his eyes seeming like they could devour him.

But out of consideration for Isabela, he couldn't lose his temper and had to endure it.

"Just drinking seems a bit boring," Dominic suddenly thought of something and spoke up. "Darian, didn't you learn some mystic arts? I heard they're quite amazing. Why don't you use this opportunity to perform for everyone? Spice things up a bit?"

In the past, Darian had spent a significant amount of money to learn peculiar skills from a mystic arts master for the sake of pursuing women. He had learned techniques such as hypnosis, controlling people's actions, and even using love potions.

For instance, he once met a chaste woman in a bar who refused to yield, but after Darian worked his magic, she transformed into a passionate lover.

Now, he planned to use Darian's abilities to make Dustin embarrass himself.

"Dominic, my skills are rather trivial and not suitable for public display," Darian modestly replied.

"It doesn't matter; just consider it a magic show. It'll be fun for everyone," Dominic gestured with his eyes.

"All right, since you're all interested, I'll show you," Darian quickly regained his composure and smiled. "But my performance requires someone to cooperate a bit. Anyone willing to volunteer?"

"As for me, I'm willing to cooperate," Isabela volunteered confidently.

"Sister-in-law, the mystic arts I've learned can't be used on women," Darian shook his head.

"Mr. Rhys, are you up for it?" Dominic glanced at Dustin with malicious intent. "As a newcomer, how about giving everyone a chance to get to know you?"

"Are you saying it requires cooperation?" Dustin asked.

"Yes, Mr. Rhys, rest assured, there's no danger," Darian smiled insidiously.

"Yes, we're all excited to see it. Let's have some fun together. You wouldn't deny us that, would you?" Several young men and women chimed in.

Their eyes carried a playful tone.

They naturally understood that Dominic and Darian were up to something.

"Very well, since you're all so interested, I'll play along," Dustin said with a faint smile. He then quickly finished the cup of juice.

Ten years had passed, and it seemed that these rich kids of Stonia had forgotten the shadow of being manipulated by Logan.
Chapter 1321 It's Nothing Special


Seeing the paper that Carlos had slapped down, Mr Meyer was momentarily stunned, a hint of surprise flashing in his eyes. He hadn't expected that Carlos could actually answer correctly.

The third riddle was much more difficult than the previous two.

The Chinese word '醢' (hǎi)!" itself was quite rare, and few people recognized it, let alone write it. Combining the riddle's clues to guess this obscure word made it even more challenging.

When he had drawn this question, he thought no one would be able to answer it, and he was already considering it a dud. Unexpectedly, Carlos, who was lacking in knowledge, answered it first and correctly, which was truly surprising.

"Why are you just standing there, Sir? Give me a straightforward answer. Is this word correct or not?" Carlos urged.

Although he had been full of confidence earlier, upon seeing Mr Meyer's strange expression, he suddenly felt nervous again.

"Carlos, I advise you not to listen to him. Just by looking at Mr. Meyer’s expression, it's clear that you're wrong again this time," Belinda taunted.

"If you don't have the ability, just step aside. Don't embarrass yourself here!"

A group of experts and scholars in the audience began to ridicule.

"Could it be wrong again?"

Carlos frowned slightly, unable to hide his anxiety.

"Hmph! You talk big, but in the end, you're still wrong. I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!" Roselyn glared at Dustin.

How could someone like him, who was inferior to her in every way, possibly answer such a difficult riddle?

"Please calm down, Don't misinterpret my reaction.." Realizing the situation, Mr Meyer quickly said, "Carlos did not answer incorrectly. On the contrary, he answered correctly. The answer to the third question is indeed the word '醢' (hǎi)"

"What? He got it right?"

With this statement, the smile on Belinda's face froze.

The critics who had just been mocking were now looking at each other in confusion.

As for Roselyn, the words that were about to come out of her mouth were swallowed back down.

"Sir, are you sure you didn't make a mistake? These people with little brains actually answered correctly?" Belinda couldn't believe it.

Even the group of experts she had hired couldn't answer this difficult riddle, let alone Roselyn and Carlos?

"I checked it carefully, and there should be no mistake. Carlos indeed answered correctly," Mr Meyer nodded.

"Then, tell us, what word did he answer with?" Belinda questioned.

"It's the word '醢' (hǎi)'," Mr Meyer revealed the word that Carlos had written clearly for everyone to see.

After looking at it, many people nodded in realization and expressed their agreement.

"Is it really this word?"

Belinda glanced at the expert adviser she hired and asked.

"The chinese riddle mentions 'one comes from the right, one from the west' and 'three square houses stand in the southeast.' The word '醢' (hǎi)' in Chinese character contains 'right' and 'west' and is related to the 'pot' shape, which resembles three separate rooms. This '醢' (hǎi) word is the correct answer. Even I didn't expect it," the adviser explained.

"This shouldn't be..."

Belinda furrowed her brows. "That woman, Roselyn, is arrogant and untalented. How could she possibly solve such a difficult riddle? Could there be some expert helping her?"

As she spoke, her gaze swept over everyone and finally settled on Dustin. "This guy?"

Compared to the surprise and astonishment of the people around her, Dustin appeared calm, as if he had expected this outcome.

"Haha... I got it right, I got it right! I finally got it right!" Carlos was ecstatic.

Making mistakes in the first two questions had caused him to lose face and become the subject of ridicule. With the third question, he finally regained a bit of his dignity.

"Dustin, I didn't expect you to be good at solving riddles too. Impressive!" Stroking his chin, Elmer gave a thumbs-up.

This young man was truly talented in both arts and medical skills, a jack of all trades.

"I've read a lot of books, so I know a bit about everything. It's nothing special," Dustin replied with a faint smile.

"Dustin, don't be so modest. Thanks to you, we didn't lose this time. If you hadn't answered correctly, we would have lost again," Carlos said with a smile.

"Hmph! What's so great about it? It's just luck!" Roselyn pouted, still feeling dissatisfied.

Chapter 1322 More Word Puzzles

In her view, Dustin had stumbled upon the answer by pure chance, or perhaps he had seen similar riddles before and could answer quickly.

"Dustin, the next riddle is all up to you. Once this is done, I'll make sure to repay you generously!" Carlos clasped his fist toward Dustin.

"Out of respect for you, Carlos, I'll do my best," Dustin said with a yawn.

If it weren't for the sake of saving the Healwell Clinic, he wouldn't bother with any of this.

"Roselyn, it seems there's a genius one among you." Belinda's voice floated over again. "But don't celebrate too soon. We're still in the lead, and the next seven riddles are the real deciders."

"Hmph! Bring it on!" Roselyn held his head high, showing no fear.

"Mr Meyer, please present the next word puzzle!" Belinda urged.

Mr Meyer nodded, then pulled out the fourth card from the box and said, "Listen to the fourth word puzzle: 'Two weeks' guess one word.'"

Before anyone could ponder the riddle, Dustin casually uttered a word, "Fortnight."

"Congratulations to this guest for the correct answer," Mr Meyer announced.


Everyone was stunned. The word puzzle had just been presented, and someone had already given the answer? What kind of joke was this? Could it really be this fast?

"Mr. Meyer, continue with the word puzzle!" Belinda challenged.

"Listen to the fifth word puzzle: 'Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, guess a saying.'"

"Counting chickens before they hatch." Dustin blurted out.

"Congratulations to this guest for the correct answer," Mr Meyer nodded.


People were left speechless. It was too fast. They couldn't keep up.

"Listen to the sixth word puzzle: 'A bamboo forest on the ground, an inch of gold beneath the soil, guess one word.'"

"'Patience,'" Dustin replied.

"Listen to the seventh word puzzle: 'A blind man feeling an elephant, preserved bitter melon, what do they refer to?'"

"A blind man feeling an elephant represents not seeing the bigger picture, and preserved bitter melon symbolizes sharing both joys and sorrows."

"Listen to the eighth word puzzle: 'Rat and Ox.' Guess a common four-word phrase."

"'Rat and Ox,' the first two animals in the Chinese zodiac, so it should be 'Belongs to One and Two.'"

"Listen to the ninth word puzzle: 'The sound of the phoenix flute, the radiance of a jade pot, a night of fish and dragon dance!'"

"'Dollars and Cents Carnival.'"

Everyone in the audience was now utterly amazed at Dustin's uncanny ability to decode these word puzzles. He was on fire, effortlessly providing the correct answers to even the most challenging questions.

Belinda, who had once doubted him, was now at a loss for words. She couldn't believe how someone with seemingly no expertise in these matters could solve them so quickly and accurately.

The game show had taken an unexpected turn, with Dustin stealing the spotlight and leaving everyone in awe of his intellect.

The two of them continued to answer, their speed increasing with each riddle. No matter what Mr Meyer asked, Dustin responded instantly, and every answer was correct.

The other customers had no chance to speak. Even the talented expert advisers and scholars from Stonia, whom Belinda had paid with a high price to bring here, was dumbfounded and utterly amazed.

Was this even word puzzle anymore?

Were they just reading off answers?

This was absolutely mind-boggling!

Chapter 1323 The Dark Horse

At this moment, everyone was utterly amazed by Dustin's lightning-fast responses. It was so fast that people couldn't even process it.

Their brains went into overload, and they lost all thoughts of competing. What was supposed to be a lively contest among the participants had turned into Dustin's one-man show.

Even Mr Meyer who had been presenting the riddles was sweating profusely by the end. These riddles were randomly selected and covered a wide range of topics. It was impossible for anyone to answer them so quickly and accurately. If it weren't for the strict confidentiality of the Imperial Palace Cuisine, he would have suspected that Dustin had seen the correct answers and memorized them all.

"Th-the last question," Mr Meyer stammered, then read from the card, "Red, yellow, blue, and white can change shape, like a phoenix or a dragon in transformation, traveling a thousand miles without stopping, a light breeze clears it..."

"Cloud," Dustin once again blurted out.

"All answers... are correct!" Mr Meyer struggled to speak.

He was genuinely impressed, never having seen anyone this extraordinary.

"Wow! All correct? Is this guy cheating or something?"

"Why is he so accurate? It makes me feel dumb!"

"Damn it! I have a reason to suspect this kid is a plant brought in by the Imperial Palace Cuisine!"


After a brief silence, the entire scene exploded with commotion.

Although it was just a word puzzle challange, Dustin's performance was too outstanding. He completely overshadowed everyone else, turning those who had come prepared into a laughingstock.

They say the important thing is to participate, but the problem was, they didn't even get a chance to participate.

"Oh my God! He answered all seven questions in a row. Dustin is insanely good!"

"No! You're wrong; he got all ten!"

The disciples of Healwell Clinic couldn't help but look at Dustin with eyes that treated him like a monster.

"How... How is this possible? How could he possibly answer all of them correctly?!" Roselyn's eyes widened in disbelief.

If Dustin had answered two or three questions correctly, she could have chalked it up to luck. But now, even if she refused to admit it, she had to concede that he was far superior to her.

"Well... well done!" Carlos couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Previously uncertain about Dustin's abilities, he was now pleasantly surprised by his performance.

"This kid is indeed a genius."

Elijah stroked his beard and smiled, his eyes shining with enthusiasm. Young talents with such extraordinary gifts were exceptionally rare.

Not only did he consider passing on his legacy to Dustin, but he even entertained the thought of marrying his granddaughter to him.

"I never expected such a dark horse to appear out of nowhere. It's a miscalculation!" Belinda stared at Dustin intensely, as if trying to see something.

Dressed plainly but carrying an extraordinary aura. His expression remained calm, his sharpness concealed within. Even after a resounding victory, there was no emotional manifestations.

Clearly, this was a man with deep and full of wisdom.

A hidden expert.

"Mr Meyer, are there any more riddles?" Dustin asked casually.

"None left..." Mr Meyer forced a smile. "Sir, you are truly knowledgeable. I admire you. May I ask for your name?"

Chapter 1324 The Perfect Plan

"Dustin Rhys."

"Mr Rhys, congratulations on hitting the jackpot."

A chubby man with a white complexion held a box containing a priceless Dipinto della Bellezza in his hands. He respectfully approached Dustin and said, "This invaluable Dipinto della Bellezza, on behalf of the Imperial Palace Cuisine, is a gift for you."

"Let me check it first."

Carlos took the box first, opened it, and his eyes sparkled as he saw its contents. "Indeed, it's a precious treasure!"

Upon verifying its authenticity, Carlos found himself in a moment of uncertainty. The treasure had been rightfully won by Dustin, yet Carlos yearned for it earnestly. He contemplated the idea of gracefully offering it to Dustin with a few courteous words, hoping that Dustin might reciprocate the gesture by declining and returning it to him, thus repaying a good courtesy.

He thought the best course of action was to let Dustin offer it willingly, so he could gracefully accept it, gaining both the treasure and a good reputation.

Perfect plan!

"Dustin, my friend, although I have long admired this Dipinto della Bellezza, I can't take something you won through your own skill," Carlos said, wearing a pained expression as he handed the box over. He extended it halfway, then suddenly stopped. "Of course, if you don't really like it, I can keep it for you, and..."

"Oh, thanks."

Before Carlos could finish, Dustin calmly accepted the box and said nothing more.

"Wtf??"Carlos was stunned. This wasn't following the usual script! Shouldn't there be some polite back-and-forth, at least? Why did he just accept it directly?

Did I not make my intentions clear enough?

"Hey! Mr Rhys! What do you mean? Are you planning to keep this Dipinto della Bellezza all to yourself?" Seeing this, Roselyn immediately became displeased.

"Keep it all to myself?" Dustin raised an eyebrow, turning to ask, "Mr Meyer, in today's activity, wasn't it whoever answered the most questions correctly that would win this Dipinto della Bellezza?"

"That's correct," Mr Meyer nodded.

"Since I answered the most questions, shouldn't the Dipinto della Bellezza rightfully belong to me?" Dustin asked again.

"Exactly," Mr Meyer nodded once more.

"In that case, it's strange. It's already something that 'belongs to me', so how can it be considered 'keeping it all to myself'?"

As he finished speaking, Dustin's gaze shifted to Roselyn, carrying a hint of inquiry.

While he wasn't particularly interested in the Dipinto della Bellezza, it didn't mean he wanted to give it away for free, especially when someone seemed to be wanting it badly.

"Even though you won the Dipinto della Bellezza, doesn't that mean we had no part in it?" Roselyn argued, "Leaving all that aside, if it weren't for Senior Brother guiding you into the Imperial Palace Cuisine, would you have had a chance to obtain this treasure? Shouldn't you show some appreciation?"

"You're absolutely right! In life, one should repay kindness. Without Senior Brother, you wouldn't even have had the opportunity to answer questions. Therefore, this Dipinto della Bellezza should rightfully be given to Senior Brother!" Elmer chimed in.

"Are you suggesting that once I entered the Imperial Palace Cuisine, I should owe my life to you, Senior Brother?" Dustin's lips curled into a mocking smile. "Roselyn, let’s get something straight. If it weren't for me stepping in, you wouldn't win the Dipinto della Bellezza either, and in fact, you might have lost the entire Healwell Clinic due to your overconfidence."

"Nonsense!" Roselyn retorted defiantly. "Even without you, we could have won! I was just warming up earlier. Even if you hadn't spoken, I could still have secured victory!"

"You answered three consecutive questions wrong, and you still think you are going to win? Geez..." Dustin chuckled.

"I... I just made some mistakes earlier," Roselyn stammered, her voice unintentionally quivering.

"Roselyn, you're really shameless," at that moment, Belinda, swaying her slender waist, walked over gracefully and said sarcastically, "This handsome gentleman just helped you, allowing Healwell Clinic to escape a crisis. If you can't be grateful, that's one thing, but to consider taking the Dipinto della Bellezza? Where's your sense of shame? Did the zombie eat your brain?"

With those words, Roselyn's face turned red, furious.

Chapter 1325 Poop for Brains

"You, you, you... What nonsense are you spouting?!"

Roselyn was infuriated, her temper flaring like an angry cat whose tail had been stepped on.

"Did I say something wrong? If it weren't for this handsome guy coming to the rescue, you would have lost everything. Yet, you're here arguing without any gratitude."

Belinda crossed her arms, rolled her eyes, and even flashed a seductive look at Dustin afterward. "Handsome, oh!"

She elongated the 'oh' with a hint of flirtation.

"Oh, you two are in cahoots!" Roselyn looked left (Dustin) and right (Belinda), suddenly realizing, "No wonder you two have been exchanging glances all this time, scheming and working together!"

"Idiot!" Belinda rolled her eyes, utterly speechless.

Did this woman have poop for brains?

She spoke without engaging her brain at all; it was truly exasperating.

"Let it go, junior sister. Since the Dipinto della Bellezza was won by Mr. Rhys, we can't interfere with how he handles it. It's his own business. We have no say in it." Carlos patted Roselyn on the shoulder.

He remained composed on the surface, but his eyes turned cold.

This guy had no sense of obligation at all.

If he had graciously given away the Dipinto della Bellezza, he might owe him a favor. But now, if he wanted to keep it for himself, he shouldn't be surprised if Carlos used some means.

"Humph! Remember this, today's matter is far from over!"

Roselyn glared at them with hostility before storming off in a huff.

"Dustin, that girl is too willful. Don't take it to heart; we can talk about it tomorrow if there's anything."

Elijah waved in farewell and followed his granddaughter, afraid she might do something foolish.

"Mr. Rhys, take your time eating. I have something to attend to, so I'll take my leave."

Carlos smiled insincerely, clasped his hands, and turned to leave.

Seeing this, the other disciples of the Healwell Clinic also stood up and dispersed.

To all of this, Dustin simply smiled and said nothing.

Whether it was Roselyn or Carlos, they weren't exactly good people.

The former was impulsive and stubborn, while the latter harbored ulterior motives.

The Dipinto della Bellezza was worth a fortune, and trying to swindle it from him wouldn't be so easy.

"Hey, handsome, wait up."

Just as Dustin was about to leave, Belinda suddenly called out.

"Do you need something?" Dustin turned around.

"Handsome, did you come here alone?" Belinda sized him up.

"That's right, what's it to you?" Dustin replied.

"No big deal, I just wanted to remind you that Stonia is a den of thieves. Carrying such a valuable treasure, if you don't have the protection of a major power, you might get robbed as soon as you step out of Imperial Palace Cuisine." Belinda warned.

"Is the security really that bad in the capital?" Dustin raised an eyebrow.

"Although it's the emperor's capital, when it comes to money, people will stop at nothing. This Dipinto della Bellezza is enough to attract the attention of many forces." Belinda smiled cryptically.

"Thanks for the warning, but I don't think it'll be that easy for anyone to rob me." Dustin remained unfazed.

"Handsome, Stonia's waters run deep, deeper than you can imagine. Besides, four hands are better than two fists. Alone, you're at a disadvantage. How can you contend with those jackals and tigers?" Belinda grinned.

"And, what do you suggest?" Dustin asked.

"It's simple. Just find the protection of a major power, and you'll be safe. For example, my Remington family."

Chapter 1326 The Tried-and-true Seduction Techniques

Belinda finally got to the point, "Mr. handsome. I see you're quite the talent. How about becoming a guest of my Remington family? With our protection, you'd be safe in the entire Willowbrook. Except for the two major factions of Stratford and Torby families, no other force would dare touch you."

"Belinda, are you trying to recruit me because of the Dipinto della Bellezza?" Dustin probed.

"The Dipinto della Bellezza?"

Belinda smiled faintly, "Although it's a treasure, the last thing I lack is money. For me, it holds little value."

"Oh? Then why are you helping me?" Dustin was curious.

"While I don't need money, I do need people."

Belinda extended a delicate finger and lightly touched Dustin's chest, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm, "You appear lean, but I didn't expect you to be so strong. It seems I didn't make a mistake. Would you be interested in becoming my 108th boyfriend?"


Dustin frowned and instinctively took a step back.

He had thought she was interested in the Dipinto della Bellezza, but it turned out she was eyeing his body.

She was quite the audacious lady!

The 108th boyfriend? Was she trying to collect a whole set of the 'Magic: The Gathering'?

"Handsome, am I scaring you?" Belinda raised an eyebrow, her tone slightly resentful. "Don't worry, I was just joking. I don't really have 108 boyfriends, and even if I did, you'd be my newest favorite. I promise I won't treat you unfairly."

She attempted to touch him again, but Dustin caught her hand with one hand. "Belinda, please behave."

"Handsome, what's with that reaction?" Belinda arched her brows, looking somewhat coquettish. "We're both adults; there's no need to be so restrained. Life is short, and it's better to enjoy it."

"Belinda, you seem to be quite drunk. It's time for you to rest." Dustin's tone was icy.

"Handsome, what's wrong with you?"

Belinda raised an eyebrow, and there was a hint of bitterness in her voice. "Am I not pretty enough? Is my figure not good enough? Don't you have any desires at all?"

"You're very beautiful, and you have a great figure, but I'm not interested in you," Dustin replied bluntly.

"Not interested?"

Upon hearing this, Belinda was first stunned, then burst into hearty laughter, shaking like a flower in the wind. Tears even welled up in her eyes. "Hahaha... interesting... truly interesting. Handsome, you're the first person to reject me like this. I'm finding myself more interested in you."

She believed that she was top-notch in both looks and figure. When she batted her eyelashes, most men couldn't resist her charm. Even those who initially acted aloof would quickly succumb when they learned of her identity and were willing to spend money. No man could withstand her allure.

But, to her surprise, Dustin was an exception, a man like no other she had ever met. She had charmed countless men and was experienced in reading people. She could tell if someone was lying or not, and Dustin's actions, expressions, and words all proved that he was not lying. His clear and calm gaze didn't deceive.

In other words, her tried-and-true seduction techniques had failed on Dustin.

This unexpected setback only made her more excited. She decided that no matter the cost, she would make this man hers.

"Belinda, there's nothing else for me here. I'll take my leave."

Seeing this strange behavior from the woman, Dustin didn't linger any longer and left decisively.

"Follow him and observe discreetly. When the time comes, play the hero and rescue the damsel in distress." Watching Dustin's departing figure, Belinda snapped her fingers as if she came up with a brilliant idea, her eyes glittering.

It was as if a hunter had spotted a rare and intriguing prey.

Chapter 1327 Some Kind of Magic

As Dustin walked out of the Imperial Palace Cuisine, he quickly sensed some unfriendly gazes locked onto him.

Glancing around, he noticed that at least two factions had their eyes set on him.

It seemed that what Belinda had said was true. While the Dipinto della Bellezza was indeed a treasure, it also attracted a lot of trouble.

Innocent until proven guilty, but suspicion clung like a shadow.

Ordinary people couldn't hope to hold onto such a treasure even if they got their hands on it.

Fortunately, Dustin was anything but ordinary.

"If you dare to make a move, it's going to be your problem, not mine."

Dustin huffed with annoyance, then calmly and deliberately walked towards a secluded area.

Two factions discreetly followed him, one on each side.

After walking for about ten minutes, Dustin turned into a narrow, deserted alley, still holding the Dipinto della Bellezza.

"Perfect opportunity! Let's catch up!"

A dozen men in black, brandishing knives, chased after Dustin into the old alley.

But when they entered, they were stunned.

Because they found themselves in a dead-end alley.

And Dustin, who had just entered, had mysteriously disappeared!

"What's going on? Where did that kid go?"

"This is strange. I clearly saw him come in. Why did he vanish suddenly?"

"Could it be some kind of magic?"

The group of men in black exchanged puzzled glances.

How could a person just disappear out of thin air?

"Are you looking for me?"

A cold voice suddenly sounded from behind them.

Startled, they quickly turned around, only to find that, somehow, Dustin had reappeared at the mouth of the alley.

"Weren't you in front of us? How did you end up behind us?" one of the men in black exclaimed in amazement.

By now, it was getting late, and the moonlight shone like liquid silver.

Dustin kept his head slightly lowered, with half of his face concealed in the shadows, exuding an icy aura from head to toe.

This made the already eerie atmosphere even more sinister.

"You've been following me for quite a while. What's your game?" Dustin asked coldly.

"So, you've already noticed. You're quite something," the leader of the men in black took a step forward and said, "Kid, stop with the chit-chat. Hand over what you're holding, and you might live to see another day."

"What I have is right here. Just step up and snatch it from your boy" Dustin said, gently placing the box containing the Dipinto della Bellezza on the ground and beckoning with his hand.

"Hmph! Put your money where your mouth is. Let's get him!"

The leader of the black-clad men shouted, and they all rushed at Dustin.

Dustin gave a cold smile and, with a sudden step, turned into a black streak, crashing directly into the group.

There was a series of miserable cries as all the men in black were sent flying into the air and then crashed back to the ground.

People sprawled on the ground, groaning in pain.

"Tell me, who sent you?" Dustin grabbed the leader by the throat and lifted him up.

"I... I don't know... We were just doing a job for money," the leader stammered, his face filled with fear.

They had thought it was just a simple job, but they hadn't expected their target to be so formidable.

In the blink of an eye, they had all been defeated.

"You don't know? Or you won't say?" Dustin's fingers slowly tightened.

The leader felt his breath stop, his face turned red, and his neck veins bulged as he desperately struggled.

"I really... don't know... There are rules in our line of work... We don't ask about the origin of the employer," the leader managed to gasp out.


Dustin lost interest, and with a flick of his hand, he slammed the leader against the wall, knocking him unconscious.

These people only knew how to throw a few punches and kicks, far from being martial artists.

It was terrifying how easily he had dealt with them.

Chapter 1328 A Fake Fur Coat

It was clear that the puppet master behind the scenes didn't hold Dustin in high regard.

Or, perhaps, they didn't have much power themselves.

Dustin dusted off his clothes, put away the box, and was about to leave when several black business cars suddenly stopped at the entrance of the alley.

As the car doors swung open, a group of burly men, dressed in tough attire, descended with an imposing presence. They completely surrounded Dustin, leaving no room for escape.

"Make way!"

At that moment, a man with bulging muscles, a scarred face, and a menacing demeanor, holding a cigar, strolled over.

"Is that you?"

Dustin squinted slightly and quickly recognized the scar-faced man as Lenny, the troublemaker from the Healwell Clinic earlier that day.

"Kid, we meet again!" Lenny puffed on his cigar, stood with his hands on his hips, and had a fur coat draped over his shoulders, giving off an air of arrogance.

"What did you just call me?" Dustin raised an eyebrow.

"What? Are you deaf? I called you a kid!" Lenny replied harshly.

Three minutes later...

"Big... Senior Brother, let's talk, please stop hitting me in the face," Lenny pleaded, his face battered and bruised. He had abandoned his previous arrogance and appeared cowed and frightened, like a startled quail.

Around him, his companions lay in disarray on the ground.

To be cautious this time, he had brought two or three dozen men with him, but within three minutes, all of his henchmen had been knocked down.

He hadn't even been able to see Dustin's movements.

Clearly, he had bitten off more than he could chew.

"Lenny, you are not this nice earlier, i want you to give me that arrogant attitude again," Dustin said as he pulled Lenny to his feet.

"Big... Senior Brother, don't joke around," Lenny replied with a pitiful expression. "I was disrespectful earlier, and I apologize. Please spare my life, and I promise I'll never be your enemy again!"

"Just with these few words, you think you can walk away?" Dustin said coolly.

"Senior Brother, what do you want to know? I'll tell you everything, I promise," Lenny quickly realized the situation.

"Smart," Dustin smiled slightly. "Let me ask you, did Sebastian Stratford send you?"

"Yes, that's right. It was Steward Sebastian who wanted your Jade Dew Ointment formula and sent us to snatch it," Lenny nodded repeatedly.

"Besides sending you, did Sebastian have any other plans?" Dustin asked.

"No, no, Sebastian... doesn't seem to take you seriously," Lenny replied, nodding.

"Very well."

Dustin released his grip and said, "Go back and tell Sebastian to set up a meeting tomorrow. We can have a good talk."

"What?" Lenny was momentarily stunned, not quite grasping the situation.

Negotiate with Sebastian? Wouldn't that be walking into the lion's den?

What exactly was this guy up to?

"What's the matter? Any problems?" Dustin maintained his smile.

"No, no problem at all. I promise to deliver the message," Lenny forced a smile.

"Alright, you can go now," Dustin waved his hand.

"Thank you, Senior Brother! Thank you, Senior Brother!" Lenny expressed his gratitude and hobbled back to his car.


Dustin's voice rang out again, causing Lenny to freeze, his ears turning bright red.

"Big... Senior Brother, you're not having second thoughts, are you?"

"In the future, when you're trying to show off, don't wear a fake fur coat. It's embarrassing."

With that, Dustin walked away, leaving Lenny standing there dumbfounded.

Chapter 1329 Some Information

Imperial Palace Cuisine, a cozy table by the window on the second floor.

Belinda swirled her glass of red wine, gazing at the liquid-like night sky outside. The moon and stars reflected in her captivating eyes, exuding a peculiar charm.


At that moment, a well-dressed bodyguard approached and whispered, "There's been a bit of a mishap. The target we were keeping an eye on has disappeared."

"Disappeared?" Belinda raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"The target is quite formidable. He just took down dozens of people barehanded and then mysteriously vanished," the bodyguard explained, keeping his voice low.

"Oh? So, he's quite skilled?" Belinda smiled, her eyes shining even more with interest. "I thought he was just good-looking. Find out more about him and see if he has any significant background. If he does, try to bring him on our side."

"Understood!" The bodyguard nodded and quickly left.

"Fascinating, truly fascinating. It's been a while since I've met someone this intriguing," Belinda mused, taking a sip of her wine. She had a feeling she had stumbled upon something valuable.


The next morning, at dawn.

Dustin stepped out of the hotel and headed straight for the Healwell Clinic.

After shaking off the people who had been tailing him last night, he found a hotel near Healwell Clinic to stay in.

His primary mission in coming to Stonia was to treat Lorenzo and investigate the events of the past. With his current strength and the assistance of the Sky Spirit Orb, he was qualified to seek the truth.

Five minutes later, Dustin entered Healwell Clinic.

The place was as bustling as ever. The people coming here for medical consultations were mostly elderly folks.

It was noisy, like a vegetable market, with constant chatter.

Dustin had already informed Elijah in advance, so he headed straight to the second floor.

The door on the second floor was already open, and Elijah had been waiting in the living room for a while.

"Mr Rhys, you're here? Have a seat," Elijah gestured with one hand, poured a cup of tea, and apologized, "I'm really sorry about last night. Although Roselyn can be willful, she doesn't have any ill intentions. I hope you won't judge her too harshly."

"It's alright, what's done is done. I just hope she can temper her temper in the future," Dustin said with a faint smile.

Roselyn was capricious and unreasonable, and if not for Elijah's sake, he wouldn't have been so courteous.

Of course, as long as she didn't cross the line, there were some things he could overlook.

"From now on, I'll make sure to discipline her better. Otherwise, she'll get into big trouble sooner or later," Elijah said somewhat ruefully.

"By the way, Dr. Elijah, how is Uncle Lorenzo doing?" Dustin changed the subject.

"I just examined him. Lorenzo's condition is temporarily stable, but it can only be maintained for ten days to half a month. We must quickly refine the Bone Cleansing Pill," Elijah said with a solemn expression.

"Have you received any information about the main ingredients of the Bone Cleansing Pill?" Dustin inquired.

"I've already inquired about it. We don't know the whereabouts of the Ice Heart Lotus and the Golden Marrow Jade yet, but I do know where the Dragon Blood Ginseng is, though it's not going to be easy," Elijah sighed.

"Oh? Where is it?" Dustin's interest was piqued.

"As far as I know, the Dragon Blood Ginseng is stored as a treasure by the Torby family and is never shown to outsiders," Elijah explained.

"The Torby family, one of the eight prestigious families?" Dustin raised an eyebrow.

"That's right," Elijah nodded. "I've tried to get some information, but Torby patriarch has been in poor health for a long time. The Dragon Blood Ginseng is kept as a life-saving treasure for him. Acquiring it from the Torby family would be as difficult as ascending to the heavens."

"It's indeed troublesome, but we have to give it a try," Dustin said thoughtfully. "I'll take care of this matter. In the meantime, please continue to focus on finding information about the other two medicinal ingredients."

"No problem, I've already mobilized friends in the medical community. It shouldn't take long to find out their whereabouts," Elijah replied, looking serious.

Chapter 1330 A Pseudo-gentleman?

"Master, Dustin, so both of you are here."

At this moment, Carlos and Roselyn suddenly entered the room.

"Humph! Here to freeload again!"

Roselyn pursed her lips, her expression filled with disdain.

She had been holding a grudge, especially after last night's scene where Dustin and Belinda had conspired together. It had left her resentful.

"Dustin, I heard you were robbed last night. How are you? Are you okay?" Carlos showed a concerned expression.

"Thanks for your concern, Young Master. They were just a bunch of small-time thieves; I didn't take them seriously," Dustin said.

Dustin then changed the subject, asking, "By the way, Young Master, how did you know I was robbed?"

"Oh?" Carlos's face stiffened for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure. "Well, I have excellent sources. In this area of Willowbrook, nothing can escape my notice, no matter what happens."

"I see." Dustin smiled with a hint of meaning.

He had been wondering who had come up with the idea to rob the Dipinto della Bellezza last night. It seemed highly likely that it was Carlos.

However, he didn't feel like exposing him. Such a pseudo-gentleman could still be useful.

"Dustin, it's not the man who is guilty, but the one who holds the precious item. The Dipinto della Bellezza is indeed a treasure, but it's a hot potato. Given your status, you can't handle it," Carlos advised earnestly.

"Oh? What do you suggest I do, Carlos?" Dustin asked in return.

"It's simple, act quickly, get rid of it sooner, and you'll avoid major trouble," Carlos said, his tone serious. "If you trust me, you can give the Dipinto della Bellezza to me. I'll find someone to auction it for you, and I guarantee we'll get a good price."

As long as the Dipinto della Bellezza was in his possession, he could decide the selling price.

Dustin was just a country bumpkin, after all. What did he know about the world?

"Auction, huh? I'll think about it," Dustin pretended to hesitate.

"Don't think too long. Every minute you wait, the danger increases. I'm only looking out for your best interests!" Carlos urged impatiently.

"Ring, ring, ring..."

Just as Dustin was about to respond, his phone suddenly rang. Upon answering, Lenny's voice quickly came through. "Kid! You're supposed to meet with Steward Sebastian, right? I've already set up the appointment for you. If you've got the guts, come over!"

"What did you just call me?" Dustin's voice turned cold.

"Kid..." Lenny seemed to realize something, and his voice hesitated as he stammered, "Br, bro, you know, you're supposed to negotiate, right? Steward Sebastian has invited you to the Dragon and Phoenix Tea House. Hurry over!"

"Dragon and Phoenix Tea House, huh? Alright, I'll be there in an hour," Dustin hung up the phone and turned to Elijah. "Dr., I have something to attend to. I'll let you know if I receive any updates."

"Sure," Elijah nodded.

"Dustin, I overheard you're going to the Dragon and Phoenix Tea House?" Carlos suddenly asked.

"That's correct. Is there something you'd like to add?" Dustin raised an eyebrow.

"Do you know that the Dragon and Phoenix Tea House is owned by the Stratford family?" Carlos inquired again.

"I'm well aware. I'm going to negotiate with Sebastian. It's best to resolve some matters early to avoid trouble," Dustin replied calmly.

"Dustin! Are you out of your mind?" Carlos slapped his thigh and hurriedly advised, "The Stratford family has always been ambitious and has coveted your Jade Dew Ointment formula for a long time. If you go alone to negotiate with them, aren't you throwing yourself into the lion's den?"

"Who's the lion, and who's the lamb? That remains to be seen," Dustin said with a calm expression.

"Dustin, if you insist on going, I won't stop you. But for the sake of caution, I suggest you write down the Jade Dew Ointment formula and entrust it to us for safekeeping. The Stratford family won't harm you if they don't get the formula," Carlos suggested.

"Where there's smoke, there's fire. We're all friends here, helping each other is only natural. Wait a moment; I'll go find some paper and a pen. You can write down the formula, and I'll keep it safe for you," Carlos said enthusiastically.

With that, Carlos happily rushed downstairs.

Two minutes later, when Carlos returned upstairs with paper and a pen in hand, he found that Dustin had already vanished without a trace.
good job !
Chapter 1361 Nightmare of the Engagement in Swinston

"Stop! Who goes there?"

As soon as Dustin and the others got out of the car, the two guards at the entrance of the Dragon Mansion immediately became alert.

"I want to see Reginald. Go in and inform him," Dustin said calmly.

"Is the Dragon family head (Reginald Langford) someone you can see just by saying you want to see him? Submit an application tomorrow, then go back and wait for a notice," the guard on the left said coldly.

Dustin didn't waste words; he just made a gesture.

Maximus quickly understood and pulled Ferdinand out of the car, then threw him in front of the gate.

"Fourth Young Master?"

The two guards took a closer look and immediately changed their expressions. "Who are you people? How dare you lay hands on the Langford family! You have quite the audacity!"

"Tell Reginald that an old friend is here to visit," Dustin said expressionlessly.

"Hurry... hurry and inform my uncle..."

Ferdinand lay on the ground, weakly crying out.

"Who dares to harm my Langford family members?"

At this moment, a burly middle-aged man with a beard and moustache walked out, hands behind his back.

The man had a square face, thick eyebrows, and big eyes, with an imposing presence.

Behind him were two white-haired old men, one fat and one thin.

The two old men lowered their heads and appeared ordinary, but their depth was immeasurable.

With just one glance, they made Maximus break out in a cold sweat, and he felt chills running down his spine.

"Who wants to see me?"

The Dragon family head's first glance locked onto Ferdinand, who was standing there with disheveled hair, swollen face, and bleeding nose and mouth.

"Who is it?"

Reginald had a stern face, his gaze sharp.

"Uncle! It's him! He's the one who beat me!" Ferdinand ran up, pointing at Dustin and crying out, "This kid is audacious. He not only caused trouble at The Groove Club but also beat me severely. This time, you must help me!"


Reginald was about to show his might when he suddenly froze.

His eyes widened in shock, and his face was full of disbelief.

"Is it... is it you?"

Seeing the familiar face in front of him, Reginald was no longer calm.

A few months ago, he had attended his nephew Luis Langford's engagement celebration and had gone to Swinston in person.

After that, he had nightmares for a month in a row, and even now, he was terrified when he recalled it.

However, he didn't expect that the source of the nightmares would come to his door.

What was he trying to do?

Settle old scores after the fact? Take revenge for Luis's stolen bride?

Reginald was in a panic, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

In the past, Logan Rhys had been known as the unrivaled demon king, feared by everyone.

Even imperial relatives and state nobles had to be wary of him.

Now, although ten years had passed, the power of the West Lucozia King’s Mansion was still intact, and Logan was still a person everyone feared.

If this guy wanted to cause trouble in the Langford family, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Sir Langford, we meet again," Dustin smiled faintly.

"...," Reginald twitched at the corner of his eye, at a loss for how to respond for a moment.

This kid in front of him was a star of ill omen that everyone avoided.

He couldn't afford to offend him, nor could he afford to curry favor with him. Even saying a few more words made him feel like he was courting disaster.

It was really difficult.

"Uncle, what are you still standing there for? Get rid of this kid for me!" Ferdinand, who didn't know the situation, continued to shout, "Kid! How dare you cause trouble at my Langford family's doorstep? You're really looking for death! Next year on this day, it will be your death anniversary!"

"Shut up!"

Chapter 1362 Helpless Uncle

Reginald's scalp was on fire, and he slapped Ferdinand across the face.


This slap was extremely powerful, sending Ferdinand flying and falling to the ground, eating dirt.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

They widened their eyes, finding it hard to believe.

What's going on?

Someone came to cause trouble, and the family head should punish the troublemaker, right?

So why did Ferdinand get slapped instead?

Could it be that he hit the wrong person?


Ferdinand was bewildered as he lay on the ground, clutching his burning face. "Why... why did you miss the target?"

"You damned thing! I'm hitting you!" Reginald was furious and walked up to continue punching and kicking, scolding as he went, "You idle ne'er-do-well, bullying men and women, causing trouble everywhere, the Langford family has a scoundrel like you, it's a great shame! Today, I'm going to teach you a lesson for your father!"

"Ow... Uncle, stop... I know I was wrong..."

Ferdinand covered his head with both hands and screamed in pain.

The people around were dumbfounded once again, looking at each other.

Why had the family head suddenly become so violent?

Normally, when Ferdinand caused trouble, he would at most scold him a bit. What happened today? Why was he beating him so severely?

It was too brutal!

"What's going on?"

Carlos and Roselyn, who had just arrived in their car, were also shocked by the scene.

In their opinion, the reason Dustin had come to the Langford family must be to apologize and beg for his life.

But they never expected that after Reginald came out, he not only didn't blame Dustin, but also beat his nephew.

What the heck is going on?

Could it be that important people had their own quirks?

"Strange, has the Langford family gone mad?"

Sitting in the car, Belinda watched from afar, her face showing astonishment.

Everything that had happened tonight had been beyond her expectations.

"Sir Langford, even if he's your nephew, go a little easier, just beat him half to death," Dustin smiled and said.

Reginald's scalp twitched, and he worked even harder.

Hold on, Ferdinand!

Uncle is helpless, just bear with it, and it will be over soon.

As expected, under Reginald's brutal beating, Ferdinand quickly passed out.

"Clan Leader, stop, or someone might die if you keep going," someone nearby couldn't bear to watch any longer.

"Hmph! Scum like this should be properly taught a lesson!" Reginald scolded as he stopped and then waved his hand, shouting, "Someone, take this scum away and take good care of him, heal his injuries, and then administer family discipline!"

With his order, the half-dead Ferdinand was finally carried away.

Blood was spilled all the way.

"Thank you, Sir Langford," Dustin turned to Reginald and said with a faint smile.

Reginald twitched at the corner of his eye and gave an even more enthusiastic reply.

Ferdinand, you little brat!

Uncle has no choice but to do this, just endure it a little bit, and it will be over soon.

Sure enough, under Reginald's brutal beating, Ferdinand quickly passed out.

However, he secretly grumbled in his heart, What's there to talk about? What good can come out of hanging out with you?

Reginald managed to squeeze out a smile and said, "No problem, no problem, please come inside."

"Thank you."

Dustin nodded ever so slightly and then walked together with Maximus. They confidently strode into the Langford Mansion (aka Dragon Mansion).

Outside, Carlos, Roselyn, and Belinda were left utterly stunned.

Chapter 1363 The Three Reasons for Visit

Langford Mansion, in the reception hall.

"You all leave, without my orders, no one is allowed to enter."

Reginald gestured and dismissed all his subordinates and servants.

"Maximus, go rest in the side hall for a while, I have something to discuss with Mr Langford," Dustin signaled with his eyes.


Maximus nodded and quickly left.

As the front door closed, the entire reception hall was left with only Reginald and Dustin.

"Hey! Young Master, why have you come?"

Reginald couldn't keep up the pretense anymore and immediately let down his guard.

Dustin's identity was sensitive, representing the Prince of the West Lucozia Royal Palace (King’s Mansion).

As a minister of the court, meeting privately with the Crown Prince of the West Lucozia Royal Palace was sure to invite criticism and accusations, and even more extreme accusations of being a traitor.

"Why? Doesn't Lord Langford welcome me?" Dustin smiled with a hint of mockery.

"Why would I dare not welcome you, Young Master? You are of noble status, and your visit truly makes this humble abode shine," Reginald replied with a radiant smile, though his heart was cursing Ferdinand's ancestors up to eighteen generations.

In reality, he couldn't possibly welcome Dustin, unless he was brain-dead!

"Actually, I should have come to visit you in a few days, but you, the Langford family, have a special connection with me, so I came a few days early," Dustin said with a faint smile.

Reginald's eyes twitched, and he silently cursed Ferdinand's ancestors once again, but on the surface, he showed an honored expression. "How I can serve the Young Master, please let me know?"

"I've come to see you for three main reasons."

Dustin took a sip of tea and smiled. "The first reason is that I've just arrived in Stonia, and I'm a bit short of funds, so I hope Lord Langford can help me out a bit."

"Of course, I'll have someone prepare the funds for you right away, three hundred million enough? If not, I can get some more for you," Reginald replied in relief.

He thought it was something big, but it turned out Dustin just wanted money. He had scared him for nothing.

"Lord Langford, I have a principle, I don't like to live off someone else's wealth. Cash will eventually be spent, and giving a man a fish is not as good as teaching him how to fish. What do you think?" Dustin smiled.

"Hmm?" Reginald was startled and tentatively asked, "Young Master doesn't want money, so what do you want?"

"Is The Groove Club owned by the Langford family? I've heard that it has excellent profits. How about you give The Groove Club to me?" Dustin suggested.

"The Groove Club?"

Reginald's pupils shrank, and his heart began to convulse.

This brat was simply making outrageous demands!

The Groove Club was the largest casino in the Willowbrook district, and its annual net profit started at one billion. For the Langford family, it was a golden goose.

Now this brat, who didn't want money, just happened to have his eyes on The Groove Club.

He was really unpredictable!

"The Groove Club? Lord Langford, it's just a little thing, right?" Dustin said with a smile.

"Just a little thing? Do you know how much The Groove Club is worth?!" Reginald's heart was aching, but he tried to force a smile and said, "Since Young Master likes it, there's no harm in giving The Groove Club to you."

"Lord Langford is truly generous, then I'll thank you in advance."

Dustin gave a slight bow.

"Young Master is too polite, it's only right," Reginald replied through gritted teeth.

However, in his heart, he was grumbling endlessly, How could you say it's nothing? You're really greedy!

Reginald was having a heart attack, but on the surface, he still had to put on a happy face. "Young Master, what's the second thing?"

"Lord Langford, the second thing is quite simple. I just need you to help me find two herbs," Dustin extended two fingers.

"Oh?" Reginald's eyes lit up and he asked tentatively, "Is this easy to do? Just two herbs, if Young Master says the word, even if you need two hundred herbs, it's not a problem!"

Chapter 1364 A Family Massacre

"Two hundred plants are not necessary, just two will do," Dustin smiled.

"I wonder which two herbs Young Master needs? I'll have someone look for them right away," Reginald said as he sipped his tea.

"Oh, it's very simple. I want one Ice Heart Lotus and one Golden Marrow Jade," Dustin said casually.


Hearing this, Reginald spat out the tea he had just drunk, revealing an exaggerated expression of surprise. "Young Master, didn't I hear you correctly? You just said you want Ice Heart Lotus and Golden Marrow Jade?"

"That's right," Dustin nodded.

The reason he had made this request in front of Reginald was mainly because he was concerned that the Torby family would take too long to act. Lorenzo was in critical condition and couldn't wait too long. With the assistance of the Langford family, things should progress much more quickly.

"Young Master, do you know that these two herbs are extremely rare and priceless treasures?" Reginald's voice trembled a bit.

"Herbs are herbs. But I believe, for the Langford family, it’s a piece of cake, right?" Dustin smiled.

"A piece of cake? You make it sound so easy!" Reginald nearly couldn't resist cursing inwardly.

First, he opened with a demand for the family’s money-machine (The Groove Club), and then he asked for two incredibly rare and priceless spiritual herbs. It felt as if he was trying to drain the Langford family dry.

"My young prince, while I'd love to say it's just a matter of money, the finest spiritual herbs are exceedingly hard to come by. I don't even know where to begin looking," Reginald said, wearing a troubled expression.

"Others might not be able to, but I believe in your abilities, Mr. Langford," Dustin remarked, taking another sip of tea.

Reginald furrowed his brow, hesitating to respond further.

"Lord Reginald, have you heard about the Roberts family massacre that occurred twelve years ago?" Lu Chen suddenly asked.

Reginald's eyelids twitched, and he instinctively tensed up, though he maintained a composed exterior. "I've heard a little about it. May I ask why you bring it up, young prince?"

"It's nothing, just a matter of curiosity," Dustin replied with meaning. "Dozens of Roberts family members were slaughtered overnight. The Ministry of Justice has been investigating for years, yet they've found no leads. Who do you think might be responsible?"

As he finished speaking, his gaze remained fixed on Reginald.

The intensity of his stare sent shivers down Reginald's spine, and his scalp tingled uncomfortably.

This kid, could he possibly know something?

No! That's impossible!

The Langford family had been extremely discreet in their actions back then, leaving no traces or survivors, it was impossible for the truth to leak out.

But the problem was, if Dustin didn't know anything, why would he suddenly bring it up?

Thinking of this, Reginald couldn't help but swallow hard, and cold sweat broke out.

The Roberts family's massacre case was of great significance.

Once it was exposed, it would be a fatal blow to the Langford family!

"Lord Reginald, let's get back to the main topic, is there any problem with the herbs?" Luchen smiled faintly.

The West Lucozia King's Mansion not only collected rare books from all over the world, but also possessed a lot of dirt on high-ranking officials.

The Langford family's dirty laundry was the massacre case of the Roberts family back then.

"Of course there is no problem with the herbs."

Reginald forced a smile, "It is our honor for the young master to serve."

"Thank you, Lord Reginald, for your help."

Dustin nodded slightly and continued, "Now, let's talk about the third and last thing... To be honest, I came to the capital this time to fulfill a long-cherished wish, but my abilities are limited, so I still need Lord Reginald's help."

"Please feel free to give your orders, Young Master."

Lord Reginald's heart was pounding.

"To be honest, I want your Langford family to secretly investigate the truth about my mother's death. I want to...find the real mastermind behind it!" Dustin's eyes suddenly became extremely sharp and fierce.

Chapter 1365 Favor Etched in the Heart


Dustin's words shocked Reginald, and his face turned a bit paler.

The turmoil of the Forbidden City (Bayhaven) ten years ago was still a taboo topic that could not be mentioned.

And the death of the Queen of West Lucozia was even more of an unsolved mystery for many years.

The term "unsolved mystery" did not mean that it was truly unsolved, but rather that no one dared to solve it.

Even the powerful King of West Lucozia, in the end, had to endure it, so who would dare to truly investigate the truth?

Back then, the court had repeatedly vowed to uncover the true murderer, but in the end, it had all come to nothing.

This alone proved that the mastermind behind the turmoil of the Forbidden City had tremendous power!

Even, it involved the supreme imperial power!

Although the Langford family was large and powerful, it was still insignificant in front of those high-ranking and powerful royal relatives.

So when Reginald heard Dustin's request, he was shocked, scared, and fearful.

The waters here were too deep, and once the Langford family got involved, it could be catastrophic at any moment!

"Lord Langford, there's no need to be too nervous, I'm not asking you to go and die, why are you so afraid?"

Dustin retracted his sharpness, smiled slightly, and returned to his usual calm demeanor.

"Y-Young... Young Master, I can promise you the first two requests, but this third matter, I really can't help with," Reginald said with a mournful face, looking very helpless.

The forbidden taboo of the past ten years would cause a massive upheaval if it were restarted.

"Lord Langford, if I remember correctly, my mother should have helped your Langford family back then, right?" Dustin suddenly asked.

"This..." Reginald was momentarily speechless.

Back then, the Langford family had nearly met a calamity because they couldn't think clearly for a moment.

Helpless, he could only turn to the King of West Lucozia, who was powerful and influential.

In the end, King of West Lucozia, who didn't like to meddle in affairs, couldn't be bothered to pay any attention.

It was Queen who ultimately persuaded King of West Lucozia and helped the Langford family escape the disaster.

This favor had always been etched in his heart.

"It seems you haven't forgotten what happened back then."

Dustin smiled faintly, "My mother was always benevolent and never asked for anything in return, but I'm different, anything that I'm owed, I will collect it. Lord Langford, your Langford family's lives were saved by my mother, shouldn't you... repay the favor?"

Reginald fell into silence upon hearing this.

Holding the tea cup in his hand, he remained speechless for a long time, his eyes filled with conflict.

Dustin poured himself another cup of tea, then immediately drank it. His tone remained calm, "Lord Langford, you don't need to misunderstand me, I'm not asking you to avenge my mother, I just hope that you can help investigate the matter from back then, that's all, is this request too much?"

Reginald's trembling hands caused the tea water in the cup to ripple and form waves.

Just like the turmoil in his heart.

After thinking for a long time, Reginald took a deep breath, and his hands slowly steadied as the tea water gradually calmed down.

"Alright, I promise you."

Without any unnecessary words, just a few simple words.

Calm and firm.

The favor of saving the lives of over a hundred people in his Langford family was something he could only repay with his meager abilities now.

"Thank you very much, Lord Langford."

Dustin stood up solemnly, bowed with both hands, and gave a deep bow.

"Young Master, you don't need to be so polite, this is something I should do."

Reginald quickly got up and helped Dustin straighten up, smiling bitterly, "This is all I can do..."

Avenging the queen, he didn't dare and didn't have the ability.

All he could do now was help Logan in secret and repay the favor to the queen's spirit.

"That's enough."

Dustin smiled faintly, "At least it proves that my mother didn't save the wrong person back then."


Reginald shook his head.

"Lord Langford, it's getting late, I won't disturb you anymore, if there is any news, please contact me at any time."

After exchanging contact information, Dustin took his leave decisively.

To establish himself in Stonia and investigate the truth, the assistance of these powerful families was indispensable.

Otherwise, with his own strength alone, it would be impossible to avenge his mother.

Chapter 1366 Knock! Knock!

Outside the Langford Mansion's main gate, two cars were parked, one behind the other.

Belinda leaned wearily against the back seat, holding a woman's cigarette in her hand, but she didn't light it, letting the breeze gradually extinguish it.

It had been nearly two hours since Dustin had gone in, and there was still no movement.

Could something have happened?

Although Reginald's behavior earlier had been somewhat unexpected, it couldn't be ruled out that he was doing it for show.

Once inside the Langford Mansion and without any spies, they could easily kill and silence.

Thinking of this, Belinda couldn't help but feel a bit worried.

She didn't even understand why she was so concerned about someone she had just met.

Was it just because the other person was good-looking? Or because of his unique personality?


At this moment, the vehicle in front suddenly reversed and parked side by side with Belinda's car.

The car window lowered, and the faces of Carlos and Roselyn quickly appeared.

"Miss Remington, you're still waiting here? I suggest you go back and rest early."

Carlos said with a teasing smile, "Dustin is audacious and reckless, invading the dragon's den, I estimate that he has already been dismembered and there's not even a corpse to be found."

"Hmph! You said the same thing before, and what happened? He still walked out of the The Groove Club perfectly fine." Belinda retorted.

"How is The Groove Club be compared to the Langford Mansion?"

Carlos sneered, "Inside the Langford Mansion, there are experts aplenty, Dustin is just walking a path to his own death, and you, the little white-faced man you like, will never come out in this lifetime!"

"Is that so?" Belinda's eyebrows furrowed slightly, but she didn't say much.

At this moment, a figure suddenly walked up to Carlos's car and lightly tapped on the car window.

"Knock, knock!"

The sudden movement startled both Roselyn and Carlos.

They instinctively turned their heads to look, only to be stunned.

Because at some point, Dustin had already stepped outside the car, and he was smiling.

His pristine white teeth, under the moonlight's illumination, looked a bit eerie.

"You, you, you... you didn't die?" Roselyn stared wide-eyed, somewhat incredulous.

Next to him, Carlos also had a face of disbelief.

What's going on?

Dustin caused a ruckus at The Groove Club and beat up Ferdinand, how could the Langford family easily let him go?

"How... how did you manage to leave the Langford Mansion unharmed?" Carlos asked cautiously.

"What can they do to me? It was Ferdinand who was arrogant and overbearing, abusing his power, and I just went to demand justice. Fortunately, Lord Langford is reasonable and knows the truth, so he gave Ferdinand a good lesson." Dustin replied casually.

"Then what happened next?" Carlos and Roselyn asked in unison.

"And then?"

Dustin shrugged.

"Then Lord Langford invited us to have tea, apologized to us, and compensated us for some mental distress, and then had someone send us out." Dustin said with indifference.

"Is it that simple?" The two of them looked at each other, their faces showing incredulity.

When did Lord Langford become so kind-hearted?

When one of his own was beaten, he not only didn't seek revenge, but also treated him with courtesy and violence.

Could it be that his brain was damaged?

Chapter 1367 Bottle of Poison

Roselyn and Carlos stared blankly at each other, completely unable to understand Reginald's behavior.

Was it foolish to repay hatred with kindness, or was it generous?

A prominent family like the Langfords was willing to lose face?

"I've settled my grievances with the Langfords, now, let's talk about our matters." Dustin smiled and spoke.

But in the eyes of Roselyn and Carlos, this smile seemed somewhat malicious.

"Dustin, this matter has nothing to do with me, I'm also a victim, you see, I've been waiting outside the door all along, just worried that something might happen to you." Carlos squeezed out a smile.

Damn, this guy in front of me is clearly a madman, daring to fight even Ferdinand, if he angers the other party, he'll inevitably be severely beaten.

"I'll talk to you about our matter later, I have something to discuss with her."

Dustin pointed at Roselyn through the car window.

"I have nothing to talk to you about! Senior Brother! Drive quickly!"

Roselyn suddenly felt uneasy and gestured for Carlos to drive away.

"Wanna leave?"

Maximus snorted coldly, suddenly punched the window to pieces, then grabbed the steering wheel and yanked it violently.


The entire steering wheel was torn off by Maximus, thrown over a hundred meters away, and landed inside the high wall of the Langford Mansion.


Carlos was dumbfounded, looking at the steering wheel-less steering column, on the verge of tears.

My new luxury car!

Roselyn was also stunned, her eye twitching a bit, at a loss.

Even the steering wheel can be pulled off, is this still a human being?

"Roselyn, I generally don't hit women, but your behavior tonight is really annoying."

"You called me out with a phone call, but then conspired with Carlos to set up a trap, if it weren't for my good luck, I should have been dead by now, right?"

Although Dustin was smiling, his eyes were cold, cold enough to send chills down one's spine.

"What... what are you talking about? I clearly didn't do anything, it's all your own fault!" Roselyn defiantly retorted.

"My own fault?"

Dustin sneered, "As expected, someone like you has no reason to speak of, of course, I don't want to waste my breath with you, I just want to know one thing now, what is the secret of Uncle Lorenzo? As long as you honestly confess, I can treat it as if nothing has happened."

"Why should I tell you?" Roselyn turned her head deliberately.

"If you don't say it, I'll make you disappear from the world." Dustin smiled.

"You... how dare you!" Roselyn's eyelids twitched, and she threatened, "I warn you, I'm not easy to mess with, if you dare to lay a finger on me, I promise you'll regret it!"

"Maximus, show her some color."

Dustin snapped his fingers and took two steps back.


Maximus grinned and suddenly reached in, grabbing Roselyn's hair and forcibly pulling her out.

"Ah! Let go! Let go!"

Roselyn struggled while screaming, but Maximus held her tightly, rendering her unable to move.

"I have a bottle of poison here that can make the skin rot, muscles necrotize, and can never be restored."

Dustin took out a green bottle and waved it in front of Roselyn, smiling, "Just imagine, what would happen if this stuff were to spill on your face?"

"Dustin... Dustin, you're going too far! I'm the granddaughter of Divine Doctor ELijah!"

Roselyn panicked, attempting to threaten him, and immediately sought help from Carlos, "Senior Brother! Save me - quick!"


Carlos opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but was glared at by Dustin and couldn't speak.

It was too cruel.

Chapter 1368 Provoking the Unprovokable

"I'll give you ten seconds to think it over, if you're not willing to talk, I'll use this bottle of poison to wash your face." Dustin smiled, unfazed.

As he spoke, he pulled out the bottle stopper and placed the medicine bottle above Roselyn's head.

"No... please don't!"

Roselyn's legs turned soft from fear, tears streaming down her face, panicking as she said, "Don't destroy my face! I'll talk, I'll talk, just take this thing away!"

"So you'll cooperate?"

Dustin slowly retracted the medicine bottle.

People like this woman were truly heartless.

Roselyn panted heavily, taking a while to regain her composure, her voice weak as she said, "About Lorenzo's secret, we have to start from a few years ago...

That day, an unfamiliar guest suddenly came to our house and had a secret conversation with my grandfather, and I overheard a little through the door.

It turned out that this guest was the one who saved Lorenzo ten years ago."

"Wait a minute! Wasn't it your grandfather who saved Uncle Lorenzo?" Dustin suddenly interrupted.

"More accurately, it was this person who brought the heavily injured Lorenzo to Healwell Clinic, where my grandfather treated him, and every so often, this person would secretly visit to ask about Lorenzo's condition." Roselyn explained.

"Who is this person?" Dustin's expression turned grave.

He had always thought that it was Elijah who had saved the person, but as it turned out, there was more to the story.

"I don't know."

Roselyn shook her head, "I've never seen this person's face, every time he came, my grandfather would make me stay away, I was just curious that day, so I eavesdropped."

"What did you eavesdrop on?" Dustin asked again.

"I heard this person tell my grandfather that Lorenzo's life must be preserved at all costs, and his identity must never be exposed; also, if someone comes looking for him, he must be notified immediately to prevent accidents." Roselyn replied.


Hearing this, Dustin couldn't help but frown.

Obviously, Elijah was hiding something from him.

Or perhaps, he hadn't completely trusted him yet.

The biggest question now was the identity of this mysterious person?

He had saved Lorenzo, brought him to Elijah for treatment, and had been so careful, he must have known something.

Dustin had a premonition that if he could find this mysterious person, the truth about what happened ten years ago would come to light.

"Is there any other information?" Dustin asked again.

"Oh right! I remember my grandfather called this person... Mr Blair!" Roselyn suddenly remembered.

"Mr Blair?" Dustin pondered.

In his memory, there was no prominent Ji family or high-ranking Ji official in Stonia.

So who was this Mr Blair?

"I... I only know this much, there's nothing else." Roselyn said nervously.

Dustin stared at Roselyn for a few seconds, making sure she hadn't lied, before nodding, "Alright, in consideration of the information you've provided, I won't hold today's events against you, but in the future, you two had better behave yourselves, if you dare to cause trouble secretly again, don't blame me for not being nice."

Roselyn nodded repeatedly, a trace of resentment flashing in her eyes.

"Miss Remington..."

After settling the score, Dustin walked to the side of Belinda's car and smiled, "I want to thank you for helping us out today, but I'll have to trouble you to give us a ride, it's getting late and it's not convenient to take a taxi."

"It's my honor."

Belinda smiled seductively and patted the seat next to her, excitedly saying, "Come in, handsome, come into big sister's arms."

"Also, you looked so fierce when you disciplined that scumbag, I liked it so much."

"Should we go sleep at big sister's place tonight? Big sister's bed is big and soft, and I guarantee you'll have a good time."



Why does it feel like he's walking into the lion's den?

Chapter 1369 Bewitched

Early the next morning, inside a Cedar Serenity Villa.

As the first rays of sunlight appeared on the horizon, Dustin, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, slowly opened his eyes.

With the Sky Spirit Orb, his martial cultivation had been advancing by leaps and bounds.

He didn't need to practice diligently; the Sky Spirit Orb automatically absorbed the spiritual energy of the world and converted it for his use.

This meant that Dustin was essentially cultivating at every moment.

Moreover, the higher one's talent, the more powerful the Sky Spirit Orb's effects would be.

In less than a month, Dustin had already reached the threshold of a Grandmaster.

If he wished, he could break through at any time.

However, in order to have a more stable foundation, Dustin had chosen to suppress his cultivation for the time being.

There was still half a year left until his one-year appointment with the eunuch, which was enough time for him to accumulate more strength.


At this moment, Dustin's phone suddenly rang.

He reached under the pillow to retrieve his phone and saw that it was a call from Elijah; he quickly answered it.

"Hello, Dustin, I'm in a bit of trouble here, and I'm afraid I'll need your help."

"Trouble? Is it Uncle Lorenzo who's in trouble?" Dustin became instantly concerned.

"No... it's not Uncle Lorenzo, it's Old Lord Torby." Elijah hurriedly explained, "Yesterday, Old Lord Torby suddenly fell seriously ill. The Torby family has summoned all the famous doctors in the Willowbrook, and I'm no exception. However, after a day and night of treatment, all the famous doctors have been at a loss."

"What kind of strange illness is it that even you, Doctor Elijah, can't cure?" Dustin was curious.

Given that Elijah had kept Lorenzo alive for ten years, it was evident that his medical skills were superb.

Even if it was some kind of difficult and complicated disease, there shouldn't have been any issues.

"The strange thing is that I don't think Old Lord Torby is sick, I think he's been bewitched!" Elijah lowered his voice intentionally.

"Bewitched? Are you sure?" Dustin raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not sure, it's just a guess. I know you're proficient in mysticism, and you should be an expert in this area, so I wanted to ask you to come and take a look. You mentioned before that you needed Torby family's Dragon Blood Ginseng, right? If you can cure Old Lord Torby's illness, I believe acquiring a single medicinal herb should be no problem." Elijah said.

"Alright, I'll be right there."

Dustin didn't say much, he just agreed and hung up the phone.

Although he already had the Dragon Blood Ginseng, he still needed the Ice Heart Lotus and Golden Marrow Jade. So, he couldn't let Old Lord Torby die. On one hand, it was for the sake of the medicinal herbs, and on the other hand, it was also for future considerations. If he could bring the Torby family into his camp, they might be able to help him in the future.


Inside the Torby family's mansion at this moment.

An elderly man with a pale, emaciated complexion was lying unconscious on a bed.

The old man had blood at the corners of his mouth, and his hands, feet, and body were all tied up with ropes, securing him firmly to the bed.

Several doctors were standing by the door, trembling with fear, and none of them dared to approach.

It was known that just before the old man on the sickbed fell unconscious, he suddenly burst with astonishing strength.

Not only did he injure two bodyguards, but he also bit off one of the doctor's ears and swallowed it.

His terrifying appearance, like a demon, sent shivers down the spines of everyone who saw it, leaving a psychological scar.

After hesitating for a moment, Elijah finally braved up and approached the sickbed, carefully checking the situation.

After confirming that the old man was stable, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and quickly exited the room.

"Doctor Elijah, how is my father? Is he okay?" A group of Torby family members were standing outside the room.

Leading them was Winston Torby, the eldest son of the Torby family.

Following him were his wife, Sophia Torby, his daughter, Isabela, and some other Torby family relatives.

Chapter 1370 Black-clad Man

"The old master's vital signs are temporarily stable, but this strange illness is difficult to pinpoint the source. I'm afraid I'm powerless to help," Elijah said regretfully.

"Doctor Elijah, you and the other best doctors in the Willowbrook can't find a way to treat my father? No matter how much it costs or what it takes, our Torby family will spare no effort to satisfy your requests!" Winston pleaded.

"Lord Winston, forgive me for being blunt, but the symptoms displayed by your father do not seem like an illness to me; they appear more like being bewitched," Elijah said solemnly.


The moment these words were spoken, everyone was taken aback. Hearing such things from a doctor sounded absurd.

"Dr Grantwood, could you please explain what you mean more clearly? What exactly is happening?" Winston asked tentatively.

"When I mentioned 'bewitched,' I was referring to witchcraft, curses, or voodoo of some sort. I don't know much about these things, I've only read about them in books, so I can only make a guess," Elijah explained.

"Witchcraft, curses, and voodoo?" Winston furrowed his brow. If it were someone else saying these things, he wouldn't have believed it, but Elijah had a great reputation and wouldn't make baseless claims. Besides, he had heard of such things before.

"Dr Grantwood, you're highly knowledgeable in the field of medicine, but I assume you might know someone who specializes in these occult matters, right? They might be able to help," Isabela suddenly asked, her eyes were red, and there were traces of tears at the corners of her eyes.

"I do know someone who has some expertise in this area. He might be able to help," Elijah said suddenly.

"Oh? Who is it?" Winston immediately became interested.


"Of course, it's me!"

Before Elijah could respond, a loud and clear voice suddenly rang out.

Turning their heads in response, the Torby family members saw a handsome man, Dominic, walking confidently towards them with an elderly man in black attire.

"Respectful greetings to Uncle Winston, Aunt Sophia..."

Dominic approached and respectfully bowed to the Torby family elders one by one, showing great manners.

"Dominic! What are you here for? We don't welcome you in our Torby family!" Isabela's face stiffened, showing her displeasure.

"I heard that the old master had fallen seriously ill, so I specially found an expert in this field to come and treat him," Dominic said without losing his composure.

"Humph! Who asked for your help? You're being presumptuous!" Isabela deliberately turned her head away.

"Isabela, don't be rude," Winston scolded her, then turned to Dominic, looking pleased, and said, "Dominic, you're willing to help, but my father's illness isn't something that ordinary doctors can cure."

"Uncle Winston, I've invited someone who isn't an ordinary doctor but rather an extraordinary individual," Dominic said with a smile as he gestured to the elderly man next to him. "Let me introduce you to him. This is Master Heinrich, renowned in the martial world, skilled in all kinds of mystical arts. No matter what strange and complicated illness there is, he can easily solve it."

"Oh? Is that so?" Winston's spirits were lifted.

"If Uncle Winston doesn't believe it, we can have Master Heinrich demonstrate his abilities first," Dominic said, giving a meaningful glance.

The elderly man in black immediately understood and took out a paper crane from his pocket, displaying it in front of everyone.

Then, the elderly man in black silently chanted a spell and lightly pointed at the paper crane, saying, "Rise!"

As soon as the word "rise" left his mouth, a miraculous scene occurred.

The paper crane in the black-clad man's hand seemed to come to life. Its wings fluttered, and it flew directly into the air.

Then, like a spirit bird, it circled around the heads of everyone present, performing graceful and mesmerizing aerobatics for three rounds.

Finally, with a flutter of its wings, it landed steadily in the black-clad man's palm.

This display left everyone present in awe.
Chapter 1456 Hamilton or Roberts?

If things continued like this, the Hamilton family would inevitably decline, and the prestige of the royal family would not match its reputation. So, in recent years, he had started recruiting young talents with extraordinary abilities. Unfortunately, none of them had met his expectations. It was only when he saw Dustin's performance just now that he immediately developed a liking for him and was even willing to tempt him with power, wealth, and fame.

"Damn! This kid's luck is too good, isn't it? Not only did he gain the favor of the patriarch, but he can also marry a beautiful woman. It's truly a double blessing!" Hearing Cedric's conditions, the onlookers were both envious and jealous.

They were members of the Hamilton family, but each of them had limited resources, and their success depended solely on their own efforts. However, Dustin was different. Once he joined the Hamilton family, he would become the focus of their cultivation, a rising star with great potential.

It was a world of difference from their current situation.

"What do you think? Are you satisfied with the conditions I've offered?" Cedric asked with a smile. Anyone with a bit of ambition should know how to choose.

"Thank you for your kind offer, Lord Hamilton, but for now, I have no plans to join any faction," Dustin politely declined.

"Hmm?" Cedric raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Dustin, by joining our Hamilton family, you'll have a powerful backing. Whatever you do in the future, you'll have great assistance. Why not seize this opportunity?"

"Lord Hamilton, you're being a bit unfair," Duncan suddenly stood up and said seriously, "Dustin is a member of our Roberts family. How can he join your Hamilton family? Trying to win him over like this in front of me is not appropriate, is it?"

"Roberts family?" Cedric squinted his eyes, looking meaningful. "From what I know, Dustin is just an ordinary outsider, not a member of your Roberts family. I don't think I'm trying to win him over."

This old fox clearly saw talent and intended to snatch it away by force.

"Previously, he wasn't, but he is now," Duncan said casually. "This kid and my granddaughter are in love. I've already decided to let them get married in a while. By then, he will naturally become a member of our Roberts family."

"Lord Hamilton, are you trying to break up a loving couple?" Natasha stepped forward and provocatively held onto Dustin's arm. "This is my man, how can I let others have any decision on him?"

"Talking about this is meaningless; it's up to Dustin to make a decision for himself," Cedric said seriously. "Dustin, our Hamilton family is a martial family and is more suitable for you than the Roberts family. By joining us, you'll have a powerful family backing. You can achieve great deeds, be granted titles, and even become a king in the future!"

"Young man, our Roberts family is also good. Whether you choose to enter the court as an official or take the battlefield as a general, our Roberts family can help you," Duncan countered.

The Roberts family had more civil officials, and although they were smart, their martial prowess was lacking. Dustin's arrival was the perfect complement to the Roberts family's weaknesses.

"Dustin! As long as you join the Hamilton family, I'll do my best to satisfy any condition!" Cedric said seriously.

To keep this genius, he was willing to do anything, even if it meant tearing his face off with Duncan.

"Young man, as long as you join the Roberts family, you can get engaged to the Princess tomorrow!" Duncan also spoke firmly.

"Dustin! A man should rise to the occasion, achieve great feats, and women will only slow you down!" Cedric argued.

"Hmph! Don't you understand what it means to 'build a family and establish a career'? 'Building a family' comes first, and 'establishing a career' comes second. Understand the priorities before you speak."

"Nonsense! A man should focus on achieving great deeds and building a career. Women are just accessories. Once you have power and influence, you can find any kind of woman you want."

"Brute! A brute who only knows how to fight and kill. You should know that in this vast world, love is the most important!"

"..." As Cedric and Duncan argued, their dispute grew more heated, and they even seemed a bit frustrated.

This scene made everyone feel awkward.

These were both influential figures who dominated the political scene, and yet they were arguing like they were at a local market. Did they not care about their image at all?

Chapter 1457 Extraordinary Honor and Dilemma

"Two esteemed gentlemen, please stop arguing for now and calm down."

Seeing the situation getting worse, Dustin quickly intervened to mediate.

If they continued to argue like this, the two pillars of the court were likely to start fighting on the spot.

"Dustin, make a choice, will it be the Hamilton family or the Roberts family?" Cedric posed the question.

"Young man, think carefully, for a single misstep may lead to a lifelong regret," Duncan advised, stroking his beard.

At that moment, all eyes were on Dustin.

Such a scene, where two major figures were fighting over someone, was extremely rare.

Although it was an extraordinary honor, it was also a dilemma.

The Hamilton family was a martial family, and Dustin was a Martial Master. Considering his future prospects, joining the Hamilton family would be more suitable.

However, the Roberts family was equally prestigious, and with the influence of Lady Natasha, it would be easier to persuade people.

Most importantly, no matter which side Dustin chose, he would offend the other.

Opportunity and risk went hand in hand.

"Both esteemed gentlemen have been very kind, and I appreciate it, but as I said before, I have no plans to join any faction at the moment, so I can only apologize for that," Dustin politely declined once again.

"What?!" Upon hearing this, everyone looked at each other in disbelief.

You see, whether it was the Hamilton family or the Roberts family, it was like a leap from a carp to a dragon.

Yet Dustin had refused all of them.

Such behavior was simply foolish.

"Dustin, this opportunity today is extremely rare. Are you sure you want to give it up?" Cedric asked in surprise.

"Sure," Dustin nodded.

"Young man, do you know that even if some people break their heads, they still don't have the qualifications to join the royal family? Right now, you have two broad paths in front of you, are you really not going to take one?" Duncan was puzzled.

"I have my own path to follow," Dustin replied.

"Very well, you have aspirations," Duncan nodded with a smile. "Alright, I won't force you. If you ever encounter trouble in the future, feel free to come to me."

He had looked down on Dustin before, but his refusal had made him take a closer look at him.

A man should carve out his own path and rely on himself to grow. Relying on others would easily wear down his ambition and courage.

"Thank you, Lord Duncan," Dustin bowed.

"Dustin, I support your choice. Of course, if you change your mind, you can come to me anytime. The doors of my Hamilton family are always open to you," Cedric said with a faint smile.

"Thank you for your kindness, Lord Hamilton," Dustin bowed again.

"Lord Duncan, I have other matters to attend to. I'll take my leave."

After bowing to Duncan, Cedric turned and left.

Although he hadn't succeeded in recruiting Dustin, he was relieved that Dustin hadn't joined the Roberts family. This way, there was still hope for the Hamilton family. As long as they showed goodwill in the future, there might be a chance to recruit Dustin.

To put it another way, making friends with such a potential talent had countless benefits and no harm.

"Darling, I won't be a third wheel here. You two can chat slowly."

After exchanging greetings with Dustin, Duncan smiled and left.

With her granddaughter around, no one could take Dustin away.

"Honey, let's go eat something."

Lady Natasha smiled sweetly and then linked her arm with Dustin as they walked out of the World Martial Arts Academy.

Today's battle had allowed Dustin to shine in Stonia.

Not only did he defeat many of the Hamilton family's talents, but he also won the approval of his future grandfather-in-law, making it a double victory.

Chapter 1458 Amazing and Excellent Ointment

She believed that it wouldn't be long before Dustin truly made a name for himself!


In the next few days, Dustin was busy.

First, he had to find medicinal herbs for treatment; second, he had to rebuild the Healwell Clinic; third, he had to pay attention to the matter of Jade Dew Ointment.

Of course, he also had to take some time to accompany Lady Natasha for meals and shopping.

Overall, Dustin didn't have much free time.

Fortunately, Jade Dew Ointment was already on the right track.

Under the name of the Remington family, a pharmaceutical company had been established specifically to sell Jade Dew Ointment.

And after promotion and fermentation, it had already become a competitor to the Torby and Stratford families' Rejuvenation Cream.

Due to its lower price and better efficacy, its reputation in the industry had gradually spread.

All that was left was to officially launch it and it would set off a wave of popularity.

At this moment, in the Torby family's council chamber.

Because of the latest news, Winston urgently called an internal meeting.

Present were not only the core members of the Torby family, but also some high-level members of the Stratford family.

"I just heard that the Remington family has developed a new Jade Dew Ointment, and its efficacy is even better than our Rejuvenation Cream, is that true?" Winston asked seriously, and as he spoke, he purposely glanced at Dominic and the others.

"It's true."

A high-ranking member of the Torby family stood up and replied, "I've already investigated, the Remington family's Jade Dew Ointment is truly amazing, with excellent word-of-mouth in the industry, even surpassing our Rejuvenation Cream. Although it hasn't been officially released yet, it's already gaining popularity, and it's a huge threat to our Rejuvenation Cream!"

As soon as this was said, the entire council chamber immediately became agitated.

"How could this be? The Remington family doesn't have a deep background in medicine, how could they develop such a good medicine?"

"Could it be that our prescription leaked? Is there a mole?"

"Damn it! We've invested heavily in producing and promoting Rejuvenation Cream, and now we've encountered a problem at the beginning. What do we do now?"

Everyone was talking at once, and they were all anxious.

You see, they had all invested in Rejuvenation Cream, and they had put a lot of money into it, hoping to make a big profit.

Now that this kind of thing had happened, they were naturally very anxious.

"Quiet down, all of you!"

Winston suddenly slammed the table, startling everyone into silence.

The council chamber, which had just been noisy, immediately fell silent as if no birds were singing.

"Brother Winston, with the Remington family's abilities, it's impossible for them to develop Jade Dew Ointment in such a short time. I guess it's probably Dustin's doing," Sophia suddenly spoke up.

"Dustin?" Winston frowned slightly.

He had already guessed this result.

"Dustin bears a grudge against us, so he wants to use the Remington family's power to retaliate against us. I have to say, this move is very vicious!" Sophia said coldly.

She hadn't paid much attention to Dustin before, so she had left the subsequent matters to Isabela and Dominic.

But she didn't expect that Dustin had hidden a trick up his sleeve, not really handing over the complete formula, but instead giving her an inferior product.

Now that the authentic Jade Dew Ointment was out, the Torby and Stratford families' Rejuvenation Cream seemed somewhat redundant.

If they didn't stop it in time, both the Torby and Stratford families would suffer huge losses!

A nobody like Dustin was actually causing two big families to be in a panic, something that had never happened before.

Chapter 1459 Plans Spoiled

"Hmph! This Dustin is really audacious, he actually dares to openly challenge us, he really doesn't know how to live!"

Winston's face was calm, with a glint of fierceness in his eyes.

During this period, in order to turn Rejuvenation Cream into a bestseller, the Torby family had spared no effort to mobilize all their resources.

Advertisements were everywhere, with bonuses and discounts, and a lot of capital had been invested.

Originally, they had planned to use this opportunity to build their reputation, make money, and expand their network.

But they didn't expect that they had just started and Dustin had spoiled their plans.

It was really disgusting.

"Isabela, didn't I tell you to deal with Dustin earlier? Why is he still alive?"

Sophia suddenly turned her head and looked at her daughter with a somewhat reproachful tone.


Isabela was at a loss for words.

Under her mother's stern gaze, she directly shifted the blame to Dominic: "Actually, it was handled by Dominic."


Dominic's lips twitched and he could only stand up with a stiff smile and say, "Aunt Sophia, I've hired experts to go out in the past few days, but Dustin is too cunning, like a rat, and has never shown himself, so I really can't do anything about it."

He had recently hired many people to track Dustin's whereabouts, but every time there was a clue, the other party would suddenly disappear.

This made it impossible for him to make a move.

"Even a country bumpkin like him can't be dealt with, it's very disappointing to me." Sophia said with a cold face.

Dominic and Isabela both bowed their heads, not daring to retort.

"Randolf, you personally lead the team to investigate and you must bring Dustin back, especially that prescription, you must get it at all costs."

Sophia turned around and instructed the housekeeper.


The Randolf replied and left quickly.

"Sophia, the Remington family already has the prescription for Jade Dew Ointment, just catching Dustin alone might not solve the root cause." Winston reminded.

The threat posed by the Remington family was naturally not comparable to that of a small fry like Dustin.

"Catching Dustin is just the first step, next, we need to combine the efforts of the two families, and focus on suppressing the Remington family, so that their Jade Dew Ointment can't be sold!" Sophia said.

"If that's the case, then we'll have to invest more money and resources," Winston said thoughtfully.

"We can't bear to let the child have no wolf to trap, if we want to dominate the market, we must eliminate all obstacles!" Sophia said coldly. "Th
"We can't bear to let the child have no wolves to hunt. Remington family is nothing more than a small family, not even a big family. With the connections and influence of our two families, it's enough to seal them off!"

"Yes! Seal off the Remington family! Eliminate the hidden dangers!"

Upon hearing this, everyone voiced their support.

You can't use the bow without having an arrow to shoot, and now that it has come to this, no matter what the cost, they must stabilize the situation.

"Good! That's settled!"

Winston slammed the table and said loudly, "The small Remington family actually dares to provoke two big families, really overestimating themselves! This time, I will make sure the Remington family loses everything!"

"That being said, how should we attack?" someone suddenly asked.

"Tomorrow is the Remington family's new drug launch event, I plan to give them a big gift, I guarantee they will remember it for the rest of their lives!" Sophia suddenly smiled.

Seeing this scene, those around her couldn't help but shiver.

Those familiar with Sophia knew that she was not one to speak or laugh lightly.

The last time she laughed like this was when she was killing someone.


The next day, in the early morning.

At the entrance of a subsidiary of the Remington Medical Holdings Consortium.

Belinda was directing his subordinates, busy everywhere.

Today was the day when the new company was officially established, and it was also the best time to release Jade Dew Ointment.

In order to better promote Jade Dew Ointment, she had used all the connections of the Remington family and sent out a large number of invitations.

As long as everything went smoothly, Jade Dew Ointment would become a healing holy medicine that everyone pursued!

Chapter 1460 Preparation for Launch

"Hey hey hey... raise the sign a little higher and place it in a prominent place."

"And the red carpet on the ground, spread it outside."

"Is the lion dance team here? Have them prepare quickly, we're about to open."


Belinda kept shouting, every detail had to be personally reviewed before she could be reassured.

Today, there must be no mistakes, everything must run smoothly.


At this moment, a Maybach suddenly stopped by the roadside.

Following that, Prudence, dressed in a suit, smiled as he got out of the car.

"Dad, you're here."

Belinda stopped what she was doing and immediately went up to greet him.

"How's it going? Is everything going smoothly?" Prudence looked around and admired his daughter's achievements.

"Of course, with me personally in charge, how could there be any problems?" Belinda said confidently with a smile.

"Well done."

Prudence nodded in satisfaction. "I've already talked to a few old friends, they all like your Jade Dew Ointment and plan to come over today to show their support and boost your popularity."

"That's great! Thank you, Dad!" Belinda's face lit up.

Her father's friends were all big shots.

If they could come to support her, it would naturally be icing on the cake.

"I've put all my eggs in one basket this time, whether the Remington family can rise to the next level or not depends on today." Prudence said.

For the matter of Jade Dew Ointment, the Remington family had also invested a lot of resources.

You had to gamble when you had a chance, just like going from a bicycle to a motorcycle.

"Dad, you can rest assured, there won't be any problems!" Belinda said confidently.

With just the strength of the Remington family alone, there might still be a gap, but now with the Fairchild family's help, she naturally had nothing to fear.

"That's good."

Prudence nodded in satisfaction, then looked around and asked in confusion, "Oh, by the way, what about your friend Dustin? As the founder of Jade Dew Ointment, isn't he planning to show up today?"

"Oh, speaking of which, as soon as you mention Dustin, Dustin is here, he's already here." Belinda pointed in a certain direction.

Prudence followed her line of sight and saw a young man in a suit, who looked handsome and was approaching with a smile.

"Young man, you've come at the right time, let me introduce you, this is my dad, your future father-in-law." Belinda blinked her eyes suggestively.

Just as Dustin approached, his smile couldn't help but freeze a little, and the words he was about to say were directly blocked.

This woman was really astonishing, she didn't stop.

"You girl, what nonsense are you talking about? You've scared people off."

Prudence scolded her and then extended his hand to Dustin, saying with a smile, "I'm Prudence, you can call me Uncle."

"Honor to meet you, Uncle." Dustin shook hands and returned the courtesy.

"I heard from Belinda that you're talented in both literary and martial arts, and today, seeing you in person, you do live up to your reputation!" Prudence looked him up and down and said with a benevolent smile.

Good looks, good character, and good abilities, the only thing missing was a good family background.

Of course, if he married into the Remington family, these things wouldn't matter.

"You flatter me, Uncle." Dustin smiled and replied, feeling a little uncomfortable under the scrutiny.

Why did he feel a bit strange?


Just as the three of them were talking, several luxury cars suddenly stopped by the roadside.

The car doors opened and a group of well-dressed men and women got out of the cars, walking over in a grand procession.

However, when Belinda saw the newcomers clearly, the smile on her face completely disappeared, and Prudence also frowned slightly.
Chapter 1526 The Hero

Julie, holding her severed arm, screamed in pain.

She never imagined that the Grimshade Sabertooth would suddenly go berserk and hurt someone.

"What's happening?"

Everyone was shocked at this scene.

The Grimshade Sabertooth had been very gentle before, not showing any signs of aggression no matter how people touched it. How did it suddenly go mad?

Could the woman who was bitten be some kind of villain?

Just as everyone was puzzled.

The beastly eyes of the Grimshade Sabertooth suddenly turned crimson.

Instead of continuing to attack Julie, it turned towards Dahlia at the same table, baring its teeth and looking ferocious.


The Grimshade Sabertooth roared, and its massive body suddenly pounced.

"Quick! Stop it!"

Ignatius shouted.

The prepared guard team immediately threw out a large steel net, trapping the Grimshade Sabertooth securely.

Following that, rows of powerful tranquilizer darts continuously shot into the Grimshade Sabertooth.

However, at this moment, the Grimshade Sabertooth had completely gone mad, becoming extremely aggressive.

Its massive body twisted frantically, and its sharp claws, like steel talons, easily tore the specially-made steel net with a single pull.

"Attack together!"

Seeing this, the guard team didn't hesitate, immediately drawing their weapons, attempting to use force to subdue the Grimshade Sabertooth.

But the Grimshade Sabertooth was too fast, too powerful. The guard team stood no chance.

They were swatted away like flies the moment they tried to intervene.

In just a few seconds, a guard team of over a dozen people was scattered and defeated.

Some dead, some injured.

After dealing with the guard team, the Grimshade Sabertooth ignored them and continued to pounce towards Dahlia, as if there was some deep-seated grudge between them.

“Help! Someone, come quick!”

Florence was so scared that she sat on the ground, screaming repeatedly.

Dahlia's face turned pale, a mixture of shock and fear.

She couldn't understand why the Grimshade Sabertooth targeted her when she hadn't done anything wrong.


The Grimshade Sabertooth roared ferociously, unstoppable as it pounced.

Dahlia felt hopeless, her mind blank.

Just when everyone thought Dahlia was about to be torn apart by the Grimshade Sabertooth, a figure suddenly descended from the sky, standing in front of her.

Then, with a powerful punch, it struck the Grimshade Sabertooth's head.


A loud explosion.

The massive body of the Grimshade Sabertooth, as if hit by a train, was instantly sent flying seven or eight meters away, smashing two tables before coming to a stop.

Dustin stood in front of Dahlia, speaking coldly, "You wicked beast! Do not harm anyone!"


Shaking its head, the Grimshade Sabertooth stood up again. Then, using all four limbs, it turned into a black blur and lunged towards Dustin and the others.

Dustin snorted and leaped into the air, avoiding the Grimshade Sabertooth's attack. At the same time, he landed a kick on its head.


As if Mount Grace was pressing down, the airborne Grimshade Sabertooth had its head stomped down by Dustin.

The immense force caused the Grimshade Sabertooth's head to forcefully hit the ground, creating a deep pit.

There stood Dustin, on top of the Grimshade Sabertooth's head, unmoving like a mountain. Regardless of how the Grimshade Sabertooth struggled and roared, it was futile.

For a moment, the entire scene was in shock!

Chapter 1527 Sinister Move?


The massive head of the Grimshade Sabertooth, trapped in the pit, roared in furious anger, the sound deafening.

Its body twisted frantically, limbs continuously pushing against the ground, sending stones flying and leaving claw marks all over the place.

However, no matter how the Grimshade Sabertooth moved, it couldn't break free from the restraint.

Dustin was like an immovable anchor, firmly suppressing the Grimshade Sabertooth.

Seeing this, everyone was left in shock.

No one expected Dustin to be so brave, single-handedly subduing the immensely powerful exotic beast, the Grimshade Sabertooth.

After all, just moments ago, a fully armed guard team couldn't handle this ferocious creature.

The fierceness of the Grimshade Sabertooth was evident.

Considering that the guard team chosen to by the Jade-Faced War God's protectors were all elite experts, the fact that so many experts couldn't control the Grimshade Sabertooth, but a seemingly unremarkable young man effortlessly subdued it, was truly astonishing.




The Grimshade Sabertooth continued to roar incessantly, struggling and glaring with its crimson eyes fixed on Dahlia's direction, burning with madness.

"Wicked beast!"

Dustin snorted, lifted his foot again, and stomped down forcefully.


As if struck by lightning, the Grimshade Sabertooth's head sank further, and cracks spread across the ground within a ten-meter radius, resembling a giant spider web.

After this severe blow, the Grimshade Sabertooth's roars gradually diminished. Its massive body seemed to lose strength, and it ceased struggling.

All that remained were the heavy gasps and mournful cries.

"Quick! Lock up this beast for me!"

Only at this moment did Ignatius belatedly rush forward to assist.

Soon, the weakened Grimshade Sabertooth was securely bound with chains, dragged into a specially made iron cage, and finally covered with a black cloth, concealing its ferocious appearance.

Once it was confirmed that there was no more danger, everyone let out a long sigh of relief.

The recent situation was indeed too dangerous.

The sudden rampage of the Grimshade Sabertooth was unstoppable. If a brave soul hadn't intervened in time, who knows how many people would have been injured or worse.

"Father! It's my fault for not taming it properly, leading to the Grimshade Sabertooth harming people. Please, father, punish me!" Ignatius was straightforward, kneeling on the ground and admitting his mistake.

Eugene frowned slightly, but soon returned to his usual calm demeanor, saying, "Enough, after all, a wild beast is still a wild beast. Their instincts are hard to control. The occurrence of this accident is not entirely your fault. However, for those who were injured just now, you must ensure they receive the best medical treatment without delay."

"Thank you, father, for your forgiveness. I will make amends for my mistake!" Ignatius said, immediately directing people to clean up the scene.

The Grimshade Sabertooth was quickly carried away, and all the injured, including Julie, were taken to the hospital for treatment.

As for the guards who sacrificed their lives, they received generous compensation and honorary medals.

While the apparent issue seemed to be resolved, a significant disturbance occurred within the banquet hall.

"Strange, why did the Grimshade Sabertooth suddenly go mad? Wasn't it said to have intelligence?"

"I heard that Grimshade Sabertooths won't randomly harm people; they only go after those who are truly wicked."

"The one who was attacked just now, isn't she the newest adopted daughter of the Duskshire Palace? Could she have some sinister motive?"

Whispers and speculations filled the air among the crowd.

Chapter 1528 Underhanded Methods

The gazes directed at Dahlia became somewhat different, filled with various suspicions regarding the rumors surrounding Lord Eugene's newly adopted daughter. The speculations about her being an illegitimate child or a reincarnated fox spirit had always circulated in the public. The recent incident only intensified the doubts about Dahlia's identity.

"Thank you for coming to my rescue, sir. I am truly grateful," Dahlia expressed her gratitude after collecting herself.

"It was a small effort," Dustin replied nonchalantly.

Originally, he preferred staying out of the limelight, but when he saw Dahlia in danger, he couldn't resist intervening.

"This young man is truly extraordinary, single-handedly subduing a Grimshade Sabertooth. Impressive!" Eugene, seated at the main position, suddenly spoke.

"Lord Eugene, you're too kind. It was just a bit of showmanship, nothing remarkable," Dustin responded modestly.

"Young man, you're too humble. For your courageous act just now, I'd like to propose a toast," Eugene said, raising his wine cup.

Dustin, feigning a pleasantly surprised expression, quickly raised his own cup in response. The onlookers couldn't help but envy and be jealous. To receive a personal toast from Lord Eugene was a tremendous honor, and if it led to Lord Eugene's favor, it could open the door to great opportunities.

"Father, this brother Elias subdued the Grimshade Sabertooth, resolving a potential disaster. To express our sincerity, why not reward him with something?" Ignatius, seizing the opportunity, stepped forward to gain merit.

"War God, you flatter me. I don't dare accept any rewards," Dustin declined politely.

"Elias, you've saved lives today, and that's more valuable than anything. Regardless of the reward, you deserve it," Ignatius praised, patting Dustin on the shoulder.

As Ignatius made contact, a subtle chilling aura entered Dustin's body. It was incredibly faint, making it challenging for most experts to detect. However, Dustin, with his keen senses, felt the ominous presence entering his body.

The cold feeling here is super weak, and regular experts might not even notice it.

But as time goes on, this cold thing is gonna get stronger until one day, bam! It's gonna burst out.

Then, bad things can happen. You might get all messed up in your head or, even worse, drop dead on the spot!

The way this cold thing works is really nasty!

But here's the weird part for our friend, Dustin. He's wondering why someone would try to hurt him when he didn't do anything wrong to this person, Ignatius.

Could it be because he saved someone recently, and that made this Ignatius guy angry?

Thinking about it, Dustin kinda figured something out and slyly looked at Dahlia.

Before, everything was normal with Grimshade Sabertooth (mutated Black Tiger), but as soon as he got close to Dahlia, he went crazy, like something really bothered him.

At first, Dustin didn't think much about it, but now he thinks it's all because of Ignatius.

On the day of the celebration, Ignatius used Grimshade Sabertooth to get rid of someone who wasn't in his side That's some serious guts!

Thinking he's the War God now, huh? Like, he can do anything?

"Ignatius is right, good deeds should be rewarded."

Eugene smiled and asked, "Young friend, if you need anything, just ask. As long as I can do it, I won't say no."

"Oh..." Dustin acted all unsure.

He just wants Golden Marrow Jade, but obviously, Ignatius won't give it to him.

"Foster dad, I have a suggestion. Is it okay if I say it?"

Ignatius spoke up again.

"Sure, go ahead," Eugene nodded.

"Elias is young and talented, brave and smart. He's a rare talent. Plus, sister Dahlia is single now. How about we hook them up for an engagement? It could be a great story."

Ignatius said it with a smile.

When Dustin heard this, he froze. Seriously? He disguised so hard, and yet still end up in these kind of situations?

Chapter 1529 Crazy in Love or Just Brainless?"

"Engagement?" Dahlia immediately furrowed her brows upon hearing those words. They had just met today, and she had no emotional attraction of this "Elias." Even if he had saved her life, it was too much to expect her to pledge herself to him.

Ignatius's words were treating her as a tool, a commodity to be sold. Such behavior made her uncomfortable.

"Ignatius, matters of marriage should not be taken lightly," Eugene raised an eyebrow.

"Father, the relationship between Brother Elias and Dahlia is destined after his heroic act today. If the two can engage today, it would undoubtedly be a double joyous occasion," Ignatius persuaded.

"Dahlia, what do you think?" Eugene didn't give a direct response but turned to Dahlia, seeking her opinion.

"Father, I appreciate Mr Steelwing's life-saving act, but asking me to marry him is too much," Dahlia shook her head.

"Dahlia, matters of marriage are often decided by parents and matchmakers. You are not allowed to make this decision by yourself," Ignatius said with a sly smile.

"I can't make the decision, and neither can you," Dahlia retorted.

"An elder brother is like a father. Why can't I?" Ignatius replied with an unchanged expression, turning to Dustin. "Brother Elias, what do you think?"

"The War God's goodwill is well-received, but I'm of humble status. I cannot match Lord Dahlia, so let's forget about an engagement," Dustin politely declined.

"Brother Elias, don't belittle yourself. Your bravery just now was witnessed by everyone. With a bit of effort, your future prospects are limitless. You are well-matched with Dahlia," Ignatius began persuading, "Think about it. Marrying Dahlia means becoming a member of the Duskshire Palace. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, we won't stand idly by. Moreover, Dahlia is also a renowned beauty listed on the Beauty Index. Countless suitors are pursuing her. This is a heaven-sent opportunity. You should seize it."

Countless young guests looked at Dustin with envy, jealousy, and hatred.

"This guy actually made the Jade-Faced War God personally propose marriage. He's really in luck!"

"Dahlia is exceptionally beautiful and is the adopted daughter of Lord Eugene. If someone marries her, not only will they have power and influence, but they will also get to marry a beauty queen. It's like hitting the jackpot!"

"Why don't I have the same good luck?" People whispered and discussed, expressing their envy.

"Marrying Dahlia indeed is like hitting a jackpot..." Ignatius nodded and smiled, seeing that not many men could resist the temptation of beauty and power.

However, what Dustin said next left him dumbfounded, "I must decline, as I already have a fiancée."

"What?" Ignatius furrowed his brows, "Brother Elias, you better think this through. Is your fiancée more beautiful and influential than Dahlia?"

"Looks and influence have nothing to do with it. We are genuinely in love, and that's enough," Dustin replied seriously.

"You..." Ignatius was momentarily speechless. This guy was like a block of wood. After making such a great effort to help him, he didn't even give him face.

Not just Ignatius, almost everyone present was in shock. No one had expected Dustin to directly refuse. This was an opportunity that many men dreamed of, becoming a son-in-law to Lord Eugene. Moreover, Dahlia was exceptionally beautiful. In the eyes of many, this was an unimaginable stroke of luck.

"This guy, is he crazy in love or just brainless?"

Chapter 1530 An Ominous Star

"Alright, since both sides do not agree, let's drop the matter," Eugene finally spoke, "Young man, not only are you incredibly brave, but your character is outstanding. You haven't forgotten your fiancée. I admire that. If you encounter any trouble in the future, feel free to come find me."

"Thank you, my lord!" Dustin immediately bowed and expressed his gratitude.

Seeing this, Dahlia couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. At the same time, she felt a bit curious about the man in front of her. She had never been rejected by someone before, and today's situation was indeed a first.

For some reason, she found herself somewhat envious of his fiancée. Finding a powerful and loyal man wasn't easy.

"Hope you won't regret your choice," Ignatius whispered in a low voice, his eyes showing increased hostility. This guy had unwittingly disrupted two of his plans in a row—truly an ominous star!

"Come, everyone, eat and drink without reserve. Don't be shy," Eugene invited, bringing back a lively atmosphere to the scene.

Although there was a little incident, it didn't affect the normal progress of the celebration. However, after this event, Dustin became the center of attention for many.

Being able to easily suppress the demonic beast Grimshade Sabertooth and refuse the engagement granted by the Jade-Faced War God, he didn't seem like an ordinary person no matter how you looked at it.

After a hearty meal, Eugene temporarily withdrew to rest, and the guests moved to the banquet hall to enjoy various entertaining performances prepared by the Duskshire Palace.

Dustin and Abigail followed suit, sitting quietly and not causing any disturbance. Their task is:
  • monitoring of Ignatius's movements
  • guarding against any unexpected events

while the real thief stealing the Golden Marrow Jade was someone else entirely—Azalea.

Azalea, a disciple of the Grand Sorceress, had switched sides and become Abigail's ‘experts’ after she awakened her bloodline. For this plan to be executed smoothly, Abigail had specially invited Azalea.

Their disguises, including Dustin's, were all the meticulous work of Azalea.

"Uncle, there's good news!" Abigail looked at her phone with joy, "Azalea has sent a message, saying that the Golden Marrow Jade has been successfully obtained. We can leave at any time."

"Oh? That smooth?" Dustin raised his eyebrows, quite surprised. He had thought that there might be some mistakes, so he had prepared two sets of plans. Now it seemed like he wouldn't need the backup plan.
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Chapter 1361 Nightmare of the Engagement in Swinston

"Stop! Who goes there?"

As soon as Dustin and the others got out of the car, the two guards at the entrance of the Dragon Mansion immediately became alert.

"I want to see Reginald. Go in and inform him," Dustin said calmly.

"Is the Dragon family head (Reginald Langford) someone you can see just by saying you want to see him? Submit an application tomorrow, then go back and wait for a notice," the guard on the left said coldly.

Dustin didn't waste words; he just made a gesture.

Maximus quickly understood and pulled Ferdinand out of the car, then threw him in front of the gate.

"Fourth Young Master?"

The two guards took a closer look and immediately changed their expressions. "Who are you people? How dare you lay hands on the Langford family! You have quite the audacity!"

"Tell Reginald that an old friend is here to visit," Dustin said expressionlessly.

"Hurry... hurry and inform my uncle..."

Ferdinand lay on the ground, weakly crying out.

"Who dares to harm my Langford family members?"

At this moment, a burly middle-aged man with a beard and moustache walked out, hands behind his back.

The man had a square face, thick eyebrows, and big eyes, with an imposing presence.

Behind him were two white-haired old men, one fat and one thin.

The two old men lowered their heads and appeared ordinary, but their depth was immeasurable.

With just one glance, they made Maximus break out in a cold sweat, and he felt chills running down his spine.

"Who wants to see me?"

The Dragon family head's first glance locked onto Ferdinand, who was standing there with disheveled hair, swollen face, and bleeding nose and mouth.

"Who is it?"

Reginald had a stern face, his gaze sharp.

"Uncle! It's him! He's the one who beat me!" Ferdinand ran up, pointing at Dustin and crying out, "This kid is audacious. He not only caused trouble at The Groove Club but also beat me severely. This time, you must help me!"


Reginald was about to show his might when he suddenly froze.

His eyes widened in shock, and his face was full of disbelief.

"Is it... is it you?"

Seeing the familiar face in front of him, Reginald was no longer calm.

A few months ago, he had attended his nephew Luis Langford's engagement celebration and had gone to Swinston in person.

After that, he had nightmares for a month in a row, and even now, he was terrified when he recalled it.

However, he didn't expect that the source of the nightmares would come to his door.

What was he trying to do?

Settle old scores after the fact? Take revenge for Luis's stolen bride?

Reginald was in a panic, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

In the past, Logan Rhys had been known as the unrivaled demon king, feared by everyone.

Even imperial relatives and state nobles had to be wary of him.

Now, although ten years had passed, the power of the West Lucozia King’s Mansion was still intact, and Logan was still a person everyone feared.

If this guy wanted to cause trouble in the Langford family, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Sir Langford, we meet again," Dustin smiled faintly.

"...," Reginald twitched at the corner of his eye, at a loss for how to respond for a moment.

This kid in front of him was a star of ill omen that everyone avoided.

He couldn't afford to offend him, nor could he afford to curry favor with him. Even saying a few more words made him feel like he was courting disaster.

It was really difficult.

"Uncle, what are you still standing there for? Get rid of this kid for me!" Ferdinand, who didn't know the situation, continued to shout, "Kid! How dare you cause trouble at my Langford family's doorstep? You're really looking for death! Next year on this day, it will be your death anniversary!"

"Shut up!"

Chapter 1362 Helpless Uncle

Reginald's scalp was on fire, and he slapped Ferdinand across the face.


This slap was extremely powerful, sending Ferdinand flying and falling to the ground, eating dirt.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

They widened their eyes, finding it hard to believe.

What's going on?

Someone came to cause trouble, and the family head should punish the troublemaker, right?

So why did Ferdinand get slapped instead?

Could it be that he hit the wrong person?


Ferdinand was bewildered as he lay on the ground, clutching his burning face. "Why... why did you miss the target?"

"You damned thing! I'm hitting you!" Reginald was furious and walked up to continue punching and kicking, scolding as he went, "You idle ne'er-do-well, bullying men and women, causing trouble everywhere, the Langford family has a scoundrel like you, it's a great shame! Today, I'm going to teach you a lesson for your father!"

"Ow... Uncle, stop... I know I was wrong..."

Ferdinand covered his head with both hands and screamed in pain.

The people around were dumbfounded once again, looking at each other.

Why had the family head suddenly become so violent?

Normally, when Ferdinand caused trouble, he would at most scold him a bit. What happened today? Why was he beating him so severely?

It was too brutal!

"What's going on?"

Carlos and Roselyn, who had just arrived in their car, were also shocked by the scene.

In their opinion, the reason Dustin had come to the Langford family must be to apologize and beg for his life.

But they never expected that after Reginald came out, he not only didn't blame Dustin, but also beat his nephew.

What the heck is going on?

Could it be that important people had their own quirks?

"Strange, has the Langford family gone mad?"

Sitting in the car, Belinda watched from afar, her face showing astonishment.

Everything that had happened tonight had been beyond her expectations.

"Sir Langford, even if he's your nephew, go a little easier, just beat him half to death," Dustin smiled and said.

Reginald's scalp twitched, and he worked even harder.

Hold on, Ferdinand!

Uncle is helpless, just bear with it, and it will be over soon.

As expected, under Reginald's brutal beating, Ferdinand quickly passed out.

"Clan Leader, stop, or someone might die if you keep going," someone nearby couldn't bear to watch any longer.

"Hmph! Scum like this should be properly taught a lesson!" Reginald scolded as he stopped and then waved his hand, shouting, "Someone, take this scum away and take good care of him, heal his injuries, and then administer family discipline!"

With his order, the half-dead Ferdinand was finally carried away.

Blood was spilled all the way.

"Thank you, Sir Langford," Dustin turned to Reginald and said with a faint smile.

Reginald twitched at the corner of his eye and gave an even more enthusiastic reply.

Ferdinand, you little brat!

Uncle has no choice but to do this, just endure it a little bit, and it will be over soon.

Sure enough, under Reginald's brutal beating, Ferdinand quickly passed out.

However, he secretly grumbled in his heart, What's there to talk about? What good can come out of hanging out with you?

Reginald managed to squeeze out a smile and said, "No problem, no problem, please come inside."

"Thank you."

Dustin nodded ever so slightly and then walked together with Maximus. They confidently strode into the Langford Mansion (aka Dragon Mansion).

Outside, Carlos, Roselyn, and Belinda were left utterly stunned.

Chapter 1363 The Three Reasons for Visit

Langford Mansion, in the reception hall.

"You all leave, without my orders, no one is allowed to enter."

Reginald gestured and dismissed all his subordinates and servants.

"Maximus, go rest in the side hall for a while, I have something to discuss with Mr Langford," Dustin signaled with his eyes.


Maximus nodded and quickly left.

As the front door closed, the entire reception hall was left with only Reginald and Dustin.

"Hey! Young Master, why have you come?"

Reginald couldn't keep up the pretense anymore and immediately let down his guard.

Dustin's identity was sensitive, representing the Prince of the West Lucozia Royal Palace (King’s Mansion).

As a minister of the court, meeting privately with the Crown Prince of the West Lucozia Royal Palace was sure to invite criticism and accusations, and even more extreme accusations of being a traitor.

"Why? Doesn't Lord Langford welcome me?" Dustin smiled with a hint of mockery.

"Why would I dare not welcome you, Young Master? You are of noble status, and your visit truly makes this humble abode shine," Reginald replied with a radiant smile, though his heart was cursing Ferdinand's ancestors up to eighteen generations.

In reality, he couldn't possibly welcome Dustin, unless he was brain-dead!

"Actually, I should have come to visit you in a few days, but you, the Langford family, have a special connection with me, so I came a few days early," Dustin said with a faint smile.

Reginald's eyes twitched, and he silently cursed Ferdinand's ancestors once again, but on the surface, he showed an honored expression. "How I can serve the Young Master, please let me know?"

"I've come to see you for three main reasons."

Dustin took a sip of tea and smiled. "The first reason is that I've just arrived in Stonia, and I'm a bit short of funds, so I hope Lord Langford can help me out a bit."

"Of course, I'll have someone prepare the funds for you right away, three hundred million enough? If not, I can get some more for you," Reginald replied in relief.

He thought it was something big, but it turned out Dustin just wanted money. He had scared him for nothing.

"Lord Langford, I have a principle, I don't like to live off someone else's wealth. Cash will eventually be spent, and giving a man a fish is not as good as teaching him how to fish. What do you think?" Dustin smiled.

"Hmm?" Reginald was startled and tentatively asked, "Young Master doesn't want money, so what do you want?"

"Is The Groove Club owned by the Langford family? I've heard that it has excellent profits. How about you give The Groove Club to me?" Dustin suggested.

"The Groove Club?"

Reginald's pupils shrank, and his heart began to convulse.

This brat was simply making outrageous demands!

The Groove Club was the largest casino in the Willowbrook district, and its annual net profit started at one billion. For the Langford family, it was a golden goose.

Now this brat, who didn't want money, just happened to have his eyes on The Groove Club.

He was really unpredictable!

"The Groove Club? Lord Langford, it's just a little thing, right?" Dustin said with a smile.

"Just a little thing? Do you know how much The Groove Club is worth?!" Reginald's heart was aching, but he tried to force a smile and said, "Since Young Master likes it, there's no harm in giving The Groove Club to you."

"Lord Langford is truly generous, then I'll thank you in advance."

Dustin gave a slight bow.

"Young Master is too polite, it's only right," Reginald replied through gritted teeth.

However, in his heart, he was grumbling endlessly, How could you say it's nothing? You're really greedy!

Reginald was having a heart attack, but on the surface, he still had to put on a happy face. "Young Master, what's the second thing?"

"Lord Langford, the second thing is quite simple. I just need you to help me find two herbs," Dustin extended two fingers.

"Oh?" Reginald's eyes lit up and he asked tentatively, "Is this easy to do? Just two herbs, if Young Master says the word, even if you need two hundred herbs, it's not a problem!"

Chapter 1364 A Family Massacre

"Two hundred plants are not necessary, just two will do," Dustin smiled.

"I wonder which two herbs Young Master needs? I'll have someone look for them right away," Reginald said as he sipped his tea.

"Oh, it's very simple. I want one Ice Heart Lotus and one Golden Marrow Jade," Dustin said casually.


Hearing this, Reginald spat out the tea he had just drunk, revealing an exaggerated expression of surprise. "Young Master, didn't I hear you correctly? You just said you want Ice Heart Lotus and Golden Marrow Jade?"

"That's right," Dustin nodded.

The reason he had made this request in front of Reginald was mainly because he was concerned that the Torby family would take too long to act. Lorenzo was in critical condition and couldn't wait too long. With the assistance of the Langford family, things should progress much more quickly.

"Young Master, do you know that these two herbs are extremely rare and priceless treasures?" Reginald's voice trembled a bit.

"Herbs are herbs. But I believe, for the Langford family, it’s a piece of cake, right?" Dustin smiled.

"A piece of cake? You make it sound so easy!" Reginald nearly couldn't resist cursing inwardly.

First, he opened with a demand for the family’s money-machine (The Groove Club), and then he asked for two incredibly rare and priceless spiritual herbs. It felt as if he was trying to drain the Langford family dry.

"My young prince, while I'd love to say it's just a matter of money, the finest spiritual herbs are exceedingly hard to come by. I don't even know where to begin looking," Reginald said, wearing a troubled expression.

"Others might not be able to, but I believe in your abilities, Mr. Langford," Dustin remarked, taking another sip of tea.

Reginald furrowed his brow, hesitating to respond further.

"Lord Reginald, have you heard about the Roberts family massacre that occurred twelve years ago?" Lu Chen suddenly asked.

Reginald's eyelids twitched, and he instinctively tensed up, though he maintained a composed exterior. "I've heard a little about it. May I ask why you bring it up, young prince?"

"It's nothing, just a matter of curiosity," Dustin replied with meaning. "Dozens of Roberts family members were slaughtered overnight. The Ministry of Justice has been investigating for years, yet they've found no leads. Who do you think might be responsible?"

As he finished speaking, his gaze remained fixed on Reginald.

The intensity of his stare sent shivers down Reginald's spine, and his scalp tingled uncomfortably.

This kid, could he possibly know something?

No! That's impossible!

The Langford family had been extremely discreet in their actions back then, leaving no traces or survivors, it was impossible for the truth to leak out.

But the problem was, if Dustin didn't know anything, why would he suddenly bring it up?

Thinking of this, Reginald couldn't help but swallow hard, and cold sweat broke out.

The Roberts family's massacre case was of great significance.

Once it was exposed, it would be a fatal blow to the Langford family!

"Lord Reginald, let's get back to the main topic, is there any problem with the herbs?" Luchen smiled faintly.

The West Lucozia King's Mansion not only collected rare books from all over the world, but also possessed a lot of dirt on high-ranking officials.

The Langford family's dirty laundry was the massacre case of the Roberts family back then.

"Of course there is no problem with the herbs."

Reginald forced a smile, "It is our honor for the young master to serve."

"Thank you, Lord Reginald, for your help."

Dustin nodded slightly and continued, "Now, let's talk about the third and last thing... To be honest, I came to the capital this time to fulfill a long-cherished wish, but my abilities are limited, so I still need Lord Reginald's help."

"Please feel free to give your orders, Young Master."

Lord Reginald's heart was pounding.

"To be honest, I want your Langford family to secretly investigate the truth about my mother's death. I want to...find the real mastermind behind it!" Dustin's eyes suddenly became extremely sharp and fierce.

Chapter 1365 Favor Etched in the Heart


Dustin's words shocked Reginald, and his face turned a bit paler.

The turmoil of the Forbidden City (Bayhaven) ten years ago was still a taboo topic that could not be mentioned.

And the death of the Queen of West Lucozia was even more of an unsolved mystery for many years.

The term "unsolved mystery" did not mean that it was truly unsolved, but rather that no one dared to solve it.

Even the powerful King of West Lucozia, in the end, had to endure it, so who would dare to truly investigate the truth?

Back then, the court had repeatedly vowed to uncover the true murderer, but in the end, it had all come to nothing.

This alone proved that the mastermind behind the turmoil of the Forbidden City had tremendous power!

Even, it involved the supreme imperial power!

Although the Langford family was large and powerful, it was still insignificant in front of those high-ranking and powerful royal relatives.

So when Reginald heard Dustin's request, he was shocked, scared, and fearful.

The waters here were too deep, and once the Langford family got involved, it could be catastrophic at any moment!

"Lord Langford, there's no need to be too nervous, I'm not asking you to go and die, why are you so afraid?"

Dustin retracted his sharpness, smiled slightly, and returned to his usual calm demeanor.

"Y-Young... Young Master, I can promise you the first two requests, but this third matter, I really can't help with," Reginald said with a mournful face, looking very helpless.

The forbidden taboo of the past ten years would cause a massive upheaval if it were restarted.

"Lord Langford, if I remember correctly, my mother should have helped your Langford family back then, right?" Dustin suddenly asked.

"This..." Reginald was momentarily speechless.

Back then, the Langford family had nearly met a calamity because they couldn't think clearly for a moment.

Helpless, he could only turn to the King of West Lucozia, who was powerful and influential.

In the end, King of West Lucozia, who didn't like to meddle in affairs, couldn't be bothered to pay any attention.

It was Queen who ultimately persuaded King of West Lucozia and helped the Langford family escape the disaster.

This favor had always been etched in his heart.

"It seems you haven't forgotten what happened back then."

Dustin smiled faintly, "My mother was always benevolent and never asked for anything in return, but I'm different, anything that I'm owed, I will collect it. Lord Langford, your Langford family's lives were saved by my mother, shouldn't you... repay the favor?"

Reginald fell into silence upon hearing this.

Holding the tea cup in his hand, he remained speechless for a long time, his eyes filled with conflict.

Dustin poured himself another cup of tea, then immediately drank it. His tone remained calm, "Lord Langford, you don't need to misunderstand me, I'm not asking you to avenge my mother, I just hope that you can help investigate the matter from back then, that's all, is this request too much?"

Reginald's trembling hands caused the tea water in the cup to ripple and form waves.

Just like the turmoil in his heart.

After thinking for a long time, Reginald took a deep breath, and his hands slowly steadied as the tea water gradually calmed down.

"Alright, I promise you."

Without any unnecessary words, just a few simple words.

Calm and firm.

The favor of saving the lives of over a hundred people in his Langford family was something he could only repay with his meager abilities now.

"Thank you very much, Lord Langford."

Dustin stood up solemnly, bowed with both hands, and gave a deep bow.

"Young Master, you don't need to be so polite, this is something I should do."

Reginald quickly got up and helped Dustin straighten up, smiling bitterly, "This is all I can do..."

Avenging the queen, he didn't dare and didn't have the ability.

All he could do now was help Logan in secret and repay the favor to the queen's spirit.

"That's enough."

Dustin smiled faintly, "At least it proves that my mother didn't save the wrong person back then."


Reginald shook his head.

"Lord Langford, it's getting late, I won't disturb you anymore, if there is any news, please contact me at any time."

After exchanging contact information, Dustin took his leave decisively.

To establish himself in Stonia and investigate the truth, the assistance of these powerful families was indispensable.

Otherwise, with his own strength alone, it would be impossible to avenge his mother.

Chapter 1366 Knock! Knock!

Outside the Langford Mansion's main gate, two cars were parked, one behind the other.

Belinda leaned wearily against the back seat, holding a woman's cigarette in her hand, but she didn't light it, letting the breeze gradually extinguish it.

It had been nearly two hours since Dustin had gone in, and there was still no movement.

Could something have happened?

Although Reginald's behavior earlier had been somewhat unexpected, it couldn't be ruled out that he was doing it for show.

Once inside the Langford Mansion and without any spies, they could easily kill and silence.

Thinking of this, Belinda couldn't help but feel a bit worried.

She didn't even understand why she was so concerned about someone she had just met.

Was it just because the other person was good-looking? Or because of his unique personality?


At this moment, the vehicle in front suddenly reversed and parked side by side with Belinda's car.

The car window lowered, and the faces of Carlos and Roselyn quickly appeared.

"Miss Remington, you're still waiting here? I suggest you go back and rest early."

Carlos said with a teasing smile, "Dustin is audacious and reckless, invading the dragon's den, I estimate that he has already been dismembered and there's not even a corpse to be found."

"Hmph! You said the same thing before, and what happened? He still walked out of the The Groove Club perfectly fine." Belinda retorted.

"How is The Groove Club be compared to the Langford Mansion?"

Carlos sneered, "Inside the Langford Mansion, there are experts aplenty, Dustin is just walking a path to his own death, and you, the little white-faced man you like, will never come out in this lifetime!"

"Is that so?" Belinda's eyebrows furrowed slightly, but she didn't say much.

At this moment, a figure suddenly walked up to Carlos's car and lightly tapped on the car window.

"Knock, knock!"

The sudden movement startled both Roselyn and Carlos.

They instinctively turned their heads to look, only to be stunned.

Because at some point, Dustin had already stepped outside the car, and he was smiling.

His pristine white teeth, under the moonlight's illumination, looked a bit eerie.

"You, you, you... you didn't die?" Roselyn stared wide-eyed, somewhat incredulous.

Next to him, Carlos also had a face of disbelief.

What's going on?

Dustin caused a ruckus at The Groove Club and beat up Ferdinand, how could the Langford family easily let him go?

"How... how did you manage to leave the Langford Mansion unharmed?" Carlos asked cautiously.

"What can they do to me? It was Ferdinand who was arrogant and overbearing, abusing his power, and I just went to demand justice. Fortunately, Lord Langford is reasonable and knows the truth, so he gave Ferdinand a good lesson." Dustin replied casually.

"Then what happened next?" Carlos and Roselyn asked in unison.

"And then?"

Dustin shrugged.

"Then Lord Langford invited us to have tea, apologized to us, and compensated us for some mental distress, and then had someone send us out." Dustin said with indifference.

"Is it that simple?" The two of them looked at each other, their faces showing incredulity.

When did Lord Langford become so kind-hearted?

When one of his own was beaten, he not only didn't seek revenge, but also treated him with courtesy and violence.

Could it be that his brain was damaged?

Chapter 1367 Bottle of Poison

Roselyn and Carlos stared blankly at each other, completely unable to understand Reginald's behavior.

Was it foolish to repay hatred with kindness, or was it generous?

A prominent family like the Langfords was willing to lose face?

"I've settled my grievances with the Langfords, now, let's talk about our matters." Dustin smiled and spoke.

But in the eyes of Roselyn and Carlos, this smile seemed somewhat malicious.

"Dustin, this matter has nothing to do with me, I'm also a victim, you see, I've been waiting outside the door all along, just worried that something might happen to you." Carlos squeezed out a smile.

Damn, this guy in front of me is clearly a madman, daring to fight even Ferdinand, if he angers the other party, he'll inevitably be severely beaten.

"I'll talk to you about our matter later, I have something to discuss with her."

Dustin pointed at Roselyn through the car window.

"I have nothing to talk to you about! Senior Brother! Drive quickly!"

Roselyn suddenly felt uneasy and gestured for Carlos to drive away.

"Wanna leave?"

Maximus snorted coldly, suddenly punched the window to pieces, then grabbed the steering wheel and yanked it violently.


The entire steering wheel was torn off by Maximus, thrown over a hundred meters away, and landed inside the high wall of the Langford Mansion.


Carlos was dumbfounded, looking at the steering wheel-less steering column, on the verge of tears.

My new luxury car!

Roselyn was also stunned, her eye twitching a bit, at a loss.

Even the steering wheel can be pulled off, is this still a human being?

"Roselyn, I generally don't hit women, but your behavior tonight is really annoying."

"You called me out with a phone call, but then conspired with Carlos to set up a trap, if it weren't for my good luck, I should have been dead by now, right?"

Although Dustin was smiling, his eyes were cold, cold enough to send chills down one's spine.

"What... what are you talking about? I clearly didn't do anything, it's all your own fault!" Roselyn defiantly retorted.

"My own fault?"

Dustin sneered, "As expected, someone like you has no reason to speak of, of course, I don't want to waste my breath with you, I just want to know one thing now, what is the secret of Uncle Lorenzo? As long as you honestly confess, I can treat it as if nothing has happened."

"Why should I tell you?" Roselyn turned her head deliberately.

"If you don't say it, I'll make you disappear from the world." Dustin smiled.

"You... how dare you!" Roselyn's eyelids twitched, and she threatened, "I warn you, I'm not easy to mess with, if you dare to lay a finger on me, I promise you'll regret it!"

"Maximus, show her some color."

Dustin snapped his fingers and took two steps back.


Maximus grinned and suddenly reached in, grabbing Roselyn's hair and forcibly pulling her out.

"Ah! Let go! Let go!"

Roselyn struggled while screaming, but Maximus held her tightly, rendering her unable to move.

"I have a bottle of poison here that can make the skin rot, muscles necrotize, and can never be restored."

Dustin took out a green bottle and waved it in front of Roselyn, smiling, "Just imagine, what would happen if this stuff were to spill on your face?"

"Dustin... Dustin, you're going too far! I'm the granddaughter of Divine Doctor ELijah!"

Roselyn panicked, attempting to threaten him, and immediately sought help from Carlos, "Senior Brother! Save me - quick!"


Carlos opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but was glared at by Dustin and couldn't speak.

It was too cruel.

Chapter 1368 Provoking the Unprovokable

"I'll give you ten seconds to think it over, if you're not willing to talk, I'll use this bottle of poison to wash your face." Dustin smiled, unfazed.

As he spoke, he pulled out the bottle stopper and placed the medicine bottle above Roselyn's head.

"No... please don't!"

Roselyn's legs turned soft from fear, tears streaming down her face, panicking as she said, "Don't destroy my face! I'll talk, I'll talk, just take this thing away!"

"So you'll cooperate?"

Dustin slowly retracted the medicine bottle.

People like this woman were truly heartless.

Roselyn panted heavily, taking a while to regain her composure, her voice weak as she said, "About Lorenzo's secret, we have to start from a few years ago...

That day, an unfamiliar guest suddenly came to our house and had a secret conversation with my grandfather, and I overheard a little through the door.

It turned out that this guest was the one who saved Lorenzo ten years ago."

"Wait a minute! Wasn't it your grandfather who saved Uncle Lorenzo?" Dustin suddenly interrupted.

"More accurately, it was this person who brought the heavily injured Lorenzo to Healwell Clinic, where my grandfather treated him, and every so often, this person would secretly visit to ask about Lorenzo's condition." Roselyn explained.

"Who is this person?" Dustin's expression turned grave.

He had always thought that it was Elijah who had saved the person, but as it turned out, there was more to the story.

"I don't know."

Roselyn shook her head, "I've never seen this person's face, every time he came, my grandfather would make me stay away, I was just curious that day, so I eavesdropped."

"What did you eavesdrop on?" Dustin asked again.

"I heard this person tell my grandfather that Lorenzo's life must be preserved at all costs, and his identity must never be exposed; also, if someone comes looking for him, he must be notified immediately to prevent accidents." Roselyn replied.


Hearing this, Dustin couldn't help but frown.

Obviously, Elijah was hiding something from him.

Or perhaps, he hadn't completely trusted him yet.

The biggest question now was the identity of this mysterious person?

He had saved Lorenzo, brought him to Elijah for treatment, and had been so careful, he must have known something.

Dustin had a premonition that if he could find this mysterious person, the truth about what happened ten years ago would come to light.

"Is there any other information?" Dustin asked again.

"Oh right! I remember my grandfather called this person... Mr Blair!" Roselyn suddenly remembered.

"Mr Blair?" Dustin pondered.

In his memory, there was no prominent Ji family or high-ranking Ji official in Stonia.

So who was this Mr Blair?

"I... I only know this much, there's nothing else." Roselyn said nervously.

Dustin stared at Roselyn for a few seconds, making sure she hadn't lied, before nodding, "Alright, in consideration of the information you've provided, I won't hold today's events against you, but in the future, you two had better behave yourselves, if you dare to cause trouble secretly again, don't blame me for not being nice."

Roselyn nodded repeatedly, a trace of resentment flashing in her eyes.

"Miss Remington..."

After settling the score, Dustin walked to the side of Belinda's car and smiled, "I want to thank you for helping us out today, but I'll have to trouble you to give us a ride, it's getting late and it's not convenient to take a taxi."

"It's my honor."

Belinda smiled seductively and patted the seat next to her, excitedly saying, "Come in, handsome, come into big sister's arms."

"Also, you looked so fierce when you disciplined that scumbag, I liked it so much."

"Should we go sleep at big sister's place tonight? Big sister's bed is big and soft, and I guarantee you'll have a good time."



Why does it feel like he's walking into the lion's den?

Chapter 1369 Bewitched

Early the next morning, inside a Cedar Serenity Villa.

As the first rays of sunlight appeared on the horizon, Dustin, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, slowly opened his eyes.

With the Sky Spirit Orb, his martial cultivation had been advancing by leaps and bounds.

He didn't need to practice diligently; the Sky Spirit Orb automatically absorbed the spiritual energy of the world and converted it for his use.

This meant that Dustin was essentially cultivating at every moment.

Moreover, the higher one's talent, the more powerful the Sky Spirit Orb's effects would be.

In less than a month, Dustin had already reached the threshold of a Grandmaster.

If he wished, he could break through at any time.

However, in order to have a more stable foundation, Dustin had chosen to suppress his cultivation for the time being.

There was still half a year left until his one-year appointment with the eunuch, which was enough time for him to accumulate more strength.


At this moment, Dustin's phone suddenly rang.

He reached under the pillow to retrieve his phone and saw that it was a call from Elijah; he quickly answered it.

"Hello, Dustin, I'm in a bit of trouble here, and I'm afraid I'll need your help."

"Trouble? Is it Uncle Lorenzo who's in trouble?" Dustin became instantly concerned.

"No... it's not Uncle Lorenzo, it's Old Lord Torby." Elijah hurriedly explained, "Yesterday, Old Lord Torby suddenly fell seriously ill. The Torby family has summoned all the famous doctors in the Willowbrook, and I'm no exception. However, after a day and night of treatment, all the famous doctors have been at a loss."

"What kind of strange illness is it that even you, Doctor Elijah, can't cure?" Dustin was curious.

Given that Elijah had kept Lorenzo alive for ten years, it was evident that his medical skills were superb.

Even if it was some kind of difficult and complicated disease, there shouldn't have been any issues.

"The strange thing is that I don't think Old Lord Torby is sick, I think he's been bewitched!" Elijah lowered his voice intentionally.

"Bewitched? Are you sure?" Dustin raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not sure, it's just a guess. I know you're proficient in mysticism, and you should be an expert in this area, so I wanted to ask you to come and take a look. You mentioned before that you needed Torby family's Dragon Blood Ginseng, right? If you can cure Old Lord Torby's illness, I believe acquiring a single medicinal herb should be no problem." Elijah said.

"Alright, I'll be right there."

Dustin didn't say much, he just agreed and hung up the phone.

Although he already had the Dragon Blood Ginseng, he still needed the Ice Heart Lotus and Golden Marrow Jade. So, he couldn't let Old Lord Torby die. On one hand, it was for the sake of the medicinal herbs, and on the other hand, it was also for future considerations. If he could bring the Torby family into his camp, they might be able to help him in the future.


Inside the Torby family's mansion at this moment.

An elderly man with a pale, emaciated complexion was lying unconscious on a bed.

The old man had blood at the corners of his mouth, and his hands, feet, and body were all tied up with ropes, securing him firmly to the bed.

Several doctors were standing by the door, trembling with fear, and none of them dared to approach.

It was known that just before the old man on the sickbed fell unconscious, he suddenly burst with astonishing strength.

Not only did he injure two bodyguards, but he also bit off one of the doctor's ears and swallowed it.

His terrifying appearance, like a demon, sent shivers down the spines of everyone who saw it, leaving a psychological scar.

After hesitating for a moment, Elijah finally braved up and approached the sickbed, carefully checking the situation.

After confirming that the old man was stable, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and quickly exited the room.

"Doctor Elijah, how is my father? Is he okay?" A group of Torby family members were standing outside the room.

Leading them was Winston Torby, the eldest son of the Torby family.

Following him were his wife, Sophia Torby, his daughter, Isabela, and some other Torby family relatives.

Chapter 1370 Black-clad Man

"The old master's vital signs are temporarily stable, but this strange illness is difficult to pinpoint the source. I'm afraid I'm powerless to help," Elijah said regretfully.

"Doctor Elijah, you and the other best doctors in the Willowbrook can't find a way to treat my father? No matter how much it costs or what it takes, our Torby family will spare no effort to satisfy your requests!" Winston pleaded.

"Lord Winston, forgive me for being blunt, but the symptoms displayed by your father do not seem like an illness to me; they appear more like being bewitched," Elijah said solemnly.


The moment these words were spoken, everyone was taken aback. Hearing such things from a doctor sounded absurd.

"Dr Grantwood, could you please explain what you mean more clearly? What exactly is happening?" Winston asked tentatively.

"When I mentioned 'bewitched,' I was referring to witchcraft, curses, or voodoo of some sort. I don't know much about these things, I've only read about them in books, so I can only make a guess," Elijah explained.

"Witchcraft, curses, and voodoo?" Winston furrowed his brow. If it were someone else saying these things, he wouldn't have believed it, but Elijah had a great reputation and wouldn't make baseless claims. Besides, he had heard of such things before.

"Dr Grantwood, you're highly knowledgeable in the field of medicine, but I assume you might know someone who specializes in these occult matters, right? They might be able to help," Isabela suddenly asked, her eyes were red, and there were traces of tears at the corners of her eyes.

"I do know someone who has some expertise in this area. He might be able to help," Elijah said suddenly.

"Oh? Who is it?" Winston immediately became interested.


"Of course, it's me!"

Before Elijah could respond, a loud and clear voice suddenly rang out.

Turning their heads in response, the Torby family members saw a handsome man, Dominic, walking confidently towards them with an elderly man in black attire.

"Respectful greetings to Uncle Winston, Aunt Sophia..."

Dominic approached and respectfully bowed to the Torby family elders one by one, showing great manners.

"Dominic! What are you here for? We don't welcome you in our Torby family!" Isabela's face stiffened, showing her displeasure.

"I heard that the old master had fallen seriously ill, so I specially found an expert in this field to come and treat him," Dominic said without losing his composure.

"Humph! Who asked for your help? You're being presumptuous!" Isabela deliberately turned her head away.

"Isabela, don't be rude," Winston scolded her, then turned to Dominic, looking pleased, and said, "Dominic, you're willing to help, but my father's illness isn't something that ordinary doctors can cure."

"Uncle Winston, I've invited someone who isn't an ordinary doctor but rather an extraordinary individual," Dominic said with a smile as he gestured to the elderly man next to him. "Let me introduce you to him. This is Master Heinrich, renowned in the martial world, skilled in all kinds of mystical arts. No matter what strange and complicated illness there is, he can easily solve it."

"Oh? Is that so?" Winston's spirits were lifted.

"If Uncle Winston doesn't believe it, we can have Master Heinrich demonstrate his abilities first," Dominic said, giving a meaningful glance.

The elderly man in black immediately understood and took out a paper crane from his pocket, displaying it in front of everyone.

Then, the elderly man in black silently chanted a spell and lightly pointed at the paper crane, saying, "Rise!"

As soon as the word "rise" left his mouth, a miraculous scene occurred.

The paper crane in the black-clad man's hand seemed to come to life. Its wings fluttered, and it flew directly into the air.

Then, like a spirit bird, it circled around the heads of everyone present, performing graceful and mesmerizing aerobatics for three rounds.

Finally, with a flutter of its wings, it landed steadily in the black-clad man's palm.

This display left everyone present in awe.
Chapter 1531 Jade Card

"Uncle, now that we have the goods, can we slip away?" Abigail asked.

"No hurry," Dustin shook his head. "If we leave early, it's easy to arouse suspicion. Let's wait a bit longer. Once someone takes a stand, we can leave."

"Alright, since there's food, drinks, and entertainment here—all for free—I'm not in a hurry to leave. I'd hate to miss out on all this." Abigail smiled.

"Mr Steelwing..."

At this moment, Dahlia walked over, smiling, "Thanks to your timely help earlier, or I would have already become a tiger's meal. This is a small token of my appreciation. I hope you'll accept it."

As she spoke, she took out a jade card and handed it over.

The back of the jade card was carved with dragons and phoenixes, exquisite in design. On the front, a large character "Duskshire" was engraved.

"Lord Dahlia, there's no need to be so polite. It was just a small effort. Besides, even if I hadn't helped, I believe there would have been many brave heroes to the rescue," Dustin said, not wanting to take credit.

"Regardless, you saved me. I have to express my gratitude somehow. This jade card is The Duskshire's honorary guest token. In the future, if you need anything, you can use this jade card to find me, and I will do my best to help," Dahlia pushed the jade card forward again.

"Well..." Dustin hesitated to speak.

"Sister, is the jade card you gave valuable?" Abigail asked with anticipation.

"Valuable?" Dahlia was slightly stunned, then nodded with a smile, "Yes."

The honorary guest token of The Duskshire was considered priceless. With it, one had the support of The Duskshire, an opportunity that even many wealthy people would be unable to obtain.

"Hehe, then we'll take it!" Hearing it was valuable, Abigail accepted the jade card without hesitation.

Even if she didn't use it, she could sell it to someone else. Such treasures were not to be missed.

"Thank you, Lord Dahlia," Dustin also stopped refusing.

Excessive politeness could make people suspicious of ulterior motives.

"Mr Steelwing, take your time enjoying. I won't disturb you," Dahlia nodded politely and prepared to leave.

"Lord Dahlia, wait a moment."

Suddenly, Dustin called out.

"Mr Steelwing, is there anything else?" Dahlia turned back, curious.

"Lord Dahlia, since you gave me a jade card, allow me to offer you a few words in return," Dustin said seriously. "Today, the Grimshade Sabertooth suddenly went berserk. It shouldn't be an accident but a deliberate act to frame someone."

"Deliberate act?" Dahlia frowned slightly. "Mr Steelwing, why do you say that?"

"The Grimshade Sabertooth showed no abnormalities before, but as it approached you, it seemed to be stimulated suddenly and attacked. Don't you find it strange?" Dustin asked.

"It is indeed a bit strange, but I still don't understand the reason behind it," Dahlia shook her head.

The idea that the Grimshade Sabertooth had a spirit, could distinguish right from wrong, was something she naturally didn't believe.

"If I'm not mistaken, someone may have tampered with something on your body," Dustin analyzed.

"What do you mean?" Dahlia was puzzled.

"Your perfume has a strange smell," Abigail suddenly spoke up, sniffing the air.

"Does it?" Dahlia checked herself, not sensing anything unusual. "My perfume is nothing special, many people use it."

"It's not the perfume itself, but someone added something to it—something with a bloody smell," Abigail quickly concluded after another sniff.

"You're right," Dustin nodded in agreement. "With the sense of smell of ordinary people, it's hard to detect a faint bloody odor. However, animals have a natural advantage in this regard. The Grimshade Sabertooth probably caught onto this abnormality."

"That makes sense," Dahlia nodded understandingly.

No wonder the Grimshade Sabertooth went berserk the moment it approached; someone had tampered with her perfume.

"Uncle, I have another question," Abigail tapped her chin, looking thoughtful. "You said earlier that the Grimshade Sabertooth is highly intelligent and has been tamed before. If it was just a bit of a bloody smell, it shouldn't have been so aggressive, right?"

"That's the key issue," Dustin said seriously. "If the bloody smell on Lord Dahlia is from a companion or offspring of the Grimshade Sabertooth..."

"I understand!" Abigail suddenly realized. "The Grimshade Sabertooth, smelling the scent of its own kind, mistakenly thought that Lord Dahlia was the murderer of its kin. That's why it went berserk."

"High probability," Dustin nodded.

If it wasn't for revenge, the Grimshade Sabertooth wouldn't have gone so crazy.

"This plot to harm people is really clever!" Abigail exclaimed. "First, they presented the Grimshade Sabertooth as a gift, then spread rumors to tarnish your reputation, and finally, they used the bloody smell to identify the target. If Dahlia had really been killed, not only would she have lost her life in vain, but she would also have to bear the blame and suspicion. This scheme is just ruthless!"

Upon hearing this, Dahlia's brows furrowed, her face turning somewhat unsightly.

If the two were not mistaken in their judgment, then she had already guessed who the mastermind was—Ignatius.

However, she couldn't understand why Ignatius would do such a thing.

They had no grievances or enmity, so why resort to such lethal measures?

"Lord Dahlia, I believe you already know who the culprit is. Be careful in the days to come," Dustin reminded her solemnly.

People like Ignatius, who were decisive and resolute, would not easily give up once they decided to do something.

Although he had failed today, there would be opportunities in the future.

Even with the protection of Lord Eugene, Dahlia was still just a little lamb in front of Ignatius, who was currently at the height of his power.

"Thank you for the reminder, Mr Steelwing. I will be vigilant at all times," Dahlia nodded.

After a brief hesitation, Dustin took out a business card and handed it over, saying, "Lord Dahlia, if you encounter any danger, you can call this number. It should be able to help you."

"Thank you," Dahlia smiled faintly, not refusing.

Being able to easily subdue the Grimshade Sabertooth, the man in front of her was obviously not ordinary. If they could become allies, it would be a significant assistance.

While the three were quietly discussing, the door to the lounge suddenly pushed open. Following closely behind, Ignatius entered with a group of guards, his face gloomy.

"Pause the entertainment, everyone stand up! The Duskshire Palace has been robbed, and I'm going to conduct a search!" Ignatius announced loudly, instantly attracting the attention of everyone in the room.

Chapter 1533 Poking a Hornet's Nest

"Got robbed?"

When people heard this, they looked at each other in surprise and suspicion. Who had the guts to steal something in the Duskshire Palace? Don't they value their lives?

"Sorry, everyone. The lost item is very important to me, so I have to offend you," Ignatius first greeted the people in the lounge, then said, "Next, I will use hunting dogs for the search. Please don't move around to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings."

After that, he gestured, and his subordinates sealed off all entrances and exits. Two well-trained hunting dogs arrived to start the search.

Although such behavior was a bit excessive, due to Ignatius's status, the guests present did not dare to say much. They could only cooperate honestly.

"Search thoroughly, don't leave any corner unchecked!" Ignatius said sternly.

When he took a break earlier, he returned to his room only to find that his precious item, the Golden Marrow Jade, was missing. This rare treasure could absorb spiritual energy and enhance his cultivation speed. He always carried it with him, but today, he accidentally left it in his room while changing clothes.

Unexpectedly, someone had the audacity to sneak into his room and steal from him. It was like poking a hornet's nest!

The guards led the hunting dogs, searching everywhere, lingering among the crowd. The Golden Marrow Jade still carried Ignatius's aura, so if the thief had it on them, they would be caught soon.

After searching for a long time, the hunting dogs returned to their positions without any findings.

"Sir, we've searched, nothing suspicious here," reported one of the guards.

"Search again," Ignatius was somewhat dissatisfied.

"Yes, sir!"

The guards didn't hesitate and led the hunting dogs for another round of searching, but still, they found nothing.

This result left Ignatius very displeased. They had searched everywhere that needed searching. If the thief wasn't here, where else could they be hiding?

At this moment, Ignatius scanned the surroundings and suddenly fixed his gaze on Dustin. With a cold tone, he said, "Elias, right? Please cooperate; I need to search you."

"Search me?" Dustin raised an eyebrow. "Lord of War, I've been here all along, never went anywhere. You're not suspecting me as the thief, are you?"

"A clear conscience needs no defense. If you haven't stolen anything, you have nothing to worry about. It's just a routine check, just in case," Ignatius said with a stern face.

His intuition told him that there was something off about this young man.

"Lord of War, why search me and not others? Isn't that a bit inappropriate?" Dustin squinted his eyes.

"I not only want to search you but also this person next to you," Ignatius pointed at Abigail.

"Why? Who do you think you are, searching us like this?" Abigail was very displeased.

"If you have nothing to hide, why fear the search? I'm just doing my duty; I won't tolerate your refusal!" a guard said sternly.


Dahlia was furious. She raised her hand and slapped the guard's face, saying, "Everyone present is a distinguished guest of the Duskshire Palace. How dare a mere guard act recklessly here!"


The guard gritted his teeth but, seeing that Ignatius didn't react, he held back.

"Dahlia, the lost item is crucial. We can't overlook any suspicions. Please cooperate," Ignatius, though displeased, maintained a calm demeanor.

"Brother, if something is lost, you should catch the thief instead of offending the guests of the Duskshire Palace. If this matter reaches our foster father's ears, you won't be able to explain," Dahlia said calmly.

"What? Now you're using our foster father to pressure me?" Ignatius's eyes showed a hint of hostility.

"Today is our foster father's birthday celebration. It's best not to cause trouble. I hope my lord brother will consider the bigger picture," Dahlia said with a slight bow.

Chapter 1534 Difficult Days Ahead

Even though she knew that the person in front of her intended to harm her, she dared not show the slightest sign.

"The bigger picture?" Ignatius said with contempt in his eyes. "You, a mere woman, understand what the bigger picture is? In the Duskshire Palace, except for our foster father, everything is under my command. That is the bigger picture!"

"Brother may have power, but that doesn't give him the right to act recklessly. In the end, it's our foster father who makes decisions in the Duskshire Palace," Dahlia didn't back down.

"Hehe... good, very good!" Ignatius suddenly laughed, but his gaze was cold. "Sister, you are indeed a clever person. That must be the reason our foster father values you, right? But unfortunately, people like you often don't live long. Take care of yourself."

With that, he patted Dahlia on the shoulder and left.

A woman without any power dared to confront him—it was like seeking her own death!

"Lord Dahlia, you spoke up for us just now; you might have angered Ignatius. The days ahead might be more difficult for you," Dustin reminded.

"Even if I do nothing, he won't let me off easily," Dahlia said wisely. She could see that Ignatius was a very ambitious person.

As soon as she entered the Duskshire Palace, she gained the favor of their foster father, which must have caused jelousy. Perhaps her presence threatened Ignatius's position, so he considered her a thorn in his side and wanted to eliminate her quickly.

"Regardless, you must be very careful," Dustin cautioned.

"I will." Dahlia nodded. "Mr Steelwing, this place is beginning to feel so uncomfortable. I suspect Ignatius will soon cause trouble again. How about I escort you out?"

"That would be appreciated," Dustin agreed without refusal.

"It's a small favor."

Dahlia smiled lightly and then safely escorted Dustin and Abigail out of the Duskshire Palace.

On the way, many eyes were on them, but due to certain considerations, no one made a move.

"Lord Dahlia, we can go by ourselves from here."

After leaving, Dustin expressed his gratitude.

"Sure, until we meet again."

Dahlia nodded slightly and watched as Dustin and Abigail got on a carriage and left.

She had a strange feeling that this young man named ‘Elias’ seemed familiar.

At this moment, inside the moving carriage.

Dustin and Abigail successively removed their human skin masks, revealing their original faces.

"Uncle, we've got the Golden Marrow Jade. Why do you still look a bit gloomy?" Abigail found it strange.

"It's nothing, just thinking about some things," Dustin forced a smile.

"Uncle, are you worried about Lord Dahlia's safety? Could it be... you like her?" Abigail keenly sensed something unusual.

"We had some acquaintance in the past," Dustin explained.

"Oh~ I understand!"

Abigail smiled knowingly. "Lord Dahlia is in danger, so you're worried about her. But you already have a fiancée, so you don't know why you're helping for some reason. You are conflicted, right?"

"You, little girl, have too much knowledge at your age," Dustin showed a strange expression.

He was indeed conflicted. On one hand, he was concerned about Dahlia's safety; on the other hand, he didn't want to get too involved.

"Uncle, you don't need to worry about anything. Leave this to me. I'll send people to protect Lord Dahlia secretly, ensuring your peace of mind!" Abigail volunteered.

"Sounds good." Dustin nodded. "Okay, I'll trouble you with this matter."

"Hey! Don't be too happy too soon. Protecting people comes with a fee. But considering our good relationship, I can give you an 80% discount," Abigail raised her eyebrows and made an eight with her fingers.

Dustin's mouth twitched, momentarily speechless.

This girl was truly a money-lover, always thinking about making a profit.

Chapter 1535 Process Begins

After returning to the Serenity Villa, Dustin immediately began preparations. The three supreme spirit medicines were finally gathered, and various auxiliary herbs were also ready.

Next was the crucial step—refining the Bone Cleansing Pill.

"Maximus, I'll be in seclusion for a day. Guard here well, and don't let anyone disturb me," Dustin instructed.

"Don't worry, sir Dustin. Even if the heavens come, they won't be able to get through this door!" Maximus assured, patting his chest.

Dustin nodded and then turned to Elijah, saying, "Doctor Elijah, I entrust Uncle Lorenzo to your care. There shouldn't be any accidents before I come out of seclusion."

"Leave it to me. While I can't cure Uncle Lorenzo's illness, I can extend his life for some time," Elijah said.

"Good, I'll rely on both of you then."

Dustin didn't say much. After a few instructions, he entered the temporarily modified laboratory alone.

The herbs were ready, the alchemy furnace, charcoal fire, and various materials were all in place.

However, Dustin wasn't in a hurry. Instead, he calmly meditated for a long time.

When his whole body relaxed and his mind was calm, he began the most crucial step—the refinement of the Bone Cleansing Pill.

The Bone Cleansing Pill was of utmost importance and determined whether Lorenzo could live.

As a supreme pill, its difficulty in refinement was comparable to the (Longevitium) Nine-Turn Life-Extending Pill he had refined before. However, due to the different types, there were significant differences in the details.

Dustin had simulated the process hundreds of times in his mind, and every step was clear.

As long as the practical process didn't go wrong, there shouldn't be any problems.

First was setting up the furnace, followed by placing the cauldron. Then came grinding, burning sand, solidifying mud, and controlling the furnace temperature for refining and fusion.

Each step was crucial, and there couldn't be any mistakes.

Dustin proceeded steadily, beginning to immerse himself fully.

Time passed bit by bit.

Dustin concentrated, precisely controlling the furnace temperature, sometimes intense, sometimes gentle.

The spirit herbs in the cauldron were continuously refined and fused.

In this manner, who knew how much time had passed.

The spirit herbs transformed from a solid to gas, then from gas to liquid, and finally, back to solid.

After several repetitions, it finally reached the critical step—forming the pill.

Dustin took a deep breath and began to activate the Profound Clear Internal Energy, injecting it bit by bit into the cauldron.

To form the pill, True internal energy was used as guidance. This not only increased the success rate but also improved the appearance of the finished product.

"Huff, huff, huff..."

The fire under the cauldron became more and more vigorous. Dustin injected more and more Profound Clear internal energy.

Gradually, sweat appeared on his forehead, and a white mist enveloped his body.

After about half an hour, Dustin suddenly took action, slapping the cauldron.


A loud explosion.

The lid of the cauldron flew open, and a rich medicinal fragrance immediately gushed out.

Dustin looked closely and saw at the bottom of the cauldron a hot, azure-colored pill.

The pill was semi-transparent, covered with wavy patterns, looking very beautiful.

With a gentle sniff, a unique medicinal fragrance could still be detected.

"It's finally done!"

Dustin's face lit up, and he heaved a long sigh.

With this Bone Cleansing Pill, Lorenzo finally had a chance at recovery.

At this moment, outside the door.

Maximus held his sword tightly, on high alert, not daring to relax.

Elijah paced back and forth in the living room, looking somewhat anxious.

Dustin had been in seclusion in the laboratory for a day and night without any movement. This made him very uneasy.

It was not easy to gather the three supreme spirit medicines. If this attempt failed, Lorenzo would have no way out, as there was no time to find an alternative solution.

Today, success or death.
Chapter 1401 Speechless

Back at the Serenity Villa, Dustin hesitated as he held his phone in hand. Not too long ago, during his discussion with Belinda about collaboration, thoughts of Natasha suddenly surged in like a tidal wave, overwhelming him completely.

His mind was filled with her image, and he couldn't shake it off.

According to Maximus, Natasha had already followed her own grandfather to settle in Stonia.

A quick call, and they could meet up soon.

However, he had some concerns.

Stonia was nothing like Millsburg; it was a place filled with hidden dangers and crises. Moreover, the task he had at hand was extremely perilous, and he didn't want to involve Natasha in it.

"Maybe just a meeting? A simple greeting?" Dustin muttered to himself.

After a brief moment of pacing on the balcony, he took a deep breath and couldn't resist dialing a certain number.

The phone rang for about five seconds before it was finally answered, and a familiar voice quickly came through.

"Hmph! You playboy, you finally decided to call me? Honestly, where have you been these days? Do you have another little sweetheart now? I've been thinking about you all this time, and you just disappeared without a word, leaving me all alone. Doesn't your conscience hurt?"


Natasha fired off a barrage of questions as soon as she started speaking, leaving Dustin utterly baffled.

His carefully planned opening statement was instantly shut down.

He was left momentarily speechless.

"Hey! Why aren't you saying anything? Feeling guilty, perhaps?" Natasha finally paused.

"You didn't really give me a chance to speak just now," Dustin replied with a wry smile.

"Oh! You think I'm annoying, don't you? You find me chatty, right? Well, you heartbreaker, it's only been a few days since we last met, and you're already tired of me," Natasha's tone was teasing.

"Alright, alright, it's all my fault. I sincerely apologize to you. I hope you, the gracious one, can forgive me this time," Dustin quickly surrendered.

"Hmph! Since you're sincerely apologizing, I'll forgive you this time, but don't let it become a habit," Natasha chuckled from the other end of the phone.

In reality, she had wanted to call Dustin many times during these days to check on him, but she was afraid of bothering him, so she refrained. Now that he had reached out to her, her worried heart finally relaxed.

"Natasha, I heard you've settled in Stonia. How's your new company doing?" Dustin inquired.

"Smooth sailing, of course," Natasha replied with a smile. "Our 'Princess Royal Group' is starting to take shape, and it's growing day by day. I believe that within half a year, we'll have established a new stronghold in Stonia!"

With her grandfather's support, she felt invincible.

"That's great," Dustin said, smiling. "By the way, Natasha, do you have time tonight? I'd like to invite you for dinner."

"Coincidentally, we have a celebration dinner at the company tonight. Just come over, and afterward, I'll show you around," Natasha suggested.

"Sounds good. See you tonight."


At dusk, Dustin drove his car, following the GPS directions, and entered the central city.

Stonia was divided into five major regions: East, West, South, North, and Central.

Each of these regions was quite extensive, equivalent to a medium-sized city, and they were referred to as "cities."

So, the East region was known as Dragonhaven, the West region as Thunderspire, the South region as Willowbrook, and the North region as Frostholm. The most central area, well-guarded by the four major districts, was known as the Central City or Emberhold.

Chapter 1402 The Inner City

Within Emberhold (Inner City) stood the illustrious Bayhaven (the Forbidden City), a place that represented supreme power. It was the dream destination for countless ambitious souls and also the place where Dustin sought the truth and justice.

However, it wasn't at this moment.

Emberhold was congested, and it happened to be rush hour as well.

Although Dustin had left an hour early, by the time he reached his destination, it was already dark outside.

The venue for Natasha's celebration banquet was called "Ethereal Heights Hotel," a super five-star hotel. It had a perfect location with a wide range of entertainment facilities.

With its high class, excellent service, and reputation, it was the top choice for hosting such gatherings.

At this moment, on the top floor of Ethereal Heights Hotel, in the Number One Banquet Hall, a group of well-dressed young men and women were gathered, raising their glasses and engaging in conversation. On the stage, a captivating performance of song and dance continued, entertaining the audience.

The entire banquet hall was lively and bustling.

"Elder brother, do you think Miss Natasha will really show up today?" In a corner, a young man and woman held their wine glasses, constantly scanning the area as if searching for something.

These two were none other than Roselyn and Carlos.

"Of course, she'll be here!" Carlos said confidently. "I've already inquired. Today is the celebration banquet for the Princess Royal Group, and as the chairwoman, Miss Natasha won't miss it. She'll probably arrive soon."

"I'm a bit worried. Can Miss Natasha really help us?" Roselyn looked concerned.

Yesterday, Healwell Clinic was set on fire, and she had already developed a psychological shadow. If she hadn't been absent all night, she might have perished in the flames. What's worse, the fire had been orchestrated by the Stratford family, but she didn't dare to report it.

To protect herself, she had to turn to Carlos and seek assistance from more powerful figures.

So, Carlos had brought her here.

"Roselyn, believe me, you don't know Miss Natasha's true background," Carlos said earnestly. "Do you know that above the Eight Great Aristocratic Families of Stonia, there are also the Four Royal Families?"

"I've heard of them." Roselyn nodded.

The aristocratic families were already the upper limit of what she had encountered. As for the royal families of Stonia, she didn't even dare to think about them. They were the most powerful force below the imperial authority and stood at the pinnacle of the Dragonmarsh.

They were an existence that ordinary people would need to look up to for their entire lives.

"Since you know about the Four Royal Families, it'll be easier to understand," Carlos nodded and said seriously, "I won't keep it from you. Miss Natasha is from the Roberts clan, and her grandfather is Duke Duncan Roberts, who holds unparalleled power within the Forbidden City!"

"What? Duke Duncan Roberts?!" Roselyn was startled, her voice unintentionally rising in pitch.

"Lower your voice!" Carlos's expression changed, and he immediately covered Roselyn's mouth. After making sure no one had heard, he slowly removed his hand and warned, "This is a secret. You mustn't reveal it, or your life will be in danger!"

"Mmm... mmm..." Roselyn covered her mouth with both hands, nodding like a frightened chicken.

In a split second, she had broken out in a cold sweat from the shock.

She had never dreamed that the Miss Natasha she was going to meet today was actually the granddaughter of Duke Duncan.

That was the current Guogong!

An individual who could have a direct conversation with the Emperor!

An absolute giant in Stonia!

In the presence of such a formidable figure, the Torby and Stratford families were nothing but small fries, not worth mentioning!

Thinking about this, she suddenly became excited.

If she could please Miss Natasha and attach herself to Duke Duncan's family tree, wouldn't she be able to stride through Stonia in the future?

Chapter 1403 Beauty Index

"Roselyn, do you understand now?" Carlos had a slightly triumphant expression. "As long as Miss Natasha is willing to step in, what's the Stratford family to worry about?"

"Yes, yes..." Roselyn nodded vigorously, overcome with joy.

She had made up her mind that no matter the cost, she would ingratiate herself with Miss Natasha. In doing so, not only could she ensure her safety, but she could also rise to prominence and thoroughly enter Stonia's upper echelon.

"By the way, Elder Carlos, how do you know all this?" Roselyn suddenly became curious.

"To be honest, my uncle holds a position in the court as a staff officer under one of Duke Duncan's generals. He has extensive connections, which makes it easy for me to gather such secrets," Carlos said, his chest swelling with pride.

In fact, Natasha's identity was already public knowledge among the elites, not really a secret, but rather something beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Even though I've never seen Miss Natasha, I've heard about her reputation."

Carlos took a sip of his wine, speaking with composure. "Do you know about the Beauty Index? I believe you've heard of it."

"Yes, I've heard of it," Roselyn nodded. "The Beauty Index, also known as the List of Beauties, consists of a hundred women selected from all over the country. It primarily evaluates them based on their appearance, followed by their family background and personal talents."

"All women in the country take pride in making it onto the Beauty Index."

"However, the selection for the Beauty Index is incredibly strict. Only the most extraordinary beauties qualify."

As she spoke, a trace of melancholy flashed in Roselyn's eyes. She considered herself beautiful and talented, yet she couldn't even meet the minimum qualifications for the Beauty Index.

There were simply too many beautiful women in the Dragonmarsh.

"You're right. Those who make it onto the Beauty Index are indeed stunningly beautiful women. And Miss Natasha happens to be one of them!" Carlos asserted confidently.

"But you've never seen Miss Natasha. How can you be so sure about her beauty?" Roselyn found it puzzling.

"Although I haven't seen her in person, I've heard about her reputation."

Carlos explained with a hint of excitement, "Miss Natasha is not just on the Beauty Index, but she ranks among the top three!"

"The... top three?"

Roselyn widened her eyes, and her voice began to quiver.

Being on the Beauty Index was already a tremendous honor, but to be among the top three was a matter of immense pride and prestige.

She couldn't believe that Miss Natasha, whom she was going to meet today, was not only incredibly wealthy but also ranked among the top three on the Beauty Index.

"In fact, Miss Natasha isn't just on the list; she's at the top, currently holding the third position!" Carlos revealed, shocking Roselyn even more.

"The... the third?" Roselyn stammered, her voice trembling.

To be on the Beauty Index was already a remarkable achievement, and to be in the top three was beyond extraordinary.

The pressure of meeting such a woman was immense.

"Ranked third on the Beauty Index is Miss Natasha; second is the Dragon Nation's female warrior, Scarlet Spanner; and the top spot belongs to the enigmatic and elusive Gabrielle Whitlock," Carlos listed the names of the top three on the Beauty Index like a treasure.

If he could marry a woman from the top ten on the Beauty Index, his life would be more than fulfilling.

"Elder Carlos, you're handsome and talented. How about trying to pursue Miss Natasha?" Roselyn suddenly blurted out.

She had a certain fondness for Carlos, mingled with admiration.

However, to please Miss Natasha, she was willing to give up the person she liked.

Chapter 1404 Eavesdropping

"Are you kidding me? Miss Natasha has many admirers, all of whom are prominent figures in the industry. What am I compared to them?" Carlos shook his head.

While he was tempted, he also had some self-awareness. The gap in status between him and Miss Natasha was simply too great.

"Elder Carlos, in this world, nothing is impossible for those with determination. Regardless, you should at least try. What if Miss Natasha happens to like your type?" Roselyn began to encourage him.

"Is that true?" Carlos was somewhat uncertain.

"Can I encourage you?" Roselyn continued to persuade him. "Look at yourself—handsome, tall, dignified, and charismatic. Most importantly, you're skilled in medicine, considerate, and have excellent character. Such a perfect man is a rare find!"

"Really?" Carlos ran his hand through his hair, adjusted his tie, and suddenly felt brimming with confidence.

His entire being was somewhat elated.

Indeed, he was exceptionally talented and perfect in many ways. He believed that he was more than suitable for Miss Natasha.

"Elder Carlos, believe in yourself. You are the most outstanding. As long as you show your charm, you will definitely capture Miss Natasha's heart!" Roselyn continued to cheer him on.

"Roselyn, you understand me well!" Compliments went to Carlos's head, and he couldn't help but swell with confidence. "With my great physique, outstanding looks, and considerable talents, I'm perfect. So, I've decided to give her a chance to win me over!"

"That's the spirit," Roselyn smiled.

As long as Carlos could win over Miss Natasha, she could also benefit from the situation.

"Hey... you two, are you daydreaming?" A casual voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Both of them were startled and turned to see a familiar face.

"Dustin, what are you doing here?" Carlos was taken aback.

"Why can't I be here?" Dustin retorted.

"Hmph! This is an upper class gathering, a place for important figures. Who are you? What qualifications do you have to enter here?" Roselyn said coldly.

She still harbored resentment from the scene where Dustin had threatened to disfigure her.

"Your status isn't much different from mine. If you can come in, then naturally, so can I," Dustin shrugged.

"You—!" Roselyn was about to explode, but Carlos raised his hand to stop her. "Be mindful of the occasion; don't make a fool of yourself."

Taking a deep breath, Roselyn finally suppressed her anger. She decided to focus on her primary objective today, and after ingratiating herself with Miss Natasha, she could deal with this guy.

"Dustin, when did you arrive?" Carlos tried to put on a friendly face.

"Since you started talking about your uncle's position in the court," Dustin replied calmly.

"What? So you heard everything?" Carlos's tone suddenly rose.

Realizing that he had attracted attention, he quickly cleared his throat to alleviate the awkwardness.

"I only heard part of it," Dustin admitted openly.

"You... How could you?" Carlos was getting anxious. "You eavesdropped from behind and didn't say anything, which is creepy!"

"I was just passing by. Who would have thought that the more you talked, the more absurd it became, and you even harbored unwarranted desires? I just couldn't stand it anymore," Dustin shook his head.

"Hmph! What we say is none of your business!" Roselyn said angrily.

"Dustin, aren't you being too meddlesome?" Carlos frowned.

"You're right." Dustin nodded in agreement. "You're indeed an extraordinary man, handsome, talented, and with great potential. Pursuing anyone else is fine, but pursuing Miss Natasha is not allowed."

"Why?" Carlos furrowed his brow.

"Because she is my woman," Dustin calmly uttered those words with an overbearing presence.

Chapter 1405 The Ant in the Abyss

"What? She's your woman?"

Upon hearing this, both Carlos and Roselyn were stunned. They exchanged glances, somewhat doubting if they had misheard.

Who was Miss Natasha?

She was the third-ranked beauty on the Beauty Index, the granddaughter of the Duke Duncan, and the dream goddess of countless young talents.

A penniless loser dared to arrogantly claim that Miss Natasha was his woman.

This guy, could it be that he was suffering from delusions?

"Dustin, are you... serious?" Carlos cautiously asked.

"Of course," Dustin replied confidently.


Hearing that, Carlos couldn't hold back his laughter. It seemed like he had heard a huge joke. "Dustin, are you still half-asleep? You're saying that Miss Natasha is your woman? Hahaha..."

As he spoke, he burst into laughter, his expression exaggerated.

"Hmph! Shameless!"

Roselyn crossed her arms and sneered. "Look at your own conduct. Don't think that changing your clothes can change your identity. You're still a loser. With your kind of person, you're not even qualified to carry Miss Natasha's shoes!"

Miss Natasha had a noble background, beauty, figure, and capability.

Such an outstanding woman had countless admirers.

A pauper like him wanting to pursue Miss Natasha?

It was like a toad wanting to eat swan meat!

"Dustin, you should be aware of your own limitations. Having dreams is a good thing, but you also need to consider whether you have the ability," Carlos said, suppressing his laughter. "The gap between you and Miss Natasha is as vast as the heavens. She is the dazzling phoenix in the sky, while you are just an ant in the abyss. Even if you strive to climb, you will never reach such heights. Wake up, don't keep dreaming!"

Even someone like him, born into a prominent family, didn't dare to say he could win over Miss Natasha. What about Dustin?

"Don't belittle others. There are some things that you will never understand," Dustin calmly said. "I'll say this again: Natasha is my woman. You two better not entertain any improper thoughts."

"Keep dreaming! I want to see how long you can keep this up!" Roselyn sneered, looking disdainful.

"Dustin, speaking nonsense like this will have consequences. Your words are tantamount to a great offense. If Miss Natasha hears about it, you might face disastrous consequences. So, I advise you to be cautious," Carlos taunted.

"I've said what I needed to. Whether you believe it or not is up to you," Dustin said indifferently. He had no interest in explaining to these narrow-minded people.


At this moment, there was a commotion at the entrance.

All eyes turned to see a woman clad in a black evening gown and black high heels, walking gracefully into the room like a black swan.

She wore no makeup, yet her looks were breathtaking. Her figure was graceful and alluring, and her presence was commanding.

Especially her aura, dignified and elegant, made her stand out like a queen in the crowd.

As soon as she appeared, she became the center of attention, and everyone's gazes were fixed on her.

"So beautiful!" Carlos was completely captivated, his eyes wide with amazement.

He stared, stunned, and couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Natasha was undoubtedly the epitome of beauty.

"Could this be the true definition of a national treasure?"

Roselyn was also awestruck. She looked at the woman's face and figure, then glanced at herself, feeling somewhat inferior.

She knew she was beautiful, but in the presence of such an exquisite beauty, she felt like she paled in comparison.

Many young socialites and heiresses had attended the event, all dressed in elaborate and elegant attire, showcasing their extraordinary charm.

However, when Natasha, the black rose, made her entrance, she effortlessly overshadowed all the other women in the room.

Chapter 1406 A Heroic Knight Ready

"Hello, Director Natasha!"

"Miss Natasha, greetings!"


After a brief silence, the entire banquet hall erupted into a lively atmosphere. Men and women alike approached Natasha, greeting and flattering her.

People who could attend this event were either high-ranking officials or top corporate executives, and they were well aware of Natasha's identity. Some had even come specifically to curry favor with her.

"Don't be so restrained, please make yourselves comfortable," Natasha responded calmly to the flattery and greetings from the crowd.

Her beautiful eyes swept around, as if searching for someone.

"Elder Carlos, could that be Miss Natasha?" Roselyn discreetly pointed in Natasha's direction.

"It should be her. Besides Miss Natasha, I can't think of anyone else with such unparalleled beauty!" Carlos's eyes gleamed with excitement, and his face flushed. His heart was beating faster than ever before.

Although he had seen many beautiful women, he had never encountered such an exquisite beauty before.

At this moment, he finally understood what it meant to be in love at first sight. If he could marry such a perfect woman, he would gladly give up ten years of his life!

"Indeed, she truly deserves her status as the third-ranked beauty on the Beauty Index. Her reputation is well-deserved," Roselyn couldn't take her eyes off Natasha.

As fellow women, she no longer felt jealousy but only amazement and admiration.

"Elder Carlos! Look, look! Miss Natasha is walking towards us! Could it be that she's coming for you?" Seeing Natasha approaching, Roselyn was both excited and nervous.

"Coming for me? Are you sure?" Carlos was taken aback and felt a bit at a loss. He had been confident before, but now that he was facing Natasha in person, he couldn't help feeling a bit timid.

This woman was simply too perfect, like a celestial being, and she seemed untouchable.

"Of course! There are only a few of us here. If Miss Natasha isn't coming for you, then who else could she be coming for?" Roselyn began to imagine. "In my opinion, Miss Natasha must have taken a liking to you and specially came over to get to know you!"

"Is that so?" Carlos looked around, realizing that there were indeed no other prominent figures nearby. For a moment, he felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

Could it be that he was going to be lucky in love tonight?

"Elder Carlos, have confidence!" Roselyn whispered, encouraging him. "You're handsome, talented, and charming. It's not surprising that you've caught Miss Natasha's eye. Seize this opportunity, win her heart, and you'll surely have a bright future!"

Encouraged by her words, Carlos's face lit up. He had regained his lost confidence.

"All right! If Miss Natasha has taken an interest, then I can't let her down. Let's see how I can win her heart tonight!" Carlos adjusted his tie, ran his fingers through his hair, and followed her with a confident and proud stride.

He felt like a heroic knight ready to court a princess.

"Miss Natasha, hello, I am..." Carlos reached out his hand to introduce himself with a smile.

However, he soon realized that Natasha completely ignored him and walked past him without a word. She then rushed into Dustin' arms with a joyful expression. "Darling! I've missed you so much!"

Chapter 1407 Toad Trying to Eat Swan Meat

"Honey! I've missed you so much!"

In the midst of the stunned gazes of the crowd, Natasha quickly rushed into Dustin's arms, holding him tightly.

It was as if long-lost lovers had reunited, showing warmth and intimacy.

However, this bold move left everyone present in shock.

Their eyes widened in disbelief.

Especially Carlos and Roselyn, who were left stunned on the spot.

What was happening?

The Chairman of the Princess Royal Group, the third-ranked beauty on the Beauty Index, the granddaughter of a duke, was voluntarily embracing a poor nobody?

How could this be possible?!!


Carlos's hand was still extended, and his head unconsciously turned towards Dustin and Natasha.

The smile on his face had frozen, and his inner turmoil was beyond words.

Could it be that everything Dustin had said earlier was true?

Could it be that Natasha, the heavenly beauty, was truly Dustin's woman?

But how was that possible?

Dustin was just an unknown person, at best a practitioner of martial arts and a bit of medical knowledge.

Such people were numerous in Stonia, and they were plain and ordinary.

Why? Why could a person like him receive the favor of Natasha?

While Carlos was young, talented, and charming, he didn't even have the qualifications to catch Natasha's eye.


"No... It's impossible! How could this guy know Miss Natasha? What kind of virtue or ability does he have to climb up to such a heavenly woman?!" Roselyn's eyes widened, her face filled with disbelief.

In her eyes, Dustin was just a country bumpkin struggling in Stonia.

Without any background, ability, or connections, he would remain at the bottom for the rest of his life.

In her view, not only was he unworthy of Natasha, but he couldn't even compare to someone like her.

The combination of these two was like a toad trying to eat swan meat, utterly unbelievable.

"Honey, how do I look today? I dressed up carefully just to see you."

Natasha held Dustin's waist with both hands and looked up at his handsome and resolute face with joy in her eyes.

Even though they had only been apart for a few days, it felt like a century.

"Beautiful, absolutely beautiful!" Dustin smiled and reached out to tuck a strand of hair that had escaped its confines behind Natasha's ear.

All his previous worries and troubles disappeared when he saw the woman in front of him.

He was a different person altogether.

"I look beautiful, right? So, how about a kiss?"

Natasha extended her slender jade finger and playfully pointed at her own moist red lips, wearing a seductive and charming smile.

"Ah?" Dustin's smile stiffened. He looked around, and over a hundred pairs of eyes were fixed on them.

Was it really appropriate to show affection in public like this?

"Hehehe... I was just teasing you."

Natasha chuckled. "It wouldn't be appropriate to do that in front of so many people. We can save it for when we get home."

Dustin couldn't help but smile wryly.

She was indeed a captivating little devil, and she hadn't changed a bit.

"Come, let me introduce you to everyone..."

Natasha walked arm in arm with Dustin, facing the guests in the banquet hall, and said with a smile, "This is my fiancé, Dustin Rhys. Please take good care of him in the future."

"Dustin Rhys?"

Chapter 1408 An Unknown Nobody

When this statement was made, everyone exchanged puzzled looks and whispered among themselves.

"Who's this Dustin? Why haven't I heard of him before? Do we really have such a young talent here in Stonia?"

"That's strange. I consider myself well-informed, but I've never heard of this person."

"Does that mean he's just an unknown nobody? Why would Miss Natasha take an interest in someone like him?"

"He does have a good appearance, though. Maybe he's just a charming face who can make people happy?"

A group of high-society elites chatted quietly, wearing expressions of confusion.

Being part of the upper circle, they were usually well-informed. The fact that they had never heard of Dustin indicated that he wasn't from a prominent family. However, what they couldn't understand was why Natasha, who had always held herself in high regard, would be interested in such a minor figure.

Was it true love, or just a passing fancy?

"So, you're Mr Rhys. I've heard your name for a long time!" At this moment, a plump middle-aged man approached, wearing a warm smile. "I'm Arthur Langley, the owner of the Ethereal Heights Hotel. I've always admired your charisma, and it's a great honor to meet you today!"

"Hello, Mr Arthur," Dustin replied with a smile. Although it was just pleasantries, it sounded pleasant enough.

To establish and thrive in Ethereal Heights Hotel and earn respect, this Arthur Langley was clearly not an ordinary person.

"Mr Rhys, I'm Edward Wycliffe, the chairman of AutoNav Group. Please take care of me in the future."

"Mr Rhys, I'm Joseph Blackwood, the deputy commander of the City Guards. If you ever encounter any trouble, feel free to inform me, and I guarantee you'll have peace of mind."

"Mr Rhys..."

With Arthur Langley leading the way, more and more prominent figures approached, offering flattery and compliments of all sorts.

They didn't care who Dustin was or what his background was. As long as Natasha valued him, they would greet him with smiles and great respect.

That's how the world worked.

Thanks to Natasha's influence, Dustin, who had previously gone unnoticed, became the center of attention at the event.

He was highly sought after.

Dustin remained modest and welcoming, handling the attention perfectly.

"Why? Why him? Why not me?" Watching the highly acclaimed Dustin, Carlos clenched his fists in frustration, seething with jealousy.

He felt both envious and resentful, but most of all, he felt unjust.

Dustin was just an ordinary guy, far inferior to him in many ways.

Why would Miss Natasha be interested in someone like him?

"Don't be disheartened, Elder Carlos. He's just a pretty face, not much substance. Perhaps Miss Natasha will get bored of him in a few days," Roselyn said, her face clouded with negativity as she continued to brainwash Carlos.

As fellow women, she couldn't believe that someone as exceptional as Natasha would marry an unknown person.

Not to mention passing Duke Robert's scrutiny.

Therefore, she was convinced that the two of them would not last long, just a temporary fling.

"Plaything? How can someone like Dutin be worthy of Miss Natasha?" Carlos remained unconvinced.

The third-ranked beauty on the Beauty Index, Natasha, had inexplicably favored Dustin, a nobody.

It was like a beautiful flower growing in a pile of manure.

Why wasn't he the one being favored? Why?

"What are you all doing?!"

Suddenly, a booming voice resounded at the door, startling everyone into turning to look.

A young man in military attire, tall and imposing, strode in with an aura of authority.

His sharp gaze and powerful presence were accentuated by the golden epaulettes (ornamental shoulder decorations that showed military rank) on his shoulders, unmistakably marking him as a young general!

"Hmm?" Seeing the newcomer, Natasha's smile faded, her delicate brows furrowing in disgust.

Meanwhile, the elites who had surrounded Dustin moments ago quickly dispersed, fearing trouble.

Chapter 1409 A Formidable Rival

As soon as the man in military attire appeared, the entire banquet hall fell silent.

Everyone made way for him, as if avoiding a venomous snake.

You see, this man had a fiery temper and was famously unpredictable. Moreover, he had powerful connections, making him someone no one dared to provoke.

Encountering him on a regular day meant keeping a safe distance to avoid getting burned.

"Elder Carlos, who's this guy coming in? He looks quite imposing," Roselyn expressed her surprise and curiosity.

One person dominating the entire scene clearly meant he had considerable clout.

"If I'm not mistaken, he should be Francis from the Hamilton family!" Carlos squinted his eyes.

"Francis? Is he one of those so-called Four Demon Kings?" Roselyn widened her eyes in disbelief.

"That's right, it's him," Carlos nodded.

He didn't dare to look directly, so he stole glances from the corner of his eye.

The Hamilton family, like the Roberts family, was one of the royal families within Emberhold, possessing immense power and influence.

As for Francis, among the many talented youths of the Hamilton family, he was one of the top performers. Not only did he have strong backing, but he also had outstanding abilities. At a young age, he had already attained the rank of fourth-grade General, indicating a promising future.

The only problem was Francis's fiery temperament, which often led to trouble.

This had earned him a notorious reputation and the title of one of the Four Demon Kings.

"It's strange. Why would a bully like him show up? Judging by his fierce demeanor, could he be causing trouble?" Roselyn shrank back, feeling apprehensive.

In Stonia, the Four Demon Kings were notorious figures, and their mere mention struck fear into people's hearts.

Francis was one of them.

"Causing trouble is unlikely. I heard that Francis fell head over heels for Miss Natasha and probably came here to show his support," Carlos pondered.

"Wait a minute!" Roselyn seemed to have realized something suddenly. She exclaimed, "If Francis likes Miss Natasha, doesn't that make him and Dustin rivals?"

"Hmm... it does seem that way!" Carlos quickly caught on, his spirits lifting. "Given Francis's temperament, he won't tolerate anyone competing for his woman. In that case, Dustin might be in trouble today!"

"Hmph! Serves him right!" Roselyn crossed her arms, a smug expression on her face. "Who asked him to be a toad lusting after a swan? He's utterly talentless and still wanted to climb up to Miss Natasha. Now he's reaping what he sowed! Let's see how he handles this!"

"I told you, a loser like him could never win over a beauty like Miss Natasha. Now that a formidable rival has appeared, let's see how he handles it!" Carlos had a smirk on his face, looking like he was simply enjoying the show.

The women he couldn't have, Dustin wouldn't have either!

"Princess! Who's this guy?" Francis strode in, his gaze locked onto Dustin, his face displaying clear displeasure.

He had witnessed all of Dustin's intimate interactions with Princess Natasha just moments ago, and he naturally felt extremely irritated about this unexpected rival.

"Who he is, is none of your business," Princess Natasha replied coldly, her expression far from welcoming.

"From what I've heard, he's just your little boy toy, isn't he?" Francis questioned.

"I'll say it again, it's none of your business!" Princess Natasha's eyes revealed her disgust.

She had had her fair share of suitors, but men like Francis were the ones she detested the most. Arrogant and domineering, they always thought that women should revolve around them and acted as if they were the center of the universe.

She found them insufferable.

"What do you mean it's none of my business? You're the woman I've set my sights on, and you should only be with me. No other man can match up to you!" Francis asserted with a commanding tone.

"Do you really think you're worthy?" Princess Natasha snorted. "You have a big body but a tiny brain. Who would like someone like you?"


Chapter 1410 Just a Bully

Francis raised his hand, intending to strike, but he stopped himself halfway.

No woman had ever dared to speak to him like this.

If it weren't for certain considerations, he would have made his move already.

"Kid! Who are you? How dare you try to steal my woman? You want to die?" Francis's gaze shifted, and he glared menacingly at Dustin.

He couldn't touch Princess Natasha, but dealing with a pretty boy like Dustin would be a walk in the park.

As long as it wasn't a member of the royal family or one of the Four Royal Families, he could easily handle them.

"Before asking others for their names, it's basic etiquette to introduce yourself first," Dustin responded casually.

"Hmph! You want to know my name, huh? Fine! I'll satisfy your curiosity!" Francis sneered, his voice dripping with arrogance. "Listen up now! I am Francis of the Hamilton family, a fourth-grade General in the military, and I'm known as the 'Black Cyclone.'"

"Oh, is that so?" Dustin remained expressionless.

"What do you mean, 'Is that so?'" Francis was slightly taken aback, not expecting such a response.

Typically, when people heard his name, they would be trembling in fear.

But this kid in front of him showed no reaction at all.

He couldn't help but wonder if he hadn't made himself clear.

"Kid! Don't you know about the Hamilton family?" Francis narrowed his eyes.

"I do," Dustin nodded.

"Don't you understand the power of a fourth-grade General?" Francis continued.

"I understand," Dustin nodded again.

"Since you know my identity and understand my prowess, why aren't you afraid?" Francis demanded with a stern voice.

"Why should I be afraid?" Dustin replied calmly. "You're just a bully who relies on his family's influence and lacks any real talent. What's there to be afraid of?"

This statement sent shockwaves through the entire room.

"Wow! Has this guy gone crazy? He dared to provoke Francis in public? Isn't he afraid for his life?"

"Such a young and ignorant fellow, daring to challenge the Black Cyclone. He's asking for trouble!"

"When Francis gets angry, blood will be spilled within five steps. This kid is done for!"

The sudden turn of events left everyone in shock.

No one had expected Dustin to be so audacious, making such bold statements in front of Francis and completely disregarding his presence.

Who was Francis?

He was one of the notorious Four Demon Kings, and his name alone struck terror into people's hearts.

Anyone who had ever offended Francis met a gruesome fate, and none had a good ending.

Normally, people wouldn't even dare to approach him, let alone challenge him openly.

But this guy had willingly walked into the lion's den.

Wasn't he asking for trouble?

"Hmph! You're just a clueless fool! Daring to challenge Francis publicly, you're sealing your own fate!" Carlos and Roselyn sneered, looking like they were reveling in the situation.

Once Francis lost his temper, even Princess Natasha might not be able to stop him.

"Kid! What did you just say? I didn't catch it clearly. Say it again if you dare!" Francis's face darkened, his teeth clenched, and his eyes almost seemed to shoot flames.

"I said you're an inept and arrogant playboy who relies on your family's name to bully others. Is that clear enough for you?" Dustin spoke again.

With this statement, everyone present had the same thought: "He's done for!"

Chapter 1371 Mystical Arts Expert

"Wow! That was amazing! Making a paper crane fly like that?"

"So, this is a master of mystical arts? Truly impressive!"

The black-clad man's display of skills left the Torby family members in a state of awe and amazement.

They had only heard of such things before but had never witnessed them, and they couldn't believe that there were such extraordinary individuals in the world.

"How do you all feel now? Do you believe in Master Heinrich's abilities?" Dominic smiled slightly, wearing a proud expression.

"No wonder he's called a master. Meeting him today has truly broadened my horizons!" Winston's spirits were lifted, and his gaze changed.

If his father had truly been bewitched, only these extraordinary individuals could cure him.

"It's just some parlor tricks, nothing worth mentioning," the black-clad man said casually, adopting an air of high sophistication.

"Just now's crane manipulation technique was nothing special. The real expertise of Master Heinrich will be revealed later. Let's wait and see," Dominic said, delivering a double-edged remark.

"Very well."

Winston nodded with a smile.

"Isabela, you don't need to worry. With Master Heinrich here, your grandfather will surely be safe," Dominic said with a slight smile, trying to appease her.


Isabela turned her head haughtily and refused to respond.

Dominic felt somewhat embarrassed by her response but didn't say much. Instead, he turned his gaze towards Elijah and said casually, "Doctor Elijah, I heard you mention earlier that you might know another expert in mystical arts. Does the person you know surpass Master Heinrich in skill?"

"I..." Elijah's expression faltered for a moment, feeling somewhat awkward. "Master Heinrich's mastery of mystical arts is unparalleled."

"Heh... since you're not capable, there's no need to embarrass yourself here. Leave the treatment of Old Lord Torby's strange illness to Master Heinrich," Dominic said, subtly taunting Elijah's lack of ability in front of the Torby family.

Elijah furrowed his brow but quickly regained his composure, lowering his head and not saying another word. He knew better than to provoke someone like Dominic, a wealthy young man.

"Young Master Dominic, don't be so full of yourself. We still don't know who's embarrassing themselves here," a dispassionate voice suddenly chimed in.

Turning their heads towards the source of the voice, everyone saw a handsome young man, casually dressed, approaching them with a leisurely gait.

It was none other than Dustin.

"Dr Rhys?" Isabela's face lit up, and she hurriedly stepped forward. "Why did you come here?"

"I heard from Doctor Elijah that your grandfather is suffering from a strange illness, so I came to take a look," Dustin smiled.

"Oh... So you're the expert in mystical arts that Doctor Elijah mentioned?" Isabela suddenly realized.

"I wouldn't call myself an expert; I just have some knowledge in this area," Dustin replied modestly.

"Heh! With just a bit of knowledge, you dare to come out here and make a fool of yourself? Aren't you afraid of being ridiculed?" Dominic sneered.

He had been harboring a grudge since the incident at the club yesterday, so he had promptly asked Darian to invite Master Heinrich. However, before he could exact his revenge, the Torby family encountered a problem, so he immediately brought Master Heinrich over to gain some favor.

Little did he expect to run into Dustin here, and the sight of his enemy made him green with envy.

"Is that all you've got, or do you have something else to show us?" Dustin asked with a smirk.

"You—!" Dominic was fuming.

He wanted to explode in anger, but he had to maintain his composure in front of others, so he could only swallow his words.

This guy dared to provoke him, making him feel thoroughly annoyed.

"This is...?" Winston looked somewhat puzzled.

"Dad, he's Dustin, a young doctor. He saved my life before, and now he's my good friend," Isabela explained, deliberately giving Dominic a meaningful look as if she were showing off something.


Isabela turned her head away haughtily, refusing to engage.

Chapter 1372 A Single Talisma

Dominic furrowed his brow slightly, a trace of resentment flashing in his eyes.

"So, you're Dustin. I've heard about you," Winston nodded.

He was well aware of the recent events in his family. Just the formula for the Jade Dew Ointment was enough to make him take notice.

"Uncle, I heard that the old master is suffering from hysteria. May I take a look?" Dustin volunteered.

"You?" Winston squinted his eyes, feeling somewhat skeptical.

Although he was recommended by Elijah, Dustin appeared too young and didn't seem reliable.

"Dustin, I appreciate your goodwill, but we've already invited Master Heinrich. There's no need for you to trouble yourself," Sophia interjected coldly.

"Do you hear that? With Master Heinrich here, there's no need for you to show off," Dominic sneered.

"Young man, don't create a disturbance here. Matters of life and death are not to be trifled with!" the black-clad man said sternly.

"Dustin, forget it," Elijah shook his head.

Clearly, it wasn't a wise choice to assert himself at this moment.

"Very well. Since Master Heinrich is so confident, I won't insist. Please proceed," Dustin made a gracious gesture with one hand.

He had come here not to steal the limelight. If Master Heinrich could genuinely cure Old Lord Torbys's illness, he was willing to play a supporting role.

"Humph! At least you have some self-awareness," the black-clad man said, casting a disdainful glance at Dustin before entering the room.

The others followed him, moving quietly so as not to make any loud noises.

"What's going on?" The black-clad man entered the room and couldn't help but frown. He looked displeased as he said, "Why is the patient bound? Do you not know that this hinders treatment? Release him immediately!"

"Master Heinrich, you don't understand. After my father contracted this strange illness, he becomes uncontrollable and has a tendency to attack people. We had no choice but to tie him up," Winston explained immediately.

The scene of his father going berserk had left a deep impression on him, and he still felt apprehensive about it.

"It doesn't matter. With me here, the patient won't cause any trouble. Untie him," the black-clad man said confidently, hands behind his back.

"This..." Winston glanced back at his wife, Sophia, who nodded before giving the order. "Untie him."


Two members of the Torby family responded and immediately approached to untie the restraints.

"Master Heinrich, untying him may not be a wise choice. In case the patient's hysteria flares up, he might harm you," Dustin cautioned.

"Ridiculous! I've seen it all. What's a little hysteria? I've experienced much worse in my life. Hysteria is nothing," the black-clad man scoffed.

"Dustin, you may not have the ability, but that doesn't mean Master Heinrich is incapable. Learn and observe carefully. If you can gain some insights, you'll benefit for a lifetime," Dominic said with a sneer.

"Is that so? Then I'll watch with great interest," Dustin shrugged and said no more.

After being untied, the black-clad man approached the patient and examined his eyelids, opened his mouth to check his tongue and teeth, and conducted a brief examination of his body.

"If I'm not mistaken, the patient has been subjected to witchcraft, which has disturbed his mental state, leading to these symptoms of hysteria," the black-clad man said indifferently.

"Not bad at all. You have sharp eyes, Master Heinrich," Winston praised, blowing some smoke up the black-clad man's backside, before asking tentatively, "Master Heinrich, do you have a method to counter this?"

"A mere low-level witchcraft is nothing. With a single talisman, I can easily dispel it," the black-clad man said casually.

"Oh?" Winston's eyes brightened. "Then please, Master Heinrich, proceed. Once the matter is resolved, our Torby family will surely express our gratitude."

"Very well."

The black-clad man nodded in satisfaction and then reached into his waist pouch, producing a yellow talisman covered in cryptic symbols.

"Kid, watch and learn. I'm going to dispel the malevolent energy with a single talisman!" The black-clad man deliberately glanced at Dustin and then, with a casual and stylish movement, slapped the yellow talisman on Lord Winston's forehead.


Old Lord Torby's body trembled, and he suddenly opened his eyes.

Chapter 1373 Sudden Turn of Events

"Wake up, wake up!”

“The old man is awake!", the family cant hold their excitement.

"He truly deserves to be called a master of mysticism, his reputation is well-earned!"

"One incantation to break the malevolent forces, that's truly remarkable!"

As the dark-clothed elder's talisman drifted down, Old Lord Torby opened his eyes.

Witnessing this scene, the Torby family members couldn't help but display great joy on their faces.

So many doctors had been helpless before, but Master Heinrich, with his mystical skills, had effortlessly resolved the issue. It was truly impressive.

"Hahaha... How was it? My expert friend I brought along didn't disappoint you all, did he?" Dominic proudly exclaimed.

"Master Heinrich, your mastery of mysticism is truly divine. We're in awe," Winston quickly offered his respects.

"Master, you are indeed an extraordinary person!" the Torby family relatives chimed in, showing their admiration.

The dark-clothed elder's methods completely reshaped their understanding and made them realize the strength of these extraordinary individuals.

"Young man, what do you think? Are you convinced?" the dark-clothed elder sneered, casting a contemptuous glance at Dustin.

Even though they were colleagues, this youngster dared to challenge him for his share of the pie. It was truly overreaching.

"Master Heinrich, you'd better be careful; I don't think things are as simple as they seem," Dustin calmly remarked.

"Hmph! You're truly ignorant!" the dark-clothed elder sneered, "Do you even know what it means to break malevolent forces with a single incantation? Do you know what it means to have mastery over all forms of arts? Do you know..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the elderly Lord Torby, lying on the sickbed, suddenly sprang up. He pounced directly on the dark-clothed elder's back, sinking his teeth into the elder's ear, and then forcefully tore it off with his teeth.

The dark-clothed elder screamed in agony as blood gushed from his severed ear, spattering the ground.

"Ga-ga-ga..." Old Lord Torby grinned demonically, chewing on the dark-clothed elder's ear, his mouth smeared with blood, resembling a malevolent spirit.

"Ah! Get him off me!"

The dark-clothed elder jumped around in a panic, trying to shake off Lord Winston from his back.

However, Old Lord Torby possessed astonishing strength, firmly grasping the dark-clothed elder's body with both hands and feet, much like an octopus, refusing to let go.

"Hmm??" This sudden turn of events startled everyone.

No one had expected Old Lord Torby to suddenly turn violent, biting ears just as he had before. Wasn't this supposed to be the incantation to break malevolent forces? Wasn't it supposed to demonstrate mastery over all forms of arts?

Why wasn't it working?

Just as everyone stood there in shock, Lord Winston suddenly bit into the dark-clothed elder's face, tearing off a bloody piece of flesh.

"Ah!!!" The dark-clothed elder screamed even louder, completely losing his dignified bearing and shouting, "What are you all standing around for? Hurry! Hurry up and pull this crazy old man off me!"

"Quick! Rush in and help!"

Winston snapped out of his stupor, hastily directing people to rescue the dark-clothed elder.

However, despite their efforts to pull and tug, they couldn't pry Old Lord Torby hands loose.

"Ga-ga-ga..." Old Lord Torby laughed even more maniacally, his eyes bloodshot and menacing. He suddenly fixed his gaze on the dark-clothed elder's neck and, with one swift motion, bit down.

"Move aside!"

Seeing the situation spiraling out of control, Dustin finally took action.

He swiftly approached, pressing a finger to Old Lord Torby's forehead.

Old Lord Torby's body trembled, his eyes closed, and he immediately fell into unconsciousness.

Only then did the onlookers manage to loosen Old Lord Torby's grip and lay him back on the bed.

As for the dark-clothed elder, his entire face was covered in blood, his hair disheveled, and he looked utterly disheveled.

Chapter 1374 Failure to Win Favor

Compared to his earlier enigmatic demeanor, he was now displaying the complete opposite extreme.

"Doctor! Where's the doctor? Quickly, stop the bleeding!" The dark-clothed elder panicked and shouted, taking the words "fear of death" to the extreme.


Seeing Master Heinrich leaping around, Winston and the group of people led by Elijah couldn't help but exchange strange looks, their expressions inexplicable.

Why did this seem a bit different from what they had expected?

Where was the image of the master?

"He's gone mad! This old man has truly gone mad! He bites people on sight, eats flesh and blood, why aren't you tying him up?!" The dark-clothed elder asked angrily as he received treatment.

"Master Heinrich, I warned you earlier that my father might exhibit aggressive behavior after falling ill," Winston explained.

"This, this, is this called aggression? This is clearly cannibalism!" The dark-clothed elder couldn't save face anymore.

Winston's mouth twitched as he silently thought, "You brought this upon yourself, don't blame me, okay?"

"Cough, Master Heinrich, you've been injured. How about taking a rest for a while?" Dominic suggested awkwardly.

They had originally invited him to gain the favor of the Torby family and improve relations between the two families. But now, this ugly incident had occurred, and not only did they fail to win any favor, but they also lost face. It was truly embarrassing.

"Hmph! What bad luck!" The dark-clothed elder sat to the side and began receiving medical treatment.

"Master Heinrich, it seems your one incantation to break the malevolent forces didn't work so well," Dustin said with a sly smile.

"Do you even understand? It was just an accident. Let me try again tomorrow; I'm sure it'll work!" the dark-clothed elder declared confidently.

"I think it's better not to. Trying again might cost you your life," Dustin said calmly.

"How dare you look down on me like that?!" The dark-clothed elder became agitated and stood up abruptly, but his movements were too sudden, causing pain from his wound, and he winced.

Everyone couldn't help but chuckle at his comical appearance.

What kind of master of mysticism was he? He was nothing special.

"Dustin, stop being so sarcastic. Even if Master Heinrich made a mistake, it's not your place to comment," Dominic said with a cold expression.

"So, Master Heinrich, can you treat my father or not? If not, then let me give it a try," Dustin said, unperturbed.

"You? Do you have the ability?" Dominic sneered.

"Young man! You truly don't know your place!" The dark-clothed elder snorted, "You think you can succeed where even I, with my one incantation to break the malevolent forces, failed? Don't dream!"

"Whether I can or not, we'll find out when I try, right?" Dustin smiled.

"Very well! Since you're so eager to humiliate yourself, I'll give you a chance. I want to see what you're capable of!" The dark-clothed elder said coldly.

If they were going to lose face, they might as well do it together; that way, it wouldn't be too embarrassing.

"Young man, do you... have confidence?" Winston asked tentatively.

Even Master Heinrich had failed. Could a young kid like him really cure his father's strange illness?

"In this situation, it shouldn't get any worse, right?" Dustin replied without directly answering.

"Well, in that case, please go ahead," Winston nodded, not saying more.

Whether it worked or not, they had to try anything at this point.

Dustin approached the sickbed and began examining Old Lord Torby's body. At the same time, he explained, "Ordinary mystic arts might weaken a person's body and render them unconscious. Cases like Old Lord Torby, where he goes berserk and bites people, are very rare. To achieve this kind of effect, there's only one possibility: there must be something strange hidden near Old Lord Torby, something that keeps affecting his body."

"Hmph! Trying to deceive us with your tricks!" Dominic looked disdainful.

"Playing to the crowd!" the dark-clothed elder added scornfully.

"I've found it!"

At this moment, Dustin's eyes suddenly lit up, and he reached under the mattress.

Chapter 1375 The Jade Pendant

"Found something?"

At this, everyone instantly perked up, their gazes fixed on Dustin's hand.

Soon, a black embroidered pouch was retrieved by Dustin from under the mattress.

Opening the pouch, he emptied a red jade pendant onto his palm.

The jade pendant was circular, crimson as blood, covered in strange symbols that appeared quite eerie.

"Huh? What is this thing? How did it end up under Old Lord Torby's bed?" The Torby family members exchanged puzzled glances.

"This item is known as Blood Infiltration Jade, and it can be used as a medium in witchcraft," Dustin explained while examining the jade pendant. "Legend has it that Blood Infiltration Jade is connected to corpses. When a person has just died, a jade pendant is inserted into their mouth. With their last breath, the jade pendant is swallowed, entering their throat and spreading throughout their blood vessels. Over time, after a hundred years or so, the jade becomes imbued with deathly blood, with bloodlines leading straight to the core, forming this eerie and beautiful Blood Infiltration Jade."

This kind of treasure was extremely rare, worth a fortune, and was highly sought after by many witchcraft practitioners. Blood Infiltration Jade not only assisted in their cultivation but also enhanced the power of their witchcraft spells.

Fortunately, they discovered it in time; otherwise, in another three days, Old Lord Torby might have been beyond saving."

Upon hearing this, the Torby family members' faces changed significantly.

None of them had anticipated that such an evil object would be pressed beneath Old Lord Torby's mattress after years of lying on it.

It was clear that someone had intentionally tried to harm him!

"To enter Old Lord Torby's room and hide Blood Infiltration Jade beneath the bed, I believe an outsider couldn't have done it," Dustin said cryptically.

"I agree," Winston nodded, his mind already calculating.

Outsiders couldn't have done it; it had to be an inside job. This matter needed a thorough investigation.

"Hmph! Fear-mongering! How do we know if what you're saying is true or false?" Dominic raised doubts.

"Young Master Dominic, if you don't believe it, how about trying it yourself for a couple of days?" Dustin handed the Blood Infiltration Jade over to him.

"What are you doing? Stay away from me!" Dominic was startled and quickly backed away, afraid of getting contaminated by anything.

"Dustin, we'll investigate the matter of the Blood Infiltration Jade ourselves. The biggest question now is whether you can cure Old Lord Torby's illness," Sophia suddenly spoke, her expression as indifferent as ever.

"Of course, it won't be a problem."

Dustin took out silver needles and proceeded to pierce Old Lord Torby's pressure points: the sleep-inducing point, the bubbling spring point (a point on the sole of the foot, just in front of the arch and centered side to side; lateral to the back of the ball of the foot), the huiyin point (the area between the scrotum and the anus) and the shenmen point (is on the underside of the wrist, just under the bottom of the hand).

Finally, he flicked his fingers, causing the silver needles to tremble, and streams of profound and clear true energy flowed into Old Lord Torby's body.

After a moment, Old Lord Torby's furrowed brow gradually relaxed.

His tense muscles also began to relax.

His originally pallid face finally regained a hint of color.

Three minutes later, Dustin withdrew the silver needles.

"Is it done just like that?" Sophia raised an eyebrow, somewhat skeptical.

"More or less," Dustin nodded and explained, "Witchcraft, in essence, is a form of alternative energy, you can think of it as a kind of poison. However, this poison doesn't harm the physical body; it targets a person's vitality and spirit. Mental strength can vary in strength. A strong person can largely resist the poison of witchcraft, while someone with a frail constitution will be more susceptible to its effects. If I'm not mistaken, Old Lord Torby's physical condition isn't too good on normal days, am I right?"

Chapter 1376 Torby's Hospitality

"That's right, that's right! My grandpa has been frequently ill, and each time, he has to lie in bed for quite a while," Isabela nodded repeatedly.

"So, this has provided the spellcaster with an opportunity," Dustin said with a faint smile. "In reality, curing Old Lord Torby isn't difficult at all. We just need to get rid of this Blood Infiltration Jade and stabilize his spirit. There shouldn't be any major issues. The needles I just used were meant to induce sleep and stabilize his spirit. Additionally, I will prescribe some calming medication. If he follows the prescription for ten days or so, Old Lord Torby will be back to his lively self."

"Really? It's that simple? Why do I feel like you're just fooling us?" Dominic continued to question.

"Simple?" Dustin raised an eyebrow. "If we hadn't found this Blood Infiltration Jade, Old Lord Torby might not have much time left."

"None of us understands what you're talking about. I just hope that Old Lord Torby can wake up as soon as possible," Sophia said.

"Old Lord Torby has just fallen asleep, and it's essential to let him rest without disturbance at this time to avoid complicating matters," Dustin explained.

"Hmph! You've said everything. Why should we believe you? We demand a clear answer: when will Old Lord Torby wake up?" Dominic continued to confront him.

"He will recover quickly, and he should wake up tonight at the latest, but certainly no later than tomorrow," Dustin replied.

"Good! Then we'll wait one more day. If Old Lord Torby doesn't wake up tomorrow, I'll accuse you of attempting to profit at the expense of his life!" Dominic declared sternly.

"Suit yourself," Dustin shrugged, not bothering to engage.

Just a clown jumping around, not worth paying attention to.

"Dr Rhys, you've worked hard. You can rest here today, and let our Torby family show our gratitude as hosts," Winston smiled and, without waiting for Dustin's refusal, raised his hand and gave a direct order: "Someone! Prepare a guest room for Dr Rhys, and make sure to serve him fine wine and dishes. Don't neglect our guest!"

"Uncle's hospitality is hard to refuse, so I won't decline," Dustin smiled faintly.

He naturally understood that Winston had kept him here because of his lack of trust. If Old Lord Torby woke up tomorrow, everyone would be overjoyed. If not, it would be a different story.

"Isabela, take Dustin around and familiarize him with the surroundings," Sophia said.

"No problem!" Isabela smiled sweetly. "Dustin, come on, I'll show you around the garden!"

With that, she took Dustin's hand and headed out.


Seeing this, Dominic immediately blocked their way, a sycophantic smile on his face. "I have a few things I'd like to discuss with you. Can you give me a chance?"

"No!" Isabela's face hardened. "Get out of the way!"

"Isabela, I just need five minutes, and then I'll leave," Dominic pleaded anxiously.

"I won't listen! Get out of my way!"

Isabela forcefully stepped on Dominic's foot, and while he cried out in pain, she quickly pulled Dustin away.

"Isabela... Isabela!"

Dominic gritted his teeth, limping as he chased after them.

"Sophia, do you believe what that kid said?" After the others had left, Winston began whispering to his wife.

"I believe half and doubt half," Sophia replied indifferently. "This young man has an unclear background and is shrouded in mystery. Approaching our Torby family, he may have ulterior motives."

"Do you think I should have someone investigate?" Winston asked.

"Of course, we must investigate," Sophia said, a glint of coldness in her eyes. "If this young man truly harbors ill intentions, we cannot let him stay!"

Chapter 1377 The Unwavering Feelings

The situation with Old Lord Torby was temporarily stable. Due to concerns about Dustin, Winston had kept him there and had people monitor him closely.

Dustin followed Isabela and explored the streets near the Torby family residence. The Torby family owned various businesses in the area, including bars, KTVs, hotels, and casinos. They practically controlled all the entertainment facilities within a ten-mile radius, making a substantial income.

After they had fun for a while, Isabela took Dustin to a nearby upscale restaurant for dinner. However, just as they had taken their seats, the restaurant's doors swung open.

Dominic, who refused to give up, entered holding a large bouquet of flowers and gazed at them with longing.

"Hmph! What are you doing here?" Isabela's face immediately turned stern when she saw him.

*Ding dong.*

Without any extra movements, Dominic knelt down on the spot, holding the bouquet with a remorseful expression. "Isabela, I'm sorry. I know I was wrong. Please forgive me."

"What?" This sudden turn of events startled Isabela. She hadn't expected Dominic, who usually had a strong ego and valued his image greatly, to kneel down and apologize publicly. This action left her feeling overwhelmed and unsure how to respond.

"You... Are you crazy? What are you doing?" Isabela inched back, a mixture of embarrassment and anger on her face.

"Isabela, I'm serious."

Kneeling on both knees with the bouquet in hand, Dominic spoke earnestly, "I know I made a mistake, and I know you find it hard to believe me. But I swear I have unwavering feelings for you! Over these past few days, I've reflected deeply on my actions. I regret what I did. I hope you can give me another chance, even just one. Let me prove the sincerity of my heart. Isabela, I love you, truly and deeply. I can't live without you. Please, forgive me."

His last few sentences were spoken with profound emotion, deeply touching everyone in the restaurant.

"Hmph! Now you know you were wrong? Why didn't you realize it earlier? Let me tell you, I'll never forgive you, you scumbag!"

Isabela crossed her arms, deliberately putting on a cold expression. However, sitting across from the table, Dustin could sense that Isabela's tone had softened.

Dominic's public act of kneeling and the heartfelt words he had spoken were indeed a powerful move. For women, such gestures were often irresistible.

"Hmph! If you're going to kneel, then kneel away! What's that got to do with me?" Isabela moved back a bit, appearing both shy and angry.

"Isabela, if you don't forgive me today, I'll kneel for as long as it takes, even until I die!" Dominic declared with a determined expression.

"What are you doing? Let go!" Isabela's face showed surprise as she tried to pull her leg away. However, she found that she couldn't break free from Dominic's grip.

"Little sister, they say that a wanderer's return is worth a thousand words. This young man has realized his mistake. Give him a chance," one of the restaurant patrons said.

"That's right, between couples, there will always be disgreements. No matter what happened, the key is that he is sorry about it."

Chapter 1378 The Diamond Ring

"Pretty lady, it's not easy to find a boyfriend who genuinely cares for you nowadays. I think this handsome guy is pretty good. He completely gave up his dignity to win you back. If my boyfriend were half as good as him, I'd wake up from my dreams laughing."

The onlookers in the restaurant started offering words of encouragement, one after another. Kneeling in public to apologize to a woman demonstrated such sincerity that it was genuinely moving.

"Isabela, please forgive me," Dominic pleaded.

"I swear that I will wholeheartedly devote myself to you in the future. If I ever act disloyal, may heaven strike me with thunder!"

Dominic knelt on the floor, lifted his arm, extended three fingers, and made a solemn oath.

This resolute gesture stirred some genuine emotions in Isabela's heart. However, she pretended to be angry and said, "Dominic, you're saying this too late. I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it. Now, Dustin is my boyfriend."

After saying this, she firmly held onto Dustin's arm to emphasize her point.

"Dustin?" Dominic frowned. "Isabela, how can you even compare this kid to me? Look at him. He has no status, no abilities. He's just a con artist. He's not even fit to hold your shoes!"

"Shut up!" Isabela snapped. "I won't allow you to insult Dustin!"

"Isabela, we'll be a real couple’ in the future, even though we are couple ‘by label’ for now," Dominic said.

"Who told you we're a couple? You have no shame!" Isabela retorted.

"Isabela, we will be real couple in the future, so why not now?" Dominic asked. "I truly love you. Please, marry me."

With these words, Dominic suddenly took out a jewelry box from his pocket and slowly opened it. Inside was a massive pink diamond ring, which sparkled brilliantly under the sunlight, captivating everyone in the vicinity.

Such a large and beautiful pink diamond ring was worth at least several million, and it wasn't something you could easily purchase.

"Hmph! Do you think you can buy me with a diamond ring? You're dreaming!" Isabela sneaked a glance at the ring but immediately turned away, feigning indifference.

"Isabela, I'm doing this because I genuinely care about you. You should know that we are a perfect match. We truly love each other. Moreover, we're already engaged, at least in name. Who is Dustin compared to me? Why should you be with him?" Dominic argued.

"Ugh! You think you can just use a ring to win me over? Dream on!" Isabela rolled her eyes, maintaining her cold demeanor.

"Isabela, no matter what, we'll eventually be together. I truly love you. Please, marry me," Dominic repeated earnestly.

Isabela was momentarily taken aback. She glanced at Dustin, who was sitting across from her, and then back at the ring.

"Isabela, just how would you consider forgiving me? Did this guy say something bad about me behind my back?" Dominic suddenly turned his gaze toward Dustin and angrily asked, "You there! Are you trying to take my woman? You dare to insult me? I challenge you to a duel!"

"None of my business," Dustin replied casually.

"Hmph! You're backing down, aren't you? Coward!" Dominic sneered. "For the sake of Isabela, I can disregard my life. What about you? You don't even have the courage to fight me. You don't deserve Isabela. If you have any sense, you should leave now. Otherwise, don't blame me for teaching you a lesson!"

"Dominic! You're going too far!" Isabela scolded. This guy was acting like he had gone mad.

"Disregard my life, huh?" Dustin raised an eyebrow and nodded. "Fine, since you like fighting so much, I'll give you a chance."

Chapter 1379 The Slap

"Dustin, don't act impulsively. You can't beat him!" Isabela quickly tried to reason with him.

Dominic had practiced martial arts since childhood and was physically strong, capable of taking on multiple opponents. In contrast, Dustin was just a doctor, and challenging a martial artist like Dominic would be suicidal.

"Rest assured, I don't take someone like him seriously," Dustin replied calmly.

Dominic was merely a martial artist with internal energy, formidable against ordinary people but still susceptible to defeat when facing a skilled opponent.

"Kid, you can act arrogant all you want, but soon you'll understand the vast difference between us," Dominic sneered with confidence.

"Dustin, don't try to pick a fight with me, or I'll prove how much I love you," Dominic declared solemnly.

"You... you're so unreasonable!" Isabela muttered, though strangely enough, she found herself somewhat anticipating this situation. Two men were competing for her affections, a scenario she had never experienced before, and it satisfied her vanity.

"Dustin, don't let me be the one accused of bullying you. Look at your skinny arms and legs. I'll give you three moves," Dominic taunted.

"No need for nonsense; let's get on with it. I'm in a hurry. The sooner we finish, the sooner I can eat," Dustin replied, extending a single hand as if beckoning for the fight to begin.

This dismissive gesture infuriated Dominic.

"You're looking for trouble!" Dominic huffed and puffed, taking a quick step forward and launching a powerful punch directly at Dustin's face.

The punch was fierce, with enough force to break through a door.


However, just as it was about to connect, Dustin suddenly slapped him across the face, causing Dominic to stagger.


Dominic was left in a daze, his face stinging from the slap. He couldn't immediately comprehend what had just happened.

What was going on?

What had just occurred?

Why did my face hurt so much?


Before Dominic could react, Dustin delivered another powerful slap across his face, sending him flying and landing face-first on the ground.


Isabela stood there in shock, her face full of disbelief.

Initially, she had thought that Dominic would win, but now, Dustin had proven to be even more formidable, defeating him with just two slaps.

Swift and fierce.

"You... how dare you hit me?" Dominic grumbled in confusion. He touched his sore face, trying to regain his composure.

"Dominic! I warned you not to mess around!" Isabela scolded him, though she herself couldn't help but be bewildered.

She knew Dominic's actions were improper, but for some reason, she was inexplicably excited. Two men were fighting over her, and it was a novel experience for her.

"Dustin, don't think I'm bullying you. Wait until you realize the extent of the gap between us," Dominic said angrily.

"Is that all the skill you've got?" Dustin shook his head. His words were calm, but to Dominic, they felt like a provocation, further fueling his rage.

"You damn bastard! I'll kill you!" Dominic gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

With that, he drew a knife from his pocket and lunged toward Dustin's chest.

If their previous interaction had been a duel, this was now an attempt at murder.

"You're asking for it!" Dustin's eyes turned cold. He reached out and grabbed Dominic's wrist, then with a crisp sound, he broke it.


Chapter 1380 Ironic

Dominic let out a piercing scream, but before he could finish, Dustin's iron grip closed around his throat, silencing him. Dominic struggled to breathe, his face turning red, and veins popping on his neck. His legs kicked wildly, but it was in vain.

The fear of death overwhelmed him, and he could hardly utter a word.

"Let... let me go," Dominic managed to croak in a hoarse voice.

"You couldn't win in a fair fight, so you resorted to using a knife? Willing to sacrifice your face?" Dustin asked, his fingertips slowly applying pressure to Dominic's throat, choking off his attempts to scream.

Dominic's breathing became labored, and his face turned purple as he gasped for air. Despite his frantic struggles, he couldn't break free from Dustin's iron grip.

"Stop hurting him!" a voice shouted from behind, and a moment later, a wine bottle smashed against the back of Dustin's head.

In an instant, glass shattered, and wine sprayed in all directions.

"Hmm?" Dustin frowned slightly and turned to see Isabela holding the broken half of a wine bottle, her face filled with panic.

After a moment of stunned silence, Isabela suddenly realized her actions and exclaimed, "Ah!" She dropped the broken bottle, her eyes filled with guilt. "Du... Dustin, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I was afraid you'd hurt Dominic, which would get you into big trouble."

"Dominic is the young master of the Stratford family, with a powerful background. You can't afford to offend him, and I... I was just concerned about you."

Isabela's eyes darted around as she tried to explain herself, but the more she spoke, the guiltier she looked.

Dustin reached up to touch the remnants of wine on the back of his head, his brow furrowing deeper.

Isabela's sudden attack with the wine bottle had been completely unexpected, without any warning. She had targeted the back of his head, and if he were an ordinary person, he might have been seriously injured or knocked out.

It was clear that, in Isabela's eyes, Dustin's position was far lower than that of Dominic. She had been willing to sacrifice him to save Dominic.

Thinking about this, Dustin suddenly felt foolish.

He had treated Isabela as a friend, gone out of his way to help her multiple times, and even acted as a shield to protect her from the scumbag Dominic. But what had he gained in return? Instead of gratitude, he had been repaid with a wine bottle to the head.

He now realized that he had been naive.

Disappointed, Dustin shook his head. He released his grip on Dominic, allowing him to collapse to the ground.

"Dominic, are you okay?" Isabela rushed over, her face filled with worry as she carefully examined his injuries.

She didn't truly hate Dominic; her anger and jealousy had driven her actions. Now, seeing him injured, she couldn't help but feel a deep sense of concern.

"Cough... cough..."

Dominic coughed and rubbed his neck, trying to regain his composure. Once he had caught his breath, he forced a smile and said, "I'm fine, these minor injuries are nothing. As long as you can forgive me, I'm willing to risk my life for you!"

This was an excellent opportunity to play the victim, and he didn't want to miss it.

"You're such a fool!" Isabela said, both happy and touched by his words.

It seemed that Dominic had truly changed for her. He was now willing to duel and risk his life for her love. His sincere feelings were indeed rare.

She decided to forgive him. After all, who among us is without flaws?

"Hehe... after all that commotion, it turns out I was the clown all along," Dustin muttered to himself with a self-deprecating smile.

After some twists and turns, the once-conflicted Isabela and Dominic had chosen to reconcile. However, in his efforts to help, Dustin had become a manipulated sacrificial lamb, cast as the ultimate villain.

How ironic.
Chapter 1536 Success or Death?

"Maximus, did you smell something?"

At this moment, Elijah seemed to sense something and suddenly sniffed.

"You mean, the smell of medicine?"

Maximus tilted his head, puzzled. "It has been there all along. What's wrong?"

"This time it's different, a bit special."

Elijah approached the door, crouched down, and began carefully sniffing the scent coming from the door crack.


Suddenly, the tightly closed door opened.

Dustin was about to come out and saw Elijah crouching on the ground in a strange posture, curiously asking, "Doctor Elijah, what's wrong with you? Stomach ache?"

"Ah, this..."

Elijah awkwardly smiled, then immediately reacted and asked, "Mr Rhys, how is it? Did you successfully refine the Bone Cleansing Pill?"


Dustin sighed lightly, showing a regretful look.

Seeing this scene, Elijah's whole body stiffened, his face turned pale, and he trembled, "F-Failure?"

It's over, it's over. The refinement of the Bone Cleansing Pill failed, and all the spirit medicines were wasted.

Lorenzo, it seems like there's no hope!

"It's not a complete failure. I planned to refine a top-grade Bone Cleansing Pill, but unexpectedly, I only produced a high-grade one, slightly lower in quality," Dustin shook his head.


Elijah's mouth twitched, but in his heart, he was roaring.

Was this the time to pursue quality?

As long as it works, why bother about it?

Also, could you stop putting on such a gloomy look?

I’m an old man and can't withstand your prank at my age!

"So... you succeeded in refining it?" Elijah tentatively asked.

"Of course, I won't do things without confidence."

Dustin smiled and nodded, taking out the blue Bone Cleansing Pill at the same time.

Elijah took it and looked at it. He couldn't help but be ecstatic. "Great, great! Master Lorenzo is finally saved!"

Dustin spent a day and night alchemizing, and Elijah had been waiting outside for a day and night as well.

Now, the hanging heart was finally put down.

"Doctor Elijah, there's no time to lose. Give Uncle Lorenzo the medicine first," Dustin reminded.

"Oh, right, right... saving people is urgent!"

Elijah didn't dare to hesitate. He held the Bone Cleansing Pill with both hands and rushed into Lorenzo's bedroom.

At this moment, Lorenzo still looked the same, emaciated, as white as paper, with weak breathing, resembling a dead person.

"Mr Rhys, is there any taboo about taking the Bone Cleansing Pill?" Elijah suddenly asked.

"No, just put it directly into his mouth," Dustin said.

"Good, good, good."

Elijah carefully opened Lorenzo's mouth and gently placed the Bone Cleansing Pill inside.

The pill melted upon entering, and a blue medicinal liquid flowed into Lorenzo's body through his throat.

The gentle medicinal properties slowly repaired Lorenzo's damaged meridians.

Starting from the heart, then the internal organs, and then the bones and flesh.

After absorbing the Bone Cleansing Pill, Lorenzo's body gradually blossomed with vitality.

As if a withered tree met the spring.

They could clearly see that Lorenzo's pale face was gradually regaining a healthy color, and his breathing became stronger.

A trace of impurities and dirt emitted from various pores.

Half a day later.

Lorenzo, who had been in a coma for ten years, finally slowly opened his eyes!

Chapter 1537 Awaken

"He’s awake, He’s awake, Sir Lorenzo is awake!"

Watching as Lorenzo opened his eyes, Elijah was overjoyed, extremely excited.

Ten years, a full ten years!

The person he had guarded day and night had finally awakened.

This joy couldn't be described in words.

"Thank heavens, everything went smoothly."

Looking at Lorenzo, Dustin's eyes were slightly red with joy, unable to contain his excitement.

Indeed, only the Bone Cleansing Pill could cure Lorenzo's illness, and it was worth all the effort.

"Elijah, where am I? And why do you look so old?"

On the sickbed, Lorenzo looked around, his gaze confused, finally fixing on Elijah.

His voice was dry and hoarse, sounding uncomfortable.

"Sir Lorenzo, you're in a safe place, no need to worry. As for the 'old' part..."

Elijah touched his own face, smiling bitterly, "It's been ten years since we last met. How can I not age?"

"Ten years?"

Lorenzo was momentarily stunned, then quickly realized, widening his eyes in shock, "Are you saying I've been in a coma for a whole ten years?!"

"That's right."

Elijah nodded, "In these ten years, I tried everything, but couldn't cure you. Thanks to divine doctor Dustin refining the Bone Cleansing Pill, he brought you back from the brink of death."

"Divine doctor Dustin?"

Lorenzo turned to look at Dustin, somewhat puzzled, "So, this young man saved me."


Elijah praised with a smile, "Divine doctor Dustin is not only skilled in medicine but also in alchemy and mysticism. He's truly a versatile talent."

"Thank you, young brother, for saving my life."

Lorenzo struggled to sit up but found his limbs weak and unable to support him.

Even with the Bone Cleansing Pill repairing his body and rebuilding his meridians, he couldn't bounce back in a short time after lying down for ten years.

"Uncle Lorenzo, it's been ten years. Can't you recognize me?"

Dustin endured his excitement.

"What? Do you know me?"

Lorenzo looked him up and down, "Young brother does seem familiar. I wonder which acquaintance you are."

"Uncle Lorenzo, it's me, Logan."

Dustin trembled as he spoke.

"Lo... Logan?"

Hearing this, Lorenzo couldn't help but widen his eyes, an unbelieving expression on his face, "You... are you really Logan?"

"As genuine as it gets."

Dustin didn't explain much, instead, he took off his clothes, revealing the Kirin tattoo on his body.

The tattoo was entirely black, with crimson eyes, vivid and domineering.

"Logan... you really are Logan!"

Looking at the familiar Kirin tattoo, Lorenzo cried tears of joy, tears streaming down.

Trembling, he struggled to get out of bed, and with a "thud," he knelt on the ground, bowing his head, and said in a trembling voice, " Ultimate Dragon Vanguard, Central Army, Captain General Lorenzo Doley, pays respects to His Royal Highness!"

As soon as these words were spoken, Elijah next to him was thunderstruck, standing dumbfounded.

Logan? His Royal Highness?

Oh my goodness! Could the person in front of him be the legendary peerless genius, Rhys Clan's Kirin, Logan?

Chapter 1538 I Failed!

"Uncle Lorenzo, what are you doing? Please, get up quickly!"

Dustin quickly crouched down and helped Lorenzo, who was kneeling on the ground, to stand up.

"Your Highness, it's my incompetence. I failed to protect the princess and ensure your safety. Please, punish me!" Lorenzo cried tears.

"Uncle Lorenzo, what are you saying? If it weren't for your desperate efforts back then, I wouldn't be alive," Dustin comforted.

"All the brothers from the Ultimate Dragon Vanguard died, and I'm the only one still alive. I feel guilty towards the prince, the princess, and everyone!" Lorenzo's voice choked.

"Uncle Lorenzo, you don't need to blame yourself. You did your best. Seeing you alive makes me happy. It's my fault for everything. If not for me, you wouldn't have been in a coma for ten years. If not for me, the brothers from the Ultimate Dragon Vanguard wouldn't have sacrificed in vain. I owe you all an apology," Dustin's eyes were reddened.

The memories of that year were still vivid in his mind.

He witnessed his guards and friends sacrificing themselves to protect him, falling one by one in a pool of blood.

Heroic and resolute.

He couldn't forget each person's name and face.

"Your Highness is the ruler, and we are your servants. It's only natural for servants to sacrifice for their ruler. As long as Your Highness is alive, our sacrificed brothers won't have died in vain," Lorenzo wiped away tears.

"Servants and rulers are just nonsense. You are all my friends and family. No one should sacrifice their lives for me. I owe you all," Dustin looked guilty.

"With Your Highness saying that, our sacrificed brothers should be able to rest in peace," Lorenzo cried and smiled.

Despite the significant changes in the past ten years, the unchanged bond of friendship persisted.

"Uncle Lorenzo, although it might not be the best time to ask, I still want to know what happened back then. Who was the real mastermind?" Dustin's face turned serious.


Hearing this, Lorenzo hesitated, sighed after a while, and said, "Your Highness, let's forget about the events of that year. Don't pursue it any further. As long as you are safe, that's more important."

"Uncle Lorenzo, my mother was killed, and so many brothers and sisters died saving me. I can't pretend that it didn't happen. No matter what, I have to find out the truth!" Dustin's eyes were determined.

The vengeance of killing his mother and friends was insurmountable.

"Your Highness, some matters are not as simple as you think. Even the King of Theswe has stopped pursuing it. Why bother?" Lorenzo's expression was complicated.

"King Rufus is King Rufus, and I am me. He has concerns, and I don't. He dares not seek revenge, but I dare!" Dustin's face was resolute. "I'll say it again, no matter who the culprit is, no matter how powerful they are, even if it's the current emperor, I will make them pay!"

As these words came out, Elijah and Maximus beside them were directly stunned.

Too ruthless, wasn't it?

Daring to challenge even the emperor, was he going to be an enemy of the entire country?

"Your Highness..."

Lorenzo clenched his fists, looking conflicted.

He didn't know whether he should speak. With the character of the person in front of him, once he started investigating, he would definitely be in a dangerous situation.

The waters here were too deep.

Even the powerful West Lucozia King had to endure silently, let alone the current powerless Logan?

"Uncle Lorenzo, you don't need to worry. Just speak your mind," Dustin said seriously. "Of course, if you really can't say it, I won't force you, but I will continue to investigate, and I won't give up!"


Upon hearing this, Lorenzo couldn't help but sigh lightly. In the end, he compromised, "Since Your Highness is so eager to know, I won't hide it, but I hope you won't act recklessly."

"I understand. Without certainty, I won't act impulsively," Dustin nodded.

"Actually, I don't know much about the events of that year, but there is one person who must know the inside story."

"Oh? Who is it?"

"Lord Hawkwing Lockwood!"

Chapter 1539 The King of Ashencrest

" Hawkwing Lockwood?"

Upon hearing this name, Dustin furrowed his brow slightly. "The name sounds familiar. What's his background?"

"Your Highness may not be familiar with King Hawkwing Lockwood, but you must know the King of Ashencrest," Lorenzo said with a serious expression.

"So, it's him!" Dustin's pupils contracted.

The King of Ashencrest was the younger brother of the current emperor and stood out among the numerous imperial relatives.

Ten years ago, he was also an outstanding figure.

However, for some unknown reason, the King of Ashencrest suddenly disappeared, and no one knew his whereabouts.

"Uncle Lorenzo, are you saying that the assassination incident back then is related to the King of Ashencrest?" Dustin inquired.

"I dare not say there's a direct connection, but the King of Ashencrest is definitely someone who knows something," Lorenzo said.

"Oh? Why do you say that?" Dustin narrowed his eyes.

"The King of Ashencrest had a close relationship with your father. When we were attacked outside Bayhaven ten years ago, we sought help from the King of Ashencrest immediately, but received no response," Lorenzo explained with a complicated expression. "Afterward, the King of Ashencrest chose to disappear and no longer interfere in court affairs. It's clear that he's avoiding something."

"That does seem suspicious, but the reason isn't convincing enough," Dustin shook his head.

Behind this matter, there might be the shadow of imperial power, but the King of Ashencrest's influence seemed insufficient.

"Actually, before the incident happened, the King (Rufus) had noticed something was amiss and secretly investigated," Lorenzo continued. "He specifically cautioned us to be careful and not trust anyone, even the King of Ashencrest."

"But due to mere suspicion and lack of substantial evidence, the King (Rufus) strengthened precautions without taking any drastic actions."

"However, none of us expected the mastermind behind the scenes to be so powerful. They not only planted a spy by the King's side but also forged military orders, temporarily transferring the King to the border."

"By the time the King realized it, it was already too late. Your Highness should be aware of the subsequent events."

"The reason I say the King of Ashencrest is suspicious is not a baseless guess. It's because from the very beginning, the King suspected this former friend of ours."

"Your Highness, I only know these things," Lorenzo didn't hide anything and explained the whole situation in detail.

After listening, Dustin's face became somewhat gloomy.

As Lorenzo said, the King of Ashencrest might not be the real culprit, but he certainly knew something.

Finding the King of Ashencrest might reveal the truth of that year.

"Uncle Lorenzo, do you know where the King of Ashencrest is hiding?" Dustin asked.

"I've been in a coma for ten years. I only remember some things from that year. I have no idea what happened later," Lorenzo shook his head.

"Who saved me back then? How did I end up in Healwell Clinic? Do you remember?" Dustin asked again.

"I don't know the identity of the person who saved me. All I know is that his surname is Blair. I don't know anything else," Lorenzo shook his head again.

"What about Doctor Elijah? Do you know this Mr Blair?" Dustin suddenly turned his head.

"To be honest, for the past ten years, Mr Blair has appeared once a year to inquire about Sir Lorenzo's condition. However, every time we meet, Mr Blair wears a mask and never reveals his true face," Elijah answered truthfully.

"It seems that this Mr Blair is also a key figure," Dustin began to contemplate.

There were now two clues: the King of Ashencrest, Donovan, and the mysterious Mr Blair.

As for Mr Blair, for now, he could be ruled out as an enemy since he had helped save Lorenzo.

Chapter 1540 Let it Go

The current priority was to find the King of Ashencrest and inquire about the truth of that year.

"Uncle Lorenzo, you just woke up, take a good rest first, and let me know if you need anything." Dustin helped Lorenzo lie down on the bed.

"Your Highness!" Lorenzo suddenly grabbed Dustin's arm, his expression solemn. "The events of the past are already in the past. Let it go. If you continue to investigate, you will only bring disaster upon yourself. I believe the Queen (Dustin’s mom) in heaven only hopes for you to live well!"

"Uncle Lorenzo, this matter is my burden and my sin. If I don't investigate it thoroughly, I won't be able to get past this hurdle in my lifetime," Dustin said.

"Sigh..." Seeing the firm gaze of the person in front of him, Lorenzo could only sigh lightly and remained silent.

He knew that with Dustin's stubborn character, once he decided on something, he wouldn't easily give up.

"Uncle Lorenzo, your task now is to rest and recover. Don't worry about these trivial matters. I am here, rest well," Dustin comforted with a smile before turning and leaving the villa.

Lorenzo was safe and sound now, and the hanging heart finally dropped.

The biggest goal now was to find the hidden King of Ashencrest, Donovan.

To achieve this, the person in Bayhaven was the one who could help.

After leaving the villa, Dustin dialed the mysterious number again.

Soon, a lazy female voice came through the phone, "Hey, why are you calling again? Didn't I give you the Ice Heart Lotus you asked for last time?"

"Regarding the matter of the Ice Heart Lotus, I must thank you," Dustin began with a polite phrase before getting to the point. "The reason I'm calling you this time is to inquire about something."

"Stop, stop, stop..." The woman hurriedly interrupted, "Logan, oh Logan, don't push your luck. We've agreed before that I would help you only once. Aren't we settled? Do you want to go back on your word?"

"The previous favor has indeed been settled, but if you're willing to help me this time, consider it as me owing you a favor. In the future, if you encounter any difficulties, I won't refuse to help," Dustin said earnestly.

"Ah..." Hearing this, the woman couldn't help but sigh, "Logan, you shouldn't take advantage. We agreed only for one time. Do you want to be inconsistent? Besides, I already have some influence in the palace. What help can you offer me that I cannot get from here?" the woman questioned.

"Everyone encounters difficulties. The more friends, the more backup plans you will have. Consider it an investment. The reputation of our Rhys family, you should know," Dustin replied.

"Hmm, that sounds good." The woman hesitated for a moment and said, "Alright, tell me what you want to ask. If it's not too troublesome, I might consider it."

"I want to inquire about the King of Ashencrest," Dustin said straightforwardly. "Ten years ago, the King of Ashencrest suddenly disappeared. I want to know where he went and where he is now."

"The King of Ashencrest? Why do you want to inquire about him?" the woman asked, puzzled.

"The divine secrets must not be revealed. Knowing too much might cause trouble for you," Dustin deliberately teased.

"Well then, keep it to yourself. I hate trouble the most," the woman clearly lost interest.

"Do we have a deal?" Dustin asked tentatively.

"For the sake of your mother, I'll help you one more time. But remember, this is the last time!" the woman's tone became serious.

"No problem," Dustin agreed. "How long will it take for you to get results?"

"Three days. I'll give you an answer in three days. Wait for it," she said before hanging up the phone.
Thank you Jungal2000 for your translations. I know it's almost midnight in your location, but will there be anymore chapters today after 1540?
Chapter 1531 Jade Card

"Uncle, now that we have the goods, can we slip away?" Abigail asked.

"No hurry," Dustin shook his head. "If we leave early, it's easy to arouse suspicion. Let's wait a bit longer. Once someone takes a stand, we can leave."

"Alright, since there's food, drinks, and entertainment here—all for free—I'm not in a hurry to leave. I'd hate to miss out on all this." Abigail smiled.

"Mr Steelwing..."

At this moment, Dahlia walked over, smiling, "Thanks to your timely help earlier, or I would have already become a tiger's meal. This is a small token of my appreciation. I hope you'll accept it."

As she spoke, she took out a jade card and handed it over.

The back of the jade card was carved with dragons and phoenixes, exquisite in design. On the front, a large character "Duskshire" was engraved.

"Lord Dahlia, there's no need to be so polite. It was just a small effort. Besides, even if I hadn't helped, I believe there would have been many brave heroes to the rescue," Dustin said, not wanting to take credit.

"Regardless, you saved me. I have to express my gratitude somehow. This jade card is The Duskshire's honorary guest token. In the future, if you need anything, you can use this jade card to find me, and I will do my best to help," Dahlia pushed the jade card forward again.

"Well..." Dustin hesitated to speak.

"Sister, is the jade card you gave valuable?" Abigail asked with anticipation.

"Valuable?" Dahlia was slightly stunned, then nodded with a smile, "Yes."

The honorary guest token of The Duskshire was considered priceless. With it, one had the support of The Duskshire, an opportunity that even many wealthy people would be unable to obtain.

"Hehe, then we'll take it!" Hearing it was valuable, Abigail accepted the jade card without hesitation.

Even if she didn't use it, she could sell it to someone else. Such treasures were not to be missed.

"Thank you, Lord Dahlia," Dustin also stopped refusing.

Excessive politeness could make people suspicious of ulterior motives.

"Mr Steelwing, take your time enjoying. I won't disturb you," Dahlia nodded politely and prepared to leave.

"Lord Dahlia, wait a moment."

Suddenly, Dustin called out.

"Mr Steelwing, is there anything else?" Dahlia turned back, curious.

"Lord Dahlia, since you gave me a jade card, allow me to offer you a few words in return," Dustin said seriously. "Today, the Grimshade Sabertooth suddenly went berserk. It shouldn't be an accident but a deliberate act to frame someone."

"Deliberate act?" Dahlia frowned slightly. "Mr Steelwing, why do you say that?"

"The Grimshade Sabertooth showed no abnormalities before, but as it approached you, it seemed to be stimulated suddenly and attacked. Don't you find it strange?" Dustin asked.

"It is indeed a bit strange, but I still don't understand the reason behind it," Dahlia shook her head.

The idea that the Grimshade Sabertooth had a spirit, could distinguish right from wrong, was something she naturally didn't believe.

"If I'm not mistaken, someone may have tampered with something on your body," Dustin analyzed.

"What do you mean?" Dahlia was puzzled.

"Your perfume has a strange smell," Abigail suddenly spoke up, sniffing the air.

"Does it?" Dahlia checked herself, not sensing anything unusual. "My perfume is nothing special, many people use it."

"It's not the perfume itself, but someone added something to it—something with a bloody smell," Abigail quickly concluded after another sniff.

"You're right," Dustin nodded in agreement. "With the sense of smell of ordinary people, it's hard to detect a faint bloody odor. However, animals have a natural advantage in this regard. The Grimshade Sabertooth probably caught onto this abnormality."

"That makes sense," Dahlia nodded understandingly.

No wonder the Grimshade Sabertooth went berserk the moment it approached; someone had tampered with her perfume.

"Uncle, I have another question," Abigail tapped her chin, looking thoughtful. "You said earlier that the Grimshade Sabertooth is highly intelligent and has been tamed before. If it was just a bit of a bloody smell, it shouldn't have been so aggressive, right?"

"That's the key issue," Dustin said seriously. "If the bloody smell on Lord Dahlia is from a companion or offspring of the Grimshade Sabertooth..."

"I understand!" Abigail suddenly realized. "The Grimshade Sabertooth, smelling the scent of its own kind, mistakenly thought that Lord Dahlia was the murderer of its kin. That's why it went berserk."

"High probability," Dustin nodded.

If it wasn't for revenge, the Grimshade Sabertooth wouldn't have gone so crazy.

"This plot to harm people is really clever!" Abigail exclaimed. "First, they presented the Grimshade Sabertooth as a gift, then spread rumors to tarnish your reputation, and finally, they used the bloody smell to identify the target. If Dahlia had really been killed, not only would she have lost her life in vain, but she would also have to bear the blame and suspicion. This scheme is just ruthless!"

Upon hearing this, Dahlia's brows furrowed, her face turning somewhat unsightly.

If the two were not mistaken in their judgment, then she had already guessed who the mastermind was—Ignatius.

However, she couldn't understand why Ignatius would do such a thing.

They had no grievances or enmity, so why resort to such lethal measures?

"Lord Dahlia, I believe you already know who the culprit is. Be careful in the days to come," Dustin reminded her solemnly.

People like Ignatius, who were decisive and resolute, would not easily give up once they decided to do something.

Although he had failed today, there would be opportunities in the future.

Even with the protection of Lord Eugene, Dahlia was still just a little lamb in front of Ignatius, who was currently at the height of his power.

"Thank you for the reminder, Mr Steelwing. I will be vigilant at all times," Dahlia nodded.

After a brief hesitation, Dustin took out a business card and handed it over, saying, "Lord Dahlia, if you encounter any danger, you can call this number. It should be able to help you."

"Thank you," Dahlia smiled faintly, not refusing.

Being able to easily subdue the Grimshade Sabertooth, the man in front of her was obviously not ordinary. If they could become allies, it would be a significant assistance.

While the three were quietly discussing, the door to the lounge suddenly pushed open. Following closely behind, Ignatius entered with a group of guards, his face gloomy.

"Pause the entertainment, everyone stand up! The Duskshire Palace has been robbed, and I'm going to conduct a search!" Ignatius announced loudly, instantly attracting the attention of everyone in the room.

Chapter 1533 Poking a Hornet's Nest

"Got robbed?"

When people heard this, they looked at each other in surprise and suspicion. Who had the guts to steal something in the Duskshire Palace? Don't they value their lives?

"Sorry, everyone. The lost item is very important to me, so I have to offend you," Ignatius first greeted the people in the lounge, then said, "Next, I will use hunting dogs for the search. Please don't move around to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings."

After that, he gestured, and his subordinates sealed off all entrances and exits. Two well-trained hunting dogs arrived to start the search.

Although such behavior was a bit excessive, due to Ignatius's status, the guests present did not dare to say much. They could only cooperate honestly.

"Search thoroughly, don't leave any corner unchecked!" Ignatius said sternly.

When he took a break earlier, he returned to his room only to find that his precious item, the Golden Marrow Jade, was missing. This rare treasure could absorb spiritual energy and enhance his cultivation speed. He always carried it with him, but today, he accidentally left it in his room while changing clothes.

Unexpectedly, someone had the audacity to sneak into his room and steal from him. It was like poking a hornet's nest!

The guards led the hunting dogs, searching everywhere, lingering among the crowd. The Golden Marrow Jade still carried Ignatius's aura, so if the thief had it on them, they would be caught soon.

After searching for a long time, the hunting dogs returned to their positions without any findings.

"Sir, we've searched, nothing suspicious here," reported one of the guards.

"Search again," Ignatius was somewhat dissatisfied.

"Yes, sir!"

The guards didn't hesitate and led the hunting dogs for another round of searching, but still, they found nothing.

This result left Ignatius very displeased. They had searched everywhere that needed searching. If the thief wasn't here, where else could they be hiding?

At this moment, Ignatius scanned the surroundings and suddenly fixed his gaze on Dustin. With a cold tone, he said, "Elias, right? Please cooperate; I need to search you."

"Search me?" Dustin raised an eyebrow. "Lord of War, I've been here all along, never went anywhere. You're not suspecting me as the thief, are you?"

"A clear conscience needs no defense. If you haven't stolen anything, you have nothing to worry about. It's just a routine check, just in case," Ignatius said with a stern face.

His intuition told him that there was something off about this young man.

"Lord of War, why search me and not others? Isn't that a bit inappropriate?" Dustin squinted his eyes.

"I not only want to search you but also this person next to you," Ignatius pointed at Abigail.

"Why? Who do you think you are, searching us like this?" Abigail was very displeased.

"If you have nothing to hide, why fear the search? I'm just doing my duty; I won't tolerate your refusal!" a guard said sternly.


Dahlia was furious. She raised her hand and slapped the guard's face, saying, "Everyone present is a distinguished guest of the Duskshire Palace. How dare a mere guard act recklessly here!"


The guard gritted his teeth but, seeing that Ignatius didn't react, he held back.

"Dahlia, the lost item is crucial. We can't overlook any suspicions. Please cooperate," Ignatius, though displeased, maintained a calm demeanor.

"Brother, if something is lost, you should catch the thief instead of offending the guests of the Duskshire Palace. If this matter reaches our foster father's ears, you won't be able to explain," Dahlia said calmly.

"What? Now you're using our foster father to pressure me?" Ignatius's eyes showed a hint of hostility.

"Today is our foster father's birthday celebration. It's best not to cause trouble. I hope my lord brother will consider the bigger picture," Dahlia said with a slight bow.

Chapter 1534 Difficult Days Ahead

Even though she knew that the person in front of her intended to harm her, she dared not show the slightest sign.

"The bigger picture?" Ignatius said with contempt in his eyes. "You, a mere woman, understand what the bigger picture is? In the Duskshire Palace, except for our foster father, everything is under my command. That is the bigger picture!"

"Brother may have power, but that doesn't give him the right to act recklessly. In the end, it's our foster father who makes decisions in the Duskshire Palace," Dahlia didn't back down.

"Hehe... good, very good!" Ignatius suddenly laughed, but his gaze was cold. "Sister, you are indeed a clever person. That must be the reason our foster father values you, right? But unfortunately, people like you often don't live long. Take care of yourself."

With that, he patted Dahlia on the shoulder and left.

A woman without any power dared to confront him—it was like seeking her own death!

"Lord Dahlia, you spoke up for us just now; you might have angered Ignatius. The days ahead might be more difficult for you," Dustin reminded.

"Even if I do nothing, he won't let me off easily," Dahlia said wisely. She could see that Ignatius was a very ambitious person.

As soon as she entered the Duskshire Palace, she gained the favor of their foster father, which must have caused jelousy. Perhaps her presence threatened Ignatius's position, so he considered her a thorn in his side and wanted to eliminate her quickly.

"Regardless, you must be very careful," Dustin cautioned.

"I will." Dahlia nodded. "Mr Steelwing, this place is beginning to feel so uncomfortable. I suspect Ignatius will soon cause trouble again. How about I escort you out?"

"That would be appreciated," Dustin agreed without refusal.

"It's a small favor."

Dahlia smiled lightly and then safely escorted Dustin and Abigail out of the Duskshire Palace.

On the way, many eyes were on them, but due to certain considerations, no one made a move.

"Lord Dahlia, we can go by ourselves from here."

After leaving, Dustin expressed his gratitude.

"Sure, until we meet again."

Dahlia nodded slightly and watched as Dustin and Abigail got on a carriage and left.

She had a strange feeling that this young man named ‘Elias’ seemed familiar.

At this moment, inside the moving carriage.

Dustin and Abigail successively removed their human skin masks, revealing their original faces.

"Uncle, we've got the Golden Marrow Jade. Why do you still look a bit gloomy?" Abigail found it strange.

"It's nothing, just thinking about some things," Dustin forced a smile.

"Uncle, are you worried about Lord Dahlia's safety? Could it be... you like her?" Abigail keenly sensed something unusual.

"We had some acquaintance in the past," Dustin explained.

"Oh~ I understand!"

Abigail smiled knowingly. "Lord Dahlia is in danger, so you're worried about her. But you already have a fiancée, so you don't know why you're helping for some reason. You are conflicted, right?"

"You, little girl, have too much knowledge at your age," Dustin showed a strange expression.

He was indeed conflicted. On one hand, he was concerned about Dahlia's safety; on the other hand, he didn't want to get too involved.

"Uncle, you don't need to worry about anything. Leave this to me. I'll send people to protect Lord Dahlia secretly, ensuring your peace of mind!" Abigail volunteered.

"Sounds good." Dustin nodded. "Okay, I'll trouble you with this matter."

"Hey! Don't be too happy too soon. Protecting people comes with a fee. But considering our good relationship, I can give you an 80% discount," Abigail raised her eyebrows and made an eight with her fingers.

Dustin's mouth twitched, momentarily speechless.

This girl was truly a money-lover, always thinking about making a profit.

Chapter 1535 Process Begins

After returning to the Serenity Villa, Dustin immediately began preparations. The three supreme spirit medicines were finally gathered, and various auxiliary herbs were also ready.

Next was the crucial step—refining the Bone Cleansing Pill.

"Maximus, I'll be in seclusion for a day. Guard here well, and don't let anyone disturb me," Dustin instructed.

"Don't worry, sir Dustin. Even if the heavens come, they won't be able to get through this door!" Maximus assured, patting his chest.

Dustin nodded and then turned to Elijah, saying, "Doctor Elijah, I entrust Uncle Lorenzo to your care. There shouldn't be any accidents before I come out of seclusion."

"Leave it to me. While I can't cure Uncle Lorenzo's illness, I can extend his life for some time," Elijah said.

"Good, I'll rely on both of you then."

Dustin didn't say much. After a few instructions, he entered the temporarily modified laboratory alone.

The herbs were ready, the alchemy furnace, charcoal fire, and various materials were all in place.

However, Dustin wasn't in a hurry. Instead, he calmly meditated for a long time.

When his whole body relaxed and his mind was calm, he began the most crucial step—the refinement of the Bone Cleansing Pill.

The Bone Cleansing Pill was of utmost importance and determined whether Lorenzo could live.

As a supreme pill, its difficulty in refinement was comparable to the (Longevitium) Nine-Turn Life-Extending Pill he had refined before. However, due to the different types, there were significant differences in the details.

Dustin had simulated the process hundreds of times in his mind, and every step was clear.

As long as the practical process didn't go wrong, there shouldn't be any problems.

First was setting up the furnace, followed by placing the cauldron. Then came grinding, burning sand, solidifying mud, and controlling the furnace temperature for refining and fusion.

Each step was crucial, and there couldn't be any mistakes.

Dustin proceeded steadily, beginning to immerse himself fully.

Time passed bit by bit.

Dustin concentrated, precisely controlling the furnace temperature, sometimes intense, sometimes gentle.

The spirit herbs in the cauldron were continuously refined and fused.

In this manner, who knew how much time had passed.

The spirit herbs transformed from a solid to gas, then from gas to liquid, and finally, back to solid.

After several repetitions, it finally reached the critical step—forming the pill.

Dustin took a deep breath and began to activate the Profound Clear Internal Energy, injecting it bit by bit into the cauldron.

To form the pill, True internal energy was used as guidance. This not only increased the success rate but also improved the appearance of the finished product.

"Huff, huff, huff..."

The fire under the cauldron became more and more vigorous. Dustin injected more and more Profound Clear internal energy.

Gradually, sweat appeared on his forehead, and a white mist enveloped his body.

After about half an hour, Dustin suddenly took action, slapping the cauldron.


A loud explosion.

The lid of the cauldron flew open, and a rich medicinal fragrance immediately gushed out.

Dustin looked closely and saw at the bottom of the cauldron a hot, azure-colored pill.

The pill was semi-transparent, covered with wavy patterns, looking very beautiful.

With a gentle sniff, a unique medicinal fragrance could still be detected.

"It's finally done!"

Dustin's face lit up, and he heaved a long sigh.

With this Bone Cleansing Pill, Lorenzo finally had a chance at recovery.

At this moment, outside the door.

Maximus held his sword tightly, on high alert, not daring to relax.

Elijah paced back and forth in the living room, looking somewhat anxious.

Dustin had been in seclusion in the laboratory for a day and night without any movement. This made him very uneasy.

It was not easy to gather the three supreme spirit medicines. If this attempt failed, Lorenzo would have no way out, as there was no time to find an alternative solution.

Today, success or death.
I got that hooked to the novel that read the Chinese version and I'm at chapter 1841. the Chinese names are a bit confusing and mistakes are numerous (he instead of she for example, some meaningless sentences and so on) but I catch up with a small dictionary. nevertheless I prefer your translation. it seems to me I'm reading the genuine novel thanks to you Jungal. it's much more comfortable. so thank you indeed for your effot
Chapter 1536 Success or Death?

"Maximus, did you smell something?"

At this moment, Elijah seemed to sense something and suddenly sniffed.

"You mean, the smell of medicine?"

Maximus tilted his head, puzzled. "It has been there all along. What's wrong?"

"This time it's different, a bit special."

Elijah approached the door, crouched down, and began carefully sniffing the scent coming from the door crack.


Suddenly, the tightly closed door opened.

Dustin was about to come out and saw Elijah crouching on the ground in a strange posture, curiously asking, "Doctor Elijah, what's wrong with you? Stomach ache?"

"Ah, this..."

Elijah awkwardly smiled, then immediately reacted and asked, "Mr Rhys, how is it? Did you successfully refine the Bone Cleansing Pill?"


Dustin sighed lightly, showing a regretful look.

Seeing this scene, Elijah's whole body stiffened, his face turned pale, and he trembled, "F-Failure?"

It's over, it's over. The refinement of the Bone Cleansing Pill failed, and all the spirit medicines were wasted.

Lorenzo, it seems like there's no hope!

"It's not a complete failure. I planned to refine a top-grade Bone Cleansing Pill, but unexpectedly, I only produced a high-grade one, slightly lower in quality," Dustin shook his head.


Elijah's mouth twitched, but in his heart, he was roaring.

Was this the time to pursue quality?

As long as it works, why bother about it?

Also, could you stop putting on such a gloomy look?

I’m an old man and can't withstand your prank at my age!

"So... you succeeded in refining it?" Elijah tentatively asked.

"Of course, I won't do things without confidence."

Dustin smiled and nodded, taking out the blue Bone Cleansing Pill at the same time.

Elijah took it and looked at it. He couldn't help but be ecstatic. "Great, great! Master Lorenzo is finally saved!"

Dustin spent a day and night alchemizing, and Elijah had been waiting outside for a day and night as well.

Now, the hanging heart was finally put down.

"Doctor Elijah, there's no time to lose. Give Uncle Lorenzo the medicine first," Dustin reminded.

"Oh, right, right... saving people is urgent!"

Elijah didn't dare to hesitate. He held the Bone Cleansing Pill with both hands and rushed into Lorenzo's bedroom.

At this moment, Lorenzo still looked the same, emaciated, as white as paper, with weak breathing, resembling a dead person.

"Mr Rhys, is there any taboo about taking the Bone Cleansing Pill?" Elijah suddenly asked.

"No, just put it directly into his mouth," Dustin said.

"Good, good, good."

Elijah carefully opened Lorenzo's mouth and gently placed the Bone Cleansing Pill inside.

The pill melted upon entering, and a blue medicinal liquid flowed into Lorenzo's body through his throat.

The gentle medicinal properties slowly repaired Lorenzo's damaged meridians.

Starting from the heart, then the internal organs, and then the bones and flesh.

After absorbing the Bone Cleansing Pill, Lorenzo's body gradually blossomed with vitality.

As if a withered tree met the spring.

They could clearly see that Lorenzo's pale face was gradually regaining a healthy color, and his breathing became stronger.

A trace of impurities and dirt emitted from various pores.

Half a day later.

Lorenzo, who had been in a coma for ten years, finally slowly opened his eyes!

Chapter 1537 Awaken

"He’s awake, He’s awake, Sir Lorenzo is awake!"

Watching as Lorenzo opened his eyes, Elijah was overjoyed, extremely excited.

Ten years, a full ten years!

The person he had guarded day and night had finally awakened.

This joy couldn't be described in words.

"Thank heavens, everything went smoothly."

Looking at Lorenzo, Dustin's eyes were slightly red with joy, unable to contain his excitement.

Indeed, only the Bone Cleansing Pill could cure Lorenzo's illness, and it was worth all the effort.

"Elijah, where am I? And why do you look so old?"

On the sickbed, Lorenzo looked around, his gaze confused, finally fixing on Elijah.

His voice was dry and hoarse, sounding uncomfortable.

"Sir Lorenzo, you're in a safe place, no need to worry. As for the 'old' part..."

Elijah touched his own face, smiling bitterly, "It's been ten years since we last met. How can I not age?"

"Ten years?"

Lorenzo was momentarily stunned, then quickly realized, widening his eyes in shock, "Are you saying I've been in a coma for a whole ten years?!"

"That's right."

Elijah nodded, "In these ten years, I tried everything, but couldn't cure you. Thanks to divine doctor Dustin refining the Bone Cleansing Pill, he brought you back from the brink of death."

"Divine doctor Dustin?"

Lorenzo turned to look at Dustin, somewhat puzzled, "So, this young man saved me."


Elijah praised with a smile, "Divine doctor Dustin is not only skilled in medicine but also in alchemy and mysticism. He's truly a versatile talent."

"Thank you, young brother, for saving my life."

Lorenzo struggled to sit up but found his limbs weak and unable to support him.

Even with the Bone Cleansing Pill repairing his body and rebuilding his meridians, he couldn't bounce back in a short time after lying down for ten years.

"Uncle Lorenzo, it's been ten years. Can't you recognize me?"

Dustin endured his excitement.

"What? Do you know me?"

Lorenzo looked him up and down, "Young brother does seem familiar. I wonder which acquaintance you are."

"Uncle Lorenzo, it's me, Logan."

Dustin trembled as he spoke.

"Lo... Logan?"

Hearing this, Lorenzo couldn't help but widen his eyes, an unbelieving expression on his face, "You... are you really Logan?"

"As genuine as it gets."

Dustin didn't explain much, instead, he took off his clothes, revealing the Kirin tattoo on his body.

The tattoo was entirely black, with crimson eyes, vivid and domineering.

"Logan... you really are Logan!"

Looking at the familiar Kirin tattoo, Lorenzo cried tears of joy, tears streaming down.

Trembling, he struggled to get out of bed, and with a "thud," he knelt on the ground, bowing his head, and said in a trembling voice, " Ultimate Dragon Vanguard, Central Army, Captain General Lorenzo Doley, pays respects to His Royal Highness!"

As soon as these words were spoken, Elijah next to him was thunderstruck, standing dumbfounded.

Logan? His Royal Highness?

Oh my goodness! Could the person in front of him be the legendary peerless genius, Rhys Clan's Kirin, Logan?

Chapter 1538 I Failed!

"Uncle Lorenzo, what are you doing? Please, get up quickly!"

Dustin quickly crouched down and helped Lorenzo, who was kneeling on the ground, to stand up.

"Your Highness, it's my incompetence. I failed to protect the princess and ensure your safety. Please, punish me!" Lorenzo cried tears.

"Uncle Lorenzo, what are you saying? If it weren't for your desperate efforts back then, I wouldn't be alive," Dustin comforted.

"All the brothers from the Ultimate Dragon Vanguard died, and I'm the only one still alive. I feel guilty towards the prince, the princess, and everyone!" Lorenzo's voice choked.

"Uncle Lorenzo, you don't need to blame yourself. You did your best. Seeing you alive makes me happy. It's my fault for everything. If not for me, you wouldn't have been in a coma for ten years. If not for me, the brothers from the Ultimate Dragon Vanguard wouldn't have sacrificed in vain. I owe you all an apology," Dustin's eyes were reddened.

The memories of that year were still vivid in his mind.

He witnessed his guards and friends sacrificing themselves to protect him, falling one by one in a pool of blood.

Heroic and resolute.

He couldn't forget each person's name and face.

"Your Highness is the ruler, and we are your servants. It's only natural for servants to sacrifice for their ruler. As long as Your Highness is alive, our sacrificed brothers won't have died in vain," Lorenzo wiped away tears.

"Servants and rulers are just nonsense. You are all my friends and family. No one should sacrifice their lives for me. I owe you all," Dustin looked guilty.

"With Your Highness saying that, our sacrificed brothers should be able to rest in peace," Lorenzo cried and smiled.

Despite the significant changes in the past ten years, the unchanged bond of friendship persisted.

"Uncle Lorenzo, although it might not be the best time to ask, I still want to know what happened back then. Who was the real mastermind?" Dustin's face turned serious.


Hearing this, Lorenzo hesitated, sighed after a while, and said, "Your Highness, let's forget about the events of that year. Don't pursue it any further. As long as you are safe, that's more important."

"Uncle Lorenzo, my mother was killed, and so many brothers and sisters died saving me. I can't pretend that it didn't happen. No matter what, I have to find out the truth!" Dustin's eyes were determined.

The vengeance of killing his mother and friends was insurmountable.

"Your Highness, some matters are not as simple as you think. Even the King of Theswe has stopped pursuing it. Why bother?" Lorenzo's expression was complicated.

"King Rufus is King Rufus, and I am me. He has concerns, and I don't. He dares not seek revenge, but I dare!" Dustin's face was resolute. "I'll say it again, no matter who the culprit is, no matter how powerful they are, even if it's the current emperor, I will make them pay!"

As these words came out, Elijah and Maximus beside them were directly stunned.

Too ruthless, wasn't it?

Daring to challenge even the emperor, was he going to be an enemy of the entire country?

"Your Highness..."

Lorenzo clenched his fists, looking conflicted.

He didn't know whether he should speak. With the character of the person in front of him, once he started investigating, he would definitely be in a dangerous situation.

The waters here were too deep.

Even the powerful West Lucozia King had to endure silently, let alone the current powerless Logan?

"Uncle Lorenzo, you don't need to worry. Just speak your mind," Dustin said seriously. "Of course, if you really can't say it, I won't force you, but I will continue to investigate, and I won't give up!"


Upon hearing this, Lorenzo couldn't help but sigh lightly. In the end, he compromised, "Since Your Highness is so eager to know, I won't hide it, but I hope you won't act recklessly."

"I understand. Without certainty, I won't act impulsively," Dustin nodded.

"Actually, I don't know much about the events of that year, but there is one person who must know the inside story."

"Oh? Who is it?"

"Lord Hawkwing Lockwood!"

Chapter 1539 The King of Ashencrest

" Hawkwing Lockwood?"

Upon hearing this name, Dustin furrowed his brow slightly. "The name sounds familiar. What's his background?"

"Your Highness may not be familiar with King Hawkwing Lockwood, but you must know the King of Ashencrest," Lorenzo said with a serious expression.

"So, it's him!" Dustin's pupils contracted.

The King of Ashencrest was the younger brother of the current emperor and stood out among the numerous imperial relatives.

Ten years ago, he was also an outstanding figure.

However, for some unknown reason, the King of Ashencrest suddenly disappeared, and no one knew his whereabouts.

"Uncle Lorenzo, are you saying that the assassination incident back then is related to the King of Ashencrest?" Dustin inquired.

"I dare not say there's a direct connection, but the King of Ashencrest is definitely someone who knows something," Lorenzo said.

"Oh? Why do you say that?" Dustin narrowed his eyes.

"The King of Ashencrest had a close relationship with your father. When we were attacked outside Bayhaven ten years ago, we sought help from the King of Ashencrest immediately, but received no response," Lorenzo explained with a complicated expression. "Afterward, the King of Ashencrest chose to disappear and no longer interfere in court affairs. It's clear that he's avoiding something."

"That does seem suspicious, but the reason isn't convincing enough," Dustin shook his head.

Behind this matter, there might be the shadow of imperial power, but the King of Ashencrest's influence seemed insufficient.

"Actually, before the incident happened, the King (Rufus) had noticed something was amiss and secretly investigated," Lorenzo continued. "He specifically cautioned us to be careful and not trust anyone, even the King of Ashencrest."

"But due to mere suspicion and lack of substantial evidence, the King (Rufus) strengthened precautions without taking any drastic actions."

"However, none of us expected the mastermind behind the scenes to be so powerful. They not only planted a spy by the King's side but also forged military orders, temporarily transferring the King to the border."

"By the time the King realized it, it was already too late. Your Highness should be aware of the subsequent events."

"The reason I say the King of Ashencrest is suspicious is not a baseless guess. It's because from the very beginning, the King suspected this former friend of ours."

"Your Highness, I only know these things," Lorenzo didn't hide anything and explained the whole situation in detail.

After listening, Dustin's face became somewhat gloomy.

As Lorenzo said, the King of Ashencrest might not be the real culprit, but he certainly knew something.

Finding the King of Ashencrest might reveal the truth of that year.

"Uncle Lorenzo, do you know where the King of Ashencrest is hiding?" Dustin asked.

"I've been in a coma for ten years. I only remember some things from that year. I have no idea what happened later," Lorenzo shook his head.

"Who saved me back then? How did I end up in Healwell Clinic? Do you remember?" Dustin asked again.

"I don't know the identity of the person who saved me. All I know is that his surname is Blair. I don't know anything else," Lorenzo shook his head again.

"What about Doctor Elijah? Do you know this Mr Blair?" Dustin suddenly turned his head.

"To be honest, for the past ten years, Mr Blair has appeared once a year to inquire about Sir Lorenzo's condition. However, every time we meet, Mr Blair wears a mask and never reveals his true face," Elijah answered truthfully.

"It seems that this Mr Blair is also a key figure," Dustin began to contemplate.

There were now two clues: the King of Ashencrest, Donovan, and the mysterious Mr Blair.

As for Mr Blair, for now, he could be ruled out as an enemy since he had helped save Lorenzo.

Chapter 1540 Let it Go

The current priority was to find the King of Ashencrest and inquire about the truth of that year.

"Uncle Lorenzo, you just woke up, take a good rest first, and let me know if you need anything." Dustin helped Lorenzo lie down on the bed.

"Your Highness!" Lorenzo suddenly grabbed Dustin's arm, his expression solemn. "The events of the past are already in the past. Let it go. If you continue to investigate, you will only bring disaster upon yourself. I believe the Queen (Dustin’s mom) in heaven only hopes for you to live well!"

"Uncle Lorenzo, this matter is my burden and my sin. If I don't investigate it thoroughly, I won't be able to get past this hurdle in my lifetime," Dustin said.

"Sigh..." Seeing the firm gaze of the person in front of him, Lorenzo could only sigh lightly and remained silent.

He knew that with Dustin's stubborn character, once he decided on something, he wouldn't easily give up.

"Uncle Lorenzo, your task now is to rest and recover. Don't worry about these trivial matters. I am here, rest well," Dustin comforted with a smile before turning and leaving the villa.

Lorenzo was safe and sound now, and the hanging heart finally dropped.

The biggest goal now was to find the hidden King of Ashencrest, Donovan.

To achieve this, the person in Bayhaven was the one who could help.

After leaving the villa, Dustin dialed the mysterious number again.

Soon, a lazy female voice came through the phone, "Hey, why are you calling again? Didn't I give you the Ice Heart Lotus you asked for last time?"

"Regarding the matter of the Ice Heart Lotus, I must thank you," Dustin began with a polite phrase before getting to the point. "The reason I'm calling you this time is to inquire about something."

"Stop, stop, stop..." The woman hurriedly interrupted, "Logan, oh Logan, don't push your luck. We've agreed before that I would help you only once. Aren't we settled? Do you want to go back on your word?"

"The previous favor has indeed been settled, but if you're willing to help me this time, consider it as me owing you a favor. In the future, if you encounter any difficulties, I won't refuse to help," Dustin said earnestly.

"Ah..." Hearing this, the woman couldn't help but sigh, "Logan, you shouldn't take advantage. We agreed only for one time. Do you want to be inconsistent? Besides, I already have some influence in the palace. What help can you offer me that I cannot get from here?" the woman questioned.

"Everyone encounters difficulties. The more friends, the more backup plans you will have. Consider it an investment. The reputation of our Rhys family, you should know," Dustin replied.

"Hmm, that sounds good." The woman hesitated for a moment and said, "Alright, tell me what you want to ask. If it's not too troublesome, I might consider it."

"I want to inquire about the King of Ashencrest," Dustin said straightforwardly. "Ten years ago, the King of Ashencrest suddenly disappeared. I want to know where he went and where he is now."

"The King of Ashencrest? Why do you want to inquire about him?" the woman asked, puzzled.

"The divine secrets must not be revealed. Knowing too much might cause trouble for you," Dustin deliberately teased.

"Well then, keep it to yourself. I hate trouble the most," the woman clearly lost interest.

"Do we have a deal?" Dustin asked tentatively.

"For the sake of your mother, I'll help you one more time. But remember, this is the last time!" the woman's tone became serious.

"No problem," Dustin agreed. "How long will it take for you to get results?"

"Three days. I'll give you an answer in three days. Wait for it," she said before hanging up the phone.
Chapter 1541 Guardian Valor Shrine

After receiving a clear response, there was no joy on Dustin's face; instead, he felt more solemn. If the person in Bayhaven dared to promise, there must be some certainty. But he couldn't shake off the sense of unease as he approached the truth. The closer he got, the more unsettled he became, as if his instincts were warning him or perhaps it was just his own anxious thoughts.

He shook his head, trying to dispel the doubts. "Let it be. I'll cross that bridge when I get there."

Just as he was about to return to his room to rest, his phone rang. It was a call from Belinda.

"Hello, Miss Belinda, is there something you need?" Dustin checked the sky and noticed it was already getting dark.

"Miss Belinda? Haha... Sorry, you guessed wrong," a low and hoarse voice spoke through the phone.

"Hmm?" Dustin furrowed his brows. "Who are you? How do you have Miss Belinda's phone?"

"Who I am is not important. What's important is that your sweetheart is now in my hands. If you don't want anything bad to happen to her, come to the Guardian Valor Shrine in Frostholm (Frostholm). Oh, by the way, you better act fast; my brothers here are already impatient, and if you're late, I can't guarantee they won't do something inappropriate." The voice chuckled ominously.

"I warn you not to mess around. If you dare to harm Miss Belinda, I guarantee you and your accomplices will pay a hundredfold price!" Dustin said sternly.

"Hehe... We'll see if you have the ability to back up those words. Guardian Valor Shrine in Frostholm, I'll be waiting for you. Remember, come alone." After a sinister laugh, the call ended.

Without hesitation, Dustin immediately started the car and headed straight to the destination. It was clear that the person on the phone was targeting him.

Recently, the people he had conflicts with included Isabela, Victoria, Dominic, Julie, and Evander.

Dominic should be afraid to act recklessly after the scare he gave him. As for Julie, he had his hand broken at the Duskshire Royal Palace two days ago and was probably still lying in the hospital, not in the mood for such things.

So, the mastermind behind the scenes was likely one of the remaining people. However, no matter who it was, their actions had already crossed the line, and Dustin would show no mercy.

Forty minutes later, Dustin drove into the slums in Frostholm where the Guardian Valor Shrine was situated. The Guardian Valor Shrine was located in the center of the slums, an area filled with all sorts of criminal activities. It was practically a lawless zone where illegal trades flourished. Some ruthless criminals hid in the slums, making it a three-no zone – no rules, no order, and no law.

Anyone without sufficient ability wouldn't dare to enter this dangerous area. Dustin, driving openly into the slums, attracted the attention of various malicious eyes. Such a newcomer was seen as easy prey.

Ignoring the unfriendly gazes around him, Dustin drove straight to the entrance of the Guardian Valor Shrine.

The Guardian Valor Shrine, once thriving with incense, now appeared somewhat dilapidated. However, due to its large size and excellent location, it still held significance in the slums. The statue of the Guardian Valor inside was admired by many, and certain underground organizations respected it.

Dustin, unbothered by the hostile gazes around him, drove directly to the entrance of the Guardian Valor Shrine.

"What are you doing here?!"

Chapter 1542 He Who Wants to go First

As Dustin got out of the car, he was immediately blocked by two burly men at the temple gate.

"I'm here for an appointment," Dustin said coldly.

"Let's search him first," one of the men said, and without waiting for Dustin's response, they began patting him down.

Dustin cooperated, not resisting the search. Without confirming Belinda's safety, he didn't want to make any hasty moves.

"Okay, you can go in," one of the men said after they finished searching Dustin.

Without saying a word, Dustin walked straight into the Guardian Valor Shrine.

Inside the temple, a middle-aged man with a bare upper body, big arms, and a full beard was leading a group of followers, joyfully feasting on a roasted whole lamb. Various types of wine adorned the table.

In a corner, Belinda was blindfolded, bound to a stone pillar with her limbs spread. The ropes accentuated her voluptuous figure.

The group of gang members couldn't help but gaze at her with greed and lust.

"Boss, this chick is too tempting. My little rooster is already standing tall. Can I have a go first?" a bald man said, rubbing his crotch with an evil grin.

"I haven't even had a taste yet, and you're in a hurry?!" the bearded man replied impatiently.

"Boss, I'm really eager. It's been a long time since I've relieved myself. If you let me go first, I'll hand over all my commission for this!" the bald man pleaded anxiously.

"Oh? You mean it?" the bearded man raised an eyebrow.

This valuable piece of flesh would fetch a high price, and each brother could earn tens of thousands.

"Absolutely! With so many brothers here, how could I go back on my word?" the bald man said eagerly.

"Fine, it seems like you've been holding it in for a long time. You can go first, but remember, don't damage her too much. Afterward, I can still sell her for a good price," the bearded man instructed.

"No problem!"

The bald man grinned maliciously and quickly approached Belinda.

As he moved, he urgently stripped off his clothes, exposing himself completely.

"Beauty, here I come!"

The bald man lifted his head proudly and eagerly approached.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed, and the bald man felt a cold sensation down below.


Looking down, he was stunned to find his little rooster had somehow fallen to the ground.

Dustin had seen enough. He couldn't let this continue.

"Boss, what are you doing here?!"

Chapter 1543 The Rooster!


Looking at the stuff that fell on the ground, and then at his chilly pants, the bald guy was totally confused.

His eyes widened, finding it hard to believe.

What just happened? Why is my rooster fallen?


After a brief moment of confusion, the bald guy let out a loud and miserable scream.

His legs went weak, collapsing to the ground, blood flowing like crazy. It was really bad.

"Oh no! My rooster! My rooster!"

The bald guy howled in pain, rolling on the ground non-stop.

The sudden commotion startled everyone.

"Buddy! What's going on?!"

The guy with the scruffy beard immediately stood up and asked.

"My rooster is gone! Someone cut off my rooster!"

As the bald guy wailed, he picked up his bloody little rooster from the ground and held it up for everyone to see.

"Darn it! Who the heck did this? Dared to hurt my brother's 'junior'? Get out here!"

The guy with the scruffy beard glared around, and the rest of his buddies pulled out their knives, getting ready.

"It's me."

Dustin walked in with a stern face through the temple gate.

Inside the shrine, about thirty people gathered, all members of a gang that did bad things like robbing houses.

Because they couldn't make it in the city, they had to be bullies in the poor neighborhood.

"Kid! Are you Dustin?"

The guy with the scruffy beard looked him up and down.

He recognized him quickly from the photo the boss gave them earlier.


Dustin glanced around coldly and said, "Who are you guys? How dare you kidnap Miss Belinda?"

"Let me tell you the truth. I'm the leader of the Ravenclaw Gang, and these are my brothers!"

The guy with the scruffy beard said sternly, "Someone paid a lot to have you killed. Today, you must die here!"

"Who ordered you to do this?" Dustin questioned.

"Wanna know?" The guy with the scruffy beard sneered, "You'll find out after you die!"

"I'm giving you a chance. As long as you reveal the mastermind behind this, I can spare your lives."

Dustin remained indifferent.

"Spare our lives?"

The guy with the scruffy beard looked around and couldn't help but laugh, "Kid, are you out of your mind? It's just you against thirty of us. How do you plan to fight us?"

"You clueless greenhorn, do you really think our Ravenclaw Gang is a pushover?"

The rest of the gang members also mocked him, looking at him like he's a fool.

The Ravenclaw Gang is undoubtedly one of the top gangs in the slums.

With over a hundred members, even though they didn't bring everyone today, the ones they sent were all elite.

Plus, this was their territory. Dealing with a smelly kid should be a piece of cake.

"So, you won't talk?" Dustin's gaze turned colder.

"To hell with talking! Kill him!" The guy with the scruffy beard waved his hand and gave the order.

He knew one thing well—villains die from talking too much. If you can act, don't waste time talking.


Members of the Ravenclaw Gang didn't hesitate, immediately drawing their knives and rushing forward.

"Dig your own grave!"

Dustin snorted and no longer held back.

He raised his hand, and a crescent-shaped white sword aura instantly swept across, cutting through all the Ravenclaw Gang disciples' bodies like lightning.

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