An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2422 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL

English Version Translated by NAZMUL

An Understated Dominance is a Urban novel for men, telling a story of Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. "An Understated Dominance" delves into themes of ambition, power and the price of success. The novel explores the complexities of relationships and so on.
Chapter 1901: Three treasuries

"Yeah! One wrong step leads to a chain of mistakes. Lorenzo's actions are destined to end in tragedy. I don't want anyone to have the opportunity to gain merit by taking the blame."

Thorian said this, and he also gave a meaningful look to Antonio.

If the person in front of him weren't his third uncle, if his father weren't kind and unwilling to have family infighting, if there hadn't been too much loss.

For the actions of the other side in plotting rebellion, dying ten times wouldn't be enough!

"Cough, cough..."

Under Thorian's stern gaze, Antonio, feeling guilty, changed the topic, "Logan, these three treasuries are of astonishing value and great significance. How do you plan to handle them?"

"Of course, we will bring them all back to West Lucozia. Are we supposed to leave them for those miscellaneous fish?" Thorian rolled his eyes.

"These three treasuries cannot be taken by us alone."

Dustin shook his head and said, "Destroying the Dragon Guard Pavilion was not solely our effort. We've also called for outside help this time, so the benefits should be shared among everyone."

"Shared? Logan, are you kidding me?"

Antonio was stunned, and his whole body became excited. "You just heard what Lorenzo said. The treasure of the Dragon Guard Pavilion is a collection of decades, enough to rival a nation's wealth. In such a tremendous opportunity, you actually want to share it with others? What are you thinking?"

This time, when they eliminated the Dragon Guard Pavilion, he had achieved great success. Maybe he would even receive additional rewards afterward.

In other words, the more treasures the West Lucozia Royal Palace obtained, the more benefits he would receive. Naturally, he didn't want to give them away.

"Treasures are good, but we should also consider morality. They came from afar to help us. If we keep the treasure all to ourselves, won't we become ungrateful?" Dustin said calmly.

"Though that's what you're saying, it's not necessary to share with them, right? Just give them some benefits casually," Antonio said.

"I've made up my mind. If my third uncle is dissatisfied, he can complain to Rufus Rhys. Let's see how he will handle it," Dustin said with a poker face.

"You..." Antonio's face froze.

He had never seen someone so foolish, willing to give away the acquired wealth.

"Third uncle, don't judge others by yourself. My brother's generosity is not something ordinary people can compare with," Thorian calmly said.

Although he felt some regret, he unconditionally supported his older brother.

"Let's go up," Dustin said without wasting words. After sealing the wooden box, he walked out with Thorian and the others.

In his eyes, gold and silver treasures were just external possessions. If he swindled even his friends, the path ahead would only become narrower.

After returning to the surface, Dustin took out two treasure maps and handed one to Adam Spanner and one to Margaret.

"Brother Logan, what's the meaning of this?" Adam looked at the treasure map in his hand, feeling puzzled.

"The Dragon Guard Pavilion has three treasuries, and each treasury corresponds to one treasure map. Since we are three people, each of us gets one treasury," Dustin explained.

"Wow! You're being quite generous, giving away a treasury at the drop of a hat," Adam's eyes lit up.

"If it weren't for your help in eliminating the Dragon Guard Pavilion, it wouldn't have gone so smoothly," Dustin said.

"Hehe... Alright, since you insist, I'll accept it with pleasure," Adam said without hesitation, putting the treasure map into his pocket.

"I don't need this thing, so you can keep it," Margaret glanced at the treasure map and then stuffed it into Dustin's arms.

"Don't misunderstand, I'm not giving this treasure map to you. I'm offering it to the imperial court as a token of goodwill. In the future, we in the West Lucozia will need the support of the imperial court," Dustin smiled and handed the treasure map back to Margaret.

"This..." Upon hearing this, Margaret was hesitant about refusing.

"Princess, this is a gesture from Brother Logan. You don't need to be polite. We will have plenty of opportunities to cooperate in the future," Adam advised from the side.

"Alright, then I'll thank you on behalf of my father," Margaret nodded and ultimately accepted the map.

Chapter 1902: A successor

After distributing the treasure maps, Dustin arranged for people to reorganize the Dragon Guard Pavilion's base.

This place was easy to defend and hard to attack, with a concealed location, taking advantage of the terrain. Furthermore, it was situated in the border area between two countries.

Turning this place into a military stronghold was not a bad idea. In the future, if conflicts arose with the Western countries, this place would become a key point. Launching an attack from here would certainly catch the enemy off guard.

Although it might not be needed in the short term, being prepared in advance was always a wise choice.

Once the relevant matters were settled, Dustin returned to the West Lucozia Royal Palace with his people.

This time, Dustin returned in triumph, eliminating a hidden threat to West Lucozia. As the King of West Lucozia, Rufus Rhys specifically held a grand feast at the palace and invited many guests.

All those who had contributed to this event were on the guest list.

For everyone, the fact that Rufus Rhys was still alive was great news, and the extermination of the remaining Dragon Guard Pavilion members added to their joy, making the occasion worth celebrating.

In the evening, the palace was filled with distinguished guests.

Prominent figures in West Lucozia were almost all in attendance.

Various high-ranking officers, officials, and influential individuals from different quarters were gathered in the palace, enjoying drinks and merriment.

"Everyone, as a younger generation, allow me to say a few words first," Thorian stood up at the banquet, holding up a wine glass and spoke loudly, "During the recent crisis in the royal palace, none of you left or abandoned us. You all helped the royal palace in its time of need, and for that, I'm deeply grateful. So, let me raise a toast to all of you."

After his words, Thorian lifted his head and drained his glass.

"Young Master Thorian, no need for such formalities. We, as loyal subjects of West Lucozia, should share the joys and sorrows with the royal palace. What we did was only our duty, nothing more," Marquis Alexander, said with a faint smile.

"You're absolutely right! We've followed the King for many years, sharing both blessings and hardships. When the royal palace faced trouble this time, we naturally had to provide strong support, dedicating ourselves until the end!" Marquis Rowan, raised his glass in response.

While he valued his own interests, he also respected loyalty. This time, with the royal palace suppressing the rebellion and exterminating the Dragon Guard Pavilion, regaining control, he was quite pleased.

"Hahaha... Excellent!" Thorian laughed heartily. "With this group of loyal and righteous individuals like you, how can West Lucozia not thrive? Come, everyone, let's toast!"

Thorian poured another glass of wine, raised it to the people around, and then drained it.

"To victory!" Everyone raised their glasses and returned the toast, and the atmosphere became lively.

The King survived a great crisis, the Crown Prince returned to West Lucozia, and the future of West Lucozia was bound to prosper.

"Now, taking this opportunity, I'd like to say a few words," at this point, Rufus Rhys slowly stood up, smiling as he spoke, "Firstly, the fact that the royal palace was able to overcome this crisis was all thanks to your loyalty and selflessness. I'm truly honored to work with such dedicated individuals."

"Being able to serve the King is our honor."

"Yes, without the King, we wouldn't have the good days we enjoy now. Our prosperity and wealth are all bestowed by the King."

"No matter what happens, we pledge our unwavering loyalty to the King!"

Various generals and high-ranking officials echoed in agreement.

"Very well, I understand your sentiments," Rufus Rhys smiled and nodded. He then continued, "In addition to thanking all of you, I have an announcement to make. I've decided to select a successor and abdicate the throne."

With this statement, the room suddenly fell silent.

Chapter 1903: Different opinions

For a moment, everyone looked at each other, their expressions a mixture of surprise and uncertainty.

While many were aware of Rufus Rhys's health issues, they believed he had a few more years in him. The timing of his decision to abdicate after recently overcoming internal and external challenges caught them off guard.

"Your Highness, isn't this a bit hasty?" Elara, who was standing nearby, advised.

"Yes, Your Highness, your health is still robust, and you have many years ahead of you. Why give up the throne so early?" Alexander spoke straightforwardly.

Although the others were equally puzzled, no one dared to speak out. Advising Rufus Rhys against his decision could potentially offend the future king. So, at this moment, wise individuals chose to observe silently.

"I'm well aware of my health," Rufus Rhys replied with a faint smile. "I don't have much time left, so while everyone is here, I'd like to arrange my affairs and fulfill a long-cherished wish."

"Your Highness..."

Elara was about to say something, but Rufus Rhys raised his hand to stop her. "That's enough. My decision is final; there's no need to persuade me further."

Rufus Rhys turned to the crowd, his expression serious, and continued, "Ladies and gentlemen, the selection of a new king is of paramount importance and will shape the future of West Lucozia. I alone cannot make this decision, so I'd like to ask each of you here: in your opinion, who is the most qualified to become the future King of West Lucozia?"

"This..." In response to his words, the people in attendance became even more unsettled.

It seemed that Rufus Rhys was planning to conduct an internal vote. The one with the most support would have the opportunity to become the future King of West Lucozia.

The question now was whether they should choose Logan Rhys or Thorian Rhys.

In terms of talent and abilities, it was clear that Logan Rhys had the upper hand.

However, considering family background and support from behind the scenes, Thorian still had a significant advantage. On one hand, Thorian had shown remarkable performance in the military in recent years, with a promising future. On the other hand, his mother, Elara, held the title of the Dragon Country's Crown Princess, and she had substantial influence both in West Lucozia and in Stonia, with an extensive network of affiliated powers. All in all, when considering the comprehensive picture, it was evident that Thorian had a greater chance of becoming the new king.

After all, in the context of selecting a new king, having a large number of supporters was often more critical than personal abilities.

"Your Highness, personally, I believe that the Second Prince is the most suitable to become the new king," a general from Black Dragon Army suddenly stood up.

"I concur!" Another Black Dragon Army general rose to his feet and said loudly, "We have witnessed the Second Prince's excellent performance in the military over the years. He has outperformed us old veterans by far. I am confident that if West Lucozia is entrusted to the Second Prince, it will undoubtedly thrive!"

"You're absolutely right! We support the Second Prince for the throne!"

At this moment, many people started to echo this sentiment. On the one hand, this was due to Thorian's personal excellence, and on the other, it was also due to the influence of Elara, the Princess of Stonia.

"What about others?" Rufus Rhys did not take a stance and scanned the room with his gaze.

"Your Highness, I have a different perspective," Marquis Tyson spoke up, "While the Second Prince is indeed outstanding, he lacks a bit of tempering compared to the Crown Prince. That's why I believe the Crown Prince is more suitable to be the king."

Chapter 1904: Nine to One ratio

Tyson's remarks drew the attention of many, and people began to exchange sidelong glances.

Wise individuals could see that Thorian had more supporters, making the choice of Thorian the more strategic one. It seemed odd that Tyson, known as West Lucozia's strategist and compared to Famous strategist of world, would support Logan Rhys instead.

"Marquis Tyson, I beg to differ," Rowan began to refute, "The Crown Prince indeed possesses unparalleled martial talent in the entirety of West Lucozia. However, the position of the king is not just about martial prowess; it requires a well-rounded skill set. The Second Prince excels in both the military and civil affairs, has a large number of supporters, and has spent years honing his abilities in the military. He is excellent in various aspects. If the Second Prince becomes the king, West Lucozia will undoubtedly prosper!"

Thorian was not only the Emperor's nephew but also the future son-in-law. They had a marriage contract in place. Regardless, Rowan unconditionally supported Thorian. This was because if Thorian ascended to the throne, his daughter would become the future queen, and his status would naturally rise.

"I agree with Marquis Rowan's view," a high-ranking Black Dragon Army general spoke, "I acknowledge the Crown Prince's excellence, but it's a fact that he's been away from West Lucozia for many years. He is not well-versed in the intricacies of the region, while the Second Prince is different. He grew up in West Lucozia, knows the people, relationships, and military matters like the back of his hand. Therefore, making the Second Prince the king is the most suitable choice."

"That's right! The Crown Prince has been away for ten years and is unfamiliar with West Lucozia. It's hard to win over the people. I support the Second Prince as the king!"

At this moment, some military leaders started to take sides. Regardless of Logan Rhys's exceptional qualities, his long absence made him feel like a stranger to them.

But Thorian was different. Although he had been unreliable in the past, his recent performance in the last few years had been exceptional, and they were familiar with him. Given Thorian's personality, they believed that once he became king, he would not harm their interests. In the end, the choice of the king's position was a matter of weighing pros and cons for them.

"The Crown Prince possesses great talent and wisdom, and he is a hero of his generation. His future achievements will undoubtedly be no less than that of Your Highness. I believe that most of the people present have a clear understanding of this. I still choose to support the Crown Prince," Tyson spoke again.

He supported Logan Rhys to repay the kindness shown to him by the former Queen of Nora, but he also genuinely believed that Logan Rhys was the most suitable king for West Lucozia. He considered Logan Rhys even more outstanding than Rufus Rhys, who had once been renowned throughout the world.

"I support the Second Prince!" Rowan declared loudly.

"I also support the Second Prince!" The Black Dragon Army general joined in.

"We all support the Second Prince!" Over twenty influential figures voiced their agreement.

From the current situation, it was a clear 9-to-1 ratio in favor of Logan Rhys.

"Adam Spanner, what's your opinion?" Rufus Rhys still didn't express his stance and turned his gaze to Adam, who was enjoying his meal and drinks.

Adam Spanner's twenty thousand White Tiger Army had already returned to their camp, but he was taking a little time off to relax in the West Lucozia Royal Palace. Now, with Rufus Rhys publicly asking for his opinion, he felt a bit puzzled.

"I was just enjoying my meal, Your Highness. I'm an outsider, and West Lucozia's internal affairs are not something I should interfere with," Adam replied with a smile.

He wiped his mouth with a napkin, as if asking, "What's the meaning of your sudden question while I'm eating?"

Seeing everyone's gazes turning toward him, Adam Spanner had a wry smile on his face.

Chapter 1905: Family banquet

"No problem. Today is a family banquet, and everyone present here is like family. Feel free to speak your mind without restraint," Rufus Rhys smiled.

"Since Your Highness asked, I won't refuse," Adam Spanner said as he stood up and saluted the people around him. "I'll share my personal opinion, and if it offends anyone, I hope you won't take it to heart."

"General, you are too humble. Your vision and insights are extraordinary."

"Yes, General, please tell us who you support. We're all curious."

The crowd spoke excitedly, curious about Adam's stance.

Adam's influence and reputation were undeniable, and as the future heir of the royal Spanner family in Dragonmarsh, his words carried significant weight.

"Very well, I'll be straightforward," Adam cleared his throat and spoke with seriousness. "When considering comprehensive ability and the principle of choosing the wise, I believe Logan Rhys is more suitable to become the King of West Lucozia. It is true that Logan Rhys has several weaknesses. Firstly, he has been away from West Lucozia for a long time, and he may not fully understand the current situation here. Secondly, he lacks a strong support base, making it challenging for him to gain the trust of the people. However, I want to remind everyone that when Your Highness rose from nothing, you were in a similar situation. You were underestimated by various forces, but with your exceptional personal abilities, you expanded West Lucozia's territories and achieved greatness. Logan Rhys, in terms of individual capabilities, is no less than Your Highness was back then. Not just in West Lucozia, but even in the entire Dragonmarsh, there are very few individuals who can compare. I believe that given some time, Logan Rhys can certainly become an excellent King of West Lucozia and lead all of you to greater heights."

"This is just my opinion. If anyone has different views, feel free to express them. I've said my piece," Adam concluded and sat back down, returning to his food and drink.

His words, however, stirred considerable waves in the gathering, causing a shift in some people's opinions.

Many of those present were loyal old generals who had followed Rufus Rhys for many years. They were well aware of Rufus Rhys's history and rise to power. Regardless of other factors, Logan Rhys was indeed the person most similar to Rufus Rhys. He possessed extraordinary talent, excelled in both martial and literary arts, had gained experience outside West Lucozia, and had grown more mature and restrained with time.

Putting aside other factors, Logan Rhys was, indeed, more suitable to be king than Thorian.

The matter of the throne was of great importance, and it affected the interests of many. People had to choose carefully.

"Third Brother, what do you think? Between Logan and Thorian, who is more suitable?" Rufus Rhys turned to Antonio after he had asked Adam Spanner.

"Big Brother, I am just a criminal; I am not qualified to comment on the succession to the throne," Antonio shook his head repeatedly.

While he had already redeemed himself through his past actions, his previous deeds still made many resentful. Even while eating, there were many people keeping a close watch on him, seemingly eager to get rid of him. In this situation, standing out too much was not a wise choice.

"We're all family here. Feel free to discuss; there's no need to feel any pressure," Rufus Rhys said with a smile.

After a moment of hesitation, Antonio finally spoke up, "In spirit, I support Thorian. But if I had to choose, I would likely opt for Logan."

Chapter 1906: There's only one throne

The sentence from Antonio caught the attention of many.

As the former Grand General of the West Lucozia Army, there was considerable controversy regarding Antonio's character, but nobody questioned his abilities.

After all, reaching their positions required numerous bloody battles.

If someone as influential and discerning as Antonio believed that Logan Rhys was the most suitable for the throne, then others had to reconsider their stance.

Initially, they thought Logan Rhys was isolated, which is why they supported Thorian.

But now, it seemed things were different.

First, there was the military god Adam Spanner's support, and now former Grand General of the West Lucozia Army Antonio was backing Logan Rhys. The weight of these two endorsements was enough to make many people reconsider their decisions.

"Third brother, explain carefully, why choose Logan?" Rufus Rhys asked with a smile.

"My reasons for choosing Logan are similar to General Adam's. I value a person's talent and abilities," Antonio said earnestly. "This time, in wiping out the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, I believe everyone witnessed Logan's strategic planning and cunning. He devised the strategies that led to the demise of the cunning and sly Blaze and the plundering of all the treasures of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. This is a significant achievement. In summary, Logan is both brave and strategic, making him the best candidate to inherit the throne. As for Thorian, he is more than capable as a Grand General, but there is still a gap if he were to be king."

As soon as he finished speaking, before Rufus Rhys could respond, Rowan stood up excitedly and rebuked, "Nonsense! The success in wiping out the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion was not solely the accomplishment of His Highness. Second Highness also made significant contributions. Without Second Highness's assistance, how could it have gone so smoothly? In terms of talent and ability, Second Highness is by no means inferior to His Highness and is even younger and more promising!"

"Marquis Rowan, there's no need to be in such a hurry. I was just speaking casually, purely a personal opinion. I don't have the final say. The real decision-making power lies with my elder brother," Antonio said calmly.

He had no intention of getting involved in this matter, but seeing Rufus Rhys's clear bias towards Logan Rhys, he followed suit to express his support.

In plain terms, these people were just giving suggestions. Ultimately, who becomes king depends entirely on Rufus Rhys's preference.

"You're being vague. I must correct your verbal loophole," Rowan said coldly. A traitor daring to be so shameless—it was truly beyond comprehension.

"I've heard everyone's suggestions," Rufus Rhys spoke up again, interrupting the discussions. "Some of you support Logan, and some support Thorian. This shows that both of my sons are outstanding. However, there's only one throne, so I can only choose one of them."

With that, Rufus Rhys's gaze suddenly shifted to Dustin and Thorian. "Logan, Thorian, do you think you have the ability to be king?"

"Dad, I lack knowledge and experience. I can't be king. You should pass the throne to big brother," Thorian said directly. As long as his older brother was there, he never thought about becoming king. To him, the throne meant nothing compared to the importance of family.

However, his heartfelt words made all the supporters in the room anxious, especially Rowan and the others, whose faces turned pale.

What was going on?

They had just fought so hard to secure Thorian's position. Now, when the throne was within their grasp, the other party chose to give up voluntarily. Wasn't that a sign of some serious problem?

"Logan, what do you think?" Rufus Rhys asked again.

"I'm not interested in the throne. I came back this time just to eradicate the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. Now that it's done, I have no lingering attachments. I'll be leaving in a few days. So, the position of the heir, I believe, is most suitable for Thorian," Dustin said calmly.

Chapter 1907: Two reckless fools


With these words, everyone was utterly bewildered.

They looked at each other, their faces filled with confusion and incomprehension.

What was going on?

The position of the King of West Lucozia was incredibly prestigious—a supreme power that countless people dreamed of but could never attain. Based on the historical examples of throne succession, normally, the two brothers, Logan Rhys and Thorian Rhys, should have fought fiercely, bloodshed and all.

So why had everything suddenly flipped?

Not only did the two not fight, but they also voluntarily gave up, as if they didn't care about the throne at all.

Throughout history, such a thing had never happened before.

At this moment, both supporters of Logan Rhys and Thorian were frozen in place.

Their mouths hung open, not knowing how to react.

Here they were, arguing vehemently, and the two brothers just casually declined the throne, as if it meant nothing.

Were they treating this as a joke?

"Brother, didn't we agree on this? You become king, and I'll be your general, assisting you. How come it's different now?" Thorian voiced his dissatisfaction.

"Who said I agreed to that? I never promised you anything," Dustin said indifferently. "I'm lazy by nature and dislike being constrained. The throne is a burden for me. Besides, you have more supporters than I do. You're the most suitable one to be king."

"Suitable my foot!" Thorian retorted angrily. "I know my own capabilities very well. I'm definitely not king material. But you, you excel in every aspect. You're the perfect heir, the only one with the capability to inherit the empire our father built."

"Thorian, don't underestimate yourself. You're not inferior to me. With time, you will surely become great. Passing the throne to you is the wisest choice," Dustin replied.

"I don't care! I won't accept this position of King of West Lucozia!" Thorian slammed the table in frustration.

"A forced melon doesn't sweeten. I have no grand ambitions, no noble ideals of self-sacrifice for others, and no determination to be king. So, I won't inherit the throne," Dustin shook his head again.

He had no ambition to rule the world, and he didn't want to follow in Rufus Rhys's footsteps, dedicating himself to the country and its people. He simply wanted to live his life, walk his own path, free and unrestrained, living as he pleased.

"Brother! If you won't take it, then I won't be king either. Let's just let the lineage end with us!" Thorian wore a look of indifference and rebellion.

The people around them were left speechless. In their ears, the throne didn't sound like glory, wealth, or supreme power anymore. It seemed more like a hot potato that no one wanted to hold.

"Two reckless fools! If you don't want it, give it to me!" Antonio's eye twitched, and inside, he let out an unwilling roar.

He had risked everything, staking his wealth and life, and still hadn't obtained the throne. Now, in the eyes of Logan and Thorian, it seemed utterly worthless. No one wanted to take it.

For a moment, he felt like a clown.

Everything he had done before had turned into a joke.

Chapter 1908: Settling down permanently

Although Antonio felt deeply resentful, he dared not speak at this moment.

Even though the two brothers declined the throne and neither wanted to be king, the throne could only belong to one of them. This fact was clear in his mind, and he didn't dare harbor any unreasonable thoughts. Otherwise, Blaze's fate would be his own.

"Alright, alright! You two brats, why do you act like you're being punished when I want you to inherit the throne? Is it that hard to accept?!" Rufus Rhys couldn't help but scold them. Neither of his sons wanted it, making the throne seem utterly worthless. He felt embarrassed in front of so many dignitaries.

"I'm genuinely not interested. You should pass it to Thorian," Dustin shrugged.

"I can't bear this responsibility. The throne belongs to you, big brother," Thorian said firmly.

"Both of you, shut up!" Rufus Rhys slammed the table, his voice stern. "I'll decide this matter, and I won't tolerate your stubbornness! Besides, if it weren't for my poor health, you both would have had to wait several more years for the throne!"

Seeing Rufus Rhys's anger, Thorian fell silent, his stubborn expression indicating his stance.

As for Dustin, he remained indifferent.

Rufus Rhys took a deep breath, finally calming his emotions. He forced a smile and addressed the crowd, "My sons are not capable. I've made you all witness this embarrassing scene. Let's discuss the matter of the throne later. Tonight, let's eat and drink well, and enjoy ourselves."

"Come, everyone, let's drink!" Alexander laughed, trying to diffuse the tension.

He had no personal stance, purely following the prince's choice. "Regardless of the decision, I wholeheartedly support it."

Soon, the previously tense atmosphere began to liven up again.

However, compared to their previous camaraderie, the people present had now divided into three camps.

Led by Marquis Tyson, one faction supported Logan Rhys. Led by Marquis Rowan, another faction supported Thorian. The remaining group, led by Marquis Alexander, remained neutral, adopting a conservative stance.

They chose not to participate in the struggle for succession. Regardless of who would ultimately ascend to the throne, they would acknowledge the new ruler.

This choice might not bring them any substantial benefits, but it also shielded them from taking any risks.

After the victory celebration, everyone returned to their respective homes.

Meanwhile, Dustin was summoned to his father's study by Rufus Rhys.

After a decade, father and son could finally have a peaceful conversation. Two cups of sobering tea were placed on the table, and Rufus Rhys initiated the conversation, "Logan, now that you've avenged your grievances and fulfilled your long-standing wishes, isn't it time to come home?"

"I am already back, aren't I?" Dustin lightly blew on his tea, maintaining a composed demeanor.

"You understand what I mean. I'm talking about settling down permanently, not just staying for a few days and leaving," Rufus Rhys said.

"I still have matters to attend to," Dustin stated without hesitation. "I promised Margaret that after eradicating the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, I would help her find the Dragon Vein. Now that the task is finished, I need to fulfill my promise."

"I can find someone else to take care of the matter concerning the Dragon Vein. There's no need for you to personally go," Rufus Rhys advised.

Chapter 1909: A significant aura of destiny

"Your people can't help me, and besides, this is a promise I made to someone else. I can't go back on my word," Dustin said, taking a sip of his tea.

With the treasure of the Heavenly Eye Gem in his possession, his chances of finding the Dragon Vein were much higher. For anyone else, it would be like finding a needle in a haystack.

"Fine, I'll let you go and search for the Dragon Vein. But what happens after you find it?" Rufus Rhys asked again.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I haven't thought that far ahead," Dustin replied with a slight shake of his head.

"If you don't think about it, I'll think about it for you!" Rufus Rhys said sternly. "After fulfilling your promise, you will come back and inherit the throne. I will take care of everything for you, ensuring you have no worries."

"I've said it before, I don't want to be king," Dustin flatly refused.

"You are my son. If you don't become king, then who will? Are you suggesting that Thorian should bear this heavy responsibility?" Rufus Rhys said, his tone exasperated.

"Thorian is capable both in civil and martial arts. Why shouldn't he?" Dustin countered.

"Thorian is indeed outstanding, but he can only be a general. He can't be the King of West Lucozia!" Rufus Rhys's expression turned serious. "Although we in West Lucozia are powerful, we face constant internal and external threats. Once I'm no longer in this world, various forces will undoubtedly stir up trouble. In that situation, he'll be caught between a rock and a hard place. Allowing him to inherit the throne would only harm him!"

"How can you be so sure that I can handle it?" Dustin asked.

"Your fate is strong, and you carry a significant aura of destiny. Looking at the entire world, no one is more suitable than you. It's not just my opinion; the person in Stonia shares the same view. Once you become the King of West Lucozia, you can stabilize the entire situation. If there are any troubles in West Lucozia in the future, you can shoulder this burden!" Rufus Rhys's tone was resolute.

"So, after all this talk, I'm just a pawn for you to maintain stability?" Dustin frowned slightly.

"Logan, everyone's destiny is different, and from the day you were born, you were destined for greatness," Rufus Rhys said.

Rufus Rhys's expression became complicated. "You can do many things, and you can save many people. Every action you take, including every decision you make, influences the lives and deaths of countless people. I'm not asking you to sacrifice yourself for others, I just hope that you won't avoid it anymore, and accept your identity with calmness. West Lucozia's current state is not easy to achieve; it's the result of your mother's and my efforts over the years. If possible, I hope you can inherit our aspirations."

"If Mother were still alive, she probably wouldn't force me to do something I don't like," Dustin said nonchalantly.

"You..." Rufus Rhys opened his mouth, wanting to say something but finding himself at a loss for words. Eventually, all the words he wanted to say turned into a long sigh.

At this moment, he felt as if all his vitality had been drained from him, and he appeared haggard.

"You're right. I was too hasty; I shouldn't have pressured you," Rufus Rhys managed to force a smile, his expression melancholic. "I always thought of you as the perfect heir, someone who could take over West Lucozia for me, lead the Rhys family to glory, and ensure the prosperity and happiness of the people of West Lucozia. I was considering the bigger picture but neglected your feelings. In fact, thinking about it now, as long as you are safe and happy every day, that's enough. Whether you become king or not is not important. I was wrong; I shouldn't have imposed my desires on you. So, I will support your decision. Whatever you choose to do is fine. I just hope that if you have the time, you can come home more often."

Hearing these words, Dustin was momentarily speechless. He looked at his father's graying temples and aged face, feeling a mix of emotions.

For the first time, he questioned whether his decisions were right. He was born in West Lucozia, enjoying wealth, and various extraordinary privileges since childhood. Now, should he shoulder some responsibilities as well?

Chapter 1910: Confiscation of assets

"Enough, it's getting late. You should go back to your room and rest," Rufus Rhys waved his hand, his face showing signs of exhaustion.

He chose his eldest son to inherit the throne partly because he recognized his abilities and partly out of guilt, hoping to make amends. Unfortunately, his son had no ambitions and never thought of being above others and ruling over many. That's why he didn't want to force him into anything.

He was a dying man, and all he wished for now was the well-being and happiness of his sons. Everything else was no longer his concern.

Dustin opened his mouth but eventually stayed silent and left. He hadn't made up his mind about becoming king yet. In the eyes of others, being the King of West Lucozia represented supreme power, endless luxury, and being at the peak of the world. However, to him, the position was too heavy. Once he ascended, the responsibilities he would bear would be overwhelming. He would no longer be considering only himself but the entirety of West Lucozia and even the people of the world. He was just an ordinary person and couldn't bear such a heavy burden. This time, he wanted to be selfish for once.

In the following days, Dustin stayed in the royal palace. There were many matters to be handled after the suppression of the rebellion, including dealing with the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. Rufus Rhys's health was fragile, so Dustin took on the responsibilities on his behalf. First, he dealt with Antonio's arrangements. Dustin gave him two options.

First, surrender military power and stay in West Lucozia as an idle noble. He could enjoy a life of luxury, walking his dogs, playing with birds, riding horses, and living a leisurely life. However, he couldn't have any affiliated forces, and his personal guards couldn't exceed a hundred.

Second, leave West Lucozia with a sum of wealth to start a new elsewhere. Regardless of the outcome, he had to bear it all on his own, and the royal palace wouldn't interfere.

These two options were straightforward: either live a life of leisure or venture into the unknown. Due to Antonio being his third uncle and his contributions to the suppression of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, Dustin gave him this chance.

In the end, after weighing the pros and cons, Antonio chose the second path, to venture out.

In his words, he would rather take risks outside than lead a mediocre life. Perhaps one day, he could rise again and establish his own power. He was a highly ambitious person, unwilling to be subordinate to others throughout his life. He would rather be a rooster than a phoenix's tail. He believed he could control his own destiny.

Dustin respected Antonio's choice, gave him a sum of money, and personally saw him off from West Lucozia. From then on, they went their separate ways and had no further contact.

After settling the matter with Antonio, Dustin went to the underground prison cell and personally met with Martin and the four northern lords. Rufus Rhys was merciful; he promised not to take their lives, and Dustin didn't break this promise. However, although capital punishment could be spared, severe punishment was inevitable.

Regardless of Martin or the four northern lords, they had committed the grave crime of treason and openly rebelled, causing a severely detrimental impact. They couldn't be let off lightly; otherwise, if such behavior became a precedent, West Lucozia would fall into chaos.

So, Dustin sentenced the five of them to "confiscation of assets." First, they were stripped of their official positions, and all the wealth they had accumulated over the years was seized. Additionally, anyone related to them in terms of interests was thoroughly investigated, and their properties were all seized.

To reassure the people, all the money seized from these five individuals' homes was used for local development, repaying the citizens.

Finally, besides the confiscation, each of the four northern lords would endure twenty years of imprisonment. As for Martin, he received a life sentence and would spend the rest of his days in prison.
Chapter 1911: Another one gone

The reason behind this was because Dustin detested traitors deeply. Those who betrayed and played both sides deserved severe punishment.

After dealing with the five individuals, the generals who followed the betrayal were demoted or integrated, and those who deserved imprisonment were sent to jail.

The specific circumstances depended on whether these people acted voluntarily or were coerced.

While dealing with the rebellion, Dustin also sent Albert to lead a team of Dragon Guards to the treasury location indicated on the treasure map.

The whole process went smoothly.

Although there were formidable experts guarding the treasury, they were no match for Albert, a grandmaster.

With ease, the remnants of the guards at the treasury were wiped out, and all the treasures inside were dragged back.

It had to be admitted that what Lorenzo said was not exaggerated.

The treasures inside the treasury were indeed piled up like mountains.

The King of West Lucozia dispatched over a hundred large trucks in total and employed tens of thousands of people to clear the treasury completely.

The quantity and value of the treasures were beyond calculation.

Conservatively estimating, the military expenditure of West Lucozia for the next twenty years would not be a concern.

A treasury containing so much wealth, and with three of them combined, the riches could rival a nation.

The first thing done upon bringing back the treasures was to reward those who deserved it.

The three feudal lords of the South, Marquis Tyson, Marquis Alexander, and Marquis Rowan, were all meritorious officials and naturally received heavy rewards.

The generals and soldiers under their command also received varying degrees of rewards.

After everything was settled, three days had passed.

Three days later, at noon.

Just as Dustin was having his meal, Albert suddenly came to his door, holding a wooden box in his hands.

"Your Highness, this humble servant has something to report."

Albert bowed deeply, his posture very low.

"Sit and speak," Dustin gestured with one hand.

"This humble servant dares not." Albert glanced at the dishes on the table, bowing his head. "Your Highness is dining; this humble servant dares not disturb. I shall come back later."

"No need to wait; speak your mind," Dustin said, unperturbed.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Albert nodded and placed the box he was carrying on a nearby stool. He reported, "Lorenzo kept his promise and has already committed suicide. This box contains his head. Does Your Highness wish to see it?"

At these words, Dustin paused in his eating. Regret flickered in his eyes, but it quickly returned to normal.

"No need to look. Take it back and give him a proper burial," Dustin said calmly.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Albert lifted the wooden box and prepared to leave.


Dustin raised his head and added, "Do not trouble his family."

"This humble servant understands."

Albert nodded, bowed deeply, and then took his leave.

"Another one gone."

Dustin sighed softly, his expression complicated.

He loathed Lorenzo's betrayal, but at the same time, he understood the man's choice.

Putting himself in Lorenzo's shoes, he hadn't done anything wrong for the sake of his own family.

It could only be said that their positions and choices were different.

Chapter 1912: The northwest desert

"After lunch, Dustin suddenly received a call from Margaret, stating that there was an urgent matter to discuss, and they agreed to meet at the old mansion in the western part of the city.

Dustin had already purchased the old mansion in the west for the specific purpose of training spies. The girls who had been harmed by Steven Seagal earlier had joined the spy camp of West Lucozia with a determination to die. Their noble cause was to prevent others from suffering as they had.

Dustin deeply admired their sense of justice and fulfilled their aspirations. After training under Tony, these girls had reached a basic level of competence. However, real missions required at least three more years of honing their skills.

Dustin truly hoped that he would never have to use them in his lifetime. Because if he didn't need them, it meant that the world was at peace. The spies would only take action when there was a potential threat, but most of the time, it was a matter of life and death.

Half an hour later, Dustin arrived at the old mansion in the west and entered the conference room.

At this moment, Margaret had been waiting for quite some time.

Margaret, dressed in a green robe, still wore a veil on her head, concealing her peerless beauty. Even without seeing her face, her figure was incredibly alluring. Especially coupled with her enigmatic aura, she was naturally seductive, making people's imagination run wild.

"Here? Please have a seat," Margaret personally poured a cup of tea for Dustin.

"Princess, what brings you here to see me?" Dustin sat down calmly.

"We're quite familiar with each other. Calling me Princess feels a bit distant, doesn't it? How about a different form of address?" Margaret said with a half-smile.

"What do you suggest? Miss Margaret? Madam Margaret?" Dustin looked puzzled.

"Hey, do you need to be so polite? Do I look like I'll bite you? Just call me Margaret. Alright?" Margaret rolled her eyes.

"I'm just trying not to offend you. Fine, Margaret it is then," Dustin shrugged.

The two of them had indeed become close through life and death experiences, so their current familiarity was normal.

"Hmph! Why do I feel like you're not very happy about it?" Margaret narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly.

"I am happy, of course. It's an honor to be friends with the Princess of the Dragonmarsh," Dustin replied with a professional fake smile.

"Not sincere at all!"

Margaret snorted but didn't dwell on it. Instead, she got straight to the point, saying, "I called you here today to discuss what we should do next. West Lucozia is now stable, and the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion have been wiped out. According to our previous agreement, it's time for you to help me find the Dragon Vein Energy."

"Don't worry, I will keep my promise. As soon as there's any relevant information about the Dragon Vein Energy, I will accompany you to investigate immediately," Dustin said earnestly.

From the moment he received the call, he had guessed Margaret's intentions. However, the whereabouts of the Dragon Vein Energy were still unknown, and he couldn't run around aimlessly like a headless fly.

"Good, with your word, I can rest assured." Margaret smiled satisfactorily. "To be honest, my people have been searching for the Dragon Vein Energy all along. Finally, two days ago, we got a related lead."

"Oh?" Dustin raised an eyebrow, quite surprised. "Are you saying you've found one of the Dragon Vein Energy sources?"

"Found might be an overstatement; let's just say there's a significant chance," Margaret shook her head.

"What do you mean?" Dustin was intrigued.

"According to my people's investigation, a strange phenomenon occurred in a deserted desert in the northwest border not long ago. Suddenly, an oasis emerged in a place devoid of life. The most bizarre thing is that this oasis keeps expanding, brimming with vitality that defies imagination. So, I suspect there might be a Dragon Vein Energy hidden beneath this oasis. Whether it exists or not, we need to investigate thoroughly," Margaret explained.

"A desert turning into an oasis? That is indeed strange," Dustin rubbed his chin, probing, "Do your agents have any other leads?"

"None," Margaret's tone turned serious. "This oasis seems like another world. Once my people enter, they completely disappear without a trace. I've sent in three waves of agents so far, but all of them vanished without a clue. There has been no contact whatsoever."

"That's serious," Dustin's eyelids twitched. "So, this oasis isn't just strange; it's incredibly dangerous?"

"Exactly. Why else would I come to you?" Margaret said matter-of-factly.

"I see…" Dustin's mouth twitched, momentarily at a loss for words.

"As the tenth-ranked expert on the World Shaking List, apart from a few notorious deadly places, there are very few things in the world that can threaten you. So, you don't need to worry about safety," Margaret said with a smile.

"Few, indeed, but not none," Dustin muttered.

In the vast world, there was no shortage of oddities. What if something impossible happened? Even the fact that Blaze, ranked fifth, died under the God-Killer Poison proved that.

"Logan, are you scared?" Margaret questioned skeptically.

"Joke! How could a man of seven feet tall be afraid? Be it an oasis or a dragon's den, I'll accompany you regardless!" Dustin said confidently.

His previous words had already been spoken; he couldn't back down now.

"Good! Let's settle on that!" Margaret smiled, her eyes crescent-shaped.

"When do we leave?" Dustin asked.

"No time to lose. We leave tonight," Margaret said.

"So soon? Shouldn't we make some preparations?" Dustin was taken aback.

"I've prepared everything we need. Many forces are eyeing this oasis now, suspecting treasures within. We have to move fast; in case someone else gets there first, it won't be good," Margaret said solemnly.

Upon hearing this, Dustin nodded. "Alright, we'll go with your plan. I'll inform everyone, pack up, and we'll head to the northwest desert tonight!"

Chapter 1913: Emotional matters

Upon his return to the mansion, Dustin didn't disturb anyone and instead wrote two letters. One was left in Rufus Rhys's study, and the other was placed in Thorian's bedroom. These letters served as his farewell before his departure.

He wasn't skilled at handling emotional matters. Sometimes, silent departure was perhaps a better choice.

In the dusk, Dustin boarded Margaret's car, heading straight for the southwest desert.

The largest desert in the southwest was called the Death Desert. Due to its harsh environment and extreme danger, those who ventured inside faced almost certain death, hence its name.

However, despite its perilous reputation, the Death Desert hid various treasures, even gold mines. Consequently, there were always adventurers risking their lives to explore the desert, hoping to strike it rich overnight.

If luck was on their side, they might find precious treasures and become wealthy overnight. But if luck was not on their side, death was a likely outcome. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that every year, hundreds of people lost their lives while searching for treasures or digging for gold in the Death Desert.

Even with such a high mortality rate, there was still a steady stream of adventurers, eagerly heading into the desert one after another, all in the pursuit of wealth and fortune.

As the saying goes, for wealth, people would risk their lives, and birds would risk becoming prey. There were always some desperados dreaming of getting rich overnight.

Margaret had naturally heard of the Death Desert's notorious reputation. In order to successfully find the mysterious oasis, she had spent a significant amount of money to hire a professional team that had explored the Death Desert and returned alive.

Including her own guards, there were more than a hundred people in total, and they brought over thirty vehicles.

Half of the vehicles were loaded with supplies - food, water, compasses, communication devices, first aid kits, sunscreen clothing, and various rescue tools. Everything that could be needed was prepared in sufficient quantities.

Margaret made sure to prepare an ample amount of everything that might be useful.

Night fell.

The convoy continued its journey without any pause. Dustin leaned back in his seat, his gaze passing through the window, observing the moon in the sky with a calm expression.

"What are you thinking?" Margaret took out a bottle of water and handed it to Dustin.

"Thanks." Dustin opened the bottle cap, took a sip, and said casually, "I'm wondering what kind of obstacles we will encounter in the desert this time."

"Obstacles are unavoidable," Margaret replied calmly. "The matter of the Dragon Vein Energy has spread throughout the world. It's not just our Dragonmarsh; many foreign powers are also eyeing this piece of meat. In other words, our competitors this time come from all over the world. Standing out among these strong opponents is indeed not an easy task."

"You seem quite confident. Do you have some sort of secret weapon?" Dustin probed.

"Of course, because I have a secret weapon," Margaret smiled slightly.

"Oh? What's this secret weapon?" Dustin instantly became interested.

"I can't tell you for now. If there's a chance, you'll naturally find out," Margaret teased, keeping him in suspense.

"Alright then, I'll just be a tool and follow your commands," Dustin shrugged, appearing nonchalant.

Working with Margaret was indeed easy because she took care of all kinds of matters, leaving him with nothing to worry about.

"We still have a bit of distance to the destination. Rest well for now. I'll wake you up when we're closer," Margaret said considerately, handing him an eye mask and noise-canceling earplugs.

"No problem." Dustin didn't refuse. He put on the eye mask, inserted the earplugs, reclined his seat, and settled into a comfortable position, quickly falling asleep.

Margaret took out a blanket and gently covered Dustin's chest. Then, she quietly read her book, keeping watch.

Chapter 1914: House of Hope

The vehicles continued at a steady pace, driving smoothly. Eventually, by the next afternoon, they arrived at the edge of the Death Desert.

At the outskirts of the desert, there was a relatively small village with around five to six hundred households. The village had amenities such as inns, gas stations, and supermarkets. Though not large in scale, it had everything necessary. For the expedition teams, this village served as a supply station that could be a lifesaver in critical moments.

Regardless of whether people were entering or leaving the desert, they would stop here to rest and inquire about relevant information. It's worth mentioning that due to the difficulty in transporting goods, the prices in the village were several times higher than outside.

Margaret's convoy entered the village and finally stopped in front of a rural hotel called "House of Hope."

This rural inn had been converted from a primary school and had a sufficient number of rooms to accommodate over a hundred people without any issue.

"Miss Margaret, we have arrived," a man dressed as a mercenary knocked on Margaret's car window.

The man, in his thirties, wore a yellow camouflage suit and leather boots. He had a tall and robust stature, giving off a tough and masculine aura.

His name was Jackson, the captain of the expedition team. He had ventured into the Death Desert twice before and returned safely, making him a remarkable figure. He was also the guide hired by Margaret with a hefty sum.

This desert expedition would be led by Captain Jackson.

"Captain Jackson, is this the village at the edge of the desert?" Margaret opened the door and looked around.

The village was not small, and all the buildings were low-rise due to the constant erosion of wind and sand. Many places looked rundown and simple, but the hotel in front of them, named "House of Hope," was somewhat exceptional.

The House of Hope hotel looked clean and tidy, likely due to regular cleaning.

"That's right. Within a radius of a hundred miles, this is the only village here. It's called the Village of the Desert because it's near the Death Desert," Captain Jackson explained with a smile. "Despite its small size, it has everything you need. As long as you're willing to spend money, you can find many items here that are available in big cities. People from all directions who plan to explore the desert stay in this village for a few days. They stock up on supplies and gather information here."

"Very well, let's stay here for now and see how things go," Margaret nodded.

After a day and night of travel, most people were exhausted. Resting properly was essential to regain their energy for the upcoming mission.

"Have we arrived?" At that moment, Dustin took off his eye mask and walked out of the car, squinting his eyes.

"Yes, we've arrived. We'll be staying in this inn today," Margaret replied.

"Miss Margaret, who is this..." Captain Jackson frowned slightly upon seeing Dustin stepping out of Margaret's car, his expression turning displeased.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you." Margaret gestured towards Jackson and said, "This is Jackson, the captain of the Black Scorpion Expedition Team. He has entered the Death Desert twice, experienced and outstanding. He will lead our expedition this time."

Pointing to Dustin, she continued, "Mr. Jackson, this is my friend and bodyguard, Dustin. If you encounter any trouble, you can rely on him."

"Bodyguard?" Jackson glanced at Dustin from head to toe, then said in a flat tone, "Miss Margaret, are you sure you're not being deceived? This young man looks frail. How can he protect you?"

Chapter 1915: You're in love

Jackson's sudden hostility caught Dustin off guard, leaving him slightly bewildered. They had just met, and there was no reason for this person to treat him with such disdain.

"Mr. Jackson, have we met before?" Dustin asked calmly, lowering his hand that was extended for a handshake.

"No, we haven't," Jackson replied coldly.

"If we haven't met, why are you making such remarks?" Dustin countered.

"I'm just concerned for Miss Margaret's safety," Jackson replied self-righteously. "The Death Desert is extremely dangerous, almost a one-in-ten chance of survival for those who enter. Without strong strength, professional knowledge, and abundant experience, ordinary people can't survive a day in there. Miss Margaret hired me at a high price to come here. Naturally, I have to be responsible for her safety. Looking at your physique and demeanor, it's obvious you're not a professional bodyguard. That's why I doubt your abilities. If we encounter any danger in the Death Desert, I fear you won't be able to protect Miss Margaret and might even endanger both of you."

His words were blunt, leaving no room for sentiment.

"Mr. Jackson, Miss Margaret invited me here for a reason. Your responsibility is to lead the way and help us avoid various risks. That's all you need to worry about. Don't overstep your boundaries. Whether I'm capable or not is none of your concern," Dustin said in a detached tone.

He was easy-going, but he didn't appreciate people dictating his actions.

"When making money, one should act within their means. This matter involves life and death; there can be no room for negligence," Jackson said, his gaze shifting to Margaret. He spoke seriously, "Miss Margaret, regarding the bodyguard matter, I know a few powerful experts. If you trust me, I can invite them to replace him. It will only cost a bit more money."

"Jackson, I appreciate your concern, but I trust Dustin's abilities. With him here, I have no worries about my safety," Margaret said calmly.

As the tenth-ranked person on the World Shaking List, if dangers in the Death Desert were beyond Dustin's capabilities to handle, then they were all in a perilous situation.

"Miss Margaret..."

Jackson was about to say more when Margaret interrupted him, raising her hand, "Enough, Jackson. There's no need to say more. Go and gather relevant information about the Death Desert. Collect as much intelligence as possible. We can talk more later."


With that, Jackson could only nod. However, before leaving, he gave Dustin a disdainful glance, clearly looking down on him.

"Margaret, the leader you found seems a bit arrogant," Dustin teased.

"He is a bit arrogant, but he does have some real skills. We need his help to enter the Death Desert. As long as he doesn't cross my bottom line, a few harsh words and a stern expression won't matter," Margaret said with a faint smile.

Dustin shrugged his shoulders. "I have no issues with that. I just hope this Jackson won't turn out to be all talk and no action."

“Alright, let's stop talking about this. Let's pick a room. Barring any surprises, we'll be staying here tonight,” Margaret changed the topic.

"Sure, my stomach's growling. Let's tidy up and get some food," Dustin patted his empty belly.

He knew very well that among Margaret's team were two renowned chefs skilled in various cuisines. Combined with the ample supplies they had, there was no worry about food.
Inside a tavern in the Desert Village:

Jackson and several members of the Black Scorpion Squad found a table and sat down casually. They drank and chatted while occasionally surveying their surroundings.

By now, quite a few people had gathered in the tavern. Judging by their attire, most of them were adventurers, grouped together in threes and fives, creating a diverse mix of characters.

"Captain, haven't we encountered so many adventure teams the previous times we came here? What's going on this time? Since we entered the village until now, we've encountered more than five teams," a bald, burly man with a cigar in his mouth asked, his eyes scanning the surroundings.

"Normally, there weren't this many people. This time, various forces have gathered. There's probably some treasure about to be discovered, most likely related to the sudden appearance of the oasis," Jackson explained.

News about the oasis appearing in the Death Desert had spread within their circle. Many international expedition teams had become active, and it was likely they would arrive here soon.

"Captain, do you know what's inside that oasis?" the bald, burly man asked tentatively.

"I don't know the specifics. However, from what I've heard, that oasis is a hundred times more dangerous than the desert itself. Everyone who entered has never come out again. But considering so many people are flocking there, it must hold invaluable treasures," Jackson said.

"Alright, alright, no matter what's inside, it has nothing to do with us. We're just here to do a job for money. We just need to safely lead people in and out. Whether they find any treasures or not is none of our concern," a short-haired woman in combat gear chimed in.

"That's true," the bald, burly man nodded. They had already received thirty percent of their payment. As long as their employer stayed alive, they would receive the rest. Everything else was not their problem.

"Captain, speaking of which, who exactly is this Miss Margaret? Why is she so generous with her money? In our ten years in this business, we've never met such a lavish patron," the short-haired woman asked curiously.

"Miss Margaret doesn't want to reveal her true identity. She has her rules, and we can't ask too many questions," Jackson shook his head.

"Captain, you've looked at Miss Margaret more than ten times already. Are you interested in her?" the short-haired woman teased with a smirk.

"I don't know how to explain it. There's something special about Miss Margaret. Whenever I see her, it feels like I've met her before, as if we share some kind of predestined connection," Jackson squinted his eyes. "Destiny? Oh, I get it now!" The short-haired woman suddenly understood and couldn't help but tease, "Captain, you're in love!"

Chapter 1916: Blame your own unlucky fate

"Never have I felt this way before; this time it's really different," Jackson admitted in response to the teasing.

When it came to their joking, Jackson didn't deny anything. They were brothers and sisters who had faced life and death together, and there was nothing they couldn't talk about.

"This Miss Margaret is indeed unique. Although I haven't seen her directly, the aura she gives off seems like that of an unparalleled beauty," the bald, burly man said enthusiastically.

"Miss Margaret is the woman the captain is interested in. You better not have any inappropriate thoughts," the short-haired girl warned.

"I was just speaking casually; I wouldn't dare to compete with the captain for a woman," the bald, burly man chuckled awkwardly.

"Captain, it's rare to encounter someone who makes your heart race. Don't hesitate; be bold and make your move. With your charm, you'll be fine!" the short-haired girl encouraged confidently.

"I'm afraid it's too late," Jackson shook his head and said, "Miss Margaret has a personal bodyguard by her side. They're traveling together, and their relationship seems intimate. I probably don't stand a chance anymore."

His previous remarks about Dustin were primarily rooted in jealousy. Furthermore, judging from Margaret's protective attitude, it was evident that they were more than just ordinary friends.

"Captain, have you ever heard the saying, 'As long as the hoe is swung skillfully, there is no corner it cannot dig into'?" The short-haired girl narrowed her eyes mischievously.

"Oh? Do you have a plan?" Jackson became interested instantly.

"It's simple. As long as Miss Margaret's bodyguard dies, wouldn't you have a chance then?" the short-haired girl said, shocking everyone with her audacity.

Hearing this, Jackson's expression froze. He glanced around, ensuring no one was eavesdropping, then lowered his voice, "Little sister, you can't say such things lightly. We have our rules in this business. We're an exploration team, not mercenaries. Engaging in killing and unlawful activities like this, once it gets out, our reputation will be tarnished, and we won't be able to continue in this field."

"Captain, as long as we do it discreetly, who would know?" the short-haired girl said, her eyes glinting with a sly smile.

He has been traveling around the world for many years, engaging in intrigues and fighting for life and death, with countless lives on his hands. For them, killing someone is just a common thing.

"Being Miss Margaret's personal bodyguard, this person should have some abilities. To assassinate him discreetly without anyone noticing would be quite challenging. Besides, Miss Margaret also has a security team around her. It would be too risky to attempt anything," Jackson pondered.

"Captain, you're overthinking it. I didn't say we should do it now. Don't forget our advantage," the short-haired girl said, her smile laden with meaning.

"You mean... the Death Desert?" Jackson asked, catching on quickly.

"Exactly!" the short-haired girl snapped her fingers. "The Death Desert is extremely dangerous. Countless people die in there every year. As long as we find the right opportunity and make the bodyguard die unexpectedly, it shouldn't be too difficult. By that time, you can enjoy a romantic time with Miss Margaret."

"Hahaha... that makes sense! We'll find a chance to take care of him once we're inside the Death Desert!" the bald, burly man burst into laughter.

Their conversation, however, had attracted the attention of some patrons in the tavern.

"Hey, do you want a louder voice? Should I get you a megaphone to shout outside?" the short-haired girl retorted sarcastically.

"My voice has always been loud," the bald, burly man scratched his head, quickly lowering his voice.

"Captain, what do you think? Happiness is beckoning you. Once we deal with the hindrance, you'll surely have the beautiful lady all to yourself," the short-haired girl tantalized.

"Alright! Let's do it as you say!" Jackson's eyes flashed with a hint of ruthlessness. His face darkened as he muttered, "For one's own sake, heaven and earth can be overturned. Dustin, don't blame me for being ruthless. Blame your own unlucky fate for blocking my path!"

Chapter 1917: Better meals


Inside the hotel room, Dustin, who had just changed his clothes, suddenly sneezed. He muttered to himself, "Who could be thinking of me?"

Dustin rubbed his nose and walked out of the room, heading to the hotel's dining hall.

Because this hotel had been converted from an elementary school, the dining hall was quite spacious, covering approximately two to three hundred square meters.

It could comfortably accommodate over a hundred people for meals, with plenty of space to spare.

"Over here."

As Dustin entered the dining hall, he saw Li Qingcheng waving her hand.

Approaching the table, he saw that there were already more than a dozen delicious dishes laid out.

"Our chefs prepared these dishes, so they are safe and delicious. You can eat without worries," Margaret explained.

"Seems like you're quite cautious," Dustin chuckled.

Not bothering with formalities, he sat down and began to savor the food.

"When you're away from home, a little caution is always a good thing. We're on the edge of the Death Desert, and there are all sorts of people around. One wrong move, and you might get into trouble," Margaret said as she picked up her chopsticks, elegantly savoring her meal.

Just as they were eating, a group of young men and women dressed in blue attire, carrying swords, suddenly walked in.

These people had powerful auras, sharp gazes, and an imposing presence. Judging by their attire, they seemed to be disciples from martial sects.

The one leading them was a slender man with a hooked nose, in his early thirties, and his appearance had a fierce and unfriendly vibe.

"Big Brother, isn't this place a bit too rundown? There are so many dirty things around; how can we eat here?"

A girl with a ponytail glanced around, her expression filled with disdain.

"No choice, the situation is special this time; we'll have to make do," the man with the hooked nose spoke kindly.

"Fine, since we're here, let's just eat whatever is available. We're starving," the girl with the ponytail found a relatively clean spot and sat down, then called out, "Hey! Waiter! Bring the best dishes you have here to me!"

"Sure thing!" The waiter replied with a smile.

He instructed the chef to prepare a few precious dishes and served them to the girl.

However, as soon as the girl with the ponytail took a bite, she immediately spat it out. "Yuck! What is this? Why does it taste so awful? It disgusts me!"

"Outrageous!" The man with the hooked nose slammed the table and shouted, "Are you intentionally trying to provoke us by serving such terrible food?"

"Hmph! Do you know who we are? How dare you disrespect us like this? I bet we could shut down your restaurant!"

Other disciples from their sect also rose, displaying fierce and intimidating expressions.

"Dear guests, we sincerely apologize. These are the finest ingredients our small restaurant has to offer. If there has been any lack of hospitality, we ask for your forgiveness," the waiter apologized nervously.

"You're lying!" The girl with the ponytail stood up, pointed at Dustin and Margaret, and exclaimed, "Why are their meals better than ours? It's clear that you look down on us!"

Chapter 1918: A wealthy attitude

Dustin and Margaret were initially watching the spectacle, but when the girl with the ponytail suddenly turned her attention towards them and accused them, they were momentarily taken aback.

"That's right! Their dishes are all beautifully presented, while our table is full of junk!"

"I don't care! Change our dishes immediately, or don't blame us for getting furious!"

The group of people began to shout, and in the process, they forcefully threw the food on the table onto the ground, creating a mess.

"Dear guests, our small establishment has limited resources. We really can't replace these premium dishes," the waiter pleaded, with a distressed expression.

"Can't replace them? Are you implying that we can't afford to pay?" the man with the hooked nose said, his face darkening.

"You insolent fools! Are you discriminating against us? Do you know who we are? We are renowned disciples of the Flying Snow Sect in the martial world. If you provoke us, we can easily wreck your restaurant!" the girl with the ponytail threatened with a menacing tone.

"Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding..." The waiter explained in a panic, "These premium dishes were cooked by the customers' personal chefs, and we only provided the kitchen."

"What? Personal chefs? Are you joking with me? Who brings their own chef when traveling?"

People who came to the Death Desert were mostly adventurers and treasure hunters; why would they carry their chefs with them?

"It's true. I saw it with my own eyes, I wouldn't dare to deceive you," the waiter assured.

Upon hearing this, the Flying Snow Sect disciples exchanged puzzled glances and ultimately turned their gaze to Dustin and Margaret.

"Hey, did you two really cook these dishes yourselves?" the girl with the ponytail asked as she walked over, looking down at them.

"Yes," Margaret nodded. "We couldn't adapt to the food outside, so we brought our own chefs."

"Is that so?" The girl with the ponytail scrutinized the dishes on the table and couldn't help but exclaim, "Dragon Well Shrimp, Squirrel Fish, Kung Pao Chicken, Dongpo Pork, and even Buddha Jumps Over the Wall... so many exquisite dishes. Can you two really finish all of this?"

Without waiting for their response, she picked up a piece of squirrel fish and put it in her mouth.

The next moment, her eyes lit up, and she showed a look of pleasant surprise. "Delicious!"

"Big Brother, there's something good here; come over and taste it!" she beckoned to her fellow sect members.

Completely disregarding Dustin and Margaret's feelings, she called over the others from her sect.

Seeing the sumptuous delicacies on the table, they couldn't resist their appetites. They had come a long way and were famished, so the sight of these delectable dishes delighted them.

"Two of you, we'll cover this meal. You can go eat somewhere else," the man with the hooked nose took out a gold bar from his pocket and tossed it onto the table, displaying a wealthy attitude.

"Hmm?" Dustin raised an eyebrow and looked at them as if they were fools. "Is something wrong with you people? It's bad enough that you came without an invitation, but now you want to kick us out? Do you think this inn belongs to you?"

If these people had been a bit more amiable and invited them to share a meal or drink, it might have been a different story. But their arrogance and utter disregard for them had made Dustin quite displeased.

"How about it? Not enough for you? Fine, I'll add more."

The man with the hooked nose remained arrogant. While speaking, he took another gold bar from his pocket and tossed it onto the table, indifferently saying, "Is it enough now?"

"Just this? You're trying to dismiss us beggars?"

Dustin waved his hand, sending both gold bars flying away, showing complete disdain.



"This is outrageous!"

Dustin's actions provoked angry outbursts from the disciples of the Flying Snow Sect.

As a prestigious martial arts school in the martial world, they were usually treated with respect wherever they went, and nobody dared to disrespect them. However, this young man before them seemed to have no respect at all.

"Hey! What's your attitude?" The girl with a ponytail shouted, slamming the table. "Do you know who we are? We are disciples of the Flying Snow Sect, one of the three major sects in the southwest. Look around the entire martial world, and you won't find anyone who dares to disrespect us!"

"The Flying Snow Sect? So what?" Dustin remained expressionless, focused on his drink.

"So what? Hmph! I'll tell you the truth. We've already claimed this table. If you're smart, you'll pick up the gold bars and leave. Otherwise, don't blame us for being impolite!" The girl with the ponytail threatened sternly.

"Is that so? And what if I'm not polite?" Dustin chuckled.

He had encountered many arrogant people, but this was the first time he faced a situation where people were willing to fight over a meal.


Without further ado, the girl with the ponytail drew her sword and threatened, "I'll give you one more chance. Leave immediately, or else I'll poke a few holes in you!"

"I advise you to put your sword away, because if you make a move, I won't hold back, and you might end up with a pig's head," Dustin said seriously.

"You're looking for trouble!"

Upon hearing this, the girl with the ponytail couldn't bear it any longer and thrust her sword at Dustin.

The attack was swift and accurate, something that an ordinary martial artist might not be able to block. However, Dustin remained calm, not moving an inch. He lifted his wine glass with one hand and took a sip. With the other hand, he effortlessly caught the sword blade as it came at him.

The whole process was smooth, as if he had rehearsed it beforehand. Throughout the encounter, Dustin never even looked at the girl with the ponytail.


The sudden turn of events left the girl with the ponytail momentarily stunned. She couldn't believe that her full-strength strike had been easily caught by Dustin using only two fingers.

How was that possible?

While she might not be the most outstanding in her sect, she was no ordinary martial artist. She should have easily won this fight, considering her background. So why was she now being dominated by this person?

Just who was this guy?

"With this meager level of skill, you dare to act so arrogantly? It seems you've never experienced the harsh realities of the world," Dustin sneered.

For a martial artist with inner strength, who hadn't even reached the innate stage, where did he find the courage to be so cocky?

Chapter 1919: Sand Dragon

"This is going too far!"

After being taunted by Dustin, the girl with the ponytail became even angrier.

She ignored the gap in their strengths and suddenly unleashed her internal energy, thrusting forward with greater force. However, no matter how hard she pushed, the blade of her sword couldn't advance an inch.

Dustin's fingers were like a pair of iron pliers, firmly gripping the sword's edge.

"You underestimate yourself!"

Dustin snorted, and he exerted a sudden force with his fingers.

With a loud "clang," the girl's longsword snapped in half, and a powerful counterforce sent her flying a few meters. She landed hard on the ground, her face twisted in pain and her vision blurred.

"Senior Brother! He attacked me!"

Unable to win the fight, the girl with the ponytail promptly turned to her companions for help.

"Bold! To dare lay a hand on my junior sister, you are asking for death!" The man with the hooked nose was furious and unsheathed his sword, ready to confront Dustin.


At this moment, a commanding voice echoed from the entrance.

Following the voice, a man wearing a red robe and carrying a precious sword on his back entered with a group of followers, drawing everyone's attention.

The man had strong features, a robust physique, and a powerful presence that immediately caught everyone's attention.

Even the previously arrogant man with the hooked nose frowned upon seeing the newcomer.

"Enzo, your Flying Snow Sect is acting too arrogantly. To display such bullying behavior in broad daylight, do you think you can rule the world single-handedly?" The man in red spoke sternly.

"Hmph! I saw everything that just happened clearly. It was clear that you were bullying him. I, Adriel, cannot stand such arrogant individuals!" the man in red, Adriel, said.

"Bullying? What of it? The matters of our Flying Snow Sect are none of your Gold Blade Sect's concern!" Enzo retorted angrily.

"If I choose to make it my concern?" Adriel narrowed his eyes.

"If you dare meddle, don't blame me for not being polite!" Enzo slowly raised his sword, pointing it towards Adriel with a dark expression.

Seeing this, the disciples of the Flying Snow Sect drew their swords, standing behind their senior brother.

"Hmph! Are you planning to fight?" Adriel was unafraid. He drew his knife, pointing it at Enzo.

The followers of the Gold Blade Sect behind Adriel also unsheathed their weapons, facing off against the Flying Snow Sect disciples.

Both sides were in a tense standoff, on the brink of a clash.

"Damn it! Can't even have a peaceful meal. If you want to fight, take it outside. Dare to start a fight here, and I'll make sure to deal with you!" Suddenly, a cold voice cut through the tension.

All eyes turned towards the corner, where a figure wearing a cloak and a straw hat was sitting.

"Who are you? How dare you meddle in the affairs of our two major sects? Do you want to die?" Enzo redirected his sword and angrily confronted the cloaked figure.

The Gold Blade Sect and the Flying Snow Sect were both part of the three major sects in the southwestern region.

Challenging him was one thing, as their strengths were evenly matched. But now, an outsider had appeared out of nowhere and dared to berate him. It was like asking for death.


The man with the straw hat slammed the table.

A chopstick in front of him immediately jumped up, hovering in the air. With a wave of the straw hat man's hand, the chopstick shot out like a bullet, carrying a powerful force, heading straight for Enzo.

The speed was so fast that most people couldn't react in time. Enzo's pupils constricted, and he instinctively raised his sword to block.


The chopstick struck the sword forcefully, causing the precious blade to bend like a bow. The tremendous impact sent Enzo stumbling back several steps, nearly falling to the ground. His hand, holding the sword, was trembling uncontrollably.

"Senior Brother!"

Seeing this, the disciples of the Flying Snow Sect couldn't hide their shock. Nobody had expected that a simple chopstick could force their Senior Brother to retreat. Just how strong was this person?

At that moment, not only were the disciples of the Flying Snow Sect taken aback, but even the followers of the Gold Blade Sect were secretly alarmed. Although Enzo's character left much to be desired, his strength was formidable, and he was on par with their Senior Brother Adriel. It was unexpected that a master could defeat him in a single strike.

"Senior Brother, are you okay?" The girl with the ponytail ran up, her face filled with concern.

"I'm fine."

Enzo took a deep breath, suppressing the surging blood and focusing his gaze on the man with the straw hat. "May I ask who you are and why you have a problem with our Flying Snow Sect?"

"I am Miguel, with the nickname 'Desert Dragon.' People call me the Sand Dragon!" Miguel declared loudly.

"What? Miguel, the Sand Dragon?" Hearing this, the expressions of everyone present changed dramatically.

The southwestern region was known for its harsh environment, with vast desert wastelands, and although its population was small, its people were tough. This region gave rise to three major sects and five formidable individuals.

The three major sects were the Flying Snow Sect, the Gold Blade Sect, and the Wandering Dragon Sect. Among these, the Wandering Dragon Sect was the strongest, while the Flying Snow Sect and the Gold Blade Sect were evenly matched.

The five formidable individuals were considered almost as strong as the leaders of the major sects, and though they rarely made appearances, nobody dared to provoke them easily.

Miguel, the Sand Dragon, was one of these five formidable individuals.

Upon learning this, both Enzo and Adriel had their expressions change. They were well aware of Miguel's reputation and knew that with his strength, the combined force of everyone present would likely not be his match.

"Master Miguel, I apologize if we've caused offense. We shall leave now." Enzo immediately toned down his arrogance, becoming humble and courteous. He bowed and apologized.

After all, Miguel was a senior of his master's level, and unless it was absolutely necessary, he couldn't afford to offend him.

"Enough! Don't give me that crap. I want to eat my meal now, and I despise being disturbed. You can eat if you want, or you can leave. If you dare to make any more trouble, don't blame me for being impolite!" Miguel showed no leniency.

"I'm truly sorry for interrupting your meal, Master. We will leave immediately."

Enzo, furious but aware of his place, bowed once more and swiftly led his people out of the establishment. As they left, he shot Dustin a spiteful glance, as if promising to settle scores later.

Chapter 1920: Help those in need

Faced with Enzo's threatening gaze, Dustin didn't take it seriously at all.

If someone hadn't intervened earlier, that guy would have been looking for his teeth on the floor.

After driving away a few nuisances, Miguel continued to enjoy his meal, drinking and eating.

Adriel, along with the disciples of the Gold Blade Sect, refrained from causing any further disturbances and found a nearby table to sit at.

Margaret, on the other hand, stood up and walked over to Adriel. He clasped his hands together in a polite greeting, saying, "Good sirs, I thank you for the assistance earlier."

"It was just a small effort, nothing to mention," Adriel waved his hand, nonchalantly adding, "I've always despised bullies. The Gold Blade Sect's motto is to help those in need when we see injustice."

"Indeed, the Gold Blade Sect lives up to its reputation. If you don't mind, you're welcome to join us at our table and share a few drinks. I happen to have a few bottles of fine wine in my collection," Margaret extended an invitation.

"No need for a formal invitation. We would be happy to join you," Adriel replied.

Upon hearing about the good wine, Adriel's eyes lit up. He promptly ordered his disciples to join their tables together.

"Brody, please ask the chef to prepare a few more dishes and fetch a few more bottles of wine," Margaret instructed a servant who quickly left to fulfill the request.
After a short while, a variety of delicious dishes and fine wine were brought to the table.

Adriel, not one to be overly formal, was the first to pour a glass of wine and drank it all in one go.

"This is indeed excellent wine!"

After downing a glass of wine, Adriel immediately wore an expression of ecstasy and licked his lips. He mused, "This wine, if I'm not mistaken, must be a hundred-year-old vintage, am I right?"

He considered himself a seasoned drinker, having tasted various wines, but this was the first time he had ever experienced such a rich and delicious wine. Even the fifty-year-old vintage he had enjoyed from his master in the past couldn't compare to today's exquisite flavor.

"It seems that the great hero is also a connoisseur of wine," Margaret said with a smile.

It was a royal vintage, and a rare find, so it was a rare experience for most people.

"Don't call me a great hero. My name is Adriel. If you think highly of me, just call me Brother Adriel!" Adriel said in a hearty manner.

"Brother Adriel, I'm Margaret, and this is my friend, Dustin," Margaret made a simple introduction.

"This brother's temperament is quite to my liking. Facing the oppression of the Flying Snow Sect, unafraid of their power, and fighting back, he can be considered a hero. Come, I raise a toast to you!"

Adriel lifted his wine glass and raised it towards Dustin.

In the entire southwestern region, there were very few who dared to challenge the Flying Snow Sect. Regardless of the opponent's strength, at the very least, their courage was commendable.

"Compared to Brother Adriel, I still have much to learn." Dustin raised his glass in return.

"As martial artists, we value like-mindedness. You two have a connection with me now. If you ever encounter any trouble in the future, don't hesitate to seek me out. I will definitely provide my full support!" Adriel promised, patting his chest.

"In that case, we thank Brother Adriel in advance."
Chapter 1921: The Gold Blade Sect

Margaret smiled as she raised her glass, saying, "Come, everyone, no need to be polite. Eat and drink to your heart's content."

In the face of the various delicious dishes, the disciples of the Gold Blade Sect did not hold back, and they enthusiastically indulged in the feast.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of dishes, both sides became more familiar with each other.

"Miss Margaret, Brother Dustin, judging by your appearances, you're not from the local area, right? Are you also here in search of treasures?" Adriel asked, trying to learn more.

"That's correct. I've heard that there are treasures hidden in the Death Desert, so we've come with a few people to try our luck and gain some experience," Margaret admitted.

Everyone here was likely seeking treasures in the Death Desert, so there was no need to keep it a secret. After all, the harsh and dangerous environment of the desert was not suited for leisurely tourism.

"Miss Margaret, please don't take offense at my bluntness, but the Death Desert is extremely dangerous. One small misstep could cost you your life. I see that you and your friend are both delicate and inexperienced. In such a perilous place, it might be best not to go," Adriel advised.

"Thank you for your concern, Brother Adriel, but we have a compelling reason for going," Margaret replied politely.

"If you're determined to go, you can join us. This way, you'll have some support," Adriel suggested.

"Brother Adriel, are you also going to explore the Death Desert for treasures?" Dustin asked.

"Not entirely," Adriel replied candidly. "Our mission from the Gold Blade Sect is to investigate the sudden appearance of an oasis within the Death Desert."

"Big Brother! Be cautious with your words!" One of the Gold Blade Sect disciples immediately reminded him.

After all, this was their sect's mission, and they shouldn't reveal it lightly.

"If Brother Adriel has reasons he can't share, there's no need to force the issue," Dustin said, not pressing for more information.

"No problem, we're all friends here; no need to be secretive," Adriel said, waving his hand and continuing, "I don't know if you've heard about it, but recently, a mysterious oasis appeared in the Death Desert. This oasis seems to have a life of its own and is rapidly expanding. There are rumors that it might hold some earth-shattering treasures. We've been dispatched by our sect to investigate this unusual phenomenon."

"We have heard about the oasis, and we plan to venture inside as well," Margaret replied.

"It seems our starting points are the same, but I've heard that anyone who goes into the oasis never comes out again. So, no one knows what's really happening inside," Adriel replied, with a solemn expression. "Of course, the dangers inside the oasis are secondary. What we should be most careful about are the various factions and forces. There are many treasure hunters going in, both righteous and unrighteous, and they are the real threat."

The people in the martial world come in all sorts, and for the sake of treasure, even friends can turn into bitter enemies, let alone strangers. If you don't have absolute strength or a powerful backer, attempting to claim a treasure will be nothing but a suicide mission.

"Brother Adriel is quite right. This treasure hunt is likely to attract many formidable individuals, and in the event of a conflict, it could indeed be troublesome," Margaret agreed with a nod.

"You don't have to worry too much. As long as you follow our Gold Blade Sect's lead, I believe you won't be in any danger," Adriel said confidently.

The Gold Blade Sect held a prominent position in terms of power and influence in the southwestern region, making them a force to be reckoned with. As long as they didn't cross paths with truly ruthless individuals, most martial sects' experts would show some respect and be cautious about causing trouble.

While the group was chatting and enjoying their drinks, Jackson, with a few members of the Black Scorpion Squad, suddenly rushed in. Upon meeting them, he immediately reported, "Miss Margaret, there's good news! According to the latest information, someone has just come out of the oasis!"
Chapter 1922: Village Chief House

"What? Someone has come out?" Upon hearing this, Margaret immediately perked up and asked, "Who is this person, and where are they now?"

The mysterious oasis was full of unknown dangers, and if someone had safely emerged from it, they were bound to have vital information. Having access to this information would not only help minimize risks but also significantly increase their chances of success in their treasure hunt.

"This person is named Titus, a disciple of the Five Elements Sect. He is skilled in escape techniques. He entered the oasis three days ago and was missing until just recently. Titus returned to the Desert Village with severe injuries, and the village chief has taken him home for treatment," Jackson reported.

"Titus from the Five Elements Sect?" Adriel raised his eyebrows. "I've heard of him. He has quite a reputation in the martial world, and his strength has reached the advanced phase of the Innate Realm. He can be considered a genius."

The Five Elements Sect was not part of the southwestern powers, but its strength was not inferior to that of the Gold Blade Sect.

"Miss Margaret, who are these people?" Jackson looked at Adriel's group curiously.

"They are all experts from the Gold Blade Sect, my newly made friends," Margaret replied.

"The Gold Blade Sect?" Jackson narrowed his eyes, quite surprised. The Gold Blade Sect was one of the three major martial sects in the southwestern region, and they were not to be underestimated.

"I see," Jackson responded. Having the protection of the Gold Blade Sect would make their journey significantly safer.

"Alright, let's not dwell on this. Take me to see the village chief, I have some questions for Titus," Margaret said, wasting no time. She asked Jackson to lead the way to the village chief's house.

At this moment, they couldn't afford any delays. Titus had become a crucial figure, and various forces were keen on obtaining the valuable information he might possess. Margaret needed to act quickly to avoid losing out to others.

Five minutes later...

The group rushed to the village chief's house, a two-story small western-style building surrounded by a yard filled with flowers and plants.

Upon their arrival, they were confronted by a middle-aged man who wielded an iron rod and menacingly blocked the entrance.

"What are you doing here? Outsiders are not allowed inside!" the middle-aged man sternly said, guarding the entrance with a fierce expression.

"Good sir, we have an urgent matter and seek an audience with the village chief. We kindly request that you inform him," Margaret replied, offering a polite bow.

"The village chief has made it clear that he won't see anyone today. Please leave," the middle-aged man responded coldly.

"We are friends of Titus and heard he is severely injured, lying in the village chief's house. That's why we've come to visit," Jackson fabricated a story.

"Friends or not, it doesn't matter. Now go away!" the middle-aged man said impatiently.

"Hey! I warn you, don't push your luck!" Jackson's expression darkened. He found it outrageous that a mere villager dared to obstruct their way.

"What's the matter? Are you going to use force?" the middle-aged man retorted, banging his iron rod on the ground. "Come on! Try to use force, and I'll see if you can leave the village safely."

The Desert Village might be relatively small, but it had its own local authority. In the past, there were troublemakers, but they were all eventually driven out.

"Calm down, Jackson," Margaret cautioned Jackson. She then removed her jade bracelet and approached the middle-aged man. She handed him the bracelet and said, "Sir, this is a small token of our appreciation. Please accept it. We have a genuine and urgent request and would greatly appreciate your assistance."

The middle-aged man received the jade bracelet and examined it closely. His eyes lit up as he muttered, "Wow, this jade bracelet appears to have some age to it. It must be quite valuable, right?"
Chapter 1923: Emperor Green jade bracelet

"No nonsense! This is an Emperor Green jade bracelet, and it's an antique, worth a small fortune!" Jackson grumbled irritably.

"Worth a small fortune? Truly a valuable item!" The middle-aged man's expression brightened, and he carefully accepted the jade bracelet.

"I didn't have the chance to prepare anything else due to our hurried arrival, but I hope you'll like this jade bracelet," Margaret said with a slight smile.

"Young lady, seeing your sincerity, I will reluctantly help you relay your message. However, whether or not the village chief is willing to meet you is not in my hands," the middle-aged man replied, not committing fully.

"Thank you," Margaret nodded slightly.

"Alright, please wait for a moment," the middle-aged man said before walking into the yard.

Three minutes later, he returned with a hint of a smile on his face. "Young lady, our village chief has agreed to see you. However, for safety reasons, you can only bring one person with you."

"Jackson, please stay here and keep watch. I will go inside with Dustin," Margaret instructed and then entered with Dustin.

In the bedroom, Titus lay on the bed, his face ashen and unconscious. Village chief Mario stood nearby, consulting with a village doctor about the patient's condition.

"Old Doctor, is there really no hope left for this young man?" Mario looked worried.

As the only person who had come out of the oasis alive, Titus's value was extremely high. With the right management, he could bring significant wealth to the village.

"Village chief, this young man has suffered severe injuries, and there's also a strong poison in his body. With my medical skills, I'm unable to treat him," the village doctor shook his head.

He could handle minor ailments but was helpless in the face of complex and challenging cases.

"It seems we have no choice but to take him to the hospital," Mario furrowed his brow.

"Village chief, the city hospital is at least a day's journey from here. Given his current condition, he might not make it," the village doctor sighed.

"No matter what, we have to try. We don't have any other options," Mario said with some resignation.

The money tree that had landed in their laps was now on the verge of death, which was a great pity.

"Village chief, my friend is highly skilled in medicine. Why don't we let him have a try?" Margaret suddenly spoke as she stood at the bedroom door.

"Did our guard say that you are this young man's friend?" Mario asked, testing the waters.

"We can't exactly call ourselves friends, but we have some questions for him," Margaret answered truthfully.

"Well, you're an honest person," Mario nodded with approval. "If you're lying, then I'll have no choice but to kick you out."

"Village chief, you're wise and valiant. We certainly won't dare to speak falsely," Margaret flattered.

"Hahaha... you're quite eloquent, young lady," Mario chuckled.

"Village chief, Titus's condition is dire. It's probably too late to take him to the hospital now. My friend here has been studying medicine since childhood and specializes in treating various complex illnesses. Perhaps he can heal Titus," Margaret shifted the conversation towards Dustin.

"So young?" Mario gave Dustin a once-over, looking rather skeptical.

In their traditional thinking, the older the doctor, the more skilled they were perceived to be.

Dustin was just in his twenties, which made it hard for them to believe in his abilities.

"Young age doesn't mean a lack of skill. I'm confident that I can have Titus awake within the time it takes to brew a pot of tea," Dustin said calmly, oozing self-assurance despite his calm tone.
Chapter 1911: Another one gone

The reason behind this was because Dustin detested traitors deeply. Those who betrayed and played both sides deserved severe punishment.

After dealing with the five individuals, the generals who followed the betrayal were demoted or integrated, and those who deserved imprisonment were sent to jail.

The specific circumstances depended on whether these people acted voluntarily or were coerced.

While dealing with the rebellion, Dustin also sent Albert to lead a team of Dragon Guards to the treasury location indicated on the treasure map.

The whole process went smoothly.

Although there were formidable experts guarding the treasury, they were no match for Albert, a grandmaster.

With ease, the remnants of the guards at the treasury were wiped out, and all the treasures inside were dragged back.

It had to be admitted that what Lorenzo said was not exaggerated.

The treasures inside the treasury were indeed piled up like mountains.

The King of West Lucozia dispatched over a hundred large trucks in total and employed tens of thousands of people to clear the treasury completely.

The quantity and value of the treasures were beyond calculation.

Conservatively estimating, the military expenditure of West Lucozia for the next twenty years would not be a concern.

A treasury containing so much wealth, and with three of them combined, the riches could rival a nation.

The first thing done upon bringing back the treasures was to reward those who deserved it.

The three feudal lords of the South, Marquis Tyson, Marquis Alexander, and Marquis Rowan, were all meritorious officials and naturally received heavy rewards.

The generals and soldiers under their command also received varying degrees of rewards.

After everything was settled, three days had passed.

Three days later, at noon.

Just as Dustin was having his meal, Albert suddenly came to his door, holding a wooden box in his hands.

"Your Highness, this humble servant has something to report."

Albert bowed deeply, his posture very low.

"Sit and speak," Dustin gestured with one hand.

"This humble servant dares not." Albert glanced at the dishes on the table, bowing his head. "Your Highness is dining; this humble servant dares not disturb. I shall come back later."

"No need to wait; speak your mind," Dustin said, unperturbed.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Albert nodded and placed the box he was carrying on a nearby stool. He reported, "Lorenzo kept his promise and has already committed suicide. This box contains his head. Does Your Highness wish to see it?"

At these words, Dustin paused in his eating. Regret flickered in his eyes, but it quickly returned to normal.

"No need to look. Take it back and give him a proper burial," Dustin said calmly.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Albert lifted the wooden box and prepared to leave.


Dustin raised his head and added, "Do not trouble his family."

"This humble servant understands."

Albert nodded, bowed deeply, and then took his leave.

"Another one gone."

Dustin sighed softly, his expression complicated.

He loathed Lorenzo's betrayal, but at the same time, he understood the man's choice.

Putting himself in Lorenzo's shoes, he hadn't done anything wrong for the sake of his own family.

It could only be said that their positions and choices were different.

Chapter 1912: The northwest desert

"After lunch, Dustin suddenly received a call from Margaret, stating that there was an urgent matter to discuss, and they agreed to meet at the old mansion in the western part of the city.

Dustin had already purchased the old mansion in the west for the specific purpose of training spies. The girls who had been harmed by Steven Seagal earlier had joined the spy camp of West Lucozia with a determination to die. Their noble cause was to prevent others from suffering as they had.

Dustin deeply admired their sense of justice and fulfilled their aspirations. After training under Tony, these girls had reached a basic level of competence. However, real missions required at least three more years of honing their skills.

Dustin truly hoped that he would never have to use them in his lifetime. Because if he didn't need them, it meant that the world was at peace. The spies would only take action when there was a potential threat, but most of the time, it was a matter of life and death.

Half an hour later, Dustin arrived at the old mansion in the west and entered the conference room.

At this moment, Margaret had been waiting for quite some time.

Margaret, dressed in a green robe, still wore a veil on her head, concealing her peerless beauty. Even without seeing her face, her figure was incredibly alluring. Especially coupled with her enigmatic aura, she was naturally seductive, making people's imagination run wild.

"Here? Please have a seat," Margaret personally poured a cup of tea for Dustin.

"Princess, what brings you here to see me?" Dustin sat down calmly.

"We're quite familiar with each other. Calling me Princess feels a bit distant, doesn't it? How about a different form of address?" Margaret said with a half-smile.

"What do you suggest? Miss Margaret? Madam Margaret?" Dustin looked puzzled.

"Hey, do you need to be so polite? Do I look like I'll bite you? Just call me Margaret. Alright?" Margaret rolled her eyes.

"I'm just trying not to offend you. Fine, Margaret it is then," Dustin shrugged.

The two of them had indeed become close through life and death experiences, so their current familiarity was normal.

"Hmph! Why do I feel like you're not very happy about it?" Margaret narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly.

"I am happy, of course. It's an honor to be friends with the Princess of the Dragonmarsh," Dustin replied with a professional fake smile.

"Not sincere at all!"

Margaret snorted but didn't dwell on it. Instead, she got straight to the point, saying, "I called you here today to discuss what we should do next. West Lucozia is now stable, and the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion have been wiped out. According to our previous agreement, it's time for you to help me find the Dragon Vein Energy."

"Don't worry, I will keep my promise. As soon as there's any relevant information about the Dragon Vein Energy, I will accompany you to investigate immediately," Dustin said earnestly.

From the moment he received the call, he had guessed Margaret's intentions. However, the whereabouts of the Dragon Vein Energy were still unknown, and he couldn't run around aimlessly like a headless fly.

"Good, with your word, I can rest assured." Margaret smiled satisfactorily. "To be honest, my people have been searching for the Dragon Vein Energy all along. Finally, two days ago, we got a related lead."

"Oh?" Dustin raised an eyebrow, quite surprised. "Are you saying you've found one of the Dragon Vein Energy sources?"

"Found might be an overstatement; let's just say there's a significant chance," Margaret shook her head.

"What do you mean?" Dustin was intrigued.

"According to my people's investigation, a strange phenomenon occurred in a deserted desert in the northwest border not long ago. Suddenly, an oasis emerged in a place devoid of life. The most bizarre thing is that this oasis keeps expanding, brimming with vitality that defies imagination. So, I suspect there might be a Dragon Vein Energy hidden beneath this oasis. Whether it exists or not, we need to investigate thoroughly," Margaret explained.

"A desert turning into an oasis? That is indeed strange," Dustin rubbed his chin, probing, "Do your agents have any other leads?"

"None," Margaret's tone turned serious. "This oasis seems like another world. Once my people enter, they completely disappear without a trace. I've sent in three waves of agents so far, but all of them vanished without a clue. There has been no contact whatsoever."

"That's serious," Dustin's eyelids twitched. "So, this oasis isn't just strange; it's incredibly dangerous?"

"Exactly. Why else would I come to you?" Margaret said matter-of-factly.

"I see…" Dustin's mouth twitched, momentarily at a loss for words.

"As the tenth-ranked expert on the World Shaking List, apart from a few notorious deadly places, there are very few things in the world that can threaten you. So, you don't need to worry about safety," Margaret said with a smile.

"Few, indeed, but not none," Dustin muttered.

In the vast world, there was no shortage of oddities. What if something impossible happened? Even the fact that Blaze, ranked fifth, died under the God-Killer Poison proved that.

"Logan, are you scared?" Margaret questioned skeptically.

"Joke! How could a man of seven feet tall be afraid? Be it an oasis or a dragon's den, I'll accompany you regardless!" Dustin said confidently.

His previous words had already been spoken; he couldn't back down now.

"Good! Let's settle on that!" Margaret smiled, her eyes crescent-shaped.

"When do we leave?" Dustin asked.

"No time to lose. We leave tonight," Margaret said.

"So soon? Shouldn't we make some preparations?" Dustin was taken aback.

"I've prepared everything we need. Many forces are eyeing this oasis now, suspecting treasures within. We have to move fast; in case someone else gets there first, it won't be good," Margaret said solemnly.

Upon hearing this, Dustin nodded. "Alright, we'll go with your plan. I'll inform everyone, pack up, and we'll head to the northwest desert tonight!"

Chapter 1913: Emotional matters

Upon his return to the mansion, Dustin didn't disturb anyone and instead wrote two letters. One was left in Rufus Rhys's study, and the other was placed in Thorian's bedroom. These letters served as his farewell before his departure.

He wasn't skilled at handling emotional matters. Sometimes, silent departure was perhaps a better choice.

In the dusk, Dustin boarded Margaret's car, heading straight for the southwest desert.

The largest desert in the southwest was called the Death Desert. Due to its harsh environment and extreme danger, those who ventured inside faced almost certain death, hence its name.

However, despite its perilous reputation, the Death Desert hid various treasures, even gold mines. Consequently, there were always adventurers risking their lives to explore the desert, hoping to strike it rich overnight.

If luck was on their side, they might find precious treasures and become wealthy overnight. But if luck was not on their side, death was a likely outcome. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that every year, hundreds of people lost their lives while searching for treasures or digging for gold in the Death Desert.

Even with such a high mortality rate, there was still a steady stream of adventurers, eagerly heading into the desert one after another, all in the pursuit of wealth and fortune.

As the saying goes, for wealth, people would risk their lives, and birds would risk becoming prey. There were always some desperados dreaming of getting rich overnight.

Margaret had naturally heard of the Death Desert's notorious reputation. In order to successfully find the mysterious oasis, she had spent a significant amount of money to hire a professional team that had explored the Death Desert and returned alive.

Including her own guards, there were more than a hundred people in total, and they brought over thirty vehicles.

Half of the vehicles were loaded with supplies - food, water, compasses, communication devices, first aid kits, sunscreen clothing, and various rescue tools. Everything that could be needed was prepared in sufficient quantities.

Margaret made sure to prepare an ample amount of everything that might be useful.

Night fell.

The convoy continued its journey without any pause. Dustin leaned back in his seat, his gaze passing through the window, observing the moon in the sky with a calm expression.

"What are you thinking?" Margaret took out a bottle of water and handed it to Dustin.

"Thanks." Dustin opened the bottle cap, took a sip, and said casually, "I'm wondering what kind of obstacles we will encounter in the desert this time."

"Obstacles are unavoidable," Margaret replied calmly. "The matter of the Dragon Vein Energy has spread throughout the world. It's not just our Dragonmarsh; many foreign powers are also eyeing this piece of meat. In other words, our competitors this time come from all over the world. Standing out among these strong opponents is indeed not an easy task."

"You seem quite confident. Do you have some sort of secret weapon?" Dustin probed.

"Of course, because I have a secret weapon," Margaret smiled slightly.

"Oh? What's this secret weapon?" Dustin instantly became interested.

"I can't tell you for now. If there's a chance, you'll naturally find out," Margaret teased, keeping him in suspense.

"Alright then, I'll just be a tool and follow your commands," Dustin shrugged, appearing nonchalant.

Working with Margaret was indeed easy because she took care of all kinds of matters, leaving him with nothing to worry about.

"We still have a bit of distance to the destination. Rest well for now. I'll wake you up when we're closer," Margaret said considerately, handing him an eye mask and noise-canceling earplugs.

"No problem." Dustin didn't refuse. He put on the eye mask, inserted the earplugs, reclined his seat, and settled into a comfortable position, quickly falling asleep.

Margaret took out a blanket and gently covered Dustin's chest. Then, she quietly read her book, keeping watch.

Chapter 1914: House of Hope

The vehicles continued at a steady pace, driving smoothly. Eventually, by the next afternoon, they arrived at the edge of the Death Desert.

At the outskirts of the desert, there was a relatively small village with around five to six hundred households. The village had amenities such as inns, gas stations, and supermarkets. Though not large in scale, it had everything necessary. For the expedition teams, this village served as a supply station that could be a lifesaver in critical moments.

Regardless of whether people were entering or leaving the desert, they would stop here to rest and inquire about relevant information. It's worth mentioning that due to the difficulty in transporting goods, the prices in the village were several times higher than outside.

Margaret's convoy entered the village and finally stopped in front of a rural hotel called "House of Hope."

This rural inn had been converted from a primary school and had a sufficient number of rooms to accommodate over a hundred people without any issue.

"Miss Margaret, we have arrived," a man dressed as a mercenary knocked on Margaret's car window.

The man, in his thirties, wore a yellow camouflage suit and leather boots. He had a tall and robust stature, giving off a tough and masculine aura.

His name was Jackson, the captain of the expedition team. He had ventured into the Death Desert twice before and returned safely, making him a remarkable figure. He was also the guide hired by Margaret with a hefty sum.

This desert expedition would be led by Captain Jackson.

"Captain Jackson, is this the village at the edge of the desert?" Margaret opened the door and looked around.

The village was not small, and all the buildings were low-rise due to the constant erosion of wind and sand. Many places looked rundown and simple, but the hotel in front of them, named "House of Hope," was somewhat exceptional.

The House of Hope hotel looked clean and tidy, likely due to regular cleaning.

"That's right. Within a radius of a hundred miles, this is the only village here. It's called the Village of the Desert because it's near the Death Desert," Captain Jackson explained with a smile. "Despite its small size, it has everything you need. As long as you're willing to spend money, you can find many items here that are available in big cities. People from all directions who plan to explore the desert stay in this village for a few days. They stock up on supplies and gather information here."

"Very well, let's stay here for now and see how things go," Margaret nodded.

After a day and night of travel, most people were exhausted. Resting properly was essential to regain their energy for the upcoming mission.

"Have we arrived?" At that moment, Dustin took off his eye mask and walked out of the car, squinting his eyes.

"Yes, we've arrived. We'll be staying in this inn today," Margaret replied.

"Miss Margaret, who is this..." Captain Jackson frowned slightly upon seeing Dustin stepping out of Margaret's car, his expression turning displeased.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you." Margaret gestured towards Jackson and said, "This is Jackson, the captain of the Black Scorpion Expedition Team. He has entered the Death Desert twice, experienced and outstanding. He will lead our expedition this time."

Pointing to Dustin, she continued, "Mr. Jackson, this is my friend and bodyguard, Dustin. If you encounter any trouble, you can rely on him."

"Bodyguard?" Jackson glanced at Dustin from head to toe, then said in a flat tone, "Miss Margaret, are you sure you're not being deceived? This young man looks frail. How can he protect you?"

Chapter 1915: You're in love

Jackson's sudden hostility caught Dustin off guard, leaving him slightly bewildered. They had just met, and there was no reason for this person to treat him with such disdain.

"Mr. Jackson, have we met before?" Dustin asked calmly, lowering his hand that was extended for a handshake.

"No, we haven't," Jackson replied coldly.

"If we haven't met, why are you making such remarks?" Dustin countered.

"I'm just concerned for Miss Margaret's safety," Jackson replied self-righteously. "The Death Desert is extremely dangerous, almost a one-in-ten chance of survival for those who enter. Without strong strength, professional knowledge, and abundant experience, ordinary people can't survive a day in there. Miss Margaret hired me at a high price to come here. Naturally, I have to be responsible for her safety. Looking at your physique and demeanor, it's obvious you're not a professional bodyguard. That's why I doubt your abilities. If we encounter any danger in the Death Desert, I fear you won't be able to protect Miss Margaret and might even endanger both of you."

His words were blunt, leaving no room for sentiment.

"Mr. Jackson, Miss Margaret invited me here for a reason. Your responsibility is to lead the way and help us avoid various risks. That's all you need to worry about. Don't overstep your boundaries. Whether I'm capable or not is none of your concern," Dustin said in a detached tone.

He was easy-going, but he didn't appreciate people dictating his actions.

"When making money, one should act within their means. This matter involves life and death; there can be no room for negligence," Jackson said, his gaze shifting to Margaret. He spoke seriously, "Miss Margaret, regarding the bodyguard matter, I know a few powerful experts. If you trust me, I can invite them to replace him. It will only cost a bit more money."

"Jackson, I appreciate your concern, but I trust Dustin's abilities. With him here, I have no worries about my safety," Margaret said calmly.

As the tenth-ranked person on the World Shaking List, if dangers in the Death Desert were beyond Dustin's capabilities to handle, then they were all in a perilous situation.

"Miss Margaret..."

Jackson was about to say more when Margaret interrupted him, raising her hand, "Enough, Jackson. There's no need to say more. Go and gather relevant information about the Death Desert. Collect as much intelligence as possible. We can talk more later."


With that, Jackson could only nod. However, before leaving, he gave Dustin a disdainful glance, clearly looking down on him.

"Margaret, the leader you found seems a bit arrogant," Dustin teased.

"He is a bit arrogant, but he does have some real skills. We need his help to enter the Death Desert. As long as he doesn't cross my bottom line, a few harsh words and a stern expression won't matter," Margaret said with a faint smile.

Dustin shrugged his shoulders. "I have no issues with that. I just hope this Jackson won't turn out to be all talk and no action."

“Alright, let's stop talking about this. Let's pick a room. Barring any surprises, we'll be staying here tonight,” Margaret changed the topic.

"Sure, my stomach's growling. Let's tidy up and get some food," Dustin patted his empty belly.

He knew very well that among Margaret's team were two renowned chefs skilled in various cuisines. Combined with the ample supplies they had, there was no worry about food.
Inside a tavern in the Desert Village:

Jackson and several members of the Black Scorpion Squad found a table and sat down casually. They drank and chatted while occasionally surveying their surroundings.

By now, quite a few people had gathered in the tavern. Judging by their attire, most of them were adventurers, grouped together in threes and fives, creating a diverse mix of characters.

"Captain, haven't we encountered so many adventure teams the previous times we came here? What's going on this time? Since we entered the village until now, we've encountered more than five teams," a bald, burly man with a cigar in his mouth asked, his eyes scanning the surroundings.

"Normally, there weren't this many people. This time, various forces have gathered. There's probably some treasure about to be discovered, most likely related to the sudden appearance of the oasis," Jackson explained.

News about the oasis appearing in the Death Desert had spread within their circle. Many international expedition teams had become active, and it was likely they would arrive here soon.

"Captain, do you know what's inside that oasis?" the bald, burly man asked tentatively.

"I don't know the specifics. However, from what I've heard, that oasis is a hundred times more dangerous than the desert itself. Everyone who entered has never come out again. But considering so many people are flocking there, it must hold invaluable treasures," Jackson said.

"Alright, alright, no matter what's inside, it has nothing to do with us. We're just here to do a job for money. We just need to safely lead people in and out. Whether they find any treasures or not is none of our concern," a short-haired woman in combat gear chimed in.

"That's true," the bald, burly man nodded. They had already received thirty percent of their payment. As long as their employer stayed alive, they would receive the rest. Everything else was not their problem.

"Captain, speaking of which, who exactly is this Miss Margaret? Why is she so generous with her money? In our ten years in this business, we've never met such a lavish patron," the short-haired woman asked curiously.

"Miss Margaret doesn't want to reveal her true identity. She has her rules, and we can't ask too many questions," Jackson shook his head.

"Captain, you've looked at Miss Margaret more than ten times already. Are you interested in her?" the short-haired woman teased with a smirk.

"I don't know how to explain it. There's something special about Miss Margaret. Whenever I see her, it feels like I've met her before, as if we share some kind of predestined connection," Jackson squinted his eyes. "Destiny? Oh, I get it now!" The short-haired woman suddenly understood and couldn't help but tease, "Captain, you're in love!"

Chapter 1916: Blame your own unlucky fate

"Never have I felt this way before; this time it's really different," Jackson admitted in response to the teasing.

When it came to their joking, Jackson didn't deny anything. They were brothers and sisters who had faced life and death together, and there was nothing they couldn't talk about.

"This Miss Margaret is indeed unique. Although I haven't seen her directly, the aura she gives off seems like that of an unparalleled beauty," the bald, burly man said enthusiastically.

"Miss Margaret is the woman the captain is interested in. You better not have any inappropriate thoughts," the short-haired girl warned.

"I was just speaking casually; I wouldn't dare to compete with the captain for a woman," the bald, burly man chuckled awkwardly.

"Captain, it's rare to encounter someone who makes your heart race. Don't hesitate; be bold and make your move. With your charm, you'll be fine!" the short-haired girl encouraged confidently.

"I'm afraid it's too late," Jackson shook his head and said, "Miss Margaret has a personal bodyguard by her side. They're traveling together, and their relationship seems intimate. I probably don't stand a chance anymore."

His previous remarks about Dustin were primarily rooted in jealousy. Furthermore, judging from Margaret's protective attitude, it was evident that they were more than just ordinary friends.

"Captain, have you ever heard the saying, 'As long as the hoe is swung skillfully, there is no corner it cannot dig into'?" The short-haired girl narrowed her eyes mischievously.

"Oh? Do you have a plan?" Jackson became interested instantly.

"It's simple. As long as Miss Margaret's bodyguard dies, wouldn't you have a chance then?" the short-haired girl said, shocking everyone with her audacity.

Hearing this, Jackson's expression froze. He glanced around, ensuring no one was eavesdropping, then lowered his voice, "Little sister, you can't say such things lightly. We have our rules in this business. We're an exploration team, not mercenaries. Engaging in killing and unlawful activities like this, once it gets out, our reputation will be tarnished, and we won't be able to continue in this field."

"Captain, as long as we do it discreetly, who would know?" the short-haired girl said, her eyes glinting with a sly smile.

He has been traveling around the world for many years, engaging in intrigues and fighting for life and death, with countless lives on his hands. For them, killing someone is just a common thing.

"Being Miss Margaret's personal bodyguard, this person should have some abilities. To assassinate him discreetly without anyone noticing would be quite challenging. Besides, Miss Margaret also has a security team around her. It would be too risky to attempt anything," Jackson pondered.

"Captain, you're overthinking it. I didn't say we should do it now. Don't forget our advantage," the short-haired girl said, her smile laden with meaning.

"You mean... the Death Desert?" Jackson asked, catching on quickly.

"Exactly!" the short-haired girl snapped her fingers. "The Death Desert is extremely dangerous. Countless people die in there every year. As long as we find the right opportunity and make the bodyguard die unexpectedly, it shouldn't be too difficult. By that time, you can enjoy a romantic time with Miss Margaret."

"Hahaha... that makes sense! We'll find a chance to take care of him once we're inside the Death Desert!" the bald, burly man burst into laughter.

Their conversation, however, had attracted the attention of some patrons in the tavern.

"Hey, do you want a louder voice? Should I get you a megaphone to shout outside?" the short-haired girl retorted sarcastically.

"My voice has always been loud," the bald, burly man scratched his head, quickly lowering his voice.

"Captain, what do you think? Happiness is beckoning you. Once we deal with the hindrance, you'll surely have the beautiful lady all to yourself," the short-haired girl tantalized.

"Alright! Let's do it as you say!" Jackson's eyes flashed with a hint of ruthlessness. His face darkened as he muttered, "For one's own sake, heaven and earth can be overturned. Dustin, don't blame me for being ruthless. Blame your own unlucky fate for blocking my path!"

Chapter 1917: Better meals


Inside the hotel room, Dustin, who had just changed his clothes, suddenly sneezed. He muttered to himself, "Who could be thinking of me?"

Dustin rubbed his nose and walked out of the room, heading to the hotel's dining hall.

Because this hotel had been converted from an elementary school, the dining hall was quite spacious, covering approximately two to three hundred square meters.

It could comfortably accommodate over a hundred people for meals, with plenty of space to spare.

"Over here."

As Dustin entered the dining hall, he saw Li Qingcheng waving her hand.

Approaching the table, he saw that there were already more than a dozen delicious dishes laid out.

"Our chefs prepared these dishes, so they are safe and delicious. You can eat without worries," Margaret explained.

"Seems like you're quite cautious," Dustin chuckled.

Not bothering with formalities, he sat down and began to savor the food.

"When you're away from home, a little caution is always a good thing. We're on the edge of the Death Desert, and there are all sorts of people around. One wrong move, and you might get into trouble," Margaret said as she picked up her chopsticks, elegantly savoring her meal.

Just as they were eating, a group of young men and women dressed in blue attire, carrying swords, suddenly walked in.

These people had powerful auras, sharp gazes, and an imposing presence. Judging by their attire, they seemed to be disciples from martial sects.

The one leading them was a slender man with a hooked nose, in his early thirties, and his appearance had a fierce and unfriendly vibe.

"Big Brother, isn't this place a bit too rundown? There are so many dirty things around; how can we eat here?"

A girl with a ponytail glanced around, her expression filled with disdain.

"No choice, the situation is special this time; we'll have to make do," the man with the hooked nose spoke kindly.

"Fine, since we're here, let's just eat whatever is available. We're starving," the girl with the ponytail found a relatively clean spot and sat down, then called out, "Hey! Waiter! Bring the best dishes you have here to me!"

"Sure thing!" The waiter replied with a smile.

He instructed the chef to prepare a few precious dishes and served them to the girl.

However, as soon as the girl with the ponytail took a bite, she immediately spat it out. "Yuck! What is this? Why does it taste so awful? It disgusts me!"

"Outrageous!" The man with the hooked nose slammed the table and shouted, "Are you intentionally trying to provoke us by serving such terrible food?"

"Hmph! Do you know who we are? How dare you disrespect us like this? I bet we could shut down your restaurant!"

Other disciples from their sect also rose, displaying fierce and intimidating expressions.

"Dear guests, we sincerely apologize. These are the finest ingredients our small restaurant has to offer. If there has been any lack of hospitality, we ask for your forgiveness," the waiter apologized nervously.

"You're lying!" The girl with the ponytail stood up, pointed at Dustin and Margaret, and exclaimed, "Why are their meals better than ours? It's clear that you look down on us!"

Chapter 1918: A wealthy attitude

Dustin and Margaret were initially watching the spectacle, but when the girl with the ponytail suddenly turned her attention towards them and accused them, they were momentarily taken aback.

"That's right! Their dishes are all beautifully presented, while our table is full of junk!"

"I don't care! Change our dishes immediately, or don't blame us for getting furious!"

The group of people began to shout, and in the process, they forcefully threw the food on the table onto the ground, creating a mess.

"Dear guests, our small establishment has limited resources. We really can't replace these premium dishes," the waiter pleaded, with a distressed expression.

"Can't replace them? Are you implying that we can't afford to pay?" the man with the hooked nose said, his face darkening.

"You insolent fools! Are you discriminating against us? Do you know who we are? We are renowned disciples of the Flying Snow Sect in the martial world. If you provoke us, we can easily wreck your restaurant!" the girl with the ponytail threatened with a menacing tone.

"Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding..." The waiter explained in a panic, "These premium dishes were cooked by the customers' personal chefs, and we only provided the kitchen."

"What? Personal chefs? Are you joking with me? Who brings their own chef when traveling?"

People who came to the Death Desert were mostly adventurers and treasure hunters; why would they carry their chefs with them?

"It's true. I saw it with my own eyes, I wouldn't dare to deceive you," the waiter assured.

Upon hearing this, the Flying Snow Sect disciples exchanged puzzled glances and ultimately turned their gaze to Dustin and Margaret.

"Hey, did you two really cook these dishes yourselves?" the girl with the ponytail asked as she walked over, looking down at them.

"Yes," Margaret nodded. "We couldn't adapt to the food outside, so we brought our own chefs."

"Is that so?" The girl with the ponytail scrutinized the dishes on the table and couldn't help but exclaim, "Dragon Well Shrimp, Squirrel Fish, Kung Pao Chicken, Dongpo Pork, and even Buddha Jumps Over the Wall... so many exquisite dishes. Can you two really finish all of this?"

Without waiting for their response, she picked up a piece of squirrel fish and put it in her mouth.

The next moment, her eyes lit up, and she showed a look of pleasant surprise. "Delicious!"

"Big Brother, there's something good here; come over and taste it!" she beckoned to her fellow sect members.

Completely disregarding Dustin and Margaret's feelings, she called over the others from her sect.

Seeing the sumptuous delicacies on the table, they couldn't resist their appetites. They had come a long way and were famished, so the sight of these delectable dishes delighted them.

"Two of you, we'll cover this meal. You can go eat somewhere else," the man with the hooked nose took out a gold bar from his pocket and tossed it onto the table, displaying a wealthy attitude.

"Hmm?" Dustin raised an eyebrow and looked at them as if they were fools. "Is something wrong with you people? It's bad enough that you came without an invitation, but now you want to kick us out? Do you think this inn belongs to you?"

If these people had been a bit more amiable and invited them to share a meal or drink, it might have been a different story. But their arrogance and utter disregard for them had made Dustin quite displeased.

"How about it? Not enough for you? Fine, I'll add more."

The man with the hooked nose remained arrogant. While speaking, he took another gold bar from his pocket and tossed it onto the table, indifferently saying, "Is it enough now?"

"Just this? You're trying to dismiss us beggars?"

Dustin waved his hand, sending both gold bars flying away, showing complete disdain.



"This is outrageous!"

Dustin's actions provoked angry outbursts from the disciples of the Flying Snow Sect.

As a prestigious martial arts school in the martial world, they were usually treated with respect wherever they went, and nobody dared to disrespect them. However, this young man before them seemed to have no respect at all.

"Hey! What's your attitude?" The girl with a ponytail shouted, slamming the table. "Do you know who we are? We are disciples of the Flying Snow Sect, one of the three major sects in the southwest. Look around the entire martial world, and you won't find anyone who dares to disrespect us!"

"The Flying Snow Sect? So what?" Dustin remained expressionless, focused on his drink.

"So what? Hmph! I'll tell you the truth. We've already claimed this table. If you're smart, you'll pick up the gold bars and leave. Otherwise, don't blame us for being impolite!" The girl with the ponytail threatened sternly.

"Is that so? And what if I'm not polite?" Dustin chuckled.

He had encountered many arrogant people, but this was the first time he faced a situation where people were willing to fight over a meal.


Without further ado, the girl with the ponytail drew her sword and threatened, "I'll give you one more chance. Leave immediately, or else I'll poke a few holes in you!"

"I advise you to put your sword away, because if you make a move, I won't hold back, and you might end up with a pig's head," Dustin said seriously.

"You're looking for trouble!"

Upon hearing this, the girl with the ponytail couldn't bear it any longer and thrust her sword at Dustin.

The attack was swift and accurate, something that an ordinary martial artist might not be able to block. However, Dustin remained calm, not moving an inch. He lifted his wine glass with one hand and took a sip. With the other hand, he effortlessly caught the sword blade as it came at him.

The whole process was smooth, as if he had rehearsed it beforehand. Throughout the encounter, Dustin never even looked at the girl with the ponytail.


The sudden turn of events left the girl with the ponytail momentarily stunned. She couldn't believe that her full-strength strike had been easily caught by Dustin using only two fingers.

How was that possible?

While she might not be the most outstanding in her sect, she was no ordinary martial artist. She should have easily won this fight, considering her background. So why was she now being dominated by this person?

Just who was this guy?

"With this meager level of skill, you dare to act so arrogantly? It seems you've never experienced the harsh realities of the world," Dustin sneered.

For a martial artist with inner strength, who hadn't even reached the innate stage, where did he find the courage to be so cocky?

Chapter 1919: Sand Dragon

"This is going too far!"

After being taunted by Dustin, the girl with the ponytail became even angrier.

She ignored the gap in their strengths and suddenly unleashed her internal energy, thrusting forward with greater force. However, no matter how hard she pushed, the blade of her sword couldn't advance an inch.

Dustin's fingers were like a pair of iron pliers, firmly gripping the sword's edge.

"You underestimate yourself!"

Dustin snorted, and he exerted a sudden force with his fingers.

With a loud "clang," the girl's longsword snapped in half, and a powerful counterforce sent her flying a few meters. She landed hard on the ground, her face twisted in pain and her vision blurred.

"Senior Brother! He attacked me!"

Unable to win the fight, the girl with the ponytail promptly turned to her companions for help.

"Bold! To dare lay a hand on my junior sister, you are asking for death!" The man with the hooked nose was furious and unsheathed his sword, ready to confront Dustin.


At this moment, a commanding voice echoed from the entrance.

Following the voice, a man wearing a red robe and carrying a precious sword on his back entered with a group of followers, drawing everyone's attention.

The man had strong features, a robust physique, and a powerful presence that immediately caught everyone's attention.

Even the previously arrogant man with the hooked nose frowned upon seeing the newcomer.

"Enzo, your Flying Snow Sect is acting too arrogantly. To display such bullying behavior in broad daylight, do you think you can rule the world single-handedly?" The man in red spoke sternly.

"Hmph! I saw everything that just happened clearly. It was clear that you were bullying him. I, Adriel, cannot stand such arrogant individuals!" the man in red, Adriel, said.

"Bullying? What of it? The matters of our Flying Snow Sect are none of your Gold Blade Sect's concern!" Enzo retorted angrily.

"If I choose to make it my concern?" Adriel narrowed his eyes.

"If you dare meddle, don't blame me for not being polite!" Enzo slowly raised his sword, pointing it towards Adriel with a dark expression.

Seeing this, the disciples of the Flying Snow Sect drew their swords, standing behind their senior brother.

"Hmph! Are you planning to fight?" Adriel was unafraid. He drew his knife, pointing it at Enzo.

The followers of the Gold Blade Sect behind Adriel also unsheathed their weapons, facing off against the Flying Snow Sect disciples.

Both sides were in a tense standoff, on the brink of a clash.

"Damn it! Can't even have a peaceful meal. If you want to fight, take it outside. Dare to start a fight here, and I'll make sure to deal with you!" Suddenly, a cold voice cut through the tension.

All eyes turned towards the corner, where a figure wearing a cloak and a straw hat was sitting.

"Who are you? How dare you meddle in the affairs of our two major sects? Do you want to die?" Enzo redirected his sword and angrily confronted the cloaked figure.

The Gold Blade Sect and the Flying Snow Sect were both part of the three major sects in the southwestern region.

Challenging him was one thing, as their strengths were evenly matched. But now, an outsider had appeared out of nowhere and dared to berate him. It was like asking for death.


The man with the straw hat slammed the table.

A chopstick in front of him immediately jumped up, hovering in the air. With a wave of the straw hat man's hand, the chopstick shot out like a bullet, carrying a powerful force, heading straight for Enzo.

The speed was so fast that most people couldn't react in time. Enzo's pupils constricted, and he instinctively raised his sword to block.


The chopstick struck the sword forcefully, causing the precious blade to bend like a bow. The tremendous impact sent Enzo stumbling back several steps, nearly falling to the ground. His hand, holding the sword, was trembling uncontrollably.

"Senior Brother!"

Seeing this, the disciples of the Flying Snow Sect couldn't hide their shock. Nobody had expected that a simple chopstick could force their Senior Brother to retreat. Just how strong was this person?

At that moment, not only were the disciples of the Flying Snow Sect taken aback, but even the followers of the Gold Blade Sect were secretly alarmed. Although Enzo's character left much to be desired, his strength was formidable, and he was on par with their Senior Brother Adriel. It was unexpected that a master could defeat him in a single strike.

"Senior Brother, are you okay?" The girl with the ponytail ran up, her face filled with concern.

"I'm fine."

Enzo took a deep breath, suppressing the surging blood and focusing his gaze on the man with the straw hat. "May I ask who you are and why you have a problem with our Flying Snow Sect?"

"I am Miguel, with the nickname 'Desert Dragon.' People call me the Sand Dragon!" Miguel declared loudly.

"What? Miguel, the Sand Dragon?" Hearing this, the expressions of everyone present changed dramatically.

The southwestern region was known for its harsh environment, with vast desert wastelands, and although its population was small, its people were tough. This region gave rise to three major sects and five formidable individuals.

The three major sects were the Flying Snow Sect, the Gold Blade Sect, and the Wandering Dragon Sect. Among these, the Wandering Dragon Sect was the strongest, while the Flying Snow Sect and the Gold Blade Sect were evenly matched.

The five formidable individuals were considered almost as strong as the leaders of the major sects, and though they rarely made appearances, nobody dared to provoke them easily.

Miguel, the Sand Dragon, was one of these five formidable individuals.

Upon learning this, both Enzo and Adriel had their expressions change. They were well aware of Miguel's reputation and knew that with his strength, the combined force of everyone present would likely not be his match.

"Master Miguel, I apologize if we've caused offense. We shall leave now." Enzo immediately toned down his arrogance, becoming humble and courteous. He bowed and apologized.

After all, Miguel was a senior of his master's level, and unless it was absolutely necessary, he couldn't afford to offend him.

"Enough! Don't give me that crap. I want to eat my meal now, and I despise being disturbed. You can eat if you want, or you can leave. If you dare to make any more trouble, don't blame me for being impolite!" Miguel showed no leniency.

"I'm truly sorry for interrupting your meal, Master. We will leave immediately."

Enzo, furious but aware of his place, bowed once more and swiftly led his people out of the establishment. As they left, he shot Dustin a spiteful glance, as if promising to settle scores later.

Chapter 1920: Help those in need

Faced with Enzo's threatening gaze, Dustin didn't take it seriously at all.

If someone hadn't intervened earlier, that guy would have been looking for his teeth on the floor.

After driving away a few nuisances, Miguel continued to enjoy his meal, drinking and eating.

Adriel, along with the disciples of the Gold Blade Sect, refrained from causing any further disturbances and found a nearby table to sit at.

Margaret, on the other hand, stood up and walked over to Adriel. He clasped his hands together in a polite greeting, saying, "Good sirs, I thank you for the assistance earlier."

"It was just a small effort, nothing to mention," Adriel waved his hand, nonchalantly adding, "I've always despised bullies. The Gold Blade Sect's motto is to help those in need when we see injustice."

"Indeed, the Gold Blade Sect lives up to its reputation. If you don't mind, you're welcome to join us at our table and share a few drinks. I happen to have a few bottles of fine wine in my collection," Margaret extended an invitation.

"No need for a formal invitation. We would be happy to join you," Adriel replied.

Upon hearing about the good wine, Adriel's eyes lit up. He promptly ordered his disciples to join their tables together.

"Brody, please ask the chef to prepare a few more dishes and fetch a few more bottles of wine," Margaret instructed a servant who quickly left to fulfill the request.
After a short while, a variety of delicious dishes and fine wine were brought to the table.

Adriel, not one to be overly formal, was the first to pour a glass of wine and drank it all in one go.

"This is indeed excellent wine!"

After downing a glass of wine, Adriel immediately wore an expression of ecstasy and licked his lips. He mused, "This wine, if I'm not mistaken, must be a hundred-year-old vintage, am I right?"

He considered himself a seasoned drinker, having tasted various wines, but this was the first time he had ever experienced such a rich and delicious wine. Even the fifty-year-old vintage he had enjoyed from his master in the past couldn't compare to today's exquisite flavor.

"It seems that the great hero is also a connoisseur of wine," Margaret said with a smile.

It was a royal vintage, and a rare find, so it was a rare experience for most people.

"Don't call me a great hero. My name is Adriel. If you think highly of me, just call me Brother Adriel!" Adriel said in a hearty manner.

"Brother Adriel, I'm Margaret, and this is my friend, Dustin," Margaret made a simple introduction.

"This brother's temperament is quite to my liking. Facing the oppression of the Flying Snow Sect, unafraid of their power, and fighting back, he can be considered a hero. Come, I raise a toast to you!"

Adriel lifted his wine glass and raised it towards Dustin.

In the entire southwestern region, there were very few who dared to challenge the Flying Snow Sect. Regardless of the opponent's strength, at the very least, their courage was commendable.

"Compared to Brother Adriel, I still have much to learn." Dustin raised his glass in return.

"As martial artists, we value like-mindedness. You two have a connection with me now. If you ever encounter any trouble in the future, don't hesitate to seek me out. I will definitely provide my full support!" Adriel promised, patting his chest.

"In that case, we thank Brother Adriel in advance."
wow, you're catching up the chinese version ! many thanks
Chapter 1921: The Gold Blade Sect

Margaret smiled as she raised her glass, saying, "Come, everyone, no need to be polite. Eat and drink to your heart's content."

In the face of the various delicious dishes, the disciples of the Gold Blade Sect did not hold back, and they enthusiastically indulged in the feast.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of dishes, both sides became more familiar with each other.

"Miss Margaret, Brother Dustin, judging by your appearances, you're not from the local area, right? Are you also here in search of treasures?" Adriel asked, trying to learn more.

"That's correct. I've heard that there are treasures hidden in the Death Desert, so we've come with a few people to try our luck and gain some experience," Margaret admitted.

Everyone here was likely seeking treasures in the Death Desert, so there was no need to keep it a secret. After all, the harsh and dangerous environment of the desert was not suited for leisurely tourism.

"Miss Margaret, please don't take offense at my bluntness, but the Death Desert is extremely dangerous. One small misstep could cost you your life. I see that you and your friend are both delicate and inexperienced. In such a perilous place, it might be best not to go," Adriel advised.

"Thank you for your concern, Brother Adriel, but we have a compelling reason for going," Margaret replied politely.

"If you're determined to go, you can join us. This way, you'll have some support," Adriel suggested.

"Brother Adriel, are you also going to explore the Death Desert for treasures?" Dustin asked.

"Not entirely," Adriel replied candidly. "Our mission from the Gold Blade Sect is to investigate the sudden appearance of an oasis within the Death Desert."

"Big Brother! Be cautious with your words!" One of the Gold Blade Sect disciples immediately reminded him.

After all, this was their sect's mission, and they shouldn't reveal it lightly.

"If Brother Adriel has reasons he can't share, there's no need to force the issue," Dustin said, not pressing for more information.

"No problem, we're all friends here; no need to be secretive," Adriel said, waving his hand and continuing, "I don't know if you've heard about it, but recently, a mysterious oasis appeared in the Death Desert. This oasis seems to have a life of its own and is rapidly expanding. There are rumors that it might hold some earth-shattering treasures. We've been dispatched by our sect to investigate this unusual phenomenon."

"We have heard about the oasis, and we plan to venture inside as well," Margaret replied.

"It seems our starting points are the same, but I've heard that anyone who goes into the oasis never comes out again. So, no one knows what's really happening inside," Adriel replied, with a solemn expression. "Of course, the dangers inside the oasis are secondary. What we should be most careful about are the various factions and forces. There are many treasure hunters going in, both righteous and unrighteous, and they are the real threat."

The people in the martial world come in all sorts, and for the sake of treasure, even friends can turn into bitter enemies, let alone strangers. If you don't have absolute strength or a powerful backer, attempting to claim a treasure will be nothing but a suicide mission.

"Brother Adriel is quite right. This treasure hunt is likely to attract many formidable individuals, and in the event of a conflict, it could indeed be troublesome," Margaret agreed with a nod.

"You don't have to worry too much. As long as you follow our Gold Blade Sect's lead, I believe you won't be in any danger," Adriel said confidently.

The Gold Blade Sect held a prominent position in terms of power and influence in the southwestern region, making them a force to be reckoned with. As long as they didn't cross paths with truly ruthless individuals, most martial sects' experts would show some respect and be cautious about causing trouble.

While the group was chatting and enjoying their drinks, Jackson, with a few members of the Black Scorpion Squad, suddenly rushed in. Upon meeting them, he immediately reported, "Miss Margaret, there's good news! According to the latest information, someone has just come out of the oasis!"
Thank you Nazmul, you're the best
Chapter 1922: Village Chief House

"What? Someone has come out?" Upon hearing this, Margaret immediately perked up and asked, "Who is this person, and where are they now?"

The mysterious oasis was full of unknown dangers, and if someone had safely emerged from it, they were bound to have vital information. Having access to this information would not only help minimize risks but also significantly increase their chances of success in their treasure hunt.

"This person is named Titus, a disciple of the Five Elements Sect. He is skilled in escape techniques. He entered the oasis three days ago and was missing until just recently. Titus returned to the Desert Village with severe injuries, and the village chief has taken him home for treatment," Jackson reported.

"Titus from the Five Elements Sect?" Adriel raised his eyebrows. "I've heard of him. He has quite a reputation in the martial world, and his strength has reached the advanced phase of the Innate Realm. He can be considered a genius."

The Five Elements Sect was not part of the southwestern powers, but its strength was not inferior to that of the Gold Blade Sect.

"Miss Margaret, who are these people?" Jackson looked at Adriel's group curiously.

"They are all experts from the Gold Blade Sect, my newly made friends," Margaret replied.

"The Gold Blade Sect?" Jackson narrowed his eyes, quite surprised. The Gold Blade Sect was one of the three major martial sects in the southwestern region, and they were not to be underestimated.

"I see," Jackson responded. Having the protection of the Gold Blade Sect would make their journey significantly safer.

"Alright, let's not dwell on this. Take me to see the village chief, I have some questions for Titus," Margaret said, wasting no time. She asked Jackson to lead the way to the village chief's house.

At this moment, they couldn't afford any delays. Titus had become a crucial figure, and various forces were keen on obtaining the valuable information he might possess. Margaret needed to act quickly to avoid losing out to others.

Five minutes later...

The group rushed to the village chief's house, a two-story small western-style building surrounded by a yard filled with flowers and plants.

Upon their arrival, they were confronted by a middle-aged man who wielded an iron rod and menacingly blocked the entrance.

"What are you doing here? Outsiders are not allowed inside!" the middle-aged man sternly said, guarding the entrance with a fierce expression.

"Good sir, we have an urgent matter and seek an audience with the village chief. We kindly request that you inform him," Margaret replied, offering a polite bow.

"The village chief has made it clear that he won't see anyone today. Please leave," the middle-aged man responded coldly.

"We are friends of Titus and heard he is severely injured, lying in the village chief's house. That's why we've come to visit," Jackson fabricated a story.

"Friends or not, it doesn't matter. Now go away!" the middle-aged man said impatiently.

"Hey! I warn you, don't push your luck!" Jackson's expression darkened. He found it outrageous that a mere villager dared to obstruct their way.

"What's the matter? Are you going to use force?" the middle-aged man retorted, banging his iron rod on the ground. "Come on! Try to use force, and I'll see if you can leave the village safely."

The Desert Village might be relatively small, but it had its own local authority. In the past, there were troublemakers, but they were all eventually driven out.

"Calm down, Jackson," Margaret cautioned Jackson. She then removed her jade bracelet and approached the middle-aged man. She handed him the bracelet and said, "Sir, this is a small token of our appreciation. Please accept it. We have a genuine and urgent request and would greatly appreciate your assistance."

The middle-aged man received the jade bracelet and examined it closely. His eyes lit up as he muttered, "Wow, this jade bracelet appears to have some age to it. It must be quite valuable, right?"
Chapter 1923: Emperor Green jade bracelet

"No nonsense! This is an Emperor Green jade bracelet, and it's an antique, worth a small fortune!" Jackson grumbled irritably.

"Worth a small fortune? Truly a valuable item!" The middle-aged man's expression brightened, and he carefully accepted the jade bracelet.

"I didn't have the chance to prepare anything else due to our hurried arrival, but I hope you'll like this jade bracelet," Margaret said with a slight smile.

"Young lady, seeing your sincerity, I will reluctantly help you relay your message. However, whether or not the village chief is willing to meet you is not in my hands," the middle-aged man replied, not committing fully.

"Thank you," Margaret nodded slightly.

"Alright, please wait for a moment," the middle-aged man said before walking into the yard.

Three minutes later, he returned with a hint of a smile on his face. "Young lady, our village chief has agreed to see you. However, for safety reasons, you can only bring one person with you."

"Jackson, please stay here and keep watch. I will go inside with Dustin," Margaret instructed and then entered with Dustin.

In the bedroom, Titus lay on the bed, his face ashen and unconscious. Village chief Mario stood nearby, consulting with a village doctor about the patient's condition.

"Old Doctor, is there really no hope left for this young man?" Mario looked worried.

As the only person who had come out of the oasis alive, Titus's value was extremely high. With the right management, he could bring significant wealth to the village.

"Village chief, this young man has suffered severe injuries, and there's also a strong poison in his body. With my medical skills, I'm unable to treat him," the village doctor shook his head.

He could handle minor ailments but was helpless in the face of complex and challenging cases.

"It seems we have no choice but to take him to the hospital," Mario furrowed his brow.

"Village chief, the city hospital is at least a day's journey from here. Given his current condition, he might not make it," the village doctor sighed.

"No matter what, we have to try. We don't have any other options," Mario said with some resignation.

The money tree that had landed in their laps was now on the verge of death, which was a great pity.

"Village chief, my friend is highly skilled in medicine. Why don't we let him have a try?" Margaret suddenly spoke as she stood at the bedroom door.

"Did our guard say that you are this young man's friend?" Mario asked, testing the waters.

"We can't exactly call ourselves friends, but we have some questions for him," Margaret answered truthfully.

"Well, you're an honest person," Mario nodded with approval. "If you're lying, then I'll have no choice but to kick you out."

"Village chief, you're wise and valiant. We certainly won't dare to speak falsely," Margaret flattered.

"Hahaha... you're quite eloquent, young lady," Mario chuckled.

"Village chief, Titus's condition is dire. It's probably too late to take him to the hospital now. My friend here has been studying medicine since childhood and specializes in treating various complex illnesses. Perhaps he can heal Titus," Margaret shifted the conversation towards Dustin.

"So young?" Mario gave Dustin a once-over, looking rather skeptical.

In their traditional thinking, the older the doctor, the more skilled they were perceived to be.

Dustin was just in his twenties, which made it hard for them to believe in his abilities.

"Young age doesn't mean a lack of skill. I'm confident that I can have Titus awake within the time it takes to brew a pot of tea," Dustin said calmly, oozing self-assurance despite his calm tone.
I'm really happy. actually I'm reading the Chinese version too but I prefer yours. so I'm always checking yours and Jungal's
Chapter 1923: Emperor Green jade bracelet

"No nonsense! This is an Emperor Green jade bracelet, and it's an antique, worth a small fortune!" Jackson grumbled irritably.

"Worth a small fortune? Truly a valuable item!" The middle-aged man's expression brightened, and he carefully accepted the jade bracelet.

"I didn't have the chance to prepare anything else due to our hurried arrival, but I hope you'll like this jade bracelet," Margaret said with a slight smile.

"Young lady, seeing your sincerity, I will reluctantly help you relay your message. However, whether or not the village chief is willing to meet you is not in my hands," the middle-aged man replied, not committing fully.

"Thank you," Margaret nodded slightly.

"Alright, please wait for a moment," the middle-aged man said before walking into the yard.

Three minutes later, he returned with a hint of a smile on his face. "Young lady, our village chief has agreed to see you. However, for safety reasons, you can only bring one person with you."

"Jackson, please stay here and keep watch. I will go inside with Dustin," Margaret instructed and then entered with Dustin.

In the bedroom, Titus lay on the bed, his face ashen and unconscious. Village chief Mario stood nearby, consulting with a village doctor about the patient's condition.

"Old Doctor, is there really no hope left for this young man?" Mario looked worried.

As the only person who had come out of the oasis alive, Titus's value was extremely high. With the right management, he could bring significant wealth to the village.

"Village chief, this young man has suffered severe injuries, and there's also a strong poison in his body. With my medical skills, I'm unable to treat him," the village doctor shook his head.

He could handle minor ailments but was helpless in the face of complex and challenging cases.

"It seems we have no choice but to take him to the hospital," Mario furrowed his brow.

"Village chief, the city hospital is at least a day's journey from here. Given his current condition, he might not make it," the village doctor sighed.

"No matter what, we have to try. We don't have any other options," Mario said with some resignation.

The money tree that had landed in their laps was now on the verge of death, which was a great pity.

"Village chief, my friend is highly skilled in medicine. Why don't we let him have a try?" Margaret suddenly spoke as she stood at the bedroom door.

"Did our guard say that you are this young man's friend?" Mario asked, testing the waters.

"We can't exactly call ourselves friends, but we have some questions for him," Margaret answered truthfully.

"Well, you're an honest person," Mario nodded with approval. "If you're lying, then I'll have no choice but to kick you out."

"Village chief, you're wise and valiant. We certainly won't dare to speak falsely," Margaret flattered.

"Hahaha... you're quite eloquent, young lady," Mario chuckled.

"Village chief, Titus's condition is dire. It's probably too late to take him to the hospital now. My friend here has been studying medicine since childhood and specializes in treating various complex illnesses. Perhaps he can heal Titus," Margaret shifted the conversation towards Dustin.

"So young?" Mario gave Dustin a once-over, looking rather skeptical.

In their traditional thinking, the older the doctor, the more skilled they were perceived to be.

Dustin was just in his twenties, which made it hard for them to believe in his abilities.

"Young age doesn't mean a lack of skill. I'm confident that I can have Titus awake within the time it takes to brew a pot of tea," Dustin said calmly, oozing self-assurance despite his calm tone.
I'm really happy. actually I'm reading the Chinese version too but I prefer yours. so I'm always checking yours and Jungal's
Can you give me a link to Chinese version
Chapter 1924: Mysterious oasis

"Young man, you haven't even examined the patient's condition, and yet you claim to have the confidence to cure him. Isn't that a bit too arrogant?" The village doctor clearly expressed his disbelief.

Although he was just a barefoot doctor, he had more than a decade of medical experience and had treated many patients. He couldn't figure out how this young kid could treat a patient when he himself was helpless.

"The patient has thirteen injuries, the most severe being the wound that pierced through the chest and back. Fortunately, he has a strong physique, so it's not immediately life-threatening. The real problem is that he has been poisoned severely. His internal organs have suffered varying degrees of damage. Without timely detoxification, he won't survive until tomorrow," explained Dustin, recounting Titus's condition as if he were listing treasures.

"How do you know all this?" The village doctor was startled. He had arrived at his conclusions through pulse-taking and careful examination. How could this young man know?

"Many illnesses are easy to diagnose with just a glance," Dustin replied nonchalantly.

"What? Just a glance?" The village doctor was incredulous.

"It's not some incurable disease. A glance is enough," Dustin said expressionlessly.

The village doctor's mouth twitched, momentarily speechless. Judging from the calm and composed expression on the young man's face, he might actually have some skills.

"Young man, are you really sure?" Mario tentatively asked.

"You won't know unless you try, right? It's better than doing nothing," Dustin said.

"Fine, I'll trouble you then, young man," Mario said no more, stepping aside and gesturing for Dustin to take over.

From Feng Yao's condition, it was likely that he wouldn't last until tomorrow. It was already too late to send him to the hospital; they had no choice but to try anything they could.

Dustin approached the bedside, first feeding Titus an antidote pill. Then, he waved his hand, and a series of silver needles shot out, accurately piercing Titus's various acupuncture points.

After the needles entered his body, Dustin waved his hand again. The needles began to rotate rapidly, and a stream of pure energy flowed into Titus's body through the needles, clearing his meridians and removing the stagnant blood.

The village doctor was dumbfounded by this miraculous medical technique. He also practiced acupuncture, but when he did, he had to carefully find each acupuncture point and insert the needles one by one. However, Dustin simply waved his hand, and more than a dozen silver needles flew out, hitting the precise acupuncture points as if they had a mind of their own. Moreover, throughout the entire process, he didn't even touch the patient's body.

Such a skill, he had never heard of it before. To think that this young man possessed such extraordinary abilities, it was truly astonishing.

After about the time it took to finish a cup of tea, Titus's purplish complexion gradually returned to normal.

"Get up!" Dustin waved his hand, and the dozen of silver needles that were stuck in Titus's body immediately shot out and returned to his sleeve.

The next moment, Titus, who had been unconscious on the sickbed, suddenly coughed violently. Then, he tilted his head and spat out a large mouthful of black blood.

"He's awake, he's awake, the patient is awake!"

Seeing this scene, the village doctor was both shocked and delighted, deeply admiring Dustin. With just a few needles, he had managed to wake up a critically ill person, truly a young miraculous healer!

"Young man, you're truly amazing! Within the time it takes to finish a cup of tea, you've completely cured the patient!" Mario marveled.

He had seen quite a lot in his life, but he had never encountered a young person like Dustin, who possessed such exceptional medical skills.

"I can't say he's completely cured, but the patient is out of immediate danger. As long as he takes some medicinal soup for a few days, he'll recover," Dustin said casually.

"Who are you guys?" Titus struggled to sit up on the bed, looking extremely weak but unusually alert.

"I am Mario, the village chief of the Desert Village. I'm the one who saved you," Mario spoke first. "You were seriously injured, nearly at death's door. Luckily, I invited this young miraculous healer, and he saved your life."

"Hmm?" Dustin raised an eyebrow, casting a meaningful glance at Mario.

This old man was quite shrewd, claiming all the credit with just a few words. Although it irked him a bit, Dustin didn't bother to argue. He could probably guess what the other party was after, trying to gain his favor, hoping to get more benefits.

"Thank you, Chief Mario, thank you, miracle healer," Titus said politely, expressing his gratitude to Mario and Dustin.

"Young man, how did you sustain such severe injuries? What happened exactly?" Mario asked, voicing everyone's curiosity.

"I..." Titus hesitated, looking uncertain.

"Young man, rest assured, we are not bad people. We just want to help you," Mario smiled gently, his expression kind.

At first glance, he really seemed like a caring elder.

"Titus, I didn't save your life for free. We need to understand the situation inside the desert, especially that mysterious oasis!" Dustin cut to the chase.

Time was of the essence; he didn't have the patience for idle chatter. The news of Titus being a survivor might have already spread by now.

"Are you here for the oasis too?" Titus's pupils contracted. It seemed like he had realized something, his face suddenly filled with intense fear.

"Exactly! You are the only person who has walked out of that oasis so far. We need detailed information. That was the condition for me saving you. Of course, if the information you provide is valuable, we'll reward you generously," Dustin said.

"Don't go in... Whatever you do, don't go in... It's too dangerous inside, full of monsters, man-eating monsters everywhere!" Titus, as if struck by something, became extremely agitated. He covered his head with his hands, his body trembling, shouting in panic.

He seemed completely unhinged.

Dustin and Margaret exchanged glances, both involuntarily becoming serious.

To frighten a genius disciple from the Five Elements Sect into this state, what exactly was hidden inside the oasis?
Chapter 1925: A disturbance

"Titus, calm down. You're safe now; nothing can harm you. There's no need to be afraid."

Seeing Titus's agitated state, Margaret quickly comforted him. Otherwise, in his current condition, they wouldn't be able to extract any useful information from him.

But Titus, consumed by fear, couldn't calm down. He still clutched his head, shivering and mumbling to himself.

"Is he... Is he... Is he going mad? What should we do?" Mario grew anxious. It was frustrating to have found a cash cow only to see him lose his sanity.

"Dustin, is there any way to make him calm down?" Margaret turned to ask.

"It's simple."

Dustin didn't say much; he simply took out a silver needle and directly pricked Titus's neck. Titus shuddered all over and promptly passed out on the bed, becoming tranquil and peaceful.

"Is that your solution?" Margaret looked puzzled.

Stunning him might bring calmness, but who would they question now?

"Titus was in shock. He wouldn't be able to provide any useful information in this state. This needle will help him regain his senses. Let him sleep for an hour; after he wakes up, he'll be back to normal," Dustin explained.

"That's good then," Margaret breathed a sigh of relief.

The Dragon Source Energy was extremely important to her. She had to gather information about it at any cost. If the Dragon Source Energy was indeed hidden inside the oasis, she would spare no effort to obtain it.

"Village Chief! There's trouble outside! Someone is causing a disturbance!"

At that moment, a middle-aged man guarding the courtyard entrance rushed in, looking flustered. His cheeks were slightly swollen, clearly indicating he had been slapped.

"A disturbance? Who dares to cause trouble in the Desert Village?" Mario's face darkened. To manage a village so efficiently in such harsh conditions, he undoubtedly possessed unique skills.

"He not only knows many martial arts experts in the martial world but also has formed a guard team.

In the past, those ignorant young fools who dared to act recklessly in the village would be beaten half to death and then kicked out.

"The newcomers seem quite formidable. We had no chance against them; we were easily defeated," the middle-aged man said, his face no longer bearing the confidence it had before.

"Humph! Useless!"

After scolding the man, Mario stormed out of the house.

Dustin and Margaret exchanged glances and followed suit. At this moment, it was highly likely that these intruders had come for Titus.

By now, a crowd had gathered at the entrance. Various factions and forces had arrived, blocking the gate completely. The Golden Sword Sect, the Flying Snow Sect, the Sand Dragon Miguel, and numerous other forces from the southwest, as well as exploration teams and mercenaries, were all present.

It was a diverse group of people.

"Hello, heroes. You're welcome to stay and visit our village. But why are you causing trouble here? Have you forgotten the rules we established?" Mario spoke coldly.

The existence of the Desert Village had facilitated many people and forged connections with numerous forces. Therefore, there was an unwritten rule in the martial world; no one was allowed to cause trouble in the Desert Village; otherwise, they would face retaliation from various factions.

"Village Chief Mario, I am Marcel, a disciple of the Wanderer's Sect," a man in his thirties walked out from the crowd and declared loudly. "I heard that you recently saved a survivor who came out of the oasis. I wonder if this is true?"

"I indeed saved someone, but as for who this person is, where they came from, and where they're going, I have no knowledge," Mario replied. Upon hearing the name of the Wanderer's Sect, he quickly subdued his anger.
Chapter 1926: A plan of shifting the blame

The Wanderer Dragon's Sect was the leader among the three major sects in the southwest, and their strength surpassed that of the Gold Blade Sect and the Flying Snow Sect by quite a margin.

For a small village like theirs, offending such a major sect was out of the question. After all, the Desert Village relied on the protection of the Wanderer Dragon's Sect for survival.

"Village Chief Mario, let's speak frankly. We, the Wanderer Dragon's Sect, want the person you saved!" Marcel said, raising his head with confidence. "As long as you give face to our Wanderer Dragon's Sect, you'll be our friend from now on!"


Upon hearing this, Mario couldn't help but wear a contemplative expression. His initial intention was to make a fortune through Titus, but he hadn't anticipated that it would attract so many powerful factions. Especially now that the Wanderer Dragon's Sect had spoken, he seemed to have no reason to refuse. Of course, he also lacked the confidence to refuse.

"Marcel, we all share the same goal. It wouldn't be appropriate for you to hog everything, right?" Enzo from the Flying Snow Sect finally spoke up.

"What? Do you have a problem?" Marcel narrowed his eyes, his gaze turning unfriendly.

"It's not just me who has a problem. I believe everyone present might have some objections," Enzo said, cleverly pulling everyone around him into his camp.

Indeed, the Wanderer Dragon's Sect was formidable. In a one-on-one scenario, the Flying Snow Sect wouldn't stand a chance. But with a few more allies, the situation would change entirely.

"What? Are you people planning to oppose our Wanderer Dragon's Sect as well?" Marcel scanned the crowd threateningly.

Everyone exchanged glances, but no one spoke, and none of them showed any intention of leaving.

Evidently, they were unwilling to let the Wanderer Dragon's Sect monopolize the situation.

"Adriel, what do you think?" Marcel turned his gaze to Adriel, actively asking for his opinion. He disregarded most of the people present, but Adriel from the Gold Blade Sect was an exception. If he allied with Enzo, it would indeed pose a challenge.

"I don't care about your past grudges, but Titus can't be taken away by you," Adriel said nonchalantly.

"Whether he can be taken away or not, it's not up to you. It all depends on Village Chief Mario's decision," Marcel sharply turned his head, fixing his gaze on Mario. "Village Chief Mario, make a decision. As long as you hand the person over to me, if you encounter any trouble in the future, the Wanderer Dragon's Sect will handle it for you!"

"Village Chief Mario, you better think it through. If you hand the person over to the Wanderer Dragon's Sect, you will be antagonizing the Flying Snow Sect, the Gold Blade Sect, and all the forces present," Enzo threatened insidiously.


Mario was stunned. He looked left and right, utterly lost. What should he do? How could he resolve this situation?

No matter what choice he made, there would be life-threatening consequences. In this moment of crisis, Mario's eyes fell on Dustin and Margaret. He immediately hatched a plan.

"Gentlemen, in fact, the person inside wasn't saved by me. I have no authority here. The one who truly saved him is this young divine physician. If you have any questions, you can talk to him."

Mario suddenly pointed at Dustin, shifting the blame directly onto him.
Chapter 1924: Mysterious oasis

"Young man, you haven't even examined the patient's condition, and yet you claim to have the confidence to cure him. Isn't that a bit too arrogant?" The village doctor clearly expressed his disbelief.

Although he was just a barefoot doctor, he had more than a decade of medical experience and had treated many patients. He couldn't figure out how this young kid could treat a patient when he himself was helpless.

"The patient has thirteen injuries, the most severe being the wound that pierced through the chest and back. Fortunately, he has a strong physique, so it's not immediately life-threatening. The real problem is that he has been poisoned severely. His internal organs have suffered varying degrees of damage. Without timely detoxification, he won't survive until tomorrow," explained Dustin, recounting Titus's condition as if he were listing treasures.

"How do you know all this?" The village doctor was startled. He had arrived at his conclusions through pulse-taking and careful examination. How could this young man know?

"Many illnesses are easy to diagnose with just a glance," Dustin replied nonchalantly.

"What? Just a glance?" The village doctor was incredulous.

"It's not some incurable disease. A glance is enough," Dustin said expressionlessly.

The village doctor's mouth twitched, momentarily speechless. Judging from the calm and composed expression on the young man's face, he might actually have some skills.

"Young man, are you really sure?" Mario tentatively asked.

"You won't know unless you try, right? It's better than doing nothing," Dustin said.

"Fine, I'll trouble you then, young man," Mario said no more, stepping aside and gesturing for Dustin to take over.

From Feng Yao's condition, it was likely that he wouldn't last until tomorrow. It was already too late to send him to the hospital; they had no choice but to try anything they could.

Dustin approached the bedside, first feeding Titus an antidote pill. Then, he waved his hand, and a series of silver needles shot out, accurately piercing Titus's various acupuncture points.

After the needles entered his body, Dustin waved his hand again. The needles began to rotate rapidly, and a stream of pure energy flowed into Titus's body through the needles, clearing his meridians and removing the stagnant blood.

The village doctor was dumbfounded by this miraculous medical technique. He also practiced acupuncture, but when he did, he had to carefully find each acupuncture point and insert the needles one by one. However, Dustin simply waved his hand, and more than a dozen silver needles flew out, hitting the precise acupuncture points as if they had a mind of their own. Moreover, throughout the entire process, he didn't even touch the patient's body.

Such a skill, he had never heard of it before. To think that this young man possessed such extraordinary abilities, it was truly astonishing.

After about the time it took to finish a cup of tea, Titus's purplish complexion gradually returned to normal.

"Get up!" Dustin waved his hand, and the dozen of silver needles that were stuck in Titus's body immediately shot out and returned to his sleeve.

The next moment, Titus, who had been unconscious on the sickbed, suddenly coughed violently. Then, he tilted his head and spat out a large mouthful of black blood.

"He's awake, he's awake, the patient is awake!"

Seeing this scene, the village doctor was both shocked and delighted, deeply admiring Dustin. With just a few needles, he had managed to wake up a critically ill person, truly a young miraculous healer!

"Young man, you're truly amazing! Within the time it takes to finish a cup of tea, you've completely cured the patient!" Mario marveled.

He had seen quite a lot in his life, but he had never encountered a young person like Dustin, who possessed such exceptional medical skills.

"I can't say he's completely cured, but the patient is out of immediate danger. As long as he takes some medicinal soup for a few days, he'll recover," Dustin said casually.

"Who are you guys?" Titus struggled to sit up on the bed, looking extremely weak but unusually alert.

"I am Mario, the village chief of the Desert Village. I'm the one who saved you," Mario spoke first. "You were seriously injured, nearly at death's door. Luckily, I invited this young miraculous healer, and he saved your life."

"Hmm?" Dustin raised an eyebrow, casting a meaningful glance at Mario.

This old man was quite shrewd, claiming all the credit with just a few words. Although it irked him a bit, Dustin didn't bother to argue. He could probably guess what the other party was after, trying to gain his favor, hoping to get more benefits.

"Thank you, Chief Mario, thank you, miracle healer," Titus said politely, expressing his gratitude to Mario and Dustin.

"Young man, how did you sustain such severe injuries? What happened exactly?" Mario asked, voicing everyone's curiosity.

"I..." Titus hesitated, looking uncertain.

"Young man, rest assured, we are not bad people. We just want to help you," Mario smiled gently, his expression kind.

At first glance, he really seemed like a caring elder.

"Titus, I didn't save your life for free. We need to understand the situation inside the desert, especially that mysterious oasis!" Dustin cut to the chase.

Time was of the essence; he didn't have the patience for idle chatter. The news of Titus being a survivor might have already spread by now.

"Are you here for the oasis too?" Titus's pupils contracted. It seemed like he had realized something, his face suddenly filled with intense fear.

"Exactly! You are the only person who has walked out of that oasis so far. We need detailed information. That was the condition for me saving you. Of course, if the information you provide is valuable, we'll reward you generously," Dustin said.

"Don't go in... Whatever you do, don't go in... It's too dangerous inside, full of monsters, man-eating monsters everywhere!" Titus, as if struck by something, became extremely agitated. He covered his head with his hands, his body trembling, shouting in panic.

He seemed completely unhinged.

Dustin and Margaret exchanged glances, both involuntarily becoming serious.

To frighten a genius disciple from the Five Elements Sect into this state, what exactly was hidden inside the oasis?
just at time as usual ! thanks Nazmul
Chapter 1925: A disturbance

"Titus, calm down. You're safe now; nothing can harm you. There's no need to be afraid."

Seeing Titus's agitated state, Margaret quickly comforted him. Otherwise, in his current condition, they wouldn't be able to extract any useful information from him.

But Titus, consumed by fear, couldn't calm down. He still clutched his head, shivering and mumbling to himself.

"Is he... Is he... Is he going mad? What should we do?" Mario grew anxious. It was frustrating to have found a cash cow only to see him lose his sanity.

"Dustin, is there any way to make him calm down?" Margaret turned to ask.

"It's simple."

Dustin didn't say much; he simply took out a silver needle and directly pricked Titus's neck. Titus shuddered all over and promptly passed out on the bed, becoming tranquil and peaceful.

"Is that your solution?" Margaret looked puzzled.

Stunning him might bring calmness, but who would they question now?

"Titus was in shock. He wouldn't be able to provide any useful information in this state. This needle will help him regain his senses. Let him sleep for an hour; after he wakes up, he'll be back to normal," Dustin explained.

"That's good then," Margaret breathed a sigh of relief.

The Dragon Source Energy was extremely important to her. She had to gather information about it at any cost. If the Dragon Source Energy was indeed hidden inside the oasis, she would spare no effort to obtain it.

"Village Chief! There's trouble outside! Someone is causing a disturbance!"

At that moment, a middle-aged man guarding the courtyard entrance rushed in, looking flustered. His cheeks were slightly swollen, clearly indicating he had been slapped.

"A disturbance? Who dares to cause trouble in the Desert Village?" Mario's face darkened. To manage a village so efficiently in such harsh conditions, he undoubtedly possessed unique skills.

"He not only knows many martial arts experts in the martial world but also has formed a guard team.

In the past, those ignorant young fools who dared to act recklessly in the village would be beaten half to death and then kicked out.

"The newcomers seem quite formidable. We had no chance against them; we were easily defeated," the middle-aged man said, his face no longer bearing the confidence it had before.

"Humph! Useless!"

After scolding the man, Mario stormed out of the house.

Dustin and Margaret exchanged glances and followed suit. At this moment, it was highly likely that these intruders had come for Titus.

By now, a crowd had gathered at the entrance. Various factions and forces had arrived, blocking the gate completely. The Golden Sword Sect, the Flying Snow Sect, the Sand Dragon Miguel, and numerous other forces from the southwest, as well as exploration teams and mercenaries, were all present.

It was a diverse group of people.

"Hello, heroes. You're welcome to stay and visit our village. But why are you causing trouble here? Have you forgotten the rules we established?" Mario spoke coldly.

The existence of the Desert Village had facilitated many people and forged connections with numerous forces. Therefore, there was an unwritten rule in the martial world; no one was allowed to cause trouble in the Desert Village; otherwise, they would face retaliation from various factions.

"Village Chief Mario, I am Marcel, a disciple of the Wanderer's Sect," a man in his thirties walked out from the crowd and declared loudly. "I heard that you recently saved a survivor who came out of the oasis. I wonder if this is true?"

"I indeed saved someone, but as for who this person is, where they came from, and where they're going, I have no knowledge," Mario replied. Upon hearing the name of the Wanderer's Sect, he quickly subdued his anger.
Chapter 1926: A plan of shifting the blame

The Wanderer Dragon's Sect was the leader among the three major sects in the southwest, and their strength surpassed that of the Gold Blade Sect and the Flying Snow Sect by quite a margin.

For a small village like theirs, offending such a major sect was out of the question. After all, the Desert Village relied on the protection of the Wanderer Dragon's Sect for survival.

"Village Chief Mario, let's speak frankly. We, the Wanderer Dragon's Sect, want the person you saved!" Marcel said, raising his head with confidence. "As long as you give face to our Wanderer Dragon's Sect, you'll be our friend from now on!"


Upon hearing this, Mario couldn't help but wear a contemplative expression. His initial intention was to make a fortune through Titus, but he hadn't anticipated that it would attract so many powerful factions. Especially now that the Wanderer Dragon's Sect had spoken, he seemed to have no reason to refuse. Of course, he also lacked the confidence to refuse.

"Marcel, we all share the same goal. It wouldn't be appropriate for you to hog everything, right?" Enzo from the Flying Snow Sect finally spoke up.

"What? Do you have a problem?" Marcel narrowed his eyes, his gaze turning unfriendly.

"It's not just me who has a problem. I believe everyone present might have some objections," Enzo said, cleverly pulling everyone around him into his camp.

Indeed, the Wanderer Dragon's Sect was formidable. In a one-on-one scenario, the Flying Snow Sect wouldn't stand a chance. But with a few more allies, the situation would change entirely.

"What? Are you people planning to oppose our Wanderer Dragon's Sect as well?" Marcel scanned the crowd threateningly.

Everyone exchanged glances, but no one spoke, and none of them showed any intention of leaving.

Evidently, they were unwilling to let the Wanderer Dragon's Sect monopolize the situation.

"Adriel, what do you think?" Marcel turned his gaze to Adriel, actively asking for his opinion. He disregarded most of the people present, but Adriel from the Gold Blade Sect was an exception. If he allied with Enzo, it would indeed pose a challenge.

"I don't care about your past grudges, but Titus can't be taken away by you," Adriel said nonchalantly.

"Whether he can be taken away or not, it's not up to you. It all depends on Village Chief Mario's decision," Marcel sharply turned his head, fixing his gaze on Mario. "Village Chief Mario, make a decision. As long as you hand the person over to me, if you encounter any trouble in the future, the Wanderer Dragon's Sect will handle it for you!"

"Village Chief Mario, you better think it through. If you hand the person over to the Wanderer Dragon's Sect, you will be antagonizing the Flying Snow Sect, the Gold Blade Sect, and all the forces present," Enzo threatened insidiously.


Mario was stunned. He looked left and right, utterly lost. What should he do? How could he resolve this situation?

No matter what choice he made, there would be life-threatening consequences. In this moment of crisis, Mario's eyes fell on Dustin and Margaret. He immediately hatched a plan.

"Gentlemen, in fact, the person inside wasn't saved by me. I have no authority here. The one who truly saved him is this young divine physician. If you have any questions, you can talk to him."

Mario suddenly pointed at Dustin, shifting the blame directly onto him.
is there a chance to get chapter 1927 tonight ?
So far now Chinese version release up to 1926 chapter. When a new chapter release I will translate it as soon as possible and posted it here. Thanks for your understanding.
Thank you for your painstaking efforts. Now we are back to just few chapters a day. So sad.
So far now Chinese version release up to 1926 chapter. When a new chapter release I will translate it as soon as possible and posted it here. Thanks for your understanding.
Thanks buddy
Chapter 1927: Not handing him over

"The one who does not act for oneself shall be punished by heaven and earth.

At this moment, for Mario, in a situation where he couldn't afford to offend either side, finding someone to take the blame was the best choice.
As for the result, it was none of his concern.


Pointed out by Mario, Dustin couldn't help but furrow his brows slightly.

This old fox was faster than anyone else when it came to taking credit, and he was equally decisive when it came to shifting blame.

"That person, hand over the people inside to me, and I can grant you wealth and nobility."

Marcel turned his gaze towards Dustin, his tone carrying a hint of command.

"Who are you? Do I know you?" Dustin asked casually.

"I am Marcel, the second disciple of the inner sect of the Wanderer Dragon Sect," Mario said arrogantly, "As long as you obediently hand over the people and work for our Wanderer Dragon Sect, in the future, our Wanderer Dragon Sect will be your backing."

"What if I refuse?" Dustin asked back.

"Refuse? Hmph..."

Marcel snorted coldly, "If you refuse to hand over the person, it means you are against our Wanderer Dragon Sect. Can you bear the consequences?"

An insignificant unknown character dared to challenge the Wanderer Dragon Sect, there was only one way for him – a dead end.

"Listening to what you're saying, I really don't want to hand him over," Dustin said without changing his expression, "The patient's condition is very unstable. As a doctor, I have a responsibility to protect his safety. Whether it's Wanderer Dragon Sect or any other force, don't think about taking him away from me today."

"You brat! Do you know what you're saying?" Marcel's face darkened, threatening, "Opposing our Wanderer Dragon Sect is seeking a path to your own death. In the southwestern region, no one can protect you! I'll give you a chance to reorganize your words now, will you hand him over or not?"

"Not handing him over," Dustin said coldly, spitting out two words."

"You're courting death!"

Upon hearing this, Marcel instantly flew into a rage. He waved his hand violently and shouted, "Someone! Cripple this kid for me!"


Two disciples from the Wanderer Dragon Sect immediately unsheathed their swords upon hearing the command.


At this moment, Adriel suddenly shouted, "Marcel! This young brother is my friend. You better not mess around!"

"Adriel! I warn you not to meddle in this. Anyone who dares to oppose the Wanderer Dragon Sect must pay the price!" Marcel said with a dark expression.

"He's right."

Suddenly, Enzo spoke in a sarcastic tone, "This kid is arrogant and ignorant, completely disregarding our three major sects. He must be taught a lesson. I'm with Marcel this time."

"Enzo! Stop seeking personal vendettas here! If you have any grievances, come at me. Bullying the weak isn't an achievement!" Adriel glared and shouted.

"Hmph! We'll settle our score sooner or later, but not now."

Enzo turned his gaze to Marcel, smiling, "Brother Marcel, I'll cover you for Gold Blade Sect. Feel free to deal with this kid. After it's done, we'll share the spoils secretly."

"Good! I appreciate your help, Brother Enzo!" Marcel nodded, not refusing his offer.

In the current situation, eating alone was clearly difficult. However, if they allied with the Flying Snow Sect, they could dominate the scene without any worries.


Marcel didn't waste any words and gave the order again.

"Capture him!"

The two disciples from the Wanderer Dragon Sect exchanged glances and immediately lunged at Dustin.

"How dare you!"

Adriel became furious, drawing his sword in an instant, ready to step forward and support Dustin.
Chapter 1928: Advise not to act

"Adriel, your opponent is me."

At the same time, Enzo drew his sword, blocking Adriel's way.

The two were evenly matched, and it was hard to say who had the upper hand in a fight.

Although Adriel wanted to help, he couldn't withstand the combined forces of the two major sects. He could only watch as the disciples from the Wanderer Dragon Sect approached.

Just when he thought Dustin was about to be crippled, something unexpected happened.

There were two crisp sounds of "slaps."

The two disciples from the Wanderer Dragon Sect, who had just approached, were slapped away by Dustin, landing in a messy heap on the ground and unable to get up.

The entire process happened so quickly that it was almost impossible to react.


Adriel was stunned, his face showing disbelief.

The disciples of the Wanderer Dragon Sect were elite warriors, far from ordinary opponents. Dustin had dealt with two of them in just two moves. His strength was estimated to be at the level of an innate expert.

In the context of the major sects, he could be considered an outstanding disciple.

"What? How is this possible?"

Not only Adriel but also Enzo, Marcel, and others were equally surprised at this moment.

They had initially thought Dustin was just a nobody without any sect backing, someone they could easily suppress. However, it turned out he had some real skills.

In the blink of an eye, he had defeated two elite disciples of the Wanderer Dragon Sect, which was truly unexpected.

"Kid! I have to admit, you do have some skills. No wonder you're so arrogant. However, it's a pity you've picked the wrong fight today!"

Marcel slowly took off his coat, his expression cold and proud. "Originally, I just intended to teach you a lesson. But since you injured my two junior brothers, you must pay the price in blood today!"

"I advise you not to act."

Dustin spoke calmly.

"What? Scared now? Too bad, it's already too late!"

Marcel sneered, "Now you have only two choices: either cripple yourself and apologize to my junior brothers, or I personally take action and dismantle you!"

"Scared?" Dustin suddenly smiled. "You're not entirely wrong. I am afraid, afraid that I might accidentally kill you."

His words caused a commotion in the crowd.

No one expected Dustin to be so audacious, as if he didn't regard Marcel as a threat at all.

Who was Marcel? He was the genius of the Wanderer Dragon Sect, one of the top talents in the sect. His strength had reached the later stages of the innate realm, far surpassing the two elite disciples he had sent earlier.

Challenging such a master, wasn't that seeking death?

"You arrogant brat! You're truly asking for death!"

Upon hearing this, Marcel instantly became furious. Without hesitation, he drew his sword and attacked Dustin.

Marcel's speed was incredible. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Dustin. His sword emitted a sharp aura, breaking the surrounding plants and flowers as he moved.

The scene turned chaotic with flying sand and rolling stones, and the dust filled the air, displaying his astonishing power.

"Brother Dustin, be careful!" Adriel's expression changed, and he quickly shouted a warning.

Just when everyone thought Marcel was going for a fatal strike, something unexpected happened.

Dustin moved suddenly. He extended his index and middle fingers without dodging or avoiding, and he caught the blade of Marcel's sword between his fingers.

The previously powerful sword was instantly immobilized, unable to move at all.

The entire audience was dumbfounded.
Chapter 1929: A single move


The sword in Marcel's hand trembled slightly, emitting a faint buzzing sound.

The sharp blade was caught between Dustin's fingers, and no matter how much force Marcel exerted, he couldn't advance an inch.

"What? He actually blocked it?"

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

No one had expected Dustin to have such ability, catching Marcel's deadly strike barehanded.

Just how skilled was this guy?

"H-How... How is this possible?!"

Marcel's face turned pale, his mind in turmoil.

Although he hadn't used his full strength in that strike, he had put in seventy percent of his power. Ordinary innate martial artists wouldn't have been able to withstand it.

Encountering someone like Dustin, who effortlessly neutralized his attack with just two fingers, was something he had never experienced before.

"Does this guy... only know this move?"

Among the Flying Snow Sect disciples, a girl with a ponytail frowned, her expression unsightly.

Earlier in the hotel's dining hall, he had used the same move, catching her sword with two fingers, dealing her a significant blow.

Now, seeing him repeat the same technique and applying it successfully against the powerful Marcel, it was truly astonishing.

"I thought you were impressive, but it turns out this is all you've got," Dustin shook his head, his face carrying a hint of mockery.

"You've gone too far! I'll kill you!"

Feeling insulted, Marcel instantly became furious. He swiftly drew a dagger from his waist and aimed for Dustin's heart.

The dagger emitted a dark light, clearly coated with poison.

For a master at the innate level, as long as the skin was cut, it could be lethal.

"You're overestimating yourself!"

Dustin's face turned cold, and in a flash, he struck like lightning, pointing his sword directly at Marcel's chest.


A loud bang echoed.

Marcel's dagger hadn't even touched Dustin's clothing, but he was sent flying like a cannonball, crashing more than ten meters away, slamming into the courtyard wall.

Blood sprayed from his mouth and nose, looking utterly wretched.

"Second Senior Brother!"

Witnessing this scene, the disciples of the Wanderer Dragon Sect were shocked and horrified.

They hadn't expected Marcel, who was immensely powerful, to be defeated in a single move. Even their eldest senior brother, considered the strongest genius of the Wanderer Dragon Sect, probably didn't have this ability.

"Who is this kid exactly? How can he be so powerful?"

Enzo furrowed his brow, his face growing unusually serious.

He had thought Marcel would help him vent his anger, but unexpectedly, he had been severely injured by Dustin instead. Thinking back to their earlier confrontation, he couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine.

Marcel's strength was not far from his own. If Dustin could defeat Marcel, there was a high probability he could defeat him too.

It seemed he couldn't act recklessly before the elders of the sect arrived.

"People are not always what they seem to be. I never expected Brother Dustin to possess such strength," Adriel said, astonished and delighted.

Just moments ago, he had feared for Dustin's safety, but the situation had undergone a dramatic reversal. Dustin had defeated Marcel with a single move. If news of this spread, it would undoubtedly make him famous throughout the southwestern region.
Chapter 1930: There's no such thing as a free lunch

"Now, do you still want me to hand over the person?"

Dustin approached, looking down at Marcel from a higher vantage point, his eyes indifferent, his expression devoid of joy or sorrow.

Cough, cough...

Marcel coughed up blood, struggling to climb up from the ground, his voice bitter with resentment. "Who... who are you exactly? How dare you challenge our Wanderer Dragon Sect?!"

"Who I am is none of your business," Dustin replied calmly. "Now, while I'm still restraining my anger, you better get as far away from me as possible. Otherwise, spitting blood will be the least of your worries."


Marcel gritted his teeth, wanting to make a move but forcibly holding himself back.

The opponent was clearly stronger; it wasn't a wise choice to fight desperately at this moment.

When the elders of the sect arrived, he could settle the score with the opponent.

"Kid! I'll remember you! Just you wait! The humiliation today will be repaid tenfold, a hundredfold!" After leaving this harsh remark, Marcel, along with his group, slinked away.

"Why are you all still standing here? Waiting for me to invite you to dinner?" Dustin's gaze shifted, looking at the disciples of the Flying Snow Sect.

"Kid! Don't be too arrogant. The wheel of fortune turns swiftly. Soon, disaster will befall you!" Enzo glared fiercely at Dustin and then led his junior brothers and sisters away.

A hero doesn't suffer immediate losses. Even Marcel had fled; there was no point in him staying here.

As the Wanderer Dragon Sect and the Flying Snow Sect left, the remaining forces also scattered.

Although they felt unwilling, they knew deep down that snatching someone from Dustin wouldn't be an easy task.

Even Marcel had been defeated. Who else could be Dustin's match?

Now they only had two choices: resort to underhanded methods or invite even stronger experts to the scene.

"Brother Dustin, I didn't expect your strength to be so formidable. You truly broadened my horizons!" Adriel approached with a smile, cupping his hands in respect. Initially, he had been acting out of goodwill, but now, he genuinely admired Dustin.

"It's just some trivial tricks, nothing worth mentioning," Dustin smiled modestly.

"Brother Dustin, you're too modest. With your talent and strength, regardless of which sect you join, you'll surely be highly regarded," Adriel sincerely praised. Dustin's easy defeat of Marcel and intimidation of Enzo would undoubtedly attract the attention of various factions, making them eager to recruit him.

"Young man, don't celebrate too early. Although your strength is decent, offending the Wanderer Dragon Sect might not end well," a middle-aged man in a cloak and straw hat suddenly spoke. It was Miguel, the Sand Dragon.

"Ah, it's Senior Miguel. Nice to meet you," Adriel immediately greeted him with a bow. He hadn't noticed Miguel amidst the crowd earlier.

"I wonder what advice Senior Miguel has?" Dustin asked calmly.

"The Wanderer Dragon Sect is the strongest sect in the southwestern region, filled with numerous experts. The one you defeated, Marcel, was just a disciple. The truly formidable protectors and elders have yet to make their appearance. Once these experts step in, with your current strength, you won't be able to resist. It will be a dead end for you," Miguel warned.

"What's the meaning behind your words, Senior Miguel?" Dustin asked.

"The Wanderer Dragon Sect is very powerful, and you can't handle them alone. Fortunately, you've encountered me. I can help you overcome this disaster," Miguel said confidently.

"There's no such thing as a free lunch. Senior Miguel, you must have some conditions," Dustin raised an eyebrow.

"Smart!" Miguel smiled faintly. "I can see that you have good talent, and you're not afraid of authority. Your temperament suits my taste. Coincidentally, I have no successors. As long as you agree to become my disciple, I can not only guarantee your safety but also pass on all my lifelong knowledge to you!"
When will Dustin rest from trouble? Well, I think Dustin will be the leader of the world at the end because he has been conquering everywhere he stepped his foot, creating great positive impression for himself. He has so much admirers too.

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