The Protector (The Return of God Of War)

In Erudia, a private jet landed at North Hampton Airport, where all international flights experienced an eight-hour delay because of it.
At the private passageway were five men in suits and leather shoes, standing as straight as a javelin.

Every now and then, they would raise their wrist to look at the time, for a big shot was coming to town.
The upper-class society of North Hampton had learned about his arrival, but no one had the capability to get an inch closer to the private passageway.
Even the richest man in North Hampton who came to pay homage was chased away.
Finally, there were movements coming from the passageway.

“God of War!!!” the mass cried out, their eyes filled with awe and veneration at the sight of the undefeatable legend of Erudia.
He, who was dubbed the God of War, was the one and only five-star war God in the history of Erudia.
Once, he’d inflicted a crushing defeat on the strongest battalions in eighteen countries. He was an overbearing and formidable man.
He who overwhelmed the world with his unparalleled power had even created the Five Great Wars Regiment, Cavalry Regiment, and many more.

Setting foot on his homeland, Levi Garrison was overcome with emotions.
Once upon a time, he used to be an orphan who was abandoned on the streets of North Hampton and then adopted by the Garrison family.
However, the Garrison family had never been fond of him.
His adoptive parents, who had a tendency to beat and scold him, treated him like an outsider.
As for the outsiders, they treated him as a nobody.
But he didn’t care a stiver. He had always been proud of his surname since he was a child, and he strived to bring glory to this family when he grew older.
At last, Levi had established Levi Group, the largest dark horse in North Hampton’s business community.
With billions of assets, it ranked among the forefront of North Hampton, pushing the declining Garrison family to the top.
However, not only did the Garrison family showed no signs of appreciation, they even harbored dissatisfaction towards him. Jealous of his success, they regarded him as a thorn in their flesh and coveted Levi Group.
No matter his wealth and power, unless they were in control, he was just an outsider in the Garrison family’s eyes.
Eventually, on Levi’s wedding night, the Garrison family plotted a frame-up against him by getting him drunk before tossing him onto his sister-in-law’s bed. They wanted to create the illusion that he was doing something untoward to her and was caught in bed by his brother and adoptive parents.
That night, the Garrison family had brutally broken his limbs and left him on the road like a wild dog.
Not only was he handicapped, but he also had to take the flak for something he didn’t commit.
From an upstart in the business world, he had become the target of disdain overnight.
And the next day, he had been punished for several crimes and sentenced to six years in prison.
He could never forget the ruthless and sinister faces of everyone in the Garrison family and the ridicule of his friends, classmates, and business partners.
More so, he could never forget the disappointment on his newly wedded wife, Zoey’s face.
He had regarded the Garrison family as his home and devoted himself to the family.
Yet, they treated him like trash.
It felt as if a knife was being twisted in his heart every time he thought about this.
How he hated the Garrison family!
But who would have thought that Levi had been secretly transferred away from prison to join the military?
In a few years, he dominated the military world and became the one and only five-star God of War.
Now that he came back, the Garrison family ought to stay on their toes.
“How’s it going, Azure Dragon?” Levi asked.
Azure Dragon, the commander of the Five Great Wars Regiment, took a step forward and said respectfully, “Sir, I’m afraid your wife, Ms. Zoey Lopez will remarry at ten o’clock tonight!”
Ever since Zoey’s husband was sent to prison on their wedding night, she had been living like a widow.
Only God knew how much pressure she was put under.
And right now, the person Levi couldn’t wait to see the most was Zoey.
After a moment of hesitation, Azure Dragon continued, “To add on, Sir, the Garrison family is holding a successful listing celebration banquet at the Crystal Palace Hotel tonight! Many people had invited the God of War just now, including the Garrison family, but I didn’t accept nor refuse directly.”
“What time?” Levi asked tersely.
“Eight o’clock, Sir.”
“Okay. Tell the Garrison family I will attend the banquet!”
Since the time for the two events didn’t clash, Levi gladly accepted the invitation.
The celebration banquet for the public listing of Garrison Group was held at North Hampton’s Crystal Palace Hotel.
With the help of Levi Group, they had become a rich and powerful family in one fell swoop.
The hall was bustling with noise and excitement, and sounds of glasses clinking could be heard ringing in the air every now and then.
“God bless the Garrison family,” said Joseph, the head of the Garrison family. “The younger generations are the stars among men. Garrison Group is now listed and has become an upstart in North Hampton!”
Joseph’s three sons and daughter welcomed their guests with bright smiles on their faces.
The younger generation of the Garrison family was all the smugger and prouder because, after today, the Garrison family would become a powerful family, and they would become one of the top rich kids.
Most of the guests who attended today’s banquet were from the top circle in North Hampton.
“Garrison, do you know what happened today?! Your celebration party is nothing compared to that.” They were gossiping about the major event that had happened today.
“Yeah! I heard that a big shot has arrived in North Hampton!”
“The richest man in North Hampton wanted to meet him but was shooed away. Apparently, he’s not qualified enough!”
“So? Jesse Nielsen had been waiting for five hours in advance at the airport!”
Joseph nodded. “Yes, I know about that too. I even sent someone to invite this big shot to the celebration party!”
“No way! Why would this big shot attend such a party?”
No one believed it.
In fact, as an upstart, Joseph was just trying his luck.
“Dad!” shouted Jaycob, the second eldest son of the Garrison family could be seen running over. “The big shot has accepted our invitation to attend our celebration banquet! He’s on the way!”
“Jesus! God has indeed blessed the Garrison family!”
Everyone in the Garrison family could barely conceal their delight as this was their chance to reach the sky in a single bound.
The grandchildren of the Garrison family gathered together, sunshine flooding their souls.
Levi’s brother, Bryan, and sister-in-law, Victoria, smiled. “Well, it all starts with Levi’s imprisonment that the Garrison family is at where we are today…”
“Right, speaking about Levi, do you guys know today’s the day that kid gets out of prison?!” somebody asked abruptly.
“Really? Isn’t that bad luck? Why did he have to be released on such a big day?!”
“Please, please, please don’t come back! He’s the Garrison family’s biggest disgrace!”
Victoria’s lips tugged into a sneer. “Speaking of which, Levi is the crowning glory of the Garrison family’s status today.”
“That’s what he’s supposed to do!” Bryan said. “He should contribute to the Garrison family for raising him, an orphan! His multi-billion Levi Group means nothing. To put it bluntly, he’s just a dog raised by the Garrison family!”
Someone gave a chortle. “As a matter of fact, I’ve been interested in Levi’s wife for a long time now. She’s still widowed, and I’m so going to marry her!”
The man’s remark caused gales of laughter.
“Everyone, stop what you’re doing. I have an important announcement to make,” Joseph said and went on to announce that the big shot was coming.
A thunderous applause was heard.
But when the applause had died down, there was still someone clapping.
The sound was loud and clear, approaching from afar.
On the red carpet, a man came clapping, looking bold and energetic.
His stride gave off a majestic and imposing aura, which made the mass hold their breaths.
“It’s Levi!” Bryan and Victoria exclaimed.
Suddenly, all eyes were riveted on him.
“I forgot this little brat got out of jail today!” Levi’s adoptive parents spoke in unison.
Ignoring the astonished gazes darted at his way, Levi walked step by step towards Joseph.
“A little bird told me that the company is now listed. How are you feeling, Joseph? Are you happy?”
Levi flashed him a meaningful smile.
“How dare you show up here, you insolent brat! And what did you just call me?” Joseph’s fury sprang to life.
“Who let him in? Didn’t you know he just got out of prison? How inauspicious!”
Bryan rose to his feet. “What the hell are you doing here, Levi?”
Levi sized him up. “Why can’t I be here?”
“Well, for starters, you’re an orphan! The Garrison family has raised you, but you were ambitious and ungrateful. You had inordinate ambitions for your sister-in-law, and you wanted to take possession of the Garrison family! You’d even tried to kill your parents when things go south! Have you no conscience? Do you have any sense of morality left in your heart?”
“You’ve lost your reputation in North Hampton, and everyone knows that. Have you no shame to have the brass neck to come round here?”
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“What?” Wylder was taken aback. They’ve acquired the equipment? How is that possible? The North Hampton Chamber of Commerce had prohibited every medical equipment company from dealing with Morris Group. So how could they’ve possibly lay their hands on the machines?

“Are you sure, Ms. Anabelle?” Wylder questioned her with uncertainty.

“That’s right. They are much more efficient. We will receive the equipment by 12 o’clock in the afternoon today.” Iris replied to him.

“Ah? Where did you purchase the equipment?”

“That’s none of your concern. This is our company’s matter. Goodbye!”

Wylder Prosser slumped in his seat, disheartened. There goes my wonderful dream of earning one and a half billion effortlessly.

He hurriedly reported the unexpected turn of events to Wildan Saenz and the others.

The few councils of the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce were astounded as well.

“They’ve procured the equipment?”

All four men utilized their connections at once to investigate the matter. What they found was that none of the medical equipment companies in North Hampton and surrounding cities had sold any machine to Morris Group.

Where did they source out the equipment then?

“The most important thing to do now is to figure out the transportation route of the equipment. We need to stop them immediately!”

They were in a state of agitation.

Meanwhile, Levi was hanging out with Azure Dragon and the others.

Levi received a phone call from Kyrie Duncan, the head of the logistics department in the North Hampton Warzone, at that moment.

“The medical equipment you purchased from North Hampton Warzone’s Defense Research And Development Centre is being transported now, Sir! As you ordered, we’ve arranged a fully-armed squadron to escort the logistic team!” Kyrie reported.

No one expected Levi to procure the equipment from the Warzone’s Defense Research And Development Centre.

Levi nodded. “Okay. Thank you. This set of equipment is bought under Morris Group’s name, Mr. Duncan. I’ve transferred the payment. Please check.”

“Understood, Sir!”

Levi reminded after hanging up the phone call. “Kirin, tell Iris and the others to wait for the equipment at the factory. The machines will arrive in two hours.”

Then he looked at Azure Dragon. “Spread the information on the transportation route, Azure Dragon!”

Inside Bale Group.

“We’ve identified the transportation route! There’s still one and a half hour for us to stop them.” Ron Bale glanced at his watch worriedly.

Braylen Stewart said through gritted teeth, “Should I contact Phantasma? We’ll let him handle this!”

“Okay. Make sure Phantasma destroys those machines!” Their eyes gleamed with malicious intent.

Phantasma was one of the mafia bosses in North Hampton. He ran a credit company, with most of his employees being thugs.

He was a ruthless man who would not hesitate to kill another person. Phantasma often did the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce’s biddings. It was a common thing for him to cripple others while dealing with those matters.

“We can rest assured if Phantasma handles this task.”

“He’s cruel and meticulous. What he does will never be traced back to us even if he murders someone.”

On a secluded highway in North Hampton.

A bunch of vicious-looking men placed plenty of nails on the road and parked multiple cars to block the path.

A long-haired man dress in a black outfit was seated inside an SUV parked aside. His fingers were covered with rings as he puffed on a cigar.

If one were to look closely, a pupil was missing from one of his eyes, so his appearance was indeed frightening like a ghost. The man was none other than the infamous Phantasma.

“Stay vigilant and work smart later on. They reminded us to cripple a few people as a warning to Morris Group…” Phantasma’s hoarse voice was capable of sending chills down others’ spines.
“Don’t worry, boss!”

Phantasma’s subordinates rubbed their palms together in excitement. Strapped around their waists were various sharp blades.

The logistic team finally arrived after a short while.

The logistic team was made up of thirty cars because the machines were worth up to five hundred million, after all.

The car leading the team came to an abrupt halt upon noticing the row of cars messily parked in the middle of the road.

The rest of the cars stopped as well.

Doug Rice was seated inside the car leading the team.

He was about to get out of the car and check out the situation when he saw over a dozen menacing-looking men advancing in his direction.

Doug was scared out of his wits.

Phantasma and his underlings walked up to the car and he knocked on the car window.

Doug was fearful as he looked at the batons in their hands. He immediately lowered the car window.

Phantasma croaked. “Are you from Morris Group?”

“Yes… That… That’s right…” Doug nodded.

“Okay. You may leave now, but those machines will have to stay.” Phantasma ordered.

“I can’t do that. We can’t leave without the equipment…” Doug said.

The rest of his sentence was stuck in his throat as Phantasma’s subordinates glared at him.

Doug immediately contacted Iris and informed him of the predicament.

Iris and the others were worried sick.

But Elena was unusually calm. “There’s no need to worry. Boss has arranged everything. All we have to do is wait here patiently.”

Phantasma led his men toward the back of the convoy afterward.

Although the Warzone Defense Research And Development Centre produced the equipment, the logistic team was not provided by the army. Instead, it was Doug Rice who had hired the logistic team.

Phantasma and his men would have fled in fright if they saw that it was a fleet of military vehicles.

All the carriages attached to the cars were covered by black drapes.

Phantasma and his men removed the black drapes and sized up the equipment underneath.

They smiled wickedly when they have ascertained all thirty cars to be loaded with the medical equipment.

Phantasma contacted Ron. “Mr. Bale, I’ve checked all thirty cars, and all of them are carrying the equipment.”

“Excellent! Destroy all the machines, Phantasma! Morris Group can dream about laying their hands on the equipment!” Ron said coldly.

“Okay. I will check the rest of the cars and destroy everything. I’ll also cripple a few men afterward.” Phantasma continued to examine the remaining vehicles.

The rest of the cars were loaded with accessories and spare parts of the machines.

In the end, there were only three cars left to check.

Phantasma felt panic rising within him at the sight of the last three cars. For some unknown reason, His left eyelid was twitching continuously.

With an apprehensive heart, Phantasma walked up to the cars.

He used his baton to part the drapes.

The interior of the car was dark, but he could make out a group of people inside.

One of Phantasma’s subordinates exclaimed, “There are so many people inside!”

Another man added. “These must be the workers to unload the equipment.”

Phantasma ordered harshly, “All of you, get out of the car! Someone come and part the drapes!”

Two of his underlings parted the drapes. Sunlight illuminated the dark interior at once.

Everyone was frightened when they saw the people sitting inside the car.

Phantasma and his men dropped their batons unwittingly. The cigarettes held between their lips fell as their jaws dropped.

Inside the car were over a dozen men dressed in military outfits. They were pointing their loaded guns at Phantasma and his subordinates.

No one expected to see a group of fully-armed soldiers inside the car.

“Did you just order us to get out of the car?” The company commander leading the group pressed his pistol against Phantasma’s head.
Levi took the cash and stashed the money into his wallet.

Iris shook her head and sighed at that sight. He’s willing to accept the money without any complaint. He really doesn’t deserve Zoey anymore.

Levi added. “You’re even tipping me? Did you strike gold earlier?”

Iris pointed at Morris Group. “Do you know this place?”

Levi nodded. “Of course. This place used to be Levi Group.”

“Yes. Morris Group had acquired Garrison Group. This company’s assets are worth more than ten billion now, so the prospect is something to behold. I am the newly-hired vice-president of Morris Group. I do not prioritize the salary, but they are paying me seventy million annually.” Iris explained to Levi as if that was an insignificant matter. I can earn this much money while I was abroad anyway. I applied for this job in Morris Group mainly to fulfill my dreams.

“Congratulations then!” Levi grinned. He added to himself internally. I’m afraid you will never know this. But I am your boss, I will be the one that get to decide the amount of your annual salary.

Levi brought Iris back to Bayview Garden.

She was stunned after taking a look at the house. “You bought this?” Iris asked with uncertainty.

“Oh, no. We rent this place.” Levi answered.

“Hahaha…” Iris laughed out loud. “Don’t you feel ashamed, Levi Garrison? You are asking Zoey to stay in a rental house with you? Let me guess, Zoey pays for the rent too?” There’s no way Levi can afford to pay the monthly rent for this place. A luxurious house like this costs at least ten thousand a month to rent.

Levi nodded. “Yes. Zoey is paying the rent.”

“If I married a man like you, I would’ve divorced you without any hesitation. You are just a burden to Zoey!” Iris glared at Levi. “Don’t you dare spew nonsense about love in front of me. If you do love Zoey, you should leave her with her best interest in your heart!”

Levi sneered. “You’re underestimating me too much, woman. Believe me when I say this. I’m the one that gave you and Zoey everything you have.”

Pffft! Iris rolled her eyes at Levi. Ridiculous! He’s outrageous. The only improvement I can see in him is his ability to talk big shamelessly.

“I don’t mind marrying you if what you said is the truth!” Iris trembled with rage.

“Remember what you just said. Do not regret your decision in the future.” Levi beamed at her.

Iris was about to lose her mind when she saw Levi sizing her up. He’s a scumbag!

She went into the guest room and slammed the door behind her, reluctant to see Levi’s face for a second longer.

In the afternoon, Zoey returned home earlier than expected.

“Let’s go out and celebrate your return to the country, Iris!” Zoey was very excited.

“Sure. It’s my treat today since I got the job!” Iris said with a smile.

“That’s great!” Zoey was genuinely happy for her best friend.

“There will be plenty of opportunities for us to collaborate in the future, Zoey. I’ll definitely help you out with the investments.”

“Let’s go and have our meal!”

Iris said to Zoey straightforwardly when she saw Levi coming out from his room. “I need to talk to you about an unpleasant matter.”

Zoey was confounded. “What do you mean?”

“You should divorce Levi.” Iris added. “I believe your parents and relatives will agree with me for you to split up with him.”

“What? Divorce?”
You must be joking right

Everyone got out of the car.

The rest of the soldiers in the other two cars got out as well.

Over a hundred armed soldiers surrounded Phantasma and his men while pointing their guns at them.

Phantasma and his subordinates were scared out of their wits. They were so close to losing bladder control.

The unexpected turn of events was completely unimaginable to Phantasma and the others.

Phantasma and his gang dropped their batons.

Some even succumbed to the heavy atmosphere as they slumped onto the ground.

Phantasma, with a gun pressed up against his head, was trembling fearfully. He raised his hands and shouted. “This is a misunderstanding! This is all just a misunderstanding!”

The company commander said with a stern voice, “I am the North Hampton Warzone Defense Research And Development Centre 8th platoon company commander, Boris Diaw, tasked to escort the medical equipment from the warzone to Morris Group! Who are you?”

Phantasma nearly passed out after listening to his introduction.

His subordinates were worse. Some had already fainted on the ground.

Most of them had already collapsed on the ground in fear.

They finally knew where Morris Group sourced out the equipment. They purchased from the Warzone Defense Research and Development Centre! No wonder there is a platoon of soldiers escorting them. Damn it! I regret taking up this job. I wouldn’t have the guts to even come here if I knew where this equipment came from! Ron Bale and his crappy friends scammed me!

Phantasma was on the verge of tears. Why didn’t you load these items into military vehicles? We would’ve fled immediately if that was the case!

“Arrest them!” Boris commanded.

Phantasma and his men were detained. They were aware of the implications following their arrests. Our lives are ruined. Completely ruined! But we must not expose our employer. Otherwise, even our family members will face trouble.

In the end, all the equipment arrived safely at Morris Group’s pharmaceutical factory.

The machines were finally installed after half a day’s work.

The materials procured by Iris had reached too.

They could begin their production starting that night.

Isaiah monitored the whole process as the technical advisor.

Levi tagged along with Isaiah to survey the factory.

Iris was surprised to see Levi. “Why are you here?”

“Why can’t I be here?” Levi answered with a question of his own.

Isaiah smiled awkwardly. “Ms. Anabelle, Mr. Ga… He followed me here…”

Clarity washed over Iris. “Oh, I understand now. No wonder Zoey said you found a job. Did Mr. Wade offer you a position because you are acquainted with him for so long?”

Levi beamed at her. “So what if that’s the case?”

“Fine. I’ll allow you to stay in Morris Group as one of the technical advisors for Zoey’s sake. But I am your superior from now on. You have to address me as Ms. Anabelle whenever you see me.” Iris said proudly.

Iris had always been a competitive person. She felt excited as she thought to herself. I swore to myself six years ago that I will surpass Levi Garrison when he established Levi Group. So I went abroad to further my career. I can’t help but feel a sense of achievement now that he’s my subordinate.

However, she failed to notice the odd expression on Isaiah and Elena’s faces.

The person in charge of the pharmaceutical factory, Luka Parker, reported, “We’ve calibrated all the equipment, Ms. Anabelle. We can start our production tonight.”

“Great! Ask everyone to be on standby. We will begin production at 8 o’clock tonight!”

Iris lamented after she was done with the arrangements, “Our boss is too mysterious, isn’t he?”

“That’s right. So is Mr. Atkinson. Both of them are often missing.” Doug and the others added.
Elena and Isaiah exchanged glances. They are indeed mysterious. All of you don’t even recognize him when he’s standing right before your eyes.

Iris said in front of everyone, “Our boss is amazing. He’s capable of purchasing the equipment from the Warzone Defense Research And Development Centre. My admiration for him grows more by the day.”

“Ms. Anabelle, since you’re still single, you should consider pursuing the boss if he’s single too.” Doug and the others teased her.

Iris nodded brazenly. “I will definitely pursue him if he’s single! I will become your lady boss in the future!”

Iris had grown accustomed to the culture abroad. She did not shy away from expressing her thoughts.

Levi frowned upon hearing her words. She’s hopeless for harboring an interest in her best friend’s husband.

Morris Group’s procurement spread like wild fire among North Hampton’s business world.

Countless were shocked to their cores, including the wealthiest man in North Hampton, Winston Gonzales. “Morris Group sure has the guts and capabilities to purchase the equipment under the Chamber’s supervision.”

The harsh reality hit the members of the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce harder than anyone else.

Ron Bale and the other councils of the Chamber were losing their minds.

They were overwhelmed by a sense of defeat after failing twice consecutively, in addition to Phantasma’s arrest. Our reputation will be dragged through the mud if the four noble families hear about this.

“Shall we cease all actions and assess their intention for now?” Ron and the others decided to stop targeting Morris Group temporarily.

Morris Group increased the rate of their production in secret in the last few days.

Levi could finally enter Morris Group freely after Iris appointed him as one of the technical advisors. There are not many people who know my identity anyway.

Nevertheless, Levi appeared to laze around most of the time in the outsiders’ eyes.. They would always see him drinking coffee and puffing on his cigarette while waiting to get off work.

Even Iris was barely suppressing her urge to rebuke Levi’s attitude.

However, none of them knew Levi was the one actually making all the most important decisions in the company.

One day, Azure Dragon and Kirin arrived at Levi’s office while he was sipping on his tea.

“I have something to tell you, Sir. They recently appointed someone to fill in the position of commander-in-chief in the North Hampton Warzone. They will be hosting an appointment ceremony. The vice commander-in-chief, Xander Hoyles, would like to invite you to attend the ceremony.” Azure Dragon said.

Levi smiled. “Do I have to go?”

Kirin answered, “Under normal circumstances, you do not have to attend. But the newly appointed commander-in-chief is someone you’re acquainted with. He’s even one of your subordinates!”

Levi pondered briefly. Then he said, “Could the person you’re talking about be the Iron Brigade’s first platoon commander-in-chief, Percy Covington?” Percy Covington is a brilliant soldier. But he retired from the frontline after suffering an injury. He’s been recuperating in the last two years. He’s my only subordinate who I think qualifies for the commander-in-chief position.

Kirin nodded. “Yes. That’s right. That person is Percy Covington!”

“Alright. Inform the North Hampton Warzone that I will be attending the commander-in-chief’s appointment ceremony. I must witness my subordinate’s moment of glory!” Levi ordered.

“Understood, Sir!”

All the soldiers in the North Hampton Warzone were exhilarated when they received the news of Levi’s participation, especially Xander Hoyles. He was beyond excited. I was worried he would not come previously. Now I can finally rest assured.

Xander Hoyles deliberately informed members of the four noble families, who were in control of the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce, Eric Robinson, Wallace Henderson, and the others.

Eric Robinson and his friends were so enlivened they nearly forgot about the matters related to Morris Group. These matters are insignificant when compared to this ground-shattering news.

“Has the most glorious moment of our lives arrived? We can finally meet with the protector of Erudia, the God of War, in person!”

“I can finally die in peace after having this opportunity to meet with the God of War!”
“We can even disregard Winston Gonzales if we become acquainted with the God of War!”

“That’s right! How many years have we live under Winston Gonzales’s oppression?”

Eric and his gang could not forget about their dispute with Winston Gonzales after all those years.

They wanted to utilize the opportunity to target him. Winston Gonzales has been restricting the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce from expanding our authority.

We will have to eliminate him if we wish to bring the Chamber to the next level. So this commander-in-chief’s appointment ceremony is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because only the God of War can overrule Winston Gonzales!

The North Hampton Chamber of Commerce decided to postpone all of its plans to prioritize the appointment ceremony. They could not care less about Morris Group’s progress at that moment.

Meanwhile, at the largest and most luxurious villa in North Hampton.

Every member of the Gonzales family had gathered.

Winston Gonzales was seated on an elevated platform in an imposing manner.

His sons and daughters were seated before him, while his grandchildren stood at the back of the room.

Winston Gonzales had built his empire from scratch, attaining the title of the richest man in North Hampton with his own effort.

His descendants did not bring shame to the family as they were all outstanding and extraordinary people.

Their talents bloomed in multiple fields, including the business, military, and political circles. That was the reason behind the Gonzales family’s steadfast power.

They were powerful not only because of their wealth but also because of their connections in every field that are comparable to the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce.

The Gonzales family outshone the Chamber because they were tied together by a familial bond.

For example, Winston Gonzales’s eldest son, Andy Gonzales. He was the youngest chief of staff in the warzone.

Andy said with a smile, “I have good news to tell you, father.”

“Oh? Do enlighten me.”

Winston Gonzales’s well-being had improved significantly lately.

“My warzone’s commander-in-chief position has been vacated for quite some time. They recently appointed someone to fill in the position. That man was a member of the Iron Brigade!”

The news piqued Winstone’s interest at once. “Oh? That’s great news!”

“Most importantly, the God of War will be attending the commander-in-chief’s appointment ceremony. He did not want to attend initially, but he changed his mind after knowing his subordinate was the man selected to hold the position.” Andy elaborated.

“Ah? The God of War? He will be attending?” Winston was invigorated instantaneously.

“That’s right. Moreover, the ceremony will have slots open to members of the society, and you are one of them!” Andy said.

“That means I can finally meet with the God of War?” Winston’s voice trembled agitatedly.

He had always admired the God of War. The aged man even went to the airport to welcome the God of War when he received news of his arrival at North Hampton. But alas, he was forced to return when a gun was pointed at his head.

He sent out multiple invitations to the God of War afterward but was rejected too.

“Yes. That’s right. You can even interact with him face-to-face.” Andy answered.

He was in charge of the appointment ceremony, including the attendees’ quota.

He was also responsible in arranging the flow of the event. So he knew there would be an interaction session after the ceremony.

“Oh my God! I can even talk to him? This is so exciting!” Winston stood up excitedly.

Even Una and the other younger members of the family were eyeing Andy with anticipation. “Are we allowed to attend too, Uncle?”

They were eager to meet with the legendary God of War as well.

“It’s difficult, but I’ll see what I can do… This is definitely a worthy experience for all of you to meet with the God of War.” Andy said.

“That’s right. I heard that the God of War is about the same age as Una and the others. He’s a very impressive man!” Winston said cheerfully.

The news of the commander-in-chief’s appointment ceremony spread within North Hampton’s community.

It was a golden opportunity for the public to meet with the God of War.

Some were even willing to pay millions to participate in the event.
Morris Group achieved great progress in that period of time. They had successfully produced the first batch of products and sent the finished products for quality control tests by the Quality Supervision Bureau.

They could market their products once they received the Bureau’s approval.

Everyone could not wait to witness the impactful effect their products would create in the market. They expected the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce to be taken by surprise by that time.

However, the few council members of the Chamber kept themselves updated with news related to that matter.

Ron even invited Tom, Charlie and Sasha to join in on their discussion.

“I want to ask your opinion on this matter. Why do you think Morris Group hired Isaiah Wade?” Ron and the other council members were confused by Morris Group’s intention, so they sought out the newcomers’ thoughts.

“Mr. Bale, frankly speaking, Isaiah is indeed a competent person. Perhaps Morris Group is trying to explore the medical technology market. Isaiah is a suitable candidate if that’s the case.” Tom explained.

“Is there any possibility that Isaiah possesses all the information on the core technology?” That was Ron and the other council member’s primary concern.

“That’s not possible! Back then, Levi Garrison handed one-third of the information to each of us to keep the balance. No one, not even Levi, is in possession of all the information unless the three of us get together.” Charlie said firmly.

The other two nodded in agreement.

“Haha, that means the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce is the only party who knows all about the core technology!” Ron laughed.

“Yes. That’s right.” The trio nodded again.

“But Morris Group has been acting mysteriously lately. I don’t know what they are doing. I’ve arranged my men to investigate, but nothing came up…” Ron sighed.

“You should’ve asked for my assistance, Mr. Bale.” Sasha grinned wickedly at him.


“That’s right. I can meet up with Isaiah! That cripple will listen to me. Even though I had a fall out with him, I am certain that he will inform me of everything if I flatter him a little. After all, I was the one who tricked him into telling me the last part of the information related to the core technology!”

“Okay. Then I will let you handle this matter. If you can obtain classified information about Morris Group this time, I will let you fill in the vice director’s position in my company’s PR department!”

“Don’t worry. I’ll show you my capabilities, Mr. Bale!”

Sasha was excited. That’s an executive-level position in Bale Group. I can finally become an official elite member of society.

Malicious intent glinted in Sasha’s eyes after she exited Bale Group’s building. “Do you think you are going to prosper in Morris Group, Isaiah Wade? Well, don’t you worry. I will report your wrongdoing to Morris Group for disclosing classified information after I trick you into telling me everything. I can guarantee your reputation will be ruined by that time. No company in the entire North Hampton will want to hire you in the future!”

They wanted to drive Isaiah to his death.

Meanwhile, Isaiah had been working hard in the factory’s frontline all this while.

He could finally breathed a sigh of relief after the finished products were sent for QC tests.

They subjected their products to two kinds of QC tests.

One batch of the products were sent to the Quality Supervision Bureau, while another batch was sent to the Warzone Defense Research And Development Centre.

Isaiah was confident in the quality of the products.

Levi found him just as he was about to work on refining the next product.

“Did you know why I forbade you from getting a divorce back then?” Levi asked all of a sudden.

Isaiah scratched and shook his head.

“We will be letting them off too easy if you divorce her just like that.” Levi smiled.

“Mr. Garrison, you’re saying…” Isaiah did not understand Levi’s intention.

“Let’s go. Come with me to a place.” Levi said.

“Okay. I’ll listen to you, Mr. Garrison.” Isaiah tagged along.

The two of them got into a car and went all the way to the suburbs.

They finally arrived at their destination after two hours.

Isaiah was terrified and dumbfounded as he looked at the buildings before his eyes.
The building in question was none other than the North Hampton Warzone Defense Research And Development Centre.

The head of the logistic department, Kyrie Duncan, welcomed Levi and Isaiah in person.

“There’s no need to raise a commotion. We are only here for a visit.” Levi said in a diminished tone.

Kyrie nodded.

Then he led Levi into the Defense Research And Development Centre facilities.

Isaiah was amazed.

They went straight toward the Quality Control Department.

Kyrie introduced Isaiah to his colleagues, “This is the main designer in producing this batch of products by Morris Group.”

Kyrie’s colleagues stared at Isaiah in surprise.

“You’re so impressive! We’ve tested the quality of your products, and they’re even better than the marketed products by the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce. This medical equipment will create a significant impact if it’s introduced into the market. This will definitely benefit the public!”

Turns out the Defense Research And Development Centre had completed the quality control tests and they were in awe by the designer’s prowess.

Levi brought Isaiah to interact with the technicians because he had an idea.

Levi said to Kyrie, “I think Isaiah is a suitable candidate to become the Defense Research And Development Centre’s technical advisor in medical equipment. What’s your opinion on this suggestion?”

Kyrie beamed at once. “That’s great! We do need more talents in this field. Our country’s advancement in medical technology is lagging compared to other nations. We will certainly flourish better with the addition of talents like Mr. Wade!”

“Alright. Then you will make the necessary arrangement. Also, provide him with a military rank.” Levi ordered.

“Okay. No problem. I will handle this immediately.”

Kyrie was done with all the arrangements in less than half an hour.

Isaiah looked at the identifications and the set of military outfit in a daze.

Feeling perplexed, he asked Levi. “Mr. Garrison, does this mean I am considered as a soldier now?”

“That’s right! You are now the technical advisor here! But you will have to work harder in the future because you will need to visit this place and guide them too.”

“I will not disappoint you!” Isaiah saluted Levi in a less professional manner.

He grasped the identification and regarded Levi with touching emotions in his heart. He is the man who provided me a second chance in life.

“Remember this. Put your knowledge to proper use. Serve the public and bring honor to our nation!” Levi patted his shoulder.

After Isaiah got off work in the night, Sasha called him unexpectedly.

“Can you spare some time to meet with me, Isaiah? I have something important to talk to you about. Let’s meet at 8 o’clock tonight at Silver Cross…”

Isaiah’s heart softened, listening to Sasha. She’s the woman I loved for over ten years, after all. Even her voice can easily sway my heart.

But Isaiah was sensible enough to seek Levi’s opinion on whether he should accept Sasha’s invitation.

“Of course! You must go. I’ll accompany you.” Levi responded.

In the end, Levi tagged along with Isaiah to Silver Cross.

Levi attached a spy camera on Isaiah and placed a recorder in his hand before entering the building.

“She’s committing extra-marital affairs. So we have to start gathering evidence. Do you know what I mean?” Levi asked.

“Understood!” Isaiah grasped the recorder in his hand. I swear to make that shameless couple pay for what they did!

Levi beamed at him. “Moreover, you’re the technical advisor at the Warzone Defense Research And Development Centre. That means you’re a soldier and her unfaithful act has disrupted a soldier’s marriage.

This offence can place them behind bars for the rest of their lives. Not to mention the other crimes they’ve committed, such as disclosing classified information, business fraud, and many more. They will suffer terribly once we collect sufficient evidence against them.”


Isaiah was stunned.
It dawned on him that he was a technical consultant for the Defense Research And Development Centre.

He was still married to Sasha.

What she was doing was sabotaging a military marriage.

Suddenly he understood why Levi would not let him get a divorce.

So this was the reason!

Yet, everything was legal as well as reasonable.

It was Sasha who was unfaithful to their marriage, was it not?

They had also been dishonest and leaked the core technology, had they not?

They deserved to face the consequences of their wrongdoing.

After regaining his composure, Isaiah came to the restaurant they had agreed upon.

What surprised him was that Sasha was not alone. Tom and Charlie were also there.

Seeing Isaiah limping in, Tom sneered, “Didn’t I say that this cripple would hobble over as soon as he hears Sasha’s voice?”

“Is this a dud or a man? He knows full well that his wife is sleeping around, yet he still comes the moment she calls! What a loser!” Charlie sneered.

Sasha kissed Charlie on the cheek, she laughed and said, “Why don’t you guys say it’s because I am irresistible?”

“Haha… that goes without saying!”

On purpose, Charlie grabbed Sasha right before Isaiah’s eyes.

Isaiah was shocked again.

He came to a sudden realization that this slut was not only cheating on him with Tom but was also having an affair with Charlie.

I have become a cuckold by the hands of my apprentices.

How adulterous is this woman in her private life?

She’s no different than a whore!

Isaiah suppressed his raging emotions and sat down in front of the three of them.

“You said you need to see me, right? What is it about?” Isaiah asked coldly.

“Since you’re here, I’ll be frank with you! Tell me what is going on in Morris Group? Tell me everything!”

Sasha did not even attempt to make some small talk. She went straight to the point.

Isaiah sneered, “Why would I tell you?”

“Haha, after being with Morris Group for a few days, you think you’ve grown strong? If you still love Sasha, tell us everything now!” Tom smirked.

Sasha put on a piteous look, beguiling him, “Isaiah, will you keep things from me? If you don’t tell me, I’ll get into trouble…”

“No way! These are company secrets which I cannot reveal to you. You have tricked me before but I won’t fall for your tricks again.”

Isaiah was firm, unlike before.

However, Sasha and the two adulterers merely smiled.

Evidently, they had already thought of a way to handle Isaiah’s determination.

“You won’t tell us? Don’t force us to make you do it!” Charlie said threateningly.

“Are you going to beat me up?”

Isaiah knew he had Levi backing him, so he was not the least afraid.

“You think we won’t beat you? Let me tell you this. Six years ago, I sent some men to break your leg. At that time, I was already sleeping with your wife!” Tom laughed as he said this.


The news hit Isaiah like a bolt of thunder.

“Remember the forty million in your account? We’re the ones that took it, it was not used to fill the public funds!” Charlie said with a sneer.

Isaiah clenched his fists so tight that his veins popped out.

Sasha laughed and said, “Isaiah, if you don’t tell me what’s Morris Group planning, I’ll shame you in public!”

“Huh? What do you mean?” Isaiah asked in puzzlement.

“Isn’t your dignity the most important thing to you all this while? If you don’t tell me, I’ll tell the crowd here that you are my husband. Then, I will kiss these two men!”

Sasha cackled.

Her plan was to do something so immoral in public before her husband’s very eyes.

This was every man’s worst insult.

There have been men who had jumped off tall buildings when they were insulted by their wives in this way.

Those were men like Isaiah who valued their pride above all else.

They could never accept the disgrace their wives brought to them.
Sasha knew Isaiah’s character and his temperament.

She knew that he valued his pride and would never allow that to happen.

So she attacked his weak point!

“You… you, slut!”

As expected, Isaiah was provoked.

He nearly jumped to his feet, clenched his fists and shouted in anger.

If everyone knew his wife was unfaithful and acted shamelessly right in front of him, he would not be able to control himself.

He just could not accept this.

“Well? Aren’t you telling us?”

Seeing Isaiah struggling with himself, Sasha felt untold pleasure.

She could abuse Isaiah any time she wished.

Just when Isaiah was struggling within, Levi’s voice came through the hidden earpiece in his ear, “Let her do it! Isn’t that exactly the evidence we need?”

Levi had been watching the whole scene unfold before him through remote cameras.

Levi’s words brought Isaiah to his senses. That’s right!

Aren’t I here to gather evidence?

What Sasha is threatening to do is exactly the evidence I need!

Isaiah shot daggers at her and spat angrily, “You dare to do it?”

“Why won’t I dare?”

Sasha laughed.

She stood up and spoke to the people around her, “Everyone, look this way!”

The crowd did not know what was going on, but they looked anyway.

Sasha was observing Isaiah all the while.

Though Isaiah was angry, he did not try to stop her.

When she saw him unmoving, she knew she had to up her game.

“Everyone look here. This is my husband, a cripple!”

“And now he’s pushing me to other men!” Sasha shouted loudly.

Everyone looked towards Isaiah.

Isaiah spoke angrily, “You are the one who has been unfaithful. Why do you say I’m pushing you to them?”

Seeing how stubborn Isaiah was, Charlie stood up, sneering, “That’s right! Your wife has been cheating on you!”

Tom laughed in a perverted way, “Both of us have been sleeping with your wife for six years! You’re just a cripple! You can’t do anything!”

“We have been taking care of your wife. What can you do about it?”

They felt no shame at all, going public.

He knew with the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce backing them, this would not be reported in the news.

That was the reason why he was so reckless in order to force Isaiah to speak out.

Sasha then kissed Tom and Charlie on their faces, she laughed and said, “You cripple, I have been cheating on you. But what can you do about it?”

As Sasha and the two men flaunt their immoral acts in public, Isaiah felt his last shred of dignity left him.

Isaiah was furious to breaking point!

Yet, he suppressed his fury .

He felt emotionally unstable.

Sasha and the two men were surprised.

How can this cripple tolerate such act?

This is unbelievable!

“You cripple, you really won’t tell us? Alright, then! Divorce! We will get a divorce!”

Seeing Isaiah standing firm, Sasha changed her tactics and threatened to divorce him.

Isaiah stood up, “Hmph! Let’s do it. We’ll get a divorce as you wish!”

With that, Isaiah turned and started to leave.

Sasha and the two men were dumbfounded.

Something’s not right!

Why did Isaiah not respond to the carrot or the stick?

No! We can’t let him leave without the information we need about Morris Group.

They hurriedly caught up to him.

“Isaiah! You cripple, you can’t leave!”

The three of them were about to stop Isaiah when a man suddenly stepped out in front of them. The man was none other than Levi.

“Move aside, this is between us and Isaiah. It’s none of your business!”

Charlie and Tom tried to push Levi aside but it felt as if they were pushing at a mountain with their bare hands. Levi did not budge at all.

“Get lost!”

They were about to attack Levi.



Somehow, Levi landed two hard slaps on Charlie and Tom’s faces.

The slap threw the men a few meters away and a few of their teeth flew out.
Everyone looked at Levi in disbelief.

How is he so strong?

“Aren’t you going to scram?” Levi asked coldly, glaring at the bewildered Sasha.

Sasha ran off immediately.

Levi then left with Isaiah.

“Levi, Isaiah, we won’t forget this. Just watch out, we’re going to get you for this.”

As they watched Levi and Isaiah depart, Charlie and Tom were full of anger and hatred.

Before Sasha left, she asked the crowd if anyone had taken photos or video clips.

After confirming that no one did, only then did they leave.

After leaving the restaurant, Isaiah bawled his eyes out.

He was just an ordinary guy who wanted to live a peaceful life.

However, these scoundrels had victimized him and changed his outlook.

How cruel of them to treat him this way.

“I know you still have a glimmer of hope in your heart for Sasha before. But you can finally see the situation clearly now, don’t you?” Levi asked.

“It’s clear now!”

“Mr. Garrison, after this, I shall gather and list down all the evidence properly! I’ll make sure these three bastards stay in prison for the rest of their lives!”

Before this, Isaiah did not have the heart to punish Sasha, but now his mind was made up.

His last vestige of love for her had been completely used up!

“Hmm, good.”

Meanwhile, Charlie and Tom were not satisfied to let things be.

“No! Levi must be crippled, too. I will break Isaiah’s other leg as well!” Tom covered his face with his hand, speaking coldly.

Charlie nodded his head in agreement, “Exactly, these two must be crippled!”

Sasha said quietly, “Shall I contact the hitmen?”

“Yes, who can you get?” The two men asked in unison.

Sasha smiled, “I know some people from a gym. A few of them are Kickboxing coaches who have worked as hitmen before in the underground society of gangsters. One of them had just been released from prison. They are ruthless. If they do the job, Levi and Isaiah will never be able to use their limbs again.”

“Great! You go and get these people. Tomorrow, we shall turn those wretches into cripples!” The two men said angrily.

After a night of collecting and sorting, the required evidence was complete.

Just as Isaiah was thinking about the next step, he received a call from Sasha unexpectedly.

“Isaiah, can you come over for a while? I realize I was wrong! I’m not fit to be your wife. Let’s divorce, alright? I don’t want to be a burden to you anymore.”

Sasha sounded humble in order to trick Isaiah into walking into her trap.

“Alright, let’s divorce, then!”

Isaiah agreed to her request.

“Can you also ask Levi to come along and be a witness?” Sasha asked.

Isaiah lifted his eyes to look at Levi and the latter nodded his head in agreement.

“Fine, Mr. Garrison agreed.” Isaiah replied.

“Okay, we’ll be waiting for you at Youth Troupe Commercial Building 2009, opposite the Civil Affairs Bureau!”

Sasha heaved a sigh of relief.

They were ready.

Several muscular fitness coaches were already on standby.

Steel pipes had been prepared.

“Isaiah, you’re really a fool to come whenever I beckon you.”

Sasha smiled, her expression full of malice and cruelty.

Levi and Isaiah were ready to leave for the meeting.

Isaiah called the relevant department, “Hello, how are you? I am reporting someone disrupting a military marriage. I’m serving in Defense Research And Development Centre. My Id is ISA-4031. Yes, that is correct. I have the evidence. The location is Youth Troupe Commercial Building 2009.”

In addition, he called the commercial crime investigation department and told them about Sasha’s commercial and other crimes.

“Come on, let’s go and watch the show!”

Levi and Isaiah arrived at the Youth Troupe Commercial Building and entered room 2009.


The door slammed shut.

Several huge strong men appeared before them holding steel pipes…
The muscles of these seven to eight people were well-developed, especially the biceps, which were as big as human heads.

The muscles lining the arms and legs bulged so much that they look like there were snakes hidden under their skin.

In addition, they were huge and looked more terrifying than normal gangsters.

These were physiques trained in the gym with the help of protein supplements. They may not be real fighters but their size were frightening enough.

The moment they appeared, Isaiah got the shock of his life.

In their presence, he felt small.

Their arms were bigger than his thighs. Just one punch would be enough to kill him, he thought.

Inside the room, Sasha, accompanied by Charlie and Tom, approached step by step.

One side of Tom’s face was swollen, and the same can be said for Charlie as well. They gazed at Levi with malicious intents.

“Haha, Isaiah, are you stupid? You just come whenever I asked you to?” Sasha laughed aloud.

She looked at Isaiah as if he was a retard.

Tom sneered, “Levi, something is definitely wrong with your brain. I didn’t expect you to tag along with him without any hesitation.”

Levi laughed, “This concerns my staff, I’m going to see it through!”

Isaiah was very touched.

If not for Levi, he wondered how these three would continue to use and abuse him.

Isaiah said anxiously, “You… what are you trying to do?”

Charlie looked at Isaiah’s left leg and said with a sneer, “Isn’t it obvious? We want to cripple this leg as well!”

Sasha’s face was pure evil as she said, “That’s right, Isaiah, you dare to defy me. I guarantee for the rest of your life, you can only crawl around.”

Charlie and Tom turned their gaze towards Levi, “Rest assured, we have not forgotten about you, Mr. Garrison. You dared to attack us both, didn’t you? Apparently, you must have forgotten how your leg was broken 6 years ago!”

“Yeah, you recovered after a stint in prison, didn’t you? Today, we will cripple you so Isaiah will have company!”


The three of them looked at each other and laughed hysterically.

In their eyes, with these ruthless fitness coaches as their henchmen, there was no escape for Levi and Isaiah.

“You people are so cruel. Aren’t you afraid of karma?” Isaiah asked.

“Karma? Is there even such a thing? We have enjoyed ourselves throughout these six years, haven’t we? So what Karma are you talking about?”

The three of them laughed gleefully again.

“You… are shameless! Beasts!”

Isaiah who was just a simple, honest and law-abiding citizen was bullied to the extent where he cursed aloud.

Sasha glanced at the two of them and guffawed, “Now, if you both kneel down and apologize, perhaps we will consider letting you off the hook!”

As she spoke, those fitness coaches took a step forward.

They waved the steel pipes held in their hands.

Isaiah was scared out of his wits.

His body was shaking continuously.

Sasha and her two adulterous partners laughed mockingly at the sight of him trembling, “What a worthless trash! Even though Levi is a good-for-nothing himself, at least he is slightly better than you.”

Levi smiled and sat down on a chair nearby.

He crossed his legs and even lit a cigarette.

He did not look even a bit anxious.

The trio were dumbfounded by his actions.

Sasha asked him, “Levi, aren’t you scared? I’m telling you. If you would kneel before me and crawl on the floor between my legs, I’ll let you off the hook this time!”

“And us, too! Mr. Garrison, if you would crawl on the floor between our legs, we will let you live!”

Tom and Charlie were eager to see Levi crawl on the floor under them.

After all, he was their former boss!

This demeaning act would really satisfy their ego!

Levi took a puff of his cigarette, he smiled and said, “If you would kneel down before me, perhaps, I’ll consider putting in a good word for you!”
Zoey and Iris were petrified. They were slightly convinced by Levi’s statement at that moment. This is the only logical explanation. Firstly, they chased all the other patrons away upon our arrival, then they served all their finest dishes to us for free, not to forget, the manager of this restaurant actually cleaned Levi’s shoes for him!

Iris’s phone rang all of a sudden. Her lips curved upward after she looked at the screen. I asked a friend to investigate this restaurant’s information after sensing the odd atmosphere. And I’ve received the reply now. Leo Rogers is the single owner of Royale Club Restaurant.

“Hahaha… How dare you tell us this restaurant belongs to you, Levi Garrison?” Iris questioned him.

“That’s right. Is there a problem?” Levi admitted magnanimously.

Iris glowered at him and handed her phone to Zoey.

All the colors drained from Zoey’s face after reading the message. We were both astounded by Levi’s statement earlier. We really thought he’s the owner of this restaurant.

Zoey smiled. “Please don’t mind him, Iris. Levi likes to joke around.”

Iris sneered. “I realized that earlier. He’s full of big-talks. Can you show us your business license, Mr. Palmer?”

Iris was a meticulous person. She wanted to expose Levi’s lie with evidence.

Alger had no other choice but to show her the business license.

Iris slammed the business license in front of Levi. “Look intently at this. Do you see who’s the owner of this restaurant? This place belongs to Leo Rogers! Do you see your name anywhere on this license?”

Alger retorted internally. He could have the entire Rogers family with a single word.

Iris chided at Levi’s silence. “Please think before you speak in the future, especially when you’re in public spaces. Please do not bring shame to Zoey’s good name!”

Zoey was still puzzled by everything that had happened. She whispered at her best friend. “What’s going on, Iris? Why are we receiving this kind of ultra-luxurious treatment?”

Iris frowned. “The only explanation I can think of is because of my status as Morris Group’s vice-president. Most people already know that Mr. Atkinson purchased Levi Group and Garrison Group from the Rogers family. I suppose the Rogers family is treating Mr. Atkinson like a VVIP now. So it is logical for me, his vice-president, to receive similar treatments too.”

Zoey was amazed. “Mr. Atkinson is so impressive! But I guess this is not a surprise. Someone who have the capabilities to deal with the Rogers family must be a distinguished man.”

Iris smirked. “Let me tell you a secret, Zoey. Neil Atkinson is actually just an employee.”

Zoey was taken aback. She asked in disbelief. “Are you telling me there’s someone else who’s in control of Morris Group?”

Iris nodded. “That’s right. I only knew about this after Neil Atkinson informed me that it was actually the real owner of Morris Group who interviewed me virtually. He’s indeed a formidable man. He outshines all the other exceptional men I’ve met in my field in terms of his thought process and his vision of the company’s prospects. It is not an exaggeration to say that I’m his fan now!”

Admiration glinted in Iris’s eyes as she described Levi’s abilities. She was truly captivated by Levi’s competency that day.

Levi, who was enjoying his lobsters at the side, smiled. I did not expect Iris Anabelle to become my fan now.

“Really? Then I suppose he’s someone that’s old with a lot of experiences?” Zoey asked curiously.

“That’s not it. Mr. Atkinson told me he’s a young man, about the same age as your Levi Garrison.”
You are quite on point Iris
At that moment, Isaiah came to a full realization of the situation and he pointed his finger at Sasha, saying, “That’s right! Sasha and you two other, worthless beasts. Kneel before me and I’ll give you a lighter sentence. Otherwise, you three wretches will definitely regret it!”

At the words of Levi and Isaiah, the trio were stunned.

Have Levi and Isaiah gone crazy?

Don’t they understand the situation?

They’re the ones facing a disaster, don’t they know that?

We are not the ones stuck in a sticky situation!

At Isaiah’s words, Sasha and her gang were furious.

“Are you not aware of it yet? You three are dumb asses!” Isaiah sneered.

He had never seen anyone so foolish before.

Sasha screamed, “Bash them up! Kill them! I want them to crawl out of here by the time we’re done!”

The fitness coaches who were already impatient to attack rushed towards Levi and Isaiah, waving the steel pipes held in their hands.


At that precise moment, the locked door was burst open suddenly by force.

In the next moment, a group of uniformed men rushed in.

They were patrolling police and army guards.

“Don’t move! Put down your weapons!”

“Don’t move!”

The group of fitness instructors did not even have the time to respond before they were all struck down onto the floor.

The sudden pain that hit them as they struck the floor finally brought them to their senses.

It turned out that their attackers were the troops and patrols.

It’s over!

We’re doomed.

Using her sex appeal, Sasha had lured the fitness instructors here to beat up Levi and Isaiah.

Never did the muscle men had imagine that they would get into this type of trouble!

However, it was not only them, Sasha and her two male partners were in a world of troubles as well.

Tom looked at Levi and Isaiah in disbelief and shock, he said, “You reported to the police?”

“Not exactly. They’re here to see you for other reasons, but since they happened to see that you’re armed, I guess they’ll have to add another charge!” Levi smiled as he explained.

Sasha and her partners in crime looked on in astonishment.

If it’s only a police report, only the patrolling police should be there.

Why is it that the troops are also here?

They felt puzzled!

They were confused and bewildered!

The Captain of the West Point Detachment, Timothy Lourdes led the team. He issued the arrest warrant, “According to conclusive evidence, Sasha and the three of you have committed crimes of intentional injury, commercial fraud, embezzlement of public funds, disclosure of company secrets and so on. You are now under arrest!”

“Oh, that’s right! There’s two more charges, namely immoral activities outside of marriage and armed assault!” Timothy added.

After all, everyone had seen what they were doing moments ago.

These charges were by no means, trivial.

To make matters worse, there were more to be added!

Hearing these, the three were shocked.

It was the end for them.

All their crimes had been discovered and brought to light.

They had to confess as it was obvious.

However, what did the troops appearance mean?

Why are the troops here?

The three criminals were stupefied!

At this time, the first officer with the rank of lieutenant came to Sasha and her partners in crime. He showed them his credentials and said: “I am Kenneth Wayne from the Political Department of the North Hampton Warzone! According to conclusive evidence, the three of you are suspected of sabotaging a military marriage! The Joint Law Enforcement Agency is hereby putting you under arrest! Any objections?”

“What? Sabotaging of a military marriage?”

The three of them widened their eyes in disbelief.

No doubt, Sasha had been immoral in having extra-marital affairs.

But how does that involve any military marriage?

Isaiah is not the member of any troop!

Which military marriage did they get involved in?

“Sir, I have objections. Where did the military marriage come from? We don’t understand!”

Tom asked the question.

“Right! When did we commit any military marriage crime? Sir, have you made a mistake?”

Sasha and Charlie’s eyes were full of bewilderment and they were puzzled.
Kenneth Wayne cast a glance at Isaiah and said, “He works for the National Military, so Sasha having an affair is considered as violating the military marriage law.”

“What?! He is a military personnel? No he can’t be. I’ve been with him for ten years, how can I not know if he is?”

Sasha was totally bewildered.

Tom and Charlie were both puzzled, “Yeah! What type of soldier is Isaiah?”

Kenneth sneered, “Comrade Isaiah is in the Defense Research And Development Centre Technical Team! He is of course, considered a soldier, isn’t he?”

“What? Why didn’t I know that?”

Sasha and the other two adulterers were so frightened that their hearts leapt to their throats.

Isaiah came before the three of them, took out his Identity card and waved it in front of them.

Their eyes widened in surprise as they read the information and seal on the card. Terrified, they broke out in cold sweat.

It’s real…

Isaiah is really working for the Defense Research And Development Centre!

When did this happen?

How could I not know?

Sasha’s eyes opened so wide in surprise that it seemed like they would pop out anytime…

Tom suddenly came to a realization and he stared at Levi in horror, “Now I know why you didn’t allow the divorce to go through last time. Was this the reason?”

Levi smiled and said, “Well, it was a coincidence! No matter what, I would not let this woman dissolve the marriage so easily. Unforeseen by us, Isaiah’s performance for the Centre was outstanding and he got the offer to work for them as a technical consultant. So naturally, what you are doing now is against the military’s marriage law.”


Tom was so agitated that he almost fainted while Sasha and Charlie looked at each other in desperation.

They had fallen into Levi’s trap!

Even though Isaiah only commenced his job at the Centre just recently, sabotaging a military marriage was a serious crime. They would face the consequences of their heinous actions.

Seeing the three of them in this state, Isaiah felt vindicated.

He laughed, “Hahaha, never did the three of you expect this day, did you? Didn’t you say that there is no karma? Now you know, karma does exist. You just have to wait for it!”

A new thought occurred to Tom and he asked, “Do you have evidence to prove that I am violating the law?”

Thought that there was hope, Sasha joined, “Yeah, show us the proof of what you accused us of.”

Hearing this, Levi laughed.

He took out a USB memory disk and projected a video on the wall.

It was a video taken yesterday of the three humiliating Isaiah.

Not only did they admit to adultery, but they also confessed to embezzlement of public funds and malicious wounding.

“You bast*rd! You have a camera and microphone on you?!”

After knowing the truth, Sasha and the other two went crazy.

Yesterday, they made sure to check if the crowd had taken any videos or photos but they didn’t check on Isaiah.

“So what else have you got to say?” Kenneth Wayne asked.

He exchanged glances with Timothy Lourdes.

Everything that had happened earlier was mind-blowing to the three.

They would spend years in prison!

Levi waved his hand, saying, “Please leave us for now. I want to talk to them in private.”

Kenneth and Timothy left them and waited outside the door.

Looking at the three, Levi laughed, “Isaiah, I told you. They are going to regret their actions one day. How do you feel now?”

“Never better! Serves you right!” Isaiah shouted.

Sasha was so anxious that she was about to cry.


She fell on her knees, hugging his legs. The woman wept and cried, “Isaiah, forgive me this once. I swear I’ll be a good wife and mother in future. I will not mess around anymore!”

“It’s true. We’re wrong! Master, please forgive us!”
They believed that if Isaiah spoke up for them, they would have a chance. At the very least, they could spend less time in jail.

“Slut, you are not worthy of me. Get lost!” Smack!

Isaiah fiercely slapped her on the face.

Slam! Wham! Smack!

“And you beasts! You are unworthy to be my students! Scram!”

Isaiah ferociously kicked the two men a few times.

“No… please…”

Sasha and the two men regretted.

In their whole lives, they regretted this moment the most!

In the end, Sasha, the two men, and the fitness trainers were all taken away.

What awaited them were years of imprisonment!

By afternoon, due to their social status, everyone soon heard the news about Tom and Charlie.

Ron and the others were shocked.

Could this be the end of Levi Group’s two traitors?

This showed that Morris Group was very powerful!

The four giants in the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce were still busy with the commander-in-chief at the ceremony, so they had no time to take care of them.

“Fortunately, the technologies of the Levi Group were leaked by themselves. Otherwise, we would be in trouble this time.” Ron said with relief.

“Yeah, it’s a good thing we were not involved!” Braylen Stewart added.

Wildan Saenz wondered, “We have underestimated the Morris Group. I think they are up to something really big.”

“Agree. However, the Morris Group is so secretive!” Ron said.

Not knowing what your competitors were doing could be a worrisome factor.

At this moment, Xawery Yount rushed in breathlessly.

“I know what the Morris Group is doing.”

Gulping some water, Xawery Yount continued, “They have produced a batch of medical devices, but I don’t know more details of it. Now all of it has been sent to the Quality Inspection Bureau for testing! If they pass the inspection, it will be mass-produced and listed!”

“Who gave you this information?” Wildan Saenz asked.

“A distant cousin of mine who happens to work in the Bureau told me.” Xawery Yount replied.

“It doesn’t matter what Morris Group has produced. We’ll sabotage everything they do.” Ron and the others arrived at this decision.

Xawery Yount smiled, “That’s easy! That is in my relative’s jurisdiction! Without doubt, we can undermine Morris Group’s progress!”

Ron smiled, “Good. No matter what products the Morris Group sends in for inspection, reject them will do!”

Wildan Saenz asked, “Fred, why don’t you ask that cousin of yours to join us sometime? We can’t keep asking him to run errands for us for nothing.”

“Yeah. We will be asking him for help quite often in the future.” Braylen Stewart went along.

“Well, how about dinner at Lufthansa Club tonight? My treat. Let’s invite him!” Ron stood up and announced with a laugh.

The next day, at the Morris Group head office.

Everyone was waiting for the good news from the Quality Inspection Bureau, hoping to start expanding their production line.

Right on time, a vehicle drove up to the entrance and three officers came out of the car.

Iris personally went to receive the visitors.

The leader, a young man, looked at Iris and the others with disdain.

He threw the quality inspection report to Iris and sneered, “What is the Morris Group trying to do? Do you really plan to launch this kind of bad product into the market? What you have produced is a medical device! What if something happens to the users? Can you bear the consequences?”

“Oh? What is the matter? Did it fail the test?” Isaiah asked in a low voice.

“Yes, terribly!”
His two companions said in confirmation, “That’s right. We tested it three times and it failed all of it! Your product is of inferior quality!”

The young man Tony looked at Iris with disgust in his eyes, saying, “Morris Group, I’m warning you. If you continue to send in product like this, I will still reject them!”

“Hmph, you guys better think over it! The inspection result was way below acceptable!”

“The next test is in a week’s time!”

Tony left quickly after that.

Morris Group was not given even a chance to appeal!

Iris and the others hurriedly read the quality inspection report.

Finished reading, everyone was furious.

The reason was exasperating.

Iris and the team suspected that the quality inspection department had failed the product without even examining it.

The issues they had highlighted on were totally irrelevant to their products.

It was ridiculous!

Immediately, they realized that someone had sabotaged them.

The inspectors must have failed their product on purpose.

They didn’t want Morris Group’s products to be launched.

At this point, Levi walked leisurely toward them.

“What happened?” He asked.

Someone walked him through the situation and Levi was shocked.

It was impossible for that procedure to go wrong.

Seems like they have someone in the Bureau.

“Alright. I’ll bring the product to the Bureau personally this afternoon and insist for an inspection on the spot! Let’s see who dares to fail it. After all, this has been approved by the Defense Research And Development Centre!” Levi said.

“Will this work?” Iris asked.

“Do you have other alternative?”

Iris was silenced by Levi’s question.

Everyone in the Morris Group was anxious.

On the contrary, Levi was calm, sipping his tea and smoking.

In the office, he sat leaning against the back of his chair.

Then he dialed Jesse Nielsen’s number, “Jesse, I’ll go straight to the point. Who is in charge of Quality Inspection Bureau?”


“Good. Please tell him that I’m inviting him over to Morris Group for some tea!” Levi smiled and said.

After that, he called the Logistics Minister and asked him to invite Samson, the person-in-charge for DRDC’s Quality Inspection Department over to Morris Group as well.

Shortly, Samson arrived.

To him, this was definitely the highlight of his life.

Him having tea with the God of War? Man he could brag this forever!

Even the deputy commander-in-chief would envy him.

However, there’s a reason why Samson was invited.

He was asked to bring the quality inspection report of the medical instrument.

Not long afterwards, Cameron arrived in a state of panic.

He left his meeting in a hurry as soon as he heard about Levi’s invitation.

“Captain Cameron, don’t be nervous. Take a seat!”

Levi smiled as he spoke.

The trembling man obediently sat down on Levi’s sofa.

The host waved his hand and Azure Dragon poured Cameron a cup of tea.

Holding the cup in his hands, Cameron dared not take a sip.

This important man wouldn’t summon me here for nothing.

“Captain Cameron, do you know why I’m looking for you? Levi asked.

Cameron stood up immediately, shook his head and replied, “Chief, please enlighten me!”

“Recently, Morris Group has produced a batch of medical devices and sent them to your department for quality inspection. Are you aware of this?” Levi asked.

Cameron shook his head, “I am not. My subordinates didn’t inform me anything about it.”
“Oh, okay! Then let me do it. Not long ago, someone from your department delivered this, and told me that those medical devices are way below the passing grades. Not only that, but he also threatened to reject whatever products we send in for inspection!” Levi said.

“Huh? Did this really happen?”

Anxious, Cameron broke out in cold sweat.

“Shh… Let me finish. Before these devices reached the Bureau, I sent it to the Defense Research And Development Centre for quality inspection. After all, they will be used in the medical industry, and I don’t want any issues. Guess what? Not only were they qualified, but the results were also perfect in every aspect!”

Levi glanced at Samson and smiled, saying, “Let me introduce you to Samson, the head of the Quality Inspection Department from DRDC.”

Samson handed the report to Cameron, “Captain Cameron, we tested this product five times, and not once did it fail the test. In fact, it is way better than all of the models available in the market.”

With trembling knees, Cameron started flipping through the report.

At the same time, Levi handed another stack of document to him and said, “Captain Cameron, now this is from your department.”

Finished reading everything, Cameron nearly fainted from fright.

The second report’s content was obviously nonsense.

They clearly did not know what product they were analyzing, and simply rejected it.

Cameron was furious.

This was done on purpose by somebody.

How can this somebody be in my department?

Worst of all, it involves the God of War!

Isn’t he courting for death?

Levi smiled, “Luckily I was careful about the inspection and sent this to Samson first. Otherwise, I’ll be doomed!”

“Chief, it’s my fault! I did not discipline my staff enough!” Cameron bowed and said.

“Alright then. Now that we know where the problem lies, let’s solve it. Conduct the second inspection now and I’ll come along. I am sure it will pass, won’t it? Said Levi while he started moving toward the door.

That tone sent chill down Cameron’s spine.

He knew that this was serious.

Immediately, he went along.

So did Samson.

Azure Dragon drove them to the Bureau.

There were several cars parked at the entrance as well.

Those senior managers from Ron’s side were spotted coming down from the vehicles.

Tony came out personally to greet them with a big smile on his face.

Levi got down from the car, but he instructed Cameron to remain inside.

When Tony saw the group, he snorted, “Hey Morris Group, what brings you here again?”

Hearing the name ‘Morris Group’, smirks were evident on Ron and his subordinates’ faces.

Morris Group wants a recheck?

Dream it!

Levi smiled, “Obviously, we are here for a second inspection.”

Tony immediately replied, “Are you all deaf? Didn’t I say come back in a week?”

“A week? Since when there is such regulation?”

Not losing his gentlemanly smile, Levi said again, “Besides, there is no issue with our product. Can’t we appeal?”

Ron and his men laughed, “I guess you’re here to cause trouble. Didn’t you hear Tony? Come back after one week. As business organizations, we have to abide by regulations!”

“That’s right. Guys, learn from the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce!” Tony said in agreement.

“Please enlighten me. Who made the rule for that one week timeframe?” Levi asked coldly.

Tony replied angrily, “I did. So what?”

“So your word is law in the Bureau?”

“That’s right!”
Tony was really arrogant, acting almighty.

“That’s true. Captain Tony is in charge of the report section. If he says you pass, you pass!”

“Exactly. If he wishes to fail any product, there you go. In the Bureau, Captain Tony’s word is law!”

In reply, Xawery Yount and Ron laughed.

Tony looked at Levi with disdain, “Today, the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce has also sent their products in for quality inspection. I don’t even need to run through any analysis, and I’ll give them a pass!”

As he spoke, his assistant who was on standby, handed Ron the quality inspection report.

Everyone present watched in disbelief…


Taking over the report, Ron looked at Levi and laughed, “Now you know who is the man in charge of the Bureau.”

Tony glared at Levi and barked angrily, “Now get lost! I’m telling you. Within these six months, I will not pass any products you send in!”

“So powerful, aren’t you? Do the Bureau Chief has to obey your word as well?” Levi sneered in reply.

Tony was taken aback at first but he quickly recovered and laughed, “Of course! Captain Cameron is my mentor who personally brought me into this department! He listens to all my words!”

“So loser, if you have any wild wishes that I’ll pass your product, drop it!”

Levi listened to Tony’s rhetoric.

With a meaningful smile, he shouted toward his car, “Captain Cameron, did you hear that? In the Bureau, Tony’s word is law. Have you been vacated from your position?”

“Hmm? Captain Cameron?”

Tony and his group were stunned. They looked around but saw no one.

“Who are you trying to bluff? Too bad it won’t work! Even if he were here, he would obey me!”

Tony was masquerading ridiculously!

“Tony, you scoundrel! When did the Bureau come under your control?”

Suddenly, an angry voice was heard coming from the car and someone got down in a rage.

“Chief… Chief Cam… I… Yo-you…”

Looking at the person storming toward him, Tony was stupefied and his mouth trembled, unable to speak coherently.

“No, no, no, you are the Chief! I’m your subordinate! Your word is the law here!” Cameron was so furious that he felt like giving Tony a few slaps across his face.

“Chief Cameron, I-I’m sorry… I did not mean what I said!”

Tony almost knelt in front of Cameron.

“What about your arrogant attitude barely a moment ago? Aren’t you the boss here?” Cameron snorted.

“No, Chief Cameron. Master, I was wrong… I didn’t mean to overstep you! I just wanted to share your worries!” Tony spoke hurriedly.

Cameron pointed his finger at Tony’s nose, “You are fired! Never ever step into the Bureau again!”


This was a real blow to Tony, Ron and his men.

How could Tony be fired!

Tony asked incredulously, “Master… why? What did I do wrong?”

“You deliberately abused your position to sabotage the Morris Group! Was that not enough?” Cameron shouted furiously.

“No no no. Master, their products are indeed not up to par!”

Even at this point, Tony tried to argue.

Upon hearing that, Cameron’s face became black as thunder and he spoke angrily, “Then tell me. What products did Morris Group send in?”

Tony was really arrogant, acting almighty. “That’s true. Captain Tony is in charge of the report section. If he says you pass, you pass!” “Exactly. If he wishes to fail any product, there you go. In the Bureau, Captain Tony’s word is law!” In reply, Xawery Yount and Ron laughed. Tony looked at Levi with disdain, “Today, the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce has also sent their products in for quality inspection. I don’t even need to run through any analysis, and I’ll give them a pass!” As he spoke, his assistant who was on standby, handed Ron the quality inspection report. Everyone present watched in disbelief... Ridiculous! Taking over the report, Ron looked at Levi and laughed, “Now you know who is the man in charge of the Bureau.” Tony glared at Levi and barked angrily, “Now get lost! I’m telling you. Within these six months, I will not pass any products you send in!” “So powerful, aren’t you? Do the Bureau Chief has to obey your word as well?” Levi sneered in reply. Tony was taken aback at first but he quickly recovered and laughed, “Of course! Captain Cameron is my mentor who personally brought me into this department! He listens to all my words!” “So loser, if you have any wild wishes that I’ll pass your product, drop it!” Levi listened to Tony’s rhetoric. With a meaningful smile, he shouted toward his car, “Captain Cameron, did you hear that? In the Bureau, Tony’s word is law. Have you been vacated from your position?” “Hmm? Captain Cameron?” Tony and his group were stunned. They looked around but saw no one. “Who are you trying to bluff? Too bad it won’t work! Even if he were here, he would obey me!” Tony was masquerading ridiculously! “Tony, you scoundrel! When did the Bureau come under your control?” Suddenly, an angry voice was heard coming from the car and someone got down in a rage. “Chief... Chief Cam... I... Yo-you...” Looking at the person storming toward him, Tony was stupefied and his mouth trembled, unable to speak coherently. “No, no, no, you are the Chief! I’m your subordinate! Your word is the law here!” Cameron was so furious that he felt like giving Tony a few slaps across his face. “Chief Cameron, I-I’m sorry... I did not mean what I said!” Tony almost knelt in front of Cameron. “What about your arrogant attitude barely a moment ago? Aren’t you the boss here?” Cameron snorted. “No, Chief Cameron. Master, I was wrong... I didn’t mean to overstep you! I just wanted to share your worries!” Tony spoke hurriedly. Cameron pointed his finger at Tony’s nose, “You are fired! Never ever step into the Bureau again!” Boom! This was a real blow to Tony, Ron and his men. How could Tony be fired! Tony asked incredulously, “Master... why? What did I do wrong?” “You deliberately abused your position to sabotage the Morris Group! Was that not enough?” Cameron shouted furiously. “No no no. Master, their products are indeed not up to par!” Even at this point, Tony tried to argue. Upon hearing that, Cameron’s face became black as thunder and he spoke angrily, “Then tell me. What products did Morris Group send in?”
“I…” Tony floundered, not quite knowing what to say.

Because he had no idea at all.

“How could you disqualify them when you don’t even know what they are? Aren’t you abusing your power here? Listen, Morris Group has even sent their products for quality checks at the Defense Research And Development Centre. They’re more than qualified! This is First Lieutenant Samson Yelder from the Quality Inspection Department of DRDC. He’s here to send us the quality inspection report in person!”


Tony fell to his knees.

“Please forgive me, Master. I got carried away by lust and greed! I was wrong! I was really wrong! Please give me another chance, Master!”

Tony groveled at his master’s feet.

“I’d expect better of you as my disciple! But you’ve completely let me down!” Cameron was ruthless. “Go talk to the relevant authorities if you have something to say.”

Immediately after he spoke, the authorities arrived and Tony was taken away for investigation.

Ron and Xawery were utterly dumbfounded.

They didn’t expect Morris Group to ask Cameron to come forward.

“I’ll inspect Morris Group’s product myself!” Cameron said.

The inspection took up the entire afternoon, and the quality inspection report showed that their products were qualified to be listed on the market.

When Levi brought back the certificate of conformity, a great cheer went up from everyone in Morris Group.

These products were put into mass production at once, and Iris had already gone to make arrangements with the distribution channels and merchants.

“Publicity must be done on the greatest scale! Hire the best publicity team and the most suitable spokesperson!” Kirin relayed Iris’s words.

Now that the problem had been resolved, Levi felt a little more at ease, and he had the leisure to see how things were at Imperial Meadows Limited.

Zoey had already gone through all the procedures for the establishment of the new company, and all that was left was to find a suitable office building to set up the company.

“Have you found an office building?” Levi asked.

“Yeah! It’s at Elysium Plaza. I’m going to sign the contract later. I even paid a deposit of twenty million.” Zoey beamed.

“Okay, I have time to spare. I’ll go with you.” Levi said.


At three in the afternoon, Levi and Zoey headed to the plaza in Zoey’s compact car that cost tens of thousands.

“Your car needs an upgrade. You’re a big boss now.” Levi chuckled.

“It’s fine as long as it’s comfortable.” Zoey said passionlessly.

“Honey, you’re not the same now. You’re gonna meet crazy rich people everyday. Imagine how insecure they would be if they want to cooperate with you but they see this petty little car. You look just like someone who would run away after getting a sum of money.”

“Alright, I’ll spare some time to get a car.” Zoey conceded, thinking that his explanation was quite reasonable.

“I’ll buy you one!”

Although Zoey was touched, she didn’t take Levi’s words to heart.

Levi has no money. How is he going to get me a car?

They soon arrived at Elysium Plaza.

When they were waiting for the elevator to go up, they saw Henry and Shaun walking out from the inside.

“What are you guys doing here?” Zoey had a bad feeling about this.

“What a coincidence! Are you here to rent an office building as well? I’m sorry, but you don’t have a chance now. I’ve rented the one that you’re interested in, Zoey.” said Shaun, waving the tenancy agreement in his hand.
It turned out that the Lopez family had been keeping a close watch on Zoey’s activities.

Harry and the others were against the idea of Zoey breaking off relations with the Lopez family.

Therefore, they were one step ahead when they learned that Zoey was going to rent this office building.

The poor lady was dumbstruck when she saw the agreement in Shaun’s hands.

She quickly got on the elevator with Levi and came to the office of the person-in-charge of Elysium Plaza.

“Ms. Lopez, you’re here!” Barney Geller, the person responsible for the negotiation of the contract, greeted her warmly.

“I’m here to sign the contract, Mr. Geller.” said Zoey. “We were on the phone, remember? I’m renting Block B for five years at thirty million.”

Barney looked confused. “Didn’t the Lopez family just sign the contract, Ms. Lopez? They said they had already discussed with you and even paid the remaining ten million.”

Zoey and Levi exchanged glances and immediately thought of Henry and Shaun.

“Mr. Henry signed the contract on behalf of the Lopez family.” Barney said, handing over the contract to Zoey.

Zoey’s expression took on a drastic change after reading the contract.

The Lopez family was too evil.

The five-year tenancy agreement was signed in Zoey’s name, but the purpose was for the Lopez Group to use it as an office building.

In another word, the Lopez family would be using the office building that Zoey had paid for.

How dirty!

As Zoey had negotiated the contract in her name personally and paid twenty million in advance, the Lopez family could get away with just ten million.

Zoey was on the verge of tears.

How could they be so cruel?

Aaron and Caitlyn too, were infuriated when they learned about it.

But they had no other choice unless they cut all ties with Harry.

“He doesn’t think of me as his son at all! He’s always been biased toward my brothers and never helped me.” Aaron was furious beyond words.

The next day, Lopez Group moved in to the new office.

Harry and the others’ faces were glowing.

Moving to a new office for just ten million was a great deal!

But Zoey could only watch helplessly.

“Zoey, you’ve made another contribution to the family! I’m so happy for you.” Henry chuckled.

“You did great, Zoey!” Harry added. “I’m very happy. I will commend you at the annual meeting.”

“I heard that you want to move to a new office building as well, Zoey. Is that so?” Shaun laughed. “What a bummer! Elysium Plaza is fully occupied!”

Zoey balled her fist tightly.

Not only did the Lopez family trick her, but they also even came to humiliate her!

“Imperial Meadows Limited’s office building is pretty nice, Zoey. You don’t need to change. Besides, it’s uncertain that you can move in even if you’ve signed the contract.” Fabian laughed.


Harry and the others cracked up.

Of course Zoey understood that that was a threat.

The Lopez family was set on preventing her from setting up a new company.

No matter how much effort she put in into looking for an office building, her company could never move in.

For a moment, Zoey was aggrieved and felt very weepy.

She cared so much for the Lopez family, but they didn’t take her seriously at all.

It was absolutely impossible for her to establish a new company unless she severed all ties with them.

“Leave it to me, honey.” Said Levi, who was standing next to Zoey. “Just go back and get ready to move in to a new office tomorrow morning.”

“Huh? For real?” Zoey looked at Levi in disbelief.

“Nothing will go wrong if you listen to me.”

After leaving Elysium Plaza, Levi went to look for Chloe.
“Can you help me find out if there are any commercial buildings for sale in the city center?” Levi asked.

“Huh? What are you up to?” Chloe replied with a question of her own.

“Zoey wants to set up a new company and I need to find her an office building.” Levi replied.

Chloe was green with envy.

How nice would it be if I’m the heroine?

“Okay, I’ll ask around for you.”

Chloe first reached out to her connections, then contacted the director of Bayview Garden Real Estate.

Finally, after a few hours, there was a response from an old client of Chloe.

He was the owner of Union Square around North Hampton Center, where there was a building that was vacant and could not be more suitable to be used as an office building.

Chloe brought Levi to Union Square to meet the owner, Emmett Browne, who had been waiting for a long time.

Emmett had lost hair over the crown, livid rings around his eyes, and a pale face.

It was obvious at first glance that he had been living a life of debauchery.

Chloe was decked out in a business attire and a pair of high heels that complemented her beautiful long legs that were wrapped in black stockings, looking exceptionally sexy.

Emmett couldn’t help but ogle at her.

But he kept his desire under control as he brought them to tour around the building.

Levi immediately took a fancy to it.

It’s definitely much better than Elysium Plaza, especially its location.

The price must also be expensive. I supposed it’s about eighty million for five years.

“The price is negotiable! Why don’t we take this discussion to my office?”

Emmett rubbed his hands in simulated pleasure.

He had his eyes on Chloe for some time now.

In the past, he even wanted her to submit by buying her a house, but he was rejected.

Emmett swore to sleep with her today.

At the office, Emmett chuckled, “As you guys know, Union Square is located at the prime location in North Hampton, second only to North Hampton Center. It would cost two hundred million for five years.”

Hearing that figure, Levi and Chloe’s complexion changed.

They were fully aware of the market price.

This old geezer is demanding an exorbitant price!

“Don’t you think that’s a little unreasonable, Mr. Browne?” Levi asked.

True, he had the money, but he couldn’t tolerate daylight robbery.

“That is the price for this area. Why did you even look for this area if you can’t afford it?” Emmett was uncompromising.

“Then let’s negotiate the price. Two hundred million is too much.” Levi said.

“Yeah, Mr. Browne. Is it possible to negotiate?” Chloe spoke up as well.

Emmett cast Chloe a lecherous glance. “Of course we can, but it depends on who’s the one to negotiate with me.”

Emmett looked at Levi. “If it’s him, then end of discussion!”

“But if it’s you, Ms. Macy, there will be lots of discounts. We can talk about this slowly.”

Chloe glanced at Levi to get his permission before nodding, “Okay, Mr. Browne. I’ll do it!”

Emmett grinned. “I don’t like it when there are other people around when I’m talking business. So this gentleman, may I ask you to leave?”

“Wait for me outside, Levi. I’ll handle this.” Chloe said.

After Levi went out, Emmett locked the door from the inside.

Chloe’s face darkened. “What is this supposed to mean, Mr. Browne?”

Emmett smirked, “So that we won’t be interrupted, Ms. Macy.”

“Mr. Browne, please tell me the lowest price you have in mind.”

Emmett smiled lustfully, “That depends on your attitude, Ms. Macy.”
Chloe looked surprised. “My attitude?”

“Yeah, your attitude will determine the price!”

Emmett put on a wicked grin. “I’ll be straightforward with you then, Ms. Macy. Just sleep with me for one night and I’ll reduce the price to eighty million.”

“What?” Chloe’s expression changed.

She immediately understood that Emmett had deliberately raised the price.

I knew it! It’s only eighty million at most.

He raised the price to two hundred million just so he could coerce me into sleeping with him.

Emmett got up and walked closer to Chloe. “Think about it, Ms. Macy. You are worth one hundred and twenty million! Isn’t that a great deal? You’re definitely the most expensive woman in the world!”

“Emmett Browne! You did this on purpose! Do you think I’m blind? You know what, that’s a big fat no!” Chloe retaliated.

“So what if I did it on purpose? If you don’t agree, I swear your friend can never rent an office building in North Hampton! It’s a matter of my words with my connections and reputation. Think wisely before you answer me.” Emmett laughed cunningly. He couldn’t hold back any longer.

Chloe fell into a daze.

Emmett definitely has the ability to do this.

As someone who took Levi’s affairs more seriously than herself, she would feel sorry if she couldn’t find an office building for him.

In her trance, Emmett lunged toward her.

“Come on. Just give in to me, will you? I’ll be nice.” Emmett laughed obscenely.

Whether Chloe was willing or not, he was determined to sleep with her today.

He had already arranged someone to take care of Levi so that no one would disturb him.



In the nick of time, the security door banged open and then crashed on the ground.

Levi’s dramatic entrance froze Emmett and Chloe to the spot.

How did Levi kick open the security door?

Is he even human?

Levi slowly approached Emmett while smoking a cigarette.

All the security guards behind him had collapsed to the ground…


Levi sent the pervert flying with a single kick and he slammed heavily on the table, spitting blood.

“The nerve of you to hit me! I swear you’ll be in for a nasty ride and you can never rent an office building in North Hampton!” Emmett howled.

Levi puffed on his cigarette and sat down in his leather chair. “I was going to negotiate with you as an ordinary person, but I didn’t expect you to be someone like this. Well, I’m going to lay my cards on the table. The entire Union Square belongs to me now!”

Emmett snorted, “Keep boasting!”

Although Chloe knew Levi’s strength, she thought he was getting way ahead of himself to buy the entire Union Square.

Levi called the head of the Rogers family, Glenn, “Hello, Rogers? It’s Levi. I’ll give you ten minutes. Buy out the entire Union Square!”

Glenn was shocked at first, then he said, “The Rogers family holds the controlling share to Union Square, so it’s practically yours.”

“Okay. Come over and settle the paperwork.” Levi said.

“Buying the entire Union Square in ten minutes? You know, I may have the management right in Union Square, but the Rogers family has absolute control over it.” Emmett was still clamoring.

Five minutes later, the Rogers arrived.

Emmett quickly donned a welcoming smile when he saw them. “What brings you here, Mr. Rogers?”

Emmett’s livelihood depended on the family.

A word from them would decide his life and death.
Hence, Emmett was grinning like a Cheshire cat when he saw the Rogers family.


Anthony suddenly punched him in the face, causing blood to spurt from his wounds.

Pow! Bang! Crash!

Leo and the rest joined in in giving Emmett a violent beating.

While Chloe wore a blank, flabbergasted expression, Glenn disregarded them as he handed a contract to Levi with a smile. “Union Square belongs to you now, Mr. Garrison!”

Emmett’s face lit up with surprise when he heard that.

Who on earth is this man to have the Rogers family hand over Union Square in less than ten minutes?

“Mr. Garrison,” Leo said. “I swear this trash, Emmett, will have one hell of a life from here on!”

Then Emmett was thrown out of here.

“That would be nice.” Levi said, picking up the contract and walked away.

Chloe looked at Levi’s back view with starry-eyed infatuation. Her adoration for this man amplified.

When Levi went back, he accompanied Zoey to Galaxy Hotel. The Lopez family invited Zoey over to the special banquet they were having to commemorate their relocation to a new office.

“Dear Zoey, why do you have to go through all the trouble just to be independent? What’s wrong with working side by side with the Lopez family?” Henry said.

“Yeah, unless you don’t acknowledge the Lopez family anymore and you want to betray us!” Fabian said, unsparing.

Zoey’s fist clenched.

Haven’t I been contributing to the Lopez family?

But how have you guys treated me?

At this moment, Harry raised his wineglass, saying, “We owe a special thanks to someone today!”

“And that is Zoey, who paid for the new office building for Lopez Group!”

Everyone cheered.

But Zoey’s and her parents’ hearts were writhing in pain.

“Tell me, Zoey. What’s your plan after this?” Melanie asked. “Hear me out. Hand over the investment money and give Grandpa a free hand to handle the project. As for you, just be a capable assistant and I promise, your career growth will be guaranteed. If Grandpa favors you in the future, who knows you’ll be the next head of the Lopez family.”

Shaun nodded. “Yeah, Zoey. It’s hard for you to fly solo now. No one will agree to it. No matter how hard you try, your efforts will be in vain.”

In another word, Zoey would end up the same as today if she sought independence again.

They would rob her off a new office building again and again…

In the end, she left in a huff and Levi immediately went after her.

“Grandpa always prefers males over females, and he never likes me!” Zoey sobbed by the roadside.

“Honey, don’t worry. I’m here.” Levi smiled, handing Zoey the tenancy agreement of Union Square that floored her.

“What?! Ten million for five years?” But how?

She thought about renting an office building in Union Square before this, where the real city center was.

While it would be a demonstration of the company’s strength, it could gain the trust of investors and business partners as well.

However, she could only give up as she had expected the rental to be one hundred million for five years.

“Okay, don’t get too worked up. Get ready and move in tomorrow morning before the Lopez family finds out.” Said Levi.

The next day at Lopez Group’s office building at Elysium Plaza, everyone was still basking in joy when Shaun came running in.

“Grandpa, Uncle Fabian, Dad, we have a problem! Imperial Meadows Limited is actually moving!”
The Lopez family was blindsided by the news.

Does that mean they have found a new location?

“W-Where are they moving to?” Harry’s voice quavered.

“I’m not sure where specifically, but I think they’re moving to the city center!” Shaun said.

“Come on, let’s go take a look! We must stop them!”

Shortly after, they arrived at Union Square, which was one street away from North Hampton Center.

This place was the legit city center!

They were surprised to see that the people of Imperial Meadows Limited were actually unloading their things to Union Square with Zoey and her family in command at the entrance.

Harry and the others hurried over to them.

“Zoey, what are you guys doing here?” Harry asked.

“We’re moving.” Zoey smiled. “What’s wrong, Grandpa?”

“To Union Square? Are you sure about that? How expensive it must be!” Harry said.

Zoey’s smile widened. “Grandpa, it’s not. It’s just ten million for five years and it’s much cheaper than Elysium Plaza!”

“Ten million?! Oh my God!” Harry almost fainted over.

The Lopez family could only watch as Imperial Meadows Limited moved to a new place. It was too late to stop them.

This place was ten times more upscale than Elysium Plaza!

The Lopez family could feel nothing but regret!

“I mean, how do you guys think Zoey found Union Square?” Harry asked after leaving Union Square. “And for ten million? How is that even possible?”

“I supposed this bitch sold herself?” Henry suggested coldly.

“Huh? How do you mean?”

Harry and the others looked at him curiously.

“From what I’ve heard, the owner of Union Square, Emmett Browne, is a pervert who have scourged God knows how many women. He promises anything as long as you sleep with him. That bitch must have slept with him. Otherwise, why would he rent it to her for only ten million?”

“Yeah! That bitch must have slept with him!”

“What an unscrupulous bitch!”

The Lopez family cursed.

“What a disgrace to the Lopez family! How are we going to preserve our reputation if word goes out?”

Harry wished he could get it even with Zoey at this instant.

“Dad, hold your fire. Let’s go home first and we’ll come up with something to get back at them.” Fabian said.

Harry spluttered, “Hah, so that’s how it was! And here I am wondering how did she get all those investments recently.”

“Just look at how beautiful Zoey is.” Melanie said grudgingly. “Won’t all the men bow at her feet if she sleeps with them?”

“Haha, sadly that idiot Levi doesn’t know that she has cheated on him!” Shaun said.

In front of Union Square, Zoey and the others watched as the Lopez family left woefully.

“This feels so good.” Zoey exclaimed.

“Yeah, what a great day! Did you guys see Henry and Fabian’s faces just now? They looked like they were about to cry.”

“And Dad was totally freaking out!”

Aaron was stoked at his first time triumph against Harry.

“Dad, it’s all thanks to Levi who negotiated the deal! Otherwise, the rental would have been eighty million.” Zoey said.

“My good son-in-law! You have made us proud!”

Aaron patted Levi’s shoulders.

After Zoey took care of things there, Levi returned to Morris Group.
Morris Group had been very busy these two days, so much that Iris had slept for only seven hours a day at most.

When Levi arrived at the office, Iris was still in a meeting and he was called to sit in.

The main topic of the meeting was the publicity and endorsement of the product launch.

There was definitely no problem with the reputation of the product. All they needed to work on was the advertisements.

“As for the ambassador and spokesperson, I’ve chosen a few celebrities and influencers. Lil Lacey especially, has a record of bringing in millions of sales from her broadcast. It would be great to have her to promote our products. Does anyone have any comments?” Iris said.

“Nope. With our marketing efforts, nothing will go wrong.” Someone replied.

Levi was about to doze off from listening.

“What’s the matter, Levi? Do you have something to say?” Iris purposely called him out.

Most of the people in the room scoffed at this technical advisor as they didn’t expect him, a once brilliant man, to be muddling along.

But for the sake of Iris and Isaiah, they kept a cool head.

“I disagree.” Levi yawned.


Everyone gaped at him.

“In what?”

It was because Iris wanted to listen to Levi’s opinion that she invited him to attend the meeting.

“We’re selling medical instruments! What’s the use of hiring celebrities and influencers as ambassadors?”

Iris’s face clouded with disappointment.

Six years of imprisonment has worn away his brilliance.

It’s only right to look for a popular celebrity when it comes to promoting a product. Only then will the products be made known. With the reputation of these celebrities as guarantees, partners and retailers can buy with confidence and we can ensure maximum profits.

“Okay, dismiss!”

Levi wanted to say further but Iris announced the end of the meeting straightaway.

Levi was startled. What is this woman doing?

Iris glanced at him and chastised, “Don’t you ever attend any future company meetings!”

Everyone regarded Levi with disdain, thinking that he was goofing off.

Levi smiled wryly. I’ll let Iris have her way first then.

After getting off from work, it flashed upon Levi that he had to get Zoey a new car.

Thus, he went to Coastal Street the next day, where all the 4S dealership stores gathered.

He had been a regular customer here six years ago, so he was familiar with this area.

For some reason, it was really crowded today.

It seemed like there was some sort of event going on, seeing how there were many filming equipment and good-looking personalities along the street.

Levi disregarded them and headed toward the Mercedes Benz 4S dealership store.

“Hold it right there, sir!”

Several salespersons at the door stopped him.

“Hmm? What’s wrong?” Levi asked.

“What are you doing here, sir?” The salesperson asked.

“I’m here to buy a car, obviously.” Levi said.

“Oh, not today, sir. There’s an event going on at the moment.”

The salesperson looked askance at Levi.

As this was North Hampton’s largest Mercedes Benz 4S dealership store, customers who were serious about buying cars would have made an appointment and the store would send someone to pick them up.

Having been doing sales for seven to eight years, they could see that Levi was incapable of buying a car.

People like Levi were like those window shoppers whom they had to deal with almost every day.

Hence, fed up with it, they outright rejected him in the name of the event.
Right then, a few men in suits arrived.

The salesperson immediately went up to greet him, “Mr. Olsen, you’re here?”

“Yeah, I’m here to buy a car. What’s wrong? Do I need to make an appointment for that?” One of the men asked.

The salesperson smiled obsequiously, “No, sir! Please, come in. You’re always welcomed here.”

Marshall Olsen smiled.

That’s another hundreds of thousands order there, perhaps even a million.

“Hmm? Hold up! Why are they allowed to enter?” Levi asked quizzically.

“Hmph, because they can afford to buy a car and you can’t!” Marshall said straightforwardly.

Several other salespersons looked at Levi with a mocking face as well.

Why should we waste our time on people who have no intentions to buy a car?

“I want to meet your manager!” Levi barked, his face gloomy.

“Haha, who are you to meet him?” Marshall snorted. “He’s busy.”

“What’s with the commotion outside? What’s going on?”

A woman in her thirties came out from the inside. She was dressed in business attire, looking dignified.

“Ms. Guillemin, this guy is forcing his way in when he’s not even here to buy a car!” Marshall said, pointing at Levi.

Mandy was astonished when her eyes fell on Levi. “Well, well, isn’t this the great Mr. Garrison?”

Levi could vaguely remember her as Mandy Guillemin, who was a mere salesperson six years ago.

At that time, she would be subservient and servile whenever she saw him.

He couldn’t believe that she was a manager now.

“Yeah, it’s me. I’m here to buy a car, but your people wouldn’t let me in.” Levi said.

Mandy chuckled, “I think what she did was right! Our time is precious, so why should we entertain you when you don’t even have the money?”

“Who told you I don’t have the money?” Levi retorted.

I can buy every single 4S dealership store on Coastal Street right now if I want to.

What do you mean I don’t have the money?

“Enough with the bullshit, Levi. You think I don’t know what you’re capable of? You just came out of prison and you’re depending on your wife for livelihood. Do you think you’re worthy to buy a Mercedes Benz?”

Levi sneered, “Is that how you treat your guest?”

“I, for one, am realistic!” Mandy retaliated. “You were worth billions six years ago, and I’d served you like a slave. But now you’re nothing, so why should I entertain you?”

“Get lost now! You’re not welcomed here, you poor bastard!” Mandy gave him a mouthful.

It was a cathartic experience for her, and she had never felt so refreshed before.

In the past, she worked her fingers to the bone for Levi. She could almost lick his boots just to secure his deal.

Now that Levi was in dire straits, she took her chance to wipe away her own shame.

“Yeah, this is not a place for poor bastards! Just get a motorbike and scram!” Others chimed in.

Levi ignored them and turned toward the Audi 4S dealership store next door.

“Hahaha, you’re going the wrong way. The next doors are Audi and BMW, which are probably more expensive than a Mercedes Benz.” Mandy chortled.

“Ms. Guillemin, should I go take a look?” Marshall sniggered.

“It’s okay! He can’t afford to buy a car.”

Mandy reentered the store.

Levi’s entry to the Audi 4S dealership store was smooth.

“How may I assist you, sir?” Wendy, the salesperson, asked with a smile.
Levi drew out a black card directly and handed it to her. “I want all the cars in your store!”

Wendy froze, asking uncertainly, “Can you repeat that, sir?”

“I want all the cars in your store! Immediately! Now!”

Wendy accepted Levi’s black card with unsteady hands.

“I-Is this the world’s limited edition American Express Black Card?”

Wendy was thunderstruck when she saw the card.

Not only did the black card have an unlimited quota, but it also came with many privileges.

Wendy was completely convinced that she had met the legendary zillionaire.

She quickly informed the manager of the store who ran out shortly after with a few other employees.

“Greetings, sir! Our store has two hundred and forty-eight vehicles in stock and the total price is one hundred and eighty million.” The manager faltered.

“Make it two hundred million. Swipe it.” Levi said.

The manager was on the verge of tears and so were the others.

Did we just achieve half a year’s performance in one day?

“Choose a car that cost over a million for me and proceed with the formalities. I want to drive it back. Send the rest to Morris Group.” Levi said.

The manager personally chose a one point seven million Audi RS7.

The body of the car was red, which suited Zoey a lot.

After all the formalities were completed, he called Jace, the general manager of the Audi dealership in North Hampton.

At this moment, Jace was having tea with Corey, the general manager of the Mercedes Benz dealership.

“What’s up?” Jace asked, answering the phone.

“I have great news for you, Mr. Renner! A customer just bought all the cars in my store! He even swiped his card on the spot for two hundred million!”

Jace jolted to his feet upon hearing it.

As Audi wasn’t one of those top luxury cars that cost about tens of millions, he had never seen such a rich person before.

Receiving an order of two hundred million was indeed too good to be true.

“One more thing, Mr. Renner. This customer was kicked out from the 4S dealership store next door! Those idiots from Mercedes Benz think this zillionaire can’t afford to buy a car and won’t even let him in! Hahaha…”

Jace broke into laughter when he heard this.

Thanks to those idiots, we get to snatch this two hundred million deal.

“What’s so exciting, Jace?” Corey asked and Jace told him about the incident.

“Congrats, man! I would love to meet such zillionaire too!”

Corey was envious.

It was a two hundred million deal!

Jace chuckled, “All thanks to your staff, Corey.”


Corey looked dazed.

“This zillionaire went to your store at first, but your staff stopped him outside and called him a poor bastard, thinking that he can’t afford to buy a car. So he had no choice but to come to my store. Otherwise, how else do I get this deal? Haha…”

Corey froze, his face contorted with blue veins bulging on his temples, and his eyes spelled death.

“Mandy Guillemin, you bitch! Do you know what’ve you done?!”
Winston was pleased when he was informed of the turn of events. “That young man has a commendable attitude. He must know I am rich after noticing all the luxurious cars and helicopters, yet he still left silently.

I must reward him handsomely. I can turn him into a billionaire if he comes from a poor family. If he is already a successful person, then I will bring him to greater heights in life. He will become a significant figure in North Hampton!”

Everyone was impressed by Winston’s announcement. He was the wealthiest person, after all. He was a god-like being, in everyone’s opinion. He was someone who can alter another person’s fate effortlessly. His connections with all the influential forces in North Hampton surpassed even the Chamber of Commerce.

“Utilize all possible means to look for that young man. I want to know his identity by tomorrow.” Winston ordered.

That night, over ten thousand men were tracking down Levi’s whereabouts.

Una was filled with regrets. “I forgot how he looks like because I was overwhelmed by fear at that time.”

Zoey and Iris were discussing their future plans when Levi arrived home.

Iris said to him coldly as soon as he walked through the door. “I will move into my new house tomorrow. I hope you can come help me. Do not worry because I will pay you.”

Zoey laughed awkwardly. “What are you talking about, Iris. Levi will help you if he’s free. There’s no need to pay him.”

Iris snorted. She thought to herself. Well, your husband already took my money earlier in the day!

The next day, Iris went to work early in the morning.

She left Levi to handle everything about her moving in.

Levi had no other choice but to play along with Iris’s request because of Zoey.

Iris’s house was spacious. She purchased brand new furniture for her home. So the movers sent a few lorries of items to her house.

They gave Levi a set of uniform as well.

Levi participated in the movers’ rank after he changed into the uniform.

He carried the electrical appliances into the house under the blazing sun.

At that moment, an expensive Ferrari drove into Bayview Garden and came to a halt in front of Iris’s house.

A girl dressed in luxurious clothing got out of the car. She revealed her beautiful facial features after removing her sunglasses.

Another woman dressed in a black professional suit got out of the passenger seat with a briefcase in her hand.

Levi had met with the girl last night. She was the granddaughter of the wealthiest man in North Hampton, Una Gonzales, also known as the Princess of North Hampton. Una was fond of playing the piano, so her family purchased three billion worth of insurance to protect her hands.

She rushed forward to meet with Levi excitedly. “It is you, Mr. Garrison!” Una greeted him with a smile

All men from the Gonzales family had failed to locate Levi last night. Just as the time limit given by Winston was about to run out, someone discovered him working together with the movers.

Una hurried over immediately to express her gratitude.

She was certain Levi worked for Ants Movers Company as he was wearing the uniform.

Levi stopped his work at hand and asked, “What’s the matter?”

He did not remember Una because he was focused on rescuing Winston last night.

“Do you remember what happened last night? You saved my grandfather!” Una said.

“Oh. It’s you. Why are you here?” Levi asked.

“I am here to thank you, Mr. Garrison! You have my gratitude for saving my grandfather!”

“You’re welcome. There’s no need for you to come all the way just to thank me.”

Una shook her head. “There is a need to thank you in person, Mr. Garrison. I shall fulfil all your wishes to express my gratitude.”
You have got to be kidding Mr. Garrison
“Okay, I’m done with you. I’m going to meet this sugar daddy.” Said Jace, rising to his feet.

Corey followed. “I’m coming with you. I need to apologize to him. If not, I wouldn’t know how I’ll die for messing with such a big shot.”

The two general managers then left for Coastal Street at full speed.

Meanwhile, Levi was enjoying tea at the VIP lounge with about seven to eight people serving him.

Someone even offered to massage his leg.

In the Mercedes Benz 4S dealership store, Mandy asked, “Is the poor bastard out yet?”

“Nope! It’s been more than half an hour.” Marshall said. “He must be here just to check out the cars.”

Mandy chuckled, “Isn’t that so? I’ve been in this industry for so long. A genuine buyer will never stay more than ten minutes. Only those poor losers will dawdle for half a day and wind up not buying anything.”

“Yeah, I knew it at first glance that he’s too poor to buy a car.” Marshall laughed.

Just then, several staffs of the Mercedes Benz 4S dealership store came in noisily.

“What’s with the noise? How improper!” Mandy rebuked, her face ugly.

“Aren’t you aware, Ms. Guillemin? Something big is happening on Coastal Street!”

“What is it?” Mandy and Marshall asked curiously.

“The entire Coastal Street is in an uproar! The Audi 4S dealership store next door actually sold two hundred and forty-eight cars in stock at once for two hundred million!”

“That’s a first in history! Everyone has gone to spectate!”

Hearing that, Mandy, Marshall and the others immediately went out.

And sure enough, there was a crowd of over a hundred people outside the Audi 4S dealership store.

Everyone came to watch, wanting to get to know this zillionaire who was still sitting in the VIP lounge.

Mandy and Marshall too, joined the crowd.

“Who is this zillionaire? Why didn’t he buy a Mercedes Benz from us or a BMW from you?” Mandy asked the manager of the BMW 4S dealership store.

“I don’t know.” The manager replied. “But I heard this zillionaire had been to your store before coming to Audi.”

Mandy and Marshall looked at each other. They couldn’t remember meeting such a zillionaire.

After all, they were many customers today and the only person who had given them the deepest impression was Levi.

But they were certain that he wasn’t that zillionaire that they spoke of.

For some reason, the two of them had a bad premonition.

“I heard that Mr. Renner, the general manager of Audi dealership in North Hampton, is coming to meet this zillionaire!”

“Damn, with that profit, they’re going to get at least a twenty million bonus!”

The peers looked on enviously, and so were Mandy and Marshall.

If they had been the one to secure this deal, Mandy would have gotten a bonus of tens of millions.

Just then, an Audi A8 drove by.

Coming down from the car was a middle-aged man in long sleeves who went straight into the 4S dealership store.

Many people recognized him as Jace Renner.

Following closely behind was a Mercedes Benz and coming down from the car was the general manager of Mercedes Benz, Corey Stone.

At Corey’s arrival, Mandy and Marshall hurried over to greet him.

“Mr. Stone, what brings you here?” Mandy asked with a smile.

But Corey slapped her hard on the face as soon as he saw her. “Stupid bitch!”

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