The Protector (The Return of God Of War)

In Erudia, a private jet landed at North Hampton Airport, where all international flights experienced an eight-hour delay because of it.
At the private passageway were five men in suits and leather shoes, standing as straight as a javelin.

Every now and then, they would raise their wrist to look at the time, for a big shot was coming to town.
The upper-class society of North Hampton had learned about his arrival, but no one had the capability to get an inch closer to the private passageway.
Even the richest man in North Hampton who came to pay homage was chased away.
Finally, there were movements coming from the passageway.

“God of War!!!” the mass cried out, their eyes filled with awe and veneration at the sight of the undefeatable legend of Erudia.
He, who was dubbed the God of War, was the one and only five-star war God in the history of Erudia.
Once, he’d inflicted a crushing defeat on the strongest battalions in eighteen countries. He was an overbearing and formidable man.
He who overwhelmed the world with his unparalleled power had even created the Five Great Wars Regiment, Cavalry Regiment, and many more.

Setting foot on his homeland, Levi Garrison was overcome with emotions.
Once upon a time, he used to be an orphan who was abandoned on the streets of North Hampton and then adopted by the Garrison family.
However, the Garrison family had never been fond of him.
His adoptive parents, who had a tendency to beat and scold him, treated him like an outsider.
As for the outsiders, they treated him as a nobody.
But he didn’t care a stiver. He had always been proud of his surname since he was a child, and he strived to bring glory to this family when he grew older.
At last, Levi had established Levi Group, the largest dark horse in North Hampton’s business community.
With billions of assets, it ranked among the forefront of North Hampton, pushing the declining Garrison family to the top.
However, not only did the Garrison family showed no signs of appreciation, they even harbored dissatisfaction towards him. Jealous of his success, they regarded him as a thorn in their flesh and coveted Levi Group.
No matter his wealth and power, unless they were in control, he was just an outsider in the Garrison family’s eyes.
Eventually, on Levi’s wedding night, the Garrison family plotted a frame-up against him by getting him drunk before tossing him onto his sister-in-law’s bed. They wanted to create the illusion that he was doing something untoward to her and was caught in bed by his brother and adoptive parents.
That night, the Garrison family had brutally broken his limbs and left him on the road like a wild dog.
Not only was he handicapped, but he also had to take the flak for something he didn’t commit.
From an upstart in the business world, he had become the target of disdain overnight.
And the next day, he had been punished for several crimes and sentenced to six years in prison.
He could never forget the ruthless and sinister faces of everyone in the Garrison family and the ridicule of his friends, classmates, and business partners.
More so, he could never forget the disappointment on his newly wedded wife, Zoey’s face.
He had regarded the Garrison family as his home and devoted himself to the family.
Yet, they treated him like trash.
It felt as if a knife was being twisted in his heart every time he thought about this.
How he hated the Garrison family!
But who would have thought that Levi had been secretly transferred away from prison to join the military?
In a few years, he dominated the military world and became the one and only five-star God of War.
Now that he came back, the Garrison family ought to stay on their toes.
“How’s it going, Azure Dragon?” Levi asked.
Azure Dragon, the commander of the Five Great Wars Regiment, took a step forward and said respectfully, “Sir, I’m afraid your wife, Ms. Zoey Lopez will remarry at ten o’clock tonight!”
Ever since Zoey’s husband was sent to prison on their wedding night, she had been living like a widow.
Only God knew how much pressure she was put under.
And right now, the person Levi couldn’t wait to see the most was Zoey.
After a moment of hesitation, Azure Dragon continued, “To add on, Sir, the Garrison family is holding a successful listing celebration banquet at the Crystal Palace Hotel tonight! Many people had invited the God of War just now, including the Garrison family, but I didn’t accept nor refuse directly.”
“What time?” Levi asked tersely.
“Eight o’clock, Sir.”
“Okay. Tell the Garrison family I will attend the banquet!”
Since the time for the two events didn’t clash, Levi gladly accepted the invitation.
The celebration banquet for the public listing of Garrison Group was held at North Hampton’s Crystal Palace Hotel.
With the help of Levi Group, they had become a rich and powerful family in one fell swoop.
The hall was bustling with noise and excitement, and sounds of glasses clinking could be heard ringing in the air every now and then.
“God bless the Garrison family,” said Joseph, the head of the Garrison family. “The younger generations are the stars among men. Garrison Group is now listed and has become an upstart in North Hampton!”
Joseph’s three sons and daughter welcomed their guests with bright smiles on their faces.
The younger generation of the Garrison family was all the smugger and prouder because, after today, the Garrison family would become a powerful family, and they would become one of the top rich kids.
Most of the guests who attended today’s banquet were from the top circle in North Hampton.
“Garrison, do you know what happened today?! Your celebration party is nothing compared to that.” They were gossiping about the major event that had happened today.
“Yeah! I heard that a big shot has arrived in North Hampton!”
“The richest man in North Hampton wanted to meet him but was shooed away. Apparently, he’s not qualified enough!”
“So? Jesse Nielsen had been waiting for five hours in advance at the airport!”
Joseph nodded. “Yes, I know about that too. I even sent someone to invite this big shot to the celebration party!”
“No way! Why would this big shot attend such a party?”
No one believed it.
In fact, as an upstart, Joseph was just trying his luck.
“Dad!” shouted Jaycob, the second eldest son of the Garrison family could be seen running over. “The big shot has accepted our invitation to attend our celebration banquet! He’s on the way!”
“Jesus! God has indeed blessed the Garrison family!”
Everyone in the Garrison family could barely conceal their delight as this was their chance to reach the sky in a single bound.
The grandchildren of the Garrison family gathered together, sunshine flooding their souls.
Levi’s brother, Bryan, and sister-in-law, Victoria, smiled. “Well, it all starts with Levi’s imprisonment that the Garrison family is at where we are today…”
“Right, speaking about Levi, do you guys know today’s the day that kid gets out of prison?!” somebody asked abruptly.
“Really? Isn’t that bad luck? Why did he have to be released on such a big day?!”
“Please, please, please don’t come back! He’s the Garrison family’s biggest disgrace!”
Victoria’s lips tugged into a sneer. “Speaking of which, Levi is the crowning glory of the Garrison family’s status today.”
“That’s what he’s supposed to do!” Bryan said. “He should contribute to the Garrison family for raising him, an orphan! His multi-billion Levi Group means nothing. To put it bluntly, he’s just a dog raised by the Garrison family!”
Someone gave a chortle. “As a matter of fact, I’ve been interested in Levi’s wife for a long time now. She’s still widowed, and I’m so going to marry her!”
The man’s remark caused gales of laughter.
“Everyone, stop what you’re doing. I have an important announcement to make,” Joseph said and went on to announce that the big shot was coming.
A thunderous applause was heard.
But when the applause had died down, there was still someone clapping.
The sound was loud and clear, approaching from afar.
On the red carpet, a man came clapping, looking bold and energetic.
His stride gave off a majestic and imposing aura, which made the mass hold their breaths.
“It’s Levi!” Bryan and Victoria exclaimed.
Suddenly, all eyes were riveted on him.
“I forgot this little brat got out of jail today!” Levi’s adoptive parents spoke in unison.
Ignoring the astonished gazes darted at his way, Levi walked step by step towards Joseph.
“A little bird told me that the company is now listed. How are you feeling, Joseph? Are you happy?”
Levi flashed him a meaningful smile.
“How dare you show up here, you insolent brat! And what did you just call me?” Joseph’s fury sprang to life.
“Who let him in? Didn’t you know he just got out of prison? How inauspicious!”
Bryan rose to his feet. “What the hell are you doing here, Levi?”
Levi sized him up. “Why can’t I be here?”
“Well, for starters, you’re an orphan! The Garrison family has raised you, but you were ambitious and ungrateful. You had inordinate ambitions for your sister-in-law, and you wanted to take possession of the Garrison family! You’d even tried to kill your parents when things go south! Have you no conscience? Do you have any sense of morality left in your heart?”
“You’ve lost your reputation in North Hampton, and everyone knows that. Have you no shame to have the brass neck to come round here?”
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Levi’s words did not impress the others. What a hypocrite! He’s telling us he doesn’t want anything when he actually wants hundreds of billion from us! How dare he say he doesn’t need money when he’s just a lowly mover. He’s a despicable hypocrite!

Winston, Una, and the rest of the crowd stared at Levi with contempt. He’s not much better than a dung beetle in terms of his personality!

“You don’t have to meddle in the Lopez family’s matter. I will return the money to you.” Levi said coldly.

Winston and the others were stunned. Someone as greedy as him is offering to pay us back the money? Does he have eight hundred million with him? What a hilarious joke!

Una said immediately, “Okay. So, you want to return the money? Then pay us the full amount right now!”

Winston added, “Let me witness your capabilities too, Mr. Garrison!”

They urged Levi to return the money on the spot.

But Levi said, “I will return you the money, but not now. So please leave for the moment.”

Everyone sneered after listening to Levi’s statement. That’s hypocrisy at its finest! There’s no way he can return eight hundred million to us. He’s filled with empty talks.

“That’s enough, Mr. Garrison. We’ll be leaving now. You don’t have to return the money. I am contented so long as you stop bothering my family and never scam another person by boasting about this incident.”

Una said to her grandfather. “He can’t do that now. There are so many people here to bear witness of our conversation.”

Then they left angrily.

Levi Garrison was a man rotten to his core in their eyes.

Levi knew they misunderstood him. The Gonzales family thinks I’m trying to scam them after I saved that old man’s life. Hmph! Winston Gonzales? He’s not someone that I care about. That money is insignificant to me as well. I did not want to pay them just now because I want Samuel and his brother to cough up the money they’ve stolen first.

Levi went to meet up with Phoenix after he changed his clothes.

“Sir, I’ve tracked down and froze the eight hundred million sum. They did not have the time to spend any of the money yet. We will recover the money soon.” Phoenix reported.

“Okay. What about Samuel and Chris? Have you located them?” Levi asked.

That was Azure Dragon’s responsibility.

“Yes. They are still in North Hampton. They are considered smart because they knew how easily they’ll expose themselves in the airport and train station if they leave now.” Azure Dragon answered.

“Let’s go. I want to meet them in person.” Levi said.

Levi was astounded when he found out that Samuel and his brother were hiding in the same village where Rowen Atkinson and his wife stayed previously.

That action reflected the brothers’ wariness of their current situation.

Samuel, Chris, and three other people were playing poker inside a rent house.

A message was sent to Samuel’s phone at that moment.

Samuel and Chris were horror-stricken after reading the message. All the money we’ve stolen has been frozen!

“This is bad. If they have the power to freeze our account, then they must have the abilities to track us down!”

“We need to leave immediately!”

The five of them hurriedly packed their bags and left the house.

But they stumbled into two people at the alleyway.

It was Levi and Azure Dragon.

“It’s you, Levi Garrison?” Samuel was shocked.

Levi smiled. “Aren’t you a brilliant man, Samuel Robertson?”

“How did you find us?” Samuel was curious.

Chris’s eyes reddened with rage as he took out a knife from this pocket swiftly. “Let’s stop wasting time now, brother. We’ll murder them and flee right away. What do you say?”

Click click click…

Samuel and the other three people withdrew their knives as well.

They closed in on Levi and Azure Dragon slowly with the weapons in their hands.

They were determined to kill Levi.
“Go to hell, Levi Garrison! You’ve been a thorn in my side for a long time now!”

A series of fast-paced footsteps was heard just as Samuel and the others rushed forward with knives in their hands.

Over fifty men appeared behind Samuel and his gang.

The person leading the group was a pot-bellied and menacing man.

He beat up Samuel and his friends effortlessly. Soon, all five of them were lying on the ground wailing in pain.

The thugs walked up to Levi and addressed him simultaneously. “Good day, Mr. Garrison!”

The group of men was none other than Tiger and his gang.

They were aware of Levi’s arrival as soon as he stepped foot into the neighborhood.

Tiger saw Samuel and the others tried to harm Levi when he reached the scene, so he quickly taught them a lesson.

In the end, Tiger sent Samuel and his accomplices to the police station.

That village was under the West Point Prefecture, so Captain Timothy Lourdes handled Samuel and Chris.

They come clean about their plan throughout the interrogation process.

Samuel and Chris mentioned that the money they stole was frozen when questioned about that matter.

Timothy’s first thought was that the Gonzales family was behind this because they helped to settle Harry Lopez’s situation previously. The way I see it, the Gonzales family really proved their capabilities this time. Not only did they locate the Robertson brothers, but they’ve also froze the bank account.

The money was transferred to Timothy afterward, with a note telling him to return the money to the Gonzales family.

Timothy sent the money to the Gonzales family house in person after he dealt with the necessary procedure.

Members of the Gonzales family were surprised to receive the money.

They wondered if Levi Garrison was the person who returned them the money.

But Timothy merely responded with a smile. “This has got nothing to do with Levi Garrison.”

Everyone laughed. He’s right. Levi does not have the ability to return the money. He’s just a poor and pretentious man.

Timothy went to the Lopez family house to explain the whole incident afterward.

“That’s great news! Let them stay behind bars! Thank you so much, Captain Lourdes!” Tears of joy streamed down Harry’s cheeks.

Timothy smiled. “You don’t have to thank me. Thank the Gonzales family if you want. They’re the ones that tracked down the money and the criminals!”

With that, the Gonzales family thought Timothy Lourdes was the one that returned the money to them, while Timothy and the Lopez family thought the former resolved the matter.

Everyone was happy with the outcome. Samuel and his accomplices were caught, and no money was lost.

Iris hosted a banquet and invited Zoey’s parents after she was done moving into her new house.

“First of all, congratulations, Uncle and Aunt, for resolving this crisis.” Iris congratulated Aaron and Caitlyn.

They glared at Levi and said, “Didn’t you mentioned that you would handle this matter, Levi?”

“Yes. And I did!” Levi replied.

“Enough with that nonsense! The Gonzales family are the ones that settled this matter. They’re the ones that found the culprits and recovered the money. You contributed nothing! How can you tell such blatant lies?” Aaron and Caitlyn could not stand Levi’s habit of always wanting to show off.

Levi was stunned. How did that happen? Oh, I think I know what happened. Tiger and his men must have dropped Samuel and his friends at the police station without saying anything. They fear the police the most, after all. That’s why everyone thinks that the Gonzales family saved the day. Well, whatever. I could not care less about them.

Zoey hurriedly smoothed things over. “That’s enough. Levi was just trying to console us.”
“Hmph! Stop making all these big talks in the future!” Aaron said angrily.

Iris smiled. “Levi has been helping me with the moving in process in the past two days. So he doesn’t have the time to deal with any other things.”

“Fine. Let’s stop talking about him.” Caitlyn rolled her eyes at Levi.

Harry sighed, “Say, who do you think the Gonzales family was indebted to in our family? Why did they help us to such extent?”

A thought popped into Zoey’s mind. “Could they be referring to the Lopez family from South City? I’m afraid they are the only ones capable of getting acquainted with the Gonzales family.”

Aaron and Caitlyn were surprised by Zoey’s reminder.

The Lopez family in North Hampton was merely a branch family.

The original Lopez family came from South City, and they were a powerful clan.

With that being said, plenty of people carried the Lopez surname all across Erudia, similar to Harry and his family. So they were not even slightly related to the Lopez family in South City.

In their mind, only the powerful Lopez family from South City could be acquainted with the wealthiest man in North Hampton.

“Alright, let’s stop discussing this. Let’s talk about you, Iris. I heard that you will be collaborating closely with Zoey from now on?” Aaron looked at Iris.

Iris beamed at him. “We are planning something big at Morris Group currently. There will be plenty of chances to collaborate with Zoey by that time.”

“What’s the plan? Can you tell us?” Zoey asked curiously.

Admiration glinted in Iris’s eyes. “This is related to that mysterious boss of mine. His vision is really extraordinary! We will tackle the medical and technology field soon, producing similar products as the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce, in an effort to replace them in the market!”

Zoey shot Levi a complicated look as Iris elaborated.

“Iris, we all know the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce has Levi Group’s core technology in the medical and technology field. How do you plan to produce the same products without that information?” Zoey had to ask. Levi could have rebuild his empire anytime he wants if he has Levi Group’s core technology.

Iris grinned. “That’s the reason why I am impressed by my boss’s abilities. He knows all the data and information!”

“Wow! That’s crazy!” Zoey was astonished. She glanced at Levi unwittingly.

Levi had an eidetic memory, so he memorized all the information in his mind. But no one expected him to remember, not even Zoey. The information would amount up to a few hundred thousand pages if printed out, so the feat to recall every piece of information seemed impossible to everyone.

Iris was filled with excitement and anticipation. “My boss is simply too mysterious and amazing. I assume he is still single. I will definitely pursue him if I meet with him!”

Zoey smiled. I know how domineering Iris can be, not to mention the stringent requirements needed by a man to meet her expectations. Iris has never fallen for anyone despite their relatively good accomplishments and rich family backgrounds. Perhaps she even raised her standards after meeting with so many outstanding people abroad in the last few years. I know how rare it is for her to be finally attracted to a man. Even I’m starting to wonder what kind of a person he is!

“Good luck! You will definitely achieve that with your qualifications.” Zoey said.

However, Levi butted in their conversation. “That’s not possible. You can stop dreaming now. He’ll never be interested in you.”

“What do you mean, Levi Garrison? Do you think you’re my boss?” Iris demanded.

Levi nodded. “Yes. I am your boss.”
Winston was pleased when he was informed of the turn of events. “That young man has a commendable attitude. He must know I am rich after noticing all the luxurious cars and helicopters, yet he still left silently.

I must reward him handsomely. I can turn him into a billionaire if he comes from a poor family. If he is already a successful person, then I will bring him to greater heights in life. He will become a significant figure in North Hampton!”

Everyone was impressed by Winston’s announcement. He was the wealthiest person, after all. He was a god-like being, in everyone’s opinion. He was someone who can alter another person’s fate effortlessly. His connections with all the influential forces in North Hampton surpassed even the Chamber of Commerce.

“Utilize all possible means to look for that young man. I want to know his identity by tomorrow.” Winston ordered.

That night, over ten thousand men were tracking down Levi’s whereabouts.

Una was filled with regrets. “I forgot how he looks like because I was overwhelmed by fear at that time.”

Zoey and Iris were discussing their future plans when Levi arrived home.

Iris said to him coldly as soon as he walked through the door. “I will move into my new house tomorrow. I hope you can come help me. Do not worry because I will pay you.”

Zoey laughed awkwardly. “What are you talking about, Iris. Levi will help you if he’s free. There’s no need to pay him.”

Iris snorted. She thought to herself. Well, your husband already took my money earlier in the day!

The next day, Iris went to work early in the morning.

She left Levi to handle everything about her moving in.

Levi had no other choice but to play along with Iris’s request because of Zoey.

Iris’s house was spacious. She purchased brand new furniture for her home. So the movers sent a few lorries of items to her house.

They gave Levi a set of uniform as well.

Levi participated in the movers’ rank after he changed into the uniform.

He carried the electrical appliances into the house under the blazing sun.

At that moment, an expensive Ferrari drove into Bayview Garden and came to a halt in front of Iris’s house.

A girl dressed in luxurious clothing got out of the car. She revealed her beautiful facial features after removing her sunglasses.

Another woman dressed in a black professional suit got out of the passenger seat with a briefcase in her hand.

Levi had met with the girl last night. She was the granddaughter of the wealthiest man in North Hampton, Una Gonzales, also known as the Princess of North Hampton. Una was fond of playing the piano, so her family purchased three billion worth of insurance to protect her hands.

She rushed forward to meet with Levi excitedly. “It is you, Mr. Garrison!” Una greeted him with a smile

All men from the Gonzales family had failed to locate Levi last night. Just as the time limit given by Winston was about to run out, someone discovered him working together with the movers.

Una hurried over immediately to express her gratitude.

She was certain Levi worked for Ants Movers Company as he was wearing the uniform.

Levi stopped his work at hand and asked, “What’s the matter?”

He did not remember Una because he was focused on rescuing Winston last night.

“Do you remember what happened last night? You saved my grandfather!” Una said.

“Oh. It’s you. Why are you here?” Levi asked.

“I am here to thank you, Mr. Garrison! You have my gratitude for saving my grandfather!”

“You’re welcome. There’s no need for you to come all the way just to thank me.”

Una shook her head. “There is a need to thank you in person, Mr. Garrison. I shall fulfil all your wishes to express my gratitude.”
Levi, please teach that Iris small sense
“Hmph! Stop making all these big talks in the future!” Aaron said angrily.

Iris smiled. “Levi has been helping me with the moving in process in the past two days. So he doesn’t have the time to deal with any other things.”

“Fine. Let’s stop talking about him.” Caitlyn rolled her eyes at Levi.

Harry sighed, “Say, who do you think the Gonzales family was indebted to in our family? Why did they help us to such extent?”

A thought popped into Zoey’s mind. “Could they be referring to the Lopez family from South City? I’m afraid they are the only ones capable of getting acquainted with the Gonzales family.”

Aaron and Caitlyn were surprised by Zoey’s reminder.

The Lopez family in North Hampton was merely a branch family.

The original Lopez family came from South City, and they were a powerful clan.

With that being said, plenty of people carried the Lopez surname all across Erudia, similar to Harry and his family. So they were not even slightly related to the Lopez family in South City.

In their mind, only the powerful Lopez family from South City could be acquainted with the wealthiest man in North Hampton.

“Alright, let’s stop discussing this. Let’s talk about you, Iris. I heard that you will be collaborating closely with Zoey from now on?” Aaron looked at Iris.

Iris beamed at him. “We are planning something big at Morris Group currently. There will be plenty of chances to collaborate with Zoey by that time.”

“What’s the plan? Can you tell us?” Zoey asked curiously.

Admiration glinted in Iris’s eyes. “This is related to that mysterious boss of mine. His vision is really extraordinary! We will tackle the medical and technology field soon, producing similar products as the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce, in an effort to replace them in the market!”

Zoey shot Levi a complicated look as Iris elaborated.

“Iris, we all know the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce has Levi Group’s core technology in the medical and technology field. How do you plan to produce the same products without that information?” Zoey had to ask. Levi could have rebuild his empire anytime he wants if he has Levi Group’s core technology.

Iris grinned. “That’s the reason why I am impressed by my boss’s abilities. He knows all the data and information!”

“Wow! That’s crazy!” Zoey was astonished. She glanced at Levi unwittingly.

Levi had an eidetic memory, so he memorized all the information in his mind. But no one expected him to remember, not even Zoey. The information would amount up to a few hundred thousand pages if printed out, so the feat to recall every piece of information seemed impossible to everyone.

Iris was filled with excitement and anticipation. “My boss is simply too mysterious and amazing. I assume he is still single. I will definitely pursue him if I meet with him!”

Zoey smiled. I know how domineering Iris can be, not to mention the stringent requirements needed by a man to meet her expectations. Iris has never fallen for anyone despite their relatively good accomplishments and rich family backgrounds. Perhaps she even raised her standards after meeting with so many outstanding people abroad in the last few years. I know how rare it is for her to be finally attracted to a man. Even I’m starting to wonder what kind of a person he is!

“Good luck! You will definitely achieve that with your qualifications.” Zoey said.

However, Levi butted in their conversation. “That’s not possible. You can stop dreaming now. He’ll never be interested in you.”

“What do you mean, Levi Garrison? Do you think you’re my boss?” Iris demanded.

Levi nodded. “Yes. I am your boss.”
It's Time you let them know who's the boss
“Hmph! Stop making all these big talks in the future!” Aaron said angrily.

Iris smiled. “Levi has been helping me with the moving in process in the past two days. So he doesn’t have the time to deal with any other things.”

“Fine. Let’s stop talking about him.” Caitlyn rolled her eyes at Levi.

Harry sighed, “Say, who do you think the Gonzales family was indebted to in our family? Why did they help us to such extent?”

A thought popped into Zoey’s mind. “Could they be referring to the Lopez family from South City? I’m afraid they are the only ones capable of getting acquainted with the Gonzales family.”

Aaron and Caitlyn were surprised by Zoey’s reminder.

The Lopez family in North Hampton was merely a branch family.

The original Lopez family came from South City, and they were a powerful clan.

With that being said, plenty of people carried the Lopez surname all across Erudia, similar to Harry and his family. So they were not even slightly related to the Lopez family in South City.

In their mind, only the powerful Lopez family from South City could be acquainted with the wealthiest man in North Hampton.

“Alright, let’s stop discussing this. Let’s talk about you, Iris. I heard that you will be collaborating closely with Zoey from now on?” Aaron looked at Iris.

Iris beamed at him. “We are planning something big at Morris Group currently. There will be plenty of chances to collaborate with Zoey by that time.”

“What’s the plan? Can you tell us?” Zoey asked curiously.

Admiration glinted in Iris’s eyes. “This is related to that mysterious boss of mine. His vision is really extraordinary! We will tackle the medical and technology field soon, producing similar products as the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce, in an effort to replace them in the market!”

Zoey shot Levi a complicated look as Iris elaborated.

“Iris, we all know the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce has Levi Group’s core technology in the medical and technology field. How do you plan to produce the same products without that information?” Zoey had to ask. Levi could have rebuild his empire anytime he wants if he has Levi Group’s core technology.

Iris grinned. “That’s the reason why I am impressed by my boss’s abilities. He knows all the data and information!”

“Wow! That’s crazy!” Zoey was astonished. She glanced at Levi unwittingly.

Levi had an eidetic memory, so he memorized all the information in his mind. But no one expected him to remember, not even Zoey. The information would amount up to a few hundred thousand pages if printed out, so the feat to recall every piece of information seemed impossible to everyone.

Iris was filled with excitement and anticipation. “My boss is simply too mysterious and amazing. I assume he is still single. I will definitely pursue him if I meet with him!”

Zoey smiled. I know how domineering Iris can be, not to mention the stringent requirements needed by a man to meet her expectations. Iris has never fallen for anyone despite their relatively good accomplishments and rich family backgrounds. Perhaps she even raised her standards after meeting with so many outstanding people abroad in the last few years. I know how rare it is for her to be finally attracted to a man. Even I’m starting to wonder what kind of a person he is!

“Good luck! You will definitely achieve that with your qualifications.” Zoey said.

However, Levi butted in their conversation. “That’s not possible. You can stop dreaming now. He’ll never be interested in you.”

“What do you mean, Levi Garrison? Do you think you’re my boss?” Iris demanded.

Levi nodded. “Yes. I am your boss.”
I wonder what Iris will do when she finds out Levi is her boss .
Levi’s words sounded like the Grim Reaper’s calling to Melissa and her friends.




Melissa and 38 other members of the senior management knelt on the floor.

Thump, thump, thump…

They slammed their foreheads against the ground frantically.

All of them did not seem to care, even as their foreheads were bleeding. That was the least of their concerns because they sensed death closing in on them.

William Hanks and Melissa Floyd were feeling the most fear out of everyone who knelt on the ground because William was the one that suggested the gathering, while Melissa orchestrated the rest.

Levi’s voice rang beside William’s ears all of a sudden. ’I am still your boss’. He was telling the truth!

Levi waved his hand. “The rest of you stand behind me.”

Everyone did not understand Levi’s intention, but they gathered behind him anyway.

Melissa Floyd and 38 other people were the only ones left kneeling inside the spacious meeting room.

They did not stop slamming their heads against the floor.

Many were already bleeding profusely from their foreheads.

“Please forgive us, Mr. Garrison! We’ve made a mistake. We’ve committed a grave error!”

Oh! How we regretted our actions! Why did we provoke Levi Garrison? This is all William’s fault! We would not have sought revenge against Levi in the first place if it were not for him. Levi Garrison was long gone from our minds previously!

Everyone shot a resentful look toward William Hanks. They wanted so badly to rip him apart.

Levi remained indifferent while they begged him for mercy. He ordered loudly, “Bring the things here!”

Over a dozen muscular men clad in black outfit entered the meeting room at once. Each of them carried a tightly sealed wooden barrel with unknown content.

The people kneeling on the floor felt their hearts sank with a thud as they sensed something bad was about to happen, looking at those tightly sealed barrels.

Levi grinned. “Don’t you guys enjoy showing off your allures by soaking yourselves in champagne? Let me fulfil your desires today!”

The burly men removed the caps of the barrels right after Levi waved his hands.

“So smelly!”

A horrible stench filled the room instantly. Everyone felt as if they fell into a cesspit because the reek was unbearable.

“Could it be…”

Everyone had guessed the content of the barrels. Manure!


The muscular men dumped over ten barrels of manure over the heads of Melissa and her gang.

Levi deliberately prepared a manure shower for them.

“Aargghhhh…” They shrieked.

All of them dressed glamorously for the meeting, but they were now covered in manure from heads to toes. The filth even entered their mouths…

The others, who witnessed the scene, could never imagined that the highly-paid elites of the society were met with such an outcome. This is the worst punishment ever!

“These people are now fired and permanently blacklisted from reentering Levi Group!” Levi announced.


Hysterical wails filled the meeting room once again. That penalty meant that our lives are officially ruined!

Levi glanced at the miserable crowd and added, “Elena Holmes will be Morris Group’s Finance Department Director from now on!”

Unprecedented excitement washed over Elena. This is unbelievable! Not only am I not fired from the company, but I am also promoted to the department director’s position. This unexpected turn of events is happening only because I stood up against them last night!

Melissa and her friends were astounded to hear Elena’s promotion. Karma really is a b****!

Levi straightened himself and ordered coldly, “Clean up the mess, especially those trashes. I don’t want to see them in here anymore!”

“Yes, Sir!” Kirin nodded.

Levi led the rest of the crowd to another meeting room.

Members of Garrison Group’s senior management were waiting for them in that room.

The first thing that Levi did was to incorporate Garrison Group into Levi Group.

The Garrison family had prepared everything, so all Levi had to do was to sign the papers.
You are the best 😍❤️ Master skye
The ceremony to change the company’s name was held after all preparations were in place.

All the reporters from every major media and newspaper gathered to witness the ceremony.

A stage and various equipment were installed on the spacious plaza in front of Levi Group’s building.

Levi remained hidden as usual. He sat inside his office, casting his gaze outside the window with the entire North Hampton’s view spanned before him.

He could observe the happenings at the plaza clearly from where he sat.

Kirin would be the person to attend the ceremony this time. But he wore sunglasses to cover up his face as usual.

“Should I attend the ceremony now, Sir?”

“Go ahead.”

At that moment, Levi could see a few mysterious and unwelcome guests lurking around the venue as his eyes swept through the crowd. They are probably men from the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce or other business competitors. I suppose they are here to investigate Niel Atkinson’s identity.

The name-changing ceremony began at 10 o’clock.

Kirin walked up the stage with all eyes on him.

The reporters spammed the shutters on their camera continuously.

Countless powerful men in the industry began searching for Kirin’s background information as his pictures and videos spread like wildfire.

But Kirin’s sunglasses fulfilled its function as everyone had a hard time recognizing his facial features. Their intensive search resulted in nothing. No one could figure out anything about Niel Atkinson.

Standing next to Neil were the people in charge of Levi Group and Garrison Group previously.

Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson attended the ceremony as well. They wanted to witness that significant moment.

Kirin made the official announcement. “Levi Group and Garrison Group has signed a merger agreement earlier. These two corporations will join forces from now on and operates under the name, Morris Group.”

Bam, bam, bam…

A stir rippled across the crowd as ceremonial flowers shot up into the sky.

Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson were tear-stricken. They looked up the sky and sobbed. “Are you seeing this, son? The company is now named after you!”

The reporters were getting impatient at that point. “May I know what’s your relationship with Mr. Morris Atkinson, Mr. Atkinson?”

“Please describe your relationship with Mr. Neil Atkinson, Mr. Rowen Atkinson.”

The reporters were very interested in the relationship between the two parties.

Kirin smiled pensively. “Relationship? Well, all I can say is that we’re a family!”

Kirin’s statement provided food for thought for the reporters. There was obviously a hidden meaning behind his words, but none of the reporters could figure out what he was implying.

They tried to sound Kirin out with further questions, but Kirin answered without revealing anything.

The question and answer session with the reporters ended swiftly.

The subsequent segment was the highlight of the ceremony. They were going to change the inscribed board of the company from Levi Group to Morris Group.

The name-changing ceremony could only be considered a success after they changed the inscribed board.

The workers quickly brought the new board over and removed the old, inscribed board for Levi Group.

Kirin was about to hang the new inscribed board to officiate the event when chaos erupted at the scene.

“Something is happening! Look over there!” Someone shouted all of a sudden.

Over a hundred men clad in black clothes appeared out of nowhere and headed in the direction of the stage.

They wore face masks to cover up their faces and wielded baseball bats in each of their hands.

Everyone was frightened by the imposing manner of those scary men.

“Break everything! Crash this whole place!” The man leading the way shouted.

The men in black hastened their steps and surged forward.

The media and the guests of honor gathered around the stage were startled.

All hell broke loose at the scene.
Those black clad people never knew they were against the Kirin god of war, hadn't been they knew ,they wouldn't have accepted the offer of causing chaos at the renaming event
The men had only one goal. They wanted to disrupt the name-changing ceremony and thoroughly discredit Neil Atkinson as well as Levi Group.

All of them raised the baseball bats in their hands and rushed forward.

They were merely fifty meter away from the venue…

Levi witnessed everything from the president’s office.

A voice was heard through the earpiece Levi was wearing. “Sir, all thirty snipers have locked on to the targets. Please provide us with further instruction.”

No one knew that a few teams of snipers had surrounded Levi Group’s building by positioning themselves in the skyscrapers nearby. The snipers aimed their rifles at the incoming mob.

They had been waiting for those men in black to show up.

Levi gave the order as the mob moved closer to the crowd. “Shoot.”

Azure Dragon relayed Levi’s order as he commanded. “Attention to all sniper teams. Shoot. I repeat. Shoot.”

thirty snipers began to execute the order simultaneously.

The man charging ahead of the mob lost his balance and fell face first to the floor.




The rest of the men armed with baseball bats were shot after a split second and they fell onto the ground as well.

Kirin and the others stared at the astonishing sight as over a hundred men fell onto the ground and stayed motionless afterward.

No one expected that to happen. What’s wrong with them? Why are they lying on the ground now? They were charging toward us just a few moments ago.

Everyone was puzzled, including those lying on the floor. The angry mob lay on the ground with their bodies numbed. They could not muster any strength regardless of how hard they tried. No one could figure out what had actually happened.

Inside the president’s office.

Azure Dragon’s voice was heard from the earpiece. “Sir, the sniper teams had accomplished their mission.”

“Well done. Retreat.” Levi commanded.

The snipers disappeared without a trace upon receiving the order.

The snipers had loaded their rifles with shots containing anesthetics instead of real bullets.

The dose of the anesthetic shots was potent enough to paralyze even an elephant.

Most importantly, the shots would not leave any visible wound on the skin.

Kirin addressed the crowd after everyone calmed down. “Well, it seems like there’s a lot of people that are eager to congratulate us for the success of this name-changing ceremony. I am beyond honored. Thank you!”

The people lying on the ground felt extremely uncomfortable. Their bodies would not move, so they could not escape even if they wanted to.

In the end, all of them bore witness as Kirin changed the new inscribed board and officially renamed the company to Morris Group.

Xavier Fields sent his men to capture the entire mob after the ceremony ended.

The anesthetics wore off by the time they arrived at the police station.

They had no way to figure out what happened to them at that point. But none of them could escape punishment for harassing the public.

Those men were actually recruited by the North Hampton Whirlwind Security Company.

A few elderlies gathered beside a famous lake in North Hampton.

They were Eric Robinson, Baldwin Williamson, and the gang.

Clifford Anderson said grimly. “But that’s impossible! I did not turn to the underworld bosses for help because I wanted a secured outcome. So I deliberately assigned this task to the prestigious Whirlwind Security Company. I requested them to complete the task as quickly as possible and flee the scene afterward. I did not expect them to commit such a blunder!”
You are such a fool Clifford Anderson,how can you go against someone you never knew his identity and yet you are expecting a secured outcome..what if if he is more formidable than you think 💬🤔🤔🤔
Hi guy's, how your weekend
What do you guys think about the font I'm using for the series ? I need your feedback on it
Iris narrowed her eyes at Levi.

“Stop looking at me. I will never be interested in you no matter how pretty you are.” Levi said.

Iris sneered. “Fine, I’m not going to make any comment. You were the company’s boss in the past.”

They did not take that seriously because they thought Levi was merely making a joke.

In the days that followed, Zoey’s career was progressing well. She was close to establishing a new company.

At the same time, Iris had gotten used to working in Morris Group. The first idea she proposed was for them to build a new factory.

Although Levi Group had a factory, the size and production were too small. They needed to expand their production scale if they wish to replace the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce.

Iris suggested for them to look for a new place to build the factory.

Inside Morris Group, Kirin gave Iris a thumbs-up. “Your idea impressed the boss. He’ll handle the venue and equipment needed to build the new factory, while you will handle the paperwork so that we can begin our production as soon as the factory is established.”

“Okay. I understand.” Iris was excited. I received a compliment from my mysterious boss! Hmph! How dare you say that the boss will never be interested in me, Levi Garrison? Look at how impressed he is with my performance!

At that thought, Iris asked Kirin. “When can I meet with the boss, Mr. Atkinson?”

Kirin smiled. “Be patient. The boss will meet with you when he wants to.”

Anticipation filled Iris’s chest. I am going to pursue him when that time comes!

Levi had been working tirelessly in the last few days to deal with the venue and equipment needed for the new factory.

He only had the time to meet with Zoey at night.

Zoey was puzzled by Levi’s packed schedule and when she questioned him about it, Levi only told her he found a job.

Zoey felt glad upon hearing that. She was contented as long as Levi was working hard.

The North Hampton Chamber of Commerce kept track of Morris Group’s plans.

“Hmph! Do they think they can build a new factory as they like? I will make sure they won’t be able to secure any place to build their factory!” One of the council members of the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce, Ron Bale, spoke displeasingly.

After searching for days, Morris Group finally found a new place.

The place was originally a large-scaled clothes factory, but was already abandoned for a long time.

However, the size and the strategic location fitted Morris Group’s standards to build a new pharmaceutical factory.

The company paid a fifty million deposit in advance. They would purchase the factory for two hundred million by signing a contract today.

Levi went to sign the contract in person.

The executives and upper management of Morris Group reached the venue before Levi and Azure Dragon.

At the office, a lot of people were cramped inside.

A middle-aged, nearly bald man was seated on a chair.

The man exudes arrogance. He leaned on the back of the chair while crossing his legs on the tabletop. He regarded everyone conceitedly while puffing on a cigarette.

Behind him stood a dozen of muscular and menacing men.

Elena introduced both parties. “Mr. Garrison, this is the owner of this factory, Mr. Mason Pena.”

Levi nodded at Mason. “Nice to meet you. I am Morris Group’s representative, here to sign the contract.”

But Mason merely shook his legs and puffed on his cigarette, all the while ignoring Levi.

Levi stopped Azure Dragon as the latter was about to teach Mason a lesson.

“We have to prioritize the contract.” Levi said.

Mason glanced at Levi disdainfully and tossed him an agreement.

“Sign it!”

One of the men standing behind Mason shouted just as Levi was about to flip through the agreement. “You only need to sign on the contract! Why do you have to read through the content and waste our time waiting for you to finish?”
Wallace Henderson was caught in perplexity. “That’s right. Most of the men recruited by Whirlwind Security Company are ex-policemen and ex-soldiers. They are well-known for their efficiency and skills. I heard the team leaders were even mercenaries in the past. So why did they fell flat on their face all of a sudden?”

Eric took a deep breath. “This must be Neil Atkinson’s doing. He made the preparations in advance. But I do not understand how all of them fell at the same time. Even those men who experienced that bizarre fall did not know what happened to them.”

Baldwin stroked his chin. “Perhaps we underestimated Neil Atkinson! By the way, have you figured out his identity yet?”

The rest of them shook their heads. “We’ve utilized all our connections to investigate his identity, but nothing came up. His information seems to be classified.”

At that moment, the heir to the Anderson family, Virgil Anderson, walked hastily toward the elderlies. “Father, Uncles, the vice commander-in-chief, Mr. Hoyles, from the warzone has updated me with the latest news. He told me he is somewhat familiar with Neil Atkinson, and he is still investigating this matter. He wanted me to reassure all of you to be patient because he will find out Neil’s identity sooner or later.”

Eric Robinson’s son, Sheldon Robinson, brought news as well. “Mr. Cooke told me Neil came from the Northwest region. He is still trying to look into other aspects of his background.”

Grover’s information was accurate. Kirin was indeed serving the army in the Northwest warzone.

“Haha! That’s great! We will observe Morris Group’s plan for now.” Eric said.

Clifford nodded. “I’ve dealt with Whirlwind Security Company. The North Hampton Chamber of Commerce will have nothing to do with them.”

Inside Morris Group.

Levi proposed future development plans for the company. “We lack staff at the moment because we fired a lot of executives previously. Moreover, we’ve recently acquired Garrison Group as well. First, we have to recruit the company’s veterans who left due to pressure in the past. Then we will absorb talents from all over Erudia into our company.”

Kirin scratched his head embarrassingly. “I am adept at war and training soldiers, Sir. But doing business is not my forte.”

“The North Hampton Chamber of Commerce had taken control of Levi Group’s core technology, but these pieces of information has been carved into my mind. We will produce similar products as them and sell our items at a lower price…” Levi smiled cunningly.

Kirin gave him a thumbs-up. This is a brilliant move. Our products will certainly affect the existing market if we offer a more competitive price. More importantly, they’ve stolen our technology. So they cannot stir up trouble either to prevent exposing their crime. They can only stand by and watch as Morris Group take over the entire market little by little.

“We cannot leave the vice-president position empty. I need to find someone capable of taking up this responsibility. Have you found a suitable candidate?” Levi asked.

Kirin nodded. “Yes, Sir. I’ve shortlisted two very competent candidates. They will be here to attend the interview tomorrow.”

Levi was satisfied with Kirin’s efficiency. “Great. I will participate in the interview tomorrow to select the best candidate.”

Levi returned home late in the night. He spent some time chatting with Zoey.

Zoey was amazed. “Mr. Atkinson is so impressive!” Evidently, she had seen the news report that day.

Levi had the urge to inform her that Neil Atkinson did not know a thing in the field of business.

“Oh! Did you know? My best friend, Iris Anabelle, is returning from overseas. I’m a little busy tomorrow, so can you help me pick her up at the airport?” Zoey asked.

“Okay. I’ll pick her up tomorrow.”

Levi was acquainted with Iris too. She was a top beauty, on par with Zoey, in the past during their high school years.
I am thinking this Iris would also behave like Abigail when she was picked by Levi the other time
“That’s right. We’ve already discussed everything. All you have to do now is to sign the papers. Why did you pay us the deposit if you’re so cautious in the first place?” Mason jeered at Levi.

“Are you trying to force a deal?” Levi asked.

“When did I do that?” Mason sneered.

Levi disregarded him and started to scan through the agreement.

He grimaced after a short while and turned to ask Elena, “What was the price we agreed upon yesterday?”

Elena answered, “two hundred million. We paid a deposit of fifty million yesterday.”

Levi sneered. “That’s not right, Mr. Pena. two hundred million was the price we agreed upon after the discussion yesterday. Why did the figure become two billion on the agreement?”

Everyone gasped after listening to Levi’s comment. They’ve marked up the price by ten folds!

The other executives were shocked after flipping through the agreement. They questioned Mason. “What do you mean by this, Mr. Pena? Why is it two billion listed on the contract now? You better explain yourself!”

Mason glanced at the crowd nonchalantly. “Explanation? Hmph! I’ll be frank with you guys! two hundred million was the price for yesterday. This factory is worth two billion today!”

“That’s improper, Mr. Pena. How can you amend the agreement without mutual consent at the last minute?”

“That’s right. You are violating the contract.”

Elena and the others chided.

Mason said with a smile. “Is there a rule stating that I cannot amend the price? Over ten companies contacted me last night, telling me they are interested in purchasing my factory. Someone even offered me three billion. So two billion is already considered a cheap price!”

That kind of situation was commonly seen on the business field.

A lot of businessmen would change their stance at the last minute because they regretted the offer they accepted. Last-minute changes were either due to the businessmen’s greediness or due to underhand tactics by competitors.

Everyone looked at Levi to sought out his opinion.

Levi beamed at Mason. “In that case, return us the deposit. We will not be buying your factory now.” It is not a difficult task to look for a similar factory like this. I do not have to concede under this kind of circumstance.

Elena, who was in charge of the finance department, said, “Please return the fifty million deposit to us, Mr. Pena.”

Unexpectedly, Mason looked up and asked with a confused look. “Deposit? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Elena explained patiently. “We paid you fifty million as a deposit yesterday after the discussion with your company. I even have the receipt here with me!”

Mason feigned ignorance. “Did something like that happen?”

“What’s going on? Are you trying to play the fool?” Elena was trembling with rage.

“I am not playing the fool. I really don’t know anything about this. Look around and speak for yourself. Are the people who engaged in discussion with you yesterday here in this room?” Mason asked.

Elena glanced at her surroundings. They’re not here.

“You got cheated by someone else! Our company went bankrupt a long time ago. They were merely the temporary workers for our factory. I think they stole our company’s stamp and signed the receipt for you. They’re the ones that scammed your money! So look for them if you want your deposit back because I have got nothing to do with this!”

Everyone was dumbfounded after listening to Mason. First, he changed the price from two hundred million to two billion. Now he’s trying to scam our deposit. This is the first time we’ve seen someone as shameless and despicable as him after working in this field for so many years!

However, Levi merely smiled. “So, you do not plan to return us the fifty million right, Mason Pena?”
Mason lowered his legs and straightened himself on the chair. He looked at Levi. “What do you mean by that? I don’t have the money with me, so why are you asking me to return the deposit to you?”

Everyone was infuriated by Mason’s attitude.

“Leave right now if you do not want to sign the contract! You are all not welcome here in my office! Send them away!” Mason ordered.

The ten burly men stepped forward and they started to shoved Elena and the others toward the door.

At the same time, over twenty men entered the room with baseball bats in their hands.

Mason Pena has always been a thug. He had hired a group of gang members after earning some money through the clothing factory in the past. Not to mention, he was infamous around the area.

Mason crippled a lot of his business competitors as well as partners. He did not spare their families from a similar fate too. So, many were fearful toward him.

Morris Group was the only party that dared to approach him for a business opportunity.

In actual fact, the factory was worth at most fifty million. Mason was already committing a daylight robbery by asking for two hundred million, much less two billion.

“Get lost before we cripple every last one of you!” The thugs began to threaten Elena and the other employees. They were frightened by the unprecedented situation because they have been mere office workers their entire lives.

Only Levi and Azure Dragon remained rooted in their spots.

Levi asked, “I’ll give you another opportunity to discuss this matter in a civilized manner, Mason Pena!”

Mason stood up and threatened, “So, you’re not going to leave, are you? Do you want me to break your limbs before you’re willing to leave this place?” He waved his hand. “Men, beat him up!”

Azure Dragon withdrew a gun from his waist just as the thugs were about to take action. He pointed the gun at Mason’s head.

“Wait!” Mason yelled.

He slowly raised his hands. His body, which was now covered in a cold sweat, trembled fearfully as his legs wobbled.

The other thugs looked at Mason astoundingly. They could not fathom Mason’s hesitation.

But clarity washed over them when they saw the gun in Azure Dragon’s hand. All of them were petrified.

Tap tap tap…

A series of hurried footsteps were heard in the hallway the next moment.

Then a few muscular men with various skin complexion rushed into the office.

They were the group of mercenaries led by James.

Plop! Plop! Plop!

The thugs could not even defend themselves now that they’re facing a group of professional fighters.

Within a few seconds, they were left sprawling on the floor, covered in bruises.

Mason and his men were dazed.

Azure Dragon grinned. “Weren’t you acting all high and mighty? Why don’t you put up that arrogant act once more?”

Mason was scared out of his wits as he reminded Azure Dragon. “Please be more careful with that gun in your hand, sir!” He was afraid that Azure Dragon would misfire and end his life right there and then.


Azure Dragon lifted the slightly obese Mason single handedly and tossed him on the floor.

Mason yelped painfully. Then he wailed in agony when Levi stepped on his legs.

“I saw you crossing your legs on the table earlier. Are you telling me to break them for you?” Levi asked with a smile.

“No… No…” Mason panted in pain.

Levi sat on the desk and lit a cigarette. Then he questioned Mason after taking a puff. “Do you admit that you’ve received the fifty million deposit from us?”

“I…” Mason hesitated.

Levi stuffed the lit cigarette into Mason’s mouth ruthlessly without saying a word.

“Arrghh…” The latter screamed bloody murder.

“I admit! I admit!” Mason shouted.
“OK then, let me ask you, why has the price suddenly increased? And why did you deny us our deposit of 50 million? Who instructed you to do all these?” Levi questioned.

Mason shook his head and replied, “None, it’s all my own doing. There’s no one else that’s in on this.”

The corners of Levi’s mouth curled into an unfathomable smile as he waved at James, and said, “I heard that you’re an expert at interrogating people, show me how you do it!”

“Understood, Mr. Garrison!”

James stepped forward and flashed a devilish grin at Mason. “Don’t worry, it won’t hurt at all!”

James opened a plastic bag which contained all sorts of knives. Just by looking at it was enough to make one’s hair stand.

James picked up a small boning knife and said with a smile, “Mr. Garrison, I intend to use this knife to slice off his fingernails and toenails first… “

Upon hearing those words, Mason could already imagine the excruciating pain which would be inflicted on him.

“After that… “

“I’ll talk!”

Before James could complete his sentence, he was interrupted by Mason Pena.

“I’ll tell you everything! It’s Ron Bale from the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce who instructed me to do that! He told me not to sell this place to you at all costs. Not only that, but he also asked me to find ways to take advantage of your company!”

Mason did not hold back any information and told Levi everything he knew.

“Very well, so it’s the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce!”

Levi fixed his gaze on Mason as he said, “So, are you going to sell this building to me now?”

James, who was beside Levi, sniggered as he stared at Mason.

Mason wiped off the beads of perspiration on his forehead and replied decisively, “Yes! I’ll sell it to your company for two hundred million!”

“Did I say that that’s the price that I’m going to pay?” Levi asked.

“Huh? Isn’t two hundred million the price we agreed upon?” Mason was confused.

Imitating Mason’s tone, Levi said, “Oh, the price can be changed anytime! There are currently a few dozens of factory buildings for me to choose from. There’s even one that is as cheap as ten million!”

“I’ve made a careful assessment just now. I think this place is worth at most fifty million! I shall purchase this building at fifty million then!”

In fact, Levi had offered a fair price.

Previously, Mason had considered selling the building to another interested party who had proposed thirty million for it.

“I… “

Mason was at a loss for words.

All he could feel was regret!

A deep sense of immeasurable regret!

If I did not listen to Ron and proceeded with the sale earlier on, I would have already received two hundred million.

Now look at what that plan has caused me, I can only settle for fifty million!

After both parties signed the sale and purchase agreement, the construction team which Iris had already engaged, started renovation works in the building. It was estimated that the works would take three days to complete.

The next step would be to wait for the shipment of the equipment.

Even though Mason was upset with how things had turned out, he had still managed to get fifty million.

That very day, Ron from the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce rang Mason up.

“Mason Pena, what’s wrong with you? You sold the building? And for just fifty million? Are you an idiot or what?” Ron lashed out the second Mason answered the phone.

“Ron Bale, who do you think you are? Who gave you the right to tell me off? Let me tell you, you’ve caused me a huge loss! Don’t let me see your face, or I’ll definitely kill you!”

Mason hung up after saying that, without waiting for Ron’s reply.

Ron was so mad that he almost slammed his phone on the ground.

Also present were three other members of the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce, namely Xawery Yount, Braylen Stewart and Wildan Saenz.

They had grim expressions on their faces as well.

“We have to think of something to deal with Morris Group!” Ron said frustratedly.

Wildan smiled and said, “I just received news that Morris Group had ordered a huge batch of equipment and apparatus from the Dynatic Medical Apparatus Company in the South City!”

“Is there a way for us to interfere with that?” Everyone asked.

“Of course! The owner of Dynatic Medical Apparatus Company happens to be my dormitory mate in college!” Wildan had an insidious smile on his face as he said that.
Iris is a very competent person. She obtained two Master’s Degrees from two of the top universities in the country, then she studied abroad and stayed there to develop her career in the finance industry. Zoey was curious. She’s doing so well abroad at the moment. So why is she returning to the country all of a sudden?

Levi was puzzled too. It’s best to not try to figure out a woman’s thought process. They are complicated beings after all.

“What did she say to you?” Levi asked.

Zoey answered joyfully. “She told me she’s returning to North Hampton to develop her career. She has even bought a house here!”

However, Zoey frowned slightly as confusion glinted in her mesmerizing eyes. I wonder which company in North Hampton is capable of attracting Iris’s attention?

The next day, Levi drove Zoey’s car to the airport early in the morning.

Levi waited for a short while at the airport’s exit before Iris Anabelle showed up.

Iris was a slender woman at the height of 170cm. Her long legs were even comparable to professional models. She wore a pair of Ferragamo high heels and a black coat. Iris appeared to be overbearing and indifferent while wearing a pair of shades on her delicate face.

Her temperament was outstanding to the extent of convincing others to think of her as a famous star. Passers-by began taking photos of her with their phones.

Iris recognized Levi immediately. She strode up to him and tossed him her luggage.

“Send me to Morris Group before 9 o’clock. I’m in a hurry.” She demanded.

Levi felt helpless as he thought to himself. I came all the way here to pick you up. Not only did you fail to show your gratitude, but you are treating me like your servant?

But he stuffed the luggage into the trunk anyway.

“There’s only an hour left. Hurry up!”

Iris ordered harshly after she eyed her expensive Patek Philippe wristwatch upon entering the car.

“Alright. I’ll make sure you reach in time.” Levi started the engine.

Iris removed her shades, revealing her delicate facial features and flawless complexion. Iris Anabelle was definitely a woman with beauty comparable to that of Zoey Lopez.

She sized up Levi. “You’re still planning to stay by Zoey’s side?” She asked out of the blue.

“Why should I leave her?” Levi was bewildered.

“Because you do not deserve her! Putting aside your poverty, the fact that you were imprisoned previously was sufficient to make you an unworthy partner for Zoey. I am not discriminating against you, but your tainted record will affect Zoey’s future. Her company is getting on the right track now. She will expand her business after receiving the investment from Morris Group. When that time comes, Zoey can finally cut ties with the Lopez family. She will be one of the most respectable figures in North Hampton’s business world. What about you? What can you contribute to her success except being a burden for staying by her side? Others will jeer at her because of your bad record, not to mention the reason behind your imprisonment will be discussed behind Zoey’s back when she’s successful. You probably cannot fathom the impact of this issue, but you can see what I’m trying to tell you, right? You and Zoey will not benefit from staying together!”

Iris spoke eloquently as she bombarded Levi with her own opinions.

She continued upon noticing Levi’s silence. “Also, I no longer see any fighting spirit in you. You are no longer the same Levi Garrison from before. You bowed down in the face of harsh reality. The Levi Garrison from six years ago will not stoop so low as to chauffeur me from the airport.”

Levi glanced at Iris through the rearview mirror. He asked. “So?”

“So you have to get a divorce with Zoey! I will interfere and handle this matter once I settle down here.” Iris said domineeringly.
This girl have the gut to underestimate Levi...what should we do to this
Wildan gave a call to Wylder Prosser, the owner of Dynatic Medical Apparatus Company, on the spot.

Wylder agreed to his old friend’s request.

As Dynatic had already signed the purchase order with Morris Group and had also received full payment for the goods, the only thing Wylder could do was to delay the shipment of the goods for as long as possible.

It would create huge problems for Morris Group if the goods were late by a few months.

According to the plan Levi and Iris had, the medical apparatus had to arrive within a week.

“That’s great! Apart from that, we should also impose strict restrictions on all medical equipment and apparatus businesses to ban them from transacting with Morris Group!”

Ron and the other three men looked at each other with knowing smiles on their faces.

“Morris Group, you’re just a greenhorn. Pitting yourself against the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce is going to make your life really difficult!”

The men’s cunning laughter resonated through the room.

The North Hampton Chamber of Commerce acted quickly and had issued prohibition notices to the relevant companies.

There were not many companies which were engaged in the sale of medical apparatus in the first place.

And limits had been imposed on all of those companies as well.

Any company which attempted to sell equipment to Morris Group would be openly declaring itself as the enemy of the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce.

So it was only natural that no one would dare to take such a risk.

Levi and his team had not realized that they were already in deep trouble.

After all, the company had already finalized the purchase agreement with Dynatic.

Meanwhile, Levi had been busy getting in touch with his former employees.

Those who had previously worked under him were all in dire straits, as they had been blacklisted by the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce, the Rogers family, as well as the Garrison family.

As such, no matter how capable they were, it would still be impossible for them to gain employment.

After more than ten days of recruitment, twenty seven talents had returned to the company.

Some of them were members from the private technical group which Levi had set up previously.

One of the members was Talia Stone, a top student whom Levi had previously scouted from the Pharmaceutical University. She was one of the pillars of the technical team, and Levi was very glad to have her back.

Talia was very excited to be back as well.

“Do you know where the others are now?” Levi asked.

Talia thought for a while before replying, “Mr. Garrison, I only know the whereabouts of our team leader and the two assistant leaders, but I haven’t heard from the rest of the team members.

The two assistant leaders, namely Tom and Charlie have both been headhunted by the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce. I heard that they are doing really well now!”

Levi let out a sigh.

When the technical team was first set up, for security reasons, the core technology was split into three; the team leader and the two assistant leaders each wielded one third of it.

Logically speaking, the technology which the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce currently had possession of, must have been obtained from the two assistant leaders.

However, word had it that the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce was already coming close to having the entire core technology.

That would imply that the team leader, Isaiah, had also divulged his portion of the technology to them.

“How about Isaiah? Has he joined the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce too?” Levi asked.

Talia shook her head and replied, “No, our leader had remained loyal all the way! He would rather die than to betray the team. He remained firm no matter what tactics the other party used on him, whether to tempt or force him into giving up the technology.

He did not budge even when they broke his leg. From what I know, Mr. Wade had opened a small pharmacy and is just getting by! Thankfully, his pretty wife had stayed by his side throughout the entire ordeal. She even used up most of her savings to help him start the business!”

Levi got the address of Isaiah’s pharmacy from Talia.

Around half an hour later, he arrived at the pharmacy, which was in a small alley.

Levi pushed opened the door and was greeted by a middle-aged man, who approached him with a limp.

“Sir, are you looking for any medicine?” The man asked.

Levi recognized Isaiah at first glance, even though it seemed like he had aged twenty years…

The man was only in his thirties, but had the appearance of someone in his fifties.

“Isaiah! It’s me!” Levi exclaimed.

“What? You… You’re Mr. Garrison… “

Isaiah took a while to recognize Levi. He was overwhelmed with emotions as tears welled up in his eyes.
“You’ve suffered greatly all these years, Isaiah!” Levi glanced at Isaiah Wade’s legs.

Isaiah wiped the tears off his face. “I’m fine, Mr. Garrison. I’m so glad to see you again!”

Levi patted his shoulder. “Don’t worry, Isaiah. I am here to bring you back this time!”

At that moment, an annoying voice was heard. “Why are you crying, you useless junk? Are you reminiscing your dead parents or something?”

A woman walked out from within the house swiftly after.

She wore heavy makeup on her face and was dressed provocatively. Her eyelashes batted in a seductive manner. In addition to her fashionable appearance and mature temperament, her body was voluptuous. Any ordinary man would have a hard time peeling their eyes off her.

Levi glanced at her and saw that the woman was dressed in luxurious clothing. She wore Chanel clothes, carried an LV bag, paired with Ferragamo high heels. Strapped on her wrist was an Omega wristwatch worth over a hundred thousand.

Levi could not imagine such a wealthy woman living inside that little pharmacy. But he had seen that woman before. She was Isaiah’s wife, Sasha Lynch.

Many of Isaiah’s colleagues were jealous of him in the past because of Sasha’s beauty.

Isaiah treated his wife extremely well. He would always hand over all of his salaries to her, and would eat instant noodles by himself for a month in order to save up so that he could afford to treat his wife to an extravagant meal.

Sasha eyed Levi dumbfoundedly for a few seconds. “Levi Garrison? Hahaha! Your ex-con boss is here to visit you, you useless junk! You pieces of trash finally have the chance to reunite.” Sasha laughed uncontrollably.

Isaiah grimaced. He hurriedly said to his wife, “Honey, mind your words please. He’s my boss!”

“What do you mean by that, you useless junk! How dare you oppose me?” Sasha screamed angrily.

Isaiah was well-known for being afraid of his wife. He immediately lowered his head.

“Know your place, Isaiah Wade! I am providing you your daily meals, accommodation, and clothes! Do not forget that I am the person who sponsored this pharmacy! So how dare you oppose you? Did you got tired of living?” Sasha yelled.

“I’m sorry, honey… I will not repeat this mistake anymore…” Isaiah apologized submissively.

Levi felt chills spreading across his chest at that sight. This woman was obedient and polite when Isaiah was successful. She even cooked his lunch and sent the meals to his office every day back then. But look at her now. She’s mistreating him now that he’s down and out.
Sasha glanced at Levi and jeered at Isaiah. “Why am I stuck with a useless junk like you? You gave up a job that would pay you ten million annually for this ex-con in the past.

Look at how well Tom Frazier and Charlie Reeds are doing now. They are receiving an annual salary of twenty million, driving luxurious cars, and staying in expensive villas. What about you? You are living in the dumps!”

Isaiah apologized again. “Honey, this is all my fault. I am a piece of trash. But this has got nothing to do with Mr. Garrison!”

“Hmph! Both of you are pieces of shit!”

At that moment, a series of honks were heard from outside the pharmacy.

A Mercedes-Benz worth over a million was parked outside the store.

A man dressed in a suit got out of the car. He appeared to be an elite in the business world.

“What’s taking you so long, Sasha? I’ve been waiting for half a day now.” A man entered the pharmacy.

The man was stunned when he saw Levi.

He was none other than one of the traitors who turned against Levi, Tom Frazier. He was the vice team leader, as well as the person who disclosed one-third of the information related to Levi Group’s core technology.

“Oh? I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. But it is you, the crippled Mr. Garrison! You’re finally released from prison. I could’ve picked you up if you’d informed me earlier!” Tom said cheerfully.

He glanced at Isaiah’s leg and jeered at Levi. “You’re a cripple, Mr. Garrison, and so is Isaiah. Are you guys preparing to form a team to participate in the Paralympics?”

“Hahaha… That’s right! They can be a team of cripples!” Sasha could not contain her laughter.

Levi said, “Do you speak to your parents with that foul mouth of yours?”

Tom was displeased instantaneously. He pointed at Levi. “I cannot say anything to you if you were the Levi Garrison from six years ago. But who are you to insult me now? Do you have a death wish?”

Isaiah chided subconsciously, “How dare you speak to Mr. Garrison with that tone! Do you think you’re qualified to carry that attitude in front of him?”

Isaiah thought of Levi as his savior. So he would not allow anyone to criticize Levi.

“Oh? Are you an accomplished man now, Isaiah? Since when do you have the guts to defy me?” Tom patted Isaiah’s face.

Isaiah shouted angrily as he unleashed the pent-up rage in his heart. “You are not welcome here! This is my place, so get out now!”
Tom laughed after listening to Isaiah. “Are you hearing this, Sasha? Did he just say that this place is his?”

Sasha slapped Isaiah furiously. “What’s wrong with you? This is my place! You’ve got nothing to do with this store. Moreover, how dare you talk to Tom in that unfriendly tone?”

Isaiah covered his cheek incredulously. “Did you just slap me because of him?”

“That’s right! I slapped you because of Tom. Tom is the only man I love!” Sasha hugged Tom’s arm and plastered her body to him intimately after she spoke.

Tom held Sasha in his arm and deliberately grabbed her buttocks.


Isaiah was dumbstruck by that sight.

Witnessing his wife offering herself up to another man was an utter humiliation to a man.

Tom chuckled smugly. “Do you know why I’m here to pick Sasha up? That’s because I’m bringing her to the hotel! Have you taken a look at what your wife is carrying in her bag? She’s going to put on a fashion show for me while wearing clothes that you’ve never even seen!”

Tom took out a few sets of outfit from within Sasha’s bag.

Sasha acted coquettishly toward Tom. “You’re so mean…”

Isaiah felt blood rushing to his brain as his face contorted with rage.

“I must compliment your wife, Isaiah. She’s so great in bed that I can’t get enough of her even after six years!” Tom kissed Sasha to prove his statement.

Sasha laughed skittishly. “You’re amazing too, Tom. This useless junk here is nothing compared to you. I doubt his lower body is still functioning at this point!” She glowered at Isaiah as she made the comment.

Tom added, “Perhaps you’re wondering why Sasha stayed by your side for so long? That’s because she has yet to lay her hands on the information of the core technology in your possession.

Otherwise, Sasha would’ve left you a long time ago! You’re only needed because of those data. Other than that, you’re completely useless!”

Sasha said disdainfully, “That’s right. Why would I sacrifice so much time staying by your side if not for the information? I have to admit, you are indeed a good secret-keeper. I wasted six years with you, but never once had you divulge the complete information to me!”

Isaiah nearly experienced a cardiac arrest as he listened to those brazen words from the shameless couple. Everything’s clear to me now.

The reason why Sasha was reluctant to let me touch her body in the last six years, the reason behind Tom’s frequent visits to the pharmacy, the luxurious clothes, and the endless amount of money she has even though she’s unemployed. I’m being cuckolded.

More importantly, the man who wronged me is my own apprentice. I trained Tom and Charlie when they were young. They even addressed me as their master back then.

I was moved by Sasha’s dedication to staying with me even though she mistreated me all these years. Now I finally understand the reason behind all of these!
Isaiah had doubted Sasha since a long time ago, but his affection toward her caused him to place blind faith in his cheating wife.

On the other hand, Levi finally gained revelation as to how the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce managed to get near-complete information on Levi Group’s core technology.

So it was Sasha that’d tricked Isaiah into telling her all these years. Otherwise, he’s not the type of person to divulge any of the information.

Tom sized up Levi and sneered. “What’s the matter? Did you find a helper, Isaiah? Well, I’ll be frank with you. Levi Garrison is just a man who’s relying on his wife now! He’s the same as you, a crippled, useless piece of junk!”

Sasha glared at her husband menacingly. “Since we’ve told you everything, it’s time for you to get lost, Isaiah Wade! This is my place, after all!”

Tom held Sasha closer in his arms. “That’s right. You’re as good as a piece of trash now that your usefulness has come to an end!”

“Did you know, Isaiah? I’ve bought two houses and two cars with the salary you’ve given me in the past. You’re just a poor loser now. Do you think you’re qualified to stay as my man?” Sasha jeered at Isaiah.

Tom laughed. “I’ll let you in on another secret, Isaiah. I am not the only man who cuckolded you. Plenty of others in the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce slept with your wife too. They even praised her for her outstanding techniques!”

“I’ll kill you!” Isaiah rushed forward with reddened eyes and veins throbbing visibly on his forehead.


Tom punched Isaiah easily and the latter fell backward.

He was about to swing another punch, but Levi caught his wrist.

Tom staggered backward after Levi exerted a little force to push him off.

Levi’s idea was to have Isaiah teach the shameless couple a lesson they would remember for the rest of their lives, which was the reason why he hadn’t interfere until that moment.

In the meantime, Sasha tossed a suitcase filled with Isaiah’s belongings on the floor. “Take your rubbish with you and get the hell out of here!”

Isaiah felt his heart wrenched with pain as he was chased out of the house mercilessly by his wife. I worked so hard in the past with the sole intention of providing Sasha with a comfortable life. Not only did she scammed all my money and cheated on me, but she’s also even chasing me away now.

Isaiah stared at the shameless couple with malicious intent. His body was trembling with rage.

Levi asked Isaiah, “Do you want to surpass them, Isaiah? Do you want to render them speechless and make them look up to you?”

“I do!”

“Do you want that slut to grovel on the floor and repent?”

“I do!”

“Do you want that despicable man to kneel before you and beg for your forgiveness?”

“I do!”

“Will you accept my offer if I provide you with such an opportunity now?” Levi asked.

“I will!” Isaiah roared. “I swear to accomplish great success even if I have to work my ass off! I will make these two shameless people pay for their sins!”

Isaiah steeled his resolution as the last shred of love he had for Sasha vanished.

“Great. You are my employee from this moment onward.” Levi announced.

“Hahaha, did you hear him, Tom? He wants us to pay the price for our sins!” Sasha laughed out loud.

Tom leaned against the Mercedes-Benz and sneered. “You’re a fool, Isaiah. Are you expecting Levi Garrison to give you the chance to rise up? He can’t even take care of himself now! Much less give you any kind of opportunity. What a joke!”

Sasha added. “That’s right. Don’t you have a brain you can think with? Levi was recently released from prison. Do you still expect him to be Morris Group’s boss? In your dreams!”

Isaiah narrowed his eyes and shrieked at them. “I believe in Mr. Garrison! He will provide me with a platform to prosper. By that time, I swear to make you pay!”

“Sure. We’ll be waiting for you. You’re such a hilarious brainless git…” The two of them entered the car and left before Isaiah’s eyes.
Tears came to Isaiah, a middle-aged man, as he sobbed uncontrollably and cried his heart out.

The shameless couple’s outrageous behavior drove Isaiah to the brink of depression.

He apologized. “I’ve wronged you, Mr. Garrison! I’ve revealed almost everything I know of the core technology to that bitch! I’m really useless!”

Levi smiled. “Don’t worry about that, Isaiah. I foresaw that the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce would lay their hands on the core technology.”

Isaiah was a smart man. After pondering for a while, he connected the pieces of information in his mind. Then he asked surprisingly, “Are you planning to fight against the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Garrison?”

“That’s right!”

“But Mr. Garrison… You’re recently released from prison…” How do you plan to fight against them?

Levi said with a smile, “I suppose you know about Levi Group’s recent name-changing ceremony, Isaiah? The company is called Morris Group now.”

Isaiah’s body shuddered greatly, listening to him. He widened his eyes incredulously. “Are you by any chance the boss of Morris Group, Mr. Garrison?”

“Shh! Let’s keep a low profile.” Levi gestured for him to keep quiet.

Soon, A Rolls-Royce Phantom swiftly came to a halt next to them.

Let’s go. Follow me to the company now. We’ll use the shortest time possible to establish a technical team. We are going to regain our previous glory and make them regret!” Levi said.

Isaiah felt his blood boiling with anticipation. He agreed without a second thought. “I’ve waited this day for so long!”

Tears of joy brimmed in his eyes.

He had spent the last six years learning and following updates in the industry, maintaining and polishing his professional knowledge.

Isaiah took out his phone and dialed Sasha’s number.

Sasha said to him mockingly after the call connected, “What’s the matter, you useless piece of crippled trash? Did you regret your decision, so you’re calling me to beg me? Well, it’s too late now. In my mind, you’re no better than a stray dog. You should just get lost!”

Isaiah grimaced. “This is the last time I’m calling you, Sasha Lynch! I will make sure you regret what you’ve done. You will kneel before me and repent for your sins by that time. Don’t worry because that day will come sooner than you think!”

“Hahaha, you should consider a career as a comedian! How do you plan to realize your big talks?”

Sasha and Tom’s laughter was heard from the other end of the phone.

Then, Tom pressed his body against Sasha. “Should we film our intimate moment today and send that cripple the video?”

“Hmm, you’re so bad…”

Isaiah exploded with rage after listening to their interaction.



He smashed his cellphone on the ground forcefully. Shame! This is the worst shame a man can experience!

Isaiah and Levi were walking on the streets, discussing the company’s future direction after visiting Morris Group.

Tom and Sasha found Isaiah at that moment. Their disheveled clothes reflected the activity they were engaged in moments ago.

“Let’s go and get a divorce! It’s the right time for me to finally ditch you!” Sasha jeered at Isaiah.

“I…” Isaiah hesitated.

Making that important decision at a moment’s notice was challenging for him. His relationship with Sasha had lasted for a decade, after all.

Tom immediately mocked him. “What’s the matter? You don’t want to get a divorce? Do you plan to linger around Sasha in the future?”

Sasha pushed Isaiah. “Get lost! You’re no longer worthy of me!”

“That’s it? That’s how easily you’re disregarding our relationship that has lasted for so many years?” Isaiah questioned her with a stern expression.

“Haha! You have the audacity to ask me that question? Let me be honest with you. I only stuck with you for ten years because I coveted your money!” Sasha answered mercilessly.

Isaiah was about to agree to her request to file for a divorce when Levi stepped in. “Divorce? In your dreams!”
“I will heed Mr. Garrison’s advice. I will not divorce you!”

Sasha and Tom nearly passed out from anger.

“Fine! Just you wait! I’ll force you to sign the papers if it’s the last thing I do.” The two of them left furiously afterward.

Although Isaiah did not understand Levi’s intention, he believed Levi to have his reasons.

He swore to take revenge on Sasha and Tom from the moment he was chased out of the house.

Soon after that fiasco, Isaiah successfully entered Morris Group and headed the Medical Technology department.

At the same time, Morris Group released a hiring announcement to recruit professionals in medical and technology-related fields with lucrative salaries.

A lot of people put forth their best effort in an attempt to join Morris Group following the announcement.

The news quickly reached Sasha’s ears. Coincidentally, she was having a meal with Tom and Charlie.

“Hmph! I can’t believe Morris Group decided to hire that cripple!” Sasha was not pleased. I expected him to live a pitiful life on the streets after I chased him out of the house. I certainly did not expect him to get a job so quickly.

Tom was enraged too. “Isaiah Wade’s name is blacklisted by all the companies in North Hampton. Morris Group’s boldness to recruit him is unbelievable!”

Charlie said with a smile. “Don’t worry about it. He’s not going to last in Morris Group.”

Sasha was confused. “What do you mean?”

“Well, Morris Group will cease to exist in North Hampton soon! Isaiah will once again become a piece of trash by that time.” Charlie sneered.

Tom was more focused on the technical side of the business, so he was not informed of some insider information.

He asked, “Is there something wrong with the company, Charlie?”

“Morris Group has been provoking the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce all this while. The councils of the Chamber have begun to take action. Isaiah was brought over to Morris Group to aid in the production of pharmaceutics. But the equipment needed is no longer available in the market due to the Chamber of Commerce’s influence. Just you wait. Isaiah will be living on the streets soon.” Charlie laughed.

“Hahaha… This is awesome! Isaiah is destined to be a crippled loser. He’s really a joke, thinking he’s able to make us regret the things we’ve done.” Tom said.

Sasha was overjoyed as she listened to Charlie’s predictions.

At that moment, Charlie hugged Sasha and teased her. “Tom said you’re mine for tonight!”

“You’re a meanie, Charlie…” Sasha leaned against Charlie’s chest and acted coquettishly.

Meanwhile, Isaiah immersed himself in his work. He had assembled the technical team too.

Isaiah was a brilliant man. He fine-tuned the previous core technology, allowing Morris Group to produce products with better quality and cheaper prices compared to the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce.

His efforts had pushed Morris Group one step forward in their goal of replacing the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce.

In just four days, Isaiah with the rest of the team had finalize the adjustments.

After all, Isaiah had been ruminating on that matter in the last six years.

They had made the necessary arrangements at the factory as well. So all that was left was to wait for the production to begin.

Iris was holding a meeting when she looked at Doug Rice, the head of the procurement department, and said. “Mr. Rice, what’s going on with the equipment we ordered from Dynatic? The items were supposed to arrive in three days, It’s been five days now!”

Doug wiped the nervous sweat off his face. “Ms. Anabelle, Dynatic recently informed us they are repairing the equipment we ordered from them due to an unforeseen issue. They told us to wait…”

Iris retorted immediately. “That’s not possible! I checked the equipment in person previously. There’s nothing wrong with the machines!”

“Are you saying that Dynatic is deliberately delaying the shipment?” Doug asked.

“Contact Dynatic’s owner, Mr. Wylder Prosser, for me!”

Iris questioned Wylder as soon as the call connected, “Mr. Prosser, where is the equipment I ordered from you?”

“About that, there’s something wrong with the machines purchased by Morris Group. So you will have to wait.” Wylder answered.

“For how long?”

“At least a month.”
Everyone gasped after listening to Wylder’s response. They are obviously doing this on purpose!

Wylder added. “I sent the machines back to the original manufacturer to undergo repair and services. Please be considerate since we already speed up the progress to a one month waiting time.”

Iris said, “I’m going to your company to assess the situation in person. You can ship us the other stocks you’re keeping. We are in a hurry, so we don’t have the time to wait any longer!”

“Oh no, I’m so sorry, Ms. Anabelle. I’ve sent out all my stocks because other parties purchased the equipment.”

“Is that so?” Iris kept her cool. She knew he was provoking her on purpose.

“That’s right! I can’t believe this coincidence either. Out of all the equipment I shipped out, only the ones ordered by Morris Group are faulty.” Wylder smiled cunningly.

Everyone was infuriated by Wylder’s tone.

The delay is clearly intentional! We’ve prepared everything, and those equipment are the only element lacking now!

“Ms. Anabelle, I’m going to have to trouble you to wait for a little longer,” Wylder said with a smile.

“I can’t! You promised to send the machines here in three days. So what’s the deal now?” Iris was hopping mad.

Wylder sighed. “If that’s the case, I do have another idea…”

“What idea?” Iris asked.

“You will have to top up more money. I can send you the backup stock from my personal storage.” Wylder answered.

“How much are you asking for?”

“You ordered the equipment for five hundred million previously. If you give me five billion now, I will send you the backup stock immediately. You should know that this equipment is my trump card. So the price that I’m suggesting is a very reasonable one.”

He’s outrageously greedy! All the executives in Morris Group were astounded. No one expected Wylder to pull off a scheme like that.

Iris jeered at him. “Do you take me for a fool, Wylder Prosser?”

“Haha. We can call off this deal if you’re reluctant.” Wylder was determined.

“Fine. Then refund us the money. We’re rescinding our order from you!” Iris chided.

“Sure. I will return the money to you. But I’ll be honest with you, you will regret your decision because I am the only person who has the equipment you’re looking for. I’ll be waiting for Morris Group to beg me later on.”

Iris began looking for another supplier after Wylder refunded the money. She contacted all the medical equipment suppliers in North Hampton and cities nearby, but none of them was willing to sell them the machines when they heard Morris Group’s name.

Doug Rice and the other employees were on the verge of tears. They are clearly targeting our company.

“What should we do now. Boss required us to begin the production in these few days. The North Hampton Chamber of Commerce will know of our intention once we drag this any longer.” Iris was anxious. It will be too slow for us to acquire the equipment from other places. The transport will be a huge problem we have to address, due to the possibility of others sabotaging the machines en route to the factory.

Doug asked, “Should we discuss this matter with Wylder Prosser again? The additional cost doesn’t matter. Acquiring the equipment is our top priority now.”

Iris rubbed her temples. “Let me think of another way.”

At the same time, in Bale Group, one of the companies under the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce.

Ron Bale, Wildan Saenz, and others gathered together.

“Hahaha. Let me see how you’re going to resolve this now, Morris Group!” Ron smiled wickedly.

Wildan was delighted as well. “I told my friend, Doug, to request five billion from them.”

Xawery Yount asked the question in his mind, “What if Morris Group is willing to pay the sum?”
Braylen Stewart responded cheerfully. “Then we’ll let Doug provide them with the equipment. But we will create some trouble during the transportation to destroy the machines!”

“Hahaha… How much loss will Morris Group suffer by that time?”

The few cunning men were overjoyed.

Another day passed, and Iris failed to come up with any new idea.

She wanted to resolve the issue on her own because she was desperate to prove her capabilities to her mysterious boss.

In the end, Iris contacted Wylder Prosser.

“Hahaha, I was wondering who called. Didn’t I tell you that you’ll regret your decision? So, what’s up?” Wylder said smugly. Morris Group is filled with useless and incompetent workers. They have to beg me, after all.

Iris cut to the chase. “Mr. Prosser, I can pay you an additional one and a half billion at most.”

“You’re decreasing my asking price from five billion to one and a half billion? Haha! I have to say, you’re good at negotiating! I’ll have to host a meeting to discuss this matter.” Wylder did not reject her immediately.

After he hung up on Iris’s call, Wylder contacted Wildan Saenz and the others through a video call. “What should I do now? Morris Group offered to pay one and a half billion instead.” He asked.

After a brief discussion among the four people, Wildan answered with a smile, “Sell the equipment to them, Wylder. We will cause some trouble during the transportation. Those machines will never reach Morris Group!”

Wylder was excited. “Doesn’t that mean I made a billion and a half for nothing?”

“Haha! Exactly!”

“Wait for another day before you get back to her, Wylder,” Wildan suggested.

“Alright. Got it!”

Inside Morris group.

Iris and the other executives were anxiously waiting for Wylder Prosser’s reply.

Isaiah reported to Levi at once after he was informed of the situation.

Levi was surprised after listening to him. I expected us to stumble into such a predicament if we purchase the equipment in North Hampton. That’s why I asked Iris to order the machines at South City. I did not anticipate this problem to arise.

North Hampton Chamber of Commerce’s extensive influence piqued Levi’s interest. It’s not fun to target them if they do not provide me with any challenge. ”Alright. I’ll handle this, Isaiah.”

Levi dialed another number. “I need some equipment to arrive at my place by tomorrow.”

“Consider it done, Sir!” The person on the other end of the phone answered.

Inside Morris Group.

Isaiah informed everyone that their boss had dealt with the issue regarding the procurement of the equipment.

“What? We can receive the equipment by tomorrow?” Iris was beyond excited.

“That’s right!” Isaiah nodded.

Iris looked at Isaiah in envy. He’s able to interact with the mysterious boss directly.

Iris asked curiously. “Mr. Wade, what kind of a person is our boss?”

“He’s a great person and the man I admire the most in my life!” Isaiah responded.

Elena agreed as well. “That’s right. Our boss is also my idol!”

Iris’s curiosity intensified after receiving their answers. I must pursue him!

Wylder Prosser contacted Iris the next day at 9 o’clock in the morning.

“What’s the matter, Mr. Prosser?”

Wylder said, “Our company has decided to sell the equipment to you for one and a half billion, Ms. Anabelle. We will send the equipment to you by today once you pay the amount. You are free to arrange your own transportation if you’re worried.”

In Wylder’s opinion, Morris Group would definitely agree to his proposal because they were desperate.

“Oh, you’re calling because of the equipment. That’s not needed anymore. We’ve acquired what we needed.”

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