Relationships and Power: Understated Dominance by by Marina Vittori

An Understated Dominance: By Marina Vittori​

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys have been married for three years. After Dahlia achieves rapid success, she decides to end her marriage with Dustin, viewing him as a burden. Little does she know that all her accomplishments were actually thanks to him.

My wife is a CEO, she always hates me for being lazy and wants to divorce me. But she doesn't know that her success is bestowed by me.

“Dustin, here is the divorce agreement prepared by Ms. Nicholson. All you need to do is sign them.”

In the president’s office of the Quine Group, the secretary, Lyra Blaine, placed a piece of A4 paper on the table. A man sat opposite her, dressed in plain clothing.

“Divorce? What do you mean?”

Dustin Rhys was taken aback.

“Do you not understand what I’m saying? Your marriage with Ms. Nicholson is over. You’re not even on the same level anymore. Your existence is nothing but a smear on the president’s reputation!”

Lyra pulled no punches as she spoke.

“A smear on her reputation?” Dustin frowned. “Is that how she thinks of me?”

Back when they first got married, the Nicholson family was in ruinous debt. He was the one who helped them when they were at their lowest point. Now that they were rich, Dahlia Nicholson was ready to just kick him out.

“Something like that.” Lyra poked her chin toward the magazine on the table. A photo of a beautiful woman was printed on the front page. “Look at the headline on this magazine, Dustin. Ms. Nicholson’s net worth has hit one billion in the course of just three years, a feat no short of a miracle. She’s now the most desired woman in Swinton! With all this, she’s destined for greatness. But you, you’re just a regular joe. You don’t deserve her at all. I hope that you’ll see some sense and do the right thing.”

When Dustin remained silent, Lyra frowned.

“I know you’re not happy with this, but this is reality,” she continued. “You might have helped Ms. Nicholson when she was in trouble, but she has repaid you for everything you’ve done for her over the last three years. In fact, you’re the one who owes her now!”

“Is our marriage just a business deal to her, then?” Dustin took a deep breath to suppress the emotions within. “If she wants to divorce me, let her speak to me herself.”

“Ms. Nicholson is very busy. She doesn’t need to trouble herself with such trifling matters.”

“Trifling matters?” Dustin was stunned. Then he laughed bitterly. “Is that so? Is divorce a trifling matter to her? She can’t even find the time to speak to me. Truly, she’s that unattainable now!”

“Dustin, don’t delay this any longer.” Lyra pushed the divorce agreement toward him again. “Just sign here and you’ll get a car and a house as compensation. On top of that, you’ll also get eight million dollars. This is more than what you’ll be able to earn in your lifetime!”

“Eight million dollars is a lot, but…I don’t need it. I will sign the divorce papers if she comes personally. Otherwise, I won’t sign anything,” Duston said coldly.

“Don’t go too far, Dustin!” Lyra slammed her hand on the table. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you. With all her power and resources, Ms. Nicholson can divorce you easily. It’s only because she appreciates her past relationship with you that she’s allowing you to keep your dignity intact. Don’t provoke her!”

“My dignity?” Dustin was a little amused by that. She didn’t even want to speak to him directly to divorce him. What kind of dignity was that? Moreover, if she really did appreciate their relationship, then why was she threatening him now?

“I don’t think we have anything else to talk about, then.”

Unwilling to argue, Dustin stood up and made to leave.

“Dustin Rhys! You—”

Just as Lyra was about to lose her cool, a curvy woman in a long black dress walked in. Her skin was as white as snow, and her features were delicate. Her lofty aura and curvaceous figure made her look like a goddess right out of a painting.

“You’re finally here.”

Dustin felt complicated emotions when he saw the beautiful woman. They had been married for three years, during which they treated each other with care and respect. But this was how it ended. He still didn’t know what he had done wrong.

“I’m sorry for being late, I was caught up with something else.”

Dahlia Nicholson sat down. Her expression was as impassive as ever.

“You certainly are busy, if you need your secretary to help you deal with your divorce,” Dustin said.

Hearing this, Dahlia frowned slightly. However, she did not explain herself. Instead, she said, “Since you’re here, let’s get straight to the point. Let’s end this on a pleasant note. I’m sorry I have to do this to you, so you can have the car and the house, plus eight million dollars as alimony. How does that sound?”

At that, she placed a card on the table.

“Do you really think our relationship can be measured by money?” Dustin asked.

“Too little? That’s alright. Let me know what you want. I’ll give you anything within my power,” Dahlia said placidly.

“I don’t think you understood me. Let me rephrase my question. Are money and power that important to you?” Dustin was truly bewildered.

Dahlia went over to the windows and looked out over the city. There was determination in her eyes when she said, “To me, yes, they’re very important.”

“You’ve earned enough to feed yourself for the rest of your life. Why do this?”

“Dustin, that’s where you and I diverge in philosophy. You’ll never understand what I really want.” Dahlia shook her head in disappointment.

They weren’t just incompatible in status and power; they were also incompatible in their principles. Most importantly, she did not see any hope for the future in him.

“You’re right. How would I know what you’re thinking?” Dustin laughed bitterly. “All I know is to cook for you when you’re hungry, prepare your coat when it’s cold out, and carry you to the hospital when you’re sick.”

“There’s no point in going into this now.” Dahlia’s expression held complicated emotions, but it was soon covered up by determination.

“You’re right.” Dustin nodded without any emotion. “I heard that you’ve been close with the heir of the Nolan family. Is it because of him?”

Dahlia was about to deny it when she gave it a second thought. In the end, she nodded.

“You can say that.”

“Okay. I hope you’re happy with him.” Dustin smiled and signed the divorce agreement without any more hesitation. All he felt now was disappointment. Ironically, today was also their wedding anniversary. There was cruel humor in divorcing him on the day they had gotten married.

“I don’t want the money, I just want that crystal necklace back. My mother left it to me before she died so that I can give it to my wife.”


Dahlia nodded and gave him the crystal necklace.

“From today onward, we will have nothing to do with each other!”

Dustin put on the necklace and left. He had no more gentleness in his expression; all that was left was distant aloofness.

“Did I do the right thing, Lyra?” Dahlia asked hesitantly.

Even though she was the one who asked for the divorce, she didn’t feel happy at all when it was finalized.

“Of course you did!” Lyra nodded. “You have the right to pursue happiness. Dustin does not deserve you at all. He’ll only bring you down with him. You’re destined to be the most powerful woman in Swinton!”

Dahlia did not answer her. As she watched Dustin leave, she felt as if she was losing something precious.
Chapter 2268

“W!tch! Stop being so arrogant! You dare to look down on the four tigers. Today next year will be your death anniversary.”
“Hmph! We, the Four Tigers, have been in the world for many years. What kind of storms and waves have we not seen? How dare you, a little w!tch, dare to talk so shamelessly in front of us; we really don’t know what the heavens and the earth are!”

“Kneel down and bow your head immediately if you recognize the situation; otherwise, kill!”
Abigail’s contemptuous words instantly angered the four tigers.
Everyone was filled with indignation and shouted.
Although the saints of the Mystic Arts Order’s names were terrifying, they were ruthless characters who licked blood with their swords. After experiencing life and death, they were naturally fearless.

Of course, the main reason was that Abigail was too young. At the age of eighteen or nineteen, even if she practiced cultivation in her mother’s womb, she would not be able to achieve a high level of cultivation.
Moreover, Abigail was alone, and there was no protector around her.
However, a group of heroes supported them.

No matter how powerful the opponent was, it was difficult for her to defeat four hands with two fists.
“It’s so noisy!” Abigail frowned slightly, a little impatient. “It seems that there is no blood today, so you don’t know how to be afraid.”
“Stop talking nonsense! Let the four of us brothers come to meet you, a w!tch, today! “

The four tigers looked at each other, stopped talking nonsense, and immediately drew their weapons and charged forward. The four of them were very fast and even formed a crane-shaped formation when launching an attack.
The so-called crane-shaped formation consists of two people in front and two people behind, spread out in an ‘eight’ shape, simulating the appearance of a crane in flight.

The crane-shaped formation was unpredictable, capable of attack or defense, advance or retreat.
The four people could change the offensive and defensive positions at will, thereby achieving the effect of surprising and defeating the enemy.
Especially when more people were fighting against fewer people, the crane-shaped formation could exert even more strangulation power.

“As the saying goes, as soon as he takes action, an expert will know if there is anyone.” They deserve to be known as the Four Tigers. They are much stronger than the twin brothers!”
“Yes! The Four Tigers are the most powerful men in the world. With the combined efforts of the four of them, it should be more than enough to deal with a dem*n girl!

“After all, this dem*n girl is too young to dare to fight alone without even a protector.” Today is the day she will die.”
Looking at the menacing Four Tigers, the masters behind Johnny, they couldn’t help but talk about it.
Obviously, they still believe that the Four Tigers can win more than Abigail, the newly promoted saint of the Mystic Arts Order.

“Hungry tigers pounce on food!”
“The tiger roars in the forest!”
“Tiger and tigers are powerful!”
“Dragon and tiger fight!”
After surrounding Abigail, the four tigers moved at the same time, launching attacks from all directions.
One used knives, one used swords, one used hidden weapons, and one used poison.
All of a sudden, there were all kinds of tricks, and it’s dizzying to see.
“I don’t know whether to live or die!”
Looking at the four people’s attacks, Abigail snorted coldly and raised her hand to strike out.

The palm breeze roared like thunder.
With a huge force, it suddenly pressed on the Four Tigers.
The Four Tigers felt their whole bodies sink, and their movements instantly slowed down.
The next second, the palm wind, like a landslide and tsunami, hit him head-on.

The four people screamed as if lightning had struck them. They were bounced more than ten meters away on the spot and then fell heavily to the ground, vomiting blood.
The Four Tigers lost in just one move.
Everyone was stunned with disbelief when they saw this scene.
“How could this happen? The Four Tigers were actually defeated.”

“With one move, she defeated the Four Tigers.” How strong is this w!tch?”
Everyone looked at each other in shock.
Abigail had previously defeated the twin brothers easily, which they could understand. After all, the twin brothers were invulnerable to all poisons, and their real combat power was not that strong.
But the four tigers were just the opposite. The four of them were extremely powerful, especially when they worked together; they were invincible and rarely encountered an opponent.
However, the thought of such a master suffering serious injuries and vomiting blood after just one confrontation was truly terrifying.
“W!tch! You… you actually crippled our cultivation?!”
The four tigers lay on the ground, shocked and frightened, unable to get up for a long time.
“What’s wrong with destroying your cultivation? If I didn’t kill you, I’d be showing mercy beyond the law.” Abigail said it expressionlessly.
The four tigers were so angry that they vomited another mouthful of blood.
Originally, they planned to take this opportunity to earn some reward money and gain fame, but they didn’t expect that stealing chicken would end up costing them rice.
Not only did they not make any money, but they also ruined themselves.
“Now, it’s your turn!”
Abigail glanced at Johnny and his group.
Her sharp eyes made many people’s eyelids jump in shock, and they became inexplicably panicked.
They were not stupid. Abigail could kill the four tigers in one move. Needless to say, they were so powerful.
Let them bully the weak, and they will naturally be more powerful. If they really faced the strongest ones, it would undoubtedly be an egg against a rock.
“W!tch! I didn’t expect you to have two brushes. I underestimated you before, but if you want to single-handedly deal with the group of heroes behind me, it is undoubtedly a fantasy.”
“Now, I’m going to show you. What does it mean to have strength in numbers?”
“All heroes, follow me to kill the demon girl!”
Johnny raised his long sword and shouted loudly, full of momentum.
“K!ll the dem*n girl!”
After that, it appeared as though everyone had contracted the infection, as they raised their weapons and yelled.
Johnny swung his sword forward and took the lead, rushing forward with several Blizzard Villa masters.
At this time, he no longer cared about martial ethics. He would do anything, as long as he could avenge his father and his shame.
The masters followed closely behind Johnny, shouting and charging forward to kill him.
As the saying goes, taking people’s money and eliminating disasters with people has already been paid for. Naturally, you can’t run away from the battle. Even if you are just pretending, you have to finish the trick.
Otherwise, how can they still hang out on the road in the future?

Chapter 2269

“You don’t know what you can do!”
Abigail’s face turned cold as she looked at the oncoming Johnny and his group. She suddenly took out an iron ball the size of a fist and threw it violently.
This iron ball was one of the Tardif Sect’s eight hidden weapons, Hundred Flowers Killing.

There were 888 poisonous needles hidden in the iron ball, each of which had the effect of breaking the body’s protective energy.
A warrior beneath a Grandmaster who receives a poisonous needle will instantly lose his ability to move.
A Tardif Sect master lost this item to Abigail at the gambling table, but it’s useful now.

After it was thrown out, there was a slight roar, and the mechanism inside began to operate rapidly.
888 poisonous needles, ready to go.
“Hmph! You want to hurt us with just a hidden weapon? What wishful thinking!”
Seeing Abigail throw the iron ball, Johnny didn’t even think about it; he just raised his sword and struck it.

When Johnny’s blade touched the iron ball, a large number of poisonous needles instantly erupted from the densely packed holes in the iron ball when Johnny’s blade touched it.
These poisonous needles were overwhelming, sweeping around like a violent storm.

“Be careful with hidden weapons!”
Someone exclaimed, but it was already too late.
The area within ten meters had completely turned into a death zone as the poisonous needle activated.
Johnny, who was in front, bore the brunt and became the first target of the attack.

Although Johnny reacted quickly and immediately activated the body-protecting energy for defense,.
However, the specific design of the poisonous needle was to disrupt the body’s protective energy.
Suddenly, Johnny found himself in a sieve.
His entire body had been exposed to hundreds of poisonous needles.

In addition to Johnny, many other masters also suffered fatal blows.
All of a sudden, he was dead and injured, and a large piece fell down on the spot.
On the one hand, the Tardif Sect’s Hundred Flowers Killer was too powerful; on the other hand, it was unprepared.
They only knew that the Mystic Arts Order was good at using poison, but they didn’t expect Abigail to have the Tardif Sect’s hidden weapon.

They were unprepared; they all fell for it.
The strong individuals utilized weapons to safeguard their vitals during crucial moments, narrowly escaping death, whereas the weaker individuals succumbed instantaneously.
More than twenty people, after just one encounter, were lying on the ground in a mess.

There were all kinds of wails and curses.
“The Tardif Sect’s Hundred Flowers Killing is indeed well-deserved.” It’s surprisingly useful.”
Abigail couldn’t help but curl her lips as she looked at the large number of casualties.
She had just thrown the Hundred Flowers Killer out of sheer whim to test the power of the Tardif Sect’s hidden weapon, but she didn’t expect the effect to be so good.

A single Hundred Flowers Killer was sufficient to defeat over twenty innate warriors. It was truly a weapon that could hurt a group of people.
If they prepare a few more of these things, they will be invincible in a group fight.
“Oh my God! What was that just now? Why did all the people below fall down in the blink of an eye?”

On the second floor of the restaurant, Halle looked through the window at the scene below; her eyes widened, and she was filled with excitement and surprise.
Everything happened so fast that she didn’t react at all.
Abigail threw a black object, and then Johnny and the others fell to the ground, screaming.

“That’s the Tardif Sect’s Hundred Flowers Killer, one of the eight hidden weapons.” The lethality of this weapon is astounding, and its design allows it to penetrate the body’s protective energy. “It’s very difficult for warriors below the Grand Master to resist it.” Sullivan said. He looked serious.
Although he had heard of the Hundred Flowers Killing, he had never seen it with his own eyes.
In the past, he thought that the Tardif Sect was boasting, but now, after seeing the power of Hundred Flowers Killer, he understood how terrifying this hidden weapon was.
“Tardif Sect’s Hundred Flowers Killing? Isn’t this too terrifying?” Halle swallowed, feeling lingering fear.
If she had been down there just now, she would have been a corpse.
Briggs squinted and said, “Although Tardif Sect’s Hundred Flowers Killer is powerful, its effective attack range is only thirty meters. Within thirty meters, it is extremely deadly. Beyond thirty meters, the power is reduced by half, and Hundred Flowers Killer, in order to avoid injury to oneself, is designed to delay launch, so it is quite simple to guard against Hundred Flowers Killer. There are two main points. First, run for your life immediately after seeing the Hundred Flowers Killer. Run as fast as you can; second, find a strong one. The shield is used for protection.
Although it has the ability to destroy true energy, its penetrating power is weak. Rocks and steel can weaken or even block their poisonous needles. To put it simply, you must either run or hide.
If you are a martial arts master, you can simply ignore it. The poisonous needle can break true energy, but it cannot break the master’s strong energy. In the end, as long as the strength is strong enough, any hidden weapon is just a decoration. But it also has certain disadvantages.
First and foremost, powerful hidden weapons require extremely stringent materials and are difficult to manufacture, making mass production impossible. Only a few elite disciples can hold it.
Secondly, hidden weapons are consumables. Once fired, they are essentially non-reusable.
Finally, only warriors below the Grandmaster level can use hidden weapons as a deterrent.
At the level of a martial arts master, he can already ignore more than 90% of hidden weapons. Of course, there are hidden weapons that can hurt the Grand Master, but such things are extremely rare and precious. Many people have never even heard of it.”
“Even if there are some drawbacks, the Tardif Sect’s hidden weapons are scary enough. If you encounter them unfortunately in the future, you’d better be careful.” Rivka said. She also looked serious. Even she had no confidence that she could survive a poisonous needle within ten meters.
The most important thing was that there were no restrictions on the use of the Tardif Sect’s hidden weapons. Even an ordinary person could kill a martial arts master. After decades of hard training, he couldn’t move a finger like ordinary people.
This was the scariest thing about Tardif Sect!

Chapter 2270

At this moment, outside the restaurant,.
The masters, led by Johnny, lay dead and injured.
Only Abigail was left standing still.
The power of Hundred Flowers Killing was beyond Abigail’s expectations. She thought that if there was a chance, she could exchange more hidden weapons with the Tardif Sect.

Sometimes, it could have unexpected effects.
“W!tch! You…you are so despicable!”
At this time, Johnny, who was lying on the ground, spat out a few words with difficulty.
Johnny’s vitality was extremely amazing. Even if he had hundreds of poisonous needles inserted into his body, he was still breathing.

“You’re not dead yet?” Abigail raised her eyebrows, looking a little surprised.
Johnny’s body sustained extensive damage when the poisonous needle exploded. If it had been anyone else, he would have probably burped long ago. But he was still alive. Despite his serious injuries and inability to move, he consistently exhibited incredible vitality.

“W!tch! If you hadn’t used a hidden weapon to launch a sneak attack, do you think you could have hurt me?” Johnny looked sad and angry.
Abigail stepped forward, looked at Johnny condescendingly, and said indifferently, “You still have to speak harshly when you are about to die. I really don’t know what’s in your head. If it had been in the past, you would have been a corpse now. It’s a corpse, but I’m in a good mood today, so I plan to give you a chance. As long as you kneel down and beg me, I can consider letting you go. How about it?”

Johnny spat. Just in front of Abigail’s clothes, he yelled, “You w!tch! You have to kill me or cut me into pieces. If I, Johnny, frowned today, I wouldn’t be a hero.”
Abigail looked down at the spittle on her clothes, her eyebrows slightly raised. Wrinkled, but very open and back to normal.
“Since you want to die so much, then I will help you!” Abigail grabbed it from the air, and a long sword on the ground shot up and fell into her hand instantly.

The next second, Abigail swung her long sword and cut Johnny in half.
“W!tch! Even if I’m a ghost, I will never let you go.” Johnny uttered his final words and passed away instantly.
He died with his eyes closed, and his face was ferocious.
Abigail threw down the sword and glanced at the few survivors. Before she could say anything, they immediately fell to their knees and kowtowed.

“Holy girl, have mercy!” Have mercy, holy girl!”
“We simply use money to do things.” We have no enmity with you. Please let us go! We promise that we will never cause trouble for you, Holy Girl!”
People kowtowed and begged.
Poisonous needles had blocked their meridians, causing serious injuries and leaving their entire body sore and limp with no ability to resist.

If they wanted to survive, they could only kowtow and beg for mercy; otherwise, they would end up like Johnny.
“You guys know the current situation.”
Abigail nodded with satisfaction and then said, “Go away; don’t let me see you again.”
“Okay, okay, let’s get out right away!”
Several people nodded wildly, then rolled and crawled. began to flee for their lives.
Just when they thought they had saved their lives, suddenly, a strong wind passed over their heads.


Chapter 2271

Several people looked up and saw a mysterious man in a white robe walking on the wind, passing over their heads, then doing a backflip and landing firmly in front of them.
A few people took a closer look and suddenly discovered that the man in the white robe blocking the way was the protector of the Mystic Arts Order!

“Dare to besiege the saint? D*mn it!”
The white-robed protector didn’t say any nonsense and directly smacked her from the air.
The violent Grandmaster’s energy transformed into that of a black tiger, and he rushed toward the people with claws and fangs.

“Wait! The saint has promised to let go…”
Several people were about to explain, but before they could finish their words, the black tiger had already pounced on them, blasting them directly to pieces, and the broken limbs were flying everywhere.
The Mystic Arts Order protector had attained the level of a master.

A full blow was not something that these innate warriors could withstand.
“Holy maiden, all the little ones have been executed!”
After the white-robed protector finished dealing with a few people, he immediately walked up to Abigail and bowed in salute.
“Well done.” Abigail nodded indifferently. “Tell someone to clean up this place so as not to affect my appetite for food.”

“Yes.” The white-robed protector lowered his head and responded.
Abigail patted the dust on her clothes, then raised her head as if feeling something, looked at Halle and others on the second floor, and smiled slightly.
But this smile was inexplicably scary to Halle’s eyes.
After returning to the second floor, Abigail acted as if nothing had happened, still smiling.

“Everyone, I’m sorry to keep you waiting. The trouble has been taken care of. Come on, let’s continue drinking.”
Abigail poured herself a glass of wine and drank it down first.
Several people looked at each other and raised their wine glasses in return. Only Halle stood motionless, staring at Abigail with a strange look.

“Miss Halle, why are you looking at me like this? Do you have something to say?” Abigail asked with a smile.
“Miss Abigail, those few people just lost their fighting power and even kneeled down to beg for mercy. Why did you kill them all?” Halle frowned slightly.
As the saying goes, you should be merciful, but she didn’t like Abigail’s ruthless style.

Even the tone of her speech became much colder.
“Why, do you think I’m too cruel?” Abigail smiled lightly.
“That’s right!” Halle said without hesitation, “You have already won; why do you want to kill them?”
“Have you ever thought about what will happen to me if I am not strong enough today?” Abigail asked.

“I…” Halle was speechless for a moment.
Johnny wanted to avenge his father. It didn’t take much thinking to know that if he could defeat Abigail, he would definitely tear her into pieces.
Abigail smiled slightly and said, “It seems you already have the answer. Today they wanted to kill me. I was just fighting back in self-defense. What’s wrong? Aside from that, you don’t think they are kind people, do you? A group of bandits who use money to do things usually commit crimes by burning, killing, and looting. If such people remain in the world, they are purely a scourge. Killing them will actually eliminate harm to the people; what do you think?”

Chapter 2672

“I…” Abigail’s words made Halle speechless, and her pretty face turned red.
She suddenly realized that her thoughts were a little too simple.
The grievances and hatreds in the world are sometimes completely unreasonable. Either you kill me, or I kill you.
Johnny wanted to put Abigail to death, so Abigail could naturally kill these people out of self-defense.

There was nothing wrong with her actions.
And as Abigail said, those guys who took money to do things were more than just people.
It was really not worth it to complain about them.
“Miss Halle, from the look of you, you should be new to the world. It’s a good thing to have good intentions, but you have to look at the right person. Blind Madonna behavior will only harm others and yourself.”

Abigail said with a meaningful smile, “Okay, what’s past is past; there’s no need to hurt the harmony between us for some strangers; come on, let’s continue drinking.” After saying that, Abigail picked up the wine glass and raised her hand towards Halle.
Halle hesitated for a moment, but finally picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

After a small incident, the atmosphere between the two parties returned to its previous state, as if nothing had happened; they were still eating, drinking, and chatting.
However, outside the restaurant, members of the Mystic Arts Order were quickly cleaning up the scene.
So many people died, and there was blood and corpses everywhere. There was no need to fear punishment, even if it was a self-defense counterattack, but covering up the corpses in time would inevitably have consequences.

The damage to their reputation was minor, but the impact on making money at the start of trading was significant.
The night passed quickly.
The next day, early morning.
The Sacred Wyrm Summit was still bustling with activity, and the venue was already packed with people before the game even started.

In order to make better money, Abigail spent a lot of money to occupy the best position.
The number of g*mbling tables has been increased from one to ten so that more g*mbling can be accommodated.
There were also many ways to g*mble, including g*mbling on winning or losing, g*mbling on time, and g*mbling on moves.

Overnight, Abigail not only set up additional g*mbling tables but also specially transferred dozens of boxes of spiritual stones from the Mystic Arts Order, ensuring everything was fully prepared.
Compared with the small fight on the first day, Abigail obviously wanted to do something big.
After all, there were tens of thousands of spectators coming to the Sacred Wyrm Summit to watch the game this time, including elites from various sects.

These were all potential stocks. If they could develop into leeks, Abigail would definitely be extremely wealthy.
Of course, just in case, Abigail took care of everything.
Sacred Wyrm Summit also chose to ignore g*mbling.
As long as it didn’t affect the game, they didn’t bother.
This allowed Abigail ample room for growth.


Chapter 2273

As a result, a new round of the leek harvest plan was officially launched.
When Abigail was wreaking havoc on the competition field, Dustin did not participate. Instead, he went to a strange and remote place alone.
The reason he didn’t go to Sacred Wyrm Summit to watch the game was because when he woke up this morning, he saw a letter under the door.

The content of the letter was very simple: just to ask him to meet alone.
If it were an appointment between ordinary people, Dustin would naturally not take it seriously, but this letter also contained a special badge.
It was the western pantheon’s emblem!
The Temple of Gods is West Lucozia’s biggest enemy.

Over the years, the pantheon of temple organizations had tried every means to instigate civil strife, assassinate important court officials, and do whatever they could to curb the development of the Dragonmarsh.
He still remembered that the gods had sent the four main gods and a god king to assassinate his father, Rufus Rhys, while he was in Swinton.
Although it failed in the end, the pantheon of gods had always been haunted and plotted secretly.

This time, the people from the temples appeared near the Sacred Wyrm Summit, and they obviously had other agendas.
Dustin was very confused. Why did the people from the pantheon come to him when his identity was not revealed?
In order to find out what happened, Dustin finally chose to go to the appointment.
According to the address left in the letter, Dustin finally walked to the door of a private house.
This private residence, resembling a courtyard house in size, boasts a lavish decor.

The private residence’s owner was clearly wealthy or noble, as evidenced by the carved beams and painted buildings adorning the gated courtyard.
Dustin stepped forward and knocked on the vermilion door.
Not long after, the door slowly opened a crack, and a beautiful maid with an exotic aura stuck her head out and asked, “Sir, who are you looking for?”

As Dustin spoke, he handed over the badge from the letter.
“It turns out that a distinguished guest is here. Please come inside.”
The maid immediately smiled, opened the door, and extended her hand to invite him.
Dustin nodded and walked straight in without saying anything.

Under the guidance of the maid, Dustin passed through the garden, walked across the rockery and stone bridge, and finally arrived at the door of the living room.
“Dear guest, please wait here for a moment. My master will be here in a moment.”
The maid stopped in front of the door, saluted Dustin, and quickly left.
Dustin calmly walked into the living room, only to find that there were already more than ten people sitting inside.

Men and women dressed in all kinds of costumes, and all of them were very powerful.
Randomly selected warriors were in the late divinity stage.
Among them, there were even master-level experts sitting in charge.
It appears that I’m not the only one who received an invitation.

Dustin glanced left and right while already thinking about it.
He maintained his composure and took a seat by himself at the end.
“Hey! Who the h-e-l-l told you to sit down?!”
At this moment, a bearded man suddenly stood up and slapped the table, glaring at Dustin with a fierce look as if he wanted to eat someone.


Chapter 2274

-“Huh?” Dustin was a little confused by the sudden change. He looked around and found that the bearded man’s eyes had not moved away, then he pointed at himself and asked tentatively, “Are you talking about me?”
The bearded man stared and shouted, “N*nsense! Who else could it be if it wasn’t you? Do you know the rules? You didn’t even say hello after entering. You sat down alone. Did you take us seriously?!”

“Rules?” Dustin raised his eyebrows slightly and said indifferently, “Do I know you? Why do I want to say hello to you? Besides, if I don’t take you seriously, what can you do?”
“Hey! Do you deserve a beating?!”
The bearded man suddenly became furious and was about to take action. At that moment, he was stopped by a man in white clothes with an evil face.

“Don’t be impatient. This guy doesn’t know the rules. Let’s teach him the rules. Why do we need to do anything? The owner of the house will inevitably make some jokes if he sees him later.”
The man in white raised his hand and pressed it down, indicating that his cheeks Dustin sat down, then looked at him and said with a smile, “Little brother, from the look of you, you must be a new arrival, right? I will tell you the rules today. As the saying goes, go into the house to call for people, and go into the temple to worship gods.
Everyone here is a senior from all over the world. When you come in and say hello, it shouldn’t be too much, right?”
“He doesn’t have the grace of any senior, but he shows off his power right from the start. If you don’t know, you might think it’s a bandit entering the mountain,” Dustin said calmly.

Hearing this, the man in white’s smile froze, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.
As for the bearded man, he slammed the table, stood up again, and cursed angrily, “You b*stard! How shameless! It seems that if I don’t teach you a lesson today, you don’t know how high the sky is!”
“You are so disrespectful. Then I can’t help you.” The man in white shook his head and returned to his seat.

The others sneered, looking like they were watching a show.
Not long ago, a stupid young man came in, looking equally arrogant, but in the end, he was carried out.
“I advise you not to mess around; otherwise, you will regret it.” Dustin warned.
He originally wanted to keep a low profile and see what the temples were up to.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the door, he encountered these short-sighted guys looking for trouble.
“Regret? Humph! I think you won’t shed tears until you see the coffin!”
The bearded man snorted coldly, stopped talking nonsense, and suddenly took action, punching Dustin fiercely.
With astonishing power, this punch generates wind. Wherever the punch wind passes, the air is distorted and makes bursts of whistling sounds.

Dustin had no expression on his face and did not move at all. He pointed directly at the bearded man’s fist. When he was about to touch his face, he suddenly made a move and grabbed it firmly.
The bearded man’s pupils shrank, and he was quite surprised.

Chapter 2275

Although he didn’t use all of his strength at the moment, he still used seven percent of his true energy.
If an ordinary, innate master were to receive such a punch, he would not die. However, the kid in front of him grabbed his fist easily, which was really weird.
“With such little ability, you still dare to be so arrogant. You really don’t know how to live or die.”

Dustin snorted coldly and exerted force with his five fingers.
After hearing a few “ka-ka” sounds, the bearded man’s fist was crushed into twists, and all the bones were broken.
The bearded man was stunned for a moment, then let out a scream like a slaughtering pig; his voice was shrill and harsh.

“Get out!” Dustin kicked the bearded man’s abdomen.
The bearded man was like a football, flying several meters away on the spot, and then hitting the wall heavily with a “thud.”.
Vomiting blood and wailing endlessly.
Seeing this scene, everyone’s expressions changed.

No one expected that Dustin would be so strong. He knocked the bearded man away with just one confrontation.
They knew a beard was at the late stage of divinity, and it could be considered a figure in the world.
“Kid! You are so presumptuous! How dare you hurt someone? Who gave you the courage?”
After a brief shock, everyone in the living room stood up and stared at each other angrily.

Although they didn’t have a close relationship with the bearded man, they were still friends.
Nowadays, a newcomer who didn’t understand the rules dares to challenge the authority here. Naturally, they couldn’t tolerate it.
“When he first started to attack, you all ignored him and pretended to be blind. Now that I have defeated him, you are jumping around and cursing. What’s the matter? Your attitude suggests that you only tolerate my defeat. Are you going to fight back?” Dustin sneered.

“Sharp teeth! I believe you simply require attention!”
“Brothers, don’t talk nonsense to him; get this kid!”
Several warriors with violent personalities shouted and prepared to take action.
“Wait a minute.”
At this time, a majestic voice suddenly sounded.

The person who spoke was an old man with a white beard, sitting in the front seat on the left.
The old man was thin, with blazing eyes and extraordinary momentum. He only uttered two words, causing the several violent warriors to stop their movements immediately.
Everyone stood respectfully, not daring to say anything.
After calming down a few people, the old man picked up the tea cup, took a leisurely sip, and said calmly, “Young man, if you are too strong, it is easy to break. Being too pushy is not a good thing. I see that you are just starting out, so I won’t have any trouble with you. You’ve been worrying too much. Now, you apologize to everyone, propose a cup of tea, and forget about today’s matter.”


Chapter 2276

“Mr. Holmes, would you like a cup of tea and an apology? Are you taking this guy too easy?”
“Yes, Mr. Holmes, look at our senior brother, who was beaten and vomited blood. If we just let him go, what will we do in the future?” Convince the crowd? “

“Mr. Holmes, this kid can avoid death, but he can’t escape the crime of living.” In my opinion, break his legs first!”
Everyone was talking, filled with indignation, and looked at Dustin with extremely evil eyes.
“What? Doesn’t what I say work?”
The old man raised his head and glanced at everyone, his expression calm and indifferent.

However, just such a simple look frightened everyone into silence immediately, and they all shrank back and did not dare to say anything more.
They knew that the old man was Damien Holmes, one of the “Two Evils of Heaven and Earth.” His strength had reached that of a master, and he was famous around the world.
All the people on the road were frightened and terrified all day long when they heard the name of the evil spirits of heaven and earth.

Facing such a murderous god, they naturally did not dare act recklessly.
“Young man, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and offer tea and apologize.”
The old man named Damien Holmes spoke again. Although his tone was calm, there was no doubt about it.
Dustin was unmoved and said calmly, “Did I say I wanted to offer tea and apologize? These people were the first to provoke me. I don’t think I did anything wrong. If I want to apologize, it should be them who apologize to me.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was so angry that they almost jumped and cursed.
The person who beat them didn’t know how to repent, and he appeared arrogant. He simply didn’t know how to live or die!
If it weren’t for Damien Holmes’s face, they would have taken action long ago.

Facing Dustin’s response, Damien Holmes couldn’t help but frown slightly, looking a little unhappy. “Young man, you have to understand that I am giving you a chance. Without my intervention, these people would have torn you apart. You’d better think clearly about whether you want to apologize over tea or not?”
“I appreciate the kindness of my seniors, but it’s absolutely impossible for me to apologize to them.” Dustin answered simply.

Damien Holmes’s face turned cold. “Hmph! You don’t know how to lift things! Since you don’t know how to lift things, I won’t mind your own business. I would like to see how much you weigh; how dare you be so arrogant!”
After saying that, he winked at the man in white next to him.
The latter quickly understood, and his expression instantly became fierce.

The man in white waved his hand fiercely and said, “Boy! Mr. Holmes gave you a chance to admit your mistake. That’s because he values you highly. I didn’t expect you to be so shameless. It seems like you have no idea how high the sky is if I do not impart some knowledge to you today. Brothers! Beat him until he surrenders!”
As soon as he finished speaking, the strong men around him looked at each other and rushed forward with a grin.


Chapter 2277

They couldn’t hold it back for a long time. If they had the opportunity to teach Dustin a lesson, they would naturally not let it go.
“You br*t! I have to destroy you today!”
“Arrogant br*t! Let’s see how I deal with you!”

Several strong men shouted, and they all attacked with fists or kicks, and at the same time, they attacked Dustin.
Having learned the lessons from Beard before, they did not dare make too much of a big deal. They used all their strength once they took action, intending to resolve the battle as soon as possible.
“A bunch of clowns.”

Dustin snorted coldly and did not dodge. The moment a few people punched and kicked him, his body shook violently, and the mystical pure energy in his body suddenly exploded.
Just heard a loud roar.
A violent wave of air spurted out of Dustin’s body and slammed into several people with great force.

Several people screamed and were thrown several meters away from the spot. Then they fell heavily to the ground, blood spurted from their mouths and noses, and their faces turned pale.
They couldn’t stand up for a while.
“How is that possible?!”
The man in white was startled; his eyes were as wide as bells, and his face was full of shock.
The other warriors were also stunned, looking in disbelief.
They believed they underestimated their opponent when they previously defeated their senior brother.

However, the strength of the few people who had just besieged Dustin was not inferior to his. Especially after joining forces, they were able to unleash unexpected power.
But they never dreamed that the joint attack of several people not only missed Dustin’s hair but was seriously injured by the shock.
It was simply unbelievable!

How powerful was this kid in front of me?!
At this moment, even Damien Holmes, a martial arts master, couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows, showing an expression of surprise.
To defeat several late divinity warriors with one move, one could only be a half-step master level.

Dustin was only in his twenties when he looked at his age. He had reached the half-step master level at such a young age, and his future prospects were limitless.
No wonder he dared to be so crazy; it turned out he had something to rely on.
“Now, is there anyone who wants to step forward and try?” Dustin said. He glanced around indifferently, showing no anger or authority.

Facing these guys, if they are not suppressed with strength, will only cause more trouble.
Since they wanted to take action, he had to defeat them.
“Mr. Holmes?”
After a brief moment of confusion, the man in white looked at Damien Holmes for help. Dustin’s strength had exceeded his expectations. Even if he took action himself, there was no guarantee that he could win.
Now, only a strong man at the level of a martial arts master could suppress it reliably.
thanks a lot bro.. astonishing awesome updates.. 😁 cant wait for the new coming updates 🤣 pls pls bro unleashed it already 🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 2278

“Young man, I have to admit that you do have two skills. I have underestimated you.”

“However, with your little ability, you are not qualified to act arrogantly in front of me!”
Damien Holmes straightened his eyes and slowly stood up. He looked at Dustin and felt an invisible pressure emerge from his body.
All the warriors in the living room felt their bodies sink, as if a huge stone was pressing on their shoulders, and even breathing became difficult.

“What a terrifying grandmaster’s pressure! Is this the strength of Mr. Holmes?”
Everyone was secretly shocked and in awe.
Just a surge of momentum made them afraid to move. This was the power of the martial arts master.
However, compared to the solemn expressions of everyone, Dustin’s expression was as usual—nothing strange at all.

He just stood quietly, looking at Damien Holmes from afar, his eyes not shy at all.
“Young man, I think you are a good prospect, and I plan to give you another chance. As long as you are willing to bow your head and apologize, I will not care about what happened today. I can even make an exception and accept you as my disciple.” Damien Holmes Standing with hands, looking arrogant.

“What? Accepting a disciple?!”
As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other in surprise.
“What kind of bad luck did this kid have? How can he be so valued by Mr. Holmes?”
“Being Mr. Holmes’s apprentice will mean that he will walk sideways in the world in the future?”

“It’s a pity that such a God-given opportunity did not come true. On my head.”
Everyone whispered, looking at Dustin with eyes filled with envy and jealousy.
Who was Damien Holmes? That was one of the famous twin evil spirits of heaven and earth, a martial arts master with supernatural power who could be said to be the answer to a hundred calls in the world.

The most important thing was that Damien Holmes had always set his sights high and never accepted disciples easily. Unexpectedly, today, he made an exception and extended an olive branch to a stupid young man. It was really unexpected.
“Little brother, why are you still standing there? Mr. Holmes accepted you as his disciple. It is a blessing you have earned in eight lifetimes. Why don’t you kneel down and serve tea?” The man in white reminded him.

Although he was a little unhappy, he did not dare to violate the decision Damien Holmes made.
“There are two points that I need to correct.”
Dustin said calmly, “First of all, I have not done anything wrong, and it is absolutely impossible for me to bow my head and apologize; secondly, I have not done anything about your so-called apprenticeship behavior. Not interested at all.”


Chapter 2279

Damien Holmes couldn’t help but frown slightly upon hearing this; his face looked a bit ugly.

He had been in the world for a long time, and while others had always asked him to become a disciple, he had never taken the initiative to do so.
However, today, he finally opened his mouth, but unexpectedly, he was rejected.
He couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed.
“Boy! Do you know what you are talking about? Mr. Holmes is willing to accept you as his disciple. It’s because of the smoke on your ancestral grave. I didn’t expect you to be so ignorant!”

“That’s right! If you can become Mr. Holmes’s disciple, that’s an opportunity that no one else could ask for. How dare you refuse it? Who gave you the courage?”
Not good; everyone denounced him angrily, looking filled with righteous indignation.
A great master openly accepted a disciple but was rejected by his disciple.

If this matter spreads, wouldn’t it make people laugh?
“Young man, do you know who I am? There is an endless stream of people who want to be my teacher every day, like crucian carp crossing the river, but I never take it seriously.”
“Now, I will give you a carp leaping over the dragon’s gate. It’s so stupid that you don’t know how to cherish this opportunity!”

“I’ll ask you one last time: do you want to become a disciple?”
Damien Holmes looked serious, and his eyes were sharp. As he spoke, the grandmaster’s pressure on him suddenly increased.
People around him were sweating profusely and struggling to breathe, as if struck by lightning. The weaker ones even had their legs trembling and were terrified.

The grandmaster was furious, and blood spat five steps.
This terrifying pressure alone was enough to make people frightened.
“If others want to become your disciples, that is their business and has nothing to do with me. I have no interest in becoming their disciple.” Dustin refused.
“Okay, okay! You are so shameless!” Damien Holmes’s face darkened, and his eyes instantly became fierce. “Today you hurt someone. I originally planned to let you go, but I didn’t expect you to be so ignorant of praise. This is the first time you have rejected my kindness. If this is the case, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

As he spoke, Damien Holmes stomped on the ground.
There was only a “bang” sound, and traces of spider webs quickly exploded on the ground.
At the same time, a powerful energy burst out of his body.
The force of the impact directly blew away several people around him. They became dizzy and wailed repeatedly.

However, an invisible force bounced the energy away from Dustin without harming him.
“Mr. Holmes, I advise you that it’s best not to take action; otherwise, I’m afraid you won’t be able to save your face if a fight breaks out.” Dustin warned with a calm face.
He didn’t want to make the matter too big, but if Damien Holmes insisted on taking action, he wouldn’t mind teaching the other party a lesson.

“Arrogant kid! I have to teach you a lesson today!”
Feeling provoked, Damien Holmes instantly became angry. He no longer hesitated, and he immediately used his energy to strike Dustin from the air.


Chapter 2280

“Boom!” Damien Holmes struck out with his palm.

In an instant, the surrounding situation changed color.

A white palm shadow is pressing towards Dustin with lightning speed.
Wherever the palm shadow passed, the air twisted, and the wind howled.
The faces of everyone in the living room changed greatly with fear, and they scattered away for fear of harming Dustin.

For a strong person like a martial arts master, even a random move was enough to break them into pieces.
Faced with Damien Holmes’s attack, Dustin did not move at all; his expression remained calm.
However, just as he was about to fight back, a loud shout suddenly sounded.

Simultaneously with the shout, an energy-transformed palm shadow emerged from outside the door, swept past Dustin, and ultimately collided with Damien Holmes’s palm shadow.
There was a loud noise.
The two palm shadows suddenly collided together, like a landslide and a tsunami, instantly erupting with terrifying energy.

The entire living room began to shake violently; the tables and chairs inside exploded one after another, and tea splashed everywhere.
The warriors around were like kites with broken strings and were directly blown away by a hurricane, falling to their knees and falling into pieces.
With a solemn look on his face, even Damien Holmes, a martial arts master, had to take a few steps back.

Damien Holmes frowned and glanced toward the door.
Soon, a middle-aged man wearing a black suit, gold-rimmed glasses, and an elegant face walked in.
“Senior Holmes, we have come thousands of miles to meet each other by chance.” Those who appear here today are all friends. Why go to war over a trivial matter?” The elegant man smiled slightly.

Although he did not have a strong aura, he gave people an unfathomable feeling.
“Who are you?”
Damien Holmes narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked up and down.
Being able to catch his palm was enough to prove that the other party was also a martial arts master. But he had never seen this new face before.
“I, Tyson Houle, am a member of the temples.” Today, I invite you all to come over and discuss important matters together.” Tyson Houle, an elegant man, was very calm.
“Tyson Houle?”


Chapter 2281

Upon hearing this, everyone looked at each other in confusion.

It was obvious that they had not heard of this man.

“I am the new chief god of temples.” I just took office a few months ago. It is normal that you have not heard of me.” As Tyson Houle spoke, he took out the identity badge representing the chief god of the temples and clearly displayed it in front of everyone.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen so many masters in the temples. When I see them today, they are indeed well-deserved.”

After confirming his identity, Damien Holmes’s expression softened.
All of the temple’s main gods were master-level experts. It’s no surprise that they matched up evenly in the recent duel.
“It turns out to be Lord Houle.” I’m disrespectful.”
All the warriors, led by the man in white, bowed their hands in salute.

The main god of the pantheon of gods was a being who was inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.
Not only was he powerful, he was also so powerful that a single word could mean the difference between life and death.
“Senior Holmes, you are a guest.” What happened just now was a minor misunderstanding. How about you give me some face and turn the hostility into friendship?” Tyson Houle said it with a smile.
“Master Houle has already spoken. Naturally, I won’t argue with this kid.”
Damien Holmes glanced at Dustin. Although his expression was a little unkind, he did not attack in the end.
We invited him here today to discuss business.
Don’t ruin their glory and wealth just because of a moment of anger.
“Thank you, Senior Holmes.”
Tyson nodded slightly and then looked at Dustin meaningfully.
Despite the martial arts master’s attack, he could still be calm and composed. The young man in front of him was not a simple person.
“Master Houle, since everyone is here, is it time to talk about business?” Damien Holmes went straight to the topic without too much politeness.
“Senior Holmes, there’s still an important guest who hasn’t arrived.” Please wait for a moment.”
Tyson Houle clapped his hands as he spoke, and soon a group of maids walked in with various fruit snacks.
The previously damaged tables and chairs were also replaced, one by one.
“Okay, let’s wait a little longer.”
Damien Holmes didn’t say much, and he sat down.
When everyone saw it, they sat down one after another, eating snacks and fruits.
Although there was nothing disturbing on the surface, the eyes that occasionally glanced at Dustin were full of evil.
Dustin simply pretended not to see it and drank tea on his own.
Time passed little by little.
At first, everyone thought they would just wait for a while.
However, no one expected that the wait would go straight to noon.
Everyone couldn’t hold it any longer at this time, whispering and complaining.
Even Damien Holmes, who had always been quite dignified, turned ugly.
After drinking another pot of tea, Damien Holmes finally couldn’t help it anymore and said in a deep voice, “Master Houle! The person you invited is really a big, arrogant person. He has been working for three days and has not shown up yet. He has not let us go at all. In my eyes!”
Tyson Houle looked embarrassed and could only force out a smile, explaining, “Senior Holmes, please be patient.” Something may be causing that person’s delay. Let’s wait a little longer. Let’s drink tea first.”
“Do you still want to drink?” I’ve already drunk three pots of tea! If I drink any more, I won’t be able to hold back my urine.” Damien Holmes slapped the table and stood up with an angry expression.
What the h-e-l-l does he dare to keep him waiting for so long? It really deserves a beating!

Chapter 2282

Seeing Damien Holmes getting up, the other warriors also stood up and began to express their dissatisfaction.

“Master Houle, there are rules in the world.” Just let us wait. But is it too much to let Senior Holmes sit here for so long?!”

“That’s right! No matter who the person is, it’s not worth it. A group of us have been waiting for a long time.”
“Master Houle! That man is too disrespectful. In my opinion, just kick him out!”
Everyone was talking and angry.
They had been waiting impatiently for a long time, but because of the gods’ faces, they had not had an attack.

It wasn’t until Damien Holmes opened his mouth to protest that they poured out all their dissatisfaction and anger.
“Master Houle, it’s not that I don’t give you face; it’s that that person is too aggressive!” Damien continued to vent his dissatisfaction: “It’s already past the agreed time. That person never showed up. It’s obvious that he didn’t show up. The temple takes this kind of arrogant person seriously, so don’t let them go!”

“Senior Holmes, all heroes, I mishandled this incident. To express my apology, I have prepared a gift for everyone.”
Tyson Houle said. Knowing that explanations are useless, he could only order his subordinates to present the prepared greeting gifts in advance.
Everyone could see a variety of rare treasures on display.

The dazzling array of treasures caused everyone’s eyes to shine, instantly extinguishing most of the anger they had just accumulated.
They all came here to collect money. If they sit there for a long time, they can get a treasure worth thousands of gold, which is not a bad thing.
“The gods are indeed generous, as expected.” This treasure is enough for me to spend for three years!”

“Yes, yes. Look at this piece of cockscomb red jadeite.” It is really a rare and top-notch product! There’s money in the market. You can’t even buy it!”
“It’s worth it. Today’s trip is really worth it.”
Everyone smiled and murmured.

Rumors circulated that the temples possessed wealth comparable to that of any nation. When they saw them today, they were indeed well-deserved.
If they worked for the pantheon of gods in the future, wouldn’t they have to make a lot of money?
Seeing that everyone was getting carried away, Damien couldn’t help but cough a few times as a reminder.

Although the baby was very important, at this time, he must take a stand.
He couldn’t even disregard his face for some profit. Just now, he was filled with righteous indignation, but now he is smiling. His face has changed so quickly. Wouldn’t it be a joke if word spread?

Chapter 2283

Damien’s cough immediately caused everyone to stop smiling and put on a serious expression.

But there was unmistakable greed in those eyes that glanced at the treasure.
“Master Houle, thank you for your kindness, but if we recruit a guy who lacks time management skills into our team, he will be a negative influence.”
Although Damien’s expression softened, his tone remained serious.
We will keep Senior Holmes’s reminder in mind. Please wait for one more incense. If the person has not arrived after one more incense, let’s talk directly about business. How about it?” Tyson Houle smiled.

“Okay, for the sake of Master Houle, let’s wait for another stick of incense!” Damien made the final decision.
After giving away so many treasures, it didn’t hurt to sell them to save face.
While everyone was waiting quietly, a lazy voice suddenly floated in from outside the door.
“Singing over wine, how much life is like, like morning dew, there are so many hardships in the past; how can we relieve our worries?”

As the voice sounded, a man in tattered clothes with messy hair, like a beggar, staggered in.
The man was unkempt and smelly. He was holding a jar of wine in his hand and staggered as he walked, as if he might fall down at any moment.
“Where did the drunkard come from? Get out of here!”
The stench on the drunken man’s body was very pungent, causing everyone to frown.

Especially the man in white, who had a mysophobia, immediately shouted angrily and looked particularly disgusted.
Hearing the sound of drinking, the drunk man was stunned for a moment, then staggered up to the man in white, picked up the wine jar, and took another sip.
Then, a mouth full of yellow teeth opened.

A long wine burp spurted out towards the man in white.
In an instant, a stench, mixed with the smell of alcohol and vomit, rushed over him like a mountain.
Unexpectedly, the man in white took a sip. His face turned green for a moment, and he almost died on the spot.

He felt his stomach churn, his throat spasm, and he started retching as a mysophobic person.
“Hahaha… interesting, really interesting…”
Seeing this scene, the drunk man couldn’t help but laugh out loud.
“F*ck! Go to h-e-l-l!”
The man in white was furious and punched the drunk man in the face.

He did not hold back at all with this punch and directly used all his strength. The punch was extremely fierce, and the innate energy contained on the surface of the fist made the air roar.
Tyson Houle was about to stop him, but it was too late.
The white man’s fist hit the drunk man’s face firmly.

There was an explosion.
The drunken man who was beaten did not move at all, but the man in white who took action was blown away several meters away by an invisible force and then hit the wall heavily.
For a while, he was vomiting blood and wailing.
The whole place fell silent for a moment.

Chapter 2384

The entire living room was quiet, and they could hear a needle drop.
Everyone was stunned, and their faces were full of disbelief.

They first looked at the man in white, who was seriously injured and vomiting blood, and then cast their shocked eyes on the drunken man, who was swaying and unable to walk steadily.
Their hearts were in turmoil.
They had just noticed that the one who took the initiative to attack was clearly Thunderbolt Iron Fist, and his fist hit the drunken man firmly in the face.

Why did Thunderbolt sustain serious injuries while the drunken man remained unharmed?
“What’s going on? Why was Thunderbolt Iron Fist suddenly deflected?”
“Yes, it’s the body-protecting energy. “The Thunderbolt Iron Fist just hit the body-protecting energy!”
“What? Body-protecting energy? Could it be? Is this beggar still a martial arts master?”

After a brief silence, the scene was in an uproar.
No one expected that this sloppy, stinking drunk man would actually be a top-notch strongman.
They knew that Thunderbolt Iron Fist was also a well-known figure on the road. One punch could weigh tens of thousands of kilograms.
It could resist a punch without being hurt and even seriously injure its opponent.

Except for those who were at the master level, it was impossible for an innate warrior to do it.
“Who are you? How dare you act so arrogantly here?”
Seeing that the man in white was seriously injured, Damien Holmes couldn’t help but darken his face.
“Hahaha, good wine! Good wine!”

The drunk man ignored Damien Holmes at all and continued to drink his wine as if nothing had happened.
“I’m asking you something!” Did you hear it?!”
Damien Holmes activated true energy, instantly increasing his volume.
In an instant, thunder exploded in the entire living room, making everyone deafened and dizzy.

Weak warriors had to cover their ears to mitigate the impact of sound waves.
Damien Holmes shouted, and the drunk man seemed to have sobered up a little. He reluctantly opened his hazy eyes, looked Damien Holmes up and down, and then pointed at himself: “Were you talking to me just now?”
“N*nsense! Who else could it be if it wasn’t you?” Damien Holmes almost couldn’t stand it anymore and shouted again.

Covered in rags, this stinky beggar seemed not to take him seriously at all.
“Why are you shouting so loudly? I’m not deaf.” The drunk man dug his ears with his little fingers and said, “Oh, by the way, what did you just say?”
Damien Holmes was about to open his mouth, but was interrupted by the drunk man waving his hand. “Forget it; it doesn’t matter what you say, as long as you don’t disturb me while drinking.”
After uttering those words, the inebriated man settled into the chair and began to relax. After consuming alcohol, it appeared that Damien Holmes had no further involvement in the matter.

Chapter 2285

Damien Holmes was so angry that the corners of his eyes twitched, his fists clenched, and his whole body was filled with rage.
Since he became famous, no one has dared to despise him so much.

When they saw him, even the temple officials treated him politely.
However, the shabby beggar in front of him completely regarded him as nothing, showed no respect at all, and looked indifferent.
It was really too much!
“Stinky beggar! I think you are looking for death.” Damien Holmes was furious and finally broke out.

He raised his hand and slapped the drunken man’s face, and the true energy in his body suddenly burst out.
There was a loud roar, and a huge white palm shadow hit the drunken man heavily, like a mountain bearing down on him.
The ground trembled, the air distorted, and the tea rippled in an instant.

Before the palm shadow fell, everyone felt their breathing stagnant, as if a huge stone was pressing on their bodies.
“Oh my god! What terrifying pressure! It seems that Grandmaster Holmes is really angry!”
“Who does this beggar offend? He offends Senior Holmes, and now he faces certain doom!

“Hmph! He is so arrogant. He deserves to die!”
Seeing Damien Holmes take action angrily, everyone was shocked and also a little gloating.
The drunken man’s origin was unknown, and he went his own way. He was arrogant, with some strength, and did not take them seriously at all.

If you don’t kill the chicken to scare the monkey, won’t everyone follow suit in the future?
When Damien Holmes intervened, the drunk man didn’t even raise his head and continued to drink.
It wasn’t until Damien Holmes’s palm was almost touching his face that the drunk man suddenly took action and hit him with a palm.

There was a loud noise, and the ground shook.
Damien Holmes’s palm burst into air waves, filling the sky and scattering in all directions.
Some warriors who were close were blown away on the spot and fell to the ground like kites with broken strings, wailing again and again.

Even Damien Holmes, a martial arts master, was shocked and took several steps back before he could barely stabilize his body.
His complexion abruptly changed, and his brows deepened.
On the other hand, the assaulted drunk man remained motionless in the chair, continuing to consume alcohol slowly.
His calm and calm appearance made him look like an outsider.

“He’s okay? How is that possible?!”
“How can this beggar resist a blow from Master Holmes without losing?”
It is true that one cannot judge people by their appearance, just as one cannot measure sea water. I didn’t expect a beggar to be so powerful.”
Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned and shocked.


Chapter 2286

“Who are you? Tell me your name!” Damien Holmes frowned, his face intensely solemn.

The beggar in front of him remained motionless and calm as he faced his attack.

Especially the counterattack palm not only offset his attack but also knocked him back several steps.
This indicates that the other party’s cultivation level should be higher than his.
It was hard for him to accept that an unknown beggar could be so powerful.
“Good wine…good wine!”

Faced with Damien Holmes’s question, the drunk man still ignored him and drank to himself.
Seeing that Damien Holmes was about to have another attack, Tyson Houle finally spoke.
“Everyone, please don’t get angry.” Tyson Houle took a few steps forward, stood between the two of them, and said with a smile, “As the saying goes, you can’t get to know each other without fighting. After the fight just now, I believe everyone has a certain understanding of each other. Come on, let me introduce you to him.”

As he spoke, Tyson Houle extended his hand to the drunken man and said, “This is Senior Lennox Willis! I believe everyone present has heard of it.”
“He is actually the Wine Immortal Lennox Willis?” As soon as these words came out, all the warriors looked surprised.
Lennox Willis was a well-known figure around the world.
Rumor had it that he was addicted to alcohol and cared little about fame, power, and wealth, but his cultivation was unfathomable.

Among all the martial arts masters, he was among the best.
It’s just that Lennox Willis had disappeared, and his whereabouts were erratic. They didn’t know how many people tried to visit him, but they couldn’t find him. They were surprised to see Lennox Willis here today.
However, in their minds, Lennox Willis was completely different from the worldly master. The wine master in front of them was just like a beggar.

They wouldn’t have believed that the tattered, stinky beggar in front of them was actually the legendary big shot if Damien Holmes hadn’t just repulsed them.
“Master Houle, are you sure he is Master Willis?” Damien Holmes frowned and glanced up and down with a strange look on his face.
He had naturally heard of the name Lennox Willis. In the ranking of masters, Lennox Willis was even more powerful than the two evil spirits of heaven and earth.

Why would such a strong man become as miserable as a beggar?
Tyson Houle smiled and said, “Senior Holmes, you have just competed with Senior Holmes, so you should have some experience. Identity can be faked, but strength cannot be concealed. If it is not the legendary wine master, who can be equal to you, Senior Holmes?”
This was said very skillfully. While explaining, he also complimented Damien Holmes for resolving the unhappiness between the two parties.

As expected, Damien Holmes’s expression softened after being praised by Tyson Houle, and he asked, “Master Houle, could it be that Lennox Willis is the one we are waiting for?”
Tyson Houle nodded. “Lennox Willis has always been addicted to alcohol. The reason he was late just now is probably because he got drunk on the way. Please forgive me, Senior Holmes.”
“That’s all. Grandmaster Lennox Willis is famous. I will wait for a moment. He’s not harmful at all.” Damien Holmes said it lightly.
Although he was a little dissatisfied with Lennox Willis’s behavior, the opponent’s strength made it difficult for him to have an attack at this time.


Chapter 2287

After the test just now, he already knew in his heart that if he fought alone, he would definitely not be Lennox Willis’s opponent.

Only two demons from heaven and earth come together to stabilize one end.

It’s just that his wife was still on the way here and couldn’t be there for the time being, so he could only tolerate it a little.
“Master Houle, now that everyone is here, is it time to discuss business?”
At this time, Dustin, who had been watching the show, finally spoke.
He was not interested in these people’s grievances. What he cared about most was: what conspiracy was there in the pantheon of gods?

“Of course.” Tyson Houle pushed up his glasses with a smile and then said, “Everyone here is a master in the world, and everyone has special skills. We, the gods, value it very much. We invite you to come this time, mainly because if you want to cooperate, as long as you are willing to work for the gods, we will reward you generously.”
“Oh? “What does Master Houle mean by cooperation?” Damien Holmes raised his eyebrows slightly.

“I heard that a rare treasure has recently appeared in the forbidden area of Sacred Wyrm Summit. Our temples are very interested in it, so we would like to ask all the experts to help us hunt for the treasure together.” Tyson Houle said it directly.
Hearing this, all the warriors frowned and looked embarrassed, and no one dared to say a word.

It would be okay if it were anywhere else, but the forbidden area of Sacred Wyrm Summit was full of dangers. They were afraid that they would go in with their lives but not come out with them.
“Master Houle, you should know how powerful the Sacred Wyrm Summit is. Allowing us to trespass into the forbidden area is no different than entering and exiting the Sacred Wyrm Summit Tiger’s Den. If we are not careful, we may die.” Damien Holmes said it with a serious face.

“Yes, Master Houle! A behemoth like the Sacred Wyrm Summit is not something that we can afford to offend. I’m afraid we won’t be able to sustain this business.”
“Master Houle, it’s okay to help the temples find out information. As for breaking into Sacred Wyrm Summit without permission, there is really nothing we can do in the forbidden area.”

After seeing Damien Holmes speak, all the warriors shook their heads.
Although they were not afraid of death, it did not mean that they would actually die.
If the risk is ordinary and the price is reasonable, I am willing to take it.
But this time it was different. They were breaking into the forbidden area of Sacred Wyrm Summit, a place where all warriors dared not set foot.

No matter if they were an innate master or a martial arts master, they were not worth mentioning in front of the old god from Sacred Wyrm Summit.
After all, that person was the terrifying being who suppressed the entire martial arts world!
What’s the difference between sneaking around under a big shot’s nose and seeking death?


Chapter 2287

After the test just now, he already knew in his heart that if he fought alone, he would definitely not be Lennox Willis’s opponent.

Only two demons from heaven and earth come together to stabilize one end.

It’s just that his wife was still on the way here and couldn’t be there for the time being, so he could only tolerate it a little.
“Master Houle, now that everyone is here, is it time to discuss business?”
At this time, Dustin, who had been watching the show, finally spoke.
He was not interested in these people’s grievances. What he cared about most was: what conspiracy was there in the pantheon of gods?

“Of course.” Tyson Houle pushed up his glasses with a smile and then said, “Everyone here is a master in the world, and everyone has special skills. We, the gods, value it very much. We invite you to come this time, mainly because if you want to cooperate, as long as you are willing to work for the gods, we will reward you generously.”
“Oh? “What does Master Houle mean by cooperation?” Damien Holmes raised his eyebrows slightly.

“I heard that a rare treasure has recently appeared in the forbidden area of Sacred Wyrm Summit. Our temples are very interested in it, so we would like to ask all the experts to help us hunt for the treasure together.” Tyson Houle said it directly.
Hearing this, all the warriors frowned and looked embarrassed, and no one dared to say a word.

It would be okay if it were anywhere else, but the forbidden area of Sacred Wyrm Summit was full of dangers. They were afraid that they would go in with their lives but not come out with them.
“Master Houle, you should know how powerful the Sacred Wyrm Summit is. Allowing us to trespass into the forbidden area is no different than entering and exiting the Sacred Wyrm Summit Tiger’s Den. If we are not careful, we may die.” Damien Holmes said it with a serious face.

“Yes, Master Houle! A behemoth like the Sacred Wyrm Summit is not something that we can afford to offend. I’m afraid we won’t be able to sustain this business.”
“Master Houle, it’s okay to help the temples find out information. As for breaking into Sacred Wyrm Summit without permission, there is really nothing we can do in the forbidden area.”

After seeing Damien Holmes speak, all the warriors shook their heads.
Although they were not afraid of death, it did not mean that they would actually die.
If the risk is ordinary and the price is reasonable, I am willing to take it.
But this time it was different. They were breaking into the forbidden area of Sacred Wyrm Summit, a place where all warriors dared not set foot.

No matter if they were an innate master or a martial arts master, they were not worth mentioning in front of the old god from Sacred Wyrm Summit.
After all, that person was the terrifying being who suppressed the entire martial arts world!
What’s the difference between sneaking around under a big shot’s nose and seeking death?

Is Lennox Willis is Gregory Jones?
The one who flee with dustin in West Lucozia masscre and live in Swinton?
Chapter 2288

Facing everyone’s fear, Tyson Houle’s expression remained normal, as if he had expected it.

Although he was a member of the pantheon of gods, he grew up in the Dragonmarsh, so he naturally understood the weight of the Sacred Wyrm Summit.

Not to mention these casual warriors; even world-class experts would not dare challenge the Sacred Wyrm Summit head-on.
“Heroes, I am very aware of the worries in your hearts.” Tyson Houle raised his hand and pressed it down. After everyone’s discussion stopped, he continued to speak: “Of course our temples will not let you go in vain. Even if we risk our lives and trespass into the forbidden area of Sacred Wyrm Summit, we will make full preparations to minimize the risk.”

“Master Houle, what are your plans?” You might as well tell us frankly so that we can rest assured. “There is a bottom line.” Damien Holmes spoke again.
“Yes, Master Houle, let’s open the skylight and speak openly. We can judge the specific situation by ourselves.” Everyone agreed.
They didn’t want to be cannon fodder and risk their lives going to the forbidden area of Sacred Wyrm Summit.

Unless there was some comprehensive plan that could guarantee their safety, they would consider it carefully.
“Okay, you heroes are so happy, so I won’t hide it anymore.” After a slight pause, Tyson Houle continued, “You should know very well that in the past few days, Sacred Wyrm Summit has been holding martial arts competitions. Maintaining public security consumes all the energy, and a serious shortage of manpower plagues all aspects, particularly the defense of the forbidden area on the back mountain. As long as we seize the opportunity and sneak in in the middle of the night, we believe that no one will notice.”
“Master Houle, is this your plan?”Isn’t it too hasty?” Damien Holmes frowned slightly.
Although the martial arts competition attracted Sacred Wyrm Summit’s attention, there must still be masters in the forbidden area behind the mountain.

Chapter 2289

If they sneak in rashly, it will be easy to alert the enemy. Encircling them will result in a dead end.

“Senior Holmes, please be patient. What I said is just the first step.” Tyson Houle smiled and continued, “When we approach the forbidden area of Sacred Wyrm Summit, there will be other groups of people to attract attention for us. As long as we send out a signal, those groups of people will set fire to all directions in Sacred Wyrm Summit, attracting as many masters as possible.

At that time, we will wait for an opportunity to sneak into the forbidden area to find out what is going on. We refer to this strategy as attacking from both the east and the west.
As soon as these words came out, many warriors showed thoughtful expressions.
It sounds like it’s pretty good.
Use other groups of people to set fire to the mountain, and while the masters of Sacred Wyrm Summit are fighting the fire, they sneak into the forbidden area. This minimizes the risk.

“Master Houle, the plan to attack the east and attack the west is feasible, but I heard that there are many dangers in the forbidden area of Sacred Wyrm Summit, and there is also a mysterious, strong man who has been practicing quietly for many years. It is not easy for us alone to deal with that mysterious, strong man. If you still want to look for rare treasures, you may be a little overwhelmed.” Damien Holmes raised another question.

Although Tyson Houle’s plan could lure away most of the masters on Sacred Wyrm Summit,.
But the strong man in the forbidden area couldn’t leave easily.
When the time comes, they have to fight and hunt for treasures, which really increases the difficulty.
Tyson Houle smiled slightly and explained, “Senior Holmes, you can rest assured that our pantheon will not let you go into danger alone. Actually, in addition to everyone present, our pantheon has also invited other heroes to help, but for the sake of keeping it secret, it’s not convenient to reveal it for the time being; in short, I can guarantee that if you really encounter any trouble, there will be experts to help you!” Hearing this, everyone’s solemn expressions finally softened.

It seemed that the temples were well prepared and did not pin all their hopes on them. Instead, they prepared several treasure-hunting teams.
For them, the pressure would be much less.
Since everything was ready in the pantheon, there was no harm in them joining the treasure-hunting team.
The question was, how much did the Pantheon offer?

After all, they were trespassing in the forbidden area of Sacred Wyrm Summit, and their lives would be in danger at any time. If the benefits were not proportional to the risks, they would have to weigh them carefully.
“Master Houle, it’s not that I don’t want to help; it’s just…” Damien Holmes hesitated, stroking his beard with a troubled expression.

Seeing this, Tyson Houle quickly understood and clapped his hands immediately.
Soon, a group of servants filed in, carrying large and small boxes.
Tyson Houle winked, and the servants opened the boxes one by one.
In an instant, the entire living room was filled with light and sparkle.

When the warriors took a closer look, their eyes suddenly shone, their breathing became rapid, and their faces were full of greed.
These boxes contain all kinds of rare treasures!
And any piece they took out was worth thousands of gold.
They had never seen such a battle before, and they were dumbfounded.

“Of course, our temples will not let you work in vain. You will receive all these rare treasures as long as you agree. Tyson Houle said it with a smile.
As the saying goes, “under heavy rewards, there must be brave men.”
They believe that few people could resist the temptation of this gold and silver jewelry.
“As expected in the Temple of Gods, you are indeed rich!”

“Okay, okay, that’s great!”
“It’s our honor to work for the Temple of Gods.”We accepted this business!”
After a brief moment of confusion, the warriors agreed directly without any hesitation.
The wages of avarice were death.
There were so many rare treasures, let alone trespassing into the forbidden area of Sacred Wyrm Summit; even digging into their ancestral graves was no problem.

Chapter 2290

“Senior Holmes, what do you say?”
After the atmosphere was almost settled, Tyson Houle turned his attention to Damien Holmes again.

“The gods are so sincere. If we refuse, it would be disrespectful.” Damien Holmes smiled.
With so many rare treasures coming to your door, how could you say no?
As long as you finish this job, it will be enough for your retirement.
It’s a bit of a risk, but definitely worth it.

Besides, they are the two demons of heaven and earth who have joined forces and have always been invincible.
Even if it is a dragon’s pond or a tiger’s den, they dare to break into it.
“Senior Holmes is really happy.”
Tyson Houle smiled slightly and looked at Wei Ling again: “Senior Lennox, what do you think?”

“As long as you give me good wine, why not sell my life to you?” Lennox Willis said drunkenly road.
“Okay! Then the matter is settled!”
Tyson Houle was refreshed and beamed with joy.
“Wait, I have a question.”
At this time, dustin, who had been watching, spoke again.

“Oh? I wonder if Brother dustin has any advice?”
Tyson Houle raised his eyebrows slightly, curious.
The reason why he recruited dustin was because he had a clean background and good strength.
To be able to defeat Yayoi Kusama, the person in front of me must have reached the level of a master.

Such a young martial arts master is indeed worth focusing on wooing.
“Master Han, you only told us to go treasure hunting, but you didn’t tell us what we were looking for specifically? I wonder if you can tell us something? So we can have an idea.” dustin said calmly.
Hearing this, everyone secretly nodded in agreement.

They were just happy for a while and repeatedly ignored the key points of this mission.
The temples planned so carefully, why did they risk trespassing into the forbidden area of Longhu Mountain?
“I feel a little ashamed to say that I don’t even know what the treasure I’m looking for this time is.” Tyson Houle shook his head.

“No way? You don’t even know about Lord Han?” Damien Holmes was a little shocked.
Isn’t it a joke to bring them together to hunt for treasure without knowing what treasure they are looking for?
“To be honest with you, this treasure hunt plan was organized by the God King of our pantheon in person. I was just following orders. Gu Qianqing didn’t know very well.” Tyson Houle was a little helpless.

“What? Even the God King is dispatched?”
“Oh my God! Do you need such a big show?”
“It seems that the gods are determined to win this time!”
The warriors whispered, surprised.
The temples are jointly run by four god-kings. Each god-king has supreme power and is extremely terrifying.
Its weight is no less than that of the patriarch of Tianxiahui.
Unless absolutely necessary, a big shot like the God King would never take action personally.
Last edited:
Chapter 2291

This shows how important the treasure we are looking for this time is to the pantheon of gods.
“Master Han, this mission shouldn’t be that easy, right?” Damien Holmes frowned and began to hesitate again.

Being able to have the God-King of the Pantheon take action in person is enough to prove how serious the matter is.
People like them are not worth mentioning in front of the God-King.
So he doubted whether he would be used as cannon fodder?
“Senior Holmes, don’t worry too much.”

As if he saw something, Tyson Houle smiled and comforted: “Although Lord God King has made a plan, he will not take action personally. Lord God King exists only for precautions.” 1.
Besides, the Lord God is strategizing behind the scenes, and I believe that the plan will go smoothly.
As for why the Lord God did not reveal everything, I guess it is for better confidentiality and to prevent the plan from being leaked, so don’t worry too much. .

In addition, I will act together with you. If anything goes wrong, I will take the lead and I will never let you take risks.”
As soon as these words came out, everyone led by Damien Holmes could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.
Tyson Houle has shown enough sincerity, it seems that they were worrying too much just now.
“The Han Lord’s mythology has already talked about this. Naturally, we will not back down. If there is any need at that time, Han Lord God will just give his orders.” Damien Holmes patted his chest and said.

“That’s right! We use people’s money to eliminate disasters. We have received money from the temples, so naturally
we have to do our best to get things done!” “Even if we have to dig three feet into the ground, we still have to find treasures for the temples!”
All the warriors spoke in agreement, looking like they were willing to die generously.

“You are all moral heroes, so I can naturally trust you.”
Tyson Houle smiled slightly and looked at dustin: “Brother dustin, I wonder if you have any questions? I will answer them for you one by one.”
” Don’t tell me, I really have a problem.” dustin followed suit.
“Ah?” Tyson Houle’s expression froze.

He was just saying polite words, but he didn’t expect that the other party would actually climb up the pole.
“Hey! Boy! Where did you come from with all this nonsense?!”
Damien Holmes slapped the table, appearing to be very honest.
“Hmph! Things haven’t been settled yet, but there are a lot of problems. You really don’t understand the rules!”

The warriors sneered, with contempt on their faces.
“It’s okay, if you have any questions, just ask, I’ll tell you everything I know.”
Tyson Houle smiled lightly and tried to maintain a gentlemanly demeanor.
“Master Han, you just said that even the god kings of the temples have arrived. I’m a little curious, which god king is here this time?” dustin said meaningfully.
The temples of the gods had already lost a god king before. Now, who comes to Longhu Mountain to die?

Chapter 2291

This shows how important the treasure we are looking for this time is to the pantheon of gods.
“Master Han, this mission shouldn’t be that easy, right?” Damien Holmes frowned and began to hesitate again.

Being able to have the God-King of the Pantheon take action in person is enough to prove how serious the matter is.
People like them are not worth mentioning in front of the God-King.
So he doubted whether he would be used as cannon fodder?
“Senior Holmes, don’t worry too much.”

As if he saw something, Tyson Houle smiled and comforted: “Although Lord God King has made a plan, he will not take action personally. Lord God King exists only for precautions.” 1.
Besides, the Lord God is strategizing behind the scenes, and I believe that the plan will go smoothly.
As for why the Lord God did not reveal everything, I guess it is for better confidentiality and to prevent the plan from being leaked, so don’t worry too much. .

In addition, I will act together with you. If anything goes wrong, I will take the lead and I will never let you take risks.”
As soon as these words came out, everyone led by Damien Holmes could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.
Tyson Houle has shown enough sincerity, it seems that they were worrying too much just now.
“The Han Lord’s mythology has already talked about this. Naturally, we will not back down. If there is any need at that time, Han Lord God will just give his orders.” Damien Holmes patted his chest and said.

“That’s right! We use people’s money to eliminate disasters. We have received money from the temples, so naturally
we have to do our best to get things done!” “Even if we have to dig three feet into the ground, we still have to find treasures for the temples!”
All the warriors spoke in agreement, looking like they were willing to die generously.

“You are all moral heroes, so I can naturally trust you.”
Tyson Houle smiled slightly and looked at dustin: “Brother dustin, I wonder if you have any questions? I will answer them for you one by one.”
” Don’t tell me, I really have a problem.” dustin followed suit.
“Ah?” Tyson Houle’s expression froze.

He was just saying polite words, but he didn’t expect that the other party would actually climb up the pole.
“Hey! Boy! Where did you come from with all this nonsense?!”
Damien Holmes slapped the table, appearing to be very honest.
“Hmph! Things haven’t been settled yet, but there are a lot of problems. You really don’t understand the rules!”

The warriors sneered, with contempt on their faces.
“It’s okay, if you have any questions, just ask, I’ll tell you everything I know.”
Tyson Houle smiled lightly and tried to maintain a gentlemanly demeanor.
“Master Han, you just said that even the god kings of the temples have arrived. I’m a little curious, which god king is here this time?” dustin said meaningfully.
The temples of the gods had already lost a god king before. Now, who comes to Longhu Mountain to die?
No updates on Saturday and Sunday ?

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