An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2422 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL

English Version Translated by NAZMUL

An Understated Dominance is a Urban novel for men, telling a story of Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. "An Understated Dominance" delves into themes of ambition, power and the price of success. The novel explores the complexities of relationships and so on.
Witch Gu sect is the Witch sect Abigail joined at the Black forest when her dad was killed. The same place Dustin first fought Grandmaster Reed
thanks Godon.. I was at 1491 & I got it after I saw Abigail's name later in that chapter.. I thought that sect was called differently last time in that chapter where Abigail chose Penelope instead of Dustin. And now I started to think that Penelope's name which I've known as Abigail's grandmother must have different name in other translations as well.

Anyway, thanks for the answer. For that I will accept you to be my disciple from now on and train you directly by myself.
Hey! Nazmul why are you sleeping on the bicycle huh!

Can't wait to get more translation from you, others are not choosing the name wisely!

Let me bust your brain, your translation is the best! .. are you happy now haha 😂
We already fought an this issue.
My head is spinning.. my head is spinning. I have been blaming the beer that I had yesterday but now I realized that I have been reading too many versions of an understated dominance.. Can someone help me with these.. Ben Stark vs. Samuel Thompson which one is correct? Who is or where did I hear Witch Gu Sect from the earlier chapters?
We hope only forum creator will post chapters in future.

Chapter 1452

This is enough to prove that the opponent’s strength is very strong, and it should not be much worse than him.
“What? Don’t you want me to give ten moves? What are you hiding from?”
Dustin retracted his palm and smiled.
“I gave you ten moves, and I didn’t say that I should stand still and let you fight!”
Isla Bryant was dissatisfied.
“Dustin, I have to admit that your strength is stronger than I expected.”
Oscar Bryant’s face became more solemn: “To be honest, I didn’t take you to heart at first, because I felt that you were not qualified to be my opponent, but the slap you just gave me changed my mind. .”
“So?” Dustin smiled.
“So next, I’m going to get serious.”
While talking, Oscar Bryant slowly took off his coat.
His eyes, from the initial indifference, gradually became fierce.
“Seriously? Is it useful to be serious?” Dustin was a little curious.
However, Oscar Bryant didn’t seem to hear him and said to himself: “It’s been a long time since anyone could make me take him seriously, and you are one of them.”
“Today, you can be proud of being defeated by me!”
As soon as he finished speaking, Oscar Bryant suddenly stepped forward.
A terrifying momentum suddenly erupted from his body, like a earthquake and a tsunami.
In an instant, the wind was strong and the cold air was raging all around.
Everyone just felt their bodies sink, as if a huge stone was pressed on their shoulders, and even their breathing became blocked.
At this moment, Oscar Bryant’s hair was standing on end, and his robe was rattling.
The whole person is like a god descending.
“What a coercion! Could it be that Brother Oscar has broken through again?!”
“Oh my god! I can’t even breathe!”
“Brother Oscar was High level martial artist a year ago, and now he has broken through again, could it be that he is already a half-step grandmaster?”
“He is indeed the number one genius of the Bryant family, so awesome!”
Seeing Oscar Bryant’s surge in momentum, all Bryant family disciples were shocked.
They knew Oscar Bryant was very strong, but they didn’t expect him to be so strong.
In just one year, he broke through again and became a half-step master.
Looking at the entire Stonia and even the entire Dragonmarsh Kingdom, anyone who can reach this level under the age of thirty is truly a top genius.
“Brother, Oscar made a breakthrough again? When did it happen?” Liam Bryant was surprised, happy and curious.
“Some time ago, Oscar went into seclusion for a few days and then broke through.” Thomas Bryant said with a smile.
“Good, good! What a breakthrough!” Liam Bryant was excited.
Although the Bryant family has many heirs, there is a huge gap in quality compared to the other three royal families, especially the Spanner Family.
The twin stars of the Spanner Family are world-famous and unmatched.
So in just a few years, the Spanner Family became the first of the four royal families, overwhelming the other three royal families.
Especially the Bryant family, which has many generals, can’t produce a single descendant who can compare with the Spanner Family twins.
This caused the entire family to hold their breath.
However, when Oscar Bryant touched the threshold of the master, the situation became extremely different.
As long as Oscar Bryant continues to cultivate, it will be just around the corner for Oscar Bryant to break through to become a master.
At that time, he will be sent to the army for training and achievements. I believe that his future achievements will be no worse than those of the Spanner Family twins.
“Half-step master level?” Dustin raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled: “There is indeed something, but not much.”
Among his peers, Oscar Bryant is also considered exceptionally talented.
Of course, he was still a notch away from the real top talent.
Scarlet Spanner became a master at the age of eighteen, while Adam Spanner also became a master at the age of twenty.
Oscar Bryant is now twenty-six or seven years old, and he is still half a step away from the master level.
In comparison, this is indeed a bit worth mentioning.
As for himself, if his memory serves him right, he had already become a master of martial arts during the chaos in the Forbidden City about ten years ago.
That year, he was fifteen.


Whaaaat 15 😆 Dustin is the real definition of a GenuiS with G and S in caps I wish I can be like him 😂 Dude is a badass
I hope Nazmul will continue his translations, the new translators quality is very poor that its annoying to read
People keep saying be thankful but dang! Make a thread of your own and post in there. Let the people decide on which translation they choose to read. It’s very disrespectful towards the thread author to just post their version in Nazmul’s thread. Even just for a tinge of consideration and etiquette. I go past other translations to be honest and just wait for Nazmul.

If readers haven’t learned, Jungal2000 used to translate for us. His translations are really good and it was a fun read until some of these scums take spotlight from his very own thread.

P.S, to our very own Nazmul! Keep up the good work and don’t mind the other translators. We began reading this thread with your work and there are certain us that wait for you. Can’t wait for the next chapters 💯
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Hi guys, any updates? chapter 1505 up, please
I wont
I hope Nazmul will continue his translations, the new translators quality is very poor that its annoying to read
I won't post here anymore ! You have to Wait for Nazmul update, but we (the other translator) reached 1600+ chapter.. goodluck !
I wasn't talking to you...step off and stfu...i was merely suggesting that he makes his own thread so that either versions are easier to follow for their respective need to be touchy
Your just a leech here.. why don't you make your own thread, then do all your suggestions there..
Your just a leech here.. why don't you make your own thread, then do all your suggestions there..
mmago keene leech😂😂 the thread was moved so i see no point in indulging twats like you any further

Thankfully asher isn't as dumb as you, he's reasonable and you aren't...go jump off a building or sumn...stop being bitter😂😂😂😂some of these brus aren't smart hey
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Whaaaat 15 😆 Dustin is the real definition of a GenuiS with G and S in caps I wish I can be like him 😂 Dude is a badass
There is Abigail she will become Grandmaster at the age of 17. Among the top 10 young talents in the world Dustin and Hong Juding are in the number 1. Abigail in number 3 and Scarlet in number 9. Scarlet’s brother is not in the top 10 list.

But there are martial artists of all ages in another top 10 list called Earth shaking list. Dustin is in top 10th position. Hong Juding is not in the list. Dustin is in the list because of his strength and 2 magic weapons. Sky sword and Golden/Dragon sword. Those 2 are the 7th and 2nd most powerful weapons in the world.

Earth shaking list warriors are all capable of big destruction. So imagine how many powerful warriors Dustin will have to face in the future. One interesting battle - Temple Qixia at Mount Qinshan will occur between 1629-1695. There you willl come to know about these warriors.
Chapter 1451: Beyond Expectations

August's tone was very calm, and there was no change in his expression.

In fact, one of his hands was even in his pocket, and his movements were full of contempt, as if he didn't take Dustin seriously at all.

After all, there were very few people who could make him use his full strength.

The unknown person in front of him clearly wasn't one of them.

"Let me have three moves? Are you sure?"

Dustin raised an eyebrow, seeming to smirk.

These geniuses from Stonia really had high expectations, boasting without even understanding their opponent's strength.

I wonder if it's confidence or ignorance.

"What's the matter? Three moves not enough?"

August said casually, "Alright, I'll give you ten moves. If you can harm a single hair on my head within ten moves, you win."

As soon as he said this, many of the Bryant family's disciples burst into laughter.

"Hahaha... Hong Ge is out for blood!"

"Starting with ten moves isn't just underestimating; it's downright contemptuous!"

"No wonder it's August Bryant. He's so strong that he's confident enough to win easily even with ten moves."

The crowd discussed with mocking smiles on their faces.

Dustin might be powerful, but what if we send out the top talent, August Bryant? How would you handle that?

"Hey! You don't even dare to fight for ten moves, that's too cowardly," Carla provocatively said.

"Although Dustin is strong, he's still far behind a true genius," Silas said with a smile.

The previous humiliation could finally be washed away now.

"August Bryant, right? Confidence is a good thing, but unfortunately, you've picked the wrong opponent."

Dustin smiled faintly, "Since you like to make moves so much, I won't hold back. I hope you don't disappoint me."

With that, he lightly tapped the tip of his foot, and his entire body floated lightly into the air before delivering a palm strike towards August.

"Too weak."

August shook his head, standing still without moving, with not a trace of intention to dodge.

As Dustin's lightly floating palm approached, he slowly activated his protective aura on the surface of his body.

The protective aura appeared semi-transparent, undulating with August's breathing, resembling ripples on water's surface.


A loud sound erupted when Dustin's palm made contact with August's protective aura.

The rippling protective aura instantly shattered, as if it were glass hit by a bullet, breaking into countless pieces.


August's face showed surprise.

Before his brain could react, his body sensed the danger and instinctively moved to evade.

Dustin's subsequent palm wind grazed August's chest, slamming heavily into the floor.


The hard floor was directly smashed, leaving a deep palm imprint.

For a moment, rubble flew, and cracks spread.

Within a three-meter radius, a pit had been forcefully created.


Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

No one had expected that Dustin's seemingly light palm would contain such immense power.

Not only did it break through August's body defense, but it also created a pit in the ground.

If that had hit a person, the consequences would have been unimaginable.


August took advantage of the opportunity to distance himself.

His previously calm expression was quickly replaced by astonishment.

Although he had only used half of his true strength in his protective aura just now, it was not something an ordinary person could easily break through.

However, Dustin had effortlessly pierced it, which was beyond expectations.

Chapter 1452: Become A Martial Master At Fifteen

"This is enough to prove that the other party's strength is very strong, probably not much worse than him."

"What? Wasn't it supposed to be ten moves for me? What are you hiding from?" Dustin withdrew his palm, a smile playing at the corner of his mouth.

"I said ten moves, but I didn't say I'd stand still and let you hit me!" August looked defiant.

"Dustin, I have to admit that your strength is stronger than I expected," August said with a more serious expression. "To be honest, at first, I didn't think much of you because I thought you weren't qualified to be my opponent. But that palm you just delivered changed my opinion."

"So what?" Dustin asked with a smile.

"So, from now on, I'm going to take this seriously," August said as he slowly took off his coat.

His gaze, which was initially indifferent, gradually became fierce.

"Serious? Does it even matter?" Dustin was curious.

But August seemed to ignore him and continued, "It's been a long time since anyone could make me take things seriously, and you're one of them. Today, if you lose to me, you can be proud of yourself!"

With those words, AUgust suddenly took a step forward.


A terrifying momentum erupted from his body, like an avalanche or a tsunami.

In an instant, the strong wind howled around, and a chill spread.

Everyone felt their bodies weigh down as if a massive boulder had been placed on their shoulders, even their breath became obstructed.

At this moment, August's hair stood on end, and his robes rustled.

He looked like a god descending, awe-inspiring and invincible.

"Such a strong pressure! Has August bro made another breakthrough?!"

"Oh my god! I can hardly catch my breath!"

"A year ago, August bro was already at the peak of the Innate Realm. Now, has he broken through again? Could he be at the semi-master level?"

"No wonder he's the number one genius of the Bryant family. He's amazing!"

As they watched August's surging momentum, all the disciples of the Bryant family were shocked.

They knew August was strong, but they didn't expect him to be this strong.

In just a year, he had broken through once again, becoming a formidable semi-master.

Looking across Stonia City and even the entire Dragonmarsh, reaching this level before the age of thirty was the mark of a true top-tier genius.

"Big brother, August'er broke through again? When did this happen?" Silas was both surprised and excited.

"A while ago, August went into seclusion for a few days, and then he had the breakthrough," Austin replied with a smile.

"That's great! What a breakthrough!" Silas was thrilled.

Although the Bryant family had many descendants, they lagged significantly behind the other three major royal families, especially the Spanner family, in terms of quality.

The Spanner family's twin stars were renowned throughout the world, making them unbeatable. In just a few years, the Spanner family had risen to the top of the four major royal families, overshadowing the others.

Particularly for the Bryant family, known for its many martial experts, they couldn't produce a single descendant who could be compared to the Spanner family's twin stars.

This had left the entire family feeling frustrated.

However, when August approached the threshold of becoming a master, the situation changed drastically.

With the right nurturing, August's breakthrough to the master level was imminent.

At that point, with further military training and achievements, his future success would undoubtedly rival, if not surpass, the Spanner family's twin stars.

"Semimaster level?" Dustin raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Indeed, he has some talent, but not much."

Among his peers, August was considered quite gifted.

However, when compared to true top-tier geniuses, he still fell short.

Scarlet Spanner became a master at eighteen, and Adam Spanner, despite his weaknesses, became one at twenty.

August was now around twenty-six or twenty-seven, still a half-step away from reaching the master level.

In this context, his achievement was indeed noteworthy.

As for himself, if he remembered correctly, he had already become a martial master about ten years ago during the upheaval at the Forbidden City.

That year, he was fifteen.

Chapter 1453: Bryant’s Family Ultimate Move

"Third brother, go for it! Teach this guy a lesson!"

Watching the imposing August in front of them, Carla cheered and shouted words of encouragement.

Coming from the Bryant family, she had admired strong individuals since she was a child, so she had always been close to August. In her eyes, only someone like August Bryant, a prodigy, was qualified to be on equal footing with her.

"Dear, your little boyfriend here might be in some danger," Duke Duncan squinted his eyes and said meaningfully. "August is the top talent of the Bryant family and has gained even more power now, reaching the semi-master level. Few of his peers can match him."

"Grandfather, don't speak too soon. The outcome is not decided yet, and no one knows how it will end," Natasha said with a smile.

While August was undoubtedly formidable, she believed that compared to Dustin, he was still somewhat weaker.


Duncan raised an eyebrow, quite surprised. "Dear, you seem to have a lot of confidence in this young man?"

"Of course," Natasha raised her head proudly. "The man I've chosen is naturally exceptional."

As long as the Bryant family didn't resort to dirty tricks, in a fair duel, no one from the younger generation of the Bryant family could match Dustin.

"Listening to you, I'm quite curious. If this kid can really defeat August, he might be quite promising," Duncan stroked his beard.

"Let's wait and see. I believe he will surprise you," Natasha smiled.

At that moment, in the center of the arena, August's momentum had reached its peak, and his physical condition had also reached its zenith.

Faintly, there was an aura of a master emanating from him.

"Dustin, as a sign of respect for you, I will give it my all from now on. If you can withstand me for three minutes, you win!" August declared confidently.

Since touching the threshold of becoming a master, he had realized that the whole world had changed for him. Anyone below the master level would no longer pose a threat to him.

"Three minutes is too long. If you can block three of my moves, I'll admit defeat automatically," Dustin retorted.

"Arrogant! I think you won't cry until you see the coffin!"

Feeling the disdain from August, he was instantly furious. He didn't waste any words. With a sudden step, he turned into a blur and charged straight towards Dustin.
"So fast!"

The onlookers' pupils contracted, their faces showing shock.

In the blink of an eye, August had crossed more than ten meters, and they couldn't even see what had happened.

"Hurricane and Fire Fist!"

Without any hesitation, August immediately unleashed the Bryant family's ultimate move. His fists pushed forward, and countless fist shadows burst out instantly, like a mountain collapsing and a tsunami, sweeping toward Dustin.

Dense and numerous, they covered the sky and ground, making it impossible for anyone to defend against or avoid.

Wherever the fist shadows went, there were constant roaring sounds, and even the air around was compressed, distorting the space. In the eyes of the onlookers, Dustin's body seemed to twist, as if it would be shattered into pieces the next second.

"What terrifying fist power! The pressure is so immense!"

"Both using Hurricane and Fire Fist, but the power of August's strike is at least ten times greater than Ian's!"

"No wonder he's the top talent of the Bryant family! With this punch, no one can stand against him!"

Many Bryant family members were shocked by the devastating punch unleashed by August. This was the strength of a semi-master, truly extraordinary.


Under the gaze of everyone, August's overwhelming fist shadows hit Dustin solidly. In an instant, the ground cracked, debris scattered, and dust billowed. A wave of energy ripples, like a tidal wave, spread out from the point of impact, sweeping in all directions.


A strong gust of wind struck, forcing some people who were too close to retreat repeatedly, unable to even keep their eyes open.

Chapter 1454: How is this possible?

Even the aftermath of the battle was difficult for them to withstand.

Is it over?

Who could withstand such a terrifying punch?

In the instant of the explosion just now, they had a clear view of August's fist striking Dustin.

Even someone as tough as iron should have melted under the fist power of a semi-master, right?

When the dust settled, everyone immediately focused their gaze on the battlefield. However, the scene before them left them standing in shock, their faces full of astonishment.

At this moment, in the center of the arena, Dustin stood motionless, without evading or defending, just standing quietly in place, allowing August's fist to hit his chest.

His feet seemed rooted to the ground, not budging an inch. The ground beneath his feet had sunk a few inches, with cracks radiating outwards.

"How... how is this possible?"

Watching Dustin, unharmed, everyone was stunned, their faces filled with disbelief.

August's full-power ultimate move had actually been blocked? And it was blocked using his body?

What kind of monster is this?!

"Oh my god! Is this guy made of iron or something?" Carla stared wide-eyed, unable to believe what she was seeing.

August was a semi-master-level powerhouse, capable of shattering metal and stone with a single punch effortlessly. However, such a powerful punch, when delivered to Dustin, hadn't harmed him in the slightest, which was beyond comprehension.

"Who is this guy, after all?" Silas was both surprised and suspicious. He had initially thought that August would easily win the match, but now it seemed that things weren't that simple.


Austin furrowed his brow. Though he didn't speak, the astonishment in his eyes was impossible to conceal. With the ability to withstand a punch from a semi-master, this young man's defense was simply absurd.

"It's quite interesting," Duncan stroked his beard and looked at Dustin with a gaze that had clearly changed.

At this moment, August was already dumbfounded. His fist was still pressed against Dustin's chest, frozen mid-attack. He had never dreamt that the outcome would turn out like this.

In that last punch, he hadn't held back at all, intending to settle the match with a single strike. However, when it landed on Dustin, he was horrified to find that his punch seemed to have vanished into thin air, leaving no impact whatsoever.

The only possible explanation for this was that the opponent's strength far surpassed his own, possibly even reaching the level of a master.

"Is it over now? It's my turn," Dustin said with a slight smile. He lightly placed his palm on August's chest.

The palm appeared to lack any force, but the moment it made contact, August was sent flying as if hit by a train, with a resounding "thud." He was flung more than ten meters away and crashed heavily to the ground, unconscious.

The entire scene fell into silence. The confident members of the Bryant family were left dumbfounded, their mouths agape, and disbelief in their eyes.

The renowned top talent of the Bryant family, a semi-master-level powerhouse, had been defeated like this? Moreover, he was defeated by Dustin with a single move, effortlessly crushed.

Wasn't this too unbelievable?

Chapter 1455: Clap, clap, clap...

Seeing August lying unconscious from his severe injuries, the crowd was too shocked to speak. The outcome before their eyes defied all expectations. Despite being difficult to accept, it had to be admitted that August had indeed lost, and he had lost miserably, just like Gael and Ian before him.

The prestigious Stonia royal family, a military and martial clan, had not a single individual among the younger generation who could match Dustin. It was undeniably embarrassing.

"The outcome is clear. There's no need for further fighting, is there?" Dustin said with a faint smile as he shifted his gaze towards Austin and Silas.

To conserve energy and simultaneously intimidate the Bryant family, he had chosen to defeat his opponent with a single move, achieving a crushing victory.

"Who are you exactly? How can you defeat August?" Silas frowned, his face looking unpleasant.

Three battles, three defeats in a row—today, the Bryant family had truly lost face.

"Is it so surprising to defeat August? There should be many people in Stonia who can beat him, right?" Dustin said calmly.

"You—!" Silas was taken aback.

Anyone who could defeat August, a peer of the same age, must be an extraordinary talent. Who were you, an unknown person, to defeat the genius that the Bryant family had put so much effort into cultivating?

Clap, clap, clap...

At this moment, Austin suddenly applauded, smiling and saying, "Wonderful, truly wonderful. Today, I've truly broadened my horizons!"

"Big brother?" Silas was puzzled and somewhat stunned. The Bryant family had lost face today, and you're still able to smile? Have you gone mad?

"Dustin, I didn't expect that at such a young age, you already possess the strength of a martial master. It's truly impressive. The young members of our Bryant family concede defeat with grace," Austin said candidly.

"What? This kid is actually a martial master?!"

This statement caused an uproar throughout the audience. The Bryant family's young members looked at each other in astonishment.

Looking at Dustin's age, which was just in his early twenties, and considering that he had already reached the level of a martial master at such a young age, his talent was truly terrifying.

"No wonder... no wonder August lost. So this kid is already a martial master," Silas was both surprised and enlightened. The events had unfolded so suddenly that he had initially been unable to react.

Indeed, defeating August, a semi-master level expert, was something only a true martial master could achieve.

"Mr. Austin, you're too kind. I'm just lucky to have had some good opportunities," Dustin humbly replied.

"Dustin, I admire your strength and talent very much. I hope you can join our Bryant family and become my son-in-law," Austin said, shocking everyone with his proposal.

"What?" Dustin was taken aback.

Flattery and recruitment were one thing, but becoming a son-in-law? What was that all about?

"Dad! What are you saying?" Beside him, Carla blushed, feeling a bit shy. As she spoke, she stole a glance at Dustin.

Since he had defeated August, her opinion of him had completely changed. She had always admired strong individuals, and Dustin's strength and talent had won her approval. Combined with his handsome appearance and exceptional demeanor, if she could marry a man like him, it would be a worthy match for her.

"Dustin, the Bryant family is one of the Four Royal Families, with deep foundations and a vast influence. As long as you become my son-in-law, I guarantee that you will be the focus of the Bryant family's cultivation. I can pave the way for you and ensure that you rise to fame within a few years, standing at the pinnacle of the world!" Austin tempted him with a persuasive tone.

Although the Bryant family had many descendants, only August was truly exceptional. However, compared to those top-tier geniuses, August was still a step behind and couldn't bear the burden of the Bryant family's future.

Chapter 1456: Building A Family First

Continuing down this path, the Bryant family would inevitably decline over time, and their reputation as a royal family would become undeserved. That's why, in recent years, Austin had been trying to recruit talented young individuals. Unfortunately, none of them met his expectations. It wasn't until he witnessed Dustin's performance just now that he immediately felt a desire to acquire his talents. He was even willing to use power, influence, and the promise of wealth and fame to entice him.

"Wow! This guy's luck is unbelievable! Not only did he gain the Patriarch's favor, but he also gets to marry a beautiful woman. It's like hitting the jackpot!" The onlookers were a mix of envy and jealousy.

While they were all part of the Bryant family, each of them had limited resources, and their ability to succeed depended solely on their own efforts. Dustin, on the other hand, would become the focus of the Bryant family's cultivation, a rising star for the future.

"What do you think? Are you satisfied with the conditions I've offered?" Austin asked with a smile. Anyone with ambition should know how to make the right choice.

"Thank you for your kind offer, Mr. Austin, but for now, I have no plans to join any faction," Dustin politely declined.

"Hmm?" Austin raised an eyebrow, quite surprised. "Dustin, by joining the Bryant family, you'll have a powerful backing. Whatever you choose to do in the future, you'll have substantial assistance. Why not seize this opportunity?"

"Mr. Austin, your offer is very generous, but for the time being, I prefer not to tie myself to any particular faction," Dustin reiterated.

"Well..." Austin looked slightly disappointed. "Dustin, by joining the Bryant family, you would gain a powerful ally. You'd have significant support in all your endeavors. Why not take advantage of this opportunity?"

"Mr. Austin, you're being a bit unfair," Duncan suddenly stood up, speaking earnestly. "Dustin is a member of our Duncan family. How can he join your Bryant family? Trying to poach him right in front of me doesn't seem appropriate."

"The Duncan family?" Austin narrowed his eyes, his tone filled with implications. "From what I know, Dustin was just a wandering outsider. He can't really be considered a member of your Duncan family, can he? I wouldn't say I'm trying to poach him."

This old fox was clearly interested in Dustin's talents and was planning to interfere with his relationship.

"Perhaps not before, but he will be from now on," Duke Duncan said calmly. "This young man has a close relationship with my granddaughter, and I've decided that they'll get married soon. By then, he will naturally become a member of our Duncan family."

"Lord Austin, are you trying to break up a couple?" Natasha stepped forward and provocatively linked her arm with Lu Chen's. "My man won't be swayed by outsiders."

Her man wouldn't allow anyone to intrude on their relationship.

"We're just wasting our breath here. It's up to Dustin to decide," Austin said with a serious tone. "Dustin, our Bryant family is a military-oriented clan and would be a better fit for you than the Duncan family. If you join us, you can easily achieve great feats and become a marquis or even a king."

"Young man, our Duncan family is no less prestigious. Whether you choose to enter the court as an official or lead armies on the battlefield, the Duncan family can assist you," Duke Duncan countered.

The Duncan family excelled in civil matters, but their martial strength was lacking. Dustin's appearance perfectly filled this gap.

"Dustin! As long as you join the Bryant family, I will do my best to meet any conditions!" Austin was dead serious. He was willing to go to great lengths to retain this genius, even if it meant causing a falling out with Duncan.

"Young man, if you join the Duncan family, you will be engaged to Natasha tomorrow!" Duncan also took a tough stance.

"Dustin! A true man should wield a three-foot sword, establish himself with great accomplishments, and not be swayed by women!"

"Hmph! Do you even understand the concept of building a family and a career? It's 'building a family' first, and 'establishing a career' comes afterward. Get your priorities straight."

"Nonsense! A man should focus on making achievements in his career. Women are just accessories. Once you have power and influence, you can find any kind of woman you want."

"A rash man is a rash man. They only know how to fight and kill. They need to realize that the world is vast, and love is the most important!"

The argument between Austin and Duncan escalated until they were practically shouting at each other, and they seemed quite frustrated.

This scene left the onlookers feeling rather amused. These were formidable figures who usually commanded respect, and yet here they were bickering like they were at a market. Did they have no sense of decorum at all?

Chapter 1457: Politely Declined

"Both of you, please calm down," Dustin urged, trying to defuse the situation. He realized that if this argument continued, these two pillars of the court might come to blows.

"Dustin, you need to make a choice: Bryant family or Duncan family?" Austin posed the question.

"Young man, think it through carefully; one wrong step may lead to eternal regret," Duncan advised, stroking his beard.

At that moment, all eyes were fixed on Dustin. This rare spectacle of two major powerhouses competing for someone's allegiance had everyone's attention.

While the honor was immense, it was also a dilemma. Bryant's family, as a military-oriented clan, seemed like a better fit for Dustin, especially given his status as a Martial Master. However, the Duncan family, with its royal lineage and the influence of Natasha, presented a compelling argument.

The critical issue was that, regardless of his choice, he would offend the other side. Opportunities and risks went hand in hand.

"I appreciate your kindness, but as I mentioned before, I am not planning to join any faction at the moment. I apologize for any inconvenience," Dustin politely declined once again.

"What?!" The onlookers couldn't believe their ears. Each option, whether joining the Bryant family or the Duncan family, was akin to a commoner leaping to nobility. Yet here was Dustin, rejecting both opportunities. Such behavior seemed utterly foolish.

"Dustin, you realize this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Are you sure you want to let it go?" Austin asked in astonishment.

"I'm sure," Dustin affirmed with a nod.

"Young man, do you know that many people would give anything for a chance like this to join a royal family? You have two broad paths before you, and you're really not going to take either of them?" Duncan expressed his puzzlement.

"I have my own path to walk," Dustin replied.

"Well said; he has ambition," someone remarked.

"Dustin, I support your choice. Of course, if you ever change your mind, you can come find me anytime. The doors of the Bryant family will always be open to you," Austin smiled.

"Thank you, Mr. Austin, for your kindness," Dustin responded with another respectful bow.

"Dustin, I have some matters to attend to. I'll take my leave now," Austin said, giving a polite nod to Duke Duncan before departing.

Although Austin hadn't successfully recruited Dustin, he was relieved that Dustin hadn't joined the Duncan family. This left room for future opportunities, and by showing goodwill, there might be a chance to win Dustin over later. Having someone with such potential as an ally could be beneficial in many ways.

"Natasha, I won't be a third wheel here. You two can continue talking," Duncan bid his farewell with a smile and left.

With his granddaughter close by, there was no way Dustin could be snatched away.

"Husband, let's go and grab a bite to eat," Natasha said sweetly, linking arms with Dustin as they left the Bryant Martial Hall.

Today's battle had put Dustin in the spotlight in Stonia. He had not only defeated many of the Bryant family's talented individuals but had also gained the approval of his future grandfather-in-law, making it a double victory.

Chapter 1458: Unpredictable Situation

She believed it wouldn't be long before Dustin would truly rise to fame!
In the following days, Dustin was busy with various tasks. Firstly, he had to search for medicinal herbs to cure illnesses. Secondly, he had to rebuild the Healwell Clinic. Thirdly, he had to deal with the matter of Jade Dew Cream. Of course, he also had to take some time occasionally to accompany Natasha for meals and shopping.

In summary, Dustin was constantly occupied.

Fortunately, the production of Jade Dew Cream was on the right track. Hazel, in the name of the Lancaster family, had established a pharmaceutical company specifically to sell Jade Dew Cream. After promotion and fermentation, it had entered into competition with the Revival Cream of both the Torby and Stratford families. Due to its affordable price and better efficacy, its reputation in the industry gradually spread. Once officially released, it was bound to create a sensation.

At this moment, in the conference room of the Torby family...

Due to the latest news, Kevin Torby urgently convened an internal meeting. Present at the meeting were not only the core members of the Torby family but also some high-ranking members of the Stratford family.

"I just heard that the Lancaster family has developed a new Jade Dew Cream, and its medicinal effects are even better than our Revival Cream. Is this true?" Kevin's face was serious as he spoke, casting a glance specifically at Owen and others.

"It is indeed true," a high-ranking member of the Torby family stood up and replied, "I have investigated. Lancaster family's Jade Dew Cream is truly miraculous and has excellent word-of-mouth in the industry. It may even surpass our Revival Cream. Although it hasn't been officially released yet, it's already generating a lot of buzz. This poses a significant threat to our Revival Cream!"

Upon hearing this, the entire conference room immediately buzzed with discussion.

"How is this possible? The Lancaster family doesn't have deep roots in the pharmaceutical industry. How could they develop such a good medicine?"

"Could it be that our prescription has leaked? Is there a mole among us?"

"Damn it! We've invested heavily in producing and promoting the revival cream. I didn't expect to encounter problems right at the beginning. What do we do now?"
The people present were all talking at once, expressing their concerns and opinions.

You should know that they all invested in the revival cream, putting in a substantial amount of money, hoping to make a big profit. Now that this has happened, they are naturally extremely anxious. Hazel's Jade Dew Cream not only has excellent medicinal effects but is also affordable. Who can compete with that?

"Everyone, calm down!" Kevin slammed the table, startling everyone into silence.

The previously noisy conference room fell eerily quiet.

"Kevin, it's impossible for the Lancaster family to develop Jade Dew Cream in such a short time. I suspect it's the work of Dustin," Owen suddenly spoke up.

"Dustin?" Kevin furrowed his brows slightly.

He had already anticipated this outcome.

"Dustin harbors resentment against us and wants to use the Lancaster family's power to retaliate. I have to say, this move is quite cunning and poisonous!" Sophia said with a cold expression.

She hadn't paid much attention to Dustin before; she had left the subsequent matters to Isabela and Owen. However, she didn't expect that Dustin had an ace up his sleeve—he hadn't truly handed over the complete formula but had given her a substandard version instead.

Now, with the authentic Jade Dew Cream on the market, the revival cream of the Torby and Stratford families seemed lackluster. If not stopped in time, both families would suffer significant losses!

A character as insignificant as an ant could actually make two major clans extremely distressed. This was an unpredictable situation.

Chapter 1459: Die Was Cast

"Humph! This Dustin is incredibly audacious, daring to openly provoke us. He truly doesn't know the meaning of life and death!" Kevin's face darkened, his eyes flickering with hostility.

In recent times, to make the rejuvenation ointment a bestseller, the Torby family had spared no effort, mobilizing all their resources. They flooded the market with advertisements, offered bonuses, and discounts, pouring a massive amount of funds into the project. The initial plan was to use this opportunity to build their reputation, make a fortune, and expand their network. They hadn't expected that Dustin would ruin their plans right from the start. It was utterly disgusting.

"Isabela, didn't I tell you to deal with Dustin earlier? Why is he still alive?" Sophia suddenly turned her head, looking at her daughter with a hint of reproach in her tone.

"I..." Isabela was at a loss for words. Under her mother's sharp gaze, she shifted the blame to Owen, "Actually, Owen handled this matter."
Owen's lips twitched but he had no choice but to stand up and respond, "Aunt Sophia, in the past few days, I've enlisted skilled individuals, but Dustin is too cunning, like a mouse. He never shows his face, making it impossible for us to catch him."

He had hired numerous people recently to trace Dustin's whereabouts, but every time they got close, he would suddenly disappear, leaving no opportunity to strike.

"If you can't handle even a country bumpkin, you disappoint me," Sophia said coldly, her face stern.

Owen and Isabela bowed their heads, not daring to argue.

"Benjamin, personally lead a team to investigate. You must capture Dustin, especially the prescription. Get it at any cost," Sophia turned around and instructed the head butler, her tone firm.


The head butler nodded and quickly left the room.

"Sophia, the Lancaster family already has the Jade Dew Cream formula. Just capturing Dustin alone might not be enough to solve the problem at its root," Kevin reminded.

A mere Dustin couldn't compare to the threat posed by the Lancaster family.

"Capturing Dustin is just the first step. Next, we need to unite the power of both families and focus on suppressing the Lancaster family. We have to prevent their Jade Dew Cream from being sold!" Sophia declared.

"If we do that, we'll have to invest more financial and material resources," Kevin said thoughtfully.

"We can't spare the child to catch the wolf. If we want to dominate the market, we must eliminate all obstacles!" Sophia said coldly. "Lancaster family is nothing, not even a prominent family. With the combined influence of our two families, it's enough to crush them!"

"Right! Crush the Lancaster family! Eliminate the threat!"

Upon hearing this, everyone voiced their support.

The die was cast. At this stage, regardless of the cost, they had to stabilize the situation.

"Good! It's settled then!" Kevin slammed the table. "The insignificant Lancaster family dares to challenge two major clans. They truly overestimate their abilities! This time, I will make sure the Lancaster family suffers irreparable losses!"

"That's easy to say, but how should we strike?" someone suddenly asked.

"Tomorrow is the Lancaster family's new drug launch event. I plan to give them a big gift, one they'll remember for a lifetime!" Sophia suddenly smiled.
Seeing this, the people around couldn't help but shudder.

Those familiar with Sophia knew she rarely smiled without reason.

The last time she smiled like this was when she was about to kill someone.
The next day, in the early morning.

In front of a subsidiary of the Lancaster Group.

Hazel was directing her subordinates, bustling around.

Today was the official establishment day of the new company and also the perfect time for the Jade Dew Cream launch. To promote the ointment better, she utilized all of the Lancaster family's connections and sent out a massive number of invitations.

As long as everything went smoothly, Jade Dew Cream would become a healing elixir adored by millions!

Chapter 1460: Truly Relentless
"Hey, hey, hey... Raise the sign a bit and place it in a prominent spot."

"And the red carpet on the ground, extend it outside for me."

"Has the lion dance team arrived? Tell them to get ready; we're opening soon."

Hazel continued to shout instructions, leaving no detail untouched, needing to personally oversee everything to feel at ease.

Today, there could be no room for error, and everything had to run smoothly.


At this moment, a Maybach suddenly stopped by the side of the road.

Following closely behind, Waylon, dressed in a suit, smiled as he got out.

"Dad, you're here."

Hazel halted her actions and immediately went to greet him.

"How's it going? Is the progress still going smoothly?"

Waylon looked around, admiring his daughter's achievements.

"Of course, it's going smoothly. With me personally handling it, how could there be any problems?" Hazel confidently smiled.


Waylon nodded in satisfaction. "I've already talked to a few old friends, and they really like your Jade Dew Cream. They plan to come here today to show their support and boost your popularity."

"That's great! Thank you, Dad!" Yin Tao's face lit up.

Her father's friends were all influential figures.

If they could support her, it would be an excellent addition to the event.

"This time, I'm placing all my bets on you guys. Whether the Lancaster family can rise to a higher level will depend on today," Waylon said.

For the sake of Jade Dew Cream, the Lancaster family had also invested a significant amount of resources.

Take a risk, and you might win big.

"Dad, you can rest assured. I guarantee there won't be any issues!" Hazel was full of confidence.

With just the Lancaster family's power, they might still be lacking a bit, but now with the Thompson family's assistance, she had no reason to fear.

"That's good," Waylon smiled and nodded. He then looked around and asked with curiosity, "Oh, by the way, where is your friend named Dustin? As the founder of Jade Dew Cream, isn't he planning to make an appearance today?"

"Look, speak of the devil, and he appears. He's already here," Hazel said, motioning in a certain direction with her delicate chin.

Following her gaze, Waylon saw a young man who looked handsome and dressed casually, strolling towards them.

"Hey there, young man, you've arrived just in time. Let me introduce you. This is my father, your future father-in-law," Hazel said with a flirtatious wink.

Dustin, who had just approached, couldn't help but freeze for a moment. The words he was about to say were stuck in his throat.

This woman was truly relentless with her words.

"What nonsense are you talking about, you girl? You're scaring people away," Waylon scolded her with a glare and then extended his hand towards Dustin, smiling.

"I'm Waylon. You can call me Uncle Waylon."

"Nice to meet you, Uncle Waylon," Dustin shook hands and returned the greeting.

"I heard from Hazel that you're talented in both literature and martial arts. Seeing you today, it seems your reputation is well-deserved!" Waylon looked Dustin up and down, wearing an aunt-like smile.

Dustin had good looks, character, and abilities; the only thing that fell slightly short was his family background. However, if he were to marry into the Lancaster family, that wouldn't be a significant concern.

"Uncle Waylon, you're too kind," Dustin smiled politely, feeling a bit uncomfortable under the scrutiny.

Why did it feel a bit strange?

While the three were talking, several luxury cars suddenly pulled up by the roadside. The car doors opened, and a group of well-dressed men and women stepped out in a grand procession.

However, when they saw who had arrived, the smile on Hazel's face completely disappeared, and Waylon furrowed his brow slightly.
Today I will post total 60 chapter as I post only 10 chapters last 2 days.
Chapter 1461: Monopolize The Formula

"They're here?" Hazel and Waylon exchanged a glance, their expressions growing more serious.

The people getting out of the cars were not guests coming to celebrate but members of the Torby and Stratford families. It was clear that this was not a friendly visit.

Dustin, on the other hand, remained unperturbed, as if he had expected this.

Given the reputations of the Torby and Stratford families, they would not tolerate the Lancaster family encroaching on their territory and were likely here to disrupt the event.

"Mr. Waylon, it's been a while. I hope you've been well," Kevin said as he led a group of people towards them, wearing a false smile on his face.

"Mr. Kevin, your visit is an honor. Please forgive us for not coming to greet you from afar," Waylon replied with a similarly professional fake smile.

"I heard that the Lancaster family has recently developed a miraculous healing medicine and is officially launching it today. Is that true?" Kevin asked with a smile.

"These are just some experiments our younger generation has been fooling around with, nothing worth mentioning," Waylon waved his hand dismissively.

"Mr. Waylon, you're too modest. Your medicine has received excellent reviews in the industry, even surpassing our Revival Cream. By promoting it so vigorously now, are you trying to corner us?" Kevin said with a meaningful tone.

"Mr. Kevin, you're joking. We're just playing around with small things and can't compare to your big business," Waylon smiled politely.

"If we can't compare, then how about you join us? We can make money together in the future. What do you say?" Kevin squinted slightly.

Waylon showed a hesitant expression. This old fox actually wanted to take over their research results. He was insatiable.

"Mr. Kevin, our Lancaster family has always preferred to go our own way and doesn't like forming alliances. We appreciate your kindness," Hazel firmly declined.

"Hazel, our Torby family is considering bringing you in because we hold you in high regard. Don't underestimate our goodwill. If you contribute the formula for Jade Dew Cream, we can become close and cooperative partners. Otherwise, we'll have to resort to force," Isabela said coldly.

Owen added, "You're right. Recognizing the situation and acting accordingly is a sign of wisdom. As long as you share the Jade Dew Cream formula, we can be intimate partners. Otherwise, we'll meet on the battlefield."

Kevin watched silently, smiling but not speaking. It was a case of diplomacy before warfare. If the Lancaster family was smart, they would compromise and find some common ground. If not, both sides would clash.

"What's this, are you threatening us?" Hazel said with a cold expression.

"What if we're threatening you?" Isabela snorted coldly. "Your Lancaster family can't even be called an elite family, so how can you contend with our two major clans? If you know what's good for you, hand over the formula right now, and you can still make a small profit. Otherwise, I'll make sure you go bankrupt!"

A second-tier family had no right to challenge two major powerhouse clans. It was truly overestimating themselves!

"Hmm?" Hazel frowned slightly, her face turning unpleasant.

Beside her, Waylon quickly suppressed his smile.

While they had expected the two sides to clash, they hadn't anticipated that the Torby and Stratford families would go straight to the confrontation.


At this moment, Dustin suddenly laughed. "You Torby family really have big ambitions. Do you really think you can rule everything with an iron fist?"

"Dustin! So, it's you causing trouble!" Isabela's gaze shifted, and she coldly said, "You despicable traitor! Our Torby family treated you generously. Yet, you've betrayed us. Not only did you give us a defective formula, but you also colluded with the Lancaster family, trying to suppress our business. You are truly shameless!"

"Despicable and shameless?" Dustin sneered, as if he were dealing with a fool. "Isabela, do you even listen to yourself? I saved your life, saved your grandfather's life, and even provided your Torby family with a formula that could bring in endless riches.

And what happened? Your Torby family not only reneged on your promises but also attempted to kill to cover your tracks, all to monopolize the formula."

Chapter 1462: Betrayal and Treachery

"If I hadn't noticed in time, I would probably be dead by now. I've helped you several times, but your Torby family repaid kindness with betrayal and treachery. I really want to ask, who is truly despicable and shameless? Who has a wolf's heart and a dog's lungs?"

The last few sentences were strong and righteous, drawing whispers from the onlookers. Even Kevin's expression turned dark.

Exposing such shady dealings in public was undeniably embarrassing.

If they had known it would escalate to this point, they shouldn't have let Dustin leave the Torby family in the first place.

"You... you're talking nonsense!" Isabela was getting frustrated. "Dustin! Don't think I don't know. You had improper intentions toward me. After I firmly rejected you, you held a grudge and sought revenge. You are truly despicable!"

"Improper intentions? Are you even worthy?" Dustin sneered and rolled his eyes. "Look at your face, look at your figure. What part of you can compare to Miss Hazel? A spoiled, ruthless, and cold-hearted woman like you wouldn't even catch a blind man's eye!"

At his words, Hazel couldn't help but chuckle.

It was too harsh!

For a proud woman like her, Dustin's words were nothing short of devastating.

"You... you... you're outrageous!" Isabela was directly infuriated. "You wretch, you lowly peasant, how dare you insult me? I'm going to slap your mouth shut!"

"Get over here! Give him a slap!" Owen was furious and gave the order.

His fiancée had been insulted, and he had lost face as well.

"You want a fight, huh? I'll fight to the end!" Hazel was well-prepared and whistled.

In the next moment, a large group of bodyguards armed with electric batons swarmed out from the company, numbering dozens.

These bodyguards were tall and imposing, clearly elite selections. As soon as they appeared, they surrounded the Torby family members.

Each of them had a fierce look in their eyes.

"What are you doing? Have you all gone mad? You dare to lay hands on us?" Owen shouted in anger.

"If you came to celebrate, I would naturally welcome you. But if you're here to cause trouble, don't blame me for not recognizing you!" Hazel said coldly.

To prevent any accidents, she had brought in quite a few martial artists to maintain order.

If it came to a fight, they could both suffer losses.


Isabela was about to say something but was stopped by Kevin, who raised his hand and calmly said, "Mr. Waylon, your daughter is truly audacious, daring to lay hands on our Torby and Stratford families. Have you considered the consequences?"

"Mr. Kevin, our people are only here to maintain order. As long as you don't cause trouble, they won't act recklessly," Waylon said calmly.

"Mr. Waylon, I'll give you one more chance. Are you really going to oppose our two major powerhouse families for an insignificant nobody?" Kevin narrowed his eyes.

"Dustin is an ally of our Lancaster family. His matters are naturally our concern as well," Waylon said without changing his expression.

With the arrow already drawn, there was no turning back for the Lancaster family from the moment they made their decision.

"Very well! Let's see how capable your Lancaster family really is!" Kevin snorted. "Today, I want to see just how much power you have!"

As he finished speaking, a hearse carrying a coffin suddenly whizzed towards them, stopping right at the entrance of the Lancaster family's company.

Chapter 1463: Funeral Services

The hearse was a black van of the Jinbei brand, with a large white flower attached to the front and small wreaths on both sides. The words "Funeral Services" were written in large white letters on the vehicle.

Seeing this scene, the Lancaster family immediately furrowed their brows. On the day of their grand opening, a hearse showing up at their doorstep wasn't a sign of celebration; it was a sign of mourning. It was incredibly ominous.


As the hearse came to a stop, two commercial vehicles followed closely behind. When the car doors opened, a large group of people dressed in white mourning clothes quickly poured out. Simultaneously, a finely crafted coffin was carried out and placed at the company's entrance.

"Which one of you is the founder of Jade Dew Cream? Come out!" a middle-aged man wearing mourning attire suddenly approached and shouted angrily.

"Who are you people? Why are you bringing this here?" Hazel stepped forward and questioned coldly.

"Naturally, we've come to demand justice from a bunch of unscrupulous merchants like you!" the middle-aged man said with sorrow and anger. "The Jade Dew Cream you sell is clearly poison. My father used it last night and died directly because of it. You must give me an explanation today!"

With that, he exerted force with both hands and immediately opened the coffin.

Inside the coffin lay an elderly man dressed in funeral garments. The old man was emaciated, his face was purple, and there were traces of black bloodstains around his mouth and nose. His chest no longer rose and fell, and his breath had completely ceased.

"Hmph! You'd better not talk nonsense! Our Jade Dew Cream has undergone rigorous testing, and there can't possibly be any issues with it. Your father's death has nothing to do with us!" Hazel furrowed her brow and said.

Just as they had torn off the pretense of civility, trouble had come knocking at their door. It was clear that this was a conspiracy orchestrated by the Torby and Stratford families. They had poisoned someone to tarnish the reputation of Jade Dew Cream. Once the news got out, regardless of its truth, it would significantly impact their sales.

"Still trying to argue? The evidence is right here!" The middle-aged man reached into the coffin and directly tore off the elderly man's funeral garments, revealing his emaciated upper body.

There was a dark wound on the man's chest, surrounded by remnants of green ointment.

"Do you see it? This is your Jade Dew Cream!" the middle-aged man pointed at the green ointment and shouted, "My father only had a minor injury, but after using your Jade Dew Cream, he immediately died from poisoning! You unscrupulous merchants are nothing better than pigs and dogs, conspiring for wealth and taking lives!"

"What evidence do you have to prove that it was our Jade Dew Cream causing harm?" Hazel questioned.

"These are our purchase receipts, and this is the forensic autopsy report. It clearly states that your Jade Dew Cream killed my father!" The middle-aged man presented various documents, seemingly well-prepared.

"These things can all be forged, they don't count as evidence," Hazel said as she picked up the documents and threw them to the ground.

"Alright then! You unscrupulous merchants, you won't admit that you've killed someone, huh? I'll report you! I'll make sure you rot in jail!" the middle-aged man roared.

"Quick, everyone, come and see! These merchants are so heartless that they would sacrifice a patient's life for money. They are truly devoid of conscience!"

"Take pictures quickly! Let everyone see how despicable these merchants are!"

"Give back my father's life! Give back my father's life!"

Chapter 1464: An Eye for An Eye

At this moment, a group of mourning family members began to wail and cry out. They hurled insults, complained bitterly, and created a huge commotion, drawing the attention of many onlookers. Some bystanders who didn't know the full story pointed fingers and expressed disdain. Others took out their phones to record the scene, preparing to share it online.

The entire scene was in chaos.

Hazel furrowed her brow, her face looking grim. While she had anticipated trouble on this day, she hadn't expected it to be this complicated. They couldn't fight back physically, arguing was futile, and explanations seemed useless. She felt somewhat overwhelmed.

"Hazel, I thought your Jade Dew Cream was some miraculous elixir, but it turns out it's a deadly poison," Isabela said with a strange tone, "Your Lancaster family, as a distinguished and respected family, I never thought you'd stoop so low to make money. I'm truly disappointed in you."

"You're right!" Owen chimed in, "When we sell medicine, it's to save people, to help and heal. But you people, you've obliterated humanity, and you're heartless. You're simply the scum of scum!"

"This poison can't be allowed to harm anyone else. It must be banned immediately!"

"Bury the Lancaster family! Ban Jade Dew Cream!"

The crowd became more agitated, shouting and clamoring. The momentum was tremendous.

"Please, everyone, calm down," Waylon finally spoke, "The matter hasn't been thoroughly investigated yet. It's too early to jump to conclusions. We hope you can give us some time, and we promise we will uncover the truth!"

"Stop the investigation! Now that the evidence is clear, there's no room for your excuses!" the middle-aged man shouted angrily, "You have only two options now: an eye for an eye, or voluntarily admit your guilt, issue a public apology, and compensate us for all our losses!"

Upon hearing this, even Waylon frowned. An eye for an eye was out of the question, and admitting guilt and issuing a public apology would be jumping into a fire pit. Not only would Jade Dew Cream be banned, but the entire reputation of the Lancaster family would suffer a significant blow.

It was clear that the other party was intent on destroying them.

"Mr. Waylon, you still have one more chance to make a choice. Will you accept my terms?" Kevin asked at the right moment.

"Want us to surrender? Dream on!" Hazel firmly rejected, her voice resolute. "Let me tell you the truth, even if we can't sell our Jade Dew Cream anymore, you won't get the authentic formula!"

"Good! You brought this upon yourselves!" Kevin sneered and fell silent.

Following that, Torby's housekeeper quietly took out his phone and made a call. Soon, several black business cars parked nearby roared to life. When the car doors opened, a large number of media reporters rushed out and surrounded Hazel and the others, bombarding them with questions. Cameras and flashes nearly blinded them.

"Miss Hazel, we heard that your Jade Dew Cream killed someone? Is that true?"

"Miss Hazel, it's said that you're selling poison to seek profits, committing such acts that breach the bottom line of the law. Are you doing this because you have influential backing?"

"Ladies and gentlemen, according to the latest information we received, a subsidiary of the Lancaster Corporation is suspected of producing counterfeit drugs, leading to the death of a seventy-year-old man. I will bring you live coverage..."

Reporters bombarded them with questions, framing Lancaster's family as guilty in the blink of an eye. Public opinion was almost entirely against them. Hazel was dazzled by the camera flashes, her mind in disarray, not knowing how to respond.

Chapter 1465: Torby Family Underhanded Tactics

"Hmph! Daring to challenge us? You're digging your own grave!" Watching Hazel in disarray, Isabela couldn't help but sneer repeatedly.

In the business world, which is often likened to a battlefield, the Torby family was well-versed in such underhanded tactics. Many small and medium-sized forces that didn't know how to bow to the Torby family had been ruined.

Clearly, the Lancaster family wouldn't be an exception.

"Rumors! All just rumors!" Seeing his daughter unable to cope, Waylon decisively stepped forward and declared solemnly, "I can vouch for the Lancaster family's reputation. The Jade Dew Cream we developed complies with all regulations, and there couldn't possibly be any issues. Today's events are nothing more than a frame-up!"

"Nonsense! We have irrefutable evidence now! My dad was killed by you!" the middle-aged man shouted.

A woman who seemed to be in cahoots with him rushed to the body and began wailing, "Dad! You died so tragically! You lived a life of kindness and virtue, but now you've been killed by these unscrupulous merchants. It's so unfair!"

Seeing this, cameras clicked continuously, capturing the woman's heartbreaking appearance in vivid detail.

The clamor at the scene grew more intense, and it had become somewhat uncontrollable.

"Murder deserves capital punishment, that's only fair. The Lancaster family is responsible for the man's death!" Owen added fuel to the fire.

"That's right! Our Torby and Stratford families work for the country and the people. We won't stand by and watch the Lancaster family oppress the righteous!" Isabela continued to fan the flames.


At this moment, several more cars sped toward them and stopped at the roadside. As the car doors opened, a group of uniformed individuals approached with a hostile demeanor.

Wherever they went, the crowd automatically made way for them, forming a path.

"Who among you is the founder of Jade Dew Cream?" The bald leader scanned the area, his expression far from friendly.

"I am," Hazel stepped forward voluntarily and inquired, "Sir, may I ask what you mean by this?"

"We are from the Medical Bureau. According to our investigation, your Jade Dew Cream contains a large amount of harmful substances, a serious violation of the law. I hereby announce that your company will be permanently closed, and Jade Dew Cream will be completely banned, with no further sales allowed!" the bald man declared.


Hazel's expression changed. "Our Jade Dew Cream has undergone rigorous testing. How could there be a problem?"

"Whether there is a problem or not, that's not for you to decide. Right now, come with us to assist in the investigation," the bald man said coldly.

"Officer, Jade Dew Cream has already caused a loss of life. All relevant personnel need to be detained, especially that guy!" Isabela suddenly pointed at Dustin, her face filled with menace. "From what I know, Jade Dew Cream was developed by him, and now that it has caused someone's death, he should bear the primary responsibility and be severely punished!"

"Oh? Is that so?"

The bald man cast a piercing gaze at Dustin and then waved his hand, ordering, "You can tell he's not a good person just by looking at him. Arrest him immediately!"
With his command, several men in uniforms behind him immediately produced handcuffs.

"Wait!" Hazel suddenly shouted to stop them. "One person should bear responsibility for their own actions. If there's a problem with Jade Dew Cream, it's my responsibility, and it has nothing to do with outsiders!"

"Hazel, you better think it through. This is a manslaughter case, and once you're inside, it's difficult to get out. Is it worth it to take the fall for a little white-faced guy?" Isabela sarcastically remarked.

"Hmph! I might not be a good person, but I won't return evil for good. I won't act like a beast," Hazel retorted.


Wang Zixuan's face turned fierce. "Fine! You love going to jail so much, don't you? I'll make your wish come true! Arrest her for me and punish her severely!"

"Arrest her!"

The bald man waved his hand, and they moved to handcuff Hazel. As she was about to be taken away, Dustin, who had been coldly observing the situation, finally stepped forward and said, "Wait... I have something to say."

"What? Are you trying to obstruct law enforcement?" The bald man's gaze turned hostile.

"Law enforcement? Enforce what law?"

Chapter 1466: Plan to Frame The Lancaster Family

Dustin calmly stated, "The Medical Bureau has no arrest warrant. What gives you the right to detain people?"

"That's right! You can seize the medication, but you have no authority to arrest anyone!" Waylon immediately grasped the situation.

Every department had its own responsibilities, and medical matters fell under the jurisdiction of the Medical Bureau. However, they had no right to make arrests.

"You've broken the law, and as an official department, it's our duty to enforce it!" the bald man said sternly.

"Quit talking like an official. Not to mention whether we've broken the law or not, even if we have, it's not your job to arrest people," Dustin responded calmly.

"You insolent brat!" The bald man felt his authority challenged and grew increasingly furious. "I warn you not to obstruct official business, or you'll be arrested along with them!"

"Arrest me? Do you have the capability for that?" Dustin sneered.

"You little troublemaker! Arrest them all!" The bald man roared.


At this moment, a light command sounded from behind.

People turned to look and saw a young man dressed in elegant clothing, with a handsome and refined appearance, approaching with grace. His long hair cascaded down, and he held a folding fan, exuding an air of sophistication.

The newcomer was none other than Samuel Thompson!

As always, Samuel was surrounded by a group of bodyguards, imposing and formidable. Anyone who attempted to approach him was blocked.

"Samuel Thompson?"

Upon seeing him, Isabela and Owen immediately furrowed their brows, feeling a sense of unease. Their previous dispute over Revival Cream had left both sides in a state of unpleasant tension, and Samuel's sudden appearance was likely to cause trouble.

"Samuel Thompson? Why are you here?" The bald man's eyelids twitched, and he hurriedly greeted Samuel warmly.

The Thompson family was the leading figure in Stonia's medical and pharmaceutical industry. Their network and status were unassailable. Even the top leadership of the Medical Bureau owed their positions to the Tang family's support, demonstrating the immense power they held.

Seeing Samuel's arrival and his stern words, the bald man's face turned ashen. He began to stutter, "Mr. Samuel... I... I was just following the law... If there's any offense, please forgive me."

With Samuel's influence, he could easily make a single call and have the director dismissed from his position. If things escalated, the director might even end up serving several years in prison.

"Just following the law? What kind of law are you following?" Samuel berated him mercilessly. "The Jade Dew Cream was developed through a collaboration between the Thompson and Lancaster families, and it passed multiple departmental inspections without any issues. But under your authority, it suddenly becomes contraband. Are you suggesting that the Thompson family is breaking the law?"

"What? The Thompson family?!" The bald man shuddered at the mention of the Thompson family, his legs going weak. He thought this was only about dealing with the Lancaster family, but now, the Tang family was involved as well. This was a big problem.

He cursed inwardly, blaming Owen for pushing him into this mess.

"Get out of here!" Samuel said coldly, and the director, with trembling legs, hurriedly retreated.

Seeing the director leave, Samuel turned to Dustin and said, "It's been a while, hasn't it? We meet again under quite extraordinary circumstances."

Dustin nodded and replied, "Indeed, it has. But it seems you arrived just in time."

Samuel smiled slightly and said, "Well, it's not every day that I get to rescue a damsel in distress."

Isabela and Owen exchanged glances, realizing that their plan to frame the Lancaster family had taken an unexpected turn. The Thompson family's involvement complicated things, and they would need to tread carefully from here on out.

Chapter 1467: Lesser of Two Evils

At this moment, the bald man's heart trembled, filled with panic.

He never dreamed that this matter would be related to the Thompson family.

You see, the Thompson family ranks second among the eight great aristocratic families, second only to the Langford family.

Especially in the field of medicine, they held a dominant position.

Even the director of the Medical Bureau was supported by the Thompson family, and he himself was just a small department head. How could he dare to offend the Thompson family?

The bald man trembled, his lips quivering as he said anxiously, "Thompson... Mr. Samuel, there must be some misunderstanding in this matter. The Thompson family is a model in the industry, with a good reputation. They would never break the law knowingly."

"Is that so? Then what about the matter of the Jade Dew Cream? Weren't you just about to arrest someone?" Samuel questioned coldly.

"No, no, no... it's all a misunderstanding!"

The bald man waved his hands in fear, "We, the Medical Bureau, are only responsible for medical matters and do not have the authority to arrest people. I would never overstep my bounds. As for the issue of the Jade Dew Cream, it must be a mistake made by my subordinates. When I go back, I will definitely investigate thoroughly and ensure justice for the Thompson family!"

"Hmph, that's more like it."

Samuel unfolded his folding fan and said casually, "Remember, as government officials, you must handle matters impartially in the future and not listen to the slanderous words of malicious individuals."

"Yes, yes, I understand."

The bald man nodded repeatedly, secretly relieved.

Luckily, he hadn't caused a major disaster, or else he would have been in big trouble today.

"Hey! Aren't you going to arrest someone? Why haven't you taken action yet?!" At this moment, the middle-aged man next to the coffin couldn't help but speak up.
"Arrest someone? Who are we supposed to arrest?"

The bald man furrowed his brow, his expression turning unfriendly.

"Jade Dew Cream killed my father, and all the people involved must be arrested immediately!" the middle-aged man shouted.

"Hmph! You think you can just order us around? Who do you think you are?" The bald man said coldly, "Besides, do you have any evidence to prove that Jade Dew Cream caused someone's death?"

"These are the medicine purchase receipts, the autopsy report, and the residue of the cream found on my father's wound. They all prove that my father was harmed by Jade Dew Cream!" The middle-aged man presented various pieces of evidence.

"Nonsense! These are all fabricated evidence!"

The bald man snatched them away and tore them into pieces, "I don't know where you got these things, but let me warn you, if you dare to cause trouble again, don't blame me for arresting all of you!"

Upon hearing this, the middle-aged man couldn't contain his anger. "You corrupt official! You're actually helping unscrupulous merchants oppress the common people. You must have been bribed. I'm going to sue you! I'm going to sue all of you!"


Before he could finish his words, the bald man slapped him directly and shouted, "Outrageous! Defaming officials is a serious crime! If you dare to speak nonsense again, be prepared to rot in jail!"


The middle-aged man was both angry and furious, and his gaze involuntarily turned to Owen and Isabela.

Didn't we agree to act together? Why is this guy turning against us at the critical moment?

How are we supposed to act now?

"Director of medical bureau, the body of the deceased is right here, and there's so much evidence. Why aren't you arresting anyone?" Owen said in a deep voice.

We paid you to come here, and now you're turning against us. You have no professional ethics at all.

"Mr. Owen, this matter is clearly a misunderstanding. I suspect that someone has filed a false report, so we need to conduct a detailed investigation," the bald man replied, brushing it off.

Offending the Stratford family would only mean losing a potential financial supporter, but if he offended the Thompson family, he could lose his job or even end up in prison.

He knew very well which was the lesser of two evils.

Chapter 1468: Doubting The Authenticity

"True evidence! No need for further investigation!" Isabela exclaimed, her face displeased. "I order you to arrest them immediately, or I'll accuse you of corruption and abuse of power!"

"Hmm?" The bald man furrowed his brow, his expression turning even more unpleasant.

"Director Medical Bureau, look around. Countless pairs of eyes are watching, and there are many reporters here. Do you really want to protect these people?" Owen's tone grew sharper.


The bald man hesitated, clearly torn.

While he didn't want to offend the Thompson family, the power of public opinion was equally formidable. If this were to be reported with embellishments, it could become troublesome.

"Owen, you'd better watch your words. Be careful of a defamation lawsuit from me," Thompson said calmly.

"Mr. Samuel, this is an issue between us and the Lancaster family. I hope you won't get involved," Owen said.

"Our Thompson family has already formed an alliance with the Lancaster family, and Jade Dew Cream is our joint production. Do you think I can stand by idly?" Samuel rolled his eyes.

"Mr. Samuel, I'm just giving you friendly advice. If you remain stubborn, be prepared to face the consequences!" Owen raised his voice suddenly and declared, "Once the news about Thompson Pharmaceutical causing harm to people gets out, consider the extent of the damage to your Thompson family!"

"If any media dares to report falsely, I will accuse them of framing and send each of these people to prison!" Thompson remained unfazed.

"Mr. Samuel, don't think that your Thompson family's power can suppress the voices of the masses. It's a matter of life and death now, and you might not be able to handle it if it escalates," Owen warned.

"Life and death?"

Samuel glanced at the body in the coffin and sneered, "Who told you that this person was harmed by our Jade Dew Cream?"

"Hmph! All the physical evidence is here. Is there still room for doubt?" the middle-aged man retorted.

Samuel didn't explain further; instead, he snapped his fingers.

Soon, his female bodyguard, Anna, produced a document and said coldly, "According to our latest investigation, the deceased was intentionally poisoned with the middle-aged man. These are the ingredients of Jade Dew Cream, and after official verification, there are no harmful substances in it. Therefore, the accusation that Jade Dew Cream harmed someone is purely an attempt to frame us. Everyone, please take a look!"

As Anna spoke, she opened the document and presented the relevant information clearly to the crowd and the reporters.

This scene sparked whispers among the onlookers.

Thompson Pharmaceuticals had a good reputation, and with the presented evidence, they had to start doubting the authenticity of this tragic incident.

"All this evidence is fabricated! Don't believe them!"

The middle-aged man became desperate and reached for the documents but was promptly kicked down by Anna.

Then, she pulled out another document and said coldly, "This filial son here purchased a substantial accidental insurance policy for his father yesterday, with himself as the beneficiary. Furthermore, he had a serious gambling problem and was notorious for his massive debts in the local area. I have reason to suspect that he poisoned his father to extort money!"

With this revelation, the middle-aged man's face turned pale, and he kept shouting, "Nonsense! You're clearly talking nonsense!"


Anna snorted and took out a bag of pills from her pocket, saying, "These are remnants of found in your home, with your fingerprints on them. We've already tested them, and it's confirmed. With this ironclad evidence, no matter how you try to defend yourself, it's useless!"


Seeing this, the middle-aged man's legs went weak, and he sat down on the ground, looking utterly defeated. It was all over for him.

Chapter 1469: The Crowd Surprised

When Anna presented the final evidence, the middle-aged man was completely despondent.

If it were just insurance and bank records, he could still try to defend himself. However, now that the poison had been found with fingerprints as evidence, he had no room for denial.

"After all that, it turns out this guy deliberately tried to extort money. He's truly despicable!"

"He even harmed his own father, utterly devoid of conscience!"

"Beast! He's a real beast!"
At this moment, the onlookers began to rebuke and condemn the middle-aged man.

They initially thought it was a case of unscrupulous merchants causing harm, only to discover that the middle-aged man had intentionally framed others. What infuriated them even more was that he had plotted against his own father, completely devoid of humanity.

"What a waste!"

Isabela frowned and cursed under her breath.

To create such an abundance of evidence, it was as if he was seeking his own demise.

"It seems that the Thompson family came prepared," Owen said, squinting his eyes and looking somewhat troubled.

The ability to gather evidence so quickly and easily crack the case made him reluctantly admit that Samuel had some skills.

"Hmph! I could tell you weren't a good person at first sight!"

Seeing the situation in favor of him, the bald man immediately shouted, "Someone! Arrest this patricidal beast and take him to prison for interrogation!"

With his command, several law enforcement personnel immediately handcuffed the middle-aged man and took him away.

"Master Owen! Save me! Please, save me!"

The middle-aged man panicked and shouted desperately towards Owen.

Once a murder charge was established, he might never get out of prison for the rest of his life.

"Hmph! It's none of my business!" Owen retorted.

Owen kept a cold face and completely ignored the middle-aged man's pleas.

"Master Owen! You can't just stand by and do nothing! You're the one behind all of this..."

"Shut up!"

The middle-aged man was about to say something else when Owen's expression changed. He rushed forward and punched the man in the face, shouting, "You scumbag! If you dare to speak nonsense, I'll make sure you regret being alive!"

The middle-aged man was left with a bloody nose and two missing teeth but dared not speak again. He knew that if he implicated Owen, he probably wouldn't live to see tomorrow.

"Take them away!"

The bald man waved his hand and had the middle-aged man and the other troublemakers loaded onto a vehicle.

The crowd began to discuss the situation, expressing surprise and sympathy.

They couldn't believe how the situation had completely turned around in just a few minutes. The roles of the perpetrator and the victim had been completely reversed.

"Owen, why are you so agitated? Does this have something to do with you?" Samuel asked with a meaningful smile.

"Mr. Samuel, you're joking. The Stratford family conducts itself with integrity, and we would never engage in such actions," Owen replied with a forced smile.
"That's true," Samuel grinned. "Framing and setting traps are actions only performed by those despicable scoundrels without any moral conscience. I don't think your Stratford family would stoop to such low levels."

Owen's eye twitched, feeling like he had been fed feces, and he was incredibly frustrated. This guy was clearly insinuating and mocking him, and he had no way to refute it, so he could only grit his teeth and endure it.

Chapter 1470: Gamble With Evil Families
"Mr. Samuel, what benefits did the Lancaster family offer you to make you support them like this?" Isabela asked, her brows furrowed.

"I've always been the kind of person who stands up against injustice when I see it. What's the matter, do you have a problem with that?" Samuel replied, raising his chin.

"Samuel, there are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests. No matter how much the Lancaster family has given you, our Torby family is willing to offer double!" Isabela made her offer.


Upon hearing this, Isabela smiled, a hint of mockery in his smile. "Let me tell you the truth, I am the largest shareholder of Jade Dew Cream, holding forty percent of the shares. If we were to calculate double, that would be eighty percent. Can your Torby family afford that?"


Hearing this, Isabela's expression finally changed.

She had thought that Samuel had accepted some benefits to side with the Lancaster family, not realizing that the two sides had already formed an alliance. It was impossible to turn the Thompson family now.

"Indeed." Owen furrowed his brows and looked serious. He had sensed that something was amiss the moment Samuel appeared.

"Why are you suddenly silent? Weren't you offering me double the benefits?" Samuel taunted.

"Hmph! Don't get too smug too soon! You have Jade Dew Cream, and we have Revival Cream. If we're going to compete, we'll see who can sell more today!" Isabela challenged.

"Oh? How do you want to bet?" Samuel seemed interested.

"It's simple. We'll bet on sales volume. We'll see who sells more medicine today!" Isabela said proudly.

"What if I win? What if I lose?" Samuel asked in return.

"If you win, it means your product is the genuine one, and from then on, you'll have the market all to yourself. But if you lose, you not only have to hand over your formula, but also sign a contract promising not to sell this type of ointment in the future!" Isabela declared.

With this statement, it was clear that the Torby family was openly declaring war. If Samuel didn't agree, they would undoubtedly face various taunts and slander that could harm the family's reputation.

However, if he agreed, he was afraid that the Torby and Stratford families would resort to underhanded tactics. If they lost, not only would they lose face, but they would also suffer significant financial losses, potentially leading Thompson Pharmaceuticals into another crisis. This consequence was exceptionally severe.

"What's the matter? Are you afraid to bet?" Isabela sneered. "You claim to have a genuine product, but you don't even have the courage to compete with us. Are you afraid or just a coward?"

Samuel furrowed his brows slightly, not giving a direct answer. Instead, he looked at Dustin and Hazel.

Since Jade Dew Cream wasn't his own, he couldn't make the decision unilaterally.

"Do you want to bet?" Isabela continued, taunting him.

"Fine, we accept," Dustin suddenly spoke up.

Hazel's face turned pale, and she quickly advised, "Dustin, this might be a conspiracy by the Torby and Stratford families. Please don't fall for it."

"Don't worry, their game is already lost today. No matter how they try to stir things up, they won't make any significant waves," Dustin replied with a faint smile, unconcerned.

Isabela's proposal of this gamble was, in essence, playing with fire and self-destruction, hastening the bankruptcy of the Torby and Startford families. This aligned perfectly with his intentions.

"Mr. Samuel, what do you say?" Hazel turned to Samuel.

"Since Dustin has spoken, I will fully support it. Our medicine is of excellent quality and reasonably priced. If we can't win this gamble, we might as well close shop," Samuel shrugged.

At this point, Hazel reluctantly nodded and said, "Alright! We'll gamble with them.''
Temple Qixian battle at Mountain Qishan will start from chapter 1629 and it will continue up to 1695. So, it’s a long battle. We are currently on 1849 with ongoing battle at Xiliang Palace (Theswe or Dustin’s kingdom) Where Lu Changge /Dustin Rhys is participating in the battle in a disguised form.

Only his half brother Lu Tianba and one of the Southern Prince of Xiliang knows his identity. At this time Dustin ‘s father has been massacred (not dead actually, Dustin’s father feigns death) and Xiliang Palace is under the siege.

Dustin’s identity is revealed to the whole Xiliang by chapter 1849 and he is preparing for the duel with Lu Zhiyuan (His 3rd uncle) who led the rebellion with and ambition to the King of Theswe. He has marched with 300K shoulders of northern prince and 500K Blag Dragon Army. An invincible army in the entire world.

After the Dustin’s father reveals that he had feigned his death, he could have crushed the rebellion by directly ordering the black dragon army but he wants to give fair chance to his rebel brother. So, there will be duel Dustin Vs Lu Zhiyuan. Whoever wins will be the new king. End of chapter 1849.

It is sure that Dustin will win but Dustin really wants his brother Lu Tianba to be the King. He is not as capable as Dustin but he is also strong, showing maturity, thoughtful to his people etc.

Since it has been mentioned in earlier chapters that his fate is intertwined with the fate of the Emperor’s daughter, Dustin might have to be the king. It might be his destiny. After all, he will definitely need to raise an army to crush Dragon protects Pavillion who massacred his family and mother 10 yrs ago.
Chapter 1471: Plan B

Seeing all three of them agreeing, Isabela couldn't help but feel delighted. A smirk of a successful conspiracy played on her lips.

What a bunch of idiots!

She never expected that a few provocations would lead them to accept so easily. If she didn't have absolute certainty, she wouldn't have proposed this gamble.

Her previous attempt to frame them with the corpse was Plan A, and now, this gamble was Plan B. As long as Dustin and his companions dared to gamble, they were essentially jumping into a pit of fire themselves.

"Get ready for the agreement, we'll sign it!" Isabela shouted.

Her subordinates immediately got to work, and in no time, they brought two contracts. The terms of the gambling agreement were clear: whoever lost would have to give up their formula, issue a public apology, and guarantee not to sell related products in the future.

"Take a good look, and if everything is in order, sign it," Isabela urged.

Without further ado, Dustin and his companions confirmed the contracts and signed their names. Isabela and Owen exchanged glances and also signed.

The gambling agreement was now officially in effect.

"Hahaha... you three fools, you actually dared to agree. You've really cracked me up," Isabela mocked without restraint. "Our Revival Cream has already opened up the market, taking on a large number of orders. And you've just started your business. How can you compete with us?"

Indeed, Jade Dew Cream was of excellent quality and reasonably priced, surpassing their Revival Cream. With more promotion, it could become a real hit and completely overshadow their product.

But unfortunately for them, they had run out of opportunities. Choosing to compete with their Revival Cream when their development was not yet mature was undoubtedly a suicidal move!

"Dustin, you've all signed the contracts in front of the public eye. There's no turning back now. You'd better resign yourselves to your fate!" Owen sneered.

With so many journalists, spectators, and the signed gambling agreements in hand, he wasn't afraid of Dustin and his companions denying their commitment.

"Don't celebrate too soon. Who wins and who loses isn't necessarily decided yet," Dustin said calmly.

"Not necessarily?"

Owen sneered, "I see you won't give up until you see the coffin. Since that's the case, I'll make sure you give up completely!"

With that, he raised his hand and clapped.

Immediately, a long red banner unfurled on the building across the street.

On the red banner were large characters that read, "Congratulations on the official opening of the Revival Cream Pharmaceutical Company!"

As the banner unfurled, the streets on both sides suddenly became lively. Two lion dance troupes, one on the left and one on the right, marched towards the Revival Cream Pharmaceutical Company.

Wherever they went, they attracted countless spectators.

"Come and take a look, today we have a grand opening celebration at our company. Anyone who purchases Revival Cream not only gets a discount but also receives a beautiful gift from our company."

"The gifts are limited, so be quick! First come, first served!"

A host with a microphone stood on the other side of the street, shouting loudly.

People from several nearby streets could clearly hear the announcements.

"You can get gifts when buying medicine? Let's go and see!"

"Quick! Let's go too. We can't let others get ahead of us!"

The shouts from across the street drew the attention of the crowds. Guided by a few enthusiastic individuals, the spectators who had been watching the scene suddenly gathered in groups and rushed over.

The media reporters, after receiving a nod of approval from Owen, also ran to the other side of the street to start reporting and taking photos.

In just a few minutes, the side of the Lancaster Corporation's branch was deserted, with only a few staff members left to hold the fort, as all the attention had been drawn to the other side.

Chapter 1472: Strategy of Provocation

Seeing this scene, Owen laughed even more happily. "Dustin, did you see that? This is the surprise we prepared for you!"

"So you've been planning this all along, how despicable!" Hazel cursed.

"Hehe... All's fair in war. It's because you guys didn't use your brains and actually agreed to the bet with us," Owen taunted.

"Our side is already overcrowded, while your side is nearly empty. The outcome is clear. Why don't you just admit defeat?" Isabela sneered.

Although their attempt to frame and accuse them didn't work, their strategy of provocation had succeeded.

Their careful planning hadn't been in vain.

"Why the rush? We still have a chance before the sun sets," Dustin replied calmly.

"What? Still not giving up?"

Owen smirked. "Alright, I'll add some difficulty to make sure you admit defeat!"

With that, he took out his phone and dialed a number.

Three minutes later...

A black Mercedes-Benz drove out from the corner of the street and stopped on the other side.

The car door opened, and a well-dressed, overweight man, accompanied by his female secretary, stepped out.

Immediately after, shouts rang out, "The owner of Amgen Pharmacy, order five million jars of Revival Cream!"

This statement caused a commotion on the other side of the street.

Amgen Pharmacy was a well-known chain of pharmacies in Stonia with over a hundred branches, and its reputation was excellent. The owner of Amgen Pharmacy was recognized as a billionaire, and his public appearance to order five million jars of Revival was truly astonishing.


No sooner had the Mercedes-Benz stopped than another Maybach arrived.

As soon as the car door opened, an elderly man with graying hair stepped out, supported by a cane.

"The Chairman of Groupan Company, orders ten million jars of Revival Cream!" The announcer's voice echoed once again.

At the same time, the scene became even more chaotic.

However, before the commotion could settle down, something even more shocking happened.

Luxury cars, one after another, appeared like mushrooms after rain.

What Bentley, Porsche, Rolls-Royce... you name it, they had it all.

Each time a luxury car stopped, a renowned figure would step out.

The emcee's booming voice echoed one after another, resounding through the heavens and the earth.

"The Chairman of Merko Pharmaceutical, orders twenty million jars of Revival Cream, congratulations on the grand opening of your company!"

"Mark, the CEO of Gang Security Company, orders fifty million jars of Revival Cream, wishing our company abundant wealth!"

"Lathan, Chairman of the Lathan Group, orders one billion jars of Revival Cream, congratulating our company on smooth sailing and prosperity from all directions!"

As they watched one wealthy individual after another arrive, the entire scene erupted in excitement.

"What the heck! Orders in the tens of millions and billions so easily? Isn't it too much?"

"Is Revival Cream really that miraculous? It's actually attracting wealthy individuals to rush in to buy?"

"These wealthy individuals must have seen the potential of Revival Cream. It's definitely a wise decision to follow suit!"

The crowd discussed animatedly, astonished beyond belief.

Initially, they had just come to watch the spectacle, but they hadn't expected the situation to become so explosive.

So much so that many spectators were tempted to place orders, and the sales of Revival Cream skyrocketed.

The situation was completely one-sided.

"Dustin, do you now realize the difference? Do you admit defeat?" Owen smirked confidently.

"Admit defeat?" Dustin smiled faintly. "Why don't you turn around and see who the real winner is?"

Chapter 1473: No Way Inferior

"Turn around? What, do you think you can change the situation?" Owen sneered and turned around as if to humor Dustin.

He saw their company's entrance still bustling with activity, with customers coming and going. Wealthy individuals, big and small, from all over the city continued to arrive.

Apart from that, there was nothing out of the ordinary.

"Dustin, you're an adult, yet you're playing these childish tricks. Is it interesting?" Owen taunted.

"Hey, can you guys handle losing?" Isabela said with a strange tone. "We have testimonies, evidence, and a signed gambling agreement. No matter how you try to explain, it's useless. Just hand over the prescription honestly, and you can save some face."

"Who said we've lost? Open your eyes and see what's over there." Dustin gestured towards the street corner in the distance.

"Heh... using this trick again? Do you think I'll fall for it?" Owen sneered and didn't even turn his head.

Fooled once, shame on him; fooled twice, shame on Dustin.


Just as they were talking, a black Land Rover suddenly sped over and stopped steadily at the entrance of the Lancaster branch.

The car door opened, and a burly man in a black suit got out.

"Steve from the RetailMe Group, congratulations on the establishment of Lancaster Medical and Pharmaceutical. As a gesture of goodwill, I will place an order for ten million jars of Jade Dew Cream!" the man announced loudly.

As soon as these words were spoken, the smiles on the faces of Owen and Isabela froze.

They thought Dustin was just playing with words, but they didn't expect someone to come and show support.

"Thank you, Mr. Steve, for your support! Please come in!" Hazel quickly welcomed the man inside.

While ten million orders couldn't compare to their opponents, it was still a positive sign.

"Owen, do we have the RetailMe Group in South City? I don't recall," Isabela asked, puzzled.

With the Torby and Stratford families dominating South City, they had control over all the major forces.

"The RetailMe Group is an influence in East City. If I'm not mistaken, it should be someone invited by Samuel," Owen explained.

"I see," Isabela nodded and didn't think much of it. Ten million was nothing to be concerned about.

"Dustin, you don't actually think that with the insignificant RetailMe Group, you can compete against us, do you? You're too naive!" Owen sneered.

How could a second-rate small power compare to the noble families?

"Why the hurry? The real show has just begun," Dustin replied calmly.

"The show? Hmph... Today, I want to see what waves you can make!" Owen scoffed.

As soon as he finished speaking, a long convoy suddenly appeared at the street corner. The convoy consisted entirely of luxury cars, each worth at least a million or more.

Sports cars, sedans, SUVs, all kinds of vehicle models were present. The convoy was magnificent, well-organized, and attracted the attention of countless people as it arrived.

Finally, to the amazement of the crowd, the luxurious convoy parked one by one in front of Lancaster's branch.

As each car door opened, wealthy and influential figures, elegantly dressed, stepped out one by one to offer their congratulations.

"San from the Agaro Group, here to order twenty million jars of Jade Dew Cream. Congratulations on the opening of Lancaster Medical and Pharmaceutical!"

"Mark from Ding Pharmaceuticals, here to order thirty million jars of Jade Dew Cream. Congratulations on the prosperity of Lancaster Medical and Pharmaceutical!"

"Kamran from G10 Group, here to order eighty million jars of Jade Dew Cream. Congratulations on the flourishing business and abundant wealth of Lancaster Medical and Pharmaceutical!"

The parade of wealthy and influential figures continued, and they not only came to congratulate but also placed substantial orders.

Their popularity and the number of orders they made were in no way inferior to those on the opposite side.

Seeing this scene, Owen and Isabela could no longer force a smile.

Chapter 1474: Heavyweight Bombshell

They had not expected that within just half an hour, so many wealthy figures would come to show their support. At this moment, they couldn't help feeling a bit nervous.

Because if this situation continued, they really didn't have a surefire way to win.

"Thank you all for coming. Please, inside, inside..." Hazel and Waylon were delighted, welcoming their esteemed guests inside.

In the South City market, it had been dominated by the Torby and Stratford families, and with Lancaster's family's strength, they couldn't invite many people. Fortunately, with Thompson's assistance, they managed to attract wealthy businessmen from the East City. Otherwise, Lancaster Medical and Pharmaceutical would have faced a devastating defeat today.

"Mr. Samuel, I didn't expect you to be so well-prepared. Now we can finally have a showdown with the Torby and Stratford families," Hazel said with a joyful smile.

"All of this was arranged by Mr. Dustin. I'm just following the plan," Samuel replied, nonchalantly twirling his fan.

"Oh?" Hazel raised an eyebrow, looking surprised as she turned her gaze to Dustin. "Young man, how did you know that the Torby and Stratford families would pull this stunt?"

"These are all outdated tactics and not particularly clever," Dustin said with a faint smile. "Besides, even if they didn't resort to these tricks, by bringing so many people to support us, it's still promoting Jade Dew Cream. We won't lose either way."

"That's true," Hazel nodded, then cast a meaningful glance at Isabela and Owen. "Miss Isabela, Mr. Owen, it seems that the outcome of today's battle is still uncertain."

Although the Torby and Stratford families had made extensive preparations, luckily their side had been able to counter all their moves.

"Hmph! Don't get too excited yet. We're still in the lead!" Isabela said coldly.

"That's right! We have more troops and generals. Victory will be ours in the end!" Owen said, his head held high.

Although the Thompson family had enlisted many wealthy supporters, it was still a lone force against the two major families. Regardless of their financial resources, the probability of victory for the Torby and Stratford families was at least eighty percent.

"A bunch of insignificant pawns, incapable of making it to the big stage. The real show is yet to come," Dustin said with a faint smile.

"Hmph! You're just playing tricks! Even if you have extraordinary abilities, today is destined to be a loss for you!" Isabela replied sharply.

"Don't be too sure! We still have the advantage!" Owen declared, his confidence unwavering.

Although the Thompson family had enlisted the help of many wealthy supporters, the Torby and Stratford families were still two powerful forces working together. They had superior networks and influence, and even in terms of financial power, their chances of winning were at least eighty percent.

"A bunch of insignificant pawns, incapable of making it to the big stage. The real show is yet to come," Dustin said with a faint smile.

“Hmph! Pretending to be a ghost! Even if you have the ability to reach the sky, you will definitely lose today!” Isabela shouted.

As soon as he finished speaking, a Rolls-Royce Phantom suddenly stopped by the side of the road.

Soon, a burly middle-aged man with a stubble beard confidently walked out.

He had a square face, thick eyebrows, and a commanding presence that could be felt in every move he made.


Seeing this middle-aged man, Kevin furrowed his brows, his expression turning serious. On the other hand, Waylon's face lit up, as if he had just seen the God of Wealth.

"Langford Family's Ethan Langford, congratulates Lancaster Medical and Pharmaceutical for its prosperous business!" the middle-aged man declared loudly.

As soon as he spoke, the entire scene erupted in surprise.

"What? Ethan Langford? Isn't he the head of the Langford Family?"

"The Langford Family is the foremost among the Eight Great Families, and Ethan Langford is a high-ranking official in the current government. Even such a prominent figure has come to show his support. Lancaster Medical and Pharmaceutical is on the rise!"

"Oh my god! What's happening today? Are gods and immortals fighting?"

The revelation of Ethan Langford's identity sent shockwaves through the crowd.

The Langford Family, among the Eight Great Families, was universally acknowledged as the most powerful. They were immensely wealthy, had deep-rooted influence, and held the top position among the Eight Great Families, unmatched by any other.

No one could have predicted that Ethan Langford, who usually kept a low profile and rarely made public appearances, would openly support Lancaster Medical and Pharmaceutical. This act was like dropping a heavyweight bombshell into the calm waters of the city!

Chapter 1475: Another Big Shot

At this moment, the people from the Torby and Stratford families were all on edge.

They had considered every possibility, but they never imagined that the prestigious Langford family, the leader among the aristocratic families, would support the Lancaster family.

You see, the difference between the two sides was as vast as the difference between heaven and earth; they were simply not on the same level.

Could it be that the Langford family was backing the Lancaster family?

"How... How is this possible? Why would the head of the Langford family come here?!" Isabela exclaimed, her eyes widened in disbelief.

Who was Ethan Langford?

He was the head of the Langford family, a powerful figure in the imperial court, a person with far-reaching influence.

Moreover, he was known for his arrogance and never engaged in alliances or affiliations with others without a good reason.

Even the likes of Samuel and Dustin couldn't move Ethan Langford, let alone her own parents.

Who could make Ethan personally intervene?

"This is troublesome!" Owen broke into a cold sweat, his face filled with panic.

Dealing with one powerful family, the Thompson family, was already headache-inducing. Now, the Langford family had entered the picture, making matters worse.

Among the eight great aristocratic families, the Langford family was the first, and the Thompson family was the second, both belonging to the upper echelons.

On the other hand, the Torby and Stratford families were part of the lower four, ranking at the bottom.

In terms of overall strength, the Langford and Thompson families were far superior to the Torby and Stratford families.

So, in this gambling match today, they had lost any advantage they might have had.

In fact, it had turned into a disadvantage.

"How could this be? Could it be that the Thompson family has already formed an alliance with the Langford family?" Kevin furrowed his brows, his expression grave.

Ethan's appearance had directly affected the entire situation.

All the plans they had made before had become uncertain at this moment.

"Welcome, Langford Family Leader, to our humble abode. Please, come inside!"

Waylon personally welcomed Ethan, leading him inside the door.

The Langford family didn't need to purchase any Jade Dew Cream. Just extending this courtesy was a tremendous help.

They believed that soon, any force connected to the Langford family would come in droves to show their support.

"Miss Isabela, how do you feel? Surprised?" Hazel looked refreshed.

Honestly, even she hadn't expected Samuel to have such influence, to be able to invite Ethan Langford.

With the Langford Family's assistance, their chances of winning this gambling match had significantly increased.

"Why would Lord Langford help you? What methods did you use?!" Isabela furrowed her brows, her expression particularly unpleasant.

"No need to trouble yourself with that, Miss Isabela. Perhaps you should focus on what you'll do after losing," Hazel said smugly.

"Hmph! Even with the Langford family's help, it doesn't guarantee our loss!" Isabela retorted sharply.

Although the Langford and Thompson families were more powerful than the Torby and Stratford families, the latter could go all out, spare no expense, and win this gambling match.

The Langford and Thompson families clearly couldn't afford to burn their bridges.

That was the key to their victory.

"Look! Another convoy is here!"

At this moment, a cry of surprise rang out.

Everyone turned to look, and at the corner of the street, another luxurious convoy appeared.

The convoy was grander and more impressive than the previous one, indicating a substantial background.

"Given this grandeur, it's probably another group of big shots."

"Guess who invited these big shots?"

"It's hard to say. Both sides are evenly matched now; it's unclear who will win. Anything is possible."

"One word from a wise man is better than a thousand words."

Chapter 1476: Two Royal Family

Amidst the eager anticipation of the crowd, the luxurious convoy slowly made its way across the street and finally stopped in front of the Revival Cream Pharmaceutical Company.

Seeing this scene, Isabela's face lit up instantly. "Hahaha... they're our people! Our reinforcements have arrived!"

"That's great! Finally, our moment to shine!" Owen was equally delighted.

Although Ethan Langford's appearance had caused some disruptions, they were well-prepared and could turn the tide in their favor.

"I wonder who it is?" Kevin rubbed his chin, murmuring to himself, his eyes filled with anticipation.

Allies of the Torby and Stratford families had already arrived. Could there be another unexpected surprise?

"Dustin! Hazel! Samuel!"

Isabela named them one by one, triumphantly saying, "I told you not to celebrate too early. Look at you now, faces slapped! Hahaha..."

"I admit you have some tricks up your sleeves, but unfortunately, we still have the upper hand," Owen said proudly.

Just as the two of them were mocking and ridiculing, a sudden change occurred.

The convoy that had just stopped seemed to have noticed something and suddenly moved again!

Following that, the luxury cars began to turn around and eventually arrived at the entrance of the Lancaster Pharmaceutical Company.

When the vehicles stopped, elegantly dressed dignitaries got out one by one, offering their congratulations in an orderly manner.

"Silas Bryant from the Bryant family, along with numerous Bryant family members, have come to celebrate and congratulate the grand opening of the Lancaster Pharmaceutical Company. May your business be prosperous and successful!"

Leading the group, Silas approached Dustin and the others, bowing respectfully.

As soon as these words were spoken, the entire venue erupted into a commotion.

"What? The Bryant family is here? Am I seeing this right?"

"Oh my god! A small pharmaceutical company's opening has actually attracted the attention of the royal the Bryant family. What on earth is happening?"

The crowd buzzed with astonishment.

The Bryant family was a level above even the Dragon family, a colossal entity standing at the pinnacle of the Dragon Kingdom!

They produced renowned military generals, wielded immense influence in the political arena, and were a force to be reckoned with in the military!

Such a colossal family had actually come to congratulate the small Lancaster family?

It was simply unimaginable!

"Bryant... the Bryant family? How is that possible?!"

At this moment, Isabela and the others were struck as if by lightning, frozen in place.

Their eyes widened in disbelief, faces filled with utter incredulity.

Wasn't the convoy supposed to be reinforcements for the Torby and Stratford families? How did it end up supporting the Lancaster family?

Most crucially, how could a mere second-rate family like the Lancaster family possibly persuade the colossal powerhouse that was the Bryant family to support them?

Before they could recover from their shock, another luxurious convoy appeared at the street corner.

This time, they didn't take a wrong turn. The convoy directly approached the Lancaster Pharmaceutical Company and came to a stable stop.

The car door opened, and wearing a red qipao, Lady Natasha, accompanied by a group of dignitaries, elegantly descended.

"The Duncan family has come to offer congratulations!"

"As a gesture of sincerity, we will place a billion Jade Dew Cream order to express our best wishes for the prosperity of Lancaster Pharmaceutical Company. May your business be prosperous and bring in great wealth!" Lady Natasha smiled as she spoke.

As soon as these words were uttered, the entire venue exploded into chaos.

"My goodness! It's not just the Bryant family; now even the Duncan family of the royal clan is here. Am I dreaming?"

"Who is it? Who on earth could persuade two major royal families to appear at the same time?!"

"A world of wonders! Truly a world of wonders!"

The discussions among the people were in an uproar, utterly astounded.

One Bryant family was already terrifying enough, and now, with the Duncan family joining in, their combined influence was immeasurable!

In this gambling match, Lancaster Pharmaceutical Company achieved an overwhelming victory.

The Torby and Stratford families had no chance of turning the tables.


Isabela's legs gave way, and she collapsed to the ground, her face ashen.

She had completely despaired!


Chapter 1477: Huge Loss

At this moment, it wasn't just Isabela.

Every member of the Torby and Stratford families was profoundly shocked.

They hadn't even dreamed that things would escalate to this extent.

If it had just been the Langford family involved, they might have clung to a glimmer of hope for victory.

However, now, even the two major royal families were entangled in this.

Even with their extraordinary capabilities, they had no choice but to bow their heads in submission.

It was crucial to understand that the gap between aristocratic families and royal clans was like night and day; they were no longer on the same level.

Aristocratic families might be wealthy, but royal clans represented power!

In the eyes of those with power, the wealthy were inconsequential. To put it bluntly, if the royal clans decided to eliminate an aristocratic family, it could be done overnight.

That was the insurmountable chasm between them.

"The Langford family, the Bryant family, the Duncan family... How could this happen? What on earth has occurred?" Owen was so shocked that he stared wide-eyed, his fear palpable.

He couldn't fathom why the humble Lancaster Pharmaceutical Company had managed to gain the support of royal clan powers.

"Stop talking! Surrender immediately, or there will be endless consequences!"

After a brief shock, Kevin quickly grasped the seriousness of the situation. Although he didn't understand how Lancaster Pharmaceutical Company had achieved this feat, it was evident they had lost.

If they continued to resist, not only would it bring them no benefit, but it might also anger the two major royal families.

At that point, the Torby and Stratford families would be in grave danger.

In the end, urged by Kevin, Isabela and Owen had no choice but to admit defeat.

"This time, we've lost. We concede defeat!"

"From now on, we won't sell Revival Cream anymore. The company will be dissolved immediately. Are you satisfied now?" Isabela gritted her teeth, her face filled with resentment.

Even though she had lost, Isabela was not willing to accept it.

In her eyes, victory should have been hers if the two major royal families hadn't intervened.

"Miss Isabela, the sun is still far from setting. Isn't it too early to surrender now? Why don't you persist a little longer?" Hazel said with a sly smile.

"Hmph! You're just lucky; there's nothing extraordinary about you! The world is always changing!" Leaving behind these harsh words, Isabela stormed off in frustration.

"Let's go," Kevin gestured, quickly leading the group away.

In just a few minutes, both the Torby and Stratford families had left, leaving the newly opened company to close its doors. The wealthy and influential individuals who had attended the event dispersed immediately.

In the end, Lancaster Pharmaceutical Company emerged victorious.

However, the story did not end there.

After the Langford family, the Bryant family, and the Duncan family arrived, more and more influential forces flocked to congratulate Lancaster Pharmaceutical Company. They placed numerous orders for Jade Dew Cream.

In no time, Lancaster Pharmaceutical Company became exceptionally popular, with people practically trampling over each other to get in. Various influential forces and wealthy individuals came one after another, providing a continuous influx of customers.

Luxurious cars lined the streets from end to end.

The fame of Jade Dew Cream spread like wildfire, echoing throughout Stonia within a single day.

The Revival Cream of the Torby and Stratford families was completely overshadowed.

Customers who had previously placed orders began to request refunds, causing substantial losses for the Torby and Stratford families.

In an effort to promote their products, both families had invested a considerable amount of money and were working overtime, producing Revival Cream day and night.

Chapter 1478: Filled With Resentment

The results hadn't even begun to yield profit; the enterprise was a stillbirth. Not only were the ointments piling up unsold, but the funds invested earlier had also gone down the drain. For a while, the Torby and Stratford families were beset by internal and external troubles.

On the contrary, the Lancaster family was experiencing the opposite.

Due to the public support of the two major royal families, the Lancaster family leaped from the second-tier to the first-tier directly. Not only did they amass great wealth, but in terms of social connections and resources, they had even surpassed the aristocratic families.

If things continued in this manner, within three months, the Lancaster family would genuinely ascend to the ranks of the aristocracy!

By then, Stonia would witness the grandeur of nine major aristocratic families!
In the night, inside the Torby family's council chamber.

Kevin, as the head of the Torby family, was discussing countermeasures with Song Pablo, the head of the Stratford family.

The only ones listening in were Isabela, Owen, and a few other close relatives.

"Kevin brother, what's going on exactly?"

"You assured us repeatedly that as long as our Stratford family joined, we could prosper together."

"Now, look at this. Our Stratford family invested a considerable amount of money, and the new company has closed down shortly after its opening."

"Most importantly, all the customers who placed orders are demanding refunds. With this back and forth, our Stratford family has suffered heavy losses!"

Pablo kept lamenting, his tone filled with resentment.

If it hadn't been for believing Kevin's slander and investing in Revival Cream, the Stratford family wouldn't have ended up in such a state.

One must understand, the production cost of Revival Cream was extremely high. Coupled with their previous substantial orders, they had been confident, spending a fortune to collect medicinal herbs from various places.

They had thought they could make a significant profit, but they ended up with such a devastating loss. It had already reached the point where it was a bone-deep wound for them.

Now, within the Stratford family, curses were flying everywhere.

"Brother Pablo, I understand your urgency, but don't be too hasty," Kevin sighed lightly. "The losses your Stratford family suffered are not small, but what about our Torby family? We're in no better condition. We're all in the same boat. We rise and fall together. Whether it's good or bad, we have to bear it together."

"Although that's true, you handled this matter really poorly, didn't you? You couldn't even deal with a small Lancaster family, and you dragged us down with you," Pablo shook his head in disappointment.

"Brother Pablo, today's events were purely unexpected. If it weren't for the intervention of the royal family, we would have definitely won," Kevin said.
"What? The royal family? What's going on?" Pablo was taken aback.

"It's like this..."

Kevin didn't hold back; he briefly explained the situation.

After hearing it, Pablo immediately furrowed his brows, his expression becoming exceptionally serious. "Strange, how could the mighty royal family support the small Lancaster family?"

"Dad, based on our speculation, this matter should be related to the Thompson family," Owen suddenly spoke up.

"While the Thompson family is influential, I doubt they have the capability to mobilize the Bryant family and the Duncan family," Pablo said, skeptical.

The eight major aristocratic families were all deeply interconnected.

The Langford family was the most powerful, standing in a league of its own. The Thompson family was second, undoubtedly stronger than the Torby or Stratford families individually.

However, convincing the royal family to intervene seemed highly unlikely.

"Perhaps the Thompson family invested heavily, enticing the royal family with a considerable sum, which persuaded the two major royal families," Owen speculated.
"Brother Kevin, what do you think?" Pablo didn't provide a direct answer but looked at Kevin instead.

"I find this situation strange too, but apart from the Thompson family, I can't think of anyone else," Kevin shook his head.

The Lancaster family represented by Hazel was merely a second-tier power, lacking the qualifications to establish connections with the royal family. So, naturally, they didn't have the capability.

The Thompson family represented by Samuel was the most significant partner, with the highest status among them. Although it seemed challenging, there was still a glimmer of hope.

As for Dustin, he was completely ignored. A nobody, he wasn't even worthy of cleaning the royal family's shoes, let alone having such influence.

Chapter 1479: Backing of Two Major Royal Families

"Enough, discussing this won't get us anywhere. Let's focus on finding a way out of our current situation," Sophia, who had been silent, suddenly spoke up.

She was a decisive and quick-witted person, never one to easily accept defeat. If they had lost this time, she was determined to find an opportunity to make up for it.

"Both major royal families have stepped in; it's clear that the business with the Revival Cream won't work anymore," Pablo sighed and then looked up. "Brother Kevin, you always have ingenious ideas. Do you have any good strategies to salvage some of our losses?"

"For the moment, I don't have any ideas. How could I?" Kevin looked helpless. If he had a solution, he wouldn't be sitting here worrying.

"Dad! I do have an idea!" Isabela, who had been sitting quietly, suddenly spoke up.

"Oh? What's your idea? Let's hear it," Kevin immediately became interested.

Others turned their attention to her, looking eager to listen.

"Dad, the prescription for our Revival Cream was obtained from Dustin. Is it possible that he has other high-quality prescriptions?" Isabela squinted her eyes.

Kevin and Sophia exchanged glances, understanding their daughter's implication. However, it was a rather dishonorable plan, and neither of them wanted to voice it.

"Were you suggesting we secretly capture Dustin and force him to reveal all his prescriptions?" Sophia tentatively asked.

"Exactly!" Isabela nodded vigorously. "Dustin must have many secrets hidden. I believe that if we capture him and interrogate him rigorously, we can discover a lot of surprises!"

"Haha... what a great plan!" Pablo's eyes lit up. "We'll agree not to produce and sell the Revival Cream anymore, but we haven't said we won't sell other medicines. If he really has some miraculous prescriptions, we can not only recover our losses but also make a fortune!"

"That's right," Kevin nodded and smiled. "Where there's one, there's probably more. Dustin most likely has other high-quality prescriptions."

During their previous transaction with the Torby family, Dustin had shown that he had hidden talents, proving his deep understanding of the world. His ability to keep a low profile had also demonstrated his cunning nature.

"Isabela, now that Dustin has joined forces with the Thompson family, isn't it too risky for us to target him?" Sophia pondered.

The Thompson family and the Lancaster family were currently in the limelight, with the backing of two major royal families. If they made a move against Dustin, it could lead to significant trouble, especially considering his connections with Samuel and Hazel.

"In for a penny, in for a pound. As long as we can recover our losses and turn the tables, what's a little risk?" Isabela replied nonchalantly. "Besides, Dustin is just a pawn being used. He has lost his value now. The Thompson family and the Lancaster family won't care about the life or death of such a person."

"Well..." Owen furrowed his brow, deep in thought, unsure of what to decide.

"Owen, are you losing your nerve? Have you suddenly become so timid?" Isabela said disapprovingly. "In the past, you were unmatched in strategy and unyielding in the face of challenges. Why do you seem like a different person today?"

"It's a significant matter; it's always good to be cautious. Safety first is never wrong," Owen said with a dry smile.

Damn it, every time it's me charging forward, and you're just cheering from the sidelines. Of course, you don't feel the danger.

"If you're worried, you can stay behind and watch. I'll handle it myself," Isabela said seriously. "I assure you, there won't be any danger. As long as we act discreetly, leaving no traces behind, who would suspect us? Don't forget, we have an extraordinary expert assisting us. With this expert's help, success is guaranteed!"

"Owen, he's just an unknown youngster. Why are you so nervous? With our two major wealthy families supporting you, just let go and do it. If something goes wrong, Uncle will take the blame for you!" Kevin assured, patting his chest.

Encouraged by the confidence of uncle Kevin, Owen immediately regained his composure and declared with determination, "Fine! I'll take the risk and personally bring Dustin back!"
At this moment, inside a luxurious private room at the Emperor's Pavilion Restaurant.

Chapter 1480: Who Invite Royal Family?

Dustin, Hazel, and Samuel were gathered together, drinking and chatting.

Today, the new company had a grand opening, and everything went perfectly. The three of them had made a lot of money.

After finishing their work, they immediately came to the Emperor's Pavilion Restaurant to celebrate.

"Hahaha... today was really amazing!"

"Owen and Isabela, that despicable couple, finally got what they deserved. Just thinking about their faces when they realized they messed up is making me want to laugh."

Samuel raised his glass and couldn't stop laughing.

He had long disliked Isabela and the others. They had even threatened his older sister a few days ago, and today, he finally vented his anger.

"It's all thanks to Samuel's extensive connections. You invited the Bryant and Duncan families to support us; otherwise, we wouldn't have had such a successful day today."

"Here, Samuel, I toast to you."

Hazel smiled and raised her glass.


Samuel was taken aback, puzzled. "Didn't the two major royal families come because of your Lancaster family? What does it have to do with our Thompson family?"


Hazel's face froze. "Samuel, are you joking? Our Lancaster family is just a second-rate family. How could we possibly invite the royal families?"

"The problem is, our Thompson family can't do it either!" Samuel looked strange.

Although he used his connections to invite many influential figures, it didn't include the Bryant and Duncan families. In fact, he didn't have the capability to do so, even with his father's involvement. The chances of success were slim.

The gap between the aristocracy and the royal families was just too vast.

"If it wasn't the Lancaster family or the Thompson family, then who could it be?" Hazel looked puzzled.

She had always thought that the Thompson family had spent a fortune to invite the two major royal families to preside over the event. But now, it seemed like that wasn't the case.

"Dustin... It couldn't be you, could it?"

Seemingly realizing something, Samuel's gaze suddenly shifted, filled with suspicion.


Dustin smiled faintly and replied vaguely, "Could I, a commoner, have the ability to do something even you can't?"

"Well, that's true," Samuel nodded thoughtfully. "The people who can invite the royal families are either close relatives of the emperor or powerful regional lords."

"Enough about this," Hazel interjected with a meaningful glance at Dustin. "Perhaps the two major royal families saw the potential in our Jade Dew Cream and decided to lend a hand."

She felt that there was a secret hidden within Dustin, but now wasn't the time to uncover it.

"Come on, let's drink!"

Samuel didn't want to dwell on it. He picked up his glass and began to drink heartily.

In no time, he had emptied a bottle of wine.

"Waiter! Bring two more bottles of good wine!"

Samuel called out to the door.

Soon, a female server entered with two bottles of wine and placed them on the table.

"Here! Let's drink!"

Samuel poured three glasses, lightly clinked them together, and prepared to down his drink. However, when the glass was halfway to his lips, Dustin raised his hand to stop him.

"There's something strange about this wine. We shouldn't drink it!"
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English Version Translated by NAZMUL

An Understated Dominance is a Urban novel for men, telling a story of Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. "An Understated Dominance" delves into themes of ambition, power and the price of success. The novel explores the complexities of relationships and so on.
Master, im curious enough, just for discussion purposes only, since many have read the Chinese version, im curious to know since Dustins enemy now is his uncle, as early as this as how story developed it seems like theres a bigger picture inside the palace, and seems like getting obvious that the would be real antagonist of the story would be his half brother and the queen I guess, could it be the real story? since the murder case of Dustins Family has not been solved yet, the real identity of the assassin is still unknown even to the attempted murder of the king. I hope you dont mind it brother, im just curious, i dont intend to spoil other’s interest about the story but i love to hear the guesses on how the story ends as it develops in various twists.
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An understated Dominance

Chapter 1506

“The antidote…give me the antidote!”
“I was wrong. I am willing to apologize. Give me the antidote!” Under the torture of deadly pain, Victoria Sterling finally couldn’t stand it anymore. She started to cry and beg for mercy.
Abigale squatted quietly, holding her chin in her hands, without any reaction.
“My head hurts so much! I can’t stand it anymore! I’m willing to apologize, I’m willing to compensate, and I’ll be detoxified right away!” Julie Anderson also compromised. Compared to life, face is not important at all, and it’s not like I haven’t been scared before.
Abigale continued to look at Isabela, but there was still no movement. “Isabela!
Hurry up… admit your mistake and apologize!” “This woman is a lunatic, if you don’t apologize, we’ll all die here!” Victoria Sterling was in a hurry, howling all kinds of things.
“If you don’t say anything anymore, your little friend will die.” Abigale said with a smile.
“Isabela! Why are you still standing there? Apologize! You want to die then don’t involve us!” Victoria Sterling shouted angrily.
What to pretend to be? They are all half-measured goods, don’t they have to give in in the end? “Okay! I promise to apologize! Give us the antidote quickly!” Isabela gritted her teeth.
“That’s how you behave.” Abigale smiled and raised her hand. A burst of faint blue dust rose into the sky, and then slowly fell, covering everyone like a drizzle. When the dust was inhaled into their mouths and noses, everyone’s splitting headaches finally slowly disappeared, but their bodies were still weak and it was difficult to gather strength.
“Next, let’s see your performance.” Abigale clapped her hands and stood aside with a smile.
“I’m sorry, we were wrong. We shouldn’t have caused trouble here. We are willing to compensate for all the losses here!” Isabela stared at Dustin fiercely.
Although her words were an apology, her eyes were particularly hateful. A lowly pariah dared to ask her to apologize in public. This humiliation, she must pay back a hundredfold!
After Victoria Sterling and Julie Anderson took a few breaths, they also chose to apologize. People have to bow their heads under the eaves, and it is not too late to take revenge again when they return.
“Forget it, I’m in a good mood today, and I don’t care about it with you. Each of you should pay 100 million, which should be regarded as my mental damage fee.” Dustin said lightly. “What? One hundred million? Why don’t you go rob a bank?!” Julie Anderson screamed.
“What? No compensation?” Abigale narrowed her eyes and smiled: “I have hundreds of poisons here. Do you want to try them one by one?”
“I… “The corner of Julie Anderson’s mouth twitched, and she suddenly didn’t dare to say anything. In desperation, she had no choice but to call to borrow money. No matter what, let’s get through the current situation first.
After a while, several vehicles with special photo cameras on them, Suddenly stopped at the door of Lancaster’s Medicine.
Immediately afterwards, a man and a woman walked in with a few bodyguards. The man was thin and handsome, but his cheekbones were prominent and his lips were thin, making him look a bit mean.
On the other hand, the woman is dressed in a red dress, with a cool temperament and an alluring appearance. As soon as she appears on the stage, she is stunning and attracts everyone’s attention.
Hazel Lancaster is already considered a beauty on the rouge list, but in front of the woman in red, but looked a little overshadowed. Both in appearance and temperament, they were all slightly inferior.
“It’s her? “After seeing the woman in red, Dustin couldn’t help but frown slightly. Because he discovered that the person who came was his ex-wife, Dahlia!


Chapter 1507

“So beautiful! So noble!” “Who is this beauty, why haven’t I seen it before?”
“This beauty, this temperament, should be at the top of the rouge list.” Not a little restless.
Regardless of whether they were men or women, everyone had a look of surprise on their faces.
Stonia has outstanding people and many beautiful women. But stunning beauty like this is very rare, especially the cold and noble temperament, like a fairy coming out of a painting, which makes people feel unreal.
“Cousin!” Julie Anderson’s face lit up when she saw the person coming, as if she had seen a savior, and she hurriedly greeted her. “I asked you to come over to discuss business, but the deal failed and you were asked to pay 100 million in compensation.
What happened?” Dahlia said coldly. “I…” Julie Anderson was at a loss for words for a moment. She couldn’t just say that she was showing off her power here with the golden order from Lord Eugene Montgomery’s palace, and then was taught a lesson, right?
“Sister Dahlia, this is what happened… “Victoria Sterling reacted very quickly, stepped forward immediately, and explained the matter with embellishment. After finishing the matter,
she added: “Sister Dahlia, we tried to persuade them with good words, but in the end they didn’t appreciate it, and even poisoned us. And asking for compensation is really too much! “
”Yeah? Who is so arrogant? How dare you poison them in public? “Dahlia asked coldly.
“It’s Dustin and that woman!” The two of them are in cahoots! Victoria Sterling stretched out her hand and pointed. “Huh?”
“After seeing Dustin’s face, Dahlia couldn’t help frowning slightly, quite surprised: “It’s you? Why are you here? “It’s strange, every time she meets Dustin, she has an inexplicable sense of familiarity.”
Lancaster’s medicine has my share, why can’t I be here? “Dustin responded lightly.
“Sister Dahlia, do you know this kid?”
“At this time, a young man with a rather harsh appearance beside her suddenly spoke. This man’s name is Gary Montgomery, and he is one of Lord Eugene Montgomery’s sons. He is good at business, he is insidious and cunning, he has many tricks, and he will do everything for his own benefit.
.”I’ve met him a few times, but I’m not familiar with him. “Dahlia said. “That’s it.
“Gary Montgomery smiled. Looking at Dustin, his eyes were a little colder. Since you are not familiar with him, then you don’t have to worry about it.”
Dustin, you are poisoning and blackmailing, do you know What will be the consequences?
“Dahlia said coldly. “It was me who poisoned it, and it has nothing to do with uncle. If you want revenge, just target me.” “Abigale said calmly.
“Dustin, don’t you feel ashamed to let a little girl of yours take the blame for you?
“Dahlia’s eyes were piercing. “Mr. Nicolson, the tone of your mouth is full of accusations, as if everything is our fault. Why don’t you ask first, what have these people around you done?” ” Dustin said lightly. “No matter what they did, it is not the reason for you to poison people! “Dahlia said righteously.

Chapter 1508

“So according to your opinion, they are only allowed to bully us and we are not allowed to resist?
Do we, the powerless people, have to be oppressed and insulted in front of powerful people like you? We can’t even protect ourselves. Guilty?” Dustin looked sarcastic.
Although she has lost her memory, the woman in front of him has really not changed at all.
Always preconceived, self-righteous and indiscriminate. “I don’t understand what you are talking about.” Dahlia frowned slightly:
“Our people are here today to discuss business. If you are a shareholder of Lancaster’s Medicine, you should treat each other with courtesy instead of intimidating and tempting.”
“If they are guests, we will naturally welcome them, but if they are enemies, then don’t blame us for being rude.” Dustin retorted.
“What? You did something wrong and got into trouble, and you still don’t know how to repent?” Dahlia frowned.
“Miss Nicolson, this matter is a misunderstanding.”
At this time, Hazel Lancaster suddenly stepped forward and smoothed things over with a smile:
“It was Miss Anderson who insisted on jumping in the queue just now, and she also used the name of Lord Eugene Montgomery’s Palace to show off her power.
If she doesn’t comply, she will destroy our company. Dustin was angry for a moment, so he acted a little impulsively.”
“Is there such a thing?” Dahlia turned and glanced at Julie Anderson.
Julie Anderson’s face froze, but she quickly defended herself:
“Cousin! Don’t listen to their nonsense! I came here sincerely to discuss business, but Dustin took revenge and wanted to kick me out. I was really angry, so I said so.
A few harsh words didn’t do anything.” “Yes, Sister Dahlia, I can testify that it’s all Dustin’s fault!”
Victoria Sterling immediately spoke out in support: “This guy Dustin is not only unreasonable, but he also fights He has serious violent tendencies.
Look at Miss Anderson’s face, it’s swollen!”
“Cousin, I’ve never been wronged like this before. You must make the decision for me!”
Julie Anderson looked very sad. Wronged. Looking at Anderson’s red and swollen face and the dissipated fingerprints on it,
Dahlia couldn’t help but darken her face and asked: “Dustin! Let me ask you, did you hit my cousin?”
“It was me, but… …. Just as Dustin was about to explain,
he was interrupted by Dahlia coldly: “It’s really you!” I thought you had something to hide, and that you were using your power to bully others after doing this for a long time.
Why do you have the face to cry out for injustice? ! “Dustin frowned slightly, his face a little ugly. Others didn’t care, but Dahlia’s words were as hurtful as a knife to him.
“Miss Nicolson, everything has a cause, you can’t just listen to one-sided words.
Seeing that the situation was not good,
Hazel Lancaster quickly explained: “Everyone present can clearly see what happened just now. You can find out who is right and who is wrong by just asking anyone.” “”good!
Then I will ask and see who is right and who is wrong!
Dahlia glanced left and right, finally settling on a woman, and asked:
“Madam, please tell me truthfully, what happened just now?” Did Dustin hit someone first?
“You’d better think carefully before speaking and don’t talk nonsense. If you dare to protect Dustin, you will bear the consequences!” “Victoria Sterling reminded her secretly.
As soon as she said this, the woman’s face turned pale with fright, and she nodded repeatedly: “That’s right, that’s right! It was Dustin who made the first move, and Miss Anderson was the victim, I saw it with my own eyes! “”Um?
“Hearing this, Hazel Lancaster couldn’t help but frown slightly. She really didn’t expect that someone would lie in public. But after thinking about it, it seems understandable.
Who dares to offend the power of two wealthy families and one royal family? Even if it is a black one, Even someone with absolute power, no one can become compare with them.
“Dustin! What else do you have to say? After getting the result, Dahlia’s pretty face turned cold and she shouted softly: “I order you now to apologize to Julie Anderson immediately. This way you still have a way to survive. Otherwise, just being charged with poisoning and harming people will be enough for you to spend half your life in prison!”

Chapter 1509

“Dustin! Do you hear that? Kneel down and kowtow to me quickly, and then pay 300 million in mental damages, otherwise I will let you go to jail for the rest of your life!”
Julie Anderson put her hands on her hips and looked domineering.
With the support of her cousin, she is fearless at this moment.
She is indeed a fake daughter, but her cousin is the real adopted daughter of Lord Eugene Montgomery, and is the most favored in the entire Lord Eugene Montgomery’s palace.
More than half of Lord Eugene Montgomery’s property was handed over to her cousin.
Now my cousin’s status is no less than that of the princess of the Dragon Kingdom. No matter who sees her, she must be respectful.
Even though little Dustin has some abilities, he is completely insignificant in front of her cousin.
“Dustin! Sister Dahlia is now a popular figure in Lord Eugene Montgomery’s palace. You’d better think about it yourself!”
Victoria Sterling sneered, looking gloating.
If Dustin bows his head and admits his mistake, she will take this opportunity to humiliate him.
If the other party doesn’t comply, so much the better.
Once Dahlia is angered, there is only death in the end.
Even Dahlia didn’t need to do it herself, there were many people who were willing to lend flowers to the Buddha.
“Dustin, Dustin, aren’t you crazy? Have you hit the iron plate now? Look at how arrogant you are!” Isabela muttered to herself, with sinister eyes.
“Little handsome boy, why don’t you just apologize? Otherwise we will all be in big trouble. It’s better to be embarrassed than to die.” Hazel Lancaster advised in a low voice.
She has already recognized the identities of Dahlia and Gary Montgomery.
These two are core members of Lord Eugene Montgomery’s Palace. They are powerful and can directly call upon the forces of Lord Eugene Montgomery’s Palace.
Especially Dahlia, who is in charge of more than half of the properties of Lord Eugene Montgomery’s mansion, and seems to be the successor to Lord Eugene Montgomery.
She really couldn’t afford to offend such a powerful person.
“Dustin! I’m giving you a chance, don’t be stubborn!” Dahlia said coldly.
The matter of poisoning can be big or small, if the other party sincerely admits his mistake, she can consider not to care about it.
But if she’s stubborn, don’t blame her for being unkind.
“I’m tired of hearing these words. Everyone here knows what is right and wrong, and I don’t want to explain too much.”
Dustin said indifferently: “If you think I’m wrong, then I’m wrong. As for apologizing or making amends, I’m sorry I can’t do that. I’ve never had the habit of bowing to others.”
“A man can bend and stretch, and he has to apologize when he does something wrong. How is your behavior different from that of a coward?” Dahlia shouted.
If she were an ordinary person, she would naturally not say this, but for Dustin, she felt that she hated iron for not being able to turn into steel.
She hoped that the other party could turn around and do the same, instead of showing off his bravery here.
“Sister Dahlia, there’s no need to talk nonsense with this kind of person, just arrest him.”
At this time, Gary Montgomery smiled coldly and said: “Those like this are bullies and afraid of the strong. Once he is thrown into a dark prison, he will naturally know how to be afraid.”
“That’s right! Grab him! Put him in a prison!” Julie Anderson and the three immediately agreed.
“Hey, hey… I advise you not to mess around.”
Abigail walked forward and said with a smile: “If you dare to touch a hair of uncle, I will kill all of you, and it will be very painful.”
As soon as these words came out, Isabela and Victoria Sterling subconsciously took two steps back.
Their previous experience had cast a shadow on their hearts.
The lunatic woman in front of her can’t be judged by common sense at all. If she is forced too hard and jumps over the wall in a hurry, it will be troublesome.
“Be bold!”
Julie Anderson glared and yelled with an inward look: “You crazy bitch, do you know who you are talking to? This is my cousin, and she is the adopted daughter of Lord Eugene Montgomery! If you dare to threaten her, you are asking for death! “
Abigail grinned and then flicked her fingers.
A black pill was shot directly into Julie Anderson’s throat.

Chapter 1510

Julie Anderson swallowed it subconsciously.
After reacting, she immediately stretched out her fingers to dig her throat, intending to spit out the pills.
As a result, she retched several times, but it had no effect at all.
The pill melts in the mouth and has already been dissolved in the body.
At this moment, her complexion changed drastically, and she said in a trembling voice: “You, you… What did you just through in my mouth?”
“It’s nothing, just a little tonic.” Abigail smiled.
“You’re lying! I think it’s poison!” Julie Anderson panicked.
“You! You guessed it? I’m so sorry.” Abigail’s smile didn’t change.
“You witch! Give me the antidote!” Julie Anderson shouted.
“I advise you not to get excited, otherwise the surge of energy and blood will only accelerate death. Oh, by the way, this medicine will not affect you for the time being. It will only slowly torture you until you die of intestinal rupture.” Abigail explained.
Upon hearing this, Julie Anderson was so frightened that her legs went limp: “Cousin…cousin, help me!”
“Witch! You are so brave! How dare you poison the people of Lord Eugene Montgomery’s Mansion? I think you are tired of living!”
Gary Montgomery’s face darkened, and he suddenly took action and grabbed Abigail’s throat.
Almost everyone in Lord Eugene Montgomery’s residence practices martial arts, and among the many adopted sons and daughters, his martial arts cultivation is considered to be among the best.
Abigail didn’t dodge, she spread her palms and blew gently.
A circle of faint white smoke spewed out, covering Gary Montgomery in an ethereal way.
“Be careful! It’s poisonous!”
Julie Anderson quickly warned, but it was too late.
Gary Montgomery’s attack was fast and he had no time to dodge, so he could only use his body-protecting energy to resist.
Unexpectedly, the white smoke strangely penetrated the true energy and poured into his mouth and nose.
Gary Montgomery screamed and fell to the ground immediately.
His whole body was twitching, he was vomiting blood, and his face was in pain.
“Why are you so angry? Why don’t we calm down and talk?” Abigail said.
“You witch! How dare you poison Lord Eugene Montgomery’s adopted son? You are digging your own grave!” Julie Anderson was shocked and angry.
“Don’t worry, even if I die, I will drag you to be buried with me.” Abigail said with a smile.
“You…” Julie Anderson was frightened and didn’t dare to speak.
Seeing Gary Montgomery, who was bleeding from the mouth and nose and looking in pain, Dahlia couldn’t help but frown.
She suppressed the anger in her heart and said coldly: “I don’t care who you are, just hand over the antidote immediately. I can forget about the past.”
“Haha… I’m afraid it’s not up to you.” Abigail shook her head slightly.
“Dustin, turn back in time before things get too big, otherwise something happens to Gary Montgomery, and even I won’t be able to protect you!” Dahlia warned.
“I don’t need Director Nicolson to worry about whether I live or die. You should take care of yourself.” Dustin said calmly.
“Dustin, you clearly know that you can’t defeat Lord Eugene Montgomery’s Mansion, why are you so stubborn?”
Dahlia frowned slightly: “Are dignity and face more important than your own life? Accept the reality, okay? There are some people you can’t afford to offend, and there are some things you can’t do. Once you violate a taboo, you will die! Wake up. Come on you!”
She didn’t understand why the other party didn’t appreciate it even though she was trying to persuade her kindly.
Is it so difficult to bow your head and admit your mistake?


Chapter 1511

Looking at the familiar face from the past, Dustin took a deep breath and said coldly: “Dahlia, it’s not that I’m stubborn, but that you are too self-righteous. Why do you think that everything is my fault? How do you think that everything is my fault?” Why do you think I can’t afford to offend these people?”
“Now that things have happened, do you still want to quibble?”
Dahlia frowned and said, “I asked you clearly just now. It’s clearly your fault. Don’t think that you can be tyrannical in Stonia just by relying on someone’s support. There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers here, and it is definitely not a place where you can run wild!”
“Forget it, I don’t want to talk nonsense to you. You can think whatever you want.” Dustin shook his head, too lazy to argue.
It was like this before the amnesia, and it remained the same after the amnesia. He really couldn’t complain.
“Dustin! What’s your attitude? I tried my best to persuade you, but you just didn’t listen. Will you really regret it when disaster strikes?” Dahlia said in a lecturing tone.
She is kind enough, giving every opportunity, hoping that the people in front of her can find their way back.
Unfortunately, little effect was achieved.
“Abigail, detoxify the poison and let them leave. Don’t affect our business.” Dustin was a little impatient and really didn’t want to get entangled.
Every time he meets Dahlia, he always gets very depressed. Are they really incompatible?
“Okay, I’ve had enough fun, I’ll let you go for now.”
Abigail smiled slightly, then waved her hand gently, and a cloud of smoke poured into Gary Montgomery’s nostrils.
Gary Montgomery, who had just been wailing in pain, was quickly relieved.
But at this moment, he looked extremely embarrassed.
His hair was disheveled, his body was soaked, his mouth and nose were bleeding, and he was no longer the same demeanor as before.
“Damn it! How dare you poison me? You…”
Gary Montgomery’s eyes were split open and he was filled with resentment. When he was about to say something threatening, Dahlia raised her hand to stop him: “Okay, don’t intensify the conflict, or you may be poisoned again.”
Hearing this, Gary Montgomery gritted his teeth and finally held back.
Although he is a warrior, he is still very wary of meeting such a master of poison.
The most important thing is that he can’t resist Abigail’s poison. There is really no point in speaking harshly at this time. On the contrary, it will easily make these people jump over the wall.
Of course, he would never let go of today’s revenge.
“What about me? Where’s my antidote?”
Julie Anderson pointed at herself and asked again and again.
“Don’t be nervous. You won’t die for the time being. Why prevent you from taking revenge? I will send someone to deliver your antidote to you in three days.” Abigail said.
“What? Wait another three days? What if I can’t stand it anymore?” Julie Anderson panicked.
“If you can’t stand it, you’re out of luck.” Abigail said solemnly.
“You——!” Julie Anderson was furious for a moment, but did not dare to anger Abigail. She could only look at Dahlia and asked for help: “Cousin, what should I do? My poison has not been cured yet.”
“I believe she won’t dare to act recklessly, let’s just wait another three days.” Dahlia said flatly.
“Ah?” Julie Anderson’s face froze and she almost cried.
When she thought about the deadly poison lurking in her body at all times, her calves felt weak.
There are still three days left, this is simply torture!
“Dustin, I don’t care about today’s matter with you, but please don’t hit a stone with a pebble in the future!”
After coldly dropping a word, Dahlia turned and left.
“Today’s business is not over yet, let’s wait and see!”
Gary Montgomery glanced at Dustin and Abigail resentfully, and then left with a group of people.


Chapter 1512

“Little handsome guy, we seem to have a big deal.”
Looking at the people leaving, Hazel Lancaster looked worried: “It’s okay for the Sterling Family and the Torby family. With the support of Mr. Thompson, we can still deal with it, but Lord Eugene Montgomery Mansion is not easy to offend, whether it is Dahlia or Gary Montgomery. They are not people we can offend.”
In fact, she is not too worried about Dahlia. She has a good reputation and always does what she says, so this matter should not matter.
But Gary Montgomery is different. The other party has a very bad reputation. He has a reputation for being unyielding and will resort to all possible means if he fails to achieve his goal.
Offending such a powerful villain is undoubtedly a big trouble.
“Don’t worry, Miss Lancaster. They are the cause of the trouble. If they want to cause trouble, they can definitely come after us and it will not affect the company.” Dustin said.
“Little handsome boy, I’m not afraid of being implicated. What I mean is that you should go outside to avoid the limelight to avoid retaliation.” Hazel Lancaster advised.
“I can hide for a while, but I can’t hide for a lifetime. Escape is not the solution to the problem. Besides, I am not afraid of any revenge.”
Dustin said calmly: “If they just let it go, they can still live in peace. If they have to fight to the death, I will let them understand what regret means.”
“That’s right!”
Abigail raised her lips and said excitedly: “If they dare to mess around, I will poison them all!”
“Ah this…”
Hazel Lancaster’s expression froze, she was speechless.
This crazy girl can’t be judged by common sense at all, even she dared to poison people from Lord Eugene Montgomery’s family.
If she really want to go crazy, there is no one dare to stop her.
“Abigale, your poison, you’d better use it with caution in the future.”
At this time, Dustin suddenly said earnestly: “I will not interfere with your decision, but I hope that you will not lose your heart.”
She was just such an apprentice, so he naturally didn’t want to see her turn into a murderous maniac.
“Okay, okay, I see.”
Abigail took Dustin’s arm and said coquettishly: “I will be careful in the future, and I will never kill innocent people randomly, I can assure you!”
“As long as you understand.”
Dustin smiled slightly and looked sideways at Hazel Lancaster: “Miss Lancaster, this is my apprentice. She needs to order some Jade Dew Ointment. Can you give her a discount?”
“What you’re saying is obvious. We’re all one family. Let alone discounts, it’s free.” Hazel Lancaster was very generous.
“Hehe…Thank you, beautiful sister!” Abigail’s eyes lit up and she immediately cheere

Chapter 1513

“Ding ding ding…”
The phone rang, and Dustin answered it. It was Ethan Langford’s call.
“My lord, I’m at the entrance of Lancaster’s Medicine, and I have something very important to report, can I have an interview?” Ethan Langford said straight to the point.
“Okay, I’ll come out right away.”
Dustin nodded, didn’t say much, and hung up the phone directly.
“Miss Lancaster, take Abigail around, I have something urgent to do.”
After Dustin said hello, he immediately walked out of the company.
He only asked Ethan Langford to do two things, one is to find the elixir to cure the disease, and the other is to investigate the truth ten years ago.
No matter what it is, it is very important to him.
Walking out of the gate, Dustin saw a very ordinary black car parked across the street from a distance.
The car window was lowered, Ethan Langford showed half of his face, and raised his hand to Dustin.
Dustin glanced around and found that no one was paying attention, then he got into the car.
The windows were raised, the vehicle started, and began to move forward at a constant speed.
“Mr Langford, what kind of news do you have for asking me to meet so urgently?” Dustin was the first to speak.
“Young prince, I have already inquired about the whereabouts of Ice Heart lotus and Golden Marrow Jade, but it is a bit difficult to get them.” Ethan Langford did not sell out.
“Oh?” Dustin raised his eyebrows slightly, a little strange: “With Mr Langford’s connections, can’t he even get two elixirs?”
“If it is in the hands of ordinary dignitaries, I will naturally offer it with both hands, and I don’t need the little prince to bother; but unfortunately, the location of these two elixir is not a place where I can easily set foot.” Ethan Langford looked serious.
“What is it about this place that makes Mr Langford so fearful?” Dustin became even more curious.
“To be honest, the golden marrow jade you want is now in the Lord Eugene Montgomery’s family, and it is also Mark Montgomery’s personal item. This treasure can be used to increase the speed of cultivation, so Mark Montgomery has always carefully treasured it, and no one can touch it.” Ethan Langford explained.
“Mark Montgomery? Why does it sound familiar?” Dustin squinted in thought.
“Mark Montgomery is the genius of Lord Eugene Montgomery’s palace, and one of the four young masters of Stonia. He is as famous as God of War – Adam Spanner. He is gifted, powerful, and has great military achievements. Now he is the War God stone respected by everyone in the Dragonmarsh Kingdom!” Ethan Langford looked serious.
There are five gods of war in the Dragonmarsh Kingdom, each guarding one side.
Among them, Scarlet Spanner, the Goddess of War, is the most famous.
The War God stone Mark Montgomery is said to be the most powerful.
In his early thirties, he is already a veteran on the battlefield. He has fought for more than ten years in his life and has fought hundreds of battles, large and small, without ever losing.
Tens of thousands of enemies died at his hands, a real enemy of ten thousand people on the battlefield!
His achievements are unparalleled among the younger generation.
Only the twin stars of the Spanner family can barely hold back their limelight.
“The genius of Lord Eugene Montgomery’s palace? One of the four young masters of Stonia?”
Dustin squinted his eyes and pondered for a few seconds, then suddenly said: “Oh… I remember! Isn’t Mark Montgomery the guy who challenged me publicly back then, but was beaten by me with three moves?”
The corners of Ethan Langford’s mouth twitched and he was speechless for a moment.
Invisible pretense is the most deadly.
He almost forgot that the man in front of him was Krin, who swept the entire Stonia young talent list back then.
A monster among monsters, an unrivaled existence.
“My young prince, things are different now. Mark Montgomery now is definitely not the stupid young man he was ten years ago.”


Chapter 1514

Ten years have passed, and many things have changed. Without the training of the Rhys family, no matter how good Dustin is, his growth rate will be limited.
But people like Mark Montgomery are different. They enjoy top-level resources, top-level training, and have gone through various special training and polishing.
It can be said that it is ahead of Dustin in all aspects.
Over time, this gap will become larger and larger.
Although Dustin can be called a genius now, compared with Mark Montgomery, he is still far behind.
Ten years of waste, it is really hard to make up.
“I understand what you mean, but I don’t want to fight with Mark Montgomery. I just want the golden marrow jade in his hand.” Dustin said calmly.
“My young prince, Mark Montgomery regards the golden marrow jade as a treasure. It would be very difficult to get it from him.” Ethan Langford shook his head.
He sent someone to check Mark Montgomery’s tone, but the other party only replied with one word – get out!
“If you can’t ask for it, we can steal it.” Dustin rubbed his chin.
Ethan Langford was startled: “Little prince, are you kidding me? Mark Montgomery’s strength is unfathomable. Who can steal from him?”
“You don’t have to worry about it. Find someone to draw me a map of Lord Eugene Montgomery’s Mansion, and I’ll find an opportunity to steal the things out.” Dustin said.
“Young prince, isn’t it too risky? If you are caught, your identity will be exposed soon, and by then, countless people will want your life.” Ethan Langford was sweating from behind.
The Montgomery’s Palace is powerful, and its achievements are overwhelming.
For some people, it is a huge threat.
And Dustin, by the heir apparent of the Montgomery’s Palace, was naturally a thorn in the side of these people.
The turmoil ten years ago is the best proof.
It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Dustin’s identity is exposed, there will be many dangers and assassinations will continue!
“How can you get a tiger cub if you don’t enter the tiger’s den.”
Dustin said calmly: “If I will really get exposed, I will never implicate the Langford family. You can rest assured on this.”
“Since the young prince insists on having his own way, I can only wish you good luck.” Ethan Langford breathed a sigh of relief.
As long as the Langford family is not implicated, there is no problem.
“Oh, by the way, you only mentioned Golden Marrow Jade, so where is Ice Heart lotus?” Dustin asked.
“The location of Ice Heart lotus is more fortified than Montgomery’s Palace.” Ethan Langford said mysteriously: “According to the information I got, it should be hidden in the Forbidden City.”
“The Forbidden City is so big, where exactly is it?” Dustin asked.
“It’s most likely…in the treasury!” Ethan Langford lowered his voice.
“Treasury?” Dustin frowned slightly: “It is indeed more difficult than Lord Eugene Montgomery’s Palace.”
“Little prince, in your capacity, you must never enter the Forbidden City. There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Once you are discovered, you may not be able to get out!” Ethan Langford warned.
“It seems that we can only find someone to help.” Dustin narrowed his eyes.
It is indeed dangerous to break into the Forbidden City without knowing the truth.
After all, in addition to the top master in the Forbidden City, there are also several mysterious figures hidden in the Forbidden City whose origins even the Lord Eugene Montgomery cannot investigate.
“Who does the young prince plan to find?” Ethan Langford asked curiously.
“Mr Langford, are you sure you want to ask this? If you are really willing to wade into this muddy water, I can tell you.” Dustin smiled half-heartedly.
“No, no, no…it’s better that I don’t know anything.” Ethan Langford was so frightened that he waved his hands repeatedly.
In the eyes of outsiders, he occupies a high position and has great power.
But to the really big guys, he was just a poor pawn.
To say give up is to give up.


Chapter 1515

“Mr Langford is so cautious, it’s no wonder he can be like a fish in water in the officialdom.” Dustin joked with a smile.
“My lord, don’t make fun of me. My head is hanging on my belt, and my life will be in danger at any moment.” Ethan Langford didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
If outsiders will know, he helped in the matter of Montgomery’s Palace heist.
In the best case, he was dismissed from his post, and in the worst case, his home was ransacked.
But no matter what the result is, it is a dead end for him.
He has been in the court for many years and offended many people. If he loses his power, many people will be throw him into trouble.
“Mr Langford, if this happens, I owe your Langford family a favor. If there is any trouble in the future, I will do my best to help.” Dustin gave a guarantee.
“Then thank you, little prince!” Ethan Langford’s expression brightened.
He thought to himself that he finally got back to his roots.
If he could get the support of Prince of West Lucozia, even if something happened, he would have a way out.
“Mr Langford, the map of Lord Eugene Montgomery’s Mansion needs to be done as soon as possible. I don’t have much time,” Dustin reminded.
“Don’t worry, little prince, I will definitely deliver it to the mansion before dark today.” Ethan Langford promised.
“Oh, by the way, is Mark Montgomery in Stonia?” Dustin asked again.
“Lord Eugene Montgomery’s birthday will come in a few days, he should have come back.” Ethan Langford said.
“Very good, I want a detailed profile of Mark Montgomery, about his hobbies, personal habits, and special abilities, all must be clear.” Dustin said.
“No problem.” Ethan Langford nodded.
“Okay, that’s it for now, I’ll contact you again if I need anything.”
Dustin raised his hand to signal the driver to stop, then hailed a taxi on the side of the road and drove in the direction of Lancaster’s Medicine.
On the way back, Dustin dialed an unfamiliar number.
After a while, the call was finally connected, and a woman’s voice quickly came: “Who are you?”
“Logan.” Dustin replied.
“It turned out to be you.” The woman’s voice rose slightly: “I heard Nestor say that you are still alive, and I still couldn’t believe it. I didn’t expect it to be true. You survived such a serious big injury.”
“I’m calling you, not to catch up with you, but to ask for your help.” Dustin said calmly.
“Help? I’ve said something ugly before. It happened ten years ago, forgive me for not being able to help. Although your mother helped me, it doesn’t mean that I have to sacrifice my life for you.” The woman was very straightforward.
“Don’t worry, it has nothing to do with what happened ten years ago. I just need you to go to the treasury and get a medicine back for me.” Dustin said.
“Oh? What medicine?” The woman was curious.
“Ice Heart lotus.” Dustin said.
“This is not a problem.” The woman changed the subject: “But, are you sure you want to do this? I only owe your family a favor. If I help you this time, there will be no next time. Use my favor for a medicine. Do you think it’s worth it?”
“Of course it’s worth it. I need medicine to save someone’s life.” Dustin said.
“Okay, since you have made a decision, then I won’t say much. Tomorrow, I will send someone to deliver the elixir to you, just provide an address,” the woman said.
“The address is Emperor’s pavilion Building. When your people arrive, just give me a call.” Dustin said.
“Okay, then it’s settled, I wish you good luck.” After saying that, the woman hung up the phone.
Dustin put back his phone and meditated secretly.
Ice Heart lotus’s matter, with that woman’s help, shouldn’t be a problem.
Now, the most important thing is the golden marrow jade.
The Lord Eugene Montgomery’s family is heavily guarded, and the success rate of sneaking into it to steal things is very low, and it is easy to scare the snake.
The best choice is to sneak in openly and aboveboard in the name of celebrating Lord Eugene Montgomery’s birthday.
Then he should approache Mark Montgomery quietly, waiting for an opportunity to steal the golden marrow jade.
There must be a lot of people on the day of the birthday banquet, even if something is lost, it will not be suspected on him.


Chapter 1516

Of course, to be on the safe side, someone needs to help with this.

In a flash, three days passed.
In these three days, Lancaster’s medicine became more and more famous, and countless people came to ask for medicine every day.
Before, there were some people who were ready to see Lancaster’s Medicine’s joke, thinking that anyone who offended Lord Eugene Montgomery’s Mansion would definitely be in trouble.
As a result, three days had passed, and there was no movement at Lord Eugene Montgomery’s Mansion. Everything was calm.
Lancaster’s medicine is still developing normally, and it is making a lot of money every day.
It is worth mentioning that Hellwell clinic has been rebuilt, and the next step is to decorate it.
Dustin is only responsible for paying, and everything is done by a professional team, so there is no need to worry.
In addition, with the help of the person in the palace, Dustin had obtained Ice Heart lotus, and the process went very smoothly without any accidents.
Next, only the golden marrow jade is missing.
Regarding this, Dustin already had relevant plans and made preparations.
Three days later, in the inner city of Stonia, the Lord Eugene Montgomery’s family.
Early in the morning, Lord Eugene Montgomery’s Mansion was already decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and was full of joy.
There were various gongs and drums, lion and dragon dances, and it was very lively.
Many dignitaries came to visit early.
Because today is Lord Eugene Montgomery’s fiftieth birthday.
As one of the three kings with different surnames, Prince Eugene Montgomery, although not as powerful as the King of Lucozia, has a reputation far and wide.
He was crowned king at the age of thirty-five, and was dismissed and returned to the fields at thirty-six.
He was devoted to charity throughout his life, made many good connections, opened a school, adopted orphans, and spent all his life savings on doing good deeds.
Looking at the entire Stonia City, no matter whether it is an enemy or a friend, everyone who mentions the name of Lord Eugene Montgomery with admiration it from the bottom of their hearts.
A great chivalrous man serves the country and the people.
In his life, Lord Eugene Montgomery fully demonstrated what chivalry is.
The only pity is that although Lord Eugene Montgomery has many brothers and sisters, he has no heirs.
So far, he have been alone.
Perhaps it was a pity in this regard that Lord Eugene Montgomery adopted many sons and daughters, most of whom were very outstanding.
Among them, Mark Montgomery is the most outstanding.
In his early thirties, he has been named the God of war stone, with great military exploits and awe in the world.
As time went by, more and more high-ranking officials and dignitaries came here to congratulate Lord Eugene Montgomery on his birthday.
After Dustin and Abigail disguised themselves, they also sneaked into the palace.
“Uncle, it’s so lively here. The people coming to the birthday banquet must be very rich, right?” Abigail was very excited.
After the disguise, she looks more mature and ordinary today.
“Of course, the people who are eligible to be invited to the birthday banquet are either high-ranking officials or extremely wealthy people. There is no ordinary person.” Dustin replied.
“According to this, if I kidnap a few rich people and bring them back, wouldn’t I be able to extort a lot of money?” Abigail looked around, as if looking for her prey.
Dustin’s eyes twitched and he immediately warned: “Abigail, you’d better not mess around, we have to do business.”
“Hehe, I’m just kidding. I’m a good, law-abiding citizen. How could I do such a thing?” Abigail laughed.
In her heart, she secretly underestimated him. Only fools would kidnap someone in public. she usually do it secretly.

Chapter 1517

“Abigail, there are so many masters iChapter 1517n the Lord Eugene Montgomery’s family, and there will be a lot of big shots coming in a while, so be careful not to reveal your identity.” Dustin warned with a serious face.
Although both of them had changed their appearance and couldn’t see their original faces clearly, there were many strange people in Lord Eugene Montgomery’s palace. If their identities were discovered, it would be troublesome.
Especially Abigail, as a Sorceress of the mystical order, in the eyes of the court and decent people, she is a virulent witch, and they can’t wait to get rid of her quickly.
So you have to be careful.
“Okay, okay, uncle, I’m not a child, so I know what to do. Don’t worry, I promise not to cause you any trouble.”
Abigail’s eyes were rolling, her eyes were darting back and forth on various rich people, and her saliva almost flowed out.
“Don’t worry, you idiot!”
Dustin hated the fact that iron could not become steel, so he hit Abigail on the head hard with his knuckles.
If I had known better, I would not have brought her out. This little money-crazy woman looked at everyone as if she was looking at a walking money tree.
“Uncle! Look! It’s so lively there!”
At this time, Abigail seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly pointed at the door.
Dustin followed the sound and saw a heavily armed elite guard walking in mightily.
The leader was a young man in his early thirties.
The man has sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, a stern face, a strong aura, and is full of killing intent.
Especially the general’s uniform with gold trim adds to his majesty and heroism.
Wherever he passed, the crowd automatically moved out of the way, and everyone bowed and saluted in awe.
“Who is this person? He actually dares to lead troops into Lord Eugene Montgomery’s Mansion? Isn’t he too brave?”
“Brother, you haven’t just come to Stonia, right? You don’t even know the famous God of war stone?”
“What? He is the War God stone Mark Montgomery? No wonder he looks so majestic!”
Everyone whispered and kept their eyes on each other.
There are many people who know Mark Montgomery, but very few have seen him.
Because Mark Montgomery spent most of his time guarding Eastern Lucozia, he would only return to Stonia to visit his adoptive father during the holidays.
Today is Lord Eugene Montgomery’s birthday banquet. As his adopted son, Mark Montgomery will naturally not be absent.
“I’m going to change clothes. You guys can carry the gifts I prepared for my adoptive father into the hall first.”
After entering the gate, Mark Montgomery gave orders.
The personal guards under his command immediately carried an iron cage and went straight to the living room.
The iron cage was covered with black cloth and it was difficult to see what was inside, but Dustin could smell a hint of wild beast from afar.
“Uncle, there seems to be a wild beast in the cage.” Abigail also noticed something strange.
“For the foster father’s birthday party, instead of giving gold, silver and jewelry, he gave a wild beast. It’s a bit interesting.” Dustin smiled and looked at Mark Montgomery carefully.
Compared with ten years ago, the other party has indeed changed a lot. It would be difficult to recognize him if he didn’t know his identity in advance.
“Uncle, is he our target?” Abigail also looked at him.
“Yes, it’s him. Let our people be prepared. The golden marrow jade is on this person’s body, but it can’t be taken by force. It can only be stolen.” Dustin said in a low voice.
“no problem!”
Abigail took out her mobile phone and secretly sent a message.
At this time, Mark Montgomery seemed to notice something, and suddenly turned around.
His sharp eyes hit Dustin and the two of them accurately.
Dustin was quite surprised by this keen perception, but he remained calm on the surface, pretending to be like an ordinary guest, and immediately bowed to salute.
“Kick, kick, kick…”
Mark Montgomery did not leave because of this, but walked straight to Dustin and the two of them, and asked coldly: “What are your names?”

Chapter 1518

When he spoke, the personal guards around him had already surrounded Dustin and the two of them.
A pair of eyes, staring eagerly.
“Hello Lord God of War.”
Dustin lowered his head and replied: “I’m Little man Dustin, this is my sister, Abigail.”
“You look familiar. Have we met somewhere?” Mark Montgomery asked.
His eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he looked at Dustin up and down, as if he wanted to see through him.
“Last year, when the God of War returned from victory, Lord Eugene Montgomery held a great banquet. I was lucky enough to come to visit and witnessed the majesty of the God of War. I didn’t expect that the God of War would still remember me. I am really flattered!” Dustin pretended to be frightened. appearance.
This is half true and half false.
The real thing is that Mark Montgomery did win a big victory last year, and he also held a celebration banquet and invited many guests.
Of course, Dustin naturally had no time to participate. These were all relevant information provided by Ethan Langford.
Just in case, he had memorized everything by heart, and now he just needed it.
Mark Montgomery narrowed his eyes slightly, still staring at Dustin. After a while, he finally looked away: “It seems that I am mistaken.”
After saying that, he turned around and left without any hesitation.
“Uncle, it seems that this person is not simple.”
Looking at the back of Mark Montgomery leaving, Abigale’s face became a little more serious.
Even from such a distance, one can detect evil eyes, and the sensitivity of his perception is truly terrifying.
If the killer wanted to carry out a sneak attack, he would probably be killed in advance before he could take action.
“Being able to become the God of War of the Dragonmarsh Kingdom is certainly not an ordinary person. If you don’t have some skills, how can you be able to dominate the battlefield for many years?” Dustin smiled lightly.
Mark Montgomery is said to be the strongest among the five war gods.
Before the fight, he couldn’t predict the opponent’s true strength.
Ethan Langford was right before. Ten years later, Mark Montgomery is no longer what he used to be.
And because he did not have the resources to support the Theswe Palace, his cultivation speed was greatly reduced.
Therefore, he does not have much advantage when facing similar geniuses.
“Uncle, do you want me to poison him unconscious, and then go steal the golden marrow jade?” Abigale suggested.
“No, it’s too risky. Let’s just follow the plan.” Dustin refused.
Mark Montgomery strength is at least the beginning of Grandmaster.
When it reaches this level, it will undoubtedly be extremely difficult to poison him.
Moreover, the other party’s perception is too keen, and any abnormality will alert the snake.
“Okay, I’ll listen to you.” Abigale didn’t force it.
Although Mark Montgomery is strong, he is not impossible to deal with using the methods of the mystical order.
“Come on, let’s go sit in the living room and watch what happens.”
Dustin smiled and led Abigale straight into the banquet hall.
At this moment, many dignitaries have gathered in the banquet hall, and there is an endless stream of guests coming and going.
As soon as Dustin and Abigale entered the door, they saw several women coming towards them.
One of the women, too engrossed in the chat, didn’t even look at the road and bumped directly into Dustin’s chest.
The woman said “Ouch” and was so shocked that she took a few steps back and fell to the ground, grinning in pain.
“Who is it? Who is so ignorant that he dares to bump into me? Is he wish to die?” The woman who fell to the ground yelled.
Dustin took a closer look and couldn’t help but frown slightly.
It’s true that we met on a narrow road, and we met an acquaintance again.
The woman who was knocked down was none other than her ex-mother-in-law, Florence!

Chapter 1519

Looking at the disgusting face of the past, Dustin frowned subconsciously.
He guessed that he might meet an acquaintance in Lord Eugene Montgomery’s Mansion, so he disguised himself to avoid his identity being revealed.
It’s just that he didn’t expect to run into Florence and the others in this way.
What bad luck!
Fortunately, the other party couldn’t recognize him now, and with the mentality of calming down, Dustin took the initiative to apologize: “Sorry, I didn’t pay attention just now, are you not injured?”
“Hey! Blind your dog’s eyes!”
Florence patted her butt and stood up, shouting domineeringly: “Do you know who I am? How dare you bump into me? I think you are tired of living!”
Now her identity is no longer what it used to be. Anyone who dares to offend her will be seeking death.
“Hey! Did you just walk without eyes? You bumped into someone, and you blame us. It’s really unreasonable!” Abigale sneered.
“Hey! Who do you think you are? How dare you point fingers at me?”
Florence glared, and became even more arrogant: “I order you to apologize to me immediately, and then compensate me for mental damage, otherwise I will kick you out without food!”
“Haha…are you scaring me? If we don’t apologize and compensate, what can you do?” Abigale smiled half-heartedly.
“You little bitch! How dare you speak harshly in front of me? Do you know the consequences?” Florence was furious.
“I advise you to admit your mistakes honestly and pay compensation, otherwise you will be in great trouble soon!” At this time, Julie Amberson who was standing beside said arrogantly.
This is Lord Eugene Montgomery’s Mansion, their territory.
No matter who comes, they must obey their orders.
“Sorry, I was not careful just now. Please don’t hold it against me. I am willing to compensate.” Dustin was neither humble nor overbearing.
In normal times, he would naturally not regress.
But business was important today, and he didn’t bother. He just hoped to get rid of this shrew as soon as possible.
“It’s useless for you to apologize, and her!”
Florence pointed at Abigale: “She just spoke rudely to me, she must give me a satisfactory explanation!”
“Abigale, apologize to her.” Dustin winked.
“Okay, okay, I was wrong just now, I offended a few of you with my unscrupulous words, I’m sorry.” Abigale reluctantly admitted her mistake.
“Hmph! I’m sorry and it’s over? What do you think of me?”
Florence held her head high and was unyielding: “Now, kneel down and apologize to me immediately, and then slap yourself ten times, so that I will let you go!”
As soon as these words came out, Dustin couldn’t help frowning slightly.
This shrew is really making a fool of herself. Does she really think of herself as a noble?
“Hey, I’m warning you not to push yourself too far.” Abigale narrowed her eyes slightly.
If the person in front of her doesn’t know how to praise, she doesn’t mind giving him a lesson.
“Hmph! So what if you push yourself even further? I am a distinguished guest of Lord Eugene Montgomery’s Mansion, and my daughter is Lord Eugene Montgomery’s adopted daughter. Why do you little characters fight with me?!” Florence put her hands on her hips, looking arrogant.
The movements on both sides attracted the attention of many people.
Some dignitaries coming and going were pointing and talking.
“Madam, today is Lord Eugene Montgomery’s birthday party, and we don’t have any deep grudges. Why don’t we turn our hostility into friendship? Don’t disturb Lord Eugene Montgomery’s elegance.” Dustin still tried to persuade.
“Stop talking nonsense! Apologize when I ask you to apologize, otherwise don’t blame me for getting angry!” Florence glared and shouted, completely ignoring the occasion.
“If you insist on being unreasonable, then I have nothing to say. Right and wrong are all public opinions. I don’t believe you. You dare to act wild in Lord Eugene Montgomery’s Mansion.” Dustin said coldly.
He was tolerant enough and even bowed his head to admit his mistake.

Chapter 1520

As a result, the shrew in front of him didn’t know how to restrain herself at all and insisted on making things worse.
At this point, he couldn’t bear it anymore.
“Okay! I think you won’t shed tears until you see the coffin!”
“Someone! Come quickly!”
“These two guys are causing trouble in Lord Eugene Montgomery’s Mansion, and they are also fighting me. Arrest them immediately!”
Florence roared and screamed endlessly.
Following his order, a group of guards at the door immediately surrounded him.
Dahlia is now a celebrity in Lord Eugene Montgomery’s palace, and her mother Florence is even regarded as a guest of honor. She has a high status and only few people dare to offend her.
Just when the two sides were about to start a fight, Dahlia suddenly walked in and said in a deep voice: “What’s going on here? Why are you drawing your swords at each other? Don’t you know what day it is today?!”
“Daughter, you came just in time!”
Seeing the visitor, Florence immediately started to complain: “These two guys just deliberately provoked me and even hit me. They didn’t take Lord Eugene Montgomery’s house seriously at all. You should arrest them quickly and don’t affect the prince’s birthday banquet.”
Confusing right and wrong, she is a professional.
“Who are you? How dare you make trouble in Lord Eugene Montgomery’s Mansion?”
Dahlia turned and looked at Dustin and Abigale, with a somewhat unhappy look on her face.
“Ms. Nicolson, it’s not us who are causing trouble, it’s your mother who is being unreasonable.”
Dustin said calmly: “The two of us came to congratulate Lord Eugene Montgomery on his birthday, but as soon as we entered the door, we were bumped into by your mother. She asked us to apologize and compensate. We have already apologized and were willing to compensate, but she went even further. Not only Making us kneel down and asking us to slap ourselves is too much.”
“Huh? Is there such a thing?” Dahlia frowned slightly and looked back at her mother.
“Daughter, don’t listen to his nonsense. He clearly bumped into me on purpose and provoked me on purpose. Look at his appearance, it’s obvious that he is not a good person!” Florence continued to act arrogant.
With the support of Lord Eugene Montgomery, she can say that even if it is black, it will be white.
“Miss Nicolson, everyone here can clearly see what is right and what is wrong. As the saying goes, justice is in the heart of the people. I believe that you, Lord Eugene Montgomery, are not bullying others with your power.” Dustin said neither humble nor arrogant.
Hearing this, Dahlia frowned slightly.
The person in front of her was organized and calm, and he didn’t look like he was lying.
Combined with the expressions of the people around her, she has a high probability of guessing whose fault it is.
After all, no one would be stupid enough to cause trouble in Lord Eugene Montgomery’s Mansion.
“Daughter! This kid is deceiving the public with his evil talk. He should be arrested immediately and thrown into prison!” Florence shouted.
“Shut up!”
Dahlia glared and scolded: “Today is the birthday banquet of my adoptive father. All the guests are high-ranking officials and nobles. Can you please stop messing around here?!”
The reputation of Lord Eugene Montgomery’s Mansion spread far and wide, and everyone knew it.
If a bullying scandal breaks out on the day of Lord Eugene Montgomery’s birthday party, the impact will be extremely bad.
“Why would I act so foolishly? It’s obviously this kid’s fault.” Florence looked a little aggrieved.
But under her daughter’s stern eyes, her voice became smaller and smaller, and she became more and more guilty.
“I don’t care whose fault it is, this matter ends here. If anyone dares to pester again, don’t blame me for being rude!” Dahlia said solemnly.
Although Florence was dissatisfied, she did not dare to refute.
Daughter is more valuable than Mother, and she owes her current status to her daughter, so naturally she does not dare to go against her wishes.

can you please start your own thread, and not mess up this thread
Chapter 1481: Corpse Bloodworms


Looking at the hand covering the mouth of the cup, Samuel couldn't help but be slightly surprised. "Strange? What's strange?"

Then he sniffed, his brows furrowed in confusion. "The wine is fragrant and mellow, with a lingering aftertaste. What's the problem?"

"The wine is good, but something has been added to it. If you drink it, your life might be in danger." Dustin said solemnly.

"Is the wine poisoned?"

Samuel frowned, slowly put down the wine glass, and glanced at his two bodyguards, asking coldly, "What's going on?"

The wine he drank would always be tested with a silver needle before entering the room. Only after confirming it was safe would it be served.

"Young Master, we just tested it, there's no poison in the wine." The two bodyguards immediately shook their heads in denial.

"I saw it with my own eyes; the silver needle showed no change." The female grandmaster Anna said lightly.

"Dustin, could you be mistaken?" Samuel was puzzled.

He might not trust the bodyguards' words, but he would never doubt Anna's words.

They grew up together, relying on each other in life and death, and hardly had any secrets.

"The silver needle can only detect poison, but what's in the wine is not poison."

As he spoke, Dustin took out a silver needle and lightly pricked his index finger.

Then, he squeezed it, and a drop of blood overflowed from the wound, finally "plopping" into the wine glass.

At the same time, a terrifying scene occurred.

When the blood entered the wine, the previously calm liquid suddenly boiled.

A large number of parasites began to churn and surge, constantly fighting for the blood that Dustin had dropped.

These parasites were very small and transparent. When they were still, it was hard to notice them with the naked eye.

However, with the lure of fresh blood, all the parasites were activated, their voraciousness evident as they greedily devoured the fresh blood.

The sight of the densely packed parasites made one's skin crawl.

"What... what are these things?!"

Samuel was so scared that his eyelids twitched, unconsciously shrinking back.

In such a small glass of wine, there were actually thousands of parasites. If you drank it, your internal organs would be devoured entirely.

"These are called Corpse Bloodworms, a type of Gu insect cultivated by mystic arts master using corpses," Dustin explained calmly. "Corpse Bloodworms feed on fresh blood. Once they burrow into the human body, they will continuously lay eggs and multiply, devouring a person's flesh and blood. Without an antidote, the victim will be slowly tormented to death."

"Damn it! What a vicious method! Who the hell is so ruthless to use such a sinister trick to harm people?" Samuel was both shocked and angry.

Although he was already very careful, there were still things like this that he couldn't guard against.

"Fortunately, we discovered it in time; otherwise, it would have been troublesome," Hazel also looked terrified.

Corpse Bloodworms couldn't even be detected by the silver needle. If they were unknowingly ingested, one wouldn't even know how they died.


At this moment, Anna suddenly drew her long sword from her waist and held it against the neck of the female waitress, demanding, "Speak! Who ordered you to do this?!"

"It's not... not my business... I don't know anything!" The waitress trembled in fear and fell to her knees, her face filled with dread.

"You brought the wine over; you're the prime suspect. Confess honestly, or you'll die!" Anna's expression was stern.

She had been careless for a moment, which led to her young master being in danger. If Dustin hadn't been sharp-eyed and noticed the anomaly, she would have been irredeemable.

"I... I really don't know. I'm just a waitress; I haven't done anything!" The waitress was frightened to tears, which streamed down her face.

Chapter 1482: Mastermind

"Take her back! Interrogate her thoroughly!" Anna waved her hand, directly ordering her subordinates to forcefully take the female waitress away.

In the wake of such an incident, no suspicious individuals could be let go.

"You two, go to the restaurant kitchen and inquire if any strangers have been in and out."

"As for you, immediately check the surveillance footage. Investigate thoroughly every guest who dined here tonight!"

Anna didn't waste any words, giving out orders one after another.

The bodyguards around Samuel immediately started bustling around.

"Young Master, it was our negligence. We almost caused a big mistake. Please punish us, Young Master," Anna apologized, bowing.

"It's not your fault. No one could have anticipated such a sinister method," Samuel said with a serious expression.

"Have you recently made enemies with anyone?" Hazel suddenly asked.

"I don't think so."

Samuel shook his head. "I rarely show my face in public and don't easily offend people..."

At this point, Samuel suddenly widened his eyes. "Wait! Is it possible that it's... the Torby and Stratford families? We caused them heavy losses today, so they might be holding a grudge and seeking revenge?"

"Very possible!" Hazel nodded.

Given the character of Isabela and Owen, after suffering such a big loss, they definitely wouldn't let it go easily.

She just hadn't expected their retaliation to come so swiftly.

"Dustin, what do you think?" Samuel turned to ask.

"What can I think? Apart from the despicable collusion between the Torby and Stratford families, I can't think of anyone else so low," Dustin said ambiguously.

"Damn it! They're really a bunch of beasts!"

Samuel slammed the table in anger and shouted, "Anna! Immediately gather our troops; let's go and demand justice!"

"Don't be hasty..."

Dustin raised his hand to stop him. "If you openly confront them, who will admit to it? Are you planning to go to war with the Torby and Stratford families?"

"What else can we do? We can't just swallow this humiliation!" Samuel was somewhat unwilling.

He was not used to being taken advantage of. After being targeted like this, he naturally wanted to retaliate.

"Of course not."

Dustin smiled faintly. "They like playing dirty tricks, so we'll play by their rules and deal with them accordingly."

"Oh? Do you have a plan?" Samuel instantly became interested.

This kind of dark sorcery was more terrifying than assassination, and it was almost impossible to defend against.

Finding the culprit as soon as possible was the only way to ensure there were no lingering threats.

"If I'm not mistaken, the practitioner should have a 'queen insect,' specifically used to lay Corpse Bloodworm eggs. There's a special connection between them. I can use the Corpse Bloodworms to track down the whereabouts of the queen insect. By then, we'll naturally be able to expose the mastermind behind all this," Dustin said calmly.

"Good! Let's do it this way!"

Samuel slammed the table. "Dustin, if you need anything, just tell me!"

"You don't need to do anything, just go home and get a good night's sleep," Dustin said.

"What? Sleep?" Samuel was stunned, feeling puzzled.

Hazel and Anna exchanged puzzled glances, equally baffled.

"The enemy is in the dark, while we are in the light. If you make any moves, you might easily tip them off. So, let me handle this. After all, this mastermind came because of me," Dustin explained.

After his words, he picked up the glass filled with Corpse Bloodworms and drank it all in one gulp.

Chapter 1483: Too Cruel

Night fell, gradually deepening.

At this moment, in a quaint old house on the outskirts of the southern city:

Owen paced back and forth in the living room, looking somewhat uneasy. To deal with Dustin and his group, he had hired an expert from the Gu insect clan to perform a special ritual.

This expert's skills surpassed even Master Hudson's, but his temperament was odd and unpredictable, making him difficult to handle. Moreover, he had a peculiar fetish: he enjoyed tormenting women, displaying severe sadistic tendencies.

In the dead of night, he had mercilessly tortured three women, leaving them bruised and battered, almost lifeless. What had been alluring and seductive figures before had now turned into a gruesome sight.

It wasn't out of pity that Owen hesitated to interfere, but rather a sense of self-preservation. Dealing with such an unpredictable expert was like playing with fire. Offending him could lead to an inexplicable death.


At that moment, the door of the opposite room suddenly opened. Following it, a withered old man in a black robe, his face deathly pale, stepped out contentedly.
Owen stole a glance and saw a woman behind the old man, completely naked, suspended mid-air with her limbs bound. Her body was covered in wounds, drenched in blood, presenting a horrifying sight.

Her chest no longer rose and fell; she had been tortured to death.

Too cruel!

Owen swallowed hard, unable to look for too long. He respectfully approached the old man and cautiously asked, "Master Jaxton, how do you feel? Are you satisfied?"

"Not bad. These three playthings all suit my tastes. I thoroughly enjoyed myself tonight. Your contribution has not gone unnoticed," Master Jaxton nodded and calmly took his seat.

"As long as you are satisfied, Master."

Owen quickly poured a cup of hot tea for the man and smiled ingratiatingly. "Master Jaxton, may I inquire if the task I entrusted you with has been completed?"

"I have handed it over to my disciples. I believe it will be resolved soon," Master Jaxton said leisurely, sipping his tea.

"That's good, that's good." Owen secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, by the way, we have an important figure from the Witchcraft sect visiting Stonia soon. Prepare in advance and find a propitious site for this figure to settle down. If you handle this well, your Stratford family will receive the protection of the Witchcraft sect in the future," Master Yan said casually.

"Excellent! Thank you, Master Jaxton!" Owen's face beamed with delight, repeatedly bowing in gratitude.

The Witchcraft sect was one of the three major forces in the martial world, alongside the Sword Sect and the Alliance of the Seven Kingdoms. It was filled with experts, and its power was immense, so much so that they could directly communicate with the emperor. Even the Four Great Royal Families of Stonia had to show respect when facing the Witchcraft sect.

If the Stratford family could gain the protection of the Gu sect, it would be like having a colossal mountain supporting them. Ascending to great heights was now within reach.

"Don't celebrate too early. This important figure has a bad temper. Be careful in your service. If you provoke them, not even God can save you," Master Jaxton reminded.

"I understand completely. Even if I have to sacrifice everything, I will ensure this important figure is satisfied and content," Owen nodded vigorously.

"Hmm, good. It seems you are aware of the situation," Master Jaxton nodded in satisfaction.


While they were talking, the courtyard door suddenly opened. Following it, a shadowy figure in black slowly walked in. The figure held a cloth bundle in their hand, which appeared to contain a round object. Every few steps, a drop of dark red liquid dripped from it.

"Who goes there?! Owen's expression hardened, immediately becoming alert.

"No need to be nervous; it should be my disciple returning," Master Jaxton said casually, continuing to drink his tea, unperturbed.

As he spoke, the figure suddenly raised their hand, tossing the cloth bundle high into the air. It fell into the living room with a heavy thud.

Chapter 1484: Settle The Score

As the cloth bundle hit the ground, it opened, revealing a spherical object that rolled out.

It was a dead human head!

"Oh my God!"

Owen was startled, taking several steps back, his face turning pale.

To his horror, he realized that the dead head was that of Master Jaxton's disciple!


Master Jaxton's face darkened, his eyes turning cold. "Who are you? How dare you kill my disciple! You have real guts!"

"So, it was you who placed the Corpse Bloodworms in our drinks?"

A figure emerged slowly from the darkness, finally stopping at the doorway of the living room.

The dim light in the room fell upon the figure's face, shocking Owen. "Dus... Dustin? How can you be here?!"

"Your methods of harming people are too crude. I've seen through your plan. Now, I've come to settle the score with you," Dustin said indifferently.

"Settle the score? Hah! Who do you think you are? How dare you act arrogantly in front of Master Jaxton? You're just digging your own grave!" Owen spat on the ground and immediately hid behind Master Jaxton, saying, "Master Jaxton! This kid is my target! He's the one I want to deal with!"

"You dared to kill my disciple and didn't run far away. Now, you even come here seeking revenge? You really don't know the immensity of heaven and earth!" Master Jaxton said ominously.

"Not know the immensity of heaven and earth?"

Dustin suddenly smiled. "Why do you think I dared to appear here?"

"What? Do you have reinforcements?" Master Jaxton's gaze swept around, trying to find something.

"I don't have reinforcements. One person is enough to deal with you all," Dustin said calmly.


Master Jaxton glared, shouting, "How dare you underestimate me? Today, I will make sure you suffer a fate worse than death!"

With these words, he waved his long sleeve.

A vast amount of black smoke spewed out, overwhelming the entire room and pressing toward Dustin.


Dustin gently blew.

A fierce wind suddenly arose, carrying sand and stones with it.

The black smoke and dust that had just rushed towards them were instantly blown away, rebounding with even greater force.


Dustin's expression changed slightly. His long sleeves swirled wildly, forming a barrier of true energy that kept most of the black smoke and dust outside.

However, some of the residue ended up on Owen.

Owen was at first puzzled, then felt a maddening itch all over his body, and his hands began to scratch uncontrollably.

"Why am I so itchy? What was that just now?"

The more Owen scratched, the itchier he became, and within a few seconds, his body was covered in bloody scratches.

His face, in particular, was torn to shreds, the skin torn apart, and flesh mangled.


Owen screamed in agony but couldn't control himself, continuing to scratch desperately, as if he wanted to tear himself apart.

"Master Jaxton! Save me!" Owen cried out in despair.

If this continued, he would truly scratch himself to death.

"What a useless fellow!"

Master Jaxton furrowed his brow slightly and immediately took out a bottle of medicine, sprinkling it on Owen.

After a few breaths, Owen finally ceased his self-harming behavior.

However, at this moment, he was unrecognizable, covered in blood.

Chapter 1485: Flea Powder

"The Flea Powder of the Witchcraft Sect? Interesting."

Dustin squinted his eyes and quickly figured out the situation.

It was obvious that this so-called Master Jaxton was not an ordinary character but an elite member of the Witchcraft Sect.

"Oh? Turns out we're kindred spirits. No wonder you could see through my methods," Master Jaxton assessed, his gaze moving up and down, showing a hint of respect.

The sudden attack just now was something an ordinary warrior couldn't defend against. Yet, Dustin had simply exhaled, effortlessly diffusing the crisis. It was quite impressive.

"Ah—my face! My handsome face!"

Owen, now detoxified, covered his bloody and mangled face, crying out in pain. He roared, "Master Jaxton! Kill him for me! I want to tear him into pieces!"


Master Jaxton's face darkened, and he slapped Owen, sending him flying.

He was known for his capricious temper.

"Young man, considering we're fellow practitioners, if you kneel before me, admit your mistake, and acknowledge me as your master, I might spare your life. What do you think?" Master Jaxton said ominously.

His personal disciple was dead, and he needed someone to run errands for him, someone to frequently find prey for him. Dustin, despite his young age, displayed considerable strength and would make a suitable disciple.

"Admit you as my master? You think you're worthy?" Dustin sneered. "Do me a favor, take a moment to reflect on your own character. With your trashy demeanor, you're not even fit to be a human being!"

"You're asking for death!"

Upon hearing this, Master Jaxton instantly flew into a rage.

He didn't waste words anymore. With a swift movement of his sleeves, two black beams of light shot toward Dustin's eyes.

With a single hand, Dustin raised his arm and swung left and right, forming an "x" in the air.

"Swoosh swoosh!"

The two black beams were instantly cut off, falling to the ground in four pieces, splattering blood around.

Those were clearly two black snakes cut in half at the waist!


Seeing Dustin easily shatter his deadly technique, Master Jaxton's expression involuntarily changed.

You see, these two snakes had been carefully cultivated by him for several years. Not only were they incredibly venomous, but their speed was astonishing. Catching opponents off guard, even Martial Grandmasters would find it hard to defend against them.

Yet, this young man before him didn't flinch. He just waved his hands a few times, casually destroying Master Jaxton's precious venomous snakes. It was truly shocking!

"Who are you?" Master Jaxton's face turned serious, the previous disdain replaced by a deep sense of concern.

"Who I am is none of your business. Someone like you, a scoundrel of the martial world, isn't worth my explanation." Dustin slowly raised his hand, pointing at Master Jaxton from a distance.


A scorching white light shot out instantly, like a sword unsheathed, piercing directly toward Master Jaxton's chest.

This move seemed ordinary but contained the power to annihilate the heavens and earth.


Master Jaxton felt his breath halt, as if his throat had been clenched shut. A wave of deathly fear engulfed his entire body in an instant.

Without time to think, he immediately crossed his arms in front of his chest, channeling all of his inner energy into forming a protective shield.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three consecutive explosions.

The first one shattered Master Jaxton's inner energy shield.

The second one caused Master Jaxton's arms to explode.

The third one sent Master Jaxton flying like a cannonball, crashing heavily into a wall several meters away, leaving a deep dent. Blood streamed from his nose and mouth.

His clothes were torn open, revealing the protective armor underneath. However, at this moment, the armor was damaged, and at the location of his heart, there was a gaping hole, distorted and concave.

Chapter 1486: Supreme Grandmaster


Seeing this scene, Owen in the corner was utterly shocked. He couldn't believe his eyes. The renowned Master Jaxton, a high-ranking member of the Witchcraft Sect, someone so close to the level of a Martial Grandmaster, couldn't even withstand a single move from Dustin.

That was Master Jaxton!

A leader in the Witchcraft Sect!

Someone almost at the level of a Martial Grandmaster!

Yet, this kind of powerhouse was effortlessly crushed by Dustin. How was this possible?!

"Oh? Still alive, are you?" Dustin raised an eyebrow, quite surprised.

Even though he had used only ten percent of his power in that strike, it would have easily killed anyone below the level of a Grandmaster. Of course, part of the impact had been absorbed by Master Jaxton's protective armor; otherwise, Dustin's attack might have created a hole in Master Jaxton's chest.

"Cough, cough..."

Master Jaxton coughed up more blood; his bones felt as if they had been shattered. Especially his chest, despite the protection of his armor, his sternum had still been fractured, and his internal organs had suffered severe damage.

"How... how can you be this powerful? Are you a Martial Grandmaster?" Master Jaxton clutched his chest, his face filled with terror.

He was at the level just below a Martial Grandmaster; the only people who could defeat him head-on were supposed to be Martial Grandmasters. The issue was that Dustin was barely in his twenties! How could someone so young possess such strength?

"Actually, you got it wrong. I'm not a Martial Grandmaster," Dustin shook his head.

"If you're not a Grandmaster, how did you manage to defeat me?" Master Jaxton questioned.

"You misunderstood me. What I meant was that you need to add a word in front of 'Grandmaster,'" Dustin clarified.

"Add a word?" Master Jaxton puzzledly asked.

Master Jaxton was first stunned, then he started trembling as if struck by lightning. "You, you, you... Could it be that you are the supreme Grandmaster?!"

"Congratulations, you got it right," Dustin said nonchalantly.

"No... it's impossible!" Master Jaxton shook his head frantically, refusing to believe. "You're so young, how could you possibly be a Grandmaster? Even the most exceptional prodigies can't reach this level!"

A Supreme Martial Grandmaster in their early twenties? What kind of concept was that? In the history of the Dragonmarsh, there had never been such a monstrous talent. A martial artist of this age reaching the level of an Innate Master was already an outstanding genius highly sought after by major sects. Becoming a Martial Grandmaster was a feat few could achieve, and as for a supreme Grandmaster, it was unheard of, simply impossible!

So he didn't believe it, couldn't believe it. He couldn't fathom how this young man before him could possess such terrifying talent and strength.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you," Dustin said, closing the distance step by step.

A few days ago, with the help of the Sky Spirit Orb, he had broken through his constraints and become a Supreme Grandmaster. It had been effortless, without any hindrance, everything had fallen into place. Of course, this was thanks to ten years of hard work and accumulation.

After breaking through, his strength had surpassed that of an ordinary Grandmaster.

"Don't... don't kill me..." Master Jaxton panicked, kneeling on the ground, begging desperately. "Senior, I know I was wrong, I won't dare again. Please spare me, I beg you to show mercy and let me live. I promise, I'll respect you in the future and follow you as my master!"

As he spoke, he knocked his head on the ground, blood spewing out with each impact. He looked incredibly miserable, nothing like the imposing figure he was before.

"Finished talking? If you're done, then die."

Dustin showed no mercy, raising his hand and slamming his palm down on Master Jaxton's head.

Chapter 1487: Poisonous Strike


Just as Lu Chen was about to finish off Master Jaxton, a furious shout echoed suddenly.

At the same time, a hidden weapon shot out from the darkness, resembling a deathly sword, aiming for Dustin's back.


Dustin raised an eyebrow slightly and swiftly turned around, catching the attacking hidden weapon between two fingers.

Upon closer inspection, it was a dart emitting a dark glow. There was a tiny character engraved on it, unmistakably a possession of the Witchcraft Sect.

"Who are you? How dare you attack a disciple of my Witchcraft Sect? You have quite the audacity!" At this moment, an old woman in black robes slowly emerged from the darkness.

The old woman had a withered face, a diminutive stature, seemingly ordinary, yet her eyes were exceptionally cold and sharp, as if they could pierce through one's soul.

As menacing as a poisonous snake, she was truly intimidating.

"Aunt Gianna? Aunt Gianna, save me!" Seeing the newcomer, Master Jaxton acted as if he had found a savior and hurriedly stumbled toward her, seeking refuge.

Others might not know, but he was very clear about Aunt Gianna's identity. She was an elder of the Witchcraft Sect, a Martial Grandmaster-level expert. Moreover, unlike ordinary Martial Grandmasters, Aunt Gianna's witchcraft had reached the peak, making her deadly even without a visible weapon.

Eight years ago, three Martial Grandmasters had attempted to ambush Aunt Gianna. However, she had single-handedly defeated all three, causing one death and two severe injuries. Since then, her reputation soared, and no one dared to provoke her.

"Trash! You've been injured so badly by a young man; you're truly disgracing our Witchcraft Sect!" Seeing Master Jaxton covered in blood, Aunt Gianna frowned slightly, clearly dissatisfied.

The Witchcraft Sect was renowned as the number one evil sect, almost to the point where everyone trembled at its name. When had they ever appeared so pathetic?

"Aunt Gianna, you don't understand. This young man is a Martial Grandmaster, extremely powerful. Your subordinate couldn't match his strength," Master Jaxton said, his face full of despair.

"Oh? Is that so?" Aunt Gianna looked Dustin and down, appearing quite surprised.

Reaching the Grandmaster realm at such a young age was considered a top-tier talent, even within the Witchcraft Sect.

"Young man, what's your name? Who's your mentor?" Aunt Gianna asked, casually.

A talented young man like this was certainly not ordinary, and if handled rashly, it might lead to trouble.

"Who I am doesn't matter. I'm here just to seek justice," Dustin replied calmly. "The person next to you wanted to kill me. Hand him over to me, and I'll forget about today's incident."

"Hmph! Do you have the ability to take him from me?" Aunt Gianna narrowed her eyes.

"I have no intention of being enemies with your Witchcraft Cult, but I'm someone who seeks revenge. Otherwise, I won't be able to sleep at night. So today, he must die!" Dustin pointed to Master Jaxton.

"You arrogant kid!" Aunt Jaxton's face darkened. "It seems you don't understand the power of the Witchcraft Sect. If I don't teach you a lesson, you won't know how formidable we are!"

With those words, she swiftly approached and struck Dustin's chest with her bony palm.

Her withered hand emitted waves of dark energy, clearly carrying a potent poison. Even a Martial Grandmaster wouldn't dare to confront it head-on.


Dustin's expression turned cold. Without dodging or avoiding, he pushed out a palm directly, colliding with Aunt Gianna's poisonous strike.


A loud explosion resounded. Dustin remained motionless, while Auntie Xiong was pushed back more than ten steps, finally stopping when she collided with the door of the living room.

Chapter 1488: Holy Madam

At that moment, Aunt Gianna's arm went numb, and her blood surged within her body.

"How is this possible?" Aunt Gianna stared at her trembling arm, her heart filled with immense shock.

While her expertise lay in witchcraft, her martial prowess was undoubtedly strong, now approaching the level of a late-stage Grandmaster.

However, she hadn't expected to be at a disadvantage against Dustin in a direct confrontation.

Just how strong was this young man?

"What do you think? Still want to stop me?" Dustin's expression remained indifferent.

For certain reasons, he hadn't gone all out, hoping to give Aunt Gianna a lesson so she might retreat.

"Young man, you are indeed formidable. I admire that," Aunt Gianna took a deep breath, suppressing the surging blood within her and said, "However, you are destined to lose today. Take a look at your palm; is it turning black now?"

"Your poison is useless against me," Dustin shook his head slightly.

His body was already immune to all poisons, especially after breaking through. He was even more resilient.

Throughout the entire world, besides the ten greatest poisons, nothing could harm him.

"Useless?" Aunt Gianna snorted. "Young man, you overestimate yourself and underestimate our Witchcraft Sect. The deadly poison we've concocted can't be neutralized even by a Martial Grandmaster. Right now, the poison has entered your body; your time is limited. If you retreat promptly, sealing your meridians, you might survive for a short while. If you persist in this folly and continue to challenge me, you'll only hasten your own demise! Consider the consequences for yourself!"
Hearing this, Master Jaxton immediately grinned wickedly.

So what if he was powerful?

In front of the witchcraft of the Witchcraft Sect, even the most formidable experts had to bow down.

"Dustin! You're already poisoned, your time is short. If I were you, I'd kneel before the expert and beg for mercy. Perhaps you could salvage a little life!" Owen laughed maliciously.

The previous defeat of Master Jaxton had frightened him to the core.

Fortunately, Aunt Gianna arrived just in time to provide assistance; otherwise, things would have been troublesome.

"I told you, but you didn't believe me. Well, go ahead and try again. But this time, I won't hold back," Dustin said coldly.

"Good! Since you're seeking your own death, I'll grant your wish!" Aunt Gianna raised her hand slowly, and a dark, ink-like energy gathered in her palm, forming a ball.

The energy expanded slowly, resembling a vast abyss gradually opening its jaws, ready to devour everything.

Master Jaxton and Owen instinctively moved farther away. They knew that Aunt Gianna was about to unleash her ultimate move!

"Hold on..."

Just as Aunt Gianna was about to strike, a chilly voice echoed at the door.

Following the voice, a girl with white hair and red robes, exuding extraordinary beauty, strolled in leisurely.

Behind the girl, a group of powerful figures in black robes followed. These were the high-ranking members of the Witchcraft Sect, ranging from the rank of stewards to elders and protectors.

However, these individuals, who used to be influential figures, now humbly stood behind the girl.

Seeing the girl with white hair, Aunt Gianna's expression changed, and she immediately kneeled on the ground, her upper body pressed tightly against the floor. "This subordinate pays respects to the Holy Madam!"

"Holy Madam?" Master Jaxton and Owen exchanged glances and didn't hesitate; they quickly knelt on the ground, bowing their heads in unison. "Pays respects to the Holy Madam!"

The girl with white hair didn't pay attention to the three of them. Instead, she walked straight to Dustin and smiled sweetly, "Uncle, what a coincidence. We meet again."

Chapter 1489: My Master, My Savior


Seeing the sudden appearance of the girl with white hair, Dustin couldn't help but be surprised.

The girl with white hair was none other than his only disciple, Abigail.

Unexpectedly, after many days, the two of them would meet here.

And now, Abigail had changed significantly compared to before.

Not only had her appearance become more beautiful, but her aura had also become more profound and mysterious. Her every move exuded an invisible majesty.

Clearly, after awakening her bloodline, Abigail was no longer the same as before.

"Uncle, how is it? Are you surprised?" Abigail smiled.

"You little girl, it's been so long since we last met. You didn't even bother to call and let me know you were safe," Dustin said, deliberately putting on a stern face.

Then, he lightly tapped Abigail's head with his knuckles.

This action caused the high-ranking members of the Witchcraft Sect to change their expressions drastically. Their eyes seemed like they were about to devour Dustin.

How dare this guy tap the head of the Holy Madam! He was truly audacious!

However, what shocked everyone was that the Holy Madam, who usually held a high position, didn't get angry. Instead, she appeared somewhat guilty and said coyly, "Uncle, I've been in seclusion all this time. I just came out a few days ago. I was really busy, so I forgot for a moment."

Seeing Abigail, who looked like a little girl, the high-ranking members of the Witchcraft Sect were utterly dumbfounded.

They exchanged bewildered glances, finding it hard to believe the situation.

What's going on?

Wasn't this the same Holy Madam who used to be ruthless and merciless? Since she came out of seclusion, she had not only suppressed many dissidents with an iron fist but had also single-handedly annihilated several sects that opposed the Witchcraft Sect.

Since then, the internal criticism against the Holy Madam had completely disappeared, and everyone held deep respect for her.

However, they never expected that the Holy Madam, who was usually cold and ruthless, would appear so gentle and obedient in front of Dustin.

"Let it go. Regardless, as long as I see you safe and sound, that's all that matters," Dustin said with a faint smile.

Witchcraft Sect is a place of complex and intertwined power dynamics, and he was genuinely worried about what dangers Abigail might face after joining the Witchcraft Sect.

But now, it seems that the other side should have the ability to handle everything.

"Uncle, what's going on here? Did someone offend you?" Abigail asked casually.

"It's nothing, just a minor issue," Dustin replied with a faint smile. "For your sake, I won't hold it against them."

"Granny Gianna, what just happened?" Abigail turned her gaze.

"Well..." Gianna hesitated for a moment, glancing towards Master Jaxton who was kneeling beside her.

"You speak," Abigail pointed her finger at Master Jaxton.

Although he was fearful and anxious, Master Jaxton had no choice but to speak up, "To the Holy Madam, this matter is purely a misunderstanding..."

Master Jaxton did not dare to hide anything and briefly recounted the incident.

In the eyes of outsiders, he was arrogant and haughty, but in front of the Holy Madam of the Witchcraft Sect, he was as humble as an ant, careful in every breath.

"Heh... So it's like this," Abigail suddenly laughed, but her eyes were terrifyingly cold. "Do you three know who you were dealing with? "

Without waiting for their response, she answered her own question, "He is my master, my savior, and the only family I have in this world!"

Chapter 1490: Grown Up Abigail

"What? Master?!"

This statement shocked the entire room.

Especially Gianna, Master Jaxton, and Owen, they were struck dumbfounded. They had never expected that there was a master-disciple relationship between Dustin and Huang Abigail.

The fact that the master of the Witchcraft Sect's Holy Madam was here would surely send shockwaves throughout the world.

"How is this possible? How could this guy have any connection with the Holy Madam of the Witchcraft Sect?" Owen exclaimed in bewilderment, his body trembling uncontrollably from fear.

Isabela had clearly said that Dustin was just an unknown junior. How could he have such a powerful background?

"If you want to kill my master, it's the same as wanting to kill me," Abigail slowly approached, her cold gaze sweeping over the three of them one by one. She said icily, "Do you know how grave a crime it is to assassinate the Holy Madam of the Witchcraft Sect?"

"Holy Madam, spare us! Holy Madam, spare us!" Master Jaxton quickly reacted, knocking his head on the ground like pounding garlic, begging for mercy incessantly.

"Holy Madam, I've realized my mistake. Please, I beg you to spare me this time!" Gianna imitated him, relentlessly smashing her head on the ground, causing blood to flow, but she didn't dare to stop.

As for Owen, he had been scared out of his wits.

He sat there in a daze, his face filled with despair.

"Spare you?"

Abigail's expression was indifferent. "You've committed all sorts of heinous crimes, violated our sect's rules, and scum like you is just a waste of air in this world."

With a flick of her finger,


A black streak shot out like a bullet, piercing directly through Master Jaxton's forehead, leaving behind a bloody hole.


Master Jaxton's body stiffened, his pupils dilating instantly.

The next second, his head exploded with a "bang," splattering blood everywhere.

Witnessing this scene, Gianna was terrified, her face turned pale, and she begged desperately, "Holy Madam, spare me! I don't know anything; I haven't done anything wrong. I've always been loyal, following the sect's rules. Please, Holy Madam, see the truth!"

"Granny Gianna, don't be nervous. Today, I'm in a good mood, so I won't kill you," Abigail's voice rang out again. "But while the death penalty can be forgiven, living with guilt is hard to escape. You must sever one of your own arms as compensation to my master."

"Thank you, Holy Madam, for sparing my life!"

Without hesitation, Gianna immediately drew a short knife from her waist and severed one of her arms, despite the excruciating pain. She gritted her teeth and didn't utter a sound.

"Uncle, are you satisfied with this punishment?" Abigail turned around, her demeanor completely different from the ruthless one just moments ago. She now wore an innocent smile, as if she were a straight-A student seeking praise from her elders.

"It's enough," Dustin nodded, but inside, his emotions were complex.

After not seeing her for some time, it seemed that Abigail's personality had undergone significant changes. The previous her wouldn't even dare to harm a chicken, but now, taking a life seemed as easy as reaching into a bag.

It was understandable that she had changed after her father's death. However, Dustin couldn't help but wonder if this change was for the better or worse. Was the Abigail in front of him still the same girl he had known before?
Chapter 1491: Fun and Relax

"Uncle, how should we deal with this person? It's your decision," Abigail pointed to Owen, who was kneeling on the ground, with a look as if she were looking at a dead man.

At this moment, Owen snapped out of his daze, suddenly regaining his senses. He pleaded anxiously, "D... Dustin, don't kill me. I know I was wrong, I won't dare again. I promise I won't be your enemy in the future. Please spare my miserable life!"

"Spare your life?" Dustin snorted. "You and your group have repeatedly plotted against me, using all sorts of despicable methods, and now you have the audacity to ask for mercy? Do you think it's possible?"

Owen dropped to both knees and approached Dustin, grabbing onto the hem of his pants, crying out, "Dustin! Sir Dustin! It's not my doing, it's all that evil woman, Isabela. It was her idea. I was just following orders. Please, kind sir, forgive the insignificant me and let me go!"

"Isabela?" Dustin narrowed his eyes slightly. "Tell me, was this attempt on my life a retaliation, or did you have other motives?"

Owen didn't hesitate, quickly responding, "Because of the losses we suffered in the matter of the Jade Dew Cream, Isabela suggested that we capture you and torture you severely, hoping to extract other valuable medicine formulas from you to recover our losses and rise again."

"That woman is truly malicious. I've helped her several times and even saved her life, yet she sought revenge in various ways, pushing me to a dead end. If it were an ordinary person, they would likely have met their end already," Dustin said coldly.

"Yes! That evil woman repays kindness with enmity, and she has a venomous heart. I've despised her for a long time!" Owen nodded repeatedly. "Sir Dustin! As long as you spare my life, I'll be your loyal dog. I can help you deal with Isabela, and I'll make sure she pays the price she deserves!"

"Isabela is your fiancée; are you really willing to act against her?" Dustin asked with a meaningful tone.

"What fiancée? We only have a family alliance. There's no romantic involvement, and who would like a woman like her?" Owen complained.

If it weren't for his father's orders, he would never have been with Isabela.

"Seeing your sincerity, I'll give you a chance to make amends."

Dustin said calmly, "When you go back, deliver a message to the Torby family. Tell them that they have three days to hand over the high-quality spiritual medicine I want. Otherwise, I will bring their downfall."

"Alright, alright, I'll deliver the message for sure!" Owen nodded vigorously.

"Furthermore, I don't want anyone else to know about today's events. Do you understand?" Dustin spoke from a position of authority.

"I understand, I understand!" Owen nodded repeatedly.

"Very well, you can leave now." Dustin waved his hand.

"Thank you so much, Sir Dustin!"

Owen felt as if he had been granted a reprieve. After a few respectful kowtows, he scrambled out of the old mansion, clearly frightened out of his wits.

"Uncle, he wanted to harm you, and you're letting him go just like that?" Abigail was a bit puzzled.

"This guy can still be of some use. I'll let him live a bit longer," Dustin said calmly.

Killing Owen would be easy for him. However, doing so would undoubtedly invite furious retaliation from the Torby and Stratford families. While he wasn't afraid, it would be troublesome and could affect the overall situation. So, he chose to intimidate instead.

Through Owen, he intended to spread fear, forcing the Stratford family to back down and severing ties with the Torby family. This would isolate the Torby family and make it easier to deal with them.

"Alright, as long as you're satisfied, Uncle," Abigail said sweetly.

A character like Owen was inconsequential in the grand scheme of things.

"Abigail, how long have you been in Stonia?" Dustin changed the topic.

"I just arrived," Abigail didn't hide anything. "Recently, the Witchcraft Sect took on a big business deal, and my grandmother asked me to lead the team personally. It's a chance for me to gain experience and also an opportunity to go out and have some fun and relax."

Chapter 1492: Cancel All Cooperation

"Oh? It requires so many high-level members of the Witchcraft Sect. It seems this business deal is not simple," Dustin expressed surprise.

Behind Abigail, there were several martial arts masters.

The rest were at least at the half-step martial arts master level, or even at the peak of innate mastery.

This kind of formidable force was exceptionally rare and could rival the four major royal families.

"It's indeed not simple because the one who assigned this business deal is..."

Abigail was about to speak but was interrupted by an elderly man behind her. "Holy Madam! This is a crucial secret of the Witchcraft Sect. It must not be disclosed to outsiders!"


Abigail turned to glance, and the old man was so frightened that his pupils shrank, and goosebumps appeared on his skin. "I'll say it again, this is my master, not an outsider. You better rephrase your words."

"I apologize."

The old man immediately lowered his head, filled with genuine fear.

"Abigail, forget it," Dustin shook his head. "Since it's a secret, I won't insist on knowing. I'm someone who doesn't like trouble, and the more I know, the heavier the burden. It's better not to know."


Abigail smiled and didn't press the issue further. Revealing this secret could indeed bring danger to Dustin.

"Uncle, I'm a bit hungry. Can you take me out for a late-night snack?" Abigail coquettishly asked.

"No problem! You've just arrived in Stonia, so tonight, I'll treat you to a welcome feast!" Dustin agreed.
The next morning, early dawn.

In a VIP ward at the South City Hospital.

Owen, covered in bandages, was lying unconscious on the hospital bed.

After narrowly escaping danger last night, he had rushed back home, but as soon as he entered the house, he collapsed and was immediately rushed to the hospital for treatment.

"Doctor, how's my son? Is there any danger?" Pablo asked with concern, looking at his son who had just come out of the operating room.

"Mr. Pablo, please rest assured. Your son has suffered only superficial injuries. We have carefully cleaned and treated them, and there's nothing major to worry about," a doctor replied.

"That's good to hear."

Pablo breathed a sigh of relief, then asked, "But it's been quite a while. Why hasn't my son woken up yet?"

"Your son experienced some shock last night, and his emotions were a bit unstable. We administered a sedative to help him rest well, which will aid in his recovery. It's about time for him to wake up." The doctor explained.

Just as he finished speaking, Owen lying on the hospital bed finally slowly opened his eyes.

"He's awake! He's really awake!"

Pablo's face brightened, and he quickly walked to the bedside, asking with concern, "Owen, how do you feel? Any discomfort in your body?"

"Dad... why am I here?" Owen looked around, his head still a bit foggy.

"When you came home last night, you were covered in blood, which scared me. Fortunately, you received prompt treatment, and there was no danger to your life," Pablo said sternly. "Owen, what exactly happened? Who injured you like this? Tell me, and I will stand up for you!"

"Last night?" Owen was momentarily puzzled, but then it seemed he remembered something. His face changed, and he exclaimed, "Dad! Inform everyone immediately! Cancel all our cooperation with the Torby family, and from now on, we sever all ties with them!"

Chapter 1493: Did Not Care Anymore


Looking at the agitated Owen, Pablo appeared utterly perplexed. Could his son have hit his head? What was he talking about?

"Dad, don't just stand there. Quickly issue the orders, or our Stratford family will be in great danger!" Owen was extremely impatient.

He remembered clearly what Dustin had said last night. Though he had narrowly escaped, it didn't mean he was truly safe. If they continued to collaborate with the Torby family, they would be heading towards disaster.

After all, Dustin was not only a martial arts master but also the mentor of the Witchcraft Sect's Holy Madam. With a single word, he could easily wipe out the Stratford family. In front of the world's top evil sect, even the mighty four major royal families would have to bow and submit.

"Doctor, didn't you say my son was fine? Why is he speaking nonsense as soon as he wakes up?" Pablo turned back with a touch of questioning.

The doctor remained silent.

"Dad, I'm not talking nonsense; I'm dead serious!" Owen said with determination. "The Torby family is like a ticking time bomb. We must distance ourselves from them; otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"Owen, have you been threatened by someone?" Pablo furrowed his brows slightly. His son had a fair share of guile, but he had never seen him react like this.

"Dad, due to certain reasons, I can't disclose the details to you right now. But please believe me, don't have any more dealings with the Torby family, and especially don't confront Dustin. He's not someone we can provoke!" Owen spoke with a serious tone.

"Owen, we've had a long-standing cooperation with the Torby family, and our businesses are closely connected. Moreover, you have an engagement with Isabela. It's not so easy to sever these ties," Pablo shook his head.

Breaking ties with the Torby family would come at a heavy cost, and without a sufficient reason, he wouldn't do it.

"Dad, when it comes to life and death, we must make a tough decision, even if it means heavy losses. We can no longer have any association with the Torby family at this critical moment!" Owen spoke solemnly.

"Is it really this serious?" Pablo furrowed his brows. "Owen, what exactly has happened? Can you explain it more clearly?"

"Dad, I have secrets I can't reveal for now, or both you and I will be in trouble. Right now, I just ask you to trust my decision," Owen said.


Pablo stroked his chin and began to contemplate the situation.

It was evident that his son had suffered some kind of trauma. Otherwise, the heir of a prominent family like him wouldn't be so anxious and uneasy. Moreover, all of this seemed to be related to someone named Dustin.

The problem was, could an unknown nobody like Dustin have such power, or was he hiding something deeper?

"Owen, brother..."

At this moment, Isabela walked into the hospital room, carrying a fruit basket in her hand.

"Isabela is here? Please have a seat," Pablo greeted her with a smile, maintaining a composed demeanor.

"Uncle Pablo."

Isabela greeted him and then looked at Owen, who was covered in bandages, with surprise. "Owen, what happened to you? How did you get injured like this?"

"Hmph! I'm in this state all because of you!" Owen retorted with irritation.

"Me?" Isabela was momentarily taken aback. "Owen, are you joking? What does it have to do with me?"

"I've ended up like this, all because I've had to clean up the mess for your family. Whatever happens, it's me who has to deal with it. Tell me, can you honestly say it has nothing to do with you?" Owen replied with a cold expression.

Previously, he had tried to please Isabela for the sake of the overall situation and the union between their families. But now, he didn't care anymore.

Chapter 1494: Venomous Woman

Regardless of the consequences, he decided to confront her directly.

"Owen, I know you've had a hard time, but what's a little hardship for a man? You can't possibly let a weak woman like me go out and face all this, right?" Isabela pouted, displaying some dissatisfaction with his attitude.

"Enough, I don't want to argue with you about the past. From now on, don't come looking for me, and as for our engagement, I declare it void!" Owen said coldly.

"Void our engagement?" Isabela widened her eyes, finding it hard to believe. "Owen, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Don't understand? Then let me say it again. I want to cancel the engagement!" Owen raised his voice.

"Cancel the engagement?" Isabela was completely baffled. She never imagined that the person before her would say such things. He used to be so compliant and eager to please, but now he acted as if he were a different person.

"Owen, don't be ridiculous!" Pablo scolded him. Even if they wanted to sever ties with the Torby family, there was no need to publicly cancel the engagement and turn it into a feud.

"Uncle Pablo, is Owen unwell?" Isabela cautiously asked.

"I'm not sick! I'm perfectly fine!" Owen burst out. "Isabela, I've put up with you for far too long. Do you even realize how annoying you are? You're capricious, petty, and incredibly jealous. Whenever you see a woman who's prettier or more talented than you, you'll go to great lengths to try and ruin her. You're nothing more than a venomous woman!"

"You dare to insult me like this?" Isabela was both shocked and furious.

No one had ever dared to insult her like this, and the worst part was that the person saying these things was her fiancé.

"What's wrong with insulting you? A woman like you is utterly disgusting in my eyes! Get lost!" Owen didn't hold back.

"You dare!" Isabela was furious and slapped him. In reaction, Owen slapped her back just as hard, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground.

With those parting words, Isabela stormed out of the room. The rupture between the Torby and Stratford families was now complete.

Owen, despite his injuries, felt a strange sense of liberation. He had finally broken free from the shackles of the engagement and from Isabela's controlling influence. Although he knew there might be consequences, he was willing to face them head-on.

Pablo watched his son's determined expression and couldn't help but feel proud. At this moment, he saw a different side of Owen, a side that was no longer willing to compromise for the sake of family reputation.

"Owen, are you sure about this?" Pablo asked, still concerned about the potential consequences of their actions.

"Father, it had to be done," Owen replied firmly. "I can't live my life in misery just to satisfy an alliance between our families. I need to find my own path, and it can't involve the Torby family anymore."

Pablo nodded in understanding. He had underestimated the pressure his son had been under all this time. Now, it was clear that Owen was determined to take control of his own destiny.

As they faced an uncertain future, both father and son knew that their decision might bring trouble, but it was a price they were willing to pay for their freedom and independence.

Chapter 1495: That's Strange

"Torby's family, inside the council chamber.

Isabela, who had just returned home, poured out all the grievances she had suffered at the hospital in front of her parents.

"Dad! Mom! That Owen is really despicable!"

"Not only does he want to call off the engagement, he also wants to sever ties with our Torby family. I just asked a few questions, and he actually physically assaulted me."

"Look at my face, it's all bruised because of him! I don't care, you both have to stand up for me this time!"

Isabela vented her inner anger, looking extremely frustrated.

She was the heiress of a prominent family, and now she was not only jilted but also physically attacked by someone. Naturally, she couldn't take it anymore.

"Isabela, calm down first."

Kevin raised his hand to calm her and asked with confusion, "Owen has always been mature and steady. How could he do something like this? Did you two have a fight?"

"How would I know?"

Isabela pouted, "I heard he got injured last night, so I went to the hospital this morning to visit him. But as soon as he saw me, he went crazy, swearing at me and even physically assaulting me. It's just too much!"

"That's strange."

Kevin rubbed his chin, "Owen isn't the kind of person to lose control like this. What happened all of a sudden? What's going on?"

The relationship between the two families had always been good. Normally, even if there were quarrels between couples, it wouldn't escalate to this extent.

"Kevin, why don't you call Mr. Pablo and ask what's going on?" Sophia said coldly. "They haven't even married yet, and he dares to use violence. What will happen after marriage? Our daughter can't be bullied for no reason."

"We should inquire," Kevin nodded, took out his phone, and dialed Pablo's private number.

He dialed several times, but there was no answer.

"He's probably busy and doesn't have time to answer the phone," Kevin tried to explain.

"Busy my foot! What can the father and son be so busy within the hospital? In my opinion, they're intentionally not answering the phone!" Isabela ruthlessly exposed.

"Sophia, what do you think?" Kevin turned to ask.

"There's something fishy about this. If what Isabela said is true, then the Stratford family might sever ties with our Torby family," Sophia analyzed.

"Sever ties? How is that possible?"

Kevin frowned slightly, showing some disbelief. "Our Torby and Stratford families have collaborated for many years, our relationship runs deep, and we have extensive business dealings. If there's a falling out, both families would suffer greatly. I don't believe Pablo would be so foolish."

"In ordinary circumstances, that would be true. But I'm afraid the Stratford family might be under threat, forcing them to cut ties to save themselves," Sophia remained calm.

"Threat? Look at the whole city, who could possibly threaten the Stratford family?" Kevin became even more puzzled.

Instead of answering directly, Sophia looked at her daughter and asked, "Isabela, did Owen explain the reasons to you? Or did he reveal anything?"

"He did say a few inexplicable things," Isabela said thoughtfully. "Before he left, Owen warned me, telling us to return what we owe to Dustin; otherwise, disaster would strike soon!"

"Wait! Dustin? Could this kid be causing trouble?" Kevin said suspiciously.

"I guess it might be the pressure from the Thompson and Lancaster families, right? Otherwise, how could Dustin have such power?" Isabela added.

"That makes sense," Kevin said, rubbing his chin.

The joint pressure from the Thompson and Lancaster families, combined with the tempting offer of Jade Dew Cream, had coerced the Stratford family. Betrayal was their choice, leading to the rupture with the Torby family.

Everything started to make sense.

"Regardless of the reason, we can't trust the Stratford family anymore. We need to find a new ally," Sophia said.

"Mom, I'm friends with Victoria Sterling from the Sterling family. We have a great relationship. If the Sterling family helps us, the Torby family will still stand strong!" Isabela suggested.

"The Sterling family? That indeed is a good choice."

Chapter 1496: Money Lover

Sophia nodded. "Isabela, you go and make arrangements. I need to have a talk with the lady from the Sterling family to sound her out."

"No problem!" Isabela agreed readily.

"Wait a moment... What about Dustin? Shouldn't we do something about him?" Kevin suddenly asked.

"Of course!" Isabela snorted coldly. "This guy is taking advantage of his powerful connections, sowing discord and causing enmity between us and the Stratford family. His actions are unforgivable. He must pay the price!"

"To avoid suspicion, we can't handle this personally. We need to hire someone," Sophia reminded.

"Don't worry, I know what to do," Isabela said, squinting her eyes. "These rotten men, I have ways to deal with them!"

At this moment, outside the Lancaster Pharmaceutical Company.

A car slowly came to a halt. The door opened, and Dustin and Abigail stepped out one after the other.

"Uncle, is this your new company? It's bustling!" Abigail looked around with an innocent and playful expression.

After the incident yesterday, Lancaster Pharmaceutical was still buzzing with activity. Various forces had come after hearing the news, placing numerous orders for Jade Dew Cream.

One reason was its affordable price, and the other was its remarkable efficacy. Once its reputation spread, the company had no shortage of business.

Therefore, as soon as the company opened in the morning, there was already a queue forming outside.

"This is a company I co-founded with two friends. It seems the response is quite good," Dustin said with a smile.

"I heard about the fame of Jade Dew Cream as soon as I arrived in Stonia. I didn't expect it to be your creation, Uncle," Abigail said with a beaming smile. "Our Witchcraft Sect often gets injured during missions, so we need this kind of miraculous healing medicine. I want to place an order here. As the boss, can you give me a discount?"

"You, this girl, I left you in charge of the business, and here you are trying to suck my blood. Isn't that too much?" Dustin deliberately wore a stern expression.

"Hehe, who told you to be my master?" Abigail shook Dustin's arm playfully, acting coquettishly. "Is it okay or not?"

"Alright, alright, I'm afraid of you. I'll give you the cost price. I won't make money from you. Is that good?" Dustin said somewhat helplessly.

"That's great! Thank you, Uncle!" Abigail smiled sweetly.

"The esteemed Holy madam of the Witchcraft Sect is actually a money lover. I'm not afraid of people laughing at me if this spreads," Dustin shook his head.

"What's wrong with being a money lover? The Witchcraft Sect has vast responsibilities and expenses. We have to save money wherever we can," Abigail said with a smile.

Her words were not at all false. The Witchcraft Sect lived a secluded life and rarely interacted with others. As a result, they were not financially prosperous. Coupled with their significant expenses, they were now struggling to make ends meet. Many times, disciples of the Witchcraft sect had to go out and engage in business to sustain their basic needs.

"Move aside! Get out of my way!"

At this moment, a commotion suddenly erupted at the entrance.

Dustin turned around and saw a group of imposing bodyguards forcefully barging in.

Anyone blocking their path was violently pushed aside, causing complaints from the surrounding people.

Once inside, the bodyguards immediately cleared a wide path and stood on either side to maintain order.

Following them, a woman dressed extravagantly, adorned with jewels and radiating an air of arrogance, strode into the room.


Upon seeing the woman, Dustin couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, quite surprised.

Because he realized that the newcomer was none other than Dahlia's cousin, Julie Amberson!

Chapter 1497: Mursal Family

In the midst of the crowd's attention, Julie Amberson, adorned with a designer handbag and expensive high heels, confidently entered the room. Behind her trailed two handsome male secretaries, attentively serving her. Additionally, there were a dozen bodyguards surrounding her, creating an extravagant scene, displaying the aura of an heiress from a wealthy family.

"Why is she here?" Dustin wondered, his brows furrowing.

It had been a while since they last met, and Julie seemed to have undergone a drastic transformation in her appearance and clothing. However, she exuded an excess of opulence while lacking in refinement, giving her the air of a parvenu.

"Uncle, do you know her?" Abigail asked, curious.

"An old acquaintance, but we're not on good terms," Dustin replied.

"No wonder... I felt uncomfortable just looking at her face," Abigail pursed her lips.

"Listen up, people from Lancaster Pharmaceutical! Get your boss out here; I want to discuss a major business deal with her!" Julie took off her sunglasses and loudly demanded.

"Hey! Who do you think you are? Do you understand the concept of first come, first served?" a man in a suit complained. "There are so many people ahead waiting to place orders. Can you please wait your turn?"

"Wait in line?" Julie snorted disdainfully. She marched forward in her high heels, lifted her hand, and slapped the man in the suit. "Who do you think you are? How dare you ask me to wait in line?"

"You dare to hit me? I'll..." the man in the suit was about to retaliate when several bodyguards immediately rushed forward, forcibly pinning him to the ground.

"How dare you! You have some nerve! Do you know who I am?" the man in the suit struggled while angrily shouting.

"Oh? Let me ask, who are you?" Julie looked down at him arrogantly.

"Open your ears and listen! I'm from the prestigious Zhang family. If you dare touch me, you're challenging the dignity of the Parker family. Can you bear the consequences of that?" the man in the suit declared.

"What? The prestigious Parker family?"

Upon hearing this, the crowd couldn't help but start discussing fervently.

"This woman is in big trouble. She actually dared to hit someone from the Parker family. Let's see how this ends for her!"

"Hmph! Just a rich person, thinking she's powerful because she hired a few bodyguards. She's asking for trouble!"

The Parker family was one of the Eight Noble Families. While their influence might not be as strong as the Langford and Thompson families, they were still a prominent and powerful lineage. Crossing the Parker family meant a dead end for an ordinary upstart.

"How about it? Scared now? Release me immediately, or I promise you'll have no place to bury your bodies!" the man in the suit shouted sharply.

"Scared?" Julie laughed and then raised her foot, pressing her high heel firmly on the man's face. She sneered, "The Parker family? So what? Are they really that formidable? In my eyes, they are not worth mentioning at all!"

"You dare to underestimate the Parker family? Who the hell are you?" the man in the suit roared in anger.

"I'll tell you the truth. I am from the Mursal Palace. Can your little Parker family afford to offend me?" Julie said arrogantly.

"What? The Mursal Palace?!"

The whole place buzzed with astonishment.

No one expected Julie's background to be this significant.

The Mursal Palace, also known as the Mursal family, was one of the Four Royal Families. The Mursal, as the head of the family, had outstanding military achievements and a reputation that echoed throughout the world. He was one of the only three kings in the Dragon Kingdom from different surnames. His power was overwhelming, his prestige unmatched. Even the Emperor treated him with respect.

If they could establish any connection with the Mursal Lord, it would be a ticket to success for their entire family!

"You... You... You... You are from the Mursal Palace?" The man in the suit widened his eyes, both shocked and terrified.

The Mursal Palace rarely appeared in public, mostly residing within the inner city. How could someone from there be here?

"What? Don't believe it? Take a good look at this!" Julie said and suddenly pulled out a golden token from her waist, displaying it in front of everyone.

The front of the token bore a large character - "Mursal"!

"Oh my God! It's actually a token from the Mursal Lord? She truly is from the Mursal family!"

Chapter 1498: Line Up Like Everyone

"Being able to get the Mursal Lord's token, her identity must be extraordinary!"

"I heard that the Mursal Lord recently adopted a righteous daughter. Could it be her?"

"... "

Seeing the golden token, the crowd buzzed with discussions, utterly shocked.

It was well-known that ordinary members of the Mursal family were not qualified to receive such a token. Only those whom the Mursal Lord highly valued would receive this golden token.

From this, it was evident how high this woman's status was.

"Miss Mursal... Miss Mursal, I'm sorry, I was wrong!" the man in the suit realized the situation and immediately knelt on the ground, panicking. "I was blind and ignorant, my words were offensive. I beg Miss Mursal for her forgiveness, please pardon my impertinence!"

He repeatedly banged his head against the ground, making a loud "thud, thud" sound.

"Hmph! Now you're scared? Why didn't you think of this earlier?" Julie held her head high, exuding an air of arrogance.

She thoroughly enjoyed being looked up to, being feared by others. What did it matter that these heirs of wealthy families kneeled before her? This... was true power.
"Miss Mursal! I know I was wrong; I won't dare anymore. I have elders to support and children to feed. I beg you to spare me!" the man in the suit said, his voice trembling with fear.

"Slap yourself ten times, and I won't pursue this matter any further," Julie said, looking down at the man.

"Yes, yes, yes!" The man in the suit didn't hesitate. He immediately started slapping his own face frantically. He kept slapping himself dozens of times without stopping.

"Enough, you can leave now!" Julie waved her hand.

"Thank you, Miss Mursal, for your mercy!"

The man in the suit kowtowed a few more times before leaving, feeling like he had just received a royal pardon.

"Now, who still dares to make me wait in line?" Julie crossed her arms, her threatening gaze sweeping around the room.

Anyone who met Julie's gaze immediately lowered their heads, not daring to make a sound.

For a behemoth like the Mursal Palace, who would dare to offend them? Even the people from the prestigious Parker family were frightened into kneeling and begging for mercy, let alone them?

"Very well, since no one is speaking up, then I'll go ahead and place my order," Julie said smugly, pleased with the outcome.

Just as she was about to cut in line, a discordant voice suddenly rang out, "Hold on..."

"Hmm? Who's talking?!"

Julie's face darkened, and she looked around.

"It's me."

Dustin slowly walked out from the crowd, his tone calm. "Julie, in business, there are rules to be followed. Your aggressive and unreasonable behavior doesn't seem appropriate, does it?"

"Dustin? Why is it you?" Julie was momentarily stunned, looking surprised to see him.

She hadn't expected to encounter him here.

"Why can't it be me?" Dustin's expression remained indifferent.

"Hmph! You really are persistent!" Julie's face immediately turned cold. "You surnamed Rhys! Are you here because of my cousin? Let me tell you the truth. My cousin is now a rare phoenix among people. She is not someone you can aspire to. You'd better give up on any fantasies about her!"

"Don't flatter yourself. I came to Stonia, and it has nothing to do with Dahlia," Dustin replied.

"Hmph! It's better be that way! If you dare to have any inappropriate thoughts, don't blame me for not being polite!" Julie threatened.

"Enough, I didn't come here to reminisce with you. If you want to buy medicine here, you'll have to line up like everyone else," Dustin said, uninterested in small talk.

"Line up? What a joke! Who do you think you are? You dare to teach me how to do things? Do you know what my status is now?" Julie sneered contemptuously.

"I'm well aware of your status," Dustin said bluntly. "Just a presumptuous counterfeit, thinking you're some wealthy young lady?"

Chapter 1499: Little People Become Arrogant

Julie's expression changed after being exposed, her embarrassment turning into rage. "You, Dustin! I am currently a member of the Mursal Palace. How dare you show disrespect towards me? Are you tired of living?!"

"That's enough, stop pretending in front of me. We've known each other for a long time; I know you inside out," Dustin said, unfazed.


Julie glared, shouting, "You lowlife! This lady has changed drastically. With my current status and position, someone like you, a useless piece of trash, can never aspire to it! I command you to kneel and apologize to me immediately, or face the consequences!"

"Little people become arrogant."

Dustin sneered, "Do you really think that climbing up the social ladder gives you the right to act haughty and tyrannical?"

"So what if I act tyrannical? Do you dare to oppose the Mursal Palace?" Julie arrogantly displayed her golden token again. "Dustin! Open your dog eyes wide and take a look. Do you know what this is?!"

"The Mursal Lord's token?"

Dustin responded meaningfully, "This little treasure, did you steal it, by any chance?"

At his words, a flicker of panic flashed in Julie's eyes. The golden token was indeed something she had stolen from Dahlia's room, intending to use it to display her might. Unexpectedly, she ran into someone as clueless as Dustin.

However, she couldn't admit to this situation. Instead, she blustered, "You... You're talking nonsense! This token clearly belongs to me!"

"Is that so? Then allow me to ask, what's your relationship with Mr. Mursal? Why did he give you the token?" Dustin continued to press.

"That's none of your business! What Mursal does, does he need to explain it to a useless piece of trash like you?" Julie shouted back.

"Hey, you'd better watch your tone. If you continue to be disrespectful to me, I might just tear your mouth apart," Abigail said casually.

While her expression remained calm, her eyes were filled with a chilling intent. Under her scrutiny, Julie felt an inexplicable fear.

But considering her own status, she immediately mustered her courage again, "Humph! Are you trying to scare me? Do you know who I am? Do you know who's standing behind me? Do you believe that with just a word from me, I can make both of you disappear from this world?"

"You can give it a try," Abigail suddenly smiled.

However, her gaze turned exceptionally fierce.

"Fine! You brought this upon yourselves!"

Julie raised her hand and shouted, "Guards! Arrest these two fools who don't know the immensity of heaven and earth!"


Upon receiving the order, a group of sturdy bodyguards immediately surrounded them with vigilant eyes.

"This guy is really audacious! How dare he challenge the Mursal Palace? Isn't he afraid of death?"

"I reckon he doesn't know how terrifying the Mursal Palace's power is. It's like a calf that isn't afraid of a tiger!"

The people in the hall whispered and murmured among themselves.

In their eyes, Dustin's actions just now were undoubtedly leaping repeatedly on the edge of death. Even the elites of the prestigious Parker family had to bow down and beg for mercy when they saw Tan Hong. How could a poor guy dressed in shabby clothes dare to do this?


Just as the bodyguards were about to take action, a sweet voice echoed through the hall.

Everyone turned their heads to see Hazel, dressed provocatively and with a hot figure, walking in briskly with a few others.

Chapter 1500: Who dares to cause trouble on my place?

“Who dares to cause trouble on my place?”

Hazel's face was cold, her aura imposing. Wherever she walked, even the fierce-looking bodyguards unconsciously made way for her.

"Who are you to meddle in my business?" Julie crossed her arms and raised her head arrogantly.

She suddenly realized that this woman in front of her was even more beautiful, more elegant, and more dignified than herself. This inevitably made her jealous.

"I am the chairman of Lancaster Pharmaceuticals. I manage everything here," Hazel said calmly.

"The chairman, huh? You arrived just in time."

Julie pointed at Dustin & Abigail and said arrogantly, "I command you to immediately kick them out and forbid them from doing business here!"

"Kick them out?" Hazel glanced at Dustin and then turned back to Julie. "I'm sorry, I can't do that because Mr. Dustin here is my business partner and a shareholder of Lancaster Pharmaceuticals."

"What? This guy is actually a shareholder of Lancaster Pharmaceuticals?!" Julie was astonished.

Recently, the fame of the Jade Dew Cream had spread widely. Many forces were rushing to collaborate, and she had come here under Dahlia's orders to negotiate a deal with Lancaster Pharmaceuticals. As long as they could establish a long-term partnership, they would definitely earn a fortune. However, she didn't expect that this treasure trove had already been claimed by Dustin.

"What? Do you still want to kick me out?" Dustin smiled ambiguously.

"Hmph! What's so special about being a shareholder? Is it more powerful than the Mursal Palace?" Julie took out a token and displayed it in front of Hazel. "Look! I have the Golden Token of the Mursal Palace in my hand. I command you to immediately sever ties with Dustin!"

"I can't sever ties because Jade Dew Cream is a product developed by Mr. Dustin," Hazel said expressionlessly.

"What?" Julie's expression froze.

Jade Dew Cream was actually Dustin's product? How was that possible?

"Julie, stop wasting your efforts, put away your token, and get out of here quickly. We won't do business with you," Dustin issued a direct eviction order.

"You dare to kick me out? I am from the Mursal Palace! Do you know the consequences of doing this?!" Julie shouted angrily.

Having suffered setbacks time and again, she couldn't bear losing face at this moment.

"Firstly, you don't represent the Mursal Palace. Secondly, if the Mursal Palace acts as unreasonably as you, we will still refuse to cooperate," Dustin said straightforwardly.

"Bold! You dare to refuse cooperation with the Mursal Palace? I see that your company doesn't want to continue operating!"

Julie threatened fiercely, "Now, apologize to me immediately, and then sign the contract honestly, or else I will smash your company today!"

"Julie, if you dare to act recklessly, don't blame me for being impolite!" Dustin's face grew colder.

He had already given enough face to the Mursal Palace. If the person in front of him insisted on being domineering, he wouldn't tolerate it.

"Hmph! I want to see how you'll fight me today! Smash this place for me!" Julie shouted.


Upon hearing this, the bodyguards immediately took action.

"Take them all down!"

Hazel didn't hesitate either. She promptly directed the company's security personnel to confront Julie's bodyguards.

Seeing this scene, Julie became furious, "You have some nerve! You dare to lay hands on the Mursal Palace's people! I see that you've had enough! Get out of here!"

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a loud "smack."

Dustin's heavy slap landed on Julie's face, sending her tumbling to the ground.

Chapter 1501: Stealing the Mursal Palace's Golden Token


The crisp sound of a slap suddenly echoed throughout the hall.

Just moments ago, Julie had been loudly making threats, but now she was lying on the ground, dazed and confused.


Everyone around was left in shock, their eyes widened, some finding it hard to believe.

No one had expected Dustin to be so audacious, daring to lay hands even on someone from the Mursal Palace.

What made it even more crucial was that Julie held the Golden Token of the Mursal Palace, a symbol of her high status. Striking Julie was tantamount to slapping the Mursal himself in the face.

Had this guy gone mad?

"You... You dare to hit me?"

Julie covered her face, a mix of shock, astonishment, and disbelief.

Since joining the Mursal Palace's faction, she had risen rapidly, becoming a revered figure everyone had to follow and flatter, with no one daring to utter a harsh word in her presence. Yet, this person in front of her had just publicly slapped her face.

What was this?

This was simply lawlessness, extreme audacity!

"What's wrong with hitting you? You were causing a scene and being unreasonable. Shouldn't someone like that be slapped?" Dustin said coldly.

"Mr. Dustin, I am a member of the Mursal Palace!" Julie shouted.


Without uttering a word, Dustin raised his hand and delivered another resounding slap, causing Julie's nose to bleed profusely.

"Having someone like you in the Mursal Palace is truly unfortunate!" Dustin remarked.

"You scoundrel! You dare to hit me? You're dead meat! I'll make sure you pay for this!" Julie roared as she pulled out her phone, preparing to call for backup.

"Julie, if I were you, I wouldn't make that phone call," Dustin said calmly.

"What? You're scared now? Where was that fear when you started this mess?" Julie replied fiercely. "Dustin, even if you kneel down and beg for mercy right now, I won't easily let you off! Get ready to meet your end!"

"Scared? Scared of what? Scared of your borrowed authority or your reliance on others?" Dustin sneered. "Julie, have you ever thought about how you'll explain that stolen token from the Mursal Palace when their reinforcements arrive?"

Upon hearing this, Julie froze, and even the speed of dialing the number slowed down.

"Dustin, stop talking nonsense!" She tried to appear composed.

"Whether it's nonsense or not, you know it deep down," Dustin said calmly. "Stealing the Mursal Palace's Golden Token is no small crime. Even if Dahlia can forgive you, the Mursal Palace's prestige cannot be violated. Once this matter escalates, to protect their reputation, they will surely make an example out of someone. When that happens, do I need to spell out what your fate will be?"

"You... Don't think you can scare me with this! You think I'll fall for your tricks? Dream on!" Julie bravely retorted.

"If you don't believe me, go ahead and make the call. Let's see who ends up in trouble," Dustin said expressionlessly.

Watching Dustin's calm demeanor, Julie felt increasingly uncertain. Her phone hovered in mid-air, and the decision to call or not became more difficult.

As Dustin had mentioned, stealing the Mursal Palace's Golden Token could lead to serious consequences. While Dahlia might be able to smooth things over because of their familial connection, the situation would be entirely different if it reached the Mursal's ears.

Once the Mursal grew angry, even her cousin might not be able to protect her. She couldn't afford to take such a risk.

Chapter 1502: Slap him until he cries

The problem was that she had just issued harsh words, and now, backing down would be like slapping herself in the face. How could she continue to navigate her way in this social circle?

Just as she felt bewildered, a cold voice suddenly reached her ears.

"Miss Julie, why use a hammer to kill a chicken? Leave dealing with this small matter to us."

With the sound of the voice, two elegantly dressed and beautiful young women entered the scene side by side.

The woman on the left wore red, exuding an arrogant and noble aura – she was Isabela!

The woman on the right, dressed in white with a cold demeanor and an equally lofty attitude, was Victoria Sterling, who had crossed paths with Dustin a few times before during their time in Millsburg. They had clashed in a kindergarten and later at General Murray estate's horse racing field, leading to some unpleasant encounters.

Little did they know that after many days, they would meet again here.

"Miss Victoria?" Julie's face brightened when she saw the newcomers. She knew her reinforcements had arrived.

"Miss Julie, let me introduce you. This is the heiress of the prestigious Torby family and my close friend," Victoria Sterling said as she gestured towards Isabela.

"I see, Miss Isabela, it's a pleasure to meet you," Julie extended her hand, wearing a smile. Women from prominent families like Isabela were the kind of friends she wanted to have.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Julie," Isabela replied with a polite smile before asking, "Miss Julie, it seems like you've encountered some trouble. Do you need our assistance?"

"I've run into a troublemaker. I was just about to have someone deal with it, but fortunately, the two of you arrived in time," Julie replied casually.

"Don't worry, Miss Julie. With the two of us, he won't be able to stir up much trouble!" Victoria Sterling said, her gaze shifting to Dustin. She added icily, "Mr. Dustin, didn't expect to see us again, did you? We met in the Millsburg before, where it was your territory. I never had a chance for revenge then, but now that we're on my place, shall we settle some scores?"

"Oh? How do you intend to settle the score?" Dustin raised an eyebrow.

"First, apologize to Miss Julie and beg for her forgiveness. Second, apologize to me and beg for my forgiveness. Finally, apologize to Isabela and beg for her forgiveness. After you've done all that, we'll consider whether to spare you," Victoria said with an arrogant demeanor.

"Apologize? Are you kidding?" Dustin chuckled.

"Mr. Dustin, I suggest you think carefully before you answer," Victoria threatened coldly. "I represent the Sterling family, Isabela represents the Torby family, and Miss Julie represents the Mursal Palace. We have two prestigious families and a royal family heir among us. In the entire Stonia, how many can stand against us? If you don't want to meet a death end, it's in your best interest to comply!"

Her words caused quite a mix feelings in the surroundings.

"Wow! This guy is ruthless! He just offended so many important figures at once!"

"Two prestigious families and a royal family heir – who can go up against that?"

"If it were me, I'd probably be scared out of my wits."

People whispered to each other, and the looks they directed at Dustin were filled with admiration, though mostly mixed with sympathy.

Today, if he didn't beg for forgiveness from these three young ladies, it was likely that he wouldn't see the sun rise tomorrow.

"Two prestigious families and a royal family heir may sound intimidating, but unfortunately, you three can't represent your families," Dustin replied calmly.

"So, you're planning to resist to the end?" Victoria narrowed her eyes.

"What if I am? Do you really think you can control me?" Dustin remained unruffled. "I'll give you some advice – it's best not to provoke me. Otherwise, you'll regret it beyond measure."

"Hmph! You're quite audacious!" Victoria snorted. "Since you're so uncooperative, don't blame me for being impolite! Come, give him a harsh slap! Slap him until he cries!"

Chapter 1503: Highly toxic poison

With Victoria's command, two groups of people suddenly rushed into the room. One group was comprised of Sterling family guards, and the other consisted of Torby family guards. Both groups were carefully selected elite forces, including Julie's bodyguards.

As soon as they entered, they surrounded the security personnel from Lancaster Pharmaceuticals.

Once again, the balance of power shifted in favor of the three young ladies.

Seeing this show of force, onlookers retreated to the corners, fearing to get caught in the crossfire. With the convergence of forces from two prestigious families and a royal family heir, no one present dared to provoke them.

"You came prepared with so many guards, it seems," Dustin said with narrowed eyes, showing no fear as he remained surrounded.

"Dustin, considering our previous acquaintance, as long as you lower your head and admit your mistake, then submit to us, I can plead for your mercy and ask Victoria to spare you," Isabela suddenly spoke.

The prouder Dustin was, the more she wanted to humiliate him, to trample him underfoot. Why should someone from the lower echelons of society like him refuse her?

"Isabela, stop with the false pretenses. It's disgusting," Dustin exposed her hypocrisy without reservation. "If I'm not mistaken, this whole situation today was probably planed by you, right? You sow discord behind people's backs, put on a friendly face in front of them, act all high and mighty. Don't you ever get tired of this act?"

"Dustin! I'm giving you a chance. Don't underestimate me!" Isabela shouted angrily.

"Give it a rest. Put away your hypocritical face; I'm not interested," Dustin replied coldly. "Furthermore, your Torby family owes me something, and you have to make it right within three days, or I'll make you pay a heavy price!"

"You ungrateful fool! You're really pushing it!" Isabela's face turned cold. She looked around, then shouted, "What are you all waiting for? Haven't you heard what Victoria said? Slap him hard!"


Several guards at the front immediately rushed towards Dustin with fierce intentions. However, just as they were about to attack, a faint white mist suddenly drifted out.

As the white mist touched the air, it became increasingly faint, almost as if it had disappeared completely, invisible to the naked eye.

"Thud, thud, thud..."

After inhaling the white mist, several guards suddenly seemed as if their bones had been removed, and their bodies went limp on the ground.

They grimaced in pain and let out low moans. Their eyes were bloodshot, and the veins on their necks bulged.

"What's going on?"

This sudden turn of events left Isabela and the others in shock. In their eyes, the guards were walking one moment and then suddenly collapsing without any warning.

However, the situation did not end there. The mysterious events continued.

Members of the Torby family, the Sterling family, and even the over ten bodyguards brought by Julie, a total of fifty to sixty people, gradually succumbed to the same fate.

"Thud, thud, thud..."

Like a line of dominos collapsing, one guard after another fell.

Each person displayed the same symptoms: a twisted and pained expression, full-body convulsions, and bloodshot eyes. Some of them were so severe that blood began to ooze from their eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, a terrifying sight.

In just a few breaths of time, all the guards brought by Isabela and her companions were lying on the ground.

"What's going on? How did they all collapse?"

"Judging by their appearance, it seems like they've been poisoned, and it's a highly toxic one!"

"Highly toxic? Holy cow! Are we in danger?"

Watching the wailing guards on the ground, the onlookers were terrified and moved even farther away.

Chapter 1504: Latest mixture of poison

Although they didn't know what had happened, it was evident that this poison was highly dangerous.

"How could this happen?"

Isabela and her companions exchanged glances, their brows furrowed deeply.

In the crowded hall, why had only their guards collapsed? Why were the others unaffected? Could this so-called poison distinguish between friend and foe? This was too unbelievable, wasn't it?

"Is it you who's behind this, Dustin?!" Julie quickly suspected.

"Don't talk nonsense; I haven't done anything." Dustin shrugged.

"Daring to deny it? It's clearly you who used this malicious trick, you heartless scoundrel!" Julie accused.

"Dustin, immediately hand over the antidote. Otherwise, if there are casualties, you will accompany them to the grave!" Victoria declared sternly.

The people she brought with her today were all high-level guards from the Sterling family, not only possessing formidable strength but also unwavering loyalty. They were the elite trained by the Sterling family with considerable investment and effort. Losing one or two wouldn't be a big deal, but if all of them inexplicably died here, she would certainly face consequences when she returned, including disciplinary measures from her family.

"I've said it already; it has nothing to do with me," Dustin replied calmly. "Besides, even if I had really poisoned them, why should I give you the antidote? Don't forget, it was you who caused trouble here."

"I don't care about that! If you don't hand over the antidote, you'll become the enemy of the entire Sterling family!" Victoria threatened.

"It doesn't matter. Since we've already torn our faces, I don't mind going all the way." Dustin remained indifferent.

"You—!" Victoria was at a loss for words. She didn't expect Dustin to be so difficult and indifferent to the threats from the Sterling family. He appeared completely unyielding, as if he had nothing to lose.

"Dustin, as long as you hand over the antidote, we can overlook today's events," Isabela said, attempting to find a peaceful resolution.

"You won't mind, but I certainly will," Dustin asserted. "Now, I want the three of you to publicly apologize to me and compensate me for my mental distress. Otherwise, you'll face even bigger trouble."

"Apologize? You're dreaming!" Victoria exclaimed.

"Dustin, you're playing with fire!" Julie growled with a sinister expression.

"Dustin! We've already shown restraint. If you insist on being stubborn, you'll bear the consequences!" Isabela threatened.

They were of high status, with power and authority, and they couldn't possibly apologize to a lower-class individual in public. If news of this spread, how could they ever face anyone again?

"Wait a moment! My body..."

At this moment, Victoria seemed to notice something unusual. She was about to speak when her legs suddenly gave way, and she collapsed on the spot.

"My head hurts so much! My head!" Victoria clutched her head in pain, groaning incessantly.


Isabela's expression changed drastically. She instinctively reached out to help her friend but ended up falling to the ground herself.

Julie was no exception and collapsed right after.

The symptoms they displayed were similar to the guards who had fallen earlier. They all experienced extreme weakness, severe headaches, and bloodshot eyes.

"Du... Dustin, what have you done to us?" Isabela weakly shouted.

"Uncle Dustin did nothing. Everything is my doing," Abigail suddenly stepped forward, smiling. "Honestly, this is my latest mixture of poison. Only I can provide the antidote, and those who are poisoned will experience extreme weakness, agonizing headaches, and eventually bleed to death from all seven orifices."

"Of course, you don't need to worry too much. The process of death is quite brief, probably three to five minutes, and it will be over."

"So, please endure for a little while longer; it'll be over soon."

Chapter 1505: Endure a little while longer

Watching Abigail's seemingly innocent and smiling demeanor, Isabela and her companions felt their scalps go numb, and cold sweat formed on their foreheads.

She appeared harmless, like the girl next door, yet her words were sinister and malicious. She poisoned them with a deadly toxin and then casually told them to endure it for a little while longer.

This was beyond comprehension, and they couldn't believe someone could be so twisted.

"Who are you? How dare you poison us? You have some nerve!" Victoria shouted with a fierce expression.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The real question is, what will you choose now?" Abigail replied with a smile. "You have only two options: either die from my poison, or apologize to uncle Dustin and compensate for the damages."

"Apologize to Dustin? No way!" Victoria retorted defiantly.

But as soon as she finished speaking, the pain in her head suddenly intensified, and she began to scream in agony.

"I don't care who you are. Hand over the antidote immediately, or you'll face dire consequences!" Isabela attempted to threaten.

"Dire consequences?" Abigail smiled and crouched down, looking at Isabela. "Your surname is Torby, right? If... I poison your entire family to death, how would you make dire consequences fall on me then?"

"You dare!" Isabela's pupils shrank, a mix of shock and anger on her face.

Was this woman insane? She actually threatened the entire Torby family?

What's more, she had a threating feeling that this woman could actually carry out her threats.

"You dare or not, try me and you'll find out," Abigail replied with a faint smile. "After your death, I'll send your family down to accompany you. That way, you won't be too lonely down there. How about that? Aren't I considerate?"

"You... you lunatic!"

Isabela clenched her teeth, feeling a shiver run down her spine.

"You have five more minutes to consider," Abigail said calmly.

Abigail extended her five fingers and waved them in front of the three women, saying with a smile, "In five minutes, you will succumb to the poison, and by then, it will be too late for regrets."

"You wretched woman! I am from the Mursal's palace. If you dare to kill me, the Mursal's palace will never let you off!" Julie threatened with a stern tone, hoping to use the reputation of the Mursal to intimidate the madwoman in front of her.

"Oh... And what difference does it make?" Abigail remained unperturbed. "Whether I live or die, it has nothing to do with you when you won't be around to witness it."

"You—!" Julie was infuriated.

She couldn't believe how this woman was just like Dustin, showing no fear of threats and unconcerned about retaliation.

It was as if she had nothing to lose.

"It's unbearable! My head feels like it's splitting apart!" Victoria screamed while holding her head. Blood was now oozing from her nose and mouth due to the extreme pain, making her face contort into a gruesome expression.

Possibly because of her weaker constitution, Victoria's condition was the most severe among the three.

"Don't panic, take deep breaths. You only have three minutes left. Hold on a little longer, and it will be over soon," Abigail kindly reminded them.

However, her words sent shivers down the spines of the onlookers.

"Dustin, is this really going to end well if it continues like this?" Hazel looked at Dustin, appearing cute but acting mad.

If she really killed Isabela and her companions here, the two powerful clans and the royal family would undoubtedly be furious.

By that time, anyone involved would have no place to hide.

"Don't worry, I've got this," Dustin replied with a calm expression.

Isabela and her companions were pampered and cherished, and they valued their lives greatly. They wouldn't risk their lives in this situation. Therefore, Dustin was confident that they wouldn't endure it much longer.

Chapter 1506: Compensate One Billion

“Antidote... Give me the antidote!”

“I was wrong, I'm willing to apologize, please give me the antidote!”

Under the torment of excruciating pain and impending death, Victoria finally couldn't bear it any longer. She sobbed and began to plead.

Abigail, however, remained silent, crouching calmly, her hands supporting her cheeks, showing no reaction.

“My head is pounding! I can't take it anymore! I'm willing to apologize, I'm willing to compensate, please detoxify me!” Julie also gave in.

Compared to their lives, saving face was trivial, especially when they had already chickened out once before.

Abigail continued to gaze at Isabela without responding.

“What are you waiting for? Your friend is about to die!” Abigail smiled.

“Isabela! Why are you still standing there? Apologize! Don't let us all die because of you!”

Victoria's desperation and anger intensified.

What's the point of pretending anymore? They were all the same, and in the end, they would all have to submit.

“Alright! I promise to apologize! Please give us the antidote!”

“This is how you should behave!”

Abigail smiled and then extended her hand.

A faint green dust rose into the air, gently descending like a drizzle, covering everyone. As the dust entered their noses and mouths, the excruciating headaches gradually subsided, but their bodies remained weak, making it difficult to gather their strength.

“Now, let's see your performance.”

Abigail clapped her hands, standing to the side with a smile.

“We're sorry, we were wrong. We shouldn't have caused trouble here. We are willing to compensate for all the losses here!”

Isabela stared at Dustin with a resentful glare as she spoke. Though she was apologizing, her gaze was filled with bitterness.

An insult like this from a lowly commoner would need to be avenged a hundredfold, Isabela thought. She was determined to regain her dignity.

Victoria and Julie, after catching their breath, also chose to apologize. When they returned, they could find another way to take revenge.

"Forget it, I'm in a good mood today, so I won't hold it against you. Each of you can compensate me with one billion, consider it my emotional distress fee," Dustin said calmly.

"What? One billion? Are you out of your mind?" Julie exclaimed.

"What? Not willing to pay?"

Abigail narrowed her eyes and smiled, "I have over a hundred different poisons here; would you like to try them one by one?"


Julie's mouth twitched, and she immediately fell silent. In her desperation, she had no choice but to make a phone call to borrow the money. Regardless, she would have to deal with the situation at hand first.

A few moments later, several cars with special license plates stopped abruptly in front of the Lancaster Pharmaceutical Company. Following the cars, a man and a woman, accompanied by a few bodyguards, strode in.

The man had a lean figure and a somewhat handsome face, though his high cheekbones and thin lips gave him a somewhat cold and sharp appearance. In contrast, the woman wore a long red dress, exuding an aura of elegance and beauty.

As soon as they entered, they drew the attention of everyone present. While Hazel was considered a renowned beauty, she appeared somewhat overshadowed by the woman in red, who seemed to outshine her in both appearance and temperament.

"Is that her?"

Seeing the woman in red, Dustin couldn't help but furrow his brow. He recognized her as his ex-wife, Dahlia.

Chapter 1507: So beautiful! So noble

"So beautiful! So noble!"

"Where did this beauty come from? How have I never seen her before?"

"This looks, this temperament, she should be at the top of the Rouge Beauty List."

Dahlia's appearance caused quite a stir. Regardless of gender, everyone's faces showed a hint of astonishment. In a city like Stonia, there were many beautiful women, but such an exceptional beauty was rare. Her ethereal and noble aura made her seem almost unreal, like a celestial being walking out of a painting.


Seeing the newcomer, Julie's face lit up as if she had seen a savior. She quickly went to greet her.

"I asked you to come for business, but the deal didn't go through. Now they want us to compensate one billion. What's going on?" Dahlia asked coldly.


Julie was momentarily speechless. She couldn't very well say that she had brandished the golden token of the Mursal Palace here, acted arrogantly, and had been taught a lesson, could she?

"Sister Dahlia, here's what happened..."

Victoria quickly stepped forward, embellishing the story and adding, "We advised them politely, but they didn't appreciate it. Instead, they resorted to poisoning us and demanded compensation. It's really outrageous!"

"Is that so? Who's so audacious to dare to poison someone in public?" Dahlia asked coldly.

"It's Dustin and that woman! They conspired together!" Victoria pointed her finger.


Dahlia furrowed her brows slightly in surprise when she saw Dustin's face. She said, "It's you? What are you doing here?"

It was quite strange. Every time she met Dustin, she felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"I am a shareholder of Lancaster Pharmaceutical. Why can't I be here?" Dustin replied calmly.

"Sister Dahlia, do you know this guy?"

At this moment, a somewhat stern-looking young man named Zaire, one of Mursal's adopted sons, suddenly spoke up.

Skilled in business, he was sly and crafty, willing to do anything for his own benefit.

"I've met him a few times, but we're not familiar," Dahlia said.

"I see," Zaire smiled.

There was a touch of coldness in his gaze as he looked at Dustin. Since they weren't familiar, there was no need to hold back.

"Dustin, you used poison again and engaged in extortion. Do you know what the consequences will be?" Dahlia said coldly.

"I used the poison, and it has nothing to do with Uncle Dustin. If you want revenge, come after me." Abigail spoke calmly.

"Dustin, are you not ashamed to have a young girl take the blame for you?" Dahlia questioned sharply.

"Miss Dahlia, as soon as you speak, you have the tone of a military commander, making it sound like everything is our fault. How about asking your people first what they've done?" Dustin replied calmly.

Chapter 1508: Spending half of your life in prison

"So, according to you, they are allowed to bully us, but we are not allowed to resist? Are you saying that we, the powerless and unprivileged, must endure oppression and humiliation in front of you elites? Is even self-defense a crime?" Dustin sneered.

Though he had amnesia, this woman before him hadn't changed at all. Always assuming the worst, self-righteous, and never considering the facts.

"I don't understand what you're talking about," Dahlia furrowed her brow slightly. "Our people came here today to discuss business. If you are a shareholder of Lancaster Pharmaceutical, you should treat them with courtesy instead of resorting to threats and enticements."

"If they were guests, we would naturally welcome them. But if they are enemies, don't blame us for being impolite," Dustin retorted.

"What? You've done something wrong, caused trouble, and you still don't feel remorseful?" Dahlia frowned.

"Miss Dahlia, this is a misunderstanding," Hazel suddenly stepped forward, wearing a friendly smile as she tried to defuse the situation. "Just now, Miss Julie insisted on cutting in line and even used Mursal's name to intimidate us, threatening to vandalize our company if we didn't comply. Dustin acted impulsively out of anger."

"Is that so?" Dahlia turned her gaze toward Julie.

Julie's expression stiffened, but she quickly put on a brave front and said, "Cousin! Don't listen to their nonsense! I sincerely came here to discuss business, but Dustin is holding a grudge against me and wanted to kick me out. I was just upset and said a few harsh words, but I didn't do anything."

"Yes, Miss Dahlia, I can testify. It's all Dustin's fault!" Victoria chimed in. "This guy not only acted rudely and unreasonably but also resorted to violence. He has a serious tendency toward violence. Just look at Miss Julie's face; it's swollen!"

"Cousin, I've never been wronged like this before. You must help me!" Julie appeared genuinely wronged and started shedding tears.

Seeing Julie's swollen face and the fading bruises of five finger marks, Dahlia's complexion darkened. She questioned, "Dustin! I'm asking you, did you hit my cousin?"

"It was me, but..." Dustin began to explain but was interrupted by Dahlia's cold voice. "Indeed, it's you! I thought you might have some hidden reasons, but it turns out you're just abusing your power. Do you have any face to cry injustice here?"

Dustin frowned slightly, his face turning unpleasant. To others, it might not matter, but Dahlia's words were like a knife, hurting him deeply.

"Miss Dahlia, there's a reason behind this. You can't just listen to one side of the story," Hazel hastily explained. "The situation just now was witnessed by everyone present. If you ask around, you'll know who's right and who's wrong."

"Fine! I'll ask and find out who's at fault!" Dahlia scanned the crowd and finally fixed her gaze on a woman, asking, "Ma'am, please tell me truthfully what happened just now. Did Dustin initiate the violence?"

"Think carefully before you speak. Don't talk nonsense, or you'll bear the consequences if you dare to protect Dustin!" Victoria warned with a sinister tone.

The woman turned pale and nodded repeatedly, saying, "That's right, that's right! Dustin initiated the violence, and Miss Julie was the victim. I saw it with my own eyes!"

"Hmm?" Hearing this, Hazel furrowed her brows. She hadn't expected someone to lie so blatantly in front of everyone. However, upon further thought, she realized it was understandable. With the combined power of two prominent families and a royal clan, who would dare to offend them? Even a black lie could be whitewashed under such absolute authority.

"Dustin! Do you have anything else to say?" Dahlia's expression turned icy as she ordered, "I command you to apologize and make amends to Miss Julie right now. This is your only way out. Otherwise, with the charges of poisoning and harming others, you'll be spending half your life in prison!"

Chapter 1509: A black pill

"Dustin! Can't you hear me? Kneel down and kowtow to me, then compensate for three billion in mental damages, or else I'll make sure you spend your entire life in prison!" Julie stood there with hands on her hips, exuding an air of arrogance.

With her cousin backing her up, she felt fearless at this moment.

She might be a fake heiress, but her cousin was the real-deal adopted daughter of the Mursal Family, and she held a position of great power within the Mursal Palace. More than half of the family's assets were under her control.

Now, her cousin's status was no less significant than that of a county princess within the Dragon Kingdom. Anyone who saw her had to show deference.

Poor Dustin, even though he had some ability, was not worth mentioning in front of her cousin.

"’Dustin'! Right now, Dahlia sister is a big shot at the Mursal Palace. You better think carefully!" Victoria sneered, looking gleeful.

If Dustin bowed down and apologized, it would be the perfect opportunity to humiliate him further.

However, if Dustin refused, that would be even better.

Once Dahlia was provoked, there was only a dead end.

Furthermore, she wouldn't need to take action personally; there were others willing to help on her behalf.

"Dustin, oh Dustin, you thought you were so arrogant, but now you've hit a brick wall. Let's see how you can be so cocky!" Isabela muttered to herself with a sinister gleam in her eyes.

"Hey, handsome, how about offering an apology? Otherwise, we'll all be in big trouble. Losing face is better than losing our lives," Hazel whispered, trying to persuade him.

She had already recognized Dahlia and Zaire's identities. Both were core members of the Mursal Palace, powerful figures who could directly access the Mursal Palace's resources. Especially Dahlia, who controlled over half of the family's assets and appeared to be the heir to the Mursal Palace.

Dealing with such powerful figures was not something to be taken lightly.

"Dustin! I'm giving you a chance here. Don't persist in your mistakes!" Dahlia said coldly. The matter of poisoning could be a big or small issue. If the other party sincerely admitted their fault, she might consider not pursuing it further.

But if they continued to be stubborn, she wouldn't hesitate to take harsh measures.

"I've heard these words one too many times, and everyone here knows the truth. I don't want to explain any further," Dustin replied indifferently. "If you think I'm wrong, fine, I'm wrong. But as for apologizing and compensating, I'm sorry, that's not something I can do. I've never had the habit of bowing to anyone."

"A real man knows when to yield and when to adapt. When you've made a mistake, you should apologize. Your behavior is no different from a coward's," Dahlia scolded.

She wouldn't normally say such things to most people, but she felt a deep frustration with Dustin. She hoped he would come to his senses instead of trying to be a hero.

"Sister Dahlia, there's no need to waste words on someone like him. Just arrest him directly," Zaire chimed in coldly. "People like him are only bullies who back down when confronted. Once we throw him into a dark cell, he'll know fear."

"That's right! Arrest him! Throw him into a dark cell!" Julie and her companions immediately voiced their agreement.

"Hey, hey, hey... I advise you not to act recklessly," Abigail stepped forward, smiling. "If you dare lay a finger on Uncle Dustin, I'll kill every one of you, and it won't be a pleasant death."

Her words made Isabela and Victoria instinctively take a step back. Their previous encounter with this madwoman had left a deep scar. They couldn't predict her actions, and pushing her too far could spell trouble.

"Daring!" Julie glared fiercely and scolded, "You crazy woman, do you even know who you're talking to? This is my cousin, and she's also the adopted daughter of Mursal. If you dare threaten her, you're digging your own grave!"

"Is that so?" Abigail grinned and then flicked her finger.

A black pill shot directly into Julie's throat.

Chapter 1510: A path of no return


Julie instinctively swallowed the pill.

Realizing what had happened, she immediately reached for her throat, attempting to vomit out the pill.

But after retching several times, she found no effect. The pill had melted in her mouth and dissolved into her system.

At this moment, her face turned ashen, and she trembled as she asked, "What... what did you just make me swallow?"

"Oh, it's nothing, just a little tonic," Abigail smiled.

"You're lying! I clearly saw that it was poison!" Julie panicked.

"Oh, caught me, did you? My apologies," Abigail said with an unchanged smile.

"You witch! Give me the antidote!" Julie shouted.

"I advise you not to get too agitated. Otherwise, it'll only speed up your demise. By the way, this poison won't take immediate effect. It will slowly torment you until your intestines rupture and you die a painful death," Abigail explained.


Hearing this, Julie's legs went weak. "Cousin, save me!"

"You audacious witch! How dare you poison someone from the Mursal Palace? I think you're tired of living!" Zaire's face darkened, and he reached out to grab Abigail's throat.

Almost everyone in the Mursal Palace was trained in martial arts, and among the many adopted sons and daughters, his martial cultivation was among the top.


Abigail didn't dodge or evade. She simply opened her palm and lightly blew.

A faint white mist billowed out and enveloped Zaire, ethereal and elusive.

"Be careful, it's poisonous!" Julie hurriedly warned, but it was already too late.

Zaire's attack was too fast, and he couldn't dodge in time. He had no choice but to use his protective true energy to resist the poison.

Unexpectedly, the white mist strangely penetrated Zaire's protective true energy and entered his mouth and nose.

"Ah!" Zaire let out a miserable scream and immediately collapsed to the ground.

His entire body convulsed, he spat out blood, and his face contorted in excruciating pain.

"Why so impatient? Can't we calm down and have a chat?" Abigail said.

"You witch! How dare you poison Mursal's adopted son? You're digging your own grave!" Julie was both shocked and furious.

"Don't worry. Even if I'm going to die, I'll drag you all down with me," Abigail chuckled.

"You..." Julie was so frightened that she couldn't speak.

Watching Zaire bleeding from his mouth and nose, Dahlia couldn't help but furrow her brow.

She suppressed her anger and said coldly, "I don't care who you are. Hand over the antidote immediately, and I can let get away the previous incident."

"Hehe... I'm afraid that's not up to you," Abigail shook her head lightly.

"Dustin, take this opportunity while things haven't escalated. Turn back now, or if something happens to Zaire, I won't be able to protect you!" Dahlia warned.

"Whether I live or die is no concern of yours. You'd better take care of yourself," Dustin replied calmly.

"Dustin, you know you can't compete with the Mursal Palace. Why do you insist on being so stubborn?" Dahlia furrowed her delicate brows. "Is your dignity and pride more important than your life? Face reality! There are some people you can't afford to offend, and there are some things you can't do. Once you cross that line, there's only one way to go—down a path of no return. Wake up!"

She couldn't understand why her well-intentioned advice wasn't getting through to him. Was it so hard for him to admit his mistakes and apologize?
I felt so bad 😞 when that hot headed Gary Rothschild murdered Hazel😢😢. I felt bad for Dustin 😭. Sometimes being good doesn't pay. That's what I have come to learn.
I felt so bad 😞 when that hot headed Gary Rothschild murdered Hazel😢😢. I felt bad for Dustin 😭. Sometimes being good doesn't pay. That's what I have come to learn.
What chapter is that?.. I never got to that end

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