An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2422 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL

English Version Translated by NAZMUL

An Understated Dominance is a Urban novel for men, telling a story of Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. "An Understated Dominance" delves into themes of ambition, power and the price of success. The novel explores the complexities of relationships and so on.
Chapter 1611: It is truly eyes opening


Isabela and Victoria nervously swallowed their saliva, their eyes locked onto the source of the strange noise in the rubble, afraid that Dustin might suddenly emerge from it.

The thought of such a scene was truly horrifying.

They stared at it for a long time until they were certain there were no further movements. Only then did the two women let out a long sigh of relief and completely relax.

"It seems like we overthought it. That attack was so powerful, and nobody could have survived it. Dustin must have been blasted to pieces," Isabela wiped the cold sweat from her forehead.

"Exactly, no one could possibly survive such a powerful attack!" Victoria nodded repeatedly.

The strange noise just now was undoubtedly an accident. Faced with Aaron's full-strength blow, how could Dustin possibly have survived?

In the end, they had just scared themselves.


Aaron also exhaled a breath.

To be honest, the strange noise from earlier had startled him too. Fortunately, nothing unexpected had occurred, or else he would have been truly embarrassed.

"Isabela, that guy with the last name Rhys is definitely dead. When we get back, we must have a good drink to celebrate," Victoria said happily.

"No problem!" Isabela was all smiles. "With this major threat resolved, I can finally get a good night's sleep."

Just as the two women were reveling in their victory, a sudden change occurred.

There was a "thud," and a figure suddenly burst out of the rubble, leaping high into the air like a fish jumping out of the water. After a brief pause in mid-air, the figure eventually landed at the very top of the debris, standing proudly.

It was none other than Dustin!

"I... Am I seeing things? He's actually not dead?"

"Oh my god! What kind of monster is this guy?"

Seeing this, the entire audience was shocked. No one had anticipated that Dustin would still be alive after facing such a devastating blow.

This incredible resilience was truly baffling, leaving everyone astonished.

"Why... why is he not dead?" Victoria was in a state of disbelief, her mouth trembling with fear.

"It's impossible! Aaron's full-strength attack, how could it not have killed him?" Isabela shook her head frantically, unable to accept the reality.

Aaron was one of the Four Young Masters of Stonia and the Deputy Master of the Heaven's Assembly. His strength was renowned throughout the world. In theory, crushing Dustin should have been as easy as squashing an ant. Why had he repeatedly failed?

"How could this be?"

Even Aaron himself couldn't help but show a look of astonishment. His cultivation had reached the level of Grandmaster Perfection, but when he used the Thunder God Fury, it temporarily broke through his boundaries. In other words, his attack just now was on the level of a Grandmaster.

Its power was sufficient to annihilate all Martial Masters!

He couldn't understand why Dustin was still alive. Who exactly was this person?

"The Thunder God Fury is indeed as famous as they say. Today, it truly opened my eyes," Dustin stood quietly on top of the rubble, his eyes filled with admiration.

Aaron's Thunder God Fury not only possessed immense power but also carried a mental attack. The thunderous roar had struck directly at the heart, rendering the victim momentarily paralyzed and unable to activate their true energy.

Dustin admitted that it had been quite perilous. Fortunately, his body's self-defense mechanisms had instinctively blocked the attack. Otherwise, if that punch had landed on his head, he might have been both dead and severely injured.

The Heavenly Four Symbols Art was indeed a supreme martial art, with each move surpassing the previous one in power. If the third move, Thunder God Fury, was this formidable, then wouldn't the fourth move, Electric God Fury, be even more terrifying?

Chapter 1612: A bolt from the blue

"Who... who are you?" Aaron furrowed his brows, his face showing some discomfort.

At this moment, although Dustin appeared disheveled and ragged, there was not a single injury on his body. Most importantly, his aura was balanced, and he seemed to be growing stronger with every exchange. It was truly frightening!

"Hmm?" Suddenly, Aaron seemed to notice something, and his pupils contracted in shock. Through the tattered clothes, he discovered that there seemed to be a black Kirin pattern on Dustin's body.

The Kirin was entirely black, with a pair of crimson eyes that emitted a strange light under the moonlight.

What was most terrifying was that after locking eyes with the Kirin, an uncontrollable fear surged from the depths of his soul. It was a pressure that couldn't be fathomed and was difficult to resist.

"The Kirin appears, and all beasts bow."

"Could it be... you are Kirin's Disciple, Logan Rhys?" Aaron blurted out after a brief moment of shock.

The reputation of Kirin's Disciple had long been heard by him. It was an insurmountable existence for all geniuses in the Dragon Kingdom, leaving them in the dust. Ten years ago, when he was just starting out, Logan Rhys was already renowned throughout the world, achieving the status of a Grandmaster.

Looking at all the geniuses of the same generation in the Dragon Kingdom, none of them could compare to him. After Logan Rhys mysteriously disappeared ten years ago, various young talents began to emerge, creating a situation of intense competition.

Aaron had always been arrogant and never put anyone in his eyes, except for one exception – Logan Rhys. In his eyes, Logan Rhys was his only worthy opponent.
Regarding what happened ten years ago, he was not aware of the details.

But he was very clear that Logan Rhys had a unique Kirin tattoo on his body, which was the origin of his nickname "Kirin's Disciple." Therefore, when he saw the tattoo on Dustin's chest, his first thought was of Logan Rhys.

Sharing the same last name, both possessing extraordinary talents and powerful strength, and having the Kirin tattoo on their bodies—it couldn't be a coincidence!

In his mind, the person before him had to be none other than Logan Rhys, the Kirin's Disciple!

"What? Kirin's Disciple? Is it real or fake?"

"Isn't it impossible? Didn't Kirin's Disciple die already? How could he appear here?"

Aaron's astonished voice stirred discussions among the onlookers. Especially after seeing the Kirin tattoo on Dustin's body, everyone was in shock.

"Oh my God! He indeed has a Kirin tattoo on his body. This is too incredible!"

"Could it be... he's the legendary Kirin's Disciple?"

At this moment, the entire scene erupted in astonishment.

Compared to the outcome of the previous battle, people were now even more curious about Dustin's identity. Logan Rhys, known as Kirin's Disciple, was a legendary top talent, and he was also the Crown Prince of Lucozia.

In terms of status, talent, and strength, he was at the pinnacle of existence. Moreover, it had been rumored in recent years that Logan Rhys had passed away.

Seeing a living person who was thought to be deceased was truly astonishing.

If this news spread, it would undoubtedly be a sensational headline.

"Dustin is actually Kirin's Disciple? How is that possible?" Isabela and Victoria had been completely dumbfounded.

The two of them stared with wide eyes, exchanging glances, unable to accept this shocking revelation. This news was like a bolt from the blue for them.

Chapter 1613: Not today

"It's impossible... absolutely impossible!"

"Logan Rhys is a prodigy among prodigies. How could he be compared to Dustin? It must be a coincidence!"

Isabela couldn't believe the outcome. She had known Dustin for a while, and he was clearly from the lower rungs of society. How could he suddenly become the unparalleled Kirin's Disciple?

This was simply a fairy tale!

"It must be a mistake. Having a Kirin tattoo doesn't mean anything. Anyone can get one. Maybe Dustin got this tattoo just to pretend and scare people."

After her initial shock, Victoria also expressed skepticism. Nobody knew Dustin's background better than her. When they first met in the capital city of Millsburg Province, according to Julie and Florence, he was a complete waste, at best knowing some basic martial arts.

There was a world of difference between him and a prodigy like the Kirin's Disciple.


Looking at his tattered clothes and the still-visible tattoo on his body, Dustin couldn't help but sigh lightly. He hadn't expected that a small mistake on his part would directly expose his identity. It seemed that there would be trouble in the future.

"Long time no see, Kirin's Disciple. Your reputation is well-deserved. I'm honored to meet you today."

Aaron respectfully clasped his hands together to show his respect. Among the people he admired, Logan Rhys was one of the few.

"You've got the wrong person. I'm not Logan Rhys." Dustin shook his head slightly. He wouldn't admit it in front of so many people.

For now, it was best to maintain the illusion.

"I knew it was a misunderstanding. I said it earlier, Dustin could never become the Crown Prince of Lucozia."

Hearing Dustin's denial, Victoria immediately smiled.

She had been genuinely shocked earlier, but luckily, it had turned out to be a false alarm.

"It's a relief it was just a misunderstanding. Otherwise, we would really be in big trouble."

Isabela also breathed a sigh of relief, feeling as if they had narrowly escaped a disaster.

They had done so much to harm Dustin, and if he had truly been the Kirin's Disciple from the Rhys family, it would not only be their own misfortune but also a calamity for their entire family.

"At that time, it would truly be a situation of families ruined and lives lost."

"Logan Rhys, even if you don't admit it, it won't change the fact. People like us are destined for an extraordinary fate. Even if you try to hide it, one day you'll be exposed."

Aaron shook his head. "To be honest, I was looking forward to a direct battle with the former Kirin's Disciple. But now, it seems like you've changed, lost your edge, and no longer have the fierceness I remember from the past."

"I don't understand what you're talking about," Dustin replied, his expression unchanged. "Mr. Aaron, according to our previous agreement, three moves have already passed. It's time for you to stop."

"Diana's death might not be related to you, but you and I finally get to have a battle."

Aaron's spirit was high. "I really want to know whether you, the former Kirin's Disciple, are formidable, or if I am now more powerful."

"Your martial arts are unparalleled, Mr. Aaron. I am not your match," Dustin said.

"The Four Symbols of the Heavenly Technique. If you can withstand the first three styles, that proves your strength. But I still have the final move, I wonder if you can handle it?"

Aaron's eyes carried a hint of provocation.

Since mastering the Four Symbols of the Heavenly Technique, he had never used the fourth move, the Thunder God's Fury. First, this move was incredibly powerful and hard to control. Second, it consumed a tremendous amount of energy and would leave him completely drained, making it a last resort.

But now, in order to settle the score with Logan Rhys, he was willing to take the risk and give it a try.

"Mr. Aaron, please stop here. Don't do it anymore," Dustin said with a shake of his head.

"What's wrong? Are you scared?"

Aaron furrowed his brow slightly. "The former Kirin's Disciple was never afraid of challenges. But now you seem hesitant. To be honest, you've disappointed me."

"Mr. Aaron, if we have a chance in the future, we can spar again. But not today," Dustin said as he glanced around.

More and more people were gathering around, and if they didn't withdraw soon, it would only lead to more trouble.

Chapter 1614: Shot an arrow in the dark

"Better to choose a day than to hit the day. I think tonight is just right!" Aaron's battle spirit surged, and as he spoke, he took a deep breath.

A large amount of spiritual energy from the heavens and the earth rushed in from all directions, continuously pouring into his body. Following that, Aaron's aura rose once again, becoming even more terrifying and awe-inspiring. His originally pitch-black pupils instantly turned white, his hair stood on end, and his robe rustled.

Around him, lightning and thunder crackled incessantly. In the next moment, Aaron's feet left the ground, and he floated in the air.

He appeared like a deity, majestic, and unrivaled. Although he hadn't made a move yet, the immense pressure he exuded made it hard for people to breathe.

At this moment, everyone had an impulse to kneel and worship. It was a deep reverence that came from the depths of their souls. It felt as though Aaron was no longer human but an all-powerful deity.

"This is the most powerful move from the Four Symbols of the Heavenly Technique, the Thunder God's Fury. Everyone, quickly get away, be careful not to be affected!" someone exclaimed, frightening the surrounding crowds, and they quickly backed away.

In fact, they didn't need the reminder; they had already sensed the danger. Compared to the previous three moves, Aaron's upcoming attack was clearly several times stronger.

He hadn't even struck yet, but it already sent shivers down their spines and filled their hearts with fear.

"Aaron is finally going to unleash his ultimate move. Dustin is definitely going to be blasted to pieces this time!" Victoria said angrily.

"Kill him, kill him! We must kill him!" Isabela gritted her teeth, her face full of resentment.

The more outstanding Dustin was, the greater the threat he posed to them. If he didn't die tonight, he would become a huge problem in the future. So they could only pray that Aaron would completely kill Dustin to eliminate any future trouble.


At this moment, a loud shout suddenly exploded. Following that, an arrow emitting a golden light flashed from the darkness and shot towards Aaron with lightning speed.


The golden arrow tore through the air, leaving a long golden afterimage. While it didn't exude a particularly strong aura, it was incredibly fast, like lightning, arriving in the blink of an eye.


Aaron's eyelids twitched, and he instinctively raised his hand to block.


With a loud explosion, the golden arrow firmly collided with Aaron's protective aura. Its terrifying force not only penetrated the aura but also pushed Aaron several steps backward.

The attack he had just prepared dissipated instantly.

This unexpected turn of events startled all the onlookers. No one had expected that someone would dare to sneak attack Aaron, let alone succeed in forcing him back several steps.

"Who is it? Who shot an arrow in the dark?!"

Aaron was somewhat annoyed, and his sharp gaze swept toward the location from which the golden arrow had been fired.

"It's me."

From the darkness, a young man with a handsome appearance and luxurious clothing walked proudly. Behind him, two beautiful female attendants followed—one holding a bow and the other an arrow, flanking him left and right.

"So, it's you?"

Upon seeing the young man, Aaron raised an eyebrow in surprise.

The newcomer was none other than Adam Spanner, one of the Four Young Masters of Stonia!

Chapter 1615: Shameless act

"Oh, doggone it! Isn't that the War God, Adam Spanner? What's he doing here?"

"Damn! It's really the War God! This is going to be exciting!"

"Oh my god! The War God is so handsome, even more so than on TV!"

Adam Spanner's sudden appearance caused a commotion in the crowd. Some young women had stars in their eyes and admiration on their faces.

In Dragonmarsh, there were four war gods, but there was only one War God. A War God was expected to excel in both martial and strategic prowess. Adam Spanner was not only exceptionally skilled in combat and tactics but also had a face that could charm numerous women.

In terms of popularity, Adam was undoubtedly one of the most renowned figures in Dragonmarsh. Wherever he went, he created a huge sensation.

"Aaron, why don't you stop now? Isn't it more enjoyable to go home and sleep peacefully on this late night? What's the point of fighting here?" Adam calmly spoke.

"Adam Spanner, do you know who the person in front of me is?" Aaron raised his chin.

"Does it really matter who he is? Everything should follow the rules in the presence of the Emperor. You've made quite a scene here. If you continue causing trouble, don't blame me for being impolite," Adam replied with a composed expression.

"Judging by your attitude, you should already know," Aaron retorted. "You came here especially to help clear the way for Logan Rhys, right? But do you think you can keep this matter hidden?"

"Aaron, you're a person of the martial world, carousing with wine and reveling in camaraderie. Isn't that the life? Why bother meddling in this?" Adam knocked lightly.

"If you know that I'm a person of the martial world, then you should understand that strength reigns supreme in our world," Aaron declared loudly. "For years, I've won every battle without a worthy opponent. It's been lonely as snow. That's why I need a strong rival to ignite my fighting spirit. Logan Rhys, the Kirin's Disciple, is my best sparring partner. As long as I defeat him, I will become the number one in the world!"

"The number one in the world?" Adam Spanner laughed with a hint of mockery. "Aaron, let's not even talk about Logan Rhys for now. You couldn't defeat Finn Sanchez, another one of the Four Gentlemen. How can you claim to be the number one in the world?"

"Finn Sanchez of the Sword Sect?" Aaron's eyes narrowed slightly, and he replied coldly, "While Finn Sanchez is formidable, he might not be my match. I will prove who's superior when I have the chance to face him. But for now, my goal is Logan Rhys!"

"Aaron, Stonia doesn't control by the Heaven's Assembly, and you can't act recklessly here. If you dare to cause trouble today, be careful that I put a few holes in you," Adam said indifferently.

"What? Are you challenging me?" Aaron raised his head slightly.

Although General Adam Spanner was renowned, his expertise lay in leading troops and strategizing. Aaron was confident that he had a nine out of ten chance of winning in a one-on-one fight.

"Challenge? You're overthinking it. I prefer group fights," Adam said very calmly. "If you want to fight, you have two choices: either you fight our group alone, or we'll all fight you together. It's your call."

"...," Aaron was momentarily at a loss for words.

He hadn't expected that the renowned General Adam Spanner would actually say something so shameless and still act so serious about it. It was truly lacking in martial ethics!

"Hey, have you thought it over? Are you going to fight or not?" Adam, in a reversal of roles, began to urge him.

"You..." Aaron was getting frustrated.

Facing Logan Rhys alone was already difficult, and now with Adam Spanner in the mix, he had no chance of winning.

Chapter 1616: Let's go with the flow

But he couldn't just let this opportunity slip away after all the trouble he had gone through.

"Adam, aren't you the renowned General Adam Spanner? Are you not afraid of being ridiculed for bullying the weak?" Aaron intentionally provoked.

"You folks in the martial world have your rules, and we on the battlefield have our own customs. I respect your preference for one-on-one duels, but we're accustomed to group fights. Shouldn't you respect our choice too?" Adam replied calmly.

"You... you're simply twisting the facts!" Aaron was getting infuriated.

Adam was acting so unscrupulous while maintaining a self-righteous demeanor. Aaron had never seen such a shameless person.

"Alright, enough talk. If you want to fight, let's fight. If not, just leave. Don't act like a nagging old woman," Adam said impatiently.

These words infuriated Aaron, almost causing him to lose his composure.

Being poor with words, he knew very well that continuing this dispute would not yield any benefits. On the contrary, it might lead to more trouble. Now, it seemed he had no choice but to step back for the time being.

"Adam Spanner, I'll remember this incident. But don't get too complacent. Your appearance today only reinforces Logan Rhys's identity. Take care of yourselves, and goodbye!" Aaron threw these words out and disappeared into the darkness.

Adam glanced at Dustin and shrugged, showing his helplessness.

As Aaron had said, it was unlikely that Dustin's identity could remain hidden now. The events within the inner city would spread throughout Stonia overnight, and even the Spanner family, with all its power, couldn't completely block the news.

Trying to intervene would only make the situation more conspicuous.

"It's alright, let's just go with the flow," Dustin said, shaking his head, not particularly bothered by it.

He had long anticipated this day would come, ever since he set foot in Stonia. He had prepared for the worst.

The inevitable was bound to happen; you could hide for a while but not forever.

Now was the time to face it head-on.

"Isabela, what should we do now?" In the midst of the crowd, Victoria's face was filled with panic, beads of cold sweat forming on her forehead.

With Aaron's departure, their plan to eliminate Dustin had completely failed. Now they were in a precarious situation, with their lives in constant danger.

"First, we need to get out of here. Our priority is survival!" Isabela clenched her teeth and made a quick decision.

Though she was reluctant, they had no choice but to retreat for now. They would have to go back and seek help from Dominick while making new plans.

Just as the two of them were preparing to slip away, they suddenly saw a figure flash before them. Dustin, who had been standing far away, had somehow appeared in front of them.

"Where do you two think you're going?" Dustin slowly turned around, his gaze icy and filled with killing intent.

"What... we suddenly have some urgent matters at home and need to leave for now," Victoria managed to force a smile.

"Oh? Is that so? Do you want me to escort you?" Dustin's expression turned even colder.

"No... there's no need to trouble you. We'll manage on our own," Victoria replied with a stiff smile.

"No trouble at all; it's just a small favor," Dustin suddenly grinned. "Besides, I'd be delighted to escort you both... all the way to hell. So, don't be polite. Have a safe journey."

His words sent shivers down their spines. They realized that there was no escape, and their desperate situation had just taken a turn for the worse.

Chapter 1617: Never lower myself


Seeing Dustin's chilling smile, Victoria was so frightened that she shivered, nearly wetting herself.

Once she regained her composure, she quickly began to plead, "Dus... Dustin, let's talk this out. There have been misunderstandings. If you're facing any difficulties, we can sit down and discuss it."

"Give me one reason not to kill you?" Dustin approached slowly, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

"A reason? Well, the reason is... keeping us alive would be beneficial for you!" Victoria desperately pleaded. "You asked for half of our family's wealth before, right? We'll agree to any conditions you set, as long as you spare our lives."

"It's too late." Dustin shook his head. "If you had realized this sooner, I might have considered sparing you. But now, I see that you people are truly incorrigible. Your deaths are not a loss!"

"Dustin, we were wrong! We truly understand now!" Victoria panicked and tugged on Isabela's sleeve for help. "Isabela, say something! Otherwise, we're doomed!"

"Why are you so panicky? You're really spineless!" At this moment, Isabela became resolute and raised her head proudly. "Dustin, don't think I'll kneel down and beg you. I am a wealthy heiress from a prominent family. I will never lower myself to the level of a commoner like you!"

Her words stunned Victoria, who turned pale and murmured, "Isabela, have you lost your mind? Do you even realize what you're saying? Don't you care about your life?"

"Humph! Do you think that begging him will make him show mercy? Dream on!" Isabela retorted with a grim face. "The more we fear him, the more arrogant he becomes. I won't bolster his ego!"

"By provoking him like this, what if he loses his temper?" Victoria pleaded with a mournful face.

She had just witnessed Dustin's power firsthand, and she knew that even someone like Aaron, a prodigious talent, was unable to handle him for the time being. It was clear that Dustin was extraordinary.

Once Dustin flew into a rage, it would be effortless for him to kill them.

"Humph! There are so many people watching. I don't believe he dares to act recklessly!" Isabela declared defiantly.

"Is it because you don't like an audience? Fine, I'll help with that." Dustin coldly smiled and signaled to Adam Spanner.

Adam quickly understood, and he immediately directed his subordinates to disperse the onlookers.

In just a few minutes, the once bustling scene became eerily quiet.

Seeing this, Isabela's eyes widened, and she couldn't help but break into a cold sweat.

"Isabela, what do we do now? There's no one here anymore," Victoria fretted.

"Dustin, don't think that you can intimidate me like this. Let me tell you the truth; I have a powerful backer!" Isabela proclaimed with determination.

"Oh? A powerful backer? May I ask who that might be?" Dustin replied casually.

"Don't think for a moment that you can scare me like this. The truth is, I have a mighty supporter!" Isabela raised her chin.

"Is that so? A mighty supporter. May I inquire about their identity?" Dustin continued calmly.

"I'll give you one hint: the Jade-Faced War God—Dominick!" Isabela said, her voice filled with confidence.

"No wonder you're so arrogant. So, all your actions tonight were directed by Dominick?" Dustin nodded thoughtfully. "Therefore, the plan to use me as a pawn to kill someone was devised by Dominick Mursal behind the scenes."

"Hey! I didn't say that!" Isabela's complexion changed, and she quickly denied any involvement.

Before they had executed their plan, Dominick had strongly emphasized that not a single piece of information should leak out. Anyone caught revealing their involvement would be held accountable.

"Whether you admit it or not doesn't matter. Tonight, I have plenty of time to play with you," Dustin said as he glanced at Isabela.

Understanding his intention, Adam immediately snapped his fingers.

The two palace maids didn't waste any words and swiftly bound Isabela and Victoria.

"Hey! What are you doing? Release me!" Isabela lost her composure instantly and began making threats. "I warn you, we're Dominick's people. If you dare harm a single hair on our heads, Dominick Mursal won't spare you!"

Chapter 1618: No chance of survival

"It's truly a case of having no self-awareness until you're on death's doorstep," Dustin said sarcastically. "Do you think I'm afraid of Dominick? If I were afraid, would I have killed Zaire Mursal?"

When Dustin mentioned Zaire's name, Isabela froze on the spot. She almost forgot that Dustin had dared to kill Zaire. If he could do that, what would he hesitate to do to them?

"Enough. I don't have the patience to argue with you now. Once you're in prison, you'll talk eventually," Dustin said casually.

"Take them away," Adam Spanner ordered.

Upon receiving the order, the two palace maids immediately dragged Isabela Torby and Victoria Sterling toward the waiting carriage.

"No! I don't want to go to jail!"

"Dustin, please, let me go. I really regret my actions, and I'll do anything for you in the future. I'll be your loyal servant. Whatever you say, I'll do it, I promise!"

Victoria was genuinely terrified, crying and begging. Her tears streamed down her face.

She realized that the grand Sterling family could no longer save her. Once she was thrown into prison, she would likely endure unspeakable torment, and death might be a mercy.

Seeing that Dustin remained unmoved, Victoria turned to Isabela, shouting, "Isabela! What are you waiting for? Apologize quickly! If you want to die, don't drag me down with you!"

Being yelled at like this, Isabela finally snapped out of her daze. The situation was dire, and she had no cards left to play. She couldn't bypass Dustin, especially with the Spanner family backing him.

Although she was extremely reluctant, she had no choice but to give in.

"I... I'll talk. I'll tell you everything."

"Dustin, as long as you let us go, I'll tell you whatever you want to know," Isabela said, her demeanor as wilted as a frostbitten eggplant.

"You don't have the right to negotiate with me. First, tell me everything about your conspiracy, thoroughly and completely. If I find it valuable, I might consider it," Dustin said calmly.

"Fine... I'll talk," Isabela nodded, about to speak when suddenly, in the darkness some distance away, a burst of firelight flashed. Following that, with a muffled sound, a golden bullet suddenly tore through the darkness, piercing straight through Isabela's forehead.

The bullet entered through her brow and exited from the back of her head, leaving a gruesome scene with splattered blood and brain matter.


Isabela shuddered, her eyes wide with disbelief. The next moment, she fell backward, lifeless, her eyes open in a deathly stare.


This sudden turn of events left Victoria stunned. She couldn't believe that Isabela, a wealthy heiress, would die in such a manner. Who had killed her, and why?

"Quick, take cover!" Adam furrowed his brow and quickly signaled the two palace maids to hide.

The fact that someone could perform a long-range assassination under the cover of night from a distance of kilometers away showed that the assassin was far from ordinary.

Whether Isabela lived or died didn't concern him; it was the lives of his trusted subordinates that mattered most.


At this moment, another muffled shot rang out from a distance. Accompanied by a flash of firelight, the second golden bullet hit Victoria, who was still in a daze, right between the brows, instantly killing her.

Their deaths were identical, both bullets piercing through their foreheads, causing irreparable damage to their brains, with no chance of survival.

Chapter 1619: A Cunning Plan

Looking at the two bodies lying on the ground, Dustin couldn't help but furrow his brows slightly.

Martial artists often possess keen senses. When they are about to be attacked, they usually have a premonition, allowing their bodies to instinctively dodge or block the attack.

However, the two shots just now were extremely concealed, and there was no killing intent towards him, so he didn't sense it beforehand.

Although he didn't care about the life or death of Isabela and Victoria, killing in front of him was a blatant provocation.

Dustin raised his head and looked towards the direction where the bullets came from.

It was an elevated position with a wide field of view, but now, it was empty.

"Quick! Seal off the scene immediately, make sure to catch the killer!" Adam ordered decisively.

"No need, the killer has already escaped," Dustin raised his hand to stop them.

Whether Isabela and Victoria lived or died, it was their own business, not worth mobilizing troops for.

Unfortunately, they died too quickly. Nothing was extracted from them, and no chance for them to vent their frustrations properly.

He felt a bit annoyed.

"Brother Dustin, do you know who the killer is?" Adam asked cautiously.

"Not certain, but I can make an educated guess," Dustin said indifferently. "Most likely, the assassin is one of Dominick's people."

"Dominick Mursal?" Adam raised an eyebrow slightly. "Strange, why would he bother killing them? They are just small characters, not worth sending someone to assassinate."

"Most probably, it's related to me," Dustin said thoughtfully. "If I'm not mistaken, Dominick should know my true identity. So, he used these two women to set up a trap for me. Then, with the help of Aaron, he attempted to kill me and eliminate the evidence."

The reason for his suspicion was that someone of Dominick's status wouldn't need to be so indirect when dealing with an ordinary person.

A direct order would have sufficed to eradicate the roots.

Methods like using someone else's hand to kill indicate hesitations and a desire to avoid trouble. An ordinary person wouldn't have the capability. Only Logan Rhys's identity would make Dominick somewhat apprehensive.

"This Dominick is truly audacious. He knows who you are and still dares to make a move in secret. He really doesn't regard the West Lucozia Prince's Mansion highly!" Adam squinted slightly, his eyes filled with a hint of killing intent.

Daring to plot against his brother, the nerve of this guy!

"My identity hasn't been revealed yet. As long as I find two scapegoats, even if there are complications, Dominick can't be held responsible," Dustin said indifferently.

If he were to meet his end tonight, the ones to be framed would be Aaron and the manipulated Isabela and Victoria. He was certain that regardless of the outcome, Isabela and Victoria would be silenced to eliminate any future troubles.

"This scoundrel! He's quite cunning!" Adam's expression turned serious. "Brother Dustin, if Dominick learns about your identity, it won't take long before the whole city is in turmoil. You'll be constantly in trouble. How about you leave and lay low for a while?"

Although Logan Rhys's status was noble, it also came with endless dangers. In the entire court, more than half of the officials considered the West Lucozia Prince, who overshadowed the emperor, a traitor. Openly or secretly, countless people hoped for the West Lucozia Prince's swift demise.

As the Crown Prince of West Lucozia, Logan Rhys's treatment was naturally far from ideal. The assassination ten years ago was the best evidence of this.

"No need. What's meant to come will come eventually. I don't want to hide anymore," Dustin shook his head. "The events from that year need to be thoroughly investigated. Perhaps only by using myself as bait can I lure out those hidden ghosts one by one."

"Have you truly thought this through?" Adam Spanner frowned slightly.

Chapter 1620: A mysterious guest

"Of course," Dustin's eyes were determined. "I already have leads regarding the truth from ten years ago. No matter what happens, I can't leave."

"Alright! Since you've made up your mind, buddy, I support you unconditionally. Just tell me if you need anything!" Adam thumped his chest.

"Don't worry, I won't stand on ceremony with you," Dustin smiled faintly. "When the time comes for any tough tasks, I'll rely on you completely."

"You say that, but am I only fit for tough tasks?" Adam retorted irritably.

"The capable ones take on more responsibilities, don't they? You're the famous God of War. What can't you handle?" Dustin flattered him smoothly.

"Well, that's true," Adam said somewhat proudly. "Though you are the Kirin Disciple, there are certain aspects where you can't compare to me."

"Ah, absolutely," Dustin nodded repeatedly, dismissively saying, "Let's not talk about this now. Handle the bodies, I'm going to slip away."

With that, he patted Adam on the shoulder and left.

"Did you two see that? The mighty Kirin Disciple of the Rhys family, in the end, still needs my help. Isn't that something?" Adam raised his head, looking at the two female attendants behind him, with a hint of pride in his eyes.

"Might...mighty indeed," the two female attendants exchanged glances, forcing out a smile.

But secretly, they wondered if their young master had been given some aphrodisiac. Why else would he be so arrogantly proud? Wasn't this the same aloof God of War who never showed any emotions?

It was truly puzzling.
The deaths of Isabela and Victoria did not affect Dustin in any way.

After bidding farewell to Adam, Dustin immediately returned to his villa. His main concern was that Dominick might have some other moves that could endanger the people around him.

"Brother Dustin, you're back?" At the villa's entrance, Dustin was met by Maximus, who seemed to have something to say.

"What's the matter?" Dustin inquired proactively.

"Brother Dustin, there's a mysterious guest at home, claiming to have an important matter to discuss with you. She's been waiting for a long time," Maximus reported.

"Mysterious guest? Who is it?" Dustin was curious.

"I don't know," Isabela shook his head. "She concealed her identity very well; I couldn't see her face clearly. But I can confirm she's a woman."

"Let's go in and have a look."

Without saying much, Dustin greeted Maximus and walked straight into the villa.

Inside the living room on the first floor of the villa.

A woman dressed in white, wearing a conical hat and a veil, sat quietly.

She neither spoke nor moved, appearing as if she were in a deep trance.

There were no signs of the tea and snacks placed on the table being touched.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" Dustin sat down opposite the veiled woman and straightforwardly asked.

"I am Margaret, coming from the palace. Tonight, I am entrusted by someone to deliver a message to Mr. Rhys," a crisp and moving voice floated out from behind the veil, carrying a fragrance like orchids.

"Margaret?" Dustin raised an eyebrow, quickly realizing who she was.

The masked woman in front of him was none other than the number one beauty on the Rouge List, the foremost beauty of the Dragonmarsh!
This is getting more and more interesting 🤔....... I wonder if they will offer Dustin Margaret as his wife...Where can I read 1621 onwards?
Chapter 1621: We make our own destiny

"It turns out to be Miss Margaret. I've heard of your name for a long time,"

After a brief surprise, Dustin quickly regained his composure: "I wonder who entrusted Miss Margaret to visit so late at night?"

He didn't actually know Margaret; he had only seen half of her profile in the painting of a beautiful woman. It was somewhat strange for her to suddenly show up at his doorstep.

"After Mr. Rhys has read the letter, you will naturally understand," Margaret didn't explain further and took a sealed envelope from her sleeve, handing it to Dustin.

"Thank you," Dustin nodded slightly, took the envelope, and opened it. The contents inside made his expression change, and his heart raced.

There was no signature, no greetings, only a simple line:

"Alfred Saxon, also known as Robert, currently residing at Lakewood Temple in Gateway."

Seeing the words, Dustin immediately knew who had sent the letter.

He hadn't expected the other party to be so efficient; they had promised three days, and there was no delay whatsoever.

"Please convey my thanks to the person who sent this. I remember the favor today, and if there's anything you need in the future, feel free to ask," Dustin said.

He flicked his finger, and the envelope instantly turned into ashes, disappearing completely.

"Besides the letter, my aunt also asked me to give you a message," Margaret's clear voice spoke again. "She said that there has been unusual activity in the palace recently and advised you not to investigate further, or you will be in mortal danger."

"Thank you for the warning. I am well aware," Dustin nodded.

Not investigating was not an option. After finally obtaining a lead, he was just one step away from uncovering the truth. He would not easily give up.

"Logan Rhys, the person is already gone. The living are like this, and ten years ago, the dust settled. Ten years later, it cannot be changed. It's the arrangement of fate," Margaret said.

"Fate?" Dustin shook his head and smiled. "I never believe in fate. I only believe that we make our own destiny. Regardless of the outcome, I will give it a try."

"If this outcome would cost you your life and the lives of those you cherish, would you still choose to continue?" Margaret asked in response.
At her words, Dustin fell into sudden silence.

He was not afraid of death, but he didn't want the people around him to be affected.

"Logan Rhys, I have divined for you, and Lakewood Temple in Gateway is a hurdle you cannot cross. If you insist on going, many people will die, and you will pay a heavy price," Margaret's tone became serious.

Her divinations had never been wrong.

The reason she had taken the risk to come here was to try to mitigate this impending disaster as much as possible.

"If you don't want me to go, why did you tell me the truth?" Dustin suddenly asked.

"This is a matter of destiny. I cannot change the outcome, but you can because everything started with you. As long as you choose to give up, there will be eternal peace. Otherwise, the entire Stonia will be drenched in blood," Margaret said.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that," after a few seconds of silence, Dustin finally shook his head. "I carry too much on my shoulders, and my life no longer belongs to me. We are just one step away from the truth, and I cannot give up now."

"Sigh..." Hearing this, Margaret couldn't help but let out a light sigh.

As expected, she couldn't convince him.

She had known this would be the result, but she was unwilling to accept it, trying to change the impending fate.

Unfortunately, she didn't have that power.

In the world, those who could change fate were few and far between.

Logan Rhys was one of them.

Individuals like him, bearing the weight of great destinies, every decision they made would determine the life and death of countless people.

Chapter 1622: Can't die at least now

"Logan Rhys, if you insist on going, I won't stop you, but please accept this," Margaret said, suddenly pulling a golden piece of paper from her pocket and handing it to Dustin.

The paper looked ordinary, with no discernible energy fluctuations. However, Dustin sensed a unique aura emanating from it, subtle and mysterious. When he examined it closely, he found nothing out of the ordinary.

"This is a protective talisman I've prayed for. Perhaps it can help you withstand a calamity at a critical moment," Margaret explained.

"A protective talisman?" Dustin raised an eyebrow, curious. "We've never met before, so why are you helping me?"

"Because you can't die, at least not now," Margaret said with a serious tone.

Logan Rhys's life was precious, and if he were to die in Stonia, it would undoubtedly lead to great chaos in the country. She didn't want to see that happen, so she had to help him overcome this hurdle.

It was the duty of someone who sought answers from heaven.

"Miss Margaret, I am grateful for your noble intentions," Dustin nodded slightly and accepted the talisman without hesitation.

After their recent conversation, he could make an educated guess about Margaret's true identity. Most likely, she was associated with the Divinity Bureau.

The Divinity Bureau was a highly secretive department in the Dragon Empire. Its members possessed knowledge of astronomy, geography, divination, and had the ability to predict the nation's fate. Some of the most skilled members were even rumored to have extraordinary powers, capable of extraordinary feats such as flying, traveling between worlds, and battling supernatural creatures.

However, the Divinity Bureau rarely involved itself in mundane affairs and almost never made public appearances unless the country's security was at stake.

"Logan Rhys, I've said what I needed to say, and I've done what I needed to do. I hope you will reconsider your actions. Farewell," Margaret said decisively after handing over the protective talisman. She then stood up to take her leave.

Do your best and listen to fate; the result is not something she can control.

"Miss Margaret, please," Dustin rose and escorted her to the door, watching her depart.

The sudden visit from someone associated with the Divinity Bureau not only underscored the gravity of the situation but also indirectly confirmed that he was getting closer to the truth.

"Your Highness..."

At this moment, Lorenzo suddenly emerged from his room.

Compared to his previous frailty, after several days of recuperation, the current Lorenzo had regained much of his vigor and could now move about freely.

"Uncle Lorenzo, why are you still awake at this late hour?" Dustin approached and helped Lorenzo sit on the sofa.

"I've been asleep for a whole decade; I've had enough sleep. Now, I want to enjoy this beautiful world a bit more," Lorenzo smiled.

"Your health has just recovered; you should rest well," Dustin advised.

"No need to worry about me; I can't die for the time being," Lorenzo said, and then changed the subject. "Your Highness, I overheard your conversation with Miss Margaret just now, and I think she's right. You shouldn't take this risk."

"Uncle Lorenzo, I know you're concerned about me, but as I said before, no matter what happens, I must uncover the truth," Dustin replied solemnly.

"I'm worried because your journey is fraught with danger, and if anything were to happen, I wouldn't be able to explain it to the King," Lorenzo said, wearing a concerned expression.

"Don't worry about me, Uncle Lorenzo. I'm well-prepared for this, and I won't take unnecessary risks," Dustin reassured him with a smile.

"Sigh... I knew I couldn't persuade you," Lorenzo sighed and then asked, "When do you plan to go?"

"Sooner rather than later. Tomorrow, I will personally visit Gateway and get to the bottom of this," Dustin declared.

Chapter 1623: A uncertainty journey began

The night passed quickly.

The next morning, after Dustin had finished his morning routine and changed his clothes, he prepared to leave.

"Brother Dustin, this journey is dangerous. How about I accompany you? That way, you'll have someone to watch your back," Maximus rushed out from his room, carrying a sword on his back.

Though his strength was limited, he could stand guard for Dustin, and it wouldn't be a problem.

"No need, you stay here and take care of Uncle Lorenzo. That should be your top priority," Dustin patted Maximus's shoulder. "Remember, if anything seems off, take Uncle Lorenzo and the others and leave immediately. Don't take any risks."

"Understood!" Maximus nodded firmly. "Even if it costs me my life, I'll ensure Uncle Lorenzo's safety!"

"Don't talk like that. I'm just going out for a short trip; it won't take long. Just be cautious here. I'm off," Dustin said after bidding farewell and then left alone.

Gateway was located in a remote suburb, and the drive would take roughly two hours.

Because it was a rarely visited place with little fame, few people knew about the Lakewood Temple on Gateway.

If it weren't for the assistance from someone in the palace, how could Dustin have known that the once illustrious Alfred Saxon, the Prince of Dragonmarsh, would be hiding in a small temple, living a simple life?

However, some matters couldn't be avoided.

As Dustin made his way to Lakewood Temple, unseen waves of turbulence began to surge within Dragonmarsh City.

Various factions and forces began to stir.

At this moment, within the study of the Blissful Villa.

Dominick was practicing military strategy on a sand table, but her mind was occupied by another matter.


At this moment, a trusted subordinate hurriedly entered the room and respectfully reported, "We've just received an urgent and highly confidential letter. Please review it immediately."

"Oh? Hand it over, let me see," Dominick extended her hand to receive the envelope. As she opened it and read the contents, her eyes lit up.

"Logan Rhys is heading to Lakewood Temple in Gateway, make every effort to stop him, and if necessary, eliminate him!" Dominick read the message aloud, and a triumphant smile formed on her lips. "It seems someone in the palace can't sit still, realizing that Logan Rhys is a significant threat and wants to eliminate him ahead of time."

"Master, what should we do?" the subordinate inquired tentatively.

"Of course, we follow orders," Dominick replied with a sly smile. "As military commanders, obeying orders is our duty. Whatever they tell us to do, we do it. If something goes wrong, someone else will take the fall."

He had been worried about how to deal with the nuisance that was Logan Rhys without implicating himself. Now, he had no worries. Someone higher up had given the order, and all he needed to do was follow it.

"What are you still standing around for? Immediately summon the White Wolf Guards and head to Gateway to eliminate this traitor!" Dominick ordered.

"Yes, sir!" The subordinate saluted and promptly left the room.

Soon, an elite force began mobilizing rapidly.

On the other side, at the headquarters of the Heaven's Assembly.

Aaron sat cross-legged in the training room, quietly practicing.

The Heaven's Assembly's training room was equipped with a Spirit Gathering Array, significantly increasing the speed of cultivation compared to the outside world.

However, as the Spirit Gathering Array consumed many rare materials, every minute and second it was active was exceptionally precious.

Regular disciples did not have the privilege of using it.

Only true geniuses were qualified to benefit from the training room's enhancement.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Chapter 1624: Order to kill Logan Rhys

At this moment, a knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Aaron slowly opened his eyes and asked, "Who is it?"

"It's me."

A white-robed, white-haired elderly man entered, pushing the door open.

The old man had a youthful appearance, a tall stature, and an otherworldly aura that emanated from his entire being.

This man was none other than the Supreme Leader of the Heaven's Assembly, Oscar!

"Master?" Aaron's expression changed as he quickly got up. "Why have you come?"

"Just here to check on you," Oscar said with a faint smile. He asked, "Aaron, how has your progress been in recent times?"

"I have reached the peak of the Grandmaster level, and I'm just one step away from becoming a Grandmaster," Aaron replied truthfully.

With his current strength, if he were to use the Heavenly God's Four Symbols Technique, he could compete with ordinary Grandmasters.

"Well done. Achieving such a level at such a young age is no easy feat. Your master back in the day was nowhere near as talented as you," Oscar nodded with satisfaction.

"You're too kind, Master. If it weren't for your careful guidance, I wouldn't have achieved what I have today," Aaron said with humility.

"No need to be modest. Your achievements are the result of your own hard work," Oscar said with a smile before asking, "Oh, by the way, I heard that you had a major battle last night with someone and even used the Heavenly God's Four Symbols Technique. Is that true?"

"It is true," Oscar didn't deny it. "That person was extremely formidable. He managed to withstand the first three forms of the Heavenly God's Four Symbols Technique. Unfortunately, I didn't have the opportunity to use the fourth form, the Fury of the Thunder God, or I believe I could have defeated him."

"Very good," Oscar nodded in satisfaction. "Although you didn't win last night, you have a chance to redeem yourself today."

"Huh?" Aaron was taken aback, not fully understanding.

"The person you fought with last night was Logan Rhys, the Kirin's Disciple. I believe you already know this," Oscar said with a meaningful look. "This morning, an old acquaintance sent us a message, and they need the Heaven's Assembly to do something. I believe you are the perfect candidate for the task."

"I wonder what you would like me to do, Master?" Aaron asked cautiously.

"Kill Logan Rhys and rid the country of this traitor!" Oscar's face turned serious.

"What? Kill Logan Rhys?" Aaron's eyes widened in astonishment. "Master, are you not joking? Logan Rhys is the Crown Prince of West Lucozia. If we kill him, the Heaven's Assembly will be in serious trouble."

Throughout the entire Dragon Kingdom, who didn't know the might of the Lucozia Royal Palace? With its formidable Black Dragon Army of 500,000 soldiers, it was an unstoppable force.

Moreover, Lucozia's Crown Prince was notorious for being fiercely protective of his son. Once he learned that his son had been killed, he would likely mobilize his forces and level the Heaven's Assembly.

While the Heaven's Assembly was the largest martial arts sect in the world, it was still not capable of facing the Lucozia Royal Palace head-on.

"Don't worry. I wouldn't ask you to do this without a foolproof plan," Oscar said with a solemn expression.

"Master, I don't understand. Who could be worth the risk of such a mission?" Aaron asked cautiously.

"There are some things I can't tell you right now. When you take my place one day, you'll understand," Oscar shook his head slightly.

"But..." Aaron hesitated, unable to finish his sentence.

"Aaron, this is your chance to prove yourself. If you succeed in killing Logan Rhys, you will become an unrivaled figure in the world," Oscar encouraged.

"Huh?" Aaron was still puzzled.

When Han Aaron remained silent, Oscar sighed softly. "Of course, if you are unwilling, I won't force you. I will handle the mission to assassinate Logan Rhys personally."

"Master! Your old injuries haven't fully healed. If you engage in combat, it might worsen your condition!" Aaron grew anxious.

"I have no choice. For the sake of the World Alliance's development, there are things I must do," Oscar shook his head, showing a hint of helplessness.

Watching his master's resigned expression, Aaron clenched his teeth and finally agreed, "Master, let me go. Matters concerning the younger generation should be handled by the younger generation."

"Good disciple, I haven't raised you in vain," Oscar nodded in relief. "Logan Rhys is currently on his way to the Gateway Lakewood Temple. Hurry and lead your people there. No matter the cost, do not let him return to Stonia!"

Chapter 1625: Unparalleled in the world

Mighty Mountain, Cold Ice Pool.

At this moment, a handsome young man with his upper body bare was sitting on the water's surface, eyes closed in meditation. His body seemed as light as a boat, gently swaying with the flowing ripples.

Above the young man's head, several birds were flying around, carrying straw and twigs in their beaks, preparing to build nests. Underwater, a group of fish frolicked around the young man, circling continuously.

At this moment, the young man seemed to have merged with nature, resonating with the myriad things in heaven and earth.


Suddenly, a black figure descended from the sky and landed steadily on the lake's surface. His footsteps caused slight ripples, startling the fish underwater, and a few birds took flight in alarm.

"Younger brother, the time has come. Master has ordered you to leave the mountain immediately. There must be no delay!" the black-clad person said.

The young man kept his eyes closed, sitting quietly on the lake without any response, as if he hadn't heard anything.

The person in black furrowed his brow slightly and spoke again, "Younger brother, the target of this mission is Kirin's Disciple, Logan Rhys. Haven't you always wanted to confront him? This is your best opportunity."

At these words, the young man, who had been motionless, finally slowly opened his eyes. In his normally lackluster eyes, a rare gleam of vitality appeared.

"Location?" the young man asked casually.

"Gateway Lakewood Temple!" the black-clad person replied.

The young man didn't say another word. He slowly rose from the lake's surface and stretched lazily. Then, with a single step, he shot up into the sky, turning into a streak of golden light and disappearing into the horizon.

"Transforming body into a sword, traveling through the sky... Could it be that the younger brother has broken through again?!" the person in black murmured in astonishment.

A Grandmaster in his early twenties—looking at the entire world, who could be compared to him?

Even the Kirin's Disciple, blessed with extraordinary fortune, would pale in comparison. This is what it truly means to be unparalleled in the world!
In Brighton Town, Hush Village.

A middle-aged man, unkempt and covered in mud, was carrying two wooden buckets and happily walking towards his home. The left bucket was filled with fish, and the right one contained a large quantity of shrimp and crabs, indicating a bountiful catch.

"Tucker, you're back so soon? Looks like you had a good harvest," greeted some neighbors enthusiastically.

Tucker scratched his head, responding with a silly smile.

When he reached the village entrance, a group of children who had been waiting eagerly immediately surrounded him, chattering excitedly.

"Tucker, Tucker! I found a gemstone just now. Can I exchange it for two fish from you?" a little boy presented a piece of polished stone to Tucker, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "See! If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your agreement!"

With those words, the boy grabbed two fish and ran off.

"Tucker! I want some crabs. If you give me a few, I'll be your good friend!" a little girl said.

"Good friend... good friend..." Tucker grinned widely, swiftly tying up several large crabs with grass ropes and handing them to the girl.

The little girl cheered and immediately ran back home with her crabs.

"Tucker, Tucker, I also have a gemstone! I want to exchange it for fish, big ones!"

"Me too, me too! I want some!"
A group of children clamored in unison, employing various tactics to wheedle and cajole. In no time, Tucker's fish, shrimp, and crabs were completely cleaned out.

Chapter 1626: The Dragon Sparrow

In the end, only a pile of stones and wood was left.

"Tucker, oh Tucker, you're just too naive, aren't you? All the fish you worked hard to catch throughout the night were swindled by these little rascals," an elderly man passing by shook his head, then added, "Oh, by the way, there was a strong wind last night. Some tiles on my roof got blown off. Buy some replacements in town and fix it for me, okay?"

Tucker didn't say anything, just grinned.

"Sigh... what a fool. Hurry back now; your wife is waiting for you to have breakfast," the old man waved his hand and watched Tucker leave.
Hush Village was small, with a population of just over a hundred people of all ages.

Tucker was a unique case in the village.

No one knew where he came from. In everyone's impression, Tucker was just a simpleton who had never spoken a complete sentence. Regardless of being deceived or bullied, he always wore a silly smile, never changing.

Tucker walked from the village entrance to the village end and finally entered a simple cottage with a fenced courtyard.

The cottage was not large, even a bit crude, but relatively clean.

Inside the fenced yard, some chickens and ducks were kept, and an old yellow dog lay at the door, snoring peacefully.

When Tucker approached, the dog immediately got up and wagged its tail in greeting.

"Tucker, you're back?" Hearing the movement, a middle-aged woman came out, frowned when she saw the stones and wood, and asked, "Where are the fish and shrimp? Haven't you been deceived again?"

Tucker didn't say anything, just scratched his head and grinned foolishly.

Seeing this, the middle-aged woman felt both angry and helpless. "Tucker, I've told you many times, don't believe those little rascals. How many times have you been tricked? Why don't you ever learn?"

"Good friends... good friends..." Tucker grinned widely.

"Forget it, forget it. It's useless talking to you," the middle-aged woman sighed, both amused and frustrated. She reached out and brushed the mud off Tucker's shoulder. "Take off your clothes; I'll wash them for you. Look how dirty you are, did you fall into a mud pit?"

Taking off his clothes, the middle-aged woman said, "Oh, by the way, breakfast is ready. Eat while it's hot. Remember, wash your hands before you eat. Also, I'll be going to the town to sell vegetables later. Don't wander around at home. I'll bring you your favorite chocolate cake when I come back."

Hearing this, Tucker's silly grin widened.

"What are you staring at? Go eat," the middle-aged woman rolled her eyes and then carried a basin of dirty clothes out of the house, heading straight to the stream nearby.

Tucker watched his wife leave until she was far away, then went back inside to have his meal.

Breakfast was plentiful, with a bowl of porridge, a steamer of buns, two eggs, and a bowl of pickled cucumbers made at home.

Tucker had a good appetite and enjoyed his meal immensely.

At that moment, the old yellow dog at the door suddenly barked.

Tucker looked outside and saw a white homing pigeon fluttering its wings as it flew into the house, landing on the dining table, unmoving.

Tucker removed the letter from the pigeon's leg, opened it, and his expression became complex as he read.

After a long silence, Tucker sighed lightly and murmured to himself, "Ten years... what had to come has finally come."

Tucker silently stood up, burned the letter, released the homing pigeon, gave the old yellow dog a meat bun, and then walked into the courtyard, digging out a long wooden box.

Opening the box, inside lay a rusty iron sword.

"Old friend, long time no see. Accompany me on this final journey," Tucker gently caressed the sword's blade and flicked it with his finger.


The iron sword began to tremble violently, shedding the rust bit by bit, finally revealing its terrifying sharpness.

Faintly, there seemed to be the sounds of dragons and tigers roaring.

This sword was none other than the number one sword in the world, the Dragon Sparrow!

Chapter 1627: Tell you a secret

Tucker cleaned the Dragon Sparrow Sword and placed it back in its scabbard. Then he returned to the house, cleaned the utensils, and thoroughly cleaned the entire house. He chopped wood, fetched water, and fed the chickens and ducks.

After finishing all the chores, Tucker changed into a fresh set of clothes. He stood at the door for a while before finally, carrying the sword scabbard on his back, he walked out of the house.

Just as he stepped out of the courtyard, a little girl with braided hair ran over.

The girl was around five or six years old, her cheeks slightly dirty, but her features were delicate, hinting at her potential beauty. Her eyes were a little swollen, and there was a trace of blood near her nostrils, indicating that she had just been in a fight.

"Tucker!" The little girl held a fish in one hand and several crabs in the other, running up to Tucker. She proudly declared, "Tucker, look, I got your things back. How's that? Am I brave?"

"You got into another fight?" Tucker squatted down.

"They bullied you and took your stuff. I made them give it back to you. When they refused, I beat them up!" The little girl held her head high, quite proud of herself. "Don't be fooled by my thin appearance; I'm strong. I made them cry!"

"It's not worth fighting over these things," Tucker shook his head.

"I don't care! I won't let them bully you anyway!" The little girl asserted defiantly. "You're my friend. If anyone dares to bully you, I'll fight them for you!"

"Friend?" Tucker smiled and looked at her with a hint of indulgence. "Maria, having a friend like you, I'm lucky. Before I leave, I want to give you a gift."

Tucker took out a book from his pocket and handed it to the little girl. "This is my lifelong work. I'm passing it on to you now. I hope it will be helpful to you."

"A book?" The little girl scratched her head. "But I can't read."

"It's okay; you can read it when you learn to read," Tucker said with a smile.

"Okay," the little girl nodded. Then, as if realizing something, she suddenly looked surprised. "Tucker, you never talk usually. You're acting strange today."

"What's so strange?" Tucker asked, smiling.

"You seem... not silly anymore," the little girl tilted her head.

"I was never silly," Tucker smiled, touched the girl's head gently, and said, "Let me tell you a secret. I'm not called Tucker. I have a name, see, these are the characters."

Saying this, he wrote two characters in the dirt with his finger.

"What characters are these?" the little girl looked left and right, completely puzzled.

"This one is Bloodstrike, and this one is Zenon. Together, it's pronounced 'Bloodstrike Zenon'," Tucker explained, laughing.

"Bloodstrike Zenon? That sounds too weird. I think Tucker sounds better," the little girl pouted.

"Alright, if you like calling me Tucker, then call me Tucker," Tucker chuckled.

"Tucker, are you going out?" the little girl asked again.

"Yes, to a very far place," Tucker nodded.

"Very far? Are you going to the city? I've never been there. Can you take me with you?" the little girl asked excitedly.

"Not this time, maybe next time," Tucker declined gently.

"Oh..." the little girl looked a bit disappointed.

"Maria, you have great potential. In the future, you'll achieve great things. You can go wherever you want, and no one can stop you," Tucker comforted her.

"Really?" the little girl smiled through her tears.

Although she didn't understand, it seemed like something impressive.

"Of course, it's true."

Chapter 1628: Sword Immortal

Tucker wiped the dirt off the little girl's face and said, "Maria, remember, eat your meals on time, take care of yourself, I'm leaving now."

The little girl nodded vigorously and watched Tucker leave.

It wasn't until many years later that she understood the true value of the book Tucker had given her, something countless influential figures dreamed of.

At this moment, by the stream in Hush Village, several women were washing clothes while chatting, gossiping about various things.

"Quick, look, there's a handsome guy!"

At that moment, a woman in yellow pointed in the direction behind her.

They all turned to look and couldn't help but be surprised. "Isn't that Tucker?"


The woman in yellow looked closely and finally recognized him, exclaiming, "Wow! It really is Tucker, but he looks different today, doesn't he?"

"His clothes are clean, his hair is neat, and that silly smile is gone. I have to say, he looks quite handsome," the women discussed among themselves.

"Ember, Ember, your Tucker is here!" the woman in yellow shouted towards a woman named Ember not far away.

"Huh?" Ember instinctively looked up.

She saw Tucker, who used to have a silly appearance, walking towards them with a faint smile.

His well-defined features, coupled with deep eyes, made him unrecognizable.

"Tucker?" Ember tentatively called out.

"Ember, I'm going on a long journey. It might be a while before I come back. I'll trouble you with the matters at home," Tucker nodded slightly.

His coherent words left everyone astonished.

In their memory, Tucker had never uttered a complete sentence. He usually repeated a few simple words in a silly manner.

However, just now, Tucker spoke clearly and loudly, just like a normal person, which was truly unbelievable.

"You... can talk?" Ember widened her eyes, feeling stunned.

"Ember, thank you for taking care of me all these years. Being able to be married to you is my fortune and the happiest thing in my life."

"It was you who made me feel the warmth of humanity. It was you who made me understand the meaning of living. It was also you who changed my dull and tasteless life."

"In the past, I was proud and thought I was extraordinary, but in reality, I was deceiving myself."

"It wasn't until I met you that I woke up, realizing that all the wealth and fame are unimportant."

"The most important thing is three meals a day, happiness, and peace."

Tucker walked up to her, took out a jade pendant from his pocket, and handed it to Ember. "I didn't give you anything when we got married. I'm giving this to you now. I hope it can keep you safe."

"Tucker, where are you going?" Ember suddenly felt uneasy.

"I'm going to help someone and make up for the mistakes I made in the past," Tucker smiled.

"Will you... come back for dinner?" Ember asked again.

"It's hard to say. I'll try my best to come back," Tucker said.

"I'll make braised pork for you tonight. You must remember to come back," Ember forced a smile.

"Okay." Tucker nodded firmly.

Reluctantly, after watching Ember for a moment, he finally turned around and left.

Ember stared at his retreating figure, then seemed to remember something. She took a few steps forward, her voice trembling as she called out, "I don't even know your name!"

"My name is Bloodstrike Zenon."

Tucker didn't look back. His voice echoed from afar, sounding like a roar of a tiger and a dragon's chant, "Sword Immortal of West Lucozia, Bloodstrike Zenon!"

Chapter 1629: World Shaking List

Black Cube Intelligence, office room.

A man with a refined demeanor retrieved a scroll of parchment from his treasure chest.

On the cover of the parchment were three large characters: "World-Shaking List!"

Black Cube Intelligence's World-Shaking List included the most elite warriors in the world.

There were no age restrictions, gender distinctions, or differences in seniority on the list; it all depended on strength.

But one thing was certain: everyone on the list was a legendary figure of great renown!

The refined man broke the seal and slowly unfurled the parchment.

The content inside was simple, listing only ten names.

From top to bottom, they were:
  1. First Place: Devin of Infernal Mountain.
  2. Second Place: Kylo of Dragon Guard Pavilion.
  3. Third Place: Bloodstrike Zenon, the Sword Immortal of Lucozia.
  4. Fourth Place: Hank, Master of the Sword Sect.
  5. Fifth Place: Jeffrey, Master of the World Martial Arts Association.
  6. Sixth Place: Evelyn Morgan, the Master of the Witchcraft Sect.
  7. Seventh Place: Lewis, the Lord of Cold Frost City.
  8. Eighth Place: Nate Reynolds, Chief of the Martial Law Bureau.
  9. Ninth Place: Shane, Lord of the Black List.
  10. Tenth Place: Nestor, Chief Eunuch of the Imperial Palace.
The refined man glanced up and down the list, then picked up a brush and placed a checkmark next to the name of the tenth person, Nestor.

He then moved the brush upward and placed another checkmark next to the name of the ninth person, Shane.


At this moment, an agent burst into the room in a hurry, handing over a bamboo slip and reporting, "Reporting to the Hall Master, we've just received news that Lewis, the Lord of Cold Frost City, has left the city!"

"Oh?" The refined man raised an eyebrow, quite surprised.

It's worth noting that Lewis had guarded the city for ten years without ever stepping outside, and now, unexpectedly, he had broken his own rule.

"Where did Lewis go?" the refined man asked.

"He's heading straight towards Stonia, most likely going to Gateway," the agent reported.

"Gateway's Lakewood Temple?"

The refined man quickly caught on and smirked, "Interesting... first Nestor, followed by Shane, and now even Lewis is on the move. It seems that today, Logan Rhys's prospects are not looking very good!"

Black Cube Intelligence was renowned for its sale of information, with numerous informants and a keen sense for news.

In times of major events, Black Cube Intelligence was always the first to know.

For instance, last night, Stonia was already in turmoil, and this morning, various factions were in upheaval.


Just as he was thinking, another agent rushed in and handed over a message bamboo slip, reporting, "Reporting to the Hall Master, in the direction of Lucozia, there's a sword aura approaching at high speed."

"Sword aura? Who is it?" the refined man immediately asked.

"Judging from the sword's momentum, it should be the Sword Immortal, Bloodstrike Zenon!" the disciple reported.

"Bloodstrike Zenon has come out as well?"

The refined man squinted his eyes, "With Bloodstrike Zenon making a move, the guardian of Dragon Guard Pavilion won't sit idly by, and Martial Law Bureau will also take action. Judging from this, the entire world is about to experience a major upheaval."

The World-Shaking List, with five out of the top ten figures making a move, was an unprecedented event.

The overall balance of power in the world was bound to be disrupted.

It was unclear whether this was a blessing or a curse.

At this moment, the refined man seemed to realize something and immediately said, "Both of you, go inform the sect leader immediately. It looks like the World-Shaking List is about to be reshuffled!"
Forbidden City, Divinity Bureau.

A slender, white-haired old man gazed at the disordered hexagrams on the table, his brows furrowed deeply.

"How could this be?"

The white-haired old man found it hard to believe and consulted the hexagrams several times, but the results were consistently the same.
For a moment, the old man's complexion became even more unpleasant.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Behind him, a veiled woman with delicate features inquired.

Chapter 1630: The fate of the nation

She had never seen her master like this.

"Margaret, something big is about to happen. I just divined the outcome of the Lakewood Temple incident, and it's an omen of great misfortune. It may very well affect the fate of the nation," the old man with white hair said with a grave tone.

"Affect the fate of the nation? Does that mean Logan Rhys will die?" Margaret's eyelids twitched.

Last night, she had specifically reminded him and even given him protective charms, hoping nothing would happen to Logan Rhys. Because if he were to perish, there would be frequent wars and rivers of blood.

"It has nothing to do with Logan Rhys. When I speak of the nation's fate, I am referring to the Dragon Vein," the old man with white hair furrowed his brow. "In this Lakewood Temple incident, someone may destroy the Dragon Vein. When that happens, the nation's fate will be damaged, a great calamity will be imminent, and the entire Dragonmarsh will undergo a transformation."

"Is it that serious?" Margaret's brows furrowed.

As a member of the royal family and a disciple of the Divinity Bureau, she naturally understood the importance of the Dragon Vein. Once it was destroyed, the royal family would be in turmoil, power would shift, and in severe cases, even a change of dynasty could occur.

"Master, is there any way to prevent this?" Margaret asked again.

"Destiny is set, and it cannot be changed. From now on, we can only follow the will of heaven," the old man with white hair shook his head with a sigh.

He had tried to peek into the celestial patterns and seek a solution, but as soon as the thought crossed his mind, his spiritual essence trembled as if struck by lightning. It was a warning from the heavens. If he proceeded, he would surely incur divine punishment and perish.

"It's a matter of great importance. I have to go and inform my father. Please, Master, grant your permission," Margaret bowed with her hands together.

"It would be in vain, even if it were His Majesty; it can't change anything," the old man with white hair shook his head again.

"Regardless, we have to try," Margaret's gaze remained resolute.

"Very well, go ahead," the old man with white hair no longer stopped her and sighed lightly. "With your auspicious fate, even if you can't defy fate, perhaps you can mitigate some losses."

"Thank you, Master."

After bowing deeply, Margaret decisively turned and left.
Dark Dragon Mountain, inside a magnificent palace.

A stone statue sat in meditation on an altar, enjoying the offerings of incense and prayers.

Beneath the stone statue, more than ten people knelt in silent meditation, completely still, as if they had already achieved enlightenment.

These are all members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, the most mysterious and powerful force in the Dragonmarsh.

Though their numbers are small, each of them is a martial arts master, capable of facing a thousand soldiers and horses.

The Dragon Guard Pavilion has always operated in secrecy and rarely makes public appearances. Very few people are aware of their existence, including many royal family members, let alone common dignitaries.

The Dragon Guard Pavilion is not subject to royal authority and stands above it. While they don't involve themselves in the affairs of the state, every decision made by the Dragon Guard Pavilion must be obeyed by the Emperor.

Without exaggeration, the Dragon Guard Pavilion is the true ruler of the entire Dragonmarsh!


At this moment, in the front of the palace, a red long spear, which was being worshipped, suddenly began to tremble.

The spear's body was surrounded by red light, emitting a series of dragon roars, as if it could pierce the sky at any moment.


In an instant, more than ten Dragon Guard Pavilion members who were meditating with their eyes closed opened their eyes.

"What's going on? Why did the Patriarch's spear move?"

"The Patriarch's Dragonfire Crimson Flame Spear is the number one spear in the world, and it has long been in communion with the divine. What could be threatening it now?"

"Could it be that a powerful intruder has entered the Forbidden City?"

People looked at each other, bewildered, not knowing what was happening.

Crack, crack, crack...

Just as the red long spear continued to tremble, an anomaly occurred at the stone statue enshrined on the mountain altar. Cracks began to appear on the surface of the statue, spreading all over its body within a few breaths.

After a moment, with a "bang," the stone statue suddenly exploded.

Immediately after, a white-haired, red-eyed old man slowly stood up from the altar.

The old man was tall, with a cold and aloof expression. His red eyes burned with an intimidating aura.

"We respectfully welcome the Patriarch's return!"

Seeing him, the members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion immediately knelt and paid their respects, their faces filled with reverence.

The white-haired, red-eyed old man was none other than the Lord of the Dragon Guard Pavilion and the second-ranked expert on the World-Shocking Rankings, Kylo!
Chapter 1631: Dragon Vein

"What's going on?"

Kylo shook off the rocks from his body and slowly descended from the altar.

In his red eyes, there was no hint of emotion, as if he was indifferent to all the gods.

In fact, for ordinary people, Kylo's existence was no different from the gods in the heavens.

With a snap of his fingers, he could make people disappear without a trace.

"Elder Kylo, the Red Dragon Crimson Flame Spear just had a sudden anomaly, as if it was stimulated by something," a member of the Dragon Guard pavilion reported.


Kylo turned to look at the red spear behind him and then made a gesture with his hand.


The red spear emitted a soft hum and rose directly from the ground, landing steadily in Kylo's hand.

Kylo closed his eyes and carefully sensed it, and soon he had an answer.

"It turns out that the Dragon Sparrow Sword has appeared in the world. No wonder you are so excited," Kylo muttered to himself.

Upon hearing this, members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion were filled with astonishment.

"The Dragon Sparrow Sword? Could it be the number one sword in the world?"

"As far as I know, the Dragon Sparrow Sword is currently the personal sword of the Sword Immortal Bloodstrike Zenon. Could it be that Bloodstrike Zenon has arrived in Stonia?"

"Humph! This person is really audacious. Without the decree of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, he dares to trespass into the territory of Stonia. He is simply lawless!"

Upon hearing that the Dragon Sparrow Sword had appeared, some were surprised, and others were outraged.

The Dragon Guard Pavilion held the imperial authority and controlled the affairs of the world. No matter who or what power it was, in front of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, they had to bow and pledge allegiance.

Without any prior notice, Bloodstrike Zenon had trespassed into Stonia's territory, completely ignoring the Dragon Guard Pavilion's authority.
Such behavior was clearly a challenge to the authority of the Dragon Guard Pavilion.

"You all guard the Dragon Vein, I'll go out and take a look."

Kylo didn't say much. After leaving these words, his figure flashed, turning into a streak of red light, and disappeared into the sky.

As Kylo left, the members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion didn't idle either. They immediately activated the mountain-guarding array to be prepared for any contingencies.

Hidden beneath the Dark Dragon Mountain were the Dragon Veins of the Dragonmarsh, the very foundation on which the Dragon Guard Pavilion relied.

The Dragon Vein not only affected the fate of the nation but also was an extremely rare resource.

Being on top of the Dragon Vein, the cultivation speed of the Dragon Guard Pavilion members would be greatly accelerated, equivalent to covering a thousand miles in a single day compared to the outside world.

Furthermore, the spiritual energy emitted by the Dragon Vein had the effect of healing internal injuries and prolonging life.

As long as they absorbed it over a long period, they would live longer and become stronger.

The Elder was the best example.

It was because of the blessing of the Dragon Vein that the Elder became the second strongest in the world.
Lakewood Temple, Gateway.

After driving for two hours, Dustin finally arrived at his destination, Gateway.

Gateway was located in a remote area, with few people venturing there.

Along the way, there were hardly any signs of inhabitants.

There was only one road up the mountain, and it was overgrown with weeds, indicating that it had not been cleared for a long time.

Dustin stood at the foot of the mountain, gazing into the distance. Vaguely, he could see the outline of a temple at the mountaintop.

Dustin took a deep breath and followed the path, step by step, ascending the stairs.

The whole of Gateway was exceptionally quiet, with only occasional gusts of wind and the sounds of insects and birds.

Compared to the bustle of Stonia, this place seemed like a different world.

Chapter 1632: Outsider not allowed

Dustin had a smooth journey all the way to the top of Gateway and finally stopped at the entrance of the temple.

Above the entrance hung a signboard with three large characters: Lakewood Temple.

Lakewood Temple was neither big nor small, quite ordinary in appearance, and seemed to have been around for many years, showing signs of aging in many places.

Who would have thought that the once influential Dragonmarsh Prince would hide in this small temple?

Dustin walked up and lightly knocked on the temple door.

No response.

After a few seconds, he knocked again, this time with more force.

"Coming, coming."

A young novice monk, about seven or eight years old, peeked out of the door and curiously asked, "Visitor, may I help you with something?"

"I got lost in the mountains and happened to see this temple here. I was hoping to get some water to drink. Would that be convenient?" Dustin told a lie.
"Of course, it's convenient. Please come inside," the young novice monk replied.

The young monk didn't doubt Dustin and opened the temple door, inviting him in.

Rarely encountering an outsider, the young novice monk was quite happy and chatted incessantly, asking, "Visitor, where are you from? How did you end up here? There are many jackals, wolves, and leopards in Gateway. You're lucky to have lost your way during the daytime. If it were nighttime, it would be dangerous."

"Visitor, are you hungry? There's some vegetarian food in the kitchen. If you don't mind, you can have some to fill your stomach."

"Oh, by the way, if you don't know the way, I can escort you down the mountain later."

"Thank you very much," Dustin smiled.

This young novice monk was quite interesting.

"Don't mention it," the young novice monk grinned. "Our master has always taught us that as monks, we should be compassionate. If someone encounters trouble and we can help, we should. Saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda, you know."

"May I ask, how many people are there in your Lakewood Temple?" Dustin changed the topic.

"How many people?"

The young novice monk counted on his fingers and said, "In our Lakewood Temple, we have the Abbot, my master, two senior monks, and me. So, if you count, there should be five of us."

"Among you five, is there a master named Robert?" Dustin asked again.

"Robert?" The young novice monk was puzzled. "Visitor, do you know our Abbot?"

"I don't know him personally, but I've heard of him," Dustin replied with a faint smile. "Master Robert has a great reputation, and I've always admired him."

"I didn't expect our Abbot to be so famous. No wonder my master and senior monks hold him in such high regard," the young novice monk said with some surprise.

"Could you please take me to meet Master Robert? I have some questions and would like to seek his guidance," Dustin requested.

"No problem, follow me."

The young novice monk readily agreed and led Dustin straight to the Buddha Hall.

However, just as they approached the entrance of the Buddha Hall, two burly monks appeared out of nowhere, blocking Dustin's way.

Their eyes were filled with vigilance and suspicion.

"Visitor, please stop. The Buddha Hall is a sacred place, and outsiders are not allowed inside!" said the round-faced monk on the left in a low voice.

"I've come to request an audience with Master Robert, and I hope the two of you can accommodate me," Dustin replied calmly.

"The Abbot is in seclusion and does not see outsiders. Visitor, please leave!" the round-faced monk extended his hand, gesturing for Dustin to depart.

Dustin remained unfazed and said calmly, "If Master Robert is in seclusion, then I shall request an audience with the Dragonmarsh Prince – Alfred Saxon!"

Upon hearing this, the two monks immediately changed their expressions.

Chapter 1633: Abbot is aware of your visit

"Who are you? What are you doing here?!"

The two monks immediately changed positions, blocking Dustin's way forward and backward.

Their eyes were fixed on him, extremely vigilant.

They had lived in seclusion for many years, avoiding the outside world, and rarely had contact with outsiders. Now, suddenly, a stranger appeared, specifically naming the prince they were trying to hide, making it clear that the visitor might not be friendly.

"I am surnamed Rhys, named Logan. I have come to pay my respects to the Dragonmarsh Prince, and I hope the two of you can make way," Dustin said calmly.

"Logan Rhys?"

The two monks exchanged glances, even more surprised.

They had never expected that Logan Rhys, who had disappeared ten years ago, would suddenly show up at their doorstep.

"Visitor Logan, this is a temple. There is no Dragonmarsh Prince here. You must have come to the wrong place. Please leave!" the round-faced monk said in a stern voice.

"Two masters, I have come from afar with sincere intentions to meet the Dragonmarsh Prince. Would you please announce my arrival?" Dustin clasped his hands together in a gesture of respect.

"Visitor Logan, please do not insist. Our temple is small and cannot accommodate a person of your stature," the round-faced monk said with a stern tone.

"You, followers of the Buddhist faith, believe in karma. Master Robert planted the seeds of karma ten years ago, and now it is time for him to face the consequences. Escaping from the world and hiding is nothing but self-deception," Dustin declared loudly.

"I don't understand what you're talking about," the round-faced monk said coldly. "Visitor Logan, I'll say it again, our Abbot is in seclusion and does not see outsiders. Please leave!"

"I have spoken kindly, but if you insist on not letting me in, then don't blame me for forcing my way in," Dustin's expression turned cold.

Regardless of the circumstances, he was determined to see Alfred today.

"Visitor Logan! This is a sacred place in the temple. How can you behave so recklessly?" the round-faced monk scolded.

"If you don't leave now, beware that we'll use force to remove you!" the other monk became impatient.

"You can try."

Dustin remained expressionless and disregarded their warnings, heading straight into the Buddha Hall.


The two monks were immediately furious and launched an attack on Dustin, one from the front and one from the back.

Their martial true energy was robust, and their fists were fierce, creating a thunderous sound with each strike.

They were undoubtedly at the level of Grandmasters!


Just as the two sides were about to start a fight, a loud shout suddenly echoed from within the Buddha Hall.

Hearing this, the two monks immediately stopped their attacks and dared not act recklessly.

Following the sound, a monk in a yellow robe emerged from the Buddha Hall.

"You two, no rudeness allowed!" The monk scolded them and then turned to Dustin, clasping his hands together in a gesture of respect. "Greetings, it is an honor for Lakewood Temple to have Visitor Logan Rhys. The Abbot is aware of your visit. Please come inside."
With that, he voluntarily stepped aside.

"Senior Brother!"

The round-faced monk's expression tightened, and he hastily said, "This Visitor's origin is unknown. We must remain cautious."

"This is the Abbot's decision, and there is no room for your questioning. Step back!" the monk in the yellow robe ordered.

"Yes!" The round-faced monk had no choice but to step back.

However, his vigilant gaze remained fixed on Dustin, showing no signs of relaxation.

"Visitor Logan, please."

After nodding slightly, the monk in the yellow robe led Dustin into the Buddha Hall.

Chapter 1634: A curse can't be avoided

The Buddha Hall in Lakewood Temple wasn't particularly large, and it didn't have any extravagant decorations. In the central position, there was only a three to four-meter-tall statue of Gautama Buddha.

Although it seemed somewhat plain, the incense was burning strongly, and the area around the Buddha statue was meticulously clean.

At this moment, a slender middle-aged monk was sitting on a cushion in front of the Buddha statue.

The monk was dressed in a yellow and red, his eyes closed. He held a wooden fish in one hand and had the other hand placed near his lips, silently reciting scriptures.

He appeared deeply devout.

"Abbot, Visitor Rhys has arrived," the monk in the yellow robe approached and whispered.

Upon hearing this, the Abbot, Robert, finally stopped his actions, slowly stood up, and clasped his hands together in front of Dustin. "Greetings, Visitor Rhys, it has been a long time."

"Yes, it's been ten years," Dustin nodded and then asked, "Should I address you as Master Robert or His Highness the Dragonmarsh Prince?"

"I have severed worldly ties and adopted the monastic name Robert. Visitor Rhys, you may call me Robert," Robert replied with a slight bow.

"Very well," Dustin smiled faintly. "Master Robert, I have come today because there are some matters I wish to discuss with you."

"Visitor Logan, are you here to inquire about events from ten years ago?" Robert's mind was as clear as a mirror.

"Yes," Dustin nodded without denying it. "Master Robert, ten years ago, you had not yet become a monk, and you held significant power within the Forbidden City. You should know some insider information. I hope you can be open and tell me the truth."

"Visitor Logan, the past is in the past. Why trouble yourself with what's already gone?" Robert's expression became complex.

"The past may be the past, but it doesn't mean it didn't happen. I just seek the truth. Is there anything wrong with that?" Dustin replied, questioning.

"Some truths are better left unknown. Otherwise, seeking them may bring you great danger," Robert cautioned.

"I am prepared for whatever consequences may come," Dustin's gaze remained firm.

"Logan, when will this cycle of revenge end? The events of ten years ago should be put to rest," Robert sighed softly.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let go of this matter," Dustin shook his head. "And it's not just me; even Master Robert, you, haven't completely let it go. Otherwise, you wouldn't be hiding in this temple, chanting sutras day in and day out."

The once glorious Dragonmarsh Prince had suddenly become a monk. It all boiled down to a sense of guilt.

"Ah..." Robert sighed and his expression turned melancholy. "You're right. I'm to blame for everything. If I hadn't been so timid and cowardly back then, and if I hadn't been entrusted with a responsibility, I wouldn't have ended up like this."

He and Prince Rufus Rhys, were close friends and had fought together on the battlefield, achieving many successes. Their friendship was profound.

When Prince Rufus Rhys was transferred to the border, he had sensed something was amiss and specifically asked Robert to take care of his wife and children.

In the end, the princess was assassinated, and the West Lucozia guards suffered heavy casualties, with even Logan Rhys disappearing without a trace.

As the Dragonmarsh Prince and a member of the royal family, he couldn't offer any help.

All he could do was hide in the shadows and watch helplessly.

This had become a lifelong burden for him, and he had not forgiven himself to this day.

"Enough, it is what it is. Whether it's a blessing or a curse, a curse can't be avoided. As you said, some matters do need closure," Robert took a deep breath, finally making up his mind. "Logan, whatever you want to know, feel free to ask. I will tell you the truth."

Chapter 1635: Dragon Guard Pavilion

"Alright," Dustin didn't beat around the bush and went straight to the point. He asked, "Master Robert, I have only one question. Who was the mastermind behind the plot to ambush us back then?"

"Indeed," Robert nodded, clearly anticipating this question. Instead of answering directly, he asked in return, "Logan, have you ever heard of the Dragon Guard Pavilion?"

"The Dragon Guard Pavilion?" Dustin squinted slightly. "I've heard a few casual remarks from my dad Rufus Rhys, but I don't know much about it."

"Since you're not familiar, let me explain in detail," Robert said solemnly. "The Dragon Guard Pavilion was established at the beginning of our nation's founding. It's a powerful organization that wields authority above the imperial throne. Its members are all top-tier experts. Even a random member could take on an army. Especially the current leader of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, Kylo, his strength is unfathomable. In the entire world, aside from the recluse Old Celestial Master of Dragon and Tiger Mountain who hasn't appeared, no one can compare. Most importantly, the current Emperor was placed on the throne with Kylo's support. In a sense, the Emperor, as the ruler of the nation, is just a puppet under Kylo's control. Imperial power and the throne are manipulated by him. This is Kylo, this is the so-called Dragon Guard Pavilion."
As he spoke, Robert's eyes revealed a hint of resentment, but more than that, there was a sense of helplessness.

As a member of the royal family and the Emperor's younger brother, he understood deeply how terrifying the Dragon Guard Pavilion was.

Not to mention Kylo, even an ordinary member of the Dragon Guard Pavilion had the power to exercise control over the imperial authority.

Unfortunately, they had no room for resistance.

Anyone who voiced dissent would meet a death end. The Dragon Guard Pavilion, ostensibly for protection, had long become an organization that acted with impunity, committing countless atrocities.

However, nobody could or dared to do anything about it.

"Are you saying that the events from back then were related to the Dragon Guard Pavilion?" Dustin quickly grasped the situation.

"That's correct," Robert nodded. "Back then, Kylo had control over imperial authority. He set up an assassination plot with the intention of burying you and your mother outside the Forbidden City. To achieve this, he even mobilized several powerful members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. When I heard about your peril, I wanted to lead troops to support you, but the people from the Dragon Guard Pavilion blocked me right outside my own residence. At that time, I was too weak, too afraid to defy the Dragon Guard Pavilion's orders, so I could only cower within my mansion and watch inactively. Logan, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. If I had summoned the courage to lead troops and support you, your mother might not have died. I have let you down, and I'm a sinner."

As he spoke, Robert's body trembled, tears welled up in his eyes. He had kept these feelings bottled up inside for too long. He thought that by becoming a monk, by repenting and reciting scriptures every year, he could atone for his sins.

In the end, it was nothing but self-deception.

"Master Robert, there's no need for you to blame yourself. Seeking gain and avoiding harm is human nature," Dustin responded. He didn't lay blame on Robert and instead spoke candidly, "Even if you had led troops back then, it wouldn't have made much of a difference. In fact, you might have ended up sacrificing yourself. I would have made the same choice if I were in your position."

Chapter 1636: The Truth of Assassination

He never expected anyone to fight for him. King Alfred chose to remain silent in order to protect himself. There was nothing wrong in itself.

"Your father saved me multiple times and trusted me so much, but I did nothing in return. I feel deeply ashamed," Robert sighed with a sense of sadness.

If Dustin had scolded him or even hit him, he might have felt better. But Dustin's lack of blame made him feel even more guilty.

"Master Robert, I have one more question. We had no grudges or conflicts with the Dragon Guard Pavilion, so why did they try to assassinate us?" Dustin asked again.

"The reason can be summarized in four words: 'threat to their power,'" Robert explained with a sigh. "Ten years ago, your West Lucozia Mansion held immense power, dominating the court and commanding respect throughout the land, overshadowing even the imperial authority. To the Dragon Guard Pavilion, your existence posed a threat to their position, and that was something they couldn't tolerate."

"Just because we posed a slight threat, the Dragon Guard Pavilion decided to exterminate us?" Dustin frowned, a cold glint in his eyes.

"Logan, you underestimate the influence of the West Lucozia Mansion," Robert said with a sigh. "If it had only been your father's power, the Dragon Guard Pavilion might have tolerated it or even attempted to recruit him. But the problem was that your entire family was exceptionally outstanding."

"Your father, Rufus Rhys, was a natural military genius. Since he joined the military, he had never lost a battle. His achievements were unparalleled, and he was bestowed the title of 'King,' commanding a formidable army of 500,000 troops. There was no one who could match his power."

"Your mother, Princess Nora, was a martial arts prodigy, astonishingly powerful. By her thirties, she had become a martial arts grandmaster and ranked fifth on the World-Shaking Ranking. She was renowned as peerless in the world."

"As for you, you're no less exceptional. You were born with a Kirin protecting you and carried an immense aura of destiny. At the young age of fifteen, you broke through to the Grandmaster realm, displaying extraordinary talent that has rarely been seen throughout history."

"Your family members were all extraordinary, each more formidable and exceptional than the other. If you were allowed to continue growing, even the Dragon Guard Pavilion would not have been able to stop your power. In order to protect their status and power, the Dragon Guard Pavilion staged a tragic event, intending to eliminate you and your mother completely to prevent future threats. This is the truth you search," Robert explained.

Upon hearing this, Dustin clenched his fists, his face darkened. He had always believed that his mother's death was related to the imperial authority, but he now realized that there was an even more powerful force behind it. This force had resorted to ruthless killings solely out of fear and the desire to safeguard their positions and authority.

The force behind the scenes had perpetrated a bloodbath that engulfed the entire Dragonmarsh, taking thousands of innocent lives.

"The Dragon Guard Pavilion!" Dustin growled through gritted teeth, his eyes filled with anger and a murderous intent.

An organization like the Dragon Guard Pavilion, which acted without restraint and pursued its own interests, had no right to exist!

"Logan, the Dragon Guard Pavilion is a formidable and influential organization, and Kylo is an almost mythical figure. Many powers throughout the world are under their control. Even if you know the truth now, I urge you not to act recklessly. Otherwise, the tragedies of the past may repeat themselves," Robert warned sternly.

"Thank you for your warning, Master Robert. I know how to handle this," Dustin nodded.

He took a deep breath and quickly suppressed his inner anger. He had endured for ten years; a few more days wouldn't make a difference.

"By the way, Logan, there's one more thing I need to remind you of," Robert said, seemingly remembering something important. "During the attack on your family, there should have been a traitor among you, based on my investigation."

Chapter 1637: Internal Traitor

"Internal traitor?" Dustin furrowed his brows when he heard this term. It sounded familiar, but he hadn't given it much thought before. Now, with the revelation from the former Prince Robert, he had to take it seriously.

"Master Robert, who do you believe the traitor was?" Dustin asked.

"The traitor was none other than the Chief General of the Central Army under your father's command, Marcellus," Robert revealed.

"Uncle Marcellus? How is that possible? Didn't he sacrifice himself?" Dustin looked surprised.

Marcellus was one of his father's most trusted generals, and they had been through thick and thin together for many years, forming a bond like brothers. Ten years ago, Marcellus had protected their family while they journeyed to the capital, and he had valiantly defended against many assassins along the way. When the chaos broke out in the Forbidden City, Marcellus had risked his life to escort Dustin and his mother out of the city, ultimately sacrificing himself.

How could such a heroic figure possibly be a traitor?

"When I first learned of this, I was equally astonished. I conducted thorough investigations, but all the evidence pointed towards Marcellus. I don't know the reasons behind his actions. Perhaps he was threatened or manipulated. However, I can't deny that he was involved in this. As for the sacrifice, it was staged. After the incident, I had someone check, and Marcellus did not die. The body found was that of a decoy," Robert explained solemnly.

"Marcellus? He was the traitor?" Dustin's brows furrowed even deeper, his fists clenched in anger. He could accept being plotted against, but he couldn't bear the thought of being betrayed by someone close to him.

Marcellus had been like a mentor, teaching him martial arts and sharing his military expertise. Dustin couldn't have imagined that such a loyal and brave person would become a traitor.

"Do you know Marcellus's whereabouts now, Master Robert?" Dustin asked.

"I'm not sure," Robert replied. "After that incident, Marcellus mysteriously disappeared. My guess is that he changed his name and appearance, hiding under a new identity."

"I understand. I will keep an eye out for any information about him," Dustin said, his determination to uncover the truth burning stronger than ever.

Dustin's face darkened as he asked, "Master Robert, aside from all this, is there anything else I should know?"

"I've told you everything I know. I just hope that after learning all this, you won't act recklessly. The Dragon Guard Pavilion is too powerful. Even your father couldn't compete with them. It would be wise to let it go," Robert advised earnestly.

The Dragon Guard Pavilion had a century-long history and deeply entrenched power. Not to mention the top-tier experts hidden within, even some of their subsidiary forces wielded immense influence.

"Thank you for your advice, Master Robert. I know what I need to do," Dustin said, bowing slightly. "I apologize for intruding today. I will take my leave now."

"May you go in peace, Logan," Robert replied, returning the gesture.

"Just when I thought I was done..." Dustin muttered to himself as he turned to leave.

However, just as he was about to depart, the round-faced monk who had guided him earlier rushed in with a worried expression.

"What's the matter?" Robert asked calmly.

"Master, a large force has arrived at the foot of the mountain, and they've surrounded Lakewood Temple!" the round-faced monk reported. He looked at Dustin with anger in his eyes and added, "They have a fierce and aggressive aura. I suspect they are all here because of Lord Logan!"

"They arrived rather quickly," Dustin remarked, raising an eyebrow but not appearing too surprised. He had expected something like this when he entered Lakewood Temple. The Dragon Guard Pavilion was an immensely influential organization, and news about his identity would have spread like wildfire.

"Logan, please take care. I will do my best to hold them back," Robert said.

"Master, there are too many of them, and some seem to be formidable experts. We might not be able to hold them off," the round-faced monk said reluctantly. He didn't want to risk his life for a stranger.

"We'll do what we can for now," Robert replied calmly.

"Master..." The round-faced monk looked worried, but he knew he had to obey Robert's orders.

Dustin realized that he had to face the consequences of his actions. He was prepared for this confrontation and had no intention of backing down.

Chapter 1638: A secret passage

The round-faced monk was about to say more but was interrupted by Robert, who raised his hand and said, "No need for further words. Go now."

"Yes," the round-faced monk replied and shot Dustin a resentful look before leaving hastily.

"Melton, take Logan down from the back of the mountain and ensure his safety," Robert instructed.

"Master, what about you?" Melton, the former royal guard who had joined the temple, furrowed his brow. He had served as the personal bodyguard of Prince Alfred before they both decided to become monks. He had never left the temple in all these years and was reluctant to leave the master to escort an outsider.

"With Ethan and Kenzo here, I will not be in danger. You two, leave quickly and do not delay," Robert urged.

"Yes," Melton replied with his hands clasped together in a respectful gesture. He didn't argue further and immediately led Dustin out of the temple.

Before leaving, Dustin glanced back at Robert and saw that the master had resumed his meditation, chanting Buddhist scriptures.

"Lord Logan, this way, please," Melton said.

Melton led Dustin into the temple's backyard and opened a concealed door. They entered a dark passage, barely able to see their surroundings. Melton was familiar with the path and soon found two torches, which he lit. The brilliant light illuminated a narrow underground passage that stretched into the distance.

"Lord Logan, this secret passage leads directly to the foot of the mountain. It's well-hidden, and no one else knows about it. I'll guide you safely out, but please promise not to return here in the future," Melton said.

"Thank you for your assistance, Mr. Melton," Dustin replied calmly. "Today, I came to seek answers to my questions, and I have found them. I will not disturb the peace of the temple again."

With that, they continued through the secret passage, making their way towards the mountain's base.

"So be it," Melton's tone softened.

The two of them continued along the hidden passage, descending deeper underground. After nearly half an hour of walking, they finally reached a stone door.

"Lord Logan, the exit is just beyond this door," Melton said as he pressed a switch.


Accompanied by a deafening rumble, the heavy stone door slowly swung open. Warm sunlight flooded into the cold and dark passage. Dustin, who had spent a long time in the darkness, squinted his eyes as he adjusted to the sudden light.

Once he had become accustomed to it, he walked out of the door.

Outside the door, the area was overgrown with weeds, and there were no visible buildings or clear directions. The only thing Dustin was sure of was that he had reached the mountain's base.

"Hahaha... Logan Rhys, Logan Rhys, you've finally come out. We've been waiting for you!" Laughter suddenly erupted.

Following the laughter, a group of masked assassins emerged from the surrounding bushes and quickly closed in on him. In the blink of an eye, Dustin found himself surrounded.

The speed and coordination of their movements indicated that they had been lying in ambush for some time.

"Hmm?" Dustin furrowed his brow and instinctively looked back at Melton.

Wasn't this place supposed to be a secret? Wasn't it supposed to be unknown to anyone? Why had he fallen into an ambush?

"Lord Logan, I can't let you jeopardize the prince. If you don't die, it will be a big problem for the prince. So, I'm sorry," Melton spoke coldly.
As he spoke, he pressed the switch again.

The massive stone door immediately descended, completely blocking Dustin's retreat.

Chapter 1639: I came prepared


As the stone door fell, Dustin's brows furrowed even deeper. It wasn't out of fear but rather because he was extremely displeased with Melton's actions. Prince Albert had ordered him to safely escort Dustin down the mountain, but instead, this guy had delivered him right into an ambush. This was more infuriating than someone who simply stood by and watched without helping.

"Logan Rhys, there's no need to look any further. In this place, you can call out to the heavens, but they won't answer, and you can call out to the earth, but it won't respond. No one will come to save you. Today is your day to die!" A man wearing a wolf's head mask stepped forward from the group and declared loudly.

"Dominick, are you wearing that mask because you're too ashamed to show your face?" Dustin retorted coldly.

With this remark, the man in the wolf mask, Dominick, paused for a moment, then burst into laughter.

He didn't deny it and simply removed his mask, revealing his true face.

It was indeed Dominick Mursal!

"I didn't expect you to have a keen eye and see through my disguise. Impressive," Dominick said with some surprise.

Although he had concealed his aura and altered his voice, the fact that Dustin had recognized him at a glance was quite remarkable.

"Appearances can be disguised, voices can be altered, but the disgusting smell on you has left an indelible impression on me," Dustin replied calmly.

"Hmph! You dare to play word games at death's door!" Dominick's expression darkened. "Logan Rhys, you are already surrounded by us. You can't escape. Considering our past friendship, I'll give you a chance for a dignified death. It's a small favor."

"Wings are hard to come by?" Dustin glanced around and sneered. "Do you really think you can stop me with this bunch of people?"

Back when he had wreaked havoc at the Blissful Villa, he had shown mercy to Dominick's subordinates out of respect for Prince Mursal. However, now that Dominick had led people to surround and attack him, there was no longer any need to hold back.

"Logan Rhys, I know you're formidable. With my abilities alone, it's difficult to deal with you, so I came prepared." Dominick spoke and then blew a loud whistle from his fingers.

Soon, numerous martial artists rushed in from all directions. They wore various outfits and emitted powerful auras, moving like tigers descending a mountain, exuding an overwhelming pressure.

They were all clearly experts.

"Logan Rhys, let me introduce you," Dominick began. "These people here are all experts from the Shadow Claw Sect. They excel at using hidden weapons and ambush tactics that are difficult to defend against."

"As for these folks, they come from the Four Symbols Sect. Their Four Symbols Divine Fist is renowned, and their attacks are unstoppable."

"And these individuals, they are even more formidable. They are from the Thunderous Sect, masters of formidable techniques that harness the power of the heavens..."

Dominick introduced the reinforcements that had arrived.

His calm demeanor suggested that he was confident Dustin would be overwhelmed.

"Shadow Claw Sect, Four Symbols Sect, Thunderous Sect—these are all famous martial forces in the world. You've gone to great lengths to kill me," Dustin remarked, calmly scanning the assembled martial artists.

Chapter 1640: Four Symbols Sect

"These guys," Dominick continued, "You think it's over just like this? You're too naive. To be honest, we've made extensive preparations. What you see in front of you is just the vanguard. More experts are on their way. Even if you have incredible skills, today is your certain death!"

Most of the people present were innate masters, with a few martial grandmasters hiding among them. Adding Dominick and his elite White Wolf Guards, the ambush was already formidable.

"Dominick, is it possible that your Mursal Palace is also a lackey of the Dragon Guard Pavilion?" Dustin asked.

"It's an honor to work for the Dragon Guard Pavilion. It's your misfortune," Dominick replied nonchalantly. "If you choose to play dead and live as a salted fish, that's fine. But your existence is a threat that must be eliminated as soon as possible because you chose to investigate the truth of what happened back then."

The Dragon Guard Pavilion stood above the imperial power, manipulating even the emperor as a puppet. Naturally, Dominick wanted to gain favor with them. If he performed well and passed the loyalty test, he would have the chance to join the Dragon Guard Pavilion and become a more powerful figure than the West Lucozia King.

"It seems that there's no room for negotiation today," Dustin remarked.

He extended his hand and beckoned. "Come on, whoever's not afraid of death, step forward and let me see what you're made of!"

"Hmph! You're stubborn even on the brink of death!" Dominick raised his hand, about to give the attack order.

However, from the Four Symbols Sect, a burly middle-aged man suddenly spoke up. "Young Master Dominick, why use a sledgehammer to kill a chicken? I alone am enough to deal with this kid. There's no need to gather everyone here."

While the people around him were sufficient to deal with Dustin, Dominick had taken precautions in case of reinforcements. It was better to be safe than sorry.

"Oh?" Dominick raised an eyebrow and turned to the middle-aged man. He asked, "Master Ray, isn't Logan Rhys a renowned figure known as the 'Kirin Child'? Are you confident in dealing with him?"

"What 'Kirin Child'? He's just a kid who's barely out of diapers. I, Master Ray, don't take him seriously!" the middle-aged man responded confidently, his head held high.

"Master Ray, Logan Rhys has already reached the Master level. Are you sure about facing him alone?" Dominick inquired again.

"What's a Master level? Nowadays, everyone's a Master. I've been practicing martial arts for over twenty years, undefeated and unparalleled. Dealing with this kid is a piece of cake!" The middle-aged man dismissed it casually.

"That's right! My master is invincible, and defeating this villain is as easy as turning one's hand!"

"Hmph! How can a kid like him possibly withstand my master's Four Symbols Divine Fist?"

The disciples of the Four Symbols Sect began to boast, showing no respect for Logan Rhys.

"Very well! Since Master Ray is so confident, then go ahead and give it a try. I wish you a resounding victory!" Dominick didn't try to dissuade him further and agreed directly.

He mainly wanted to use the leader of the Four Symbols Sect to test the depth of Dustin's abilities. If the leader could win, that would be great. He could then take advantage of the situation. If he couldn't win, it wouldn't be a big deal, but at least it might force Dustin to reveal some of his hidden skills, preventing him from escaping recklessly.

"Thank you for your generosity, Mr. Dominick!" The middle-aged man clasped his hands in gratitude. Then, he took a few steps forward, locked his gaze on Dustin, and declared loudly, "Kid! I am the leader of the Four Symbols Sect, renowned for my fist techniques. With twenty years of experience, can you withstand my punch?!"
Nazmul, I quite appreciate your effort in this translation.
I started with Jungal 2000 but his posts seem to had been a bit slow even though he did a great job.
I now switched to you whom was a bit faster and still enjoyed reading from you. But now, you have become slower and jungal2000 seems to be on the lead. Now iam confused bcos of slide difference in names of characters and locations.
Please try and increase pace.
I love what you and jungal are doing.
Iam here to express my gratitude to both of you for your sacrifices in bringing this free for us to read.
nazmul You did a great job posting this story. I am surprised you reached this far, mostly gave up on the way.

I will bestow you Platnum Membership. You deserve it 👏
Chapter 1641: Four Symbols Sect

"You want to die, go ahead and try," Dustin said expressionlessly, his gaze cold.

"Hmph! You ignorant fool, today I will show you the might of my Four Symbols Divine Fist!" The middle-aged man snorted and was about to attack when another voice suddenly interrupted.

"Hold on!"

From the ranks of the Thunder Shock Sect, an elegant and white-haired old man in exquisite attire stepped forward. He spoke loudly, "Master Ray, while your strength is impressive, you might not be a match for Logan Rhys. The situation here is much more complex than it appears, and you might not be able to handle it. Let me take care of it."

"Master Alvaro, your words are underestimating me!" The middle-aged man furrowed his brows, looking displeased. "The Four Symbols Sect is renowned throughout the world. If I can't deal with this kid, I might as well close our doors!"

"That's right! The Thunder Shock Sect is indeed powerful, but our Four Symbols Sect is not to be trifled with!" The disciples of the Four Symbols Sect joined in the clamor.

"Master Ray, I'm only thinking for your own good," the white-haired old man replied calmly. "If you were to lose to Loagan Rhys today, not only would your reputation be tarnished, but your life could also be in danger."

"Thank you for your concern, Master Alvaro, but if I lose today, it's because I didn't practice well enough, and I'll accept my fate!" the middle-aged man retorted coldly.

"Both sect leaders, please remain calm," a plump and beautiful woman from the Flying Smoke Sect walked out gracefully. She smiled and said, "We are all allies, and there's no need to damage our relationship over such a small matter. How about this? Let this lady have the honor of testing Logan Rhys's strength on behalf of both of you. What do you think?"

This was a great opportunity for her to achieve a great feat. As the leader of the Flying Smoke Sect, she naturally didn't want to miss it.

"That seems reasonable. There are limited rewards for the first person to act, and there might not be enough to go around," the white-haired old man said indifferently.

"Everyone wants a piece of the pie," the middle-aged man concurred.

"Enough of this arguing. The three of you can go together," Dustin interrupted impatiently.

They hadn't even started fighting yet, and they were already fighting over who would get the credit. Did they really look down on him so much?

"Arrogant brat! Since you're so eager to die, I'll grant your wish!" The middle-aged man stopped arguing and immediately launched himself, rapidly shooting towards Dustin.

"You want to hog all the credit? You're dreaming!"


"How audacious!"

Dustin's words had provoked anger from the leaders of the major sects. None of them were used to being looked down upon like this.

They were all masters who ruled over their domains. When had they ever been so humiliated?

"Insolent brat! I'll let you know the power of my Four Symbols Divine Fist!" The middle-aged man wasted no more time and lunged at Dustin. His fists burned with intense heat, displaying a fierce and vigorous assault.

As the fist winds swept through, all the plants and trees in its path withered and turned black, and the force was terrifying.

The white-haired old man followed closely behind, waiting for an opportunity to strike. Thunder and lightning crackled between his palms, making a frightening sound.

The beautiful woman from the Flying Smoke Sect continued to use her concealed weapons for long-range attacks, preparing to snipe from a distance.

"Four Symbols Divine Fist!"

After closing the distance, the middle-aged man suddenly shouted. His true energy instantly gathered in his arms, causing them to swell and become even more imposing.


After a simple buildup of power, the middle-aged man threw a punch towards Dustin's chest and abdomen with immense force.


A thunderous sound rang out as an elephant-like phantom suddenly appeared on the surface of the middle-aged man's body. The phantom was enormous, resembling a small mountain and exuding immense pressure.

As the middle-aged man's iron fist struck out, the phantom of the elephant raised its foreleg high and brought it crashing down heavily on Dustin.

"What a terrifying fist technique! Is this the legendary Four Symbols Divine Fist? It's incredible!"

"Master Ray, who has roamed the martial world for many years, has never been defeated. How could this kid, Logan Rhys, be his match?"

"Master, you're mighty! Master, you're awesome!"

Watching the powerful fist technique, the disciples from the Four Symbols Sect were filled with awe and excitement. They eagerly anticipated their master defeating Dustin and achieving a great victory.

"Overestimating yourself!"

Facing the incoming punch, Dustin coldly snorted and didn't evade or dodge. He threw a straightforward punch of his own.

This punch seemed ordinary, without any visible energy fluctuations, appearing weak and powerless. However, only true experts could perceive that it was a punch where his inner energy was compressed to the extreme.


With a thunderous sound, the two fists collided. In that instant, the ground trembled, and rocks flew in all directions.

Within a radius of twenty to thirty meters, flowers, grass, and trees were instantly destroyed by the explosive energy, creating a death zone.

The powerful shockwaves, like surging waves, swept in all directions, blowing people's eyes wide open.

The concealed weapons shot by the beautiful woman were sent flying, and even the white-haired old man, who had prepared to take credit, had to stop in his tracks.

All the disciples from various sects were deeply shocked by the power of this punch.

Could this be the full force of a Martial Grandmaster's attack?

It was truly terrifying!

After a few breaths, the shockwaves dissipated, and everything returned to calm. However, when everyone focused their gaze forward, they were left dumbfounded.

Dustin stood calmly in the distance, and the rocky ground beneath his feet had been blasted into a pit.

He looked as composed as ever, without a speck of dust on him, indicating that he had suffered no harm.

On the other hand, the leader of the Four Symbols Sect had mysteriously disappeared. There was no trace of him.

When everyone looked around, there was still no sign of him.

It was as if he had vanished into thin air.

All they could see was a few pieces of flesh and blood scattered within the pit, along with torn and tattered clothing.

This was the aftermath of a body exploding.

The mighty leader of the Four Symbols Sect had been completely obliterated!

Chapter 1642: Join Forces Attack

"What's going on? Where is Four Symbols Sect Leader Ray? How did he suddenly disappear?"

"That's strange. He was just here a moment ago, and in the blink of an eye, he's gone."

"Could he have used some kind of underground escape technique? Could Sect Leader Ray possess some extraordinary abilities?"

The crowd looked around, discussing among themselves, completely unaware of the seriousness of the situation.

They were simply puzzled by the fact that Four Symbols Sect Leader Ray, who had just been so imposing, had disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Where is our Sect Leader? Where did he go?"

"Master! Master!"

The disciples and elders of the Four Symbols Sect began to call out, but no response was forthcoming, no matter how loudly they shouted.

In the various martial sects, only a few people saw the truth.

"No need to shout; your master is already dead," said the white-haired elder in a solemn tone.

Others may not have known, but as a martial arts grandmaster, he saw it very clearly.

After the exchange of blows just now, Sect Leader Ray's body had exploded like an inflated balloon.

There was nothing left of his remains.

"Dead? How is that possible?"

"Lord Alvaro! Don't talk nonsense! My master had unparalleled divine skills, undefeated against anyone in the world. How could he possibly die?"

The disciples of the Four Symbols Sect were in disbelief, believing that their master was an invincible presence who could easily defeat anyone.

"Lord Alvaro is right; Sect Leader Ray... has indeed passed away," said the solemn-faced beautiful woman. "Whether you believe it or not, the pieces of flesh and remains on the ground are the remains of Sect Leader Ray."

With these words, the entire crowd erupted in shock.

The disciples of the Four Symbols Sect were struck dumb, as if by lightning.

If it were only the Thunderclap Sect Leader who had said this, they might have questioned it, but now, with the confirmation from the leader of the Flying Mist Sect, even if they didn't believe it, they had no choice but to accept the reality.

Looking at the pieces of flesh on the ground, the disciples of the Four Symbols Sect wailed in sorrow and anger.

In contrast, the experts from the other sects had shocked expressions, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

The Four Symbols Sect Leader was renowned for his fist techniques, especially his Four Symbols Divine Fist, which he had mastered to an extraordinary level.

With a single punch, he could cause the heavens to crumble and the earth to quake, and no one could withstand it.

If Dustin had won using a weapon, it might have been understandable. However, he had defeated the so-called Four Symbols Sect Leader Ray with his bare fists.

This strength was simply astonishing!

At this moment, they finally realized just how powerful the once-famous Kirin Child truly was.

No wonder Young Master Dominick had gathered experts from various sects to surround and attack him; it wasn't an exaggeration but a necessary response.

"He's truly useless!" Dominick snorted, feeling somewhat displeased.

She had thought the Sect Leader of the Four Symbols Sect was formidable, but it turned out he couldn't even handle a single move from Logan Rhys; he was truly garbage.

"Lord Alvaro, esteemed heroes, this villain is extremely dangerous. You should go all out and not hold back," Dominick reminded them.

Now, they could only rely on the experts from the Thunderclap Sect and the Flying Mist Sect to force Logan Rhys to reveal his true abilities.

His White Wolf Guards could not be sacrificed in this situation.

"Lord Alvaro, in the face of a great enemy like this, it seems we can only join forces and make a desperate stand," the beautiful woman said with a serious expression.

"You're right. Only by working together can we hope to eliminate this foe," the white-haired elder said solemnly. "Later, our Thunderclap Sect's leader will launch an attack, with the disciples of the Four Symbols Sect harassing from the side. The Flying Mist Sect will seize the opportunity to ambush. Does anyone have any objections?"

"We will follow Lord Alvaro's command," the beautiful woman nodded.

"As long as we can avenge our master, the Four Symbols Sect is willing to do whatever it takes!" the disciples of the Four Symbols Sect declared one after another.

"Good! It's settled then! Everyone, follow my command and attack!" The white-haired elder waved his hand and led the experts from the Thunderclap Sect to charge toward Dustin.

"Attack!" The disciples of the Four Symbols Sect, filled with anger, followed suit.

The disciples of the Flying Mist Sect, under the guidance of the beautiful woman, unleashed hidden weapons from various directions to launch their ambush.

Chapter 1643: Formation

A dense barrage of poisoned needles and throwing stars rained down on Dustin, as if it were a torrential storm.

In an instant, Dustin became the target of all their attacks.


As they approached, the white-haired elder suddenly shouted.

Following his command, several Thunderclap Sect experts immediately dispersed, surrounding Dustin in a tight formation.

In each of their hands appeared a golden talisman, seemingly conjured out of nowhere.

"Golden Metal Swords! Attack!"

The white-haired elder gave the order and hurled the golden talisman from his hand.

The other Thunderclap Sect experts swiftly followed suit.

Five golden talismans shot towards Dustin from different directions.

What followed was a bizarre sight.

The seemingly light talismans, the moment they were released, suddenly emitted blinding light, transforming into five giant golden swords that thrust aggressively toward Dustin.

These golden swords could cut through iron like mud and radiated a bone-chilling cold, carrying terrifying killing power.

Even a Martial Grandmaster would hesitate to face them head-on.

This formation was known as the Five Elements Seven Kill Formation of the Thunderclap Sect, an unpredictable and immensely powerful technique.

The combined strength of the five experts had multiplied their power.

They rarely used it unless it was a matter of life and death.

This time, in their pursuit to eliminate Dustin, the Thunderclap Sect had unveiled their ultimate card, aiming for a single deadly strike.

"Child's play!"

In the face of the approaching five golden giant swords, Dustin remained unfazed, simply stomping his foot.


A surge of white true energy erupted from his body, forming an oval-shaped protective shield.

The shield resembled an egg and enveloped Dustin within it.

"Clang, clang, clang..."

Accompanied by a series of metallic impacts, the five golden giant swords, upon contact with Dustin's protective shield, instantly disintegrated into tiny specks of light, dissipating completely.

They couldn't harm him in the slightest.


The white-haired elder's eyelids twitched in astonishment.

The Golden Swords within the Five Elements Seven Kill Formation were renowned for their sharpness, equivalent to some divine weapons. When unleashed, they could destroy almost anything.

However, at this moment, they failed to break through Logan Rhys's protective true energy shield, which was truly baffling.

"Change formation!"

Without hesitation, the white-haired elder immediately commanded the Thunderclap Sect experts to change their formation.

The group moved swiftly, their speed making it difficult for anyone to catch them.

"Black Tiger Sword!"

The white-haired elder flicked his wrist, and a red talisman suddenly appeared, which he then hurled towards Dustin.

The other Thunderclap Sect experts also threw their talismans.

The moment the five red talismans were released, they erupted with a burst of red brilliance.

Following this, five fiery swords materialized out of thin air.

Unlike the sharpness of the Golden Swords, these Black Tiger Swords were explosive and had even greater killing power.

The flames covering the swords were scorching hot, capable of melting steel. Wherever they passed, nothing could grow.

The disciples of the Four Symbols Sect who were assisting from the side felt as though they were about to catch fire and were forced to retreat rapidly.

Their faces turned red, and they were drenched in sweat.


The white-haired elder shouted loudly and commanded his disciples to control the fiery swords. They swung the swords down towards Dustin.

Chapter 1644: Thunderclap Sect

Watching the five fiery giant swords descending from the sky, Dustin remained unfazed. He simply raised his palm and lightly slapped it upwards.


A powerful shockwave of energy erupted from his palm, engulfing the fiery giant swords like lightning.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!"

Five explosive sounds rang out as the five fiery giant swords simultaneously burst, scattering into countless sparks.

"What? How can this be?"

The white-haired elder was startled, and the other Thunderclap Sect experts looked at each other in shock and horror.

The explosive and destructive power of the Black Tiger Swords far exceeded that of the Golden Metal Swords. Moreover, they had just used their full strength without holding back. According to their expectations, even if Logan Rhys could withstand this attack, he would likely be severely injured.

However, the result was that Logan Rhys not only emerged unscathed but also effortlessly broke the offensive of the Black Tiger Swords with a single move.

It was truly inconceivable!

"Continue to change formation!"

Although the white-haired elder was shocked, he didn't dare to stop.

The Five Elements Seven Kill Formation had seven different attack patterns. Since the explosive Black Tiger Swords didn't work, they would switch to another attack method.

He refused to believe that Logan Rhys had no weaknesses.

"Earth Graveyard Trap!"

The white-haired elder flicked his wrist, producing a pale yellow talisman, which he slammed onto the ground.

The other Thunderclap Sect experts followed suit.


As the five pale yellow talismans landed on the ground simultaneously, there was a loud explosion. The ground beneath Dustin's feet suddenly trembled, cracks rapidly spread all around, and with a "boom," a massive crater measuring ten meters in diameter appeared, causing the earth to collapse.

Dustin, caught off guard, fell directly into the deep pit.

"Mountain Collapse!"

The white-haired elder immediately formed hand seals and changed the formation once more.

At the same time, the deep pit that had just collapsed rapidly closed up, and in the blink of an eye, Dustin was completely buried.

However, the white-haired elder didn't stop there. He commanded the Thunderclap Sect experts to use their techniques to transport a large amount of rocks, which were directly piled on top of the location where Dustin had been buried.

In just a few breaths, the rocks formed a mountain.

As for Dustin, who had been buried, there was no movement from him at this point.

"Hmph! Let's see how you survive this!"

After completing all of this, the white-haired elder finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Despite Dustin's astonishing strength and formidable defenses, he still fell short when facing the Five Elements Seven Kill Formation.

The Five Elements Seven Kill Formation could harness the power of heaven and earth to suppress formidable enemies.

No matter how powerful an individual was, they couldn't contend with the forces of heaven and earth. That was the unique aspect of the Five Elements Seven Kill Formation.

"There's no movement down there; Dustin has been crushed!"

Someone listened closely on the ground, confirmed that there was nothing unusual, and then spoke up loudly.

In an instant, the entire crowd rejoiced.

"Great! He died well! Master's vengeance is finally avenged!"

The disciples of the Four Symbols Sect were relieved and clapped their hands in celebration.

"They truly deserve to be experts of the Thunderclap Sect, each with incredible techniques and a variety of methods. They're indeed formidable!"

"Although Logan Rhys is quite powerful, in the face of the Thunderclap Sect's experts, he ultimately couldn't put up much of a fight."

The disciples of the Flying Mist Sect were both amazed and impressed.

The Thunderclap Sect was known as one of the top ten sects in the world, second only to the Three Giants of the world: the World Alliance, Sword Sect, and Witchcraft Sect. They were renowned in the martial world and had a formidable reputation.

Chapter 1645: The farce should end now

In the past, they had some doubts, but after witnessing the mysterious and unpredictable abilities of the Thunderclap Sect's experts just now, they finally understood the gap between the two sides.

They had to admit that the Thunderclap Sect's reputation was well-deserved.

"Sect Master Alvaro, the Thunderclap Sect's Five Elements Seven Kill Formation is truly eye-opening. It seems that we don't need to lend a hand. Your Thunderclap Sect is more than capable of suppressing Dustin," the beautiful woman smiled and approached the white-haired elder, nodding respectfully.

She had initially considered claiming the credit for herself, but after witnessing the Four Symbols Sect's leader being defeated in an instant, she abandoned that unrealistic thought.

"Dustin is indeed formidable. If it weren't for the Five Elements Seven Kill Formation, we wouldn't have been able to deal with him," the white-haired elder replied, his head held high. "Of course, dying under the Five Elements Seven Kill Formation is an achievement in itself!"

The fact that neither the Golden Metal Sword nor the Black Tiger Sword could harm Dustin was a testament to his strength. Fortunately, the ever-changing Five Elements Seven Kill Formation allowed them to bury him when brute force couldn't.

"Sect Master Alvaro, your martial skills are unmatched. You personally eliminated the traitor, and I'm sure you'll receive great rewards when you return. I just hope you won't forget your allies," the beautiful woman smiled charmingly.

"Flying Smoke Sect Master, rest assured that if the Thunderclap Sect receives rewards, we will certainly share them with you," the white-haired elder assured her confidently.

"Thank you, Sect Master Alvaro," the beautiful woman bowed again.

Just as the two were celebrating their victory, a sudden change occurred.

The rocks piled up like a mountain in front of them suddenly began to shake, and the entire ground emitted a series of loud rumblings.


In the next moment, the rocks that had formed the mountain exploded.

A white figure shot up from the shattered stones, soaring into the sky like a unsheathed sword with a sharp edge.

After reaching a height of dozens of meters in the air, the figure gently descended to the ground.

It was none other than Dustin, who had burst out of the earth!

"What? He's not dead?!"

Seeing Dustin unscathed, everyone's eyes widened in shock.

No one had expected that Dustin, who had been buried by the earth and suppressed under a mountain of rocks, could burst out of the ground like this.

"How... how is this possible?!" The white-haired elder stared wide-eyed, finding it hard to believe. Could this guy not be bound even by the power of the earth? What exactly was he?

"If this is all you've got, then it ends here," Dustin said calmly, his expression unchanged.

"Sect Master Alvaro, act quickly!" The beautiful woman suddenly became anxious and quickly reminded him.

"Formation, change!" The white-haired elder didn't hesitate and immediately shouted, directing his disciples to activate the Five Elements Seven Kill Formation once again.

"Shake the Thunder! Gentle Breeze! Flowing Water!"

"Break it for me!"

With bulging veins on his face, the white-haired elder waved his hands repeatedly, and three differently colored talismans were sent flying towards Dustin at incredible speed.

Several experts from the Thunderclap Sect also launched their attacks in perfect coordination.

The purple talisman turned into streaks of lightning, the white one into a flurry of wind blades, and the blue one into a multitude of ice spikes.

A variety of attacks covered the sky and swept toward Dustin.

This time, the white-haired elder and his companions had unleashed all their potential, pushing the Five Elements Seven Kill Formation to its limits.

The disciples from the Flying Smoke Sect were not far behind, throwing a large number of hidden weapons in an attempt to interfere with Dustin's vision and hearing.

"The farce should end now," Dustin said as he took a deep breath. He then struck out with a powerful white palm silhouette that formed in mid-air, resembling a mountain, and pressed forward heavily.

Wherever the white palm silhouette passed, it crushed all the attacks as if they were fallen leaves in the wind. It continued to sweep through with unmatched force, slamming into the group of people from a distance.

Chapter 1646: More outstanding, more powerful

"Bam, bam, bam..."

The sound of explosions echoed in the air. Under Dustin's massive palm silhouette, the powerful lightning was directly devoured, the dense wind blades shattered, and the sharp ice spikes melted instantly.

All of the attacks from the Thunderclap Sect were completely defeated. Even the hidden weapons thrown by the disciples of the Flying Smoke Sect were rebounded and fell like rain, making a clinking sound.

"What?!" The white-haired elder, who watched in horror, couldn't believe his eyes. The high-intensity attacks they had just launched had drained all their energy, and now they were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, with no room for resistance. They could only wait for death right where they stood.

"Quick, run!" The beautiful woman screamed in alarm and immediately sprinted away. She felt a strong sense of danger; if she were hit by even a glancing blow from Dustin's palm silhouette, it would be a fatal injury.

This was no longer the kind of power that an ordinary Master could produce. The opponent might have already reached the level of a Grandmaster!

"Bang, bang, bang..."

As the white palm silhouette swept across, several Thunderclap Sect experts who couldn't evade in time were instantly blown to pieces. Some Four-Symbols Sect disciples who were too close had not reacted in time and were reduced to ashes.

Even the Flying Smoke Sect disciples, who were throwing hidden weapons from behind, suffered varying degrees of impact.

Dustin's massive palm silhouette was like a meat grinder. All the enemies in its path were mercilessly crushed. In an instant, blood and flesh flew, limbs were severed, and a long trail of blood was left on the ground.

After one palm strike, everything fell silent.

The Thunderclap Sect was reduced to only the white-haired elder who had been paralyzed by fear.

As for the disciples of the Four-Symbols Sect, because they were closer, more than half of them were casualties.

Even the Flying Smoke Sect, which was the farthest away, suffered several casualties.

Silence fell over the entire scene.

Everyone stared in disbelief at the scene before them, rendered speechless by the shocking turn of events.

No one had expected that Dustin would be so powerful.

Without even trying, he had eliminated nearly half of their group with a single strike.

They had gone all out with their flashy attacks, but Dustin's simple palm strike was more effective.

The disparity in strength was like an insurmountable chasm.

At this moment, everyone present felt a deep sense of fear.

They finally understood just how terrifying the Kirin's Child, Dustin, truly was.

Many so-called experts in the martial world were often overhyped, but in Dustin's case, it was the opposite.

Many had believed that after disappearing for ten years, he would have become mediocre, just like the legendary figure, Warner.

However, they were completely wrong.

Not only had Dustin not become ordinary, but he had become even more outstanding, more powerful, and more enigmatic than ever before.

"Is it over? Are we going to die here?" someone whispered in fear.

"If we had known that Dustin would be this difficult to deal with, we wouldn't have come to steal the credit."

"Now it's too late for regrets. Let's think about how to escape."

After a brief moment of silence, the scene quickly became chaotic. Most of the people present had lost their courage to confront Dustin and were hoping to escape as soon as possible.

"Dominick, you've been watching this show for so long. Isn't it time for you to step in?" Dustin ignored the terrified crowd and turned his sharp gaze towards Dominick, who had been watching from the sidelines.

Dominick Mursal clapped his hands as he walked forward, saying, "Impressive, Kirin's Child. You are indeed as renowned as they say. I had planned to use these martial world individuals to force you to reveal your true capabilities. But it seems these people are nothing more than a bunch of useless bags of wind. Now, I can only step in personally."

"Dominick, I see you have some talent. If you leave now, I can pretend that nothing happened," Dustin said coldly.

"Hahaha..." Dominick burst into laughter upon hearing Dustin's words. "Dustin, do you really think you're invincible? Ten years ago, I may have been wary of you, but now, you're not worth mentioning in my eyes."

Dustin's previous excellence was not only due to his extraordinary talent but also because of the abundant resources available to him in the West Lucozia Royal Residence. He had access to various elixirs, rare treasures, and top-tier martial arts techniques and secret arts that were unparalleled.

In such an environment, even a pig could soar to new heights, let alone a person.

It was precisely because of this that Dustin had gained his illustrious reputation ten years ago, surpassing many other geniuses.
However, things were different now.

Dustin had been missing for ten years and had lost access to the resources of the West Lucozia Royal Residence. His progress had undoubtedly slowed down.

Meanwhile, Dominick had made tremendous strides in his cultivation under the nurturing of the Mursal Clan and had become a formidable force on the battlefield, earning the title of the strongest battle god.

Dustin had stagnated for a decade, while Dominick had continued to grow stronger. The gap between the two had widened significantly.

In Dominick's eyes, Dustin, the so-called Kirin's Child, was nothing more than a has-been.

"Dominick, I'm giving you a chance to choose. If you insist on going down this path, then today, at the foot of Mount Gateway, will be your burial ground!" Dustin's expression remained indifferent.

"Dustin, ten years ago, you narrowly defeated me by luck. Today, no matter what, I will redeem myself. I will prove to the world that I, Dominick, am more outstanding, more formidable, and more gifted than you!"

"Since you're so eager to die, then come at me." Dustin didn't say much more and beckoned Dominick forward.

He had initially intended to give Dominick a way out, considering Dominick's connection to the Mursal Clan. However, that possibility was now gone.

Once they started fighting, there would be no turning back. It would be a battle to the death.

"Dustin, in order to defeat you, I have worked tirelessly for these years. I dared not slack off for a moment. Now, it's finally time to test the fruits of my labor."

"I will use your life as a stepping stone for my ascent to godhood."

"So, prepare to die!"

Dominick burst into mad laughter and launched the first attack.

The battle between two supreme talents had officially begun...

Chapter 1647: Ice-Fire Demon Blade

Dominick's weapon was a sword known as the "Ice-Fire Demon Blade," one of the three renowned swords in the world.

This sword not only amplified the cutting power but also had two elemental attributes: sometimes it exuded a bone-chilling cold, and at other times it was enveloped in flames. Both of these attributes possessed tremendous destructive power, and the stronger the wielder, the greater their potency.


As Dominick charged forward, his Ice-Fire Demon Blade was already drawn. A blazing red flame engulfed the entire blade. The fiery aura resembled a dragon, roaring and withering the flowers and grass on the ground as it passed by.

"Inferno Wave, First Form!"

Dominick flicked his wrist, and the flaming long blade, held high, cleaved down towards Dustin's head through the air.


A thunderous explosion resounded. The fiery long blade suddenly expanded, forming a colossal blade energy. The blade energy stretched over ten meters in length and was three meters wide, surrounded by swirling flames, exuding a formidable aura.

At a glance, it appeared like a massive celestial blade descending upon Dustin.

"That's a terrifying blade energy! Is this Mursal Young Master's true strength? It's incredibly powerful!"

"No wonder he's one of the Four Young Masters of Stonia. The power of this strike might already be close to that of a Grandmaster, right?"

"Only someone like Mursal Young Master, a supreme talent, can compete with Dustin on this level."

As they watched the enormous blade energy in the sky, the onlookers couldn't help but show expressions of shock. There was simply no comparison between the attacks of the previous members of the Thunder Shock Sect and Dominick's current strike.

This was the difference between ordinary experts and top-tier prodigies.


Dustin suddenly reached out and grabbed a fallen green steel sword from the ground. The sword, dropped by him earlier, shot up into the air, traversing a distance of over ten meters before being drawn into his hand.

With a single hand holding the sword, Dustin lightly flicked it towards the incoming fiery blade energy.


A white sword energy burst out, forcefully colliding with the fiery blade energy.


A deafening sound echoed as the sword energy and blade energy clashed.

In an instant, the ground trembled and the surroundings were in chaos. The shockwave of terrifying energy radiated out from the point of impact, causing devastation in its wake.

Upon contact, the white sword energy shattered, and the fiery blade energy was split into two.

Both sides appeared evenly matched, neither gaining the upper hand. However, Dominick had unleashed a full-power strike, while Dustin had merely blocked it without much effort.

"Inferno Wave, Second Form!"

Without hesitation, Dominick swiftly followed up with a second strike. This time, he executed a horizontal slash, which was faster, more powerful, and had a more cunning angle.

Dominick's Inferno Wave Blade Technique had a characteristic feature: each strike was more powerful than the last, and each wave was higher than the previous one.

In simple terms, it got stronger with every attack.

Facing the horizontal slash, Dustin remained expressionless and raised his sword to parry it. The sword energy collided with the blade energy, and once again, there was a fierce clash.

Although the confrontation was thunderous, neither side gained a clear advantage.

"Inferno Wave, Third Form!"

"Inferno Wave, Fourth Form!"

"Inferno Wave, Fifth Form!"

Dominick became increasingly fierce in battle. His blade techniques were relentless, each strike deadly. His entire aura had reached its peak.
Unlike ordinary martial artists in the martial world, Dominick was filled with a murderous intent that came from countless battles on the battlefield.

He advanced relentlessly, unstoppable.

Facing Dominick's attack, Dustin continued to defend himself without showing any signs of weakness.

Chapter 1648: Ultimate attack

Facing Dominick's fierce attacks, Dustin continued to defend himself with his sword, allowing his opponent to unleash his strikes.

In the eyes of the onlookers, it seemed like Dominick was dominating the battle and gaining the upper hand. They believed that with a bit more effort, Dominick could secure victory.

"My goodness! What kind of martial arts has Mursal Young Master been practicing? Why does he become stronger with each strike?"

"Look at this fierce battle. If it continues, it seems that Dustin won't be able to keep up."

"So what if he's the Kirin Child? After wasting ten years, he's still no match for Mursal Young Master, a top-tier genius!"

"Mursal Young Master, go for it! Take him down!"

Witnessing Dominick's imposing presence in the front, the crowd was both astonished and impressed. Some disciples of the Four Symbols Sect even cheered him on loudly.

"Die, die, die! Just die!"

Dominick laughed maniacally while his blade swung faster and his attacks grew more ferocious, creating a whirlwind of strikes that left onlookers bewildered.

"Dustin, oh Dustin, weren't you arrogant just now? Why are you so silent now?"

"Why aren't you fighting back? Why are you only defending?"

"Why are you behaving like a coward, only knowing how to block and defend?"

"Hahaha... Could it be that you're afraid?"

"Formerly, you were so splendid. Now, what are you? You're only fit to crawl under my feet!"

"What Kirin Child? What unparalleled talent? It's all a joke."

"How does it feel now? Do you feel my strength? Are you terrified? Hopeless?"

"Unfortunately, today, no one can save you!"

Dominick continued his relentless attacks while taunting Dustin with words, attempting to break through his psychological defenses.

However, Dustin remained unperturbed by these taunts. His face displayed no emotions, and it was clear that his focus was not solely on Dominick.

Dominick, while formidable, had not yet managed to defeat Dustin. Given the methods of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, they wouldn't have sent only a small group to besiege him. Dustin was certain that there were hidden experts waiting for an opportune moment to strike.

"Dustin, I've had enough fun," Dominick declared. "Now, I'll finish you off with a single strike."

After a fierce assault, Dominick suddenly halted and distanced himself from Dustin. It was clear that he was preparing for a powerful finishing move.

"Dustin, I've never used this move in front of anyone since I mastered it," Dominick continued. "Today, you're lucky to die by my ultimate attack, which is your honor."

As Dominick spoke, he tightly gripped the Ice-Fire Demon Blade and slowly raised it above his head. An immense pressure instantly spread throughout the area.

The Master-level true energy inside him, along with the surrounding spiritual energy, poured into the demon blade relentlessly.


The demon blade began to vibrate, emitting alternating red and blue light. These two lights merged into one.

"Final Technique of the Ice-Fire Demon Sword Art – Bipolar Blaze!" Dominick shouted as he swung the demon blade down towards Dustin.

In an instant, the world changed.

A great blade, alternating between red and blue, materialized out of thin air. The red represented fire, while the blue symbolized water.

Two opposing elements, normally incompatible, had combined in a strange yet perfect fusion, forming a colossal blade that pressed heavily upon Dustin.

This strike was earth-shattering, displaying an overwhelming and unmatched force.

Spectators in the distance were left gaping in astonishment, as if they were experiencing impending doom. It felt as though, after this strike, all things in the world would be reduced to ashes, evoking a profound fear and despair that struck deep within their souls.

Chapter 1649: The higher chance of victory

"Grandmaster... Dominick's strike, it's definitely the power of a Grandmaster!" exclaimed the white-haired elder, his face filled with shock and disbelief.

He had thought that Dustin was already formidable enough, but he couldn't have imagined that Dominick was even more powerful. To display the strength of a Grandmaster while still in the Master realm was simply unimaginable.

Could this be the depth of top-tier prodigies? He realized that he would never reach such heights in his lifetime.

"My goodness! With such incredible power behind this strike, how many people in the world can withstand it?" The beautiful woman was equally stunned, her jaw dropping in amazement.

She had considered herself skilled, but in the presence of a powerhouse like Dominick, she felt utterly insignificant.

"Amazing! If I had even half of Dominick's strength, I could dominate the martial world!" The disciples of the Four Symbols Sect were in awe and admiration, tinged with a hint of unattainable envy.

In this moment, they truly understood what it meant to be a genuine prodigy.

"Hmph! Just putting on a show!" Dustin muttered under his breath as he faced the enormous descending blade.

He didn't dodge or evade; instead, he simply stepped forward and thrust his sword upward with a straightforward strike.

However, compared to Dominick's colossal blade, Dustin seemed like an ant facing an elephant – small and fragile.

It appeared as though a mere breath could shatter him into pieces.


Seeing Dustin confront the attack head-on, Dominick's power increased once again. He gripped the blade with both hands and brought it down heavily.


A deafening explosion ensued.

Dustin's sword tip precisely pierced the edge of Dominick's blade. In that moment, a terrifying shockwave erupted, sweeping outwards like a force of nature. Anything caught in its path, from flowers and plants to rocks and the ground itself, was instantly obliterated, leaving only scorched earth in its wake.

As for the onlookers, they had been blown away by the energy storm, tumbling and sprawling in all directions.

When the dust settled, the martial artists stood up to assess the situation. In the center of the battlefield, there was now a massive crater.

In the pit, two figures faced off against each other. The white figure was Dustin, and the black figure was Dominick.

To everyone's surprise, Dustin hadn't been cleaved by Dominick's strike. Instead, he stood there unharmed. The only casualty was his sword, which had broken under the impact, but he himself showed no signs of injury.

Dominick, on the other hand, looked grim. He was panting heavily, and his ice and fire magic blade emitted erratic fluctuations of light, sometimes bright, sometimes dim.

"What's going on? Dustin isn't dead?"

"Wow, is this guy made of iron? He's still alive?"

"Just now, Dominick's strike was equivalent to a Grandmaster's attack. How did Dustin withstand it?"

The crowd erupted in astonishment and disbelief.

Just moments ago, everyone had assumed that Dustin was done for, but now they couldn't comprehend how he had managed to survive such a devastating blow.

"What's the situation? Dustin's sword is destroyed, so Dominick should have the upper hand, right?"

"That's right! Even though he couldn't finish Dustin off with one strike, he did destroy his weapon. If Dominick attacks again, he'll definitely kill him!"

After the initial shock, some began to console themselves. After all, whether or not one had a weapon could greatly influence the outcome of a battle.

Dominick held the ice and fire demon blade, while Dustin was unarmed. In a life-or-death struggle, Dominick was still seen as having the higher chance of victory.

Chapter 1650: You are too weak


At this moment, Dominick's body trembled, and he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. In an instant, his complexion turned pale. The ice and fire demon blade he held in his hand made a "clang" sound as it was thrust into the ground, used to support his slightly trembling body.
Clearly, the last collision had left Dominick seriously injured.


Seeing this scene, the entire crowd was in shock. Everyone stared wide-eyed, displaying looks of disbelief.

Dominick had actually lost?

How was that possible?!

It was important to note that Dominick was one of the Four War Gods, a warrior who was peerless on the battlefield. The strength he had just demonstrated was on par with a Grandmaster of martial arts.

How could such a powerful individual possibly lose?

Did Dustin really have this much power? Was he so formidable that not even Dominick could match him?

"You... you've been hiding your strength all along?" Dominick supported himself with both hands on the hilt of the sword, his eyes filled with astonishment.

In the previous exchange, he had already used all his strength. He had expected to easily kill Dustin, but the result was not only a blocked attack but also injuries inflicted upon himself. It was simply inconceivable!

Why? Why did this happen?

Dustin had disappeared for ten years and lacked the resources and cultivation opportunities of the West Lucozia Mansion. In theory, he should have progressed slowly. How could he still possess such formidable strength?

Where had things gone wrong?

"It's not that I've been hiding my strength; it's just that you are too weak to make me take it seriously," Dustin responded indifferently.
"You...!" Dominick clenched his teeth, almost spitting out another mouthful of blood.

"The Four Princes of Stonia, you should be the weakest one among them," Dustin added another blow.

In terms of strength, even Aaron from the Heaven's Assembly would surpass Dominick by a considerable margin.

"You've gone too far! You've really gone too far!" Dominick yelled in frustration. "White Wolf Guards, listen to my orders! Kill him!"


Following his orders, the vigilant White Wolf Guards raised their weapons and charged towards Dustin.

These White Wolf Guards were carefully cultivated by Dominick. They were not only fiercely loyal but also exceptionally powerful, capable of taking on multiple opponents at once.

Of course, Dominick didn't really expect them to kill Dustin. He had ordered the attack primarily to buy time and wear down Dustin's strength.

In this coordinated assassination operation, various factions and forces had already mobilized. Many formidable warriors were on their way.

Since they couldn't take all the credit, they could only use these soldiers as pawns to vent their frustrations.

"Like a moth to a flame!"

Seeing the approaching White Wolf Guards, Dustin showed no mercy. He transformed into a blur, diving into their midst, and began a merciless slaughter.

For a moment, limbs flew, and the ground was littered with severed arms and bodies.

One by one, corpses fell into the pools of blood, staining the entire area crimson.

In the face of absolute strength, even well-trained White Wolf Guards had no ability to defend themselves. Their lives were used to delay Dustin's massacre.

After a few minutes, all the White Wolf Guards were slain.

Bodies lay scattered in disarray, forming a river of blood that painted the ground a deep crimson.


After dealing with the White Wolf Guards, Dustin exhaled a long breath. He turned to face Dominick, his expression ice cold.

"Now, it's your turn to meet your end."
Chapter 1651: Heaven's Assembly Junior Patriarch Arrived


As Dustin's gaze fell upon Dominick Mursal, the latter's eyelids couldn't help but twitch, and he felt a strange sense of unease.

Taking advantage of the time he had used the White Wolf Guards to delay Dustin, Dominick had already ingested a healing elixir to quickly recover from his injuries and restore his true energy. After a few minutes of recovery, most of his discomfort from the internal injuries had vanished, and his internal energy had returned.

In contrast, Dustin had been engaged in continuous combat, which must have significantly depleted his strength. Given this, Dominick felt that he had a decent chance of victory.

With this thought, Dominick gained a bit more confidence. However, as a precaution, it would be wise to employ a swarm tactic. It might seem less honorable, but it would be safer than venturing into danger alone.

"Brave heroes, listen up! Dustin has exhausted his strength. If we unite, we can surely slay him!" Dominick declared loudly.

Upon hearing this, those present exchanged uncertain glances. Dustin's appearance didn't seem like that of a weakened foe on the brink of defeat. Charging recklessly might lead them to their doom.

The lifeless bodies of the White Wolf Guards, a grim reminder of their fate, still lay strewn across the ground. Who would dare to act rashly after witnessing that?

"Heroes, do not forget your mission today! As the saying goes, fortune favors the bold. As long as we kill this villain, you will be richly rewarded, and your glory and wealth will be beyond measure!" Dominick tried to entice them.

Hearing these words, the eyes of the onlookers lit up with a newfound determination. Each of them seemed eager to test their mettle against Dustin.

As formidable as Dustin might be, he was still just one person. Moreover, he had fought several battles in succession, undoubtedly depleting his strength. If they joined forces, victory was a plausible outcome.

"If anyone isn't afraid of death, feel free to step forward," Dustin suddenly took a step forward, causing the crowd to retreat in fear.

The gruesome scene they had witnessed moments ago had instilled fear and dread in their hearts.

"Dustin! Let me face you!" A resounding voice suddenly echoed in the air.

Following closely behind, a man dressed in green robes arrived gracefully from the east.

The man had a tall and handsome figure, with an air of dignity as he walked through the wind. He appeared like a celestial being descended from the heavens, evoking admiration and respect from those who laid eyes on him.

"What a powerful presence! Who is this person?"

"If I'm not mistaken, he looks like Aaron, the Junior Patriarch of the Heaven's Assembly!"

"What? Aaron? He's here too?!"

Upon recognizing the man in the green robes, the entire scene erupted into a commotion. The Heaven's Assembly was known as the largest martial sect in the world, with a congregation of martial experts. It was a revered place for countless martial artists and a sanctuary they aspired to enter.

As the Junior Patriarch of the Heaven's Assembly, Aaron was widely acknowledged as a prodigy. Despite his young age, he had achieved great success and inherited the true teachings of the Heaven's Assembly's Patriarch.

In the current martial world, Aaron had gained the reputation of being the number one genius. Since becoming famous, he had never encountered an opponent who could last more than three moves against him. In terms of strength, he surpassed Dominick, one of the Four Princes of Stonia.

While Dominick excelled in strategy and tactics, Aaron represented the true orthodox martial arts of the martial world.


Seeing the reinforcements arrive, Dominick couldn't help but reveal a delighted expression.

Given his current situation, defeating Dustin was not going to be easy. However, with Aaron's arrival, the situation had taken a favorable turn.

To become the Junior Patriarch of the Heaven's Assembly, Aaron's strength was unquestionably formidable. Although Dominick had never fought him directly, he was certain that Aaron's abilities were on par with his own.

With the two of them working together, slaying Dustin would be entirely feasible.

"Haha... Heaven's Assembly Junior Patriarch is here! We're saved!"

Chapter 1652: Settle the score

The white-haired elder was overjoyed as if he had seen a savior.

Though the Thunderclap Sect had some reputation, it couldn't hold a candle to the Heaven's Assembly. Rumors had been circulating for the past two years that Aaron had already glimpsed the threshold of a Grandmaster.

Such an unparalleled genius was unheard of.

"With Heaven's Assembly Junior Patriarch joining, there's no escape for Dustin now!"

The beautiful woman's eyes lit up with joy. Just moments ago, she was considering whether to seize the opportunity to escape. Now, she didn't need to worry at all. With Aaron here, she could rest easy.

"Respectful greetings to Heaven's Assembly Junior Patriarch!"

As Aaron gracefully landed, everyone immediately bowed respectfully.

"Everyone, please step back. I will take over the battlefield from here," Aaron announced loudly.


The crowd responded and positioned themselves on both sides. They were more than happy to watch from the sidelines, as it meant no danger and a chance to gain some credit. Besides, they could witness Aaron's extraordinary performance – a rare opportunity.

"Mr. Aaron, Dustin is no ordinary opponent. It might be difficult to defeat him in single combat. Why don't we join forces to deal with him?" Dominick extended an invitation.

"I appreciate your kind offer, but I'm used to working alone. I don't like having others help me. So, I would appreciate it if Dominick took a brief rest on the sidelines," Aaron politely declined.

"Mr. Aaron, this matter is of great importance. To be cautious, it's better if we collaborate to defeat the enemy," Dominick suggested again.

"Is it that you, Dominick, look down upon me, Aaron? Do you think I'm not a match for Dustin?" Aaron raised an eyebrow.

"I don't doubt Aaron's abilities at all. However, this is not the time for contests of strength. Our top priority is to complete the mission. Otherwise, if there are any mistakes, Aaron may not be able to bear the responsibility," Dominick cautioned.

"I am a wanderer of the martial world and prefer to handle things in the martial way. As for responsibility, Dominick need not worry about it," Aaron responded calmly.

"You!" Dominick clenched his teeth, feeling somewhat infuriated. This guy was truly insufferable and full of arrogance. He had a clear path to victory, yet he insisted on showing off his strength recklessly. Clearly, warriors like him were not cut out for diplomatic situations.

"Humph! Since Aaron is so confident, I will watch with interest!" Dominick stopped trying to persuade him further. He took a few steps back, preparing to be a spectator. If Aaron refused to cooperate, then he could let the two of them wear each other down as much as possible. Ideally, both would emerge from the battle severely weakened, and he could reap the benefits.

"Logan Rhys, we meet again," Aaron stepped forward, looking across at Dustin. He spoke loudly, "Last time, we only fought halfway and had to end it prematurely. It was truly unsatisfying. Today, we finally have a chance for a rematch."

"Aaron, I didn't expect someone from the Heaven's Assembly to join in the Dragon Guard Pavilion. You're clearly a man of the martial world, so why involve yourself in court struggles?" Dustin asked.

"Although the martial world and the court may seem like two separate worlds, they are intricately connected. The growth and strength of our Heaven's Assembly wouldn't have been possible without the assistance of certain individuals. So today, I am compelled to participate," Aaron replied, shaking his head.

"It seems that Aaron has made up his mind. In that case, let's determine the victor today," Dustin said calmly.

"Logan, you just had a battle, and I can see you're not in your best condition. Why don't you take a break first? I can wait for you," Aaron offered.

While he was committed to following his master's orders, Aaron hoped for a fair fight against Dustin, without taking advantage of his weakened state.

"No need. I've just warmed up. Aaron, please make your move," Dustin replied, cupping his fists. Despite being enemies, he respected Aaron's character.

"Very well! Today, we shall determine the victor, even if it comes to life or death!" Aaron returned the gesture with a raised fist, his gaze sharpening instantly.

With the Three Divine Forms Technique, he had only displayed three moves previously. Today, he could finally go all out and settle the score.

Chapter 1653: White Tiger Attack

"Who do you think is stronger, Aaron or Logan?"

"If both are at their peak, it's hard to say. It will depend on their performance today."

"Nonsense! Of course, Aaron is the stronger one! Logan is past his prime, and Aaron is the true number one genius!"

"I also think Aaron has a better chance. Logan just had a battle, so he must be tired."

The onlookers whispered and speculated as they watched Dustin and Aaron facing off. Both were top-tier geniuses, and the public was eager to see the outcome of their showdown.

However, most people favored Aaron. He had gained immense fame in recent years and was considered unbeatable, while Dustin's glory was from the past and slightly faded.

"Fight, fight! You two should start fighting already. It's best if you fight to the death so I can save some energy," Dominick sneered, as if he were watching two fools.

At a life-or-death moment, they were still talking about the rules of the martial world and honor. Didn't they understand the art of deception and seizing opportunities?

"Logan, I'm going to use the Divine Forms of the Heavenly God Technique now. Be careful!" Aaron warned before launching his attack.

"Bring it on!" With that brief reply, Dustin prepared himself for the coming battle.

Without further ado, Aaron made his move. His body trembled, and a surge of powerful energy burst forth from him. A massive blue phantom appeared behind him, standing at least six or seven meters tall. It had a robust physique and an imposing presence, resembling a divine being.

It exuded a terrifying aura, making everyone's heart race.

"Oh my god! He started with the Divine Forms of the Heavenly God Technique! Aaron wants a quick victory!"

"The Divine Forms of the Heavenly God Technique is world-shaking, and once it's unleashed, it's unstoppable. Dustin is in trouble now!"


The onlookers watched in astonishment as Aaron unleashed his Divine Forms of the Heavenly God Technique. He didn't hold back and went straight for his ultimate move, leaving no room for hesitation.

"Wind Fury!" With a brief charge-up, Aaron thrust his palm forward. The divine phantom behind him mirrored the movement.

"Boom!" In an instant, the air exploded around them. A vast surge of energy transformed into a colossal palm-shaped shockwave that rushed menacingly toward Dustin. Wherever the palm shadow passed, the air split apart, and sharp wind blades cut through the rocky ground, leaving destruction in their wake.

The destructive force was terrifying.

"White Tiger!" Dustin shouted as he released his profound true energy. A massive white tiger phantom emerged on the surface of his body. The white tiger exuded a fierce and malevolent aura, far from ordinary.

"Break!" With one hand raised, Dustin directed the white tiger phantom forward, launching it at Aaron's Wind Fury.

Previously, Dustin had chosen a defensive stance when facing attacks, but now he had taken the initiative to counterattack. The Kirin technique was no less powerful than the Divine Forms of the Heavenly God Technique, and the outcome of their clash would depend on their underlying skills and strength.

"Boom!" A deafening roar echoed. In front of the watching crowd, the Wind Fury and the White Tiger collided violently, generating a powerful energy shockwave.

The ground shook, and a violent hurricane swept through the area. The two massive phantoms dissipated into the air, neither able to overcome the other.

After one move, Aaron didn't hesitate and followed up with another attack. He raised both hands toward the sky, and a colossal red phantom appeared behind him.

Chapter 1654: Azure Dragon

The phantom around Aaron was enveloped in swirling flames, and the searing heat seemed capable of melting the earth.

"Fire Fury!"

When his energy reached its peak, Aaron thrust both palms forward. The Fire God phantom behind him mimicked the motion.

Following this, a colossal crimson fire dragon shot out, charging fiercely at Dustin.

"Flaming Bird!"

Dustin's aura transformed again as true energy burst forth, manifesting a gigantic flaming divine bird over his head.


The Flaming Bird flapped its wings and showered down a deluge of flames, shooting forward like an arrow to collide with Aaron's fire dragon.


Another deafening roar resounded as the Flaming Bird exploded into countless flames that scattered into the air. The fire dragon was also shattered into pieces. Once again, neither side gained an upper hand.

Without any hesitation, Aaron launched his third move. He took a deep breath, as if swallowing the vast expanse of heaven and earth. His abdomen swelled as he absorbed the surrounding spiritual energy.

Following this, a dark black deity figure, like a swirling storm cloud, materialized behind Aaron.

This black deity figure had a fearsome visage, filled with sharp fangs, and it exuded a terrifying aura. The oppressive atmosphere it emitted was enough to make the onlooking martial artists tremble with fear and break into a cold sweat.

"Thunder Fury!"

Suddenly, Aaron let out a long roar and punched forward with his right fist.

Simultaneously, the Thunder Fury figure behind him swung a colossal fist, descending heavily upon Dustin.

This punch was earth-shattering, like a mountain descending. Its unstoppable force struck fear into the hearts of the onlookers.

"Azure Dragon!"

Dustin's body released another surge of pure true energy, forming a vivid azure dragon over his head.

This dragon was lifelike, and its scales were clearly visible. It emanated a profound aura that left people in awe.


Dustin extended two fingers and forcefully jabbed forward.

With a roar, the Azure Dragon shot out like a streak of blue light, colliding fiercely with Aaron's Thunder Fury manifestation.


A deafening roar shook the heavens and the earth.

The powerful energy wave, akin to a tsunami, surged in all directions. Everything it touched crumbled and withered.

The recoil from the collision caused Dustin's body to tremble, leaving deep footprints in the rocky ground with each step he took.

As for Aaron, he was pushed back several steps, creating craters in the ground with each retreat.

Clearly, in this recent clash, he had fallen behind.

"Hahaha... exhilarating!" Aaron, undaunted, laughed heartily as he looked up to the sky. "Logan, oh Logan, you truly haven't disappointed me. These years, I've never had such a fulfilling fight like today. What a delight!"

Since gaining fame, he had been yearning for a genuinely formidable opponent. However, the experts he had encountered in the past were utterly incapable, and none of them had made him take things seriously. But today, Dustin had achieved that.

"Word has it that until now, no one has been able to withstand the fourth move of the Divine Four Symbols Technique. I, Logan Rhys, am no exception. Today, I'd like to experience it firsthand." Dustin said with clasped hands.

"Very well! Today, I'll show you the most powerful strike of the Divine Four Symbols Technique—the Fury of the Lightening!" Aaron took another deep breath, forcibly absorbing a large amount of spiritual energy from the surrounding environment into his body.

At the same time, his aura rose dramatically, becoming even more terrifying and fearsome. His originally pitch-black pupils suddenly turned white, his hair stood on end, and his robes fluttered with the wind.

Electric sparks crackled around him, and the raging wind howled.

In the next moment, Aaron's feet left the ground, and his entire body hovered in mid-air.

With the presence of a god or demon, he exuded an awe-inspiring, domineering aura, gazing down upon the world!

Chapter 1655: Kirin Attack

"Here it comes! The ultimate move of the Divine Four Symbols Technique is finally unleashed!"

"Rumors have it that no one has ever seen the Fury of the Lightening, because those who witnessed it all perished. It's an honor for us to witness one of the Five Supreme Techniques of the martial world today."

"To die under the Divine Four Symbols Technique would be a fitting end for anyone."

As they watched Aaron, who floated in the air with an awe-inspiring presence, the onlookers couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence, as if they were gazing upon a deity.

The Divine Four Symbols Technique was not only the signature technique of the head of the Heaven's Assembly Society, but also one of the five recognized supreme martial arts techniques in the martial world. They had only heard of it but had never seen it in action.

The first three moves had already been earth-shattering, and now that the most powerful move was being unleashed, no one knew just how terrifying it would be.

"Lightening Fury!"

While hovering in mid-air, Aaron suddenly roared.

A manifestation of the Lightening burst forth from his body and rapidly expanded. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a giant that was over ten yards tall.

Beneath his feet, Dustin seemed as small as an ant.

It was as if a simple step could easily crush him.

"Break for me!"

Aaron raised his hand slowly, mimicking a throwing motion. Simultaneously, the giant manifestation of the Lightening Fury above him performed the same motion. But during the throw, an enormous blue electric spear appeared in the Lightening Fury's hand.


The thunder and lightning spear, like a missile, descended upon Dustin.

In an instant, the world changed, and space twisted.

An overwhelmingly terrifying pressure instantly covered the entire area.

It was as if divine punishment from the heavens had arrived, causing people to be shocked, fearful, and even despairing.

Before the spear even drew near, its incredible power had already caused the earth to collapse, rocks to shatter, and everything within a hundred meters to be reduced to dust.

The warriors observing the battle from a distance were even more frightened and took multiple steps back in terror.


As the lightning spear descended, the Kirin tattoo on Dustin's body suddenly lit up. A black radiance burst out of his body, forming a gigantic Kirin manifestation behind him.

This Kirin was black and had the characteristics of various creatures: a dragon's head, deer antlers, lion eyes, tiger back, bear waist, snake scales, horse hooves, and a pig's tail. Although it was a manifestation, it appeared as solid as a real creature, exuding an imposing and noble aura.

The divine power emanating from it even made all other creatures bow before it.


As the thunder and lightning spear approached, the black Kirin roared, then leaped forward, transforming into a black streak of light to meet the incoming attack head-on.


A tremendous sound echoed.

Under the impact of the black Kirin, the immensely powerful lightning spear shattered like glass in an instant.

Following that, the black Kirin continued its momentum and collided with the Lightening Fury manifestation.


Another deafening noise.

The Lightening Fury manifestation, as imposing as a mountain, had a huge hole torn through its chest by the black Kirin's impact. Cracks appeared on its surface, and it quickly disintegrated into energy fragments, dissipating in the air.

In just a few breaths, the Lightening Fury manifestation was completely gone.


After defeating the Lightening Fury manifestation, the black Kirin roared again, as if displaying its dominance.

In the next moment, the black Kirin transformed into a black radiance and quickly merged back into Dustin's body.

The Kirin tattoo on his body's surface faintly glowed before returning to its calm state.

Chapter 1656: It's truly terrifying


The moment the Lightening Fury manifestation shattered, Aaron seemed as though he had suffered a heavy blow, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

His face turned as pale as paper, and he swayed unsteadily, as if he had been drained of his vitality.

"How could this be? How could this be? I... I actually lost?"

Aaron stared at his hands in disbelief. For so many years, he had always been unrivaled, making every genius pale in comparison when they faced him. He once believed that he would be unstoppable and defeat all challengers.

However, today he had lost, and he had lost badly.

He had used the full power of the Heavenly God Four Symbols Technique without reservation. Moreover, every exchange with Dustin had been a direct confrontation, without any defensive or evasive maneuvers.

Although it was hard to believe, he had to admit that he had indeed lost.

Dustin had shattered the Heavenly God Four Symbols Technique with his overwhelming strength and destroyed his undefeated myth.

In this battle, he accepted his defeat with a magnanimous heart.

"Oh my God! Logan Rhys won? This guy actually defeated Young Master Aaron? How is that possible?!"

"Nobody has ever been able to withstand the Heavenly God Four Symbols Technique before. Logan Rhys has created a miracle!"

"Is this the legendary Kirin's Son? It's truly terrifying!"

"... "

Watching Dustin standing proudly in front of them, everyone was stunned. They stared in amazement, their faces filled with shock.

If even Aaron had been defeated, who among them could possibly stand up to Dustin?

"Damn it! What a disgrace for the Young Master of the Heaven's Assembly! He's made a complete fool of himself!" Dominick muttered, his face filled with hostility.

He had hoped that Aaron and Dustin would fight each other to the point of mutual destruction, but it seemed that his hopes had been dashed.

Now, it seemed unlikely.

Aaron was already injured, while Dustin appeared unscathed, which was quite unexpected. Dustin seemed to have concealed a significant portion of his strength.

"The Heavenly God Four Symbols Technique is indeed as renowned as they say. If you were to break through to the Grandmaster Realm, I might not be able to withstand that move," Dustin calmly remarked.

"I admit defeat," Aaron shook his head with a tinge of sadness. "I may be older than you, but now I'm no match for you. This proves the gap between us."

Dustin had hidden himself for ten years, without the resources of the West Lucozia Royal Family to support his cultivation. He had reached the Grandmaster Realm through his own efforts. This terrifying talent made even a proud person like Aaron acknowledge his inferiority.

"Logan Rhys, I acknowledge your strength, and I admit my defeat today. But I won't give up," Aaron raised his head slightly, his eyes gleaming. "I will double my efforts, double my cultivation, and one day, I will openly defeat you!"

"I look forward to that day," Dustin replied with a faint smile.

Aaron had exceptional talent and great strength, and his determination to improve was evident. In the future, his potential was limitless, and there might come a day when he had a chance to defeat Dustin.

"Logan Rhys, three years from now, I will come find you again. Until then, please don't die," Aaron said, clasping his fists. "We'll meet again!"

With a light step, he lifted into the air and drifted away like a leaf.

He had come and gone in haste.

"That damned Aaron! What am I supposed to do now?" Dominick couldn't help but curse softly as he watched Aaron's rapidly retreating figure.

With both of them working together, there was still a chance of success. But now that Aaron had left, he was left alone to face Dustin. It seemed like a dead end.

Chapter 1657: Eight Vassals

Just as Dominick was in a dilemma, the ground beneath his feet suddenly began to shake. Accompanying the tremors were faint, rhythmic pounding sounds.

"What's happening? Is it an earthquake?" The people exchanged puzzled glances, uncertain about the situation.

Dominick turned around in confusion and saw that thousands upon thousands of troops had appeared in the woods behind them, seemingly out of nowhere.

As far as the eye could see, it was an endless sea of troops, covering the mountains and valleys in all directions. This massive army wasn't a single force but a coalition of eight elite units converging from all sides.

The ground tremors were caused by the running troops of these eight units.

"Look! What is that?"

"Oh my god! What an enormous formation! The entire mountain is submerged!"

"Look at their banners; it seems like they're our reinforcements!"

"What? Reinforcements have arrived? That's fantastic!"

The people examined the situation more closely and couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

Dustin was just too powerful, and they were completely unable to deal with him. They needed more reinforcements to join the fight.

They could either use a swarm strategy with overwhelming numbers or send top-notch experts to suppress him.

The massive army that had arrived now consisted of at least a hundred thousand soldiers. Even if each of them just urinated, they could drown Dustin.

"Hahaha... it's the Eight Vassals! The Eight Vassals' troops are here!" Dominick burst into laughter when he understood the situation.

In the Imperial Capital, there were three main military forces: the City Guard responsible for maintaining public order, the Forbidden Guards who protected the royal family within the Forbidden City, and a special military force managed jointly by the Eight Commanders of the Outer City, responsible for safeguarding the security of the Imperial Capital and preventing any rebellion.

Though the Eight Commanders held the official rank of second-grade officials, in practice, their authority was equivalent to that of regional lords.

This was why they were commonly referred to as the "Eight Vassals."

Many high-ranking officials who saw the situation treated it with respect and dared not act recklessly.

"Logan Rhys, Logan Rhys, even the troops of the Eight Vassals have arrived. You're doomed today!" Dominick couldn't help but feel elated.

Since the conflict between the two sides began, he had been repeatedly frustrated. Every time he thought he had the upper hand, Logan Rhys would shatter his hopes with his overwhelming strength.

But now, things were different. With the Eight Vassals and an additional hundred thousand elite soldiers, even if Logan Rhys had extraordinary abilities, he couldn't create a miracle against such a force.

After all, there were limits to manpower. Even the most exceptional grandmasters could only handle around ten thousand opponents, and that was already pushing the boundaries. When dealing with elite troops, the effectiveness would be significantly reduced.

Therefore, even if Logan Rhys was incredibly strong, he couldn't withstand the onslaught of a hundred thousand troops.

In the whole world, only those ranked at the top of the Astonishing List could effortlessly handle a hundred thousand soldiers like they were facing no opposition. Logan Rhys, however, didn't belong to that category.

"To come after me, you really went all out," Dustin said, his expression gradually becoming serious.

Just moments ago, he had expended a significant amount of energy during the continuous battles. Now, facing a siege from a hundred thousand troops, he had almost no chance of victory.

"Thump, thump, thump..."

The Eight Vassals, along with a hundred thousand troops, rushed toward them like a storm.

Chapter 1658: Kill me?

Now they finally understood why despite the abundance of martial artists in the Dragonmarsh, with powerful figures emerging constantly, no one had dared to confront the authorities head-on. The power gap was just too significant.

With hundreds of thousands of troops pressing forward, even if you had the abilities of a celestial being, it would be of no avail. Regardless of which martial sect or faction you belonged to, when facing the elite forces of the authorities, the ultimate fate was annihilation.

"Surround them!" With a command, the hundred thousand troops formed concentric circles, trapping Dustin and the others in the center. Armed soldiers filled the inner and outer layers, each with a sharp and murderous gaze.

"I am Dominick Mursal, the Jade Faced War God. Where are the Eight Vassals?" Dominick stepped forward, emanating an aura of power. As a Super-Grade War God, standing before a Second-Rank General, he was undoubtedly putting on airs. Even the real authorities among the Eight Vassals would bow down in respect when they saw him.

However, his question received no response. All the soldiers remained vigilant and unyielding, as if they hadn't heard him.

"What's going on? Where are your leaders?" Dominick was starting to feel impatient. Although he couldn't bring his White Wolf Guards, the thirty thousand of them, to Stonia, he still had the status of a War God. Which commander wouldn't show respect to him?

"General, today's outer city troops are under my full command," a voice came from the central formation. A white-robed, beardless old man with a thin and slightly shrill voice stepped forward.

The elderly man had a tall and thin figure, his voice sharp and his demeanor seemingly delicate.

"Imperial Clerk Nestor?" Seeing the old man, Dominick's pupils constricted, and his arrogance immediately receded. While the man's official rank was not high, his position was very special.

Not only was he an official close to the emperor, but he was also the number one expert within the imperial court, ranked tenth on the Astonishing List. He was Nestor!

"General War God, thank you for your efforts today. From now on, I will take care of everything," Nestor said with a slight nod, maintaining an attitude that was neither servile nor overbearing.

"Imperial Clerk Nestor, you have my gratitude," Dominick clasped his fists and promptly withdrew to the side to observe the battle.

He didn't expect the Dragon Guard Pavilion to place such high importance on Dustin. Not only did they deploy a hundred thousand troops, but they also summoned the number one expert within the imperial court, Nestor, to suppress him. Nestor was the emperor's personal bodyguard and rarely made public appearances. His presence today indicated that Dustin's demise was imminent, and it also revealed that the so-called emperor was merely a puppet groomed by the Dragon Guard Pavilion.

"Little Prince, we meet again," Nestor shifted his gaze and smiled at Dustin.

"Yes, we meet again. I didn't expect the Dragon Guard Pavilion to send a castrated dog like you to bite me," Dustin's face grew cold, and a hint of hostility flashed in his eyes.

Nestor was a lackey of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, and there was no doubt that he had some involvement in his mother's death.

"Little Prince, you shouldn't have come to Stonia, and you shouldn't have investigated the truth behind that year's incident. It would have been better for you to live a peaceful life in Swinston, just an ordinary person," Nestor said, his voice calm and composed.

"Hmph! Even if I did nothing, once the West Lucozia Mansion loses power, do you think you would spare me?" Dustin retorted.

"Little Prince, you're a clever person, but sometimes, too much cleverness can lead to an early grave," Nestor replied without confirming or denying Dustin's suspicion, maintaining his enigmatic smile.

"So, are you here today to kill me?" Dustin sneered.

"That's correct."

Nestor nodded calmly. "Your potential is too great, and in the future, you might pose a threat to the Dragon Guard Pavilion's position. Therefore, you must be eliminated sooner rather than later."

"Kill me? Have you considered the consequences? If I die in Stonia, do you think Rufus Rhys will just let it go?" Dustin asked coldly.

"The situation has changed," Nestor said with a faint smile. "Rufus Rhys is now in a precarious position and can't afford to be concerned about you. If everything goes as planned, you and your father will soon reunite on the road to the afterlife."

Chapter 1659: The life and death battle officially begun

"What did you say?"

As those words were spoken, Dustin's expression changed dramatically. He said in a deep voice, "Rufus Rhys is far away in West Lucozia, holding a substantial military force and being protected by numerous experts. How do you think you can deal with him?"

Although the Dragon Guard Pavilion was a powerful force, the West Lucozia Mansion was not to be underestimated. Over the years, the Dragon Guard Pavilion could not have tolerated the existence of this thorn in their side if the West Lucozia Mansion were weak. The reason for their inaction was primarily due to their concerns.

In other words, as long as Rufus Rhys remained strong, the West Lucozia Mansion would not lose its influence, and the Dragon Guard Pavilion would not dare to openly attack. However, based on Nestor's recent words, it seemed that the situation had changed.

"Little Prince, times have changed," Nestor maintained his smile. "The Dragon Guard Pavilion has been making preparations for ten years, and one day, we will be able to eliminate the West Lucozia Mansion. If we calculate the time, that day is fast approaching."

"What exactly are you planning?" Dustin demanded.

"Little Prince, you don't need to worry about these matters. In any case, you won't be leaving here alive today," Nestor replied with the same calm smile.

"Hmph! You want to kill me? I'm afraid it won't be that easy!" Dustin declared. "Even if you have an ambush, I'm not alone in this battle. My reinforcements are on their way, and when they arrive, the outcome will still be uncertain."

"Little Prince, your arrangements have already been seen through by the Dragon Guard Pavilion. Your so-called reinforcements are unlikely to arrive today. At this point, you're trapped like a turtle in a jar," Nestor calmly stated.

"Haha...Dustin, Dustin, didn't expect this, did you? Despite your extraordinary talent and strength, you won't escape death in the end!" Dominick couldn't help but mockingly laugh.

With the number one expert from the Top Ten List and a hundred thousand elite troops from the city's outer defenses, regardless of Dustin's hidden cards, he was now in a desperate situation.

"Even if I die, I will take a piece of your flesh with me!" Dustin suddenly extended his hand and shouted,

"Sky Sword!"


As soon as his words fell, a black sword suddenly whistled down from the sky. Wherever it passed, there were sharp whistles, and even the air was split in half, like an invisible giant cloth being cut open.

Because of its incredible speed, a long trail of afterimages was left behind in its wake.


When the black sword flew above Dustin's head, it suddenly emitted a soft sound, carrying a terrifying pressure as it directly descended.

Seeing this, the onlookers couldn't help but step back a few steps, fearing that they might be affected.

Dustin didn't dodge or avoid it; instead, he grabbed the black sword.

It was only at this moment that everyone could see clearly that it was actually a black sword.

The black sword emitted an unpredictable radiance and was surrounded by a chilling aura, clearly indicating that it was no ordinary weapon.

"Good sword," Nestor smiled faintly. "However, Little Prince, with just this sword, breaking through the encirclement might be quite difficult."

"Whether I can do it or not, you'll find out soon," Dustin said calmly, pointing the sword straight at Nestor. "Sky Sword, fight with me today!"


The black sword trembled and emitted a series of light hums, as if responding to something.

"Get the Little Prince out of here!" Nestor ordered without much emotion.


With a deafening battle cry, the hundred thousand elite troops rushed toward Dustin like waves one after another.

The life-and-death battle had officially begun.
Meanwhile, hundreds of miles away.

A white-robed swordsman was soaring through the sky at an astonishing speed, covering a hundred meters with each step.

Chapter 1660: Honor for me

His robe fluttered, exuding an otherworldly aura. If an ordinary person were to see him, they would probably kneel down and worship, hailing him as a celestial being.


As the white-robed swordsman continued on his journey, a white sword suddenly shot up from the ground, piercing the sky and blocking his path as if challenging him to a duel.

"Who dares to block my way?" the white-robed swordsman asked coldly.

"I've heard that Senior Swordsman is unparalleled in swordsmanship, so I've come from afar to seek some guidance," a shirtless, handsome young man said as he floated up into the air, landing gently on the white sword.

One man and one sword, they hovered in the air, facing each other.

"Who are you?" Bloodstrike Zenon look up and down.

"I am Finn Sanchez, a disciple of the Sword Sect, who has traveled from afar to seek some guidance from Senior Swordsman," the handsome young man, Finn, said with a respectful bow, his demeanor neither humble nor overbearing.

"Finn Sanchez? The genius of the Sword Sect who travels the world?" Bloodstrike Zenon raised an eyebrow, somewhat surprised. "I've heard of the Sword Sect producing an exceptional talent, and today, I finally meet you in person. You've already reached the realm of Grandmaster at such a young age. It seems you might even surpass that kid, Logan Rhys."

"Senior, you're too kind," Finn replied, his face calm.

"Finn, I have some matters to attend to today. If you wish to spar, we can do so another day," Zenon said indifferently.

"Choosing the right day is not as good as making today the day. I came a long way, and I would like to learn from Senior today," Finn remained unmoved.

"So, you intentionally blocked my way today? Is the Sword Sect also serving the interests of the Dragon Guard Pavilion? Have you become their lackeys?" Zenon's expression grew cold.

"My actions have nothing to do with the Sword Sect or the Dragon Guard Pavilion. It's purely a personal interest of mine," Finn replied calmly. "I began practicing the sword at the age of three, and I've reached the limits of swordsmanship. I want to know whether Senior's sword is faster than mine."

"Although your strength is impressive, you are not my match right now, even if your master, Hank, were to join you," Zenon said calmly.

"In terms of cultivation level, I am far from your league, Senior. What I seek today is to understand the sword. I've heard that beneath the Astonishing List, no one can withstand a single strike from Senior's sword. I want to try it for myself. Please, Senior, draw your sword," Finn once again clasped his fists.

"I never draw my sword lightly. Once I draw it, there must be bloodshed. Can you bear the consequences?" Zenon asked in return.

"If I can die by Senior's sword, it would be an honor for me," Finn replied without changing his expression.

"Very well! Since you have the resolve to face death, today, I won't hold back," Bloodstrike Zenon extended his sword finger and pointed it towards the sky. "Unsheathe!"


The Dragon Sparrow Sword behind him shot out instantly. It circled in the air a few times before coming to a steady stop in front of Bloodstrike Zenon.

"Is this the number one sword in the world? Truly extraordinary!"

Seeing the radiant Dragon Sparrow Sword, a hint of joy finally appeared on Finn's calm face. His eyes were filled with enthusiasm.

For a sword fanatic, collect the Ten Great Famous Swords of the world were the lifelong goal. Unfortunately, he had only collected six of them so far.

His unique cultivation technique made him stronger with each additional sword he collected. If he could gather all ten of the Ten Great Famous Swords, his martial arts realm would undoubtedly reach a new height.

"Finn Sanchez, watch closely. This is the first sword!" Zenon slowly pulled his sword finger back and then thrust it forward with incredible force.


The Dragon Sparrow Sword emitted a light hum and instantly transformed into a powerful sword energy, thrusting upward with the force to destroy heaven and earth.
Chapter 1551: Fate in my hands

"Miss Hazel, please don't move recklessly, be careful where the bullet ends up," a cold voice sounded from behind. Hazel instinctively turned around and found herself facing the menacing muzzle of a gun and a fierce-looking face.

"Who are you people? How dare you cause trouble in the Lancaster family?" Hazel shouted sternly.

"Miss Hazel, don't be so hot-tempered. We're just following orders," the armed man said indifferently.

"Orders? Whose orders?" Hazel demanded.

"Of course, I'm acting on my own orders."

At that moment, a man in a suit, thin and sharp-featured, walked into the meeting room from outside. It was Zaire, from the Mursal family!

"It's you?!" Hazel's face changed immediately when she saw him.

She had only recently escaped from the slums and hadn't expected Zaire to show up so soon.

"Miss Hazel, we meet again," Zaire said with a smile as he walked closer, reaching out to tilt Hazel's chin with his finger. "Indeed, you're a beauty. I'm finding it hard to resist."

"Mursal Young Master, I have no grievances with you. Why are you being so aggressive?" Hazel furrowed her brow.

"No grievances?" Zaire chuckled. "You made a fortune selling the Jade Dew Cream and refused to cooperate with me. Isn't that a reason to hold a grudge?"

"Mu Young Master, if it's a matter of business, we can discuss it properly. There's no need for unpleasantness," Hazel tried to appease him.

"Business? That's just about making a little less money. What I truly care about is that you made a laughingstock out of me on the day of your store's opening!" Zaire's expression suddenly turned fierce. "As a Mursal family young master, I was treated like a dog by you, humiliated at every turn. I can't let this slide, or I'll have lived in vain!"

"Mursal Young Master, Miss Dahlia has already assured us that she won't pursue this matter any further. Can't you give her face?" Hazel frowned.

"Hehe... Miss Hazel?" Zaire chuckled. "She used to be the butler of the Mursal Mansion, highly regarded by my adoptive father. I was indeed wary of her. However, she can't even protect herself now, let alone worry about the likes of you. So, your fate is now entirely in my hands."

"Mu Young Master, this matter has nothing to do with our Lancaster family. It was all done by that kid, Dustin. If you want to find trouble, go after him. We have nothing to do with it!" Hazel's fourth uncle pleaded meekly.

"Yeah, Mursal Young Master, we're all innocent. Please spare us," the other members of the Lancaster family begged one after another.

The Lancaster family was just a second-rate noble family, not even close to being a prestigious clan like the Mursal family. With Zaire's status, it wouldn't be difficult for him to ruin their family and their lives.

"Don't worry. I'll settle the score with Dustin, but for now, let's deal with our own matters." Zaire walked to the main seat, leaned back comfortably, and adopted a relaxed posture, as if he were a cat toying with a mouse.

"Mursal Young Master, what do you want?" Hazel asked in a deep voice.

"Well, I initially wanted to quietly eliminate Dustin through the Black Bear Gang, but it seems I underestimated him a bit," Zaire said thoughtfully. "He easily wiped out all the elites of the Black Bear Gang. I have to admit, he's quite formidable."

"So now, I need to take him more seriously, treat him as a formidable adversary."

"Of course, to avoid alerting him, I need your help."

"As long as you handle this matter smoothly for me, we can be friends in the future. How does that sound?" Zaire smiled as he spoke.

Chapter 1552: Countdown begins

Although Zaire was smiling, his demeanor clearly marked him as a dangerous character.

"What does Mursal Young Master want me to do?" Hazel suddenly felt uneasy.

"It's simple. Tomorrow, you find an excuse to invite Dustin to your house for dinner. Then, slip this bottle of Soft Tendon Powder into his drink. Once the drug takes effect, you can leave, and I'll take care of the rest," Zaire said, pulling out a black medicine bottle and placing it on the table.

Inside the bottle was a Soft Tendon Powder, specifically designed to deal with martial artists. Anyone below the Grandmaster level, once affected, would become completely powerless, like a lamb to the slaughter.

"Mursal Young Master, please spare him. There's no need to be so ruthless," Hazel's expression turned uncomfortable.

Even a fool could see what Zaire intended. If she drugged Dustin, she would become an accomplice.

"Ruthless?" Zaire chuckled with a hint of mockery. "Miss Hazel, this is nothing. I have far more ruthless methods at my disposal. Do you want to see? For instance, I can use my influence to bankrupt your Lancaster family. Or I can frame you all with a crime and throw you into prison. What do you think?"

"Mu Anyan! You've gone too far! There are laws in Stonia!" Hazel was angered.

"Laws?" Zaire burst into laughter, his expression filled with mockery. "Miss Hazel, you're not a child anymore, yet you say such childish things. I'm very disappointed in you."

The law protected those with power and influence, while those without were crushed by it. Commoners committing crimes were immediately thrown into jail, while the privileged could continue to evade justice.

Throughout history, it has always been the same.

"Mr. Zaire! You want to use me to do your dirty work, I will never agree. If you have the guts, just kill me!" Hazel's face turned cold, her gaze determined.

She would never betray a friend, especially not for someone she had developed unconventional feelings for.

"Surprising to see, Miss Hazel is quite the heroine," Zaire stood up, staring straight at Hazel and said with a smile, "But I'm curious, is it worth risking your life for a little pretty boy?"

"Whether it's worth it or not, it doesn't matter. Dustin saved me and helped me. I will never betray him!" Hazel's tone was resolute.

"Oh?" Zaire raised an eyebrow, looking quite surprised. "So, have you already fallen for that little pretty boy?"

"It's none of your business!" Hazel replied coldly.

"Interesting... truly interesting," Zaire said with a smirk. "A woman who used to be so promiscuous has genuine feelings. It's truly a world of wonders."

"If you want to kill, just do it. No need for all this talk!" Hazel faced her impending death with unwavering determination.

With Zaire's personality, even if he resolved the issue with Dustin, he would never let her off easily.

"Miss Hazel, I admire your courage. You are truly unafraid of death. But what about your family members? Are they willing to die with you?" Zaire suddenly turned his gaze towards the Lancaster family members and smirked. "I'll give you three minutes to think it over. If you don't agree, every minute that passes, I will kill one Lancaster family member, until there are none left."

"Now, the countdown begins!"

Chapter 1553: Dare not?"

Listening to Zaire's threatening words, the members of the Lancaster family were instantly terrified.

They hadn't done anything wrong, yet inexplicably, they had become victims, as if disaster had fallen from the sky.

"Mursal Young Master! Mursal Young Master, please have mercy!" Uncle Lancaster, the fourth uncle, was so frightened that he knelt on the ground, begging for mercy. "The younger generations of our Lancaster family have always abided by the law. You can't indiscriminately kill the innocent!"

"Mursal Young Master! You are a person of great stature, spare us!" The Lancaster family members were in a state of panic, crying out in despair.

However, Zaire remained unmoved, saying indifferently, "Your pleas mean nothing to me. If you want mercy, plead to Miss Hazel. Whether you live or die is in her hands."

"Hazel! What are you still waiting for? Hurry and agree!" Uncle Lancaster, the fourth uncle became frantic, shouting, "Are you going to watch our relatives be killed right in front of your eyes?"

"Uncle! Dustin is my savior; I can't betray him!" Hazel furrowed her brow deeply.

"What nonsense about a savior!" Uncle Lancaster burst out, "Everyone is out for themselves. Can Dustin's life compare to the lives of our whole family?"

"Uncle, our Lancaster family is not insignificant. I don't believe Mr. Zaire would dare to act recklessly!" Hazel said.

"Dare not?" Zaire laughed and snapped his fingers.


The next moment, a gunshot rang out.

A young man from the Lancaster family shuddered, subconsciously looking down. He saw a blood hole in his chest, and a large amount of fresh blood kept gushing out.


The man opened his mouth, not having the chance to say anything before his vision went black. He collapsed on the ground, dying on the spot!

Seeing this scene, the whole place fell into utter silence.

Everyone was stunned, their eyes wide open, some finding it hard to believe.

They knew Zaire was no good person, but they hadn't expected him to be so ruthless, killing without hesitation.

It was truly terrifying!

"How could this be?" Hazel was also dumbfounded.

It was only at this moment that she realized Zaire wasn't just bluffing; he was genuinely willing to commit murder in public.

"Miss Hazel, do you think I'm joking with you?" Zaire sneered. "I've always been a man of my word. If you don't agree, I will shoot every member of the Lancaster family present, one by one."

"Zaire! You beast!" Hazel couldn't contain her anger. Suddenly, she pulled out a knife and fiercely stabbed at Zaire.

Before she could get close, a bodyguard beside her kicked her in the abdomen. She flew back two to three meters, drenched in sweat and in pain, unable to stand.

"Miss Hazel, I advise you not to do anything foolish. If I hurt a hair on my head, your whole family will die," Zaire said, smirking.

"If you have the guts, come at me. Bullying the weak here, what kind of man are you?" Hazel gritted her teeth.

In the world of martial arts, family members were usually spared from harm, but the person in front of her clearly had no moral qualms.

"I'm a peculiar person. The more someone begs for death, the less I grant it. Conversely, those who fear death, the more they want to live, the less I let them live," Zaire said with a smile. "Now, make a choice. Will you continue to defend Dustin, or protect your own family?"

"I..." Hazel hesitated, her face full of conflict.

On one hand was the person she loved, and on the other hand were her family members. She truly didn't know how to choose.

"Looking at your appearance, it seems that you haven't made up your mind yet, then I'll help you again." Zaire snapped his fingers again.


Chapter 1554: Become a puppet

Another gunshot echoed through the room.

The second member of the Lancaster family fell into the pool of blood.

For a moment, the entire meeting room was filled with cries of shock and anguish.

The sounds of sobbing, shouting, and begging for mercy echoed one after another.

"Beast! I'll fight you to the death!"

Hazel's eyes turned red. She picked up the knife from the ground, ready to charge forward.

But before she could make a move, Zaire's bodyguard kicked her down once again.

"Miss Hazel, it seems the lives of these ordinary family members mean less to you than Dustin's. Alright, I'll give you more motivation," Zaire said, clapping his hands.

Soon, two sturdy bodyguards dragged in a middle-aged man.

It was Hazel's father, Waylon.


Seeing her father, Hazel's face instantly changed, fear etched across her features.

She hadn't expected her own father to be captured.

"Miss Hazel, I admit you're courageous. But, if it came down to it, and you had to choose between your father and Dustin, who would you pick?" Zaire asked.

"No... no... don't... don't!"

Hazel shook her head frantically, tears streaming down her face.

Zaire gestured, taking the gun handed to him by his subordinate and pressed it against Waylon's head. He spoke again, "I'll ask one last time. Will you agree? I'm running out of patience, and I don't have time to waste. I'll count to three. If you don't answer, I'll shoot."


Before the last word could be uttered, Hazel panicked, shouting, "I agree! I agree to everything! Please, let go of my dad!"

"That's the right choice," Zaire replied coldly.

Zaire laughed, tossed the gun to his subordinate, and walked forward slowly. He extended his finger, lifting Hazel's chin, and said mockingly, "Miss Hazel, I'll be waiting for your good news tomorrow. Only success is allowed, no failure. If Dustin isn't dead, I'll come back, and I won't be as polite as tonight."

With that, he left, his heart full of satisfaction.

He truly relished the sensation of manipulating people's emotions; it was simply delightful.


Hazel's legs gave way, and she collapsed on the ground, tears flowing like a waterfall.

She did indeed love Dustin, but she couldn't let him be the reason for her father's death.

Between family and love, she had to make a choice.

It was painful and incredibly frustrating.

"Hazel! It's all your fault! You killed two members of the Lancaster family. If you had made a decision earlier, none of this would have happened!" Uncle Lancaster, the fourth uncle roared in anger repeatedly.

The recent shock had made it hard for him to remain calm; he needed to vent his emotions.

"He's right! You ungrateful woman! You willingly sacrificed our family for Dustin! You are a disgrace to our Lancaster family!" The crowd chimed in, expressing their anger.

In their eyes, Hazel's recent actions were nothing short of treason.

Faced with the accusations and scolding, Hazel seemed oblivious, sitting on the ground as if she had lost her soul.

Looking at the drugs on the table, she felt her mind in chaos.

Zaire's subordinates stood nearby, watching her closely. If she made any sudden moves, it would bring disaster upon her family.

Right now, it seemed like she could only follow orders and become a puppet manipulated by Zaire.

However, poisoning Lu Chen with her own hands was almost as unbearable as being killed herself.

She truly didn't know what to do; the choice was too difficult.

Chapter 1555: Influence of the Mursal palace

The next morning.

Hazel, who hadn't slept all night, reluctantly called Dustin and invited him over for lunch at her house.

Dustin didn't suspect anything and agreed readily.

After hanging up the phone, Hazel seemed to lose all her strength. She slumped into a chair, her face pale, her eyes lifeless.

In just one night, she had become visibly exhausted.

"Daughter, how is it? Have you contacted Dustin?"

At this moment, Waylon walked in.

Hazel didn't say anything, just nodded slightly.

Seeing his daughter's dispirited expression, Waylon couldn't help but sigh deeply, comforting her, "Daughter, I know you're very upset, but right now, we don't have a choice."

"Zaire's power is vast, and he has the Mursal palace backing him up. We can't afford to offend him."

"Moreover, many members of the Lancaster family have already been controlled by Zaire. If we resist, those people will die."

"So this time, we can only play the role of the villain."

In the end, Waylon's face also darkened.

His impression of Dustin had always been quite positive.

Talented and not arrogant, he was a rising star.

He just hadn't expected that Dustin would offend the Mursal palace.

Now, they had brought disaster upon themselves, which was truly regrettable.

"Dad, is there really no other way? Can't we seek help from someone to resolve this conflict?" Hazel asked tentatively.

"I've tried, but it's useless."

Waylon shook his head, "My friends, the moment they heard the words 'Mursal palace', they immediately hung up the phone. You should know the influence of the Mursal palace. In the whole Stonia city, very few people dare to offend them."

In Stonia, the four major royal families were currently led by the Spanner family in the first place. Following them was the Mursal Palace, and then the Duncan family and the Bryant family. Regardless of power or influence, the Mursal Palace was not much inferior to the Spanner family. The reason they were slightly suppressed was nothing more than the influence of the Spanner family's twin stars. In other words, apart from the royal relatives within the Forbidden City, the only ones who could truly influence the Mursal Palace were the Spanner family.

So, faced with Zaire's oppression, the Lancaster family had no way out. If they resisted, they would only end up with their family ruined and their lives lost. This was the reality; this was the disparity.

"Why? Why did it come to this?"

Hazel bit her lip, clenched her fists, her face filled with humiliation and unwillingness. But in the end, all her emotions turned into helplessness and despair. As her father had said, no one dared to offend the Mursal Palace. Most importantly, Zaire had a large number of hostages in his hands. If she didn't comply, her father and her family would all die.

"Daughter, get ready. Dustin will be here soon. Don't show any flaws, or we'll be finished," Waylon said with a heavy heart.


Hazel nodded heavily, not saying a word.

Things had reached this point, and she had no choice but to carry it through to the end.
At noon, Dustin arrived at the Lancaster family's estate.

Hazel and her father, Waylon, were waiting at the entrance to greet him.

"Dustin, you're here? Please come in."

Seeing Dustin getting out of the car, Waylon immediately greeted him with a smile.

Chapter 1556: Eighty years old wine

On the other hand, Hazel seemed gloomy and absent-minded. It wasn't until Waylon nudged her with his shoulder that she suddenly snapped back to reality and forced a smile. "Dustin, I have prepared the food and drinks. Please, enjoy."

"Thank you," Dustin responded with a smile.

The three of them exchanged pleasantries as they made their way inside. Unlike the usual bustling atmosphere, the Lancaster family's mansion felt unusually calm today, with hardly anyone in sight within the vast estate.

They continued chatting as they settled in the reception room. Soon, delicious dishes were brought to the table, one after another.

"Miss Hazel, you invited me here, is there something specific you wanted to discuss?" Dustin inquired.

"I..." Hazel was momentarily at a loss for words. She had been in a daze the entire day, how could she have thought about this?

Fortunately, Waylon reacted quickly and intervened, "Dustin, you're thinking too much. Can't I invite you over for a meal without any ulterior motives? Your Jade Dew Cream has greatly helped our Lancaster family, providing us with the opportunity to rise in status. Naturally, we must express our gratitude."

"Uncle Waylon is too polite. This was a mutually beneficial arrangement. We are helping each other," Dustin replied modestly. "Moreover, Hazel and I have become friends. We will have more opportunities for cooperation in the future, so Uncle Waylon, please take care of us."

"Haha, of course!" Waylon laughed heartily, then gestured for someone. "Servants! Bring over the exquisite wine I have been treasuring. Today, I want to enjoy it heartily with Dustin!"

Following his orders, a jug of aged wine was brought to the table. When the lid was opened, a rich aroma filled the air, refreshing the senses.

"This rich fragrance... It must be a wine aged for over fifty years, right?" Dustin sniffed.

"Exactly! This old wine has been preserved for eighty years. It wasn't easy to obtain. I've been reluctant to drink it until today, welcoming an esteemed guest like you, Dustin," Waylon explained with a smile.

"Oh? Does that mean I'm in for a treat today?" Dustin smiled back.

"Come, let me fill your glass!" Waylon was very enthusiastic. He poured three cups of wine, one for each of them, and raised his glass for a toast. "Dustin, I wish us a pleasant cooperation in the future. Cheers!"

"Cheers," Dustin immediately raised his wine glass in response.

However, just as the wine was about to touch his lips, he suddenly stopped and glanced at Hazel, his expression filled with confusion. "Miss Hazel, what's wrong with you today? You seem distracted. Are you feeling unwell?"

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine," Hazel forced a smile.

"Hazel has been extremely busy lately, she might be too exhausted," Waylon quickly intervened with a smile. "Come, come, let's forget all our worries for now. Let's all drink together and enjoy the moment!"

After speaking, he subtly gestured at Hazel.

Struggling, Hazel picked up her wine glass, but her arm trembled uncontrollably. The wine was laced with Ten Fragrance Softening Powder, a colorless and tasteless drug that would render the person weak and powerless, unable to resist or fight back.

"Miss Hazel, please," Dustin smiled and raised his glass, then calmly brought it to his lips.

"Wait!" Hazel's heart tightened, and she couldn't help but speak up.

"What's wrong?" Dustin looked puzzled.

"N-nothing... You might be busy today, right? You should drink less," Hazel stammered, not knowing how to explain.

This reaction made Waylon slightly furrow his brow, but he couldn't show it openly.

"It's nothing. I have a good tolerance for alcohol; a few drinks won't affect me," Dustin smiled, unperturbed, and raised his wine glass again.

Seeing this, Hazel's face turned pale. She quickly reached out and knocked Dustin's wine glass away, exclaiming, "Don't drink! There's poison in the wine!"

Chapter 1557: It’s a trap


A crisp sound echoed through the room as Dustin's wine glass was knocked over, spilling its contents. Hazel stood there, bewildered and unsure of what to do. Her action had been purely instinctive, beyond her control. She had stopped Dustin from drinking almost on reflex, but she didn't know why.

In this moment, not just Hazel, but her father Waylon as well, looked as pale as a ghost. Cold sweat trickled down his face. The thing he had feared the most had finally happened. He could have ensured his family's safety by sacrificing Dustin, but his daughter's actions had ruined the entire plan.

At the sight of Dustin about to drink the poisoned wine, Hazel had acted without conscious thought, disrupting everything.

"Miss Hazel, what did you just say? There's poison in the wine?" Dustin raised an eyebrow, looking somewhat perplexed.


Hazel swallowed hard, hesitated for a few seconds, then gritted her teeth as if she had made a decision. She hurriedly said, "Dustin, this is a trap. There's poison in the wine. Someone wants to harm you. Please, leave quickly!"

Saying this, she grabbed Dustin's arm and began pulling him towards the door.

"Hazel! Have you gone mad?" Waylon slapped the table in frustration and shouted, "Do you know what you're doing? Your actions might bring disaster to our entire family!"

"Dad! I don't care about any of that anymore. I just want Dustin to survive. I can't lead him into a trap!" Hazel's eyes were filled with tears.

"If Dustin survives, we'll die. Don't you understand? We don't have a choice!" Waylon roared.

"We can escape, we can leave Stonia, maybe there's a chance for us to survive," Hazel suggested.

"Don't be naive! The people from the Mursal Palace have already set their sights on us. Where can we possibly escape to?" Waylon's expression was that of someone frustrated by a stubborn child. He couldn't believe his daughter was willing to risk the safety of the entire family for the sake of a man.

"I don't know, I don't know, but anyway, I'm going to take Dustin away!" Hazel cried.

At this moment, her heart was in turmoil, completely losing her composure.

"Hazel! You can't make decisions for this family! No matter what, Dustin must stay here today!" Waylon suddenly shouted.

Immediately after, a group of bodyguards stormed in, surrounding Dustin and Hazel with a menacing presence.

As a precaution, he had made two preparations in advance.

If Dustin drank, things would naturally be peaceful; if not, they would have to resort to force.

"Uncle Waylon, what are you doing? What has happened?" Dustin furrowed his brows.

"Dustin, I'm sorry, I didn't want it to come to this, but for the safety of our Lancaster family, I had no choice," Waylon said with a complicated expression.

"Uncle Waylon, if you're facing any trouble, you can tell me, and I'll help you resolve it. There's no need for it to escalate to this point," Dustin said.

"You can't resolve it. Today, it's either you die or we perish. There's no other choice. Seize him!" Waylon gritted his teeth and finally gave the order.

"Stop! All of you, stop!" Hazel suddenly pulled out a knife and held it against her own neck. "Dad, if you dare to act recklessly, I'll die right before your eyes!"

"You... you... you... you stubborn girl, what are you doing? Put the knife down!" Waylon was startled.

"Let us go, or I'll die here with Dustin!" Hazel was resolute, her knife lightly cutting her skin as she spoke.

A trickle of blood flowed slowly from the wound.

"Daughter, don't be reckless;

In the midst of their conversation, she lightly pushed the knife in her hand, and the sharp blade effortlessly cut through her skin.

A trickle of fresh blood slowly oozed from the wound.

"Dad! Please don't make me do this; it could cost a lot of life!" Waylon became frantic.

He had only one daughter, and he had always indulged her. Seeing his daughter bleeding, he naturally felt an immense anguish.

"Dad, I'm sorry. Your daughter is being disobedient this time," Hazel wept, but her gaze remained remarkably resolute.

Chapter 1558: Pool of blood

The grip on the knife tightened, and the wound on her neck grew larger.

Seeing this, Waylon was torn between heartache and helplessness, ultimately choosing to compromise.

"Fine, I'll let you two go," he said.

"But from today onwards, you are no longer a part of the Lancaster family."

"From now on, our ties are severed, and I'll treat it as if I never had a daughter like you," Waylon said in a heavy tone.


Hazel trembled all over, her face filled with anguish.

"Don't call me dad! Just go!" Waylon waved his hand, signaling the bodyguards to step back, then turned away, refusing to look at Hazel.

Unbeknownst to her, tears had welled up in his tiger-like eyes.

Daughter, live well, stay away from the turmoil of Stonia. I wish you happiness.

"Dad, I'm sorry."

Watching her father's slightly hunched figure, Hazel felt deeply guilty.

After a brief hesitation, she wiped away her tears, took Dustin by the hand, and ran outside.

"Miss Hazel, what's going on?"

After leaving the meeting room, Dustin couldn't help but ask with curiosity.

"No time to explain! There are spies from the Mursal's palace everywhere here. We need to leave quickly. Otherwise, if they find us, you won't get out of here today!" Hazel pulled Dustin along, glancing nervously around.

"Mursal's palace?"

Dustin furrowed his brows slightly. Could it be that Zaire was causing trouble again?

Last night's accounts hadn't been settled yet, and he didn't expect the other party to retaliate so quickly.

"We need to leave through the back door!"

After making sure they weren't detected, Hazel, with Dustin in tow, cautiously made their way to the back of the estate.

Opening the door and glancing left and right, everything appeared normal.

Hazel turned to look at Dustin and quickly advised, "Follow this path straight ahead. You'll soon reach the main road. When you get back, pack your things and leave Stonia immediately. It's no longer safe here!"

"Miss Hazel, it's not as serious as you think. If you're worried about Zaire, I can handle him," Dustin said.

"I know you're acquainted with Miss Natasha, but Zaire has the Jade-Faced War God behind him, and the entire Mursal's palace supports him. Even Miss Natasha wouldn't want to offend them. Trust me, you need to leave quickly!" Hazel said sternly.

"If I leave, what about you?" Dustin asked in return.

"I'll find a way to handle things and protect myself."

Hazel forced a smile. "Zaire's target is you, not me. He probably won't do anything to me. Don't worry about me, just go."

Without waiting for Dustin's response, she pushed him out the door.

"Miss Hazel, I..."

Dustin was about to explain further when Hazel seemed to see something, and her expression suddenly changed.

"Watch out!"

Hazel exclaimed and pushed Dustin away with all her strength.

Following that, a volley of gunshots rang out.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

A dense barrage of bullets struck Hazel, leaving over a dozen bloody holes in her body.

Everything happened so suddenly that even Dustin didn't have time to react and come to her rescue.

"Hurry... hurry, escape..."

Hazel looked at Dustin, blood continuously pouring from her mouth.

She reached out her hand, as if trying to grasp something, but she couldn't hold onto anything. Finally, her body went limp and collapsed into the pool of blood.

Chapter 1559: Collect the bodies

"Miss Hazel!"

Seeing Hazel shot and collapsing, Dustin's face turned pale, and he quickly helped her up.

At this moment, Hazel's body was bleeding profusely, her complexion rapidly paling, and even her pupils began to dilate visibly.

Dustin didn't have time to think, immediately taking out silver needles to seal her acupuncture points and stop the bleeding.

Just as he was about to infuse his true vital energy to treat her, gunshots rang out from behind again.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang..."

More and even denser bullets came whistling in from outside the door, like a torrential rain, completely engulfing Dustin and Hazel.

The ground was littered with debris, and dust filled the air.

When all the bullets were expended, a fully armed team of assassins finally revealed themselves from behind the trees.

"I thought they were so powerful, but it turns out they're this weak. What a disappointment!" The leader, a muscular man, lit a cigarette and started smoking.

All the entrances and exits of the estate had been ambushed with a large number of assassins.

"Boss, with our firepower, who can withstand it?" one of the assassins joked.

"That's true."

The muscular man smirked and said, "Alright, collect the bodies and go collect our rewards from Zaire. Tonight, we'll have a good feast!"

With this remark, the assassins suddenly felt reinvigorated.

The payment from their employer this time was extremely generous. With this money, they could live in comfort for several years.

"Boss! There's a situation!"

At this moment, one of the assassins seemed to have spotted something and his expression turned serious.

Everyone followed his gaze, and amidst the smoke and dust, they saw a man covered in blood walking out with a grim expression.

Surprisingly, it was Dustin!

"How is this possible? This kid didn't die!" The muscular man furrowed his brow in disbelief.

The other assassins exchanged bewildered glances, finding it hard to believe.

They had emptied their magazines, and even a person made of iron would have been turned into a hornet's nest by now.

However, Dustin's clothes were torn, but he was essentially unharmed.

The blood spattered on Dustin was from the earlier woman.

"Damn! This is unbelievable! How did this kid survive?" The muscular man cursed, throwing his cigarette to the ground and crushing it underfoot.

"You're all going to die today," Dustin said coldly, without anger or curses, just a deep-seated indifference.

"Quick! Reload your guns!" The muscular man suddenly felt uneasy and hurriedly began to change his magazine.

The other assassins didn't dare to hesitate and raised their guns to fire.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The sound of bullets once again filled the air.

But the next moment, Dustin's figure suddenly disappeared from where he stood.

When he reappeared, he was already in the midst of the crowd.

With a swift slash of his hand, he severed one assassin, gun and all, into two halves.

Then, with a punch, he pierced through another assassin's chest before they could react, instantly killing them.

In the blink of an eye, two fully armed assassins had fallen.

However, Dustin didn't stop there; he continued to ruthlessly take the lives of the other assassins.

At this moment, he had transformed into a demon, using brutal and savage methods, and the scene turned incredibly bloody.

Anyone attacked by him didn't leave as a whole corpse.

"He's over there! Shoot him!" The muscular man shouted in panic, trying to rally the remaining assassins.

But he was too slow. He couldn't capture Dustin's figure at all, and in the end, he could only desperately fire his gun in random directions.

The result was that he didn't harm Dustin at all but ended up injuring his own men.

In just ten seconds, all the assassins were wiped out, and only the muscular man remained standing, his gun empty.

He looked like death itself, trembling uncontrollably with a horrified expression.

"How is this possible?!" Staring at the bodies scattered around him, the muscular man was completely stupefied.

He had been in the business of using violence for half his life but had never encountered anyone as terrifying as Dustin.

Chapter 1560: The woman he care deeply

No! To be precise, the man in front of him couldn't even be called a human being anymore.

His speed was as fast as lightning, his body as tough as steel, and he completely disregarded the threat of bullets. His methods of killing were like taking something from a bag, and he did it with ruthless cruelty.

The guy in front of him was simply a demon!

"Where's Zaire?" Dustin stared at the muscular man, his body covered in blood, his eyes as cold as ice.

"Spare me, please! We were just following orders, we have no personal grudge against you. As long as..."

As the muscular man was speaking, he suddenly pulled out a hand grenade and threw it towards Dustin.

He had timed it perfectly. This hand grenade would explode almost instantly, and no matter how powerful the opponent was, they couldn't withstand such a massive explosion.

He thought he had won!

Just when the muscular man was secretly triumphant, thinking that his sneak attack had succeeded, Dustin made a sudden move and caught the hand grenade with one hand.

The next moment, there was a muffled explosion as the hand grenade went off. However, the horrifying destructive power of the explosion did not materialize.

In Dustin's hand, the hand grenade, as if it were just a fart, was easily contained. The terrifying explosive force was directly squeezed back.

A wisp of gunpowder-scented smoke rose slowly from between his fingers.

The way he did it so easily, it was as if he wasn't holding a grenade, but an egg.

"How... how is this possible?" The muscular man was dumbfounded, staring wide-eyed, his face full of disbelief.

The hand grenade had been caught barehanded, and not a hair on Dustin's head was harmed. Was this guy even human?!

"Spare me! Spare me, please!" The muscular man panicked, and he immediately knelt on the ground, bowing and begging for mercy.

Encountering such a monster, resistance was futile, and all he could do was plead for his life.

"Where's Zaire?" Dustin asked coldly.

"I don't know... I don't know anything! I was just following orders, spare me, kind sir, spare my wretched life!" the muscular man cried out.

"You don't know? Then you can go to hell."

Dustin didn't waste any words. He raised his hand and slapped the muscular man's head with a loud "smack!"

The muscular man's body trembled, and his head exploded instantly like a watermelon hit by a cannonball.

After dealing with the hitman team, Dustin walked back to the doorway.

At this moment, Hazel was lying quietly on the ground, unmoving. Her beautiful eyes were slightly open, as if still radiating a faint light. However, her chest no longer rose and fell, and her pulse had ceased.

She had been shot in multiple places, and her heart had been pierced. The blood that flowed out resembled a gigantic red rose, slowly blooming, beautiful and yet alluring.

Dustin knelt on the ground, staring at Hazel's lifeless body, his heart heavy with sorrow. He didn't know what to say, or how to make amends for the loss of the woman before him.

He was lost, his mind in turmoil, and his thoughts scattered.

In a daze, he seemed to see Hazel standing up again, smiling at him with warmth. The memories of their past experiences flooded his mind one by one.

"Young man... I wonder if you're interested in becoming one of my 108 boyfriends?"

"Shall we go to my sister's place tonight? Her bed is big and soft, I promise you won't want to leave."

"Young man, you've come at just the right time. Let me introduce you to my dad, your future father-in-law."

"Young man, I live alone and I get a little scared. How about you keep me company tonight?"

"Actually, those rumors are half true and half false. Many people say I'm fickle in love, but the fact that I keep male pets is true."

"I will find a way to handle things and keep myself safe. You should leave now, don't worry about me."

"Quick... run away..."

As memories of their encounters and moments together replayed in his mind, Dustin's eyes turned red, his lips trembling, and a strange pain settled in his heart.

Hazel's final words before her death still echoed in his ears, refusing to fade away.

"Dustin... what should we do? I think I might have actually started to like you a little."

"Unfortunately, we are destined to be separated in this life, but we can meet again in the next."

"Please, don't forget me... okay?"

"In the next life... I'll be waiting for you..."

Dustin couldn't hold back his tears any longer, and they flowed freely down his cheeks as he grieved for the woman he had come to care deeply about.
Hazel death really touched me deeply
Nazmul, I quite appreciate your effort in this translation.
I started with Jungal 2000 but his posts seem to had been a bit slow even though he did a great job.
I now switched to you whom was a bit faster and still enjoyed reading from you. But now, you have become slower and jungal2000 seems to be on the lead. Now iam confused bcos of slide difference in names of characters and locations.
Please try and increase pace.
I love what you and jungal are doing.
Iam here to express my gratitude to both of you for your sacrifices in bringing this free for us to read.
Has jungal started translating again? If so please share the link, i tried looking for it but couldn't find
Chapter 1661: No mercy for blocking my way

When Finn raised the cauldron and asked about the sword, Zenon replied.

On the other side, in the east, a hundred miles from Mount Gateway,
Adam Spanner was leading an elite force, rushing urgently towards Mount Gateway.

Because the situation had arisen suddenly, he had only a few troops with him, just five hundred men.

However, these five hundred men were all his personal guards, with formidable combat strength, including many martial arts experts.

Taken together, even if they were to face an ordinary army of ten thousand, they would not be at a disadvantage.

"Faster! Faster!"

"Give it all you've got, make sure to reach Lakewood Temple as soon as possible!"

Adam Spanner sat in the carriage, constantly urging, his expression filled with anxiety.

This reaction was somewhat surprising to the two female officials in the same carriage.

You see, General Adam was known for his unflinching demeanor, and in the past, no matter what happened, he could remain calm and composed.

What's happening today?

Why is he so impatient?

What exactly has happened?

"How's Scarlet Spanner doing? Is there any news?" Adam suddenly asked.

"Miss Scarlet was temporarily reassigned by the clan elders for a mission, and we can't reach her at the moment, but we've left a message. As soon as Miss Scarlet returns, she'll come to support immediately," one of the female officials replied.

"Mission my ass! I think those old bastards are deliberately interfering!" Adam Spanner couldn't help but curse.

At this critical moment, sending Scarlet Spanner, the strongest fighter, away was obviously an attempt to weaken their forces.

It's clear that the Spanner family is afraid of offending the imperial power and has silently approved of Logan Rhys's murder.

"Young master, Mr. Logan has good fortune on his side, he'll be fine, you don't need to worry too much," the female official comforted.

"This matter is not so simple."

Adam's expression turned serious. "Now the entire Stonia City is in turmoil, even the forces behind the imperial power have begun to act. If I'm not mistaken, that bloodbath from ten years ago is about to happen again!"

"What? Is it that serious?" The two female officials were startled."

The bloodbath from ten years ago had stirred up a storm in Stonia City, and it remained a taboo subject that no one dared to mention.

They found it hard to imagine how many more people would die if something similar happened again.

"Oh, Brother Logan, you must hold on, I'll be there soon!" Adam's brows were furrowed, and he was tense all over.

Ten years ago, he was still underage and powerless, unable to help Dustin, only able to watch the bloodshed unfold before his eyes.

But now, things were different. He had the ability and the confidence to stand up against this injustice world with his brothers.

So no matter what, even if he had to give up his prestigious position, he would ensure that Dustin did not die, just as Dustin had protected him many years ago.


Just as Adam was anxiously waiting, the leading vehicle in front suddenly slammed on the brakes.

The following vehicles were forced to do the same.

"What's going on? Why did we stop?" Adam immediately took out a walkie-talkie to inquire.

"Sir, there's a vehicle blocking the road ahead, and we can't get through," came the quick response from the walkie-talkie.

"Blocking the road?"

Adam Spanner furrowed his brows and jumped out of the car to take a look. Sure enough, about a hundred meters ahead, a large truck was blocking the road, sealing off their path.

Standing on the truck was a man wearing a faceless mask.

"Who are you? How dare you block my way!" Adam shouted loudly.

"General Adam, this road is off-limits ahead. I suggest you turn back," the masked man said calmly.

"What if I don't?" Adam's eyes gleamed with hostility.

"If General Adam doesn't heed the advice, then don't blame us for being impolite," the masked man replied.

"Hmph! I'd like to see if you can stop me!" Adam waved his hand and shouted, "Attack!"

The situation was critical now, and he wouldn't show mercy to anyone blocking their way.

Chapter 1662: A bit strange


The five hundred elite soldiers leaped out of their vehicles and charged forward.

At that moment, the cargo compartment of the large truck opened from the side, revealing a multitude of people inside.

These individuals were dressed in black, wore faceless masks, held steel knives, and exuded formidable energy, clearly all martial arts experts.


The masked man on top of the truck waved his long knife, and the warriors inside the compartment did not hesitate. They immediately rushed forward to meet the attackers.

The two groups clashed fiercely in battle.

Adam's forces were larger and well-trained, combining offense and defense with overwhelming momentum.

As for the masked assassins, their combat prowess was also impressive. Five of them formed a group, coordinating seamlessly and displaying formidable aggression in their charges.

For a moment, both sides engaged in a fierce battle, evenly matched.

"Martial Bureau?"

Adam examined the situation closely and quickly deduced the clues.

It was evident that these masked assassins were carefully selected martial artists. If they were from martial sects in the martial world, they wouldn't be able to fight with such precision.

Only trained officials could reach this level of proficiency.

Looking at the entire Stonia City, the organization with both the capability and motivation to deploy such forces was likely the Martial Bureau.

The fact that even the formidable Martial Bureau had mobilized indicated that the situation was even more dire than he had anticipated.
Meanwhile, five hundred miles away, In a remote mountain forest, Scarlet Spanner was leading an elite team on an anti-bandit mission.

They had expected some resistance, but as soon as the bandits saw regular troops, they scattered like rats, abandoning their hideout and fleeing.

There was hardly any meaningful resistance.

Scarlet didn't lose a single soldier and easily accomplished the mission.

"My lord, the bandits have fled in fear, and we have successfully taken control of their camp. We are currently inventorying the spoils of victory," reported the female commander, Catalina.

Scarlet stood on the wooden wall of the bandit camp, her delicate eyebrows furrowed, and there was no hint of joy on her face.

"My lord, what's the matter?" asked Catalina, feeling puzzled.

"Something doesn't seem right," Scarlet said thoughtfully. "Everything has gone too smoothly; it doesn't feel like we were really dealing with bandits."

"My lord, perhaps these bandits heard of your reputation and were too frightened to resist," Catalina offered an explanation.

"Before we came, we had blocked all communication devices, and our identities haven't been exposed. How could these bandits have known?" Scarlet countered.

"That... does seem a bit strange," Catalina nodded in agreement.

It was indeed unusual for the bandits to flee without a fight, especially compared to the ruthless and desperate bandits they had encountered before. Besides, with such little courage, how could they have engaged in violent activities?

"Open up the communication devices and contact the clan elders to find out what's going on," Scarlet instructed.

"Yes, my lord," Catalina responded and began to take action.

However, as soon as the communication devices were turned on, an urgent message came through.

"Logan Rhys is in danger, hurry to Lakewood Temple!"

Upon seeing the message, Scarlet's face instantly changed, and she immediately ordered, "Gather the troops and head to Lakewood Temple at the fastest speed possible!"


At this moment, a monitoring officer suddenly stepped forward and accused her, "War Goddess, our mission was to eliminate the bandits, and now that they've fled, we should pursue them instead of deviating from our duty!"

"What I do is none of your business. Get lost!" Scarlet's face turned cold.

"My lord! This is an order from the clan elders. If you dare to defy it, be prepared for consequences when I report back!" the monitoring officer threatened loudly.

Without a word, Scarlet raised her sword and publicly beheaded the monitoring officer.

Then, she swiftly left with her troops.

Chapter 1663: White mist suddenly appeared

At the foot of Mount Gateway, the scene was chaotic and filled with the sounds of roaring, shouting, and cries of agony.

Dustin, wielding his sword, moved through the hundred-thousand-strong army with unstoppable force. Wherever his sword struck, dozens of men fell into pools of blood.

However, no matter how valiantly Dustin fought, the surrounding soldiers seemed to multiply rather than diminish. Waves of troops surged at him relentlessly, as if there was no end in sight.

A hundred thousand strong, even if they just stood still and let people chop at them, it would still take at least three days and nights to kill them all.

Furthermore, these hundred thousand soldiers were elite, equipped with armor and shields, making them formidable opponents.

While Dustin's strength was remarkable, it was impossible for him to single-handedly slaughter a hundred thousand troops. Humans weren't machines, and they couldn't sustain high-intensity combat indefinitely.

With each swing of his sword, Dustin expended some of his energy. In the short term, it might not be apparent, but as time passed, exhaustion accumulated, and he would eventually succumb to the overwhelming numbers.

"Hmph! Kill as much as you want. I want to see how long you can last," Dominick, standing at a distance, sneered.

After all, the soldiers dying weren't his own, so he felt no remorse. Dustin's displayed combat prowess was impressive, but killing tens of thousands of soldiers would likely be his limit.

Once his energy was depleted, he would become a lamb to be slaughtered in the sea of soldiers.

"I didn't expect that in just one year of not seeing each other, this guy's cultivation has improved so much. He truly is a threat," Nestor muttered to himself, his face expressionless.

Given Dustin's talent, if he were given a few more years to develop, it was likely that no one would be able to stop him.

"Kill, kill, kill! Keep killing for me!" The eight commanders directed their soldiers, charging forward without fear of life or death. They had received orders from above, and regardless of the cost or how many lives were sacrificed, they had to complete their mission.

While the fierce battle raged on between the two sides, a white mist suddenly appeared in the distant mountain woods.

The white mist, driven by the wind, began to spread rapidly.

In just a few minutes, it had already extended toward the battlefield and gradually infiltrated the crowd.

"Strange, the sun is shining brightly, why is there still mist?" Surviving martial artists from various sects looked around at the encroaching mist, showing expressions of puzzlement.

"Don't be too surprised, these kinds of anomalies often occur in the deep forests and mountains," a middle-aged man calmly explained.

"No, something's off about this mist!"

At that moment, beautiful woman from the Flying Smoke Sect gently sniffed the air and immediately furrowed her brows.

"What's strange about it?" The white-haired elder from the Thunderclap Sect asked cautiously.

"The forest is vast, yet this mist is heading directly toward us. Most importantly, within this mist, I sense a faint strange fragrance, which indicates that someone might be deliberately behind this!" The beautiful woman's expression turned serious.


The white-haired elder's expression changed. "Are you suggesting that this mist might be toxic?"

"It's possible!" The beautiful woman nodded emphatically and then ordered, "Quick! Inform Master Dominick and tell them to be cautious of the mist!"

Her words had just landed when a sudden change occurred.

Several weaker female disciples from the Flying Smoke Sect suddenly felt dizzy and weak.

After stumbling a few steps, they collapsed to the ground with a heavy thud.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of all the martial artists changed.

Without hesitation, they immediately sat down on the ground and began to hold their breath to counteract the poison.

They took antidote pills if they had them, not willing to take any chances when it came to their lives.

In a matter of life and death, there was no room for carelessness.

Chapter 1664: The mist is poisonous

"Thud, thud, thud..."

No sooner had several female warriors fallen than many more warriors began to faint one after another.

And this situation was rapidly spreading, becoming uncontrollable.

The soldiers who had been at the rear and were the first to inhale the white mist collapsed like dominoes, one row after another.

Ten, a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand... a large number of soldiers exhibited symptoms of poisoning, and there was no way to prevent it.

Wherever the white mist passed, it was as if a strong wind was sweeping away fallen leaves. In just a few minutes, nearly half of the hundred-thousand-strong army had fallen.

"What's going on? Why are all the soldiers in the rear falling down?" The eight commanders quickly noticed something was amiss and couldn't help but show astonishment.

"It's poison! The mist is poisonous! Everyone, be careful!"

A military officer shouted in alarm, but it was already too late.

More and more soldiers were poisoned and collapsing, and there was no sign of it stopping.

If this continued, the entire army would be wiped out very quickly.

"Quick! Take the antidote!" The eight commanders roared repeatedly.

In the medical team, they typically kept some antidotes on hand.

However, compared to a hundred thousand soldiers, the antidotes were like a drop in the ocean.

Of course, there was no time to consider this at the moment. Saving one life was better than none.

"How could this happen? Everything was fine, how could there be poisonous mist? Who's behind this?"

Dominick furrowed his brow, looking around in confusion.

Due to the chaos on the scene, it was impossible to determine any clues.

"Could it be that Dustin has help?"

Nestor narrowed his eyes and wore a more sinister expression.

The poison in the mist was relatively mild and had little impact on martial experts.

However, it was highly effective against these armed soldiers.

In a few more minutes, it was estimated that ninety percent of the people would collapse. At that point, the human wave tactic would crumble on its own.


Finally, Nestor couldn't hold back any longer.

His body trembled, and a golden light burst out from within him.

The golden light seemed to have a life of its own, rapidly expanding and transforming. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge Fury Golden Guardian.


Nestor suddenly roared, and the Fury Golden Guardian also opened its mouth, emitting a deafening lion's roar.

Accompanied by this, there was a powerful hurricane.

Under the influence of the soundwave power, the hurricane swept forward, blowing away the white mist wherever it passed, completely dispersing it.

The encirclement that had just been formed was broken wide open in the blink of an eye by Nestor's attack.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

Is this the power of the tenth-ranked expert on the World shaking list?

With just a single long roar, he easily dissipated half of the overwhelming white mist and effortlessly broke the siege.

This strength was truly terrifying!

"Who dares to play tricks here? If you have the guts, come out and show yourself!" Nestor suddenly spoke, and his voice carried a special resonance that echoed throughout the entire mountain range.

For a moment, it startled the birds into flight.

"Servants of court, with your people, you'd better leave quickly, or I'll have all of you buried here!" A clear female voice came from afar.

Immediately after, a giant black eagle soared into the sky from a distance, moving at an astonishing speed.

As everyone focused their gaze, they saw a young girl sitting on top of the giant eagle.

It was none other than Abigail, who had arrived just in time!

Chapter 1665: I'll poison you all

Abigail, riding the giant black eagle, continuously circled above the crowd.

Her cold, indifferent eyes looked down at the densely packed people below.

Due to Nestor's timely intervention, only half of the people had been poisoned by the mist. However, with her abilities, it wouldn't be difficult to poison the remaining half.

The Witchcraft Sect was least afraid of a human wave tactic.

"Abigail?" Seeing the girl riding the eagle in the sky, Dustin couldn't help but be surprised.

He hadn't expected his own disciple to arrive first.

"Uncle, are you okay?" Abigail asked through the air.

"I'm fine, I can still hold on," Dustin replied with a smile.

As they spoke, he took out a pill and tossed it into his mouth.

He had been continuously engaged in battle, which had consumed a considerable amount of his energy. Whether it was his true energy or physical stamina, it needed replenishing. Fortunately, he carried various pills with him that could help him regain his lost strength.

"Little girl, who are you? How dare you interfere in our affairs?" Nestor raised his head.

"Trying to trick me with your words? Do you think I'm stupid?" Abigail sneered. "Old man, I'll say it again. Take your people and leave, or I'll spread my poison and send all of you to the afterlife!"

"Humph! You're so young, yet you're so arrogant. Do you even know who we are?" Nestor said with a cold face.

"What do I care who you are? If you keep blabbering, I'll poison your voice!" Abigail threatened.

"Arrogant!" Nestor was furious.

He raised his hand and suddenly slapped towards the sky.


A golden palm shadow shot out instantly, tearing through the sky and heading straight for the giant black eagle that Abigail was riding.

As Nestor's golden palm shadow was about to hit its target, a white sword light suddenly sliced in from the side, forcefully cutting into the golden palm shadow.


A loud explosion rang out.

The sword light and the palm shadow collided violently, creating a burst of shockwaves that dispersed into tiny sparks.

The one who had attacked was none other than Dustin.

"You old scoundrel, trying to sneak attack me? Shameless!" Abigail saw that the situation was unfavorable and immediately controlled the giant eagle to rise further into the sky. At the same time, she took out a black sphere and angrily threw it towards the ground, cursing, "I'll poison you all!"

The black sphere descended at a rapid speed, landing on the ground with a resounding crash. It then exploded.

In an instant, a large amount of black mist erupted, spreading like a raging beast, covering an area of a hundred meters in radius and still expanding.

Soldiers who came into contact with the black mist had their skin rapidly rotting and festering, with flesh and blood falling off in chunks. In just a few breaths, nothing but bare bones remained.

Not only did the mist corrode their flesh, but it also eroded their clothes and armor.

The powerful toxicity was chilling to the bone.


"My body? My body is melting!"

"Help me! Who will save me?!"

Wherever the black mist passed, there were nothing but screams and cries of agony.

The armed soldiers writhed on the ground in pain, rolling back and forth. The corrosive poison they were enduring was even more unbearable than severe torture. The horrifying visual impact added to their terror.

"Quick! Get away! Don't touch the black mist!" The remaining survivors were horrified, hastily retreating and avoiding the deadly fog, fearing any contact with it.

Chapter 1666: No choice but to fight to the end

The black mist bombs that Abigail had thrown were even more deadly than the white fog she had created earlier.

The white fog was a slow-acting poison. Those affected would experience muscle weakness, fainting, and could potentially survive if they received timely help.

However, the black mist was different. Its powerful corrosive properties could turn a living person into a lifeless corpse within seconds, and not just any corpse, but a disfigured, unrecognizable one.

"That woman is truly a demon!" Dominick ground his teeth in hatred while watching Abigail in the sky.

One black mist bomb had wiped out hundreds of elite soldiers within a radius of several hundred meters. The killing efficiency was terrifying.

If she threw a few more, there was a high chance that nearly everyone here would perish.

"How about it? Do you realize how formidable I am now?" Abigail taunted from above. "Old man, if you have any sense, you'll get lost immediately. Otherwise, I'll throw a few more poison bombs down, and I guarantee you'll meet a miserable end!"

As she spoke, she took out a few more black spherical objects, waving them menacingly in her hand.

The soldiers on the ground scattered in fear, desperately seeking cover. However, in the wilderness, there were no suitable hiding spots that could protect them from the corrosive poison.

Their so-called cover was just a self-comforting illusion.

"Mr. Nestor, what should we do now? Should we retreat for the time being?" A commander, drenched in sweat, approached Nestor in a state of panic.

Facing Logan Rhys, they had the advantage of numbers, and they could bravely confront him. However, Abigail's poison was too potent, and they couldn't even see their enemy. Their forces were quickly being depleted, and the soldiers were dying in gruesome ways that were unbearable to watch.

These were the soldiers they had brought with them, and they couldn't bear to see them die in vain.

"Retreat?" Nestor coldly glanced at the commander. "The orders from above are to kill Logan Rhys at any cost. Are you suggesting that we become deserters?"

The commander's face paled as he realized the consequences of suggesting retreat. Desertion in the face of such a mission could lead to severe punishment.

"We have to find a way to deal with that poison!" Nestor's eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation. They couldn't retreat, but they also couldn't confront Abigail directly.

Meanwhile, the black mist continued to expand, and the screams of soldiers being consumed by it echoed through the battlefield.

"Mr. Nestor, we're not suggesting a complete retreat. We just want to temporarily avoid the danger and find a way to counter the poison. Once we have a solution, we can continue our mission," the commander explained desperately.

Nestor glared at the commander and said coldly, "A hundred thousand-strong army driven away by a little girl? If news of this gets out, what will be left of your eight commanders' reputation? What about the dignity of the royal army?"

"But Mr. Nestor, how should we proceed then? Our brothers can't just die in vain, can they?" the commander pleaded, tears in his eyes.

They couldn't advance, they couldn't retreat, and they were trapped in a seemingly impossible situation.

"We received strict orders from above. Even if all one hundred thousand of us die today, we cannot retreat a single step!" Nestor's eyes were cold and unyielding.

"What?" The commanders were shocked to hear this.

Not even one step back, even if it meant sacrificing all of them as cannon fodder?

"Mr. Nestor, the orders from above don't apply to us out here. I can't watch my brothers die in vain, so I have no choice but to disobey!" The commander saluted, then turned and shouted, "Brothers of the Red Battalion, listen to my command! Retreat!"

"Desertion in the face of the enemy, undermining morale, punishable by death!" Nestor suddenly reached out, grabbing the commander's neck, and with a swift motion, he snapped it.


The commander's neck was broken, and his head, along with the rest of his body, fell to the ground, blood spraying in all directions. The headless corpse trembled slightly before collapsing to the ground.

"Anyone else dare to disobey orders and show disrespect?" Nestor threw the commander's head into the Red Battalion and declared with a cold, bloodthirsty tone.

This gruesome scene left everyone in shock and fear. They couldn't retreat, and they couldn't defy Nestor's orders. They were trapped in a nightmarish dilemma. If they retreated now, not only would they face execution, but their families would suffer as well.

So, they had no choice but to fight to the end, even if it meant certain death.

Chapter 1667: Don't care about the lives of subordinates

After restraining everyone in the vicinity, Nestor's gaze swept the sky once again, his voice cold, "Little girl, I don't believe the poison in your hands can kill everyone here. If you really have the ability, go ahead and try."

"What? You don't even care about the lives of your subordinates?" Abigail frowned slightly. She had various types of poison on her, but the quantities were limited. Especially the corrosive poison she had just released, she only had three vials of it. Even if she threw them all, it wouldn't be enough to eliminate all the enemies. That's why she resorted to various threats, attempting to scare off the enemy forces.

She just didn't anticipate that Nestor was so ruthless, completely indifferent to the lives of those around him.

"Everyone here is a volunteer, unafraid of life and death. As long as the mission can be accomplished, I believe they are willing to sacrifice themselves," Nestor said calmly.

"You're right!" Dominick shouted loudly, "Demon woman! I advise you not to meddle any further. If you have any sense, leave immediately, or you won't escape death today!"

"Humph! What a heartless and unjust group! Since you're digging your own graves, don't blame me!" Abigail's face turned cold. Without further ado, she hurled the three poison gas bombs in her hand towards Nestor and his group.

As the saying goes, capture the ringleader first, and once Nestor and Dominick, the leaders, were killed, she believed the soldiers would fall apart on their own.

"Lord Nestor, move!" Seeing the poison gas bombs falling, Dominick's expression changed. He quickly retreated, fearing the slightest contamination. Even though the true energy of a martial arts master could resist all poisons, he didn't dare take any risks, especially after witnessing the soldiers' pitiful state earlier. If the corrosive poison couldn't be blocked by his true energy and landed on him, he could end up disfigured or even with his flesh rotting off.

"Hmph!" Nestor stood his ground, his immense furious aura once again bursting out. He swung his gigantic palm, fiercely slapping the three poison gas bombs.

"Bang, bang, bang..." The three poison gas bombs were sent flying like ping-pong balls, exploding violently hundreds of meters away within the crowd.

In an instant, a large amount of black mist surged out once again. Over a thousand armed soldiers were directly swallowed by the black mist.

Screams, cries for help, and wails filled the air one after another.

People poisoned by the mist ran frantically in all directions, while those unaffected retreated madly, afraid of being caught up in it. Soon, the entire battlefield descended into chaos.

Having gone through the horrifying experience earlier, many soldiers had lost their will to fight. Their bodies trembled uncontrollably. No matter how well-trained they were, they were still human. Humans feel fear and various negative emotions. They would rather face the enemy head-on, spilling blood on the battlefield, than be poisoned to death in such a mysterious way.

"I want to see how much you can withstand!" Abigail didn't stop there. With a wave of her hands, a row of white beads appeared between her fingers, which she hurled down violently.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang..." The white beads hadn't fully landed before they exploded violently. A large amount of white mist gushed out, covering a distance of several hundred meters in the blink of an eye, obscuring everyone's vision.

Although the white poisonous mist wasn't as fierce as the black one, it made up for it in quantity and coverage.

"Uncle, run!" Taking advantage of the confusion caused by the black and white poisonous mists, Abigail controlled a giant black eagle, diving down from high in the sky, flying towards the direction of Dustin.

She had already used up most of her poisons, and now the best choice was to escape with Dustin.

Seeing Abigail descending, Dustin reacted swiftly. With a single step, he leaped into the air, landing steadily on the back of the giant eagle.
"Apollo! Let's get out of here!" Abigail patted the eagle's back.

With a loud cry, the giant eagle flapped its massive wings vigorously, soaring into the air. It quickly ascended to a great height and flew away at an incredibly fast speed.

"Finally, we're safe!" Abigail's face lit up with joy.

Chapter 1668: Killing it is just killing it

Turning back for a moment, Abigail noticed that Nestor and his group were still struggling in the white mist, unable to discern their direction clearly.

"Be careful!" At that moment, Dustin's expression changed suddenly. He immediately stood in front of Abigail, his entire body surging with true energy, forming a shield of Black Tortoise.

"Whoosh!" The next moment, a black sharp arrow sliced through the air with lightning speed, piercing through the giant eagle's body and then relentlessly crashing into the Black Tortoise shield.


A deafening noise reverberated. The Black Tortoise shield exploded instantly, the powerful impact sending Dustin and Abigail flying.

Meanwhile, the giant eagle, pierced through the chest by the arrow, didn't even have a chance to scream. It dropped dead from the sky, crashing down from a great height.

"Apollo!" Abigail exclaimed in shock.

This giant eagle was not only the mount of the Witchcraft Sect's Saintess but also a relic left by her mother. She cherished it dearly and even considered it a friend. She hadn't expected it to die here today.


Accompanied by a swooshing sound, a second black arrow shot out from the forest, speeding toward Dustin and Abigail, who were still in the air.

This arrow was faster and more powerful, containing devastating force within it. As it passed, even the space itself seemed to distort.

"Sky Sword!"

Dustin pointed his sword forward, and his Sky Sword instantly unsheathed, turning into a black light. It collided heavily with the arrow.


Another loud noise echoed. The black arrow exploded, and Dustin's Sky Sword was shaken back several dozen meters, spinning in the air uncontrollably.

"The power is formidable!" Dustin's expression turned grave.

His Sky Sword was unstoppable; in the past, he could easily break through anything. He hadn't expected to be forced back by an arrow today, almost losing control. The strength of the person who shot the arrow was truly unfathomable!

"Who dares to shoot in secret? Show yourself!" Dustin shouted towards the distant forest.


Amidst a bout of laughter, a middle-aged man dressed in exquisite clothes and slender stature suddenly soared into the air, landing gracefully on a large tree's leaves.

His body floated with the wind, light as a feather. There was no aura leaking from him, as if he was integrated with the heavens and the earth, making it impossible to distinguish reality from illusion.

"Was it you who killed my Apollo?" Abigail gritted her teeth, her face full of anger.

"Just a beast, nothing more. Killing it is just killing it," the middle-aged man in exquisite clothes said casually.

"You dared to kill my Apollo; I demand your life!" Abigail roared, ready to seek revenge. However, Dustin reached out to stop her. "Don't be impulsive! This person is extraordinary!"

"Hehehe... Young Master, after ten years apart, we meet again," the middle-aged man in exquisite clothes said with a smile.

"Who are you?" Dustin asked in a deep voice.

"I am Nate Reynolds," the middle-aged man in exquisite clothes bowed slightly.

"You are Nate Reynolds?!" Dustin's pupils contracted, his expression growing even more serious.

Nate Reynolds, a Grandmaster-level expert, currently the Chief Commander of the Martial Bureau.

Ranked eighth on the World shaking List!

Chapter 1669: Timing is impeccable

Seeing the harmless smile on the man in front of him, Dustin's heart sank to the bottom of the abyss. Dealing with Nestor alone was already extremely difficult, and now Nate Reynolds had emerged.

It was important to note that Nate had been in command of the Town Martial Bureau for many years. Not only was he profoundly skilled, but he was also a ruthless figure who inspired fear in people. All major sects had to obey his commands; those who didn't comply would face suppression from the Town Martial Bureau. In severe cases, they might even suffer the calamity of annihilation.

"It seems that Young Master still remembers this subordinate. It's truly my honor," Nate said, wearing a smile that seemed as harmless as a tiger.

"I didn't expect even the Chief Commander of the Town Martial Bureau to make a move. The Dragon Guard Pavilion really wants to exterminate us!" Dustin began to gather his strength slowly.

He had just entered the Grandmaster realm and had no certainty against an experienced Grandmaster like Nate Reynolds. For now, he could only fight desperately.

"Young Master, you shouldn't have come alone to Stonia. Without the protection of the three top experts from the Rhys family, you are nothing more than a lamb waiting to be slaughtered," Nate said with a smile.

"If you want to kill me, it won't be that easy."

Dustin gestured, and the Sky Sword flew across dozens of meters, landing firmly in his hand.

"Young Master, resisting is futile. Save yourself some dignity. If you end your life now, you can spare yourself some suffering," Nate said.

"Cut the crap! If you want to kill my master, you have to ask if I agree first!"

Suddenly, Abigail stepped forward, a black aura instantly surging around her, forming a phantom of a black phoenix above her head.

The black phoenix appeared lifelike, exuding a powerful aura. With every beat of its wings, black flames would rise.

It looked terrifying.


Seeing this, Nate couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, quite surprised. "I didn't expect that at such a young age, you've already reached the Grandmaster realm. When did the Dragonmarsh produce such a genius?"

"None of your damn business!" Abigail glared.


At this moment, Nate seemed to have figured something out. He said, "Your cultivation level is unstable; it shouldn't be something you achieved through your own practice. It seems more like a certain inheritance. With Phoenix bloodline and proficiency in witchcraft, if I'm not mistaken, you must be the new Saintess of the Witchcraft Sect, right?"

"So what if I am?" Revealing her identity as the Saintess, Abigail didn't hide anymore and declared defiantly, "Nate, I warn you all. Dustin is my master. If anything happens to him today, I will make the entire Stonia City bury him!"

"Hehehe..." Hearing this, Nate laughed again. "Little girl, it seems you haven't grasped the situation. Logan is now recognized as a traitor to the nation. If you dare to help him, you'll be against the entire Dragon Kingdom. Can you bear the consequences?"

"I don't care about the consequences. Anyone who harms my master, I will kill their entire family!" Abigail said sharply.

"How stubborn!" Nate shook his head. "It looks like I need to give you and the Witchcraft Sect a taste of reality. At the very least, I should make you understand who the true ruler of the Dragon Kingdom is."

"Hmph! Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Abigail showed no fear.

The main altar of the Witchcraft Sect was located in the primitive forest, a place filled with hidden dangers, easy to defend and hard to attack. No matter how many soldiers or horses you had, as long as you dared to intrude on the Witchcraft Sect's territory, you would never return.

"Lord Nate, your timing is impeccable," Nestor said as he emerged from the white mist and appeared behind Dustin and Abigail. He spoke loudly, "These two are crafty and almost escaped. To avoid any unforeseen events, why don't we join forces and eliminate this threat as soon as possible?"

"Lord Nestor, aren't you the top expert of the Imperial Household? Can't you deal with these two little kids?" Nate said with a smile that wasn't quite a smile.

"What top expert of the Imperial Household? It's just a hollow reputation. In front of Lord Nate, it's not worth mentioning. Moreover, today's matter is of great importance. We should focus on completing the mission without any sloppiness," Nestor replied calmly, not humble or arrogant.

"Since Lord Nestor has said so, please make your move first. I will assist you from the side," Nate remained unmoved.

Chapter 1670: The black arrow shot out

Hearing this, Nestor couldn't help but furrow his brows slightly, but he quickly regained his composure and said, "Alright, I will follow Lord Nate's arrangement."

Although he was somewhat dissatisfied with Nate's indifferent attitude, with his strength, dealing with Dustin and Abigail was completely manageable. At most, it would require a bit of effort.

"Young Master, today you won't escape even if you sprout wings. Let this old slave send you to the Western Heaven!" As Nestor's words fell, he instantly turned into a residual image and charged towards Dustin.

"Abigail! Keep an eye on Nate for me. I'll handle this eunuch dog!" Dustin's Sky Sword shook, not avoiding or evading, and he stabbed directly towards Nestor.

The two figures quickly intertwined and began a fierce battle.

Dustin's swordsmanship was exquisite, having deeply grasped the true teachings of the Sword Immortal. Coupled with the enhancement from the Sky Sword, his attacks were exceptionally sharp, deadly with every move.

On the other hand, Nestor practiced the Great Diamond Body, a top-notch defensive technique. Once mastered, it made him impervious to any weapon and resistant to all elements. Additionally, he had the protection of the Diamond Body, giving him immense strength.

Most importantly, Nestor had maintained his virgin body for decades, never losing his essence, making his Great Diamond Body cultivation reach its peak.

Even with the Sky Sword, Dustin found it difficult to penetrate Nestor's defenses in a short amount of time.

While Dustin and Nestor engaged in a fierce battle, Abigail dared not divert her attention. She kept her gaze fixed on Nate Reynolds.

Both were Grandmasters, but her cultivation was based on inheriting the power of the Phoenix. Although it was formidable, due to the short time since she inherited it, she had not fully assimilated it yet.

Facing an ordinary Grandmaster posed no problem, but against someone like Nate Reynolds, a top-tier expert on the World shaking List, Abigail had no chance of winning at all.

Of course, even if she knew she couldn't win, she wouldn't back down. Retreating meant exposing Dustin to attacks from all sides, a situation where he would undoubtedly die!

"Little girl, are you going to fight me?" Nate raised an eyebrow.

"So what?" Abigail retorted, her face cold.

"Hehe... courage is commendable," Nate chuckled. "Alright, I'll give you a chance today. If you can withstand three arrows from me, I'll spare your life."

"Hmph! Who says I'm going to die?" Abigail sneered.

"First arrow, get ready," Nate said, a playful smile on his lips. He made the motion of drawing a bowstring even though there was no bow and arrow in his hands. Strangely, a large jet-black bow appeared out of thin air. The drawn bowstring was fitted with an arrow emitting a cold light.


Nate released his fingers, and the black arrow shot out, carrying the sound of wind and thunder, directly towards Abigail.

Abigail's pupils contracted, and she immediately dodged to the side. However, while she evaded, the black arrow seemed to possess intelligence. It suddenly changed its course, accurately hitting Abigail's chest.


There was a loud explosion. Abigail was sent flying over ten meters away, crashing heavily into a giant rock. She coughed up blood, her face pale and grim.
Chapter 1671: A black phoenix

"How could this happen?"

Abigail clutched her chest, her brows furrowed deeply. The arrow had been too fast. Even though she had tried to dodge, she hadn't anticipated that the black arrow could change direction at such a high speed, catching her off guard and striking her directly in the chest.

If it hadn't been for the protective armor her grandmother had given her, that arrow would have been enough to end her life. The eighth-ranked expert on the World Shaking List was truly overwhelmingly powerful.

"Impressive, to block one of my arrows with your protective armor. But there are still two arrows left. Let's see how you deal with them."
Nate smiled faintly. He once again adopted the posture of drawing a bow and nocking an arrow.

The black bow and arrow gradually materialized in his hands. They were completely condensed from his aura, a testament to Nate's mastery over his true energy. Clearly, he had reached a level where he could manipulate his aura to create any weapon he desired.

"Next, the second arrow!"

Nate relaxed his two fingers, and the taut bowstring released, propelling the arrow forward like a black lightning bolt, once again aimed at Abigail.


Abigail shouted angrily. The bloodline in her body surged, and a black phoenix burst out from her, rushing to meet Nate's arrow head-on.

The black phoenix had crimson eyes and was enveloped in flames. With every flap of its wings, a gust of wind rose, exuding an intimidating aura.


There was a loud explosion. The black arrow collided with the black phoenix, creating a surging wave of black energy. Wherever the black wave passed, everything was crushed into powder, including plants, rocks, and all other obstacles.

Abigail grunted and was once again sent flying more than ten meters away, crashing heavily onto the ground, blood spewing from her mouth. This time, she didn't even have the strength to stand up.

The disparity in strength between the two was just too great. Abigail had only recently reached the Grandmaster realm, while Nate was already a complete Grandmaster.

Both sides were separated by three levels, completely without resistance.

"Using the Phoenix bloodline to forcefully block my second arrow was a wise choice, but how will you block the third arrow?"

Nate's expression remained unchanged as he continued to bend his bow and nock an arrow.

In his eyes, Abigail was already a dead person. Although it was a bit of a pity, unruly martial artists like her were better off eliminated early to prevent future troubles.


No hesitation, no mercy.

Nate shot his third arrow, and it flew with the power to annihilate heaven and earth, heading towards Abigail.

Abigail was in despair, sitting on the ground, powerless to resist.

She never expected to die here after overcoming so many hardships and obstacles, finally about to reach the pinnacle.

She didn't expect that as soon as she appeared, she would encounter a top-notch expert like Nate Reynolds.

She really couldn't accept it!

Abigail turned her head and looked at Dustin, who was still in a fierce battle, a poignant smile on her lips. "Uncle, I'll go ahead."


Just as Abigail was preparing to face death, a dragon's roar sounded above her head.

In the sky, a golden divine dragon suddenly descended and stood in front of Abigail at the critical moment.


A loud explosion.

The black sword shot by Nate exploded on the spot.

And the golden divine dragon also dissipated, revealing its true form inside.

It was a sword emitting a golden light, suspended vertically in the air like a shield, protecting Abigail and deflecting all attacks.

On the sword's blade, two red characters were engraved — Dragon Sparrow!

"I... I didn't die?"

Abigail was both surprised and delighted, quickly shifting her attention to the Dragon Sparrow sword in front of her.

Who on earth could use a single sword to block Nate's full-force attack?

Chapter 1672: First Strike, Seven Kills

"The Dragon Sparrow Sword?!"

Seeing the sword that had appeared out of nowhere, Nate's pupils contracted involuntarily.

The calm smile on his face instantly disappeared, replaced by seriousness.

The Dragon Sparrow Sword was the number one sword in the world, and its owner was none other than the top swordsman, the Sword Immortal – Bloodstrike Zenon!

"Since Mr. Zenon has arrived, why not show yourself?" Nate raised his head, looked around, and spoke loudly, his voice resonating like a bell and spreading far and wide.

As soon as he finished speaking, above the clouds, a man in white slowly descended and eventually stood on a rock, facing Nate from a distance.

The newcomer was none other than the Sword Immortal Bloodstrike Zenon.

As soon as Zenon appeared, he seemed like a celestial being descending to the mortal realm. Although he didn't exhibit any danger, he captivated everyone's attention.

Even Dustin and Nestor, who were engaged in a fierce battle, unconsciously stopped their actions.

"Uncle Zenon?" Seeing Zenon, Dustin couldn't help but feel a sense of joy.

Among the top three experts of the Rhys family, Zenon had the strongest power, and his swordsmanship had been taught to Dustin by Bloodstrike Zenon himself.

Although they didn't have the master-apprentice relationship in name, they had it in reality.

So, considering this, Abigail could be considered Zenon's granddisciple.

"Why did this monster show up?" Nestor furrowed his brow and looked displeased.

Zenon, the Sword Immortal, was ranked third on the World-Shaking Rankings, and his swordsmanship was unparalleled. No one had ever walked away unscathed after facing his three strikes.

With Zenon's strength, even if he joined forces with Nate, they wouldn't be a match for him.

"Mr. Zenon has come from afar; it's truly my loss not to welcome you properly!" Nate said with a forced smile.

"Nate, you're quite old, yet you're bullying a young girl. What kind of skill is that? How about exchanging a few moves with me? I'll only use three strikes, and if you can withstand them, I'll spare your life," Zenon said calmly.

Upon hearing this, Nate's eye twitched. Zenon's words were almost identical to what he had said earlier when facing Abigail.

Zenon's attitude was one of complete disdain, even carrying a hint of mockery, showing that he didn't take Nate seriously at all.

"Mr. Zenon, although you are renowned as a Sword Immortal and possess formidable strength, I am not without merit. It's a bit presumptuous to think you can defeat me with just three strikes!" Nate said coldly.

Both of them were experts on the World-Shaking Rankings, and while their rankings differed somewhat, it didn't mean that they were incapable of fighting each other.

"Do you not accept? Then let's give it a try," Zenon replied emotionlessly.

"Very well! Today, let me, Nate Reynolds, learn a thing or two from the Sword Immortal!" Nate's gaze turned cold as he began to secretly gather his strength.

"First Strike, Seven Kills."

Without further ado, Zenon pointed his sword upward.

The Dragon Sparrow Sword instantly shot into the sky, reaching a hundred meters high, and then it reversed its blade, aiming down at Nate on the ground.


Zenon's sword pointed down forcefully.

The Dragon Sparrow Sword in the sky immediately emitted a dazzling golden light, which rapidly expanded, forming a ten-meter-long golden giant sword.

The giant sword, like a missile, descended heavily towards Nate.

"Hmm?" Nate's eyelids twitched, and he quickly bent his bow and released a black arrow.

The black arrow shot upwards and fiercely collided with the golden giant sword.


A loud explosion occurred as the black arrow burst on the spot, but the golden giant sword's momentum was not halted. It continued to press down on Nate.

Nate's expression changed, and he immediately activated his body's energy, forming a thick protective shield above his head.


A tremendous sound echoed.

The golden giant sword struck heavily against Nate's protective shield, and the powerful impact sent Nate's entire body crashing into the ground.

The seemingly indestructible protective shield began to crack rapidly.

Cracks appeared one after another, frightening Nate to his core.

If the protective shield were to shatter, and this sword struck him directly, wouldn't it mean instant death?

Chapter 1673: Second Strike, Break the Army


Feeling the imminent threat of death, Nate couldn't help but roar in frustration.

The energy within his body surged like tidal waves, continuously reinforcing his defense and repairing the cracks.

However, the power of the Dragon Sparrow sword grew stronger and stronger. Just as the cracks were repaired, they quickly reappeared.

Nate felt as if a mountain was pressing down on him. If he couldn't withstand this pressure, he would be crushed to pieces.

It was only at this moment that he truly realized how terrifying the strength of Zenon, the Sword Immortal, was.

"Dark and Light Infinite! Borrow from the Universe!"

Seeing that he couldn't hold on any longer, Nate directly used a mystical technique by using his own blood as a catalyst.

He stomped his foot forcefully, and a vortex suddenly appeared on the surface of his protective shield. It began madly absorbing the terrifying force of the Dragon Sparrow sword's downward strike.

When the vortex had absorbed enough power and emitted a golden light, Nate gritted his teeth and pushed it upward with all his might, roaring, "Break for me!"


The Dragon Sparrow sword suddenly trembled and then, with a loud "bang," it exploded and dissipated into specks of light.

The true form of the sword, the Dragon Sparrow Sword, returned to Zenon's side, hovering in mid-air.

"Huff... Huff..."

Although he had barely managed to repel the Dragon Sparrow Sword, Nate was exhausted. He panted heavily, drenched in sweat, and his legs were trembling.

That sword strike just now was truly terrifying.

If he hadn't used that mystical technique to absorb the sword's power and then rebound it, he might not have been able to withstand it.

"What's the matter? Tired already? I was just warming up," Zenon said calmly. He raised his sword once again, pointing it forward and declared, "Second Strike, Break the Army."


The Dragon Sparrow Sword emitted a soft hum and then burst into a dazzling golden light.

The golden light rapidly transformed, turning into a golden divine dragon in the blink of an eye.

The golden divine dragon roared, exuding a chilling aura as it lunged at Nate with bared fangs and sharp claws.

"Dark and Light Infinite! Borrow from the Universe!"

Nate was taken aback and once again used the mystical technique, attempting to absorb the power of the golden divine dragon and rebound it.

However, this time, the situation was entirely different from before.

When the golden divine dragon came crashing in, the protective shield on Nate's body shattered like glass, completely defenseless.

The energy vortex he had created through the technique only managed to absorb a small portion of the golden divine dragon's power before it collapsed with a loud "bang."


Nate was terrified. In this critical moment, he could only cross his arms and shield his chest with his physical body, trying to withstand the impact.


A deafening sound.

Under the golden divine dragon's assault, Nate was sent flying like a cannonball, soaring a hundred meters away and crashing heavily into a rock.

The once hard rock was instantly smashed into a human-shaped crater.

Inside the pit, Nate was pale, coughing up blood, looking utterly miserable.

"Well done!"

Abigail couldn't help but cheer with excitement.

She couldn't believe that Nate, who had just been imposing and arrogant, had been beaten so badly. Who was this Mr. Zenon in front of her?

"Oh no!"

In the distance, Nestor's face changed dramatically.

Compared to ten years ago, Bloodstrike Zenon, the Sword Immortal, had clearly reached a higher level of strength.

The formidable leader of the Town Martial Bureau, Nate Reynolds, couldn't even withstand two strikes. This difference in strength was not a small matter.

"Next is the Third Strike, Greedy Wolf."

Zenon stood quietly, his sword pointed once again.

The Dragon Sparrow Sword floated into the air once more, and an earth-shattering sword momentum erupted in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, the world changed its colors, the wind roared, and the clouds churned. The air seemed to freeze.

Within a hundred meters around the Dragon Sparrow Sword, countless pebbles and fallen leaves floated up, resonating with the sword's aura.

Chapter 1674: So many legendary figures

The sword's edge hadn't even been unleashed yet, but it already carried the potential to destroy the heavens and earth. The power of this third strike was noticeably more ferocious and terrifying than the previous two.

Nate was trembling all over, and goosebumps covered his skin. Deep within, a sense of deathly fear surged.

"What the hell are you all still hiding for? Hurry up and come help!" Nate shouted with all his might. His voice was like thunder, echoing throughout the entire mountain range.

Just as he finished shouting, a blue figure suddenly shot up from the southern direction, soaring through the sky with incredible speed.

At the same time, from the northern direction, a black figure leaped out from the forest, turning into a dark mist and drifting over.

As they approached, the onlookers finally saw the blue figure clearly. He was a middle-aged man with handsome features, holding a sword in his hands, and his expression was icy, radiating a strong chill.

Wherever he passed, flowers, grass, and trees froze, and the ground within a hundred meters of his landing point was covered in ice, making it dangerous to approach.

As for the black figure, their specific appearance was unclear. All that could be seen was a swirling black mist around them, constantly changing, and it was impossible to tell whether they were a man or a woman.

"My goodness! Isn't that Lewis, the City Lord of Cold Frost City? Why is he here?"

"What? Lewis? The seventh-ranked expert on the World-Shaking List?"

"Not just Lewis, if I'm not mistaken, the person inside that black mist should be the Black List leader, the ninth-ranked expert on the World-Shaking Rankings, the Old Ghost Shane!"

"First, there was Nestor, the top expert from the Imperial Palace. Then, there's Nate Reynolds, the Director of the Town Martial Bureau. And now, we have Bloodstrike Zenon, the Sword Immortal. And on top of that, Lewis and Shane have shown up too. My goodness, today is truly a battle of legends!"

"To see so many legendary figures all at once, I can die without regrets!"

The sudden appearance of Lewis and Shane stirred up a huge commotion. It's important to note that the individuals on the World-Shaking List were the world's top-tier experts. Encountering even one of them was considered fortunate, but to suddenly have so many of them appear at once felt like a dream.

"Lewis, the City Lord of Frost City, has come specifically to ask for a sword lesson from the Sword Immortal," Lewis spoke.

Lewis held his sword with both hands, his voice cold and emotionless, his expression as icy as ever, showing no signs of emotion.

"Hehehe... I've heard of the Sword Immortal's reputation for a long time. I am not worthy, but I've come to learn from you," Shane, hidden in the black mist cackled with a piercing laughter.

"It seems that the two of you have come because of me?" Zenon remained calm and indifferent.

"We're just here as a precaution, never thought the Sword Immortal would come all this way. It just so happens to fulfill our wishes," Shane chuckled sinisterly. "If we can keep the Sword Immortal here forever, it would be a great achievement!"

"Can you keep me here forever?" Zenon retorted with a hint of mockery.

"Let's try, who knows, we might succeed?" Shane replied.

"Very well, I'll give you a chance today. If you have the guts, come with me," Zenon said.

He then lifted off the ground and floated towards the summit of Gateway Mountain. Given their level of power, fighting here could easily harm innocent bystanders. They needed to find a place with fewer people to fully unleash their abilities.

"Lord Lewis, you have the strongest power, so why don't you go first?" Shane suggested.

"Hmph!" Frost didn't say much and stomped his foot, shooting up into the air like an arrow leaving its bowstring, quickly chasing after Zenon.

"Lord Nate, are you okay? Can you keep fighting?" Shane turned to Nate.

"I won't die." Nate took out a pill and swallowed it. Once his true energy and blood had settled, he leaped into the air, pursuing the others towards the mountain's summit.

He knew very well that in a one-on-one battle, none of them were a match for Zenon. They had to work together to have any chance of taking him down.

"Lord Nate, I'll assist you!" Shane was the most cunning of them all. He transformed into a black mist and followed Nate from behind.

As the four of them reached the summit, a world-shaking battle was about to unfold...

Chapter 1675: Can't even be called a man

Zenon led the three top-ranked experts from the "World Shaking List" to the mountain's summit for their decisive battle.

Meanwhile, at the foot of the mountain, Dustin was still under pressure. However, compared to the intense focus he had faced earlier from Nate, the pressure had greatly diminished.

"Abigail, take this healing pill quickly," Dustin said as he retreated to Abigail's side, giving her a restorative pill.

Without hesitation, Abigail consumed the pill, and her pale complexion quickly regained its healthy color. While not completely healed, she had at least stabilized her injuries.

"Uncle, who is that Mr. Zenon from earlier? He's incredibly powerful!" Abigail asked, her curiosity piqued.

"He is Bloodstrike Zenon, the Sword Immortal of Lucozia," Dustin explained.

"What? Bloodstrike Zenon, the Sword Immortal?" Abigail widened her eyes in both surprise and excitement. Though she hadn't been in the martial world for long, she had heard of the renowned Bloodstrike Zenon.

He was a figure so revered that even her grandmother held him in high regard.

His swordsmanship was unparalleled, reaching the pinnacle of the martial arts. Throughout history, no one had been able to match him in swordsmanship.

No wonder he was so formidable. He was none other than the legendary Sword Immortal Bloodstrike Zenon.

"Don't get too excited. Lewis, Nate, and even Shane are all experts ranked on the 'World Shaking List.' It might take a bit of effort for Bloodstrike Zenon to defeat them. As for us, we're not completely out of danger yet," Dustin warned.

Abigail's gaze shifted toward the formidable figures of Lewis, Nate, and Shane. "Uncle, I understand, but I don't want to abandon you and escape. If we have to fight, I'll share the burden with you."

"Your life is more important. I can't let you take unnecessary risks," Dustin said, his brows furrowed.

He still felt guilty about Abigail getting injured earlier and didn't want any further harm to come to her.

"Uncle, my life is my own, so don't worry about it," Abigail said nonchalantly. "Besides, I'm the Holy Maiden of the Witchcraft Sect, and I've got some serious skills. I won't die so easily."

"Abigail..." Dustin began.

Before he could say more, Nestor and his troops rapidly closed in, surrounding them.

"Young master, you're already in a precarious situation. Instead of worrying about others, you should think about how to save yourself," Nestor said with a smile.

"Escape?" Dustin snorted. "Did I ever say I wanted to escape? Between you and me today, only one will survive. If it's not you who dies, then it's me who perishes!"

"Oh? Do you think you have a chance to win, or are you counting on Zenon to save you?" Nestor glanced toward the direction of the mountaintop and smirked. "Facing the siege of three top experts, even the renowned Sword Immortal might struggle, don't you think?"

"I'll kill you, and I don't need Zenon for that. If you have the guts, face me head-on," Dustin retorted, wearing a knowing expression. "Oh, I almost forgot, it seems like you lack courage. You can't even be called a man; you're just a neutered dog."

"Haha!" Upon hearing this, Abigail burst into laughter without reservation.

Dominick and his group couldn't help but show bemused expressions, and their eyelids twitched. This guy was really something; even with disaster looming, he dared to taunt and mock.

The words "neutered dog" were like a dagger to the heart for the top expert of the royal court. Such an insult would infuriate even the most composed person.

"Logan Rhys, provoking me will only make your death more gruesome," Nestor said, his smile gradually fading, replaced by a sinister and venomous gaze.

"Is that so? Then let's see if you have what it takes!" Dustin stopped wasting words and, in an instant, turned into a blur as he charged forward.

Chapter 1676: Thunderbolt

As they drew closer, Dustin's wrist flicked, causing the Celestial Sword to explode into thousands of sword shadows that covered the sky and surged toward Nestor.


Nestor shouted loudly, and a golden light burst forth from his body, forming a three-zhang tall thunderbolt-like manifestation. The thunderbolt manifestation acted like armor, protecting Nestor within.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang..."

The sword shadows unleashed by Dustin struck the thunderbolt manifestation, splattering numerous sparks like they were striking steel. They failed to inflict any harm.

"Hmph! You can't even break through my defense. How do you expect to kill me?" Nestor stood proudly, radiating an imposing presence.

Dustin remained silent and continued his relentless assault.

With each swing of the Sky Sword, he sent out even more sword shadows. In the clashes between them, the energy shockwaves they produced were like surging waves, sweeping outwards.

The waves grew higher and higher, each one surpassing the last.

Nestor was not solely on the defensive; he launched counterattacks from time to time.

His movements were open and forceful, each move containing earth-shattering power. Even when using bare hands, he was not at a disadvantage against the Sky Sword.

On the battlefield, the two of them fought fiercely, and their battle grew more intense with each exchange.

Despite Nestor's apparent disdain, he was secretly amazed.

Compared to a year ago, Logan Rhys's strength had improved by leaps and bounds.

Previously, he could easily fend off Dustin's attacks with just a fraction of his strength. But now, he had to exert eightfold power to maintain an injury-free defense. The difference was like night and day.

While Dustin engaged in a fierce battle with Nestor, Dominick stood in the rear, watching attentively and waiting for the right opportunity.

Whenever Dustin showed the slightest opening, he would not hesitate to launch a surprise attack. In his eyes, as long as he achieved his goal, the means were unimportant. In the world of victors and losers, this was an unchanging rule.

"Hey! I warn you all not to make any reckless moves. Whoever dares to act out of line, I will make sure they don't even have a complete body!" Abigail issued a warning.

As she spoke, she retrieved two green poison gas grenades.

Dominick's eyelids twitched, and he immediately stepped back.

The commanding officers leading the troops also gave orders to retreat. Abigail's poison had already caused casualties of over ten thousand people, with several tens of thousands still in a coma. Out of the one hundred thousand-strong army, less than half remained standing.

In their eyes, Abigail was a sinister and ruthless demoness, a more terrifying existence than the Grim Reaper. As long as they were not foolish, they would not act recklessly at this moment.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang..."

On the battlefield ahead, sword shadows ran rampant, and golden light filled the air.

Dustin and Nestor continued to engage in a deadlock, unable to gain the upper hand over each other.

At this moment, on the mountaintop of Gateway, the four top-tier experts finally began their showdown.

The first to make a move was Lewis.

He slowly drew his sword, pointing the blade directly at Zenon, saying in a cold voice, "People say you have unparalleled swordsmanship and call you the number one swordsman in the world. As a fellow swordsman, I don't agree. That's why today, I want to test who is truly superior, you or me."

Zenon did not respond directly. Instead, he asked, "Lewis, have you ever been defeated?"

Chapter 1677: I'm a complete failure

"Defeat?" Lewis raised an eyebrow and replied, "Since I started practicing the sword, I've been invincible, winning a hundred battles without a single defeat."

"You're fortunate, but at the same time, it's a bit of a pity," Zenon responded, shaking his head. "In the world, everything has two poles, dark and light. What is strong can be fragile, and what reaches its zenith will inevitably decline. This is an unchanging law of nature. If you've never tasted defeat, how can you truly comprehend the pinnacle of swordsmanship?"

"Have you ever been defeated?" Lewis asked in return.

"Of course not," Zenon denied.

Lewis was confused.

After all the talk, it seemed like they were going in circles.

"In battles, I've never been defeated, but in life, I'm a complete failure," Zenon confessed, his gaze filled with complexity. "In my early years, I only knew how to practice the sword, neglected many people, and disappointed many. In the end, I became a lonely figure. Later, I lived a hidden life and experienced a pastoral existence. I met someone I loved, and only then did I realize how beautiful life could be. Swordsmanship became utterly boring to me."

"Zenon! You've truly disappointed me!" Lewis was angry. "As a swordsman, you should be passionate about the sword. Yet you say swordsmanship is boring. You're no longer worthy of the title 'Sword Immortal'!"

"Lewis, try letting go," Zenon earnestly advised. "Let go of the sword, let go of your obsessions. Find someone you love, have children, a meaningful life like that is far better than pursuing the title of 'Sword Immortal.'"

"That's your life, it has nothing to do with me. What I want to do is defeat everyone and become the strongest in the world!" Lewis responded coldly.

"What's the point of becoming the strongest? It's just an empty title," Zenon shook his head. "We are swordsmen, not puppets of the sword. We can love the sword, but we shouldn't lose ourselves. Take a look around you, do you still have family and friends by your side? Is there someone you can confide in?"

"Why are you spouting so much nonsense? If you want to fight, let's fight!" Lewis grew impatient. He had come here for answers about the sword, not to receive life lessons.

"Since you want to fight, I'll accompany you to the end. Draw your sword," Zenon replied tersely, ending the conversation.

He had only spoken to Lewis because he saw a reflection of his past self in him. That's why he said those words.

"Both of you, stand back and watch. Do not interfere. This is my battle with Zenon!" Lewis turned and issued a stern warning to both Nate and Shane.

"Lewis, for the greater good, please don't act rashly!" Nate said with a heavy tone.

If the three of them joined forces, they could easily defeat Zenon. Lewis's decision to go for a one-on-one duel seemed reckless.

"Why? Do you think I'll lose?" Lewis narrowed his eyes.

"I think there's no need to take unnecessary risks. We have a clear advantage, so why rush into a one-on-one fight?" Nate looked serious.

"I will become the new Sword Immortal by defeating Zenon. Then, I will go to Infernal mountain to challenge Devin and become the true number one in the world!" Lewis was determined and confident.


Naye was about to say more, but Lewis interrupted him sharply, "Enough! I've made up my mind. If any of you dare to interfere with my duel against Zenon, don't blame me for showing no mercy with my sword!"

Hearing this, Nate's expression turned grim. He thought they had a guaranteed victory, but Lewis's decision to fight Zenon alone could jeopardize their situation. Once Lewis was defeated, they might be picked off one by one.

"Nate, don't worry. Lewis has incredible strength and is not weaker than the Sword Immortal," Shane, shrouded in black mist, spoke up. "Don't forget the battle that made Lewis famous eight years ago. His reputation shook the world. His power was so great that even the Sword Immortal couldn't match him!"

As the lord of Frost City, Lewis had a reputation for single-handedly guarding the city against a hundred thousand barbarian soldiers at the northern border eight years ago. Despite facing such a massive army, he had only drawn his sword once.

Chapter 1678: Chasing Stars sword

That one sword stroke had shattered the armor of 4,300 soldiers. The earth and sky trembled, and it sent the hundred thousand barbarian soldiers in a hasty retreat. Since that moment, the border town was officially renamed "Frost City," and Lewis himself became its lord. Over the years, the citizens of Frost City had lived in peace and prosperity, with no one daring to challenge the city's security.

While Zenon had long been famous, his ten years of anonymity had dulled his former edge. In contrast, Lewis had risen to prominence, reaching new heights.

So, the outcome of their battle remained uncertain. It was yet to be seen who would emerge victorious.

"Those from the martial world are always the same, with no sense of the bigger picture. Since you enjoy flaunting your strength so much, let's see how capable you really are," Nate said, his eyes narrowing and his face darkening.

Nate didn't care whether Lewis lived or died; he only hoped that Lewis's fight with Zenon would consume as much of Zenon's strength as possible. If they could both be weakened significantly, that would be ideal.

However, that possibility was slim, almost impossible. Unless you had faced Zenon before, you could never comprehend the despair-inducing strength he possessed.

Before their battle, Nate was confident that he could hold his own against Zenon for at least a hundred and eighty moves. But what was the reality? He couldn't even withstand three moves.

Even among the world's top-ranked martial artists, the gap between them was astonishing.

Lewis, though formidable, was only ranked seventh on the World-Shaking List, still a considerable distance from Zenon, who was third. Despite his prowess, the gap between them was substantial.

Still, Nate had decided not to stand idly by. If an opportunity arose to severely wound Zenon, he would not hesitate to act.

"Zenon, my sword, named 'Chasing Stars,' is forged from celestial cold iron. It's four feet three inches long and two inches wide, and it has tasted the blood of countless martial masters," Lewis declared as he drew his precious sword and displayed it before the group.

It was a sword emanating a faint blue glow, with a long and sharp blade that exuded waves of cold air.

"An excellent sword!" Zenon couldn't help but compliment, then, with a single hand gesture, he placed his own sword horizontally across his chest and introduced it, saying, "This sword is called 'Dragon Sparrow.' It has been with me for over twenty years, unstoppable and capable of shattering anything."

"The world's number one sword truly lives up to its reputation!" Lewis slowly raised the Chasing Stars sword, saying coldly, "However, whether a treasured sword can unleash its full potential depends entirely on the skill of its wielder. Today, allow me to demonstrate my skills against a sword immortal!"

With that said, Lewis pointed his toes and merged with the sword, thrusting forward.

This strike appeared slow but, in reality, reached its target in the blink of an eye. It was as if it twisted the fabric of space-time, creating an illusion that made one feel like they were in a dream.

A momentary lapse in concentration could lead to instant death. Moreover, wherever the Chasing Stars sword passed, everything froze, and its intense cold could significantly affect a person's speed and reactions.

"What an eerie sword technique!"

"The sharpness hasn't been revealed yet; it conceals a deadly intent. It's truly hard to defend against!"

Watching this, Nate couldn't help but feel a shiver down his spine. Lewis's strength was even greater than he had anticipated.


Zenon smiled faintly, without dodging or avoiding the strike. He simply pointed his sword forward.

With a "swish," the Dragon Sparrow sword transformed into a golden streak and clashed head-on with the Chasing Stars sword.

Chapter 1679: Six-Pointed Star Formation


A thunderous explosion rang out as Lewis's Chasing Stars sword clashed head-on with Zenon's Dragon Sparrow sword. The two sword tips met, creating a terrifying shockwave that rippled outward like an upheaval of the world. Rocks shattered, trees toppled, and even the walls of the distant Lakewood Temple crumbled, causing the entire temple to shake.

Down at the foot of the mountain, people felt as if a thunderstorm had erupted overhead. Looking up, they saw a ring of light rapidly expanding in the sky, obscuring the sun and scattering the stars.

Even from a distance, the oppressive feeling of this tremendous power was palpable. It was fortunate that the battle took place at the mountaintop; if that strike had landed amidst the crowd, it could have resulted in countless casualties.

After the initial clash, Lewis wasted no time and immediately launched a fierce and relentless assault. The first strike had been a probing attack, and the subsequent combat was where their swordsmanship truly compared.

With a single hand gripping his sword, Lewis attacked ceaselessly, his sword movements too fast to track, leaving behind only a blur. Even Nate and Shane, experienced martial artists themselves, found it difficult to follow the trajectory of Lewis's attacks.

Lewis's sword strikes were swift and intricate, making it almost impossible to predict their path. He was like a whirlwind of steel, and his swordsmanship was reaching a level of extraordinary mastery.

If it were an ordinary grandmaster facing Lewis's ferocious attacks, they would have likely already been defeated. However, his opponent was none other than the renowned Sword Immortal Zenon.

No matter how aggressively Lewis attacked, Zenon's Dragon Sparrow sword easily parried every blow. What was more impressive was that Zenon had not moved a single step throughout the entire exchange. Instead, he manipulated his sword with sword control techniques, effortlessly deflecting Lewis's onslaught.

The gap between the two became increasingly apparent.

"Damn! Zenon might have neglected his skills for ten years, but his sword control techniques are still formidable. Looks like Lewis is in trouble!" Shane's tone was filled with a sinister undertone.

"I told you from the beginning that this solo fight wouldn't work, but you wouldn't listen. Now, look at him, trapped in a difficult situation. Let's see how this ends!" Nate wore a displeased expression.

Seeing how Zenon was handling the situation so easily, it was clear he hadn't even used his full strength. In Zenon's eyes, Lewis didn't even qualify for a serious fight. This was the stark difference in their abilities.

"Nate, if we not intervene now, Lewis will likely lose. Shouldn't we step in to help?" Shane started a covert communication.

"The timing isn't right yet; we can't make a move. Zenon is still on guard. Even if we both attack him sneakily, it won't have much effect. We need to force Lewis to bring out his trump card, that's when we can make a decisive move," Nate replied through the communication.

"That makes sense. We'll wait a bit longer. I believe Lewis must have some hidden tricks up his sleeve," Shane responded.

Back on the battlefield, Lewis had launched dozens of fierce attacks, but none had any effect. Zenon continued to control his Dragon Sparrow sword with one hand effortlessly.

After some time, Zenon finally spoke, "Lewis, my patience is running out. If you have any ultimate moves, now is the time to use them. If we continue like this, you won't even have a chance to draw your sword."

"Very well! Since you're so eager, I'll let you witness my newest technique!" Lewis took a deep breath, and his Chasing Stars sword gleamed with frigid light.

With a flick of his wrist, he began to draw a formation in the air with his sword. As the sword moved, it left behind blue traces. When these traces connected, they formed a mysterious hexagram formation.

This was a unique Six-Pointed Star Formation. Inside the formation, there were flowing lights and rippling water-like patterns. The fluctuating radiance seemed to have a soul-capturing and mesmerizing effect.

"Forth!" Lewis's Chasing Stars sword pointed towards the Six-Pointed Star Formation.

Chapter 1680: World Annihilation


A deafening roar echoed.

In the center of the Six-Pointed Star Formation, a gigantic ice sword slowly emerged. This ice sword was four feet long and five feet wide, exuding a terrifying frigid aura, as if it had been pulled from the depths of hell.

The cold energy quickly spread, extending hundreds of meters in a breath, and everything in its path was frozen. Even formidable figures like Nate and Shane couldn't help but shiver involuntarily when touched by the frigid air.

"What kind of technique is this? I've never heard of anything like it before!" Nate's eyes widened in disbelief.

Lewis's ice sword wasn't formed from true energy; it was summoned through the formation, making it more than a hundred times more powerful.

Inside the sword lay a power almost capable of world destruction.

"This sword is called 'World Annihilation.' I spent eight years nurturing it in an extremely cold place, all for the day I could defeat you," Lewis declared.

"This sword has only one strike in it, and after that, it will be completely destroyed."

"Zenon, can you withstand this one strike?" Lewis asked.

Lewis grasped the massive hilt with both hands, and the terrifying power within the sword caused his hands to tremble involuntarily. This strike had already pushed him beyond his limits, and he could barely control it.

"One strike to success or destruction."

"Whether I can withstand it, you'll find out when you strike," Zenon replied calmly.

"Alright! I'll let you experience the power of the 'World Annihilation' sword!" Lewis shouted.

His entire body released a surge of true energy that flowed into the World Annihilation sword. With a powerful leap, he sent the massive sword hurtling toward Zenon with a resounding explosion. The ground cracked open beneath him as Lewis, wielding the colossal sword, charged fiercely towards Zenon!

Wherever the sword's edge passed, silence reigned. All living things, whether flowers, grass, or trees, as well as the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, were all frozen and immobilized. As the target of the attack, Zenon felt an invisible pressure even before the World Annihilation sword approached. This was something that hadn't happened in a long time.

There was no denying that Lewis's strike with the World Annihilation sword was enough to force Zenon to go all out.

"Bird of Wonder!" Zenon lifted his sword and the Dragon Sparrow Sword, which was floating in the air, suddenly burst forth with a blinding golden light.

"Go!" Zenon pointed his sword forward.

The Dragon and Sparrow Sword transformed into a golden dragon and rushed towards Lewis's World Annihilation sword.

At the moment when the two swords made contact, it felt as if time had frozen. From a distance, the left side was filled with the golden radiance of the Dragon Sparrow Sword, while the right side was enveloped in the dazzling blue light of the World Annihilation sword. One gold, one blue, each claiming half the sky.

They created a magnificent scene.

In the blink of an eye, the golden and blue lights intertwined, eventually erupting into a deafening explosion.


In an instant, the world changed color, and the sky and earth were in turmoil. A terrifying wave of energy burst forth with a deafening roar. The Lakewood Temple on the mountaintop was directly leveled by the energy wave, and the entire Gateway mountain began to tremble violently.

A large number of rocks rolled down from the mountaintop, crushing unfortunate souls below.

At the mountain's base, tens of thousands of troops scattered and fled, like startled birds. The entire scene was in chaos.
Chapter 1681: Soul-stealing Strike

After the explosion, chaos reigned below the mountain, but the mountaintop remained silent.

When the dust settled, the entire peak of Mount Gateway seemed as if a hurricane had ravaged it, leaving it bare.

The Lakewood Temple had been razed to the ground, and abundant flowers, grass, and trees were swept away.

Even the spectators, Nate and Shane, were forced back a hundred meters by the aftermath of the explosion.

At this moment, at the very center of the mountaintop,
Bai stood quietly, the Dragon Sparrow Sword floating in front of him, emitting unpredictable golden light.

And several meters away, the Blue Pursuit Sword was stabbed into the ground, and Lewis's face alternated between pale and blue.

His hand was already split open, and blood dripped onto the rocks.

His arms trembled uncontrollably.

"Lewis, you've lost," Zenon said calmly. "Your swordsmanship is impressive, but unfortunately, it falls short."

"Who says I've lost?" Lewis gritted his teeth, his eyes determined. "I still have one move. If you can withstand it, I'll never practice swordsmanship again!"

"Why bother?" Zenon frowned slightly. "You're still young, with plenty of choices. Why be so hard on yourself?"

"If I can't become the best in the world, my life is meaningless!"

Lewis didn't waste words. He suddenly pulled up the Pursuit Sword from the ground and thrust it upward.

At the same time, a dense blood mist enveloped his body.

The blood mist contained powerful energy, constantly absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy.

In an instant, Lewis's entire aura changed.

His speed and strength increased significantly, and the potency of his internal energy surged, rising to a new level.

At first glance, it seemed as if he had broken through some boundary.

"Damn! Lewis is going all out!"

Seeing this, Shane couldn't help but exclaim in shock.

"Shane! Get ready, our chance has come!"

Nate was pleasantly surprised, his spirits lifted.

To defeat Zenon head-on was incredibly difficult. They had to use sneak attacks to catch him off guard and severely wound him, ensuring their victory.

"Burning one's essence, self-inflicted damage to one's cultivation base, is it worth it?" Zenon sighed softly.

The blood mist enveloping Lewis's body was the essence blood burning from within. Although it temporarily increased the user's strength significantly, regardless of the outcome, the body would suffer severe damage.

And it was irreversible damage.

It was a desperate measure that came at the cost of one's own future and cultivation base.

Hurt the enemy by 800, hurt oneself by 1,000.

Unless absolutely necessary, no normal person would make such a move.

Obviously, Lewis, as a sword fanatic, could no longer be considered a normal person.

"Soul-stealing Strike!"

Lewis roared lowly, and his entire body erupted in a blood mist.

The mist shrouded his body and the Pursuit Sword, instantly transforming into a massive blood-red longsword.

Then, carrying the power to destroy heaven and earth, he ruthlessly stabbed toward Zenon.

"Swimming Dragon!"

Facing this powerful strike, Zenon's expression became more serious.

His sword finger swung up and down in the air, drawing a golden symbol out of thin air before forcefully patting it into the Dragon Sparrow Sword.


The Dragon Sparrow Sword let out a light hum, and its golden light instantly surged, dazzling and brilliant.


Zenon pointed his sword forward.

The Dragon Sparrow Sword, which had been gathering energy, instantly turned into a golden light and shot out, colliding heavily with Lewis's blood-red longsword.


A loud noise reverberated, shaking the heavens and the earth.

Chapter 1682: Sneak attack

In the instant of contact, Lewis's blood-red longsword exploded with a deafening roar, turning into a vast blood mist that dissipated into the air.

Meanwhile, Lewis, who was merged with the sword, was sent flying backward, pale-faced and coughing up blood.

As for the Dragon Sparrow Sword, it was also shaken and flew out more than ten meters before with a final "clang," embedding itself into a rock.

"A perfect opportunity! It's now!" Nate's eyes lit up when he noticed the brief loss of control over the Dragon Sparrow Sword.

Without hesitation, he acted swiftly.

He swiftly drew his bow, channeling his entire true energy into it, condensing it into a black arrow brimming with energy.

The black arrow was surrounded by a dark aura, exuding a chilling coldness.

After a swift buildup, with a final "whoosh," it transformed into a sharp black light, shooting directly towards Zenon's chest.

The arrow was fast and fierce, without any warning, and the timing was impeccable.

It was nearly a perfect sneak attack.

"Now you won't escape death!" Nate's mouth curved into a malicious smile.

Although Zenon's swordsmanship was formidable, it had a significant weakness: he feared close combat.

Due to the recent collision, the Dragon Sparrow Sword briefly lost control. Now, Zenon was unarmed, significantly reducing his combat strength.

Nate aimed to exploit this weakness and defeat Zenon with a single arrow.


While Nate launched his sneak attack, Shane also moved.

He transformed into a mass of black mist, directly burrowing into the ground and disappearing from sight.

When he reappeared, he was behind Zenon.

A sharp steel claw extended from the black mist, aiming directly at Zenon's back.

Silent and deadly, it concealed a deadly intent.


Just as the black arrow was about to pierce Zenon's heart, Zenon suddenly extended his sword finger and lightly pinched.


The black arrow, brimming with immense power, came to an instant halt, its tail quivering but unable to inch forward.

While Zenon held the black arrow between his fingers, he swiftly turned around and grabbed the steel claw that Shane had thrust out from behind.

The deadly moves executed by both, one after the other, were effortlessly neutralized.

They had absolutely no effect.

"What?!" Nate's face turned pale in shock.

Shane was immediately scared out of his wits, dropping his weapon and transforming into black mist to flee far away.

They had never anticipated that Zenon could effortlessly block their sneak attack without the Dragon Sparrow Sword.

Mind you, they had just exerted their full power, launching their attack when Zenon was least prepared.

And the result?

Their so-called deadly moves were completely useless in Zenon's eyes.

He didn't even need a sword. Just a flick of his finger could shatter their schemes.

The gap between them was just too vast!

"Do you think these tricks will work in front of me?" Zenon said sharply.

He exerted force with his finger, and the black arrow exploded directly.

He was called a sword immortal not because of the Dragon Sparrow Sword, but because his personal strength was incredibly formidable.

Not exaggerating, even without the Dragon Sparrow Sword, even if he only had a twig or a strand of hair in his hand, he could still display unparalleled swordsmanship.


Suddenly, thunder rumbled in the sky.

Following closely, a fiery-red long spear shot out from the clouds.

From top to bottom, it fiercely stabbed toward Zenon.

This spear strike was earth-shattering and caught Zenon completely off guard.

Where the spear's edge passed, space distorted, and the mountains trembled.

It seemed like divine punishment descending, carrying a terrifying power capable of annihilating everything, pressing down heavily!

In that moment, even Zenon's expression changed.

Chapter 1683: Chose the latter option


Watching the fiery red spear thrusting down from the sky, Zenon's face changed color, quickly recognizing the person's identity.

However, this attack was too fast, too fierce, and too sudden. Zenon didn't have time to recall the Dragon Sparrow Sword for defense, so he could only use his finger as a sword and point it toward the fiery red spear.


A loud noise.

Zenon's fingertip collided heavily with the spearhead, creating a terrifying energy wave that swept out in all directions.

Then, the scene froze.

Zenon maintained the raised position of his arm, and at his fingertip, a sword-shaped golden ripple formed.

This golden ripple and the fiery red spear clashed and collided with each other.

Ripples of intertwined golden and red light continued to burst forth.

At this moment, at the end of the long spear, a white-haired, red-eyed old man appeared.

The old man had a cold expression, standing on the spear's tip, looking down at Zenon from a high vantage point, as if he were a god looking down upon the world.

The newcomer was none other than the Dragon Guard Pavilion's Master, the second-ranked figure on the World Shaking Lists, Kylo!

"Master Kylo?!"

Seeing Kylo, Nate Reynolds couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

In the absence of the Elder Devin of Infernal Mountain, Kylo, the Master of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, was undoubtedly the number one figure in the world!

Although they were all formidable figures on the World Shaking Lists, they were nowhere near Kylo in comparison.

They couldn't even handle Zenon, let alone someone even more powerful like Kylo.

Fortunately, they were all on the same side as Kylo.

With Kylo's arrival, the situation was completely stabilized.

Even though Zenon possessed extraordinary abilities, today he was unlikely to escape unscathed.

"Thank goodness you arrived in time; otherwise, we would have been in trouble!" Shane concealed within the black mist said, his voice tinged with relief.

"I didn't expect that this old monster would come out of seclusion," Lewis observed from a distance, his face somewhat solemn, and blood still dripping from the corners of his mouth.

After the recent battle, he had realized that he was no match for Zenon.

Next, it was a test of strength between Kylo and Zenon.

"Kylo, as a person of status and reputation, are you not afraid of being laughed at for launching a sneak attack so discreetly?" Zenon spoke coldly.

"Humph! Once you're dead, no one will know," Kylo replied emotionlessly.

"Do you have the ability to kill me?" Kylo remained undaunted.

"You're clueless!"

With a cold snort, Kylo suddenly leaped into the air and landed heavily on the Dragon's Flame Spear's tip, using the weight of a thousand pounds.


A loud explosion.

The Dragon's Flame Spear advanced a few more inches, causing Zenon's arm to slightly bend, and the rocky ground beneath his feet to crack.

"Dragon Sparrow!"

With his other hand, Zenon swiftly lifted the Dragon Sparrow Sword embedded in the rocks, pulled it out, changed its direction, and thrust it fiercely at Kylo.

"Insignificant trick!"

Kylo didn't dodge or evade. He extended his claw-like hand and, without physical contact, directly immobilized the Dragon Sparrow Sword half a meter in front of him.


The Dragon Sparrow Sword vibrated wildly, emitting a series of faint cries, but it couldn't advance.

Zenon took a deep breath and exerted more force with his sword.


The Dragon Sparrow Sword trembled even more intensely, and blinding golden light continuously burst forth.

The previously immobilized sword gradually moved forward, inching closer to Kylo's chest.


Kylo furrowed his brow, a hint of surprise flashing in his eyes.

He didn't expect Kylo's strength to be this formidable. The density of his astral energy was no weaker than his own. Especially the sharpness of the sword's energy, he couldn't control it with just one hand.

Now, he had two choices. First, to increase his strength and use the Dragon's Gallant Flame Spear for a direct, lethal strike. However, this would come with a certain risk of injury.

The second choice was to disengage in a timely manner and leverage his own advantages to fight a steady battle, not giving the opponent any chance to turn the tables.

After a brief contemplation, Kylo ultimately chose the latter option.

Chapter 1684: Two extraordinary experts battle

He kicked the spear's shaft with the tip of his foot, causing his entire body to retreat. The Dragon's Gallant Flame Spear was also pushed sideways by this force and clashed with the airborne Dragon Sparrow Sword.


A loud explosion, and brilliant light scattered in all directions.

The two divine weapons made contact briefly before returning to their respective owners' hands.

Both sides were evenly matched, and neither gained an advantage.

"Kylo, you missed your chance to defeat me," Zenon said as he held the Dragon Sparrow Sword, his aura suddenly becoming fierce. "If you had continued your aggressive attack just now, I might have been killed or seriously injured. But unfortunately, you were afraid, afraid of getting hurt, afraid of unexpected outcomes. That's your greatest weakness."

There's a saying that goes: "The older you get, the more afraid of death you become."

In Zenon's eyes, Kylo, who had secluded himself for many years, had lost the spirit of a true warrior. Despite his profound cultivation, he couldn't wield his power to its full potential.

"Humph! Killing you is as easy as turning my hand," Kylo retorted, pointing his long spear diagonally.

"Is that so? Then allow me to witness the techniques of the Dragon Guard Pavilion's Master!" Zenon didn't waste any more words and initiated the attack with the Dragon Sparrow Sword in hand.

He was fighting a lone battle and couldn't afford to drag it out. Even with Kylo's arrival, the elite members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion were probably on their way as well. Before being surrounded, Zenon had to finish this battle quickly.

Even if it meant risking severe injury, he had to force Kylo to retreat!

"Overestimating your abilities!" Kylo, watching Zenon's sword strike, didn't evade or retreat but directly thrust his spear.

Two extraordinary experts quickly engaged in a fierce battle.

Kylo's spear was fierce and domineering, capable of thrusting, stabbing, cleaving, and blocking with unpredictable variations. His terrifying power, combined with his impeccable spear technique, made him nearly unstoppable.

On the other hand, Zenon's sword was sharp and agile, emphasizing finesse. In the midst of combat, he leveraged his strengths, avoiding weaknesses, and pushed his advantages to the extreme.

Kylo, as the second-ranked figure on the World Shaking Lists, had a higher personal cultivation level than Zenon.

However, personal cultivation level wasn't the sole determining factor for victory or defeat.

First, one must consider techniques, weapons, killing moves, and secret arts, among other factors. Courage, determination, and a strong will are also crucial. As they say, when two fierce warriors meet on a narrow path, the braver one will prevail. A person's strength isn't just about power or skill; it depends on their willingness to risk everything.

While Zenon's cultivation might not match Kylo's, he came prepared to face death before arriving, which was enough to compensate for any shortcomings. Therefore, in their battle, until the final moments, no one could predict the outcome.

As the two great experts fought on the mountaintop, at the foot of the mountain, the battle between Dustin and Nestor was nearing its end. Both of them were evenly matched, and after a bloody battle, they were both on the brink of exhaustion.

Nestor was in relatively better shape, panting heavily but sustaining minimal injuries thanks to his Diamond Body Technique. In contrast, Dustin had depleted his body, relying on pills and sheer willpower to keep going. If the fight continued, they would either end up with one dead and the other severely injured or mutually destroyed.

"Die!" Dustin's Celestial Sword thrust once again, aiming straight for Nestor's chest.


A deafening roar echoed. A massive three-feet-high golden bell descended from the sky, enveloping Nestor within it.

Lu Chen's Celestial Sword struck the golden bell, sending out a shower of sparks but failing to breach its defense.

Inside the bell, Nestor wore a sinister expression. "Logan, I admit you're formidable to have pushed me to this point. You can be proud of that. However, you still can't kill me. How does it feel? Are you angry, frustrated? But what can you do? Just like ten years ago, you can only watch your loved ones, one by one, get killed, one by one, be slaughtered. This Kirin's Son title is nothing but a joke. Hahaha..."

As Nestor spoke, he couldn't help but burst into mocking laughter. However, he didn't notice that Dustin's eyes had turned blood-red.

Chapter 1685: Rhys family's secret technique

"You... are... dead!"

Seeing Nestor's arrogant and triumphant demeanor, Dustin's eyes widened with fury as his blood surged.

At this moment, he had no more reservations. All his acupoints were wide open as he forcefully activated a secret technique.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

A series of explosions rang out as Dustin's body suddenly burst open with blood-filled holes in various places.

In the blink of an eye, his entire body was drenched in blood.

While the Rhys family's secret technique could enhance his strength, it came with severe aftereffects. Especially when used under conditions of physical exhaustion, it would worsen his injuries. One wrong move could even cause his body to explode and result in death.

It was clear that Dustin was willing to risk it all.

"You lunatic! Do you want both of us to die together?!" Nestor's face immediately changed as his earlier arrogance and recklessness were replaced by panic.

The Rhys family's secret technique was clearly a desperate last resort, a tactic that harmed both the user and the enemy. Only someone with a death wish would dare to use it.

If Nestor had known that Dustin would go this far, he wouldn't have provoked him earlier. He could have just delayed the battle, and Dustin would have eventually been worn down.

"Even if I die, I'll drag you down with me!" Dustin grinned maliciously, his eyes completely bloodshot.

Terrifying energy erupted from all over his body, gushing out continuously, and surging relentlessly.


The Sky Sword in Dustin's hand began to vibrate wildly.

Waves of ferocious sword energy relentlessly pounded Nestor's protective golden bell.

The strength behind the attacks grew stronger, and the assault became more intense.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

The previously impenetrable protective golden bell started to show cracks under the relentless assault of the Sky Sword.

"What?!" Nestor's pupils contracted, and he immediately activated his internal energy to reinforce the golden bell.

He knew in his heart that if he couldn't stop Logan Rhys's final strike, he would either die or be severely injured. Conversely, if he managed to block it, it would be Logan who would meet his end.

This one strike determined victory or defeat and spelled life or death.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

The cracks continued to multiply, and no matter how much Nestor reinforced or infused true energy into the golden bell, it remained unable to heal. In just a few seconds, fine cracks covered the entire golden bell, resembling layers of spiderwebs.


Nestor let out an unwilling roar. Veins bulged on his face, and his limbs trembled uncontrollably.

"Quick, help!"

Seeing the situation take a turn for the worse, Dominick, who had been watching from afar, immediately called on the nearby experts to rush forward and assist.

"I dare anyone to move!" Abigail was prepared and stood in front, brandishing a vial of poison. She threatened, "If anyone takes a step forward, I'll turn them into a puddle of blood!"

With these words, the onlookers once again halted their advance, unwilling to make any reckless moves. The fear of Abigail's poison had already cast a shadow over them, and no one wanted to risk getting contaminated.


Dustin roared, holding the sword with both hands and thrusting it forward violently.


A deafening explosion.

Nestor's protective golden bell finally shattered, and he was sent flying backward for a hundred meters before crashing heavily into a rock, blood spurting from his mouth and his face turning pale.

However, the expected image of a sword piercing through his chest didn't happen. When the Sky Sword struck Nestor's chest, it seemed to have encountered steel, failing to penetrate his body. Instead, the subsequent tremendous force sent Nestor flying, causing him to crash into a rock, where he coughed up blood and turned pale.

Chapter 1686: if I die, we die together

It was only at this moment that everyone noticed Nestor was wearing a dark golden soft armor beneath his clothes. Although the dark golden soft armor had shattered, it had managed to block Dustin's fatal blow at a critical moment, saving Nestor's life.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Nestor coughed up blood as he staggered to his feet. If it weren't for his practice of the Great Diamond Technique, which gave him a body stronger than an average person's, and the protection of the dark golden soft armor, Dustin's previous strike would have been fatal.

However, even though he had narrowly escaped death, he was still severely wounded. Continuing the battle would be an uphill battle for him.

"You bastard! Die!"

Dustin didn't hesitate and thrust his sword again towards Nestor.

But as he moved, he felt his legs give way, nearly toppling him to the ground. He could only use his sword to prop himself up, barely supporting his body.

The previous strike had completely drained him. The aftereffects of the Rhys family secret technique were now evident, leaving him without the strength to move a finger, let alone pursue his enemy.

Seeing this, Nestor was first stunned and then burst into laughter. "Logan Rhys, I thought you were formidable, but it turns out you're already at the end of your rope. Now, can't even stand up, can you?"

Dustin gritted his teeth, trembling as he gradually stood upright, one painful step at a time.

"Hehe... Although the Rhys family's secret technique is powerful, it also has severe side effects. If I guess correctly, you're running on fumes right now. Even if I don't make a move, you won't last much longer," Nestor sneered.

Although he was heavily injured, his condition was still better compared to Dustin. Most importantly, the tables had turned, and Dustin was now the one in a vulnerable position.

"Ha! Don't celebrate too early. I'm still here!" Abigail coldly spoke up.

"Little girl, don't act so arrogantly. You're injured, and your poison is depleted. We have tens of thousands of troops here. No matter how skilled you are, how many can you kill?" Nestor scoffed. "If I were you, I'd retreat immediately. Otherwise, when the experts from the Dragon Guard Pavilion arrive, you won't even have a chance to escape!"

"Abigail, you go first!" Dustin held his sword with one hand, struggling to support his wobbly body. "Uncle, I've said before, if I die, we die together!"

Abigail showed no fear at all, standing her ground and preparing for a last stand.

"Very well! Since you're so eager for death, I'll gladly oblige!" Nestor slowly raised his hand and pressed forward. "Soldiers, follow my orders! Kill them immediately! Anyone who retreats will be punished under military law!"

With this command, those who had hesitated earlier now charged forward without hesitation. Even if it meant certain death, they had to press on.


At that moment, a white treasure sword suddenly descended from the sky, plunging directly into the center of the battlefield. Upon landing, the white treasure sword unleashed a powerful energy wave, sending the hundreds of soldiers at the forefront flying through the air.

They crashed to the ground, crying out in pain.

"Who goes there?!" Nestor's pupils contracted as he looked up.

A young man with a shirtless upper body, a handsome face, and an imposing presence slowly descended. The newcomer was none other than Finn Sanchez, the Sword Sect's prodigy!

"Ha, ha, ha... So it's Young Master Finn. You've come at just the right time. Logan Rhys is on his last legs. Hurry up and finish him off, and from now on, you'll be the number one genius of Dragonmarsh!" Nestor said with a radiant smile.

After all, the Sword Sect was a subordinate force of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. In the past, they had always followed the Dragon Guard Pavilion's orders.

"Very well, another strong reinforcement has arrived!" Dominick's eyes lit up, showing a hint of joy.

Finn's martial strength was undoubtedly one of the top four among the Dragon Guard Pavilion's members. His innate talent and strength were no less than Logan Rhys's.

With this sword prodigy here, the overall situation was set.

"Uncle, this guy is unpredictable. I don't think I can defeat him. What should we do?" Abigail asked with a serious expression.

"You go first! I'll do my best to hold him off," Dustin replied, trembling as he retrieved a pill from his pocket and fed it into his mouth, attempting to use his last ounce of strength to give Abigail a chance to escape.

"Enough stalling!" Nestor urged with a grin upon seeing Finn.

"Young Master Finn, don't waste any more time. Kill Logan Rhys quickly to avoid any unexpected developments in the night!" Nestor began to press Finn.


Finn furrowed his brows slightly, then suddenly swung his hand, cutting off Nestor's head with a single sword stroke.

Chapter 1687: A single sword strike


A flash of sword light suddenly pierced through Nestor's neck without any warning. The speed was so astonishing that there was no time for a reaction.


Nestor's body quivered, as if petrified, and he remained motionless. He stared at Finn Sanchez, who was not far away, his eyes filled with shock and disbelief.

He couldn't believe it. Why had Finn suddenly attacked him? Weren't they allies? They had no grudges or disputes, and they were supposed to be on the same side. Why would Finn kill him just because he urged them a few times? Was his temper so short?


There was a muffled sound as Nestor's head separated from his neck and fell heavily to the ground. His eyes were wide open, filled with an expression of disbelief.

Even in death, he couldn't fathom this outcome. He had narrowly escaped from Dustin's clutches, thinking he had the upper hand, but he was suddenly killed by Finn with a single sword strike.

It was truly a twist of fate.

"What's going on? Is Lord Nestor... dead?"

Seeing Nestor killed by a single sword strike, everyone was dumbfounded. They stared with wide eyes, their faces filled with shock.

They had thought that Finn's appearance was a sign of salvation, but in the blink of an eye, their savior had become their executioner.

The strongest figure in the imperial palace, the tenth-ranked expert on the World Shaking List, had been killed by a single sword strike, and it was all so sudden and inexplicable. It felt like a dream.

"How... How could this happen?"

Dominick was terrified, and his scalp felt numb as he watched the shocking scene unfold. Nestor was not only the top expert within the palace, but he was also a member of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, with both strength and powerful backing. Why had Finn suddenly beheaded him? Was he insane?

"Uncle... I didn't see it wrong, did I? That person just killed Nestor?" Abigail was bewildered, and she almost dropped the vial of poison in her hand. She couldn't make sense of the situation. Weren't they allies? Why would they turn on each other like this? Did they have some deep-seated grudge?

"You didn't see it wrong. Nestor... is indeed dead," Dustin stiffly nodded, his heart filled with confusion. He had never met Finn before, and they had no prior connection. Why would Finn come to his aid?

"Finn! Are you out of your mind?!" After a brief moment of shock, Dominick couldn't contain his anger and shouted, "Nestor was an official of the court and a member of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. How dare you kill him? Do you know the severity of the crime you've committed? Even if you're a disciple of the Sword Sect, you won't escape death for this!"

"Too much nonsense," Finn said expressionlessly. He suddenly raised his sword and swung it toward Dominick in a single motion.


A fierce white sword aura shot out instantly, slashing through the air. As it encountered the wind, it expanded to over ten meters in length, forming a crescent-shaped blade that ruthlessly cleaved toward Dominick Mursal.


Dominick's pupils shrank, and he quickly raised his sword to defend himself.


A deafening sound echoed. Dominick's blade was instantly cut in half by the sword aura, and he was sent flying more than hundred meters away.

Finally, he fell heavily into the crowd, he coughed up blood, his face as pale as paper, unable to even stand up.

Chapter 1688: Cousin

With just one sword strike, Finn had displayed incredible power, almost claiming Dominick's life in the process. The onlookers were once again left in shock. If killing Nestor earlier could be seen as taking advantage of the situation, this recent strike was a clear display of dominance.

Dominick, who was known as the most formidable warrior among the Four Princes of Stonia, couldn't even withstand a single strike from Finn. The gap in their strength was astonishing.

At this moment, the spectators finally realized that Finn, who usually kept a low profile, was the most formidable among the Four Princes of Stonia.

"My sword does not favor nameless individuals. Now, all of you, get lost," Finn said calmly, but his voice resonated throughout the area.

Several commanders were in a difficult position. The demonic woman and Finn together were nearly impossible to deal with, and their chances of winning were slim. However, they were bound by military orders, and retreating now would surely lead to punishment.

"You won't leave? Then go to your deaths," Finn declared, without further ado. He raised his sword again and slashed through the air.


An even larger, longer, and more powerful sword aura shot out, carrying terrifying force, and crashed into the midst of the soldiers.

Blood splattered everywhere, and cries of agony filled the air. The once densely packed army was instantly cleared out, leaving behind a vacant area hundreds of meters in diameter, littered with corpses.

It was a gruesome scene.

In just one strike, Finn had killed over a thousand people. His immense strength sent shivers down the spines of all who witnessed it.

"Get lost!" Finn shouted once more.

A terrifying aura suddenly erupted, causing a violent wind to whip up and sending dust and debris flying everywhere. The gusts were so strong that people could barely keep their eyes open.

"Retreat! Retreat quickly!" The eight commanders were completely terrified. They shouted commands to their troops and began to flee in disarray. Finn's sword aura was just too horrifying.

They had a premonition that if they stayed here any longer, their entire army would be annihilated. Even if they faced punishment upon returning, it was better than dying here.

After Nestor's death, the remaining tens of thousands of troops, threatened by Finn's might, abandoned their weapons and armor and scattered in retreat.

"Th-thank you," Dustin forced a stiff smile and expressed her gratitude to Finn.

Finn didn't say anything and turned to look at Dustin. He calmly said, "Let's go, the elite warriors from the Dragon Guard Pavilion are arriving soon."

"Why did you help me?" Dustin asked, puzzled.

"Do you not know who I am?" Finn raised an eyebrow.

"I know who you are, but I don't understand why you risked your life to save me," Finn replied.

"Your mother, Princess Nora, is my aunt," Finn revealed.

"What? My aunt?" Dustin's expression stiffened.

What was going on? Could the person in front of him be his cousin?

It couldn't be, right? Was it really such a coincidence?

"So, you're my... cousin?" Dustin cautiously asked.

"Yes," Finn nodded.

"Uh..." Dustin was momentarily speechless.

He had never expected that he and Finn were actually related. The strange thing was that his mother had never mentioned this before.

Chapter 1689: Determine the fate of the Dragonmarsh

Seemingly aware of Dustin's internal confusion, Finn explained, "Aunt had a falling out with our family back then, so she chose to leave and cut off contact. After Aunt's passing, my mother and I went to West Lucozia to pay our respects and declared our identity to your father. However, it seems that your father never told you about this."

"I haven't been home in ten years," Dustin said with a complicated expression. He hadn't expected his mother to have such a history, which explained why he had never returned to her family's home.

"After this matter is settled, if I'm still alive, it's time to go and pay respects to my mother," he thought.

"Your sword is quite good. Can you give it to me?" Finn suddenly asked.

"Huh?" Dustin was taken aback, not understanding.

"I guess not," Finn said calmly. "Then let's find an opportunity to have a duel in the future. If you win, my sword will be yours, and if I win, I'll take your sword."

"..." Dustin was at a loss for words. What was this guy's train of thought?

One moment they were acknowledging each other as family, and the next moment, they were talking about a duel. What was he up to?

"Don't worry, I won't take advantage of your injuries. We'll have our duel after you've recovered," Finn said earnestly.

As he spoke, his gaze remained fixed on the Azure Sky Sword in Dustin's hand.

As a sword fanatic, his love for swords exceeded all desires. To him, a top-grade treasure sword was like a peerless beauty. Moreover, the more swords he possessed, the stronger he became. That's why he couldn't contain his excitement when he saw a treasure sword. Just like when he intercepted Zenon before, it was all because of Zenon's Dragon Sparrow Sword. Unfortunately, they hadn't fought at the time.


Just as they were talking, there was suddenly a deafening explosion from the top of the mountain. It shook the earth and deafened the ears. After the explosion, a large number of rocks tumbled down from the mountaintop. Fortunately, the armies of the Eight Lords had already retreated, or there would have been heavy casualties.

"Hmm?" Hearing the commotion, the three of them immediately looked up. On the mountaintop, a spear and a sword had collided head-on. The Dragon flame Spear emitted a brilliant red light, staining half the sky, while the Dragon Sparrow Sword shone with resplendent golden light, showing no signs of weakness. Spear and sword clashed, and they began to struggle against each other, each pushing with all their might. Within the golden and red lights, the two figures appeared and disappeared as if they could vanish at any moment.

"It looks like they're about to determine the victor," Finn murmured to himself as he watched. This was a showdown between the top experts in the world, and after this battle, it would cause a seismic shift in both the court and the martial world.

If Kylo won, the West Lucozia Palace would lose its influence, and there would be no one left to rival the Dragon Guard Pavilion. If Zenon emerged victorious, the Dragon Guard Pavilion would lose its main pillar, causing turmoil throughout the court.

In other words, the outcome of this battle was not just about personal honor; it would determine the fate of the Dragonmarsh!

"Uncle, who do you think will win?" Abigail asked tentatively.

"The two of them are evenly matched. Until the final moment, no one can predict the outcome," Dustin replied with a serious expression. "However, Uncle Zenon still has one trump card he hasn't revealed yet. That might be the key to his victory."

"A trump card? What kind of trump card?" Abigail was curious.

"I haven't seen it, I only heard Uncle Zenon mention it once," Dustin shook his head.

Chapter 1690: Spirit projection

"I hope Grandpa Zenon can win decisively," Abigail silently prayed.

At this moment, on the mountaintop, Kylo held the Dragon flame Spear, his hair and beard fluttering, his tiger-like eyes radiating a crimson light. Terrifying aura continuously erupted from his body. Because the power was so immense, even the Dragon flame Spear began to slightly bend, and the spearhead trembled wildly.

On the other hand, Zenon held the Dragon Sparrow Sword with one hand, his whole body surrounded by golden light, merging with the Dragon Sparrow Sword as one. They had both unleashed their full power and were engaged in their final showdown.

Both of them knew that whoever came out on the losing end of this final clash would be defeated without a doubt.


The spear and the sword clashed incessantly, creating one colorful shockwave after another. These shockwaves appeared beautiful but concealed terrifying destructive power, enough to kill martial masters instantly.

After struggling for about three minutes, Kylo's Dragon flame Spear began to slowly advance, pushing back the Dragon Sparrow Sword step by step.

In terms of personal cultivation, Kylo was clearly superior.

"Zenon! You're even more formidable than I expected, but unfortunately, you're still not my match!" Kylo revealed a triumphant smile. "Your aura is bound to deplete over time, weakening with each strike. However, I am different. I carry the great internal energy of the land and have the dragon's energy protecting me. As long as I'm within the range of Stonia City, I can draw the dragon's energy from the earth to replenish myself. So, I'm not afraid of exhaustion, I'll only become stronger with each battle. This is the difference between you and me! Even Devin of the Dragon and Tiger Sect in Infernal Mountain wouldn't be able to outlast me!"

As the Lord of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, Kylo had been in seclusion for years, and his body had long formed a resonance with the dragon's energy. Even if they were separated by a hundred miles, he could still draw the dragon's energy from the earth.

In an exaggerated manner, it could be said that as long as he was within Stonia City, Kylo was an invincible presence!

"In terms of cultivation, I might not be as strong as you, but there's one thing where you fall short compared to me," Zenon said coldly.
"What?" Kylo was puzzled.

"I'm willing to risk my life, and you're not," Zenon replied.

With those words, Zenon suddenly closed his eyes and his body shivered violently. The next moment, something strange happened. A semi-transparent phantom slowly separated from Zenon's body. This phantom looked exactly like Zenon but didn't seem solid; it appeared more like some kind of ethereal soul.

It was elusive and hard to grasp.

"Spirit projection?!" Kylo's face turned ashen, and even the hand holding his spear began to tremble.

No one knew better than him just how terrifying a spirit projection could be, because it transcended the abilities of Grandmasters. It was a unique technique of the Divine Immortal Realm.

In his entire life, he had only seen this technique used by one person, Devin from Infernal Mountain! The problem was, Devin was a peerless figure, the true number one in the world and the only Divine Immortal on land.

Even though Zenon was formidable, there was no way he could compare to Devin.

"How is this possible? How can you perform a spirit projection?" Kylo muttered in shock.

"No—this can't be!" He was in a panic, his inner turmoil uncontrollable. His hands trembled as fear took hold.

Only the world's top-notch experts of the Divine Immortal Realm knew the technique of spirit projection. Zenon, no matter how powerful, couldn't possibly possess such knowledge.

What was happening?!
Chapter 1691: Today, I'll send you to heaven!

At this moment, Kylo was a mix of shock, confusion, and above all, panic.

He didn't understand how Zenon knew the technique of spirit projection, but he was acutely aware of the terror it held. Spirit projection was a mysterious ability that bypassed physical defenses, spiritual defenses, and even internal energy defenses, acting directly on the soul.

It was undefendable and unstoppable.

In the entire world, besides Devin, no one else could withstand this technique. As Zenon's spirit projection took hold, his eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and even the skin began to slowly ooze blood. Thin cracks appeared on the surface of his skin.

Clearly, this was a consequence of using spirit projection.

Before one truly entered the Divine Immortal Realm, forcefully using this attack would undoubtedly result in irreversible damage. It could range from severe damage to the life-threatening bursting of one's own body.

This was why Zenon had only chosen to use this technique in his direst hour, as a last resort.

"Kylo! You've acted recklessly and caused harm to the people. Today, I'll send you to heaven!" Zenon's spirit projection floated slowly towards Kylo. Wherever it passed, the surging energy waves ceased. The Dragon Sparrow Sword and Dragon's Crimson Flame Spear stopped trembling and hung silently in the air.

The surrounding dust, fallen leaves, and even the breeze, everything seemed frozen.

At this moment, even time itself appeared to have stopped.

"No... No!" Kylo's heart roared with madness. He tried to struggle, but found himself unable to move. His body was completely paralyzed, and he could only watch as Zenon's spirit projection slowly approached, inching him towards the abyss.

The fear of death spread rapidly, and he fought with all his might, struggling desperately to break free. However, all his efforts were in vain.
An unprecedented sense of despair enveloped his entire being.

Could I really die here today?

No, it's impossible!

I am the chosen one, the inheritor of the dragon's bloodline, the ultimate authority in the entire Dragonmarsh!

I possess a tremendous destiny, overwhelming power, I alone can shape the fate of the entire nation!

Someone like me, how could I possibly die?

No! I refuse!

I cannot die here. I must live, I must achieve greatness once again, I must become the ruler of the world!

Kylo's mind screamed incessantly, nearly hysterical. Yet, in reality, he couldn't even blink his eyes.


As Zenon's spirit projection drew closer, he gently extended a finger towards Kylo's forehead.

The next moment, Kylo's entire being began to distort. A white ethereal soul shadow writhed within him, emitting a soundless cry.

It was clear that Kylo's soul shadow was rapidly fading, becoming more and more transparent. If this continued for three breaths, it would completely dissipate.

Once the soul disappeared, Kylo's physical body would naturally become a lifeless corpse.


Just as it seemed that Kylo was about to be obliterated, a powerful black arrow suddenly shot out from behind, accurately hitting Zenon in the back.

It was Nate Reynolds, launching a sneak attack!


A loud explosion.

Upon contact, the black arrow detonated, and Zenon's body shook violently. His spirit projection, which had just emerged, was like being struck by lightning, instantly retracting into his body.

After his spirit returned to its physical form, Zenon spat out a mouthful of blood. His complexion turned deathly pale, and he appeared listless, as if his energy had been completely drained.

In contrast, Kylo let out a miserable cry and staggered backward. Sweat poured from his forehead, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Chapter 1692: Bring clarity to the world

Despite narrowly escaping with his life, the suffering from his damaged soul continued to torment Kylo. The fear and despair he had experienced were almost indelible.

"Leader Kylon, are you okay?" Seeing the situation taking a turn for the worse, Nate immediately flashed to Kylo's side to protect him.

"I'm not dead? I actually didn't die?" Kylo stared wide-eyed, finding it hard to believe. When he had seen Zenon's soul projection, he had thought he was doomed, but he had miraculously escaped.

It seemed he truly was the chosen one.

"Leader Kylo, I noticed something was amiss and immediately shot an arrow to ambush Zenon, severely injuring him. It was a close call, but I managed to save you," Nate began to take credit for his actions.

Hearing this, Kylo quickly turned to look at Zenon. He saw Zenon in a miserable state, bleeding from seven orifices, and barely able to stand. He was both shocked and delighted, unable to help but burst into laughter. "Hahaha... Well done, well done! You did an excellent job. From today onwards, you are a senior elder of the Dragon Guard Pavilion!"

"Thank you, Leader!" Nate's eyes brightened, and he immediately bowed in gratitude.

"Zenon, Oh Zenon, didn't expect this, did you?" Kylo examined Zenon up and down, his face filled with the joy of having narrowly escaped death. "I have to admit, you are indeed formidable. That move just now, I couldn't even block it. But it's a pity; you were still one step short!"

Zenon remained silent, coughing violently and swaying on the spot, looking on the verge of collapsing.

"You despicable scoundrel!" Lewis with a slightly furrowed brow muttered with an unpleasant expression.

If it weren't for Nate's sneak attack, Zenon would have undoubtedly won. Battles to the death between supreme experts like this were supposed to be conducted fairly and openly. Nate's actions had completely disrupted this historic battle.

Even if they ultimately won, the Dragon Guard Pavilion would lose face.

"Zenon! You're at your last gasp! Surrender now, or there will be no mercy!" Nate shouted sternly. Although his sneak attack had been successful, he still didn't dare to make any rash moves. Experts like Zenon were still a tremendous threat as long as they drew breath.

"Zenon, although I don't understand how you managed to use soul projection, I'm sure it consumed a tremendous amount of energy. Now, you're likely running on fumes," Kylo sneered with his eyes narrowed.

"Too bad I didn't kill you just now. Perhaps, it's fate," Zenon looked at the sky and sighed lightly. He had done his best, but he had fallen just short of avenging the nation.

"Ha, ha... I am the chosen one. If you try to kill me, you're going against the heavens. Naturally, you have no chance of success!" Kylo proudly retorted.

"The chosen one?" Zenon suddenly laughed, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Kylo, your current cultivation is solely due to the protection of the dragon veins. In the end, you're just someone who takes advantage of opportunities."

"Hmph! The dragon veins chose me, which makes me the supreme ruler of the world. People like you will forever be my subordinates!" Kylo arrogantly declared.

"Kylo, you're too full of yourself," Zenon responded calmly.

As he spoke, Zenon slowly straightened his body. Dense blood mist erupted from within him, and the spiritual energy in the surrounding heaven and earth began to tremble violently.

"Do you think having the dragon veins means you can rule the world? If that's the case, then today, I will sever your connection to the dragon veins and bring clarity to the world!"

Zenon took a deep breath, and his previous weakness vanished entirely. His entire being was filled with peak vitality.

A tremendous aura surged to its peak, shrouding the entire mountain range. At this moment, the sky was filled with dark clouds, and lightning crackled continuously.

Purple lightning bolts descended from the sky, striking Zenon repeatedly.

For a moment, electricity danced around him, and sparks flew everywhere.

This awe-inspiring phenomenon was reminiscent of an immortal undergoing a heavenly tribulation, incredibly shocking!

Overhead, the imposing heavenly might was chilling!

Kylo and his companions were left dumbfounded, standing still with expressions of shock.

The descent of divine wrath, the onslaught of thunder and lightning, and the continuous appearance of supernatural phenomena were all clear signs of a breakthrough into a higher realm!

However, Zenon had just been on the brink of death, severely injured, and almost out of energy. How could he possibly be ascending to the realm of a terrestrial immortal?

Who on earth was this guy?!!!

Chapter 1693: 'Dragon Slayer

"Quick! Run!" Watching as Zenon's power surged with thunder and lightning, Kylo was terrified, his courage shattered, and he fled without hesitation.

If Zenon's use of soul projection had been a risky move, driven by secret techniques and at the cost of heavy injury, what Zenon was experiencing now was a true breakthrough. He was transcending from Grandmaster to Terrestrial immortal!

At this level, every move and technique would be devastating. Even in his prime, even with the protection of Dragon Vein energy, Kylo wouldn't dare to confront Zenon head-on.

So the best course of action was to escape.

Kylo believed that Zenon's breakthrough was temporary, and he would soon descend from this heightened state and pay a heavy price. At that point, he would be a helpless lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Daring to break through in front of me? You're simply seeking death!" Nate's eyes gleamed with a fierce light. Remembering the successful sneak attack he had executed earlier, he immediately bent his bow, channeled all his energy, and prepared a powerful black arrow.

When the opportunity was right, he aimed the arrow at Zenon's chest and released it with all his might.


The black arrow turned into a streak of darkness and shot toward Zenon. However, in the instant of impact, a purple lightning bolt erupted, destroying the arrow and sending residual force crashing into Nate.


A loud explosion resounded as Nate Reynolds was sent flying more than a hundred meters away. He was charred all over, his meridians severed, and he plummeted from the mountaintop.

His life or death remained unknown.

Witnessing this scene, the old ghost Shane, who had been contemplating his actions, was terrified. He immediately transformed into a black mist and fled rapidly, not daring to linger.

"Using one's essence blood as the medium and one's life as the bridge, to draw the heavenly thunder into one's body and forcefully break through..." Lewis watch gazed from afar, her expression complex. "Zenon, you're truly a reckless madman!"

Amidst his amazement, there was even more admiration. Acts like these, forcibly entering the Terrestrial immortal realm at the cost of one's own life, were tantamount to seeking death. Regardless of success or failure, it was a path to certain death.

"Uncle Zenon, don't do it!" At the foot of the mountain, Dustin screamed frantically. He had sensed that something was wrong when the celestial anomalies appeared. Especially when he saw Zenon surrounded by thunder and breaking through forcibly, he understood everything.

Zenon was willing to sacrifice his life to create a path to escape for him.

"The title of Sword Immortal... well-deserved!" Finn watched from afar and felt an unprecedented shock in his heart. The Terrestrial immortal realm was the ultimate goal for all martial practitioners, yet it always seemed just out of reach.

Throughout the history of the Dragonmarsh, there had been many Grandmasters, but there was only one who had reached the Terrestrial immortal realm, Devin of Infernal Mountain. But now, aside from Devin, another mythical figure had emerged in this world.

On the mountaintop, Zenon was surrounded by purple light, with thunderbolts continuously striking down from the sky, crashing onto his body. His once heroic face rapidly aged, and his jet-black hair turned pale at a visible speed.

In just a few breaths, the man who had been in his prime was transformed into a white-haired old man. Although he had forcefully broken through the realm, his vitality had been completely drained, and his remaining years were on the brink of exhaustion.

Using blood as a guide and life as a bridge, Zenon sacrificed everything for an unparalleled increase in power.

"This sword of mine is named 'Dragon Slayer,'" Zenon said. "I hope that from now on, there will be everlasting peace, and the world will be free from strife."

He raised the Dragon Sparrow Sword and gently waved it toward the sky. It was a simple and unadorned motion, lacking any flamboyance.

Chapter 1694: Red Blaze Dragon-Daring Spear Defense


A purple sword aura burst forth, flying rapidly in the direction of Stonia City. Initially, the purple sword aura was only three feet long, but with each meter it traveled, it expanded by an inch. In just a few breaths, it grew to over ten meters in length and continued to rapidly expand.

Wherever the sword aura passed, the heavens and earth changed, and thunder rumbled. The dense dark clouds above split in two, leaving behind a mirror-smooth rift that refused to close.

The purple sword aura grew faster and larger, appearing as if it could split heaven and earth open, sending shivers down anyone who gazed upon it.

By the time Zenon had unleashed this strike, Kylo was already more than ten miles away. The second-ranked expert on the World Shaking List was now drenched in sweat, panicking and fleeing.

"You madman! You're a lunatic! Even if it means your soul is obliterated, you're still forcing your way into the Terrestrial Immortal realm! I won't play with you any longer!" Kylo cursed loudly while fleeing as fast as he could toward the direction of the Dragon Guard Pavilion.

There, he had the protection of the dragon veins and various defensive formations. As long as he returned and activated the Mountain Guard Formation, even if Zenon had successfully broken through the realm, he would be powerless to harm him. After all, this Mountain Guard Formation was the result of Kylo's half a lifetime of hard work. He had originally established it to defend against Devin of Infernal Mountain, but today, he had to use it ahead of schedule.


At this moment, a piercing sound cut through the air from behind. Kylo's heart filled with a sense of impending danger as he turned to look back. What he saw made him tremble uncontrollably.

Not far behind him, a colossal sword aura, stretching over a hundred meters in length, was rapidly descending with overwhelming force. Wherever the sword aura passed, rocks shattered, vegetation evaporated, and it seemed unstoppable. Most importantly, he was locked onto by this sword aura, and there was no way for him to escape.

"How... how could this be?"

Kylo's eyes widened, and his face was filled with horror. Seeing the sword aura coming straight at him, in a moment of desperation, he raised the Red Blaze Dragon-Daring Spear, exerting all his strength to construct a thick red barrier in front of him, attempting one last defense.


The sword aura flashed past, encountering no resistance as it pierced through the red barrier and Kylo's body, continuing forward toward the Dragon Guard Pavilion.


The Red Blaze Dragon-Daring Spear was split into two, falling to the ground with a clear sound. Kylo stood stiffly, his face filled with disbelief.
He slowly lowered his head, only to find that his clothes had already been torn apart, revealing a fine bloodstain that began to appear and quickly spread. The bloodstain extended upward, reaching his forehead, and downward, all the way to his thighs.

"No... this can't be... I..."

Kylo was about to make a move when his entire body was suddenly split in two by the spreading bloodstain. The left side of his body fell to the left, and the right side fell to the right. At first glance, it was as if he had been split apart by an axe, like a piece of wood.

"Thud! Thud!"

With two muffled sounds, Kylo's body fell to the ground. His eyes were wide open in death.

From start to finish, he had never expected to die in this desolate wilderness, let alone be killed instantly.

He was the second-ranked expert in the world, the supreme ruler of the Dragonmarsh, possessing ultimate power. He had the world in his grasp, capable of deciding life and death for all.

He was the chosen one, carrying the fate of the world, with the dragon veins under his command. He should have lived a long and prosperous life.

Why? Why did he die?!

What had gone wrong?!

Chapter 1695: Life Jade Tablet

Kylo was dead.

He died in the wilderness.

The scent of blood emanating from his body quickly attracted a pack of wild dogs, which eventually devoured him completely.

No one could have anticipated that the second-ranked expert in the world, the Lord of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, would meet such an end, devoured by wild dogs.

What was even more astonishing was that not even his bones were left behind.

Inside the Dragon Guard Pavilion, an emergency meeting was being held. Various officials, elders, and stewards had gathered. It had been two hours since the Pavilion's Lord, Kylo, emerged from seclusion, and there was still no word from him.

Under normal circumstances, there wouldn't be much to worry about, but Kylo had encountered the Sword Immortal Zenon, another peerless powerhouse. Their strengths were quite evenly matched. In a one-on-one duel, Kylo had a higher chance of winning, but they were concerned that the West Lucozia Royal Palace might have set up an ambush.

"How is it going? Have we received any news from the Lord?" asked a white-bearded elder, entering the council chamber with an air of urgency.

The spacious chamber was now filled with two or three dozen people. These were the core members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, wielding great power in the royal court, with influence extending throughout the land. In their eyes, the royal family was just a pawn; they were the true rulers of the Dragonmarsh.

"Someone has been dispatched to investigate, but there's still no word for now," a steward replied.

"You people! How could you allow the Lord to venture into danger alone? If anything happens to the Lord, who will take responsibility?" the white-bearded elder rebuked angrily.

"Master Skyler, don't worry. The Lord possesses unparalleled martial skills, and he has the protection of the Dragon Vein. As long as it's not Devin, that old monster, who interferes, no one can be a match for our Lord," another steward assured.

"Don't forget, they say four fists are better than two. If all three top experts from the West Lucozia Royal Palace act together, even our Lord might not come out unscathed!" the white-bearded elder replied in a grave tone.

In recent years, the Dragon Guard Pavilion had refrained from pressuring the West Lucozia Royal Palace excessively due to these concerns. On one hand, they feared the 500,000-strong Black Dragon Army, and on the other hand, they dreaded the three top experts of the West Lucozia Royal Palace: the Sword Immortal, the Wine Madman, and the Man Butcher.

These three individuals were not to be trifled with.

Once they joined forces, they would be invincible, and no one could stand against them.

"Elder Skyler, you're overthinking it. The West Lucozia Royal Palace is struggling to protect itself; they don't have the resources to send out so many experts," one of the stewards dismissed the concerns.

The Dragon Guard Pavilion had always been successful, and its Lord was unparalleled. Who could possibly harm the Lord?

"We must be prepared for the unexpected," the white-bearded elder replied with a furrowed brow. "What about the Vice Lord? Why hasn't he arrived yet?"

"In response to Elder Skyler, the Vice Lord is still in seclusion, and he ordered not to be disturbed," another person replied.

"Very well, I'll personally lead a team to support the Lord in Gateway," the white-bearded elder said as he was about to leave the room.

However, just as he was about to depart, a Dragon Guard Pavilion disciple rushed into the meeting hall, looking panicked and covered in sweat. He exclaimed, "Bad news! Bad news! The Life Jade Tablet placed in the Spirit Hall for the Lord suddenly shattered!"


This statement shocked everyone in the room. They all stared wide-eyed, doubting they had heard correctly.

"What did you say? Say it again!"

White-bearded Huang was extremely agitated. He grabbed the collar of the Dragon Guard Pavilion disciple and lifted him off the ground.
"I... I just saw it in the Spirit Hall. The Life Jade Tablet that the Lord had offered suddenly split into two!" The disciple stammered in fear.

In the Dragon Guard Pavilion, the core members would each have a Life Jade Tablet placed in the Spirit Hall. When someone died, their corresponding Life Jade Tablet would immediately shatter.

The disciple had only seen this happen once before when a mere steward died. However, he couldn't have dreamt that he would witness the Lord's Life Jade Tablet breaking today.

This meant that the Lord of the Dragon Guard Pavilion was dead!

"No! This can't be!"

"The Lord is unparalleled; how could he die?"

"You must have seen it wrong!"

White-bearded Skyler roared in disbelief. He violently pushed the Dragon Guard Pavilion disciple away and, accompanied by a group of people, rushed towards the Spirit Hall.

When they entered the hall and saw the shattered Life Jade Tablet, they were struck as if by lightning, standing there in stunned silence.

Chapter 1696: Dragon Vein

At the top of the Spirit Hall, representing the Lord, the Life Jade Tablet had indeed split into two halves. The Life Jade Tablet was made of a special material, impervious to blades and unharmed by fire or water. It was nearly impossible to damage it through external force. Only the death of the tablet's owner would cause it to shatter.

Despite how unbelievable it seemed, the fact was right before their eyes. Lord Kylo had indeed died, inexplicably and without any warning.

"Oh, Lord! Lord!" White-bearded Elder Skyler collapsed to the ground, tears streaming down his face, mourning deeply. He and Kylo were as close as brothers, and the sudden loss was difficult to accept.

"Who did this? Who killed our Lord?!"

"Whoever it is, we will avenge the Lord!"

"All disciples of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, listen up! Immediately head to Gateway mountain and tear the killer into pieces!"

After a brief moment of shock, the entire Dragon Guard Pavilion was in an uproar. People of all ranks, big and small, quickly gathered together, and an overwhelmingly terrifying force began to build up.


At that moment, thunder seemed to erupt from the sky. A horrifying pressure suddenly descended upon the Dragon Guard Pavilion, shrouding the entire Infernal Mountain.

"What's going on?"

As they stepped out of the Spirit Hall to investigate, they were almost frightened out of their wits. In the distant sky, an enormous and incomparably massive purple sword radiance was descending upon them with the power to destroy heaven and earth.

This sword radiance stretched for a thousand meters, with a magnificent momentum that surged towards the sky. Everywhere it passed, the earth trembled, and all things perished. The very fabric of space seemed to twist and distort.

When viewed from afar, it was as if it had covered the sky.

The bright sunlight was blocked out, and the shadow of the sword radiance covered the entire mountain range.

The sky was completely darkened, and as they witnessed this scene, everyone felt an immense sense of dread. It was as if a colossal mountain had pressed down upon them, rendering them completely immobile, unable to even draw breath.

"My sword, known as Dragon Slayer," a phantom, ethereal voice resonated throughout the heavens and the earth, accompanying the earth-shattering sword radiance as it descended upon Infernal Mountain.

"Quickly! Activate the Mountain Protection Defense!" White-bearded Elder Skyler was the first to react, issuing a desperate and mournful cry.

However, it was already too late.

The sword radiance was simply too fast, taking only a few seconds from its appearance to closing in.

When the members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion regained their senses, the enormous and mountain-like sword radiance had already descended heavily and cleaved through the entire Dragon Guard Pavilion.


A world-shattering roar.

The opulent and palace-like Dragon Guard Pavilion was directly shattered into pieces by the sword radiance. The magnificent structures were reduced to rubble.

This included White-bearded Elder Skyler and all the high-ranking members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. Under this sword, they were obliterated without a trace, not even leaving behind bodies.


Another deafening roar.

The sword radiance that had annihilated the Dragon Guard Pavilion continued its relentless force, striking Infernal Mountain.

The massive Infernal Mountain was split into two by the sword radiance, reaching deep into the earth's core.

The dragon vein hidden beneath Infernal Mountain was not spared either; it was severed by a lazy swing of the sword.

As the dragon vein cracked, a white celestial dragon suddenly shot up into the sky, ascending into the heavens. Finally, it transformed into five white rays of light, dispersing and disappearing into different corners of the world.

Chapter 1697: A complete transformation

The Dragon Guard Pavilion was destroyed, and along with it, the entire Infernal Mountain and the underground dragon veins were severed by a single strike from Zenon.

The power of this strike was earth-shattering, causing the entire Forbidden City to tremble.

At this moment, within the Bureau of Astronomy:

An elderly man with a frail figure and white hair was seated on a massive compass. He had his eyes closed, chanting something that sounded like a prayer. Suddenly, the ground shook as if experiencing an earthquake. Following that, the enormous compass at the center seemed to have been impacted by something, and it burst apart with a loud "crack."

The white-haired man sitting on it trembled and coughed up a mouthful of blood. His spirit appeared weakened, clearly having suffered severe injuries.

"Master! What's happened to you?" Margaret, who had just entered, was startled and rushed to help the white-haired man to his feet.

"It's fate... It's fate..." The white-haired man sighed heavily and occasionally coughed.

"Master, please tell me what's going on," Margaret asked.

"The dragon veins... have been destroyed!" The white-haired man said with a mournful expression. "My previous divination has come true. The dragon veins of the Dragon Kingdom have been severed. From now on, there will be turmoil in the court, and the fate of our country will decline. Our Dragon Kingdom is about to undergo a complete transformation!"

"What? The dragon veins have really been destroyed?" Margaret's face turned pale. Although She had mentally prepared herself for this, the actual news was still difficult to accept.

"Margaret, without the dragon veins, there will soon be turmoil in the realm. You must inform the Emperor to prepare in advance and stabilize the situation as much as possible," the white-haired man reminded.

"I've already informed Father about this matter in advance. However, Father's health has been declining recently, and he's unable to exert much effort. Several of my royal siblings are engaged in power struggles, trying to contend for the throne, and they can't be bothered with such matters," Margaret said with a furrowed brow.

Margaret's father was worn out from his constant duties, and his health had been deteriorating. Especially in recent times, he had been bedridden most of the time.

Within the royal family, rumors were rampant, and several powerful siblings were seizing the opportunity to form factions and prepare for the throne.

During such a critical period, there was no one who could step forward to take charge.

"Alas... it's all fate," the white-haired man sighed as if he had expected this. "The dragon veins are related to the country's fortune, and they also affect the entire royal family. With the dragon veins severed, the Forbidden City will only become more chaotic in the future. You must be prepared for this."

"Master, is there really no hope of turning things around?" Margaret asked with a furrowed brow.

The white-haired man remained silent for a moment and then started to calculate with his fingers.

After a while, he slowly spoke, "The way of Heaven takes from those who have excess and gives to those who are deficient. Although the dragon veins have been destroyed, causing significant repercussions, there's still hope. I have calculated that the dragon veins have transformed into five strands of dragon source energy, scattered throughout the heavens and earth. Whoever can obtain this dragon source energy will be the chosen ones. If you can find these five chosen individuals, the Dragon Kingdom will not only avoid decline but also become exceptionally powerful. However, achieving this is incredibly difficult. Our world is vast, and finding the dragon source energy is like finding a needle in a haystack. The most critical part is that you must find individuals who can resonate with the dragon source energy, which is nearly impossible."

As he finished speaking, the white-haired man sighed again.

The destruction of the dragon veins was undoubtedly a catastrophe for the current court. However, as the saying goes, "Out with the old, in with the new." Perhaps in the future, there would be a better ruler and a better era. These were things that no one could predict.

Chapter 1698: The Sword Immortal was gone

"Master, no matter how difficult it is, I will give it a try!" Margaret said with unwavering determination.

She had no other choice now. Her father, the emperor, was bedridden, and her brothers were unreliable. She had to take up this great responsibility and do her best to recover the losses for the Dragonmarsh.

"Go, make preparations as soon as possible. You are the only one with a chance to accomplish this," the white-haired man said with deep sincerity.

"Master, take care of yourself. I will visit you when I have the opportunity," Margaret deeply bowed and quickly took her leave.

The destruction of the dragon veins was no small matter, and she had to act immediately.

"As one generation of rulers passes, so do their advisors. It's time for me, the head of the Astronomy Bureau, to leave as well," the white-haired man sighed softly.

He stood up with some difficulty, lit some incense, bathed, changed into clean clothes, and paid his respects. After arranging everything, he sat back in his position as the head of the Astronomy and closed his eyes slowly.

After some time passed, as a gentle breeze blew by, the suspended eternal lamps in the room suddenly extinguished.

The white-haired man lowered his head, departing from this world.

On the other side, at the peak of Mount Gateway.

Zenon, who had just unleashed his final strike, had now become an elderly man on the verge of death. His body was covered in fine cracks, like a porcelain vase about to shatter.


Zenon turned his gaze towards Dustin at the foot of the mountain, giving a faint smile. "It's been many years. You've grown quite a bit, my boy. I almost didn't recognize you."

"Uncle Zenon..."

Dustin's eyes were filled with tears, and he choked up, unable to speak.

He could keenly sense that Zenon's life force was rapidly fading away.

This was an irreversible outcome, determined from the moment the other side forcefully broke through the realm.

"I, Zenon, have lived my life with integrity, worthy of the heavens and the earth, but I owe your mother a great debt," Zenon said. "Your mother saved my life back then, and I have never been able to repay that debt. Now, I am returning this life to you, which could be considered settling that debt."

"You are my only disciple, and I have nothing much to give you. Take this Dragon Sparrow Sword as a token of my appreciation."

With these words, Zenon raised his hand and tossed the Dragon Sparrow Sword high into the air, where it plunged into the rock in front of Dustin.

Dustin gazed at the Dragon Sparrow Sword, which was now within arm's reach, but his hands trembled, and he dared not touch it.

There was a time when he had yearned so much to possess this renowned sword, but now, he was filled with fear of it.

"Logan, there's one thing I need to ask of you..."

As Zenon's body gradually dissipated, his voice became ethereal. "If you have the chance, go to the village of Hush in Brighton Town. Find a woman named Ember and tell her that I have embarked on a journey and don't plan to return. She should find someone else to marry."

"Oh, by the way, there's a girl in the village named Maria. She's a promising talent. Train her well; she could be of great use in the future."

"That's about it, Logan. Take care, and be cautious in all matters. From now on, I won't be able to help you. Everything will depend on you..."
With these final words, Zenon's body completely turned into dust and dissipated into the heavens and the earth.

Breaking through a realm with one step, slaying the dragon with one sword.

Bloodstrike Zenon, the number one swordsman in the world and the Sword Immortal, was gone.

Chapter 1699: Some things cannot be understood unless experienced

"Uncle Zenon?"

"Uncle Zenon!!"

As he watched the slowly dissipating figure, Dustin's eyes turned red, and his voice became mournful.

He was already severely injured, but at this moment, his blood surged, and he spat out a mouthful of blood before collapsing to the ground.
His consciousness was hazy, and he looked dejected.

In pursuit of the truth and revenge, he had lost too much. Now, another loved one had left him. He wondered if his actions were right or wrong.

If it weren't for his obsession with revenge, so many people wouldn't have sacrificed themselves in vain, right?

"For a swordsman, perhaps this is the best way to go."

Finn looked at the slightly trembling Dragon Sparrow Sword and said softly, "The Sword Immortal had a brilliant life. Even in his final moments, he shone brightly. With his own strength, he killed Kylo, destroyed the Guardian Dragon Pavilion, and saved the common people. He was a true hero, a truly unparalleled figure!"

He had always been proud and aloof, never paying much attention to anyone, not even his own master.

But after today's battle, he was deeply impressed and sincerely admired Zenon.

This was the extraordinary demeanor that a Sword Immortal should have, something that all swordsmen in the world could only look up to.

"It's all because of me. If it weren't for me, Uncle Zenon wouldn't have died."

Dustin lay on the ground, tears streaming down his face.

He deeply regretted his choices. Pursuing revenge had caused him to lose more loved ones. He would rather be an unfilial son and live his life in a daze, not causing harm to anyone.

At this moment, he suddenly understood his father's choices back then.

His mother had died, and his father, who held great power, had endured humiliation. Initially, he had thought that his father was weak, afraid of losing power and status.

But now, he suddenly realized that his father's fear was not losing power and status, but rather, he didn't want more loved ones to die in vain.

Some things cannot be understood unless experienced, unless one puts themselves in another's shoes. Perhaps back then, his father was the most helpless and tormented person?

"Logan, if you let yourself be disheartened by this, then I've truly misjudged you!" Finn said coldly. "Zenon's death was his own choice. He made the decision he believed to be right, and it has nothing to do with you."

"Furthermore, do you think you can live out the rest of your life peacefully by doing nothing? Then you're truly foolish!"

"The Dragon Guard Pavilion had been plotting for years, preparing to erode the power of the West Lucozia Prince's Mansion. The time has come, and even if you hadn't done what you did, it would have brought disaster upon you sooner or later. It's just a matter of days or weeks."

"As the Crown Prince of West Lucozia, you bear the hopes of everyone and should shoulder the corresponding responsibilities."

"Instead of wallowing in self-blame and tears, it's better to pick yourself up, continue the unfinished plans. Even if it's wrong, you have to stick with it to the end!"

"Only then will the people who died because of you not have died in vain. Do you understand?!"

At the end, Finn grabbed Dustin by the collar and lifted him up. He rarely got angry, but seeing Dustin in such a miserable state made him furious.

Listening to Finn's words, Dustin's dazed and lifeless expression gradually eased. There was a glimmer of light in his lifeless eyes.

"You're right. I can't let Uncle Zenon's sacrifice be in vain, and I can't disappoint those who have sacrificed for me. I have to keep going, I have to change everything!" Dustin's eyes became resolute.

Rather than moping and crying, it was better to continue moving forward. This was the only way to honor the spirits of his loved ones.

"That's right, this is the dignified demeanor of a Kirin's son!" Finn nodded in satisfaction.

Chapter 1700: I'm fine

"Firstly, the two of them were cousins; secondly, having finally encountered a worthy opponent, he naturally didn't want the other party to be disheartened.

After all, the feeling of seeking victory in solitude was truly boring.

"Logan Rhys, the road ahead is up to you now. We'll meet again someday," Finn said a few words and then directly flew away, soon disappearing from sight.

The mission from the Sword Sect was to kill Logan Rhys, but he went against the grain and actually helped the other party.

The sect would have to explain this eventually.

Of course, his explanation was very simple: if anyone dared to object, they should first ask the sword in their own hands.

"Uncle, how are your injuries?" Abigail asked with concern.

"I'm fine."

Dustin shook his head, glanced at the battlefield full of bodies, and said, "This place is not suitable for a long stay. Let's go back first."

Although Kylo was dead, the Dragon Guard Pavilion was not completely wiped out yet. In case some experts arrived, he wouldn't be able to handle it in his current state. They could only retreat in time.

After walking onto the main road, they got into the car and headed straight for Stonia City.

However, when the car was halfway there, a large number of fully armed soldiers and horses suddenly appeared ahead.

As soon as these soldiers and horses appeared, they surrounded Dustin's vehicle.

Seeing this scene, Abigail's face changed. She immediately took out poison and said in a deep voice, "This is unbelievable! How can there still be enemies?"

"Uncle, stay in the car. I'll take care of these guys!"

Saying this, Abigail was about to get out of the car and use her poison."

"Wait! They are not enemies! They are reinforcements!" Dustin immediately spoke to stop her.

"Ah? Reinforcements?" Abigail was stunned, not quite processing the situation.

At this moment, the leading vehicle on the opposite side suddenly opened its doors. Adam Spanner, bloodied all over, hurriedly approached.

"Brother Logan! Brother Logan!" Adam shouted as he ran, his face full of urgency. When he saw Dustin covered in blood, his expression changed drastically. "What the hell! How did you get injured like this? Quickly, quickly, call for the medics!"

As he spoke, he waved his hands frantically toward the back, signaling for Dustin to be carried away for treatment.

"No need to make a fuss, I'm fine," Dustin shook his head.

"You're coughing up blood, and you say you're fine? Buddy, you really can endure," Adam said, looking quite perplexed.

"I'm a doctor. I know my own body well. It's not that serious. I won't die anytime soon," Dustin said.

"That's good, that's good," Adam sighed in relief. "We were intercepted on the way here by the forces from the Martial Bureau. I managed to fight them off, but it delayed us for a while. Luckily, you're safe."

"Brother Logan!"

At this moment, an urgent cry rang out.

Wearing a red martial outfit and with silver hair streaming, Scarlet Spanner hurriedly rushed over. She bulldozed her way through, knocking down anyone in her path.

Her face, once exceptionally beautiful, was now filled with panic and worry.
Chapter 1701: I will inherit his will and live on

"Brother Logan, how did you get injured like this? Who did this? I will definitely kill them!" Scarlet Spanner rushed forward in a state of agitation, her expression turning from concern to furious anger when she saw Dustin covered in blood.

A surge of killing intent emanated from her beautiful eyes.

As soon as she learned of Dustin's danger, she immediately led her troops to rush over. They were intercepted on the way, but she effortlessly eliminated the threat, although it did cost them some time.

She was prepared. Anyone who harmed Dustin, she vowed to exterminate, even if it meant going against the nation.

"I'm not seriously hurt, don't worry. Besides, the person who injured me is already dead," Dustin forced a smile.

"Brother Logan, you should lie down and rest properly. I'll take you to the hospital right away!" Scarlet remained deeply concerned.

"Young lady, there's no need to trouble yourself. I'm not in immediate danger. Besides, there's something more important that I need you to pay attention to," Dustin changed the topic.

"What is it?" Scarlet asked, puzzled.

"The sword strike from some time ago, you all must have seen it, right?" Dustin inquired.

"We saw it," Scarlet's expression turned serious. "That sword strike was terrifying, beyond anything I could comprehend. I never imagined there could be someone so powerful in the world."

"That was Uncle Zenon's final strike," Dustin said with a complex expression. "Most likely, the Dragon Vein of the Dragonmarsh has been destroyed. The Dragon Guard Pavilion, which held power above the imperial throne, should have suffered a heavy blow. In the coming period, Stonia City will be in turmoil. Your Spanner family should prepare early."

"What? Uncle Zenon is dead?" Scarlet's face changed dramatically. "Who did it? Who could kill Uncle Zenon?" She had practiced swordsmanship with Dustin and had received guidance from Zenon in the past.

"In her eyes, Zenon's swordsmanship was unparalleled in the world, unmatched by anyone. How could such a formidable expert possibly die?"

Dustin's expression turned sorrowful. "Uncle Zenon sacrificed himself to save me, taking on multiple opponents and forcefully breaking through his own limits. In the end, he couldn't bear the strain and vanished into thin air."

"Brother Logan, my condolences," Scarlet said, her face heavy with grief.

"Although Uncle Zenon has passed away, his peerless elegance will remain in everyone's hearts. I will inherit his will and live on," Dustin clenched his fist slowly.

Despite his words, there were some things that couldn't be easily let go in a short time.

"Logan, you mentioned that the Dragon Guard Pavilion has been destroyed, and Stonia City will soon be in chaos. Is it true?" Adam Spanner asked cautiously.

"How much do you know about the Dragon Guard Pavilion?" Dustin didn't respond directly but counter-questioned.

"I don't know much, just heard about it occasionally. It's said that the Dragon Guard Pavilion is an extremely mysterious organization with immense power, capable of influencing the imperial authority," Adam said.

"The Dragon Guard Pavilion approached me before, wanting me to join, but I refused. I didn't look into it much afterward," Scarlet added. When she broke through to the Master level at the age of eighteen and was hailed as the Red Ribbon War God, representatives from the Dragon Guard Pavilion had come to recruit her. However, she hadn't taken it seriously at the time and had brushed them off.

"I only learned about the Dragon Guard Pavilion today," Dustin said with a serious expression. "This organization holds immense power. Its members are influential figures, and their influence spreads throughout the entire Dragon Kingdom. Even the current emperor is influenced by the Dragon Guard Pavilion."

"That powerful?" Adam's eyes widened. Although he had heard rumors, he didn't know the specifics.

Chapter 1702: I will support you unconditionally

"Because of their immense power, the destruction of the Dragon Guard Pavilion will have a significant impact. No one can be certain about the specific consequences. I just hope that you won't get involved in this vortex," Dustin cautioned.

"We are in Stonia, and we are one of the Four Great Royal Families. We can't stay aloof. When such a storm comes, we can't avoid it," Adam shook his head.

With the Dragon Guard Pavilion holding such enormous power, once it was destroyed, it would undoubtedly lead to widespread chaos. In the absence of a central authority, various factions and warlords were likely to seize the opportunity to cause trouble. At that time, the Spanner family, being one of the royal families, couldn't just stand idly by.

"The situation in the world follows the natural course of rise and fall. The Dragon Guard Pavilion has dominated for many years, causing harm to countless loyal officials and righteous men. Anyone who didn't obey its commands or posed a threat would be eradicated. Now it has come to this fate. It's the natural order of things!" Scarlet said coldly.

How many people had died during the change in the Forbidden City back then? Among them was Logan Rhys's mother, Nora. In her eyes, Aunt Nora was an extremely kind and gentle woman who was always charitable and had helped countless people, even beggars, treating them with respect.

However, this good person had died under the schemes of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. Many loyal and righteous individuals who served the country were buried alongside her.

Organizations like this would be destroyed sooner or later.

"Although the Dragon Guard Pavilion has been destroyed, there are definitely remnants still around. This is a force that cannot be ignored. I will continue to investigate," Dustin said seriously.

Kylo was dead, and most of the core members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion were slain by Zenon's sword strike. However, it's harder to kill the survivor than the dead. The influence of the Dragon Guard Pavilion was deeply rooted, and it wasn't possible to completely eradicate it in a short time.

"After today's battle, the relationship between the West Lucozia Royal Palace and the Dragon Guard Pavilion has been irreparably damaged. There's no doubt that there will be no peace between them in the future.

His goal is to completely eradicate the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion!

"Brother Logan, I think you not only need to keep an eye on the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion but also be vigilant about the royal family's movements," Scarlet cautioned. "Now that there are no constraints, the royal family should regain power. However, the current emperor is seriously ill and doesn't have much time left. Some of the princes are not benevolent rulers. Once one of them ascends to the throne, they might consider you a thorn in their side."

The power of the West Lucozia Royal Palace had reached a significant level, making it influential. The current emperor was reasonable and knew the loyalty of the Rhys family, so he wouldn't do anything extreme. However, some of the princes were petty and selfish, and in the future, if they ascended the throne, they might cause various troubles. There was a possibility of a repeat of the bloodshed from ten years ago, which was her greatest concern.

"The stance of the royal family will determine my stance," Dustin said openly. "If the royal family is willing to coexist peacefully with us, we will naturally keep a low profile, guarding the borders. But if the royal family insists on being aggressive and leaves us no choice, we will have to rise up in resistance."

"Agreed!" Scarlet said earnestly. "No matter what Logan Brother does, I will support you unconditionally!"

"Count me in! Count me in too..." Abigail quickly added. "Uncle, if the emperor dares to harm you, I'll help you poison him!"

"Logan, you sure know how to give me a headache!" Adam shook his head, somewhat helpless. "Well, forget it. I'll consider it as accompanying a noble soul to the end. I just hope the emperor won't make a foolish move; otherwise, the Dragon Kingdom will change hands soon..."

Chapter 1703: You won't be able to sleep tonight

When night fell, Dustin finally returned to the villa area in the southern part of Stonia.

As for Scarlet, Adam, Abigail, and others, they all went back to prepare for the upcoming turbulence, each in their own way.

So much had happened during their trip to Mount Gateway that day. Despite learning the truth and witnessing the downfall of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, the death of Zenon lingered in Dustin's mind, leaving him deeply unsettled. Both physically and mentally, he felt profoundly exhausted.

He longed to sleep soundly, not thinking about anything, not worrying about anything, just sleeping until he naturally woke up. Perhaps tomorrow would be better.


The car came to a halt at the villa gate, and Dustin, weary in body and soul, stepped out of the vehicle.

As soon as he opened the front door, he saw a woman sitting in the living room, dressed in white, wearing a veil that partially concealed her face.

The woman had a graceful figure and exuded a unique fragrance. Although her features weren't entirely visible, she gave off an exceptionally gentle and charming vibe.

"Margaret?" Dustin recognized the woman on the sofa at a glance.

Her attire, her aura, and that distinctive fragrance were unforgettable.

"Logan Rhys, you're back?" Maximus poured a cup of tea and placed it on the table, then approached Dustin and informed him, "This Miss Margaret is here to see you again. She says it's an important matter, but it's always shrouded in mystery. Be cautious."

"Don't worry, I know how to handle it. You can go rest," Dustin nodded, indicating for Maximus to retire to his room. He then settled on a nearby sofa and calmly said, "Miss Margaret, what brings you here in the middle of the night? Any instructions?"

"I already know what happened in Mount Gateway today," Margaret suddenly spoke.

"And?" Dustin remained calm, showing no surprise.

Margaret was obviously not an ordinary person; she was most likely a member of the royal family. Knowing about the significant events of the day wasn't surprising.

Moreover, she was a disciple of the Astronomy Bureau, skilled in divination and numerology, undoubtedly having more knowledge than ordinary royal family members.

"Zenon severed the Dragon Vein, which has a significant impact on the destiny of the Dragon Kingdom. To salvage the loss, I need to gather the Dragon Energy dispersed from the Dragon Vein. However, this task is incredibly challenging. With my abilities alone, it's nearly impossible. That's why I hope you can help me," Margaret got straight to the point.

"And why should I help you?" Dustin countered.

"This matter started because of you. You are already involved, and you can't escape the responsibility. Besides, once we find the Dragon energy, you'll benefit greatly. It's a mutually beneficial deal," Margaret said earnestly.

"Sorry, I'm very tired right now and not interested in getting involved in these matters. Please find someone else," Dustin flatly refused.

"Logan, this is your destiny. You can't escape it. For your own sake, for the sake of West Lucozia, and for the entire Dragon Kingdom, we must find the Dragon energy to restore peace to the world," Margaret insisted.

"Miss Margaret, let me make one thing clear. The severing of the Dragon Vein and the destruction of the Dragon Guard Pavilion are not necessarily bad things for me. They might even present opportunities for your royal family. As for your talk of restoring peace to the world, frankly, I'm not prepared for that. I have a lot of personal troubles to deal with, and I don't have the bandwidth to handle these world-saving matters. Please leave," Dustin directly asked her to leave.

He wasn't a saint, and he couldn't assume the responsibility of saving the world. He had unresolved vendettas and many mysteries to unravel. He had no connection to tasks like saving the world. At least, not at the moment.

"Logan, you will help me. It is destined. There is an unbreakable bond between us," Margaret said.

"Miss Margaret, I have no interest in your divination and numerology. I don't know if it's true or false. Right now, I'm very tired, and I just want to go back to my room and rest. Please, do me a favor and let me sleep. Alright?" Dustin pleaded, visibly exhausted.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep tonight... A significant figure wants to see you, and it has to be now," Margaret shook her head.

Chapter 1704: Midnight Visit

"Significant figure? Who?" Dustin asked in return.

"The current emperor!" Margaret's statement was astonishing.

"Hmm?" Dustin furrowed his brows slightly, feeling perplexed.

Wasn't the emperor bedridden due to illness? Why would he want to see him? Was it related to the Dragon Guard Pavilion or the Dragon Vein?

Could there be any danger in this visit? Would there be an ambush within the Forbidden City?

"Don't speculate needlessly," as if understanding his concerns, Margaret calmly stated, "If the current emperor intended to harm you, he wouldn't have sent me to invite you. Instead, he would have directly deployed skilled palace guards or even the Imperial Guards. Considering your current physical condition, do you think you have any room for resistance?"

Her words made Dustin breathe a sigh of relief.

He had to admit that Margaret had a point. If the emperor had ill intentions, he wouldn't have sent only a woman.

Moreover, given the current situation, as long as the emperor wasn't foolish, he wouldn't want to escalate conflicts. After all, with the Dragon Guard Pavilion destroyed, the most crucial task for the royal family was consolidating power. Any incident in Stonia involving Dustin could only worsen the situation. If the powerful cavalry of West Lucozia invaded, it would be a fatal blow to the royal family.

However, while the logic made sense, it was crucial to remain vigilant. He needed to clarify the situation.

"Miss Margaret, I'm not sure why the king wants to see me in the middle of the night. Do you have any idea?" Dustin cautiously inquired.
"I'm not sure, but it's definitely something important," Margaret replied vaguely.

"If you don't provide any information, I won't go," unable to extract any useful details, Dustin dismissed the idea straightforwardly.

"You…" Margaret was a bit exasperated, but for the greater good, she patiently replied, "I don't know the specifics, but it's probably related to some national affairs, like the change in imperial power and stabilizing the borders."

"I see," Dustin nodded thoughtfully.

"Now, can you come with me?" Margaret asked.

"It seems I have no choice tonight. But before we leave, I need to write a letter. Please wait a moment," Dustin said. He quickly found paper and pen and wrote a handwritten letter. He then called for Maximus and instructed him, "Maximus, take good care of this letter. Find another place to stay for the night. If I don't contact you before dawn, immediately take this letter and head to West Lucozia."

"Understood!" Maximus nodded and swiftly left.

"Dustin, you are indeed very cautious," Margaret remarked with a slight frown, but she quickly regained her composure.

She naturally understood that Dustin was taking these precautions to guard against any unforeseen circumstances. If the royal family had nefarious intentions and set up an ambush, this letter would serve as evidence.

"There's no choice. Better safe than sorry," Dustin said nonchalantly.

"You've done what you needed to do, Your Highness. Can we proceed now?" Margaret's tone carried a hint of resentment.

"Let's go," Dustin nodded.

Then, under Margaret's lead, they headed straight for the Forbidden City.

Chapter 1705: Late night arrival

Late at night, Forbidden City, Hall of Mental Cultivation.

An elderly man with gray hair and a hunched back was meticulously reviewing memorials. The old man appeared frail, his complexion pale, and he would occasionally cough violently, leaving traces of blood on the white handkerchief he used.

The man was the current emperor, Derrick!

"Your Majesty, your illness has not yet healed. It's better to rest and take care of your health!" A eunuch attending to him finally couldn't help but speak up.

The emperor fell ill due to excessive fatigue, leading to a physical breakdown. After lying down for a few days and slightly recovering, he resumed working late into the night, appearing as if he would never rest.

If he continued like this, how could his body endure?

"It's fine. I'll be done in a little while," Derrick said, taking a sip of tea and immersing himself back into his work.

Since the Dragon Vein was severed, the entire court and the common people were in shock. Countless rumors were circulating, and in order to stabilize the situation, he had to proclaim to the public that he had recovered from his severe illness and was in good health.

Only in this way could he temporarily suppress the ambitions of some individuals.

However, he was well aware that he couldn't persist for much longer. To stabilize the court, he had to cut through the chaos and establish his successor as soon as possible.


Another eunuch let out a soft sigh.

Seeing the emperor like this pained their hearts.

The emperor had always been diligent, devoted to his country and people. Unfortunately, due to his excessive fatigue, his health was deteriorating. Moreover, none of his sons were reliable; none of them could share the burden for him.

"Your Majesty..."

At that moment, another attendant entered cautiously, whispering, "Princess Margaret has arrived."

"Oh? Margaret is here? Please, bring them in," Derrick said. He finally put down the memorials and adjusted his appearance to make himself look more lively.

Soon, led by the attendant, Margaret and Dustin walked into the Hall of Mental Cultivation. Dustin had changed into eunuch attire to avoid drawing attention, appearing quite well-mannered.

"Father Emperor, the people you wanted to meet have arrived," Margaret respectfully bowed.

"Father Emperor?" Dustin glanced at the people around him, feeling quite surprised. Although he knew Margaret was a member of the royal family, he hadn't expected her to be the current princess.

"Both of you, please leave us," Derrick waved his hand, signaling the eunuchs to leave. Then, he motioned for Dustin to sit, saying, "Logan, have a seat."

"I dare not, Your Majesty," Dustin lowered his head slightly.

"Hehe... You weren't this polite back then. You even dared to sit on the Dragon Throne," Derrick teased.

"Back then, I was young and ignorant. I hope Your Majesty can forgive my impudence," Dustin said respectfully.

"Enough, don't be so restrained. Tonight, we are not emperor and subject but uncle and nephew. Sit," Derrick smiled and waved his hand.
"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Dustin nodded and finally sat down as per the emperor's suggestion. Margaret, on the other hand, tactfully served tea to both of them.

"Logan, it's been ten years. You've changed a lot. I almost didn't recognize you," Derrick sighed.

"Your Majesty... you're still as majestic as ever," Dustin raised his head to look at Derrick and complimented him politely.

Chapter 1706: Require careful planning

The Emperor Derrick before me, compared to ten years ago, is completely different.

Ten years ago, Derrick was full of talent and vigor, exuding the authority of a ruler.

However, the current Derrick is not only mentally and physically weak but also looks very old, like an elderly person on the brink of death.

The problem is, Derrick is only in his fifties.

At this age, in the present day, he should be considered in his prime. How did he become so old?

"When did you learn to flatter, young man?" Derrick chuckled hoarsely. "But this is also good; it removes some sharpness and adds some maturity."

Dustin lowered his head slightly but did not speak.

Before the tragic incident years ago, the relationship between the two families was very good, and his father and Derrick were like brothers, sharing everything.

But now, everything has changed.

Although the assassination was orchestrated by the Dragon Guard Pavilion leader, it cannot be ruled out that the royal family was involved.

So now, his attitude towards Derrick is somewhat ambiguous.

If Derrick is willing to be frank, the two can still communicate. If he continues to evade the issue, tonight's meeting will be meaningless.

"Logan, are you curious about why I wanted to have a secret discussion with you tonight?" Derrick suddenly changed the subject.

"I don't know what the King has in mind," Dustin replied calmly.

"The reason I sought you out tonight is to resolve the past grievances and to ask for your help."

Derrick was straightforward, saying, "I believe you should have learned some truths about the trip to Lakewood Temple today.

As the emperor, I may seem glorious, but many things are beyond my control.

When you and your mother were targeted for assassination, I should have wholeheartedly assisted and opposed the Dragon Guard Pavilion.

But I was too afraid.

I have carried this guilt and regret in my heart all these years, living in remorse day and night."

"If only I had been a bit braver back then, perhaps your mother wouldn't have died, and the tragedy from those years wouldn't have occurred.

Unfortunately, there's no regret medicine in this world. One wrong step leads to a series of wrong steps.

Here, I want to say to you, I'm sorry."

Derrick bent down, his head hanging low, full of guilt.

"Father?" Margaret was taken aback.

She had never expected her usually strong-willed father to apologize voluntarily, especially as the ruler of a nation, apologizing to a subject. This was unprecedented.

"Your Majesty, the past is in the past," Dustin replied with a calm exterior.

Derrick's willingness to admit his mistake and apologize was unexpected to him. The slight hostility from before had now dissipated significantly.

From a different perspective, Derrick hadn't done anything wrong, and Dustin had acted to protect himself.

Of course, he could forgive the other's inaction, but the two families could never return to the way they were.

"Logan, I also have to thank you. Although the Dragon Vein was severed, affecting the nation's fate, it also brought an end to the menace of the Dragon Guard."

"For the past ten years, I've been secretly accumulating power, all to overthrow the rule of the Dragon Guard Pavilion."

"Unexpectedly, due to a twist of fate, you managed to achieve this for me ahead of time. So, I must thank you."

"Of course, even though the Dragon Guard Pavilion has been visibly destroyed, there are still remnants. In the time ahead, you must be extremely cautious."

"Unless something unexpected happens, the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion will launch a furious retaliation against you," Derrick cautioned with a serious expression.

The Dragon Guard Pavilion had deep roots, and completely eradicating it seemed unlikely. To put it plainly, about half of the current court officials had close ties with the Dragon Guard Pavilion.

To completely root them out would require careful planning.

Chapter 1707: Mastermind

"Thank you for the reminder, Your Majesty. Regarding this matter, I am mentally prepared," Dustin said calmly. "Even if the Dragon Guard Pavilion doesn't come looking for me, I will seek them out. In short, as long as the Dragon Guard exists, I will not rest!"

"You have this determination, which is excellent. I will wholeheartedly support you in this matter and provide you with everything you need," Derrick said earnestly.

"Your Majesty, I appreciate your support," Dustin nodded slightly, not refusing the offer.

No matter how things were in the past, at least for now, both sides had a common enemy and could temporarily cooperate. As for the future, it would be a separate matter.

"Logan, I know you still have some unresolved doubts in your mind. Feel free to ask any questions, I will answer everything tonight," Derrick said.

"I do have a question to ask, if Your Majesty doesn't mind," Dustin seemed to recall something and suddenly asked, "Do you happen to know the specific whereabouts of Lord Marcellus?"

Although the Dragon Guard had been destroyed, the full truth of the events from that time had not yet come to light. Previously, Prince Alfred mentioned that there was a traitor in the West Lucozia royal palace, and it turned out to be General Marcellus, a close friend of Dustin's father. He was a talented individual skilled in both literature and martial arts, and Dustin couldn't understand why such a talented person would betray West Lucozia palace and work for the Dragon Guard Pavilion. He needed to find out and settle the blood debt from that time.

"Lord Marcellus?" Derrick's pupils constricted, and he spoke with a meaningful tone, "This person is not simple at all! He was the mastermind behind the assassination event back then, faked his death to escape, and assumed a new identity. He is a person of great cunning."

"So, Your Majesty knows Lord Marcellus's new identity?" Dustin raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know the exact whereabouts of Lord Marcellus, but I do know his true identity after he changed his appearance," Derrick replied.

"Oh? What's his current name?" Dustin inquired.

"Lord Marcellus now goes by the name Blaze Ji, and people address him as Mr. Ji," Derrick replied.

"What? Lord Marcellus is actually Mr. Ji?" Dustin's complexion changed slightly.

He had been curious about the mysterious Mr. Ji's background and never expected it to be an alias used by Lord Marcellus. This revelation left him even more puzzled.

Ten years ago, Lord Marcellus, disguised as Mr. Ji, had saved the gravely injured Lorenzo and would personally visit him at regular intervals. If Lord Marcellus was a traitor, why would he do this? Could it be that he used Lorenzo as bait to lure Dustin out?

The key issue was that Lorenzo's address and information had been provided by his stepmother, Elara. If this were a trap, did it mean that Elara was also highly suspicious?

This line of thought sent shivers down his spine.

"Lord Marcellus not only changed his surname and name but also has another layer of identity, which is the Vice Master of the Dragon Guard Pavilion!" Derrick dropped another bombshell.

"The Vice Master of the Dragon Guard Pavilion?" Dustin's brow furrowed even deeper. "So, he betrayed West Lucozia and my father for the position of Vice Master?"

"It's not that simple," Derrick shook his head. "To be precise, Lord Marcellus had been a member of the Dragon Guard Pavilion from the beginning. His approach to your father was part of a larger plan orchestrated by the Dragon Guard."

"Indeed, Lord Marcellus had been an undercover agent from the start. It's astonishing how we trusted him so completely, but in reality, everything—friendship, loyalty, the bond of life and death—was all a farce!" Dustin's face darkened, and a cold glint flickered in his eyes.

"Logan, I've investigated today. Although the Dragon Guard Pavilion has been destroyed, and many of its key members were killed or injured, we didn't find Lord Marcellus's body inside. So, there's a good chance he's still alive," Derrick cautioned.

Chapter 1708: Choose a successor

"Being alive is perfect! That way, I can take revenge personally and eliminate Marcellus and all the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion in one fell swoop!" Dustin declared with a fierce determination.

"We mustn't rush into this matter. We need careful planning. Marcellus is a highly intelligent and cunning individual, and if we act recklessly, we could easily fall into his trap," Derrick cautioned gravely.

Hearing this, Dustin took a deep breath and quickly suppressed his anger. He understood that anger would not solve anything. Capturing someone like Marcellus, a crafty individual who operated from the shadows, would be no easy task.

"Logan, I'll keep a close eye on any information regarding Marcellus and the Dragon Guard for you. If there's any news, I'll inform you immediately," Derrick assured him.

"Thank you very much, Your Majesty," Dustin bowed respectfully.

Derrick had undoubtedly amassed significant influence during his ten years of preparation, especially after the destruction of the Dragon Guard. He had become the true power behind the Dragonmarsh. With Derrick's strong support, capturing Marcellus and eliminating the remnants of the Dragon Guard would only be a matter of time.

"Logan, if you have no further questions, let's discuss our future development," Derrick suddenly changed the topic.

"I'm curious to hear what you have in mind, Your Majesty," Dustin refocused his attention.

"Logan, you're not an outsider, so I won't hide it from you. The truth is, I am seriously ill and don't have much time left," Derrick revealed.

"Father..." Margaret was taken aback, about to say something, but Derrick raised his hand to stop her. "I'm aware of my own condition. The palace physicians have examined me in secret, and they are all helpless. Though I've kept this information confidential, I'm not sure how long I can hide it."

"I'm concerned that if I suddenly pass away, the political situation that has just stabilized will become turbulent once more."

"At that time, it will be the innocent common people who suffer, so I hope you can help me one last time," Derrick implored.

"Your Majesty, are you asking me to help cure your illness?" Dustin cautiously asked. With his keen perception, he could see that Derrick was in the final stages of his life. Unless there was a Life-Prolonging Pill to protect him, he might have only a few months or up to a year left before passing away.

The ingredients for the Life-Prolonging Pill were extremely rare, and many of them were unique. It had taken him a whole decade to gather all the necessary ingredients and craft a single Life-Prolonging Pill. Creating a second one now was simply impossible.

Even he couldn't cure Derrick's illness.

"I've already told you, my illness is incurable," Derrick shook his head.

"Then, what does Your Majesty mean by 'help'?" Dustin inquired.

"It's quite simple, help me choose a successor," Derrick said with a smile.

"What? Choose a successor?"

Hearing this, Dustin couldn't help but be surprised, his face showing a hint of astonishment. "Your Majesty, are you joking? Matters of succession are of great national importance, and it's not my place to interfere."

"No need to be restrained. Tonight, we are not monarch and subject, only uncle and nephew. There are no state affairs, only family matters. So, feel free to speak your mind," Derrick smiled. "Who do you think would be the most suitable to inherit the throne among my sons? Or perhaps, whom do you favor?"

This statement left Dustin utterly perplexed. He had never expected Derrick to bring up such a question. Was it a matter of seeking advice, or was it a request for him to play a role in the succession process?

Dustin 1709: The ultimate decision maker

Dustin collected his thoughts and replied, "Your Majesty, I haven't had the opportunity to meet many of the princes, and I am completely unfamiliar with such matters, so I cannot provide an assessment. Please forgive my ignorance."

"No need to worry, I'll give you a detailed description," Derrick continued, "My eldest son has a stable temperament. He has been by my side learning from an early age. While he may not be suited for expanding our territory, he excels at maintaining what we already have. Unfortunately, he has been plagued by poor health for years and is not suitable to be the ruler."

As he spoke, a light sigh escaped him. His eldest son could be considered a wise ruler, but fate had dealt him a short life. A fortune teller had once predicted that his eldest son wouldn't live past the age of thirty-six. If he were to pass the throne to him, his son's reign might last only a few years.

"If the eldest prince is not suitable, what about the second prince?" Dustin inquired.

"My second son is physically strong and extraordinarily brave, but he is too arrogant and dismissive of others, which does not make him a wise ruler," Derrick shook his head.

His second son had been trained in martial arts from a young age and was indeed very courageous. However, he lacked the necessary intellect and often acted impulsively. While he could be a great general, being an emperor was clearly not a suitable role for him.

"I heard that the third prince is both knowledgeable and skilled in martial arts. Wouldn't he be a good fit?" Dustin asked again.

"Yes, many people say the same," Derrick sighed. "My third son is intelligent and capable in both military and civil matters. He seems to be the most suitable heir in many aspects, but there is one aspect that troubles me greatly – he lacks the ability to tolerate others. This character flaw makes me hesitate. Someone like him, who is prone to jealousy and has a suspicious nature, cannot be a good ruler."

The third son was gifted in both aspects but had a small-minded nature. He was not only prone to jealousy but also highly suspicious. Such a person could not be a wise emperor. In Derrick's eyes, his third son was also not suited for the throne.

"Your Majesty, with such a large number of offspring, there should be more suitable candidates among them, right?" Dustin cautiously ventured.

"The remaining sons are either not capable enough or too young to bear the burden, so I am currently in great distress over how to choose," Derrick said, rubbing his temples.

Throughout history, the selection of the crown prince had always been a cautious and deliberate process. If he were in good health, he could take his time to consider and groom a suitable heir. However, given his limited time, he needed to quickly designate a successor to stabilize the situation.

"Sigh... If only Margaret were a son, I wouldn't be so troubled, and I could find relief sooner," Derrick sighed again.

Among his children, his daughters were outstanding. Margaret, in particular, possessed both virtue and talent, with remarkable abilities, making her the ideal candidate to succeed him. Unfortunately, she was a daughter and couldn't become an emperor. Fate could be so cruel at times.

"Your Majesty, if even you are distressed by this matter, I am even less equipped to resolve it," Dustin shook his head.

Throughout history, the struggle for the position of crown prince had often led to bloody conflicts. Dustin already had enough troubles on his plate and had no desire to be drawn into this vortex.

"Others may not be able to solve it, but you can," Derrick said with a meaningful tone. "You are the future King of West Lucozia and the pillar of our nation. Your opinion holds great weight. If you say who should be chosen, I will choose that person."

"What?" Dustin's expression stiffened, taken aback by the sudden change in the conversation. While Derrick's previous words might have been seeking his opinion, this statement was making him the ultimate decision-maker. The significance of this was entirely different.

Chapter 1710: An unexpected proposal

As Dustin carefully considered the situation, he could deduce some of Derrick's intentions. With the destruction of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, the royal family would finally take full control of the nation. However, due to the influence of the Dragon Guard Pavilion over the years, the royal family's foundation was unstable, and they needed a strong ally to support them.

In Derrick's eyes, the West Lucozia Prince's Palace was the best choice. On one hand, it possessed military power and held great influence in the country. On the other hand, the West Lucozia Prince's palace was a staunch enemy of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, making cooperation between the two sides natural. With the support of the West Lucozia Prince's palace, the royal family could firmly secure their rule.

This was the reason why Derrick had invited Dustin. He wanted him to decide the final allocation of imperial power. Although it sounded absurd, it demonstrated Derrick's sincerity. This man before him was undoubtedly a talented and astute individual.

"Logan, don't feel any pressure. Choose whomever you believe is suitable," Derrick smiled.

"Your Majesty, this matter is of utmost importance, and I genuinely can't make such a decision," Dustin shook his head.

"Don't worry, I still have some time left. You can consider it thoroughly, or discuss it with your father. When you've made a decision, you can inform me," Derrick suggested with a smile.

Dustin felt conflicted. He wanted to decline outright, but Derrick's demeanor indicated that he wouldn't allow a refusal.

"Oh, by the way, Logan, I heard you're still single," Derrick suddenly changed the topic. "Coincidentally, I've found a potential match for you. She's not only exceptionally beautiful but also elegant and cultured. She would make an excellent wife for you. You two are simply a match made in heaven."

"Your Majesty, I appreciate your kind intentions, but matters of the heart rely on fate. I believe there's no need for you to arrange a marriage for me," Dustin politely declined.

"As for fate, you two have known each other for a while and seem to get along well. I believe you should like her," Derrick said.

"Who is the 'she' you're referring to?" Dustin asked, probing cautiously.

"Behold, she is far away yet right before your eyes," Derrick said with a slight smile, looking towards Margaret, who was sitting nearby.

"Her?" Dustin turned his gaze in that direction, and his eyes twitched involuntarily.

"Me?" Margaret pointed to herself, equally surprised.

Neither of them had expected that their conversation would veer into the topic of marriage.

"Look at you two, how much understanding and fate you already have," Derrick chuckled. "My sister married your father, and if my daughter marries you, it would be like strengthening our family bonds. It's a win-win situation for both of our families."

"Your Majesty, I'm truly sorry, but I already have someone I care about, so I cannot agree to this marriage proposal," Dustin declined directly.
"It's alright, for a man, having multiple wives is quite normal. After marrying Margaret, you can take another wife without any issue," Derrick said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Margaret frowned slightly but didn't say anything. As a member of the royal family, she understood that she couldn't base her marriage on personal preferences; it was all about political advantage. Essentially, she was just a pawn for the royal family to consolidate their power. Even if she was unhappy about it, she couldn't resist.

In fact, compared to her sisters, she considered herself fortunate to be able to marry Dustin, the Kirin Child. It was the best possible outcome for her among the options available.
Chapter 1711: Exceptional beauty and talent

"Your Majesty, please forgive my straightforwardness, but I find it challenging to agree with your perspective," Dustin said with a serious expression. "For you, having multiple wives and concubines may be common, but in my view, monogamy is the orthodox way, and a loveless marriage is like a tomb. I don't want to harm anyone, including myself."

Upon hearing these words, Margaret couldn't help but look at Dustin with a hint of surprise. There seemed to be something more in her gaze.

In the capital of Stonia, most influential men had multiple women in their lives. Only a minority refrained from such relationships, either because the women's families had significant power and they didn't dare to be too open, or because they faced challenges in that regard.

Men like Dustin, who chose to maintain their purity and not involve themselves with women, were quite rare.

"Logan, do you not like Margaret, or do you feel she's not worthy of you?" Derrick asked, probing.

His daughter, Margaret, was the top-ranked individual on the Rouge List, known for her exceptional beauty and talent. In the entire world, countless young talents yearned for a glimpse of her. It was rare for someone to decline such an opportunity.

"Miss Margaret's beauty and talent are unmatched, and it's I who am unworthy of her. Besides, I already have someone I care about, and I can't accommodate anyone else in my heart," Dustin said solemnly.

"I never expected you to be so infatuated. Well, let's drop the subject for now. Strong winds may push a cabbage but not a stubborn sheep. We can discuss this marriage proposal later," Derrick said without insisting further.

In reality, Margaret was the first-ranked individual on the Rouge List, and countless talented individuals wanted to pursue her. However, Dustin's strong refusal indicated that he hadn't yet felt the charm of his daughter. Derrick believed that as they spent more time together, their feelings might develop naturally, so he wasn't in a hurry.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Dustin said, bowing in gratitude.

"Logan, it's getting late. You should return to rest. Take your time to think about the matter of the heir. I'll wait for your answer," Derrick concluded.

Derrick turned to Margaret and said, "Margaret, escort Logan for me."

"Yes, Father," Margaret nodded and rose from her seat.

"Farewell, Your Majesty."

After deeply bowing, Dustin followed Margaret out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Cough, cough, cough...

As soon as Dustin left, Derrick started coughing violently. The clear tea he had just drunk was quickly dyed red with fresh blood. He sighed, "If only I had more time. Three years, I only needed three years to unify the world."

Meanwhile, outside the Mental Cultivation Hall, Dustin, dressed in eunuch attire, had been silently trailing behind Margaret.

"Just now... thank you," Margaret spoke up after a moment of silence. She had many things left undone and had no intention of marrying at the moment. Dustin's refusal had given her some breathing room.

"Thank me for what?" Dustin asked, genuinely puzzled.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, you're a good person. If you ever need help in the future, you can come find me," Margaret said with a smile.
"You say that as if I have something I need your help with," Dustin replied without hesitation.

"Tell me, I might be able to help," Margaret said.

"Well, I do have something. Can you use your knowledge of divination and numerology to help me figure out which prince is most likely to become the future heir?" Dustin asked cautiously.

Derrick had presented him with a daunting challenge, and Dustin was now passing it on to Margaret.

"I'm not a deity. I can't predict everything," Margaret replied. She rolled her eyes and added, "Besides, determining the future heir to a nation's throne involves aligning with the cosmic order and deciphering the fortunes of individuals. It would be a complex and arduous task. Even then, there's no guarantee of accuracy."

"Is it that difficult?"

Chapter 1712: A troublesome matter

Dustin furrowed his brow slightly and asked, "So, who do you think is the most suitable among your brothers to become the future king?"

"Trying to trap me now?" Margaret chuckled softly. "This is a challenging task that Father has given you. It's your responsibility to solve it. I can't help you, nor should I."

"You, a disciple of the Astronomy Bureau, are quite unqualified," Dustin replied with a hint of helplessness.

The position of the heir to the throne was crucial to the rise and fall of the nation. He had never expected such a heavy burden to fall on his shoulders. Moreover, no matter whom he chose, he would inevitably offend the other powerful princes, leading to more trouble in the future.

"You don't need to rush. Father has given you time to think it over. You can carefully evaluate which prince has more potential or aligns better with the interests of your West Lucozia Palace," Margaret said with a meaningful look.

"Ugh... it's such a troublesome matter," Dustin sighed, feeling a headache coming on.

"Oh, by the way, there's another question," Dustin suddenly remembered something and asked, "Why do you always wear a veil and a hat? As the top-ranked beauty on the Vermilion List, do you have some part of your appearance that's not fit to be seen?"

"My face can bring a lot of trouble, so it's better to cover it up. But, of course, if you want to see, I can let you take a peek. I just don't know if you have the courage for it," Margaret replied with a smirk.

"Heh... I've seen it all in my life; I'm not afraid of taking a look at your face. It's a joke!" Dustin snorted.

"Are you sure you want to see?" Margaret asked again.

"Of course! I don't believe you have three heads and six arms!" Dustin raised his head confidently.

"Very well, then. You can lift my veil and see my true face. However, I've sworn an oath that if anyone ever lifts my veil and sees my appearance, I must marry him," Margaret said with a meaningful smile.

"Ah?" When Margaret mentioned marrying anyone who saw her face, Dustin immediately withdrew his hand and said, "Never mind, never mind. I'm quite tired. Just escort me home so I can sleep."

"Look at your reaction!" Margaret couldn't help but chuckle.

The man before her turned out to be more interesting than she had anticipated.

Late at night, as Dustin and Margaret exited the palace gates, a group of people suddenly appeared at the corner ahead. Leading the group was a middle-aged man dressed in luxurious clothing, with an air of distinction about him. His bodyguards, who followed closely behind, were all martial experts, clearly not to be trifled with.

"I am Jimmy, and I have the honor of meeting Princess Margaret and the Crown Prince of West Lucozia," the middle-aged man introduced himself respectfully, bowing to Dustin and Margaret.

In terms of etiquette, there was nothing to fault. However, the simple statement made Dustin and Margaret secretly surprised. They had both disguised themselves before entering the Forbidden City, and they had remained discreet throughout their journey. Why were they stopped right after leaving the palace gates? Moreover, the man spoke as though he knew their identities inside and out.

This place, the Forbidden City, truly concealed remarkable individuals.

"Who are you?" Margaret inquired.

"In response to Princess Margaret, I am the servant of the Crown Prince, specifically sent to invite West Lucozia's Crown Prince to a gathering," Jimmy replied, bowing his head.

"The Crown Prince?" Dustin and Margaret exchanged a glance and already had a hunch. To receive news so quickly and make corresponding preparations, it was evident that the Crown Prince had planted his spies inside the Hall of Cultivating Harmony.

For a prince to take such actions had clearly crossed the line.

Chapter 1713: Dragonmarsh Elder Crown Prince

"Mr. Jimmy, I wonder why the Crown Prince summoned me so late at night?" Dustin pretended not to be aware of the situation.

"Sir, my master heard that the Crown Prince had returned to Stonia and had been wanting to catch up with you. Tonight, the moon is beautiful, making it a perfect time for a gathering over drinks," Jimmy replied with a lowered head.

"Mr. Jimmy, how about another day? I'm quite tired tonight and just want to go home and rest. I promise to visit another day," Dustin said with a courteous fist salute.

This statement was entirely true. After fighting several battles today and suffering serious injuries that had yet to fully heal, he was genuinely exhausted and in need of a good night's sleep. However, it seemed that fate had other plans, with Margaret visiting, followed by the summons from the Emperor, and now even the Crown Prince's men had arrived. He was not getting any time to rest.

"His Highness the Crown Prince has already prepared food and drinks and is waiting at his residence. If you feel tired, you can meet with him first, and then rest in his mansion. I will make all the arrangements for you," Jimmy said with a constant smile.

Dustin felt helpless and cast a pleading look towards Margaret, hoping she might say something.

"Since the Crown Prince is so enthusiastic, with everything prepared, and even a carriage waiting, it would be rude not to show some face," Margaret said with a gentle smile. "Get on the carriage, and I'll accompany you."

"Thank you, Princess, and thank you, Crown Prince. Please." Jimmy gestured respectfully.

Dustin shot Margaret a disgruntled look but had no choice but to board the carriage. It seemed that there was no escaping tonight's events.
With the current situation, refusing the Crown Prince's invitation would certainly offend him and create unnecessary trouble, and Dustin had no desire for trouble.

"You've been pondering over whom to choose, right? Perhaps meeting my elder brother tonight might lead to a decision," Margaret said with a faint smile.

"Maybe," Dustin replied half-heartedly. He was too exhausted to engage in the conversation and leaned back in the carriage, his eyelids fighting to stay open.

Despite his exhaustion, Dustin dared not fall asleep. He forced himself to stay awake and alert, as he was aware that he was a thorn in the side of the remaining members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. He couldn't predict when or where he might encounter assassins. Thus, he remained vigilant, ready for any potential threats.

The carriage continued at a steady pace for approximately twenty minutes before coming to a halt. When Dustin lifted the curtain covering the door, he saw a luxurious quadrangle-style mansion in front of him.

The wealth and status of various princes differed significantly because no heir had been officially designated. If a prince had a powerful maternal family, they would enjoy opulence and luxury. Conversely, some less fortunate princes without strong backing would receive less favorable treatment. However, the Crown Prince was clearly an exception to this rule.

Judging from the opulence of his mansion and the well-informed Jimmy, it was evident that the Crown Prince had substantial backing.

"Princess, Your Highness, please come inside. Our master has been waiting for you," Jimmy said, bowing and gesturing for them to enter.

As they stepped into the mansion, they were greeted by extravagant furnishings and decorations. Even the most ordinary plants and flowers were rare and precious, worth a fortune. The wealth displayed was staggering, leaving Dustin amazed.

Under Jimmy's guidance, Dustin and Margaret were led through the mansion's winding paths until they reached the main hall.

Inside the hall, a man in his early thirties with a handsome appearance sat leisurely, sipping tea. He had a somewhat pale complexion and a slender physique, with a hint of melancholy in his demeanor, giving him the appearance of a cultured scholar.

This man was none other than the Dragon Empire's Crown Prince, Franco.

Chapter 1714: Heaven's Eye Gem

"Big Brother..." Margaret and Dustin walked into the room side by side.

Upon seeing them, Franco immediately rose to his feet and greeted them with a smile. "Margaret, it's been a long time. I almost didn't recognize you, considering how much you've changed. And this must be Logan, right? It's been ten years, and I never expected such a transformation. I could hardly recognize you."

"Your Highness, I pay my respects," Dustin bowed respectfully.

"We're all family here; there's no need to be so formal," Franco said with a warm smile as he extended his hand to prevent Dustin from bowing further. "Come, both of you, please have a seat. Don't be too reserved. Treat this place as your own."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Dustin and Margaret expressed their gratitude and took their seats.

"Logan, I apologize for inviting you here so late at night, but some matters couldn't be helped. I hope you understand," Franco offered his apologies sincerely, displaying excellent manners.

"Not at all, Your Highness," Dustin replied with a faint smile. "It's an honor for me to be a guest in Your Highness's residence."

Franco began to say something but noticed Margaret by his side. He smiled and said, "Margaret, I have recently acquired a batch of precious jewelry in my estate. Feel free to choose whatever you like. If you find anything to your liking, you are welcome to take it."

Margaret glanced at Dustin and then nodded, "Your Highness is too kind. I won't be shy, then."

Although she knew that Franco was intentionally trying to divert her, she didn't want to refuse his offer.

"Jimmy, please take Princess to the treasury to have a look," Franco gestured.

"Princess, please follow me."

Jimmy bowed and led Margaret out of the main hall.

Once they had left, Franco poured a cup of tea for Dustin and finally got to the point. "Logan, I apologize for summoning you here so late at night. The reason I did so is because I have some doubts that only you can help me resolve."

"Your Highness, please speak," Dustin replied calmly.

"I heard that you just had an audience with Father Emperor. Did he say anything to you?" Franco asked, trying to probe for information.

"Yes, it's true. His Majesty did meet with me, and we discussed the matter of selecting an heir," Dustin responded without concealing anything.

Since Franco had planted spies in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he was likely already aware of this topic. Therefore, Dustin answered honestly.

"Oh? An heir?" Franco raised an eyebrow. "Has Father Emperor made a decision on who to choose?"

"Not yet," Dustin shook his head. "His Majesty mentioned that all of you princes are exceptionally talented, and he is finding it difficult to make a decision. That's why he asked for my input to see who I think is the most suitable."

"So, in your opinion, among the several of us, who do you think is the most suitable to become the crown prince?" Franco asked with a somewhat cryptic tone.

"Your Highness jests. Such a matter of great importance to the country, how could I dare to speak freely?" Dustin replied evasively.

"No need to be restrained. Just share your thoughts freely. There's no need to hold back," Franco urged.

"Well..." Dustin hesitated, appearing somewhat uncomfortable.

Franco quickly understood and lightly clapped his hands. Shortly afterward, a beautiful maidservant entered the room, carrying a golden-framed jewel box.

Franco took the jewel box and placed it on the table, then slowly opened it. Inside, there lay a translucent white gem.

The gem emitted a soft radiance that made people feel as if they were bathed in a gentle spring breeze. Faintly, there was also a delicate fragrance in the air.

"Is this... the Heaven's Eye Gem?" Dustin's pupils contracted as he expressed astonishment.

Chapter 1715: A wondrous gem

The Heaven's Eye Gem, one of the three holy artifacts in the martial world, was held in the same esteem as the Heavenly Spirit Pearl. It was a treasure coveted by countless people. The Heaven's Eye Gem was truly wondrous, with boundless applications. It could see through all illusions and even decipher intricate formations. For instance, when one found themselves trapped in an illusion or within a complex formation, a glance from the Heaven's Eye Gem would reveal the weaknesses, allowing for immediate escape. Not only that, in battles, the Heaven's Eye Gem played a pivotal role. It could quickly discern an opponent's attack methods, including their weaknesses and killing techniques. Furthermore, the gem was unmatched in the field of treasure hunting and appraisal. Whether an item was valuable, how valuable it was, or where it was hidden, the Heaven's Eye Gem revealed all.

Dustin had not anticipated that such a treasure would be hidden within the residence of the Crown Prince.

"The insight of Logan Rhys is truly remarkable," Franco commented with a smile. "Indeed, this is the Heaven's Eye Gem. I have kept it hidden for many years and never revealed it to others. Today, you and I have crossed paths, so I shall gift this item to you as a token of our meeting."

"I cannot accept such a valuable item," Dustin protested. "I am unworthy of it. Please, Your Highness, take it back."

Franco chuckled and replied, "As the saying goes, treasures should be given to heroes. Keeping this item in my hands would only gather dust, rendering it useless. It can fulfill its purpose in your hands, so please accept it. There is no need to be so modest."

"Your Highness, without merit, one should not receive rewards. I truly cannot accept this treasure," Dustin insisted.

"We've had a brotherly bond for years, and I've considered you like a younger brother. If an older brother can't give a little gift to his younger brother, what kind of brother would I be?" Franco said, pushing the jewel box forward.

"Your Highness, I appreciate your kindness, but I must still decline this gift," Dustin firmly stated.

Franco didn't give Dustin a chance to decline any further. He forcefully placed the jewel box in Dustin's arms and said sternly, "Take it. If you keep refusing, I'll be angry."

Dustin looked hesitant, feeling caught in a difficult situation.

"Logan, the Heaven's Eye Gem will be of great use to you," Franco said mysteriously. "The five Dragon Source energy veins have been scattered throughout the world after the destruction of the dragon's veins. Finding these Dragon Source energys is like searching for a needle in a haystack. However, with the Heaven's Eye Gem, the situation is entirely different. Within a radius of ten miles, it can sense the presence of any rare treasures and give you the corresponding guidance. With it, searching for the Dragon Vein energy will become effortless."

"Why do you assume I would want to find Dragon Source energy, Your Highness?" Dustin suddenly asked, feeling curious. Both Margaret and Franco had suggested that he should search for Dragon Source energy, but he didn't understand the importance of it.

"For martial practitioners, Dragon Source energy is a rare treasure that appears once in a millennium. Discovering even one of the five sources is a tremendous opportunity. If you manage to gather all five, you could directly step into the realm of Terrestrial immortal!" Franco explained enthusiastically.

"Terrestrial immortal realm?" Dustin's eyes widened, showing his astonishment. "I had no idea Dragon Source energy had such extraordinary significance."

"Of course!" Franco nodded vigorously. "This information has already spread, and various martial factions are taking action. Whether it's the Sword Sect, the World Alliance, or the Witchcraft Sect, they have all joined the treasure hunt. The first to find the Dragon Source energy will become the supreme power in the world. So, why don't you go out and search for it yourself? With the Heaven's Eye Gem, your success would be even more assured."

Chapter 1716: A deal with the Crown Prince

"I've been frail and sickly since I was a child. I can't endure such physical challenges and hardships, and it's not suitable for me. Besides, I'm just a scholar; I have no use for Dragon Source Energy or increasing my strength. Don't hesitate any longer; take it. You are the future King of the West Lucozia, the pillar of the nation. The stronger you are, the more prosperous the country will be. If I ever have the opportunity to inherit the throne, I'll share the world with you, creating a brilliant future together!" Franco patted Dustin's shoulder and emphasized the implied message in the last sentence.

"Well, Your Highness, I appreciate your generosity. I accept the gift," Dustin finally agreed. At this point, he couldn't refuse any longer.

The main reason being that the Heaven's Eye Gem would be invaluable in searching for Dragon Source Energy, which had a great impact on increasing his cultivation. It could potentially help him advance rapidly into the realm of Terrestrial immortal, a tremendous temptation for any martial artist.

With their deal settled, the two chatted for a while in the main hall until Margaret had finished choosing her treasures. After that, Dustin took his leave. He was too exhausted to engage in further conversation, and all he wanted was to return home and sleep.

As he left Franco's mansion, it was already past midnight. Dustin's fatigue was apparent, and he couldn't stifle his yawns. He climbed into the carriage, and Margaret glanced at the treasure chest in his lap, saying with a smirk, "It looks like you've already struck a deal with the Crown Prince, haven't you?"

"There's just no way; he offered so much, and I didn't know how to refuse," Dustin admitted, shaking his head.

"Who would have thought the mighty Kirin's son could also be swayed by wealth and beauty?" Margaret teased with a playful tone. "Have you considered that if you agree to support the Crown Prince's ascent to the throne, the other princes will regard you as a thorn in their side?"

"Of course, I'm aware of that, so I'll only support him discreetly, without making my support public. It would be too troublesome otherwise," Dustin replied.

"As Father has said, the Crown Prince is indeed a wise ruler and has a forgiving temperament, but unfortunately, he is frail and not long for this world. Are you sure you want to choose him?" Franco inquired.

"What can I do? It's all because of that old fox... because of your Father's lousy idea," Dustin muttered. He quickly corrected himself, saying, "If not for him, I wouldn't be in this dilemma, grilled over the fire."

"My Father is under immense pressure, and these are measures of last resort. With the current instability in the court and ongoing internal and external threats, if the new ruler doesn't receive support from the West Lucozia Royal Family, it's only a matter of time before things fall apart. So, my Father is allowing you to choose, both as a sign of good faith and as an expression of unconditional trust," Margaret explained.

"I'm not sure I can handle this level of trust and good faith," Dustin sighed. "Anyway, I don't want to deal with this problem. I'll leave it to Rufus Rhys to handle."

Dustin leaned back in the carriage, prepared to rest for a while when the carriage suddenly came to a halt. Due to the abrupt stop, Dustin lost his balance and fell into Margaret's arms. The sensation that greeted him was soft and fragrant.

Chapter 1717: Silver Armor Guards

"What's going on?" Dustin, still dazed, felt a soft fragrance enveloping him.

It was only after he regained his senses that he realized he was now lying in Margaret's arms. Margaret was wearing loose-fitting clothing that didn't immediately reveal anything unusual, but upon closer contact, it became clear that there was something more to it.

"What are you doing?" Margaret frowned, a mix of embarrassment and annoyance.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to. The carriage suddenly stopped, and I lost my balance, so..." Dustin explained, feeling awkward.

"Haven't you had enough yet? Remove your hands!" Margaret scolded, both embarrassed and angry.

"Sorry, sorry," Dustin quickly retracted his hands, embarrassed by the misunderstanding.

Indeed, fatigue could make a person's reactions slow. Dustin resolved to rest and recover.

"What's happening outside?" Margaret raised her voice to ask.

"Your Highness, someone is blocking the road," the coachman replied.

"Stopping us in the middle of the night. Could it be assassins?" Margaret asked with a raised voice.

She then opened the carriage door and stepped out. Dustin, having slapped his own face to wake himself up, followed suit.

Ahead, at the intersection, there was an armed guard unit blocking their path. They were clad in silver armor, had sharp gazes, and radiated strong presence, clearly an elite group among the elite.

"Silver Armor Guards? Why are they here?" Margaret was puzzled.

"Silver Armor Guards? Who are they?" Dustin asked curiously.

"These are all private soldiers of my second brother, Felix," Margaret explained. "My second brother has been trained in martial arts from a young age, displaying exceptional bravery and making remarkable achievements on the battlefield. He has a personal force under his command, which is officially called the 'Guard Unit.'"

"Second Prince's men?"

Dustin furrowed his brow. "I have no grievances or enmity with the Second Prince. Why would he send troops to arrest me?"

"Perhaps it's not to arrest you, but to invite you," Margaret quickly realized.

As she finished speaking, a burly officer emerged from the ranks of the Silver Armor Guards and approached Dustin and Margaret. He respectfully saluted with clasped fists. "I am Titan. I greet Princess Your Highness and Prince Your Highness."

Margaret asked coolly, "General Titan, why have you stopped us in the middle of the night?"

"Princess Your Highness, I was sent by Second Prince to invite Prince Your Highness to his residence for a meeting," Titan replied directly.

Dustin and Margaret exchanged glances and surmised the probable reason for this invitation.

As soon as they left the residence of the First Prince, the troops of the Second Prince appeared. It was clear that the Second Prince had received information about their visit to the First Prince.

"General Titan, please return to convey to Second Prince that I am seriously injured and in need of rest. Once I have recovered, I will visit him," Dustin replied, with a hint of irritation.

He was tired and just wanted to get some sleep. These constant invitations to drink tea and chat were beginning to get on his nerves.

"Prince Your Highness, in Second Prince's residence, we have many skilled physicians, each of them capable of performing miraculous medical treatments. No matter how severe your injuries are, they can heal you quickly," Titan insisted, respectfully.

"Although my injuries are of concern, I have urgent matters to attend to at home that require my immediate attention. I will be sure to arrange another meeting," Dustin declined again.

"Prince Your Highness, Second Prince has been waiting for a long time. No matter the urgency, it would be best to meet with him. You can rest assured that Second Prince only wishes to have a brief conversation with you, which should not take much time," Titan asserted.

Chapter 1718: Late night visit to the Second Prince

"What if I insist on returning?" Dustin's expression grew colder.

"We are only following orders, and I implore Prince Your Highness not to make things difficult for me," Titan stood resolutely, showing no signs of backing down.

Behind him, there were hundreds of Silver Armor Guards, all watching intently. The situation indicated that Dustin would be forcibly taken if he refused.

"Prince Your Highness, since you are already here, it wouldn't hurt to meet him. Having one more friend is always a good thing," Margaret gently tapped Dustin as a reminder.

Now was not the time to be stubborn. Despite the exhaustion, they had to endure.

After all, if they went to the First Prince's residence but refused to visit the Second Prince's residence, it would be a sign of disrespect. Given the Second Prince's domineering character, nobody could guarantee that he wouldn't create trouble.

"Very well, then please lead the way, General Titan."

Dustin took a deep breath and restrained himself.

"Thank you, Prince Your Highness, for your grace."

Titan made way, respectfully allowing Dustin and Margaret to board their carriage.

After a while, the carriage stopped at the entrance of a grand and magnificent courtyard.

Compared to the extravagance of the First Prince's residence, the Second Prince's mansion was even more majestic.

There were training statues of war gods, practice arenas, and armories, all present.

As Dustin and Margaret followed Titan inside, the path was guarded with numerous checkpoints, demonstrating the strict security.

After passing through these layers of defenses, they finally arrived at the main hall.

Inside the main hall, several generals in armor were discussing military matters with a young man.

This young man was tall and exuded a commanding presence, radiating an aura of dominance.

This man was none other than the Second Prince, Felix.

Seeing Dustin and Margaret entering, Felix immediately stopped the ongoing discussion, stood up, and warmly said, "Welcome, welcome! It's a pleasure to have you, my dear younger brother Logan and sister Margaret, visiting my humble abode."

"I pay my respects to the Second Prince," Margaret curtsied.

"I greet Your Highness, the Second Prince," Dustin respectfully bowed.

"Come, come, we're all family here, no need for formalities. Please, have a seat."

Felix motioned for them to sit down, and then called out, "Servants, bring in the tea!"

Soon, the finest fragrant tea and exquisite snacks were brought in one by one.

Dustin didn't hesitate and immediately picked up a teacup, sipping it to help refresh himself.

"Long time no see, Logan. You are still as impressive as ever!" Felix laughed heartily.

"Where, where, Your Highness is the one who truly stands out. I'm not worthy of mention compared to you," Dustin forced a smile.

"Hahaha... You've become quite the smooth talker. I like that!" Felix grinned.

"Your Highness, may I inquire why you've summoned me in the middle of the night?" Dustin cut to the chase.

"Logan, I heard you first met with Father and then visited the First Prince's residence. Is that true?" Felix casually asked.

"Yes, that's true," Dustin nodded and openly acknowledged it.

"Oh?" Felix raised an eyebrow, showing some surprise at Dustin's frankness. He fell silent for a couple of seconds and then finally asked, "Logan, can you tell me what Father and the First Prince said to you?"

"What they said, Your Highness, don't you already know?" Dustin didn't answer directly but replied with a question.

Inviting him in the middle of the night, it would be unlikely if he hadn't heard any news.

Chapter 1719: A token of our friendship

Seeing Dustin's ambiguous response, Felix narrowed his eyes and then chuckled, "Logan, to be frank, I'm just a warrior. I excel in battle, but when it comes to political schemes and intelligence, especially the timely dissemination of information, I'm far behind my elder brother, the Crown Prince. So, there are many things I only partially understand."

"I see," Dustin nodded, smiling. "Actually, His Majesty and the Crown Prince approached me without any urgent matters. It was purely an invitation to catch up after many years."

Upon hearing this, Felix's eye twitched, showing clear displeasure.

Beside him, a bearded general jumped up, angrily shouting, "You, surnamed Rhys! What do you mean by catching up in the middle of the night? Do you take our Crown Prince for a fool? Believe it or not, I'll chop you down right now!"

He made a gesture as if he was about to draw his sword.

"No disrespect allowed!" Felix glared and rebuked, "Logan is the Crown Prince of the West Lucozia, and he's also an honored guest in my house. You better show some respect!"

"Your Highness! This guy is treating you like a fool, spouting nothing but lies. In my opinion, he needs a good beating to learn some respect!" the bearded general shouted defiantly.

"Shut up!" Felix's anger flared, and he slapped the general hard across the face, declaring, "If you dare to be insolent again, military law will be waiting for you!"

"Hmph!" Although the bearded general was unwilling, he finally calmed down.

However, his fierce eyes remained fixed on Dustin, clearly hostile.

"Logan, I apologize sincerely. It's my failure in discipline that led to this offense. Please forgive us," Felix said with a strained smile.

"This general is straightforward and speaks his mind. Clearly, he's a man of character. I understand," Dustin replied calmly.

"Logan, we're not strangers. If there's something on your mind, feel free to speak openly," Felix said meaningfully. "My father and elder brother invited you here in the middle of night; it's undoubtedly not for casual tea and conversation. There must be something very important they want to discuss with you. While I might lack in other areas, I have a reputation for getting things done. If you need any help, please discuss it with me."

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness, but for now, I don't need any assistance," Dustin shook his head.

"It's alright, you might not need it now, but you never know, you might need it later," Felix smiled and then snapped his fingers.

Following that, the door opened.

A group of beautiful maids dressed in cheongsams entered, carrying various treasures.

There were gold and silver jewelry, antique jade and stone artifacts, divine weapons, and some unheard-of rare treasures.

Several batches of people came in, placing down hundreds of treasures.

Under the illumination of the lights, these treasures sparkled and dazzled, leaving people mesmerized.

Most importantly, all these treasures were extraordinary; any random piece among them would be enough to make an ordinary person wealthy for a lifetime.

"Your Highness, what is the meaning of this?" Dustin swept his eyes around; the various treasures had almost formed a mountain.
The total value was simply immeasurable.

If these were exchanged for money, it would be enough to raise a substantial army.

"My dear brother Logan, we hit it off so well, and these treasures are my gift to you as a token of our friendship. Please accept them," Felix said with a smile.

"Your Highness, these treasures are too precious. I'm unworthy of such gifts; please take them back," Dustin feigned hesitation.

"Ah, don't be so modest. We're like brothers. What are these small gifts? As long as I prosper in the future, you will definitely share in my good fortune!" Felix said confidently.

"Well..." Dustin hesitated.

"No need to worry; just accept them. In the future, we brothers will conquer the world together, sharing both blessings and adversities!" Felix patted Dustin's shoulder.

Chapter 1720: Being opportunistic

"Second Brother..."

Margaret saw the situation turning unfavorable and was about to speak up in support when Dustin suddenly interjected, "Your Highness is kind-hearted. If I don't accept your generosity, I would appear ungrateful. Very well, I'll accept all these treasures!"

"Hmm?" Margaret was slightly stunned. The words She was about to say were swallowed back.

What's going on?

What is this guy up to?

First, he accepted Franco's favor, promising to assist covertly, and now he's accepting Felix's treasures without hesitation. Isn't this the epitome of being opportunistic?

A prince of Lucozia, is he so easily swayed?

"Hahaha... Great! You're indeed straightforward!" Seeing Dustin agree, Felix couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Men! Pack up all these treasures and deliver them to Logan's residence later!"

"Thank you for Your Highness's generosity!" Dustin expressed his gratitude with a bow.

"We're like brothers, no need to be polite." Felix smiled and then changed the topic suddenly. "But let's get back to the matter. Tonight, my father invited you for a secret discussion. Wasn't there something specific he wanted to instruct you about?"

Upon hearing this, Dustin glanced around hesitantly.

Felix quickly caught on and immediately dismissed everyone present. "All of you, leave. Don't disturb me and Logan from having a heart-to-heart talk."

"Yes!" Everyone acknowledged and left.

"Imperial Sister, please rest in the side hall for a moment," Felix then turned to Margaret.

"Yes." Margaret cast a deep, doubtful look at Dustin and left the room.

"Logan, there are no outsiders here now. If you have anything to say, please speak freely," Felix said.

Dustin closed the hall door and deliberately lowered his voice, speaking mysteriously, "Your Highness, to be completely honest, His Majesty did share some secrets with me. However, these matters concern the fate of the country and are of utmost importance. You mustn't leak even the slightest bit of information."

"You can trust me; I will keep my lips sealed!" Felix assured, thumping his chest.

Although he knew that Dustin had a confidential discussion with his father and brothers, he was unaware of the specifics. The only certainty was that this secret talk held immense significance and would decide the future course of events. Hence, he spared no expense to bribe Dustin to gain an edge.

"Your Highness, His Majesty's health has been declining lately. He is considering abdication, but the position of the Crown Prince hasn't been decided yet. This dilemma has been causing great distress for His Majesty. The reason he summoned me tonight was to seek my opinion on who would be the most suitable candidate for the Crown Prince," Dustin whispered.

"Crown Prince?" Felix's pupils contracted, his spirits instantly rising. He had guessed right; his father was no longer fit to rule, and they needed to find a successor. Summoning Logan Rhys at this late hour meant the court was weighing the influence of the West Lucozia Prince's residence.

"Logan, how did you respond to His Majesty?" Felix asked, his tone a mix of nervousness and anticipation.

He was both brave and accomplished, having numerous military achievements. Surely, his father must favor him greatly?

"Each of the royal princes has their own strengths. I'm unsure of the right choice. His Majesty asked me to ponder over it and report back once I've made a decision," Dustin feigned a troubled expression.

"Logan!" Felix suddenly became excited, grabbing Dustin's hand. His eyes gleamed, and he said fervently, "We have an instant connection, and it feels like we've known each other for a lifetime. Even without a blood relationship, our bond is stronger than that of true brothers. If I were to contend for the position of Crown Prince, you would support me wholeheartedly, wouldn't you?"
Chapter 1721: I do have some value

Felix's eyes were fixed on Dustin, his face full of sincerity and anticipation.

He had originally just wanted to extract some important information from Dustin's mouth, but he hadn't expected the stakes to be so high that it could directly influence his father's decision.

In other words, whether he could become the crown prince and ascend to the throne depended to a large extent on Dustin's decision.
This was enough to make him overjoyed.

"Your Highness, you are exceptionally brave and have achieved many military successes, making you the most suitable candidate for the crown prince. However, the final decision still rests with His Majesty, and all I can do is offer a suggestion," Dustin said.

"It's alright, it's alright. As long as you wholeheartedly support me, that's enough!" Felix said enthusiastically.

"Your Highness, with your generous actions and our shared understanding, I naturally support your ascent to the throne," Dustin replied.

"Good! With your support, I can rest easy."

Felix laughed heartily. "Logan, from today onwards, you are my true brother. If you ever encounter any trouble, don't hesitate to come to me!"

"Thank you, Your Highness," Dustin nodded slightly.

"Servants, bring in the wine!"

Felix shouted, and wine was immediately brought in. He and Dustin raised their cups and drank three times to celebrate.

"Your Highness, it's getting late, and I'm quite fatigued. Could you allow this humble subject to return home and rest?" After downing three cups of wine, Dustin promptly requested.

"Of course, there's no problem. You've had a long day, and you should rest well," Felix nodded and then ordered, "Servants, escort the Crown Prince back to his residence!"

"I take my leave."

After bowing, Dustin left the mansion along with Margaret.

It had to be admitted that this trip tonight was indeed highly rewarding. Although the treasures Felix gave were of slightly lower quality compared to Franco's Heavenly Eye Gem, they made up for it in quantity.

He had filled several large boxes with hundreds of treasures, each of them worth a fortune. With this wealth, he could do many things in the future.

On the way back, Margaret, who was traveling with him, couldn't help but speak up, "Logan, you really don't refuse anyone, do you? First, you accepted the favors from the Crown Prince, and now you've taken treasures from the Second Prince. Is it appropriate to have both?"

Dustin, yawning, replied, "What's inappropriate about it? Both the Crown Prince and the Second Prince insisted on giving me these things. I can't refuse their goodwill, can I?"

"Do you know the saying 'he who takes people's money is bound by their wishes'? If you accept from both sides, how will you choose in the end?" Margaret asked.

"Why is it my concern? The decision about the heir is in your father's hands, and I'm just a messenger," Dustin shrugged.

"From what you're saying, it's like you want the benefits without wanting the responsibility," Margaret said.

"You can't put it that way. My status is lowly; I can't bear any responsibility. As for the so-called benefits, think of it as a courier's fee for all the running around I do," Dustin said lazily.

"Your courier's fee is quite something," Margaret said with some exasperation.

He hadn't realized before that this guy had such thick skin.

"To put it differently, in the current situation, if I don't accept these treasures, it might actually bring more trouble. I can only stabilize the hearts of your Crown Prince and Second Prince by accepting them. This way, it will be easier for me," Dustin replied, struggling to keep his eyelids open.

"Aren't you afraid they'll find out, and in the end, neither side will be pleased with you?" Margaret said meaningfully.

"What's there to be afraid of?" Dustin said with an indifferent expression. "No matter how unattractive my actions might be, with the political acumen of your Crown Prince and Second Prince, they won't tear into me. Instead, they'll think I'm simple and easy to buy, and in the future, they'll give me even more treasures. After all, I do have some value."

Chapter 1722: Blocking the road again

"So that's the idea you had," Margaret said with a slight start, quickly grasping Dustin's intentions.

She probably understood why Dustin had acted the way he did.

As he had said, when the two princes invited him late at night, refusing them face-to-face would surely offend someone, and in the end, it wouldn't be a good outcome.

On the other hand, by pleasing both princes and making them happy, he would not only gain many benefits but also avoid any confrontations. While it might seem greedy on the surface, it had to be admitted that his approach was the optimal solution. After all, it was a way to keep both sides satisfied.

"I have no choice. I'm in a difficult position. If I had a choice, do you think I'd willingly accept these treasures? They're like hot potatoes, a heavy burden. For the sake of the bigger picture, I can only sacrifice myself," Dustin said, shaking his head and playing the fool.

"Before you say that, could you please wipe that smile off your face?" Margaret rolled her eyes.

This guy was becoming increasingly shameless, taking advantage and acting cute at the same time.

"Princess, I'm not a selfish person. You can pick anything from those boxes, take whatever you like," Dustin said generously.

"Hmph, that's more like it," Margaret smiled with satisfaction.

After spending the whole night, she thought it was reasonable to get some compensation.

"Princess, I need to rest for a while in the carriage. Wake me up when we get home. I'm really exhausted," Dustin said, lacking the energy to speak further. He then leaned back in his seat and began to snore soundly.

After sleeping for less than three minutes, the carriage suddenly came to a stop.

Due to inertia, Dustin's body lurched forward again, but this time, Margaret reacted quickly. She reached out her delicate hand and braced Dustin's head to prevent him from getting too close.

"What's going on? Are we home already?" Dustin opened his eyes groggily, and his normally double eyelids turned into triple eyelids, quivering uncontrollably.

He was incredibly tired, too tired.

"Logan Rhys, it seems like you won't be able to sleep tonight," Margaret said.

She got out of the carriage and saw a group of people and horses blocking the road ahead. The entire intersection had been completely sealed off, and it appeared that they had been waiting for a while.

"Can't be true, is someone blocking the road again?" Dustin muttered and shook his head to try to wake himself up. He then got out of the carriage to take a look.

As he expected, the situation was as he thought.

"Damn it! Is this ever going to end?" Dustin finally couldn't help but swear.

He had just left Felix's mansion, not even ten miles away, and now, more trouble had come his way.

If this continued, he'd probably be driven to his wit's end.

"Don't be so irritable. It looks like someone's here to give you money. More is always better, right?" Margaret teased.

Seeing Dustin looking so downcast, resembling someone suffering from kidney deficiency, she couldn't help but chuckle.

At such a young age, how could he not handle staying up all night?

Chapter 1723: Meet with third prince

"Sigh... Earning this money is truly exhausting!" Dustin let out a long sigh, looking helpless. Every cell in his body seemed to exude weariness. Why was it so difficult to get some sleep?

"Long time no see, my dear Logan!" Just as Dustin and Margaret were having a quiet conversation, a young man dressed in elegant attire, leading a group of people, approached.

This man had an imposing figure, an upright posture, and a scholarly air about him. When he smiled, it was as refreshing as a spring breeze. This person was none other than the third prince of the Dragon Kingdom, Franklin!

"Logan, it's been ten years since we last met, and you're even more handsome and refined now." Franklin approached with a friendly smile, as if they were long-lost friends. "I remember when we were kids; we used to go hunting together. But my archery skills were far inferior to yours."

"It's the Third Prince, it's been a while," Dustin managed to force a smile.

"I greet the Third Prince," Margaret initiated a bow.

"Oh? Sister, you're here too? That's perfect. How about you both come to my mansion and catch up?" Franklin warmly extended an invitation.

"Your Highness, I have some urgent matters to attend to at home. Perhaps we can meet another time?" Dustin tried to resist.

It's not that he didn't like money, but he wanted to sleep more.

"Logan, what's so urgent? Why don't you tell me? I might be able to help," Franklin said with a smile. "In Stonia City, I may not have absolute power, but I can certainly exert some influence. Whatever trouble you're facing, I can offer advice."

"I wouldn't dare trouble Your Highness," Dustin declined politely.

"Come on, we're practically brothers. Don't be so formal. If you have any problems, feel free to ask. I won't refuse," Franklin said in a friendly manner.

"Thank you for your kind offer, but it's not something so urgent. I can handle it myself," Dustin replied with a smile.

"Since it's not urgent, then come to my mansion and let's catch up, my dear brother," Franklin extended his invitation.

"Well, if it's not too much trouble," Dustin reluctantly agreed.

He knew that he couldn't avoid this meeting today. He had already met the Crown Prince and the Second Prince, so it wouldn't be right to avoid chatting with the Third Prince.

Ten minutes later, Dustin and Margaret entered Franklin's residence.

Compared to the opulence of the Crown Prince and the grandeur of the Second Prince, Franklin's residence seemed relatively ordinary.

Of course, appearances could be deceiving.

With Dustin's keen perception, he could see that Franklin's residence held hidden secrets. It housed many skilled individuals and was filled with numerous traps. Anyone who dared to intrude would find themselves on a one-way path to their doom.

"Logan, after all that traveling, your stomach must be growling. I've had a delicious meal prepared for you. Please, have a seat," Franklin greeted them with a warm smile and ushered them into the dining hall.

Inside the dining hall, the aroma of food and wine filled the air, and the dishes were still hot and fresh. The timing was just right.

After the strenuous journey, Dustin was indeed hungry. He was practically starving, and his stomach was loudly protesting, especially when he smelled the delicious food and wine.

"Logan, we're family. You don't need to be so formal. Eat to your heart's content," Franklin said with a smile.

"In that case, I won't hold back," Dustin replied, and without further ado, he picked up his bowl and started eating heartily.

Despite his exhaustion, he couldn't let himself go hungry. It was best to fill his stomach before anything else.

"Logan, we're all family here. Don't be shy, eat your fill," Franklin said with a smile.

"Dear brother, please," Margaret said.

After exchanging these pleasantries, Franklin and Margaret also began to enjoy the meal and the conversation.

Chapter 1724: Get something for nothing

Of course, compared to Dustin's wolfing down of food, both Franklin and Margaret ate with elegance, savoring their meals slowly and stopping when they were satisfied.

After about the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, Dustin finally felt full and satisfied. His once-flat abdominal muscles had puffed up from the feast, and he couldn't have been happier.

"Burp!" The last sip of wine caused Dustin to let out a long, satisfied burp.

At this moment, he realized that he was getting even sleepier.

"Why am I getting sleepier and sleepier? The more I eat, the more I want to sleep."

"Logan, are you satisfied with the meal?" Franklin asked with a smile.

"Satisfied, very satisfied! It was a rare and delicious feast. I'm truly blessed to have such a sumptuous meal today," Dustin said, looking content and fulfilled.

"When you're hungry, even eating dirt tastes good," he added.

"As long as you're satisfied," Franklin replied, nodding and smiling. "Logan, if you don't mind me asking, why were you out and about so late at night? A lot has happened today, and there are checkpoints inside and outside the Forbidden City. You should be careful."

"Oh, we just paid a visit to the Second Prince's residence," Dustin replied candidly, no longer wanting to beat around the bush.

He just wanted to get things over with and head home for some sleep.

"Oh?" Franklin feigned surprise. "Logan, what business did you have with my second brother at this late hour?"

"The Emperor is worried about the succession to the throne, and the Second Prince invited us late at night to discuss matters related to the heir," Dustin explained.

"The heir?" Franklin's pupils contracted, and he asked urgently, "Does that mean Father is considering making my second brother the heir?"

"Not exactly," Lu Chen replied.

Dustin shook his head. "The Emperor mentioned that you three brothers each have your own strengths, and he doesn't know whom to choose, so he asked for my advice."

"Oh? Logan, who do you think is more suitable to be the heir among the three of us?" Franklin inquired.

"I don't think it matters much. It will ultimately depend on the Emperor's decision," Dustin replied, downplaying his influence.

"Logan, don't be so modest. Father summoned you to the palace late at night to discuss the heir, and your advice will carry significant weight. If you speak favorably, there's a high chance it will happen!" Franklin said earnestly.

"Really? Am I that influential?" Dustin pretended to be clueless.

"Absolutely!" Franklin assured him. "Logan, I won't beat around the bush. I have a strong interest in the throne. If you support my ascension, once I become Emperor, I will certainly show my gratitude."

"Well..." Dustin hesitated, feigning reluctance, but secretly scoffing at the offer.

His older and second brothers were at least willing to spend generously and displayed genuine sincerity while trying to win him over. This guy, on the other hand, had nothing and was solely relying on empty promises.

He's being awfully stingy, isn't he?

Franklin, with utmost confidence, asked, "Logan, do you doubt my abilities?"

"I admire your ambition, Third Prince, but I'm not confident in my own abilities. I'm not suited for such a great responsibility," Dustin replied, shaking his head while silently urging him to sweeten the deal.

Come on, buddy, try to bribe me! If you don't, how can I support you? Don't tell me you're trying to get something for nothing?

Chapter 1725: Top grade Hetian Jade

"Hey, Logan, there's no need to be so modest. You were once renowned as the Kirin Child back in the day. Even if you've been idle for a few years, your talents still shine. I believe in your capabilities!" Franklin patted Dustin on the shoulder, adopting a big brotherly attitude.

Inwardly, Dustin thought, is this about my abilities? It's about the money not being right. If you were as generous as your two brothers, I wouldn't have to pretend to consider your proposal.

However, Dustin maintained his composure on the surface. "Your highness, you're too kind. My reputation is insignificant compared to yours."

"Logan, why don't you consider working with me?" Franklin suggested with an air of mystery. "Among the imperial princes, I have the best chance of ascending the throne. If you support me, it's like adding wings to a tiger. Aligning with me is the right choice, and your investment will have the greatest returns."

Dustin hesitated, maintaining a contemplative expression. It was common sense that at this point, a generous offer should be made to sweeten the deal and take advantage of the opportunity.

However, Franklin remained unresponsive, only offering a subtle smile and a silent invitation for Dustin to ponder his proposition.

In Franklin's eyes, regardless of Dustin's background, he was just a subject. As a subject, he should be ready to serve. Franklin, as a prince, already bestowed an incredible honor by showing willingness to win him over.

With all this in mind, Dustin couldn't turn down the offer. But he needed to make it clear that he wasn't a pushover.

It was at this point that Margaret couldn't bear it any longer and decided to give a hint, saying, "Third Brother, if you want Prince Heir to support you, you should show some sincerity. Otherwise, it may seem that you lack genuine intentions."

Franklin pretended to have an epiphany and slapped his forehead. "Oh, I almost forgot the most important part. Logan, take this. It's a top-grade Hetian jade, worth a fortune. Consider it a welcoming gift from me."

"Hetian jade?" Dustin twitched his eye at the unexpected gift, leaving him momentarily speechless.

The eldest prince, Franco, had given the precious Heavenly Eye Gem, a renowned treasure of the martial world, known for its versatile utility. The second prince, Felix, presented boxes of treasures, each worth a fortune, enough to raise an army. And yet, the third prince decided to give a single piece of jade.

Dustin couldn't help but feel disheartened. Was he seen as a beggar? Did he look like he was in need of a jade ornament? As a prince, Franklin seemed astonishingly stingy. With this type of tightfisted approach, how could he expect to become a ruler of a nation?

Dustin tried to maintain his composure and finally replied, "Your Highness, this treasure is far too valuable. I feel unworthy of such a gift."

While he didn't express any offense openly, his indifferent attitude likely hinted at his disappointment.

Franklin, however, continued with his generous offer, "Don't be polite. As long as you support my ascent to the throne, treasures like this will be yours in abundance."

Franklin's words sounded grand, but they still fell short in terms of delivering concrete benefits.

Dustin reluctantly accepted the jade and said, "Your Highness, you are indeed magnanimous. I thank you for this gift."

Though Franklin's words were grand, the reality remained quite underwhelming. Dustin was left somewhat disappointed by this apparent lack of genuine investment in his support.

Franklin, on the other hand, cheerfully extended his hand, saying, "Well then, let's wish for a pleasant cooperation!"

"Here's to a fruitful cooperation," Dustin responded with a smile on his face, though the disappointment in his heart remained.

Chapter 1726: Some disturbances in the West Lucozia

After all the fuss and the sleep-deprived night, Dustin had to admit that the result was somewhat underwhelming - just a piece of jade. The difference in treatment among the princes was quite glaring, considering they were all royal siblings.

With a sigh, he thought it was better to return home and get some rest. "Your Highness, it's getting late, so I should take my leave now," he politely said.

"Of course, feel free to go. I'll get in touch if I need you," Franklin replied with a nod, followed by some brief pleasantries.

Upon exiting the mansion and getting back into the car, Dustin looked at the unimpressive jade in his hand and shook his head in disbelief. "Your third brother is really too stingy. How does he expect to win me over with just a piece of jade?"

Margaret responded with a smile, "Third Brother is cautious by nature. Before he's certain of success, he won't invest too much. Giving you such a valuable Hetian jade is already generous for him."

In reality, if it weren't for her suggestion, Dustin might not even have received this jade. She knew Franklin's personality well and understood that without solid proof of support, he wouldn't invest much.

Dustin continued to grumble, "Without a point of comparison, you can't see the difference. Compared to the treasures your big brothers offered, this is quite shabby."

Margaret teased him, saying, "Stop being ungrateful. You've already earned so much tonight. You should be content."

Dustin retorted, "Well, I can't help it. If it weren't for your brothers trying to buy my support, I wouldn't even have this stuff."

Margaret quipped, "Logan Rhys, after receiving so many benefits tonight, it's time for you to put in some effort, too."

Dustin yawned, saying, "Effort for what? I'm just a messenger. The real decision-makers are in your father's and my father's hands. They are the ones shaping the fate of this kingdom."

Exhausted and yearning for sleep, Dustin couldn't help but yawn repeatedly.

Margaret responded with a serious tone, "That might have been the case before, but not anymore. My father's health is deteriorating rapidly, and there's uncertainty about whether he'll survive the year. Moreover, I've heard that your father's health isn't great either. There are already some disturbances brewing in the West Lucozia."

Dustin, appearing nonchalant, remarked, "It's often said that the good die young, and the wicked linger for a thousand years. With his many crimes and the blood on his hands, Rufus Rhys fits the classic definition of a thousand-year curse. He's probably quite resilient."

While his words sounded disinterested, inside, Dustin's heart raced. He remembered the ominous words of Nestor, who mentioned the Ten Years' Plan of the Dragon Guard and the impending net closing in. If Nestor wasn't lying, it meant that the West Lucozia's royal palace could be in for a disaster. Regardless, he needed to find an opportunity to return and check on things.

In the past, he resented his father's inaction, but after recent events, he started to understand his father's predicament.

"Hopefully, it's just as you say, but I suggest you go back and take a look. You might be able to help," Margaret advised.

"Your Highness, please don't worry about my affairs. The matter of the royal succession is still uncertain. If not handled properly, it could lead to a violent upheaval," Dustin said while stretching lazily.

Margaret sighed lightly, "Every transition of the throne is tumultuous. I only hope that this time it won't be too severe."

In the current precarious situation of both the royal family and the West Lucozia's royal palace, it was essential for them to cooperate and try to stabilize the situation as much as possible.

And to achieve that, harnessing the power of the Dragon Vein was crucial. Gathering all five pieces of Dragon Vein energy was the key to changing everything, perhaps even to reigning over the entire realm.

Chapter 1727: Method of sleep

"Princess, there shouldn't be anyone disturbing me tonight, right?" Dustin leaned back in his seat and suddenly asked.

He had been repeatedly disrupted, and it left him quite exhausted. Every time he wanted to go home and sleep, someone blocked his way, turning him into a nervous wreck. He was tired and wary of falling asleep, as he feared being woken up again, which was the most uncomfortable experience.

Margaret chuckled and asked, "What's wrong? Don't you think you've earned enough?"

While money was indeed important, life was even more precious, and he was truly exhausted. Right now, all he wanted was some sleep.

"Rest assured, those three who came to see you tonight are the main contenders for the throne. Others fall short in various aspects and won't join this competition," Margaret reassured him.

"That's good," Dustin said with relief. "Tonight, I can finally sleep peacefully."

"Don't get too excited; I don't think you'll be able to sleep tonight," Margaret shook her head.

Dustin asked with concern, "What do you mean? Weren't you just saying that no one will disturb me tonight?"

"Don't be so tense; when I said you won't be able to sleep tonight, it's because it's almost dawn. Take a look outside," Margaret pointed towards the horizon.

Dustin followed her gaze and saw the faint light on the horizon. It was the pre-dawn glow, indicating that daylight was approaching. His smartphone confirmed it was a bit past 5 AM, and there was less than an hour left until dawn.

"Ah... I can't believe I've been kept up all night, what a nightmare!" Dustin sighed. At nightfall, he was incredibly sleepy and just wanted to get some rest. However, the moment Margaret arrived, it seemed like a curse had been cast upon him. Endless troubles had kept coming, and he hadn't had a moment's peace.

After everything had finally come to an end, the day was breaking. He had managed to endure the entire night.

In a way, he felt like he was becoming more alert, even though his body was still very tired, and his eyelids kept fighting to stay open. He couldn't understand why he felt more awake when he was so desperate for a good night's sleep.

"Being young and healthy, staying up for one night is not a big deal. I've been up all night with you, haven't I?" Margaret comforted him.

"Can you even compare with me?" Dustin responded irritably. "Normally, I could stay awake for three to five days without any problems, but this time, I'm genuinely exhausted!"

Since he had arrived at the Gateway Lakewood Temple, he hadn't had a moment to relax. He had faced multiple life-and-death battles, and his body was already drained. Add to that his injuries, and it was a miracle that he had made it this far.

"If you're tired, you can sleep for a while in the car. I'll keep watch, and I'll wake you up when we get home," Margaret suggested.

"The problem is, I can't sleep now!" Dustin grumbled, his face marked with frustration. It seemed like he couldn't fall asleep, no matter how much he wanted to, ever since he learned it was close to dawn.

"Young people can endure longer without sleep. I've studied some methods to help you sleep. Want to give them a try?" Margaret offered.

"Is it really going to work?" Dustin asked skeptically.

"Give it a try. It might help you get a good night's sleep," Margaret smiled.

"Alright, I'll try. At this point, anything is better than not sleeping," Dustin agreed.

"Now, close your eyes, and let your whole body relax," Margaret said gently.

Dustin leaned back in his seat, closed his eyes, and started to slowly relax his body.

"Focus on your breathing, and try to relax. More relaxation," Margaret continued her soothing guidance.

"Relax without any tension, from head to toe," she said.

"That's good, just like that."

Chapter 1728: A strange dream

"Now, imagine yourself lying on a calm sea, gently rocking with the waves," Margaret continued with her gentle, soothing voice.

"You can feel a gentle breeze blowing by your ears, ruffling your hair."

Margaret's voice had an inexplicable charm to it. With a few more words, Dustin was already in a deep sleep, producing a rhythmic snoring.

"Sleeping so fast," Margaret chuckled.

She willingly sat beside Dustin, using her shoulder to support his slowly dropping head and holding his chin with her hand to prevent any sudden collapse.

The vehicle continued to move at a steady pace, but instead of heading back to Dustin's villa, it went to an unfamiliar place.
Dustin had a dream, a very long dream.

In the dream, he stood alone on a battlefield.

The ground beneath his feet was piled with corpses, forming mountains.

Blood had dyed the entire land a deep red.

As far as he could see, there was no living creature, just a scene of devastation.

It felt like the entire world had only him left.

Whether it was family, friends, or enemies, they all lay in the pool of blood.

He didn't understand what had happened or what had caused such a bloody scene.

All he knew was that he felt terrified and terribly lonely.

Could this be... war?

Without any victors, the endless battles left everyone dead.

"Logan Rhys... Logan Rhys..."

After what seemed like a long time, Dustin suddenly heard a familiar voice. The next moment, he broke free from the nightmare and sat up abruptly on the bed. Unknowingly, he was drenched in sweat, gasping for breath.


Dustin's vision slowly focused, and the first person he saw was a woman dressed in white with a veil covering her face, indeed Margaret.

"Did you have a nightmare? I heard you yelling and screaming," Margaret softly asked.

"I did have a strange dream," Dustin sighed with relief, feeling a chill down his spine. Fortunately, it was just a dream, or the consequences could have been unimaginable.

"Dreams are usually the opposite, so don't worry," Margaret smiled.

Dustin glanced outside at the sky and was surprised, "Oh, by the way, how long have I been sleeping?"

"Two days and one night," Margaret replied.


Dustin was startled, "I slept that long? Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I saw you sleeping so soundly, I couldn't bear to wake you, and besides, you were snoring so loudly that I couldn't wake you up," Margaret teased.

"Wait a minute... this isn't my home, is it? Where am I?"

Dustin looked around and noticed that the room's decor was unfamiliar, with a feminine touch. Even the bed had a pleasant fragrance.

"This is my private residence," Margaret explained. "Last night, there was an unexpected incident, and for your safety, I couldn't take you back home, so I temporarily settled you here."

"An unexpected incident? What happened?" Dustin narrowed his eyes.

"Last night, someone tried to kill you!" Margaret dropped the shocking revelation.

Chapter 1729: No one is born a great king

"Kill me?" Dustin furrowed his brows. "Is it possible that it was the people from the Dragon Guard Pavilion?"

He and the Dragon Guard Pavilion had become mortal enemies, and the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion would surely not let him off easily.

"It's not clear yet," Margaret said, shaking her head slightly. "That night, we were ambushed halfway, but I was prepared and managed to relocate you in time, luckily without any major incidents."

"If nothing unexpected happened, it should be the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion," Dustin said, stretching and making his bones crack. "It's fortunate that you acted quickly, Princess. Otherwise, I could have been in danger."

"Inviting you into the palace means I'm responsible for your safety," Margaret replied with a soft smile. "Furthermore, you're now a key figure in the spotlight, and we can't afford any injuries. If anything happens to you, it could lead to chaos in the Dragon Nation."

"Princess, please don't put any pressure on me," Dustin yawned. "I'm just a wanderer, without any great ambitions. You're better off not having any expectations for me."

Although he had slept for two days and one night, he still felt slightly sleep-deprived, as if he was missing something.

"You bear the destiny of the nation, and destiny has its ways," Margaret said, her tone meaningful. "Even if you do nothing, trouble will still find you. It's better to be prepared early. At least you can choose your own path rather than being forced into a corner later."

"Choose my own path?" Dustin raised an eyebrow and thought about the dream he had just experienced. If he had the choice, he would rather not have a war, as it would result in the deaths of many innocent people, including his loved ones.

"Princess, after the encounter the night before, I have a rough understanding of your three royal brothers," Dustin suddenly shifted the topic. "Not only do they have the power to compete for the throne, but they are also extremely ambitious. They are the kind of people who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. To be honest, compared to your father, they fall short by quite a bit."

For the West Lucozia royal family, Derrick's actions may not have always been righteous, but at least he ruled for the sake of the nation and its people, making him a good king.

However, his three sons all harbored sinister intentions.

Over the years, they hadn't achieved anything noteworthy and had failed to earn the people's admiration. Their efforts were primarily focused on internal power struggles—spying on their father and guarding themselves against their siblings.

Their knowledge of the art of ruling was thorough, but they lacked compassion.

"Growing up in the royal family and surrounded by influential advisors, power struggles and intrigues become almost instinctual," Margaret explained.

"You're quite considerate of them," Dustin commented with a smile. "Honestly, in my view, your three royal brothers can't be considered incompetent, but they lack the abilities and the understanding of what it takes to be a king. Your father has clearly seen this and that's why he's struggling to make a choice."

"People can grow and change. No one is born a great king. Perhaps, once they ascend to the throne, they will change," Margaret said.

"That's difficult! The stakes are too high when it comes to the Dragonmarsh's future. Betting on whether your three royal brothers will change is too risky. If the gamble is wrong, the consequences would be unthinkable," Dustin shook his head.

"Your words are quite strange. What are you trying to say?" Margaret quickly realized that something was off.

"It's nothing," Dustin replied with a faint smile. "I just wanted to ask if you have any aspirations to become the Empress. If you do, I could choose to support you."

Chapter 1730: The most suitable candidate

"What did you say?" Margaret was taken aback, and she didn't quite process the information.

She even suspected she might have misheard him.

"Actually, I think you'd make a great Empress, and I believe His Majesty might think so too. So, if you're interested, I, on behalf of the West Lucozia Royal Family, would fully support you in ascending to the throne," Dustin said with a smile.

"Logan Rhys! Don't joke around; this is no laughing matter!" Margaret's tone turned serious. "I'm just a woman, how can I become an Empress? The entire court would never accept me."

"What's wrong with being a woman?" Dustin earnestly replied. "Who says women can't be Empress? In ancient times, we had someone like Wu Zetian. Although you might be a bit less experienced than her, you can grow and improve over time. As long as you're willing to put in the effort, there's no doubt you can succeed."

"Logan Rhys, I appreciate your trust, but I have no interest in that area at all. So, please put aside these impractical thoughts," Margaret firmly declined.

Throughout history, from one dynasty to another, there had been only one Wu Zetian. The conditions for her rise to power were unique. Margaret couldn't imagine herself in such a role, let alone surpassing the legendary Wu Zetian.

What's more, if she ever harbored ambitions, it would surely send shockwaves throughout the nation, potentially leading to conflict and chaos. She wanted to avoid such a scenario at all costs.

"If you don't have any intentions, then so be it. I just mentioned it casually. Of course, if you ever change your mind, feel free to let me know," Dustin said with a faint smile.

As Derrick had mentioned, Margaret was the most suitable among all the royal offspring to ascend to the throne. However, her status as a woman presented substantial challenges, not just with her siblings but also with the entire court and nation.

"Of course, it mainly depends on you," Dustin said. "If you have the ambition for it, I would wholeheartedly support you. If not, then we can just consider it a casual remark."

Margaret found Dustin's topic transitions quite puzzling and asked, "Your thoughts are all over the place. Why did you bring up such a matter out of the blue?"

"Nothing, I just thought you were the most suitable candidate. Perhaps, if you became the Empress, the entire nation could change for the better," Dustin said with a smile.

"Don't be silly; it's impossible," Margaret replied. "You should consider my three royal brothers instead."

"No rush, the position of the Crown Prince is not something that happens overnight. Let's just go with the flow," Dustin responded. He then rubbed his stomach and asked, "Princess, do you have something to eat here? I'm hungry again."

"Wait for a moment, I'll cook," Margaret said.

"What? The princess herself is going to cook?" Dustin expressed his surprise.

"Is it that shocking?" Margaret rolled her eyes. "I left the palace a long time ago, and most of the time, I've been on my own adventures. Knowing how to cook is pretty normal."

"I see," Dustin chuckled. "It looks like I'm in for a treat today; I get to taste Princess's cooking."

"Quit the flattery!" Margaret scolded. "There are fruits in the living room. You can have something to snack on while I prepare the meal."

With that, she walked out of the bedroom and began working in the kitchen. Dustin stretched comfortably in the sunlight that streamed through the window, feeling refreshed. The matter with the Dragon Guard Pavilion had temporarily come to a close. Now, it was time for him to return to West Lucozia.
Chapter 1731: Meeting at Emperor's Tower

After having a satisfying meal and catching up, Dustin decided to take his leave. He had spent two days resting but had many matters to attend to and needed to return home to make arrangements.

Before he left, Margaret suddenly called him over, reminding him, "Logan, I've read your fortune again last night. Your crisis hasn't completely passed yet. You must be cautious in the coming days."

"Don't worry, I'm well aware. I'll be careful," Dustin replied before bidding her farewell.

Upon returning to his car, Dustin first called Natasha to let her know he was safe and provided a brief overview of the recent events. He then contacted Adam Spanner and Scarlet Spanner, informing them of the situation. He advised the Spanner family to prepare themselves as the Crown Prince competition would likely escalate and affect the entire imperial court.

One hour later, Dustin arrived back at his villa. Inside, Caitlin was preparing a meal while Lorenzo and Dr. Elijah were studying calligraphy together. Maximus, on the other hand, was meditating to refine his swordsmanship.

Maximus was the first to react to Dustin's return. He opened his eyes, drew his longsword from his lap, and pointed it towards the entrance. "Who's there?"

"It's me," Dustin immediately identified himself.

"Brother Dustin? You're finally back?" Maximus's eyes lit up. "Where have you been for the past two days? We didn't hear anything from you."

"I had some urgent matters to attend to, so I was delayed for two days," Dustin replied with a smile. He didn't want to reveal that he had spent the last two days sleeping.

"Brother Dustin, I've already sent the letter you entrusted me with back to West Lucozia," Maximus informed him.

"That's fine," Dustin said nonchalantly. He then asked, "By the way, how are Uncle Lorenzo and Dr. Elijah doing?"

"They're both fine. I've been cautious these past two days, always on alert to avoid any mistakes. Fortunately, everything has been calm," Maximus replied.

"That's good, thank you," Dustin nodded in response.

"Has Dustin returned?" At that moment, Lorenzo and Elijah emerged from the study. They had been at home for the past two days and were unaware of the recent events, so they weren't overly concerned.

"Uncle Lorenzo, you look much better. You seem to have recovered nicely," Dustin observed. Lorenzo's complexion had become healthier, and his breathing was steady and strong. He appeared almost like a normal person.

"Thanks to your medicine, I've been able to recover quickly," Lorenzo smiled and added, "Oh, by the way, while you were away, a messenger from the West Lucozia's Mansion came to inquire about your recent condition. Would you like to meet with him in person?"

"The messenger from the Lucozia's Mansion? Who is it?" Dustin raised an eyebrow.

"I don't recognize him. I haven't been back to the Lucozia's Mansion for ten years, and many of the old subordinates from that time are likely no longer there. Now it's mostly new faces," Lorenzo explained.

"If it's related to me, I should meet him. Where is this person now?" Dustin asked.

"In fact, I don't know his whereabouts, but before he left, he left a phone number. I can check and call him to arrange a meeting," Lorenzo said.

After a brief inquiry, Lorenzo returned and informed Dustin, "Dustin, the messenger from the Lucozia's Mansion said to meet at Emperor's Tower at 8 PM tonight."

"Alright, we'll go there tonight," Dustin nodded. He was already quite familiar with Emperor's Tower in the southern part of the city, as he had visited several times recently.

Time passed quickly, and it was soon evening. At 7 PM, Dustin left his villa, driving with Maximus and Lorenzo, and arrived at Emperor's Tower in under half an hour.

Chapter 1732: King’s personal bodyguard

The atmosphere in Emperor's Tower tonight was different from its usual bustling state; it seemed rather quiet. The second floor, in particular, was a private area that was off-limits to outsiders.

After identifying himself, Dustin led Lorenzo and Maximus up to the second floor. At this moment, there was only one person in the VIP area on the second floor.

This person was dressed in plain black clothes, had an ordinary appearance, an average build, and a nondescript demeanor. There was nothing remarkable about him at all. Placed in a crowd, he would easily blend in and not stand out.

"I greet Your Highness!" Upon seeing Dustin, the man immediately knelt and bowed, showing respect.

"Who are you?" Dustin asked indifferently.

"I am named Tony, one of the personal guards of King. As soon as King heard that you were in trouble, he sent me to lend you a hand," said the man named Tony, bowing his head.

"Personal guard?" Dustin looked Tony up and down and asked, "How can you prove your identity?"

Dustin wasn't a newcomer to this world; he knew that in a situation like this, he needed to be cautious and couldn't just believe whatever was said.

"I have this token from King. Please inspect it, Your Highness." Tony took a badge from his pocket and handed it over.

Dustin took the badge and examined it carefully, finally lowering his guard. The badge was indeed a token from the West Lucozia King's Mansion, and only the most trusted personal guards would be given one.

"General Tony, we are allies, there's no need for excessive formality. Please rise," Dustin returned the badge and helped Tony to his feet.

"Thank you, Your Highness," Tony responded, still showing respect.

"General Tony, let me introduce you. This is Lorenzo, formerly the Vice General of the Central Army," Dustin said, introducing Lorenzo.

"I've heard of General Lorenzo's great name. It's an honor to meet you in person," Tony immediately paid his respects to Lorenzo.

"Likewise, General Tony," Lorenzo nodded, acknowledging Tony's respect.

"General Tony, you're too kind. I am getting old, and the future is in the hands of you young people," Lorenzo said with a smile.

"This is Maximus, my friend," Dustin introduced Maximus.

"Hello, Maximus Young Master!" Tony greeted Maximus with respect.

"General Tony!" Maximus returned the courtesy.

"Alright, now that we've all met, please have a seat," Dustin gestured for them to sit.

‘’Now, let's talk about the situation," Dustin began the discussion.

Tony nodded and said, "King asked me to express his concern. He is aware of the unrest within the capital and is deeply worried about Your Highness's safety."

Dustin nodded and replied, "I appreciate King's concern. Please convey my gratitude to him. But for now, we need to focus on the situation at hand."

Tony agreed, and they began discussing the details of the current situation in the capital and what actions they should take.

"General Tony, I have a few questions for you." Dustin said with a calm face.

"Your Highness, please ask. I will tell you everything I know," Tony replied humbly.

"I've heard that the West Lucozia's Mansion has had some trouble recently. Is that true or false?" Dustin asked.

"It's not exactly trouble, just some spies and infiltrators being more active recently. The King's Mansion has arrested quite a few people," Tony replied truthfully.

"King Rufus Rhys... How is his health?" Dustin finally asked the question he was most eager to know.

"King's health has always been fine," Tony smiled awkwardly.

"Tell the truth! Do not utter a word of falsehood!" Dustin suddenly raised his voice.

Tony was startled, knelt on the ground with a thud, and nervously said, "Your Highness, King's health is indeed not very good. He coughs up blood frequently in the middle of the night. We've consulted many renowned doctors to no avail. In order to prevent you from worrying, King has kept it from you and forbidden us from telling you. I had no choice but to keep it a secret, Your Highness, please forgive me!"

"Coughing up blood in the middle of the night? Could it be that even the divine doctors of West Lucozia can't cure such a minor ailment?" Dustin furrowed his brows.

"The divine doctor said it's a terminal illness with no cure," Tony answered with a mournful expression.

"A terminal illness?" Dustin's face turned ashen. "How long does King Rufus have left?"

"Shortest, half a month; longest, a year," Tony stated shockingly.

With these words, Dustin felt as if he had been struck by lightning, his face turning pallid.

Chapter 1733: Spies

"Half a month? A year at most? How can this be?" Dustin was stunned, his eyes showing a hint of unprecedented fear.

Despite his long-standing resentment towards Rufus Rhys's inaction, they were still family, and the news of Rufus Rhys's impending death left him with an inexplicable sense of panic.

With very few of his loved ones remaining, he felt lost at the prospect of losing Rufus Rhys, too.

"Is this information reliable?" Dustin asked in a low voice, trying to maintain a calm demeanor, though his hand clenched beneath the table unconsciously.

"Your Highness, very few people know about this, but it's absolutely true. Even though King didn't want me to tell you, I thought you should know," Tony said, bowing his head.

"His Highness has always been strong, why did he suddenly deteriorate like this?" Lorenzo asked with a hint of doubt.

"Over the past ten years, King has worked tirelessly, defending West Lucozia and protecting it from both external threats and internal power struggles. The constant stress and burden have taken a toll. Even the strongest person would break under such pressure. King has suffered so much!" Tony's voice was trembling.

As Rufus Rhys's personal guard, he had seen it all. The King of West Lucozia, who had been mighty and dominant, could shake the entire court with a sneeze.

But now, the hero was fading, and time was running out. It was indeed a tragic and lamentable situation.

"Alas... over the years, King has truly carried a heavy burden. He has shouldered the responsibility of West Lucozia, protecting it from invasions by the barbarians while keeping an eye on internal power struggles. Such a relentless pace is enough to wear anyone down. King has sacrificed so much!" Lorenzo sighed, feeling deeply saddened.

"Rufus Rhys... did he have anything else to say?" Dustin suppressed his emotions and appeared indifferent.

"His Highness said that if you're tired and mistreated out there, you can come back at any time. West Lucozia will always be your home," Tony said in a trembling voice.

"Go back?" Dustin stared at the tea cup on the table, lost in thought. "After all these years, it's time to go back."

"That's great! I'll make arrangements immediately!" Tony's face lit up with joy.

For years, the King had been looking forward to the day when Dustin would return to West Lucozia. It was only due to certain past conflicts that Dustin had never made plans to go back.

Now, hearing Dustin's agreement, he was overjoyed.

After a decade apart, father and son could finally reunite.

"Let's not rush. I have some matters to attend to here. I'll return to West Lucozia in three days," Dustin told Tony.

"Very well, as long as Your Highness is willing to return, any time is fine," Tony nodded repeatedly.

"Did the King Mansion send only you to the capital this time?" Dustin suddenly asked.

"Not just me, there's also a team of spies," Tony replied solemnly. "They are all highly skilled, elite agents trained by the King Mansion. They are all capable and could handle a hundred men each. However, to maintain a low profile, I disbanded them once we arrived in the capital. If you wish to meet them, I can summon them immediately."

"No need to trouble them; let them stay hidden. Spies should remain in the shadows," Dustin shook his head slightly.

Those called spies were truly a rare breed, individuals who possessed not only courage and intellect but also unique skills. Whether gathering information or assassinating important figures, these spies played a crucial role. Many of them would never see the light of day, living under false identities throughout their lives. Even in death, they rarely received the recognition they deserved.

Chapter 1734: Assassins in Emperor Tower

This is a group of brave warriors sacrificing themselves, walking in the darkness. Each one of them is precious and needs special protection.

"Thank you for your understanding, Your Highness," Tony breathed a sigh of relief.

Our Highness has a special status, and various forces are watching in the shadows. If we gather the spies together, it's easy to be exposed.

"You should know a lot about the situation in the royal residence. Tell me, what's the current situation?" Dustin asked again.

"Your Highness, it's like this..."

Just as Tony was about to speak, suddenly a series of urgent footsteps echoed from downstairs.

They exchanged glances and became alert at the same time.

Before they could react, a group of masked assassins rushed up in a mighty manner.

These assassins had sharp eyes and strong aura, clearly not ordinary people.

The leader wore red clothes, and four others around them wore white clothes. The rest were all dressed in black.

"Who are you people?!"

Maximus was the first to draw his sword, standing in front of Dustin.

"Your Highness, you go first, I'll hold them off," Tony slowly unsheathed the dagger at his waist, his eyes filled with killing intent.

"Logan Rhys! You destroyed our Dragon Guard Pavilion, killed our old leader, today I will make you pay with your blood!" the red-clothed assassin shouted angrily.

"Just you few? Can you kill me?"

Dustin sat quietly, speaking calmly, and even took a sip of tea.

He appeared calm and unruffled, completely unconcerned.

"Arrogant child, today I'll show you the power of the Dragon Guard!"

The red-clothed assassin waved his hand fiercely and shouted, "Form the formation! Kill him!"


The four white-clothed assassins by his side didn't waste any words; they drew their swords and lunged forward.

These four moved incredibly fast, their footwork mysterious. They shifted and moved so swiftly that all one could see were blurred figures.

Most importantly, their cooperation was seamless. They balanced offense and defense, and their formation was flawless, greatly amplifying their killing power.

"Let me handle you all!"

Maximus used his scabbard as a concealed weapon, throwing it forward. Seizing this opportunity, he swiftly closed the distance and entered the encirclement of the four white-clothed assassins.

"You're seeking death!"

The red-clothed assassin sneered repeatedly, his eyes showing the contempt one would have for a dead person.

The Dragon Guard was strictly structured, ranging from ordinary members, stewards, law keepers, enshrined members, elders, deputy leaders, to the leader.

He belonged to the enshrined members of the Dragon Guard, a high-ranking position. The four were the law keepers of the Dragon Guard.

To reach the level of a law keeper, they were all at least half-step Grandmaster-level experts.

Especially when these four formed a formation, their combined strength surpassed even that of an ordinary Martial Arts Grandmaster.

As expected, as soon as Maximus broke into their formation, he let out a scream and was instantly thrown back, heavily crashing onto the floor, blood spewing from his mouth.

Though his current strength was close to that of a half-step Grandmaster, he still fell considerably short when facing the Dragon Guard's four law keepers working together in formation.

"Master Maximus, step back for now. I'll handle these four."

Seeing the situation turning grim, Tony immediately rushed into the formation with his dagger, engaging in combat with the four law keepers of the Dragon Guard.

Chapter 1735: The brave win

Tony's knife was incredibly fast, almost too fast to see clearly. His knife techniques were extremely fierce and domineering, following a typical military style—no frills, no unnecessary movements. Each move and stance were designed to kill, simple yet effective, extremely violent.

Although the formation of the four Dragon Guard law keepers was mysterious, it was ineffective against Tony's swift blade. Every time they attempted to change their formation, Tony could spot the vulnerability instantly and break through with his fast blade.

After a round of fighting, the four were completely suppressed, with no room for counterattacks.

"I didn't expect General Tony to be such a powerful Martial Arts Grandmaster," Lorenzo expressed his surprise.

"To become King's personal guard and command a team of spies, he is naturally not ordinary," Dustin said indifferently.

He had noticed Tony's capabilities from the moment he met him. To be entrusted with such an important task by King and travel all the way to Stonia, Tony clearly possessed remarkable skills.

"Considering General Tony's age, just in his thirties, achieving such accomplishments is truly extraordinary. There are indeed hidden dragons and crouching tigers around King Rufus!" Lorenzo squinted his eyes.

"The battle is about to end," Dustin suddenly said.

As he spoke, Tony's attacks suddenly intensified. Each strike came one after another, like surging waves, unstoppable. The four Dragon Guard lawkeepers, who had been retreating step by step, instantly felt increased pressure. They couldn't withstand even ten moves before being sent flying by Tony's swift blade, blood spraying from their mouths as they stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Hmph! Trying to harm my prince? First, ask about the blade in my hands!" Tony was imposing, full of killing intent.

This demeanor was completely different from his humble attitude when facing Dustin earlier.

"I didn't expect you to be such a master," the red-clothed assassin raised his hand, halting the four lawkeepers who were preparing to continue their attack.

"Now, it's your turn!"

Tony slowly raised his knife, its tip pointing directly at the face of the red-clothed assassin.

"Hmph! Do you think defeating those four means you can challenge me? You're truly overestimating yourselves!" the red-clothed assassin snorted coldly. "Today, I will show you the formidable strength of an enshrined member of the Dragon Guard!"

With his words, the red-clothed assassin swiftly unsheathed his sword, transforming into a residual image, lunging at Tony.

Tony, unwilling to show weakness, met him head-on.

Two Martial Arts Grandmasters quickly engaged in a fierce clash.

The second floor of the Emperor's Tower was half-destroyed in an instant.

As they fought, they spilled out into the courtyard, leaving almost a complete ruin in their wake.

The sky was filled with knife glints, accompanied by the clang of metal against metal, dazzling the onlookers.

"Logan, who do you think will win between the two?" Lorenzo suddenly asked.

"In terms of strength, the enshrined member of the Dragon Guard has a slight advantage. However, General Tony is more ferocious, daring to fight fearlessly. He completely embodies the posture of 'we either win together or die together.' As the saying goes, when brave men meet, the brave win. General Tony's boldness compensates for the gap in their abilities. As for who will win, it depends on their performance," Dustin said, squinting his eyes.

He quietly observed the situation.

He didn't rush to intervene because he wasn't sure if the Dragon Guard had any tricks up their sleeve. If there were hidden experts lurking nearby, attacking rashly could easily fall into a trap.

In the courtyard, after fighting for a moment, the red-clothed assassin gradually lost patience.

The Dragon Guard was already in a dire situation, with the hostile forces seizing the opportunity to attack. Especially the royal family, they had begun secretly hunting them down.

This time, he led the team to ambush Logan Rhys, with the intention of settling the score for the old leader swiftly. If this dragged on, once experts from the royal family arrived, he wouldn't be able to escape.

To avoid troubles in the long night, he had to deal with this troublesome guy quickly and then kill Logan Rhys.

Chapter 1736: Black mist

"I don't have time to waste with you, get out of my way!"

The red-clothed assassin roared in anger, his impatience clear. He abandoned his earlier caution and launched a fierce attack.

Tony, who had been on par with him before, quickly found himself at a disadvantage. There was indeed a gap in their abilities.

Tony's earlier ability to hold his own against the red-clothed assassin was purely due to his boldness. Now that the assassin was fighting desperately, Tony's advantage disappeared, and it all came down to raw strength.

"Die, die, die! Just die!"

The red-clothed assassin shouted as he attacked, his strikes becoming more powerful and vicious. Tony was forced to retreat continuously, only able to defend himself without any opportunity to counterattack.

At this rate, he would be completely defeated within three minutes.

"We can't wait any longer!"

Seeing this, Dustin's eyes turned cold. He was about to step forward to help when a sudden sense of alertness washed over him.

Before he could react, there was a loud "bang," and a cloud of black mist suddenly exploded beneath his feet.

Dustin instinctively activated his protective internal energy, forming a shield around his body. However, something eerie happened—the black mist seemed to have a mind of its own, directly piercing through Dustin's protective internal energy and infiltrating his body relentlessly.

What was terrifying was that this black mist found its way into every opening—eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and even the pores on his skin.

"How is this possible?" Dustin's face showed shock.

Even though he had seen a lot, he had never encountered a situation like this before. His protective internal energy couldn't stop it—what kind of entity was this?

Without hesitation, Dustin immediately activated his internal energy to force out the poison. Although the black mist was strange, with his strength, he could expel it.

"Logan! Are you okay?"

Outside the black mist, Lorenzo's worried voice could be heard.

"Uncle Lorenzo! Don't come closer! This black mist is poisonous!"

Dustin immediately warned, but it was already too late. Perhaps due to his haste, Lorenzo didn't hesitate and rushed into the black mist.

In less than three seconds, Lorenzo's face turned black, and he collapsed to the ground. He had just recovered from a serious illness, and his body was already weak. Now, being exposed to such a potent poison, he was in an even worse state.

"Uncle Lorenzo!"

Dustin's face changed drastically. He didn't care about himself, immediately carrying Lorenzo out of the poisonous mist, then using his true energy to help him detoxify.

Under Dustin's treatment, the poison that had entered Lorenzo's body began to seep out bit by bit. However, Dustin himself was in a dire situation. The poison that had infiltrated his body had already invaded his internal organs.

If this continued, he would be severely injured, if not dead.

Unfortunately, he was currently occupied with helping Lorenzo detoxify, leaving him unable to defend himself. He could only let the poison invade his body.

During this tense moment, the red-clothed assassin in the courtyard had already determined the outcome of his battle with Tony. After a fierce battle, at the cost of losing his arm, the red-clothed assassin finally severely wounded Tony.

"Logan Rhys! Prepare to die!"

Seeing Dustin treating someone, the red-clothed assassin's spirits were lifted. Seizing the opportunity, he approached, swiftly raising his sword and aiming for Dustin's head.

Chapter 1737: Assassin sneak attack

The red-clothed assassin's strike was swift, accurate, and ruthless, his entire body's true enrgy driven to its utmost, attacking from behind where there was no defense.

Most importantly, Dustin was still busy treating Lorenzo and had no time to defend himself. Seeing the long blade coming at him, he could only activate his protective internal energy to create a shield around his body.


The red-clothed assassin's long blade struck Dustin's protective internal energy fiercely, creating a faint ripple in the air.

Under the tremendous counterforce, the assassin's blade was directly knocked away, and he stumbled backward.

"How is this possible?!"

The red-clothed assassin's pupils contracted in shock. The strike he had just made was a full-powered attack, with no reservations, and it was even a sneak attack. Normally, even if Dustin didn't die, he would be severely wounded from the blow.

But now, the kid in front of him was sitting there seemingly unharmed, while the assassin himself was forced to retreat continuously.
Could it be that this young man was even stronger than him?


At this moment, Dustin, who was still treating his wounds, suddenly spat out a mouthful of black blood. His face had turned pitch-black.

The poison mist from earlier was extremely potent. Even with his powerful physique, he couldn't resist it. Of course, the main reason was that he had used a significant amount of his true enrgy to treat Lorenzo, leaving him unable to suppress the toxins. He had no choice but to let them invade his internal organs.

Furthermore, the sneak attack from the red-clothed assassin forced him to forcefully activate his internal energy for defense, resulting in multiple blows that caused him to cough up blood.

"Hahaha... It turns out you're on your last legs!"

Seeing Dustin coughing up blood, the red-clothed assassin's spirits were lifted. He thought this young man was tough, but it seemed he had been injured by the assassin's strike.

"This strike will be the end of you!"

The red-clothed assassin reached out and caught his flying blade, then swiftly advanced again, slashing at Dustin with his blade.

"Your Highness!"

Tony, who was severely injured, roared in anger. He forcefully pushed off the ground, using his own body as a weapon, crashing into the back of the red-clothed assassin.

The red-clothed assassin let out a muffled groan, being sent flying several meters away, ending up with a dirt-covered face. The long knife in his hand fell to the ground.

As for Tony, who had given his all in that charge, he vomited blood and was left motionless on the ground, his injuries worsening.

He had already been seriously wounded earlier, and after this collision, his body couldn't bear the strain anymore, rendering him unable to continue the fight.

"Damn! You're really looking for death!"

The red-clothed assassin cursed as he stood up, casting a fierce gaze towards Tony, the troublemaker who had interfered with his plans. "Since you like to play the savior so much, I'll finish you off first!"

The red-clothed assassin suddenly leaped into the air and slammed a palm towards Tony's head.

Tony, unable to move, could only raise his arms to defend himself.


A loud explosion.

Tony's arms were instantly broken, and he was sent flying like a sandbag, crashing into a wall heavily, blood pouring from his mouth.
"Your Highness! Run... Run quickly!"

Tony, without caring about his own injuries, continued to shout hoarsely, while coughing up blood.

"Run? Where to run?"

The red-clothed assassin turned his gaze towards Dustin with a murderous look in his eyes.

He had almost forgotten; Tony was just a minor character, and killing him wouldn't make any difference. Logan Rhys was the most critical figure.

To avoid any unexpected developments, they had to eliminate him as soon as possible.

"Logan Rhys! Accept your fate!"

The red-clothed assassin once again leaped into the air, delivering a full-force palm strike towards the back of Dustin's head.

This was a vital strike. If it landed, even if the opponent had protective true energy, it wouldn't be able to withstand it.


The palm wind howled, distorting the air.

Just when it seemed the red-clothed assassin was about to succeed, Dustin, who had been treating to Lorenzo's injuries all this time, seemed to sense something. He suddenly turned around and struck out with a palm.


Chapter 1738: A secret message

The two palms collided, producing a loud explosion.

Dustin merely trembled slightly, effortlessly neutralizing all the force.

In contrast, the red-clothed assassin was sent flying over ten meters away by Dustin's palm strike. He ended up crashing heavily onto the ground, blood spraying from his nose and mouth, with most of his meridians shattered.

"How... how can you be this powerful?!" the red-clothed assassin exclaimed in fear, clutching his chest.

Logan Rhys had been poisoned and seriously injured, yet with just a single strike, he easily defeated the assassin. Was there such a vast difference in strength between them?

"Did you not investigate my strength before ambushing me?" Dustin asked coldly, a hint of black bloodstain still visible at the corner of his mouth.

Lorenzo's poison had already been completely forced out of her system, and she was no longer in immediate danger. As for Dustin, despite his injuries and poisoning, his profound cultivation allowed him to hold his own for the time being.

"Even if you're strong, you're nothing more than a Martial Grandmaster. We, on the other hand, are more than enough to kill you!" the red-clothed assassin retorted.

On the day when the Dragon Guard Pavilion was destroyed, most of its high-ranking members were killed, while the remaining survivors were scattered and unable to regroup.

He wasn't fully aware of what had transpired that day, but he knew it was a conspiracy orchestrated by the West Lucozia Mansion, and Logan Rhys was the mastermind.

Today, he received a secret message that Logan Rhys would meet with the West Lucozia Mansion's spies at this location, prompting him to bring his team immediately.

He had thought he could exact revenge, but he didn't expect his opponent to be so formidable.

"Hmph! If I were just an ordinary Martial Grandmaster, I would probably be dead by now. How could I have lived this long?" Dustin replied coldly.

"Could it be that you've reached the Grandmaster realm?!" The red-clothed assassin widened his eyes, finding it hard to believe.

As far as he knew, Logan Rhys was barely in his twenties, and reaching the Grandmaster realm at such a young age was truly terrifying.

What kind of monster was he?!

"I'll ask one more time, how did you find out about our whereabouts?" Dustin asked, his expression stern.

Before coming here, he had been extremely cautious and vigilant, taking multiple precautions to prevent being followed.

Soon after arriving at the Emperor's Tower, they fell into an ambush. It was safe to say that something was amiss.

"I'll fight you to the end!" the red-clothed assassin gritted his teeth, bracing his severely injured body and lunging at Dustin once more.
But as he got closer, Dustin grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up. The assassin's entire body was engulfed in a binding energy, rendering him completely powerless, even to struggle.

"If you don't want to die, answer my questions honestly," Dustin said, slowly applying pressure with his fingers. The red-clothed assassin's face turned red, and he struggled to breathe, with his veins bulging.

An overwhelming fear of death instantly filled his heart.

"I... I'll tell you... There's a mysterious person who sent us a secret message, which is how we learned about your hiding place," the red-clothed assassin hoarsely replied.

"A mysterious person? Who is it?" Dustin inquired again.

"I... I don't know. He didn't reveal any information, but he was well-acquainted with our secret codes. He should be one of our Dragon Guard Pavilion's spies," the assassin replied.

"A spy?" Dustin frowned slightly, showing some suspicion.

The ability to send the message in such a timely manner indicated prior knowledge of the meeting's location. In other words, there was likely a traitor in his midst.

Tony, who had fiercely protected him and was a member of the royal guards, was certainly not the culprit. So, who was the spy?


As Dustin was pondering this, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his back.

A blade had pierced through his back, emerging from his chest. The blood on the blade's tip had a faint blackish tinge.

"Hmm?" Staring at the blade piercing through him, Dustin couldn't help but be momentarily stunned.

Instinctively, he turned to look behind him, and the shock that overcame him left him motionless on the spot. Because he saw that the one who had wielded the blade was none other than Lorenzo!

Chapter 1739: An unbelievable traitor

Dustin was stunned, looking at Lorenzo who had just launched a surprise attack, he momentarily couldn't react.

He had known that there was a traitor among them and had suspected many people, including Maximus, Dr. Elijah, and others. However, he had never doubted Lorenzo.

Lorenzo had once risked his life for him and made numerous sacrifices for the royal family. Dustin had always felt indebted to him and had just spared no effort to treat his injuries, even when he himself was poisoned and injured.

However, he couldn't have imagined in his wildest dreams that Lorenzo, the loyal servant of the King Mansion, would stab him in the back.


Why would he do this??

"Lorenzo? What are you doing?" Dustin asked tremblingly.

Even now, he could hardly believe what was happening before his eyes.

"Logan, I'm sorry, but I had no choice," Lorenzo said with a complex expression, tinged with guilt. "I warned you a long time ago not to investigate the past, as it could easily lead to deadly consequences. Why? Why didn't you listen? You could have lived peacefully. Why did you have to be so relentless?"

"Who are you... really?" Dustin furrowed his brow deeply.

"I am Lorenzo, the Deputy General of the West Lucozia Central Army. But before that, I had another identity. I was a spy for the Dragon Guard Pavilion," Lorenzo sighed.

"A spy for the Dragon Guard Pavilion?" Dustin found it hard to believe.

He had never imagined that Lorenzo was an undercover agent for the Dragon Guard Pavilion. So, did Lorenzo secretly tip off the red-clothed assassins?

Was the black poison fog that was just dispersed also Lorenzo's doing?

It seemed that he intentionally poisoned himself, staged a drama, and used the opportunity to attack Dustin through his own hand.

The intricate calculations had left him completely under control.

To the point that, even after being stabbed, he began to question whether he had made a mistake somewhere.

"To be honest, when your father became the King of West Lucozia, the Dragon Guard Pavilion had already placed many pieces on the chessboard. Not only me, but also the former Central Army General of West Lucozia, Marcellus, we were all working for the Dragon Guard Pavilion," Lorenzo said, looking helpless.

"So, you and Marcellus were in this together. I trusted you so much, and I never thought that the ambush back then was your doing!" Dustin's eyes gradually turned bloodshot. "Why? My mother was kind to you, and my father was your blood brother. Why would you betray them?"

"I'm sorry; it was my duty," Lorenzo said, his face filled with guilt. "I'm a spy for the Dragon Guard Pavilion, and I can't shake off that identity. I'm ashamed of what I've done to you and the West Lucozia Mansion, but I had no choice. I owe you in this life, and if there's another, I'd be willing to serve you as a servant."

"I don't understand. The Dragon Guard Pavilion has already been destroyed, so why are you still working for them?" Dustin found it hard to comprehend. The Dragon Guard Pavilion's power was already gone, and logically, as long as Lorenzo didn't expose himself, there would be no danger. He could even use the opportunity to clear his name and live the rest of his life in peace.

He believed that Lorenzo had the capability to remain hidden for over a decade in the West Lucozia Mansion without any risk. So, he couldn't fathom why Lorenzo was going to such extremes.

"Logan, once you make a mistake, there's no turning back. Since the moment I became a spy, there was no way to go back," Lorenzo sighed. "Marcellus is my superior, and he's still alive. He has become the leader of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, and he'll soon make a comeback. I can't escape, and neither can you. It's all predestined."

"Nonsense! Fate is what you make of it!" Dustin suddenly shouted. "People can choose the path they walk, whether it's black or white, right or wrong. It's all a matter of one's own decisions. You chose to persist in your mistakes, so don't act like a victim. I won't forgive you, and all the brave soldiers of West Lucozia who sacrificed themselves back then won't forgive you either. We'll be waiting for you in hell!"

With those words, Dustin suddenly squeezed the red-clothed assassin's neck and then punched Lorenzo.

Since the moment he had been pierced through the chest, he had been on the brink of death.

This punch was his final strike, filled with anger and unwillingness.

He had never thought he would die at the hands of his own people, and he had never imagined Lorenzo would be a traitor.

Chapter 1740: The Art of Escape

All he could do now was go down together with Lorenzo.

"Hmm?" Faced with Dustin's fierce iron fists, Lorenzo's pupils constricted, and he instinctively raised his arms to block.


A muffled sound echoed.

Lorenzo's arms were directly broken by the force of the punch. He flew backward like a sandbag, landing ten meters away, coughing up blood.

"Traitor!" Dustin's eyes widened, preparing to continue pursuing him.

Sensing the danger, Lorenzo quickly formed hand seals and stomped his foot. In an instant, he vanished, leaving behind nothing but a pile of clothes.

This was undoubtedly a mystical technique – the Art of Escape!


As soon as Lorenzo disappeared, Dustin began to vomit blood profusely, swaying on his feet.

His old injuries had not yet healed, he was still poisoned, and he had the fresh wound that pierced through his chest. At this moment, Dustin was on the brink of death, his life slipping away.

"Your Highness!"

Tony let out an unwilling roar, but his own severe injuries left him immobile.

"Brother Dustin!"

Maximus was also stumbling, barely able to stand.

The three of them were in dire straits, each more severely wounded than the other, and the Dragon Guard Pavilion had plenty of assassins still lurking nearby.

"Maximus! Take Tony and go first!" Dustin struggled to support his shattered body, doing his best not to collapse.

As long as he didn't pull the knife out, he could probably hold on for about the time it takes for a joss stick to burn.

"What about you, Brother Dustin?" Maximus was somewhat panicked.

Of the three present, Dustin's injuries were clearly the most severe.

"Don't worry, my cultivation is profound, I won't die," Dustin managed to squeeze out a smile.


"Don't waste words! Take Tony and go!" Dustin shouted, cutting off any further arguments.

Helplessly, Maximus could only support Tony and stagger away.

The assassins from the Dragon Guard Pavilion didn't pursue the two of them. Instead, they surrounded Dustin.

Their target was clear, and the other two were not worth the effort to hunt down.

"Logan Rhys, you're at death's door. Surrender immediately!" Four white-clothed assassins raised their knives, their eyes fixed on him.

Behind them, a group of black-clothed assassins stood. These were the elite of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, each possessing impressive combat abilities.

"You Dragon Guard Pavilion scum, if you're not afraid of death, come and try me!" Dustin grinned fiercely, his eyes filled with resolute determination.

"Attack together! Kill him!" With a command, all the Dragon Guard Pavilion assassins rushed towards Dustin, intent on surrounding and attacking him.

The battle of life and death was unleashed once more.
Chapter 1741: The protective charm

Three minutes later.

All the assassins from the Dragon Guard were lying in a pool of blood.

And Dustin, covered in blood, was swaying, struggling to stand.

His vital signs were getting weaker, and his powerful energy had completely dissipated; he was barely breathing.

The surroundings became increasingly blurry, his heartbeat almost stopping.

"Didn't expect after going through so many ups and downs, I would end up dying at the hands of my own people. How ironic!"

Dustin laughed bitterly, lowered his head to look at the knife in his chest, gripped it with both hands, and pulled it out forcefully.

In an instant, blood splattered everywhere.

If you were going to die, it wouldn't look good to have a knife sticking out of you.

After pulling out the knife, Dustin felt the world spin, and finally, with a heavy "thud," he fell to the ground.

His consciousness turned completely black.

At the same time Dustin fell, a talisman he wore close to his body suddenly started to glow brightly, transforming into a golden light that infused into his forehead and disappeared.

After the talisman entered his body, it instantly turned into a powerful energy that spread through Dustin's limbs and bones.

The bizarre poison released by Lorenzo earlier quickly disintegrated upon contact with this energy, having no resistance whatsoever.

Dustin's internal injuries, including the fatal knife wound he had just suffered, were slowly healing bit by bit under the influence of this energy.

This energy contained a vibrant vitality, pulling Dustin, who had lost his life signs, back from the brink of death.

At this moment, in a private residence several miles away.

Margaret, who was meditating with closed eyes, suddenly trembled, and she spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Her flawless and beautiful face instantly turned pale.

"How could this happen? Has the protective charm been damaged?" Margaret furrowed her brow, calculated with her fingers, and her expression changed drastically.

"Oh no!"

Without further thought, Margaret immediately cast her magic, transforming into a streak of light, heading straight for a certain location.
At this moment, in a secret base of the Dragon Guard.

A man wearing a grimacing mask leaned on a luxurious golden dragon throne, meditating with his eyes closed.

As if he were the supreme ruler of the world.

On his left and right sides stood squads of death soldiers with grim expressions.

These death soldiers were carefully cultivated experts of the Dragon Guard.

They not only practiced dark arts but also constantly tempered their bodies with poisons, making them tireless, painless, and fearless of death.

They had been emotionally sealed off since their training began.

In their eyes, there were no distinctions of gender, age, or morality.

They only followed orders, willing to sacrifice their lives without hesitation to complete their missions.

These death soldiers could no longer be called human; they were killing machines!

They were currently the most powerful force within the Dragon Guard.

"Step, step, step..."

At this moment, a hurried sound of footsteps echoed outside the courtyard gate.

Immediately after, a figure somersaulted into the courtyard.

The figure was clearly heavily injured; with every few steps, a few drops of blood would be left on the ground.

"Cough, cough..."

Emerging from the darkness, the figure appeared inside the hall.

Chapter 1742: It's time to close the net

It was none other than Lorenzo, who had been severely injured by Dustin.

"Elder Lorenzo, are you injured?" the masked man on the dragon throne suddenly spoke, his voice deep and hoarse.

"Just a minor injury, won't kill me," Lorenzo replied, panting, and coughed up a couple of mouthfuls of blood.

"It looks quite serious. Take this medicine," the masked man suddenly waved his hand, and a black pill shot out.

"Thank you," Lorenzo grabbed it without hesitation and swallowed it directly. The elixirs of the Dragon Guard were extremely rare treasures, capable of rapid recovery even from severe injuries. Of course, such elixirs were only enjoyed by the higher-ups.

"Lord Marcellus..." Lorenzo began to say, but was interrupted by the masked man: "My name is Blaze now. You can call me Mr. Blaze or Master Blaze. The previous identity should no longer be mentioned."

"Yes, Master Blaze," Lorenzo bowed his head in acknowledgment.

"Elder Lorenzo, how did you fare with the task I entrusted to you?" Blaze inquired.

"I stabbed Logan Rhys in the heart. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, he should be dead by now," Lorenzo reported.

"Very good!" Blaze nodded in satisfaction. "Elder Lorenzo, you have once again accomplished a great deed."

"Master Blaze, I have followed your orders. Can you release my daughter now?" Lorenzo pleaded. The reason he continued to work for the Dragon Guard was due to being controlled. His daughter, his beloved, had long been imprisoned by the Dragon Guard and could only meet him once a year. If he dared to disobey orders or showed any disloyalty, not only would he die, but his daughter would also suffer torment and humiliation. This was the method the Dragon Guard used to control its agents: simple, brutal, and highly effective.

In order to ensure the safety of his daughter, he had to kill Logan Rhys.

"Elder Lorenzo, your daughter is now safe, living carefree and lavishly every day. You don't need to worry," Blaze said indifferently.

"Master Blaze, you promised me that once this was done, you would let us leave," Lorenzo frowned.

"I did promise you, and I will keep my word, but not now," Blaze's voice was hoarse. "Although you killed Logan Rhys, the mission isn't complete yet. As long as the West Lucozia Palace stands, we won't have peace."

"The power of the West Lucozia Palace is vast. It's not easy to wipe them out," Lorenzo frowned.

"I've been planning for ten years and made thorough preparations," Blaze's tone was calm. "Rufus Rhys is already a dying man; he won't last much longer. Now that Logan Rhys is dead, there will be chaos in the West Lucozia Palace. At that time, I will support a puppet to take control. Once the power of the West Lucozia Palace is in my hands, I will be the ruler of the world!"

As he spoke, Blaze clenched his fist slowly, his ambition soaring. The royal family in Stonia was nothing to worry about, only the West Lucozia Palace posed a real threat. Once he controlled the West Lucozia Palace and the formidable Black Dragon Army of half a million soldiers, he would be the master of the world!

"Master Blaze, must we exterminate them all?" Lorenzo's expression was complicated. "Remember, back in the day, we..."

He couldn't finish his sentence before Blaze interrupted him, "What? Are you feeling sentimental now? Elder Lorenzo, those who achieve great things must be ruthless. Soft-heartedness won't get the job done. Think about your own future, think about your daughter's future. Once you've done certain things, there's no turning back."

"I understand," Lorenzo finally compromised, his thoughts returning to his daughter. "Master Blaze, what are your further orders?"

Blaze lifted a cup and took a sip. "Everything is ready; we just lack the final push. Tomorrow, come with me to the West Lucozia. After all this planning, it's time to close the net."

Chapter 1743: Not just a matter of injury anymore

He didn't know how much time had passed when Dustin gradually woke up from unconsciousness.

His upper body was wrapped in thick bandages, his limbs felt weak, and his breath seemed incredibly feeble.

"I... I'm not dead?" Dustin looked at his palm and then glanced around the room.

The place seemed somewhat familiar, as if he had been here before.

"You're awake?" At that moment, Margaret entered the room, holding a bowl of porridge. "You were severely injured, fortunately, you had a strong foundation; otherwise, it would have been really difficult to save you."

"It was you who saved me?" Dustin was somewhat surprised.

"Who else?" Margaret said indifferently. "The protective charm I gave you protected your heart at the critical moment, infused your body with strong vitality, and finally pulled you back from the brink of death."

"I didn't expect that the protective charm could have such life-saving abilities. Do you still have any of these treasures? Can you give me a couple more?" Dustin shamelessly asked.

There was no choice; it had been too dangerous recently. Either he encountered powerful enemies or there were spies lurking around him. In just a few days, he had experienced several life-and-death situations, so he really needed life-saving treasures.

"Humph! Do you think I'm selling cabbages by the roadside? Say you have it, and you have it?" Margaret retorted unkindly. "Creating one protective charm costs me ten years of lifespan. If the charm is destroyed, I will be injured as well. I've only given protective charms to two people in my lifetime: the Emperor and you."

"Costs ten years of lifespan? That's so precious!" Dustin was taken aback.

Items crafted using lifespan as a resource were extraordinary but extremely harmful to the user. Especially consumables like this, which were used up after one use, were even more precious and valuable.

"Do you think I'm joking with you?" Margaret said lightly. "If your life weren't so crucial, I wouldn't have been willing to give you a protective charm in the first place."

"Princess, I'm deeply grateful for saving my life," Dustin expressed his gratitude.

"What? I save your life, and all I get is a simple 'thank you'?" Margaret teased.

"In the future, if Princess encounters any trouble, I will give my all and even sacrifice my life to help," Dustin declared firmly.

"That sounds more like it," Margaret chuckled.

"Oh, by the way, how long was I unconscious?" Dustin suddenly asked.

"Three days and three nights," Margaret replied.

"What? That long?" Dustin frowned.

"Don't worry, your friends are all alive and well. I've contacted them and arranged safe houses for them. There shouldn't be any problems for the time being," Margaret reassured him.

"That's a relief," Dustin sighed.

He was genuinely afraid that during his unconsciousness, Lorenzo and the Dragon Guard would have hunted down his friends ruthlessly.

"Logan, considering your strength, there are very few people in Stonia who can match you now. I examined your body earlier; you were poisoned and stabbed through the chest. How did you end up in such a state?" Margaret asked cautiously.

Logan was already a grandmaster. Considering the situation where Kylo was killed and most of the core experts of the Dragon Guard were wiped out, there were very few people in Stonia who could inflict fatal injuries on Logan Rhys.

"Don't mention it. There was a traitor by my side. When I was off guard, they stabbed me," Dustin's expression turned cold.

If he encountered a powerful enemy and got seriously injured due to his lack of skill, he would accept it. But being harmed by someone he trusted was not just a matter of injury anymore.

Chapter 1744: Make a plan

"More than that, it's the mental blow that hurts the most," Dustin replied.

"Logan, I must remind you, the lean camel is still bigger than a horse. Although the Dragon Guard has been destroyed, the remaining remnants are still a formidable force. You must be extremely careful," Margaret's tone was grave.

"I understand," Dustin nodded. "After this lesson, I won't tolerate similar incidents happening again."

"That's for the best," Margaret said.

"During my three-day unconsciousness, did anything special happen?" Dustin asked again.

"Your question just reminded me," Margaret said as if she recalled something. "According to the royal family's intelligence, it seems that the remnants of the Dragon Guard have left Stonia. Some of their secret businesses have all been shut down."

"They left Stonia? Where did they go?" Dustin inquired.

"Although there's no exact information, judging from various clues, it seems that the remnants of the Dragon Guard have gone to West Lucozia," Margaret replied.

"West Lucozia?" Dustin raised his eyebrows. "Are they planning to target the West Lucozia Palace?"

"It's very likely," Margaret nodded.

"No, I have to go back immediately!" Dustin said, attempting to get up, but he accidentally pulled at his wound, causing him to gasp in pain.

"Don't move!" Margaret reached out to hold him down. "Your vitality is greatly depleted, and you have a through-and-through wound. Even though I've applied Jade Dew Cream, you still need a few more days of rest to fully recover."

"I don't have time! The Dragon Guard must be prepared. If they are heading to West Lucozia, there must be a major conspiracy. I have to stop them!" Dustin said in a determined tone.

"At your current state, how do you plan to stop them?" Margaret furrowed her brows. "Blaze's strength is unfathomable, and he has a group of experts assisting him. Even in your prime, you wouldn't be able to handle them, let alone now, with your severe injuries."

"Even if I can't stop them, I should at least warn the West Lucozia Palace to let them prepare adequately," Dustin said.

"You don't need to say that. During your unconsciousness, I already sent a secret letter to your father. I believe he will be on guard," Margaret anticipated this.

Hearing this, Dustin couldn't help but be slightly surprised, finding her foresight unexpected.

He hadn't expected Margaret to be so meticulous and prepared in advance.

No wonder Derrick held such a high opinion of his daughter.

"Princess, thank you for everything you've done. However, I still need to return to West Lucozia," Dustin said calmly, sitting up slowly. "Regardless of the situation, the West Lucozia Palace is my home. Facing calamity, I cannot stand idly by."

"You can go back, but you need to make a plan first. Otherwise, your presence might become a weakness for the West Lucozia Palace," Margaret warned.

From her understanding, Rufus Rhys was a man who cherished his son greatly. If Logan Rhys were in danger, he would definitely lose his rationality. At that time, it would give the remnants of the Dragon Guard an opportunity.

"I understand," Dustin nodded. "When I return this time, I won't act openly. I won't make contact with anyone from the West Lucozia Palace. I will investigate in secret and block the Dragon Guard's conspiracy when the time is right."

"That's for the best," Margaret agreed, then continued, "However, facing this situation alone, you might be overwhelmed. So, you'll need some help."

"Rufus Rhys has sent a team of spies to Stonia; they are at my disposal now," Dustin said.

"A team of spies isn't nearly enough," Margaret shook her head. "How about this? I'll accompany you personally. We have many extraordinary people in the Astronomy Bureau, and they all follow my orders now. They should be able to assist you."

Chapter 1745: Female martial arts master

“You?” Dustin couldn't help but be slightly surprised. He glanced up and down at Margaret and said, "Princess, your status is noble, not suitable for such risky endeavors. I can't afford to involve you."

"What? Do you look down on me?" Margaret smiled faintly and then waved her hand.

A sharp white aura suddenly burst out, swiftly passing through the window and directly hitting the artificial mountain in the courtyard.


A loud explosion.

The entire artificial mountain directly shattered into pieces, turning into debris.

"Master-level aura?" Dustin's pupils constricted. "You're actually a martial arts master?"

Because of physiological reasons, it was more challenging for women to practice martial arts than men. Female martial arts masters were extremely rare.

He never expected Margaret, who appeared delicate and gentle, to have already reached the level of a master.

Most importantly, despite their prolonged contact, he hadn't noticed it at all.

This woman hid her abilities quite well.

"My strength might not be as good as yours, but it's not bad either. I can share some of the pressure with you. It won't be a problem," Margaret said lightly.

"If you were a man, the imperial throne would undoubtedly belong to you!" Dustin praised sincerely.

After all, the members of the Astronomy Bureau were not proficient in combat; they mainly focused on divination techniques and various esoteric arts.

Margaret's martial arts expertise, coupled with her proficiency in other techniques, was indeed terrifying.

This was evident from the life-saving charm that could bring people back from the brink of death.

"Don't flatter me. Although I've agreed to help you, it comes with conditions," Margaret said, changing the subject.

"What conditions?" Dustin asked.

"It's simple. You have to help me find the Dragon Source Energy," Margaret got straight to the point. "Of course, once we find it, I won't mistreat you. We can share it equally."

"You are not an emperor, so why are you looking for the dragon source energy?" Dustin was curious.

"The rise and fall of a nation concerns everyone," Margaret replied firmly.

"Alright, you've helped me so many times. I owe you a favor. As long as the West Lucozia Mansion can safely overcome this catastrophe, I will help you find the Dragon Source Energy," Dustin finally agreed.

Margaret had assisted him a lot and even saved his life. This debt of gratitude had to be repaid.

"Good! It's a deal then!" Margaret smiled.

"Princess, I need to return to West Lucozia as soon as possible. Can you arrange it for me?" Dustin asked again.

"No problem, leave it to me," Margaret replied, turning and leaving the room.
The next morning, a private plane took off from Stonia and flew directly to West Lucozia.

Inside the cabin, Dustin looked out of the window at the scenery above the clouds.

At this moment, the sun was rising, casting a reddish glow on the abundant layers of clouds, creating a magnificent sight.

"Logan Rhys..."

At this time, Margaret suddenly walked over and sat in the seat next to him. She held a letter in her hand and said, "This morning, the Heavenly Secrets Pavilion updated three rankings. It's quite interesting. Do you want to take a look?"

"Rankings? What rankings?" Dustin withdrew his gaze.

"The updated rankings are the Divine Weapon Ranking, the Heavenly Prodigy Ranking, and the World-Shocking Ranking."

"In chronological order, let me start with the Divine Weapon Ranking."

"The first place: Yin-Yang Beheading Evil Sword, owner, Devin."

"The second place: Dragon Sparrow Sword, owner, Logan Rhys."

"The third place: Dragon Heart Red Flame Spear, owner, Blaze."

Chapter 1746: Prodigy Ranking

Divine Weapon Ranking

"The fourth place: Blizzard Sword, owner, Hank."

"The fifth place: Tyrant Sword, owner, Jeffrey."

"The sixth place: Star Chaser Sword, owner, Lewis."

"The seventh place: Thunderstorm Blade, owner, Liliana Foster."

"The eighth place: Yellow Springs Sword, owner, Finn Sanchez."

"The ninth place: Azure Sky Sword, owner, Logan Rhys."

"The tenth place: Storm Pear Blossom Needle, owner, Alaric."

Margaret read out the names and owners of the weapons on the Divine Weapon Ranking.

"The Divine Weapon Ranking not only lists the names of the divine weapons but also the respective owners. It's quite detailed," Margaret commented.

"I never expected that I, alone, would possess two weapons in the top ten of the Divine Weapon Ranking. I don't know whether to be happy or worried," Dustin shook his head in amazement.

Being on the Divine Weapon Ranking, although prestigious, also came with significant risks. Possessing divine weapons required not only strength but also the ability to protect these weapons. Otherwise, countless experts would come to seize them.

"Having two divine weapons, you should secretly rejoice. Countless martial artists in the world don't even have a suitable divine weapon. You? You monopolize two. Many people would be envious," Margaret said with a faint smile.

"I'm someone who avoids trouble. Once the Divine Weapon Ranking is announced, there will probably be a continuous stream of experts eyeing my weapons. It's hard to defend against so many threats!" Dustin sighed.

"Don't worry, if someone wants to take your sword, they'll have to weigh their own abilities first. Otherwise, they would just be throwing their lives away. Not many people are that foolish," Margaret smiled.

"Oh? What do you mean?" Dustin raised an eyebrow.

"There are two more rankings. Listen to the rest," Margaret continued. "Next, let me announce the Heavenly Prodigy Ranking. First, let me explain. The Heavenly Prodigy Ranking consists of prodigies under the age of thirty, ranked based on their strength. Pay close attention."

"The top of the Heavenly Prodigy Ranking: Logan Rhys & Finn Sanchez."

"Hmm?" Dustin was taken aback. "Two people?"

"That's right," Margaret nodded. "According to the explanation from the Heavenly Secrets Pavilion, you and Finn Sanchez are both grandmasters, and your strengths are evenly matched. Before a real decisive battle, no one can determine who is stronger. So, they ranked both of you as joint first."

"It's quite elaborate," Dustin nodded.

To be honest, he didn't have confidence in defeating Finn Sanchez. The sword strike that instantly killed Nestor was enough to prove the opponent's strength.

"Next the Heavenly Prodigy Ranking,

The second place: Abigail.

The third place: Liliana Foster.

The fourth place: Scarlet Spanner.

The fifth place: Aaron.

The sixth place: Adam Spanner.

The seventh place: Dominick Mursal.

The eighth place: Wesson.

The ninth place: Alaric.

The tenth place: Kooper.’’

Margaret explained the rankings on the Heavenly Prodigy list in detail.

After listening, Dustin curiously asked, "I've heard of most people on the Heavenly Prodigy Ranking, but this Kylen is new to me. What's her background?"

"Speaking of Liliana Foster, she has some connection with your mother's family," Margaret explained. "Your mother's surname is Foster, and this Liliana Foster is also from the Foster family. She comes from your mother's lineage. However, this person is quite mysterious; the Foster family has protected her very well. She gained fame only recently, and her specific abilities are still unknown."

"So, she's from the Foster family..." Dustin narrowed his eyes, lost in thought. He had little knowledge about his mother's family, as she had never mentioned it before. The only certainty was that this Foster family was not simple.

Chapter 1747: New World Shocking Ranking

"Anyway, regardless of the circumstances, this Liliana Foster being ranked third on the Heavenly Prodigy Ranking must have exceptional abilities. If you have the chance, you should get to know her. After all, you're relatives," Margaret half-jokingly said.

"Whether she's friend or enemy remains to be seen. I don't have any good feelings toward the Foster family," Dustin replied casually. His mother, a gentle and kind woman, had been forced to leave home by the Foster family, a fact she had never mentioned over the years. Just this alone showed that the Foster family was no benevolent group. As for Liliana Foster, she had absolutely no connection with him.

Of course, he had to admit that the Foster family had unique strengths in cultivating talents.

"Oh, by the way, Princess, with your abilities, you should be able to make it onto the Heavenly Prodigy Ranking, right? Why didn't I see your name?" Dustin suddenly asked.

"This is a list from the martial world, and members of the royal family are not included," Margaret smiled faintly. "In fact, although the Heavenly Secrets Pavilion has a powerful intelligence network, it can't guarantee perfection. All these rankings are just for reference and may not be entirely accurate. The Dragon Kingdom is vast, with hidden talents in every corner. Perhaps there are some peerless experts hiding in places we don't know about."

"That makes sense," Dustin nodded.

Indeed, there were always people beyond the list, as the saying goes, there are skies beyond skies, and people beyond people. Who could guarantee that outside the Heavenly Prodigy Ranking, there were no even more formidable prodigies?

"Now, I'll announce the last list, the World Shocking Ranking," Margaret continued. "The World Shocking Ranking includes the top experts of the Dragon Kingdom; those who make it onto this list are titans in their own right."

"First on the World Shocking Ranking is the ageless Dragon Tiger Mountain's Old Celestial Master, Devin."

"The second and third positions on the World Shocking Ranking have undergone significant changes," Margaret continued. "Previously, it was the former leader of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, Kylo, and the Sword Master of the West Lucozia, Bloodstrike Zenon."

"Now, the second position is the Sword Sect Master, Hank."

"The third position is the leader of the Worldly Sect, Darwin."

"The fourth position is the leader of the Witchcraft Sect, Evelyn Morgan."

"The fifth position is the new leader of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, Blaze."

"The sixth position is the heir of the Dragon Tiger Mountain Celestial Master, Marlon."

"The seventh position is the Lord of the Cold Frost City, Lewis."

"The eighth position is the leader of the Black List, Old Ghost Shane."

"The ninth position is the Lord of the Hunter Mountain, Ivan."

"The tenth position is Logan Rhys."

Margaret paused here and then smiled, "How about it? As the tenth strongest in the world, do you think others would dare to covet your weapons after seeing this list?"

The prestige of the World Shocking Ranking far surpassed that of the Heavenly Prodigy Ranking. Now, Logan Rhys and Hank not only excelled on the Heavenly Prodigy Ranking but also made it onto the World Shocking Ranking. This achievement was unparalleled.

"Hearing you say that, the Shocking Prodigy Ranking still has a deterrent effect?" Dustin raised his eyebrows.

"Of course! You should know that those who make it onto the World Shocking Ranking are all top experts, starting at the Grandmaster level. Who would dare to challenge them? It would be seeking their own death," Margaret said confidently.

Chapter 1748: Back to home West Lucozia

"It seems to make some sense," Dustin nodded.

"The changes in this year's World shaking List are significant. Both Kylo and Zenon have fallen, Nate Reynolds's whereabouts are unknown, and Nestor was killed by a single sword. Four of last year's top ten are gone, which is a heavy loss. Fortunately, new strong contenders have entered the list, filling the gap. Truly, the world always has new talents emerging to replace the old ones!" Margaret sighed.

"Do you know anything about the newcomers on the list?" Dustin suddenly asked.

"Fifth place is Blaze, the new head of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. My father mentioned this person to you before; he is actually Marcellus with a changed name. With Kylo's death, he managed to rise through the ranks. Regarding why he wasn't on the World shaking List before and how he reached such a high rank now, I'm not entirely sure," Margaret replied.

"I know about Blaze, but I don't understand why he wasn't on the list before, and now, after Kylo's death, he's on the list with such a high ranking," Dustin found it puzzling.

"Well, Blaze is a person who keeps a low profile. Previously, because Kylo overshadowed him, he went unnoticed. Now that Kylo is gone, Blaze has smoothly risen to power and, using ruthless means, gained control over all the remaining members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. It was only at this point that the Heavenly Secrets Pavilion realized how remarkable he is. Ranking him at fifth place is a conservative estimate; his true strength is likely no less than that of the leaders of the Three Great Sects," Margaret's tone grew serious.

"That powerful?" Dustin furrowed his brows slightly.

The strong individuals on the World shaking List all had significant differences in their rankings. Previously, Zenon had easily defeated three top Earthshaking List experts with his own strength. That alone spoke volumes about the disparities in their power. He had also battled Nestor, and their strengths were fairly evenly matched, with Rhys having to use secret techniques to gain a slight advantage. Even the tenth-ranked Nestor was incredibly strong, so Blaze, ranked fifth, was undoubtedly terrifying. If they were to encounter him, it might be a question of survival, let alone winning.

"To become the Deputy Pavilion Master of the Dragon Guard Pavilion is certainly no ordinary achievement," Margaret said with a serious tone. "And the Dragon Guard Pavilion continually produces strong individuals; even if Zenon eliminated a large portion of them with a single sword, the remaining few are still not to be underestimated. Our journey to the West Lucozia this time is full of danger."

"Really? Are you afraid? If you have any regrets, you can turn back now," Dustin said with a smile.

"Promises are meant to be kept, and besides, without my help, you might not be able to stand against the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion," Margaret replied.

"Princess, you are absolutely right. When we return to West Lucozia, I'll rely on you entirely," Dustin clasped his fist.

"Enough with the nonsense. You are the host, after all. I can only assist," Margaret said, somewhat annoyed.

"Those who are capable should take on more responsibilities. Right now, I'm a patient and need proper rest," Dustin feigned weakness.

"Hehe... looking at you like this, you seem to have the energy to take on a whole bull. You don't look like a patient at all," Margaret rolled her eyes.

She was genuinely surprised by Logan Rhys's rapid recovery. Just overnight, most of his injuries had healed, and in another two or three days, he would likely be back to full strength. Such a strong physical constitution was truly remarkable.

"Princess, there's still plenty of time. Take a rest for now. I'll wake you when we arrive in West Lucozia," Dustin said.

"Okay, I'll take a nap," Margaret nodded and then sat beside him, closing her eyes to rest.

Time passed quickly, and before they knew it, it was late afternoon. The plane began its descent.

Finally, they had arrived in West Lucozia...

Chapter 1749: Tale of extraordinary leadership

West Lucozia, the royal city.

After Dustin and Margaret disembarked from the plane, they got into a discreetly marked business car, going about their business without attracting any attention. For this trip, the team of spies and personal guards had arrived in West Lucozia the previous night, adding to the secrecy and safety of their mission.

Inside the car, Margaret looked out the window at the bustling streets, appearing somewhat amazed. Compared to the lively streets of Stonia, West Lucozia presented a completely different scene. The regional landscape, as well as the cultural customs, were significantly distinct from Stonia, giving Margaret, who rarely left the capital, a sense of novelty.

"I never expected West Lucozia to change so much. I remember that when I used to visit here as a child, most of the buildings were low-rise. Yet, in just over a decade, it's become as prosperous as Stonia," Margaret marveled as she observed the surroundings.

"Yes, West Lucozia has indeed undergone substantial changes. I can hardly recognize the streets myself," Dustin said, with a complex expression. After a decade apart, returning to his homeland was a journey into a changed world. Even if he were to visit the royal palace now, most people would probably not recognize him.

"It has to be said that your father is truly remarkable," Margaret expressed her admiration. "I've heard from my father that more than twenty years ago, West Lucozia was a barren land, plagued by constant warfare, and the people were suffering. It was a time of desolation and famine."

"It was only when King Rufus Rhys of West Lucozia appeared that everything began to change. Rufus Rhys hailed from a prominent family in Stonia and displayed extraordinary military talent from a young age. From the moment he joined the military, he achieved remarkable feats in every battle, making him famous for his unparalleled martial prowess. At a young age, he was already a marquis and was seen as having a limitless future in Stonia."

"However, nobody could have predicted the shocking decision he would make. He decided to settle in West Lucozia, guarding the border. At the time, West Lucozia was a wild land, ravaged by warlords and internal strife. There were frequent incursions by barbarians from enemy states."

"Practically everyone in the court and the military was reluctant to deal with this mess. But Rufus Rhys did just that. After settling in West Lucozia, he had only 300 personal guards with him. Yet, within a short span of three years, he managed to subdue all the warlord factions in the eighteen cities of West Lucozia."

"When the news reached Stonia, it caused a sensation. Nobody could understand how Rufus Rhys had achieved this. To the entire court and military, it seemed like an incredible feat. Since then, Rufus Rhys began recruiting soldiers, forming his first army, the Black Dragon Army."

"At first, the Black Dragon Army's reputation was not well known, and no one had high expectations. However, their first battle against the west barbarians astonished everyone. With just 8,000 West Lucozia cavalry, they routed an army of 200,000 barbarians."

Dustin nodded in agreement with Margaret's retelling of the tale. The story of his father's accomplishments was indeed an inspiring one.

And so, he rose to fame!

Over the next ten years, the western barbarians launched multiple invasions, large and small, engaging in dozens of battles, only to be defeated each time by the Black Dragon Army.

One of the most famous battles saw Rufus Rhys leading a hundred thousand cavalry in pursuit of fifty thousand barbarians. They chased the enemy from within their territory to the outskirts, conquering fifteen cities along the way. They even reached the gates of the barbarian emperor's palace. The barbarian emperor was so terrified that he fled for his life and, at the same time, sought peace with the Dragonmarsh.

If not for the Dragon Guard Pavilion's interference, which issued nine golden decrees to urgently recall Rufus Rhys to the capital, that battle could have likely led to the fall of the barbarian state.

After that battle, the barbarians were thoroughly defeated and dared not encroach upon the Dragonmarsh's borders for more than a decade. The people of West Lucozia were able to recover and rebuild their homes, thanks to Rufus Rhys's extraordinary leadership. Under his guidance, the previously barren land of West Lucozia became a flourishing region, rivaling Stonia in prosperity.

This was an unprecedented and unparalleled achievement. Therefore, I say that your father, King Rufus Rhys, truly deserves his title of the King of West Lucozia!"

As Margaret finished, there was a hint of admiration in her beautiful eyes. Figures like Rufus Rhys were indeed once-in-a-millennium heroes.

"I didn't expect you to know so much," Dustin said, taking a deep breath. "To be honest, I've never heard Rufus Rhys talk about all this. I knew he held power and influence, but I never really knew about his life because, in front of me, he was always so carefree and unimposing, never serious or imposing."

"Rufus Rhys is not only a great king but also a great father. The past is in the past. I hope you can cherish the time you have with him from now on," Margaret said with a solemn tone.

The peace and prosperity of the Dragonmarsh owed much to Rufus Rhys's efforts. She genuinely wished that this legendary king could have a happy and fulfilling life and a peaceful end.

"From now on? Is there still a 'from now on'?" Dustin muttered to himself, his expression turning somber.

Rufus Rhys had dedicated his life to the country, tirelessly working for the people and his family. Now, as he neared the end of his life, what could Dustin, as his son, do for him?

Faced with mortality, he suddenly realized that the misunderstandings and conflicts of the past were insignificant.

"Logan Rhys, where should we go next?" Margaret suddenly asked.

"We should visit the Rhys Family Graveyard," Dustin turned his head to look out the window and softly said, "I haven't been back in ten years, and I need to pay my respects to my mother."

At her words, Margaret nodded slightly, showing her understanding and didn't say more.

The Queen of Lucozia was a rare heroine among women. Her acquaintance and relationship with King Rufus of West Lucozia was a legendary tale that lingered in people's hearts. It was a pity that fate was unkind, and her talents were envied by the heavens. If not for the schemes of the Dragon Guard Pavilion back then, Queen of Lucozia might have lived a fulfilling life now, wouldn't she?

Chapter 1750: Rhys Family Graveyard

The Rhys Family Graveyard, also known as the King Family Mausoleum, covered an area of 800 mu (about 53 hectares). The landscape within was picturesque, featuring lush trees, wide pathways, and various amenities. The graveyard was adorned with an abundance of flowers, plants, and trees that offered different seasonal views. In spring, cherry blossoms bloomed, creating a dazzling sea of flowers; summer showcased lush greenery and pleasant coolness; autumn saw falling maple leaves and breathtaking beauty; and winter brought a pristine landscape covered in snow.

The Rhys Family Graveyard was open to the public and not only housed members of the Rhys family but also many generals and soldiers who had contributed to the West Lucozia region. Every year during the Tomb Sweeping Day and Double Ninth festivals, the graveyard became crowded with people. Some came to pay their respects to deceased loved ones, while others came to express gratitude to the martyrs.

This aspect of West Lucozia culture was highly valued because the people understood that their current peaceful and prosperous lives were all thanks to the sacrifices made by these heroes.

An hour later, Dustin and Margaret arrived at the main entrance of the Rhys Family Graveyard. To avoid revealing their true identities, both had undergone simple disguises. Margaret wore a textile human-skin mask and assumed a more ordinary face. This had been their prepared plan before coming, as they couldn't wear veils and headscarves all the time in West Lucozia, as that would draw even more attention.

It's worth noting that even with a changed, ordinary face, Margaret still exuded an extraordinary presence. Her figure and temperament made her stand out, and as she walked through the graveyard, she attracted the attention of many onlookers. This was the charisma of being the top-ranked beauty on the Rouge List, which emanated an inexplicable allure.

Dustin, guided by his memory, proceeded step by step deeper into the graveyard. If he remembered correctly, his mother's grave should be located at the farthest end of the graveyard, in a more secluded area.

After walking for approximately fifteen minutes, Dustin finally found Queen of Lucozia's tomb. Compared to the other graves, the Queen of Lucozia's tomb was undoubtedly more magnificent. It was enclosed by a stone wall and featured an arched stone gate at its center.

Directly in front of the stone gate stood a lifelike statue of Queen of Nora. Fresh flowers surrounded the statue, indicating that people regularly came to pay their respects.

In West Lucozia, Queen Nora's reputation was second only to King Rufus Rhys. When Rufus Rhys was busy with military development, defense against external threats, and suppression of bandits, it was Queen Nora who managed all internal affairs in West Lucozia. Whether it was economic development, improving the lives of the people, or maintaining social order, everything was well-organized under Queen Nora's administration.

During difficult times, Queen Nora worked alongside the common people, laboring and sharing meals with them, never displaying the airs of a queen. Thanks to her dedicated efforts, Queen Nora laid a solid foundation for West Lucozia. This in turn contributed to the legendary life of King Rufus Rhys, the invincible legend of the Black Dragon Army, and the prosperity of West Lucozia today. Together with King Rufus Rhys, Queen Nora had built this world.

Even after ten years had passed, people continued to visit Queen Nora's statue every day to express their gratitude.

Looking at the statue in front of him, Dustin's eyes almost welled up with tears. Even though ten years had passed, his mother's face and her smile seemed as if it had been just yesterday. Normally, he didn't think about her, but now, with the sight of her image, the warmth of her presence, and the longing in his heart overwhelmed him.

"Mom, I'm sorry. Your son came too late," Dustin walked up to the statue, and with a thud, he knelt down, his eyes slightly red, and his lips trembling. "I can't believe ten years have gone by, and your unfilial son only comes to visit you now."

"I promised that I would find the culprits and avenge you. Before that, I couldn't bear to face you."

"It's been ten years now. The hidden hand behind the scenes has been vanquished, and those accomplices from back then have either died or suffered severe injuries. Now, only a few remnants are left."

"I promise, I will hunt down and exterminate those who harmed you. I will make those monsters pay in blood!"
I like how you translate your words, so I can settle in because your pace has picked up.
I'm just appreciate of everyone who translates some of yall are some impatient people these guys work hard don't wuna wait add to the help like geaz
Chapter 1751: A mother and son talk

Dustin lowered his head and knocked the ground three times heavily.

The mastermind, Kylo, has been identified, and with him the Dragon Guard Pavilion has been destroyed. Now, only Blaze and Lorenzo remain.
As long as this force is eliminated, he will have completely avenged his mother.

"Mom... , I really miss you!" Dustin muttered softly as he looked at the stone statue in front of him.

In his memory, his father worked tirelessly for the state and rarely returned home, while his mother worked hard to raise him.

When he was young, he was rebellious and thought his mother was too strict, and he often received a few canings on his backside.

Now that he has grown up, he understands his mother's painstaking care.

As the heir to the West Lucozia, he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. In such an environment, if not for his mother's wise guidance, he could have easily become a spoiled playboy.

He owes his success to his mother's careful upbringing.

Whether it's martial arts, military strategy, medicine, or even some esoteric arts, they all stem from his mother's education.
His mother not only gave him life but also paved the way for his future.


Seeing the sorrowful Dustin, Margaret sighed softly and wisely chose to step aside.

She knew that a mother and son who hadn't seen each other for many years needed to talk.

One hour later.

After pouring out his heart, Dustin knocked the statue of his mother heavily three times and finally stood up.

At this moment, the sky had darkened, and in the vast graveyard, there were only a few scattered people, occasionally accompanied by mournful cries.

"I'm sorry for making you wait so long,"

Dustin regained his composure and walked over to Margaret, who had been waiting for a while.

"It's nothing,"

Margaret shook her head slightly. "I've always admired the character of the Queen of Nora. It's an honor for me to see her statue here."

"The sky has darkened; let's find a place to rest," Dustin changed the subject.

"I've already arranged it. It's an old house to the west of the city. Our identities will be like siblings returning to their hometown. As long as they don't investigate too closely, no one will be able to tell," Margaret said.

"That's good," Dustin nodded.

He genuinely admired Margaret's efficiency. She considered every detail thoroughly.

Just as the two were about to leave the mausoleum, a mournful cry suddenly reached their ears.

"Dad! Why did you leave so early? If you hadn't died on the battlefield back then, our family wouldn't have suffered so much humiliation."

"Dad! Those bullies were truly despicable. They not only crippled my leg but also killed our mother and insulted my sister."

"If you can hear us from the heavens, you must punish those beasts!"

The wailing was loud, filled with despair and resentment.

Dustin and Margaret exchanged glances and then walked toward the source of the sound together.

In front of a general's grave, they saw a young man in his twenties kneeling on the ground, weeping bitterly.

The young man was covered in wounds, and his left leg had been broken, wrapped in thick bandages, making him look quite disheveled.

Dustin's gaze shifted upward, and when he saw the tombstone in front of the young man, his pupils contracted involuntarily.

Chapter 1752: Pay our respects to our loved ones


After reading the tombstone, Dustin raised an eyebrow, appearing somewhat surprised.

He had recognized the owner of this general's grave, Ares, who had been the vice-commander of the Black Dragon Army's vanguard back in the day. The vanguard forces were handpicked elites, and becoming a vice-commander meant having exceptional qualities.

In his memory, Ares was known for his natural strength and ferocity on the battlefield, achieving great deeds and countless enemy kills. He had played a significant role in pacifying the West Lucozia under Rufus Rhys's rule and defending against external threats.

After Ares's sacrifice, he had been posthumously promoted to commander of the vanguard forces, and his funeral had been grand. His descendants had also enjoyed various privileges and honors.

In theory, Ares's descendants should have led happy lives. So, why had their situation become so miserable?

What had happened?

With these thoughts in mind, Dustin walked slowly towards the young man, intending to find out more.

"Who are you?!"

At that moment, the young man seemed to sense their presence and turned suddenly, displaying a hint of wariness on his face.

"Don't be nervous; we're here to pay our respects to our loved ones, just like you," Dustin quickly explained.

"To pay respects to your loved ones?"

The young man examined them from top to bottom, and while he slightly eased his guard, a trace of vigilance still remained in his eyes.

"Yes, we heard some commotion earlier, so we came to check," Dustin explained.

"I'm sorry; I was a bit emotional just now. I hope you can understand," the young man apologized.

"It's okay, I understand," Dustin nodded and looked at the tombstone, pretending to be surprised. "Oh! Isn't this the renowned General Ares's grave? Could it be that you are a descendant of General Ares?"

"I'm Philip, and my father is indeed Ares. Do you know my father?" the young man, Philip, asked cautiously.

"General Ares had an illustrious career, and his name was known far and wide. Who in West Lucozia doesn't know him? Among all the generals in West Lucozia, General Ares is the one I admire the most," Dustin expressed his admiration.

Though the statement sounded somewhat flattering, it was entirely genuine. Dustin deeply respected all the generals in West Lucozia who had sacrificed for their country and people.

"My father did have a splendid career, but unfortunately, he passed away too early," Philip sighed deeply.

"Brother Philip, as a descendant of General Ares, you should be enjoying honor and respect. Why have things turned out the way they have now?" Dustin inquired.

"It's all because of those despicable bullies!" Philip first cursed and then seemed to think better of it. He hesitated, as if he dared not say more.

"Brother Philip, I greatly admire General Ares's character. If you ever encounter any trouble, you can tell me directly. I have connections in West Lucozia and should be able to assist you," Dustin offered.

"Sigh... It's no use," Philip shook his head, wearing a bitter expression. "Those bullies are influential and powerful individuals, and they have very strong backing. You can't beat them. It's better to forget about it."

Chapter 1753: Heroes Club

"Even if I can't challenge them, isn't there the West Lucozia King? Their influence can't be greater than that of the West Lucozia royal palace, right?" Dustin asked.

"Friend, things aren't as simple as you think. Those bullies come from prominent families, and many have close connections with the West Lucozia royal palace. It's not just about personal relationships; there are also vested interests involved. No one dares to touch them," Philip lamented.

"Are you saying that the Prince of West Lucozia wouldn't intervene against such parasites?" Dustin furrowed his brow.

Considering Rufus Rhys's character, it was inconceivable for him to tolerate such injustices.

"Sigh... The Prince is busy with state affairs; how could he concern himself with such trivial matters? Besides, those corrupt officials have covered up all these ugly affairs, so the Prince couldn't possibly know, let alone have the chance to seek justice for us," Philip shook his head.

"I never imagined that West Lucozia would decay to such an extent," Dustin's expression darkened.

As the heir to West Lucozia, seeing former heroes oppressed and unable to seek redress left him deeply indignant.

If even someone like the son of General Ares had fallen to this state, it was evident how ordinary people must be suffering.

"The present-day West Lucozia is not what it used to be," Philip lamented. "The Prince has grown older, and his health isn't what it used to be. He can't personally handle many matters, which gives those corrupt officials the opportunity. Although West Lucozia appears prosperous on the surface, it's filled with internal corruption. Such injustices are becoming increasingly common."

"Brother Philip, when you encounter such issues, I can't turn a blind eye. Please, tell me what's troubling you. I promise to seek justice on your behalf," Dustin said with a serious expression.

"Well..." Philip seemed hesitant.

It was clear that the person in front of him was a passionate young man, but he was worried about involving the stranger in his problems.

"Mr. Philip, you don't need to hold back. Our friend here holds significant power in West Lucozia. If you speak up, he will surely be able to help you. But if you remain silent, we won't be able to assist you. This is your only chance," Margaret interjected, urging him to share his concerns.

Upon hearing this, Philip looked around, ultimately nodding. He had no other choice at this point; he had to try anything that might help. Perhaps encountering them in this graveyard was a sign that his father's spirit was watching over them.

"Good, I'll speak," Philip took a deep breath and began to explain, "The one who harmed my family is a libertine named Steven Seagal. He comes from the powerful Seagal family and is surrounded by a group of officials' children. They've formed an alliance called the 'Heroes' Club' within the city, and they act with impunity."

"Some time ago, Steven became interested in my sister and started pestering her to marry him. When my sister refused, he resorted to all kinds of threats and enticements. Three days ago, I saw Steven harassing my sister, and in my anger, I punched him. That night, he had someone set fire to our house, and my mother was burned to death while I was severely beaten. My sister was abducted and subjected to unspeakable abuses, and her whereabouts remain unknown to this day. Steven even threatened that if I dared to report him or take this to court, he'd wipe out my entire family."

"These bastards have absolutely no morals," Philip concluded, his eyes burning with hatred.

He loathed Steven and his gang of bullies who harassed women and resorted to arson and violence. He also despised his own powerlessness in protecting his family.

"Murder, arson, and the abduction of innocent girls; these individuals truly have no conscience!" Margaret's face grew cold, her anger evident.

As for Dustin, his expression darkened considerably. He stepped forward, helping Philip to his feet, and said with great solemnity, "Brother Philip, rest assured, I will handle this matter. I will make sure these scoundrels pay the price for their actions!"

Chapter 1754: When you see injustice, draw your sword

Upon hearing Dustin's assurance, Philip was filled with gratitude. "If you can truly help me rescue my sister and seek vengeance for my mother, I, Philip, will be forever in your debt and serve you faithfully," he said, tears welling up in his eyes. He was about to kneel down in gratitude.

However, Dustin quickly stopped him and solemnly said, "Brother Philip, there's no need for excessive courtesy. As the saying goes, when you see injustice, draw your sword and help. Any true West Lucozia resident wouldn't tolerate such actions."

"Sir Dustin, this is not the place for discussion. There's a teahouse outside the cemetery. Shall we go there and discuss our strategy together?" Margaret suggested.

"Alright..." Dustin nodded.

With the help of his crutch, Philip, accompanied by Dustin and Margaret, left the cemetery and eventually arrived at a teahouse called "Fragrant Tea House."

The teahouse had two levels. The first floor was for enjoying tea, watching performances, and listening to music. It was relatively lively, with several people seated around. The second floor had private rooms, offering better privacy and a quieter atmosphere.

Dustin and his companions booked a private room and ordered a pot of tea and some exquisite snacks.

"Brother Philip, I need to ask you a few questions to better understand the situation," Dustin said, pouring a cup of hot tea and pushing it in front of Philip.

Philip's throat was parched, and he promptly downed the entire cup, responding, "Dustin, feel free to ask, and I'll answer truthfully."

"Alright, I want to know, do you have any information about where this Steven is now?" Dustin inquired.

"Steven's whereabouts are uncertain most of the time. He often frequents nightclubs, bars, and KTV joints," Philip replied. Suddenly, he recalled something and added, "Oh, I remember now. Steven owns a bar called 'Midnight Bar.' When he's not doing anything, he brings a group of friends to drink there, and the place is also involved in some shady dealings."

"Midnight Bar?" Dustin nodded. He then asked, "How is your sister doing now? Do you have any information about her?"

"My sister's situation is unknown to me," Philip replied. "Since her abduction, we've had no contact with her. Steven's group is keeping her hidden, and I fear for her safety."

Upon hearing the mention of his sister, Philip tightened his grip on the teacup, revealing a mix of sorrow, anger, and humiliation. "Since they kidnapped my sister, her whereabouts remain unknown. I've asked friends for information, but as soon as they hear Steven's name, they're too afraid to contact me."

"It seems that Steven is indeed infamous. Brother Philip, please remain patient. I will do my best to rescue your sister as soon as possible," Dustin assured him.

Dustin then turned to Margaret and said, "Margaret, please send someone to Midnight Bar to investigate if Steven is there."

"Of course," Margaret nodded, then left the private room to arrange for her agents to investigate.

"Brother Dustin, Steven's power and influence may be significant. Are you truly confident in dealing with him?" Philip asked cautiously.

"You need not worry, Brother Philip. Under heaven, there is no such thing as an invincible power. No matter how influential Steven's group may be, they cannot completely control everything. Once we rescue your sister, I will report this matter to the West Lucozia King. At that point, justice will be served," Dustin responded earnestly.

"If that's the case, then that would be wonderful," Philip Hoffman said with a glimmer of hope.

The man before him was exceptional and appeared to have strong connections in the capital. He exuded confidence and, if he could bring this matter to the king's attention, the Hoffman family might have a chance.

"We've found him," Margaret returned after a while. "According to our sources, Steven is indeed at Midnight bar."

"Good, let's go there now," Dustin stood up, ready to leave.

"I'll go with you," Philip attempted to follow.

"Philip Brother, your mobility is limited. Please rest here. We will notify you as soon as there's news," Dustin suggested.

"But..." Philip hesitated.

"Philip Brother, there's no need to worry. I will keep my promise to you," Dustin assured him with a pat on his shoulder.

Chapter 1755: A plan of good thrashing

"Alright," Philip nodded, glancing at his limp leg. He realized that his presence might be more of a hindrance than help, and he agreed to stay behind.

"Oh, by the way, Brother Philip, do you have a picture of your sister? It will help us avoid any mistaken identities," Dustin inquired.

"Yes, here it is," Philip immediately took out his phone and showed Dustin and Margaret a photo of him with his sister.

Dustin glanced at the photo and nodded. He couldn't deny that Philip's sister was beautiful, with fair skin and a bright smile, appearing lively and cheerful. Her beauty might have attracted the attention of bullies like Steven.

"Brother Dustin, Steven's subordinates are quite formidable. Please be cautious," Philip cautioned with a serious tone.

As the son of a general, he had received martial arts training from a young age, and his combat abilities were not to be underestimated. However, when he faced Steven's subordinates, he found himself unable to withstand even a few moves due to a significant difference in strength.

"Don't worry, I'll handle it with care. Wait for our news here," Dustin reassured him with a calm smile before departing with Margaret.

In the car, Margaret suddenly spoke, "Logan, the quickest way to resolve this matter is to inform your father and let him handle it. But for now, we shouldn't involve your father."

"My father is the West Lucozia's Crown Prince, and he wields great power. I'm concerned that if we involve him in this matter, it might create a stir," Dustin explained. "Furthermore, there may be individuals within the royal court who have ties to Seagal's family."

"If I inform my father, King Rufus Rhys, to handle this matter, Steven and his group might receive the news before my father even sets out. By then, they could escape," Dusytin explained. "In that case, handling the situation will become more troublesome. It's better for us to act directly and independently."

Dustin was concerned that involving his father might draw too much attention, and he knew that political ties and interference from others could complicate matters.

Margaret nodded in agreement, "You make a valid point. If the officials protect each other, capturing Steven will be even more challenging. Fortunately, it's wiser to take immediate action, apprehend Steven, and then dig deeper to dismantle the entire network of influence behind him."

Dustin continued, "Another important factor is that remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion might be lurking, and we need to locate them discreetly. We can't afford to meet with Rufus Rhys prematurely as it might risk revealing our intentions."

He knew that there were likely spies within the royal court, including those close to his father. Thus, he couldn't make any hasty moves that could jeopardize their plan.

Margaret looked at Dustin curiously, "Your thoughts are quite meticulous. So, what's your plan for the immediate next steps?"

Dustin responded with a wry smile, "What's my plan? Well, let's just meet them and give them a good thrashing. That should solve everything."

Margaret was taken aback, "What? That's your plan?"

Dustin nodded, "Is there another way?"

Margaret was momentarily speechless. Meeting with them and immediately resorting to violence seemed like a rather straightforward approach, to say the least.

Chapter 1756: This place is not suitable for me

"Half an hour later.

A business car stopped in front of the Midnight Bar.

Dustin and Margaret got out of the car one after another, both of them disguised, so they were not worried about their identities being exposed.

Midnight Bar was quite large, and there was a line outside.

Fortunately, Dustin and Margaret had undercover agents to assist them, so they smoothly entered the bar.

Inside the bar, the noise was deafening, and the lights were dazzling.

A group of men and women danced wildly to the music, releasing their passion to the fullest.

Dustin frowned slightly; he really didn't like this noisy environment.

"What? You rarely come to bars?" Margaret smiled.

"I can only say that this place is not suitable for me," Dustin replied.

He would rather stay at home and read a book than suffer in a place like this.

"You can give it a try when you have the chance. Look, how happy they are dancing," Margaret smiled.

"A life of revelry and indulgence is just a passing cloud. If everyone is like this, the country won't be strong anymore," Dustin said lightly.

"You are really boring. Now the people of West Lucozia are living in peace and contentment. Isn't that a good thing?" Margaret said.

"Living in peace and contentment is indeed good, but we must not forget our original intentions. The prosperity of West Lucozia today is all thanks to the martyrs who exchanged it with their blood. If even heroes like Philip are bullied and have nowhere to seek justice, then we need to address the fundamental issues. After prosperity, there are too many vermin breeding," Dustin said solemnly.

While they were talking, the undercover agent beside them suddenly pointed to a certain place on the second floor and said, "Look, that's Steven!"

Dustin followed the direction of the voice and saw a young man with slicked-back hair, wearing earrings and flamboyantly dressed, sitting in a private room on the second floor, drinking with a group of friends."

"And each person had two attractive women by their side. They drank and indulged themselves, touching and flirting, having a great time.

"Guard the entrance. If anything unusual happens, inform us immediately," Dustin instructed the undercover agent. Then, he and Margaret proceeded upstairs.

However, when they reached the staircase, they were blocked by two burly bodyguards.

"Upstairs is private territory. Outsiders are not allowed to approach," one of the bodyguards said.

"I'm here to see Steven, I have something to discuss," Dustin said calmly.

"Do you know Young Master Steven?" The bodyguard scrutinized him suspiciously.

"What? Do you have a problem?" Dustin shot a cold glance.

His arrogant attitude intimidated the two bodyguards instead.

It was known that those who could associate with Steven were either wealthy heirs or high-ranking officials. The fact that the man in front of them could call Steven by his full name clearly indicated he was no ordinary person.

"Wait for a moment, I'll inform Young Master Steven." One of the bodyguards said little and swiftly ran upstairs. He whispered something to Steven and gestured in Dustin's direction.

Steven glanced at Dustin and then let his gaze linger on Margaret's seductive figure. Despite the disguise, as the top beauty on the Rouge List, Margaret still had a considerable allure for men.

"Let them come up," Steven nodded.

People who came to see him daily were countless. In his view, Dustin and Margaret were likely here to curry favor with him. Normally, he wasn't interested in meeting such people, but the woman seemed a bit different—she had a certain charm.

"Please, both of you, Young Master Steven invites you upstairs," the bodyguard came back and made a welcoming gesture toward Dustin and Margaret.

Chapter 1757: Didn't know the meaning of life and death

Dustin remained silent, calmly ascending the stairs and naturally taking a seat opposite Steven. He casually crossed his legs, an action that clearly showed his disregard for the situation. Steven, feeling increasingly irritated, furrowed his brows.

"Hey! Kid! Who the hell do you think you are? Did I ask you to sit?" Steven glared, clearly displeased.

"Are you Steven?" Dustin poured himself a drink, asking straightforwardly.



"How dare you address Young Master Steven directly? Are you tired of living?" Steven's friends around him started to clamor.

They were all children of officials, and together, they formed a group of influential individuals, often bullying others without consequence. Anyone disrespectful to them was practically digging their own grave.

"I'm asking you, are you Steven?" Dustin took a sip of his drink, speaking again.

"You...!" One of Steven's associates was about to lose his temper but was stopped by Steven, who raised his hand. He then sneered, "Kid, do you even know who you're talking to? Daring to call me by my name, are you seeking death?"

"It seems you are Steven," Dustin nodded. He placed the glass down and asked coldly, "Where is Alice?"

"What the hell is Alice? I've never heard of him," Steven leaned back on the sofa, hands spread wide, a condescending expression on his face. "Kid, you seem less like you're here for a drink and more like you're here to cause trouble."

While he spoke, several bodyguards behind him slowly rested their hands on their waists.

Dark pistols appeared faintly visible.

"Alice, the sister of Philip, General Ares's daughter," Dustin clarified.

Dustin's voice turned cold. "Some time ago, you lusted after Alice's beauty. When your pursuit failed, you kidnapped her. Not only did you burn down the Hoffman family home, but you also killed Mrs. Hoffman. Do you remember these incidents?"

"Oh... so that woman is called Alice. Rings a bell," Steven feigned realization. He then smirked, his mouth curling into a malicious smile. "You're right, I burned down the Hoffman family home and kidnapped Alice. So what? Are you planning to stand up for the Hoffman family?"

"I'll give you a chance. Release Alice immediately, and I might spare your life," Dustin said coldly.

"Spare my life?" Steven was momentarily stunned, then burst into laughter. "Hahaha... did you all hear that? This kid wants to spare my life. I'm so scared!"


The surrounding crowd erupted in laughter, looking at Dustin as if he were a fool.

Steven came from a prestigious family and was a member of the Hero Club. His power and influence were immense. In the entire West Lucozia region, aside from the royal King family, there were few who dared to offend him.

This young man in front of them dared to speak so boldly; he truly didn't know the meaning of life and death.

"Kid, it seems you have a good relationship with Alice. Is she your girlfriend?" Steven sneered, his face twisted with malice. "Speaking of her, she tasted really good, like a spirited wild horse. It was especially thrilling. It wasn't just me; all my brothers had a turn with her. I wonder if she's dead by now. If not, I might consider being generous and let you have a taste too. Hahaha..."

At this point, Steven burst into laughter, completely disregarding Dustin.

"You're asking for death!" Dustin finally snapped. He suddenly grabbed Steven by the hair and slammed his head forcefully onto the table!

Chapter 1758: A simple wave of hand


A loud explosion.

The glass table instantly shattered into pieces. Steven's head was slammed by Dustin directly under the table.

For a moment, blood splattered everywhere, and Steven screamed in agony.


The sudden turn of events left everyone stunned, utterly unable to comprehend what had just happened.

What was going on?

This guy actually dared to attack Young Master Steven?

Was he suicidal?

It should be noted that Young Master Steven was from a prestigious family with enormous influence and connections. He was practically all-seeing and all-knowing. Ordinary people, let alone laying hands on him, would be ruined just for showing the slightest disrespect.

The audacity of this young man was beyond belief!

"I'll ask again, where is Alice?" Dustin pressed Steven's head firmly, his whole body emanating a murderous aura.

Steven's face was covered in shards of glass, making his ordinary features even uglier due to the blood.

"Damn it! Do you dare touch me? Do you know who I am? Do you know who my dad is?" Steven shouted hoarsely, his voice full of fury. "You piece of shit! I warn you to let go, or I'll destroy your whole family!"

"Kill my whole family?" Dustin snorted coldly and slapped Steven hard across the face.


A crisp sound.

Steven trembled violently from the impact, and the glass shards that had stuck to his face dug deeper into his flesh, causing more blood to flow.

The intense pain made Steven couldn't help but scream out loud.

"Damn it! Are you all dead? Kill this kid for me!" Steven yelled at the bodyguards.

"Dare to hit Young Master Steven? You are truly seeking death!"

Several bodyguards suddenly snapped back to reality, drawing their guns and aiming them at Dustin.

Dustin grabbed Steven's hair and lifted him up, using him as a shield.

"Don't... don't shoot! Be careful of hurting me!’’

Seeing the ominous gun barrels, Steven shuddered, letting out continuous screams, afraid of being accidentally shot.

The bodyguards exchanged glances and immediately abandoned their guns, opting for batons instead, rushing towards Dustin with well-trained and fierce attacks, clearly demonstrating their elite training.

However, in Dustin's eyes, their attacks seemed childishly feeble.

Dustin made no unnecessary moves, just a simple wave of his hand.

"Smack, smack, smack, smack..."

Accompanied by a series of loud slapping sounds, all the bodyguards were knocked down to the ground.

Each one was bleeding from their mouths and noses, unconscious on the spot, without even a chance to scream.


Witnessing this scene, the group of young aristocrats around couldn't help but jump in shock.

No one had expected Dustin to be so fierce, effortlessly defeating Steven's personal bodyguards with just one move.

This kid seemed to be a real expert!

"Who the hell are you?!" Steven shouted loudly.

"I am your nemesis. Now, hand over Alice immediately, or I will make you wish you were dead," Dustin said coldly.

"You dare!" Steven roared savagely. "You piece of shit! Let me tell you the truth; my father is a prestigious commander, leading thousands of soldiers. He currently holds a crucial position within the royal city and is deeply trusted by the King of West Lucozia. If you dare mess around, my father will definitely wipe out your entire family!"

"Is that so? Well, I'll just have to see how powerful your father is!" Dustin snorted coldly, grabbing Steven's elbow and squeezing it hard.


A crisp sound.

Steven's arm was instantly shattered, bones piercing through flesh, a sight that made people's scalps tingle.


After a brief moment of shock, Steven let out a scream resembling that of a slaughtered pig.

"You punk! You've brought great disaster upon yourself! How dare you break Young Master Steven's arm! In the entire royal city, no one can save you now!" a nobleman's son shouted sternly.

Chapter 1759: A clear implication

"Enough of your blabbering!"

With a swift motion, Dustin raised his hand and slapped the nobleman's son, sending him flying several meters away, crashing into the wall, his fate uncertain.

The other noble youths' faces turned pale, their anger suppressed by fear. They dared not utter a word in protest. Dustin's strength was evident to them; he was undoubtedly a martial arts expert.

Smart ones among them had begun secretly contacting reinforcements. Once their backup arrived, it would be the end for Dustin.

"You punk! How dare you break my arm! In the entire royal city, no one can save you now!" Steven screamed, his face twisted with anger.

"I won't just break your arm; I'll break your legs too."

Dustin didn't mince his words. He lifted his foot and stomped hard on Steven's knee.


Another crisp sound echoed. Steven's knee twisted at an unimaginable angle.


Steven's scream grew louder as he writhed on the ground in agony.

"Where's Alice? Hand her over."

Dustin grabbed Steven's hair, pulling him up and said coldly, "I'll give you three seconds to think. If you don't hand her over, I'll castrate you right here."

"You... you dare!"

Steven gritted his teeth, shouting defiantly.

"Don't dare?"

Dustin sneered and reached out, summoning a fruit knife into his hand. He pressed it against Steven's crotch and made a sudden move downward.

"No no no! I'll talk! I'll talk! I don't know where Alice is, but my younger brother definitely knows. I'll call him right now and ask him to bring her here!" Steven pleaded, his face drained of color.

“Call him!” Dustin's face remained icy.

“Alright, alright, I’ll call him right now…” Steven didn’t dare to hesitate. He immediately pulled out his phone and dialed his younger brother's number. “Hey! Is that girl named Alice still alive? Yes, her! Bring her to me safely, remember, she must be unharmed!”

The last four words were emphasized heavily, carrying a clear implication.

Dustin understood these tricks well, but he didn't care. Whether it was Steven, the Hero Club, the Seagal family, or their backers, anyone related to this matter would be eliminated one by one.

He intended to use this incident to make an example and deter others.

A dozen minutes later, the music in the bar abruptly stopped, and the lights brightened. A group of men in suits swiftly started clearing the place. Within a few minutes, all the bar's patrons were escorted out.

The once noisy atmosphere quickly became quiet.

“Who dares to act recklessly on the Seagal family's territory?!”

Accompanied by a furious shout, a bald man in a floral suit, followed by dozens of people, walked in aggressively.

The bald man was burly and fierce-looking, and he had a flower tattooed on his shaved head, giving him a distinctive appearance.

“Great! Sergio is here! Steven might be saved!”

“I heard that Sergio used to be a captain in the Black Dragon Army. He was dismissed due to violating military regulations and now works as Seagal family's top enforcer. He's incredibly fierce!”

“Of course! A captain in the Black Dragon Army isn't an ordinary person. Over the years, countless people have died by Sergio's hands. If not a thousand, at least eight hundred!”

“We're in for a show now!”

The arrival of Sergio led to a buzz of discussions among the aristocrats present.

The previous tension and panic dissipated quickly, replaced by mockery and schadenfreude.

In their eyes, Dustin was as good as dead.

As for how he would die, it all depended on Sergio's preferences.

Chapter 1760: An invisible force

“Sergio! Save me!” Steven immediately shouted at the sight of reinforcements.

“Huh?” Sergio looked closer and couldn’t help but be shocked. He exclaimed, “Young Master Steven? How did you get injured like this?”

“This damn brat did it!” Steven pointed towards Dustin with resentment. “This guy is audacious, he actually dared to break my arms and legs. Today, no matter what, you have to help me get revenge!”

“Rest assured, Young Master Steven. Whoever hurts you, they won't leave this place alive today!” Sergio said sternly.

“Damn dog! My family's reinforcements have arrived. Even if you have extraordinary abilities, you won't escape death today!” Steven grinned maliciously. “Of course, if you don't want to die, I might give you a chance. If you kneel down, kowtow to me, and beg for mercy, I might spare your life.”

Dustin's actions had sealed his fate. However, before killing him, Steven intended to humiliate him thoroughly. Only then could he vent his pent-up anger.

“Where is the person I want?” Dustin ignored Steven and looked at Sergio, his voice icy.

“The person?” Sergio chuckled suddenly. “Kid, you're struggling to survive, yet you're still worried about others?”

“If you don't hand over the person, not only will Steven die, but also the entire Seagal family, including all of you, will be annihilated!” Dustin's eyes were filled with a chilling determination.

“Heh! Such arrogance! Do you have the capability to destroy the Seagal family?” Sergio sneered repeatedly.

“Whether I have the capability or not, you'll find out soon enough,” Dustin retorted.

“You arrogant brat! I think you won't stop until you're dead! Men, kill him!” Sergio raised his hand and gave the order to execute.

“Kill!” The dozens of Seagal family guards immediately unsheathed their swords and closed in on Dustin.

Then, a shocking scene occurred.

Dustin raised his sword finger and lifted it upward forcefully.

All the guards' hands holding knives, as if controlled by an invisible force, released their grip and flew out, floating in mid-air.

"What?" Everyone was stunned, looking at their empty hands and then at the knives hanging in the air above their heads.

For a moment, they exchanged bewildered glances, not knowing what to do.

What's going on?

What just happened?

Just as everyone was in astonishment, Dustin turned his hand.

The floating knives in the air instantly changed direction, pointing their blades at the Seagal family guards.

"Go!" Dustin pointed his sword finger across the air.

Dozens of steel knives were shot out in an instant, diagonally descending towards the Seagal family guards.

In an instant, blood splattered, and cries of agony filled the ground.

The once formidable Seagal family guards now lay on the ground, with broken hands and legs, unable to stand up.

"What?!!" Seeing this, everyone was shocked.

They widened their eyes, unable to believe what they were witnessing.

With just a wave of his hand, he had taken away all their weapons and, with a gentle touch of his finger, controlled the weapons to attack all the Seagal family guards.

Who is this guy?

"Wow! How powerful is he?"

"Putting all Seagal family guards down with a single move is too terrifying, isn't it?"

"Oh no! We might be in trouble tonight!"

A group of young nobles were shocked and discussing the situation.

Even Steven was left speechless, unable to believe what he had just witnessed.
I don't know why people always behave like this, if you want to shine make your own thread instead of showing off in someone else's thread.
Chapter 1761: Art of Object Manipulation

"You actually possess the Art of Object Manipulation? Who are you?"

The monk with the flower-patterned robe furrowed his brows, displaying an expression as if facing a formidable adversary.

The Art of Object Manipulation was one of the Eight Profound Arts, extremely rare and far from something an ordinary martial practitioner could cultivate. What made it even more remarkable was that most proficient users of this art could control, at most, one or two weapons. However, Dustin's ability to simultaneously control dozens of knives was truly astonishing.

It was evident that this opponent was far from ordinary.

"You don't have the qualification to ask for my name," Dustin responded coldly. "As a former captain of the Black Dragon Army, you've truly brought disgrace upon the Black Dragon Army by collaborating with these villains!"

"Shut up! What kind of trash are you? How dare you give me orders? Even if you are skilled in the Art of Object Manipulation, what does it matter? Countless remarkable individuals and experts have met their end under my blade, and today you won't be an exception. Prepare to die!"

Sergio with the flower-patterned robe, now infuriated, drew his sword.

He took a couple of swift steps and then leaped, violently slashing toward Dustin's head.

Thanks to the resources and training provided by the Seagal family, he had already reached the level of a Half-Step Grandmaster. Once he unleashed his sword technique, he had the power to hold his own even against a martial arts Grandmaster.

"Ignorant fool!"

Dustin snorted and pointed his finger through the air.


A white beam of light shot out, piercing directly through Sergio's body.


Sergio with the flower-patterned robe let out a pitiful scream. His entire body tumbled from mid-air, crashing down in a chaotic heap.

A fist-sized hole had appeared in his chest, with blood continuously pouring out.

"What?" The onlookers once again erupted in shock.

Sergio had been renowned for his formidable strength, and he had even served as a captain in the Black Dragon Army, making him one of the Seagal family's elite fighters. It was simply unbelievable to witness such a master being defeated with a single move.

"You... how can you be this strong? Are you a martial arts Grandmaster?"

Sergio, still clutching his wounds, asked with a trembling voice.

In the region of West Lucozia, there were many martial arts experts, but individuals as young as Dustin who had reached the level of a Grandmaster were extremely rare. When such a talent appeared, they would either be intensely trained by the military or fiercely sought after by prominent families. It was impossible for them to remain unknown.

"I'll ask one more time, where is the person?" Dustin's gaze remained cold.

Sergio didn't respond and instead looked toward Steven.

"How many times do you want me to hit you? He's asking you!" Steven was frightened, his face turning pale, his lips quivering.

When Sergio and his group had arrived, they had believed they had the upper hand. However, in the blink of an eye, Sergio and all of the Seagal family guards were either dead or injured, and not a single one could stand.

It was only at this moment that Steven realized he had kicked the hornet's nest.

"The person you're looking for is currently in the basement of the Hero Club," Sergio replied.

"Lead the way," Dustin said, without wasting any more words.

Sergio nodded and stood up unsteadily. He understood that Dustin had spared his life intentionally; otherwise, he would have been a dead man.

"And you!" Dustin grabbed Steven's hair and lifted him up.

"Big... big brother, if he's guiding the way, I don't need to go, right? I mean, look at me with my broken hands and feet; it's not convenient for me to move," Steven said with a mournful face.

"You don't have to go, but then you'll die right here," Dustin said with a chilling look in his eyes.

"No, no, no... I'll go! Is that okay?" Steven panicked and quickly agreed.

In the end, Dustin carried Steven along, and they headed to the Hero Club's headquarters.

Chapter 1762: A hidden armory

North of the city, at the Hero Club headquarters

The so-called Hero Club was essentially an alliance formed by a group of spoiled young elites from West Lucozia. They had various business interests with each other and would help each other out in times of trouble. Their influence was significant, and few dared to offend them. Within their circle, they were treated like celebrities.

At this moment, inside the Hero Club's gathering hall

A group of wealthy and spoiled young individuals, along with their female companions, were dancing and enjoying themselves while drinking.

On various tables, there were substances that cannot be described in detail.

As they reached a state of euphoria, some of them leaned down and eagerly inhaled the white powdery substance on the table.

In an instant, their bodies trembled, their pupils dilated, their faces filled with ecstasy, and they wore silly smiles.

It was as if they had entered some kind of hallucinatory realm, unable to pull themselves away for a long time.

As you looked around, you'd see a group of people, either inhaling the white powder or engaging in lewd activities.

This was far from being a gathering hall; it was quite evidently a den of vice!

"Ricardo... Ricardo Maloney, we have a big problem!" At this moment, a young man dressed in white ran in frantically, looking extremely nervous.

"I've told you countless times to call me Chairman," a well-built man lounging on a sofa said lazily while enjoying the attention of a beautiful woman below him.

This man was Ricardo Maloney, the Chairman of the Hero Club, and one of the foremost spoiled elites.

"Chairman! Something terrible has happened! Something really big!" The young man in white exclaimed, visibly agitated. "Someone has broken into our Hero Club, and they've even kidnapped Young Master Steven. They're on their way here now. What should we do?"

"Hmm?" Ricardo's brows furrowed, and he suddenly opened his eyes. "Who's so audacious to intrude into our Hero Club? Are they tired of living?"

"I don't know who it is, but they're incredibly formidable. Our Hero Club's guards couldn't stop them at all," the man in white said, swallowing hard.

If he hadn't run away quickly, he might have ended up like the guards, with his hands and feet broken.

"Dammit! Daring to cause trouble on our turf, even if you're the emperor himself, you'll die here today!"

Ricardo slammed the table, shouting angrily, "Stop the high! Grab your weapons, everyone!"

Ricardo's authority was imposing. Just one shout from him instantly sobered up most of the spoiled elites. A few who were still giggling were smacked across the face by Ricardo, forcefully bringing them back to their senses.

"Grab your weapons!"

The spoiled elites didn't hesitate and immediately activated a mechanism.

A section of the wall suddenly split open to reveal a hidden armory.

The armory was stocked with various weapons.

On the left side, there were cold weapons – swords, spears, and other traditional arms.

On the right side, there were firearms – handguns, rifles, and even sniper rifles.

There were even two anti-tank rocket launchers.

The armory was packed with an array of weaponry, resembling a small arsenal.

Most of these spoiled elites chose firearms, with only a few opting for the appearance of wielding swords or blades.

As they prepared for action, a loud explosion shattered the doors of the gathering hall.

Following the explosion, Dustin walked in confidently with Steven, with Margaret and the injured Sergio following behind him.

"Who the hell are you? How dare you cause trouble in the Hero Club? Who lent you the guts?" Ricardo held a flamethrower, a cigarette hanging from his mouth, looking menacing.

Behind him, more than a dozen spoiled elites raised their weapons, all aiming at Dustin.

"Ricardo! Save me!" Steven's eyes lit up as if he had seen a lifeline.

"Steven, what happened to your injuries? What's going on?" Ricardo, upon seeing Steven's battered state, was momentarily taken aback.

Chapter 1763: Marksmanship

"With your hands and feet all messed up, covered in glass shards, and blood everywhere, it's quite a pitiful sight, isn't it?"

"Ricardo! This is a long story, but you need to take this kid down right away!" Steven shouted.

"Kid, release Steven now, or I'll blow you to bits with this!" Ricardo said fiercely, pressing the shotgun, loading two shells, making a clicking sound.

"Ricardo! This thing has quite a punch, be careful not to hit me by mistake," Steven said nervously.

Darn it, this was a shotgun, commonly known as a flamethrower, also known as the great equalizer.

When a single shot was fired, it unleashed hundreds of steel pellets, creating tremendous force, and it had a wide area of effect. He was standing close to Dustin, and if Ricardo opened fire, there was a good chance Steven would be hit.

"Steven, rest assured, my marksmanship is excellent, I won't hit you," Ricardo said confidently.

"Marksmanship?" Steven's mouth twitched, leaving him momentarily speechless. He thought to himself, "You can't even handle a simple firearm, what kind of marksmanship do you have? Whether it hits or not is just a matter of luck."

Furthermore, if this shotgun missed, it could easily cost an eye or two.

"I'll ask one last time, where is Alice?" Dustin grabbed Steven's throat, his patience running thin.

"She's in... in the basement of the gathering hall..." Steven's face turned red, pointing downwards.

"Open the basement and release the person!" Dustin said coldly.

"Damn! You think you can just order us to open it? Who the hell do you think you are?" Ricardo glared and retorted.


Dustin's gaze turned cold, and he pointed directly at Ricardo.


A deafening explosion resounded as Ricardo's body was sent flying as if it had been hit by a truck, crashing into a wall several meters away. Blood spurted from his mouth and he wailed in agony.

This sudden turn of events left everyone in shock. No one had seen clearly what had just transpired. All they saw was Dustin raising his hand, and then Ricardo was sent flying through the air.

It was an enigmatic sight.

"Damn! What are you all waiting for? Shoot this guy and kill him!" Ricardo lay crumpled on the ground, shouting in anger.

"Chairman, Steven is still in his hands." Some of the spoiled elites hesitated.

"For heaven's sake, stop the nonsense! I told you to shoot, so shoot!" Ricardo yelled in frustration.

"Fire... Fire!"

The spoiled elites exchanged glances and eventually made up their minds. Since the intruder had come this far, they couldn't just sit idly by. As for Steven, it would be best if he survived, but if he didn't, they couldn't blame themselves.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang..."

A barrage of gunfire filled the gathering hall, the sound of bullets and shell casings echoing through the air. At first, the spoiled elites shot with enthusiasm, thinking that Dustin was surely a goner. However, their enthusiasm was quickly replaced by bewilderment.

Dustin stood still amid the storm of bullets within the hall. A semi-transparent energy barrier appeared in front of him. Bullets striking the barrier made a cacophony of noise but didn't penetrate. Upon contact with the barrier, all the bullets deformed and fell to the ground, having no effect whatsoever.

Chapter 1764: The underground chamber

At this moment, Dustin appeared as an invincible deity. No matter how the spoiled elites shot or attacked, they couldn't harm him in the slightest. The two sides seemed to exist in different worlds, separated by an insurmountable chasm.

"What?!" As they saw the floor littered with shell casings and then glanced at Dustin, who remained unscathed, all the spoiled elites were utterly shocked. They stood there holding their guns, staring in astonishment.

None of them had ever dreamed that this scenario would unfold. With their firepower, even an elephant would be turned into a hornet's nest, so why was Dustin completely unscathed?

"What... what's going on? What is that energy barrier?" Some whispered in disbelief.

"My goodness! He can even ignore bullets! Is this guy even human?" Others exclaimed.

The spoiled elites were panicking, bewildered, and terrified. Some were trembling all over, dropping their guns to the ground. They had encountered many martial artists, some of them powerful fighters who could deflect attacks, but they needed to protect their vital areas. Dustin's ability to remain completely unharmed while not moving and relying solely on a semi-transparent energy barrier was unheard of.

Just how powerful was this guy?

"Damn it! Die!" Suddenly, Ricardo pulled a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) from the armory and fired it at Dustin.


The RPG rocket shot out with a trail of flames, heading straight for Dustin.

Unfazed, Dustin extended his hand and effortlessly caught the RPG's warhead, then squeezed it tightly.


With a deafening explosion, the RPG rocket detonated in Dustin's hand.

When the dust and smoke dissipated, Dustin stood there completely unharmed, not a scratch on him.

"Ah?" Ricardo was struck with wide-eyed shock, as if he had seen a ghost. He dropped the rocket launcher in his hand with a loud clang.

At this moment, Ricardo was consumed by fear to the point that his body began to tremble. Crushing a rocket projectile with bare hands - was this even human?!

"Overestimating yourself!" Dustin coldly snorted, then pointed in Ricardo's direction again.


Another explosion sent Ricardo flying once more, crashing heavily into the wall, creating a large dent in the process.

Half of his body was embedded in the wall, leaving only his limbs protruding, making him look like a gruesome piece of wall art.

"Just withstood a rocket? Who the hell is this guy?" A horrified murmur spread among the spoiled elites who were still conscious.

"Open the underground chamber!" Dustin demanded.

"Quick! Open it up!" The spoiled elites, who were now awake from their disbelief, hastily operated the mechanism.

A series of heavy sounds reverberated through the room as a bookshelf on the left wall suddenly rotated half a turn, revealing a dimly lit passage. The passage descended with well-defined steps, each several meters apart, with oil lamps hanging at intervals.

"Lead the way!" Dustin, holding Steven, proceeded down the passage without hesitation.

At the end of the passage was a locked iron door. When the door was opened, a foul stench wafted through. Dustin frowned slightly but didn't say anything, stepping inside.

On the other side of the iron door was a spacious underground chamber, covering an area of around two hundred square meters.

Chapter 1765: Dozen of iron cages

When Dustin entered the underground chamber and saw the scene, his face turned ice-cold in an instant.

The underground chamber contained dozens of iron cages. Each cage held one or two young girls, all of whom were naked and had terrified expressions. Most of them were covered in injuries, clearly having suffered various forms of abuse, making their appearance unbearable to witness. Among them, two lifeless bodies lay in the corner, coiled up inside their cages.

Due to prolonged neglect, the corpses had started to decompose and emit a putrid odor, with several rats feasting on them.

Seeing this, Dustin felt a surge of anger engulfing his entire chest.

"Did you capture all these people?" Dustin suddenly turned around, glaring menacingly at Steven.

"No, it's not my fault," Steven stammered and waved his hands frantically. "These girls are all slaves kept by Ricardo. He has some twisted fetishes and enjoys tormenting these young girls. Almost every month, he abducts one or two of them and locks them in the basement. Over time, the numbers added up to this many."

"Enslaving people like this, you bunch of scum, deserve to die!" Dustin ground his teeth, his body seething with killing intent.

"It really has nothing to do with me. I haven't done anything; I'm an upstanding citizen!" Steven panicked as he tried to explain.

"Where is Alice?" Dustin couldn't be bothered with further conversation, asking directly.

"She's... over there," Steven pointed nervously to a corner.

Following Steven's gesture, Dustin saw a cage in the corner. Inside it was a disheveled girl covered in wounds, curled up and shivering. She had a dog collar around her neck, her eyes covered with a black cloth. Her lower body was bloody, indicating she had suffered violent abuse.

"You beast!" Seeing Alice's horrifying condition, Dustin couldn't contain his anger. He grabbed Steven by the neck and slammed him against the wall.

His eyes seemed to burn with rage. "Don't... don't kill me, I was wrong, I know I was wrong..." Steven pleaded frantically.

"Killing you would be too kind; I'm going to make you wish you were dead!" Dustin declared, his voice dripping with anger.

Dustin's face twisted into a malicious expression. Without a word, he suddenly reached out and grabbed Steven's groin, squeezing with all his strength.


A sharp sound rang out.

Steven's testicles exploded, his entire genital area crushed into a mass of pulp.


Steven let out a harrowing scream, froth spewing from his mouth, his entire body convulsing.

Then his head tilted to the side, and he passed out cold.

Dustin threw Steven to the ground and then approached the iron cage. He opened the cage door and called out softly, "Alice, is that you?"

"Don't hit me... Don't hit me... I was wrong, I know I was wrong..."

Alice convulsed even more violently, muttering incessantly. It was clear she was deeply traumatized.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. I'm a friend of your brother Philip. I'm here to rescue you," Dustin quickly reassured, stating his identity.


Alice's whole body tensed up. Slowly, she raised her head, her voice trembling, "You... you really know my brother?"

"Of course, your brother is waiting outside. I'll get you out of here right away," Dustin said. He then removed the chains, unfastened the collar, and took off his coat, draping it over Alice.

"Can... can I really make it out alive?" Alice huddled in the coat, gripping it tightly with both hands, looking fearful and uneasy.

At this point, she could hardly believe that she could be rescued.

"I promise, I will definitely get you out safely!" Dustin's tone was serious.

"What about... what about the others?" Alice looked around timidly.

There are dozens of young girls locked up in the basement, all of whom were forcibly kidnapped and subjected to various violations every day. They are all miserable people like her.

"Don't worry, I will save them all," Dustin said solemnly. "I may not be able to undo the suffering you all have endured, but I can guarantee that I will avenge you. I, in the name of Logan Rhys, solemnly swear that I will make those beasts pay the price they deserve!"

Chapter 1766: Deserve a thousand deaths

When Dustin emerged from the underground chamber, filled with anger, the young spoiled elites in the assembly hall were all sprawled on the ground, wailing in pain.

Only Margaret stood quietly at the doorway.

"These guys wouldn't change their ways. They were planning to ambush me just now, so I taught them a lesson," Margaret explained.

"You were too lenient," Dustin commented, scanning the room. All the spoiled elites had only lost a leg, a trivial punishment compared to the crimes they had committed.

"How about Alice? Did you find her?" Margaret inquired casually.

"Yes, I found her. She was in the underground chamber, but she's not alone. There are dozens of innocent girls down there," Dustin replied with a grim expression.

"Hmm? What happened?" Margaret frowned slightly.

"You'll see for yourself when you go down there," Dustin didn't elaborate.

Margaret nodded and immediately descended into the underground chamber.

Meanwhile, Dustin took out his phone and dialed a certain number.

After a while, Tony, accompanied by several female agents, rushed in energetically. The female agents each carried two suitcases.

Following the incident at the Emperor Tower, Tony's loyalty and competence had earned Dustin's trust. Thus, he had kept him by his side during his return to West Lucozia.

"Your master, the items you requested are prepared. Please inspect them," Tony first bowed and then gestured for the female agents to open the suitcases.

Inside the suitcases were various women's clothes.

"There are many girls confined in the underground chamber. Have them wear these clothes, and then find a safe place for them," Dustin instructed.

"Yes!" Tony responded promptly and immediately set to work.

At that moment, Margaret emerged from the underground chamber. However, her complexion had turned especially grim, accompanied by an uncontrollable anger.

"These despicable beasts treat people as slaves; their crimes are heinous!" Margaret exclaimed indignantly.

Being a woman herself, she naturally felt the injustice more profoundly. Locked in this sunless place, not only were they violated every day, but they also endured inhuman torture.

There was no dignity, no freedom, living worse than dogs.

For these girls, this underground chamber was truly a hellish existence.

"And that's not all; I've just inquired. After kidnapping these girls, these beasts, to avoid trouble, ruthlessly killed all the girls' parents and relatives," Dustin said in a deep voice.

"What? They did that too?" Margaret's eyes widened, nearly spitting fire. "These inhumane beasts, not only did they kill innocents, but they also trampled on human lives without any regard. They deserve a thousand deaths!"

As she spoke, she couldn't suppress her anger and kicked one of the young spoiled elite nearby.

"That's right, they deserve a thousand deaths," Dustin's eyes were filled with a murderous intent, but his face remained relatively calm.

In his eyes, these young spoiled elites were already as good as dead.

"Young Master, all the girls are safely on board. Do you have any other instructions?" Tony walked over once again.

All the girls from the underground chamber had changed into new clothes and were now seated in the prepared vehicles.

Chapter 1767: Burn it

"Take the leader Ricardo and Steven away, kill the rest," Dustin said coldly.

"Yes!" Tony responded without hesitation, lifting her butcher's knife and starting to clean up the scum.

In an instant, the entire assembly hall was in chaos.

Some screamed in agony, others begged for mercy, and some threatened, their faces showing every possible expression of fear.

"Don't kill me! I have money! I have lots and lots of money! Spare my life, and I'll give you as much money as you want!"

"Young man! I warn you not to mess around. My father is a deputy general with thousands of soldiers under his command. If you dare harm a hair on my head, my father will surely tear you into a thousand pieces!"

"Hero! Spare my life! I haven't done anything wrong. I'm innocent. As long as you spare me today, I promise to make you fabulously wealthy!"

Faced with imminent death, all the young spoiled elites revealed their true colors, panicking and losing their previous arrogance.

However, in the face of their pleas, Dustin remained unmoved, simply watching in silence.

Tony and the other female agents, however, had no mercy. Their butcher knives fell mercilessly, reaping these filthy lives.

These young spoiled elites had become parasites in West Lucozia, relying on their power and influence, acting arrogantly and trampling on human lives.

Scum like them had to be eradicated!

After a bloody massacre, all the young spoiled elites lay in a pool of blood, not a single one spared.

Dustin glanced at the signboard hanging above that read "Assembly Hall" and found it bitterly ironic.

"Burn it. Set it on fire," Dustin said coldly and then turned away.

Soon, a massive fire blazed up from the assembly hall. Within a few minutes, it spread to the entire headquarters of the Heroes Club.

The few spoiled elites who had survived, barely clinging to life, were directly burned to death.

The fire grew increasingly fierce, eventually completely consuming the place that had harbored so much filth and corruption.

Meanwhile, Dustin and his group quietly left, leaving no trace behind.

After ensuring the safety of the innocent young girls, Dustin accompanied Alice to the tea house they had agreed upon earlier.

Inside the private room of the tea house, Philip was visibly restless. Due to his mobility constraints, he could do nothing but wait anxiously, enduring the torment of uncertainty.


At that moment, the door to the private room suddenly opened, and a familiar voice followed.

Philip stiffened, lifting his head in astonishment.

There stood his younger sister, Alice, timidly at the doorway, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Alice? Is it really you?" Philip's voice trembled, finding it hard to believe.

"Yes, brother, it's me. I've come back!"

As soon as Alice finished speaking, she rushed into Philip's arms, bursting into tears.

All the pain and fear found release in this moment.

"It's good that you've come back... It's good that you've come back." Philip wept freely, gently patting his sister's back.

"Brother, I was so scared, I was really, really scared. I thought I would never see you again," Alice sobbed, holding onto her brother tightly, unwilling to let go.

"It's okay now. It's all over. From now on, I will protect you well," Philip comforted her continuously.

He knew deep inside that his sister must have suffered inhuman torture at the hands of those thugs after being kidnapped. Even though she had returned safely, the psychological scars would linger, casting an indelible shadow on her heart.

Chapter 1768: Pay with blood

Dustin didn't disturb the reunion between Philip and his sister; instead, he quietly closed the door, giving them enough time and space.

For ordinary people, it probably took a long time to erase the terrifying memories after experiencing something like this.

"Logan Rhys, how do you feel about today's events?" Margaret suddenly spoke, looking at the side of Dustin's face.

"Scum like them, I'll kill them on sight," Dustin's tone was icy.

"West Lucozia is even larger than Stonia. What happened today is definitely not an isolated case. In places we can't see, there might be more people suffering oppression and hardship. With your current abilities, you can save one or two people, even ten or a hundred, but you definitely can't save thousands or tens of thousands," Margaret said meaningfully.

"What do you mean?" Dustin raised an eyebrow slightly.

"I know you don't like the court and prefer the swift justice of the martial world. But there are things that can only be done when you hold a high position. Scum and scoundrels, you can't kill them all with just your personal strength," Margaret reminded.

"I understand what you're saying, but I don't have such thoughts right now," Dustin shook his head.

"You might not have the thoughts, but you must be prepared. The situation in West Lucozia is chaotic right now. You have to shoulder this heavy responsibility," Margaret said seriously.

The King of West Lucozia was seriously ill, his days were numbered, and various forces were restless. Several factions had long been formed internally, none willing to bow to the other. Once the King of West Lucozia passed away, the entire region would fall into chaos, and even the entire Dragonmarsh would not be spared.

So, she hoped that Dustin could ascend to power early, suppressing all the petty figures.

"Now talking about this is useless. Our current priority is to deal with the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion," Dustin said.

"That's true," Margaret nodded and fell silent.

After a moment, the door to the private room opened again.

Philip and Alice walked out side by side. Then, with a thud, they directly knelt in front of Dustin and Margaret.

"Thank you, Your Excellencies, for saving us. From now on, my sister and I are willing to work like oxen and horses to repay your great kindness!" Philip said and then kowtowed three times in succession.

"Brother Philip, please get up quickly! Dustin saw the situation and quickly helped them up, saying, "I greatly admire General Ares's character. Faced with such a situation, I couldn't just stand by. Moreover, those scoundrels deserved severe punishment. What I did was righteous."

"No matter what, you are our benefactors. In the future, if Your Excellencies have any tasks for us, my sister and I will not hesitate to face any danger," Philip said earnestly.

"Alright, stop saying these inauspicious words," Dustin patted his shoulder and advised, "Brother Philip, go back and pack up. Since something like this has happened, for your safety, it's best to leave the royal city immediately. Find another place to lay low for a while. I will arrange for your return when the time is right."

"Thank you, Your Excellency!" Philip bowed to Dustin once again before quickly leaving with Alice.

He didn't know how Dustin had managed this, but he was certain they had offended Steven. With the power of the Seagal family, if they decided to retaliate, the consequences would be dire. He was now just a useless man, unable to be of any help. All he could do was take his sister and find a place to hide temporarily.

"What about Steven and Ricardo, who are in the trunk? How do you plan to deal with them?" Margaret suddenly asked after watching the siblings leave.

"I'll kill them. It's too lenient to just let them die. Those who commit such heinous acts should regret being born into this world," Dustin said coldly, his eyes glinting with a dangerous light.

Regardless of the power of the Seagal family or the Maloney family, no matter how influential their backers were, anyone involved in this matter would pay with their blood!

Chapter 1769: A fate worse than death

At midnight, in front of the Seagal family's gate,

A black business car suddenly came to a stop.

Following that, the car door opened, and a large burlap sack was thrown out.

The burlap sack was stained with blood, and it seemed to contain a person.

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

Several guards stationed at the gate of the Seagal family quickly noticed something was amiss and immediately shouted.

The black business car revved its engine and sped away.

Several Seagal family guards cautiously approached and kicked the sack.

The sack shook, and a bloodied face emerged from inside, it was none other than Steven, who had been gravely injured and left for dead.

"Save... save me... quickly save me..."

Steven groaned in agony, as if he could pass away at any moment.

The guards took a closer look, and their expressions changed instantly.

"It's the young master! Quick! Get the young master to the hospital!"

The guards didn't hesitate and rushed Steven to the hospital for urgent treatment.

Soon, the entire Seagal family was in an uproar.

In the early morning, at the City area hospital,

After several hours of surgery, Seagal finally emerged from the operating room, no longer in critical condition.

At this moment, there were already many people gathered outside the operating room.

Seagal family patriarch Weston Seagal, accompanied by a group of high-ranking Seagal family members, paced anxiously at the entrance.

"How is he? How is my son?"

As Steven was pushed out of the operating room, Weston immediately approached and inquired.

"Mr. Weston, after our full efforts in rescuing your son, he has been stabilized and is no longer in critical condition. However..." The doctor hesitated.

"However what?" Weston's heart, which had just settled, immediately tensed again.

"The injuries to his reproductive organs are severe, and he may not be able to engage in sexual activities in the future," the doctor said, shaking his head.

"What? He can't engage in sexual activities? Isn't that the same as being a eunuch?!" Weston's face turned pale, and he urgently said, "Doctor, he's my only son. Please think of a solution, no matter how much it costs, you must treat him!"

"Mr. Weston, we've done our best, but the damage to his lower organs is too severe, and there's no way to treat it. It's futile no matter who attempts it," the doctor said helplessly.

"How could this happen? Is my son really going to be the last in our line?" Weston's face turned ashen. His only son had lost his ability to reproduce, and he was now facing the possibility of the family lineage ending.

"Dad... revenge... help me get revenge..."

At that moment, Steven weakly opened his eyes and continued to mutter.

Despite his severe injuries, the hatred in his eyes remained undiminished.

"Steven!" Weston grabbed Steven's hand, his eyes filled with tears as he asked, "Tell me quickly, who did this to you? I will make sure they suffer a fate worse than death!"

Chapter 1770: King summon

"I don't know... I've never seen that person before," Steven replied with a pale face, weakly saying, "But he has ties to the Hoffman family. He caused trouble for me this time to save a woman named Alice."

"Hoffman family? Alice?" Weston's face darkened, and he immediately ordered, "You have one hour to bring Alice and her family back here. Make sure to extract the identity of the culprit!"


The members of the Seagal family responded and dispersed immediately.

The Seagal family held significant power in the Center City of West Lucozia, not only being a prosperous family but with Weston, the family head, also serving as the commander of the city's military with thousands of soldiers under his command. For ordinary people, he held absolute authority over life and death.

This time, with Steven severely injured, Weston was not going to let this go. Not only would the perpetrator be punished, but anyone related to the perpetrator would also face dire consequences.

"Steven! You can rest assured, no matter who did this to you, I will make them pay with their blood!" Weston vowed earnestly.

Just as he said this, a phone call suddenly rang.

Seeing the caller ID, Weston's expression immediately turned serious. He waved his hand, signaling the doctors and nurses to take Steven to the ward, and then he walked quickly to a corner, answering the call with caution.

Soon, a cold voice came through, "Weston, the King invites you to the mansion immediately."

"The King?" Weston's eyelids twitched, cautiously asking, "General, it's late at night, do you know why the King is summoning me?"

"We can only speculate about the King's intentions. Hurry up, don't keep the King waiting." With those words, the call was abruptly ended, leaving no room for further inquiries.

Weston held the phone, furrowing his brows in deep thought, puzzled by the sudden summons from the King, who had been keeping a low profile recently.

Could it be... did he do something wrong?

No, that can't be right. He has been building good relationships in the political arena, has never offended anyone, and recently has been very obedient, not making any mistakes.

Why would the King summon him? What could it be for?

Could it be that the King wants to entrust something important to him?

If that's the case, he'll have to step up even further in his career.

With this thought, Weston couldn't help but feel a sense of inner delight.

Even though his son had been severely injured, his promotion in the political ranks was a silver lining in the midst of misfortune.

"Take good care of Steven. I have an urgent matter to attend to."

After giving this instruction, Weston left the hospital and headed straight for the King's residence.

Meanwhile, in another part of the city, the prominent Maloney family:

As Alex Maloney was peacefully sleeping, he was suddenly awoken by an urgent knocking on his door.

"What is it?" Alex impatiently shouted.

As a man nearing his sixties, he adhered to a strict routine of early bed and early rise and prioritized good health. Thus, he despised being disturbed during his sleep. Unless it was a matter of utmost urgency, the person who had knocked on his door today would face a severe reprimand.

"Young Master is in trouble, sir!" came the panicked voice of the butler from outside the door.

"Young Master? Which one?" Alex's mind was slow to react.

He had three sons, none of whom were particularly well-behaved, and he often had to clean up their messes.

Fortunately, he currently held the position of governor and wielded considerable power, with the queen consort supporting him. He was practically a ruler in the West Lucozia region.

But what could have happened this time?
Chapter 1771: A matter of great importance

"Sir, it's the Third Young Master!" the butler replied from behind the door.

"Ricardo?" Alex furrowed his brow. "Has that kid gotten himself into trouble again?"

Of his three sons, Ricardo was the most difficult to manage.

"It's not trouble, sir. The Third Young Master was attacked!" the butler quickly clarified.

"What? Attacked?"

Upon hearing this, Alex sprang up from his bed, hastily opened the door, and questioned, "What happened? Who dared to lay a hand on my son?"

When it came to his sons causing trouble, he could tolerate it, but if they were harmed, he couldn't bear it.

"We don't have all the details yet, but just now, a car dropped the Third Young Master off at our gate. When we discovered him, he was severely injured, and the assailant had already fled," the butler explained.

"Lead me to him!"

Worried, Alex didn't even take the time to put on his coat. He rushed out of his room, following the butler.

When he entered the estate's medical room and saw his son, he couldn't help but turn pale.

Ricardo lay on the hospital bed, barely clinging to life. His face was pale, covered in blood, and most of his bones were shattered. His limbs were twisted like pretzels, and he appeared to be in a pitiful state.

"My son! My dear son!"

Seeing this scene, Alex burst into tears.

Initially, he thought that Ricardo had just gotten into a brawl, but he hadn't expected such a brutal attack.

"Sir, the doctor has just examined him and said that while the Third Young Master is severely injured, there is currently no immediate threat to his life. It seems that the person who attacked him also provided some treatment," the butler explained.

"How could this happen? How did my son get hurt like this? Who is responsible?!" Alex's eyes were bloodshot as he shouted in anger.

"I've already sent someone to investigate, and I believe we'll have answers soon," the butler replied.

"Dare to harm my son, and the heavens themselves will pay the price. Immediately assemble the mansion's troops and be ready to apprehend the culprits at any moment!" Alex declared in a stern voice.

"Yes!" the butler responded and began to make arrangements.

"Hurry! Immediately take my son to the hospital!" Alex spoke again.

Within the Maloney family, while there were private physicians, the estate did not have the complete medical facilities that a regional hospital could offer. For common illnesses, their private doctors sufficed, but for Ricardo's severe injuries, comprehensive treatment was necessary, and a hospital was the best option.

As Alex accompanied his son, Ricardo, to the hospital, a phone call came through.

Alex was about to express his anger, but when he saw the caller ID, he immediately calmed himself and managed a smile.

The caller was none other than Captain Matt Turner, the leader of the personal guard of the King of West Lucozia. Although he held the relatively modest title of "Captain," his messages conveyed the highest authority in West Lucozia. Governors, military commanders, and even provincial governors all had to treat him with utmost respect.

"Hello, General Matt, why are you calling so late? Is there any specific instruction?" Alex asked cautiously.

"Mr. Alex, the King requests your presence at the mansion," Matt said in a cold tone.

"Now?" Alex was taken aback.

"Yes, right now," Matt confirmed.

"Alright, I'll be there immediately," Alex replied, unable to refuse. He promptly changed his car and headed towards the King's residence.

Summoned by the king late at night, it was undoubtedly a matter of great importance. Being well-versed in the ways of government, he understood that he couldn't afford any delays in such a situation.

Therefore, Weston Seagal and Matt Turner, one following the other, both headed to the King's residence, unknowingly walking into a web of intrigue.

Chapter 1772: Results of the investigations

At 5 o'clock in the morning, inside the main hall of the Lord of West Lucozia's residence

Rufus Rhys sat in the center, wearing a python robe. Standing to his left was the captain of the personal guard, Matt Turner, and to his right was the notorious Butcher of People, Albert.

Under the bright lights, Rufus Rhys carefully examined the mountain of letters piled on the table. These letters contained the results of the investigations conducted by the King palace's spies.

Each letter represented a blood-stained crime, and the hundreds of letters on the table included roughly half implicating the Seagal family and half implicating the Maloney family.

In terms of criminal activity, the two major families were almost indistinguishable from each other.

The more letters Rufus Rhys read, the deeper his frown became. He had never imagined that under his jurisdiction, there were officials capable of such heinous crimes.

These countless crimes were clearly not committed in just a day or two.

"Lord, maybe you should take a break? Your health is important," Albert, who had been quietly observing, finally spoke.

"After something like this has happened, how can I possibly rest?" Rufus Rhys slammed his hand on the table, his face dark with anger. "Weston Seagal and Alex Maloney have truly grown audacious! They abuse their power, even engaging in subversion under my very nose. They simply have no regard for me!"

"Lord, what has happened to provoke such anger?" At this moment, a well-dressed and graceful young woman entered the room.

The newcomer was the Queen Consort of West Lucozia, Elara.

"See for yourself!" Rufus Rhys tossed the letters in his hand aside.

Elara picked up a letter and, upon reading it, her pupils constricted, revealing her surprise.

"Is this the wrongdoing of Mr. Weston?" Elara asked tentatively.

"It's not just Weston Seagal; it's also Alex Maloney!" Rufus Rhys pushed the mountain of letters in front of Elara and said coldly, "These two individuals have been embezzling and killing recklessly. They've allowed their sons to commit murders, and their list of crimes is far from limited to what you see here. What I've collected is just the tip of the iceberg."

Elara furrowed her brows slightly and asked, "How could this happen? Lord, Mr. Weston and Mr. Alex have been loyal followers of yours for many years, always diligent and without any scandals. Could there be some misunderstanding in this?"

"Misunderstanding?" Rufus Rhys snorted. "These are the results of investigations carried out by my personal spies. There can't be any misunderstanding."

He pointed to the letters and continued, "Look at this one: three years ago, the Seagal family kidnapped the head of the Reyna family to seize their property. They tortured him for three days and nights, forcing his wife to hang herself!"

"And here, Weston's son, Steven, lusted after a woman and publicly insulted her in her husband's presence. Afterwards, he buried the husband and wife alive, not even sparing their three-year-old child!"

"The most despicable of all is this: Steven, the eldest son of the Seagal family, and Ricardo, the third son of the Maloney family, led a group of profligate youths in an organization called the 'Heroes Club.' They engaged in rape, abduction, murder, and arson, causing more than a hundred deaths in the past three years. They've committed heinous acts that have left both humans and gods indignant!"

Rufus Rhys opened letter after letter, placing each in front of Elara. He said angrily, "Now, do you still think there might be a misunderstanding?"

"This…" Elara was momentarily speechless.

She hadn't expected Weston and Alex to be so audacious. If they had been involved in some financial embezzlement or corruption, it would have been one thing, but with the scale of criminal activity presented here, both the Seagal and Maloney families were likely to face grave consequences.

Chapter 1773: You're quite adept at telling lies

"I know you have some connections with Alex Maloney, but today, there's no way to resolve this peacefully," Rufus Rhys warned coldly.

"The law applies to both the emperor and the common people. The Seagal and Maloney families have committed numerous crimes and should be severely punished," Elara replied resolutely.

She could tell that Rufus Rhys was truly angry, and trying to plead now would be ineffective and might even worsen the situation. She was a smart woman and knew the right course of action.

"As long as you understand," Rufus Rhys nodded and said nothing more.

At that moment, a guard entered the room and respectfully reported, "Lord, Mr. Weston Seagal has arrived."

"Hmph! Bring him in!" Rufus Rhys responded coldly.

"Understood," the guard replied and quickly left.

Shortly after, the submissive Weston was escorted into the room. When he saw Elara and Albert, an ominous feeling overcame him.

Elara, as the royal consort, usually didn't involve herself in military matters in West Lucozia, and Albert, the executioner of the King Palace, was someone nobody wanted to encounter.

"I pay my respects to Your Lordship," Weston knelt and bowed respectfully, concealing his growing unease.

"Do you know why I summoned you here so late?" Rufus Rhys spoke coldly, his face devoid of emotion.

"I do not, Your Lordship. Please enlighten me," Weston replied with his head bowed.

"See for yourself." Rufus Rhys didn't say much and simply tossed a letter to the ground in front of Weston.

Weston picked up the letter and, after reading it carefully, his complexion immediately paled.

"Your Lordship! I am falsely accused!" Weston immediately began to plead his innocence. "This, this... it must be someone's malicious slander. My son is of good character, kind-hearted, and would never commit such atrocities!"

"Good character? Kind-hearted? Hmph! You dare say that with a straight face?" Rufus Rhys slammed the table in anger.

"Your Lordship, I don't know where you received this information, but I can guarantee that my son is a law-abiding and upright citizen. This accusation is undoubtedly the work of someone with ulterior motives trying to sow discord!" Weston declared with conviction.

"Weston, you're quite adept at telling lies, aren't you? You think you can shirk responsibility with a few words? Do you take me for a fool?" Rufus Rhys responded with a stern tone.

"Your Lordship, my loyalty to you is unwavering. I would never dare to deceive you. Please do not heed the words of these wicked slanderers!" Weston pleaded as if he had suffered great injustice.

"Well, Weston Seagal, you're still trying to defend yourself at this point. You are truly incorrigible," Rufus Rhys said in a low voice. "Let me tell you the truth: the letters you hold in your hands are the result of an investigation conducted by my own spies. No one reported this, and the crimes committed by your son have been clear to me for a long time."

"What?" Weston was struck like a thunderbolt, his face growing paler. He had initially believed that it was a rival's report that exposed his son's crimes, but now, he learned that it was the result of an investigation by the King Palace's own intelligence network. He had lost any ground for further denial.

"Your Lordship! My son made a drunken mistake; it was a momentary lapse of judgment. I implore you, in consideration of my unwavering loyalty, to show leniency and spare my son!" Weston knelt on the floor, kowtowing repeatedly.

"If it weren't for our past relationship, your Seagal family would have already been wiped out!" Rufus Rhys suddenly stood up, startling Weston, who nearly wet himself.

Chapter 1774: Spare my life

Seeing Rufus Rhys's sudden outburst, Weston was on the brink of urinating himself, his face turned ashen. In his memory, the Lord rarely displayed any signs of anger, and today's furious reaction was unprecedented.

He couldn't believe that his son's actions, which he had thought were relatively minor, had provoked such a severe response.

"Your Lordship, it was my fault for not disciplining him properly. If my son has committed any wrongdoing, I'm willing to take full responsibility," Weston said in a noble and righteous manner, kneeling on the ground.

"Take responsibility? Are you capable of doing that?" Rufus Rhys suddenly picked up a pile of letters from the table and slammed them into Weston's face.

The tremendous force sent Weston tumbling to the ground, with a stinging pain on his face.

"What is this?" Weston was bewildered as he picked up the letters from the ground, one by one, and began reading them. As he read further, his expression became more panicked, and he started to tremble. Fear turned his body into a sieve, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

"I can't believe it. This can't be real!" Weston kept shaking his head, refusing to accept what he was reading.

These letters listed numerous crimes committed by the Seagal family. Not only did they include his son, Steven, but also many key members of the Seagal family. Even his own sins were documented, from minor corruption to major crimes like murder and arson. Everything was detailed meticulously, and many of these crimes were things he had long forgotten, only to be laid bare on Rufus Rhys's table now.

What on earth is happening? Why would Rufus Rhys, who seemed perfectly fine, use his spies to investigate the Seagal family? Have I made any recent mistakes?

"Weston Seagal, have you read everything clearly now? Do you have anything left to say?" Rufus Rhys shouted.

"Your Lordship, spare my life! Spare my life!" Weston, as if awakening from a dream, fell to his knees and began desperately begging for mercy. His head bumped against the floor, producing a "thump, thump" sound, not stopping even if it caused blood to flow from his wounds.

Finally, he understood why Rufus Rhys was so furious. The Seagal family's numerous crimes, once exposed, could lead to the annihilation of the entire family.

"Spare my life?" Rufus Rhys coldly snorted, "Did you and the Seagal family think about sparing the lives of those innocent people when you committed murder and arson?"

"Your Lordship, I know my wrongs. I promise to change my ways. Please consider my years of dedicated service and hard work. Spare my life!" Weston continued to bow and apologize, appealing to their emotional connection.

He understood that he was facing a calamity today. He didn't dare hope for safety; he just wanted to preserve his life.

"Your Lordship, Master Alex has arrived!" An attendant suddenly walked in and reported.

"Bring him in," Rufus Rhys said coldly.


After a while, Alex, with a slightly stooped posture, walked in, appearing submissive.

Chapter 1775: Execute him publicly

As soon as Alex entered the hall, he was taken aback by the scene before him. West Lucozia's King, Rufus Rhys, stood with a stern expression, his hands behind his back. The queen, Elara, stood nearby, looking grave. Even the person known as the "Human Butcher," Albert, who usually kept a low profile, had a glint of hostility in his eyes. The captain of the royal guard, Matt Turner, rested his hand on the hilt of his sword, ready to draw it at a moment's notice.

However, what shocked Alex the most was the sight of Weston kneeling on the floor. Weston Seagal appeared terrified, continually kowtowing, giving the impression that he was facing a major crisis.

"I pay my respects to Your Lordship," Alex Maloney knelt as soon as he entered the hall, offering a deep bow to Rufus Rhys.

Under normal circumstances, Rufus Rhys would have instructed him to rise, but this time was different.

"Do you know why I summoned you in the middle of the night, Master Alex?" Rufus Rhys repeated his introductory question.

"I do not know, Your Lordship. Please enlighten me," Alex replied, swallowing nervously.

"You don't know? Then see for yourself," Rufus Rhys said, tossing a letter onto the floor in front of Alex.

Alex picked up the letter and, after reading it, his face changed dramatically.

"Your Lordship, this is a mistake! I've been wronged!" Holding the letter in the air, Alex began protesting, looking as if he had been unjustly accused. "Your Lordship, this accusation is undoubtedly a fabrication! It's a baseless slander! I implore you to investigate further!"

Hearing these words, Weston, who was kneeling beside him, couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his eye.

Dude, your approach is just like mine, and it didn't work. Try something else!

"A mistake? A slander?" Rufus Rhys sneered, "It seems that you are no different from Weston, both of you act as if you are innocent until proven guilty."

"Your Lordship, although my son is not the most virtuous, he would never commit such outrageous acts, nor would he participate in some so-called 'Hero Club.' There must be a misunderstanding," Alex confidently declared.

"Lord Alex, it's time to tell him whether there's a misunderstanding in all of this," Rufus Rhys addressed Weston, ignoring Alex's protests.

"Lord Alex, at this point, you should stop trying to evade the truth and confess. It might be your only chance to gain His Lordship's forgiveness," Weston said with a mournful expression on his face.

"Lord Weston, what are you talking about?" Alex snapped, his eyes narrowing. "Although I'm not the most talented, I always strive for honesty and never tell lies. Don't slander me!"

In his view, Alex had been caught red-handed and was trying to drag him down with him. In such a situation, Alex naturally wouldn't admit to the accusations.

"Honest and never telling lies?" Rufus Rhys chuckled coldly. "Alex, you're really giving up an opportunity to admit your mistakes. Let me ask you one last time, did your family, the Malenoys, commit these heinous acts?"

As Alex adamantly denied the allegations, Weston tried to signal him with his eyes, but Alex seemed oblivious, holding onto his righteous stance.

"Your Lordship, I have always been dedicated and would never allow my child to commit such deeds. If these allegations are true, I am willing to pay with my life for it!" Alex maintained his righteous appearance.

"Very well," Rufus Rhys said with a sigh, "Alex, since you so eagerly seek death, I shall grant your wish. Take him away! Tomorrow at noon, we shall execute him publicly."

Chapter 1776: The Dragon Slayer ultimately become the evil dragon

As the words "public execution" were uttered, Alex was struck dumbfounded. He finally grasped the gravity of the situation. In normal circumstances, lesser offenses might result in a loss of rank or position, but they would not lead to execution.

He couldn't comprehend the direness of the situation. How could the governor, in his right mind, order a beheading?

"Your Lordship, this is a grave misunderstanding!" Alex was frantic, begging for mercy as he was about to be taken away. "Even if I failed in my duties as a father, should that cost me my life?"

"Inadequate parenting? Is that all you think this amounts to?" Rufus Rhys's face was stern.

"Your Lordship, what crime have I committed that warrants this severe punishment?" Alex continued to plead his innocence with a sorrowful expression.

"In these years, do you have no idea about the terrible things you've done?" Rufus Rhys inquired.

"I truly don't know, Your Lordship. Please enlighten me," Alex maintained his defiance.

"Very well, I will make your guilt clear to you." Rufus Rhys grabbed another bundle of documents and tossed them at Alex's feet. He coldly stated, "These are pieces of evidence collected through my spies. You can see with your own eyes the gravity of the crimes committed by your Maloney family."

When Alex examined the documents, his face turned even paler. He had assumed that there was only one crime being discussed but was stunned to find there were numerous allegations against his family.

Faced with this undeniable proof, Alex was overwhelmed by fear and shock.

"Your Lordship, I made a mistake. I am deserving of death. Please, in light of my years of loyal service, spare my life!" Alex no longer maintained his previous stubbornness, pleading for mercy.

"Please, show mercy, Your Lordship!" Weston also adopted a humble attitude, knocking his head on the ground, knowing that he too was standing on the precipice of death.

"Weston, how many years have you been with me?" Rufus Rhys suddenly asked.

"Your servant has been serving Your Lordship for over twenty years," Weston quickly replied.

"It's been twenty-three years," Rufus Rhys corrected. "During my campaigns, whether in the south or the north, against warlords, barbarians, or for internal and external peace, you've been by my side. I've watched you go from a soldier to a general. After you retired, I haven't treated you unfairly. I promoted you to the position of general, giving you authority over the safety of this city. Weston, I had high hopes for you."

"Your Lordship's grace is unforgettable," Weston, who was kneeling, spoke with a trembling voice.

"Alex, although you didn't come from a military background, my expectations for you were no less than those for Weston."

Rufus Rhys looked at Alex, continuing with great earnestness. "When I saw your talent for governance going to waste, I requested the emperor's support to bring you from Stonia to West Lucozia. Back then, you were just a minor official in the Ministry of Personnel. After you arrived in West Lucozia, I overruled objections and promoted you to the Office of Censors. Later, I saw your talents further and requested the emperor to appoint you as the provincial governor. Now, in the entire West Lucozia, you are head and shoulders above all."

"I owe my current position to you, Your Lordship. I will serve you diligently and selflessly until my death," Alex said with tears streaming down his face.

"Weston Seagal, Alex Maloney, do you remember the oath you both made at the beginning?"

Rufus Rhys asked with deep sincerity, "To establish a heart for the heavens, give meaning to the people's lives, continue the legacy of the saints, and bring eternal peace to the world."

"I remember," Weston and Alex nodded simultaneously.

"Are you really remembering it?" Rufus Rhys sighed, shaking his head. "If you truly remember it, then why have you committed these unjust and harmful acts? We once detested corrupt officials and wicked bureaucrats, but why, without realizing it, have you become the very people you despised?"

The Dragon-Slayer had ultimately become the evil dragon—a profound irony.

Chapter 1777: Save some dignity

Weston and Alex fell into silence, their heads hung low, and tears streaming down their faces. At some point, they had become blinded by the allure of alcohol, lust, and wealth. With power in their hands, they had lost touch with their original intentions, descending into the very individuals they once despised.

Do they regret it?

Absolutely, they regret it. It's just that now, it's too late.

Some mistakes, once made, cannot be undone, and there's no returning to the past.

"Weston, Alex, after committing such grave offenses, how should I deal with you?" Rufus Rhys suddenly asked.

"Your servant is well aware of his heinous crimes and is willing to atone with his life. I only ask Your Lordship to spare the Seagal family," Weston said in a trembling voice.

"If innocent people are involved, this prince will not pursue them. However, those who have committed multiple sins shall pay with their lives," Rufus Rhys replied without turning around.

"Thank you, Your Lordship!"

Weston managed to force a faint smile, then bowed down again and respectfully knocked his head three times. "It has been an honor to serve as Your Lordship's subordinate. If there is a next life, I will strive to be an upright person."

"Your Lordship, please take care. I'm going to make amends now."

As he spoke, Weston suddenly snatched a sword from one of the guards and slit his own throat.

For a moment, blood sprayed everywhere.

With an expression of relief, Weston fell backward to the ground.

"Lord Weston!"

Alex beside him was taken aback.

He hadn't expected Weston to be so resolute, taking his own life without any hesitation. He was not a military man but a civilian, and he had never experienced the horrors of the battlefield. As a result, he didn't possess the same readiness to die. Weston's swift act of self-destruction was something he truly couldn’t do it.

"Because he doesn't have the courage."

"He left quite decently,"

Rufus Rhys sighed, his emotions very complex.

His old subordinates from the past were already few in number. Losing another one today was inevitably sorrowful.

"Alex, it's your turn."

Rufus Rhys's gaze shifted, once again falling on the trembling Alex.

"Lord, have mercy! Spare my life, my grace!" Alex pleaded, repeatedly kowtowing. "This humble servant is already of advanced age, with only a few years left to live. I implore Lord to show mercy, spare this humble servant's life. I am willing to resign from my position as governor, willing to donate all my assets. I only ask for mercy beyond the law!"

"Everyone must be accountable for their own actions. If you've done wrong, you must face the consequences," Rufus Rhys shook his head.

"Princess! Princess, save me!"

Seeing Rufus Rhys unmoved, Alex immediately turned his gaze to Elara, crying out, "I have been loyal and devoted all these years. I implore the princess to save my life based on our past relationship. I will certainly work like an ox and horse in the future to repay your kindness, Princess!"

"Lord Alex, it's futile. Save yourself some dignity. If you don't die, the Maloney family will find it hard to survive," Elara said with deep conviction.
"Why? What have I done wrong?" Alex shouted in frustration, his eyes bloodshot. "I've been an official for over twenty years, toiling day and night. I've finally reached this high position, why can't I enjoy it? Those people who died were just a bunch of commoners, weren't they? How can they be compared to me? These years, if it weren't for my governance, West Lucozia wouldn't have its current glory! Why should I be killed for those commoners? Rufus Rhys, have you gone senile?"

Chapter 1778: Death by a thousand cuts

At this moment, Alex had completely lost his rationality, feeling like he had nothing left to lose.

In his view, he had worked hard and diligently, assisting Rufus Rhys in managing West Lucozia efficiently. The current prosperity of West Lucozia undoubtedly owed much to his contributions. He thought he had just taken advantage of his position for some pleasure - what was wrong with that? After gaining power and influence, shouldn't he be able to enjoy life? Otherwise, what was the point of being an official? Moreover, what were the lives of a few commoners compared to his position as a governor? Throughout history, how many powerful figures hadn't stained their hands with the blood of others?

He didn't think he had done anything wrong; he believed Rufus Rhys was simply foolish.

"Alex, even now, you don't feel remorse?" Rufus Rhys shook his head, disappointment written all over his face. "You let your son commit murder, disregarded human lives, treated the people as ants, and committed countless heinous acts. Your behavior is no different from those savages in the past who pillaged and killed."

"I have achievements! I created this flourishing era in West Lucozia. I provided peace and prosperity for all the people. What does it matter if I kill a few insignificant people?" Alex roared in anger.

"Alex, you have achievements, but they don't excuse your crimes. The merits you earned do not justify your rampant wrongdoing, nor do they grant you a pardon!" Rufus Rhys rebuked. "We officials are here to serve the people, not to oppress them. If everyone thinks and acts like you, West Lucozia will crumble sooner or later!"

"Alex, when you make a mistake, you must face the consequences. You've seriously violated the law. Admit your guilt honestly!" Elara said coldly.

"I refuse to accept it! I refuse!" Alex shouted, his eyes bloodshot, continuously roaring.

Faced with life and death, he had completely lost his sanity.

"It doesn't matter if you refuse to accept it. The evidence against you is solid now. No matter how you argue, it's futile," Rufus Rhys declared sternly.

As Rufus Rhys spoke, his gaze suddenly swept toward Albert, and he asked, "According to the laws of West Lucozia, how should Alex Maloney's crime be punished?"

"Death by a thousand cuts," Albert calmly uttered a few words.

Upon hearing this, even Elara standing beside them couldn't help but have her pupils constrict. Death by a thousand cuts, also known as lingchi, was one of the most brutal forms of punishment. It involved cutting the criminal's body three thousand six hundred times, and only the final cut would cause the criminal's death. This punishment was reserved for heinous crimes, and it was an incredibly cruel and prolonged process.

"ALex, considering your years of service, pick up the knife and end your own life!" Rufus Rhyus said coldly.

He was giving the man one last chance, an opportunity for self-redemption.

"Rufus Rhys! You bastard! I followed you diligently for years, and you want to kill me? I curse you to die a terrible death!" ALex roared incessantly, his whole being resembling a madman.

"Stubborn and unrepentant!"

Rufus Rhys's face turned cold. "Men, come forth! Drag him away! According to the law, execute him with lingchi!"


Two guards entered the room, restraining Alex and forcibly dragging him away.

"Rufus Rhys! You traitorous scum! You forget kindness and turn against your benefactor, you'll pay for this! I refuse! I refuse!" Alex's eyes bulged, and he struggled frantically.

However, no matter how he raged or howled, he couldn't escape the inevitable fate of death.

"Albert, pass the order. Alex Maloney will be executed with lingchi. Confiscate the Maloney family's assets and exterminate their entire clan as a warning to others!" Rufus Rhys issued another command.

An incident like this was enough to prove that corruption had seeped deep into West Lucozia's core. A strong punishment was necessary to deter others.


Chapter 1779: Hero among heroes

Albert acknowledged with a brief response and quickly left.

As a professional executioner, he hadn't conducted a large-scale execution since the peace had come to West Lucozia. Today, due to Alex's actions, he had to step into action once more. This fool had not only ruined himself but had also pushed the entire Maloney family into a pit of fire.

"Weston Seagal is pardoned with death, demoted to a commoner, allowed a peaceful burial. Deal with all the criminals from the Seagal family according to the law. Spare the innocent ones a way out," Rufus Rhys spoke again.

"Yes, Your Excellency!"

Matt Turner respectfully saluted and ordered someone to carry Weston's body away.

Soon, only Rufus Rhys and Elara remained in the hall.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

After everyone left, Rufus Rhys couldn't hold back any longer and began to cough violently. His body seemed on the verge of collapsing.

"My lord! Are you alright?" Elara was startled and quickly moved forward to support him.

"It's nothing, just an old ailment," Rufus Rhys shook his head, using a handkerchief to wipe away the fresh blood at the corner of his mouth.

"My lord, you're coughing up blood? I'll go call a doctor immediately!" Elara's face showed a hint of panic, preparing to leave, but Rufus Rhys stopped her with a raised hand. "No need to be alarmed, my health is something I'm well aware of. Calling a doctor would just mean taking a few more doses of medicine, which won't be of much use."

"My lord..."

Elara was about to say something more, but Rufus Rhys interrupted her. "Alright, don't worry. I won't die immediately. Sit down and talk with me."

Hearing this, Elara could only nod helplessly.

"Elara, I've really put you through a lot these years. You could have stayed in Stonia and lived a comfortable life, but you chose to follow me to this desolate place. You've worked hard every day. I feel guilty about that," Rufus Rhys said softly

"Rufus, how could you say such things? You are a hero among heroes. Just being able to stand by your side, I am already content," Elara said, grasping Rufus Rhys's hand.

"What hero? Look at me now, just an old man past his prime," Rufus Rhys chuckled self-deprecatingly.

"Rufus, no matter how you change, in my heart, you are still that unparalleled man!" Elara said earnestly.

She had considered Rufus Rhys her idol since her teenage years. She had even mustered the courage to arrange her own marriage, marrying Rufus Rhys back when he was not yet titled as a king. At that time, Rufus Rhys was already with Princess Nora. Despite this, she had thrown herself into his arms without hesitation. As a result, she had faced a lot of criticism and pressure.

However, she had never regretted it, because she had married love, the hero in her heart.

"Elara, you are a good wife, a good mother, and a good queen. I have a question to ask you now, and I hope you can answer me truthfully," Rufus Rhys suddenly changed the topic.

"Rufus, please ask. I will answer honestly," Elara nodded.

"My days are numbered, and the position of the King of West Lucozia needs someone to inherit it. Do you think Thorian is suitable?" Rufus Rhys's tone became serious.

"Thorian may appear carefree on the surface, but he is courageous and intelligent. He has great potential. If you are willing, I believe Thorian can be a good King of West Lucozia," Elara replied.

She knew this was the moment when Rufus Rhys would make a decision. She had to fight for her son.

Chapter 1780: He cannot be the King

"You're right; Thorian is indeed exceptional."

"His martial prowess ranks among the top in the Black Dragon Army, even stronger than me during my prime. As for his military strategies, he is a rare talent."

"The generals in the military often report Thorian's achievements to me. I've witnessed his growth. Having a son like him makes me proud," Rufus Rhys said with a contented smile.

Hearing this, Elara relaxed slightly, feeling a sense of joy. She hadn't expected the king, amidst his busy schedule, to be so concerned about their son's development.

"Elara, Thorian is an outstanding child; there's no doubt about that. He can be a great general, expanding West Lucozia's territory and achieving remarkable feats. But he cannot be the King of West Lucozia, at least not now," Rufus Rhys suddenly changed the topic.

Hearing this, Elara was momentarily puzzled.

"Elara, if I had more time, I would nurture Thorian until he becomes a suitable King of West Lucozia. Unfortunately, time is not on my side anymore," Rufus Rhys shook his head.

"Rufus, are you saying..." Elara hesitated, her expression filled with confusion.

She guessed the outcome, but she was afraid to say it out loud.

"I want to pass the throne to Logan Rhys," Liu Wanjun said with a complicated expression. "Regardless of his temperament, martial prowess, strategic acumen, or military talent, Logan is the best choice. He is more suitable for this position than I am."

"Rufus, from what I know, Logan is deeply devoted to the martial world and rarely concerns himself with court affairs. He might... not like this position," Elara tried to explain.

"He indeed doesn't like it, but there are some responsibilities that even if you dislike, you have to shoulder. This is duty," Rufus Rhys said sternly. "For the greater good, for the people of West Lucozia, for the people of the world, I believe he will bear this heavy burden."

"Rufus, why not let Logan make the choice for himself?" Elara asked.

"Of course, I won't force Logan. Similarly, I won't force Thorian either. They are both my sons. I will let them compete fairly. I just hope you understand that Logan is the best choice," Rufus Rhys said with great seriousness.

“I understand.” Elara nodded with a melancholic expression.

Although she was reluctant to admit it, she knew deep down that in every aspect, Logan Rhys was more outstanding and better suited to be the King of West Lucozia compared to Thorian Rhys.

However, she couldn't help but feel unwilling. As a mother, she naturally wished for her son to hold a high position, to stand above the masses. So, she had to fight for this throne—not for herself, but for her son's future.

"Elara, in reality, this position isn't as wonderful as people imagine. Concepts like ruling the court and having control over everything are just illusory," Rufus Rhys spoke. "Since I ascended to this position, I no longer live for myself. I live for all the people of West Lucozia. The pressure and responsibility I bear are things outsiders can never comprehend."

"If I had a choice, I wouldn't want to be the useless King of West Lucozia. It's too damn exhausting," Rufus Rhys continued, coughing slightly.
Elara quickly raised her hand and gently patted Rufus Rhys's back, helping him breathe more easily.

In that moment, she suddenly realized that her king seemed to have aged significantly. The former heroic and invincible man had disappeared, replaced by a frail elder.

Seeing Rufus Rhys's half-white hair, Elara couldn't help but feel a pang of heartache.

The man who was once full of vigor, the unparalleled hero, why had he become like this?

"Elara, you must be tired too. Go back to your room and rest. In a few days, our whole family will gather together," Rufus Rhys smiled.
"Rufus, please take care of your health," Elara urged.

"I know. Go on," Rufus Rhys waved his hand.

"Farewell, Rufus."

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