Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life, philosophical/religious facts, theories etc.


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Jul 5, 2024
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Practical Explanation ( For Example ) :- `1st of all can you tell me every single seconds detail from that time when you born ?? ( i need every seconds detail ?? that what- what you have thought and done on every single second )

can you tell me every single detail of your `1 cheapest Minute Or your whole hour, day, week, month, year or your whole life ??

if you are not able to tell me about this life then what proof do you have that you didn't forget your past ? and that you will not forget this present life in the future ?

that is Fact that Supreme Lord Krishna exists but we posses no such intelligence to understand him.
there is also next life. and i already proved you that no scientist, no politician, no so-called intelligent man in this world is able to understand this Truth. cuz they are imagining. and you cannot imagine what is god, who is god, what is after life etc.
for example :Your father existed before your birth. you cannot say that before your birth your father don,t exists.

So you have to ask from mother, "Who is my father?" And if she says, "This gentleman is your father," then it is all right. It is easy.
Otherwise, if you makes research, "Who is my father?" go on searching for life; you'll never find your father.

( now maybe...maybe you will say that i will search my father from D.N.A, or i will prove it by photo's, or many other thing's which i will get from my mother and prove it that who is my Real father.{ So you have to believe the authority. who is that authority ? she is your mother. you cannot claim of any photo's, D.N.A or many other things without authority ( or ur mother ).

if you will show D.N.A, photo's, and many other proofs from other women then your mother. then what is use of those proofs ??} )

same you have to follow real authority. "Whatever You have spoken, I accept it," Then there is no difficulty. And You are accepted by Devala, Narada, Vyasa, and You are speaking Yourself, and later on, all the acaryas have accepted. Then I'll follow.
I'll have to follow great personalities. The same reason mother says, this gentleman is my father. That's all. Finish business. Where is the necessity of making research? All authorities accept Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. You accept it; then your searching after God is finished.

Why should you waste your time?
all that is you need is to hear from authority ( same like mother ). and i heard this truth from authority " Srila Prabhupada " he is my spiritual master.
im not talking these all things from my own.

in this world no `1 can be Peace full. this is all along Fact.

cuz we all are suffering in this world 4 Problems which are Disease, Old age, Death, and Birth after Birth.

tell me are you really happy ?? you can,t be happy if you will ignore these 4 main problem. then still you will be Forced by Nature.

if you really want to be happy then follow these 6 Things which are No illicit s.ex, No g.ambling, No d.rugs ( No tea & coffee ), No meat-eating ( No onion & garlic's )

5th thing is whatever you eat `1st offer it to Supreme Lord Krishna. ( if you know it what is Guru parama-para then offer them food not direct Supreme Lord Krishna )

and 6th " Main Thing " is you have to Chant " hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare ".
If your not able to follow these 4 things no illicit s.ex, no g.ambling, no d.rugs, no meat-eating then don,t worry but chanting of this holy name ( Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra ) is very-very and very important.

Chant " hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare " and be happy.

if you still don,t believe on me then chant any other name for 5 Min's and chant this holy name for 5 Min's and you will see effect. i promise you it works And chanting at least 16 rounds ( each round of 108 beads ) of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra daily.
Here is no Question of Holy Books quotes, Personal Experiences, Faith or Belief. i accept that Sometimes Faith is also Blind. Here is already Practical explanation which already proved that every`1 else in this world is nothing more then Busy Foolish and totally idiot.
every `1 is already Blind in this world and if you will follow another Blind then you both will fall in hole. so try to follow that person who have Spiritual Eyes who can Guide you on Actual Right Path. ( my Authority & Guide is my Spiritual Master " Srila Prabhupada " )
if you want to see Actual Purpose of human life then see this link : ( triple w ( d . o . t ) asitis ( d . o . t ) c . o . m {Bookmark it })
read it complete. ( i promise only readers of this book that they { he/she } will get every single answer which they want to know about why im in this material world, who im, what will happen after this life, what is best thing which will make Human Life Perfect, and what is perfection of Human Life. ) purpose of human life is not to live like animal cuz every`1 at present time doing 4 thing which are sleeping, eating, s.ex & fear. purpose of human life is to become freed from Birth after birth, Old Age, Disease, and Death.
"no illicit s.ex, no g.ambling, no d.rugs, no meat-eating"

This is where you left me hanging.
1. I do eat so much meat.
2. I drink coffee, less alcohol
3. I love me sex, the crazier it gets more fulfilment
4. I gambled all day, lost all my bets

Coming here and see this post made be think. I think, think and think 🤔 end up doing so more thinking

I imagine my life without coffee, kinky sexual life, no meat at all•••• what type of life would that be?
@King of Dragonmarsh @emeka @brits @Alonzo03 @Prosper @Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

I imagine for men we have three things which can be very important "status, sex and money" all these goes hand in hand

If you have status you would want to use it. What the point of having status if you can have authority. Then what authority without money and sex - No fun

Then you are having sex. You can't have enough, you can't keep enjoying the same thing over and over again without spicing things out. I look at a grandma, I say she surely is sweet. Somehow it's frowned upon. Saying you Gily can't eat her up, she lived through generation - No fun

You do have money and having money without spending is also not fun. Money is supposed to be spent, then spending all that money buying yourself many beautful things. At some point one meed to gamble to have fun with the money. Actually all business is gambling. I am not saying betting, but gambling - No fun

I would love to learn more of what you said.....
Out of what you said. Thinking I can give upone things at a time.

I have some thoughts about becoming a vegetarian. But sadly where I come from none if vegetarian foods are taste.
The veggies can have bad effect for the stomach, one could give a very long fart.

No alcohol too, I occasional drink. Nit wo much drinking. I agree alcohol can be detrimental to the body.

About sex, I also would leave it to the imagination.

About gambling, I know when it's too much is very harmful. One day when I win big I will say goodbye to the gambling.
Out of what you said. Thinking I can give upone things at a time.

I have some thoughts about becoming a vegetarian. But sadly where I come from none if vegetarian foods are taste.
The veggies can have bad effect for the stomach, one could give a very long fart.

No alcohol too, I occasional drink. Nit wo much drinking. I agree alcohol can be detrimental to the body.

About sex, I also would leave it to the imagination.

About gambling, I know when it's too much is very harmful. One day when I win big I will say goodbye to the gambling.
as for me I do all of this but at a time saying you will stop gambling after you win big it's a lie the more you win the more you gamble (money ) having money without spending it it's a waste but one way to spend it is buy investing more in what will bring more money and less in enjoyment and flashing things but just make sure you enjoy yourself and buy what you like that's how it is(sex) it's not bad to have sex but having it in right way for example having sex during vacation or you free time but if you keep on having sex every day or every time you may forget others things which you need to do (drinking alcohol ) is not bad one is that it's good some time but drinking it every day or more than what your brain can carry it's bad so for me take a little (eating) it's good to eat what you like but toomuch of everything is bad
you just have to play along little by little 🙌
My younger brother this topic is beyond your comprehension.
So just like a layman does not know how the sun appears and disappears, but an astronomer, he knows very well the movements of the sun, moon and other planets' appearance and disappearance. This is a science, astronomy. Similarly, there is a science of God by which you can understand how God appears, disappears, how He acts, how He works. Everything is there.

But if you are not interested, that does not mean that the science of God is false or there is no such science. There is. You must be interested to know; then you can understand. And if you simply understand this science, then you become liberated. It is open order. Simply by understanding—even not engaging yourself in transcendental service of the Lord—simply by understanding the process of appearance and disappearance. So why don't you try that?
"no illicit s.ex, no g.ambling, no d.rugs, no meat-eating"

This is where you left me hanging.
1. I do eat so much meat.
2. I drink coffee, less alcohol
3. I love me sex, the crazier it gets more fulfilment
4. I gambled all day, lost all my bets

Coming here and see this post made be think. I think, think and think 🤔 end up doing so more thinking

I imagine my life without coffee, kinky sexual life, no meat at all•••• what type of life would that be?

I imagine for men we have three things which can be very important "status, sex and money" all these goes hand in hand

If you have status you would want to use it. What the point of having status if you can have authority. Then what authority without money and sex - No fun

Then you are having sex. You can't have enough, you can't keep enjoying the same thing over and over again without spicing things out. I look at a grandma, I say she surely is sweet. Somehow it's frowned upon. Saying you Gily can't eat her up, she lived through generation - No fun

You do have money and having money without spending is also not fun. Money is supposed to be spent, then spending all that money buying yourself many beautful things. At some point one meed to gamble to have fun with the money. Actually all business is gambling. I am not saying betting, but gambling - No fun

I would love to learn more of what you said.....
"That is first-class religion." What is that? "Where love of God is enthused." That is first-class religion. And if you follow ritualistic processes and your love of Godhead is gone to hellyour love of materialistic life or love of this world is increasing, love of sense gratification is increasing—that is not religion. That is not religion. Test of religion is how much you are increasing your love of God.

So here it is said, "Whenever and wherever there is decline in religious practice..." What is that religion practice? That religion practice is whenever there is decline of love of God. That's all. When people becomes lover of mammon, matter, that means decline of religion. And when people increase love of Godhead, that means real religion. So Kṛṣṇa comes, or Kṛṣṇa's servant or representative comes, to adjust things. When people forget love of Godhead, somebody, either Kṛṣṇa, God Himself or His representative comes to adjust things.

So this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is incarnation. They are teaching love of Godhead. We are not teaching some ritualistic process, that "You become Hindu," "You become Christian," "You become Muhammadan." We are simply teaching, "You try to love God. You have forgotten love [God]. You have declared, 'God is dead.' These are all nonsense. God is there. You are here. You are suffering because you have forgotten God. You try to love God. Your normal life will come back. You will be happy." This is Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement. There is nothing artificiality.

So there is no question of sectarianism, that "In this temple the Christians will come" or "The Muhammadans will not come." Anyone. Because we are teaching what? Teaching love of Godhead. Either you become Christian or Muhammadan, Hindu, how you can deny God? Those who are denying God, their case is different. But one who is accepting God as the central figure in religion, how they can deny this movement? Because we are teaching love of Godhead, that's all.
Out of what you said. Thinking I can give upone things at a time.

I have some thoughts about becoming a vegetarian. But sadly where I come from none if vegetarian foods are taste.
The veggies can have bad effect for the stomach, one could give a very long fart.

No alcohol too, I occasional drink. Nit wo much drinking. I agree alcohol can be detrimental to the body.

About sex, I also would leave it to the imagination.

About gambling, I know when it's too much is very harmful. One day when I win big I will say goodbye to the gambling.
So this animal-killing, no religion sanctions. In your Christian religion also, it is clearly stated, "Thou shall not kill." But who is caring for that? Nobody is caring. They are killing. Their killing process is increasing, and there is reaction also. Every ten years you will find one war, killing process upon you. How you can avoid?

There must be reaction
. You cannot violate the laws of God. As you cannot violate the laws of the state, similarly, if you violate, you have to suffer. You cannot expect peace and you go on killing animals. That is not possible. If you want peace, then you must think for others also. That is Kṛṣṇa consciousness. That is God consciousness.

How you can kill another animal? He is also as good a child of God. A father has got some dozens of children. It may be one is useless, but that does not mean father will allow it to be killed..., allow him to be killed. If the very intelligent child says, "My dear father, your this son is useless. Let me kill him," the father will sanction? No, never. Similarly, the animal may be less intelligent. They cannot make protest. They are also nationals.

What do you mean by national? One who is born in America is national. Are the animals are not born in America? Are they not American nationals? But because they cannot make protest, they cannot make meeting, you are killing them. You see? Is that humanity? And you expect peace? That is not possible.

Violation of God, laws of God, one has to suffer, today or tomorrow. Today or tomorrow. Just like if you contaminate some disease germ, it may not be manifest immediately, but it will act someday. Similarly, if we contaminate sinful activities, it may not be immediately manifest, but you must wait for the reaction.

So Kṛṣṇa consciousness means to understand these things. It is not a bogus propaganda, that "You meditate fifteen minutes and you become God," nonsense. This is not such a movement. You have to understand your constitutional position. You have to understand what is God, what is law of God, how it is functioning. These are there. These are meant for human study. They are not meant for animals.

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