An Understated Dominance Chapter 1301 to Chapter 2422 - English Version Translated by NAZMUL

English Version Translated by NAZMUL

An Understated Dominance is a Urban novel for men, telling a story of Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. "An Understated Dominance" delves into themes of ambition, power and the price of success. The novel explores the complexities of relationships and so on.
Chapter 1781: The black-clad assassin

Elara bowed, then turned to leave.

However, at that moment, a sudden change occurred.

With a loud "bang," the roof of the main hall was suddenly smashed, and following that, a black figure descended from above.

It was an assassin in black, wielding a sharp sword.

"Be careful, my lord!" Elara immediately shouted, slightly stunned.

"Rufus Rhys! Your time has come! Surrender your life!" the black-clad assassin roared, then lunged with his sword.

The strike was lightning-fast, so swift that it was nearly a blur, leaving no time for a reaction.

After the flash, the assassin's sword had already pierced through Rufus Rhys's chest.

Rufus Rhys froze, standing motionless, gazing down at the sword through his chest, seemingly unable to comprehend what had just happened.

At the doorway, Elara also stood in shock, her eyes wide, a look of disbelief on her face.

The security in the palace was stringent, so why would an assassin infiltrate the premises?

Furthermore, they had chosen precisely the moment when Albert and Matt Turner were out on official business. The timing was too accurate, as if it had been meticulously planned in advance.

"Rufus Rhys! This is the consequence of opposing the Dragon Guard Pavilion!" The black-clad assassin forcefully pulled out the sword, and blood splattered from Rufus Rhys's chest.

Rufus Rhys staggered backward, finally sitting down on the ground, his face as pale as a sheet of paper.

"Intruder! Intruder!" Elara screamed repeatedly.

Soon, the entire West Lucozia Palace was in turmoil, as a large number of guards rushed in from all directions.

The black-clad assassin, sensing danger, immediately leaped onto the roof and swiftly fled.

The palace's skilled martial artists leaped into the air, pursuing the black-clad assassin with all their speed.

"My lord! My lord!" Elara rushed to Rufus Rhys's side, her expression full of panic.

At this moment, Rufus Rhys's chest continued to bleed, and he tried to speak but was overcome by violent coughing.

Each cough brought forth a spatter of blood.

"My lord, don't speak! You'll be fine! You must be fine!" Elara held Rufus Rhys's wound with one hand and shouted outside the door, "Doctor! Where is the doctor? Come quickly, save him!"


Rufus Rhys's trembling hand grabbed Elara's arm, and in a weak voice, he said, "Elara, I'm done for. Listen carefully... After I'm gone, West Lucozia will surely fall into chaos. As the queen, you must stabilize the situation. My loyal officers will assist you with all their might. It's up to you now... to lead West Lucozia."

"My lord! Don't say such foolish things! You'll definitely be fine. West Lucozia can't be without you, and I can't be without you. You must hold on!" Elara wept uncontrollably, trembling all over.

"Elara, I'm tired. I just want to rest now."

"After a lifetime of battles, it's time for it to end."

Rufus Rhys managed a weak smile and slowly closed his eyes, his arms hanging limp.

He had completely lost his vitality.

Chapter 1782: Wandering Black Army

"My lord! My lord!"

"Wake up! Wake up!"

Seeing Rufus Rhys lifeless, Elara was overwhelmed with grief, wailing uncontrollably.

Everything had happened so suddenly, so unexpectedly, that she couldn't even have dreamed that Rufus Rhys would die in her arms like this.

Members of the palace who had arrived upon hearing the news wept when they saw the scene. Rufus Rhys was not just the king of the palace; he was the heaven of the entire West Lucozia. His sudden death felt like the sky collapsing to them.

Time passed slowly, and the day gradually brightened. The entire West Lucozia Palace was shrouded in an atmosphere of mourning.

The central hall, where discussions and receptions were once held, had now been transformed into a memorial hall, adorned with white funeral banners.

An exquisitely crafted black coffin was placed in the center.

Inside the coffin, Rufus Rhys, dressed in regal attire, lay peacefully with a serene expression.

At this moment, the memorial hall was filled with kneeling people, mostly loyal officers of the palace and members of the Rhys family, all dressed in mourning attire and wearing expressions of sorrow.

Elara knelt at the front, gazing at Rufus Rhys's portrait, silently shedding tears.

Suddenly, Albert entered the memorial hall. After kowtowing three times and prostrating himself nine times in front of Rufus Rhys's portrait, he approached Elara and bowed deeply.

"Your Highness, the lord's funeral arrangements have been made according to your instructions. We have kept the news under wraps and handled it discreetly to avoid causing panic," Albert whispered.

"Have they captured the assassin?" Elara wiped away the tears from her eyes, her demeanor now filled with anger.

Her husband had been assassinated right before her eyes, and she was determined to see the perpetrator brought to justice.

"The assassin's cultivation is too high; our people couldn't catch up," Albert replied.

"This matter is related to the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. Send people to investigate immediately. We must capture the assassin and, if necessary, mobilize the Black Dragon Army for suppression!" Elara said with a stern tone.

"Yes," Albert acknowledged and left quietly.

"When will Thorian return?" Elara inquired, turning to a female guard.

"Young master has been conducting exercises at the border. I've already sent word, and he should be able to arrive by this afternoon," the female guard replied in a hushed voice.

"Notify everyone that the palace is on lockdown, and no one is allowed to leave without permission," Elara issued another order.

"Yes!" The female guard bowed respectfully and left.

"My lord, rest assured, I will seek revenge for you!" Elara murmured quietly as she gazed at Rufus Rhys's portrait. She then left the memorial hall and headed straight to the rear garden.

In the rear garden at this moment, a fully armed contingent of palace guards stood ready. Leading them was General Matt Turner.

"General Matt, is everything prepared?" Elara scanned the elite squad of a hundred warriors before her.

These palace guards were the cream of the crop, specially selected from the Black Dragon Army and named the Wandering Black Army. Each was an exceptional talent, not only possessing great strength but also unwavering loyalty.

They were willing to sacrifice their lives for the palace if necessary.

Elara would not call upon the Wandering Black Army lightly unless it was absolutely necessary.

"In response to Your Highness, all Wandering Black Army are fully assembled and await your command!" Matt bowed with his hands clasped.

"My lord's assassination was no accident. Without inside help, the assassin wouldn't have infiltrated the palace so silently. Therefore, the crisis in the palace has not yet been resolved. We must be prepared," Elara explained.

Chapter 1783: Give my all to protect the palace

"Your Highness, do you mean to have us root out the traitor?" Matt asked.

"No, I've assigned the task of exposing the traitor and tracking down the assassin to Albert. Your mission is even more crucial," Elara replied with a stern expression. "West Lucozia's stability has been uncertain in recent years. When my lord was still with us, those with ill intentions dared not act recklessly. But now, with my lord's passing, West Lucozia is bound to fall into chaos. Our palace will be the first target of everyone's attacks."

"The reason I've gathered the Wandering Black Army is to ensure the safety of the palace. Regardless of who it is, if anyone dares to plot against the palace, they must be eliminated without mercy."

"I understand," Matt replied.

During such extraordinary times, extraordinary measures had to be taken. With my lord deceased, the palace would soon be in turmoil. If they couldn't maintain control, not only would the palace be in danger, but West Lucozia might also descend into chaos, with warlords vying for power.

"General Matt, you were my lord's confidant, and you are also the cornerstone of our palace. What happens next depends on you," Elara emphasized.

"I am willing to give my all to protect the palace," Matt said resolutely.

With my lord's assassination, as the commander of the personal guards, he couldn't escape blame. If it weren't for the fact that the palace needed him at this critical juncture, he would have willingly sacrificed himself for his failures.

"General Matt, I've already kept the news under wraps. Not many know about my lord's passing. Keep a close watch, and those who come to offer their condolences are mostly harboring ill intentions. If anyone dares to act recklessly, apprehend them immediately!" Elara issued another order.

"I understand," Matt nodded.

The news of my lord's death would surely spread, and especially among those with sinister motives who had already infiltrated the palace, they would test the waters and may even attempt to cause trouble.

Today, the palace was destined to be far from peaceful.

Dustin had just woken up and, upon opening the door, he was greeted by a dozen or so young girls, all in their prime, with striking beauty and exceptional poise. If they were to participate in a beauty contest, they would likely be among the top contenders.

"Weren't you all supposed to go back home? Why are you still here?" Dustin found their presence a bit puzzling.

This group of young girls before him were the ones he had rescued from the Hero's Club the previous night. He had already arranged for his subordinates to send them home and provided each of them with a generous sum of money to help them through their difficult times.

However, to his surprise, half of them remained at his old residence when morning came.

"Sir, we have no homes to return to. Please, take us in," a young girl in a yellow dress with a delicate complexion bravely spoke up.

"Take you in?" Dustin was taken aback, looking around in confusion.

"Brother, they are all unfortunate people. Why don't you take them in?" Margaret suddenly approached and suggested.

In their current disguise, they were posing as siblings, and it was essential to keep up appearances in front of others.

"Hey! What are you up to?" Dustin pulled Margaret aside and whispered.

"Brother, their parents have been killed, and they have no family left. They are truly homeless," Margaret whispered in return. "Most of them are still minors, and after going through such dark experiences, they can't trust anyone else anymore. They only believe in you. If you don't take them in, they might lose the will to live."

"I have enough troubles as it is right now. I don't have the energy to take care of them. Are you trying to make things more complicated for me?" Dustin furrowed his brow slightly.

He had already done his part by rescuing these girls and providing them with money. Given his current circumstances, he couldn't take on any more responsibilities.

Chapter 1784: Grant our request

"Brother, I know you're in a hurry, but please don't rush, and let me finish," Margaret said with a half-smile. "These girls trust you completely and see you as their savior. If you take them in, it could come with many benefits. For example, when you're feeling lonely or bored..."

"Hey! Don't make jokes, get to the point!" Dustin interjected impatiently.

"Alright, I'll get to the point," Margaret said, her tone turning serious. "Logan, to put it bluntly, these girls are rare talents. I've already screened them for you. They are intelligent, resilient, and with a little nurturing, they could become significant assets in the future."

"What do you mean?" Dustin narrowed his eyes.

"I believe you should understand the importance of spies, especially female spies who have unique advantages in certain situations. If you train these girls to be spies, it will undoubtedly be a significant asset," Margaret explained.

"It's easier said than done. Training a spy requires a lot of time and effort, and I can barely take care of myself right now. I don't have the capacity for this," Dustin shook his head.

Honestly, he would prefer these girls to lead peaceful and stable lives rather than be used as pawns.

"The most crucial aspect of a spy is loyalty, and they already have it. You saved them from life-threatening situations, and you're their beacon of light in their darkest hours. They see you as a god-like figure. As for time and effort, you don't need to worry. You won't have to teach them yourself. Just find a good teacher for them. Tony, the one by your side, would be a great choice," Margaret said with a slight smile.

"Are these all your ideas, and have you asked them about this?" Dustin asked.

"I've certainly asked, and they're all willing. They even said that they would be willing to sacrifice their lives for you when necessary," Margaret replied.

"They've had such a hard life; is it really necessary for them to do this?" Dustin furrowed his brow.

"Logan, some people may be in the darkness but have their hearts set on the light. You can ask them directly and hear their thoughts. They are more than willing," Margaret said with a meaningful look.

"Please, take us in, and we'll do anything!" The young girl in the yellow dress, who had spoken before, suddenly knelt on the ground.

"Please, take us in!" The other girls also knelt down, their attitude sincere and earnest.

"Do you know what you're getting into?" Dustin asked coldly.

"We do. We're willing to become your pawns," the girl in the yellow dress replied.

"I understand your gratitude, but I don't want to put you in harm's way. This is a one-way path, and once you step into it, there may be no turning back. You should have had a better life, not one where you risk your lives," Dustin shook his head.

Being a spy meant living in the shadows, walking on thin ice every day, and constantly fearing for one's life. A single misstep could lead to death. The pressure and torment were not something an ordinary person could endure.

"We've lost our parents, and our entire families have been wiped out. We have nothing left to lose. If our humble lives can help you achieve your great cause, it would be our honor and our worth," the girl in the yellow dress said.

"Please think about it carefully. Some things are not as simple as you imagine," Dustin shook his head again.

"We've thought about it thoroughly, sir!" The girl in the yellow dress suddenly became emotional. "Our lives are worthless, and we're willing to live in the darkness to help those suffering and oppressed. We don't want an unjust world. We don't want the powerful to be above the law. Above all, we don't want to see innocent girls suffer and lose their families again. This is our wish, and our goal for the future. Please, sir, grant our request!"

The girl in the yellow dress finished speaking and bowed her head heavily to the ground.

"Please, sir, grant our request!"

Chapter 1785: It's them again

The other girls, one by one, prostrated and kowtowed to the ground, their sincerity evident.

Seeing this, Dustin was left speechless. The words of the girl in the yellow dress were both powerful and moving. He hadn't expected that, after enduring hellish experiences, these girls wouldn't be thinking about themselves, but rather about all the vulnerable and oppressed people in the world.

Their grand aspiration and profound awareness were even beyond his own capabilities. As Margaret had mentioned earlier, these were girls who lived in the darkness but aspired to the light.

It was rare and admirable, and they, even he couldn't achieve.

As it was said, who says women are inferior to men? In the face of true righteousness, it was these heroines who upheld their half of the sky.

With such a group of valiant souls, what could prevent the rise of the West Lucozia? What could hold back justice in the world?

"Brother, make a decision, please. If you don't take them in, they won't even have the hope to live," Margaret urged solemnly.

"Do you have any regrets about your choice?" Dustin asked seriously.

"We will never regret it!" all the girls replied in unison.

"Alright, I promise you," Dustin said earnestly. "From today onwards, I will arrange special training for you. If you can persevere, I will do my best to help you achieve your aspirations. If you can't, then find a place to live in peace."

"We will not let you down!" the girl in the yellow dress said firmly.

"We will not let you down!" the other girls echoed.

Dustin nodded and looked at Margaret. "Sister, I'll leave them in your care for now, and tomorrow, I'll arrange for their next steps."

"Alright," Margaret said with a slight smile and then led the group of girls away.

As soon as they left, Tony rushed in, his expression showing clear signs of panic, as if a major event had occurred.

"Your Highness, something terrible has happened!" the moment he saw Dustin, Tony fell to his knees and spoke in a frantic tone. "A tragedy has befallen the royal palace! His Majesty was attacked by an assassin and has now passed away!"

"What?!" The words hit Dustin like a bolt of lightning, leaving him stunned.

After a couple of seconds of daze, Dustin suddenly snapped out of it. He grabbed Tony and shouted, "What nonsense is this? The royal palace is heavily guarded with many skilled experts. How could Rufus Rhys possibly be assassinated?"

"Your Highness, I can hardly believe it myself, but the news came from within the royal palace. I've verified it repeatedly, and it's true... His Majesty has indeed been assassinated," Tony's voice trembled and carried a tone of crying.

"No, that's impossible. Absolutely impossible!" Dustin kept shaking his head. "Rufus Rhys is a brilliant strategist, meticulous in his plans. He has always managed to escape danger when threatened. How could he have been killed this time?"

"It was the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion who did it! They assassinated His Majesty!" Tony said with a mix of sorrow and anger.

"The Dragon Guard Pavilion... it's them again!" Dustin gritted his teeth and his eyes blazed with fury. "Those bastards! I will make sure to tear them to pieces!"

Chapter 1786: Who the mole might be?

At this moment, Dustin was seething with anger, his eyes filled with murderous intent. While he had some conflicts with his father in the past, with the passage of time, he had come to understand his father's decisions. Especially when he heard that his father was terminally ill with little time left to live, any resentment he might have had had dissipated long ago. He simply hoped to settle their differences and show filial piety during his father's last days.

However, he hadn't even had the chance to see his father before he was assassinated. The impact of this news was devastating.

"Sky Sword!" Dustin suddenly roared, summoning the Sky Sword, preparing to charge out. The hatred of his father's murder was something he could not bear.

"Your Highness, please, calm down!" Seeing Dustin losing his temper, Tony hurriedly held him back, speaking with a heavy tone. "The remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion came prepared. If you rush out recklessly, you won't be able to avenge your father and might put yourself in danger."

"Calm down!" Dustin's eyes were red, his face full of anger. "I must exterminate the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion!"

Dustin had no qualms about killing those who had plotted against his father. The assassination of his father was a blood debt that needed to be repaid.

"Your Highness, even if you kill me, I will stop you," Tony said firmly as he faced the sword, a thin line of blood marking where the blade had cut his skin. "I can't stand by and watch you throw your life away."

His life might be forfeit if he continued to defy his prince, but he was determined to prevent Dustin from making a fatal mistake.

"Your Highness, your father is already gone. You can't risk any more accidents, or all our efforts will have been in vain," Tony urged.

After a moment of tense standoff, Dustin took a deep breath and finally lowered his sword. Tony was right; he needed to remain calm. With his father's death, the palace was likely in turmoil, and this was precisely the time when the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion would seize the opportunity to act.

If he lost his temper and exposed himself, it would not only hinder his quest for revenge but also put him at risk. To catch all the remaining members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, he needed to remain patient. He had to wait for the right moment, for the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion to reveal their weaknesses, and then unleash his wrath with a single, decisive strike.

"What is the current situation in the royal palace?" Dustin asked, his voice heavy.

"The palace is under strict lockdown. People are allowed to enter but not leave, and I suspect they are searching for the mole within," Tony replied. "His Majesty's death was too sudden. Without an insider's help, the assassins couldn't have infiltrated the palace so silently."

"Do you have any idea who the mole might be?" Dustin inquired.

"It's hard to say," Tony shook his head. "For the assassins to breach the palace, the mole must have had some level of authority. It could be anyone from the Chief Steward Albert to the Captain of the Royal Guards, Matt Turner, or even the military officers and staff within the palace."

"What about Elara?" Dustin raised an eyebrow.

"Queen Elara?" Tony's pupils constricted. He quickly negated that possibility. "I don't think so. If she were the mole, she would have acted long before today. Besides, Queen Elara is also the Dragonmarsh's Grand Princess, and there's no motive for her to betray us."

"I was just being paranoid," Dustin nodded.

Ever since Lorenzo's betrayal, he had harbored suspicions toward anyone. Even though he knew Elara was the least likely culprit, he couldn't help but consider the worst possibilities.

"Tony, can you help me arrange a disguise so I can sneak into the palace? I want to see him one last time," Dustin suddenly requested.

"Um..." Tony furrowed his brows, hesitating.

He was concerned that Dustin might lose his temper once inside, which would complicate matters.

"Don't worry, I've calmed down. I know what to do. I just want to see him and won't reveal my identity," Dustin assured him solemnly.

Chapter 1787: The palace's protocol

"Very well, I'll arrange a disguise for you as one of the guards, but before you enter, you need to change your appearance," Tony finally compromised.

Though it carried some risk, it was better than doing nothing.
At noon in the West Lucozia Palace.

Although the news of Rufus Rhys's death was kept under wraps, there were still many officials who came to the palace. Some were there to express their condolences with heavy hearts, while others had ulterior motives.

"General of Statecraft has arrived!"

"General of the Cloud Banners has arrived!"

The calls resounded at the palace entrance.

Following the calls, two middle-aged men dressed in armor and with robust physiques each led a group of guards and swaggered into the palace. These guards also carried long knives at their waists, making them look menacing.

The arriving figures were Jasper, the General of Statecraft, who held the rank of second highest in the imperial hierarchy, and Calvin, the General of the Cloud Banners.

"Two generals, you must disarm and shed your armor before entering the palace," a royal guard at the entrance stopped Jasper and Calvin, while bowing and showing respect.

"Humph! I never take off my armor when I'm out and about," Jasper replied in anger. "Get out of the way!"

"General Jasper, it is the palace's rule that everyone should follow, please adhere to it," the royal guard said.

"Rule? I couldn't care less about the rules when I'm not at home! Get lost!" Jasper yelled.

"General Jasper, this is the palace's protocol, and I kindly ask you to comply," the royal guard reiterated.

"Protocol? To hell with your protocol!" Jasper slapped the guard's face directly and shouted, "Who the hell are you to bring up protocol with me? Do you have a death wish?"

Jasper's outrage was unmistakable.

Jasper suddenly drew his sword and held it against the royal guard's neck, his demeanor menacing and overbearing.

"Even if you behead me, you should follow the rules," the royal guard remained undaunted.

"You dog! I bet you won't stop until you're dead!" Jasper finally lost his temper, and with a swift motion, he raised his sword to cut the guard's arm.


At that moment, a sharp exclamation pierced through the tension.

Dressed in coarse white garments, Elara led a group of guards, including Matt, as she strode toward the scene, a gust of energy accompanying her steps.

"Jasper! You have some nerve! Daring to draw your blade in the palace! Do you still have any respect for the palace's rules?" Elara scolded him.

"I have paid my respects to the Empress."

Jasper quickly sheathed his sword and offered a slight bow, then flashed a wry smile. "Empress, I was only joking earlier. I wouldn't actually use a sword."

"Joking?" Elara raised an eyebrow. "If I had arrived a moment later, I'm afraid this guard's arm would have already been severed!"

"Empress, you jest. I was only scaring this young fellow, and I had no intention of harming him," Jasper responded with a forced smile.

"It's true, Empress, General Jasper has quite the temper. You mustn't take him seriously," Calvin, who had been watching the situation unfold, finally chimed in.

"So, General Calvin is here as well."

Elara scanned the two men from left to right before she coldly remarked, "Generals, wearing armor and carrying weapons, you've boldly entered the palace. Are you planning a rebellion?"

With her words, Jasper and Calvin's expressions shifted instantly.

Chapter 1788: Received very timely information

At Elara's words, Jasper and Calvin's expressions changed instantly. They had come today to show some authority, but they hadn't expected Elara to be so assertive, accusing them of plotting treason from the moment they arrived.

This treason charge would put their lives at risk, and they knew they wouldn't get out of the palace if it was pinned on them.

"Empress, you can't be serious about this treason charge. Conspiring against the throne is a capital offense, and even with a hundred times our courage, we wouldn't dare to commit such an atrocity," Calvin explained earnestly.

"That's right, we have always been loyal to the late King. We wouldn't even think of doing something as rebellious as that," Jasper quickly added.

Though both men had a hint of ambition, they weren't ready to bring it to the surface. At least not yet, as the timing wasn't right.

"If you have no intentions of rebelling, why did you wear your armor into the palace? Do you even understand the rules?" Elara scolded them without any mercy.

They were merely two generals with the second-highest military rank; they had some military power but had no right to provoke the authority of the palace. During the late King's time, they wouldn't have dared to act this way.

"Empress, please forgive me. I let the palace's rules slip my mind. I hope you can forgive me," Jasper said.

He removed his armor and handed his sword over to one of the palace guards.

"Empress, we came in haste, so we didn't have the opportunity to change. It was an unintended blunder on our part, and I hope you won't take it to heart," Calvin said with a smile as he too disrobed.

Elara's expression finally softened, but her tone remained cold. "Generals, why did you come here suddenly? What is the reason for your visit?"

"We heard that the King had been attacked, and he was in grave danger. We came here to pay our respects," Calvin replied insincerely.

"You seem to have received very timely information, although it's too late now," Elara said coldly.

"Too late? What do you mean?" The two men pretended to be puzzled.

Elara couldn't be bothered to explain. She turned around and walked straight to the memorial hall.

Although there was no movement outside the King Mansion, the mansion was draped in white banners. Elara was wearing white mourning clothes made of coarse linen. As long as people's eyes were not blind, they knew what had happened.

These two guys in front of her were obviously pretending to be clueless. She naturally didn't want to waste her breath.

"Let's go, let's follow and see."

Jasper and Calvin exchanged glances and followed Elara into the memorial hall.

Inside the memorial hall at this moment, many people were kneeling. The body of Rufus Rhys lay quietly in the coffin.

When Jasper and Calvin entered the memorial hall and saw this, they felt a hidden joy in their hearts. They had only received the news before and didn't dare to confirm it. Now that they saw it with their own eyes, the lingering fear in their hearts finally disappeared.

Of course, despite their inner joy, they still had to do their job properly.

"What? Lord Rufus is dead? How could this be?"

Seeing the portrait, Jasper deliberately showed an exaggerated expression and said with a mournful face, "Lord Rufus had great blessings and a great destiny, it was destined by the heavens. How could he die?"

With that, Jasper suddenly threw himself in front of the coffin and started wailing loudly, "Master Rufus! You're so pitiful! It's all my fault for arriving late in rescuing you, I failed to protect your safety. I am truly ashamed!"

"Lord Rufus! You are still the king of the Rhys Mansion, and even more, the ruler of the West Lucozia. How can you leave us like this? Lord Rhys, wake up, please wake up!"

Jasper kept wailing, beating his chest and stomping his feet, looking like a filial son.

However, despite shouting for a long time, he didn't shed a single tear. The traces of his performance were too obvious. Elara looked at him coldly, without any reaction.

"King Rhys! May you have a safe journey!"

Chapter 1789: Seize power

Calvin suddenly shouted and fell to his knees, knocking his head heavily three times. His eyes were filled with tears, portraying the appearance of someone who had lost a close relative.

Although it was also a performance, Calvin's emotions seemed much more genuine compared to Jasper's.

"Commander of the Black Dragon Army is here!"

At that moment, a loud shout echoed outside the door. Following the shout, a middle-aged man dressed in golden armor, with a heroic face and extraordinary demeanor, briskly entered the room.

This man was none other than the Commander of the Black Dragon Army, a first-ranked official, Antonio Rhys!

Antonio Rhys was not only the Commander of the Black Dragon Army but also the cousin of Rufus Rhys.

Since childhood, Antonio Rhys had excelled in both civil and military matters, displaying exceptional talent in various fields. If it weren't for the presence of Rufus Rhys, he would have been the most outstanding genius in the Rhys family.

However, in the face of Rufus Rhys, an unparalleled hero, even the most talented individuals would pale in comparison.

"Pay respects to the Commander of the Black Dragon Army!"

Upon seeing Antonio Rhys, Jasper and Calvin immediately dropped their pretentious expressions and respectfully bowed.

Both of them were truly trusted subordinates supported by Antonio, akin to loyal followers. Just like the relationship between Rufus Rhys and Matt Turner, their fortunes rose and fell together.

"Big Brother!"

Antonio ignored the two confidants and fell to his knees with a loud thud as soon as he entered the memorial hall.

His eyes were bloodshot, his lips trembled, and his face was filled with a mix of sadness and indignation.

"How could this happen? How could my big brother die? Who did this?!"

Antonio roared angrily, his eyes red with fury.

"It was remnants of the Dragon Guards Pavilion. They sent assassins who infiltrated the mansion and assassinated King last night," said Elara, her expression changing from dark to light.

"Dragon Guard Pavilion?"

Antonio gritted his teeth in utter hatred and shouted, "Men! Assemble the troops immediately and search the entire city. We must capture the murderer and bring them to justice!"


Elara suddenly spoke up to stop him, "Antonio, I know you're deeply upset, but we can't escalate the situation right now."

"My big brother is already dead, what is there to fear? I will make the killer pay!" Antonio retorted angrily.

"It's precisely because King Rufus has died that we need to stay calm," Elara said with a serious expression, "The situation in West Lucozia is not stable internally. Once news of King Rhys's death spreads, it will undoubtedly have a huge impact and may even lead to war. At that time, the whole of West Lucozia will be plunged into chaos."

"What should we do then? We can't just let the murderer go!" Antonio protested.

"I've already sent Albert to investigate the matter, you don't need to worry about the killer," Elara shook her head and continued, "As the Commander of the Black dragon Army, responsible for half of West Lucozia's military forces, you are needed now to stabilize the situation and quell the internal turmoil."

"Sister-in-law! The Black Dragon Army always follows Big Brother's orders. Although I bear the title of Commander of the Black Dragon Army, without the military token, I still can't mobilize the Black Dragon Army on a large scale. If we encounter any trouble, it might be difficult to resolve," Antonio said with a troubled expression.

"Yes, Your Highness, in my opinion, you should hand over the military token to the Commander of the Black Dragon Army. This way, the safety of the King Mansion can also be ensured," Calvin spoke up.

"You're right. The country can't be without a ruler for a day, and the army can't be without a leader for a day. Since King has passed away, the position of Grand Marshal can only be taken up by the Commander of the Black Dragon Army!" Jasper said with a profound meaning.

Watching their coordinated expressions and words, Elara suddenly understood. These people didn't come here to offer their condolences; they came to seize power!

Chapter 1790: No place to bury their dead

"The position of Grand Marshal of the West Lucozia's army is crucial. We not only need to conduct an internal vote but also report to the central government. The final decision should be made by the central government; we cannot act unilaterally," Elara said cautiously.

When Antonio Rhys arrived, she initially thought it was out of deep brotherly affection. However, Jasper and Calvin's words made her suddenly realize that the situation was far from simple.

Within the Black Dragon Army, Antonio's prestige was second only to King Rufus. As the Commander of the Cavalry, he not only had numerous trusted subordinates but also possessed half of the military power.

After King Rufus's death, the one who benefited the most was undoubtedly Antonio.

More importantly, Antonio had already shown his ambition. His eagerness to seize power immediately after King Rufus's death made her suspicious of his intentions.

She even considered the possibility that King Rufus's death might be a result of collusion between these people and the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion!

If that were the case, once Antonio completely controlled the military power, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Princess, as the saying goes, in emergencies, one must take control. Given the current situation, there's no time to wait for the central government's decision. We must stabilize the situation as quickly as possible," Jasper continued.

"He's right!" Calvin nodded in agreement. "We're in the field, so we can't always abide by the central government's orders. They don't understand the situation, and without our direct intervention, certain opportunistic individuals might take advantage of the chaos."

"Even if we don't need to report to the central government, we still have to conduct an internal vote to gain the people's trust," Elara added.

"A vote? Is there really a need for that? Looking at the entire West Lucozia, who is more suitable to be the Grand Marshal than the Commander of the Cavalry?" Jasper said with conviction.

"That's right, Princess! In terms of achievements, prestige, qualifications, and both civil and military skills, no one besides King Rufus can match the Commander of the Cavalry. The position of Grand Marshal belongs to no one but the Commander of the Cavalry!" Calvin praised.

"I think it's too hasty. We can delay the selection of the Grand Marshal. Let's deal with the issues in the King Mansion first before making a decision," Elara tried to change the topic.

I cannot help but admit that within the Black Dragon Army, Antonio is indeed the most prominent figure under King Rufus.

But if he is really colluding with the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, once he takes the position of Grand Marshal, it's akin to inviting a wolf into the house.

By then, the safety of the King Mansion would be in grave danger!

"The trouble in the King Mansion is precisely because no one can control the situation. Once the Commander of the Cavalry takes over, who would dare to act recklessly?" Jasper's tone was somewhat arrogant.

"That's right! After the Commander of the Cavalry takes over, we can quickly capture the killer, seek revenge for King Rufus, stabilize West Lucozia, and deter all directions. It's simply beneficial without any harm!" Calvin continued to praise.

Seeing the two of them persistently entangled in their argument, Elara couldn't help but furrow her brow.

Currently, Antonio held immense power, and she dared not offend him lightly. If he decided to turn against them, there might be no one who could stop him.

"Princess! What are you still hesitating for? If King Rufus were alive, he would definitely agree with this course of action!" Jasper urged.

"King Rufus just passed away. Whatever needs to be done, we can wait until after the funeral," Elara said in a stern voice.

"We can't wait! What if the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion attack again? Your life might be in danger!" Jasper emphasized.

"Yes, Your Highness! Right now, we can only rely on the Commander of the Cavalry. There is no other choice. You need to make a decision quickly!" Calvin said.

The two of them echoed each other, their words carrying a hint of threat.

As for Antonio, he remained silent, sitting securely on his perch, ignoring the provocations from his subordinates.

With Rufus Rhys's death, there was no one left in West Lucozia who could control him.

"If the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion dare to come, I will make sure they have no place to bury their dead!" At that moment, a cold and stern voice suddenly echoed outside the memorial hall.
Chapter 1791: Grand Marshal of Lucozia's army already decided by Father

The crowd turned around and saw a young man wearing coarse mourning clothes with a filial band tied on his head. He walked in with a cold and ruthless expression.

The man exuded a menacing aura without displaying any anger, making even seasoned warriors like Jasper and Calvin pay serious attention.

The newcomer was none other than Rufus Rhys's youngest son, Thorian Rhys!

Thorian was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, indulged and pampered. His previous behavior was extremely reckless, earning him the title of West Lucozia's number one playboy.

However, in the past two years, Thorian seemed to have changed completely. He no longer idled his time away, but instead, he joined the military and started to work hard.

Initially, everyone thought that Thorian wouldn't last three days in the military camp. After all, how could a pampered young prince endure the rigors of military life?

Unexpectedly, Thorian not only adapted to military life but also achieved remarkable feats in the camp. In just two years, he rose from a low-ranking soldier to become the Deputy General of the Black Dragon Army.

Despite his privileged background, his achievements were truly astounding.

It wasn't until this moment that people realized Thorian was not just a pampered playboy; he was a military genius with genuine talent.

"Thorian! You're finally back?" Elara's beautiful eyes turned red. The suppressed sadness surged up again upon seeing her son.

"Mom, I already know about the situation. Don't worry, I've got everything under control," Thorian nodded at his mother and then turned his gaze to Jasper and Calvin. "Generals, my father just passed away, his body hasn't even turned cold, and yet you are here, aggressive and overbearing. Is this appropriate?"

"Well..." Jasper glanced at Calvin and hesitantly said, "Young Prince, please don't misunderstand. We are all considering the bigger picture. With the King Mansion leaderless, there needs to be someone to take charge; otherwise, there will be a lot of trouble."

"Yes, Young Prince, we prioritize the greater good!" Calvin assumed a loyal expression.

"The greater good?" Thorian sneered and ignored the two of them. Instead, he looked at Antonio and said, "Third Uncle, don't you have anything to say?"

"Big Brother's death has saddened me deeply, but we cannot wallow in grief. The people of West Lucozia still need us," Antonio said. He walked to the coffin, his voice choked with emotion as he continued, "I believe Big Brother's spirit in heaven would want us to preserve the King Mansion and protect the people of West Lucozia. Although I might not be as capable as Big Brother, I hope to do my best to fulfill his wishes."

His words were eloquent, positioning himself on the moral high ground, making it difficult for others to refute.

"I aim to rise to power for the sake of the people of West Lucozia. If you obstruct me, it's suspicious and shows you disregard the lives of the people of West Lucozia," he implied.

"Third Uncle, I agree with what you're saying, but the position of Grand Marshal of the West Lucozia's army was decided by Father before he passed away. So, I'm afraid you might be disappointed," Thorian said indifferently.

"Decided by Father? Who is it?" Antonio furrowed his brows.

"Young Prince, are you implying it's yourself?" Jasper scrutinized him and said sarcastically, "Forgive me for speaking frankly, Young Prince, although you are outstanding, in terms of seniority, ability, and prestige, you are far from matching the Commander of the Cavalry. If you were to become the Grand Marshal, I'm afraid the entire West Lucozia wouldn't accept it!"

"I might not have the capability to be the Grand Marshal, but someone else does!" Thorian declared loudly.

"Oh? Who?" Jasper asked.

"The Kirin Son of the Rhys family—Logan Rhys!" Thorian said, shocking everyone with his statement.

Chapter 1792: I will handle them

"Logan Rhys?"

With that statement, the surroundings suddenly fell silent.

There was a time when the Kirin Son of the Rhys family shone brightly, his name echoing throughout the world. However, since the turmoil in the Forbidden City ten years ago, he had completely disappeared without a trace. Up to this day, his whereabouts remained unknown. Mentioning him suddenly now was quite shocking to everyone present.

"Young Prince, are you joking? His Highness, the Crown Prince, is missing; no one knows where he is. It's impossible for him to take on the role of Grand Marshal of West Lucozia. Your suggestion seems unfounded," Jasper shrugged dismissively.

"Yes, Young Prince, let's be realistic. Depending on His Highness, the Crown Prince, is less reliable than relying on the Commander of the Cavalry," Calvin chimed in, echoing Jasper's sentiment.

They had thought Thorian would suggest himself, but instead, he mentioned someone who had been missing for a decade. It sounded like baseless nonsense.

"Father has passed away, and my big brother will definitely come back. By then, he will take up the position of Grand Marshal of West Lucozia. It's reasonable and just," Thorian said coldly.

"Young Prince, don't take offense, but what if His Highness, the Crown Prince, has met an unfortunate end outside? Are we going to leave the position of Grand Marshal of West Lucozia vacant forever?" Jasper said sarcastically.

"My big brother is alive and well. Your concerns are completely baseless," Thorian said firmly.

"If he's alive, where is His Highness, the Crown Prince? Why hasn't he appeared?" Jasper deliberately looked around.

"I've sent a message to my big brother. I believe he will come back," Thorian stated.

"Young Prince, are you intentionally delaying? You must understand that once news of the King Mansion leader's death spreads, the entire West Lucozia will be in turmoil. We don't have the luxury of time. We need to choose someone who can stabilize the situation now!" Jasper said meaningfully.

"Indeed, Young Master Thorian, we should prioritize the bigger picture," Calvin advised earnestly.

"Having my elder brother succeed to the throne is our father's dying wish. So, do you all dare to defy his orders?" Thorian's gaze turned icy.
His entire presence exuded a compelling aura.

Jasper and Calvin couldn't help but feel a sudden unease, and they shifted their gaze to Antonio.

In the end, the final decision rested in the hands of this valiant General.

"My older brother's wish will naturally be honored, but we are concerned that Logan might not be willing to ascend the throne," Antonio said calmly.

"Third Uncle, you don't need to worry about that. We'll wait for my older brother to return, and then we can decide," Thorian spoke with determination.

"We can wait, but the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion and the various vassal lords may not have the patience to wait. If anything goes wrong, who will take responsibility?" Antonio countered.

"If there are any issues, I will handle them. You don't need to worry, Third Uncle," Thorian said.

"Very well! Since you're so confident, I will wait and see," Antonio's gaze turned cold. "I have military matters to attend to; I won't stay here any longer. I will come to see my older brother tomorrow. Farewell."

With those words, he turned and left.

"Your Highness, Young Master Thorian, I take my leave," Jasper and Calvin also departed without further ado, after respectfully bowing.

"Thorian, thanks to your timely return, or these people might have caused chaos," Elara said, her brows slightly furrowed.

Chapter 1793: To the victor go the spoils

"Antonio is ambitious like a wild wolf, he's been lying low for many years, and now that our father has suddenly passed away, he will definitely try to seize power. This matter is far from over," Thorian said with a serious expression.

"You're right, even if they won't dare to act openly, they will surely employ various means behind the scenes. There will be significant trouble ahead," Elara sighed.

If it weren't for the Lord's sudden departure, these people wouldn't dare to act so boldly.

"If only my older brother were here," Thorian sighed.

"Thorian, your talents are not inferior to your older brother's. What he could do, I believe you can do as well," Elara encouraged.

"Mom, I know my own abilities very well. Compared to my older brother, I fall far short," Thorian shook his head.

"Don't underestimate yourself!"

Elara’s tone turned stern as she said, "Your father has passed away. After we conclude his funeral, I will immediately report to the authorities to have you inherit the title. From then on, you will be the King of West Lucozia, and you must shoulder this heavy responsibility!"

"Mom! The throne belongs to my older brother. I've never considered succeeding him. Only my older brother deserves the title of King of West Lucozia," Thorian said firmly.

"Thorian! You can decline other things, but not this one!"

Elara spoke in a deep voice, "Do you know how many people dream of this position? Once you let it slip away, you will regret it for the rest of your life!"

"I won't regret my choice. Power is not that important to me. I prefer a carefree life, just like my father did. Why bother with all the troubles and worries of being a Lord? It's better to live a life of ease," Thorian shook his head.

"What a naive child! Things are not as simple as you think. You enjoyed your carefree life before because you had your father's protection. Now that your father is gone, if you don't compete for anything, your ultimate fate will be very miserable," Elara said with great seriousness.

As the eldest princess of the Dragon Kingdom, she had grown up witnessing all the deceit and power struggles that were commonplace. Some individuals would stop at nothing, even committing the most heinous acts, to seize power. Patricide and fratricide were no longer shocking.

It was precisely because she considered these aspects that she feared her son might ultimately meet a gruesome end.

So she hoped her son would fight, to claim the throne.

True power was only real when it was under one's control, everything else was ephemeral. The saying held, "To the victor go the spoils," with only the victor having the last laugh; the defeated often met a dire fate.

"Mom, I understand what you mean, but I believe my older brother is not the kind who craves power," Thorian's tone was resolute.

"Thorian, people's hearts are inscrutable!"

Elara was somewhat anxious. "You cannot gamble your own life on Logan's goodness. If you lose, you won't have time to regret!"

"If my older brother wanted to harm me, I would have died a long time ago. How could I have lived until today?"

Thorian shook his head. "Furthermore, if my older brother is truly driven by avarice, even if I ascend to the throne, it will still be a dead end. Rather than driving a wedge between us, I would prefer to step aside."

"You are such a stubborn child!" Elara had the look of someone who was frustrated.

"Mom, you haven't seen the reality clearly yet. The title of King of West Lucozia belongs to my older brother, and we should support him to ascend the throne. Engaging in internal strife will only benefit those with ulterior motives," Thorian said solemnly.

"Ah... I don't know how to convince you. You'll understand in the future," Elara sighed, ceasing her attempts to persuade further.

Her son had a stubborn personality, much like his father. Once he set his mind on something, it was challenging to change his course. Only after facing consequences would he grasp her well-intentioned advice.

Chapter 1794: Assessing the situation

At this moment, in front of the royal palace.

Antonio, along with his companions and a group of guards, left in haste.

After leaving the palace, Jasper finally couldn't hold back and said, "General, Elara and her son really don't know their place. Are we just going to let this slide?"

"Of course, we can't let it slide, but we mustn't act too openly. Most of the Black Dragon Army's commanders are loyal to the palace. If we cause an open conflict, we won't gain any advantage," Antonio said, squinting.

"What should we do then?" Jasper asked again.

"We can't act openly, so we'll apply pressure covertly," Antonio said with a significant meaning. "Once there is turmoil in Lucozia, and the palace is in danger, they will naturally realize who the true pillar is."

"I understand! I'll immediately arrange for people to stir up trouble. When it escalates to the point where the people are discontented and the palace can't handle it, General, you can step in as the savior. By then, the people of Lucozia will be grateful, and they'll naturally choose you as the new King of Lucozia!" Jasper responded quickly.

"Exactly. You're very clever. Once I ascend to the throne, the position of the Commander of the Cavalry will be yours," Antonio smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, General!" Jasper's face lit up.

"Go and get it done as quickly as possible, and be sure to leave no trace," Antonio reminded.

"No problem! I'll handle it splendidly!" After a bow, Jasper quickly took his leave.

"General, if it's just a regular disturbance, it might not shake the foundation of the palace. We might need some heavy evidence," Calcin reminded.

"I am well aware of this," Antonio nodded. "I've been laying low for many years and have cultivated many loyal followers. Among the eight vassal lords, half of them are my people. As soon as I give the order, they will rise up without hesitation to assist me."

"Forgive me for my earlier concerns, General. You were well-prepared, and I was overly cautious," Calvin smiled.

"You can rest assured, as long as I become the King of Lucozia, you'll have your rewards," Antonio said with a smile.

"In that case, thank you, Your Majes... I mean, we should now address you as the King of Lucozia!" Calvin quickly corrected himself.

"Haha... after over twenty years of waiting, it's finally my turn to ascend!" Antonio was in high spirits, his confidence soaring.

He believed he had both the military and political skills required for the position. Unfortunately, Rufus Rhys's presence had kept him suppressed for so long. Now that Rufus Rhys had passed away, who in the world could challenge him?

If he were to secure the position of the King of West Lucozia!
Time passed swiftly, and night gradually descended. Inside the Lucozia King's palace, it was quieter than usual.

Elara, Thorian, and a group of palace members remained in solemn mourning in front of the memorial hall.

Throughout the day, many visitors, from the illustrious General of the Cavalry, Antonio, to lower-ranking officials, came to offer their condolences.

Despite Elara’s orders, news of Rufus Rhys's passing had discreetly spread.

Most officials, from high-ranking to minor, were now aware of it. In a short span of time, the entire officialdom of Lucozia was in a state of unease.

With the King of Lucozia's death and no clear heir, nobody knew what the future held. Even if a new king ascended to the throne, there might be a complete reshuffling of positions. The foundations these officials had worked hard to establish could crumble.

How could they not be anxious? How could they not be afraid?

Most of the visitors who came to the palace did so to express their condolences, but they were also assessing the situation.

If things truly went awry, they would need to choose their allegiances early.

Chapter 1795: Such keen perception

Only in this way could they secure their current official positions.

At the moment, the only person who was qualified, capable, and had the power to succeed to the throne of the King of Lucozia was the General of the Cavalry, Antonio.

First, Antonio was a member of the Rhys family, making him a legitimate candidate as a royal family member. Second, as the General of the Cavalry, he controlled half of West Lucozia's military forces, yielding enormous power. Third, Antonio had spent years accumulating resources, whether it was connections, prestige, or accomplishments, he had sufficient strength to claim the throne.

Not to exaggerate, but Antonio was the consensus choice of the majority.

After offering their condolences, many officials promptly went to the General's residence to pledge their loyalty to Antonio. These actions didn't escape the palace's notice, but at this point, Elara couldn't control these individuals.

"Mom, you've been here all day. You should return to your room and rest. Don't strain yourself," Thorian advised when he saw the exhaustion and worry on his mother's face.

"Your father has just passed away; I don't have the heart to rest," Elara shook her head.

"It's precisely because of Dad's passing that you need to take care of yourself. With the palace in turmoil, they need you, the Queen, to shoulder the burden. You mustn't collapse now!" Thorian said firmly.


Elara wanted to say more, but Thorian interrupted her, "Mom, this time, listen to me! Please return to your room and rest. You can come back to the memorial hall in the morning."

Without waiting for Elara's response, Thorian waved for two maids to come over and instructed them, "Both of you, immediately escort my mother back and take good care of her."

"Yes," the two maids replied and assisted Elara in standing up.

Because she had been kneeling for too long, Elara's legs had gone numb, making it difficult for her to stand.

"Thorian, you must also take care of yourself and be cautious," Elara advised.

"Don't worry, I know my limits," Thorian nodded. After watching his mother leave, he turned to the group of people behind him and instructed, "The rest of you should go back too. I can watch over this place by myself."

The group of people exchanged glances, unsure of what to do.

"What's the matter? Are my words ineffective?" Thorian swept a cold glance at them.

They looked at each other and dared not say much, immediately taking their leave.

Soon, the entire memorial hall was left with only Thorian and a few royal guards.

"Hey, the person hiding on the roof, you've been hiding outside for so long, shouldn't you come down now?" Thorian suddenly said.

The surroundings fell silent, and there was no response.

"What's the matter? Don't you want to show your face? Do I need to send someone to bring you down?" Thorian spoke again.

After a few seconds, a sudden gust of wind swept through the memorial hall.

Following the wind, a young man dressed in guard attire suddenly appeared in the middle of the memorial hall.

"I didn't expect you to have such keen perception, actually sensing my presence," the young man said, somewhat surprised.

"Who are you? How dare you infiltrate the palace?" Thorian squinted, his hand already resting on the hilt of his sword.

The guards around him also became alert, their eyes fixed on the intruder.

The young man didn't reply immediately; he simply removed the mask he had been wearing on his face.

Upon seeing the man's face, Thorian's pupils contracted, and he showed astonishment.

Chapter 1796: You are not less capable than me


Watching the man who removed the mask, Thorian couldn't help but be slightly stunned, showing a mix of surprise and joy.

The visitor was none other than Logan Rhys, who had infiltrated the palace in disguise.

"Thorian, you've grown quite a bit. You're capable of handling things on your own now," Dustin looked at his half-brother with a touch of contentment.

In fact, he had heard every word of the conversation between Thorian and Elara just now. He was deeply moved by his brother Thorian's trust in him. Of course, Elara's concerns were not without merit.

Throughout history, it was not uncommon for brothers to turn against each other or for fathers and sons to become adversaries in their pursuit of power.

Dustin understood Elara's doubts, and he was touched by his brother Thorian's trust.

"Brother, when did you return to West Lucozia?" Thorian asked.

"I've only been back for a few days," Dustin replied.

"Do you know about Dad?" Thorian's voice quivered.

Dustin glanced at the memorial photo on the altar, nodded, and remained silent.

The last time the father and son had met was over a year ago in Swinston. Little did they know that it would be their final farewell.

Their reunion took place in the memorial hall, with Rufus Rhys lying in the coffin.

Fate had a way of playing tricks on people.

Dustin walked up to the coffin and, through the partially opened lid, gazed at the peaceful face of his late father. It appeared that he had passed away without much suffering.

But for some reason, when he saw the face he had once disliked, he couldn't help but be overwhelmed by sorrow.

"If only you had returned to West Lucozia earlier, if only you had met with Dad sooner, perhaps this wouldn't have happened," Dustin thought to himself.

Why? Why did things turn out this way?

Dustin clenched his fists slowly, and his eyes had turned red without him even realizing it.

"Brother, in the past two years, Dad's health had deteriorated significantly. He relied on various miraculous elixirs to prolong his life. The divine physician said that he was experiencing the Five Decays of Heaven and Man, and his end was near. For Dad, this outcome is a form of relief compared to slowly decaying into death," Thorian said, his voice choked with emotion.

"Have they caught the murderer?" Dustin asked as he turned around.

"Albert is still investigating," Thorian replied.

"What about the mole in the palace?" Dustin inquired.

"We've identified a target, but the situation is unclear at the moment. To avoid alarming them, I haven't taken any action yet," Thorian explained.

"Good job. Keep an eye on the spy for now. Once we expose the mastermind behind all this, we can catch them all in one fell swoop," Dustin nodded.

"Brother, now that you've returned, things will be much easier. Dad always hoped you would succeed him. From today, you are the King of West Lucozia. I'll go get the royal seal and the commander's token!" Thorian said as he attempted to leave, but Dustin raised his hand to stop him.

"Thorian, I'm not interested in the throne. Besides, I've been away from West Lucozia for ten years, and the world has changed. You are the rightful heir," Dustin said.

"Brother, I know my limitations, and I'm not fit to be the King of West Lucozia. It's you who commands respect, and only you can bear this responsibility," Thorian asserted.

"Thorian, you are not less capable than me. With determination, there's nothing you can't handle," Dustin replied.

Chapter 1797: Four feudal lords rebellion

"I really can't do it! Brother, this throne is meant for you!" Thorian was getting impatient.

"Alright, we can discuss the throne later. For now, we must deal with the current issues, as there are troubles both inside and outside the palace," Dustin changed the topic.

"Brother, as long as you take charge, I will assist you with all my strength!" Thorian said with a determined expression.

"I cannot reveal myself right now," Dustin shook his head and continued, "Antonio and his people still don't know I'm back in West Lucozia, so they're not on their guard. If they have any plans, I can react in time. Additionally, the remnants of the the Dragon Guard Pavilion are still lurking in the shadows. I need to find an opportunity to capture them all."

"I see now," Thorian quickly understood, "Then I handle the visible matters in the palace, while I'll rely on you to unravel the hidden conspiracies."

"Good, that's the plan," Dustin nodded.

"Oh, by the way, there's this," Thorian suddenly pulled out a golden token and handed it to Dustin, saying, "This is my military command token. With this, you can command my 800 elite soldiers. In critical situations, they should be able to lend you a hand."

His 800 elite soldiers were all extraordinary talents handpicked by him and his mother, who had trained them in secret for two decades.

"Alright, I'll hold onto the token for now, and I'll return it to you later," Dustin accepted it without hesitation.

Although he had support from Margaret, he was still at a disadvantage compared to the remnants of the the Dragon Guard Pavilion. Now, with Thorian's 800 elite soldiers, they would have a fighting chance in a confrontation.

"Thorian!" At this moment, a voice from outside the door called Thorian.

Elara, who left earlier, returned in haste and walked into the mourning hall.

Dustin immediately put on a mask, pretending to be a guard, and stood aside.

He could be frank with Thorian because of the trust between brothers. As for Elara, she hadn't earned his approval yet.

"Mom, didn't I tell you to rest? Why have you come back?" Thorian was puzzled.

"There's trouble outside!" Elara entered the mourning hall, her face serious. "I just received news. Half of the Eight Great Feudal Lords have declared themselves kings. From now on, they won't obey the orders of the royal palace, and they've already assembled their armies, ready to confront the royal palace head-on!"

"What? Declaring themselves kings? They have quite the audacity!" Hearing this, Thorian's expression turned especially grim. "My father has just passed away, and they've already rebelled. Do they think our royal palace is defenseless? Mom! Fetch the military token immediately. I want to lead the troops personally to suppress this!"

If it were just a minor disturbance, it could have been ignored. But now, with four feudal lords declaring themselves kings, it was akin to open rebellion, something he couldn't tolerate.

"Absolutely not!" Elara hurriedly intervened. "The four feudal lords command significant military forces. If a war breaks out, there will be widespread suffering. Besides, the Black Dragon Army needs to guard the major fortresses. If internal strife occurs, the barbarians from the west will undoubtedly take advantage. By then, the entire West Lucozia will be plunged into chaos!"

"What should we do then? Are we supposed to let them trample over us?" Thorian furrowed his brow.

"I've already sent envoys for negotiations. We should try to placate them as much as possible. After handling your father's funeral, you should ascend to the throne immediately as the new King of West Lucozia. If those people are wise, they will naturally submit," Elara said.

"Mom, I'm afraid things aren't that simple." Thorian shook his head, his expression thoughtful. "Four feudal lords rebelling simultaneously can't be a coincidence. Someone is clearly manipulating this behind the scenes. They obviously want to force us to abdicate!"

Chapter 1798: Cunning strategy

"Are you suggesting that someone is orchestrating the simultaneous rebellion of the Four Great Feudal Lords?" Elara furrowed her brow.

"That's right!" Thorian said with a grave expression. "Currently, the only person in West Lucozia who can command the Four Great Feudal Lords is one."

"Antonio Rhys!" Elara blurted out.

"My third uncle is ambitious and extremely cunning. He intends to use the Four Great Feudal Lords to force us to surrender the military token," Thorian analyzed with narrowed eyes. "If we don't comply, the Four Great Feudal Lords will rebel, forcing us to send out troops to quell the chaos. He will then create obstacles, making our military campaign unsuccessful. Once we fail to suppress the chaos, the authority of the royal palace will be greatly damaged. When the discontent among the people reaches its peak, he will step in as the savior, rescuing the people from the crisis and successfully subduing the Four Great Feudal Lords. At that point, he will be hailed by the masses and become an uncrowned king. Winning the hearts of the people means winning the country. When Antonio stands at the same height as my father, he will naturally become the new King of West Lucozia! This person is truly cunning!"

As he spoke, Thorian's expression became exceptionally serious.

Antonio's tactics were not based on conspiracy but strategy. Even knowing the whole story and understanding that the other party was up to no good, it was still difficult to unravel. This was the terrifying aspect of a strategic plan!

"In that case, Antonio must have planned this for a long time," Elara said, her brow furrowed. "The current problem is, how do we break this deadlock? We can't use force, and we can't offer them amnesty. What should we do?"

"In my opinion, we must unite with the other Four Great Feudal Lords, along with our father's old subordinates, to stand up against Antonio," Thorian said.

"That makes sense," Elara nodded. "I will immediately send someone to invite the other Four Great Feudal Lords for a joint discussion."

"Mom, let me go personally. Only then can we show enough sincerity," Thorian volunteered.

The support of the other Four Great Feudal Lords was crucial, and Thorian felt he had to go in person to be at ease.

"All right, be careful. If anything seems off, retreat immediately," Elara cautioned.

She had to stay in the royal palace; she couldn't leave. In this situation, only her son appearing in person could persuade the Four Great Feudal Lords.

"I understand," Thorian nodded. He then motioned to a few guards and said, "You guys, come with me. Remember, don't alert anyone."
"Yes," the guards responded.

Following Thorian, including Dustin, they quietly left the royal palace through a hidden passage. Both inside and outside the palace, there were spies everywhere. Walking through the main gate would definitely raise suspicions.

After leaving the royal palace, Thorian found a regular carriage and headed northwest.

The guards accompanying him were his childhood friends, people he could trust with his life. He wasn't worried about them leaking any information.

"Brother, where are you staying now? Do you want me to take you back?" Thorian asked in the carriage.

"I'm not going back. Tonight, I'll accompany you to meet the Four Great Feudal Lords," Dustin replied.

With the situation constantly changing, Thorian was genuinely concerned about going alone.

"Alright, then let's break this deadlock together, brother!" Thorian's confidence surged instantly.

Since childhood, he had always regarded Logan Rhys as his backbone. Whenever he got into trouble or caused mischief, his first instinct was to find his big brother. Every time, his big brother managed to get him out of trouble.

Even though they hadn't seen each other for ten years, he was certain in his heart that his big brother was still his big brother and hadn't changed a bit.
Late at night, at Southern City.

Chapter 1799: Southern City

Southern City was a border town in West Lucozia and also the territory of Marquis Alexander.

Alexander, a former military general, had fought alongside King Rufus Rhys of West Lucozia for many years, earning numerous achievements. He was later titled Marquis and tasked with guarding the border of West Lucozia. Over the years, he had been diligent and responsible in his duties.

At this moment, a black commercial vehicle suddenly stopped in front of Marquis's mansion.

The car door opened, and Dustin, Thorian, and the others got out, one after another.

"Brother, this is Marquis Alexander's mansion," Thorian briefly introduced. "Alexander is a loyal and brave man. He has been managing Southern City for many years and has always been diligent in his duties."

"Who's lurking outside?!" Two guards stationed at the mansion's entrance quickly noticed something was amiss and immediately shouted.

Thorian took the lead and approached, displaying his waist badge. He said calmly, "I am the second son of King Rufus Rhys of West Lucozia, Thorian Rhys."

"Young Prince?" The two guards saw the waist badge and were immediately frightened, falling to their knees.

"You may rise, there's no need for formalities," Thorian put away his waist badge and said, "I have an urgent matter and need to meet with Marquis Alexander. Please inform him of my arrival."

"Young Prince, please wait a moment. I'll immediately inform the Marquis!" One of the guards acknowledged and swiftly ran into the mansion.

Before long, a middle-aged man in luxurious attire, slightly portly, accompanied by a few attendants, hurriedly walked out. The newcomer was Marquis Alexander.

"Younger generation pays respects to Uncle Alexander!" Thorian took the initiative to bow.

Although he was the second son of the West Lucozia King, the person in front of him held the title of Marquis, a position higher than his own.

For Alexander to personally come out and greet them was already giving them a lot of face.

"Thorian, why have you come at this late hour?" Alexander seemed puzzled.

"Uncle Alexander, there has been a crisis in the royal palace, and we need your assistance," Thorian said with a serious expression.

"A crisis in the royal palace? What happened?" Thorian furrowed his brow.

Thorian didn't speak but glanced around.

"Come, come, please, let's go inside. We can talk slowly there," Thorian quickly understood, ushering Thorian and his companions inside. They moved to the main hall, cleared the room of others, leaving only a few trusted aides.

"Thorian, can you tell me what's going on now?" Alexander asked cautiously.

"Uncle Alexander, here's what happened..." Thorian didn't conceal anything and recounted the events in detail.

After hearing the story, Thorian's expression changed drastically. "What? The King was assassinated? And four of the Eight Great Feudal Lords are plotting a rebellion?"

"That's right," Thorian nodded solemnly.

"I initially thought the news of the King's assassination was a rumor. I didn't expect it to be true," Alexander frowned, his face turning grim.

With King Rufus Rhys's death, the entire West Lucozia was about to face a major upheaval.

"Uncle Alexander, the situation in the royal palace is very grim right now. We need your help!" Thorian stood up and deeply bowed.

"Your father has been kind to me. In such circumstances, I naturally cannot stand idly by. Whatever you need me to do, just say the word," Alexander said decisively.

"Good! As long as Uncle Alexander is willing to assist, the royal palace will definitely overcome this crisis!" Thorian breathed a sigh of relief and proceeded to explain his plan in detail.

Chapter 1800: When disaster strikes, no one can stand alone

Thorian's plan was simple, diplomacy first, military action as a last resort. The primary approach was to persuade the rebellious Four Great Feudal Lords to surrender. If they chose to submit to the royal palace, their past actions would be forgiven, and their power would be preserved. However, if they resisted, the royal forces would suppress the rebellion using military might. In such a scenario, the royal palace, along with the support of the other Four Great Feudal Lords and various forces in West Lucozia, would eliminate the rebels under the pretext of quelling the chaos. When war became unavoidable, a swift resolution was the best option.

After listening to Thorian's words, Alexander nodded and said seriously, "I have the power I have today because of your father. Not to mention sending troops to quell the chaos, even if it requires my head, I am willing!"

"Uncle Alexander, your words are heavy! With your support, we will surely overcome this crisis!" Thorian replied.

"This is my feudal lord token. With it, you can command the troops of Sothern City as you see fit!" Alexander suddenly took out his military token and handed it over.

A thousand words were not as convincing as actual actions.

"This..." Thorian hesitated.

He didn't expect Alexander to be so straightforward, handing over the military token without hesitation. This act demonstrated his loyalty and righteousness.

"Don't refuse. In extraordinary times, we must take extraordinary measures. With this feudal lord token, you will find it easier to act," Alexander directly placed the token in Thorian's hand.

"Uncle Alexander's righteousness is admirable! I bow to you in respect!" Thorian saluted with his fists and said seriously, "After we overcome this crisis, I will definitely visit to express my gratitude!"

"Enough, enough, no need for formalities. Time is pressing; I won't keep you as a guest here. Go back now," Alexander waved his hand.

"I take my leave!" Thorian deeply bowed and then left with his companions.

The first stop of the night unexpectedly went smoothly. They had only talked for half an hour, and Thorian gained the support of Marquis Alexander. Moreover, he obtained the military token that allowed him to command the troops of Southern City. If they could maintain this momentum, it would be excellent.

"Many years have passed, Uncle Alexander has indeed gained some weight, but his loyalty and righteousness remain unchanged," Thorian sighed as he walked out of the Marquis's mansion.

"Rufus rhys managed West Lucozia for many years, commanding the loyalty of his followers. Although there are some ambitious individuals among his subordinates, most of them are loyal and brave," Dustin commented.

"Yes, with Father's authority, if he had continued to rule West Lucozia, there would have been eternal peace. It's a pity..." Thorian shook his head.

Whether it was Antonio or the rebellious Four Great Feudal Lords, they had maintained their peace because they feared his father. Now that his father was gone, these people no longer had any constraints, and their ambitions naturally surfaced.

"Where to next?" Dustin asked.

"Following the optimal route, next, we're going to Lake City to meet Marquis Rowan," Thorian said.

"Let's go, then. Let's get moving," Dustin nodded.

No more words were exchanged. They directly got into the car and left. The Four Great Feudal Lords each guarded a city, and they had numerous soldiers and horses under their command. In the past, they only listened to the orders of Rufus Rhys. Without his guidance, persuading the Four Great Feudal Lords to send troops to quell the chaos was clearly not a simple task.

This night was destined to be a sleepless one.

In the early hours of the morning, the vehicle entered Lake City and finally stopped at the mansion of Marquis Rowan.

Marquis Rowan, was also a prominent figure, having fought alongside Rufus Rhys in his younger years. His body was covered with scars, the price he paid for his current glory.

"Thorian, I know Rowan. Unlike Alexander's loyalty and bravery, this man is more cunning and business-minded. Convincing him to fully support us won't be easy," Dustin reminded.

"Brother, I'm aware. No matter what the cost, I have to persuade him," Thorian said firmly.

"Alright, let's play it by ear," Dustin nodded.

Thorian took out his waist token and walked to the gate of the mansion, revealing his identity. After a commotion, they were quickly invited inside.

Entering the main hall, they were seated, and maidservants served pastries and fragrant tea, showing excellent hospitality.

After waiting for a few minutes, Marquis Rowan, finally walked in, dressed in his nightgown.

"Oh! Little Prince, what wind has blown you here?" Rowan looked surprised when he saw Thorian.

"Uncle Rowan, my apologies for the late visit. There is indeed an urgent matter," Thorian saluted respectfully.

"Little Prince, could it be that you've encountered some difficulties?" Rowan asked in confusion.

"In fact, there are difficulties..." Thorian didn't hide anything and explained the situation in detail.

After listening, Rowan's expression changed in astonishment. "What? His Highness was assassinated? And all four feudal lords in the north have rebelled? The situation has become so severe?"

"If it weren't absolutely necessary, I wouldn't trouble Uncle Rowan," Thorian replied.

"In that case, it is indeed a significant trouble," Rowan frowned. After a moment of contemplation, he asked, "Little Prince, how do you need me to help?"

"Uncle Rowan, the four feudal lords in the north have shown ingratitude and openly rebelled. I've already sent envoys to persuade them. If they are willing to submit, everything will be fine. But if they remain obstinate, we must prepare for the worst. At that time, I will need Uncle Rowan's troops to join the royal palace in quelling the chaos," Thorian said, bowing respectfully.

"This..." Rowan looked troubled. "Little Prince, I'm getting old. I just want to live my remaining years in peace. Leading troops into battle, it's not that I'm unwilling, but I lack the energy for it."

"Uncle Rowan, with your extensive military and political influence, there's no need for you to personally take action. Just lend your support to the royal palace in quelling the chaos," Thorian suggested, trying to find a compromise.

"Little Prince, it's not that I'm unwilling to help. It's just that leading troops into battle means casualties. I only have this much wealth left, and I plan to leave it for my descendants to enjoy. If I use it all up in a war, what will become of me?" Rowan shook his head.

"Uncle Rowan, if West Lucozia falls into chaos, your Lake City won't be spared either," Thorian said sternly. "When disaster strikes, no one can stand alone. Once the troubled times come, nobody will be spared. Uncle Rowan, you are not only doing this for the royal palace but also for yourself and the peace of future generations!"
Chapter 1801: An engagement deal

Thorian's words were strong and full of emotion.

"If chaos befalls the West Lucozia, the eight great citys, high officials from all regions, including millions of commoners, will all be unable to escape its grasp.
Everyone's roots are embedded in the Western Liang, and anyone with a sense of patriotism will not stand idly by."

"Young prince, that's the theory, but I'm a timid person who's afraid of trouble. I'm always cautious and afraid. What if my soldiers and horses are almost wiped out in the chaos? What should I do then?" Rowan seemed hesitant.

"Uncle Rowan, I can guarantee that if you suffer any losses afterward, the Rhys Family will definitely compensate you twofold!" Thorian said solemnly.

He naturally understood that Rowan's words were an attempt to secure substantial benefits. After all, this was a gamble involving his entire fortune, and the losses would be severe if it failed. It was understandable for the other party to seek such assurances.

"Young prince, it's not that I don't trust you, but in matters like these, words alone won't do." Rowan's expression held a deeper meaning.

"Uncle Rowan, whatever you want, just name it. As long as I can do it, I won't refuse!" Thorian declared loudly.

This statement clearly showed his sincerity.

"Very well! With Young prince's words, I can rest assured!" Rowan smiled slightly. "Actually, I don't want a single soldier or a penny. What I'm most worried about right now is my daughter. She's twenty-five years old and hasn't found a suitable husband yet. If she can marry you, Young prince, it would be the blessing of her lifetime."

"Marry me?" Thorian raised an eyebrow, looking somewhat surprised.

"That's right," Rowan nodded with a smile. "Although my daughter, Elizabeth, may not be a world-beater in terms of looks, she's still a beauty with both inner and outer qualities. If you were to marry her, I believe you'd gain a very capable helpmate."

"He currently has the money and the people, but the only thing he lacks is supreme power. Now that the King of West Lucozia has passed away, it's most likely that Thorian will succeed to the throne. If my daughter can marry Thorian, she will become the Queen of West Lucozia, and his status will rise along with it. At that time, he will be the leader of the eight citys!"

"Uncle Rowan, my reputation isn't too good. If I were to marry your daughter, I'm afraid it would be unfair to her," Thorian said tactfully.

"Little prince, you are a remarkable individual, excelling in both civil and military matters. My daughter has admired you for a long time, and marrying you would be her honor," Rowan replied earnestly. "Once our two families form this alliance, we will share both joy and sorrow. Regardless of the troubles the Rhys Family may face, I, Rowan, will wholeheartedly assist, even if it means risking my life and sacrificing my entire fortune."

Thorian frowned slightly, unsure of how to respond to Rowan's conditions. The conditions raised by Rowan had exceeded his expectations.

"Young Master, since Lord Rowan refuses to support us, perhaps we should consider other options," Dustin whispered, lowering his voice.

While Rowan's support was important, Dustin didn't want to sacrifice his younger brother's happiness.

"Young prince, you can take your time to consider. I won't pressure you," Rowan shrugged.

"No need to consider; I agree." After a few seconds of contemplation, Thorian finally nodded.

"Is that a true commitment?" Rowan's eyes lit up.

"I, Thorian, may not be a gentleman, but I always keep my word," Thorian said seriously.

"Excellent, excellent! Young prince, you truly understand righteousness. I admire you!" Rowan exclaimed.

"Why wait? Let's make the engagement official right now for a better cooperation," Thorian suggested.

Chapter 1802: Deal with the rebellion first

"Bring me ink, paper, and inkstone!" Rowan couldn't contain his excitement and immediately ordered his subordinates to fetch writing materials, preparing to formalize the engagement.

Opportunities like this were indeed once in a lifetime. Once his daughter married into the Rhys Family, she would become the future queen, and his grandchild had a good chance of becoming the next West Lucozia king.

"This is a major life decision; you must be cautious!" Dustin immediately spoke up, offering a reminder.

"Hmm?" Rowan furrowed his brows slightly, somewhat displeased. A mere palace guard dared to give instructions, a clear lack of respect!

If he were one of his subordinates, he would have been reprimanded long ago.

"No need for further persuasion; I've made my decision," Thorian turned and smiled at Dustin. "Uncle Rowan's daughter is beautiful, virtuous, and has a gentle nature. Marrying her is my good fortune. I couldn't possibly refuse such an unexpected stroke of luck."

"Young prince indeed has a discerning eye!" Rowan praised, playing along.

"Young Master..."

Dustin was about to speak but was immediately silenced by Rowan's stern reprimand, "How dare you! When the master makes a decision, who are you, a servant, to meddle? You have no manners whatsoever!"

Dustin narrowed his eyes but was stopped by Thorian's raised hand. "Enough, no need for further words. My mind is made up."

After saying this, without any hesitation, Thorian wrote his full name and stamped his hand on the marriage contract.

Dustin sighed, feeling somewhat pained. His younger brother had truly grown up, always considering the bigger picture in everything he did. In this regard, even he felt inferior.

"Uncle Rowan, the engagement is now set. I hope you can fulfill your promise," Thorian said, clasping his hands together.

"Young prince, rest assured, from now on, we are one family. Regardless of any troubles the Rhys Family may encounter, I will offer my full support," Rowan assured, patting his chest.

"Thank you, Uncle Rowan. I have other matters to attend to, so I will take my leave," Thorian nodded slightly.

"Young prince, please," Rowan smiled and personally escorted Thorian out.

As they left the marquis's residence and got into the carriage, Dustin removed his disguise mask and couldn't help but sigh lightly. "Thorian, you didn't need to compromise yourself. We could have found another way."

"Brother, you've protected me all your life, and it's time for me to stand on my own," Thorian replied nonchalantly, with a smile. "Besides, how could I possibly feel wronged when I get to marry such a beauty?"

Throughout history, most aristocrats and nobles had formed alliances through marriage. It not only helped strengthen their influence and gain advantages but also allowed them to support each other in times of need. Although he was the son of the King of West Lucozia, Rowan's daughter also came from a prestigious family. Both families were well-matched, and there was no need for him to feel wronged.

"Alright, brother, let's not dwell on it. The immediate concern is to deal with the rebellion. As for the future, we'll figure it out later," Thorian reassured, smiling.

Dustin nodded and changed the subject. "Next, should we head to Woodside City to meet with the Marquis Martin?"

"That's right," Thorian affirmed. "The Marquis Martin is the most influential among the four southern marquises, but he's also the most challenging to deal with. Whether our plan succeeds or not depends on Woodside Marquis Martin."

Chapter 1803: Woodside City

The next morning, in Woodside City, Dustin and Thorian had traveled throughout the night to reach their destination quickly.

Woodside City was under the control of Marquis Martin, and it was the most heavily fortified and economically powerful city among the four southern cities. However, Martin had a capricious personality and could be difficult to deal with. Sometimes, he didn't even respect Rufus Rhys's authority.

So Thorian wasn't entirely sure if he could convince Martin.

"Brother, we've arrived at Marquis Martin's residence," Thorian informed as the carriage came to a halt.

After the vehicle stopped, Thorian and Dustin disembarked, along with a few others.

"It's already the second day, and the news of your departure from Marquis's residence can't be concealed for much longer. We need to pick up the pace," Dustin advised.

"I understand," Thorian nodded. "Martin may be difficult, but he is not a faithless villain. As long as we offer a high enough price and appeal to his reason, we should be able to persuade him."

"That's good," Dustin agreed. "Let's go inside."

Thorian adjusted his clothing, ran his hand through his hair to look more presentable, and then took a step forward to identify himself to the guards at the Marquis's residence.

Just like before, they were smoothly allowed to enter the Marquis's residence. However, this time, the meeting place was not in the main hall but in Martin's personal martial arts training ground.

It was well-known that Martin was a martial enthusiast who personally trained his soldiers on a daily basis, resulting in a force of highly skilled warriors.

"Young Lord, the Marquis is currently inside, training. Please come in," a guard led them to the entrance of the training ground before departing.

As they entered, they saw a burly middle-aged man with bulging muscles in the center of the training ground, sparring with several dozen elite guards.

The middle-aged man brandished a long spear with great might, exuding an imposing and powerful aura. With each swing of his hands, the long spear moved like a dragon or a snake, displaying remarkable agility and dominance.

The dozens of elite guards surrounding him, armed with swords and shields, were pushed back and unable to withstand his offensive. These were the rhys Family's elite warriors, capable of taking on many foes, well-trained and coordinated. Yet, they were effortlessly overwhelmed by the middle-aged man's relentless assault.

It's important to note that these elite guards were typically formidable on the battlefield. Still, they were currently no match for the middle-aged man, highlighting his incredible strength.

The middle-aged man was none other than the Marquis Martin!

"Such impressive spear skills!" Thorian examined closely, his face revealing astonishment.

Martin's spear techniques contained no unnecessary movements. They appeared straightforward but concealed an unpredictable nature. His style combined battlefield might with refined martial art techniques, approaching a state of near-perfection.

"Indeed, quite remarkable," Dustin nodded in agreement, showing respect.

Martin's skills had reached the level of a grandmaster's perfection, and within the West Lucozia, he was likely among the top ten martial experts. It was evident that even after achieving his noble title, Martin hadn't slackened his devotion to martial arts. Such individuals typically possessed strong willpower and extraordinary mental resilience.

"Sweeping through a thousand troops!"

After demonstrating his techniques, Martin suddenly bellowed and, with a single hand gripping the spear's shaft, swept it around himself like a whirlwind. As the long spear moved, the elite guards were sent tumbling to the ground one after another.

Chapter 1804: A temptation offer

After the sweeping motion, only Martin remained standing in the entire martial arts training ground.

"You all are getting worse and worse. From now on, practice diligently. Do you understand?" Martin reprimanded the guards.

"Yes!" the guards responded, kneeling.

"Alright, you may leave now."

Martin waved his hand, dismissing all the guards. He then turned to face Thorian and his group.

"Uncle Martin, your spear skills are godlike. Among all of West Lucozia, no one can match your abilities. I am truly in awe!" Thorian initiated the conversation.

"Young prince, as the saying goes, it's easy to be a proficient person in a peaceful environment. You've come from afar, what brings you here?" Martin picked up a towel and began to wipe away the sweat.

"It's not that I presume to offer advice, but mainly that I have a request," Thorian replied, clasping his hands together.

"Is it related to your father's matter?" Martin wasn't surprised; he seemed to have anticipated this.

"Uncle Martin, you're already aware of it?" Thorian raised an eyebrow.

"West Lucozia's king was assassinated, how could I not know such a major event?" Martin replied as if it was expected.

"What about the rebellion of the four northern cities? Are you aware of that as well?" Thorian inquired.

"I've heard something about it," Martin nodded.

"Uncle Martin, you're known for your loyalty and bravery. With the Rhys Family in crisis, we hope you can offer your assistance," Thorian said, bowing.

"If your father were to come and ask, I'd certainly lend a hand because I hold him in high regard. As for you... you are not yet worthy," Martin stated bluntly. He picked up a teacup and drained it, showing no mercy in his words.

Thorian furrowed his brow slightly but quickly composed himself. He had known that Martin was proud and temperamental, so he had prepared for the possibility of difficulties before entering.

"Uncle Martin, compared to my father, I am indeed a waste, and I have no right to demand anything from you," Thorian began. He then shifted the conversation, "But my surname is Rhys, I am a descendant of the Rhys family, and I am a son of West Lucozia. I cannot stand idly by while West Lucozia is in turmoil, and the people are suffering. As long as I can help calm this storm, I am willing to pay any price!"

"Oh?" Martin raised an eyebrow, genuinely surprised.

He hadn't expected these words from a previously idle and unimpressive young man. It was quite unusual.

"Is your mother the one who taught you to say this?" Martin probed.

"All of it comes from the depths of my heart," Thorian responded earnestly.

"It's been a few years, and you've changed quite a bit," Martin observed, sizing him up. He then added, "To be honest, before your visit, General Antonio, the General of Cavalry, had already sent me a letter. Can you guess what he said in the letter?"

"Antonio?" Thorian's pupils constricted, and his expression turned serious. "I don't know. Please, Uncle Martin, enlighten me."

Martin picked up his long spear and gently wiped the tip with a white cloth, his voice growing deep. "Antonio said that if I could kill you and erase all evidence of your existence, then, after the matter is resolved, he would gift me two cities."

"Hmm?" Thorian's face underwent an instant change.

He hadn't expected that Antonio was already prepared to resort to murder and cover-up.

"Two cities!" Martin slowly rose to his feet, his spear pointing directly at Thorian. A faint smile curved on his lips. "For me, this is a tremendous temptation. What do you think... should I accept?"

Chapter 1805: 800 elite Black Dragon troops

Facing Martin's intense gaze and the raised long spear, Thorian showed no fear and held his head high.

"Uncle Martin, the temptation of two cities is indeed great, and if it were me, I probably wouldn't refuse," he replied. He then added, "If you wish to use my life as a bargaining chip for those two cities, I'm willing to comply."

He held his fist over his heart, his expression calm. "How so? You're afraid of death, aren't you?" Martin inquired.

"I'm certainly afraid of death. If I can live, I wouldn't choose to die," Thorian admitted. "Moreover, you've been a warrior for many years, unmatched on the battlefield. Killing me would be effortless, barely a thought."

"Since you're afraid of death, why remain so composed?" Martin asked, puzzled.

"Fear of death is one thing; having the courage to face death is another. From the moment I stepped through your door, I was prepared for the worst," Thorian explained, his tone unwavering. "And besides, if you truly want to kill me, there's no escaping it. Dying quickly is better than suffering a painful death."

Martin chuckled and, with a snap of his fingers, called over some guards who soon brought a corpse to Thorian's feet. He gave it a disdainful kick. "Here, this is the man Antonio sent."

"Uncle Martin, do you not want the two cities promised by Antonio anymore? I cannot offer such high terms," Thorian inquired.

"Hmm," Martin said, and his expression changed again. He finally lowered his spear and smiled faintly. "Said to be a tiger father with no dog of a son, I've seen for myself today that none of you in the Rhys family are weaklings."

"Thank you for your praise, Uncle Martin," Thorian said, nodding his head.

"Enough. I won't play around with you anymore," Martin said. "It is true that people sent by Antonio have come to me, but I've already taken care of them."

Martin snapped his fingers, and a few guards dragged in another corpse and dumped it beside the first one. "See, this is the one Antonio sent."

"Uncle Martin, if you don't want the two cities promised by Antonio, I cannot offer such high terms," Thorian repeated.

"Humph! I may not be a good person, but I won't do anything against my principles," Martin responded. "If I killed you, it would be a disgrace worse than a dog's death."

"I respect your sense of righteousness, Uncle Martin," Thorian said with a respectful bow.

He wasn't surprised by Martin's principled stance. If Martin had really wanted to kill him, he wouldn't have hesitated but acted right away, and his life would have ended without the need for this conversation.

"Enough of the flattery. Let's talk business," Martin said with a meaningful look. "If I follow you to suppress the rebellion and face the risk of my troops suffering great losses, how do you intend to compensate me?"

"I can represent the King residence and offer you a city," Thorian proposed.

In West Lucozia, the eight major lords each had their own territories. Disrupting this balance by gifting Martin a city could lead to various complications.

At this point, there was no time for further consideration.

"One city won't be enough," Martin stated.

"Uncle Martin, what else do you need? Please tell me," Thorian inquired.

"I want 800 elite Black Dragon troops, the cream of the crop!" Martin declared.

"The elite of the Black Dragon troops?" Thorian furrowed his brow slightly. The Black Dragon troops in West Lucozia were already considered battle-hardened, and selecting the cream of the crop would mean choosing from among the best soldiers, each of whom was a battle-hardened warrior.

Eight hundred battle-hardened warriors was a significant request, given the immense resources and training required for each of them.

"How about it? Not willing?" Martin asked. "You should know that if it were Antonio, he wouldn't hesitate to give me 3,000 elite troops."

"Antonio has more troops and generals under his command, while I have no established base. There's no comparison," Thorian sighed.

"So, I'm only asking for 800 elite soldiers. I'm doing this out of respect for your father," Martin stated. "And if you can't make this decision, you can go back and discuss it with your mother, though I'm not sure if you have the time."

After a moment of contemplation, Thorian eventually nodded. "Alright, I agree! As long as Uncle Martin helps the King residence suppress the rebellion, I'm willing to provide 800 elite Black Dragon troops."

"Good! I like your spirit," Martin laughed heartily. "Young man, you have courage. What are 800 elite troops? Once you inherit the throne, all of West Lucozia will be yours."

"Uncle Martin, is this a deal then?" Thorian asked, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Of course!" Martin replied with pride. "I may have no other virtues, but I always keep my word. From now on, my troops are at your disposal."

"Thank you for your righteousness, Uncle Martin," Thorian said with gratitude.

"Furthermore, seeing how straightforward you are, I have one more gift for you," Martin said as he took out writing materials and quickly penned a letter. He handed it to Thorian with a smile. "If I'm not mistaken, you'll be heading to the territory of Tyson, the Marquis of Sunshine City. I have a good relationship with Tyson, and this letter will help you make a strong impression. It should significantly increase your chances of convincing him."

"Thank you, Uncle Martin!" Thorian expressed his gratitude and took the letter.

"All right, time is of the essence. Hurry and get to work," Martin said, waving his hand.

"Farewell!" Thorian once again gave his respects and left.

With the assistance of Marquis Martin secured, there was only one person left to approach—the Marquis of Sunshine City, Tyson.

Tyson differed from the powerful military leaders like Martin. He was a pure civil servant who had climbed the ranks from a minor ninth-rank official to become a regional lord.

His extraordinary abilities and intelligence set him apart, and he was unmatched in West Lucozia. Acquiring Tyson's support would mean adding a skilled strategist to their cause.

Chapter 1806: Marquis of border fortress and regional capital, Sunshine City

Dusk was falling as Thorian, Dustin, and their entourage arrived at the border fortress and regional capital, Sunshine City.

Sunshine City was located in the territory governed by Marquis Tyson. Over a decade ago, it was a destitute small town, but under Tyson's governance, it had grown into one of the top five cities in West Lucozia. In just a short span of time, the city had excelled in military, economic, political, cultural, educational, and healthcare aspects. Tyson's leadership had turned the city into a prosperous and thriving center.

If Martin represented a martial hero of turbulent times, Tyson was the competent statesman of peacetime.

Now, as the group stood outside the Marquis's mansion, they knew this was their last stop.

"Big brother, this is our final destination," Thorian said as he gazed at the sign outside the Marquis's mansion. "The Marquis Tyson, had a close friendship with Father, and he's known for his warmth and loyalty. With Martin's letter and credentials, we should be in good shape."

"It's hard to say," Dustin replied, shaking his head. "The closer we get to the final moment, the more cautious we should be. Tyson is an astute person, and nobody really knows what's on his mind. Even Rufus Rhys couldn't completely fathom his thoughts."

"Are you worried about unforeseen complications?" Thorian asked cautiously.

Dustin nodded slightly. "Before, Antonio had already contacted Martin. If he had reached out to Martin, he probably did the same with Tyson. My concern is that, in case Tyson is persuaded by Antonio to join his side, our visit might be walking into a trap."

Thorian understood the concerns. Antonio was not a fool, and achieving the position of Chief General of the Magnificent Cavalry meant he was not only a great warrior but also a shrewd strategist. He would surely be aware of their actions, and while they were busy trying to enlist support, Antonio wouldn't be idle.

"Let's hope for the best," Thorian said with a hint of anxiety.

"We must be cautious and prepared for any situation," Dustin responded with a determined tone.

Among the four southern feudal lords, Alexander is brave and loyal. He has even handed over his military orders, so he is definitely on their side.

On the other hand, Rowan has already signed a marriage contract with the Rhys family, binding their interests together. There shouldn't be any issues there.

As for Martin, he not only rejected the conditions set by Antonio but also killed his envoy. Cooperation between the two sides is impossible now.

The only uncertainty lies with Tyson.

If Tyson is willing to join the Rhys family's camp, they will have the strength to confront Antonio.

On the contrary, if Tyson joins Antonio's camp, they will be in big trouble.

"Brother, your concerns are valid, but now, we don't have a choice. We have to try. Hopefully, Tyson will stand with us," Thorian took a deep breath.

"Yes, with me here, I can at least keep you safe," Dustin nodded.

He had prepared for the worst.

If Tyson is truly bought by Antonio, he would set an ambush here.

Then, he would directly destroy the Marquis Tyson's mansion and support new personnel to take over.

Of course, he didn't want to resort to violence unless absolutely necessary.

"Let's go. Let's meet the Marquis Tyson together," Thorian's confidence surged, taking the lead towards the door.

"Greetings, Young Master!"

Thorian had just approached when an old steward standing at the door immediately bowed respectfully.


Thorian was surprised.

He hadn't revealed his identity, nor had he shown the Rhys family token. How did the steward recognize him at a glance?

"Do you... recognize me?"

Thorian was puzzled.

He thought for a moment and realized that he had never been to the Marquis Tyson's mansion before.

Chapter 1807: No problem

"The Marquis knew you were coming, so he asked this old servant to wait in advance," the old steward nodded in acknowledgment.

"He knew I was coming?"

Thorian raised an eyebrow slightly and glanced at Dustin beside him. He felt somewhat uneasy for reasons he couldn't quite put his finger on.

Tyson having prior knowledge could only mean two things: either Martin had informed him, or Antonio's envoy had arrived ahead of them.

"Young Master, the Marquis has been waiting for you. Please, come inside," the old steward bent at the waist and gestured inside.

Thorian nodded without saying much and walked straight in. They had come this far; there was no possibility of turning back now. Even in the face of danger, he had to proceed.

Following the old steward, they passed various facilities and finally arrived at the dining hall.

Inside the dining hall, a sumptuous feast was already laid out. The aroma of the food mixed with the scent of wine, making one's appetite soar.

Thorian and his companions had been traveling for a day and night without a meal. Now, seeing this delicious spread, their appetites couldn't help but awaken, and their stomachs started to rumble.

"Young Master, you must be famished after your long journey. Please have your meal first," the old steward said respectfully.

"What about the Marquis?" Thorian asked.

"The Marquis will be here shortly. Please wait," the old steward replied with his head lowered.

"In that case, I won't be polite."

Thorian smiled and waved his hand. "Come, all of you, sit down and eat."

"Yes, Young Master!"

A few personal guards responded and immediately picked up their chopsticks, starting to taste the dishes one by one.

Trained as they were, these guards could go without food or water for three days and nights without issue. However, they were behaving this way mainly to test the food for poison on behalf of Thorian.

Caution was necessary; in case Tyson had poisoned the food, they needed to be able to detect it immediately.

"Young Master, no problem."

After tasting each dish, the guards nodded at Thorian.

Thorian smiled faintly and didn't hold back, starting to enjoy the meal. After a day and night without food, he was indeed hungry. There was no point in wasting such delicious food when it was right in front of him.

After a stick of incense had burned down, the dishes on the table were wiped clean by the group, and they had also consumed several pots of wine. They were thoroughly satisfied.

"Young Master, have you finished your meal? Would you like some more dishes?" At this moment, a middle-aged man dressed in elegant clothing walked in with a smile.

This middle-aged man wore glasses and had a scholarly temperament, appearing kind and gentle. He looked like a learned scholar.

The newcomer was none other than the renowned Marquis Tyson!

"Uncle Tyson, thanks for your hospitality. My belly is already too full," Thorian patted his round belly and made an exaggerated gesture.

"In this remote and humble place, we don't have fancy wine or dishes. Being able to fill Young Master's stomach is already my honor," Tyson smiled.

"Uncle Tyson, you're too modest."

Thorian smiled faintly and continued, "Uncle Tyson, you knew I was coming. I assume you are aware of what happened in the Rhys family, right?"

"You're right; I already have a general idea of the situation," Tyson nodded straightforwardly. "To be frank, before your arrival today, which was this morning, the envoy of the Grand General had already paid me a visit."


Thorian's pupils contracted, his expression instantly turning serious. "Uncle Tyson, how did you respond?"

Tyson's support was crucial to him.

The consequences would be dire if Tyson joined Antonio's camp!

Chapter 1808: More suitable to be the King

Tyson didn't hurry to respond to Thorian's words. Instead, he sat down and poured himself and Thorian a glass of wine.

After a gentle clink of glasses, Tyson drained his cup in one go. "Good wine!" he remarked, wearing a satisfied smile.

Thorian, too, drank his wine calmly and then looked at Tyson, waiting for what would come next.

"Antonio invited me to join his camp and offered significant benefits, all of which I declined," Tyson said.

Hearing this, Thorian couldn't help but feel pleased. However, Tyson's next words left him slightly stunned.

"Young prince, don't celebrate too early. Although I refused Antonio's invitation, I won't send troops to aid you either. I dislike war, so I choose to remain neutral," Tyson said bluntly.


Thorian furrowed his brow and quickly tried to persuade him. "Uncle Tyson, you're a member of the West Lucozia. Can you bear to see West Lucozia divided and in chaos?"

"Young prince, my abilities are limited. I can't be of much help," Tyson shook his head. "I'm not ambitious; I only want to live in peace. I don't wish to be involved in power struggles. If I can maintain my peaceful life, I'll be content."

Pausing for a moment, Tyson continued, "Young prince, to be honest, both you and the Grand General are of the Rhys family bloodline. Either of you becoming the King of West Lucozia doesn't make much difference to me. What you call rebellion, in my eyes, is just a struggle for the throne."

"This..." Thorian was momentarily speechless.

Although he didn't want to admit it, what Tyson said made sense.

"I'm straightforward by nature, Young prince. If I have offended you in any way, I hope you can forgive me," Tyson nodded slightly, maintaining his composure.

"Uncle Tyson, it's only natural for you to long for peace. But if war breaks out, I'm afraid you won't be able to stay out of it either," Thorian tried to persuade him again.

"My Sunshine City is a small border town, impoverished and lacking in resources. Even if there's a war, it won't reach my city," Tyson said calmly. "Furthermore, I have reached an agreement with Antonio. As long as I don't get involved in the conflict between you, he guarantees that the flames of war will not spread to my territory."

"Uncle Tyson, I can promise you this: if you help the Wang family suppress the rebellion, after it's successful, I can grant you another city," Thorian began enticing him.

Tyson didn't hesitate and shook his head. "Young prince, Sunshine City is enough for me. I don't have the energy to manage another city. I must decline, I'm sorry."

"Uncle Tyson! There must be something you need. Just name your conditions, and I will do my best to fulfill them!" Thorian grew anxious.

The man before him seemed utterly indifferent to wealth or power.

He had no ambitions, no desires, content to live in peace. Dealing with such a person was proving incredibly challenging.

"I have no conditions. I only want to stay away from turmoil. Please understand, Young prince," Tyson said calmly, neither servile nor overbearing.

"Uncle Tyson, my father spoke highly of you as his dearest friend. Now that he has passed away, the Rhys family is in jeopardy. Are you truly willing to turn a blind eye?" Thorian appealed to his emotions.

Tyson wasn't heartless or unreasonable; there was a chance if approached with enough sincerity.

"Young prince, although your father and I were good friends, he would never force me into something I don't wish to do," Tyson said evenly. "Moreover, speaking frankly, your father was a remarkable leader, commanding the respect of all in West Lucozia. But you, you lack his capabilities significantly. In my eyes, the Grand General, Antonio, is more suitable to be the King of West Lucozia than you."

"What Uncle Tyson says is true; I am indeed not worthy of being the King of West Lucozia," Thorian nodded without objection. "In fact, I never thought about inheriting the throne. The reason I want to suppress the rebellion is merely for the stability of West Lucozia."

Chapter 1809: Revealing his original appearance

"Since Young prince doesn't want to inherit the throne, why engage in this struggle?" Tyson remained composed.

"I might not be worthy to be the King of West Lucozia, but there is someone who is, and this person is more suitable than Antonio!" Thorian spoke with conviction.
"Oh? Who is it?" Tyson raised an eyebrow slightly.

"My elder brother – Logan Rhys!" Thorian proclaimed loudly.

"Logan Rhys?"

Tyson narrowed his eyes, nodding noncommittally. "You're right. If it's the Crown Prince, he would be more than capable of being the King of West Lucozia. But the issue is, the Crown Prince has been missing for ten years, without a trace. We have no idea if he's alive or dead. How can he ascend the throne in this situation?"

"My elder brother is not dead, and he has returned to West Lucozia. The throne of West Lucozia belongs to him!" Thorian said firmly.

"Young prince, words alone are not evidence. Do you have any proof?" Tyson inquired.

If Logan Rhys had truly returned to West Lucozia, it would have caused a sensation throughout the city by now. The young man before him was obviously using an excuse to try to win his support.

"Uncle Tyson, I can provide evidence. But let me ask you this: if my elder brother ascends the throne, would you be willing to support him wholeheartedly?" Thorian countered.

"This..." Tyson furrowed his brow slightly, displaying a hint of hesitation.

Seeing Thorian's confidence, he started to feel uncertain.

"Uncle Tyson, West Lucozia needs a good prince. No one is more suitable to be the King of West Lucozia than my elder brother. I believe you must be well aware of this," Thorian argued.

"Very well! If I can see the Crown Prince with my own eyes, I will agree to support you. Otherwise, I'll have to decline. Let's consider this settled!" Tyson said solemnly.

Hearing this, Thorian smiled and then turned to look at Dustin, saying, "Elder brother, it's time for you to reveal yourself."

Dustin nodded, not saying a word, and removed the mask covering his face, revealing his original appearance.

"You are..." Tyson's eyes widened instantly, finding it hard to believe.

"Uncle Tyson, long time no see," Dustin smiled faintly.

"Crown... Crown Prince?" Tyson was dumbfounded, unable to react for a moment.

No matter how he calculated, he couldn't have anticipated that the esteemed Kirin Son, Logan Rhys, would disguise himself as a guard and hide beside Thorian.

If not for the revelation of his identity, it's likely that no one could have detected it.

"Uncle Tyson, how do you feel? Quite surprised, I presume?" Thorian smiled and said, "You are the second person, besides me, to know my brother's identity. We are being completely open and honest with you now, without any concealment."

"Crown Prince, you... you're really alive?" Tyson's voice trembled, tears welled up in his tiger-like eyes, and his emotions were stirred.

He had no feelings for Thorian, so he hadn't planned to support him. But for Logan Rhys, he had a peculiar sense of affection. The reason was simple: Logan Rhys's mother, Queen Nora, had shown him great kindness and had even saved his life. He had always wanted to repay Queen Nora's kindness but never had the chance. Especially after Queen Nora's passing, his sense of obligation had only grown stronger.

Now, seeing Logan Rhys standing there in good health, he felt as if he had seen Queen Nora from years past.

Chapter 1810: A counter strategy

"Thank you for your concern, Uncle Tyson. I am indeed alive," Dustin nodded.

He didn't understand Tyson's past, so he was somewhat surprised by the man's sudden emotional outburst.

"You are alive... You are really alive!" Tyson was both astonished and overjoyed. "A decade has passed in the blink of an eye. I never expected Crown Prince to grow so tall. I almost didn't recognize you."

"Yeah, ten years have passed, and many things have changed," Dustin sighed. Ten years ago, his mother had passed away, and now, his father had been assassinated. Within these ten years, both his parents had left him, a fact that was truly lamentable.

"Uncle Tyson, you just said that you would wholeheartedly support the Rhys Family if you saw my elder brother. Now that my elder brother has appeared, you won't change your mind, right?" Thorian probed.

"If Crown Prince is willing to ascend the throne, even if I have to sacrifice my life, I will support Crown Prince without hesitation!" Tyson said earnestly.

Compared to his previous calm and dispassionate demeanor, he was now spirited and exuded an unprecedented aura of determination.

"Good! Uncle Tyson, your words are as solid as gold!" Thorian laughed, feeling a great relief.

It had to be his elder brother to resolve this matter! He had talked his mouth dry trying to persuade Tyson, but his elder brother effortlessly settled the situation upon his appearance. Even though ten years had passed, the name of the Kirin Son of the Rhys Family remained deeply rooted in people's hearts, respected by all.

"Uncle Tyson, my return to West Lucozia is a secret that no one else knows. I hope you can keep it confidential until I capture my father's murderer!" Dustin entrusted.
"Your Highness, rest assured, I will keep it sealed," Tyson nodded.

Being as intelligent as he was, Tyson naturally understood Logan Rhys's intentions. The Prince had been assassinated by the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. Now, with Antonio vying for the throne, internal and external threats were constantly plaguing West Lucozia.

"At this moment, revealing your identity will only make you a target of public criticism. On the contrary, hiding in the shadows and waiting for the right opportunity is the best strategy," Tyson said.

"Thank you, Uncle Tyson," Dustin nodded his thanks.

"Your Highness, if we want to deal with Antonio, I have a plan," Tyson suddenly became thoughtful.

"Oh? Uncle Tyson, please share your plan," Dustin raised an eyebrow.

"Antonio has considerable prestige within the military, but compared to His Majesty, he falls short. Although the Four Southern Princes are loyal to Antonio, looking at the entire Black Dragon Army, over eighty percent of them are loyal to His Majesty, to the King Family.

If Your Highness covertly contacts the old subordinates of His Majesty, those loyal ministers and generals, I believe a powerful force can be quickly mobilized.

This force would be enough to defeat Antonio!" Tyson said earnestly.

Upon hearing this, Thorian's eyes brightened. "That's right! How did I not think of this? We can issue decrees in my elder brother's name, and surely many people will support us!"

While Antonio had significant power, he couldn't control everything. By uniting the major generals and commanders, they could marginalize him without even going to battle.

"If this were ten years ago, it might be possible, but now, I have no certainty," Dustin shook his head.

Ten years ago, he was at the height of his power and had unwavering support in West Lucozia. But now, things had changed. The name Logan Rhys might not resonate with many people anymore.

"Your Highness, do not underestimate yourself. For us old ministers, Your Highness is the hope for the future of West Lucozia. As long as you ascend the throne, there will be countless supporters!" Tyson said confidently.
Chapter 1811: King's mansion surrounded

"Um..." Dustin furrowed his brows slightly, appearing hesitant.

"Your Highness!"

Suddenly, Tyson clasped his hands and bowed, loudly declaring, "As a humble servant, I'm willing to clear the path for Your Highness. If you trust me, leave this matter to me. I will secretly contact those loyal ministers and soldiers, rapidly amassing strength. When the time is ripe, all Your Highness needs to do is give the signal, and we will surely assist in achieving your goal!"

"Uncle Tysin truly possesses great benevolence and righteousness. I deeply admire you!" Thorian praised sincerely.

"If that's the case, I'll trouble Uncle Tyson with this matter." Dustin reciprocated with a bow.

"It's my honor to serve Your Highness," Tyson responded.

"Marquis! Something's wrong!"

At that moment, a palace guard rushed into the room, looking panicked as he exclaimed, "We just received word that the West Lucozia King's mansion has been surrounded by a massive army. The situation is extremely dire!"

"What? Surrounded?"

Upon hearing this, both Dustin and Lu Thorian's expressions instantly changed.

They had only been out for less than two days, and they hadn't expected things to take such a turn so quickly.

"What happened? Please explain in detail!" Thorian urgently inquired.

The guard glanced at Tyson and, after receiving a nod of approval, began to speak, "The four northern regional lords led elite forces, infiltrating the capital city last night. All officers above the rank of battalion commander in the city's garrison were taken hostage, causing the city's military forces to fall into paralysis. Using the pretext of supporting the king, the four northern lords have laid siege to the king's mansion. They claim they intend to purge the wicked and avenge the king, but their true purpose is to seize power!"


Thorian angrily slammed the table and said, "They've gone too far! These people are truly going too far! How dare they surround the king's mansion? It's an audacious act!"

He had thought that even in the case of turmoil, the four regional lords would at most apply pressure, but he hadn't expected these individuals to be so audacious, tearing away all pretenses and directly attempting to uproot the power structure.

If the king's mansion falls and the military token ends up in the hands of Antonio, then they are truly in dire straits!

"It seems Antonio was well-prepared," Dustin furrowed his brow, deep in thought.

This unexpected move had indeed caught them off guard. He had been planning to unite with the four southern regional lords and persuade some loyal ministers and officers to jointly oppose Antonio. However, it appeared that their adversaries had taken the initiative.

The consequences would be unthinkable if the king's mansion was lost!

"Brother, what do we do now?" Thorian was getting anxious.

"We don't have time to think. We must hurry back and defuse the crisis at the king's mansion," Dustin said firmly.

"But the forces we have right now are far from enough to confront Antonio. Even with Uncle Tyson and the others' help, mobilizing troops and making arrangements will take time. We might not make it in time," Thorian furrowed his brows.

"We have no choice. We have to take this risk now," Dustin looked at Tyson and said seriously, "Uncle Tyson, I need you to immediately unite my father's old allies, and together with the other three regional lords, provide support for the king's mansion. I will do my best to buy you time until the reinforcements arrive."

"Your Highness, isn't this too risky?" Tyson frowned.

"We've already lost the initiative. We must take this risk," Dustin bowed deeply, a serious expression on his face. "Uncle Tyson, I entrust everything that follows to you."
"I... will never let Your Highness down," Tyson nodded firmly.

"Thank you, Uncle Tyson."

Dustin then turned to Thorian and said in a determined tone, "Let's go! Back to the king's mansion to have a word with Antonio!"

Chapter 1812: Wipe away those tears

In the late hours of the night, within the city walls, in front of the gates of the king's mansion, a vast assembly of armed soldiers formed a solid human wall, completely surrounding the expansive mansion. As far as the eye could see, there was a sea of people, numbering in the tens of thousands.

These were just the vanguard forces; in reality, there was another armed army stationed outside the city. They were the troops of the four northern regional lords, among them, mixed with a unit of personal guards under Antonio.

However, they were all in disguise.

At this moment, inside the king's mansion, Elara, dressed in plain mourning clothes and a mourning hat, stood with a fiercely cold demeanor at the main entrance. She held a sharp sword in her hand, exuding an imposing aura and a palpable intent to kill.

In this critical moment of life and death for the king's mansion, as the king's consort, Elara unhesitatingly stepped forward and took the lead.

Behind her stood Matt, along with a squadron of Wandering Black Army in armor. Their numbers were small, but they represented the mansion's most formidable force.

Behind the Wandering BlacK Army, a group of household soldiers and servants armed with various weapons formed a resolute defensive line, prepared to fight to the death.

Further into the inner courtyard, a group of elderly, weak, and women and children from the king's mansion, also dressed in mourning attire, held weapons and stared unwaveringly at the distant gate. Once the Wandering Black Army were defeated and the household soldiers and servants fell, they would not hesitate to charge forward and face the same fate as the mansion.

"Dad... Mom... I'm scared..."

Among the crowd, a boy of about ten years old trembled as he clutched a knife in his hands, his face ashen. He had been pampered since childhood; when had he ever experienced such a situation? Upon learning that the mansion was surrounded and there were tens of thousands of troops lying in ambush outside, he realized that the mansion's fate was sealed, and he might not survive the night.

"You worthless fool!"

A middle-aged man turned around and glared, shouting, "I'm a son of the Rhys family, veterans on the battlefield, having faced death countless times. Not one of us is a coward. If you dare to take one step back today, I'll deal with you before anyone else!"


The young boy trembled in fear, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Crying? For what? A real man sheds blood, not tears. Losing a head is nothing but a scar the size of a bowl. Wipe away those tears for me!" the middle-aged man roared.

The young boy dared not say another word and quickly wiped away his tears.

A woman beside them turned to the young boy and forced a smile, "Little boy, there's nothing to fear. No matter what happens, your parents will be with you."

"Little boy, the more afraid we are, the stronger we must be. We can't let others look down on us!" At this moment, a determined look filled the eyes of a fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl.

"Yeah!" The young boy clenched his teeth and nodded vigorously.

"Little girl..."

The woman pulled out a bottle of medicine and handed it to the young girl, instructing, "You must protect your brother. If we can't hold them back, both of you should drink this bottle of medicine. It will spare you from some suffering."

"I understand." The young girl nodded and tightly held onto the bottle.

She knew that this was a vial of poison. If the mansion's troops couldn't hold off the invaders, she would have no choice but to take her own life with it. Otherwise, her fate might be even worse than death.

A somber atmosphere blanketed the entire mansion. Everyone knew that disaster was looming over the king's mansion. Yet, despite their fear and the certainty of death, not a single person wavered.


At this moment, the soldiers outside the mansion began forcefully pounding on the doors.

Chapter 1813: Four northern regional lords

The heavy gates of the prince's mansion resounded with each heavy blow, shaking relentlessly. Each impact sounded like a massive hammer striking the hearts of those inside.

"Open the gate!"

Elara shouted, commanding her people to open the large doors directly.

This unexpected action left the soldiers who had been battering the doors utterly bewildered, unable to make heads or tails of the situation. Shouldn't they have kept the doors tightly sealed and fortified at this moment? Why were they opening the gates? Could there be an ambush inside?

"Pedro! Edgar! Andy! Santino! Show yourselves!" Elara stood there with her sword, speaking loudly. The overwhelming aura she exuded made the soldiers outside hesitate to approach.

The four names she called corresponded to the four northern regional lords, the main forces behind the rebellion.

"What's this? You dare to do but not to admit? Are you, the so-called four regional lords, just a bunch of cowardly rats?" Seeing no response, Elara spoke again, her words powerful and resonant, echoing throughout the mansion and beyond.

After a few seconds, the soldiers in front of the mansion suddenly dispersed, clearing a wide path. Following this, four middle-aged men, each wearing armor and cloaks, with different appearances, walked side by side.

These newcomers were indeed the four northern regional lords.

"Pedro—Greetings, Your Highness!"

"Edgar—Greetings, Your Highness!"

"andy—Greetings, Your Highness!"

"Santino—Greetings, Your Highness!"

The four men reached the gate and simultaneously bowed in respect.

"Hmph! Do you still recognize me as your queen?" Elara spoke in a cold tone.

"Your Highness, what are you saying? You're a queen for a day, and you'll be a queen for life," Pedro said with a smile, not a hint of humor in his words.

"If you still consider me a queen, then why did you rise in rebellion?" Elara exclaimed.

"Your Highness, there's a misunderstanding. We haven't rebelled; we're here in support of the king," Pedro said with a smile.

"That's right!" Edgar nodded beside him. "The king's death was very suspicious, and we've heard that someone intentionally harmed him. So, we've sent troops to apprehend the culprits."

"Indeed! We are loyal to the king. Now that something has happened to him, we cannot stand idly by," andy chimed in.

"I feel the same way," Santino concurred briefly.

"The matter of the king's assassination is currently under a full investigation, and there's no need for your concern. If you have any conscience left, then withdraw your troops immediately!" Elara stated firmly.

"The king's mansion is facing catastrophe, and as regional lords, it is our duty to come and help. Your strong reaction, Your Highness, is it out of fear, or is it because you have something to hide?" Pedro said, his words carrying a deeper meaning.

"How dare you! Are you actually suspecting me?" Elara narrowed her eyes.

"We don't doubt Your Highness, but some of the people around you may not be as trustworthy. To ensure justice for the king, we must search the mansion and question any suspicious individuals," Pedro declared.

"Outsiders are not allowed to enter the mansion with weapons. This is our rule!" Elara shouted.

"In times of crisis, we must take extraordinary measures."

Pedro made a hand gesture and said, "Men, go inside and search!"

"Let's see who dares!" Elara suddenly took two steps forward, lifting her longsword and aiming it at Pedro's throat. "If any of you takes one step inside the mansion today, don't blame me for showing no mercy!"

Upon seeing this standoff, a group of soldiers who had just approached the scene was once again frozen in their tracks. After all, she was the queen of West Lucozia, and having long held her position, she exuded an invisible sense of authority.

"Your Highness, we're all seeking vengeance for the king. If you insist on blocking us, don't blame us for disrespect," Pedro squinted, a glint of coldness in his eyes.

Chapter 1814: Change The Plan

"If you want to enter the mansion, you'll have to step over my lifeless body!" Elara stood her ground, her aura overwhelming, guarding the gate alone.

Her actual strength was not remarkable; she could be considered a cultivator with innate talent at best. However, the presence she displayed at this moment was more powerful than even a grandmaster martial artist.

Not only did it stun the ordinary soldiers, but even Pedro was momentarily taken aback, his brow furrowing, hesitant to make any rash moves.

Their attention was directed at the other three regional lords.

While they had resorted to a siege under the pretext of investigating the king's assassination, they were well aware that they had gone too far. Even if they could justify it later due to excessive grief and momentarily uncontrolled emotions, if they ended up causing the death of the queen while trying to force her out of the palace, no explanation or reasoning would wash away that crime.

It would undoubtedly incite public outrage, not just within West Lucozia but also from Stonia. The latter would likely send troops to suppress them. After all, Elara wasn't just the queen of West Lucozia; she was also the Dragonmarsh's eldest princess.

With that status, they couldn't afford to take any rash actions.

In simpler terms, they could kill everyone in the mansion except Elara. So, when Elara took a stance that implied a mutual death scenario, they found themselves somewhat at a loss.

"What should we do now?" Pedro looked at the three other regional lords and asked in a low voice.

"The arrow is already on the string, and there's no turning back. We've come this far; there's no reason to retreat now," Edgar said coldly.

"That's right, we're just one step away from success. We can't give up at this point," Andy concurred.

"I understand, but what I mean is, how do we handle the queen?" Pedro said in a hushed voice.

"As long as we don't harm the queen, it won't be a significant problem," Santino suddenly interjected.

"Do you mean... kidnapping her?" Pedro raised an eyebrow.

"Do you have any other ideas?" Santino countered.

Pedro remained silent and turned to Edgar and Andy, his expression carrying a questioning undertone.

"We have no other choice," Edgar nodded.

"I agree," Andy followed suit.

With unanimous agreement, Pedro shouted loudly, "Listen up, everyone. The queen has been deceived by treacherous advisors and has lost her senses. Your mission is to protect the queen, get her medical help. Understood?"


The soldiers replied with a resounding shout.

"Now, listen to my command. Enter the mansion and save the queen!"

Pedro waved his hand, and a large number of soldiers dropped their weapons and surged forward. Elara held a prestigious position, so they couldn't afford to use weapons; injuring her would complicate the situation.


Just as they were about to breach the mansion, a thunderous shout erupted from nowhere. Simultaneously, a figure in golden armor, none other than Thorian, descended from the sky and blocked the gate.

As he touched the ground, his feet unleashed a powerful energy wave that instantly sent dozens of soldiers flying, clearing a wide area.

"Who dares to be so audacious!" Thorian drew the sword at his waist and stood at the gate, exuding a formidable aura, as if a divine warrior had descended to earth, intimidating everyone present.


Chapter 1815: A full-scale battle

Seeing her son return safely, Elara's expression brightened for a moment, but it soon became grave. She noticed that her son had returned with the same number of people as when he left, without any additional troops.

"Could it be that they failed?" Elara furrowed her brow, growing increasingly concerned. Their only hope was to persuade the four southern warlords to intervene and face off against the four northern warlords. The situation didn't look promising.

"You have a lot of nerve! How dare you trespass into the palace? Do you have a death wish?" Thorian thundered.

His voice was like a roaring tempest, deafening and formidable, causing the tens of thousands of troops from the four northern warlords to hesitate.

"So, the little prince has returned," Pedro said with a faint smile. "We, the four northern warlords, have uncovered the true culprits within the palace. To avenge our beloved king, we must search the palace. We kindly ask the little prince to step aside."

"Search the palace? Preposterous!" Thorian bellowed. "Do you think the palace is a place you can simply enter and search? Get out of here!"

"Little prince, we act out of genuine loyalty to the country and the people. Your resistance only raises suspicions. Please move aside," Pedro calmly responded.

"Hmph! Don't put on a façade in front of me. Everyone knows your true intentions!" Thorian coldly retorted.

"Young prince, we don't understand what you're talking about," Pedro said.

"Pedro! I'll give you one chance. If you leave immediately, I can pretend this never happened. You can remain as the lords of the North and live out your lives in prosperity," Thorian warned.

But then he added, "However, if you persist in this rebellion, I can guarantee you will regret it!"

"Young prince, we act for the greater good. Please let us through!" Pedro remained unyielding.

The other three warlords also maintained their resolute expressions, showing no signs of backing down. At this point, they had no reason to retreat. They knew that by supporting Antonio's rise to power, they would be recognized as great contributors, potentially increasing their own influence. In their eyes, General Antonio, as the commander of the West Lucozia Army, had the best chance of ascending the throne after the death of the King Rufus Rhys. As for Thorian, he was nothing more than an inexperienced child who had no right to sit above them.

"I'm leaving it here today. Whoever dares to take a step forward, I will make sure their head rolls!" Thorian declared with a fierce determination.

"Hmm?" Pedro raised an eyebrow slightly and signaled a few of his guards behind him.

His guards nodded and began to move forward slowly.

"Courting death!" Thorian's expression darkened, and without any hesitation, he raised his blade and slashed it through the air.


A sharp blade aura shot out like a bolt of lightning and instantly pierced the throats of several guards.

The guards froze and stood motionless, before their heads fell to the ground, rolling like balls.

Pedro's pupils constricted, and instead of being shocked, he appeared delighted. He shouted, "Did everyone see that? The young prince has gone insane, killing indiscriminately. As loyal subjects and soldiers, we must cure his madness to prevent further harm to the innocent!"

"Seize the young prince! Enter the palace to search for the culprits!" Edgar shouted.

"Seize the young prince! Enter the palace to search for the culprits!" The four warlords rallied their troops, calling out in unison.

In the next moment, a massive force of armed soldiers transformed into an unstoppable surge, converging upon Thorian. The conflict had escalated to a full-scale battle.

Chapter 1816: Wandering Black Army

"Seeking death!"

As armed soldiers swarmed toward him, Thorian erupted with rage. He abandoned any thoughts of holding back and plunged into the midst of the soldiers.

With his current status as a Martial Grandmaster and years of battlefield experience, he was a fierce and skilled combatant, practically unstoppable when charging into the battle lines.

"Protect the young prince! Kill!"

Elara raised her longsword into the air, and her personal guards, the Wandering Black Army, unsheathed their weapons in unison.


With a wave of his long blade, Matt led more than a hundred Wandering Black Army charging into the ranks of the opposing army.

Though the Wandering Black Army were relatively few in number, each member was a formidable warrior, trained to perfection. Under the command of Martial Grandmaster Matt Turner, their charge was irresistible, cutting through the opposing forces like a sharp knife through butter.

With less than two hundred soldiers, they sliced a long and deep gap into the enemy's ranks, striking at the heart of the enemy forces.

Under the protection of their bodyguards, the four warlords immediately distanced themselves from the battlefield to avoid being assassinated.

"Who would have thought that the Royal Palace held such an elite force," Pedro said, squinting in slight surprise.

"It's fortunate there are only a few hundred of them. Otherwise, we'd be in big trouble," Edgar said with relief.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be the legendary Wandering Black Army, handpicked elites from the Black Dragon Army by Rufus Rhys. Every one of them is a rare talent," Andy explained.

"I see. It makes sense why they're so formidable," Santino nodded.

"Nevertheless, their numbers are too few to pose a threat to us. Once their stamina runs low, they'll become easy prey. Don't be too impressed by their current performance," Pedro continued.

"Could there be any surprises or contingencies?" Edgar suddenly asked.

"What kind of contingency could there be? The Royal Palace is surrounded, and its fall is only a matter of time. Beyond the city, our main army is stationed. If anything out of the ordinary happens, we will be the first to know. So relax!" Andy reassured.

"Exactly! The situation is already determined. Relying solely on Elara and Thorian, there's no way they can turn the tide. Moreover, we have the Grand General working behind the scenes. Even if the Southern Four Lords arrive in person, they won't be able to stir up much trouble," Pedro said confidently.

After Rufus Rhys's departure, the core members of the Royal Palace were left to defend, relying on a group of old, young, and weak individuals. How could they compete with the mighty power of Antonio?

Even if Thorian persuaded the Southern Four Lords, what could they do? Their troops couldn't enter the city, let alone rescue the Royal Palace.

In this situation, no one could change the inevitable course of events.

Time continued to pass, and the battle between the two sides escalated.

On the side of the Royal Palace, Thorian and Matt led more than a hundred Wandering Black Army, charging fiercely.

At the beginning, their momentum was formidable, and the forces of the Four Lords couldn't stop them. But as the battle raged on, the gap in numbers became more apparent.

The Wandering Black Army, although fierce, were significantly outnumbered, and the exhaustion began to take its toll. Their opponents, the vanguard forces of the Four Lords, numbered in the tens of thousands.

No matter how many soldiers they killed, more enemy soldiers took their place.

After several waves of fighting, the Wandering Black Army began to show signs of fatigue and casualties.

Seeing this, the Four Lords grew more spirited.

"Hahaha... see that? The Royal Palace's elite force is no longer effective; they will be surrounded and wiped out very soon," Pedro said triumphantly.

"Chickens trying to fight against an eagle, they don't know their own limits," Andy shook his head.

"It's a pity to see such a formidable force in the Royal Palace. If they were my subordinates, it would be even better," Edgar sighed.

Chapter 1817: One step away from success

Just as they were discussing the battle, Santino suddenly exclaimed, "Quick, look! What is that?"

The others followed his gaze and saw a black streak descending from the sky, crashing into the midst of the large army.


A deafening noise, like an earthquake, shook the ground, and a powerful shockwave, like a tsunami, radiated out from the impact point, sweeping through the surroundings.

Wherever it went, soldiers were thrown to the ground, and cries of agony filled the air.

This single impact caused the immediate death and injury of hundreds of people.

"What the hell is that?" Pedro squinted his eyes.

Due to the massive amount of dust and debris kicked up, it was impossible to see what had just landed.

"Could it be some kind of meteorite fragment?" Edgar wondered.

"A meteor falling from the sky? That's too coincidental," Andy scoffed.

"I saw it clearly! It's a person!" Santino exclaimed as he pointed in the direction where the figure had landed. "He's charging towards us!"

His words were barely spoken when a black figure burst out from the cloud of dust and headed straight for the Four Lords.

The figure held a black sword and moved at an incredible speed. Wherever he passed, no one could stop him. The armed soldiers were like fragile tofu in the face of his onslaught.

Countless casualties and deaths followed in his wake.

"It's an assassin! Quick, stop him!" Santino reacted first and rallied his troops to confront the approaching figure.

"Hmph! It's like using a pebble against a giant boulder. We have tens of thousands of troops to protect us. Even if this person has extraordinary abilities, it's impossible for him to take our lives among thousands of soldiers," Pedro said with disdain.

While the saying goes, "Catch the thief before the king, kill the enemy's commander first," when it came to practical implementation, it was as difficult as climbing to the heavens. The idea of assassination usually happened covertly. Conducting an assassination right in front of everyone, targeting the commanding officer, was tantamount to seeking one's death.

Each of them had a powerful personal guard force. If they were in danger, they could easily escape with the protection of their guards and wouldn't fear assassination.

"Pedro! Something doesn't seem right! That assassin is too fierce. Ordinary soldiers can't stop him at all!" Santino furrowed his brows.

His sharp eyes allowed him to clearly see the figure wreaking havoc in the crowd.

"Why are you panicking? It's just an assassin. I don't believe he can cause much trouble!" Pedro remained disdainful.

After all, they were lords and princes. They couldn't possibly be scared off by a lone assassin, right?

"Pedro! This is getting serious! The assassin is getting closer, less than a hundred meters from us. For safety's sake, we must retreat!" Santino said sternly.

"This..." Pedro furrowed his brows, his face turning uneasy.

He initially thought that the assassin wouldn't get far, but now it seemed that the assassin was about to breach their entire military camp.

The assassin's strength was truly terrifying!

The problem was, he had just issued a stern statement. If he retreated now, it would be like slapping himself in the face. It would damage his authority.

"Damn it! I don't care anymore; let's retreat!" Seeing that Pedro was taking too long to make a decision, Santino didn't bother arguing. He immediately ordered the retreat, taking his personal guard force with him.

They were just one step away from success. If they fell to the assassin's hand tonight, they would become a laughingstock throughout the land.

Chapter 1818: Safety First

Santino was quick-witted. When he saw that the assassin was unstoppable, he decisively ordered his personal guard force to fall back. As the saying goes, you don't worry about running out of firewood when you still have green hills. For the time being, they needed to evade the assassin's attack and wait for the assassin to exhaust himself. Then, they could use their main forces to encircle and kill him, which was the most prudent course of action.

"Pedro! I think Santino is right; safety first. I'll head to the back to get out of the assassin's way." Seeing Santino retreat, Edgar also chose to leave. Under the protection of his personal guard force, he began to slowly withdraw.

"Hmph! Cowards!" Pedro furrowed his brow slightly, showing some dissatisfaction. He then turned his gaze toward Andy and said with a meaningful tone, "Lord Andy, you've always been brave. You shouldn't be considering backing down like those two, right?"

"Of course not!" Andy stretched his muscles, and a cold smile crossed his face. "Just a mere assassin; I'm not concerned in the least."

He had earned his status as one of the regional lords through years of struggles, and he had witnessed many grand scenes. A mere assassin couldn't intimidate him.

"Alright! Let's see just how skilled this assassin is!" Pedro nodded with satisfaction and then made a grand gesture. "Form up! Capture the assassin!"

"Understood!" Following this command, hundreds of his personal guard force drew their longswords and advanced to encircle the assassin.

"Capture the assassin!" Andy, not wanting to be overshadowed, also unsheathed his sword and led his personal guard force to approach the assassin from another direction.

Their personal guard forces were composed of elite soldiers, each capable of taking on several regular troops. Unlike the common soldiers that the assassin had faced so far, they were a different caliber of warriors. The assassin, while skilled, was only able to rampage through the regular troops because he hadn't encountered true elites yet. Once Pedro's and Andy's personal guard forces entered the fray, it would be impossible for the assassin to continue his unrestrained rampage.

True enough, as soon as the personal guard forces of the two lords entered the scene, the assassin's charge immediately slowed down. Elite guard forces, whether in terms of strength, equipment, or combat experience, were far superior to regular soldiers. While they couldn't necessarily contend with top-tier experts, they served as a significant impediment to the assassin's unrestrained advance.

Just like regular soldiers wearing basic steel armor and the elite personal guards equipped with dark iron armor, the difference in their defensive capabilities was significant. When dealing with a martial arts grandmaster, it took much more effort to slay ten personal guards than to kill a hundred ordinary soldiers.

"Hmph! He's not as formidable as he thought. As soon as our personal guard forces arrived, he was no match for them," Andy sneered, thinking he had the upper hand.

"Of course! These elites were cultivated with significant investments. They can't be compared to regular soldiers," Pedro said with a faint smile.

"Who can slay this villain? I'll reward them with ten thousand taels of gold!" Andy raised his longsword towards the sky and shouted loudly.

When these words were spoken, the thousands of soldiers were stirred into a frenzy. The initial fear was replaced by avarice. Ten thousand taels of gold was enough to drive anyone mad.

"Kill, kill, kill! Get him!" The soldiers roared and rushed towards the assassin without any fear of death.

The defensive formation they maintained earlier inadvertently created a gap. The assassin seized the opportunity, accelerated, and charged at Pedro and Andy before the gap closed.

"Don't panic! Hold the line!" Pedro's brow furrowed, and he quickly issued orders, but it was too late.

The assassin was simply too fast. After finding the opening, he was unstoppable, and the sword in his hand seemed like a meat grinder. Everywhere he passed, it was a bloodbath, and no one could stop him.

Even when the personal guard forces of the two regional lords attempted to block his path, it had no effect. The black-clad assassin was like a tiger in a flock of sheep, wreaking havoc.

"This is bad! He concealed his true power earlier. We fell for it!" Andy's expression changed as he quickly realized the truth. During the confrontation with the personal guard, the assassin had deliberately pretended to be overwhelmed and showed signs of being trapped.

Chapter 1819: The black sword assassin

However, as their personal guards gathered completely, the assassin suddenly unleashed a shocking display of strength. His reason for doing so was simple: he wanted to draw their personal guards out, weakening their defense and making it easier for him to carry out the assassinations.

"Damn it! He's so cunning and deceitful! Retreat quickly!" Seeing their personal guards couldn't return in time, Pedro was finally starting to panic. He quickly led the generals with him in a retreat.

But at this moment, they had already missed the ideal moment for withdrawal. The black-clad assassin's charge was much faster than their retreat.

In just two short minutes, the distance between them was reduced to less than twenty meters.

"Lord! A few of us will hold off the assassin for you! You should retreat first!" Seeing that they couldn't escape, several generals decisively drew their swords and charged toward the black-clad assassin, urging Pedro to retreat.

However, these few men only managed to hold their ground for less than ten seconds before they were all defeated.

"Damn it! I'll face you to the death!" Andy roared and charged forward with his sword, instead of retreating.

"Andy, don't be impulsive!" Pedro's complexion changed drastically, and he tried to stop Andy, but it was too late.

Andy had already charged forward, and when he attacked the black-clad assassin with his sword, the assassin caught the blade. He then swiftly thrust his sword through Andy's shoulder.

"Who are you?" Andy gritted his teeth, enduring the pain.

The black-clad assassin remained silent and suddenly grabbed Andy's collar. He then tossed Andy high into the air.


Andy soared through the air like a projectile, flying over the gates of the mansion and crashing heavily into the courtyard.


A loud crash followed. Andy's body created a human-shaped depression in the ground, and he spat out blood.

"His entire body, countless bones broken, he didn't know how many.


Elara, who stood at the door, suddenly turned around, his long sword at Andy's throat, shouting, 'Order your soldiers to surrender their weapons immediately, or else—die!'
Outside the royal palace.

Seeing Andy being thrown away, Pedro couldn't help but freeze for a moment, then he sprinted away.

At this moment, he finally regretted it.

If he had known that this assassin was so powerful, he should have retreated in time like Edgar and Santino. He wouldn't have placed himself in danger.

'Can you escape?'

The dark figure snorted coldly, flashed forward, grabbed Pedro's collar, and lifted him up.

'Don't... don't kill me! I'll give you whatever you want!' Pedro panicked and quickly pleaded.

'Kill you? That would be letting you off too easily!'

With a single throw, the dark figure sent Pedro flying into the air, then jumped up and kicked him in the abdomen.


A muffled sound.

Pedro was sent flying like a soccer ball, directly passing over the heads of many soldiers, and finally accurately landing inside the royal palace gates.

He fell, bruised and battered, spitting blood, screaming in agony.

'Capture him!'

At Elara's command, people who had been waiting for a long time immediately tied up Pedro.

Two out of the four major lords had been captured.

As long as the last two were dealt with, the crisis at the royal palace would naturally be resolved.

'It's your turn!'

Outside the royal palace, Dustin suddenly looked up, his sharp eyes sweeping towards Edgar and Santino in front of him. Finally, he raised his sword and charged."

Chapter 1820: That was close

"Dustin's plan was simple: capture the thieves first, then the king.

When the two sides started the battle, Thorian and the Wandering Black Army would attract most of the enemy's firepower.

Then, he would seize the opportunity to infiltrate the enemy ranks and capture the four major lords alive.

With his strength, he couldn't slay tens of thousands of soldiers, but taking the head of an enemy general from within a large army posed no significant challenge.

To prevent the four major lords from retreating out of fear, he initially held back, showing weakness. It wasn't until Pedro and Andy's personal guards were lured away that he suddenly unleashed his full power and captured the two of them.

Now that Pedro and Andy were captured, only Edgar and Santino remained.

As long as he dealt with the last two lords, the enemy forces outside the royal palace would naturally retreat without a fight.

"It's your turn!"

Dustin's gaze sharpened. After locating the positions of the two men, he charged towards them with his sword raised.

"Quick! Stop him!"

"Someone! Hurry, someone! Don't let him get close!"

Edgar and Santino roared repeatedly, their expressions filled with panic.

They had faced formidable enemies on the battlefield before, but no matter how powerful a martial artist was, if they were surrounded, there was only one way to go: death.

However, this assassin was entirely different. He was not only unstoppable but also increasingly fierce, showing no signs of fatigue.

Tens of thousands of soldiers couldn't stop this lone individual, which was simply unbelievable!

He might even rival the legendary West Lucozia Sword Immortal, Bloodstrike Zenon.

When had the royal palace produced such a formidable expert?

"Protect the Lords!"

Seeing Dustin charging directly at them with no one able to stop him, the personal guards of the two major lords immediately formed a defensive formation, attempting to prevent Dustin from approaching.

They had no confidence in killing the assassin, but they hoped to delay him long enough for their Lords to escape.

"Lords! Don't look back! Get on the carriage quickly!"

Several trusted generals didn't hesitate; they pushed Edgar and Santino directly onto the carriage.

All the nearby streets had been sealed off during the siege of the royal palace. The vehicle could move freely. As long as the guards held on for a few more minutes, Pedro and Santino could retreat to a safe place and hide. They could reappear after the assassin was killed by the surrounding army.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Seeing the two vassals attempting to escape, Dustin swung his long sword and turned into a black streak, crashing straight into the carriage.

"Tortoise Formation!"

Hundreds of guards abandoned their long knives and pulled out shields from their backs, holding them in front of their chests, forming sturdy human walls.

They knew they couldn't defeat the enemy, so they chose to focus on full defense.

"Get out of the way!"

Dustin didn't dodge or evade; he rammed straight into the human wall.

His long sword danced, blood splattering everywhere. Wherever the sword light passed, whether it was a person or a shield, it was split in half.

Although he was still unstoppable, the resistance was noticeably stronger, and his efficiency in breaking through was much lower.

"Hold the line! Don't retreat!"

Several squad leaders roared, commanding their subordinates, using their lives to buy time.

However, the gap in strength was evident. Even if they risked their lives, they couldn't stop Dustin's onslaught. At best, they could only slightly slow down his progress.
"Drive! Drive faster!"

Inside the carriage, Edgar and Santino kept urging the driver.

A commander took the driver's seat, started the engine, stepped on the gas, and the vehicle shot out like a cheetah, quickly moving away from the battlefield.

Watching Dustin getting farther and farther away, the two men in the carriage couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Damn it! That was close! We almost got caught!"
Chapter 1821: A significant threat

Edgar wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, feeling a lingering fear in his heart.

Luckily they escaped quickly, and fortunately, the loyal guards delayed the assassin without fearing death. Otherwise, once the assassin got close, their fate would probably be the same as Pedro and Andy, captured alive.

By then, not only would all their efforts be in vain, but even their lives would be at stake.

"It's strange. Where did the royal palace find such a powerful person? Even tens of thousands of troops couldn't stop him," Santino frowned in contemplation.

According to their investigation, there were two powerful individuals in the royal palace, namely Matt Turner and Albert the Men Butcher. Albert had already been trapped by Antonio's plan, and Matt had just shown himself. Even though there might be an elite force hidden in the royal palace, it was within their expectations.

However, the assassin they encountered just now was beyond their plans.

If it were an ordinary assassin, it would be manageable. But the key issue was that this person was incredibly powerful, powerful enough to easily take the head of an enemy general from within a large army.

This terrifying sense of oppression surpassed even that of Albert and Matt Turner.

For them, it was a significant threat.

"I think we need to report this to the Grand Marshal as soon as possible and be cautious. This assassin is too strong. If he decides to conduct a decapitation operation, we won't be able to defend against it!" Edgar said with a serious expression.

"You're right! Contact the Grand Marshal immediately. Let him personally lead the troops to suppress this threat. Seize this opportunity to eliminate this assassin; otherwise, the consequences will be dire!" Santino said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" responded a commander from the co-pilot seat.

He then took out his phone and began to convey the information.


At that moment, the vehicle suddenly slammed on the brakes.

The tires screeched against the ground, leaving four long marks.

Inside the car, Edgar and Santino shook violently, their heads bumping against the front seats.

"What's going on? Why did we stop?!" Edgar rubbed his head, feeling annoyed.

"Lords, there's someone blocking the road up ahead!"

The driver pointed forward.

Both of them looked, and indeed, at the intersection ahead, there was a middle-aged man in black armor, holding a long spear, standing imposingly.

"Marquis of Woodside City—Martin?!"

Seeing the newcomer, Edgar and He Santino furrowed their brows.

They didn't expect Martin to be here, and judging by his stance, he was clearly an enemy, not a friend.

It was known that among the eight Lords of West Lucozia, Martin's personal martial prowess unquestionably ranked first. The combined strength of the other seven probably couldn't match Martin alone.

If they had their personal guards, they might have a chance to fight back. But now, with only two trusted generals by their side, dealing with Martin was highly unlikely.

"Edgar, Santino, you have quite the audacity to rebel. Get out of the car and surrender immediately, or don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Martin spoke loudly, his voice echoing like thunder, lingering in the sky for a long time.

"Lords! Should we ram through?" the driver asked.

"Ram what?!"

Edgar said irritably, "Martin is exceptionally powerful, a renowned warrior on the battlefield. We'd be sending ourselves to death if we go up against him!"

"What should we do then? Surrender without a fight?" Santino sounded anxious.

"Reverse! Let's escape in another direction!" Edgar ordered.


The driver slammed the gas pedal, and the vehicle immediately changed direction, speeding away.

However, just at that moment, a black figure suddenly descended from the sky.

Like a heavenly soldier descending to the mortal realm, he landed directly about a hundred meters ahead, blocking the path of the vehicle.

The newcomer was none other than Dustin, who had fought his way out of the encirclement!

Chapter 1822: Surrender for brighter future

At this moment, Dustin was covered in blood, exuding a strong murderous aura.

His originally black clothes had been stained dark red by the fresh blood. The Skyblade Sword in his hand trembled slightly, emitting a faint hum, as if it was ready to strike at any moment.

"Damn it! How could this guy be so fast?!"

Seeing Dustin blocking their way, Edgar's complexion changed involuntarily.

He had thought the personal guards could hold on a bit longer, but he didn't expect the assassin to break through their defenses and catch up so quickly.

"We're trapped between a rock and a hard place now!" Santino sounded panicked.

They were now fighting alone, with no room for resistance against the joint attack of two powerful individuals.

Martin might be manageable, given his status, he might not kill them outright. But the assassin was different.

They had witnessed the scene where he had slaughtered their enemies just moments ago. If they dared to resist, they might meet their end right there.

"Lord Edgar, what should we do now?" Santino swallowed hard.

Hearing this, Edgar couldn't help but sigh deeply, his face filled with despair. "What can we do? We've reached a dead end. If we don't want to die, we can only surrender and disarm."


Santino furrowed his brow. "Lord Edgar, we're carrying the crime of rebellion. Once we surrender, we might face exile or even execution. Whichever the outcome, our lives are over!"

"I know that, but right now, we don't have any other choice," Edgar said, looking at Dustin, who was filled with killing intent in front of them, and then at Martin, imposing and powerful, behind them. He spoke bitterly, "There's nothing we can do. Surrendering at least gives us a slim chance of survival. Besides, the Grand Marshal hasn't made a move yet. As long as we're alive, there's still hope for a comeback!"

Hearing these words, Santino's eyes lit up. "Yes! We still have the Grand Marshal on our side. We haven't lost yet!"

"Surrender, endure for now, only to strive for a brighter future!" Edgar took a deep breath.

"Alright, surrender!" Santino nodded heavily.

Although surrendering was somewhat humiliating, at least it meant they could keep their lives.

They needed to bide their time, endure, and when the moment was right, rise again. They would coordinate with Antonio to seize control of the entire West Lucozia.

"Wait! Let's talk! Don't act rashly!"

After reaching an agreement, Edgar and Santino got out of the car one after the other. They spoke loudly, stopping Dustin and Martin, who were ready to use force.

"Hmph! You two old foxes are quite clever. If you were a few minutes later, I might have poked a few holes in you with this long spear!"

Martin walked over from behind, the tip of his long spear dragging on the ground, leaving a long trail, accompanied by a string of sparks.

"Marquis of Woodside City, why have you come?" Edgar asked cautiously.

"You northern Lords openly rebelled. As a loyal servant of West Lucozia, I naturally cannot stand idly by. So, I rushed here overnight to suppress you fools who don't know any better!" Martin said without mincing words.

"Marquis of Woodside City, is there any misunderstanding? We are seeking revenge for the King, that's why we sent troops to capture the murderer," Edgar tried to explain.

"Edgar, do you think I'm an idiot? At this point, are you still thinking about escaping unscathed?" Martin snorted coldly.

Chapter 1823: Admire your confidence

In the world of political rhetoric, it might work on ordinary citizens, but playing these games in front of him was an insult to his intelligence.

"Martin, given the current situation, we won't hide anything from you. Let's be frank," Santino took a step forward, his tone serious. "After the King's death, everyone is vying for power. Who do you think is the most suitable candidate to become the new King of West Lucozia?"

"What are you trying to say?" Martin sneered.

"I believe you should be well aware that the best candidate for the new king is General Antonio, the Grand Marshal!" Santino said with his head held high. "Only when the Grand Marshal becomes the King of West Lucozia can we have better development, more territory, and more soldiers. This is the overall trend, an irreversible situation. You are a smart person; you should know how to choose."

"Are you suggesting that I join your team?" Martin's smile was somewhat playful.

"Exactly!" Santino nodded, speaking loudly. "The Grand Marshal has outstanding achievements, wields significant power, and exceptional abilities. He is more than capable of becoming the King of West Lucozia. Birds choose trees to nest in, and wise ministers choose their lords. As long as you follow the Grand Marshal, your future will be limitless. You will have influence and power, whatever you desire, you shall obtain!"

"Yes, Marquis of Woodside City, we serve the same ruler. There's no animosity between us. As long as we serve a righteous monarch, we are bound to rise," Edgar echoed.

"That sounds promising." Martin smirked.

"So, does that mean you agree?" Santino's eyes brightened, thinking he had convinced Martin.

"Marquis of Woodside City, you have exceptional skills. As long as you help us deal with the assassin in front of us, we will definitely speak highly of you in front of the Grand Marshal!" Edgar pointed towards Dustin.

"Hey hey hey, who said I agreed?" Martin chuckled. "This Marquis is a loyal servant. I'm not like you bunch of small fries. Don't use your dirty thoughts to fathom my noble sentiments."

"Martin! It is said that wise men adapt to the times. Do you really want to oppose the Grand Marshal?" Santino shouted.

"So what?" Martin shrugged, indifferent. "I've already consulted someone. Antonio doesn't have the fate to become a king. You people have chosen the wrong person this time."

"Nonsense! The Grand Marshal's destiny is guided by the heavens. No one can compare. The throne of West Lucozia belongs to the Grand Marshal!" Santino glared, his voice fierce.

"Hehe... You're so confident. Do you really think you will succeed this time?" Martin smirked.

"Of course!" Santino held his head high, brimming with confidence. "The Grand Marshal is fully prepared. No one can challenge him. Let me tell you the truth: we have fifty thousand soldiers inside the city, and another hundred thousand troops stationed outside. The entire royal city is surrounded by us. Even if you have extraordinary abilities, you won't be able to stir up any waves!"

"Is that so? If you're that powerful, why are you in this desperate situation now?" Martin sneered.

"We were just careless and fell into an ambush. It's nothing major; it won't affect the final outcome. Martin, if you're wise, join us in supporting the Grand Marshal. This way, you can live a comfortable life. If you don't cooperate, your fate will be destruction!" Santino threatened sternly.

"Destruction? Hahaha..." Martin suddenly burst into laughter. "Santino, you're already at your end, yet you're still talking so arrogantly. I don't know whether to admire your confidence or your foolishness. Let me tell you a cruel fact, the four southern marquises have formed an alliance and gathered a large number of loyal ministers and former subordinates. Now, your troops stationed outside the city have surrendered to us, surrounded by us. Your only fate now is a dead end!"

Chapter 1824: No evidence to back up

Hearing Martin's words, both Edgar and Santino were stunned, finding it hard to believe.

"Impossible!" Santino outright rejected the idea. "Our hundred thousand-strong army is well-equipped and well-trained. How could they possibly surrender?"

"You're absolutely right!" Edgar didn't believe it either and shouted, "Even if you add up the troops of the four southern marquises, it's impossible for them to defeat our hundred thousand-strong army overnight. You're just fearmongering!"

The total military forces of the four southern marquises amounted to no more than two to three hundred thousand. Even if they mobilized all their forces, it wouldn't be easy to defeat their hundred thousand-strong army. After all, their large army had already constructed extensive defense works. Even when facing two or three times their numbers, they still had the strength to fight back. Moreover, it was unlikely that all the troops from the four southern marquises would be mobilized; some would have to stay behind to defend their own territories.

"In a direct confrontation, of course it's impossible. But if we change our approach, the situation will be completely different," Martin said with a sardonic smile. "Your soldiers have loved ones, family, and friends. How do you think they would react if their loved ones knew that the soldiers had rebelled? What if we persuade the families and friends of those officers in the military camp? Can you guess what the result might be?"

Upon hearing this, Edgar and Santino were struck as if by lightning, frozen in place.

In an instant, cold sweat covered their bodies.

They had surrounded the royal city without gaining the support of the people. Although they had found a pretext for loyalism, they were still seen as rebels by the common people. Through rumors and hearsay, fear had already been sown among the soldiers.

However, due to military orders, no one dared to voice their concerns openly. But the seeds of anxiety had already been deeply planted in everyone's hearts.

If they could swiftly conclude the matter and support the Grand Marshal in ascending the throne, there would be no problem.

Faced with unforeseen circumstances, especially with the tactic Martin had just mentioned about using the families and friends of their officers against them, the entire army would lose their morale. At such a moment, if they attempted to persuade them to surrender, it was highly likely that they would succumb without a fight.

Having vast experience in the battlefield, they understood the importance of morale. If the soldiers doubted the righteousness of their cause, the battle was already lost.

"How about it? Scared now?" Martin sneered, his eyes observing them as if they were nothing more than clowns.

"No! It's impossible! You must be lying. If the hundred thousand troops really surrendered, how could we not have received any information?" Santino still refused to believe.

"That's your problem, not mine," Martin shrugged.

"Hmph! Stop trying to scare us!" Edgar narrowed his eyes and retorted, "Even if you spin a grand tale, it's useless. Your words have a glaring loophole that you can't explain."

"Oh? Is that so? What loophole?" Martin asked, smiling.

"If the four southern marquises joined forces, if your large army encroached upon us, if you persuaded our hundred thousand troops to surrender, then where are the people?" Edgar sneered, "You've said so much, but right now, we only see you alone. Where are the other three marquises? Where are your thousands of soldiers? Are they hiding somewhere? Or perhaps they don't exist at all? Everything you said is just a lie."

Santino chimed in, "That's right! If you have the guts, bring those people out and let us see them!"

They couldn't deny that Martin's words had an impact, striking at their greatest weakness. However, the crucial point was that he had no evidence to back up his claims.

Chapter 1825: Completely Lost

Therefore, Martin's claims were utterly unbelievable.

"Hahaha... Even at this point, the two of you are still so stubborn?" Martin laughed, treating them like jesters. "Alright, since you insist on seeing it, I'll let you see."

Raising his hand, Martin suddenly flicked his fingers toward the sky.


A golden light shot into the sky, reaching high into the clouds before exploding with a resounding "bang." It dispersed into countless golden particles, falling gently like a shower of stars.

After a while, the sound of organized footsteps emerged from the far end of the street.

From a distance, the rhythmic and synchronized sound grew louder, approaching steadily.

Edgar and Santino could clearly feel the ground vibrating beneath their feet.

With the progression of the footsteps, the ground tremors intensified.

A sense of unease gripped both Edgar and Santino.

However, before they could comprehend the situation, a vast crowd of figures appeared on the horizon.

Their numbers were so vast that they covered the entire street, stretching as far as the eye could see.

"How... how is this possible?!"

Seeing the densely packed soldiers ahead, Edgar and Santino were dumbfounded.

They had previously clung to a glimmer of hope, thinking that Martin was exaggerating.

However, now they had lost all hope.

Their hundred thousand troops guarded the city gates; it was impossible for external forces to breach their defenses.

The sudden appearance of this massive army could only mean one thing, Their hundred thousand soldiers had indeed surrendered.

Martin had not lied; they had been deceiving themselves all along.

"Edgar, Santino, what you see now is only a part of it," Martin said.

"Our alliance has three more armies, led by the three other lords. They are rapidly advancing from three different directions towards the royal palace."

"If I'm not mistaken, their troops should already be near the palace, perhaps even engaging with your forces."

"Your forces are under attack from all sides. If you don't surrender, annihilation is only a matter of time. Your situation is hopeless; there's no chance of turning the tide."

Martin's words were cutting and merciless, leaving Edgar and Santino pale and drenched in sweat.

Edgar, with weak mental fortitude, collapsed to the ground, his legs giving way beneath him.

"We're done, completely done. The army outside the city is captured, and the one inside is surrounded. We've lost on all fronts!" Edgar lamented, his face filled with despair.

"No! We haven't lost yet!" Santino swallowed hard, pretending to be composed. "Our troops might have been defeated, but as long as the Grand General is still standing, there's still hope for us to turn the tables!"

"That's right, that's right... as long as the Grand General is alive, we still have hope!" Edgar nodded vigorously, as if he had found his backbone.

Antonio controlled half of the military power in the West Lucozia. As long as they found a reason, they could mobilize the Black Dragon Army of two hundred thousand soldiers.

Against the Black Dragon Army, the forces of the four Southern Lords had no chance.

Once Antonio and his troops arrived, they could rise up and completely reverse the situation!

Chapter 1826: Drop your weapons

"Enough, both of you, stop your whining. Whether Antonio can become the king, you will know after tonight," Martin said, growing impatient. He waved his hand and ordered, "Men, arrest these rebels and guard them closely!"

"Yes, sir!"

A squad of guards immediately approached and bound Edgar and He Santino tightly.

"Martin! We're fellow lords, equals in status. Is it really necessary to bind us like this in public?" Edgar protested.

"Status?" Martin sneered. "Both of you are just prisoners now. What status are you talking about?"

"Martin! The outcome is still uncertain. Have you considered the consequences of treating us like this if Antonio ascends to the throne?" Edgar furrowed his brow.

"You're right! The tables may turn. You're powerful now, but you won't always be. It's a good idea to leave room for reconciliation. We might meet again someday. Don't go too far!" Santino chimed in.

"Whether you'll live through tonight is the real question here. Don't dare to provoke me further. Silence them!" Martin commanded.


Edgar and Santino were about to say more, but their mouths were forcibly sealed, leaving them making muffled sounds.

"Take them away!"

Martin waved his hand again, and the two of them were escorted onto a carriage.

Then, Martin's gaze shifted to the figure of Dustin ahead. He looked puzzled and asked, "You seem familiar. Have we met before?"

"We have indeed. I serve in the royal palace," Dustin replied.

"Oh? Is that so?" Martin narrowed his eyes slightly, showing some suspicion. "I know all the top experts in the palace, but I don't recognize you. What's your background?"

"My identity will be revealed to you in due time, Lord. Excuse me."

With a slight bow, Dustin turned and vanished into the distance, leaving Martin standing there, deep in thought.

At the entrance of the royal palace, Pedro and Andy, two lords, were bound tightly and hung in front of the main gate.

"Stop! All of you, stop!" Elara brandished her sword and shouted, "If you don't stop, I will kill your lords!"

Her words echoed through the air, causing half of the soldiers to pause in their movements. They exchanged uncertain glances, hesitating in their actions.

The once chaotic battlefield suddenly fell silent.

"Drop your weapons!" Elara's voice cut through the quiet.

The soldiers hesitated, their eyes darting between each other and their respective commanders.

"Drop your weapons!!" Elara's voice grew louder.

With a swift motion, Elara swung her sword and placed the blade against Pedro's neck.

The sharp edge of the sword grazed his skin, drawing a trickle of blood that dripped down slowly.

Feeling the cold steel against his neck, Pedro couldn't help but shudder. He shouted, "Are you all deaf? Drop your weapons now!"

"Quick! Drop your weapons!" Several generals on the scene roared, seeing the imminent danger their lord was in.

Clang, clang, clang...

Chapter 1827: Those who surrender will not be killed

Upon receiving the order, all of Pedro's soldiers dropped their weapons.

"You! Tell your men to surrender their weapons too!" Elara's sword swiftly moved to Andy's neck.

Under the intense gaze of Elara, Andy swallowed hard and shouted, "Drop your weapons!"

Clang, clang, clang...

Once again, the sound of weapons hitting the ground echoed. The soldiers under Andy's command also threw down their arms.

About sixty percent of the entire battlefield had given up the fight.

The remaining forty percent of soldiers, though they hadn't dropped their weapons, looked bewildered and lost. With most of their comrades surrendering, how could they dare to continue the attack?

Most crucially, their lord had vanished without a trace. Tens of thousands of troops were left leaderless, lacking direction and command.

"Soldiers, your lord has abandoned you, not caring for your lives. Are you still willing to sacrifice yourselves for him?" Elara's voice carried a tone of authority. "I understand that most of you were following orders and had no choice. As long as you surrender your weapons now, I can pretend this never happened."

"Of course, if any of you continue to resist, I will investigate thoroughly. At that time, all of you will be considered rebels!" Elara's words were firm and resolute. "Not only will you be executed publicly, but your families will also face severe punishment. Think carefully about the consequences!"

Elara's words were filled with an unyielding authority, spreading throughout the entire area.

"How could the lord have really fled? What should we do now?"

"Ask me? Who am I supposed to ask?"

"This war shouldn't have been fought in the first place. This whole 'capturing the criminal to protect the king' was obviously a rebellion. If this is investigated, we'll all die!"

"Lords Pedro and Andy have surrendered. Shouldn't we surrender too? The queen has promised us amnesty, no longer holding us responsible for our actions."


On the battlefield, murmurs and whispers spread among the crowd. Their fighting spirit had completely dissipated, but due to the lack of orders, no one dared to make a move.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Suddenly, a synchronized and thunderous sound of footsteps echoed from all directions. Following that, at the end of every street, a vast number of armed soldiers appeared. They were fully equipped, exuding an imposing aura, surrounding all the rebels near the royal palace.

Not only were there more of them, but their presence also exuded a stronger sense of authority.

Compared to the rebels who were now filled with fear, these reinforcements represented an entirely different level of power.

"What's going on? Where did these people come from?"

"Look at their banners; it seems to be the forces of the Four Southern Lords."

"What? Didn't our men guard the city gates? Why are these foreign soldiers able to enter the city? Could it be... our soldiers outside the city have been defeated?"


Seeing the sudden appearance of reinforcements from the palace, all the rebels turned pale, panic-stricken. They didn't know how to respond.

"Those who surrender will not be killed!"

Elara spoke again, his voice resonating like thunder.

"Those who surrender will not be killed!"

Thorian raised the sword in his hand, shouting loudly.

"Those who surrender will not be killed!!"

Matt Turner and the Wandering Black Army joined in the chant.

"Those who surrender will not be killed!!"

From the periphery, the thousands of royal palace reinforcements roared together.

Their voices shook the heavens, lingering in the air for a long time.

Chapter 1828: Foolproof plan fail

The words "Those who surrender will not be killed" continued to echo over the royal palace.

The rebels, already in a state of panic, were now even more terrified. They had lost all their fighting spirit.

"Clang, clang, clang..."

More and more soldiers dropped their weapons. Even the stubborn ones were immediately captured and bound.

The royal palace, which had been besieged for a long time, saw its defending troops at the city gates completely defeated. They were now isolated and helpless.

Coupled with the capture of the four lords, and with escape being the only option, their situation was dire. They had no other choice but to surrender or die.

Either surrender or die.

In this nameless expedition, they were naturally unwilling to sacrifice their lives in vain.

"I will honor the promise I made just now. As long as you surrender voluntarily, you will be pardoned," Elara spoke again.

He didn't sound domineering or intimidating; instead, his tone became gentle.

This change made the surrendering soldiers feel relieved and even somewhat ashamed.

"Thank you for the mercy, Your Highness!"

Numerous officers knelt down, expressing their gratitude.

"Thank you for the mercy, Your Highness!"

Following the lead of the officers, a large number of soldiers also knelt down.

In just a few minutes, the battlefield, which had been filled with cries and clashes, was now filled with kneeling soldiers.

All the soldiers were sincerely grateful for Elara's mercy.

"What about you two?" he asked, referring to the captured rebel leaders.

Elara turned around and looked at Pedro and Andy behind him.

Both of them were still hanging outside the royal palace, looking extremely miserable.

"We... we surrender!" Pedro and Andy exchanged glances and chose to submit.

When the reinforcements from the royal palace arrived, it meant that their large army stationed outside the city gates had already been defeated. Moreover, the vanguard forces attacking the royal palace had now kneeled in submission, and they had become hostages as well. In this situation, they had no choice but to surrender.

At least, they had to pretend to give up on the surface.

In reality, a glimmer of hope remained in their hearts.

As long as Grand General Antonio could lead the Black Dragon Army to arrive, they still had a chance to turn the tables. The Black Dragon Army against the forces of the Eight Lords was almost a mismatch.

However, the Black Dragon Army was stationed in various important fortresses without military orders, making it impossible to move large troops freely. Furthermore, Antonio had to personally lead the army. This was why Antonio had not returned yet.

Most importantly, no one had anticipated that the seemingly foolproof plan would have such loopholes.

Firstly, the forces of the Four Lords from the south arrived too quickly. The hundred thousand troops stationed outside the city inexplicably surrendered. Additionally, there was a top-tier hidden expert in the royal palace that nobody knew about.

It was the existence of this expert that led to the capture of the four lords and allowed those who could escape to flee.

Ultimately, tens of thousands of troops, led by the four lords, were forced to surrender.

Chapter 1829: A significant hidden danger

Now, their only hope was that Antonio could bring the Black Dragon Army.

"You two may not be the masterminds, but you were accomplices. While the death penalty can be spared, the crime of living won't be so easily avoided," Elara said coldly. "Take them away! Guard them carefully. No one should approach them without my orders!"

"Yes!" Several bodyguards swiftly approached and forcefully dragged away Pedro and Andy, who were still bound.

"General Matt, handle the matter of the surrendered troops. There have been too many casualties today; I don't want to see more bloodshed," Elara said, looking at Matt Turner.

"Understood!" Matt nodded heavily.

"Queen's kindness and righteousness are admirable!" At this moment, four figures walked out from the midst of the troops.

Where they passed, the soldiers automatically made way for them.

The four people were the Four Lords of the South.

The one on the far left was Martin, followed by Tyson, Rowan, and Alexander.

"We arrived too late to rescue Your Highness. We have let Queen down; please forgive us," Tyson said humbly, bowing.

"Don't be so polite, Lords. If it weren't for your timely arrival, the royal palace would have been in danger. You all are heroes!" Elara hurried forward and lifted Tyson's hands.

Honestly, the speed at which the Four Lords dispatched troops far exceeded her expectations.

It was evident that these people were all exhausted, rushing to the rescue without any delay.

"Protecting the royal palace and safeguarding West Lucozia are our responsibilities; we should do so. Your Highness, you are our benefactor. If not for King's help in saving my life back then, I wouldn't be living this good life now. As long as we can keep the royal palace safe, I, Alexander, am willing to lay down my life!" Alexander declared with an air of determination.

Among the Four Lords of the South, he was the most straightforward and loyal.

"You're absolutely right! If it weren't for His Highness saving my life back then, I wouldn't be where I am today. As long as we can protect the safety of the royal palace, I, Rowan, am willing to sacrifice my life!" Rowan said with a wide grin.

"Queen, we're family now. It's our duty to protect the royal palace. Count on us for support in the future," Rowan added, his eyes narrowed in a friendly manner.

"Family?" Elara was slightly taken aback, glancing at Thorian beside her before smiling. "Yes, you are all good friends of His Highness. Naturally, we are all family."
At this moment, the atmosphere was filled with a sense of unity and determination. They stood together, facing the challenges that lay ahead.

"Queen, forgive my bluntness. Although the crisis in the royal palace has been temporarily resolved, there is still a significant hidden danger," Martin said unexpectedly.

"What does the Marquis of Woodside City mean?" Elara pretended not to know.

"General of Cavalry - Antonio!" Martin didn't beat around the bush. "The four individuals who rebelled tonight were all Antonio's men. Although we caught the small fries, the big threat remains. Everyone knows that Antonio has a vast array of troops and officers. Losing four subordinates is nothing to him. There might be more intense attacks coming our way."

"That makes sense. Antonio is a person of deep scheming. Daring to risk everything to seize power, he must have another move up his sleeve. We have to be careful and cautious," Rowan nodded in agreement.

"What are you afraid of? When the enemy comes, we meet them head-on. With the four of us working together and the power of the royal palace, can't we handle a mere Antonio?" Alexander was a bit dismissive.

"Marquis Alexander, have you considered what we should do if Antonio calls upon the Black Dragon Army?" Martin asked back.

"The Black Dragon Army?" Alexander frowned immediately. "That won't happen, right? The Black Dragon Army only recognizes His Highness and the military orders. In peacetime, even someone like Antonio, who is the General of Cavalry, doesn't have the authority to mobilize the troops on a large scale."

"Although that's true, now that His Highness has passed away, and before the new king ascends the throne, Antonio is the most powerful figure in the entire West Lucozia. Moreover, Antonio has been the General of Cavalry for many years. He surely has accumulated a group of trusted followers. As long as he finds a good excuse, calling for the mobilization of hundreds of thousands of the Black Dragon Army is not a big issue," Martin said calmly.

"Excuse? Antonio has rebelled and committed heinous crimes. What other excuse does he need? The Black Dragon Army consists of loyal and righteous soldiers. I refuse to believe they would follow a rebel!" Alexander retorted.

"Antonio's rebellion, apart from us, who knows the truth? As for excuses, that's even simpler... His Highness has passed away, and the eight lords rebelled to seize power. As the General of Cavalry, it's only natural for Antonio to call upon the Black Dragon Army for justice. After all, as long as he kills everyone who knows the truth, he can decide the final outcome, right?" Martin shrugged.

Chapter 1830: A dragon released into the ocean

“What? Kill to silence?" Alexander's face changed instantly upon hearing this. "You're not joking, are you? The four major lords from the north are all Antonio's people. How could he possibly kill all of them without distinguishing between friend and foe?"

"Those who achieve great things must be ruthless. For someone like him, seasoned on the battlefield, sacrificing a few soldiers is nothing," Martin said casually. "Of course, this is the ultimate plan. If the four major lords from the north can successfully seize power and retrieve the Marshal's seal, he won't need to take this risk. He can simply ascend to power directly. However, if the four major lords from the north fail, I believe Antonio will stop at nothing to achieve his ambitions."

The more ambitious someone is, the more insane their actions can become. Previously, with the king suppressing him, Antonio had hidden his sharp edge, accumulating power in the shadows. Now that the king was no more, Antonio, unrestrained, was like a dragon released into the ocean, unstoppable by anyone.

"If that's the case, we should indeed be cautious," Alexander said thoughtfully.

The Black Dragon Army was the strongest force in West Lucozia, and possibly the world. Whoever controlled the Black Dragon Army could sweep all before them. If Antonio, in his capacity as the General of Cavalry, used the pretext of suppressing rebellions to mobilize the Black Dragon Army, there was a considerable possibility he could gather a significant force.

In a war between them, there would be no right or wrong, only winners and losers.

“Lords, you are all pillars of West Lucozia. Do you have any strategies to counter this?” Elara asked cautiously.

"I'm good at fighting; using my brain, not so much," Alexander said, helpless.

“I can't either,” Rowan shook his head.

"Lord Tyson, you are highly talented and have unparalleled wisdom. Would you please offer your advice?" Martin turned to Tyson.

The reason they were able to persuade the hundred thousand troops at the city gate to surrender was due to the pacification strategy provided by Tyson. He had used the connections of the officers with their friends and family to convince them to surrender. Under this emotional persuasion, many officers, though not afraid of death themselves, couldn't bear the thought of their loved ones suffering. In the end, without expending a single soldier, they managed to subdue the hundred thousand troops completely.

"I don't dare to claim unparalleled wisdom, but I do have two immature methods," Tyson said.

"Oh? Lord Tyson, please share," Elara's eyes lit up.

Antonio was a huge threat. If they could deal with him earlier, everything would be much easier.

"The first method, to achieve the most straightforward and effective stabilization of the situation, is to immediately select a new successor for the West Lucozia throne. Then announce it to the world. This way, even if Antonio has intentions to seize power, he won't find any excuse to deploy troops. Otherwise, it would be considered rebellion. The generals of the Black Dragon Army won't heed his commands," Tyson explained.

"A good plan!" Alexander's eyes brightened, excited. "As long as the succession is confirmed, Antonio won't be able to cause much trouble. Unless he is willing to go to the extremes and rebel against the world. But that's basically a dead end!"

"Exactly!" Rowan nodded, saying, "In my opinion, why not let the young prince ascend to the throne tonight, and then announce it to the world tomorrow morning?"

His daughter was already engaged to Thorian. If Thorian could ascend to the throne earlier, his daughter could become the new queen one day sooner.
The story seemed kind of repetitive at first, but now, court affairs are getting juicier! One more thing, thank god for the lack of dahlia fruit falling from every other tree. xD
Chapter 1831: A decapitation strike

"Although the method is good, there is a downside," Martin said thoughtfully. "For a new king to ascend, it requires the emperor's permission and the testimony of the officials. Otherwise, it's hard to convince the people. But to obtain the emperor's approval and gather officials for testimony, it would take at least three days. Given our current situation, we simply can't afford to wait that long."

"Really? Is it so troublesome for a new king to ascend?" Alexander frowned slightly. "Everyone knows that Thorian is the son of the late king. It should be natural for him to become the new king."

"Yes! They say desperate times call for desperate measures," Rowan agreed.

"Do you two think choosing the West Lucozia king is as simple as picking a leader for a mountain bandit gang? You plant a flag, drink a few bowls of wine, and say a few bold words, and it's settled? Don't be ridiculous!" Martin said with some exasperation. "The position of the West Lucozia king is not just about the people of West Lucozia; it concerns all the people in the world. If West Lucozia is in chaos, the world will be in chaos. If West Lucozia is stable, so is the world. I am not exaggerating when I say the weight of our West Lucozia king's position is not inferior to the emperor's throne. Such an important position, do you think we can just choose someone on a whim? It's not that simple."

"Martin makes a valid point. Although I want Thorian to ascend to the throne and stabilize the military's morale, the succession to the throne is not child's play. If we rush it, it might backfire and give others a handle to exploit," Elara shook her head.

"Your strict adherence to protocols and rules might end up causing our downfall. You're missing a great opportunity because of your overcautiousness," Alexander grumbled.

"If Thorian can't ascend to the throne now, once Antonio's army presses in, won't we be finished?" Rowan furrowed his brows.

"Tyson, don't you have another solution? Just say it straight, don't keep us in suspense," Martin turned his gaze to Tyson.

"The second method is a bit more complicated and much riskier, with a success rate of only about fifty percent," Tyson said.

"Fifty percent? It's low, but it's worth a try. What's the plan?" Alexander asked cautiously.

"Directly conduct a decapitation strike," Tyson said, surprising everyone. "Currently, our biggest threat is Antonio. If he dies, his followers will scatter, and the generals under his command won't pose much of a threat. Removing Antonio will naturally eliminate the crisis in the palace."

"A decapitation strike?" Alexander rubbed his chin, his expression serious. "It seems feasible, but the risk is enormous. Antonio has a vast array of soldiers and numerous skilled commanders. Assassinating him is like reaching for the stars."

"Exactly! Now that both sides are at war, Antonio will undoubtedly be cautious and guard against assassinations. Among us, the strongest is Marquis Martin," Rowan said, turning to Martin.

"Hey! Why are you looking at me? I don't want to go and get myself killed!" Martin immediately refused.

Antonio likely had high-level martial artists among his ranks. With his current strength, even if he managed to assassinate Antonio, there was no doubt he would face death in return. Sacrificing himself in an exchange of lives with Antonio was simply not an option.

"If Marquis Martin won't go, who else is suitable?" Rowan furrowed his brows. "We can't find a powerful and fearless assassin in the blink of an eye."

"Let me go. I have a certain level of confidence. I can exchange blows with Antonio one for one," suddenly, Matt Turner stepped forward.

As the captain of the royal guards, his strength was approaching the level of a grandmaster. In a desperate fight, he might stand a chance against a real grandmaster.

Chapter 1832: Mysterious expert

Matt Turner's declaration instantly drew everyone's attention. Elara opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but hesitated.

Matt was a member of the royal guards, and she trusted him greatly. In truth, she didn't want him to risk his life, especially in such dire circumstances. However, there didn't seem to be a more suitable candidate.

"General Matt is powerful and loyal. If he attempts to assassinate Antonio, he indeed stands a chance," Alexander nodded in agreement. As the captain of the royal guards and a trusted confidant of the late king, his strength and loyalty were unquestionable.

"General Matt, it's not that I underestimate you, but relying solely on you might not be enough," Martin suddenly spoke up.

"Wait! Isn't there that legendary figure, Albert?" Rowan's eyes lit up suddenly. "Albert's name echoes throughout the world. In terms of strength, he shouldn't be inferior to General Matt, right?"

"No, Master Albert is far superior to me," Matt replied truthfully.

Although he held the title of the king's personal guard captain and was known as the strongest martial artist in the royal palace, the real trump card was Master Albert, also known as Men Butcher. Among the three legendary figures of the West Lucozia, the Sword Immortal, the Wine Madman, and Men Butcher, Albert had become one of the top grandmasters in the West Liang.

"That's great! If Albert is indeed more powerful than General Matt, why not ask him to step in? It should give us more confidence," Rowan exclaimed excitedly.

"I'm sorry, but since Master Albert left the palace, his whereabouts remain unknown. It's unlikely that he'll appear," Albert replied.

"Unknown?" Alexander furrowed his brows. "What's going on with this Albert? The palace is in imminent danger, yet he disappears? This is simply unfathomable!"

"Albert, could it be that you saw the situation turning bad and fled?" Rowan asked cautiously.

"Lord Rowan, please be careful with your words!"

Matt's face turned cold, and he said, "Master Albert is loyal to the core, serving the nation and the people with unwavering dedication. He would never be a deserter!"

"Sorry, my mouth sometimes runs away from me," Rowan chuckled awkwardly.

He nearly forgot about the prestige of Albert among the people of the West Lucozia, despite having retired from the frontlines for many years. His past glorious achievements were indelible.

Albert's infamous reputation might be a nightmare for enemy nations, but to the West Lucozia people, he was undoubtedly their savior.

"If Albert isn't around, the chances of assassinating Antonio would be very low," Martin shook his head.

"I'm willing to give it a try, even if it means risking my life," Matt said firmly.

"General Matt, I'm willing to assist you in this endeavor," a man in black clothing stepped out from the crowd.

The man held a black treasure sword, his body covered in blood. It was none other than Dustin, who had disguised himself.


Elara examined him from head to toe, and then realization dawned on her, "Could you be the mysterious expert who single-handedly charged into the midst of tens of thousands of troops and captured the enigmatic masters Pedro and Andy?"

"Mysterious expert?"

As this statement was made, all eyes focused on Dustin.

Apart from Thorian and Tyson, nobody in the room knew Dustin's true identity. However, the fact that he managed to capture the two formidable lords, Pedro and Andy, from amidst tens of thousands of troops was proof of his immense strength.

Chapter 1833: The best option

"No, this is too dangerous!"

Upon seeing Dustin's willingness to take the risk, Thorian immediately intervened. He knew that his older brother was very strong, but Antonio had gathered many experts around him. As they say, it's difficult for two fists to contend with four hands, and if his elder brother's assassination attempt failed, he could be surrounded and killed by numerous experts. As the future king of West Lucozia, he couldn't afford to take such risks.

"Young Lord, there are times when we must take risks. At moments like this, sacrifices must be made, and besides, we're only talking about a bodyguard. Why be so nervous?" Rowan said dismissively.

"I said it's not going to happen!" Thorian almost shouted. An intense aura of authority burst forth, causing Rowan to take a few steps back in shock.

Not only Rowan but the others also exchanged puzzled looks. No one expected such a strong reaction from Thorian.

Seemingly aware of his own emotional outburst, Thorian took a deep breath, suppressing his inner turmoil, and calmly said, "Uncle Rowan, the life of a bodyguard is still a life, no less valuable than ours. We cannot let people sacrifice in vain; otherwise, how can we gain the trust of the people?"

"Yes, yes, Young Lord is absolutely right," Rowan chuckled awkwardly.

In his heart, however, he secretly thought, "Has this kid gone mad? Making such a fuss over a bodyguard, is it really necessary?"

"This won't work, that won't work, what should we do now? Are we just going to sit and wait for death?" Alexander sighed.

"Well, I actually have a solution," Martin suddenly said.

"Oh? What's the plan?" Elara raised an eyebrow.

"Antonio's confidence lies in the Black Dragon Army. We can focus on that aspect," Martin seriously analyzed. "I believe you all know that, apart from during wartime, only the King and the Marshal's orders can openly command the Black Dragon Army. Even if Antonio can use the pretext of defending the king's square to call the army, his priority remains far lower than that of the Marshal's orders."

As long as the Young Lord can wield the Marshal's orders and locate the key generals of the Black Dragon Army during the night, we can persuade them to work for us. This way, Antonio will be left without any support, and he'll crumble without us even attacking!"

Upon hearing this plan, Alexander's eyes lit up. "That makes sense! Why didn't I think of this before? As long as we control the Black Dragon Army with the Marshal's orders, even if Antonio has extraordinary abilities, he won't be able to make any significant moves!"

"Oh, by the way, Your Highness, should the Marshal's orders still be safe?" Martin suddenly asked.

"Yes, the Marshal's orders are safe, stored in a secure place," Elara nodded.

"That's good," Martin nodded. "To resolve the crisis now, it's necessary to trouble Your Highness to retrieve the Marshal's orders."

"Retrieve the orders?" Elara furrowed her brow slightly. She had considered this before, but the Marshal's orders were of utmost importance. With them, she would have complete control over the Black Dragon Army. Antonio had tried various methods to obtain the Marshal's orders previously.

Her main concern was that if she retrieved the orders and didn't handle them properly, they might fall into Antonio's hands. Then, the King Residence's last hope of turning the situation around would be completely destroyed. If that happened, Antonio could openly claim the throne, and not even the Emperor's intervention could salvage the situation.

"Your Highness, this is the only option available to us right now," Martin urged.

"Mother, please retrieve the orders. This is the only way to minimize unnecessary sacrifices," Thorian said solemnly.


Elara hesitated for a moment but eventually nodded. "Alright, given the current situation, we have no other choice. Please wait at the residence, everyone. I'll go retrieve the orders."

Although it was somewhat risky, avoiding a direct confrontation and using the power of the Marshal's orders was the best option available.

Chapter 1834: The Marshal's orders

In the King Residence's side hall, the four Southern Lords sat in order, quietly waiting. Each of them had a different expression, lost in their thoughts.

Martin leisurely sipped tea, Tyson closed his eyes in meditation, remaining silent. Rowan looked around, observing the layout of the King Residence's side hall. As for Alexander, he was somewhat impatient, alternately standing, sitting, and pacing back and forth.

After approximately the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, Elara entered the side hall with Thorian and Matt Turner. She carried a delicate purple sandalwood box in her hands.

"Everyone, the Marshal's orders have arrived," Elara placed the purple sandalwood box on the table, opened it, and revealed a golden tiger-shaped medallion.

The tiger-shaped medallion was intricately carved, exuding an air of majesty. Inscribed on the medallion in golden letters were the words: "The Symbol of the Military, Left in the Hands of the King, Right in the Lucozia."

"It's indeed the Marshal's orders!" Alexander's eyes lit up when he saw the medallion. "With this medallion in hand, we can command the Black Dragon Army. When the time comes, Antonio's plot will crumble of its own accord."

"Young Lord, we mustn't delay any longer. Take the medallion and go to the Black Dragon Army's garrison. Meet with those key figures, establish your identity, and avoid giving Antonio an opportunity to undermine your plans," Rowan urged.

"The Marshal's orders are crucial, and Antonio won't just sit idly by. Your trip will be extremely dangerous, so be fully prepared," Tyson reminded.

"I understand. I've already discussed it with my mother. I'll dispatch ten teams of spies to leave the city from various directions. I'll blend in among them. Even if Antonio is cautious, he won't be able to locate me in a short time. By the time he realizes the danger, I'm afraid I'll already be at the Black Dragon Army's garrison," Thorian said with a serious expression.

"Very well," Tyson nodded, adding, "Young Lord, only you and the Queen should be aware of your whereabouts during this journey. Do not inform a third person to prevent any unexpected situations."

"Thank you for the reminder, Uncle Tyson. I'll be careful," Thorian nodded.

"No time to waste, act now," Tyson urged.


At this moment, Martin suddenly spoke, "Is there something wrong with this medallion?"

"Something wrong?" Thorian furrowed his brow. "What's going on?"

"I remember that the Lord's medallion didn't look like this. Could it have been swapped out by someone?" Martin expressed his doubt.

"Impossible!" Elara immediately dismissed the idea. "The King's medallion is kept in a secure chamber. Apart from me and the King, no one else knows about it. It couldn't have been swapped."

"That's strange." Martin squinted and carefully examined the medallion.

"Uncle Martin, are you sure you're not mistaken?" Thorian asked.

"It's hard to say. Let me take a closer look."

Martin accepted the medallion handed to him by Thorian and began inspecting it closely.

Just at that moment, Tyson seemed to notice something amiss. His expression suddenly changed, and he exclaimed, "Young Lord! Watch out for the medallion!"

Before anyone could react, Martin suddenly wore a sinister smile, swiftly twisted his wrist, and the medallion vanished.

"Young Lord! Thank you!"

Martin stomped his foot, propelling himself into the air, crashing through the roof, and disappearing into the darkness at an astonishing speed.

Everything happened so suddenly that none of the people present had fully processed it. From the moment Martin took the medallion to his abrupt departure, it had only taken a short two seconds.

In the span of a brief daze, Martin, along with the medallion, had vanished completely.

"Martin is a traitor! Retrieve the medallion quickly, or the King Residence is in grave danger!"

Chapter 1835: An unexpected event

Gently, Tyson was the first to react, shouting loudly,

"Quick! Go after the military token!"

Elara immediately issued the order,


Matt unsheathed his sword abruptly, leading a group of Wandering Black Guards, and rushed towards the direction in which Martin disappeared.

"How could this happen?"

Thorian was already stunned, standing still and unsure of what to do.

He never expected Martin to seize the military token, so he had no defenses in place. By the time he realized it, Martin had already escaped.

"Young Prince, Martin is probably working for Antonio. The reason he has been wholeheartedly supporting you and helping the King Mansion quell the rebellion is to make you drop your guard and completely trust him. When the time is right, he will seize the token and push us into a desperate situation!" Tyson said with a deep voice.

"Damn! I can't believe Martin is a traitor. He's truly despicable!" Alexander fumed.

"No wonder Martin kept suggesting the use of the military token for the Black Dragon Army to suppress Antonio. He was just laying the groundwork to steal the token. This guy is truly cunning and treacherous!" Rowan angrily remarked.

"If we can't recover the token, and it falls into ANtonio's hands, then we're... completely defeated!" Elara furrowed her brows, her expression grim.

The Marshal's military token determines the authority over the Black Dragon Army. With the token, control of the entire Black Dragon Army is assured. While before, Antonio needed to use various excuses and his connections to draw forces from the Black Dragon Army, with the token in his hands, he can openly command the entire army. At that point, no matter how they resist, it would be in vain. Once a force of fifty thousand troops besieges the city, they will be unstoppable throughout the entire West Lucozia and the entire world.

"Mom, I'm sorry; it's all my fault. If I had been more careful just now, maybe this wouldn't have happened," Thorian said with a guilty look on his face.

Losing the Marshal's military token from his hand, he would be to blame no matter what.

"Silly child, this has nothing to do with you. Martin hid his true intentions too well, and none of us could have foreseen that he was a traitor," Elara forced a smile.

"I'm going to chase after it now, I will definitely retrieve the token!" Thorian drew his sword, preparing to dash out.

"Wait!" Tyson immediately blocked his path and said in a serious tone, "Young Prince, Martin is exceptionally powerful, far from ordinary. With your current strength, chasing him would be futile and might even put you in danger."

"So, are we just going to sit and wait?" Thorian furrowed his brow.

"General Matt has already gone after him. If he can catch up, we still have hope. If he can't, we must prepare for the worst," Tyson said solemnly.

"The worst? What do you mean?" Rowan asked.

"If the token falls into Antonio's hands, what do you think the consequences will be for us?" Tyson countered.

"Well..." Rowan frowned, his expression grim.

"We are all opposed to Antonio, for him, we are like thorns in his side. Once he gains power, none of us can escape death!" Tyson continued, then turned to Thorian and Elara with a serious tone, "As for the Young Prince and the Queen, they may not lose their lives, but they will be confined for the rest of their lives, never to see the light of day again!"

"In that case, we might as well confront them head-on!" Alexander exclaimed angrily.

"Can you take on 50,000 Black Dragon Army soldiers?" Tyson asked.

"So what should we do?" Alexander furrowed his brow.

"My suggestion is to prepare for an escape," Tyson scanned the room and said, "If General Matt can retrieve the token, that would be best. If not, then we should leave the King Mansion and flee West Lucozia. We can plan our next steps from there."

Chapter 1836: A planted pawn

"What? Flee from West Lucozia? Doesn't that mean handing over the throne to Thorian?" Thorian's face turned grim.

"As long as the mountains are preserved, we won't run out of firewood. As long as we are alive, we still have a chance," Tyson said gently, his tone heavy with meaning.

"The throne is stolen, the military token is taken, and all 500,000 Black Dragon Army soldiers are obeying Antonio's orders. In this situation, what chance do we have?" Rowan shook his head helplessly.

If he had known it would come to this, he shouldn't have harbored greed and formed an alliance with the Rhys family. Now, not only did he gain nothing, but he also implicated himself, leaving him with no way out.

"I think Lord Tyson is right. We must prepare for the worst-case scenario to be safe," Elara nodded. Although she didn't want to admit it, the current situation was highly unfavorable for them. If the military token fell into Antonio's hands, they would have no chance of turning the tables and would have to leave West Lucozia.
As the Dragon Kingdom's Princess, even if she left West Lucozia for Stonia, she would still have a place to stay, ensuring her son wouldn't be mistreated.

"Of course, don't be too pessimistic, General Matt's strength is not weaker than Martin's. If he manages to retrieve the military token, we still have hope," Tyson encouraged.

"You're right; nothing in this world is absolute. We haven't lost yet, so don't wear a gloomy face. Cheer up!" Alexander declared.

"Everyone, please excuse me for a moment."

Thorian clasped his fists at the others and then walked out of the side hall.

At this moment, he was in a state of chaos, thinking first of his elder brother, Logan Rhys. To avoid exposing his identity, Thorian had his brother, disguised as a palace guard named Dustin, summoned into his room. He then instructed those around him to guard the courtyard closely and prevent anyone from approaching.

"Thorian, I saw a figure on the rooftop earlier. Has something happened?" Dustin spoke up, the first to break the silence once he felt it was safe.

"Yes, there has indeed been an incident."

Thorian nodded gravely and said, "Martin is a traitor. He just stole the marshal's military token and has escaped."

"What? The military token was stolen? How could this happen?" Dustin's brows furrowed in concern.

"It's my fault; I was too careless."

Thorian didn't hide anything and briefly explained the situation.

After listening, Dustin nodded thoughtfully. "So that's how it is... I never expected Martin to be a pawn planted by Antonio. Now we're all in a bind."

"Brother, what should we do now? If we can't retrieve the military token, the position of the West Lucozia king might fall into Antonio's hands," Thorian said in a low voice.

"Antonio won't become king so easily."

Dustin shook his head. "Let's wait and see for now. If General Matt can't recover the military token, I'll personally deal with Antonio."

"Brother, how are you planning to deal with Antonio?" Thorian asked tentatively.

"Divulging the plan would disrupt fate. You'll know when the time comes."

Dustin patted Thorian's shoulder with a smile. "Enough, don't overthink it. You've been running around these days; you need rest. Take care of your well-being. We brothers will face this challenge together."

"Understood!" Thorian nodded heavily, as if he had regained his confidence.

After a few more words of encouragement, Dustin left the room.

Those words he just said were meant to comfort Thorian, hoping he wouldn't feel too disheartened. As for the plan, he hadn't figured it out yet.

The unexpected theft of the military token had caught him off guard. He couldn't have anticipated that Martin would cooperate with Antonio. When they visited the Martin’s Mansion together, Martin had been candid and even killed Antonio's messenger to demonstrate his determination.

Chapter 1836: The wolf into the house

"Now it seems, this is a bitter plan.

Antonio not only knew their whereabouts but also understood their intentions.

From the beginning, they fell into Antonio's trap.

Everything they did was within Antonio's expectations.

Because of this, Antonio could arrange everything in advance, luring them into the trap.

And his ultimate goal was to seize the military token.

In the end, they invited the wolf into the house, fell into Antonio's scheme, and thus led to the loss of the military token.

It must be admitted that being the Grand General of the Cavalry, firmly seated above all, is indeed extraordinary.

In the power struggle, they are still a bit inexperienced.

Time passed quickly, and it was already dawn.

After a night of cleaning, the bodies in front of the mansion gate had been cleared away.

But the bloodstains seeped into the ground, impossible to wash away.

The forces of the four vassal lords had been stationed in the city defense camp, not far from the mansion. In case of any situation, they could provide support at any time.

Due to the loss of the military token, most people in the mansion had not slept the whole night.

The Wandering Black Guard led by Matt had been chasing all night outside, and there was still no news until now.

After breakfast, Elara gathered the three vassal lords again to discuss countermeasures and gather information.

But now the situation is unclear, no matter how they discuss, it's all in vain.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Matt, who had disappeared overnight, finally returned.

When he went out last night, he was with a group of people. Now he came back alone and heavily wounded."

As soon as he entered the council chamber, he fell to the ground, coughing up blood.

"General Matt! How did you get injured like this?" Elara's face changed, and he quickly ordered someone to help Matt onto a chair.

"General Matt, how is it? Did you retrieve the military token?" Rowan immediately asked. Compared to Matt's injuries, he naturally cared more about the fate of the military token.

"Your Highness, this subordinate has failed the mission. Not only did I fail to catch Martin, but I was also ambushed halfway, resulting in the sacrifice of a squad of Wandering Black Guards. The military token was lost as well. I ask Your Highness for punishment!" Matt weakly spoke.

"What? You didn't catch him?" Rowan's brows furrowed, his expression turning grim.

"General Matt, you've done your best; there's no need to blame yourself," Elara forced a smile. Martin, desperate to seize the military token, must have been well-prepared. Catching up to him was indeed a difficult task and could easily have led to further complications.

"Your Highness! On my way back, the Black Dragon Army has mobilized. You need to leave quickly, don't delay, or the enemy forces will arrive, and it will be too late!" Matt's emotions were running high as he spoke.

In the midst of his words, he coughed up more blood.

"General Matt, we are prepared for this situation. You don't need to worry. You're severely injured; go rest for now," Elara waved her hand, instructing people to help the heavily wounded Matt Turner.

As Matt left, a palace guard rushed in, looking panicked.

"Your Highness! Bad news! A large number of Black Dragon Army soldiers have suddenly appeared at the gates of the royal city. They've sealed off all entrances and exits!" the guard reported.

Upon hearing this, everyone's faces turned pale.

Chapter 1838: Sealed the city

"What? The Black Dragon Army has sealed the city? How could this happen so quickly?" Rowan's face turned pale, almost jumping in shock.

He had thought they could delay for a few days, but overnight, Antonio's army had already surrounded them. The efficiency was terrifyingly fast.

"Quick! Assemble the soldiers immediately, prepare to escort the Queen and the Young Prince out of the city!" Alexander shouted loudly.

"It's too late; the Black Dragon Army has already sealed the city. We can't escape," Elara shook her head, her expression extremely grim.

Although she had mentally prepared herself, facing this reality was still incredibly difficult.

"We have to try, we can't just sit here waiting to die," Alexander said urgently.

"It's futile," Elara shook her head. "The military token is already in Antonio's hands; our fate is sealed. Instead of hiding like rats, it's better to face it openly. At least this way, we can maintain a bit of dignity."

"Your Highness..." Alexander was about to say something, but Elara raised her hand to interrupt him. "Lord Alexander, you and the others are brave and loyal, and West Lucozia is fortunate to have you. There's no need for you to sacrifice in vain. In my opinion, surrendering would be the wisest choice. At least we can preserve our lives for now."

"Surrender?" Alexander frowned, his eyes filled with determination.

He had fought battles all his life and had never surrendered. This time would be no exception, even if he knew he couldn't win. He would die heroically on the battlefield.


"Grand General Antonio, along with many other generals, has arrived. They are now outside the palace gates, requesting instructions from the Queen!"

Another palace guard rushed into the council chamber to report the situation.

"They've come really quickly; it seems Antonio couldn't wait any longer," Elara took a deep breath, picked up her sword, and walked out of the council chamber with her head held high, shouting, "Open the gates! Welcome the guests!"


The heavy gates of the palace slowly opened.

Just like before, Elara stood at the forefront, sword in hand, and stepped out first.

Outside the palace gates, a group of imposing soldiers stood. The leader was none other than Antonio, clad in golden armor. His face was calm, his eyes sharp, exuding an invisible aura of dominance.

To his left stood Martin, who had snatched the military token the previous night. To his right were Antonio's two trusted generals, Jasper and Calvin. Behind them stood a group of officers and generals from the Black Dragon Army, numbering in the hundreds.

Looking at the scene, there were hundreds of them in total.

To become an officer or general in the Black Dragon Army, one not only needed remarkable military achievements but also formidable strength. Every officer and general of the Black Dragon Army were highly skilled martial artists.

It wasn't an exaggeration to say that this group of several hundred people could easily break through an army of ten thousand.

"Grand General, you've brought so many people to our door. What's the meaning of this?" Elara stood at the doorway and asked loudly.

"Queen, you're an intelligent person. You should know how to handle this situation. If we speak too bluntly, it might damage our mutual reputation," Antonio said calmly.

At this moment, he held the Marshal's military token, commanding a force of five hundred thousand Black Dragon Army soldiers. He was, in effect, the uncrowned king of West Lucozia. Anyone who dared to oppose him would face a dead end.

"Grand General, you have indeed outmaneuvered us. We admit defeat." Elara dropped her sword to the ground, her expression serious. "I can support your ascension and even request an official title for you from the emperor, allowing you to legitimately become the King of West Lucozia!"

Chapter 1839: Three Conditions


Alexander behind her was about to speak, but Elara raised her hand to stop him.

"Oh? Is that so?" Antonio smiled faintly, showing some interest. "Queen are you here to negotiate terms with me?"

"That's right," Elara said bluntly. "As long as you agree to three conditions, all of us will support you as the king, ensuring you have no worries."

"Queen, even without your support, I can still become king. So, what qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with me?" Antonio smiled ambiguously.

"Grand General, I believe you're someone who values stability. Being able to ascend to the throne smoothly without any opposition should be a good thing, shouldn't it?" Elara said.

"Fine, I'll give Queen a chance and hear the conditions you propose," Antonio said with a faint smile. He was in a winning position now. If he could avoid unnecessary trouble by agreeing to a few conditions, it wouldn't harm him much.

Of course, the conditions shouldn't be too excessive.

"My first condition is that after you ascend to the throne, you must treat all the civilians and soldiers well. West Lucozia's current situation isn't easy; it must be cherished," Elara said sternly.

"No problem," Antonio nodded. "Once I become king, I will bestow great kindness and seek benefits for the people of West Lucozia."

When a new king ascended, he naturally needed to win the hearts of the people. Therefore, he had to offer benefits. Even if Elara hadn't mentioned it, Antonio would have done so himself. Hence, he readily agreed to this condition.

"My second condition is that I hope the Grand General can be merciful and not investigate the affiliated forces of the royal palace. They acted under orders," Elara turned and glanced at the three major vassals and some palace generals behind her. "They all followed orders faithfully and are loyal to the palace. I have a responsibility to protect these loyal ministers and generals."

"Fine," Antonio nodded again. "As long as they repent and turn over a new leaf, I guarantee that I won't investigate further."

"Thank you, Grand General," Elara nodded slightly and continued, "My third condition is to allow my son and me to return to the capital. I promise that from now on, we will never set foot in Lucozia again."

"Return to the capital?" Antonio squinted slightly, his words carrying a profound meaning. "Queen, if you want to go back, I naturally won't stop you. I might even send someone to escort you. However, it's different for Thorian."

"Why?" Elara frowned. She was willing to sacrifice everything just for her son's safety.

"Queen, do you really not understand, or are you pretending not to?" Antonio said calmly. "What's Thorian's identity? He is the well-known Little Prince of West Lucozia. In terms of bloodline legitimacy, he's even stronger than me. Do you think I would let the tiger return to the mountain?"

Although Thorian was just a young kid now, he had shown great potential. Moreover, he was the son of Rufus Rhys. In the eyes of some courtiers, it was natural for the son to inherit the father's position. Antonio, on the other hand, had taken power halfway.

If they allowed Thorian to return to Stonia and let him gather his strength, it could lead to enormous trouble in the future. Antonio wouldn't throw stones at his own feet.

"Grand General, Thorian is just a child. He poses no threat to you, and I promise, once we return to Stonia, we won't have any other intentions. We just want to live out our lives in peace," Elara tried to persuade him.

"That's just your one-sided statement. How can I believe it?" Antonio said indifferently. "I repeat, you can go back, but Thorian can't."

Chapter 1840: Beg for mercy

"Grand General, I only have this one son. I can't possibly leave him behind and return to the capital alone. I implore Grand General to show mercy!" Elara bowed deeply.

At this moment, she had no regard for her dignity anymore. If she could save her son from this dire situation, even if it meant risking her life, it would be worth it.

"If Queen is unwilling to return to the capital, you can stay," Antonio said calmly. "I will find a beautiful and peaceful place in West Lucozia for both of you to spend the rest of your lives worry-free. How about that?"

"Grand General, if you become the King of West Lucozia, it might not be suitable for us to stay here," Elara replied. "Why not just let us return to the capital? Everything will be peaceful and harmonious."

"There's nothing unsuitable about it. Thorian is my nephew; it's normal for him to stay in West Lucozia and help me. If he performs well, he might even receive promotions and honors, enjoying endless prosperity and wealth," Antonio said with a faint smile.

"Grand General, I'm begging you, please spare us. For the sake of the King, please let us go!" Elara knelt down abruptly, shocking everyone present.

No one had expected that the dignified Queen of West Lucozia would kneel and beg for mercy.

"Queen! What are you doing? Please get up!" Alexander's face changed drastically, and he ordered the palace maids to assist her, but Elara pushed them away.

As for Antonio, he wore a mocking smile, looking down at the former high-ranking queen groveling before him.

Once, she was a queen above all. Now, she was kneeling before him, pleading for mercy?

This was the power of authority.

"Mom!" Suddenly, Thorian rushed out.

Seeing his mother forced to kneel at the door, he was furious, his eyes filled with rage.

"Antonio! You scum! How dare you humiliate my mother? Today, I'll fight you to the end!" Thorian roared, charging at Antonio with his sword in hand.

"Thorian! Stop!" Elara's face turned pale as she tried to stop him, but it was too late.

Thorian and his sword merged into one, carrying a fierce gust of wind as he lunged at Antonio.

Antonio stood with his hands behind his back, completely unmoved, as if he didn't regard Thorian as a threat at all.

"Hmph! Overestimating your abilities!"

At that moment, Martin, who was standing on Antonio's left side, made his move. His long spear flicked, thrusting directly at Thorian with a single hand.

There was no excessive force, no flashy moves; it was a simple thrust that landed directly on Thorian's sword.


A loud explosion resounded.

Thorian was sent flying more than ten meters away, his sword dropping to the ground with a loud clatter.

The immense impact caused Thorian to retreat seven or eight steps before he could stabilize himself. A trace of blood trickled down his nose.

Although he was now a martial arts master, he was still far inferior to Martin, who was approaching the level of Grandmaster.

A simple thrust had injured him severely.

"Thorian! Are you alright?" Elara hurried forward, commanding the Wandering Black Guards of the palace to protect Thorian.

"Just a minor injury, I'm fine," Thorian wiped the blood from his nose and took a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the surging blood and internal energy.

"Martin, my father treated you well. Why are you helping Antonio?" Thorian stared at Martin with sharp eyes.
Chapter 1841: A remarkable person

With Martin's strength, there were few in the whole of West Lucozia who could compare. If it hadn't been for Martin seizing the opportunity to take the military token last night, Antonio wouldn't have been able to press forward with his army. In the end, the victory or defeat of both sides rested entirely on Martin's decision.

"Young Prince, there's a saying that goes: 'Those who understand the times are wise.' General Antonio is more suitable to be the West Lucozia King than you. Is there a problem with me serving under General Antonio?" Martyin said calmly, smiling faintly.

"I thought you were a loyal and righteous minister, but I never expected you to be such a despicable person!" Thorian rebuked angrily.

"The winner becomes the king, and the loser becomes a bandit. Whether I'm a loyal minister or a villain, it's all determined by the victor," Martin shrugged indifferently.

"Even if we lose, I will never let you off!" Thorian reached out and retrieved the fallen long sword, holding it tightly.

"What? Do you still want to fight?" Martin shook his head and sneered, "Even if you go all out, in my eyes, you're just a joke."

"Whether I'm a joke or not, you'll find out after we fight!" Thorian took a step forward, ready to attack.

Suddenly, a figure descended from the sky and stood in front of Thorian.

It was Dustin, wearing a human skin mask.

"I'll deal with this person; you step back," Dustin said calmly.

Thorian glanced at Martin and then at Dustin before stepping back. If it came down to a one-on-one fight, his elder brother's strength was no weaker than Martin's.

"So, it's you?" Martin assessed Dustin up and down, his face showing a hint of battle intent. "I always felt you were extraordinary and wanted to fight you. Now, I finally have the chance."

"Marquis Martin, who is this person?" Antonio casually asked.

"He's a hidden expert in the palace. The reason all four lords of the Northern cities were captured alive was because of him," Martin explained.

"Oh? Is that so? I never expected the palace to hide such a remarkable person," Antonio squinted his eyes, carefully assessing the situation.

Strangely, the person's face was unfamiliar, yet he felt a strange sense of familiarity, as if he had seen him somewhere before.

"Martin, you should never have betrayed the palace," Dustin slowly unsheathed the Sky Sword on his back, his eyes becoming exceptionally sharp. "I despise traitors the most, to the bone. That's why today, you must die!"

"You want me dead? Let's see if you have the capability!" Martin sneered coldly.

"They say you're the number one spear master in West Lucozia. Today, I'm here to learn something from you!" Dustin's body flickered, and he shot out like a cannonball, turning into a residual image and violently attacking Martin.

"So fast!" Martin's pupils contracted. He didn't dare to underestimate his opponent and immediately held his spear with both hands, wildly swinging it, creating countless spear shadows that enveloped him.

"These are just petty tricks!" Dustin neither dodged nor evaded, suddenly turning his body, integrating himself with the sword, transforming into a white sword light, and fiercely crashing into the myriad spear shadows.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Accompanied by a series of explosions, wherever the white sword light passed, the spear shadows burst one after another, completely unable to withstand it. Martin was forced to retreat continuously, and with each step backward, he left a deep footprint on the ground.

"What incredible swordsmanship!"

Witnessing this scene, everyone was astonished, finding it hard to believe. After all, Martin's strength was renowned in West Lucozia; he was ranked within the top five, and his spear technique was unparalleled, unstoppable. Yet, this young man had forced such a top-tier expert to continuously retreat. It was simply unbelievable!

Chapter 1842: Plan of break out of the city

"Who is this person exactly? He actually forced Marquis Martin to retreat. It's too incredible!"

"At such a young age, possessing such formidable strength, it's truly unimaginable. If we could recruit him, he would undoubtedly be a powerful general!"

"Don't be hasty. Martin hasn't displayed his true strength yet, so it's still uncertain who will win in the end."

As they watched the intense battle between Dustin and Martin, the crowd couldn't help but discuss the situation fervently.

Most of West Lucozia's top experts were well-known, but this young man who had suddenly appeared seemed exceptionally mysterious. Nobody recognized him, as if he had appeared out of thin air. This naturally piqued their curiosity. After all, top-notch warriors like him were extremely rare. With his strength, he could shake the world with just his own power!

"Thorian, where did you find this young expert? Why haven't I seen him before?" Elara supported her son, her expression filled with doubt.

"Mom, the time hasn't come yet. I can't tell you for now," Thorian shook his head. His big brother had always concealed his identity. It was only under dire circumstances that he had decided to intervene.

"Even I can't know?" Elara became even more curious.

"Mom, I'm sorry, but I have to keep my promise," Thorian shook his head again.

"That's alright, I'll just ask you one thing: Is this person reliable?" Elara tentatively asked.

"Extremely reliable!" Thorian replied without hesitation.

"Very well!" Elara nodded. "This person is incredibly powerful, slightly surpassing Martin. If the situation turns unfavorable later, let him help you break out of the city!"


Thorian was about to speak but was interrupted by Elara. "Listen to me this time! Antonio will never let you go. You must preserve your life. Once you leave West Lucozia and head to Stonia, there will be plenty of opportunities for a comeback."

With the assistance of this mysterious expert, along with the Wandering Black Guards and the eight hundred death warriors, there was at least a fifty percent chance of successfully breaking out.

"Mom! What about you if I leave?" Thorian frowned.

"Don't worry, I have the protection of the Princess Consort. Antonio wouldn't dare do anything to me," Elara forced a smile. As long as her son was safe, she didn't care about her own life or death.

"Mom, we haven't reached the point of no return yet. Maybe there's still a chance for things to turn around," Thorian reassured.

He had full trust in his elder brother. He always felt that his elder brother had a hidden ace up his sleeve. At the critical moment, he could turn the situation around.
"A chance? Let's hope so," Elara sighed lightly, although she didn't hold much hope.

As the saying goes, two fists are no match for four hands. No matter how strong that young expert was, he couldn't single-handedly defeat everyone. Moreover, there were still five hundred thousand Black Dragon Army soldiers outside—an unstoppable force.

In the central battlefield, Dustin's sword continued its relentless thrusts, showing no signs of stopping.

Meanwhile, Martin was on the defensive, constantly retreating while trying to block Dustin's attacks.

Unbeknownst to him, sweat had already covered his forehead.

"How is this kid so strong? His oppressive aura is almost on par with Sword Immortal Zenon!" Martin's face was grave, his brows deeply furrowed. He continued blocking with his spear, attempting to stop Dustin's onslaught.

No matter how he varied his spear techniques, the opponent only had a single sword, yet he forced Martin into a constant retreat, rendering him unable to counterattack.

This kind of overwhelming oppressive aura was something he had only felt from Sword Immortal Zenon. Moreover, that had been many years ago.

In the past, he had been arrogant due to his recent breakthrough into the Master realm. He had challenged Sword Immortal Zenon thinking highly of himself. However, Sword Immortal Zenon had defeated him with a single sword strike, effortlessly.

Chapter 1843: The swordsmanship

After many years, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds. However, he didn’t expect that now, he would defeated by a young man.

What a disgrace.

"Too much!" Seeing the situation getting worse, Martin couldn't help but roar. He unleashed his ultimate move. With a swift motion, he distanced himself from Dustin. Then, he suddenly stopped and turned around, gripping the spear with both hands and thrusting it back.

His entire body erupted with profound energy, creating a terrifying aura as he unleashed his attack.

"Star-Picking, Moon-Watching!" Martin roared, and the tip of his spear vibrated rapidly. Countless spear shadows shot out like meteors, carrying the power to destroy the heavens and earth, all aimed at Dustin.

Wherever the spear shadows passed, the air distorted, and the ground shattered, creating a fearsome scene.

"Hmph!" Dustin stood his ground, not dodging or evading. He shook his Sky Sword, and a sharp sword aura instantly burst out, crashing into the sea of spear shadows.

"Bang, bang, bang..." A series of explosions ensued.

Dustin's sword aura tore through all the spear shadows, then accurately pierced the tip of Martin's spear.

"Boom!" A loud noise reverberated.

Martin's long spear couldn't withstand the pressure and exploded into more than ten pieces. The powerful shockwave produced by the explosion sent Martin flying dozens of meters away, crashing heavily onto the ground. Blood spewed from his mouth and nose, and he couldn't stop coughing.

"What?!" Witnessing this scene, everyone's faces turned pale with shock.

Although they knew that Dustin had the upper hand, Martin was no pushover. According to their estimation, the two of them should have been evenly matched.

In the blink of an eye, Martin was defeated? And such a disastrous defeat?

This outcome seems too sudden, doesn't it?

"This young man is truly formidable. If we could have him on our side, it would be even better," Antonio murmured as he watched Dustin defeat his opponent with a single strike, his enthusiasm growing.

To defeat Martin at such a young age, his future seems limitless.

"With the reputation of the Grand General, if we can extend an olive branch and promise wealth and prosperity, it shouldn't be too difficult to win this person over," Jasper remarked with a meaningful tone.

"Such a master is worth recruiting," Calvin nodded.

In the land of West Lucozia, known for its martial prowess, one's martial strength can greatly influence their future achievements.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Martin staggered to his feet, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth. He was no longer as composed as before; fear had replaced his confidence.

"The swordsmanship you used is very similar to that of Sword Immortal Zenon. Who are you, really?" Martin asked in a deep voice.

"I'll tell you the truth after you're dead!" Dustin replied without hesitation. With a flick of his Sky Sword, he launched another attack against Martin.

"Great General, save me!"

Martin's face turned pale. Without caring about his image as a skilled warrior, he swiftly hid behind Antonio. He knew he was no match for Dustin and sought protection at this critical moment.

"Young man, hold on!"

Antonio shouted loudly, attempting to defuse the conflict between the two sides. However, Dustin showed no response. His longsword continued to advance, as if he were ready to fight to the death.

Seeing this, Antonio couldn't help but furrow his brow. While he wanted to recruit Dustin, if he became an uncontrollable factor, they might have no choice but to let him go.

Chapter 1844: The King's decree

"Men, take this guy down for me!"

Seeing that Dustin continued to attack relentlessly, Antonio finally gave the order.

Powerful individuals are valuable assets if they can be controlled.

But if they can't be controlled, they can't be left to the enemy; the threat must be eliminated!


Jasper and Calvin both gave the signal.

Over a hundred martial experts immediately swarmed Dustin, surrounding him and launching their attack.

These were all officers and leaders of the Black Dragon Army, each with extraordinary strength. When their powers combined, it surpassed that of thousands of regular soldiers.


Suddenly, a dark figure descended from the sky, like a meteor crashing to the earth, with lightning-fast speed, and violently smashed into the crowd.


A loud noise.

The ground shattered, dust filled the air, and a powerful shockwave emanated from the point of impact, sweeping outward.

Wherever it passed, the martial experts were forced to retreat continuously, struggling to maintain their balance.

"Who is that?"

Everyone fixed their gaze and saw a middle-aged man in elegant clothing, with graying hair.

The man had an indifferent expression, an imposing aura, and a reddish haze seemed to surround him.

It was an aura of such dense malevolence that ghostly wails and wolf howls could be faintly heard.

The newcomer was none other than the infamous killer, Albert!

"Albert? He has finally appeared!" Elara's face lit up.

Ever since the Lord passed away, Albert had disappeared without a trace.

For several days, he hadn't shown himself, and no matter how they tried to contact him, there was no response.

Now, at this critical moment, he reappeared as if from nowhere.

As one of the three top experts in the Rhys family, Albert's true strength was still a mystery.

No one knew just how strong Albert was, but anyone targeted by him ultimately had only one fate – death.

"This is fantastic! With Albert here, we have one more chance at survival!"

Upon seeing the arrival of Albert, Alexander couldn't help but become more spirited.

Albert was a legendary figure and one of the Lord's most trusted lieutenants. Although he usually kept a low profile, no one dared to underestimate him. After all, the title of "Man Butcher" was earned with the blood of tens of thousands of enemy soldiers, resulting in unparalleled glory.

"Man Butcher Albert?" Antonio squinted slightly, his expression becoming more serious.

In the entire West Lucozia, the person who made him most wary was Rufus Rhys, but he had already died. Now, the second most formidable person was this hidden Man Butcher.

"By the King's decree, all members of the Black Dragon Army are to withdraw to the fortress and guard the borders without error!" Albert spoke loudly.

His voice was like thunder, resounding through the heavens and the earth, with an irresistible authority.

"The King's decree?"

As this statement was made, the officers of the Black Dragon Army exchanged puzzled and skeptical looks.

They had been summoned by the Commander's token, which was equivalent to the King's personal presence. Hence, they had no choice but to obey the Commander's orders; it was their duty as military leaders. Now, hearing the words "the King's decree" left them confused.

"Hmph! The King's decree? That's pure nonsense!" Antonio stepped forward, speaking coldly. "Albert, the King has long since passed away, so where would this 'decree' come from? In my view, you are clearly fabricating and deceiving the world!"

"Exactly!" Martin chimed in. "The King has passed away, and the Commander's token is now in the hands of the Grand General. All members of the Black Dragon Army must follow the Grand General's orders. What qualifications does a mere steward of the King Mansion have to give orders here?"

"I'll say it again, by the King's decree, all members of the Black Dragon Army, return to the fortress!" Albert repeated with a stern expression, speaking even louder and with greater force.

"Men, arrest this traitor!" Antonio, not wanting to waste any more words, gave the command directly.

Chapter 1845: Miraculously come back to life

If Albert continued to speak like this, it was feared that it would shake the morale of the troops.


The leaders of the Black Dragon Army exchanged uncertain glances.

After all, Albert had been one of the Grand Generals of the Black Dragon Army back in the day, and his authority was second only to King Rufus Rhys.

After pacifying the western territories, Albert had retired from the military, but some of the older veterans still remembered his outstanding achievements and held deep respect for him.

"What's the matter? Are you all deaf, or do you intend to defy orders?" Antonio said, pulling out the Commander's token and raising it high above his head. He shouted, "The Commander's token is here; let's see who dares to defy my orders!"


Seeing Antonio brandishing the Commander's token, the soldiers and officers no longer hesitated. They unsheathed their swords and surrounded Albert.

Albert remained calm, his expression unchanged, showing no signs of fear.

"King is here! Who dares to act insolently!"

At this moment, a thunderous shout erupted seemingly out of thin air. The force of it was like a thunderclap, rolling through and intimidating everyone present.

The hearts of all the soldiers and officers trembled, and they instinctively halted their advance and turned to look in the direction of the voice.

Then, an astonishing scene unfolded.

At the entrance of the King Mansion, a middle-aged man in a dragon-embroidered robe slowly walked out with his hands behind his back.

The middle-aged man had a slightly hunched stature and limped as he walked, showing no imposing presence or aura. Without the dragon-embroidered robe, one might mistake him for an ordinary farmer.

However, the moment this seemingly ordinary middle-aged man appeared, everyone fell into silence. Their eyes widened, and they bore expressions of shock and disbelief.

Because the man who had just appeared was none other than the resurrected King of West Lucozia, Rufus Rhys!

"King... my King?"

Staring at the familiar face, Elara couldn't help but be dumbfounded, finding it hard to believe.

She had seen the King's lifeless body, so why was he now standing there, alive and well?

What on earth was happening?

Was she... dreaming?


Even Thorian was in a daze, the knife in his hand dropping to the ground with a clang. To confirm whether it was real or not, he rubbed his eyes, just in case they were playing tricks on him.

"Oh my goodness! Wasn't the King dead? Am I seeing a ghost?"

Alexander, Rowan, and Tyson exchanged bewildered looks, their shock palpable. They had seen King Rufus's lifeless body with their own eyes last night. He had been unmistakably without breath. How could he be alive today?

Could it be some sort of resurrection?

"Big... brother?"

Antonio was struck as though by lightning, frozen on the spot. Sweat formed on his forehead, and he began to tremble uncontrollably. Rufus Rhys had cast a shadow over him his entire life, and upon hearing about King Rufus's passing, he had been overjoyed.

After all those years of waiting, he had finally seen a chance to rise to power. It felt like a new lease on life.

So, he had immediately set his plan in motion to seize power, prepared to take control of west Lucozia's military in one fell swoop. He knew that without King Rufus's suppression, he would be unstoppable.

The plan had been going smoothly. With the Commander's token in hand, they had surrounded the King Mansion. Even the King Consort, along with others, had knelt and begged for mercy. He was just one step away from the throne, from achieving unparalleled glory.

However, he had never dreamt that at this critical moment, King Rufus Rhys would miraculously come back to life.

Why? Why was this happening? He had already died. How could he be alive now?

Chapter 1846: Faked Death

At this moment, Antonio was completely shaken. He had calculated every possible outcome but had never considered the possibility of King Rufus standing before him, alive and well. This kind of shock was almost unbearable.

In fact, it wasn't just Antonio; all the rebel leaders, including Martin, were dumbfounded. They had rebelled against King Rufus's rule precisely because they believed he was dead. If King Rufus Rhys hadn't died, they wouldn't have dared to engage in such a treacherous act.

"Today is quite lively, isn't it? So many people have gathered," Rufus Rhys said as he strolled out of the gate, and the crowd automatically parted as he passed through.

"King, but you... you were already..." Elara began to speak but then stopped, her face showing disbelief. She had seen King Rufus being pierced through the chest with her own eyes and witnessed him losing his breath. She had even conducted his funeral herself. She couldn't understand why a person who had died was now alive.

"Don't be nervous. I'm a person, not a ghost," Rufus replied with a faint smile. "The assassin's sword did indeed nearly take my life. Luckily, I was fortunate enough to protect my heart with my true energy, which allowed me to hang on to life."

"King, why didn't you tell us sooner? Do you know how much pain we went through?" Elara spoke tearfully. After King Rufus's apparent death, she had been devastated. But for the sake of the King Mansion, she had to control her emotions, handle the funeral arrangements, and engage in a strategic battle against those ambitious individuals.

"Elara, you've worked hard these past few days," Rufus Rhys said, extending his hand to wipe away the tears at the corner of Elara's eyes. He smiled and continued, "The reason I faked my death was to take the opportunity to recover from my injuries and to see how the King Mansion and West Lucozia would fare after my apparent death."

At this point, Rufus's gaze suddenly shifted towards Antonio and his group. "Unfortunately, things didn't turn in a positive direction. The actions of certain individuals have left me deeply disappointed."

After the assassination attempt, he had employed a calculated strategy to fake his death, aiming to test the reactions of those around him. He hadn't expected that in just a few days, the King Mansion would undergo such significant changes, and certain individuals with hidden agendas would reveal their true colors. Now that matters had come to this point, he had no choice but to reappear and determine the conclusion of this farce.

"Dad! It's wonderful that you're safe!" After a brief moment of shock, Thorian's face beamed with joy. He continued, "During the days you were recovering, Uncle Antonio, together with the four northern lords, rebelled and seized the Commander's token. Their actions were audacious and reckless!"

"I'm already aware of these matters," Rufus Rhys nodded, looking at Antonio with a calm gaze. "Third brother, as the Grand General, a position that's second only to the Lord, couldn't you be content with your position of great authority? Why did you choose this treacherous path? Do you realize how many lives were harmed by your actions?"

Antoniof, his face dark and trembling slightly, said nothing. His hand shook as he held his sword, not out of fear, but from the intensity of the situation.

Chapter 1847: There is always someone better

"Third brother, we are family. As long as you put down your sword, I can spare your life," Rufus Rhys said calmly.

"Why? Why haven't you died yet? You were seriously ill and on the brink of death. Why do you insist on holding the position of the West Lucozia King?" Antonio gnashed his teeth, his eyes bloodshot, and his expression appeared somewhat grotesque.

"Third brother, I know your personality very well. You are talented in both civil and martial affairs, but you lack the capacity to tolerate others. Your approach is too ruthless, and you are not suited to be a King. You can't be a King," Rufus Rhys said bluntly.

"Nonsense!" Antonio suddenly roared. "You've been the King for decades, and now that you're about to die, it's time for me to take the position! Look at the whole of West Lucozia. Who is more suitable than me to be the new King?"

"I have already chosen the new King, and it's not you," Rufus Rhys said, shaking his head.

"A new King? Hahaha..." Antonio laughed wildly. "Thorian is just a little brat. In terms of talent, ability, and authority, what does he have that's better than me? Why should he compete with me?"

"When I said 'new King,' I wasn't referring to Thorian," Rufus Rhys calmly replied.

"If it's not Thorian Rhys, who else could it be? Are you still hoping for Logan Rhys, the guy who disappeared for ten years? He's someone who doesn't even know his own life or death, and you want to pass the throne to him. Have you gone mad?" Antonio mocked mercilessly.

"How dare you!" Upon hearing this, Albert was about to lose his temper but was stopped by Rufus Rhys's raised hand.

Compared to Antonio's outbursts and madness, Rufus Rhys remained extraordinarily composed throughout the conversation.

"Third brother, I can only tell you that Logan didn't die. He is alive and well. He is now even more outstanding than I was back then, and he is more suited to be the King," Rufus Rhys said seriously.

"What if he didn't die? Consider the ages; Logan Rhys is only a few years older than Thorian. In the end, he's still just a kid, while I have been through countless battles. My reputation among the military and the people far exceeds Logan's by a thousand or even ten thousand times. In a fair competition, he wouldn't even be qualified to hold my shoes!" Antonio shouted.

He never really cared about the "Rhys Family's Kirin Child." Without Rufus Rhys's support, suppressing Logan would be as easy as flipping his hand.

"Third brother, you are too conceited and don't understand the saying that there is always someone better. There are countless talents in the world. If you had the time, you should go out and explore, see the world beyond West Lucozia. The world is much larger than you can imagine," Rufus Rhys said, his expression filled with sympathy.

"Stop the nonsense! You are selfish!" Antonio roared, his face contorted. "You keep saying you are serving the country and the people, for the people of West Lucozia, but in your eyes, the throne is meant only for your son. In reality, you are a selfish and self-serving hypocrite!"

"You're not wrong. I do have personal considerations, but everything I do is based on the greater good," Rufus Rhys calmly replied. "If my two sons were worthless and unfit to be kings, I would never pass the throne to them."

"Hmph! You speak so pompously, but in the end, you are still considering your own son!" Antonio scowled. "If you were truly serving the country and the people, choosing the most capable rather than your family, you should willingly abdicate and let us compete fairly!"

"So, you want a fair competition?" In response, Rufus Rhys unexpectedly nodded. "Alright, today I'll give you a chance to compete fairly with my son."

Chapter 1848: A fair competition

"A fair competition?" These words left everyone in shock and disbelief. Nobody expected Rufus Rhys to suggest such a thing. He could have easily commanded the Black Dragon Army officers to capture Antonio, ending the rebellion once and for all. Instead, he gave Antonio a chance to turn the tables, leaving everyone perplexed.

"Your Majesty…" Elara began to speak but was silenced by Rufus Rhys, who raised his hand and said, "There's no need to say more; there's a time and place for everything."

"Brother Rufus, are you really going to let your son compete with me on equal terms?" Antonio was somewhat shocked. He had just been prepared to fight for his life, not expecting Rufus to introduce the concept of a fair competition.

"If you want fairness, I'll give it to you. I will make you accept defeat with an open heart and mouth," Rufus Rhys calmly stated.

"Alright! This is what you've said!" Antonio's eyes narrowed slightly. He felt a surge of optimism. "We, West Lucozia, value martial strength. To become the new king, one must be powerful. In my opinion, we should compete based on military rules. The victor becomes the king!"

"Antonio, you're truly shameless!" Elara couldn't hold back any longer and exclaimed, "You've been a warrior on the battlefield for many years, and your martial strength is extraordinary. In all of West Lucozia, there are very few who can rival you. To choose your strength as the basis for competition, does that seem fair?"

"In this world, strength has always been the highest virtue, especially in West Lucozia. Without formidable strength, how can one command the respect of thousands of soldiers? Do you think a scholarly weakling can be the king of West Lucozia?" Antonio replied, maintaining his solemn demeanor.

"That's right! We will never accept a weakling as our king!" Martin chimed in.

"If the strongest gets to be king, then the world would have fallen into chaos long ago!" Elara retorted.

"Whether the world falls into chaos or not, I don't know, but in the Black Dragon Army, to gain respect, you need either great strength or numerous military achievements," Antonio replied, with a cold smile. "In terms of military achievements, if you combine the records of Logan Rhys and Thorian Rhys, they can't compare to even a fraction of mine. I proposed the arena battle as a fair way to decide everything based on strength."

"You…" Elara began to speak, but Rufus Rhys interrupted, "Alright, I agree. We'll compete according to military rules. The victor will be the future king of West Lucozia."

"It's a deal!" Antonio's eyes lit up, feeling ecstatic.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Antonio's strength had already reached the Grandmaster level several years ago. He believed he had a strong chance of winning, even against someone like Albert, the "Butcher." As for Thorian and the long-missing Logan, he didn't think they stood a chance against his prowess.

Although the competition seemed fair, Antonio believed he had already secured his victory.

"Rufus Rhys, Rufus Rhys, you are clever throughout your life, but made a foolish choice this time. If your son loses, I wonder how you will handle the consequences," Antonio thought, a cold smile playing across his face.

He was not concerned about Rufus Rhys's potential regrets; reversing a decision in front of so many Black Dragon Army officers would damage his authority Antonio saw this as an opportunity to gain support and build his own reputation.

"Thorian, how do you feel about trying it out? How does Antonio compare to Marquis Martin?" Rufus Rhys turned to Thorian.

"Is Antonio stronger than Marquis Martin?" Thorian replied.

"Martin has decent martial prowess, but when compared to Antonio, his strength far exceeds Martin. Otherwise, how could your Third Uncle command him?" Rufus Rhys smiled lightly.

"If Antonio is stronger than Martin then I think I'll pass," Thorian shook his head. He couldn't defeat Martin, so he knew he couldn't compete against Antonio.

Chapter 1849: Outplayed from start to finish

Isn't this just asking for trouble?

"Hmph! You do have some self-awareness!" Antonio coldly smiled and continued, "Brother Rufus, your younger son has already admitted defeat, so may I ask, where is your elder son now?"

"Logan, you've hidden for so long; it's time to reveal yourself, isn't it?" Rufus Rhys suddenly spoke loudly.

While Rufus Rhys hadn't met his eldest son, Logan Rhys, he knew of his existence. During the recent Steven Seagal incident, Logan Rhys had reported the issue, providing him the opportunity to eliminate the tumor within the family.

With such a major event happening in the palace now, it was in Logan's nature not to sit idly by.

"I didn't expect you, this old fox, to not only deceive Antonio but all of us as well. And now, you're making me your scapegoat. Is this appropriate?" After some hesitation, Logan Rhys finally took off his human mask.

Since Rufus Rhys wasn't dead, the situation in the palace remained in their control. Logan Rhys couldn't avoid revealing himself in this situation, even if it felt like he was being forced onto the stage.

While it seemed as though he was being pushed into a corner, Logan Rhys understood that Rufus Rhys had his best interests in mind. Today was the best opportunity to establish his authority.

If he could defeat Antonio, the Great General of the Black Dragon Army, in front of all the officers, it would clear the path for his future succession.

"What? He's actually Logan Rhys?" The crowd was dumbfounded upon seeing Logan Rhys's true face. Nobody expected the mysterious figure who had just defeated Martin to be none other than Logan Rhys, who had disappeared for a decade. The shock brought about by this revelation surpassed even the return of Rufus Rhys from the dead.

Father and son, both were cunning and crafty, living up to their reputation.

"Is it you? How is this possible?" Antonio's expression changed, and he was utterly shocked.

He had believed that Logan Rhys was gone for good and hadn't expected him to be lurking right under his nose. What was even more critical was that Logan Rhys strength was so great that Antonio couldn't guarantee victory.

"I apologize to everyone for concealing my identity. It was a necessity," Logan said after revealing himself and respectfully clasping his hands.

"Logan, when did you return?" Elara was surprised and glanced at Logan Rhys, then at Thorian. Thorian awkwardly smiled but pretended not to notice the look.

"I've been back for a few days. I heard about the crisis in the palace, so I decided to provide assistance covertly. Unfortunately, I couldn't keep my identity a secret, but it's hard to fool this old fox," Dustin replied.

He glanced at Rufus Rhys with a complex expression. When he heard of his father's supposed death, his emotions almost got the best of him. As it turned out, it was all part of Rufus Rhys's masterful plan. The faked death had been used to lure out everyone with ill intentions, and then to clean house.

Antonio might be skilled in both civil and military affairs and could devise strategies, but against the experienced and cunning Rufus Rhys, he was outplayed from start to finish. Whether it was the staged death or the meticulously prepared duel, Antonio was manipulated the entire time. This was the depth of the cunning that the King of West Lucozia, Rufus Rhys, had at his disposal.

Chapter 1850: A little trick

"You little brat, you've been back for a while but never showed yourself. I had to use a little trick to bring you out," Rufus Rhys said, not particularly pleased.

"Alright, stop the chatter. We can talk about the faked death later. For now, let's deal with the current situation," Dustin declared firmly.

His sharp gaze soon landed on Antonio. After all, Rufus Rhys had been stabbed, and Antonio was the one who swiftly decided to rebel after the apparent death of his father. So, Dustin was certain that Antonio was involved, potentially even collaborating with remnants from the Dragon Guard Pavilion, as both rebellion and collusion with these remnants were considered major crimes in his eyes.

"Logan Rhys!" Antonio's complexion, initially filled with shock, swiftly darkened.

It suddenly occurred to him that he might have been manipulated. Rufus Rhys was aware of Logan Rhys's existence. His prompt agreement in the duel was likely due to his recognition of Logan Rhys's abilities. And while Antonio hadn't seen Logan Rhys for a decade, the duel with Logan and the victory against Marquis Martin had revealed a level of excellence that wasn't ordinary.

Antonio might be approaching the level of a Grandmaster, which was among the top-tier martial artists in West Lucozia. However, Logan Rhys's ability to defeat Marquis Martin hinted at an even higher level—potentially that of a Grandmaster. A Grandmaster at twenty-something years of age; his talent was indeed terrifying.

If Antonio didn't take action to eliminate Logan Rhys today, allowing him to continue growing, even if he became the King of West Lucozia, he would likely spend his days in constant worry, living in fear. After all, a Grandmaster-level martial artist, despite the unsuccessful assassination, would prove challenging to contain or control.

"Uncle, it's been a while. I hope you're well," Logan Rhys said with a forced smile, his words carrying an undercurrent of tension.

Antonio's eyes narrowed, his vigilance increasing as he grasped the hilt of his precious sword.

"Uncle, let it go," Dustin implored. "As long as you're willing to repent in time, I can plead with King Rufus Rhys to spare your life."

"Now that we're here, do you really think I can turn back?" Antonio slowly drew his sword, his expression ice-cold. He was so close to the throne that he couldn't afford to back down now. The rules established earlier stated that if he defeated Logan Rhys, he would ascend to the throne. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and he wasn't about to let it slip through his fingers.

Dustin shook his head. "Uncle, isn't life worth living? Why do you insist on seeking death?"

Antonio's gaze remained unwavering. "It's not about seeking death; it's about fulfilling my lifelong ambition. I'm willing to give my life for it."

"Uncle, it doesn't have to be this way," Dustin tried to reason with him.

"Whether it's life or death, who wins and who loses, we won't know until we fight," Antonio responded, raising his sword. "Logan Rhys, I know you're skilled, but I've fought on the battlefield for years, and I'm undefeated. You may not be my match for the throne."

"Uncle, in a battle with soldiers, you might excel, but in a one-on-one duel, you might not necessarily be my equal," Dustin stated earnestly.
Chapter 1851: Outcome of this battle uncertain

"Insolence!" Antonio glared, his eyes filled with determination. "We're both Grandmasters, and I refuse to believe that decades of my experience can't match up to a youngster like you."

"If Uncle is so obstinate, then don't blame me for not showing respect for my elders," Dustin said, gesturing for Antonio to attack.

"Watch my blade!" Antonio didn't waste time talking and lunged forward with a fierce offensive.

Antonio's swordplay was swift and deadly, striking for vital points with every blow. While it lacked flashy techniques, it was ruthlessly effective, free of any openings.

His innate talent, years of battlefield experience, and mastery of various swordsmanship styles had come together to form his unique technique. It emphasized speed, precision, and ruthlessness, rendering it unstoppable.

Faced with Antonio's powerful attacks, Dustin's figure danced around, elusive and unpredictable, like leaves fluttering in the wind. They fought in a manner that made it hard to determine who had the upper hand.

Onlookers watched with rapt attention, surprised by the display. To avoid collateral damage, they maintained a safe distance, providing ample space for Dustin and Land Antonio to engage in their duel.

Both of these fighters were Grandmasters, and their every strike had the potential to shatter rock and bone. Even the aftermath of their battle was enough to take lives.

"I didn't expect Antonio's strength to be this formidable. He's already a Martial Grandmaster, and with his extensive combat experience, Dustin might not gain any advantage here."

Elara squinted her eyes, watching the battlefield intently. With her sharp vision, she could barely make out who was who, but the movements of the two combatants were too fast to follow.

"Antonio, that treacherous scoundrel, has been hiding his true strength well. Ten years ago, we were evenly matched, but I didn't expect him to have grown to such a terrifying extent now," Alexander commented with a furrowed brow.

Just two years ago, he had barely reached the level of Martial Grandmaster. Meanwhile, Antonio was already a Grandmaster, and the gap between them was insurmountable.

"It's true. Being appointed as General of the West Lucozia Army isn't something an ordinary person can achieve," Tyson said with a gentle tone. "Moreover, within the Rhys family, there aren't many who can be considered mediocre. Compared to Antonio, His Highness the Crown Prince is a genuine prodigy."

"That's absolutely correct!" Rowan agreed wholeheartedly. "No matter how talented Antonio is, he's already in his forties. Becoming a Grandmaster is acceptable at his age. But the Crown Prince, at only twenty-something years old, has reached such incredible strength. He's a peerless talent that will outshine the entire world."

"Hehe... it seems that's the case," Alexander couldn't help but smile.

While Antonio had extraordinary talent, he was overshadowed by His Highness the Crown Prince's brilliance. If the Crown Prince were to ascend the throne, West Lucozia would surely see even greater glory in the future.

"Don't celebrate too early. Despite Logan's superior martial talents compared to Antonio, he's still young. There's a gap of more than twenty years between them, which affects their strength and combat experience. Antonio is stronger in both areas. Therefore, the outcome of this battle is still uncertain," Elara cautioned seriously.

For the sake of the Rhys family's interests, she naturally hoped that Logan Rhys would win. However, judging from the current situation, it was clear that Antonio had the upper hand.

Chapter 1852: An unbelievable revelation

"Queen Elara is right. Even though His Highness the Crown Prince is formidable, he is still very young. Facing Antonio, who is quite a crafty old fox, his chances of winning are not high," Alexander said thoughtfully.

While Dustin was a genius, Antonio was no ordinary person. After more than two decades of cultivation, the age gap between them was quite terrifying, affecting both their strength and combat experience. So, the ultimate outcome of the battle remained uncertain.

"I have a different perspective," Tyson spoke up again.

"Tyson, do you think His Highness the Crown Prince has a better chance of winning?" Rowan asked cautiously.

"Yes," Tyson nodded. "King Rufus is a master of strategy and tactics. By agreeing to this competition, he must be confident of winning. We should trust his judgment."

"Although you say that, in a battle of martial skills, there are too many variables, especially when dealing with strong opponents at the same level. Even the tiniest mistake can turn the tide. Until the very end, no one can predict the outcome for certain, not even King Rufus," Alexander argued.

"I'm not just saying this because of King Rufus. There's something more critical at play here," Tyson continued.

"Oh? What's that?" Alexander raised an eyebrow.

"Have you ever heard of the 'World-Shaking List'?" Tyson suddenly asked.

"I haven't," Alexander shook his head.

He had a wealth of experience in military strategy and warfare but knew little about matters in the martial world.

"I've heard of it," Rowan chimed in. "The 'World-Shaking List' is the most prestigious martial world ranking list. Anyone who makes it onto the list is considered one of the top martial experts. The top three on the list are Devin from Dragon-Tiger Mountain, Kylo, the Leader of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, and the Sword Immortal Zenon from West Liang."

"What? Sword Immortal Zenon is only third?" Alexander exclaimed in surprise.

In his eyes, Sword Immortal Zenon wasn't just the most powerful warrior in West Lucozia; he was the strongest in the world.

With awe-inspiring swordsmanship and an unstoppable force, Zenon had defeated countless opponents. To this day, no one had managed to withstand more than three of his strikes. Such a nearly god-like figure ranking third on the "World-Shaking List" was indeed astonishing.

"Though I dare not say that the 'World-Shaking List' contains all the world's strongest warriors, the top ten martial experts on that list are, without exaggeration, the top ten strongest individuals in the world!" Tyson spoke with a resolute tone.

"So even Sword Immortal Zenon is only ranked third. The prestige of the 'World-Shaking List' is indeed exceptionally high. But why are you bringing this up now? What does it have to do with us?" Alexander asked curiously.

"I forgot to mention it to you, but the 'World-Shaking List' has been recently updated, and our Crown Prince now holds the tenth position!" Tyson's revelation was startling.

"What? Our Crown Prince is actually on the 'World-Shaking List'? Is that for real?" Alexander exclaimed.

"Tyson, you're not joking, right? Our Crown Prince is on the list?" Rowan found it hard to believe.

While Alexander might not have been familiar with the weight the 'World-Shaking List' carried, he knew that it was a prestigious ranking, something that countless warriors aspired to. If the Crown Prince's ranking was accurate, it meant he was among the top ten martial experts in the world. This was truly an extraordinary revelation.

"The 'World-Shaking List' was recently updated, and only a few are aware of it, but it is indeed true. Our Crown Prince is on the list," Tyson stated earnestly.

"If that's the case, it's great news! I can't believe it; after ten years of absence, the Crown Prince has reached such an astonishing level of power. It's utterly terrifying!" Rowan was both surprised and delighted.

"Wait a minute! If His Highness made it onto the 'World-Shaking List,' did Antonio make it on there too?" Alexander suddenly inquired.

Chapter 1853: Go down together

"No, he hasn't made it on the list," Tyson replied.

In fact, the "World-Shaking List" had an unwritten rule that members of the royal family and high-ranking officials were not allowed to be listed.

"So, did Antonio fail to make it on the list because he wasn't allowed, or was it due to a lack of strength?" Alexander inquired further.

"He can't make it on the list because of the rules, but even if he were allowed, his strength wouldn't be enough," Tyson explained.

"In that case, I can rest easy," Alexander breathed a sigh of relief.

"If the 'World-Shaking List' is accurate, His Highness's strength should be superior to Antonio's. As long as he doesn't underestimate his opponent, he should be able to win handily," Rowan analyzed.

"However, we should still be cautious," Elara murmured to herself.

She had mixed feelings about Logan Rhys's excellence. On one hand, she hoped that Logan would win and restore honor to the King residence. On the other hand, she was somewhat apprehensive. If Logan Rhys became the king in the future, would he treat her son as Antonio had? After all, her son placed unconditional trust in Logan Rhys and had a kind of dependency on him. If Logan Rhys turned on them, her son wouldn't know how he had perished.

Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Dustin and Land Antonio's battle intensified. Their speed was so fast that ordinary soldiers could only barely see two blurred figures clashing, with occasional explosive sounds that generated powerful shockwaves.

"They've been fighting for so long, and with the General's strength, he should have won by now. Why is he taking so long to finish this?" Martin murmured as he observed the situation.

From the surface, it seemed that Antonio was on the offensive, while Logan was playing defensively. Normally, with Antonio's offensive, he should have defeated his opponent in just three minutes. However, they had been fighting for the time it takes to drink a cup of tea, and no victory was in sight, which was indeed strange.

"Logan Rhys is a Grandmaster, and he's definitely not easy to deal with. The General needs to give it his all if he wants to win," Jasper said.

"At this point, we have no choice but to give it our all. Once we are defeated, the General will be in danger," Calvin shook his head.

"Both of you, what are your plans if the General really loses?" Martin asked abruptly.

"What plans can we have? We'll naturally go down together with the General," Jasper said without hesitation.

"That's right! We are the General's trusted followers, and it's only right to live or die together with the General," Calvin spoke righteously.

"Why be so muddled, the two of you?" Martin said with a profound meaning. "The General is the General, and we are ourselves. Everyone has the right to survive. We don't need to sacrifice ourselves for someone else, do we?"

"What do you mean, Lord of Woodside City?" Jasper raised an eyebrow.

"If the General wins, that's the best outcome. If he can't win, we should also be prepared to save ourselves," Martin spoke in a low voice.

"Are you suggesting we surrender?" Calvin's face darkened.

"Those who understand the times are wise. Even ants seek to survive, let alone humans," Martin began to persuade. "Both of you, we've worked hard to reach the positions we're in today. We still have a bright future ahead and countless honors and wealth to enjoy. Are you willing to throw all of that away here? Besides, you should consider your family and friends. If you die, what will happen to your families? Your wives and daughters? Who will take care of them?"


Jasper and Calvin exchanged glances, clearly losing their initial determination.

Chapter 1854: Stop day dreaming

"General Jasper, what do you think?" Calvin cautiously inquired.

Although he was loyal to General Antonio, he held great reverence for West Lucozia King Rufus Rhys.

If Rufus Rhys died, he could readily follow Antonio in rebellion. However, if Rufus Rhys remained alive, the situation would change completely, and he had to weigh the consequences.

As Martin had mentioned, he could be unselfish, but he had to consider his family and friends.

"General Calvin, we shouldn't make hasty decisions before the last moment. I have more faith in General Antonio's battle against Logan Rhys. As long as General Antonio can win, there's still hope for a turnaround," Jasper said meaningfully.

"That's right, that's right! General Antonio has unparalleled martial skills. He's sure to win. How can the insignificant Logan Rhys be the General's match?" Calvin nodded repeatedly.

"Marquis Martin, don't shake our military resolve here. We're all in the same boat, and our fates are intertwined. If something goes wrong, you won't be able to protect yourself alone," Jasper reminded him sternly.

"I was just offering a friendly reminder. If you don't appreciate it, so be it," Martin shrugged.

Since they didn't understand his intentions, there was no point in explaining further.

For him, survival was paramount, followed by power, wealth, and prestige. Anything else could be discarded.

Just as they were talking, the situation on the battlefield suddenly changed. Whether due to exhaustion or some other reason, Antonio's attacks noticeably slowed down.

Meanwhile, Logan Rhys continued to be energetic and undeterred, showing no signs of fatigue.

In fact, Dustin hadn't been using his full strength all along, allowing Antonio to attack freely. On one hand, he wanted to test his opponent, and on the other hand, he was wary.

If Antonio was indeed connected to the Dragon Guard Pavilion's plans, there were likely skilled individuals from the Pavilion hiding around the battlefield, waiting for the right moment.

To Dustin, his uncle Antonio didn't pose much of a threat, but the Dragon Guard Pavilion was a different matter.

The current leader of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, Blaze, ranked fifth on the World Shaking List, far surpassing him in strength.

If they attempted a sneak attack, and he wasn't on guard, it was highly likely he would be seriously wounded, or even killed.

"Uncle, give up now. You're not my match. Continuing to fight is meaningless," Dustin calmly said as he evaded and dodged his uncle's attacks. "We're both part of the Rhys family. There's no need for us to fight to the death. If you're willing to change your path, you can still be the Grand General and enjoy wealth and prosperity."

"Logan! Do you think I'm a three-year-old? If I surrender, I might not see the sun tomorrow!" Antonio retorted.

Throughout history, the struggle for the throne had always been a matter of success or death, with no third option. In his view, if he failed today, there would be no other path but death.

"Uncle, I know that the Dragon Guard Pavilion is scheming in the shadows, and you were misled by the words of treacherous advisors. You acted on impulse. I can promise you that as long as you reveal the mastermind behind all this, I won't hold your mistakes against you," Dustin declared solemnly.

"Hmph! Do you think I'll trust you?" Antonio's expression remained cold.

While he said that, his attacking movements involuntarily slowed down a bit.

"Uncle, you should be well aware that you've painted yourself into a corner. If you want to avoid a great disaster, you have to agree to my terms. This is your chance to make amends for your actions," Dustin said.

"If it were Rufus Rhys offering this, I might consider it, but you—a young upstart—why should I trust you?" Antonio retorted.

"You can choose not to trust me, but do you have any other options?" Dustin replied calmly. "Uncle, I'm telling you this out of consideration for our family ties. If it were someone else, you'd already be a death body."

"What's this? Are you trying to intimidate me? Do you think you've won against me? Stop daydreaming!" Antonio sneered.

Chapter 1855: Openly defeat me

"Uncle, my patience is wearing thin. Are you going to agree or not?" Dustin's face grew colder.

"I'll agree to your terms, but you have to openly defeat me. Otherwise, it's off the table!" Antonio shouted.

In a martial state like West Lucozia, as a Grand General who fought his way up through countless battles, he knew the importance of strength. In a world where might made right, only those with the power could negotiate on equal terms.

"Alright, since you insist on a showdown, I'll grant you that," Dustin said resolutely. "I'll only use three strikes. If you can withstand all three, I'll admit defeat."

"You arrogant brat! Watch how I defeat you!" Feeling belittled, Antonio erupted with a furious assault, unleashing a storm of blade energy that swept toward Dustin.

Dustin's figure abruptly shot into the air, leaping a hundred meters above the ground.

"The first strike: Seven Slaughters!" Suspended in mid-air for a brief moment, Dustin suddenly reversed direction, holding his sword with one hand, head down, feet up, and thrusting downward.

In an instant, the Sky Sword emitted a multitude of dark lights. These dark lights rapidly expanded and soon formed a ten-meter-long black giant sword. This colossal sword exuded a piercing cold light, as if it could consume everything. It cleaved down towards Antonio on the ground.


Feeling the terrifying aura emanating from the giant sword, Antonio's face involuntarily changed.

Without further delay, he held his two knives in both hands, poured all his inner energy into them, and ferociously slashed at the black giant sword in the sky.


A golden blade energy shot out like lightning and crashed violently against the black giant sword.


An explosive sound reverberated.

As soon as Antonio's blade energy touched the black giant sword, it immediately detonated, transforming into a shockwave that scattered in all directions. In contrast, the black giant sword still carried its unrelenting momentum and came crashing down heavily toward Antonio.


Antonio was taken aback and immediately raised his knives, simultaneously activating his inner energy to create a thick protective shield around himself, attempting to withstand the incoming strike.


A tremendous explosion shook the earth.

The black giant sword heavily struck Antonio's protective shield of inner energy, and the overwhelming impact directly drove Antonio into the ground.

The once-level ground burst open, creating a pit several meters in diameter.

For a moment, dust and debris filled the air, and the surging energy forced the watching soldiers to protect themselves against the onslaught.

Chapter 1856: Warming up

In the pit created by the explosion, Antonio was still struggling. The protective shield of inner energy covering his body appeared increasingly unstable, with cracks rapidly spreading.

Above his head, the black giant sword quivered slightly, exerting continuous pressure.

Antonio felt as though a mountain was pressing down on him. The immense force weighed heavily on him, causing his hands to tremble, and his knees began to buckle.

Nevertheless, he had to grit his teeth and persevere because once the giant sword above his head fell, he would meet an instant death.

At this moment, he finally realized the overwhelming strength of Logan Rhys. From the very beginning, his opponent hadn't been exerting full power, but now, when he was going all out, Antonio found himself struggling to keep up.


Sensing the impending threat of death, Antonio let out a piercing roar.

The inner energy within his body surged like a tidal wave, continuously reinforcing his protective shield. Regardless of his efforts, more and more cracks appeared on the shield.

"Damn it! I have to go all out!"

Seeing that he couldn't withstand the pressure, Antonio growled and directly activated a secret technique of the Rhys family.

His eyes suddenly turned blood-red, and his muscles swelled instantaneously. A torrent of energy gushed from every part of his body.

The Rhys family secret technique temporarily unlocked his latent potential, enhancing his strength and even pushing him past his limits.

This was a life-saving and combat-boosting technique used in critical moments.

However, this kind of technique came with a fatal flaw; once its effects wore off, the user's body would become exceptionally weak.

In other words, if the person using the secret technique failed to defeat the opponent within the limited time frame, death was inevitable.

Antonio had never imagined being forced to this point, but now he had no other choice.


"Break for me!"

Antonio suddenly let out a long roar, and a golden energy wave burst forth from his chest.

In an instant, the world seemed to change, and the space itself trembled. The black giant sword hovering above him was finally pushed away and disappeared into faint black light.

Dustin, who had merged with his sword, also returned to his original state, descending from the sky. The Sky Sword in his hand continued to radiate a fluctuating aura, ready to strike again at any moment.

"Pant... pant..."

While he had managed to force Dustin's attack back, Antonio was severely exhausted. He gasped for breath, his face turning pale, drenched in sweat. Even his legs trembled uncontrollably.

That last attack was utterly terrifying. If he hadn't used the Rhys family secret technique to forcibly push past his limits, he might not have withstood it.

"Logan! Is this your most powerful move? It seems you're not as formidable as you claim!"

Antonio taunted as he caught his breath.

"Most powerful move?"

Dustin shook his head and smiled. "Third Uncle, you seem to have misunderstood. I was just warming up with that strike. The real power is yet to come."

"What? Warming up?!"

Hearing this, Antonio's face stiffened, and his eyelid twitched. That last strike nearly cost him his life. This was just a warm-up? Are you kidding me?

"Logan! I wasn't raised on scare tactics! If you've got any real skills, just use them!"

Antonio forcefully challenged Dustin.

He couldn't believe that Logan Rhys's strength was really this formidable. It had to be a pretense.

Chapter 1857: Second Sword, Break The Army

Dustin slowly raised the Celestial Sword, pointing it directly at Antonio ahead of him. "Second Sword, Break The Army!"

With that, Dustin disappeared from his original spot. His figure, along with the sword, turned into a black streak and crashed directly into Antonio. This strike had no overwhelming aura, no bone-chilling chill, but it had one thing—speed.

Utterly incredible speed!

In the blink of an eye, the black streak had crossed dozens of meters and appeared right in front of Antonio.


Antonio's pupils contracted, unable to react in time. He relied on instinct to activate his protective aura.


There was a deafening explosion as the black streak hit Antonio's protective aura. The terrifying energy hidden within the strike burst forth.

The seemingly indestructible protective aura was like glass, instantly shattering with no resistance. After piercing the protective aura, the black streak's remaining energy slammed into Antonio's golden armor.

The mystical golden armor was dented by the impact. The powerful force sent Antonio flying like a missile, and he crashed heavily into a stone lion statue at the entrance of the King Residence.

The several-ton stone lion statue shattered into pieces.

As for Antonio, he coughed up blood, his face ashen. His entire body felt like it was coming apart, and he lay there motionless.

The spectators were in an uproar. No one had expected Logan Rhys to be this formidable when he was serious. Even with Antonio resorting to secret techniques, Logan had defeated him with just two simple moves.

The gap in strength between the two was evident, and it left everyone stunned.

"Oh my goodness! Is the Crown Prince really this powerful? He's not even a match for the General-in-Chief?"

"Rhys Family's 'Kirin Child' is indeed as famed as they say. Such a prodigy is truly unrivaled in the world."

"General-in-Chief is indeed unlucky to encounter such a monster. It's impossible to assess this situation with conventional wisdom."

As the spectators watched Antonio coughing up blood from the merciless beating, they couldn't help but engage in a lively discussion. Antonio's invincible reputation within the Black Dragon Army had been shattered by Dustin's victory. They were forced to acknowledge the terrifying talent of the West Lucozia Crown Prince.

"Well done!" Alexander couldn't help but laugh heartily. He was exhilarated after witnessing Logan Rhys's strength.

While he had previously stated that the Crown Prince had a higher chance of winning, having not seen it firsthand, he had some doubts. Now that he had seen the true extent of the Crown Prince's abilities, he was extremely impressed.

"Hmph! Daring to engage in combat with my brother, he brought this humiliation upon himself!" Thorian said with a satisfied expression, clearly taking pride in his brother's victory.

"This kid's strength has really skyrocketed." Rufus Rhys squinted, revealing a satisfied smile.

"Uh-oh, this time it's a total defeat," Martin said, his face dark. "Generals, you should make your decisions now."

Jasper and Calvin exchanged a look, their brows furrowed. Neither of them spoke.

"Uncle, I still have one sword left to use. Would you like to try it?" Dustin extended his sword finger and raised it up.

With a sharp "whoosh," the Sky Sword instantly flew a hundred meters into the sky, pointing downward and locking onto Antonio.

The Sky sword radiated an unpredictable black light, resembling a beast eager to devour its prey.

"My third sword, known as 'Greedy Wolf,' is twice as powerful as the second sword. If you're interested, I can let you taste it," Dustin declared as he pressed down with his sword finger.

From a hundred meters high, the Celestial Sword turned into a beam of black light, slicing down towards Antonio with a deafening dragon and tiger roar.


"I surrender! I surrender!"

Fearing for his life, Antonio yelled and finally lowered his head.

Chapter 1858: Consolation


With a deafening roar, the formidable Sky Sword came to a halt right above Antonio's head. The sword and the man were less than ten centimeters apart.

Antonio could clearly sense the chilling aura emanating from the sword, causing goosebumps all over his body and cold sweat to break out on his back.


With a pull of his finger, Dustin retrieved the Sky Sword. The sword, which had been unleashed just moments ago, returned to his hand in a flash.

"Uncle, you've lost," Dustin said calmly.

"I never thought I'd lose to you," Antonio admitted with a dejected tone. He lowered his head and looked at his hands, unable to accept the result.

He had been diligent in martial arts since childhood, never slacking for decades. He had diligently honed his skills, and his innate talent was exceptionally high. By the time he was in his forties, he had already reached the level of a grandmaster.

He was considered one of the best in the entire West Lucozia. He believed his extensive knowledge, combat experience, and profound martial skills would ensure his victory.

However, during the battle with Dustin, he had realized that the gap in their strengths was enormous. Even when he had used his life-preserving Rhys family secret technique, he couldn't harm Dustin in the slightest. Instead, he had been defeated effortlessly.

This was a devastating blow to his self-esteem. He took great pride in his talents, but Dustin had made him see that, in comparison, his talents didn't hold a candle.

"Uncle, your strength is already impressive. Not only in West Lucozia but also across the entire Dragon Kingdom, few people can beat you," Dustin consoled him.

"I don't need consolation. Losing is losing, and I haven't reached the point where I can't handle a loss," Antonio said, self-mockingly.

"Uncle, our agreement still stands. As long as you are willing to tell me the truth, to tell me where the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion are, I promise not to trouble you," Dustin stated.

Antonio remained silent, shifting his gaze to Rufus Rhys.

"What Logan says is my say," Rufus Rhys added.

"I can agree to that, but you must ensure that my subordinates won't be punished," Antonio began to negotiate.

"No problem. As long as the information you provide is valuable, I guarantee that they won't be killed," Dustin nodded.

"Good! It's a deal," Antonio sighed in relief.

Although Dustin promised not to kill him, Antonio knew that he was not off the hook. Having committed such acts, he either faced imprisonment in a dark cell or the stripping of his cultivation, leading to a life of house arrest. The former was akin to a fate worse than death, while the latter allowed for a more peaceful retirement.

"In fact, you guessed correctly. The Dragon Guard Pavilion had some initial contact with me. However, I didn't pay them much attention at first. It was only later when I saw a familiar face that I started to waver," Antonio explained, taking a moment to regain his composure after the intense battle.

"Who did you see?" Dustin inquired.

"It was the former Chief General of the Black Dragon Army, General Marcellus!" Antonio responded gravely.

His words sent shockwaves through the audience.

"General Marcellus? Didn't he die ten years ago? How could he reappear in West Lucoziaa?"

"Yes! General Marcellus sacrificed himself a decade ago. How could he possibly be in West Lucozia?"

Chapter 1859: Plan of King Assassination

"Is Antonio lying about this?" The crowd exchanged uncertain glances, and even Rufus Rhys couldn't hide his surprise.

Marcellus, a legendary figure within the Black Dragon Army, had shared innumerable experiences with Antonio, fighting side by side and achieving countless victories. Their bond was once unbreakable. However, a decade ago, after the coup in the Forbidden City, General Marcellus mysteriously disappeared. Some found a charred body with his insignia on the battlefield, while later, he was commemorated with a ceremonial tomb in a cemetery.

Now, after many years, they heard the familiar name, and most astonishingly, he was still alive.

"What's going on here?"

"Why are you so surprised?" Antonio grinned. "I was as surprised as you when I first saw Marcellus. I didn't expect a man who had been dead for ten years to stand before me, so, driven by curiosity, I engaged him in conversation. And guess what?"

He paused and looked around, letting suspense build before delivering the revelation. "The Marcellus I met wasn't the same. He changed his name to Blaze, and he'd transformed into the new leader of the Dragon Guard Pavilion."

"What? Marcellus is the leader of the Dragon Guard Pavilion?"

This disclosure sent another shockwave through the audience. During the Forbidden City coup, although there wasn't concrete evidence, many clues pointed toward a mysterious organization hidden behind the throne: the Dragon Guard Pavilion. The organization's vast influence spanned the entire kingdom, making even someone as powerful as Rufus Rhys reluctant to engage them openly and only left with the option of biding his time.

No one had anticipated that the former General Marcellus of the Black Dragon Army would become the leader of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. This transformation of identity was truly astounding.

"Go on," Dustin said, his expression unchanged.

Dustin was informed about everything regarding General Marcellus, but he still needed more information.

"Marcellus... I mean, Blaze, approached me to discuss a deal," Antonio continued. "He offered an alliance with the promise of sharing dominion over the world, becoming co-rulers. At first, I didn't believe it and even thought he was out of his mind. In his effort to convince me, he swore that he would support me in ascending to the throne of West Lucozia."

"As I've served as General for many years, I must admit that I've yearned to advance further, to experience the life of a king. So I asked Blaze how he would support my rise."

"The plan Blaze presented was to assassinate the West Lucozia King and seize the opportunity for my ascension. At first, I hesitated because I didn't believe his words, and I was reluctant to act. I didn't directly agree."

"But this madman claimed to have been planning this for a long time and said I should be prepared. I had my doubts about his capability, as many have tried to assassinate the West Lucozia King every year, and none succeeded."

"However, to my astonishment, not even three days later, Blaze actually managed to do it."

"When I heard the news that the West Lucozia King had been assassinated, my feelings were complex. I mourned the loss of my comrade while feeling an intense desire for power and status."

"I knew that by cooperating with Blaze, there was a tremendous opportunity for advancement. So I couldn't resist the temptation and chose to form an alliance. I made a foolish decision."

Antonio paused at this point, and a sense of remorse was evident in his demeanor.

Of course, he wasn't regretting his rebellion. He regretted that Rufus Rhys had survived. Otherwise, he would have already ascended to power.

Chapter 1860: Cruelty and bloody methods

After letting Antonio finish his account, Dustin finally spoke, asking about Blaze's whereabouts and the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion.

"To be honest, even though I cooperated with Blaze, I do not know his whereabouts," Antonio replied, shaking his head.

"You don't know?" Dustin frowned. He was growing impatient with the vague information.

"Don't worry. Although I don't know where Blaze is, I can contact him," Antonio explained. "I had an agreement with Blaze that if things went as planned, we would meet at a certain place to discuss matters."

"Oh? Is that so? Where was the designated meeting place?" Dustin's eyes narrowed.

"Are you sure you want me to tell you now?" Antonio glanced around with a hidden meaning in his gaze.

"Someone, escort Uncle Third inside the mansion!" Dustin shouted, calling for several guards to carry the severely injured Antonio into the mansion.

"Albert, deal with the people outside, but make sure not to harm them," Rufus Rhys instructed before also heading into the mansion.

"By the orders of the King, all Black Dragon Army officers and soldiers must return to their base to guard the fortress!" Albert announced loudly.

"Yes!" The officers and soldiers of the Black Dragon Army responded in unison.

At this moment, there was no hesitation among them. They quickly organized their formations and dispersed.

"These people belong to me!" At this point, Albert's gaze locked onto Martin, who was preparing to leave. "Martin, who allowed you to leave?"

"Didn't King say he wouldn't hold grudges for past actions?" Martin swallowed nervously.

"Although King is sparing your lives, it doesn't mean you can escape freely," Albert stated coldly. "The crime of rebellion is enough to implicate nine generations, but King, out of mercy, doesn't wish to cause more bloodshed. However, you can avoid capital punishment, but you can't escape punishment!"

"What... What do you mean?" I only acted under orders. If you have to blame someone, blame Antonio. He commanded me to do this!" Martin attempted to deflect the blame.

"King will decide General's fate. As for you people, spend a few days in prison first, and we'll see what comes next." Albert waved his hand. "Someone! Arrest all these rebels and question them thoroughly to see if there are any accomplices."


A squad of Wandering Black Guards immediately surrounded Martin's group. These were loyal officers of Antonio, and if not dealt with carefully, it might create turmoil.

"Albert! Don't take personal revenge! King just said not to harm us!" Martin angrily protested.

"That's right! We're willing to surrender, and King promised not to pursue it further. Don't do anything rash!" Jasper, Calvin and his group were pale, clearly fearing Albert's reputation. His nickname, "Man Butcher Albert," was well-known throughout West Lucozia.

Though he no longer fought on the battlefield, Albert was in charge of the justice system in West Lucozia, especially for severe criminals. His cruelty and bloody methods made him a name to be feared, and anyone who fell into his hands had a terrible fate. In some cases, even death was considered a luxury, as those who were held by Albert experienced unimaginable suffering. Hence, the moment they heard they were to be arrested by Albert, they panicked.

An understated Dominance English Translation:​

Chapter 1896 to 1901​

OCTOBER 15, 2023

Chapter 1896
Ji Yuanzun died, and the Dragon Protection Pavilion base fell.
The entire Dragon Protection Pavilion organization was completely destroyed, and the remaining ones were just some stragglers who could not achieve success.
Of course, Dustin did not take it lightly. He had already issued an order in advance. Anyone who had contact with Dragon Protection Pavilion was on his arrest list.
If you surrender, you will be exempted from guilt. If you resist to the end, it will be a dead end.
”Old Dustin, you finally got rid of this scourge, congratulations!”
Adam Spanner stepped forward, kicked Ji Yuanzun’s body with his feet, and only showed a smile after confirming that there was no breath.
  ”Thanks to you this time, if your 200,000 White Tiger Army hadn’t cut off Ji Yuanzun’s retreat, maybe this guy would still have a chance to survive.” Dustin said.
  In order to kill Ji Yuanzun, he racked his brains and even risked his own life. Fortunately, he finally succeeded.
  ”Actually, I didn’t do anything. If you want to thank someone, you should thank Her Royal Highness.”
  Adam Spanner looked back behind him and smiled ambiguously: “Her Royal Highness, you can be said to be running around here and there for your business. She is very nervous. , and kept urging him all the way, causing his legs to almost break.”
  ”Adam Spanner! What are you muttering about?” Margaret stepped forward and shouted softly.
  ”It’s nothing, I just want to praise you, Princess, for your knowledge and wisdom.” Adam Spanner smiled flatteringly.
  ”Hmph! Smooth talk!” Margaret rolled her eyes.
  ”Your Highness, thank you very much.” Dustin saluted with his fist in hand.
  ”Why are you so polite? If I promise to help you, I will help you to the end.”
  Margaret said calmly: “Besides, Ji Yuanzun is our common enemy. Helping you is also helping myself. In general To put it simply, it is to eliminate harm for the people.”
  ”Your Highness the Princess’s righteousness is really admirable.” Dustin smiled.
  ”Okay, don’t be poor. Although Ji Yuanzun is dead, there are still some things to deal with in the future, such as Lorenzo…” Margaret changed the subject.
  Dustin raised his eyebrows slightly and said, “My people will lead him into the encirclement. If the plan goes well, we should be able to capture him alive.”
“For profit, Lorenzo can be used.”
  Margaret said pointedly: “Now that Ji Yuanzun is dead and the Dragon Guard Pavilion has completely collapsed, there are still some affiliated forces remaining. If these forces can be conquered, they will be of great use in the future.”
“You mean? Say, let Lorenzo be a chess piece, take charge of the affiliated forces of Dragon Protection Pavilion, and work for me?” Dustin quickly reacted.
“That’s right.”
  Margaret nodded: “As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. After the Dragon Guard Pavilion is destroyed, all the major forces in the Dragonmarsh Kingdom will covet its territory and some interest organizations, and even take advantage of it by force. In the scene of robbery, instead of taking advantage of other forces, it is better to take it in yourself.”
“What you say makes sense, but I can’t trust Lorenzo.” Dustin said calmly.
  Once unfaithful, never a lifetime.
  From the moment Lorenzo betrayed him, the two sides were destined to become mortal enemies.
  No matter what the reason was, that knife had severed all the ties between the two.
  ”You don’t need to trust Lorenzo, just control him.”
  Margaret said very rationally: “As far as I know, Lorenzo has a wife and a daughter, and has been under house arrest by Ji Yuanzun. Because of this, Lorenzo Only then will he wholeheartedly work for Ji Yuanzun. Now that Ji Yuanzun is dead, Lorenzo’s wife and daughter have fallen into your hands. Now Lorenzo is just a chess piece of yours. What do you ask him to do? , he will do whatever he wants.”
  ”I will not harm his wife and children. Although I am not a good person, I will not do such despicable things. Otherwise, what is the difference between me and the people in Hulong Pavilion?” Dustin said calmly.
  ”I’m just making a suggestion. It’s up to you how to do it.” Margaret smiled slightly and did not force it.
  Her words were not only suggestions, but also somewhat probing.
  For future cooperation, she must understand Dustin and understand the other party’s bottom line.
  ”Buddy Dustin, your people are here.”
Chapter 1897
At this moment, Adam Spanner suddenly pouted forward.
  Dustin followed the sound and saw a fully armed army appearing at the end of his sight.
  There are tens of thousands of people in a densely packed area.
  These soldiers were wearing black armor and had long swords hanging on their waists. They were majestic and impressive.
  At first glance, it looks like a torrent of steel.
  Even from a distance, you can feel a strong sense of oppression.
  This army is the most powerful elite in West Lucozia, the Black Dragon Army!
  ”It seems Lorenzo has been arrested.” Margaret’s beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.
  The leader of this black dragon army is none other than Thorian Rhys.
  Previously, he led more than a thousand people to break out of the encirclement and led the elite team of Dragon Guard Pavilion into the trap that had been laid out long ago.
  In the end, they were directly crushed with absolute strength advantage.
  More than 5,000 of the enemy were killed and the rest were captured.
  ”Dong dong dong…”
  Tens of thousands of black dragon troops are getting closer and closer, and the sense of oppression is getting stronger and stronger.
  Even the White Tiger Army on the city wall couldn’t help but look solemn and secretly frightened.
  Rumor has it that the Black Dragon Army is the strongest in the Dragonmarsh Kingdom. Since its creation, it has won hundreds of battles and made extraordinary achievements many times. No army can compete head-on with the Black Dragon Army.
  Now that they have seen it with my own eyes, they know that the rumors are true.
  The strong killing aura in the Black Dragon Army is enough to disdain all armies.
  ”Brother! The mission has been completed. All the remaining members of the Dragon Protection Pavilion have been captured, and not a single fish has slipped through the net!” Thorian Rhys took the lead to step forward and return to his life.
  ”Good job.” Dustin nodded.
  ”How are you doing here? Is Ji Yuanzun dead?” Thorian Rhys looked left and right.
  ”His head has been chopped off, do you want to kill him?” Adam Spanner lightly kicked with his foot.
  Ji Yuanzun’s head rolled on the ground for a distance like a football, and finally stopped at Thorian Rhys’s feet.
  ”Damn it! Are you so ugly? No wonder you wear a mask all the time to show off.” Thorian Rhys spat on the ground.
  He naturally hated this guy who assassinated his father and brought harm to West Lucozia.
  ”Ji Yuanzun is dead, all his elite men have been arrested, and the Dragon Guard Pavilion has been completely destroyed.” Dustin sighed softly.
  Ten years of grudges finally come to an end today.
  ”By the way, brother, there is still this traitor!”
  Thorian Rhys suddenly waved his hand and ordered someone to take out the tied up Lorenzo and push him in front of Dustin.
  ”Kneel down!”
  Thorian Rhys kicked Lorenzo in the knee.
  Lorenzo groaned and fell to his knees on the spot.
  Dustin frowned, and his face quickly turned gloomy.
  He had always regarded Lorenzo as his uncle, but unexpectedly he was stabbed in the back and almost died.
  This kind of betrayal by a close relative is far more abhorrent than the revenge of an enemy!
Chapter 1898

  ”Your Highness… Your Highness?”
  Lorenzo knelt on the ground and looked at the cold-faced Dustin in front of him, with a very complicated expression.
  There was surprise, there was joy, but mostly there was guilt and self-blame.
  When he encountered an ambush by the Black Dragon Army, he knew that the situation in the Dragon Protection Pavilion was over.
  Sure enough, with a counter-intuitive plan, he directly destroyed the Dragon Protection Pavilion base and killed Ji Yuanzun.
  Now, he has become a prisoner.
  However, he did not feel unwilling to do so, but felt a little more relieved.
  Although he is from Hulong Pavilion, after staying in West Lucozia for so many years, he has long regarded this place as his home.
  Treat many people around you as family members.
  Many of the things he did were out of necessity, so he was always very troubled.
  He deserves to be in this situation.
  ”Lorenzo, you didn’t expect this result, did you? Ji Yuanzun lost, and you also lost. What else do you have to say now?” Dustin said coldly.
  ”Succeed as a king or lose as a bandit, I have nothing to say. Your Highness wants to kill or behead me, and I will bear it. I just hope that you will not harm innocent people.” Lorenzo pleaded.
  ”Do you think you are qualified to negotiate terms with me?” Dustin was expressionless.
  ”I am a sinner and my death is not a pity, but my wife and daughter are innocent. They have done nothing. I beg Your Highness to show mercy!”
  Lorenzo leaned down and Bow down and rubbing head on the ground three times.
  ”They didn’t do anything, but because of your actions, they became guilty. You don’t really think that your family can be safe after you committed a serious crime, right?” Dustin looked indifferent.
  ”Your Highness! I’m willing to pay for my crime and perform meritorious service. I can work as a horse for you. As long as you let my family go, I’m willing to do anything!” Lorenzo Bow down and rubbing head on the ground
  crazily, looking very nervous.
  He himself is not afraid of death, but he wants to ensure the safety of his relatives. It is precisely because his wife and daughter were held hostage by Ji Yuanzun that he did some crazy things.
  ”You deserve to be punished and make meritorious service, right? Then I want to hear how you deserve to be punished and make meritorious service?” Dustin asked back.
”Dragon Protecting Pavilion is deeply rooted and has a rich heritage. There are three treasure houses in total within the Dragonmarsh Kingdom, and each treasure house contains a large amount of gold and silver treasures. This is the accumulation of Dragon Protecting Pavilion for decades. It is as rich as the country. As long as Your Highness is willing to spare the lives of my family, and I am willing to tell Your Highness the whereabouts of these three treasure houses!” Lorenzo lowered his head.
  ”Treasure house?”
  Dustin raised his eyebrows slightly, showing some interest.
  The Dragon Guard Pavilion has been dominant for many years and has accumulated a lot of treasures. If they can get all of them, the Black Dragon Army will basically not have to worry about the military expenses for the next few decades.
  ”Brother, this is a very good deal. I think it’s worth exchanging a few insignificant people for a fortune that is as rich as the country!” Thorian Rhys persuaded in a low voice.
  ”Tell me the whereabouts of the treasure house. If what you say is true, I can agree to let your family go and give them a fortune.” Dustin said calmly.
  ”Thank you, Your Highness!” Lorenzo Bow down and rubbing head on the ground repeatedly.
  ”Don’t be too happy too soon. I promised to let your family go, but I have no plans to let you go. I can’t forgive you for what you did.” Dustin poured a basin of cold water down.
  As a secret agent of the Dragon Protection Pavilion, Lorenzo not only stabbed him in the back, but he was also one of the accomplices in the Forbidden City incident.
  The hatred of killing one’s mother is irreconcilable.
  No matter how many achievements Lorenzo made, he could not make up for this crime.
  ”I understand that I have done a lot of evil and I would not regret dying. As long as I see that my family is safe, I am willing to die to apologize!” Lorenzo vowed.
  He has done so many wrong things and has long been aware of death, but he has no regrets because everything he did was for his wife and daughter.
  ”Okay! I believe you again!”
  Dustin nodded: “Now, tell me where the treasure house is hidden.”
  ”I don’t know the specific location of the treasure house, but I know that Ji Yuanzun holds a treasure in his hand. Picture, and this treasure map records the specific locations of the three treasure houses. As long as you find the treasure map, you can find the treasure house.” Lorenzo replied.
Chapter 1899

  ”Where is the treasure map?” Dustin asked.
  ”In Ji Yuanzun’s underground secret room, I can take you there myself.” Lorenzo said.
  ”Underground secret room?”
  Thorian Rhys narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: “Lorenzo, I warn you not to play tricks, otherwise, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”
  Many buildings like secret rooms will have traps and hidden weapons, and he was worried about Lorenzo has evil intentions.
  ”Now I am a turtle in a urn, and I will never dare to mess around.” Lorenzo said with a bitter face.
  ”Lead the way.”
  Dustin didn’t say much. He nodded and signaled to the two guards to lift Lorenzo up.
  ”Wait a minute, I need Ji Yuanzun’s hand to open the safe in the secret room.” Lorenzo said suddenly.
  ”This is easy to handle!”
  Thorian Rhys suddenly pulled out his knife and chopped off one of Ji Yuanzun’s right hands, then handed it to Lorenzo: “Here, I’ll give it to you.”
  Lorenzo’s eyes twitched. , did not dare to say anything, and took the lead honestly.
  Dustin and others followed Lorenzo into the base and finally arrived at the door of the command room.
  Lorenzo opened the door, walked to the wall, and then took down a painting hanging on the wall.
  Behind the painting, there is an inconspicuous dark grid, which is almost integrated with the wall. It is difficult to detect if you don’t look closely.
  Lorenzo stretched out his hand and pressed lightly on the secret grid.
  Just heard a crisp sound.
  The entire wall suddenly opened from both sides, revealing an elevator inside.
Lorenzo led a few people into the elevator, then pressed the switch. The elevator quickly closed and then descended slowly.
  After waiting for about half a minute, the elevator suddenly stopped with a “dong” sound.
  The elevator door opened, and what appeared in front of Dustin and others was a spacious and luxurious underground secret room.
  It’s said to be a secret room, but it’s actually more like a mansion.
  There are all kinds of living facilities inside, and there is also a large amount of food and water, enough for one person to live for decades.
  ”This should be a nuclear-proof bunker, right?”
  Thorian Rhys looked around and marveled: “To be able to build a nuclear-proof bunker for shelter into such a luxurious look, it seems that Ji Yuanzun has put a lot of thought into it.”
  ”What’s the use of putting more thought into it? Isn’t he dead now?” Dustin Kate didn’t care.
  ”Third uncle, please stop making sarcastic remarks here. Didn’t you almost follow in Ji Yuanzun’s footsteps?” Thorian Rhys said meaningfully.
  ”This…” Dustin Kate was speechless for a moment, looking embarrassed.
  This guy really can’t help but pick up the pot.
  If you put on such a good show, you should be considered guilty and meritorious, right?
  ”Thorian, don’t be rude.”
  Dustin pretended to reprimand: “The third uncle put himself in danger and lurked beside Ji Yuanzun. He went through untold hardships and shouldered all the scoldings just to eradicate the evil for the palace. You are evil, this is a righteous act, we should admire it!”
  Dustin Kate’s mouth twitched.
  Why do these words sound even more harsh?
Chapter 1900
”Lorenzo, what are you doing standing still? Waiting for me to take a picture of you? Find the treasure map quickly!”
Dustin Kate, who looked aggrieved, vented all his inner dissatisfaction on Lorenzo. .
  Lorenzo did not dare to hesitate, and immediately walked to an alloy door, took out Ji Yuanzun’s severed hand, and gently pressed it against the sensing position in the middle area.
  Just heard a soft sound.
  The heavy alloy door slowly opened inside, revealing a vault made of metal.
  The vault is about one hundred square meters, with a large number of gold bricks stacked in the middle, taller than a person.
  In addition to the gold bricks, there are also various rare treasures densely placed around it, each of which is worth thousands of gold.
  ”This is Ji Yuanzun’s personal vault. Everything he likes will be stored here.” Lorenzo explained.
  ”There are so many treasures!”
  Thorian Rhys looked around and sighed: “If this is shipped out, it can probably buy a city.”
“These are nothing, compared with the three treasure houses of Dragon Protection Pavilion Compared to this, the treasure in front of you is just a drop in the bucket.” Lorenzo explained.
  ”Real or false?”
  Thorian Rhys was surprised and delighted: “According to what you said, wouldn’t the treasures of the Dragon Protection Pavilion be piled up like a mountain?”
“Although I have not seen it with my own eyes, the accumulation of treasures in the Dragon Protection Pavilion for decades , to describe it as piling up a mountain is not an exaggeration at all.” Lorenzo said seriously.
  ”Okay, okay…very good! I can’t wait to collect the treasures of the Dragon Protection Pavilion!” Thorian Rhys was in high spirits and extremely excited.
  ”After all that, where is the treasure map?” Dustin Kate urged impatiently.
  ”It’s right here.”
  Lorenzo walked to the innermost shelf, took down a delicate sandalwood box from it, and then handed it to Dustin carefully.

  Dustin opened it and found three pieces of parchment inside.
  Each piece of parchment has a detailed map drawn on it. In the center of the map, a golden mark marks the location of the treasure house.
  If there is nothing wrong with the treasure map, then as long as you follow the route, you will find the treasure house quickly.
  ”Your Highness, I have to remind you that every treasure house will be guarded by experts from the Dragon Protection Pavilion. Without the personal presence of the Pavilion Master, they will never be able to open the treasure house.” Lorenzo added.
  ”The Dragon Guard Pavilion has been destroyed. A few warriors can’t make any big waves.” Dustin didn’t care.
  ”Your Highness, my mission has been completed. Can you allow me to see my family one last time?” Lorenzo asked with a pleading look on his face.
  ”I’ll give you three days to say your final goodbyes to your family. After three days, I’ll give you a head on your neck.” Dustin said with an indifferent expression.
  ”Thank you, Your Highness!”
  Lorenzo cried with joy. With a “boom”, he knelt down and Bow down and rubbing head on the ground to Dustin three times.
  Three days were enough for him to settle his funeral arrangements.
  On the premise of keeping his family safe, he can still fulfill his last wish.
  For him, this is undoubtedly a great gift.
  ”Albert, take him out and give him the last bit of dignity.” Dustin ordered.
  Albert nodded, loosened the shackles on Lorenzo, and led him out of the secret room.
  ”He was originally a loyal person from West Lucozia, but I never thought that he would be a traitor.” Thorian Rhys shook his head.
  ”Everyone has to pay the price for their actions. If he does what he thinks is right, he will have to bear the corresponding consequences.” Dustin said calmly.
  From Lorenzo’s point of view, there is nothing wrong with whatever he does to protect his family.
  But from his standpoint, traitorous behavior like this could never be forgiven.
Chapter 1901

  ”Yes! One wrong step, one wrong step after another, Lorenzo’s actions are destined to not end well. Without thinking about someone, there is still a chance to make meritorious deeds.”
  Thorian Rhys said, and looked meaningfully Eyes Dustin Kate.
  If it weren’t for the person in front of him being his third uncle, if it wasn’t for his father’s kindness and unwillingness to kill each other, if it wasn’t for the fact that he didn’t cause too much damage.
  With the other party’s rebellion, even ten deaths would not be enough!
  After being glanced at by Thorian Rhys, Dustin Kate changed the topic with a guilty conscience: “Logan, these three treasure houses are of amazing value and are closely related. How do you plan to deal with them?”
“Of course if they are all brought back to West Lucozia, is it possible that they are still left to those miscellaneous fish?” Thorian Rhys rolled his eyes.
  ”We cannot monopolize these three treasure houses.”
  Dustin shook his head and said, “It was not we alone that destroyed the Dragon Protection Pavilion. We also invited foreign aid this time. Any benefits will naturally be shared equally by everyone.”
  ”Divided equally? Logan, are you kidding?”
  Dustin Kate was stunned and became excited: “You just heard what Lorenzo said. The treasure trove of Dragon Protection Pavilion is accumulated over decades. It is as rich as any country. , you actually want to share such a huge opportunity with others, what on earth do you think?”
  This time, he accomplished a remarkable feat in wiping out the Dragon Protection Pavilion, and he might be rewarded separately afterwards.
  In other words, the more treasures the Prince of West Lucozia gets, the more benefits he will get, and he is naturally unwilling to give them to others.
  ”Treasures are good, but they also have to be moral. People come all the way to help us. If we just take the treasures alone, wouldn’t we become ungrateful people?” Dustin said calmly.
  ”That’s what I say, but there’s no need to share it equally with them, right? Just give me some benefits.” Dustin Kate said.
  ”I have made up my mind. If Third Uncle is dissatisfied, you can complain to Rufus Rhys and see what he will do.” Dustin said expressionlessly.
  ”You…” Dustin Kate’s expression froze.
  He has never seen such a stupid person, who is willing to give away the wealth he has obtained.

  ”Third uncle, don’t judge others by yourself. My brother’s heart is not comparable to that of ordinary people.” Old God Thorian Rhys said calmly.
  Although it was a pity, he supported his eldest brother unconditionally.
  ”Go up.”
  Dustin was too lazy to talk nonsense. After closing the wooden box, he led Thorian Rhys and others out.
  In his eyes, gold, silver and jewelry are just external possessions. If you cheat even your friends, the road will only become narrower in the future.
  After returning to the surface, Dustin took out two treasure maps, handed one to Adam Spanner and the other to Margaret.
  ”Old Dustin, what do you mean?”
  Adam Spanner looked at the treasure map in his hand, feeling a little confused.
  ”There are three treasure houses in the Dragon Protection Pavilion, and each treasure house corresponds to a treasure map. There are exactly three of us, and each of us has a treasure house.” Dustin explained.
  ”I’ll go! Aren’t you too kind?” Adam Spanner’s eyes brightened.
  ”If you hadn’t helped me this time, the Hulong Pavilion wouldn’t have been so smooth,” Dustin said.
  ”Hehe… OK, since your kindness is hard to refuse, I will accept it.” Adam Spanner was not polite and directly pocketed the treasure map.
  ”It’s useless for me to ask for this thing. You can keep it yourself.”
  Margaret glanced at the treasure map and stuffed it into Dustin’s arms.
  ”Don’t get me wrong, I’m not giving this treasure map to you, but to the officials. From now on, we in West Lucozia will need more care from the officials.”
  Dustin smiled and pushed the treasure map into Margaret’s hand.
  Hearing this, Margaret found it hard to refuse.
  ”Your Highness, this is Buddy Dustin’s wish, so don’t be polite. We will have plenty of opportunities to cooperate in the future.” Adam Spanner advised from the side.
  ”Okay, then I will thank you on behalf of my father.” Margaret nodded and finally accepted it.
Not again please. Create your own threads to post translations regularly Sir.
The story seemed kind of repetitive at first, but now, court affairs are getting juicier! One more thing, thank god for the lack of dahlia fruit falling from every other tree. xD

An understated Dominance English Translation:​

Chapter 1896 to 1901​

OCTOBER 15, 2023

Chapter 1896
Ji Yuanzun died, and the Dragon Protection Pavilion base fell.
The entire Dragon Protection Pavilion organization was completely destroyed, and the remaining ones were just some stragglers who could not achieve success.
Of course, Dustin did not take it lightly. He had already issued an order in advance. Anyone who had contact with Dragon Protection Pavilion was on his arrest list.
If you surrender, you will be exempted from guilt. If you resist to the end, it will be a dead end.
”Old Dustin, you finally got rid of this scourge, congratulations!”
Adam Spanner stepped forward, kicked Ji Yuanzun’s body with his feet, and only showed a smile after confirming that there was no breath.
  ”Thanks to you this time, if your 200,000 White Tiger Army hadn’t cut off Ji Yuanzun’s retreat, maybe this guy would still have a chance to survive.” Dustin said.
  In order to kill Ji Yuanzun, he racked his brains and even risked his own life. Fortunately, he finally succeeded.
  ”Actually, I didn’t do anything. If you want to thank someone, you should thank Her Royal Highness.”
  Adam Spanner looked back behind him and smiled ambiguously: “Her Royal Highness, you can be said to be running around here and there for your business. She is very nervous. , and kept urging him all the way, causing his legs to almost break.”
  ”Adam Spanner! What are you muttering about?” Margaret stepped forward and shouted softly.
  ”It’s nothing, I just want to praise you, Princess, for your knowledge and wisdom.” Adam Spanner smiled flatteringly.
  ”Hmph! Smooth talk!” Margaret rolled her eyes.
  ”Your Highness, thank you very much.” Dustin saluted with his fist in hand.
  ”Why are you so polite? If I promise to help you, I will help you to the end.”
  Margaret said calmly: “Besides, Ji Yuanzun is our common enemy. Helping you is also helping myself. In general To put it simply, it is to eliminate harm for the people.”
  ”Your Highness the Princess’s righteousness is really admirable.” Dustin smiled.
  ”Okay, don’t be poor. Although Ji Yuanzun is dead, there are still some things to deal with in the future, such as Lorenzo…” Margaret changed the subject.
  Dustin raised his eyebrows slightly and said, “My people will lead him into the encirclement. If the plan goes well, we should be able to capture him alive.”
“For profit, Lorenzo can be used.”
  Margaret said pointedly: “Now that Ji Yuanzun is dead and the Dragon Guard Pavilion has completely collapsed, there are still some affiliated forces remaining. If these forces can be conquered, they will be of great use in the future.”
“You mean? Say, let Lorenzo be a chess piece, take charge of the affiliated forces of Dragon Protection Pavilion, and work for me?” Dustin quickly reacted.
“That’s right.”
  Margaret nodded: “As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. After the Dragon Guard Pavilion is destroyed, all the major forces in the Dragonmarsh Kingdom will covet its territory and some interest organizations, and even take advantage of it by force. In the scene of robbery, instead of taking advantage of other forces, it is better to take it in yourself.”
“What you say makes sense, but I can’t trust Lorenzo.” Dustin said calmly.
  Once unfaithful, never a lifetime.
  From the moment Lorenzo betrayed him, the two sides were destined to become mortal enemies.
  No matter what the reason was, that knife had severed all the ties between the two.
  ”You don’t need to trust Lorenzo, just control him.”
  Margaret said very rationally: “As far as I know, Lorenzo has a wife and a daughter, and has been under house arrest by Ji Yuanzun. Because of this, Lorenzo Only then will he wholeheartedly work for Ji Yuanzun. Now that Ji Yuanzun is dead, Lorenzo’s wife and daughter have fallen into your hands. Now Lorenzo is just a chess piece of yours. What do you ask him to do? , he will do whatever he wants.”
  ”I will not harm his wife and children. Although I am not a good person, I will not do such despicable things. Otherwise, what is the difference between me and the people in Hulong Pavilion?” Dustin said calmly.
  ”I’m just making a suggestion. It’s up to you how to do it.” Margaret smiled slightly and did not force it.
  Her words were not only suggestions, but also somewhat probing.
  For future cooperation, she must understand Dustin and understand the other party’s bottom line.
  ”Buddy Dustin, your people are here.”
Chapter 1897
At this moment, Adam Spanner suddenly pouted forward.
  Dustin followed the sound and saw a fully armed army appearing at the end of his sight.
  There are tens of thousands of people in a densely packed area.
  These soldiers were wearing black armor and had long swords hanging on their waists. They were majestic and impressive.
  At first glance, it looks like a torrent of steel.
  Even from a distance, you can feel a strong sense of oppression.
  This army is the most powerful elite in West Lucozia, the Black Dragon Army!
  ”It seems Lorenzo has been arrested.” Margaret’s beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.
  The leader of this black dragon army is none other than Thorian Rhys.
  Previously, he led more than a thousand people to break out of the encirclement and led the elite team of Dragon Guard Pavilion into the trap that had been laid out long ago.
  In the end, they were directly crushed with absolute strength advantage.
  More than 5,000 of the enemy were killed and the rest were captured.
  ”Dong dong dong…”
  Tens of thousands of black dragon troops are getting closer and closer, and the sense of oppression is getting stronger and stronger.
  Even the White Tiger Army on the city wall couldn’t help but look solemn and secretly frightened.
  Rumor has it that the Black Dragon Army is the strongest in the Dragonmarsh Kingdom. Since its creation, it has won hundreds of battles and made extraordinary achievements many times. No army can compete head-on with the Black Dragon Army.
  Now that they have seen it with my own eyes, they know that the rumors are true.
  The strong killing aura in the Black Dragon Army is enough to disdain all armies.
  ”Brother! The mission has been completed. All the remaining members of the Dragon Protection Pavilion have been captured, and not a single fish has slipped through the net!” Thorian Rhys took the lead to step forward and return to his life.
  ”Good job.” Dustin nodded.
  ”How are you doing here? Is Ji Yuanzun dead?” Thorian Rhys looked left and right.
  ”His head has been chopped off, do you want to kill him?” Adam Spanner lightly kicked with his foot.
  Ji Yuanzun’s head rolled on the ground for a distance like a football, and finally stopped at Thorian Rhys’s feet.
  ”Damn it! Are you so ugly? No wonder you wear a mask all the time to show off.” Thorian Rhys spat on the ground.
  He naturally hated this guy who assassinated his father and brought harm to West Lucozia.
  ”Ji Yuanzun is dead, all his elite men have been arrested, and the Dragon Guard Pavilion has been completely destroyed.” Dustin sighed softly.
  Ten years of grudges finally come to an end today.
  ”By the way, brother, there is still this traitor!”
  Thorian Rhys suddenly waved his hand and ordered someone to take out the tied up Lorenzo and push him in front of Dustin.
  ”Kneel down!”
  Thorian Rhys kicked Lorenzo in the knee.
  Lorenzo groaned and fell to his knees on the spot.
  Dustin frowned, and his face quickly turned gloomy.
  He had always regarded Lorenzo as his uncle, but unexpectedly he was stabbed in the back and almost died.
  This kind of betrayal by a close relative is far more abhorrent than the revenge of an enemy!
Chapter 1898

  ”Your Highness… Your Highness?”
  Lorenzo knelt on the ground and looked at the cold-faced Dustin in front of him, with a very complicated expression.
  There was surprise, there was joy, but mostly there was guilt and self-blame.
  When he encountered an ambush by the Black Dragon Army, he knew that the situation in the Dragon Protection Pavilion was over.
  Sure enough, with a counter-intuitive plan, he directly destroyed the Dragon Protection Pavilion base and killed Ji Yuanzun.
  Now, he has become a prisoner.
  However, he did not feel unwilling to do so, but felt a little more relieved.
  Although he is from Hulong Pavilion, after staying in West Lucozia for so many years, he has long regarded this place as his home.
  Treat many people around you as family members.
  Many of the things he did were out of necessity, so he was always very troubled.
  He deserves to be in this situation.
  ”Lorenzo, you didn’t expect this result, did you? Ji Yuanzun lost, and you also lost. What else do you have to say now?” Dustin said coldly.
  ”Succeed as a king or lose as a bandit, I have nothing to say. Your Highness wants to kill or behead me, and I will bear it. I just hope that you will not harm innocent people.” Lorenzo pleaded.
  ”Do you think you are qualified to negotiate terms with me?” Dustin was expressionless.
  ”I am a sinner and my death is not a pity, but my wife and daughter are innocent. They have done nothing. I beg Your Highness to show mercy!”
  Lorenzo leaned down and Bow down and rubbing head on the ground three times.
  ”They didn’t do anything, but because of your actions, they became guilty. You don’t really think that your family can be safe after you committed a serious crime, right?” Dustin looked indifferent.
  ”Your Highness! I’m willing to pay for my crime and perform meritorious service. I can work as a horse for you. As long as you let my family go, I’m willing to do anything!” Lorenzo Bow down and rubbing head on the ground
  crazily, looking very nervous.
  He himself is not afraid of death, but he wants to ensure the safety of his relatives. It is precisely because his wife and daughter were held hostage by Ji Yuanzun that he did some crazy things.
  ”You deserve to be punished and make meritorious service, right? Then I want to hear how you deserve to be punished and make meritorious service?” Dustin asked back.
”Dragon Protecting Pavilion is deeply rooted and has a rich heritage. There are three treasure houses in total within the Dragonmarsh Kingdom, and each treasure house contains a large amount of gold and silver treasures. This is the accumulation of Dragon Protecting Pavilion for decades. It is as rich as the country. As long as Your Highness is willing to spare the lives of my family, and I am willing to tell Your Highness the whereabouts of these three treasure houses!” Lorenzo lowered his head.
  ”Treasure house?”
  Dustin raised his eyebrows slightly, showing some interest.
  The Dragon Guard Pavilion has been dominant for many years and has accumulated a lot of treasures. If they can get all of them, the Black Dragon Army will basically not have to worry about the military expenses for the next few decades.
  ”Brother, this is a very good deal. I think it’s worth exchanging a few insignificant people for a fortune that is as rich as the country!” Thorian Rhys persuaded in a low voice.
  ”Tell me the whereabouts of the treasure house. If what you say is true, I can agree to let your family go and give them a fortune.” Dustin said calmly.
  ”Thank you, Your Highness!” Lorenzo Bow down and rubbing head on the ground repeatedly.
  ”Don’t be too happy too soon. I promised to let your family go, but I have no plans to let you go. I can’t forgive you for what you did.” Dustin poured a basin of cold water down.
  As a secret agent of the Dragon Protection Pavilion, Lorenzo not only stabbed him in the back, but he was also one of the accomplices in the Forbidden City incident.
  The hatred of killing one’s mother is irreconcilable.
  No matter how many achievements Lorenzo made, he could not make up for this crime.
  ”I understand that I have done a lot of evil and I would not regret dying. As long as I see that my family is safe, I am willing to die to apologize!” Lorenzo vowed.
  He has done so many wrong things and has long been aware of death, but he has no regrets because everything he did was for his wife and daughter.
  ”Okay! I believe you again!”
  Dustin nodded: “Now, tell me where the treasure house is hidden.”
  ”I don’t know the specific location of the treasure house, but I know that Ji Yuanzun holds a treasure in his hand. Picture, and this treasure map records the specific locations of the three treasure houses. As long as you find the treasure map, you can find the treasure house.” Lorenzo replied.
Chapter 1899

  ”Where is the treasure map?” Dustin asked.
  ”In Ji Yuanzun’s underground secret room, I can take you there myself.” Lorenzo said.
  ”Underground secret room?”
  Thorian Rhys narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: “Lorenzo, I warn you not to play tricks, otherwise, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”
  Many buildings like secret rooms will have traps and hidden weapons, and he was worried about Lorenzo has evil intentions.
  ”Now I am a turtle in a urn, and I will never dare to mess around.” Lorenzo said with a bitter face.
  ”Lead the way.”
  Dustin didn’t say much. He nodded and signaled to the two guards to lift Lorenzo up.
  ”Wait a minute, I need Ji Yuanzun’s hand to open the safe in the secret room.” Lorenzo said suddenly.
  ”This is easy to handle!”
  Thorian Rhys suddenly pulled out his knife and chopped off one of Ji Yuanzun’s right hands, then handed it to Lorenzo: “Here, I’ll give it to you.”
  Lorenzo’s eyes twitched. , did not dare to say anything, and took the lead honestly.
  Dustin and others followed Lorenzo into the base and finally arrived at the door of the command room.
  Lorenzo opened the door, walked to the wall, and then took down a painting hanging on the wall.
  Behind the painting, there is an inconspicuous dark grid, which is almost integrated with the wall. It is difficult to detect if you don’t look closely.
  Lorenzo stretched out his hand and pressed lightly on the secret grid.
  Just heard a crisp sound.
  The entire wall suddenly opened from both sides, revealing an elevator inside.
Lorenzo led a few people into the elevator, then pressed the switch. The elevator quickly closed and then descended slowly.
  After waiting for about half a minute, the elevator suddenly stopped with a “dong” sound.
  The elevator door opened, and what appeared in front of Dustin and others was a spacious and luxurious underground secret room.
  It’s said to be a secret room, but it’s actually more like a mansion.
  There are all kinds of living facilities inside, and there is also a large amount of food and water, enough for one person to live for decades.
  ”This should be a nuclear-proof bunker, right?”
  Thorian Rhys looked around and marveled: “To be able to build a nuclear-proof bunker for shelter into such a luxurious look, it seems that Ji Yuanzun has put a lot of thought into it.”
  ”What’s the use of putting more thought into it? Isn’t he dead now?” Dustin Kate didn’t care.
  ”Third uncle, please stop making sarcastic remarks here. Didn’t you almost follow in Ji Yuanzun’s footsteps?” Thorian Rhys said meaningfully.
  ”This…” Dustin Kate was speechless for a moment, looking embarrassed.
  This guy really can’t help but pick up the pot.
  If you put on such a good show, you should be considered guilty and meritorious, right?
  ”Thorian, don’t be rude.”
  Dustin pretended to reprimand: “The third uncle put himself in danger and lurked beside Ji Yuanzun. He went through untold hardships and shouldered all the scoldings just to eradicate the evil for the palace. You are evil, this is a righteous act, we should admire it!”
  Dustin Kate’s mouth twitched.
  Why do these words sound even more harsh?
Chapter 1900
”Lorenzo, what are you doing standing still? Waiting for me to take a picture of you? Find the treasure map quickly!”
Dustin Kate, who looked aggrieved, vented all his inner dissatisfaction on Lorenzo. .
  Lorenzo did not dare to hesitate, and immediately walked to an alloy door, took out Ji Yuanzun’s severed hand, and gently pressed it against the sensing position in the middle area.
  Just heard a soft sound.
  The heavy alloy door slowly opened inside, revealing a vault made of metal.
  The vault is about one hundred square meters, with a large number of gold bricks stacked in the middle, taller than a person.
  In addition to the gold bricks, there are also various rare treasures densely placed around it, each of which is worth thousands of gold.
  ”This is Ji Yuanzun’s personal vault. Everything he likes will be stored here.” Lorenzo explained.
  ”There are so many treasures!”
  Thorian Rhys looked around and sighed: “If this is shipped out, it can probably buy a city.”
“These are nothing, compared with the three treasure houses of Dragon Protection Pavilion Compared to this, the treasure in front of you is just a drop in the bucket.” Lorenzo explained.
  ”Real or false?”
  Thorian Rhys was surprised and delighted: “According to what you said, wouldn’t the treasures of the Dragon Protection Pavilion be piled up like a mountain?”
“Although I have not seen it with my own eyes, the accumulation of treasures in the Dragon Protection Pavilion for decades , to describe it as piling up a mountain is not an exaggeration at all.” Lorenzo said seriously.
  ”Okay, okay…very good! I can’t wait to collect the treasures of the Dragon Protection Pavilion!” Thorian Rhys was in high spirits and extremely excited.
  ”After all that, where is the treasure map?” Dustin Kate urged impatiently.
  ”It’s right here.”
  Lorenzo walked to the innermost shelf, took down a delicate sandalwood box from it, and then handed it to Dustin carefully.

  Dustin opened it and found three pieces of parchment inside.
  Each piece of parchment has a detailed map drawn on it. In the center of the map, a golden mark marks the location of the treasure house.
  If there is nothing wrong with the treasure map, then as long as you follow the route, you will find the treasure house quickly.
  ”Your Highness, I have to remind you that every treasure house will be guarded by experts from the Dragon Protection Pavilion. Without the personal presence of the Pavilion Master, they will never be able to open the treasure house.” Lorenzo added.
  ”The Dragon Guard Pavilion has been destroyed. A few warriors can’t make any big waves.” Dustin didn’t care.
  ”Your Highness, my mission has been completed. Can you allow me to see my family one last time?” Lorenzo asked with a pleading look on his face.
  ”I’ll give you three days to say your final goodbyes to your family. After three days, I’ll give you a head on your neck.” Dustin said with an indifferent expression.
  ”Thank you, Your Highness!”
  Lorenzo cried with joy. With a “boom”, he knelt down and Bow down and rubbing head on the ground to Dustin three times.
  Three days were enough for him to settle his funeral arrangements.
  On the premise of keeping his family safe, he can still fulfill his last wish.
  For him, this is undoubtedly a great gift.
  ”Albert, take him out and give him the last bit of dignity.” Dustin ordered.
  Albert nodded, loosened the shackles on Lorenzo, and led him out of the secret room.
  ”He was originally a loyal person from West Lucozia, but I never thought that he would be a traitor.” Thorian Rhys shook his head.
  ”Everyone has to pay the price for their actions. If he does what he thinks is right, he will have to bear the corresponding consequences.” Dustin said calmly.
  From Lorenzo’s point of view, there is nothing wrong with whatever he does to protect his family.
  But from his standpoint, traitorous behavior like this could never be forgiven.
Chapter 1901

  ”Yes! One wrong step, one wrong step after another, Lorenzo’s actions are destined to not end well. Without thinking about someone, there is still a chance to make meritorious deeds.”
  Thorian Rhys said, and looked meaningfully Eyes Dustin Kate.
  If it weren’t for the person in front of him being his third uncle, if it wasn’t for his father’s kindness and unwillingness to kill each other, if it wasn’t for the fact that he didn’t cause too much damage.
  With the other party’s rebellion, even ten deaths would not be enough!
  After being glanced at by Thorian Rhys, Dustin Kate changed the topic with a guilty conscience: “Logan, these three treasure houses are of amazing value and are closely related. How do you plan to deal with them?”
“Of course if they are all brought back to West Lucozia, is it possible that they are still left to those miscellaneous fish?” Thorian Rhys rolled his eyes.
  ”We cannot monopolize these three treasure houses.”
  Dustin shook his head and said, “It was not we alone that destroyed the Dragon Protection Pavilion. We also invited foreign aid this time. Any benefits will naturally be shared equally by everyone.”
  ”Divided equally? Logan, are you kidding?”
  Dustin Kate was stunned and became excited: “You just heard what Lorenzo said. The treasure trove of Dragon Protection Pavilion is accumulated over decades. It is as rich as any country. , you actually want to share such a huge opportunity with others, what on earth do you think?”
  This time, he accomplished a remarkable feat in wiping out the Dragon Protection Pavilion, and he might be rewarded separately afterwards.
  In other words, the more treasures the Prince of West Lucozia gets, the more benefits he will get, and he is naturally unwilling to give them to others.
  ”Treasures are good, but they also have to be moral. People come all the way to help us. If we just take the treasures alone, wouldn’t we become ungrateful people?” Dustin said calmly.
  ”That’s what I say, but there’s no need to share it equally with them, right? Just give me some benefits.” Dustin Kate said.
  ”I have made up my mind. If Third Uncle is dissatisfied, you can complain to Rufus Rhys and see what he will do.” Dustin said expressionlessly.
  ”You…” Dustin Kate’s expression froze.
  He has never seen such a stupid person, who is willing to give away the wealth he has obtained.

  ”Third uncle, don’t judge others by yourself. My brother’s heart is not comparable to that of ordinary people.” Old God Thorian Rhys said calmly.
  Although it was a pity, he supported his eldest brother unconditionally.
  ”Go up.”
  Dustin was too lazy to talk nonsense. After closing the wooden box, he led Thorian Rhys and others out.
  In his eyes, gold, silver and jewelry are just external possessions. If you cheat even your friends, the road will only become narrower in the future.
  After returning to the surface, Dustin took out two treasure maps, handed one to Adam Spanner and the other to Margaret.
  ”Old Dustin, what do you mean?”
  Adam Spanner looked at the treasure map in his hand, feeling a little confused.
  ”There are three treasure houses in the Dragon Protection Pavilion, and each treasure house corresponds to a treasure map. There are exactly three of us, and each of us has a treasure house.” Dustin explained.
  ”I’ll go! Aren’t you too kind?” Adam Spanner’s eyes brightened.
  ”If you hadn’t helped me this time, the Hulong Pavilion wouldn’t have been so smooth,” Dustin said.
  ”Hehe… OK, since your kindness is hard to refuse, I will accept it.” Adam Spanner was not polite and directly pocketed the treasure map.
  ”It’s useless for me to ask for this thing. You can keep it yourself.”
  Margaret glanced at the treasure map and stuffed it into Dustin’s arms.
  ”Don’t get me wrong, I’m not giving this treasure map to you, but to the officials. From now on, we in West Lucozia will need more care from the officials.”
  Dustin smiled and pushed the treasure map into Margaret’s hand.
  Hearing this, Margaret found it hard to refuse.
  ”Your Highness, this is Buddy Dustin’s wish, so don’t be polite. We will have plenty of opportunities to cooperate in the future.” Adam Spanner advised from the side.
  ”Okay, then I will thank you on behalf of my father.” Margaret nodded and finally accepted it.
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Chapter 1841: A remarkable person

With Martin's strength, there were few in the whole of West Lucozia who could compare. If it hadn't been for Martin seizing the opportunity to take the military token last night, Antonio wouldn't have been able to press forward with his army. In the end, the victory or defeat of both sides rested entirely on Martin's decision.

"Young Prince, there's a saying that goes: 'Those who understand the times are wise.' General Antonio is more suitable to be the West Lucozia King than you. Is there a problem with me serving under General Antonio?" Martyin said calmly, smiling faintly.

"I thought you were a loyal and righteous minister, but I never expected you to be such a despicable person!" Thorian rebuked angrily.

"The winner becomes the king, and the loser becomes a bandit. Whether I'm a loyal minister or a villain, it's all determined by the victor," Martin shrugged indifferently.

"Even if we lose, I will never let you off!" Thorian reached out and retrieved the fallen long sword, holding it tightly.

"What? Do you still want to fight?" Martin shook his head and sneered, "Even if you go all out, in my eyes, you're just a joke."

"Whether I'm a joke or not, you'll find out after we fight!" Thorian took a step forward, ready to attack.

Suddenly, a figure descended from the sky and stood in front of Thorian.

It was Dustin, wearing a human skin mask.

"I'll deal with this person; you step back," Dustin said calmly.

Thorian glanced at Martin and then at Dustin before stepping back. If it came down to a one-on-one fight, his elder brother's strength was no weaker than Martin's.

"So, it's you?" Martin assessed Dustin up and down, his face showing a hint of battle intent. "I always felt you were extraordinary and wanted to fight you. Now, I finally have the chance."

"Marquis Martin, who is this person?" Antonio casually asked.

"He's a hidden expert in the palace. The reason all four lords of the Northern cities were captured alive was because of him," Martin explained.

"Oh? Is that so? I never expected the palace to hide such a remarkable person," Antonio squinted his eyes, carefully assessing the situation.

Strangely, the person's face was unfamiliar, yet he felt a strange sense of familiarity, as if he had seen him somewhere before.

"Martin, you should never have betrayed the palace," Dustin slowly unsheathed the Sky Sword on his back, his eyes becoming exceptionally sharp. "I despise traitors the most, to the bone. That's why today, you must die!"

"You want me dead? Let's see if you have the capability!" Martin sneered coldly.

"They say you're the number one spear master in West Lucozia. Today, I'm here to learn something from you!" Dustin's body flickered, and he shot out like a cannonball, turning into a residual image and violently attacking Martin.

"So fast!" Martin's pupils contracted. He didn't dare to underestimate his opponent and immediately held his spear with both hands, wildly swinging it, creating countless spear shadows that enveloped him.

"These are just petty tricks!" Dustin neither dodged nor evaded, suddenly turning his body, integrating himself with the sword, transforming into a white sword light, and fiercely crashing into the myriad spear shadows.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Accompanied by a series of explosions, wherever the white sword light passed, the spear shadows burst one after another, completely unable to withstand it. Martin was forced to retreat continuously, and with each step backward, he left a deep footprint on the ground.

"What incredible swordsmanship!"

Witnessing this scene, everyone was astonished, finding it hard to believe. After all, Martin's strength was renowned in West Lucozia; he was ranked within the top five, and his spear technique was unparalleled, unstoppable. Yet, this young man had forced such a top-tier expert to continuously retreat. It was simply unbelievable!

Chapter 1842: Plan of break out of the city

"Who is this person exactly? He actually forced Marquis Martin to retreat. It's too incredible!"

"At such a young age, possessing such formidable strength, it's truly unimaginable. If we could recruit him, he would undoubtedly be a powerful general!"

"Don't be hasty. Martin hasn't displayed his true strength yet, so it's still uncertain who will win in the end."

As they watched the intense battle between Dustin and Martin, the crowd couldn't help but discuss the situation fervently.

Most of West Lucozia's top experts were well-known, but this young man who had suddenly appeared seemed exceptionally mysterious. Nobody recognized him, as if he had appeared out of thin air. This naturally piqued their curiosity. After all, top-notch warriors like him were extremely rare. With his strength, he could shake the world with just his own power!

"Thorian, where did you find this young expert? Why haven't I seen him before?" Elara supported her son, her expression filled with doubt.

"Mom, the time hasn't come yet. I can't tell you for now," Thorian shook his head. His big brother had always concealed his identity. It was only under dire circumstances that he had decided to intervene.

"Even I can't know?" Elara became even more curious.

"Mom, I'm sorry, but I have to keep my promise," Thorian shook his head again.

"That's alright, I'll just ask you one thing: Is this person reliable?" Elara tentatively asked.

"Extremely reliable!" Thorian replied without hesitation.

"Very well!" Elara nodded. "This person is incredibly powerful, slightly surpassing Martin. If the situation turns unfavorable later, let him help you break out of the city!"


Thorian was about to speak but was interrupted by Elara. "Listen to me this time! Antonio will never let you go. You must preserve your life. Once you leave West Lucozia and head to Stonia, there will be plenty of opportunities for a comeback."

With the assistance of this mysterious expert, along with the Wandering Black Guards and the eight hundred death warriors, there was at least a fifty percent chance of successfully breaking out.

"Mom! What about you if I leave?" Thorian frowned.

"Don't worry, I have the protection of the Princess Consort. Antonio wouldn't dare do anything to me," Elara forced a smile. As long as her son was safe, she didn't care about her own life or death.

"Mom, we haven't reached the point of no return yet. Maybe there's still a chance for things to turn around," Thorian reassured.

He had full trust in his elder brother. He always felt that his elder brother had a hidden ace up his sleeve. At the critical moment, he could turn the situation around.
"A chance? Let's hope so," Elara sighed lightly, although she didn't hold much hope.

As the saying goes, two fists are no match for four hands. No matter how strong that young expert was, he couldn't single-handedly defeat everyone. Moreover, there were still five hundred thousand Black Dragon Army soldiers outside—an unstoppable force.

In the central battlefield, Dustin's sword continued its relentless thrusts, showing no signs of stopping.

Meanwhile, Martin was on the defensive, constantly retreating while trying to block Dustin's attacks.

Unbeknownst to him, sweat had already covered his forehead.

"How is this kid so strong? His oppressive aura is almost on par with Sword Immortal Zenon!" Martin's face was grave, his brows deeply furrowed. He continued blocking with his spear, attempting to stop Dustin's onslaught.

No matter how he varied his spear techniques, the opponent only had a single sword, yet he forced Martin into a constant retreat, rendering him unable to counterattack.

This kind of overwhelming oppressive aura was something he had only felt from Sword Immortal Zenon. Moreover, that had been many years ago.

In the past, he had been arrogant due to his recent breakthrough into the Master realm. He had challenged Sword Immortal Zenon thinking highly of himself. However, Sword Immortal Zenon had defeated him with a single sword strike, effortlessly.

Chapter 1843: The swordsmanship

After many years, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds. However, he didn’t expect that now, he would defeated by a young man.

What a disgrace.

"Too much!" Seeing the situation getting worse, Martin couldn't help but roar. He unleashed his ultimate move. With a swift motion, he distanced himself from Dustin. Then, he suddenly stopped and turned around, gripping the spear with both hands and thrusting it back.

His entire body erupted with profound energy, creating a terrifying aura as he unleashed his attack.

"Star-Picking, Moon-Watching!" Martin roared, and the tip of his spear vibrated rapidly. Countless spear shadows shot out like meteors, carrying the power to destroy the heavens and earth, all aimed at Dustin.

Wherever the spear shadows passed, the air distorted, and the ground shattered, creating a fearsome scene.

"Hmph!" Dustin stood his ground, not dodging or evading. He shook his Sky Sword, and a sharp sword aura instantly burst out, crashing into the sea of spear shadows.

"Bang, bang, bang..." A series of explosions ensued.

Dustin's sword aura tore through all the spear shadows, then accurately pierced the tip of Martin's spear.

"Boom!" A loud noise reverberated.

Martin's long spear couldn't withstand the pressure and exploded into more than ten pieces. The powerful shockwave produced by the explosion sent Martin flying dozens of meters away, crashing heavily onto the ground. Blood spewed from his mouth and nose, and he couldn't stop coughing.

"What?!" Witnessing this scene, everyone's faces turned pale with shock.

Although they knew that Dustin had the upper hand, Martin was no pushover. According to their estimation, the two of them should have been evenly matched.

In the blink of an eye, Martin was defeated? And such a disastrous defeat?

This outcome seems too sudden, doesn't it?

"This young man is truly formidable. If we could have him on our side, it would be even better," Antonio murmured as he watched Dustin defeat his opponent with a single strike, his enthusiasm growing.

To defeat Martin at such a young age, his future seems limitless.

"With the reputation of the Grand General, if we can extend an olive branch and promise wealth and prosperity, it shouldn't be too difficult to win this person over," Jasper remarked with a meaningful tone.

"Such a master is worth recruiting," Calvin nodded.

In the land of West Lucozia, known for its martial prowess, one's martial strength can greatly influence their future achievements.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Martin staggered to his feet, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth. He was no longer as composed as before; fear had replaced his confidence.

"The swordsmanship you used is very similar to that of Sword Immortal Zenon. Who are you, really?" Martin asked in a deep voice.

"I'll tell you the truth after you're dead!" Dustin replied without hesitation. With a flick of his Sky Sword, he launched another attack against Martin.

"Great General, save me!"

Martin's face turned pale. Without caring about his image as a skilled warrior, he swiftly hid behind Antonio. He knew he was no match for Dustin and sought protection at this critical moment.

"Young man, hold on!"

Antonio shouted loudly, attempting to defuse the conflict between the two sides. However, Dustin showed no response. His longsword continued to advance, as if he were ready to fight to the death.

Seeing this, Antonio couldn't help but furrow his brow. While he wanted to recruit Dustin, if he became an uncontrollable factor, they might have no choice but to let him go.

Chapter 1844: The King's decree

"Men, take this guy down for me!"

Seeing that Dustin continued to attack relentlessly, Antonio finally gave the order.

Powerful individuals are valuable assets if they can be controlled.

But if they can't be controlled, they can't be left to the enemy; the threat must be eliminated!


Jasper and Calvin both gave the signal.

Over a hundred martial experts immediately swarmed Dustin, surrounding him and launching their attack.

These were all officers and leaders of the Black Dragon Army, each with extraordinary strength. When their powers combined, it surpassed that of thousands of regular soldiers.


Suddenly, a dark figure descended from the sky, like a meteor crashing to the earth, with lightning-fast speed, and violently smashed into the crowd.


A loud noise.

The ground shattered, dust filled the air, and a powerful shockwave emanated from the point of impact, sweeping outward.

Wherever it passed, the martial experts were forced to retreat continuously, struggling to maintain their balance.

"Who is that?"

Everyone fixed their gaze and saw a middle-aged man in elegant clothing, with graying hair.

The man had an indifferent expression, an imposing aura, and a reddish haze seemed to surround him.

It was an aura of such dense malevolence that ghostly wails and wolf howls could be faintly heard.

The newcomer was none other than the infamous killer, Albert!

"Albert? He has finally appeared!" Elara's face lit up.

Ever since the Lord passed away, Albert had disappeared without a trace.

For several days, he hadn't shown himself, and no matter how they tried to contact him, there was no response.

Now, at this critical moment, he reappeared as if from nowhere.

As one of the three top experts in the Rhys family, Albert's true strength was still a mystery.

No one knew just how strong Albert was, but anyone targeted by him ultimately had only one fate – death.

"This is fantastic! With Albert here, we have one more chance at survival!"

Upon seeing the arrival of Albert, Alexander couldn't help but become more spirited.

Albert was a legendary figure and one of the Lord's most trusted lieutenants. Although he usually kept a low profile, no one dared to underestimate him. After all, the title of "Man Butcher" was earned with the blood of tens of thousands of enemy soldiers, resulting in unparalleled glory.

"Man Butcher Albert?" Antonio squinted slightly, his expression becoming more serious.

In the entire West Lucozia, the person who made him most wary was Rufus Rhys, but he had already died. Now, the second most formidable person was this hidden Man Butcher.

"By the King's decree, all members of the Black Dragon Army are to withdraw to the fortress and guard the borders without error!" Albert spoke loudly.

His voice was like thunder, resounding through the heavens and the earth, with an irresistible authority.

"The King's decree?"

As this statement was made, the officers of the Black Dragon Army exchanged puzzled and skeptical looks.

They had been summoned by the Commander's token, which was equivalent to the King's personal presence. Hence, they had no choice but to obey the Commander's orders; it was their duty as military leaders. Now, hearing the words "the King's decree" left them confused.

"Hmph! The King's decree? That's pure nonsense!" Antonio stepped forward, speaking coldly. "Albert, the King has long since passed away, so where would this 'decree' come from? In my view, you are clearly fabricating and deceiving the world!"

"Exactly!" Martin chimed in. "The King has passed away, and the Commander's token is now in the hands of the Grand General. All members of the Black Dragon Army must follow the Grand General's orders. What qualifications does a mere steward of the King Mansion have to give orders here?"

"I'll say it again, by the King's decree, all members of the Black Dragon Army, return to the fortress!" Albert repeated with a stern expression, speaking even louder and with greater force.

"Men, arrest this traitor!" Antonio, not wanting to waste any more words, gave the command directly.

Chapter 1845: Miraculously come back to life

If Albert continued to speak like this, it was feared that it would shake the morale of the troops.


The leaders of the Black Dragon Army exchanged uncertain glances.

After all, Albert had been one of the Grand Generals of the Black Dragon Army back in the day, and his authority was second only to King Rufus Rhys.

After pacifying the western territories, Albert had retired from the military, but some of the older veterans still remembered his outstanding achievements and held deep respect for him.

"What's the matter? Are you all deaf, or do you intend to defy orders?" Antonio said, pulling out the Commander's token and raising it high above his head. He shouted, "The Commander's token is here; let's see who dares to defy my orders!"


Seeing Antonio brandishing the Commander's token, the soldiers and officers no longer hesitated. They unsheathed their swords and surrounded Albert.

Albert remained calm, his expression unchanged, showing no signs of fear.

"King is here! Who dares to act insolently!"

At this moment, a thunderous shout erupted seemingly out of thin air. The force of it was like a thunderclap, rolling through and intimidating everyone present.

The hearts of all the soldiers and officers trembled, and they instinctively halted their advance and turned to look in the direction of the voice.

Then, an astonishing scene unfolded.

At the entrance of the King Mansion, a middle-aged man in a dragon-embroidered robe slowly walked out with his hands behind his back.

The middle-aged man had a slightly hunched stature and limped as he walked, showing no imposing presence or aura. Without the dragon-embroidered robe, one might mistake him for an ordinary farmer.

However, the moment this seemingly ordinary middle-aged man appeared, everyone fell into silence. Their eyes widened, and they bore expressions of shock and disbelief.

Because the man who had just appeared was none other than the resurrected King of West Lucozia, Rufus Rhys!

"King... my King?"

Staring at the familiar face, Elara couldn't help but be dumbfounded, finding it hard to believe.

She had seen the King's lifeless body, so why was he now standing there, alive and well?

What on earth was happening?

Was she... dreaming?


Even Thorian was in a daze, the knife in his hand dropping to the ground with a clang. To confirm whether it was real or not, he rubbed his eyes, just in case they were playing tricks on him.

"Oh my goodness! Wasn't the King dead? Am I seeing a ghost?"

Alexander, Rowan, and Tyson exchanged bewildered looks, their shock palpable. They had seen King Rufus's lifeless body with their own eyes last night. He had been unmistakably without breath. How could he be alive today?

Could it be some sort of resurrection?

"Big... brother?"

Antonio was struck as though by lightning, frozen on the spot. Sweat formed on his forehead, and he began to tremble uncontrollably. Rufus Rhys had cast a shadow over him his entire life, and upon hearing about King Rufus's passing, he had been overjoyed.

After all those years of waiting, he had finally seen a chance to rise to power. It felt like a new lease on life.

So, he had immediately set his plan in motion to seize power, prepared to take control of west Lucozia's military in one fell swoop. He knew that without King Rufus's suppression, he would be unstoppable.

The plan had been going smoothly. With the Commander's token in hand, they had surrounded the King Mansion. Even the King Consort, along with others, had knelt and begged for mercy. He was just one step away from the throne, from achieving unparalleled glory.

However, he had never dreamt that at this critical moment, King Rufus Rhys would miraculously come back to life.

Why? Why was this happening? He had already died. How could he be alive now?

Chapter 1846: Faked Death

At this moment, Antonio was completely shaken. He had calculated every possible outcome but had never considered the possibility of King Rufus standing before him, alive and well. This kind of shock was almost unbearable.

In fact, it wasn't just Antonio; all the rebel leaders, including Martin, were dumbfounded. They had rebelled against King Rufus's rule precisely because they believed he was dead. If King Rufus Rhys hadn't died, they wouldn't have dared to engage in such a treacherous act.

"Today is quite lively, isn't it? So many people have gathered," Rufus Rhys said as he strolled out of the gate, and the crowd automatically parted as he passed through.

"King, but you... you were already..." Elara began to speak but then stopped, her face showing disbelief. She had seen King Rufus being pierced through the chest with her own eyes and witnessed him losing his breath. She had even conducted his funeral herself. She couldn't understand why a person who had died was now alive.

"Don't be nervous. I'm a person, not a ghost," Rufus replied with a faint smile. "The assassin's sword did indeed nearly take my life. Luckily, I was fortunate enough to protect my heart with my true energy, which allowed me to hang on to life."

"King, why didn't you tell us sooner? Do you know how much pain we went through?" Elara spoke tearfully. After King Rufus's apparent death, she had been devastated. But for the sake of the King Mansion, she had to control her emotions, handle the funeral arrangements, and engage in a strategic battle against those ambitious individuals.

"Elara, you've worked hard these past few days," Rufus Rhys said, extending his hand to wipe away the tears at the corner of Elara's eyes. He smiled and continued, "The reason I faked my death was to take the opportunity to recover from my injuries and to see how the King Mansion and West Lucozia would fare after my apparent death."

At this point, Rufus's gaze suddenly shifted towards Antonio and his group. "Unfortunately, things didn't turn in a positive direction. The actions of certain individuals have left me deeply disappointed."

After the assassination attempt, he had employed a calculated strategy to fake his death, aiming to test the reactions of those around him. He hadn't expected that in just a few days, the King Mansion would undergo such significant changes, and certain individuals with hidden agendas would reveal their true colors. Now that matters had come to this point, he had no choice but to reappear and determine the conclusion of this farce.

"Dad! It's wonderful that you're safe!" After a brief moment of shock, Thorian's face beamed with joy. He continued, "During the days you were recovering, Uncle Antonio, together with the four northern lords, rebelled and seized the Commander's token. Their actions were audacious and reckless!"

"I'm already aware of these matters," Rufus Rhys nodded, looking at Antonio with a calm gaze. "Third brother, as the Grand General, a position that's second only to the Lord, couldn't you be content with your position of great authority? Why did you choose this treacherous path? Do you realize how many lives were harmed by your actions?"

Antoniof, his face dark and trembling slightly, said nothing. His hand shook as he held his sword, not out of fear, but from the intensity of the situation.

Chapter 1847: There is always someone better

"Third brother, we are family. As long as you put down your sword, I can spare your life," Rufus Rhys said calmly.

"Why? Why haven't you died yet? You were seriously ill and on the brink of death. Why do you insist on holding the position of the West Lucozia King?" Antonio gnashed his teeth, his eyes bloodshot, and his expression appeared somewhat grotesque.

"Third brother, I know your personality very well. You are talented in both civil and martial affairs, but you lack the capacity to tolerate others. Your approach is too ruthless, and you are not suited to be a King. You can't be a King," Rufus Rhys said bluntly.

"Nonsense!" Antonio suddenly roared. "You've been the King for decades, and now that you're about to die, it's time for me to take the position! Look at the whole of West Lucozia. Who is more suitable than me to be the new King?"

"I have already chosen the new King, and it's not you," Rufus Rhys said, shaking his head.

"A new King? Hahaha..." Antonio laughed wildly. "Thorian is just a little brat. In terms of talent, ability, and authority, what does he have that's better than me? Why should he compete with me?"

"When I said 'new King,' I wasn't referring to Thorian," Rufus Rhys calmly replied.

"If it's not Thorian Rhys, who else could it be? Are you still hoping for Logan Rhys, the guy who disappeared for ten years? He's someone who doesn't even know his own life or death, and you want to pass the throne to him. Have you gone mad?" Antonio mocked mercilessly.

"How dare you!" Upon hearing this, Albert was about to lose his temper but was stopped by Rufus Rhys's raised hand.

Compared to Antonio's outbursts and madness, Rufus Rhys remained extraordinarily composed throughout the conversation.

"Third brother, I can only tell you that Logan didn't die. He is alive and well. He is now even more outstanding than I was back then, and he is more suited to be the King," Rufus Rhys said seriously.

"What if he didn't die? Consider the ages; Logan Rhys is only a few years older than Thorian. In the end, he's still just a kid, while I have been through countless battles. My reputation among the military and the people far exceeds Logan's by a thousand or even ten thousand times. In a fair competition, he wouldn't even be qualified to hold my shoes!" Antonio shouted.

He never really cared about the "Rhys Family's Kirin Child." Without Rufus Rhys's support, suppressing Logan would be as easy as flipping his hand.

"Third brother, you are too conceited and don't understand the saying that there is always someone better. There are countless talents in the world. If you had the time, you should go out and explore, see the world beyond West Lucozia. The world is much larger than you can imagine," Rufus Rhys said, his expression filled with sympathy.

"Stop the nonsense! You are selfish!" Antonio roared, his face contorted. "You keep saying you are serving the country and the people, for the people of West Lucozia, but in your eyes, the throne is meant only for your son. In reality, you are a selfish and self-serving hypocrite!"

"You're not wrong. I do have personal considerations, but everything I do is based on the greater good," Rufus Rhys calmly replied. "If my two sons were worthless and unfit to be kings, I would never pass the throne to them."

"Hmph! You speak so pompously, but in the end, you are still considering your own son!" Antonio scowled. "If you were truly serving the country and the people, choosing the most capable rather than your family, you should willingly abdicate and let us compete fairly!"

"So, you want a fair competition?" In response, Rufus Rhys unexpectedly nodded. "Alright, today I'll give you a chance to compete fairly with my son."

Chapter 1848: A fair competition

"A fair competition?" These words left everyone in shock and disbelief. Nobody expected Rufus Rhys to suggest such a thing. He could have easily commanded the Black Dragon Army officers to capture Antonio, ending the rebellion once and for all. Instead, he gave Antonio a chance to turn the tables, leaving everyone perplexed.

"Your Majesty…" Elara began to speak but was silenced by Rufus Rhys, who raised his hand and said, "There's no need to say more; there's a time and place for everything."

"Brother Rufus, are you really going to let your son compete with me on equal terms?" Antonio was somewhat shocked. He had just been prepared to fight for his life, not expecting Rufus to introduce the concept of a fair competition.

"If you want fairness, I'll give it to you. I will make you accept defeat with an open heart and mouth," Rufus Rhys calmly stated.

"Alright! This is what you've said!" Antonio's eyes narrowed slightly. He felt a surge of optimism. "We, West Lucozia, value martial strength. To become the new king, one must be powerful. In my opinion, we should compete based on military rules. The victor becomes the king!"

"Antonio, you're truly shameless!" Elara couldn't hold back any longer and exclaimed, "You've been a warrior on the battlefield for many years, and your martial strength is extraordinary. In all of West Lucozia, there are very few who can rival you. To choose your strength as the basis for competition, does that seem fair?"

"In this world, strength has always been the highest virtue, especially in West Lucozia. Without formidable strength, how can one command the respect of thousands of soldiers? Do you think a scholarly weakling can be the king of West Lucozia?" Antonio replied, maintaining his solemn demeanor.

"That's right! We will never accept a weakling as our king!" Martin chimed in.

"If the strongest gets to be king, then the world would have fallen into chaos long ago!" Elara retorted.

"Whether the world falls into chaos or not, I don't know, but in the Black Dragon Army, to gain respect, you need either great strength or numerous military achievements," Antonio replied, with a cold smile. "In terms of military achievements, if you combine the records of Logan Rhys and Thorian Rhys, they can't compare to even a fraction of mine. I proposed the arena battle as a fair way to decide everything based on strength."

"You…" Elara began to speak, but Rufus Rhys interrupted, "Alright, I agree. We'll compete according to military rules. The victor will be the future king of West Lucozia."

"It's a deal!" Antonio's eyes lit up, feeling ecstatic.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Antonio's strength had already reached the Grandmaster level several years ago. He believed he had a strong chance of winning, even against someone like Albert, the "Butcher." As for Thorian and the long-missing Logan, he didn't think they stood a chance against his prowess.

Although the competition seemed fair, Antonio believed he had already secured his victory.

"Rufus Rhys, Rufus Rhys, you are clever throughout your life, but made a foolish choice this time. If your son loses, I wonder how you will handle the consequences," Antonio thought, a cold smile playing across his face.

He was not concerned about Rufus Rhys's potential regrets; reversing a decision in front of so many Black Dragon Army officers would damage his authority Antonio saw this as an opportunity to gain support and build his own reputation.

"Thorian, how do you feel about trying it out? How does Antonio compare to Marquis Martin?" Rufus Rhys turned to Thorian.

"Is Antonio stronger than Marquis Martin?" Thorian replied.

"Martin has decent martial prowess, but when compared to Antonio, his strength far exceeds Martin. Otherwise, how could your Third Uncle command him?" Rufus Rhys smiled lightly.

"If Antonio is stronger than Martin then I think I'll pass," Thorian shook his head. He couldn't defeat Martin, so he knew he couldn't compete against Antonio.

Chapter 1849: Outplayed from start to finish

Isn't this just asking for trouble?

"Hmph! You do have some self-awareness!" Antonio coldly smiled and continued, "Brother Rufus, your younger son has already admitted defeat, so may I ask, where is your elder son now?"

"Logan, you've hidden for so long; it's time to reveal yourself, isn't it?" Rufus Rhys suddenly spoke loudly.

While Rufus Rhys hadn't met his eldest son, Logan Rhys, he knew of his existence. During the recent Steven Seagal incident, Logan Rhys had reported the issue, providing him the opportunity to eliminate the tumor within the family.

With such a major event happening in the palace now, it was in Logan's nature not to sit idly by.

"I didn't expect you, this old fox, to not only deceive Antonio but all of us as well. And now, you're making me your scapegoat. Is this appropriate?" After some hesitation, Logan Rhys finally took off his human mask.

Since Rufus Rhys wasn't dead, the situation in the palace remained in their control. Logan Rhys couldn't avoid revealing himself in this situation, even if it felt like he was being forced onto the stage.

While it seemed as though he was being pushed into a corner, Logan Rhys understood that Rufus Rhys had his best interests in mind. Today was the best opportunity to establish his authority.

If he could defeat Antonio, the Great General of the Black Dragon Army, in front of all the officers, it would clear the path for his future succession.

"What? He's actually Logan Rhys?" The crowd was dumbfounded upon seeing Logan Rhys's true face. Nobody expected the mysterious figure who had just defeated Martin to be none other than Logan Rhys, who had disappeared for a decade. The shock brought about by this revelation surpassed even the return of Rufus Rhys from the dead.

Father and son, both were cunning and crafty, living up to their reputation.

"Is it you? How is this possible?" Antonio's expression changed, and he was utterly shocked.

He had believed that Logan Rhys was gone for good and hadn't expected him to be lurking right under his nose. What was even more critical was that Logan Rhys strength was so great that Antonio couldn't guarantee victory.

"I apologize to everyone for concealing my identity. It was a necessity," Logan said after revealing himself and respectfully clasping his hands.

"Logan, when did you return?" Elara was surprised and glanced at Logan Rhys, then at Thorian. Thorian awkwardly smiled but pretended not to notice the look.

"I've been back for a few days. I heard about the crisis in the palace, so I decided to provide assistance covertly. Unfortunately, I couldn't keep my identity a secret, but it's hard to fool this old fox," Dustin replied.

He glanced at Rufus Rhys with a complex expression. When he heard of his father's supposed death, his emotions almost got the best of him. As it turned out, it was all part of Rufus Rhys's masterful plan. The faked death had been used to lure out everyone with ill intentions, and then to clean house.

Antonio might be skilled in both civil and military affairs and could devise strategies, but against the experienced and cunning Rufus Rhys, he was outplayed from start to finish. Whether it was the staged death or the meticulously prepared duel, Antonio was manipulated the entire time. This was the depth of the cunning that the King of West Lucozia, Rufus Rhys, had at his disposal.

Chapter 1850: A little trick

"You little brat, you've been back for a while but never showed yourself. I had to use a little trick to bring you out," Rufus Rhys said, not particularly pleased.

"Alright, stop the chatter. We can talk about the faked death later. For now, let's deal with the current situation," Dustin declared firmly.

His sharp gaze soon landed on Antonio. After all, Rufus Rhys had been stabbed, and Antonio was the one who swiftly decided to rebel after the apparent death of his father. So, Dustin was certain that Antonio was involved, potentially even collaborating with remnants from the Dragon Guard Pavilion, as both rebellion and collusion with these remnants were considered major crimes in his eyes.

"Logan Rhys!" Antonio's complexion, initially filled with shock, swiftly darkened.

It suddenly occurred to him that he might have been manipulated. Rufus Rhys was aware of Logan Rhys's existence. His prompt agreement in the duel was likely due to his recognition of Logan Rhys's abilities. And while Antonio hadn't seen Logan Rhys for a decade, the duel with Logan and the victory against Marquis Martin had revealed a level of excellence that wasn't ordinary.

Antonio might be approaching the level of a Grandmaster, which was among the top-tier martial artists in West Lucozia. However, Logan Rhys's ability to defeat Marquis Martin hinted at an even higher level—potentially that of a Grandmaster. A Grandmaster at twenty-something years of age; his talent was indeed terrifying.

If Antonio didn't take action to eliminate Logan Rhys today, allowing him to continue growing, even if he became the King of West Lucozia, he would likely spend his days in constant worry, living in fear. After all, a Grandmaster-level martial artist, despite the unsuccessful assassination, would prove challenging to contain or control.

"Uncle, it's been a while. I hope you're well," Logan Rhys said with a forced smile, his words carrying an undercurrent of tension.

Antonio's eyes narrowed, his vigilance increasing as he grasped the hilt of his precious sword.

"Uncle, let it go," Dustin implored. "As long as you're willing to repent in time, I can plead with King Rufus Rhys to spare your life."

"Now that we're here, do you really think I can turn back?" Antonio slowly drew his sword, his expression ice-cold. He was so close to the throne that he couldn't afford to back down now. The rules established earlier stated that if he defeated Logan Rhys, he would ascend to the throne. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and he wasn't about to let it slip through his fingers.

Dustin shook his head. "Uncle, isn't life worth living? Why do you insist on seeking death?"

Antonio's gaze remained unwavering. "It's not about seeking death; it's about fulfilling my lifelong ambition. I'm willing to give my life for it."

"Uncle, it doesn't have to be this way," Dustin tried to reason with him.

"Whether it's life or death, who wins and who loses, we won't know until we fight," Antonio responded, raising his sword. "Logan Rhys, I know you're skilled, but I've fought on the battlefield for years, and I'm undefeated. You may not be my match for the throne."

"Uncle, in a battle with soldiers, you might excel, but in a one-on-one duel, you might not necessarily be my equal," Dustin stated earnestly.
Thanks for the translations brother nazmul, keep up the good work. I started this forum reading jungal2000 's translations. At that time yours seemed a little bit off, but now your translations seems almost on par with official translations. Keep gorwin
Chapter 1851: Outcome of this battle uncertain

"Insolence!" Antonio glared, his eyes filled with determination. "We're both Grandmasters, and I refuse to believe that decades of my experience can't match up to a youngster like you."

"If Uncle is so obstinate, then don't blame me for not showing respect for my elders," Dustin said, gesturing for Antonio to attack.

"Watch my blade!" Antonio didn't waste time talking and lunged forward with a fierce offensive.

Antonio's swordplay was swift and deadly, striking for vital points with every blow. While it lacked flashy techniques, it was ruthlessly effective, free of any openings.

His innate talent, years of battlefield experience, and mastery of various swordsmanship styles had come together to form his unique technique. It emphasized speed, precision, and ruthlessness, rendering it unstoppable.

Faced with Antonio's powerful attacks, Dustin's figure danced around, elusive and unpredictable, like leaves fluttering in the wind. They fought in a manner that made it hard to determine who had the upper hand.

Onlookers watched with rapt attention, surprised by the display. To avoid collateral damage, they maintained a safe distance, providing ample space for Dustin and Land Antonio to engage in their duel.

Both of these fighters were Grandmasters, and their every strike had the potential to shatter rock and bone. Even the aftermath of their battle was enough to take lives.

"I didn't expect Antonio's strength to be this formidable. He's already a Martial Grandmaster, and with his extensive combat experience, Dustin might not gain any advantage here."

Elara squinted her eyes, watching the battlefield intently. With her sharp vision, she could barely make out who was who, but the movements of the two combatants were too fast to follow.

"Antonio, that treacherous scoundrel, has been hiding his true strength well. Ten years ago, we were evenly matched, but I didn't expect him to have grown to such a terrifying extent now," Alexander commented with a furrowed brow.

Just two years ago, he had barely reached the level of Martial Grandmaster. Meanwhile, Antonio was already a Grandmaster, and the gap between them was insurmountable.

"It's true. Being appointed as General of the West Lucozia Army isn't something an ordinary person can achieve," Tyson said with a gentle tone. "Moreover, within the Rhys family, there aren't many who can be considered mediocre. Compared to Antonio, His Highness the Crown Prince is a genuine prodigy."

"That's absolutely correct!" Rowan agreed wholeheartedly. "No matter how talented Antonio is, he's already in his forties. Becoming a Grandmaster is acceptable at his age. But the Crown Prince, at only twenty-something years old, has reached such incredible strength. He's a peerless talent that will outshine the entire world."

"Hehe... it seems that's the case," Alexander couldn't help but smile.

While Antonio had extraordinary talent, he was overshadowed by His Highness the Crown Prince's brilliance. If the Crown Prince were to ascend the throne, West Lucozia would surely see even greater glory in the future.

"Don't celebrate too early. Despite Logan's superior martial talents compared to Antonio, he's still young. There's a gap of more than twenty years between them, which affects their strength and combat experience. Antonio is stronger in both areas. Therefore, the outcome of this battle is still uncertain," Elara cautioned seriously.

For the sake of the Rhys family's interests, she naturally hoped that Logan Rhys would win. However, judging from the current situation, it was clear that Antonio had the upper hand.

Chapter 1852: An unbelievable revelation

"Queen Elara is right. Even though His Highness the Crown Prince is formidable, he is still very young. Facing Antonio, who is quite a crafty old fox, his chances of winning are not high," Alexander said thoughtfully.

While Dustin was a genius, Antonio was no ordinary person. After more than two decades of cultivation, the age gap between them was quite terrifying, affecting both their strength and combat experience. So, the ultimate outcome of the battle remained uncertain.

"I have a different perspective," Tyson spoke up again.

"Tyson, do you think His Highness the Crown Prince has a better chance of winning?" Rowan asked cautiously.

"Yes," Tyson nodded. "King Rufus is a master of strategy and tactics. By agreeing to this competition, he must be confident of winning. We should trust his judgment."

"Although you say that, in a battle of martial skills, there are too many variables, especially when dealing with strong opponents at the same level. Even the tiniest mistake can turn the tide. Until the very end, no one can predict the outcome for certain, not even King Rufus," Alexander argued.

"I'm not just saying this because of King Rufus. There's something more critical at play here," Tyson continued.

"Oh? What's that?" Alexander raised an eyebrow.

"Have you ever heard of the 'World-Shaking List'?" Tyson suddenly asked.

"I haven't," Alexander shook his head.

He had a wealth of experience in military strategy and warfare but knew little about matters in the martial world.

"I've heard of it," Rowan chimed in. "The 'World-Shaking List' is the most prestigious martial world ranking list. Anyone who makes it onto the list is considered one of the top martial experts. The top three on the list are Devin from Dragon-Tiger Mountain, Kylo, the Leader of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, and the Sword Immortal Zenon from West Liang."

"What? Sword Immortal Zenon is only third?" Alexander exclaimed in surprise.

In his eyes, Sword Immortal Zenon wasn't just the most powerful warrior in West Lucozia; he was the strongest in the world.

With awe-inspiring swordsmanship and an unstoppable force, Zenon had defeated countless opponents. To this day, no one had managed to withstand more than three of his strikes. Such a nearly god-like figure ranking third on the "World-Shaking List" was indeed astonishing.

"Though I dare not say that the 'World-Shaking List' contains all the world's strongest warriors, the top ten martial experts on that list are, without exaggeration, the top ten strongest individuals in the world!" Tyson spoke with a resolute tone.

"So even Sword Immortal Zenon is only ranked third. The prestige of the 'World-Shaking List' is indeed exceptionally high. But why are you bringing this up now? What does it have to do with us?" Alexander asked curiously.

"I forgot to mention it to you, but the 'World-Shaking List' has been recently updated, and our Crown Prince now holds the tenth position!" Tyson's revelation was startling.

"What? Our Crown Prince is actually on the 'World-Shaking List'? Is that for real?" Alexander exclaimed.

"Tyson, you're not joking, right? Our Crown Prince is on the list?" Rowan found it hard to believe.

While Alexander might not have been familiar with the weight the 'World-Shaking List' carried, he knew that it was a prestigious ranking, something that countless warriors aspired to. If the Crown Prince's ranking was accurate, it meant he was among the top ten martial experts in the world. This was truly an extraordinary revelation.

"The 'World-Shaking List' was recently updated, and only a few are aware of it, but it is indeed true. Our Crown Prince is on the list," Tyson stated earnestly.

"If that's the case, it's great news! I can't believe it; after ten years of absence, the Crown Prince has reached such an astonishing level of power. It's utterly terrifying!" Rowan was both surprised and delighted.

"Wait a minute! If His Highness made it onto the 'World-Shaking List,' did Antonio make it on there too?" Alexander suddenly inquired.

Chapter 1853: Go down together

"No, he hasn't made it on the list," Tyson replied.

In fact, the "World-Shaking List" had an unwritten rule that members of the royal family and high-ranking officials were not allowed to be listed.

"So, did Antonio fail to make it on the list because he wasn't allowed, or was it due to a lack of strength?" Alexander inquired further.

"He can't make it on the list because of the rules, but even if he were allowed, his strength wouldn't be enough," Tyson explained.

"In that case, I can rest easy," Alexander breathed a sigh of relief.

"If the 'World-Shaking List' is accurate, His Highness's strength should be superior to Antonio's. As long as he doesn't underestimate his opponent, he should be able to win handily," Rowan analyzed.

"However, we should still be cautious," Elara murmured to herself.

She had mixed feelings about Logan Rhys's excellence. On one hand, she hoped that Logan would win and restore honor to the King residence. On the other hand, she was somewhat apprehensive. If Logan Rhys became the king in the future, would he treat her son as Antonio had? After all, her son placed unconditional trust in Logan Rhys and had a kind of dependency on him. If Logan Rhys turned on them, her son wouldn't know how he had perished.

Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Dustin and Land Antonio's battle intensified. Their speed was so fast that ordinary soldiers could only barely see two blurred figures clashing, with occasional explosive sounds that generated powerful shockwaves.

"They've been fighting for so long, and with the General's strength, he should have won by now. Why is he taking so long to finish this?" Martin murmured as he observed the situation.

From the surface, it seemed that Antonio was on the offensive, while Logan was playing defensively. Normally, with Antonio's offensive, he should have defeated his opponent in just three minutes. However, they had been fighting for the time it takes to drink a cup of tea, and no victory was in sight, which was indeed strange.

"Logan Rhys is a Grandmaster, and he's definitely not easy to deal with. The General needs to give it his all if he wants to win," Jasper said.

"At this point, we have no choice but to give it our all. Once we are defeated, the General will be in danger," Calvin shook his head.

"Both of you, what are your plans if the General really loses?" Martin asked abruptly.

"What plans can we have? We'll naturally go down together with the General," Jasper said without hesitation.

"That's right! We are the General's trusted followers, and it's only right to live or die together with the General," Calvin spoke righteously.

"Why be so muddled, the two of you?" Martin said with a profound meaning. "The General is the General, and we are ourselves. Everyone has the right to survive. We don't need to sacrifice ourselves for someone else, do we?"

"What do you mean, Lord of Woodside City?" Jasper raised an eyebrow.

"If the General wins, that's the best outcome. If he can't win, we should also be prepared to save ourselves," Martin spoke in a low voice.

"Are you suggesting we surrender?" Calvin's face darkened.

"Those who understand the times are wise. Even ants seek to survive, let alone humans," Martin began to persuade. "Both of you, we've worked hard to reach the positions we're in today. We still have a bright future ahead and countless honors and wealth to enjoy. Are you willing to throw all of that away here? Besides, you should consider your family and friends. If you die, what will happen to your families? Your wives and daughters? Who will take care of them?"


Jasper and Calvin exchanged glances, clearly losing their initial determination.

Chapter 1854: Stop day dreaming

"General Jasper, what do you think?" Calvin cautiously inquired.

Although he was loyal to General Antonio, he held great reverence for West Lucozia King Rufus Rhys.

If Rufus Rhys died, he could readily follow Antonio in rebellion. However, if Rufus Rhys remained alive, the situation would change completely, and he had to weigh the consequences.

As Martin had mentioned, he could be unselfish, but he had to consider his family and friends.

"General Calvin, we shouldn't make hasty decisions before the last moment. I have more faith in General Antonio's battle against Logan Rhys. As long as General Antonio can win, there's still hope for a turnaround," Jasper said meaningfully.

"That's right, that's right! General Antonio has unparalleled martial skills. He's sure to win. How can the insignificant Logan Rhys be the General's match?" Calvin nodded repeatedly.

"Marquis Martin, don't shake our military resolve here. We're all in the same boat, and our fates are intertwined. If something goes wrong, you won't be able to protect yourself alone," Jasper reminded him sternly.

"I was just offering a friendly reminder. If you don't appreciate it, so be it," Martin shrugged.

Since they didn't understand his intentions, there was no point in explaining further.

For him, survival was paramount, followed by power, wealth, and prestige. Anything else could be discarded.

Just as they were talking, the situation on the battlefield suddenly changed. Whether due to exhaustion or some other reason, Antonio's attacks noticeably slowed down.

Meanwhile, Logan Rhys continued to be energetic and undeterred, showing no signs of fatigue.

In fact, Dustin hadn't been using his full strength all along, allowing Antonio to attack freely. On one hand, he wanted to test his opponent, and on the other hand, he was wary.

If Antonio was indeed connected to the Dragon Guard Pavilion's plans, there were likely skilled individuals from the Pavilion hiding around the battlefield, waiting for the right moment.

To Dustin, his uncle Antonio didn't pose much of a threat, but the Dragon Guard Pavilion was a different matter.

The current leader of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, Blaze, ranked fifth on the World Shaking List, far surpassing him in strength.

If they attempted a sneak attack, and he wasn't on guard, it was highly likely he would be seriously wounded, or even killed.

"Uncle, give up now. You're not my match. Continuing to fight is meaningless," Dustin calmly said as he evaded and dodged his uncle's attacks. "We're both part of the Rhys family. There's no need for us to fight to the death. If you're willing to change your path, you can still be the Grand General and enjoy wealth and prosperity."

"Logan! Do you think I'm a three-year-old? If I surrender, I might not see the sun tomorrow!" Antonio retorted.

Throughout history, the struggle for the throne had always been a matter of success or death, with no third option. In his view, if he failed today, there would be no other path but death.

"Uncle, I know that the Dragon Guard Pavilion is scheming in the shadows, and you were misled by the words of treacherous advisors. You acted on impulse. I can promise you that as long as you reveal the mastermind behind all this, I won't hold your mistakes against you," Dustin declared solemnly.

"Hmph! Do you think I'll trust you?" Antonio's expression remained cold.

While he said that, his attacking movements involuntarily slowed down a bit.

"Uncle, you should be well aware that you've painted yourself into a corner. If you want to avoid a great disaster, you have to agree to my terms. This is your chance to make amends for your actions," Dustin said.

"If it were Rufus Rhys offering this, I might consider it, but you—a young upstart—why should I trust you?" Antonio retorted.

"You can choose not to trust me, but do you have any other options?" Dustin replied calmly. "Uncle, I'm telling you this out of consideration for our family ties. If it were someone else, you'd already be a death body."

"What's this? Are you trying to intimidate me? Do you think you've won against me? Stop daydreaming!" Antonio sneered.

Chapter 1855: Openly defeat me

"Uncle, my patience is wearing thin. Are you going to agree or not?" Dustin's face grew colder.

"I'll agree to your terms, but you have to openly defeat me. Otherwise, it's off the table!" Antonio shouted.

In a martial state like West Lucozia, as a Grand General who fought his way up through countless battles, he knew the importance of strength. In a world where might made right, only those with the power could negotiate on equal terms.

"Alright, since you insist on a showdown, I'll grant you that," Dustin said resolutely. "I'll only use three strikes. If you can withstand all three, I'll admit defeat."

"You arrogant brat! Watch how I defeat you!" Feeling belittled, Antonio erupted with a furious assault, unleashing a storm of blade energy that swept toward Dustin.

Dustin's figure abruptly shot into the air, leaping a hundred meters above the ground.

"The first strike: Seven Slaughters!" Suspended in mid-air for a brief moment, Dustin suddenly reversed direction, holding his sword with one hand, head down, feet up, and thrusting downward.

In an instant, the Sky Sword emitted a multitude of dark lights. These dark lights rapidly expanded and soon formed a ten-meter-long black giant sword. This colossal sword exuded a piercing cold light, as if it could consume everything. It cleaved down towards Antonio on the ground.


Feeling the terrifying aura emanating from the giant sword, Antonio's face involuntarily changed.

Without further delay, he held his two knives in both hands, poured all his inner energy into them, and ferociously slashed at the black giant sword in the sky.


A golden blade energy shot out like lightning and crashed violently against the black giant sword.


An explosive sound reverberated.

As soon as Antonio's blade energy touched the black giant sword, it immediately detonated, transforming into a shockwave that scattered in all directions. In contrast, the black giant sword still carried its unrelenting momentum and came crashing down heavily toward Antonio.


Antonio was taken aback and immediately raised his knives, simultaneously activating his inner energy to create a thick protective shield around himself, attempting to withstand the incoming strike.


A tremendous explosion shook the earth.

The black giant sword heavily struck Antonio's protective shield of inner energy, and the overwhelming impact directly drove Antonio into the ground.

The once-level ground burst open, creating a pit several meters in diameter.

For a moment, dust and debris filled the air, and the surging energy forced the watching soldiers to protect themselves against the onslaught.

Chapter 1856: Warming up

In the pit created by the explosion, Antonio was still struggling. The protective shield of inner energy covering his body appeared increasingly unstable, with cracks rapidly spreading.

Above his head, the black giant sword quivered slightly, exerting continuous pressure.

Antonio felt as though a mountain was pressing down on him. The immense force weighed heavily on him, causing his hands to tremble, and his knees began to buckle.

Nevertheless, he had to grit his teeth and persevere because once the giant sword above his head fell, he would meet an instant death.

At this moment, he finally realized the overwhelming strength of Logan Rhys. From the very beginning, his opponent hadn't been exerting full power, but now, when he was going all out, Antonio found himself struggling to keep up.


Sensing the impending threat of death, Antonio let out a piercing roar.

The inner energy within his body surged like a tidal wave, continuously reinforcing his protective shield. Regardless of his efforts, more and more cracks appeared on the shield.

"Damn it! I have to go all out!"

Seeing that he couldn't withstand the pressure, Antonio growled and directly activated a secret technique of the Rhys family.

His eyes suddenly turned blood-red, and his muscles swelled instantaneously. A torrent of energy gushed from every part of his body.

The Rhys family secret technique temporarily unlocked his latent potential, enhancing his strength and even pushing him past his limits.

This was a life-saving and combat-boosting technique used in critical moments.

However, this kind of technique came with a fatal flaw; once its effects wore off, the user's body would become exceptionally weak.

In other words, if the person using the secret technique failed to defeat the opponent within the limited time frame, death was inevitable.

Antonio had never imagined being forced to this point, but now he had no other choice.


"Break for me!"

Antonio suddenly let out a long roar, and a golden energy wave burst forth from his chest.

In an instant, the world seemed to change, and the space itself trembled. The black giant sword hovering above him was finally pushed away and disappeared into faint black light.

Dustin, who had merged with his sword, also returned to his original state, descending from the sky. The Sky Sword in his hand continued to radiate a fluctuating aura, ready to strike again at any moment.

"Pant... pant..."

While he had managed to force Dustin's attack back, Antonio was severely exhausted. He gasped for breath, his face turning pale, drenched in sweat. Even his legs trembled uncontrollably.

That last attack was utterly terrifying. If he hadn't used the Rhys family secret technique to forcibly push past his limits, he might not have withstood it.

"Logan! Is this your most powerful move? It seems you're not as formidable as you claim!"

Antonio taunted as he caught his breath.

"Most powerful move?"

Dustin shook his head and smiled. "Third Uncle, you seem to have misunderstood. I was just warming up with that strike. The real power is yet to come."

"What? Warming up?!"

Hearing this, Antonio's face stiffened, and his eyelid twitched. That last strike nearly cost him his life. This was just a warm-up? Are you kidding me?

"Logan! I wasn't raised on scare tactics! If you've got any real skills, just use them!"

Antonio forcefully challenged Dustin.

He couldn't believe that Logan Rhys's strength was really this formidable. It had to be a pretense.

Chapter 1857: Second Sword, Break The Army

Dustin slowly raised the Celestial Sword, pointing it directly at Antonio ahead of him. "Second Sword, Break The Army!"

With that, Dustin disappeared from his original spot. His figure, along with the sword, turned into a black streak and crashed directly into Antonio. This strike had no overwhelming aura, no bone-chilling chill, but it had one thing—speed.

Utterly incredible speed!

In the blink of an eye, the black streak had crossed dozens of meters and appeared right in front of Antonio.


Antonio's pupils contracted, unable to react in time. He relied on instinct to activate his protective aura.


There was a deafening explosion as the black streak hit Antonio's protective aura. The terrifying energy hidden within the strike burst forth.

The seemingly indestructible protective aura was like glass, instantly shattering with no resistance. After piercing the protective aura, the black streak's remaining energy slammed into Antonio's golden armor.

The mystical golden armor was dented by the impact. The powerful force sent Antonio flying like a missile, and he crashed heavily into a stone lion statue at the entrance of the King Residence.

The several-ton stone lion statue shattered into pieces.

As for Antonio, he coughed up blood, his face ashen. His entire body felt like it was coming apart, and he lay there motionless.

The spectators were in an uproar. No one had expected Logan Rhys to be this formidable when he was serious. Even with Antonio resorting to secret techniques, Logan had defeated him with just two simple moves.

The gap in strength between the two was evident, and it left everyone stunned.

"Oh my goodness! Is the Crown Prince really this powerful? He's not even a match for the General-in-Chief?"

"Rhys Family's 'Kirin Child' is indeed as famed as they say. Such a prodigy is truly unrivaled in the world."

"General-in-Chief is indeed unlucky to encounter such a monster. It's impossible to assess this situation with conventional wisdom."

As the spectators watched Antonio coughing up blood from the merciless beating, they couldn't help but engage in a lively discussion. Antonio's invincible reputation within the Black Dragon Army had been shattered by Dustin's victory. They were forced to acknowledge the terrifying talent of the West Lucozia Crown Prince.

"Well done!" Alexander couldn't help but laugh heartily. He was exhilarated after witnessing Logan Rhys's strength.

While he had previously stated that the Crown Prince had a higher chance of winning, having not seen it firsthand, he had some doubts. Now that he had seen the true extent of the Crown Prince's abilities, he was extremely impressed.

"Hmph! Daring to engage in combat with my brother, he brought this humiliation upon himself!" Thorian said with a satisfied expression, clearly taking pride in his brother's victory.

"This kid's strength has really skyrocketed." Rufus Rhys squinted, revealing a satisfied smile.

"Uh-oh, this time it's a total defeat," Martin said, his face dark. "Generals, you should make your decisions now."

Jasper and Calvin exchanged a look, their brows furrowed. Neither of them spoke.

"Uncle, I still have one sword left to use. Would you like to try it?" Dustin extended his sword finger and raised it up.

With a sharp "whoosh," the Sky Sword instantly flew a hundred meters into the sky, pointing downward and locking onto Antonio.

The Sky sword radiated an unpredictable black light, resembling a beast eager to devour its prey.

"My third sword, known as 'Greedy Wolf,' is twice as powerful as the second sword. If you're interested, I can let you taste it," Dustin declared as he pressed down with his sword finger.

From a hundred meters high, the Celestial Sword turned into a beam of black light, slicing down towards Antonio with a deafening dragon and tiger roar.


"I surrender! I surrender!"

Fearing for his life, Antonio yelled and finally lowered his head.

Chapter 1858: Consolation


With a deafening roar, the formidable Sky Sword came to a halt right above Antonio's head. The sword and the man were less than ten centimeters apart.

Antonio could clearly sense the chilling aura emanating from the sword, causing goosebumps all over his body and cold sweat to break out on his back.


With a pull of his finger, Dustin retrieved the Sky Sword. The sword, which had been unleashed just moments ago, returned to his hand in a flash.

"Uncle, you've lost," Dustin said calmly.

"I never thought I'd lose to you," Antonio admitted with a dejected tone. He lowered his head and looked at his hands, unable to accept the result.

He had been diligent in martial arts since childhood, never slacking for decades. He had diligently honed his skills, and his innate talent was exceptionally high. By the time he was in his forties, he had already reached the level of a grandmaster.

He was considered one of the best in the entire West Lucozia. He believed his extensive knowledge, combat experience, and profound martial skills would ensure his victory.

However, during the battle with Dustin, he had realized that the gap in their strengths was enormous. Even when he had used his life-preserving Rhys family secret technique, he couldn't harm Dustin in the slightest. Instead, he had been defeated effortlessly.

This was a devastating blow to his self-esteem. He took great pride in his talents, but Dustin had made him see that, in comparison, his talents didn't hold a candle.

"Uncle, your strength is already impressive. Not only in West Lucozia but also across the entire Dragon Kingdom, few people can beat you," Dustin consoled him.

"I don't need consolation. Losing is losing, and I haven't reached the point where I can't handle a loss," Antonio said, self-mockingly.

"Uncle, our agreement still stands. As long as you are willing to tell me the truth, to tell me where the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion are, I promise not to trouble you," Dustin stated.

Antonio remained silent, shifting his gaze to Rufus Rhys.

"What Logan says is my say," Rufus Rhys added.

"I can agree to that, but you must ensure that my subordinates won't be punished," Antonio began to negotiate.

"No problem. As long as the information you provide is valuable, I guarantee that they won't be killed," Dustin nodded.

"Good! It's a deal," Antonio sighed in relief.

Although Dustin promised not to kill him, Antonio knew that he was not off the hook. Having committed such acts, he either faced imprisonment in a dark cell or the stripping of his cultivation, leading to a life of house arrest. The former was akin to a fate worse than death, while the latter allowed for a more peaceful retirement.

"In fact, you guessed correctly. The Dragon Guard Pavilion had some initial contact with me. However, I didn't pay them much attention at first. It was only later when I saw a familiar face that I started to waver," Antonio explained, taking a moment to regain his composure after the intense battle.

"Who did you see?" Dustin inquired.

"It was the former Chief General of the Black Dragon Army, General Marcellus!" Antonio responded gravely.

His words sent shockwaves through the audience.

"General Marcellus? Didn't he die ten years ago? How could he reappear in West Lucoziaa?"

"Yes! General Marcellus sacrificed himself a decade ago. How could he possibly be in West Lucozia?"

Chapter 1859: Plan of King Assassination

"Is Antonio lying about this?" The crowd exchanged uncertain glances, and even Rufus Rhys couldn't hide his surprise.

Marcellus, a legendary figure within the Black Dragon Army, had shared innumerable experiences with Antonio, fighting side by side and achieving countless victories. Their bond was once unbreakable. However, a decade ago, after the coup in the Forbidden City, General Marcellus mysteriously disappeared. Some found a charred body with his insignia on the battlefield, while later, he was commemorated with a ceremonial tomb in a cemetery.

Now, after many years, they heard the familiar name, and most astonishingly, he was still alive.

"What's going on here?"

"Why are you so surprised?" Antonio grinned. "I was as surprised as you when I first saw Marcellus. I didn't expect a man who had been dead for ten years to stand before me, so, driven by curiosity, I engaged him in conversation. And guess what?"

He paused and looked around, letting suspense build before delivering the revelation. "The Marcellus I met wasn't the same. He changed his name to Blaze, and he'd transformed into the new leader of the Dragon Guard Pavilion."

"What? Marcellus is the leader of the Dragon Guard Pavilion?"

This disclosure sent another shockwave through the audience. During the Forbidden City coup, although there wasn't concrete evidence, many clues pointed toward a mysterious organization hidden behind the throne: the Dragon Guard Pavilion. The organization's vast influence spanned the entire kingdom, making even someone as powerful as Rufus Rhys reluctant to engage them openly and only left with the option of biding his time.

No one had anticipated that the former General Marcellus of the Black Dragon Army would become the leader of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. This transformation of identity was truly astounding.

"Go on," Dustin said, his expression unchanged.

Dustin was informed about everything regarding General Marcellus, but he still needed more information.

"Marcellus... I mean, Blaze, approached me to discuss a deal," Antonio continued. "He offered an alliance with the promise of sharing dominion over the world, becoming co-rulers. At first, I didn't believe it and even thought he was out of his mind. In his effort to convince me, he swore that he would support me in ascending to the throne of West Lucozia."

"As I've served as General for many years, I must admit that I've yearned to advance further, to experience the life of a king. So I asked Blaze how he would support my rise."

"The plan Blaze presented was to assassinate the West Lucozia King and seize the opportunity for my ascension. At first, I hesitated because I didn't believe his words, and I was reluctant to act. I didn't directly agree."

"But this madman claimed to have been planning this for a long time and said I should be prepared. I had my doubts about his capability, as many have tried to assassinate the West Lucozia King every year, and none succeeded."

"However, to my astonishment, not even three days later, Blaze actually managed to do it."

"When I heard the news that the West Lucozia King had been assassinated, my feelings were complex. I mourned the loss of my comrade while feeling an intense desire for power and status."

"I knew that by cooperating with Blaze, there was a tremendous opportunity for advancement. So I couldn't resist the temptation and chose to form an alliance. I made a foolish decision."

Antonio paused at this point, and a sense of remorse was evident in his demeanor.

Of course, he wasn't regretting his rebellion. He regretted that Rufus Rhys had survived. Otherwise, he would have already ascended to power.

Chapter 1860: Cruelty and bloody methods

After letting Antonio finish his account, Dustin finally spoke, asking about Blaze's whereabouts and the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion.

"To be honest, even though I cooperated with Blaze, I do not know his whereabouts," Antonio replied, shaking his head.

"You don't know?" Dustin frowned. He was growing impatient with the vague information.

"Don't worry. Although I don't know where Blaze is, I can contact him," Antonio explained. "I had an agreement with Blaze that if things went as planned, we would meet at a certain place to discuss matters."

"Oh? Is that so? Where was the designated meeting place?" Dustin's eyes narrowed.

"Are you sure you want me to tell you now?" Antonio glanced around with a hidden meaning in his gaze.

"Someone, escort Uncle Third inside the mansion!" Dustin shouted, calling for several guards to carry the severely injured Antonio into the mansion.

"Albert, deal with the people outside, but make sure not to harm them," Rufus Rhys instructed before also heading into the mansion.

"By the orders of the King, all Black Dragon Army officers and soldiers must return to their base to guard the fortress!" Albert announced loudly.

"Yes!" The officers and soldiers of the Black Dragon Army responded in unison.

At this moment, there was no hesitation among them. They quickly organized their formations and dispersed.

"These people belong to me!" At this point, Albert's gaze locked onto Martin, who was preparing to leave. "Martin, who allowed you to leave?"

"Didn't King say he wouldn't hold grudges for past actions?" Martin swallowed nervously.

"Although King is sparing your lives, it doesn't mean you can escape freely," Albert stated coldly. "The crime of rebellion is enough to implicate nine generations, but King, out of mercy, doesn't wish to cause more bloodshed. However, you can avoid capital punishment, but you can't escape punishment!"

"What... What do you mean?" I only acted under orders. If you have to blame someone, blame Antonio. He commanded me to do this!" Martin attempted to deflect the blame.

"King will decide General's fate. As for you people, spend a few days in prison first, and we'll see what comes next." Albert waved his hand. "Someone! Arrest all these rebels and question them thoroughly to see if there are any accomplices."


A squad of Wandering Black Guards immediately surrounded Martin's group. These were loyal officers of Antonio, and if not dealt with carefully, it might create turmoil.

"Albert! Don't take personal revenge! King just said not to harm us!" Martin angrily protested.

"That's right! We're willing to surrender, and King promised not to pursue it further. Don't do anything rash!" Jasper, Calvin and his group were pale, clearly fearing Albert's reputation. His nickname, "Man Butcher Albert," was well-known throughout West Lucozia.

Though he no longer fought on the battlefield, Albert was in charge of the justice system in West Lucozia, especially for severe criminals. His cruelty and bloody methods made him a name to be feared, and anyone who fell into his hands had a terrible fate. In some cases, even death was considered a luxury, as those who were held by Albert experienced unimaginable suffering. Hence, the moment they heard they were to be arrested by Albert, they panicked.
A good one from you Nazmul. But is there no way you and
Chapter 1851: Outcome of this battle uncertain

"Insolence!" Antonio glared, his eyes filled with determination. "We're both Grandmasters, and I refuse to believe that decades of my experience can't match up to a youngster like you."

"If Uncle is so obstinate, then don't blame me for not showing respect for my elders," Dustin said, gesturing for Antonio to attack.

"Watch my blade!" Antonio didn't waste time talking and lunged forward with a fierce offensive.

Antonio's swordplay was swift and deadly, striking for vital points with every blow. While it lacked flashy techniques, it was ruthlessly effective, free of any openings.

His innate talent, years of battlefield experience, and mastery of various swordsmanship styles had come together to form his unique technique. It emphasized speed, precision, and ruthlessness, rendering it unstoppable.

Faced with Antonio's powerful attacks, Dustin's figure danced around, elusive and unpredictable, like leaves fluttering in the wind. They fought in a manner that made it hard to determine who had the upper hand.

Onlookers watched with rapt attention, surprised by the display. To avoid collateral damage, they maintained a safe distance, providing ample space for Dustin and Land Antonio to engage in their duel.

Both of these fighters were Grandmasters, and their every strike had the potential to shatter rock and bone. Even the aftermath of their battle was enough to take lives.

"I didn't expect Antonio's strength to be this formidable. He's already a Martial Grandmaster, and with his extensive combat experience, Dustin might not gain any advantage here."

Elara squinted her eyes, watching the battlefield intently. With her sharp vision, she could barely make out who was who, but the movements of the two combatants were too fast to follow.

"Antonio, that treacherous scoundrel, has been hiding his true strength well. Ten years ago, we were evenly matched, but I didn't expect him to have grown to such a terrifying extent now," Alexander commented with a furrowed brow.

Just two years ago, he had barely reached the level of Martial Grandmaster. Meanwhile, Antonio was already a Grandmaster, and the gap between them was insurmountable.

"It's true. Being appointed as General of the West Lucozia Army isn't something an ordinary person can achieve," Tyson said with a gentle tone. "Moreover, within the Rhys family, there aren't many who can be considered mediocre. Compared to Antonio, His Highness the Crown Prince is a genuine prodigy."

"That's absolutely correct!" Rowan agreed wholeheartedly. "No matter how talented Antonio is, he's already in his forties. Becoming a Grandmaster is acceptable at his age. But the Crown Prince, at only twenty-something years old, has reached such incredible strength. He's a peerless talent that will outshine the entire world."

"Hehe... it seems that's the case," Alexander couldn't help but smile.

While Antonio had extraordinary talent, he was overshadowed by His Highness the Crown Prince's brilliance. If the Crown Prince were to ascend the throne, West Lucozia would surely see even greater glory in the future.

"Don't celebrate too early. Despite Logan's superior martial talents compared to Antonio, he's still young. There's a gap of more than twenty years between them, which affects their strength and combat experience. Antonio is stronger in both areas. Therefore, the outcome of this battle is still uncertain," Elara cautioned seriously.

For the sake of the Rhys family's interests, she naturally hoped that Logan Rhys would win. However, judging from the current situation, it was clear that Antonio had the upper hand.

Chapter 1852: An unbelievable revelation

"Queen Elara is right. Even though His Highness the Crown Prince is formidable, he is still very young. Facing Antonio, who is quite a crafty old fox, his chances of winning are not high," Alexander said thoughtfully.

While Dustin was a genius, Antonio was no ordinary person. After more than two decades of cultivation, the age gap between them was quite terrifying, affecting both their strength and combat experience. So, the ultimate outcome of the battle remained uncertain.

"I have a different perspective," Tyson spoke up again.

"Tyson, do you think His Highness the Crown Prince has a better chance of winning?" Rowan asked cautiously.

"Yes," Tyson nodded. "King Rufus is a master of strategy and tactics. By agreeing to this competition, he must be confident of winning. We should trust his judgment."

"Although you say that, in a battle of martial skills, there are too many variables, especially when dealing with strong opponents at the same level. Even the tiniest mistake can turn the tide. Until the very end, no one can predict the outcome for certain, not even King Rufus," Alexander argued.

"I'm not just saying this because of King Rufus. There's something more critical at play here," Tyson continued.

"Oh? What's that?" Alexander raised an eyebrow.

"Have you ever heard of the 'World-Shaking List'?" Tyson suddenly asked.

"I haven't," Alexander shook his head.

He had a wealth of experience in military strategy and warfare but knew little about matters in the martial world.

"I've heard of it," Rowan chimed in. "The 'World-Shaking List' is the most prestigious martial world ranking list. Anyone who makes it onto the list is considered one of the top martial experts. The top three on the list are Devin from Dragon-Tiger Mountain, Kylo, the Leader of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, and the Sword Immortal Zenon from West Liang."

"What? Sword Immortal Zenon is only third?" Alexander exclaimed in surprise.

In his eyes, Sword Immortal Zenon wasn't just the most powerful warrior in West Lucozia; he was the strongest in the world.

With awe-inspiring swordsmanship and an unstoppable force, Zenon had defeated countless opponents. To this day, no one had managed to withstand more than three of his strikes. Such a nearly god-like figure ranking third on the "World-Shaking List" was indeed astonishing.

"Though I dare not say that the 'World-Shaking List' contains all the world's strongest warriors, the top ten martial experts on that list are, without exaggeration, the top ten strongest individuals in the world!" Tyson spoke with a resolute tone.

"So even Sword Immortal Zenon is only ranked third. The prestige of the 'World-Shaking List' is indeed exceptionally high. But why are you bringing this up now? What does it have to do with us?" Alexander asked curiously.

"I forgot to mention it to you, but the 'World-Shaking List' has been recently updated, and our Crown Prince now holds the tenth position!" Tyson's revelation was startling.

"What? Our Crown Prince is actually on the 'World-Shaking List'? Is that for real?" Alexander exclaimed.

"Tyson, you're not joking, right? Our Crown Prince is on the list?" Rowan found it hard to believe.

While Alexander might not have been familiar with the weight the 'World-Shaking List' carried, he knew that it was a prestigious ranking, something that countless warriors aspired to. If the Crown Prince's ranking was accurate, it meant he was among the top ten martial experts in the world. This was truly an extraordinary revelation.

"The 'World-Shaking List' was recently updated, and only a few are aware of it, but it is indeed true. Our Crown Prince is on the list," Tyson stated earnestly.

"If that's the case, it's great news! I can't believe it; after ten years of absence, the Crown Prince has reached such an astonishing level of power. It's utterly terrifying!" Rowan was both surprised and delighted.

"Wait a minute! If His Highness made it onto the 'World-Shaking List,' did Antonio make it on there too?" Alexander suddenly inquired.

Chapter 1853: Go down together

"No, he hasn't made it on the list," Tyson replied.

In fact, the "World-Shaking List" had an unwritten rule that members of the royal family and high-ranking officials were not allowed to be listed.

"So, did Antonio fail to make it on the list because he wasn't allowed, or was it due to a lack of strength?" Alexander inquired further.

"He can't make it on the list because of the rules, but even if he were allowed, his strength wouldn't be enough," Tyson explained.

"In that case, I can rest easy," Alexander breathed a sigh of relief.

"If the 'World-Shaking List' is accurate, His Highness's strength should be superior to Antonio's. As long as he doesn't underestimate his opponent, he should be able to win handily," Rowan analyzed.

"However, we should still be cautious," Elara murmured to herself.

She had mixed feelings about Logan Rhys's excellence. On one hand, she hoped that Logan would win and restore honor to the King residence. On the other hand, she was somewhat apprehensive. If Logan Rhys became the king in the future, would he treat her son as Antonio had? After all, her son placed unconditional trust in Logan Rhys and had a kind of dependency on him. If Logan Rhys turned on them, her son wouldn't know how he had perished.

Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Dustin and Land Antonio's battle intensified. Their speed was so fast that ordinary soldiers could only barely see two blurred figures clashing, with occasional explosive sounds that generated powerful shockwaves.

"They've been fighting for so long, and with the General's strength, he should have won by now. Why is he taking so long to finish this?" Martin murmured as he observed the situation.

From the surface, it seemed that Antonio was on the offensive, while Logan was playing defensively. Normally, with Antonio's offensive, he should have defeated his opponent in just three minutes. However, they had been fighting for the time it takes to drink a cup of tea, and no victory was in sight, which was indeed strange.

"Logan Rhys is a Grandmaster, and he's definitely not easy to deal with. The General needs to give it his all if he wants to win," Jasper said.

"At this point, we have no choice but to give it our all. Once we are defeated, the General will be in danger," Calvin shook his head.

"Both of you, what are your plans if the General really loses?" Martin asked abruptly.

"What plans can we have? We'll naturally go down together with the General," Jasper said without hesitation.

"That's right! We are the General's trusted followers, and it's only right to live or die together with the General," Calvin spoke righteously.

"Why be so muddled, the two of you?" Martin said with a profound meaning. "The General is the General, and we are ourselves. Everyone has the right to survive. We don't need to sacrifice ourselves for someone else, do we?"

"What do you mean, Lord of Woodside City?" Jasper raised an eyebrow.

"If the General wins, that's the best outcome. If he can't win, we should also be prepared to save ourselves," Martin spoke in a low voice.

"Are you suggesting we surrender?" Calvin's face darkened.

"Those who understand the times are wise. Even ants seek to survive, let alone humans," Martin began to persuade. "Both of you, we've worked hard to reach the positions we're in today. We still have a bright future ahead and countless honors and wealth to enjoy. Are you willing to throw all of that away here? Besides, you should consider your family and friends. If you die, what will happen to your families? Your wives and daughters? Who will take care of them?"


Jasper and Calvin exchanged glances, clearly losing their initial determination.

Chapter 1854: Stop day dreaming

"General Jasper, what do you think?" Calvin cautiously inquired.

Although he was loyal to General Antonio, he held great reverence for West Lucozia King Rufus Rhys.

If Rufus Rhys died, he could readily follow Antonio in rebellion. However, if Rufus Rhys remained alive, the situation would change completely, and he had to weigh the consequences.

As Martin had mentioned, he could be unselfish, but he had to consider his family and friends.

"General Calvin, we shouldn't make hasty decisions before the last moment. I have more faith in General Antonio's battle against Logan Rhys. As long as General Antonio can win, there's still hope for a turnaround," Jasper said meaningfully.

"That's right, that's right! General Antonio has unparalleled martial skills. He's sure to win. How can the insignificant Logan Rhys be the General's match?" Calvin nodded repeatedly.

"Marquis Martin, don't shake our military resolve here. We're all in the same boat, and our fates are intertwined. If something goes wrong, you won't be able to protect yourself alone," Jasper reminded him sternly.

"I was just offering a friendly reminder. If you don't appreciate it, so be it," Martin shrugged.

Since they didn't understand his intentions, there was no point in explaining further.

For him, survival was paramount, followed by power, wealth, and prestige. Anything else could be discarded.

Just as they were talking, the situation on the battlefield suddenly changed. Whether due to exhaustion or some other reason, Antonio's attacks noticeably slowed down.

Meanwhile, Logan Rhys continued to be energetic and undeterred, showing no signs of fatigue.

In fact, Dustin hadn't been using his full strength all along, allowing Antonio to attack freely. On one hand, he wanted to test his opponent, and on the other hand, he was wary.

If Antonio was indeed connected to the Dragon Guard Pavilion's plans, there were likely skilled individuals from the Pavilion hiding around the battlefield, waiting for the right moment.

To Dustin, his uncle Antonio didn't pose much of a threat, but the Dragon Guard Pavilion was a different matter.

The current leader of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, Blaze, ranked fifth on the World Shaking List, far surpassing him in strength.

If they attempted a sneak attack, and he wasn't on guard, it was highly likely he would be seriously wounded, or even killed.

"Uncle, give up now. You're not my match. Continuing to fight is meaningless," Dustin calmly said as he evaded and dodged his uncle's attacks. "We're both part of the Rhys family. There's no need for us to fight to the death. If you're willing to change your path, you can still be the Grand General and enjoy wealth and prosperity."

"Logan! Do you think I'm a three-year-old? If I surrender, I might not see the sun tomorrow!" Antonio retorted.

Throughout history, the struggle for the throne had always been a matter of success or death, with no third option. In his view, if he failed today, there would be no other path but death.

"Uncle, I know that the Dragon Guard Pavilion is scheming in the shadows, and you were misled by the words of treacherous advisors. You acted on impulse. I can promise you that as long as you reveal the mastermind behind all this, I won't hold your mistakes against you," Dustin declared solemnly.

"Hmph! Do you think I'll trust you?" Antonio's expression remained cold.

While he said that, his attacking movements involuntarily slowed down a bit.

"Uncle, you should be well aware that you've painted yourself into a corner. If you want to avoid a great disaster, you have to agree to my terms. This is your chance to make amends for your actions," Dustin said.

"If it were Rufus Rhys offering this, I might consider it, but you—a young upstart—why should I trust you?" Antonio retorted.

"You can choose not to trust me, but do you have any other options?" Dustin replied calmly. "Uncle, I'm telling you this out of consideration for our family ties. If it were someone else, you'd already be a death body."

"What's this? Are you trying to intimidate me? Do you think you've won against me? Stop daydreaming!" Antonio sneered.

Chapter 1855: Openly defeat me

"Uncle, my patience is wearing thin. Are you going to agree or not?" Dustin's face grew colder.

"I'll agree to your terms, but you have to openly defeat me. Otherwise, it's off the table!" Antonio shouted.

In a martial state like West Lucozia, as a Grand General who fought his way up through countless battles, he knew the importance of strength. In a world where might made right, only those with the power could negotiate on equal terms.

"Alright, since you insist on a showdown, I'll grant you that," Dustin said resolutely. "I'll only use three strikes. If you can withstand all three, I'll admit defeat."

"You arrogant brat! Watch how I defeat you!" Feeling belittled, Antonio erupted with a furious assault, unleashing a storm of blade energy that swept toward Dustin.

Dustin's figure abruptly shot into the air, leaping a hundred meters above the ground.

"The first strike: Seven Slaughters!" Suspended in mid-air for a brief moment, Dustin suddenly reversed direction, holding his sword with one hand, head down, feet up, and thrusting downward.

In an instant, the Sky Sword emitted a multitude of dark lights. These dark lights rapidly expanded and soon formed a ten-meter-long black giant sword. This colossal sword exuded a piercing cold light, as if it could consume everything. It cleaved down towards Antonio on the ground.


Feeling the terrifying aura emanating from the giant sword, Antonio's face involuntarily changed.

Without further delay, he held his two knives in both hands, poured all his inner energy into them, and ferociously slashed at the black giant sword in the sky.


A golden blade energy shot out like lightning and crashed violently against the black giant sword.


An explosive sound reverberated.

As soon as Antonio's blade energy touched the black giant sword, it immediately detonated, transforming into a shockwave that scattered in all directions. In contrast, the black giant sword still carried its unrelenting momentum and came crashing down heavily toward Antonio.


Antonio was taken aback and immediately raised his knives, simultaneously activating his inner energy to create a thick protective shield around himself, attempting to withstand the incoming strike.


A tremendous explosion shook the earth.

The black giant sword heavily struck Antonio's protective shield of inner energy, and the overwhelming impact directly drove Antonio into the ground.

The once-level ground burst open, creating a pit several meters in diameter.

For a moment, dust and debris filled the air, and the surging energy forced the watching soldiers to protect themselves against the onslaught.

Chapter 1856: Warming up

In the pit created by the explosion, Antonio was still struggling. The protective shield of inner energy covering his body appeared increasingly unstable, with cracks rapidly spreading.

Above his head, the black giant sword quivered slightly, exerting continuous pressure.

Antonio felt as though a mountain was pressing down on him. The immense force weighed heavily on him, causing his hands to tremble, and his knees began to buckle.

Nevertheless, he had to grit his teeth and persevere because once the giant sword above his head fell, he would meet an instant death.

At this moment, he finally realized the overwhelming strength of Logan Rhys. From the very beginning, his opponent hadn't been exerting full power, but now, when he was going all out, Antonio found himself struggling to keep up.


Sensing the impending threat of death, Antonio let out a piercing roar.

The inner energy within his body surged like a tidal wave, continuously reinforcing his protective shield. Regardless of his efforts, more and more cracks appeared on the shield.

"Damn it! I have to go all out!"

Seeing that he couldn't withstand the pressure, Antonio growled and directly activated a secret technique of the Rhys family.

His eyes suddenly turned blood-red, and his muscles swelled instantaneously. A torrent of energy gushed from every part of his body.

The Rhys family secret technique temporarily unlocked his latent potential, enhancing his strength and even pushing him past his limits.

This was a life-saving and combat-boosting technique used in critical moments.

However, this kind of technique came with a fatal flaw; once its effects wore off, the user's body would become exceptionally weak.

In other words, if the person using the secret technique failed to defeat the opponent within the limited time frame, death was inevitable.

Antonio had never imagined being forced to this point, but now he had no other choice.


"Break for me!"

Antonio suddenly let out a long roar, and a golden energy wave burst forth from his chest.

In an instant, the world seemed to change, and the space itself trembled. The black giant sword hovering above him was finally pushed away and disappeared into faint black light.

Dustin, who had merged with his sword, also returned to his original state, descending from the sky. The Sky Sword in his hand continued to radiate a fluctuating aura, ready to strike again at any moment.

"Pant... pant..."

While he had managed to force Dustin's attack back, Antonio was severely exhausted. He gasped for breath, his face turning pale, drenched in sweat. Even his legs trembled uncontrollably.

That last attack was utterly terrifying. If he hadn't used the Rhys family secret technique to forcibly push past his limits, he might not have withstood it.

"Logan! Is this your most powerful move? It seems you're not as formidable as you claim!"

Antonio taunted as he caught his breath.

"Most powerful move?"

Dustin shook his head and smiled. "Third Uncle, you seem to have misunderstood. I was just warming up with that strike. The real power is yet to come."

"What? Warming up?!"

Hearing this, Antonio's face stiffened, and his eyelid twitched. That last strike nearly cost him his life. This was just a warm-up? Are you kidding me?

"Logan! I wasn't raised on scare tactics! If you've got any real skills, just use them!"

Antonio forcefully challenged Dustin.

He couldn't believe that Logan Rhys's strength was really this formidable. It had to be a pretense.

Chapter 1857: Second Sword, Break The Army

Dustin slowly raised the Celestial Sword, pointing it directly at Antonio ahead of him. "Second Sword, Break The Army!"

With that, Dustin disappeared from his original spot. His figure, along with the sword, turned into a black streak and crashed directly into Antonio. This strike had no overwhelming aura, no bone-chilling chill, but it had one thing—speed.

Utterly incredible speed!

In the blink of an eye, the black streak had crossed dozens of meters and appeared right in front of Antonio.


Antonio's pupils contracted, unable to react in time. He relied on instinct to activate his protective aura.


There was a deafening explosion as the black streak hit Antonio's protective aura. The terrifying energy hidden within the strike burst forth.

The seemingly indestructible protective aura was like glass, instantly shattering with no resistance. After piercing the protective aura, the black streak's remaining energy slammed into Antonio's golden armor.

The mystical golden armor was dented by the impact. The powerful force sent Antonio flying like a missile, and he crashed heavily into a stone lion statue at the entrance of the King Residence.

The several-ton stone lion statue shattered into pieces.

As for Antonio, he coughed up blood, his face ashen. His entire body felt like it was coming apart, and he lay there motionless.

The spectators were in an uproar. No one had expected Logan Rhys to be this formidable when he was serious. Even with Antonio resorting to secret techniques, Logan had defeated him with just two simple moves.

The gap in strength between the two was evident, and it left everyone stunned.

"Oh my goodness! Is the Crown Prince really this powerful? He's not even a match for the General-in-Chief?"

"Rhys Family's 'Kirin Child' is indeed as famed as they say. Such a prodigy is truly unrivaled in the world."

"General-in-Chief is indeed unlucky to encounter such a monster. It's impossible to assess this situation with conventional wisdom."

As the spectators watched Antonio coughing up blood from the merciless beating, they couldn't help but engage in a lively discussion. Antonio's invincible reputation within the Black Dragon Army had been shattered by Dustin's victory. They were forced to acknowledge the terrifying talent of the West Lucozia Crown Prince.

"Well done!" Alexander couldn't help but laugh heartily. He was exhilarated after witnessing Logan Rhys's strength.

While he had previously stated that the Crown Prince had a higher chance of winning, having not seen it firsthand, he had some doubts. Now that he had seen the true extent of the Crown Prince's abilities, he was extremely impressed.

"Hmph! Daring to engage in combat with my brother, he brought this humiliation upon himself!" Thorian said with a satisfied expression, clearly taking pride in his brother's victory.

"This kid's strength has really skyrocketed." Rufus Rhys squinted, revealing a satisfied smile.

"Uh-oh, this time it's a total defeat," Martin said, his face dark. "Generals, you should make your decisions now."

Jasper and Calvin exchanged a look, their brows furrowed. Neither of them spoke.

"Uncle, I still have one sword left to use. Would you like to try it?" Dustin extended his sword finger and raised it up.

With a sharp "whoosh," the Sky Sword instantly flew a hundred meters into the sky, pointing downward and locking onto Antonio.

The Sky sword radiated an unpredictable black light, resembling a beast eager to devour its prey.

"My third sword, known as 'Greedy Wolf,' is twice as powerful as the second sword. If you're interested, I can let you taste it," Dustin declared as he pressed down with his sword finger.

From a hundred meters high, the Celestial Sword turned into a beam of black light, slicing down towards Antonio with a deafening dragon and tiger roar.


"I surrender! I surrender!"

Fearing for his life, Antonio yelled and finally lowered his head.

Chapter 1858: Consolation


With a deafening roar, the formidable Sky Sword came to a halt right above Antonio's head. The sword and the man were less than ten centimeters apart.

Antonio could clearly sense the chilling aura emanating from the sword, causing goosebumps all over his body and cold sweat to break out on his back.


With a pull of his finger, Dustin retrieved the Sky Sword. The sword, which had been unleashed just moments ago, returned to his hand in a flash.

"Uncle, you've lost," Dustin said calmly.

"I never thought I'd lose to you," Antonio admitted with a dejected tone. He lowered his head and looked at his hands, unable to accept the result.

He had been diligent in martial arts since childhood, never slacking for decades. He had diligently honed his skills, and his innate talent was exceptionally high. By the time he was in his forties, he had already reached the level of a grandmaster.

He was considered one of the best in the entire West Lucozia. He believed his extensive knowledge, combat experience, and profound martial skills would ensure his victory.

However, during the battle with Dustin, he had realized that the gap in their strengths was enormous. Even when he had used his life-preserving Rhys family secret technique, he couldn't harm Dustin in the slightest. Instead, he had been defeated effortlessly.

This was a devastating blow to his self-esteem. He took great pride in his talents, but Dustin had made him see that, in comparison, his talents didn't hold a candle.

"Uncle, your strength is already impressive. Not only in West Lucozia but also across the entire Dragon Kingdom, few people can beat you," Dustin consoled him.

"I don't need consolation. Losing is losing, and I haven't reached the point where I can't handle a loss," Antonio said, self-mockingly.

"Uncle, our agreement still stands. As long as you are willing to tell me the truth, to tell me where the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion are, I promise not to trouble you," Dustin stated.

Antonio remained silent, shifting his gaze to Rufus Rhys.

"What Logan says is my say," Rufus Rhys added.

"I can agree to that, but you must ensure that my subordinates won't be punished," Antonio began to negotiate.

"No problem. As long as the information you provide is valuable, I guarantee that they won't be killed," Dustin nodded.

"Good! It's a deal," Antonio sighed in relief.

Although Dustin promised not to kill him, Antonio knew that he was not off the hook. Having committed such acts, he either faced imprisonment in a dark cell or the stripping of his cultivation, leading to a life of house arrest. The former was akin to a fate worse than death, while the latter allowed for a more peaceful retirement.

"In fact, you guessed correctly. The Dragon Guard Pavilion had some initial contact with me. However, I didn't pay them much attention at first. It was only later when I saw a familiar face that I started to waver," Antonio explained, taking a moment to regain his composure after the intense battle.

"Who did you see?" Dustin inquired.

"It was the former Chief General of the Black Dragon Army, General Marcellus!" Antonio responded gravely.

His words sent shockwaves through the audience.

"General Marcellus? Didn't he die ten years ago? How could he reappear in West Lucoziaa?"

"Yes! General Marcellus sacrificed himself a decade ago. How could he possibly be in West Lucozia?"

Chapter 1859: Plan of King Assassination

"Is Antonio lying about this?" The crowd exchanged uncertain glances, and even Rufus Rhys couldn't hide his surprise.

Marcellus, a legendary figure within the Black Dragon Army, had shared innumerable experiences with Antonio, fighting side by side and achieving countless victories. Their bond was once unbreakable. However, a decade ago, after the coup in the Forbidden City, General Marcellus mysteriously disappeared. Some found a charred body with his insignia on the battlefield, while later, he was commemorated with a ceremonial tomb in a cemetery.

Now, after many years, they heard the familiar name, and most astonishingly, he was still alive.

"What's going on here?"

"Why are you so surprised?" Antonio grinned. "I was as surprised as you when I first saw Marcellus. I didn't expect a man who had been dead for ten years to stand before me, so, driven by curiosity, I engaged him in conversation. And guess what?"

He paused and looked around, letting suspense build before delivering the revelation. "The Marcellus I met wasn't the same. He changed his name to Blaze, and he'd transformed into the new leader of the Dragon Guard Pavilion."

"What? Marcellus is the leader of the Dragon Guard Pavilion?"

This disclosure sent another shockwave through the audience. During the Forbidden City coup, although there wasn't concrete evidence, many clues pointed toward a mysterious organization hidden behind the throne: the Dragon Guard Pavilion. The organization's vast influence spanned the entire kingdom, making even someone as powerful as Rufus Rhys reluctant to engage them openly and only left with the option of biding his time.

No one had anticipated that the former General Marcellus of the Black Dragon Army would become the leader of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. This transformation of identity was truly astounding.

"Go on," Dustin said, his expression unchanged.

Dustin was informed about everything regarding General Marcellus, but he still needed more information.

"Marcellus... I mean, Blaze, approached me to discuss a deal," Antonio continued. "He offered an alliance with the promise of sharing dominion over the world, becoming co-rulers. At first, I didn't believe it and even thought he was out of his mind. In his effort to convince me, he swore that he would support me in ascending to the throne of West Lucozia."

"As I've served as General for many years, I must admit that I've yearned to advance further, to experience the life of a king. So I asked Blaze how he would support my rise."

"The plan Blaze presented was to assassinate the West Lucozia King and seize the opportunity for my ascension. At first, I hesitated because I didn't believe his words, and I was reluctant to act. I didn't directly agree."

"But this madman claimed to have been planning this for a long time and said I should be prepared. I had my doubts about his capability, as many have tried to assassinate the West Lucozia King every year, and none succeeded."

"However, to my astonishment, not even three days later, Blaze actually managed to do it."

"When I heard the news that the West Lucozia King had been assassinated, my feelings were complex. I mourned the loss of my comrade while feeling an intense desire for power and status."

"I knew that by cooperating with Blaze, there was a tremendous opportunity for advancement. So I couldn't resist the temptation and chose to form an alliance. I made a foolish decision."

Antonio paused at this point, and a sense of remorse was evident in his demeanor.

Of course, he wasn't regretting his rebellion. He regretted that Rufus Rhys had survived. Otherwise, he would have already ascended to power.

Chapter 1860: Cruelty and bloody methods

After letting Antonio finish his account, Dustin finally spoke, asking about Blaze's whereabouts and the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion.

"To be honest, even though I cooperated with Blaze, I do not know his whereabouts," Antonio replied, shaking his head.

"You don't know?" Dustin frowned. He was growing impatient with the vague information.

"Don't worry. Although I don't know where Blaze is, I can contact him," Antonio explained. "I had an agreement with Blaze that if things went as planned, we would meet at a certain place to discuss matters."

"Oh? Is that so? Where was the designated meeting place?" Dustin's eyes narrowed.

"Are you sure you want me to tell you now?" Antonio glanced around with a hidden meaning in his gaze.

"Someone, escort Uncle Third inside the mansion!" Dustin shouted, calling for several guards to carry the severely injured Antonio into the mansion.

"Albert, deal with the people outside, but make sure not to harm them," Rufus Rhys instructed before also heading into the mansion.

"By the orders of the King, all Black Dragon Army officers and soldiers must return to their base to guard the fortress!" Albert announced loudly.

"Yes!" The officers and soldiers of the Black Dragon Army responded in unison.

At this moment, there was no hesitation among them. They quickly organized their formations and dispersed.

"These people belong to me!" At this point, Albert's gaze locked onto Martin, who was preparing to leave. "Martin, who allowed you to leave?"

"Didn't King say he wouldn't hold grudges for past actions?" Martin swallowed nervously.

"Although King is sparing your lives, it doesn't mean you can escape freely," Albert stated coldly. "The crime of rebellion is enough to implicate nine generations, but King, out of mercy, doesn't wish to cause more bloodshed. However, you can avoid capital punishment, but you can't escape punishment!"

"What... What do you mean?" I only acted under orders. If you have to blame someone, blame Antonio. He commanded me to do this!" Martin attempted to deflect the blame.

"King will decide General's fate. As for you people, spend a few days in prison first, and we'll see what comes next." Albert waved his hand. "Someone! Arrest all these rebels and question them thoroughly to see if there are any accomplices."


A squad of Wandering Black Guards immediately surrounded Martin's group. These were loyal officers of Antonio, and if not dealt with carefully, it might create turmoil.

"Albert! Don't take personal revenge! King just said not to harm us!" Martin angrily protested.

"That's right! We're willing to surrender, and King promised not to pursue it further. Don't do anything rash!" Jasper, Calvin and his group were pale, clearly fearing Albert's reputation. His nickname, "Man Butcher Albert," was well-known throughout West Lucozia.

Though he no longer fought on the battlefield, Albert was in charge of the justice system in West Lucozia, especially for severe criminals. His cruelty and bloody methods made him a name to be feared, and anyone who fell into his hands had a terrible fate. In some cases, even death was considered a luxury, as those who were held by Albert experienced unimaginable suffering. Hence, the moment they heard they were to be arrested by Albert, they panicked.
I quite appreciate your time putting in to interprete this interesting story. As for the names of the characters, why not collaborate with Jungal 2000 and come up with a common name so as to keep the momentum?
Chapter 1861: Future threat

Martin's group knew that once they were in the prison, Albert would be the one in charge, and they would have no control over what happened next. Even if they were to die in prison, as long as they could find an excuse for a suicide, they might get by.

"Don't be nervous; it's just a routine inquiry," Albert said indifferently. "I'm not going to eat you. Of course, if you dare to resist, don't blame me for being ruthless. Take them away!"

At his command, the Wandering Black Guards immediately took out the Dragon-Binding Ropes, specifically designed for restraining martial arts experts. Even a martial arts grandmaster would find it difficult to break free. However, even if Martin could break free, they dared not make any sudden movements.

Albert was far more powerful than anyone present. If they provoked him, they would only suffer a more miserable fate.

They could only pray that Albert would keep his promise and not resort to torture.

"Clean up the scene, guard the surroundings, and don't let any suspicious individuals escape!" Albert gave another order before leading Martin's group onto a prison carriage headed for the jail.
In the meantime, in the council chamber of the royal palace, Rufus Rhys sat at the center, holding a cup of hot tea and displaying a composed expression. Elara was seated next to him, remaining silent.

Thorian, donned in golden armor, stood guard at the entrance, remaining vigilant.

Dustin and Antonio sat on opposite sides of a table, where tea and snacks had been placed.

"Uncle, it's quiet now. Can you begin?" Dustin pushed a cup of hot tea toward Antonio, maintaining a respectful yet confident demeanor.

Antonio cleared his throat and then emptied his teacup with a single gulp.

"Logan, I didn't expect that in ten years, your strength has become so terrifying. Those two strikes earlier nearly took Third Uncle's life," Antonio sighed lightly.

"Uncle, let's not beat around the bush. Just speak your mind," Dustin maintained a stoic expression.

"Logan, I know you won't easily release me, so I want to take this opportunity to make amends," Antonio's expression turned solemn.

"How do you propose to make amends?" Dustin asked.

"It's straightforward. I can help you capture Blaze and even annihilate the Dragon Guards Pavilion in exchange for my freedom during the latter half of my life," Antonio explained.

"So, you mean to say you want to use yourself as bait to set up a trap for Blaze?" Dustin quickly grasped the idea.

"Exactly!" Antonio nodded heavily. "I know what Blaze has done, and I'm well aware of the threat he poses to West Lucozia. As a part of West Lucozia, I have a responsibility to eliminate this danger."

"Do you have a good chance of success?" Dustin squinted his eyes.

"I won't say it's a sure thing, but at least a fifty-fifty chance," Antonio raised five fingers.

Dustin didn't respond immediately; instead, he looked to Rufus Rhys.

"Third Brother, tell us about your plan. If it's viable, I'll let you leave West Lucozia," Rufus Rhys spoke candidly.

"Good!" Antonio's eyes brightened, and he immediately explained, "My plan is simple. Find an excuse to lure Blaze out, and we'll set up an ambush in advance. As soon as Blaze enters our encirclement, we'll surround and kill him to eliminate the future threat!"

Chapter 1862: Godkiller poison

"Killing Blaze directly? It might not be that easy, right?" Dustin said calmly. "Blaze's strength surpasses mine, and any unusual situation will be immediately noticed. If he tries to flee, it seems like we won't be able to stop him."

Blaze held the fifth place on the World Shocking List. In other words, he was the fifth-strongest person in the world. Killing someone of this caliber was nearly impossible. If it were an ordinary ambush, it would be ineffective.

"Direct confrontation won't work. We can use poison instead," Antonio suggested as he looked towards Rufus Rhys. "In your treasure vault, I remember you had a lot of rare treasures, and among them, there's a poison called 'Godkiller.'"

"Godkiller? One of the ten most potent poisons in the world?" Dustin's pupils contracted. The world's top ten most potent poisons were terrifying. Among them, "Godkiller" was considered the deadliest, as it could annihilate a person's soul regardless of their cultivation level, making it one of the most feared toxins. Once afflicted, there was no defense, resistance, or cure.

Moreover, Antonio mentioned "Godkiller" as if it were an item kept in their father's treasure vault.

"Yes, 'Godkiller' is indeed the top poison on that list. When someone is poisoned with 'Godkiller,' regardless of their cultivation level, they are left with no way to survive, except for that person from no human," Antonio added.

The remark about no human implied that the individual there was no longer considered human.

"I didn't expect you to be so well-informed about this. You seem to know everything I have in my treasure vault," Rufus Rhys remarked with a meaningful smile.

"I just happened to come across this information pure coincidence," Antonio replied with a sheepish smile. He naturally wouldn't mention the fact that he had planted spies around Rufus Rhys, as that would only raise more suspicion.

"Godkiller poison, while potent, has a significant drawback. It requires getting within a three-meter range of the target, and it needs to be administered when they're unaware. If the target is on guard, the success rate drops significantly," Rufus Rhys explained.

"No need to worry about that. I will follow our agreement and meet Blaze at the secret location. At that time, I'll use the Godkiller poison when he least expects it. Even if Blaze possesses extraordinary abilities, there will be no way out for him. With Blaze dead, the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion will be leaderless, and their destruction is just a matter of time," Antonio assured with determination.

"Logan, what do you think?" Rufus Rhys's gaze shifted to Dustin.

"Uncle Antonio's plan is worth a try. If it succeeds, it can eliminate a significant threat for us," Dustin nodded in agreement.

Since Blaze's whereabouts were unknown, only Antonio had a chance for a close encounter. It was worth trying. Success would be the best outcome, and if it failed, it wouldn't result in significant losses.

"Good, then we'll proceed with Third Brother's plan," Rufus Rhys agreed, and he turned to the side to address Elara. "Elara, go to the third floor of the treasure vault and bring me the Godkiller poison I've stored there."

"Yes," Elara replied and quickly left.

"Uncle Antonio, this trip is very dangerous. For your safety, I have a gift for you," Dustin suddenly pulled out a black pill and handed it to Antonio. He smiled and said, "This is a Tenfold Revival Pill I've prepared for you. After taking it, not only will it rapidly heal your injuries, but it will also enhance your cultivation. It offers numerous benefits."

"A Tenfold Revival Pill?"

Chapter 1863: Tenfold Revival Pill

Antonio raised an eyebrow, looking at the dark pill with a hint of suspicion. He managed a smile and said, "Logan, I appreciate your kindness, but keep this precious treasure for yourself. I don't need it."

"A Tenfold Revival Pill is something I have in abundance. It's not a rare treasure. Just enjoy it. If one isn't enough, I have plenty more," Dustin continued to smile.

"Well..." Antonio hesitated.

"What's the matter? Do you think Uncle Antonio can't trust me, that I might poison you?" Dustin suddenly said, a hint of coldness in his voice.

"Of course not," Antonio smiled reluctantly. "Logan, you're an honest person. How could you do such a thing?"

"Then go ahead and take it," Dustin pushed the black pill forward.

Antonio's eyelid twitched, and he took a deep breath. He finally accepted the black pill and swallowed it. Regardless of what the pill was, he had to take it to gain Dustin's trust.

"Uncle Antonio, how do you feel?" Dustin asked with a smile.

"Not bad, it's indeed a miraculous elixir. After taking it just now, I felt a warm energy spreading throughout my body. All the blocked meridians that were previously congested have opened up," Antonio marveled.

"Now that Uncle Antonio is no longer in great danger, let's set the ambush plan for tonight," Dustin suggested.

"Tonight? Isn't it a bit too rushed?" Antonio frowned slightly.

His injuries wouldn't fully heal in just a day or two. If the ambush failed and Blaze retaliated, Antonio would be in no condition to escape.

"Uncle Antonio, time is of the essence. We won't be able to conceal the situation here in the royal palace for long. I believe Blaze will soon detect something amiss. To avoid complications, we need to act quickly. If Blaze escapes, it won't be good for us," Dustin emphasized.

"But Logan"
Antonio hesitated to speak his mind.

"Uncle Antonio, rest assured. We will do our best to ensure your safety. If you're in danger, just call out loudly. Our ambush team will immediately intervene to prevent you from facing any risks alone," Dustin reassured him.

"Call out loudly?"

Antonio's eye twitched, secretly muttering to himself.

Is that even a plan? Are you kidding me?

"Little Brother, I'll give you a set of Gold Essence Soft Armor for protection. With it, you can withstand Blaze's full force attack," Rufus Rhys chimed in.

"Thank you, Big Brother! I'll accept it gratefully!" Antonio's face lit up, and he immediately expressed his gratitude.

With Gold Essence Soft Armor for protection, his chances of survival were significantly better.

"Little Brother, you can go rest for now. We'll notify you when everything is arranged," Rufus Rhys said.


Antonio replied and took his leave. However, he couldn't leave the royal palace. He stayed in a separate building in the royal palace, guarded by the Wandering Black Guards.

Once Antonio left, Rufus Rhys spoke again, "Logan, do you think we can trust what your Uncle Antonio said?"

"Not entirely trustworthy, but... he still has some value to us at the moment," Dustin replied straightforwardly.

"Your Uncle Antonio has a lot of tricks up his sleeve. He may not just cooperate obediently," Rufus Rhys reminded.

"I'm well aware of that,"

Dustin smiled casually. "That's why I added something special to the Tenfold Revival Pill I gave him. If he dares to betray us, there's only one way out for him!"

Chapter 1864: Gaining Complete Trust

"Oh? It seems you were well-prepared," King Rufus Rhys chuckled with a meaningful smile.

Indeed, this person was like a clever fox, intentionally staging such a scene to put pressure on Antonio.

Even if Antonio had other intentions, he wouldn't dare to show them after consuming that Tenfold Revival pill.

"I can't fully trust Third Uncle. Naturally, I have to take some precautions. In case Third Uncle gets hot-headed and does something rebellious, wouldn't our efforts be in vain?" Dustin shrugged his shoulders.

"Being cautious is a good thing, but is it reliable to use your Third Uncle as bait?"

Rufus Rhys contemplated, "Blaze is powerful and shrewd. It might not be easy to deceive him."

"Relying solely on Third Uncle won't work. Blaze won't trust someone who just formed an alliance with him, so we must have a backup plan," Dustin said.

"Oh? Do you have a good idea?" Rufus Rhys raised an eyebrow.

"The grand plan must remain a secret. You'll know when the time comes," Dustin teased.

"You brat! You're keeping secrets even from your old man?" Rufus Rhys said with a hint of annoyance.

"It's not about hiding from you but from those around you. Nobody can be trusted. There might be spies among those close to you. Better safe than sorry," Dustin replied with a faint smile.

"Alright, you've grown up enough. I'll leave this matter entirely to you," Rufus Rhys yawned, "I'm tired. I'll go back to my room to rest. You two brothers can discuss the future of West Lucozia."

With that, he waved his hand and left.

"Thorian, change into a different outfit and come with me. If all goes well, there should be a bloody battle tonight. We need to prepare early," Dustin greeted and then, disguised, left with Thorian.

Now, within the entire King residence, there were only a few close relatives worthy of trust. He remained cautious and suspicious of everyone else, especially since the betrayal by Lorenzo.
Nightfall quickly arrived. At this moment, in a Chinese-style restaurant located on the outskirts of the royal city, a well-dressed Antonio leisurely sipped tea. His demeanor appeared composed, but his eyes occasionally scanned the surroundings, clearly indicating a sense of vigilance.

Since consuming Logan Rhys's Tenfold Revival pill, his injuries had healed about halfway, but he felt something was amiss within his body. Upon closer examination, there seemed to be nothing unusual, which was truly perplexing.

Initially, he had been planning to feign allegiance and, upon meeting with Blaze, immediately defect from West Lucozia to become a member of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. However, after taking Logan's medicine, he had to reconsider. After all, he couldn't risk his life recklessly.

The most pressing issue now was how to poison Blaze and make amends for his past actions. The "Godkiller Poison" was different from conventional toxins; it couldn't be dissolved in drinks but had to be delivered through concealed weapons to attack the target.

Its effective range was three meters. Beyond that distance, its effectiveness significantly decreased. Moreover, if the enemy was prepared in advance, the mission would remain incredibly challenging.

His alliance with Blaze was purely based on mutual interests, without any personal connection. Gaining Blaze's complete trust appeared highly unlikely. He needed to find a way to make Blaze lower his guard.


At that moment, the restaurant's entrance suddenly open.

Chapter 1865: A proxy sent

Following closely, a group of men dressed in black silently walked in. The leader among them was a middle-aged man, cloaked in black robes and wearing a wide-brimmed hat.

The middle-aged man kept his hat pulled low, concealing his face, making it difficult to discern his exact features. From his appearance, it was clear that he had a slim build.

Once inside, the middle-aged man with the hat walked straight towards Antonio and ultimately sat down opposite him. The rest of the group remained discreetly on guard, monitoring the surroundings for any anomalies.

"Who are you?" Antonio looked at the middle-aged man before him with a hint of confusion.

He had seen Blaze, and the latter was tall and robust, nothing like this slender figure.

"General ANtonio, it's been a while," the middle-aged man removed his hat, revealing his true face.

Upon closer examination, Antonio couldn't hide his astonishment, "Are you Lorenzo?"

"General Antonio has a sharp eye. It's been ten years, and I didn't expect you to recognize me," Lorenzo smiled faintly.

Compared to his robust self from ten years ago, he had undergone a significant transformation.

"Wait a minute! Weren't you supposed to be dead? How are you still alive?" Antonio blurted out.

During the upheaval at the Forbidden City, most of the people accompanying the Rhys family, except for Logan and Blaze, had perished. Lorenzo was among them.

Unbelievably, a decade later, he was still alive and well.

"I got lucky, someone saved me, and I managed to cling to life," Lorenzo explained.

"So, you're also a member of the Dragon Guard, like Marcellus?" Antonio quickly put the pieces together.

"Yes, we're both undercover agents for the Dragon Guard Pavilion, having infiltrated king palace for years. Now, we've finally returned to our true identities," Lorenzo forced a smile.

"I really didn't expect you to hide so deeply, fooling all of us," Antonio squinted his eyes.

To remain incognito for a decade and deceive the world was indeed quite impressive.

"General Antonio, let's not dwell on past matters. Let's focus on the present," Lorenzo shifted the conversation, asking, "Why did you arrange a meeting with Lord Blaze this time?"

Speaking of this, I'm a bit curious. Why is it you who came and not Blaze?" Antonio inquired tentatively.

"To be honest, Lord Blaze is a bit occupied right now and can't make it. So he sent me to meet you. If you need anything, just let me know, and I will do my best to assist," Lorenzo replied with a smile.

"General Lorenzo, it's not that I look down on you, but this matter is of utmost importance, and I must talk to Blaze personally," Antonio said with a stern expression.

He was fully prepared now and only awaited Blaze's appearance. However, it seemed this guy had hidden himself away and sent a proxy, a cunning and sly old fox.

Indeed, gaining the trust of such a person was not a simple task.

"General Antonio, Lord Blaze is genuinely tied up. Please understand," Lorenzo shook his head.

"If Blaze lacks sincerity, let's forget it then. Our alliance can be canceled directly, and there's no need for further contact," Antonio said as he got up, displaying a resolute attitude.

In such a situation, it was crucial to retreat to advance; otherwise, being led by the nose by the Dragon Guard Pavilion would result in a loss of all initiative.

Chapter 1866: Change the conversation location


Seeing that Antonio was about to leave, Lorenzo couldn't hold back any longer. "General Antonio, we can discuss this slowly. Why the rush?"

"What else is there to talk about? You don't even have the most basic trust. It's clear you're disrespecting me," Antonio intentionally displayed an annoyed expression.

"General Antonio, please be patient. Lord Blaze genuinely can't make it right now. If you can wait for a moment, I'll go inquire with Lord Blaze and see how he arranges things," Lorenzo said, squeezing out a smile.

"If you must ask, do it quickly. I don't have that much time to wait," Antonio said, maintaining a lofty demeanor with his hands folded.

"Yes, yes, General Antonio, please have a seat. I'll go ask right away."

After soothing Antonio for a moment, Lorenzo walked to the side and took out his phone to start a conversation with someone.

After chatting for about two minutes, Lorenzo nodded, then made a gesture, and his subordinates in the restaurant immediately dispersed, checking the surroundings.

After a while, they all returned without any discoveries.

Lorenzo had a hushed conversation with Blaze over the phone, then ended the call. He forced a smile, walked up to Antonio, and said, "General Antonio, I've just consulted with Lord Blaze. He's nearly finished with his business over there. There are just a few loose ends to tie up. If you can't wait, we can change the location for our conversation."

"Change the location? Where to?" Antonio raised an eyebrow.

"Naturally, it will be the secret base of the Dragon Guard Pavilion in West Lucozia," Lorenzo said with a smile. "Truth be told, our secret base is known only to the top members within our organization. Lord Blaze is inviting you to show our utmost sincerity. What do you think?"

Upon hearing this, Antonio stroked his chin, appearing somewhat hesitant. He didn't know Blaze's intentions, but he was certain that Blaze was not to be underestimated.

If he entered the secret base of the Dragon Guard, there might be unforeseen circumstances, and he wouldn't be able to escape. The problem was that this was his only chance to meet Blaze. If he gave it up, it would be difficult to explain to the Rhys family.

"Why, General Antonio, do you have any doubts?" Lorenzo smiled and said, "You mentioned earlier that you wanted to see our sincerity and trust, and we've followed your instructions. Now, it's up to you, General Antonio."

"Very well, since we're going to cooperate, we'll accompany you for the trip," after a brief contemplation, Antonio eventually agreed. He had no other choice at this point and had to adapt to the circumstances and take the risk.

"General Antonio please come this way." With a gesture, Lorenzo invited Antonio into a vehicle.

With the roar of the engine, the vehicle quickly drove away.

At this moment, several hundred meters away from the restaurant, two undercover agents were observing Antonio's every move through night-vision binoculars.

When they saw that Antonio had been taken away, one of the agents immediately activated his earpiece and said, "Crown Prince, Antonio has been taken by the Dragon Guard. According to the surveillance, they're heading to the Dragon Guard's secret base. Please advise."

"Keep tracking them, but make sure not to reveal yourselves," came a quick response from the earpiece.

"Yes!" The undercover agent acknowledged and immediately sprang into action.

At this moment, inside a teahouse not far from the restaurant, Dustin and Thorian sat silently, sipping tea and patiently awaiting their opportunity.

To avoid being discovered, all of the King family's experts were hidden far away. Only a few undercover agents remained to secretly monitor Antonio's movements.

They would only act when the time was right.

"Brother, is there something amiss?" Seeing Dustin's unusual expression, Thorian couldn't help but whisper.

"Blaze, that cunning old fox, hasn't appeared directly. Instead, he's sent subordinates to meet Antonio. To meet Blaze, Antonio must accompany them to the secret base of the Dragon Guard," Dustin didn't hide anything.

He had secretly installed a listening device and tracker on Antonio, so he had overheard their entire conversation just now.

"Isn't that a good thing? Once we find the Dragon Guard's secret base, we can capture them all in one fell swoop!" Thorian exclaimed excitedly.

"It's not that simple," Dustin shook his head. "Blaze is an extremely cautious person. If he invited Antonio to his lair, he must be very confident. If we act recklessly, we might end up losing more than we gain."

Given that it was a secret base, the defenses would undoubtedly be extremely tight. Not to mention the skilled members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, if they added hidden weapons, traps, and various defensive measures, it would be a formidable fortress.

With their current manpower, it would be difficult to conquer the Dragon Guard's secret base without resorting to the Black Dragon Army, and even then, it was unlikely to be a successful endeavor.

As for completely wiping out the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, that was even more unlikely.

To mobilize the Black Dragon Army on a large scale would easily tip their hand.

So, the situation before them was both an opportunity and a significant challenge.

"Brother, what do we do now? Should we call in the Black Dragon Army?" Thorian asked.

"The Dragon Guard has infiltrated all corners of West Lucozia, and as soon as we move our troops, they'll catch wind of it. I believe they'll flee before the Black Dragon Army arrives," Dustin said, shaking his head.

"We can't force our way in, so the only option is to launch a surprise attack. We have many elite troops in the army. If we organize a squad under the guise of a military exercise, with utmost secrecy, we might have a chance."

"Very well, if that's the case, I'll get to it right away," Thorian said and promptly left the room.

"Uncle, oh Uncle, this time, it's all up to you. Please don't let me down," Dustin cupped the teacup and looked out the window.

Tonight, with the dark moon and high winds, it was the perfect time for an ambush. Whether it would be successful or not depended on Antonio's actions.

If Blaze fell victim to the Godkiller Poison, there would be an opportunity to eliminate him. Once Blaze was gone, the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion would no longer pose a significant threat.

Chapter 1867: Dragon Guard Pavilion Secret Base

At this moment, inside a moving business car.

Lorenzo took out a black cloth and handed it to Antonio, smiling, "General Antonio, the journey is long; please close your eyes and rest for a while."

"Hmm? What does that mean?" Antonio furrowed his brow slightly.

"This is our rule. Anyone visiting our secret base must wear a blindfold, just in case," Lorenzo explained.

"What, you don't trust me?" Antonio pretended to be displeased.

"General Antonio, please don't misunderstand. Everyone is treated the same way, so please understand," Lorenzo replied with respect.

"Alright, I'll blindfold myself. I'm tired anyway, and this way, I can take a rest." Antonio couldn't be bothered with more discussion.

He closed his eyes and lay down comfortably in his seat.

"Thank you for your cooperation, General Antonio."

Lorenzo smiled slightly and personally blindfolded Antonio.

Time passed slowly.

The vehicle initially traveled smoothly, but after about an hour, the road suddenly became rough.

The vehicle bumped continuously, making it easy to feel drowsy.

"General Lorenzo, have we left the city?" Antonio suddenly asked.

"Yes," Lorenzo didn't hide anything. "For safety reasons, the base is located outside the city. The distance is a bit longer, but it's concealed enough."

"I didn't expect the Dragon Guard Pavilion to be so cautious," Antonio commented.

"Better safe than sorry, General Antonio. Bear with it a little longer; we'll arrive soon," Lorenzo smiled.

The vehicle continued its journey, and the two conversed sporadically.

After about the length of an incense stick burning, the vehicle finally came to a stop.

It was only at this moment that Lorenzo removed the blindfold from Antonio's face.

Antonio stepped out of the car and saw that he was in a secluded mountain valley.

Looking around, the valley was surrounded by a forest of mountains, resembling dormant colossal beasts.

Standing in the valley, Antonio felt incredibly small, like an ant in the grand scheme of nature.

"What is that...?" Antonio's gaze was drawn to a scene in front of him.

A few hundred meters ahead, there was a massive wall, dozens of meters tall. The wall was made of reinforced concrete, thick and impervious, capable of withstanding even artillery fire. On top of the wall were a dozen watchtowers and rows of modern weaponry, including cannons, anti-aircraft guns, and heavy machine guns.

The defense was thorough, making it a veritable fortress. Coupled with its strategic location in the valley, even an army wouldn't be able to breach it.

It was only at this moment that Antonio truly realized the extent of the Dragon Guard's power. Building such a fortress on the western border of West Lucozia, equipped with heavy weaponry, and maintaining its secrecy for years was a mind-boggling feat.

Had he not seen it with his own eyes, he could never have imagined the depth of the Dragon Guard's influence in West Lucozia.

"General Antonio, please follow me," Lorenzo beckoned and led Antonio further.

Approaching the base of the city wall, they signaled their identity, and the heavy city gates opened slowly.

Antonio observed that the tunnel beyond the gate was around ten meters long. In other words, the foundation of the city wall was about ten meters wide. It was so thick that even missiles would have difficulty penetrating it.

Chapter 1868: Come to seek your assistance

The level of defense was indeed terrifying.

As they passed through the city wall, a new world opened up before Antonio. In terms of size, the base behind the wall was akin to a town.

A wide range of buildings was scattered throughout the area, including barracks, training grounds, testing facilities, armories, bunkers, and even a military airfield. All were neatly arranged, interspersed with some civilian structures.

Antonio took a brief scan and, based on the size and area of the buildings, estimated that this military base could easily house between 50,000 to 100,000 people, excluding logistics personnel. It was a formidable force.

With so many troops, they could easily conquer a city within a short period of time. Even Antonio, who had been through many trials and tribulations, couldn't help but be deeply impressed.

The Dragon Guard Pavilion had hidden its strength too well. Despite their significant military presence, even the intelligence agencies of West Lucozia had no inkling of their existence.

At this moment, Antonio couldn't help but regret his choice. If he had carried out his plan to assassinate Blaze with poison within this base, would he have survived? The answer was undoubtedly no.

"General Antonio, this way, please," Lorenzo interrupted Antonio's thoughts and led him into the central command center within the military base.

What few people knew was that there was an underground nuclear shelter beneath the command center.

Inside the command center, a masked man Blaze sat quietly, engrossed in watching the classic TV series "Journey to the West" on the screen.

"Knock, knock, knock..."

At that moment, there was a knocking sound at the door.

"Come in," Blaze casually responded.

The door to the command center swung open, and Lorenzo and Antonio entered one after the other.

"General Antonio, we meet again," Blaze extended a warm handshake to Antonio. "Please, have a seat."

"Blaze, this place is incredibly well-hidden. I served as the Grand General of the Army in West Lucozia for many years, yet I had no inkling of its existence," Antonio sighed in amazement.

"You flatter me, General Antonio. This is all a legacy left by our former leader. I'm merely taking over," Blaze replied with a smile before continuing, "By the way, what has brought you here in such haste?"

"To be honest, I've come to seek your assistance," Antonio sighed softly. "Today was supposed to be the day of my ascension, but an unexpected turn of events has left me in dire straits. I have nowhere else to turn, so I came to seek your aid."

"Oh? What exactly has happened?" Blaze inquired with a perplexed tone.

"King Rufus Rhys is not dead. He is alive and well!" Antonio stated emphatically. "It was supposed to be the day of my promotion, but a massive upheaval occurred. With King Rufus Rhys still alive, I'm at a complete loss, and I have come to ask for your assistance."

"What? He's not dead? How is that possible?" Blaze expressed his surprise. "My men administered what should have been a fatal blow. He shouldn't have survived."

"I saw it with my own eyes. It couldn't have been fake," Antonio maintained his serious expression. "King Rufus Rhys is a crafty and cunning individual. He faked his death and deceived all of us in the process, which led to the complete failure of our plans. All our efforts went up in smoke."

Chapter 1869: Gu Poison

"Faked death and deception? I can hardly believe it," Blaze raised an eyebrow.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it either," Antonio sighed, shaking his head. "In the end, it was a matter of us making a strategic mistake, and Rufus Rhys outwitted us. Now, my subordinates are all under his control. There's no way to turn the situation around. That's why I've come to seek your help."

"Wait a moment, let me recap," Blaze pondered for a moment. "You mean our plan failed, Rufus Rhys didn't die, and all the troops you gathered have been captured, leaving you with no way out."

"Yes, that's roughly the situation," Antonio nodded.

"General Antonio, I'm curious about something. If your plan failed, your army was defeated, how did you manage to escape?" Blaze asked.

"To be honest, I employed a ruse. I pretended to defect to their side, claiming that I could help them capture you. They were desperate to capture the culprit, so they released me, thinking I would lead you into their trap," Antonio explained.

"Oh? Is that so?" Blaze smiled faintly. "So, you lured me into a trap by arranging this meeting? Was this a scheme set up by Rufus Rhys?"

"Initially, yes, but I realized that the West Lucozia royal family is in a losing position. Joining the Dragon Guard Pavilion is the right way to go. I've been deceiving them the whole time, without revealing any important information," Antonio assured.

"I see," Blaze nodded and continued, "However, is Rufus Rhys cunning enough to trust you completely?"

"He naturally doesn't trust me, which is why he poisoned me in advance as a threat. If I didn't comply, I wouldn't live for more than three days," Antonio sighed deeply.

"Poison?" Antonio reached out and said, "General Antonio, I have considerable expertise in medicine. Can you let me take a look?"

"Of course," Antonio didn't hesitate and placed his hand on the table.

Blaze used his fingers to examine Antonio's pulse. After a few seconds, he nodded, "There is indeed something unusual in your body. You have been poisoned with a gu poison, and the person who did it has deep skills. It's not something an ordinary person can cure."

"Gu poison?" Antonio's eyelids jumped. "Blaze, do you have any means to cure it?"

"If it were an ordinary poison, it would be easy, but this gu poison is not my area of expertise. Even if I use my cultivation to force it out, the success rate would be only about thirty percent," Blaze replied honestly.

"What should I do? Am I doomed?" Antonio looked crestfallen.

"Don't worry, General Antonio. Since we are allies, I will do my best to help you. This gu poison is the specialty of the Gu Poison Sect. I can contact them and pay a high price to bring in an expert for your treatment," Blaze said with a smile.

"That's great! Thank you so much, Ji!" Antonio's face lit up, and he hurriedly saluted.

"General Antonio, you're being too polite. We've known each other for a long time, and now we're on the same side. How could I stand by and watch you suffer?" Blaze replied.


Chapter 1870: Two spies

At this moment, an agent of the Dragon Guard Pavilion suddenly walked in.

"What is it?" Blaze asked casually.

"Lord of the Pavilion, we've captured two spies outside, likely from the West Lucozia Royal Palace. How should we deal with them?" the Dragon Guard Pavilion agent inquired.

"Spies?" Blaze raised an eyebrow and glanced meaningfully at Antonio. He then said, "Bring them in; I will question them."

"Yes!" The Dragon Guard Pavilion agent nodded and signaled to the people outside.

Soon, two black-clad individuals, bound tightly, were brought in.

After tearing off the tape from their mouths, one of the black-clad men immediately began to curse loudly, "You treacherous Antonio, how dare you betray us! You'll meet a bad end!"

"Silence," Blaze uttered calmly.

"Yes!" The Dragon Guard Pavilion agent stepped forward and struck the black-clad man vigorously on both sides of his face, leaving him bloodied and disoriented, with several teeth knocked out, before stopping.

"I will ask, and you will answer. If you dare to hide anything, you'll face a dead end," Blaze declared. "Are you agents from the West Lucozia Royal Palace?"

"Spit!" The black-clad man, with his face swollen, spat a mouthful of blood at Blaze and defiantly said, "Go ahead, kill me. You think you can get anything out of me? It's just a dream!"

"Very well, I'll grant your wish," Blaze said, indifferent to any further talk. With a single hand, he slammed the man's head, reducing it to a pulp.

Blaze's decisive and ruthless methods left even Antonio with dilated pupils.

"Now it's your turn. Will you talk or not?" Blaze's gaze shifted to the remaining black-clad man.

"I don't know anything. I'm just an herbalist from the mountain who happened to pass by and was captured by you," the other black-clad man replied.

"At this stage, you still want to lie?" Blaze declared with an emotionless expression. "Honestly answer my questions, and I can make it quick. Otherwise, don't blame me for using inhumane methods."

"General, I truly don't know anything. You've got the wrong person," the black-clad man said tearfully.

"Don't take a toast as a refusal to drink a forfeit," Blaze said coldly. "Take him away, use severe torture if necessary, we must extract all information."

"Yes!" The Dragon Guard Pavilion agent acknowledged and was about to take the man away when the black-clad man suddenly began convulsing, foaming at the mouth. In less than five seconds, he collapsed on the ground, bleeding from all seven orifices.

"Suicide by poison?" Blaze raised an eyebrow, not too surprised, and said indifferently, "Dispose of the body outside, feed it to the wolves."

The Dragon Guard Pavilion agent nodded and immediately ordered his subordinates to remove the body while cleaning up the bloodstains.

"General Antonio, it seems like these two spies were part of the tail you brought. How do you explain this?" Blaze's gaze suddenly turned towards Antonio, his face showing a mixture of emotions.
Out of curiosity, did anyone think of the possibility that Rufus' appearance was actually Abigail's assistant in disguise? 👀
Chapter 1631: Dragon Vein

"What's going on?"

Kylo shook off the rocks from his body and slowly descended from the altar.

In his red eyes, there was no hint of emotion, as if he was indifferent to all the gods.

In fact, for ordinary people, Kylo's existence was no different from the gods in the heavens.

With a snap of his fingers, he could make people disappear without a trace.

"Elder Kylo, the Red Dragon Crimson Flame Spear just had a sudden anomaly, as if it was stimulated by something," a member of the Dragon Guard pavilion reported.


Kylo turned to look at the red spear behind him and then made a gesture with his hand.


The red spear emitted a soft hum and rose directly from the ground, landing steadily in Kylo's hand.

Kylo closed his eyes and carefully sensed it, and soon he had an answer.

"It turns out that the Dragon Sparrow Sword has appeared in the world. No wonder you are so excited," Kylo muttered to himself.

Upon hearing this, members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion were filled with astonishment.

"The Dragon Sparrow Sword? Could it be the number one sword in the world?"

"As far as I know, the Dragon Sparrow Sword is currently the personal sword of the Sword Immortal Bloodstrike Zenon. Could it be that Bloodstrike Zenon has arrived in Stonia?"

"Humph! This person is really audacious. Without the decree of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, he dares to trespass into the territory of Stonia. He is simply lawless!"

Upon hearing that the Dragon Sparrow Sword had appeared, some were surprised, and others were outraged.

The Dragon Guard Pavilion held the imperial authority and controlled the affairs of the world. No matter who or what power it was, in front of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, they had to bow and pledge allegiance.

Without any prior notice, Bloodstrike Zenon had trespassed into Stonia's territory, completely ignoring the Dragon Guard Pavilion's authority.
Such behavior was clearly a challenge to the authority of the Dragon Guard Pavilion.

"You all guard the Dragon Vein, I'll go out and take a look."

Kylo didn't say much. After leaving these words, his figure flashed, turning into a streak of red light, and disappeared into the sky.

As Kylo left, the members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion didn't idle either. They immediately activated the mountain-guarding array to be prepared for any contingencies.

Hidden beneath the Dark Dragon Mountain were the Dragon Veins of the Dragonmarsh, the very foundation on which the Dragon Guard Pavilion relied.

The Dragon Vein not only affected the fate of the nation but also was an extremely rare resource.

Being on top of the Dragon Vein, the cultivation speed of the Dragon Guard Pavilion members would be greatly accelerated, equivalent to covering a thousand miles in a single day compared to the outside world.

Furthermore, the spiritual energy emitted by the Dragon Vein had the effect of healing internal injuries and prolonging life.

As long as they absorbed it over a long period, they would live longer and become stronger.

The Elder was the best example.

It was because of the blessing of the Dragon Vein that the Elder became the second strongest in the world.
Lakewood Temple, Gateway.

After driving for two hours, Dustin finally arrived at his destination, Gateway.

Gateway was located in a remote area, with few people venturing there.

Along the way, there were hardly any signs of inhabitants.

There was only one road up the mountain, and it was overgrown with weeds, indicating that it had not been cleared for a long time.

Dustin stood at the foot of the mountain, gazing into the distance. Vaguely, he could see the outline of a temple at the mountaintop.

Dustin took a deep breath and followed the path, step by step, ascending the stairs.

The whole of Gateway was exceptionally quiet, with only occasional gusts of wind and the sounds of insects and birds.

Compared to the bustle of Stonia, this place seemed like a different world.

Chapter 1632: Outsider not allowed

Dustin had a smooth journey all the way to the top of Gateway and finally stopped at the entrance of the temple.

Above the entrance hung a signboard with three large characters: Lakewood Temple.

Lakewood Temple was neither big nor small, quite ordinary in appearance, and seemed to have been around for many years, showing signs of aging in many places.

Who would have thought that the once influential Dragonmarsh Prince would hide in this small temple?

Dustin walked up and lightly knocked on the temple door.

No response.

After a few seconds, he knocked again, this time with more force.

"Coming, coming."

A young novice monk, about seven or eight years old, peeked out of the door and curiously asked, "Visitor, may I help you with something?"

"I got lost in the mountains and happened to see this temple here. I was hoping to get some water to drink. Would that be convenient?" Dustin told a lie.
"Of course, it's convenient. Please come inside," the young novice monk replied.

The young monk didn't doubt Dustin and opened the temple door, inviting him in.

Rarely encountering an outsider, the young novice monk was quite happy and chatted incessantly, asking, "Visitor, where are you from? How did you end up here? There are many jackals, wolves, and leopards in Gateway. You're lucky to have lost your way during the daytime. If it were nighttime, it would be dangerous."

"Visitor, are you hungry? There's some vegetarian food in the kitchen. If you don't mind, you can have some to fill your stomach."

"Oh, by the way, if you don't know the way, I can escort you down the mountain later."

"Thank you very much," Dustin smiled.

This young novice monk was quite interesting.

"Don't mention it," the young novice monk grinned. "Our master has always taught us that as monks, we should be compassionate. If someone encounters trouble and we can help, we should. Saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda, you know."

"May I ask, how many people are there in your Lakewood Temple?" Dustin changed the topic.

"How many people?"

The young novice monk counted on his fingers and said, "In our Lakewood Temple, we have the Abbot, my master, two senior monks, and me. So, if you count, there should be five of us."

"Among you five, is there a master named Robert?" Dustin asked again.

"Robert?" The young novice monk was puzzled. "Visitor, do you know our Abbot?"

"I don't know him personally, but I've heard of him," Dustin replied with a faint smile. "Master Robert has a great reputation, and I've always admired him."

"I didn't expect our Abbot to be so famous. No wonder my master and senior monks hold him in such high regard," the young novice monk said with some surprise.

"Could you please take me to meet Master Robert? I have some questions and would like to seek his guidance," Dustin requested.

"No problem, follow me."

The young novice monk readily agreed and led Dustin straight to the Buddha Hall.

However, just as they approached the entrance of the Buddha Hall, two burly monks appeared out of nowhere, blocking Dustin's way.

Their eyes were filled with vigilance and suspicion.

"Visitor, please stop. The Buddha Hall is a sacred place, and outsiders are not allowed inside!" said the round-faced monk on the left in a low voice.

"I've come to request an audience with Master Robert, and I hope the two of you can accommodate me," Dustin replied calmly.

"The Abbot is in seclusion and does not see outsiders. Visitor, please leave!" the round-faced monk extended his hand, gesturing for Dustin to depart.

Dustin remained unfazed and said calmly, "If Master Robert is in seclusion, then I shall request an audience with the Dragonmarsh Prince – Alfred Saxon!"

Upon hearing this, the two monks immediately changed their expressions.

Chapter 1633: Abbot is aware of your visit

"Who are you? What are you doing here?!"

The two monks immediately changed positions, blocking Dustin's way forward and backward.

Their eyes were fixed on him, extremely vigilant.

They had lived in seclusion for many years, avoiding the outside world, and rarely had contact with outsiders. Now, suddenly, a stranger appeared, specifically naming the prince they were trying to hide, making it clear that the visitor might not be friendly.

"I am surnamed Rhys, named Logan. I have come to pay my respects to the Dragonmarsh Prince, and I hope the two of you can make way," Dustin said calmly.

"Logan Rhys?"

The two monks exchanged glances, even more surprised.

They had never expected that Logan Rhys, who had disappeared ten years ago, would suddenly show up at their doorstep.

"Visitor Logan, this is a temple. There is no Dragonmarsh Prince here. You must have come to the wrong place. Please leave!" the round-faced monk said in a stern voice.

"Two masters, I have come from afar with sincere intentions to meet the Dragonmarsh Prince. Would you please announce my arrival?" Dustin clasped his hands together in a gesture of respect.

"Visitor Logan, please do not insist. Our temple is small and cannot accommodate a person of your stature," the round-faced monk said with a stern tone.

"You, followers of the Buddhist faith, believe in karma. Master Robert planted the seeds of karma ten years ago, and now it is time for him to face the consequences. Escaping from the world and hiding is nothing but self-deception," Dustin declared loudly.

"I don't understand what you're talking about," the round-faced monk said coldly. "Visitor Logan, I'll say it again, our Abbot is in seclusion and does not see outsiders. Please leave!"

"I have spoken kindly, but if you insist on not letting me in, then don't blame me for forcing my way in," Dustin's expression turned cold.

Regardless of the circumstances, he was determined to see Alfred today.

"Visitor Logan! This is a sacred place in the temple. How can you behave so recklessly?" the round-faced monk scolded.

"If you don't leave now, beware that we'll use force to remove you!" the other monk became impatient.

"You can try."

Dustin remained expressionless and disregarded their warnings, heading straight into the Buddha Hall.


The two monks were immediately furious and launched an attack on Dustin, one from the front and one from the back.

Their martial true energy was robust, and their fists were fierce, creating a thunderous sound with each strike.

They were undoubtedly at the level of Grandmasters!


Just as the two sides were about to start a fight, a loud shout suddenly echoed from within the Buddha Hall.

Hearing this, the two monks immediately stopped their attacks and dared not act recklessly.

Following the sound, a monk in a yellow robe emerged from the Buddha Hall.

"You two, no rudeness allowed!" The monk scolded them and then turned to Dustin, clasping his hands together in a gesture of respect. "Greetings, it is an honor for Lakewood Temple to have Visitor Logan Rhys. The Abbot is aware of your visit. Please come inside."
With that, he voluntarily stepped aside.

"Senior Brother!"

The round-faced monk's expression tightened, and he hastily said, "This Visitor's origin is unknown. We must remain cautious."

"This is the Abbot's decision, and there is no room for your questioning. Step back!" the monk in the yellow robe ordered.

"Yes!" The round-faced monk had no choice but to step back.

However, his vigilant gaze remained fixed on Dustin, showing no signs of relaxation.

"Visitor Logan, please."

After nodding slightly, the monk in the yellow robe led Dustin into the Buddha Hall.

Chapter 1634: A curse can't be avoided

The Buddha Hall in Lakewood Temple wasn't particularly large, and it didn't have any extravagant decorations. In the central position, there was only a three to four-meter-tall statue of Gautama Buddha.

Although it seemed somewhat plain, the incense was burning strongly, and the area around the Buddha statue was meticulously clean.

At this moment, a slender middle-aged monk was sitting on a cushion in front of the Buddha statue.

The monk was dressed in a yellow and red, his eyes closed. He held a wooden fish in one hand and had the other hand placed near his lips, silently reciting scriptures.

He appeared deeply devout.

"Abbot, Visitor Rhys has arrived," the monk in the yellow robe approached and whispered.

Upon hearing this, the Abbot, Robert, finally stopped his actions, slowly stood up, and clasped his hands together in front of Dustin. "Greetings, Visitor Rhys, it has been a long time."

"Yes, it's been ten years," Dustin nodded and then asked, "Should I address you as Master Robert or His Highness the Dragonmarsh Prince?"

"I have severed worldly ties and adopted the monastic name Robert. Visitor Rhys, you may call me Robert," Robert replied with a slight bow.

"Very well," Dustin smiled faintly. "Master Robert, I have come today because there are some matters I wish to discuss with you."

"Visitor Logan, are you here to inquire about events from ten years ago?" Robert's mind was as clear as a mirror.

"Yes," Dustin nodded without denying it. "Master Robert, ten years ago, you had not yet become a monk, and you held significant power within the Forbidden City. You should know some insider information. I hope you can be open and tell me the truth."

"Visitor Logan, the past is in the past. Why trouble yourself with what's already gone?" Robert's expression became complex.

"The past may be the past, but it doesn't mean it didn't happen. I just seek the truth. Is there anything wrong with that?" Dustin replied, questioning.

"Some truths are better left unknown. Otherwise, seeking them may bring you great danger," Robert cautioned.

"I am prepared for whatever consequences may come," Dustin's gaze remained firm.

"Logan, when will this cycle of revenge end? The events of ten years ago should be put to rest," Robert sighed softly.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let go of this matter," Dustin shook his head. "And it's not just me; even Master Robert, you, haven't completely let it go. Otherwise, you wouldn't be hiding in this temple, chanting sutras day in and day out."

The once glorious Dragonmarsh Prince had suddenly become a monk. It all boiled down to a sense of guilt.

"Ah..." Robert sighed and his expression turned melancholy. "You're right. I'm to blame for everything. If I hadn't been so timid and cowardly back then, and if I hadn't been entrusted with a responsibility, I wouldn't have ended up like this."

He and Prince Rufus Rhys, were close friends and had fought together on the battlefield, achieving many successes. Their friendship was profound.

When Prince Rufus Rhys was transferred to the border, he had sensed something was amiss and specifically asked Robert to take care of his wife and children.

In the end, the princess was assassinated, and the West Lucozia guards suffered heavy casualties, with even Logan Rhys disappearing without a trace.

As the Dragonmarsh Prince and a member of the royal family, he couldn't offer any help.

All he could do was hide in the shadows and watch helplessly.

This had become a lifelong burden for him, and he had not forgiven himself to this day.

"Enough, it is what it is. Whether it's a blessing or a curse, a curse can't be avoided. As you said, some matters do need closure," Robert took a deep breath, finally making up his mind. "Logan, whatever you want to know, feel free to ask. I will tell you the truth."

Chapter 1635: Dragon Guard Pavilion

"Alright," Dustin didn't beat around the bush and went straight to the point. He asked, "Master Robert, I have only one question. Who was the mastermind behind the plot to ambush us back then?"

"Indeed," Robert nodded, clearly anticipating this question. Instead of answering directly, he asked in return, "Logan, have you ever heard of the Dragon Guard Pavilion?"

"The Dragon Guard Pavilion?" Dustin squinted slightly. "I've heard a few casual remarks from my dad Rufus Rhys, but I don't know much about it."

"Since you're not familiar, let me explain in detail," Robert said solemnly. "The Dragon Guard Pavilion was established at the beginning of our nation's founding. It's a powerful organization that wields authority above the imperial throne. Its members are all top-tier experts. Even a random member could take on an army. Especially the current leader of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, Kylo, his strength is unfathomable. In the entire world, aside from the recluse Old Celestial Master of Dragon and Tiger Mountain who hasn't appeared, no one can compare. Most importantly, the current Emperor was placed on the throne with Kylo's support. In a sense, the Emperor, as the ruler of the nation, is just a puppet under Kylo's control. Imperial power and the throne are manipulated by him. This is Kylo, this is the so-called Dragon Guard Pavilion."
As he spoke, Robert's eyes revealed a hint of resentment, but more than that, there was a sense of helplessness.

As a member of the royal family and the Emperor's younger brother, he understood deeply how terrifying the Dragon Guard Pavilion was.

Not to mention Kylo, even an ordinary member of the Dragon Guard Pavilion had the power to exercise control over the imperial authority.

Unfortunately, they had no room for resistance.

Anyone who voiced dissent would meet a death end. The Dragon Guard Pavilion, ostensibly for protection, had long become an organization that acted with impunity, committing countless atrocities.

However, nobody could or dared to do anything about it.

"Are you saying that the events from back then were related to the Dragon Guard Pavilion?" Dustin quickly grasped the situation.

"That's correct," Robert nodded. "Back then, Kylo had control over imperial authority. He set up an assassination plot with the intention of burying you and your mother outside the Forbidden City. To achieve this, he even mobilized several powerful members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. When I heard about your peril, I wanted to lead troops to support you, but the people from the Dragon Guard Pavilion blocked me right outside my own residence. At that time, I was too weak, too afraid to defy the Dragon Guard Pavilion's orders, so I could only cower within my mansion and watch inactively. Logan, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. If I had summoned the courage to lead troops and support you, your mother might not have died. I have let you down, and I'm a sinner."

As he spoke, Robert's body trembled, tears welled up in his eyes. He had kept these feelings bottled up inside for too long. He thought that by becoming a monk, by repenting and reciting scriptures every year, he could atone for his sins.

In the end, it was nothing but self-deception.

"Master Robert, there's no need for you to blame yourself. Seeking gain and avoiding harm is human nature," Dustin responded. He didn't lay blame on Robert and instead spoke candidly, "Even if you had led troops back then, it wouldn't have made much of a difference. In fact, you might have ended up sacrificing yourself. I would have made the same choice if I were in your position."

Chapter 1636: The Truth of Assassination

He never expected anyone to fight for him. King Alfred chose to remain silent in order to protect himself. There was nothing wrong in itself.

"Your father saved me multiple times and trusted me so much, but I did nothing in return. I feel deeply ashamed," Robert sighed with a sense of sadness.

If Dustin had scolded him or even hit him, he might have felt better. But Dustin's lack of blame made him feel even more guilty.

"Master Robert, I have one more question. We had no grudges or conflicts with the Dragon Guard Pavilion, so why did they try to assassinate us?" Dustin asked again.

"The reason can be summarized in four words: 'threat to their power,'" Robert explained with a sigh. "Ten years ago, your West Lucozia Mansion held immense power, dominating the court and commanding respect throughout the land, overshadowing even the imperial authority. To the Dragon Guard Pavilion, your existence posed a threat to their position, and that was something they couldn't tolerate."

"Just because we posed a slight threat, the Dragon Guard Pavilion decided to exterminate us?" Dustin frowned, a cold glint in his eyes.

"Logan, you underestimate the influence of the West Lucozia Mansion," Robert said with a sigh. "If it had only been your father's power, the Dragon Guard Pavilion might have tolerated it or even attempted to recruit him. But the problem was that your entire family was exceptionally outstanding."

"Your father, Rufus Rhys, was a natural military genius. Since he joined the military, he had never lost a battle. His achievements were unparalleled, and he was bestowed the title of 'King,' commanding a formidable army of 500,000 troops. There was no one who could match his power."

"Your mother, Princess Nora, was a martial arts prodigy, astonishingly powerful. By her thirties, she had become a martial arts grandmaster and ranked fifth on the World-Shaking Ranking. She was renowned as peerless in the world."

"As for you, you're no less exceptional. You were born with a Kirin protecting you and carried an immense aura of destiny. At the young age of fifteen, you broke through to the Grandmaster realm, displaying extraordinary talent that has rarely been seen throughout history."

"Your family members were all extraordinary, each more formidable and exceptional than the other. If you were allowed to continue growing, even the Dragon Guard Pavilion would not have been able to stop your power. In order to protect their status and power, the Dragon Guard Pavilion staged a tragic event, intending to eliminate you and your mother completely to prevent future threats. This is the truth you search," Robert explained.

Upon hearing this, Dustin clenched his fists, his face darkened. He had always believed that his mother's death was related to the imperial authority, but he now realized that there was an even more powerful force behind it. This force had resorted to ruthless killings solely out of fear and the desire to safeguard their positions and authority.

The force behind the scenes had perpetrated a bloodbath that engulfed the entire Dragonmarsh, taking thousands of innocent lives.

"The Dragon Guard Pavilion!" Dustin growled through gritted teeth, his eyes filled with anger and a murderous intent.

An organization like the Dragon Guard Pavilion, which acted without restraint and pursued its own interests, had no right to exist!

"Logan, the Dragon Guard Pavilion is a formidable and influential organization, and Kylo is an almost mythical figure. Many powers throughout the world are under their control. Even if you know the truth now, I urge you not to act recklessly. Otherwise, the tragedies of the past may repeat themselves," Robert warned sternly.

"Thank you for your warning, Master Robert. I know how to handle this," Dustin nodded.

He took a deep breath and quickly suppressed his inner anger. He had endured for ten years; a few more days wouldn't make a difference.

"By the way, Logan, there's one more thing I need to remind you of," Robert said, seemingly remembering something important. "During the attack on your family, there should have been a traitor among you, based on my investigation."

Chapter 1637: Internal Traitor

"Internal traitor?" Dustin furrowed his brows when he heard this term. It sounded familiar, but he hadn't given it much thought before. Now, with the revelation from the former Prince Robert, he had to take it seriously.

"Master Robert, who do you believe the traitor was?" Dustin asked.

"The traitor was none other than the Chief General of the Central Army under your father's command, Marcellus," Robert revealed.

"Uncle Marcellus? How is that possible? Didn't he sacrifice himself?" Dustin looked surprised.

Marcellus was one of his father's most trusted generals, and they had been through thick and thin together for many years, forming a bond like brothers. Ten years ago, Marcellus had protected their family while they journeyed to the capital, and he had valiantly defended against many assassins along the way. When the chaos broke out in the Forbidden City, Marcellus had risked his life to escort Dustin and his mother out of the city, ultimately sacrificing himself.

How could such a heroic figure possibly be a traitor?

"When I first learned of this, I was equally astonished. I conducted thorough investigations, but all the evidence pointed towards Marcellus. I don't know the reasons behind his actions. Perhaps he was threatened or manipulated. However, I can't deny that he was involved in this. As for the sacrifice, it was staged. After the incident, I had someone check, and Marcellus did not die. The body found was that of a decoy," Robert explained solemnly.

"Marcellus? He was the traitor?" Dustin's brows furrowed even deeper, his fists clenched in anger. He could accept being plotted against, but he couldn't bear the thought of being betrayed by someone close to him.

Marcellus had been like a mentor, teaching him martial arts and sharing his military expertise. Dustin couldn't have imagined that such a loyal and brave person would become a traitor.

"Do you know Marcellus's whereabouts now, Master Robert?" Dustin asked.

"I'm not sure," Robert replied. "After that incident, Marcellus mysteriously disappeared. My guess is that he changed his name and appearance, hiding under a new identity."

"I understand. I will keep an eye out for any information about him," Dustin said, his determination to uncover the truth burning stronger than ever.

Dustin's face darkened as he asked, "Master Robert, aside from all this, is there anything else I should know?"

"I've told you everything I know. I just hope that after learning all this, you won't act recklessly. The Dragon Guard Pavilion is too powerful. Even your father couldn't compete with them. It would be wise to let it go," Robert advised earnestly.

The Dragon Guard Pavilion had a century-long history and deeply entrenched power. Not to mention the top-tier experts hidden within, even some of their subsidiary forces wielded immense influence.

"Thank you for your advice, Master Robert. I know what I need to do," Dustin said, bowing slightly. "I apologize for intruding today. I will take my leave now."

"May you go in peace, Logan," Robert replied, returning the gesture.

"Just when I thought I was done..." Dustin muttered to himself as he turned to leave.

However, just as he was about to depart, the round-faced monk who had guided him earlier rushed in with a worried expression.

"What's the matter?" Robert asked calmly.

"Master, a large force has arrived at the foot of the mountain, and they've surrounded Lakewood Temple!" the round-faced monk reported. He looked at Dustin with anger in his eyes and added, "They have a fierce and aggressive aura. I suspect they are all here because of Lord Logan!"

"They arrived rather quickly," Dustin remarked, raising an eyebrow but not appearing too surprised. He had expected something like this when he entered Lakewood Temple. The Dragon Guard Pavilion was an immensely influential organization, and news about his identity would have spread like wildfire.

"Logan, please take care. I will do my best to hold them back," Robert said.

"Master, there are too many of them, and some seem to be formidable experts. We might not be able to hold them off," the round-faced monk said reluctantly. He didn't want to risk his life for a stranger.

"We'll do what we can for now," Robert replied calmly.

"Master..." The round-faced monk looked worried, but he knew he had to obey Robert's orders.

Dustin realized that he had to face the consequences of his actions. He was prepared for this confrontation and had no intention of backing down.

Chapter 1638: A secret passage

The round-faced monk was about to say more but was interrupted by Robert, who raised his hand and said, "No need for further words. Go now."

"Yes," the round-faced monk replied and shot Dustin a resentful look before leaving hastily.

"Melton, take Logan down from the back of the mountain and ensure his safety," Robert instructed.

"Master, what about you?" Melton, the former royal guard who had joined the temple, furrowed his brow. He had served as the personal bodyguard of Prince Alfred before they both decided to become monks. He had never left the temple in all these years and was reluctant to leave the master to escort an outsider.

"With Ethan and Kenzo here, I will not be in danger. You two, leave quickly and do not delay," Robert urged.

"Yes," Melton replied with his hands clasped together in a respectful gesture. He didn't argue further and immediately led Dustin out of the temple.

Before leaving, Dustin glanced back at Robert and saw that the master had resumed his meditation, chanting Buddhist scriptures.

"Lord Logan, this way, please," Melton said.

Melton led Dustin into the temple's backyard and opened a concealed door. They entered a dark passage, barely able to see their surroundings. Melton was familiar with the path and soon found two torches, which he lit. The brilliant light illuminated a narrow underground passage that stretched into the distance.

"Lord Logan, this secret passage leads directly to the foot of the mountain. It's well-hidden, and no one else knows about it. I'll guide you safely out, but please promise not to return here in the future," Melton said.

"Thank you for your assistance, Mr. Melton," Dustin replied calmly. "Today, I came to seek answers to my questions, and I have found them. I will not disturb the peace of the temple again."

With that, they continued through the secret passage, making their way towards the mountain's base.

"So be it," Melton's tone softened.

The two of them continued along the hidden passage, descending deeper underground. After nearly half an hour of walking, they finally reached a stone door.

"Lord Logan, the exit is just beyond this door," Melton said as he pressed a switch.


Accompanied by a deafening rumble, the heavy stone door slowly swung open. Warm sunlight flooded into the cold and dark passage. Dustin, who had spent a long time in the darkness, squinted his eyes as he adjusted to the sudden light.

Once he had become accustomed to it, he walked out of the door.

Outside the door, the area was overgrown with weeds, and there were no visible buildings or clear directions. The only thing Dustin was sure of was that he had reached the mountain's base.

"Hahaha... Logan Rhys, Logan Rhys, you've finally come out. We've been waiting for you!" Laughter suddenly erupted.

Following the laughter, a group of masked assassins emerged from the surrounding bushes and quickly closed in on him. In the blink of an eye, Dustin found himself surrounded.

The speed and coordination of their movements indicated that they had been lying in ambush for some time.

"Hmm?" Dustin furrowed his brow and instinctively looked back at Melton.

Wasn't this place supposed to be a secret? Wasn't it supposed to be unknown to anyone? Why had he fallen into an ambush?

"Lord Logan, I can't let you jeopardize the prince. If you don't die, it will be a big problem for the prince. So, I'm sorry," Melton spoke coldly.
As he spoke, he pressed the switch again.

The massive stone door immediately descended, completely blocking Dustin's retreat.

Chapter 1639: I came prepared


As the stone door fell, Dustin's brows furrowed even deeper. It wasn't out of fear but rather because he was extremely displeased with Melton's actions. Prince Albert had ordered him to safely escort Dustin down the mountain, but instead, this guy had delivered him right into an ambush. This was more infuriating than someone who simply stood by and watched without helping.

"Logan Rhys, there's no need to look any further. In this place, you can call out to the heavens, but they won't answer, and you can call out to the earth, but it won't respond. No one will come to save you. Today is your day to die!" A man wearing a wolf's head mask stepped forward from the group and declared loudly.

"Dominick, are you wearing that mask because you're too ashamed to show your face?" Dustin retorted coldly.

With this remark, the man in the wolf mask, Dominick, paused for a moment, then burst into laughter.

He didn't deny it and simply removed his mask, revealing his true face.

It was indeed Dominick Mursal!

"I didn't expect you to have a keen eye and see through my disguise. Impressive," Dominick said with some surprise.

Although he had concealed his aura and altered his voice, the fact that Dustin had recognized him at a glance was quite remarkable.

"Appearances can be disguised, voices can be altered, but the disgusting smell on you has left an indelible impression on me," Dustin replied calmly.

"Hmph! You dare to play word games at death's door!" Dominick's expression darkened. "Logan Rhys, you are already surrounded by us. You can't escape. Considering our past friendship, I'll give you a chance for a dignified death. It's a small favor."

"Wings are hard to come by?" Dustin glanced around and sneered. "Do you really think you can stop me with this bunch of people?"

Back when he had wreaked havoc at the Blissful Villa, he had shown mercy to Dominick's subordinates out of respect for Prince Mursal. However, now that Dominick had led people to surround and attack him, there was no longer any need to hold back.

"Logan Rhys, I know you're formidable. With my abilities alone, it's difficult to deal with you, so I came prepared." Dominick spoke and then blew a loud whistle from his fingers.

Soon, numerous martial artists rushed in from all directions. They wore various outfits and emitted powerful auras, moving like tigers descending a mountain, exuding an overwhelming pressure.

They were all clearly experts.

"Logan Rhys, let me introduce you," Dominick began. "These people here are all experts from the Shadow Claw Sect. They excel at using hidden weapons and ambush tactics that are difficult to defend against."

"As for these folks, they come from the Four Symbols Sect. Their Four Symbols Divine Fist is renowned, and their attacks are unstoppable."

"And these individuals, they are even more formidable. They are from the Thunderous Sect, masters of formidable techniques that harness the power of the heavens..."

Dominick introduced the reinforcements that had arrived.

His calm demeanor suggested that he was confident Dustin would be overwhelmed.

"Shadow Claw Sect, Four Symbols Sect, Thunderous Sect—these are all famous martial forces in the world. You've gone to great lengths to kill me," Dustin remarked, calmly scanning the assembled martial artists.

Chapter 1640: Four Symbols Sect

"These guys," Dominick continued, "You think it's over just like this? You're too naive. To be honest, we've made extensive preparations. What you see in front of you is just the vanguard. More experts are on their way. Even if you have incredible skills, today is your certain death!"

Most of the people present were innate masters, with a few martial grandmasters hiding among them. Adding Dominick and his elite White Wolf Guards, the ambush was already formidable.

"Dominick, is it possible that your Mursal Palace is also a lackey of the Dragon Guard Pavilion?" Dustin asked.

"It's an honor to work for the Dragon Guard Pavilion. It's your misfortune," Dominick replied nonchalantly. "If you choose to play dead and live as a salted fish, that's fine. But your existence is a threat that must be eliminated as soon as possible because you chose to investigate the truth of what happened back then."

The Dragon Guard Pavilion stood above the imperial power, manipulating even the emperor as a puppet. Naturally, Dominick wanted to gain favor with them. If he performed well and passed the loyalty test, he would have the chance to join the Dragon Guard Pavilion and become a more powerful figure than the West Lucozia King.

"It seems that there's no room for negotiation today," Dustin remarked.

He extended his hand and beckoned. "Come on, whoever's not afraid of death, step forward and let me see what you're made of!"

"Hmph! You're stubborn even on the brink of death!" Dominick raised his hand, about to give the attack order.

However, from the Four Symbols Sect, a burly middle-aged man suddenly spoke up. "Young Master Dominick, why use a sledgehammer to kill a chicken? I alone am enough to deal with this kid. There's no need to gather everyone here."

While the people around him were sufficient to deal with Dustin, Dominick had taken precautions in case of reinforcements. It was better to be safe than sorry.

"Oh?" Dominick raised an eyebrow and turned to the middle-aged man. He asked, "Master Ray, isn't Logan Rhys a renowned figure known as the 'Kirin Child'? Are you confident in dealing with him?"

"What 'Kirin Child'? He's just a kid who's barely out of diapers. I, Master Ray, don't take him seriously!" the middle-aged man responded confidently, his head held high.

"Master Ray, Logan Rhys has already reached the Master level. Are you sure about facing him alone?" Dominick inquired again.

"What's a Master level? Nowadays, everyone's a Master. I've been practicing martial arts for over twenty years, undefeated and unparalleled. Dealing with this kid is a piece of cake!" The middle-aged man dismissed it casually.

"That's right! My master is invincible, and defeating this villain is as easy as turning one's hand!"

"Hmph! How can a kid like him possibly withstand my master's Four Symbols Divine Fist?"

The disciples of the Four Symbols Sect began to boast, showing no respect for Logan Rhys.

"Very well! Since Master Ray is so confident, then go ahead and give it a try. I wish you a resounding victory!" Dominick didn't try to dissuade him further and agreed directly.

He mainly wanted to use the leader of the Four Symbols Sect to test the depth of Dustin's abilities. If the leader could win, that would be great. He could then take advantage of the situation. If he couldn't win, it wouldn't be a big deal, but at least it might force Dustin to reveal some of his hidden skills, preventing him from escaping recklessly.

"Thank you for your generosity, Mr. Dominick!" The middle-aged man clasped his hands in gratitude. Then, he took a few steps forward, locked his gaze on Dustin, and declared loudly, "Kid! I am the leader of the Four Symbols Sect, renowned for my fist techniques. With twenty years of experience, can you withstand my punch?!"
Tqvm Sir... I really appreciate your effort. May god bless you
Out of curiosity, did anyone think of the possibility that Rufus' appearance was actually Abigail's assistant in disguise? 👀
Dustin has the ability of discerning so he would have noticed it... With that I don't think so
Chapter 1871: Backup plan

"Lord Blaze, spies are just spies. I truly had no knowledge of this matter," General Antonio swore solemnly. "I've told you everything that happened these past few days in full detail. I swear, if I've concealed even the slightest bit, let the heavens strike me down!"

"Hahaha... General Antonio, there's no need to be nervous. I was merely teasing you," Blaze patted Antonio's shoulder and laughed. "I naturally trust you completely. These two spies are probably a backup plan of King Rufus's, afraid that you might flee during battle, so they were secretly monitoring you."

"King Rufus Rhys is cunning and treacherous; there's nothing he wouldn't do. Having a backup plan is normal. Fortunately, Lord Blaze, your arrangements were meticulous, and the spies were discovered in time, preventing the exposure of the base," Antonio said, sounding somewhat relieved.

"How much information did the spies gather? We don't know yet. But it's highly probable that the location of our base has been discovered by the West Lucozia Mansion," Blaze said indifferently.

"They know? What should we do? Should we retreat immediately?" Antonio raised an eyebrow.

"Retreat?" Blaze smiled and said, "No need to panic. Although the West Lucozia Mansion knows the location of our base, they don't know how many troops we have inside, or the extent of our firepower. General Antonio, I won't hide the truth from you. With the defensive capabilities of our base, even the strongest Black Dragon Army of West Lucozia would need over a hundred thousand troops for a chance to breach it. The problem is, to mobilize such a large force, they can't keep it a secret from my surveillance. The current situation is actually a dilemma for King Rufus Rhys. He doesn't know the situation inside our base, so he doesn't dare to send his troops easily. If he sends too few troops, attacking my base would be walking into a trap and a waste of manpower. If he mobilizes a large force, I can quickly find out and retreat in time. In other words, King Rufus Rhys can't really do anything to me. Whether to fight or retreat, it all depends on my decision. If I can win, I'll fight; if I can't, I'll escape. It's just a base; I can rebuild it quickly with a bit of time.

"General Antonio, what do you think Rufus Rhys will choose?" Blaze tossed the question to Antonio in the end.

"Well..." Antonio shook his head helplessly. "Lord Blaze, this place is strategically advantageous, with natural defenses and flexible options for both offense and defense. If I were Rufus Rhys, I'd probably have a major headache."

"That's why you don't need to worry at all. Rest assured here. After we've dealt with the poison, we can secretly recruit soldiers and horses. With your influence in West Lucozia, I believe many people will support us," Blaze said with a smile.

"That sounds good, but as long as Rufus Rhys is alive, I can't emerge from the shadows," Antonio sighed lightly.

"General Antonio, rest assured, Rufus Rhys won't last much longer," Blaze said confidently. "Although he escaped this time by faking his death, his physical functions have already been depleted. To put it simply, his life force is waning. Over the years, he relied on potent elixirs to sustain his life, but those elixirs have lost their effectiveness. Rufus Rhys's body is growing weaker day by day. If he's lucky, he might last another half a year. If not, probably just ten days to a fortnight. So, we won't have to wait much longer before we can rise again. By then, General Antonio, you will still be the influential king of West Lucozia. The whole world will be under our control!"

Hearing this, Antonio couldn't help but show a delighted expression. "That's great! As long as Rufus Rhys dies, I'll have the opportunity to rise again and reclaim everything I've lost!"

"Exactly. Here's to our successful partnership," Blaze extended his hand willingly.

"Cheers! Tonight, Blaze and I won't return until we're drunk!" Antonio felt invigorated.

"Bring the wine! Tonight, Antonio brother won't leave sober!"

Chapter 1872: A sealed letter

Blaze shouted, and soon his subordinates brought food and drinks.

The two of them happily started eating and drinking.

At this moment, outside the mountains.

In an ordinary farmer's residence.

Dustin and Thorian sat on the kang, sipping tea, waiting for news.

Since Antonio was taken away, they had been secretly tracking and had arrived in a place called the Black Gorge Mountains.

The Black Gorge Mountains were vast and immense, situated in a border area. Half of its area was within the territory of West Lucozia, and the other half belonged to an enemy nation.

In recent years, the two countries had been relatively peaceful, with only occasional friction between scouts and no significant conflicts.

Due to the unique geographical location of the Black Gorge Mountains, aside from a few mountain-dwelling farmers and hunters, there were hardly any outsiders who came here.

"Brother, it's already well into the night, and Antonio's signal has disappeared. Our scouts haven't reported anything back. Could something have gone wrong?" Thorian's expression was serious.

"Just wait a bit longer."

Dustin remained calm and said, "Thorian shouldn't dare to betray me after being affected by my poison. The reason for the lost signal might be due to the Dragon Guard Pavilion installing many signal jammers in the Black Gorge Mountains."

"Knock, knock, knock..."

At that moment, there was a sudden knocking at the door.

Thorian quickly ran down to the door, opened it gently, and outside stood a top-level scout from the royal mansion.

"How did it go? Did you find anything in your investigation?" Thorian asked quickly.

"I just visited the hiding places of Number Three and Number Four, and I found signs of a struggle at the scene. Most likely, Number Three and Number Four have already been captured," the top-level scout replied.

"Captured? How could this happen? Did Antonio betray us?" Thorian furrowed his brow.

"Antonio doesn't know about our scouts, and even if he could guess, he wouldn't know their exact locations. The reason they were discovered is probably due to the Dragon Guard Pavilion's scouts, who are more skilled than our people," Dustin mused.

"Our scouts are captured, Antonio is missing, brother, what do we do now?" Thorian frowned.

At this point, they were like headless flies, completely without any leads, and inexplicably ambushed by the Dragon Guard Pavilion.

"Increase the manpower, continue searching in the direction where the scouts disappeared. Remember, be extra cautious," Dustin ordered.


The top-level scout acknowledged and left quickly.

"Thorian, this ambush operation might not go smoothly. I have a letter here. Find a trustworthy person and deliver it for me immediately, without any mistakes!"

Dustin took out a sealed letter from his pocket and handed it to Thorian.

"No problem, I'll take care of it right away!"

Thorian didn't hesitate and left immediately.

"The time is running out. I hope it's not too late," Dustin squinted his eyes, his expression serious, lost in thought.

Chapter 1873: Things not going very smoothly

Late at night, in the palace of the West Lucozia King.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Rufus Rhys sat on the edge of his bed, coughing violently, his body trembling.

With each cough, small drops of blood splattered on the ground.

"My Lord! The medicine is here, the medicine is here!"

Upon hearing Rufus Rhys's coughing, Elara, holding a bowl of medicine, hurriedly quickened her pace and entered the room.

Elara set down the pill and gently patted Rufus Rhys's back, her eyes full of worry and affection.

After a while, Rufus Rhys's coughing finally subsided, leaving a pool of blood on the floor. His entire face was as pale as paper, and his forehead was covered in cold sweat.

"My Lord, please drink the medicine."

Elara quickly picked up the medicine bowl and handed it to him.

"It's too bitter. Just the smell of it makes me nauseous."

Rufus Rhys frowned, looking very reluctant.

"My Lord, bitter medicine is good for your illness. Please, drink it," Elara softly urged.

"We're all dying anyway. Whether I drink it or not won't make much difference."

Rufus Rhys shook his head.

"Don't talk like that! You can live a long life, I'm sure of it!"

Elara spoke with a serious expression.

"Yes, yes, a long life."

Rufus Rhys let out a resigned smile, then looked at the medicinal soup in the bowl. He furrowed his brow, and after a moment's hesitation, he gritted his teeth, picked up the bowl, and gulped down the bitter liquid.

Even Rufus Rhys, who had faced thousands of soldiers without changing his expression, had his face contorted by the bitterness of the medicine as he drank it.

It wasn't until he had a piece of red sugar that he finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

"My Lord, are you feeling better now?"

Elara picked up a white towel and carefully wiped the sweat from Rufus Rhys.

"Much better."

Rufus Rhys smiled reassuringly.

Although they used precious medicinal herbs, with the passage of time, the effectiveness of the medicine had been diminishing. How much longer could his frail body hold on?

"My Lord, you were injured earlier and haven't fully recovered. It's better to get some rest," Elara advised.

"I can't sleep."

Rufus Rhys shook his head. "Oh, by the way, how are things with Logan and Thorian?"

"Not going very smoothly," Elara sighed lightly. "Blaze is very cunning and has not shown himself. He has even moved the meeting location to the Dragon Guard Pavilion's secret base. Especially after Antonio entered the Black Gorge Mountains, he disappeared completely and there's been no word since."

"The Black Gorge Mountains?"

Rufus Rhys squinted his eyes. "That place is right on the border. It seems the Dragon Guard Pavilion is well-hidden."

"My Lord, I suspect that Antonio might betray again."

Elara expressed her concern. "If he chooses to cooperate with Blaze and set up an ambush for Logan and Thorian, they might be in danger."

"No need to worry too much."

Chapter 1874: Black Gorge Mountain

Rufus Rhys smiled faintly, "Antonio is poisoned. To stay alive, he must obey orders."

"What if he finds a way to cure the poison?" Elara cautiously asked.

"Even if he cures the poison, it won't make much difference," Rufus Rhys shook his head, "Antonio is a clever man. He knows that cooperating with Blaze is like making a deal with a tiger. He had some assets before and could afford to be bold. But now, he has nothing, and he's not in a position to sit on equal footing with Blaze. Once he loses his value, he's left with no way out.

However, we are different. We're both from the Rhys family, blood relatives. Even if we openly rebel, we can still give him a way out. If he does well this time, redeems himself, and shows good behavior, we can provide him with a life of wealth and prosperity. In this situation, how do you think Antonio will choose?"

"My Lord, that's the logic of it, but people's hearts are unpredictable. What if Antonio doesn't appreciate the opportunity and insists on going down the wrong path?" Elara asked.

"If that's the case, then Antonio will simply be seeking his own death," Rufus Rhys said casually.

"I don't care whether Antonio lives or dies, but what about Thorian and the others..." Elara hesitated.

"Don't overthink it. They're not children anymore; they've had the ability to stand on their own for a long time. This mission to eliminate the Dragon Guard Pavilion is a test for them. If they can complete it successfully, I'll feel more confident handing over West Lucozia to them," Rufus Rhys smiled.

His two sons were not ordinary individuals. Despite their youth, their abilities were beyond his during his prime. With a bit of refinement, they were sure to become great leaders.

"Don't wear such a worried expression. I've already sent Albert to them. If anything unexpected happens, Albert will ensure their safety," Rufus Rhys reassured.
"So, My Lord, you were prepared in advance," Elara sighed in relief.

"They're my sons; how could I not care? I just hope they can take on the responsibility sooner. Until they face life and death themselves, Albert won't intervene. Their success or failure depends entirely on them," Rufus Rhys said.

"My Lord, you are the mastermind; I was just being overly cautious," Elara nodded.

Whether they could eradicate the Dragon Guard Pavilion didn't matter to her; she only cared about her son's safety, and nothing more.
In a farmer's residence within the Black Gorge Mountains.

Dustin sat cross-legged, eyes closed, quietly waiting for the investigation results.

After an indeterminate amount of time, the door suddenly opened.

Thorian and the top-level scout, looking dusty and tired, walked in.

"Brother, we have news!"

As soon as Thorian entered, he sat on the kang and pulled out a map, meticulously studying it. "Our scouts conducted a thorough search in this area, and they finally found something unusual in a remote location - right here."

Thorian pointed to the center of the map and continued, "This is a massive valley with an entrance at the front, within our West Lucozia territory, and an exit at the rear, on the border of the enemy nation. This valley spans both countries.

However, this is not the most important part. What our scouts found at the entrance of the valley was a tall, thick city wall. On top of the wall, they've set up various defensive measures, and judging from the scale, it's at least a fortress-level defense.

If our guess is correct, this is likely the secret base of the Dragon Guard Pavilion.

However, due to the numerous spies of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, our scouts didn't dare to approach too closely. They reported the location as soon as they confirmed it."

After listening, Dustin nodded, "Well done. At least we've found their base."

"Brother, we've located the base, but the position is easily defensible and difficult to attack. Eradicating the Dragon Guard Pavilion completely from there is going to be extremely challenging."

Thorian looked serious, "The most crucial part is that we're uncertain about what's behind that city wall or how many troops the Dragon Guard Pavilion has. If we launch a reckless attack, we might suffer heavy losses."

Chapter 1875: Eliminate the leaders

"Thorian, it seems like you've learned quite a bit in the military over the years," Dustin chuckled, "You're right; we can't recklessly attack. We need to gather information first. The Dragon Guard Pavilion has numerous experts, and our palace spies can no longer infiltrate deep into their base. So, I've decided to go in person."

"Brother, isn't that too risky?" Thorian expressed his concerns, "You are the future king of West Lucozia, and you need to prioritize the bigger picture. Going in alone is too dangerous. Let me go; I'm at least a martial arts master. If things get dicey, I can make a quick escape."

"No, you can't," Dustin firmly rejected, "Your strength is decent, but you're still not prepared to face the top experts from the Dragon Guard Pavilion. If Blaze discovers you, you won't even have a chance to escape."

"But..." Thorian wanted to continue, but Dustin interrupted him with a raised hand, "No 'buts.' For this operation, I'm in charge, and I order you to stay here and wait for my message."

Thorian was worried, but he knew there was no other option. He could see that his older brother was the only one who could successfully infiltrate the Dragon Guard Pavilion's base.

Now he could only hope that everything would go smoothly for his brother.

Guided by the spy, Dustin swiftly approached the Dragon Guard Pavilion's base. Just as Thorian had mentioned, there was a tall wall standing at the entrance of the base, creating an insurmountable barrier across the valley.

Dustin carefully inspected the surroundings and discovered numerous Dragon Guard Pavilion scouts in the vicinity. Had it been an ordinary expert, they'd likely have been detected even before reaching the city wall.

"Hide yourself, don't alert them. I'll proceed alone," Dustin whispered to the spy and, with a single leap, became an almost invisible shadow, jumping from tree to tree.

The lush trees and thick grass in the area provided excellent cover. Even in the dark of night, his progress was almost undetectable. Moreover, his speed was astonishing, and he passed through the area in the blink of an eye.

Less than 200 meters from the city wall, a Dragon Guard Pavilion scout dressed in night attire lay low on a rock, silently observing the surroundings. He had seamlessly blended into the environment, making it difficult to distinguish him from the terrain. Only a slight movement would reveal his presence.

"Swoosh!" Suddenly, the Dragon Guard Pavilion scout felt a cold wind pass overhead. He instinctively raised his head but saw nothing. The night sky remained eerily silent, without a bird in sight.

"Number Three, did you notice anything unusual?" The Dragon Guard Pavilion scout placed his finger at the earpiece, whispering his inquiry.

He had another comrade, Number Three, positioned about a hundred meters to his side. The two of them were in a pincer formation, mutually watching over one another. Their surveillance ensured almost no blind spots.

"The situation is calm. Nothing unusual," came the reply from the earpiece.

"Must be my imagination. Stay on guard," the Dragon Guard Pavilion scout did not say much and began scanning the area, being vigilant for any sign of movement.
Little did he know that Dustin had already passed overhead, avoiding detection from all the surveillance.

As Dustin observed the base, he couldn't help but be surprised by its scale. He hadn't expected to find such a massive military base in this desolate area. The base was fully equipped with various military hardware, including tanks, aircraft, heavy artillery, and plenty of elite soldiers. The setup was impenetrable and heavily fortified, with an arsenal of weapons to match.

If an attack were launched rashly, the West Lucozia Palace would suffer significant losses.

"Good thing I decided to check things out personally; otherwise, we'd be in trouble," Dustin thought to himself.

Who would have thought that hidden in this desolate wilderness was such a formidable force?

The key advantage of this base was its defensive capabilities. It was difficult to attack, and it could provide an easy escape route if needed. Should any emergencies arise, Blaze could simply retreat to a foreign country to evade trouble.

"Considering the base's defenses, it would be impossible to conquer without an army of over a hundred thousand Black Dragon soldiers. However, revealing such an army would undoubtedly alert the Dragon Guard Pavilion. So, how should I proceed?" Dustin furrowed his brow, deep in thought.

Launching a direct assault would be too risky and costly. To minimize the cost and speed up the defeat of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, the best way was a targeted assassination. First, eliminate the leaders, including Blaze, to create chaos within the Pavilion. Then, move in to eliminate the rest.

But an assassination mission required a strong and skilled team. Everyone on the team had to be martial arts masters to succeed, and the main target was Blaze. As the fifth-ranked expert on the World-Shaking List, his power was beyond question. Without dealing with him first, failure was almost guaranteed.

So, Dustin was left waiting for Antonio to complete his mission. It all came down to whether Antonio could successfully poison Blaze.

"I just realized, where's Antonio?"

Dustin's eyes lit up as he began searching the base. Antonio's signal had disappeared, so he should be hidden somewhere within the base. Dustin needed to figure out if Antonio would follow the plan or potentially betray the West Lucozia Palace.

Under the cover of darkness, Dustin0 bmoved like a ghost through the base. As he passed through, he left no trace and was able to evade the patrols and all the prying eyes around him.

"Who's there?!" However, just as he was passing a weapons depot, a soldier seemed to sense something was amiss and suddenly became alert, unsheathing his knife.

Chapter 1876: Some noise

"What's going on? Are you freaking out?" asked the soldier's companion, looking completely bewildered.

"I just heard some noise a moment ago. Maybe someone sneaked in!"

The soldier scanned the area vigilantly, searching for any signs of intrusion in the darkness.

"Are you hearing things, buddy? Our base is heavily guarded, with multiple checkpoints and countless lookouts. Who could possibly infiltrate here? Don't joke around."

Inside the city walls, security was tight, with round-the-clock patrols. Not even a fly could enter. Moreover, this remote wilderness was a place where no one could find except for Dragon Guard Pavilion personnel.

"Better safe than sorry. I'll check the surroundings, and you stay alert."

The soldier didn't relax and began inspecting the armory carefully.

Despite searching inside and out, he couldn't find any trace of intrusion.

"Weird. Did I really hear wrong?" the soldier muttered.

After another fruitless search, he returned to his post.

All his actions were keenly observed by Dustin, who was standing on the rooftop.

"The Dragon Guard Pavilion is truly full of skilled individuals. Even a mere soldier has such acute perception. I need to be more careful."

Dustin's figure flickered, disappearing from the rooftop.

He transformed into a gentle breeze, drifting around.


As he approached a certain location, the insect queen he carried on his body suddenly twitched, as if it had sensed something.

Previously, Dustin had added some ingredients to the Ten Complete Revitalizing Pills, and these ingredients were the insect queen's eggs.

Once the insect eggs entered the body, they would quickly hatch, nest in imperceptible places, and eventually establish a connection with the insect queen. In simple terms, it was a mother-child nested curse.

If Dustin had malicious intentions, all he needed to do was crush the insect queen, causing the thousands of insects in Antonio's body to go berserk and consume his organs.

Besides that, there was a unique connection between the insect queen and the insects. When they came within a range of 500 meters, they would sense each other.

Just now, the movement of the insect queen on Dustin's body was due to its detection of the presence of the insects.

"So, it's here..."

Guided by the insect queen's perception, Dustin quickly determined the direction and arrived at a luxurious residence.

Although it was a military base, it had corresponding living areas and entertainment facilities. Antonio's place could be considered a standalone villa, complete with a garden. Typically, only high-ranking members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion had this privilege.

In the villa's living room:

Antonio reclined on the sofa, enjoying a foot massage from a beautiful maid, his expression utterly content. There was a neatly cut fruit platter and exquisite pastries on the table beside him.

"General Antonio, how's the pressure?" the attractive maid asked, displaying deep implications.

"Mmm, it's excellent." Antonio smiled with satisfaction.

"Well, you know, I'm not only skilled in foot massages; I'm also proficient in other services," the beautiful maid hinted, winking with a flirtatious gaze.

"Oh? Is that so?" Antonio raised an eyebrow.

Chapter 1877: Playing with act

Antonio slowly opened his eyes and was about to say something when he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. He turned his gaze towards the window, and there stood a figure – none other than Logan Rhys.

"Oh, my God!" Antonio was startled, and his whole body tensed. He couldn't believe that he was in the secret base of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, and yet Logan Rhys had somehow found him.

"General Antonio, what's wrong? Did I apply too much pressure?" The beautiful attendant appeared concerned.

"It's nothing. I'm just a bit tired and want to rest. You can leave for now," Antonio quickly composed himself and gestured for the attendant to depart.


The attendant didn't dare refuse and promptly left the room. Once she was gone, Dustin moved inside and took a seat across from Antonio.

"Logan, how did you find your way here?" Antonio asked in surprise.

"Uncle Antonio, you've been missing for some time, and I was naturally very concerned. I searched all over, and eventually, I found this place."

Dustin smiled faintly. "However, seeing you here in such good shape and being pampered, it seems you're doing quite well. You even have someone attending to you."

"All this is arranged by Blaze. He probably intends to keep me here using these pleasures," Antonio replied calmly. "But I've been through countless battles, and I've seen these kinds of tactics before. I'm not taking them seriously. I'm just playing along with their little act."

"Is that so?" Dustin's expression was somewhat meaningful. "It appears that you've already met Blaze. So, how is the progress with the poisoning?"

"Logan, I've indeed administered the poison, but I can't just throw my life away, can I? Look at the defenses of this base and all the experts lurking around it. Even if I were to somehow successfully assassinate Blaze, the outcome would still be a one-way ticket to death."

Antonio looked somewhat helpless. "The base's defenses, coupled with the many skilled guards patrolling nearby, make it nearly impossible to penetrate."

Dustin nodded in understanding. "I understand your concerns. An assassination attempt here would indeed be too dangerous. But rest assured, we have other plans. We're exploring all possibilities, and with time, we'll find a way to deal with Blaze and the Dragon Guard Pavilion."

"Logan, you have to be careful too. If they find out you're here, it won't end well. They have powerful defenses and a lot of expert guards. They aren't easy to deal with," Antonio warned.

"Don't worry, Uncle Antonio. I'm well-prepared, and I won't take any unnecessary risks," Dustin assured him. "We'll continue our efforts to handle the situation, and I'll come back to see you when it's safe."

Antonio felt a sense of relief. He was glad to see his nephew taking the situation seriously and keeping himself safe.

"Uncle Antonio, do you have any other plans?" Dustin cautiously inquired.

The points made by Antonio did hold some truth. Given the formidable defenses of the base, breaking in was indeed extremely dangerous.

"No specific plans, but we do have an excellent opportunity tomorrow," Antonio replied, speaking in a hushed tone. "I've learned that Blaze will be leaving the base tomorrow to visit the royal city, and he's taking me with him. When that happens, I'll inform you in advance, and you can set up an ambush on the way, catching him off guard."

"That does sound like an opportunity," Dustin thoughtfully nodded.

"In case something goes wrong, please bring enough people tomorrow. We can't afford to let Blaze escape," Antonio emphasized.

"I will personally arrange for that. However, the success ultimately depends on you, Uncle Antonio," Dustin declared. "Blaze is extremely powerful, and if he decides to escape, I doubt anyone can stop him. But if he's affected by the Poison of Annihilation, that's another story."

"Rest assured, once you're all set up, I will seize the opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to Blaze," Antonio vowed solemnly.

"Alright! I will be waiting for your good news tomorrow. The fate of dealing with the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion depends on this mission!" Dustin declared with seriousness.

"For your safety, please leave now. This place is filled with danger, and I won't be able to save you if you're discovered," Antonio advised.

"Don't worry. Once the task is complete, I'll send you a Tenfold Revival Pill," Dustin said, flashing a somewhat ominous smile. His last sentence carried a hint of warning.

He wasn't completely trusting of Antonio, and having the Poison of Annihilation as leverage would ensure that even if Antonio had treacherous intentions, he'd meet a grim end.

Chapter 1878: Someone is approaching

After a conversation between Dustin and ANtonio, Dustin immediately left the secret base of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. This place was indeed not safe for prolonged stays, and he had ventured there only to confirm the information.

Fortunately, he entered quietly and departed without alerting anyone.

However, not long after Dustin's departure, Antonio picked up the phone on the table and dialed the command center's number.

Five minutes later, Blaze entered the villa with a few of his bodyguards.

"General Antonio, I heard you have something urgent to discuss with me?" Blaze began the conversation.

"Lord Blaze, while you were at the base, there was an infiltrator from the West Lucozia Royal Palace," Antonio got straight to the point.

"Oh? Is that so?" Blaze was a bit surprised, looking around before asking, "General Antonio, are you certain?"

"Absolutely. He was just standing in front of me," Antonio said seriously.

"Who is this person, and what was his purpose in contacting you?" Blaze inquired.

"This person is none other than the heir to the West L Royal Palace, Logan Rhys," Antonio revealed candidly. "He infiltrated the base to persuade me to cooperate with him against you."

"Logan Rhys?" Blaze nodded. "If it's him, it's no wonder our people didn't detect his presence; it's quite normal."

"Lord Blaze, he doesn't yet know that I've joined the Dragon Guard Pavilion, so he suggested a plan to me," Antonio continued. "I lied to him, saying that you were going to leave the base tomorrow and head to the West Lucozia Royal City. He believed it and even proposed collaborating with me to ambush you halfway."

"I seem to have become a thorn in the side of the West Lucozia Royal Palace. They're eager to eliminate me," Blaze chuckled.

"Lord Blaze, let's seize this opportunity to turn the tables on them. We can eliminate Logan Rhys once and for all," Lu Zhiyuan said with a sinister grin. "Our ten-thousand-strong army is on the verge of collapse, and I won't live much longer. If we kill Logan Rhys, the future of the West Lucozia Royal Palace will be bleak, making it much easier for us to gain control."

"That makes sense!" Blaze nodded. "Logan Rhys is exceptionally talented, and his potential poses a significant threat. If we can eliminate him, it's like cutting down a big problem."

"Lord Blaze, this time I have thought it through," Antonio said with a smirk. "Logan Rhys is unaware that I've already joined the Dragon Guard Pavilion. We can take advantage of this situation and eliminate him, crippling the West Lucozia Royal Palace. When it happens, we can easily take control of West Lucozia."

"General Antonio, well done. You've earned great merit this time," Blaze commended him. "I must confess, I had doubts about you earlier, but you showed your loyalty to me today. That's why I've decided to officially appoint you as an elder of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. From now on, you'll enjoy the highest-level privileges in the Pavilion."

"Thank you, Lord Blaze!" Antonio's face lit up with joy.

"Elder Antonio, tomorrow's operation is under your full command. You can deploy any personnel around me as you see fit. I have only one order: do whatever it takes to kill Logan Rhys!" Blaze's eyes flashed with determination.

"Lord Blaze, rest assured, I guarantee the mission's success!" Antonio vowed.

"Good! Tomorrow, I will ensure the end of Logan Rhys!" Blaze laughed heartily.

Previously, while in Stonia, Blaze had already set in motion his pawn, Lorenzo, to prepare to assassinate Logan TRhys. He didn't expect Logan Rhys to be saved and reappear. But this time, there was no way he would let him escape again.

The next morning, on the edge of the Black Gorge Mountains, in a scarcely traveled mountain path, Dustin and Thorian, accompanied by a group of experts, lay in ambush among piles of rocks on either side of the narrow mountain path.

This place was a perfect spot for an ambush, with narrow terrain between the two mountain peaks, while the rocky terrain on the sides offered excellent cover.

"Brother, is Antonio's information reliable? Will Blaze really use this path?" Thorian looked left and right, with some doubts.

This mountain path was overgrown with weeds and clearly saw little foot traffic.

"Antonio has been affected by my Gu Poison. If he values his life, he won't betray us. Otherwise, he'll die before us," Dustin said.

"I can't help but feel that this person is not very reliable," Thorian still expressed some skepticism.

"Don't worry. I've already placed numerous scouts in the vicinity. If there's any movement, we'll be alerted immediately," Dustin reassured.

"That's good," Thorian nodded.

"By the way, how's the task I assigned you coming along?" Dustin suddenly asked.

"The message has been sent, and the people you want are on their way," Thorian replied.

"This is our backup plan. If we succeed in the ambush today, we can seize the opportunity to annihilate the Dragon Guard Pavilion," Dustin narrowed his eyes.

"Damn! After all this time, we can finally clear our names!" Thorian licked his lips, a fierce glint in his eyes.

The Dragon Guard Pavilion had become a thorn in the side and a recurring source of trouble for the West Lucozia Royal Palace. Regardless of the events like the Ten Years Change in the Forbidden City or the recent assassination of their father, the Dragon Guard Pavilion had been orchestrating everything from the shadows.
Now they had an opportunity to eliminate the Dragon Guard Pavilion, and Dustin's blood was beginning to boil.

This time, in order to ambush Blaze, almost all the experts from the palace had been deployed, including a select group of elite soldiers from the Black Dragon Army. Once Blaze was trapped, he wouldn't be able to escape, regardless of his abilities.

"Your Highness, our scouts just sent a message that someone is approaching from the east, three kilometers away!" A guard ran up to Dustin and whispered the news.

"Notify everyone to stay on high alert, don't make a move that might alert them," Dustin whispered back.

"Yes!" The guard acknowledged and immediately relayed the message to the ambush teams.

After about an incense stick's worth of time, a group of men and horses finally appeared on the mountain path ahead. It was indeed members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion.

Chapter 1879: Illusion Formation

"The target is in sight, prepare to act!"

As they spotted the members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, Thorian immediately became fully alert, and his hand slowly drew his sword.

"Don't be hasty; wait a bit longer until they are within the encirclement," Dustin advised, extending his hand and patting Thorian's shoulder gently.

About a hundred meters ahead, Dustin had set up two formations. As soon as the members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion entered this area, they would be trapped.

The first was an Illusion Formation, with the largest range, covering an area of several kilometers around, creating an illusion that made people lose their direction, dizzy, and disoriented.

The second was the Offense-Defense Formation, which had two modes, one for offense and the other for defense. It was versatile and could be used for both purposes. Dustin activated the offensive mode and stationed eight martial artists to control the formation. This formation created endless illusions of the eight martial artists, attacking anyone who entered, and unless they found the location of the formation's eyes, they would be trapped and attacked indefinitely.

In addition to these two formations, Dustin had hidden numerous bombs in the vicinity. Even if the Dragon Guard Pavilion's members managed to break through the formations, they would face a bombardment of explosives.

With these preparations in place, before they even launched an attack, the Dragon Guard Pavilion's members would likely suffer heavy casualties.
"They've entered the encirclement; immediately activate the formations!"

As the right moment approached, Dustin gave the command.

"Activate the formations!"

Thorian shouted, and the elite soldiers from the palace immediately began their actions.

When the Illusion Formation was activated, a dense white mist quickly rose from the ground, covering an area of several hundred meters in a matter of seconds and continuing to expand.

"What's going on? Why did the fog suddenly appear?" someone among the Dragon Guard Pavilion members exclaimed.

"In a forest like this, isn't it normal for morning mist to appear? Don't make a big fuss about it."

"No, something's not right! This fog is unusual. Everyone be on guard!"

As they witnessed the white mist materialize seemingly out of nowhere, the members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion quickly became alert, drawing their weapons, scanning their surroundings, and guarding against potential ambushes.

However, after standing still for a while, there was no movement around them. Instead, the white fog continued to increase in density.

"Do any of you feel dizzy and weak in the limbs?" a man in gray suddenly asked.

"I do too. My body feels really off," another man in black replied.

"No more talking, this fog is toxic. Quickly, let's get out of here!"

The leader, an elderly man in red, shouted and immediately led the group in a retreat. Although they were unsure of what was happening, it was evident that this white fog was no ordinary miasma but was artificially created.

The members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion fled rapidly, trying to exit the area. However, they had not yet left the fog's range after burning an incense stick's worth of time. Instead, the fog seemed to be thickening. The physical exertion intensified as they inhaled more of the fog, making their limbs feel even more weak.

After attempting to leave the fog's area again, the results were the same.

"What's going on? We've been running for so long; why haven't we left the fog's range?"

"Look around this place. Do you find it familiar?"

"More than familiar? We've been running in circles!"

Finally, they realized that they were running in circles. No matter how they tried to escape, the thick fog surrounded them, obscuring their vision and making it impossible to distinguish directions.

One of them had even marked special symbols on the large trees along their path. However, as they continued running, they returned to the same spot with the markings.

Chapter 1880: Eight Trigrams Formation

The problem was, they had been moving forward without turning or retreating. This situation could only mean one thing: they were trapped, moving in a circle, and unable to escape.

"I know what's happening! This is a Illusion Formation!" The man in gray seemed to realize something and said, "It is rumored that people who enter this array will experience dizziness and confusion at first, making it impossible to distinguish directions. As time passes, their strength will significantly decrease. If they continue to stay here, it can be extremely fatal."

"A Illusion Formation? I didn't expect that such a mysterious formation, which has been lost for many years, still exists. The person who set up this formation must be extraordinary," the red-clothed leader said with a serious expression.

"Elder, what should we do now?" The man in black asked.

"Of course, we need to find an opportunity to break the formation; otherwise, we'll be trapped here and likely die," the red-clothed leader said.

Squinting his eyes, he looked around, and a faint white light flashed in his eyes. As one of the elders of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, not only was he a Martial Grandmaster, but he also possessed a unique ability, his Eye Technique.

His Eye Technique was mainly used for controlling people, effectively an enhanced form of hypnosis. Its secondary function was to have exceptional vision, capable of noticing even the tiniest details or anomalies around him.

"Found it!" After carefully observing for a while, the white light in the eyes of the red-clothed leader intensified, and he pointed to a particular location, shouting, "The exit is right there! Follow me!"

With that, the red-clothed leader yelled and led the way toward the east. As they ran, the white light in his eyes shone brightly, as if the dense white mist had lost its confusing effects in his gaze.

At this moment, outside the formation:

In his hand, Dustin held a compass. In the center of the compass, a yellow light emitted and formed a beam of light on it. This beam of light represented the Illusion Formation, and the several dozen small points of light within it represented the members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. Dustin could track the movements of these points of light to determine the specific location of the Dragon Guard Pavilion members.

Initially, these points of light were only revolving in the center of the formation, indicating that they were trapped. After a while, these points of light appeared to have found the correct direction and started to advance rapidly.

It seemed that the visual distortions created by the Illusion Formation had lost their effects.

"So, they figured it out this quickly? They're not simple indeed," Dustin squinted his eyes, showing surprise.

While the Illusion Formation was not a killing formation, it significantly reduced the combat abilities of its victims. The longer they stayed within it, the greater the reduction. Even someone as powerful as Blaze would be drained if trapped for three days and nights.

Of course, Dustin didn't expect the Illusion Formation to kill everyone. Simply reducing their strength was good enough.

However, the speed at which the Dragon Guard Pavilion was breaking out of the formation was faster than he had anticipated.

"Activate the Eight Trigrams Formation!" Seeing the Dragon Guard Pavilion members about to break free, Dustin didn't hesitate and immediately commanded his people to activate another powerful formation.

The Eight Trigrams Formation was one of his deadly techniques. When combined with the Illusion Formation, it could unleash immense power. Once it was initiated, nobody below the level of a Grandmaster could escape its effects. Even a Martial Grandmaster, if not careful, could be seriously harmed.
Chapter 1881: A formation within a formation

Under Dustin's command, the Eight Trigrams Formation quickly activated. Around the edges of the Illusion Formation, beams of white light emerged from the directions of Northwest, North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, and West, converging high above the formation. They then cast a massive semi-transparent light screen that enveloped the entire Illusion Formation, looking like an enormous eggshell from the outside.

Inside the formation:
As the members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion continued to run, they suddenly felt the ground beneath them vibrating. The once solid ground quickly became soft, resembling a marsh. From deep within the earth, a powerful suction force was pulling them down. Every step they took seemed like they were sinking into a quagmire.

"What's going on? Why has the ground changed like this?" The unexpected turn of events panicked the members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, who, despite their considerable strength, had never encountered anything like this before.

Regardless of where they stepped, the ground turned into a quagmire, pulling them down. The more they struggled, the stronger the force from beneath became. To protect themselves, they had to use their entire body's true energy to resist this powerful suction force. But in doing so, they drained their energy rapidly. If they couldn't escape within a limited time, once their true energy was depleted, they would be pulled into the quagmire and suffocate.

"Could it be that the Illusion Formation can also alter the ground? There's another formation above the Illusion Formation," the black-clothed man asked.

"The Illusion Formation alone can't do this. This should be another formation. If my guess is correct, we have entered a formation within a formation, with someone overlaying a more powerful and mysterious formation above the Illusion Formation," the red-clothed elder said with a furrowed brow.

"A formation within a formation? Are there really people in the world who are proficient in such advanced sorcery?" The black-clothed man's face turned pale.

Setting up an Illusion Formation is already a rare feat, but adding another formation on top of it multiplies the difficulty tenfold or even a hundredfold. The red-clothed elder couldn't fathom who would have such abilities.

"Elder, save me... help me!" At this moment, a weaker member of the Dragon Guard Pavilion suddenly screamed in panic.

Elder followed the voice and saw that most of the person's body was already deeply immersed in the quagmire, and they were steadily sinking further down. Struggling proved futile. At the current rate, within three breaths, the person would be completely buried.

"You're worthless!" Elder frowned with displeasure. However, he didn't ignore the situation. He reached out with his hand and pulled the person up with a powerful suction force.

Yet, as soon as he saved one person, other members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion began to be affected.

"Elder, I can't hold on! Save me quickly!"

"Elder, someone is pulling my leg!"

"Damn it! There are people beneath the ground!"

When the unexpected situation occurred, cries for help and panic spread throughout the team. The earlier Illusion Formation had already frightened and weakened them. Now, facing another unknown formation, they were at a loss about how to defend themselves.

"Quick! Call for reinforcements!" Elder made a quick decision and issued the order.

"Yes!" The black-clothed man retrieved a signal flare from his pocket and launched it into the sky.

Chapter 1882: Shadowy figures


A red signal flare, accompanied by a long tail of flames, shot up into the sky. However, as it reached about halfway, the semi-transparent light shield generated by the Eight Trigrams Formation suddenly flickered and directly deflected the signal flare.


With a resounding explosion, the signal flare burst. The light from the explosion was absorbed by the semi-transparent light shield, and no ripples or disturbances were seen. Even the red-clothed elder and others inside the formation could only catch a fleeting glimpse of red light.

Apart from that, there was no other response.

"If we can't even send out a signal, it seems this formation has us completely trapped." The red-clothed elder frowned. Despite his eye technique, he couldn't discern any vulnerabilities in the formation.

This proved that the mysterious formation before them was far more sophisticated than the Illusion Formation, especially when they were combined, they complemented each other and the power was greatly amplified.

"Bad news! We're under attack!"

Just as the red-clothed elder was contemplating how to unravel the formation, a cry of alarm rang out. Suddenly, shadowy figures emerged from all directions.

These figures resembled human forms but were intangible, as if they were composed of smoke. Their movements were eerie and elusive. Upon getting close, the hands of these shadowy figures transformed into razor-sharp blades, and they began to attack the members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion.

"Kill them!"

Without much thought, the members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion unsheathed their swords and fought back. Although they were restricted in their movements, they had no choice but to fight desperately.

Fortunately, most of these shadowy figures had the strength of Postnatal martial practitioners, with only a few reaching the early-stage Innate level. Almost all the Dragon Guard Pavilion members present were high-level Innate experts.

With their disciplined training and coordination, the members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion quickly scattered and defeated the shadowy figures, leaving them in disarray. By the end of the confrontation, two members had lost their lives, and several others were severely wounded, but the elite warriors of the Dragon Guard Pavilion had managed to eliminate all of the shadowy assailants.

"Haha... we thought they were so powerful, but they were nothing but trash!"

"That's right! Despite their numbers, these shadowy figures were too weak, utterly helpless."

"It appears this Eight Trigrams formation is not as frightening as we had imagined."

Having eliminated all the shadowy figures, the spirits of the Dragon Guard Pavilion members soared, and they were filled with victorious determination, as if they had just won a major battle. However, their laughter was short-lived.

Before they could catch their breath, even more shadowy figures emerged from all directions.

"Damn it! There are even more? Slaughter them!"

Without hesitation, the Dragon Guard Pavilion members immediately drew their weapons and confronted the new wave of attackers, resuming their relentless combat.

Five minutes later, having paid the price of several casualties, they had once again annihilated all of the shadowy figures. But as soon as the second wave was vanquished, it was followed by a third, fourth, and fifth wave.

A multitude of shadowy figures continuously emerged from various directions. No matter how many the Dragon Guard Pavilion members killed, more shadowy figures would appear as if their numbers were endless. Each wave of shadowy figures took several lives with them.

As the saying goes, "Many ants can bite an elephant."

While the shadowy figures themselves were not formidable, even the most skilled warriors couldn't endure the constant onslaught that seemed never-ending. Over time, the members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion became increasingly fearful and desperate.

If this situation continued, they realized that they would likely be worn down and eventually overcome.

Chapter 1883: Tricked

"Damn it! What are these things? How can there be so many of them?"

"We can't kill them all! They just keep coming, wave after wave, as if they're endless!"

"We must find a way to break out. If we keep fighting like this, we'll all be exhausted and die!"

"The thick mist surrounds us, we can't even tell which way is out. And with these relentless attacks from the shadows, how can we break free?"

The members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion had descended into chaos. Their initial arrogance had given way to shock and fear, and finally, to a sense of despair. It wasn't that they couldn't defeat the shadowy figures; it was that they couldn't see any hope of survival.

Killing one shadow would only result in two more appearing. With each wave of shadowy figures, they would lose more members. This continuous cycle of attrition was pushing them towards the brink of destruction.

"Elder, the situation is getting worse and worse. What should we do now?" the man in black, who was at the side of the red-clothed elder, asked for help. He had to fend off the shadowy attackers while also dealing with the treacherous ground beneath.

"Ask me? Who the hell should I ask?" the red-clothed elder replied with irritation. If it was just the misty formation, he could have used his eye technique to unravel it. But with the additional, stronger formation layered on top, it had become a hundred times more challenging to decipher.

The red-clothed elder was now in a state of panic. Even though these shadowy figures posed no immediate threat to him, being trapped with no means of escape was not a favorable outcome.

Once his elite warriors had all been killed, he would be left isolated. No matter how powerful he was, being relentlessly besieged by these shadowy figures would eventually wear down his energy. At that point, his fate was sealed.

"Damn it, who's behind this? Who dares to ambush the members of our Dragon Guard Pavilion? Once I get out of here, I'll tear them to shreds!"

Muttering curses under his breath, the red-clothed elder's hands never stopped, continuously slashing at the waves of shadowy attackers. Meanwhile, the man in black grew increasingly agitated.

"Come out! You cowards! If you have the guts, come and face us in an open battle!" The man in black yelled in desperation. As a Dragon Guard Pavilion official, he had faced many trials, but never before had he felt so powerless.

"Brothers! Since we're all going to die anyway, let's fight these bastards with all we've got! Charge!"

Finally, the man in black couldn't restrain himself any longer. He shouted loudly and led his group in a mad charge, hoping that their sheer determination and bravery might somehow break the nested formation.

However, their efforts proved futile. A formation that even a Martial Grandmaster couldn't break was well beyond their capabilities.

In the end, after a period of struggle, all the members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion were killed by the shadowy figures and then sucked into the ground, disappearing without a trace, leaving behind only their weapons and scattered dark red bloodstains.

The entire group of several dozen people had been reduced to just the red-clothed elder.


"Give me death! All of you die!"

The red-clothed elder became increasingly frantic and unhinged. He ran aimlessly within the formation, attacking everything he saw, including the shadows, plants, rocks, and the ground. However, his actions did not break the formation; instead, they only hastened the depletion of his energy.

Before long, he was exhausted, gasping for breath and covered in sweat. The shadows continued to swarm him relentlessly.

The red-clothed elder was desperate, full of anger but nowhere to vent it. He had been on a mission ordered by the Pavilion's leader, and it had been kept a secret. Apart from a few high-ranking members, no one else knew their whereabouts.

Now, it was clear that they had been ambushed halfway, and it was highly likely that there was a traitor within the Pavilion.
Outside the formation, the members of the King palace remained quietly in ambush, awaiting further orders. Meanwhile, Dustin held the compass, observing the situation within the formation using the light points that represented the members.

It was evident that the number of light points representing the people inside was decreasing rapidly. Eventually, only one light point remained. After sustaining for nearly an hour, even that final light point slowly disappeared.

Inside the formation, all life had been extinguished.

"Release the formation and go inside to investigate," Dustin commanded, once he was sure that everything had returned to normal.

As soon as the formation was released, the shadowy figures instantly disappeared, and the white mist within the formation began to dissipate rapidly. In just a few minutes, everything returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

All the members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, including the red-clothed elder, had vanished. Their bodies had been consumed by the ground, leaving only a battlefield littered with weapons and mottled, dark red bloodstains.

"Search the area carefully to see if anyone survived," Dustin ordered, and a group of his subordinates immediately began a thorough search of the site.
After sweeping through the entire battlefield, they found no signs of any survivors.

"Your Highness! The remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion that entered the ambush have all been defeated!" reported one of the royal guards upon returning.

"Brother, I have a feeling that something is not right," Thorian suddenly said. "Blaze is a top-tier Grandmaster, and it seems too easy for him to be eliminated by just two formations."

"You're right," Dustin nodded. "Although there was a powerful individual within the formation, they were still far from the level of Blaze. So I suspect that the team that just entered the formation didn't actually include Blaze."

As this statement sank in, Dustin's brother, Thorian, was taken aback, and he blurted out, "Are you saying that we've been tricked?"

Chapter 1884: Two sides clashed

"Right now, it cannot be determined."

Dustin shook his head and said solemnly, "In this situation, there are only two possibilities. First, Antonio did not gain the trust of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, and Blaze sent this team purely to test Antonio."

"And the second?" Thorian asked.

"The second possibility is that Antonio has betrayed us. This is a trap set by the Dragon Guard Pavilion, using a sacrificial team to lure us out and prepare to capture us all," Dustin said with a serious expression. "If it's the former, the only one in danger is Antonio. If it's the latter, we may have already fallen into the enemy's ambush."

"Everyone, be on guard immediately!"

Thorian quickly realized the situation and gave the order.

The elite members of the King Palace immediately scattered and became vigilant.

"Hahaha... It's too late to be on guard now!"

Suddenly, a loud laugh rang out in the sky, startling countless birds into flight.

Following that, a large number of soldiers and horses swarmed in from various directions.

As far as the eye could see, there were thousands upon thousands of them, densely packed.

The elite experts Dustin had brought this time numbered about a thousand.

However, the Dragon Guard's ambush consisted of ten times as many soldiers and horses.

They were coming from all sides, clearly well-prepared.

"Bad news! We've been outwitted!"

Thorian's face changed, and he immediately directed his personal guard to form a defensive formation.

They had thought this was going to be an easy capture, but it turned out to be a mantis hunting the cicada, with the oriole behind.

"Surround them!"

With a shout, the Dragon Guard Pavilion's countless soldiers and horses surrounded the elite members of the King Palace.

Both sides had brought their best of the best.

However, the Dragon Guard Pavilion had a clear numerical advantage.

"Damn it! That traitor, Antonio!" Thorian gritted his teeth, filled with anger.

For this assassination mission, they hadn't brought a large force to avoid alerting their target. They had only selected a few elite experts. But they never expected Antonio to betray the King Palace, setting up this trap that led them all into a deadly pit.

"Logan, didn't expect to see me like this, did you?" With a burst of laughter, Blaze appeared with a group of Dragon Guard experts, walking out from the crowd.
On his left stood Lorenzo, and on his right was Antonio.

They formed a formidable trio.

"Blaze?!" Dustin narrowed his eyes and looked at the tall figure in a mask in front of him, a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Blood debts must be repaid.

During the upheaval of the Purple Forbidden City, Blaze was the mastermind, even more despicable than Kylo.

"That's right, it's me," Blaze said with a loud laugh. "How do you like the surprise? Unexpected, isn't it? They say the mantis hunts the cicada while the oriole is behind, but who would have thought that behind you, the oriole, there's also a hunter."

"Logan, I'm sorry, but as they say, those who understand the times are wise. The Lord of the Dragon Guard Pavilion was too generous, and I couldn't refuse. So, I had to sell you out," Antonio grinned.

"You despicable beast! The King Palace gave you a chance to redeem yourself, and you not only refused but also betrayed us. Has your conscience been eaten by dogs?" Thorian cursed openly.

"Conscience? Heh..." Antonio sneered, "Thorian, you're too naive. What's the worth of a conscience? Is it more important than power or status? Staying in West Lucozia, I would never have a chance to rise, especially after this failure, you might even have imprisoned me, and I'd never see the light of day again. But with the Lord of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, I can not only enjoy wealth and luxury but also have supreme power. Once I kill you, I'll be the future ruler of West Lucozia!"

"You're dreaming!" Thorian shouted angrily. "A scoundrel like you who sells out for personal gain will never become a king in your lifetime!"

"Less talk! I only know that the victor writes history! I'll do whatever it takes to achieve my goals!" Antonio proclaimed.

"Hmph! You talk so shamelessly about your despicable acts. I've never seen anyone as disgusting as you!" Thorian scoffed.

"Antonio, don't get too cocky. Today's outcome is still uncertain," Thorian said with a cold expression.

Indeed, the Dragon Guard Pavilion had a larger force, but the King Palace had brought elite experts. Even if they couldn't defeat them, they might have a chance to break through and survive.

"Hehe... I've already tricked you into revealing your hand. How can you still fight me?" Antonio sneered.

"Logan Rhus, I have to admit, the two formations you set up earlier are quite formidable. If I were inadvertently trapped in them, I might not have escaped for a while," Blaze began by praising, but then he changed his tone, "But unfortunately, you miscalculated. I have a great appreciation for talent. So, I'm willing to give you a chance. If you surrender and kneel, I can spare your life and grant you wealth and prosperity forever."

"Surrender and kneel?" Dustin sneered, "Are you worthy?"

A cunning and treacherous person like Blaze would never let a surrendered enemy live. After all, they had already reached a point of no return.

"Hehe... Logan Rhys, I know who you are. I understand your distrust. But you should be smart and learn from your Third Uncle. Know when to submit to a stronger force. It might be the way to survive," Blaze said with a faint smile.

"Blaze, I know exactly who you are. I don't believe a word you say," Dustin said coldly. "Now, let's fight. We'll settle this life and death matter right here."

"Good! Since you're so determined to die, I'll grant your wish!" Blaze slowly raised his hand and then pressed it down forcefully, "Kill! Leave no one alive!"


After receiving the command, the Dragon Guard Pavilion members roared and drew their weapons, charging directly at the King Palace's elite fighters.

"Brothers, let's give it our all!" Thorian drew his sword and led the King Palace's elite experts, bravely confronting the enemy.

The two sides clashed with a thunderous impact, beginning a life-and-death struggle.

Chapter 1885: The breakthrough

The King Palace's elite fighters were indeed formidable, but the Dragon Guard Pavilion had the numerical advantage.

As the two sides clashed, the battle was exceptionally fierce.

Thorian led the charge for the King Palace, while Lorenzo led the Dragon Guard Pavilion.

As for Dustin and Blaze, they watched each other from a distance, neither making a move.

The forces from both sides had already mingled, making it impossible for Dustin to activate his formations without causing indiscriminate damage.

Both the Illusion Formation and the Eight Trigrams Formation did not differentiate between friend and foe in their attacks.

The strategically placed explosives in the vicinity were also rendered unusable.

Using such a desperate tactic, where both sides would be destroyed, would only come into play when there were no other options.

"Thorian! The ambush plan has failed. Lead our people to break through immediately!" Dustin gave a decisive command after observing the situation.

Looking at the situation, it was clear that the elite experts from the King Palace, despite their bravery and formidable abilities, were not gaining any advantages in this battle.

Even though each of them had the strength to take on one, or even three or five opponents, they couldn't win this battle.

The Dragon Guard Pavilion outnumbered the King Palace's elite fighters by tenfold. If they continued to fight and expend their energy, the elite King Palace members would eventually be wiped out.

So, while they still had the strength to do so, breaking through was the best choice.

They couldn't afford to let these elite fighters sacrifice themselves in vain.

"Form the Offense-Defense Formation! Follow me for the breakthrough!"

Receiving the order, Thorian didn't hesitate. He immediately directed his subordinates to form the Offense-Defense Formation and began charging towards the weakest point in the enemy's encirclement.

The elite fighters of the King Palace, who already had a natural advantage in terms of strength, training, and coordination, broke through swiftly.

The encirclement created by the Dragon Guard Pavilion was torn open.

"Quick, chase them! Don't let them escape!" Antonio shouted urgently.

"Chase them!"

Lorenzo didn't hesitate and immediately led a large group of soldiers to pursue the King Palace's elite fighters.

Quickly, the intense life-and-death battle transformed into a chase-and-intercept scenario.

The two groups chased and fled through the forest, and within moments, they were far from the initial battleground.

At this moment, back at the battlefield:

On the King Palace's side, only Dustin remained in the same spot.

In contrast, the Dragon Guard Pavilion had Blaze, Antonio, and three martial arts grandmasters who remained.

These three grandmasters were all elders of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, each with formidable strength and unique skills.

Fortunately, the final strike by Zenon before his death had eliminated most of the Dragon Guard Pavilion's elite fighters.

Otherwise, the group standing before Dustin wouldn't be as limited in numbers.

"Logan Rhys, why aren't you running?" Blaze grinned sardonically, looking at him like a hunter assessing his prey.

"Why should I run? I came here today to kill you," Dustin said coldly.

"Kill me? Hahaha..." Blaze laughed louder, "Logan Rhys, I acknowledge your exceptional talent and strength. You've made it into the top ten of the World Shaking Ranking at such a young age. But for me, you're still a bit green. You should know that being ranked tenth on the World Shaking Ranking is quite a gap from being fifth."

"The rankings on the World Shaking Ranking are just for reference, not an absolute measure of strength. The death of your former Leader Kylo is the best example," Dustin said coldly.

On the previous World Shaking Ranking, Kylo ranked second, and Zenon ranked third. However, after Zenon's explosive breakthrough, Kylo proved to be no match, not even having a chance to escape.

"Kylo?" Blaze snorted, "Logan, don't overestimate yourself. First of all, I'm not Kylo, and second, you're not Zenon. Zenon was a once-in-a-millennium swordsman. You're far from that level."

Chapter 1886: Enough to deal with you

"My strength may not be on par with Uncle Zenon, but it's enough to deal with you," Dustin replied.

"Deal with me? Do you have the ability?" Blaze sneered.

According to his intelligence, Logan Rhys had only recently entered the Great Grandmaster realm, and even with some special techniques, he was, at best, in the mid-stage of the Great Grandmaster realm. In contrast, Blaze was approaching the Great Perfection stage, with a gap of nearly two realms between them, like an unbridgeable chasm.

"Whether I have the ability or not, you'll find out soon enough," Dustin retorted, raising his sword. The Sky Sword emerged from its sheath on his back and landed firmly in his hand.

"Alright! Since you're so confident, I'll give you a chance to challenge me today," Blaze said, extending his hand. A crimson long spear materialized out of thin air. It was none other than the third-ranked Divine Weapon on the Divine Weapons Ranking, the Dragon flame Crimson Spear that had belonged to Kylo.

"None of you are allowed to intervene. Today, I'm going to use my absolute strength to completely crush this so-called prodigy!" Blaze declared as he twirled the long spear. His aura surged dramatically.

A red light shot up from him, piercing the sky, summoning thunder and causing violent winds to sweep across the heavens. Within a radius of several hundred meters, all plants and trees bent down in submission.

This surge in power, inadvertently, induced a phenomenon in the heavens and the earth.

"Hmm?" Feeling the formidable aura emanating from Blaze, Dustin slightly furrowed his brow, his expression turning serious. He had sailed smoothly through the realm of martial arts so far, with little encounter with true formidable opponents. For the first time, he was sensing unprecedented pressure from Blaze.

This battle was destined not to be an easy one.

"Logan Rhys! Come on, show me your strength!" Blaze extended a hand provocatively, inviting Dustin to come at him.

"Hmph!" Dustin didn't waste any words. He swiftly stepped forward, his whole being turning into a blur of light as he charged directly at Blaze. The Sky Sword in his hand emitted bursts of dark energy, exuding a chilling aura.

"Great Desert, Lone Smoke!"

Confronting Dustin's attack, Blaze didn't evade or step back. He simply thrust his long spear forward, causing countless sharp spear energies to explode instantly.

These spear energies were like shells, carrying a terrifying force, and they bombarded Dustin relentlessly. As they swept through, the ground shook, plants and trees were torn apart, and everything in their path crumbled.

Dustin's eyes narrowed, and the Sky Sword was swung with great force, creating a dense network of sword energies in front of him. This mesh of sword energies clashed with Blaze's spear energies in a resounding explosion.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Accompanied by a series of thunderous roars, the sword energies and spear energies burst and scattered in all directions, creating a dazzling and deadly display of colors.

The violent energy waves expanded rapidly, like a tide, destroying everything in their vicinity.

On the ground, craters formed one after another, and the surroundings were in shambles.

In the next moment, Dustin was catapulted out from the center of the explosion. When he landed, he took several steps back, and each step he took left a deep footprint on the ground.

In contrast, Blaze stood where he was, seemingly untouched by the entire exchange.

In this head-on clash of their first moves, it was clear that Dustin was at a disadvantage.

Chapter 1887: Take action

"I have to admit, you do have some skills," Blaze said as he held his spear with one hand and spoke with an imposing tone. "In this world, there aren't many who can withstand my Great Desert, Lone Smoke. I didn't expect you to be one of them. Given time, you might even surpass me."

In their previous clash, Blaze had used about fifty percent of his strength. Facing Dustin head-on and only falling slightly behind proved Dustin's strength.

However, Blaze was quick to add, "But it's too bad. You're still quite far from my level."

"I thought that as the fifth-ranked on the World-Shaking List, you would be very powerful. Now it seems you're just average," Dustin replied with a disappointed expression.

"What did you say?" Blaze's eyes turned cold. How dare this kid look down on him?

"What? Didn't you hear me? I can say it again," Dustin raised his voice, speaking clearly, "Your strength is garbage, much weaker than I expected."

"You brat! You're looking for death!" Blaze, upon hearing these words, was instantly infuriated.

He shook his long spear, and his entire body erupted with a formidable aura. With a step of his foot, he transformed into a red blur and charged straight towards Dustin.

Who did he think he was? When had anyone ever dared to belittle him? He would make sure that this insolent young man paid the price with his life.

"Endless River, Setting Sun!"

When Blaze reached the halfway point, he swung his long spear.

Eighteen spear radiations erupted instantaneously, revolving wildly around his body. Finally, they converged into a massive rainbow light and roared towards Dustin.

Wherever the rainbow light passed, the air distorted, and the ground was deeply marked.

Dustin might have ridiculed Blaze verbally, but he dared not underestimate him in his heart. Faced with this powerful attack, he immediately channeled his entire body's true energy into the Azure Sky Sword, using one of his techniques.

"Slaughter of the Military God!"

Dustin shouted, merging himself with his sword, turning into a black radiance, and collided head-on with Blaze.

This sword strike didn't have the imposing momentum that could shock heaven and earth, nor the chilling aura that could captivate hearts. It had only one characteristic: speed. Extreme speed!

In the blink of an eye, the black radiance transformed into by Dustin's strike and Blaze's rainbow light collided.


A thunderous explosion, an earthquake, and a change in the weather followed.

The moment the two beams of light collided, a terrifying wave of energy surged out like a tsunami, sweeping everything in its path.

As it traveled, it left behind a trail of devastation, tearing through anything in its way.

Even Dustin's sarcastic words couldn't detract from the power of this collision.

The silver needle trembled, stimulating his acupoints intensely. Dustin's eyes turned a fiery red, veins protruding all over his body, and muscles bulging.

A surge of overwhelming energy flowed from all parts of his body, relentless and unstoppable. This was a secret technique of the Rhys family, capable of unlocking one's potential and vastly increasing their power in a short period. However, the side effects were equally severe.

With Dustin's current cultivation, he could only maintain this heightened state for the duration of about a cup of tea. If he couldn't finish the battle within this limited time, there would be no way out but death.


With his eyes now crimson red, Dustin let out a low growl and thrust his sword again.

A fierce battle erupted once more between the two of them.

With Dustin's greatly increased strength, he was no weaker than Blaze, even in a direct confrontation. For a while, they exchanged blows and neither was willing to give in.

Each collision, each exchange, unleashed massive energy waves that damaged their surroundings. Dustin grew more formidable with each attack, swinging the Azure Sky Sword faster and with greater intensity. His spirit, energy, and mind were pushed to the limits.

However, no matter how he pushed himself, Blaze remained as steady as a mountain, showing no signs of haste or slowness.

Given the current circumstances, it was apparent that defeating or killing Blaze within the timeframe of a cup of tea would be far from enough.

"Your Rhys family's secret technique is impressive, indeed. It allowed you to boost your power to this level in such a short time. It's truly astonishing," Blaze commented.

"However, how long can you last? Five minutes? Ten minutes? Maybe twenty minutes?" he taunted. "Once the time for your secret technique runs out, you'll be like a fish on a chopping block, awaiting my execution."

Blaze's words were primarily meant to play mind games with Dustin. With Dustin's current strength, winning was no easy feat, and even if he managed it, it would come at a high cost. Therefore, Blaze aimed to lure Dustin into revealing a vulnerability.

"Then I'll slaughter you within the duration of my secret technique!" Dustin's aura soared once more. The Azure Sky Sword moved faster and struck with even greater ferocity. His true energy surged out like a tidal wave. He had thrown caution to the wind and was going all out.

"The gap between you and me cannot be bridged by the Rhys family's secret technique alone. Even if your strength has greatly increased, you still can't match me," Blaze retorted, wielding the Dragon flame Crimson Spear with one hand to defend and attack. The two of them were locked in a fierce battle.

"Albert, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and take action!" Dustin suddenly shouted. His Azure Sky Sword was wielded frantically, maximizing his efforts to constrain Blaze.


As Dustin's words fell, a massive golden palm image appeared in the sky, pressing down with tremendous force onto Blaze's head.

This palm image was like a mountain, incredibly heavy, exuding a devastating pressure.

Once it materialized, it locked onto Blaze. No matter how he tried to dodge, he couldn't avoid it.

"Hmm?" Blaze felt the pressure from above and his expression turned serious, but he wasn't panicking. He raised his spear with one hand to handle Dustin's attacks while raising his other hand to meet the golden palm image descending from the sky.

He intended to confront the simultaneous assault of two Grandmasters with his own strength.

Chapter 1888: Diamond Wisdom Palm

"An ambush? Do you think it will work?"

Blaze roared and swiftly unleashed a scorching red aura from his long spear and iron palm, countering Dustin's attacks and the massive golden palm descending from the sky.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two thunderous sounds rang out. Dustin was knocked back by a spear, and the golden palm image in the sky, under Blaze's onslaught, shattered like glass, scattering into golden specks.

Albert, who was concealed within the golden palm image, was propelled high into the air and then thrown back more than ten meters upon landing.

In contrast, Blaze only took a few steps back before steadying himself. Even under this surprise attack where he was outnumbered, he held the upper hand.

It's noteworthy that both Dustin and Albert were Grandmaster-level experts, standing at the pinnacle of the world. Yet Blaze could effortlessly handle their combined assault.

Blaze displayed his incredible strength, even when confronted by two formidable Grandmasters. That said, Dustin and Albert had no shortage of respect for his power.

"The fifth-ranked expert on the World-Shaking List is indeed as formidable as the rumors suggest."

Standing side by side, Albert and Dustin fixed their unwavering gazes on Blaze.

Admittedly, Blaze's strength was quite exceptional, and in one-on-one combat, there might not be anyone in the West Lucozia region who could rival him.

"Men Butcher Albert?" Blaze squinted and then chuckled, "I've wanted to meet you for a long time. It's a shame I haven't had the opportunity. But today's a two-for-one special. After I kill Dustin, I'll deal with you. The West Lucozia royal palace will be gravely weakened, and that's when I'll seize full control of West Lucozia!"

"Is that so? We'll see if you have what it takes!" Albert sneered, producing a silver needle and piercing it into his own head.

Like Dustin, he chose to employ the Rhys family's secret technique, unlocking his potential to fight to the death. He knew that under normal circumstances, their chances of victory would be slim, and they had to go all out. The goal was to eliminate this major threat as quickly as possible.

"Oh? Ready to fight for your lives, are you? Very well. Come and let me see what you're made of," Blaze responded. He wasn't fazed at all, and with a swift flick of his long spear, his aura once again surged, making him look like a god descending to the earth.


Dustin signaled to Albert without any need for words and immediately launched another attack with his sword. He was aware that he had already consumed half of his boosted potential time, and every remaining second was precious – precious enough to risk their lives for a slim chance.

"Hehe... It's been a long time since I've felt this exhilarated."

Albert chuckled with a wicked grin. His eyes glowed crimson as he transformed into a shadow, rushing towards Blaze's position.

Albert was renowned for his martial art, the Split Tendons and Crushed Bones technique. His iron palms had been trained relentlessly, making them equivalent to divine weapons. His close-quarters combat skills and knowledge of the human body were unmatched.

"Excellent!" Blaze shouted and, without retreating, charged head-on to confront the two.

He held his spear with both hands, whirling it around, and unleashed a continuous barrage of spear shadows that shot towards Dustin and Albert like bullets.
Dustin deflected the spear shadows with his sword's energy, while Albert's palms radiated milky-white light, blocking the incoming spear shadows.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang..."

Even before the two sides clashed, the first confrontation occurred in the air. Powerful energy waves erupted and spread like a torrential explosion, sweeping through the surroundings like waves.

The resulting destruction was immense.

"Albert, this won't work! Use your ultimate technique to end this fight as quickly as possible!" After the initial exchange, Dustin quickly realized the issue. Engaging in an energy clash like this would hardly affect Blaze, and continuing would be a death sentence once the time for the secret technique ran out.

"Understood!" Albert responded, springing into the air, rising to a height of a hundred meters. Then he flipped in mid-air, head down and feet up, and aimed his palm strike at Blaze on the ground.

"Diamond Wisdom Palm!"

Albert roared, and his body emitted a dazzling golden light. This light quickly transformed in the air, taking the shape of a colossal wrathful deity, exuding a powerful and imposing presence.

Chapter 1889: Noble Righteousness Inner Energy

Both the colossal wrathful deities formed by Albert and Blaze maintained the same posture as they pushed downward. Before the towering deity, Blaze's figure seemed minuscule, like a mere ant about to be crushed to pulp with a light touch.

"Seven Slays!"

As Albert attacked, Dustin didn't hesitate. His eyes opened wide, and his entire inner energy gathered within the Sky Sword. He took a strong step forward.


Dustin merged with his sword, transforming into a dark streak that pierced straight towards Blaze's heart.

"Noble Righteousness Inner Energy!"

As he saw Dustin and Albert go all out, Blaze didn't dare underestimate the situation. He immediately employed his defensive technique.

His body shook as an enormous amount of white energy surged from him, forming a circular protective barrier around him. The barrier was adorned with numerous intricate runes, appearing both mysterious and enigmatic.


A loud sound resounded as Albert's wrathful deity-like Diamond Wisdom Palm struck the white barrier that Blaze had created over his head.

The barrier shook, emitting ripples that spread outwards like water. The mystical runes on the surface of the barrier began to glow brightly.


Another deafening sound followed. Dustin's lethal strike pierced the white barrier but didn't break through. It sent waves rippling across the surface of the barrier.
Albert's Golden Diamond Wisdom Palm remained firm, pressing down on the barrier, while Dustin's Sky Sword relentlessly thrust forward.

Both Albert and Dustin, one from above and one from below, pushed with all their might. This was their most powerful attack, and their combined energy surged into Blaze's protective barrier.

The ground shook with the tremendous force generated by the collision of these immense energies.

At this moment, both Dustin and Albert held nothing back, relentlessly pounding the protective barrier, squeezing out every last ounce of their remaining potential.

"Crack... crack..."

Under the relentless assault from Dustin and Albert, Blaze's protective barrier finally showed cracks, and these cracks rapidly expanded.

"Hmm? How can this be?"

Blaze's face changed, and he was filled with shock. His Noble Righteousness Inner Energy defense was known for being nearly impervious among peers, and he didn't expect that the combined might of Dustin and Albert could threaten him.

The power of the Rhys family's secret technique couldn't be underestimated.

"What are you waiting for? Come help!"

Unable to contain himself any longer, Blaze began seeking help from those behind him. He originally thought he could easily handle Dustin and Albert on his own, but he had underestimated their strength, putting him in an unfavorable situation.

Of course, he knew that this was their most powerful strike, and if he could endure this, victory would be at hand.

"Lord of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, I'm here to assist you!"

Seeing the moment was ripe, Antonio took a step and turned into a blur, rushing towards the center of the battlefield.


Blaze's face lit up, and he quickly said, "Dustin and Albert are already entangled by me. They have no ability to resist right now. You deal with Dustin first, and I'll handle Albert!"


As he closed the distance, Antonio's eyes glinted with coldness. He suddenly drew a concealed weapon and aimed it at Blaze's back, fiercely stabbing.


A poisoned needle shot out from the concealed weapon, piercing through the cracks in the protective barrier and directly into Blaze's body.

This needle was none other than the God-Killer Poison!

Chapter 1890: Mask shattered, revealing a terrifying face

The God-Killer Poison was delivered in the form of a concealed weapon with an effective range of three meters. Within three meters and under sudden circumstances, it was almost impossible to miss.

So, when Antonio pulled out the concealed weapon and launched the sneak attack from behind, the poisoned needle, armed with the God-Killer Poison, effortlessly pierced Blaze's body without any resistance.

"Phew... Finally done."

Antonio let out a long breath as if he had completed an important mission.

On the other hand, Blaze was left bewildered. He turned around, staring at Antonio, who was grinning as if he had accomplished a crucial task. Blaze's expression was a mix of shock, confusion, disbelief, and deep suspicion.


Blaze's eyes widened, his face filled with astonishment, shock, puzzlement, and profound disbelief. He couldn't fathom why Antonio, who had already severed ties with the West Lucozia Royal Family and joined the Dragon Guard Pavilion, would betray him.

"Lord of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, I apologize, but I am also a member of the Rhys family. I couldn't just watch the Rhys family be destroyed."

Antonio grinned and said, "Furthermore, Dustin is my nephew, and we share the same blood. How could I bear to harm him?"

"So, from the beginning, you've been planning this, and you've been acting the entire time? The betrayal, the tracking leakage, it was all a charade?" Blaze asked, astonished.

"If we didn't do this, how could I gain your trust? If I couldn't gain your trust, how could I succeed now?" Antonio explained unapologetically. "Lord of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, you are indeed very intelligent and cautious. In order to eliminate you, we had to stage a rift, and although the process was convoluted, the results are satisfactory."

"You... you..."

Blaze was infuriated, his teeth grinding, his eyes bulging, and the veins on his neck throbbing. As he struggled with surging anger and frustration, the God-Killer Poison inside him accelerated its effects. He spat out a mouthful of black blood.

In an instant, Blaze seemed like a deflated balloon, his aura weakened, and he swayed on the brink of collapse.

The protective aura that was already riddled with cracks exploded with a resounding "bang." The powerful blow from Albert's Adamantine Divine Palm was the first to strike.

Blaze had no time to think; he immediately channeled his entire body's energy and thrust his palm upwards to meet Albert's assault.


With a mighty clash, Albert was sent flying several dozen meters away, and Blaze, once again, coughed up black blood, his face turned unnaturally pale.

Having just repelled Albert, the next moment, Dustin's Azure Sky Sword had already pierced Blaze's chest.


The Azure Sky Sword stabbed in from the chest and emerged from his back, delivering a devastating blow to Blaze.


Blaze let out a furious roar as the energy of a Grandmaster surged out of his body, carrying a terrifying force.


Dustin was sent flying by the shockwave, and he lost his grip on the Azure Sky Sword.

"Die, all of you!!"

Blaze's eyes turned crimson, and his hair stood on end. He roared again and again.

His mask, which he had been wearing, suddenly shattered, revealing a terrifying and grotesque face.

In his hand, the Dragon flame Crimson Spear swirled wildly, and streaks of sharp spear radiance shot out indiscriminately in all directions.

Each strike contained the power to annihilate the heavens and the earth.

At this moment, Blaze had completely fallen into a state of madness, and his strength had surged to unprecedented levels.

If earlier, Blaze had some reservations and didn't want to get injured, now he was ready to fight to the death.

"Fall back quickly! He's been poisoned by the God-Killer Poison, and he won't last much longer!"

Dustin gave the order and immediately distanced himself to avoid being caught in Blaze's final counterattack.

Albert and Antonio also retreated, not daring to get too close, instead opting to observe the situation closely.
Chapter 1881: A formation within a formation

Under Dustin's command, the Eight Trigrams Formation quickly activated. Around the edges of the Illusion Formation, beams of white light emerged from the directions of Northwest, North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, and West, converging high above the formation. They then cast a massive semi-transparent light screen that enveloped the entire Illusion Formation, looking like an enormous eggshell from the outside.

Inside the formation:
As the members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion continued to run, they suddenly felt the ground beneath them vibrating. The once solid ground quickly became soft, resembling a marsh. From deep within the earth, a powerful suction force was pulling them down. Every step they took seemed like they were sinking into a quagmire.

"What's going on? Why has the ground changed like this?" The unexpected turn of events panicked the members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, who, despite their considerable strength, had never encountered anything like this before.

Regardless of where they stepped, the ground turned into a quagmire, pulling them down. The more they struggled, the stronger the force from beneath became. To protect themselves, they had to use their entire body's true energy to resist this powerful suction force. But in doing so, they drained their energy rapidly. If they couldn't escape within a limited time, once their true energy was depleted, they would be pulled into the quagmire and suffocate.

"Could it be that the Illusion Formation can also alter the ground? There's another formation above the Illusion Formation," the black-clothed man asked.

"The Illusion Formation alone can't do this. This should be another formation. If my guess is correct, we have entered a formation within a formation, with someone overlaying a more powerful and mysterious formation above the Illusion Formation," the red-clothed elder said with a furrowed brow.

"A formation within a formation? Are there really people in the world who are proficient in such advanced sorcery?" The black-clothed man's face turned pale.

Setting up an Illusion Formation is already a rare feat, but adding another formation on top of it multiplies the difficulty tenfold or even a hundredfold. The red-clothed elder couldn't fathom who would have such abilities.

"Elder, save me... help me!" At this moment, a weaker member of the Dragon Guard Pavilion suddenly screamed in panic.

Elder followed the voice and saw that most of the person's body was already deeply immersed in the quagmire, and they were steadily sinking further down. Struggling proved futile. At the current rate, within three breaths, the person would be completely buried.

"You're worthless!" Elder frowned with displeasure. However, he didn't ignore the situation. He reached out with his hand and pulled the person up with a powerful suction force.

Yet, as soon as he saved one person, other members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion began to be affected.

"Elder, I can't hold on! Save me quickly!"

"Elder, someone is pulling my leg!"

"Damn it! There are people beneath the ground!"

When the unexpected situation occurred, cries for help and panic spread throughout the team. The earlier Illusion Formation had already frightened and weakened them. Now, facing another unknown formation, they were at a loss about how to defend themselves.

"Quick! Call for reinforcements!" Elder made a quick decision and issued the order.

"Yes!" The black-clothed man retrieved a signal flare from his pocket and launched it into the sky.

Chapter 1882: Shadowy figures


A red signal flare, accompanied by a long tail of flames, shot up into the sky. However, as it reached about halfway, the semi-transparent light shield generated by the Eight Trigrams Formation suddenly flickered and directly deflected the signal flare.


With a resounding explosion, the signal flare burst. The light from the explosion was absorbed by the semi-transparent light shield, and no ripples or disturbances were seen. Even the red-clothed elder and others inside the formation could only catch a fleeting glimpse of red light.

Apart from that, there was no other response.

"If we can't even send out a signal, it seems this formation has us completely trapped." The red-clothed elder frowned. Despite his eye technique, he couldn't discern any vulnerabilities in the formation.

This proved that the mysterious formation before them was far more sophisticated than the Illusion Formation, especially when they were combined, they complemented each other and the power was greatly amplified.

"Bad news! We're under attack!"

Just as the red-clothed elder was contemplating how to unravel the formation, a cry of alarm rang out. Suddenly, shadowy figures emerged from all directions.

These figures resembled human forms but were intangible, as if they were composed of smoke. Their movements were eerie and elusive. Upon getting close, the hands of these shadowy figures transformed into razor-sharp blades, and they began to attack the members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion.

"Kill them!"

Without much thought, the members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion unsheathed their swords and fought back. Although they were restricted in their movements, they had no choice but to fight desperately.

Fortunately, most of these shadowy figures had the strength of Postnatal martial practitioners, with only a few reaching the early-stage Innate level. Almost all the Dragon Guard Pavilion members present were high-level Innate experts.

With their disciplined training and coordination, the members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion quickly scattered and defeated the shadowy figures, leaving them in disarray. By the end of the confrontation, two members had lost their lives, and several others were severely wounded, but the elite warriors of the Dragon Guard Pavilion had managed to eliminate all of the shadowy assailants.

"Haha... we thought they were so powerful, but they were nothing but trash!"

"That's right! Despite their numbers, these shadowy figures were too weak, utterly helpless."

"It appears this Eight Trigrams formation is not as frightening as we had imagined."

Having eliminated all the shadowy figures, the spirits of the Dragon Guard Pavilion members soared, and they were filled with victorious determination, as if they had just won a major battle. However, their laughter was short-lived.

Before they could catch their breath, even more shadowy figures emerged from all directions.

"Damn it! There are even more? Slaughter them!"

Without hesitation, the Dragon Guard Pavilion members immediately drew their weapons and confronted the new wave of attackers, resuming their relentless combat.

Five minutes later, having paid the price of several casualties, they had once again annihilated all of the shadowy figures. But as soon as the second wave was vanquished, it was followed by a third, fourth, and fifth wave.

A multitude of shadowy figures continuously emerged from various directions. No matter how many the Dragon Guard Pavilion members killed, more shadowy figures would appear as if their numbers were endless. Each wave of shadowy figures took several lives with them.

As the saying goes, "Many ants can bite an elephant."

While the shadowy figures themselves were not formidable, even the most skilled warriors couldn't endure the constant onslaught that seemed never-ending. Over time, the members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion became increasingly fearful and desperate.

If this situation continued, they realized that they would likely be worn down and eventually overcome.

Chapter 1883: Tricked

"Damn it! What are these things? How can there be so many of them?"

"We can't kill them all! They just keep coming, wave after wave, as if they're endless!"

"We must find a way to break out. If we keep fighting like this, we'll all be exhausted and die!"

"The thick mist surrounds us, we can't even tell which way is out. And with these relentless attacks from the shadows, how can we break free?"

The members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion had descended into chaos. Their initial arrogance had given way to shock and fear, and finally, to a sense of despair. It wasn't that they couldn't defeat the shadowy figures; it was that they couldn't see any hope of survival.

Killing one shadow would only result in two more appearing. With each wave of shadowy figures, they would lose more members. This continuous cycle of attrition was pushing them towards the brink of destruction.

"Elder, the situation is getting worse and worse. What should we do now?" the man in black, who was at the side of the red-clothed elder, asked for help. He had to fend off the shadowy attackers while also dealing with the treacherous ground beneath.

"Ask me? Who the hell should I ask?" the red-clothed elder replied with irritation. If it was just the misty formation, he could have used his eye technique to unravel it. But with the additional, stronger formation layered on top, it had become a hundred times more challenging to decipher.

The red-clothed elder was now in a state of panic. Even though these shadowy figures posed no immediate threat to him, being trapped with no means of escape was not a favorable outcome.

Once his elite warriors had all been killed, he would be left isolated. No matter how powerful he was, being relentlessly besieged by these shadowy figures would eventually wear down his energy. At that point, his fate was sealed.

"Damn it, who's behind this? Who dares to ambush the members of our Dragon Guard Pavilion? Once I get out of here, I'll tear them to shreds!"

Muttering curses under his breath, the red-clothed elder's hands never stopped, continuously slashing at the waves of shadowy attackers. Meanwhile, the man in black grew increasingly agitated.

"Come out! You cowards! If you have the guts, come and face us in an open battle!" The man in black yelled in desperation. As a Dragon Guard Pavilion official, he had faced many trials, but never before had he felt so powerless.

"Brothers! Since we're all going to die anyway, let's fight these bastards with all we've got! Charge!"

Finally, the man in black couldn't restrain himself any longer. He shouted loudly and led his group in a mad charge, hoping that their sheer determination and bravery might somehow break the nested formation.

However, their efforts proved futile. A formation that even a Martial Grandmaster couldn't break was well beyond their capabilities.

In the end, after a period of struggle, all the members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion were killed by the shadowy figures and then sucked into the ground, disappearing without a trace, leaving behind only their weapons and scattered dark red bloodstains.

The entire group of several dozen people had been reduced to just the red-clothed elder.


"Give me death! All of you die!"

The red-clothed elder became increasingly frantic and unhinged. He ran aimlessly within the formation, attacking everything he saw, including the shadows, plants, rocks, and the ground. However, his actions did not break the formation; instead, they only hastened the depletion of his energy.

Before long, he was exhausted, gasping for breath and covered in sweat. The shadows continued to swarm him relentlessly.

The red-clothed elder was desperate, full of anger but nowhere to vent it. He had been on a mission ordered by the Pavilion's leader, and it had been kept a secret. Apart from a few high-ranking members, no one else knew their whereabouts.

Now, it was clear that they had been ambushed halfway, and it was highly likely that there was a traitor within the Pavilion.
Outside the formation, the members of the King palace remained quietly in ambush, awaiting further orders. Meanwhile, Dustin held the compass, observing the situation within the formation using the light points that represented the members.

It was evident that the number of light points representing the people inside was decreasing rapidly. Eventually, only one light point remained. After sustaining for nearly an hour, even that final light point slowly disappeared.

Inside the formation, all life had been extinguished.

"Release the formation and go inside to investigate," Dustin commanded, once he was sure that everything had returned to normal.

As soon as the formation was released, the shadowy figures instantly disappeared, and the white mist within the formation began to dissipate rapidly. In just a few minutes, everything returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

All the members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, including the red-clothed elder, had vanished. Their bodies had been consumed by the ground, leaving only a battlefield littered with weapons and mottled, dark red bloodstains.

"Search the area carefully to see if anyone survived," Dustin ordered, and a group of his subordinates immediately began a thorough search of the site.
After sweeping through the entire battlefield, they found no signs of any survivors.

"Your Highness! The remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion that entered the ambush have all been defeated!" reported one of the royal guards upon returning.

"Brother, I have a feeling that something is not right," Thorian suddenly said. "Blaze is a top-tier Grandmaster, and it seems too easy for him to be eliminated by just two formations."

"You're right," Dustin nodded. "Although there was a powerful individual within the formation, they were still far from the level of Blaze. So I suspect that the team that just entered the formation didn't actually include Blaze."

As this statement sank in, Dustin's brother, Thorian, was taken aback, and he blurted out, "Are you saying that we've been tricked?"

Chapter 1884: Two sides clashed

"Right now, it cannot be determined."

Dustin shook his head and said solemnly, "In this situation, there are only two possibilities. First, Antonio did not gain the trust of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, and Blaze sent this team purely to test Antonio."

"And the second?" Thorian asked.

"The second possibility is that Antonio has betrayed us. This is a trap set by the Dragon Guard Pavilion, using a sacrificial team to lure us out and prepare to capture us all," Dustin said with a serious expression. "If it's the former, the only one in danger is Antonio. If it's the latter, we may have already fallen into the enemy's ambush."

"Everyone, be on guard immediately!"

Thorian quickly realized the situation and gave the order.

The elite members of the King Palace immediately scattered and became vigilant.

"Hahaha... It's too late to be on guard now!"

Suddenly, a loud laugh rang out in the sky, startling countless birds into flight.

Following that, a large number of soldiers and horses swarmed in from various directions.

As far as the eye could see, there were thousands upon thousands of them, densely packed.

The elite experts Dustin had brought this time numbered about a thousand.

However, the Dragon Guard's ambush consisted of ten times as many soldiers and horses.

They were coming from all sides, clearly well-prepared.

"Bad news! We've been outwitted!"

Thorian's face changed, and he immediately directed his personal guard to form a defensive formation.

They had thought this was going to be an easy capture, but it turned out to be a mantis hunting the cicada, with the oriole behind.

"Surround them!"

With a shout, the Dragon Guard Pavilion's countless soldiers and horses surrounded the elite members of the King Palace.

Both sides had brought their best of the best.

However, the Dragon Guard Pavilion had a clear numerical advantage.

"Damn it! That traitor, Antonio!" Thorian gritted his teeth, filled with anger.

For this assassination mission, they hadn't brought a large force to avoid alerting their target. They had only selected a few elite experts. But they never expected Antonio to betray the King Palace, setting up this trap that led them all into a deadly pit.

"Logan, didn't expect to see me like this, did you?" With a burst of laughter, Blaze appeared with a group of Dragon Guard experts, walking out from the crowd.
On his left stood Lorenzo, and on his right was Antonio.

They formed a formidable trio.

"Blaze?!" Dustin narrowed his eyes and looked at the tall figure in a mask in front of him, a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Blood debts must be repaid.

During the upheaval of the Purple Forbidden City, Blaze was the mastermind, even more despicable than Kylo.

"That's right, it's me," Blaze said with a loud laugh. "How do you like the surprise? Unexpected, isn't it? They say the mantis hunts the cicada while the oriole is behind, but who would have thought that behind you, the oriole, there's also a hunter."

"Logan, I'm sorry, but as they say, those who understand the times are wise. The Lord of the Dragon Guard Pavilion was too generous, and I couldn't refuse. So, I had to sell you out," Antonio grinned.

"You despicable beast! The King Palace gave you a chance to redeem yourself, and you not only refused but also betrayed us. Has your conscience been eaten by dogs?" Thorian cursed openly.

"Conscience? Heh..." Antonio sneered, "Thorian, you're too naive. What's the worth of a conscience? Is it more important than power or status? Staying in West Lucozia, I would never have a chance to rise, especially after this failure, you might even have imprisoned me, and I'd never see the light of day again. But with the Lord of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, I can not only enjoy wealth and luxury but also have supreme power. Once I kill you, I'll be the future ruler of West Lucozia!"

"You're dreaming!" Thorian shouted angrily. "A scoundrel like you who sells out for personal gain will never become a king in your lifetime!"

"Less talk! I only know that the victor writes history! I'll do whatever it takes to achieve my goals!" Antonio proclaimed.

"Hmph! You talk so shamelessly about your despicable acts. I've never seen anyone as disgusting as you!" Thorian scoffed.

"Antonio, don't get too cocky. Today's outcome is still uncertain," Thorian said with a cold expression.

Indeed, the Dragon Guard Pavilion had a larger force, but the King Palace had brought elite experts. Even if they couldn't defeat them, they might have a chance to break through and survive.

"Hehe... I've already tricked you into revealing your hand. How can you still fight me?" Antonio sneered.

"Logan Rhus, I have to admit, the two formations you set up earlier are quite formidable. If I were inadvertently trapped in them, I might not have escaped for a while," Blaze began by praising, but then he changed his tone, "But unfortunately, you miscalculated. I have a great appreciation for talent. So, I'm willing to give you a chance. If you surrender and kneel, I can spare your life and grant you wealth and prosperity forever."

"Surrender and kneel?" Dustin sneered, "Are you worthy?"

A cunning and treacherous person like Blaze would never let a surrendered enemy live. After all, they had already reached a point of no return.

"Hehe... Logan Rhys, I know who you are. I understand your distrust. But you should be smart and learn from your Third Uncle. Know when to submit to a stronger force. It might be the way to survive," Blaze said with a faint smile.

"Blaze, I know exactly who you are. I don't believe a word you say," Dustin said coldly. "Now, let's fight. We'll settle this life and death matter right here."

"Good! Since you're so determined to die, I'll grant your wish!" Blaze slowly raised his hand and then pressed it down forcefully, "Kill! Leave no one alive!"


After receiving the command, the Dragon Guard Pavilion members roared and drew their weapons, charging directly at the King Palace's elite fighters.

"Brothers, let's give it our all!" Thorian drew his sword and led the King Palace's elite experts, bravely confronting the enemy.

The two sides clashed with a thunderous impact, beginning a life-and-death struggle.

Chapter 1885: The breakthrough

The King Palace's elite fighters were indeed formidable, but the Dragon Guard Pavilion had the numerical advantage.

As the two sides clashed, the battle was exceptionally fierce.

Thorian led the charge for the King Palace, while Lorenzo led the Dragon Guard Pavilion.

As for Dustin and Blaze, they watched each other from a distance, neither making a move.

The forces from both sides had already mingled, making it impossible for Dustin to activate his formations without causing indiscriminate damage.

Both the Illusion Formation and the Eight Trigrams Formation did not differentiate between friend and foe in their attacks.

The strategically placed explosives in the vicinity were also rendered unusable.

Using such a desperate tactic, where both sides would be destroyed, would only come into play when there were no other options.

"Thorian! The ambush plan has failed. Lead our people to break through immediately!" Dustin gave a decisive command after observing the situation.

Looking at the situation, it was clear that the elite experts from the King Palace, despite their bravery and formidable abilities, were not gaining any advantages in this battle.

Even though each of them had the strength to take on one, or even three or five opponents, they couldn't win this battle.

The Dragon Guard Pavilion outnumbered the King Palace's elite fighters by tenfold. If they continued to fight and expend their energy, the elite King Palace members would eventually be wiped out.

So, while they still had the strength to do so, breaking through was the best choice.

They couldn't afford to let these elite fighters sacrifice themselves in vain.

"Form the Offense-Defense Formation! Follow me for the breakthrough!"

Receiving the order, Thorian didn't hesitate. He immediately directed his subordinates to form the Offense-Defense Formation and began charging towards the weakest point in the enemy's encirclement.

The elite fighters of the King Palace, who already had a natural advantage in terms of strength, training, and coordination, broke through swiftly.

The encirclement created by the Dragon Guard Pavilion was torn open.

"Quick, chase them! Don't let them escape!" Antonio shouted urgently.

"Chase them!"

Lorenzo didn't hesitate and immediately led a large group of soldiers to pursue the King Palace's elite fighters.

Quickly, the intense life-and-death battle transformed into a chase-and-intercept scenario.

The two groups chased and fled through the forest, and within moments, they were far from the initial battleground.

At this moment, back at the battlefield:

On the King Palace's side, only Dustin remained in the same spot.

In contrast, the Dragon Guard Pavilion had Blaze, Antonio, and three martial arts grandmasters who remained.

These three grandmasters were all elders of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, each with formidable strength and unique skills.

Fortunately, the final strike by Zenon before his death had eliminated most of the Dragon Guard Pavilion's elite fighters.

Otherwise, the group standing before Dustin wouldn't be as limited in numbers.

"Logan Rhys, why aren't you running?" Blaze grinned sardonically, looking at him like a hunter assessing his prey.

"Why should I run? I came here today to kill you," Dustin said coldly.

"Kill me? Hahaha..." Blaze laughed louder, "Logan Rhys, I acknowledge your exceptional talent and strength. You've made it into the top ten of the World Shaking Ranking at such a young age. But for me, you're still a bit green. You should know that being ranked tenth on the World Shaking Ranking is quite a gap from being fifth."

"The rankings on the World Shaking Ranking are just for reference, not an absolute measure of strength. The death of your former Leader Kylo is the best example," Dustin said coldly.

On the previous World Shaking Ranking, Kylo ranked second, and Zenon ranked third. However, after Zenon's explosive breakthrough, Kylo proved to be no match, not even having a chance to escape.

"Kylo?" Blaze snorted, "Logan, don't overestimate yourself. First of all, I'm not Kylo, and second, you're not Zenon. Zenon was a once-in-a-millennium swordsman. You're far from that level."

Chapter 1886: Enough to deal with you

"My strength may not be on par with Uncle Zenon, but it's enough to deal with you," Dustin replied.

"Deal with me? Do you have the ability?" Blaze sneered.

According to his intelligence, Logan Rhys had only recently entered the Great Grandmaster realm, and even with some special techniques, he was, at best, in the mid-stage of the Great Grandmaster realm. In contrast, Blaze was approaching the Great Perfection stage, with a gap of nearly two realms between them, like an unbridgeable chasm.

"Whether I have the ability or not, you'll find out soon enough," Dustin retorted, raising his sword. The Sky Sword emerged from its sheath on his back and landed firmly in his hand.

"Alright! Since you're so confident, I'll give you a chance to challenge me today," Blaze said, extending his hand. A crimson long spear materialized out of thin air. It was none other than the third-ranked Divine Weapon on the Divine Weapons Ranking, the Dragon flame Crimson Spear that had belonged to Kylo.

"None of you are allowed to intervene. Today, I'm going to use my absolute strength to completely crush this so-called prodigy!" Blaze declared as he twirled the long spear. His aura surged dramatically.

A red light shot up from him, piercing the sky, summoning thunder and causing violent winds to sweep across the heavens. Within a radius of several hundred meters, all plants and trees bent down in submission.

This surge in power, inadvertently, induced a phenomenon in the heavens and the earth.

"Hmm?" Feeling the formidable aura emanating from Blaze, Dustin slightly furrowed his brow, his expression turning serious. He had sailed smoothly through the realm of martial arts so far, with little encounter with true formidable opponents. For the first time, he was sensing unprecedented pressure from Blaze.

This battle was destined not to be an easy one.

"Logan Rhys! Come on, show me your strength!" Blaze extended a hand provocatively, inviting Dustin to come at him.

"Hmph!" Dustin didn't waste any words. He swiftly stepped forward, his whole being turning into a blur of light as he charged directly at Blaze. The Sky Sword in his hand emitted bursts of dark energy, exuding a chilling aura.

"Great Desert, Lone Smoke!"

Confronting Dustin's attack, Blaze didn't evade or step back. He simply thrust his long spear forward, causing countless sharp spear energies to explode instantly.

These spear energies were like shells, carrying a terrifying force, and they bombarded Dustin relentlessly. As they swept through, the ground shook, plants and trees were torn apart, and everything in their path crumbled.

Dustin's eyes narrowed, and the Sky Sword was swung with great force, creating a dense network of sword energies in front of him. This mesh of sword energies clashed with Blaze's spear energies in a resounding explosion.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Accompanied by a series of thunderous roars, the sword energies and spear energies burst and scattered in all directions, creating a dazzling and deadly display of colors.

The violent energy waves expanded rapidly, like a tide, destroying everything in their vicinity.

On the ground, craters formed one after another, and the surroundings were in shambles.

In the next moment, Dustin was catapulted out from the center of the explosion. When he landed, he took several steps back, and each step he took left a deep footprint on the ground.

In contrast, Blaze stood where he was, seemingly untouched by the entire exchange.

In this head-on clash of their first moves, it was clear that Dustin was at a disadvantage.

Chapter 1887: Take action

"I have to admit, you do have some skills," Blaze said as he held his spear with one hand and spoke with an imposing tone. "In this world, there aren't many who can withstand my Great Desert, Lone Smoke. I didn't expect you to be one of them. Given time, you might even surpass me."

In their previous clash, Blaze had used about fifty percent of his strength. Facing Dustin head-on and only falling slightly behind proved Dustin's strength.

However, Blaze was quick to add, "But it's too bad. You're still quite far from my level."

"I thought that as the fifth-ranked on the World-Shaking List, you would be very powerful. Now it seems you're just average," Dustin replied with a disappointed expression.

"What did you say?" Blaze's eyes turned cold. How dare this kid look down on him?

"What? Didn't you hear me? I can say it again," Dustin raised his voice, speaking clearly, "Your strength is garbage, much weaker than I expected."

"You brat! You're looking for death!" Blaze, upon hearing these words, was instantly infuriated.

He shook his long spear, and his entire body erupted with a formidable aura. With a step of his foot, he transformed into a red blur and charged straight towards Dustin.

Who did he think he was? When had anyone ever dared to belittle him? He would make sure that this insolent young man paid the price with his life.

"Endless River, Setting Sun!"

When Blaze reached the halfway point, he swung his long spear.

Eighteen spear radiations erupted instantaneously, revolving wildly around his body. Finally, they converged into a massive rainbow light and roared towards Dustin.

Wherever the rainbow light passed, the air distorted, and the ground was deeply marked.

Dustin might have ridiculed Blaze verbally, but he dared not underestimate him in his heart. Faced with this powerful attack, he immediately channeled his entire body's true energy into the Azure Sky Sword, using one of his techniques.

"Slaughter of the Military God!"

Dustin shouted, merging himself with his sword, turning into a black radiance, and collided head-on with Blaze.

This sword strike didn't have the imposing momentum that could shock heaven and earth, nor the chilling aura that could captivate hearts. It had only one characteristic: speed. Extreme speed!

In the blink of an eye, the black radiance transformed into by Dustin's strike and Blaze's rainbow light collided.


A thunderous explosion, an earthquake, and a change in the weather followed.

The moment the two beams of light collided, a terrifying wave of energy surged out like a tsunami, sweeping everything in its path.

As it traveled, it left behind a trail of devastation, tearing through anything in its way.

Even Dustin's sarcastic words couldn't detract from the power of this collision.

The silver needle trembled, stimulating his acupoints intensely. Dustin's eyes turned a fiery red, veins protruding all over his body, and muscles bulging.

A surge of overwhelming energy flowed from all parts of his body, relentless and unstoppable. This was a secret technique of the Rhys family, capable of unlocking one's potential and vastly increasing their power in a short period. However, the side effects were equally severe.

With Dustin's current cultivation, he could only maintain this heightened state for the duration of about a cup of tea. If he couldn't finish the battle within this limited time, there would be no way out but death.


With his eyes now crimson red, Dustin let out a low growl and thrust his sword again.

A fierce battle erupted once more between the two of them.

With Dustin's greatly increased strength, he was no weaker than Blaze, even in a direct confrontation. For a while, they exchanged blows and neither was willing to give in.

Each collision, each exchange, unleashed massive energy waves that damaged their surroundings. Dustin grew more formidable with each attack, swinging the Azure Sky Sword faster and with greater intensity. His spirit, energy, and mind were pushed to the limits.

However, no matter how he pushed himself, Blaze remained as steady as a mountain, showing no signs of haste or slowness.

Given the current circumstances, it was apparent that defeating or killing Blaze within the timeframe of a cup of tea would be far from enough.

"Your Rhys family's secret technique is impressive, indeed. It allowed you to boost your power to this level in such a short time. It's truly astonishing," Blaze commented.

"However, how long can you last? Five minutes? Ten minutes? Maybe twenty minutes?" he taunted. "Once the time for your secret technique runs out, you'll be like a fish on a chopping block, awaiting my execution."

Blaze's words were primarily meant to play mind games with Dustin. With Dustin's current strength, winning was no easy feat, and even if he managed it, it would come at a high cost. Therefore, Blaze aimed to lure Dustin into revealing a vulnerability.

"Then I'll slaughter you within the duration of my secret technique!" Dustin's aura soared once more. The Azure Sky Sword moved faster and struck with even greater ferocity. His true energy surged out like a tidal wave. He had thrown caution to the wind and was going all out.

"The gap between you and me cannot be bridged by the Rhys family's secret technique alone. Even if your strength has greatly increased, you still can't match me," Blaze retorted, wielding the Dragon flame Crimson Spear with one hand to defend and attack. The two of them were locked in a fierce battle.

"Albert, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and take action!" Dustin suddenly shouted. His Azure Sky Sword was wielded frantically, maximizing his efforts to constrain Blaze.


As Dustin's words fell, a massive golden palm image appeared in the sky, pressing down with tremendous force onto Blaze's head.

This palm image was like a mountain, incredibly heavy, exuding a devastating pressure.

Once it materialized, it locked onto Blaze. No matter how he tried to dodge, he couldn't avoid it.

"Hmm?" Blaze felt the pressure from above and his expression turned serious, but he wasn't panicking. He raised his spear with one hand to handle Dustin's attacks while raising his other hand to meet the golden palm image descending from the sky.

He intended to confront the simultaneous assault of two Grandmasters with his own strength.

Chapter 1888: Diamond Wisdom Palm

"An ambush? Do you think it will work?"

Blaze roared and swiftly unleashed a scorching red aura from his long spear and iron palm, countering Dustin's attacks and the massive golden palm descending from the sky.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two thunderous sounds rang out. Dustin was knocked back by a spear, and the golden palm image in the sky, under Blaze's onslaught, shattered like glass, scattering into golden specks.

Albert, who was concealed within the golden palm image, was propelled high into the air and then thrown back more than ten meters upon landing.

In contrast, Blaze only took a few steps back before steadying himself. Even under this surprise attack where he was outnumbered, he held the upper hand.

It's noteworthy that both Dustin and Albert were Grandmaster-level experts, standing at the pinnacle of the world. Yet Blaze could effortlessly handle their combined assault.

Blaze displayed his incredible strength, even when confronted by two formidable Grandmasters. That said, Dustin and Albert had no shortage of respect for his power.

"The fifth-ranked expert on the World-Shaking List is indeed as formidable as the rumors suggest."

Standing side by side, Albert and Dustin fixed their unwavering gazes on Blaze.

Admittedly, Blaze's strength was quite exceptional, and in one-on-one combat, there might not be anyone in the West Lucozia region who could rival him.

"Men Butcher Albert?" Blaze squinted and then chuckled, "I've wanted to meet you for a long time. It's a shame I haven't had the opportunity. But today's a two-for-one special. After I kill Dustin, I'll deal with you. The West Lucozia royal palace will be gravely weakened, and that's when I'll seize full control of West Lucozia!"

"Is that so? We'll see if you have what it takes!" Albert sneered, producing a silver needle and piercing it into his own head.

Like Dustin, he chose to employ the Rhys family's secret technique, unlocking his potential to fight to the death. He knew that under normal circumstances, their chances of victory would be slim, and they had to go all out. The goal was to eliminate this major threat as quickly as possible.

"Oh? Ready to fight for your lives, are you? Very well. Come and let me see what you're made of," Blaze responded. He wasn't fazed at all, and with a swift flick of his long spear, his aura once again surged, making him look like a god descending to the earth.


Dustin signaled to Albert without any need for words and immediately launched another attack with his sword. He was aware that he had already consumed half of his boosted potential time, and every remaining second was precious – precious enough to risk their lives for a slim chance.

"Hehe... It's been a long time since I've felt this exhilarated."

Albert chuckled with a wicked grin. His eyes glowed crimson as he transformed into a shadow, rushing towards Blaze's position.

Albert was renowned for his martial art, the Split Tendons and Crushed Bones technique. His iron palms had been trained relentlessly, making them equivalent to divine weapons. His close-quarters combat skills and knowledge of the human body were unmatched.

"Excellent!" Blaze shouted and, without retreating, charged head-on to confront the two.

He held his spear with both hands, whirling it around, and unleashed a continuous barrage of spear shadows that shot towards Dustin and Albert like bullets.
Dustin deflected the spear shadows with his sword's energy, while Albert's palms radiated milky-white light, blocking the incoming spear shadows.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang..."

Even before the two sides clashed, the first confrontation occurred in the air. Powerful energy waves erupted and spread like a torrential explosion, sweeping through the surroundings like waves.

The resulting destruction was immense.

"Albert, this won't work! Use your ultimate technique to end this fight as quickly as possible!" After the initial exchange, Dustin quickly realized the issue. Engaging in an energy clash like this would hardly affect Blaze, and continuing would be a death sentence once the time for the secret technique ran out.

"Understood!" Albert responded, springing into the air, rising to a height of a hundred meters. Then he flipped in mid-air, head down and feet up, and aimed his palm strike at Blaze on the ground.

"Diamond Wisdom Palm!"

Albert roared, and his body emitted a dazzling golden light. This light quickly transformed in the air, taking the shape of a colossal wrathful deity, exuding a powerful and imposing presence.

Chapter 1889: Noble Righteousness Inner Energy

Both the colossal wrathful deities formed by Albert and Blaze maintained the same posture as they pushed downward. Before the towering deity, Blaze's figure seemed minuscule, like a mere ant about to be crushed to pulp with a light touch.

"Seven Slays!"

As Albert attacked, Dustin didn't hesitate. His eyes opened wide, and his entire inner energy gathered within the Sky Sword. He took a strong step forward.


Dustin merged with his sword, transforming into a dark streak that pierced straight towards Blaze's heart.

"Noble Righteousness Inner Energy!"

As he saw Dustin and Albert go all out, Blaze didn't dare underestimate the situation. He immediately employed his defensive technique.

His body shook as an enormous amount of white energy surged from him, forming a circular protective barrier around him. The barrier was adorned with numerous intricate runes, appearing both mysterious and enigmatic.


A loud sound resounded as Albert's wrathful deity-like Diamond Wisdom Palm struck the white barrier that Blaze had created over his head.

The barrier shook, emitting ripples that spread outwards like water. The mystical runes on the surface of the barrier began to glow brightly.


Another deafening sound followed. Dustin's lethal strike pierced the white barrier but didn't break through. It sent waves rippling across the surface of the barrier.
Albert's Golden Diamond Wisdom Palm remained firm, pressing down on the barrier, while Dustin's Sky Sword relentlessly thrust forward.

Both Albert and Dustin, one from above and one from below, pushed with all their might. This was their most powerful attack, and their combined energy surged into Blaze's protective barrier.

The ground shook with the tremendous force generated by the collision of these immense energies.

At this moment, both Dustin and Albert held nothing back, relentlessly pounding the protective barrier, squeezing out every last ounce of their remaining potential.

"Crack... crack..."

Under the relentless assault from Dustin and Albert, Blaze's protective barrier finally showed cracks, and these cracks rapidly expanded.

"Hmm? How can this be?"

Blaze's face changed, and he was filled with shock. His Noble Righteousness Inner Energy defense was known for being nearly impervious among peers, and he didn't expect that the combined might of Dustin and Albert could threaten him.

The power of the Rhys family's secret technique couldn't be underestimated.

"What are you waiting for? Come help!"

Unable to contain himself any longer, Blaze began seeking help from those behind him. He originally thought he could easily handle Dustin and Albert on his own, but he had underestimated their strength, putting him in an unfavorable situation.

Of course, he knew that this was their most powerful strike, and if he could endure this, victory would be at hand.

"Lord of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, I'm here to assist you!"

Seeing the moment was ripe, Antonio took a step and turned into a blur, rushing towards the center of the battlefield.


Blaze's face lit up, and he quickly said, "Dustin and Albert are already entangled by me. They have no ability to resist right now. You deal with Dustin first, and I'll handle Albert!"


As he closed the distance, Antonio's eyes glinted with coldness. He suddenly drew a concealed weapon and aimed it at Blaze's back, fiercely stabbing.


A poisoned needle shot out from the concealed weapon, piercing through the cracks in the protective barrier and directly into Blaze's body.

This needle was none other than the God-Killer Poison!

Chapter 1890: Mask shattered, revealing a terrifying face

The God-Killer Poison was delivered in the form of a concealed weapon with an effective range of three meters. Within three meters and under sudden circumstances, it was almost impossible to miss.

So, when Antonio pulled out the concealed weapon and launched the sneak attack from behind, the poisoned needle, armed with the God-Killer Poison, effortlessly pierced Blaze's body without any resistance.

"Phew... Finally done."

Antonio let out a long breath as if he had completed an important mission.

On the other hand, Blaze was left bewildered. He turned around, staring at Antonio, who was grinning as if he had accomplished a crucial task. Blaze's expression was a mix of shock, confusion, disbelief, and deep suspicion.


Blaze's eyes widened, his face filled with astonishment, shock, puzzlement, and profound disbelief. He couldn't fathom why Antonio, who had already severed ties with the West Lucozia Royal Family and joined the Dragon Guard Pavilion, would betray him.

"Lord of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, I apologize, but I am also a member of the Rhys family. I couldn't just watch the Rhys family be destroyed."

Antonio grinned and said, "Furthermore, Dustin is my nephew, and we share the same blood. How could I bear to harm him?"

"So, from the beginning, you've been planning this, and you've been acting the entire time? The betrayal, the tracking leakage, it was all a charade?" Blaze asked, astonished.

"If we didn't do this, how could I gain your trust? If I couldn't gain your trust, how could I succeed now?" Antonio explained unapologetically. "Lord of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, you are indeed very intelligent and cautious. In order to eliminate you, we had to stage a rift, and although the process was convoluted, the results are satisfactory."

"You... you..."

Blaze was infuriated, his teeth grinding, his eyes bulging, and the veins on his neck throbbing. As he struggled with surging anger and frustration, the God-Killer Poison inside him accelerated its effects. He spat out a mouthful of black blood.

In an instant, Blaze seemed like a deflated balloon, his aura weakened, and he swayed on the brink of collapse.

The protective aura that was already riddled with cracks exploded with a resounding "bang." The powerful blow from Albert's Adamantine Divine Palm was the first to strike.

Blaze had no time to think; he immediately channeled his entire body's energy and thrust his palm upwards to meet Albert's assault.


With a mighty clash, Albert was sent flying several dozen meters away, and Blaze, once again, coughed up black blood, his face turned unnaturally pale.

Having just repelled Albert, the next moment, Dustin's Azure Sky Sword had already pierced Blaze's chest.


The Azure Sky Sword stabbed in from the chest and emerged from his back, delivering a devastating blow to Blaze.


Blaze let out a furious roar as the energy of a Grandmaster surged out of his body, carrying a terrifying force.


Dustin was sent flying by the shockwave, and he lost his grip on the Azure Sky Sword.

"Die, all of you!!"

Blaze's eyes turned crimson, and his hair stood on end. He roared again and again.

His mask, which he had been wearing, suddenly shattered, revealing a terrifying and grotesque face.

In his hand, the Dragon flame Crimson Spear swirled wildly, and streaks of sharp spear radiance shot out indiscriminately in all directions.

Each strike contained the power to annihilate the heavens and the earth.

At this moment, Blaze had completely fallen into a state of madness, and his strength had surged to unprecedented levels.

If earlier, Blaze had some reservations and didn't want to get injured, now he was ready to fight to the death.

"Fall back quickly! He's been poisoned by the God-Killer Poison, and he won't last much longer!"

Dustin gave the order and immediately distanced himself to avoid being caught in Blaze's final counterattack.

Albert and Antonio also retreated, not daring to get too close, instead opting to observe the situation closely.
Many thanks. Please, Don't get tired
Chapter 1891: A superb healing pill

The Godkiller Poison is the foremost among the ten extraordinary poisons, unstoppable in the realm of immortals on land. In other words, apart from Devin on Dragon Tiger Mountain, no one in the entire world can withstand the erosion of the God Killer Poison.

Blaze's death is only a matter of time.

At this moment, the most feared thing is a cornered dog.

"Master of the Pavilion!"

Seeing Blaze under attack, three Grandmaster-level elders from the Dragon Guard Pavilion in the rear instantly changed their expressions.

Without hesitation, they immediately rushed forward, preparing to rescue him.

"Get out of here!!"

Blaze roared, sweeping out with the Dragon flame Crimson Spear in his hand, directly sending the three Dragon Guard elders flying on the spot.

They each spat blood, severely injured and fell to the ground.

At this point, Blaze had approached madness. After Antonio's sneak attack just now, he no longer trusted anyone.

Anyone who approached him was considered an enemy.

"I will kill all of you!!"

Blaze kept waving the Dragon flame Crimson Spear, the sharp spear energy shooting out overwhelmingly, turning the area within a hundred meters into a killing zone.

Regardless of whether they were living beings or inanimate objects, as long as they approached this range, they would be crushed into pieces by the shadows of the spear.


After his frenzy, Blaze spat out another mouthful of black blood. His whole person looked weak, swaying.

It wasn't until this moment that the red light in Blaze's eyes gradually dissipated, and his madness finally began to subside.

"You bunch of scum, one day, I will tear you into ten thousand pieces!"

After uttering these harsh words, Blaze turned around and fled.

He turned into a residual image, rushing towards the direction of the base.

At this moment, not only was he severely poisoned, but he was also stabbed in the chest by Dustin with a sword, leaving his entire body extremely weak.

If they continued to delay, he would undoubtedly perish here.

He had to retreat to the base and find someone to heal his injuries and detoxify the poison.

As long as he returned to his own territory, even if Dustin and his two companions had extraordinary abilities, they couldn't possibly breach the base's defenses.


Seeing Blaze fleeing in a sorry state, Dustin ordered immediately, leading his people in pursuit.

Now that Blaze was isolated and his combat strength greatly reduced, it was the best opportunity for a kill, and they couldn't afford to miss it.

"Albert, take this!"

During the chase, Dustin flicked his finger, sending a superb healing pill to Albert.

Different from the one given to Antonio earlier, this superb healing pill had astonishing effects. It could rapidly replenish consumed energy.

Dustin had specifically researched it to compensate for the deficiencies in the Rhys family's secret technique and alleviate the harm caused by its aftereffects.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Albert didn't hesitate and swallowed the pill in one gulp.

As soon as the pill entered his body, a warm flow spread throughout his entire body. He instantly felt refreshed and revitalized.

"Increase the speed! We must not let Blaze escape!" Lu Chen commanded.

"Logan, Blaze is already afflicted by the Godkiller Poison. He is bound to die sooner or later. There's no need to be in such a hurry," Antonio said.

He was mainly concerned that Blaze might make a desperate counterattack and injure him.

"Although the Godkiller Poison is powerful, I can't guarantee that it will definitely kill Blaze. Until we confirm his death, we cannot afford to be careless!" Dustin's expression was serious.

After setting up the situation for so long, they had finally found this opportunity. Naturally, they couldn't afford any mistakes, not even the slightest bit of luck.

Blaze must die today!

Chapter 1892: It's almost here

"It's getting close! It's almost here!"

Blaze, using the burning of his essence and blood as a guide, fled for his life, continuously spitting up blood along the way without any respite.

Finally, after a sprint, Blaze soon saw the tall city wall in front of the base.

As long as he crossed the city wall, he would be safe.

With so many elixirs and miraculous medicines in the base, there must be something to treat the poison in his body.

There was hope; he could still survive!

"Open the city gate! Quickly open the city gate!"

As he rushed to the base of the city wall, Blaze had reached his limit. His entire body was unsteady, swaying back and forth, and his face, especially, was turning black and purple. Black blood continued to ooze from his mouth and nose.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

Just as Blaze finished speaking, several thick crossbow bolts suddenly shot out from the top of the city wall.

Each of these siege crossbow bolts contained tremendous power, with immense destructive force.

Blaze's eyelids twitched, and he quickly dodged.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Several siege crossbow bolts finally struck half a meter in front of Blaze, their enormous power causing the front halves to sink deep into the ground, leaving only the rear halves quivering slightly, emitting a thunderous roar.

"Hey! Have you all gone crazy? I am the Lord of the Dragon Guard Pavilion! Open your damn eyes and look carefully!" Blaze shouted angrily at the soldiers on the city wall.

The soldiers on the city wall did not react at all; instead, they raised their weapons, aiming at Blaze.

Various heavy weapons were also activated.

Countless gun barrels and muzzles were all aimed at Blaze beneath the city wall.

"Only one command away, and we can blast him to pieces."

"You bunch of blind fools! Don't you even recognize me? Open the city gate now, or I won't spare any of you!" Blaze roared repeatedly.

He had thought he was already saved, but unexpectedly, he was blocked right at his own doorstep.

What on earth were these people up to?

"Blaze, your death is imminent. Surrender immediately, and I can make it quick for you!"

At this moment, a cold voice came from behind.

Dustin and his two companions had followed and blocked Blaze's escape route.

"Quick! Open fire! Kill them!" Blaze, now back in his senses, pointed at Dustin and his two companions, shouting furiously.

On the city wall, a group of soldiers remained cold and emotionless, as if they hadn't heard anything at all.

"Are you all deaf? I told you to open fire!" Blaze shouted hysterically.

Due to his intense emotions, he coughed up another mouthful of black blood, and his spirit became even more listless.

"The Godkiller Poison is indeed potent, even someone of Blaze's stature can't withstand it. Truly remarkable!"

Watching the crumbling Blaze, Dustin couldn't help but feel shocked.

As the fifth-ranked expert on the World-Shocking List, his strength was beyond question. Even if the three of them joined forces, they couldn't win in a direct confrontation.

But now, having been poisoned by the Godkiller Poison, Blaze's life force was rapidly fading, and he was now on the brink of death.

"No need to shout anymore. The soldiers on the city wall are not from your Dragon Guard Pavilion," Dustin said coldly.

Chapter 1893: White Tiger Army

"Nonsense! If they aren't from my Dragon Guard Pavilion, are they from your West Lucozia Mansion?" Blaze shouted with bloodshot eyes.

"Correct, they are indeed my people," Dustin admitted bluntly. "While you were leading your troops to ambush us, my forces had already taken advantage and captured your base. Now, this place belongs to me."

"Logan Rhys, stop trying to scare people," Blaze retorted fiercely. "Although I brought many elite soldiers with me this time, there are still at least thirty thousand troops inside the base, along with various defensive measures. Without more than a hundred thousand soldiers, there's no way you can take it in a short time. The Black Dragon Army of West Lucozia is under my surveillance. If you were mobilizing more than a hundred thousand soldiers, how could I not know?"

"Who said I used the Black Dragon Army?" Dustin said indifferently. "What you can think of, I can think of too. So this time, to eliminate you remnants, I've specially enlisted outside help."

Last night, he had sent a letter to Thorian, urging him to bring reinforcements as quickly as possible. Fortunately, the reinforcements arrived in time, executing his entire plan.

"Outside help? What outside help?" Blaze frowned, feeling somewhat uneasy for no apparent reason.

"The nearest large force to West Lucozia is the White Tiger Army in the southwest, and the commander of the White Tiger Army is the War God, Adam Spanner. As it happens, Adam Spanner is my close friend," Dustin said calmly.

"White Tiger Army? Adam Spanner? How is that possible? You're lying!" Blaze exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Don't believe it? Look for yourself," Dustin didn't explain further, instead nodding toward Blaze's back.

Blaze, sensing something, turned around and saw the city gate slowly opening. Following that, a young man in silver armor with a handsome mask, leading a group of elite soldiers, confidently stepped out.

The young man was none other than the War God Adam Spanner!

"Blaze, how do you feel? Surprised or not?" Adam asked.

"To deal with you, I've mobilized twenty thousand White Tiger Army soldiers, along with thirty thousand Black Dragon Army soldiers from West Lucozia. Finally, we've captured your base," Adam said with a smile, though his gaze was ice-cold.

The ambitions of the person before him were immense – controlling the West Lucozia Mansion, holding the imperial authority, and becoming the ruler of the realm. However, his grand plans ultimately fell short.

The primary reason was underestimating the threat, not taking the Kirin son's Logan Rhys seriously.

"Adam Spanner? Is it really you?" Blaze's body shook as if struck by lightning.

Seeing Adam Spanner walk out of the base, he understood that Dustin had not lied.

The base had fallen, and he was utterly defeated.

"How could this happen? How could this happen?" Blaze kept shaking his head, still struggling to accept the reality. "No... it can't be! To mobilize twenty thousand troops, without a direct imperial order, it's impossible. I've already planted spies near the Emperor, and if he were to call for military movements, I should have known very quickly."

"Mobilizing troops doesn't require a direct imperial order, just a military token," Adam smiled.

"From West Lucozia to Stonia, then back to West Lucozia within a night? That's impossible!" Blaze continued to deny.

"To obtain the military token, there's no need to go to Stonia. Logan Rhys has a key figure by his side who can act on behalf of the Emperor," Adam said, stepping aside and bowing. "Your Highness, please."

As he spoke, a woman dressed in white, elegant, and veiled, emerged gracefully.

The woman was none other than the Dragon Princess, the top-ranked on the Rouge List, Margaret!

Chapter 1894: Ignorant to the end

"Blaze, you've brought calamity to the nation and its people, committing heinous crimes. Surrender immediately, or there will be no mercy!" Margaret's voice was cold, and her presence was formidable. She held a golden token symbolizing imperial authority in her hand.

When she left the capital with Dustin to come to West Lucozia, it was precisely to deal with the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. So, she had made various preparations, including the golden token for military mobilization, personally granted by her father, the Emperor, as a precaution.

Fortunately, this golden token had played a significant role. Without it, it would have been impossible to mobilize troops across provinces, especially twenty thousand White Tiger Army soldiers.

"Why? Why is it like this?" Blaze staggered backward, a look of despair on his face, and even more black blood flowed from his mouth and nose.

"Blaze, you've already lost, with no possibility of a comeback. After today, the Dragon Guard Pavilion will cease to exist. You and your Dragon Guard members, hiding in the shadows, will finally pay the price for your actions," Dustin spoke coldly.

"No! I haven't lost yet! I can't possibly lose!" Blaze raised his head to the sky and howled, hysterical. "I've worked so hard to reach my current position, to have the opportunity to become the ruler of the realm. How can I lose to a bunch of inexperienced youngsters like you?"

He had endured for many years, finally emerging as the Lord of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. He believed he would attain supreme power, only to be struck down shortly after taking office, pushed to the brink now.

He was not resigned to it.

He was not willing to accept failure, especially not to these young people, and he was even more unwilling to die like this.

"Blaze, don't you understand yet?" Adam Spanner said calmly. "From the moment Sword Immortal Zenon destroyed the Dragon Vein and obliterated the Dragon Guard Pavilion, you lost the momentum and fortune. If you had continued to hide in the shadows, you might have survived a bit longer. But you should never have harbored greed, never should have set your sights on the West Lucozia Mansion. From the moment you made that decision, you were destined to fail. It's fate, and it's the natural course of things. Accept it!"

"What a load of nonsense fate? I refuse! I refuse!"

"I am the chosen one! I am the ruler of the realm! You bunch of people cannot possibly defeat me!"

"I will kill you! I will kill you!"

Blaze roared repeatedly, appearing as if driven to madness.

With a flick of his Dragon flame Crimson Spear, he transformed into a blood-red streak and charged towards Dustin.

Since he was going to die anyway, he might as well take a few down with him.

"Die for me!!"

Blaze's eyes blazed red, and his entire body burned with his essence and blood.

Black blood continued to pour from his eyes, ears, mouth, and nose, but at this point, he no longer cared.

"Ignorant to the end!"

Dustin snorted and, without dodging or evading, held the Azure Sky Sword and thrust it straight towards Blaze.

Both of them moved at incredible speed, and in the blink of an eye, they crossed a hundred meters and collided with a resounding boom.


A deafening explosion.

The moment the sword and spear tips made contact, a terrifying wave of energy erupted instantly.

Within a radius of a hundred meters, all the plants and trees were vaporized, and a powerful shockwave swept in all directions, obliterating everything in its path.

Under the tremendous impact, Dustin was pushed back several steps, and he spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Chapter 1895: Dragon Guard Pavilion is no more

On the other hand, Blaze was sent flying more than ten meters away, coughing up blood uncontrollably.

His entire arm had shattered, and the Dragon flame Crimson Spear had been flung aside. He lay on the ground like a broken rag, barely clinging to life.

"Your Highness, are you alright?"

Albert hurriedly moved forward, supporting the trembling Dustin.

"I'm fine..."

Dustin felt his internal energy and blood surging within him, his arm numb, and he could hardly hold the sword steady.

Even though Blaze was gravely injured, his full-force blow just now was not to be underestimated. It had even caused Dustin to vomit blood.

Fortunately, the Godkiller Poison within Blaze's body had already taken effect; otherwise, it might not have been easy to defeat him today.


"I can't accept it... I can't accept this!"

Blaze lay on the ground, weakly muttering, his hands deeply imprinted in the earth.

His once ugly face had now become even more grotesque.

"Any last words?"

Dustin approached slowly with the Azure Sky Sword in hand, looking down on Blaze from above.

A former hero of his time, now resembled a dying old dog.

Disheveled, pitiful, and with a touch of ferocity in his desperate struggle.

"Logan Rhys, you despicable scoundrel!"

"If it weren't for your scheming and framing, I wouldn't have lost, and I wouldn't have ended up in this situation today!"

"I refuse! I won't accept this even in death!"

Blaze growled in a mad frenzy.

His opponent was a formidable figure, the likes of King Rufus Rhys of West Lucozia, who was renowned throughout the world and currently held the position of the Emperor. Little did he expect that today, he would be defeated by a few inexperienced youngsters. This was something he found hard to accept, fueling his refusal to surrender.

"Despicable?" Dustin sneered, "Coming from your mouth, that's quite ironic! You sent people to assassinate my father, sowed discord, and manipulated my third uncle into rebellion, causing chaos in West Lucozia. Isn't everything you did despicable? Now that the game is over, you actually start preaching about righteousness. Don't you find it ridiculous? Besides, I don't care whether you accept it or not. I just want you dead!"


Upon hearing this, Blaze suddenly burst into insane laughter, "Logan Rhys, oh, Logan Rhys, even if you kill me, what's the use? Do you think you've already won? You're simply dreaming! The Dragon Guard is deeply rooted, with members scattered across the Five Lakes and Four Seas. Even if you kill me, more people will emerge to avenge me sooner or later. They will annihilate your West Lucozia Mansion!"

"You've reminded me. After I deal with you, I'll issue a nationwide decree, announcing a manhunt for all Dragon Guard Pavilion members. If they surrender early, they may avoid death. But if they persist in their stubbornness, they'll meet the same fate as you," Dustin said coldly.

"With so many people in the world, can you kill them all? As long as there's one member of the Dragon Guard left, there's a chance for a comeback. I may die, but our spirit will never die!" Blaze laughed heartily.

"Is that so? Well, I'm eager to see whether your spirit can be extinguished," Dustin replied. With these words, he raised his hand and beheaded Blaze.

At the moment of death, Blaze had a grim smile mixed with madness on his face.

Dustin lifted Blaze's head with one hand and let out a triumphant cry to the sky, "I declare today, the Dragon Guard Pavilion is no more!"

Chapter 1896: A test to understand limits

Blaze was dead, and the Dragon Guard Pavilion's base had fallen. The entire Dragon Guard organization had been completely eradicated, and the remnants were only scattered individuals who couldn't pose any significant threat.

However, Dustin remained vigilant. He had issued orders in advance, and anyone with ties to the Dragon Guard Pavilion was on his capture list. Surrendering would result in amnesty, but resistance meant certain death.

"Brother Logan, we've finally taken care of this trouble. Congratulations!" Adam Spanner said as he approached, giving Blaze's lifeless body a kick to ensure he was truly dead before flashing a smile.

"Thank you for your twenty thousand White Tiger troops. They cut off Blaze's retreat, or else this guy might have had a chance to escape," Dustin replied.

"I didn't do much, to be honest. If you want to thank anyone, you should thank Princess," Adam said, glancing at Margaret with a suggestive smile. "Princess was extremely nervous for your sake. She rushed around tirelessly and kept urging us to move faster. She almost wore her legs out."

"Adam, what are you muttering about?" Margaret scolded him.

"Nothing, nothing. I was just praising Princess for her wisdom and beauty," Adam replied with a fawning smile.

"Humph! Smooth talker!" Margaret rolled her eyes.

"Princess, thank you once again," Dustin said, bowing politely.

"Don't be so formal. We agreed to help you, and we will see it through to the end. Besides, Blaze was our mutual enemy. Helping you is also helping myself. In the end, it's all about ridding the country of harm," Margaret calmly replied. "Thank you for your kind words, Logan."

"Let's not linger on that. Even though Blaze is dead, there are still some matters we need to handle, such as Lorenzo..." Margaret changed the subject.


Dustin raised an eyebrow and replied, "My people will lead him into an encirclement. If everything goes according to plan, we should be able to capture him."

"From a perspective of self-interest, Lorenzo can be useful," Margaret suggested. "Now that Blaze is dead, the Dragon Guard Pavilion has been obliterated. However, there are still some affiliated factions left. If we can bring these factions under our control, they might be of significant use in the future."

"Are you suggesting that we use Lorenzo as a pawn to control the affiliated factions of the Dragon Guard Pavilion and make him work for me?" Dustin quickly grasped her meaning.

"That's right," Margaret nodded. "There's a saying that goes, 'A skinny camel is still bigger than a horse.' After the fall of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, various major forces in Dragonmarsh will covet its territories and profit organizations. There might even be incidents of plundering. Instead of letting other forces benefit, it's better to have them fall into our hands."

"You make a compelling argument, but I don't trust Lorenzo," Dustin said.

"Trust isn't necessary. Control is what matters," Margaret stated with reason. "From what I know, Lorenzo has a wife and a daughter, and he has been kept under Blaze's control. It's because of this that he served Blaze loyally. Now that Blaze is dead, Lorenzo's wife and daughter are in your hands. The current Lorenzo is nothing more than your pawn. You can make him do whatever you want."

"Evil deeds shall not befall wife and child. While I may not be a saint, I won't resort to such despicable tactics. Otherwise, what would be the difference between me and those people from the Dragon Guard Pavilion?" Dustin said.

"I'm just offering a suggestion, and the specifics are up to you," Margaret said with a faint smile, understanding his boundaries. Her words were not just a suggestion but also a test to understand Dustin's limits.

"Brother Logan, your people have arrived," Adam informed them.

Chapter 1897: More hateful and painful

At that moment, Adam gave a meaningful nod towards the front. Following his gaze, Dustin spotted a well-armed army. It was a vast, densely packed force numbering in the tens of thousands. These soldiers were dressed in black armor, carried longswords at their waists, and exuded a formidable and awe-inspiring presence. Even from a distance, their powerful aura was unmistakable.

This force was none other than West Lucozia's most elite troops, the Black Dragon Army.

"It seems Lorenzo has been caught," Margaret remarked with a slight narrowing of her beautiful eyes. Leading this Black Dragon Army was none other than Dustin's younger brother, Thorian.

Earlier, he had taken over a thousand men and carried out a mission to lure the elite forces of the Dragon Guard into a pre-arranged trap. In the final battle, with an overwhelming advantage in numbers, they crushed the enemy. Over 5,000 of the enemy soldiers were killed, and the rest were captured.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The Black Dragon Army was getting closer, and their imposing presence was growing stronger. Even the White Tiger Army on the city wall couldn't help but reveal serious expressions and feel a sense of trepidation. According to the rumors, the Black Dragon Army was the most powerful force in the Dragonmarsh, winning countless battles throughout its history. It was known for its great achievements, and no other army could confront them head-on.

Seeing them up close, they realized the rumors were far from exaggerations. The intense and chilling atmosphere surrounding the Black Dragon Army was enough to dominate over any other military force.

"Brother! The mission is complete. We've captured all the remnants of the Dragon Guard Pavilion; not a single one got away," Thorian reported as he stepped forward.

"Good job," Dustin nodded in approval.

Thorian looked around and then asked, "How did things go on your end? Did Blaze die?"

"His head was cut off, do you think he's dead?" Adam lightly kicked Blaze's decapitated head. It rolled for a distance on the ground and came to a stop at Thorian's feet.

"Damn, he looks so ugly! No wonder he wore a mask all the time," Thorian spat on the ground. He had a deep-seated hatred for someone who had plotted the assassination of his father and brought disaster to West Lucozia.

"Blaze is dead, and all his elite forces have been captured. The Dragon Guard Pavilion is utterly destroyed," Dustin sighed with relief. The ten years of enmity finally came to a decisive end.

"Brother, there's this traitor too!" Thorian suddenly beckoned, and his men brought out Lorenzo, tightly bound. They pushed him to Dustin's feet.

"Kneel!" Thorian kicked Lorenzo's knee.

Lorenzo grunted and immediately knelt down.

"Lorenzo?" Dustin furrowed his brows, his face darkening. He had always considered Lorenzo an uncle and never thought that this man had betrayed him and nearly caused his death. The betrayal of such a close relative was even more hateful and painful than an enemy's revenge.

Chapter 1898: Dragon Guard Pavilion Treasure Map

"Your... Your Highness?" Lorenzo knelt on the ground, looking at the cold-faced Dustin, his expression filled with complex emotions. There was surprise, relief, but mostly guilt and self-blame.

When he was ambushed by the Black Dragon Army, he knew that the Dragon Guard Pavilion's fate was sealed. He had long suspected that his plans were the cause of the collapse of the Dragon Guard base and the death of Blaze. Now he was just a captive.

But Lorenzo didn't feel any resentment or bitterness. Instead, he felt relieved. Despite being a part of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, he had called West Lucozia home for many years and had come to see it as his family. He had grown close to many people here, treating them like his own kin. Many of the things he had done were out of desperation, so he had long struggled with his guilt.

Now that he had fallen this far, he knew he deserved it.

"Lorenzo, did you expect this outcome? Blaze has lost, and now you have lost. What else do you have to say?" Dustin spoke coldly.

"Success and failure are a part of life. I have nothing to say, Your Highness. If you wish to execute or punish me, I will accept it. I only beg you not to harm the innocent," Lorenzo pleaded.

"Do you think you have the right to negotiate with me?" Dustin said expressionlessly.

"I am a criminal, and my life is forfeit. But my wife and daughter are innocent. I implore Your Highness to spare them," Lorenzo knelt down and kowtowed heavily, three resounding bows.

"They are innocent, but because of your actions, they have become guilty by association. Do you really believe that they will be safe after you've committed such serious crimes?" Dustin remained cold and emotionless.

"Your Highness, I'm willing to atone for my sins, I'm willing to do anything for you, just as long as you spare my family. I'm willing to work as hard as an ox or a horse," Lorenzo pleaded frantically. He wasn't afraid of dying himself, but he had gone to such lengths to save his wife and daughter, who were held hostage by Blaze. This desperation had driven him to commit extreme acts.

"Are you saying you want to make amends? Then I'm curious to hear how you plan to atone for your sins," Dustin replied, asking for clarification.

"The Dragon Guard Pavilion is deeply entrenched, and within the borders of the Dragonmarsh, there are three treasure vaults. Each of these vaults holds a vast amount of gold and silver, accumulated over decades. They are wealth that could rival a nation. If Your Highness is willing to spare my family's lives, I am prepared to reveal the locations of these three vaults!" Lorenzo's head remained lowered.

"Treasure vaults?" Dustin raised an eyebrow, showing interest. The Dragon Guard Pavilion's dominance spanned many years, and the wealth they had amassed over this time was immeasurable. If they could obtain all this wealth, the Black Dragon Army's financial needs for decades would be secured.

"Brother, this is a highly profitable deal. With a few unimportant lives, you could exchange for wealth that could rival a nation. I think it's worth it!" Thorian whispered to Dustin.

"Tell me the locations of the treasure vaults. If what you say is true, I will promise to release your family and bestow upon them a life of wealth and privilege," Dustin said calmly.

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Lorenzo kowtowed repeatedly.

"Don't get too excited too soon. I promise to release your family, but I have no intention of letting you go. What you've done cannot be forgiven," Dustin poured a bucket of cold water on the situation.

Lorenzo, as a spy for the Dragon Guard Pavilion, had not only betrayed him by stabbing him in the back, but had also been involved in the coup at the Forbidden City. The bloodshed caused by this betrayal was unforgivable.

"Understood. My sins are countless, and my life is not worth sparing. As long as I see my family safe and sound, I'm willing to pay for my sins with my life!" Lorenzo declared solemnly.

"Very well! I'll trust you one more time," Dustin nodded. "Now, tell me about the locations of these treasure vaults."

"The exact locations of the treasure vaults are not clear to me, but I do know that Blaze possessed a treasure map. This map contains the precise locations of the three vaults. As long as you find that treasure map, you can find the vaults," Lorenzo explained.

Chapter 1899: A nuclear fallout shelter

"Where is the treasure map?" Dustin inquired.

"It's in Blaze's underground vault. I can personally lead you there," Lorenzo replied.

"Underground vault?" Thorian squinted and warned, "Lorenzo, don't play any tricks. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Underground vaults like that often contained traps and hidden weapons, and he didn't trust Lorenzo's intentions.

"Now that I'm in this situation, I dare not play any tricks," Lorenzo said with a bitter expression.

"Lead the way," Dustin didn't say much and nodded, signaling his guards to escort Lorenzo.

"Wait, I need Blaze's hand to open the vault's safe," Lorenzo suddenly said.

"That's not a problem," Thorian swiftly drew his sword and chopped off Blaze's right hand, then handed it to Lorenzo. "Here you go."

Lorenzo's eye twitched but said nothing. He led the way and took Dustin's group inside the base. Finally, they reached the entrance to the command room. Lorenzo opened the door and walked to a painting on the wall. Behind the painting was a concealed compartment, almost indistinguishable from the wall itself if you didn't look closely.

Lorenzo reached out and lightly pressed against the hidden compartment.


With a crisp sound, the entire wall suddenly split open from both sides, revealing an elevator inside.

Lorenzo led the group into the elevator and pressed the switch. The elevator soon closed and descended slowly. After about half a minute, the elevator stopped with a "thud."

The elevator door opened, revealing a spacious and luxurious underground vault. It was more like a mansion than a vault. The underground chamber had all the necessary living facilities and stored a large amount of food and water, enough to sustain a person for several decades.

"Is this a nuclear fallout shelter?" Thorian looked around and marveled, "To turn a shelter into such a luxurious place, it seems that Blaze put a lot of effort into this."
"What's the use of putting so much effort when he's dead now?" Antonio said dismissively.

"Uncle, don't speak ill of the dead. You almost followed Blaze's footsteps, right?" Thorian said with a meaningful tone.

"Well..." Antonio was momentarily tongue-tied and looked embarrassed. This boy, he was always there to point out the inconvenient truths. After all, wasn't he performing this dramatic act to gain some merit and absolve his sins?

"Thorian, don't be disrespectful," Dustin reprimanded with mock seriousness. "Our uncle risked his life, infiltrated Blaze's inner circle, and endured countless hardships, carrying the blame for all of us. He did this to eliminate the evildoer for the royal family. It's an act of great righteousness, and we should admire him."

Antonio's lips twitched. The way Dustin phrased it made the whole thing sound even more unpleasant.

Chapter 1900: A metal vault

"Lorenzo, what are you standing around for? Should I take a picture of you? Quickly find the treasure map!" Antonio vented his frustration on Lorenzo.

"Right away," Lorenzo replied hurriedly. He walked up to a heavy metal door, took out Blaze's severed hand, and gently pressed it against a sensing area in the center.


The door opened slowly, revealing a metal vault. It was approximately 100 square meters in size, with a central pile of gold bricks stacked higher than a person.

In addition to the gold bricks, the room was filled with various treasures and rare items, each worth a fortune.

"This is Blaze's personal vault. Anything he fancied was stored here," Lorenzo explained.

"Look at all these treasures!" Thorian marveled while examining the room. "If we manage to transport these, we could probably buy an entire city."

"These are just a fraction of it. Compared to the three vaults of the Dragon Guard Pavilion, these treasures are just a drop in the ocean," Lorenzo clarified.

"Is that so?" Thorian was both surprised and excited. "If that's the case, the Dragon Guard Pavilion's treasures must be piled up like a mountain!"

"I haven't seen them with my own eyes, but given the Dragon Guard Pavilion's accumulation over several decades, describing it as a mountain is not an exaggeration," Lorenzo said solemnly.

"Great! I can't wait to get my hands on the Dragon Guard Pavilion's treasures!" Thorian's spirits were lifted, and he was extremely excited.

"Enough of that. Where's the treasure map?" Antonio impatiently urged.

"Right here." Lorenzo walked to a shelf in the back, took a delicate sandalwood box down from it, and handed it carefully to Dustin.

Dustin opened the box and found three parchment maps inside. Each parchment depicted a detailed map with a golden mark at the center indicating the location of the treasure. If the treasure maps were accurate, following the routes should lead them to the vaults.

"My Highness, I have to remind you that each vault is guarded by elite members of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. Unless the sect master is present, they cannot be opened," Lorenzo added.

"The Dragon Guard Pavilion has already been destroyed. A few martial artists won't stir up any major trouble," Dustin dismissed the concern.

"My Highness, my mission is complete. Could you allow me to see my family for the last time?" Lorenzo pleaded.

"I will give you three days to say your final goodbyes to your family. After three days, you must surrender yourself," Dustin said coldly.

"Thank you, my lord!" Lorenzo burst into tears and knelt down in gratitude, kowtowing three times. Three days were enough for him to settle his family's affairs. It was indeed a great blessing to be able to see his family one last time while ensuring their safety.

"Albert, take him out and let him have a dignified farewell with his family," Dustin instructed.


Albert nodded, released Lorenzo from his shackles, and escorted him out of the secret chamber.

"He was supposed to be a loyal and honorable man of West Lucozia, but it turns out he was a traitor," Thorian shook his head.

"Everyone must face the consequences of their actions. He did what he believed was right, so he must bear the corresponding consequences," Dustin stated calmly. From Lorenzo's perspective, protecting his family was justifiable no matter what he did. But from Dustin's standpoint, betraying his trust and engaging in treacherous acts could never be forgiven.

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