Have you ever seen an angel?


Immortal Village Hero
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 3, 2023
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Tell us what happened, how did it look, what did it say

I haven't seen one yet
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I have never seen one, though I do find them and their evil counterparts(demons) intriguing.

I enjoy learning about their origins, powers, roles, rankings etc....
Do you know relativity theory? How about any ideas on string theory?

Within this university there are other dimensions. You could exist in more than one dimensions. Some believe there are being in other dimensions

Let me school you with example. Jinns do exist in this world. But they are within this world in their own dimensions.

There were Rumors of popobawa in 2007, I belive you were still nursing at the time. I witness people coming out testifying that they have been violated by poppbawa. A creature half bat half human. I see also text in other countries like China about batman. Which could be similar to popobawa in Tanzania.

To make it short just because you don't know it doesn't mean it doesn't exist 😊
Do you know relativity theory? How about any ideas on string theory?

Within this university there are other dimensions. You could exist in more than one dimensions. Some believe there are being in other dimensions

Let me school you with example. Jinns do exist in this world. But they are within this world in their own dimensions.

There were Rumors of popobawa in 2007, I belive you were still nursing at the time. I witness people coming out testifying that they have been violated by poppbawa. A creature half bat half human. I see also text in other countries like China about batman. Which could be similar to popobawa in Tanzania.

To make it short just because you don't know it doesn't mean it doesn't exist 😊
Let me school you with example. Jinns do exist in this world. But they are within this world in their own dimensions.

There were Rumors of popobawa in 2007, I belive you were still nursing at the time. I witness people coming out testifying that they have been violated by poppbawa. A creature half bat half human. I see also text in other countries like China about batman. Which could be similar to popobawa in Tanzania.

To make it short just because you don't know it doesn't mean it doesn't exist 😊
I do know about these mythical creatures, It's just that I have never seen any or come across empirical evidence that proves their existance.

And I don't trust people who claim supernatural sightings, because they're biased. For instance, a tanzanian may claim to have seen 'popobawa' but no tanzanian will ever report seeing a werewolf from Europe. A christian may report seeing an angel but never a jinn from islam.

My take is that these creatures are just figments of imagination, basing on what someone believes in and the culture of a particular region.

In absence of any proof, I can't say otherwise.

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