The Protector (The Return of God Of War)

In Erudia, a private jet landed at North Hampton Airport, where all international flights experienced an eight-hour delay because of it.
At the private passageway were five men in suits and leather shoes, standing as straight as a javelin.

Every now and then, they would raise their wrist to look at the time, for a big shot was coming to town.
The upper-class society of North Hampton had learned about his arrival, but no one had the capability to get an inch closer to the private passageway.
Even the richest man in North Hampton who came to pay homage was chased away.
Finally, there were movements coming from the passageway.

“God of War!!!” the mass cried out, their eyes filled with awe and veneration at the sight of the undefeatable legend of Erudia.
He, who was dubbed the God of War, was the one and only five-star war God in the history of Erudia.
Once, he’d inflicted a crushing defeat on the strongest battalions in eighteen countries. He was an overbearing and formidable man.
He who overwhelmed the world with his unparalleled power had even created the Five Great Wars Regiment, Cavalry Regiment, and many more.

Setting foot on his homeland, Levi Garrison was overcome with emotions.
Once upon a time, he used to be an orphan who was abandoned on the streets of North Hampton and then adopted by the Garrison family.
However, the Garrison family had never been fond of him.
His adoptive parents, who had a tendency to beat and scold him, treated him like an outsider.
As for the outsiders, they treated him as a nobody.
But he didn’t care a stiver. He had always been proud of his surname since he was a child, and he strived to bring glory to this family when he grew older.
At last, Levi had established Levi Group, the largest dark horse in North Hampton’s business community.
With billions of assets, it ranked among the forefront of North Hampton, pushing the declining Garrison family to the top.
However, not only did the Garrison family showed no signs of appreciation, they even harbored dissatisfaction towards him. Jealous of his success, they regarded him as a thorn in their flesh and coveted Levi Group.
No matter his wealth and power, unless they were in control, he was just an outsider in the Garrison family’s eyes.
Eventually, on Levi’s wedding night, the Garrison family plotted a frame-up against him by getting him drunk before tossing him onto his sister-in-law’s bed. They wanted to create the illusion that he was doing something untoward to her and was caught in bed by his brother and adoptive parents.
That night, the Garrison family had brutally broken his limbs and left him on the road like a wild dog.
Not only was he handicapped, but he also had to take the flak for something he didn’t commit.
From an upstart in the business world, he had become the target of disdain overnight.
And the next day, he had been punished for several crimes and sentenced to six years in prison.
He could never forget the ruthless and sinister faces of everyone in the Garrison family and the ridicule of his friends, classmates, and business partners.
More so, he could never forget the disappointment on his newly wedded wife, Zoey’s face.
He had regarded the Garrison family as his home and devoted himself to the family.
Yet, they treated him like trash.
It felt as if a knife was being twisted in his heart every time he thought about this.
How he hated the Garrison family!
But who would have thought that Levi had been secretly transferred away from prison to join the military?
In a few years, he dominated the military world and became the one and only five-star God of War.
Now that he came back, the Garrison family ought to stay on their toes.
“How’s it going, Azure Dragon?” Levi asked.
Azure Dragon, the commander of the Five Great Wars Regiment, took a step forward and said respectfully, “Sir, I’m afraid your wife, Ms. Zoey Lopez will remarry at ten o’clock tonight!”
Ever since Zoey’s husband was sent to prison on their wedding night, she had been living like a widow.
Only God knew how much pressure she was put under.
And right now, the person Levi couldn’t wait to see the most was Zoey.
After a moment of hesitation, Azure Dragon continued, “To add on, Sir, the Garrison family is holding a successful listing celebration banquet at the Crystal Palace Hotel tonight! Many people had invited the God of War just now, including the Garrison family, but I didn’t accept nor refuse directly.”
“What time?” Levi asked tersely.
“Eight o’clock, Sir.”
“Okay. Tell the Garrison family I will attend the banquet!”
Since the time for the two events didn’t clash, Levi gladly accepted the invitation.
The celebration banquet for the public listing of Garrison Group was held at North Hampton’s Crystal Palace Hotel.
With the help of Levi Group, they had become a rich and powerful family in one fell swoop.
The hall was bustling with noise and excitement, and sounds of glasses clinking could be heard ringing in the air every now and then.
“God bless the Garrison family,” said Joseph, the head of the Garrison family. “The younger generations are the stars among men. Garrison Group is now listed and has become an upstart in North Hampton!”
Joseph’s three sons and daughter welcomed their guests with bright smiles on their faces.
The younger generation of the Garrison family was all the smugger and prouder because, after today, the Garrison family would become a powerful family, and they would become one of the top rich kids.
Most of the guests who attended today’s banquet were from the top circle in North Hampton.
“Garrison, do you know what happened today?! Your celebration party is nothing compared to that.” They were gossiping about the major event that had happened today.
“Yeah! I heard that a big shot has arrived in North Hampton!”
“The richest man in North Hampton wanted to meet him but was shooed away. Apparently, he’s not qualified enough!”
“So? Jesse Nielsen had been waiting for five hours in advance at the airport!”
Joseph nodded. “Yes, I know about that too. I even sent someone to invite this big shot to the celebration party!”
“No way! Why would this big shot attend such a party?”
No one believed it.
In fact, as an upstart, Joseph was just trying his luck.
“Dad!” shouted Jaycob, the second eldest son of the Garrison family could be seen running over. “The big shot has accepted our invitation to attend our celebration banquet! He’s on the way!”
“Jesus! God has indeed blessed the Garrison family!”
Everyone in the Garrison family could barely conceal their delight as this was their chance to reach the sky in a single bound.
The grandchildren of the Garrison family gathered together, sunshine flooding their souls.
Levi’s brother, Bryan, and sister-in-law, Victoria, smiled. “Well, it all starts with Levi’s imprisonment that the Garrison family is at where we are today…”
“Right, speaking about Levi, do you guys know today’s the day that kid gets out of prison?!” somebody asked abruptly.
“Really? Isn’t that bad luck? Why did he have to be released on such a big day?!”
“Please, please, please don’t come back! He’s the Garrison family’s biggest disgrace!”
Victoria’s lips tugged into a sneer. “Speaking of which, Levi is the crowning glory of the Garrison family’s status today.”
“That’s what he’s supposed to do!” Bryan said. “He should contribute to the Garrison family for raising him, an orphan! His multi-billion Levi Group means nothing. To put it bluntly, he’s just a dog raised by the Garrison family!”
Someone gave a chortle. “As a matter of fact, I’ve been interested in Levi’s wife for a long time now. She’s still widowed, and I’m so going to marry her!”
The man’s remark caused gales of laughter.
“Everyone, stop what you’re doing. I have an important announcement to make,” Joseph said and went on to announce that the big shot was coming.
A thunderous applause was heard.
But when the applause had died down, there was still someone clapping.
The sound was loud and clear, approaching from afar.
On the red carpet, a man came clapping, looking bold and energetic.
His stride gave off a majestic and imposing aura, which made the mass hold their breaths.
“It’s Levi!” Bryan and Victoria exclaimed.
Suddenly, all eyes were riveted on him.
“I forgot this little brat got out of jail today!” Levi’s adoptive parents spoke in unison.
Ignoring the astonished gazes darted at his way, Levi walked step by step towards Joseph.
“A little bird told me that the company is now listed. How are you feeling, Joseph? Are you happy?”
Levi flashed him a meaningful smile.
“How dare you show up here, you insolent brat! And what did you just call me?” Joseph’s fury sprang to life.
“Who let him in? Didn’t you know he just got out of prison? How inauspicious!”
Bryan rose to his feet. “What the hell are you doing here, Levi?”
Levi sized him up. “Why can’t I be here?”
“Well, for starters, you’re an orphan! The Garrison family has raised you, but you were ambitious and ungrateful. You had inordinate ambitions for your sister-in-law, and you wanted to take possession of the Garrison family! You’d even tried to kill your parents when things go south! Have you no conscience? Do you have any sense of morality left in your heart?”
“You’ve lost your reputation in North Hampton, and everyone knows that. Have you no shame to have the brass neck to come round here?”
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The name-changing ceremony was scheduled to begin at 10 o’clock in the morning.

However, the new owner of Levi Group, Neil Atkinson, hosted a meeting for all members of Levi Group’s senior management at 8 o’clock in the morning.

Melissa and the others were waiting impatiently inside the meeting room.

She took out a compact mirror to check her makeup. “Do you think there’s anything wrong with my outfit?” She asked Eileen Barn to help rearrange her clothes.

The others were tidying up their appearances as well.

After all, it was their first meeting with their new and mysterious boss. So they wanted to leave a good first impression.

Melissa was even prepared to offer her body. I will conquer the new owner of Levi Group! I did not climb so high up the corporate ladder with my capabilities alone. I’d achieved my current position because I’ve slept with Howard Corbyn, Oswald Rogers, and many other influential men. This is my go-to method to receive promotions, after all.

Over a hundred members of Levi Group’s senior management had arrived inside the meeting room as they waited in silence.

They tensed up the moment they heard footsteps rang in the hallway.

A young man wearing sunglasses entered the meeting room while being surrounded by multiple assistants and secretaries.

Everyone hurriedly stood up.

Kirin’s appearance surprised everyone after he removed his sunglasses. He’s so young! I heard there are rumors saying that he is Morris Atkinson’s uncle, but he’s clearly more suited to be his younger brother!

Indeed, Kirin was only twenty years old at that time.

Melissa’s eyes gleamed. I did not expect our new president to be a handsome young man. I can easily handle someone like him. I am sure he will succumb to my allure if I put in just a little effort.

Despite Kirin’s young age, his domineering presence was distinguished. Everyone felt chills traveling down their spines when his gaze swept across the room.

“Everyone, please take a seat. Let me introduce myself. My name is Neil Atkinson, and I recently acquired both Levi Group and Garrison Group from the Rogers family. I am currently the acting president of these two corporations.”

Melissa said immediately after Kirin introduced himself, “May I know what’s the agenda for today’s meeting, Mr. Atkinson? Please provide us with further instructions!”

Everyone was not enlightened of the reason behind the sudden meeting hosted by Kirin.

Kirin smiled. “Let’s be patient and wait a little longer.”

Melissa asked curiously, “Are we waiting for someone else? Do you mean there’s another person who is going to attend this meeting, Mr. Atkinson?”

Kirin nodded. “Of course! Did I not make myself clear earlier? I am only the acting president. That means that I am only in charge of showing my face in public when dealing with all company-related matters.”

Kennelm Pitt from the legal department raised a question. “Are you saying the real owner of Morris Group is another person and is making all the decisions from behind the scene?”

Kirin smiled. “Yes. You’re right. To put this into simpler words, I am only working for my master.”

Everyone gasped in astonishment. Neil Atkinson is already capable of taking control of the Rogers family’s possession. How much more powerful can his master be?

Melissa responded instantaneously, “So what you’re saying is that we are waiting for the real owner of the company?”

“Yes. That’s right! He’s the one that convened this meeting, and he will be here soon.” Kirin answered.

Everyone felt more anxious than before. Who is the new owner of Morris Group?

Time seemed to crawl slower as every minute felt like a century.

Everyone inside the meeting room straightened themselves in their seats when they heard footsteps reverberated in the hallway.

The door to the meeting room was pushed open.

But the person who entered the room was Elena Holmes.

Even Kirin was momentarily dazed. Who is she?

All the executives were enraged to see Elena, especially the director of the finance department, Bob Snyder. He chided at once, “What are you doing here, Elena Holmes? This is an exclusive meeting room for the senior management of the company. You’re already fired, so why are you here?”
“I’m the one that permitted her to enter!” A man’s voice was heard at that moment.

Levi made his appearance as everyone inside the room stared in his direction. He entered the meeting room together with Elena.

“What is the meaning of this, Levi Garrison? You do not belong here! Melissa rebuked him in rage. Then she pointed at the director of the security department. “What’s the matter with you? Why did you allow a scum like him to enter the building? He even managed to come all the way up here!”

“That’s right! What are you doing here, Levi Garrison?”

“Do you think Levi Garrison can support you, Elena? He’s just a piece of trash!”

Leroy, Kennelm and the others were hopping mad at the moment. What will happen if they offend Mr. Atkinson?

But something unbelievable and unimaginable happened the next moment.

Levi walked toward the front of the meeting room where Kirin was seated.

Kirin regarded Levi with admiration and offered him the seat politely. “You’re here?”

Levi took the seat and crossed his legs on the tabletop. He answered cheerfully. “All of you were asking me for a reason behind my appearance. Well, I am here to attend the meeting!”

Kirin reported next to him. “Sir, all 107 members of Levi Group’s senior management is here. Please provide us with further instructions!”


Kirin’s words hit everyone inside the room like a ton of bricks.

Boom, boom, boom…

Everyone was shocked to their cores. They were in utter disbelief. Levi Garrison is the owner of Levi Group?

Elena frowned as her mind went completely blank.

Melissa, who was closest to where Levi was seated, felt her heart stop beating altogether at that moment. Her breathing ceased, and her face turned paper-white like that of a lifeless body.

Barclay Burns, William Hanks, Eileen Barn, and Leroy Bird were petrified.

Everyone inside the room was dumbfounded.

No one expected the new owner of Levi Group to be Levi Garrison. Wasn’t he released from prison a short while ago? He should be penniless, so how is he capable of acquiring Levi Group?

At that moment, clarity washed over Melissa and the others. Neil Atkinson is not related to Morris Atkinson. Levi Garrison wants to commemorate Morris Atkinson, so he’s changing the company’s name to Morris Group! He’s also the reason why Morris’s parents can stay in that luxurious villa. Levi Group is determined to invest in Zoey’s company despite the ban ordered by the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce because Levi Garrison is still in charge of the company!

All the questions troubling their minds were resolved in that instance.

The thought of Levi Garrison being the new owner of the company never crossed anyone’s mind because Levi was totally out of their considerations.

Levi glanced at Melissa and her friends. Then he beamed at them. “Hello everyone, we meet again!”

Kennelm Pitt, who was relatively aged, passed out on the floor with a thud when he was reminded of the insults he directed toward Levi last night.

Barclay Burns and William Hanks trembled frightfully. They felt a hot and humid sensation trickling down their legs as a pool of steaming liquid formed where they stood.

They literally peed in their pants out of fear.

Leroy Bird, Bob Snyder, and the others slumped into their seats as their legs turned to jelly. All their strengths appeared to have seeped away from their bodies.

Eileen Barn cried in terror.

Melissa crumbled under the overwhelming pressure as she saw that Levi was staring at her the entire time.

She felt like puking a mouthful of blood.

Bizarre reactions were observed on those who participated in the gathering last night.

Everyone was confused by that peculiar scene, including Kirin.

Levi slowly took out a cigarette and Kirin hurriedly lit the cigarette for him.

Everyone felt restless and uneasy.

After taking a puff of his cigarette, Levi said. “Tell me, what should I do about what transpired last night?”
Grandmaster Skye,
Everyone regarded Levi with an incredulous gaze.

How did he get those special cigarettes and liquors that couldn’t be bought with ten billion?

What did he do?

Robert and Meredith were hugging the special cigarettes and liquor as if they were their most precious treasure.

“Dear, we’ll just take a little sip of liquor and smoke half a cigarette every day. These things are too rare and they’ll be gone before we know it,” Meredith said with distress.

Levi smiled. “If you want it, I can still get it for you. I guarantee you can have them every day! I got a little today because I was afraid you wouldn’t like it.”

“Really???” the old couple asked in disbelief, their eyes rounded.

“There’s plenty of this stuff,” Levi chuckled. “I promise I can get them. Once the banquet is over, I’ll send another car over!”

There are plenty of these with the Dragon Legion.

“That’s great!”

“We’re proud to have a grandson-in-law like you!”

The old couple had forgotten about everything else and only had eyes for Levi when they saw these cigarettes and liquor.

“Alright, that’s about it,” Levi smiled. “Many people are watching.”

Upon realizing the enormity of their faux pas, they laughed bashfully.

“Caitlyn, Aaron, Zoey,” said Meredith, pointing at the said family. “Come sit with me!”

Caitlyn and Aaron could not believe their ears..

They went forward in a daze and sat at the table where Meredith and Robert were seated.

“Let me take the opportunity of the birthday banquet to announce something,” Meredith said. “The Black family has agreed to my daughter, Caitlyn Black’s return!”

Caitlyn wept with joy at the announcement.

She had been waiting for this day for almost thirty years!

Aaron was also incredibly emotional.

The Black family had finally accepted them!

Zoey was happy as well.

“Caitlyn, Aaron, you two got yourselves a good son-in-law there.”

Robert and Meredith couldn’t help but compliment.

Aaron and Caitlyn were delighted. “Levi, you’ve made us proud! We shouldn’t have blamed you.”

“Mom, Dad, glad that you’re happy,” Levi smiled.

Aaron and Caitlyn squared their shoulders, looking at the crowd arrogantly.

Now that Mr. and Mrs. Black have voiced their approval, who dares to make fun of us now?

Our son-in-law is just as capable, thank you very much.

Everyone kept their lips sealed. Instead of mocking them, they were now looking at them with envy.

Because Graham, Felix, Perry and the others were seated at the same table.

That meant that in Meredith’s eyes, Aaron’s family was just as important as them.

Just then, someone suddenly came in, reporting, “Reporting, Mr. Black. A few military officers outside who claimed to be stationed at the South Warzone want to congratulate Mrs. Black on her birthday!”

Puzzled, Robert asked, “Did they mention their identities?”

“They did! One of them is the head of the Dragon Legion of the Iron Brigade, Captain Steele, and there were a few colonels as well,” the subordinate replied.

“What? The captain of the Dragon Legion of the Iron Brigade?”

Robert, Meredith and the others jumped to their feet.

Even Graham, who was once a deputy leader and Felix, the deputy director of the city’s Ministry of Economy, shot up.

The fact that the Dragon Legion was stationed at the South Warzone was well known among the higher-ups.

Quintus and Keane looked at each other. A thought occurred to them as they said, “Damn, Russell! You even invited Captain Steele of the Iron Brigade?! That’s a big surprise!”
Russell will make a fool of himself soon
Hi guy's, this is the first 10 of 20 promised chapters for today, remaining 10 is coming soon. Stay tuned
Thanks so much, we really appreciate it very much
Abigail realized that she had let the cat out of the bag.

“Does Levi have any other identities?”

Zoey looked at Abigail dubiously, wondering if they were hiding anything from her.

Levi laughed it off as he joked, “Abigail was just worried that they’d found out that I was an ex-convict.”

“Yeah, I thought that was the reason the alarm went off,” Abigail reacted swiftly to Levi’s cover-up, which managed to temporarily ease Zoey’s suspicion.

“What happened just now? Were you carrying anything that caused the alarm to sound non-stop?” Aaron asked.

“Oh, it’s just my lighter that is made of brass, that’s why it got picked up by the metal detectors!” Levi replied, as he took out his lighter and showed it to Aaron.

“Oh, let’s go then, Bailey had sent someone to pick us up. The car had been waiting outside for a while!”

Caitlyn was also raring to go.

The group was driven to the Hilton Hotel.

Due to the large number of guests invited to the birthday banquet, the guests were temporarily arranged to stay at the hotel.

“It seems like dad and mom had not yet completely gotten over what happened last time! Otherwise, we would be staying at the Black family mansion instead of the hotel, together with the rest of the guests!”

Caitlyn’s disappointment was apparent as she said that.

“Don’t worry, honey, we’re going to impress your family members later. I guarantee that their opinions of us will change for the better after that!”

Aaron was brimming with optimism as he comforted his wife.

It was important to the couple to be recognized by the Black family.

After everyone settled down in their hotel rooms, Abigail went to look for Levi and Zoey. “My cousins from the Black family are having a gathering tonight, do you guys want to tag along?” She asked.

“Sure, we’ll go!” Levi and Zoey accepted the invite readily.

Abigail drove them to the venue in her pink Maserati.

The gathering was held at the Scarlet Aegis Hotel.

A meal there costs at least ten thousand.

Different models of luxury cars could be seen parked in the hotel’s parking lot.

Abigail led Levi and Zoey to the private room, where dozens of people had already gathered and were engaged in animated discussions with each other.

“Hey, Abigail is here! Let’s welcome her!”

As Abigail was also a part of the Rogers family, she was very well-liked and popular among her cousins in the Black family.

For everyone else in the room, it was their first time meeting Levi and Zoey.

When they saw Zoey, most of them were stunned by her beauty and were eager to know her.

“Abigail, why are you not introducing your friends to us?” One of Abigail’s cousins urged.

“This is Aunt Caitlyn’s daughter, Zoey. She’s our cousin too! This is Levi, Zoey’s husband,” Abigail said.

“Oh! So it’s our cousin Zoey!”

Abigail’s brothers were the first to greet Zoey.

As for Levi, he was being treated as though he was invisible.

There were also a few attendees at the gathering who did not belong to the Black family, which meant that they were not blood-related to Zoey.

The men who belonged to that category couldn’t keep their eyes off Zoey. After all, it was not everyday that one would come across such an exquisite beauty.

After some mingling with the others, Levi found out that tonight’s gathering was organized by Zoey’s cousins, Keane and Quintus.

As the both of them were direct male descendants of the Black family, they were both held in high regard by the rest.

Naturally, they were also the main focus of every discussion topic which went on that night.

Keane laughed as he said, “Zoey, I heard that your husband, Levi, was previously a dark horse of North Hampton’s business arena. Even the business moguls and owners of leading enterprises in South City knew his name. What’s he up to these days?”

Quintus chuckled and said, “Yeah, I remember that too. But we haven’t heard any news about him in a long while.”

The two men were not trying to take a dig at Zoey, but were genuinely curious.

The Black family was among the wealthiest in the city. Naturally, Zoey and her family would not be important enough for them to pay any attention to.

They did try to find out more about Levi, during the days when he used to be a rising star in the business arena.

However, no one had news about Levi after he went to jail.
You will know soon,stop being inquisitive
After Russell’s description of the event, Zoey suddenly realized that it could have been the metal pieces lodged inside of Levi’s body which caused the metal detectors to go off, instead of the lighter, which was what he had told them earlier on!

She wished that she could see through Levi’s clothes, and verify what Russell said with her own eyes that very instant.

Quintus, who was intrigued, asked, “How’s that even possible? Russell, who is this guy?”

“We don’t exactly know who he is, as his files had been classified as 5s level, which means no one in the entire of South City would have access to it! But I heard from our Chief that he used to be an officer from the Iron Brigade!” Russell replied excitedly.

“Iron Brigade? Isn’t that the team that’s personally led by the God of War?”

“Exactly! That’s the strongest military unit in Erudia! Every soldier who’s part of that team is a man of indomitable spirit!”

The men at the gathering were all stirred at the mention of the ‘God of War’ and the ‘Iron Brigade’.

Every men, regardless of age, would have dreamed of becoming a soldier at some point in time of their lives.

Being in the Iron Brigade was the greatest recognition and highest honor for every soldier.

“Yeah, when I was at the military academy, my goal was also to join the Iron Brigade and fight alongside the God of War!”

Russell was no exception.

Abigail was feeling proud when she saw the longing expressions of those men in the room.

At that moment, she really wanted to stand up and tell everyone that the God of War, who was revered by all, was none other than her cousin-in-law, Levi!

“If those warriors from the Iron Brigade could be present at grandma’s birthday banquet, I bet grandpa and grandma would both be delighted!” Keane said.

“Yeah, grandpa and grandma were once guards as well! They’ll definitely be over the moon to meet someone from the Iron Brigade!”

“Exactly! Grandpa and grandma love the special alcohol and cigarettes provided by the war zones, but nowadays they hardly have the chance to enjoy them anymore.”

Everyone was contributing to the lively discussion going on in the room.

Quintus looked at Russell and said, “Russell, do you think you can pull some strings and invite just one of the officers from the Iron Brigade to join us at grandma’s birthday banquet tomorrow?”

“Yeah, if you can do that, it’ll definitely be the best birthday present for grandma!” Keane added.

Russell hesitated for a second before nodding his head and said, “OK, I’ll try. Hopefully, we can give grandma a surprise tomorrow!”

Even though he agreed to ask around, Russell was not confident at all that he’ll succeed in his task.

The main reason for that was because his Chief, Perry, had told him earlier on that the man who appeared at the train station in the afternoon was someone out of his reach, not to mention Russell, who was only a leader of a subdivision of the Security Unit.

No one at the gathering bothered to talk to Zoey or Levi for the rest of the night, it was just as if the both of them were invisible.

To a big family like the Blacks, they were merely nobodies.

After the dinner gathering ended, Russell specially paid Perry a visit to tell him his thoughts.

Perry was scared out of his wits when he heard the idea. He pointed at Russell and said, “Y-y-you… you have the audacity to invite that man???”

Russell was trembling with anxiety at his Chief’s reaction and replied, “Chief, is that guy someone very important?”

As the information was classified, Perry was unable to divulge any details to Russell.

“That’s right, anyway, you should really stop thinking about it. I’m not even qualified enough to invite Captain Steele from the North Hampton Dragon legion, let alone that man from this afternoon. Just drop the idea completely!”

Perry rejected Russell’s request without giving it any consideration.

“Alright then. But Chief, you have to be there with the Deputy Chief tomorrow, deal?” Russell said.

“Don’t worry, I wouldn’t miss old Mrs. Black’s birthday banquet for the world!”

Everyone was disappointed when Russell conveyed the negative outcome to them, but they did not blame him.

After all, the Iron Brigade had a special status in the military. No one expected that it would be easy to invite them.

Meanwhile, Zoey started having major suspicions about Levi after the gathering.
I just hope Levi come clean to his wife about his identity
Even though they had been sleeping on the same bed, they had not been intimate, so it was only natural that Zoey had not seen Levi’s naked body.

As such, she had planned to examine Levi’s body tonight, in order to verify if he actually had those scars on his body.

However, Abigail had requested to share her bed, so in the end, Zoey was unable to carry out her plan.

The next day arrived and it was the day of old Mrs. Black’s birthday.

Levi and the rest were being woken up early in the morning, and were all gathered at the hotel lobby.

Shortly after, transportation arranged by the Black family arrived to pick them up to the Black family manor.

Aaron clutched the birthday gift for his mother-in-law in his arms. He was looking forward to impressing his wife’s family at the banquet later on.

Caitlyn had also checked with Levi if he had prepared any gift, and only felt at ease after confirming that he had not done so.

The scale of the Black family was comparable to the Garrison family, which was recently listed.

The family manor was extremely posh and grand.

The various luxury cars that were parked at the front porch were sufficient to form an auto show.

The three brothers from the Black family stood at the entrance to receive their guests personally.

The head of the Black family household, Robert Black, and his wife Meredith, were in the main hall of the manor. They were both dressed in red, all ready for the auspicious occasion.

After they were discharged from the military, the both of them started from scratch and managed to build a successful business empire over the years. Because of their hard work and efforts, the Black family had become one of the wealthiest family in the city.

In addition to that, the family was also flourishing. The couple had expanded their family and was joined by their many children and grandchildren.

The two esteemed elderly of the Black family were very contented with their current state of life.

“Dad, mom, look who’s here!”

Bailey led Aaron’s family to Robert and Meredith.

“Dad, mom!”

Caitlyn was overwhelmed with emotions and shed tears of joy when she met her parents.

Aaron was also feeling emotional and was ready to greet the two elders.

But Robert merely gave a slight nod, while Meredith let out a cold snort and only took a glance at them, before looking away.

Caitlyn and Aaron were both stunned to be given the cold shoulder.

Caitlyn immediately realized that, even though her mom had invited them to her birthday celebration, it would still take some time for her to fully accept them.

However, Caitlyn was already feeling grateful to be able to see her parents again.

The atmosphere in the room turned awkward for a moment.

To ease the tension, Pamela said, “Oh, mom and dad, weren’t you two looking forward to meeting Zoey?”

While saying that, she shoved Zoey in front of the two elders.

“Hi grandpa, hi grandma!” Zoey greeted her grandparents politely.

As it was her first time meeting her grandparents, Zoey was a little nervous.

After sizing Zoey up carefully, Robert and Meredith said in satisfaction, “She seems like a good kid, We like her!”

“Oh, I heard that Zoey is really capable. She even managed to secure a few hundred millions of investment for her company!”

The two elders of the family thought rather highly of Zoey, especially Meredith.

That was because the old lady was a successful woman herself, and had never shown preference for boys over girls.

Instead, among her children and grandchildren, she actually valued the females of the family more.

Back in the days, she had also placed high hopes on Caitlyn, but her daughter ended up eloping with Aaron, which broke Meredith’s heart.

That was the reason why the mother and daughter had not seen each other for over twenty years.

Bailey shot a glance at Levi and said, “Why are you still standing there? Aren’t you going to introduce yourself?”

With a grin on his face, Levi walked towards the elderly couple and said, “Hi grandpa and grandma, it’s a pleasure meeting the both of you. I’m Zoey’s husband, Levi!”

Robert observed Levi for a few seconds, and felt that there was a mysterious aura surrounding him.

But he wasn’t able to pinpoint exactly why.

Either Levi is trying to conceal something, or he is just someone who usually goofed around, was what Robert thought.

“I heard that you were once the rising star in the business circle of North Hampton, but was sent to jail for six years! You just finished serving time recently, right?” Meredith spoke.

Even though Meredith appeared to be unconcerned, she was, in fact, very in touch with what was going on in Aaron’s family.

“That’s right, grandma, I just got released from prison.” Levi answered truthfully.

“So, what are your plans going forward?” Meredith asked.

“Since Zoey is doing so well, my plan is just to assist her whenever she needs me! I’m a lucky man to have a wife I can depend on!”

Everyone froze upon hearing Levi’s words.
I should have given Levi some random slaps for uttering such words,he is not even ashamed 😁😁😁
“No way. Doesn’t that mean he didn’t prepare anything? Did he have to run away for that?”

“I know, right? I mean, even if he did prepare something, Mrs. Black wouldn’t have liked it either.”

Everyone sneered.

“Who said I didn’t prepare a gift?” a voice as loud as thunder was heard.

Everyone turned to look in the direction of where the sound came from, only to see Levi standing at the doors, holding two black plastic bags in his hands with a cigarette in his mouth.

Meredith and Robert’s faces scrunched up in disgust at Levi’s frivolous appearance.

They hated it. And seeing the two black plastic bags in his hands that were obviously meant for grocery shopping, what good could come out of it?

“Hahaha, this is hilarious!”

“Could there be vegetables or steamed buns inside?”

Everyone laughed so hard that their stomach hurt when they saw those two plastic bags.

Using such a bag to pack his gifts on such an occasion was definitely an insult to the old lady!

“What are you doing, Levi? No one asked you to get any gifts!”

Afraid that Levi was up to no good, Caitlyn and Aaron were about to dash forward to stop him.

It was already humiliating enough.

If Levi did anything to add fuel to the fire, they were as good as dead.

“Sit down!”

Meredith suddenly shouted.

Caitlyn and Aaron could only obey.

“Grandma, what can he even put in that bag?” Logan asked. “Let’s just skip this.”

But Meredith was stubborn. “No! Let him come. I want to see what his gift is.”

“Yeah, let’s see what this son-in-law has prepared.”

Everyone was burning with curiosity.

“Come here, Levi!” Logan grinned, glad to watch Levi make a fool of himself.

After all, Levi was the Black family’s son-in-law who was often bracketed with him back then.

With that, Levi went forward step by step, smoking a cigarette.

Seeing the plastic bags, everyone was guessing what was inside.

With Levi approaching, Perry and the others who were sitting at the front were petrified when they suddenly recognized him.

Perry instinctively shot to his feet and was about to greet him when he stood frozen upon noticing the expression in his eyes.

Everyone looked at Perry curiously.

“What’s wrong, Captain Chapman?” Russell, who was next to him, asked.

Perry sat down quietly. “Nothing! I just got a cramp in my leg.”

Levi came to Meredith and Robert at last.

“How dare you smoke in front of Grandpa and Grandma? Do you have a death wish?!” Logan was very displeased.

However, Robert and Meredith noticed something strange.

The cigarette in Levi’s mouth seemed to be a special cigarette from the war zone.

Especially that strong tobacco scent. It could only be found in the Warzone!

Robert and Meredith were sure of that.

“Shall I open it?” Levi asked.

“Go ahead!”

For some reason, Robert and Meredith were looking forward to it.

As if something good could be found inside this filthy plastic bag.

Levi took out two boxes of cigarettes and two bottles of liquors from the bag and presented them before Robert and Meredith.

“Grandson-in-law Levi Garrison presents two boxes of cigarettes and two bottles of liquors!”

The military green packaging of the cigarettes and liquor was very simple, and its workmanship was very rough.

“Levi, are you crazy?” Logan guffawed. “How could you present such poor quality cigarettes and liquor as gifts?”
Robert and Meredith would be shocked to the bone if they were to find out the source of the gifts
Seriously, it's easy to think they are not married because if this. No intimacy at all
I should have given Levi some random slaps for uttering such words,he is not even ashamed 😁😁😁
Robert and Meredith would be shocked to the bone if they were to find out the source of the gifts
I can't imagine the look on their face when they find out
“I’m the one that permitted her to enter!” A man’s voice was heard at that moment.

Levi made his appearance as everyone inside the room stared in his direction. He entered the meeting room together with Elena.

“What is the meaning of this, Levi Garrison? You do not belong here! Melissa rebuked him in rage. Then she pointed at the director of the security department. “What’s the matter with you? Why did you allow a scum like him to enter the building? He even managed to come all the way up here!”

“That’s right! What are you doing here, Levi Garrison?”

“Do you think Levi Garrison can support you, Elena? He’s just a piece of trash!”

Leroy, Kennelm and the others were hopping mad at the moment. What will happen if they offend Mr. Atkinson?

But something unbelievable and unimaginable happened the next moment.

Levi walked toward the front of the meeting room where Kirin was seated.

Kirin regarded Levi with admiration and offered him the seat politely. “You’re here?”

Levi took the seat and crossed his legs on the tabletop. He answered cheerfully. “All of you were asking me for a reason behind my appearance. Well, I am here to attend the meeting!”

Kirin reported next to him. “Sir, all 107 members of Levi Group’s senior management is here. Please provide us with further instructions!”


Kirin’s words hit everyone inside the room like a ton of bricks.

Boom, boom, boom…

Everyone was shocked to their cores. They were in utter disbelief. Levi Garrison is the owner of Levi Group?

Elena frowned as her mind went completely blank.

Melissa, who was closest to where Levi was seated, felt her heart stop beating altogether at that moment. Her breathing ceased, and her face turned paper-white like that of a lifeless body.

Barclay Burns, William Hanks, Eileen Barn, and Leroy Bird were petrified.

Everyone inside the room was dumbfounded.

No one expected the new owner of Levi Group to be Levi Garrison. Wasn’t he released from prison a short while ago? He should be penniless, so how is he capable of acquiring Levi Group?

At that moment, clarity washed over Melissa and the others. Neil Atkinson is not related to Morris Atkinson. Levi Garrison wants to commemorate Morris Atkinson, so he’s changing the company’s name to Morris Group! He’s also the reason why Morris’s parents can stay in that luxurious villa. Levi Group is determined to invest in Zoey’s company despite the ban ordered by the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce because Levi Garrison is still in charge of the company!

All the questions troubling their minds were resolved in that instance.

The thought of Levi Garrison being the new owner of the company never crossed anyone’s mind because Levi was totally out of their considerations.

Levi glanced at Melissa and her friends. Then he beamed at them. “Hello everyone, we meet again!”

Kennelm Pitt, who was relatively aged, passed out on the floor with a thud when he was reminded of the insults he directed toward Levi last night.

Barclay Burns and William Hanks trembled frightfully. They felt a hot and humid sensation trickling down their legs as a pool of steaming liquid formed where they stood.

They literally peed in their pants out of fear.

Leroy Bird, Bob Snyder, and the others slumped into their seats as their legs turned to jelly. All their strengths appeared to have seeped away from their bodies.

Eileen Barn cried in terror.

Melissa crumbled under the overwhelming pressure as she saw that Levi was staring at her the entire time.

She felt like puking a mouthful of blood.

Bizarre reactions were observed on those who participated in the gathering last night.

Everyone was confused by that peculiar scene, including Kirin.

Levi slowly took out a cigarette and Kirin hurriedly lit the cigarette for him.

Everyone felt restless and uneasy.

After taking a puff of his cigarette, Levi said. “Tell me, what should I do about what transpired last night?”
Never dare The God Of War
According to this situation, it was simply impossible for them to be destroyed.

But they didn’t expect that their opponent was Levi—the only five-star God of War in history!

The God of War would crush everything!

At this moment, Eric suddenly caught a fish.

After putting it in the basket, he looked at Grover and Xander, smiling, “Grover, Xander, have you two heard about the recent events in North Hampton?”

The grizzled-haired Grover moved his fishing rod and said with a little doubt, “Are you talking about the matter with Director Alaric Taylor of the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce or the matter with the renaming of Levi Group to Morris Group?”

Grover might be retired, but he still had everything under control.

Wallace gave him a meaningful look. “I supposed you can look at these matters as one?”

“You’re suggesting that Neil Atkinson of Levi Group is behind all this?” asked Xander.

Clifford nodded. “Most likely. According to our investigations, Neil should be Morris’s uncle. He’s changing the name of Levi Group to Morris Group to help Morris Atkinson’s best friend, Levi Garrison. That’s why they invested in Zoey and even took care of Alaric and Charles.”

“We’ve questioned the Rogers family in the past for a few days, but they remained silent about relinquishing the Garrison family’s properties and Levi Group,” Baldwin said. “They only warned us to be careful, saying that we’ve met our match this time.”

“In a word,” Eric summed up. “This mysterious Neil Atkinson is a powerful man. He’s definitely something to be able to send Alaric to jail and retake Levi Group and Garrison Group from the Rogers family’s hands.”

Those were the information that the four noble families had obtained.

It was considered intimidating because other enterprises and families had yet to know about the change of ownership of Levi Group.

“To be honest, I’ve known you guys for over ten years now and I’ve never seen such somber expression on all four of your faces,” Xander suddenly chuckled.

Grover nodded. “Exactly! It’s my first time seeing you guys like this. It means that Neil Atkinson is really stressing you out.”

“Sure, there’s stress, but it’s just enough to get our attention,” Wallace smiled. “He can’t threaten us!”

Eric stroked his long white beard, chortling, “That is without a doubt! No one can mess with the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce.”

Xander nodded. “That’s right! There’s no way they can break apart the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce!”

Metaphorically speaking, the Garrison family and the Rogers family were just growing saplings that could be uprooted by manpower while the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce was a ten-thousand-year-old tree that would probably require ten people to encircle it. It would be impossible to uproot it based on manpower alone.

Clifford flashed a cruel smile. “Although there isn’t a threat, Neil Atkinson is really a thorn in the flesh. We must get rid of him as soon as possible!”

Understanding the meaning behind his words, Grover and Xander smiled, “We can still find out his identity for you guys.”

With that, Xander suddenly caught a fish and threw it into Clifford’s basket.

“Just like this. I caught a fish for you and it’s up to you whether you want to release it or cook it.”

He was comparing the fish to Neil.

The four of them nodded.
You will be digging your own grave Xander
Levi told the aged couple he would pick them up in person three days later.

He saw Chloe the moment he exited the villa’s neighborhood.

She was there because she was introducing one of the properties there to a customer.

“I’m getting off work now. Why don’t I treat you to a meal if you’re free?” Chloe offered with a smile.

Levi suddenly remembered the promise he made after they were met with the impromptu situation the other day.

“Sure. Let’s have a meal, but it’s going to be my treat!” Levi answered.

Levi was chauffeured to the villa earlier, so he did not have a car. He had no other choice but to let Chloe drive him to the restaurant.

They decided to have their meal in a high-end Chinese restaurant, where their patrons can only be those with the restaurant’s membership.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Macy! All the private rooms are fully booked. We only have open seats left in the hall.” The restaurant staff informed Chloe.

Chloe looked at Levi immediately to seek his opinion.

“Fine by me.” Levi nodded.

They sat at a table close to the window.

Chloe was a regular customer, and she was vaguely familiar with Levi’s preference too. So she ordered a few dishes that suited Levi’s taste.

Levi enjoyed the meal to his heart’s content.

“Is that really you, Chloe?” Someone exclaimed.

Two men dressed in suits stood a few feet away from their table. One of the men was clearly excited to see Chloe.

Levi felt that the man looked a little familiar. Oh, I remember him now! He’s one of my juniors from high school, William Hanks.

William studied Finance and graduated from a university in South City. Levi allowed him to enter Levi Group despite his lack of qualification due to William’s status as his junior.

William appeared to be in a neutral stance after Levi was met with trouble in the past, but he actually sided with Matthew Green.

Chloe did not like William because he was annoying and had been relentless in pursuing her.

He firmly believed he deserved Chloe especially now that Levi Group had regained its momentum.

“Chloe, let me introduce to you. This is the manager of Gatsby Group, Mr. Paterson. We are currently discussing a project that’s worth a hundred million!” William introduced the chubby man next to him to Chloe.

Mr. Paterson looked at Chloe lecherously.

At that moment, William noticed Levi.

He fell into a daze for some time before he addressed him subconsciously, “Mr. Garrison… wait, no. Levi Garrison, you’re here too?”

In William’s mind, Levi does not deserve any honorifics now that he had been reduced to someone with a lowly status.

“That’s right. You’re able to recognize me?” Levi smiled. William Hanks is considered half a traitor. There are still plenty of traitors like him among the current staffs in Levi Group. I have to utilize this name-changing ceremony to reassemble the company’s employees. I’ve regained control of Levi Group for some time now, but I’ve yet to remove these rotten people.

“Hahaha, of course! You were so glorious in the past! I even worked as your driver and valet when I first entered the company…”

William remembered everything that happened in the past vividly.

“I did not get any promotion while you were in charge of the company, Levi Garrison. You’ve never treated me like your junior, always asking me to do those hard and dirty chores! I was promoted and given important tasks to handle after you left, and can finally put my talents to good use! I am now the vice-director of the marketing department!” He pointed at Levi and continued, “Regretfully, you are no longer my boss. You are just someone who, at most, qualifies to clean my shoes…”

Levi and Chloe exchanged glances. Both of them snickered.

Levi scoffed. “Sorry to disappoint you, but I am still your boss!”
He can never comprehend that you are still his boss
Kennelm Pitt, the director of the HR department scoffed. “That’s right. Didn’t you always admire the military management style, Mr. Garrison? Life in prison suits you the best!”

The director of the PR department, Eileen Barn added, “That’s true. You must’ve stayed behind bars for six years because you enjoyed the environment!”

Everyone greeted Levi with insults.

“Please, come in, my beloved Mr. Garrison!” Melissa ushered Levi into the room.

Upon entering, Levi saw the decorations inside the room immediately.

They even hung a couple of banners on the wall.

The first banner read: Thank God for your imprisonment, Levi Garrison. We would not achieve our success today if you did not go to jail.

Printed on the second banner were the words: We hope you stay in prison forever, Levi Garrison.

Levi noticed a lot of champagne inside the room as well, but he did not understand the reason behind the large amount of drinks.

Everyone was disappointed to see Levi’s reaction because he was not infuriated after looking at the banner.

They asked Levi to sit down, then proceeded to surround him.

Melissa said, “I have to thank you, Mr. Garrison. You forced me to start from the bottom of the company with a monthly salary of a little over four thousand and an annual salary of fifty thousand. Do you know how much I am making per year now? My current annual salary is fifty million!”

Eileen added, “You turned us into a bunch of cheap labors by using the excuse of trying to cultivate us. I did not receive a salary of close to ten thousand previously, but look at me now! My yearly bonus alone is already at least ten million!”

The marketing director, Barclay chided, “Thank you so much, Levi Garrison! I used to go to work on a scooter, but I am now driving a Lamborghini to work!”

The director of the legal department, Leroy was furious. “This is all your fault, Levi Garrison! You nearly ruined our lives. Do you see how terrible our lives were? You were the cause of our miseries!”

Kennelm shouted, “Serves you right for facing jail time! It was because of that only did we get the opportunity to flourish in our lives!”

“Levi Group has been doing so well since the Rogers family took control. The company is worth at least seven billion in the market now!” Someone mentioned.

Levi suddenly laughed. “The company’s value increased only a mere three billion in six years, and yet you’re so proud of that achievement?”

“That…” Everyone was stunned.

Levi continued, “Levi Group was already worth four billion during its first year of establishment. We were growing at an exponential rate. We even did a simulation to project our company’s growth. Levi Group would be considered a failure if the company failed to achieve a market value of less than fifty billion after 6 years!”

Everyone was rendered speechless. They knew Levi was indeed telling the truth because they were informed of the company’s potential in the past.

But Levi Group’s growth turned negative during its second year after Levi’s imprisonment. The company only showed gradual improvements in its performances for the subsequent years.

None of Levi Group’s employees knew that their core technology and advantages in the market were taken away by another party.

William retorted immediately when he saw that everybody had fell silent. “Nonsense! What you said was all hypothetical. How can you rely on that to survive in the business world? Can you guarantee a positive return every year?”

Melissa recollected her thoughts as well. “That’s right! There are so many changes in the market every year. You cannot possibly predict every turn of events!”

Eileen frowned. “Let’s be honest, Levi Garrison. We would only stay as mere lowly subordinates even if the company developed into a fifty billion corporation. There’s no way we would be as successful as we are now.”

Leroy, Kennelm, and the others agreed. “He’s right. Your achievements have got nothing to do with us. We wouldn’t be making as much money as we are now if we stayed under your management!”
These people are ignorant businessmen
Melissa said, “You may not know this, Levi Garrison, but Mr. Atkinson has decided to increase all the employees’ salary since he acquired the company. I will be receiving a thirty percent increment as the vice-president of the company. You can calculate the additional amount yourself!”

“That’s right! Look at how generous Mr. Atkinson is. Don’t you feel ashamed by how petty you were?” Others mocked Levi.

Levi put on a wry smile. How can I be oblivious to this? I was the one that made the arrangements, after all.

Melissa lifted Levi’s chin daringly. “My beloved Mr. Garrison, I am not embarrassed to say this. You rejected me when I confessed to you when I was still working as your personal secretary. Do you regret your decision now? Do you still think that Zoey Lopez is better than me?”

Levi beamed at her. “That’s a given. Zoey is and always will be better than you.”

Melissa laughed out loud. “You’re a fool, Levi Garrison! That woman is close to announcing bankruptcy!”

“But she had received the necessary investment.” Levi firmly believed in Zoey’s capabilities. He knew she merely lacked the opportunities to prove herself. So he gave her the opportunity she needed the most.


Everyone inside the room burst into laughter after listening to Levi.

“You’re hilarious, Levi Garrison! Don’t you know which company was the one that invested in Zoey’s company?”

“It’s our company, Levi Group, that provided her with the capital!”

“Although Mr. Atkinson proposed to invest in her company, most of the procedures are handled by us! Ms. Floyd has to sign the papers, and the investment has to go through the Director of Finance Department, Mr. Snyder! They are the people who will decide the fate of that money now!” Everyone sneered.

Melissa pointed at Levi. “To tell you the truth, Levi Garrison. We have the authority to decide whether Levi Group will invest in Zoey’s company. We can always pull out of the deal or postpone the date to transfer the money to them. Perhaps I can pull some tricks so that Zoey has to compensate us in return for violating the contract!”

William patted Levi’s shoulder. “Did you hear that, you arrogant scum? We are the ones that are in control of you and Zoey Lopez’s fates!”

“That’s right. You have to follow our orders obediently, Levi Garrison! Otherwise, we will force you and Zoey to the brink of desperation!” Kennelm laughed wickedly.

“Are you threatening me?” Levi could hardly contain his urge to laugh. I planned to expose these traitors tomorrow at the company. Well, they certainly saved the trouble by surrendering themselves now.

“Of course! Levi Group will pull out of the deal immediately with a single order from me! I will also include Zoey’s company on the blacklist. No one will dare to invest in Imperial Meadows after that. All she can do by that time is to wait for bankruptcy to knock on her door!” Melissa boasted.

“Then what should I do for all of you to let Zoey off the hook?” Levi asked.

Melissa straightened herself and walked toward the cart filled with numerous bottles of champagne. “That’s easy. We will let her off the hook if you obey our orders!”

Melissa Floyd grabbed a bottle of champagne after she spoke.


The cork popped open all of a sudden as Melissa aimed the bottle at Levi.


Levi was doused by the jet of champagne.

Everyone followed Melissa’s action.

Each of them took a bottle of champagne.




The corks of the bottles popped open after they shook the bottles vigorously. Then they sprayed the champagnes in Levi’s direction.

Levi was thoroughly drenched in the champagne shower.

He finally knew the reason behind the large amount of drinks. They wanted to humiliate me with the bottles of champagne.



Sounds of their evil laughter were mixed with the splashing sound of champagne…
Them and their thirty percent increment would all go to extinction to reprimand them for what they did
Levi nodded, satisfied with Elena’s determination. “Don’t worry. No one will fire you. Come to work as usual tomorrow.”

At that moment, Elena thought he saw glimpses of the thriving Levi Garrison from six years ago.

“Alright, Mr. Garrison. I will do as you say!” Elena answered.

Melissa and the other executives were filled with exhilaration after leaving the hotel.

“This is awesome! I still can’t believe we really toyed with Levi Garrison earlier!”

“That’s right. I can’t even find words to describe this amazing feeling!”

Melissa reminded them, “Alright, settle down. It’s time to go back and prepare for tomorrow’s name-changing ceremony. Levi… Morris Group will become a corporation worth over ten billion starting tomorrow. We are all going to have a better future going forward!”


Everyone began to imagine how their lives would prosper.

Zoey’s heart ached when she saw how Levi looked when he returned home that night.

“I know everything. They sent me the video!”

William and his friends recorded the scene where Levi was showered with champagne and deliberately sent the video to Zoey earlier.

Tears welled up in Zoey’s eyes as she witnessed Levi’s helplessness.

“I heard you suffered the humiliation on your own accord because of me. This is all because of my incompetence. I can do nothing because Levi Group happens to be the investor! They are in control of my life now.” Zoey was filled with guilt.

Levi smiled. “It’s fine, dear. They will face retribution. I’m going to take a shower now. Help me prepare a set of fresh clothes. I will attend the name-changing ceremony for Levi Group tomorrow.”

“Okay!” Zoey stared at Levi’s figure from behind while thinking to herself. I will not let him suffer anymore in the future. I swear!

The next day, at Levi Group’s building.

Elena went to work as always.

But someone from the HR department handed Elena a discharge letter the moment she walked through the door. “You can leave this place after you receive your salary from the finance department. Elena Holmes, You’re hereby fired!”

Elena was stunned. She thought Levi had made the necessary arrangements for her. I guess he was only comforting me. Moreover, he can’t even protect Zoey Lopez since he was released from prison recently, it’s a given he won’t be able to protect me too. But I do not blame him and I will never regret the words I said last night!

Elena went to the finance department to receive the rest of her salary. Then she went to the HR department to deal with the discharge procedures.

People pointed at her and whispered among themselves wherever Elena went. Not only was she fired by Melissa and her gang, but they had also spread baseless scandals of Elena fooling around with aged men that has cost the company’s reputation.

“Girls like her may appear to be pure and innocent on the surface, but who knows? she might have slept with countless of old men!”

“That’s right! She’s always pretending to be innocent when in truth she’s just a slut…”

“I also heard that she gave birth to children for three aged men at the same time! She’s shameless!”

Unbearable insults and abusive remarks rang beside Elena’s ears on her way out of the company.

She could no longer contain herself as tears streamed down her cheeks uncontrollably.

At that moment, Melissa and the other executives saw the scene near the elevator. They sneered, “This is the repercussion for disobeying me!”

The other executives laughed smugly.

Elena ran out of the company with her head lowered.


She bumped into someone.

Elena looked up only to see Levi Garrison in front of her.

“What’s the matter? Did they fire you?” Levi asked.

Elena nodded.

“Alright. Follow me. I will seek justice for you.”

Elena hesitated.

“Do you have faith in me?” Levi looked at Elena in an assertive manner.

“I do!” Elena decided to risk everything. I have nothing to lose anyway. What if this turns out to be a success?
You will be rewarded by Levi Garrison handsomely henceforth
“I’m the one that permitted her to enter!” A man’s voice was heard at that moment.

Levi made his appearance as everyone inside the room stared in his direction. He entered the meeting room together with Elena.

“What is the meaning of this, Levi Garrison? You do not belong here! Melissa rebuked him in rage. Then she pointed at the director of the security department. “What’s the matter with you? Why did you allow a scum like him to enter the building? He even managed to come all the way up here!”

“That’s right! What are you doing here, Levi Garrison?”

“Do you think Levi Garrison can support you, Elena? He’s just a piece of trash!”

Leroy, Kennelm and the others were hopping mad at the moment. What will happen if they offend Mr. Atkinson?

But something unbelievable and unimaginable happened the next moment.

Levi walked toward the front of the meeting room where Kirin was seated.

Kirin regarded Levi with admiration and offered him the seat politely. “You’re here?”

Levi took the seat and crossed his legs on the tabletop. He answered cheerfully. “All of you were asking me for a reason behind my appearance. Well, I am here to attend the meeting!”

Kirin reported next to him. “Sir, all 107 members of Levi Group’s senior management is here. Please provide us with further instructions!”


Kirin’s words hit everyone inside the room like a ton of bricks.

Boom, boom, boom…

Everyone was shocked to their cores. They were in utter disbelief. Levi Garrison is the owner of Levi Group?

Elena frowned as her mind went completely blank.

Melissa, who was closest to where Levi was seated, felt her heart stop beating altogether at that moment. Her breathing ceased, and her face turned paper-white like that of a lifeless body.

Barclay Burns, William Hanks, Eileen Barn, and Leroy Bird were petrified.

Everyone inside the room was dumbfounded.

No one expected the new owner of Levi Group to be Levi Garrison. Wasn’t he released from prison a short while ago? He should be penniless, so how is he capable of acquiring Levi Group?

At that moment, clarity washed over Melissa and the others. Neil Atkinson is not related to Morris Atkinson. Levi Garrison wants to commemorate Morris Atkinson, so he’s changing the company’s name to Morris Group! He’s also the reason why Morris’s parents can stay in that luxurious villa. Levi Group is determined to invest in Zoey’s company despite the ban ordered by the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce because Levi Garrison is still in charge of the company!

All the questions troubling their minds were resolved in that instance.

The thought of Levi Garrison being the new owner of the company never crossed anyone’s mind because Levi was totally out of their considerations.

Levi glanced at Melissa and her friends. Then he beamed at them. “Hello everyone, we meet again!”

Kennelm Pitt, who was relatively aged, passed out on the floor with a thud when he was reminded of the insults he directed toward Levi last night.

Barclay Burns and William Hanks trembled frightfully. They felt a hot and humid sensation trickling down their legs as a pool of steaming liquid formed where they stood.

They literally peed in their pants out of fear.

Leroy Bird, Bob Snyder, and the others slumped into their seats as their legs turned to jelly. All their strengths appeared to have seeped away from their bodies.

Eileen Barn cried in terror.

Melissa crumbled under the overwhelming pressure as she saw that Levi was staring at her the entire time.

She felt like puking a mouthful of blood.

Bizarre reactions were observed on those who participated in the gathering last night.

Everyone was confused by that peculiar scene, including Kirin.

Levi slowly took out a cigarette and Kirin hurriedly lit the cigarette for him.

Everyone felt restless and uneasy.

After taking a puff of his cigarette, Levi said. “Tell me, what should I do about what transpired last night?”
They are all done for
I'm sorry about yesterday, I have a situation that resulted in not posting yesterday. As an apology to you guy's i will upload 30 chapters today

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The character names are Gabriel Edwards and Ava Foster, Stella. Any updates are highly appreciated
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Has anyone heard or read the novel Awakening of War God, I have read around 20 chapters and looking for more. If anyone has any information kindly share, you have my gratitude in advance🙏
The innocent suffer, but God can redeem that suffering. Is He not a God of love and why is He indifferent to human suffering??


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