An Understated Dominance, Dustin Rhys story. Chapters 1301 and beyond - JUNLEE (aka Jungal2000) English interpretation

Translated by Jungal2000

This is my take on an ongoing Chinese novel by an unknown author. I've never been much of a reader when it comes to lengthy novels, but as soon as I delved into this tale, I was hooked like a fanatic. And I can't seem to stop. Unfortunately, the English version I was following only released three chapters a day, and my appetite for the story was insatiable. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started translating the Chinese text myself. Along the way, I've tried to inject some context into it because Google's translation tends to be too literal.

I've used different names for characters in my translations since they're a result of my own artistic interpretation. I began my translations from Chapter 967, which was posted in a different discussion thread. My aim is to tackle at least 100 chapters a week. However, as much as I love translating and reading this novel, I make sure to reserve my weekends for my family and friends – they're the ones who matter most to me.

The reason for this new thread is that during my two days off, some talented translators have continued where I left off. Their work is already shared and posted in my previous thread. This is fantastic news for readers looking for weekend reads. To avoid any confusion, I decided to create a new thread where I can upload and continue my translations. I'm doing all of this out of love for the story and the enjoyment I get from the process; it makes me feel like I'm a part of the narrative.

For those who are new to this, the best translations are provided by Muhindi Wa Kuchoma, and they are the work of the legendary translator Marina Vitori.

This is the tale of a prince, a legendary Kirin known as Logan Rhys. His life underwent a dramatic change a decade ago when his mother met a mysterious and untimely demise. Fueled by a relentless pursuit of truth, justice, and vengeance, he abandoned his royal palace and adopted the guise of a commoner, going by the name Dustin Rhys. The once-arrogant young prince transformed into a timid and soft-spoken individual, making him an easy target for bullies.

During these ten years, Logan secretly honed his skills and strength, undergoing a profound transformation. However, a recent divorce from his wife, Dahlia Nicholson, after three years of marriage, coupled with a series of life-altering events, pushed him back into action. Slowly but surely, he began to shed his timid persona, reemerging as the formidable figure he once was.

Join us as we follow the journey of Dustin, or Logan, as he strives to surpass, outmaneuver, and overpower entire armies and kingdoms, all through his own determination and bare hands.
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Chapter 1561 A Day of Sorrow

Dustin was sitting on the ground, staring off into space while guarding Belinda's body. Suddenly, footsteps approached.

Dustin looked up to see Prudence rushing over with some people. The gunshot from earlier had alarmed the Remington family.

Seeing his daughter not coming home for a long time, Prudence quickly realized something was wrong. He organized his troops and hurried to support.

But when he walked in and saw Belinda's body, he was struck as if by lightning, standing there in disbelief. His face turned pale.

He stumbled his way to Belinda's body, and after confirming multiple times, he let out a heartbreaking scream. "My daughter! My daughter!"

Prudence collapsed in front of the body, crying loudly. Since his wife's death, he and his daughter had been each other's support. He thought he would see his daughter get married, have children, and happily hold his grandchildren.

Unexpectedly, today was a day of sorrow.

He felt like his heart was being twisted with a knife. "I'm sorry; it's all my fault," Dustin said with guilt written all over his face.

If it weren't for him, Evander wouldn't have targeted Belinda. If Belinda hadn't tried to save him, she wouldn't have ended up like this.

He always hesitated to make friends, afraid of bringing trouble to others. Now, when he finally found a good friend, that friend died before his eyes. This hit him hard, making him feel both sad and angry but mostly full of self-blame.

"Why, why? Why did this happen?" Prudence, filled with resentment, blamed Dustin. He punched Dustin in the face.

Dustin didn't resist with his energy and was sent flying, landing on the ground with blood at the corner of his mouth.

"I'm sorry," Dustin said, his voice hoarse. "You can hate me, hit me; it's all my fault."

"Go away! I don't want to see you again!" Prudence shouted angrily with red eyes.


Dustin looked deeply at Belinda's body, then got up and left. The only thing he could do now was to avenge Belinda and make the culprit pay, whether it's Evander or the Duskshire Royal Palace, even if it means risking exposure.

Back in his car, Dustin made a call, straightforwardly saying, "Adam, I need to know where Evander is, the sooner, the better."

"Okay, give me ten minutes."

Adam agreed without many words and hung up.

Ten minutes later, the phone rang. Dustin answered, and Adam said, "Evander is hiding in the Emerald Estate, be careful; it's Ignatius's territory."

"Got it."

Dustin acknowledged and hung up. He revved the engine and headed straight to the Emerald Estate.

Today, no matter who protects him, Evander must pay.

Meanwhile, inside the Emerald Estate.

Ignatius, the Jade-Faced War God, was celebrating with friends and family. Almost everyone present was high-ranking members of the Duskshire Royal Palace, powerful and influential. They had connections in various industries.

Not just one or two, but when united, their influence was extremely terrifying."

How's that?
Chapter 1562 Statement of Support

Ignatius organized this private gathering for two reasons: to win people's hearts and to gather information.

"I'm truly honored that you all came to Emerald Estate. Let me raise a toast to you." Ignatius smiled, lifted his cup, and stood up, toasting all around.

Seeing this, everyone quickly stood up and raised their cups in return. This was the strongest warrior in the Dragonmarsh Empire, the pride of the entire Duskshire Royal Palace. Anywhere else, he was a big shot, and being treated so kindly by him was a bit overwhelming.

"Brother Ignatius, we're all family here. Your words are a bit too formal, don't you think? Besides, if anyone should toast, it should be us to you. You're the backbone of the Duskshire Royal Palace!" Evander said, raising his cup.

"Exactly! The War God's accomplishments are unparalleled. He's truly the fortune of the Duskshire Royal Palace!" At this moment, everyone began to praise.

"Haha... alright, let's drink!" Ignatius laughed, downing his cup.

Everyone followed suit, emptying their cups.

"Friends and family, the reason I gathered you here today is to discuss something important."

After the toast, Ignatius gestured for everyone to sit down and got straight to the point, "I heard that there have been changes in the Duskshire Royal Palace recently. My foster father unexpectedly handed over the position of Chamberlain to a woman. What do you think about that?"

At these words, everyone exchanged glances, some looking surprised and uncertain.

It was clear that Ignatius was unhappy with Dahlia's rise to power.

"Of course, it's not appropriate!" Seeing no one spoke, Evander spoke up first, "Dahlia is just a woman, and she's from a small place. Why should she wield such power in the Duskshire Royal Palace right after joining? I think our foster father has lost his mind!"

"Evander, be careful with your words!" Ignatius's face turned stern, pretending to be displeased. "Our foster father is kind-hearted and compassionate. From what I see, he was just deceived by a schemer. As his adopted sons, it's our responsibility to help him see through the true face of the deceiver."

"Brother Ignatius is absolutely right. That Dahlia used sweet words to deceive our foster father. She's a scheming woman!" Evander played to the tune.

In his eyes, the Duskshire Royal Palace would eventually be ruled by Ignatius. Now was the time to butter him up so that he could thrive in the future.

"Friends and family, what do you think? Do I make sense?" Ignatius's eyes scanned the room.

"War God is wise and thinks long-term. You must be right!"

"What kind of person is Dahlia? She's not even worthy of holding such power! I say we kick her out of the Duskshire Royal Palace!"

"Exactly! A weak woman with no strength, how can she be compared to the War God? If she manages the Duskshire Royal Palace, we'll be in trouble sooner or later!"

The crowd spoke one after another, expressing their dissatisfaction.

They had always been unhappy about Dahlia's rise to power, feeling that their interests were greatly harmed. Despite their years of dedication to the Duskshire Royal Palace, a woman who did nothing suddenly had the authority to give orders.

In the past, they had to keep their dissatisfaction hidden because of Lord Eugene (Royal Prince of Duskshire). Now that Ignatius, the crowned Prince of Duskshire, had returned and expressed his intention to fight for power, they finally stopped holding back and openly declared their support.

"I understand your opinions. Since we are all on the same page, let's cooperate and drive Dahlia out of the Duskshire Royal Palace!" Ignatius declared.

"We are willing to work for the War God with all our efforts!" Everyone raised their cups in agreement.

"Good! Let me make a statement here. From now on, as long as you support me wholeheartedly, I guarantee you won't be mistreated!" Ignatius smiled.

"Thank you, War God!"

Everyone looked delighted, raising their cups for another toast.


At this moment, a guard rushed in, urgently reporting to Ignatius, "My lord! Something bad happened! Someone broke into the Estate, injuring many of our brothers. The situation is critical. Please mobilize the troops quickly!"
In loving memory of our dear friend Belinda, we are raising funds to help cover funeral expenses and support their grieving family during this difficult time. Your contribution, no matter how small, will make a meaningful difference. Together, we can honor her memory and provide assistance the family need. Thank you for your kindness and support. Please send your donation thru PayPal, Credit Card, GCash, Red Emperor Card, Paymaya, etc. DM me for details. May she rest in peace. 🙏
Chapter 1563 Facing a Dead End


Upon hearing this, Ignatius's smile slowly faded, and he said displeased, "Who's so bold to dare trespass on my territory?"

"The person's identity is unknown, but their strength is formidable. Our brothers in the Estate couldn't stop them. Please, my lord, mobilize the troops quickly!" The guard bowed with folded hands.

"Formidable strength? How many troops did the opponent bring?" Ignatius narrowed his eyes.

"Only one person," the guard replied.


Ignatius furrowed his brows. "You couldn't handle one person? Geez!!!"

"We are incompetent; please forgive us, my lord." The guard lowered his head in shame.

Inside the Estate were nearly a hundred guards, all elite warriors. If an ordinary martial artist broke in, they would face a dead end.

However, this intruder was extraordinary, tearing through them effortlessly, unstoppable.

"Ignatius, no matter who the intruder is, we can't let them off easily. They dared to trespass into Emerald Estate; they must pay with blood!" Evander expressed his indignation.

"Let's go and meet this person."

Ignatius finished his cup of wine and, accompanied by a group of people, walked out.

At this moment, on the lawn of the Estate.

A figure covered in blood was slowly advancing.

On both sides behind him lay guards, hands and feet severed, groaning in pain.

"Who are you? How dare you act recklessly on my territory? Are you asking for death?"

Ignatius watched from a distance, his voice cold.

Although not loud, his words echoed like thunder, resonating throughout the entire manor.

"Evander, come out and die!"

Dustin didn't even glance at Ignatius, his eyes fixed on Evander in the crowd.

Cold, ruthless, like a blade of ice.

"You?" Evander squinted, somewhat surprised. "I didn't expect you, of all people, to still be alive. You really have a charmed life!"

According to the plan, everything should have gone smoothly. Once Belinda administered the Smooth Tissue Elixir, even if the other party was formidable, they would be helpless. Did Belinda betray him?

Impossible, right?

Who would sacrifice friends and family for the sake of a little white-faced man?

"Evander, do you know this person?" Ignatius asked.

"Brother Ignatius, isn't Jade Dew Ointment very popular recently? This guy is the founder. I went to seek cooperation before, but this guy not only refused, he also had someone poison me. He tarnished the reputation of our Duskshire Royal Palace. So, I planned to teach him a lesson. Unexpectedly, this guy has a charmed life and not only escaped unscathed but also came back to cause trouble, ruining your enjoyment. He deserves to die!" Evander casually recounted the situation, oblivious to the severity of the matter.

"I see."

Ignatius nodded. "I've heard about Jade Dew Ointment. It's said to be a sacred medicine for healing injuries. I'm very interested. If we can control it in the Duskshire Royal Palace, it would be perfect."

He commanded three hundred thousand troops and frequently engaged in battles. He was in dire need of such a miraculous medicine for treating external injuries.
Chapter 1564 A Stepping Stone

"Ignatius, rest assured. I know what to do."

Evander grinned. "Once we capture this guy, I'll torture him severely and force the formula for Jade Dew Ointment out of him."

Ignatius remained non-committal. "This person seems to have some strength. Ordinary guards may not be able to stop him. Are your people ready for this?"

"Ignatius, rest assured. I've made preparations to deal with this guy."

Evander smiled, then clapped his hands.

Soon, a man and a woman walked out from behind him.

The man wore a black vest, was sturdy and muscular, standing at over six feet tall. His entire body seemed like tough tendons.

His skin had a bronze color, not like a normal human's, and his breath emitted a faint rumbling sound.

The woman wore a mask covering half her face. Her lips were bluish, and her eyes purple. Wrapped in a black robe, she exuded a sinister and venomous aura.

"Ignatius, these two are extraordinary individuals I invited."

"The man is called Iron Ghost. His entire body is impervious to knives and spears, and impervious to fire and water. Moreover, he fears no pain. As long as he targets someone, there's no escaping."

"The woman is called Mystic Warlock, even more formidable. She excels in witchcraft and poisoning. No matter how strong the opponent is or how many people they have, once they're poisoned by her, there's only a dead end."

Evander introduced them confidently.

Upon hearing this, the crowd showed surprise.

"Iron Ghost? Mystic Warlock? Could they be the infamous Spiritshadow Pair?"

"What? Spiritshadow Pair? Is it true? Haven't they retired from the martial world?"

"I heard that the Spiritshadow Pair is almost at the semi-Grandmaster level. They are known for their strangeness and evilness, with numerous ruthless techniques. Once they join forces, even Martial Grandmasters have to retreat. They are terrifying big devils!"

"Evander, I didn't expect you to have such abilities, to be able to invite the Spiritshadow Pair out of retirement. You're really amazing!"

The crowd was in awe and admiration.

Although the Spiritshadow Pair had a bad reputation, their strength was universally recognized. There were rumors that once the two joined forces, they even killed a Martial Grandmaster.

Since then, their infamous names spread far and wide, and no one dared to provoke them.

"I heard that Ignatius appreciates talents, so I invited these two out of retirement for him."

Evander grinned flatteringly. "Both of them admire Ignatius greatly and are willing to serve him from now on."

"Oh? Is that so?"

Ignatius raised an eyebrow, smiling. "Both of you are experts and skilled in strange arts. If you work for me, I guarantee you will be treated well."

"Thank you, Jade-Faced War God!"

Iron Ghost and Mystic Warlock immediately bowed respectfully.

As the strongest of four War Gods in the Dragonmarsh Empire, Ignatius's strength was beyond doubt. Coupled with the background of the Duskshire Royal Palace, following such a master meant a promising future.

Even the Martial Court would not easily mess with them.

"Both of you, take care of that troublemaker. Leave him with a breath, that's enough," Ignatius said casually.

"Yes, sir!"

The two saluted and expressed their obedience.

They knew that now was the best time to showcase their strength.

To become Ignatius's capable subordinates, they had to demonstrate enough strength.

And the man in front of them, Dustin, was their stepping stone.

"Dustin! You wanted to kill me, right? If you have the guts, come over here. I want to see how much weight you carry!"

Evander raised his head, pointed his finger, and provocatively beckoned, showing complete disregard for Dustin.

"I not only want to kill you, but I also want to dismember your corpse, grind your bones to dust!" Dustin's face remained cold, stepping forward step by step, his voice icy. "Irrelevant people, get out of my way. Those who block me will die!"

The atmosphere was tense as the confrontation between Evander and Dustin escalated.
Chapter 1565 Piece of Cake

"Did I hear you right? Blocking me means death? You watched too many anime? Do you really think you're some amazing character? You’re a joke!"

Evander crossed his arms, wearing a disdainful and mocking expression. "Iron Ghost, go and play with him first. Make sure not to kill him. Ignatius needs him alive."

With Iron Ghost at the semi-Grandmaster level, coupled with his body of bronze and iron, dealing with Dustin was a piece of cake.


Iron Ghost responded and took big strides forward.

In his eyes, Dustin was already a dead man.

"Kid, meeting me today is your misfortune."

Iron Ghost said with a booming voice, "If you cripple your own hands and feet now, I might spare your life. Otherwise, once I make a move, you'll wish you were dead!"

"Get lost, or die!" Dustin coldly replied.

"Hmph! Ignorant fool. It seems you don't know how powerful I am if I don't teach you a lesson!"

Iron Ghost snorted and stopped talking.

He suddenly kicked off the ground like a cannonball, instantly shooting towards Dustin like a bullet.

This direct collision was what he liked the most. It was both cool and cruel, with great intimidation.

Facing the impact, Dustin neither dodged nor evaded, walking straight toward it.

"Looking for death!"

Iron Ghost increased his strength, and his body emitted a metallic glow.


A loud explosion.

Iron Ghost's steel-like body crashed into Dustin.

However, the expected scene of Dustin being thrown backward did not occur. Dustin stood still, unaffected.

Underneath his feet, two deep footprints appeared.

On the other hand, Iron Ghost, at the moment of collision, was forced to retreat, dizzy and disoriented, unable to discern the direction.


Seeing this scene, Evander couldn't help but show surprise.

Confronting head-on, Iron Ghost actually fell behind. Could this guy be invulnerable?

"Iron Ghost! Stop playing. Don't disappoint Lord War God!" Mystic Warlock reminded.

Using such a brute force collision was the most foolish behavior.

Indeed, it could easily crush weaker martial artists, showcasing great visual impact.

However, it seemed insufficient against real experts.

They wanted to join Ignatius's side, so they had to demonstrate enough strength. Otherwise, they might be looked down upon and not receive important tasks.

They couldn't afford to be careless about their future.


Iron Ghost shook his head and spat on the ground. "Kid! I underestimated you just now, but now I'll start taking you seriously."

Saying that, Iron Ghost extended both arms, and a wave of energy burst out from his body.

The black vest on his body shattered, revealing his muscular figure.

His bronze-colored skin emitted a strange glow under the sunlight.

"Kid! It's your honor to be defeated by me, Iron Ghost, today."

"Now, let me show you my ultimate move!"

Iron Ghost grinned, took a deep breath, and then something strange happened.

Iron Ghost's body suddenly expanded, becoming more robust, like a brown bear standing on its hind legs.

Powerful, terrifying, extremely dangerous.

"Ghost King Punch!"

When the aura reached its peak, Iron Ghost kicked off the ground again, soaring towards Dustin with a punch aimed at his face.

This punch not only used physical strength but also activated the entire body's true energy, making it much more powerful.

"Go to hell!"

Facing Iron Ghost's attack, Dustin still neither dodged nor evaded, meeting it head-on with a punch.



A loud noise.

Dustin's fist clashed with Iron Ghost's, creating a ripple of energy.

At the same time, Iron Ghost was sent flying like it got hit by a train, flying several meters away.

Before it could even hit the ground, its body burst like an overinflated balloon with a "bang!"

The once sturdy and robust body instantly turned into a shower of blood and flesh, floating down.

Even the bones were blasted into bits; it couldn't be deader.

The whole scene was like stuffing a heavy bomb into Iron Ghost's belly.


After the explosion, the entire village suddenly fell silent.

Everyone stared with wide eyes, unbelieving expressions on their faces.

The supposedly invincible Iron Ghost, with its copper skin and iron bones, was actually punched to death?


"Did I... see that right? Iron Ghost... is actually dead?"

"Where's the Iron Ghost? It's turned into damn dust!"

"Oh my goodness! One punch directly blasted Iron Ghost. Who is this kid?"

After a brief silence, the whole place erupted in noise.

Everyone looked at Dustin as if he were a monster.

Iron Ghost, a semi-Grandmaster, coupled with its copper skin and iron bones, was almost unmatched below the master level.

Yet, such a being was punched into pieces by Dustin.

It's simply unbelievable!

Could this kid be more than a martial arts master?

"How is that possible? Is this guy really that powerful?"

Evander widened his eyes, shocked.

He thought Iron Ghost alone could easily suppress Dustin, but they had just met, and Iron Ghost was punched to pieces. It was truly unbelievable.


Ignatius frowned slightly, looking quite surprised.

Iron Ghost was not an ordinary person. Being able to defeat it with one move proved that Dustin had reached the master level.

Such a young master—why hadn't he seen him before?

"Iron Ghost? Iron Ghost!!"

Looking at the scattered flesh and blood, Mystic Warlock was first stunned, then let out a mournful scream.

They had been dependent on each other for many years, and now her husband was dead. Naturally, she was filled with grief and anger.

"I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

Mystic Warlock roared, rushing towards Dustin like a madwoman.

At this moment, she had no regard for Ignatius's order to spare his life.

Her only thought now was to dismember Dustin for revenge on her husband Iron Ghost.

"Die for me!"

Mystic Warlock raised her hand, and a large number of poisonous bees gushed out from her sleeve like bullets, continuously shooting towards Dustin.

Dustin remained expressionless. He lightly stamped his foot, and a powerful true energy suddenly burst out from his body.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Only the bees hit by the true energy exploded one after another, like firecrackers.

Every bee hit by the true energy burst into pieces, none escaping.

Tens of thousands of bee bodies fell from the sky, like rain, covering the ground densely.

The attack was ineffective, but Mystic Warlock didn't stop.

She suddenly took out a bottle of mysterious potion, drank it all in one gulp, and then opened her mouth, exhaling a long breath towards Dustin.


The exhaled breath was white, carrying an icy chill that swept forward.

Wherever it passed, the earth was frozen, and all the flowers, plants, and trees around were covered in a thick layer of frost.

Even from a distance, everyone could feel a piercing cold.

As the target of the attack, Dustin hadn't reacted yet and was frozen into an ice sculpture by the white breath.
Hey, everyone! I've translated up to chapter 1600 on my computer, but I need to proofread them before posting. I'll share each chapter as soon as I finish checking. It might take a bit since I'm currently away.
We're ok as long as you're posting at YOUR OWN pace. Take care of the health and family..

Only request is.. dont leave us on a big cliffhanger like the Belinda "scenario" during the weekend...
Chapter 1567 Frozen

Everything happened too suddenly.

The white breath Mystic Warlock exhaled was strange and chilling. In the blink of an eye, everything within a dozen meters was frozen, including Dustin, who became an ice statue.

"Hahaha... frozen, frozen! This kid is done for!"

Seeing this, Evander couldn't help but burst into laughter, particularly pleased.

When Dustin blasted Iron Ghost, he was a bit panicky. Now that he saw the opponent frozen, his spirits naturally lifted.

"Indeed, Mystic Warlock deserves her reputation. This mysterious technique of hers is really powerful."

Everyone was amazed and impressed.

Just blowing a breath could freeze a martial arts master; it was truly terrifying.


Mystic Warlock, her eyes wide and furious, showed no mercy. She exerted all her strength and punched Dustin in the chest.

Freezing was her finishing move. Anyone frozen by her would be shattered into pieces upon impact due to the gravitational force.


A loud noise.

Mystic Warlock's fist solidly hit Dustin's chest.

In an instant, ice shards scattered everywhere.

A large amount of shattered ice debris, centered around Dustin's body, spread out in all directions.

However, what surprised Mystic Warlock was that Dustin was not shattered into pieces.

Instead, he stood there quietly, motionless, not even a single tear in his clothes.

"How... how is this possible?"

Mystic Warlock widened her eyes, finding it hard to believe.

Her magical technique, her finishing move, had no effect on Dustin. How could this be?

"Get lost, or die." Dustin spoke coldly, expressionless.

"I'll fight you!"

Mystic Warlock didn't stop. She suddenly pulled out a dagger and stabbed toward Dustin's throat.

The dagger emitted a dark light, clearly poisoned, and it was the type that seals the throat upon blood contact.


The dagger accurately stabbed Dustin's throat but was blocked by his protective true energy.

Not only was there no harm, but the dagger was also broken by the protective true energy.

"Martial Master's Internal Energy?!"

Seeing this, Mystic Warlock's pupils contracted, showing a shocked expression.

Her weapon was made of mysterious gold, cutting through iron like mud and extremely sharp. Ordinary masters wouldn't dare to resist it directly; only master-level experts could withstand the sharp edge of a mysterious gold dagger.

She didn't expect that Dustin, at such a young age, was already a Martial Master.


Just as Mystic Warlock was astonished, Dustin suddenly made a move, punching her in the chest.

Mystic Warlock screamed tragically, her chest instantly pierced. The tremendous impact sent her flying more than ten meters away, and she landed heavily on the ground, lifeless.

In just one move, Mystic Warlock died on the spot.


Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

They thought Dustin, frozen in ice, was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. Unexpectedly, not only was he unharmed, but he also instantly defeated Mystic Warlock.

The famous and powerful Spiritshadow Pair were all killed at this moment.

Dustin's strength was jaw-dropping.

No wonder he dared to intrude into the Emerald Estate; it turns out he was indeed formidable.

"Evander, it's your turn!"

Dustin suddenly turned his head, staring coldly at Evander.

In his indifferent eyes, a terrifying killing intent burst forth.
Chapter 1568 The Peacemaker

At this moment, he finally realized the seriousness of the situation.

Dustin's strength was much stronger than he had anticipated.

To kill the Spiritshadow Pair with one move meant he wasn't just an innate master; he was a true Martial Master!

Damn it! How could an unknown youngster be so powerful?

This is trouble!

"Friend, I admire your skills, so now, I'm offering you a chance to soar to new heights," Ignatius suddenly spoke, his eyes still cold. "As long as you're willing to join me, I won't hold today's events against you. Moreover, I can get you into the military, take up a high position, and from then on, you'll be in control. What do you say?"


Hearing this, Evander's face instantly changed, and he hastily said, "Brother Ignatius, this guy is a ticking time bomb. Keeping him around is a disaster!"

Damn it, the two of them had deep hatred, and if Dustin gained Ignatius's favor, it would be like having a formidable enemy. Naturally, Evander would be in trouble.

"I have my own judgment, no need for further advise from you," Ignatius said calmly.

Ignatius couldn't help but give a second look to Dustin's displayed strength. If he could subdue such a genius, it would be like gaining a powerful subordinate.


Evander was about to say something when Ignatius coldly swept his eyes over him. "Do I need your approval for what I want to do?"

With these words, Evander immediately fell silent, not daring to say more.

"Friend, what do you think of my proposal?"

Ignatius's gaze turned back to Dustin.

"To discuss terms with me, you first need to kill him," Dustin pointed with his hand.

Evander's eyelids jumped, feeling somewhat uneasy.

Could it be?

Ignatius wouldn't kill him for the sake of an outsider, right?


Ignatius squinted slightly. "Friend, your condition is a bit difficult. I don't know what grievances you have with Evander, but I'm willing to be a peacemaker and resolve the dispute between you. From now on, we can be brothers, sharing both good and bad. How about that?"

"This peacemaker, you can't be."

Dustin shook his head slightly, his tone still indifferent. "Evander killed my friend. Today, he must die, no matter who comes, it's useless."

"What? You won't even give me dignity?"

Ignatius furrowed his brows slightly, somewhat displeased. "Since you could find the Emerald Estate, you should know who I am. I have an attitude—I don't like being rejected. You better think it over carefully."

"Kid! Ignatius respects you; it's your fortune for eight lifetimes. Don't you give him respect?"

Evander started instigating deliberately.

He naturally didn't want Dustin to climb the high branch, so he intentionally spoke to provoke.

"Ignatius, let me advise you. Don't meddle in other people's business, or you'll bring trouble upon yourself," Dustin coldly warned.

"Bring trouble upon myself?"

Ignatius suddenly laughed at these words, but his eyes were very cold. "Kid, I admit you have some strength, but being arrogant on my turf, you're not qualified!"

"So, you're going to protect him?"

Dustin retorted.


Ignatius declared loudly, "I've protected Evander, and if you dare to act recklessly, I won't let you leave this place!"

"Do you hear that? If you dare to touch a hair on my head, you'll have no place to be buried!"

With Ignatius backing him up, Evander couldn't help but feel emboldened, becoming arrogant.

Ignatius was the strongest war god in the Dragonmarsh Empire, commanding an army of three hundred thousand.

Even if Dustin was powerful, he couldn't be Ignatius's opponent.

"Kid! Weren't you quite arrogant just now? Why so silent now?"

Evander deliberately took a few steps forward, provocatively challenging, "Come on! Aren't you here to kill me? I'm standing right here. Have the guts to try?"

Dustin remained expressionless, silent.

"What's the matter? Don't dare to come forward? Fine, I'll give you another chance."

Evander took a few more steps forward, raised his head arrogantly, and disdainfully looked at Dustin while extending his finger to beckon. "Come on! If you have the guts, come over! I want to see how..."

Before he finished speaking, Dustin suddenly waved his hand.


A dazzling white light burst forth, like the scythe of the Grim Reaper, directly penetrating Evander's neck.
Chapter 1569 A Headless Corpse


Evander's body trembled, his smile completely frozen.

The white radiance that flashed by just now was so fast that he couldn't comprehend it. In the blink of an eye, the white light disappeared.

"What's going on? What just happened?"

Evander's heart was pounding, and panic set in.

Next, he felt a chill on his neck and subconsciously touched it, only to find his hand covered in blood.

"Why is there blood? How could..."

As Evander's thoughts surfaced, he felt a sudden dizziness, and then with a "thud," as if something had fallen to the ground, he found himself looking at his own body from an upward angle.

Wearing a suit, tall and straight, but above the shoulders, there was no head.

He had become a headless corpse.

"Where's my head? Where is my head?!"

Evander tried to scream, but no sound came out.

In the end, he could only watch his own body fall to the ground.

After the body fell, Evander's vision went black, losing consciousness completely.

Evander was dead.

His head was severed by Dustin in a single move.

Because the speed was too fast, Evander didn't even anticipate his own fate.

It was his own arrogance that led to his death. If he had stayed behind Ignatius, he might not have been killed by Dustin.

Unfortunately, he felt overly confident and deliberately took more than ten steps forward.

Those ten-plus steps became the key to his demise.

"Dead... Is he dead?"

Looking at Evander's severed body, everyone was stunned, their faces filled with horror.

No one expected Dustin to be so ruthless, openly killing the foster brother of the Jade-Faced War God.

It was like pulling a tiger's whiskers!

Arrogant, reckless, ignorant of the law!



"You dare to kill someone from the Duskshire Royal Palace. Truly, you have no respect for the law, you are audacious beyond belief!"

After a brief moment of shock, everyone began to angrily shout.

Dustin's actions were not just about revenge; it was a challenge to the authority of the Duskshire Royal Palace.

If this behavior went unpunished, anyone could dare to defecate and urinate on the Duskshire Royal Palace in the future.

At this moment, Ignatius's face had completely darkened, his eyes were icy, and the killing intent was pervasive.

Actually, he didn't care much about Evander's life or death.

But after he said he would protect him, Dustin still dared to kill Evander right in front of him. This changed the whole meaning.

It was like slapping his face openly.

Although Evander's death wouldn't affect him much, killing someone in front of him was a different matter.

If this wasn't dealt with today, people would dare to do anything on his territory.

"Kid! You're truly audacious!"

Ignatius's face was gloomy, and his eyes were sharp. "Daring to kill my foster brother, do you know what consequences you'll face?"

Dustin did not respond. Instead, he walked to Evander's corpse and heavily stomped on his chest.


A loud explosion.

Evander's headless corpse instantly exploded on the spot, turning into scattered blood and flesh.

Dustin then grabbed Evander's hair and lifted his head.
Chapter 1570 The Two Clusters of Light

Belinda passed away just a few minutes ago, and now Dustin's thinking of using this severed head to get payback for his departed friend..

"Are you looking for death?!"

Dustin's indifference and disdain infuriated Ignatius.

Without further ado, Ignatius swiftly attacked, throwing a punch directly at Dustin.


A searing golden light shot out from his fist, like a projectile, blasting towards Dustin.

Without dodging or evading, Dustin raised his hand and a burst of white radiance erupted.


The golden light and the white radiance collided in mid-air, producing a deafening sound.

Accompanying it was an overwhelming wave of energy, layer upon layer, one wave higher than the other.

The onlookers felt a strong wind blowing in their faces, causing them to tumble and stagger.

The collision of martial master-level experts, even just the aftermath of their battle, was something ordinary people couldn't endure.

Realizing the danger, the spectators immediately scattered and retreated to a safe distance.

"Indeed, he is a martial master. No wonder he dares to be so arrogant," Ignatius squinted his eyes.

Although he hadn't used his full strength in that punch, only a martial master-level expert could have withstood it.

"Ignatius, I don't want to be entangled with you today. If you dare to obstruct me again, don't blame me for being ruthless," Dustin spoke coldly.

"Ruthless?" Ignatius snorted, "Do you think you can leave here alive today after killing someone from the Duskshire Royal Palace? Ten lives won't be enough to compensate for that. Prepare to die!"

As he spoke, he unleashed two more punches.

Two golden fist shadows, one in front and one behind, consecutively slammed towards Dustin.

Dustin stomped his foot suddenly, causing a large number of stones to float in the air. He then waved his hand.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

The stones shot out like bullets.

Ignatius's golden fist shadows were directly turned into hornet nests by the flying stones. Finally, with two "bang" sounds, they exploded on the spot, dissipating into energy.

Taking advantage of this moment, Ignatius suddenly closed in, his right fist instantly blossoming with dazzling light, as bright as the sun.

"Earth-shattering Fist!"

Ignatius roared, and the fist emitting golden light struck heavily.

In an instant, the flying stones evaporated, and the vegetation withered.

A world-destroying aura suddenly surged.

Where the golden light passed, the heavens and earth changed color, and the air distorted.

The attacked Dustin seemed like a lone boat in a surging sea, ready to be torn into pieces at any moment.

"What a terrifying punch, such a powerful pressure, truly worthy of the Jade Face War God!"

"This punch is earth-shattering, unstoppable!"

"Hmph! This kid can die at the hands of the Jade Face War God; he can be proud of that!"

Ignatius's strength elicited various comments from the onlookers.

A hero on the battlefield, truly living up to his reputation.

"Since you want to fight, I'll accompany you to the end."

Dustin remained unfazed, not changing his expression. Without dodging, he threw a punch directly at the oncoming attack.

His fist radiated white light, like a fierce tiger descending a mountain, colliding head-on with Ignatius's golden light.


A loud explosion.

The two clusters of light suddenly exploded, turning into waves of energy that swept in all directions.

Where the energy waves passed, everything crumbled—flowers, grass, trees, and even buildings—all reduced to rubble.

The terrifying destructive power made the spectators' scalps tingle.

If they hadn't retreated earlier, they would have likely suffered the same fate as the plants and buildings—directly blasted into pieces!

It was truly horrifying!
Chapter 1567 Frozen

Everything happened too suddenly.

The white breath Mystic Warlock exhaled was strange and chilling. In the blink of an eye, everything within a dozen meters was frozen, including Dustin, who became an ice statue.

"Hahaha... frozen, frozen! This kid is done for!"

Seeing this, Evander couldn't help but burst into laughter, particularly pleased.

When Dustin blasted Iron Ghost, he was a bit panicky. Now that he saw the opponent frozen, his spirits naturally lifted.

"Indeed, Mystic Warlock deserves her reputation. This mysterious technique of hers is really powerful."

Everyone was amazed and impressed.

Just blowing a breath could freeze a martial arts master; it was truly terrifying.


Mystic Warlock, her eyes wide and furious, showed no mercy. She exerted all her strength and punched Dustin in the chest.

Freezing was her finishing move. Anyone frozen by her would be shattered into pieces upon impact due to the gravitational force.


A loud noise.

Mystic Warlock's fist solidly hit Dustin's chest.

In an instant, ice shards scattered everywhere.

A large amount of shattered ice debris, centered around Dustin's body, spread out in all directions.

However, what surprised Mystic Warlock was that Dustin was not shattered into pieces.

Instead, he stood there quietly, motionless, not even a single tear in his clothes.

"How... how is this possible?"

Mystic Warlock widened her eyes, finding it hard to believe.

Her magical technique, her finishing move, had no effect on Dustin. How could this be?

"Get lost, or die." Dustin spoke coldly, expressionless.

"I'll fight you!"

Mystic Warlock didn't stop. She suddenly pulled out a dagger and stabbed toward Dustin's throat.

The dagger emitted a dark light, clearly poisoned, and it was the type that seals the throat upon blood contact.


The dagger accurately stabbed Dustin's throat but was blocked by his protective true energy.

Not only was there no harm, but the dagger was also broken by the protective true energy.

"Martial Master's Internal Energy?!"

Seeing this, Mystic Warlock's pupils contracted, showing a shocked expression.

Her weapon was made of mysterious gold, cutting through iron like mud and extremely sharp. Ordinary masters wouldn't dare to resist it directly; only master-level experts could withstand the sharp edge of a mysterious gold dagger.

She didn't expect that Dustin, at such a young age, was already a Martial Master.


Just as Mystic Warlock was astonished, Dustin suddenly made a move, punching her in the chest.

Mystic Warlock screamed tragically, her chest instantly pierced. The tremendous impact sent her flying more than ten meters away, and she landed heavily on the ground, lifeless.

In just one move, Mystic Warlock died on the spot.


Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

They thought Dustin, frozen in ice, was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. Unexpectedly, not only was he unharmed, but he also instantly defeated Mystic Warlock.

The famous and powerful Spiritshadow Pair were all killed at this moment.

Dustin's strength was jaw-dropping.

No wonder he dared to intrude into the Emerald Estate; it turns out he was indeed formidable.

"Evander, it's your turn!"

Dustin suddenly turned his head, staring coldly at Evander.

In his indifferent eyes, a terrifying killing intent burst forth.
Chapter 1569 A Headless Corpse


Evander's body trembled, his smile completely frozen.

The white radiance that flashed by just now was so fast that he couldn't comprehend it. In the blink of an eye, the white light disappeared.

"What's going on? What just happened?"

Evander's heart was pounding, and panic set in.

Next, he felt a chill on his neck and subconsciously touched it, only to find his hand covered in blood.

"Why is there blood? How could..."

As Evander's thoughts surfaced, he felt a sudden dizziness, and then with a "thud," as if something had fallen to the ground, he found himself looking at his own body from an upward angle.

Wearing a suit, tall and straight, but above the shoulders, there was no head.

He had become a headless corpse.

"Where's my head? Where is my head?!"

Evander tried to scream, but no sound came out.

In the end, he could only watch his own body fall to the ground.

After the body fell, Evander's vision went black, losing consciousness completely.

Evander was dead.

His head was severed by Dustin in a single move.

Because the speed was too fast, Evander didn't even anticipate his own fate.

It was his own arrogance that led to his death. If he had stayed behind Ignatius, he might not have been killed by Dustin.

Unfortunately, he felt overly confident and deliberately took more than ten steps forward.

Those ten-plus steps became the key to his demise.

"Dead... Is he dead?"

Looking at Evander's severed body, everyone was stunned, their faces filled with horror.

No one expected Dustin to be so ruthless, openly killing the foster brother of the Jade-Faced War God.

It was like pulling a tiger's whiskers!

Arrogant, reckless, ignorant of the law!



"You dare to kill someone from the Duskshire Royal Palace. Truly, you have no respect for the law, you are audacious beyond belief!"

After a brief moment of shock, everyone began to angrily shout.

Dustin's actions were not just about revenge; it was a challenge to the authority of the Duskshire Royal Palace.

If this behavior went unpunished, anyone could dare to defecate and urinate on the Duskshire Royal Palace in the future.

At this moment, Ignatius's face had completely darkened, his eyes were icy, and the killing intent was pervasive.

Actually, he didn't care much about Evander's life or death.

But after he said he would protect him, Dustin still dared to kill Evander right in front of him. This changed the whole meaning.

It was like slapping his face openly.

Although Evander's death wouldn't affect him much, killing someone in front of him was a different matter.

If this wasn't dealt with today, people would dare to do anything on his territory.

"Kid! You're truly audacious!"

Ignatius's face was gloomy, and his eyes were sharp. "Daring to kill my foster brother, do you know what consequences you'll face?"

Dustin did not respond. Instead, he walked to Evander's corpse and heavily stomped on his chest.


A loud explosion.

Evander's headless corpse instantly exploded on the spot, turning into scattered blood and flesh.

Dustin then grabbed Evander's hair and lifted his head.
Chapter 1570 The Two Clusters of Light

Belinda passed away just a few minutes ago, and now Dustin's thinking of using this severed head to get payback for his departed friend..

"Are you looking for death?!"

Dustin's indifference and disdain infuriated Ignatius.

Without further ado, Ignatius swiftly attacked, throwing a punch directly at Dustin.


A searing golden light shot out from his fist, like a projectile, blasting towards Dustin.

Without dodging or evading, Dustin raised his hand and a burst of white radiance erupted.


The golden light and the white radiance collided in mid-air, producing a deafening sound.

Accompanying it was an overwhelming wave of energy, layer upon layer, one wave higher than the other.

The onlookers felt a strong wind blowing in their faces, causing them to tumble and stagger.

The collision of martial master-level experts, even just the aftermath of their battle, was something ordinary people couldn't endure.

Realizing the danger, the spectators immediately scattered and retreated to a safe distance.

"Indeed, he is a martial master. No wonder he dares to be so arrogant," Ignatius squinted his eyes.

Although he hadn't used his full strength in that punch, only a martial master-level expert could have withstood it.

"Ignatius, I don't want to be entangled with you today. If you dare to obstruct me again, don't blame me for being ruthless," Dustin spoke coldly.

"Ruthless?" Ignatius snorted, "Do you think you can leave here alive today after killing someone from the Duskshire Royal Palace? Ten lives won't be enough to compensate for that. Prepare to die!"

As he spoke, he unleashed two more punches.

Two golden fist shadows, one in front and one behind, consecutively slammed towards Dustin.

Dustin stomped his foot suddenly, causing a large number of stones to float in the air. He then waved his hand.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

The stones shot out like bullets.

Ignatius's golden fist shadows were directly turned into hornet nests by the flying stones. Finally, with two "bang" sounds, they exploded on the spot, dissipating into energy.

Taking advantage of this moment, Ignatius suddenly closed in, his right fist instantly blossoming with dazzling light, as bright as the sun.

"Earth-shattering Fist!"

Ignatius roared, and the fist emitting golden light struck heavily.

In an instant, the flying stones evaporated, and the vegetation withered.

A world-destroying aura suddenly surged.

Where the golden light passed, the heavens and earth changed color, and the air distorted.

The attacked Dustin seemed like a lone boat in a surging sea, ready to be torn into pieces at any moment.

"What a terrifying punch, such a powerful pressure, truly worthy of the Jade Face War God!"

"This punch is earth-shattering, unstoppable!"

"Hmph! This kid can die at the hands of the Jade Face War God; he can be proud of that!"

Ignatius's strength elicited various comments from the onlookers.

A hero on the battlefield, truly living up to his reputation.

"Since you want to fight, I'll accompany you to the end."

Dustin remained unfazed, not changing his expression. Without dodging, he threw a punch directly at the oncoming attack.

His fist radiated white light, like a fierce tiger descending a mountain, colliding head-on with Ignatius's golden light.


A loud explosion.

The two clusters of light suddenly exploded, turning into waves of energy that swept in all directions.

Where the energy waves passed, everything crumbled—flowers, grass, trees, and even buildings—all reduced to rubble.

The terrifying destructive power made the spectators' scalps tingle.

If they hadn't retreated earlier, they would have likely suffered the same fate as the plants and buildings—directly blasted into pieces!

It was truly horrifying!
Chapter 1571 A Genius Powerhouse

When the dust settled, a massive crater appeared at the center of the explosion. The crater was about ten meters in diameter, resembling a dried-up pond, surrounded by devastation.

At the edge of the crater, Dustin and Ignatius faced each other across the space.

Dustin maintained his expressionless demeanor, cold and indifferent. He still held Evander's severed head in his hand.

Ignatius, on the other hand, wore a solemn expression, as if facing a formidable enemy.

The two stood in a standoff, neither making a move.

"Could it be? Faced with War God's earth-shattering strike, this kid actually blocked it?"

"Not only did he block it, but he also doesn't seem to be injured."

"Oh my god! When did Stonia produce such a genius powerhouse? He can actually contend with the Jade-Faced War God; this is too exaggerated, isn't it?"

As the nearly evenly matched individuals faced each other, the high-ranking members of the Duskshire Royal Palace were left stunned, exchanging incredulous looks.

Ignatius's strength had already become ingrained in people's minds. In the entire Dragonmarsh Empire, those who could be compared to him were few, and each was a top-tier genius.

Examples included the twin stars of the Spanner family, Vincent Chambers of the World Society, and Nolan Fitzgerald of Gleanstead.

Apart from these, there were few who could stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

However, today, no one expected an unknown newcomer to actually rival Ignatius.

It was truly astonishing.

"Who are you?" Ignatius spoke with a deep voice, his eyes showing no signs of contempt.

The recent exchange of blows had secretly alarmed him. He knew that Dustin's strength was not beneath his own.

The question was, why was an unknown character so powerful?

Could it be that he was hiding his identity? Was he a top-tier genius carefully cultivated by some major power?

"I am who I am. You'll find out in the future. But today, I'm not in the mood to play with you."

Dustin coldly spoke and then turned to leave, still holding Evander's head, which continued to drip with blood.

Ignatius, in a high position and wielding significant power, with strength approaching that of a grandmaster, wasn't afraid. However, killing the other party here would inevitably lead to endless trouble.

The Duskshire Royal Palace could tolerate the death of Evander, but it would never tolerate the killing of Ignatius.

Moreover, with Ignatius's identity as the War God, the royal family would not let the matter rest easily.

By then, the entire Stonia would be shaken.

So, he was unwilling to entangle himself with Ignatius, provided the latter was sensible.

If a life-and-death struggle was truly necessary, he wouldn't hold back.

"Hmm?" Observing Dustin's departing figure, Ignatius frowned slightly, tightening his fist. However, in the end, he abandoned the idea of attacking.

The strengths of the two seemed to be evenly matched, and in a direct confrontation, the result might be mutual destruction.

Risking so much for a dead chess piece was not worth it.

"What?! War God, are you just letting him go like this?" A bald man approached and asked in a low voice.

"What do you want to say?" Ignatius scanned him coldly.

"This kid dared to act arrogantly at the Emerald Estate and even killed someone from our Duskshire Royal Palace. If we don't eliminate him today, it's really hard to dispel the hatred in our hearts!" The bald man complained indignantly.

"Makes sense."

Ignatius nodded, "Alright, I'll give you a chance to show your prowess. Go and kill him. I'll reward you generously afterward."

"What? Me?" The bald man's face stiffened, waving his hands repeatedly. "My lord, I'm just a civil servant. I have no combat skills. I don't understand anything about killing."

"Since you don't understand, then why are you talking here? Get out of my sight!"
Chapter 1572 What a Tragedy

Ignatius glared, scaring the bald man so much that he shivered and immediately apologized, retreating.

What was initially an attempt to make a presence ended up provoking Ignatius. Truly not worth the trouble.

"Someone come!"

Ignatius waved, and two guards immediately ran over, asking, "What are your orders, my lord?"

"Use all resources, immediately investigate this person named Dustin Rhys. I want to know everything about him!" Ignatius said in a deep voice.

"Yes, my lord!"

The two guards acknowledged and quickly left.

"Daring to act recklessly in my territory, I want to see who you really are!" Ignatius muttered with a stern face.

Know yourself, know your enemy, and you shall win a hundred battles.

Once he understood his opponent's details, he would naturally find a way to deal with him.


Dustin carried Evander's head and walked out of the Emerald Estate openly.

He knew that such behavior would bring him a lot of trouble, but he couldn't care less at this point.

He had to use Evander's death to honor Belinda's spirit in the afterlife.

And it wasn't just Evander; anyone involved in this matter would pay the price.

After wrapping the head in cloth, Dustin drove towards the Remington Mansion again.

It was dusk already.

Outside the Remington Mansion, white banners were hung.

Belinda's death caused a huge sensation in the Remington family, partly because of her status and partly due to financial interests.

Jade Dew Ointment had become a bestseller, bringing in a continuous stream of business. As one of the major shareholders, Belinda was undoubtedly a money-making tree.

Now, with the sudden death of this money-making tree, it was a massive blow to the entire Remington family.

The once dream of a wealthy family now seemed uncertain.

At this moment, in the mourning hall.

A coffin was placed in the center, facing the entrance.

In the coffin, Belinda lay peacefully, as if sleeping.

Prudence was kneeling next to the coffin, already crying so much that he couldn't speak, and his tears had dried up.

Other members of the Remington family present also had gloomy faces, filled with sorrow and regret.

People who were fine just yesterday unexpectedly disappeared today.

It was truly hard to accept.

"Brother Prudence, the dead cannot be brought back to life. Please take care of yourself. The Remington family still relies on you for support."

"Yes, Brother Prudence, take good care of yourself. Our Remington family still needs you."


People who came to express their condolences, after paying respects, started comforting Prudence.

Prudence just nodded lightly, not in the mood to say anything.

Thinking about the sorrow, tears couldn't help but flow again.

"Oh! White banners at home? Who died?"

At this moment, a sarcastic voice suddenly sounded at the door.

Following that, two women with a group of people walked in.

It was Isabela and Victoria!

"What are you doing here?!"

Seeing the two, Prudence couldn't help but frown.

"Uncle Prudence, seeing you cry so sadly, could it be that your daughter is dead?" Victoria said sarcastically.

"You are not serious, are you?."

Isabela walked to the coffin and laughed coldly, "What a tragedy for a beauty with such a short life. It's a pity."
Chapter 1572 What a Tragedy

Ignatius glared, scaring the bald man so much that he shivered and immediately apologized, retreating.

What was initially an attempt to make a presence ended up provoking Ignatius. Truly not worth the trouble.

"Someone come!"

Ignatius waved, and two guards immediately ran over, asking, "What are your orders, my lord?"

"Use all resources, immediately investigate this person named Dustin Rhys. I want to know everything about him!" Ignatius said in a deep voice.

"Yes, my lord!"

The two guards acknowledged and quickly left.

"Daring to act recklessly in my territory, I want to see who you really are!" Ignatius muttered with a stern face.

Know yourself, know your enemy, and you shall win a hundred battles.

Once he understood his opponent's details, he would naturally find a way to deal with him.


Dustin carried Evander's head and walked out of the Emerald Estate openly.

He knew that such behavior would bring him a lot of trouble, but he couldn't care less at this point.

He had to use Evander's death to honor Belinda's spirit in the afterlife.

And it wasn't just Evander; anyone involved in this matter would pay the price.

After wrapping the head in cloth, Dustin drove towards the Remington Mansion again.

It was dusk already.

Outside the Remington Mansion, white banners were hung.

Belinda's death caused a huge sensation in the Remington family, partly because of her status and partly due to financial interests.

Jade Dew Ointment had become a bestseller, bringing in a continuous stream of business. As one of the major shareholders, Belinda was undoubtedly a money-making tree.

Now, with the sudden death of this money-making tree, it was a massive blow to the entire Remington family.

The once dream of a wealthy family now seemed uncertain.

At this moment, in the mourning hall.

A coffin was placed in the center, facing the entrance.

In the coffin, Belinda lay peacefully, as if sleeping.

Prudence was kneeling next to the coffin, already crying so much that he couldn't speak, and his tears had dried up.

Other members of the Remington family present also had gloomy faces, filled with sorrow and regret.

People who were fine just yesterday unexpectedly disappeared today.

It was truly hard to accept.

"Brother Prudence, the dead cannot be brought back to life. Please take care of yourself. The Remington family still relies on you for support."

"Yes, Brother Prudence, take good care of yourself. Our Remington family still needs you."


People who came to express their condolences, after paying respects, started comforting Prudence.

Prudence just nodded lightly, not in the mood to say anything.

Thinking about the sorrow, tears couldn't help but flow again.

"Oh! White banners at home? Who died?"

At this moment, a sarcastic voice suddenly sounded at the door.

Following that, two women with a group of people walked in.

It was Isabela and Victoria!

"What are you doing here?!"

Seeing the two, Prudence couldn't help but frown.

"Uncle Prudence, seeing you cry so sadly, could it be that your daughter is dead?" Victoria said sarcastically.

"You are not serious, are you?."

Isabela walked to the coffin and laughed coldly, "What a tragedy for a beauty with such a short life. It's a pity."
I'm so confused about the names man. Jungal2000 and nazmul can you guys cooperate with eachother about the name..? I like both of yours translation, so I read both, but, because of the difference in naming, it gets little bit confusing

I'm so confused about the names man. Jungal2000 and nazmul can you guys cooperate with eachother about the name..? I like both of yours translation, so I read both, but, because of the difference in naming, it gets little bit confusing.
You can't sit on 2 chairs. Choose one.
Jungal2000 please dont cooperate, stay yourself. And thank you for great translations 🙂
Chapter 1573 Offending the Montgomerys

"What did you say?!"
Prudence, who was already feeling sad, got really mad when he heard the strange words of the two people.

Seeing things getting out of hand, two guys next to him immediately held him back and whispered, "Prudence, these two are from wealthy families. We can't mess with them. Just bear with it."

"Yeah, if something happens to them here, our whole family will suffer."

Hearing this, Prudence took a deep breath and decided to calm down.

"Uncle, don't be so upset. Stress is bad for your health," Isabela said with a smirk, completely unfazed.

Today, she came prepared and wasn't afraid of the small Remington family.

"What do you want? My daughter is already gone. Are you planning to make jokes about it?!" Prudence shouted.

"Hey hey hey... Mr Remington, don't speak recklessly. We and Belinda were like sisters. Her death has saddened us too," Isabela said insincerely.

"Yeah, we heard about Belinda's death and rushed here to pay our respects. It shows our sincerity," followed by Victoria's agreement.

"You've paid our respects, then you can leave now," Prudence ordered directly.

"Mr Remington, don't be hasty. We came here to mourn Belinda and, at the same time, discuss a deal with your Remington family," Isabela said with a half-smile.

"We're in the middle of mourning. We're not in the mood for deals. Please leave!" Prudence said sternly.

His daughter had just died, and he had nothing to fear.

"You better hear our terms before deciding. Otherwise, you'll regret it," Isabela said confidently.

"I don't care about your terms. Even if it's a huge deal, our Remington family is not interested!" Prudence said firmly.

These people came to argue and do business at the funeral, showing complete disrespect for the Remington family.

"Mr Remington, this concerns the safety of your entire Remington clan. Are you sure you don't want to consider it?" Isabela's expression turned cold.

"What are you saying?" Prudence's face changed.

"Your Remington family has offended the Duskshire Royal Palace. You're aware of that, right?" Isabela said casually.

"What do you mean?" Prudence frowned.

He naturally understood that his daughter's death was all because of Evander. However, the other party's background was too strong, and he didn't even have the courage for revenge.

Because he wasn't just an individual; he had to consider the whole family. If he did something extreme, it would only bring disaster to the Remington family.

"Remington clan leader, with the power of Duskshire Royal Palace, it's easy for them to ruin your Remington family. I believe you understand this very well," Isabela began to strike.

"Most importantly, your daughter, along with Dustin, offended Lord Eugene's adopted son, Evander. If this grudge is not resolved in time, not only your daughter but your whole family will suffer!" she added.

With this revelation, the whole scene was in an uproar.

Belinda's death was suspicious, and many people had doubts, but they didn't dare to confirm it.

Now, hearing Isabela's words, they finally woke up. Belinda's death was because she offended Evander.

No wonder Prudence had been holding back and not saying anything vengeful.

"Oh no! I heard Evander never lets things go. If he wants revenge, we're in big trouble!"
Chapter 1574 The Safety of The Remingtons

"How did this happen? Why did the Remington family anger the Duskshire Royal Palace?"
The people of the Remington family were talking nervously and panicking.

The Remington family was just a second-rate family, how could they compete with the mighty Duskshire Royal Palace? To put it bluntly, if the Duskshire Royal Palace wanted to, they could wipe out the Remington family overnight!

"What do you want from us?!" Prudence's face looked uneasy.

Even though he didn't want to admit it, the Remington family was still in danger. They hadn't fulfilled the conditions they promised Evander before, and even with his daughter's sacrifice, it didn't change anything.

"Mr Prudence, don't worry. We're here to help you through this tough time," Isabela said with a smile.

"Yes, we have a deep connection with the Duskshire Royal Palace. If we speak for you, the Remington family will be safe," added Victoria confidently.

With her relationship with Dahlia, solving the Remington family's problems was just a matter of words.

"We are not relatives or friends. Why do you want to help us?" Prudence asked sternly.

There's no such thing as a free lunch, and he naturally didn't believe that these two were acting out of the goodness of their hearts.

"Well, it goes back to the deal I mentioned earlier," Isabela said with a smile. "Jade Dew Ointment is produced by your Remington family. I believe you have the formula and the relevant pharmaceutical personnel. My request is simple: give me these things, and I guarantee the safety of your Remington family. What do you say?"

"You're dreaming!"

Prudence immediately rejected, "Jade Dew Ointment is my daughter's hard work and a key factor in the development of our Remington family. It's too much for you to want to take it away with just a few words!"

"Mr Prudence, Jade Dew Ointment is indeed priceless, but compared to the lives of your entire Remington family, it becomes insignificant," Isabela continued to strike.

"Think about it carefully. Is Jade Dew Ointment more important, or the lives of dozens of people in your Remington family?" she added.

With these words, Prudence was instantly speechless.

Yes, even though Jade Dew Ointment was precious, it was nothing compared to the safety of the family.

If the Remington family were to be wiped out, what use would the formula for Jade Dew Ointment be?

The logic was there, but he couldn't accept it!

"Mr Prudence, trading the formula for Jade Dew Ointment for the lives of your entire Remington family is something you should be grateful for. You should know that others don't even have this opportunity!" Victoria said condescendingly.

"Prudence, maybe we should agree to their terms? Lives are the most important."

"Yeah, Prudence, you can always make money again, but if people are gone, everything is gone."

At this moment, many members of the Remington family started to persuade him.

They were genuinely afraid of offending the Duskshire Royal Palace and facing a catastrophe.

"Mr Prudence, I'll give you three minutes to consider. If you don't agree after three minutes, you'll bear the consequences!" Isabela said impatiently, giving her final notice.

In her eyes, the Remington family had no way out, and she could manipulate them however she wanted.

"No need to consider. Don't even think about the formula for Jade Dew Ointment. Now, get out as far as you can!"

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly echoed at the door.

Following that, Dustin, holding a head wrapped in cloth, walked in quickly.
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Chapter 1575 Phone-a-friend

"Dustin? What are you doing here?"

When Isabela saw Dustin, her eyebrows furrowed, and her face immediately turned cold.

Their previous encounter had left them at odds with each other.

"You, Dustin! Why are you everywhere? Such bad luck!" Victoria expressed disgust.

Their previous visit to the Remington family's pharmaceuticals had not only gained them no advantage but had also resulted in a scolding. This had left a lingering resentment.

"If you two came here for the formula of Jade Dew Ointment, I advise you to give up that idea right now," Dustin said coldly.

"Humph! What do we want to do? None of your business! You better worry about yourself!" Isabela said with a stern face.

"Exactly! You're already in trouble yourself. Do you dare to meddle in our affairs? Are you trying to hasten your own death?" Victoria scolded.

They knew in their hearts that Belinda's death was definitely related to Evander. Therefore, they came to take advantage of the situation.

As for Dustin, he was just a fish that slipped through the net. Once Evander's people found him, he would certainly meet a gruesome end.

So, at this moment, they didn't take Dustin seriously at all.

"The formula of Jade Dew Ointment is the result of joint efforts with Belinda. If anyone dares to forcibly take it, I won't be polite!" Dustin warned.

"What? Trying to scare us?"

Victoria sneered, showing disdain. "You're just a small martial artist, what's so remarkable about you? Do you really think you can compete with us? Stop dreaming!"

"Dustin, I advise you not to meddle too much, or what happened to Belinda could be your fate!" Isabela said sternly.

"So, Belinda's death is related to you?"

Dustin's face darkened, and his eyes became filled with murderous intent.

"Hey! Don't make baseless accusations. We haven't done anything!"

Victoria, feeling somewhat panicked, quickly denied.

"Dustin, don't blame me for not giving you a chance. If you leave now, I'll pretend nothing happened. But if you insist on causing trouble, I'll have to call Evander," Isabela said, suddenly taking out her phone. She sneered, "I'll tell you the truth. Evander is offering a high reward for your head right now. If he finds you, even ten lives won't be enough for you to survive!"

Last time, it was because the little enchantress used poison to threaten them that Evander's people temporarily backed off.

Now, the situation had changed, and Evander's revenge would come soon.

"You can try, see if Evander will respond to you." Dustin said indifferently.

"Dustin, aren't you afraid of death?" Isabela looked at him with unfriendly eyes.

"Of course, I'm afraid of death, but I'm more afraid that you don't have the ability to do it." Dustin said.

"Isabela, this guy is too arrogant. Quickly call Evander, let him experience the consequences!" Victoria couldn't help but speak up.

A mere martial artist, she didn't believe he could contend with the Duskshire Royal Palace.

"Arrogant and ignorant! I will make you regret this!"
Isabela said with a serious face and immediately began to dial the phone.

"Lord Isabela, please wait!" A Remington family member saw this and immediately panicked, hastily speaking up, "Let's talk about this. There's no need to make it so unpleasant."

"Yes, yes, let's sit down and talk. Why disturb the people of the Duskshire Royal Palace?" Many members of the Remington family began to intervene.

They didn't care about Dustin's life or death, but they had to consider the safety of the Remington family.

Evander was cunning and malicious, seeking revenge for the slightest offense. Once he appeared here, the entire Remington family would be in danger.

Belinda's death was the best example.
Chapter 1576 Came Prepared

So they were scared.

Hearing the pleas from the Remington family members, Isabela's expression softened slightly. She calmly said, "I can give you some dignity, not make this call, and even help your Remington family resolve this crisis. But, as I said before, you must hand over the formula of Jade Dew Ointment."

"No problem, no problem. We are willing to hand over the formula," Remington’s Fourth Uncle nodded repeatedly.

At present, the Remington family was still living a good life, and there was no need to risk the entire family for a piece of formula.

"Mr Prudence, what do you think?" Isabela turned her gaze towards Prudence.

Prudence gritted his teeth, hesitated for a while, and finally nodded. They had no choice but to hand it over. The Torby and Sterling families were obviously well-prepared, and with the Duskshire Royal Palace watching, the Remington family had no other options.

An innocent man should not be punished for the crimes of the guilty.

He never expected to be in such a situation one day.

"Very well, those who understand the situation are wise. You've made a very correct decision," Isabela smiled with satisfaction.

"What are you still standing there for? Quickly take out the formula," Victoria urged.

"Yes, yes, yes..."

Remington’s Fourth Uncle nodded repeatedly and then helped Prudence, preparing to leave.

"Hold on!"

At this moment, Dustin spoke again. "The formula is the result of my and Belinda's hard work. I can't hand it over to them."

"Hey, that's enough, right? Don't be so selfish. You might not be afraid of death, but don't involve the Remington family," Isabela began to sow discord.

"Dustin, please, be merciful and let us go. We really can't afford to offend these people. We can only resolve the situation by handing over the things. Please, don't harm us again!" Remington’s Fourth Uncle clasped his hands together, repeatedly bowing.

"Dustin, my daughter is already dead. I don't want more people from the Remington family to sacrifice in vain. Please step aside!" Prudence's voice was hoarse.

"Uncle Prudence, this matter is because of me. I will handle it thoroughly. I promise that the Remington family will be safe. This is my guarantee," Dustin said solemnly.

Upon hearing this, Prudence suddenly laughed, a smile tinged with bitterness. "Dustin, oh Dustin, what do you have to guarantee with? You have no power, no influence. How can you compete with these wealthy families? Please, don't be so self-righteous. You have already caused the death of my daughter. Do you now want to destroy my entire family?"

The last sentence was shouted out.

Dustin pursed his lips, feeling guilty. "Belinda's death is my fault. I will do my best to make amends and ensure a worry-free life for your family. That's my promise."

"I don't need your promise, nor do I need your compensation. I only ask you to stay away from us and stop causing harm to us!" Prudence shouted.

"Dustin! Did you hear that? The Remington family doesn't welcome you. Hurry up and leave, or don't blame us for being impolite!" Victoria said fiercely.

Turning around, Dustin spoke coldly, "What, are you still daring to attack me?"

"So what if we attack? We came prepared today!"
Victoria said, making a gesture.

Soon, a group of thugs standing outside the door rushed in, surrounding Dustin.

Each one of them was eager, ready to act.

"Dustin, I know you have some skills, but these people are carefully selected experts. I don't believe you can still contend with them!" Victoria raised her head arrogantly.

Victoria spoke confidently.
Chapter 1577 Making a Move

"This bunch of riffraff still dares to call themselves experts? I really don't know where you get the courage from."

Dustin swept his gaze left and right, his expression still indifferent.



As soon as these words were spoken, the thugs angrily rebuked, appearing especially resentful.

A brat like him dared to look down on them; it was simply courting death.

"Humph! Giving face but not taking it!"

Victoria snorted coldly and gave the order, "Men! Kick him out for me!"


At her command, the thugs unsheathed their knives and immediately pounced.

"Get lost!"

Dustin stepped forward suddenly.

A surge of majestic true energy erupted.


Dozens of thugs were sent flying like they had been hit by a car, crashing heavily several meters away. They were spitting blood and groaning in pain, unable to stand up.


Witnessing this scene, everyone was shocked.

The Remington family members were dumbfounded, and even Isabela and Victoria were stunned.

No one expected Dustin's strength to be so formidable. With just one move, he sent over a dozen experts flying.

It was too exaggerated!

"How... how is this possible?!"

Isabela and Victoria looked at each other, their faces filled with disbelief.

To prevent any accidents, they had specially hired a group of powerful martial artists as bodyguards. They thought that these martial artists could suppress Dustin if necessary.

They never expected him to defeat them with a single move, catching them completely off guard.

How could this guy, Dustin, be so powerful?

"Now, do you really want to force your way?"

Dustin took two steps forward, scaring Victoria into retreating continuously. She turned pale, trembling as she said, "Y-you... don't come any closer! I am a member of Sterling family. If you dare to touch even a strand of my hair, the Sterling family will never let you off!"

"Is that so?"

Dustin sneered, raised his hand, and slapped Victoria's face heavily. He coldly said, "I'm making a move now. What can your Sterling family do?"

"Damn you!"

Victoria covered her burning face, filled with resentment. "You're dead! Dustin, you're finished! I will make you pay!"


Dustin raised his hand and slapped Victoria's face again, making her dizzy. He said coldly, "I want to see what you can do."

"You... you..."

Victoria's face was swollen and red, filled with hatred. "You're dead! Dustin! I will make you pay the price!"

"The price?"

Dustin sneered, taking a step forward, and slapped Victoria again. "Let's see what kind of price you can make me pay."

"You... you..."

Victoria covered her swollen face, full of resentment. "Dustin! You've had enough!"

"Dustin! That's enough!"

This time, Isabela couldn't bear it anymore and shouted loudly, "If you dare to act again, don't blame me for being impolite!"


Turning around, Dustin spoke coldly, "What? Do you dare to act against me?"

"So what if we act? We came prepared today!"

Victoria said confidently.

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