The Protector (The Return of God Of War)

In Erudia, a private jet landed at North Hampton Airport, where all international flights experienced an eight-hour delay because of it.
At the private passageway were five men in suits and leather shoes, standing as straight as a javelin.

Every now and then, they would raise their wrist to look at the time, for a big shot was coming to town.
The upper-class society of North Hampton had learned about his arrival, but no one had the capability to get an inch closer to the private passageway.
Even the richest man in North Hampton who came to pay homage was chased away.
Finally, there were movements coming from the passageway.

“God of War!!!” the mass cried out, their eyes filled with awe and veneration at the sight of the undefeatable legend of Erudia.
He, who was dubbed the God of War, was the one and only five-star war God in the history of Erudia.
Once, he’d inflicted a crushing defeat on the strongest battalions in eighteen countries. He was an overbearing and formidable man.
He who overwhelmed the world with his unparalleled power had even created the Five Great Wars Regiment, Cavalry Regiment, and many more.

Setting foot on his homeland, Levi Garrison was overcome with emotions.
Once upon a time, he used to be an orphan who was abandoned on the streets of North Hampton and then adopted by the Garrison family.
However, the Garrison family had never been fond of him.
His adoptive parents, who had a tendency to beat and scold him, treated him like an outsider.
As for the outsiders, they treated him as a nobody.
But he didn’t care a stiver. He had always been proud of his surname since he was a child, and he strived to bring glory to this family when he grew older.
At last, Levi had established Levi Group, the largest dark horse in North Hampton’s business community.
With billions of assets, it ranked among the forefront of North Hampton, pushing the declining Garrison family to the top.
However, not only did the Garrison family showed no signs of appreciation, they even harbored dissatisfaction towards him. Jealous of his success, they regarded him as a thorn in their flesh and coveted Levi Group.
No matter his wealth and power, unless they were in control, he was just an outsider in the Garrison family’s eyes.
Eventually, on Levi’s wedding night, the Garrison family plotted a frame-up against him by getting him drunk before tossing him onto his sister-in-law’s bed. They wanted to create the illusion that he was doing something untoward to her and was caught in bed by his brother and adoptive parents.
That night, the Garrison family had brutally broken his limbs and left him on the road like a wild dog.
Not only was he handicapped, but he also had to take the flak for something he didn’t commit.
From an upstart in the business world, he had become the target of disdain overnight.
And the next day, he had been punished for several crimes and sentenced to six years in prison.
He could never forget the ruthless and sinister faces of everyone in the Garrison family and the ridicule of his friends, classmates, and business partners.
More so, he could never forget the disappointment on his newly wedded wife, Zoey’s face.
He had regarded the Garrison family as his home and devoted himself to the family.
Yet, they treated him like trash.
It felt as if a knife was being twisted in his heart every time he thought about this.
How he hated the Garrison family!
But who would have thought that Levi had been secretly transferred away from prison to join the military?
In a few years, he dominated the military world and became the one and only five-star God of War.
Now that he came back, the Garrison family ought to stay on their toes.
“How’s it going, Azure Dragon?” Levi asked.
Azure Dragon, the commander of the Five Great Wars Regiment, took a step forward and said respectfully, “Sir, I’m afraid your wife, Ms. Zoey Lopez will remarry at ten o’clock tonight!”
Ever since Zoey’s husband was sent to prison on their wedding night, she had been living like a widow.
Only God knew how much pressure she was put under.
And right now, the person Levi couldn’t wait to see the most was Zoey.
After a moment of hesitation, Azure Dragon continued, “To add on, Sir, the Garrison family is holding a successful listing celebration banquet at the Crystal Palace Hotel tonight! Many people had invited the God of War just now, including the Garrison family, but I didn’t accept nor refuse directly.”
“What time?” Levi asked tersely.
“Eight o’clock, Sir.”
“Okay. Tell the Garrison family I will attend the banquet!”
Since the time for the two events didn’t clash, Levi gladly accepted the invitation.
The celebration banquet for the public listing of Garrison Group was held at North Hampton’s Crystal Palace Hotel.
With the help of Levi Group, they had become a rich and powerful family in one fell swoop.
The hall was bustling with noise and excitement, and sounds of glasses clinking could be heard ringing in the air every now and then.
“God bless the Garrison family,” said Joseph, the head of the Garrison family. “The younger generations are the stars among men. Garrison Group is now listed and has become an upstart in North Hampton!”
Joseph’s three sons and daughter welcomed their guests with bright smiles on their faces.
The younger generation of the Garrison family was all the smugger and prouder because, after today, the Garrison family would become a powerful family, and they would become one of the top rich kids.
Most of the guests who attended today’s banquet were from the top circle in North Hampton.
“Garrison, do you know what happened today?! Your celebration party is nothing compared to that.” They were gossiping about the major event that had happened today.
“Yeah! I heard that a big shot has arrived in North Hampton!”
“The richest man in North Hampton wanted to meet him but was shooed away. Apparently, he’s not qualified enough!”
“So? Jesse Nielsen had been waiting for five hours in advance at the airport!”
Joseph nodded. “Yes, I know about that too. I even sent someone to invite this big shot to the celebration party!”
“No way! Why would this big shot attend such a party?”
No one believed it.
In fact, as an upstart, Joseph was just trying his luck.
“Dad!” shouted Jaycob, the second eldest son of the Garrison family could be seen running over. “The big shot has accepted our invitation to attend our celebration banquet! He’s on the way!”
“Jesus! God has indeed blessed the Garrison family!”
Everyone in the Garrison family could barely conceal their delight as this was their chance to reach the sky in a single bound.
The grandchildren of the Garrison family gathered together, sunshine flooding their souls.
Levi’s brother, Bryan, and sister-in-law, Victoria, smiled. “Well, it all starts with Levi’s imprisonment that the Garrison family is at where we are today…”
“Right, speaking about Levi, do you guys know today’s the day that kid gets out of prison?!” somebody asked abruptly.
“Really? Isn’t that bad luck? Why did he have to be released on such a big day?!”
“Please, please, please don’t come back! He’s the Garrison family’s biggest disgrace!”
Victoria’s lips tugged into a sneer. “Speaking of which, Levi is the crowning glory of the Garrison family’s status today.”
“That’s what he’s supposed to do!” Bryan said. “He should contribute to the Garrison family for raising him, an orphan! His multi-billion Levi Group means nothing. To put it bluntly, he’s just a dog raised by the Garrison family!”
Someone gave a chortle. “As a matter of fact, I’ve been interested in Levi’s wife for a long time now. She’s still widowed, and I’m so going to marry her!”
The man’s remark caused gales of laughter.
“Everyone, stop what you’re doing. I have an important announcement to make,” Joseph said and went on to announce that the big shot was coming.
A thunderous applause was heard.
But when the applause had died down, there was still someone clapping.
The sound was loud and clear, approaching from afar.
On the red carpet, a man came clapping, looking bold and energetic.
His stride gave off a majestic and imposing aura, which made the mass hold their breaths.
“It’s Levi!” Bryan and Victoria exclaimed.
Suddenly, all eyes were riveted on him.
“I forgot this little brat got out of jail today!” Levi’s adoptive parents spoke in unison.
Ignoring the astonished gazes darted at his way, Levi walked step by step towards Joseph.
“A little bird told me that the company is now listed. How are you feeling, Joseph? Are you happy?”
Levi flashed him a meaningful smile.
“How dare you show up here, you insolent brat! And what did you just call me?” Joseph’s fury sprang to life.
“Who let him in? Didn’t you know he just got out of prison? How inauspicious!”
Bryan rose to his feet. “What the hell are you doing here, Levi?”
Levi sized him up. “Why can’t I be here?”
“Well, for starters, you’re an orphan! The Garrison family has raised you, but you were ambitious and ungrateful. You had inordinate ambitions for your sister-in-law, and you wanted to take possession of the Garrison family! You’d even tried to kill your parents when things go south! Have you no conscience? Do you have any sense of morality left in your heart?”
“You’ve lost your reputation in North Hampton, and everyone knows that. Have you no shame to have the brass neck to come round here?”
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The stinging slap across the face jolted Mandy.

She covered her face and looked at Corey incredulously. “Mr. Stone, how have I offended you?”


Corey gave her another tight slap across the head. “You stupid b*tch, don’t you know what you’ve done wrong?”

“W-What have I done wrong?” Mandy repeated in puzzlement.

Marshall and the others were burning with curiosity as well.

What did we do?


Corey slapped her again.

“I really don’t know what I did wrong, Mr. Stone,” Mandy cried, her face swelling up.

“Do you know about the zillionaire at Audi next door?” Corey asked sternly.

“Yeah, they spent two hundred million at one go,” Mandy, Marshall and the others said.

“Then let me tell you something. This zillionaire had gone to our store first!” Corey shouted madly.


Mandy and Marshall’s faces fell.

“Huh? The zillionaire really came to our store? Then why didn’t he purchase anything?” Mandy and Marshall asked.

“Why? Aren’t you guys at fault for this? How is he going to buy a car if you guys didn’t allow him to enter?”

“Yeah, I also heard that this zillionaire was kicked out of the Mercedes Benz 4S dealership store! They even called him a poor bastard!”

Hearing that, Mandy and Marshall were dumbstruck with terror.

Surely they had chased away many potential customers in the name of the event today, but they didn’t expect a zillionaire to be among them.

“Fools! I’m going to kill you! Don’t you understand what you did wrong? You’ve ruined me!” Corey roared.

At this moment, there was a hubbub inside the Audi 4S dealership store, with a crowd forming around a man as they walked out.

“Here he is, the zillionaire!” someone shouted, and everyone looked over.

Corey quickly went up and bowed in greeting, catching Levi off guard. “Nice to meet you, Sir! I was wrong! I’ve failed to educate my staff!”

“Mr. Garrison, this is Corey Stone, the General Manager of Mercedes Benz,” Jace introduced.

Levi put on a straight face which almost gave Corey a heart attack.

So is this what it feels like to step off on the wrong foot?

“Dear Mr. Garrison, I just found out what happened. It’s my fault for being lax in educating my staff! I didn’t expect to have such unqualified subordinates! Please accept my apologies!” Corey bowed.

There Upon, he dragged Mandy, Marshall, and the rest to the front.

Levi slowly shifted his gaze to them…

When Mandy and Marshall looked up, they nearly passed out in shock.

It’s Levi Garrison! Levi’s the zillionaire who had bought two hundred over cars at once!

He’s really here to buy a car and our store was his first choice!

But we drove him away…

Where did he get the money to foot a two hundred million bill at once, though?
Everyone was scared silly!

Can his gaze be any more frightening?

Why is a zillionaire like him keeping such a low profile?

Why isn’t he decked out in designer brands?

Who would have thought that he is the zillionaire?

Is it too late to say that we regret our actions?

Marshall and the others regarded Mandy with resentment. If it weren’t for Mandy’s vicious mockery towards Levi, they wouldn’t have followed suit and acted so badly.

Mandy was scared out of her pants.

Right then, Levi’s voice was heard. “I don’t accept apologies!”

Corey panicked.

Shit! Is the end of me for offending such an invincible zillionaire?

“Mr. Garrison, I swear I’ll fire Mandy, Marshall, and the eight other staff at once,” he said hastily. “And any company or 4S dealership store related to Mercedes Benz will never hire them, ever again!”

Mandy and Marshall wanted to faint.

Corey had just cut off their source of income by stripping them off of their high paying job, and that was just about the biggest punishment there was.

“We at Audi shall not employ people like Mandy,” Jace seized the opportunity to announce.

“We at BMW will never hire people like these either!”

“Porsche as well!”

Mandy, Marshall and the other’s faces darkened.

All the car brands on Coastal Street had made their stance clear, which was akin to them being banned by the entire industry!

At the very least, they would have no other means of subsistence in North Hampton.

Levi sneered at Mandy, “And they said women have good intuition, I guess not?”

Hearing that, Mandy, Marshall and the others got on their knees, begging, “We were wrong, Mr. Garrison. Please forgive us just this once…”

Levi turned a deaf ear and left straight away, leaving Mandy and the other women a crying mess.

“Somebody get rid of these scum!” Corey yelled.

Something magical had happened in front of Morris Group’s office building today.

It was a stunning spectacle in which two hundred new Audi were delivered and parked on the square.

Most importantly, the higher ups of Morris Group were all kept in the dark.

The incident soon alarmed Iris as she hurried down with a group of executives.

Several trucks were still unloading the cars on the square.

“Excuse me. What’s going on here?” Iris asked in a fluster.

The truck driver replied, “The person in charge of the Audi 4S dealership store said there’s a big boss who had ordered two hundred over Audi in a single bill. I was told to send them to Morris Group, and that’s all I know.”

“A big boss? Why did he buy so many cars?”

Iris was all the more confused because she didn’t have a clue who the buyer was, and that was when Isaiah ran out.

“Ms. Anabelle, it’s the big boss who bought them!”

His words sent shock waves through the crowd.

This big boss’s style of doing things is really unfathomable.

Why did he buy so many cars?

Just then, an Audi A8 came to a halt before them.

Coming down from the car was Kirin.

“Mr. Atkinson!”

The employees went up to greet him.

“Since y’all are here, I have an announcement to make,” Kirin said, seeing that almost everyone from the upper management was around. “Morris Group will soon implement a reward system.”

“Rewards will be given according to individual performance. Regardless of whether you are an executive or an ordinary employee, there will be a reward if you perform well. You saw the rewards—cars!

We don’t hold back on rewarding our staff. The Audi parked in the square cost at least four hundred thousand each. As long as you work hard, the two million Audi R8 sports car could be yours.”
“But of course, if you don’t want a car by then, it can be converted into cash.”

“I’ve also heard that the big boss has plans to reward you guys with houses and mansions in the future. As long as you make profits for the company, the company will give you a future.”

“Yes, Sir!”

The entire Morris Group seethed with excitement at Kirin’s announcement. The reward system had struck exactly the right note with the employees.

Rewarding a car that costs at least four hundred thousand is too posh! We must work harder! Only then can we enjoy a brighter future in this company!

“Not many departments have shown outstanding achievements as the company has just been established,” Kirin continued. “But we are all witnesses to the achievements of the technical department, aren’t we? With that, the big boss has decided to reward fifteen cars to the technical team!”

The technical team went wild.

Isaiah was so exhilarated that his eyes brimmed with tears.

The others looked on enviously, vowing to work even harder.

“We want to contribute to the company as well! We want a car too!”

“I’m so going to get that most expensive sports car!”

Seeing the employees’ spirited demeanor, Iris exclaimed inwardly. How intimidating this mysterious boss is to win over the people’s hearts with just a snap! The additional revenue the company will earn in the future will be far more than these rewards! Who on earth is this big boss?

Meanwhile, Levi was on his way to Union Square.

It wasn’t because he was angry that he bought two hundred over cars on Coastal Street in one transaction, but because he had really wanted to reward the employees.

He had sent thirty cars to the manor that Azure Dragon and the others were staying in, and ten cars to James.

In front of Union Square, Zoey was standing by the roadside glumly because her crappy car had just broken down.

The mechanics had arrived stating that the car needed a major repair that would cost about ten thousand.

As her car cost only thirty thousand, it wasn’t worthwhile to repair it.

“I guess I should really get a new car,” Zoey muttered to herself.

It was rush hour, and it was too difficult to catch a cab by the road.

But at that moment, a car suddenly stopped next to Zoey. The window rolled down to reveal a young man who was taking off his sunglasses, saying, “Where are you going, pretty lady? I’ll give you a ride.”

“No, thank you!” Zoey refused bluntly.

“Don’t get me wrong, pretty lady. I’m not a bad guy! I work at Union Square too—Saturn Group, right next door to your company. Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Damian Stan, the deputy head of the procurement department of Saturn Group.”

Damian came down from the car and handed Zoey a name card. This was his chance to strike up a conversation with her.

He had been observing Zoey all day today and even bragged to his colleagues that he would make Zoey his.

Out of courtesy, Zoey accepted the name card.

“Please, Ms. Lopez. Where are you going? I’ll give you a ride.”

Damian looked at his car and smiled, “This is my new Tesla, it cost about eight hundred thousand. It’s really comfortable inside. You’ll be surprised, Ms. Lopez.”

“It’s okay. I’ll just take a cab,” Zoey refused nonetheless.

“I’ll drive you,” Damian insisted. “We’re neighbors, what’s there to be afraid of?”

Just as he was about to reach out to pull Zoey, a loud honk was heard.
Zoey and Damian stood frozen as they looked at the car.

It was an Audi RS7 that cost almost two million, and it was much classier than Damian’s Tesla!

The car window rolled down, revealing a face familiar to Zoey.

“Honey, get in. Don’t just stand there,” Levi said.

Zoey came back to her senses and quickly hopped on.

Damian was stunned, malice flashing in his eyes.

Just how rich is this woman’s husband to drive a car that costs two million?

And she’s married?

But it’s okay. I’m going to sleep with her no matter what!

In the car, Zoey was full of curiosity.

The interior of this car is too luxurious!

As expected of a two million luxury car!

“Where did you rent this car, Levi? I bet it’s not cheap to rent it for a day.”

Zoey didn’t even think that Levi would buy a car.

“Honey, I bought this car for you,” Levi chuckled. “Didn’t I tell you that day?”

“Are you serious?!”

“Mm, these are the contracts. Have a look.”

Levi handed a pile of documents to Zoey, who went giddy when she saw the contracts.

This car is really mine!

“Thank you, darling!” Zoey expressed her gratitude by giving Levi a kiss on his cheek.

Just as Levi was about to reciprocate, Zoey shouted, “Red light! Red light! Watch out when you’re driving!”

Levi continued driving helplessly.

It was soon known to the Lopez family that Zoey had gotten a new car.

Aaron and Caitlyn had specially come out of the house to see it.

“Mom, Dad, I bought a car for you too. I’ll have it delivered later,” Levi said.

Jeez, how could I have forgotten about them?

Thereafter, Levi called Isaiah and asked him to send over two four hundred thousand cars.

Half an hour later, two Audi were sent to Bayview Garden with the completed paperwork.

Aaron and Caitlyn couldn’t be bothered to eat as they rushed downstairs to look at the cars.

They were so in love in their new cars that they could hardly tear themselves away from them.

Even Zoey was also studying her new car.

At this time, Iris had returned from work.

She couldn’t help but laugh when she saw the Lopez family’s behavior. “What are you guys doing?”

“My son-in-law bought cars for us!” Aaron said proudly.

Iris looked over and saw three Audi.

“Aren’t these our company’s cars?” she blurted.

“Your company’s cars? What’s going on here?” Zoey asked.

Iris told them about the reward system.

“The technical team was rewarded with a dozen of cars today, and Isaiah has the right to distribute them. He’s nice to Levi, and it was he who brought Levi into the company. Otherwise, how do you think Levi could work in Morris Group?”

“So you’re saying that these cars were given to Levi by Isaiah out of friendship?” Zoey asked.

“That must be it! You guys keep this matter to yourselves. If other employees of the company find out about this, they will be disappointed. After all, Levi was rewarded with three cars for lounging around and doing nothing,” Iris enjoined.

In fact, she wasn’t satisfied either.

How is it that Levi could get three cars without even contributing to the company?

And one of them even cost two million?

If I’m already this unhappy, imagine how the employees would feel.

Aaron’s expression fell.
He had thought his son-in-law had brought them glory by buying three cars at once, but they turned out to be gifts gifted out of friendship.

Even though the cars were in their hands, it wouldn’t feel pleasant to drive.

After all, Levi didn’t buy them with his own money.

How suffocating would it if they had to drive in secret and not tell anyone about this!

“Uncle, Aunt, don’t be mad. Levi did it with the best of intentions, after all. Just feel free to drive them. You have my word,” Iris said.

“Thanks, Iris.”

Aaron and Caitlyn felt much more relieved at that, but they were still dissatisfied with Levi.

How humiliating would it be if words get out!

Luckily, Iris has reminded us.

Levi, who was eating, didn’t know what had happened. When he saw them coming back, he even asked them, “Mom, Dad, don’t you guys like it?”

“Don’t you ever do such humiliating things again!” Aaron roared.

“Yeah, we appreciate your kindness, but let this be last time. I don’t want to lose face!” Caitlyn raged as well.

Levi put on a puzzled face. “What’s wrong?”

“Was it Isaiah who sent us the cars?” Zoey asked.

“Yeah, he sent them.” Levi nodded.

Because that was the truth!

“Right then.”

Zoey and her parents remained quiet, leaving Levi baffled.

The next day, Zoey drove to work early.

As Levi exited the house, he met Iris at the doors.

Iris glanced at him and smirked, “Seems like you’re still a pretty decent person.”

“Hmm? What do you mean?” Levi asked.

“I thought you were going to drive an Audi as well,” Iris sneered, then drove off.

Levi simply smiled and jogged out the door.

He had been running to and fro work these days because he was used to it in the army.

He would feel sick all over now instead if he didn’t move his body.

Bayview Garden was located in a high-class area with lots of parks, which was a treat to runners.

These parks had joined forces to set up a track several kilometers long within the perimeter.

“Move away! This place has been sealed off! Go somewhere else!”

At this moment, Levi came head-on to a team of security guards who were holding trained police dogs in their hands.

Those who were jogging or playing were forced out.

Levi saw that there were a group of people in the security guards’ wake, some lifting cameras on their shoulders, some holding props such as light shields, and others holding computers…

It seemed that a celebrity has come by…

The most conspicuous thing Levi saw was that a beautiful woman was being carried by four men. It was as if she didn’t want her feet to touch the ground at all.

“Slow down! You’re tipping me over. What a load of idiots!”

Not only was the woman complaining, but she also even threw a banana peel on the curb…

“Isn’t that the influencer, Lil Lacey?” someone who recognized her at the side said in surprise. “She seems polite on broadcast, but why is she so different in real life?”

“Yeah, she has the vibe of a girl with positive energy. How can she be so uncivilized?”

A look of bemusement spread across the crowd’s faces.

“Haha, a lot of influencers are like this. They just fake it for the camera. What you see on screen is all filtered!”

Levi was slightly annoyed.

How can mere influencers have special privileges to get rid of the locals?

Isn’t the park a public area?

Right then, the team of security guards stood before Levi. “Move out of the way! What are you looking at?”
Levi stood still.

He had no intentions of giving way.

Who gave them the authority to seal the roads?

Just as the security guards were about to fly off the handle, Lil Lacey, the influencer behind, suddenly slapped one of the four men who carried her in the face with a crisp sound.

“Is your brain filled with shit or something? What the hell are you doing? You almost dropped me!” Lil Lacey screamed.

This particular staff quickly apologized, “I’m sorry. My foot slipped. I’m really sorry…”

But Lil Lacey slapped the staff in the face again, despite his apologies.

The people around burned with anger at her treating her staff with such brutality.

How unkind of her to slap him just because his foot slipped!

A few people even took out their phones to film as they wanted to expose what this influencer was truly like.

“What do you think you’re doing? Did I agree to let you film? Go to hell!” Lil Lacey’s anger spiked when she caught them in the act, then she turned toward her manager and said, “Amelia, look at them! Smash their phones, quick! We can’t let them post the videos online!”

Amelia immediately ordered, “Get rid of their phones now! The videos must never get out!”

A dozen of security guards rushed forward to those who were filming, snatching their phones away and smashing them to the ground into pieces.

These people choked with silent fury. They couldn’t afford to mess with that influencer.

There was a tall young man, however, who was still clutching his phone to which two security guards had failed to grab it.

“What do you think you’re doing? It’s against the law to take my phone!” the man retorted.

“Against the law? Listen, we are the law! We call the shots!”

A few more security guards joined in to snatch his phone away before smashing it to the ground before his eyes.

“Compensate me for my phone! I demand justice, or this will not end!” The young man hit the roof.

Lil Lacey shot a glance at him and said, “Beat him up!”

The security guards charged forward at her command at once, pinning the man to the ground.

“Stop it!”

A voice sounded all of a sudden.

The security guards stopped short and looked over to where the sound came from.

It was Levi.

“Is this how a famous influencer should behave?” he asked with a sneer.

Upon hearing Levi’s words, Lil Lacey exploded, “Who the hell are you? Stay out of this!”

Levi let out a suppressed laugh. “As a man of justice, I can never turn a blind eye to injustice!”

“Fine! Since you’re a nosy retard, I’ll make an example of you!”

Lil Lacey commanded the security guards to make a move on Levi.

“I’ll give you a taste of a viscous dog bite!” the security guard snorted coldly. “Bite him!”

The dogs they were leashing started barking.

Especially after the security guards let go of the leash, they became more and more manic and were ready to rush over.

But the next moment, Levi’s eyes darkened in a slight glint, his body exuding a solemn killing aura.

To everyone’s surprise, these dogs actually prostrated themselves to the ground and their bodies were trembling.

Levi had killed countless enemies on the battlefield and was conferred with the title of ‘battlefield butcher’, ‘war machine’ and many more.

There was a murderous aura about him that had been honed on the battlefield.
These animals who had heightened senses as compared to humans were petrified.

Let alone a few vicious dogs, even lions and tigers would prostrate themselves in worship at Levi’s murderous aura.


The security guards and Lil Lacey gawked.

What’s wrong with these dogs?

“What are you people standing there for? Get him!” Lil Lacey and Amelia chorused.

The security guards sprinted toward Levi.



With blows from Levi’s fists and kicks from his feet, all the guards lay wailing on the ground thirty seconds later.

The onlookers applauded.

“Nice one, man!”

“You’re strong!”

“These scoundrels need to learn their lessons!”

Lil Lacey and Amelia were scared stiff.

Levi walked over to Lil Lacey and pulled her down in one swoop.

“Have you got no legs? Do you really need someone to carry you around?” Levi questioned.

Lil Lacey wanted to refute him, but she shut her mouth meekly when her eyes met his terrifying ones.

“Lil Lacey, was it? Apologize to them now and compensate for their phones!” Levi said in a commanding tone.

“I don’t—”


Lil Lacey was just about to refuse when she heard Levi’s voice. “I’m sorry!” she quickly bowed her head and apologized.

Amelia could only admit defeat as well. “I’m sorry!”

“Compensate them now!” Levi commanded.

Amelia compensated them in the end with the original price of their smashed phones.


Everyone applauded again.

“Can we leave now, Sir?” Amelia asked softly.

“Hold up! So you’re the famous influencer, Lil Lacey, huh? Is Morris Group working with you?” Levi asked.

Amelia nodded. “Yes, that’s right! Lil Lacey has signed a contract with Morris Group as the ambassador and spokesperson for their new products.”

Lil Lacey gave Levi an inquisitive look.

What’s the meaning of this?

“Okay, I’m dissolving this cooperation between you and Morris Group,” Levi said. “Morris Group will never allow people of questionable character to be their ambassador!”

Amelia laughed, “Haha, this is a bit too much, isn’t it, Sir? Who are you to dissolve our cooperation with Morris Group?”

“I am someone from Morris Group and I am qualified to terminate your contract!”

“Don’t worry. Morris Group will never use unethical people like you!”

Amelia snickered, “Then what’s your name? What happened today will not end here.”

“Remember this, my name is Levi Garrison. You can look for me anytime at Morris Group!”

With that said, Levi left the place.

Lil Lacey and Amelia’s eyes were filled with resentment as they looked at Levi’s retreating back.

“Amelia, quickly send someone to identify him! I want him gone!” Lil Lacey shook with fury.

She was used to being arrogant and domineering.

Having been shamed in public for this first time, she vowed to wipe Levi off the face of the earth.

Amelia tugged her lips into an insidious smile. “Didn’t you hear him, Lacey? He’s from Morris Group!”

“Okay,” Lil Lacey said. “Quickly inform Morris Group that I want to terminate our contract! I want Morris Group to drown in regret!”

Amelia gave her a thumbs-up. “That’s a brilliant move! Even if Morris Group doesn’t kill that bastard, he will be fired at the very least!”
Lil Lacey’s eyes were bloodshot. “I’ll kill him with my own hands!”

Amelia nodded. “I’ll seek help through our connections and we’ll put him to death! What a disgrace today!”

Meanwhile, Iris had just arrived at the office and was having a regular meeting when her secretary suddenly came running in.

“Ms. Anabelle, we’re screwed! Everest Entertainment had just called to say that Lil Lacey wants to terminate her contract with us and will no longer be the ambassador and spokesperson for our product!”

A heavy silence fell upon the room.

“Hurry up and patch me through to Lil Lacey’s manager, Ms. Mackie!” Iris said instantly.

“What can I do for you, Ms. Anabelle?” Amelia sniggered once the call connected.

“Ms. Mackie, may I know why exactly are you terminating the contract with us?” Iris asked mildly. “Didn’t we come to an agreement already?”

“Haven’t you heard, Ms. Anabelle? Someone from Morris Group has terminated our contract! We can’t work with Morris Group anymore, so we can only make it official from our side first,” Amelia laughed grimly.

Iris asked through clenched teeth, “Could you tell me who it is who wanted to terminate the contract?”

“Then listen carefully, Levi Garrison!”

“Not only did he terminate our contract, but he also even beat up our security guards and insulted Lacey in public!”

“So we’re terminating our contract and we’ll never work with your company ever again! Goodbye!”

Amelia hung up directly without giving Iris the chance to speak.

After answering the phone call, Iris slumped in her chair.

“What happened, Ms. Anabelle?” everyone asked quizzically.

“Levi Garrison! He messed with Lil Lacey, and now they are terminating their contract! There’s nothing we can do now!”

Iris wore a look of despair.

“That won’t do! We’re going full blast tomorrow, and Lil Lacey is the star of the show!”

“Yeah, we’re starting with the promotion tomorrow. What should we do now?”

Iris shot up to her feet and said, “I can only go there and talk to them myself!”

At the corridor, she met Levi, who had just arrived, head-on.

“This is all thanks to you, Levi!” she snarled.

“What did I do?”

“What did you do? You messed with Lil Lacey, and now their company is terminating their contract with us! Our main ambassador is gone!”

Iris’s eyes nearly started out of her head.

Levi chuckled, “It’s better that they terminate the contract. Our company won’t stoop so low as to use her!”

“Do you know how much damage it will do to us if Lil Lacey’s contract is terminated? Not to mention the publicity effect will be greatly compromised, we’ll lose twenty million in terms of money alone!” Iris snapped.

“Listen, Lil Lacey is a person of questionable morals. Hiring someone like her to be our ambassador is an insult to our product!”

Levi told Iris about what had happened.

“I’m angry to hear that too, but those are her private affairs and we can’t control it. We only care about her image as an influencer and how much profit she will bring us,” Iris said.

Levi smiled, “You don’t understand? She has the publicity effect, but that’s just temporary!”

“Hmph, how can you do business like this?! You’re the one who doesn’t understand!” Iris huffed and left.

“Where are you going?” Levi asked.
“I’m going to beg her!” Iris answered.

Levi disregarded her and went to the office of the technical department, drinking tea and smoking cigarette while Iris went to Everest Entertainment personally to negotiate with them.

However, the other party was adamant about terminating the contract.

“Unless you fire him after he kneels before me and apologizes to me or end of discussion!”

Lil Lacey gave Iris only one way out.

“Yes, that bastard must come and apologize on his knees!”

They were firm in their decision.

Iris’s face paled.

“I can make the decision to fire him, but I need to ask him about the apology. I’ll go back and figure this out!”

No sooner was Iris out of earshot than Lil Lacey and the others burst into laughter.

“You dare to challenge us, Levi Garrison? You’re dead meat!”

Lil Lacey’s eyes were loaded with hatred.

After returning to the company, Iris immediately went to look for Levi.

“Come, follow me to Everest Entertainment!”

Levi looked stunned. “For what?”

“To apologize! They said as long as you apologize to them on your knees, and then I fire you, they will overlook this matter!”

Iris bit her lips. “I can only sacrifice you for the greater good of the company. But don’t worry, I’ll compensate you once you apologize to them.”

Levi shook his head. “You’re asking me to kneel down and apologize to them? Hell no! They should be the ones on their knees apologizing and begging us to sign them!”

Iris’s temper sparked at Levi’s attitude.

He’s the one at fault. Why isn’t he trying to solve it?

“Levi Garrison, you’re the one who created this mess. Are you going to take care of this or not?” Iris asked coldly.

“Over my dead body!”

Levi was very resolute.

“Fine, I’ll get someone who can talk some sense into you!”

Iris left in a fit of pique to call Zoey, telling her the whole story.

Shortly after, Levi received a call from Zoey.

“Listen to me, Levi. Go and apologize to them. The interest of the company is more important, after all,” Zoey said.

“I won’t! How could I apologize on my knees to some trash? Besides, I didn’t do anything wrong!”

Levi stood his ground.

“Okay, even if you’re right, you have to think about the interest of the company, no? And Iris and me? A man has to take responsibility. Besides, it’s because of you that this happened,” Zoey said.

“There’s no way I will apologize! I won’t apologize even if you kill me!”

“You disappoint me so much!”

Zoey hung up the phone in anger.

Knowing that Levi wouldn’t go to apologize no matter what, the entire company was pointing fingers at Levi, including the canteen ladies and uncles.

“Look at him sitting there eating shamelessly.”

“He’s a useless piece of sh*t! Does he really think he has the power? He’s nothing without Isaiah!”

“He should have just apologized and get it over with. Does he think he can stay in the company forever?”

Levi felt a little aggrieved at the murmurs of dissent coming his way.

I didn’t do anything wrong.

Why do I have to bear the consequences?

Why do I have to get on my knees and apologize?

What is wrong with this world?

Levi would rather die than apologize.

Iris couldn’t help it either.

On the other side, Lil Lacey had found out that Levi had turned his nose up at their demand.

“Okay, Amelia. Let’s show them what we got!” she sneered. “I’m going to cut off their publicity channels, including their ambassadors. Let’s see what they can do.”
Iris stayed in the conference room, rubbing her temples. She was brainstorming solutions with everyone when her phone suddenly rang.

Her face changed dramatically, and her phone almost slipped out of her hand when the call ended.

We’re screwed!

We’re totally screwed!

It turned out that the caller was the manager of the popular star, Wanda, from Everest Entertainment, who was also one of the signed ambassadors.

The manager had called to inform Iris that they would be terminating their contract as well.

Thereafter, her phone rang again.

“Hello, Ms. Anabelle. I’m the manager of Sean Hanks from Everest Entertainment, and we are requesting to terminate our contract with your company.”

“Hello, I’m Lil Jasmine’s manager from King Entertainment and we want to cancel our contract with you.”

“Hello, nice to meet you. I’m from Star Media. We would like to dissolve our contract regarding the promotion of your product.”

The calls came one after another.

A total of ten celebrities and influencers that Iris had approached had called to terminate their contracts, including most of the publicity channels.

Some forum websites had also informed that they could only provide recommended advertisement space on classified pages to Morris Group instead of advertisements on their homepages.

Even the newspaper offices had informed that they would no longer publish any news about Morris Group.

After receiving a dozen of phone calls, everyone’s faces were drained of all color and animation. They came near to a breakdown.

They didn’t expect that Lil Lacey’s termination was just the calm before a storm, and that the worst has yet to come.

Things were already bad enough without Lil Lacey as their ambassador, and now that various publicity channels had been cut off, Morris Group was completely finished this time.

No one would show interest, no matter how good the product was, because there was no publicity at all. How on earth were they going to sell their products if no one knew anything about them?

“We’ve underestimated Lil Lacey’s power in North Hampton. Offending her is equivalent to offending the whole entertainment industry. No one will sign with us ever again!”

Iris drew in a deep breath.

“It’s all Levi’s fault! Why the hell did he mess with Lil Lacey? Is she someone he can afford to mess with?” Georgia, Iris’s assistant, said coldly.

“Yeah, it’s all Levi’s fault! Everything is ruined now!”

“I know, right? All the products can’t be shipped off now!”

Everyone regarded Levi as the sinner of the company.

Right then, Levi swaggered into the conference room, smiling, “What are you guys worried about?”

“What do you think we’re worried about? All the ambassadors have terminated their contracts and almost every publicity channel has been cut off! What are we going to do with our products?” one senior executive shouted.

“I’ve told you that those people that you hired are not suitable. It wouldn’t be effective to hire them,” Levi replied. “You guys don’t understand who are your real target audience!”

Iris sprang to her feet. “How could you say that at this point in time, Levi?”

“Our original plan was to start promoting tomorrow and officially launch the products three days later. Who are we going to sell them to now?” Iris yelled.

“Don’t worry. Everything will turn out for the best! It will sell like crazy by then,” Levi said.

“Get out of here! Now! I don’t want to see you for a while,” Iris barked.

How she wished she could fire him right there and then!

But she couldn’t say much for the sake of Isaiah.

Levi was really on a downer.

Is she really chasing me away from my own company?

Fine, I’ll just let this slide until her anger subsides.
And so he left the company.

Iris had gathered her employees for a meeting again, and the theme was simple—change nothing and minimize the damage as much as possible.

She also made it a point to tell her employees to keep this matter from Neil, as she didn’t want the big boss to find out. It would only reflect badly on her as an incompetent leader.

Azure Dragon had arrived to pick Levi up after he left the company.

“Did you manage to reach out to Benny Quinton?” Levi asked Azure Dragon, who had come to pick him up from the company.

Azure Dragon nodded. “Yes, Sir. Mr. Quinton was so happy to hear from you. He would love to meet you too.”

Levi smiled, “Tell Mr. Quinton to come to North Hampton three days later. Just tell him that Levi Garrison needs a favor from him.”

Azure Dragon guffawed, “That is wonderful! You, Sir, are the nation’s God of War, and Mr. Quinton is the nation’s greatest doctor! You both are the nation’s greatest treasures!”

One must be living under rock if they didn’t know who Benny was.

Benny Quinton was a legend, the star of the medical field who had saved more than a million people over the past few decades with his godly hands.

He would always be on the front lines before a great disaster, leading hundreds of thousands of doctors in defeating the ‘enemy’.

He was a god in the hearts of thousands of people.

Coincidentally, Levi had saved Benny once before and ever since then they were as thick as thieves.

They were both defenders of the country who had greatly contributed to their respective fields.

There was no telling how many countries were envious of Erudia for having two great defenders of the country.

“And tell the Rogers family to bring me all the celebrities that they had invited to their last celebration,” Levi said.

“Roger that!”

That night when Levi returned home, Zoey had been giving him the cold shoulder.

“It’s just a small matter, honey. Is this really necessary?” Levi asked in a relaxed manner.

“Small matter? I thought it was just a small matter as well, but I didn’t expect it to snowball like that! The entire Morris Group is affected because of you, do you know that?!”

“I don’t understand. Is it so hard for you to get on your knees and apologize?”

Levi’s expression changed. “Why should I bow down to such lowlifes when I’ve never bowed down to any gods?”

“I know you’re a man of moral fiber! And I know that you’re right! But can’t you just put yourself down this once for the greater good of the company?” Zoey snapped.

Levi shook his head. “No! I will never! I will never apologize for something that I didn’t do wrong!”

“Then go away! I don’t want to see you for a while.”

In the end, Levi was kicked out of the house.

Walking in the courtyard, Levi had wanted to scrounge a free meal off Iris, but her door was tightly shut.

He had no choice but to go home and grabbed a few steamed buns before he hit the streets.

Coincidentally, Una had just finished a meeting and was on her way home when she suddenly saw a familiar figure by the road.

“Jamie, look. Is that Levi Garrison?” Una asked.

“Yeah, it is!” Jamie, Una’s assistant, replied.

“I can’t believe he’s actually eating steamed buns on the streets,” Una said in surprise. “Seems like he got kicked out.”

“Boy, I thought he had it in him! Come on, let’s go over there,” Una said.

Levi was still nibbling on a steamed bun when a Rolls-Royce Cullinan suddenly stopped beside him, honking.

“Eating steamed buns, eh?” Una snickered as she came down from the car.
“Is that any of your business?” Levi looked up, a grim smile on his lips.

“No, I mean, I thought you’re doing well. How did you wind up eating steamed buns on the street?”

Una felt an irresistible urge to laugh.

In her heart, Levi was nothing but a rotten person and it felt good to see him in a wretched state.

“Did your wife kick you out of the house, Mr. Garrison?” Jamie asked.


Una burst out laughing. “I supposed you can survive with your salary right now if you’re still single, but you have a family to feed. Your wife is so brilliant, don’t you think you’re too far behind?”

“It’s none of your business. Get out of the way!”

Levi looked irritated.

Next second, Una took out a stack of cash from her purse and threw them at Levi. “Dinner’s on me then!”

And she left with her assistant shortly after.

Levi couldn’t believe his eyes when the stack of cash fell in front of him.

Did this woman just hit me in the face with money? This is absolutely insulting!

A god shall never be crossed!

“The Gonzales family, was it? You people have been testing my patience! Your glory days are over!”

There was a cold glint in Levi’s eyes.

The Gonzales family and the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce are finished! They must have a death wish for screwing with me!

Una couldn’t be any happier after insulting Levi.

“Did you see his face when you hit him with the money, Ms. Gonzales?” Jamie laughed.


Una was rolling in the aisles.

As soon as she returned home, she recounted the story of meeting Levi to the Gonzales family, who all applauded, including Winston. “Well done!”

“Okay, enough about this,” Clint, the Gonzales family’s second son, interrupted. “Dad, I was just informed that the Great Doctor, Benny Quinton, would be coming to North Hampton in three days!”

“Mr. Quinton is actually coming to North Hampton? That is huge!” Winston gasped, jolting to his feet.

Winston’s health had been going downhill. He had invited Benny to North Hampton many times but was rejected nevertheless.

Regardless of how much he had offered, whether it was a billion or more, Benny was unbending.

Everyone knew that Benny was a man who did not care for social norms. He was the symbol of rectitude in Erudia who despised the bigwigs the most.

No matter how much he was offered to treat a patient, his answer was always a firm no.

He could treat them, however, on the condition that they registered themselves at the hospital that he worked at like any other ordinary patient.

In his eyes, patients were just patients, and they were all to be treated equally.

Benny had been residing in Vermond and had never left the city for decades.

Hence, it was a great shock to Winston when he found out that the Great Doctor was actually coming to North Hampton.

“Did someone invite Mr. Quinton over?” Winston asked.

“Beats me. I can’t imagine who in North Hampton or even the whole of Erudia could make Mr. Quinton come out of his shell. He’s the God of Erudia!” Clint remarked in surprise.

Winston’s eyes flickered and instructed, “Clint, invite Mr. Quinton over when the time comes. I want to host his stay in North Hampton!”

“Got it!”

“How exciting! I can’t believe I’m going to meet both the God of War and the Great Doctor of Erudia!”

Winston was already looking forward to it.

Not only the Gonzales family, but the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce had been informed of Benny’s arrival in North Hampton three days later as well.

The four noble families of North Hampton were naturally excited to meet this Great Doctor.

“Haha, let’s go pick him up at the airport three days later!”
“I can’t believe we get to meet the two great gods of Erudia!”

“Benny Quinton has unparalleled medical skills. I want him to see what’s wrong with me!”

In particular, the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce accounted for a large proportion of the pharmaceutical business in North Hampton.

It would guarantee the reputation of their pharmaceutical business if they had an acquaintance in Benny.

With the many benefits that they could stand to reap, their plan was simple—they must invite Mr. Quinton for tea at the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce.

The next day, the news that the Great Doctor, Benny Quinton, was coming to North Hampton had spread across the entire North Hampton.

Only God knew who spread the word.

Everyone respected Benny as God, and they couldn’t wait to meet him.

This only went on to prove the reputable status of Benny Quinton!

Everyone in Morris Group was also discussing this matter today.

After all, a Great Doctor like Benny was looked up to by many.

However, they weren’t as excited as the public as it was the first day of the promotion of their products.

And it was an absolute disaster!

In addition to the news of Benny Quinton’s arrival, all resources had been monopolized. Morris Group couldn’t achieve the result that they wanted at all.

Iris was about to sink into the depths of hopelessness.

With such poor results on the first day, the second day was predictable—it would only get worse.

Iris had considered various ways, but to no avail.

Knowing that Benny would be arriving in North Hampton real soon, every publicity channel and media were reluctant to accept any other advertisements.

Iris braced herself for the worst.

If they couldn’t sell their products in the first phase, they would lose at least 1.8 billion!

How Iris wished to jump off a cliff.

She had come all the way back from overseas to further her career, but only to be faced with such a gruesome reality right after she had started to see results.

How was she going to face Mr. Atkinson and the mysterious boss?

Thankfully, Levi hadn’t come to the office for two days. Otherwise, he would be adding fuel to the fire.

It had been two days since Iris last saw Levi as well.

But she had no intention of seeing him again unless he apologized and got himself together.

The much anticipated third day soon arrived.

Yet, it was a cruel and unbearable day for Morris Group because there were still no results on the third day.

Iris was still mourning in her chair for the few million that went down the drain when Levi unexpectedly showed up.

“Send me a car. I need to pick up someone at the airport,” Levi said.

“Huh? Who are you picking up?”

“How dare you come back, Levi?”

Iris and the others made no effort to repress their fury.

“Just send us the best car you got, Ms. Anabelle. Mr. Garrison and I will go together,” Isaiah smiled.

Unable to turn him down, Iris proceeded to arrange for the company’s Lincoln limousine to send them to the airport.

“Levi’s a nuisance! Who the f**k is he picking up at the airport, anyway?”

The upper management raged.

Naturally, the person Levi was going to pick up was Benny.

Although Benny’s status was incomparable to Levi’s, he was an old-timer whom Levi admired.

And since Levi had a favor to ask of him, it was only polite for him to pick up the Great Doctor in person.

When they arrived at the airport, they were shocked at the crowd.

There were just too many people.

Besides the public, the Gonzales family, the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce, and many other wealthy families had all gathered at the airport.

Even Winston was waiting with anticipation among the crowd.

When Morris Group’s car arrived, a clamor broke out.

“Hahaha, even Morris Group is here to invite Mr. Quinton? No way!” Eric sneered.
Winston was surprised. “But he did not give off this kind of vibe last night.”

Una shared her thoughts. “I think this is his tactic of playing hard to get. He’s trying to maximize the benefit he can get from us.”

“That’s right. He must have left the scene deliberately last night after discerning our extraordinary status. He wanted us to locate him so he can get more money from us!”

Winston sighed. “Ten billion is not a problem. But I do not think he deserves this money.”

“I’ll look into his background in detail.” Una was annoyed.

Zoey’s company was doing well recently. She even had plans to sever all ties with the Lopez family and establish a new company.

But the Lopez family saw through her actions despite how careful she was.

“Traitor! Aaron and his family are all traitors!” Henry shouted angrily.

Harry’s expression darkened as well.

Samuel and Melanie said at the same time. “Grandpa, we already told you that Zoey does not care about you. Look at what she’s planning to do now. She’s cutting ties with the Lopez family!”

“Does she have the guts to do so? I am still one of her company’s shareholders!” Harry roared.

“If she’s planning to establish a new company, then she must have thought of a way to handle this issue, grandpa.” Samuel said.

Fabian asked. “Then what can we do? Zoey’s company received a few hundred million of investments lately. I even heard Morris Group would be collaborating closely with her in the future.”

“That’s the problem. We cannot stop her. She can give up Imperial Meadows at any time with the capital she has currently. Grandpa’s shares will not make any difference!” Henry answered.

Harry sighed as well. He could not think of any way to salvage the situation.

Samuel voiced out all of a sudden. “I have an idea, grandpa!”

Harry and the others looked at him at once. “What’s the idea? Hurry up and tell us!”

“Do you still remember my younger brother? The one that I wanted to introduce to Zoey in the past.”


Samuel smiled smugly. “My brother is coming to North Hampton tomorrow. He’s a brilliant hacker. He can hack into almost any company’s system. My idea is to let my brother, Chris, to hack into Imperial Meadows’s account and transfer all the money into grandpa’s account. You are one of the company’s shareholders, so Zoey cannot take any legal action against you.”

Everyone contemplated the idea. Zoey will not be able to do anything after the money is transferred to grandpa’s account. She will not have the guts to sue us, much less Aaron and his wife.

Harry pondered about it for a moment before he said. “Yes. That’s feasible. She cannot do anything by the time the money is transferred to my account.” This is the same as before when I took the one hundred million given to them by the Rogers family. They could not do a thing back then either.

“We must screw Aaron and his family over. They are too smug lately! I heard Aaron is announcing to everyone that he’s buying a new house and a new car!” Henry and the other members of the Lopez family were not pleased by Aaron’s good fortune.

They were looking forward to ruining the happy moment for Aaron and his family.

Meanwhile, Zoey and her family were oblivious to the Lopez family’s preparation.

Aaron and Caitlyn were celebrating the family’s success every day while it lasted.

The next day, Chris arrived at North Hampton. Harry welcomed him in person and even treated him to extravagant meals. Then they began to execute their plan.

“I’ll need some information about the company…” Chris said.

Harry Lopez was one of Imperial Meadows’s shareholders, so it was an easy task for him to obtain classified information about the company.
They are toying with the Cobra's tail
“I can’t believe we get to meet the two great gods of Erudia!”

“Benny Quinton has unparalleled medical skills. I want him to see what’s wrong with me!”

In particular, the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce accounted for a large proportion of the pharmaceutical business in North Hampton.

It would guarantee the reputation of their pharmaceutical business if they had an acquaintance in Benny.

With the many benefits that they could stand to reap, their plan was simple—they must invite Mr. Quinton for tea at the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce.

The next day, the news that the Great Doctor, Benny Quinton, was coming to North Hampton had spread across the entire North Hampton.

Only God knew who spread the word.

Everyone respected Benny as God, and they couldn’t wait to meet him.

This only went on to prove the reputable status of Benny Quinton!

Everyone in Morris Group was also discussing this matter today.

After all, a Great Doctor like Benny was looked up to by many.

However, they weren’t as excited as the public as it was the first day of the promotion of their products.

And it was an absolute disaster!

In addition to the news of Benny Quinton’s arrival, all resources had been monopolized. Morris Group couldn’t achieve the result that they wanted at all.

Iris was about to sink into the depths of hopelessness.

With such poor results on the first day, the second day was predictable—it would only get worse.

Iris had considered various ways, but to no avail.

Knowing that Benny would be arriving in North Hampton real soon, every publicity channel and media were reluctant to accept any other advertisements.

Iris braced herself for the worst.

If they couldn’t sell their products in the first phase, they would lose at least 1.8 billion!

How Iris wished to jump off a cliff.

She had come all the way back from overseas to further her career, but only to be faced with such a gruesome reality right after she had started to see results.

How was she going to face Mr. Atkinson and the mysterious boss?

Thankfully, Levi hadn’t come to the office for two days. Otherwise, he would be adding fuel to the fire.

It had been two days since Iris last saw Levi as well.

But she had no intention of seeing him again unless he apologized and got himself together.

The much anticipated third day soon arrived.

Yet, it was a cruel and unbearable day for Morris Group because there were still no results on the third day.

Iris was still mourning in her chair for the few million that went down the drain when Levi unexpectedly showed up.

“Send me a car. I need to pick up someone at the airport,” Levi said.

“Huh? Who are you picking up?”

“How dare you come back, Levi?”

Iris and the others made no effort to repress their fury.

“Just send us the best car you got, Ms. Anabelle. Mr. Garrison and I will go together,” Isaiah smiled.

Unable to turn him down, Iris proceeded to arrange for the company’s Lincoln limousine to send them to the airport.

“Levi’s a nuisance! Who the f**k is he picking up at the airport, anyway?”

The upper management raged.

Naturally, the person Levi was going to pick up was Benny.

Although Benny’s status was incomparable to Levi’s, he was an old-timer whom Levi admired.

And since Levi had a favor to ask of him, it was only polite for him to pick up the Great Doctor in person.

When they arrived at the airport, they were shocked at the crowd.

There were just too many people.

Besides the public, the Gonzales family, the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce, and many other wealthy families had all gathered at the airport.

Even Winston was waiting with anticipation among the crowd.

When Morris Group’s car arrived, a clamor broke out.

“Hahaha, even Morris Group is here to invite Mr. Quinton? No way!” Eric sneered.
Everyone was dismissive of Morris Group’s arrival, as too many influential people were present.

In their opinion, no one else was qualified to pick up Benny, but the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce and the richest man, Winston Gonzales.

But there again, who else had the power to invite Benny to North Hampton all the way from Vermond?

Una was waiting at the side with Winston when she caught sight of Levi and Isaiah.

“Hmm? Grandpa, look! Isn’t that Levi Garrison?”

The Gonzales family looked over.

“What is he doing here? Is he trying to pick up Mr. Quinton too?” Winston wondered.

“Dad,” Clint said. “Levi’s a man of no scruples when it comes to achieving his goals. He must be trying to take advantage of Mr. Quinton.”

Winston snorted, “I’m standing here. He’ll never get this chance.”

No one is more qualified than me!

“True that. He probably came along for the ride,” Una said.

At that moment, she saw Levi walking towards them.

The Gonzales family were puzzled, wondering what he was up to.

“Is he trying to blackmail us for having saved Sir before this?” the housekeeper suggested.

Una stared at Levi repulsively. “If that is true, Levi sure is rotten to the core!”

Seeing Levi, Winston greeted with a smile, “How may I help you, Levi?”

Levi looked intensely at Una instead and said coldly, “I will not pursue this matter if you bring your grandfather and your father to come and apologize to me within half a month. Otherwise, I swear the Gonzales family will have to pack their bags and to never step foot in North Hampton ever again!”

Levi’s statement was mind-blowing, so much so that the room fell silent in astonishment.

What just happened?

Am I hearing things?

Did someone just provoke the Gonzales family?

And right in front of Winston Gonzales at that?

Even the heads of the four noble families of North Hampton who were standing at the side were flabbergasted.

Who the f**k has the nerve to mess with Winston Gonzales?

Even Jesse Nielsen wouldn’t dare to say that!

Winston’s influence is second to none in North Hampton, be it wealth or political power.

Messing with him is akin to messing with the foundation of North Hampton!

But some insolent brat actually dared to do it!

And that person was no other than Levi Garrison, who had recently got out of jail!


Winston was howling with laughter.

“I’ve never heard of anyone wanting to destroy the Gonzales family in my life! You’re the first to ask for me for an apology on my knees!”

“I’m warning you just this once. It’s up to you whether you choose to listen or not,” Levi said.

“Who the hell are you, Levi?” Una snarled. “So what if I hit you with money? I’m just being charitable! You’re asking me to apologize to a poor brat like you? In your dreams!”

Levi simply ignored her, and the room fell into silence again.
The crowd knew that if it weren’t for Benny’s arrival today, Levi would be dead for sure.

At this time, a large group of media reporters had arrived, holding cameras while waiting in silence.

The arrival of the media reporters made it clear to everyone that Benny would be landing soon.

Levi took out his phone and made a call. “Azure Dragon, bring your men over!”

In the conference room of Everest Entertainment, Noah McCormick, the president of the company, was having a meeting with Lil Lacey, Amelia and a few others.

“How’s it going with Morris Group?” he asked.

“Sir, Morris Group’s new products are listed on the market today and there are zero sales so far,” his assistant replied.

Noah, Lil Lacey and a few other celebrities wore a surprised look on their faces.

“Zero sales?” Lil Lacey asked.

“It can’t be! Despite the impact, isn’t zero sales a little too much?” Amelia questioned.

The president’s assistant smiled, “Word has it that the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce had imposed pressure on them as well. That’s why Morris Group’s new products had zero sales.”

At that, Lil Lacey put on a proud face. “Morris Group? Hah! That is what you get for messing with me, Levi Garrison! I swear the entire Morris Group will down with you!”

“Who would dare to buy their products without Everest Entertainment’s publicity and support?” Noah sniggered. “Barely anyone will know about them.”

“I know, right? With all their publicity channels cut off, the outside world wouldn’t know about their products.”

“Besides, the news of Mr. Quinton’s arrival have taken up most of the headlines in the media recently. Morris Group doesn’t stand a chance,” Amelia said.

“Yeah, Morris Group is going to lose nearly two billion!” Noah said, his voice cracking with glee.

“Now, we shall wait for Morris Group to come and beg us,” Lil Lacey said haughtily, crossing her arms. “I’d like to wait and see if Levi will apologize to us or not!”

“He definitely will! That’s two billion lost there!”

Amelia and the others were confident that Levi would grovel at their feet.

Meanwhile, everyone at Morris Group became taciturn at their depressing sales after the products went online for two hours.

For some reason, a few clients who had agreed to purchase their products had suddenly changed their minds at the very last minute.

Iris collapsed into a heap on her chair, her face pale.

What a failure! Zero sales? What do we do now? How should I explain this to the big boss?

“Our competitors must have taken the advantage to attack us, Ms. Anabelle. Besides, with the news of Mr. Quinton’s arrival dominating all media forums, no one will pay attention to our products,” Georgia, her assistant, said.

“Actually, there is another way,” Justine, the head of the marketing department, piped up. “Why don’t we invite Mr. Quinton to help us with the promotion? Not only can we minimize the loss, but our products will definitely sell like hotcakes!”

“That’s a good idea, but it’s not practical. Even North Hampton’s richest man, Winston Gonzales, has gone to the airport to reach out to Mr. Quinton. Do you think we can still stand a chance?”

Despair washed over everyone at that realization.

“Ms. Anabelle, what we have to do now is to minimize our losses as much as possible. There is no other way.”

“Yeah, I suggest we bring Levi to Everest Entertainment to apologize. That’s our last resort,” a few senior executives proposed.

“Alright,” Iris sighed helplessly. “I’ll go and get him. He has to apologize to them no matter what!”
Thousands of people had gathered outside the private passageway of North Hampton International Airport, and the numbers were still increasing.

Right then, the insiders of the airport sent news that the private jet Benny was on had landed and he would be coming out shortly.

The Gonzales family was so shaken that their eyes never left the private passageway.

Levi, on the other hand, had lit up a cigarette and was smoking, as if he could care less about the Great Doctor’s arrival.

A few minutes later, accompanied by noisy footsteps, Benny and the cabin crew came out from the VIP passageway.

Benny Quinton might be in his eighties, but he was still hale and hearty and going strong.

Not only was he the leading figure in the medical field, but he was also athletic. He was skilled in basketball, swimming, sprinting and other sports.

He was an all-rounder, and the healthier he was, the greater the blessings for Erudia.

Benny was extremely down-to-earth. He was only wearing casual clothes and had only brought along an assistant with him.

Most importantly, he was carrying his own bag and pulling his own luggage.

Could this be compared to those conceited celebrities? No.

He was a national treasure!

The whole nation looked up to this guy!

The crowd couldn’t help but stand in awe at the sight of Benny.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Quinton. I’m Winston Gonzales, a local of North Hampton, also known as the richest man of North Hampton. I’ve been learning to uphold your spirit, Mr. Quinton and I would like to invite you today to my humble abode for a get-together. I’m thinking of contributing to the medical community and I would like to ask for your advice.”

Eric and the others’ jaws dropped at Winston’s speech.

How smart is he to invite Mr. Quinton on the pretext of contributing to the medical community?

“Thank you for your kind words, Mr. Gonzales,” Benny smiled. “But I’m here this time just to catch up with an old friend.”

Benny rejected his invitation!

Benny actually rejected the richest man in North Hampton!

“Hello, Mr. Quinton. We’re from the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce and we would like to invite you for a get-together with us.” Eric took the opportunity to introduce themselves. “Half of the business of the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce is related to medicine, and we’re the ones who produced all the medical equipment of major hospitals in Vermond. We would love to listen to your advice, Mr. Quinton.”

“Thank you for your contribution to the medical community in Erudia,” Benny replied brusquely and walked past the four of them.

The next ten or so influential figures had come forward to invite Benny as well, but they were all rejected.

The Gonzales family was astonished.

Then who in the world invited Mr. Quinton to North Hampton?

Who is this old friend that he spoke of?

The mass exchanged mystified glances, wondering who would be the one to pick him up.

At this moment, a large group of media reporters had encircled Benny and were bombarding him with questions.

“Are you here in North Hampton on a mission, Mr. Quinton?”

“Mr. Quinton, who is this old friend that you were referring to?”

“Are you here on a private trip or for some other purposes, Mr. Quinton?”

Benny’s scalp tingled in frustration and his brows bumped together in a scowl, but the reporters had no intentions of letting him leave unless he answered their questions.

Clack! Clack! Clack!

At that exact moment, the neat and unified sound of footsteps was heard with a troop of soldiers came rushing in.

“Get out of the way!”

The troop swiftly split the reporters apart and stood in two rows, guarding Benny at the center.

“Welcome, Mr. Quinton!” the soldiers saluted.

Benny was psyched, as that was the most respectful greeting one could ever receive.

Then a war officer appeared from behind them.

He had a large gold star embroidered on his shoulder, which evinced that he was a King of War!

The Gonzales family’s eyes widened.

Because he was none other than Azure Dragon!
Azure Dragon came before Benny and gave a military salute. “Welcome to North Hampton, Mr. Quinton!”

Benny’s knitted brows became smooth again as he smiled, “Sorry for the trouble, Azure Dragon.”

“No worries, Mr. Quinton,” Azure Dragon smiled. “Even if it’s not on the God of War’s orders, I would have come to pick you up myself. You’re one of the people I respect.”

“Hahaha, that’s my honor then!” Benny gave a chortle.

It was at the moment that everyone realized it was the God of War who had invited Benny to North Hampton, and that the old friend that he spoke of must be the God of War himself.

Upon hearing that, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

Aside from the God of War, who else in North Hampton had the right to invite Mr. Quinton?

They were both Erudia’s national treasures!

“Mr. Quinton,” said Azure Dragon, suddenly remembering something. “The God of War has asked you to stay for a few more days, as he would like to invite you to attend the North Hampton Warzone commander-in-chief’s appointment ceremony. The new commander-in-chief is one of the God of War’s men.”

“Hahaha, I can’t believe I could have this opportunity! Sure, I’ll be there!”

Winston, Eric and the others were excited to hear that.

Does that mean we could meet the two greatest gods of Erudia at the appointment ceremony?

Right then, Azure Dragon gave Benny a wink, who then looked in a certain direction and immediately understood his meaning.

“I’ll catch up with you later, Azure Dragon. There’s someplace I need to be. I don’t want to keep them waiting,” Benny said.

Everyone’s curiosity piqued.

Why isn’t he leaving with Azure Dragon?

Where is he going?

“Alright, Mr. Quinton. I’ll see you soon,” Azure Dragon said, then turned toward the media reporters, warning, “You can shoot all the pictures you want and report about this, but don’t let it affect Mr. Quinton or you’ll be sorry for this!”

Azure Dragon’s words made the reporters’ blood run cold.

Thank goodness he didn’t chase us away.

We can still report something newsworthy.

Under the watchful eyes of thousands of people, Benny slowly walked to the back.

Everyone was eager to know who was picking him up.

Vroom! Vroom! Vroom!

At that moment, the sound of an engine roaring filled the air.

A Porsche sports car screeched to a halt.

Iris got down from the car and stormed toward Levi. “Levi Garrison, what the hell are you doing here? Come with me now to Everest Entertainment to apologize! The company is about to be ruined because of you!”

“For what? Can’t you see I’m waiting to pick up someone?” Levi said irritably.

“Is there even anyone for you to pick up? Come with me now! There are zero sales on our new products, do you know that? We’re going to lose a lot of money! At least 1.8 billion!”

“It’s all for your fault! We wouldn’t have lost so much if it weren’t for you!”

At that, Iris grabbed Levi’s arm and was about to leave.

She had her back facing the crowd, so she didn’t know what was going on and that Benny and his assistant were walking toward them.

Levi tried to contain his rage. “Just leave! The person I’m picking up is coming soon!”

“No way! Unless I die today, Levi, you are coming with me to Everest Entertainment!”

Iris was unyielding as she tried to pull Levi away.

“Are you here to pick me up, miss?” a voice suddenly rang out from behind Iris.

When Iris looked back, her heart did a somersault.
He could even lay his hands on some of the most confidential information about the company’s account.

“Alright. Leave it to me.”

Samuel and Chris left the house to carry out their plan in a secluded place.

But the brothers were not the only ones at that place. There were three other people on their team.

They began working inside an abandoned factory.

Overnight, They were able to hacked into Imperial Meadows Limited’s system and accessed the company’s account.

“Haha! There is more than six hundred and thirty five million in Imperial Meadows Limited’s account!”

Samuel and Chris were astonished.

“I think Zoey Lopez did not have the time to utilize this money because she received the amount recently.” Samuel said mischievously.

“Great! The money belongs to us now!” Chris laughed suddenly.

All the money within Imperial Meadows Limited’s account was transferred away in less than five seconds.

Chris and Samuel smiled smugly. I bet Harry Lopez and his family didn’t see this coming. We did not transfer the money to Harry’s account. Instead, we moved all the money into a joint account overseas that’s under our names.

“We’ll target the Lopez family now!” Chris’s eyes gleamed with excitement.

“Yes. Let’s hurry! I returned to North Hampton two months ago for the sole purpose of collecting confidential financial information about the Lopez family.” Samuel put on a pensive smile.

The reason behind Samuel’s return to the country was to steal the Lopez family’s fortune. He had spent the last two months gaining Harry’s trust and collecting crucial information on the family’s financial status. A hacker’s ability is limited without any information. So the best thing to do is to search for loopholes in advance. I’ve waited so long for this to happen. Originally, I did not want to carry out my plan so soon, but all my effort will be for naught once Zoey cuts ties with the Lopez family and establish her own company. So this is the best time to take their possessions and flee. We will place the blame on the Lopez family. They can’t possibly explain themselves after this. We’ve been lying to Melanie all this while with our fake rich overseas family background.

“There is one hundred and fifty million in Lopez Group’s account! The rest of the branch companies’ assets add up to sixty million. They have a total of twenty million in their personal accounts. So we are looking at a sum of two hundred and thirty million from the Lopez family!” Chris and his team hacked into their accounts effortlessly.


All the money under the Lopez family’s possession was transferred away the moment Chris pressed on the keyboard.

“Hahaha! We have eight hundred million now! This money is enough for us to live carefreely for the rest of our lives!” Samuel and Chris hugged each other tightly.

After that, Chris faked some bank account statements to convince Harry that the money was transferred to his account.

They erased all traces of the other transactions as well by replacing them with fake figures.

For a short while, the members of the Lopez family would still be able to see the balance in their bank accounts, but the money was, in fact, gone. Samuel and Chris would’ve already fled by the time they realize the truth.

Moreover, they transferred the money to an overseas bank account registered under Harry Lopez’s name. So Harry would become the scapegoat as the records of transactions would show that he transferred all the money to his account.

But the money would’ve disappeared without a trace by that time.

Samuel and his brother were able to fake their wealthy family background because they scammed over ten million using that method in the last few years.

“You’re doomed now, Lopez family! It’s a pity that I didn’t get to sleep with Zoey.” Samuel lamented.
Hahahahaha the Lopez's are surely a fool to trust an outsider with their properties
“A-Are… you M-Mr. Benny Quinton?” she stammered, her body trembling.

As his popularity was known to all in Erudia, Iris could recognize him at one glance.

“Yes, I am,” Benny smiled. “Are you here to pick me up?”

Iris noticed that there were many people looking at her and that many reporters were filming.

She faltered, “You’re mistaken, Mr. Quinton. I-I’m not here to pick you up.”

In fact, Iris wished she could just send him back to Morris Group.

He could have solved their crisis with just his presence alone.

But how was she going to do that when she had nothing to do with Benny at all?

“Aren’t you from Morris Group, miss?” Benny asked.

“Huh? Um…” What does he mean? Is he going to Morris Group?

Levi shot a look at her, then said, “Yes, we’re here to pick you up, Mr. Quinton! Let’s get going.”

Benny gave Levi a knowing smile. At Levi and Isaiah’s invitation, he got into the Lincoln limousine.

Iris watched with rounded eyes as Benny, who was a heartbeat away, got into the car.

Is Benny Quinton the person Levi came to pick up?

Oh, my God!

The rest of the crowd was just as shocked as Iris was.

Who would have thought that Morris Group would be the one to pick up the Great Doctor?

“We gotta get going to Morris Group, quick!”

“Hurry up and publish the news that Mr. Quinton’s purpose of coming to North Hampton is to meet the God of War and visit Morris Group!”

The media had gone crazy as they rushed toward Morris Group.

Every newspaper publisher, media, website and forum lost no time in reporting this groundbreaking news.

The eyes of the world were now on Morris Group.

Such intangible publicity effect couldn’t be bought with tens of billions!

It wasn’t only until the media reporters had all left that Iris regained her composure.

Yes, I need to get going to Morris Group now!

Iris drove off at a furious pace in her sports car.

But she couldn’t help but wonder. How did Levi manage to invite Mr. Quinton?


It’s the big boss!

Isaiah was there with Levi, and he’s basically the big boss’s right-hand man.

Levi wasn’t fooling around when he said that our marketing efforts were not practical during the meeting.

He had known that the big boss would be inviting Mr. Quinton over and that’s why he was so reckless in offending Lil Lacey and wouldn’t apologize to them!

So that was the reason…

How exceptional is this mysterious big boss to invite Mr. Quinton to North Hampton!

We’re selling medical equipment, and Mr. Quinton is the best ambassador and spokesperson!

Besides, our products are of the highest quality! It wouldn’t tarnish Mr. Quinton’s reputation!

Iris quickly informed the company to get ready.

In the Lincoln limousine, Levi had a good talk with Benny.

It was only then that it struck Isaiah that his boss was Benny’s old friend.

“You seem stronger by the day, Mr. Quinton,” Levi chuckled.

“All thanks to you, God of War, for teaching me the unique approach to wellness. I feel younger every day! Hahaha…” Benny laughed.
“Just call me Levi. It’s actually for my own selfish reasons that I called you here, Mr. Quinton. I want you to advocate for my company’s products,” Levi stated directly.

“No, don’t say that!” Benny waved his hands frantically.

“I’ve studied your company’s products with my students in the past few days. They are by far the best on the market in Erudia and are even comparable to those from overseas!

They can stop the foreigners from monopolizing our market and most of all, the price is not even a third of theirs! This is a great thing for the country and the people, and I’m honored to be your ambassador.”

Levi was a little moved.

As expected of the national treasure…

He thinks about the country and the people all the time!

“I’m ashamed of myself, Mr. Quinton,” Levi tittered. “I have selfish motives in manufacturing these products. I want to overthrow the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce.”

“Of course, I’m aware of this. The North Hampton Chamber of Commerce has completely plagiarized your core technology and monopolized certain products, selling them at sky-high prices. I’d even talked about this with some experts. But there was nothing we could do. Only the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce has such product technologies. But it’s all good now since you’re back. The products are much better than theirs and the prices are much lower.”

“Levi, you’re the one who is putting the country and the people first,” Benny praised.

As they were chatting, they had arrived at Morris Group.

The employees of Morris Group had prepared a welcome ceremony. Even the media reporters had been waiting.

As soon as Benny got down from the car, the reporters surrounded him again, eager to interview him.

He wasn’t angry this time as he faced the camera instead.

“Could you tell us why are you here at Morris Group, Mr. Quinton?” one reporter questioned.

Benny smiled, “Okay, I’ll take this opportunity to announce that I will be the ambassador of Morris Group’s medical product. This batch of Morris Group’s new product is on the market today! I, Benny Quinton, guarantee with my reputation that these products are the best on the market in Erudia! And the prices are only a third of the same models in the market!”

The atmosphere was a seething cauldron of emotion at Benny’s announcement.

Everyone at Morris Group was reeling from the shock of having the nation’s Greatest Doctor as their ambassador after losing Lil Lacey.

The media got the news out as fast as they could. Breaking news! A leading figure in the medical field is endorsing Morris Group!

Morris Group’s medical equipment beat that of their competitors’ hands down and even surpassed that of overseas products!

With just the cost price, Morris Group’s medical products cost only one-third of their competitors’!

North Hampton erupted at once as all eyes zeroed in on Morris Group’s product.

Morris Group had hit the jackpot!

Meanwhile, at Everest Entertainment, Lil Lacey was getting impatient from waiting.

“Why is he not here yet?”

“Just be patient,” Amelia said. “He’s going to kneel before us in just a bit.”

Noah, who was looking at the market dynamics, smirked when he saw that sales of Morris Group were still at zero.

“Morris Group can go nowhere without the artistes from my company!”

But just then, a few secretaries came running in a panic, shouting, “Bad news! Bad news!”

“What’s wrong? Why are you guys panicking?” Lil Lacey grumbled.

“Look at your phones, quick!”
Noah, Lil Lacey and the others quickly turned on their phones and were petrified when they saw the news.

The Great Doctor has become the spokesperson of Morris Group’s products?


Noah blanched, Lil Lacey’s blood froze, and Amelia’s jaw dropped.

It was then that the market dynamics on Noah’s laptop suddenly changed, showing that the first batch of Morris Group’s new products was sold out!

That was a one billion order!

“Mr. Quinton, Ms. Anabelle, nice to meet you,” a stout man greeted. “I’m Teddy Fords, the owner of Stardust Medical Equipment Corporation, and I’ve just purchased all of the first batch of Morris Group’s products”

Iris was taken aback. Did he just buy a billion worth of products in one breath?

Benny nodded. “Thank you for your support! I can guarantee with my reputation that these are the best products you can ever get.”

“Haha, don’t worry, Mr. Quinton. I will definitely contribute to the medical community. I’m planning to donate some of the products to hospitals in the rural areas,” Teddy said.

Levi and Benny looked at each other.

That was the outcome that they wanted to see.

At this point, Iris and Morris Group’s phones were exploding with calls after calls.

“Hello, Ms. Anabelle. I’m from Sphinx Bio-Pharmaceutical. I want to place an order for five hundred million.”

“Hello, is this Morris Group? I’m from Olympus Hospital Holding Company from South City. We would like to make an eight hundred million order.”

“Hello, nice to meet you. I’m calling from the Ministry of Health from South City. We would like to order two batches of your company’s products!”

Iris was scared out of her mind.

In just a short while, they had received over a hundred orders from almost every part of Erudia.

This was about seventy to eighty times more than the number of products they had planned to manufacture.

So much so that the orders of many companies had to be scheduled for the next year, and some companies had even paid the deposit.

No one had seen this coming at all!

It was mainly the effect of Benny’s reputation, and various other factors such as product quality and price, that contributed to such a result.

Iris and the senior executives were lost for words.

The calls were still coming in one after another, with more and more orders being made.

At this rate, ten production plants wouldn’t suffice!

Right then, the deans and leaders of various major hospitals in North Hampton had arrived.

While they were here to meet the Great Doctor in person, they also wanted to order a batch of medical equipment that they could use clinically.

Iris could only shake her head helplessly as Teddy had bought all their products.

“Hmm? Sure, you can!” Levi spoke up. “Morris Group has long prepared a batch of products for major hospitals in North Hampton for clinical use.”

Iris looked dazed.

When did this happen?

Why didn’t I know anything about this?

Isaiah stepped forward and explained, “The boss had asked me to produce more. He foresaw that these products wouldn’t be enough.”

“…” Who on earth is this boss? Is he a prophet?

Looking at Levi, who was standing next to Benny, Iris suddenly had a suspicion that Levi was the mysterious boss.

What am I thinking? How could Levi be the mysterious boss?

She shook her head and blocked the thought out of her mind.
They stared at Aaron and Zoey in disbelief, their first thought was that these two were the ones that had reported to the police.

It was only mere moments ago when they had been discussing that Zoey and Aaron would not dare to make a police report.

“You… both of you have betrayed your ancestors! Arrgh!”

Suddenly, Aaron spat out a mouthful of blood.

“You two brainless morons!!!”

“How could you do this to your father and grandfather! You are not fit to be members of the Lopez family!”

“Your ancestors must feel so ashamed of you!!!”

The Lopez family rushed forward as if crazed. It seemed as if they would lynch the father and his daughter.

“No… it wasn’t us. We did not report to the police!”

“It’s not us!”

Both Aaron and Zoey started to wail aloud. They felt wronged.

Harry glared at them, “Do you two want to see me die? Alright, you must be happy now that I’m going to rot in prison! Are you satisfied now?”

“Grandpa, no, we didn’t mean to…”

Zoey wept silently.

“Somebody, I want to check Harry’s personal account to see if the money is there,” the detachment leader, Captain Timothy Lourdes from West Point ordered.

Soon, the technical department sent a message: Captain, there is no money in Harry’s account, not a single cent!

Harry asked in shock, “How can there be no money?”

The other members of the Lopez family were stunned as well.

Harry’s personal account originally had ten million.

“What? There’s no money in it? Isn’t there supposed to be a transaction history?” Timothy asked in shock.

“Captain, we just checked. The money was transferred out again. This time, it was transferred to an overseas account!” The technical department reported back.

“What? Harry, did you actually transferred the money to an overseas account? Seems like you work fast!”

Harry was stunned, “No, I did not! I don’t even have an account overseas!”

Suddenly, he realized something and he let out a yell of dismay, “Oh no! It must’ve been Chris and Samuel who transferred the money!”

“Everyone, quickly! Check your personal accounts and the company’s account!” Harry alerted everyone.

Each of the members of the Lopez family checked their own personal bank accounts and the company’s account, as well.

Each one of them found out that their accounts had been emptied.

In each one’s account, there was not a single cent left!

The company’s account, too, had the same fate and was left with zero balance.

“It must be Chris and Samuel!”

Henry and Fabian reacted one after the other.

Shaun Lopez said, “Now I know why they’d left, they were running away. They even set up grandpa to admit to transferring the funds so that grandpa will be charged!”


Once Melanie realized the truth, she fainted on the spot.

Harry slapped at his forehead in frustration, “Now, I know what happened. Samuel came back for two months in order to gain my trust! I was gullible enough to believe that the Lopez family’s future could be entrusted to him and I made everything transparent for him. With his brother’s hacking skills, it’s as easy as pie to withdraw the money!”

“I didn’t expect this punk to set me up…”

Harry started seeing stars and nearly fainted.

“Accursed Samuel!”

Fabian was furious.

The technical department checked all the accounts of the Lopez family.

It was confirmed that the Lopez family’s total of two hundred and thirty million was also transferred to the overseas account.

Timothy asked, “Can the money be retrieved?”

“Quite impossible! Currently, the overseas account has been closed and the funds have disappeared…”

Everyone heard the conclusion given by the technical department.



One after the other, the Lopez family members collapsed on the ground.

All of their faces were as pale as death.

Aaron and Zoey, too, had similar expressions on their faces.

The funds cannot be retrieved!

The Lopez family is doomed!
Hahahahaha that is the reward for being greedy
Levi was surprised. Did Samuel and his brother gain some conscience, so they returned the money?

“I’ll talk to you in detail later in the night. I need to get my work done for now!” Zoey hung up the phone immediately afterward.

Levi was about to remove his uniform when a few luxurious cars appeared before him.

Una got out of the car, followed by Winston and over a hundred bodyguards surrounding them.

Their arrival was so impressive to the extent of attracting attention from the other wealthy people staying inside Bayview Garden.

“Nice to meet you, Levi Garrison. My name is Winston Gonzales.” Winston took the initiative to greet Levi while glancing at his uniform. Seems like he is the worker of this movers company.

“What’s the matter? Are you looking for me?” Levi frowned.

Una said with a smile. “We are here to inform you that we’ve repaid our debt toward you for saving my grandfather’s life.”

A thought popped into Levi’s mind. “Did you resolve the Lopez family’s crisis?”

“That’s right. Mr. Garrison is indeed a smart man. We have paid eight hundred and sixty five million in total to the Lopez family as well as Zoey Lopez’s company. I’ve also exempted Harry Lopez from facing jail time.” Winston elaborated.

Una added, “We’ve cleared out debt. So from now on, you can stop harassing the Gonzales family since we’ll have nothing to do with each other anymore!”

Winston said, “Mr. Garrison, I am someone who does not like to be indebted to anyone. So I seized this opportunity to return your favor.”

“Stop right there!” Levi spoke just as Winston and the others were about to leave.

Una and Winston stopped abruptly and exchanged glances with each other. He’s indeed trying to scam us. He’s a troublesome man to get rid of.

“Are you not satisfied with the amount of money we paid to your family, Mr. Garrison?” Una could not help but feel disdain for Levi inwardly. You’re an overly greedy man. Do you really desire ten billion that much?

Levi shook his head. “That’s not it. I can settle this matter by myself, so why did you meddle into our family’s business?”

Winston and the others were not pleased to listen to that remark from Levi. Levi Garrison is indeed behaving as we expected. His greediness knows no bounds, and he will do whatever it takes to attain his goal. He wanted to get ten billion from us, but we are trying to dismiss him with a mere one billion. So he’s not satisfied with this outcome.

Winston Gonzales was a little mad. “Are you trying to go overboard with your endless requests just because you saved my life previously?

“That’s right, Levi Garrison! What are you trying to pull here? It is a fact that you rescued my grandfather, but we just saved the entire Lopez family. Will you be satisfied only when we provide you with ten billion or perhaps a hundred billion?” Una expressed her stance firmly. “Let me inform you now. There is no way that will ever happen!”

“Indeed. Are you trying to coerce the Gonzales family into fulfilling your greed because you saved Mr. Gonzales? Well, as Una said, that’s never going to happen! It is too late now for you to pull any more tricks because the Lopez family had already accepted our kindness!”

Winston said coldly, “If I have seen through your personality back then, I wouldn’t have allowed you to save me!”

Una lifted her chin proudly. “Let me tell you now! My grandfather is a fortunate man! He would’ve survived even if you did not volunteer to save him that night!”

“That’s right! Mr. Gonzales was fine in the first place. You merely got lucky! We just did not expect you to scam us because of what happened!”

Levi was a loathsome being in everyone’s opinion at that moment.

Levi responded with a smile. “You guys are taking this matter too seriously. Don’t worry, I’ve already forgotten about that incident the other night. I don’t need any reward, and I don’t need nor lack any money!”
I wonder what kind of family the Gonzales are...being the wealthiest family in the whole city,,they should be happy dashing out few billions out...they are such a tight-fisted people
Levi’s words did not impress the others. What a hypocrite! He’s telling us he doesn’t want anything when he actually wants hundreds of billion from us! How dare he say he doesn’t need money when he’s just a lowly mover. He’s a despicable hypocrite!

Winston, Una, and the rest of the crowd stared at Levi with contempt. He’s not much better than a dung beetle in terms of his personality!

“You don’t have to meddle in the Lopez family’s matter. I will return the money to you.” Levi said coldly.

Winston and the others were stunned. Someone as greedy as him is offering to pay us back the money? Does he have eight hundred million with him? What a hilarious joke!

Una said immediately, “Okay. So, you want to return the money? Then pay us the full amount right now!”

Winston added, “Let me witness your capabilities too, Mr. Garrison!”

They urged Levi to return the money on the spot.

But Levi said, “I will return you the money, but not now. So please leave for the moment.”

Everyone sneered after listening to Levi’s statement. That’s hypocrisy at its finest! There’s no way he can return eight hundred million to us. He’s filled with empty talks.

“That’s enough, Mr. Garrison. We’ll be leaving now. You don’t have to return the money. I am contented so long as you stop bothering my family and never scam another person by boasting about this incident.”

Una said to her grandfather. “He can’t do that now. There are so many people here to bear witness of our conversation.”

Then they left angrily.

Levi Garrison was a man rotten to his core in their eyes.

Levi knew they misunderstood him. The Gonzales family thinks I’m trying to scam them after I saved that old man’s life. Hmph! Winston Gonzales? He’s not someone that I care about. That money is insignificant to me as well. I did not want to pay them just now because I want Samuel and his brother to cough up the money they’ve stolen first.

Levi went to meet up with Phoenix after he changed his clothes.

“Sir, I’ve tracked down and froze the eight hundred million sum. They did not have the time to spend any of the money yet. We will recover the money soon.” Phoenix reported.

“Okay. What about Samuel and Chris? Have you located them?” Levi asked.

That was Azure Dragon’s responsibility.

“Yes. They are still in North Hampton. They are considered smart because they knew how easily they’ll expose themselves in the airport and train station if they leave now.” Azure Dragon answered.

“Let’s go. I want to meet them in person.” Levi said.

Levi was astounded when he found out that Samuel and his brother were hiding in the same village where Rowen Atkinson and his wife stayed previously.

That action reflected the brothers’ wariness of their current situation.

Samuel, Chris, and three other people were playing poker inside a rent house.

A message was sent to Samuel’s phone at that moment.

Samuel and Chris were horror-stricken after reading the message. All the money we’ve stolen has been frozen!

“This is bad. If they have the power to freeze our account, then they must have the abilities to track us down!”

“We need to leave immediately!”

The five of them hurriedly packed their bags and left the house.

But they stumbled into two people at the alleyway.

It was Levi and Azure Dragon.

“It’s you, Levi Garrison?” Samuel was shocked.

Levi smiled. “Aren’t you a brilliant man, Samuel Robertson?”

“How did you find us?” Samuel was curious.

Chris’s eyes reddened with rage as he took out a knife from this pocket swiftly. “Let’s stop wasting time now, brother. We’ll murder them and flee right away. What do you say?”

Click click click…

Samuel and the other three people withdrew their knives as well.

They closed in on Levi and Azure Dragon slowly with the weapons in their hands.

They were determined to kill Levi.
I personally have started digging their grave,I don't have the time to dig three it's just one that I would be digging...we would term it as mass burial
“Hmph! Stop making all these big talks in the future!” Aaron said angrily.

Iris smiled. “Levi has been helping me with the moving in process in the past two days. So he doesn’t have the time to deal with any other things.”

“Fine. Let’s stop talking about him.” Caitlyn rolled her eyes at Levi.

Harry sighed, “Say, who do you think the Gonzales family was indebted to in our family? Why did they help us to such extent?”

A thought popped into Zoey’s mind. “Could they be referring to the Lopez family from South City? I’m afraid they are the only ones capable of getting acquainted with the Gonzales family.”

Aaron and Caitlyn were surprised by Zoey’s reminder.

The Lopez family in North Hampton was merely a branch family.

The original Lopez family came from South City, and they were a powerful clan.

With that being said, plenty of people carried the Lopez surname all across Erudia, similar to Harry and his family. So they were not even slightly related to the Lopez family in South City.

In their mind, only the powerful Lopez family from South City could be acquainted with the wealthiest man in North Hampton.

“Alright, let’s stop discussing this. Let’s talk about you, Iris. I heard that you will be collaborating closely with Zoey from now on?” Aaron looked at Iris.

Iris beamed at him. “We are planning something big at Morris Group currently. There will be plenty of chances to collaborate with Zoey by that time.”

“What’s the plan? Can you tell us?” Zoey asked curiously.

Admiration glinted in Iris’s eyes. “This is related to that mysterious boss of mine. His vision is really extraordinary! We will tackle the medical and technology field soon, producing similar products as the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce, in an effort to replace them in the market!”

Zoey shot Levi a complicated look as Iris elaborated.

“Iris, we all know the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce has Levi Group’s core technology in the medical and technology field. How do you plan to produce the same products without that information?” Zoey had to ask. Levi could have rebuild his empire anytime he wants if he has Levi Group’s core technology.

Iris grinned. “That’s the reason why I am impressed by my boss’s abilities. He knows all the data and information!”

“Wow! That’s crazy!” Zoey was astonished. She glanced at Levi unwittingly.

Levi had an eidetic memory, so he memorized all the information in his mind. But no one expected him to remember, not even Zoey. The information would amount up to a few hundred thousand pages if printed out, so the feat to recall every piece of information seemed impossible to everyone.

Iris was filled with excitement and anticipation. “My boss is simply too mysterious and amazing. I assume he is still single. I will definitely pursue him if I meet with him!”

Zoey smiled. I know how domineering Iris can be, not to mention the stringent requirements needed by a man to meet her expectations. Iris has never fallen for anyone despite their relatively good accomplishments and rich family backgrounds. Perhaps she even raised her standards after meeting with so many outstanding people abroad in the last few years. I know how rare it is for her to be finally attracted to a man. Even I’m starting to wonder what kind of a person he is!

“Good luck! You will definitely achieve that with your qualifications.” Zoey said.

However, Levi butted in their conversation. “That’s not possible. You can stop dreaming now. He’ll never be interested in you.”

“What do you mean, Levi Garrison? Do you think you’re my boss?” Iris demanded.

Levi nodded. “Yes. I am your boss.”
He should just reveal everything to them about his identity,I am just tired of this pretense
What do you guys think about the font I'm using for the series ? I need your feedback on it
love it this way because it distinguish itself from other story ...for me now I have pictured each fonts for the stories I am reading in each thread they are different from each other

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